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Boku No Hero Academia Light Novel Vol.

Chapter 5 “The Class President’s Peculiar Day”
I translated the Boku No Hero Academia Vol. 3 Light Novel’s Chapter 5 , which focuses on Iida’s

surprise birthday party, titled  “The Class President’s Peculiar Day.” The story is so precious with

everyone helping with the preparations, including Bakugou showing emotion *gasp*! Enjoy~

Other Vol. 3 Chapter Translations I did:

Fantasy AU “U.A. Quest” Chapter

Chapter 2 Kirishima & Bakugou Excerpts

“The Class President’s Peculiar Day”

Iida heard the sound of a bird call and immediately opened his eyes. He looked at the sun rays lighting

up his ceiling and prepared for the start of the new day.

He glanced at the alarm on his floor and realizes that he yet again woke up five minutes before his

alarm went off.

“I guess I’ll get up now,” he thought to himself.

Stretching slightly, he turned off his alarm and gets out of bed. He then proceeded to tidy his bed and

open his curtains, seeing a small bird is perched on his veranda, as usual, only to fly away when the

bird noticed Iida watching it.

“Oh, sorry…” he said to the bird.

As he apologized to the bird, he opened the window.

The early morning colors washed over the U.A. building, with the entire grounds looking fresh. Even

though the temperature had not warmed up yet, the atmosphere was the kind where you can take a deep

breath and feel exhilirated.

However, it was not an atmosphere to just laze around. Iida realized that and soon closed the window

and prepared his morning routine, grabbing a towel and his toothbrush.

He went to the first floor’s Men’s Bathroom and went to the changing area to get ready.

“Again?” he thought to himself.

He looked at the sink area and frowned.

Everywhere around the area, clothes were strewn around, the tissue box as well as other items were not

in their rightful places, things were knocked over, and someone even forgot their tooth brush.

“Really now…” Iida said as he sighed. He then put back the baskets away, put the tissue box back, and

left the tooth brush near the sink.

Although the bathroom area was not in the state where you couldn’t even step foot inside, one might

even say that it was a bit charming that the area had its boyish appeal due to the amount of guys using

it. However, for a serious and determined person such as Iida, such a mess was definitely unpleasant.

“Having a disorderly living space means having a disorderly heart. You must take more caution with

cleanliness,” Iida thought to himself.

Even though he told them many times to be courteous to others, they still did not listen, and Iida bit

his teeth as he thought this.

As he pondered this thought, Shouji and Kouda came into the bathroom.

Iida said, “Good morning, Shouji-kun, Kouda-kun!”

Shouji replied, “You’re up early again, Class Rep!”

Even though Kouda had just woke up, he still look the same as ever, although there was a slight tilt in

his head as he seemed to still be a bit drowsy. These greetings happen often in the Men’s Changing


Iida then asked the two, “Oh by the way, do you know who’s tooth brush this is? It seems like

someone might have forgotten it.

Shoji and Kouda looked at the toothbrush on the counter and said, “Perhaps it’s Kaminari’s? That

color looks like something he would pick.”

Iida then replied, “Oh, thank you Shoji! I’ll ask him once he is awake. If you will excuse me then!”
Iida left the changing room and went back to the third floor. He saw that Ojiro was holding a towel and

yawned as he left his room. It seemed like the hairs on his tail were sticking up, perhaps because he

had just woken up and even his tail hairs had bad hair days?

Iida then exclaimed, “Oh, good morning Ojiro-kun!”

“Good morning~”

He then went back to his room and put on his school uniform. He discarded his pajamas into the

laundry bin, made sure his room’s windows were locked, and closed the curtains. After grabbing his

textbooks, he left his room.

Before entering the elevator, he stopped by Kaminari’s room and knocked on his door.

“Kaminari-kun! Are you awake? You should probably wake up soon as you will be late for class!”

He heard a sluggish movement behind the door as it then opened with a drowsy Kaminari peeping out

from the crack.


