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Course Title: German Grammar - I L T P/S SW/FW TOTAL

Credit Units: 02 UNITS
- 1 - 2 02
Course Level: Semester-2, UG/PG

Course Code: GRMN104

Course Objectives :
 To explain the students; how to tell time.
 To enable the students to write simple sentences and conversations using irregular verbs.
 To illustrate the students how to frame sentences with one subject and direct objects also revising
the Nominative case done in the previous semester.

Pre-requisites: Functional knowledge of level 1

Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I: Time (Uhrzeit)
 Introduction of time 20%
 Read text related to time and teach the students the time expressions
 Exercises related to Time
 Adverbs of time and time related prepositions
Module II: People and the World:
Land, Nationalität und Sprache
Vocabulary: Countries, Nationalities, and their languages
Negation: “nicht/ kein”
Ja/Nein Fragen.
All the colors and color related vocabulary, adjectives, and opposites
Exercises and comprehension for the same.
Module III: Irregular verbs (unregelmässige Verben)
 Introduction to irregular verbs and their conjugation e.g. fahren, essen, lesen etc 20%
 Read a text related to the eating habits of Germans
Vocabulary: Obst, Gemüse, Kleiderstück with usage of irregular verbs
Free time and hobbies
Food and drinks
Module IV: Accusative case: articles and pronouns (Akkusativ Kasus: Artikel und Pronomen)
 Introduction to the concept of object (Akkusativ) 20%
 Formation of sentences along with the translation and difference between nominative and accusative
 Usage of accusative Definite articles
 Usage of accusative Indefinite articles
Module V: Accusative case: possessive pronouns (Akkusativ Kasus: Possessivpronomen)
Family and Relationship
 Accusative Personal Pronouns: - Revision of the nominative personal pronouns and introduction of
accusative. Applicability of pronouns for both persons and things.
 Usage of accusative Personal Pronouns
 Introduction of accusative possessive pronouns
 Difference between nominative and accusative possessive pronouns
 usage of accusative possessive pronouns

Student Learning Outcomes:

After completing these modules, the students will be capable of constructing sentences with possessive and demonstrative adjectives in French. In addition,
they will be proficient in formulating meaningful sentences as they will be capable of applying their knowledge of all the irregular verbs they have learnt
during the session. They will also have an idea of French culture by studying about various German festivals.

Pedagogy for Course Delivery:

Communicative, interactive Lectures, including project work, role play, conversation, sentence framing and practice exercises. 
Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio (%) End Term Examination

100 % N.A. 60%

Theory Assessment (L):

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term

Components (Drop Class Test Home Assignment Viva / presentation Attendance
Weightage (%) 10 % 10 % 15 % 05% 60

Textbook :
Starten Wir A1 Rolf Brüseke & Scheuerer , Langers International (Hueber Verlag)
Wir Plus, Goyal Saab Publishers

 Communicative, interactive Lectures, including project work, role play, conversation, text translations and practice exercises

Additional Readings:
 Deutsch Spachlehre für Ausländer - Schulz & Griesbach
 German Vocabulary, Grammar, Verbs, Articles.

Any other Study Material:

 Compilation of German texts and exercises

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