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WEB 2.

0 1

Management Information System

WEB 2.0

Prepared by

MBA 2009-2011

3rd Semester(Morning)

Badar Noor 001

Amir Rafiq 029

Nadia Aslam 037

SM Omer 068

Presented to

Prof. Asim Tanveer

Institute Of Business Administration

Punjab University Lahore

WEB 2.0 2


The report details the concept of WEB 2.0 discussing its different aspects with special

emphasis on its evolution, technology, application & core competencies. Firstly, we would

like to thank God Almighty for giving us strength to undergo though this enjoyable but

challenging project. Secondly I would like to thank our course instructor Prof. Asim Tanvir

for guiding us throughout the project work. It would have been impossible for us to complete

the project without his precious suggestions & never ending help who exposed us to all

concepts and it was only under his guidance that we were able to learn much through this

project. In addition we would also like to thank our seniors at IBA for their help and support.

They always inspired us to do our job with utmost sincerity and devotion. Walking on the

path showed by them enabled us to complete the project on time in its present form. The

acknowledgement would be incomplete without mentioning the love, support and blessings

of our parents & all our teachers at IBA. They guided us to work efficiently by their

experience and knowledge. Also, we do thank and remember our friends & class fellows for

their effort and helping hand.

WEB 2.0 3


History of Web 2.0:...............................................................................................................................4
Difference between Web 1.0 and 2.0:....................................................................................................4
What is WEB 2.0?.................................................................................................................................6
Interpersonal computing....................................................................................................................6
Web Services.....................................................................................................................................6
Software as a service (SAAS)............................................................................................................7
Technologies used in Web 2.0:..............................................................................................................7
Adobe Flex:.......................................................................................................................................8
JavaScript/Ajax Frameworks:............................................................................................................8
Features of Web 2.0:..............................................................................................................................9
Web 2.0 applications:..........................................................................................................................10
Social Bookmarking............................................................................................................................11
Social Networking...............................................................................................................................11
WEB 2.0 4


Web 2.O is a category of latest internet tools and technologies built around the idea that the

users who use media, explore the internet and utilize the web should not passively absorb

what is available; rather they should be active contributor, using customize media and

technology for their own purpose, as well as those of their community

History of Web 2.0:

No one is sure regarding the emergence of term Web 2.0 but probably this term was devised

by Darcy DiNucci, in 1999 a consultant on electronic information design. In her article,

"Fragmented Future", DiNucci writes:

“The Web we know now, which loads into a browser window in essentially static screenfulls,

is only an embryo of the Web to come. The first glimmerings of Web 2.0 are beginning to

appear, and we are just starting to see how that embryo might develop. The Web will be

understood not as screenfulls of text and graphics but as a transport mechanism, the ether

through which interactivity happens. It will appear on your computer screen on your TV set

your car dashboard your cell phone hand-held game machines maybe even your microwave


In 2004, the first web 2.0 conference was held by O’Reilly Media and Media Live. John

Battle and O’Reilly defined ‘’web as a plat form where web can be used to built software

applications. In this way “customers are building your business for you”.

Difference between Web 1.0 and 2.0:

 On Web 1.0 user can only read while Web 2.0 allows to write and contribute.
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 Primary unit of content in Web 1.0 was page and in Web 2.0 user can post or record.

 Web 1.0 was static while Web 2.0 is dynamic.

 Web browser was used in Web 1.0 whereas browsers, RSS Readers, anything is used

in Web 2.0.

 The architecture in Web 1.0 was client server whereas web services are the

architecture in Web 2.0.

 Everyone is allowed to create content in Web 2.0 whereas only the web coders

created contents in Web 1.0.

 Web 1.0 was a domain of Geeks and Web 2.0 is a domain of mass amateurization.

 Web 1.0 was related to stickiness while Web 2.0 is related to syndication.

 There was content management system in Web 1.0 while there are wikis in Web 2.0.

 Directories were available in Web 1.0 whereas tagging is available in Web 2.0.