Because Iida was concerned that Kaminari would be late by waking up so early, he tried to wake him

up more by asking, “Good morning Kaminari-kun! Oh that reminds me, would you happen to have left

your tooth brush in the sink area in the Men’s Bathroom?”

“Uh….ah…..err…I might have forgotten it there, yeah.”

“I left it on the counter near the sink! Please be careful next time! Well then, I’m off!”

Kaminari then sleepily yawned and watched Iida leave.

Iida went to the first floor and headed for the lunch area. Mr. Lunch Rush always made early morning

breakfast and had them delivered to the dormitories, with choices of either Japanese or Western meals.

He also made dinner and sent the meals to the dormitories as well.

Iida sat and drank his miso soup while Shoji, Kouda, Tokoyami, Yaoyorozu, and Jirou stood nearby.

After greeting each other, they all chose their own food and sat down.
“Ahhh, I’m so sleepy…”

“Ahh, guhh…”

Yaoyorozu and Jirou sat in front of Iida and yawned widely.

Jirou said, “What’s wrong? Did you not get enough sleep?”

“Yeah, yesterday was kind of…”

“Yesterday? Did something happen”

Iida came up to them to listen, and they jumped in surprise.

“Yeah, I stayed up late and fell asleep with my face in the book I was reading…”

“Oh man…I stayed up late listening to music…”

The two of them talked awkwardly as Iida shrugged. Tokoyami stood next to him and also looked

slightly perturbed and opened his mouth.

“Err…I see you you chose the Japanese meal for today.”

Iida replied, “Why yes, Tokoyami-kun. I’m so thankful that Mr. Lunch Rush makes such delicious

food for us to enjoy even in the early morning!”

Iida found it slightly odd that Tokoyami made conversation with him so suddenly, but he decided to

brush it off as he finished his meal, making sure to clean his plate. He then thanked no one in

particular for the meal and said, “Well then, I’m off!” as he left the dorm.

As he left, he was greeted with lush greens and a clear blue sky as he made his way across the campus

grounds. Iida happily walked through the fields of the school. One of the perks of living in the

dormitories was that one did not need to travel far to get to school now, and the time spent traveling to

school could be very much used for something else such as studying. He enjoyed the short but spare

free time he had as a result. As Aizawa-sensei always says, time is limited. You must make use of the

time that is given to you.

As Iida approached the classroom, he found it in disarray, much like the bathroom earlier that day. He

frowned as he looked around the classroom. Things were everywhere with the chairs all mixed up,

which was quite a cause for concern.

“Disorderly chairs signify a disorderly attitude. Since that was the asying, I would have to restore the

chairs to their proper positions as they should be used properly” thought Iida.

The chair that was always a mess was Bakugou’s chair.

“Honestly…” Iida thought to himself.

Iida put the chair back in its proper position and cleaned out the inside of the desk. As he brought out

the cleaning supplies, he started to clean the entire classroom. After all, a clean study environment was

necessary in order to be able to study properly. Iida would always rearrange the chairs properly, take

out cleaning supplies to dust the classroom, and then use a cloth to wipe down the desks and

equipment. He also wanted the teachers to be able to teach in a clean environment, making it easy for

everyone. This was the daily routine for the Class Representative, Iida.

“Let’s make today count as well,” he thought.

Iida then started his self studies in the quiet and clean room all alone. It’s good for the body and the

brain to sleep early to wake up early and start studying.

As he thought that, he glanced at the clock. It was three minutes before home room began. Iida

thought, “Hm, everyone’s a bit late today…”

His other classmates usually arrived around the time that the bell rang, so he was a bit worried when

he saw no one come to the classroom. He tilted his head in thought. He saw them all this morning, so

they should be coming soon.

As the time passed, Iida started to worry. Was everyone all right? However, as he thought this, he

heard lots of footsteps scurry towards the classroom.

He looked outside of the classroom and said, “Oh hello everyone!”

Besides Iida, the rest of Class A were all there as they entered the classroom.

