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Survival Kit & FAQs

How much do I need to Study?

Do not try new things that you never experienced so close to exams. However, following may
give a soothing affect during pre-examination trauma.

a) Dedicate 15-20 minutes to Scan each chapter of the book, (first 3 and last 2
pages of each chapter would be sufficient to reach to its main agenda)

b) Read and understand all “Reading Material” that you ever received by any mode
of communication.

c) Sit back, relax and recall class discussions

Must I learn various concepts & course contents by heart?

No Need;

What format the Question Paper(s) will follow?

Mostly Conceptual questions asking your insight, understanding and thoughtfulness. There
will be no definite right or wrong answer, just the treatment of the subject. However, in some
questions you may be required to check your memory cells. Do not forget the Crossword

Can there be a Question specifically from the chapter(s)

What’s in your head? No Chance

How Can I manage my exam time well?

It is common for students to drop a grade or even fail since they have not balanced their time
between all questions, so one or more is significantly weaker than the others.
Do Plan your Answer: In a 2-hour exam it’s well worth spending 5 minutes on this per
question. Don’t just brain dump. So:
a) Don’t over-write on your best answer
b) Be efficient in your answer – don’t waffle- don’t repeat – focus on the questions
asked. Ask yourself “will I get a mark for this sentence/paragraph against the criteria
suggested by question?”
How can I best answer the questions so to get maximum marks?

Formatting and Style

Treat your exam where the emphasis is on key messages to communicate
Give a clear narrative flow and logical flow
Highlight your structure and main points; using bulleted list, headings, subheadings etc
Showcasing your Knowledge
Your marks will be better if you give clear well-structured answers which show a step-by-
step approach to problem solving; do this
All the Best

Basit Afzal


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