 In Web 1.0 the website traffic was tracked with the help of page views and in Web 2.0

cost per click is used for this purpose.

 Web 2.0 is associated with Wikipedia and Web 1.0 was associated with Britannica


 Napster which is online music file sharing service is provided by Web 2.0 while Web

1.0 provides digital audio encoding format means

 A peer to peer file sharing protocol is provided by Web 2.0 but Web 1.0 provides

Akamai(distributed computing platform for global internet content).

 Blogging is concerned with Web 2.0 while the concept of personal websites was

associated with Web 1.0.

 Ofoto was the concept of Web 1.0 and Flikr is associated with Web 2.0.
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What is WEB 2.0?

Defining exactly what is meant by web 2.0 is about as difficult as nailing a jelly to a wall

however most people agree that web 2.0 involves making new improved forms of online

connection between two or more people between two or more online services or between

individual users and software application. Identifying these three types of connection also

enables us to isolate the three key aspect of web 2.0

1. Interpersonal computing

2. Web services

3. Software as a services

Interpersonal computing

Interpersonal computing is about using online technology to connect people each other in

social network or business teams.

Example of these includes “Facebook” and “MySpace” for social networking, “Wikipedia”,

blog creating sites like "blogger” and video hosts including “Kaltura” and “Youtube”.

All of these sites allow anybody to add as well as to access content, to leave comment and

message and to exchange digital media including photographs and videos.

Web Services

Web services or component of online functionality that can be closed together like a kind of

digital lagoon in order to create an integrated online offering or Mashup

For example many companies use the web service of a payment service provider such as

“world pay” or “Pay Pal” in order to allow them to easily take credit card payments online.

This result in customer interacting with two organizations which are automatically interlinked

via a internet.
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As another common example

web services are also frequently mash together to integrate a related data from one web site

into another. For example the property website “Right move” integrates local information

from about “my space” which in turn obtain its match from “Microsoft virtual earth”

Software as a service (SAAS)

The final key aspect of web 2.0 is software as a service or SAAS. This involves application

functionality being offer directly over the internet in turn user data and application can be

access from any internet enabled device.

For some years human Resource and project management applications have been

successfully offered over the internet by companies including “Employease” and “Clarizen”

However online replacement for personal desktop application are also available. For example

“Google Doc” is an online web processing spread sheet and presentation package available

free over the internet.

Technologies used in Web 2.0:

There are many new technologies used in developing web 2.0, on client side and also on

server side.

For the development of Web 2.0, web browser technologies are used on client side.

These are as follows:

 Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript & XML)

 Adobe Flex & Adobe Flash Framework

 JavaScript/ Ajax Framework

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With the help of this new technology now user on client side can continue interact with the

page without under going the full page reload. By using Web 2.0 the web page we are using

saves much of the users’ time because we have not to wait to reload the whole page and we

easily upload or download the data without wasting the time.

Adobe Flex:

Adobe system released a software development kit which is based on adobe flex for the

development of rich internet applications. This technology also used to develop web 2.0

applications. For the programmers who develop Web 2.0 flex make it easier to them to

occupy large amount of charts data girds and also other users communications which are


Flash displayed and compiled the applications which are programmed in Flex. The things

which are not possible with the help of HTML 5, Flash is competent of doing all these and

the most common competency of Flash in web 2.0 is the facility to play audio and video files.

JavaScript/Ajax Frameworks:

These frameworks have become popular way to develop Web 2.0 in addition to Ajax and

Flash. The technology used in these frameworks is not different from the technology used in

Ajax, JavaScript and DOM. These frameworks help is level over inconsistency between the

web browsers and expand the functionality available to developers.

Web 2.0 almost used the same technologies on server side which are used in web 1.0. But

there are some new languages are also used by developers to energetically output data using

information from database. These languages are PHP, Perl, Python, ASP and Ruby.
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In nutshell, we can say that the key technology which is used to develop Web 2.0 is Ajax

which provides rich user understanding and works any browser whether it is Firefox or

Internet Explorer.