Out of breath, Kirishima and Ashido saw Iida and held his shoulderas they breathed heavily, saying
“Oh we made it…!”

“It’s hard to run that fast in the morning!”

Iida looked at them in surprise and said, “What were you all doing? If you waited a bit longer you

would have all been late!”

Worried, he raised his arms called out to the others, effectively quieting them. As he waited for an

answer, they shyly replied with vague remarks, like “Oh well…uh…”

“You see…err…”

Ochako spoke up and said, “’s because…!!” and came up to Iida.

“The ‘G’ appeared today!”

“And what exactly is this ‘G’?”

“Oh you know, that black thing that comes into the kitchen sometimes…”

“Oh no! You mean the cockroach* (cockroach is gokuburi in Japanese, thus they name it the ‘G’ lol)!”

“No, you must not speak their name out loud or else more will come and avenge the fallen comrade…”

Ochako then sneakily came up to Iida and grabbed Iida by the shoulder. Iida then exclaimed, “I am so

sorry that I was not there to help you with the situation!”

As Iida said that, everyone went back to their seats. Deku and Todoroki passed by Iida and greeted him


“Good morning, Iida-kun.”


“Good morning Midoriya-kun, Todoroki-kun. You two seem very tired this morning.”

Midoriya said, “Oh uh, well that’s because…hey, Todoroki-kun!”

Todoroki replied, “Whatever…”

As they said that, they returned to their seats. As he looked at the two, he saw their discomfort. Before

he was able to form words to address that discomforting look, someone behind him said “well then”

and he saw Ochako try to take her seat. He then noticed something in her hair.

“Uraraka-kun! It seems like you still have a bit of bed head!”

Ochako exclaimed, “Oh! Uh, really? I was up pretty late last night…”

As Ochako tried to quickly pat back her hair, Iida looked at her puzzled.

Earlier that day, Yaoyorozu and Jirou mentioned that they were up late last night.

He asked Ochako, “So what were you doing last night?”

Ochako meekly responded, saying “Oh uh…well…”

She then quickly closed put her hand over her mouth. Iida said, “Uraraka-kun?”

“It’s…it’s nothing! It’s just you know, uh, sometimes you can’t sleep you know?”

At that moment, right on time, Aizawa-sensei came through the door. As he entered, everyone sat up in

their seats.

Although there were a few things bothering Iida, he decided to think about it later. As soon as home

room was over, the first class of the day would start, and as long as class was in session, all he needed

to do was concentrate.

As their fourth period ended, it was finally time for lunch.

Iida joined Deku and Todoroki as usual and went to the “Lunch Rush Area” of the cafeteria. The

cafeteria was a place where the many U.A. students could purchase food to fill their stomachs at

affordable prices. Today was particularly crowded. The three of them went to line up.

“It seems since the U.A. Academy started having dorms, Mr. Lunch Rush has been super busy.”

“Yeah, he’s in charge of other stuff besides lunch now.”

As Iida and Todoroki spoke, Deku tilted his head to the side.

“If that’s the case, then he might need to change his hero name, don’t you think? Maybe to something

like ‘All Time Rush’ instead of just lunch!”

“No, but then that would mean he would only be in charge of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, right? Then

he should be called Mr. BLD Rush or something?”

“Oh, that sounds like the name of a new sandwich!”

“Uh, I don’t think it’s that easy to change a hero name anyway…”

As the three of them spoke, the third years Toogata Mirio, Amajiki Tamaki, and Hadou Nejire

appeared. They were the top three students at U.A.

“Man, why is there always so many people at this time? So annoying. I want to go home. Or maybe

just eat in a corner in the classroom.”

The big three never really thought that highly of themselves, and Tamaki watched as they started to

talk about what they were goign to order.

“You’ve been saying that since we were first years here! I don’t get why you can’t get used to this!

Right? Toogata, Did you decide on what you want to get? I’ve been craving cold ramen ever since

morning! Did you know?”

