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0 .4187835-.0210682.6816593-.0632047s.4810068-.0870821.6543929-.1348367c.1733862-.0
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3.3898305c0 .4067797-.2823529.6779661-.7058823.6779661h-1.2705883c-.4235294
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0 .9882353.4067797.9882353.9491526zm-.1411765
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0 .7058823.2711864.7058823.6779661v.6779661.2711864h16.6588235v-.2711864-.6779661c0
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1.2882506h21.48327168c.8458575 0 1.2687863-.4366542 1.2687863-1.3099627zm-
5.9950155-20.4410268v6.114667c0 .6694561-.3428744 1.0041841-1.0286232 1.0041841h-
5.0010178zm-9.7134658 18.8035735v-7.753025c0-.5241057.1604108-.9025595.4812325-
0 .5905898.1091636.8093044.3274907s.3280719.5023936.3280719.8521995v7.8181612l-.021

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4.1643836.5568354c.43835616 4.7887846.87671233 9.9116704 1.31506849 14.700455
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2.42963831 2.1228992-.60369453.9226769-.91173353 1.9629315-.92411701
3.1207641-.03715043 1.9202322.70183359 3.7665141 2.21695202 5.5388457 1.2067699
1.4035084 2.912594 3.1606786 5.1174721 5.2715107 2.2048782 2.1108321 3.7565279
3.5356901 4.6549492 4.2745742.8253588-.6646243 2.355647-2.0647292 4.5908647-
4.2003145s3.9747867-3.9171994 5.218707-5.3448422c1.502735-1.7723316 2.2355273-
3.6186135 2.1983769-5.5388457-.0256957-1.7608832-.6875926-3.2039968-1.9866194-

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2.5 2.5-2.5-1.1192881-2.5-2.5 1.1192881-2.5 2.5-2.5zm9.5 0c1.3807119 0 2.5
1.1192881 2.5 2.5s-1.1192881 2.5-2.5 2.5-2.5-1.1192881-2.5-2.5 1.1192881-2.5 2.5-
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Full text of "<a
Greek English Septuagint Old Testament (LXX)</a>"
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<pre>1 N sv tootco + vtica 01 - Genesis

1 X

i + sv ap%r\ 87io(r|asv o 0s6c; xov ODpavov Kai xrjv

In [the] beginning God made the heaven and the

yrjv 2 + r| 8s yr| r|v aopaxoc; Kai araxaaKSDaaxoc; Kai

earth. But the earth was unseen and unready, and

CTKOXOCJ S7T&amp;VCD TT\q afivGcov Kai 7TVSD|ia 0SOD

darkness [was] upon the abyss, and spirit [of] God

S7is(pspsxo S7T&amp;VCD xod D8axoc; 3 + Kai si7isv o Gsoc;

bore upon the water. And God said,

ysvrjGfjxcD cpcoq Kai sysvsxo cpcoq 4 + Kai s(8sv o Bsoq

Let there be light! And there was light. And God beheld

xo (pox; oxi koXov Kai Sisxcbpiasv o Gsoc; avajisaov

the light that [it was] good. And God parted between

xod cpcoxoq Kai avajisaov xod ctkoxodc; 5+ Kai

the light and between the darkness. And

SKdXsasv o 0s6c; xo cpcoq rjjispav Kai xo ctkoxoc;

God called the light, Day, and the darkness

SKdXsas VDKxa Kai sysvsxo sa7ispa Kai sysvsxo 7ipcoi

he called, Night; and there was evening and there was morning,

rjjispa |i(a 6 + Kai sircsv o Gsoc; ysvr|0f|xco axspscojia sv

day one. And God said, Let there be a firmament in

jisaco xod DSaxoc; Kai soxco Sia%copi£pv avajisaov

[the] midst of the water, and let it be [for] parting between

DSaxoc; Kai i)8axoc; 7+ Kai S7iovr|asv o Gsoc; xo

water and water! And God made the

axspscojia Kai 5is%cbpiasv o Gsoc; avajisaov xod

firmament, and God parted between the

D8axoq o Tjv D7ioKdxco xod axspscbjiaxoc; Kai

water which was underneath the firmament, and

avajisaov xod DSaxoc; xod S7idvco xod axspscbjiaxoc; 8 +

between the water above the firmament.

Kai SKdXsasv o Gsoc; xo axspscbjia ODpavov Kai

And God called the firmament, Heaven. And

s(8sv o Gsoc; 6x1 koXov Kai sysvsxo sa7ispa Kai

God beheld that [it was] good; and there was evening and

sysvsxo 7ipcoi r||ispa SsDxspa 9+ Kai si7isv o Gsoc;

there was morning, [ day [the] second]. And God said,

aDva%6fjxcD xo D5cop XO D7TOKdxCD XOD ODpavoD sic;

Let [ come together the water underneath the heaven] into

aDvaycDyfjv jiiav Kai ocpGfjxoo r| ^rjpd Kai sysvsxo

[gathering one], and let [ appear the dry [land]]! And it was

1 N sv tootco + viica 01 - Genesis

odtooc; Kai Gvvryxjdr\ to i35cop to D7iOKdTC0 tod

so. And [ gathered together the water underneath the

ODpavoD sic; zaq aDvayooydc; avzcbv Kai cbcpGrj r| ^rjpd

heaven] into their gatherings, and [appeared the dry [land]].

10+ Kai £K&amp;A£oev o Gsoc; tt|v ^rjpdv yrjv Kai Ta

And God called the dry [land], Earth; and the

oixxcfjiiaTa tcov i)8dTC0v SKdXsas dakaccaq Kai

collections of the waters he called, Seas. And

s(8sv o Gsoc; 6ti koXov n + Kai sircsv o Gsoc;

God beheld that [it was] good. And God said,

P^aaTTjadTCO rj yrj PoTdvrjv xop^OD a7is(pov a7isp|ia

Let [ grow the earth] pasturage of grass sowing seed

KaTd ysvoc; Kai KaG' ojioiOTrjTa Kai ZpXov

according to type, and according to likeness, and [ tree

Kdp7ii|iov tcoiodv Kaprcov oi) to a7isp|ia CLVTOV sv

[the] fruitful] producing fruit which the seed of it [is] in

aDTcb KaTd ysvoc; S7ri rr|c; yrjc; Kai sysvsTO odtcdc;

it, according to type upon the earth! And it was so.

12+ Kai s^fjvsyKev r| yrj PoTdvrjv xopTOD O7is(pov

And [ brought forth the earth] pasturage of grass sowing

G7T8p|ia KaTd ysvoc; Kai KaG' o|ioiOTr|Ta Kai

seed, according to type, and according to likeness; and

tpXov Kdp7ii|iov tcoiodv Kap7i6v od to a7isp|ia

[ tree [the] fruitful] producing fruit which the seed

aDTOD ev aDTcb KaTd yevoc; S7i( tt|c; yr|c; 13+ Kai

of it [is] in it, according to type upon the earth. And

s(8sv o Gsoc; 6ti koXov Kai sysvsTO so7ispa Kai

God beheld that [it was] good. And there was evening and

sysvsTO 7ipcoi rjjispa TpiTrj 14+ Kai sircsv o Gsoc;

there was morning, [ day [the] third]. And God said,

ysvr|9f|TCDaav (pcoaTfjpsc; ev too &lt;xcspscb|iaTi tod

Let there be luminaries in the firmament of the

ODpavoD sic; cpaDaiv S7ri rr|c; yrjq tod 8iaxoop(^siv

heaven for giving light upon the earth, to part

avajieoov rr|c; rjjiepac; Kai avajisoov tt|c; vdktoc; Kai

between the day and between the night! And

saTCoaav sic; arjjisia Kai sic; Kaipotic; Kai sic; r||ispac;

let them be for signs, and for times, and for days,

Kai eic; sviaDTODc; 15+ Kai saTcaaav sic; cpaDaiv sv too

and for years! And let them be for giving light in the

aTspscbjiaTi tod ODpavoD cbaTS cpaivsiv S7i( Tr\q yr\q

firmament of the heaven, so as to shine upon the earth!

1 N ev tootco + viica 01 - Genesis

Kai sysvsxo odxcdc; u&gt;+ Kai S7ioir|asv o Gsoc; xodc; 8do

And it was so. And God made the two

(pcoaxfjpac; xodc; jisyd^oDc; xov (pcoaxfjpa xov jisyav sic;

[ luminaries great]; the [ luminary greater] for

ap%d&lt;; xrjc; rjiispaq Kai xov (pcoaxfjpa xov s^daaco sic;

beginnings of the day, and the [ luminary lesser] for

apxdq xrjc; vdkxoc; Kai xodc; aaxspac; i?+ Kai s0sxo

beginnings of the night, and the stars. And [ put

aDxotic; o 0s6c; sv xco axspscbjiaxi xod ODpavoD cbaxs

them God] in the firmament of the heaven, so as

cpaivsiv 87ii xrjc; yrjc; i 8 + Kai dp^siv xrjc; r||ispac; Kai

to shine upon the earth, and to begin the day and

xrjc; vdkxoc; Kai 8ia%cop(^siv avajisaov xod cpcoxoc; Kai

the night, and to part between the light and

avajisaov xod ctkoxodc; Kai s(8sv o Gsoc; 6xi KaA,6v

between the darkness. And God beheld that [it was] good.

19+ Kai sysvsxo scmspa Kai sysvsxo 7ipcoi r||ispa

And there was evening and there was morning, [ day

xexdpxrj 20 + Kai si7isv o Gsoc; s^ayaysxco xa D8axa

[the] fourth]. And God said, Let [ bring forth the waters]

sprcsxa \\fv%ti&gt;v ^coacbv Kai 7isxsivd 7isx6|isva S7ri

reptiles [lives of living], and [ winged creatures flying] upon

xrjc; yr\q Kaxd xo axspscojia xod ODpavoD Kai

the earth below the firmament of the heaven! And

sysvsxo odxcoc; 21 + Kai S7rovr|asv o Gsoc; xa Kfjxrj

it was so. And God made the [ whales

xa jisyd^a Kai 7idaav \\fv%r\v ^cbcov sp7isxcbv a

great], and every life of living creatures of reptiles which

s^fjyaye xa D8axa Kaxd ysvrj aDxcbv Kai 7iav

[ brought forth the waters] according to their types; and every

7isxsiv6v 7ixspcox6v Kaxd ysvoc; Kai s(8sv o 0s6c; 6x1

[ winged creature feathered] according to type. And God beheld that

Kaka 22 + Kai SDA,6yr|asv aDxd o Gsoc; Xsycov

[it was] good. And [ blessed them God], saying,

aD^dvsaGs Kai 7iAx|0Dvsa0s Kai 7iAr|pcbaaxs xa D8axa

Grow and multiply, and fill the waters

sv xaic; GaAxxaaaic; Kai xa 7isxsivd 7rAx|0Dvsa6coaav

in the seas! And [ the winged creatures let] be multiplied

87i( Tr\q yr\q 23+ Kai sysvsxo sa7ispa Kai sysvsxo 7ipcoi

upon the earth! And there was evening and there was morning,

r||ispa 7rs|i7ixr| 2 4+ Kai si7isv o 0s6q s^ayaysxco rj yrj

[ day [the] fifth]. And God said, Let [ bring forth the earth

1 N sv tootco + viica 01 - Genesis

\\fv%r\v Cfbaav Kaxd yevoc; xsxpd7io8a Kai sprcsxd

life living] according to [its] type ~ four-footed, and reptiles,

Kai Grjpia xrjc; yr\q Kaxd yevoc; Kai syevexo otixcoc;

and wild beasts of the earth according to type! And it was so.

25+ Kai S7io(r|osv o 9s6c; xa Grjpia xrjc; yrjc; Kaxd

And God made the wild beasts of the earth according to

yevoc; Kai xa Kxfjvrj Kaxd yevoc; auxcov Kai rcdvxa

type, and the cattle according to their type, and all

xa eprcexd xrjc; yrjc; Kaxd yevoc; Kai e(8ev o 6e6c; 6xi

the reptiles of the earth according to type. And God beheld that

Kaka 26+ Kai 8i7isv o Geoc; 7ioif|aco|iev dv6pco7iov

[it was] good. And God said, Let us make man

Kax' sucova rjjiexepav Kai Ka6' ojioicoaiv Kai

according to [image our], and according to likeness! And

apxsxcoaav xcov i%9i)cov xrjc; Qakdaar\q Kai xcov

let them control the fishes of the sea, and the

7i£xsivcbv xod ODpavoi) Kai xcov Kxrjvcbv Kai 7idar|c;

winged creatures of the heaven, and the cattle, and all

xrjc; yrjc; Kai rcavxcov xcov ep7iexcov xcov eprcovxcov

the earth, and all the reptiles of the ones crawling

87i( xrjc; yr\q 2 ?+ Kai e7iorr|aev o Geoc; xov dv0pco7iov

upon the earth! And God made man.

Kax' sucova 0scy6 e7iovr|aev ai)xov dpaev Kai dr\kv

According to [the] image of God he made him. Male and female

£7rorr|asv auxoix; 28+ Kai eiAoyrjaev auxotic; o Geoc;

he made them. And [ blessed them God],

Aiycov at^dveaGe Kai 7iAx|Gi)veaGe Kai 7iAx|pcoaaxe

saying, Grow and multiply, and fill

xtjv yrjv Kai KaxaKopietiaaxe auxfjc; Kai dpxexe xcov

the earth, and dominate it! And control the

i%Gi3cov xrjq dakdaar\q Kai xcov 7iexeivcov xod

fishes of the sea, and the winged creatures of the

ODpavoD Kai 7idvxcov xcov Kxrjvcbv Kai 7idar|c; xrjc;

heaven, and all the cattle, and all of the

yrjc; Kai 7idvxcov xcov ep7iexcov xcov eprcovxcov em

earth, and all of the reptiles of the [ones] crawling upon

xrjc; yr\q 29+ Kai eircev o Geoc; i8ot3 SeScora djiiv 7idvxa

the earth! And God said, Behold, I have given to you every

%6pxov a7iopi|iov a7ie(pov a7iep|ia o eaxiv 87idvco

grass fit for sowing a sowing of seed which is upon

xrjc; yr\q Kai 7iav tqvkov o e%ei sv eauxcb Kaprcov

the earth, and every tree which has in itself a fruit

2 3 ev tootco + vdca 01 - Genesis

a7isp|iaxoc; a7iop(|ioD djjav saxai sic; Ppcbaiv 30+ Kai

seed fit for sowing; to you it will be for food, and

7idai TOiq Brjpioic; xrjc; yr\q Kai 7idai xoic; 7isxsivofc;

to all the wild beasts of the earth, and to all the winged creatures
TOD ODpaVOD Kai 7iaVTl Sp7TSXCb SpftOVXl 8711 TT\q JT\q

of the heaven, and to every reptile crawling upon the earth,

o s%8i sv sauxcb \|A)%f|v ^cofjc; Kai rcdvxa %6pxov

which has in itself breath of life, even every [ grass

%Ax»p6v sic; Ppcboiv Kai sysvsxo otixcoc; 3 i+ Kai

green] for food. And it was so. And

s(8sv o Gsoc; xa rcdvxa 6aa S7iovr|as Kai idov

God beheld all as much as he made. And behold, [it was]

Kaka Xiav Kai sysvsxo sa7ispa Kai sysvsxo 7ipcoi

[ good exceedingly]. And there was evening and there was morning,

rjjispa 8kxt|

[ day [the] sixth].

2 n

1+ Kai aDVSxsAiaGrjaav o oupavoc; Kai r| yr| Kai itaq

And [ were completed the heaven and the earth], and all

o Koajioc; auxcbv 2 + Kai &lt;yovsxsA,sasv o Gsoc; ev xr|

the cosmos of them. And God completed in the

rjjispa xt| skxt| xa spy a avzov a S7iovr|as Kai

[ day sixth] his works which he did. And

Kaxs7iauas xrj r||ispa xrj 8

he rested on the [ day seventh

356jLxr| and 7idvxcov

from all

xcov spy cov avTOV cov S7ro(r|as 3 + Kai siAoyrjasv o 0s6c;

his works which he did. And God blessed

xrjv rjjispav xrjv sp86|ir|v Kai rjyiaasv auxfjv 6x1 sv

the [ day seventh], and sanctified it; for in

auxfj Kaxs7rai)asv arco rcavxcov xcov spycov avzov cov

it he rested from all his works — which

fjp^axo o 0s6c; 7ioisiv 4 + aDxfj r| ptp^oc; ysvsoscoc;

God began to do. This [is] the book of [the] origin

oi)pavoi3 Kai yrjc; 6xs sysvsxo r| r||ispa S7iovr|as

of heaven and earth, when it became, in the day [made

o Gsoc; xov ODpavov Kai xrjv yrjv 5 + Kai 7iav %Axop6v

God] the heaven and the earth, and every green

aypoi) 7ipo xod ysvsaGai sm xrjc; yrjc; Kai 7idvxa

field before it existed upon the earth, and all

Xopxov aypcro 7ipo xod avaxsiAm ou yap spps^sv

grass of [the] field before [its] rising, [ did not for rain

8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

KTjpiOq O Gsoq 8711 XT|V JT\V Kai dv6pC07lOC; ODK T|V

[the] LORD God] upon the earth, and [ man no there was]

spyd^saGai auxfjv 6 + 7ir|yf| 8s avspaivsv sk xrjc;

to work it. But a spring ascended from out of the

yrjc; Kai S7t6ti^s 7iav to 7rp6aco7rov xrjc; yr\q i+ Kai

earth, and it watered all the face of the earth. And

S7iAxxasv o Gsoc; xov dv9pco7rov %odv Xafi(hv goto xrjc;

God shaped the man, [ dust taking] from the

yrjc; Kai svsqy6ar|asv sic; to 7ip6aco7rov avzov 7rvof|v

earth. And he breathed into his face breath

^cofjc; Kai sysvsxo o dv0pco7roc; sic; yv%r\v Cfbaav 8 +

of life, and [became man] a [soul living].

Kai sqroxsuasv o Gsoc; 7rapd5siaov sv E8sv Kaxd

And God planted paradise in Eden according to

avaxoAxxc; Kai s0sxo sksi xov dv0pco7rov ov S7iA,aas

[the] east, and he put there the man whom he shaped.

9+ Kai s^avsxsiXsv o Gsoc; sxi sk xrjc; yr\q 7iav tpkov

And [ caused to rise up God] yet from the earth every [ tree

copaiov sic; opaaiv Kai koXov sic; Ppcbaiv Kai xo

beautiful] to [the] sight, and good for food, and the

tpkov Tr\q tfti^c, sv jisaco xou 7rapa8s(aoi) Kai xo

tree of life in [the] midst of the paradise, and the

^6Ax)v xod siSsvai yvcoaxov koXov Kai 7iovr|poi) io +

tree, the one to know knowing good and evil.

7ioxa|i6c; 8s SK7iopsi)sxai s^ E8sv 7iox(^siv xov

And a river goes forth from Eden to water the

7iapdSsiaov sksiGsv acpopi^sxai sic; xsaaapaq ap%dc; n +

paradise; from there it separates into four sources.

ovojia xco svi Oiocbv ouxoc; o kdkA,cov 7idaav xrjv

[The] name to the one [is] Phison. This [is] the [one] encircling all the

yrjv EmXdx sksi od saxi xo %pvaiov n + xo 8s

land ofHavilah— [there where is the gold]. And the

%puaiov xrjc; yrjc; sKsivrjc; koXov Kai sksi saxiv o

gold of that land [is] good, and there is the

dvGpa^ Kai o AiGoc; o 7ipdaivoc; n+ Kai ovojia xco

carbuncle and the [stone leek colored]. And [the] name to the

7ioxa|icb xco 8si)xspco Tscbv omoq o kdkAxov 7idaav

[ river second] [is] Gihon. This [is] the [one] encircling all

xtjv yrjv AiGi07uac; u + Kai o 7ioxa|i6c; o xpixoc; Tiypic;

the land of Ethiopia. And the [river third] [is the] Tigris.
otixoc; o 7rp07ropsi)6|isvoc; Kaxsvavxi Aoaopicov o 8s

This [is] the [one] going forth over against [the] Assyrians. And the

8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

7iom\xoq o isxapioq ED(ppdrr|c; 15+ Kai slaps Kopioc;

[ river fourth] [is the] Euphrates. And [ took [the] LORD

o Geoc; xov dv0pco7iov ov 87iA,aas Kai sGsxo ai)i6v

God] the man whom he shaped, and put him

sv too 7iapa5siaco epyd^eaGai ai)x6v Kai cpDldoaeiv

in the paradise to work it and to guard.

i6+ Kai svstsiAxxto Kopioc; o 0e6c; too A8d|i Aiyoov arco

And [ gave charge [the] LORD God] [to] Adam, saying, From

7iavx6c; ^dAxdd tod sv icq 7iapa8e(acD Ppcbaei (payfj

all of a tree of the one in the paradise [food you shall eat],

i7+a7i6 8s tod ^dAxdd tod yivcbaKeiv koXov Kai

but from the tree of the knowing good and

7iovr|p6v od cpdyeaGe ari avzov r\ 8' av rjjiepa

evil, you shall not eat from it; but in whatever day

(pdyr|T8 arc' aDTOD BavdTca a7ro6aveia0e ig+ Kai si7i8

you should eat from it, to death you shall die. And [ said

KDpioq o Bsoq od koXov eivai tov dv6pco7rov

[the] LORD God], [It is] not good [ to be [for] the man]

jiovov 7ioif|aco|isv aDTcb Por|96v KaT' aDTOV 19+ Kai

alone, let us make for him a helper according to him! And

znXaazv o 0e6c; sti sk tt|c; yr\q 7idvTa Ta Grjpia

God shaped yet from out of the earth all the wild beasts

tod aypoD Kai 7idvTa Ta 7iST8ivd tod ODpavoD Kai

of the field, and all the winged creatures of the heaven. And

fjyaysv aDTd itpoq tov A8d|i i8e(v ti KaAiaei aDTd

he led them to Adam, to behold what he would call them.

Kai 7iav o av SKd^saev aDTO A8d|i \\fv%r\v Cfbaav

And all what ever [ called it Adam] — [ life [the] living],

todto ovojia aDTcb 20 + Kai eKdXeaev A8d|i ovojiaTa

this [was the] name to it. And Adam called names

7idai TOiq KTfjvsai Kai 7idai TOiq 7iSTSivofc; tod

to all the cattle, and to all the winged creatures of the

ODpavoD Kai 7idai toic; Grjpioic; tod aypoD tod 8e

heaven, and to all the wild beasts of the field; but to

A8d|i od% SDpsBrj PorjGoc; ojioioq aDTcb 21+ Kai

Adam there was not found a helper likened to him. And

Zlisfiaks KDpiOq O 08OC; 8K&lt;XCaaiV 8711 TOV A8d|I Kai

[ put [the] LORD God] a change of state over Adam, and

D7rvcoas Kai s^aps jiiav tcov 7iA,8Dpcbv aDTOD Kai

he slept. And he took one of his ribs, and

avs7rAx|pcDas odpra avT' aDTfjc; 22+ Kai CDKo86|ir|ae

supplied flesh against it. And [ built

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

01 - Genesis

Kopioc; o 0s6c; rqv nXsvpav r|v sAxxPev arco

[the] LORD God] the rib which he took from

tod A8&amp;|i etc; yovaixa Kai fjyayev aDTfjv npoq

Adam into [a] woman. And he led her to

xov A8&amp;|i 23 + Kai 8i7isv A8d|i todto vdv ocjtodv sk

Adam. And Adam said, This now [is] bone from

xcov ocjtscdv jiod Kai aap^ sk Tr\q oapKoq |IOD aVTT\

my bones, and flesh from my flesh; she

KArjGfjaexai ywq on sk tod avSpoc; avTT\q sAxjcpBrj

shall be called woman, for from the man she was taken.

24+ svsK8v todtod KaTa^enj/ei dv6pcD7i;oc;

Because of this [ shall leave man]

xov 7raxspa aDTOD Kai TT|V jirjispa Kai

his father and mother, and

7rpoaKoAXq6f|asTai xrj yDvauca aDTOD Kai saovxai oi

shall cleave to his wife, and [ shall be the

8do eic; adpra |i(av 25+ Kai fjaav 01 8do yDjivoi o is

two] for [flesh one]. And [were the two] naked, both

A8d(i Kai T| yDvfj aDTOD Kai odk r|a%DvovTO

Adam and his wife. And they were not ashamed.

3 a

1 + o 8s ocpiq rjv (ppovijicbTaToq 7idvTCDV xcov Grjpicov

But the serpent was most skilled of all the wild beasts,

xcov S7ii Tr\q yr\q oov S7iovr|as Kopioc; o 08oc; Kai

of the ones upon the earth whom [ made [the] LORD God]. And

817T8V O OCpiq XT] yDVaiKl Tl Oil 817TSV O 6s6c; OD |IT|

[ said the serpent] to the woman, For why said God, No way

(pdyrjie arco 7ravx6c; tpXov tod 7rapa8e(aoD 2+ Kai

should you eat from all of a tree of the paradise? And

817T8V T| yDVfj a7TO Kap7TOD TOD ZfiXoV TOD

[ said the woman], From fruit of the tree of the

7iapa88iaoD cpay6|i80a 3 + and 8s tod Kap7ioD tod

paradise we shall eat; but from the fruit of the

ZpXov o screw sv jisaco tod 7iapa88iooD

tree which is in the middle of the paradise,

817T8V o Geoc; od (pdyeaGe an avzov od 8s jlit| d\j/r|a9e

God said, Eat not from it, nor touch

aDTOD (va |iT| a7io6dvr|TS 4 + Kai si7iev o ocpiq ttj

it! that you should not die. And [ said the serpent] to the

yDvaiKi od BavdTCO a7io6avs(o6s 5 + fj8ei yap o Geoc;

woman, Not to death will you die. [ knows For God]

3 3, ev toi3tco + viica 01 - Genesis

on r| av rjjiepa cpayrjTS an avzov

that in which ever day you should eat of it,

8iavoi%9f|aovTai djicdv oi oq)6aA,|ioi Kai sasaGs coc;

[ will be opened wide your eyes], and you will be as

6so( yivcboKovisq koXov Kai 7iovr|p6v 6+ Kai s(8sv r|

gods, knowing good and evil. And [ beheld the

ywfj on koXov to ZpXov sic; Ppcbaiv Kai on

woman] that [ [is] good the tree] for food, and that

apeoxov toicj ocpGaXjioicj i8siv Kai copaiov sail

[it is] pleasing to the eyes to behold, and is beautiful

tod Kaxavofjaai Kai Xafiovaa tod Kap7ioD aDTOD

for contemplating. And having taken the fruit of it,

scpays Kai s8cdks Kai icq av8p( avTT\q jist' avTT\q Kai
she ate, and she gave also [to] her husband with her, and

scpayov ?+ Kai 8ir|voix6r|aav oi ocpGaXjioi tcdv 8do

they ate. And [ were opened wide the eyes of the two],

Kai syvcoaav on yDjivoifjaav Kai sppa\j/av (pvXXa

and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed leaves

oDKfjq Kai £7iovr|aav aDTOicj 7ispi^cb|iaTa 8 + Kai

of a fig-tree, and made to themselves loincloths. And

fjKODaav Tr\q (pcovr\q KDpiOD tod Gsod 7rspuraTODVTOc;

they heard the voice of [the] LORD God walking

sv too 7iapa8siaco to 8siAiv6v Kai SKptiprjaav o ts

in the paradise at dusk. And [ hid both

A8d|i Kai r| yDvfj aDTOD arco 7ipoaco7roD KDpiOD

Adam and his wife] from [the] face of [the] LORD

tod Gsod ev jisctcd tod ^dA,od tod 7iapa8siaoD 9 + Kai

God in [the] midst of the tree of the paradise. And

SKdXsasv o Gsocj tov A8d|i Kai si7isv aDTcb A8d|i 7tod

God called Adam, and said to him, Adam, Where

8i io+ Kai S17T8V aDTcb Tr\q cpoavfjc; aoD fjKODaa

are you? And he said to him, [ your voice I heard]

7isputaTODVTOc; sv too 7rapa8siaco Kai scpopfjGrjv 6ti

[while] walking in the paradise, and I feared, for

yDjivoq sijii Kai SKptipirv n+ Kai si7isv aDTcb o Gsocj

I am naked, and I hid. And [said to him God],

tic; avfjyysiAi aoi 6ti yDjivoq si si |ir| arco tod ^vXov

Who announced to you that you are naked, unless from the tree


of which I gave charge to you, [saying], This alone [you are] not

cpaysiv an avzov scpayscj n+ Kai si7isv o A8d|i r|

to eat from it — you ate. And Adam said, The


3 3, sv tootco + viica 01 - Genesis

yUVTj T|V 88&lt;J0Kac; |ISX' S|IOU aUXTj |IOl s5&lt;J0KSV a7io

woman whom you gave [to be] with me, she gave to me from

tod tpXov Kai ecpayov 13 + Kai 8i7is Kupioc; o dsoq XT]

the tree, and I ate. And [ said [the] LORD God] to the

YDVaiKl Tl XOUXO STTOlTjaaq Kai S17T8V T| yUVTj o

woman, What [is] this you did? And [ said the woman], The

ocpiq r|7rdTr|as (is Kai ecpayov 14+ Kai si7i8 Kupioc;

serpent deceived me, and I ate. And [ said [the] LORD

0 0s6c; too ocpsi 6x1 S7iovr|aac; xouxo S7iiKaxdpaxoc;

God] to the serpent, Because you did this, accursed

au a7io 7idvTCOv xcov Kxrjvcbv Kai arco 7rdvxcov xcov

[are] you from all the cattle, and from all the

Grjpicov xcov S7U xrjc; yr\q S7ri xco axfjGsi aou Kai

wild beasts of the [ones] upon the earth. Upon your breast and

xtj KoiAia 7iopsuar| Kai yrjv cpayfj naaaq xaq rjjiepaq

belly you shall go, and earth you shall eat all the days

Tr\q Cf^T\q gov 15+ Kai s%0pav Bfjaco avajieaov aou Kai

of your life. And [ hatred I will put] between you and

avajisaov xrjc; yuvaiKoc; Kai avajisaov

between the woman; and between

xou a7isp|iax6c; aou Kai avajieaov xou a7iep|iax6c; auxfjc;

your seed and between her seed.

auxoc; gov xrjpfjaei KecpaAxjv Kai au xrjpfjaeic; auxou

He will give heed to your head, and you will give heed to his

rcxepvav 16+ Kai xt| yuvaud 8i7is 7iXr|0i3vcov 7iAr|0uvcb

heel. And to the woman he said, [In] multiplying I will multiply

xac; Xvnaq gov Kai xouc; axevayjiouc; aou sv Xvnaiq

your distresses, and your moanings. In distresses

xs^T] xsicva Kai 7ipoc; xov dv5pa aou

you will bear children, and to your husband

T] a7roaxpo(pf| aou Kai auxoc; aou Kupieuaei i 7 +xcd8s

your submission, and he will dominate you. And [to]

A8d|i S17T8V 6x1 fjKouaaq xrjc; (pcovfjq

Adam he said, Because you hearkened to the voice

Tr\q yuvaiKoq aou Kai ecpayec; arco xou tpXov ov

of your wife, and ate from the tree of which

svsx£iA,d|iTTV aoi xouxou jiovou |ir| cpaysiv

1 gave charge to you, [saying], This alone [you are] not to eat

an auxou ecpayec; erciKaxapaxoc; r| yrj ev

from it — [and] you ate; accursed [is] the land among

xoic; epyoic; aou ev Xvnaiq cpayfj auxfjv 7idaaq xac;

your works; in distresses you will eat it all the


3 3, ev tootco + vuca 01 - Genesis

GOD 18 + aravGac; Kai TpifioXovq

days of your life. Thorn-bushes and thistles

avaxslei aoi Kai cpayfj tov %6pTOV tod aypoD 19+ sv

will rise to you, and you will eat the grass of the field. By

(Spam tod 7ipoacb7roD ood cpayfj tov dpTOV aoD scoq

sweat of your face you will eat your bread, until

tod a7ioaTp8\j/ai ae eic; tt|v yrjv r\q skr\(pQr\q

the returning you into the earth from out of which you were taken.

6ti yrj si Kai sic; yrjv a7isA,SD&lt;xr| 20+ Kai

For earth you are and unto earth you will go. And

SKd^saev A8d|i to ovojia rr|c; yDvaucoc; aDTOD Zcofj 6ti

Adam called the name of his wife, Zoe, for

aDTTJ T|V |lfjTT|p 7ldVTCOV TCOV ^COVTCOV 21+ Kai 87lOlT|a8

she was mother of all the living. And [ made

KDpioq o 6e6c; too A5d|i Kai tt| yDvaud aDTOD %u(bvaq

[the] LORD God] [to] Adam and his wife garments

8ep|iaTivoDc; Kai £V£8do£v aDTODc; 22 + Kai si7i8v o Geoc;

of skins, and he clothed them. And God said,

i8od A8d|i ysyovev cdc; sic; r|(icbv tod yivcbaKsiv

Behold, Adam has become as one of us, to know

KOXOV Kai 7TOVr|p6v Kai VDV |lfj7lOTS SKTSlVrj ttjv

good and evil. And now, lest at any time he might stretch out the

%eipa Kai AxxPrj ano tod ^dXod tt|c; ^cofjq Kai (pdyrj

hand, and should take from the tree of life, and should eat,

Kai ^fjaeTai sic; tov aicbva 23+ Kai 8^a7i8aTSiA,8v

and will live into the eon — that [ ejected

aDTOV KDpioq o Geoc; sk tod 7iapa8s(aoD ttjc^ TpDcpfjc;

him [the] LORD God] from the paradise of the delicacy,

spyd^saGai tt|v yrjv rjc; sArjcpGrj 2 4+ Kai empale

to work the earth from which he was taken. And he cast out

tov A8d|i Kai KaTCOKiasv aDTOV arcevavTi tod

Adam, and settled him before the

7iapa8e(aoD ttjc; TpDcpfjc; Kai STa^e Ta %epoDp(|i Kai

paradise of the delicacy, and ordered the cherubim, and

ttjv (pXoyivrjv pojicpaiav tt|v aTpscpojisvrjv cpD^daasiv

the flaming [ broadsword turning], to guard

TTJV 086v TOD ^6AX)D TTJCj ^COfjCj

the way of the tree of life.


4 7 ev tootco + vtica 01 - Genesis

4 7

i + A5&amp;|i 8s syvco Evav rqv yuvaiKa avzov Kai

And Adam knew Eve his wife. And

&lt;yoAA,aPoi)aa stsks tov Ka'iv Kai si7isv SKrr|od|xr|v

conceiving, she bore Cain, and said, I acquired

&amp;V0p&lt;D7lOV 8ld TOD 0SOTJ 2+ Kai 7ipoaS08TO TSKSIV

a man through God. And she added to bear

tov aSsAxpov avzov tov ApsA, Kai sysvsTO ApsA, 7roi|ifjv

his brother, Abel. And Abel became a shepherd

7ipopdTC0v Ka'iv 8s rjv spyatpjisvoc; tt|v yrjv 3 + Kai

of sheep, but Cain was working the land. And

sysvsTO (180' rjjispac; fjvsyKs Ka'iv arco tcov Kap7ccbv

it came to pass after [some] days, Cain brought from the fruits

Tr\q yr\q Qvaiav too Kopico 4 + Kai Afisk fjvsyKs Kai

of the land a sacrifice to the LORD. And Abel brought also

avToq a7io tcov 7tpcotot6kcov tcov 7cpopdTC0v avzov Kai

himself from the first-born of his sheep, and

a7io tcov cjTeaTCOv aDTcbv Kai S7cs(8sv o 0s6c; S7ri Afizk

from his fatlings. And God looked upon Abel

Kai S7Ti Toiq Scopoic; clvtov 5 + S7U 8s Ka'iv Kai S7U

and upon his gifts. But upon Cain and upon

Taiq Qvaimq avzov ov 7cpoaso%s Kai

his sacrifices, he did not take heed. And

sAri7rr|as tov Ka'iv Aiav Kai &lt;yovs7csas tco 7rpoacb7rco

Cain fretted exceedingly, and became downcast in the face.

6+ Kai 81718 KDpiOq O 08Oq TCO Ka'iv IVaTl 7C8p(A,D7CO(;

And [said [the] LORD God] to Cain, Why [dejected

sysvoi) Kai ivaTi &lt;yovs7csas to 7cp6aco7i;6v ood 7 + odk av

are you], and why [is] [ downcast your face]? If not

op0cbc; 7cpoasv8yKr|c; op0coc; 8s |ir| SisArjc; fjiiapTsq

rightly you brought, [ rightly but not] divided, [you] sinned?

r|&lt;y6%aaov itpoq as r| a7coaTpocpf| avzov Kai av

Be still, to you [shall be] his submission, and you

dp^sic; avTOV s + Kai si7cs Ka'iv npoq Afisk

will control him! And Cain said to Abel

tov aSsAxpov &lt;xvto\) SisABcojisv sic; to 7cs8(ov Kai

his brother, Let us go into the plain. And

sysvsTO sv tco sivai avzovq sv tco 7cs8(co avsarr| Ka'iv

it came to pass in their being in the plain, Cain rose up

S7U ApsA, tov aSsAxpov auTOD Kai a7TSKTSivsv auTOV 9 +

against Abel his brother, and killed him.


4 7 ev tootco + viica 01 - Genesis

Kai 81718 KDpiOCJ O 080^ 7CpOC; KaiV 7101) SCTTIV Afizk

And [said [the] LORD God] to Cain, Where is Abel

0 aSsAxpoc; gov Kai 817CSV od yivcbaKco [ir\ (pvXa^

your brother? And he said, I do not know, [ not [the] keeper

TOD a8sAxpOD |10D SlJIlSyd) io+ K(Xl 817C8 KUpiOq Tl

of my brother lam]. And [the] LORD said, What

7cs7co(r|Ka(; cpcovfj aijiaioq tod a8eAxpoD aoD Pod npoq

did you do? [The] voice of [the] blood of your brother yells to

|is sk Tr\q yr\q n + Kai vdv smKaTapaTOc; cjd a7co

me from the ground. And now, accursed [are] you from

Tr\q yr\q r\ e%avs to &lt;xc6|ia avTT\q 8e^aa6ai to aijia

the earth which gaped wide her mouth to take the blood

tod aSeAxpoD aoD sk Tr\q XBipoq aoD 12 + 6t8 epyd tt|v

of your brother from your hand. When you work the

yrjv Kai od 7tpoa0fjasi tt|v \a%vv avTT\q 5oDva(

ground, and [it does] not add [ her strength to give]

aoi cjtsvcdv Kai Tpsjicov ear) S7U Tr\q yr\q 13+ Kai

to you; [then in] moaning and trembling you will be upon the earth. And

sure Kaiv npoq Kopiov jisi^cov r| ama jiod

Cain said to [the] LORD, [ [is too] great My fault]

tod acpsGfjvai |is i 4 + si SKfiaXXsiq jie afj|i8pov a7co

to forgive me. If you cast me today from

7cpoacb7COD Tr\q yr\q Kai a7co tod 7cpoacb7COD ood

[the] face of the earth, and from your face,

KpDpfjaojiai Kai eaojiai otsvcov Kai Tpsjicov S7U Tr\q

1 will hide, and I will be moaning and trembling upon the

yrjc; Kai scxuai 7cac; o SDpiaKcov |ie a7C0KTSVsi |is

earth; and it will be all the [ones] finding me will kill me.

15+ Kai S17C8V aDTcb KDpioq o 6e6c; od% ODTCO 7cac;

And [ said to him [the] LORD God], Not so, all

o a7toKT£ivac; Kaiv S7rcd SK5iKOD|isva 7capaXDasi

killing Cain [ seven [times] [by] punishing will be disabled].

Kai S0STO KDpioq o Gsoc; ar||is(ov too Kaiv tod jjt|

And [ put [the] LORD God] a sign [to] Cain [ to not

avskziv avTOV 7cdvTa tov SDpiaKovTa aDTOV i 6 + s^fjXBe

do away with him [for] all finding him]. [ went forth

8e Kaiv a7co 7cpoacb7coD tod 6sod Kai cbKrjaev sv

And Cain] from [the] face of God, and he lived in

yrj Nai8 KaTevavTi E8sv 17+ Kai syvoo Kaiv

[the] land [of] Nod, over against Eden. And Cain knew
ttjv yDvaiKa aDTOD Kai &lt;7oAA,aPoDaa stsks tov Evcb%

his wife. And she, conceiving, bore Enoch.


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

01 - Genesis

Kai r|v oikoSojicdv 7i6A.iv Kai S7C(jov6|iaas xrjv 7i6A.iv

And he was building a city, and he named the city

S7U TOO OVOjiail TOD DIOVJ (XDTOt) EVCD% is+ syewfiGri 5s

after the name of his son Enoch. [ was born And

too Evcbx rai8a5 Kai rai8a8 syswrjas tov MaifjA, Kai

[to] Enoch] Irad; and Irad procreated Mehujael; and

MaifjA, syswrjas tov MaGorjaaAxx Kai MaGorjaaAxx

Mehujael procreated Methusael; and Methusaela

syswrjas tov Adjis% 19+ Kai sAxxPsv sarjTcb Ad|is% 8r)o

procreated Lamech. And [ took to himself Lamech] two

yrjvaiKaq ovojia Trj (iid AS8d Kai ovojia Trj

wives; [the] name to the one [was] Adah, and [the] name to the

5si)Tspa SsAld 20+ Kai STSKsvA88d tov IoopfjA, omoq

second [was] Zillah. And Adah bore Jabel, this [one]

rjv 7caTfjp oiKorjvTCOv sv aKqvafc; KTirvoTpocpoov 21+ Kai

was father of the ones living in tents, grazing cattle. And

ovojia tco aSsAxpcb arjTorj IoupdA, omoq rjv o

[the] name [to] his brother [was] Jubal, this [one] was the [one]

KaTaSsi^aq \j/aArfjpiov Kai KiGdpav 22+XsAAxx8s Kai

introducing [the] psaltery and [the] harp. But Zillah also

arjTfj stsks tov 0oPsA, Kai rjv aqropoKOTcoc; %aAxsrjc;

herself bore Tubal-cain, and he was a hammer-smith brazier

XoXkov Kai aiSfjpoi) aSsAxpfj 8s 0opsA, Nosjid 23 +

of brass and of iron. And [the] sister of Tubal-cain [was] Naamah.

si7cs Ss Ad|is% zaiq sauTor) yrjvai^iv A88d Kai

[ said And Lamech] [to] his own wives, Adah and

SsAld aKorjaaTS jiod rrjc; cpoavfjc; yrjvaiKsq Adjisx

Zillah, Hear my voice, O wives of Lamech!

svcoTiaaaGs jiod zovq Xoyovq 6ti dv8pa a7isKTSiva sic;

Give ear to my words! for [ a man I killed] for

Tparjjia sjioi Kai vsaviaKov sic; \i&amp;k(oiza sjioi 24+ 6ti

[giving] a wound to me, and a young [man] for [giving] a stripe to me. For

S7CTdKic; SK8s8iKrjTai sk Kavv sk 8s Ad|is%

[ seven times punishment] [is] for Cain, but for Lamech,

spSojxrjKovTdKic; S7rcd 25+ syvco 8s A8d|i Erjav

seventy times seven. [ knew And Adam] Eve

tt|v ywaiKa arjTorj Kai arAAxxPorjaa stsksv diov Kai

his wife. And conceiving, she bore a son, and

S7coov6|iaas to ovojia arjTorj 2rj0 Aiyorjaa s^avsarqas

named his name Seth, saying, [ raised up

yap |ioi o 6s6c; a7isp|ia STspov avTi ApsA, ov

For to me God seed another] instead of Abel, whom


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

01 - Genesis

ootsktsivs Ka'iv 2 6+ Kai too Sr|0 eysvsTO vioq

Cain killed. And [to] Seth was born a son.

S7icov6|iaa8 5s to ovojia avzov Evcbq omoq fjAmaev

And he named his name Enos; this one hoped

S7iiKaA,s(a6ai to ovojia Kupioi) tod 0sot3

to call upon the name of [the] LORD God.

5 n

i+ ocdttj T| ptpioq ysveaeooc; av6pcb7rcov r| rjjiepa

This [is] the book of [the] origin of men in which day

£7rovr|GSV o 6s6c; tov A5d|i KaT' eucova 0sot3

God made Adam. According to [the] image of God

£7iorr|aev avzov 2 + dpaev Kai dr\kv S7iovr|aev aDTotic;

he made him. Male and female he made them,

Kai suXoyrjasv avzovq Kai 87ioov6|iaae to ovojia avzov

and he blessed them. And he named his name

A8d(i r| rjjispa 87io(r|a8v avzovq 3+ e^rjae 8s A5d|i

Adam, in which day he made them. [ lived And Adam]

TpidKovTa Kai SiaKoaia errj Kai syswrjae KaTd

thirty and two hundred years. And he procreated [a son] according to

ttjv i8eav avTOV Kai KaTd ttjv sucova avzov Kai

his shape, and according to his image; and

S7icov6|iao8 to ovojia clvtox) Sr|0 4 +8y8vovTo8s ai

he named his name, Seth. And came to pass the

rjjispai A8d|i aq e^rjae jiSTd to yewfjaai avzov

days of Adam which he lived after his procreating

tov Sr|0 8tt| 87iTaK6aia Kai eyswrjasv viovq Kai

Seth, [ years seven hundred], and he procreated sons and

dvycLTzpaq 5+ Kai sysvovTO 7idaai ai rjjispai A8d|i

daughters. And came to pass all the days of Adam

aq e^rjae TpidKovTa Kai swaKoaia stt| Kai

which he lived, thirty and nine hundred years, and

a7T86avsv 6+ s^rjas 8e £r|0 7T£vts Kai SiaKoaia errj

he died. [ lived And Seth] five and two hundred years,

Kai eyewrjas tov Evcbq 7 + Kai e^rjaeSrjB |i£Td

and he procreated Enos. And Seth lived after

to yewfjaai avzov tov Evcbq 87iTd stt| Kai sftTaKoaia

his procreating Enos, seven years and seven hundred;

Kai syewrjaev viovq Kai dvyazspaq 8 + Kai eyevovTO

and he procreated sons and daughters. And came to pass


8V TOUT© + VtKd

01 - Genesis

7idaai ai rjjispai £r|0 8cb8sKa Kai swaKoaia sxrj Kai

all the days of Seth, twelve and nine hundred years, and

arcsGavs 9+ Kai s^rjasv Evcbc; sxrj SKaxov svsvfjKovxa

he died. And Enos lived [ years a hundred ninety],

Kai syswrjas xov Karvav 10+ Kai s^rjasv Evcbc; jisxd

and he procreated Cainan. And Enos lived after

xo yswfjaai arjxov xov Karvav 7isvxsKa(8sKa sxrj Kai

his procreating Cainan, fifteen years and

87ixaKoaia Kai syswrjasv viovq Kai Grjyaxspac; n+ Kai

seven hundred, and he procreated sons and daughters. And

sysvovxo 7idaai ai rjjispai Evcbq 7isvxs sxrj Kai

came to pass all the days of Enos, five years and

swaKoaia Kai arcsBavs 12+ Kai s^rjasKa'ivav

nine hundred, and he died. And Cainan lived

sP8o|xfjKovxa Kai SKaxov sxrj Kai syswrjas

seventy and [a] hundred years, and he procreated

xov Maksksr\k 13 + Kai s^rjas Karvav jisxd

Mahalaleel. And Cainan lived after

xo yswfjaai arjxov xov Maksksr\k xsaaapdKovxa Kai

his procreating Mahalaleel, forty and

87ixaKoaia sxrj Kai syswrjasv viovq Kai Grjyaxspac; 14 +

seven hundred years, and he procreated sons and daughters.

Kai sysvovxo rcdaai ai rjjispai Karvav 8sKa sxrj Kai

And came to pass all the days of Cainan, ten years and

swaKoaia Kai arcsGavs 15+ Kai s^rjos MaXsXsfjX 7isvxs

nine hundred, and he died. And Mahalaleel lived five

Kai s^fjKovxa Kai SKaxov sxrj Kai syswrjas xov Idps8

and sixty and a hundred years, and he procreated Jared.

16+ Kai s^rjas MaXs^sfjA, jisxd xo yswfjaai arjxov

And Mahalaleel lived after his procreating

xov Idps8 sxrj xpidKovxa Kai S7ixaKoaia Kai

Jared, [ years thirty and seven hundred], and

syswrjasv viovq Kai Grjyaxspac; 17+ Kai sysvovxo

he procreated sons and daughters. And came to pass

7idaai ai rjjispai Ma^sXsfjX sxrj 7isvxs Kai

all the days of Mahalaleel [ years five and

svsvfjKovxa Kai OKxaKoaia Kai arcsGavs is+ Kai

ninety and eight hundred], and he died. And

s^rjasv Idps8 8fjo Kai s^fjKovxa sxrj Kai SKaxov Kai

Jared lived two and sixty years and a hundred, and

8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

syswrjas xov Evcbx 19+ Kai s^rjasv Idps8 jisxd

he procreated Enoch. And Jared lived after

to yswfjaai auxov xov Evcbx OKxaKoaia sxrj Kai

his procreating Enoch, eight hundred years, and

syswrjasv viovq Kai Guyaxspac; 20+ Kai sysvovxo

he procreated sons and daughters. And came to pass

7idaai ai rjjispai Idps8 8f&gt;o Kai s^fjKovxa Kai

all the days of Jared, two and sixty and

swaKoaia sxrj Kai arcsGavs 21 + Kai s^rjasv Evcbx

nine hundred years, and he died. And Enoch lived

7TSVXS Kai e^fjKovxa Kai sraxov sxrj Kai syswrjas

five and sixty and a hundred years, and he procreated

xov MaGouaaXd 22+ SDTjpsaxrjas 8s Evcbx TC0 ^ 8C0 Kai

Methuselah. [ was well-pleasing And Enoch] [to] God. And

s^rjasv Evcbx l^ 8Ta 10 yswfjaai auxov xov MaGoDaaXd

Enoch lived after his procreating Methuseleh,

SiaKooia sxrj Kai syswrjasv viovq Kai Guyaxspac; 23 +

two hundred years, and he procreated sons and daughters.

Kai sysvovxo rcdaai ai rjjispai Evcbx ^svxs Kai

And came to pass all the days of Enoch, five and

s^fjKovxa Kai xpiaKoaia sxrj 2 4+ Kai si)r|psaxr|asv Evcbx

sixty and three hundred years. And Enoch was well-pleasing

xco Gscb Kai odx supiaKsxo 6x1 |isxsGr|Ksv auxov

[to] God. And he was not found, for [ transposed him

o Gsoc; 25 + Kai s^rjas MaGouaaXd S7ixd Kai oy8or|Kovxa

God]. And Methuselah lived seven and eighty

Kai SKaxov Kai syswrjas xov Adjisx 26+ Kai

and a hundred [years], and he procreated Lamech. And

s^rjas MaGouaaXd jisxd xo yswfjaai auxov xov Adjisx

Methuselah lived after his procreating Lamech,

8uo Kai oy8or|Kovxa Kai srcxaKoaia sxrj Kai

two and eighty and seven hundred years, and

syswrjasv uiouc; Kai Guyaxspac; 27+ Kai sysvovxo

he procreated sons and daughters. And came to pass

rcdaai ai rjjispai MaGouaa^d aq s^rjasv swsa Kai

all the days of Methuselah which he lived, nine and

s^fjKovxa Kai swaKoaia sxrj Kai arcsGavs 28+ Kai

sixty and nine hundred years, and he died. And

s^rjas Adjisx okxco Kai oySofjKovxa Kai sraxov sxrj

Lamech lived eight and eighty and a hundred years,



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01 - Genesis

Kai eyswrjasv mov 29+ Kai S7icov6|iaas to ovojia avzov

and he procreated a son. And he named his name,

Nebs Aiycov omoq 5iava7im3a£i rjjLidq goto

Noah, saying, This [one] will rest us from

xcov spy cov rjjicbv Kai a7io xcov hmcbv xcov %eipcbv r||icov

our works, and from the distresses of our hands,

Kai a7io Tr\q yr\q r\q Kaxrjpdaaxo Kopioc; o Geoc; 30 +

and from the earth of which [ cursed [the] LORD God].

Kai s^rjas Ad|ie% jiexd to yswfjoai auxov xov Nebs

And Lamech lived after his procreating Noah,

7isvTaK6aia Kai s^fjKovxa Kai rcevxe exrj Kai

five hundred and sixty and five years, and

syswrjasv viovq Kai Guyaxepac; 31+ Kai eyevovxo

he procreated sons and daughters. And came to pass

7idaai ai rjjispai Ad|ie% 87ixaKoaia Kai 7isvxf|Kovxa

all the days of Lamech, seven hundred and fifty

xpia sxrj Kai a7ie6ave 32+ Kai rjvNcbs sxcbv

three years, and he died. And Noah was [ years [old]

7isvxaKoa(cov Kai eyswrjas xpeic; viovq xov Dr||i

five hundred] and he procreated three sons, Shem,

xov Xaji Kai xov IdcpsB

Ham, and Japheth.

6 1

1 + Kai eyevsxo rjviKa Yp^avxo 01 dv6pco7ioi noXkoi

And it came to pass when [ began men many]

y(vsa0ai £7U xrjc; yr\q Kai Guyaxepec; syswf|6r|aav

to become upon the earth, and daughters were born

auxok; 2+ iSovxec; 8s 01 moi xou 0sot3 xac; Guyaxepac;

to them. [ were beholding And the sons of God] the daughters

xcov av0pcb7icov 6x1 KaAm siaiv zkafiov eauxofc;

of men, that they are good, [that] they took to themselves

yvvahcaq arco 7iaacbv cov e^sXs^avxo 3+ Kai si7ie

women from all of whom they chose. And [ said

Kopioc; o Geoc; od jlit| Kaxajisivrj xo 7rvsi)|id [iov sv

[the] LORD God], No way should [ stay my spirit] with

xoic; avGpcb7roic; xotixoic; 8id xo sivai auxotic; adprac;

these men, on account of their being flesh;

saovxai 8s ai rjjispai auxebv SKaxov eixoaiv sxrj 4 +

[ will be and their days] a hundred twenty years.



8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

01 8s yiyavxsc; fjaav S7U zr\q yr\q sv

And the giants were upon the earth in

xaic; rjjiepaic; SKsivaic; Kai jisx' sksivo coc; av

those days. And after that, [ continually

sias7iopsDOVxo oi dioi tod 0sod itpoq xac; 0Dyaxspaq

entered the sons of God] to the daughters

xcov av0pcb7icov Kai syswcbaav saDxok; sksivoi fjaav

of men, and procreated for themselves. Those were

oi yiyavxsc; oi an aicbvoc; oi dv6pco7roi

the giants, the [ones] from [the] eon, the [ men

oi ovojiaaxoi 5 + i5cbv 8s icupioq o 0s6c; 6x1

renowned]. [beholding And [the] LORD God] that

S7iAr|0DV0r|aav ai Kondai xcov av0pcb7icov S7i( Tr\q yr\q

[ were multiplying the evils of men] upon the earth,

Kai iiaq nq 8iavos(xai sv xr| Kap8(a aDxoD S7ii|isAxbc;

and all that [man] considered in his heart [was] diligently

S7Ti xa 7iovr|pd ndaaq xaq r||ispac; 6+ Kai

upon the wicked [things] all the days, and

svs0D|xq0r| o 0s6c; 6x1 S7iorr|as xov dv0pco7iov S7U xrjc;

God pondered that he made the man upon the

yrjc; Kai 8isvof|0r| 7 + Kai sircsv o 0s6c; a7iaXsnj/co xov

earth, and he considered [it]. And [ said God], I will wipe away the

dv0pco7iov ov 87io(r|aa arco 7ipoaco7i;oD xrjc; yr\q arco

man, whom I made, from [the] face of the earth; from

av0pcb7roi) scoc; kxt|vodc; Kai ano sprcsxcbv scoc; xcov

man unto beast, and from [the] reptiles unto the

7isxsivcbv xod ODpavoD 6x1 |isxs|isAr|0r|v 6x1 87io(r|aa

winged creatures of the heaven; for I repented that I made

aDxotic; s + Ncbe 8s sups xdpiv svavxiov KopioD

them. But Noah found favor before [the] LORD

xod 0sod 9 + atixai 8s ai ysvsasic; Nebs Ncbe

God. And these [are] the origins of Noah. Noah

dv0pco7roc; SiKaioq xsA^sioc; cov ev xr| ysvsd aDxoD

[ man [was a] just] being perfect in his generation;

xco 0scb 8DT|psaxr|ae Nebs 10+ syswrjas 8e Nebs xpsic;

[to God was well-pleasing Noah]. [procreated And Noah] three

viovq xovSr||i xov Xa|i xov Idtps0 n+ S(p0dpr| 8e r|

sons, Shem, Ham, Japheth. [ was corrupt But the

yr| svavxiov xod 0sod Kai S7rAx|a0r| r| yr| aSiKiaq 12 +

earth] before God, and [ was filled the earth] [with] iniquity.

Kai s(8s KDpioq o 0s6c; xrjv yrjv Kai rjv

And [ beheld [the] LORD God] the earth, and it was


8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

Kax8(p6ap|isvr| 6xi KaxscpGsips 7idaa aap£,

being corrupted, for [ corrupted all flesh]

ttjv o86v avzov sm xrjc; yr\q 13 + Kai si7is Kopioc;

his way upon the earth. And [ said [the] LORD

o Bsoc; too Ncos Kaipoc; 7iavx6c; av6pco7rou fjKsi

God] to Noah, Time for every man comes

svavxiov (iod on 87iA,f|a6r| r| yr| aSiKiac; an auxcov

before me; for [ is filled the earth] [with] iniquity by means of them.

Kai i8oi3 sycb KaxacpGsipco auxouc; Kai xrjv yrjv u+

And behold, I lay them waste, and the earth.

7rovr|aov odv asauxcb kiPcoxov sk ^6A,cov xsxpaycbvcov

Make then for yourself an ark from [ wood four-cornered] !

voaaidq 7ioif|GSic; Kaxd xrjv kiPcoxov Kai

Nested [compartments] you shall make among the ark, and

aacpaAxcbasic; avTT\v sacoOsv Kai s^coGsv xr|

you shall apply asphalt to it — from inside and from outside with the

aacpdAxco 15+ Kai otixco 7ioif|asic; xrjv kiPcoxov

asphalt. And so you shall make the ark —

xpiaKocricov 7ir|%scov xo jifjKoq xrjc; kiPcoxotj Kai

three hundred cubits the length of the ark, and

7T£vxfjKovxa 7rr|%scov xo ftiaxoc; Kai xpidKovxa 7ir|%scov

fifty cubits the width, and thirty cubits

xo v\\foq auxfjc; 16+ S7iiaDvdycov 7ioif|osic; xov kiPcoxov

the height of it. By an assembling, you shall make the ark;

Kai sic; nr\%vv aDvxsAiasic; auxfjv dvcoBsv xrjv 8s

and by a cubit you shall complete it from above; but the

0i3pav xrjc; KiPcoxoi) 7ioif|asic; sk 7iA,ay(cov Kaxdyaia

door of the ark you shall make from out of [the] side. [ with ground

8icbpocpa Kai xpicbpocpa 7ioif|asic; avTr\v 17+ sycb 8s

second stories and third stories You shall make it]. And I,

idov S7idyco xov KaxaK?u)a|i6v vdcop S7U xrjv yrjv

behold, I bring the flood of water upon the earth

KaxacpGsipai 7idaav adpra sv r| saxi 7wsi3|ia ^cofjq

to lay waste all flesh in which is a breath of life

D7TOKdxco xod oupavou Kai 60a av T| S7ii xrjc; yrjc;

underneath the heaven. And as much as might be upon the earth

xsA,si)xf|asi 18+ Kai axfjaco xrjv SiaGrpcqv [iov 7ipoc; as

shall come to an end. And I will establish my covenant with you.

siaslstiarj 8s sic; xrjv kiPcoxov gv Kai 01 moi gov Kai

And you shall enter into the ark, you and your sons, and

r| ywq aov Kai ai yovaixsc; xcov mcov gov jisxd gov

your wife, and the wives of your sons with you.



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01 - Genesis

19+ Kai a7TO 7T&amp;VTCDV XCOV KTTjVCbv Kai a7TO 7T&amp;VTCDV

And from all the cattle, and from all

xcov sp7isxcov Kai arco rcavxcov xcov Grjpicov Kai a7io

the reptiles, and from all the wild beasts, and from

7rdar|c; aapKoc; dvo dvo arco 7rdvTCOV siad^sic; sic; xrjv

all flesh, two by two from all you shall bring into the

kiPcotov (va xpscprjc; jisxd asai)xcn3 dpasv Kai

ark, that you may maintain [them] with yourself — male and

dr\kv saovxai 20+ arco rcavxcov xcov opvscov Kaxd

female they shall be. From all the fowl according to

ysvoc; Kai a7io rcavxcov xcov Kxrjvcbv Kaxd ysvoc; Kai

type, and from all the cattle according to type, and

arco 7idvxcov xcov sp7isxcov xcov sprcovxcov 87ii xrjc; yr\q

from all the reptiles crawling upon the earth

Kaxd ysvoc; auxcbv dvo dvo arco 7idvxcov

according to their type; two by two from all

siasXsuaovxai npoq as xpscpsaGai jisxd gov dpasv

shall enter to you, to be maintained with you, male

Kai dr\kv 21 + ai) 5s Xr\\\fr\ asauxco arco 7idvxcov xcov

and female. But you shall take to yourself from all of the

Ppcojidxcov a s8sa6s Kai awd^sic; 7ipoc;

foods which you shall eat, and you shall bring [them] together to

asaDxov Kai saxai aoi Kai sksivoic; cpaysiv 22+ Kai

yourself, and it shall be to you and to them to eat. And

S7io(r|as Nebs 7idvxa 6aa svsxsiAxxxo auxcb Kopioc;

Noah did all as much as [ gave charge to him [the] LORD

o Gsoc; ouxcoc; S7iovr|as

God] - so he did.

7 T

1 + Kai si7is Kupioq o Gsoc; 7ipoc; Nebs siasXGs ai) Kai

And [ said [the] LORD God] to Noah, Enter, you and

7iac; o oikoc; aou sic; xrjv kiPcoxov 6x1 as s(5ov

all your house into the ark! for I beheld you

Sucaiov svavxiov jiod sv xrj ysvsd xatixrj 2+ arco 8s

[as] just before me among this generation. And of

xcov Kxrjvcbv xcov KaGapcov siadyays 7ipoc; as S7ixd

the [ cattle clean], bring in for yourself seven

S7ixd dpasv Kai dr\kv arco 8s xcov Kxrjvcbv xcov |ir|

[by] seven, male and female! but from the cattle of the ones not

KaGapcov 8t3o 8t3o dpasv Kai dr\kv 3 + Kai arco xcov

clean, two by two, male and female. And from the


7 T ev tootco + viica 01 - Genesis


winged creatures of the heaven, of the clean, seven [by] seven,

dpasv Kai dr\kv Kai arco 7idvTC0v tcov 7iSTSivcbv

male and female; and from all the winged creatures

xcov jlxti KaGapcbv 8do 8do dpasv Kai dr\kv

of the ones not clean, two by two, male and female,

8iaGps\j/ai o7isp|ia S7ri rcdaav rqv yrjv 4 + STiyap

to maintain seed upon all the earth. For yet

r||ispcbv 87ixd sycb 87idyco dstov sm tt|v yrjv

[ days seven] I will bring rain upon the earth

TsaaapdKovxa rjjiepaq Kai xeoaapdKovxa vvKTaq Kai

forty days and forty nights. And

s^a^snj/co 7iav to avdarqiia o S7roir|aa and

I will wipe away every height which I made from

7ipoacb7iOD 7idar|c; Tr\q yr\q 5+ Kai 87io(r|as Nebs 7idvTa

[the] face of all the earth. And Noah did all

6aa svstsiAxxto aDicb K^pioq o Gsoq 6 + Nebs 8s rjv

as much as [ gave charge to him [the] LORD God]. And Noah was

sxcbv s^aKoaicov Kai o KaxaKlDajioq tod DSaxoq

[ years [old] six hundred], and the flood of the water

sysvsxo S7U Tr\q yr\q 1+ siafjXGs 8s Nebs Kai

came upon the earth. [ entered And Noah], and

01 Dioi aDTOD Kai r| yDvfj aDTOD Kai ai yDvaiKsq

his sons, and his wife, and the wives


of his sons with him, into the ark, because of the


water of the flood. And from the winged creatures

tcov KaGapcbv Kai arco tcov 7iSTSivcbv tcov (ir|

of the clean, and from the winged creatures of the ones not

KaGapcbv Kai ano tcov kttjvcov tcov KaGapcbv Kai

clean, and from the cattle of the ones clean, and

ano tcov kttjvcov tcov \n\ KaGapcbv Kai anb tcov

from the cattle of the ones not clean, and from the

Grjpicov Kai arco 7idvTC0V tcov sp7i6vTCOV S7i( Tr\q yr\q

wild beasts, and from all of the ones crawling upon the earth,

9 + 8do 8do siafjA.Gov itpoq Nebs sic; ttjv kiPcotov

two by two they entered with Noah into the ark,

dpasv Kai Grpu) KaGd svstsiAxxto aDTcb o Gsoq 10+ Kai

male and female, as [ gave charge to him God]. And

sysvsTO jiSTd Tac; S7rcd ruispaq Kai to D8cop tod

it came to pass after the seven days, and the water of the

7 T ev tootco + vtica 01 - Genesis

KaxaKXi)a|ioT3 sysvsxo S7i( xrjc; jr\q n+ ev xeo

flood came upon the earth. In the

s^aKoaioaxeb sxsi sv xr| ^eofj xodNcos xod 8suxspou

six hundredth year in the life of Noah, the second

jirjvoq ep86|ir| Kai 8iKd5i xou jirjvoq xr| rijispa xatixrj

month, seventh and twentieth of the month, [in] this day,

sppdyrjaav 7idaai ai 7ir|yai xrjc; aptiaaoi) Kai 01

[tore all the springs of the abyss], and the

Kaxapp&amp;Kxai xou oupavou r|vseb%6r|aav n+ Kai

torrents of the heaven were opened. And

sysvsxo usxoc; S7ri xrjq yrjq xsooapdKovxa r||ispac; Kai

[ was rain] upon the earth forty days and

xsaaapdKovxa vtiKxac; n+ sv xrj r||ispa xatixrj siafjABs

forty nights. In this day entered

Nebs Sr|(i Xaji IdcpsG 01 men Nebs Kai rj ywq Nebs

Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth, the sons ofNoah, and the wife ofNoah,

Kai ai xpsiq yDvaiKsq xeov mebv avzov jisx' avzov sic;

and the three wives of his sons with him into

xrjv Kipeoxov 14+ Kai rcdvxa xa Grjpia Kaxd ysvoq

the ark. And all the wild beasts according to type,

Kai 7idvxa xa Kxfjvrj Kaxd ysvoq Kai 7iav sp7isxov

and all the cattle according to type, and every reptile

kivot3|isvov S7ii xrjc; yr\q Kaxd ysvoq Kai 7iav

moving upon the earth, according to type, and every

7isxsiv6v Kaxd ysvoc; 15+ SKxqXGov npoq Nebs sic; xrjv

winged creature according to type, they entered with Noah, into the

Kipeoxov 6vo dvo dpasv Kai dr\kv anb 7idar|c; aapKoc;

ark, two by two, male and female, from all flesh

sv eo saxi 7wsi3|ia ^eofjq 16+ Kai xa sia7iopsi)6|isva

in which there is a breath of life. And the [ones] entering,

dpasv Kai dr\kv anb 7idar|c; aapKoc; siaf|A,0s KaGd

male and female, from all flesh, entered as

svsxsiAxxxo o Gsoc; xeo Nebs Kai SK^sias Kopioc; o Gsoc;

God gave charge [to] Noah. And [ locked [the] LORD God]

xrjv Kipeoxov s^eoGsv ai)xoi3 17+ Kai sysvsxo o

the ark from outside of it. And came to pass the

KaxaK^Dajioq xsaoapdKovxa rjiispaq Kai xsaaapdKovxa

flood forty days and forty

vuKxac; Kai S7iAr|0i)v0r| xo i35eop Kai S7if|ps xrjv

nights. And [ multiplied the water] and lifted up the

Kipeoxov Kai D\j/ebGr| anb xrjc; yrjc; i 8 + Kai srcsKpdxsi

ark, and raised it up high from the earth. And [ prevailed


8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

to D8cop Kai S7iAr|0DVSTO acp65pa em Tr\q jr\q Kai

the water] and multiplied exceedingly upon the earth. And

S7T8(p8pSTO T| KlPcOTOCJ £7ldvC0 TOD DSaTOC; 19+ TO 5s

[ was borne the ark] upon the water. But the

D5cop £7iSKp&amp;TSi atp65pa acp68pa £7U Tr\q yr\q Kai

water prevailed exceedingly exceedingly upon the earth, and

£Kakv\\f£ 7idvTa Ta 6pr| TaD\j/r|Axx a r|v D7roKdTC0

covered all the [ mountains high] which [were] underneath

tod ODpavoD 20+ 8sKa7isvT8 7rf|%eic; S7idvco D\j/CO0r| TO

the heaven. Fifteen cubits above was [ raised the

D8cop Kai 87isKdXD\j/8 7idvTa Ta 6pr| TaD\j/r|Xd 21 +

water], and it covered over all the [ mountains high].

Kai a7i86av8 7idaa aap^ kivod|I£VT| em Tr\q yr\q tcov

And there died all flesh moving upon the earth of the

7r8T8ivcbv Kai tcov KTTjvcbv Kai a7io Grjpicov Kai 7iav

winged creatures, and of the cattle, and from wild beasts, and every

8P71STOV KIVODJI8VOV 8711 TTjq jT\q Kai 7iaq dv0pco7iO(;

reptile moving upon the earth, and every man,

22+ Kai 7idvTa 6aa 8%8i 7rvof|v ^cofjq Kai 7iav o rjv

and all as much as have [the] breath of life, and all which was

87i( Tr\q ^npdq a7i86av8 23+ Kai s^r\ks\\\fs 7iav

upon the dry [land] died. And he wiped away every

to avdaTT||ia o rjv 87U 7rpoacb7iOD 7idar|(; rr|c; yr\q

height which was upon [the] face of all the earth,

a7i6 av9pcb7ioD scoq \ccr\vovq Kai 8p7i8Tcbv Kai tcov

from man unto beast, and reptiles, and the

7r8T8ivcbv tod ODpavoD Kai 8^T|A,8icp6r|aav a7io Tr\q

winged creatures of the heaven; and they were wiped away from the

yr\q Kai KaT8A,8icp0r| jiovoq Nebs Kai 01 jist' aDTOD

earth; and he left behind only Noah and the ones with him

sv ttj kiPcotco 24+ Kai d\j/co6t| to D8cop a7i6 TT\q

in the ark. And [ was raised up high the water] from the

yr\q rjjispac; sraTOV 7isvTfiK0VTa

earth [ days a hundred fifty]-

8 n

1 + Kai avejivfjaGrj o dsoq tod Nebs Kai 7idvTCOv tcov

And God called to mind Noah, and all of the

Grjpicov Kai 7idvTCOv tcov Krrjvcbv Kai 7idvTCOv tcov

wild beasts, and all of the cattle, and all of the

7l8TSlVCbv Kai 7ldVTC0V TCOV Sp7TSTCbv 6aa T|V (I8T'

winged creatures, and all of the crawling [things], as much as was with


8 n sv tootco + viica 01 - Genesis

avTOV sv tt| Kipcoxcb Kai S7if|yaysv o Gsoc; 7rvsD|ia S7ri

him in the ark. And God brought a wind upon

xrjv yrjv Kai eKOftaas to i38cop 2 + Kai a7T£KaA,D(p0r|aav

the earth, and [abated the water]. And were revealed

ai 7ir|yai Tr\q afivaaov Kai 01 Kaxapp&amp;Kiai tod

the springs of the abyss and the torrents of the

ODpavoD Kai aDvsaxsGrj o dstoc; arco tod ODpavoD 3 +

heaven. And [ was constrained the rain] from the heaven.

Kai £vs5i8od to DSoop 7iopsu6|ievov arco Tr\q yr\q Kai

And [ gave way the water] going from the earth; and


[ was lessened the water] after fifty and a hundred

rjjispac; 4+ Kai eraGiaev r| kiPcdtoc; sv too sp86|ico

days. And [ settled the ark] in the seventh

[ir\vi 8p86|ir| Kai 8iKd8i tod jirjvoc; S7ri Ta oprj

month, [the] seventh and twentieth of the month, upon the mountains

TaApapdT 5+ to 8s D8cop 7iopsD6|isvov rj^aTTOVODTO

of Ararat. And the water going forth lessened

eooc; too SeKdTCO [ir\voq tt| 7ipcbTr| tod [ir\v6q

unto the tenth month. In the first of the month,

cbcpBrjaav ai KscpaAm tcov opscbv 6 + Kai sysvsTO jiSTd

[appeared the heads of the mountains]. And it came to pass after

TsaaapdKovTa r||iepac; rjveco^eNcbs tt|v 9Dp(8a Tr\q

forty days, Noah opened the window of the

kiPcotod Tjv £7rorr|a£ Kai a7isa8TSiX8 tov KopaKa

ark which he made. And he sent forth the crow

TOD l8siV 81 KSK07raK8 to D8cop 7 + Kai e^eXGcbv

to see if [ abated the water]. And going forth

odk avscrcpsysv scoq tod ^rjpavGfjvai to D8cop arco

it returned not until the drying of the water from

Tr\q yr\q 8 + Kai a7isoT8iA,s tt|v 7i8piaTspdv O7r(aco

the earth. And he sent the dove after

aDTOD i8siv si K8K67iaKs to D8oop arco Tr\q yr\q 9 +

it to see if [ abated the water] from the earth.

Kai od% SDpoDaa r| 7iepiaTspd avd7iaDaiv

And [ no finding the dove] rest

TOiq 7TOaiV aDTTjq aV80Tp8\j/8 7ipO(; aDTOV 8iq TTJV

for her feet, returned to him into the

kiPcotov 6ti D8cop t|v 87i( 7iav to 7ip6oco7rov Tr\q yr\q

ark, for water was upon all the face of the earth.

Kai 8KT8ivac; tt|v %s(pa eAxxPsv aDTf|v npoq avzov

And stretching out the hand, he took her to himself,


8 n sv tootco + viica 01 - Genesis

Kai siafjyaysv aDTfjv sic; ttjv kiPootov 10+ Kai S7iia%obv

and he brought her into the ark. And waiting

sti rjjiepaq S7rcd STspac; nakxv s^a7isaTSiXs ttjv

still [ days seven another], again he sent out the

7ispioTspdv 8K Tr\q kiPodtod n+ Kai avs&lt;ycps\j/s 7ipoc;

dove from the ark. And [ returned to

avTOV r| 7rspiaTsp&amp; Kai 81X8 (pvXXov sAmac; Kdpcpoq

him the dove]; and she had [ leaf of an olive a twig]

sv tod aiojiaxi avTT\q Kai syvco Nebs on KSKorcaKs to

in her mouth; and Noah knew that [ abated the

i35cop arco Tr\q yr\q 12 + Kai S7iio%cov sti rjjispaq S7rxd

water] from the earth. And waiting still [ days seven

sxspaq nakiv s^a7TSoxsiXs xrjv 7rspiaxspdv Kai

another]; again he sent out the dove; and

od 7ipoas0STO tod S7iiaTps\j/ai npoq avzov sti 13 + Kai

she proceeded not to return to him again. And

sysvsxo sv too svi Kai s^aKoaiocrcob stsi sv ttj ^oafj

it came to pass in the one and six hundredth year in the life


of Noah, the first month, [day] one of the month, [ subsided

to D5oop arco Tr\q yr\q Kai a7rsKdA,D\j/s Nobs tt|v

the water] from the earth. And Noah uncovered the

cjTsyrjv tt|c; KipooTOD rjv S7io(r|as Kai s(5sv 6ti

roof of the ark which he made. And he beheld that

s^sXurs to D5oop arco 7rpoaob7iOD Tr\q yr\q i 4 +sv8s too

[ subsided the water] from [the] face of the earth. And in the

|ir|v( 8sDTspoo sp86|ir| Kai siKd8i tod jirjvoq

[ month second], seventh and twentieth of the month,

s^rjpdvGrj r| yr| 15+ Kai si7is Kopioc; o Gsoq npoq

[was dried the earth]. And [said [the] LORD God] to

Nebs Aiyeov i 6 + s^sA£s sk Tr\q kiPodtod cjd Kai

Noah, saying, Come forth from out of the ark, you and

T| yDvf| aoD Kai 01 dioi aoD Kai ai yDvaiKsq

your wife, and your sons, and the wives

TeovDiebvooD jiSTd aoD 17+ Kai 7idaa aap^ and

of your sons with you! And all flesh from


winged creatures unto cattle, and every reptile moving

S7U Tr\q yr\q s^dyays jiSTd asaDTOD Kai aD^dvsaGs

upon the earth, lead out with yourself! And grow

Kai 7iAr|0Dvsa0s S7U Tr\q yr\q i 8 + Kai s^fjABsNobs Kai

and multiply upon the earth! And Noah came forth, and


9 Q ev tootco + vtica 01 - Genesis

r| yi)vf| ai)TOD Kai 01 dioi aDxoD Kai ai yovaiKec;

his wife, and his sons, and the wives

xcov dicov clvtov jisx' aDxoD i 9 + Kai rcdvxa xa Grjpia

of his sons with him. And all the wild beasts,

Kai rcdvxa xa Kxfjvrj Kai 7iav tcsxsivov Kai 7iav

and all the cattle, and every winged creature, and every

sp7isx6v kivodjisvov 87ii xrjc; yrjc; Kaxd yevoc; aDxcbv

reptile moving upon the earth, according to their type,

e^fjXGoaav 8K xrjc; kiPcoxod 20+ Kai coKo86|ir|as Nebs

came forth from the ark. And Noah built

9i)aiaaxfjpiov xco Kopico Kai elapev and rcavxcov xcov

an altar to the LORD. And he took from all the

Kxrjvcbv xcov KaGapcbv Kai ano rcavxcov xcov 7isxsivcbv

[ cattle clean], and from all the [ winged creatures

xcov KaGapcbv Kai avfjvsyKsv sic; oXoKdDxcoaiv S7ri

clean], and offered [them] for a whole burnt-offering upon

xo Gi)aiaaxfjpiov 21 + Kai coacppavGrj Kopioc; oajxfjv

the altar. And [the] LORD smelled [the] scent

si)co5(ac; Kai si7is Kopioc; o Geoc; SiavorjGsfc;

of pleasant aroma. And [said [the] LORD God], [In] considering,

od 7rpoaGfjaco sxi KaxapdaaaGai xrjv yrjv 8id xa

I will not add yet to curse the earth on account of the

spy a xcov avGpcb7icov 6x1 syKeixai r| 5idvoia

works of men, for [ clings the thought

xod avGpcb7ioD £7U xa 7iovr|pd sk veoxrjxoc; aDxoD

of man] upon the wicked [things] from his youth.

od 7ipoaGfjaco odv sxi 7iaxd^ai rcdaav adpKa

I will not add then still to strike all [ flesh

^cbaav KaGcbq £7iorr|aa 22+ naaaq xac; ruispaq xrjc; yr\q

living] as I did. All the days of the earth,

o7i8p|ia Kai Gepiajioc; \|/d%oc; Kai KaDjia Gepoc; Kai

seed and harvest, chilliness and sweltering heat, summer and

sap rjjiepav Kai VDKxa od Kaxa7iaDaoDai

spring, day and night, will not be caused to cease.

9 13

1 + Kai 8DA,6yr|asv o Geoc; xov Nebs Kai xodc; diodc; aDxoD

And God blessed Noah, and his sons,

Kai 817T8V aDxoiq aD^dveaGe Kai 7iAx|GDveaGe Kai

and said to them, Grow and multiply, and

7iAr|pcbaax£ xrjv yrjv Kai KaxaKopisDaaxe aDxfjc; 2 + Kai

fill the earth, and dominate it! And


8V TOUT© + VlKa
01 - Genesis

0 cpopoq djicov Kai o xpojioc; saxai S7i( 7idai xoic;

the fear of you and trembling will be upon all the

Grjpioic; xrjc; yr\q £7ri 7cdvxa xa 7isxsivd xod ODpavcro

wild beasts of the earth, upon all the winged creatures of the heaven,

Kai S7i( 7idvxa xa Kivotijisva £7U xrjc; yr\q Kai sm

and upon all the [things] moving upon the earth, and upon

7rdvxac; zovq \%dvaq xrjc; dakaaar\q vno %e(pac;

all the fishes of the sea. Under [your] hands

i)|i(v 8e8coKa 3+ Kai 7iav 8p7i8x6v o saxi ^cov

1 have given [them] to you. And every reptile which is living

D|i(v saxai sic; Ppcbaiv coc; Xd%ava %6pxou 8e8coKa

shall be to you for food; as [ vegetation of grass I have given

djiiv xaftdvxa 4 + 7iAx|v Kpsac; sv aijiaxi ^\fv%r\q ov

to you all]. Except [meat with [the] blood of life you shall not

cpdyeaGs 5 + Kai yap xo Djisxspov aijia xcov

eat]. For even your blood— of the [blood]

\\fv%(bv Djicbv sk xzipoq 7idvxcov xcov Grjpicov SK^rjxfjaco

of your lives at [the] hand of all the wild beasts I shall require

ai)xo Kai sk %eipoc; av6pcb7roi) aSeAxpoi) SK^rjxfjoco

it, and from [the] hand of a man's brother I shall require

ai)xo 6+ o sk%8cgv aijia av0pcb7roi) avxi

it. The one shedding blood of a man, in return

xod aijiaxoc; auxcro eK%i)9f|aexai 6x1 sv eiKovi 6sot3

his blood shall be shed; for in [the] image of God

S7io(r|aa xov dv9pco7iov 7+i)|isk;8e ai)^dvea0e Kai

I made the man. But you grow, and

7rAr|6i)vsa0£ Kai 7iAx|pcbaaxe xrjv yrjv Kai 7cAx|9i)vea0e

multiply, and fill the earth, and multiply

87i( xrjc; yrjc; 8 + Kai si7C8v o Geoc; xcoNcbs Kai

upon the earth! And God said to Noah, and

xoic; vioq avzov Aiycov 9+18013 sycb av(axr||ii

to his sons, saying, Behold, I raise up

xrjv 8ia6fjKT|v [iov djiiv Kai xco a7csp|iaxi djicov jisG'

my covenant to you, and [to] your seed after

Djidq 10+ Kai 7cdar| \\fv%r\ Cfbar\ |ie9' ujicbv a7co

you, and every [ soul living] after you, from

opvecov Kai a7co Kxrjvcbv Kai 7cdai xoiq Gripioiq xrjc;

fowls and from cattle, and with all the wild beasts of the

yrjc; 6aa eaxi jisG' djicov a7c6 7cdvxcov xcov

earth, as many as are with you, from all the ones

s^sXGovxcov sk xrjc; kiPcoxctd u+ Kai axfjaco

coming forth from out of the ark. And I will establish


9 0 sv tootco + vtica 01 - Genesis

xrjv 8ia6fiKr|v jiod itpoq v[idq Kai odk a7co0avsrcai

my covenant with you, and [ will not die

7idaa aap^ sti arco tod vdaxoq tod KaT aKA,D g |iod

all flesh] any longer from the water of the flood;

Kai odk scrcai sti KaTaK^Dajioq d5(xtoc;

and there shall not be any longer a flood of water

tod KorcacpBsipai rcdoav tt|v yrjv n + Kai sitcsv o Gsoc;

to lay waste all the earth. And God said

rcpoc; Nebs todto to crqiisiov Tr\q 8ia9f|Kr|c; o sycb

to Noah, This [is] the sign of the covenant which I

8(8co|ii avajisaov sjiod Kai djicov Kai avajisaov

execute between me and you, and between

7idar|c; \\fv%r\q Cfbar\q 6aa scrci |is0' Djicbv sic;

every [ soul living], as many as are with you for

ysvsdc; aicovioDc; 13 + to to^ov jiod Ti9r||ii sv tt| vscpsAxj

[ generations eternal]. [ my bow I put] in the cloud,

Kai scrcai sic; ar||isk&gt;v SiaGfjKqc; avajisaov s|iod Kai

and it will be for a sign of covenant between me and

Tr\q yr\q 14 + Kai scrcai sv tco aDWScpsiv |is vscps^ac; sm

the earth. And it will be in my collecting together [the] clouds upon

ttjv yrjv ocpGfjosTai to to^ov sv ttj vscpsArj 15+ Kai

the earth, [ will be seen the bow] in the cloud. And

|ivr|a0f|ao|iai rr|c; 8ia0f|Kr|c; |iod r\ saTiv avajisoov

I will remember my covenant which is between

sjiod Kai Djicbv Kai avajisaov 7cdar|c; yv%r\q Cfbar\q

me and you, and between every [ soul living]

sv 7cdcrq aapKi Kai odk scrcai sti to D8cop

among all flesh. And there will not be any longer the water

sic; KaTaKA,Da|i6v coots s^a^suj/ai 7cdaav adpKa 16 +

for a flood so as to wipe away all flesh.

Kai scrcai to to^ov jiod sv tt| vscpsArj Kai oyojiai

And [ will be my bow] in the cloud; and I will see

aDTTjv tod (ivr|a6f|vai 8ia6f|Kr|v aicbviov avajisaov

it to remember [ covenant [the] eternal] between

sjiod Kai Tr\q yr\q Kai avajisaov yv%r\q Cfbar\q r\

me and the earth, and between [ soul [the] living] which

screw sv 7cdai aapKi S7ci Tr\q yr\q 17+ Kai si7csv o 6s6c;

is in all flesh upon the earth. And God said

tco Nebs todto to ar||is(ov Tr\q 8ia6f|Kr|c; r\q

to Noah, This [is] the sign of the covenant of which

8is0s|ir|v avajisaov sjiod Kai avajisaov 7cdar|c;

I ordained between me and between all



01 - Genesis

aapKoq r| saxiv S7ri xrjc; jr\q ls+fjaavSs 01 dioi

flesh which is upon the earth. And these were the sons

Nebs 01 s^sX06vxsc; sk Tr\q Kipcoxoi) Sr||i Xa|i

of Noah, the ones coming forth from the ark, Shem, Ham,

Ideps0 Xaji 5s r|v 7iaxf|p Xavadv 19+ xpsic; odxoi siaiv

Japheth. And Ham was father of Canaan. These three are

01 dioi Nebs goto xotixeov 5isa7idpr|aav S7i( 7idaav

the sons of Noah. From these, [men] were disseminated upon all

tt|v yrjv 20+ Kai fjp^axo Nebs dv0peo7ioc; yseopyoc;

the earth. And [ began Noah [the] man] [to be a] farmer

yr\q mi sepDxsDasv a|i7isAxbva 21+ Kai S7iisv sk tod

of [the] land. And he planted a vineyard, and drank from the

oivod Kai s|is0Da0r| Kai syD|iveb0r| sv xeo oiKeo aDxoD

wine, and became intoxicated, and became naked in his house.

22+ Kai s(5s Xaji o 7iaxf|p Xavadv xr|v yDjiveooiv

And [ looked at Ham the father of Canaan] the nakedness

tod nazpoq aDxoD Kai s^sA£ebv avfjyysi^s xoic; Sdcjiv

of his father; and going forth, he announced [it] [ two

adskqoiq aDxoD s^eo 23+ Kai XafiovTsq 2r||i Kai IdepsG

brothers to his] outside. And [ taking Shem and Japheth]

to ijidxiov S7TS0SVTO S7U xa 8do vebxa aDxebv Kai

the cloak, placed [it] upon [ two backs their], and

S7iopsD0r|aav O7iia0o(pavebc; Kai aDVSKdA,D\j/av xrjv

went backwards, and they covered up the

yDjiveoaiv xod nazpoq aDxebv Kai xo 7ip6aeo7iov aDxebv

nakedness of their father; and their face

O7iia0oepavebc; Kai xrjv yDjiveoaiv xod nazpoq aDxebv

[was] backwards, and [ the nakedness of their father

odk s(5ov 24+ s^svr|\j/s 8s Nebs arco xod oivod Kai

they did not look at]. [sobered up And Noah] from the wine, and

syveo 60a S7io(r|asv aDxeb o vioq aDxoD o vsebxspoq

knew as much as [ did to him son his younger].

25+ Kai si7rsv sftiKaxapaxoc; Xavadv naiq oiKsxrjc;

And he said, Accursed [be] Canaan — a child, [ a domestic servant

saxai xoic; aSsAxpofc; aDxoD 26 + Kai si7isv SDXoyrjxoq

he will be] [to] his brothers. And he said, Blessed [be]

KDpioq o 0s6c; xod Sr||i Kai saxai Xavadv naiq

[the] LORD God of Shem, and Canaan will be [ servant

OlKSXTj(^ aDXOD 27 + 7iA,axDvai o 0s6q xeo Ideps0 Kai

domestic his]. May God widen to Japheth, and

KaxoiKTjadxeo sv xoic; aKTjveojiaai xod Sr||i Kai

let him dwell in the tents of Shem, and



8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis
ysvr|0r|TCD Xavaav naiq aDxebv 2 8+ s^r|as 5s Nebs jisxd

let Canaan become their servant. [ lived And Noah] after

xov KaxaKlDajiov xpiaKooia 7isvxf|Kovxa sxrj 29

the flood three hundred fifty years. And

sysvovxo 7idaai ai rjjispai Nebs swaKoaia

[were all the days of Noah] nine hundred

7isvTfjK0VTa stt] mi arcsBavsv

fifty years, and he died.

10 •»

1 + atixai 8s ai ysvsasic; xeov Diebv Nebs £r||i Xa|i

And these [are] the generations of the sons of Noah — Shem, Ham,

IdepsG Kai syswfjGrjaav aDxofc; dioi |isxd xov

Japheth. And were born to them sons after the

KaxaKXi)a|i6v 2 + dioi IdepsG Tdjisp Kai Mayeby Kai

flood. [The] sons [] of Japheth — Gomer, and Magog, and

Ma8ai Kai Ieuoav Kai 0oPsX Kai Moaox Kai 0sipdq

Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.

3+ Kai men Tdjisp Aa%avd^ Kai PsiepdG Kai

And [the] sons of Gomer ~ Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and

©oyeopjid 4 + Kai dioi IeoDav EAiad Kai ©apasiq

Togarmah. And [the] sons of Javan — Elisha, and Tarshish,

Kixoi P68101 5 + sk xoDxeov aepeopiaGrjaav vfjaoi

Kittim, Dodanim. From out of these were separated islands

xeov sGvebv sv xrj yr| aDxebv SKaaxoq Kaxd yAxbaaav

of the nations in their land, each according to tongue,

sv xaic; epD^afc; aDxebv Kai sv xoic; sOvsaiv aDxebv 6 +

among their tribes, and among their nations.

dioi 8s Xaji Xodc; Kai Msaapasiji ®od8 Kai

And [the] sons of Ham — Cush, and Mizraim, Phut, and

Xavadv 7+ dioi 8s Xodc; £apd Kai EdsiAxx Kai

Canaan. And [the] sons of Cush — Seba and Havilah, and

SaPaGd Kai Psyjid Kai SaPaGaKd dioi 8s Psyjid

Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabtechah. And [the] sons of Raamah -

EsPa Kai Aa8dv 8 + Xodc; 8s syswrjas xovNsjiPpebS

Sheba and Dedan. And Cush procreated Nimrod.

odxoc; fjp^axo sivai yiyac; sm xrjc; yrjc; 9 + odxoc; r|v

This [one] began to be a giant upon the earth. This one was

yiyac; KDvrjyoc; svavxiov KopioD xod 9sod 8id

a giant hunter with hounds before [the] LORD God. On account of



8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

xodxo spotiaiv coc; Ns|ippcb8 yiyac; KDvrjyoc; svavxiov

this they shall say, As Nimrod a giant hunter with hounds before

KDpioi) 10 + Kai sysvsxo ap%r\ xrjc; PaoiXsiac; aDxoD

[the] LORD. And came to pass [the] beginning of his kingdom ~

BaPuAxov Kai Ops% Kai Ap%d5 Kai Xa^dwrj sv xrj

Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the

yrj Ssvadp n+ sk xrjc; yr\q sks(vt|c; s^fjX08V Aaotip

land of Shinar. From out of that land came forth Assyria.

Kai CDKo56|ir|as xt|vNivsdi Kai avajisaov Xaka% n +

And he built Nineveh, also in the midst of Calah ~

avTT\ T| noXiq |isydAr| n+ Kai Msaapasiji syswrjas

this [is] the [ city great]. And Mizraim procreated

xodc; Aoi)5i8i|i Kai xodc; NscpGoDsiji Kai zovq

the Ludim, and the Naphtuhim, and the

Aivsiajiieiji Kai todc; AaPisiji u + Kai todc;

Anamim, and the Lehabim, and the

naxpoacovisiji Kai todc; XaaXcovisiji o6sv s^rjABs

Pathrusim and the Casluhim, from where came forth

®dAkjtisi|i Kai todc; KacpGopisiji i 5 +Xavadv5s

[the] Philistines, and the Caphtorim. And Canaan

syswrjas xov£i5cbva 7ipcox6xoKov i 6 + Kai xov

procreated Sidon [the] first-born, and the

Xsxxaiov Kai xov IsPoDoaiov Kai xov Ajioppaiov

Hittite, and the Jebusite, and the Amorite,

Kai xov Tspyeoaiov Kai xov EDaiov Kai xov

and the Girgasite, and the Hivite, and the

ApoDKaiov 17+ Kai xov Aaswaiov i 8 + xov Apd5iov Kai

Arkite, and the Sinite, the Arvadite, and

xov Sajiapaiov Kai xov AjiaGi Kai jisxd xoDxa

the Zemarite, and the Hamathite, and after these

5iea7idpr|aav ai cpDAm xcov Xavavaicov 19+ Kai

were scattered the tribes of the Canaanites. And

sysvsxo xa opia xcov Xavavaicov and £i5cbvoc; scoc;

[ were the boundaries of the Canaanites] from Sidon unto

sA£srv sic; Tepapa Kai Td^av scoc; skdsiv scoc;

[the] coming into Gerar and Gaza, unto [the] coming unto

Eo86|icov Kai Tojioppac; A5ajia Kai DsPcosiji scoc;

Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboim, unto

Aaad 20+ odxoi 01 dioi Xaji sv xaic; (pvXaiq aDxcbv

Lasha. These [are] the sons of Ham among their tribes,

Kaxd yAxbaaac; aDxcbv sv xaic; x&amp;paiq aDxcbv Kai sv

according to their languages, among their regions, and among



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

01 - Genesis

TOiq S0VSOIV aDTCOV 21 + Kai TCO Sr|(I 8y8Wfj0T| Kai aDxcb

their nations. And to Shem was born, even to him,

7iaxpi 7T&amp;VTCDV xcov dicdv 'Epsp a8sAxpcb IdcpsG tod

[the] father of all the sons of Eber, brother of Japheth the

[isiCpvoq 22+ dioi £r||i AiAxxji Kai Aaotip Kai

greater. Sons of Shem — Elam, and Asshur, and

Apcpa^&amp;5 Kai Aod8 Kai Apdji Kai Kavvdv 23 + Kai

Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram, and Cainan. And

dioi Apdji Qc; Kai OvX Kai TaGsp Kai Moa6% 24 +

[the] sons of Aram — Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Mash.

Kai Apcpa^dS syswrjas xov Ka'ivdv Kai Ka'ivdv

And Arphaxad procreated Cainan; and Cainan

sysvvrjas xovSaAxx I^aka 8s syswrjos xov'Epsp 25+ Kai

procreated Salah; and Salah procreated Eber. And

TGo'Epep syswfjGrjaav 8do dioi ovojia xco svi

to Eber were born two sons, [the] name [given] to the one

OaA.SK on sv xaiq ruispaiq aDxoD 8is|isp(a9r| r| yr|

[was] Peleg; for in his days [ was divided into parts the earth];

Kai ovojia xco aSsAxpcb aDxoD IsKxdv 26+IsKxdv8s

and [the] name of his brother [was] Joktan. And Joktan

syswrjas xov IsXjioSdS Kai SaXscp Kai xov Aaapajicb0

procreated Almodad, and Sheleph, and Hazarmaveth,

Kai Iepdx 27 + Kai xov OSoppdji Kai Ai^fjX Kai AskAxx

and Jerah and Hadoram, and Uzal, and Diklah,

28+ Kai TspdA, Kai xovApijiefjl KaiSapdv 29+ Kai

and Obal and Abimael Sheba, and

ODcpeip Kai xov EdsiAxxx Kai Ioopdp 7idvxsc; odxoi

Ophir, and Havilah, and Jobab. All these

dioi IsKxdv 30 + Kai sysvsxo rj KaxoiKqaic; aDxcbv arco

[were] sons of Joktan. And [ was their dwelling] from

Maaafj sooc; sABsiv sic; Scocprjpd opoq avaxoAxbv 31 +

Mesha unto [the] coming into Sephar, a mountain of [the] east.

odxoi dioi Hr|(i sv Tmq (pvXaiq aDxcbv Kaxd

These [are] [the] sons of Shem among their tribes, according to

yXcbaaaq aDxcbv sv xaic; %(bpmq aDxcbv Kai sv

their languages, among their regions, and among

xoic; s0vsoiv aDxcbv 32 + aDxai ai (pvXai dicdv Nebs

their nations. These [are] the tribes of [the] sons of Noah,

Kaxd ysvsasiq aDxcbv Kaxd sGvrj aDxcbv anb xodxcov

according to their generations, according to their nations. From these


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VlKa
01 - Genesis

5i8a7idpr|aav vfjaoi xcov 80vcbv S7U xrjc; yr|q jisxd xov

were scattered islands of the nations upon the earth after the



11 &gt;T

i+ Kai rjv 7idaa r| yr| %£ikoq ev Kai (pcovfj [da 7idai

And [ was all the earth lip one], and [ voice one] to all.

2 + Kai sysvsxo sv xco Kivfjaai auxouc; goto avaxoAxbv

And it came to pass in their moving from [the] east,

stipov 7re5(ov sv yrj Eswadp Kai KaxcbKqaav sksi

they found a plain in [the] land of Shinar, and they dwelt there.

3 + Kai si7rsv dv0pco7roc; xco nh^aiov avzov 8st3xs

And [ said a man] to his neighbor, Come

7iAiv0ei)aco|i£V nkivdovq Kai O7ixf|aco|iev auxdc; nvpi

let us make bricks, and let us bake them in fire.

Kai sysvsxo auxofc; r| nXivdoq sic; Ai0ov Kai

And [ became to them the brick] as stone, and

dacpaAxoc; rjv auxofc; o iir(k6q 4 + Kai si7iov 8suxs

asphalt was their mortar. And they said, Come

oiKo5o|ifjaco|iev sauxofc; 7i6Aiv Kai 7r6pyov ou r|

let us build to ourselves a city and tower of which the

KstpaAxj saxai scoq xou oupavou Kai 7ioifjaco|isv

top will be unto the heaven. And let us make

sauxofo; ovojia 7ipo xod 8iaa7iapf|vai em 7rpoacb7ioD

to ourselves a name before the being scattered upon [the] face

7idar|c; xrjc; yrjc; 5 + Kai KaxsPrj Kopioc; i5s(v xrjv 7i6A.iv

of all the earth. And [the] LORD went down to look at the city

Kai xov 7r6pyov ov coKo56|ir|aav oi moi

and the tower, which [ built the sons

xcov av9pcb7icov 6 + Kai si7is Kopioc; i8oi) ysvoq sv

of men]. And [the] LORD said, Behold, [there is] [ kind one]

Kai xzikoq sv 7idvxcov Kai xouxo fjp^avxo 7roif|aai

and [ lip one] for all, and this they began to do.

xa vdv odk skAsuj/si s£, auxcbv 7idvxa 6aa av

The [things] now shall not fail from them, all as much as

87ii0cbvxai 7roi8iv ?+ 8suxs Kai Kaxapdvxsc; auyxscojisv

they might attempt to do. Come, and going down, let us confound

yAxbaaav ai)xcbv iva jlit| aKotiacoaiv sraaxoc; xrjc;

their language, that they should not [ hearken to each] the


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

cpoavfjc; tod 7iAx|ak&gt;v 8 + Kai 8iea7ceips Kopioc; aDTODq

voice of the neighbor. And [the] LORD scattered them

£K£i6ev 8711 xov 7ip6aco7iov 7r&amp;ar|c; Tr\q yr\q Kai

from there upon the face of all the earth; and

£7rm3aavTO oiko8o|iowc£c; xrjv 7i6A.iv Kai xov 7r6pyov

they ceased building the city and the tower.

9+ 8id tot3to 8KA,fj0r| to ovojia avTT\q avy%vaiq

On account of this [ was called the name of it] Confusion,

oil sksi &lt;yDVS%££ Kopioc; xa %£ikr\ 7cdar|c; xrjc; yr\q

because there [the] LORD confounded the lips of all the earth,

Kai SKsiBev 8iea7i;sipev auxotic; o Kupioc; £7U

and from there [ scattered them the LORD] upon

7cp6aco7cov 7tdar|c; xrjc; yr\q io+ Kai atixai ai ysvsaeic;

[the] face of all the earth. And these [are] the generations

Sr||i Kai Tjv Sr||i sKaxov excbv 6xs syewrjae

of Shem. And Shem was a hundred years [old] when he procreated

xov Apcpa^dS 8ei)xspoD sxodc; jisxd xov KaxaK?u)a|i6v

Arphaxad, [the] second year after the flood.

n+ Kai s^rjas Sr|(i jisxd xo yswfjaai avzoq xov Apcpa^dS

And Shem lived after his procreating Arphaxad,

7CSVXS Kai xpidKovxa Kai xpiaKoaiaq exrj Kai

five and thirty and three-hundred years, and

eyswrjasv viovq Kai Guyaxspaq Kai a7ce6avs n+ Kai

he procreated sons and daughters, and he died. And

s^rjasv Apcpa^dS SKaxov xpidKovxa 7tsvxs sxrj Kai

Arphaxad lived a hundred thirty five years, and

syewrjas xov Kaivdv n + Kai e^rjaev Apcpa^dS jisxd

he procreated Cainan. And Arphaxad lived after

xo yswfjaai arjxov xov Kaivav sxrj xpiaKoaia

his procreating Cainan, [ years three hundred

xpidKovxa Kai eyewrjaev viovq Kai Guyaxepac; Kai

thirty], and he procreated sons and daughters, and

a7C86av8 Kai e^rjae Ka'ivav SKaxov Kai xpidKovxa sxrj

he died. And Cainan lived a hundred and thirty years,

Kai syewrjae xov EaAxx Kai e^rjae Kaivav jiexd

and he procreated Salah. And Cainan lived after

xo yswfjaai arjxoo xov ^LaXa sxrj xpiaKoaia xpidKovxa

his procreating Salah, [years three hundred thirty],

Kai eyewrjaev viovq Kai Grjyaxepac; Kai a7cs0avs u +

and he procreated sons and daughters, and he died.

Kai e^rjae Said eraxov xpidKovxa sxrj Kai eyewrjae

And Salah lived a hundred thirty years, and he procreated


11 &gt;r

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01 - Genesis

xov'Epsp 15+ Kai s^rjasSaXa |isxd to yswfjaai arjxov

Eber. And Salah lived after his procreating

xov'Epep xpiaKooia xpidKovxa sxrj Kai syswrjasv

Eber, three hundred thirty years, and he procreated

viovq Kai 0rjyaxspac; Kai arcsGavs i6+ Kai s^rjasv'Epsp

sons and daughters, and he died. And Eber lived

sraxov xpidKovxa xsaaapa sxrj Kai syswrjas

a hundred thirty four years, and he procreated

xov OaXsK n+ Kai s^rjasv'Epsp jiexd xo yswfjaai arjxov

Peleg. And Eber lived after his procreating

xov OaXsK sxrj xpiaKoaia sp8o|ifjKovxa Kai syswrjasv

Peleg, [ years three hundred seventy], and he procreated

viovq Kai Grjyaxspac; Kai arcsGavs i8+ Kai s^rjas OaAiK

sons and daughters, and he died. And Peleg lived

xpidKovxa Kai SKaxov sxrj Kai syswrjas xovPayafj 19+

thirty and a hundred years, and he procreated Reu.

Kai s^rjas OaA.SK jisxd xo yswfjaai arjxov xov Payafj

And Peleg lived after his procreating Reu,

swsa Kai 5iaKoaia sxrj Kai syswrjasv viovq Kai

nine and two hundred years, and he procreated sons and

Grjyaxspac; Kai arcsGavs 20+ Kai s^rjas Payafj sraxov

daughters, and he died. And Reu lived a hundred

xpidKovxa Kai 8fjo sxrj Kai syswrjas xov £spof)% 21 +

thirty and two years. and he procreated Serug.

Kai s^rjas Payafj jisxd xo yswfjaai arjxov xov £spofj%

And Reu lived after his procreating Serug

SiaKoaia srcxd sxrj Kai syswrjasv viovq Kai

two hundred seven years, and he procreated sons and

Grjyaxspac; Kai arcsGavs 22+ Kai s^rjas £spofj% SKaxov

daughters, and he died. And Serug lived a hundred

xpidKovxa sxrj Kai syswrjas xovNa%cbp 23+ Kai

thirty years, and he procreated Nahor. And

s^rjas £spofj% jisxd xo yswfjaai arjxov xov Naxcbp sxrj

Serug lived after his procreating Nahor, [ years

SiaKoaia Kai syswrjasv viovq Kai Grjyaxspac; Kai

two hundred], and he procreated sons and daughters, and

arcsGavs 2 4+ Kai s^rjas Na%cop sxrj spSojxfjKovxa swsa

he died. And Nahor lived [ years seventy nine],

Kai syswrjas xov 0apd 25+ Kai s^rjas Naxcbp jisxd

and he procreated Terah. And Nahor lived after


11 &gt;r
ev tootco + viKa

01 - Genesis

to yewfjoai aDxov xov 0apd exrj eraxov siKoaiswea

his procreating Terah, [ years a hundred twenty-nine],

Kai syswrjasv viovq Kai 0Dyaxspac; Kai a7is6avs 26 +

and he procreated sons and daughters, and he died.

Kai s^rjas 0apd ep5o|if|Kovxa sxrj Kai eyswrjas

And Terah lived seventy years and he procreated

xov APpaji Kai xov Na%cbp Kai xov Apdv 2 ? + atixai 5e

Abram and Nahor and Haran. And these [are]

ai yevsasic; 0apd 0apd eyswrjos xov APpaji Kai

the generations of Terah. Terah procreated Abram, and

xov Na%cbp Kai xov Apdv Kai Apdv syswrjae

Nahor, and Haran. And Haran procreated

xov Acox 28 + Kai a7i80av8v Apdv svcb7iiov 0apd

Lot. And Haran died in the presence of Terah

xod nazpoq sv xr| yrj r| syswrjOrj sv xr| %cbpa

[his] father, in the land in which he was procreated, in the region

xcov XaAx)a(cov 29+ Kai elapov APpaji Kai Na%cbp

of the Chaldeans. And [ took Abram and Nahor]

eaDxofc; yvvahcaq ovojia xr| yDvaud APpaji Sdpa

to themselves wives. [The] name of the wife of Abram [was] Sarai,

Kai ovojia xt| yDvaiKi Na%cbp Ms)qa 0Dydxr|p Apdv

and [the] name of the wife of Nahor [was] Milcha, daughter of Haran.

Kai 7iaxf|p MsX%d Kai 7iaxf|p Iea%d 30+ Kai

And [he was the] father of Milcha, and father oflscah. And

rjv Sdpa axsipa Kai odk sxskvo7io(81 31+ Kai

Sarai was sterile, and not able to produce children. And

slape 0apd xov APpaji diov aDxoD Kai xov Acox diov

Terah took Abram his son, and Lot [the] son

Apdv mov xod diod aDxoD Kai xrjv Sdpav

of Haran, [the] son of his son, and Sarai

xrjv v6|i(pr|v clvtov yDvaiKa APpaji xod diod aDxoD Kai

his daughter-in-law, [the] wife of Abram his son. And

e^qyayev aDxotic; sk xrjq %(bpaq TC0V XaAx)a(cov

he led them from out of the region of the Chaldeans

7iop8D0f|vai siq xrjv yrjv Xavadv Kai f|X0ov ecoc;

to go into the land of Canaan. And they came unto

Xapdv Kai KaxcbKqaev sksi 32+ Kai eysvovxo ai

Haran and dwelt there. And were the

rjjispai 0apd sv Xapdv 8iaKoaia 7isvxs sxrj Kai

days of Terah in Haran, two hundred five years; and

arceGave 0apd sv Xapdv

Terah died in Haran.


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12 v

l + Kai 81718 KTjpiOq TCO APpajl S^sXGs 8K TT\q JT\q GOV

And [the] LORD said to Abram, Come forth from out of your land,

Kai 8K Tr\q aDyysvsiac; aoD Kai sk tod oikod

and from your kin, and from the house

tod 7raTp6c; ood Kai 8sDpo sic; tt|v yrjv r|v av

of your father, and come into the land which ever

aoi 5s(^co 2 + Kai 7roifja&lt;jo as sic; sGvoc; jisya Kai

I shall show to you. And I will make you into [ nation a great], and

SD^oyfjaco as Kai |isyaA,Dvcb to ovojid aoD Kai sarj

I will bless you, and I will magnify your name, and you will be

£DA,oyr||isvoc; 3 + Kai SD^oyfjaco todc; SD^oyowcdc; as

a blessing. And I will bless the [ones] blessing you;

Kai todc; KaTapcojisvoDc; as KaTapdaojiai Kai

and the ones cursing you, I will curse. And

svsDAx)yr|6fjaovTai sv aoi rcdaai ai cpDAm rr|c; yr\q 4 +

[ will be blessed by you all the tribes of the earth].

Kai S7iopsD9r| APpaji Ka6d7isp sAxxAxjasv aDTCO Kopioc;

And Abram went just as [ spoke to him [the] LORD].

