Marko Miskolc Vanyarc Szeletice

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Raw material use at the Middle Palaeolithic site of Vanyarc (northern


Article · January 2008


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A. Markó
Hungarian National Museum


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PRAEHISTORIA vol. 9 (2008)



András MARKÓ*
At the Middle Palaeolithic site of Vanyarc a large sample of chipped stone artefacts were collected and excavated
in the last years. On typological grounds the industry is characterized by bifacial and leaf shaped tools. In the
raw material spectra, beside the dominating local limnic quartzite variants, the high ratio of the Szeletian felsitic
porphyry should be stressed: one third of the assemblage was made of this rock, coming from 95 km as the crow
flies. Quartzite, nummulithic chert and radiolarite pebbles from the nearby outcrops were used at the site in
smaller quantities.
The paper deals with the use of the different raw material types, based on the preliminary typological, technological
and refitting studies of the excavated assemblage.

One of the most characteristic chipped stone raw this greyish green stone is easy to identify
materials in the Carpathian Basin is the felsitic even on macroscopic grounds, the provenance
porphyry (earlier ‘glassy quartz porphyry’ or of artefacts from seven archaeological sites
‘Szeleta raw material’), with a single geological of the region was verified by Prompt Gamma
outcrop, lying on a territory of 1.5 km2 at Activation Analysis, too (Markó et al. 2003;
Bükkszentlászló, near Miskolc. Around the Kasztovszky et al. 2008.).
source area the rock was intensively used during
the whole Palaeolithic period and it was the The main task of the first excavations of a
characteristic raw material of the Szeleta cave Middle Palaeolithic site in this region was to
and culture. Furthermore, single pieces were clarify the stratigraphical and chronological
found in the s.l. Micoquian assemblages of the position of the artefacts. Additionally, as the
Jankovich cave (Gábori-Csánk 1994: 105) and recent revision works of the Szeleta cave (e.g.
Korolevo (Koulakovska 2001: 209), lying at Ringer & Mester 2000: 265–266) suggested,
a distance of 160 and 175 km from the source mutual connections can be indicated between
area as the crow flies. The maximum extension the raw material groups and the archaeological
of the use of the raw material is known from industries, i.e. certain, earlier not identified
the Slovakian and Moravian Szeletian (Bárta assemblages or industries can be characterised
1979; Oliva 1991: 324; Čermáková 1993: 9) by the used raw material types. That is why our
industries. second point of interest at Vanyarc became the
documentation of the possible differences in the
Recently dozens of new Palaeolithic localities spatial distribution of the local and imported
were discovered by amateur archaeologists raw material types.
in the Cserhát Mountains, northern Hungary.
About 30 of them yielded Middle Palaeolithic The excavations
type bifacial industries with a ratio up to 30%
of felsitic porphyry, originating from about For answering these questions, small trenches
95–100 km from this region. Significantly, not were opened near Vanyarc, on the top of the hill
only ready-made tools were found, but a large Szlovácka dolina (Markó 2007). The 62 square
amount of flakes and chips as well. Although meters, excavated since 2003 yielded nearly

Hungarian National Museum, H-1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 14–16. E-mail:

András MARKÓ

2000 lithics, marked by numbers [xyz] in this Among the raw material groups of the
article. As the fieldwork finished in 2007 and excavated assemblage (Table 1), the limnic
the detailed study of the material is under way, quartzite variants dominate, including jasper.
this report is only preliminary in nature. The different pebble types, such as quartzite,
radiolarite and siliceous pebbles or the burned
Concerning the stratigraphy, the single artefact silex played only a subordinate role.
bearing layer was found in a reddish brown,
decalcified fossil soil, lying immediately below It is especially important that during the
the present-day humic level, sterile from an excavations impressive numbers of felsitic
archaeological point of view. Because of this porphyry (650 pieces ) were found and more
imbedding sediment, no organic remains have than two thirds of them belong to the chips and
been preserved; the excavated charcoal grains, small fragments of flakes. Furthermore, in the
remains of deciduous trees (determination by last season a clear find concentration of this raw
A. Grynaeus, cited: Markó 2007: Table 1.), are material was excavated in the squares h-i/1–2
considered as recent intrusions. (Fig. 2b). Although the technological studies
have not been finished yet, the on-site core
N %
reduction of the felsitic porphyry is indicated by
limnic quartzite 1209 62,03%
two conjoining cortical blade-like flakes (Fig. 3.
Jasper 18 0,92%
[2055+1971+1973]). The refitting of two chips
Burned silex 54 2,77%
from the concentration shows the rejuvenation of
felsitic porphyry 650 33,35%
quartzite 14 0,72% the working edge (Fig. 3. [2082+2093]). Finally,
siliceous pebble 3 0,15% the intentional removing of a flake from the
radiolarite 1 0,05% largest simple scraper of felsitic porphyry was
Total 1949 100,00% also reconstructed (Fig. 4 [522+328+897]).