“I guess I’ll get ramen. Okay, a large size ramen with roast pork! Tamaki, I’ll get one ticket!”

Mirio was the type of person who everyone liked, so as he said that, Amajiki quietly said, “Thank

you…Pork huh…has a pretty strong smell…”

“Man, what should I do…”

“Tamaki, they have clam pasta! They’re asari* too!”

“Oh, I’ll take that then!”

As the Big Three made their orders and got their food, they passed by Deku and the others. The three

of them were participating in a Hero Internship, but that’s a story for later.
As Deku and the others finally got to the front of the line, they made their orders. Although the menu

was vast, they usually always ordered the thing that they liked the most. For Iida, he always ordered

beef stew, Deku ordered pork cutlet with rice, and Todoroki would go with cold soba noodles. Iida

also always ordered orange juice with his food.

“Hey, can I join you guys?”

Sato appeared in front of Deku, Todoroki, and Iida and asked if he could sit with them.  Deku

exclaimed, “Of course, right Iida-kun?”

Iida replied, “Oh…”

Before Iida could finish replyingm Deku answered with his mouth full. Sato then sat down in front of

them. As Iida ate his beef stew, he thought about what happened earlier this morning.

“Oh that’s right! Everyone, don’t you think that we should all keep the Men’s Bathroom clean? This

morning when I went to wash my face, I found the room completely a mess!”

“Wow, it was that messy?”

Sato looked at Iida slightly confused. Iida answered, “Yes, the clothes baskets were all turned upside

down. I’m just saying that we can all put in a group effort to make sure that the room is not too


“Yeah, we’ll try to be a bit more careful.”

“Maybe we should put some sticky material on the bottom of the baskets so that they don’t move, what

do you think?”

Deku and Todoroki gave their opinions as they ate. As they made conversation, Sato then turned to

Iida and said, “Oh by the way Iida, is there…anything that you cannot eat?”

Iida answered saying, “Are you asking if there’s food that I don’t like? Well, not in particular.”

“How about any allergies?”

“No, I’m not allergic to anything either.”

Sato then exclaimed, “Oh that’s great! Good to hear!”

Sato laughed full-heartedly and Iida could not help but join in and smile. He then asked, “Oh thatnk

you! So what makes you bring up this question?”

Sato and Deku then froze as Iida asked them this. They looked quite troubled as they glanced at

Todoroki, who answered, “That’s because it’s your…”

Deku then interjected, saying “Todoroki-kun!!!!!!”

Todoroki then quickly stopped what he was about to say. As he did this, Deku suddenly stood up and

put his hand over his mouth, looking like they were both about to fall. Iida then exclaimed, “What’s

wrong, Midoriya-kun?”

Deku then quickly answered and said “Oh it’s nothing! Nothing at all! Just uh, you know, looked like

green onion got stuck in Todoroki’s throat so I was trying to help him out, ha…right, Todoroki-kun?!”

Todoroki slowly replied, “Uh…sorry. It seems like the uh…soba noodles kinda inadvertently got

caught in my throat…uh…”

“Inadvertently stuck…? What exactly…”

Deku then nervously said, “It’s really uh, nothing! Nothing at all! Really! Right, Todoroki-kun?”

“Right, uh, just randomly got some green onions stuck in my throat…yeah…”

Iida eyed the two of them suspiciously. Ever since this morning, it seems like the discomfort they were

feeling had carried on throughout the day.

Also, it seems like people were up late last night for whatever reason, including Yaoyorozu, Jirou, and

Ochako. Now that he thought about it, Tsuyu, Ashido, and even Hagakure looked sleepy during break.

And now Deku and the others were acting strangely too.

To be frank, Deku and Todoroki were especially acting weird. Good friend would always know what

their friends are feeling and if they were lying.

As he thought of this more, he also found it strange that the entire class was almost late to class today.

Iida thought to himself, “What if something happened when I was not there that caused this?”
Iida tried to think of various scenarios that could have brought about this sudden change of attitude

among his fellow peers.