Kai co%sto jist' aDTOD Acot APpaji 8s r|v stcov

And [ set out with him Lot]. And Abram was [ years [old]

sp5o|ir|KovTa7rsvTS 6ts s^fjXGsv sk Xapdv 5 + Kai

seventy-five] when he came forth from out of Haran. And

sXaPsv Appaji Sdpav tt|v yDvauca aDTOD Kai tov Acot

Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot

diov tod a5sAxpoD aDTOD Kai 7idvTa

[the] son of his brother, and all

Ta D7idpxovTa aDTcbv 6aa SKTfjaavTO Kai 7idaav

their possessions, as much as they acquired, and every

\j/D%f|v Tjv SKTfjaavTO sk Xapdv Kai s^fjA,6oaav

soul which they acquired from out of Haran. And they went forth

7iopsD0fjvai sic; yrjv Xavadv Kai siafjXGov sic; tt|v

to go into [the] land of Canaan. And they entered into the

yrjv Xavadv 6+ Kai 5ico5sDasv APpaji tt|v yrjv scoc;

land of Canaan. And Abram traveled through the land unto

TOD T07TOD I*V%£[1 S7U TTJV 8pDV TTJV D\J/T|Ax|V 01 5s

the place ofShechem unto the [oak high]. And the

Xavavaioi tots KaTCOKODV tt|v yrjv ?+ Kai

Canaanites then dwelt the land. And

cocpGrj KDpioq tco APpaji Kai si7isv aDTcb tco

[the] LORD appeared [to] Abram, and said to him, [ [to]


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01 - Genesis

a7csp|iaxi aoi) 8cbaco xrjv yrjv xai3xr|v Kai coKo86|ir|asv

your seed I will give this land]. And [built

sksi APpaji Guaiaaxfjpiov xco Kupico xco ocpGsvxi

there Abram] an altar to the LORD, to the one appearing

aDxcb 8+ Kai a7T8axr| sks(6sv sic; xo opoq Kaxd

to him. And he left from there into the mountain according to

avaxoldc; Bai0fjX Kai saxrjasv sksi xrjv oKTjvfjv avzov

[the] east of Beth-el. And he set up there his tent

sv BaiGfjA, Kaxd GdXaaaav Kai Ayys Kaxd

in Beth-el according to [the] west, and Hai according to

avaxoXdq Kai coKo86|masv sksi 6i)aiaaxf|piov xco

[the] east. And he built there an altar to the

Kopico Kai S7r£KaAiaaxo 8711 XCO OVOJ^iaXl KOpiOD 9 +

LORD, and he called upon the name of [the] LORD.

Kai a7if|psv APpaji Kai 7copsD0s(c; saxpaxo7cs8si)asv sv

And Abram departed; and going he encamped in

XT] 8pfj|ico io+ Kai sysvsxo Aijioc; 87ii xrjc; yrjc; Kai

the wilderness. And there was a famine upon the land. And

KaxsPrj APpaji sic; A(yi)7cxov 7capoiKf|aai sksi 6xi

Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there, for

svia%uasv o Xi[i6q S7U xrjc; yr\q n + sysvsxo 8s rjviKa

[ grew in strength the famine] upon the land. And it was when

fjyyiasv Appaji siasA£s(v sic; Aiyimxov si7csv APpaji

Abram approached to enter into Egypt, Abram said

Edpa xt| yuvaiKi auxoi) yivcbaKco sycb 6xi yvvr\

to Sarai his wife, I know that [ woman

SD7cp6aco7co(; si n+ saxai odv coc; av (8coai as 01

a good-looking you are]. It will be then as when [ shall see you the

A(yi)7cxioi spotiaiv 6xi yvvr\ auxoij saxiv ai)xf| Kai

Egyptians] they will say that his wife is this one, and

a7TOKxsvoi3ai |is as 8s 7cspi7coif|aovxai 13+ surs odv

they will kill me, [ you and procure]. Say then

6x1 aSsAxpfj avTOV sijii O7ccoc; av sd jioi ysvrjxai

that! [ his sister lam]. so that [good tome it may become]

8id as Kai ^fjasxai r| \\fv%r\ jiou svsksv aoi) 14 +

on account of you, and [ shall live my soul] because of you.

sysvsxo 8s rjviKa siafjXGsv APpaji sic; Aiyimxov

And it came to pass when Abram entered into Egypt,

iSovxsc; 01 Aiyimxioi xrjv yuvaira avzov 6x1 KaAxj

[ were looking at the Egyptians] his wife, for [ beautiful

try acp68pa 15+ Kai s(8ov auxfjv 01 dpxovxsq Oapacb

she was exceedingly]. And [beheld her the rulers of Pharaoh],


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01 - Genesis

Kai S7ifiv8oav ovtt\v npoq Oapacb Kai eiafjyayov

and praised her to Pharaoh; and they brought

auxfjv sic; xov oikov Oapacb i 6 + Kai xco APpaji sd

her into the house to Pharaoh. And [ Abram well

exprjcjavxo 81' ovtt\v Kai eyevovxo auxcb 7ip6paxa

they treated] on account of her, and there existed to him sheep,

Kai |ioo%oi Kai ovoi Kai naidsq Kai 7iai5iaKai Kai

and calves, and donkeys, and manservants, and maidservants, and

rjjjiovoi Kai KdjirjAxn 17 + Kai rycaaev o Kopioc;

mules and camels. And [the] LORD chastised

xov Oapacb sxaajioiq jieydAxnc; Kai 7iovr|po(c; Kai

Pharaoh [ chastisements [with] great and severe], and

xov oikov ovtov 7isp( Zdpac; xrjc; yovaiKoc; APpaji

his house, on account of Sarai the wife of Abram.

i8+ Kaksaaq 8s Oapacb xovAPpaji si7ie xi xouxo

[ calling And Pharaoh] Abram, said, What [is] this

£7iorr|adc; jioi 6xi odk a7ifjyysiA,dc; jioi 6xi yvvr\

you did to me, that you reported not to me that [ wife

gov saxiv 19+ ivaxi zinaq 6xi a8eAxpf| [iov eaxi Kai

she is your]? Why did you say that, [ my sister She is]; and

slapov auxfjv 8|iai)xcb eic; ywaiKa Kai vov i8ot3

I took her to myself as wife? And now, behold,

r| y wq gov svavxiov gov XaPcbv a7i6xpe%e 20 + Kai

your wife [is] before you — taking [her] run from [me] ! And

svsxsiAxxxo Oapacb avSpdai 7ispi APpaji

Pharaoh charged [the] men concerning Abram,

aD|i7rpo7i8|i\j/ai auxov Kai xrjv yuvaixa olvtov Kai

to escort him [out], and his wife, and

7idvxa 6aa rjv auxcb Kai Acox jisx' ovtov

all, as much as was his, and Lot with him.

13 r

1+ aveprj 8e APpaji Aiy67ixoi) avzoq Kai

[ ascended And Abram] from out of Egypt, he, and

T| yuvfj ovtov Kai rcdvxa xa olvtov Kai Acox jisx'

his wife, and all of his, and Lot with

ovtov sic; xrjv spfjiiov 2+ Appaji 8s rjv TtXovGioq

him, into the wilderness. And Abram was [ rich

acp68pa sv Kxfjveai Kai apyi)p(co Kai %pvGm 3+ Kai

exceedingly] in cattle, and silver, and gold. And

S7iopsT30r| 608V fjXBev eic; xrjv eprjjiov ecoc; BaiGfjX

he went from where he came into the wilderness, unto Beth-el,


13 r ev tootco + vlica 01 - Genesis


unto the place where [ was his tent formerly],

avajieaov BaiGfjX Kai avajieaov Ayys 4 + sic; tov

between Beth-el and between Hai; unto the


place of the altar which he made there at the

ap%fjv Kai 87isKaA,saaTO 8K8i APpaji to ovojia

beginning. And [ called upon there Abram the name


of [the] LORD]. And to Lot, the one going [forth] with

APpaji rjv 7ip6paTa Kai Pose; Kai KTfjvrj 6 + Kai ODK

Abram, was sheep, and oxen, and cattle. And [ did not

e%copei aDTODc; T| yr| KaTOiKsiv d|ia 6ti rjv

have space for them the land] to dwell together, for [ [were]

Ta D7idpxovTa aDTcbv TtoXka Kai odk r|8DvavTO

their possessions] many, and they were not able

KaTOiKeiv djia ?+ Kai sysvsTO |id%r| avajisaov tcov

to dwell together. And there was a battle between the

7ioi|isvcov tcov KTTjvcbv tod APpaji Kai avajieaov tcov

herdsmen of the cattle of Abram, and between the

7ioi|isvcov tcov KTTjvcbv tod Acot oi 8e Xavavaioi Kai

herdsmen of the cattle of Lot. And the Canaanites and

01 OspS^aiOl TOTS KaTCOKODV TTJV yT|V 8+ 81718 8s

the Perizzites then inhabited the land. [ said And

APpaji tco Acot |ir| sotco |idxr| avajisaov sjiod Kai

Abram] to Lot, Do not let there be a battle between me and

aoD Kai avajisaov tcov 7ioi|i8vcov aoD Kai avajieaov

you, and between your herdsmen and between

tcov 7ioi|i8vcov |iod 6ti dv0pco7ioi a8sAxpoi so|i8v r\[isiq

my herdsmen! for [men brothers are we].

9+ odk iSod 7idaa r| yr| svavTiov aoD san

[ not Behold all the earth before you is]?

8ia%copiG6r|Ti an sjiod si &lt;xo siq apiaTepd syco sic;

Part yourself from me! If you [go] to [the] left, I [will go] to

8e^id si 8e ctd eicj 8s^id eyco sicj apiaTspd 10+ Kai

[the] right; but if you [go] to [the] right, I [will go] to [the] left. And

S7idpacj Acot tod ocpBaXjioDc; aDTOD 87is(8s 7idaav tt|v

Lot, lifting up his eyes, looked upon all the

7TSpiXC0pOV TOD IopSdvOD OTl 7ldaa T|V 7T0Tl^0|ISVr|

place round about the Jordan, that all was watered

7ipo tod KaTa&lt;xcps\j/ai tov 0s6v S68o|ia Kai Tojioppa

(before the eradicating by God [of] Sodom and Gomorrah)


13 v sv tootco + vtica 01 - Genesis

coc; o 7iapd8siooc; tod 0sod Kai coc; r| yrj AiyirnxoD

as the paradise of God, and as the land of Egypt

scoc; sA£s(v sic; Zoyopa n+ Kai s^sAi^axo Acox saDxcb

unto coming into Zoar. And Lot chose to himself

7idaav xrjv 7ispvxcopov xod IopSdvoD Kai a7rfjps Acox

all the place round about the Jordan. And Lot departed

goto avaxoAxbv Kai 8is%cop(a0r|aav sraaxoc; arco

from [the] east. And they were parted, each from

xod aSsAxpoD ai)xoi) 12 + APpaji 8s KaxcbKrjasv sv yr|

his brother. And Abram dwelt in [the] land

Xavadv Acox 8s KaxcbKrjasv sv 7i6A,si xcov 7ispi%cbpav

of Canaan, and Lot dwelt in a city of the place round about,

Kai saKfjvcoasv sv EoSojioiq 13+01 8s dv0pco7ioi 01 sv

and he pitched a tent in Sodom. But the men in

EoSojioic; 7iovr|poi Kai ajiapxcoAxri svavxiov xod 0sod

Sodom [were] wicked and sinners before God,

acp68pa 14+ 08s 0s6c; si7is xco APpaji jisxd

exceedingly. And God said to Abram, after

xo 8ia%Qpia6fjvai xov Acox an aDxoD avapAiyac; xoic;

Lot parted from him, Lookup [with]

ocpGaXjioiq aoD Kai (8s arco xod xotcod od vdv cjd

your eyes, and behold from the place which [ now you

si 7rpoq Poppdv Kai Aipa Kai avaxoAxjv Kai

are], to [the] north and south, and east, and

0dXaaaav 15+ oxi 7iaoav xrjv yxjv Tjv od opacj 001

west! That all the land which you see, [ to you

8cbaco aDxfjv Kai xco a7isp|iax( aoD scoc; xod aicbvoc;

I will give it], and [to] your seed, unto the eon.

16+ Kai 7ioif|aco xo a7isp|ia aoD coc; xrjv djijiov xrjc; yrjc;

And I will make your seed as the sand of the earth.

si 8Dvaxa( xic; s^api9|if|aai xrjv djijiov xrjq yrjq Kai

If [ is able anyone] to count out the sand of the earth, then

xo o7isp|ia ood s^api0|ir|0f|asxai 17+ avaaxdc; 8i68sDaov

[ your seed they shall count out]. [In] rising up, you travel through

xtjv yrjv sic; xs xo jxfjKoc; aDxfjc; Kai sic; xo 7i;Xdxoc;

the land unto both the length of it and unto the width;

6x1 aoi 8cbaco aDxfjv Kai xco a7isp|iax( aoD sic; xov

for to you I shall give it, and [to] your seed, into the

aicova 18+ Kai a7ioaKr|vcbaac; APpaji sA£cbv KaxcbKqas

eon. And moving [his] tent, Abram came [and] dwelt

7ispi xrjv 8pDV xrjv MajiPpfj r| rjv sv XsPpcbv Kai

around the oak ofMamre, which was in Hebron. And


14 v

8V TOUT© + VlKa
01 - Genesis

coKo56|ir|asv sksi 0i)aiaaxf|piov xco Kopico

he built there an altar to the LORD.

14 7^

i + sysvsxo 8s sv xrj PaaiXsia xrj AjiapcpdX PaaiAicoc;

And it came to pass in the kingdom of Amraphel king

Eswadp Kai Apicb% fiaaikzvq EAxxadp Kai

ofShinar, and Arioch king ofEllasar, and

Xo8oAAx}yo|i6p fiaaikzvq AiXdji Kai ©apydA, fiaaikzvq

Chedorlaomer king ofElam, and Tidal king

sGvcbv 2+ 87io(r|aav 7i6A,s|iov |isxd BaXka fiaaikscoq

of nations, they made war with Bera king

£o86jicov Kai jisxd Bapad PaaiXscoc; Tojioppaq Kai

of Sodom, and with Birsha king of Gomorrah, and

jisxd Eswadp PaaiXscoc; A8ajid Kai Si)(i6p PaaiXscoc;

with Shinab king ofAdmah, and Shemeber king

EsPcosiji Kai PaaiXscoq BaA.dK auxfj saxi Srjycbp 3 +

of Zeboiim, and king Bela ~ this is Zoar.

7idvxsc; croxoi oDvecpcovrjaav S7U xrjv cpdpayya

All these joined in harmony upon the [ ravine

xrjv aA^ncqv auxfj r| Gd^aaaa xcov aAxbv 4 + 5cb5sKa

salty], this [being] the sea of salts. Twelve

sxrj ai)xoi s5cy6A,si)aav xco Xo8oAloyo|i6p xco 5s

years they slaved to Chedorlaomer, but in the

xpioKai8eKdxco sxsi a7isaxr|aav 5 + sv 8s xco

thirteenth year they revolted. And in the

xeaaapsaKaiSsKdxco sxsi r\kds XoSoAloyojiop Kai 01

fourteenth year Chedorlaomer came and the

PaaiXefc; jisx' avzov Kai KaxsKo\j/av zovq yiyavxac;

kings with him. And they cut in pieces the giants,

Tovq sv AaxapcbG Kapva'iv Kai s0vr| xayvpa d|ia

of the [ones] in Astaroth Karnaim, and [ nations [the] strong] together

auxok; Kai zovq EjijiaioDq sv Sai)f| xrj 7i6A,si 6 + Kai

with them, and the Emim in Shaveh the city, and

zovq Xoppakmc; zovq sv xoic; opsai Ssip scoc; xrjc;

the Horites, the ones in the mountains of Seir, unto the

xspsptvBoD xrjq Oapdji r| soxiv sv xrj spfj|ico 7+ Kai

terebinth tree ofEl-paran, which is in the wilderness. And

avaaxpsyavxsc; fjXGov S7U xrjv 7ir|yf|v xrjc; Kpkrscoc;

returning, they came upon the Spring of Judgment,

ai3xr| saxi Kd5r|c; Kai KaxsKO\j/av rcavxac; xouc;

this is Kadesh. And they cut in pieces all the


14 V

8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

dpxovxaq AjiaXfjK Kai xodc; AjioppaioDc; xodc;

rulers of Amalek, and the Amorites, of the ones

KaxoiKotivxac; sv AaaaovBaji&amp;p g + s^f|Ai)e 8s fiaoikzvq

dwelling in Hazezon-tamar. And came forth [the] king

Eo86(icov Kai fiaaiksvq Tojioppaq Kai fiaoiksvq

of Sodom, and [the] king of Gomorrah, and [the] king

A8ajid Kai fiaaikvbq SsPcosiji Kai fiaaikzvq BaA.dK

of Admah, and [the] king of Zeboiim, and [the] king of Bela —

aDxrj sail I/qycbp Kai 7iapexd^avxo aDxoic; sic;

this is Zoar. And they deployed themselves for

7i6Xs(iov sv tt| koiAxx8i ttj aA,DKT| 9+ 7ipoc;

war in the [ valley salty] against

XoSoAloyojiop PaoiAia AiXdji Kai 0apydA, PaoiAia

Chedorlaomer king ofElam, and Tidal king

sGvcbv Kai AjiapcpdA, PaaiAia Sswadp Kai Apicb%

of nations, and Amraphel king ofShinar, and Arioch

PaaiAia EAxxacbp oi xsaaapec; PaaiXek; itpoq xodc;

king of Ellasar — the four kings against the

7TSVTS io+ T| 8s koiAxxc; T| aA,DKq cppeaxa aacpdAxoD

five. And the [ valley salty] [had] wells of asphalt,

scpDys 8s fiaaiksvq So86|icov Kai fiaaikvbq Tojioppaq

[fled and [the] king of Sodom], and [the] king of Gomorrah,

Kai svs7i8aov SK8i oi 8s KaxaXeicpGsvxsq scpuyov siq

and they fell in there; and the ones being left behind fled into

xrjv opsivfjv n+eAxxPovSs xrjv i7i7iov 7idaav

the mountainous area. And they took [ the cavalry all]

xrjv So86|icov Kai Tojioppaq Kai rcdvxa

of Sodom and Gomorrah, and all

xa Ppcbjiaxa aDxcbv Kai a7rqA,0ov i2+eAxxPov8e Kai

their foods, and they went forth. And they took also

xov Acox xov diov xod aSeAxpoD APpaji Kai

Lot, the son of the brother of Abram, and

xrjv a7roaKsi)fiv avTOV Kai a7icbxovxo r|v yap Kaxouabv

his belongings, and moved ~ for he was dwelling

sv £o86jioic; n+ 7iapayev6|isvoc; 8s xcov avaacoGsvxcov

in Sodom. [ coming And of the ones being rescued

Tiq a7rfjyysiA£v APpaji xco 7ispdxr| auxoc; 8e

a certain person], reported to Abram, to the traveler. And he

KaxcbKsi 7ipoc; xrj 8pm xr| Ma|iPpf| AjioppaioD xod

dwelt at the oak ofMamre [the] Amorite of the

aSeAxpoD Ea%(bX Kai xod aSsAxpoD EDvdv oi fjaav

brother of Eshcol, and the brother of Aner, who were


14 V

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

01 - Genesis

oDvcojioxai tod APpaji i 4 + aKODaag 8s APpaji 6xi

confederates of Abram. [ having heard And Abram] that

T|%|iaAxbT£DTai Acox o adzkqoq avzov r|p(6|ir|a£

[ has been captured Lot the [son] of his brother], counted out

xodc; iSiodc; oiKoyeveic; avzov xpiaKocrioDc; Sera Kai

[ own native-born servants his], three hundred ten and

oktco Kai KaxeSico^ev ecoc; Aav i 5 + Kai S7re7rsosv S7i'

eight. And he pursued unto Dan. And he fell upon

aDxotic; ttjv VDKxa avzoq Kai oi itaidzq aDxoD Kai

them at night, he and his manservants. And

e7idxa^sv aDxotic; Kai KaxeSico^ev aDxotic; ecoc; Xofiak

he struck them, and pursued them unto Hobah,

T| saxiv sv apiaxepd AajiaaKOD i6+ Kai a7ieaxpe\j/e

which is at [the] left of Damascus. And he returned

7idaav xrjv i7i7iov £o86|icov Kai Acox xov

all the cavalry of Sodom; and [ Lot the [son]

aSsAxpoi) clvtov a7ieaxpe\j/£ Kai rcdvxa

of his brother he returned], and all

xa D7idp%ovxa aDxoD Kai xac; yDvafcac; Kai xov Xaov

his possessions, and the women, and the people.

17+ s^fjXGe 8s fiaaiksvq £o86|icov sic; oDvdvxrjaiv

[ came forth And [the] king of Sodom] to meet

ai)xcb jisxd xo a7ioaxps\j/ai aDxov and xrjq Konr\q

him, after his returning from the slaughter

xod XoSoAloyojiop Kai xcov PaaiAicov xcov jisx' aDxoD

of Chedorlaomer, and the kings with him,

sic; xrjv KoiA,d8a xrjv SaDfj xodxo r|v xo 7T£8(ov

into the valley of Shaveh — this was the plain

PaaiAicoc; i 8 + Kai Ms^iaeSsK fiaaiksvq £aAx||i

of [the] king. And Melchizedek king of Salem

s^fjveyKsv apxotic; Kai oivov r|v 8s ispsDc; xod 0sod

brought forth bread loaves and wine. And he was priest of God

xod D\j/iaxoD 19+ Kai SD^oyrjas aDxov Kai ei7isv

the highest. And he blessed him. And he said,

£DAx)yr||isvoc; APpaji xco 0scb xco D\jnaxco oq skxicjs

Abram, a blessing to God the highest, who created

xov ODpavov Kai xrjv yrjv 20 + Kai SDXoyrjxoq o Geoc; o

the heaven and the earth. And blessed [be] God the

Dij/iaxoq oq 7iape8coKS xodc; s%dpovq aoD D7roxsipk&gt;Dc;

highest who delivered up your enemies under your hands

001 Kai s8cok8v aDxcb APpaji SsKdxrjv arco rcavxcov

to you. And [ gave to him Abram] a tenth from all.

15 "ID

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

01 - Genesis

21 + 81718 5s fiaaikzvq £o86jicov 7ipoc; APpaji 8oq jioi

And said [the] king of Sodom to Abram, Give to me

xodc; avdpaq xrjv 8s i7T7rov Xafis aecxDxco 22 + si7is 8e

the men, but the cavalry you take to yourself! [ said And

APpaji 7ipoc; xov PaaiXea £o86|icov eKxevcb

Abram] to the king of Sodom, I will stretch out

xrjv %zipa [iov npoq rcopiov xov 0e6v xov t3\j/ioxov oq

my hand to [the] LORD God the highest, who


created the heaven and the earth, [that not] [ from

G7rapx(oD ecoc; atpupcoxfjpoc; i)7ro8f||iaxoc; Ax|\j/o|iai

[the] string unto [the] knob [of the] shoe will I take for myself]

goto 7r&amp;vx&lt;jov xcov acov (va |ir| smr\q 6xi eycb

from all of your [things], that you should not have said that, I

S7iXoT3xiaa xov Appaji 2 4 + 7iAr|v cov ecpayov 01

enriched Abram; except what [ ate the

veavioKoi Kai xrjv jiepiSoc; xcov avSpcov xcov

young [men]] and the portion of the men, of the [ones]

aD|i7ropsD0svxcov jisx' 8(iot3 Ea%(bX Avsp MajiPpfj

going with me, Eshcol, Aner, Mamre;

ot3xoi Axj\j/ovxai jisp(8a

these will take for themselves a portion.

15 1t3

1 + jisxa 5s xa pfjjiaxa xaoxa eyevf|9r| pf||ia Kupiou

And after these words came [the] word of [the] LORD

7tpoc; APpaji sv opdjiaxi Aiycov jlit| cpopoi) APpaji

to Abram in a vision, saying, Do not fear Abram,

sycb D7ispao7U^co gov o [iiadoq gov noXvq eaxai

I will shield you. Your wage [ much will be

acp68pa 2 + Aiyei 8s APpaji 8sa7ioxa KDpie xi

exceedingly]. [ says And Abram], Master, O LORD, what

jioi Scoaeic; syco 8s a7i;oXi)0|iai cxxskvoc; o 8e vioq

will you give to me, for I am wasting away childless, but the son

MaasK xrjc; oiKoyevouc; jiod omoq AajiaaKoq EAie^sp

ofMasek of my native-born maid servant, this Damascus Eliezer [is heir]?

3 + mi S17T8V APpaji S7i8i8f| sjioi odk eScoKac; a7i8p|ia

And Abram said, Since to me you gave not a seed,

o 8e oiKoysvfjc; jiod Klr|povo|xfjG£i |is 4 + kcxi svdvq

then my native-born servant will be heir to me. And straightly


15 "ID


01 - Genesis

(pcovfj KDpioi) sysvsxo 7ipoc; avTOV Xsyovaa ov

[the] voice of [the] LORD came to him, saying, [ will not

KAr|povo|xfja£i as omoq aXkoq s^s^suasxai 8K gov

be heir to you This one], another will come forth from you,

omoq Klr|povo|if|aei as 5+s^f|yays8s auxov s^co Kai

this [one] will be heir to you. And he led him outside, and

S17T8V auxcb avdpA,s\j/ov 8r| sic; xov oupavov Kai

said to him, Look up indeed into the heaven, and

ap(9|ir|aov xodc; aaxspac; si 8wqar| s^apiGjifjaai

count out the stars, if you are able to count

avxovq Kai si7isv otixcoc; saxai to a7isp|ia aou e + Kai

them! And he said, Thus will be your seed. And

S7uaxsuasv APpaji too 0scb Kai sXoy(a6r| auxcb sic;

Abram trusted in God, and it was imputed to him for

SiKaioawqv ? + si7is 5s 7ipoc; auxov sycb o Gsoc;

righteousness. And he said to him, I [am] the God

o s^ayaycbv as sk xcbpaq XaXSaicov cbaxs 8owai

leading you from out of [the] place of [the] Chaldeans, so as to give

aoi xrjv yrjv xatixrjv KArjpovo|xqaai 8+si7is8s Ssarcoxa

to you this land to inherit. And he said, Master,

Kopis Kaxdxi yvcbaojiai 6xi KAxipovojifjacD auxfjv 9 +

OLORD, how will I know that I will inherit it?

si7is 8s avT(b Xdps |ioi 8d|iaAiv xpisxi^oDaav Kai

And he said to him, Take for me a heifer being three years old, and

aiya xpisxi^oDaav Kai Kpiov xpisxi^ovxa Kai xpuyova

a goat being three years old, and a ram being three years old, and a turtle-dove,

Kai 7ispiaxspdv 10 + sXaPs 8s auxcb 7idvxa xatixa Kai

and a pigeon! And he took to himself all these, and

Sisi^sv ai)xd jisaa Kai s0t|ksv ai)xd avxi7ip6aco7ra

he divided them in the middle, and put them facing

aXkr\ko\q xa 8s opvsa ou 8is(A,s n+ KaxsPrj 8s

one another; but the birds he did not divide. [ came down And
opvsa S7U xa acbjiaxa xa 8i%oxo|if||iaxa auxcbv Kai

birds] upon the [ bodies pieces of their], and

aDVSKdGiasv auxofc; APpaja i2+7isp(8s r(kiov 8va[idq

[sat down with them Abram]. And about [of [the] sun [the] descent]

SKaxaaiq S7iS7rsas xco APpaji Kai i8ot3 cpopoc;

a change of state fell upon Abram. And behold, [ fear

aKoxsivoq jisyaq S7ii7ri7ixsi auxcb 13+ Kai sppsGrj npoq

dark a great] fell upon him. And it was said to

APpaji yivcbaKcov yvcbarj 6x1 7idpoiKov saxai

Abram, [In] knowing you will know that [ a sojourner will be


15 "ID

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

01 - Genesis

to a7isp|ia aoi) sv yrj odk 181a Kai SoDAxbaoDaiv

your seed] in a land not [their] own, and they will enslave

avTOvq Kai KaKcbaoDaiv aDxotic; Kai xa7isivcbaoDaiv

them, and will afflict them, and humble

avTOvq xsxpaKoaia sxrj u + to 8s sGvoc; go av

them four hundred years. But the nation which ever

8oDA,SDacoai Kpivcb syco |isxd 8s xatixa s^s^sDaovxai

they may be slave to, I will judge. And after these [things] they shall come forth

cb8s jisxd a7roaK8i)fjc; noXk^q i5+&lt;xu8s a7isA,SDor| npoq

here with [belongings much]. But you shall go forth to

xodc; 7raxspac; gov jisx' sipfjvrjc; xacpsk; sv yfjpa

your fathers with peace, being entombed in [ old age

Kak(b i6+ xsxdpxrj 8s ysvsd a7ioaxpa(pf|aovxai co8s

a good]. And [the] fourth generation shall return here,

OD7ico yap ava7i87rXfipcovxai ai ajiapxiai xcov

for not yet have [ been filled up the sins of the

Ajioppaicov scoc; xod vdv n+ 87i8i 8s o r\Xxoq sysvsxo

Amorites] unto the present. And when the sun was

7tpoc; SDajidc; cpXo^ sysvsxo Kai i8od Kkifiavoq

in descent, a flame came, and behold, [there was] an oven

Ka7rvi£p|isvoc; Kai Xa|i7id8sc; nvpoq ai SvqXGov

smoking; and [there were] lamps of fire which went through

avajisaov xcov 8ixoxo|ir||idxcov xotjxcov is+ sv

in the midst of these pieces. In

xtj rjjispa SKsivrj 8is6sxo Kopioc; SiaGfjKTrv xco APpaji

that day [the] LORD ordained a covenant with Abram,

Aiycov xco a7isp|iaxi gov 8cbaco xrjv yrjv xaDxrrv anb

saying, [To] your seed I will give this land, from

xod 7ioxa|ioi3 AiyimxoD scoc; xod 7ioxa|ioD xod

the river of Egypt unto the river of the

(isydloD EDcppdxoD 19+ xodc; KsvaioDc; Kai xodc;

great Euphrates, the Kenites, and the

Ksvs^aioDc; Kai xodc; KsSjicovaioDc; 20+ Kai xodc;

Kenizites, and the Kadmonites, and the

XsxxaioDc; Kai xodc; Osps^aioDc; Kai xodc; Pacpasiji 21 +

Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Raphaim,

Kai xodc; AjicoppaioDc; Kai xodc; XavavaioDc; Kai xodc;

and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the

rspysaaioDc; Kai xodc; IsPoDaaioDc;

Girgashites, and the Jebusites.


16 TO


01 - Genesis

16 Ttt

i + Sdpa 8s r| yuvfj APpaji odk 'sxikxsv aDxcb r|v 5s

And Sarai, the wife of Abram, bore not to him. But there was

aDifj 7raiS(aKr| AiyD7ix(a r| ovojia Ayap 2+ si7is 5s

to her a maidservant, an Egyptian, whose name [was] Hagar. [ said And

Edpa 7ipoc; APpaji i5od aovsK^sias |is Kopioc; tod |ir|

Sarai] to Abram, Behold, [ closed me up [the] LORD] to not

TiKxsiv siasXGs odv 7ipoc; ttjv 7iai5(aKr|v |iod (va

bear. Enter then to my maidservant, that

TSKV07ioifiaco|iai s£, avTT\q D7if|KODas 5s APpaji xrjc;

I may produce children from her! [ obeyed And Abram] the

(poavfjc; Sdpaq 3+ Kai Xafiovaa r\ yvvr\ APpaji Ayap

voice of Sarai. And [ having taken the wife of Abram] Hagar

ttjv AiyD7iTiav ttjv saDxfjc; 7iai5(aKr|v |isxd 5sra sxrj

the Egyptian her maidservant, after ten years

tod oiKfjaai APpaji sv yr| Xavadv Kai sScoksv

of living with Abram in [the] land of Canaan, and she gave

aDxfjv too APpaji av5p( aDifjc; aDxcb yovaixa 4 + Kttl

her [to] Abram her husband to him for wife. And

siafjABs rcpoc; Ayap Kai aDvslaPs Kai s(5sv 6x1 sv

he entered to Hagar, and she conceived. And she saw that [ in

yaaxpi s%si Kai r|xi|ida6r| r| Kopia svavxiov

[the] womb she had [a child]], and [ was dishonored the lady] before

aDxfjc; 5+ si7is 5s Sdpa npoq APpaji a5iKOD|iai sk

her. [ said And Sarai] to Abram, I am being wronged because of

ood sycb 5s5coKa xrjv 7iai5iaKT|v jiod exq

you. I gave my maidservant to

xov koAjtov aoD iSotiaa 5s 6x1 sv yaaxpi s%si

your bosom. And seeing that [ [a child] in [the] womb she had]

r|xi|ida6r|v svavxiov aDxfjc; Kpivai o Gsoc; avajisaov

I was dishonored before her. May God judge between

sjiod Kai aoD 6 + si7is 5s APpaji npoq Sdpav i5od

me and you. [ said And Abram] to Sarai, Behold,

T| 7iai5(aKr| aoD sv xaic; x^pai aoD %pcb aDxfj coq av

your maidservant [is] in your hands, treat her however

aoi apsaxov r| Kai SKaKcoasv aDxfjv Sdpa Kai

[ pleasing to you might be]. And [maltreated her Sarai], and

a7is5pa arco 7ipoacb7roD avTT\q 7+ SDps 5s aDxfjv

she ran away from her face. [ found And her

dyys^oc; KopioD S7U xrjc; 7ir|yf|g xod DSaxoc; sv xr|

[the] angel of [the] LORD] upon the spring of water in the


16 TO

8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis
spfjiico em Tr\q yr\q sv xrj o8cb Eoup 8+ Kai ei7cev

wilderness, upon the land in the way of Shur. And [ said

aDxfj o ayyskoq Kopiou Ayap 7cai8(aKr| Sdpaq

to her the angel of [the] LORD], Hagar, maidservant ofSarai,

7TO08V Sp%T| Kai 7TOD 7COpSl)r| K(Xl S17T8V a7TO

from what place [do] you come, and where [do] you go? And she said, [ from

7ipoaco7ioD Sdpaq Tr\q Kopiac; jiou eycb a7io8i5pdaKco 9 +

[the] face ofSarai my lady I am running away].

81718 8s aDxfj o dyyeloc; KDpioi) a7coaTpd(pr|0i 7cpoc;

[said And to her the angel of [the] LORD], You return to

xrjv KDpiav aoi) Kai xa7C8ivcb9r|Ti D7c6 zaq %£ipaq avTr\q

your lady, and be humble under her hands!

10+ Kai si7i;8v aDxfj o ayyskoq Kopioi) 7cAt|0i)vcdv

And [said to her the angel of [the] LORD], [In] multiplying

7tAr|0Dvcb to o7C8p|ia gov Kai odk api0|ir|0f|a8Tai

I will multiply your seed, and it shall not be counted

a7to tod iihf\dovq n + Kai 8i7csv aDTfj o dyysloq

because of the multitude. And [ said to her the angel

Kop(oi) idov av sv yacrcpi £%siq Kai Te^rj viov

of [the] LORD], Behold, you [in [the] womb have [a child]], and you shall bear a

Kai KoXsaziq to ovojia avzov IajiafjX 6ti

and you shall call his name, Ishmael, for

S7cf|KODa8 Kopioc; TTj Ta7csivcbasi aou 12 + omoq e&lt;xcai

[the] LORD heeded your humiliation. This one will be

dypoiKoq dv0pco7co(; ai %zipzq avzov S7U navTaq

a rugged man; his hands [will be] upon all,

Kai ai %zipzq 7cdvTcav S7c' avzov Kai KaTd 7cp6aco7cov

and the hands of all upon him. And [ before [the] face

7cdvTCOv tcov aSsAxpcbv avzov KaTOiKqaei 13 + Kai

of all his brothers he will dwell]. And

eKdXsae ovojia Kupioi) tod XaXovvzoq itpoq auTfjv

she called [the] name of [the] LORD, the [one] speaking to her,

av o dsoq o S7ci8cbv |is 6ti 817CS Kai yap evcbmov

You, the God, the [one] looking upon me; for she said, For even face to face

s(8ov ocp08VTa (ioi 14+ svsks todtou eKd^eae TO

I beheld [the] one appearing to me. Because of this she called the

cppeap cppeap ou svcb7ciov e(8ov idov avajieoov

well, Well of which [ Face to Face I Beheld]. Behold, [it is] between

KdSrjq Kai avajisaov Beps8 15+ Kai STSKevAyap

Kadesh and between Bared. And Hagar bore

too APpaji diov Kai SKd^sasv APpaji to ovojia

to Abram a son. And Abram called the name


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

01 - Genesis

tod Diot) (xdtot3 ov sxsksv auxcb Ayap IajiafjA, 16+

of his son, whom [bore to him Hagar], Ishmael.

APpaji 8s r|v sxcbv oy8or|Kovxas^ rjviKa sxsksv Ayap

And Abram was [ years [old] eighty-six] when Hagar bore

xco Appaji xov IajiafjA,

to Abram, Ishmael.

17 n

1+ sysvsxo 8s APpaji sxcbv svsvrjKovxaswsa Kai

[was And Abram years [old] ninety-nine], and

cbcpBri Kopioc; xco APpaji Kai sircsv auxcb sycb sijii

[the] LORD appeared to Abram, and he said to him, I am

0 Bsoc; aov suapsaxsi svcb7ii6v jiou Kai yivou

your God, you are well-pleasing before me — then be

d|is|i7TTO(; 2+ Kai Bfjaojiai xrjv 8ia6fiKr|v [iov avajisaov

blameless! And I will establish my covenant between

8|ioi3 Kai avajisaov gov Kai Ttkr\dvv(b as acp68pa 3 +

me and between you, and I will multiply you exceedingly.

Kai srcsasv APpaji sm 7rp6aco7iov avzov Kai s^dAxjasv

And Abram fell upon his face. And [ spoke

auxco o 0s6c; Aiycov 4 + Kai i8ot3 r| 8ia9f|Kr| [iov |isxd

to him God], saying, And behold, my covenant [is] with

aov Kai sarj 7iaxf|p iihf\dovq sGvcbv 5 + Kai oi)

you, and you will be father of a multitude of nations. And [ will not

KArjGfjoexai sxi to ovojid gov APpaji aXk r saxai

be called any longer your name], Abram; but [ will be

to ovojid gov APpadji 6x1 rcaxspa 7ioAA,cbv sGvcov

your name] Abraham, for [ father of many nations

xsBsiKd as 6 + Kai at^avcb as acp68pa acp68pa Kai

1 have appointed you]. And I will increase you exceedingly exceedingly. And

6fjaoo as sic; s0vr| Kai; sk gov

I will establish you for nations; and kings [ from you

s^s^suaovxai 7+ Kai axfjaco xrjv 8ia0fjKT|v [iov

will come forth]. And I will establish my covenant

avajisaov sjiod Kai avajisaov gov Kai avajisaov

between me and between you, and between

xod a7rsp|iax6c; gov jisxd as sic; xac; ysvsdq auxcbv siq

your seed after you, unto their generations, for

8ia6f|Kr|v aicbviov sivai gov 0s6c; Kai

[ covenant an eternal], to be your God, and


17 P sv tootco + viica 01 - Genesis

tod aTispjiaxoc; aoD jisxd as 8 + Kai 8cbaco aoi Kai xco

[with] your seed after you. And I will give to you and to

a7i8p|iaTi aoD jisxd as xrjv yrjv rjv 7iapoiKs(c; rcdaav

your seed after you the land which you sojourn, all

ttjv yrjv Xavadv sic; Kaxda%saiv aicbviov Kai

the land of Canaan for [possession an eternal]. And

saojiai aDxoic; sic; 0s6v 9+ Kai sircsv o 0s6c; rcpoc;

I myself will be to them for God. And God said to

APpadji ai) 8s xrjv 8ia0fiKr|v jiod 8iaxr|pf|asic; Kai

Abraham, You also [ my covenant shall observe], and

too a7isp|ia aoD jisxd as sic; xac; ysvsdc; aDxcbv 10+ Kai

your seed after you for their generations. And

ami] T| 8ia0fjKT| rjv 8iaxr|pf|asic; avajisaov sjiod

this [is] the covenant which you shall observe between me

Kai djicov Kai avajisaov tod aTrspjiaxoc; aoD jisxd as

and you, and between your seed after you.

7ispiT|ir|0f|asTai djiiv 7iav apasviKov 1 1 + Kai

[ shall be circumcised to you Every male]. And

7ispiT|ir|0f|asa0s xr|v adpKa Tr\q aKpoPDaxiaq Djicbv Kai

you shall be circumcised of the flesh of your foreskin. And

saxai sic; arjjisiov 8ia0f|Kr|c; avajisaov sjiod Kai

it will be for a sign of covenant between me and

djicov 12+ Kai 7iaiS(ov oktco r||ispcbv 7ispix|ir|0fiasTai

you. And a male child eight days [old] shall be circumcised

djiiv 7iav apasviKov siq xaq ysvsdq djicdv o oiKoysvfjc;

by you — every male into your generations; the native-born servant

Tr\q oudac; aoD Kai o apyDpebvrjToe; ano 7iavx6c; diod

of your house, and the [one] bought with silver, from every son

aAAxrcpioD oq odk saxiv sk tod aTrspjiaxoc; aoD 13 +

of an alien who is not from your seed.

7ispiTO|ifj 7rspiT|ir|0f|asTai o oiKoysvfjc; irjc; oiKiaq aoD

By circumcision he shall be circumcised ~ the native-born servant of your house,

Kai o apyDpcbvrjToc; Kai saxai r| 8ia0fjKr| jiod S7i(

and the [one] bought with silver. And [ will be my covenant] upon

Tr\q aapKoq djicov siq 8ia0fjKT|v aicbviov 14+ Kai

your flesh for [ covenant an eternal]. And

a7rspvc|ir|TOc; dpasv oq od 7ispiT|ir|0f|asTai xrjv

[the] uncircumcised male who shall not be circumcised in the

adpKa Tr\q aKpoPDaxiaq aDTOD sv xr| r||ispa xr| oy86r|

flesh of his foreskin in the [day eighth],

s^oAx)0psD0fjasxai r| \\fv%r\ sksivt) sk tod ysvoDq aDifjc;

[ shall be utterly destroyed that soul] from [its] race,


17 P ev toi3tco + vlica 01 - Genesis

on ttjv 8i(x6f|KT[v \xov 8isaKs8aas 15+ Kai sircsv o Gsoc;

for my covenant he effaced. And God said

to APpa&amp;ji Zdpa r| yvvr\ gov ov KAxjGfjasxai

to Abraham, Sarai your wife ~ [ shall not be called

to ovojia avxr\q Zdpa aXXa Zappa saxai

her name] Sarai, but, Sarah will be

to ovojia avTT\q i 6 + si)Xoyf|aco 8s avTr\v Kai Scbaco aoi

her name. And I will bless her, and give to you

s^ avTT\q xskvov Kai siAoyfjaco auxo Kai saxai sic;

from her a child. And I will bless it, and it will be for

sGvrj Kai PaaiXsic; s0vcbv s^ avzov saovxai 17+ Kai

nations; and kings of nations [from him will be]. And

S7T80SV APpadji 87ii 7ip6aco7rov avzov Kai sysXaas Kai

Abraham fell upon his face and laughed. And

S17T8V sv ttj Siavoia avzov Xsycov si xco sraxovxasxsi

he said in his mind, saying, Shall to the hundred year [old]

ysvfjasxai vioq Kai si r| Zappa swsvfjKovxa sxcbv

be a son? And shall Sarah at ninety years

xs^sxai 18+ si7is 8s APpadji npoq xov 0s6v IajiafjA,

bear? [ said And Abraham] to God, Ishmael,

omoq ^fjxco svavxiov aou 19+ si7is 8s o Gsoc; 7ipoc;

this one, let him live before you! [ said And God] to

APpadji vai i8ou Zappa r| ywfj aoi) xs^sxai 001

Abraham, Yes, behold, Sarah your wife will bear to you

Diov Kai KaXsasiq xo ovojia auxou IaadK Kai axfjaco

a son, and you shall call his name Isaac; and I will establish

xrjv 8ia6fjKT|v (iod 7ipoc; ai)xov sic; 8ia0f|Kr|v aicbviov

my covenant with him, for [covenant an eternal],

Kai xco a7isp|iaxi avzov jisx' avzov 2o+7isp(8s

and to his seed after him. And concerning

Ia[iaf\k idov S7if|Kouad gov Kai i8ot3 su^oyfjaco

Ishmael, behold, I heeded you. And behold, I shall bless

avzov Kai at^avcb auxov Kai 7iAr|0i)vcb avzov

him, and I will increase him, and I will multiply him

acp68pa 8cb8sKa sGvrj yswfjasi Kai 8cbaco avzov sic;

exceedingly. Twelve nations he will procreate, and I will make him for

sGvoc; jisya 21 + xrjv 8s 8ia9fjKT|v [iov axfjaco rcpoc;

[nation a great]. But my covenant I will establish with

IaadK ov xs^sxai aoi Zappa sic; xov Kaipov xotixov

Isaac, whom [ shall bear to you Sarah] at this time

sv xco sviauxcb xco sxspco 22 + awsxsXsas 8s XaX&amp;w itpoq

in [year another]. And he completed speaking to


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avTOV Kai aveprj o Geoc; arco APpadji 23 + Kai

him. And God ascended from Abraham. And

slapev APpa&amp;ji IajiafjX xov viov auxcro Kai navxaq

Abraham took Ishmael, his son, and all

zovq oiKoysvsiq avzov Kai 7idvxac; zovq apyi)p&lt;i&gt;vf|xoi)c;

his native-born servants, and all the [ones] bought with silver,

Kai 7iav dpasv xcov av8pcbv xcov sv xco oikco

and every male of the men in the house

APpadji Kai 7iepiexe|is xaq aKpoPixyriac; auxcbv sv

of Abraham. And he circumcised their foreskins in

xco Kaipcb Tr\q r||iepac; eKeivrjc; Ka9d eXdArjaev auxcb

[ time of the day that], as [ spoke to him

o Geoc; 24 + APpadji 5e swsvfjKovxaswsa r|v sxcov

God]. And Abraham [ninety-nine was] years [old]

rjviKa 7i8pi8X8(i8 xr|v adpKa Tr\q aKpoPDaxiaq avzov 25 +

when he circumcised the flesh of his foreskin.

IajiafjA, 5s o vioq avzov r\v sxcbv 5sKaxpicbv rjviKa

And Ishmael his son was [ years [old] thirteen] when

7ispisx8|isxo xrjv adpKa xrjc; aKpoPuaxiac; avzov 26+ ev

he circumcised the flesh of his foreskin. In

xco Kaipco Tr\q rjjiepac; SKeivrjc; 7T£piex|xf|0r| APpadji Kai

[ time of the day that] Abraham was circumcised, and

la[iar\k o vioq avzov 27+ Kai rcavxec; 01 dvSpsc;

Ishmael his son, and all the males

xod oiKOD avzov Kai 01 oiKoysvefc; Kai 01

of his house, and the native-born servants, and the

apyi)pcovr|xoi s£, aAA,oyevcov eGvcbv

[ones] bought with silver from foreign nations.

18 rr

1 + cocpBrj 5s ai)xco o Geoc; npoq xrj 5pm xr| MajiPpfj

[ appeared And to him God] before the oak in Mamre,

Ka0r||isvoD avzov £7U xrjc; dvpaq xrjc; aKTjvfjc; avzov

at his sitting near the door of his tent

jisarjiiPpiaq 2+ avap^sij/aq 5e xoic; ocpGa^jioiq avzov s(5s

[at] midday. And lifting up his eyes he saw;

Kai i5oi3 xpsiq dvSpec; siaxfjKeiaav 87idvco avzov Kai

and behold, three men had set upon him. And

i5cbv 7ipoas5pa|i8v sic; aDvdvxrjaiv auxofc; arco xrjc;

seeing, he ran up to meet with them from the

dvpaq Tr\q aKr\vr\q avzov Kai 7ipoa£K6vr|oev S7U xrjv

door of his tent. And he did obeisance upon the

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yrjv 3+ Kai ems Kupis si apa supov %apiv svavxiov

ground. And he said, O Lord, if surely I found favor before

ood |ir| 7rapsA,0r|c; xov7ra(8doou 4 + A,r|cp6f|TCO 8r| i35cop

you, you should not go by your servant. Let there be taken now water,

Kai vnj/dxcoaav zovq itodaq djicov Kai Kaxa\jf6^ax£ imo

and let them wash your feet, and be cooled under

to 8ev8pov 5+ Kai Axj\j/o|iai dpxov Kai cpdyeaGe Kai

the tree! And I will bring bread, and you shall eat, and

jiexd xouxo 7rapsA,ei)asa0s sic; xrjv o86v Djicbv

after this you shall go in your journey,

od svsKsv s^sKAivaxs npoq xov 7ia(8a djicov Kai ei7iav

because of which you turned aside to your servant. And they said,

ot)T00 7iovr|aov KaGcbq siprjKaq 6+ Kai

Thus do as you have said! And

sa7T8Dasv APpadji £7U xrjv aKTjvfjv npoq Sdppav Kai

Abraham hastened unto the tent to Sarah. And

S17T8V auxfj ansvaov Kai qropaaov xpia jiexpa

he said to her, Hasten and mix up three measures

asjiiSdXscDc; Kai 7iovr|aov syKpucpiaq 7+ Kai sic; xac;

of fine flour, and make a cake baked in hot ashes! And [ to the

Poaq eSpajisv APpadji Kai shafts anakov |ioa%dpiov

oxen Abraham ran], and he took a tender [ young calf

Kai KaA,6v Kai e8coK£ xco 7iai8( Kai exd%Dvs

and good], and gave [it] to the servant; and he hastened

xod 7ioifjaai ai)xo 8+sAxxPe8e Pouxupov Kai yaXa Kai

to prepare it. And he took butter, and milk, and

xo |ioa%dpiov o 87io(r|as Kai 7iaps9r|Ksv auxoic; Kai

the young calf which he prepared, and placed it near to them, and

scpayov avzoq 8e 7iapsiaxf|Ksi auxoic; D7i6 xo 8ev8pov

they ate. And he stood beside them under the tree.

9 + S17T8 8e 7ipoc; auxov nov Sdppa r| yvvr\ gov o 8s

And he said to him, Where [is] Sarah your wife? And

a7roKpi6s(c; £i7isv idov sv xr| aKTjvfj 10 + ei7is 8s

answering he said, Behold, in the tent. And he said,

87iavaaxp8(pcov fj^co npoq ae Kaxd

Returning, I will come to you according to

xov Kaipov xotjxov sic; (bpaq Kai e^ei inov Sdppa

this time to [the] hour; and [ will have a son Sarah

T| ywq aoi) Edppa 8s fjKouae 7ipoc; xrjv 0i3pav xrjc;

your wife]. And Sarah heard by the door of the

oKTjvfjc; ovaa O7iia08v auxoti n+APpad|i8s Kai

tent, being behind him. And Abraham and


18 rr


01 - Genesis

Sdppa 7ipsaPi)xspoi 7ipoPsPr|K6xsc; r||ispcbv s^sXurs 5s

Sarah [were] older, advanced of days, [ ceased and

Edppa yivsaGai xa yuvaucsia n+ sysAxxos 5s Sdppa

Sarah] to be in the feminine [ways]. [ laughed And Sarah]

sv sauxfj Aiyouaa oimco jisv jioi ysyovsv scoc; xod vdv

in herself, saying, For not yet has it happened to me until now,

o 5s Kopioc; |iod Trpsaptixspoc; n + Kai si7is Kopioc; 7ipoc;

and my lord [is] older. And [the] LORD said to

APpa&amp;ji xi 6xi sys^aas Sdppa sv sauxfj Xzyovaa

Abraham, Why [is it] that Sarah laughed in herself, saying,

apdys ahr\d(hq xs^ojiai sycb 8s ysyfjpara u+ [ir\

Indeed is it truly I will bear, and I have grown old? [Is]

aSuvaxfjasi 7iapd Kopico pfj|ia sic; xov Kaipov xouxov

[ impossible to [the] LORD [the] saying]? At this time

sic; (bpaq avaaxps\j/co npoq as Kai saxai xr| Edppa

to [the] hour I will return to you, and there will be to Sarah

vioq 15+ rjpvfjaaxo 5s Sdppa Xsyovaa odk sysAxxaa

a son. [ denied But Sarah], saying, I did not laugh;

s(popfj6r| yap Kai sircsv auxfj ou%i aXk r sysXaaac; i6 +

for she feared. And he said to her, No, but you laughed!

s^avaaxdvxscj 5s sksiGsv oi dvSpsc; KaxspA,s\j/av S7ri

And having risen up from there, the men looked down upon

7ip6aco7rov £o56|icov Kai Tojioppac; APpadji 5s

[the] face of Sodom and Gomorrah. And Abraham

&lt;yovs7ropsi)sxo jisx' ai)xcbv ai)|i7ipo7rs|i7rcov auxotic; n +

went with them, escorting them.

o 5s Kopioc; si7is od jifj Kpi)\j/co arco APpadji

And the LORD said, No way shall I hide from Abraham

xod 7iai56cj [iov a sycb 7ioicb is+ APpadji 5s yivojisvoc;

my servant what I do. [ to Abraham But coming to pass],

saxai siq sGvoc; jisya Kai TtoXv Kai

he will be [made] into [ nation a great and populous], and

svsi)Ax)yr|9fjaovxai sv auxcb 7idvxa xa sGvrj xrjc; yrjc;

[ shall be blessed by him all the nations of the earth].

19 + f|5siv yap 6xi awxd^si xoic; vioiq avzov Kai

For I had known that he will order his sons, and

xco oikco clvtov jisx' avzov Kai (pvXatpvai xac; odovq

his house after him; and they will guard the ways


of [the] LORD, to do righteousness and judgment; that

av S7iaydyr| Kopioc; sm APpadji 7idvxa 6aa sAxxArjas

[the] LORD may bring upon Abraham all as much as he said


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01 - Genesis

7ipoc; avTOV 20 + si7is 5s Kopioc; Kpauyfj So56|icov Kai

to him. [said And [the] LORD], [The] cry of Sodom and

Tojioppac; 7rs7rAr|0wcai npoq |is Kai

Gomorrah has multiplied towards me, and

ai ajiapxiai auxcbv jisydAm acp68pa 21 + Kaxapdc; ouv

their sins [are] great, exceedingly. Going down then,

6\j/o|iai 8i Kaxd xrjv Kpauyfjv auxcbv xrjv

I will see if [it is] according to their cry, the [cry]

sp%o|i8vr|v 7rpoc; |is auvxeAxyovxai si 8s |ir| (va yvcb

coming to me [that] they exhaust; and if not, that I may know.

22+ Kai a7iooxps\j/avxsc; sks(6sv 01 dvSpsc; fjXGov sic;

And turning back from there, the men came unto

E65o|ia APpa&amp;ji 8s sxi r|v soxrjKcbc; svavxiov Kopiou

Sodom. And Abraham was still standing before [the] LORD.

23 + Kai syyiaacj APpadji si7is |ir| m)va7ioA£or|c;

And Abraham approaching, said, You would not destroy together

Sucaiov jisxd aaspoucj Kai saxai o Sucaioc; coq o

[the] just with [the] impious, and [ will be the just] as the

aaspfjc; 24+ sdv cbai 7isvxf|Kovxa Sucaioi sv xr|

impious? If there might be fifty just in the

7i6A,si a7roXsfc; avzovq odk avfjasicj rcdvxa xov xo7iov

city, will you destroy them? Will you not spare all the place

svsks xcov 7i8vxf|Kovxa SiKaicov sdv cbaiv sv

because of the fifty just, if there should be [so] in

auxfj 25+ |ir|8a|icbc; ai) 7rovfjasic; coq xo pfj|ia xotixo

it? By no means shall you do as this saying,

xod a7ioKxs(vai SiKaiov jisxd aaspoucj Kai saxai o

to kill [the] just with [the] impious, and [ shall be the

SiKaioq cdc; o aaspfjc; |ir|8a|icbc; o Kpivcov 7idaav

just] as the impious; by no means, O one judging all

xtjv yrjv od 7ioif|asic; Kpiaiv 26+ si7is 8s Kopioc;

the earth. Will you not execute judgment? [ said And [the] LORD],

sdv cbaiv sv £o86|ioicj 7isvxf|Kovxa SiKaioi sv xr|

If there should be in Sodom fifty just in the

7i6Xsi acpfjaco 7idvxa xov xo7iov 81' auxotic;

city, I will leave off [doing so to] all the place on account of them.

27+ Kai a7ioKpi6s(c; APpadji si7is vdv r|p^d|ir|v

And Abraham responding said, Now [that] I began

AxxAxjaai npoq xov Kopiov (iod sycb 8s si|i( yr| Kai

to speak to my Lord, and I am earth and

anodoq 2 s + sdv 8s sXaxxovcoGcbaiv 01 7rsvxfjKovxa

ashes. But if [ may be lessened the fifty


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Sucaioi sic; xsaaapaKovxa7csvxs a7coA,s(c; svsksv tcov

just] to forty-five, will you destroy because of the

7TSVTS 7idaav xrjv 7i6A.iv Kai si7csv ou |ir| a7coA,saco

five, all the city? And he said, No way will I destroy

sdv stipco sksi xsaaapaKovxa7csvxs 29+ Kai 7cpoas6r|Ksv

if I find there forty-five. And he added

sxi XaArjoai npoq auxov Kai si7csv sav 8s supsBcoaiv

yet to speak to him. And he said, But if [there] may be found

sksi xsaaap&amp;Kovxa Kai si7csv od |ir| a7coAiaco svsksv

there forty? And he said, No way should I destroy because of

tcov xsaaapdKovxa 30 + Kai 81718 |ir| xi Kopis eav

the forty. And he said, Much less, O Lord, if

AxxAxjaco eav 8s supsGcoaiv sksi xpidKovxa Kai si7csv

I may speak, but if [there] may be found there thirty? And he said,

ou jitj anoXsaco svsksv xcov xpidKovxa 31+ Kai si7csv

No way will I destroy because of the thirty. And he said,

S7rsi5f| s%co XaAxjaai npoq xov Kopiov sdv 8s

Since I have [taken] to speak to the Lord, but if

si)ps9coaiv sksi eiKoai Kai sitcsv od |ir| a7coA,saco sdv

[there] may be found there twenty? And he said, No way will I destroy if

stipco sksi siKoai 32 + Kai si7cs |ir| xi Kopis sdv

I should find there twenty. And he said, Much less, O Lord, if

AxxAxjaco sxi d7ca^ sdv 8s supsGcbaiv sksi 8sKa Kai

I may speak still once [more], but if [there] may be found there ten? And

si7csv od |ir| a7coXsaco svsksv xcov 8sKa 33 + a7cfjAi)s 8s

he said, No way will I destroy because of the ten. [ went forth And

Kopioc; coc; S7caDoaxo Xakcbv xco Appadji Kai APpadji

[the] LORD] as he ceased speaking to Abraham, and Abraham

a7csaxps\j/sv sic; xov xo7cov auxou

returned to his place.

19 W

1+ fjABov 8s 01 8t3o dyysAxn sic; E68o|ia sa7cspac;

[ came And the two angels] into Sodom [at] evening.

Acox 8s SKdGrjxo 7capd xrjv 7c6Aiv £o86|icov i8cbv 8s

And Lot settled by the city of Sodom. And seeing,

Acox s^avsaxrj sic; auvdvxrjaiv auxoic; Kai

Lot rose up to meet them, and

7tpoasK6vr|os xco 7cpoaco7cco S7U xttv yrjv 2+ Kai si7csv

did obeisance [with] [his] face upon the ground. And he said,

idov Kopioi sKKAivaxs sic; xov oikov xod 7cai86c; djicov

Behold lords, turn aside to the house of your servant,


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01 - Genesis

Kai KaxaAriaaxs Kai vuj/aa0s xovq izoSaq djicov Kai

and rest up, and wash your feet! that

opGpiaavxsc; anzkzvosoQz sic; xrjv o86v djicov Kai

rising early you may go forth into your way. And

S17TOV od%i aXk r sv ttj 7rXaxs(a KaxaAtiaojisv 3+ Kai

they said, No, but in the square we will rest up. And

Kaxspid^exo avzovq Kai e^eKAivav npoq auxov Kai

he constrained them, and they turned aside towards him, and

eiafjABov eic; xov oikov avzov Kai S7iovr|asv auxofc;

entered unto his house. And he made for them

7i6xov Kai atfiiiovq £7ie\j/£v auxoic; Kai ecpayov 4+

a banquet, and [ unleavened [breads] he baked] for them, and they ate.

7ipo xod Koi|ir|6fjvai 01 dvSpec; Tr\q noXscnq 01

Before putting to bed, the men of the city, the

£o5o|i(xai 7iepi£KDKAxjaaav xrjv oiKiav arco vsaviaKOD

Sodomites, surrounded the house, from [the] young [man]

ecoc; 7ipeaPi)xspoD anaq o Xaoq djia 5+ Kai

unto [the] older, all the people together. And

s^sKaXowxo xov Acox Kai eA,syov npoq auxov nov

they called forth Lot. And they said to him, Where

eicriv 01 dvSpec; 01 sias^Govxec; itpoq ae xrjvvincxa

are they, the men, the ones entering to you [this] night?

e^dyaye auxotic; npoq r\[idq iva &lt;xoyysvcG|i£6a auxofc;

Lead them to us, that we may be intimate with them!

6+ s^fjABe 8s Acox itpoq avzovq itpoq xo 7ip60i)pov

[ came forth And Lot] to them, to the threshold,

xrjv 5s 0i3pav 7ipoasco^sv O7uaco avzov 7 + £i7ie 8e

[ the and door he shut] behind him. And he said

7rpoq auxouc; |ir|8a|icbc; a8sAxpo( |ir| 7iovr|psi)or|a0s 8 +

to them, By no means, brethren, should you do wickedly.

eicri 8s |ioi 8uo Buyaxepec; ai odk syvcoaav dv8pa

But there are to me two daughters who knew not a man.

s^d^co auxdc; npoq v[idq Kai %pda6e avzaiq Ka6d

I will lead them to you, and you treat them as

av apsaKoi djiw jiovov sic; zovq avdpaq xotjxodc;

pleases you! Only to these men

|ir| 7ioifjar|xe d8iKov ou siveKev ziar\kdov vno

you should not do unjust, because they entered under

xrjv aKS7ir|v xcov 8okcov jiod 9 + si7iav Se auxcb a7ioaxa

the protection of my beams. And they said to him, You left

sksi SKxqABec; 7iapoiK8iv |ir| Kai Kpiaiv Kpiveiv vuv

there to enter [here] to sojourn, and not [ [with] judgment to judge]. Now


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odv as KaKcbaojisv \iaXkov r\ sksivodc; Kai

then to you we will inflict evil rather [than] them. And

7iap8Pid^ovxo to dv8pa xov Acox acp68pa Kai

they were pressing the man Lot exceedingly, and

fjyyiaav awxpnj/ai xr|v 0i3pav 10+ SKxeivavxec; 8e 01

they approached to break the door. [ stretching out And the

dvSpec; xac; %sipaq eia£a7idaavxo xov Acox npoq

men] the hands, drew Lot towards

eauxouc; eic; xov oikov Kai xrjv dvpav xou oikod

themselves into the house, and the door of the house

a7i8KA,siaav h+xodc;8s dvSpac; xouc; ovxac; em xrjc;

they locked. And the men being at the

dvpaq xou oikod S7idxa^av sv aopaaia anb jiiKpoi)

door of the house were struck with inability to see, from small

ecoc; |isydAx)D Kai 7iapeAi)0r|aav ^tixowcsc; xrjv Gupav

unto great, and they were disabled [in] seeking the door.

12+ S17TOV 8s 01 dvSpsc; 7ipoc; Acox eiai aoi cb8e

[ said And the men] to Lot, Are there [ to you here

yajiPpoi T| dioi T| Guyaxepec; r| eixic; aoi aXXoq eaxiv

in-laws], or sons or daughters? Or if [ any to you other there is]

sv xtj 7i6A,8i e^dyays 8K xod xotcod xotjxod 13 + 6x1

in the city you lead [them] out of this place! For

r\[isiq aii6Xh)[isv xov xorcov xotixov 6x1 u\j/cb6r|

we destroy this place. For [ was raised up high

T| Kpauyfj auxcbv svavxi Kupioi) Kai arcsaxsiXsv r\[idq

their cry] before [the] LORD, and [ sent us

Kopioc; SKxpnj/ai auxfjv 14+ e^fjXGe 8s Acox Kai

[the] LORD] to obliterate it. [ went forth And Lot] and

eXdAxjae 7ipoq xodc; yajiPpouc; avzov xodc; eiArjcpoxac;

spoke to his sons-in-law, the ones taking

xac; Guyaxspac; avzov Kai si7iev avdaxnxe Kai s^sXGsxs

his daughters. And he said, Rise up, and come forth


from out of this place, for [the] LORD is obliterating the city.
s8o^e 8s ysXoid^siv svavxiov xcov yajiPpcbv auxou 15 +

[ he seemed But to be joking before his sons-in-law].

rjviKa 8s opGpoc; eyevexo ea7roi)8a£pv 01 dyye^oi

And when dawn came [ hurried the angels]

xov Acox Aiyovxec; avaaxdc; Xdpe xrjv yuvaixd aou Kai

Lot, saying, In rising up, take your wife and

xac; 8t3o Guyaxepac; aoi) aq s%sic; Kai e^eXGe (va |ir|

[ two daughters your] whom you have, and come forth! that [ not


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01 - Genesis

Kai ai) avvanoh] zaiq avojiiaiq xrjq 7i6A,scdc; 16 +

also you should] be destroyed together in the lawlessnesses of the city.

Kai £Tap&amp;%0r|Gav Kai eKpdrrjaav 01 dyysAm

And they were disturbed, and [ held the angels]

Tr\q %£ipbq olvtov Kai Tr\q X^ipoq Tr\q yovaiKoc; avzov

his hand, and the hand of his wife,

Kai xcov %sipcbv xcov 8do 0i)yaTspcov aDTOD ev too

and the hands [two daughters of his], in the

cpsiaaaGai Kopiov avzov i?+ Kai syevsxo rjviKa

LORD sparing him. And it came to pass when

s^fjyayov avzovq s^co Kai 8i7iov acb^cov ocb^e xrjv

they led them outside, and said, By escaping escape [with]

aeaDTOD \\fv%r\v |ir| 7iepipA,s\j/r| sic; xa O7i(aco

your own life! You should not look round about to the rear,

|ir|8e aTr\q sv 7idar| xr| 7iepi%cbpcD sic; to opoq acbCpv

nor stand in any round about [place]. [into the mountain Escape]!

|irj7iOT8 m)|i7tapaAx|(p0f|c; is+ sins 8s Acox npoq

lest at any time you may be taken along with [them]. [said And Lot] to

aDTODc; 8eo|iai Kopie 19+ STrstSfj etipsv o naiq gov

them, I beseech, O lord, since [ found your servant]

%dpiv evavxiov ood Kai sjisyd^Dvaq

favor before you, and you magnified

xrjv 8iKaio&lt;y6vr|v cjod o itomiq S7i' s(is tod ^rjv

your righteousness, which you do unto me, that [ may live

tt|v \\fv%r\v jiod sycb 8s od SDvfjoojiai 8iaaco0f|vai sic;

my soul], but I will not be able to come through safe into

to opoq |ir| KaTaAxxPrj jie Tarara Kai a7io6dvco 20 +

the mountain, lest [ overtake me evils] and I die.

18013 T| noXiq ai3rr| eyytic; tod KaTacpDysiv |is sksi r\

Behold, this city [is] near for me to take refuge there, which

scjti jiiKpd sksi aco9f|ao|iai od jiiKpd saTi Kai

is small, there I will be delivered. [ not a small [thing] Is it] that

^fjaeTai rj yv%r\ jiod svsksv aoD 21 + Kai si7isv aDTcb

[ will live my soul] because of you? And he said to him,

i8od 80aD|iaad aoD to 7rp6aco7rov S7U

Behold, I admired your countenance over

too pfjjiaTi todtco tod |iT| KaTa&lt;ycps\j/ai TTJV 7l6A.IV

this saying, [that I] should not eradicate the city,

7isp( r\q skaXr\aaq 22 + a7iSDaov odv tod aooGfjvai

concerning of which you spoke. You hasten then to escape

sksi od yap 8Dvf|oo|iai tod 7roifjaai 7ipdy|ia sooc;

there, [ not for I will] be able to do [the] thing until


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01 - Genesis

tod sX0siv as sksi Sid todto SKdXsas to ovojia

you go there! On account of this he called the name

Tr\q noXscoq sks(vt|c; Suycop 23+0 r\kioq s^fjXGev S7ri

of that city, Zoar. The sun came [up] upon

ttjv yrjv Kai Acot eiofjAitev sic; Srjycop 2 4 + Kai Kupioc;

the earth, and Lot entered into Zoar. And [the] LORD

sPps^sv 87ii £68ojia Kai Tojioppa 0siov Kai nvp

rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah sulphur and fire

7iapd KOpiOD s£, ODpaVOD 25+ Kai KaTS&lt;XCpS\j/S

from [the] LORD from out of heaven. And he eradicated

zaq TtoXziq Tawac; Kai 7idaav tt|v 7isp(xcopov Kai

these cities, and all the place round about, and

7idvTac; todc; KaTOiKowcac; sv zmq tioXzgi Kai Ta

all the ones dwelling in the cities, and the things

avaTsAlovTa sk Tr\q yr\q 26+ Kai S7ispXs\j/sv

rising from out of the ground. And [ looked

T| yvvr\ clvtov siq Ta O7uaco Kai sysvsTO aTf\kr\ akoq

his wife] unto the rear, and she became a monument of salt.

27 + cbpBpias 8s APpadji too 7ipcoi sic; tov totcov od

[ rose early And Abraham] in the morning to the place of which

SlOTTJKSl SVaVTlOV KDpiOD 28+ Kai S7TSpA,S\j/SV 8711

he had stood before [the] LORD. And he looked upon

7ip6aco7rov £o86|icov Kai Tojioppaq Kai S7U 7ip6aco7rov

[the] face of Sodom and Gomorrah, and upon [the] face

Tr\q 7rspi%copou Kai s(8s Kai i8ot3 avspaivs cpAx)^

of the place round about. And he saw. And behold, [ ascended a flame]

8K Trjq yr\q coasi aTjiiq Kajiivoi) 29+ Kai sysvsTO sv

from out of the earth, as vapor of a furnace. And it came to pass in

too SKTpnj/ai tov 08ov 7idaac; Tag 7i6A,sic; Trjq 7ispioiKOD

God obliterating all the [ cities adjacent],

sjivfjoGrj o Gsoc; tod APpadji Kai s^a7isaTSiA,s tov Acot

God remembered Abraham, and he sent out Lot

8K jisaoi) Trjq KaTaaTpocpfjq sv too KaTa&lt;xcp8\j/ai zaq

from the middle of the final event, in the eradicating the

7t6Xsic; sv aic; KaTCOKsi sv aviate; Acot 30+ s^fjXGs 8s

cities in which [dwelt in them Lot]. [ came forth And

Acot sk I/qycbp Kai SKdGrjio sv tco opsi Kai ai

Lot] from out of Zoar, and settled in the mountain, and the

8vo Gvyaispsc; aviov |isi' clvtov stpopfj6r| yap

two daughters of his with him; for he feared

KaTOiKfjaai sv I/qycop Kai KaicoKr|asv sv tco

dwelling in Zoar. And he dwelt in the


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01 - Genesis
a7iT]Amco aDxoc; Kai ai 8do 0Dyaxspsc; aDxoD jisx'

cave, he and the two daughters of his with

avTOV 31+ 81718 8s r| 7ipsaPDxspa 7ipoc; xrjv vscoxspav

him. [ said And the elder] to the younger,

o 7iaTfjp r\[i(bv 7ipsaPDxspoc; Kai odSsic; soxiv S7it xt]c;

Our father [is] older, and [there] is no one upon the

yrjc; oq siasXsDasxai npoq r\[iaq coc; KaGfjKsi 7idar| xt]

land who will enter to us, as it is fit in all the

yr| 32+ 8si3po Kai 7rox(aco|isv xov rcaxspa T]|icbv oivov

earth. Come and we should give [ to drink our father wine],

Kai Koi|ir|0cb|i£v jisx' aDxoD Kai s^avaaxfjacojisv sk

and we should go to bed with him, that we might raise up [ from

xod 7raxp6c; rj|icbv a7i8p|ia 33+ S7i6xioav 5s

our father seed]. And they gave [ to drink

xov 7iaxspa auxcbv oivov sv xrj vdkxi SKeivrj Kai

their father wine] in that night. And

eiasXGotiaa r| 7rpsaPi)X8pa 8Koi|ifi6r| jisxd

entering, the elder went to bed with

xod 7raxp6c; avTT\q ev xrj vdkxi SKeivrj Kai odk fj8ei

her father in that night, and he did not know

sv xco Koi|ir|0f|vai aDxfjv Kai avaaxfjvai 34 + syevsxo 5e

about her going to bed and rising up. And it came to pass

sv xtj 87iaDpiov Kai S17T8V T| 7ipsaPDX8pa Trpoq XT|V

in the next day, and [ said the elder] to the

vsooxspav i8od SKOi(if|9r|v %dzq jisxd xod nazpoq r\[i(bv

younger, Behold, I went to bed yesterday with our father.

7iox(aco(i8v aDxov oivov Kai sv xrj vdkxi xaDxrj Kai

We should give [ to drink him wine] also in this night, and

eiasABoDaa Koi|if|6r|xi jisx' aDxoD Kai e^avaaxfjacojisv

entering, you go to bed with him! that we might raise up

sk xod Kcrcpoq Tjjicbv a7i8p|ia 35 + S7i6xiaav 8s Kai sv

[ from our father seed]. And they gave to drink also in

xtj vdkxi sksivt] xov 7iaxspa aDxcbv oivov Kai

that night [ [for] their father wine]. And

siasXGoDaa r\ vscoxspa skoi|it]0t] jisxd

entering, the younger went to bed with

xod 7raxp6c; aDxfjc; Kai odk f|5si sv

her father. And he did not know about

xco Koi(iT]6T]vai aDxfjv Kai avaaxfjvai 36 + Kai aDvs^aPov

her going to bed and rising up. And [ conceived

ai 8do 0Dyaxspaq Acox sk xod nazpoq aDxcbv 37 + Kai

the two daughters of Lot] from their father. And


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

01 - Genesis

8T8K8V r| 7ipsaPi)Tspa diov Kai SKd^eae

[ bore the elder] a son, and she called

to ovojia olvtov Moodp AiyoDoa 8K tod nazpoq |iod

his name Moab, saying, [He is] from my father.

odtoc; 7iaTfjp McoaPiTcbv sooc; Trjq afjiispov rjjispac; 3 8 +

This [one] [is] father of [the] Moabites, unto today's day.

STSK8 8s Kai T| veooTspa diov Kai SKd^eas

[ bore And also the younger] a son, and she called

to ovojia (xdtod Ajijiov vioq yzvovq jiod odtoc;

his name Ammon, [he is] a son of my family. This one

7iaTfjp AjijioviTcbv ecoc; Tr\q afjjiepov rjjispac;

[is] father of [the] Ammonites until today's day.

20 3

i+ Kai eKivrjaev sksiBsv APpa&amp;ji sic; yrjv npoq )dfia

And [ moved from there Abraham] into [the] land towards [the] south,

Kai cbKTjasv avajieaov Kd8r|c; Kai avajieaov SoDp

and lived between Kadesh and between Shur,

Kai 7rapcbKr|aev sv Tspapoiq 2 + 8i7is 8s APpadji

and sojourned in Gerar. [ said And Abraham]

7ispi Edppaq Tr\q yDvaiKoq aDTOD 6ti a8eAxpf| jiod

concerning Sarah his wife, that, [ my sister

screw scpopfjGrj yap sursiv 6ti yDvfj jiod scm |jt|7i;ots

She is]. For he feared to say that, [my wife She is], lest at any time

a7TOKTSivcoaiv aDTOV oi dvSpsc; Tr\q nokEcoq 8i

[ should kill him the men of the city] on account of

aDTfjv a7isaTSiA,s 8s Api|i8A,sx fiaaikzvq Tspapcov Kai

her. [ sent So Abimelech king of Gerar], and

elaps ttjv Sdppav 3 + Kai siafjABsv o dzoq itpoq

he took Sarah. And God entered to


Abimelech by sleep in the night. And he said, Behold, you

a7io0vfjaK£ic; 7isp( Tr\q yDvaiKoq r\q zkafiEq

die on account of the woman of whom you took,

aDTTj 8s sctti oDvcoKTjKDia av8pi 4 + Apijis^sx 8s odx

for she is living with a man. And Abimelech [ not

fj\j/aTO aDTfjc; Kai si7is KDpie s0voc; ayvoow Kai

touched her]. And he said, O Lord, [a nation ignorant and

SiKaiov (moXsiq 5+ odk avzoq jioi sircsv a8sAxpf|

just will you destroy]? [ not he to me Said], [ sister

(iod sctti Kai aDTfj jioi 817TSV aSsAxpoc; |IOD scmv sv

She is my]; and she said to me, [ brother He is my]? With


20 3 sv tootco + vtica 01 - Genesis

KaGapd Kap5(a Kai sv SiKaioaDvrj %sipcbv STiovqaa

a clean heart, and with righteousness of hands I did

xodxo 6 + S17T8 8s aDxcb o Gsoc; Ka6 ' D7rvov Kaycb

this. [ said And to him God] by sleep, And I

syvcov on sv KaBapd Kap5(a S7iovr|aac; xodxo Kai

knew that with a clean heart you did this, and

stpsiad|ir|v aoD tod |ir| ajiapxsiv as sic; sjis svsra

I spared you [for] [ to not sin you] against me; because of

xodxod odk acpfjKd as tod d\j/aa6ai aDxfjc; ? + vdv 8s

this I did not let you touch her. And now

ootoSoc; xrjv yDvaiKa icq av6pcb7ico 6xi 7tpocpf|xr|c; sail

give back the wife of the man, for he is a prophet,

Kai 7ipoasD^sxai 7isp( aoD Kai ^fjarj si 8s |ir|

and he will pray for your account, and you shall live. But if [you do] not

a7io8(8coc; yvcbarj 6xi a7ro6avfj av Kai 7idvTa xa aa

give back, you shall know that you shall die, you and all yours.

8 + Kai cbpBpiasv ApijisXsx xco 7ipcoi Kai SKdXsas

And Abimelech rose early in the morning, and he called

navxaq xovq naidaq aDxoD Kai sXdXrjas 7idvxa

all his servants. And he spoke all

xa pfjjiaxa xaDxa sic; xa coxa aDxcbv scpopfjGrjaav 8s

these words into their ears. [ feared And

ftdvxsc; oi dv9pco7ioi acp68pa 9 + Kai SKd^sasv Apijis^sx

all the men] exceedingly. And Abimelech called

xov APpadji Kai si7isv aDxcb xi xodxo S7io(r|aa(; r||iiv

Abraham. And he said to him, What [is] this you did to us,

jxfjxi r||idpxo|isv sic; as 6x1 STrfjyaysc; sn sjis Kai

lest we sinned against you, that you bring upon me and

S7U xrjv Paai^siav jiod ajiapxiav |isydXr|v spyov o

upon my kingdom [ sin a great]? A work which

odGsic; 7roifjasi 7rs7iovr|Kdc; jioi 10+ si7is 8s ApijisXsx

no one will do, you have done to me. [ said And Abimelech]

xco APpadji xi sviScov S7rovr|aac; xodxo n+ si7is 8s

to Abraham, What seeing did you do this? [ said And

APpadji si7ia yap dpa odk saxi BsoasPsia sv

Abraham], For I said, Surely there is not godliness in


this place, [ me and they will kill] because

xrjc; yDvaiKoq jiod 12+ Kai yap ahr\d(hq aSsAxpfj jiod saxiv

of my wife. For also truly [ sister she is my]

sk 7iaxp6c; aXk' odk sk jirjxpoc; sysvfjGrj 8s jioi siq

from [my] father, but not from [my] mother; and she became to me for


20 3 ev toi3tco + vdca 01 - Genesis

yDvaiKa 13 + sysvsTO 8s rjviKa s^fjyays |is o Gsoc; sk

wife. And it happened when [ led me God] from


the house of my father, and I said to her, This

ttjv 8iKaioaDvr|v Ttovf\G£iq sic; sjis sic; 7idvTa totcov

righteousness you will do for me in every place

od av sias^Goojisv sksi si7rov s|is 6ti aSsAxpoc;

of which ever I enter; there you say of me that, [ brother

jiod screw 14 + sAxxPs 8s ApijisXsx %ikia 8(8pa%|ia Kai

He is my] ! [ took And Abimelech] a thousand double-drachmas, and

7tp6paTa Kai [ioa%ovq Kai naidaq Kai 7iai8(aKac; Kai

sheep, and calves, and manservants, and maidservants, and

s8ooks too APpadji Kai arcsSooKsv aDTcb Sdppav

gave to Abraham, and he gave back to him Sarah

ttjv yDvcura (xdtod 15+ Kai si7rsv ApijisXsx Too APpadji

his wife. And Abimelech said to Abraham,

i8od T| yr| (iod svavTiov aoD od av aoi apsaKq

Behold, my land [is] before you, which ever it may please you,

KaTOiKsi 16+ ttj 8s Sdppa sitcsv i8od 8s8coKa %ikia

dwell [there]! And [to] Sarah he said, Behold, I have given a thousand

8(8pa%|ia too aSsAxpob aoD TaDTa scrcai aoi sic; Tijxfjv

double-drachmas to your brother, these will be to you for [the] value

tod 7rpoaob7iOD aoD Kai naaaxq xaiq jiSTd ood Kai

of your person, and all the [ones] with you; and

7idvTa aArjBsDoov n+ 7ipoar|D^aTO 8s APpadji 7ipoc;

[ [in] all [things] you be truthful] ! [ prayed And Abraham] to

tov 0s6v Kai idaaTO o 0s6c; tov Api|isA,s% Kai

God. And God healed Abimelech, and

ttjv yDvaiKa aDTOD Kai Tag 7iai8(aKac; aDTOD Kai stskov

his wife, and his maidservants, and they bore.

i8+ 6ti oDyK^sioov aDVSKXsias KDpioq s^ooGsv 7idaav

For in closing up, [the] LORD closed up outside every

ttjv jxfjTpav sv too oikoo Api|isA,sx svsksv Sdppaq TT\q

womb in the house of Abimelech, because of Sarah the

yDvaiKoq APpadji

wife of Abraham.


21 SD


01 - Genesis


i + Kai Kopiog S7isaK8\j/aTO xrjv Sdppav Ka6d ei7ie Kai

And [the] LORD visited Sarah as he said, and

S7io(r|08 Kopioc; xrj Sdppa KaGd e^dAxjae 2 + Kai

[the] LORD did to Sarah as he spoke. And

&lt;yoAA,aPoi)oa stsks too APpadji diov sic; to yfjpac; eic;

conceiving, she bore to Abraham a son in [his] old age, in

xov Kaipov KaGd sA,dAx|aev aDTcb Kopioc; 3 + Kai

the time as [spoke to him [the] LORD]. And

era^sasv APpadji to ovojia tod diod avzov tod

Abraham called the name of his son, the [one]

yevojievoD aDTcb ov stsksv aDTcb Sdppa IaadK 4 +

born to him whom [ bore to him Sarah] — Isaac.

7ispiST8|is 8e APpadji tov IaadK tt| oy8of| rjjiepa

[ circumcised And Abraham] Isaac on the eighth day

KaGd £vstsiAxxto aDTcb o Geoq 5 + Kai APpadji r|v

as [ gave charge to him God]. And Abraham was

8KaT6v stcov rjviKa sysvsTO aDTcb IaadK o vioq avzov

a hundred years [old] when [ was born to him Isaac his son].

6+ 81718 5s Edppa ysAxoTd jioi S7rorr|a£ Kopioc;

[ said And Sarah], [ laughter to me caused [The] LORD],

oq yap av aKODarj aDyxapevcai jioi ? + Kai 8i7is tic;

for whoever may hear will rejoice along with me. And she said, Who

avayye^ei too APpadji 6ti GrjAxx^si 7iai5(ov Sdppa 6ti

will announce to Abraham that [ nurses a male child Sarah], for

stskov diov sv Too yfjpa |iod 8+ Kai r|D^f|Gr| to

I bore a son in my old age. And [ grew the

7iai8(ov Kai a7isyaXaKTiaGr| Kai 87io(r|asv APpadji

child] and was weaned. And Abraham made

5oxfjv jieydArjv r| rjjispa a7ieyaA,aKTiaGr| IaadK

[ banquet a great] the day [ was weaned Isaac

ODioqaDTOD 9+ i5oDaa 8s Sdppa tov diov Ayap Tr\q

his son]. [beholding And Sarah] the son ofHagar the

AiyD7rc(ac; oq sysvsTO tco APpadji 7ia(£pvTa jiSTd

Egyptian, who was born [to] Abraham, playing with

IaadK tod diod aDTfjq io+ Kai S17TS tco APpadji ZKfiaks

Isaac her son, that she said to Abraham, You cast out

ttjv 7iai8(aKr|v TaDTTjv Kai tov diov aDTfjc; od yap jlit|

this maidservant and her son, for [ shall not

KAripovojifjaei o vioq Tr\q 7raiSiaKr|c; |i£Td

be heir the son of the maidservant] with


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01 - Genesis

tod diod jiod IaadK n+aKAx|p6v 5s scpdvrj to pfjjia

my son Isaac. [ hard But appeared the saying

atp68pa svavTiov APpadji 7isp( tod diod aDTOD

very] before Abraham concerning his son

IqiafjA, 12+81718 8s o Gsoq too APpadji [ir\ aKhr\p6v

Ishmael. [ said And God] to Abraham, [ not hard

scttco svavTiov aoD 7isp( TOD 7Cai8lOD Kai 7T8p(

Let it be] before you on account of the child, and on account of

Trjq 7rai8(aKr|c; 7cdvTa 6aa av si7ir| aoi Sdppa

the maidservant! All as much as [ should have said to you Sarah],

dKODS Tr\q cpcDvfjc; avTT\q 6ti sv IaadK KAx|0f|asTai

you hearken to her voice! for by Isaac [ shall be called

aoi a7isp|ia 13 + Kai tov diov 8s Tr\q 7cai8iaKr|c; tocdttj^

to you a seed]. [ also the son But] of this maidservant

sic; s0voc; jisya 7coif|aco ocdtov 6ti a7i8p|ia aov saTiv

[into nation a great I will make], for he [seed your is].

14 + avsarrj 8s APpadji to 7ipcoi Kai skafizv dpTODq

[ rose up And Abraham] in the morning, and took bread loaves

Kai aaKov DSaTOc; Kai sScdks tt| Ayap Kai S7is0r|Ksv

and a leather bag of water; and he gave to Hagar, and he placed

to 7iai8(ov 87i( tcov cbjicov aDTfjc; Kai a7csaTSiA,sv aDTfjv

the male child upon her shoulders, and he sent her.

a7C8A,6oDaa 8s 87cXavdTO KaTd tt|v 8pr||iov KaTd to

And she went forth wandering about the wilderness by the

cppeap tod opKOD 15+ s^8Ai7ts 8s to D8cop sk

Well of the Oath. [ ceased But the water] [coming] from out of

TOD aCJKOD Kai Sppi\j/S TO 7Cai8lOV D7COKdTCO [iidq

the leather bag, and she tossed the male child underneath one

sAxrrr|c; 16+ a7csA,0ODaa 8s SKdGrjTO a7csvavTi aDTOD

fir tree. And going forth she sat down before him,

jiaKpoGsv coast to^od PoArjv si7cs yap od |ir| (8co

far off as a bow shot. For she said, no way shall I see

tov GdvaTOV tod 7cai8ioD jiod Kai SKdGiasv a7csvavTi

the death of my child. And she sat before

aDTOD avapofjaav 8s to 7cai8(ov skAxxdcjsv 17 +

him. And yelling out the child wept.

siafjKODas 8s o Gsoc; Tr\q cpcovfiq tod 7cai8(oD sk tod

[ listened to But God] the voice of the child from the

to7cod od Tjv Kai SKaXsasv ajj^koq Gsod ttjv Ayap

place where he was. And [ called [an] angel of God] Hagar

sk tod ODpavoD Kai si7csv aDTTj ti saTiv Ayap

from out of the heaven, and said to her, What is it, Hagar?


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

|ir| 90P0D S7iaKf|K08 yap o 0s6c; Tr\q cpcovfjc;

Fear not! [ has heeded for God] the voice


of your child from out of the place where he is.

avdaTT|6i Kai A,dpe to 7iai5(ov Kai KpdTTjaov

Rise up and take the child, and hold

tt| %£ipi god (xdto sic; yap sBvoc; jisya 7ioif|acD aDTO

[in your hand it]! [into For nation a great I will make it].

19+ Kai aveco^ev o 0e6c; todc; ocpGaXjioDc; aDTfjc; Kai s(5s

And God opened her eyes. And she saw

cppeap D8aToq CfbvToq Kai S7ropeD0r| Kai S7iXr|as tov

a well [water [of] living]. And she went and filled the

daKov tod D8aToq Kai 87i6Tias to 7rai8(ov 20 + Kai

leather bag of water, and gave a drink to the child. And

Tjv o 0e6c; (iSTd tod 7iai8(oD Kai r|D^f|0r| Kai

God was with the child. And he grew, and


he dwelt in the wilderness. And he became a bowman. And

KaTCOKqasv sv tt| spfjjLico Oapdv Kai eXapev aDTcb

he dwelt in the wilderness in Parah. And [ took to him

r| (if|Tr|p aDTOD yDvaiKa 8K yr\q AiyD7iTOD 22+

his mother] a wife from [the] land of Egypt.

sysvsTO 8e ev tco Kaipcb sksivcd Kai si7i8v ApijieA^x

And it came to pass in that time, that Abimelech spoke,

Kai O%o^d0 o VDjicpaycoyoq aDTOD Kai ®i%6A, o

along with Ahuzzath his groomsman, and Phichol the

apxiaTpdTTjyoq Tr\q SDvdjiscoq aDTOD itpoq APpadji

commander-in-chief of his force, to Abraham,

Aiyoov o 0e6c; jiSTd ood sv 7idaiv oiq av 7roif|q 23 +

saying, God [is] with you in all [things] what ever you should do.


Now then swear by an oath to me [by] God [that you will] not wrong

|is jirjSe to a7i8p|ia jiod jirjSs to ovojid jiod alXa

me, nor my seed, nor my name! but

KaTd ttjv 5iKaiooDvr|v Tjv 87ioir|aa |i£Td aoD

according to the righteousness which I did with you,

7roifja8ic; |I8t' s|iod Kai ttj yr| r| av 7iapcbKr|aac;

you shall do with me, and in the land where you sojourned

sv avTT\ 24+ Kai S17TSV APpadji sycb ojioDjiai 25 + Kai

in it. And Abraham said, I will swear by an oath. And

fj^sy^sv APpadji tov ApijisXsx 7isp( tcov cppsdTCOv

Abraham reproved Abimelech on account of the wells


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01 - Genesis

tod D5aToq gov acpsi^ovTO 01 itaidzq tod ApijisXsx 2 6 +

of water, which [ removed the servants of Abimelech].

kcu S17T8V aDTcb Api|ieA£% odk syvcov tic; 87io(r|as

And [said to him Abimelech], I do not know who did

to pf||ia todto od8s &lt;xu jioi a7if|yyeiA,ac; od8s syco

this matter, nor you reported [it] to me, nor I

fjKODoa aXk r r| afjiispov 2 ?+ Kai elapev APpadji

heard — but only today. And Abraham took

7ip6paTa Kai [ioa%ovq Kai s5coks tco ApijisXex Kai

sheep and calves, and gave to Abimelech, and

8ie6evTO ajicpoTspoi SiaGfjKqv 28+ Kai sorrjaev APpadji

[ordained both a covenant]. And Abraham set

S7TT&amp; ajivd5ac; 7ipopdTC0v [lovaq 29+ Kai £i7isv Api|isA,£%

seven ewe-lambs of sheep alone. And Abimelech said

tco APpadji ti sioiv ai S7iTd a|ivd8ec; tcov 7ipopdTC0v

to Abraham, What are the seven ewe-lambs of sheep —

todtcov aq sarqaac; jiovaq 30 + Kai ei7iev 6ti xaq snxd

these, which you set alone? And he said, that, [ seven

ajivd8ac; TaDTac; Xr\\\fr\ nap sjiod (va com jioi

ewe-lambs these You shall take of] of mine, that they should be to me

siq jiapropiov 6ti sycb copD^a to cppsap todto 31 +

for a testimony that I dug this well.

8id todto £7rcov6|iaae to ovojia tod totcod sksivod

Because of this [was named the name of that place],

cppeap opKiajioD 6ti 8K8i cbjioaav ajicpoTspoi 32+ Kai

Well of [the] Oath, for there [ swore by an oath both]. And

5ie6evTO 5ia9fjKr|v sv tco cppsan tod opKiajioD

they ordained a covenant at the Well of the Oath.

aveaTTj 5s ApijisXsx Kai O%o^d0 o VDjicpaycoyoq aDTOD

[ rose up And Abimelech], and Ahuzzath his groomsman,

Kai ®i%6X o apxiGTpdTrjyoc; Tr\q 8Dvd|iscoc; avzov Kai

and Phichol the commander-in-chief of his force, and

S7i8aTp8\j/av sic; tt|v yrjv tcov ®DAiaTiei|i 33+ Kai

they returned to the land of the Philistines. And

stpDTSDasv APpadji dpoDpav S7ri tco cppsaTi tod

Abraham planted plowed fields near the Well of the

opKOD Kai £7reKaAiaaTO SK8i to ovojia KDpioD Geoc;

Oath. And he called there the name of [the] LORD, God

aicovioq 34+ 7rapcoKr|G£ 8s APpadji ev tt| yr| tcov

eternal. [ sojourned And Abraham] in the land of the

OdAkttisiji rjjispac; noXXaq

Philistines [ days many].


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01 - Genesis

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i+ Kai syevsxo jiexd xa pfjjiaxa xatixa o Qsoq 87ie(pao8

And it came to pass after these words, God tested

xov Appa&amp;ji Kai ei7iev auxcb APpadji APpa&amp;ji Kai

Abraham, and said to him, Abraham, Abraham. And

S17T8V i8oi3 sycb 2 + Kai ei7is Xdps xovmovaoi) xov

he said, Behold, [it is] I. And he said, Take your son, the

aya7ir|x6v ov rjy&amp;7rr|aac; xov Iaa&amp;K Kai 7iopei)0r|xi sic;

beloved, whom you loved — Isaac! And go into

xtjv yrjv xrjv t3\j/t|Ax|v Kai avevsyKe clvtov 8ks( eic;

the [ land high], and offer him there [as]

oXoKdp7TCOaiV S(p' 8V XCOV OpeCOV GOV aV OOl8l7lCO 3 +

a whole offering upon one of the mountains! which ever I may tell you.

avaaxdc; 8e APpadji xo 7ipcoi 87isaa^s xrjv ovov clvtov

[ rising up And Abraham] in the morning, saddled his donkey,

ftapeAxxPe 8s jis6 ' eauxoi) dvo naidaq Kai IaadK

and he took with himself two servants, and Isaac

xov diov clvtov Kai a%(aac; tpXa ziq oXoKdp7icoaiv

his son. And splitting wood for a whole offering,

avaaxdc; S7iop8T36r| Kai fjXGev em xov xorcov ov

[ rising up to go and], they came upon the place which

S17T8V ai)xcb o dsoq xtj rjjiepa xr| xpixrj 4 + Kai

[spoke to him God], [day on the third]. And

avapAiyac; APpadji Toiq ocpGa^jioic; clvtov e(8e xov

Abraham looking up [with] his eyes saw the

xo7rov jiaKpoGsv 5 + Kai si7iev APpadji xoic; 7iaia(v clvtov

place far off. And Abraham said to his servants,

Ka0(aaxs clvtov jisxd xrjc; ovou sycb 8s Kai xo

You sit here with the donkey! and I and the

7iai8dpiov Sie^sDaojieGa ecoc; cb8e Kai

lad will go through unto here. And

7ipoaKovf|aavx£c; avaaxpe\j/o|iev itpoq v[iaq 6 + sXaPe

doing obeisance we will return to you. [ took

8e APpadji xa ^vXa xrjc; oXoKap7rcbaecoc; Kai

And Abraham] the wood [for] the whole offering, and

S7i86r|Ksv IoadK xco mcb auxou skafiz 8s |isxd %sipaq

placed it upon Isaac his son. And he took with [his] hands

xo itvp Kai xttv |id%aipav Kai S7iopsT36r|aav oi Svo

the fire and the knife; and [ went the two]

djia 7+ 8i7is 8s IaadK npoq APpadji

together. [ said And Isaac] to Abraham


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01 - Genesis

TOV 7iaTSpa OLVTOV 7ldTSp O 8s S17CS Tl Sail TSKVOV

his father, Father. And he said, What is it child?

S17T8 8e i8od to 7iDp Kai Ta tpXa 7ioi) sail to

And he said, Behold, the fire and the wood, where is the

7ip6paTOV to eic; oXoKdp7ccoaiv 8 + ei7cs 8s APpadji

sheep — the one for a whole offering? [ said And Abraham],

o 9s6c; 6\|/£Tai eaDTcb 7cp6paTOV sic; oA,OKdp7ccoaiv

God will see to himself a sheep for a whole offering,

TSKvov 7ropsi)68VTS(; 8e ajicpoTspoi d|ia 9+ r\kdov S7i(

child. [ going And both] together, they came upon

tov T07rov ov S17T8V aDTcb o Geoc; Kai C0Ko86|JT|aeV

the place which [ spoke to him God]. And [ built

8K8i APpadji to 0Daia&lt;xcfjpiov Kai 87is0r|Ks Ta

there Abraham] the altar. And he placed upon [it] the

tpXa Kai ai)|i7i;o8iaac; IaadK tov diov aDTOD 87is6r|K8v

wood. And binding [ hand and foot Isaac his son], he placed

avTOV S7i( to 0i)aiaaTf|piov S7cdvco tcov ^d^cov 10+ Kai

him upon the altar upon the wood. And

8^ST8iv8v APpadji ttjv %sipa avzov Xafiziv tt|v

Abraham stretched his hand to take the

|id%aipav ocpd^ai tov diov olvtov n+ Kai £KdA,easv

knife to slay his son. And [ called

avzov ayyskoq KopioD sk tod ODpavoD Kai si7csv

him an angel of [the] LORD] from out of the heaven. And he said,

APpadji APpadji o 8s si7cev i8od eycb 12+ Kai ei7ce

Abraham, Abraham. And he said, Behold, [it is] I. And he said,

jLiri £7i;ipdAr|c; tt|v %zipa sod £7U to 7cai8dpiov

You should not put your hand upon the lad,

|ir|8e 7corfj&lt;xr|c; aDTCO |ir|8ev VDvyap eyvcov 6ti

nor should you do [anything] to him by any means. For now I know that

cpopfj &lt;7D tov 6e6v Kai odk ecpeiaco tod diod aoD
you fear God, and spared not [ son your

tod aya7cr|TOD 81' efie 13+ Kai avapAiyac; APpadji

beloved] on account of me. And Abraham looking up

Toiq o(p0aA,|iofc; aDTOD £i8e Kai i8od Kpioc; sic;

[with] his eyes, saw. And behold, [ ram one]

KaTSXojisvoc; ev cpDTcb aaPeK tcov KepdTCOv Kai

being held in a plant of a thicket by the horns. And

S7cop8D9r| APpadji Kai skafiz tov Kpiov Kai

Abraham went and took the ram, and

avfjvsyKsv aDTOV sic; oXoKdp7ccoaiv avTi IaadK

he offered it for a whole offering instead of Isaac


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01 - Genesis

tod diod (xdtoi) h+ Kai SKd^sasv APpadji to ovojia

his son. And Abraham called the name


of that place, [The] LORD saw; that they may say today,

sv too opsi KDpioq cbcpGrj 15+ Kai SKdXsosv ayyskoq

[ in the mountain [the] LORD was seen]. And [ called [the] angel


of [the] LORD] Abraham a second [time] from out of the heaven,

Aiycov i6+ km;' sjictDTOD cbjioaa Aiysi Kopioc;

saying, According to myself I swear by an oath, says [the] LORD,

od sivsksv £7rorr|oac; to pf||ia todto Kai odk scpsiaco

because you did this saying, and you did not spare

TOD DIOD OOD TOD CtyCt7£T|TOD 8l' 8(18 17+ T| JLlfjV

[ son your beloved] on account of me. Assuredly

SD^oycbv SD^oyfjaco as Kai 7iAr|0Dvcov 7iAx|0Dvcb

in blessing, I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply

to a7isp|ia aoD coc; zovq acrcspac; tod ODpavoD Kai

your seed as the stars of the heaven, and

coc; ttjv djijiov ttjv 7iapd to %sikoq Tr\q Qakaaar\q

as the sand by the edge of the sea.

Kai KAr|povo|if|asi to a7isp|ia ood zaq noXsiq tcov

And [ will inherit your seed] the cities of [your]

D7i8vavTicov 18+ Kai svsDXoyrjGfjaovTai sv

opponents. And [ will be blessed by

tco a7isp|iaTi ood 7idvTa Ta s0vr| Tr\q yr\q av0 ' cov

your seed all the nations of the earth]; because

D7rfjKODaac; xrjq sfafjq (powr\q 19+ a7isaTpdcpr| 8s APpadji

you obeyed my voice. [ returned And Abraham]

7rpoq todc; 7iai8ac; aDTOD Kai avacrcdvTSc; S7iopsD6r|aav

to his servants. And rising up they went

d|ia S7U to cppsap tod opKOD Kai

together to the Well of the Oath. And

KaTCOKrjGSV APpadji S7ii to cppsap tod opKOD 20 +

Abraham dwelt near the Well of the Oath.

sysvsTO 8s jiSTd Ta pfjjiaTa TaDTa Kai avrjyysAxj

And it came to pass after these words, that it was announced

tco APpadji XsyovTsq i8od tstoks MsA,%d Kai aDTfj

to Abraham, saying, Behold, [ has born even Milcah herself]

diodc; tco Na%cbp tco aSsAxpcb aoD 21 + tov

sons [to] Nahor your brother. Huz

7tpcot6tokov Kai tov BdD§ aSsAxpov aDTOD Kai

first-born, and Buz his brother, and


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01 - Genesis

xov KajioDfjA, rcaxspa I/opoov 22 + Kai xov Xa^d0 Kai

Kemuel father of [the] Syrians, and Chesed, and

xov ACfxv Kai xov OaXac; Kai xov IsAMcp Kai

Hazo, and Pildash, and Jidlaph and

xov Ba6oi)fjA, 23 + Ba0oi)fjX 8s syswrjas xrjv PsPskkov

Bethuel. And Bethuel procreated Rebekah.

OKxcb ouxoi dioi ovq sxsks MsX%d Tea Na%cbp ICQ

These [are] [the] eight sons whom Milcah bore to Nahor the

aSsAxpcb APpadfi 24 + Kai r| 7iaAA,aKf| avzov r\ ovojia

brother of Abraham. And his concubine, whose name

Psjidv sxsks Kai auxfj xov Tad5 Kai xov Tasv Kai

[was] Reumah, bore even herself, Tebah, and Gaham, and

xov To%6q Kai xov Mo%d

Thahash, and Maachah.

23 20

1+ sysvsxo 5s r| ^oofj Sdppaq sxrj 8Kax6v siKoaiS7ixd

[was And the life [of] Sarah years a hundred twenty-seven].

2+ Kai arcsBavs Sdppa sv xrj 7i6A,si ApPoK rj saxiv

And Sarah died in the city of Arba, which is

sv xco Koi^cbjiaxi atixrj saxi XsPpcbv sv xr| yr|

in the hollow — this is Hebron in the land

Xavadv fj^Gs 5s APpadji Ko\j/aa6ai Sdppav Kai

of Canaan. [ came And Abraham] to lament Sarah, and


to mourn.

3 + Kai avsaxrj APpadji arco xou vsKpoi3 avzov Kai

And Abraham rose up from his dead. And

si7rsv APpadji xoic; vioiq Xsx Aiyoov 4 + 7idpoiKoc; Kai

Abraham said to the sons of Heth, saying, [ a sojourner and

7iaps7u8r||ioc; sycb sijii |is0' djicov 86xs odv |ioi

an immigrant I am] among you. Give then to me

Kxfjaiv xdcpoi) |IS0' DJICDV Kai 9d\j/CD

a possession of a burying-place among you! and I will entomb

xov vsKpov (iod ait' sjiotj 5 + a7isKpi9r|aav Ss 01 mot

my dead [away] from me. And answered the sons

Xsx 7ipoc; APpadji Aiyovxsc; jirj Kopis 6 + dKouaov 8s

of Heth to Abraham, saying, No, O lord. But hear

rjjicbv fiaaiksvq 7iapd 0sot3 au si sv r\[dv sv

us; [ [as a] king by God you are with us]. [ in


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8V TOUT© + VtKCl
01 - Genesis

tok; skAsktoic; |ivr||is{oic; rjjicbv 9d\j/ov tov vsKpov aoi)

choice sepulchres our You entomb your dead] !

odSsic; yap rjjicbv od |ir| kco^dosi to |ivr||is(ov avzov

for not one of us in any way will withhold his sepulchre

goto ood tod 0d\j/ai TOWSKpovaoD sksi ? + avacrcdc; 8s

from you to entomb your dead there. And rising up,

APpadji 7ipoa£Kwr|ae too Xacb Tr\q yr\q TOiq vioiq

Abraham did obeisance to the people of the land, to the sons

tod Xst 8+ mi s^dAxjae itpoq oidtodc; APpadji Aiycov

of Heth. And [ spoke to them Abraham], saying,

81 S%STS TTJ \|A)%f| DJICOV cbaT8 0d\j/ai TOV VSKpOV |IOD

If you have it in your soul so as to entomb my dead

goto 7ipoacb7roD jiod ockodoocts jiod Kai Xakf\caT£

[away] from my presence, hear me, and speak

7lSpi 8JIOD EcppCOV TCO TOD £(Xdp 9 + Kai 56tCO |IOl TO

about me to Ephron, the [son] of Zohar! And let him give to me the

a7rfjAmov to 8i7tXodv o scttiv oidtod to ov sv

[ cave double] which is his — the [one] being in

jispsi tod aypoD oidtod apyDpioD tod a^ioD 86tco

a part of his field. [ of silver [for its] worth Let him give

jioiaDTO sv Djiiv sic; KTfjaiv |ivt||isiod io+Ecppcbv8s

it to me], [among you for a possession of a memorial]. And Ephron

SKdGrjTO sv jisaco tcov dicov Xst a7TOKpi6si(; 8s

was sitting down in [the] midst of the sons of Heth. And responding

Ecppcbv o XsTTaioq 7ipoq APpadji si7isv aKODOVTCOv

Ephron the Hittite [ to Abraham spoke] in the hearing

tcov dicov Xst Kai tcov sia7iopsDO|isvcov sic; tt|v

of the sons of Heth, and [ the [ones] entering into the

7i6A.iv 7idvTC0v A^sycov n+ 7iap' sjioi ysvoD KDpis Kai

city of all], saying, By me let it be, O lord, and

dKODaov jiod tov dypov Kai to a7ifiAmov to sv

hear me! The field and the cave in

aDTcb aoi 8(8co(ii svavTiov 7idvTC0v tcov 7ioA,iTcbv jiod

it I give to you. Before all of my fellow-countrymen

8s8coKd aoi 0d\j/ov tov vsKpov aoD 12 + Kai

I have given [it] to you. You entomb your dead. And

7ipoasKDvr|asv APpadji svavTiov tod Axxod tt|c; yr|c; 13 +

Abraham did obeisance before the people of the land.

Kai si7rs tco Ecppcbv sic; Ta cbTa svavTiov tod Xaov

And he said to Ephron in the ears before the people

Tr\q yr\q S7isi8f| 7ipoc; sjiod si dKODaov jiod to

of the land, Since [ with me you are] hear me! The


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01 - Genesis

apyopiov tod aypoD Xdps 7iap' sjiod Kai 6d\j/co

silver for the field, you take from me! and I will entomb

xov vsKpov jiod sksi u + a7isKp(0r| 5s Ecppcbv

my dead there. [ answered And Ephron]

too APpa&amp;ji Xsycov i 5 + od^i Kupis aKfjKoayap

Abraham, saying, Not so O lord, for I heard

xsxpaKooicov 8i5pd%|icov apyopioD aXka xi av

four hundred double-drachmas of silver; but what ever

sir) xodxo avajisaov sjiod Kai cjod &lt;yu 5s

may this be between me and you? But you

xovvsKpovaoi) 0d\j/ov i6+ Kai fjKODasv APpadji

[ your dead entomb] ! And Abraham hearkened

xod Ecppcbv Kai a7i8Kaxsaxr|08v APpadji xco Ecppcbv xo

to Ephron. And Abraham restored [to] Ephron the

apyopiov o sldAxjaev siq xa coxa xcov Dicbv Xsx

silver, which he spoke into the ears of the sons of Heth ~

xsxpaKoaia 5(5pa%|ia apyopioi) Sokijiod s|i7i6poi(; n+

four hundred double-drachmas [ silver of unadulterated] [of] merchants.