Fig. 1. Sources of raw material types used in Vanyarc.

Raw material use at the Middle Palaeolithic site of Vanyarc (Northern Hungary)

Fig. 2. Spatial distribution and reduction refits on the artefacts of limnic quartzite (a)
and felsitic porphyry (b) in the trench of Vanyarc, grid: 1 m.

András MARKÓ

Fig. 3. Reduction refits on artefacts of felsitic porphyry

(the number of artefacts in [square brackets] are marked on Fig 2.).

Altogether 26 retouched pieces of felsitic of the extremely varied texture and matrix as
porphyry were found, which is an unexpectedly well as the intense patina formation, the exact
high number in itself. Ten of them are bifacial provenance of the archaeological artefacts can
tools: knives (Fig. 4 [255]) or carefully be determined only in the case of the largest
elaborated and mainly fragmented leaf shaped pieces. The Cserhát-type limnic quartzite is
implements (Fig. 4 [60], [609] and [403]), generally quite poor in quality; accordingly,
worked by wechselseitig-gleichgerichtete until now 52 refitted breaks were documented
Kantenbearbeitung (WGK: Bosinski 1967: of this raw material.
43). Another diagnostic piece, a Mousterian
point was thinned on the ventral part from its Almost all of the retouched pieces were also
right edge (Fig. 4 [140]). Among the unifacial broken (e.g. Fig. 5 [196+218]), in so far as 15
tools beside the mentioned large side scraper pieces belong to the group of undetermined
with the refits, we should stress the presence small retouched fragments. Probably this is why
of a retouched Levallois flake, and a tool with only few bifacial tools: an ‘in-situ’ fragmented
an end-scraper-like proximal truncation (Fig. 4 knife (with 11 conjoining angular and pot-lid
[515]). fragments), a half–product (Fig. 5 [1638]) and
a large tool-fragment were found. However, the
The most important sources of the dominating surface collections, carried out at the site and
limnic quartzite lye 8–10 km from the site the neighbouring hills yielded finely elaborated
both in south-western and eastern directions bifacial and leaf shaped pieces of this raw
(Fig. 1). There are some differences between the material, too.
macroscopic features according to the different
outcrops (Markó 2005), however, because

Raw material use at the Middle Palaeolithic site of Vanyarc (Northern Hungary)

Fig. 4. Vanyarc – Szlovácka-dolina 5. Retouched tools of felsitic porphyry.

The unifacial tool types, like the simple and The excavation plan of the limnic quartzite
double side scrapers (Fig. 5 [61+234], [22]), artefacts (Fig. 2a) shows several small,
or the end-scraper-like proximally truncated workshop-like find concentrations with a series
tool (Fig. 5 [353]) do not differ from the felsitic of refitting. The majority of the pieces from
porphyry items. The only form absent in this these clusters are small chips and fragments of
later assemblage is the oval-shaped end scraper flakes, making three quarters of the total limnic
with high working front (Fig. 5 [196] + [218]). quartzite assemblage.

András MARKÓ

Fig. 5. Vanyarc – Szlovácka-dolina 5. Retouched tools of limnic quartzite.

