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Evidencia 4: Sesión virtual “Prepositions”.

1. The distribution channel serves to bridge the gap between production and
consumption of the product.
2. The type of channel that is going to be used for distribution is the short one,
since the entire export process is done by the company until it reaches the
places where it is going to be commercialized.
3. When the distribution channel is short it is easier to control it.
4. Intermediaries allow the number of transactions to be reduced according to
the size of the market.
5. The type of product manufactured is an element to take into account when
choosing a distribution channel.
6. The distribution network serves so that the producer can reach his real
7. To select a distribution channel, criteria such as market coverage,
intermediaries, consequences and control must be taken into account.
8. The correct variety of products must be in the right place at the right time to
maximize the opportunity of a cost effective sales volume.
9. Distribution refers to the way the company brings its products or services to
the market. This can occur directly or indirectly .
10. The distribution channels are the means by which the product is delivered to
the consumer, usually consisting of people and companies that circulate the
products until they reach the final customer for consumption.

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