Kai saxrj o aypoq Ecppcbv oq r\v ev xco 5urAxb

And [ is the field of Ephron which] was in Double

a7rr|Amco oq saxi Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov MajiPpfj o aypoq

Cave, which is against [the] face of Mamre. The field

Kai xo a7rfjAmov o rjv sv ai)xcb Kai 7iav 5sv5pov

and the cave which was in it, and every tree

o Tjv sv xco aypcb o saxiv sv xoiq opioiq avzov

which was in the field, which is in [its] borders

kdkAxo i8+ xco APpadji siq Kxfjaiv svavxiov xcov

round about, [came to] Abraham for a possession before the

mcbv Xsx Kai 7idvxcov xcov sia7iopsi)0|isvcov sic; xrjv

sons ofHeth, and all the [ones] entering into the

7i6Xiv i9+|isxd5s xai3xa s6a\j/sv APpadji Sappav

city. And after these [things] Abraham entombed Sarah

xrjv ywaiKa ai)xoi3 sv xco a7ir|Amco xod aypoD xco

his wife in the cave of the field at

5urAxb o saxiv a7isvavxi Ma|iPpf| aDxrj saxi

Double [Cave], which is before Mamre; this is

XsPpcbv sv xtj yr| Xavadv 20+ Kai SKDpcbGrj o aypoq

Hebron in the land of Canaan. And [ was validated the field],

Kai xo a7rfjAmov o rjv sv aDxcb xco APpadji sic;

and the cave which was in it [to] Abraham for

Kxfjaiv xdcpoD 7iapd xcov Dicbv Xsx

a possession of a burying-place from the sons ofHeth.


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i+ Kai APpadji r|v 7ipsaPDTspoc; 7ipoPePr|Kcbc; r||ispcbv

And Abraham was older, advancing of days.

Kai Kopioc; rji)A,6yr|a8 tov APpadji K(XT(X 7T(XVT(X 2 +

And [the] LORD blessed Abraham according to all [things].

Kai S17T8V APpadji tod 7iai5i avzov too 7ip£aPDTSpco

And Abraham said [to] his servant, to the elder

Tr\q oudaq clvtov tcd dp%ovTi 7idvTC0v Toav avzov Gee;

of his house, to the one in charge of all his [things], Put

ttjv %zipa sod uno xov jirjpov (iod 3 + Kai s^opKicb as

your hand under my thigh! And I adjure you

KDpiOV TOV 0SOV TOD ODpaVOD Kai TOV 080V Tr\q yr\q

[by the] LORD God of the heaven, and the God of the earth,

iva |iT] AxxPrjc; yuvauca tcd dico |iod IaadK ano

that you should not take a wife [to] my son Isaac from

tcov 0DyaTspcov tcov Xavavaicov |is9' cov sycb oikcg

the daughters of the Canaanites, with whom I live

sv aircofc; 4+ aXk' r\ sic; rr|vyr|V|ioD od sysvojirrv

among them. But only unto my land of which I was

7iopsDar| Kai eic; Trjv tpDAxjv jiod Kai Xr\\\fr\ yuvaiKa

shall you go, and unto my tribe. And you shall take a wife

too dico jiod IaadK sksiGsv 5 + si7i8 5s 7ipoc; clvtov o

[for] my son Isaac from there. [ said And to him the

7iaic; |ifj7T0T£ od fiovhycm r\ yuvfj 7iopeD6f|vai jist'

servant], If at any time [ not wills the woman] to go with

s|iod 07iiaco eic; tt]v yrjv TaDTTjv a7roaTp£\j/co

me back into this land, shall I return

TOVDiovaoi) sic; tt|v yrjv 60sv e^fjXGec; sksiGsv 6+

your son into the land from where you came forth from there?

81718 8s 7ipoc; avzov APpadji 7ip6aexe aeaDTcb

[ said And to him Abraham], Take heed to yourself

|iT] a7ioaTp8\j/r|c; tovdiovjiod sksi ?+ Kopioc;

[that you] should not return my son there. [The] LORD

o Geoc; tod ODpavoD Kai o 6e6c; tt|c; yr\q oq eXaPe

God of the heaven, and the God of the earth, who took

(is sk tod oikod tod 7iaTp6c; (IOD Kai SK Tr\q yr\q

me from [ house my father's], and from the land

r|c; syswfjGrjv oq skaXr\as jioi Kai oq cbjioas jioi

of which I was born, who spoke to me, and who swore by an oath to me,

Aiycov aoi 8cbaco tt|v yrjv TaDTTjv Kai tco a7isp|iaTi aoD

saying, To you I will give this land and your seed —

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avToq anoaTsksi tov dyysXov avzov sjjjrpoaGev cjod

he will send his angel in front of you,

Kai Axj\j/r| ywaiKa too dicd |iod 8K8i6sv 8 + sdv 8s

and you shall take a wife, [for] my son from there. And if

|xq 6sAx| r| yuvfj 7copeD6f|vai jisxd cjod sic;

[ should not want the woman] to go with you into

xrjv yrjv t(xt3tt]v KaGapoc; ear) a7io tod opKOD todtod

this land, you will be clean from this oath.

jiovov tovdiovjiod (iT| a7coaTps\j/r|c; sksi 9 + Kai

Only [ my son you should not return] there. And

s9t|ksv o 7iaic; xr|v xsipa avzov vito tov jirjpov

[ put the servant] his hand under the thigh

APpa&amp;ji tod KDpioD (xdtod Kai cbjioaev aDTCO

of Abraham his master. And he swore by an oath to him

7isp( tod pfjiiaxoc; todtod io+ Kai elapev o naiq

on account of this saying. And [ took the servant]

8eKa KajifjAx)Dc; a7co tcov Ka|if|A,CDV tod kdpiod aDTOD

ten camels from the camels of his master,

Kai a7io 7idvTCOv tcdv ayaGcbv tod kdpiod aDTOD |is0'

and from all the good [things] of his master with

saDTOD Kai avacrcdc; S7iopsD6r| eic; tt|v M8oo7iOTa|iiav

himself. And rising up he went into Mesopotamia,

eic; ttjv 7i6A.iv Na%cbp n+ Kai eKoijiiae Tac; Kajifj^oDq

into the city of Nahor. And he rested the camels

s^co Tr\q noXscoq 7iapd to cppeap tod D8aToq to itpoq

outside of the city by the Well of the Water, towards

0\j/£ T|VlKa 8K7TOpSDOVTai ai D8pSDO|I8Vai 12 + Kai

late [in the day], when the [women] came forth drawing water. And

81718 KDpis o Geoc; tod KDpioD |iod APpadji 8Do5coaov

he said, O LORD God of my master Abraham, prosper the way

evavriov sjiod af||i8pov Kai 7corr|aov zkzoq jiSTd

before me today, and perform mercy with

tod kdpiod (iod APpadji 13 + i8od sycb sarrjKa S7U Trjv

my master Abraham! Behold, I stand near the

7cr|yf|v tod D5aToq ai 5s 0DyaT8pec; tcov av0pcb7ccov

spring of water, and the daughters of the men

OIKODVTCOV TTJV 7c6AlV 8K7COpSDOVTai aVTAxjaai D5cop 14 +

living in the city come forth to draw water.

Kai scrcai T| 7cap9evoc; rj av sycb si7cco stukAivov

And it shall be the virgin, who ever I should have said, Incline

ttjv D5p(av aoD (va nm Kai 8i7cr| (ioi 7ris od

your water-pitcher! that I might drink. And she should have said to me, You drink!


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Kai zaq KajifjXoDq gov 7iOTicb sooc; av 7rai3acovTai

and [ your camels I will water] until whenever they cease

7i(voi)oai Tm3xr|v rjioijiaaaq tcd 7iai8( cjod too IaadK

to drink ~ this one you prepared for your servant Isaac,

Kai sv todtcd yvcbaojiai on S7rovr|aac; sXsoc; jisxd

and in this I will know that you executed mercy with

tod KupioD jiod APpa&amp;ji 15+ Kai sysvsxo 7ipo

my master Abraham. And it came to pass before

tod aDVTsAiaai (xdtov Xakovvza sv tt| 8iavo(a aDTOD

completing his speaking in his mind,

Kai i5od PePsKKa s^S7iopsDSTO r| Tsx0siaa

that behold, Rebekah came forth — the [one] born to

BaGoDfjA, Dicb M£X%aq Trjq yDvaiKoq Na%cbp

Bethuel, son ofMilcah, the wife ofNahor,

aSsAxpoD 5s APpadji sxoDaa tt|v D5p(av S7i(

and brother of Abraham, having the water-pitcher upon

tcov cbjicov avTT\q i 6 + rj 8s 7iap9svoc; rjv KaAxj ttj

her shoulders. And the virgin was good in the

6\j/si ocp68pa 7iap6svoc; rjv avfjp odk syvco aDTfjv

appearance — exceedingly. She was a virgin, no man knew her.

KaTapdaa 5s S7U tt|v 7ir|yf|v S7iAr|as tt|v D8p(av avTT\q

And coming upon the spring, she filled her water-pitcher,

Kai avsprj n+ S7is8pa|is 8s o naiq sic; aDvdvTrjaiv

and ascended. [ ran And the servant] to meet with

aDTTj Kai si7is 7i6Tia6v |is jiiKpov D8cop sk

her, and he said, Give me to drink a little water from out of

Tr\q vdpiaq aoD is+ r| 5s si7is 7iis Kopis Kai sa7iSDas

your water-pitcher! And she said, Drink, O lord! And she hastened

Kai KaGsiXs tt|v D8piav S7U tov Ppa%iova avTT\q Kai

and lowered the water-pitcher upon her arm, and


gave him to drink until he ceased drinking. And she said, Also

Taiq Ka|xr|A,ofc; aoD DSpsDaojiai sooc; av 7idaai

to your camels I will draw water until whenever all

7i(coai 20+ Kai so7rsDas Kai s^sKsvcoas tt|v D8p(av

should have drunk. And she hastened and emptied out the water-pitcher

sic; to 7TOTiaTfjpiov Kai sSpajisv sti S7ii to cppsap

into the channel, and ran yet [again] unto the well

avTArjaai D8cop Kai D8psDoaTO 7idaaic; zmq Kajifjloic;

to draw water. And she drew water for all the camels.

21 + o 8s dv6p&lt;j07roc; KaTSjidvGavsv aDTfjv Kai

And the man studied her, and


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01 - Genesis

7iap8aico7ra tod yvcbvai si sdoSoocts Kopioc;

remained silent to know if [the] LORD prospered

ttjv o86v aDTOD r| od 22 + sysvsTO 5s rjviKa S7iaDoavTO

his way or not. And it came to pass when [ ceased

7idaai ai KajirjAxn 7rivoDaai sAxxPsv o dv0pco7roc;

all the camels] drinking, [ took the man]

svcoxia xpvaa avd 8pa%|if|v ohd\q Kai 8do

ear-rings of gold [worth] up to a drachma scale-weight, and two

\j/sAAia S7i( zaq %zipaq avTT\q 8sra %pDacbv

bracelets, [and put them] upon her hands — ten pieces of gold

oAxf} aDTCDV

scale-weight [was] their [weight].

23+ Kai S7ir|pcbTr|a8v aircfjv Kai si7is 0Dydrr|p tivoc;

And he asked her, and said, Whose daughter

si avdyysiA,6v jioi si sail rcapd tcd 7iaTpi ctod

are you? Announce to me if there is by your father

T07roc; r\[iiv tod KaxaMaai 24 + r| 8s si7isv aDicb

a place for us to rest up! And she said to him,

0Dydrr|p BaGoDfjX sijii tod Msk%dq ov stsks

[ [the] daughter ofBathuel lam], the [son] ofMilcah, whom she bore to

too Na%cbp 25 + Kai si7isv aDicb Kai d%Dpa Kai

Nahor. And she said to him, Also [ straw and

Xopidajiaxa noXka 7iap' r||iiv Kai xonoq

fodder [there is] much] by us, and a place

tod KaxaA^Daai 26 + Kai SDSoKqaac; o dv6p&lt;D7roc;

to rest up. And [ finding favor the man],

7ipoasKDvr|as tcd Kopioo Kai si7isv 27+ svXoyiycoq

did obeisance to the LORD, and said, Blessed be

KDpioq o 0s6c; tod KDpioD |iod Appadji oq

[the] LORD God of my master Abraham, who

odk syKaTslurs ttjv 8iKaio&lt;y6vr| Kai ttjv aArjGsiav arco

abandoned not righteousness and truth from


my master. [ indeed prospered me [The] LORD] to [the] house of the

a8sAxpoD tod KDpioD |iod 28 + Kai SpajioDaa r| naiq

brother of my master. And running, the maidservant

avfjyysi^sv sic; tov oikov ttjc^ jxrjTpoc; aDTfjc; KaTd

announced in the house to her mother about

Ta pfj|iaTa TaDTa 29+ tt| 5s PsPsKKa a5sAxpoc; r|v co

these words. And [to] Rebekah there was a brother whose

ovojia Adpav Kai s8pa|is Adpav 7ipoc; tov dv0pco7rov

name [was] Laban. And Laban ran to the man


24 73


01 - Genesis

s^co 87ii xrjv 7ir|yf|v 30+ Kai eyevexo rjviKa e(8e xa

outside near the spring. And it came to pass when he saw the

svcoxia Kai xa \\fsXX\a S7U xac; x s ^P a&lt; ^

ear-rings, and the bracelets upon the hands

xrjc; aSsAxpfjc; avzov Kai 6xe fjKouae xa pfjjiaxa

of his sister, and when he heard the words

PsPeKKaq xrjc; a5sAxpfjc; avzov Xsyovar\q ouxco XsXaAxjKS

of Rebekah his sister, saying, So spoke

(ioi o dv0pco7io(; Kai fjXGs npoq xov dv6pco7rov

to me the man; that he came to the man

saxrjKoxoq avzov 87U xcov KajifjAxov £7U xrjc; 7ir[yf|g 31 +

standing by himself by the camels near the spring.

Kai S17T8V auxcb dsvpo eiaeXBe suAx&gt;yr|x6c; Kopiou

And he said to him, Come, enter blessed of [the] LORD!

ivaxi saxrjKaq s^co sycb 8s r|xo(|iaaa xrjv oiKiav Kai

Why stand outside? Fori prepared the residence, and

xo7rov zaiq KajifjAxnc; 32+ eiafjXGs 8s o dv9pco7i;oc; eiq

a place for the camels. [ entered And the man] into

xrjv oiKiav Kai a7ceaa^e xac; KajxfjXoDc; Kai sScoksv

the residence. And he unharnessed the camels, and gave

a%vpa Kai xopxdajiaxa xaic; KajxfjAxnc; Kai i35cop

straw and fodder to the camels, and water

xoic; 7ioa(v avTOV Kai xoic; 7ioai xcov avSpcbv xcov jasx'

for his feet, and for the feet of the men with

avzov 33+ Kai 7iaps9r|K£v auxofc; dpxouc; cpayeiv Kai

him. And he placed near them bread loaves to eat. And

817T8V od |ir| cpdyco ecoc; xod Xak(\aai |ie xa pfjjiaxd jiou

he said, No way will I eat until speaking my words.

Kai 8i7i8 XdAxjaov 34+ Kai si7C8 naiq APpadji eycb

And he said, Speak! And he said, A servant of Abraham I

eijji 35+ Kupioq 8s r|i)A,6yr|ae xov Kopiov jiod acp68pa

am. And [the] LORD blessed my master exceedingly;

Kai D\j/cb0r| Kai sScoksv auxcb 7cp6paxa Kai

and he was raised up high, and he gave to him sheep, and

[ioa%ovq Kai apyopiov Kai xpuaiov Kai naidaq Kai

calves, and silver, and pieces of gold, and manservants, and

7cai5(aKac; KajxfjXoDc; Kai ovouc; 3 6+ Kai sxsks Sdppa

maidservants, camels, and donkeys. And [ bore Sarah


the wife of my master] a son, one to my master after

xo yrjpdaai ai)xov Kai s8coksv auxco 00a Tjv ai)xco 37+

his growing old. And he gave to him as much as was his.


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01 - Genesis

Kai cbpiKias |is o Kopioc; (iod Aiycov od Xr\\\fr\

And [ bound me by an oath my master], saying, You shall not take

ywaiKa too mcb jiod euro tcov 0DyaTspcov tcov

a wife for my son from the daughters of the

Xavavaicov 8V 0\q SyCO 7iapOlKC0 8V TTj yTj aDTCOV 38 +

Canaanites, in which I sojourned in their land.

aXk r siq xov oikov tod nazpoq |iod 7iopSDar| Kai ziq

But unto the house of my father you should go, and to

xrjv (pvXr\v jiod Kai Xr\\\fr\ yovaiKa tqdicojiod 39+

my tribe; and you shall take a wife for my son.

Sl7ia 8s TOD KDpiOO |IOD |lfj 7TOTS 01) 7TOpSD6fl T| yDVfj

And I said [to] my master, Perhaps [ should not go the woman]


with me. And he said to me, [The] LORD God in whom

SDrjpsarrjaa svavxiov avzov avzoq s^a7roaTsXsi

I was found well-pleasing before him, he will send out

xov dyysXov aDTOD jisxd aoi) Kai SDo8cbasi

his angel with you, and prosper

xrjv o56v aoi) Kai Ar|\j/r| yDvaiKa too dico jiod sk

your way. And you will take a wife for my son from out of

Tr\q (pvhr\q |iod Kai sk tod oikod tod nazpoq |iod 41 +

my tribe, and from out of the house of my father.

tots aGcboc; sotj arco Tr\q apaq jiod rrviKa yap sdv

Then [ innocent you will be] concerning my oath. For when ever

£kdr\q sic; tt|v (pvkr\v jiod Kai jlit| aoi

you should have come to my tribe, and [ not to you

5cbai Kai sarj aGcboc; arco tod opKiajioD jiod

they should give [her]], then you will be innocent concerning my oath.

42+ Kai s^Gcbv afjjispov S7U tt|v 7ir|yf|v si7ia Kopis o

And coming today upon the spring, I said, O LORD, the

0s6c; tod KDpioD |iod APpadji si cjd sdoSoic;

God of my master Abraham; if you prosper

TTJV o86v |IOD SV T| VDV SyCO 7TOpSDO|iai SV aDTTJ 43 +

my way, in which now I go by it,

i8od scpsaTTjKa S7U Tr\q 7ir\yr\q tod DSaTOc; Kai ai

behold, I stand near the spring of water, and the

0DyaTspsq tcov av0pcb7icov tt|c; 7i6A,scoc; SK7iopsDOVTai

daughters of the men of the city came forth

avTArjaai D8cop Kai scrcai r| 7iap9svoc; r\ av sycb

to draw water, and it will be the virgin to whom ever I

si7rco 7i6Tia6v |is sk Tr\q vdpiaq ood jiiKpov D8cop

should say, [ to drink Give [me] from your water-pitcher a little water] !


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44 + Kai si7ir| jioi Kai ctd 7iis Kai xaic;

And she should have said to me, You also drink, and to

KajxfjAxnc; ood DSpsDaojiai aDxfj r| yovfj r|v

your camels I will draw water. This [is] the woman whom
rjToijiaae Kopioc; icq saDxoD Gspdrcovxi IaadK Kai ev

[the] LORD prepared for his own attendant Isaac; and in

xodxco yvcbaojiai 6xi 7rs7rovr|Kac; sksoq xco Kopico |iod

this you will know that you have done mercy [to] my master

APpadji 45+ Kai sysvsxo 7ipo tod &lt;yovxsA,saai |is

Abraham. And it came to pass before the completing my

Xakovvza sv xr| Siavoia jiod sdGdc; PsPsKKa

speaking in my mind, straightway Rebekah


came forth having the water-pitcher upon the shoulders, and

KaxsPrj 8711 ttjv 7ir|yf|v Kai DSpstiaaxo si7ia 8s aDxfj

she went down to the spring, and she drew water. And I said to her,

7i6xia6v |is 4 6+ Kai amvaaaa Ka6s(A,s xrjv i)8p(av S7i(

Give me a drink! And she hastened to lower the water-pitcher upon

xov Ppaxiova avTT\q acp' saDxfjc; Kai si7is 7ris cjd Kai

her arm from herself, and she said, You drink! and

xac; Ka[iT\kovq gov 7ioxicb Kai smov Kai xac;

[your camels I will water]. And I drank, and [the

Ka|if|Am&gt;c; S7i6xias 47+ Kai ripcoxrjaa aDxfjv Kai si7ia

camels she watered]. And I asked her, and said,

0Dydxr|p xivoc; si r| 8s scprj GDydxrjp Ba0oi)f|A, sijii

Whose daughter are you? And she said, [ [the] daughter ofBethuel lam],

diod Na%cop ov stsksv aDxcb Msk%a Kai 7ispis6r|Ka

son ofNahor, whom [bore to him Milcah]. And I put on

aDifj xa svcbxia Kai xa \j/sAAia 7isp( xac; xsipaq avTT\q

her the ear-rings, and the bracelets about her hands.

48+ Kai SDSoKfjaaq 7ipoasKDvr|aa xco Kupico Kai

And finding favor, I did obeisance to the LORD. And

siAoyrjaa Kopiov xov 0s6v xod KopioD jiod APpadji oq

I blessed [the] LORD God of my master Abraham, who

sd68cocts jis sv o8cb aAr|9s(ac; Xafiziv xrjv 9i)yaxspa

prospered me in [the] way of truth, to take the daughter


of the brother of my master, for his son. If then

7rois(xs djisic; sksoq Kai 8iKaio&lt;y6vr|v itpoq

you do mercy and righteousness to

xov KDpiov |iod a7iayys(Xaxs jioi iva S7uaxps\j/co sic;

my master, report to me that I might turn to


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

8s§id r| apiaxepa so + a7toKpi68ic; 8s Adpav Kai

[the] right or left! And answering Laban and

BaGoufjA, 8i7rov 7iapd KopioD e^f|X6e to 7cpdy|ia todto

Bethuel said, From [the] LORD came forth this thing,

od 5wr|o6|i£6d aoi avxsurdv kockov r\ koXov 5 i + i5oi3

we will not be able to contradict bad or good. Behold,

PsPeKKa 8vco7ii6v cjod Xapcbv a7c6Tp£%£ Kai eaxco

Rebekah [is] before you, in taking [her], run! and let her be

ywq too mcb tod KopioD cjod Ka6d eAxxArjae Kopioc; 52 +

wife to the son of your master! as [the] LORD spoke.

sysvsTO 5s sv tod aKODoai tov 7ia(5a tod APpadji

And taking place in the hearing of the servant of Abraham

tcov pr||idTC0v aDTcbv 7cpoaeK6vr|aev 87U tt|v yrjv tod

their words, he did obeisance upon the ground to the

KDpico 53+ Kai e^svsyrac; o naiq oksdtj apyDpd Kai

LORD. And [ brought forth the servant] items made of silver and

XPDad Kai ijiaTiajiov s5coks tt| PsPeKKa Kai 8cbpa

of gold. And [ clothes he gave] to Rebekah, and [ gifts

s5coks to aSsAxpcb aDTfjc; Kai tt| |ir|Tp( avTT\q 54 + Kai

he gave] to her brother, and to her mother. And

scpayov Kai emov Kai avzoq Kai 01 dvSpec; 01 jist'

they ate and drank. And he and the men [ with

aDTOD ovTsq Kai 8Koi|if|0r|aav Kai avacrcdc; 7ipcoi

him being] went to sleep. And rising up [in the] morning,

S17T8V SK7T8(I\j/aT8 |I8 IVa a7CeA,6(J0 7CpOC; TOV KDpiOV |IOD

he said, Send me forth! that I may go forth to my master.

55+ S17TOV 8s 01 a8eAxpo( aDTfjc; Kai r| |if|Tr|p jisivdTCD rj

[ said And her brothers and mother], Let [ remain the

7tap0svoc; |i£0' rjjicbv rjjiepac; coast Sera Kai jiSTd

virgin] with us [ days about ten] ! and after

TODTO a7lsA£DOSTai 56 + O 88 81718 Kpoq aDTOD |IT|

this she shall go forth. And he said to them, Do not

KaT8%8T8 (18 Kai KDpiO^ SDCb8(J0aS TTJV o86v |IOD

hold me, for [the] LORD prospered my way!

SK7is|i\j/aT8 |i8 (va a7rsX6co 7ipO(; TOV KDpiOV |IOD 57 +

Send me! that I may go forth to my master.

S17TOV 8s KaAiaoojiev tt|v 7ia(8a Kai spcoTfjacD|i£v to

And they said, We should call the maidservant, and we should ask by

&lt;xc6|ia aDTfjc; 5 8 + Kai £KdA,eaav tt|v PePeKKav Kai eurov

her mouth. And they called Rebekah, and said

aDTTJ 7TOp8Dar| |I8Td TOD av9pcb7lOD TODTOD T| 8s 81718

to her, Will you go with this man? And she said,


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7iop8T3ao|iai 59+ Kai s^S7is|i\j/av PsPeKKav

I will go. And they sent forth Rebekah

xrjv a8sAxpf|v auxcbv Kai xa U7idp%ovxa avTT\q Kai xov

their sister, and her possessions, and the

7ia(8a xou APpadji Kai xodc; jist' avxox) 60+ Kai

servant of Abraham, and the [ones] with him. And

eiAoyrjaav PsPeKKav Kai si7iov auxfj a8sAxpf| rj|icbv

they blessed Rebekah, and said to her, [ sister our

8i yivou sic; %iAad8ac; |iupid8cov Kai

You are], become for a thousand myriads, and

KArjpovo ixqadxcD to a7isp|ia aoi) xac; noXsiq xcov

[ inherit [let] your seed] the cities of [your]

imevavxicov 6i + avaaxdaa 8e PePsKKa Kai

opponents! And rising up, Rebekah and

ai dPpai avTT\q S7iepr|aav S7ri xac; KajifjAxyoc; Kai

her handmaidens mounted upon the camels, and

£7iopsi)0r|aav jiexd xod av0pcb7roD Kai avaAxxPcbv o

they went with the man. And taking the

7iaic; xrjv PsPeKKav a7if|Ai)ev 62 + IaadK 5s 8i£7iop£i)sxo

girl Rebekah, he went forth. And Isaac was traveling over

Sid xrjc; spfj|ioD Kaxd xo cppeap xrjc; opdaecoc;

through the wilderness by the Well of the Vision.

avToq 8s KaxcoKei sv xrj yr| xr| 7ipoq Aipa 63 + Kai

And he dwelt in the land towards [the] south. And

s^fjAitev IaadK a8oA,ea%f|aai sic; xoo 7ie8ico rcpoc;

Isaac came forth to meditate in the plain towards

8eiAx|v Kai avapAiyac; xoic; ocpGa^jioic; avzov e(8e

afternoon. And looking up with his eyes, he saw

Ka|ifjAm&gt;c; ep%o|isvac; 6 4+ Kai avapAi\j/aaa PePeKKa xoic;

camels coming. And Rebekah looking up with the

ocpBaXjioic; s(8s xov IaadK Kai Kaxe7if|8r|aev arco xrjc;

eyes, saw Isaac, and she leaped down from the

Kajif|Am&gt; 65+ Kai ei7ie xco 7iai8i xic; saxiv

camel. And she said to the servant, Who is

o dv0pco7ioc; sksivoc; o 7rop£i)6|ievoc; sv xco 7T£8(co eic;

that man going in the plain to

ai)vdvxr|aiv rjjicbv si7T8 8e o naiq omoq o Kopioc; |iod

meet us? And said the servant, This [is] my master.

T| 8e Xafiovaa xo Gspiaxpov TiepiepdXexo 66+ Kai

And she having taken the lightweight covering put it on. And

8ir|yf|aaxo o naiq xco IaadK 7idvxa xa pfjjiaxa a

[ described the servant] to Isaac all the words which


25 TO

8V TOUT© + VtKCl
01 - Genesis

S7io(r|asv 6 y+ siafjABs 8s IaadK eic; xov oikov

he did. [ entered And Isaac] into the house

Tr\q jirjxpoc; ovtov Kai skofiz xrjv PePeKKav Kai

of his mother, and took Rebekah, and

syevsxo olvtov jvvt\ Kai r|yd7rr|a£v auxfjv Kai

she became his wife. And he loved her. And

7rapsKAr|6r| IaadK 7ispi Sdppaq xrjc; jirjxpoc; ovtov

Isaac was comforted concerning Sarah his mother.

25 ns

i+ 7ipoa08|isvoc; 8s APpadji skafiz yovaiKa r| ovojia

[ added And Abraham] to take a wife whose name

Xexxoupa 2 + STSK8 8e auxcb xov ZsjiPpdv Kai

[was] Keturah. And she bore to him Zimran, and

xov IeKidv Kai xov MaSdA, Kai xov MaSidji Kai

Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and

xov IsctPok Kai xov Ecdis 3 + IsKxdv 8s syswrjae

Ishbak, and Shuah. And Jokshan procreated

xov Sapd Kai xov As8dv moi 8e As8dv eyevovxo

Sheba and Dedan. And sons of Dedan were

Aaaoi)pis(|i Kai Aaxxouaieiji Kai Aaco|ii8i|i 4+mo(8s

[the] Asshurim, and Letushim, and Leummim. And the sons

Ma8id|i Tscpap Kai Acpeip Kai Evcb% Kai Api8d Kai

of Midian [were] Ephah, and Epher, and Hanoch, and Abida, and

Payd rcavxec; otixoi fjaav moi Xsxxoupac; 5+ s8cdks 8s

Eldaah. All these were sons of Keturah. [ gave And

APpadji 7idvxa xa D7idp%ovxa ovtov IaadK

Abraham] all his possessions to Isaac

xco mcb ai)xoi3 6 + Kai Toiq vioiq xcov 7iaAlaKcbv olvtov

his son. And to the sons of his concubines

sSooksv APpadji 86|iaxa Kai s^a7isax8iA,sv auxoix; ono

Abraham gave gifts. And he sent them from

IaadK xod viov auxou sxi ^cbvxoq ovtov itpoq

Isaac his son [ still living [while] he was] towards

avaxoXdq siq yrjv avaxolcbv 7 + xatixa 8s xa exrj

[the] east into [the] land of [the] east. And these [were] the years

r||ispcbv Cf$r\q APpadji 6aa e^rjaev 8Kax6v

of [the] days of [the] life of Abraham, as many as he lived, a hundred

sP8o|ir|Kovxa7r8vx8 exrj 8 + Kai sk^sutcov

seventy-five years. And failing,


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a7i80av8v APpadji sv yfjpa KaX(h 7ipsaPDTr|c; Kai

Abraham died in [ old age a good], an old man and

Tihf\pr\q rijiepcbv Kai 7rpoasTS0r| npoq tov Xaov avzov

full of days. And he was added to his people.

9 + Kai s0a\j/av ai)i6v Iaa&amp;K Kai IajiafjX oi 5do dioi

And [ entombed him, Isaac and Ishmael] [ two sons

olvtov eic; to aiir\kaiov to dvuXovv eic; tov aypov

his], in the [ cave double], in the field

Ecppcbv tod Sadp tod XsTTaioD oq saTiv arcevavTi

ofEphron the [son] ofZohar the Hittite, which is before



io+ tov aypov Kai to o7rfjAmov o SKcfjaaTO APpadji

the field and the cave which Abraham acquired

7iapd tcov Dicbv tod Xst SKsi e6a\j/av APpadji Kai

from the sons of Heth. There they entombed Abraham and

Sappdv ttjv yDvaiKa aDTOD n+sysvsTo5s jiSTd to

Sarah his wife. And it came to pass after the

a7io0av8iv APpadji eDloyrjasv o Geoc; tov IaadK

dying of Abraham, God blessed Isaac

diov aDTOD Kai KaTCOKqaev IaadK 7iapd to cppeap Tr\q

his son. And Isaac dwelt by the Well of the

opdaecoc; u + aDTai 5s ai yeveaeic; IajiafjA, tod diod

Vision. And these are the origins of Ishmael, the son

APpadji ov 8T8ksv Ayap r| AiyD7ma r| 7rai8(aKr|

of Abraham, whom Hagarbore (the Egyptian maidservant

Edppaq tco APpadji

of Sarah) to Abraham.

13+ Kai TaDTa Ta ovojiaTa tcov dicov IajiafjA, KaT'

And these [are] the names of the sons of Ishmael, according to

ovojiaTa tcov ysvscbv aDTOD 7tpcotot6koc; IajiafjA,

[the] names of his generations. First-born of Ishmael,

NaPscoG Kai Kr|5dp Kai Nap5ef|X Kai Maaadv u+

Nebajoth, and Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam,

Kai Maajidv Kai I8oD|id Kai Maoofj i 5 + Kai XoAM5

and Mishma, and Dumah, and Massa, and Hadar,

Kai 0sjidv Kai Istodp Kai Nacpsfc; Kai Ke8s|id i6+

and Tema, and Jetur, and Naphish, and Kedemah.

odtoi siaiv oi dioi IajiafjA, Kai TaDTa Ta ovojiaTa

These are the sons of Ishmael, and these [are] the names

aDTcbv sv Taiq aKrjvaiq aDTcbv Kai ev

of them by their tents, and by


25 TO


01 - Genesis

xaic; 87iaT3A,8aiv auxcbv 8cb8eKa dpxovxsg Kaxd

their properties ~ twelve rulers according to

sGvrj auxcbv 17+ Kai xatixa xa sxrj xr|c; ^cofjc; IajiafjX

their nation. And these [are] the years of the life oflshmael,

SKaxov xpiaKovxa£7ix&amp; sxrj Kai SKXeurcbv a7i£0avs Kai

a hundred thirty-seven years; and failing, he died. And

7ipoa£xs6r| 7ipoc; xo yevoc; auxoi) is+ KaxcoKqae 8e anb

he was added to his family. And he dwelt from

EmAxxx scoq Soup r| saxi Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov AryirnxoD

Havilah unto Shur, which is against [the] face of Egypt,

eooc; eA,6e(v 7ipoc; AaaDpfcyoc; Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov 7idvxcov

unto coming to Assyrian. By [the] face of all

xcov aSeAxpcbv avzov KaxcbKrjas 19 + Kai auxai ai

his brethren he dwelt. And these [are] the

ysvsasic; IaadK xod diod APpadji 20+ APpadji

generations of Isaac the son of Abraham. Abraham

eyswrjas xov IaadK r|v 8s IaadK sxcbv

procreated Isaac. [ was And Isaac years [old]

xsaaapdKovxa 6xs skafiz xrjv PsPeKKav Guyaxepa

forty] when he took Rebekah daughter

BaGoDfjA, xod I/6poD eauxcb eic; yuvauca 21+ eSesxo 8s

ofBethuel the Syrian to himself for wife. [beseeched And

IaadK Kopioi) 7ispi PsPeKKac; xrjc; yovaiKoc; avzov 6x1

Isaac] [the] LORD concerning Rebekah his wife, for

axsipa Tjv siafjKODas 8s avzov o 0s6c; Kai avvskafizv

she was sterile; [ listened and his God], and [ conceived

sv yaaxpi PePeKKa r| ywfj avzov 22+ saKipxcov 8e xa

in [the] womb Rebekah his wife]. [ leaped And the

7iai8(a sv auxfj 8i7i8 8e 8i otixoo |ioi [isXXei yiveaBai

male babies] in her. And she said, If thus [ to me is about to happen],

(vaxi (ioi xot3xo S7iopsi)0r| 8s 7ri)6sa6ai 7iapd Kopiou

why [ to me is this]? And she went to inquire of [the] LORD.

23 + Kai 81718 Kopioc; auxfj 8uo s0vr| sv yaaxpi aoi) eiai

And [the] LORD said to her, Two nations [in your womb are];

Kai 8i3o Xaoi sk xrjc; KoiAiac; aoi) SiaaxaArjaovxai

and two peoples from out of your belly will draw apart.

Kai Xaoq Xaov imsps^si Kai o jiei^cov

And [one] people [ [another] people will be superior over]; and the greater

8ouA,si)asi xco sA^daaovi 24+ Kai S7iAx|pcb6r|aav ai

will be a servant to the lesser. And were fulfilled the

rjjispai xod xsksiv auxfjv Kai xf|8e rjv 8(8i)|ia sv

days for her to bear. And thus there were twins in


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TT| KOlXia aDTfjq 25 + 8^f|A,08 8S O 7ipCOx6xOKOC; 7lDppdKT|(;

her belly. And came forth the first-born fiery red

oXoq Kai coasi 8opd 5a&lt;x6c; e7icov6|iaae 8s

entirely, and of [skin hairy]. And she named

to ovojia odtoi) Haai3 2 6+ Kai jiexd xotixo e^fjXGsv

his name Esau. And after this came forth

o aSsAxpoc; odtoi) Kai r| %sip auxoi) S7ieiAr||i|ievr| xrjc;

his brother, and his hand took hold of the

7rc8pvr|c; Ham3 Kai SKa^sas to ovojia auxoi) IaKcbp

heel of Esau. And she called his name Jacob.

IaadK 8s r|v excbv e^fjKovxa 6x8 sxsksv auxotic;

And Isaac was [ years [old] sixty] when [ bore them

PsPeKKa 27 + r|D^f|6r|aav 8s oi veaviaKoi Kai rjv Haai3

Rebekah]. [grew And the young]. And Esau was

dv0p&lt;jO7roc; eiScbc; Kwqysiv dypoiKoc; IaKcbp 8e

a man knowing to hunt with hounds — rugged; but Jacob

dv0pco7ioc; d7iXaaxoc; oikcov oiKiav 28+ r|yd7rr|as 8e

[ man [was] a simple] living in a residence. [ loved But

IoadK xov Haai3 6xi r| Gfjpa avzov ppcbaic; auxcb

Isaac] Esau, for his hunting food for him.

PsPeKKa 8s rjyd7ia xov IaKcbp 29+ f|\j/r|ae 8e IaKcbp

But Rebekah loved Jacob. [ boiled And Jacob]

s\j/r||ia r\kdz 8s Haai3 sk xod 7T88(od 8kA,s(7tcov 30 +

stew; [ came and Esau] from out of the plains — failing.

Kai S17T8V Haai) xco IaKcbp yetioov |ie arco

And Esau said to Jacob, Let me taste from

XOD S\J/f||iaXOC; 7TDppOl) XOUXOD OXl SkA£17TCO 8id

[ stew this spicy] for I fail; on account of

xotixo £KArj0r| xo ovojia avzov E8cbji 31 + sifts 8s

this [ was called his name] Edom. [ said And

IaKcbp xco Haav a7i68oi) jioi af||iepov

Jacob] to Esau, Give to me today

xa 7ipcoxox6Kia aoi) 32+ Kai si7isvHaai) idov sycb

your rights as first-born. And Esau said, Behold, I

7ropsi)0|iai xs^sDxdv Kai (vaxi jioi xatixa xa

am going to come to an end, and what to me [are] these, the

7ipcoxox6Kia 33+ Kai ei7iev auxcb IaKcbp ojioaov jioi

rights of the first-born? And [said to him Jacob], You swear by an oath tome

af|(ispov Kai cbjioasv auxcb arceSoxo 8s Haav xa

today! And he swore by an oath to him. [ gave And Esau] the

7ipcoxox6Kia xco IaKcbp 34+IaKcbpSe eScoKe xco Haai3

rights of the first-born to Jacob. And Jacob gave to Esau


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apxov Kai s\j/r||ia cpaKOD Kai scpays Kai srcis Kai

bread and stew of lentils. And he ate and drank, and

avacrcdc; co^sto Kai ecpaoAaasv HaaD xa rcpooTOTOKia

rising up he set out. And Esau treated as worthless the rights of the first-born.

26 13

i + sysvsTO 8s Aijioc; S7U Tr\q yr\q %®PK tod Aijiod

And there became a famine upon the land, separate from the famine

tod rcpoTspov oc; sysvsTO sv too xpovco tod APpadji

formerly, which happened in the time of Abraham.

£7iopsD0r| 8s laa&amp;K npoq Api|isXs% PaaiAia

[ went And Isaac] to Abimelech king

OdAkjtisiji sic; Tspapa 2 + cbcpBrj 8s aDTcb KDpioq Kai

of the Philistines in Gerar. [ appeared And to him [the] LORD], and


said, You should not go down into Egypt, but dwell in

ttj yr| T| av aoi si7ioo 3 + Kai 7iapoiKsi sv

the land! which ever I should tell you. And sojourn in

tt| yr) TaDTTj Kai saojiai jiSTd aoD Kai SD^oyfjaoo as

this land! And I will be with you, and I will bless you.

ooi yap Kai too a7isp|iaTi aoD 8obaoo 7idaav

For to you and your seed I will give all

ttjv yrjv TaDTTjv Kai &lt;xcf|aoo tov opKov jiod ov objioaa

this land. And I will establish my oath, which I swore

too APpadji too 7iaTp( aoD 4 + Kai 7iAx|9Dvob

to Abraham your father. And I will multiply

to a7isp(ia aoD ooc; todc; acrcspac; tod ODpavoD Kai

your seed as the stars of the heaven. And

8obaoo too a7isp|iaTi aoD 7idaav tt|v yrjv TaDTTjv Kai

I will give your seed all this land. And

SDA,oyr|9f|aovTai sv too a7isp|iaTi aoD 7idvTa Ta s0vr|

shall be blessed by your seed all the nations

Tr\q yr\q 5 + av0' oov D7ifjKODasv APpadji o 7iaTf|p ctod

of the earth; because [ obeyed Abraham your father]

Tr\q sjifjc; cpoovfjc; Kai sqroAxx^s Ta 7ipoaTdy|iaTd jiod Kai

my voice, and guarded my orders, and

xaq svToA.dc; jiod Kai Ta SiKaiobjiaTd jiod Kai

my commandments, and my ordinances, and

Ta vojiijid |iod 6+ KaTOOKqas 8s IaaaK sv Tspapoiq ? +

my laws. [ dwelt And Isaac] in Gerar.

S7ir|pobTr|aav 8s oi dvSpsc; tod totcod 7ispi

[ asked And the men of the place] concerning


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PsPeKKaq Tr\q yuvaiKoc; avzov Kai si7isv aSsAxpfj

Rebekah his wife. And he said, [ sister

|iod saxiv scpopfjGrj yap smew 6xi yuvfj jiou sail

She is my], for he feared to say that, [ wife She is my],

(IT| 710TS a7TOKT8lVCOaiV aDXOV 01 dvSpSCJ TOD 107101)

lest at any time [ should kill him the men of the place]

7ispi PsPeKKaq on copaia xrj 6\|/si r|v 8 +

on account of Rebekah; for [beautiful her appearance was].

eyevsxo 8s 7ro}u)%p6vioc; 8K8i Kai 7rapaKD\j/ac; ApijieXex

And he became long-lived there. And [ leaned over Abimelech

0 fiaoiksvq Tepapcov 8id xrjc; dvpidoq £i8e

the king of Gerar] through the window, [and] saw

xov Iaa&amp;K 7iai£pvxa jiexd PePeKKac; Tr\q yovaiKoc; avzov

Isaac playing with Rebekah his wife.

9 + sk&amp;Xscjs 8s Apijis^sx xov Ioa&amp;K Kai si7isv auxcb

[ called And Abimelech] Isaac, and said to him,

dpa ye yuvfj aou saxi xi 6xi sinaq a8eAxpf|

So indeed [ your wife is she]? Why [is it] that you said, [ sister

jiou saxiv S17T8 8s auxcb IaadK 8i7ra yap jirj 7iox8

She is my]? [ said And to him Isaac], I said [it] for lest at any time

a7ro9dvco 8i' auxfjv io+ si7i8 8s auxcb ApijisXsx

1 might die on account of her. [ said And to him Abimelech],

xi xouxo £7iorr|aac; r\[iiv jiiKpou SKoi|if|6r| xic;

What [is] this you did to us? [Is it a] small [thing] [ went to bed if someone

xou ysvouc; jiou jisxd xrjq yuvaiKoc; aou Kai S7rf|yaysc;

kind of my] with your wife, and you brought

ecp' r\[iaq dyvoiav n+ auvexa^e 8s Api|isXs% 7iavx(

upon us [a sin of] ignorance? [ gave orders And Abimelech] to all

xco Axxcb auxou Aiycov itaq o aydjievoc;

his people, saying, Any [one] touching

xod av6pcb7roD xouxou Kai xrjc; yuvaiKoc; auxou Gavdxco

this man and his wife [ unto death

svo%oc; eaxai n + sa7isipe 8e IaadK ev xrj yrj sKeivrj

liable will be]. [ sowed And Isaac] in that land.

Kai eupsv sv xco eviauxcb sksivco sraxoaxsuouaav

And he found in that year [ bearing a hundred [fold]

KpiGfjv euloyrjae 8s auxov Kupioc; 13+ Kai u\j/cb0r| o

barley], [blessed and him [the] LORD]. And [ was exalted the

dv0pcG7roc; Kai 7ipoPa(vcov jisi^cov syevexo scoc;

man], and [ advancing greatly was], until

od (isyaq sysvexo acp68pa 14+ eysvsxo 8s auxcb

of which [time] [great he became exceedingly]. And there became to him


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Kif|vr| 7ipopdTC0v Kai Kxfjvrj Pocbv Kai yscbpyia noXka

herds of sheep, and herds of oxen, and [ farms many].

s^fjXoooav 5s avTOV oi ®D?aaxisi|i i 5 + Kai rcavxa xa

[ envied And him the Philistines]. And all the

cppsaxa a cbpD^av oi itaidzq xod 7iaxp6c; avzov

wells which [dug the servants of his father]

svscppa^av aDxd sv xco XP OVCO xod nazpoq avzov oi

[ obstructed them in the time of his father the

OdAktxisiji Kai S7iAr|aav aDxd yr\q i 6 + si7is 5s

Philistines], and filled them [with] earth. [ said And

ApijisXsx ftpoc; IaadK d7rsA,9s acp' r)|icbv 6xi

Abimelech] to Isaac, Go forth from us! for

Swaxcoxspoq r||icbv sysvoD acp68pa n+ Kai

[ mightier than us you became exceedingly]. And

a7if|A,0ev IaadK sksiGsv Kai KaxsAuasv sv xr| cpdpayyi

Isaac went forth from there. And he rested up in the ravine

rspdpcov Kai KaxcoKqaev sksi ig+ Kai 7idA.iv IaadK

ofGerar, and dwelt there. And again Isaac

cbpD^s xa cppsaxa xod DSaxoc; a cbpD^av oi 7iai8sc;

dug the wells of water which [ dug the servants

APpadji xod 7iaxp6c; aDxoD Kai svscppa^av aDxd oi

of Abraham his father]; and [obstructed them the

®dAktxisi|i jisxd xo a7io0avs(v APpadji

Philistines], after the dying of Abraham

xov 7iaxspa aDxoD Kai S7icov6|iaasv aDxok; ovojiaxa

his father. And he named them with names

Kaxd xa ovojiaxa a covojiaasv o 7iaxf|p aDxoD 19 +

according to the names which [named his father].

Kai cbpD^av 01 7ia(8sc; IaadK sv xr| cpdpayyi

And [ dug the servants of Isaac] in the ravine

rspdpcov Kai SDpov sksi cppsap DSaxoc; ^cbvxoq 20 +

ofGerar, and found there a well [of] [water living].

Kai sjiaxsaavxo 01 7roi|isvsc; Tspapcov jisxd xcov

And [ did combat the shepherds of Gerar] with the

7ioi|isvcov IaadK cpdaKovxsq aDxcbv sivai xo D8cop Kai

shepherds of Isaac, maintaining [theirs to be the water]. And

SKdXsaav xo ovojia xod cppsaxoq a8iKia

they called the name of the well, Injustice,

rjSiKTjaav yap aDxov 21 + a7idpac; 8s sksiGsv cbpD^s

for they wronged him. And departing from there he dug

cppsap sxspov SKpivovxo 8s Kai 7ispi sksivod Kai

[well another]. And they quarreled also on account of that [well]. And


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S7icov6(iao8 to ovojia aDTOD s%9p(a 22 + a^apac; 5s

he named the name of it, Hatred. And departing

SKS108V caputs cppsap STSpov Kai odk sjia%saavTO

from there, he dug [well another]. And they did not do combat

7ispi avTOV Kai S7icov6|iaas to ovojia avzov

over it. And he named the name of it,

£DpD%CDpia AiyCDV 5lOTl VDV S7lXdTDVS KDpiOq T||IIV Kai

Expanse, saying, Because now [the] LORD widened us, and

rjD^rjasv r\[iaq S7U Tr\q yr\q 23+avsPr|5s sksiGsv S7rt

caused us to grow upon the earth. And he ascended from there towards

to cppsap tod opKOD 24+ Kai cbcpGrj avzcb Kopioc; sv

the Well of the Oath. And [ appeared to him [the] LORD] in

tt[ vdkti SKsivrj Kai S17T8V sycb sijii o Gsoc; APpadji

that night, and said, I am the God of Abraham

tod 7iaTp6c; aoD jlit| cpoPoD jiSTd aoD yap eijii Kai

your father. Do not fear! [with you for lam]. And

SD^oyfjoco as Kai 7iAx|0Dvcb to a7isp|ia aoD 81'

I will bless you, and I will multiply your seed because of

APpadji tov 7iaTspa ood 25 + Kai coKo56|ir|asv sksi

Abraham your father. And he built there

0DaiaaTfjpiov Kai S7isKaXsaaTO to ovojia KopioD Kai

an altar, and called upon the name of [the] LORD, and

S7ir|^8v sksi ttjv oKqvfjv avzov cbpD^av 5s SKSI 01

he pitched there his tent. [ dug And there the

7ia(5sc; IaadK cppsap sv ttj cpdpayyi Tspapcov 26+ Kai

servants of Isaac a well] in the ravine Gerar. And

Api|isA,s% S7iopsD6r| npoq avzov arco Tspapcov Kai

Abimelech went to him from Gerar, and

O%o^d0 o VDjicpaycoyoq aDTOD Kai Oi^oA, o

Ahuzzath his groomsman, and Phichol the

ap%KJTpdTT|yoc; Tr\q SDvdjisooc; aDTOD 27 + Kai si7isv

commander-in-chief of his force. And [ said

aDTok; IaadK ivaTi f|X0STS npoq |is Djisiq 5s

to them Isaac], Why did you come to me; for you

sjiiafjaaTS |is Kai a7isaTs(A,aTS |is acp' djicov 28+ 01 5s

detested me, and you sent me from you? And

si7iav iSovTsq scopaKajisv 6ti Kopioc; rjv jiSTd aoD

they said, Seeing, we have seen that [the] LORD was with you.

Kai si7ra|isv ysvsaGco apd avajisaov rjjicbv Kai

And we said, Let there become an oath between us and

avajisoov ood Kai 5ia6r|a6|is6a jiSTd aoD 5ia0fjKT|v

between you! And we will ordain with you a covenant.


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29+ firj 7iorfjaai |is0' r||icbv kockov Ka06xi

You shall not do [ with us evil], in so far as

odk ep8sA,D^d|ie0d ae r\[isiq Kai ov xporcov

[ did not abhor you we], and which manner

s%pr|ad|ie0d aoD Kakcbq Kai e^a7reaxsiA,a|isv as jiexd

we treated you well, and we sent you out in

sipfjvrjg Kai vdv SDAx)yr||ievoc; av D7i6 kdpiod 30+ Kai

peace. And now, you are being blessed by [the] LORD. And

£7iorr|aev aircok; &amp;o%r\v Kai ecpayov Kai S7iiov 31+ Kai

he made a banquet for them. And they ate and drank. And

avaaxdvxec; to 7ipcoi cbjioaev eraaxoc; xco nh^aiov

rising up in the morning, [ swore by an oath each] to the neighbor.

Kai s^a7isaT8iA,sv aDxotic; IaadK Kai a7rcb%ovxo an

And [ sent them out Isaac], and they moved away from

avTOV jiexd acoxrjpiac; 32+ sysvsxo 8s sv

him with safety. And it came to pass in

tt] rjjispa SKsivrj Kai 7iapaysv6|isvoi 01 naiSzq IaadK

that day, also [coming the servants of Isaac]

a7if|yyeiA,av aDxcb 7ispi xod cppsaxoc; od cbpD^av Kai

reported to him concerning the well which they dug, and

si7iav od% eDpojisv D8cop 33+ Kai £KdA,eaev ai)xo

said, We did not find water. And he called it,

opKoq 8id xodxo eKdXeasv ovojia xr| 7i6A,ei SKeivrj

Oath. On account of this he called [the] name [of] that city,

Opsap opKOD scoc; xrjc; afjjispov rjjiepac; 34+ r|v 8s

Well of Oath, unto today's day. [ was And

HaaD sxcbv xsaaapdKovxa Kai eXaPs yDvauca Iod8(0

Esau years [old] forty] and he took a wife ~ Judith

xrjv 0Dyaxspa Bscbp xod XsxxaioD Kai xrjv Baaejid0

the daughter ofBeeri the Hittite, and Bashemath

0i)yaxspa EX(b[i xod XsxxaioD 35+ Kai fjaav spi^oDaai

daughter ofElon the Hittite. And they were contending

xco IaadK Kai xrj PsPeKKa

[with] Isaac and Rebekah.

27 T3

1 + sysvsxo 8s jisxd xo yrjpdaai xov IaadK Kai

And it came to pass after the growing old of Isaac, that

r||ipA,DV0r|aav 01 ocp0aA,|ioi aDxoD xod opdv Kai

[ were blunted his eyes] to see. And


27 TD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

SKdXsasv HaaD tov diov avzov tov 7ipsaPDTspov Kai

he called Esau [ son his older], and

S17TSV (TDTCb DIS |IOD Kai S17TSV l80D SyCO 2 + Kai S17TSV

said to him, O my son. And he said, Behold, [it is] I. And he said,

i8od ysyfjpara Kai od yivcbaKco rqv rjjispav

Behold, I have grown old, and I do not know the day

Tr\q TsksvTT\q jiod 3 + vdv odv Xdps TO cjksdoc; OOD

of my decease. Now then, take your [hunting] equipment,

TTjV T8 (pdpSipaV Kai TO TO^OV Kai S^sABs 8iq TO

both the quiver and the bow! and go forth into the

7is5iov Kai GfjpsDaov jioi Gfjpav 4+ Kai 7io(r|a6v jioi

plain, and hunt forme game! And make forme

s8sa|iaTa coq (pikcb sycb Kai svsyKs jioi (va cpdyco

food as I am fond of, and bring [it] tome! that I may eat,

07TCDC; SD^oyfjarj as rj \\fv%r\ jiod 7ipiv rj a7ioGavs(v |is 5 +

so that [ may bless you my soul] before my dying.

PsPeKKa 8s fjKODas XaXovvToq IaadK npoq HaaD

And Rebekah heard Isaac speaking to Esau

tov diov olvtov £7ropsi)0r| 8s HaaD sic; to 7is8(ov

his son. [ went And Esau] into the plain

Grjpstiaai Gfjpav too 7iaTp( aDTOD 6+PsPsKKa8s si7is

to hunt game for his father. And Rebekah said

7ipoc; IaKcbp tov diov aDTfjc; tov sAxxaaoo (8s fjKODaa

to Jacob [ son her lesser], See! I heard

tod 7raTp6c; aoD XaXovvToq npoq HaaD

your father speaking to Esau

tov aSsAxpov aoD AiyovTOc; ?+ svsyKov jioi Gfjpav Kai

your brother, saying, Bring to me game, and

7rovrja6v jioi sSsojiaTa iva cpaycbv SD^oyfjaco as

make food for me! that eating, I may bless you

svavTiov KDpioD 7ipo tod a7ioGavsiv |IS 8 + VDV ODV

before [the] LORD, before my dying. Now then,

dis jiod dKODaov (iod KaGd sycb aoi svTsAlojiai 9 + Kai

O my son, hear me as I give charge to you! And

7ropsDGsk; sic; Ta 7ip6paTa AxxPs jioi sksiGsv 8do

going unto the sheep, you take for me from there two

spicpoDc; anakovq Kai KaXotic; Kai 7ioifjaco aDTODc;

kids, tender and good! And I will make them

sSsajjma TC0 7iaTpiaoD ooq cpi^si io+ Kai siaoiasic;

[for] food for your father as he is fond of. And you shall carry [them] in

too 7iaTp( aoD Kai cpdysTai oncoq SD^oyfjarj os

[to] your father, and he shall eat, that [ may bless you

27 TD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

O 7iaTf|p CJOD 7lpO TOD a7TO0aV8lV aVTOV 11 + 81718 8s

your father] before his dying. [ said And

IaKcbp 7tpoc; PsPsKKav tt|v (irjispa avzov screw

Jacob] to Rebekah his mother, [ is

o aSsAxpoc; jiod avfjp Saavq sycb 8s avfjp Xsioq n +

My brother man a hairy], and I [am] [ man a smooth];

|ifj 7TOT8 \j/r|A,a(pf|ar| jis o 7caTf|p jiod Kai saojiai

lest at any time [ should handle me my father], and I will be

svavxiov clvtov coc; Kaxacppovcbv Kai S7cd^co S7c'

before him as disdained, and I shall bring upon

sjiaDiov Kaxdpav Kai odk sD^oyiav i 3 + si7cs 8s aDTcb

myself a curse, and not a blessing. [ said And to him

T| |if|Tr|p 871 ' sjis T| KaTdpa aoi) TSKVOV JIOVOV

the mother], Upon me [be] your curse, child. Only

£7c&amp;Koi)a6v |iod Tr\q cpcovfiq Kai 7copsD6s(c; SVSyKS |IOl

you heed my voice! And ingoing bring [them] tome!

14+ 7copsD6s(c; 8s slaps Kai fjvsyKs tt| jirjipi Kai

And going, he took [them], and brought [them] to the mother. And

S7co(r|asv r| |xfjxr|p avzov s8sa|iaxa Ka6d scpi^si

[ made his mother] food as [ was fond of

o 7caTfjp olvtov i 5 + Kai Xafiovaa PsPsKKa xrjv otoAt|v

his father]. And Rebekah having taken the apparel

HoaD tod diod avTT\q tod 7cpsaPDTspoD TTJV KaXfjV

of Esau [ son her elder], the goodly,

T| r|v 7cap' aDTTj sv tco oikco svsSdcjsv IaKcbp

which was by her in the house, she put it on Jacob

tovdiov aDTfjc; TOVvscbTspov i6+ Kai Ta SspjiaTa tcov

[son her younger]. And [the skins of the


kids she put] upon his arms, and upon

Ta yojivd tod Tpaxfj^oD aDTOD i?+ Kai s8coks Ta

the naked [parts] of his neck. And she gave the

sSsajjma Kai todc; dpTODc; odc; S7corr|osv sic; zaq

foods and the bread loaves which she made unto the

Xsipaq IaKcbp tod diod aDTfjq i8+ Kai siafjvsyKs tod

hands of Jacob her son. And he carried in [to]

7caTp( aDTOD S17CS 8s 7cdTsp o 8s si7i;sv i8od sycb tic;

his father. And he said, Father! And he said, Behold, [it is] I, who

si cjd tskvov 19 + Kai si7csv IaKcbp tco 7caTp( aDTOD sycb

are you child? And Jacob said [to] his father, I [am]

HoaD o 7tpcot6tok6c; aoD 7cs7i;ovr|Ka KaGd skaXr\adq

Esau your first-born. I did as you told


27 TD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

(ioi avaaxdq KdGiaov Kai (pays arco Tr\q Qr\paq jiod

me. In rising up [come] take a seat and eat from my game!

oitcoq SD^oyfjarj |is r| \\fv%r\ aoD 20 + si7is 5s IaadK

that [ may bless me your soul]. [said And Isaac]

too mob clvtov xi todto o tol%v svpsq co tskvov

to his son, What is this which [so] quickly you found, O child?

o 5s S17TSV o 7iaps5coKs icupioq o Gsoc; aoD

And he said, [that] which [ delivered up [the] LORD your God]

svavxiov |iod 21 + S17TS 8s IaadK icq IaKcbp syyiaov

before me. [ said And Isaac] to Jacob, Approach

jioi Kai \\fr(ka(pr\G(ti as tskvov si &lt;td si o vioq |iod

me, and I shall handle you child, [to see] if you are my son

Haoo r| od 22+ fjyyias 5s IaKcbp npoq IaadK

Esau or not! [ approached And Jacob] to Isaac

xov 7iaxspa avzov Kai s\j/rjAxkpr|asv ai)i6v Kai si7isv

his father. And he handled him, and said,

rj (isv (pcovfj (pcovfj IaKcbp ai 5s %s(psc; %s(psc; HaaD

Indeed the voice [is the] voice of Jacob, but the hands [are the] hands of Esau.

23 + Kai odk s7isyvco avzov fjaav yap ai xsipsq avzov

And he did not recognized him, [ were for his hands]

coc; ai %zipzq HaaD tod aSsAxpoD avzov Saasiai Kai

as the hands of Esau his brother ~ hairy; and

siAoyrjasv aircov 24+ Kai si7is ai) si odiocjjiod HaaD

he blessed him. And he said, You are my son Esau?

0 5s si7isv sycb 25 + Kai si7is 7ipoadyays |ioi Kai

And he said, I [am]. And he said, Bring to me! and

(pdyojiai arco Tr\q Qr\paq aoi) tskvov iva SDA,oyf|ar| as

1 will eat from your game, child, that [ may bless you

rj \|A)%f| |iod Kai 7ipoafjvsyKsv ai)Tcb Kai scpays Kai

my soul]. And he brought it near to him, and he ate; and

siafjvsyKsv aDTcb oivov Kai S7iis 26+ Kai sircsv aDTcb

he carried to him wine, and he drank. And [ said to him

IaadK o 7iaTfjp avzov syyiaov jioi Kai cpiArjaov (is

Isaac his father], Approach me, and kiss me

tskvov 27+ Kai syyiaac; scpiArjasv avzov Kai coatppdvGrj

child! And approaching, he kissed him. And he smelled

ttjv oaiifjv tcov ijiaTicov qlvtov Kai si)A,6yr|asv avzov

the scent of his garments, and blessed him,

Kai si7isv i5od oajifj tod diod jiod coc; oajifj aypoD

and said, Behold, [the] scent of my son [is] as [the] scent [ field

7rAx|poDc; ov SD^oyrjas KDpioq 28+ Kai 5cor| aoi o Gsoc;

of a full] which [the] LORD blessed; and may [ give to you God]


27 TD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

a7io Tr\q 8p6aoD tod ODpavoD Kai arco Tr\q 7ii6tt|to(;

from the dew of the heaven, and from the fatness

Tr\q yr\q Kai 7iAr|0oc; avcoD Kai oivod 29 + Kai

of the earth, and a multitude of grain and wine. And

5oi)A,SDadTCoadv aoi sGvrj Kai 7rpoaKDvf|aaT&lt;joadv aoi

let [ be slave to you nations]! And let [ do obeisance to you

dpxovxsq Kai yivoD Kopioc; tod aSsAxpoD aoD Kai

rulers]! And you become master of your brother! And

7tpoaKDvfjaoDo( aoi 01 dioi tod nazpoq aoD o

[ will do obeisance to you the sons of your father]. The

KaTapcbjisvoq as S7iiKaTdpaTO(; o 8s SD^oycbv as

one cursing you [will be] accursed, and the one blessing you

SDA,oyr||isvoc; 30+ Kai sysvsTO jiSTd to 7iaDaaa6ai

[will be for a] blessing. And it came to pass after the ceasing

IaadK sD^oyoDVTa IaKcbp tov diov aDTOD Kai sysvsTO

of Isaac blessing Jacob his son, that it happened

cdc; s^fjABsv IaKcbp arco 7ipoacb7roD IaadK

as Jacob went forth from [the] face of Isaac

tod 7iaTp6c; aDTOD Kai HaaD o aSsAxpoc; avzov f|X0sv

his father, that Esau his brother came

and Trjq Gfjpaq 31+ Kai S7io(r|as Kai avxoq sSsajjma

from the hunt. And he made also himself food,

Kai 7ipoaf|vsyKs too 7iaTp( aDTOD Kai si7is tco 7iaTp(

and brought it near his father. And he said to the father,

avaaTfjTCO o 7iaTf|p (iod Kai cpaysTca arco Tr\q dr\paq

Rise up my father, and eat from the game

tod diod aDTOD OTKtiq SD^oyfjarj |is rj \|/D%f| aoD 32 + Kai

of his son! that [may bless me your soul]. And

si7rsv aDTcb IaadK o 7iaTf|p aDTOD tic; si aD o 8s

[said to him Isaac his father], Who are you? And

si7isv sycb sijii o vioq aoD o 7tpcdt6tokoc; HaaD 33 +

he said, I am your son, the first-born, Esau.

s^saTTj 8s IaadK sKaTaaiv jisydAxjv acp68pa Kai

[ was amazed And Isaac change of state great [with an] exceedingly]. And

si7is tic; odv o GrjpsDaac; jioi 0fjpav Kai

he said, Who then [is] the [one] hunting game for me, and

siasvsyrac; jioi Kai scpayov arco 7idvTCOv 7ipo

carrying it in to me? And I ate from all before

tod sX0sw as Kai SDXoyrjaa aDTOV Kai SDA,oyr||isvo(;

your coming, and blessed him, and a blessing

saTCO 34+sysvsTo8s rjviKa fjKODasvHaaD Ta pfjjiaTa

let it be! And it happened when Esau heard the words


27 TD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

tod rcaxpoc; avzov IoadK avsporjas (pcovfjv jisydAxjv

of his father Isaac, he yelled out [ voice with a great

Kai 7iiKpdv acp68pa Kai si7isv suloyrjaov 5r| Kajis

and bitter exceedingly]. And he said, You bless indeed also me

7t&amp;T8p 35 + 81718 8s (XDTCb sABcOV O aSsAxpOCJ OOD |ISXd

father! And he said to him, [In] coming, your brother with

86Am&gt; slaps xrjv siAoyiav aou 3 6 + Kai si7is SiKaicoc;

cunning took your blessing. And he said, Justly

SKAxjGrj to ovojia avzov IaKcop srcxspviKs yap (is fj5r|

was [ called his name] Jacob. For he has stomped upon me already

5si)TSpOV XOT)XO Xa T8 7ipCOXOx6Kld |IOD SlArjCpS Kai VDV

this second [time]. Even my rights of the first-born he has taken, and now

slaps xrjv su^oyiav jiou Kai si7isv Haai) xco

he took my blessing. And Esau said [to]

7iaxpi avTOV ov% vnskbiov jioi siAoyiav rcdxsp 37+

his father, Do you not leave behind to me a blessing, O father?

a7roKpi0s(c; 5s IaadK si7is xco Haav si Kopiov auxov

And answering Isaac said to Esau, If [ master him

7rs7io(r|Kd gov Kai 7idvxac; xodc; aSsAxpotic; avzov

I made] of you, and [ all his brothers

7rs7io(r|Ka avzov oiKsxac; aixco Kai oivco saxfjpi^a

I made] his servants, [ [with] grain and wine to support

avzov aoi8s xi 7iorfjaco xskvov 38+ si7is 8s Haai3

him] — then to you what may I do child? [ said And Esau]

npoq xov 7iaxspa auxoi) (irj siAoyia |i(a aoi saxi

to his father, [not blessing one in you Is there],

7idxsp siAoyrjaov 8r| Kajis rcdxsp Kaxavi)%0svxoc; 8s

O father? [ bless Indeed] me also father! [ being vexed And

IaadK avsporjas (pcovfj Haau Kai skAxtdcjsv 39+

Isaac], [ yelled out a sound Esau], and he wept.

a7ioKpi0sfc; 8s IaadK o 7idxr|p avzov si7isv auxcb idov

[ answering And Isaac his father] said to him, Behold,

a7io Tr\q 7n6xr|xoc; xrjc; yr\q saxai rj KaxoiKqaig aoi)

from the fatness of the earth will be your dwelling,

Kai a7io xrjc; 8p6aou xod ODpavou dvcoBsv 4 o+ Kai

and from the dew of the heaven above. And

S7U xt[ |ia%aipa aoi) ^fjarj Kai xco aSsAxpcb aoi)

upon your sword you shall live, and [ of your brother

SoiAsuasig saxai 8s rjviKa av KaGsArjc; Kai

you will be a servant]. And it will be when ever you should demolish and

SKAtiarjc; xov £/oyov avzov arco xod xpaxfj^oi) aoi) 41 +

loosen his yoke from your neck.


27 TD
8V TOUT© + VtKCl

01 - Genesis

Kai svskotsi HaaD too IaKcbp 7isp( Tr\q svXoyiaq

And Esau was angry [at] Jacob on account of the blessing

r\q SD^oyrjasv avzov o 7iaTfjp avzov si7is 8s HaaD

of which [ blessed him his father]. [ said And Esau]

sv tt] 8iavo(a avzov syyiadTCoaav ai r||ispai tod

in his mind, Let approach the days of the

itzvdovq tod 7raTp6c; jiod (va a7roKTs(vco IaKcbp

mourning of my father! that I may kill Jacob

tov aSsAxpov jiod 42 + a7rr|yysAx| 8s PsPsKKa Ta pfj|iaTa

my brother. And were reported to Rebekah the words

HaaD tod diod avTT\q tod 7ipsaPDTspoD Kai 7is|i\j/aaa

of Esau [ son her elder]. And sending forth,

SKdXsasv IaKcbp tov Diov avTT\q tov vsccrcspov Kai

she called Jacob [ son her younger], and

S17T8V aDTcb i8od HaaD o aSsAxpoc; aoD a7rsiA,si aoi

she said to him, Behold, Esau, your brother threatens you —


to kill you. Now then, child, hear my

Tr\q ^CDvfjc; Kai avacrcdc; a7i65pa9i sic;

voice! and rising up runaway into

ttjv M8ao7iOTa|iiav itpoq Adpav tov aSsAxpov jiod sic;

Mesopotamia to Laban my brother in

Xappdv 44+ Kai oiKqaov jist' aDTOD r||ispac; Tivdq 45 +

Haran! And live with him some days!

scoc; tod a7ro&lt;ycp8\j/ai tov Gdjiov Kai ttjv opyfjv

until the turning back the rage and the anger

tod aSeAxpoD ood arco aoD Kai S7iiAxx0r|Tai a

of your brother from you, and he should forget what

7r£7io(r|Kac; aDTcb Kai a7ioaTs(Axxaa |iSTa7is|i\j/o|iai as

you have done to him. And sending, I will fetch you

sks(0sv |ir| 7TOTS a7iOTSKvco0cb arco tcov 8do DJICOV sv

from there, lest at any time I should be childless from the two of you in

rjjispa |i(a 46+ si7is 8s PsPsKKa npoq IaadK

[ day one]. [ said And Rebekah] to Isaac,

7ipoacb%0iKa ttj ^cofj jiod 8id Tag 0DyaTspac; tcov

I loathe my life, on account of the daughters of the

Dicbv Xst si Ar|\j/STai IaKcbp yDvaiKa arco tcov

sons of Heth. If Jacob shall take a wife from the

0DyaTspcov rr|c; yrjc; TaDTTjc; ivaxi jioi to ^r|v

daughters of this land, why [is it] for me to live?


28 rra

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

01 - Genesis

28 J"P

i + 7ipoaKaA£a&amp;|i£voc; 8s IaadK xov IaKcoP sD^oyrjaev

[ having called And Isaac] Jacob, blessed

avTOV Kai svsxsiAmo aDxcb Aiycov od Xr\\\fr\

him, and gave charge to him, saying, Not shall you take

yDvauca 8K tcov 0Dyaxepcov xcov Xavavaicov 2 +

a wife from the daughters of the Canaanites.

avaaxdc; a7i65pa0i sic; xrjv Msao7ioxa|iiav sic; xov

Having risen up, you run away unto Mesopotamia to the

oikov BaGoDfjA, xod nazpoq xrjc; jirjxpoc; aoD Kai Xafiz

house ofBethuel the father of your mother! and take

aeaDxcb sks(6sv yDvauca 8K xcov GDyaxspcov Adpav

to yourself from there a wife from the daughters of Laban

xod aSeAxpoD xrjc; jirjxpoc; aoD 3 + o 8s Geoc; jiod

the brother of your mother! And [ my God

£DA,oyfjaai as Kai aD^fjaai ae Kai nh^dvvai ae Kai

may bless] you, and increase you, and multiply you; and

ear) eic; aDvaycoydc; e0vcbv 4+ Kai 8cor| aoi xrjv

you will be for gatherings of nations. And may he give to you the

eiAoyiav APpadji xod rcaxpoc; jiod aoi Kai

blessing of Abraham, my father, to you, and

xco a7i8p|iax( aoD jisxd as KAr|povo|if|aai xrjv yrjv

your seed after you; to inherit the land

xrjc; 7iapoiKf|aecb(; aoD rjv eScoKev o Geoc; xco APpadji 5 +

of your sojourning, which God gave to Abraham.

Kai a7T8axsiXsv IaadK xov IaKcbp Kai S7iop8D0r| eic;

And Isaac sent Jacob. And he went into

xrjv Msao7ioxa|jiav npoq Adpav xov diov BaGoDfjA,

Mesopotamia to Laban the son ofBethuel

xod I/upoD aSsAxpov PePeKKac; xrjc; jirjxpoc; IaKcbp Kai

the Syrian, brother ofRebekah, the mother of Jacob and

HaaD 6 + i8cbv 8s HaaD 6x1 eDA,6yr|aev IaaaK

Esau. [ having seen And Esau] that Isaac blessed

xov IaKcbp Kai a7isax£iA,sv sic; xrjv Msao7ioxa|iiav

Jacob, and sent [him] into Mesopotamia

I/opiac; AxxPeiv saDxcb yDvauca sksiGsv sv xco

of Syria to take to himself a wife from there — in the

£DAx)ysiv aDxov Kai svsxsi^axo aDxcb Aiycov od

blessing him, and gave charge to him, saying, You shall not

Axj\j/r| yDvaiKa xcov GDyaxepcov xcov Xavavaicov 1+ Kai

take a wife of the daughters of the Canaanites, that


28 rra

8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

fjKODasv IaKcbp tod nazpoq Kai Tr\q jirjipoq avzov Kai

Jacob hearkened to [father and mother his], and

£7ropsi)0r| sic; xrjv M8oo7iOTa|iiav Isvpiaq s + i8cbv 8s

went into Mesopotamia of Syria, and seeing,

Kai HaaD on 7iovr|pai eiaiv ai 0DyaTspsc; Xavadv

even Esau, that [ are wicked the daughters of Canaan]

evavxiov Iaa&amp;K tod nazpoq ocdtod 9 + Kai

before Isaac his father, that

S7iopsD0r| HaaD npoq la[Lar\k Kai shafts tt|v MaeXe0

Esau went to Ishmael, and he took Mahalath

0Dyaxspa Iajiafjl tod diod APpadji aSeAxpfjv

daughter of Ishmael, the son of Abraham, sister

NaPscb0 7rpoq xaiq yDvai^iv aDTOD yDvauca io+ Kai

of Nebajoth, to his wives, [as a] wife. And

s^fjABsv IaKcbp a7io tod cppsaxoq tod opKOD Kai

Jacob went forth from the Well of the Oath, and

S7ropsD0r| eic; Xappdv n+ Kai a7cf|VTr|ae to7icd Kai

went into Haran. And he encountered a place, and

8Koi|xfj0r| 8K8i s5d yap o r\kioq Kai skafizv a7io

slept there, [ went down for the sun]. And he took from [one]


of the stones of the place, and put [it] at his head,

Kai 8KOl|lf|0r| SV TO TO7TC0 8K81VC0 12 + Kai SVD7TVlda0r|

and went to sleep in that place. And he dreamed.

Kai i5od KAijia^ eaTT|piy|isvr| sv ttj yr| r\q r\

And behold, [there was a] stairway being supported by the earth, of which the

KecpaAxj acpiKvevco sic; tov ODpavov Kai 01 dyye^oi

top arrived in the heaven. And the angels

tod 0sod avspaivov Kai KaTsPaivov S7i' aDTfj i 3 +o8e

of God ascended and descended upon it. And the

KDpiOq S7TSaTfjpiKTO 871 ' aDTTJ^ Kai 817TSV SyCD O 080^

LORD stayed upon it. And he said, I [am] the God

APpadji tod 7raTp6c; aoD Kai o 0s6q IaadK jirj

of Abraham your father, and the God of Isaac. Do not

90P0D T| yrj scp' r\q ctd Ka0SD8eic; S7i' avTT\q aoi

fear! The land of which you sleep upon it, to you

8cbaco aDTTjv Kai tco a7csp|iaTi ciod u+ Kai ecrcai

I will give it, and [to] your seed. And [ will be

to a7isp|ia aoD oac; djijioc; Trjq yrjc; Kai 7iA,aTDV0f|a8Tai

your seed] as sand of the earth. And it will be widened

87i( 0dXaaaav Kai Aipa Kai Poppdv Kai S7U

unto [the] west, and south, and north, and unto

28 rra

8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

avaxoAxxc; Kai svsDXoyrjGfjaovxai sv aoi rcdaai ai

[the] east. And shall be blessed by you all the

(pvXai Tr\q yr\q Kai sv too a7isp|iaxi aoD 15+ Kai i8od

tribes of the earth, and by your seed. And behold,

sycb eijii jisxd aoD SiatpDldaacov as sv xrj o5co

I am with you, guarding you in [ way

7idar| od av 7ropsi)0fjc; Kai a7roaxps\j/co as sic;

every] of which ever you may go. And I will return you to

xrjv yrjv xaDxrjv 6ti od jlit| as syKaxaAijrco scoc;

this land, for no way would I abandon you until

tod 7ioir|aai |is rcavxa 6aa sAxxAxjad aoi i6+ Kai

my doing all as much as I spoke to you. And

s^rjyspGrj IaKcbp sk tod D7tvod aDxoD Kai si7isv 6xi

Jacob awoke from out of his sleep. And he said that,

SailKDpiOCj SV XCO X07TCD XODXCO SyCO 8s ODK f|8siV 17 +

[The] LORD is in this place, but I had not known [it].

Kai scpopfjGrj Kai sircsv coc; cpopspoc; o xorcoc; odxoc;

And he feared, and said, How fearful this place.

odk saxi xodxo aXk' r\ ohcoq 6sod Kai aDxrj r|

Is not this none other than [the] house of God, and this the

nvh] xod ODpavoD i8 + Kai avsaxrj IaKcbp xo 7ipcoi Kai

gate of heaven. And Jacob rose up in the morning, and

slaps xov Ai0ov ov D7is6r|Ksv sksi npoq

took the stone which he placed there at

KscpaAxjc; aDxoD Kai saxrjasv aDxov axfjArjv Kai

his head. And he set it [as a] monument, and

S7rs%ssv sAmov S7i( xo dKpov aDxfjq i9+ Kai SKd^sas

poured oil upon the top of it. And he called

xo ovojia xod X07TOD sksivod oiKoq 6sod Kai

the name of that place, House of God, and

AajijiaoDc; rjv ovojia xr| 7i6Xsi xo 7ip6xspov 2 o+ Kai

Lam-luz was [the] name to the city formerly. And

rjD^axo IaKcbp sDxrjv Aiycov sdv rj KDpioc; o Bsoc;

Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If [ should be [the] LORD God]

jisx' sjiod Kai 8ia(pDAxx^r| jis sv xr| o8cb xaDxrj r|

with me, and should guard me in this journey which

sycb 7iopsDO|iai Kai 8cor| jioi dpxov cpaysiv Kai

I go, and should give to me bread to eat, and

ijidxiov 7ispiPaA,sa6ai 21+ Kai a7ioaxps\j/si |is jisxd

a cloak to put on, and will return me with

acoxripiaq sic; xov oikov xod rcaxpoc; |iod Kai

safety unto the house of my father, and


29 DD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

saxai Kopioc; jioi sic; 0s6v 22 + Kai o Xidoq odxoc; ov

[the] LORD will be to me for God, and this stone which

saxrjaa axfjArjv saxai jioi oikoc; 6sod Kai 7idvxcov

I set [as a] monument, will be to me a house of God. And all,

gov s&amp;v (101 8coc; SsKdxrjv a7io8sKaxcbaco aDxd aoi

what ever, you should give to me, [ a tenth I will tithe] of it to you.

29 toD

1 + Kai s^dpac; IaKcbp xodc; itodaq S7iopsD6r| sic; yrjv

And Jacob lifting [his] feet, went into [the] land

avaxoAxbv rcpoc; Adpav xov diov BaGoDfjA, xod

of [the] east to Laban, the son ofBethuel the

I/6poD aSsAxpov 5s PsPsKKac; jirjxpoc; IaKcbp Kai HaaD

Syrian, and brother ofRebekah, mother of Jacob and Esau.

2 + Kai opd Kai i8od tppsap sv xco 7is8ico fjaav 5s

And he saw, and behold, [there was] a well in the plain. And there were

sksi xpia 7ioi|ivia 7ipopdxcov ava7iai)6|isva S7i' aDxoD

there three flocks of sheep resting near it,

sk yap xod cppsaxoc; sksivod S7i6xi^ov xa 7io(|ivia

for from out of that well they watered the flocks.

Xidoq 8s rjv jisyac; sm xco axojiaxi xod cppsaxoq 3 +

[ stone And there was a great] upon the mouth of the well.

Kai aDvfjyovxo sksi rcdvxa xa 7io(|ivia Kai a7isKDXiov

And [ came together there all the flocks]. And they rolled away

xov Ai0ov a7io xod axojiaxoq xod cppsaxoc; Kai

the stone from the mouth of the well, and

S7r6xi£pv xa 7ip6paxa Kai a7ioKa9(axcov xov AiGov S7i(

they watered the sheep, and restored the stone upon

xo axojia xod cppsaxoc; sic; xov xorcov aDxoD 4+ si7is 8s

the mouth of the well into [its] place. [ said And

aDxoic; IaKcbp aSsAxpoi 7i60sv saxs djisic; 01 8s

to them Jacob], Brethren, from what place are you? And

si7rav sk Xappdv sajisv 5 + si7is 8s aDxoic; yivcbaKsxs

they said, [ from Haran We are]. And he said to them, You know

Adpav xov diov Na%cbp 01 8s si7iav yivcbaKojisv 6 +

Laban the son ofNahor? And they said, We know [him].

si7is 8s aDxoiq Dyiaivsi 01 Ss si7iav Dyiaivsi Kai i8od

And he said to them, Is he in health? And they said, He is in health, and behold,

¥a%r\k T| 0Dydxr|p aDxoD fjp%sxo jisxd xcov 7ipopdxcov 7 +

Rachel his daughter comes with the sheep.


29 DD


01 - Genesis

Kai 817T8V IaKcbp exi saxiv rjjispa nokXr\ od7tcd cbpa

And Jacob said, There is still [ day much], [for] not yet [is the] hour

aDva%6fjvai xa Kxfjvrj 7roxkravxsc; xa 7ip6paxa

[ to come together [for] the herds]; having watered the sheep,

a7reAi)6vxsc; poaKexe 8+oi8s £i7iov od 8Dvr|a6|i£6a

sending them forth graze [them] ! And they said, We are not able

eooc; xod oDva%6f|vai rcavxac; xodc; 7ioi|i£vac; Kai

until the coming together of all the shepherds, for

a7ioKDAiacoai xov AiGov arco xod axojiaxoq xod

they should roll away the stone from the mouth of the

cppsaxoc; Kai 7toxiot3(isv xa 7ip6paxa 9+ sxi aDxoD

well, and we shall water the sheep. While he

A,aAxr6vxoc; aDxofc; Kai i8od ¥a%r\k r\ 0Dydxr|p Adpav

[was] speaking to them, and behold, Rachel the daughter of Laban

fjp%sxo jiexd xcov 7ipopdxcov xod nazpoq avTT\q

comes with the sheep of her father.

auxfj yap spooks xa 7ip6paxa xod naxpoq avxr\q 10 +

For she grazed the sheep of her father.

eysvsxo 8s coq e(8ev IaKcbp xrjv Pa%f|A, xrjv 0Dyaxspa

And it came to pass as Jacob saw Rachel, the daughter

Adpav aSsAxpoD xrjc; jirjxpoq aDxoD Kai xa 7ip6paxa

of Laban, brother of his mother, and the sheep

Adpav xod aSeAxpoD xrjc; jxqxpoc; aDxoD Kai 7ipoasX0cbv

of Laban, the brother of his mother; and coming forward,

IaKcbp a7T£KDXia£ xov AiGov arco xod axojiaxoc; xod

Jacob rolled away the stone from the mouth of the

cppeaxoc; Kai S7i6xi^s xa 7ip6paxa Adpav xod

well. And he watered the sheep of Laban, the

aSsAxpoD xrjq jirjxpoq aDxoD n+ Kai sqnArjasv IaKcbp

brother of his mother. And Jacob kissed

xrjv ¥a%r\k Kai Pofjaac; xr| (poovfj aDxoD SK^aDas 12 + Kai

Rachel. And yelling [with] his voice he wept. And

a7rfjyyeiA£ xr| ¥a%r\k 6x1 aSeAxpoc; xod rcaxpoc; avTT\q

he reported to Rachel that [ a brother of her father

saxi Kai 6x1 vioq PePsKKaq eaxi Kai SpajioDaa

he is], and that [ a son ofRebekah he is]. And she ran

a7ifiyy8iA,s xco 7iaxp( avxr\q Kaxd xa pfjjiaxa xaDxa 13 +

to report to her father concerning these words.

eyevsxo 8s ooc; fjKODoe Adpav xo ovojia IaKcbp xod

And it came to pass as Laban heard the name Jacob, the

diod xrjc; aSsAxpfjc; aDxoD e5pa|iev ziq aDvdvxrjaiv

son of his sister, he ran to meet


29 DD

ev tootco + viKa

01 - Genesis

avTOV Kai 7ispiA,aPcbv auxov sqnArjas Kai siafjyaysv

him. And taking hold of him, he kissed him and brought

auxov sic; xov oikov avzov Kai 5ir|yf|oaTO icq Adpav

him into his house. And he described [to] Laban

rcdvxac; Tovq Xoyovq xotjxodc; u+ Kai sircsv auxcb Adpav

all these matters. And [ said to him Laban],

8K xoov oaxcbv jioi) Kai sk xrjc; aapKog (IOD si ai)

From out of my bones, and from out of my flesh are you.

Kai r|v jisx' avzov jifjva r||ispcbv 15+ si7is 8s Adpav

And he was with him a month of days. [ said And Laban]

too IaKcbp on yap aSsAxpoc; [iov si ou SouXsuasic;

to Jacob that, For [ brother you are my], you shall not be a slave

jioi 8copsdv a7tdyysiA,6v jioi xic; o jiiaGoc; (TOD SaXl 16 +

to me without charge, you tell to me what your wage is?

too 8s Adpav fjaav 8tio Buyaxspsc; ovojia xr| jisitpvi

And [to] Laban there were two daughters, [the] name of the older —

Asia Kai ovojia xr| vsooxspa Pa%f|A, 17+ 01 8s

Leah, and [the] name of the younger — Rachel. But the

ocpGa^jioi Asiac; aaGsvsk; Va%r\k 8s rjv Kakr\ xcd s(8si

eyes of Leah [were] weak, but Rachel was good to the sight,
Kai copaia xr| 6\j/si acp68pa ig+ rjyd7ir|as 8s IaKcbp

and beautiful in appearance — exceedingly. [ loved And Jacob]

xrjv Va%r\k Kai si7is SoiAsuaco aoi srcxd sxrj 7isp(

Rachel. And he said, I will serve you seven years for

Pa%fjA, TTjcj 0i)yaxp6cj aou xrjc; vscoxspac; 19+ si7is 8s

Rachel [ daughter your younger]. [ said And

auxcb Adpav PsAxiov 8oi3va( |ioi aDxfjv aoi r|

to him Laban], Better for me to give her to you, than

Scrovai |is aircfjv av8p( sxspoo oiKqaov jisx' sjioi) 20+

for me to give her [man to another]. You live with me!

Kai s8oi3A,si)asv IaKcbp 7ispi Pa%fjA, srcxd sxrj Kai

And Jacob served for Rachel seven years, and

fjaav svavxiov avzov coq rjjispai oAiyai rcapd

they were before him as [ days a few], because of

xo ayarcdv auxov auxf|v 21 + si7is 8s IaKcbp xco Adpav

his love for her. [ said And Jacob] to Laban,

80c; (101 xrjv yovaixd jiou 7iS7rAx|pcDvxai yap ai rjjispai

Give to me my wife, [ are fulfilled for the days]

oitcoq siasXGco npoq auxfjv 22+ auvfjyays 8s Adpav

so as to enter to her! [ brought together And Laban]

rcdvxac; xouc; avdpaq xou x67tod Kai S7ioir|as ydjiov

all the men of the place, and he made a wedding.


29 DD

01 - Genesis

23+ Kai sysvsxo sa7ispa Kai Xafi(hv Asiav

And it became evening. And taking Leah

xrjv Guyaxspa avzov siafjyaysv aDifjv npoq IaKcbp Kai

his daughter, he brought her to Jacob, and

eiafjXGe npoq avTr\v IaKcbp 2 4 + s8coks 8s Adpav Ada

[ entered to her Jacob]. [ gave And Laban] Leah

ttj Guyaxpi avzov ZsAxpdv xrjv 7iai8(aKT|v auxoi) 25 +

his daughter Zilpah his maidservant.

sysvsxo 8s xo7ipcoi Kai i8cr6 r|v Asia si7is 8s

And it happened in the morning, and behold, there was Leah. [ said And

IaKcbp xca Adpav xi xotixo S7iovr|adc; jioi od

Jacob] to Laban, What [is] this you did to me, [was it] not

7ispi PaxfjA, sSotiXsDaa 7iapd aoi Kai ivaxi

on account of Rachel I served for you, and why did

7rapsA,oyioco |ie 2 6 + ems 8s Adpav odk soxiv croxcoc;

you mislead me? [ said And Laban], It is not so

sv xco x67r&lt;D r||icbv 8cr6vai xrjv vscoxspav rcpiv TT\q

in our place to give the younger before the

7rpeaPi)X8pac; 2 ?+ awcs^saov ouv xa spSojia xawjc; Kai

elder. You complete then these sevenths and

8cbaco aoi Kai xatixrjv avxi xrjc; spyaaiac; r\q

I will give to you also this woman for the work of which

spya 7iap' sjioi sxi srcxd sxrj sxspa 28+ S7roir|os 8s

you will work for me, yet [ seven years another]. [ did And

IaKcbp croxcoc; Kai av£7iArj poo as xa spSojia xatixrjc; Kai

Jacob] so, and fulfilled these [her] sevenths. And

sScoksv auxcb Adpav Pa%r\k xrjv Guyaxspa avzov auxco

[ gave to him Laban] Rachel his daughter, to him

yDvaiKa 29 + s8coks 8s Adpav xrj Guyaxpi avzov

[as] wife. [ gave And Laban to his daughter

BaXXav xrjv 7iai8(aKTTV 30+ Kai siafjXGs npoq ¥a%r\k

Bilhah the maidservant]. And he entered to Rachel.

r|yd7rr|as 8s Pa%fjA, [laXkov rj Asiav Kai s8cy6A,SDasv

And he loved Rachel rather than Leah. And he served

auxco srcxd sxrj sxspa 31+ i8cbv 8s KDpioc; 6x1

him [ seven years another]. [ seeing And [the] LORD] that

jiiasixai Asia fjvoi^s xrjv jxqxpav avTT\q ¥a%r\k 8s r|v

Leah was detested, he opened her womb. But Rachel was

oxsipa 32 + Kai ai)vsA,aPs Asia Kai sxsksv mov

sterile. And Leah conceived and bore a son

xco IaKcbp sKd^sas 8s xo ovojia auxoi) PoDpfjv XsyoDoa

to Jacob. And she called his name, Reuben, saying,



8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

5i6ti s(5s jiod Kopioc; TT|V Ta7TSlVC0aiV Kai s5cOKS (101

Because [ saw my [the] LORD] the humiliation, and he gave to me

diov vdv odv aya7if|asi |is o avfjp jiod 33 + Kai

a son; now then [ will love me my husband]. And

avvskafis 7idXiv Asia Kai stsksv mov SsDTspov

[ conceived again Leah] and bore [ son a second]

TOO IaKCbP Kai S17TSV Oil fjKODCTS Kopioc; Oil |IiaOD|iai

to Jacob. And she said, For [the] LORD heard that I am detested,

Kai 7ipoas5coKs jioi Kai todtov SKd^sas 5s

and he gave in addition to me also this one. And she called

to ovojia aDTOD I/djiscov 34+ Kai avvskafizv sti Kai

his name, Simeon. And she conceived again and


bore a son. And she said, In the present time [ by me

saxai o avfjp jiod stskov yap aDTcb xpsiq viovq

will be my husband], for I bore to him three sons.

8id todto sraXsas to ovojia avzov Asm 35 + Kai

On account of this she called his name, Levi. And

oDAlaPoDaa sti stsksv mov Kai si7is vdv sti todto

conceiving again she bore a son. And she said, Now yet this

s^o|ioAx)Yfjoo|iai Kopico 8id todto SKd^sas

I will acknowledge to [the] LORD. On account of this she called

to ovojia aDTOD IoD5av Kai sarr| tod tiktsiv

his name, Judah. And she stopped bearing.


1 + iSoDoa 5s Pa%fjA, 6ti od tstoks tod IaKcbp Kai

[ saw And Rachel] that she has not borne to Jacob. And

s^fjXcoas Pa%fjA, rqv a5sAxpf|v aDTfjc; Kai si7is tco IaKcbp

Rachel envied her sister. And she said to Jacob,

80c; jioi TSKva si5s|ir| TsXsDTfjaco sycb 2+ 9d|ico0sic; 5s

Give to me a child! and if not, I will come to an end. [ being enraged And

IaKcbp ttj ¥a%r\k si7isv aDrq |ir| avTi 0sod sycb sijii

Jacob] with Rachel, said to her, [ not in place of God I am]

oq saTsprjas as Kaprcov KoiAiac; 3+ si7is 5s Pa%f|A,

who deprived you [of the] fruit of [the] belly? [ said And Rachel]
tco IaKcbp i5od r| 7iai5(aKr| jiod BaXXa siasA£s itpoq

to Jacob, Behold, my maidservant Bilhah. Enter to

aDTTjV Kai TS^STai S7U tcov yovdTCOv |IOD Kai

her! and she will bear upon my knees, and

TSKvo7io(r|ao|iai Kayco s^ avTT\q 4 + Kai sScoksv

[ will produce children even I] from her. And she gave


30 "7 sv tootg) + viica 01 - Genesis

awco BaXkav ttjv 7iai8(aKr|v avTT\q awco yuvaiKa Kai

Bilhah to him — her maidservant to him as wife. And

eiafjXGe npoq avTr\v IaKcbp 5 + Kai avvskafis BaXka r\

[ entered to her Jacob]. And [ conceived Bilhah the

7iai8(aKr| ¥a%r\k Kai stsks tco IaKcbp mov 6 + Kai

maidservant of Rachel]. And she bore to Jacob a son. And

81718 Pa%f|A, SKpiVS |IOl O 0SOC; Kai S7lf|KODaS

Rachel said, [judged me God], and he heeded

Tr\q cpcovfjc; |iod Kai s8coks |ioi mov 5id touto

my voice, and he gave to me a son through this [one].

8id tot3to sraXsas to ovojia avzov Aav 7 + Kai

On account of this she called his name, Dan. And

&lt;yovsA,aPsv sti BaXka r\ 7iai5iaKr| Va%r\k Kai stsksv

[conceived again Bilhah the maidservant of Rachel]. And she bore

mov SsuTspov tco IaKcbp 8+ Kai S17T8 ¥a%r\k ctuvsAxxPsto

[ son a second] to Jacob. And Rachel said, [ aided

jioi o Gsoc; Kai auvsaTpdcprjv ttj a6sk(pr\ jiod Kai

me God], and I was twisted [by] my sister, and

rj5i)vdo0r|v Kai SKd^sas to ovojia avzov NscpGa^siji 9 +

I was able. And she called his name, Naphtali.

s(5s 8s Asia 6ti saTrj tod tiktsiv Kai shafts

[ saw And Leah] that she stopped bearing. And she took

ZsAxpdv ttjv 7iai8(aKr|v avTr\q Kai sScoksv avTr\v

Zilpah her maidservant, and gave her

tco IaKcbp yDvaiKa 10+ Kai aovslaps ZsAxpd r|

to Jacob [as] wife. And [ conceived Zilpah the

7rai8(aKr| Asiac; Kai stsks tco IaKcbp mov u+ Kai

maidservant of Leah]. And she bore to Jacob a son. And

S17T8 Asia sv tv%t\ Kai S7icov6|iaas to ovojia olvtov

Leah said, [I am] in good luck. And she named his name,

Tad 12+ Kai avvskaftsv sti ZsAxpd r| 7iai5(aKr| Asiac;

Gad. And [ conceived again Zilpah the maidservant of Leah].

Kai stsks tco IaKcbp mov 8si3Tspov 13 + Kai si7is Asia

And she bore to Jacob [ son a second]. And Leah said,

jiaKapia syco 6ti |iaKapioi)cri |is ai yovaixsc; Kai

Blessed [am] I, for [ declare me happy the women]. And

SKdXsas to ovojia avzov Aafjp h+ S7iopsi)0r| 8s

she called his name, Asher. [ went And

Poupfjv sv rjjispa Gspiajioi) nvpcbv Kai sups [ir\ka

Reuben] in [the] day [ harvest [of the] wheat], and he found apples

|iav8payopcbv sv tco aypcb Kai fjvsyKsv avza itpoq

of mandrakes in the field. And he brought them to


30 "7 sv tootg) + vlica 01 - Genesis

Asiav xrjv (irjispa aDxoD si7cs 5s Pa%r\k xrj Asia

Leah his mother. [ said And Rachel] to Leah

tt] a8sAxpf| avTT\q 80c; |ioi xcov |iav8payopcov

her sister, Give to me of the mandrakes

xod diod aoi) i 5 + 81718 8s Asia od% iKavov aoi 6x1

of your son! [ said And Leah], [Is it] not fit to you that

zXafisq xov &amp;v8pa jiod jlit| Kai xodc; jiavSpayopac;

you took my man, shall also [ of the mandrakes

xod diod (iod Xr\\\nr\ 8i7is 8s ¥a%r\k od% odxcoc;

of my son you take]? [ said And Rachel], Not so,

Koi|ir|6fjxcD jisxd aoD xrjv VDKxa xatixrjv avxi xcov

let him go to bed with you this night in return for the

|iav8payopcov xod diod aoi) i6+ siafjXGs 8s IaKcoP

mandrakes of your son. [ entered And Jacob]

s^ aypoD sa7cspac; Kai e^fj^Gs Asia sic;

from out of [the] field [at] evening. And came forth Leah to

aDvdvxrjaiv cxdxco Kai si7cs 7cpoc; s|is sias^sDarj

meet him. And she said, [ to me You shall enter]

ofjjispov |is|i(a6co|iai yap as avxi xcov (iav8payopcov

today, for I have hired you in return for the mandrakes

xod diod jiod Kai SKoi|ifj9r| (isx' aDxfjc;

of my son. And he went to bed with her

xrjv VDKxa SKsivrjv n+ Kai S7cfjKODasv o Gsoc; Asiaq Kai

that night. And God heeded Leah. And

aDAlaPotiaa sxsks diov 7cs|i7cxov xco IaKcbp i 8 + Kai

conceiving, she bore [ son a fifth] [to] Jacob. And

si7cs Asia 8s8coks jioi o Gsoc; xov |iia66v |iod av6 ' cov

Leah said, [ gave to me God] my wage because

s8coKa xrjv 7cai8iaKr|v (iod xco av8pi |iod Kai SKdXsas

I gave my maidservant to my husband. And she called

xo ovojia aDxoD Iaad%ap o saxi jiiaGoq 19+ Kai

his name, Issachar, which is, Wage. And

aDvs^aPsv sxi Asia Kai sxsksv diov skxov xco IaKcbp

[conceived again Leah]. And she bore [son a sixth] to Jacob.

20 + Kai si7cs Asia 8s8cbpr|xai o 0s6c; jioi 8cbpov koXov

And Leah said, God has presented to me [ gift a good]

sv xco vdv Kaipco aipsxisi |is o avfjp jiod sxskov yap

in the present time, [ will select me my man] for having borne

aDxco s^ diodc; Kai SKd^sas xo ovojia aDxoD

to him six sons. And she called his name,

ZaPoDAxbv 21+ Kai jisxd xodxo sxsks 0Dyaxspa Kai

Zebulun. And after this she bore a daughter, and



8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

sk&amp;Xscjs to ovojia avTT\q Aiva 22+ sjivf|a0r| 8s o Gsoq

she called her name, Dinah. [ remembered And God]

Tr\q Va%r\k mi 87ifjKODa8v avTT\q o Geoc; Kai aveco^ev

Rachel. And [ heeded her God], and he opened

avTT\q ttjv jifjipav 23 + Kai auAlaPouaa stsks icq IaKcbp

her womb. And conceiving, she bore to Jacob

mov 81718 5s Pa%r\k acpei^e o Geoc; jiod to oveiSoc;

a son. [ said And Rachel], God removed [from] me the scorn.

24+ Kai SK&amp;Xeae to ovojia aircou Icoafjcp Xzyovaa

And she called his name Joseph, saying,

7ipoa98TCO o Gsoc; jioi mov STspov 25 + eysvsTO 5s cdc;

God added to me [ son another] ! And it came to pass when

stsks Pa%f|A, tov Icoafjcp si7csv IaKcbp too A&amp;Pav

Rachel bore Joseph, Jacob said to Laban,

a7i6aT8iA,6v |is (va a7isX0co sic; tov totcov |iod Kai sic;

Send me that I may go forth into my place, and unto

ttjv yrjv |iod 26 + a7r68oc; jioi zaq ywaiKdc; jiod Kai

my land! Give to me my wives, and

Ta 7iai8(a |iod 7csp( cov 8s8of)XsuKd 001 (va a7csA,0CD

my children! for whom I have served to you, that I might go forth.

&lt;xu yap yivcbaKsic; tt|v SouXsiav rjv 8s5of)A,SDKd aoi

For you know the servitude which I have served you.

27+ 81718 8s ai)Tcb Adpav 8i supov %apiv svavnov

[ said And to him Laban], If I found favor before

aov oicoviad|ir|v av su^oyrjas |ie o 0s6c; ttj arj

you, could I foretell even — [ blessed me God] [in] your

eiaoSoo 28 + 8id&lt;ycsiAx)v tov jiioGov aoi) npoq |is Kai

entrance. You draw your wage from me! and

8cbaco 29+ si7i;s 8s IaKcbp avich av yivcbaKsic; a

I will give [it]. [ said And Jacob] to him, You know in what

SeSotiXsDKd aoi Kai 6aa rjv Kcfjvrj aoi) jist' sjiof)

I served you, and how much [ was cattle of your] with me.

30+ jiiKpd yap Tjv 6aa aoirjv svavriov [iov Kai

[ little For there was] as much as was to you before me, and

r|D^f|0r| sic; 7cAxj0oc; Kai siAoyrjas as Kupioc; S7U

it was grown into a multitude; and [ blessed you [the] LORD] by


my foot. Now then, when shall [ produce I also] for myself

oikov 31+ Kai 817C8 Adpav ai)Tcb ti aoiScbaco si7cs 8s

a house? And Laban said to him, What shall I give to you? [ said And
ai)Tcb IaKcbp od Scbasiq jioi od0sv sdv 7coifjarjc; jioi

to him Jacob], You shall not give tome anything. If you should do forme


30 "7 ev tootg) + viica 01 - Genesis

to pf||ia xodxo 7idA.iv 7ioi|iavcb xa 7ip6paxd gov Kai

this word, again I will tend your flocks, and

(pi)Xd^co 32+ 7rapsX08TCO rcavxa xa 7ip6paxd aoD afjjiepov

guard [them]. Let [ go by all your flocks] today,

Kai 8ia%cbpiaov sksiGsv 7iav 7ip6paxov cpaiov sv

and you part from there every [ sheep g ra y] among

xoic; apvdai Kai 7iav 8idA,SDKov Kai pavxov sv xaic;

the rams, and all white-mixed and speckled among the

ai^iv saxai jioi jiiaBoq 33+ Kai S7iaKODasxa( jioi

goats! It will be tome a wage. And [ will take heed tome

T| 8iKaioawr| jiod sv xr| r||ispa xrj s7iaDpiov 6x1 saxiv

my righteousness] in the [ day next]; for [ is

o [iiadoq jiod svcbmov aoD 7iav o av |ir| r| pavxov

my wage] before you ~ all which might not be speckled

Kai SidXsDKov ev xaic; ai^i Kai cpaiov sv xoic;

and white-mixed among the goats, and gray among the

apvdai kskAsjijisvov saxai 7iap' sjioi 34+ si7is 8s

rams, [ stolen will be [as]] by me. [ said And

ai)xcb Adpav saxoo Kaxd xo pfj|id aoD 35+ Kai

to him Laban], Let it be according to your word! And

SisaxsiXsv sv xrj rjjispa sks(vt| xodc; xpdyoDc;

he drew apart in that day the [ he-goats

xodc; pavxotic; Kai xodc; 8iaA,SDKODc; Kai naaaq xac;

speckled], and the white-mixed, and all the

aiyac; xac; pavxdc; Kai xac; SiaXsDKODc; Kai 7iav cpaiov

goats, the speckled and the white-mixed, and all gray,

o Tjv sv xoic; apvdai Kai s5coks 8id %sipoc;

the one which was among the rams. And he gave by [the] hand

xoov Dicbv aDxoD 36+ Kai a7isaxr|asv o86v xpicbv r||ispcbv

of his sons. And he left a journey of three days

avajisaov aDxcbv Kai avajisaov IaKcbp IaKcbp 8s

between them and between Jacob. And Jacob

S7ioi|iaivs xa 7ip6paxa Adpav xa D7ioA,sicp0svxa 37 +

tended the flocks of Laban — the [ones] left behind.

sXaPs 8s saDxcb IaKcbp pdp8ov axDpaKivrjv %Axjopdv

[ took And to himself Jacob] a rod [ poplar of green],

Kai KapDivrjv Kai 7iA,axdvoD Kai sA.S7iiasv aDxdq

and of walnut, and of [the] plane tree. And [ peeled them

IaKcbp A,S7ua|iaxa Xsvkcl 7ispiaDpcov xo %AxDp6v

Jacob peels [into] white], tearing away the green.

scpaivsxo 8s S7U xaic; pdpSoic; xo Xsdkov o sAimas

And there appeared upon the rods the white which he peeled ~



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7rondAx)v 38+ Kai 7iaps0r|KS mq pdpSoDc; aq sksmazv

varying. And he placed the rods which he peeled

sv Toiq Axjvoic; xcov 7ioxiaxr|picov tod DSaxoc; (va

at the watering troughs of the channels of the water. That

coc; av sXGcooi xa 7tp6paxa 7iis(v svcb7riov xcov

whenever [ came the flocks] to drink in front of the

pdpScov sABovxcov aoxcbv sic; xo 7iis(v syKiaafjacoai xa

rods of those having come to drink, [the rods] should stimulate the

7ip6paxa sic; xaq pdpSoDc; 39+ Kai sxikxov xa 7ip6paxa

flocks at the rods. And [ bore the flocks]

SidXsDKa Kai 7ioiKiA,a Kai a7io8osi8fj pavxd 4 o+ Tovq

white-mixed, and colored, and ashen speckled. [ the

8e ajivoDc; 8isaxsiA,sv IaKcbp Kai saxrjasv svavxiov

And lambs drew apart Jacob]. And he set [ before

XCOV 7ipoPdxC0V KpiOV 8ldA,SDKOV Kai 7iaV 7TOlKlA,OV

the sheep a ram white-mixed], and every colored [one]

sv xoic; ajivok; Kai 8is%cbpiasv saDxcb 7io(|ivia Ka6'

among the lambs. And he parted to himself flocks for

saDxov Kai odk sjii^sv ai)xd sic; xa 7ip6paxa Adpav

himself, and did not mix them into the flocks ofLaban.

41 + sysvsxo 5s sv xco Kaipcb co svsKiaacov xa

And it came to pass in the time [ which he stimulated the

7ip6paxa sv yaoxpi Xajipdvovxa s0t|ksv IaKcbp xac;

flocks] in [the] womb, [ taking [them] put Jacob] the

pdpSoDc; svavxiov xcov 7ipopdxcov sv xoic; hr\voiq

rods before the flocks at the watering troughs

xod syKiaofjaai aDxd Kaxd xac; pdpSoDc; 42 +

[for] the [purpose of] stimulating them by the rods.

rjviKa 8 av sxskov xa rcpopaxa odk sx(6si sysvsxo

But whenever [bore the flocks] he did not place [them], [became

8s xa dar||ia xod Adpav xa 8s S7i(ar||ia xod IaKcbp 43 +

And the unmarked] Laban's, and the marked Jacob's.

Kai S7iXoDxr|asv o dv6pco7toc; acp68pa acp68pa Kai

And [ became rich the man] exceedingly, exceedingly. And

sysvsxo aDxcb Kxfjvrj noXka Kai Pose; Kai naidzq Kai

there was to him [ cattle much], and oxen, and manservants, and

7iai8(aKai Kai KajirjAxn Kai ovoi

maidservants, and camels, and donkeys.