Earlier, Todoroki said something along the lines of “It’s because it’s your…” but did not finish his

sentence. What if he was trying to say that it was because of…his fault? Although the question that

Sato asked him about food he dislikes would not really connect with what being his fault, he could not

stop but thinking that something was his fault.

He thought, “What exactly could I have done to cause everyone to act so strangely? Did I do

something wrong?”

Iida tried to recall what he could have done wrong to upset his fellow classmates.

Perhaps it was the time when he told Bakugou not to kick open his door? Or when he told Aoyama to

not stay in the hot bath for too long? Or when he told Mineta to keep his adult magazines away from

the common area? Or when he warned everyone to not use the hot tub as a pool? Or perhaps the time

when he told Tokoyami to not let dark shadow cause a stir in the bath tub and make bubbles? Or when

he told Kaminari to stop putting body soap all over his body to practice curling in the bath area?

If not those, then what…Iida thought back to all the times at the changing room that he might have

said something offensive or other times that he might have offended someone else, and suddenly the

beef stew that he usually loves turned tasteless to him.

“Iida-kun, are you all right?”

Deku noticed that Iida suddenly stopped speaking and looked worried.

“Oh, it’s nothing. I’m fine!” he replied. He knew the look of concern on his friend’s face and found it

genuine. He then finished the beef stew in front of him and thought, “Perhaps I am thinking too much

about this. It probably isn’t something that’s a big deal…right?”

However, later that day Iida’s uncertainty grew stronger as he noticed that everyone still acted

strangely everytime he was there. Usually his classmates would just start talking about whatever they

like but today they were a quieter than usual. Of course, it might have to do with the fact that they
were trying to be careful in front of Aizawa, but that was besides the fact. The strange atmosphere also

followed them back to the dorms as well.

After eating dinner, he left the common room and though, “There is definitely something strange going

on here.”

Iida still wanted to do something about this strange atmosphere going about, so he decided to go take a

bath a bit early. He usually always takes a bath later than the others, but he thought that perhaps being

naked in front of everyone might allow them to talk a bit more freely.

As he entered the Men’s Changing Room, he saw more than half of his classmates there. He thought it

was a bit strange that everyone would be here at this time and took off his clothes and then entered the

bath area. As he went inside, he heard chatter and a loud voice saying, “Well, in that case we’ll leave

it to Midoriya and Todoroki, right?”

Another voice answered, “Well, hm. I guess so.”

Someone else chimed in, “Looks like you two have the hardest job!”

He could hear Kirishima talking to Deku and Todoroki. Iida thought, “it seems like the two of them

need to do something very important, but what…?”

As Iida thought that, he opened the door to hear Kaminari say to Deku and the others, “Well, if that’s

the case then Iida should probably return to his room right…?”



All the guys got up awkwardly and looked surprised. It looked like Kaminari messed up and revealed

something and was currently trying to hide half his face in the water. The bustling sounds suddenly

died down, almost as if someone was trying to keep a secret from spilling out of the bathroom.

Iida thought, “It’s as I expected. It really DOES have something to do with me…”

He then asked them, “It seems like you were talking about me?”

“Oh uh, no! It’s nothing! Ah…we’ve been in here for too long! Guess we should probably leave soon!”

As they said that, all the guys got up and awkwardly left the bath area, saying “Well, uh, we’ll leave

first then!”

Iida was then left alone in the bath by himself.

He kept quiet as he washed himself and dipped into the bath. Since he was alone, the bath tub felt as

wide as an ocean, and he could not help but feel a bit unsettled. It was odd to not see anyone in the

bath area since he was so used to seeing other people here on a daily basis. Iida splashed some of the

hot water onto his face and left the bath soon after.

He approached Midoriya and asked, “Midoriya-kun, can I have a word with you?”

Midoriya turned to him and said, “Oh uh, sure!”