Features of Web 2.0:

There are flowing features of Web 2.0. Andrew McAfee used short form of “SLATES” for


 Search

 Links

 Authoring

 Tags

 Extension

 Signals


Now in web 2.0 we can easily find the information which we required with the help of



Now in Web 2.0 we attach information together into a significant information system using

the representation of the Web and supply low-barrier social tools.

WEB 2.0 10

With the help of the technology used in web 2.0 now users are authorize to create their own

web pages and also they can update their contents over there. Like in face book and wikis,

users can makes their own pages on which they can post their comments etc.


Users can categorize their contents by using tagging option in web 2.0, which facilitate others

for searching material on web. Users can create collection of tags in the single system which

is referred as “folksonomies”.


Soft wares like Adobe Reader, ActiveX, Oracle, adobe Flash Player, Java, Microsoft Silver

light, Windows media etc makes the web an application platform as well as a document



RSS (Really Simple Syndication) technology is now used in web pages to inform the users

about the content changes. It is called the syndication technology.

Web 2.0 applications:

Web 2.0 is a social web which provides its user a platform as well as various online tools to

expand his social network, to share views, and experience new ways of life. So end users of

web 2.0 are not only a user but also a participant by using its applications such as:



Social networking
WEB 2.0 11

Social bookmarking




Podcasting is a method of publishing audio broadcast via internet allowing subscribing user

to download audio files onto their personal computer or portable music player. The files are

downloaded from distributor server to user computer using computer program.

The examples include news of BBC and radio channel such as classic rock.


A blog is a personal web page that typically contains a series of ordered entries by its author

and links to related web pages. The act of creating a blog is referred as blogging.

Different companies maintain a public blog and maintain a channel of communication to

implement business to consumer e-commerce. Blogs may consist of text, images, videos and

links to other blogs, web pages and other related topics.

Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is saving the links of the web pages by users of such web sites as he

wants to remember or share. It not only gives the facility to search and share information but

also save the bookmarks to web pages and tag these book marks with keywords. On

permission of the user, other people can view these bookmarks through search engines.
WEB 2.0 12

Social Networking

Social networking is also an application web 2.0 which helps interconnection among users

like facebook,, twitter etc. It allows users to share ideas, experiences, events

and interest within their individual network.

 Social networking service

Social networking service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and

reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, e.g., who share internet/ or

activities. A social network service basically consists of a representation of each user( often a

profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services

are web based and provide means for user to interact over the internet, such as e-mail and

instant messaging. Some people think online community services as social network service.

But in broader sense, social network service usually means an individual-centered service

whereas online community services are group centered.

Facebook Twitter, My space and LinkedIn are most widely used web applications for social



RSS stands for rich site summary or really simple syndication syndicates website contents so

that it can be used in another setting.RSS technology pulls specified content from websites

and feeds it automatically to users’ computers, where it can be stored for later viewing.

Initially RSS use was restricted to News Headlines but now-a-days it can be used for weather

alerts, press communication, calendars, blogs etc.

Umer’s part Advantages disadvantages

WEB 2.0 13


Need Some Check and Balance:

Web 2.0 gives its users the freedom to make their own web pages like in facebook, twitter

etc, but this freedom is often misused when people make fake identities and make abusive

web pages. So there is a need for the global body governing these issues so that this liberty

does not become a liability

Need of artificially intelligent web

It seems that we have everything whatever we had wished for in web 2.0, but it is way behind

when it comes to intelligence. Perhaps a seven year old child has better analytical abilities

than the present search technologies. Keyword based searches of web 2.0 resulted in an

information overload or multiple searches are required to get desired result. So we yet need

something which can be term as fairly intelligent.

Revision of Business Processes:

Nowadays businesses can utilize web 2.0 technologies to get benefit from new tools. They

can create their own web pages on social networking websites to interact large numbers of

customers like on facebook, twitter etc.

WEB 2.0 14






 Management Information Systems, 11/e

Managing the Digital Firm & Multimedia

Jane P. Laudon, New York University

Kenneth C. Laudon, New York University

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