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31 vto

i+ fjKODas 8s IaKcbp xa pfjjiaxa xcov dicov Adpav

[heard And Jacob] the utterances of the sons ofLaban,

Xsyovxcov siAxjcpsv IaKcbp rcdvxa xa

saying, Jacob has taken all the [things]

xod rcaxpoc; r\[i(bv Kai 8K xcov xod 7iaxp6c; r\[i(bv

of our father. And by the [things] of our father

7rs7io(r|Ks 7idaav xrjv 86^av xaDxrjv 2 + Kai s(8sv IaKcbp

he has produced all this glory. And Jacob saw

xo 7ip6aco7rov xod A&amp;Pav Kai i8od odk rjv itpoq

the face ofLaban; and behold, he was not for

avTOV coast %dzq Kai xpixrjv rjjispav 3+ si7is 8s

him as yesterday and [the] third day [before]. [ said And

Kopioc; 7ipoc; IaKcbp arcoaxpscpoD sic; xrjv yrjv

[the] LORD] to Jacob, Return to the land

xod rcaxpoc; aoD Kai sic; xrjv ysvsdv aoD Kai saojiai

of your father, and to your family! and I will be

jisxd aoD 4+ a7roaxe(Xac; 8s IaKcbp sKd^sas Asiav Kai

with you. [ sending And Jacob], called Leah and

Pa%fjA, sic; xo 7is8k&gt;v od rjv xa 7ioi(ivia 5 + Kai S17ISV

Rachel to the plain where [ were the flocks]. And he said

aDxak; opcb sycb xo 7rp6aco7iov xod rcaxpoc; djicov 6x1

to them, I see the face of your father, that

odk saxi 7ipoc; sjiod coc; %0sc; Kai xpixrjv rjjispav o 8s

it is not towards me as yesterday and [the] third day [before]. But the

Gsoc; xod 7iaxp6cj jiod r|v jisx' sjiod 6 + Kai aDxai 8s

God of my father was with me. [ also you yourselves But]

o(8axs 6x1 sv 7idar| xrj ia%m jiod 8s8oDA,SDKa xco

know that with all my strength I have served [to]

7iaxpiD|icbv 7+ 08s 7raxfjp djicov 7iapsKpoDaaxo |is Kai

your father. But your father cheated me, and

r\XXa^E xov jiiaGov jiod xcov 8sKa ajivcov Kai odk

bartered my wage for the ten lambs. And [ did not

sScoksv aDxco o Gsoc; xod rcaxpoc; jiod KaK07ioif|aai

give to him the God of my father] [the power] to do evil

|is 8+ sdv odxcoc; si7ir| xa 7ioiKiXa saxai

[against] me. If thus he should have said, The colored will be

ood jiiaBoc; Kai xs^sxai rcdvxa xa rcpopaxa 7ioiKiA,a

your wage, then [ would bear all the flocks] colored.

sdv 8s si7ir| xa Xsvkcl saxai aoD jiiaGoc; Kai

And if he should have said, The white will be your wage, then

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xs^sxai 7idvxa xa 7ip6paxa Xsvkql 9 + K(Xl

[ would bear all the flocks] white. And

acpsiA^exo o Gsoc; 7idvxa xa Kxfjvrj xod nazpoq ujicbv Kai

God removed all the herds of your father, and

s8cdks (ioi ooxd 10 + Kai sysvsxo rjviKa svsKiaaoov xa

he gave them to me. And it came to pass when [ were stimulated the

7ip6paxa ev yaoxpi AxxjiP&amp;vovxa Kai s(8ov xoic;

flocks], in [the] womb conceiving, that I saw [ with

oq)0aA,|iofc; jiod auxd ev xco vtzvcd Kai idov oi xpdyoi

my eyes them] in sleep. And behold, the he-goats

Kai oi Kpioi avapaivovxsc; S7U xa 7ip6paxa Kai xac;

and the rams ascended upon the flocks, and the

aiyac; SidXsuKoi Kai 7toikiXoi Kai a7ro8osi8sic; pavxoi

she-goats white-mixed and colored and ashen speckled.

n+ Kai 81718 jioi o dyysXoc; xod 0soi3 Ka6' vtzvov

And [ said to me the angel of God] during sleep,

IaKcbp sycb 8s si7ia xi saxi n+ Kai si7isv avdpA,s\j/ov

Jacob. And I said, What is it? And he said, Look up

xoic; ocpBaXjioiq gov Kai (8s xouc; xpdyouc; Kai xodc;

[with] your eyes, and see the he-goats and the

Kpuroc; avapaivovxaq S7U xa 7ip6paxa Kai xac; aiyac;

rams ascending upon the flocks, and the she-goats —

SiaXsuKouc; Kai 7toikiAx)dc; Kai a7io8osi5sk; pavxouc;

white-mixed and colored and ashen speckled!

scbpaKayap 6aa aoi Adpav 7ioisi 13+ sycb sijii

For I have seen as much as [ to you Laban does]. I am

o Gsoc; o ocpGsic; aoi sv x67ico 0sot3 od fj^suj/dc;

God, the one appearing to you in [the] place of God, of which you anointed

(ioi sksi axfjArjv Kai rp3^co jioi sksi zv%r\v vvv ovv

to me there a monument, and vowed to me there a vow. Now then,

avdaxr|6i Kai s^sABs sk xrjc; yrjc; xauxric; Kai

rise up and go forth from out of this land! And

d7rsA,6s sic; xrjv yrjv xrjc; ysvsascoc; aoi) 14+ Kai

go forth into the land of your birth! And

a7TOKpi6s(aai Pa%f|A, Kai Asia si7iov auxcb jlit| soxiv

answering Rachel and Leah said to him, Is there not


to us still a portion or inheritance in the house

xod 7iaxp6cj Tjjicbv 15+ ou% coc; ai aAloxpiai

of our father? [Are we] not [ as the aliens

XsXoyiajisGa auxcb 7iS7ipaKs yap r\[idq Kai Kaxscpays

considered] to him? For he has sold us, and by eating up



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KaxaPpcbasi to apytipiov T]|icbv 16+ rcdvxa xov 7iA,oi3xov

a thing devoured our silver. All the riches

Kai xrjv 86^av r|v acpsi^sxo o Bsoq tod rcaxpoc; T]|icbv

and the glory which [ removed the God of our father]

r\[iiv serial Kai xoic; xskvoic; rjjicbv vuv odv 6aa

will be ours and our children's. Now then as much as

ooi8ipr|K8v o Geoc; 7TOISI 17+ avaaxdc; 8e IaKcbp eAxxPe

[ has said to you God], you do! [rising up And Jacob], took

zaq yvvahcaq avzov Kai xa 7iai8(a auxou S7ri xac;

his wives, and his children upon the

Kajif|Am&gt;c; is + Kai a7rfjyays rcdvxa xa D7idpxovxa avzov

camels. And he took away all his possessions,

Kai 7idaav xrjv a7ioaKSDT]v avzov rjv 7ispiS7ioif|aaxo sv

and all his belongings, which he procured in

xtj M8ao7ioxa|iia Kai rcavxa xa amov anskdsiv npoq

Mesopotamia, and all his [things] to go forth to

IaadK xov rcaxspa auxoij sic; yrjv Xavadv 19 +

Isaac his father, in [the] land of Canaan.

Adpav 8s cb%sxo Ksipai xa 7ip6paxa avzov skA,s\j/s 8s

And Laban set out to shear his flocks, [ stole and

Pa%fjA, xa 8i8coA,a xod nazpoq auxfjq 20 + SKpD\j/e 8e

Rachel] the idols of her father. [ hid [the fact from] And

IaKcbp Adpav xov I/6pov xod jlit| avayyeiAm auxco

Jacob] Laban the Syrian, [so as] not to announce to him

6x1 a7io8i8pdaKsi 21+ Kai arcsSpa auxoc; Kai

that he [is] running away. And he ran away, himself and

xa ai)xoi3 rcdvxa Kai 5i£Pt] xov 7ioxa|i6v Kai

all of his. And he passed over the river, and

cbpixqaev sic; xo opoq TaXadS 22 + avrjyyeAxj 8e Adpav

he advanced unto the mountain of Gilead. And it was announced to Laban

xco I/6pco xtj rjjiepa xt] xpixT] oxi a7ie8pa IaKcbp 23 +

the Syrian on the [ day third] that Jacob ran away.

Kai 7iapaA,aPcbv rcdvxac; xouc; a8sAxpoi3c; auxoij |is6 '

And taking all the ones of his brethren with

sauxoij e5(co^sv O7riaco avzov o56v T]|iepcbv S7ixd Kai

himself, he pursued after him [journey days seven]. And

KaxsXaPev ai)xov sv xco opsi raA,ad8 24+ fjXGe 5s

he overtook him in the mountain of Gilead. [ came And

o Geoc; 7ipoc; Adpav xov 2/6pov Ka0' iJ7rvov xttv

God] to Laban the Syrian during sleep in the

vi)Kxa Kai si7rsv auxcb cpijXa^ai jifj 7ioxs Xakr\ar\q

night, and he said to him, Guard! lest at any time you should speak


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rcpoc; IaKcbp 7iovr|pd 25+ Kai KaxsXaPs Adpav

[against Jacob evil]. And Laban overtook

xov IaKcbp IaKcbp 5s S7ir|^s xrjv aKTjvfiv avzov sv too

Jacob. And Jacob pitched his tent in the

opsi A&amp;Pav 5s saxrjas zovq aSsAxpotic; avzov sv xco

mountain. And Laban stationed his brethren in the

opsi TaXaaS 26+ si7is 5s A&amp;Pav xco IaKcbp xi

mountain of Gilead. [ said And Laban] to Jacob, What

S7rovr|Gac; ivaxi Kpucpfj a7is5pac; Kai SKA,07ro(p6pr| a&amp;c;

did you do? Why did you secretly run away, and ransacked
|is Kai a7ifjyaysc; xac; Guyaxspac; [iov coc; avxjiaAxbxiSaq

me, and took away my daughters as captives

|ia%a(pa 2 i+ Kai si avfjyysiAAc; (ioi s^a7isaxsiA,a av

[taken by] sword? For if you announced to me, I would have sent out even

as jisxd SD^poawqc; Kai jisxd jiouaiKcov Kai

you with gladness, and with music, and

xi)|i7rdvcov Kai KiGdpaq 28+ Kai odk r^icb9r|v

tambourines, and harps. And not am I worthy

KaxaqnAxjaai xa 7iai5(a \iov Kai xac; Guyaxspac; \iov vuv

to kiss my children, and my daughters. Now

5s acppovcoc; S7ipa^ac; 29 + Kai vdv ig%vei r\ %sip [iov

then [unwisely you acted]. And now [ is strong my hand]

KaK07ioifjaa( as o 5s 9s6c; xod rcaxpoc; gov %6sc;

to do evil [against] you. But the God of your father yesterday

si7is 7ipoc; (is Aiycov (pvXatpv asauxov |if| 7ioxs

said to me, saying, Guard yourself! lest at any time

Xakr\ar\q jisxd IaKcbp 7iovr|pd 30+ vdv odv 7iS7i6psDaai

you should speak [against Jacob evil]. Now then, you go!

S7ii0D|iia yap S7rs9i3|xr|aa(; a7isA,6s(v sic; xov oikov

For with desire you desired to go forth unto the house

xod rcaxpoc; gov ivaxi SKXs\j/ac; zovq dzovq [lov 31 +

of your father; why did you steal my gods?

a7TOKpi6s(c; 5s IaKcbp si7is xco Adpav si7ia yap jifj 7ioxs

And answering Jacob said to Laban, For I said, Lest at any time

atpsAxj xac; Guyaxspac; gov ait' s[iov Kai 7idvxa

you should remove your daughters from me, and all

xa s|id 32 + Kai sircsv IaKcoP 7iap' co av svpr\q

my [things]. And Jacob said, By whomsoever you should find

xodc; Gsouc; gov ov ^fjasxai svavxiov xcov aSsAxpcbv rijicbv

your gods, he shall not live before our brethren.

S7r(yvco0i xi soxi 7iap' sjioi xcov acov Kai A,dps

Recognize what is from me of the [things] of yours, and take [them] !


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Kai odk s7isyvco 7iap' aDxco ou5sv odk fj8si

And he did not recognize among [what was] his ~ not one [thing]. [ did not know

8s IaKcbp on Pa%fjX r| yuvfj aDxoD skA,s\j/sv avzovq 33 +

But Jacob] that Rachel his wife stole them.

siasABcov 8s Adpav rjpewqasv sic; xov oikov Asiac;

And entering, Laban searched in the house of Leah,

Kai od% stipsv Kai 8^f|A,6sv sk tod oikod Asiac;

and he did not find. And he came forth from out of the house of Leah,

Kai rjpewqas xov oikov IaKcbp Kai sv xco oikco xcov

and he searched the house of Jacob, and in the house of the

8do 7rai8iaKcbv Kai od% stipsv siafjXGs 8s Kai sic;

two maidservants, and he did not find. And he entered also into

xov oikov ¥a%r\k 34 + Pa%fjA, 8s sAxxPs xa s(8coA,a Kai

the house of Rachel. And Rachel took the idols, and

svsPaXsv auxd sic; xa adyjiaxa xrjc; KajxfjXoD Kai

put them in the packsaddles of the camel, and

S7TSKd6iasv auxoiq 35+ Kai si7is xco rcaxpi avTT\q [ir\

sat on them. And she said to her father, Do not

Papscoq cpsps Kopis ou 8i)vr|ao|iai avaaxfjvai svco7ii6v

[ heavily bear], O master, I shall not be able to rise up before

aoi) 6x1 xa Kax' sGiajiov xcov yuvaiKcov jioi saxiv

you, for the custom of women is to me.

rjpswrjas 8s AaPav sv 6Axo xco oikco Kai ov%

[ searched And Laban] in [the] entire house, and he did not

stips xa s(8coA,a 3 6+ copyiaGrj 8s IaKcbp Kai

find the idols. [ was provoked to anger And Jacob], and

sjia%saaxo xco Adpav a7ioKpi0sfc; 8s IaKcbp si7is

he quarreled [with] Laban. And responding Jacob said

xco Adpav xi xo a8iKT|(id jiod Kai xi

to Laban, What is my offence? and what is

xo a|idpxTj|id jioi) 6x1 KaxsSico^ac; O7iiaco jiod 37 + Kai

my sin, that you pursued after me? and

6x1 rjpswqaac; 7idvxa xa aKSDTj xod oikod jiod xi

that you searched all the items of my house? What did

stipsc; a7io rcavxcov xcov cjksdcov xod oikod aoD Gsq

you find from all the items of your house? Put

cb8s svcb7riov xcov aSsAxpcbv aoD Kai xcov aSsAxpcov jiod

here before your brethren and my brethren,

Kai sXsy^dxcooav avajisaov xcov 8do r||icbv 38+ xaDxd

and let them reprove between the two of us! These

jioi sikooiv sxrj syco sijii jisxd aoD xa 7ip6paxd aoD

twenty years I am with you; your flocks


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Kai ai aiysc; gov odk rjxsKvcb0r|aav Kpiotic;

and your goats were not barren, [and] [the] rams

TCOV 7ipoP&amp;TCDV OOD OD KaXStpayOV 39+ 0T|pi&amp;AxjQTOV

of your flocks I did not eat. [That] taken by wild beasts

odk svf|vo%d aoi sycb a7isxiwDov 7iap' sjiaDxoD

I have not brought to you. I paid for [them] by myself,

KAijijiaxa rjjiepac; Kai KAijijiaxa vdkxoc; 4 o+ sysvojiTrv

[even] thefts by day, and thefts by night. I was

Tr\q rjjispac; aDyKaiojisvoc; xco KaDjiaxi Kai xco

[ by day burning with the sweltering heat], and with the

7iaysxcb xrjc; vdkxoc; Kai aqnaxaxo o vizvoq jiod arco

icy coldness of the night. And [ departed sleep my] from

xcov ocpGaXjicbv jiod 41 + xatixd jioi slxoaiv sxrj sycb sijii

my eyes. These twenty years I am

sv xtj oiKia aoD s5oDA,SDad 001 Ssraxsaaapa sxrj avxi

in your residence. I served you fourteen years for

xcov 8do 0Dyaxspcov aoi) Kai s^ sxrj sv

[ two daughters your], and six years among

xoic; 7rpopdxoic; aoi) Kai 7iapeAx)yiaco xov jiiaGov jiod

your sheep, and you cheated my wage

5sra ajivdaiv 42 + si jlit| o 0s6c; xod rcaxpoc; jiod

[by] ten ewe-lambs. Unless the God of my father

APpadji Kai o cpopoc; IaadK rjv jioi vdv

Abraham, and the fear of Isaac was with me, now

av ksvov |is s^a7isaxsiA,ac; xrjv xa7rsivcoa(v |iod Kai

then would [ me empty you have sent]. My humiliation and

xo K07rov xcov %sipcbv jiod s(5sv o 0s6c; Kai fjlsy^s as

the toil of my hands God saw, and he reproved you

%0sc; 43 + a7TOKpi0sfc; 5s Adpav si7is xco IaKcbp ai

yesterday. And responding Laban said to Jacob, The

0Dyaxspsq 0i)yaxspsq jiod Kai moi dioi (iou Kai xa

daughters [are] my daughters, and [the] sons my sons, and the

Kxfjvrj Kxfjvrj jiou Kai 7idvxa 6aa au opaq sjid saxi

cattle my cattle; and all as much as you see is mine,

Kai xcov 0i)yaxspcov jiod xi 7ioif|aco xatixaic;

and the [property] of my daughters. What shall I do with these [women]

afjjispov T| TOiq xskvoic; ai)xcbv oiq sxskov 4 4+ vdv

today or the children of them whom they bore? Now

odv 5sDpo 5ia0cb(isv 8ia0f|Kr|v sycb Kai av Kai saxai

then, come here, we should ordain a covenant, I and you, and it will be

sic; jiapxtipiov avajisaov sjiod Kai aoi) 45+ XaPcbv 5s

a testimony between me and you. [ taking And


31 &amp;


01 - Genesis

IaKcbp AiGov sarrjasv ai)i6v GTr\kr\v 4 6+ si7i8 8s

Jacob] a stone, established it [as a] monument; [ said And

IaKcbp TOiq aSsAxpofc; avzov cyuAlsysTS Ai0ODc; Kai

Jacob] to his brethren, Collect together stones! And

(ToveA^av Tddovq Kai 87iovr|aav Podvov Kai ecpayov

they collected together stones. And they made a hill. And they ate

sksi 87i( tod Podvod 4 ?+ Kai eKd^eaev (xdtov Adpav

there upon the hill. And [ called it Laban],

Podvoc; Tr\q jiapiDpiaq o 5s IaKcbp sK&amp;^sasv avzov

Hill of the Witness, but Jacob called it,

Podvoc; ji&amp;pTDc; 48 + 81718 8e Adpav o Podvoc; omoq

[The] Hill [is] Witness. [ said And Laban], this hill

jiapiDpsi avajisaov sjiod Kai cjod afjjispov 8id

witnesses between me and you today. Because of


this [ was called the name of the place], Hill Witnesses.

49 + Kai T| opaaic; r|v si7T8v S7C8i5oi o 6e6c; avajieaov

And the vision, which he said, Let God look between

sjiod Kai aoD 6ti a7coaTr|a6|is0a eTspoc; a7co tod

me and you, [is] that we will leave [the] other from the

stspod so + si Ta7teivcbaeic; Tag 0DyaTspac; jiod 8i

other. If you shall humble my daughters, if

AxxPrjc; yovaiKaq 87U zaiq 0DyaTpaai jiod 6pa odBsic;

you should take wives over my daughters, you see no one

|is0' r\[i(bv eoTiv opcov o Geoc; jidpToc; jieTa^o sjiod

[ with us is] seeing ~ God [is] witness between me

Kai jiSTa^D aoD 5 i + Kai 8i7cs Adpav too IaKcbp i5od

and between you. And Laban said to Jacob, Behold,

0 Podvoc; ODToq Kai T| GTr\kr\ Tjv soTTjaa avajisaov

this hill, and the monument which I stood between

sjiod Kai aoD 52 + jiapTDpsi o Podvoc; ODTOCJ Kai T|

me and you; [ witnesses this hill], and the

&lt;xcf|Ax| Tjv saTTjaa aDTfj jiapTopei edv ts yap 8iaPcb

monument which I stood ~ it witnesses. For if I pass over,

sycb 7cpoc; as jiffSe ctd Siapfjc; npoq |ie

1 to you, neither shall you pass over to me

tov Podvov todtov Kai tt|v GTr\h\v TaDTTjv £7U KaKia 53 +

[beyond] this hill and this monument, for evil.

o Geoc; APpadji Kai o Gsoc; Na%cbp Kpivsi avajisaov

The God of Abraham and the God ofNahor judges between

rjjicbv 54+ Kai cbjioasv IaKcbp KaTa tod cpopoD

us. And Jacob swore by an oath according to the fear


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01 - Genesis

tod 7iaxp6c; avzov IaadK Kai s0t&gt;as dvaiav sv icq

of his father Isaac. And he sacrificed a sacrifice in the

opsi Kai SKaksas xovq aSsAxpotic; avxov Kai stpayov

mountain, and he called his brethren; and they ate

Kai 87iiov Kai SKoi|ifj0r|aav sv too opsi 55+ avaaxdc;

and drank, and they went to sleep in the mountain. [ rising up

5s Adpav T07ipcoi KaxsqnArjas zovq viovq Kai

And Laban] in the morning, kissed the sons and

xac; 0uyaxspac; avzov Kai suXoyrjasv auxotic; Kai

daughters of his, and he blessed them. And

a7ro&lt;ycpa(psic; Adpav a7if|X0sv sic; xov xorcov avzov

Laban turned [and] went forth to his place.


1 + Kai IaKcbp a7if|A,0sv sic; xrjv sauxou o56v Kai

And Jacob went forth into his own way. And

avapXsyac; s(8s 7raps|iPoAxjv 0sot3 7iaps|iPspAr|K6iav

having looked up, he saw [the] camp of God encamped.

Kai oDvfjvxrjaav auxcb 01 dyysAxn xod 0soi3 2+ si7is 5s

And [met with him the angels of God]. [said And

IaKcbp rjviKa s(8sv avzovq 7iaps|ipoAx| 0sot3 auxfj

Jacob], when he saw them, [ [the] camp of God This [is]].

Kai SKd^sas xo ovojia xod x67tod sksivod 7iaps|iPoAm

And he called the name of that place, Camps.

3+ a7rsaxsiA,s 8s IaKcbp ayysXouc; S|i7ipoa0sv avzov

[ sent And Jacob] messengers in front of him

7ipoc; Hgolv xov aSsAxpov avzov sic; yrjv Erjsip sic;

to Esau his brother, into [the] land ofSeir into

%cbpav E8cb|i 4 + Kai svsxsiAxxxo auxoic; Xsycov otixcoc;

[the] region of Edom. And he gave charge to them, saying, Thus

spsixs xco Kopico |iod Haai3 otixcoc; Aiysi o itaiq gov

you shall say [to] my master Esau; Thus says your servant

IaKcbp jisxd Adpav 7iapcoKr|aa Kai s%poviaa scoq xod

Jacob, [with Laban I sojourned], and passed time until the

vdv 5+ Kai sysvovxo jioi Pose; Kai ovoi Kai rcpopaxa

present. And came to me oxen, and donkeys, and sheep,

Kai naidsq Kai 7iai8(aKai Kai a7isaxsiA,a avayysiAm

and manservants, and maidservants. And I sent to announce

xco Kopico |iod Hgolv (va svpr\ o naiq gov %dpiv

to my master Esau, that [ might find your servant] favor

svavxiov gov 6+ Kai avsaxps\j/av 01 dyysAxn 7ipoc;

before you. And [ returned the messengers] to


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01 - Genesis

IaKcbp Aiyovxec; f|Ai)o|isv npoq xov aSeAxpov cjod HaaD

Jacob, saying, We came to your brother Esau.

Kai i8od avToq ep%exai sic; aDvdvxrjcriv gov Kai

And behold, he is coming to meet you, and

xsxpaKoaioi dvSpec; jisx' aDxoD 7+ ecpopfjBrj 5s IaKcbp

four hundred men with him. [ feared And Jacob]

acp65pa Kai rj7iopsixo Kai 5is(A,s xov Xaov xov |is9'

exceedingly, and he was perplexed. And he divided the people, the one with

eaDxoD Kai Tovq fioaq Kai xa rcpopaxa siq 8do

himself, and the oxen, and the sheep into two

7tape|iPoAxfc; 8+ Kai si7isv IaKcbp edv sXGrj HaaD siq

camps. And Jacob said, If Esau should come into

7iape|ipoAxjv jiiav Kai Ko\j/r| aDxfjv eaxai r|

[ camp one] and should smite it, [ will be the

7iape|iPoAx| rj SsDxepa siq xo acb^saGai 9 + si7ie 5s

camp second] for delivering. [ said And

IaKcbp o dsoq xod 7iaxp6c; jiod APpadji Kai o dzoq

Jacob], The God of my father Abraham, and the God

xod nazpoq jiod IaadK Kopis o surcbv jioi a7i6xpsxs

of my father Isaac, O LORD, the one saying to me, Run

ziq xrjv yrjv xrjc; yevsoscbc; gov Kai sd as 7roifjaco 10 +

to the land of your birth! and [good to you I will do].

iKavoDaGoo jioi arco 7idar|c; SiKaioativrjc; Kai ano

It is fit to me for all righteousness, and of

7rdar|c; aArjGsiac; r\q s7iorr|Gac; xco 7iai5( gov sv yap

all truth, of which you did to your servant; for with

xt| pdp8co jiod xaDxrj 8isPr|v xov Iop8dvr|v xodxov

[ my rod this] I passed over this Jordan,

vdvi 8s ysyova sic; 8do 7iaps|iPoAxk;

and now I exist in two camps.

11+ S^sXoD |1S 8K %Zip6q XOD aSsAxpOD |IOD 8K %£ipoq

Rescue me from [the] hand of my brother, from [the] hand

HaaD 6x1 cpoPoDjiai sycb aDxov |xq rcoxs sXGcbv

of Esau! For I fear him, lest coming

7iaxd^r| |i8 Kai jirjxspa S7i( xskvoic; 12 + od 8s smaq

he should strike me, and [the] mother with children. But you, you said,

sd as 7ioif|aco Kai Bfjaco xo a7isp|ia ood coq xrjv

[ good you I will do], and I will establish your seed as the

djijiov xrjc; dakdGGr\q r\ odk api6|ir|9f|asxai D7i6 xod

sand of the sea, which shall not be counted by the

Tikr\dovq 13 + Kai SKoi|if|6r| sksi xrjv VDKxa sks(vt|v Kai

multitude. And he went to sleep there that night. And


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01 - Genesis
eXaPsv cov scpepe 5cbpa Kai e^a7reaxsiA£v Haav

he took [ of which he brought gifts], and he sent to Esau

to aSeAxpcb avzov u + aiyac; 5iaKoa(ac; xpdyouc; eiKoai

his brother; goats — two hundred; he-goats - twenty;

7ip6paxa 8iaKoaia Kpiotic; siKoai 15+ KajifjAxyoc;

sheep - two hundred; rams — twenty; camels

dr\kaCpvaaq Kai xa 7iai5(a auxcov xpi&amp;Kovxa Poac;

nursing and their offspring — thirty; oxen —

xsoaap&amp;Kovxa xaupouc; 5sKa ovovq sixoai Kai

forty; bulls - ten; donkeys - twenty; and

TubXovq 8sk(x 16+ Kai s8coksv auxd Sid %eipoc; xoic;

foals ~ ten. And he gave them by hand [to]

7iaia(v avTOV 7ioi|iviov Kaxa jiovaq si7is 8s xoic;

his servants a flock alone. And he said [to]

7iaia(v avTOV 7ipo7ropei)ea0e S|i7ipoa0ev jiod Kai

his servants, You go forth in front of me, and

Sidaxr||ia 7iois(xs avajisaov 7io(|ivr|c; Kai 7ioi|ivr|c; 17+

[ a space make] between flock and flock.

Kai svsxsi^axo xco 7ipcoxco Aiycov sdv aoi oDvavxfjarj

And he gave charge to the first, saying, If [ should meet you

Haav o aSeAxpoc; jiod Kai spcoxd ae Xeycov xivoc;

Esau my brother], and he should ask you, saying, Who

8i Kai 7ioD 7ropsi)r| Kai xivoc; xatixa

are you? and where might you go? and who [are] these

xa 7rpo7ropei)6|ievd aou 18+ spsiq xou naidoq gov

going before you? You shall say, Your servant

IaKcbp 8cbpa a7i£axaXKs xco Kopico jiod Haai3 Kai

Jacob [ gifts has sent] to my master Esau. And

i8oi3 avToq O7uaco rijicov 19+ Kai svexeiAmo xco 7ipcoxco

behold, he [is] behind us. And he gave charge to the first,

Kai xco Ssuxspco Kai xco xpixco Kai 7idai xoic;

and to the second, and to the third, and to all the [ones]


going before behind these flocks, saying,

Kaxd xo pfjjia xotixo AxxAxjaaxe Haai3 sv

According to this saying you speak [to] Esau when

xco eupeiv v[idq avzov 20+ Kai epeixs idov o itmq aoi)

you find him! And you shall say, Behold, your servant

IaKcbp 7iapay(v8xai O7i(aco rjjicbv si7isyap e^iAxxaojiai

Jacob comes after us. For he said, I will appease

xo 7ip6aco7iov avTOV ev xoic; Scopoic;

his face by the gifts


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01 - Genesis

Toiq 7rpo7ropsi)0|isvoi(; avzov Kai jisxa todto o\j/o|iai

going before him; and after this I will see

to 7ip6aco7rov aDTOD (acoq yap 7ipoa8s^STai

his countenance, for perhaps he will favorably receive

to 7ip6aco7rov jiod 21 + Kai 7ipos7ropsDSTO Ta 8cbpa

my person. And [ went before the gifts]

Korea 7ip6aco7rov avzov avzoq 8s £Koi|ifj6r|

his face. And he went to sleep

ttjv vvKTa sksivt|v sv TTj 7raps|iPoAr| 22 + avacrc&amp;c; 8s

that night in the camp. And rising

ttjv vi)KTa sksivt|v sAxxPs zaq 8do yvvahcaq Kai zaq

that night, he took the two wives, and the

8do 7iai8(aKac; Kai Ta svSsra 7iai8(a avzov Kai

two maidservants, and the eleven children of his, and

8isPr| ttjv Sidpaaiv tod IaPcb% 23+ Kai e^apsv

he passed over the ford of the Jabbok. And he took

aDTotic; Kai 8isPrj tov xeijidppoDV Kai Sispipaae

them, and passed over the rushing stream, and he caused to pass over

7idvTa Ta clvtov 24+ D7T8A,s((p0r| 5s IaKcbp [iovoq Kai

all the [ones] of his. [ was left behind And Jacob] alone, and

87rdAmsv dv9p&lt;j07roc; |ist' clvtov scoq 7ipcoi 25 + 818s 8s

[ wrestled a man] with him until morning. And he saw

6ti ov 8i3vaTai npoq avzov Kai fj\j/aTO tod

that he was not able to [prevail against] him; and he touched the

7tAxxtodc; tod |ir|poD aDTOD Kai svdpKTjas to 7rAxrcoc;

wide [part] of his thigh, and he paralyzed the wide part


of the thigh of Jacob in his wrestling with him.

26+ Kai si7rsv aDTcb a7i6aTSiA,6v |is avsprj yap o

And he said to him, You send me [away] ! [ ascended for the

opGpoq o 8s si7isv od |ir| as a7ioaTs(AxD sdv (irj jis

dawn]. And he said, Noway will I send you away if [not me

SD^oyfjariq 2 7+si7is8s aDTcb ti to ovojid aoD sanv

you should bless]. And he said to him, What [name your is]?

08s si7isv IaKcbp 28+ Kai si7isv aDTcb od KXrjGfiasTai

And he said, Jacob. And he said to him, [ not shall be called

sti to ovojid aoD IaKcbp aXk' IapafjA, saTai

any longer your name] Jacob, but Israel will be

to ovojid aoD 6ti svioxDaaq jiSTd Gsod Kai jist'

your name; for you grew in strength against God, and against

av0pcb7rcov SDvaToq 29+ r|pcbTr|as 8s IaKcbp Kai si7isv

[ men mighty]. [ asked And Jacob] and said,


33 jfr

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01 - Genesis

avdyysi^ov |ioi to ovojid cjod Kai sircsv ivaxi todto

Announce tome your name! And he said, Why [is] this

spcoxdq &lt;td to ovojid |iod o eaxi GaDjiaoxov Kai

you ask my name, which is wonderful? And

SD^oyrjasv avzov sksi 30 + Kai SKd^sasv IaKcoP to

he blessed him there. And Jacob called the

ovojia tod T07TOD sksivod siSoc; 0sod s(5ov yap

name of that place, Sight of God. For I saw

tov Geov 7ip6aco7iov 7ipoc; 7ip6aco7iov Kai sacb0r| |iod

God face to face, and [ was delivered my

rj \|A)%fj 31+ av8T8iA,8 5s airccb o r\kioq rjviKa 7iapf|X0s

life]. [arose And to him the sun] when he went by

to s(5oc; tod 0sod avzoq 5s S7isoKa^s too |ir|pcb aDTOD

the form of God, but he was limping in his thigh.

32+ svsksv todtod od (iT| cpdycoaiv 01 Dioi IapafjX

Because of this, no way [ eat [do] the sons of Israel]


the nerve [by] which he was paralyzed, which is upon the

TtXcLTOvq tod |ir|poD scoc; TT\q r||ispac; TaDTTjq OTl

wide [part] of the thigh, until this day. For

fj\j/aTO tod 7rXdT0Dc; tod jirjpoD IaKcbp tod vsdpod

he touched the wide [part] of the thigh of Jacob, of the nerve,

co svdpKTjasv

in which he was paralyzed.

33 A

1+ avapAiyac; 5s IaKcbp s(5s Kai i5od HaaD

[ looking up And Jacob] saw. And behold, Esau

o aSsAxpoc; aDTOD sp^ojisvoq Kai TSTpaKoaioi dvSpsq

his brother [was] coming, and four hundred men

jist' aDTOD Kai SisiXsv IaKcbp Ta 7iai5(a S7U Asiav

with him. And Jacob divided the servants unto Leah

Kai S7U Va%r\k Kai Tac; 5do 7iai5(aKac; 2+ Kai S7ro(r|as

and unto Rachel, and the two maidservants. And he made

Tac; 5do 7iai5iaKac; Kai todc; diodc; aDTcbv sv 7ipcGTOic;

the two maidservants and their sons [go] in first,

Kai Asiav Kai Ta 7iai5(a aDTfjc; omaco Kai Pa%f|A, Kai

and Leah and her children after, and Rachel and

Icoafjtp saxdTODc; 3 + avzoq 5s 7ipofjA,0sv sji7ipoa0sv

Joseph last. But he went forth in front of

aDTcbv Kai 7ipoasKDvr|asv tt|v yrjv S7iTdKic; scoc;

them, and did obeisance on the ground seven times, while

33 3fr

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01 - Genesis

syyiaai xoo aSsAxpou auxcm 4 + Kai 7ipoas8pa|isv Haai3

approaching [to] his brother. And Esau ran up

sic; auvdvxrjaiv auxcb Kai 7ispiXaPcbv auxov sqnAxjas

to meet him. And taking hold of him, he kissed [him].

Kai 7ipOa87lSaSV 87ll TOV TpdXTjXoV CLVTOV Kai

And he fell upon his neck. And

KaxsqnArjasv avzov Kai ZKkavaav ajicpoxspoi 5+ Kai

he kissed him, and they [ wept both]. And

avapXsyac; Haai3 s(8s xac; yovaixac; Kai xa 7iai8ia

Esau looking up, he saw the women and the children.

Kai 81718 xi xatixd aoi saxiv o 8s si7is xa 7iai8(a

And he said, What [ these to you are]? And he said, The children

oiq rjAirjaev o dsoq xov 7iai8d gov 6 + Kai 7ipoafjyyiaav

which God showed mercy on your servant. And [ drew near

ai 7iai8iaKai Kai xa xsicva auxcbv Kai 7ipoasK6vr|aav 7

the maidservants and their children], and did obeisance.

Kai 7rpoafjyyia£ Ada Kai xa xsicva auxfjc; Kai

And Leah drew near and her children, and

7rpoasK6vr|aav Kai jisxd xatixa 7ipoaf|yyias ¥a%r\k

they did obeisance. And after this [ drew near Rachel

Kai Icoafjcp Kai 7ipoasK6vr|aav 8 + Kai si7is xi xatixd

and Joseph], and they did obeisance. And he said, What [ these

001 saxi 7idaai ai 7iaps|iPoAm auxai aic; a7if|vxr|Ka

to you are], all these camps which I have met?

o 8s 817TSV iva stiprj o naiq gov %dpiv svavxiov gov

And he said, that [ should find your servant] favor before you,

Kopie 9+ S17T8 8s YLgclv saxi |ioi noXka aSsAxps saxco

O master. [ said And Esau], There is to me much, O brother, let [ be

goi xa aa 10+ si7is 8s IaKcbp si supov %dpiv

yours [things] your]! [said And Jacob], If I found favor

svavxiov gov 8s^ai xa 8cbpa 8id xcov sjicbv %sipcbv

before you, take the gifts by my hands!

svsksv xotixoi) si8ov xo 7ip6acD7r6v gov coc; av xic;

Because of this I saw your face, as if one

1801 7ip6aco7rov Gscro Kai suSoKfjasic; |is n+ A,dps

may have seen [the] face of God, and you shall think well of me. Take

xac; SD^oyiaq jiou aq fjvsyra aoi 6x1 rjAirjas |is

the [things] of my blessing, which I brought to you! for [ showed mercy on me

o 0s6c; Kai saxi jioi 7idvxa Kai spidaaxo avzov Kai

God], and there is to me all [things]. And he forced him, and

slaps 12+ Kai si7rsv a7tdpavxsc; 7iopsuacb|is0a

he took. And he said, Departing we will go


33 3fr

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01 - Genesis

S7i ' SD0siav 13 + 81718 88 aDxcb o Kopioc; |iod yivcbaKsi Oil

straight. And he said to him, My master knows that

xa 7tai8(a a7caAxbxspa Kai xa 7cp6paxa Kai ai Pose;

the children are tender, and the sheep and the oxen

A,o%SDOvxai S7c' sjis sdv odv Kaxa5icb^co aDxd

are giving birth to me. If then I should drive them

rjjispav jiiav a7co6avoDvxai 7C(XVX(X XOC KXTjVTj 14 +

[ day one [more] will die all the cattle].

7rposA,0sxcD o Kopioc; jiod 8(i7cpoa08v xod 7tai56c; aDxoD

Let [ go forth my master] in front of his servant!

sycb 5s svia%Daco sv xrj o8cb Kaxd a%oXr\v xrjc;

and I shall gain strength in the way according to [the] ease of the

7copsDascDc; xrjc; svavxiov jiod Kai Kaxd 7c68a xcov

trek before me, and according to [the] foot of the

7cai5apicov sooc; xod sABsiv |is npoq xov Kopiov jiod sic;

youngsters, until my coming to my master in

Srjsip 15+ si7i;s 8s Haav KaxaXsuj/oo jisxd cjod a7co

Seir. [ said And Esau], I will leave behind with you [some]


of the people of the [ones] with me. And he said, Why this?

iKavov 6xi stipov %dpiv svavxiov aoD Kopis i6 +

[It is] enough that I found favor before you, O lord.

a7csaxps\j/s 5s HaaD sv xrj rjjispa sksivt| sic;

[ returned And Esau] in that day unto

xtjv o86v aDxoD sic; I/qsip n+ Kai IaKcbp a7ca(psi sic;

his journey to Seir. And Jacob departed to

aKTjvdq Kai S7co(r|asv saDxcb sksi oiKiac; Kai

Tents. And he made himself there a residence, and

xoic; Kxfjvsaiv aDxoD S7covr|os aKqvdc; 8id xodxo

[ for his cattle he made tented [shelters]]. On account of this

SKd^sas xo ovojia xod xo7cod sksivod aKqvai is + Kai

they call the name of that place, Tents. And

fjA,6sv IaKcbp sic; £aAr||i 7c6Aav Siktuicdv r| saxiv sv

Jacob came to Shalem, a city of Shechem, which is in

yrj Xavadv 6xs fjXGsv sk xrjc; Msao7coxa|iia(;

[the] land of Canaan, when he returned back from Mesopotamia

I/opiac; Kai 7capsvsPaA,sv Kaxd 7cp6aco7i;ov xrjc; noXscoq

Syria. And he camped before [the] face of the city.

19+ Kai SKxfjaaxo xrjv |isp(8a xod aypoD od saxrjasv

And he acquired the portion of the field which sat

sksi xrjv aKTjvfjv aDxoD 7capd Ejicbp nazpoq £d%s|i

there [by] his tent, from Hamor father of Shechem,


34 lb

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01 - Genesis

sraxov ajivcbv 20+ Kai saxrjasv sksi 0i)aiaaxf|piov Kai

[for a] hundred lambs. And he set up there an altar, and

S7isKaA,saaxo xov 0s6v IapafjA,

called upon the God of Israel.

34 7b

1 + £^fjA,6e 8s Aiva r| 0i)ydxr|p Asiaq rjv sxsks

And went forth Dinah, the daughter whom Leah bore

too IaKcbp KaxajiaGeiv xaq 0Dyaxspag xcov syxcopicov 2 +

to Jacob, to study the daughters of the native inhabitants.

Kai s(8sv avTT\v ^v%s[i o vioq Ejijicbp o Ei)ak&gt;c; o

And [beheld her Shechem], the son ofHamor the Hivite, the

dp%cov xrjc; yr\q Kai XaPcov auxfjv SKoi|xq0r| jisx'

ruler of the land. And taking her, he went to bed with

avTT\q Kai sxa7is(vcoasv auxfjv 3+ Kai 7ipoasaxs xrj

her, and humbled her. And he took heed to the

\jA)%f| Aivaq xrjc; 0i)yaxp6c; IaKcbp Kai rjyd7ir|as xrjv

soul of Dinah the daughter of Jacob. And he loved the

7iap0svov Kai s^dAxjas Kaxd xrjv 5idvoiav

virgin, and he spoke concerning the thought

xrjq 7iap08voi) ai)xr| 4+ 81718 5s I/u%s|i 7rpoc; Ejijicbp

of her virgin [state]. And said Shechem to Hamor

xov 7iaxspa avzov Aiycov Xdps |ioi xrjv 7ia(5a xatixrjv

his father, saying, Take for me this maidservant

sic; yi)vaiKa 5 + IaKcbp 8s fjKouasv 6x1 spiavsv o vioq

for a wife. And Jacob heard that [ defiled the son

Ejijicop Aivav xrjv 0uyaxspa avzov 01 8s moi avzov

ofHamor] Dinah his daughter. But his sons

fjaav jisxd xcov Kxrjvcbv avzov sv xco 7is8ico

were with his cattle in the plain.

7iapsaicb7rr|as 8s IaKcbp scoq xod sABsiv avzovq 6+

[ remained silent And Jacob] until they came.

s^fjABs 8s Ejijicbp o 7iaxf|p l^v%s[i itpoq IaKcbp

And came forth Hamor the father of Shechem to Jacob

AxxAxjaai auxcb 7+ 01 8s moi IaKcbp r\kdov sk xod

to speak to him. And the sons of Jacob came from the

7ts8iod cog 8s fjKODaav Kaxsv^yrjaav 01 dvSpsc; Kai

plain. And as they heard, [ were vexed the men], and

A,D7ir|p6v Tjv auxok; acp68pa 6x1 daxrjjiov S7io(r|asv sv

it was distressing to them exceedingly. For [ an indecent [act] he did] in

IapafjX Koi|ir|0sfc; jisxd xrjc; 0uyaxp6c; IaKcbp Kai ov%

Israel, going to bed with the daughter of Jacob. And not


34 lb

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01 - Genesis

ouxooc; saxai % + Kai sXdAxjasv Ejijicbp auxofc; Xsyoov

thus shall it be. And Hamor spoke to them, saying,

I/u%s|i o vioq jiod 7ipos(Xsxo xrj yo%f|

Shechem my son prefers [ in [his] soul

tt|v 0Dyai8pa Djicbv 86xs ouv auxfjv auxcb yuvauca 9 +

your daughter]. Give her then to him [as] wife!

Kai S7iiya|iPp8T3aaa0s r\[dv xac; Guyaxspac; ujicbv 56xe

And be allied by marriage to us! [ your daughters You give

r\[iiv Kai xac; Guyaxspac; r||icbv Axx(3sxs xoic; moic; djicov

us], and [ our daughters you take] for your sons!

10+ Kai sv r\[iiv KaxoiKsixs Kai r| yrj i8oi3 7iA,axs(a

And [ with us dwell] ! And the land — behold, [it is] spacious

svavxiov djicov KaxoiKeixs Kai s|i7iopsi)saGs S7i'

before you; you dwell and [do] trade in

avTT\q Kai KxdaGs sv avTT\ u+ si7is 5s £i)%s|i npoq

it, and acquire possessions in it! [ said And Shechem] to

xov 7iaxspa auxfjc; Kai npoq zovq aSsAxpouc; auxfjc;

her father, and to her brothers,

stipoijii %apiv svavxiov djicov Kai o sdv si7ir|xs

I want to find favor before you, and what ever you should have said

5cbao|isv 12+ 7rAx|0i)vaxs xrjv cpspvrjv acpoSpa Kai

we will give. You multiply the dowry exceedingly! and

5cbaco KaGoxi av si7ir|xs jioi Kai Scoasxs jioi

I will give in so far as whatever you should have said to me. And you shall give to

xrjv 7ia(5a xatixrjv sic; yuvauca 13+ a7isKp(Gr|aav 5s 01

this child as wife. [ responded And the

moi IaKcbp xco £d%s|i Kai Ejijicbp xco rcaxpi avzov

sons of Jacob] to Shechem and Hamor his father

jisxd 56Ax)D Kai sAxxAxjaav auxoic; 6x1 sjiiavav Aiva

with treachery. And they spoke to them, for they defiled Dinah

xrjv aSsAxpfjv auxcbv 14+ Kai si7iov auxoic; Sdjiscdv Kai

their sister. And said to them Simeon and

Asm 01 aSsAxpoi Aivaq ov 8wr|a6|isGa 7roifjaai

Levi the brothers of Dinah, We shall not be able to do

xo pf||ia xotixo 5oi3vai xrjv a8sAxpf|v r||icbv av0pcb7ico oq

this matter, to give our sister to a man who

s%si aKpoPixxciav saxiyap ovsiSoc; r\[iiv 15+ fiovov sv

has a foreskin, for it is scorn to us. Only in

xotixoo O|ioico0r|a6|is6a djjav Kai KaxoiKqaojisv sv

this we will be like you, and dwell among

D|i(v sdv ysvrjaOs ax; r||is(c; Kai djisic; sv xco

you, if you should become as us and [we] you, in the


34 lb
8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

7ispiT|ir|0f|vai djicov 7iav apasviKov i 6 + Kai 5cbao|isv

circumcision [ of yours of every male]. And we will give

zaq Guyaxepac; tijicgv djiiv Kai arco

our daughters to you, and from

tcov 0DyaTspcov Djicbv Ax|\j/6|is0a r\[iiv yvvahcaq Kai

your daughters we will take to ourselves wives, and

oiKfjaojisv 7iap' D|i(v Kai sa6|is0a ysvoc; sv n +

we will live by you, and we will be [race one].

sdv 5s |ir| siaaKotiarjTe rijicbv tod 7ispiTS|ivr|a0s

But if you should not listen to us, of the being circumcised,

XaPovisq ttjv 6i)yax8pa tjjicdv a7isA,SDa6|is0a is + Kai

taking our daughter, we shall go forth. And

fjpeaav oi A,6yoi svavriov Ejijicbp Kai svavriov

[ were pleasing the words] before Hamor, and before

Xd%s|i tod diod Ejijicbp i 9 + Kai odk s%poviasv o

Shechem the son of Hamor. And [ did not pass time the

vsavioKoq tod 7ioifjaai to pfjjia todto svsksito yap tt|

young [man]] to do this word, for he clung to the

0DyaTpi IaKcbp avzoq 5s r|v svSo^ycaTOc; 7idvTC0v

daughter of Jacob. And he was most honorable of all

TCOV SV TOO OIKCO TOD 7iaTp6q aDTOD 20+ fjA,0S 8s

of the [ones] in the house of his father. [ came And

Ejijicbp Kai Sdxsji o dioc; aDTOD npoq ttjv 7tdAx|v

Hamor and Shechem his son] to the gate

Tr\q nokscoq aDTcbv Kai sldAxjaav npoq zovq dvSpac;

of their city, and spoke to the men

Tr\q nokscoq aDTcbv AiyovTsg 21+01 dv9pco7ioi odtoi

of their city, saying, These men

siprjviKoi siai |is0' rijicbv oiKsvccoaav sm Tr\q yr\q Kai

are peaceable with us; let them live upon the land, and

s|i7iopsDsa0coaav sv aDTfj r| 5s yr| iSod 7iXaTSia

let them trade in it! And the land, behold, [it is] spacious

svavriov aDTcbv Tag 0DyaTspac; aDToav Ax|\j/6|is0a r\[iiv

before them; [ of their daughters we shall take to ourselves

yDvaiKaq Kai Tac; 0DyaTspaq r)|icbv Scboojisv aDTOic; 22+

wives], and [ daughters we shall give our] to them.

SV TODTCO JIOVOV O|IOlCO0f|aOVTai T||IIV 01 dv0pco7ioi

In this only will [ be like us the men],

tod KaTOiKsiv (is0' rj|icbv obexes sivai Xaov sva sv

to dwell with us, so as to be [ people one] — in

too 7ispiTS(ivsa0ai rjjicbv 7iav apasviKov Ka0d Kai

the being circumcised of us every male, as also


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01 - Genesis

ai)ioi 7ispixsx|ir|vxai 23 + Kai xa Kxrjvr| aDxoov Kai xa

they have been circumcised. And their cattle, and the

x£xp&amp;7io8a Kai xa D7idp%ovxa auxcbv od% r\[i(bv eaxai

four-footed [animals], and their possessions — [not ours will they be]?


Only in this, should we be like them, and they will live

|is0' r\[i(bv 24+ Kai siafjKODaav Ejijicbp Kai £d%s|i

with us. And they listened to Hamor and Shechem


his son, and all the [ones] going forth at the

7r6Ar|v xrjc; noXscoq auxcbv Kai 7iepi£xs|iovxo xrjv adpKa

gate of their city. And they were circumcised in the flesh

xrjc; aKpoPixxciac; auxcbv itaq dpasv 25 + sysvexo 5s sv

of their foreskin ~ every male. And it came to pass in

xt[ rjjispa xrj xpixrj 6xs fjaav sv xoo 7i6vco XafiovTzq

the [ day third], when they were in misery, [ taking

01 8do vioi IaKcbp I/ojiecbv Kai Asdi aSsAxpoi Aivaq

the two sons of Jacob Simeon and Levi brothers of Dinah

SKaaxoq xrjv jid%aipav aDXOD Kai siofjABov sic; xrjv

each] his sword, even entered to the

nohv aaqakcbq Kai arceKxeivav 7iav apaeviKov 26+

city safely, and killed every male.

xov xs Ejijicbp Kai Sdxsji xov diov aDXOD arceKxeivav

Also Hamor and Shechem his son they killed

sv axojiaxi |ia%a(pac; Kai skafiov xrjv Aivav sk xod

by [the] mouth of [the] sword. And they took Dinah from the

oikod xod I/u%e|i Kai e^fjABov 27+oi8e moi IaKcbp

house of Shechem, and went forth. And the sons of Jacob

eiafjXGov S7ri xodc; xpaDjiaxiac; Kai 8ifjp7iaaav xrjv

entered unto the wounded, and plundered the

7i6Xiv sv T| ejiiavav Aivav xrjv a8eAxpf|v ai)xcov 28 +

city in which [ was defiled Dinah their sister].

Kai xa 7ip6paxa auxcbv Kai xodc; Poaq auxcbv Kai

And their sheep, and their oxen, and

xodc; ovodc; aDxcbv 6aa r|v ev xrj 7i6A,si Kai 6aa

their donkeys, as much as was in the city, and as much as

Tjv sv xco 7is5(co slapov 29+ Kai rcdvxa

was in the plain, they took. And all

xa acbjiaxa aDxcbv Kai 7idaav xrjv a7ioaKSDf|v aDxcbv Kai

their persons, and all their belongings, and

xac; yDvaiKaq aDxcbv r|%|iaAxbx£Daav Kai 8ifjp7iaaav

their women they captured. And they plundered



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01 - Genesis

6aa r|v sv ttj 7i6A,si Kai 6aa r|v sv xaiq oiKiaiq

as much as was in the city, and as much as was in the houses.

30+ 81718 5s IaKcbp 7ipoc; I/djiscov Kai Asm iiiarjiov |is

[ said And Jacob] to Simeon and Levi, [ me detested

7rs7rorfjKaT£ coctts 7iovr|p6v |is sivai 7idai xoic;

You have made], so as [ wicked for me to be] to all the [ones]

KaxoiKotioi ttjv yrjv sv is xoic; Xavavaioic; Kai sv

dwelling the land, among both the Canaanites and among

tok; Osps^aioiq sycb 5s oXiyoaxoq sijii sv apiGjicb Kai

the Perizzites. And I am very few in number. And

aDvaxOsvxsq S7i' sjis &lt;yoyK6\j/ODai (is Kai

gathering against me, they shall cut me down, and

SKipipfjaojiai sycb Kai o oiKoq jiod 31+01 8s sutov

I shall be obliterated, I and my house. And they said,

aXk r coosi 7i6pvr| xpfjaovxai xr| aSsAxpfj r||icbv

But as a harlot they treated our sister.

35 rft

1 + si7is 8s o Bsoq 7ipoc; IaKcbp avaaxdq avdprjGi sic;

[ said And God] to Jacob, Rising up, ascend unto

xov T07rov BaiGfjA, Kai oiksi sksi Kai 7iovr|aov sksi

the place Beth-el! And live there, and make there

0Daiaaxfjpiov too Gsco tco ocpBsVci aoi sv tco

an altar to God! to the [one] appearing to you in the

a7ro5i8pdGKsiv anb 7ipoaco7ioD Haai3 tod aSsAxpoi) gov

running away from [the] face of Esau your brother.

2+ si7is 8s IaKcbp xco oikco avTOV Kai 7idai zoiq jist'

[ said And Jacob] to his house, and to all the [ones] with

avTOV dpaTS touc; dzovq zovq aAloTpiouc; sk

him, Take away [ gods the alien] from

jisaoi) djicov Kai Ka9ap(a6r|TS Kai aAAxx^aTS

your midst, and cleanse and change

Tag GToXaq djicov 3 + Kai avacrcdvTSc; avapcbjisv sic;

your robes! And rising up, let us ascend unto

BaiGfjA, Kai 7ioif|aco|isv sksi 0Daia&lt;ycf|piov tco Gsco

Beth-el, and let us make there an altar to God!

tco S7raKoi3aavTi jiod sv rjjispa 0Ai\j/scoc; oq r\v

to the [one] taking heed of me in [the] day of affliction, who was

jist' sjiod Kai Sisacoas |is sv tt| o8co r\ s7iopsi)6r|v

with me, and preserved me in the way which I went.

4+ Kai sScoKav tco IaKcbp todc; 0sodc; todc; aAloTpioDc;

And they gave to Jacob [ gods the alien],



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

01 - Genesis

01 fjaav sv xaic; %spaiv auxcov Kai xa svooxia xa ev

which were in their hands, and the ear-rings in

xoic; coaiv auxcbv Kai KaxsKpi)\j/sv auxd IaKcbp D7i6

their ears. And [ hid them Jacob] under

xrjv xspsPivBov xrjv sv EiKijioiq Kai a7icbXsasv auxd

the turpentine tree, the one in Shechem. And he destroyed them

scoq Tr\q afjjispov ruispaq 5+ Kai s^fjpsv IapafjA, sk

unto today's day. And Israel lifted away from

Eikijicov Kai sysvsxo cpopoc; 6soi) S7i( xac; 7i6A,sic;

Shechem. And there was a fear of God upon the cities

xacjKDKAxjo auxcbv Kai od KaxsSioo^av omaco xcov

round about them. And they did not pursue after the

mcbv IapafjA, 6+ r\kds 8s IaKcbp sic; Aot^d r| saxiv

sons of Israel. [ came And Jacob] into Luz, which is

sv yrj Xavadv r| saxi BaiGfjX avzoq Kai 7iac; o

in [the] land of Canaan, which is Beth-el, he and all the

Xaoq oq r\v jisx' avzov 7+ Kai C0Ko56|ir|asv sksi

people who [were] with him. And he built there

0i)aiaaxf|piov Kai SKd^sas xo ovojia xou x67tod

an altar, and he called the name of the place,

BaiGfjA, sksi yap scpdvrj auxcb o Bsoq sv

Beth-el, for there [ appeared to him God] in

xcd a7io8i8pdaKsiv ai)xov arco 7ipoaco7roD Haai3

his running away from [the] face of Esau

xod aSsAxpoi) ai)xoi3 8 + arcsGavs 8s AsPoppa r| xpocpoc;

his brother. [ died And Deborah the nurse

PsPsKKaq Kai sxacprj Kaxcbxspov BaiGfjA, imo xrjv

ofRebekah], and they entombed [her] below Beth-el, under the

Pd^avov Kai SKd^sasv IaKcoP xo ovojia m)TT\q

acorn tree, and Jacob called the name of it,

pdAxxvoc; nsvdovq 9+ cbcpOrj 8s o 6s6c; xco IaKcbp sxi sv

Acorn tree of Mourning. [ appeared And God] to Jacob still in

AoD^d 6xs 7iapsysvsxo sk Msao7ioxa|jiac;

Luz, when he came from out of Mesopotamia

xrjcjSDpiac; Kai siAoyrjosv auxov o Bsoq 10+ Kai si7isv

of Syria. And [blessed him God]. And [said

auxcb o Gsoc; xo ovojid ood od KArjGfjasxai sxi

to him God], Your name shall not be called any longer

IaKcbp aXk' IapafjA, saxai xo ovojid aoi) Kai SKd^sas

Jacob, but Israel will be your name. And he called

xo ovojia avTOV IapafjX 11+ si7is 8s auxcb o 0s6c; sycb

his name Israel. [ said And to him God], I [am]



8V TOUT© + VtKCl
01 - Genesis

0 Bsoc; aoi) aD^dvoD Kai 7cAt|0dvod sGvrj Kai

your God. Grow and multiply! Nations and

oDvaycoyai 80vcbv soovxai 8K ctod Kai Paai^sic; sk

gatherings of nations will be from you, and kings [ from

Tr\q oaqvoq aov s^sXsDaovTai 12+ Kai tt|v yrjv r|v

your loin shall come forth]. And the land which

s5coKa APpadji Kai IaadK 001 8s8coKa aDTfjv Kai

1 gave Abraham and Isaac, [ to you I give it]. And

too a7i8p|iaTi aoi) jisxa os 5cbaco TTjV yTj TaDTTjV 13 +

[to] your seed after you I shall give this land.

avsprj 8s o 0s6c; an avzov sk tod totcod od

[ ascended And God] from him, from the place where

eXaAxjas jist' aircou u+ Kai sairjaev IaKcbp GTr\kr\v sv

he spoke with him. And Jacob set up a monument in

too t67tco co sldAxjas |ist' avzov o 0s6c; &lt;xcf|Ax|v

the place in which [ spoke with him God] — [ monument

AiGivrjv Kai sa7csiasv S7c' aDTfjv aitovdr\v Kai S7cs%ssv

a stone]. And he offered upon it a libation, and he poured

87i ' aDxfjv sAmov 15+ Kai SKdXsasv IaKcoP to ovojia

upon it olive oil. And Jacob called the name

TOD T07COD SV CO sA,dAx|ae |I8T' aDTOD SKSl o Gsoc;

of the place in which [ spoke with him there God],

BaiGfjA, 16+ a7cdpac; 5s IaKcbp sk BaiGfjA, S7cr|^s

Beth-el. [ departed And Jacob] from Beth-el, [and] he pitched

ttjv aKTjvfjv ai)TOD S7csKsiva tod 7CDpyoD Ta5sp

his tent beyond the tower of Gader.

sysvsTO 8s rjviKa fjyyiasv XaPpaGd tod sX0siv sic;

And it came to pass when he approached Chabratha, to come into

ttjv EcppaGd stsks Pa%f|A, Kai sv tco tiktsiv

Ephrath, Rachel bore. And in the giving birth

sSdotoktjosv 17+ sysvsTO 8s sv tco aKAxjpcbc; aDTfjv

she suffered birth pangs. And it came to pass in her harshly

tiktsiv si7i;sv aDTTj T| jiaia Gdpasi Kai yap odtoc;

bearing, [ said to her the midwife], Be of courage! for also this

001 s&lt;xciv diocj 18+sysvsToSs sv tco acpisvai aDTfjv tt|v

[ to you is a son]. And it came to pass in her letting go the

\\fv%r\v a7cs0vr|aKs yap SKdXsas to ovojia aDTOD diocj

soul, for she was dying, she called his name, Son

oSdvtjc; jiod o 8s 7caTfjp SKdXsas to ovojia aDTOD

of my Grief; but [the] father called his name,

Bsviajiiv 19+ a7cs0avs 8s Pa%f|A, Kai STdcprj sv ttj

Benjamin. [died And Rachel], and she was entombed in the



ev tootco + vtica

01 - Genesis

o8cb EcppaGd aDxfj sail BrjGXssji 20+ Kai

way ofEphrath, this is Beth-lehem. And

saxrjasv IaKcbp axfjAxjv S7ri tod |ivr||is(oD avTT\q aDxfj

Jacob set up a monument for her memorial. This

sail oxfjArj S7U tod |ivr||i8ioD Pa%f|A, sooc;

is [the] monument upon the tomb of Rachel, until

Tr\q rjjispac; xaDxr|c; 21+ sysvsxo 8s rjviKa

this day. And it came to pass when

KaxcoKqasv IapafjA, sv xrj yrj sks(vt| S7iopsD0r| PodPt||i

Israel dwelt in that land, Reuben went

Kai SKOi|if|9r| jisxd BaXXdq xrjc; naXkaKr\q

and bedded with Bilhah, the concubine

xod rcaxpoc; ocdxod IaKcbp Kai fjKODasv IapafjX Kai

of his father Jacob. And Israel heard, and

7iovr|p6v scpdvrj svavxiov aDxoD 22+ fjaav 5s 01 dioi

[ wicked it appeared] before him. [ were And the sons

IaKcbp 5cb5eKa 23+ dioi Asiac; 7ip&lt;jox6xoKoc; IaKcbp

of Jacob] twelve. [The] sons of Leah, [the] first-born of Jacob,

PoDpfjv I/djiscdv Asdi IotiSac; Iaad%ap ZaPoDAxbv 24 +

Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun.

dioi 8s ¥a%r\k Icoafjcp Kai Bsviajiiv 25 + dioi 8s

And [the] sons of Rachel, Joseph and Benjamin. And [the] sons

BaXkaq 7iai8(aKr|c; Pa%fjX Aav Kai Ns(p0aA,s(|i 26 +

of Bilhah [the] maidservant of Rachel, Dan and Naphtali.

dioi 8s ZsAxpdc; 7iai8(aKr|c; Asiaq Ta8 Kai Aafjp

And [the] sons ofZilpah [the] maidservant of Leah, Gad and Asher.

odxoi dioi IaKcbp 01 sysvovxo aDxcb sv

These [are the] sons of Jacob, the [ones] who were born to him in

Msao7ioxa|iia xrjc; I/opiac; 2 ?+ fjABs 8s IaKcbp npoq

Mesopotamia of Syria. [ came And Jacob] to

IaadK xov rcaxspa aDxoD sic; MajiPpfj sic; 7i6Aav xod

Isaac his father in Mamre, in a city of the

7ts8iod aDxfj saxi XsPpcbv sv yrj Xavadv od

plain — this is Hebron, in [the] land of Canaan, where

7iapcbKr|asv APpadji Kai IoadK 2 8 + sysvovxo 8s ai

[sojourned Abraham and Isaac]. And were the

rjjispai IaadK aq s^rjasv sxrj sKaxov oy8of|Kovxa 29 +

days of Isaac which he lived, [years a hundred eighty].

Kai SKA,si7icbv IaadK arcsGavs Kai 7ipoasxs6r| npoq

And failing, Isaac died. And he was added to

xo ysvoc; aDxoD rcpsaptixspoc; Kai 7iAr|pr|c; rjjispcbv Kai

his family, older and full of days. And


36 il sv tootco + vtica 01 - Genesis

s0a\j/av avTOV HaaD Kai IaKcbp 01 8do vioi avzov

[ entombed him Esau and Jacob two sons his].

36 lV

i + amai 8s ai ysvsasic; HaaD avzoq eoxiv E8cb|i 2 +

And these [are] the generations of Esau — he is Edom.

HaaD 5s shafts yvvahcaq saDTcb arco tcdv 0DyaTspcov

And Esau took wives to himself from the daughters

xcov Xavavaioov xrjv A8d 0DyaTspa EXcbji tod

of the Canaanites — Adah, daughter ofElon the

XsTiaioi) Kai xrjv EAaPajid 0DyaTspa Evdv tod diod

Hittite; and Aholibamah, daughter of Anah the son

EsPaycbv tod Edoiiod 3+ Kai TrjvBaaejidG 0DyaT8pa

ofZibeon the Hivite; and Bashemath, daughter

IajiafjA, a5eAxpf|v NaPaicbG 4 + stsks 8e aDTcb A8d

oflshmael, sister ofNebajoth. [bore And to him Adah]

tov EAicpdc; Kai BaasjidG stsks TOvPayoDfjX 5 + Kai

Eliphaz; and Bashemath bore Reuel. And

EXiPajid 8T8KS tov IsoDq Kai tov IsyA,6|i Kai

Aholibamah bore Jeush, and Jaalam, and

tov Kops odtoi dioi HaaD 01 sysvovTO aDTcb sv

Korah. These [are the] sons of Esau, born to him in

yr| Xavadv 6 + sA,aps 8s HaaD zaq yovaixac; aDTOD

[the] land of Canaan. [ took And Esau] his wives,

Kai todc; diodc; aDTOD Kai zaq 0DyaTspaq aDTOD Kai

and his sons, and his daughters, and

7idvTa Ta acbjiaTa tod oikod aDTOD Kai 7idvTa

all the persons of his house, and all

Ta D7rdp%ovTa aDTOD Kai 7idvTa Ta KTfjvrj Kai rcdvTa

his possessions, and all the cattle, and all

6aa SKTfjaaTO Kai 7idvTa 6aa 7rspiS7io(r|aaTO sv

as much as he acquired, and all as much as he procured in

yrj Xavadv Kai S7iopsD0r| EaaD sk yr\q Xavadv

[the] land of Canaan. And Esau went from [the] land of Canaan,

arco 7ipoaco7roD IaKcbp tod a8sA,cpoD aDTOD 7+r|vyap

from [the] face of Jacob his brother. For it was [that]

aDTcbv Ta D7idpxovTa itoXka tod oiksiv djia Kai

their possessions [were] many to live together. And

odk r|8DvaTO T| yrj Tr\q 7iapoiKf|asco(; aDTcbv cpspsiv

[ was not able the land of their sojourning] to bear

aDTODc; a7io tod 7tAt|0odc; tov D7rap%6vT&lt;jov aDTcbv 8 +

them, because of the multitude of their possessions.


36 V?

8V TOUT© + VtKCl
01 - Genesis

KaxcbKrjas 5s Haav sv tod opsi I/qeip Haai3 auxoq

[ dwelt And Esau] in the mountain of Seir. Esau, he

saxiv E8ob|i g+aircaiSe ai yeveaeic; Haav nazpoq

is Edom. And these [are] the generations of Esau, father

E8ob|i sv too opei Srjeip io+ Kai Tama to ovojiaxa

of Edom in the mountain of Seir. And these [were] the names

xcov mcbv Haav EXupaq vioq Ada yuvaucoc; Haav

of the sons of Esau— Eliphaz son of Adah, wife of Esau,

Kai PayoufjA, vioq BaaejidB yuvaucoc; Haai3 n +

and Reuel, son ofBashemath wife of Esau.

sysvovTO 8s EAicpdc; moi 0sjidv Qjidp Soxpdp roGoji

And born to Eliphaz ~ sons Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam,

Kai Kaivs^ 12 + ©ajivd Se r|v 7iaAA,aKf| EAacpdc; tod

and Kenaz. And Timnah was a concubine of Eliphaz, the

mou Ham3 Kai stsks tco EAacpdc; tov A|iaAx|K otjtoi

son of Esau. And she bore to Eliphaz, Amalek. These [were]

moi A8d yuvaiKoq Haai3 n + outoi 8e moi PayoufjA,

[the] sons of Adah, wife of Esau. And these [are] [the] sons of Reuel —

Na^sB Zaps Zojis Kai Mo^s outoi fjaav moi

Nahath, Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah. These were [the] sons

BaaejidB yuvaiKoq Haav m+otjtoiSs moi OAaPejidc;

ofBashemath wife of Esau. And these [were] [the] sons ofAholibamah

GuyaTpoq Avd tod mou SePeyobv yuvaucoc; Haav

daughter ofAnah, of the son ofZibeon wife of Esau;

STSK8 8e tod YLoav tov Ieouc; Kai tov IsyA,6|i Kai

and she bore to Esau Jeush, and Jaalam, and

TOvKops 15+ otjtoi rjysjiovec; moi Haai3 moi

Korah. These [were] [the] princes, sons of Esau. [The] sons

EAacpdc; 7rpoDTOTOKOu Haav rjye|iobv ©ejadv rjysjiobv

of Eliphaz first-born of Esau— prince Teman, prince

Qjidp rjysjiobv Ikocpdp rjysjiobv Ksvs^ i6+ rjys|aobv

Omar, prince Zepho, prince Kenaz, prince

Kope rjyejiobv ToGd rjysjiobv A|iaAr|K outoi rjyejaovsc;

Korah, prince Gatam, prince Amalek. These [were] [the] princes

EAacpdc; ev yr| ISoujiaiaq outoiSs moi A8d n+ Kai

of Eliphaz in [the] land of Edom; and these [were] [the] sons of Adah. And

oi)TOi moi PayoufjA, moi) Haau rjysjiobv Na%ob6

these [were] [the] sons of Reuel, son of Esau— prince Nahath,

rjyejiobv Zape riyejaobv Eojis rjysjiobv Mo^s ovjtoi

prince Zerah, prince Shammah, prince Mizzah. These [were]

rjyejiovec; PayoufjA, sv yr| E8ob|i outoi moi

[the] princes of Reuel in [the] land of Edom. These [were] [the] sons


36 t&gt; ev tootco + viica 01 - Genesis

Baas|id0 yDvaiKog HaaD is + odtoi 8s dioi EAiPsjidc;

ofBashemath, wife of Esau. And these [were] [the] sons of Aholibamah,

ywaiKoq HaaD r|ys|icbv Isodc; rjysjicbv IsyXoji riysjicov

wife of Esau — prince Jeush, prince Jaalam, prince

Kops odtoi rjysjiovsc; EAiPsjidc; 0Dyaxp6c; Avd

Korah. These [were] [the] princes of Aholibamah, daughter of Anah,

yDvaiKoq HaaD 19+ odtoi dioi HaaD Kai odtoi

wife of Esau. These [were] [the] sons of Esau. And these [were]

rjysjiovsc; aDTcbv odtoi siaiv dioi E8coji 20 + odtoi 8s

their princes. These are sons of Edom. And these [were]

dioi Srjsip tod XoppaioD tod koitoikodvtoc; tt|v

[the] sons of Seir the Horite, of the one dwelling the

yrjv AcoTdv ScopdX SsPsycbv Avd 21+ Kai Arjacbv Kai

land — Lotan, Shobal, Zibeon, Anah, and Dishon, and

Aadp Kai Piacbv odtoi rjysjiovec; tod XoppaioD tod

Ezer, and Dishan. These [were] [the] princes of the Horite, of the

diod I/qsip sv ttj yrj E8cb|i 22 + sysvovTO 5s dioi

son of Seir, in the land of Edom. And were born sons

AcoTdv Xoppi Kai Ejidv a8sAxpf| 8s AcoTdv 0sjivd 23 +

of Lotan— Hori and Heman. And [the] sister of Lotan— Timna.

odtoi 8s dioi EcopdA, TcoXa^i Kai Mava%d6 Kai

And these [were] [the] sons of Shobal — Golam, and Manahath, and

TspfjA, Kai Ecocpdv Kai Qjidv 24+ Kai odtoi dioi

Ebal, and Shepho, and Onam. And these [were] [the] sons

Espsycbv Aiai Kai Evdv odtoc; Evdv oq stips tov

ofZibeon— Ajah and Anah; this Anah [is] who found the

uxjisrv SV TTJ SpfjJLlCO OTS SVSflS Ta D7io^Dyia

mules in the wilderness when he was feeding the beasts of burden

SsPsycbv tod 7raTp6c; aDTOD 25 + odtoi 8s dioi Evdv

of Zibeon his father. And these [were the] sons of Anah —

Arjacbv Kai EAaPsjidc; 0Dydrr|p Evdv 26+ odtoi 8s dioi

Dishon, and Aholibama [was] daughter of Anah. And these were [the] sons

Arjacov Apa8d Kai Aapd Kai IGpdv Kai Xappdv 27 +

of Dishon— Hemdan, and Eshban, and Ithran, and Cheran.

odtoi 8s dioi Aadp BaXadji Kai ZoDKdji Kai

And these [were] [the] sons of Ezer — Bilhan, and Zaavan, and

ODKdji 28+ odtoi 8s dioi PDacbv Qc; Kai Appdv 29+

Akan. And these [were] [the] sons of Dishan — Uz and Aran.

odtoi 8s rjysjiovsq Xoppi rjysjicov AcoTdv rjysjicbv

And these [were] [the] princes of Horites — prince Lotan, prince


36 V?

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

01 - Genesis

EooP&amp;A, rjysjicbv Sspsycbv rjysjicbv Avd 30+ rjysjicbv

Shobal, prince Zibeon, prince Anah, prince

Arjacbv rjysjicbv Aadp rjys|icbv Prjacbv odtoi

Dishon, prince Ezer, prince Dishan. These [were]

rjysjiovsc; Xoppi sv Taiq rjysjioviaic; aDTcbv sv yrj

[the] princes of Hori, in their governing in [the] land

E8cb|i 31+ mi odtoi 01 fiaaikziq 01 Paai^SDaavTSc;

ofEdom. And these [were] the kings, the ones reigning

sv yr| E8cbji 7ipo tod PaaiXstiaai PaaiXsa sv

in [the] land ofEdom before the reigning [of a] king in

IapafjA, 32+ Kai sPaadsDasv sv E8cb|i BaXdK vioq

Israel. And [ reigned in Edom Balak son

tod Baicop Kai ovojia tt| 7i6A,si aDTOD Aswapd 33 +

ofBeor], and [the] name of his city— Dinhabah.

arcsGavs 5s BaXdK Kai sPaailsDasv avT' aDTOD

[died And Balak], and there reigned instead of him —

Icopdp Dioq Zapd sk Boaoppaq 34+ arcsGavs 8s

Jobab, son ofZerah, from Bozrah. [died And

Icopdp Kai sPaailsDasv avT' aDTOD Aaoji sk Tr\q

Jobab], and reigned instead of him— Husham, from the

yrjc; 0s|iavcbv 35+ arcsGavs 5s Aaoji Kai sPaai^sDasv

land ofTemani. [died And Husham], and reigned

avT' aDTOD A5d8 vioq Bapd8 o sKKoyac; MaSidji

instead of him, Hadad son ofBedad, the [one] cutting off Midian

sv tco 7is8ico Mcodp Kai ovojia ttj 7i6Xsi aDTOD rsGsji

in the plain ofMoab. And [the] name of his city— Getham.

36+ arcsGavs 8s A8d8 Kai sPacnlsDasv avT' aDTOD

[died And Hadad], and reigned instead of him —

Eajiad sk MaasKKdq 37+ arcsGavs 8s Eajiad Kai

Samiah from Masrekah. [ died And Samiah], and

sPaa(A,SDasv avT' aDTOD ZaovX sk PocoPcoG Tr\q

reigned instead of him— Saul from Rehoboth [of the] place

7iapa 7iOTajj,ov 38 + arcsGavs 8s HaovX Kai sPaai^sDasv

by [the] river. [died And Saul], and reigned

avT' aDTOD BaXsvcbv vioq A%oPcbp 39+ arcsGavs 8s

instead of him— Baal-hanan son ofAchbor. [died And

BaXsvcbv Dioq A%oPcbp Kai sPaaiXsDasv avT' aDTOD

Baal-hanan son ofAchbor], and reigned instead of him —

ApdG vioq Bapd8 Kai ovojia tt| 7i6A,si aDTOD Ooycbp

Arad, son of Barad; and [the] name of his city — Phogor;

ovojia 8s ttj yDvaiKi aDTOD MsTsPsrjA, 0DydTTjp

and [the] name of his wife ~ Mehetabel, daughter


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

01 - Genesis

MaxpaO viov Ms^oop 40+ xauxa xa ovojiaxa xcov

ofMatred, son ofMezahab. These are the names of the

rjyejiovcDV Haav sv xaic; (pvXaiq auxcbv Kaxd

princes of Esau, in their tribes according to

xo7rov auxcbv sv xaic; %cbpaic; auxcbv Kai sv

their place, in their regions, and in

xoic; s0vsaiv auxcbv rjysjicov 0ajivd rjysjicbv TfoXa

their nations — prince Timnah, prince Alvah,

rjysjicbv Is6sp 4 i+ rjysjicbv EAiPsjidc; rjysjicbv Hkdq

prince Jetheth, prince Aholibamah, prince Elah,

rjysjicbv Oivcbv 42+ rjysjicbv Ksvs^ rjysjicbv 0s|idv

prince Pinon, prince Kenaz, prince Teman,

rjysjicbv Ma^dp 43+ rjysjicbv MaysSvqA, rjysjicbv Zacpcoiv

prince Mibzar, prince Magdiel, prince Zaphoi.

ot3xoi rjysjiovsq E8cb|i sv xaic; KaxcoKo5o|ir||isvai(; sv

These [are] [the] princes of Edom, in the buildings in

xtj yr| xrjc; Kxfjascoc; auxcbv ouxoc; Haau 7iaxfjp E8cb|i

the land of their property. This is Esau, father of Edom.

37 T*?

1+ KaxcoKsi 5s IaKcbp sv xr| yr| ou 7iapcoKr|asv

[ dwelt And Jacob] in the land of which [ sojourned

o 7iaxf|p auxou sv yrj Xavadv 2 + auxai ai ysvsosiq

his father] in [the] land of Canaan. These [are] the generations

IaKcbp Icoofjcp 8s 8sKa Kai S7ixd sxcbv r|v 7ioi|ia(vcov

of Jacob. And Joseph [ ten and seven years [old] was] tending

xa 7ip6paxa xou rcaxpoc; auxou jisxd

the sheep of his father with

xcov aSsAxpcbv qlvtov cov vsoc; jisxd xcov uicbv BaXXdq

his brothers, being young among the sons of Bilhah,

Kai jisxd xcov uicbv ZsAxpdc; xcov yuvaiKcbv

and with the sons ofZilpah, the wives

xod rcaxpoc; auxou Kaxfjvsyrav 8s Kaxd Icoafjtp \j/6yov

of his father. And they brought against Joseph [fault

7iovr|p6v 7ipoc; IapafjX xov rcaxspa auxcbv 3 + IaKcbp 8s

a bad] to Israel their father. But Jacob

rjyd7ia xov Icoafjcp 7iapd rcdvxac; xouc; viovq auxou 6x1

loved Joseph beyond all his sons, for

vioq yipcoc; r|v auxcb S7iovr|as 8s auxcb %ixcbva

[ [the] son of old age he was to him]. And he made for him [garment


37 T 1 ? ev toi3tco + viica 01 - Genesis

7toikiA,ov 4 + iSovxec; 5s 01 aSeAxpoi amov 6xi auxov o

a colored]. [ seeing And his brothers] that [ him the

7iaxf|p (piksi 8K 7T&amp;VTCDV xcov mcov avzov s[dar\aav

father was fond of] over all of his sons, they detested

auxov Kai odk r|8i)vavxo Xaksiv auxcb ou8ev

him, and were not able to speak to him, not one [thing]

siprjviKov 5+ evi)7rviaa0£ic; 8s Icoafjcp zvvizviov

peaceable. [ dreaming And Joseph] a dream,

a7if|YYsiA£v avid xoic; aSeAxpofc; avzov 6 + Kai ei7iev

reported it [to] his brothers. And he said

(xdtoic; (XKotiaaxe tod svd7tv(od xouxod od svi)7rvida6r|v

to them, Hear this dream which I dreamed!

7+ cb|ir|v dji&amp;c; 8ea|i8i)siv 8pdy|iaxa ev jieaco too

I imagined you all were binding sheaves in the middle of the

7is8ico Kai aveaxrj to sjiov Spdyjia Kai cop6cb0r|

plain. And there rose up my sheaf, and it was straight up.

7iepiaxpa(pevxa 8s xa Spdyjiaxa djicov 7ipoaeK6vr|aav

[ moving around And sheaves your], did obeisance to

to sjiov Spdyjia 8 + sitcov 8s auxcb oi a8sAxpo( avzov

my sheaf. [said And to him his brothers],

|ir| PaaiA,ST3cov fiaaikzvasiq scp' r\[idq r\ Kopieucov

Do you mean in reigning you will reign over us, or in dominating

Kopietiaeic; rjjicbv Kai 7rpoa£0evxo exi jiiaeiv auxov

you will dominate us? And they added still to detest him


because of his dreams, and because of

tcdv prjjidTCDV avTOV 9 +s(88 88 svwrviov sxepov Kai

his words. And he saw [ dream another]. And

Siriyfjaaxo auxo xco rcaxpi auxou Kai xoic;

he described it [to] his father, and [to]

aSeAxpoic; avTOV Kai si7i8v i8ou svi)7rviaod|ir|v

his brothers. And he said, Behold, I dreamed

8VD71VIOV exspov coa7isp o r\k\oq Kai r| asArjvrj Kai

[dream another]; as if the sun, and the moon, and

evSera aaxepec; 7rpoaeKi3vouv |is io+ Kai S7i8Ti|ir|asv

eleven stars did obeisance to me. And [ reproached

auxcb o 7raxfjp auxou Kai ei7iev auxcb xi

him his father], and said to him, What

xo evu7rviov xouxo o £VD7rvida6r|c; dpd ys skQovTsq

[is] this dream which you dreamed? Is it so indeed in having come

sXsua6|is0a sycb xs Kai r| |if|xr|p aou Kai

I will come also, and your mother, and

37 T 1 ? ev toi3tco + viica 01 - Genesis

01 aSsAxpoi aoD 7ipoaKDvf|aai aoi S7ri xrjv yrjv n +

your brothers, to do obeisance to you upon the ground?

s^fjXoooav 5s avTOV 01 aSsAxpoi aDxoD o 8s

[ envied And him his brothers], but

7raxf|p avzov 8isxf|pr|as to pfjjia 12+ S7iopsD0r|aav 8s

his father kept the saying. [ went And

01 aSeAxpoi aDxoD PoaKsiv xa 7ip6paxa

his brothers] to graze the sheep

xod ftaxpoc; aDxcbv sic; 2/uxs|i 13 + Kai si7isv IapafjA, 7ipoc;

of their father in Shechem. And Israel said to

Iooafjcp od%( 01 a8sAxpo( aoi) 7ioi|iaivoDaiv siq £dxs|i

Joseph, Did not your brothers tend in Shechem?

Sstipo a7ioax£iAxjo as npoq avzovq si7is 8s aDxcb i8od

Come, I will send you to them. And he said to him, Behold,

sycb 14+ si7is 8s (xdxco IapafjA, 7iopsD0s(c; (8s si

I [am ready]. [ said And to him Israel], [In] going see if

DyiaivoDaiv 01 a8sAxpo( aoi) Kai xa rcpopaxa Kai

[ are in health your brothers] and the sheep, and

avdyysi^ov jioi Kai a7isaxsiA,sv ai)xov sk xrjc;

announce [it] to me! And he sent him from the

KoiAxxSoq xrjqXsPpcbv Kai fjA£sv sic; Xdxsji 15+ Kai

valley of Hebron. And he came into Shechem. And

stipsv ai)xov dv0p&lt;jO7roc; 7iA,avcb|isvov sv xco 7is8(co

[ found him a man] wandering in the plain.

rjpcbxrjas 8s ai)xov o dv0pcD7i;oc; Aiycov xi ^rjxsic; 16 +

[ asked And him the man], saying, What [do] you seek?

o 8s si7is xodc; aSsAxpoDc; jiod ^rjxcb a7idyysiX6v |ioi

And he said, [ my brothers I seek]; report to me

7TOD PoaKODaiv 17+ si7is 8s ai)xcb o dv0p&lt;jO7roc;

where they graze! [said And to him the man],

a7ifjpKaaiv svxsd0sv fjKODaayap ai)xcbv Xsyovxcov

They have departed from here. For I heard them saying,

7ropsi)0cb|isv sic; Aco0asi|i Kai S7iopsD0r| Iooafjcp

Let us go unto Dothan. And Joseph went

Kax67iia0sv xcov aSsAxpcbv aDxoD Kai stipsv avzovq sv

after his brothers, and found them in

Aco0asi|i 18+ 7ipos(8ov 8s ai)xov |iaKp60sv 7ipo

Dothan. And they spied him far off before

xod syyiaai ai)xov npoq avzovq Kai S7iovr|psDovxo

his approaching to them. And they [acted] wickedly

xod a7ioKxs(vai aDxov i9+si7is8s sraaxoc; npoq

to kill him. And said each to


37 i 1 ? sv toi3tco + viica 01 - Genesis

xov aSsAxpov avzov idov o svi)7Wiaaxfjc; sksivoc; sp%sxai

his brother, Behold, that dreamer comes.

20+ vdv ouv 8suxs a7roKTs(vco|isv avzov Kai puj/co|isv

Now then, come, let us kill him and toss

avzov sic; sva xcov A,dKKcov Kai spotijiev Grjpiov

him into one of the wells! And we shall say, [wild beast

7iovr|p6v Kaxscpaysv auxov Kai o\j/6|is6a xi soxai

A ferocious] devoured him. And we shall see what will be

xa zvvizvia avzov 21 + aKouaac; 8s Poi)Pfjv s^sdsxo

of his dreams. [hearing And Reuben], rescued

aVTOV SK XCOV %£\p(bv aDXCOV Kai S17TSV 01)

him from out of their hands. And he said, Do not

7iaxd^co|isv auxov sic; \|A)%rjv 22+ si7is 8s auxoic;

strike him [as far as his] life. [ said And to them

Poi)Pf|v jLiri sk%st|xs aijia s|ipdA,sxs auxov sic;

Reuben], You should not shed blood, put him into

sva xcov XdKKcov xouxcov xcov sv xrj spf|jLicD %zipa 5s

one of these wells of the ones in the wilderness, [ a hand and

|ir| s7isvsyKr|xs ai)xco 67icoc; s^sArjxai ai)xov sk

not bear] against him, that he might rescue him from out of

xcov xsipcbv ai)xcov Kai a7io8co ai)xov xco

their hands, and that he might give him [to]

7iaxp( avTOV 23 + sysvsxo 8s rjviKa r\kdzv Icoafjcp 7ipoc;

his father. And it came to pass when Joseph came to

Tovq aSsAxpouc; avzov s^sSuaav Icoafjcp xov %ixcova xov

his brothers, they took [ off Joseph garment the

7toikiAx)v xov 7isp( auxov 24+ Kai XafiovTsq auxov

colored], the one around him. And taking him,

sppuj/av auxov sic; xov Aixkkov o 8s XdKKoc; ksvoc;

they tossed him into the well. But the well [was] empty,

u8cop ouk s(%sv 25 + SKdGiaav 8s cpaysiv dpxov Kai

[water it did not have]. And they sat to eat bread. And

avapXsij/avxsq xoic; ocp0aX|ioic; s(8ov Kai i8ou

looking up with the eyes they saw. And behold,

o8oi7iopoi IajiarjAixai f|p%ovxo sk TaAxxdS Kai

journeying Ishmaelites having come from Gilead, and

ai Kd|ir|Xoi ai)xcbv sysjiov 9u|iia|idxcov Kai prjxivrjc; Kai

their camels full of incenses, and balm, and

axaKxfjc; S7iopsuovxo 8s Kaxayaysiv sic; Aiyu7ixov 26+

balsam. And they were going leading down into Egypt.

si7is 8s IouSac; 7ipoc; xouc; aSsAxpouc; auxou xi

[ said And Judah] to his brothers, What


37 i 1 ? sv tootco + vtica 01 - Genesis

Xpfjaijiov sdv a7ioKTs(vco|isv xov aSsAxpov rijicbv Kai

profit if we kill our brother, and

Kpinj/cojisv to aijia avzov 2 ?+ 8si&gt;xs a7co8cb|i£6a auxov

hide his blood? Come let us give him

xoic; IojiarjAixaic; xotixoic; ai 8s %e(pec; r\[i(bv |ir| eaxcoaav

to these Ishmaelites, and the hands of ours, let them not be

S7i ' avzov on aSsAxpoc; rjjicbv Kai aap£, r)|icbv saxiv

upon him! for [he is] our brother, and [flesh he is our].

fjKODaav 8s oi aSeAxpoi avzov 28 + Kai 7raps7iopsT3ovTO

[hearkened And his brothers]. And [ came near

oi dv6pco7roi oi Ma8ir|va(oi 8|i7iopoi Kai e^eilKoaav

[the] men], the Midianite merchants, and they drew out

Kai aveptpaaav xov Icoafjcp 8K tod Axxkkod Kai

and hauled Joseph from out of the well. And

a7ce8ovxo xov Icoafjcp xoic; IajiarjAixaK; eucoai %pi)acbv

[ rendered for Joseph the Ishmaelites] twenty [pieces] of gold.

Kai Kaxfjyayov xov Icoafjcp sic; Aiyo7cxov 29 + aveaxpe\j/s

And they led Joseph into Egypt. [ returned

8e Poupfjv em xov XdKKov Kai ov% opd xov Icoafjcp

And Ruben] upon the well, and he did not see Joseph

sv xco XdKKco Kai Siepprj^e xa ijidxia auxof) 30+ Kai

in the well, and he tore his clothes. And

87C8axp8\j/s 7tpoc; xodc; aSsAxpouc; avzov Kai si7cs xo

he turned towards his brothers, and he said, The

7cai8dpiov odk saxiv sycb 5s 7cou 7copsf)ao|iai sxi 31 +

boy is not, and I, where shall I go yet?

AxxPovxsc; 8s xov %ixcbva xod Icoafjcp eacpa^av epicpov

And taking the garment of Joseph, they slew a kid

aiycbv Kai s[i6Xvvav xov %ixcbva xco aijiaxi 32 + Kai

of [the] goats, and tainted the garment in the blood. And

a7C8oxsiXav xov %ixcbva xov 7coikiXov Kai eiafjvsyrav

they sent [ garment the colored], and they carried it

XCO 7Caxp( aDXCbv Kai 817COV XOl)XOV SUpOJISV 87c(yvco6i

[to] their father, and said, This we found, [do] you recognize

81 x iTC0V Tm) m 6l) a01) SCJXIV T| 01) 33 + Kai 87C8yVC0

if [the] garment [ son is of your] or not? And he recognized

avzov Kai 817C8 %ixcbv xod viov [iov eaxi Grjpiov

it, and said, [The] garment [ of my son is], [ wild beast

7covr|p6v Kaxscpaysv auxov Grjpiov fjp7caas xov Icoafjcp

a ferocious] devoured him, a wild beast seized Joseph.

34+ 8ieppr|^8 8s IaKcbp xa ijidxia arjxofj Kai 87cs0sxo

[ tore And Jacob] his clothes, and placed



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sackcloth upon his loin, and mourned [for]

xov mov avzov rijispaq itoXkaq 35+ avvT\%dr\aav 5s

his son [days many]. [ came together And

navTsq 01 moi avzov Kai ai 0t&gt;yaxspsc; Kai r\kdov

all his sons and daughters]. And they came

7iapaKaXsoai auxov Kai omc fj0sA,s 7tapaKaA,sia0ai

to comfort him, and he did not want to be comforted,

Aiycov on Kaxapfjaojiai npoq xov mov jiou 7isv0cbv

saying that, I will go down to my son in mourning

sic; &amp;8od Kai ZKkavazv auxov o 7iaxf|p avzov 36+ 01 8s

into Hades. And [ wept for him his father]. And the

Ma8ir|va(oi a7is8ovxo xov Icoafjtp sic; Aiymrxov

Midianites gave Joseph into Egypt

xco nsxecppfj xco a7rd8ovxi Oapaco ap%i|iays(pcG

to Potiphar the castrato of Pharaoh — [the] chief guard.

38 rb

1 + sysvsxo 5s sv xco Kaipcb sksivco raxsprj IouSac; arco

And it came to pass in that time, Judah went from

xcov a8eAxpcbv avzov Kai atpixsxo scoc; npoq

his brothers, and he arrived unto before

dv0pco7r6v xiva 08oAxx|i(xr|v go ovojia Eipdc; 2+ Kai

a certain man ofAdullam, whose name [was] Hirah. And

s(8sv sksi IoT38aq 0t&gt;yaxspa av0pco7ioi) Xavava(oi) r|

[ saw there Judah] a daughter of a Canaanite man, whose

ovojia Sai)d Kai sla(3sv auxfjv Kai eiafjAi)s 7ipoc;

name [was] Shuah. And he took her, and entered to

auxfjv 3+ Kai ai)AlaPoi)aa sxsksv mov Kai SKd^sas

her. And she conceived [and] bore a son, and she called

xo ovojia avzov Hp 4 + Kai aDAlaPouaa sxsksv mov

his name, Er. And she conceived [and] bore a son

8x1 Kai SKd^sas xo ovojia avzov Avvav 5+ Kai

still [again], and she called his name, Onan. And

7ipoa08iaa sxsksv mov Kai SKdXsas xo ovojia avzov

adding she bore a son, and she called his name,

EiAxbji ami] 8s rjv sv Xaapt rjviKa sxsksv avzovq 6 +

Shelah. And she was in Chezib when she bore them.

Kai slapsv Ioi38ac; yuvauca Hp xco 7ipcoxox6Kco avzov

And Judah took a wife [for] Er his first-born,



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r| ovojia 0d|iap 7+sysvsxo8s Hp 7cpcox6xoKoc;

whose name [was] Tamar. And it came to pass Er [the] first-born

lovda 7iovr|p6c; evavxi KopioD Kai a7teKxeivev aDxov

of Judah [was] wicked before [the] LORD; and [ killed him

o 6e6c; s + 81718 8s IotiSac; too Adv&amp;v eiaeA,0e itpoq xrjv

God]. [ said And Judah] to Onan, Enter to the

ywaiKa tod aSsAxpoD gov Kai 87iiyd|iPpsDaai aDxfjv

wife of your brother, and ally to her by marriage,

Kai avdoirjoov a7i8p|ia too aSeAxpcb gov 9 + yvovq 8s

and raise up seed to your brother! [ knowing And

Avvav on odk aDxco eaxai xo a7isp|ia syevsxo

Onan] that [ not his will be the seed] — [that] it came to pass
oxav £iafjp%exo npoq xrjv yDvauca xod a8sAxpoD aDxoD

whenever he entered to [ wife his brother's],

s^sxesv S7i( xrjv yrjv xod jjt| 8oDvai a7csp|ia xco

he discharged upon the ground, to not give seed to

aSeAxpcb avzov io+ 7covr|p6v 8s scpdvrj svavxiov

his brother. [ wicked And it appeared] before

xod GsoD oxi 87co(r|as xodxo Kai eGavdxcoae Kai

God that he did this; and he put to death also

xodxov n+ S17IS 8s IotiSac; 0d|iap xrj vD|icpr| aDxoD

this one. [ said And Judah] to Tamar his daughter-in-law,

KdGoD %fjpa sv xco oikco xod nazpoq gov scoc; jisyaq

You sit as a widow in the house of your father! until [ older

ysvrjxai SiXcbji o dioc; jiod si7C8 yap jifj 7COX8 a7co0dvr|

becomes Shelah my son]. For he said, Lest at any time [ should die

Kai ODxoq cba7csp Kai oi a8sAxpo( aDxoD a7C8A,0ODaa 8s

also this [one]] as also his brothers. [ going forth And

0d|iap SKdGrjxo sv xco oikco xod nazpoq avTT\q n +

Tamar] settled in the house of her father.

£7tAr|0Dv6r|aav 8e ai rjjiepai Kai a7te0ave SaDd r|

[ multiplied And the days], and [ died Shuah the

yDvfj IoD8a Kai 7capaKAx|6e(c; IotiSac; aveprj S7c( xodc;

wife of Judah]. And being comforted, Judah ascended to the

Ksipovxaq xa 7cp6paxa aDxoD avzoq Kai Hpdq

shearing of his sheep, himself and Hirah

o 7toi|xfjv aDxoD o OSoXajjixrjc; sic; 0ajivd 13+ Kai

his shepherd the Adullamite, unto Timnath. And

a7tr|yysAr| 0d|iap xrj vD|i(pr| aDxoD Aiyovxsc; i8od

it was reported to Tamar his daughter-in-law, saying, Behold,

o 7cev6ep6c; aoD avapaivei sic; 0ajivd Ksipai

your father-in-law ascends to Timnath, to shear



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xa 7ip6paxa aDxoD u+ Kai 7ispisAx)|isvr| xa ijidxia xrjq

his sheep. And removing the garments of the

%r|psDascoc; acp' saDxfjc; 7i8pis(3aA,8xo Gspiaxpov Kai

widowhood from herself, she put around a lightweight covering, and

£KaXAxD7uaaxo Kai SKdGios npoq xaic; nvXaiq Evdv

bedecked [herself], and sat by the gates of Enaim,

T| saxiv sv 7iap68co 0a|ivdv s(8s yap 6xi jisyaq

which is in [the] byway of Timnath. For she knew that [ older

ysyovs EiAxbji auxoc; 8s odk sScdksv aDxfjv aDxcb

was Shelah], but he did not give her to him

yDvaiKa i 5 + Kai i8cbv aDxfjv IotiSac; s8o^sv aDxfjv

as wife. And [ seeing her Judah], assumed her

7i6pvr|v sivai Kax8KaXi3\j/axo yap xo 7ip6aco7rov avTT\q

to be a harlot. For she covered up her face,

Kai odk 87isyvco auxfjv ie+ s^skAivs 8s 7ipoc; aDxfjv

and [ not he recognized her]. And he turned aside to her

xrjv o86v Kai S17T8V aDxfj saaov (is siasXGsiv npoq

in the way. And he said to her, Allow me to enter to

as od yap syvco 6xi vi3(acpr| aDxoD saxiv rj 8s si7is xi

you. For he did not know that [ his daughter-in-law she is]. And she said, What
jioiScbasic; sdv siasABrjc; npoq |is n+o8s sircsv sycb

will you give to me, if you should enter to me? And he said, I

aoi a7rooxsAxb spicpov aiycbv sk xcov 7ipopdxcov jiod

will send to you a kid of [the] goats from out of my flocks.

T| 8s si7rsv sdv Scoq appapcbva scoq xod a7ioaxsiAm as

And she said, You should give a deposit until you send [it].

i8+o8s si7is xiva xov appapcbva aoiScbaco r| 8s si7is

And he said, What deposit shall I give to you? And she said,

xov 8aKr6Ai6v gov Kai xov opjiiaKov Kai xrjv pdp8ov

Your ring, and the pendant, and the rod

xrjv sv xrj xsipi aoi) Kai sScdksv aDxfj Kai siafjABs

in your hand. And he gave [them] to her, and he entered

itpoq auxfjv Kai sv yaaxpi s^apsv s£, aDxoD 19+ Kai

to her. And [ in [the] womb she conceived] from him. And

avaaxdaa a7rfjAi)s Kai 7ispis(Xsxo xo Gspiaxpov avTT\q

rising up she went forth. And she removed her lightweight garment

acp' saDxfjq Kai svsStiaaxo xa ijidxia

from herself, and put on the garments

xrjc; xrjps^ascoq avTT\q 20+ a7isaxsiA,s 8s IotiSac; xov

of her widowhood. [sent And Judah] the

spicpov s^ aiycbv sv %zipi xod 7ioi|isvoc; aDxoD xod

kid of [the] goats by [the] hand of his shepherd the



01 - Genesis

OSoAAxxjjIxod KojjioaaGai 7iapd xrjc; yovaiKoc; xov

Adullamite, to deliver by [him] to the woman the

appapcbva Kai ov% stipsv aDxfjv 21 + S7iripcbxr|as 8s

deposit. And he did not find her. And he asked

xodc; dvdpaq xodc; sk tod xotcod tcod saxiv r| 7i6pvr|

the men of the place, Where is the harlot,

r| ysvo|isvr| sv Evdv S7U xrjc; o8od Kai si7iav

the [one] being in Enaim upon the way? And they said,

odk r|v svxaD0a 7i6pvr| 22 + Kai a7isaxpd(pr| npoq

There was no [ here harlot]. And he returned to

Ioi)8av Kai sitcsv od% stipov Kai 01 dv6pco7roi 01

Judah, and said, I did not find [her], and the men, the ones

8K TOD X07TOD AiyODCTl |IT| SlVai cb8s 7l6pvr|V 23 + 81718

from the place, say, There was no [here harlot]. [said

8s IotiSac; s%sxco aDxd aXX'a jifj rcoxs

And Judah], Let her have them, but lest at any time

KaxaysXaaGcbjisv sycb jisv a7rsaxaA,Ka

we should be ridiculed, I indeed sent

xov spupov xodxov aD 8s od% SDprjKaq 24 + sysvsxo 8s

this kid, but you have not found her. And it came to pass

jisxd xpijirjvov avrjyysAxj xco lovda Xsyovxsq

after three months, it was announced to Judah, saying,

SK7iS7i6pvsDKs 0d|iap rj vD(i(pr| aoD Kai i8od sv

[fornicated Tamar your daughter-in-law]. And behold, [in

yaaxpi s%si sk 7iopvs(ac; si7is 8s IotiSac;

[the] womb she has [one]] out of harlotry. [said And Judah],

s^aydysxs aDxfjv Kai KaxaKaD0fjxco 25+ aDxfj 8s

Lead her out, and let her be incinerated! [her And

ayojisvrj arcsaxsiXs npoq xov 7isv0sp6v avTT\q XsyoDaa

[while] leading], she sent to her father-in-law, saying,

sk xod av6pcb7roD od xivoc; xaDxd saxiv sycb sv

From the man whom these [things] are I [ in

yaaxpi s%co Kai si7isv smyvcoBi xivoc; o SaKXD^ioq

[the] womb have [one]]. And she said, Recognize whose ring

Kai o opjiiaKoq Kai rj pdp8oq aDxfj 26 + S7isyvco 8s

and pendant and rod these [are] ! [ realized And

IoDSac; Kai si7is 8s8iKa(coxai 0d|iap r| sycb

Judah], and said, Tamar has done justice rather than I,

od svsksv odk sScora aDxfjv SiAxbji XCO DICO (IOD Kai

because I did not give her Shelah my son. And

od 7ipoas0sxo sxi xod yvcbvai aDxfjv 27 +

he did not add any longer to know her.


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sysvsxo 8s rjviKa sxikxs Kai xf|8s r|v S(8i)|ia sv

And it came to pass when she was bearing, that thus there were twins in

tt] yaaxpi auxfjc; 2 s + sysvsxo 5s sv xco xikxsiv auxfjv o

her womb. And it came to pass in her bearing, the

sic; 7rpos^fjvsyKs xrjv %zipa Xafiovaa 8s r| jiaia

one put forth first the hand. And taking [it], the midwife
s5r|asv S7i( xrjv %s(pa avzov kokkivov Aiyouaa otixoc;

tied upon his hand a scarlet [thread], saying, This [one]

s^sXsuasxai rcpoxspoc; 29 + coc; 8s S7nawqyays xrjv %zipa

will come forth prior. And as he retracted the hand,

Kai zvdvq s^fjX0sv o aSsAxpoc; avzov r\ 8s si7is xi

straightway came forth his brother. And she said, Why

8isk67it| 8id as cppayjioc; Kai sk&amp;Xscts

was [ cut because of you [the] barrier]? And she called

xo ovojia avTOV Oapsq 30+ Kai jisxd xotixo s^f|Ai)sv

his name, Pharez. And after this came forth

o aSsAxpoc; avzov scp' co r|v S7U xr| %sip( avzov xo

his brother, of which was upon his hand the

kokkivov Kai SKd^sas xo ovojia avzov Zapd

scarlet [thread]. And she called his name Zarah.

39 tab

1 + Icoofjtp 8s Kaxf|vs%6r| sic; Aiyirnxov Kai SKxfjaaxo

And Joseph was carried down into Egypt. And [ acquired

avzov nsxscppfjc; o svvov%oq Oapacb o ap%i|idysipoc;

him Potiphar], the eunuch of Pharaoh, the chief guard,

avfjp Aiy67ixioc; sk %sipcbv Ia|iar|A,ixcbv 01

an Egyptian man, from out of [the] hands of the Ishmaelites, the ones

Kaxfjyayov ai)xov sksi 2 + Kai rjVKopioc; jisxd Icoafjcp

that led him there. And [the] LORD was with Joseph.

Kai Tjv avfjp s7rm)y%dv&lt;jov Kai sysvsxo sv xco oikco

And he was a man succeeding in [things]. And he was in the house

7iapd xco Kopico avTOV xco AiyD7ixico 3 + f|8si 8s

by his master the Egyptian. [ saw And

o Kopioc; avTOV 6x1 o Kopioc; rjv jisx' avzov Kai

his master] that the LORD was with him, and

6aa sdv 7ioifj Kopioc; sdo8o( sv

whatever as much as he should do, [the] LORD prospered the way by

xaic; %spaiv auxof) 4 + Kai stipsv Icoafjcp %dpiv svavxiov

his hands. And Joseph found favor before

xod Kupioi) avTOV Kai si)r|psaxr|as auxcb Kai

his master. And he was well-pleasing to him, and


39 ^

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Kaxsairjaev avxov S7ii tod oikod avxov Kai 7ravxa

he placed him over his house; and all

6aa r|v ai)xcb s8cok8 8id x^ipoq Icocrqcp 5 +

as much as was his he gave through [the] hand of Joseph.

sysvsTO 8s |isx&amp; to KaxaaTaGfjvai aDTOV em

And it came to pass after placing him over

TOD OIKOD aDTOD Kai 8711 7l&amp;VTa 6aa T|V aDTCO Kai

his house, and over all as much as was his, that

rjDA,6yr|ae Kopioc; tov oikov tod AiyD7iTioD 5id

[the] LORD blessed the house of the Egyptian on account of

Icoafjtp Kai sysvfjGrj SDA,oyia kdpiod sv 7idai

Joseph; and he became a blessing for his master in all

TOiq D7T&amp;p%ODaiV aDTCO SV TOO OIKCO Kai 8V

his possessions in the house, and in

too aypcb aDTOD 6 + Kai £7ieTp£\j/e 7idvTa 6aa r|v

his fields. And he committed to care all as much as was

aDTcb sic; %sipaq Icoafjtp Kai odk f|5si tcov Ka9'

his into [the] hand of Joseph. And he did not know the [things] about

saDTOD od8sv 7rAr|v tod dpTOD od f|a0isv avzoq

his own ~ not one [thing], except the bread which he ate.

Kai Tjv Icoafjtp Kakoq tco ei8ei Kai copaioq tt| 6\|/si

And Joseph was good to the sight, and handsome in appearance —

ocp68pa 7+ Kai eysveTO jiSTd Ta pfjjiaTa TaDTa Kai

exceedingly. And it happened after these things, and

S7l8PaA,8V T| yDVfj TOD KDpiOD aDTOD

[ put the wife of his master]

todc; ocp0aA,|ioDc; aDTfjc; S7i( Icoafjcp Kai 8i7isv Koi|ifj9r|Ti

her eyes upon Joseph. And she said, Come to bed

(1ST' 8JIOD 8+088 ODK f|0sA£V 81718 8s TTJ yDvaiKi

with me! But he [was] not willing. And he said to the wife


of his master, If my master [does] not know

Si' S|i8 od8sv sv tco oikco aDTOD Kai 7idvTa 6aa

on account of me one thing in his house, and all as much as

scmv aDTcb 88coksv sic; zaq %eipdc; |iod 9 + Kai od%

is his he gave into my hands, and not

D7rdp%si ev tt| oiKia TaDTTj od0sv sktoc; 8|iod od8s

exists in this house one thing outside of me, nor

D7is^fjpr|Tai an sjiod od8sv TtXr\v aoD 8id to os

[is] [ secretly removed from me one [thing]], besides you, on account of you

yDvaiKa aDTOD sivai Kai ncoq 7ioifiaco to pfj|ia

[ his wife being], then how should I do [ thing

39 ^

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01 - Genesis

to 7iovr|p6v todto Kai a|iapxf|ao|iai evavriov tod 0sod

this wicked], and sin before God?

io+r|viKa8e eA,dA,si to Ioaafjcp rjjiepav rjjiepac; Kai

And when she spoke [to] Joseph day by day, and

OD% D7lf|KODSV (XDTTJ Ka0SD8eiV |IST' m)TT\q

he did not obey her to sleep with her,

tod croyyevsaGai aDTfj n+eysvsTo8s tokxdttj tic;

to be intimate with her. And it came to pass on such a

rjjispa eiafjABsv Icoafjcp sic; tt|v oiKiav 7ioieiv

day, Joseph entered into the house to do

Ta epya aDTOD Kai odSsic; r|v tcov sv tt] oiKia eaco n+

his works, and no one was in the house inside.

Kai S7rsa7rdaaTO aDTOV tcov ijiaTicov AiyoDaa

And she drew him by [his] clothes, saying,

Koi|ifj6r|Ti jist' sjiod Kai KaTaAurcbv Ta ijidTia aDTOD

Come to bed with me! And leaving behind his clothes

sv Taiq %zpoiv ocDTfjCj scpDys Kai e^fjXGev s^co 13 + Kai

in her hands, he fled and went forth outside. And

sysvsTO cocj ei8ev 6ti KaTaAi7rcov Ta ijidTia aDTOD sv

it came to pass as she saw that leaving behind his clothes in

Taiq %epcriv aDTfjc; scpDye Kai e^fjXGev s^co u + Kai

her hands, he fled and went forth outside, that

SKdXsae todc; ovTaq sv ttj oiKia Kai si7iev aDTOic;

she called the [ones] being in the house, and said to them,

AiyoDaa (Ssts siafjyayev r\[iiv 7ia(8a EPpaiov

saying, See! he brought in to us a Hebrew servant

S|i7ia(^8iv r\[iiv eiafjABs npoq |is Aiycov Koi|if|9r|Ti

to mock us. He entered to me, saying, Come to bed

jist' 8|iod Kai sporjoa cpcovfj (isydXrj 15+evSe

with me! And I yelled [voice a great]. And in

too aKODaai aDTOV 6ti D\j/coaa ttjv tpcovfjv jiod Kai

his hearing that [ was raised my voice], and

sporjaa KaTaXurcbv Ta ijidTia aDTOD 7iap' sjioi scpDys

I yelled, leaving behind his clothes by me, he fled,

Kai 8^fjA,0sv e^co 16+ Kai KaTaXi|i7rdvsi Ta ijidTia 7iap'

and he went forth outside. And she left the clothes by

eaDTTj SCOq fjA££V O KDpiOCj SlCj TOV OIKOV aDTOD 17 +

herself, until [ came the master] into his house.