Although the largest part of the reduction Fig. 6). In the case of a characteristic yellow
refits on raw material are conjoined flakes patinated variant, the spatial fragmentation of
(Fig. 6 [70+493]) and retouch chips (Fig. 6 the reduction was documented: the majority
[1591+1565]), at two series the last stages of core of the pieces of this raw material were found
reduction could be reconstructed (Markó 2007: in a relatively closed space at the border of the

Raw material use at the Middle Palaeolithic site of Vanyarc (Northern Hungary)

Fig. 6. Refitted pieces of limnic quartzite (the number of artefacts in [square brackets] are marked on Fig 2.).

excavated area, with the exception of the first Finally the artefacts of quartzite, radiolarite and
two flakes, excavated about 3 m from here nummulitic chert pebbles are represented only
(Fig. 6 [1273+507+778+779]). by 1 % of the excavated assemblage. Whereas
their possible source, the Late Miocene

András MARKÓ

(Sarmatian) fluvial sand formation wedges taphonomic events (after Kolesnik 2003: 106,
out on the slopes around the site, this region 107).
is only the westernmost occurrence of the
‘Sarmatian Delta’, reaching until the northern Concerning the analysis of the excavation maps,
periphery of the Bükk Mountains (‘Sajóvölgy the spatial distributions and the find concentration
Formation’: Hámor 1985: 262–264). Therefore of felsitic porphyry visibly overlap the workshops
the provenance of the excavated pieces can not and the find scatter of limnic quartzite artefacts
be exactly identified. Interestingly, the wholly (Fig. 2). Furthermore, conjoining flakes of the
cortical flakes of this raw material class are latter material were found on two opposite sides
absent, which means that the pieces arrived at of the felsitic porphyry workshop, and inside
the site in an at least partly prepared state. On the this concentration two small chips (one of them
other hand, the blank production is documented was not plotted individually) were refitted too.
in this case, too: a large core of quartzite
conjoined by a flake, not plotted individually. As from a typological point of view the same
diagnostic forms were performed on both the
Among the retouched tools a small double local and imported raw material types, all the
scraper of nummulitic chert pebble is worth available data show that the assemblages of
mentioning; another important flake tool, with different materials are contemporaneous.
characteristic ventral thinning at the distal end
is known from the surface collections. Discussion

Relations between the The majority of the formal tools of the excavated
raw material groups assemblage and the Vanyarc-type industry
belong either to the bifacial and leaf shaped
During the excavations at Vanyarc, the artefacts forms or to general Middle Palaeolithic types. A
of different raw materials were found in the quick overview of the technological traits, such
same level. However, the observations on the as the presence of the Micoquian-type shaping,
open-air plateau sites e.g. around the Bükk shows that they originated in the same period
Mountains (Simán 1985), in the Oaş region, (for the detailed discussion see: Markó 2007).
north-western Romania (Bitiri 1972), or in Even the end-scrapers, retouched on the whole
Nižny Hrabovec, eastern Slovakia (Kaminská et contour of thick, oval-shaped transversal flakes
al. 2000) may call for caution: pieces from very differ from the typical UP forms, and the blade
different periods may be found together in the tools or the burins are altogether absent.
same stratigraphical position. Additionally, the
presence of small charcoal grains in the culture Since the study of Roebroeks et al. (1988) single
bearing level of Vanyarc, probably of Holocene pieces of exotic raw material are not unusual in
origin, undeniably casts certain doubts (c.f. Late Middle Palaeolithic assemblages. In eastern
Adams 2000: 177). However, the taphonomical Hungary and Slovakia, these connections,
studies, based on the refitting data, with two spanning over 300 km across the Carpathians
exceptions showed only a few centimetres (Féblot-Augustins 1997: 146–149) are indicated
(<13 cm) of postgenetic dislocations. Our by the presence of different ‘northern’ flint types
observations during the excavations (Markó in the Bábonyian, Charentian and ‘transitional’
2007) also showed that the layer and the artefacts assemblages (Adams 2000: 175; Mester 2000;
were excavated in an only slightly disturbed Kaminská et al. 2000: 68).
position. Moreover, at least five cases when
the fragmentation happened during the core Another direction of the raw material
reduction and retouching activities, or when circulation, running along the mid-mountain
the fragments were worked after the breaks range is illustrated by the presence of jasper in
(Fig. 5 [61+234]) are interpreted as syngenetic Sajóbábony – Kövesoldal (Ringer 1983: 28–