Since there were a lot of people around them, Iida asked Deku to follow him to his room. Deku looked

extremely nervous for some reason. Iida then said, “I’m sorry, but it seems like you and Todoroki have

something to attend to?”

“Uh, how did you know?”

“I heard it when I was in the bath room just now.”

“Oh that!’s nothing!”

Iida raised an eyebrow at Deku’s words. He said it’s nothing, but he had said that several times already

today. It seemed like by him saying that it’s nothing, that there was definitely something he was hiding

after all.

“Midoriya-kun, I want you to tell me as a friend directly. Did I…do something that might have

offended anyone?”

As Iida peered at Deku, his eyes grew wide. Iida continued, “I have noticed today that people have

been acting very strangely. I want to know what the reason is for this. Have I done something bad to

garner such feelings? If so then―“

Midoirya then interrupted, “Of course that’s not it at all!”


“Really, there’s nothing wrong at all!” As Deku said that, Iida felt slightly relieved. However, Deku

quickly glanced at the clock and jumped. He then pressed on, “Iida-kun, you think too much! Aren’t

you a bit tired? You definitely should be! Come on, you should probably sleep early today!”

Iida looked at the clock as well. However, it was far from his usual bedtime. He said, “But I’m not

sleepy at all…”

“It’s fine! I’m sure as soon as you lie down you’ll feel sleepy! Come on now, you should totally just

lie down!”


Deku made Iida fall onto the bed and forcibly tucked him in.

“Well, good night then!” he said as he turned off the lights and quickly left the room.


Even if he tried to close his eyes, he just did not feel sleepy at all and ended up staring at the ceiling.

He thought back to how strangely Deku acted as well as what happened in the bathroom earlier. He

recalled Kaminari’s words and thought, “Did I really do something to warrant such feelings from my


He met all of his classmates with their various quirks upon entering U.A. Academy. Every day was

important as they all worked towards the same goal of becoming heroes. After he became the Class

President, he resolved to do his best no matter what. He wanted to lead everyone down the correct

path! However even so, he did not understand why everyone was acting the way they did at the


However, because he had such a sense of righetousness as their class leader, it might have caused

others to feel a pressured by him, although that shouldn’t be the case but…
Iida couldn’t help but think about what Deku said to him just now. It should have been words spoken

from a true friend. He thought, “I can’t just keep on doing this.”

Iida then got out of bed and left his room.

Even if the others viewed him in this negative light, Iida still thought fondly of his classmates. Of

course they had their own flaws, but he still appreciated them. After all, they were his friends who

went through many different problems t ogether. There was no way he would ever be able to hate them.

He wished he could work with them always. That is why he must get to the bottom of this problem!

With that resolution in mind, Iida went into the elevator. As he looked at the elevator light going down

the floors, he felt nervous. Once he got to the first floor, the door opened and someone he was not

expecting was standing right in front of the door.


With a sneer on his face, Bakugou stared down at Iida. Was he on his way to go back to his own room?

It didn’t seem like Bakugou made any attempt at going into the elevator though. In fact, it just looked

like he was lost in thought as he stared at Iida.

Iida said, “Bakugou-kun, I would like to get out of this elevator,” but Bakugou refused to let him out.

“Excuse me, Bakugou-kun, but elevator etiquette states that you must let the person come out of the

elevator first before going inside the elevator. If you try to enter the elevator before those who exit, it

will cause congestion, which is not very pleasant and…!”

As Iida rambled on, Bakugou took out his hand and closed Iida’s mouth. Perhaps he spoke too much of

something that Bakugou did not care to listen.

From the elevator, he could hear the rest of his classmates’ voices.

“Oh woah, that looks awesome! Like a pro made it!”

“Ahh, that looks so good, Sato-kun!”

Iida thought, “I guess everyone’s going to eat a cake that Sato made?”
Although he resolved himself to speaking with the others, he loosed up a bit after hearing them

seeming to have fun. Iida then kept quiet as the elevator doors closed on him. However, Bakugou stuck

a hand through the door and then entered the elevator and quickly pushed the ‘close’ button.