Kai sldAxjasv aDTcb KaTd Ta pfjjiaTa TaDTa Xsyovaa

And she spoke to him concerning these things, saying,

eiafjXGe npoq |is o naiq o EPpaioc; ov eiafjyayec;

There entered to me the Hebrew servant, whom you brought in


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01 - Genesis

7ipoc; rjjLidq S|i7iai^a( jioi Kai si7is jioi Koi|irj9fjao|iai

to us, to mock me. And he said to me, I will come to bed

jisxd aoi) i8+coc;8s fjKODasv 6xi fnj/coaa

with you. But as he heard that I raised

xrjv (pcovfjv jiou Kai sporjaa KaxaXurcbv xa ijidxia avzov

my voice, and I yelled, leaving behind his clothes

7iap' 8(ioi scpuys Kai s^fjA£sv s^co i 9 +sysvsxo8s coc;

by me, he fled, and went forth outside. And it happened as

fjKODasv o Kopioc; avTOV xa pfjjiaxa

[ heard his master] the words

Tr\q yDvaiKoq avzov 6aa sAxxArjas npoq auxov

of his wife, as much as she spoke to him,

AiyoDaa otixcoc; S7ro(rjas jioi o naiq gov Kai S0u|icb6rj

saying, Thus [ did to me your servant], that he was enraged

opyfj 20+ Kai Xaficbv o Kopioc; Icoafjcp svsPaXsv

[with] anger. And [ taking the master] Joseph, put

avzov sic; xo o%f)pco|ia sic; xov xorcov sv co oi

him into the fortress, in the place in which the

8so|icbxai xod fiaaikscoq Kaxs%ovxai sksi ev xco

prisoners of the king were held there in the

o%i)pcb|iaxi 21 + K ai rjv Kopioc; jisxd Icoafjcp Kai

fortress. And [the] LORD was with Joseph, and

Kaxs%£sv avTOV skzoq Kai sScoksv auxcb %dpiv

he poured down upon him mercy; and he gave to him favor

svavxiov xod apxiSsajiocpu^aKoc; 22 + Kai sScoksv o

before the chief jailer. And [ gave the

ap%i5sa|iocpf)Xa^ xo 5sa|icoxfjpiov 81a %sipoc; Icoafjcp

chief jailer] the jail [over to] [the] hand of Joseph,

Kai rcavxac; xouc; a7irjy|isvoDc; oaoi sv xco

and all the [ones] being taken away, as many as [were] in the
8ea|icoxr|pico Kai rcdvxa 6aa 7ioiof)aiv sksi auxoc;

jail, and all as much as they do there, he

rjv 7ioicbv 23+ odk rjv o apxiSsajiocpuAxx^ xod

was doing. For not was the chief jailer of the

8sO|IC0XT|piOD yivcbaKcov 81' auxov od8sv

jail knowing [anything] concerning him— not one [thing].

rcdvxa yap rjv 8id xsipoq Icoafjcp 8id xo xov

For all was through [the] hand of Joseph, because of the [reason] the

Kopiov jisx' avTOV sivai Kai 60a auxoc; S7ioisi

LORD [ with him being]. And as much as he did,

Kopioc; SDcbSoi) sv xaic; %spa(v avzov

[the] LORD prospered the way in his hands.


40 a ev tootco + viica 01 - Genesis

40 a

i+sysvsxo8s jisxd xa pfjjiaxa xatixa fjjiapxsv o

And it came to pass after these things, [ sinned the

apxioivoxooq xod PaaiAicoc; AiyD7cxoD Kai o

chief wine taster of the king of Egypt], and the

3aaiXs( Aiy67cxoD 2

the] king of Egypt.

ap%iaixo7coioc; xco KDpico aDxcov

chief baker [against] their master

Kai copyiaGrj Oapacb S7U xoic; dvaiv sdvod%oic; aDxoD

And Pharaoh was provoked to anger over [ two eunuchs his] —

S7Ti xco ap%ioivo%oco Kai 8711 xco apxiaixo7coico 3+ Kai

over the chief wine taster and over the chief baker. And

S0SXO aDxotic; ev cpuXaKq sic; xo 8sa|icoxfjpiov sic;

he put them under guard in the jail, into

xov xo7i;ov od Icoaf|cp a7cfjKxo sksi 4 + Kai

the place where Joseph had been taken away there. And

&lt;yovsoxr|GSV o ap%i8sa|icbxrjc; xco Icoafjcp avzovq Kai

[combined the chief jailer] them to Joseph, and

7capsaxr| avzovq fjaav 5s ruispaq sv xr| cpi)A,aKfj 5+ Kai

he stood beside them. And they were some days under guard. And

s(8ov ajicpoxspoi svt37tviov sv [da vdkxi r\ 8s opdaiq

[ saw both] a dream in one night. And the vision

xod svD7rvioi) xod ap%ioivoxooD Kai apxiaixo7coioD

of the dream of the chief wine taster and [the] chief baker,

01 fjaav xco Paai^si AiyD7cxoD 01 ovxsc; sv

the ones who were [in service] to the king of Egypt, the [ones] being in

xco 8sa|icoxr|pico rjv aDxrj 6 + siafj^Gs 8s 7cpoc; aDxotic;

the jail, was this. [ entered And to them

Icoafjcp xco7cpcoi Kai s(8sv aDxoDq Kai fjaav

Joseph] in the morning, and he saw them, and they were

xsxapayjisvoi 7+ Kai rjpcbxa xodc; sdvod%odc; Oapacb 01

disturbed. And he asked the eunuchs of Pharaoh, who

fjaav jisx' aDxoD sv xrj cpD^aKfj 7capd

were with him under guard, by

xco KDpico aDxoD Xsycov xi 6x1 xa 7cp6aco7ca djicov

his master, saying, Why [is it] that your faces

aKD6pco7cd afjjispov 8 +oi8s si7cav aDxco svd7cviov

[are] looking downcast today? And they said to him, [ a dream

s(8o|isv Kai o aDyKpivcov aDxo odk saxiv si7cs 8s

We saw], and the interpreting it is not. [ said And

aDxok; Icoafjcp odxi 8id xod 0sod rj Siaadcprjaic;

to them Joseph], [ not through God the explanation


40 a ev tootco + vtica 01 - Genesis

aDTcbv soil 8ir|yf|aaa08 odv jioi 9 + Kai 8irjyfjaaTO o

of them Is]? Describe [them] then to me. And [ described the

ap%ioivo%6oc; to svt37tviov olvtov tco Icoafiq) Kai si7isv

chief wine taster] his dream [to] Joseph. And he said,

sv tco vizvco (10D Tjv aimskoq svavriov |iod io+sv8s

In my sleep there was a grapevine before me. And in

ttj a|i7isA,co Tpsic; 7ro0|isvsc; Kai at&gt;Tf| daXXovaa

the grapevine three lower branches; and it flourished

avsvr|vo%ma fiXaaTOvq 7iS7isipoi 01 PoTpusc; aTa(pvXr\q

offering [ buds mature] ~ the clusters of [the] grape.

11+ Kai to 7iOTf|piov Oapacb sv ttj %£ipi |iou Kai

And the cup of Pharaoh [was] in my hand, and

slapov ttjv aTacpi)Ar|v Kai s^s0A,uj/a auTfjv sic; to

I took the grape cluster and squeezed it into the

7iOTfjpiov Kai s5coKa to 7tOTfjpiov sic; ttjv %s(pa

cup, and gave the cup into the hand

Oapacb 12+ Kai si7isv auTcb Icoafjcp totjto r\

of Pharaoh. And [said to him Joseph], This [is] the

auyKpiaig avzov 01 Tpsic; 7ro0|isvsc; Tpsic; rjjispai

interpretation of it. The three lower branches [ three days

siaiv 13+ sti Tpsic; rjjispai Kai |ivr|a6f|asTai Oapacb

are]. In yet three days and Pharaoh will remember

TTjcj ap%r\q aov Kai a7ioKaTaaTf|asi as S7i(

your office, and restore you to

ttjv apxioivoxo'iav aoi) Kai Scbasic; to 7iOTf|piov

your office of chief wine taster, and you will give the cup

Oapacb sic; tt|v %zipa avzov KaTa tt|v apxfjv aoi)

to Pharaoh, into his hand according to [ office your

ttjv 7ipoTspav coc; fja6a oivoxocbv u+ aXXd |ivf|a0r|Ti

former], as you were of [the] wine servers. But remember

(iod 8id asarjTorj OTav sd ysvrjTai aoi Kai 7ioif|asic;

me of yourself, whenever good happens to you, and you shall do

(ist' sjiorj sXsoc; Kai |ivr|a0fjar| 7ispi s|iorj

with me [an act of] mercy. And you shall remind [ concerning me

7ipoc; Oapacb Kai s^a^sic; |is sk

Pharaoh], and lead me from

tod oxupcbjiaTOc; toutod 15+ 6ti KXo7if| sKA,a7ir|v sk

this fortress. For by stealth I was stolen from

yrjc; EPpaicov Kai cb8s ouk s7ioir|aa od8sv aXk r

[the] land of [the] Hebrews, and here I did not do anything, but

svspalov |is sic; tov Xoxkov tovjtov i 6 + Kai s(8sv o

they put me into this pit. And [ saw the


40 a sv tootg) + viica 01 - Genesis

apxiaiT07ioi6c; on opGcbc; aDVSKpivs Kai si7is

chief baker] that rightly he interpreted, and he said

too Icoafjcp Kay cb e(8ov svd7tviov Kai cb|xrjv xpia Kavd

to Joseph, I also saw a dream, and I imagined three bins

%ov8piTcbv aipeiv S7Ti Tr\q KscpaAxjc; |iod n+evSs Kavcb

of groats, lifted upon my head. And in [the] bin

too £7r&amp;vco goto 7idvTC0v xcov ysvcbv cov Oapaco

above, [items] of all kinds [of things] of which Pharaoh

saGisi epyov aiT07roicy6 Kai xa 7i£TSivd tod ODpavoD

eats — [the] work of a baker. And the birds of the heaven

KaxfjaBisv ai)xd arco tod KavoD tod S7idvco

ate them from the bin upon

Tr\q KscpaArjc; |iod i 8 + a7iOKpi0£ic; 5s Icoafjcp si7T8V aDTcb

my head. And answering Joseph said to him,

aDTTj T| aDyKpiaiq aDTOD Ta Tpia Kavd Tpsic;

This [is] the interpretation of it. The three bins [ three

rjjispai eiaiv 19+ sti Tpicbv r|(i8pcbv Kai acpe^si Oapaco

days are]. Yet in three days and Pharaoh will remove

ttjv KecpaXfjv aoD a7io aoD Kai Kpejidaei as S7i(

your head from you, and hang you upon

^6Ax)D Kai cpdysTai Ta opvsa tod ODpavoD zaq

a timber, and [ will eat the birds of the heaven] the

odpKaq a7TO OOD 20+Sy8VSTo 88 8V TTJ T||ISpa TT| TplTTj

flesh from you. And it came to pass in the [ day third],

rjjispa ysvsascoq r|v Oapaco Kai e7io(ei 7t6tov

[ day [the] birth [that] it was] of Pharaoh, and he made a banquet

7idai TOiq 7iaiaiv aDTOD Kai sjivfjaGri tod

for all his servants, and he remembered [concerning] the

apxioivoxooD Kai rr|c; ap%r\q tod apxiaiT07ioioD sv

chief wine taster, and the office of the chief baker in

jisaco tcov 7iaiScov aDTOD 21 + Kai a7TOKaTsaTr|a£ tov

[the] midst of his servants. And he restored the

apxioivoxoov 87ii ttjv apxfjv aDTOD Kai s8cok8 to

chief wine taster to his office, and he gave the

7TOTfjpiov sic; ttjv %eipa Oapaco 22+ tov 8s

cup unto the hand of Pharaoh. And the

ap%ioiT07ioi6v SKpsjiaaev KaGd aDVSKpivsv aDTOiq

chief baker he hung, as [interpreted to them

Icoafjcp 23 + Kai odk sjivfjaGrj o ap%ioivo%6oc; tod Icoafjcp

Joseph]. And [ remembered not the chief wine taster] Joseph,


but forgot him.


41 Xtt


01 - Genesis

41 N£

i+sysvexo8s jisxd 8do sxrj r||i8pcbv Oapacb s(8ev

And it came to pass after two years of days, Pharaoh saw

evD7rviov cbsxo eaxavai em tod 7ioxa|ioD 2+ Kai i8od

a dream. He imagined standing at the river. And behold,

cba7rsp 8K tod 7ioxa|ioD avsPaivov 87rxd Pose; KaAm

as if from the river ascended seven oxen good

too s(8si Kai sK^sKxai xaic; aap^i Kai sPoctkovxo sv

to the sight and choice in the flesh; and they were grazing in

xco &amp;%i 3 + oXkm 8s S7TX&amp; Pose; avsPaivov jisxd

the reed-grass. And another seven oxen ascended after

xaDxaq 8K xod 7ioxa(ioD aiaxpai xco s(8si Kai

these from out of the river, shameful to the sight and

A,S7ixa( xaiq aap^i Kai svsjiovxo 7iapd xac; Poaq

thin in the flesh, and feeding by the oxen

7iapd xo %zikoq xod 7ioxa(ioD 4+ Kai raxscpayov ai

by the edge of the river. And [ ate up the

S7ixd Pose; ai aia%pai Kai A,s7rxa( xaic; aap^i xac;

seven oxen shameful and thin in the flesh] the

S7ixd Poaq xac; Kokaq xco s(8si Kai xac; sK^sKxdc;

seven oxen good to the sight and choice.

rjyspGrj 8e Oapacb 5+ Kai svD7Wida9r| xo 8si3xspov

[arose And Pharaoh]. And he dreamed the second [time].

Kai i8od 87ixd axd%Dsc; avsPaivov ev xco 7iD0|isvi svi

And behold, seven [ ears of corn ascended in the lower branch one

sk^skxoi Kai KaAxn 6+ Kai i5od srcxd axdxDsc; A,S7rxoi

choice and good]. And behold, seven ears of corn, thin

Kai avsjiocpGopoi avscpDovxo |isx' aDxoDq 7+ Kai

and destroyed by the wind grew up after them. And

Kaxs7iiov 01 srcxd axd%D£c; oiA,S7ixoi Kai avsjiocpGopoi

[ swallowed down the seven ears of corn thin and destroyed by wind]

xodc; srcxd axd^Daq xodc; skXskxodc; Kai xodc; rcArjpsic;

the seven [ ears of corn choice and full].

r|ysp6r| 8s Oapacb Kai r|v svDrcviov 8 + sysvsxo 8s

[ arose And Pharaoh], and it was a dream. And it came to pass

rcpco'i Kai sxapd%6r| r| \|/D%fj aDxoD Kai arcoaxsdac;

[in the] morning and [ was disturbed his soul]. And sending,

SKdXsas rcdvxac; xodc; s^rjyrjxdc; AiyorcxoD Kai rcdvxag

he called all the expositors of Egypt, and all

xodc; aocpoDc; aDxfjc; Kai 8ir|yf|aaxo aDxoic; Oapacb

her wise [men]. And [described to them Pharaoh]


41 Xtt

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01 - Genesis

to svd7tviov avToi) Kai odk Tjv o a7iayysAA,cov avid

his dream. And there was no one reporting it

too Oapacb 9 + Kai eAxxArjaev o ap%ioivo%6oc; npoq

to Pharaoh. And [ spoke the chief wine taster] to

Oapacb Aiycov xr|v ajiapxiav |iod ava|ii|ivf|aKco

Pharaoh, saying, My sin I call to mind

afjjispov 10+ Oapacb copy(a0r| zoiq 7iaiaiv avzov Kai

today. Pharaoh was provoked to anger [against] his servants, and


he put us under guard in the house of the

ap%i|iaysipoD sjists Kai tov apxiaiT07ioi6v n+ Kai

chief guard ~ both me and the chief baker. And

s(5o|isv svd7tviov ajicpoTspoi sv vdkti |iia sycb Kai

we saw a dream, both in [ night one], I and

avToq sraaTOc; raid to aDTOD svd7tviov s(8o|isv n +

he, each according to his dream saw.

Tjv 8s sksi |is9' r||icbv vsaviaKoc; naiq Eppaioc; tod

And there was there with us a young Hebrew servant of the

apxijiayeipoD Kai 8ir|yr|ad|is0a aDTcb Kai aDVSKpivsv

chief guard. And we described to him, and he interpreted

r\[iiv 13+ syevfj9r| 5s KaGcbq aDVSKpivsv r||iiv odtco Kai

to us. And it came to pass as he interpreted to us, so also

aDvePrj sjis T8 a7TOKaTaaTa0fjvai S7il tt|v ap%f|v |iod

it came to pass, both me being restored to my office,

sksivov 5s KpejiaaGfjvai u + a7ioaTSiA,ac; 8s Oapacb

and that one being hanged. [ having sent And Pharaoh],

SKdXsas tov Icoafjcp Kai s^fjyayov aDTOV arco tod

called for Joseph. And they led him from the

o%Dpcb|iaTOc; Kai s^oprjaav aDTOV Kai r\XXa^av

fortress, and shaved him, and changed

ttjv gtoXt\v aDTOD Kai f|A,08 rcpoc; Oapacb i 5 + si7is 8s

his apparel, and he came to Pharaoh. [ said And

Oapacb rcpoc; Icoafjcp svd7tviov scbpara Kai

Pharaoh] to Joseph, [ a dream I have seen], and

o aDyKpivcov odk screw aDTO sycb 8s aKfjKoa 7isp(

[ not [one] interpreting there is] it. But I have heard concerning

ood XsyovTCOv aKODoavTd as svD7rvia aDyKpivai aDTd

you, saying, In your hearing dreams [you] interpret them.

i6+ a7ioKpi0siq 8s Icoafjcp too Oapacb si7isv dvsD

[ answering And Joseph] to Pharaoh said, Without

tod Gsod odk a7ioKpi6fiasTai to acoTTjpiov Oapacb 17 +

God [ shall not be answered deliverance] to Pharaoh.


41 Xtt

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01 - Genesis
sXdAxjas 8s Oapaob too Iooafjcp Aiyoov sv too D7rvoo jiod

[ spoke And Pharaoh] to Joseph, saying, In my sleep

cb|ir|v eox&amp;vai 7iapd to %sikoq tod 7iOTa|ioD is+ Kai

I imagined standing by the edge of the river. And

oba7isp sk tod 7iOTa|ioD avspaivov S7iTd Pose;

as if from out of the river ascended seven oxen,

KaAm too s(8si Kai SK^SKTai zaiq aap^i Kai

good to the sight and choice in the flesh, and

svsjiovto sv too a%\ 19+ Kai i8od 87iTd Pose; STSpai

they fed at the reed-grass. And behold, [ seven oxen another]

avspaivov O7uaoo (xdtcov sk tod 7iOTa|ioD 7iovr|pai

ascended after them from the river, [in a] sorry state

Kai aiaxpai too s(8si Kai A,S7iTa( xaiq oap^iv oiaq

and shameful to the sight, and thin in the flesh, what thing

odk 8i8ov TOiaDTaq sv 6hr\ yr\ AiyD7iTOD

[I saw not such as] [in [the] entire land of Egypt

aioxpoTepaq 20+ Kai KaTScpayov ai S7iTd Pose;

a shameful [thing]]. And [ate up the seven oxen

ai aiaxpai Kai A,S7iTa( xaq ektcl fioaq xaq npcbxaq

shameful and thin] the seven oxen ~ the first,

Tag Kakaq Kai Tag SK^SKTdc; 21+ Kai siafjXGov sic;

the good and the choice. And they entered into

Tag KoiAiac; aDTcbv Kai od 8id8rjXoi sysvovTO 6ti

their bellies. And it did not [ apparent become] that

eiafjXGov sic; Tag KoiAiac; aDTcbv Kai ai 6\j/sic; aDTcbv

they entered into their bellies. And their appearance

aiaxpai Ka6d Kai rqv ap%f|v s^syspGsk; 8s

[was] shameful, as also in the beginning. And [after] awakening,

SKoi|if|9r|v 22 + Kai s(8ov 7idA.iv sv too D7ivoo jiod Kai

I went [back] to bed. And I saw again in my sleep, even

oba7rsp S7iTd &lt;xcd%Dsc; avs(3aivov sv 7iD0|isvi svi

as if seven ears of corn ascended in [lower branch one],

Kkf\pE\q Kai KaAxri 23+ dAAxnSs S7iTd &lt;xcd%Dsc; A,S7ttoi

full and good. And another seven ears of corn, thin

Kai avs(i6(p0opoi avsqroovTO sxojisvoi aDTobv 24 + Kai

and destroyed by the wind grew up next to them. And

KaTS7iiov 01 S7iTd &lt;xcd%Dsc; oiA,S7ttoi Kai avsjiocpGopoi

[ swallowed down the seven ears of corn thin and destroyed by the wind]

todc; S7iTd &lt;xcd%Dac; todc; KaAxroc; Kai todc; 7ihf\ps\q

the seven [ ears of corn good and full].

si7ia odv Toiq s^rjyrjTaic; Kai odk r|v o a7iayysAloov

I told [it] then to the expositors, and there was no one reporting


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01 - Genesis

jioi ai)i6 25 + Kai 8i7isv Icoafiq) icq Oapacb to svd7tviov

it to me. And Joseph said to Pharaoh, The dream

Oapacb sv screw 6aa o 6s6c; 7rois( s8si^s xco

to Pharaoh is one. As much as God does, he showed [to]

Oapacb 26+ ai S7rcd Pose; aiKalai S7ixd sxrj saxi Kai

Pharaoh. The seven [ oxen good seven years are], and

oi 871X0, axdxDsc; oiKaAxn S7ixd sir) saxi to svd7tviov

the seven [ears of corn good seven years are]; the dream
Oapacb sv son n + Kai ai S7ixd Pose; ai A,S7rxai ai

of Pharaoh is one. And the seven [ oxen thin], the ones

avapaivouaai O7i(aco aDxcbv S7rcd sxrj sail Kai oi

ascending after them, [ seven years are]; and the

S7rcd axd%Dsc; oiA£7rcoi Kai avsjiocpGopoi S7ixd sxrj

seven [ ears of corn thin and destroyed by the wind seven years

screw saovxai S7rcd sxrj Aijiod 28+ to 8s pfjjia o

are] ~ there will be seven years of famine. And the saying which

siprjKa Oapacb 6aa o 6s6c; 7ioisi s5si^s xco Oapacb

I have said to Pharaoh, [ as much God will do] to show [to] Pharaoh.

29+ iSod S7ixd stt] spxsxai SDGrjvia TioXkr\ sv 7idar|

Behold, for seven years there comes [ prosperity great] in all

yr| Aiy67ixoD 3 o+ fj^si 5s S7ixd sxrj Aijiod jisxd

[the] land of Egypt. [ shall come But seven years of famine] after

xatixa Kai S7iiAxjaovxai xrjc; 7ihr\a[iovr\q xrjc; saojisvrjc;

these, and they shall forget the fullness being

sv 6hr\ yr\ Aiy67roD Kai avaXcbasi o Aijioc; xrjv

in all [the] land Egypt, and [ will consume the famine] the

yrjv 31+ Kai odk s7iiyvcoa9fjasxai r| si)9r|via S7ri xrjc;

land. And [ [shall] not be realized the prosperity] in the

yrjq and xod Aijiod xod sctojisvod jisxd xatixa

land because of the famine being after these [things].

xayppoq yap saxai acp68pa 32 + 7ispi 8s xod

[ strong For it will be exceedingly]. And concerning the

SsDxspcbaai xo svD7rviov Oapacb 81c; 6x1

repetition of the dream to Pharaoh twice, [it is] because

aAx|6sc; saxai xo pfjjia xo 7iapd xod Gsod Kai

[ will be true the saying by God], and

xa%Dvs( o Gsoq xod 7ioif|aai aDxo 33 + vdv odv aKs\j/ai

God will hasten to do it. Now then, look about

dv6pco7iov cppovijiov Kai crovsxov Kai Kaxdaxrjaov

[for a] man intelligent and discerning, and place

aDxov S7U yr\q AiyD7ixoD 34+ Kai 7ioir|adxco Oapacb

him over [the] land of Egypt! And let Pharaoh make


41 Xtt

8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

Kai Kaxaaxrjaaxco xo7iap%ac; sm xrjc; yrjc; Kai

and place toparchs over the land. And

a7T07rs|i7rxcoadxcoaav rcdvxa xa yswf||iaxa xr\q yrjc;

let them take a fifth of all the produce of the land

AiyimxoD xcov srcxd sxcbv xrjc; svdr\viaq 35+ Kai

of Egypt of the seven years of prosperity! And

oDvayaysxcoaav rcdvxa xa Ppcojiaxa xcov srcxd sxcbv

let them bring together all the foods [ seven years

xcov sp%o|i8vcov xcov KaAxbv xot3xcov Kai &lt;yova%0fjxco o

coming good of these] ! And let them bring together the

aixoq D7i6 %zipa Oapaco Ppcbjiaxa sv xaic; 7i6A,sai

grain under [the] hand of Pharaoh! foods [ in the cities

cpuXa%0f|xco 36+ Kai saxai xa Ppcojiaxa xa 7is(pi)A,ay|isva

to be guarded]. And [shall be the foods being guarded]

sv XT] yrj sic; xa srcxd sxrj xod Xi[iov a saovxai

for the land in the seven years of the famine, which will be
sv yrj AiyimxoD Kai odk SKxpipfjasxai r| yrj sv xco

in [the] land of Egypt, and [ shall not be obliterated the land] in the

A41C0 37+ fjpsas 8s xo pfjjia svavxiov Oapaco Kai

famine. [ was pleasing And the saying] before Pharaoh, and

svavxiov rcavxcov xcov 7ia(5cov avzov 3 8 + Kai si7is Oapaco

before all his servants. And Pharaoh said

xoic; 7iaia(v ai)xcr6 |ir| supfjaojisv dv6pco7iov xouroxov

[to] his servants, Shall we find [ a man such]

oq s%si 7rvsi3|ia 0soi3 sv ai)xcb 39+ si7is 5s Oapaco

who has spirit of God in him? [ said And Pharaoh]

xco Icoafjtp S7rsi8fj sSsi^sv o Gsoc; aoi rcdvxa xaijxa

to Joseph, Since God showed to you all these [things],

odk saxiv dvBpcorcoc; cppovijicoxspoq Kai auvsxcbxspoc;

there is not a man more intelligent and more discerning

aoi) 40 + ai) sarj srci xco oikco jiod Kai srci

[than] you. You will be over my house, and by

xco axojiaxi ood DrcaKotiasxai naq o Xaoq jiou rcArjv

your mouth [ shall obey all my people]. Except for

xov Gpovov Drcsps^co oou syco 41+ sircs 8s Oapaco

the throne— [ will excel you I]. [said And Pharaoh]

xco Icoafjtp 1801J Ka6(oxr||ii as afjjispov srci rcdarjc; xrjc;

to Joseph, Behold, I place you today over all the

yrjc; Aiyurcxoi) 42 + Kai rcspisXojisvoc; Oapaco xov

land of Egypt. And Pharaoh removing the

SaKxtiAiov arco xrjc; %sipoc; avzov rcspis9r|Ksv ai)xov srci

ring from his hand, put it upon

41 Xtt

8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

xrjv %zipa Icoafjcp Kai evsSuaev ai)i6v axoXfjv

the hand of Joseph. And he put on him [ apparel

Puaaivrjv Kai 7ispi86r|K8 kA,oiov %pvaovv 7i8p(

fine linen], and he put a collar of gold about

xov xp&amp;xrjXov avTOV 43 + Kai avepipaaev avzov S7il

his neck. And he transported him upon

TO &amp;p|ia TO 8£l)TSpOV TCDV aVTOV Kai SKfjpD^SV

[ chariot second his]. And [ proclaimed

8|i7ipoa0sv avTOV Kqpu^ Kai KaTsaTrjaev avzov ecp'

in front of him a herald]. And he placed him over

oAxjc; yrjc; Aiy67iTOD 4 4+ si7ie 8e Oapacb too Icoafjcp

[the] entire land of Egypt. [ said And Pharaoh] to Joseph,

sycb Oapacb dvei) gov odk e^apei odGsic;

I [am] Pharaoh, without you not [ shall lift anyone]

tt|v xsipa ai)TOi3 S7Ti 7idar|c; yr\q AiyfmTOD 45+ Kai

his hand over all [the] land of Egypt. And

eKdleae Oapacb to ovojia Icoafjcp ^ovGojicpavfix Kai

Pharaoh called the name of Joseph, Zaphnath-paaneah. And

sScoksv ai)Tcb ttjv Aasvs0 6i)yaT8pa IIsTScppfj ispscoc;

he gave to him Asenath, daughter of Poti-phera, priest

HAioi)7r6A,£coc; ai)Tcb sic; yuvauca 46 + Icoafjcp 8s rjv

of Heliopolis, to him as a wife. And Joseph was

STcbv TpidKovTa 6t8 sarrj svavriov Oapacb

[ years [old] thirty] when he stood before Pharaoh

PaaiAicoc; AiyfmTOD e^fjXGs 8e Icoafjcp sk 7rpoacb7roi)

king of Egypt. [ went forth And Joseph] from [the] face

Oapacb Kai 8ifjX0e 7idaav yrjv Aiy67iTOU 47+ Kai

of Pharaoh, and went through all [the] land of Egypt. And

£7rorr| asv rj yr| sv TOiq S7iTd STsai Tr\q svdr\viaq

[ produced the land] in the seven years prosperity

SpdyjiaTa 48+ Kai awfjyays 7idvTa Ta PpcbjiaTa tcov

of sheaves. And was brought together all the foods of the

S7iTd 8Tcbv sv 01c; Tjv rj erjGrjvia sv TTj yrj

seven years in which there was prosperity in the land

Aiyf)7iTOD Kai eGrjKs Ta PpcbjiaTa sv zaiq noXzai

of Egypt. And he put the foods in the cities.

PpcbjiaTa tcov 7is8(cov Tr\q noXscoq tcov kdk^co

Foods of the plains of the city of the [places] round about

aDTfjc; 86r|K8v sv afjTTj 49 + Kai auvfjyayev Icoafjcp avrov

it, he put in it. And Joseph gathered together grain

coast ttjv djijiov Tr\q dakaaar\q noXvv acp68pa ecoc;

as the sand of the sea, much exceedingly, until


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odk rj8f)vaxo apiGjifjaai od yap r|v apiBjioc; 5 o+

they were not able to count [it], [ no for there was] number.
tco 5s Icoafjcp sysvovxo dioi 8do 7ipo tod sA£s(v xa

And to Joseph were born [ sons two] before the coming of the

871x6 sxrj xod X\[iov ovq sxsksv aDxco AasvsG T|

seven years of famine, which [ bore to him Asenath], the

0i)ydxr|p Ilsxscppfj ispscoc; HA,ioD7r6A,sco(; 5 i+ SKdXsas 8s

daughter of Poti-phera, priest of Heliopolis. [ called And

Icoafjcp xo ovojia xod 7ipcoxox6KOD Mavaaafj 6xi

Joseph] the name of the first-born, Manasseh, for

87riXa0sa6ai |is S7rovrjasv o Gsoc; rcavxcov

[ me forget made God] all

xcov 7r6vcov jiod Kai 7idvxcov xcov xod 7raxp6c; |IOD 52 +

my miseries, and all of the [things] of my father.

xo 8s ovojia xod SsDxspoD sraXsasv Ecppaiji 6xi

And the name of the second he called, Ephraim, for

rjD^rjas |is o 6s6c; sv yr| xa7csivcbascbc; |iod 53 +

[ increased me God] in [the] land of my humiliation.

7tapfjAi)ov 8s xa S7ixd sxrj xrjc; sDGrjviac; a eysvovxo

And went by the seven years of prosperity, which came to pass

sv xtj yr| AiyD7ixoD 54+ Kai fjp^axo xa S7ixd sxrj

in the land of Egypt. And [ began the seven years

xod Aijiod sp%so9ai Ka6d si7isv Icoafjcp Kai sysvsxo

of famine] to come as Joseph said. And there became

Aijioc; sv 7idar| xrj yrj sv 8s 7idarj xrj yr| AiyD7ixoD

famine in all the earth; but in all the land of Egypt

fjaav dpxoi 55+ Kai S7isivaas 7idaa rj yrj AiyD7ixoD

there were bread loaves. And [hungered all the land of Egypt].

SKpa^s 8s o Xaoq npoq Oapacb 7isp( dpxcov si7is 8s

[ cried out And the people] to Pharaoh for bread loaves. [ said And

Oapacb 7idai xoic; AiyD7ix(oic; 7iopsDsa6s npoq Icoafjcp

Pharaoh] to all the Egyptians, You go to Joseph,

Kai o av si7is djjav 7ioifjaaxs 5 6+ Kai o Xi[i6q rjv

and what ever he says to you, you do! And the famine was

S7U 7rpoacb7iOD 7idar|c; xrjc; yr\q avsco^s 8s Icoafjcp

upon [the] face of all the earth. [ opened And Joseph]

7idvxac; xodc; aixoPoAxbvac; Kai S7icbA,si 7idai xoic;

all the granaries, and sold to all the

AiyD7ix(oi(; 57+ Kai 7idaai ai %copai r\kdov sic;

Egyptians. And all the regions came to

AiyD7ixov ayopd^siv itpoq Icoafjcp S7isKpdxrjas yap o

Egypt to buy from Joseph, [ prevailed for the


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Aijioc; sv 7idar| xrj yr|

famine] in all the earth.

42 a»

i+ i5cbv 8s IaKcbp 6xi saxi aixoi) 7ipdaic; sv Aiyfmxco

[ seeing And Jacob] that there is grain for sale in Egypt,

S17T8 7rpoc; xouq motic; auxof) ivaxi pa0D|is(xs 2+ i5ot3

said to his sons, Why are you lazy? Behold,

(XKfjKoa oil sail avcoq sv Aiyfmxco Kaxdprjxs sksi

I have heard that there is grain in Egypt; go down there

Kai 7ip(aa08 r||iiv jiiKpa ppcbjiaxa (va ^cbjisv Kai

and buy for us a small [amount] of foods! that we should live, and

|ir| a7io6dvco|i8v 3 + KaxsPrjaav 5s oi a8sAxpo( Icoafjtp

not die. [ went down And the brothers of Joseph],

oi 8sra 7ipida0ai aixov s^ Aiy67ixou 4 + xov 8s

the ten, to buy grain from Egypt. But

Beviajjiv xov aSsAxpov Icoafjtp odk a7isaxsiA,s jisxd

Benjamin the brother of Joseph [was] not sent with

xcov aSsAxpco auxof) si7is yap jifj rcoxs aujipfj auxco

his brothers. For he said, Lest at any time should come to pass to him

jiaAxxKia 5 + r\kdov 8s oi moi IapafjA, ayopd^siv jisxd

an infirmity. [ came And the sons of Israel] to buy with

xcov spxojisvcov Tjv yap o X\[ioq sv yrj Xavadv 6+

the [ones] coming; [ was for the famine] in [the] land of Canaan.

Icoafjtp 8s Tjv o dp%cov xrjq yr\q omoq S7rcbA,si 7iavx(

And Joseph was the ruler of the land; he sold to all

xco Axxco xrjc; yr\q sA£6vxsc; 8s oi aSsAxpoi Icoafjtp

the people of the land. [ coming And the brothers of Joseph]

7tpoaeic6vr|aav auxco S7U 7ip6aco7iov S7U xrjv yrjv i +

did obeisance to him upon [their] face upon the ground.

i8cbv 8s Icoafjtp zovq aSsAxpouc; avzov S7isyvco Kai

[ seeing And Joseph] his brothers recognized and

rjAloxpiouxo an' auxcbv Kai sXdAxjasv auxofc; aKAxjpd

alienated himself from them, and he spoke to them hard.

Kai si7rsv aDxoiq 7r60sv fjKaxs oi 8s si7iav sk

And he said to them, From what place have you come? And they said, From out of

yrjc; Xavadv ayopdaai Ppcojiaxa 8 + S7isyvco 8s

[the] land of Canaan, to buy foods. [ recognized And

Icoafjtp xodc; aSsAxpotic; auxof) auxoi 8s odk srcsyvcoaav

Joseph] his brothers, but they did not recognize


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avTOV 9+ Kai S|ivfja0r| Icoafjtp xcov svd7w(cov aDxoD gov

him. And Joseph remembered his dreams, of which

s(8sv avToq Kai sircsv aDxoic; KaxdoK07io( saxs

he himself saw. And he said to them, You are spies

Kaxavofjaai xa (%vr| xrjc; %(bpaq fjKaxs io+oi5s

to study the tracks of the place [in which] you have come. And

si7iav ov%i Kopis oi 7rcu8sc; aoD f|Ai)o|isv 7ip(aa9ai

they said, Not [so], O lord, your servants came to buy

Ppcbjiaxa n+ 7r&amp;vxsc; sajisv moi svoc; av0pcb7roD

foods. We are all sons of one man;

eiprjviKoi sajisv odk siaiv oi 7ia(8sc; gov KaxdaK07ioi n +

we are peaceable. [ are not Your servants] spies.

S17T8 5s aDxoiq odxi oXkd xa (xvrj xrjc; yr\q f|X6sxs

And he said to them, No, but [ the tracks of the land you came

i8siv n + oi 5s si7iav 8co8sKa sajisv oi 7ia(8sc; gov

to see]. And they said, [ twelve We are your servants]

a8sAxpo( sv yr| Xavadv Kai idov o vscbxspoc; r||icbv

brothers in [the] land of Canaan; and behold, our younger [brother]

jisxd xod nazpoq rj|icbv afjjispov o 8s sxspoc; ov%

[is] with our father today, and the other does not

D7idpxsi 14+ S171S 8s aDxofc; Icoafjcp xodxo soxiv o

exist. [said And to them Joseph], This is it that

siprjKa D|i(v Aiycov 6xi KaxdaK07ioi soxs i 5 + sv xodxco

I have said to you, saying that, You are spies. In this

cpavsiaGs vr| xrjv Dyisiav Oapacb od jjt|

you shall appear [exposed], by the health of Pharaoh, noway

s^s^Grjxs svxsdGsv sdv |ir| o aSsAxpoc; djicov

should you go forth from here, if [ should not brother your

o vscbxspoc; sXGrj cb8s i 6 + a7ioaxsiXaxs s£, Djicbv sva

younger] come here. You send [ from you one],

Kai AxxPsxs xov aSsAxpov djicov v[isiq 8s a7idx6r|xs scoc;

and take your brother! But you shall be taken away until

xod cpavspd ysvsaGai xa pfjjiaxa Djicbv si aAxjGsDsxs r|

[ apparent become your sayings], if you be truthful, or

od si 8s (iT| vt| xrjv Dyisiav Oapacb r| |ir|v

not. But if not, by the health of Pharaoh, assuredly

KaxdaK07io( saxs i?+ Kai sGsxo aDxotic; sv cpDA,aKf|

you are spies. And he put them in prison

rjjispac; xpsiq i8+si7is8s aDxofc; xrj rjjispa xr| xpixrj

[days three]. And he said to them [day on the third],

xodxo 7ioif|aaxs Kai ^fjasaGs xov 0s6v yap sycb

You do this and you shall live! [God For I


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cpoPoDjiai 19+8I siprjviKoi saxs aSsAxpoc; djicdv

fear]. If you are peaceable, [ of your brothers

KaxaaxeGfjico sic; sv xrj (pvXaKX] aDxoi 5s Pa8(aaxs

let be held one] in the prison! but you yourselves proceed,

Kai a7raydysxs xov ayopaojiov xrjq aixoSooiaq Djicbv 20 +

and take back the purchase of your provision!

Kai xov aSsAxpov Djicbv xov vscbxspov aydysxs npoq (is

And [ brother your younger you lead] to me!

Kai 7riax£D6fjaovxai xa pfjjiaxa djicov si 8s (ir|

and I will trust your sayings; but if not

a7io9avs(a0s S7iovr|aav 8s odxcdc; 21 + Kai si7isv SKaaxoq

you shall die. And they did so. And said each

7ipoc; xov aSsAxpov aDxoD vai sv ajiapxiaic; yap sajisv

to his brother, Yes, [ in sins for we are]

7isp( xod aSsAxpoD r||icbv 6x1 D7ispsi8o|isv xrjv 6Ai\j/iv

on account of our brother, for we overlooked the affliction

xrjc; yv%r\q aDxoD 6xs KaxsSssxo rjjicbv Kai odk

of his soul when he besought us, and we did not

siarjKODGajisv aDxoD Kai svsksv xodxod S7if|Ai)sv scp'

listen to him, and because of this [ came upon

r|jLxdq T| 0Ai\jnc; aDxrj 22+ a7TOKpi6sic; 8s PoDpfjv si7isv

us this affliction]. [ answering And Reuben] said

aDxoic; odk sAxxAxjaa D|i(v Aiycov |ir| aSiKqorjxs

to them, Did I not speak to you, saying, You should not wrong

xo 7iai8dpiov Kai odk siarjKODaaxs jiod Kai i8od

the lad, and you did not hearken to me? And behold,

xo aijia aDxoD SK^rjxsixai 23 + aDxoi 8s odk fjSsiaav 6x1

his blood is required. And they did not know that

aKODSi Icoafjcp o yap spiirjvsDxfjq avajisaov aDxcbv rjv

Joseph heard, for the translator [between them was].

24 + a7roaxpa(psfc; 8s an' aDxcbv skAxxdcjsv Icoafjcp Kai

And turning from them, Joseph wept. And

7idXiv 7rpoafjAi)s 7ipoc; aDxotic; Kai sircsv aDxoic; Kai

again he came forward to them, and spoke to them. And

slaps xov Edjiscov an aDxcbv Kai s8r|asv aDxov

he took Simeon from them, and he tied him

svavxiov aDxcbv 25+ svsxsiAmo 8s Iooofjcp s[mXr\aai

before them. [ gave charge And Joseph] to fill up

xa ayysia aDxcbv aixoD Kai arcoSoDvai

their containers of grain, and to give back

xo apyDpiov aDxcbv SKdaxco sic; xov adKKov aDxoD Kai

their silver to each in his sackcloth, and


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SoDvai aDioiq S7iiaiTia|i6v sic; rqv o56v Kai sysvfjGrj

to give them provisions for the journey. And it became

aDTok; odtcdc; 2 6+ Kai S7ti0svtsc; tov oitov S7il

to them so. And placing the grain upon

todc; ovovq aDicbv a7if|A,0ov sks(0sv 2 ? + Xvaaq 5s sic;

their donkeys, they went forth from there. [ untying And one]

tov |idpoi7i7rov aDTOD SoDvai xopTdajiaxa xoxq

his bag, to give fodder [to]

ovoiq olvtov od Kazskvaav Kai s(5s tov Ssojiov

his donkeys where they rested, and he saw [ bundle

tod apyDpioD olvtov Kai r|v S7rdvco tod aTOjiaToq

of silver his], for it was upon the mouth

tod |iapai7uroD 28 + Kai si7is xoiq aSsAxpoic; aDTOD

of the bag. And he said to his brothers,

a7is560r| jioi to apyopiov Kai i5od todto sv

[ was given back tome the silver], and behold, this [is] in

too |iapa(7T7rco jiod Kai s^s&lt;xcr| r| Kap5(a aDTcbv Kai

my bag. And it startled their hearts, and

STapd%0r|oav 7ipoc; akhf\kovq XsyovTSc; ti todto

they were disturbed with one another, saying, What [is] this

S7io(r|asv o Gsoc; r\[iiv 29+fjA,0ov5s 7ipoc; IaKcbp

God did to us? And they came to Jacob

tov 7iaTspa aDTcbv sic; yrjv Xavadv Kai a7ifjyysiA,av

their father in [the] land of Canaan. And they reported

aDTcb 7idvTa Ta aDjipdvTa aDTOiq XsyovTsq 30 +

to him all the [things] coming to pass to them, saying,

A,sXdAr|Ksv o dv0p&lt;D7roc; o Kopioc; rr|c; yrjc; 7ipoc;

[ spoke The man the master of the land] to

r\[iaq aicAr|pd Kai s0sto r\[idq sv yvXaKT] coq

us hard, and put us in prison as

KaTaoK07isDOVTacj ttjv yrjv 31+ si7ia|isv 5s aDTcb

spying out the land. And we said to him,

siprjviKoi sajisv odk sojisv KaTdaK07ioi 32 + 5cb5sKa

We are peaceable, we are not spies. Twelve

a5sAxpo( sajisv dioi tod 7iaTp6c; rjjicbv o sic; ov%

brothers we are, sons of our father; the one does not

D7rdp%si o 5s jiiKpoTspoc; jiSTd tod rcaTpoc; r||icbv

exist, and the younger [is] with our father

afjjispov sv yr| Xavadv 33+ si7is 8s r\[dv o

today in [the] land of Canaan. [ said And to us the

dv0pcD7roc; o KDpioc; tt|c; yrjc; sv todtco yvcbaojiai 6ti

man the master of the land], By this I will know that


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eiprjviKoi saxs aSsAxpov djicov dcpsTS sva cb8s jist'

you are peaceable, [ of your brothers you leave one] here with

s|iod tov 8s ayopaajiov Tr\q avcoSoaiac;

me! and the purchase of the provision

tod oikod Djicbv XafiovTsq a7rsA,6sTS 34+ mi aydysxs

for your house having taken, you go forth! And you lead

7ipoc; |i8 tov aSsAxpov Djicbv tov vscbTSpov Kai

to me [ brother your younger] ! and

yvcbaojiai 6ti od KaTdaK07io( saT8 aXX' 6ti

I shall know that [ not spies you are], but that

siprjviKoi seres Kai tov aSsAxpov Djicbv a7io8cbaco D|iiv

you are peaceable, and [ your brother I will give back to you],

Kai ttj yr| s|i7iopsDsa6s 35 + sysvsTO 5s sv

and [ in the land you can trade] ! And it happened in


their emptying their sackcloths, and there was

SK&amp;aTOD o Ssajioc; tod apyDpioD sv tco adKKco aDTcbv

[ in each a bundle of silver] in their sackcloth.

Kai s(8ov todc; SsajioDc; tod apyDpioD aDTcbv aDTOi

And they saw the bundles of their silver to them,

Kai o 7iaTfip aDTcbv Kai scpopf|6r|aav 3 6+ si7is 8s aDToiq

and their father, and they feared. [ said And to them

IaKcbp o 7iaTf|p aDTcbv sjis rjTSKvcbaaTS Icoafjcp odk san

Jacob their father], You are making me childless; Joseph is not,

EDjiscbv od soti Kai tov Bsviajiiv Axj\j/sa0s S7i' s|is

Simeon is not, and will you take Benjamin? Upon me

sysvsTO TaDTa rcdvTa 37+ si7is 8s PoDpfjv tco

[ happened these [things] all]. [ said And Reuben] to

7iaTp( aDTOD Xsycov todc; 8do diod&lt;; jiod arcoKTSivov

his father, saying, The two sons of mine you may kill

sdv |iT| aydyco aDTOV npoq as 80c; aDTOV sic;

if I do not lead him to you. You give him into

ttjv %zipa I^od Kaycb avd^co aDTOV itpoq as 3 s + o 8s

my hand, and I will lead him to you. And

si7rsv od KaTapfjasTai odio^jiod |is6' djicov 6ti

he said, [ shall not go down My son] with you, for

o aSsAxpoc; aDTOD arcsBavs Kai avzoq [iovoq

his brother died, and he alone

KaTaXs^suiTai Kai aDjipfjasTai aDTOV

is left behind. And [suppose] it shall come to pass [that] he

jiaAxxKiaGfjvai sv tt| o8cb r| av 7iopsDar|6s Kai

be infirm in the way which ever you go, and

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Kaxd^sxs (iod to yfjpaq jisxd A,T37ir|g sic; d8oi)

you will lead me in old age with distress into Hades.

43 a»

i+ o 8s Aijioc; sv(a%i)asv S7U xrjc; yr\q 2 + sysvsxo 5s

But the famine grew in strength upon the land. And it came to pass

rjviKa aDvsxsXsaav Kaxacpaysiv xov aixov ov

when they completed eating up the grain which

fjveyKav s^ Aiy67rxoi) Kai sircsv auxoic; o 7iaxf|p ai)xcbv

they brought from Egypt, that [ said to them their father],

7idXiv 7ropsi)0svxsc; 7tpida0s r\[iiv jiiKpd Ppcbjiaxa 3 +

In again going, you buy us a small [amount] of foods!

S17T8 5s ai)xcb Ioi38ac; Aiycov 8ia|iapxi)p(a

[ said And to him Judah], saying, [ bore witness

|is|iapxT3pr|xai r\[iiv o dv0pco7roc; o Kopioc; xrjc; yr\q

by testifying to us The man], the master of the land,

Aiycov odk 6\j/sa0s xo 7rp6aco7i6v jiod sdv |ir|

saying, You shall not see my face if [ should not

o aSsAxpoc; djicov ovscbxspoc; |is0' Djicbv sXGrj 4 + si

brother your younger with you come]. If

jisv odv aftoaxsAAriq xov aSsAxpov r\[i(bv |is0' rijicbv

then, you send our brother with us,

KaxaPrjaojisGa Kai ayopdaojisv aoi Ppcbjiaxa 5 +

we will go down, and we will buy foods for you.

si8s|ir| a7ioaxsAAx|c; xov aSsAxpov rjjicbv |is0' rjjicbv

But if you do not send our brother with us,

od 7iop8i)a6|is6a o yap dv0pco7ioc; sircsv r\[iiv

we will not go, for the man said to us,

Aiycov odk 6\j/sa0s jiod xo 7ip6aco7rov sdv [ir\

saying, You shall not see my face if [ should not

o aSsAxpoc; Djicbv ovscbxspoc; |is0' djicov rj 6 + si7is 8s

brother your younger with you be]. [ said And

IapafjX xi SKaK07ioif|aaxs |is avayysdavxsc; xco

Israel], Why did you do evil [to] me announcing to the

av0pcb7rco 6x1 saxiv djiiv aSsAxpoc; 7+ 01 8s si7iav

man that there is to you a brother? And they said,

spcoxcbv S7ir|pcbxr|osv r\[iaq o dv0pco7ioc; Kai

In asking, [ asked of us the man] and

xrjv ysvsdv rjjicbv Aiycov si sxi o 7iaxf|p djicov Qt\ Kai

our family, saying, Does [ still our father] live, and

si saxiv djiiv aSsAxpoc; Kai a7rr|yys(Xa|isv ai)xcb

if there is to us a brother. And we reported to him


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Kaid XT|V 87T8pC0Tr|aiV Xat)XT|V |IT| 8l80|I8V Oil

according to this questioning. We did not know that

spsi r\[dv aydysxs xov aSeAxpov ujicbv 8 + ei7re 8e

he would say to us, You bring your brother! [ said And

Ioi)8ac; npoq IapafjA, xov rcaxepa ai)xoi3 a7i6axeiAx)v xo

Judah] to Israel his father, You send the

7iai8dpiov |i8x' 8(iot3 Kai avaaxdvxec; 7ropei)a6|ie0a

lad with me, and rising up let us go,

iva Cfb[isv Kai |ir| a7io0dvco|i8v Kai r\[isiq Kai au

that we may live and not die, and we and you

Kai T| a7roaK8i)f| rjjicbv 9 + eycb eK8e%o|iai auxov sk

and our belongings. I will look out for him. [ from out of

%eipoc; |iod ^fjxrjaov auxov sdv |ir| aydyco auxov

my hand You seek him]. If I do not lead him

7ipoc; ae Kai axfjaoo ai)xov evavxiov aou

to you, and set him before you,

rj|iapxr|Kcbc; eaojiai siq ae naaaq xaq rjiiepaq io+ si

I will be sinning against you all the days. [ if

|ir| yap ePpa8uva|iev fj8r| av U7ieaxpe\j/a|iev 8iq u +

not For we slowed], already even we should have returned twice.

81718 8s auxoiq IapafjA, o 7iaxfjp ai)xcbv 8i ouxooc; eoxi

[ said And to them Israel their father], If so it is,

xouxo 7toifjaaxe AxxPexe anb xcov Kap7icbv xrjc; yrjc; sv

this you do! You take from the fruits of the earth in

xoic; ayyeioic; ujicbv Kai Kaxaydyexe xco av0pcb7i;co 8cbpa

your containers, and bring to the man gifts

xrjc; prjxivrjc; Kai xou (isXixoq Kai 0u|i(a|ia Kai axdKxrjv

of balm, and of honey, and incense, and balsam,

Kai xepepiv0ov Kai Kdpua n + Kai xo apyupiov 8iaa6v

and turpentine, and walnuts! And [ silver double

AxxPexe sv xaic; %epaiv ujicbv Kai xo apyupiov

you take] in your hands. And the silver

xo a7ioaxpaq)8v sv xoic; |iapai7uroic; ujicbv a7ioaxpe\j/axe

being returned in your bags, return it

|is0' ujicbv \xt\ 7TOXS ayv6r||id soxi n + Kai

with you, perhaps it is by ignorance! And

xov aSeAxpov ujicbv AxxPexe Kai avaaxdvxec; Kaxdprjxe

[ your brother you take], and rising go down

7tpoc; xov dv0pco7iov u+ o 8e 0e6c; jiou 8cbr| u|i(v

to the man! And my God give to you

Xdpiv evavxiov xod av0pcb7roi) Kai a7ioaxe(Am

favor before the man, even to send


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01 - Genesis

xov aSsAxpov djicov xov sva Kai xov Bsviajiiv

your brother, the [other] one, and Benjamin.

sycb |i8v yap Ka0d7isp rjxsicvco|iai rjxsKvcojiai 15 +

[ I indeed For as much as] have been made childless, I have been made childless.

XafiovTzq 8s oi dvSpsc; xa 8cbpa xatixa Kai xo

[ receiving And the men] these gifts, and the

apyopiov 8utA,odv skafiov sv xaic; %spaiv aDxcbv Kai

[ silver double] they took in their hands, and

xov Bsviajiiv Kai avaaxdvxsc; KaxsPrjaav sic; Aiyimxov

Benjamin, and rising up they went down into Egypt,

Kai saxrjaav svavxiov Icoafjcp i 6 + s(8s 5s Icoafjcp

and stood before Joseph. [ saw And Joseph]

aDxotic; Kai xov Beviajjiv xov aSsAxpov aDxof) xov

them, and Benjamin his brother, the one

0|IO|lfjXpiOV Kai S17TS XCO 8711 XTjCJ oudac; aDxof)

born of the same mother. And he said to the [one] over his house,

siadyays xodc; av0pcb7roDc; sic; xrjv oiKiav Kai acpd^ov

Bring the men into the house, and slay

0D|iaxa Kai sxoijiaaov jisx' sjiod yap

the things offered for sacrifices, and prepare! [with me for

cpdyovxai oi dv0pco7roi dpxoDc; xrjv |isarj|iPpiav n +

will eat the men] bread loaves at midday.

S7ro(r|a£ 8s o dv0pco7ioc; Ka0d sitcsv Icoafjcp Kai

[ did And the man] as Joseph said. And

eiafjyays xodc; av0pcb7roDc; sic; xov oikov Icoafjcp i 8 +

he brought the men into the house of Joseph.

iSovxsq 8s oi dvSpsq 6xi siafj%0rjaav sic; xov oikov

[ seeing And the men] that they were brought into the house

Icoafjcp 8i7iav 8id xo apytipiov xo a7ioaxpacpsv sv

of Joseph, said, On account of the silver returned in

xoic; |iapa(7T7roic; rjjicbv xrjv ap%fjv rj|is(c; siaay6|is0a

our bags in the beginning we are brought in —

xod ai)Kocpavxfjaai r|jLxdq Kai S7U0sa0ai rjjiiv

to extort us, and to place [charge] upon us,

xod Xafiziv r\[iaq sic; naidaq Kai xodc; ovodc; rjjicbv 19 +

to take us as servants, and our donkeys.

7ipoasA,06vxsc; 8s rcpoc; xov dv0pco7iov xov S7ri xod

And coming forward to the man, the [one] over the

oikod xod Icoafjcp sAxxArjaav aDxcb sv xco 7tdAxovi xod

house of Joseph, they spoke to him in the vestibule of the

OIKOD 20 + Aiyovxsc; 8s6|is0a KDpis KaxsPrjjisv xrjv

house, saying, We beseech you, O master, we went down in the


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apxfjv 7ip(aa0ai Ppcbjiaxa 21 + sysvsxo 8s rjviKa

beginning to buy foods, and it happened when

fjXGojiev sic; to KaxaAtioai Kai rjvoi^ajisv

we came to rest up, and we opened

xodc; |iapai7uroDc; r||icbv Kai x68s to apytipiov

our bags, that thus, the silver

sk&amp;cttod sv tco |iapo(7T7rco avTOV to apytipiov r||icbv sv

[was] in each of his bag. [ our silver with

axaGjicb a7isaxps\j/a|isv vdv sv xaic; %spaiv rjjicbv 22+

[the] weight We returned now] in our hands,

Kai apyopiov sxspov rjvsyKajisv |is0' sauxcbv

and [ silver other we brought] with ourselves

ayopdaai Ppcbjiaxa odk o(8ajisv xic; svspa^s xo

to buy foods, we do not know who put the

apyopiov sic; xodc; |iapai7uroDc; rjjicbv 23+ si7is 8s aDxoiq

silver in our bags. And he said to them,

ikscoq v[dv jirj cpops(a0s o 0s6c; Djicbv Kai o 0s6c;

Kindness [be] to you, do not fear. Your God, and the God

xcov 7iaxspcov djicov sScoksv Djiiv 0r|aaupoi)c; sv

of your fathers gave to you treasures in

xoic; |iapai7uroic; ujicbv Kai xo apytipiov ujicbv

your bags, and your silver

sd8oki|iot3v a7is%CG Kai s^fjyays 7ipoc; auxotic;

in approving I receive. And he led out to them

xovSijiscbv 24+ Kai fjvsyKsv i38cop vuj/ai

Simeon. And he brought water to wash

xodc; 7i68ac; auxcbv Kai s8coks %opxaa|iaxa xoic;

their feet. And he gave fodder [to]

ovoiq auxcbv 25 + r|xo(|iaaav 8s xa 8cbpa scoq xod sX0siv

their donkeys. And they prepared the gifts until [ came

sic; Iooafjcp |isar||iPpiac; fpcouaavyap 6x1 sksi jisAIsi

at Joseph] midday. For they heard that [ there he was about

apiaxdv 26+ siafjA,6s 8s Iooafjcp sic; xrjv oiKiav Kai

to dine]. [ entered And Joseph] into the house, and

7ipoafjvsyKav auxcb xa 8cbpa a si%ov sv

they brought to him the gifts which they had in

xaic; %spaiv auxcbv sic; xov oikov Kai 7ipoasKuvr|aav

their hands, into the house. And they did obeisance

ai)xcb S7U 7ip6oco7rov S7U xrjv yrjv 27+ r|pcbxr|as 8s

to him upon [their] face upon the ground. And he asked

auxotic; iictiq s%sxs Kai si7isv auxoic; si uyiaivsi

them, How have you [been]? And he said to them, Is [ in health


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01 - Genesis

o 7iaTf|p Djicbv o 7ipsaPi)Tr|c; ov sircaxs sxi ^r| 2 8 +

your father], the old man whom you spoke of? Still he lives?

01 8s 8i7iav Dyiaivsi o naiq gov o 7iaxf|p rjjicbv sxi ^r|

And they said, He is in health — your servant our father, still lives.

Kai S17T8V siAoyrjxoc; o &amp;v6p&lt;j07toc; sksivoc; too 6scb Kai

And he said, Blessed be that man by God. And

KTjij/avxeq 7ipoa£Kwr|oav auxcb 29 + avapXsyac; 5s

bowing they did obeisance to him. And looking up with

xoic; ocpGaXjiok; avzov s(8s Bsviajiiv xov aSsAxpov avzov

his eyes, he saw Benjamin his brother,

xov o|io(if|Tpiov Kai 817T8V ovToq o aSsAxpoc; ujicbv o

the one born of the same mother. And he said, This [is] your brother the

vscbxspoc; ov sircaxs 7ipoc; |is ayaysiv Kai sitcsv

younger whom you spoke to me of bringing? And he said,

o Bsoc; sXsfjaai as xskvov 30 + sxapdxOrj 5s Iooafjcp

God show mercy to you child. [ was disturbed And Joseph].

(xovsaxpstpsxo yap xa svxspa avzov sm

[ contracted For his innards] over

xco aSsAxpcb avzov Kai e^fjxsi Klatioai siasA£cbv 5s

his brother, and he was seeking to weep, and he entered

sic; xo xajisiov SK^auasv sksi 31+ Kai vuj/djievoc;

into the storeroom to weep there. And he washed

xo 7ip6aco7rov s^sABcbv svsKpaxsuaaxo Kai si7is

[his] face, [and] coming forth he controlled himself, and said,

7iapd0sxs dpxoDc; 32+ Kai 7iaps0r|Kav auxcb jiovco

You place [the] bread loaves. And they placed [a setting] to him alone,

Kai auxoicj Ka0' sauxouc; Kai xoic; AiyD7ix(oi(;

and to them by themselves, and to the Egyptians

xoic; &lt;7Dv8suwoi)oi jisx' avTOV Ka6' sauxouc; od

dining with them by themselves, [ [were] not

yap eSwavxo 01 Aiyimxioi auvsaGisiv jisxd xcov

for able the Egyptians] to eat [ with the

EPpaicov dpxoDc; p8sA,Dy|ia yap saxi xoic; AiyD7ix(oi(;

Hebrews bread loaves], [ an abomination for it is] to the Egyptians.

33 + SKdGiaav Se svavxiov avzov o 7ipcox6xoKoc; Kaxd

And he seated before himself the first-born according to

xa rcpsaPsia avzov Kai o vscbxspoc; Kaxd xrjv

their seniority, and the younger according [to]

vsoxrjxa avTOV s^iaxavxo 8s 01 dv6pco7ioi SKaoxoq

his youth. [ were looking amazed And the men each]

7ipoc; xov aSsAxpov avzov 34 fjpavSs |isp(8ac; 7iap'

at his brother. And they lifted away [the] portions from


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01 - Genesis

avTOV npoq avzovq s|isyaA,Dv9r| 8s r| jispic; Bsviajiiv

him to them. [ was magnified And the portion of Benjamin]

7iapd xaq |isp(8ac; 7idvTC0v 7isvTa7i;A,aaicoc; npoq

over the portions of all — five-fold over

zaq sksivcov S7iiov 8s Kai sjisGtiaGrjaav jist' avzov

those. And they drank and became intoxicated with him.

44 773

i + Kai svsTSiAmo Icoafjcp tco S7U Tr\q oiKiaq aDTOD

And Joseph gave charge to the one over his house,

Aiycov 7rAxjaaT£ todc; |iapai7r7roi)(; tcov av0pcb7icov

saying, Fill the bags of the men

PpcojidTCOv 6aa av 8DvcovTai dpai Kai sjipd^STS

[with] foods, as much as they are able to lift away. And put

SKdaxoi) to apyopiov S7ri tod otojkxtoc; tod

in each the silver at the mouth of the

|iapai7r7ioD 2 + Kai to kov8d jiod to apyopoDV sjipdlsTS

bag. And [ drinking cup my silver] put

sic; tov |iapa(7i7rov tod vscoTspoD Kai ttjv Tijifjv

into the bag of the younger, and the value

tod aiTOD aDTOD sysvfjGrj 8s KaTd to pfjjia Icoafjcp

of his grain. And it happened according to the word of Joseph,

KaGcbq si7is 3+ T07ipcoi SiscpaDas Kai oi dv9pco7ioi

as he said. In the morning light shone through, and the men

a7rs&lt;ycdAr|aav aDTOi Kai oiovoiaDTcbv 4 + s^sABovtcov

were sent, they and their donkeys. [ going forth from

8s aDTcbv ttjv 7i6A.iv odk a7rsa%ov jiaKpdv Kai

And their] the city, not [ distance [at a] far], and

Icoafjcp si7is too S7U TTjcj oudac; aDTOD avaaTdq

Joseph said to the [one] over his house, In rising up,

S7Ti8(co^ov O7iiaco tcov av6pcb7rcov Kai KaTaAfj\j/rj

pursue after the men, and you shall overtake

aDTODc; Kai spsk; aDTOic; ti 6ti avTa7is8cbKaTS

them! And you shall say to them, For what reason did you recompense

7iovr|pd avTi Ka^cbv ivan SKAs\j/aTS jiod to kov8d

bad for good? Why did you steal my [ drinking cup


silver]? [ not Is this] in which [ drinks my master]?

avToq 8s oicoviajicb oicovi^STai sv aDTcb 7iovrjpd

And he [ an omen foretells] by it? [ [the] wicked [things]

oDVSTsAiaaaGs a 7iS7i;oifjKaTS 6 + SDpcbv 8s aDTODc;

You completed] which you have done. And having found them,


44 7tt


01 - Genesis

817T8V aDxofo; Kaxd xa pfjjiaxa xatixa 7+01 8s ei7iav

he said to them according to these words. And they said

aDxco ivaxi XaXsi o Kopioc; Kaxd xa pfjjiaxa xatixa

to him, Why speaks the master in these words?

|xq ysvoixo xoic; naiai gov 7ioif|aai Kaxd

May it not be for your servants to do according to

xo pfjjia xodxo 8+8i xo jiev apytipiov o stipojiev sv

this word; since the silver which we found in

xoic; |iapai7uroic; r)|icov a7ieaxps\j/a|iev npoq as sk yr\q

our bags we returned to you from [the] land

Xavadv 7icoc; av KAiyaijisv 8K xod oikod

of Canaan. How then would we steal from out of the house

xod Kupioi) aoi) apyopiov r| ypvaiov 9+ 7iap' 00 av

of your master silver or gold? By whom ever

supsGfj xo kov8d xcov 7ia(8cov ctod a7io0vr|aKexco Kai

[ should be found the drinking cup] of your servants, let him die. [ also

r\[isiq 8s saojisBa naidsq xco KDpico djicov 10+088

we And] will be servants to your master! And

S17T8 Kai vdv coc; Aiysxs odxcoc; eoxai 7iap' go av

he said, And now as you say, so it will be. By whom ever

supeGfj xo kov8d eaxai jiod naiq Djiefc; 8e eosaBe

[ should be found the drinking cup], will be my servant, and you all shall be

KaBapoi 11+ Kai ea7isDaav Kai KaGeiAxxv SKaaxoq

pure. And they hastened, and [ lowered each]

xov |iapai7i7iov ovtov em xrjv yrjv Kai fjvoi^av

his bag upon the ground, and [ opened

SKaaxoq xov (iapai7i7rov ai)xoi3 12+ rjpswqae 8s anb xod

each] his bag. And he searched [ from the

7ipeaPDX8poD ap^djisvoc; scoc; fj^Gsv em xov vecbxepov

older beginning] until he came to the younger.

Kai stipe xo kov8d sv xco |iapai7i7rco xod Bsviajiiv 13 +

And he found the drinking cup in the bag of Benjamin.

Kai 8isppr|^av xa ijidxia aDxcbv Kai 87is6r|Kav eraaxoc;

And they tore their cloaks, and [ placed each]

xov |iapai7T7rov aDxoD S7U xov ovov aDxoD Kai

his bag upon his donkey, and

S7i8axp8\j/av sic; xrjv 7i6A.iv i 4 + siafjABs 8s IotiSac; Kai

returned to the city. [ entered And Judah] and

01 a8sAxpo( aDxoD 7ipoc; Icoafjtp sxi aDxoD ovxoc; sksi

his brothers to Joseph, while he [was] there.

Kai S7i8aav svavxiov aDxoD sjii xrjv yrjv 15+ si7i8 8s

And they fell before him upon the ground. [ said And

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01 - Genesis

auxoic; Icoafjcp xi to 7ipdy|ia xotixo S7roif|Gax£ odk

to them Joseph], What [is] this you did? Did you not

o(8axe on oicoviajicb oicovisixai o dv0pco7roc; oioq sycb

know that [an omen shall foretell a man such as I]?

i6+ S17T8 5s Ioi38ac; xi avxepotijisv xco KDpico r| xi

[ said And Judah], How shall we contradict the master, or what

Xakr\ao[isv r\ xi SiKaioaGcojisv o dsoq 8s sups xrjv

shall we speak, or how shall we be justified? For God found the

aSiKiav xcov 7iai8cov gov idov eajisv oucsxai xco

injustice of your servants. Behold, we are servants to

KDpico rjjicbv kcu r\[isiq Kai 7iap' co SDpeGrj xo

our master, both we and by whom was found [with] the

kov8d n+ S17T8 8s Icoofiq) jirj jioiyevoixo 7roifjaai

drinking cup. [said And Joseph], Let it not be to me to do

xo pfjjicx xotjxo o dv6pco7i;oc; 7iap' co supsGrj xo

this thing. The man by whom was found [with] the

kov8d avzoq saxai jiod itaiq v[isiq 8s avdprjxe jiexd

drinking cup, he will be my servant. But you all ascend with

acoxrjpiaq 7ipoc; xov rcaxspa ujicov i8+ eyyiaac; 8s auxco

safety to your father. And approaching to him,

Ioi38ac; 8i7is Ssojiai ic6pi8 XaArjaaxco o naiq gov

Judah said, I beseech O lord, let [ speak your servant]

svavxiov gov Kai |ir| 0D|ico0f|c; xco 7rai8iaoi) 6xi gv

before you, and [be] not enraged [with] your servant, for you

si jiexd Oapaco 19+ Kupie gv rjpcoxrjaaq

are after Pharaoh! O lord you asked

xodc; 7ra(8dc; gov Aiycov si s^sxs rcaxspa rj aSeAxpov

your servants, saying, [ you Have] a father or brother?

20+ kcxi si7ia|isv xco KDpico saxiv r\[iiv 7iaxf|p

And we said to the master, There is to us a father,

7ipeaPi)xepoc; Kai 7iai8iov yr\povq vecoxspov auxco Kai

an older man, and [ child old age a younger in his], and

0 aSeAxpoc; avzov a7ie0av£v avzoq 8s [iovoq V7isksi(pdr\

his brother died, and he alone was left behind

xtj jirjxpi avzov o 8s 7iaxf|p avzov rjyd7ir|asv 21 + srnaq 8s

of his mother, and [his] father loved him. And you said

xoic; 7iaia( gov Kaxaydysxs avxov npoq jie Kai

to your servants, Lead him to me! and

87ii|ieAxy6|iai avzov 22+ Kai si7ia|iev xco KDpico

1 will care for him. And we said to the master,

od Swqasxai xo 7iai8(ov KaxaA,ure(v xov rcaxspa avzov

[ is not able The child] to leave his father;


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sdv 8s KaTaXi7ir| xov rcaxspa a7io9avs(xai 23 + &lt;xu 5s

and if he should leave [his] father, he will die. And you

sbiaq xoic; 7iaiai ctod sdv |ir| Kaxapfj o aSsAxpoc;

said [to] your servants, If [ [does] not go down brother

djicov ovscbxspoc; |is0' djicdv od 7ipoa6f|asa6s

Your younger] with you, you shall not proceed

i8s(v to 7ip6aco7r6v jiod 2 4+sysvsxo8s rjviKa avsprjjisv

to see my face. And it happened when we ascended

7ipoc; xov 7ia(8d ctod rcaxspa r||icbv a7rr|yys(A,a|isv aDxcb

to your servant our father, we reported to him

xa pfjjiaxa xod KDpiOD r)|icbv 25+ si7is 8s o 7iaxf|p t||icdv

the words of our master. [said And our father],

Pa8(aaxs 7idA.iv Kai ayopdoaxs tjiiiv jiiKpd

Proceed again, and buy for us a small [amount]

Ppcbjiaxa 26+ rjiisiq 8s si7ia|isv od 8i)vr|a6|is6a

of foods! And we said, We will not be able

Kaxapfjvai aXk r si |isv o aSsAxpoc; r||icbv o vscbxspoq

to go down; but if then [ brother our younger]

KaxaPaivsi |is6' rjjicbv KaxaPr|a6|is6a od yap

goes down with us, we will go down; for not

8i)vr|a6|is6a i8s(v xo 7ip6aco7i;ov xod av6pcb7roD

will we be able to see the face of the man,

xod (xSsAxpot) r\[i(bv xod vscoxspoD jlxti ovToq |is0'

[ brother our younger if] [is] not being with

rjjicbv 27+ si7rs 8s o 7iaxf|p r||icbv o itaiq aoD itpoq r\[iaq

us. [ said And our father your servant] to us,

Djisfc; yivcbaKsxs 6x1 8do sxsks jioi r| yDvfj 2 s+ Kai

You know that [ two bore to me my wife]; and

s^fjXGsv o sic; an sjiod Kai si7iaxs 6x1 GrjpioPpcoxoc;

[ went forth the one] from me, and you said that, [ devoured by wild beasts

ysyovs Kai odk (8ov aDxov d%pi vdv 29 + sdv odv

He was]. And I did not see him as far as now. If then

AxxPrjxs Kai xodxov sk xod 7ipoaco7roD (iod Kai aDjipfj

you should take also this [one] from my face, and comes to pass

aDxcb jiaXaKia sv xr| o8cb Kai Kaxd^sxs jiod

to him an infirmity in the way, then [know that] you will lead me

xoyfjpac; jisxd Xvni^q sic; d8oD 30+ vdv odv sdv

in old age with distress into Hades. Now then, if

sia7iopsDco|iai sic; xov 7ia(8d aoD 7iaxspa 8s r\[i(bv Kai

I should enter to your servant [ father and our], and

xo 7iai8(ov |ir| T| |is6' r||icbv r| 8s yv%r\ aDxoD

the child should not be with us, then [know] his life


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8KKps|iaxai 8K xriqioDTOD xj/i^x 1 !^ 31+Kai scxuai sv

depends on this one's life. And it will be in

too i5s(v avTOV [ir\ ov to 7iai8(ov |ie0' rjjicbv

his seeing [ not being the child] with us,

TS^SDifjaei Kai Kaxd^oDaiv 01 naidzq gov to yfjpac;

he will come to an end, and [ will lead your servants] [to] old age

tod 7iai86c; ciod nazpoq 8e rjjicbv jiSTd h)7ir[q sic;

your servant [ father and our] with distress into

&amp;8od 32+0 yap 7iaic; cjod SK8s8sKTai to 7iai8(ov 7iapd

Hades. For your servant has looked out for the child for

tod 7raTp6c; jiod Xsyoov sdv [ir\ aydyco ocdtov npoq

my father, saying, If I do not lead him to

os rjiiapTrjKcbc; eoojiai npoq tov 7iaTspa naoaq xaq

you, [ sinning I will be] against [my] father all the

rjjispac; 33+ vdv odv 7iapa|ievcb aoi naiq avri tod

days. Now then, I will remain to you [as a] servant instead of the

7iai8lOD OlKSTrjq TOD KDpiOD |IOD TO 8s 7iai8lOV

child, [as a] domestic servant of my master. But let the child

avapfjTCD |i£Td tg&gt;v aSsAxpcbv aDTOD 34+ 7icoc; yap

ascend with his brothers. For how

avapfjaojiai npoq tov 7iaTspa tod 7iai8(oD |ir| ovxoq

shall I ascend to the father of the child not being

|is0' r\[i(bv iva |ir| (8cd Ta KaKd a SDpfjasi

with us, that I should not see the bad [things] which will find

tov 7iaTspa |IOD

my father?

45 n»

1+ Kai odk r|8DvaTO Icoafiq) ave%£a0ai 7idvTC0v tcov

And [ [was] not able Joseph] to withhold of all the [ones]

7iapeaTr|K6TCDV aDTcb aXk' sitcsv s^a7roaTSiAms rcavTac;

standing beside him. But he said, Send all

an 8|iod Kai od 7iapf|aTr|Ksi odSsic; too Iooafjcp rjviKa

from me! And [ stood beside no one] Joseph when

aveyvcopi^STO toic; aSeAxpoic; aDTOD 2 + Kai acpfjKe

he made himself known to his brothers. And he let go

cpcovfiv jiSTd KlaD0|ioD fjKODaav 8e navTEq 01

with a voice of weeping. [ heard And all the

AiyD7iTioi Kai aKODOTOV sysvsTO eic; tov oikov

Egyptians], and [audible it became] into the house

Oapacb 3+S1718 8s Icoafjcp npoq todc; aSelcpoDc; aDTOD

of Pharaoh. [said And Joseph] to his brothers,


45 na

ev tootco + viKa

01 - Genesis

sycb 8i(ii Iooafjcp sxi o 7iaxfjp jiod Qt\ Kai odk

I am Joseph, [ still father [does] my] live? And [ [were] not

r|5i)vavTO oi a8eAxpo( a7TOKpi6fjvai aDxcb

able the brothers] to respond to him,

sxapd%0r|oav yap 4 + 8i7is 8s Icoafiq) npoq

for they were disturbed. [ said And Joseph] to

xodc; aSsAxpoDc; aDxoD syyiaaxs itpoq |is Kai fjyyiaav

his brothers, Approach to me! And they approached.

Kai S17T8V sycb sijii Icoafjcp o aSsAxpoc; djicov ov

And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom

a7isSoa0s sic; AiyD7ixov 5+ vdv odv |ir| A,D7is(a0s |ir|8s

you delivered into Egypt. Now then do not fret, nor

oKAxjpov djiiv (pavfjxcD on a7is8oa6s |is cb8s sic; yap

[ hard to you let it appear] that you delivered me here; [ for for

^oofjv arcsaxsiXs |is o 0s6c; S|i7ipoa0sv djicov 6+

life sent me God] in front of you.

xodxo yap SsDxspov sxoc; X\[ioq S7ri xrjc; yrjc; Kai sxi

For this second year a famine [is] upon the earth, and still

Ax)urd 7TSVT8 sxrj sv 01c; odk saxiv apoxpiaaic; od8s

remaining [are] five years in which there is no plowing nor

ajirjxoc; 7+ a7isaxsiXs yap |is o 0s6q S|i7ipoa0sv djicov

harvest. [ sent For me God] in front of you,

D7roA,8i7isa0ai D|i(v KaxdA,si|i|ia S7U xrjc; yr\q Kai

[that there may] be left to you a vestige upon the earth, and

SK0ps\j/ai D|i(v KaxdXsnj/iv jisydArjv 8 + vdv odv

to nourish to you [remnant a great]. Now then,

od% djisic; |is a7isaxdA,Kaxs cb8s aXX' o 0s6c; Kai

you did not send me here, but God. And

£7rovr|G8 |is coc; rcaxspa Oapacb Kai KDpiov 7tavx6c;

he made me as father to Pharaoh, and master of all

tod oikod aDTOD Kai dp%ovxa 7idar|c; yrjc; AiyD7ixoD 9 +

his house, and ruler of all [the] land of Egypt.

o7TSDaavTSc; odv avdprjxs itpoq xov rcaxspa jiod Kai

Hastening then, you ascend to my father and

8i7iaxs aDxcb xd8s Xsysi o vioq aoD Icoafjcp s7io(r|as

say to him! Thus says your son Joseph. [ made

|is o 0s6c; KDpiov 7idar|c; xrjc; yr\q AiyfrnxoD Kaxdpr|0i

me God] master of all the land of Egypt. Comedown

odv 7ipoc; |is Kai |ir| (isivrjq 10+ Kai KaxoiKqasic;

then to me! and you should not wait. And you shall dwell

sv yr| Tsasji Kai ear) syytic; jiod av Kai

in [the] land of Goshen, and you will be near me, you and


45 na

01 - Genesis

01 dioi aoD Kai oi dioi tcov mcbv aoD xa 7rp6paxd aoD

your sons, and the sons of your sons, your sheep

Kai oi Pose; aoi) Kai 6aa aoi sail u+ Kai SK0ps\j/co

and your oxen, and as much as is yours. And I will nourish

as sksi STiyap 7tsvts 8tt| Xi[i6q iva |ir|

you there. For [there is] still five years of famine; that you shall not

SKipipfjc; au Kai oi dioi aoi) Kai 7rdvxa

be obliterated — you and your sons, and all

xa D7idp%ovTa aoi) n+ i5od oi ocpGaXjioi djicov pA,S7ioDai

your possessions. Behold, your eyes see,

Kai oi ocpGaXjioi Bsviajjiv tod aSsAxpoD jiod 6ti

and the eyes [ Benjamin of my brother] that

to aTOjia jiod to Xakovv npoq Djidc; n + a7iayys(A,aTS

my mouth [is] speaking to you. Report

odv too 7iaTpi |iod 7idaav tt|v 56^av jiod tt|v sv

then [to] my father all my glory in

AiyD7iTC0 Kai 6aa s(5sts Kai Ta%DvavTSc; KaTaydysTS

Egypt, and as much as you saw! And hastening, bring down

tov 7iaTspa jiod cb8s u + Kai S7ri7isacbv mi tov

my father here! And falling upon the

Tpd%r|Ax)v Bsviajiiv tod a8sAxpoD aDTOD SK^aDasv S7i'

neck of Benjamin his brother, he weep ed upon

aDTcb Kai Bsviajiiv SK^aDasv sm tco TpaxfjAxo aDTOD

him. And Benjamin weeped upon his neck.

15+ Kai KaTaqnXfjaac; 7idvTac; todc; a5sXtpoDc; aDTOD

And kissing all his brothers,

SK^aDasv 87i ' aDTOiq Kai jiSTd TaDTa sldArjaav

he wept on them. And after these [things] [ spoke

oi a8sAxpo( aDTOD 7ipoc; aDTOV i 6 + Kai 8isPof|6r| r|

his brothers] to him. And [ was proclaimed forth the

(poovfj sic; tov oikov Oapacb XsyovTsq fjKaaiv oi

report] into the house of Pharaoh, saying, [ have come The

a5sAxpo( Icoafjcp s%dpr| 5s Oapacb Kai

brothers of Joseph]. [ rejoiced And Pharaoh], and

T| 6spa7isia aDTOD n+ si7is 5s Oapacb tco Icoafjcp si7rov

his attendant. [ said And Pharaoh] [to] Joseph, Speak

xoiq aSsAxpoic; aoD todto 7ioif|aaTS ysjiiaaTS

to your brothers! This you do, fill

Ta cpopsia Djicbv Kai a7isA,9sTS sic; yrjv Xavadv ig+

your carriages and go forth into [the] land of Canaan!

Kai avaXaPovTsq tov 7iaTSpa djicov Kai

And taking up your father, and


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01 - Genesis

xa D7idpxovTa djicov fjKsxs 7ipoc; |is Kai 8cbaco djiiv

your possessions, come to me! And I will give to you

7T&amp;VTCDV tcov ayaGcbv AiyimxoD Kai cpdysaGs xov

all the good [things] of Egypt, and you shall eat the

[ivskov Tr\q yr\q i9+&lt;xu8s svxsiAm xauxa Xafiziv

marrow of the land. And you charge these to take

(xdxoic; aji&amp;^ac; 8K yr\q Aiyimxou

for themselves wagons from out of [the] land of Egypt

xoic; 7iai5(oic; djicov Kai xaic; yuvai^iv djicov Kai

for your children, and your wives! And

avaAxxPovxsc; xov rcaxspa djicov 7iapay(vsaGs 20+ Kai

taking up your father come! And

|ir| cpsiarjaGs xoic; ocpGaXjioic; xcov ctksdcov ujicbv

you should not be sparing to the eyes of your items,

xa yap rcdvxa ayaGd Aiyimxou Djiiv saxai 21 +

[ the for all] good [things] of Egypt will be unto you.

S7roir|aav 8s otixcoc; 01 moi IapafjX sScoks 5s Icoafiq)

And they did thus, the sons of Israel. [gave And Joseph]

auxok; ajid^aq Kaxd xa siprjjisva D7i6 Oapacb xod

to them wagons, according to the sayings by Pharaoh the

PaaiXscoc; Kai sScoksv auxoic; S7iiaixia|i6v sic; xrjv

king. And he gave to them provisions for the

o86v 22 + Kai 7idaiv sScoks Siaadc; axoXdq xco 8s

journey. And to all he gave double robes. But to

Bsvaijiiv sScoks xpiaKoaiouc; %pvaovq Kai 7isvxs

Benjamin he gave three hundred [pieces] of gold, and five

s^aXXaaaovaaq axoXaq 23 + Kai xco 7iaxp( ai)xcr6

changings of robes. And to his father

a7isaxsiA,s Kaxd xa ai)xd Kai 8sKa ovodc; aipovxac;

he sent according to the same, and ten donkeys carrying

a7io 7idvxcov xcov ayaGcbv AiyimxoD Kai 8sKa

of all the good [things] of Egypt; and ten

t||ii6vodc; aipcmaac; dpxouc; xco 7iaxp( avzov sic; xrjv

mules carrying bread loaves to his father for the

o86v 24+ s^a7isaxsiXs 8s Icoafjtp xouq aSsAxpouc; auxou

journey. [ sent out And Joseph] his brothers.

Kai S7iopsi)0r|aav Kai sircsv auxoic; |ir| opyi^soGs sv

And they went. And he said to them, Do not be provoked to anger in

xtj o8cb 25+ Kai avsprjaav s^ Aiy67ixoi) Kai fjXGov

the way! And they ascended from out of Egypt. And they came

sic; yrjv Xavadv 7ipoc; IaKcbp xov 7iaxspa ai)xcbv 26+

into [the] land of Canaan, to Jacob their father.


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01 - Genesis

Kai avfjyysiXav aDxcb Xsyovxsc; 6xi o vioq aoD Icaafiq)

And they announced to him, saying that, Your son Joseph

Kai avToq dp%si 7idar|c; yr\q AiyD7ixoD Kai

lives, and he rules all [the] land of Egypt. And

s^saxrj xr| Siavoia IaKcbp oDyap smaxsDasv aDxoic; 27 +

[receded in [his] thought Jacob], for he did not trust them.

eAxxAxjaav 5s aDxcb 7idvxa xa prjGsvxa D7i6 Icaafiq)

And they spoke to him all the sayings of Joseph,

6aa S17TSV aDxoic; i5cbv 5s xac; ajid^aq ac;

as much as he said to them. And seeing the wagons which

a7isaxsiA,sv Icoafjcp cbaxs avaAxxPsiv ai)xov

Joseph sent, so as to take him,

avs^co7r6pr|as xo 7WSD|ia Iouccbp xod nazpoq aDxcbv 28 +

[rekindled the spirit of Jacob their father].

81718 5s IapafjA, jisya |ioi saxiv si sxi Icoafjcp

[ said And Israel], [ a great [thing] to me It is] if [ still Joseph

o vioq jiod Qr\ 7ropsD0sfc; 6\j/o|iai ai)xov 7ipo

my son] lives. In going I will see him before

xod a7io0avs(v |is @


46 ife

1 + a7rdpac; 5s IapafjX Kai 7idvxa xa aDxoD fjXGsv S7U

[ departing And Israel], and all of his, he came upon

xo cppsap xod opKOD Kai s0dcjs GDaiav xco 0scb

the Well of the Oath. And he sacrificed a sacrifice to the God

xod 7raxp6c; aDxoD IaadK 2 + si7is 8s o Gsoc; xco IapafjA,

of his father Isaac. [ said And God] to Israel

sv opdjiaxi xrjc; vdkxoc; surcbv IaKcbp IaKcbp o 5s

in a vision in the night, saying, Jacob, Jacob! And

si7is xi saxiv 3 + o 8s Aiysi aDxcb sycb sijii o Gsoc;

he said, What is it? And he says to him, I am the God

xcov 7iaxspcov aoD jirj cpopof) Kaxapfjvai sic; AiyD7ixov

of your fathers; [do] not fear to go down into Egypt!

sic; yap sGvoc; jisya 7roifjaco as sksi 4 + Kai sycb

[ into For nation a great I will make you] there. And I

Kaxapfjaojiai jisxd aoD sic; AiyD7ixov Kai sycb

will go down with you into Egypt. And I

avapipdaco as sic; xsAxdc; Kai Icoafjcp s7iipaA,s(

will transport you to [the] end. And Joseph will put

xac; %zipaq aDxoD S7U zovq ocpGa^jioDc; aoD 5 + avsaxrj 5s

his hands upon your eyes. [ rose up And


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01 - Genesis

IaKcbp a7io tod cppsaxog tod opKOD Kai avsAxxPov 01

Jacob] from the Well of the Oath. And [ took up the

dioi IopafjX IaKcbp xov rcaxspa aDxcbv Kai xrjv

sons of Israel] Jacob their father, and the

a7ioaK8Df|v Kai xac; yvvahcaq aDxcbv sm xac; ajid^aq

belongings, and their wives upon the wagons

aq arcsaxsiXsv Icoafiq) dpai aDxov 6 + Kai avaAxxPovxsc;

which Joseph sent to carry him. And taking up

xa D7idpxovxa aDxcbv Kai 7idaav xrjv Kxfjaiv r|v

their possessions, and all the property which

SKxfjaavxo sv yrj Xavadv siafjXGov sic; AiyD7ixov

they acquired in [the] land of Canaan, they entered into Egypt —

IaKcbp Kai 7iav xo o7isp|ia aDxoD jisx' aDxoD ? + dioi

Jacob and all his seed with him. Sons,

Kai dioi xcov Dicbv aDxoD jisx' aDxoD GDyaxepec; Kai

and sons of his sons with him; daughters, and

0Dyaxspsc; xcov GDyaxspcov aDxoD Kai 7iav

daughters of his daughters, and all

xo a7i8p(ia aDxoD fjyaysv siq AiyD7ixov 8 + xaDxa 5e

his seed he led into Egypt. And these

xa ovojiaxa xcov dicov IapafjA, xcov eiosXGovxcov

[are] the names of the sons of Israel, the [ones] entering

sic; AiyD7ixov djia IaKcbp xco 7iaxp( aDxcbv IaKcbp

into Egypt together with Jacob their father. Jacob

Kai oiDioiaDxoD 7ipcox6xoKoc; IaKcbp PoDpfjv 9+

and his sons — [the] first-born of Jacob, Reuben.

dioi 5s PoDpfjv Evcbx Kai OaXXoD Aapcbv Kai

And [the] sons of Reuben ~ Hanoch, and Phallu, Hezron, and

Xapjii 10+D10188 Ed|I8cov IsjioDfjA, Kai Iajiiv Kai

Carmi. And [the] sons of Simeon — Jemuel, and Jamin, and

Aco5 Kai A%iv Kai Sadp Kai HaovX vioq Tr\q

Ohad, and Jachin, and Zohar, and Shaul, son of the

Xavav(xi5oc; n+ dioi 5s Asdi Tripacbv Kai Kad6 Kai

Canaanitess. And [the] sons of Levi — Gerson, and Kohath, and

Mspapi 12 + dioi 5s IoD8a Hp Kai ADvdv Kai SrjAxbv

Merari. And the sons of Judah ~ Er, and Onan, and Shelah,

Kai Oapec; Kai Zapd a7i86avov 8s Hp Kai ADvdv

and Pharez, and Zerah. [ died And Er and Onan]

sv yrj Xavadv sysvovxo 8s dioi Oapsq Eopcbv

in [the] land of Canaan. [born And [the] sons] of Pharez — Hezron,

Kai IsjioDfjA, 13 + dioi 8s Iaad%ap 0coXd Kai OoDd

and Hamul. And [the] sons of Issachar— Tola, and Phuvah,


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01 - Genesis

Kai AaoDji Kai SajiPpdv 14+ dioi 8s ZafiovXcbv £sps8

and Job, and Shimron. And [the] sons of Zebulun — Sered,

Kai AAAxbv Kai A%or\k i 5 + odxoi dioi Asiaq ovq

and Elon, and Jahleel. These [are the] sons of Leah, whom

sysvvrjas xco IaKcbp sv Msao7ioxa|jIa T^qUvpiaq Kai

she bore [to] Jacob in Mesopotamia of Syria, and

Aivav xrjv 0Dyaxspa aDxof) rcdaai ai \j/D%a( dioi Kai

Dinah his daughter. All the souls, sons and

0Dyaxspsg xpidKovxa xpsiq i 6 +dio(8s Ta8 Sacpcov

daughters, thirty three. And [the] sons of Gad — Ziphion,

Kai Ayyic; Kai Zavviq Kai ©aaopdv Kai Ar|8fjc; Kai

and Haggai, and Shuni, and Ezbon, and Eri, and

AoprjSfjc; Kai AporjAxjc; i 7 +dioi8s Aafjp Isjivd

Arodi, and Areli. And [the] sons of Asher ~ Jimnah,

IsaaoDd Kai IsodA, Kai Bapia Kai Sapd

Ishuah, and Isui, and Beriah, and Serah

aSsXcpfj aDxcov dioi 8s Bapia XoPcop Kai Ms)qir\k ig+

their sister. And [the] sons of Beriah — Heber and Malchiel.

odxoi dioi Zstapdc; r\v s8coks Adpav Asia

These [are the] sons of Zilpah, whom Laban gave to Leah

tt] 0Dyaxp( aDxof) r\ sxsks xodxodc; xco IaKcbp 8sras^

his daughter, who bore these to Jacob — sixteen

\\fv%aq 19+ dioi 8s ¥a%r\k yDvaiKoc; IaKcbp Icoafjcp Kai

souls. And [the] sons of Rachel, wife of Jacob — Joseph and

Bsviajiiv 20+ sysvovxo 8s dioi Icoafjcp sv yrj

Benjamin. [born And [the] sons of Joseph] in [the] land

AiyimxoD ovq sxsksv aDxcb Aasvs0 0Dydxrjp Ilsxs(ppf|

of Egypt, whom [bore to him Asenath], [the] daughter of Poti-phera,

ispscoc; HAioD7i6Xscoc; xov Mavaaafj Kai xov Ecppaiji

priest of Heliopolis — Manasseh and Ephraim.

sysvovxo 8s dioi Mavaaafj odc; sxsksv aDxco

And were born [the] sons of Manasseh whom [ bore to him

T| 7raAlaKf| rj Si3pa xov Ma%(p Ma%(p 8s sysvvrjas

concubine the Sura] ~ Machir. And Machir procreated

xov Takaad dioi 8s Ecppaiji aSsAxpofj Mavaaafj

Gilead. And [the] sons of Ephraim brother of Manasseh —

EoDxaAxxdji Kai Tadji dioi 8s EoDxaXadji E8sji 21 +

Sutalaam, and Tarn. And [the] sons of Sutalaam — Edem.

dioi 8s Bsviajiiv Bald Kai Boxcbp Kai Aapfj rrjpd

And [the] sons of Benjamin— Belah, and Becher, and Ashbel, Gera,

Kai Nosjidv Kai Ay%fc; Pcoq Kai Mavcpiv Kai Ocpijiiv

and Naaman, and Ehi, Rosh, and Muppim, and Huppim.


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01 - Genesis

rrjpd 8e eyswrjas xovApdS 22+ croxoi vioi Pa%r\k

And Gera procreated Ard. These [are the] sons of Rachel,

ovq ST8K8 xco IaKcbp 7idaai ai \j/u%a( SeraoKxco 23 +

whom she bore [to] Jacob — all the souls [were] eighteen.

mo(8e Aav Aacbji 24+ Kai moi NscpGaAiji Aair\k

And [the] sons of Dan— Hushim. And [the] sons of Naphtali — Jahzeel,

Kai Tcodvi Kai Ioaadp Kai £sAArj|i 25+ otixoi moi

and Guni, and Jezer, and Shillem. These [are the] sons

Bakaq rjv eScoKe Adpav Pa%fjX xrj Guyaxpi avzov r\

ofBilhah whom Labangave to Rachel his daughter, who

STSK8 xctdxodc; too IaKcbp 7idaai ai \\fv%ai S7ixd

bore these to Jacob — all the souls [were] seven.

26 + 7idaai 8e ai \|A)%a( ai siasA,6cy6aai |iexd IaKcbp sic;

And all the souls entering with Jacob into

AiyD7iTOV oi e^sABovxsc; sk xcov jirjpcbv avzov

Egypt — the [ones] coming forth from out of his thighs,

%cop(c; tcdv yuvaiKcbv mcbv IaKcbp 7idaai \\fv%ai

separate from the wives of Jacob's sons — all souls

s^rjKovxae^ 27+moi8e Icoafjcp oiysvojievoi auxcb ev

[were] sixty-six. And [the] sons of Joseph being born to him in

yr| Aiyfmxoi) \jA)%a( swea 7idaai \\fv%ai oikou

[the] land of Egypt— [souls nine]. All [the] souls of [the] house

IaKcbp ai eiaeABcroaai jiexd IaKcbp sic; Aiyo7i;xov

of Jacob of the ones entering with Jacob into Egypt ~

\\fv%ai 8p8o|irjKovTa7isvTS 28 + xov 8s IcroSav a7ieaxsiA£v

[souls seventy-five]. And hesentJudah

s|i7ipoa9sv avTOV npoq Icoofjcp auvavxfjaai auxcb

in front of him to Joseph, to meet him

kcxG' Hpcbcov 7i6Aav sic; yr|v Pajieaafj 29+ ^svtpiq 8s

near Heropolis, in [the] land of Rameses. [ teaming up And

Icoafjcp xa dpjiaxa auxof) aveprj eic; oi)vdvxr|aiv IapafjX

Joseph] his chariots, ascended to meet Israel

xco 7iaxp( avTOV Ka6 ' Hpcbcov 7i6A.iv Kai ocpBeic; auxcb

his father at Heropolis. And seeing him,

S7r87rsasv S7U xov xpd%rjAx)v avzov Kai SKkavas

he fell upon his neck. And he wept

KAm)0|icb 7iA,8iovi 30+ Kai ei7iev IapafjA, itpoq Icoafjcp

weeping greatly. And Israel said to Joseph,

a7ro0avcy6|iai arco xodvdv 87is( scbpaKa

I will [gladly] die from now [on], since I have seen

xo 7ip6aco7i;6v aoi) sxi yap au ^r\q 31 + si7i8 8s Icoafjcp

your face, for still you live. [ said And Joseph]


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8V TOUT© + VtKCl

01 - Genesis

7ipoc; Tovq aSskyovq avxov avapdc; a7iayysXcb

to his brothers, In ascending, I will report

to Oapacb Kai spcb auxcb 01 aSsAxpoi [iov Kai o

to Pharaoh. And I will say to him, My brothers, and the

oiKoq tod rcaxpoc; [iov 01 fjaav sv yrj Xavadv

house of my father, who were in [the] land of Canaan,

fjKaoi 7ipoc; |i8 32 + oi 5s dvSpsc; sioi 7ioi|isvsc; dvSpsc;

have come to me. And the men are shepherds, [ men

yap Krqvoxpocpoi fjaav Kai xa Kxfjvrj Kai xouc; Poac;

for grazing cattle they were]. And the cattle, and the oxen,

Kai 7idvxa xa auxcbv ayr|6%aaiv 33 + sdv ouv KaXsorj

and all their [things], they have brought. If then [ should call

Djidq Oapacb Kai si7rr| xi spyovDjicbv saxiv 34 +

you Pharaoh], and he should say, What [your work is]?

spsixs dvSpsc; Kxrjvoxpocpoi sajisv 01 7ia(8sc; gov sk

You shall say, [ men grazing cattle We are your servants], from

7iai86c; scoc; xou vuv Kai r\[isiq Kai 01 rcaxspsc; rjjicov

child [hood] until the present, even we and our fathers;

iva KaxoiKfjarjxs sv yrj rsasji Apapiac; pSsluyjia

that you may dwell in [the] land of Goshen of Arabia. [ [is an] abomination

yap AiyD7ixk&gt;ic; naq 7roi|ifjv 7ipopdxcov

For to [the] Egyptians every shepherd of flocks].

47 T73

1 + sXGcbv 8s Icoafjtp a7rfjyysiA,s xco Oapacb Aiycov

[ came And Joseph] to report to Pharaoh, saying,

0 7iaxf|p jiou Kai 01 aSsAxpoi [iov Kai xa Kxfjvrj Kai

my father and my brothers, and the cattle, and

01 Pose; auxebv Kai 7idvxa xa auxebv r\kdov sk yrjc;

their oxen, and all their [things], are come from [the] land

Xavadv Kai i8of) siaiv sv xr| yrj Tsasji 2 + arco 8s

of Canaan, and behold, they are in the land of Goshen. And from

xcov aSsAxpcbv avxov 7iapsA,aPs 7isvxs dvSpac; Kai

his brothers he took to himself five men, and

saxrjasv avzovq svavxiov Oapacb 3 + Kai si7is Oapacb

stood them before Pharaoh. And Pharaoh said

xoiq aSsAxpofc; Icoaf|cp xi xo spyov ujicbv 01 8s si7iav

to the brothers of Joseph, What is your work? And they said

xco Oapacb 7ioi|isvsc; 7ipopdxcov 01 itaidsq gov Kai

to Pharaoh, [ [are] shepherds of flocks Your servants], even

r\[isiq Kai 01 rcaxspsc; r||icbv 4+si7rav8s Oapacb

we and our fathers. And they said to Pharaoh,


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

7iapoiKsiv sv tt] yr| f|KO|isv oi) yap saxi vojifj xoic;

[ to sojourn in the land We come], [no for there is] pasture for the

Kxfjvsai tcdv 7iai8cov aoi) sv(a%i)as yap o Aijioc; ev

cattle of your servants, [ grew in strength for the famine] in

yr| Xavadv vuv odv KaxoiKqaojisv 01 itaidsq aoi) sv

[the] land of Canaan. Now then let [ dwell your servants] in

yr| Tsasji 5 + Kai si7is Oapacb npoq Icoafjcp Xsycov

[the] land of Goshen! And Pharaoh said to Joseph, saying,

o 7iaxfjp ood Kai 01 aSsAxpoi aou fpcaai npoq as 6 +

Your father and your brothers have come to you.

i8of) T| yr| Aiyfmxou svavxiov aou saxiv ev ttj

Behold, the land of Egypt [before you is], in the

psAxiaxrj yrj Kaxouaaov xov rcaxspa aoi) Kai

best land settle your father and

xodc; aSsAxpotic; aoi) KaxoiKsixcoaav sv yrj Tsasji

your brothers. Let them dwell in [the] land of Goshen!

si 8s S7i(axr| 6xi siaiv ev auxofc; dvSpsc;

And if you should have knowledge that there are among them [ men

Suvaxoi Kaxdaxrjaov auxofjc; dp%ovxac; xcov sjicbv

able], you place them in charge of my

Kxrjvcbv ?+ siafjyays 8s Icoafjcp IaKcbp

cattle! [brought in And Joseph] Jacob

xov 7iaxspa auxofj Kai saxrjasv ai)xov svavxiov Oapacb

his father, and stood him before Pharaoh.

Kai rji)A,6yr|asv IaKcbp xov Oapacb 8+ si7is 8s Oapacb

And Jacob blessed Pharaoh. [ said And Pharaoh]

xco IaKcbp 7i6aa sxrj rjjispcbv xrjq ^cofjc; aoi) 9+ Kai

to Jacob, How many [are the] years of days of your life? And

si7rsv IaKcbp xco Oapacb ai rjjispai xcov sxcbv

Jacob said to Pharaoh, The days of the years

xrjc; ^cofjc; jioi) aq 7iapoiKcb sKaxov xpidKovxa sxrj

of my life which I sojourned [are a] hundred thirty years;

jiiKpai Kai 7iovr|pai ysyovaaiv ai rjjispai xcov sxcbv

small and severe have become the days of the years

xrjc; ^cofjc; jiou ouk acpiKovxo sic; xac; rjjispac; xcov

of my life; they did not attain to the days of the

sxcbv xrjc; ^cofjc; xcov 7iaxspcov jiou aq rjjispac;

years of the life of my fathers, which days

7iapcbKr|aav 10+ Kai siAoyfjaac; IaKcbp xov Oapacb

they sojourned. And Jacob having blessed Pharaoh,

s^fjAi)sv arc' auxofj 11+ Kai Kaxdraasv Icoafjcp

he went forth from him. And Joseph settled


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xov 7iaTspa clvtov Kai zovq aSsAxpoDc; clvtov Kai

his father, and his brothers, and

sScoksv aDioiq Kaxdaxsaiv ev yrj Aiy67iTCO sv xrj

he gave to them a possession in [the] land of Egypt, in the

PsXiiaxri yrj sv xrj yrj Pajieaofj Ka0d

best land, in the land ofRameses, as

7ipoasTa^s Oapacb 12+ Kai sarcojiSTpsi Icoafjcp tco

Pharaoh assigned. And Joseph measured out grain [to]

7iaTp( avzov Kai Toiq aSsAxpofc; clvtov Kai 7iavTi xco

his father, and [to] his brothers, and to all the

oikco tod nazpoq avzov oixov Kaxd acbjia 13 + avzoq

house of his father — grain according to person. [ grain

8s odk rjv sv 7idar| tt\ yrj svia%Das yap o Xi[ioq

And no there was] in all the earth. [ grew in strength For the famine]

acp68pa s^sAurs 8s r| yrj AiyimTOD Kai r| yr|

exceedingly. [ failed And the land of Egypt], and the land

Xavadv arco tod Xijiod h+ oDvfjyays 8e Icoafiq) 7iav

of Canaan, because of the famine. [ brought together And Joseph] all

to apyopiov to SDpe0sv sv yrj AiyD7iTOD Kai sv

the silver being found in [the] land of Egypt, and in

yrj Xavadv tod oitod od rjyopatpv Kai

[the] land of Canaan, from the grain which they bought. And

sarcojiSTpsi aDTOiq Kai siafjvsyKsv Icoafiq) Kav 10

he measured out grain to them. And Joseph carried in all the

apyopiov sic; tov oikov Oapacb 15+ Kai s^sAurs 7iav

silver into the house of Pharaoh. And [ dissipated all

to apyopiov sk yrjc; AiyD7iTOD Kai sk yrjc; Xavadv

the silver] from [the] land of Egypt, and from [the] land of Canaan.

r\kdov 8s 7idvTSc; 01 AiyD7iTioi 7ipoc; Icoafjcp ^syovTsq

[ came And all the Egyptians] to Joseph, saying,

80c; r||i(v dpTODq Kai ivan a7io0vfiaKO|isv svavnov

Give us bread loaves! And why should we die before

aoD SKAiXours yap to apyopiov r||icbv 16+ si7is 8s

you, [ has dissipated for our silver]? [ said And

aDTok; Icoofjcp cpspsTS Ta KTfjvrj djicov Kai 8cbaco D|i(v

to them Joseph], Bring your cattle, and I will give to you

dpTODc; avTi tcov kttjvcov djicov si skA,sXoi7ts to

bread loaves [in exchange] for your cattle, if [ has dissipated the

apyopiov i7+fjyayov8s Ta KTfjvrj aDTcbv npoq Icoafjcp

silver]. And they led their cattle to Joseph.

Kai sScoksv aDTOiq Icoafjcp dpTODq avTi tcov i7r7icov

And [ gave to them Joseph] bread loaves in return for the horses,


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Kai avxi toov 7ipopdTC0v Kai avxi toov Poobv Kai avxi

and for the sheep, and for the oxen, and for

xcov ovoov Kai 8^s0ps\j/8v avTOvq ev dpioiq avxi

the donkeys. And he nourished them with bread loaves in exchange for


all of their cattle in that year.

S^fjX0£ 5s TO 8TOCJ 8KSIVO Kai r\kdov 7ipO(; aUTOV 8V

[ went by And year that], and they came to him in

TOO STSl TOO 8sDTSp00 Kai Sl7iaV ai)TCO |lf| 7TOT8

the [year second], and said to him, Lest at some time

SKTpiPcb(I8V a7TO TOD KDpiOD T||I0bv 81 yap SKkskoVKS

we should be obliterated from our master ~ for since [ has dissipated

to apyopiov Kai Ta D7idp%ovTa Kai Ta KTfjvrj npoq

the silver], and the possessions, and the cattle to

as tov Kopiov Kai ov% vnoXsksniTai r||iiv svavnov

you, the master, and there has not been left behind to us before

TOD KDpiOD T||icbv CtXk' T| TO (8lOV OCOjia Kai T| JT[ T[[l(bv

our master, but only our own body and our land,

19+ iva odv |ir| a7ro9dvco|isv svavTiov aoD Kai r|

that then we might not die before you, and the

yrj 8pr||ico6f| KTfjaai r\[idq Kai tt|v yrjv r|(icbv avn

land should be made desolate, you acquire us and our land for

dpTCDV Kai saojisGa r\[isiq Kai rj yrj r||icbv itaidzq

bread loaves, and we will be to you and our land, servants

too Oapacb Soq a7isp|ia (va a7i8ipco|isv Kai ^cbjisv

to Pharaoh! Give [us] seed! that we should sow, and we should live

Kai jLiri a7io6dvco|i8v Kai r| yrj odk spr||ico0f|a8Tai

and should not die, and the land [will] not be made desolate.

20 + Kai SKTTjoaTO Iooafjcp 7idaav tt|v yrjv tcov

And Joseph acquired all the land of the

AiyD7iTicov too Oapaob a7i88ovTO yap 01 AiyD7iTioi

Egyptians for Pharaoh. [ gave For the Egyptians]

ttjv yrjv aDTobv too Oapaob S7iSKpdTr|a8 yap aDTobv o

their land to Pharaoh. [ prevailed For [over] them the

Xi[ioq Kai eyeveTO r| yrj too Oapaob 21 + Kai tov Xaov

famine], and [ came the land] to Pharaoh. And the people

KaTs5oDAxbaaTO aDTob eic; 7ia(5a(; an dKpoov

were reduced to slavery to him as servants from [the] uttermost parts

OpiOOV AiyD7TTOD 800^ T00V dKpOOV 22+ X^P^ TT 1^

of [the] boundaries of Egypt, unto the uttermost parts, except the

yrjc; toov lepeoov jiovov odk SKTTjoaTO TaDTTjv Iooafjcp

land of the priests only [ did not acquire this Joseph],


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sv 86aei yap s8coks 56|ia xoic; ispsuai Oapacb Kai

[a portion for gave [as a] gift to the priests Pharaoh]. And

fjaGiov xrjv 56oiv r|v sScoksv auxofc; Oapacb 8id

they ate the portion which [ gave to them Pharaoh]. On account

XOUXO ODK a7ls80VX0 XT|V JT[V aDXCOV 23 + 81718 5s

of this they did not give up their land. [ said And

Icoafjtp 7idai xoic; Aiyi)7i;xioic; idov KSKxr||iai v[idq Kai

Joseph] to all the Egyptians, Behold, I have acquired you and

xrjv yrjv djicov afjjispov xco Oapacb AxxPsxs sauxok;

your land today for Pharaoh. Take to yourselves

o7i8p|ia Kai a7is(paxs xrjv yrjv 24+ Kai saxai

seed, and sow the land! And there will be

xayswfjjiaxa avxr\q Kai Scbasxs to 7is|i7rxov jispoc;

produce of it, and you will give the fifth part

xco Oapacb xa 8s xsoaapa jisprj saxai u|i(v auxoic;

to Pharaoh, and the four parts will be for you yourselves,

sic; a7isp|ia xr| yr| Kai sic; Ppcbaiv djiiv Kai 7idai

for seed in the earth, and for food to you, and to all

xoic; sv xoiq oikok; djicov 25+ Kai si7iav asacoKaq

the [ones] in your houses. And they said, You have delivered

r|jLxdq supojisv %dpiv svavxiov xou Kopiou r||icbv Kai

us; we found favor before our master, and

sa6|i80a 7ia(8sc; xco Oapacb 2 6+ Kai sGsxo auxoiq

we will be servants [to] Pharaoh. And [ established it to them

Icoarjcp sic; 7ip6axay|ia scoq Tr\q r||ispac; xauxric; S7U

Joseph] as an order until this day for

yrjc; AiyimxoD xco Oapacb a7i07rs|i7rxoi)v x^P^ Tr l^

[the] land of Egypt, for Pharaoh to take a fifth, except of the

yr\q xcov ispscov jiovov r| ouKrjv xco Oapacb 27 +

land of the priests only, which was not [to] Pharaoh.