Raw material use at the Middle Palaeolithic site of Vanyarc (Northern Hungary)

29, 58–62, Abb. 68), by the above-mentioned In short, the pattern observed in the assemblage
felsitic porphyry imports in the Jankovich of Vanyarc differs from that expected after the
cave and Korolevo (Gábori-Csánk 1994: 105, theoretical assumptions on Middle Palaeolithic
Koulakovska 2001: 209) or by the obsidian in behaviour or that found at the Early Upper
the Pilisszántó Rochshelter II (Dobosi & Vörös Palaeolithic sites in the Carpathian Basin.
1986: 30, Fig. 3, 3–4). The connections detected Finally, we should take a closer look at another
between the Middle Palaeolithic assemblages possibility. The elevated ratio of the extralocal
of the Cserhát Mountains belong to this group, raw material types in some Middle Palaeolithic
however, the raw material use observed in assemblages in Belgium (Di Modica 2005: 105,
Vanyarc shows a unique pattern. The most 128), in the Moravian Szeletian (Oliva 1991:
striking feature of the excavated material is that 323), or in the Magdalenian in the Rhein valley
one third of the assemblage and 40% of the tools (Floss 1994: 336) was explained by the absence
were made of long-distance rock. Furthermore, of high-quality rocks in the vicinity of the sites.
the data on the reduction refits, the presence However, around the limnic quartzite outcrops,
of large flake fragments and about 30 cortical lying 8–10 km from Vanyarc, huge workshop-
blanks of felsitic porphyry demonstrate the sites were identified and partly excavated
flake production at the site, even in the absence (Csongrádi-Balogh & Dobosi 1995; Markó
of cores. On the other hand, the high ratio of et al. 2002). The source of a higher-quality
chips, scattered on the total excavated surface, variant, present in the excavated assemblage
and of direct refits in the workshop shows the and possibly at some later prehistoric sites
maintenance of the working edges. too (Biró 1988: 89, note 18), was identified
around Buják, about 8 km east of Vanyarc.
These results seem to refine the picture according Further to east, at the southern foot of the Mátra
to which the ratio of imported lithics and the Mountains, as a result of Neogene postvolcanic
pattern of raw material procurement show a activity, a fascinating richness of siliceous rocks
sharp change at the transition from the Middle to is available.
the Upper Palaeolithic (Mellars 1989: 366 – c.f.
Simán 2006). In this regard it is interesting to Conclusions
note that on the Aurignacian site of Acsa, lying
only a few kilometres from Vanyarc beside the The most important results of the first excavation
dominating local limnic quartzite, the ratio of of a Middle Palaeolithic site in the Cserhát
imported raw material types, including felsitic Mountains can be summarised as the follows:
porphyry, is less than 2% (Dobosi 2008: 156).
First of all, based on the stratigraphical,
With regard to the classical eastern Slovakian planigraphical, typological and refitting
Aurignacian sites, the overwhelming majority of studies, all the artefacts, both of local and of
the artefacts were made of the Korlát-type limnic exotic raw material types, belong to a single
quartzite, coming from a southern direction Middle Palaeolithic assemblage, observable by
from a distance of 20–40 km (Kaminská 1991: archaeological methods. The high ratio of felsitic
28–31, 2001: 91–94). This connection shows porphyry verifies the data from the surface
the same pattern of an approximately N-S collections and the careful observations prove
direction which was revealed in the case of the that this raw material was worked locally.
assemblages in the Topl’a valley (Kaminská et
al. 2000), and suggested by the above-mentioned Secondly, in the case of Vanyarc, the generally
‘northern’ imports in the small Middle and the north-eastern – south-western direction of
Early Upper Palaeolithic assemblages of north- raw material circulation could be traced
eastern Hungary (Simán 2006: 455–456). up to about 100 km. We should stress that
the surface collected assemblages from
Galgagyörk and Legénd (Markó et al. 2002;

András MARKÓ

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