“Um, Bakugou-kun. I’m actually leaving the elevator…”

Bakugou exclaimed, “Hey you shithead. What floor do you live on?”

Iida thought that Bakugou perhaps did not remember which floor he lived on, so he answered the third

floor. As soon as he said that, Bakugou smashed the elevator button for the third and fourth floors,

where his room was.


As the elevator made its way up, Bakugou sneered at Iida, “You bastard, if you stay on the first floor

you’d just get in the way. Shitty glasses should just study in your own room!”

The elevator opened to the third floor, and Iida could not say anything as he left the elevator and went

back to his own room.

He could still hear the excited voices of the students from the first floor. It was perhaps exactly as

Bakugou said. Just like what happened when he went to the bath area and everyone became quiet. His

footsteps became heavy. Could it be that he was truly bothering the others?

His cellphone started ringing right at that moment, and he looked at it to see that his mom was calling

him. He picked up the phone.

“Hello, Mom?”

“Tenya! How are you? Have you gotten used to life in the dormitory?”


As his mom heard him speak, she knew that something was slightly off with her son.

“I see…Well you did just move there I suppose.”

Iida felt that if he spoke more about this, he might just worry her with unnecessary things, so he tried

to change topics. As he did so, he heard someone on the other line say, “What are you talking about?”

He wasn’t sure what was going on, but then he realized it was his brother!

“Wait, Brother? What are you doing there?”

“Oh, I’m meeting with Tensei today as he has been recovering well. He’ll be all right!”

Iida spaced out for a moment, and suddenly the lights in his bedroom went out.


“Isn’t today your…”

“Oh mom, sorry! It seems like there’s a blackout for some reason. Are you experiencing this on your


“What? Oh, no there’s no blackout here.”

“I see, sorry but I will need to hang up right now!” and as he said that, he hung up on his mom and

peered outside the hallway. It seemed like the entire floor lights were turned off.

“Don’t tell me it’s another blackout,” he thought to himself, “this is just like that other time when

there was a storm at night…In either case I better go check up on the others to make sure they’re all


He somehow was able to make his way to the elevator. He thought that it might not work since there

was a blackout after all, but for some reason the elevator was working. Perhaps the elevator was

working with the emergency spare electricity reserve from the dorm room. With that, he pushed the

button for the first floor.

He hesitated for a moment as he thought about what he would do to approach the others. However, in

this dire moment, he couldn’t dwell on his feelings for too long. He was the Class A President after


He finally made it to the first floor. As expected, the first floor was also completely shrowded in

darkness and completely silent.

“Hmm, I wonder where everyone went? They were here a while ago. Perhaps they all went back to

their rooms?” he thought.

Just then, Ochako emerged from the common room, and a loud noise was heard.


“Uraraka-kun?! Are you all right?”

“He…help me, Iida-kun! Hurry, this way!”

“Wait for me! I’ll be there soon!”

Iida relied on his memory and feeling and headed towards the common room.

“What if it’s a villain” he thought, “then what would be the best way to defeat the villain? In either

case, all I need to do now is save Uraraka-kun!”

As he tried to advance, Iida’s foot brushed against something soft. It was the sofa in the common


“Uraraka-kun, where are you?” he exclaimed.

“I’m right here!” she said in her normal voice. As soon as she said this, the lights turned back on.

“Everyone…?” All of their classmates, except Bakugou and Sato, were gathered in front of Iida! In the

middle of the common room were a bunch of balloons and paper mache flowers strewn around the area.

There was also a banner hung by the window’s shades that read “HAPPY BIRTHDAY IIDA~~!!”

Everyone then opened the party crackers that they were holding, but Todoroki missed the queue and

was a bit late in opening his party cracker.

Iida was dumbfounded, and all around him were a flurry of confetti falling down like snow. Iida was

completely taken by surprise.