KaxcbKTjGS 8s IapafjA, sv yrj Aiyimxco S7U yrjq

[dwelt And Israel] in [the] land of Egypt, upon [the] land

rsasji Kai SKAx|povo|ir|0f|aav S7i' avTT\q Kai

of Goshen. And they were heir over it. And

r|D^f|6r|aav Kai S7iAx|0i)v0r|aav acp68pa 28+ S7is^r|as 8s

they grew and multiplied exceedingly. [ outlived And

IaKcbp sv yrj AiyimxoD 8sKas7rxd sxrj Kai sysvovxo

Jacob] in [the] land of Egypt for seventeen years. And [were

ai rjjispai IaKcbp sviauxcbv xrjc; ^cofjc; auxou sraxov

the days of Jacob's years of his life] a hundred

xsaaapaKovxas7ixd sxrj 29+ fjyyiaav 8s ai rjjispai

forty-seven years. [ approached And the days]

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01 - Genesis

IopafjX tod a7io6avs(v Kai SKdXsas xov diov aDxoD

for Israel to die. And he called his son

Icoafjtp Kai 817TSV aDxcb 8i SDprjKa %dpiv svavxiov

Joseph, and said to him, If I have found favor before

aov D7i60sc; xrjv %sipd gov vtio xov jxrjpov jiod Kai

you, place your hand upon my thigh! and

7ioifjaeic; S7i' sjis sA,sr||ioaDvr|v Kai aAr|0siav tod jlit|

you will do for me a charity and truth — [that is] to not

6d\j/ai |is sv AiyD7iTC0 3 o+ aXka Koijir|9fjao|iai jisxd

entomb me in Egypt. But I shall be gone to sleep with

xcov 7iaxspcov (iod Kai apsfc; |is s£, AiyD7ixoD Kai

my fathers, then you shall lift me from out of Egypt, and

6d\j/sic; |is sv too xdcpco aDxcov o 8s sitcsv sycb 7ioifjacD

entomb me in their burying-place. And he said, I will do

Kaxd to pfijid aoD 3i+si7is8s aDxcb 6|ioa6v |ioi Kai

according to your saying. And he said to him, Swear by an oath tome! And

cojioasv aDicb Kai 7ipoosKDvr|asv IopafjX sm to

he swore by an oath to him. And Israel did obeisance upon the

dKpov Tr\q pdp5oD aDxoD

top of his cane.


i+sysvsxo8s |isxd xa pfjjiaxa xatixa Kai a7rfjyysXr|

And it came to pass after these things, and it was announced

xco Icoafiq) 6xi o 7iaxf|p aoD svo%Xs(xai Kai avalapcbv

to Joseph that, Your father is troubled. And taking up

xodc; 8do diodc; aDxoD xov Mavaaafj Kai xov Ecppaiji

[two sons his], Manasseh and Ephraim,

fjXGs 7ipoc; IaKcbp 2 + a7ir|yysAr| 8s xco IaKcbp Aiyovxsc;

he came to Jacob. And it was reported to Jacob, saying,

i8od o vioq gov Icoafjtp sp%sxai npoq as Kai

Behold, your son Joseph comes to you. And

svia%Daac; IapafjA, SKdBiasv S7U xrjv KAivrjv 3 + Kai

Israel growing strong sat upon the bed. And

S17T8V IaKcbp xco Icoaficp o 0s6c; jiod cbcpGrj jioi sv

Jacob said to Joseph, My God was appeared to me in

AoD^a sv yr| Xavadv Kai SDA,6yr|as |is 4 + Kai S17IS

Luz, in [the] land of Canaan, and blessed me. And he said

(ioi i8od sycb aD^avcb as Kai 7iAr|0Dvcb os Kai

to me, Behold, I will increase you, and I will multiply you, and

7ioifjaco as sic; aDvaycoydc; sGvcbv Kai 8cbaco aoi

I will make you into a gathering of nations. And I will give to you


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xrjv yrjv xaDxrjv Kai too arcspjiaxi aoD jiexa as siq

this land, and [to] your seed after you, for

Kaxda%saiv aicbviov 5 + vdv odv 01 5do dioi gov 01

[possession an eternal]. Now then, [two sons your], the ones

ysvojisvoi aoi sv yrj AiyD7ixco 7ipo tod jis sA£s(v

born to you in [the] land of Egypt, before my coming

7rpoc; as sic; AiyD7ixov sjioi siaiv Etppaiji Kai

to you in Egypt, are mine, Ephraim and

Mavaaafj coc; PoDpfjv Kai I/djiscov saovxai jioi 6 +

Manasseh, as Reuben and Simeon they shall be mine.

xa 5s SKyova a sdv yswfjar|c; |isxd xatixa

And the progeny, who ever should be procreated after these

ooi saovxai S7U xco ovojiaxi xcov a5sAxpcbv aDxcov

will be yours. By the name of their brothers

KArjGfjaovxai sv xoic; sksivcov KArjpoic; 7+sycb5s rjviKa

they shall be called in those lots. But I, when

r|p%6|ir|v sk Msao7roxa|jIac; xrjc; Zvpiaq a7is0avs

I came from Mesopotamia of Syria, [ died

¥a%r\k T| |ifjxr|p aoi) sv yr| Xavadv syyi^ovxoq jiod

Rachel your mother] in [the] land of Canaan [at] my approaching

Kaxd xov uuroSpojiov XaPpaGd xrjc; yr\q 7ipo

down by the course of the horses ofHabratha of the land, before

xod sA£siv EcppaGd Kai KaxcbpD^a aDxfjv sv xrj o5cb

coming into Ephrath. And I buried her in the way

xod i7T7ro5p6|ioD aDxrj saxi Br|6A,ss|i 8+ i5cbv 5s

of the course of the horses — this is Beth-lehem. [ seeing And

Iapaf|X Tovq viovq Icoafjtp si7is xivsc; aoi odxoi 9 +

Israel] the sons of Joseph, said, Who are these to you?

si7is 5s Icoafjcp xco 7iaxpi aDxoD dioi jiod siaiv ovq

[ said And Joseph] to his father, [ my sons They are] whom

s5coks (101 o 0s6c; svxaD0a Kai si7isv IaKcbp

[ gave to me God] here. And Jacob said,

7ipoadyays jioi aDxotic; (va SD^oyfjaco aDxoDq 10+ 01 5s

Lead [ forward to me them] that I may bless them. And the

otp0aA,|ioi IapafjX sPaptivGrjaav arco xod yfjpoDc; Kai

eyes of Israel were weighed down because of old age, and

odk r|5Dvaxo pis7isiv Kai fjyyiasv aDxotic; 7ipoc;

he was not able to see. And they approached to

aDxov Kai sqnArjasv aDxotic; Kai 7ispisA,aPsv aDxotic;

him, and he kissed them, and embraced them.

11+ Kai si7isv IapafjX 7ipoc; Icoafjcp i5od

And Israel said to Joseph, Behold,


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tod 7ipoaco7roD aoi) odk saxspfjGrjv Kai i8of) eSei^e jioi

[of your face I was not deprived]; and behold, [showed tome

o Bsoq Kai to a7isp|ia aou 12 + Kai e^fjyayev auxotic;

God] your seed. And [ led them

Icoafjcp 8K xcov yovdxcov avTOV Kai 7ipoasK6vrjaav

Joseph] from his knees, and they did obeisance to

auxcb 87ii 7ip6aco7rov 8711 xrjc; yr\q 13+ AxxPcbv 5s

him with [their] face upon the ground. [ taking And

Icoafjcp Tovq dvo vioq avzov xov is Ecppaiji ev xrj

Joseph two sons his], with Ephraim at the

8e^id apiaxepcbv 8e IapafjA, xov Se Mavaaafj sv

right, [ from [the] left but] of Israel, and Manasseh at

ttj apiaxepd 8K Ss^icbv 8s IapafjA, Kai

the left, [ from [the] right but] of Israel, and

fjyyiaev auxotic; auxcb h+ SKxsivaq 8s IapafjA, xrjv

he approached them to him. [ stretching out And Israel] the

%eipa xrjv 8e^idv S7i86r|K8v em xrjv KecpaXfjv Ecppaiji

[hand right] put it upon the head of Ephraim,

otixoc; 8s Tjv o vecbxepoc; Kai xrjv apiaxepdv 87ii xrjv

and this one was the younger; and the left upon the

KecpaAxjv Mavaaafj svaXXa^ xac; %e(pac; 15+ Kai

head of Manasseh; crosswise [with] the hands. And

eiAoyrjaev avzovq Kai si7isv o 0s6c; 00

he blessed them, and he said, The God in whom

SDTjpeaxrjaav 01 7iax8psc; jiod svcomov auxof) APpadji

[ were well-pleasing my fathers] in his presence — Abraham

Kai IaadK o Geoc; o xpecpcov (is sk veoxrjxoc; jiod ecoc;

and Isaac; the God maintaining me from my youth until

Tr\q rjjiepac; xatixrjc; i 6 + o dyysXoc; o puojisvoc; (is sk

this day; the angel rescuing me from

7idvxcov xcov KaKcbv siAoyfjaai xa 7iai8(a xatixa Kai

all evils, bless these boys! And

£7UKAr|6f|a£xai auxofc; xo ovojid jiod Kai xo ovojia

[ shall be called upon them my name], and the name

xcov 7iax8pcov jiou APpadji Kai IaadK Kai

of my fathers — Abraham and Isaac. And

7iAr|0DV0£(r|aav sic; Tihf\doq itokv £7U xrjc; yr\q n+ i8cov

may they multiply into [ multitude a great] upon the earth. [ seeing

8s Icoafjcp 6x1 S7i8PaA,sv o 7iaxfjp avzov xrjv xsipa

And Joseph] that [ put his father] [ hand

xrjv 8s^idv avTOV siti xrjv KecpaAxjv Ecppaiji Papf)

his right] upon the head of Ephraim, [ wrong


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01 - Genesis

aDxco Kaxscpdvrj Kai avxsXdpsxo Ioaafiq) xrjc; X 8l P°^

to him it appeared]. And Joseph took hold of the hand

tod rcaxpoc; aDxoD acpsA,siv aDxfjv arco xrjc; KscpaAxjc;

of his father to remove it from the head

Ecppaiji 87ii ttjv KscpaAxjv Mavaaafj ig+ si7is 8s

of Ephraim, to the head of Manasseh. [ said And

Iooafjcp too 7iaxp( aDxoD ov% odxcdc; rcdxsp odxoc; yap

Joseph] to his father, Not so father, for this one

0 ftpCDXOXOKOC; S7U0SC; XTjV 8s^UXV aOD 8711

[is] the first-born; place your right [hand] upon

XTjV KS(J)(xAx|V aDXOD 19+ K(Xl ODK Tj0sATjaSV oXk' S17TSV

his head. And he would not, but said,

o(8a T8Kvov o(8a Kai odxoc; saxai sic; Xaov Kai

1 know child, I know; and this one will be for a people, and

odxoc; D\j/co0fjasxai aXk r o aSsAxpoc; aDXOD o vscbxspoc;

this one will be raised up high. But [ brother his younger

jisi^cdv avzov saxai Kai to a7isp|ia avzov saxai sic;

greater [than] he will be], and his seed will be a

TiXr\Qoq sGvcbv 20+ Kai SD^oyrjasv aDxoDCj sv

multitude of nations. And he blessed them in

ttj rjjispa SKsivrj Xsyoov sv djiiv SDA,oyrj0fjasxai IapafjX

that day, saying, By you Israel shall be blessed,

Aiyovxsc; 7ioifjaai as o 0s6c; coc; Ecppaiji Kai cdc;

saying, [ make you God] as Ephraim and as

Mavaaafj Kai s0rjKs tov Ecppaiji S|i7ipoa0sv

Manasseh! And he put Ephraim in front of

tod Mavaaafj 21+ si7is 8s IapafjX too Iooafjcp i8od sycb

Manasseh. [ said And Israel] to Joseph, Behold, I

a7ro0vfjaKco Kai saxai o 0s6c; |is0' Djiobv Kai

die, and God will be with you, and

a7ioaxps\j/si v[idq sic; xr|v yrjv tcdv 7iaxspcov djicov 22 +

he will return you to the land of your fathers.

sycb 8s 8180 \ii aoi SiKijia s^aipsxov D7isp

And I give to you [ portion a chosen out] above

xodc; aSsAxpoDc; aoD rjv zkafiov sk %sipoc; Ajijioppafcov

your brothers, which I took from [the] hand [of the] Amorites

sv |ia%a(pa jiod Kai xo^oo

with my sword and bow.


49 Dtt


01 - Genesis

49 B»

i + sk&amp;Xscjs 8s IaKcbp todc; viovq avzov Kai si7is

[ called And Jacob] his sons, and said,

&lt;yov&amp;%6r|T£ iva sycb avayysdco djiiv ti a7iavTf|asi

Come together that I may announce to you what will meet

D|i(v S7i ' sa%&amp;TOD tcov r||ispcbv 2 + aDvd%0r|TS Kai

to you upon [the] last of the days! Gather and

aKotiaaxs dioi IaKcbp aKODaaTS IapafjA,

hear, O sons of Jacob, hear Israel


your father! Reuben my first-born, you

ia%vq jiod Kai apxrj tskvcov |iod aKh\poq cpspso0ai

[are] my strength and [the] beginning of my children, stubborn to bear,

Kai oKAxjpoc; aD0d8r|c; 4 + s^oPpiaac; coc; i38cop |ir|

and stubborn self-willed. Overflowing as water, you should not

SK^earjc; avsprjc; yap S7U tt|v Korcrjv tod nazpoq aoD

erupt. For you ascended upon the marriage-bed of your father.

tots sjiiavac; tt|v &lt;xcpcD|ivf|v od avsprjc; 5+ Sdjiscdv

Then you defiled the strewn bed of which you ascended. Simeon

Kai Asdi aSsAxpoi &lt;yovsTsA,saav aSiKiav e£

and Levi ~ brothers. They completed injustice by

aipsascoc; aDTcbv 6 + sic; PodAt|v aDTcbv [ir\ £kdr\

their sects. [ into their counsel May not come

\j/Dxfj (iod Kai 8711 ttj aDcrcdasi aDTcbv |ir| spsiaai

my soul], and [with their joint-conspiracy may not be established


my [insides]]. For in their rage they killed

av0pco7roDc; Kai ev tt| 87ii0D|iia aDTcbv svsDpoK07rr|aav

men, and in their passion they hamstrung

TaDpov 7+ £7iiKaTdpaTOc; o 0dji6c; aDTcbv 6ti aD0d8r|c;

a bull. Accursed [is] their rage, for [it was] self-willed.

Kai T| jifjvic; aDTcbv 6ti saKAr|pDV0r| Siajispicb

And [accursed is] their vehement anger, for [it was] hardened. I will divide

aDTODc; sv IaKcbp Kai 5iaa7rspcb aDTODc; sv IapafjA, 8 +

them in Jacob, and disseminate them in Israel.

IoD8a as aivsaaiaav 01 aSsAxpoi ood ai %s(psc; aoD

Judah, may [ have praised you your brothers]. Your hands

S7U vcotod tcov s%0pcbv aoD 7ipoaKDvfiaoDai as 01

[are] upon [the] back of your enemies. [ will do obeisance to you The

dioi tod 7iaTp6(^ god 9 + ctdjivoc; MovToq lovda SK

sons of your father]; [cub a lion Judah [is]]. From


49 Dtt

8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

fiXaaTOV Die |iod avsprjc; ava7csacbv SKoi|xq0r|c; coq

a bud, O son of mine, you ascended. Reclining, you went to bed as

Xscov Kai coc; aicojivoc; tic; eyepsi clvtov io +

a lion; and as a cub who will rouse him?

odk skA,suj/£i dpxcov lovda Kai rjyotijievoc; 8K

[ shall not fail A ruler] from Judah, and one leading from

xcov (jjjpcbv clvtov eooc; av €Xdr\ xa a7C0Ks(|ieva

his thighs, until whenever should come the [things] reserved

aDTcb Kai avToq 7ipoa5oKia 80vcbv n+ Seajieixjov npoq

to him. And he [is] expectation of nations. Binding [ to

&amp;|I7T8AX)V TOV 7TCbA,OV CLVTOV Kai TT| sAlKl TOV TtfoXoV

a grapevine his foal], and with the fetter the foal


of his donkey. He shall wash [in wine his apparel], and

sv aijiaxi GTa(pvXr\q tt\v 7cepiPoAr|v clvtov u + %apo7coioi

in [the] blood of [the] grape his wrap-around [garment]. [causing joy

oi ocpGaXjioi clvtov cmb oivov Kai A,£dkoi

His eyes] away from wine, and [the] white

oi oSovtsc; clvtov r\ yaka n + ZafiovXcbv 7capaAioc;

of his teeth than milk. Zebulun [on the coast

KaxoiKfjasi Kai avToq 7iap' 6p|iov 7iA,o(cov Kai

shall dwell], even himself by [the] mooring of boats; and

7iapaT£vs( scoq SiScbvoc; u+ Iaaa%ap to KaA,6v

he shall extend until Sidon. Issachar [ the good

S7rs0i)|jT|asv ava7iai)6|ievoc; avajisaov xcov KAxjpoov 15 +

desired], taking rest between the lots.

Kai i8cbv ttjv ava7rai)aiv on Kakr) Kai tt\v yrjv on

And seeing the rest, that [it was] good, and the earth, that


[it was] plentiful, he placed his shoulder to the toil, and

sysvfjGrj avfjp yscopyoq i 6 + Aav Kpivsi tov Xclov clvtov

became a man for farming. Dan will judge his people,

coaei Kai |i(a (pi)Axj ev lapaf\k 17+ Kai ysvrjGfjTCO Aav

as even one tribe in Israel. And let Dan become

oqnc; scp' o5ot3 syKaBfjiisvoq sni Tpipou 8dKvcov

a serpent upon [the] way, lying in wait upon [the] road, biting

7iT8pvav (717101) Kai 7csasiTai o iKKSvq sic; Ta 07ciaco

[the] heel of [the] horse. And [ shall fall the horseman] upon the rear [places],

18+ TTJV aCOTT|piaV 7CSpi|I8VC0V KDpiOD 19+ Ta8

[ for the deliverance remaining about] of [the] LORD. Gad,

7ceipaTfjpiov 7csipaTST3asi clvtov avToq 8s 7csipaTST3asi

a marauder will maraud against him. But he will maraud against


49 Dtt


01 - Genesis

avTOV Kaxd itodaq 20+ Aafjp 7ttcov avzov o dpxoc; Kai

him by feet. Asher, plentiful [is] his bread, and

avToq Scoaei xpi)tpf|v dp%oi)ai 21+ NscpGaXsiji axelexoc;

he will give a delicacy to rulers. Naphtali, a trunk

avsijisvov e7ti8i5cn3c; ev too ysvf||iaxi KaXkoq 22+ vioq

springing up giving [ in the offspring beauty]. [ a son

r|D^r||i8VOc; Icoafiq) vioq r|i)^r||ievoc; ^rjlcoxoc; vioq [iov

increasing Joseph [is]]; [ son increasing zealous]; [ son my

vecbxspoc; 7rpoc; |is avdaxps\j/ov 23+ sic; ov

younger]; to me you returned! against whom

8iaPoi)A,SD6|isvoi sAx)i86poi)v Kai evsixov auxcb

with deliberation reviled. And [ pressed [against] him

Kopioi xo^sDjidxcov 24+ Kai ai)V8Tp(pr| jiexd KpdxoDc;

[the] masters of [the] bowmen], and [ were broken with might

xa xo^a auxcbv Kai e^sMBrj xa veupa Ppa%i6vcov

their bows], and [ were loosened the nerves arms

Xsipcbv auxcbv 8id %zipa 8i)vdaxoi) IaKcbp eKeiGsv

of their hand's] through [the] hand of [the] mighty one of Jacob; from there

o Kaxiax^aaq IopafjA, 7iapd 0sot3 xod 7iaxp6c; gov

the [one] strengthening Israel by means of God of your father.

25+ Kai sPofjBrjae aoi o Geoc; o sjioc; Kai suloyrjae ae

And [ gave help to you my God], and blessed you

siAoyiav oupavoi) dvcoGev Kai siAoyiav yr\q

[with the] blessing of heaven above, and [the] blessing of earth

s%ovar\q 7idvxa sivsksv svXoyiaq jiaaxcbv Kai jifjxpaq

having all [things]; because of [the] blessing of breasts and of [the] womb;

26 + EvXoyiaq rcaxpoc; aoi) Kai jirjxpoq aoi) D7rspia%i)aev

a blessing of your father and of your mother — he excelled in strength

D7i8p EvXoyiaq opscbv |iovi|icov Kai S7i' EvXoyiaiq

over [the] blessing [mountains of [the] stable], and beyond [the] blessings

Givcbv aicovicov saovxai £7i( KetpaAxjc; Icoafiq) Kai 87 ™

[hills of everlasting]; they will be upon [the] head of Joseph, and upon

KopDcpfjq cov rjyfjaaxo a8eAxpcbv 2 ?+ Bsviajiiv XvKoq

[the] top [whom he took the lead of [the] brothers]. Benjamin, [wolf

dp7ia^ xo 7rpcoiv6v e8exai sxi Kai sic; xo ea7iepac;

a predacious in the early morning shall eat], yet even in the evening

8ia8coasi xpotpfjv 28+ navTsq ouxoi men IaKcbp 8cb8sKa

he distributes provisions. All these sons of Jacob ~ twelve.

Kai xatixa sXdArjaev auxofc; o 7iaxf|p auxcbv Kai

And these [words] [ said to them their father]. And

eiAoyrjasv aDxcroc; SKaaxov Kaxd xrjv siAoyiav avzov

he blessed them each. According to his blessing


50 3 ev tootco + vdca 01 - Genesis

SD^oyrjasv avxovq 29 + Kai sircsv avxoiq sycb

he blessed them. And he said to them, I

7ipoaTi08|iai npoq xov sjiov A,a6v 6a\j/axs |is jisxd

am added to my people. Entomb me with

tcov 7iaxspcov jiod sv xco a7ir|Amco o saxiv sv too

my fathers in the cave which is in the

aypcb Ecppcbv tod XsxxaioD 30+ sv xco a7ir|Amco

field ofEphron the Hittite! in the [cave

xco 8mfab xco arcsvavxi MajiPpfj sv yr| Xavadv

double], in the one before Mamre, in [the] land of Canaan,

0 SKxfjoaxo APpadji xo aiiT\kaiov rcapd Ecppcbv xod

which Abraham acquired; the cave of Ephron the

XsxxaioD sv Kxfjasi (ivruisioi) 31+ sksi s6a\j/av

Hittite, for possession of a memorial. There they entombed

APpadji Kai Sdppav xrjv yDvafca aDxoD Kai sksi

Abraham and Sarah his wife. And there

s0a\j/av IoadK Kai PsPsKKav xrjv yuvauca aDxoD Kai

they entombed Isaac and Rebekah his wife. And

sksi s9a\j/a Asiav 32+ sv Kxfjasi xod aypoD Kai xod

there they entombed Leah, in a property of the field, and of the

a7ir|AmoD xod ovxoc; sv auxcb xo 7iapd xcov dicov

cave being in it, the one from the sons

Xsx 33 + Kai Kaxs7iai)asv IaKcbp s7iixdaacov xoic;

ofHeth. And Jacob rested giving orders [to]

vioiq clvtov Kai s^dpaq xodc; nodaq avzov S7i( xrjv

his sons. And lifting up his feet upon the

KAivrjv s^sXurs Kai 7ipoasxs0r| npoq xov A,a6v clvtov

bed he failed. And he was added to his people.

50 a

1 + Kai S7ii7rsacbv Icoafjcp S7i( 7ip6aco7iov

And Joseph falling upon [the] face

xod rcaxpoc; aDxoD SK^aDasv S7i' aDxcb Kai scpiArjasv

of his father, wept over him, and kissed

aDxov 2+ Kai 7ipoasxa^sv Icoafjcp xoic; 7iaia(v aDxoD xoic;

him. And Joseph assigned [to] his servants, to the

svxacpiaaxaic; svxacpidaai xov rcaxspa aDxoD Kai

embalmers to embalm his father. And

svsxacpiaoav 01 svxacpiaaxai xov lapar\k 3 + Kai

[ embalmed the embalmers] Israel. And

S7rAxjpcoaav aDxoD xsaaapdKovxa rijispaq

they accomplished [embalming] him [in] forty days,


50 3 sv tootco + viica 01 - Genesis

ouxcogyap KaxapiGjiowcai ai rjjispai xrjc; xacpfjc; Kai

for thus they counted down the days of the burial. And

£7T8v0r|a£v auxov AbfviiToq sp8o|if|Kovxa rijiepaq

[ mourned him Egypt] seventy days.

4+ 8718( 88 7rapfjA,6ov ai rjjispai tod 7isv6ouc;

And when [ went by the days] of the mourning,

sldAxjasv Icoafjcp npoq zovq Suvdaxac; Oapacb Aiycov

Joseph spoke to the mighty ones of Pharaoh, saying,

si supov %apiv svavxiov djicov AxxAxjaaxs sic; xa coxa

If I found favor before you, speak into the ears

Oapacb Xsyovxsc; 5 + o 7raxfjp jiou cbpKias jis 7ipo

of Pharaoh! saying, My father bound me by an oath before

xod xs^sDxfjaai auxov Aiycov sv xco |ivr||is(co co

his coming to an end, saying, In the memorial which

copula sjiauxcb sv yrj Xavadv sksi |is 0d\j/sic; vdv

I dug myself, in [the] land of Canaan, there entomb me! Now

odv avapdq 0d\j/co xov rcaxspa [iov Kai

then, ascending, I will entomb my father, and

S7iavsA,ST3ao|iai 6+ Kai si7is Oapacb xco Icoafjcp avdprjGi

I will return back. And Pharaoh said to Joseph, Ascend,

6d\j/ov xov 7iaxspa gov Ka6d7isp cbpKias as 7+ Kai

entomb your father! just as he bound you by an oath. And

avsprj Icoofjcp 0d\j/ai xov rcaxspa avzov Kai

Joseph ascended to entomb his father. And

awavsprjaav jisx' avzov 7idvxsc; 01 naidsq Oapacb

went up with him all the servants of Pharaoh,

Kai 01 7rpsaPi3xspoi xod oikod avzov Kai 7idvxsc; 01

and the elders of his house, and all the

7rpsaPi3xspoi xrjc; yr\q Aiyirnxoi) 8 + Kai 7idaa r|

elders of the land of Egypt, and all the

7iavoiKia Icoafjcp Kai 01 a8sAxpoi avzov Kai 7idaa r|

whole family of Joseph, and his brothers, and all the

oiKia T| 7iaxpiKf| avzov Kai xrjv auyysvsia avzov Kai

house [hold] of his father, and the kin. And

xa 7ip6paxa Kai zovq Poaq D7isAi7rovxo sv yr|

the sheep and the oxen were left behind in [the] land

Tsasji 9+ Kai auvavsprjaav jisx' avzov Kai dpjiaxa

of Goshen. And went up with him also chariots

Kai ui7rsfc; Kai sysvsxo r| 7raps|iPoArj jisydAx| acp68pa

and horsemen. And [became the camp great exceedingly].

10+ Kai 7iapsysvovxo scp' dAxova Axd8 o saxi

And they came upon [the] threshing-floor of Atad, which is

50 l sv tootco + viica 01 - Genesis

7ispav tod IopSdvoD Kai SKo\j/avTO avzov

on the other side of the Jordan. And they lamented him

K07T8TOV jisyav Kai ia%Dpov acp65pa Kai S7iorr|as

[by] beating the breast, great and strong, exceedingly. And he made

to 7isv0oc; too 7iaTpi olvtov 871X0, rjjispac; n+ Kai s(8ov

the mourning of his father seven days. And [ saw

oi k&amp;toikoi Tr\q yr\q Xavadv to 7isv0oc; S7U

the inhabitants of the land of Canaan] the mourning at

dXcovi At&amp;5 Kai si7iav itzvdoq jisya todto sail

[the] threshing-floor of Atad. And they said, [ mourning a great This is]

tok; AiyD7moic; 8id todto sraXsaav to ovojia

to the Egyptians. On account of this they called the name


of that place, Mourning of Egypt, which is on the other side

tod Iop5dvoD 12+ Kai £7iovr|aav aDTcb odtcdc;

of the Jordan. And [ did to him thus

01 DIOl aDTOD KaGcbq SV8T8lA,aT0 aDTOiq 13 + Kai

his sons], as he gave charge to them. And

avskafiov olvtov oi dioi aDTOD sic; yrjv Xavadv Kai

[ took him his sons] into [the] land of Canaan. And

s0a\j/av aDTOV sic; to a7ifjAmov to 8urAx)DV o

they entombed him in the [ cave double] which

SKTTjoaTO APpadji to a7ifjAmov sv KTfjasi |ivt||isiod

Abraham acquired; the cave for a possession of a memorial

7iapd Ecppcbv tod XsTTaioD KaTSvavTi MajiPpfi u+ Kai

from Ephron the Hittite, over against Mamre. And

D7isoTps\j/sv Icoafjcp siq AiyD7iT0V avToq Kai

Joseph returned to Egypt, himself and

oi a5sAxpo( aDTOD Kai 7rdvTac; oi cDvavapdvTSc;

his brothers, and all the [ones] going up with [him]

6d\j/ai tov 7iaTspa aDTOD i 5 + i86vtsc; 8s oi a8sAxpo(

to entomb his father. [ knowing And the brothers

ICOafjCp OTl TS0VT|KSV O 7iaTf|p aDTCOV Sl7raV |lf| 7C0TS

of Joseph] that [ died their father], said, Lest at any time

|ivr|aiKaKf|ar| r||iiv Icoafjcp Kai avTa7i68o|ia avTa7io8cb

[ should resent us Joseph], and with a recompense, recompense

r||i(v 7idvTa Ta KaKd a svs8si^d|is9a aDTCD 16 +

to us all the bad [things] which we demonstrated against him,

Kai 7iapaysv6|isvoi 7rpoc; Icoafjcp si7rav o 7iaTf|p aoD

[that they] having come to Joseph, said, Your father

cbpKias 7ipo tod TsXsDTfjaai aDTOV A^sycov n+ odtcdc;

bound [us] by an oath before he came to an end, saying, So


50 3 sv tootco + viica 01 - Genesis

si7iaTS Icoafjcp dcpsc; aDTOic; xrjv aSiKiav Kai

say to Joseph, You forgive them the injustice and

ttjv ajiapxiav aDTcbv oil 7iovrjpd aoi svsSsi^avxo Kai

their sin! for [the] wicked [way] they demonstrated against you. And

vdv 8s^ai xrjv aSudav tcov 6spa7i6vTCOv tod Gsod

now you accept the injustice of the attendants of the God

tod 7raTp6c; ood Kai SK^aDasv Icoafiq) XakovvTcm (xdtcov

of your father! And Joseph wept [during] their speaking

7ipoc; (xdtov i8+ Kai skdovTsq itpoq avzov si7iav (8s

to him. And coming to him, they said, See!

rjiisiq aoi oiKSTai 19+ Kai si7isv aDTOiq Icoafjcp \ir\

we are your servants. And [ said to them Joseph], [Do] not

cpoPsiaGs tod yap Gsod sijiisycb 20+ Djisic;

fear! for [of God lam]. You

sPoDA,sf)aaa0s KaT r sjiod sic; 7iovrjpd o 5s Gsoc;

planned concerning me for evil, but God

sPoD^SDaaTO 7ispi sjiod sic; ayaGd 67icoc; avysviycai

planned concerning me for good, that it should be

coc; afjjispov (va SiaTpacpfj Xaoq itoXvq 21+ Kai si7isv

as [it is] today, that he might maintain [people many]. And he said

aDTok; |xr| cpopsiaGs syco 8iaGps\j/co Djidc; Kai

to them, Do not fear! I will maintain you, and

Tag ovdaq djicov Kai 7iapsKdA,sasv aDTODc; Kai

your residence. And he comforted them, and

s^dAxjasv aDTcbv sic; tt|v Kap8(av 22+ Kai

spoke of them in the heart. And

KaTCOKrjasv Icoafjcp sv AiyD7iTCO avzoq Kai

Joseph dwelt in Egypt, he and

01 a8sAxpo( aDTOD Kai 7idaa r| 7iavoiKia

his brothers, and all the whole family

tod 7raTp6&lt;; aDTOD Kai s^rjosv Icoafjcp sttj sKaTOV 8sra

of his father. And Joseph lived [years a hundred ten].

23 + Kai s(8sv Icoafjcp Ecppaiji 7iai8ia scoc; TpvcrjCj ysvsdc;

And Joseph saw Ephraim's children unto [the] third generation.

Kai 01 dioi Ma%s(p tod diod Mavaaafj STS%Grjaav

And the sons ofMachir, the son of Manasseh, were born

S7U |ir|pcbv Icoafjcp 24+ Kai si7isv Icoafjcp toic;

upon Joseph's thighs. And Joseph said to

a8sAxpo( aDTOD Xsycov syco a7ioGvfjaKco S7iiaK07ifj 8s

his brothers, saying, I die, and visiting,

S7iiaKs\j/STai Djidq o Gsoc; Kai avd^si Djidc; sk

[ will visit you God], and lead you from out of


8V TOUT© + VlKa

01 - Genesis

Tr\q jr\q m\)Tr\q Eiq xrjv yr|v r|v cbjioas o Geoc; xoic;

this land, into the land which [ swore by an oath God] [to]

7raxpdaiv rjjicbv APpa&amp;ji IaadK Kai Iouccbp 25+ Kai

your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And

cbpKioev Icoafjcp zovq viovq IapafjX Xeyoov ev xr|

Joseph bound by an oath the sons of Israel, saying, In the

£7riaK07rfj r| £7iiaKS\j/r|Tai o Geoc; v[idq Kai

visitation in which God will visit you, even

aDvavoiasxs xa oaxd |iod svtst30sv |is0' djicov 26 +

you shall join in carrying off my bones from here with you.

Kai STS^stirrjasv Icoafjcp sxcbv SKaxov 8sKa Kai

And Joseph came to an end ~ [ years [old] a hundred ten]. And

e0a\j/av avTOV Kai sGrjKav ev xr| aopcb sv AiyimTCO

they entombed him, and they placed [him] in the coffin in Egypt.


1 N sv toutco + vtica 02 - Exodus

1 X

i+ xatixa xa ovojiaxa xcov mcbv IapafjA, xcov

These [are] the names of the sons of Israel of the ones

8ia7iS7rop8D|isvcov sic; Aiyi)7ixov djia IaKcbp

entering into Egypt together with Jacob

xco 7iaxp( auxcbv sraaxoc; 7iapoiKi auxcbv siafjX9oaav 2 +

their father; each of them sojourning entered.

PoDpfjv Sujiscbv Asm IcroSac; 3+ Ioa&amp;xap ZafiovXcbv

Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun,

Bsviajjiv 4 + Aav Kai NscpGaAi Tad Kai Aafjp 5 +

Benjamin, Dan, and Naphtali, Gad, and Asher.

Icoafjcp 5s rjv sv Aiyfmxco fjaav 8s 7idaai \\fv%ai

But Joseph was in Egypt. And were all [the] souls

s^sXGotiaai s£, IaKcbp 7isvxs Kai sp5o|ifjKovxa 6 +

coming forth from Jacob — five and seventy.

sxsXsuxrjas 5s Icoafjcp Kai 7idvxsc; 01 aSsAxpoi auxof)

[ came to an end And Joseph], and all his brothers,

Kai 7idaa rj ysvsd SKsivrj 7 + 01 5s moi IapafjX

and all that generation. And the sons of Israel

r|D^f|9r|aav Kai S7iAxj0f)v9rjaav Kai x^Saun sysvovxo

grew and multiplied, and [ extensive became],

Kai Kax(o%Dov acpoSpa acpoSpa S7iAxj0uvs 5s rj yr|

and grew strong exceedingly, exceedingly. [ multiplied And the land]

aDxcroc; 8+ avsoxrj 5s fiaaikzvq sxspoc; S7i' Aiyi)7rxov

of them. [ rose up And king another] over Egypt

oq odk f|5si xov Icoafjcp 9 +si7rs5s xco sGvsi olvtov

who did not know Joseph. And he said [to] his nation,

i5cn3 xo ysvoq xcov mcbv IapafjA, jisya 7iAxj6oc; Kai

Behold, the race of the sons of Israel [are a] great multitude, and

\&lt;3%v£i D7isp rjjLidq 10+ 5st3xs odv KaxaaocpiacbjisGa

they are strong above us. Come then we should deal subtly

aDxcroc; jifj 7ioxs 7iAxj0uv0fj Kai rjvuca av rjjjiv

with them, lest at any time they should multiply, and whenever [ to us
aDjipfj 7i6A,s|ioc; 7ipoaxs6fjaovxai Kai otixoi npoq

may come to pass a war], [ will add these also] to

Tovq imsvavxioDc; Kai SK7roA,s|ifjaavxsc; r\[iaq

the opponents, and waging war against us

s^sXsuaovxai sk xrjq yrjq n+ Kai S7isaxrjasv auxoic;

they shall go forth from the land. And he set to them

S7uaxdxac; S7U xcov spycov iva KaKcbocooiv aDxcroc; sv

supervisors over the works, that they might afflict them in


02 - Exodus

xoic; spyoic; Kai coKo86|ir|aav 7i6A,sic; o%vpdq xco

their works. And they built [ cities fortified] [to]

Oapacb xrjv is niGcbji Kai Pajisaafj Kai Qv r| saxiv

Pharaoh ~ Pithom and Raamses, and On which is

HAiowroXic; 12 +Ka06xi5s auxouc; sxa7rsivoi)v xoaouxco

Heliopolis. And in so far as they humbled them by so much,

itXziovq syivovxo Kai ioxdov acp68pa acp68pa Kai

[ many [more] they became]. And they were strong exceedingly, exceedingly. And

spSsAriaaovxo 01 Aiy67ixioi arco xcov mcbv IapafjA, 13 +

[ were abhorred the Egyptians] of the sons of Israel.

Kai Kaxs8i)vdoxsi)ov 01 Aiy67ixioi zovq viovq IapafjX

And [ tyrannized the Egyptians] the sons of Israel

Pia 14+ Kai KaxcoSwcov auxcov xrjv ^cofjv ev xoic;

[by] force. And they grievously afflicted them [by] the life in the

spyoic; xoic; cjKArjpofc; too 7ir|Axb Kai xrj 7iA,iv0sia Kai

[ works hard] in the mortar, and in the making of bricks, and

7idai xoic; spyoic; xoic; sv xoic; 7is8k&gt;ic; raid rcdvxa

in all the works in the plains, according to all

xa spya cov KaxsSoiAowco avzovq jisxd fiiaq 15+ Kai

the works which they were reducing them to slavery with force. And

817T8V o fiaaikzvq xcov Aiyo7rxicov xaiq jiaiaiq xcov

[ said the king of the Egyptians] to the midwives of the

EPpaicov xrj |iia auxcbv r| ovojia Es7rcpcbpa Kai

Hebrews, to a certain one of them [with] the name Shiphrah, and

xo ovojia xrjc; Ssuxspac; Ooud i 6 + Kai sitcsv auxafc;

the name of the second Puah. And he said to them,

oxav jiauroaGs xac; EPpaiac; Kai cbai npoq

Whenever you act as midwife to the Hebrews, and they should be about

xo xikxsiv sdv |i8v dpasv r| a7ioKxs(vaxs ai)xo

to bear, if then it should be a male, you kill it!

sdv 8s dr\kv 7rspuroifjaaa6s ai)xo 17+ scpopfjGrjaav 8s

But if a female, preserve it! [ feared But

ai jiaiai xov 0s6v Kai odk s7iorr|aav KaGoxi

the midwives] God, and they did not do in so far as

aovsxa^sv aDxaiq o fiaaikvbq Aiy67ixoi) Kai

[ordered them the king of Egypt]. And

s^cooyovow xa dpasva i 8 + SKd^sas 8s o fiaaikzvq

they brought forth alive the males. [ called And the king

AiyimxoD xac; jiaiac; Kai si7isv auxaic; xi 6x1

of Egypt] the midwives, and said to them, Why [is it] that

S7roifjaaxs xo 7ipdy|ia xotixo Kai s^cooyovsixs xa

you did this thing, and brought forth alive the


02 - Exodus

dpasva 19+ si7iav 8s ai jiaiai xco Oapacb ox&gt;% coc;

males? [ said And the midwives] to Pharaoh, Not as

ywaiKsc; Aiy67ixou ai Eppaiai xucxouaiyap 7ipiv

[the] women of Egypt [are] the Hebrews, for they give birth before

T| siasABsiv itpoq avidq xac; jiaiaq Kai sxikxov 20+ sd

[entered to them the midwives], and they bear. [good

8s 87roi8i o dsoq xaic; jiaiaq Kai S7tAx|6dvsv o Xaoq

And God did] to the midwives. And he multiplied the people,

Kai ia%us acp68pa 21+ S7isi8f| scpopowco ai jiaiai

and it became strong exceedingly. Since [ feared the midwives]

xov Geov S7io(r|aav sauxaic; ovdaq 22+ &lt;xovsxa^s 8s

God, they made to themselves families. [ gave orders And

Oapacb 7iavx( xco Axxcb avzov Aiycov 7iav dpasv o av

Pharaoh] to all his people, saying, Every male who ever

xs%0f| xoic; EPpaioiq sic; xov 7ioxa|i6v puj/axs Kai

should be born to the Hebrews [ into the river toss], and

7iav dr\kv ^cooyovsixs auxo

every female bring it forth alive!

2 n

1 + Tjv 5s Tiq sk Tr\q (pvhf\q Asm Kai slaPsv

And there was a certain man from the tribe of Levi, and he took

xcov Guyaxspcov Asm Kai sa%sv aDxfjv 2+ Kai sv

of the daughters of Levi, and had her. And [ in

yaaxpi sAxxps Kai sxsksv dpasv iSovxsc; 8s ai)xo

[the] womb she conceived], and bore a male. And seeing that it was
aaxsiov saKS7iaaav ai)xo jifjvac; xpsiq 3 + S7is( 8s

fair, they sheltered it [ months three]. But when

omc Tj8t)vavxo auxo sxi Kpimxsiv slapsv auxcb

they were not able [ it any longer to hide], [ took for him

T| |ir|xfjp avTOV 6(piv 7ia7r6poi) Kai Kaxs%piasv

his mother] a wicker basket of papyrus, and besmeared

auxfjv aacpaAxo7uaar| Kai svsPaA,s xo 7iai8iov siq

it [with] tar, and put the male child into

auxfjv Kai s0t|ksv avTT\v sic; xo zkoq 7iapd xov

it, and put it into the marsh by the

7ioxa|i6v 4 + Kai KaxsaK67rsi)sv rj aSsAxpfj avzov

river. And [ spied out his sister]

jiaKpoGsv |ia6s(v xi xo a7ioPr|a6|isvov auxcb 5 + KaxsPrj

far off to learn what [would] result to him. [ went down

8V TOUT© + VlKa

02 - Exodus

8s r| 0Dydxr|p Oapacb AxroaaaGai sm xov 7ioxa|i6v

And the daughter of Pharaoh] to bathe upon the river,

Kai ai dPpai aDxfjc; 7raps7ropsDovxo S7U xov 7ioxa|i6v

and her handmaidens came near unto the river.

Kai iSotiaa xrjv Gtpiv ev xco sXsi a7ioaxs(A,aoa xrjv

And they saw the wicker basket in the marsh, [and] she sent the

dPpav avsdaxo aDxfjv 6 +avoft;aaa8s opd 7iai8(ov

handmaiden to take it up. And opening, she sees a male child

KAmov sv xt| Gtpsi Kai scpsiaaxo avzov r\

weeping in the wicker basket. And [ spared him the

0i)ydxr|p Oapacb Kai scprj ano xcov 7iai5(cov xcov

daughter of Pharaoh], and said, [from the male children of the

EPpaicov xodxo ?+ Kai sitcsv T| a8sAxpf| aDxoD xr|

Hebrews This one [is]]. And [ said his sister] to the

0i)yaxpi Oapacb Gs^sic; KaXsaco aoi yDvauca

daughter of Pharaoh, [If] you want I will call for you a woman

xpocpsDODaav sk xcov EPpaicov Kai GrjAxxaei aoi xo

nursing from the Hebrews, and she will suckle for you the

7iai5(ov 8+ Kai sitcsv aDxfj r| 6i)ydxr|p Oapacb

male child. And [said to her the daughter of Pharaoh],

rcopsDOD a7rsA,0ODaa 8s r| vsavfc; SKd^sas xrjv

Go! And going, the young woman called the

jxrjxspa xod 7iai8(oD 9 + si7is 8s 7ipoc; aDxfjv rj

mother of the male child. [ said And to her the

0i)ydxr|p Oapacb 5iaxf|pr|a6v jioi xo 7iai5(ov xodxo Kai

daughter of Pharaoh], Carefully keep forme this male child, and

GfjXaaov jioi ai)xo sycb 8s 5cbaco aoi xov jiiaGov

suckle it for me, and I will give to you the wage.

sXaPs 8s T| yuvfj xo 7iai8(ov Kai sGfjXa^sv ai)xo io+

[ took And the woman] the male child, and suckled it.

a8pDv6svxoc; 8s xod 7iai8ioD siafjyaysv ai)xo 7ipoc;

[ maturing And the male child], she brought it to

xrjv 6i)yaxspa Oapacb Kai sysvsxo aDxfj sic; diov

the daughter of Pharaoh. And he became to her for a son.

£7rcov6|iaae 8s xo ovojia aDxoD MooDafjv AiyoDaa 6xi

And she named his name Moses. Saying, For

8K xod DSaxoc; aDxov avsiXojirjv n+ sysvsxo 8s sv

from the water I took him up. And it came to pass in

xaic; rjjiepaic; xaic; noXkaiq SKsivaic; jisyac; ysvojisvoc;

[ days many those], [ older becoming

McoDafjc; e^fjXGe 7ipoc; xodc; aSsAxpoDc; aDxoD xodc;

Moses], he went forth to his brethren of the


02 - Exodus

movq IapafjA, Kaxavofjaac; 8s xov rcovov auxcbv opd

sons of Israel. And contemplating their misery, he saw

dv0pco7rov AiyimTiov ximxovxd xiva EPpaiov

an Egyptian man beating a certain Hebrew

tcov sauxoi) aSsAxpcbv xcov mcbv IapafjA, n +

of his own brethren of the sons of Israel.

7ispipXs\j/d|isvoc; 8s cb8s Kai cb8s od% opd

And looking about here [on this side] and here [on that side] he did not see

oi)8sva Kai 7iaxd^ac; xov Aiyimxiov SKpi)\j/sv auxov

anyone. And striking the Egyptian, he hid him

sv xtj d|i|ico 13 + s^sABcbv 8s xr| r||ispa xr| 8st&gt;xspa opd

in the sand. And coming forth the [ day second], he saw

8i3o dvSpac; EPpakmc; 8ia7iXr|Kxi^o|isvou(; Kai Xsysi

two men, Hebrews skirmishing. And he says

xco aSiKowci 8iax( av xtj^xsk; xov 7iAr|aiov i 4 +o8s

to the [one in the] wrong, Why do you beat [your] neighbor? And

81718 Tiq o8 Kaxsaxnasv dpxovxa Kai SiKaaxfjv scp'

he said, Who placed you magistrate and judge over

r|jLxdq |ir| avs^siv |is av dsksiq ov xporcov

us? Is it that [ to do away with me you want] in which manner

avsikzq %6sc; xov Aiyimxiov stpopf|6r| 8e Mcoi)af|c;

you did away yesterday with the Egyptian? [ feared And Moses],

Kai S17T8V 8i ouxcoc; sjicpavsc; ysyovs xo pfjjia xouxo

and said, Surely thus [apparent has become this thing].

15+ fpcoDas 8s Oapacb xo pfj|ia xoijxo Kai s^fjxsi

[ heard about And Pharaoh] this thing, and he sought

avs^siv McDDafjv avs%cbpr|as 8s Mocmafjc; anb

to do away with Moses. [ withdrew But Moses] from

7ipoacb7roD Oapacb Kai KaxcbKqasv sv yrj Ma8idv

[the] face of Pharaoh, and he dwelt in [the] land of Midian.

sA£cbv 8s sic; yrrv Ma8idv SKdGiasv S7U xou cppsaxoc;

And coming into [the] land of Midian, he sat at the well.

i6+xco8s ispsi Ma8idv fjaav S7ixd Guyaxspsc;

And to the priest of Midian there were seven daughters

7roi|ia(voi)aai xa 7ip6paxa xou 7iaxp6c; auxcbv IoGcbp

tending the sheep of their father Jethro.

7iapaysv6|isvai 8s fjvxAx)DV scoc; S7iAx|aav xaq

And they came to draw [water] until they filled the

Ss^ajisvaq 7iox(aai xa 7ip6paxa xod 7iaxp6c; auxcbv

troughs to water the sheep of their father

IoGcbp 17+ 7iapaysv6|isvoi 8s oi 7ioi|isvsc;

Jethro. And coming, the shepherds

2 2 ev tootco + vuca 02 - Exodus

s^sPaAlov auxdc; avaaxdq 5s McoDofjq spptiaaxo

cast them away. [ rose up But Moses] to rescue

avidq Kai fjvxAxjasv auxafc; Kai S7i6xias

them, and he drew [water] for them, and he watered

xa 7ip6paxa auxcbv i 8 + 7iapsysvovxo 8s itpoq Payoi)f|A,

their sheep. And they came to Reuel

xov 7iaxspa auxcbv o 8s sircsv avzaiq xi 6xi

their father. And he said to them, Why [is it] that

sxa%i&gt;vaxs xou 7iapaysvsa0ai afjjispov i 9 +ai8s si7iov

you hastened to come today? And they said,

dv0pco7roc; Aiy67ixioc; sppuaaxo r\[iaq arco xcov

An Egyptian man rescued us from the

7ioi|isvcov Kai fjvxArjaev r\[iiv Kai S7i6xias

shepherds, and he drew [water] for us, and he watered

xa 7ip6paxa r||icbv 20+088 si7is xaic; 0i)yaxpdaiv avzov

our sheep. And he said [to] his daughters,

Kai 7ioD saxi Kai ivaxi otixcoc; KaxaXsA,oi7iaxs xov

And where is he, and why thus have you left the

dv0pco7rov KaXsaaxs odv auxov OTiaq cpdyrj dpxov 21 +

man? You call him indeed! that he may eat bread.

KaxcoKiaGrj 8s MooDafjc; 7iapd xco av0pcG7rco Kai

[ settled And Moses] by the man. And

s^sSoxo E87i(pcbpav xrjv 0t&gt;yaxspa avzov Mcaoafj

he handed over Zipporah his daughter to Moses

yDvaiKa 22+ sv yaaxpi 8s Xafiovaa r| ywq sxsksv

as wife. [ in [the] womb And conceiving], the woman bore

mov Kai S7icov6|iaas Moyoafjc; xo ovojia avzov rr|pad|i

a son, and Moses named his name Gershom,

Aiycov 6x1 7rdpoiKoc; sijii sv yrj aAloxpia sxi 8s

saying that, I am a sojourner in [ land an alien]. And still again

&lt;xoAA,aPoi)aa sxsksv mov Ssuxspov Kai SKd^sas

conceiving, she bore [ son a second], and he called

xo ovojia clvtov EAis^sp Xsycov 6x1 0s6c;

his name Eliezer, saying that, [the] God

xod rcaxpoc; jiou Por|06c; jiod Kai sppuaaxo |is sk

of my father, my helper, also rescued me from

XSipoq Oapaco 23+|isxd8s xac; rjiispaq xaqnoXkaq

[the] hand of Pharaoh. And after [days many

SKSivaq sxsA,si3xr|asv o fiaaikzvq AiyimxoD Kai

those], [came to an end the king of Egypt], and

Kaxsaxsva^av 01 moi IapafjA, arco xcov spycov Kai

[ groaned the sons of Israel] from the works, and


02 - Exodus

aveporjaav Kai aveprj r| Pofj aDxcbv izpoq xov 0s6v

yelled out. And [ ascended their yell] to God

goto xcov spycov 2 4 + Kai eiafjKODaev o Qsoq

because of the works. And God listened to

xov axsvayjiov aDxcbv Kai S|ivfja0r| o Qsoq

their moaning, and God remembered

Tr\q 8mdr\Kr\q avzov Tr\q npoq APpadji Kai IaadK Kai

his covenant, the one with Abraham, and Isaac, and

IaKcbp 25+ Kai S7i£i8sv o 0s6c; zovq viovq IapafjA, Kai

Jacob. And God looked upon the sons of Israel, and

syvcbaBrj aDxofc;

he was made known to them.

3 a

i+ Kai McDDafjc; rjv 7ioi|ia(vcov xa 7ip6paxa IoGcbp

And Moses was tending the sheep of Jethro

xod 7isv0spoD olvtov xod lepeooc; Ma5idv Kai fjyays xa

his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. And he led the

7ip6paxa D7i6 xrjv eprjjiov Kai r\kQzv sic; xo opoq

sheep by the wilderness. And he came unto the mountain

xod Gsod XcopfjP 2+ cbcp6r| 5s auxcb dyyskoq KopioD sv

of God — Horeb. And appeared to him an angel of [the] LORD in

(pXoyi 7rop6c; 8K xod pdxoi) Kai opd oxi r| pdxoq

flaming fire from out of the bush. and he saw that the bush

Kaiexai 7ropi rj 5s pdxoq od Kaxeraiexo 3 + si7is 8e

burned with fire, but the bush did not incinerate. [ said And

Moyoafjc; 7iapsX0cbv oyojiai xo opajia xo jisya xodxo

Moses], Going by I will see [vision this great].

xi oxi od Kaxaraiexai o pdxoq 4 + coc; 8e

Why [is it] that [ [is] not incinerated the bush]. And as

e(8e Kopioc; oxi 7ipoadysi i8s(v eraXsosv aDxov

[the] LORD saw that he neared to see, [ called him

Kopioc; sk xrjc; pdxoD Aiycov MoaDafj McoDafj o Se

[the] LORD] from out of the bush, saying, Moses, Moses. And

81718 xi 8&lt;xciv 5 + o 5s si7T8 (ir| eyyiarjc; cb8e Xvaai

he said, What is it? And he said, You should not approach here. Untie

xo D7i68r||ia 8K xcov 7io8cbv cjod o yap Toitoq sv co

the sandal from your feet, for the place in which

&lt;td eaxrjKac; yrj ayia saxi 6 + Kai ei7isv aDxcb sycb

you stand [ground is holy]. And he said to him, I

eijii o dsoq xod nazpoq gov o Gsoc; APpadji Kai o

am the God of your father; the God of Abraham, and the


02 - Exodus

Gsoc; IaadK Kai o Gsoc; IaKcbp a7isaTps\j/s 8s

God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. [turned And

McoDafjc; to 7rp6oco7rov avzov sdAxxPsito yap

Moses] his face, for he venerated

KaxapAihj/ai svcb7nov tod Gsod ?+ si7is 8s Kopiog

to look in the presence of God. [ said And [the] LORD]

7ipoc; McoDafjv i8cbv siSov xr|v kcxkcoctiv tod Xaov |iod

to Moses, In seeing, I saw the ill-treatment of my people

tod sv AiyD7iTCO Kai TT\q KpaDyfjc; aDTcbv aKfjKoa a7io

in Egypt, and their cry I have heard because of

tcov spyoSicoKTcbv o(8a yap tt|v o8dvt|v aDTcbv 8 + Kai

the foremen. For I have seen their grief. And

KaTsPrjv s^sAiaGai aDTODc; sk %sipoc; tcov AiyD7mcov

I came down to rescue them from [the] hand of the Egyptians,

Kai s^ayaysiv aDTODc; sk Tr\q yr\q SKsivrjc; Kai

and to lead them from out of that land, and

siaayaysiv aDTODc; sic; yrjv ayaGfjv Kai noXkr\v sic;

to bring them into a land good and populous; into

yrjv psoDaav yaka Kai |isAi sic; tov totcov tcov

a land flowing milk and honey; into the place of the

Xavavaicov Kai XsTTaicov Kai Ajioppaicov Kai

Canaanites, and Hittites, and Amorites, and

Osps^aicov Kai Tspysoaicov Kai EDaicov Kai

Perizzites, and Gergesites, and Hivites, and

IsPoDaaicov 9+ Kai vdv i8od r\ KpaDyfj tcov dicov

Jebusites. And now, behold, the cry of the sons

IapafjA, fjKsi 7ipoc; (is Kayco scbpara tov 6Ai|i|i6v

of Israel is come to me. And I have seen the affliction

OV 01 AiyD7TTlOl GAiPoDCTlV aDTODCj 10+ Kai VDV

by which the Egyptians afflict them. And now,

8sDpo a7ioaTs(Xco as 7ipoc; Oapaco PaoiXsa AiyD7iTOD

come, I shall send you to Pharaoh king of Egypt.

Kai s^d^siq tov Xaov jiod todc; diodc; IopafjX sk

And you shall lead my people the sons of Israel from out of

yrjc; AiyD7iTOD n+ Kai si7is MoaDafjc; rcpoc; tov 0s6v

[the] land of Egypt. And Moses said to God,

Tiq sijii sycb 6ti 7iopsDao|iai 7ipoc; Oapaco PaaiAia

Who am I that I shall go to Pharaoh king

AiyD7iTOD Kai 6ti s^a^co TODCj DioDCj IapafjX SK

of Egypt, and that I shall lead out the sons of Israel from

yrjc; AiyD7iTOD 12 + si7is 8s o Gsoc; 7ipoc; McoDafiv

[the] land of Egypt? [ said And God] to Moses,

3 3, ev toutco + viica 02 - Exodus

Aiycov on saojiai jisxd aoi) Kai xouxo aoi to

saying that, I will be with you. And this [will be] to you the

arjjisiov on sycb as s^a7coaxsAAxjQ sv too s^ayaysiv as

sign that I send you in your leading

xov Xaov [iov s^ Aiy67cxoi) Kai Axxxpsuasxs xco Gscb

my people from out of Egypt, and you shall serve God

SV TO 6pSl XOTJXCO 13+ Kai 81718 McDDafjC; 7TpOC; TOV 08OV

in this mountain. And Moses said to God,

i5oi3 sycb sXsuaojiai npoq zovq viovq IapafjA, Kai

Behold, I will go to the sons of Israel, and

spcb 7ipoc; auxouc; o Gsoc; xcov 7caxspcov rjjicbv

I shall say to them, The God of our fathers

a7csaxaA,Ks |is npoq v^idq Kai sav spcoxfjacoai |is xi

sent me to you. And if they shall ask me, What

to ovojia aDico xi spco npoq avzovq u+ Kai

[is] the name [given] to him? What shall I say to them? And

S17T8V o Gsoc; 7tpoc; Mcoi)af|v sycb sijii o cov Kai

God said to Moses, I am the one being. And

si7isv otixcoc; spsiq TOiq vioiq IapafjA, o cov

he said, Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, The one being

a7isaxaA,Ks |is 7tpoc; v^idq 15+ Kai si7isv o Gsoc; 7idA.iv

has sent me to you. And God said again

7tpoc; McoDafjv otixcoc; spsiq xoic; vioiq IapafjA,

to Moses, Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel,

Kopioc; o Gsoc; xcov 7caxspcov r||icbv o Gsoc; APpadji Kai

[The] LORD God of our fathers, the God of Abraham, and

o Gsoc; IaadK Kai o Gsoc; IaKcbp a7csaxaA,Ks |is

the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob sent me

7tpoc; v[idq xotixo jiod saxi xo ovojia aicbviov Kai

to you; this is my [ name eternal], and

|ivr||i6aDvov ysvscbv ysvsak; 16+ sXGcbv odv auvdyays

a memorial for generations to generations. Going then, gather

xrjv yspouaiav xcov mcbv IapafjA, Kai spsic; 7tpoc;

the council of elders of the sons of Israel! And you shall say to

auxotic; Kopioc; o Gsoc; xcov 7caxspcov rjjicbv cb7i;xai jioi o

them, [The] LORD God of our fathers appeared to me; the

Gsoq APpadji Kai o Gsoc; IaadK Kai o Gsoc; IaKcbp

God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,

Aiycov S7ciaK07cfi s7csaKS|i|iai v^idq Kai 6aa

saying, [In] overseeing I have watched you, and as much as

ai)|iPsPr|Ksv Djiiv sv Aiyimxco n+ Kai S17CSV

has come to pass to you in Egypt. And he said,

3 3, sv toutco + viica 02 - Exodus

avapipdaco v[idq sk xrjc; KaKcbascoc; xcov Aiyi)7rx(cov

I will haul you from the ill treatment of the Egyptians

sic; xrjv yrjv xcov Xavavaicov Kai Xsxxaicov Kai

into the land of the Canaanites, and Hittites, and

Euaicov Kai Ajioppaicov Kai Osps^aicov Kai

Hivites, and Amorites, and Perizzites, and

rspysaaicov Kai IsPouaaicov sic; yrjv psouaav yaka

Gergesites, and Jebusites, into a land flowing milk

Kai jis^i i8+ Kai eiaaKotiaovxai aoi) xrjc; cpcovfiq Kai

and honey. And they shall hearken to your voice. And

eiaeXstxxrj ai) Kai r| yspoDaia IapafjX npoq Oapacb

you shall enter, and the council of elders of Israel, to Pharaoh

PaaiXsa AryirnxoD Kai spsic; npoq ai)xov Kopioc;

king of Egypt. And you shall say to him, [The] LORD

o 0s6c; xcov EPpaicov 7ipoaKSKAr|xai r\[idq

God of the Hebrews calls us.

7ropsi)a6|is0a ouv o86v xpicbv r||ispcbv sic; xrjv

We shall go then on [journey a three days] into the

sprjjiov (va 0t3cjco|isv Kopico xco 0scb r||icbv i9+sycb8s

wilderness, that we might sacrifice [to the] LORD our God. But I

o(5a 6xi od 7rpofja£xai ujidc; Oapacb fiaaiksvq

know that [ [will] not let you go Pharaoh king

AiyimxoD 7iopsu0f|vai sdv [ir\ jisxd %sipoc; Kpaxaidc; 20 +

of Egypt], [going unless] with [hand a fortified],

Kai SKxsivac; xrjv %s(pd [iov 7iaxd^co xouc; Aiyu7rxiouc;

and stretching out my hand to strike the Egyptians

sv 7idai xoic; 0aD|iaaioic; jiod oiq 7rorfjaco sv auxofc;

in all my wonders, which I will do among them.

Kai jisxd xatixa s^a7ioaxsXsi Djidq 21+ Kai 8cbaco %dpiv

And after these things I will send you out. And I will give favor

xco Axxcb xotixco svcb7riov xcov AiyD7ixicov oxav 5s

[to] this people before the Egyptians. And whenever

a7roxps%r|xs odk a7isXsi)osa0s ksvoi 22 + aXka aixfjasi

you might run from [them], you will not go forth empty. But [ will ask

ywq 7iapd ysixovoc; Kai auaKqvoi) avTT\q aKstirj

a woman] from [ neighbor and fellow tent-dweller her] of items

apyopd Kai %pvaa Kai ijiaxiajiov Kai S7U0fjasxs S7ii

of silver, and of gold, and clothes. And you will place [them] upon

Tovq viovq djicov Kai S7ii xac; 0uyaxspac; ujicbv Kai

your sons, and upon your daughters, and

aKiAstiasxs xodc; AiyD7moi)c;

you will despoil the Egyptians.


4 7 ev tootco + vtica 02 - Exodus

4 7

i+ a7i8Kpi6r| 5s M&lt;m)&lt;xqc; Kai si7csv sdv odv (ir|

[ answered And Moses] and said, If then they should not

7cioxsDa&lt;joa( jioi |xr|8s siaaKODaooai xrjc; (poovfjc; jiod

believe me, nor listen to my voice,

spotiai yap 6xi odk cb7cxai 001 o Gsoc; xi spcb npoq

for they shall say that [ did not appear to you God], what shall I say to

aDxotic; 2 + S17T8 8s aDxcb KDpioc; xi xodxo saxi xo

them? [said And to him [the] LORD], What is this the [thing]

sv %£ipi god o 5s 81718 pdp8oc; 3 + Kttl 817T8V (XDXCO

in your hand? And he said, A rod. And he said to him,

pnj/ov aDxfjv S7U xrjv yrjv Kai sppuj/sv aDxfjv S7U

Toss it upon the ground! And he tossed it upon

xtjv yrjv Kai sysvsxo oqnc; Kai scpDys MoaDofjc; an

the ground, and it became a serpent. And Moses fled from

OLVTOV 4 + Kai 81718 KDpiOC; 7tpOC; M(jODof|V SKXSIVOV xtjv

it. And [the] LORD said to Moses, Stretch out the

Xsipa Kai S7uA,aPoD xrjc; kspkod SKxsivaq odv xrjv

hand, and take hold of the tail! Stretching out then the

%sipa S7csA,dpsxo xrjc; kspkod Kai sysvsxo pafidoq sv

hand, he took hold of the tail, and it became a rod in

xtj %zipi avxov 5 + iva 7cioxsDacoai aoi 6xi cb7cxa( aoi

his hand ~ that they might trust you that there appeared to you

KDpioq o Gsoc; xcov 7caxspoov aDxcbv o Gsoc; APpadji

[the] LORD God of their fathers, the God of Abraham,

Kai o Gsoc; IoadK Kai o Gsoc; IaKcbp

and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.

6 + si7C8 5s aDxcb KDpioq 7cdAav siosvsyKs xrjv %s(pd ctod

[ said And to him [the] LORD] again, Insert your hand

sic; xov koAjtov cjod Kai siafjvsyKs xttv %sipa aDxoD sic;

into your bosom! And he inserted his hand into

xov koAjeov olvtov Kai s^fjvsyKsv aDxfjv sk

his bosom. And he brought it from out of

xod koAjeod aDxoD Kai sysvfjGrj r| %sip aDxoD A,S7cpcbaa

his bosom, and [ was his hand] leprous

coast %icbv 7+ Kai si7cs 7cdAiv aDxcb KDpioc; siasvsyKs

as snow. And [ said again to him [the] LORD], Insert

xrjv %s(pd ctod sic; xov koAjtov ctod Kai siafjvsyKs xrjv

your hand into your bosom! And he inserted the

Xsipa sic; xov koAjtov aDxoD Kai s^fjvsyKsv aDxfjv sk

hand into his bosom. And he brought it out of


4 7 ev tootco + vtica 02 - Exodus

tod koAjtod aDTOD Kai 7idA.iv a7C0KaTSOTr| sic; xrjv

his bosom, and again it was restored unto the

Xpodv Tr\q oapKoq avTT\q 8 +sdv8s jlit| 7tiaTSDacoa( aoi

complexion of his flesh. And if they do not believe you,

|ir|8s sioaKODacoai Tr\q (pcovr\q tod ar||isu)D

nor hearken to the voice of the [ sign


first], they will believe you by the voice of the [ sign

tod 5sDT8poD 9 + Kai s&lt;xcai sdv |iT| 7iiaTSDacoai aoi

second]. And it will be if they do not believe you

TOiq 5dcji ar||is(oi(; todtoic; jar|5s sioaKODacoai

[in] [ two signs these], nor hearken to

Tr\q cpcovfjc; aoD Xr\\\fr\ a7io tod d5(xtoc; tod 7iOTa|ioD

your voice, you shall take from the water of the river,

Kai sk%ss(c; 87ii to ^rjpov Kai scxuai to D8cop o av

and pour it upon the dry [land]. And [ will be water which ever
AxxPrjc; a7co tod 7C0Ta(i0D aijia S7t( tod ^rjpoD 10 +

you should take from the river] blood upon the dry land.

817C8 5s MooDcrfjc; npoq Kopiov Ssojiai KDpis od%

[ said And Moses] to [the] LORD, I beseech, O LORD, [ not

iKavoq sijii 7cpo Tr\q s%6sc; od8s 7cpo TT\q TpiTTjq

fit I am] before yesterday nor before the third

rjjispac; od8s atp' od fip^co Xaksiv

day, nor from which [time] you began to speak

too 0spd7covTi aoD laxvocpcovoq Kai PpaSDyAxoaaoc; sycb

to your attendant, [ weak voiced and slow of tongue [for] I

eijii 11+ 817CS 8s KDpioq tco McoDafj tic; s8coks &lt;xc6|ia

am]. [said And [the] LORD] to Moses, Who gave [a mouth

av9pcb7cco Kai tic; S7covr|as SDaKcocpov Kai Kcotpov

man], and who made [the] hard of hearing and mute,

PA,S7covTa Kai TotpAxyv odk sycb KDpioq o Gsoc; 12+

[the] seeing, and blind? [Was it] not I [the] LORD God?

Kai vdv 7copsDOD Kai sycb avoi^co to &lt;xc6|ia aoD Kai

And now go! And I will open your mouth, and

oDjiPipdaco as a jisA^sic; A,aAr|aai 13+ Kai

I will instruct you what you will be about to speak. And

si7cs McoDofjc; Ssojiai KDpis 7cpo%s(piGai aXXov

Moses said, I beseech, O LORD, to handpick another

8Dvd|isvov ov a7coaTsA,s(c;

one able whom you shall send.

14+ Kai 0D|ico0sfc; opyfj KDpioq S7U McoDafjv si7csv

And [ being enraged in anger [the] LORD] over Moses, said,

4 7 ev tootco + vlica 02 - Exodus

odk idov Aapcbv o aSsAxpoc; gov o Asmxrjc; S7riaxa|iai

Behold, [is] not Aaron your brother, the Levite? I know

on XaXcbv XaAxjasi auxoc; aoi Kai idov avzoq

that speaking, he will speak to you. And behold, he

s^slsuasxai sic; auvdvxrjaiv aoi Kai i8cbv as

will come forth to meet you; and seeing you,

%apfjasxai sv sauxcb 15+ Kai spsk; npoq auxov Kai

he will rejoice in himself. And you will say to him, and

Scbasic; xa pfjjiaxd jiod sic; xo axojia avxov Kai sycb

you will put my words into his mouth. And I

avoi^co xo axojia aoi) Kai xo axojia ai)xoi3 Kai

will open your mouth and his mouth, and

aDjiPipdaco Djidc; a 7roifjasxs 16+ Kai avxoq

I will instruct you what you shall do. And he

aoiXaAxjasi xa 7ipoc; xov Xaov Kai auxoc; saxai

shall speak the [things] to the people, and he will be

aoi) axojia ai) 8s auxcb sarj xa npoq xov 0s6v n +

your mouth. But you will be to him the [things] for God.

Kai xrjv pdp8ov xauxrjv xrjv axpacpsiaav sic; ocpiv

And this rod, the [one] turning into a serpent,

Xr\\\fr\ sv xt| %£ipi aoi) sv r| 7rovfjasic; sv auxfj xa

you shall take in your hand in which you will do by it the

arjjisia is+ S7iopsi)9r| 8s MoaDafjc; Kai a7isaxps\j/s rcpoc;

signs. [ went And Moses], and he returned to

IoGcbp xov 7isv0sp6v avTOV Kai Aiysi 7iopsi)ao|iai Kai

Jethro his father-in-law. And he says, I will go, and

a7ioaxps\j/co 7ipoc; xodc; aSsAxpouc; jiod xodc; sv

return to my brethren, the [ones] in

AiyimxcD Kai 6\j/0|iai si sxi ^cbai Kai si7isv Io0cbp

Egypt, and I will see if they still live. And Jethro said

xco McoDafj pd8i^s Dyiaivcov jisxd 8s xac; ruispaq

[to] Moses, Proceed, be in health! But after [ days

xac; itoXkaq SKsivac; sxsXsi)xr|asv o fiaaikzvq Aiy67ixoi)

those many] [ came to an end the king of Egypt].

19+ si7is 8s Kupioq 7ipoc; McoDafiv sv yr| Ma8idv

[ said And [the] LORD] to Moses in [the] land of Midian,

Pd8i^s d7isA,0s sic; Aiyo7rxov xs9vf|Kaai yap 7idvxsc;

Proceed, go forth into Egypt! For have died all

01 ^rjxowcsc; aoi) xrjv \\fv%r\v 20 + ava^apcbv 8s

the [ones] seeking your life. [ took up And

Moyoafjc; xrjv yovaixa Kai xa 7iai5(a avspipaasv

Moses] [his] wife and the male children, and he hauled


4 7 sv tootco + vuca 02 - Exodus

auxd S7i( xa D7co£/6yia Kai S7csaxps\j/sv sic; Aiyimxov

them upon the beasts of burden, and turned to Egypt.

slaps 5s Maroafjc; xrjv pdpSov xttv 7iapd tod Gsoij

[ took And Moses] the rod, the one by God

SV XT} %Sip( VLVTOV 21 + 81718 5s Kopioc; 7cpoc; McDDafjV

in his hand. [ said And [the] LORD] to Moses,


In your going and returning unto Egypt,

opd 7tdvxa xa xspaxa a SsSocnca sv xrj x 8l P l aao

discover all the miracles which I have put in your hand,

Ttovf\G£iq auxd svavxiov Oapacb sycb 5s aKAxjpuvcb

to do them before Pharaoh. But I will harden

avTOV xrjv KapSiav Kai ou |ir| s^a7coaxs(Ar| xov Xaov

his heart, and no way shall he send out the people.

22 + &lt;7D 5e spsfc; xoo Oapacb xd5s Aiysi Kopioc; vioq

But you will say to Pharaoh, Thus says [the] LORD — son

7tpcox6xoK6c; jiou lapaf\k 23 + si7i;a 8e aoi s^a7coaxsiA,ov

of my first-born, Israel. And I said to you, Send

xov A,a6v jiou iva |ioi AxxxpsTxyq si fisv ouv

my people! that they should serve me. If indeed then

|ir| Poi3Ax| s^a7coaxsiAm auxouc; 6pa odv sycb

you should not be willing to send them, see then! I

a7C0Kxsvcb xov mov aou xov 7cpcox6xoKov 24 + sysvsxo 5s

will kill your son, the first-born! And it came to pass

sv xtj o5cb sv xoo KaxaArijiaxi aDvfjvxrjasv auxcb

during the journey in the lodging, [ met him

dyys^oc; Kopiou Kai s^f|xsi a7C0Kxsivai auxov 25+ Kai

an angel of [the] LORD], and sought to kill him. And

Xafiovoa £s7ixpcbpa \j/f|cpov 7cspisxs|is xrjv

Zipporah, taking a small [sharp] stone, circumcised the

aKpoPuaxiav xou uioij auxfjc; Kai 7cpoas7csas npoq

foreskin of her son. And she fell at

xouc; nodaq auxou Kai si7csvar|s saxrj xo aijia xt|c;

his feet, and said, [ is stopped The blood of the

7cspixo|ifjc; xou 7cai5iou jiou 2 6+ Kai a7cf|A,0sv a7c' auxou

circumcision of my male child]. And [ went forth from him

o dyjskoq 5i6xi si7csv saxrj xo a(|ia xrjq 7cspixo|ifjc;

the angel], for she said, [ is stopped The blood of the circumcision

xod 7cai5(oi) jiou 27 + si7cs 5s Kopioc; 7cpoc; Aapcbv

of my male child]. [said And [the] LORD] to Aaron,

7copsi39r|xi sic; oDvdvxrjaiv Moyoafj sic; xttv spTjjiov

Go to meet with Moses in the wilderness!


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

Kai 87iop8T30r| Kai aDvfjVTrjasv aDxcb sv xco opsi

And he went, and he met with him in the mountain

xod Gsod Kai KaxeqnArjaav akhf\kovq 28+ Kai

of God, and they kissed one another. And

avfjyysils Moyoafjc; too Aapcbv rcavxac; xodc; Xoyovq

Moses announced to Aaron all the words

Kopioi) ovq a7isaxeiXe npoq aDxov Kai rcdvxa xa

of [the] LORD which he sent to him, and all the

arjjisia a evsxsi^axo aDxcb 29 + S7iopsD0r| 8s MoaDafjc;

signs which he gave charge to him. [ went And Moses

Kai Aapcbv Kai aDvfjyayov xrjv yepoDaiav xcov dicov

and Aaron], and brought together the council of elders of the sons

IopafjX 30+ Kai s^dAxjasv Aapcov rcdvxa xa pfjjiaxa a

of Israel. And Aaron spoke all the words which

eAxxAxjaev o Geoc; npoq MoaDafjv Kai S7rorr|ae xa

God spoke to Moses. And he did the

arjjisia svavxiov xod Xaov 31+ Kai S7uaxsDasv o Xaoq

signs before the people. And [ believed the people],

Kai sxdprj 6x1 £7teaK£\j/axo o Gsoc; xodc; viovq IapafjX

and rejoiced that God visited the sons of Israel,

Kai 6x1 e(5ev aDxcbv xrjv 0Ai\j/iv KD\j/ac; 5s o Xaoq

and that he saw their affliction. And bowing, the people


did obeisance.

5 n

1+ Kai jisxd xatixa siafjXGs McoDafjq Kai Aapcbv

And after these [things] [ entered Moses and Aaron]

7ipoc; Oapacb Kai eircav ai)xcb xd8s Aiyei Kopioc;

to Pharaoh, and they said to him, Thus says [the] LORD

o Bsoc; IopafjX s^a7ioaxsiXov xov Xaov jiod iva

God of Israel. Send forth my people! that

(ioi eopxdacoaiv sv xr| epfnico 2+ Kai sirae Oapacb

they may solemnize a holiday to me in the wilderness. And Pharaoh said,

xic; saxiv od eiaaKODaojiai xrjc; cpcovfjq aDxoD cbaxs

Who is he, of whom I will listen to his voice so as

s^a7ioaxs(Xai xodc; viovq IapafjA, odk o(8a xov KDpiov

to send out the sons of Israel? I do not know the LORD,

Kai xov IapafjA, odk e^a7ioaxsAAxo 3 + Kai AiyoDaiv

and [ Israel I will not send out]. And they say

aDxcb o Gsoc; xcov Eppaicov 7ipoaKSKAx|xai r\[iaq

to him, The God of the Hebrews called on us.


ev toutco + vtica

02 - Exodus

7ropsDa6|is0a odv o86v xpicbv rjjispcbv sic; xrjv

We will go then [on] a journey of three days into the

spr||iov 071CDC; 0dctco|isv Kopico too 6eco r\[i(bv |xq 7ioxs

wilderness, that we may sacrifice to [the] LORD our God, lest at any time

oDvavxfjarj r\[iiv Gdvaxoc; r| cpovoc; 4 + Kai si7i8v

[ might meet with us death or murder]. And [ said

(xdtoic; o fiaaiksvq AiyirnxoD ivaxi McoDafj Kai

to them the king of Egypt], Why [do you], Moses and

Aapcbv Siaaxpecpsxs xov Xaov arco xcov spycov

Aaron, turn aside the people from the works?

ootsABsts SKaaxoq Djicbv itpoq xa spya aDxoD 5+ Kai

Go forth each of you to his works! And

81718 Oapacb i8od vdv 7roAD7rAr|0si o Xaoq xrjc; yr\q

Pharaoh said, Behold, now [ are numerous The people of the land];

(IT) odv Kaxa7rm3acD|iev aDxotic; arco xcov spycov 6 +

[ not then I shall] rest them from the works.

aDvsxa^s 5s Oapacb xoic; spyoSicbKxaic; xod Xaov Kai

[ gave orders And Pharaoh] to the foremen of the people, and

xoic; ypajijiaxstiai Aiycov 7+ odksxi 7ipoaxs0f|asa6s

to the scribes, saying, No longer will it be added

8i56vai d%i)pov xco Axxcb sic; xrjv 7rA,iv0oi)py(av

to give straw to the people for the brickmaking,

KaGoOTsp s%0sc; Kai xpixrjv rjjispav aDxoi

as yesterday and [the] third day [before]. Let them

7ropsDsa6coaav Kai aDvayaysxcoaav saDxofc; xa a%vpa

go and bring together for themselves the straw!

8+ Kai xrjv awca^iv xrjc; 7iA,iv9oDpy(ac; r\q aDxoi

And the rate of the making of bricks which they

7ioioDai Ka0' 8Kdaxr|v rjjispav S7riPaXsixs aDxoic;

produce each day, you shall put it upon them.

odk acpslsic; od8sv an aDxcbv a%okaCpvai yap 81a

You shall not remove any of them, for they are idle. On account of
xodxo KSKpdyaai Aiyovxsc; 7iopsD0cb|isv Kai 0Daco|isv

this they cry out, saying, We should go and sacrifice

xco Gscb r|(icbv 9+ PapDvsaGco xa spya

[to] our God. Let [ be oppressive the works

xcov av0pcb7icov xodxcov Kai jispijivdxcooav xatixa Kai

of these men], and let [ be anxious these [men]], and

|ir| jiepijivdxcoaav sv Xoyoiq ksvoic; 10 + Kaxsa7isD8ov 8s

not anxious in [ words empty] ! And hastened

aDxotic; 01 spyoSicbKxai Kai 01 ypajijiaxsic; xod Xaov

of them the foremen, and the scribes of the people.


5 n sv toutco + vtica 02 - Exodus

Kai eXsyov itpoq xov Xaov Aiyovxsc; xd8s Aiysi

And they said to the people, saying, Thus says

Oapacb ODK8TI 8(8co|ii i)|i(v a%vpa n + auxoiDjiefc;

Pharaoh, No longer do I give to you straw. You yourselves

7iop8i)6|i8voi auAAiyeTS saDxofo; d%i)pa 60ev sdv

in going, collect together for yourselves straw! from where ever

stiprjxs od yap acpaipeixai goto xrjc; aDvxd^ecoc; djicov

you should find. For nothing is removed from your rate,

oi) 0sv 12+ rat 8i8a7idpr| o Xaoq sv 6hr\ yrj

not one [thing]. And he dispersed the people in [the] entire land

Aiyi)7iT0D aDvayayeiv KaXdjirjv eiq a%vpa u + oi 8s

of Egypt to gather together stubble for straw. But the

spyoSicbKxai Kaxea7ieD8ov aDxotic; Aiyovxec; oDvxsA,eixe

foremen hastened them, saying, You complete

xa epya xa Ka6f|Kovxa Ka6' rjjiepav Ka6d7i£p

the works, the ones fit according to the day, just as

Kai 6x8 xo d%i)pov e8(8oxo djiiv h+ Kai

also when the straw was given to you. And

ejiaaxiycbGrjaav oi ypajijiaxek; xod ysvoDc; xov dicov

they were whipped — the scribes of the race of the sons

lapar\k oi KaxaaxaGsvxec; S7i' aDxotic; D7i6 xcov

of Israel, the [ones] being placed over them by the

87iiaxaxcbv xod Oapacb Aiyovxec; 8iax( od

supervisors of Pharaoh, [and] saying, Why did you not

aDvsxsAiaaxe xac; aDvxd^siq djicov xrjc; 7iAx|v0e(ac;

complete your rate of the making of bricks

Ka0d7isp Kai £%0ec; Kai xpixrjv rjjiepav Kai

as also yesterday and [the] third day [before] and

xo xrjc; ofjiispov 15+ sias^Govxec; 8s oi ypajijiaxsfc; xcov

today? And entering, the scribes of the

dicov IapafjA, KaxsPorjaav npoq Oapacb Aiyovxec;

sons of Israel yelled out to Pharaoh, saying,

ivaxi ai) odxcoc; 7roie(c; xoiq aoiq oiKsxaiq i6+ d%Dpov

Why do you thus do to your servants? Straw

od 8(8oxai xoic; oucexaiq ood Kai xrjv 7iAiv0ov

has not been given [to] your servants, and [ brick

r\[iiv AiyoDai 7rois(v Kai i5od oi 7ia(5ec; aoi)

they tell us to make]. And behold, your servants

jisjiaaxiycovxai aSiKqaeic; odv xov Axxov aoi) i?+ Kai

have been whipped. Shall you wrong therefore your people? And

S17T8V aDxoiq a%oXd^sxs a%oXaaxa( saxe 8id xodxo

he said to them, You are idle, you are idlers. Because of this


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

Aiysxs 7iop8D0co|isv 0Dacoji£v xco KDpico is+ vdv odv

you say, We should go, we should sacrifice [to] the LORD. Now then,

7top£D0svT£c; £py&amp;^so0£ to yap &amp;%Dpov D|IIV

in going, work! For the straw [ to you

od 5o0fja£xai Kai xrjv awca^iv xrjc; nkivdsiaq

shall not be given], and the rate for the making of bricks

a7io5cba£T£ 19+ £cbpcov 5£ oi ypajijiaidq xcov dicgv

you shall render. [ seeing And the scribes of the sons

IapafjA, £(xdtoi)c; £v KaKoiq Aiyovx£c; odk a7ioA,£nj/£X£

of Israel] themselves in bad [ways], [in the] saying, You shall not leave off

goto Tr\q 7iA,iv0£ia(; xo Ka0fjKov xrj r||i£pa 20 +

from the making of bricks fit for the day,

avvr\VTr\aav 8£ McoDafj Kai Aapcbv £p%oji£voic; ziq

that they met Moses and Aaron coming to

aDvdvxrjaiv aDxofc; £K7iop£DO|i£vcov aDxcbv arco Oapacb

meet with them in their going forth from Pharaoh.

21 + Kai £i7iov aDiofc; £7i(8oi o 0£oq v[idq Kai Kpivai

And they said to them, [ give over God you] and judge,

on £p5£A^ax£ ttjv oajxfjv r||icbv £vavx(ov Oapacb

for you caused [ to be abhorred our scent] before Pharaoh,

Kai £vavxiov xcov 0£pa7i6vxcov aDxoD 5oDvai pojicpaiav

and before his attendants, to put a broadsword

£iq xac; %£ipac; aDxoD xod a7ioKX£ivai r\[idq 22+

into his hands to kill us.

£7T£&lt;ycp£\J/£ 8£ McODafjC; 7ipO(; KDpiOV Kai £17T£ Kl3pi£

[ turned And Moses] to [the] LORD, and said, O LORD,

8id Ti £KaKcoaac; xov Xaov xodxov Kai ivaxi

for why did you inflict evil on this people? And why

a7i£aTaA,Kdc; ji£ 23+ Kai acp' od £ia7i£7r6p£D(iai npoq

have you sent me? And when I went to

Oapacb XaArjaai £7U xco oco ov6|iaxi £KdKcoa£

Pharaoh to speak in the [ [being] to you name], he inflicted evil on

xov Xaov xodxov Kai odk £ppDaco xov Xaov OOD

this people, and you did not rescue your people.

6 l

1 + Kai £i7i£ KDpioq 7rpoq McoDafjv f|5r| 6\j/£i a

And [the] LORD said to Moses, Already you shall see what

7toifjaco too Oapacb £v yap %£ip( Kpaxaid £^a7ioai£A,£i

I will do to Pharaoh. For with [ hand a fortified] he shall send

aDTODc; Kai £v Ppa%(ovi D\j/r|A,cb £KpaA,£i aDxotic;

them; and with [ arm a high] he will cast them




02 - Exodus

8K xrjc; yr\q avToi) 2+ sXdArjas 5s o Gsoc; npoq

from out of his land. [ spoke And God] to

McoDafjv Kai S17T8 7ipoc; avTOV sycb Kupioc; 3+ Kai

Moses, and said to him, I [am] [the] LORD. And

cbcpGrjv 7ipoc; APpadji Kai Iaa&amp;K Kai IaKcbp 0s6c; gov

I appeared to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, [ God being

auxcbv Kai to ovojid jiod Kupioq odk s5f|A,coaa

their]. And my name, [the] LORD, [was] not manifested

auxoic; 4+ Kai saxrjaa xrjv 8ia6fjKr|v |iod npoq avzovq

to them. And I established my covenant with them,

cbaxs Scrovai auxoic; xrjv yrjv xcov Xavavaicov xrjv yrjv

so as to give to them the land of Canaan, the land

Tjv 7iapcoKf|Kaaiv sv r| Kai 7iapcbKr|oav S7i' avTT\q 5 +

which they sojourned, in which also they sojourned upon it.

Kai sycb siofjKODaa xov axsvayjiov xcov mcbv IapafjA,

And I hearkened to the moaning of the sons of Israel,

a 01 Aiyimxioi Kaxa5oi)A,owxo auxotic; Kai

in which the Egyptians reduced them to slavery. And

sjivfjaGrjv xrjc; 8ia0f|Kr|c; djicov 6+ pdSi^s si7iov xoic;

I remembered your covenant. Proceed, say to the

vioiq IapafjA, Aiycov sycb Kopioc; Kai s^d^co v[iaq

sons of Israel! saying, I [am] [the] LORD, and I will lead you

arco xrjc; Suvaoxsiac; xcov Aiyu7rxicov Kai ptioojiai

from the domination of the Egyptians, and I will rescue

v[idq sk xrjc; SoiAsiac; auxcbv Kai Ampcboojiai v[idq sv

you from their slavery, and I will ransom you with

Ppa%iovi D\j/r|Axb Kai Kpiasi |isydAr| 7+ Kai Ar|\j/o|iai

[arm a high] and [judgment great]. And I will take

sjiaDxcb v[idq sic; Xaov sjioi Kai saojiai djicov 0s6c;

you to myself as a people to me. And I will be your God.

Kai yvcbasaGs 6x1 sycb Kopioc; o dsoq djicov o

And you will know that I [am] [the] LORD your God, the one
s^ayaycbv v[iaq sk xrjc; KaxaSwaaxsiac; xcov

leading you from out of the tyranny of the

AiyD7ix(cov 8+ Kai siad^co v[iaq sic; xrjv yrjv sic; rjv

Egyptians. And I will bring you into the land in which

s^sxsiva xrjv xsipd jiod 8cr6vai aDxfjv xco APpadji Kai

I stretched out my hand to give it [to] Abraham, and

IaadK Kai IaKcbp Kai 5cbaco djiiv aDxfjv sv KArjpco

Isaac, and Jacob. And I will give it to you by lot.

sycb Kopioc; 9+ sAxxAxjos 5s Moyoafjc; croxcoc; xoic; vioiq

I [am] [the] LORD. [ spoke And Moses] thus to the sons




02 - Exodus

IopafjX Kai odk siafjKODaav McoDafj arco

of Israel, and they did not hearken to Moses because

Tr\q oAiyo\jA)%(ac; Kai arco xcov epycov xa&gt;v aKAxjpcbv km

of faint-heartedness, and because of the [works hard].

81718 8s Kopioc; 7ipoc; McoDafjv Aiycov u+ eiae^Gs

[ said And [the] LORD] to Moses, saying, Enter,

XaXr\aov npoq Oapacb PaaiAia AiyirnxoD (va

speak to Pharaoh king of Egypt! that

s^a7ioaTs(Xr| xodc; viovq IapafjX sk xrjc; yr\q aDxoD u +

he may send out the sons of Israel from his land.

eAxxAxjae 8e McoDafjc; evavxi KopioD Xeycov i8od oi

[ spoke And Moses] before [the] LORD, saying, Behold, the

dioi IapafjX odk eiafjKODadv jiod Kai 7icoc;

sons of Israel [do] not listen to me, and how

eiaaKODosxai jiod Oapacb sycb 8s aXoyoq eijii n + ei7ie

shall [ listen to me Pharaoh], fori am not reckoned? [spoke

8e Kopioc; npoq McoDafjv Kai Aapcov Kai aDvexa^ev

And [the] LORD] to Moses and Aaron, and he ordered

auxok; npoq Oapacb PaaiAia AiyirnxoD cbaxs

them to Pharaoh king of Egypt, so as

e^ayayeiv xodc; viovq IapafjA, 8K xrjc; yr\q

to lead out the sons of Israel from out of the land

AiyimxoD u+ Kai odxoi oi apxrjyoi oikcov

of Egypt. And these [are] the chiefs of [the] houses

7iaxpicbv ai)xcbv dioi PodPt|v 7ipcoxox6KOD IapafjA,

of their families. [The] sons of Reuben first-born of Israel —

Evcb% Kai OaAloD Aapcbv Kai Xapjii aDxrj r|

Hanoch and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi — this [is] the

aDyysvsia PoDpfjv 15+ Kai dioi Edjiscov IsjioDfjX Kai

kin of Reuben. And [the] sons of Simeon— Jemuel, and

Iajiiv Kai Aco8 Kai Ia%eiv Kai Sadp Kai Zaovk

Jamin, and Ohad, and Jachin, and Zohar, and Shaul

o sk xrjc; Ooiviaarjc; aDxai ai 7iaxpia( xcov Dicbv

the [one] from the Phoenician [woman]. These [are] the families of the sons

I/djiscov 16+ Kai xaDxa xa ovojiaxa xcov Dicbv Asdi

of Simeon. And these [are] the names of the sons of Levi

Kaxd aDyyeveiac; aDxcbv TsSacbv Kad6 Kai Mspapei

according to their kin — Gershon, Kohath and Merari;

Kai xa sxrj Tr\q Ccofjc; Asdi SKaxov xpiaKovxae7ixd

and the years of the life of Levi — a hundred thirty-seven

sxrj 17+ Kai odxoi 01 dioi TsSacbv AoPevi Kai Ssjisi

years. And these [are] the sons of Gershon — Libni and Shimei;



8V TOUT© + VlKa

02 - Exodus

oikoi 7iaxpidc; auxcbv 18+ Kai 01 moi Kad0 AjiPpdji

[the] houses of their family. And the sons of Kohath — Amram,

Kai Iaadp Kai XsPpcbv Kai O^ifjA, Kai xa sxrj xrjc;

and Izhar, and Hebron, and Uzziel; and the years of the

^cofjc; KadG sraxov xpiaKovxaxpia sxrj 19+ Kai moi

life of Kohath ~ a hundred thirty years. And [the] sons

Mspapsi MooAi Kai Mouasi otixoi 01 oikoi 7iaxpicbv

of Merari — Mahli, and Mushi. These [are] the houses of [the] families

Asm Kaxd &lt;yoyysvs(ac; auxcbv 20+ Kai sAxxPsv Ajippdji

of Levi, according to their kin. And Amram took

xrjv Ico%aPs5 0t&gt;yaxspa xod aSsAxpoi) xod rcaxpoc; aDxoD

Jochebed daughter of the brother of his father

saDxcb sic; yi)vaiKa Kai syswrjasv aDxcb xov xs

to himself for a wife. And she bore to him also

Aapcbv Kai MooDafjv Kai Mapidji xrjv a5sAxpfjv aDxcbv

Aaron, and Moses, and Miriam their sister.

xa 8s sxrj xrjc; ^cofjc; AjiPpdji sraxov xpiaKovxas7ixd

And the years of the life of Amram ~ a hundred thirty-seven

sxrj 21+ Kai moi Iaadp Kops Kai NacpsK Kai Zs%pi

years. And [the] sons of Izhar— Korah, and Nepheg, and Zithri.

22+ Kai moi O^ifjX MiaafjA, Kai EAioacpdv Kai Zs%p(

And [the] sons of Uzziel — Mishael, and Elzaphan, and Zithri.

23 + sAxxPs 5s Aapcbv xrjv EAiodps0 0Dyaxspa AjiivaSdp

[ took And Aaron] Elisheba daughter of Amminadab

a8sAxpf|v Naaaacbv aDxcb yDvafca Kai sxsksv aDxcb

sister ofNaahshon to himself as wife. And she bore to him

xov xs Na8aP Kai APiod8 Kai EXsd^ap Kai I0d|iap

also Nadab, and Abihu, and Eleazar, and Ithamar.

24 + dioi 8s Kops Aasip Kai EAxavd Kai Apidaap

And [the] sons of Korah— Assir, and Elkanah, and Abiasar.

atixai ai ysvsasic; Kops 25+ Kai E^sd^ap o xod

These [are] the generations of Korah. And Eleazar the [son of]

Aapcbv sXa(3s xcov 0Dyaxspcov OoDxvqX ai)xcb yovaixa

Aaron, took of the daughters ofPutiel to himself as wife;

Kai sxsksv ai)xcb xov Oivssq atixai ai ap%a( 7iaxpidc;

and she bore to him Phinehas. These [are] the heads of [the] family

Asmxcbv Kaxd ysvsasic; aDxcbv 26+ odxoc; Aapcbv Kai

of [the] Levites, according to their generations. This Aaron and

McGDafjc; 01c; sircsv o 0s6c; aDxoic; s^ayaysiv xodc;

Moses, [is] whom God said to them to lead the

viovq IapafjA, s^ AiyimxoD ctdv 8i)vd|isi aDxcbv 27 +

sons of Israel from out of Egypt with their force.



8V TOUT© + VtKCl
02 - Exodus

croxoi siaiv 01 5iaA,sy6jisvoi izpoq Oapacb PaaiAia

These are the ones reasoning with Pharaoh king

AiyimTOD cbaxs s^ayaysiv zovq viovq IapafjX s^

of Egypt, so as to lead the sons of Israel from out of

AiywrcoD auxoc; Aapcbv Kai Moyoafjc; 2 s+ r| rjjispa

Egypt — Aaron himself and Moses, in the day

sldAxjas Kupioc; Mcouafj sv yr| AiyimxoD 29+ Kai

[the] LORD spoke to Moses in [the] land of Egypt. And

eAxxAxjae icupioq itpoq Moai)af|v Aiycov sycb Kopioq

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, I [am] [the] LORD.

XaXr\aov npoq Oapacb PaaiXsa AiyimxoD 6aa sycb

Speak to Pharaoh king of Egypt as much as I

Aiyco 7rpoc; as 30 + Kai si7is Mcaoafjc; svavxiov Kopioi)

tell to you! And Moses said before [the] LORD,

idov sycb laxvotpcovoc; sijii Kai ncoq siaaKcroasxai |iou

Behold, I am weak- voiced, and how shall [ listen to me



7 T

1 + Kai si7is Kopioc; 7rpoc; Mcoi)af|v Xsycov idov 5s5cokcx

And [the] LORD said to Moses, saying, Behold, I have made

as 0s6v Oapacb Kai Aapcbv o a5sAxpoc; gov saxai

you as a god to Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother will be

aov 7ipocpf|Tr|c; 2 + ai) 5s Xah^aziq auxcb rcdvxa 6aa

your prophet. But you shall speak to him all as much as

svxsAlojiai aoi o 5s Aapcbv o aSsAxpoc; aou XaArjasi

I give charge to you. But Aaron your brother will speak

7rpoc; Oapacb cbaxs s^a7roaxs(Xai zovq viovq IapafjA,

to Pharaoh, so as to send the sons of Israel

sk yrjc; avzov 3 + sycb 5s aKAx|pi)vcb xrjv KapSiav

from out of his land. But I will harden the heart

Oapacb Kai 7rAx|9i)vcb xa ar||is(d jiod Kai xa xspaxa

of Pharaoh, and I will multiply my signs, and the miracles

sv yrj AryimxcD 4 + Kai odk siaaKcroasxai ujicbv

in [the] land of Egypt. And [ will not listen to you

Oapacb Kai S7uPaAxb xrjv %s(pd jiou S7i' Aiyirnxov Kai

Pharaoh], and I will put my hand against Egypt, and

s^d^co &lt;xdv 5i)vd|isi jiod xov Xaov [iov zovq viovq

I will lead out with my power my people the sons

IapafjX sk yr\q AiyimxoD auv SK5iKqasi |isydAr|

of Israel from out of [the] land of Egypt with [punishment great].


7 T ev toutco + vuca 02 - Exodus

5+ Kai yvcbaovxai ndvTsq 01 Ary67ixioi 6xi sycb sijii

And [ shall know all the Egyptians] that I am

KTjpiOq SKXSIVCOV TT|V %zlpa |IOD 871 ' AiyD7TXOV Kai

[the] LORD, stretching out my hand against Egypt; and

s^d^co xodc; viovq lapar\k sk jisaou auxcbv 6 + S7iorr|as

I will lead the sons of Israel from their midst. [ did

8s Mocmafjc; Kai Aapcbv Ka0d7isp svsxsdaxo auxofc;

And Moses and Aaron] just as [ gave charge to them

Kopioc; ouxcoc; S7iovr|aav ? + Moouafjc; 8s rjv sxcbv

[the] LORD] ~ thus they did. And Moses was [ years [old]

oy5of|Kovxa Aapcbv 5s oy8or|Kovxaxpicbv sxcbv rjviKa

eighty], and Aaron [was] eighty-three years [old] when

sXdAxjaav itpoq Oapacb 8 + Kai si7rs Kopioc; itpoq

they spoke to Pharaoh. And [the] LORD said to

McDDafjv Kai Aapcbv Aiycov 9 + Kai sdv Xakr\ar\ itpoq

Moses and Aaron, saying, And if [ should speak to

v[iaq Oapacb Xsycov 86xs r\[dv arjjisiov r| xspac; Kai

you Pharaoh], saying, Give to us a sign or miracle, then

spsiq Aapcbv xco aSsAxpcb ood AxxPs xrjv pdp8ov Kai

[ Aaron shall say your brother], Take the rod and

pnj/ov avTT\v S7U xrjv yrjv svavxiov Oapacb Kai

toss it upon the ground before Pharaoh, and

svavxiov xcov 0spa7i6vxcov avzov Kai saxai SpdKcov io +

before his attendants, and it will be a serpent.

siafjXGs 8s McoDafjq Kai Aapcbv svavxiov Oapacb

[ entered And Moses and Aaron] before Pharaoh,

Kai xcov 6spa7i6vxcov avzov Kai S7io(r|aav otixcoc;

and his attendants. And they did thus,

Ka0d7isp svsxsiXaxo auxoic; Kupioc; Kai

as [ gave charge to them [the] LORD]. And

sppuj/sv Aapcbv xrjv pdp8ov svavxiov Oapacb Kai

Aaron tossed the rod before Pharaoh, and

svavxiov xcov 0spa7i6vxcov avzov Kai sysvsxo SpdKcov

before his attendants. And [it] became a serpent.

n+ aDVSKdXsos 8s Tovq aocpioxdq Aiy67ixou o Oapacb

[ called together And the wise men of Egypt Pharaoh],

Kai xodc; cpapjiaKOTjq Kai S7iovr|aav Kai oi S7iaoi8o(

and the sorcerers. And [ did also the enchanters

xcov AiyD7ixicov xaiq cpapjiaKsiaiq ai)xcbv coaatixcoc; n+

of the Egyptians] their sorceries likewise.

Kai sppnj/av SKaaxoq xrjv pdp8ov avzov Kai sysvovxo

And [ tossed each] his rod, and they became


7 T ev toutco + viica 02 - Exodus

SpdKovTSc; Kai KaT87iisv r| pafiboq r\ Aapcbv mq

serpents. And [ swallowed down the rod of Aaron] the

sksivcov p&amp;p5oi)c; 13+ Kai KaxiaxDasv r| Kap8(a Oapacb

rods of those men. And [ grew strong the heart of Pharaoh],

Kai odk eiafjKODaev aDTcbv Ka0d7csp sldArjosv

and he did not listen to them as [ said

aDTok; icupioq 14+ 81718 8s Kopioc; 7cpoc; M&lt;»Dafjv

to them [the] LORD]. [said And [the] LORD] to Moses,

3sP&amp;pr|Tai r| Kap8(a Oapacb tod [ir\ stfmoaTEikai tov

is weighed down The heart of Pharaoh] to not send out the

Xaov 15+ pdSiaov npoq Oapacb T07ipcoi i8od avzoq

people. You proceed to Pharaoh in the morning! Behold, he

SK7copsDSTai 8711 to D8cop Kai ear) aDvavTcbv

will go forth upon the water. And you will be [able] to meet

ai)Tcb S7ri to %£ikoq tod 7C0Ta|i0D Kai ttjv pdp8ov

him upon the edge of the river, and the rod,

ttjv oTpacpeiaav sic; ocpiv hf\\\fr\ sv TT|%sipiaoD 16+

the [one] turning into a serpent, take in your hand.

Kai spsfc; 7tpoc; aDTOV Kopioc; o Gsoc; tcov EPpaicov

And you shall say to him, [The] LORD God of the Hebrews

a7C8aTaA,K8 |is npoq as Aiycov s^a7coaTSiA,ov

has sent me to you, saying, Send out

tov Xaov |iod (va jioi AxxTpsDacoai jioi sv ttj spf||ico

my people! that they may serve tome in the wilderness.

Kai i5od odk siafjKODaaq scoc; todtod n+ tcx8s Aiysi

And behold, you hearkened not unto this [time]. Thus says

KDpioq sv todtco yvcbarj 6ti eycb KDpioq i8od sycb

[the] LORD, In this you will know that I [am] [the] LORD. Behold, I

TD7CTC0 TTJ pdp8&lt;» TTJ SV TT| %Sip( |IOD S7U TO D5cop

strike with the rod in my hand upon the water

to sv tco 7C0Ta(icb Kai jiSTaPa^si sic; aijia is + Kai 01

in the river, and it will turn into blood. And the

i%9dsc; oi sv tco 7COTa|icb TS^SDTfjaoDai Kai S7co^sasi

fishes in the river shall come to an end. And [ will stink

o 7C0Ta|i6c; Kai od 8DvfjaovTai oi AiyD7CTioi 7cisiv

the river], and [ will not be able the Egyptians] to drink

D8cop a7co tod 7C0Ta|i0D 19+ si7cs 8s Kopioc; 7cpoc;

water from the river. [ said And [the] LORD] to

M&lt;»Dafjv si7cov Aapcbv tco aSsAxpcb aoD Xd(3s

Moses, Say to Aaron your brother, Take

ttjv pdp8ov aoD Kai sktsivov tt|v %s(pd cod S7c( Ta

your rod, and stretch out your hand upon the


7 T ev tootco + viica 02 - Exodus

D8axa AiyirnxoD Kai S7ri xodc; 7ioxa|ioDc; aDxcbv Kai sm

waters of Egypt, and upon their rivers, and upon

xac; SicopDyac; aDxcov Kai S7ri xa sAxj aDxcbv Kai S7U

their aqueducts, and upon their marshes, and upon

7iav oDvsaxrjKoc; D8cop aDxcbv Kai saxai a(|ia sv

all [ standing water their], and there will be blood in

7idar| xt| yrj AiyD7ixoD sv xs xoic; ^bkoiq Kai sv

all the land of Egypt, in both the wood [vessels] and in

xoic; AiGoic; 20+ Kai S7iovr|aav odxcoc; McoDafjc; Kai

the stone [vessels]. And [ did so Moses and

Aapcbv KaGdftsp svsxsiAmo aDxoic; KDpioc; Kai

Aaron], just as [ gave charge to them [the] LORD]. And

sftdpac; Aapcbv xrjv pdp8co aDxoD S7idxa^s xo i35cop

Aaron lifting his rod struck the water

xo ev xco 7ioxa|icb svavxiov Oapaco Kai svavxiov

in the river before Pharaoh, and before

xcov 9spa7i6vxcov aDxoD Kai jisxspaXs 7iav xo D8cop

his attendants. And [ turned all the water

xo ev xco 7ioxa|icb sic; aijia 21 + Kai 01 i%6dsc; 01 ev

in the river] into blood. And the fishes, the ones in

xco 7ioxa|icb sxs^sDxrjaav Kai S7icb^sasv o 7ioxa|i6c;

the river came to an end. And [ stunk the river].

Kai odk rj5wavxo 01 Aiyimxioi 7risiv D8cop sk

And [ [were] not able the Egyptians] to drink water from out of

xod 7ioxa|iOD Kai rjv xo aijia sv 7idar| xr| yrj

the river. And [ was the blood] in all the land

AiyimxoD 22+ S7io(r|aav 8s coaaDxcoc; Kai 01 S7iaoi8o(

of Egypt. [did And likewise also the enchanters

xcov AiyD7ixicov xaic; cpapjiaKsiaic; aDxcbv Kai

of the Egyptians] in their sorceries. And

saKAx|pi)v6r| T| Kap8(a Oapaco Kai odk siafjKODasv

was hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not listen to

ai)xcbv Ka6d7isp si7is Kupioq 23 + S7iiaxpacps(c; 8s Oapaco

them, just as [the] LORD said. [ turned And Pharaoh]

siafjXGsv sic; xov oikov aDxoD Kai odk S7isaxr|as

to enter into his house, and he did not set

xov vodv aDxoD od8s S7U xodxco 24 + cbpD^av 8s ftdvxsc;

his mind neither upon this [thing]. [ dug And all

01 AiyD7ixioi kdkAxo xod 7ioxa|ioD cbaxs 7iis(v D8cop

the Egyptians] round about the river so as to drink water;

Kai odk r|8Dvavxo 7iis(v D8cop a7TO XOD 7TOXa|IOD

and they were not able to drink water from the river.


8V TOUT© + VtKd

02 - Exodus

25+ Kai avs7cAx|pcb6r|aav £7rc&amp; rjjispai |isxd to

And [ were fulfilled seven days] after the

7raxd^ai icupiov xov 7coxa|i6v

LORD struck the river.

