Interview Preparation For Teens: Tips For Getting The Job: Read The Following Text

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Read the following text.

Interview Preparation for Teens:

Tips for Getting the Job
Interview preparation for teens can be pretty intimidating
and nerve-wracking, but it doesn’t have to be. Employers
who hire teens aren’t expecting you to have a proven
track record of success, years of work experience, or a
long list of skills. All they usually care about can be
summed up in two words: positive attitude.
They want you to be willing to listen, able to learn, to be
trustworthy, reliable, and punctual. As long as you can
clearly demonstrate these qualities in your interviews,
you’ll be an easy hire.
Follow these 8 tips for interview preparation for teens,
and you’ll do just that.

1. _________________________________________________________________________
As early as possible in your job hunt, put yourself under the microscope. The more self-aware you are, the
more comfortable and confident you’ll be in job interviews.
Make a few lists: your top strengths; your best skills; your biggest achievements (school, extracurricular,
volunteering, etc.); and your hobbies and pastimes.
Once you’re done, ask a few other people (family, friends, teachers, etc.) for their thoughts on those things too.
This confidence-building exercise will help direct you towards jobs you’re more likely to enjoy and succeed at,
while also getting you used to talking about yourself with others.

2. __________________________________________________________________________
Read through the job description carefully. For every requirement listed, is there a way you can highlight
yourself as a better candidate than others?

3. __________________________________________________________________________
The primary concerns for most employers talking to teens are: Will you be here as scheduled? If we are willing
to teach you, are you willing to learn?
Teens should respond to the questions with frequent reassurances of reliability and capabilities to learn quickly
but with a willingness to ask questions for clarity.

4. __________________________________________________________________________
An often-overlooked part of interview preparation for teens is asking friends and family members to run through
a practice interview with you. You can find many lists of commonly asked questions online. Also important:
practising body language and handshake.

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5. _________________________________________________________________________
The last thing you want is to have a good interview interrupted. When talking to a potential employer, the focus
should be on them and them alone.

6. _________________________________________________________________________
One of the best things I always liked about such interviews is that there’s no time to get nervous. You just react
under pressure, and you’re done before you know it. Be mentally prepared and willing every time you visit a
local mall to fill out job applications. Dress appropriately and take advantage when an employer asks for an
interview on the spot.

7. _________________________________________________________________________
Consider school homework, extracurricular activities, sports — anything that takes up your time. Clearly
articulate to the employer the hours you’re available to work. Which non-essential activity can you give up if the
employer needs more availability and you really want the job?

8. _________________________________________________________________________
Let’s face it; most teen jobs pay minimum wage. Part of the research involved in interview preparation for teens
means being prepared to say how much you expect to earn. Confirming the current minimum wage will mean
that you’re not surprised and that you don’t ask for less than that.

Source: (slightly adapted)

1. Write each subtitle before the correct paragraph.

a) Conduct some practice interviews
b) Have realistic expectations about salary
c) Understand what employers are looking for
d) Know yourself
e) Know what hours you can work and prepare to be flexible
f) Put your smartphone on airplane or "Do Not Disturb" mode
g) Think about yourself in relation to the job
h) Be prepared to be interviewed even when you're not expecting it

2. Read the text again and decide if the sentences are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).
a) Employers usually prefer teens who have already had exposure to the world of work. ___________
b) Teens should show some important characteristics in the interview. ___________
c) Knowing yourself is essential to be successful in the interview. ___________
d) It’s important to practise the interview previously with close ones. ___________
e) Teens shouldn’t forget to mention extracurricular activities and sports they practise. ___________
f) Before the interview, it isn’t important to know how much you will be paid. ___________
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3. For each sentence, choose the best option.

3.1. When he called, she _______________ for work.

a) have just left c) had just left

b) left d) had been leaving

3.2. Mary’s parents were proud because she _______________ hard in the previous months.
a) had been studying c) had studied
b) has been studying d) studied

3.3. I wish I _______________ the truth from him.

a) hadn’t hide c) hadn’t been hiding
b) hadn’t hidden d) haven’t been hiding

3.4. My brother _______________ football since he was twelve. He decided to stop last year.
a) played c) had been playing
b) has been playing d) has played

3.5. Teens _______________ start working early usually understand the value of money better.
a) when c) whose
b) which d) who

3.6. Fashion, _______________ plays an important role in teens’ lives, changes every year.
a) that c) which
b) who d) whose

3.7. The latest gadget I bought is the same model _______________ my friend has.
a) that c) whose
b) whom d) who

3.8. I knew the man _______________ company is hiring teens.

a) that c) which
b) who d) whose

3.9. He hired the boy _______________ he interviewed last week.

a) which c) whose
b) whom d) when

1. 80 pontos
2. 30 pontos
3. 90 pontos

© Areal Editores Total: 200 pontos


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