“My birthday…? Oh that’s right! I had completely forgotten about it!”

That’s probably why his mom called him today as well!

This was the Iida that everyone knew. Ochako looked at him with a smile in her eyes as she laughed to

herself and said, “Yes! I’m so glad that the surprise was a success!”

“We’ve been busy with this ever since this morning, you know! As soon as you left the dormitory, we

tried to set up everything and ended up being a bit late to class…”

Yayorozu breathed a sigh of relief, and Jirou looked at her and said, “Yeah seriously” as she scoffed.

Ashido and Tsuyu said, “We’ve been preparing the streamers since last night too!”

“I’m so glad that we made it just in time, ribbit!”

“As soon as you went back to your room, we rushed like crazy to get these decorations up!” said Ojiro,

and Kaminari put his two hands up in apology.

He said, “I’m super sorry about that! That’s why we had to leave quickly when you were in the bath

since we had to take care of this. Sorry if it made things awkward!”

“Man, Iida sure is lucky to be getting all this special treatment! Guess there are perks to being the

Class President after all, right? Getting a huge celebration haha!” Sero laughed and smiled widely.

Kirishima then scratched his head disappointingly as he said, “Man, I told Bakugou that he should stay

for this. But he said he was tired and went back to his room.”

Iida then recalled his encounter with Bakugou a while back. That’s probably exactly the time when

everyone else was putting up the decorations! If he were to head into the common room, then the

surprise would surely be ruined!

He thought to himself, “Bakugou-kun, you really do care after all…? Or perhaps…”

While Iida thought about what he should say to Bakugou, he realized that Bakugou really was showing

a new part of himself that he had not shown before, and Iida smiled to himself.

Deku and Todoroki then said, “It seemed that Todoroki-kun was going to spill the beans back at the

cafeteria earlier today. I kind of freaked out!”

Todoroki then said, “I also kind of freaked out…”

Iida replied, “At that time I was a bit surprised at the way you two were acting. I thought that it was a

bit strange indeed.” Deku then put on a very apologetic face and said, “I’m really sorry about not

telling you earlier!”

Deku then continued to apologize as Iida told him it was not a big deal at all.

“So when you said there really wasn’t anything going on, you really were telling the truth, weren’t


Iida looked at Deku and smiled, and everyone watched. The surprise was a success, and everyone was

in very high spirits. As he thought about what everyone did for him just for his special day, a warmth

spread across his chest.

“Hey, hurry up and bring out the main piece!”

As they exclaimed that, Sato came out of the kitchen holding a cake, and Yaoyorozu started singing

“Happy Birthday” along with the others. As they sang, Sato brought the cake right in front of Iida. The

cake was covered in an orange frosting with candles on the top, and written on a chocolate plate were

the words “Happy Birthday! Thank you for being the best Class A President ever!”

Sato then said, “I’m glad you didn’t have that many preferences, and you’re not allergic to anything. I

also made sure to use 100% orange juice when making this cake, so this is what I like to call the super

special Iida orange cake!”

“Thank you for making such an amazing cake, for everything!” Iida exclaimed.

Ochako and Tsuyu then quickly urged Iida on and said, “Iida-kun, hurry and blow out the candles!”

“And don’t forget to make a wish before you do, Iida-chan!”

“A wish…”

As everyone watched, Iida took a deep breath and said, “I wish to do my best as the Class President for

Class 1A!” and blew out the candles.

“You’re supposed to keep that wish to yourself, Iida-chan!”

“Moreso than a wish, isn’t that kind of like self-advertising?”

His classmates tilted their heads at Iida, but all he could do was smile and feel his heart grow.

“That’s fine! That’s why I hope to get along with everyone from here on out!”

As he saw everyone’s faces, Iida felt extremely happy. He also made sure to remember to call his

mother after the party.

Next time he will definitely have courage to say what he wants to say. Even though living in the

dormitories has its own ups and downs, the most important thing is to make the best out of the time

that is given to you with your friends.




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