8 n

i+ 81718 8s Kupioq 7rpoc; Ma&gt;Daf|v eiaeABs npoq

[ said And [the] LORD] to Moses, Enter to

Oapacb Kai epeic; npoq avzov xd8e Aiyei Kopioc;

Pharaoh! And you shall say to him, Thus says [the] LORD,

s^a7i6oxsiXov xov Xaov jiod iva jioi AxxxpeDacoaiv 2 +

Send out my people that they may serve me!

si 8s |ir| PodAx| ctd 8^a7roax8iAm i8od sycb xd7cxco

But if [ should not be willing you] to send, behold, I strike

7idvxa xa opid gov Paxpd%oic; 3 + Kai s^spsD^sxai o

all your boundaries with frogs. And [ will discharge forth the

7toxa|i6c; Paxpd%ODc; Kai avapdvxec; eiae^sDaovxai sic;

river] frogs. And in ascending, they shall enter into

xodc; oikodc; gov Kai sic; xa xajiisia xcov koixcovcov gov

your houses, and into the closets of your bedrooms,

Kai S7Ti xcov kAivcov gov Kai sic; xodc; oikodc;

and upon your beds, and into the houses

xcov 6spa7c6vxcov aoD Kai xod Xaov gov Kai ev

of your attendants, and your people, and in

xoic; (pDpdjiaai aoD Kai sv xoic; K^ipdvoiq ood 4 + Kai

your batches [of flour], and in your ovens. And

87U as Kai 87U xov Xaov gov Kai S7ri

upon you, and upon your people, and upon

xodc; 0spd7i;ovxdc; aoD avapfjaovxai 01 pdxpa%oi 5+ si7cs

your attendants [ will ascend the frogs]. [said

8s KDpioq 7cpoc; McoDafiv si7cov Aapcbv

And [the] LORD] to Moses, Say to Aaron

xco aSeAxpcb aoD skxsivov xr| %eipi aoD xrjv pdpSov mi

your brother! Stretch forth [in] your hand the rod upon

xodc; KOTayiovq Kai sni xac; SicbpDyac; Kai S7U xa

the rivers, and upon the aqueducts, and upon the

sArj Kai avdyays xodc; Paxpd%ODc; 6 + Kai

marshes, and lead the frogs! And

s^sxeivsv Aapcbv xrjv %e(pa 87U xa D8axa AiyD7cxoD

Aaron stretched out [his] hand upon the waters of Egypt,

Kai avfjyays xodc; Paxpd%ODc; Kai avePipdaGrj o

and he led the frogs. And [ was brought up the

8 n ev tootco + vtica 02 - Exodus

P&amp;Tpa%oc; Kai sk&amp;Auij/s 7idaav xrjv yrjv AiyD7iTOD 7 +

frog], and covered all the land of Egypt.

S7io(r|aav 5s coaaDTCOc; Kai 01 S7raoi5o( tcov

[ did And likewise also the enchanters of the

AiyD7iTicov zaiq cpapjiaKeiaic; aDTcbv Kai avfjyayov

Egyptians] with their sorceries; and they led

todc; Paxp&amp;xoDc; £7i( tt|v yrjv AiyD7iTOD 8 + Kai

the frogs upon the land of Egypt. And

eKdXsas Oapacb Mcoi)af|v Kai Aapcbv Kai si7iev

Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron, and said,

SD^aaGe 7ispi sjiod itpoq Kupiov Kai 7repieA,8TCO todc;

Make a vow for me to [the] LORD, and remove the

PaxpdxoDc; an £|iod Kai ano tod A,aoD jiod Kai

frogs from me, and from my people! And

s^a7roaTsAxb tov Xaov Kai Gdcjodcti Kupico 9+ sifts

I will send the people, and they shall sacrifice [to the] LORD. [ said

5s McoDafjc; 7ipoc; Oapacb xd^ai npoq |is 7t6ts

And Moses] to Pharaoh, Order for me! when

SD^ojiai 7isp( aoD Kai 7isp( xcov 0£pa7i6vTCOv gov

should I make a vow for you, and for your attendants,

Kai tod Xaov aoD acpaviaai todc; PaTpd%ODc; arco

and your people, to remove from view the frogs from

aoD Kai a7io tod Xaov aoD Kai arco tcov oikicov Djicbv

you, and from your people, and from your houses ~

7rAr|v sv too 7iOTa|ico D7ioA,si(p6f|aovTai 10+0 5s ei7iev

except for the [ones] in [the] river [which] shall be left behind? And he said,
sic; atipiov si7T8V odv coc; eiprjKac; (va sidr\q 6ti

During tomorrow. He said therefore, As you have said; that you might see that

odk 80Tiv aXkoq 7iAx|v KDpioD 11+ Kai TispiaipeGfjaovTai

there is no other besides [the] LORD. And [ shall be removed

01 pdTpa%oi a7io aoD Kai arco tcov oikicov djicov Kai

the frogs] from you, and from your houses, and

arco tcov 6spa7r6vTCOv cod Kai arco tod Xaov aoD 7iAx|v

from your attendants, and from your people, only

sv tco 7iOTa|icb D7roA£up6fjaovTai 12 + s^fj^Bs 5e

the [ones] in [the] river will be left behind. [ went forth And

McoDafjc; Kai Aapcbv arco Oapacb Kai

Moses and Aaron] from Pharaoh. And

aveporjas McoDafjc; 7ipoc; Kopiov 7isp( tod opiojioD

Moses yelled out to [the] LORD concerning the enactment

tcov PaTpd%cov coc; 8Td^aTO Oapacb 13 + S7rorr|a£ 5s

of the frogs, as Pharaoh arranged. [ did And


8 n ev tootco + viica 02 - Exodus

Kopioc; Ka0d7isp si7is Moouafjc; Kai sxsA,si3xr|aav 01

[the] LORD] just as Moses said, and ended the

P&amp;Tpa%Ol SK TCOV OIKICOV Kai 8K TCOV 87iai3A,8COV Kai

frogs from the houses, and from the properties, and

sk xcov aypcbv u+ Kai auvfjyayov auxotic; Grjiicoviaq

from the fields. And they brought them heaps [upon]

6r]|icGviac; Kai S7ico^sosv r| yrj 15+ i5cov 5s Oapaco

heaps, and [ stunk the land]. [ seeing And Pharaoh]

on ysyovsv avd\j/u^ic; sPapuvGrj r| Kap8ia avzov Kai

that there came to pass a respite, [ was weighed down [therefore] his heart], and
ouk siafjKODaev auxcov Ka6d7rep sAxxArjas Kopioc; i6+

he did not hearken to them, just as [the] LORD said.

81718 8s Kopioc; 7rpoc; Mcoi)af|v si7rov Aapcbv skxsivov

[ said And [the] LORD] to Moses, Say to Aaron! Stretch out

xtj %£ipi xttv pdp8ov aoi) Kai 7idxa^ov xo %cb|ia xrjc;

[with your] hand your rod, and strike the embankment of the

yrjc; Kai saovxai aKvbisq sv 7idar| yr| Aiyimxou i? +

land! and there will be midges in all [the] land of Egypt.

s^sxsivsv odv Aapcbv xtj X 8l P^ TT I V pdp8ov Kai

[ stretched out Then Aaron [with] the hand the rod], and

S7rdxa^s xo %cb|ia xrjc; yrjc; Kai sysvovxo oi GKvimq

he struck the embankment of the earth, and there were the midges

sv xs xoic; av0pco7roic; sv xs xoic; xsxpd7ioai Kai

among both men [and] among also the four-footed [creatures]. And

sv 7iavx( xcbjiaxi xrjc; yrjc; sysvovxo oi aKvbisq sv

among all embankments of the land there were the midges in

7idar| yr| Aiyu7rxou is+ S7iornaav 8s coaauxcoc; Kai

all [the] land of Egypt. [ did And likewise also

oi S7iaoi8o( xaic; cpapjiaKsiaic; auxcov s^ayaysiv xov

the enchanters] in their sorceries, to lead out the

oKvi7ia Kai ouk r|8uvavxo Kai sysvovxo oi ctkvittsc;

midge, but they were not able. And there were midges

sv xs xoiq av0pco7ioi(; Kai sv xoic; xsxpd7iooiv 19+

among both men, and among the four-footed [creatures].

si7iav odv 01 S7iaoi8o( xco Oapaco 8dKxuA,oc; 6sou

[ said then [And] the enchanters] to Pharaoh, [ [the] finger of God

saxixouxo Kai saKArjpuvGrj rj Kap8(a Oapaco Kai

This is]. And [ was hardened the heart of Pharaoh], and

ouk siafjKouasv auxcov Ka6d7isp sAxxArjas Kupioq 20 +

he did not listen to them, just as [the] LORD said.

si7is 8s Kupioc; 7ipoc; McoDafjv opGpiaov xo7ipcoi Kai

[ said And [the] LORD] to Moses, Rise early in the morning, and


8 n ev tootco + viica 02 - Exodus

&lt;xcfj0i svavxiov Oapacb Kai i8od avzoq s^sXstiasTai

stand before Pharaoh! And behold, he will come forth

87i( to D8cop Kai spsfc; npoq avzov t&amp;8s Aiysi

near the water. And you shall say to him, Thus says

Kopioc; s^a7i6aT£iAx)v tov A,a6v |iod iva

[the] LORD, Send out my people! that

jioi XaTpsDacoaiv sv xr| spf|jLico 21 + s&amp;v 8s jlit| PodAt|

they shall serve me in the wilderness. But if you do not want

s^a7roaT£iAm xov Xaov jiod i8od sycb s^a7ioaTsAA,cb S7ri

to send out my people, behold, I will send upon

os Kai S7U todc; 9sp&amp;7rovT&amp;c; gov Kai S7ri xov Xaov gov

you, and upon your attendants, and upon your people,

Kai S7i( todc; oikodc; djicov KovojiDiav Kai

and upon your houses [the] dog-fly. And

7rAr|a6f|aovTai ai oudai tcov AiyD7rTicov Tr\q

[ shall be filled the houses of the Egyptians] with the

KDVojiDiaq Kai sic; rqv yrjv scp' r\q siaiv S7i' avTr\q

dog-fly, and into the land upon which they are upon it.

22+ Kai 7iapa8o§daco sv xr| rjjispa SKsivrj xr|v yrjv

And I will do an incredible thing in that day in the land

Tsasji scp' r\q o Axxoc; |iod saxiv S7i' avTT\q scp' r\q

of Goshen, upon which my people are upon it; upon which

odk saxai sksi r| KovojiDia (va s(8r|c; on sycb sijii

there will not be there the dog-fly, that you may know that I am

Kopioc; 7idGr\q Tr\q yr\q 23+ Kai 8cbaco 8iaoToAr|v

[the] LORD of all the earth. And I will make a difference

avajisaov tod sjiod Xaov Kai avajisaov tod ood

between my people, and between your

Xaov sv 8s ttj atipiov scrcai to ar||isiov todto S7U

people. And in the next morning [ will be the sign this] upon

Tr\q yr\q 24 + S7rovr|os 8s Kopioc; odtcoc; Kai 7iapsysvsTO

the land. [ did And [the] LORD] so. And [ came

T| KDVojiDia 7iAx|6oc; sic; todc; oikodc; Oapacb Kai sic;

the dog- fly] in multitude in the houses of Pharaoh, and in

todc; oikodc; tcov 9spa7i6vTCOv aDTOD Kai sic; 7iaoav

the houses of his attendants, and in all

yrjv AiyD7iTOD Kai s^coA,o0psD0r| r| yr| arco tt|c;

[the] land of Egypt. And [ was utterly destroyed the land] because of the

KDVojiDiac; 25+ SKd^sas 8s Oapacb Moyoafjv Kai

dog-fly. [ called And Pharaoh] Moses and

Aapcbv Aiycov sABovtsc; 0DaaTS too 0scb djicov sv ttj

Aaron, saying, In going, you sacrifice [to] your God in the


8 n ev toutco + vtica 02 - Exodus

yrj 26+ Kai si7ce McoDafjc; od 5i)vax6v ysvea0ai odxcoc;

land! And Moses said, It is not possible to be so.

xayap pSsMyjiaxa xcov AiyD7cxicov Gtioojiev KDpico

For the abominations of the Egyptians we sacrifice [to the] LORD

too 0ecb rjjicbv sdv yap 0Daco|iev xa pSsMyjiaxa xcov

our God. For if we should sacrifice the abominations of the

AiyD7ix(cov svavxiov aDxcbv Aa0oPoAr|0r|a6|ie0a 2 ? + o86v

Egyptians before them, we shall have stones thrown [at us]. A journey

xpicov r||ispcbv 7ropsi)a6|i86a sic; xrjv eprjjiov Kai

of three days we shall go into the wilderness, and

0DaO|ISV KDpiCO XCO 08CO T||icbv Ka0d7TSp 817TSV T\[dv 28 +

we shall sacrifice to [the] LORD our God, just as he told us.

Kai 8i7i8 Oapacb eycb a7coaxeAM) Djidc; Kai 0Daaxe

And Pharaoh said, I shall send you, and you sacrifice


[to] the LORD your God in the wilderness! but do not

JiaKpdv a7TOX8V8lX8 7COpSD0fjVai 8l3^aa08 ODV 7CSpl

[ far away to extend go] ! Make a vow then for

sjiod 7ipoc; Kopiov 29 + 81718 8s McoDafjc; (8e 8yco

me to [the] LORD! [ said And Moses], Behold I

e^eXsDaojiai a7co aoD Kai SD^ojiai itpoq xov 0s6v

will go forth from you, and I will make a vow to God,

Kai a7ceA£Daexai rj kdvojidux a7co aoD Kai a7co

and [ shall go forth the dog-fly] from you, and from

xcov 08pa7c6vxcov aoi) Kai a7co xod Xaov aoi) atipiov

your attendants, and from your people tomorrow.

|iT| 7cpoa0fjc; 8xi Oapacb 8^a7caxfjaai xod jlit|

You should not add again, O Pharaoh, to deceive completely, to not

e^a7i;oaxe(Am xov Xaov 0Daai Kopico 30+ e^f|A,0e 8s

send out the people to sacrifice to [the] LORD. [ went forth And

McoDafjc; a7co Oapacb Kai rjD^axo 7cpoc; xov 0s6v 31 +

Moses] from Pharaoh, and made a vow to God.

S7co(r|a8 8s Kopioc; Ka0d7C£p ei7ce McoDafjc; Kai

[ did And [the] LORD] just as Moses said, and

7cspis(A,s xttv KDVojiDiav a7co Oapacb Kai a7co

removed the dog-fly from Pharaoh, and from

xcov 0spa7c6vxcov aDxoD Kai a7co xod Xaov avzov Kai

his attendants, and from his people; and

od KaxsA£icp0r| oDSsjiia 32 + Kai epdpDve Oapacb xrjv

he did not leave behind even one. And Pharaoh was oppressed [in]

Kap8(av aDxoD Kai 87U xod KaipoD xodxod Kai odk

his heart also at this time, and he did not


9 0 ev toutco + viica 02 - Exodus

TiGsArjasv s§a7ioaxs(Am xov Xaov

want to send out the people.

9 13

i+ si7T8 5s icupioq 7ipoc; Mamafjv siasXGs 7ipoc;

[ said And [the] LORD] to Moses, Enter to

Oapacb Kai spsic; auxcb xd8s Aiysi Kopioc; o 6s6c;

Pharaoh! And you shall say to him, Thus says [the] LORD God

xcov EPpaicov £^a7t6axsiAx)v xov Xaov jiou (va

of the Hebrews, Send out my people! that

Axxxpsuacooi jioi 2 + si jisv ouv |ir| Pot3Ax|

they may serve to me For if then you do not want

s^a7ioaxs(Am xov Xaov jiou aXk' sxi syKpaxsfc; auxou

to send out my people, but still to have power over them,

3 + i8oi) x 8l P KDpioi) saxai sv xoic; Kxfjvsai gov

behold, [the] hand of [the] LORD will be against your cattle

xoic; sv xoic; 7is5(oic; Kai sv xs xoic; i7r7roic; Kai sv

in the plains, and against also the horses, and against

xoic; D7io£/Dy(oic; Kai xaic; KajifjAmc; Kai fiovai Kai

the beasts of burden, and the camels, and oxen, and

7ipopdxoic; Gdvaxoc; jisyac; acp68pa 4 + Kai

sheep, [plague great by an exceedingly]. And

7iapa5o^daco sycb sv xco Kaipcb sksivco avajisaov xcov

I will do an incredible thing, [even] I in that time, between the

Kxrjvcov xcov Aiyu7ix(cov Kai avajisaov xcov Kxrjvcbv

cattle of the Egyptians, and between the cattle

xcov mcbv IapafjA, Kai ou xs^suxfjosi arco 7idvxcov

of the sons of Israel. And there shall not come to an end of any

xcov xod dicov IapafjA, prjxov 5 + Kai sScoksv o Gsoc;

of the ones of the sons of Israel in particular. And God gave

opov Aiycov sv xr| aupiov 7ioif|asi Kopioc;

confirmation, saying, In the next morning [the] LORD will do

xo pfjjia xcroxo sm xrjc; yr\q 6 + Kai S7io(r|as Kopioc;

this thing upon the land. And [the] LORD did

xo pf||ia xotixo xtj s7rai3piov Kai sxsA,ST3xrjas 7idvxa xa

this thing in the next day. And there came to an end all the

Kxfjvrj xcov AiyD7ixicov arco 8s xcov Kxrjvcbv xcov dicov

cattle of the Egyptians. But of the cattle of the sons

IapafjX ouk sxsXsuxrjasv ou8sv 7+ i8cbv 8s Oapacb

of Israel they did not come to an end— not one. [seeing And Pharaoh]

6x1 ouk sxsXsuxrjasv arco 7idvxcov xcov Kxrjvcbv xcov

that none came to an end from all of the cattle of the



02 - Exodus
mcbv IapafjX ouSsv spapi3v9r| r| Kap8(a Oapacb Kai

sons of Israel— not one, [ was oppressed the heart of Pharaoh], and

ODK S^a7TSaXSlA,S TOV AxXOV 8+ S17TS 5s KUpiO^ 7ipOC;

he did not send out the people. [ spoke And [the] LORD] to

McoDafjv Kai Aapcbv Aiycov Xdpsxs ujisic; nh^psiq

Moses and Aaron, saying, Take with you [ full

xac; xsipac; aiGdAxjc; Kajiivaiaq Kai 7iaadxco Mcouafjq

hands] of soot of a furnace! and let Moses strew [it]

sic; tov oupavov svavxiov Oapacb Kai svavxiov

into the heaven before Pharaoh, and before

xcov 6spa7i6vTCOv auxou 9 + Kai ysvr|9f|xco Koviopxoc; S7i(

his attendants! And let there become a cloud of dust upon

7idaav xrjv yrjv Aiyimxou Kai saxai S7ri

all the land of Egypt! and there will be upon

Tovq av9pcb7iouc; Kai S7i( xa xsxpd7io8a sXkt|

men and upon the four-footed [creatures] sores

cp}u)Kx(8sc; ava^souaai sv is xoic; av0pcb7ioic; Kai sv

of boils breaking out among both men, and among

xoic; xsxpd7ioai Kai ev 7idar| yr| Aiyirnxoi) 10+ Kai

the four-footed [creatures], and in all [the] land of Egypt. And

slape xrjv aiGdArjv xrjc; Kajiivaiac; svavxiov Oapacb

they took the soot of the furnace before Pharaoh;

Kai 87iao8v auxfjv Mcouafjc; sic; tov oupavov Kai

and [ strew it Moses] into the heaven; and

sysvsxo sXkt| cpXuKxiSsc; ava^souaai sv is

there became sores of boils breaking out among both

xoic; av6pcb7roic; Kai sv xoic; xsxpd7iooi n+ Kai odk

men, and among the four-footed [creatures]. And [ were not

rjSuvavxo 01 cpapjiaKoi oxfjvai svavxiov Mcouaf]

able the sorcerers] to stand before Moses,

8id xa sA,kt| sysvsxo yap xa sA,kt| sv xoic;

on account of the sores. [ happened For the sores] among the

cpapjiaKofc; Kai sv 7idar| yr| Aiy67ixco 12+ saK^fipuvs

sorcerers, and in all [the] land of Egypt. [ hardened

8s Kopioc; xrjv Kap8(av Oapacb Kai odk siafjKouasv

And [the] LORD] the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not hearken to

auxcbv Ka6d auvsxa^s Kopioc; xco Mcouafj 13 + si7is 5s

them; as [the] LORD ordered [to] Moses. [ said And

Kopioc; 7ipoc; McoDafjv 6p6piaov xo7ipcoi Kai axfjGi

[the] LORD] to Moses, Rise early in the morning, and stand

svavxiov Oapacb Kai spsic; 7ipoc; auxov xd8s Aiysi

before Pharaoh! And you shall say to him, Thus says


9 0 sv toutco + viica 02 - Exodus

Kopioc; o Gsog xcov EPpaicov s^a7ioaxsiAx)v

[the] LORD God of the Hebrews, Send out

xov Xaov jiod iva XaxpsDacoai jioi u + sv xco yap vdv

my people! that they may serve tome. [in the For] present

Kaipcb sycb s^a7ioaxsAAxo rcdvxa xa aDvavxf||iaxd |iod

time I will send out all my events

sic; xrjv Kap8(av aoD Kai xcov 0spa7i6vxcov aoD Kai

into your heart, and your attendants, and

xod Xaov aov iva sidr\q 6xi odk saxiv aXkoq coc;

your people, that you might see that there is not another as

sycb sv 7idor| xr| yr| 15+ vdv yap anoaTsikaq

I in all the earth. For now, sending

xrjv %s(pa [lov 7iaxd^co as Kai xov Xaov aoD Gavaxcbaco

my hand, I will strike you; and your people I shall put to death;

Kai SKxpipfjarj arco xrjc; yrjc; i 6 + Kai svsksv xodxod

and I will obliterate you from the earth. And because of this

5isxr|pf|9r|c; (va sv5s(^co|iai sv aoi xrjv ia%DV jiod Kai

you were carefully kept, that I might demonstrate in you my strength, and

67tcoc; 5iayysAx| xo ovojid |iod sv 7idar| xr| yrj n + SXl

how [ should be declared my name] in all the earth. Still

ODV aV S|I7TOlfj XOD XOLOV |IOD XOD |XT| s^a7ioaxs(Am

then you cause my people [ to not be sent out

aDxotic; i8+ i8od sycb dco xaDxrjv xrjv cbpav atipiov

for them]. Behold, I rain this hour tomorrow

yakaCfiv noXkr\v acp68pa fjxic; xoiaDxrj od ysyovsv

[ hail great exceedingly], in which such has not happened

sv AiyD7ixco acp' r\q r||ispac; SKxiaxai Kai scoq

in Egypt from which day it was created, and until

xrjc; rjjispac; xaDxrjq 19+ vdv odv KaxdarcsDaov

this day. Now then hasten

aDvayaysiv xa Kxfjvrj aoD Kai 6aa aoi saxiv sv xco

to bring together your cattle, and as much as is to you in the

7rs8ico 7idvxsc;yap 01 dv0pco7ioi Kai xa Kxfjvrj 6aa av

plain! For all the men, and the cattle, as much as

SDpsBfj sv xoic; mdioiq Kai |ir| siasABrj sic;

might be found in the plains, and what might not enter into

oiKiav 7isar| 8s S7i' aDxd r| %dXa^a xsA,sDxf|asi

a residence, [ should have fallen and upon them [what] hail], it will come to an

20+ o cpoPoDjisvoq xo pf||ia KopioD xcov 0spa7i6vxcov

The ones fearing the word of [the] LORD of the attendants

Oapacb aDvfjyays xa Kxfjvrj aDxoD sic; xodc; oikodc; 21 +

of Pharaoh brought together their cattle into the houses.


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

oq 8s |ir| 7ipoasa%s xrj 8iavo(a sic; to pfjjia

And he who did not take heed to the thought unto the word

Kopiou acpfjKe xa Kxfjvrj sv xoic; 7is8ioic; 22 + si7is 8s

of [the] LORD, he allowed the cattle [to stay] in the plains. [ said And

Kopioc; 7ipoc; Mayuofjv skxsivov xrjv yzipa aoi) siq

[the] LORD] to Moses, Stretch out your hand unto

xov oupavov Kai saxai yakaCp S7U 7idaav xttv yrjv

heaven! and there will be hail upon all the land

AiyimxoD em is xodc; av0pcb7roi)c; Kai xa Kxf|vr| Kai

of Egypt; upon both the men, and the cattle, and

8711 7idaav PoT&amp;vrjv xrjv mi xrjc; yrjc; 23+ s^sxsivs 8s

upon all pasturage upon the land. [ stretched out And

Mocmafjc; ttjv %s(pa sic; xov oupavov Kai Kopioc;

Moses] [his] hand unto the heaven, and [the] LORD

s8coks (pcovdq Kai yakaCfiv Kai 8isxps%s xo itvp S7U

gave sounds and hail. And [ ran across fire] upon

xrjc; yrjc; Kai sPps^s Kopioc; yakaCpy sm 7idaav yrjv

the earth. And [the] LORD rained hail upon all [the] land

Aiywixoi) 24+r|v8e r| yakaifi Kai xo 7rup (pkoyiCpv

of Egypt. And there was hail, and the fire blazing

sv xtj %akd^r\ r\ 8s yakaCp nokkf[ atp68pa fjxic;

in the hail. And the hail [was] great — exceedingly, in which

ou ysyovs xouroxrj sv Aiyimxco atp' r\q ysysvrjxai S7i'

was there not such in Egypt from when there was [ upon

avTT\q sBvoc; 25+ S7idxa^s 8s r| yaXaCfi sv 7idar| yr|

it a nation]. [struck And the hail] in all [the] land

Aiyimxou 7idvxa 6aa r|v sv xco 7is8(co arco

of Egypt— all as much as was in the plain from

av0pcb7roi) scoc; Kxfjvouc; Kai 7idaav Poxavrrv xrjv sv

man unto beast. And all pasturage in

xco 7rs8ico S7idxa^sv rj yakalp Kai 7idvxa xa ^oka

the plain [ struck the hail]. And all the trees

xa sv xoic; 7is8(oic; auvsxpuj/s 2 6 + 7iAx|v sv yrj Tsasji

in the plains broke. Except in [the] land of Goshen,

od fjaav 01 uioi IopafjX odk sysvsxo rj yaXaCfx n +

of which were [there] the sons of Israel, there was not hail.

a7roaxsiA,ac; 8s Oapaco SKdXsas xov McoDafjv Kai

[ sending And Pharaoh], called Moses and

Aapcbv Kai si7isv auxoic; r|(idpxr|Ka xovuv o Kopioq

Aaron, and he said to them, I have sinned now, the LORD

SiKaioq sycb 8s Kai o kaoq jiou aaspsiq 28 + su^aoGs

[is] just, but I and my people [are] impious. Make a vow


9 0 ev tootco + vuca 02 - Exodus

odv 7rpoc; Kopiov Kai 7iaDada9co tod ysvrjGfjvai cpcovdc;

then to [the] LORD, and let [ cease to happen [the] sounds

6sod Kai xakaipw Kai itvp Kai s^a7ioaTsXcb Djidc; Kai

of God], and [the] hail and fire! And I will send you out, and

ODKSTl 7ipoaT£6fja£O0£ |ISVSIV

no longer will I insist [for you] to remain.

29+ 81718 5s avT(b Mcovar\q coqav s^sXGco xr|v 7i6Aiv

[ said And to him Moses], whenever I should go from the city,

8K7iSTdaco xac; %sipdq jiod itpoq tov Kopiov Kai ai

I will spread forth my hands to the LORD, and the

cpcovai 7rm3aovTai Kai r| xaXaCfi Kai o dstoc; odk

sounds will cease; and the hail and the rain will not

saxai sti (va yvcbc; on tod KopioD rj yrj 30 +

be any longer, that you may know that [ [is] of the LORD the earth].

Kai &lt;td Kai 01 0spd7iovTSc; cjod S7ri&lt;yca|iai on od8s7tco

And you and your attendants ~ I know that you do not yet

7is(p6pr|o6s xov Kopiov 31+ to 5s Aivov Kai r| KpiGfj

fear the LORD. And the flax and the barley

£7rAxjyr| r| yap KpiGfj 7iapsaTrjKDia to 8s Aivov

were struck. For the barley was standing, and the flax

a7isp|iaTi^ov 32+ o 8s nvpoq Kai rj oXvpa odk s7rArjyrj

was seeding. And the wheat and the wild oat were not struck,

6\j/i|ia yap r|v 33+ s^fj^Gs 8s McoDafjc; arco Oapacb

[ late for it was]. [ went forth And Moses] from Pharaoh

SKToq Tr\q 7i6Xscoc; Kai s^S7iSTaas zaq %s(pac; npoq

outside of the city, and he spread forth the hands to

KDpiov Kai ai cpcovai S7iaDaavTO Kai rj xaXaCfi Kai

[the] LORD, and the sounds ceased, and the hail; and

o dstoc; odk scrca^sv sti S7ii ttjv yrjv 34+ i8cbv 8s

the rain did not drip any longer upon the land. [ seeing And

Oapacb 6ti 7iS7raDTai o dstoc; Kai rj yakaCp. Kai ai

Pharaoh] that [ has been ceased the rain], and the hail, and the

cpcovai 7ipoas0STO tod ajiapTdvsiv Kai spdpDvsv aDTOD

sounds - he added to sin. And [ was oppressed his

ttjv Kap8(av Kai tcov Gspa7i6vTCOv aDTOD 35 + Kai

heart], and the ones of his attendants. And

saKAx|pDv6r| rj Kap8(a Oapacb Kai odk s^a7isaTSiA,s

[ was hardened the heart of Pharaoh], and he did not send out

todc; diodc; IapafjA, KaGdrcsp sA,dArjas Kopioc;

the sons of Israel; just as [the] LORD said


to Moses.




02 - Exodus

10 ■»

i+ 81718 8s icupioq 7ipoc; Mamafjv Aiycov siasA,9e itpoq

[ said And [the] LORD] to Moses, saying, Enter to

Oapacb eycb yap sp&amp;puva xrjv Kap5(av avzov Kai xrjv

Pharaoh! for I oppressed his heart, and the

Kap8(av 08pa7i6vTCOv avzov iva e^qc; zn£kdr\

heart of his attendants, that [ in a row should come

xa arjjisia xatixa 87i' ocdtotj^ 2 + oitcnq 8ir|yfjar|a6£ eic;

these signs] upon them; that you may describe [them] into

xa coxa xcov xskvcov djicov Kai xoic; xskvok;

the ears of your children, and to the children

xcov xskvcov djicov 6aa S|i7i;s7rai%a xoic; Aiyu7rx(oic; Kai

of your children; as much as I mocked the Egyptians, and

xa ar||is(d jiod a S7ro(r|aa ev auxofc; Kai yvcbasaGs

my signs which I did among them. And you will know

oxi sycb Kopioc; 3 + si&lt;xqAi)e 5e McoDafjq Kai Aapcbv

that [it is] I [the] LORD. [ entered And Moses and Aaron]

svavxiov Oapacb Kai si7iav auxcb xd8s Aiysi Kopioc;

before Pharaoh, and said to him, Thus says [the] LORD,

o Geoc; xcov EPpaicov scoc; xivoc; ov fiovksi

the God of the Hebrews, Until when will you not

svxpa7ifjva( |is s^a7i6axsiXov xov Xaov [iov iva

shame me? Send out my people! that

Axxxpeuacom jioi4+sdv8e jitj GsArjc; av stfxnoGTsikai

they may serve to me. But if [ should not want you] to send out

xov Xaov [iov idov sycb £7idyco xauxrjv xrj cbpa

my people, behold, I will bring this in the hour

atipiov aKp(8a noXkr\v S7U rcdvxa xa opid gov 5 + Kai

tomorrow — [ locust much] upon all your boundaries. And

KaXi3\j/si xrjv 6\j/iv Tr\q yr\q Kai ov 8wqar|

[ will be covered the appearance of the earth], and you will not be able

KaxiSsiv xrjv yrjv Kai KaxeSexai 7iav xo 7ispiaa6v

to look down [at] the ground, and will be eaten up all the extra

xo Kaxa^eicpGsv o KaxsXursv djjIv rj xaXaCfx Kai

being left behind which [left behind for you the hail]. And

KaxeSexai 7iav xo ^vXov xo qroojisvov djiiv em Tr\q

will be eaten up every tree germinating of yours upon the

yrjc; 6 + Kai 7iAr|a0f|aovxai gov ai oiKiai Kai ai oiKiai

land. And I will fill your houses, and the houses

xcov 9spa7r6vxcov gov Kai 7idaai ai oiKiai ev 7idar| xr|

of your attendants, and all the houses in all the



02 - Exodus

yrj xcov AiyD7iTicov a od8s7iots scopdKaaiv

land of the Egyptians, which at no time have [ seen

01 rca-cepec; gov ou8' oi 7rp67ia7i7roi auxcbv acp' r\q

your fathers], nor their forefathers, from which

rjjispaq ysyovaaiv S7it xrjc; yr\q scoc; xrjc; xai3xr|c;

day they were upon the land, until this

rjjispaq Kai SKKAivac; e^fj^Gsv anb Oapacb ?+ Kai

day. And turning aside he went forth from Pharaoh. And

AiyoDoi oi 0£p&amp;7tovtsc; Oapacb npoq auxov ecoc; xivoc;

[ say the attendants of Pharaoh] to him, For how long

eaxaixouxo r\[dv aKcbAxw e^a7r6ax£iXov xouc;

will this be to us an impediment? Send out the

av0pcb7roDc; OTtcnq Xaxpsuocoai Kupico xco 0scb auxcbv

men! so that they may serve [to the] LORD their God.

T| eiSevai potest on a7i6AxjoA,ev Aiyvmoq 8 + Kai

Or [ to see do you prefer] that they destroy Egypt? And

a7isaxpe\j/av xov xs McoDafjv Kai Aapcbv itpoq Oapacb

[ returned both Moses and Aaron] to Pharaoh.

Kai 817T8V auxofc; 7topei)£a0£ Kai Axxxpeuaaxe Kupico

And he said to them, Go, and serve [to the] LORD

xco 0scb djicov xivsc; 8s Kai xivec; eiaiv oi

your God! But which and who are the [ones]

7ropsi)6|i£voi 9 + Kai Aiyei McoDafjc; aw xoic; vsaviaKoiq

going? And Moses says, With the young

Kai xoic; 7rpeaPuxepoic; 7iop8Da6|is0a aw xoic; vioiq

and the older we will go; with our sons,

Kai 0uyaxpaai Kai 7ipoPaxoic; Kai Pouaiv r||icbv

and daughters, and sheep, and our oxen;

saxiyap r| sopxfj Kopioi) xod 0s6d rj|icbv io+ Kai si7is

for it is the holiday of [the] LORD our God. And he said

7ipoc; auxouc; saxco ouxco Kopioc; |is0' djicov Ka06xi

to them, Let it be so! [The] LORD [be] with you, in so far as

a7ioaxsAAxo v[idq |ir| Kai xrjv a7roaKei)f|v djicov i8exe

I send you; but should also your belongings? See!

oxi 7iovr|pia 7ip6aKsixai djiiv n+ |ir| otixcoc; 7ropei)sa0£

for wickedness lies near to you. Not so, let [ go forth

oi avSpec; Kai Xaxpstiaaxe xco 0ecb xotixo yap auxoi

the men] and serve God! for this they

SK^rjxdxs e^sPaAxDV 8s avzovq arco 7rpoacb7ioi) Oapacb

seek after. And they cast them from [the] face of Pharaoh.

12+ 81718 88 KDpiOq 7tpOC; McODafjV 8KX81VOV

[ said And [the] LORD] to Moses, Stretch out



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

xrjv %zipa sod 87ii xrjv yrjv AiyirnxoD Kai avapfjxco

your hand upon the land of Egypt! and let [ ascend

oucpic; 8711 xrjv yrjv Kai Kaxe5sxai 7idaav xrjv

[the] locust] upon the land, and it will eat up all the

Poxdvrjv Tr\q yr\q Kai rcdvxa xov Kaprcov xcov ^dXcov

pasturage of the land, and all the fruit of the trees

ov D7r£Ai7rsTO r| yakaCp. n + Kai e^exeive McoDafjq xr|v

which [left behind the hail]. And Moses stretched out the

p&amp;P5ov sic; xov ODpavov Kai Kopioc; £7if|yay£v

rod into the heaven, and [the] LORD brought

dvejiov voxov S7il xrjv yrjv 6Ax|v xrjv r||iepav 8K8ivr|v

[ wind [the] south] upon the land [ entire day that]

Kai 6Ax|v ttjv VDKxa xo7ipcoi sysvfjGrj o dvejioc;

and entire night. In the morning came the [ wind

0 voToq aveAxxPe xrjv aKp(8a u + Kai avfjyayev aDxfjv

south] lifting up the locust, and it led it

87i( 7idaav xrjv yrjv AiyD7ixoD Kai KaxeftaDaev em

upon all the land of Egypt. And it rested upon

rcdvxa xa opia AiyD7ixoD k6XXt\ acp68pa rcpoxspa

all the boundaries of Egypt— many, exceedingly. Prior

avTT\q ov yeyovs xoiaDxrj aKpfc; Kai |iexd xaDxrjv

of them there were not such locust, and after this

odk soxai odxcoc; 15+ Kai SKd^unj/s xrjv 6\jav Tr\q yr\q

there will not be so. And they covered the appearance of the land,

Kai ecpGdprj r| yr| Kai Kaxecpaye 7idaav xrjv Poxdvrjv

and corrupted the land, and ate up all the pasturage

xrjcj yrjc; Kai 7idvTa xov Kaprcov xcov ^dXcov oq

of the land, and all the fruit of the trees, which

D7T8A,s((p0r| arco xrjc; %aXd^r\q ov D7reXei(p0r| %Axop6v

were left behind from the hail. There was not left a green [thing],

od5sv sv xoic; tqvXoiq Kai sv 7idar| poxdvrj xod

not one [thing] among the trees, even in all [the] pasturage of the

7rs8ioi) sv 7id&lt;xr| yr| AiyD7ixoD i6 + Kaxsa7iSDas 8e

plain in all [the] land of Egypt. [ hastened And

Oapacb KaAiaai McoDafjv Kai Aapcbv Aiycov

Pharaoh] to call Moses and Aaron, saying,

r||idpxr|Ka evavxiov KopioD xod 0sod Djicbv Kai siq

1 have sinned before [the] LORD your God, and against

v[iaq 17+ 7rpoa88^aa6s odv jiod xrjv ajiapxiav sxi vdv

you. Favorably receive then my sin still now,

Kai 7ipoa£i)^aa0£ npoq Kupiov xov 0e6v Djicbv Kai

and pray to [the] LORD your God, and




02 - Exodus

7ispisA,8TCO an sjiod xov 0dvaxov xodxov i8+ stfyXds 8s

remove from me this plague! [ went forth And

Moyoafjc; arco Oapacb Kai rjD^axo npoq xov 0s6v 19 +

Moses] from Pharaoh, and made a vow to God.

Kai (iSTsPa^e Kopioc; dvejiov arco dakaaar\q acpoSpov

And [the] LORD turned [wind from [the] sea a vehement],

Kai avelape xrjv aKpi5a Kai evepalev aDxfjv sic; xrjv

and it took up the locust, and cast it into the

spi)0pdv dakaaaav Kai od% D7ieA£icp0r| aKpiq |iia sv

red sea. And there was not left behind [ locust one] in

7idar| yr| Aiy67ixoD 20+ Kai scjkAxipdvs Kopioc; xrjv

all [the] land of Egypt. And [the] LORD hardened the

Kap8(av Oapacb Kai odk e^a7rsax£iXs xodc; viovq

heart of Pharaoh, and he did not send out the sons

IapafjX 21+ S17T8 8s Kopioc; npoq MoQDofjv skxsivov

of Israel. [said And [the] LORD] to Moses, Stretchout

tt|v x 8 ^P a 8lc i T0V ODpavov Kai ysvr|0f|Tco cjkoxoc; em

the hand into the heaven, and let [ become darkness] upon

yrjc; Ary67ixoD \j/r|A,acpr|x6v ctkoxoc; 22+ s^exeive 8s

[the] land of Egypt— a tangible darkness! [ stretched out And

Moyoafjc; xrjv %eipa 8lc i T0V ODpavov Kai eyevexo

Moses] the hand unto the heaven. And there was

cjkoxoc; yvocpoc; Kai dvzkla em 7idaav yrjv

darkness, dimness, and a storm upon all [the] land

Aiy67rcoD xpsic; r||iepac; 23+ Kai odk s(8sv odSsic;

of Egypt three days. And not [know did anyone]

xov aSsAxpov olvtov Kai odk s^avsaxrj odSsic; sk

his brother, and not [ rise up did anyone] from

xrjc; Koixrjq aDTOD xpeic; r||iepac; 7idai 8s TOiq vioiq

his bed [for] three days. But to all the sons

IapafjX r|v cpcoc; ev 7idoiv oiq Kaxsyivovxo 24 + Kai

of Israel [there] was light in all [places] in which they occupied. And

SKd^sae Oapacb McoDafjv Kai Aapcbv Aiycov PaSi^sxs

Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron, saying, Proceed,

AxxxpsDaaxe KDpico xco 0scb djicov ith\v xcov 7ipopdxcov

serve [the] LORD your God! only the sheep

Kai xcov Pocbv D7roA£i7rea0£ Kai r| a7ioaK8Df| djicov

and the oxen leave behind! but [ your belongings

a7roxps%8xco |ie6' djicov 25+ Kai ei7is McoDafiq aUd Kai

let] run with you! And Moses said, But also

cd Scbosic; r\[dv oA,OKaDxcb|iaxa Kai 0Da(ac; a

you shall give us [means for] whole burnt-offerings and sacrifices which


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

7ioifjao|isv KDpico icq 08cb r|(icbv 2 6+ Kai xa KTfjvrj rjjicbv

we will make to [the] LORD our God. And our cattle

7iopeDaexai |is0' r\[i(bv Kai od% D7roA,£i\j/6|ie0a

shall go with us, and we shall not leave behind

07tAt|v ait' aDxcbv yap Ax|\j/6|is0a AxxxpeDaai KDpico

a hoof. [ of them For] we shall take to serve [the] LORD

xco 0scb r|(icbv r\[isiq 8e odk o(8a|iev xi XaxpsDaojisv

our God. But we know not how we shall serve

KDpiCO TOO 0SCO T||icbv SCOq TOD sX0SlV T| JLXCXC^ SKSl 27 +

[the] LORD our God until the arriving of us there.

scjkAtipdvs 8e Kopioc; xr|v Kap8(av Oapacb Kai odk

[hardened But [the] LORD] the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not

sPoDAx|6r| e^a7ioaT£iAm aDxotic; 2 s + Kai Aiysi Oapacb

want to send them. And Pharaoh says,

d7ieA,0e an sjiod 7ip6ae%e aeaDxcb sxi 7ipoa0e(vai

Go forth from me! Take heed to yourself yet to add

i8siv (iod to 7ip6aco7rov r| 8 av rjjiepa ocpGfjq jioi

to see my face! for whatever day you should see me,

a7io0avf| 29+ Aiyei 8s McoDafjq KaG'cbq eiprjKac;

you shall die. [ says And Moses], As you have said,

odk exi ocp6f|ao|iai aoi sic; 7rp6aco7rov

no longer shall I appear to you in person.

11 &gt;T

i+ 81718 8s Kupioq 7ipoc; McoDafiv exi jiiav 7iAr|yf|v

[ said And [the] LORD] to Moses, Still one [more] calamity

eycb 87id^co S7U Oapacb Kai S7i' A(yD7ixov Kai jiexd

I will bring upon Pharaoh, and upon Egypt, and after

xatixa s^a7ioax8A,si Djidc; evxsD0ev oxav 8s e^a7roax£Ax|

this he will send you from here. And whenever he should send

Djidq ctdv 7idar| 8kPoAt| sKfiaksi v[iaq 2 + Xakr\aov

you, [with all [your things] by expulsion he will cast you]. You speak

odv KpDcpfj sic; xa coxa xod Xaov Kai aixrjadxco

then secretly into the ears of the people! And let [ ask

eraaxoc; 7iapd xod nhf\ciov Kai yDvf| 7iapd xrjc;

each [man]] from the neighbor, and [each] woman from the

7rAr|a(ov oksdtj apyDpd Kai %pDad Kai ijiaxiajiov 3 +

neighbor, items of silver and of gold, and clothes!

KDpioq 8s s8coks xrjv %dpiv xco A,acb aDxoD svavxiov

And [the] LORD gave favor [to] his people before

xcov AiyD7ixicov Kai s%pr|aav aDxofc; Kai o dv0pco7roc;

the Egyptians, and they treated them. And the man


11 &gt;r

02 - Exodus

McoDafjc; jieyac; sysvfjGrj acpoSpa svavxiov tcov

Moses [ great became exceedingly] before the

AiyD7TTicov Kai svavxiov Oapacb Kai svavxiov

Egyptians, and before Pharaoh, and before

xcov 0epa7i6vTCOv avTOV 4 + Kai si7is McoDafjq xd8s Aiyei

his attendants. And Moses said, Thus says

Kopioc; 7isp( jisaaq vvKTaq eycb sio7iopeDO|iai eiq

[the] LORD, Around the middle [of the] night I will enter into

jieaov AiyD7iTOD 5+ Kai xs^SDifjasi 7iav 7tpcot6tokov

[the] midst of Egypt. And shall come to an end every first-born

sv yrj AiyT37iTCO arco 7tpcotot6kod Oapacb oq

in [the] land of Egypt; from [the] first-born of Pharaoh, who

KaBrjiai em tod 0p6voD Kai ecoc; tod 7tpcotot6kod

sits down upon the throne, and unto the first-born

Tr\q 0spa7ia(vr|c; Tr\q 7iapd tov jidXov Kai ecoc;

of the female attendant by the millstone, and unto

7ipcotot6kod 7iavT6c; KTfjvoDq 6 + Kai e&lt;xcai KpaDyfj

[the] first-born of every beast. And there will be [ cry

jisydAxj KaTd 7idaav yrjv AiyD7iTOD ryciq TOiaDTTj

a great] by all [the] land of Egypt, in which such as

od yeyove Kai TOiaDTTj odk 8ti 7ipoaT80f|asTai ? + sv 5s

was not, and such as no longer shall be added. But among

7idai TOiq vioiq lapar\k od ypD^ei kdcov tt|

all the sons of Israel there shall not growl [even a] dog [with]

yAxbaorj aDTOD anb av0pco7ioD ecoc; ktt|vodc; 67rcoc;

[its] tongue, from man unto beast; so that

e(5r|c; baa 7iapa8o^daei Kopioc; avajieaov tcov

you may see as much as [ does an incredible thing [the] LORD] between the

AiyD7iTicov Kai tod IapafjA, 8+ Kai KaTapfjaovTai

Egyptians and Israel. And [ shall descend

7rdvT£c; 01 naiSzq gov odtoi npoq |ie Kai

all these your servants] to me, and

7rpoaKDvf|aoDa( |is XeyovTec; e^eA$e ctd Kai naq

shall do obeisance to me, saying, You go forth, and all

0 Xabq aoD od cjd acprjyfj Kai jieTd TaDTa

your people whom you guide! and after these [things]

s^sleDaojiai e^f|X0e 5s McoDafjq anb Oapacb jieTd

1 will go forth. [ went forth And Moses] from Pharaoh with

0DJIOD 9+ 81718 8e KDpioq 7ipoc; McoDafjv

rage. [ said And [the] LORD] to Moses,

odk siaaKODasTai Djicbv Oapacb (va 7tAx|0dvco

[ will not listen to you Pharaoh] that I might multiply


12 T

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

xa ar||is(a jiod Kai xaxspaxdjiou sv yr| Aiy67ixco 10 +

my signs, and my miracles in [the] land of Egypt.

Moyoafjc; 5s Kai Aapcbv S7ro(r|oav rcdvxa

And Moses and Aaron did all

xa xspaxa xatixa sv yr| Aiy67ixou svavxiov Oapacb

these miracles in [the] land of Egypt before Pharaoh.

scjkAtipdvs 5s Kopioc; xrjv rapSiav Oapacb Kai odk

[hardened And [the] LORD] the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not

r|6sAr|asv s^a7roaxs(Am zovq viovq IapafjX sk yr\q

want to send the sons of Israel out of [the] land


of Egypt.

12 V

1+ si7is 5s icupioq 7ipoc; McoDofiv Kai Aapcbv sv yrj

[ said And [the] LORD] to Moses and Aaron in [the] land

AiyimxoD Xsycov 2 + o jirjv omoq djiiv ap%f| firjvcbv

of Egypt, saying, This month [is] to you [the] beginning of months.

7tpcbxoc; djiiv saxiv sv xoic; jirjai xod sviauxou 3 +

[ [the] first It is to you] among the months of the year.

Xakr\GOV npoq 7idaav ai)vaycoyf|v xcov mcbv IapafjA,

Speak to all [the] gathering of the sons of Israel!

Aiycov xt| Ssraxrj xod jirjvoq xodxod XaPsxcoaav

saying, The tenth of this month let [ take

sraaxoc; 7ip6paxov Kax' oikodc; 7iaxpicbv 7ip6paxov

each] a sheep according to [the] houses of [the] families! a sheep

rax' oiKiav

according to a house.

4 + sdv 5s oAayoaxoi cbaiv sv xrj oiKia cbaxs |ir|

But if there should be very few in the house, so as for there not

iravouc; sivai sic; 7ip6paxov ai)AAxj\j/sxai |is9' saDxcru

to be enough for [the] sheep, he shall include with himself

xov ysixova xov 7iAr|aiov avzov raxd apiGjiov

the neighbor, neighboring him, according to [the] number

\jA)%cbv sraaxoc; xo apKotiv auxcb auvapi0|i6f|asxai sic;

of souls, each sufficient for him to be counted for

7ip6paxov 5+ 7ip6paxov xs^siov dposv d|ico|iov

[the] sheep. [ sheep a perfect male unblemished

sviatiaiov saxai v[dv arco xcov apvcbv Kai arco xcov

of a year [old] It shall be to you]; from the lambs and from the

spupcov Axj\j/sa0s 6+ rai saxai v[iiv 5iaxsxr|pr||isvov

kids you shall take. And it will be to you for carefully keeping


12 T


02 - Exodus

sooc; Tr\q TsaaapsaKaiSsKdrrjc; tod jirjvoq todtod Kai

until the fourteenth of this month. And

ocpd^oDaiv (tdto 7iav to 7tAt|0oc; aDvayooyfjc; dicdv

they shall slay it — all the multitude of [the] gathering of [the] sons

IapafjA, 7rpoq sa7ispav ?+ Kai Ax|\j/ovTai arco tod

of Israel towards evening. And they shall take from the

aijKXToq Kai GfjaoDaiv S7U tcdv 8do &lt;yca0|icbv Kai S7U

blood, and they shall put [it] upon the two doorposts, and upon

ttjv cpAidv ev Toiq oikok; sv oic; cpdycoaiv aDTd sv

the lintel on the houses in which they should eat them in

aDTOiq 8 + Kai cpdyovTai Ta Kpsa tt| vdkti TaDTTj 07rcd

them. And they shall eat the meats in this night, roasted

7iDpi Kai atp[ia sm 7riKp(5cov sSovTai 9+ odk

by fire; and unleavened [breads] with bitter herbs they shall eat. You shall not

s8sa9s 87i ' aDTcbv cojiov od8s r|\j/r||isvov sv D8aTi

eat of them raw, nor being boiled in water,

aXk' T| 07iTd itvpi KscpaAxjv aw tok; 7ioa( Kai toic;

but roasted [by] fire, head with the feet, and the

svSoaBioiq 10+ odk a7ioX8i\j/STS ari avzov sic; to

entrails. You shall not leave [anything] from it into the


morning. And [ a bone you shall not break] of it. And the [things]

KaTaXsurojisva an avzov sooc; 7ipcoi sv 7iDp(

being left behind from it unto morning, [ in fire

KaTaKaDosTS ii+odtgx;8s cpdysoGs aDTO ai

you shall incinerate]. And thus shall you eat it— [with]

oaqrosc; djicov 7ispis^(jaa|isvai Kai Ta D7io5f||iaTa sv

your loins girded, and the sandals on

toic; 7toa(v djicov Kai ai PaKrrjpiai djicdv sv

your feet, and your staff in

zaiq %spcriv djicov Kai s8so0s aDTO jiSTd a7ioD8f|c;

your hands; and you shall eat it with haste —

ndaya soti KopioD 12 + Kai 5isA,SDao|iai sv yrj

it is [the] passover of [the] LORD. And I shall go through in [the] land

AiyD7iTCO sv TTj vdkti TaDTTj Kai 7iaTd^cD 7iav

of Egypt in this night, and I shall strike all

7tpcot6tokov sv yr| AiyD7iTCO anb av9pcb7roD sooc;

first-born in [the] land of Egypt, from man unto

KTfjvoDc; Kai sv 7idai toic; Gsok; AiyD7iTicov 7ioifja&lt;jo

beast; and among all the gods of the Egyptians I will execute

ttjv sk8(kt|oiv sycb KDpioq 13 + Kai scrcai to a(|ia djiiv

punishment — I [the] LORD. And [ shall be the blood] to you


12 T


02 - Exodus

sv ar||isico em xcov oikicov sv aiq v^isiq saxs sksi

for a sign upon the houses in which you are there;

Kai 6\j/o|iai to aijia Kai aKS7idaco v[iaq Kai odk

and I will see the blood and shelter you; and there shall not

saxai sv djiiv 7iAx|yf| tod SKxpipfjvai oxav 7ra(co sv

be to you a calamity of the obliteration, whenever I smite in

yrj Aiyimxco u+ Kai saxai rj r||ispa ami] v[iiv

[the] land of Egypt. And [ shall be this day] to you

|ivr||i6aDvov Kai sopxdasxs aDxfjv sopxfjv Kupico sic;

a memorial. And you shall solemnize it a holiday to [the] LORD unto

xaq ysvsdq djicov vojiijiov aicbviov sopxdasxs auxfjv 15 +

your generations; [ law an eternal] you shall solemnize it.

S7ixd rjiispaq s8sa0s d£/D|ia and 8s xrjc; rjjispac;

Seven days you shall eat unleavened [breads]. And from the [day

xrjc; 7ipcbxr|c; acpavisixs £6|ir|v sk xcov oikicov ujicov naq

first] you shall remove yeast from your houses. All

oq av cpdyrj Cp[ir\v s^oAx)0psu0f|asxai r| \\fv%r\ sks(vt|

who ever shall eat yeast, [ shall be utterly destroyed that soul]

s^ IapafjX a7io xrjc; rjjispac; Tr\q 7ipcbxr|c; scoc;

from out of Israel; [it shall be] from the [ day first] until

xrjc; rjjispac; xrjc; sp86|ir|c; 16+ Kai r| r||ispa rj 7ipcbxr|

[day the seventh]. And [day the first]

KSKArjasxai ayia Kai rj rjjispa r| sp86|ir| KArjxfj ayia

shall be called holy. And [ day the seventh called holy

saxai D|i(v 7iav spyov Axxxpsuxov ov 7ioif|asxs sv

will be] to you. All [ work servile] shall not be done in

auxak; 7iAx|v 6aa 7ioir|0f|asxai 7idar| \\fv%r\ xotixo

them, except as much as [is necessary] to do for every soul, this

jiovov 7ioir|0f|asxai djiiv 17+ Kai cpi)A,d^sa0s

only shall be done by you. And you shall guard

xrjv svxoArjv xauxrjv sv yap xr| rjjispa xatixrj s^d^co

this commandment. For in this day I will lead

xrjv 8uva|iiv Djicbv sk yr\q Aiyirnxoi) Kai 7ioif|asxs

your force from out of [the] land of Egypt. And you shall appoint

xrjv r||ispav xauxrjv sic; ysvsdq djicov vojiijiov aicbviov

this day into your generations [law [as an] eternal].

18+ svapxojisvrj xt| xsaaapsaKaiSsKdxrj r||ispa

Commencing the fourteenth day

xod jxrjvoc; xou 7rpcbxoi) acp' saftspac; s8sa0s

[ month of the first], from evening you shall eat

d^Djia scoc; rjjispac; jiidc; Kai sucdSoc; xod jirjvoc;

unleavened [breads] until [ day [the] first and twentieth] of the month,


12 T

8V TOUTCp + VlKa

02 - Exodus
scoc; 8a7i8paq 19+ S7rc&amp; rjiispaq Cp[ir\ od% SDpsGfjasxai

until evening. [For] seven days yeast shall not be found

sv xaic; oiKiaiq djicov naq oq av (pdyrj £o|icox6v

in your houses. All whosoever should eat leavened [bread],

s^oAx)0p£D0fjO£Tai r| \\fv%r\ sks(vt| sk aDvaycoyfjc;

[ shall utterly be destroyed that soul] from out of [the] congregation

IapafjA, sv xs xoic; ysicopaiq Kai aDxoxGoai xrjc; yrjc; 20 +

of Israel, unto both foreigners and native born of the land.

7iaV £/D|ICOx6v ODK s8sa9s 8V 7iaVTl K(XTOlKT]TT| piCD

Anything leavened you shall not eat. In every home

djicov s8sa6s d^Djia 21+ SKdXsas 8s McoDafjc;

of yours you shall eat unleavened [breads]. [called And Moses]

7idaav yspoDoiav lapar\k Kai si7is npoq avzovq

[the] whole council of elders of Israel. And he said to them,

a7rsA,96vxsc; Xdpsxs djjIv aDxoic; 7ip6paxov Kaxd

Going forth, take to yourselves a sheep according to

aDyysvsiaq djicov Kai Gtiaaxs xo naoya 22 + Arj\j/sa9s 5e

your kin, and sacrifice the passover! But you shall take

8sa|ir|v Daacb7ioD Kai pdyavxsc; ano xod aijiaxoc;

a bundle of hyssop, and having dipped it from the blood,

xod 7iapd xrjv 0Dpav KaGi^sxs xrjc; (pXmq Kai S7i'

of the [blood] by the door, you shall place [it] on the lintel and upon

ajitpoxspcov xcov axaGjicbv anb xod aijiaxoc; o saxi

both of the doorposts, of the blood which is

7iapd xrjv Gtipav djisic; 8s odk s^sXsdcjsctGs sraaxoc;

by the door; and you shall not go forth — each

xrjv 0Dpav xod oikod aDxoD scoc; 7ipcoi 23 + Kai

from the door of his house until morning. And

7rap8A,SDasxai KDpioq 7iaxa^ai xodc; AiyD7ix(oDc; Kai

[the] LORD will go by to strike the Egyptians. And

6\j/sxai xo aijia mi xrjq cpAidc; Kai S7i' ajicpoxspcov

he shall see the blood upon the lintel and upon both

xcov axaGjicbv Kai 7iapsA,SDasxai Kopioc; xrjv 0Dpav Kai

of the doorposts. And [the] LORD will go by the door, and

odk atpfjasi xov oloGpsDovxa siosX0siv sic;

he will not leave off the annihilating [so as] to enter into

xac; oiKiaq djicov 7iaxd^ai 24+ Kai cpDAx&amp;;aa0s

your house to strike. And you shall guard

xo pf||ia xodxo xo vojiijiov asaDxcb Kai xoic; dioic; aoD

this thing for the law to yourself, and [to] your sons

scoc; aicbvoc; 25 + sdv 8s siasA,0r|xs sic; xrjv yrjv r|v av

unto [the] eon. And if you should enter into the land which ever


12 T


02 - Exodus

5co Kopioc; djiiv KaGoxi sAxxArjas cpDAxx^aaGs

[the] LORD should give to you, in so far as he spoke, you shall guard

xrjv Xaxpeiav TaDrqv 2 6 + Kai eaxai sdv Aiycooi npoq

this service. And it will be if [ should say to

v[iaq oidioidjicov tic; r\ Ampsia ami] 2 ?+ Kai spsvcs

you your sons], What [is] this service? That you shall say

aDTok; dvaia to naoya todto KDpico coc; saKS7iaas

to them, [ sacrifice the passover This [is]] to [the] LORD, as he sheltered

todc; oikodc; xcov dicov IapafjA, sv AiyD7iTCO rjviKa

the houses of the sons of Israel in Egypt, when

£7r&amp;Ta^s todc; AiyD7iTioD(; todc; 8s oikodc; r||icbv

he struck the Egyptians, but our houses

sppDaaTO Kai KD\j/ac; o Xaoq 7ipoasKDvr|as 28+ Kai

he rescued. And bowing, the people did obeisance. And

afteABovTSc; S7iovr|aav oi dioi IapafjA, KaGd

going forth, [ did the sons of Israel] as

svsTSiAmo KDpioq tco McoDafj Kai Aapcbv odtcoc;

[the] LORD gave charge to Moses and Aaron — so

S7io(r|aav 29+ syevfj6r| 5s jisaoDorjc; tt|c; vdktoc; Kai

they did. And it happened in the middle of the night, and

KDpioq S7idTa^s 7iav 7tpcot6tokov sv yr| AiyD7iTC0

[the] LORD struck all [the] first-born in [the] land of Egypt;

anb 7tp&lt;jotot6kod Oapacb tod KaGrjjievoD S7U tod

from [the] first-born of Pharaoh, of the [one] sitting upon the

GpovoD scoc; tod 7tpcotot6kod Tr\q aix|iaA,(jQTi8oc; ttjc;

throne, unto the first-born of the captive, of the one


in the pit, and every first-born of [the] beast. And

aveaTTj Oapacb vdktoc; Kai rcdvTSc; oi GspdrcovTSc; aDTOD

Pharaoh rose up at night, and all his attendants,

Kai 7idvT£c; oi AiyD7iTioi Kai sysvf|6r| KpaDyfj jisydAxj

and all the Egyptians, and there was [ cry a great]

sv 7idar| yrj AiyD7iTC0 od yap r|v oiKia sv r|

in all [the] land of Egypt. [ no For there was] house in which

ODKTjv sv aDTTj TS0vrjKcbc; 31+ Kai SKdXsas Oapacb

there was not [one] [ in it dying]. And Pharaoh called

McDDafjv Kai Aapcbv vdktoc; Kai si7isv aDTOic;

Moses and Aaron [at] night, and he said to them,

avdaTrjTS Kai s^sABsts sk tod Axxod jiod Kai djisic;

Rise up, and go forth from my people, both you

Kai 01 dioi IapafjA, Pa5(^STS Kai Axxtpsdsts KDpico

and the sons of Israel! Proceed and serve [to the] LORD


12 T

ev tootco + viKa

02 - Exodus

too 08cb djicov Ka6d Aiysxs 32 + Kai xa 7ip6paxa Kai

your God! as you say. And the sheep and

xodc; fioaq Djicbv avaAxxPovxec; 7iopei)eo0£ Ka0d7i£p

the oxen of yours in taking up, go! just as

eipfjKaxs euXoyfjaaxe 8s Kajie 33 + Kai KaxePidtpvxo 01

you say; and bless also me! And [constrained the

AiyimTioi xov Xaov anovdr] SKfiaksiv avzovq arco

Egyptians] the people with diligence to cast them from

Tr\q yr\q ei7iavyap 6x1 rcavxec; rjjiek; a7io0vfjaKO|isv 34 +

the land; for they said that, We all shall die.

avskafiz Se o Xaoq to azaiq auxcbv 7ipo tod

[ took And the people] their dough before the

^DjicoGfjvai xa qropdjiaxa auxcbv sv8s8sjisva sv

leavening of their batches, being bound in

xoic; ijicmoic; auxcbv £7ri xcov cbjicov 35 + 01 8s moi

their cloaks upon their shoulders. And the sons

IapafjX £7rovr|aav Ka0d auvexa^ev auxofc; Moyoafjc;

of Israel did as [ ordered them Moses].

Kai fjxrjaav 7iapd xcov AiyD7ixicov aKstirj apyupd Kai

And they asked from the Egyptians items of silver, and

Xpvad Kai ijiaxiajiov 36 + Kai Kopioc; eScoKs xrjv %dpiv

of gold, and clothes. And [the] LORD gave favor

xco Xacb avTOV svavxiov xcov Aiyi)7mcov Kai sxprjaav

to his people before the Egyptians, and they furnished

aDxoiq Kai sokvXsvoclv xouc; AiyD7ixiouc; 37+ a7tdpavxsc;

to them; and they despoiled the Egyptians. [ having departed

8s 01 moi IapafjX sk Pajieaafj siq £o%cb0

And the sons of Israel] from out of Rameses into Succoth,

Eiq e^aKocriac; %ikia6aq mCfbv 01 dvSpsc; 7rArjv

to [the number of] six hundred thousand footmen, the males, besides

xrjc; a7iooK8i)f|^ 38+ Kai S7ri|iiKxoc; noXvq auvaveprj

the belongings, and [ intermixed [company] a great] went up with

auxok; Kai 7ip6paxa Kai Poec; Kai Kxfjvrj TioXXa

them, and sheep and oxen, and cattle — many

ocp68pa 39+ Kai S7is\j/av xo axaiq o s^fjvsyKav

exceedingly. And they baked the dough which they brought from out of

AiyimxoD eyKpucpiac; aCp^iovq ov yap s^DjicoGrj

Egypt — [ cakes baked in hot ashes unleavened]. [ not For it was] leavened,

ztqzfiakov yap avzovq 01 Aiyimxioi Kai odk

[ cast out because them the Egyptians], and they were not

rjSi)vd0r|aav U7io|i£ivai ou8s S7iiaixio|i6v 87ioir|aav

able to remain, nor [ provisions to prepare]

12 T

8V TOUTCp + VlKa

02 - Exodus

SaDTOiq Siq TT|V 056v 40+ r| 8s KaXOlKTjCTlC; TCOV DICOV

for themselves for the journey. And the dwelling of the sons

IapafjX r|v KaxcoKqaav sv yrj AiyD7ixco Kai sv

of Israel, which they dwelt in [the] land of Egypt, and in

yrj Xavadv aDxoi Kai oi rcaxspsc; aDxcbv xsxpaKoaia

[the] land of Canaan, they and their fathers — four hundred

xpi&amp;Kovxa sxrj 41+ Kai sysvsxo jisxd xa xsxpaKoaia

thirty years. And it came to pass after the four hundred

Kai xpidKovxa sxrj s^fjXGs rcdaa r| 8Dva|iic; KopioD

and thirty year, came forth all the force of [the] LORD

sk yr\q AiyirnxoD 42+ vd^ 7rpocpDA,aKqc; saxi xco

from out of [the] land of Egypt. [anight post It is] to the

KDpico cbaxs s^ayaysiv avzovq sk yr\q Aiy67ixoD

LORD, so as to lead them from out of [the] land of Egypt.

SKeivrj r| vd£, aDxrj 7ipocpDA,aKfj KDpico cbaxs 7idai

That night itself [is] a post to [the] LORD, so as [ to all

xoic; vioiq IopafjX sivai sic; ysvsdc; ai)xcbv 43 + si7is 8s

the sons of Israel to be] into their generations. [said And

Kopioc; 7ipoc; McoDafjv Kai Aapcbv odxoc; o vojioq

[the] LORD] to Moses and Aaron, This [is] the law

xod 7ida%a naq aA^oysvfjc; odk s8sxai aTi ai)xoi) 44 +

of the passover. Every foreigner shall not eat of it.

Kai 7idvxa oiksxt|v xivoc; r| apyDpcbvrjxov

And every domestic servant, any which [was] bought with silver,

7ispixs|isfo; ai)xov Kai xoxs cpdysxai an aDxoD 45 +

you shall circumcise him. And then he shall eat of it.

7rdpoiKoc; rj jiiaGcoxoc; odk s8sxai ait' aDxoD 4 6+ sv

Sojourner or hireling shall not eat of it. In

oiKia |i(a ppcoGfjasxai Kai odk s^oiasxs sk xrjc;

[ house one] it shall be eaten, and you shall not bring forth from the

oiKiaq xcov Kpscbv s^co Kai oaxotiv od aDvxpuj/sxs

house [of any] of the meats outside, and [ a bone you shall not break]

an aDxoD 4 ?+ rcdaa aDvaycoyfj dicov IapafjA, 7ioif|asi

of it. Every gathering of [the] sons of Israel shall do

aDxo 48+sdv8s xic; 7ipoasA,0r| npoq v[idq

it. And if any [ should come forward to you

7rpoaf|Amoc; Kai 7ioif| xo 7ida%a KDpico

convert], and should observe the passover to [the] LORD,

7ispixs|isfc; aDxoD 7iav apasvucov Kai xoxs

you shall circumcise [ of his every male]. And then

7ipoasA,SDasxai 7roifjaai aDxo Kai saxai cba7isp Kai o

he shall come forward to do it. And he will be as also the


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

aDioxOcov Tr\q jr\q izaq a7csp(x|ir|xoc; odk s8sxai an

native born of the land. Every uncircumcised one shall not eat of

olvtov 49+ vojioc; sic; saxai too syxcopico Kai too

it. [ law one There shall be] to the native inhabitant, and to the [one]
7cpoasA,96vxi 7cpoar|AmcD sv djiiv 50+ Kai S7to(r|aav 01

coming forward to convert among you. And [ did the

moi IapafjX Ka6d svsxsiXaxo Kopioc; xcd McoDafj Kai

sons of Israel] as [the] LORD gave charge to Moses and

Aapcbv 7ipoc; auxotic; ovT($q S7covnaav 51+ Kai sysvsxo

Aaron to them ~ so they did. And it came to pass

sv xtj rjjiepa sks(vt| s^qyays Kopioc; xouc; viovq IapafjX

in that day [the] LORD led out the sons of Israel

sk yr\q AiyimxoD aw 8uvd|isi auxcbv

from [the] land of Egypt with their force.

13 r

1+ 81718 8s Kupioq 7ipoc; McoDafjv Aiyoov 2+ ayiaaov

[ said And [the] LORD] to Moses, saying, Sanctify

jioi 7iav 7ipcox6xoKov 7cpcDxoysvsc; Siavoiyov 7cdaav

to me every first-born, first-born of [its] kind opening wide every

jxfjxpav sv xoic; vioiq IapafjA, a7co av6pcb7roD sooc;

womb among the sons of Israel, from man unto

KxfjvoDc; sjiov 8oxiv 3 + 81718 5s Mamafjc; 7tpoc; xov

beast — it is mine. [ said And Moses] to the

Xaov |ivt||iovst3sx8 xttv rjjispav xauxiiv sv r| s^fjXBsxs

people, Remember this day in which you came forth

sk AiyirnxoD s^ oiKOD 8ouXs(ac; svyap %sip(

from out of Egypt, from out of [the] house of slavery. For with [ hand

Kpaxaid s^qyaysv v[iaq Kopioc; svxsuGsv Kai od

a fortified led you [the] LORD] from here, and you shall not

Ppco0fjasxai Cp[ir\ 4 + svyap xrj afjjispov v[isiq

eat yeast. For today you

SK7copst3sa0s sv jirjvi xoov vscov 5+ Kai saxai rjviKa

go forth in [month the new]. And it will be when

av siaaydyrj as Kopioc; o Gsoc; gov sic; xrjv yrjv xcov

ever [ should bring you [the] LORD your God] into the land of the

Xavavaicov Kai Xsxxaicov Kai Ajioppaicov Kai

Canaanites, and Hittites, and Amorites, and

Ei)a(cov Kai IsPoDoaicov Kai Tspysaaicov Kai

Hivites, and Jebusites, and Gergesites, and

Osps^aicov Tjv cbjioas xoic; 7caxpdoi oou Sotivai

Perizzites, which he swore by an oath [to] your fathers to give


13 v sv toutco + vtica 02 - Exodus

aoi yrjv psoDaav yaka Kai [iski Kai 7ioif|asi(;

to you [the] land flowing milk and honey, then you shall do

xrjv Xaxpsiav xatixrjv ev tco |ir|v( tot3tco 6 + s^ rjjispac;

this service in this month. Six days

s5sa0s &amp;£o|ia xrj 5s rjjiepa xrj sp56jar| sopxfj

you shall eat unleavened [breads], but the [ day seventh] [is a] holiday


of [the] LORD.

?+ d^Djia s5sa9s srcxd r||ispac; odk ocpGfjasxai aoi

Unleavened [bread] shall you eat seven days. There shall not be seen in you

£/D|icox6v oi)5s saxai aoi Cp[ir\ 7idai xoic; opfcnc; aoi)

leavened [bread], nor shall there be to you yeast in all your boundaries.

8+ Kai avayysXsfc; icq dico aoi) sv xrj r|jispa sks(vt|

And you shall announce [to] your son in that day,

Aiycov 5id xotixo S7io(r|08 Kopioc; o Gsoc; |ioi coc;

saying, Concerning this [ did [the] LORD God] to me as

s^S7iop8i3o|ir|v s^ AiyimxoD 9 + Kai saxai aoi sic;

I went forth from out of Egypt. And it will be to you for

arjjieiov sm xrjc; %sipoc; aoi) Kai |ivr||i6aDvov 7ipo

a sign upon your hand, and a memorial before

ocp0aA,|icbv aoi) 67icoc; av ysvrjxai o vojioc; Ki)p(oi) sv

your eyes, that [ may be the law of [the] LORD] in

xco axojiaxi aoi) sv yap %zipi Kpaxaid s^qyays as

your mouth. For with [ hand a fortified led you

Kopioc; s^ Aiy67rcoD io+ Kai cpi)Axx^aa9s

[the] LORD] out of Egypt. And you shall guard

xov vojiov TOT3TOV Kaxd Kaipotic; copcbv acp' rjjispcbv

this law according to [the] times of hours, from days

sic; rjjispac; n+ Kai saxai coc; av siaaydyrj as Kupioc;

to days. And it shall be whenever [ should bring you [the] LORD

o Gsoc; aoi) sic; xrjv yrjv tcdv Xavavaicov ov xporcov

your God] into the land of the Canaanites, in which manner

cbjioas xoicj rcaxpdai aoi) Kai Scbasi aoi auxTjv 12 +

he swore by an oath to your fathers, and shall give it to you,

Kai acpopisic; 7iav 5iavo(yov jxqxpav xa apasviKd

that you shall separate every [offspring] opening [the] womb, the males

too KDpico 7iav 5iavoiyov jifjipav sk tcov

to the LORD, every [offspring] opening [the] womb from the

PoDKoAicov sv xoic; Kifjvsai aoi) 6aa av ysvrjxai aoi

herds among your cattle. As many as come to pass to you,

xa apasviKd xco KDpico u+ 7iav 5iavoiyov

the males [are] to the LORD. Every [newborn] opening


13 v sv xoiJTCp + vdca 02 - Exodus

jjfjxpav ovod aXka^siq 7ipopdxco e&amp;v 5s [ir\ aXXd^r\q

[the] womb of donkey you shall barter for sheep. But if you should not barter

Ampcbarj auxo 7iav 7rpcox6xoKov av0pcb7roi)

you shall ransom it. Every first-born of man

Tcovmcbvaoi) Ampcborj i 4 +edv8e spcoxfjarj oe

of your sons you shall ransom. And if [ should ask you

o vioq gov |i£T&amp; xatixa Aiycov xi xouxo Kai spefc;

your son] about these, saying, What [is] this? And you shall say

aDxcb oxi sv %zipi Kpaxaid s^fjyayev rjjLidq Kopioc;

to him, that, With [ hand a fortified] [ led you [the] LORD]

8K yr\q AiyimxoD s£, oikod ScroXeiac; 15 + rjviKa 5s

out of [the] land of Egypt, from out of [the] house of slavery. And when

sctkAtipdvs Oapacb £^a7rooxs(Am r|jLidq

he hardened Pharaoh to send us,

a7i8KX8ivs Kupioq 7iav 7ipcox6xoKov sv yr| AiyimxoD

[the] LORD slew all [the] first-born in [the] land of Egypt,

goto 7ipcoxox6Kcov av0pcb7icov ecoc; 7ipcoxox6Kcov KXTjVCbv

from [the] first-born of men, unto [the] first-born of cattle.

8id xot3xo sycb 0t3co xco Kupico 7iav 8iavo(yov

On account of this I sacrifice to the LORD every [offspring] opening

jxfjxpav xa apaeviKd xco Kupico Kai 7iav 7ipcoxox6Kov

[the] womb, the males to the LORD, and every first-born

xoov mcbv |iod Ampcbaojiai 16+ Kai eaxai £\q ar||is(ov

of my sons I will ransom. And it shall be for a sign

87i( Tr\q %£ipbq gov Kai aadXsDxov 7ipo

upon your hand, and unshaken before

xcov ocp0aX|icbv gov sv yap %eip( Kpaxaid e^qyaye as

your eyes. For by [ hand a fortified led you

Kopioc; AiyimxoD i 7 +coc;5s e^aTieaxsile Oapacb xov

[the] LORD] out of Egypt. And as Pharaoh sent out the

Xaov ov% co8fjyr|a£v auxotic; o dsoq o56v yr\q

people, [ did not guide them God] [in the] way [of the] land

®i)Aiaxisi|i 6x1 Ejyvq r\v si7is yap o dsoq jifj 7ioxs

of [the] Philistines, for it was near; [said for God], Lest at any time

|isxa|isAr|ar| xco A,acb i86vxi 7i6A,s|iov Kai a7ioaxpe\j/r|

[ should repent the people] seeing war, and they should return

ziq Aiyi)7rxov 18+ Kai SKOKXcoaev o dsoq xov Xaov

into Egypt; and God circled the people

o56v xrjv sic; xrjv sprjjiov sic; xrjv spi)0pdv

in [the] way — the one into the wilderness, to the red

0dXaaoav 7is|i7rxr| 8s ysvsd avsprjaav 01 vioi IapafjX

sea. And in [the] fifth generation [ ascended the sons of Israel]


14 v

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

02 - Exodus

8K yrjc; Aiyimxoi) 19+ Kai skafiz M(Dvar\q xa oaxd

from out of [the] land of Egypt. And Moses took the bones

Ioxrfjcp |is0' sauxcro opKco yap cbpKiasv Icoafiq) zovq

of Joseph with him, for with an oath Joseph bound the

viovq IapafjA, Aiycov S7riaK07if| S7iiaKs\j/sxai Kopioc;

sons of Israel, saying, With a visit [the] LORD will visit

v[idq Kai auvavoiasxs xa oaxd jiou svxsuGsv |is9'

you, and you shall join in carrying off my bones from here with
djicov 20+ s^dpavxsc; 8s 01 moi IapafjA, sk XoxcoG

you. [ lifted away And the sons of Israel] from out of Succoth,

saxpaxo7is8suaav sv OGcbji 7iapd xrjv sprjjiov 21 + o 8s

[and] they encamped in Etham by the wilderness. But

Gsoc; rjyeixo auxcov rjiispaq jisv sv &lt;xt6Axd vstpsAxjc;

God led them, by day by a column of cloud,

8sfi;ai auxoic; xrjv o86v xrjv 8s vuKxa sv otvXco

to show to them the way; but in the night by a column

nvpoq 22+ odk s^sAmsv o GTvXoq Tr\q vscpsAxjc; rjjispac;

of fire. [ did not fail The column of cloud] [by] day,

Kai o GTvXoq xou itvpoq vukxoc; svavxiov 7iavx6c; xou

and the column of fire [by] night before all the



14 7^

1 + Kai sXdAxjas Kopioc; itpoq Mocmafjv Aiycov 2 +

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

XaXr\GOV TOiq vioiq lapar\k Kai a7ioaxps\j/avxsc;

Speak to the sons of Israel! And turning

oxpaxo7is8suadxcoaav arcsvavxi xrjq s7rai3A£coc;

let them encamp before the property

avajisaov MayScbAxyo Kai avajisaov Tr\q dakdaar\q

between Migdol and between the sea,

s^svavxiac; BssXas7i(pcbv svcG7iiov auxcov

right opposite Baal-Zephon! Before them

oxpaxo7is8si)asic; S7ri Tr\q dakdaar\q 3+ Kai spsi Oapacb

you shall encamp by the sea. And Pharaoh will say

7isp( xcov mcbv IapafjX 7iXavcbvxai croxoi sv xr| yrj

concerning the sons of Israel, These wander in the land,

auyKSK^siKS yap auxotic; r| sprjiioq 4+sycb8s

[has closed up for them the wilderness]. But I

oKAxjpuvcb xrjv Kap8(av Oapacb Kai KaxaSicb^sxai

will harden the heart of Pharaoh, and he will pursue


14 v

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

O7i(aco avTOvq Kai sv8o^aa0f|ao|iai sv Oapacb Kai sv

after them, and I will be glorified by Pharaoh, and by

7idar| tt| axpaxid aDxoD Kai yvcbaovxai rcavxec; 01

all his military; and [ shall know all the

Aiyimxioi 6xi eycb icupioq Kai S7iovr|aav odxcoc; 5 +

Egyptians] that I [am the] LORD. And they did thus.

Kai avrjyysAxj xco Paai^ei xcov AiyD7ixicov 6x1

And it was announced to the king of the Egyptians that

7is(p8Dysv o Xaoq Kai jiexeoxpacprj r| Kap8(a Oapacb

[ have fled the people]. And [ was converted the heart of Pharaoh],

Kai xcov 0spa7i6vxcov aDxoD £7i( xov Xaov Kai £i7iov

and the [hearts] of his attendants against the people. And they said,

xi xodxo 7iS7roifjKa|isv xod s^a7ioaxe(Am xodc; viovq

What is this we have done to send out the sons

IapafjX xod |iT| SodA,£D£iv r\[iiv 6 + s^sd^sv odv Oapacb

of Israel to not slave to us? [teamed up then Pharaoh]

xa dpjiaxa aDxoD Kai rcdvxa xov Xaov avzov

his chariots, and [ all his people

&lt;yova7rf|yays |is9' eaDxoD 7+ Kai ZXafizv s^aKoaia

he led] with himself. And he took six hundred

dpjiaxa 8KA,8Kxd Kai rcdaav xrjv i7i7rov xcov

[ chariots chosen], and all the cavalry of the

AiyD7ix(cov Kai xpiaxdxac; S7ii rcavxcov s+ Kai

Egyptians, and tribunes over all. And

sctkAtipdvs Kopioc; xrjv Kap8(av Oapacb PaaiAicoc;

[the] LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh king

AiyimxoD Kai Kaxs8(co^ev O7uaco xcov mcbv IapafjX

of Egypt. And he pursued after the sons of Israel.

01 8s dioi IapafjA, e^£7iop£Dovxo sv %£ipi v\\fr(kr\ 9 +

But the sons of Israel went with [hand a high].

Kai KaxsSico^av 01 Aiy67rxioi O7uaco aDxcbv Kai etipov

And [ pursued the Egyptians] after them. And they found

aDxotic; TtapejiPepArjKoxac; 7iapd xrjv GdAxxaaav Kai

them camping by the sea. And

7idaa rj imioq Kai xa dpjiaxa Oapacb Kai 01 mnsiq

all the cavalry, and the chariots of Pharaoh, and the horsemen,

Kai rj axpaxid avzov arcevavxi xrjc; snavXzcoq

and his military [were] before the property

s^svavxiaq BseAxjs7icpcbv 10+ Kai Oapacb 7ipoafjye Kai

right opposite Baal-zephon. And Pharaoh led forward. And

avapXeyavxsc; 01 dioi IapafjA, xoic; ocpBaXjioiq opcbai

[looking up the sons of Israel] [with] the eyes, they beheld.


14 v

02 - Exodus

Kai i8od 01 AiyD7ixioi saxpaxo7is8sDaav O7i(aco aDxcbv

And behold, the Egyptians [were] encamped behind them.

Kai scpopfjBrjaav acp68pa avsporjaav 8s oi moi

And they feared exceedingly. [ yelled out And the sons

IapafjX 7ipoc; Kopiov n+ Kai sircav npoq McoDofjv

of Israel] to [the] LORD. And they said to Moses,

7iapd to |ir| D7idp%siv jivfuiaxa sv AiyD7rx&lt;jo

Because [there were] no [ existing tombs] in Egypt

s^qyaysc; r\[iaq tod 0avaxcbaai ev xr| spfjiico xi

you led us to be put to death in the wilderness? What

xodxo £7rovr|Gac; r||iiv s^ayaycbv s^ AiyD7ixoD n +

is this you did to us bringing [us] forth from out of Egypt?

od xodxo r|v to pfj|ia o sA,aAT|aa|isv sv AiyD7ixco

[ this not Was] the saying which we spoke in Egypt

rcpoc; as Xsyovxsc; 7idpsc; rjjLxdq oitcnq 8odA£dcjcd|isv

to you? saying, Disregard us! so that we may slave

xoic; AiyD7moic; Kpsiaaov yap r\[iaq SodXsdsiv xoic;

to the Egyptians. For [it is] better for us to slave to the

AiyD7moic; r| a7io0avsiv sv xr| spfuico xaDxrj u+ si7is

Egyptians, than to die in this wilderness. [ said

8s Mamafjc; npoq xov A,a6v 0apas(xs axfjKsxs Kai

And Moses] to the people, Be of courage! Stand, and

opdxs ttjv acoxrjpiav xrjv rcapd tod KopioD rjv

see the deliverance by the LORD, which

7rovfjasi r\[iiv afjjispov ov xporcov yap scopdraxs

he will do for us today! [ in which manner For] you see

xodc; AiyD7moDc; afjjispov od 7ipoa0f|aso0s sxi i8siv

the Egyptians today, you will not proceed still to see

aDTODc; sic; xov aicbva %povov u+ Kopioc; 7roA,s|xf|asi

them into the eon of time. [The] LORD will wage war

7ispi djicqv Kai Djisiq aiyfjasxs i 5 + si7is 8s Kopioc;

for us, and you shall be quiet. [ said And [the] LORD]

7ipoc; M&lt;DD&lt;xf|v xi Podc; 7ipoc; |is XaXr\aov xoic; vioiq

to Moses, Why do you yell to me? Speak to the sons

IapafjA, Kai ava^sD^dxoaaav i 6 + Kai cjd srcapov

of Israel, and break camp! And you, lift up

xrjv pdp8ov aoD Kai skxsivov xrjv %sipd aoD S7i( xrjv

your rod, and stretch out your hand upon the

BdXaaaav Kai pfj^ov aDxfjv Kai siasA,9sxcooav oi

sea, and tear it! And let [ enter the

dioi IapafjX sic; jisaov xrjc; dakdaar\q Kaxd xo ^rjpov

sons of Israel] in [the] midst of the sea on dry [land] !


14 V


02 - Exodus

17+ Kai i5ot3 sycb aKAx|pi)vcb xrjv Kap8(av Oapacb Kai

And behold, I will harden the heart of Pharaoh, and

xcov AiyD7iTicov rcavxcov Kai siaslsuaovxai O7uaco

[the Egyptians all]; and they will enter in after

auxcbv Kai ev5o^aa6fjao|iai sv Oapacb Kai sv 7idar|

them, and I will be glorified by Pharaoh, and by all

tt] axpaxid avzov Kai sv xoic; dpjiaai Kai sv

his military, and by the chariots, and by

xoic; (7T7roic; avzov is + Kai yvcboovxai 7idvxsc; oi

his horses. And [ shall know all the

Aiyimxioi 6xi sycb Kupioc; svSo^atpjisvoi) jiod sv

Egyptians] that I [am the] LORD glorifying myself by

Oapacb Kai sv xoic; dpjiaai Kai sv xoic; bntoiq avzov

Pharaoh, and by the chariots, and by his horses.

19+ s^fjps 5s o ayyskoq xod 0sot3 o

[ lifted away And the angel of God], the one

7ipo7ropsi)0|isvoc; xrjc; 7raps|iPoAr|c; xcov mcbv IapafjA,

going before the camp of the sons of Israel,

Kai S7ropsi)0r| sk xcov 67ria6sv scrips 5s Kai o

and he went at the rear. And lifted away also the

GTvXoq xrjc; vscpsAxjc; arco 7rpoacb7rou auxcbv Kai soxrj

column of cloud from their sight, and it stood

sk xcov O7i(aco auxcbv 20+ Kai siaf|A,6sv avajisaov xrjc;

at the rear of them. And it entered between the

7iaps|iPoAxjc; xcov Aiyu7rxicov Kai avajisaov xrjc;

camp of the Egyptians and between the

7iaps|iPoAxjc; IopafjX Kai saxrj Kai sysvsxo ctkoxoc;

camp of Israel, and it stood. And there was darkness

Kai yvocpoq Kai 8rfjX6sv r| vd£, Kai od awsjii^av

and dimness. And [ went by the night]. And they did not mix together

aXkr\ko\q 6h\v xrjv vi)Kxa 21 + s^sxsivs 8s Mocmafjc; xrjv

one to another the entire night. [ stretched out And Moses] [his]
%s(pa S7U xrjv GdAxxaaav Kai D7if|yays Kupioc; xrjv

hand upon the sea. And [the] LORD drew away the

GdXaaoav sv avsjico voxco Piaico 6Ax|v xrjv vuKxa Kai

sea by [ wind south a violent] the entire night. And

S7io(r|os xrjv GdXaaaav ^rjpdv Kai 8isa%(a0r| xo

he made the sea dry, and cut asunder the

tiScop 22+ Kai siafjABov 01 moi IapafjA, sic; jisaov xrjc;

water. And [ entered the sons of Israel] in [the] midst of the

GaXdaarjc; Kaxd xo ^rjpov Kai xo i38cop auxfjc; xs(%oc;

sea down on the dry [land]. And [its] water [was a] wall


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

02 - Exodus

sk Ss^icbv Kai Tsi%oq s£, si)&lt;w6|icov 23+ Kaxs8(co^av 5s

from the right and a wall from [the] left. [ pursued And

01 Aiyimxioi Kai eiafjXGov O7uaco auxcov 7idaa r|

the Egyptians]. And [ entered after them all the

VKKoq Oapacb Kai xa dpjiaxa Kai 01 avapdxai sic;

cavalry of Pharaoh], and the chariots, and the riders in

jisaov xrjc; Qakaaar\q 24+ eyevf|0T| 8s ev xrj cpuXaKfj

[the] midst of the sea. And it came to pass in the watch,

XT] SCoGlVT} Kai 87T8pA,8\j/8 KDpiOC; 8711 XTTV 7Cap8|lPoAT|V

in the early morning, and [the] LORD gave attention unto the camp

xcov Aiyi)7rxicov 8V &lt;yr6Axo itvpoq Kai vscpsAxjc; Kai

of the Egyptians with a column of fire and a cloud; and

auvexdpa^e xttv 7cape|iPoAx|v XCOV AiyU7TXlC0V 25+ Kai

he disturbed the camp of the Egyptians. And

m)vs8T}as zovq atqovaq xcov apjidxcov ai)xcbv Kai

he bound the axles of their chariots, and

fjyaysv auxouc; |iexd ptac; Kai si7cav 01 Aiyo7cxioi

led them with force. And [ said the Egyptians],

qroycojiev a7io 7rpoacb7ioD IapafjA, o yap Kopioc;

We should flee from [the] face of Israel, for the LORD

7ioA,e|i8i D7isp auxcbv Tovq AiyuTrxiouq 26+ si7is 8e

wages war for them [against] the Egyptians. [ said And

Kopioc; 7ipoc; Mcouafjv skxsivov xttv %sipd gov S7i( xt|v

[the] LORD] to Moses, Stretch out your hand upon the

BdXaaoav Kai a7ioKaxaaxfjxco xo i38cop Kai

sea, and restore the water, and

87iiKaA,D\j/dxco Tovq AiyD7cxuyoc; 87ii xs xa dpjiaxa Kai

cover over the Egyptians, over both the chariots and

8711 Tovq avapdxaq 27+ s^sxsivs 8s Mocmafjc; xt|v %zipa

over the riders! [ stretched out And Moses] [his] hand

S7Ti xttv GdXaaaav Kai a7C8KaxsaxT| xo i38cop npoq

upon the sea, and [ restored the water] at

Tjjispav £7U xcbpaq 01 8e Aiyimxioi scpuyov D7c6 xo

day to [its] place. And the Egyptians fled [from] under the

i38cop Kai s^sxiva^e Kopioc; xouc; Aiyu7cxiouc; sic;

water. And [the] LORD shook off the Egyptians in

jisaov xt|c; dakaaar\q 2 s+ Kai S7cavaaxpacpsv xo uScop

[the] midst of the sea. And in turning back, the water

SKdXuye xa dpjiaxa Kai xouc; avapdxac; Kai 7cdaav

covered the chariots, and the riders, and all

xttv 8i3va|iiv Oapacb xouc; eia7copei)0|isvoi)c; O7uaco

the force of Pharaoh, of the ones entering after


15 "ID


02 - Exodus

aDTcbv sic; xrjv GdXaaaav Kai od KaxsXsicpBrj s^

them into the sea. And there was not left of

aDxcbv od88 sic; 29+ oi 8s moi IapafjA, S7iopsi)6r|oav

them not even one. And the sons of Israel went

8id ^rjpdq sv (isaco Tr\q GaAxxoorjc; to 8s i38cop

through dry [land] in [the] midst of the sea. And the water

(xdtoic; Tsi%oq sk Ss^icbv Kai ts(%oc; s^ 8dcovt3|icov 30 +

[was] to them a wall on [the] right, and a wall on [the] left.

Kai spptiaaxo Kopioc; tov IapafjA, sv tt| rjjispa sksivt|

And [the] LORD rescued Israel in that day

sk %sipoc; tcdv AiyD7iTicov Kai s(8sv IapafjX zovq

from [the] hand of the Egyptians. And Israel saw the

AiyD7TTiOD^ TsBvrjKoxac; 7iapd to %sikoq Tr\q dakaaar\q

Egyptians having died by the edge of the sea.

31+ s(8s 8s IapafjX tt|v %s(pa tt|v jisydAxjv a

[ saw And Israel hand the great] by which

£7rovr|a£ Kopioc; xoic; Aiyi)7moic; scpopfjGrj 8s o Xaoq

[the] LORD executed against the Egyptians. [ feared And the people]

xov Kopiov Kai S7r(aT8i)aav too Gscb Kai McoDofj

the LORD, and they trusted in God, and Moses


his attendant.

15 1t3

1+ tots fjaav Moyoafjc; Kai 01 moi IapafjX

Then they sang, Moses and the sons of Israel,

ttjv co8f|v TauTrjv tco Kopioo Kai si7iav daoojisv too

this ode to the LORD. And they said, We should sing to the

Kopioo sv86^ooc;yap 8s86^a&lt;ycai i7i7iov Kai avapdrrjv

LORD, for gloriously he is glorified; horse and rider

sppuj/sv sic; daXaaaav 2+ Por|06c; Kai aKS7raaTf|c;

he tossed into [the] sea. Helper and shelterer

sysvsTO jioi sk; aoorrjpiav omoq jiou dsoq Kai

he became to me for deliverance; this [is] my God, and

So^daoo auTOV dsoq tod nazpoq jiou Kai m|/obaoo

I will glorify him; [the] God of my father, and I will exalt

avTOV 3+ Kopioc; ouvTpipoov noXs[iovq Kopioc;

him. [The] LORD breaking by wars; [the] LORD

ovojia ai)Tcb 4 + dpjiaTa Oapaob Kai tt|v 8i3va|iiv avzov

[is] his name. [The] chariots of Pharaoh, and his force

sppuj/sv sic; QaXaaaav S7iiA,sktodc; avapdTac; TpicrcdTac;

he tossed into [the] sea; chosen riders — tribunes


15 io

02 - Exodus

Kaxs7i6vxiasv sv spi)6pd BaXdaarj 5 + tcovxco SKdAuysv

he sank in [the] red sea. A high sea covered

cxdxotjc; KaxsSuaav sic; Pd06v coast Tddoq 6 +

them; they descended unto [the] bottom of the sea as stone.

r| 8s^id aou Kopis 8s86£;aaxai ev ia%m r| 8s^id gov

Your right [hand], O LORD, has been glorified in strength; your right

%sip icopie sBpauasv s%Qpovq i+ kcu tco 7rA,f|0si

hand, O LORD, devastated [the] enemies. And in the magnitude

Tr\q 86^r\q gov auvsxpuj/ac; zovq imsvavxuyoc;

of your glory you broke the opponents.

anzGTZikaq xrjv opyfjv gov kcu Kaxscpaysv avzovq coast

You sent your anger, and it devoured them as

KaXdjirjv 8+ kcu 8id 7xvsi)|iaxoc; tod Gdjiod gov 8isaxr|

stubble. And by [the] breath of your rage [ was parted

to i35cop 87idyr| coast xs(%oc; xa i35axa S7idyr|

the water]; [a banked up as] wall [were] the waters; [ were banked up

kcxi xa Kujiaxa sv jisaco Tr\q GaAxxaarjc; 9+ sircsv o

and the waves] in [the] midst of the sea. [ said The

sx6p6q Sico^aq KaxaAx|\j/o|icu jispicb gkvXcl s|i7iAxjaco

enemy], In pursuing I shall overtake; I shall portion [the] spoils; I shall fill up

\\fv%r\v [lov avslco xr| |ia%a(pa [iov Kopisuasi

my soul; I will take up my sword; [ will dominate

T| %sip [iov 10+ a7isaxsiAxxc; xo izv £V[ia gov SKd?u)\j/sv

my hand]. You sent your breath, [covered

avzovq GdAxxaaa s8t&gt;aav coast jioAipSoc; sv i35axi

them [the] sea]; they went down as lead in [ water

acpoSpco 11+ Tiq ojioioq aoi sv Gsoiq Kopis xic;

vehement]. Who [is] likened to you among gods, O LORD? Who

ojioioq aoi SsSo^aajisvoq sv ayioiq GaDjiaaxoc; sv

[is] likened to you, being glorified among holy ones, wonderful in

dotqaiq 7ioicov xspaxcx 12 + s^sxsivac; xrjv Ss^idv gov

glories, doing miracles? You stretched out your right [hand],

Kaxsftisv avTOV yr| 13+ coSfjyrjaaq xr|

[ swallowed them [the] earth]. You guided [by]

SiKcuoawq gov xov A,a6v gov xodxov ov sAmpcbaco

your righteousness — [ your people this] whom you ransomed.

7iapsKdA,saac; xr| \g%vigov siq Kaxd?u)|ia dyiov gov u+

You aided in your strength in [ lodging your holy].

fjKODaav sGvrj Kai copyiaGrjaav coSivsq sAxxpov

[ heard Nations], and were provoked to anger; pangs took [hold]


15 "ID


02 - Exodus


[of the] ones dwelling among [the] Philistines. Then hastened [the] princes

E5cb|i Kai dpxovxsq McoaPixcbv sXaPsv aDTotic;

ofEdom, and [the] rulers of [the] Moabites; [ took [hold] of them

xpojioq STdKrjaav rcdvTSc; oi KaTOiKowcsc; Xavadv

trembling]; they melted away — all the [ones] dwelling in Canaan.

i6+ S7ri7i8aoi 87i ' avTOvq (pofioq Kai xpojioq jisysGsi

May there fall upon them fear and trembling; [by the] greatness

Ppa%(ov6c; gov a7roXi9co0f|TCoaav scoc; av 7iapsA,6r|

of your arm they are petrified, until whenever [ may go by

o Xaoq gov icopis scoc; av 7iapsA,6r| o Xaoq gov

your people], O LORD, until whenever [may go by your people

omoq ov SKifjaco n+ siaayaycbv Kaxacp^isDaov

this], whom you acquired. Bringing them in — plant

aDTotic; sic; opoq KAxjpovojjiac; gov sic; stoijiov

them in [mountain of inheritance your]; into [prepared

KaxoiKrjTfjpiov gov o KaTSipydaoo Ki3pie ayiaajia

home your] which you manufactured, O LORD; [the] sanctuary,

Kopis o r|To(|iaaav ai %sipsc; aoi) is+ Kupioc;

O LORD, which you prepared [by] your hands. [The] LORD

fiaGiksvcov sic; xov aicbva Kai S7t' aicbva Kai sti 19 +

reigning into the eon, and unto eon, and still!

on siafjXGev bmoq Oapacb gvv dpjiaai Kai

For [ entered [the] horse of Pharaoh] with chariots and

avapdxaic; sic; GdXaaaav Kai S7if|yaysv S7i' auTotic;

riders into [the] sea; and [ brought upon them

Kopioc; to tiSoop tiic; BaXdaarjc; 01 8s moi IapafjA,

[the] LORD] the water of the sea. But the sons of Israel

S7iopsT39r|aav 8id ^rjpdc; sv jisaco tiic; 6aA,daar|c; 20 +

went through dry [land] in [the] midst of the sea.

slape 5s Mapidji r| 7ipo(pf|Tic; r| a8sAxpf| Aapcbv to

[ took And Miriam the prophetess the sister of Aaron] the

TD|i7ravov sv tt| %sip( avTT\q Kai s^fjXBoaav 7idaai ai

tambourine in her hand. And came forth all the

yuvaiKec; O7i(aco avTr\q jisxd TD|i7idvcov Kai %op&amp;&gt;v 21 +

women after her with tambourines and dancers.

s^fjp%£ 5s auTcbv Mapidji Aiyouaa dacojisv too

[ led And them Miriam], saying, We should sing to the

KDpico svSo^coqyap 8s86^aaxai i7r7iov Kai avapdrtrv

LORD, for gloriously he glorified himself ~ horse and rider

sppuj/sv sic; BdXaaaav 22+ s^fjps 8s Mocmafjc; todc;

he tossed into [the] sea. [ lifted up And Moses] the


15 "ID

ev tootco + viKa

02 - Exodus

viovq IapafjA, arco dakdaar\q spuGpdc; Kai fjyaysv

sons of Israel from [ sea [the] red], and he led

auxotic; sic; xrjv epr||iov Soup Kai S7ropei3ovxo xpeic;

them into the wilderness of Shur. And they went three

rjjispac; ev tt] spf||ico Kai ov% rjtipiaKov tiSoop

days in the wilderness, and they did not find water

cbaxe 7ii8iv 23 + r\kdov 5s sic; Msppdv Kai odk

so as to drink. And they came unto Marah. And they were not

rjSuvavxo 7iis(v t)8cop sk Meppdc; 7iiKp6v yap r|v

able to drink water at Marah, [ bitter for it was].

8id xot3xo 87icovo|ida6r| xo ovojia

On account of this [ was named the name

xod X07TOD sksivod mKpia 24+ Kai 8isy6yyi)^ev o Xaoq

of that place], Bitter. And [complained the people]

87i( McoDafj Aiyovxsc; xi mojisGa 25+ eporjas 8s

unto Moses, saying, What shall we drink? [ yelled And

Moyoafjc; npoq Kopiov Kai eSei^ev auxcb o Kopioc;

Moses] to [the] LORD. And [ showed to him the LORD]

tpkov Kai evsPaXsv auxo sic; xo t38oop Kai

a tree. And he put it into the water, and

syXi)Kdv9r| xo tiSoop sksi s0sxo auxcb 8iKaicb|iaxa

[ was sweetened the water]. There he established with him ordinances

Kai Kpiaeiq Kai sksi auxov S7is(paas 26 + Kai si7isv sdv

and judgments, and there he tested him. And he said, If

aKoixxrjc; xrjc; cpcovfjc; Kopiou xod 9sot3 aoi) Kai xa

you should hear the voice of [the] LORD your God, and [ the [things]

apsaxd svavxiov avzov 7ioif|ar|c; Kai svcoxiarj

pleasing before him you should do], and you should give ear to

zaq zvToXaq avzov Kai (pvXa^r\q 7idvxa

his commandments, and you should guard all

xa 8iKaicb|iaxa avzov 7idaav voaov r|v S7if|yayov xoiq

his ordinances, [then] every disease which was brought upon the

AiyD7ix(oic; odk 87id^co S7U os sycb yap sijii Kopioc;

Egyptians, I will not bring upon you. For I am [the] LORD

o ubjievoc; as 27+ Kai fjXGoaav sic; EXsi^i Kai fjaav

healing you. And they came into Elim. And there were

sksi 8cb8sKa 7ir|yai i)8dxcov Kai ep8o|if|Kovxa axsA,s%r|

there twelve springs of waters, and seventy trunks

cpoiviKcov 7iapsv8PaAx)v 8s sksi 7iapd xa i)8axa

of palm trees; and they camped there by the waters.


16 TO
8V TOOTCp + VlKa

02 - Exodus

16 Ttt

i + a7ir|pav 8s s£, EXsiji Kai r\kdoaav 7idoa &lt;yovaycoyf|

And they departed from Elim, and [ came all the congregation

mcbv IapafjX sic; xrjv sprjjiov Siv o saxiv

of [the] sons of Israel] unto the wilderness of Sin, which is

avajieaov EXsiji Kai avajisaov Siva xrj 8s

between Elim and between Sinai. And on the

7isvT£Kai8sK&amp;Tr| rjjiepa too jirjvi xco 8si)xspco

fifteenth day [in] [ month the second]

s^sArjAuGoxcov auxcbv sk yrjc; AiyimxcyD 2 + Sisyoyyu^s

they went forth from [the] land of Egypt. [complained

7idaa r| auvaycoyfj xcov uicbv IapafjA, S7ri MGyoafjv

All the gathering of the sons of Israel] to Moses

Kai Aapcbv 3 + Kai sircav npoq avzovq oi viol IapafjX

and Aaron. And [ said to them the sons of Israel],

ocpsAxrv a7is0dvo|i8v 7iAr|ysvxsc; D7i6 Kopiou sv yr|

Ought we died being struck by [the] LORD in [the] land

AiyimTOD oxav SKaGioajisv sm xcov A,spf|xcov xcov

of Egypt, whenever we sat at the kettles of the

Kpscbv Kai rjaGiojiev dpxcroc; sic; 7iAx|a|iovf|v 6xi

meats, and ate bread loaves in fullness. For

s^rjydysxs r\[iaq sic; xrjv sprjjiov xatixrjv a7iOKxs(vai

you led us into this wilderness to kill

7idaav xrjv aDvaycoyfiv xai3xr|v sv Aijico 4+ si7is 8s

all this congregation by hunger. [ said And

Kopioc; 7ipoc; McoDafjv i8cr6 sycb tico djiiv dpxcroc;

[the] LORD] to Moses, Behold, I rain upon you bread loaves

sk xod oi)pavcy6 Kai s^slsuasxai o Xaoq Kai

from out of the heaven; and [ shall come forth the people], and

avXkztpvai to xrjq rjjispac; sic; rjjispav 67icoc;

they shall collect together the [bread] day to day, that

7isipdaco avTOvq si 7iopsi)aovxai xco vojico fioi) tj od 5 +

I should test them if they shall go [by] my law or not.

Kai saxai sv xrj r|(ispa xr| skxt| Kai sxoi|idaoi)aiv o

And it will be in [ day the sixth], and they shall prepare what

av siasvsyKcoai Kai saxai dmXovv o av auvaydycoai

ever they should carry in, and it shall be double what ever they should bring

xoKaG' rjjispav sic; rjjispav 6 + si7is 5s Mcouafjc; Kai

according to day by day. [ said And Moses and

Aapcbv 7rpoc; rcdaav auvaycoyfjv dicov IapafjA,

Aaron] to all [the] gathering of [the] sons of Israel,

saftspac; yvcoasaBs 6x1 Kopioc; s^fjyaysv Djidq sk yr\q

[At] evening you will know that [the] LORD led you out of [the] land


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AiyirnxoD ?+ Kai 7ipcoi 6\j/sa0s xrjv 86^av Kopioi)

of Egypt. And [in the] morning you will see the glory of [the] LORD,

sv too siaaKotiaai xov yoyyoajiov ujicbv S7ri too 0scb

in the hearing of your grumbling against God.

r\[isiq 8s xi sajisv 6xi 8iayoyyi)^sxs Ka0' r||icbv 8+ Kai

And we, what are we that you complain against us? And

S17T8 McoDofjc; sv xco 8i86vai Kopiov v[iiv sanspaq

Moses said, [It is] in the [ giving [the] LORD] to you in the evening

Kpsa cpaysiv Kai dpxouc; xo7ipcoi sic; 7iAx|a|iovf|v

meats to eat, and bread loaves in the morning for fullness,

8id xo siaaKotiaai Kupiov xov yoyyuajiov ujicbv ov

on account of the lord's hearing your grumbling which

Djisiq Siayoyyu^sxs Ka0' r\[i(bv r\[isiq 8s xi sajisv

you complain against us. But we, what are we?

od yap Ka6' rjjicbv o yoyyoajioc; djicov soxiv aXk r r\

For not [ against us your grumbling is], but

Kaxd xod 0sot3 9 + si7is 8s McoDafiq 7ipoc; Aapcbv

against God. [ said And Moses] to Aaron,

si7rov 7idar| aDvaycoyfj dicov IapafjA, 7ipoasA,0sxs

Say to all [the] congregation of [the] sons of Israel! Come forward

svavxiov xod 0sod siaaKfjKos yap xov yoyyoojiov Djicbv

before God! for he has heard your grumbling.

io+r|viKa8s Aapcbv 7idar| aDvaycoyfj mcbv

And when Aaron spoke to all [the] congregation of [the] sons

IapafjA, Kai S7isaxpd(prjaav sic; xrjv sprjjiov Kai rj

of Israel, that they turned into the wilderness, and the

86^a Kopioi) cbcpGrj sv vscpsAx| n+ Kai sA,dAxjas Kopioc;

glory of [the] LORD appeared in a cloud. And [the] LORD spoke

rcpoc; Mcoi)&lt;xf|v Aiycov u+ siaaKfjKoa xov yoyyDajiov

to Moses, saying, I have heard the grumbling

xcov mcbv IapafjA, A,dArjaov rcpoc; aDxotic; Aiycov

of the sons of Israel. Speak to them! saying,

xo 7ipoc; scmspav s8sa0s Kpsa Kai xo7ipcoi

Towards evening you shall eat meats, and in the morning

7iArja0fjasa0s dpxcov Kai yvcbasa0s 6xi sycb sijii

you will be filled of bread loaves. And you shall know that I am

Kopioc; o 0s6c; djicov 13 + sysvsxo 8s sarcspa Kai avsprj

[the] LORD your God. And it was evening. And there ascended

opxDyojifjxpa Kai SKdA,D\j/s xrjv 7raps|iPoArjv xo7ipcoi 8s

[the] mother-quail, and it covered the camp. And in the morning

sysvsxo Kaxa7iai)0|isvr|(; xrjc; 8p6aoD kdkAco xrjc;

there was a resting of the dew round about the


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7tape|iPoAx|c; 14+ Kai i5od S7ri 7ip6aco7rov Tr\q epf||ioD

camp. And behold, upon [the] face of the wilderness,

A,S7tt6v coast Kopiov A,£dk6v coosi 7cdyoc; S7U Tr\q yr\q

a thin [thing] as coriander — white, as ice upon the earth.

15+ i86vtsc; 8e auxo oi vioi IapafjX ei7cav exepoc; too

And seeing it, the sons of Israel said, an other to the

sxspco ti sail todto oi) yap fj5eioav xi r|v si7i8

other, What is this? [ not For they had] known what it was. [ said

5s MoaDafjc; itpoq avzovq odtoc; o dpxoq ov

And Moses] to them, This [is] the bread which

s5coks Kijpioq D|i(v cpayeiv i 6 + todto to pfjjia o

[the] LORD gave to you to eat. This [is] the thing which

cTDvexa^s Kopioc; aDvaydyeTe an avzov eKaaxoc; sic;

[the] LORD ordered. Bring together of it each for

todc; KaBfjKovTaq yojiop Kaxd KecpaArjv Kaxd

[what] is fitting! A homer per head, according to

apiGjiov \\fv%(bv Djicbv SKacrcoc; sv TOiq aKqvaic; djicdv

[the] number of your souls; [ each with your tents

GvXkstpLTE 17+ Kai S7io(r|aav odtcdc; oi moi IapafjA,

let] collect together! And [did so the sons of Israel],

Kai oDveA^av o to tioXv Kai o to sAmTOV

and they collected together what [was] much and what [was] less.

i8+ Kai jiSTpfjaavTsq to yojiop odk £7rXs6vaaev

And measuring [with] the homer, [ was not superabundant

o to koXv Kai O TO sXaTTOV

the one which [had] much], and [the one] which had less

odk rjA^aTTOvrjasv SKacrcoc; sic; todc; KaGfjKovTac; 7iap'

had not too less, for each [ [what was] fitting for

SaDTCO OVVZkstpLV 19+ 81718 5e McODOTjC; 7ipO(; aDTODCJ

himself collected together]. [ said And Moses] to them,

jirjGsiq KaTaA,i7i8TCO an avxov siq T07ipcoi 20+ Kai

Let no one leave behind of his into the morning! And

odk fjKODaav McoDafj aXXa KaTeXurov tivsc; an

they did not hearken to Moses, but left behind some of

aDTOD sic; T07ipcoi Kai e^sas aKcbAxjKac; Kai

it into the morning. And [ erupted worms], and

S7icb^so8 Kai 87iiKpdv6r| S7i ' aDTOiq McoDafjc; 21 + Kai

it stunk. And [ was embittered over them Moses]. And


they collected it together morning [by] morning, each the fitting [thing]
aDTcb rjviKa 5s 8is0sp|iavsv o r\Xxoq 8tt|ksto 22 +

for himself. And when [ warmed through the sun], it melted away.


16 TO


02 - Exodus

sysvsxo 8s tt] rjjispa xrj skxtj auvsA^av xa 8sovxa

And it happened in the [ day sixth] they collected together the necessary

8urXd 8t3o yojiop xco svi siafjXGoaav 8s

double [amount], two homers to the one [person], [entered And

7r&amp;vx£c; oi dpxovxsq xrjc; auvaycoyfjc; Kai avfjyysilav

all the rulers of the congregation], and announced

McDDafj 23+ 81718 8s Mcouafjc; 7rpoc; avzovq xouxo

to Moses. [ said And Moses] to them, This

xo pf|(id 8oxiv o s^dAxjas Kopioc; adppaxa avdnavaiq

word is what [the] LORD spoke. A Sabbath rest,

ayia xco Kupico dupiov 6aa sdv 7isaar|xs 7isaasxs

holy to the LORD [is] tomorrow. Whatever as much as you should bake — bake.

Kai 6aa sav s\j/r|xs s\j/sxs Kai 7iav xo

And whatever as much as you should boil ~ boil! And all that

7iA,80vd^ov KaxaA,8i7i8X8 ai)xo sic; a7io6f|Kr|v sic;

being superabundant leave it for reposit for

xo7ipcoi 24+ Kai KaxsTjjrov an avxov sic; xo7ipcoi KaGd

the morning! And they left of it into the morning, as

aDvsxa^sv cxdxoic; Mamafjc; Kai ouk S7icb^sasv ou8s

[ordered them Moses]. And it did not stink, nor

aKcbAxj^ sysvsxo sv ai)xcb 25+ si7is 8s McoDafjc; cpdysxs

[ a worm was there] in it. [ said And Moses], You eat

afjjispov ai)xo saxi yap adppaxov xco Kupico afjjispov

it today, for it is a Sabbath to the LORD! Today

ov% SDpsBfjasxai sv 7is8ico 26+ s£, rjjispac;

you shall not find [ an y] in a plain. Six days

cjdAIs^sxs xt| 8s rjjispa xrj spSojurj adppaxov 6x1

you shall collect together, but the [ day seventh] [is] a Sabbath, for

odk saxai sv arjxfj 27+ sysvsxo 8s sv xrj sp86(ir|

it shall not be [found] in it. And it came to pass on the seventh

rjjispa Kai s^f|A,6oadv xivsc; sk xod Xaov auAls^ai

day, and came forth certain ones from the people to collect together,

Kai OD% Sl)pOV 28+ S17TS 8s Kopioc; 7ipoc; Mcoi)af|v

and they did not find. [ said And [the] LORD] to Moses,

scoc; xivoc; od Pot)A,sa0s siaaKorjsiv xac; svxoXdq jiod Kai

For how [long] will you not listen to my commandments, and

xov vojiov jiou 29+ (8sxs oyap Kopioc; sScoksv djiiv

my law? See! for the LORD gave to you

adppaxa xrjv rjjispav xarjxrjv 8id xorjxo arjxoc;

[Sabbath day this]. On account of this he

sScoksv D|i(v xtj rjjispa xrj skxt| dpxouc; dvo rjjispcbv

gave to you on the [ day sixth] bread loaves [for] two days.


16 TO

02 - Exodus

tt] rjjiepa ttj s

during the [ day seventh

tt] rjjispa ttj s

in the [ day seventh

KaGiaaaGe SKaaxoq sic; took; oikodc; djicov 7iap' saDTcb

Let [ sit down each] in your houses by himself!

JLXTjSsiq D|ICOV 8K7ropSDSa6(JD 8K TOD 107101) aDTOD

Not one of you go forth from out of his place

;P56|ir| 30+ Kai saapp&amp;xiaev o Xaoq

And [ observed the Sabbath the people]

P56jllt| 31+ Kai S7icov6|iaaav ai)i6 01

And [ named it the

moi IapafjA, to ovojia avzov jiav r|v Ss coasi

sons of Israel] ~ the name of it, Manna. And it was as

a7i8p|ia Kop(oi) A,£dk6v to 8s ysDjia avzov coc;

[the] seed of coriander — white. And the taste of it [was] as

syKpiq sv jisAm 32+ si7is 8s MooDafjc; todto to pf||ia

pastry with honey. [ said And Moses], This is the thing

o &lt;xuv8Ta^s Kopioc; 7rAx|aaT£ to yojiop tod jiav sic;

which [the] LORD ordered. Fill the homer of the manna, for

a7ro9fjKr|v sic; Tag ysvsdc; djicov (va (Scoai tov dpTOV

reposit for your generations! that they might see the bread

ov scpdysTS Djisfc; sv ttj spfuico coc; s^qyaysv v[idq

which you ate in the wilderness, as [ led you

KDpioq sk yrjc; AiyD7iTOD 33+ Kai si7rs MoaDafjc; 7ipoc;

[the] LORD] out of [the] land of Egypt. And Moses said to

Aapcbv AxxPs &lt;xcd|ivov %pdcjodv sva Kai sjiPa^s sic;

Aaron, Take [jar golden one], and put in

avzov 7iAx|psc; to yojiop tod jiav Kai a7ro0f|GSic; aDTO

it a full homer of manna, and put it aside

svavTiov tod 0sod sic; 8iaTf|pr|aiv sic; Tag ysvsdc; djicov

before God for preservation into your generations!

34 + OV TpOTCOV CJDVSTa^S KDpioq TCD McoDafj Kai

In which manner [the] LORD ordered Moses, even

a7is6r|Ksv Aapcbv aDTO svaraov tod jiapTDpioD sic;

[ put aside Aaron it] before the testimony for

8iaTf|pr|Giv 35+ 01 8s dioi IopafjA, scpayov to jiav stt|

preservation. And the sons of Israel ate the manna [ years

TsaaapdKovTa scoc; r\kdov sic; yrjv oikod|isvt|v to

forty], until they came into [the] land to be lived in. [ the

jiav scpayov scoc; rcapsysvovTO sic; jispoc; ttjc^ OoiviKqc;

manna They ate] until they came into a part of Phoenicia.

36 + to 8s yojiop TO SsKaTOV TCOV Tpicbv JISTpCOV T|V

Now the homer [the tenth of three measures was].


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17 n

1+ Kai a7if|ps 7idaa r| aDvaycoyfj mcbv IopafjA, sk

And [ departed all the congregation [of the] sons of Israel] from out of

Tr\q spf||ioD £iv raid 7iaps|iPoAxxc; aDxcbv 5id

the wilderness of Sin, according to their camps, through

pfjjiaxoc; KDpioi) Kai 7iapsvsPaXov sv PaqnSsiv

[the] saying of [the] LORD. And they camped in Rephidim.

odk Tjv 8s D8oop to Xacb 7ii8iv 2 + Kai sloiSopsixo o

[ there was no But] water for the people to drink. And [ reviled the

Xaoq npoq Moyoafjv Aiyovxsc; Soq r\[iiv DSoop (va

people] against Moses, saying, Give to us water! that

7iico|i8v Kai 8i7rsv aDxoic; MooDafjc; ti AxnSopsiaGs |IS

we may drink. And [ said to them Moses], Why do you revile me?

Kai ti 7isipd^sxs Kopiov 3+ s8nj/r|as Se sksi o Xaoq

And why do you test [the] LORD? [ thirsted And there the people]

D8axi Kai SisyoyyD^sv o Xaoq S7il Mamafjv Aiyovxsc;

for water. And [ complained the people] against Moses, saying,

ivaxi xodxo on avepipaoac; r|jLxdq s^ AiyirnxoD

Why [is] this that you hauled us from out of Egypt

tod a7ioKT8ivai r|jLxdq Kai xa xsKva rjjicbv Kai xa Kxfjvrj

to kill us, and our children, and the cattle

xoo 8uj/si 4+ sporjae 8s Moyoafjc; npoq Kupiov Aiyoov

by thirst? [ yelled And Moses] to [the] LORD, saying,

xi 7ioifja&lt;jo xco Xa(h xodxcd sxi jiiKpov Kai

What should I do with this people? Yet in a little [while] and

KaxaXiGoPoAxjaoDcri |is 5 + Kai si7is Kopioc; npoq

they will cast stones at me. And [the] LORD said to

MoQDafjv 7ipo7ropsDOD xod Xaov xodxod AxxPs 8s jisxd

Moses, Go before this people! and take with

asaDxoD arco xcov 7ipsaPDxsp&lt;jov xod Xaov Kai xrjv

yourself [some] of the elders of the people, and the

pdp8ov sv T| S7idxa^ac; xov 7ioxa|i6v AxxPs sv

rod in which you struck the river! Take it in

xtj %sip( god Kai rcopsDOD 6 + i8od sycb saxrjKa SKSI

your hand and go! Behold, I stand there,

7ipo xod as sA£s(v S7ri Tr\q 7rsxpaq sv XcopfjP Kai

before your coming upon the rock in Horeb. And

7iaxd^sic; xttv rcsxpav Kai s^sXsDasxai s£, m)TT\q

you shall strike the rock, and shall come forth from out of it

D8cop Kai 7i(sxai o Xaoq S7io(r|as 8s McoDafjq odxcoc;

water, and [ shall drink the people]. [ did And Moses] thus


17 V ev toutco + viica 02 - Exodus

svavxiov xcov dicov IopafjX ?+ Kai S7ccov6|iaae to

before the sons of Israel. And he named the

ovojia tod T07TOD sksivod 7csipaa|i6c; Kai A,oi56pr|aic;

name of that place — Test and Reviling;

8id ttjv Axn8op(av tcov dicov IapafjA, Kai 5id

on account of the reviling of the sons of Israel, and on account of

to 7isipd^8iv Kopiov XbfovTaq si scjti Kopioc; sv r\[dv

the testing the LORD, saying, Is [the] LORD with us

T| ou s + fjXGe 5s A|iaAx|K Kai S7ioA,s|i8i tov IapafjA,

or not? [ came And Amalek] and waged war against Israel

sv Pacpi5iv 9 + 81718 8s Mamafjc; too IrjooD S7i(Xs^ov

in Rephidim. [ said And Moses] to Joshua, Choose

aeauTcb avdpaq dwazovq Kai £^eX0cbv 7capdTa^ai

for yourself [ men mighty], and going forth deploy against

tco AjiaArjK dupiov Kai i8od sycb sarrjKa S7U Tr\q

Amalek tomorrow! And behold, I [shall] stand upon the

KOpUCpfjC; TOD pODVOD Kai T| pdp5oq TOD 0SOD sv

top of the hill, and the rod of God in

TT| %£ipl |IOD io + Kai 87lOir|OSV IrjOODq Ka6d7T8p S17T8V

my hand. And Joshua did as [ told

aDTcb McDDafjc; Kai e^sABcov 7cap£Ta^dTO tco A|iaAx|K

to him Moses]. And going forth he deployed against Amalek.

Kai McoDafjc; Kai Aapcbv Kai Qp avsprjaav S7ri ttjv

And Moses and Aaron and Hur ascended upon the


top of the hill. And it happened whenever

87if|p8 McoDafjc; zaq %sipaq KanaxDsv IapafjA, OTav 5e

Moses lifted up the hands, Israel grew strong. But whenever

KaGfjKe Tac; %eipac; KaTia%Dsv A[Lakr\K u + ai 5s %s(pec;

he lowered [his] hands, Amalek grew strong. And the hands

McoDafj Papsiai Kai XafiovTsq Ai0ov D7is0r|Kav D7i'

of Moses [became] heavy. And taking a stone they placed [it] under

aDTOV Kai SKd0r|TO S7i ' aDTOD Kai Aapcbv Kai Qp

him, and he sat down upon it. And Aaron and Hur

SaTTjpitpV Tag XSipaq aDTOD SVTSD0SV 8iq Kai 8VT8D08V

supported his hands; here one and there

eic; Kai sysvovTO ai xsipsc; McoDafj sarrjpiyiievai ecoc;

one. And [ were the hands of Moses] supported until

5Dajicov rjAioD 13 + Kai STpe\j/aTO IrjaoDc; tov AjiaArjK

[the] descent of [the] sun. And Joshua routed Amalek,

Kai 7cdvTa tov Xaov avzov sv cpovco |ia%a(pac; u + si7U8

and all his people by a carnage of [the] sword. [ said


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02 - Exodus

5e Kopioc; izpoq MoQDafjv Kaxdypa\j/ov xodxo sic;

And [the] LORD] to Moses, Write this for

|ivr||i6aDVOV ev PipAico Kai doq sic; xa coxa IrjooD

a memorial in a scroll, and put it unto the ears of Joshua!

oxi a^oicpfj e^aXenj/co xo |ivr||i6aDvov AjiaAxjK sk

For [as] ointment I will wipe away the memorial of Amalek from

xr|c; D7i6 xov ODpavov i 5 + Kai coKo56|ir|as McoDafjc;

under heaven. And Moses built

0i)aiaaxf|piov xco Kopico Kai S7ccov6|iaa£ xo ovojia

an altar to the LORD, and named the name

avTOV Kopioc; KaxacpDyfj jiod i 6 + oxi sv %eip( KpDcpaia

of it, [The] LORD My Refuge, for with [hand a hidden]

7roXs|isi Kopioc; 87i( AjiaAxjK a7co ysvscbv sic; yevedq

[the] LORD wages war against Amalek from generations unto generations.

18 rr

i+ fjKODas 5s IoGcbp o ispstic; Ma5idv o yajiPpoc;

[ heard And Jethro the priest of Midian the father-in-law

McDDafj 7cdvxa 6aa S7i;o(r|as Kopioc; IapafjX xco

of Moses] all as much as [the] LORD did to Israel, to

eaDxoD Axxcb e^fjyays yap KDpioc; xov IapafjA,

his own people; [ led for [the] LORD] Israel out of

AiyimxoD 2 + sAxxPe 8s Io0cbp o yajiPpoq McoDafj

Egypt. [ took And Jethro the father-in-law of Moses]

£s7ctpcbpav xrjv yDvauca McoDofj jisxd

Zipporah the wife of Moses after

xrjv dcpsaiv avTT\q 3 + Kai xodc; 8do viovq avzov ovojia

her release, and the two sons of his ~ [the] name

xco evi rr|pad|i Aiycov 7cdpoiKoc; r\[ir\v ev yr|

to the one [was] Gershom, saying, I was a sojourner in [ land

aMtoxpia 4 + Kai xo ovojia xod 5sdxspod EAie^sp

an alien]. And the name of the second [was] Eliezer,

Aiycov o yap Beoc; xod nazpoq jiod PorjGoq jiod Kai

saying, For the God of my father [is] my helper, and

s^sdaxo |i8 sk %£ipoc; Oapacb 5 + Kai r\kdzv IoGcbp

he rescued me from out of [the] hand of Pharaoh. And came forth Jethro,

o yajippoq McoDafj Kai oi moi Kai r| yovfj 7cpoc;

the father-in-law of Moses, and the sons, and the wife, to

McoDafjv sic; xrjv sprjjiov od 7tapevePaA,ev S7c'

Moses, into the wilderness of which [place] he camped at

opoc; xod 08OD 6 + avrjyyeArj 5s McoDafj Aiyovxsc;

[the] mountain of God. And it was announced to Moses, saying,


18 rr


02 - Exodus

i8oi3 o yajiPpoq gov IoGcbp 7iapay(vsxai itpoq as Kai

Behold, your father-in-law Jethro comes to you, and

r| ywfj gov Kai oi8t3o vioi gov |isx' avzov ?+ s^fjXGs

your wife, and [ two sons your] with him. [ came forth
8s McoDofjc; sic; auvdvxrjGiv icq yajiPpcb avzov Kai

And Moses] to meet with his father-in-law; and

7rpoasKwr|asv auxcb Kai sqnArjasv avzov Kai

he did obeisance to him, and he kissed him, and

r|a7idaavTO akhf\kovq Kai eiafjyayev avzovq sic; xrjv

they greeted one another, and he brought them into the

oKTjvfjv 8+ Kai 5ir|yf|aaTO McoDafjc; too yajippcb avzov

tent. And Moses described [to] his father-in-law

7idvxa 6oa S7iorr|as Kopioc; icq Oapacb Kai xoic;

all as much as [the] LORD did to Pharaoh, and to the

Aiyi)7moic; svsksv tod IopafjX Kai rcdvxa xov |io%Gov

Egyptians, on account of Israel; and all the trouble,

xov ysvojisvov auxoic; sv xrj o5cb Kai 6xi s^sdaxo

the one coming to them in the way; and that [ rescued

auxotic; Kopioc; sk X^poq Oapacb Kai sk

them [the] LORD] from out of [the] hand of Pharaoh, and from out of

Xsipoc; xcov AiyD7iTicov 9 + s^saxrj 8s IoGcbp S7il 7idai

[the] hand of the Egyptians. [ was amazed And Jethro] by all

xoic; ayaGoic; oic; S7iovr|asv auxofc; Kopioc; 6xi

the good [things] which [ did to them [the] LORD]; that

s^siXaxo avTOvq Kopioc; sk %£ip6c; xcov Aiyi)7mcov

[ rescued them [the] LORD] from out of [the] hand of the Egyptians,

Kai sk % 8l p6c; Oapacb io+ Kai sircsv IoGcbp

and from out of [the] hand of Pharaoh. And Jethro said,

siAoyrjxoc; Kopioc; 6xi s^si^axo xov A,a6v auxou sk

Blessed be [the] LORD, for he rescued his people from out of

Xsipoq xcov AiyD7ixicov Kai sk X 8l P°^ Oapacb n +

[the] hand of the Egyptians, and from out of [the] hand of Pharaoh.

vdv syvcov 6xi jisyaq Kopioc; 7iapd rcdvxac; zovq dsovq

Now I know that [the] LORD [is] great above all the gods,

svsksv xodxod oxi S7isGsvxo auxoic; 12+ Kai slapsv

because of of this — that they made an attempt [against] them. And [ took

IoGcbp o yajiPpoq McoDafj oA,OKai)xcb|iaxa Kai Gumac;

Jethro the father-in-law of Moses] whole burnt-offerings, and sacrifices

xco Gscb 7iapsysvsxo 8s Aapcbv Kai 7idvxsc; oi

to God. [ came For Aaron and all the

7ipsoPi)xspoi IopafjX aDjicpaysiv dpxov jisxd xod

elders of Israel] to eat bread with the


18 rr


02 - Exodus

yajiPpoi) Mocmafj evavxiov tod 0sod 13 + Kai eyevexo

father-in-law of Moses before God. And it came to pass

jisxd xrjv S7iaT3piov auvsKdGiae Mcoi)of|c; Kpivsiv TOV

after the next day, Moses sat down to judge the

Xabv 7iapeiGTfjK£i 5s naq o Xabq McoDafj anb

people, [ stood by and all the people] Moses from

7ipcoi6sv ecoc; zontpaq 14+ Kai i8cbv IoGcop rcavxa 60a

morning until evening. And Jethro seeing all as much as

S7TOISI xco Xafo Aiyei xi xotixo o &lt;td nomiq xco

he did to the people, says, What is this which you do to the

Xacb 81cm &lt;td K&amp;6r|aai jiovoc; naq 5s o Xabq

people? Why do you sit down alone, and all the people
7rap8&lt;xrr|K8 aoi anb 7ipcoi6ev ecoc; SsiAxjq 15+ Kai

stand by you from morning until afternoon? And

Xeyei Moyoafjc; xco yajiPpcb auxoi) 6x1 7rapay(vsxai

Moses says [to] his father-in-law, Because [ come

7ipoc; |i8 o Xabq £K^r|xf|aai Kpiaiv 7iapd xod 0£od 16 +

to me the people] to seek after a judgment from God.

oxavyap yevrjxai auxofc; avxiA^oyia Kai sABcoai 7ipoc;

For whenever there is to them a dispute, and they should come to

|is 5iaKp(vco SKaaxov Kai aDjiPipd^co auxotic; xa

me, I litigate each, and I instruct them in the

7ipoaxdy|iaxa xod Gsotj Kai xov vojiov ai)xoD 17+ sifts

orders of God, and his law. [ said

5s o yajiPpoc; xco Moyoafj 7ipoc; ambv odk opGcbc;

And the father-in-law] [to] Moses to him, Not rightly

&lt;td 7roiefc; xo pfjjia xodxo 18+ cpGopd KaxatpGapfjarj

do you do this thing. [ corruption will be corrupted

avD7io|iovf|xco Kai &lt;td Kai naq o Xaoq otixoc; oq saxi

in unsufferable And you], and all this people, which is

jisxa aoi)

with you.

3api3 aoi xo pfjjia xodxo ou 8wf|ar|

[is] heavy on you This thing], you will not be able


to act yourself alone. Now then hear me! and

oDjipouXsuaco 001 Kai soxai o dzbq |iexd aoi)

I [shall] advise you, and God will be with you.

yivoi) &lt;7D xco Xa&amp;&gt; xa itpoq xov 0s6v Kai avoiasiq

You become to the people, the [one] before God! and you shall offer

xodc; Xbyovq auxcbv npoq xov 0s6v 20 + Kai 8iajiapxi)psi

their words to God. And you shall testify

auxok; xa 7ipoaxdy|iaxa xod Gsod Kai xov vojiov avzov

to them the orders of God, and his law,


18 rr


02 - Exodus

Kai ar||iavs(c; auxofc; xac; odovq sv aiq 7iopei)aovxai

and you shall signify to them the ways in which they shall go

sv auxaic; Kai xa epya a 7ioif|aouai 21+ Kai av

by them, and the works which they shall do. And you

asavTcb aKsyai arco 7iavx6c; xod Xaov dvSpac;

yourself look about all the people for men

Swaxouc; Kai GeoaePek; dvSpac; SiKaiouc; jiioowxac;

mighty and godly! [ men just] detesting

D7i8pr|(paviav Kai Kaxaaxfjaeic; avzovq auxoic;

pride. And you shall place them over them

%iAidp%ouc; Kai £Kaxovxdp%ouc; Kai 7isvxr|Kovxdp%ODc;

commanders of thousands, and commanders of hundreds, and commanders of fifties,

Kai 8eKa5dp%ODc; 22+ Kai Kpivouai xov Xaov 7idaav

and commanders of tens. And they shall judge the people at every

cbpav xo 8s pfjjia xo imspoyKov avoiaouaiv S7ri as

hour. But the [ thing enormous] they shall offer unto you;

xa 8e Ppa%sa xcov Kpijidxcov Kpivouaiv auxoi Kai

but the little [matters] of the judgments, they shall judge them; and

KODcpiotiaiv and aoi) Kai &lt;xovavxiAx|\j/ovxai OOl 23 +

they shall lighten [the load] from you, and shall give aid to you.

sdv xo pfjjia xot3xo 7roifjar|c; Kai Kaxia%i&gt;aei ae o Geoc;

If this thing you do, then [ will strengthen you God],

Kai 8i)vfjar| 7rapaaxfjvai Kai itaq o Xaoq omoq fj^ei

and you will be able to stand, and all this people shall come

eic; xov sai)xoi3 xo7iov jisx' sipfjvrjq 24+ fjKODas 8s

unto [their] own place with peace. [ hearkened And

MooDafjc; xrjc; cpcovfiq xod yajiPpoi) avzov Kai 87io(r|a8v

Moses] to the voice of his father-in-law, and he did

6aa 817TSV auxcb 25+ Kai S7isA£^s Mamafjc; dv8paq

as much as he said to him. And Moses chose [ men

8i)vaxoi)c; ano 7iavx6c; IopafjX Kai S7ro(r|a8v avzovq

mighty] from all Israel, and appointed them

S7i' auxcbv %ikiap%ovq Kai £Kaxovxdp%oi)c; Kai

over them [as] commanders of thousands, and commanders of hundreds, and

7T£vxr|Kovxdp%ODc; Kai 8sKa8dp%oi)c; Kai

commanders of fifties, and commanders of tens, and

ypaiijiaxoeiaaycoyeiq 26+ Kai SKpivov xov Xaov 7idaav

judicial recorders. And they judged the people every

cbpav xo 8e pfjjia xo imepoyKov avecpepov S7ri

hour, but the [ matter enormous] they offered to

McoDafjv 7iav 8s pfjjia elacppov SKpivov auxoi 27+

Moses. But every [ matter light] they judged themselves.

19 cr

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

s^a7isaT8iA,8 8s MooDafjc; tov eaDTOD yajiPpov Kai

[ sent out And Moses] his own father-in-law, and

a7rfjX0sv sic; xrjv yrjv aDTOD

he went forth unto his land.

19 w

i + tod 8e [ir\voq tod tpitod Tr\q s^68od tcov dicov

And in the [ month third] ofthe exodus of the sons

IapafjX sk yr|c; AiyD7iTOD ttj rjjiepa tocdttj fjXGoaav

of Israel from [the] land Egypt, on this day they came

etc; ttjv spr||iov tod Sivd 2 + Kai s^fjpav sk PacpiSsiji

into the wilderness of Sinai. And they lifted away from Rephidim,

Kai fjXGov eic; tt|v spr||iov tod Eivd Kai 7iapevePaA£v

and came into the wilderness of Sinai, and [ camped

SK8i IapafjX KaTSvavTi tod opoDc; 3 + Kai MooDofjc;

there Israel] over against the mountain. And Moses

aveprj sic; to opoq tod 0sod Kai SKd^eaev aDTOV

ascended into the mountain of God. And [ called him

0 Geoc; sk tod opoDq Aiyoov Td5e spsk; too oikco

God] from the mountain, saying, Thus you shall say to the house

IaKcbp Kai avayyeXefc; toic; vioiq IopafjX 4 + aDTOi

of Jacob, and announce to the sons of Israel, [ to them

scopdKaTS 6aa 7T£7rovr|Ka zoiq AiyD7moic; Kai

You have seen as much as I have done] — to the Egyptians. And

ave^apov Djidq coast em 7iTspDy&lt;jov asTcbv Kai

1 took you as upon wings of eagles, and

7ipoaf|yayov Djidc; 7ipoc; sjiaDTOV 5 + Kai vdv edv aKofj

led you to myself. And now, if in hearing,

aKOD&lt;xr|Te Tr\q s[ir\q cpcovfjc; Kai (pvXa^r\T&amp;

you should hear my voice, and guard

ttjv 5ia6f|Kr|v jiod easaBe jioi Xaoq 7repioDaioc; arco

my covenant, you will be to me [ people a prized] from

7ldVT(J0V TCOV S0VCOV 8jxr| yap 8oti 7iaoa T| yrj 6 +

all the nations. [ mine For is all the earth].

Djisk; 8s eaea0e jioi Paai^siov lepdTSDjia Kai e0voc;

And you shall be to me a royal priesthood, and [ nation

dyiov TaDTa Ta pfjjiaTa epeiq zoiq vioiq IapafjA, ? +

a holy]. These words you shall say to the sons of Israel.

fjXBe 5s McoDofjc; Kai eKdXeas todc; 7ipeaPDTspoDc;

[ came And Moses], and called the elders

tod Xaov Kai 7iap86r|K8v aDTok; TidvTac;

of the people, and placed near them all


19 cr


02 - Exodus

Tovq Xoyovq xodxodc; ovq aDVSxa^ev aDxofc; o dsoq 8 +

these words which [ gave orders to them God].

a7T8Kpi6r| 8e naq o Xaoc; o|io0D|ia86v Kai 8i7iav

[ answered And all the people] with one accord, and said,

7idvxa 6aa si7i8v o dzoq 7ioifjoo|isv Kai aKODa6|ie0a

All, as much as God said, we shall do, and we shall hearken.

avfjvsyKs 8s MoaDafjc; xodc; Xoyovq xod Xaov itpoq

[ offered And Moses] the words of the people to

xov 08ov 9+81718 8s Kopioc; 7ipoc; MoaDafjv i8od sycb

God. [ said And [the] LORD] to Moses, Behold, I

7iapay(vo|iai npoq as ev gtvXco vscpsAxjc; iva aKODarj

come to you in a column of cloud, that [ may hear

o Xaoq Xakovvzoq jiod itpoq as Kai aoi 7iiaxsDacDaiv

the people] me speaking to you, and may trust you

ziq xov aicbva avfjyysi^s 8s MooDafjc; xa pfjjiaxa tod

into the eon. [ announced And Moses] the words of the

Xaov npoq Kopiov io+ si7is 8s KDpioq 7ipoc; McoDafiv

people to [the] LORD. [ said And [the] LORD] to Moses,

KaxaP&amp;c; SiajidpxDpai too Xacb Kai dyviaov aDxotic;

In going down, testify to the people, and purify them

afjjispov Kai dDpiov Kai 7iA,DvdxcDaav xa ijj^axia n +

today and tomorrow, and let them wash [their] garments!

Kai saxcoaav sxoijioi sic; xrjv rjjispav xrjv xpixrjv

And let them be prepared for [ day the third] !

xtj yap rjjispa xrj xpixrj Kaxapfjasxai KDpioq S7U

For [ day on the third shall come down [the] LORD] upon

xo opoq xo Sivd svavxiov 7iavx6c; xod A,aoD 12+ Kai

mount Sinai before all the people. And

acpopisic; xov Xaov kdkAxd Aiycov 7ipoas%sxs saDxofc;

you shall separate the people round about, saying, Take heed to yourselves

xod avapfjvai sic; xo opoc; Kai Giyeiv xi aDxoD

ascending unto the mountain, and [ lightly touching any] of it.

iiaq o a\j/d|isvoc; xod opoDc; Gavdxco xs^sDxfjasi 13 +

All touching the mountain, by death he will come to an end.

ov% d\j/sxai aDxoD %sip sv yap Xidoiq Ai0oPoAx|0f|asxai

[ shall not touch it His hand], for with stones they shall be stoned

T| PoAi8i Kaxaxo^8D0f|a8xai sdv xs Kxfjvoq sdv

or [with an] arrow they shall be shot; if [it be] also cattle, [or] if [it be]

xe dv6pco7ro(; od ^fjasxai oxav 8s ai cpcovai Kai ai

also man, he shall not live. And whenever the voices, and the

adAjnyysc; Kai r| vscpsAxj a7isX0r| arco xod opoDc;

trumpets, and the cloud go forth from the mountain,


19 cr

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

sksivoi avapfjaovxai S7i( to opoq u+ KaxsPrj 8s

they shall ascend to the mountain. [ went down And

Moyoafjc; sk tod opoDc; npoq xov Xaov Kai rjyiaasv

Moses] from the mountain to the people, and sanctified

aDxotic; Kai S7rXi)vav xa ijidxia aDxcbv 15+ Kai si7is xco

them. And they washed their garments. And he said to the

Axxcb yivsa0s sxoijioi xpsic; r||ispac; |ir| 7ipoasA,0r|xs

people, Be prepared three days, come forward not

yDvaiKi i 6 +sysvsxo8s xr| rjjispa xr| xpixrj ysvr|0svxoc;

to a woman. And it came to pass [day on the third], happening

7ipoc; 6p6pov Kai sysvovxo cpcovai Kai daxpa7iai Kai

towards dawn, and there were voices, and lightnings, and

vscpsAm yvocpcbSsic; S7i' opovq Eivd cpcovfj xrjc;

[ clouds overcast] upon mount Sinai; [the] voice of the

aaXmyyoq fj%ei jisya Kai S7ixof|0r| naq o Xaoq o sv

trumpet sounded greatly, and [ were terrified all the people in

xtj 7iaps|iPoXfi 17+ Kai e^fjyays Moyoafjc; xov Xaov sic;

the camp]. And Moses led the people for

xttv aDvdvxrjaiv xod 0sod sk Tr\q 7iaps|iPoATjc; Kai

a meeting with God from the camp. And

7iap8axrjaav vno xo opoq

they stood by the mountain.

18+ xo opoq xo Sivd SKa7rv(^sxo 6A,ov 5id

The mount Sinai smoked entirely on account of

xo KaxaPePrjKevai xov 0eov S7i' ai)xo sv 7iDp( avspaivs

God coming down upon it in fire. [ ascended

8s o KCLizvoq coasi Kaizvoq KajiivoD Kai s^saxrj naq

And the smoke] as smoke of a furnace. And [ amazed all

o Xaoq acp68pa 19+ sywovxo 8s ai cpcovai xrjc;

the people [were] exceedingly]. And there were the sounds of the

adAjuyyoc; 7ipoPaivoDoai ia%Dpoxspai acp68pa MoaDafjc;

trumpet advancing strong — exceedingly. Moses

zkakEi o 8s 0s6q a7isKpivaxo aDxcb cpcovfj 20+ KaxsPrj

spoke, and God answered to him [by] voice. [ came down

8s Kopioc; S7U xo opoq xo Eivd S7ii xrjv KopDcpfjv xod

And [the] LORD] upon mount Sinai, upon the top of the

opoDc; Kai SKdXsas Kopioc; McoDafiv S7U xrjv KopDcpfjv

mountain. And [the] LORD called Moses unto the top

xod opoDc; Kai avsprj MwDafjc; 21 + Kai sircsv o 0s6q

of the mountain; and Moses ascended. And God said

7ipoc; McoDaf|v Xsycov Kaxapdq SiajidpxDpai xco Xacb

to Moses, saying, Go down to testify to the people!



02 - Exodus

|xfj7roTS eyyiaooai izpoq tov 0s6v Kaxavofjaai Kai

lest at any time they should approach to God to contemplate, and

7isacooiv an aDTcbv 7rA,f|6o(; 22 + Kai 01 lepefc; 01

[ should fall of them a multitude]. And the priests, the ones

syyi^ovxsq too Kupico too Gecb ayiaoBfjxcoaav |ifj7roT8

approaching to the LORD God, let them be sanctified! lest at any time

a7iaHd^r| an auTcbv Kopioc; 23+ Kai si7ie Mamafjc;

[ should get rid of them [the] LORD]. And Moses said

7rpoc; xov 0s6v ou SwfjaeTai o Xaoq 7ipoaavapf|vai

to God, [ shall not be able the people] to ascend

ziq to opoq to Eivd &lt;td yap 5iajie|iapT6pr|aai r||iiv

to mount Sinai, for you testified to us,

Aiycov acpopiaai to opoq Kai ayiaaai avzo 24+ 8i7is

saying, Separate [from] the mountain and sanctify it! [ said

5e auTcb Kopioc; pd5i^s KaTdpr|6i Kai avdprjGi &lt;td

And to him [the] LORD], Proceed, go down, and [then] ascend, you

Kai Aapcbv jiSTd aoi) 01 8e lepeic; Kai o Xaoq

and Aaron with you! But the priests and the people

(ir| Pia^eaGcoaav avapfjvai npoq tov 0s6v |if|7roT8

shall not use force to ascend to God, lest at any time

a7ioA£&lt;xr| an' aDTcbv Kopioc; 25+ KaTsPrj 8s Mocmafjc;

[ should destroy [some] of them [the] LORD]. [went down And Moses]

7ipoc; tov A,a6v Kai si7i8v aDTOic;

to the people, and spoke to them.

20 2

1 + Kai sXdAxjae Kopioc; 7idvTac; zovq Xoyovq Tomovq

And [the] LORD spoke all these words,

Aiyoov 2 + sycb sijii Kopioc; o Geoc; gov oaziq e^qyayov

saying, I am [the] LORD your God, the one leading

ae 8K yr\q Aiy67iTOD oikod SouXeiac; 3 +

you from [the] land of Egypt, from out of [the] house of slavery.

odk soovTai aoi 6soi eTepoi 7iAx|v s|iot3 4 + od

There shall not be to you other gods besides me. You shall not

noif\a£iq asauTcb siScdAxdv ou8e navToq ojioicojia

make to yourself an idol, nor any representation,

6aa ev too oupavcb dvco Kai 6aa sv tt| yrj

as much as [is] in the heaven upward, nor as much as [is] in the earth

KdTCO Kai 60a sv Toiq u8aaiv D7TOKaTC0 TT|(^ y^\q 5 +

below, nor as much as [is] in the waters underneath the earth.


20 3 ev toutco + viica 02 - Exodus

od 7ipoaKi)vf|asic; aDiok; od8s jlit| Xazpsvasiq

You shall not do obeisance to them, nor shall you serve

aDiok; sycb yap eijii Kopioc; o Bsoq ood dsoq ^r(kcoTT\q

to them. Fori am [the] LORD your God, a jealous God,

a7ro8i8oDc; ajiapxiac; 7iaTspcov em xeicva em xpiTrjv

rendering sins of fathers upon children unto [the] third

Kai T£T&amp;pxr|v yevedv xoic; jiiaoDcri |ie 6+ Kai 7ioicbv

and fourth generation to the [ones] detesting me; and having

eXeoc; sic; %ikiadaq TOiq ajancbai |ie Kai

mercy to thousands loving me, and

xoiq (pi)Axxaaoi)ai xa 7ipoaTay|iaTd jiod 7+ od Arj\j/r|

guarding my orders. You shall not take

to ovojia KDpioi) tod 08OD aoD em jiaTaico od yap

the name of [the] LORD your God in vain. For

|ir| KaGapiasi KDpioq tov AxxjipdvovTa

no [way] shall [the] LORD cleanse the [one] taking

to ovojia aDTOD em jiaTaico 8 + |ivfja0r|Ti tt|v rjjiepav

his name in vain. Remember the day

tcov aaPPdTCOv ayid^eiv aDTfjv 9+ e^ r||iepac; epya

of the Sabbaths to sanctify it! Six days you shall work,

Kai 7ioifjaeic; 7idvTa Ta epya cjod 10+ rq 8e rjjispa

and shall do all your works; but the [ day

ttj spSojirj adppaTa Kopico tcd 0ecb aoD od

seventh] [is a] Sabbath to [the] LORD your God. You shall not

Ttovf\G£iq ev aDTTj 7iav epyov cjd Kai o vioq aoD Kai

do on it any work ~ you, and your son, and

T| 0DydTT|p aoD o itmq aoD Kai rj 7iai8(aKr| aoD

your daughter, your servant, and your maidservant,

o Podc; aoD Kai to D7io£/6yi6v aoD Kai 7iav KTfjvoq aoD

your ox, and your beast of burden, and all your cattle,

Kai o 7rpoafj}u)TOc; o 7iapoiKcbv sv aoi n+ evyap

and the convert — the [one] sojourning among you. For in

e^ rjjiepaic; e7rovr|ae Kopioc; tov ODpavov Kai tt|v yrjv

six days [the] LORD made the heaven, and the earth,
Kai ttjv Gd^aaaav Kai 7idvTa Ta sv aDTOiq Kai

and the sea, and all the [things] in them. And

KaT87iaDas ttj rjjiepa ttj e

he rested on the [ day seventh

386|ir| 8id todto

Because of this

SDA,6yr|as Kopioc; tt|v rjjispav tt|v sp56|ir|v Kai rjyiaaev

[the] LORD blessed the [ day seventh], and sanctified

aDTTjv 12 + Tijia tov 7iaTspa ood Kai tt|v |ir|Tepa aoD iva

it. Esteem your father and your mother! that


20 3 ev toutco + viica 02 - Exodus

sd aoiysviycai Kai iva |iaKpo%povioc; ysvrj S7ii Tr\q

good should happen to you, and that [ a long time you may be] upon the

yr\q Tr\q ayadr\q r\q Kopioc; o 0s6c; gov 8(8coai aoi 13 +

[ earth good] which [the] LORD your God gives to you.

od cpovsDasic; u+ od fioi^sDasic; 15+ od

You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not

kA,s\j/sic; 16+ od \j/si)8o|iapTDpfjaeic; Kaxd

steal. You shall not witness falsely against

tod 7iAx|aiov god jiapiDpiav \j/SD8f| n+ odk

your neighbor [witness [as a] lying]. You shall not

87ri0D|xfjasi(; xrjv yovaixa tod 7rArjak&gt;v ood odk

covet the wife of your neighbor. You shall not

87ii0D|xfja£ic; ttjv oiKiav tod 7iXr|a(ov aoD od8s

covet the house of your neighbor, nor

tov aypov aDTOD od8s tov 7ia(Sa aDTOD od8s

his field, nor his manservant, nor

ttjv 7iai8(aKr|v oidtod odts tod Pooq aDTOD odts

his maidservant, nor his ox, nor


his beast of burden, nor any of his beasts, nor

6aa tco nh\Giov gov scm ig + naq o Xaoq scbpa ttjv

as much [to your neighbor is]. All the people perceived the

(poovfjv Kai zaq Xa[mddaq Kai tt|v (poovfjv Tr\q

voice, and the lamps, and the sound of the

aaXmyyoq Kai to opoq KaizviCpv cpoPrjGsvTSc; 8s naq

trumpet, and the mountain smoking. And fearing, all

o Xaoq saTTjoav jiaKpoGsv 19+ Kai si7iav npoq

the people stood afar off. And they said to

McoDafjv Xahr\aov av r\[iiv Kai jirj Xakzhco npoq

Moses, You speak to us, and do not let [ speak to

r\[idq odsoq |ifj7iOTS a7io9dvco|isv 20+ Kai Aiysi aDTOiq

us God] ! lest we might die. And [ says to them

McDDafjc; Gapasvcs svsksv yap tod 7isipdaai v[idq

Moses], Be of courage! because [ to test you

7iapsysvfj0r| o Gsoc; npoq v[iaq oncnq av ysvrjTai o

came God to you], so that there might be the

cpopoq aDTOD sv D|i(v (va |irj a|iapTdvr|TS 21 + siaTfjKsi

fear of him in you, that you should not sin! [ stood

8s naq o Xaoq jiaKpoGsv McoDafjc; 8s siafjXGsv sic;

And all the people] afar off. But Moses entered into

tov yvocpov od rjv o Gsoq 22+ si7is 8s KDpioq rcpoc;

the dimness where God was. [ said And [the] LORD] to


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02 - Exodus

McoDafjv xd8s spsfc; xco oikco IaKcbp Kai avayysXsic;

Moses, Thus shall you say to the house of Jacob, and announce

TOiq vioiq IopafjX Djisic; scopdraxs 6xi 8K tod

to the sons of Israel, You have seen that from out of the

ODpavoD A,sAxxAx|Ka npoq v[iaq 23 + od 7ioif|asxs

heaven I have spoken to you. You shall not make

saDxofc; 0sodc; apyDpotic; Kai 0sodc; %pvaovq od

to yourselves gods of silver, and gods of gold; you shall not

7roifjaeTS djiiv aDioiq 24+ 0Daiaaxf|piov sk yr\q

make them to yourselves. An altar from out of [the] earth

7TOlfjaSXS |IOl Kai 0DCJSTS 871 ' (XDTOD

you shall make to me, and you shall sacrifice upon it

xa oloKaDxcojiaxa djicov Kai xa ocoxfipia Djicov xa

your whole burnt-offerings, and your deliverance [offerings] — the

7ip6paxa Kai xodc; [ioa%ovq Djicov sv 7iavxi x67ico od

sheep, and your calves, in every place of which

sdv 87iovo(idaco xo ovojid jiod sksi Kai fj^co npoq

ever I should name my name there. And I will come to

as Kai SD^oyfjaco as 25+ sdv 8s 0Daiaaxf|piov sk

you, and I will bless you. And if [ an altar of

Ai0cov 7ioif|ar|(; jioi odk oiKo8o|ifjasic; aDxotic; xjjt|xodc;

stones you should make] to me, you shall not build them cut into shape;

xoyap sy%sip(8iov aoD S7iiPspXr|Kac; S7i' aDxotic; Kai

for [ your knife you have put] upon them, and

jisjjiavxai 26+ odk avapfjarj sv avaPaGjiiaiv sm

they are defiled. You shall not ascend by stairs unto

xo 0Daiaaxf|pi6v jiod oncoq av |ir| a7roKaA,D\j/r|c;

my altar, so that you should not uncover

xrjv aaxr||ioaDvr|v aoD S7i' aDxoD

your indecency upon it.


1+ Kai xaDxa xa 8iKaicb|iaxa a 7iapa0f|asic;

And these [are] the ordinances which you shall place

svcb7riov aDxcbv 2+ sdv Kxfjarj 7ia(5a EPpaiov s^

before them. If you should acquire [ servant a Hebrew], [ six

sxrj 5oDA,SDasi aoi xco 5s sp86|ico sxsi a7isA,sDasxai

years he shall serve to you], but the seventh year you shall send

sA,SD0spoc; 8copsdv 3+ sdv avzoq [lovoq siasA,0r| Kai

[him] free without charge. If he alone should enter, also

[iovoq s^slsDasxai sdv 8s yDvfj aDvsiasA,0r| jisx'

alone he shall go forth; but if a wife should enter together with

21 SD


02 - Exodus
clvtov Kai r| yvvr) s^s^suasxai jisx' clvtov 4 +sdv5s

him, also the wife shall go out together with him. And if

0 rcopioc; 5co auxco yuvaiica Kai xskt| auxco

the master should give to him a wife, and she should bear to him,

viovq Kai 0t&gt;yaxspac; r| yvvr\ Kai xa 7iai5(a soxai

sons and daughters, the wife and the children shall be

xco Kupico clvtov avToq 5s jiovoc; s^sA,si&gt;asxai |isx'

his masters, and he alone shall go forth by

clvtov 5 + sdv 5s a7ioKpi0sfc; si7rr| o naiq rjya7ir|Ka

himself. And if responding [ should have said the servant], I have loved

xov Kopiov |iod Kai xrjv ywaiKd [iov Kai xa 7iai5(a

my master, and my wife, and the children;

odk a7ioxp8xco eXei)0epoc; 6 + 7ipoad^si auxov

1 [do] not run free. [ shall lead him


[Then] his master] to the judgment seat of God, and then

7ipoad^si clvtov itpoq xrjv 0i3pav S7U xov axaGjiov

lead him to the door, unto the doorpost.

Kai xpimfjasi clvtov o Kupioq xo ovq xco O7ir|xico

And [ shall make a hole in his master] the ear with the shoemaker's awl,

Kai 5odA,st3osi auxco sic; xov aicbva ? + sdv 5s xic;

and he shall serve to him into the eon. But if any

a7i65coxai xrjv savTOV 0uyaxspa oiksxiv

should give over his own daughter as a domestic servant,

odk a7rsXsi)asxai cba7isp a7roxps%oi)aiv ai dovXai 8 +

she shall not go forth as [run forth the maidservants].

sdv |ir| SDapsaxfjarj xco Kupico avTT\q r\v ov

If she should not be well-pleasing [to] her master, who did not

KaGcojioXoyfjaaxo auxfjv ajroAmpcoasi clvtt\v

solemnly promise her; on payment of ransom he shall release her;

s0vsi 5s aAloxpico od Kopioc; saxi 7icoA,s(v avTT\v 6xi

[ nation but to an alien not [the] master is to sell her], for

r|0sxr|asv sv clvtt\ 9 +sdv5s xco mcb clvtov

he disrespected her. And if [to] his son

Ka0ojioAx)yf|ar|xai clvtt\v Kaxd xo 5iKaico|ia xcov

he solemnly promised her, according to the ordinance of the

0i)yaxspcov 7ioif|asi aDxfj i 0 +sdv5s dAAxjv Xdprj

daughters he shall commit to her. And if [ another [woman] he should take]

sai)xcb xa Ssovxa Kai xov ijiaxiajiov Kai

to himself, the [things] necessary, and the clothes, and

xrjv ojiiAiav avTT\q odk a7roaxspfjasi n+sdv5s

her companionship he shall not deprive. And if


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02 - Exodus

xa xpia xatixa jlit| 7ioif|ar| auxfj s^s^suasxai Soopsdv

these three [things] he should not do for her, she shall go forth freely,

dvsu apyupiou u + sdv 5s 7iaxd^r| xic; xivd Kai

without [paying] money. And if any should strike any, and

a7io0dvr| Bavdxco 0avaxoi)a0CD 13 + si 5s ov% skcov

he should die, to death let him be put to death! But if [it be done] not willingly,

aXka o 0s6c; 7iaps5coKsv sic; xac; %sipac; clvtov 5cbaco

but God delivered up into his hands, I will give

aoi xo7rov od cpsti^sxai sksi o cpovsuaac; 14 + sdv 5s

to you a place in which he shall flee there — the one man-slaying. But if

nq S7i(0r|xai xco 7rAx|a(ov xou a7roKxsivai auxov

any should set against the neighbor to kill him

56^03 Kai Kaxacpuyrj arco xod 0DaiaaxrjpioD jiou

by treachery, and should take refuge; [ from my altar

Axj\j/r| auxov 0avaxcoaai 15+ oq ximxsi

you shall take him] to be put to death. Whoever beats

7iaxspa clvtov r\ jxqxspa clvtov 0avdxco 0avaxoi3a0co

his father or his mother, to death he should be put to death.

16+0 KaKoXoycbv rcaxspa clvtov rj jxqxspa auxou

The one speaking evil of his father or his mother,

0avdxco xsXsDxdxca n+ oq sdv Kkz\\fr\ Tiq xivd xcov

to death let him come to an end! Who ever should steal any of any one of the

mcbv IapafjA, Kai KaxaSuvaaxsuaac; auxov a7io5cbxai

sons of Israel, and tyrannizing him, should give him over,

Kai sups0f| sv auxd) 0avdxco xs^suxdxoo i8+sdv5s

and should be found with him, to death let him come to an end! And if

AxnSopcbvxai 5uo dvSpsq Kai 7iaxd^coai xov 7iAx|aiov

[ revile [each other] two men], and one should strike the neighbor

Ai0(D rj 7iDy|if| Kai [ir\ a7io0dvr| KaxaK?a0f| 5s S7i(

with a stone or fist, and he should not die, but lies down upon

xrjv Koixrjv 19+ sdv s^avaaxdq o dv0pcD7ioc;

the bed; if in arising, the man

7ispuraxfjar| s^co S7i( pap56v clvtov adcboq saxai o

should walk outside upon his cane, [ will be innocent the [one]

7iaxd^aq 7iAx|v xrjc; apyiac; auxou a7iox(asi Kai xa

striking]; except [ for his idleness he shall pay], and the

laxpsia 20 + sdv 5s xic; 7iaxd^r| xov 7ia(5a auxou rj

physician's fee. But if any strike his servant or

xrjv 7iai5(aKr|v clvtov sv pdpSoo Kai a7io0dvr| U7i6

his maidservant with a rod, and [one] should die by

xac; %sipaq clvtov 5(kt| sK5iKT|0f|asxai 21 + sdv 5s

his hand, with punishment let him be punished! And if


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02 - Exodus

5iaPicbar| rjjispav jiiav r| 8do odk

[the one] should continue to live [ day one] or two, he shall not

SK5iKT|0f|a£Tai to yap apytipiov aDxoD screw 22 + sdv 8s

be punished, for [ his money he is]. And if

jidxcovxai 8do dvSpsc; Kai 7iaxd^(joai yovaixa sv

[ should do combat two men], and should strike a woman [ in

yaaxpi s%ODaav Kai s^sA,6r| to 7iai8(ov avTT\q jirj

[the] womb having one], and should come forth her child not

s^sikovictjisvov 87ri^fj|iiov ^rijiicoGfjasTai KaGoxi av

completely formed, with a fine he shall be penalized, in so far as

87tiP&amp;At| o avfjp Tr\q yDvaucoc; Kai 8cbasi jisxd

[ should put upon [him] the husband of the woman], and he shall give by means of

a^icbjiaToq 23 + sdv 8s s^sikovictjisvov r| Scbaei

what is fit. And if [ completely formed it should be], he shall give

\jn)Xfjv avxi yv%r\q 2 4+ ocp0aX|i6v avxi ocp9aA,|ioD

life for life, eye for eye,

o86vxa avxi oSovxoc; %zipa avxi %zipoq 7i68a avxi

tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for

nodoq 25+ KaxdKai)|ia avxi KaxaKaDjiaxoc; xpaDjia avxi

foot, burning for burning, wound for

xpaDjiaxoc; |icbAx»7ra avxi [icbX^noq 26+ sdv 8s xic;

wound, stripe for stripe. And if any

7iaxd^r| xov ocp0aA,|i6v xod oiksxod aDxoD r\ xov

should strike the eye of his man-servant, or the

ocp6aA,|i6v xrjq 0spa7ia(vr|(; aDxoD Kai SKXDcpXoaarj

eye of his female attendant, and he should blind;

sXsD0spoi)c; s§a7ioaxsA,s( avzovq avxi

[ free he shall send them] on account

xod ocpGaXjioD ai)xcbv 2 7 +sdv8s xov o86vxa xod

of their eye. And if the tooth of the

oiksxod T| xov o86vxa xrjc; 9spa7ia(vr|c; aDxoD

man-servant, or the tooth of his female attendant

skk6\j/t| sA,sd6spodc; s^a7ioaxsXsi aDxotic; avxi

he should knock out; [ free he shall send them] on account of

xod oSovxoc; aDxcbv 2 s + sdv 8s Kspaxiorj xatipoc; dv8pa

their tooth. And if [ should gore a bull] a man

r| yDvaiKa Kai a7io6dvr| Xidoiq Ai6oPoAx|6f|asxai o

or woman, and [either] die; with stones you shall stone the

xaDpoq Kai od PpcoGfjasxai xa Kpsa aDxoD o 8s

bull, and you shall not eat of [its] meats; but the

KDpioq xod xaDpoD ad(boq saxai 29 + sdv 8s o xatipoc;

owner of the bull shall be innocent. But if the bull


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02 - Exodus

Kspaxiaxfjc; r| 7ipo xrjc; sxBsc; Kai 7ipo xrjc; xpixrjg

[goring was] before yesterday and before the third [day before],

Kai Siajiapxtipcovxai xco KDpico aDxoD Kai |ir|

and [men] testified to [its] owner, and he should not

acpaviarj aDxov avsArj 8s dv8pa r| yDvauca

remove it; and if it should have done away with a man or a woman,

Ai0oPoAx|6f|asxai o xatipoc; Kai o Kopioc; aDxoD

they shall stone the bull, and the owner of it

7ipoaa7ro6av8iTai 30+ sdv 5s Ampa S7iipAr|0f| aDxco

shall die in addition. And if ransoms should be put to him,

5cbasi Ampa xrjc; yo%f|c; aDxoD 6oa sdv smpdAxoaiv

he shall give ransoms for the life of it, as much as should be put upon

aDxco 3 i+sdv8s diov r| 0Dyaxspa Kspaxiarj Kaxd

him. And if a son or daughter should be gored, according to

to 8iKa(co|ia xodxo 7ioif|acoaiv aDxco 32 + sdv 8s 7ia(8a

this ordinance they shall observe it. And if [ a manservant

Kspaxiarj o xatipoc; r| 7iai8iaKrjv apyopioD xpidKovxa

should have gored the bull] or a maidservant, [ of silver thirty

8(8pax|ia 8cbasi xco KDpico aDxcov Kai o xatipoc;

double-drachmas he shall give] to their owner, and the bull

Ai6oPoAx|6fjasxai 33 + sdv 8s xic; avoi^rj Axxkkov tj

shall be stoned. And if any should open a pit, or

Axxxojifjarj XdKKov Kai jxrj KaA,D\j/rj aDxov Kai

a quarry pit, and should not cover it, and

S|i7isar| sksi [ioa%oq r\ ovoq 34+0 Kupioc; xod XdKKOD

[ should fall in there a calf or donkey], the owner of the pit

a7iox(asi apytipiov 8cbasi xco KDpico aDxcov xo 8s

shall pay; [ money he shall give] to their owner, and the

xsxsA,sdxt|k6c; aDxco saxai 35 + sdv 8s Kspaxiarj xivoc;

[animal] coming to an end will be his. And if [ should gore any

xarjpoc; xov xatipov xod 7iAx|aiov Kai xsA,SDxfjar|

bull] the bull of the neighbor, and it should come to an end,

a7io8cbaovxai xov xarjpov xov ^cbvxa Kai 8isAx)Dvxai

they shall give over [ bull [for sale] the living], and divide

xo apyopiov aDxoD Kai xov xatipov xov xsGvrjKoxa

the money from it, and the bull having died

8isAxy6vxai 36+ sdv 8s yvcopi^rjxai o xarjpoc; 6x1

they shall divide. And if it is made known [ the bull that

Kspaxiaxfjc; saxi 7ipo xrjc; s%0sc; Kai 7ipo xrjq xpixrjc;

given to goring is] before yesterday and before the third

rjiispaq Kai 8ia|is|iapxDprj|isvoi cbai xco

day, and [ have been testifying they should] to


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02 - Exodus

Kopico avTOV Kai jlxti acpaviarj aDxov a7ioxiasi

[its] owner, and he did not remove it, he shall pay

xoropov avxi xatipoD o 8s xsxsXsDxrjKcbc; aDxcb saxai

bull for bull, but the [bull] coming to an end will be his.

22 S3

i + sdv 5s tic; KAi\j/r| jioaxov rj 7ip6paxov Kai atpd^rj

And if any should steal a calf or a sheep, and should slay

avxo rj a7io8cbxai tcsvxs |ioa%ODc; a7iox(asi avxi tod

it, or should sell it, [ five calves he shall pay] for the

|ioo%od Kai xsaaapa 7ip6paxa avxi tod 7ipopdxoD 2 +

calf, and four sheep for the sheep.

sdv 8s sv xco SiopDyjiaxi SDpsGrj o KA£7ixrjc; Kai

And if [ in the ditch should be found the thief], and

ithxyziq a7io6dvrj odk saxiv aDicb cpovoq 3 + sdv 8s o

being struck should die, it is not murder to him [striking]. But if the

r\kioq avaxs(Ax| S7i' aDicb svo^oc; saxiv avxa7io0avsixai

sun should rise upon him, he is liable, he shall die for it;

sdv 8s |ir| D7idpxr| aDxcb 7ipa0fjx&lt;jo avxi xod

and if there be no possessions to him, let him be sold for the

KAijijiaxoc; 4 + sdv 8s KaxaXsupBfj Kai SDpsBrj sv

theft. And if [anything] should be left and should be found in

xtj %£ipi aDxoD xo KAijijia arco xs ovod scoq

his hand from the theft, from both donkey unto

7ipopdxoD ^cbvxa 8i7iXd aDxd a7ioxiasi 5 + sdv 8s

sheep [which may be] living, [double for it he shall pay]. And if

KaxaPoaKfjarj xic; aypov r| a|i7isA,cbva Kai acpfj

any should graze upon a field or a vineyard, and should let

xo Kxfjvoc; aDxoD KaxaPoaKqaai aypov sxspov a7iox(asi

his cattle graze upon [ field another], he shall pay

sk xod aypoD aDxoD Kaxd xo yswr||ia aDxoD sdv 8s

from his field according to his produce; but if

7idvxa xov aypov KaxaPoaKfjarj xa PsAxiaxa xod aypoD

all the field should be grazed upon, [ best field

aDxoD Kai xa PsAxiaxa xod a|i7rsAxbvoc; aDxoD a7iox(asi

from his and best vineyard from his he shall pay].

6 + sdv 8s s^sABov 7iDp SDprj aKdvGaq Kai

And if [ going forth a fire] should find thorn-bushes, and

7ipoas|i7rpfjarj dAxovac; rj axd^Dc; rj 7is8iov a7iox(asi

should set on fire a threshing-floor, or corn, or a field, [ shall pay

o xo 7iDp SKKatiaac; 7 + sdv 8s xic; 8co xco

the [one] the fire burning with]. And if any should give to [his]


22 3D


02 - Exodus

7iAr|aiov apyopiov r| aKSDTj cpD^d^ai Kai Kkanr]

neighbor silver or items to guard, and it should be stolen

sk Tr\q oiKiaq tod av0pcb7ioi) sdv SDpS0T| o

from out of the house of the man, if [ should be found the

Kkzyaq a7iOTiasi 8utA,odv 8 + sdv 8s |ir| sDps0r|

one stealing] he shall pay double. But if [ should not be found

o Kksyaq 7ipoasXsT3asTai o Kopioc; Tr\q oiKiaq

the [one] stealing], [ shall come forward the master of the house]


before God, and shall swear by an oath [that] assuredly he did not

7iS7rovr|psDa6ai scp' oAxjc; tt|c; 7iapaKaTa0f|Kr|c; tod

do wickedly regarding all that was in deposit for the care of [his]

7iAr|aiov 9+ Korea 7iav prjTOV a8iKr||ia 7ispi ts

neighbor. According to every particular offence, concerning both

jioaxoD Kai D7io^DyioD Kai 7ipopdTOD Kai ijiaTioD Kai

calf, and beast of burden, and sheep, and garment, and

7idar|c; a7rcoA,siac; Tr\q syKaA,OD|isvr|c; o ti odv av rj

every destruction being accused, the one who then should be,

svcb7iiov tod 0sod sXsDCJSTai T| Kpiaiq ajicpoTspcov Kai

before God [ shall come the judgment of both], then

o akovq 8id tod 0sod aftOTiasi SutXodv too

the [one] convicted by God shall pay double to

7iAr|aiov aDTOD 10+ sdv 8s tic; 8co too 7iAx|aiov

his neighbor. And if any should give to the neighbor

D7ro£/6yiov T| jioa^ov r| 7ip6paTOV r| 7iav KTfjvoq

a beast of burden, or a calf, or sheep, or any cattle

cpD^d^ai Kai aDVTpipfj rj TsA,SDTfjar| r| ai%|idAx£TOV

to guard; and it should break, or come to an end, or [ captive

ysviycai Kai jarjSstg yveb 11+ opKoq scrcai tod 0sod

become], and no one should know, there shall be an oath of God

avajisoov ajicpoTSpcov r\[ir\v jirj aDTOV

between both, [swearing that] assuredly he had not

7iS7rovr|psDa0ai |iSTaa%siv Ka06XoD Tr\q

done wickedly to partake altogether of the

7iapaKaTa0fjKr|c; tod 7iAr|a(ov Kai odtcdc;

deposit put in care [by his] neighbor, and thus

7ipoa8s^STai o Kopioc; aDTOD Kai od jlit| a7iOTior| 12 +

[ shall receive him favorably his owner], and he shall not pay.

sdv 8s KA,a7if| 7iap' aDTOD aftOTiasi too KDpico aDTOD

And if it be stolen from him, he shall pay the owner of it.

13 + sdv 8s 0r|piaAxjOTOV ysvrjTai d^si aDTOV S7U tt|v

And if [ taken by wild beasts it should be], he shall lead him to the


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02 - Exodus

Gfjpav Kai odk aftOTiasi i 4 +sdv8s aixfjarj xiq

game, and he shall not pay. And if anyone should ask [to borrow]

7iapd tod 7iAx|a(ov Kai aDvxpipfj r| a7io0dvr| r|

from [his] neighbor, and it should break, or die, or

aixjid^coTOV yevrjiai o 5s Kopioc; avzov [ir\ r\ |ist'

[captive become], and the owner of it should not be with

olvtov a7TOTia£i i5+sdv5s o Kopioc; avzov r\ jist'

it, he shall pay. But if [its] owner should be with

olvtov odk a7iOTiasi sdv 8s iiiaGcoioq r|

it, he shall not pay. But if a hireling should be [with it],

saxai aDTcb avxi tod jiicjGod ocdtod i 6 + sdv 8s

it will be to him for his wage. And if

a7raTfjar| tic; 7iap0svov ajivfjaTSDTOV Kai Koi|ir|0f| |ist'

any should beguile a virgin not betrothed, and should go to bed with

avTT\q cpspvfj cpspvisi aDTfjv saDTcb yDvaiKa n +

her, [ [with a] dowry he shall endow her to himself [as] a wife].

sdv 8s avavsDcov avavsDarj Kai |ir| PoDA,r|Tai

But if in shaking he shakes his head in dissent, and [ should not be willing

0 7iaTf|p aDTfjc; 8oDvai aDTfjv aDTcb yDvaiKa apyDpiov

her father] to give her to him as wife, [ silver

a7iOTiasi too 7iaTp( Ka6' oaov sotiv r\ cpspvfj tcov

he shall pay to the father], according to as much as is the dowry of the

7iap0svcov i8+ cpapjiaKODc; od 7ispi7ioif|asTS 19 +

virgins. [ administers of potions You shall not procure].


Every one going to bed with a beast ~ to death you shall kill

aDTODc; 20+0 0Daid^cov Gsoiq s^oA,o0psD0fjasTai nh]v

them. The one sacrificing to gods shall be utterly destroyed, except

KDpico jiovoo 21+ Kai 7rpoaf|Amov od KaKcbasTS

[to the] LORD alone. And [ a foreigner you shall not maltreat],

od8s |ir| 0Ai\j/r|TS aDTOV f|TS yap Tipoafj^DTOi sv yr|

nor should you afflict him, for you were foreigners in [the] land

AiyD7iTOD 22+ ftdaav XTlP av Kai opcpavov od

of Egypt. Every widow and orphan you shall not

KaKcbasTS 23 + sdv 8s KaKcbarjTS aDTODc; Kai

maltreat. And if you should maltreat them, and

KSKpd^avTSc; KaTaPofjacoai 7ipoc; |is aKofj

crying out they should yell out to me, in hearing

siaaKODaojiai TTjcj (3ofjcj aDTcbv 24+ Kai opyia0f|ao|iai

1 shall listen to their yell, and I shall be provoked to anger


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02 - Exodus
Gdjicd Kai a7ioKT8vcb v[idq jiaxaipa Kai saovxai

with rage, and I will kill you [by the] sword, and [ will be

ai yDvadcec; djicov %fjpai Kai Ta7iai8ia DjJ,COV OpcpOCVd 25 +

your wives] widows, and your children orphans.

sdv 8s apytipiov SKSavekrrjc; too aSeAxpcb too

And if money should be lent with interest to the brother [that is]

7isvi%pcb 7iapd aoi odk ear) avzov KaTS7rs(ycov

destitute close to you, you shall not be coercing him,

odk S7ii0fjaeic; curccb tokov 26+ sdv 8s evs%Dpda|ia

you shall not place [upon him interest]. And if for collateral

eve%updar|c; to ijidTiov tod 7iAx|ak&gt;v 7ipo 8i)a|icbv

you should take for security the cloak [of your] neighbor, before [the] descent

rjAioD curoScbasic; avzo aDTcb n + sciti yap todto

of [the] sun you shall give it back to him, [ is for this]

7rspip6Amov avTOV jiovov todto to ijidnov

his wrap-around garment, this alone [is] [ cloak

aa%r\[ioavvr[q avzov sv tivi Koi|ir|6f|aeTai sdv odv

for indecency his]; in what manner shall he go to bed? If then

KaTaPorjorj npoq |is eiaaKODoojiai avzov sksr\[icov

he should yell out to me, I will listen to him, [ merciful

yap eijii 2 8+ Gsodc; od raKoXoyfjoeic; Kai dp%ovTa

for I am]. [ magistrates You shall not speak evil of], and rulers

tod Xaov ood odk speic; KaKcbc; 29 + arcapxaq

of your people you shall not speak wickedly. [ first-fruits

akowoq Kai ^t|vod aoD od KaGDaTspfjaeiq

[of the] threshing-floor and wine vat of your You shall not be late].

Ta 7ipCOT6TOKa TCDVDlcbv aOD ScbaSiq 8(101 30+ ODT00

[ first-born son Your] you shall give to me ~ so

7ioifjasic; tov |ioa%ov aoD Kai to 7ip6paTOV aoD Kai

shall you do with your calf, and your sheep, and

to D7ro£/6yk&gt;v ood S7iTd r||iepac; s&lt;xcai D7i6 tt|v |ir|Tepa

your beast of burden. Seven days it shall be under the mother,

ttj 8s r||ispa TTj oy8of| a7io8cbaeic; |ioi aDTO 3 i+ Kai

but [ day the eighth] you shall give [ back to me it]. And

dvSpsc; dyioi sosaGe (ioi Kai Kpeac; sv aypcb

[ men holy you shall be] to me, and meat in a field

GrjpidAxDTOV odk eSeaGs too kdvi arcoppuj/aTS aDTO

taken by wild beasts you shall not eat, [ to the dogs throw it away] !


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02 - Exodus

23 »

i+ od 7iapa8s^r| aKofjv jiaxaiav od

You shall not welcome [ report a vain]. You shall not

oDyKaxaGfjari jisxd tod a5iK0D ysvsaBai [idpivq

assent together with the unjust to become [ witness

&amp;5ikoc; 2+ odk ear) |iex&amp; 7iA,si6vcov e7ri Kouda

an unjust]. You shall not be with many [people] for evil.

od 7rpo&lt;yc£0fjGr| jiexd 7tAx|0odc; £KKAivai Kpiaiv 3 +

You shall not be added with a multitude to turn aside a judgment.

Kai 7isvr|Ta odk slefjaeic; ev Kpiaei 4+sdv5e

And [ [because one is] needy you shall not show mercy in a judgment]. And if
avvavTT\ar\q too Poi tod e%6poD aoD r| tod

you should meet up with the ox of your enemy, or with

D7io^Dyico (xdtod 7iA,avoo|isvoic; a7ioaTps\j/ac; a7io8oaasic;

his beast of burden wandering, by returning, you shall give it back

aDTcb 5 + sdv 5e idr\q to D7io£6yiov tod e%9poD aoD

to him. And if you should see the beast of burden of your enemy

7is7ttcok6(; D7t6 tov yojiov aDTOD od 7iapsXsDor|

falling under [its] [load of] merchandise, you shall not go by

(xdto aXka aDvsyspsic; ocdto jist' aDTOD 6+ od

it, but you shall raise it with him. You shall not

8iaaTps\j/sic; Kpijia nsviycoq sv Kpiaei oidtod 7 + arco

turn aside a judgment of [the] needy in his judgment. From

7iavT0c; pfjjiaTOc; a5iK0D a7ioaTfjar| aGoaov Kai

all things unjust you shall abstain. [The] innocent and

8iKaiov odk a7roKT£vs(c; Kai od Svxaicbosic; tov

[the] just you shall not kill. And you shall not give justice to the

aaspfj svsKsv 8cbpcov 8 + Kai 8cbpa od hf\\\nr\ Ta yap

impious because of bribes. And bribes you shall not receive; for the

8cbpa SKTDcpAxn ocp0aA,|ioDc; pA,S7i6vTCOv Kai A,D|iaiv£Tai

bribes blind [the] eyes for seeing and lay waste

pf||iaTa 8iKaia 9+ Kai 7ipoaf|A,DTOV od KaKobaeTS

[matters just]. And a foreigner you shall not maltreat,

od8s |ir| 6Ai\j/STS Djisiq yap o(8aTS tt|v \\fv%r\v tod

nor in any way afflict. For you know the soul of the

7rpoar|AmoD aDTOiyap 7ipoafj}u)TOi f|TS sv yrj

foreigner, for you yourselves were foreigners in [the] land

AiyD7iT0D 10+ 8TT| anspsiq TTTvyrvvaoD Kai

of Egypt. Six years you shall sow your land, and

aDvd^sic; Ta yswf||iaTa aDTfjq h+tcoSs 8p86|ico

you shall gather [its] produce, but on the seventh


23 30


02 - Exodus

dcpsaiv 7ioif|asic; Kai avfjasic; aDxfjv Kai sSovxai

[ a release [from work] you shall make], and spare it, and [ shall eat

01 7TXCO%01 TOD sGvODC; CTOD T(X 5s D7T0A,Sl7l6|ISVa

the poor of your nation]; and the [things] being left behind

aDxcov s8sxai xa 6r|pia xa dypia odxco 7toif|asic;

of them [ shall eat the wild beasts] of the field. Thus you shall do

xov aji7rsAxbvd ctod Kai xov sAmcovd (TOD 12 + s£, rjjispac;

with your vineyard, and your olive grove. Six days

Ttovf\G£iq xa spya cjod xrj 8s rjjispa xr| sp86|ir|

you shall do your works, but on the [ day seventh"

ava7iaD&lt;yr| (va ava7iaDar|xai o fiovq gov Kai

you shall rest, that [ may rest ox your], and

xo D7ro£/6yi6v ctod Kai iva ava\j/D^r| o vioq

your beast of burden, and that [ may be refreshed the son

Tr\q 7rai8(aKr|c; gov Kai o 7tpoafj}u)xoc; n + rcdvxa 6aa

of your maidservant], and the foreigner. All, as much as

eiprjKa npoq v[iaq cpDld^aaGs Kai ovojia 0scbv

I have spoken to you, guard! And [the] name [ gods

sxspcov odk avajivfjasaBs od8s jjt| aKODaGfj

of other] you shall not call to mind, nor should [one] be heard
8K xod axojiaxoq djicov 14+ xpsiq Kaipotic; xod

from out of your mouth. Three times of the

sviaDxoD sopxdaaxs jioi 15+ xrjv sopxfjv xcov

year solemnize a holiday tome! The holiday of the

a£/6|icov cpDAxx^aaGs 7ioisiv srcxd rjjispac; s8sa9s

unleavened [breads] keep to do! Seven days you shall eat

d^Djia Ka0d7isp evexsiAxxjnrv aoi Kaxd xov

unleavened [breads], just as I gave charge to you, according to the

Kaipov xod jittvoc; xcov vscov svyap auxcb s^r\kdsq

time of the month of the new [produce]; for in it you came forth

s^ AiyimxoD odk ocp0f|ar| svcb7ii6v jiod Ksvoq

from out of Egypt. You shall not appear before me empty.

16+ Kai sopxfjv xod GepiajioD 7ipoaxoysvvrj|idxcov

And a holiday of the harvest of the first produce

Ttovf\G£iq xcov spycov aoD cov sdv a7isipsfc; sv

you shall observe of your works, what ever you sow in

xco aypcb aoD Kai sopxfjv aDvxs^siac; S7i' s^68od xod

your field; and a holiday of completion at [the] conclusion of the

sviaDxoD sv xtj aDvaycoyfj xcov spycov aoD xcov

year in the gathering of your works, of the ones

sk xod dypoD aoD 17+ xpsiq Kaipotic; xod svuxdxod

from out of your field. Three times a year


23 30


02 - Exodus
ocpGfjasxai 7iav apasvucov aoD svcb7iiov KopioD

[ shall appear every male of yours] before [the] LORD

xod Gsod aoD i8+6xavyap skP&amp;Axd xa sGvrj anb

your God. For whenever I should cast out the nations from

7ipoaco7roD aoD Kai s|i7rXaxDVCD xa opid aoD od

your face, and widen your boundaries, you shall not

0dcj£ic; 87i( Cp[ir\ aijia 0Daida|iaxoc; jiod od8s \n\

sacrifice with yeast [the] blood of my sacrifice, neither

Koi|ir|6f| axsap xrjq sopxfjq (iod scoq 7ipcoi 19 +

shall [ remain through the night [the] fat of my holiday [feast]] until morning.

xac; a7iap%ac; xcov 7rpcoxoyswrnidxcov xrjc; yr\q aoD

The first-fruits of the first produce of your land

siaoiasic; sic; xov oikov kdpiod xod 0sod aoD od%

you shall carry into the house of [the] LORD your God. You shall not

syfjaeic; dpva sv ydAxxKxi jiTjxpocj ocdxod 20+ Kai i5od

boil a lamb in [milk her mother's]. And behold,

sycb a7roaxsAAxjo xov ayyskov jiod 7ipo 7ipoacb7ioD aoD

I send my messenger before your face,

iva yvXafy] as sv xr| o5cb OTtcnq siaaydyrj as siq

that he may guard you in the way, that he may bring you into

xtjv yrjv Tjv r|xo(|iaad aoi 21+ 7rp6as%s asaDxcb Kai

the land which I prepared for you. Take heed to yourself, and

siadKODS (xdxod Kai |ir| a7is(0si aDxcb od yap |ir|

hearken to him, and do not resist his persuasion, for he should not

D7roaxs(Ar|xai as xo yap ovojid jiod saxiv S7i' aDxcb 22 +

avoid you, for my name is upon him!

sdv aKofj aKODarjc; xrjc; sjifjc; (podvr\q Kai 7iorf|ar|c;

If in hearing you shall hearken to my voice, and do

7idvxa 6aa av svxsAlojiai aoi s^GpsDaco xoiq

all as much as I give charge to you, I will be an enemy [to]

s%6po(c; aoD Kai avxiKsiaojiai xoic; avxiKsijisvoiq aoD

your enemies, and I will be an adversary to the ones being an adversary of you.

23 + 7iopsDasxai yap o dyysXoq (iod rjyoDjisvoc; aoD Kai

[ shall go For my messenger] leading you; and

siad^si as npoq xov Ajioppaiov Kai Xsxxaiov Kai

he will bring you to the Amorite, and Hittite, and

Osps^aiov Kai Xavavaiov Kai Tspysaaiov Kai

Perizzite, and Canaanite, and Gergesite, and

EDaiov Kai IsPoDaaiov Kai SKxpnj/oo aDxoDq 24+

Hivite, and Jebusite; and I will obliterate them.

od 7rpoaKDvf|asic; xoic; Gsoiq aDxcbv od8s jlit|

You shall not do obeisance to their gods, nor


23 30


02 - Exodus

AxxxpeDaeic; aDxoig od 7ioifjaeic; Kaxd

shall you serve to them. You shall not do according to

xa epya aoxcbv aXka KaGaipeaei Ka0eA,eic; aDxotic; Kai

their works; but by demolition you shall demolish them, and

awxpipcov aDvxpuj/eic; xac; axfjlac; aDxcbv 25 + Kai

by breaking you shall break their monuments. And

AxxxpeDaeic; Kopioo xco 0scb gov Kai SD^oyfjaoo

you shall serve to [the] LORD your God; and I will bless

xov dpxov aoD Kai xov oivov aoD Kai xo i35cop aoD Kai

your bread, and your wine, and your water; and

a7ioaxps\j/co jiaAxxKiav acp' djicdv 26 + odk saxai

I will turn infirmity from you. It will not be

ayovoc; od5s axsipa S7ri xrjc; yr\q aoi) xov apiBjiov

barren nor sterile upon your land; the number

xcov r||ispcbv aoi) ava7iA,r|pcbaco 2 ? + Kai xov cpopov jiod

of your days I will fill up. And the fear of me

a7roaxsA,cb rjyoDjievov aoi) Kai eKaxfjaoo rcdvxa xa

I will send leading [before] you; and I will startle all the

80vr| sic; ovq av sia7iopsDr| ziq aDxotic; Kai 8cbaco

nations into which you enter into them; and I will give [over]

rcdvxac; xodc; D7revavx(oDc; aoi) (pvyadaq 28+ Kai

all your opponents unto exiles. And

a7ioaxsAxb xac; acprjKiac; rcpoxepac; aoi) Kai £KfiaX(b

I will send the swarms of wasps in front of you. And I will cast out

xodc; AjioppaioDc; Kai xodc; EDaioDc; Kai xodc;

the Amorites, and the Hivites, and the

XavavaioDc; Kai xodc; XexxaioDc; arco aoD 29+ odk

Canaanites, and the Hittites from you. I will not

SKfiakcb aDxotic; arco 7ipoaco7roD aoD sv eviaDxcb svi

cast them from your face in [ year one],

iva |ir| ysvrjxai r| yrj eprjjioc; Kai itoXka ysvrjxai S7U

that [ should not become the land] wilderness, and many [ should happen upon

as xa Grjpia xrjc; yrjc; 30+ Kaxd jiiKpov jiiKpov

you wild beasts] in the land. According to little [by] little

SKpaAxb aDxotic; arco aoD sooc; av aD^rjGfjc; Kai

I will cast them from you, until whenever you should grow and
KAr|povo|if|ar|c; xrjv yrjv 31+ Kai Gfjaco xa opid aoD

be heir to the land. And I will establish your boundaries

arco xrjc; spDBpdc; GaXdaarjc; sooc; xrjc; BaXdaarjc; xrjc;

from the red sea unto the sea of the

®DAiaxis(|i Kai and Tr\q spf|(ioD sooc; xod 7ioxa|ioD

Philistines; and from the wilderness unto the river


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02 - Exodus

tod [isyaXov EDcppdxoD Kai 7iapa5cbaco ziq

of the great Euphrates. And I will deliver up into

xac; %e(pac; djicov xodc; 8yKa0r||i8VODc; sv xrj yr| Kai

your hands the ones lying in wait in the land; and

£Kfiak(b avTOvq anb ood 32+ od aDyKaxaGfjarj

I will cast them from you. You shall not assent together with

aDTok; Kai xoic; Geofc; aDxcbv od Gfjoeic; 5ia6fjKr|v 33 +

them, and [with] their gods you shall not establish a covenant.

Kai odk syKaGfjaovxai sv xrj yrj aoD (va |ir|

And they shall not lie in wait in your land, lest

ajiapxdveiv ae 7ioif|acoai 7ipoc; |is sdv yap 8oDA£D&lt;xr|(;

[ you to sin they should cause] against me; for if you should be a slave

xoic; Geoic; aDxcbv odxoi eaovxai aoi 7ip6aKO|i|ia

[to] their gods, these will be to you an occasion for stumbling.

24 73

1+ Kai MooDafj S17T8V avdprjGi 7ipoc; KDpiov ctd Kai

And to Moses he said, Ascend to [the] LORD, you and

Aapcbv Kai Na5dp Kai APiod5 Kai ep5o|ifjKovxa xcov

Aaron and Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the

7ipeaPDX8p&lt;jov IapafjX Kai 7rpoaKDvfjooDai |iaKp60ev

elders of Israel! And they shall do obeisance far off

xco KDpico 2+ Kai syyisi McoDafjq jiovoc; npoq xov 0s6v

to the LORD. And Moses shall approach alone to God,

aDxoi 8e odk syyioDaiv o 8s Xaoq od

but they shall not approach, and the people shall not

aDvavapfjasxal jisx' aDxcbv 3+ siofjABs 5s MoaDafjc;

go up with them. [ entered And Moses]

Kai 8ir|yf|aaxo xco Xacb 7idvxa xa pfjjiaxa xod 0sod

and described to the people all the words of God,

Kai xa 8iKaicb|iaxa a7rsKpi6r| 8e naq o Xaoq (pcovfj

and the ordinances. [ answered And all the people voice

jiia Aiyovxec; ftdvxac; xodc; Xoyovq ovq

in one], saying, All the words which

eAxxAxjae KDpioq 7ioif|ao|isv Kai aKODa6|is0a 4 + Kai

[the] LORD spoke, we will do, and we will hearken. And

sypa\j/s McoDafjc; 7idvxa xa pfjjiaxa KopioD opGpiaac;

Moses wrote down all the words of [the] LORD. [ rising early

8s McoDafjq xo7ipcoi CDKo56|ir|ae GDaiaaxfjpiov D7i6 xo

And Moses] in the morning built an altar by the

opoq Kai 8cb88Ka XiBodc; sic; xac; 8cb88Ka (pvXaq

mountain, and [with] twelve stones for the twelve tribes

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02 - Exodus

tod IapafjX s + Kai e^a7reaTSiA,s todc; veaviaKODc; tcdv

of Israel. And he sent out the young men of the

mcbv IapafjX Kai avfjveyKav oAx)KaDTcb|iaTa Kai

sons of Israel, and they offered whole burnt-offerings, and

s0i)oav 0Da(av aooTrjpioD too 0scb |ioo%dpia 6 + XaPcbv

they sacrificed a sacrifice of deliverance to God ~ of young calves. [ taking

8s Mamafjc; to r\[iiav tod aijiaTOc; ev£%e£v sic;

And Moses] half of the blood, poured [it] into

Kpmrjpa to 8s fjjiiaD tod aijiaTOc; 7ipoas%ssv em to

a basin; and the [other] half of the blood he poured upon the

0Daia&lt;ycf|piov ?+ Kai Xaficbv to PipAiov Tr\q 8ia0fjKT|(;

altar. And taking the scroll of the covenant,

aveyvco sic; Ta area tod A,aoD Kai si7iav 7idvTa 6aa

he read into the ears of the people. And they said, All as much as

eXaAxjas KDpioq 7ioifjao|i£v Kai aKODa6|i£0a 8 + AxxPcbv

[the] LORD spoke we shall do, and we shall hearken to. [ taking

8e McoDofjc; to aijia KaTeaKsSaas tod Xaov Kai

And Moses] the blood, he scattered it upon the people, and

817T8V i8od to aijia Tr\q 8ia0f|Kr|(; r\q 8i80sto Kopioc;

said, Behold, the blood of the covenant of which [the] LORD ordained

7ipoc; Djidc; 7i8p( 7idvTCOv tcov Xoycov TODTCOV 9+ Kai

for you concerning all these words. And

avsprj MooDafjc; Kai Aapcbv Kai NaSdp Kai APiodS

Moses ascended and Aaron and Nadab and Abihu,

Kai spSojifjKovTa ttjc; 7ipsaPDTspcov IopafjA, io+ Kai

and seventy of the elders of Israel. And


they saw the place where [stood the God of Israel]. And

Ta D7i6 todc; 7i68ac; aDTOD ooaei epyov 7tAt|v0od

the [things] under his feet [were] as [ work a brick]

oa7i(ps(poD Kai cba7i8p e(8oc; aTspscbjiaTOc; tod

of sapphire; and as [the] form of firmament of the

ODpaVOD TTJ Ka0api6TT|Tl n+ Kai TCDV 87llA,SKTCDV

heaven in the cleanliness. And of the chosen ones

tod IapafjX od Siecpcbvrjosv od8£ sic; Kai cb(p0r|aav sv

of Israel, none dissented — not one. And they appeared in

TOO TO71C0 TOD 0SOD Kai SCpayOV Kai 87110V 12 + Kai

the place of God, and ate and drank. And

81718 Kupioq 7ipoc; McoDafjv avdpr|0i 7tpoc; |ie sic; to

[the] LORD said to Moses, Ascend to me unto the

opoc; Kai (a0i sksi Kai 8cbaco aoi Ta 7iD^ia

mountain, and you be there! And I will give to you the [ writing-tablets


25 TO

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

xaAi0iva xov vojiov Kai xac; evxoXdc; aq eypa\j/a

stone] of the law, and the commandments which I wrote

vojioGexfjaai aDxoic; 13 + Kai avaaxdc; McoDofjc; Kai

to establish law to them. And Moses rising up, and

IrjaoDc; o 7iapeaxr|Kcbc; auxcb aveprjaav etc; xo

Joshua the [one] standing beside him, they ascended into the

opoq xod 08013 14 + Kai TOiq 7ipsaPDxspoic; 8i7iov

mountain of God. And [ to the elders they said],

r|&lt;yD%6^exe avzov eooc; avaaxpe\j/CD|isv npoq v[idq Kai

Be still here until we return to you! And

i8od Aapcbv Kai Qp |iex' djicdv sdv xivi &lt;xo|ipfj

behold, Aaron and Hur [are] with you. If anyone should come

Kpiaiq 7ipoa7ropsT3sa6coaav aDxoic; 15+ Kai

for a judgment, let them go to them! And

aveprj McoDafjc; sic; xo opoq Kai SKd^Dij/sv rj vscpeAxj

Moses ascended into the mountain, and [ covered the cloud]

xo opoq 16 + Kai KaxePrj r| 56^a xod 0sod stii xo opoq

the mountain. And [ came down the glory of God] upon mount

xo Sivd Kai 8KdA,D\j/8v ai)xo r| vscpsArj rjiiepac; Kai

Sinai, and [ covered it the cloud] six days. And

SKd^sae Kupioq xov MooDafjv xr| rjjiepa xr| ep86|ir|

[the] LORD called Moses on the [ day seventh

sk jisood xrjc; vscpsAxjc; n+xoSs sidoq xrjc; 66^r\q

from out of [the] midst of the cloud. And the sight of the glory

Kopioi) ooaei nvp cpAiyov S7U xrjc; KopDcpfjc; xod

of [the] LORD [was] as fire blazing upon the top of the

opoDc; evavxiov xcov dicov IapafjA, 1 8 + Kai

mountain before the sons of Israel. And

siafjABs McoDafjc; siq xo jieoov xrjc; vscpeArjc; Kai

Moses entered in the midst of the cloud, and

aveprj siq xo opoq Kai r|v 8K8i sv xco opei

ascended unto the mountain, and was there in the mountain

xsaaapdKovxa rjjiepac; Kai xeaaapdKovxa VDKxaq

forty days and forty nights.

25 na

1 + Kai eXdAxjae KDpioq izpoq MooDafjv Aiyoov 2 + sitcov

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Speak

xoic; Diofo; lapar\k Kai AxxPexe jioi arcapxaq 7iapd

to the sons of Israel! And take to me first-fruits of

7idvxcov oiq av 86^r| xr| Kap5ia Ax|\j/ea0£ xac;

all the things which seem [good] in the heart! You shall take the


25 TO

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

anapyac, jiod 3+ Kai aDirj screw r| a7iap%f| r|v

first-fruits of mine. And this is the first-fruit which

Ax|\j/£a6e 7iap' aDicbv %pi)o(ov apyopiov xaAxov 4 +

you shall take of them — gold, silver, brass,

d&amp;kivGov ftopcptipav kokkivov hxiikow Kai p^aaov

blue, purple, scarlet doubled up, and linen

K£KAx»a|isvr|v Kai xp(%ac; aiysiaq 5+ Kai 8ep|iaTa

being twined, and hairs of goats, and skins

Kpicbv rjpi)6po5avco|isva Kai 5sp|iaxa uaKivBiva Kai

of rams being dyed red, and skins of blue, and

^vka dar|7rTa 6 + Kai eAmov eic; tt|v cpauaiv

[ wood incorruptible], and oil for the giving light,

0D|iid|iaTa eic; to eAmov Tr\q xpiaeooc; Kai sic; tt|v

incenses for the oil of the anointing, and for the

crovGsaiv tod 0D|iid|iaTOc; 7+ Kai Xidovq aap8(oi) Kai

composition of the incense, and stones of sardius, and

XiQovq sic; tt|v yAucpfjv sic; tt|v S7ico|ii5a Kai tov

stones for the carving for the shoulder-piece, and the

7io8f|pr| 8+ Kai KOir\asiq jioi ayiaajia Kai ocp0f|ao|iai

foot length robe. And you shall make for me a sanctuary, and I will be seen

sv djiiv 9+ Kai 7ioifja£ic; jioi KaTd 7idvTa 6aa eycb

by you. And you shall make for me according to all as much as I

8sikvt3cd 001 sv too opsi to 7iapd5siy|ia tt|c;

show you in the mountain — the model of the

&lt;3Kr\vr\q Kai to 7iapd8eiy|ia 7idvTCOv tcov aK8i)cbv

tent, and the model of all the items

aDTfjc; Kai outgo 7ioif|aeic; 10+ Kai 7ioif|asic; kiPcotov

of it — even so shall you do. And you shall make an ark

JiapTDpiOD 8K ^OAXJOV aafj7TTCDV 5l3o 7ir|%SCDV Kai

of testimony from out of [ wood incorruptible] ~ two cubits and

rjjjiaoDc; to jifjKoc; Kai 7rfj%soc; Kai r||jiaoDc; to

a half the length, and a cubit and a half the

7iAxrcoc; Kai 7rfj%soc; Kai r||jiaoDc; to v\\foq n + Kai

width, and a cubit and a half the height. And

KaTaxpuacbaeic; avTT\v %pvam KaBapcb sacoBsv Kai

you shall gild it [gold with pure]; from inside and

s^coGsv xpvacbasiq avTT\v Kai 7ioif|a£ic; at&gt;Tf| kd jidTia

from outside you shall gild it. And you shall make [for] it a waved border
Xpvoa aTps7iTd kdkAxd 12+ Kai eAxxasic; avxr\ Tsaaapaq

of gold, twisted round about. And you shall forge for it four

SaKTuAiouc; %pvaovq Kai 87ri6fjasic; £7U Ta Tsaaapaq

rings of gold; and you shall place [them] upon the four


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8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

KkiTi] 8do SaKToAioDc; S7il to Kkvcoq to sv Kai 5do

sides, two rings upon the [ side one], and two

8aKroAioDc; sm to kAatoc; to 8sDTspov u + 7ioif|GSic; 5s

rings upon the [side second]. And you shall make

avacpopsic; sk ^d^cov aafj7TTC0v Kai KaTa%pDocbasic;

bearing poles from [ wood incorruptible], and you shall gild

aDTotic; xpuaicD 14+ Kai siaa^sic; todc; avacpopsic; sic;

them with gold. And you shall bring the bearing poles into

Tovq 5aKToAioDc; todc; sv toic; kAatsoi Tr\q kiPcotod

the rings, the [ones] on the sides of the ark,

aipsiv ttjv kiPcotov sv avToiq 15+ sv toic; 8aKTi)Aioic;

to lift the ark by them. In the rings

Tr\q kiPcotod Tr\q SiaGfjKqc; saovTai 01 avacpopsic;

of the ark of the covenant [ will be the bearing poles]

(xkivtjtoi 16+ Kai sjiPa^siq sk; tt|v kiPcotov Ta

fixed. And you shall put into the ark the

jiapropia a av 8co aoi i?+ Kai 7ioif|asic; i^aaTfjpiov

testimonies which ever I give to you. And you shall make an atonement-seat,

S7i(6s|ia xpvaiov KaGapoD 8do 7ir|%scov Kai r||i(aoDc;

a lid [ gold of pure]; two cubits and a half

to jxfjKoc; Kai 7rfj%soc; Kai rjjjiaoDc; to 7iAmoc; ig+ Kai

[is] the length, and a cubit and a half the width. And

7ioif|asic; 8do x 8 P 01) P^ XP 1)a0T0 P 81)Ta Kai S7ri6f|aei&lt;;

you shall make two cherubim wrought in gold, and you shall place

avTa s^ ajicpoTspcov tcov kAitcov TOD iXaaTTjpiOD 19 +

them at both of the sides of the atonement-seat.

7ioir|6f|aovTai %£povfi sic; sk tod kMtodc; todtod

You shall make [ cherub one] from out of this [one] side,

Kai %spoi&gt;p sic; sk tod kXvcodc; tod Ssdtspod tod

and [ cherub one] from out of [ side the second] of the

iA,a&lt;ycr|pu)D Kai 7iorfjasic; todc; 8do xspoDpiji S7ri Ta

atonement-seat. Thus you shall make the two cherubim upon the

8do kA,(tt| 20+ soovTai 01 8do %spoDp(|i sktsivovtsc;

two sides. [ will be The two cherubim] stretching out

Tac; 7TTspDyac; S7idvco6sv aDaKiatpvTSc; zmq

the wings on top, overshadowing [with]


their wings above the atonement-seat, and

Ta 7ip6aco7ia aDTcbv siq aXXr\ka sic; to iXaaTfjpiov

their faces to one another; [ towards the atonement-seat

saovTai Ta 7ip6aco7ra tcov %spoDp(|i 21+ Kai S7ii6f|asic;

will be the faces of the cherubim]. And you shall place


25 TO
8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

to iA,aaxfjpiov S7ri xrjv kiPcotov dvcoGsv Kai eic; ttjv

the atonement-seat upon the ark from above. And into the

kiPcotov sjiPaleic; xa jiapTopia a 5cboco aoi 22 + Kai

ark you shall put the testimonies which I shall give to you. And

yvooa0fjao|iai aoi sks(0£v Kai XaArjacD aoi dvcoGsv

I will be known to you from there, and I will speak to you from above

tod iXaarqpioD avajieaov tcov 5do xspoi)P(|i

the atonement-seat between the two cherubim


being upon the ark of the testimony, according to

7idvTa 6aa av evTsAlojiai aoi npoq zovq viovq

all as much as I give charge to you for the sons

IapafjX 23+ Kai 7roifja£ic; Tpd7ie^av sk tpkov aofj7iTCOv

of Israel. And you shall make a table of [woods incorruptible],

5do 7ir|X8cov to jifjKoq Kai 7iT\xsoq to 8Dpoq Kai

of two cubits [being] the length, and a cubit the breadth, and

7rfj%eoc; Kai r||jiaoDc; to v\\foq 24+ Kai KaTaxpDacbaeic;

a cubit and a half the height. And you shall gild

aDTTjv xpDaico KaBapcb Kai 7roifjaeic; aDTfj 0Tp87iTd

it [gold in pure]. And you shall make for it a twisted

KDjidTia xpDod kdk^co Kai 7toifjasic; aDTfj aTecpdvrjv

waved border of gold round about. And you shall make for it a rim

7iaXaiaTOD kdkAxd 25+ Kai 7roifja£ic; aTpercTOV KDjidTiov

of a palm [width] round about. And you shall make a twisted waved border
tt[ aTScpdvrj kdkAxd 26+ Kai 7ioifjaei(; aDTfj Teaaapaq

on the rim round about. And you shall make for it four

8aKTDAioDc; %pDaof)c; Kai £7ri9fjaeic; todc; Tsaaapaq

rings of gold, and you shall place the four

5aKTDAioDc; sm Ta Teaaapa jieprj tcov 7io5cbv aDTfjc;

rings upon the four parts of [its] feet

D7i6 ttjv aTsepdvrjv 27+ Kai saovTai 01 8aKTD?aoi sic;

under the rim. And [ shall be the rings] for

dr\Kaq TOiq avacpopeDaiv cbaTS aipeiv tt|v Tpd7is^av

holders for the bearing poles, so as to lift [the table].

28+ Kai 7ioifjasic; todc; avacpopsk; sk ^dXcov

And you shall make the bearing poles from out of [ woods

aafj7iTCDV Kai KaTaxpDacbasic; aDTODc; xpDaioo KaGapcb

incorruptible]. And you shall gild them [gold with pure].

Kai apGfjasTai sv aDTOiq rj Tpdrcs^a 29+ Kai 7roifjasic;

And [ shall be lifted by them the table]. And you shall make

Ta TptipAia aDTfjc; Kai Tag 0DioKac; Kai Ta a7iov5e(a

[its] saucers, and the incense pans, and the libation bowls,


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8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

Kai xodc; kd&amp;Godc; sv ok; anziaziq sv aDxofc;

and the cups, in which you shall offer a libation in them;

Xpvaiov KaGapoD 7roifjosic; aDxa 30+ Kai £7ii0fjGSic; S7U

[ gold of pure] you shall make them. And you shall place upon


the table bread loaves face to face before me



31+ Kai 7ioifja£ic; Xvyyiav 8K ypvaiov KaGapoD

And you shall make a lamp-stand from out of [gold pure];

xopsDxfjv 7roifjO£ic; tt|v iDxviav o KavXoq avTT\q Kai 01

a turned piece you shall make the lamp-stand. Its stem, and the

KaXajiiaKoi Kai 01 Kpaxfjpec; Kai 01 acpaipcDxfjpsc; Kai

branches, and the basins, and the knobs, and

xa Kpiva 8^ avTT\q eaxai 32 + s£, 8s KaAxxjiiaKoi

the lilies [ of it will be]. And six branches

SK7rop8i)6|i8voi sk 7iA,ayicov xpsic; Ka^ajiiaKoi xrjc;

going forth sideways — three branches of the

Xvyyiaq 8K xod kAaxodc; xod evoc; Kai xpeic;

lamp-stand from out of the [ side one], and three

KaXajiiaKoi xrjc; Xv%viaq 8K xod kAaxodc; xod 8sdxspod

branches of the lamp-stand from the [ side second].

33+ Kai XpSiq KpaxfjpSC; eKX£XD7TC0|I£VOl KapDlOKODCj sv

And three basins being shaped nut-like on

xco 8v( KaXajiiGKco acpaipcoxfip Kai Kpivov odxco xoic;

the one branch, [with] a knob and a lily; thus to the

KaXajjioKoic; xoic; £K7iop£DO|ievoic; sk xrjc;

six branches of the [ones] going forth from out of the

A,D%viac; 34+ Kai sv xrj A^xvia xsoaapec; Kpaxfjpec;

lamp-stand. And in the lamp-stand, four basins

skxsxd7tco|isvoi KapDiaKODc; sv xco svi KaAxxjiiaKco 01

being shaped nut-like. To the one branch, the

acpaipcoxfjpec; Kai xa Kpiva aDxfjc; 35+0 acpaipcoxfjp

knobs, and [its] lilies. [And] the knob

D7i6 xodc; 8do KaXajiiaKODc; aDxfjc; Kai

under the two branches from out of it, and

acpaipcoxfip D7i6 xodc; 8do KaXajiiaKODc; aDxfjc;

a knob under the [other] two branches from out of it,

odxco xoic; 8^ KaAxxjiiaKoic; xoic; SK7iopsDO|ievoic; sk

thus to the six branches — to the ones going forth from out of

xrjc; A^xviac; 3 6+ 01 acpaipcoxfjpsq Kai 01 KaAxxjiiaKoi

the lamp-stand. The knobs and the branches


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02 - Exodus

s£, avTT\q saxooaav 6hr\ xopeuxfj evoc;

from out of it ~ let them be entirely turned from out of one [piece]

Xpvaiov KaGapoi) 3 ?+ Kai 7ioifjaeic; zovq Xvyyovq avTT\q

[gold of pure]. And you shall make [lamps [its]

S7rTd Kai S7ri6f|a£ic; zovq Xvyyovq avTT\q Kai cpavotiaiv

seven]. And you shall place [its] lamps. And they shall shine forth

sk tod evoc; 7ipoacb7roD avTT\q 38+ Kai

from the one before it. And

xov S7rapD&lt;xcfjpa avxr\q Kai xa D7ro6e|iaxa avTT\q 8K

[its] funnel, and [its] underparts from out of

Xpvaiov Ka6apoi3 39+ xdXavxov ypvaiov Ka6apoi3

[gold pure]. A talent [gold of pure]

noir\asiq 7idvxa xa aKstirj xatixa 40 + 6pa KO\r\ar[q

you shall make all these items. See that you should make

Kaxd xov XT37TOV xov 5s5siy|i8vov aoi sv xco opsi

according to the impression being shown to you on the mountain!

26 13

1+ Kai xrjv aKqvfjv 7roifja£ic; 8eKa auAmac; 8K

And [for] the tent you shall make ten curtains of

ptiaaoi) K£KAx»a|i8vr|c; Kai DaKivBoi) Kai Tropqropac;

linen being twined, and blue, and purple,

Kai kokkivod KSKAxjaajievoi) %epoi)P(|i spyaaia

and scarlet, being twined with cherubim. A work

Dcpdvxoi) 7ioif|a£ic; avzaq 2+ jifjKoq Tr\q auAmac;

of a weaver you shall make them. [The] length of the [ curtain

Tr\q [imq okxco Kai eiKoai 7ir|%scDV Kai svpoq

one] [shall be] eight and twenty cubits; and a breadth

xeaadpcov 7ir|%scDv r| auAma r| jiia eaxai jisxpov xo

of four cubits [ to the curtain one shall be]. [ measure The

ai)xo saxai naoaiq xaiq auAmaic; 3 + rcsvxs 8s auAmai

same] shall be to all the curtains. And five curtains

saovxai s^ aXkr\k($v auvs%6|isvai r| sxspa sk Tr\q

will be of one another, being held the other with the

sxspac; Kai 7T8VX8 auAmai saovxai s^ aXkr\kcov

other. And five curtains will be of one another,

ai)V8x6|i8vai rj sxspa sk xrjq sxspac; 4 + Kai 7ioif|asic;

being held the other with the other. And you shall make

avzaiq ajKuXaq DaKivGivac; S7ri xod %£ikovq Tr\q

for them hooks of blue upon the edge of the

auAmac; xrjc; jiidc; sk xod svoc; jispouc; sic; xrjv

[ curtain one], [joining] the one part to the


26 ID


02 - Exodus

aD|iPoAx|v Kai odxcd 7iorf|asic; S7ii tod %zikovq xrjc;

coupling. And thus you shall make upon the edge of the

aDAmac; xrjc; e^ooxepac; npoq xrj odjiPoAx| xrj SeDxepa 5 +

[ curtain outer] for the [ coupling second].

7T£VTfjK0VTa Se ayKDlac; 7ioif|a£ic; xrj ai)Xa(a xrj |i(a

And fifty hooks you shall make for the [ curtain one],

Kai 7tsvxfjKOVTa ajKvXaq 7rorf|aeic; 8K tod jispoDc; xrjc;

and fifty hooks you shall make for the part of the

aDAmaq Korea xrjv aDjiPoAxjv xrjc; SeDxspac;

curtain corresponding to the coupling of the second,

avTi7ip6aco7roi avxi7ri7ixoDaai sic; aXkr\kaq eKdaxrj 6 +

facing headlong into one another each.

Kai 7ioifjasic; KpiKODc; 7ievxf|Kovxa xpdcjodc; Kai

And you shall make [ hooks fifty] of gold. And

avva\\fs\q zaq aDAmac; sxspav xrj sxspa xoic;

you shall join together the curtains [one] to the other to the

KpiKoiq Kai eaxai r| aKTjvfi |i(a ?+ Kai 7toifjaeic;

hooks. And [ will be the tent] one. And you shall make

Seppeic; xpi%ivac; aK87ir|v em xrjc; aKr\vr\q ev8eKa

hide coverings of hair for protection upon the tent, eleven

Seppeic; 7ioif|aeic; avzaq 8+ to jxfjKoc; xrjc; dsppscoq

hide coverings you shall make them. The length of the [ hide covering

Tr\q [imq serial xpidKovxa 7rr|%ecDV Kai xeoodpoov

one] will be thirty cubits; and four

7ir|xscov xo SDpoq Tr\q 8eppe&lt;joc; Tr\q [imq jisxpov xo

cubits the breadth of the [ hide covering one]; [ measure the

aDxo eaxai xaic; evSera 8sppsai 9 + Kai aDvdysic;

same] will be to the eleven hide coverings. And you shall join together

xac; 7T8VX8 Ssppsic; em xo aDxo Kai xac; s£, 5sppeic;

the five hide coverings to the same, and the six hide coverings

8711 xo aDxo Kai £7ri8i7rAxbasic; xrjv 5eppiv xrjv skxt|v

to the same. And you shall double up the [ hide covering sixth]

Kaxd 7ip6aco7iov xrjc; aKTjvfjq i 0 + Kai 7roif|0£ic; ayKolac;

in front of the tent. And you shall make [ hooks

7isvxf|Kovxa em xod %sikovq Tr\q Seppecoq xrjc; jiidc;

fifty] upon the edge of the [ hide covering one],

xrjc; avajisaov Kaxd xrjv cjd|iPoAt|v Kai 7isvxf|Kovxa

of the one in the middle by the coupling. And fifty

ayKD^aq 7roifjasic; 87ii xod %sikovq xrjc; Seppeooc; xrjc;

hooks you shall make upon the edge of the hide covering, of the one

aDva7ixoD&lt;xr|c; xrjc; 8eDxspac; n+ Kai 7roifjaeic; kpikodc;

joining of the second. And you shall make [ hooks


26 ID

02 - Exodus

%akKovq 7isvTfjKOVTa Kai aDvdysic; zovq KpixoDc; sk

of brass fifty]. And you shall join together the hooks by

xcov ayKulcov Kai avvaysiq zaq 8eppeic; Kai saxai

the hooks, and you shall join together the hide coverings, and it shall be

sv 12+ Kai D7io0fjasic; to nXzovaCpv ev xaiq 5sppsai

one. And you shall set the extra in the hide coverings

Tr\q aKr\vr\q to r\[iiav Tr\q Ssppscoq to D7roA,sA,si|i|isvov

of the tent. The half of the hide covering being left over

D7ioKaAi)\j/sic; sic; to 7rA,sov&amp;£pv todv Seppsoov rr|c;

you shall cover up for the extra of the hide coverings of the

aKTjvfjc; D7TOKa}a)\j/sic; O7iioco ttjc; aKr\vr\q i 3 + 7rfj%i)v 8K

tent. You shall cover up behind the tent. A cubit from


this [side], and a cubit from that [side] of the superior part


of the hide coverings, of the length of the hide coverings of the

oKTjvfjc; Kai eaTai oDyKaA,D7iTOV em Ta 7tA,dyia Tr\q

tent. And it will be to cover up the sides of the

GKTTVrjC; 8V08V Kai 8V08V IVa KaA,D7TTT] 14+ Kai

tent on this side and that side, that it should be covered. And

7ioifjaeic; KaTaKaA,D|i|ia rr|c; GKr\vr\q SepjiaTa Kpicbv

you shall make a covering of the tent -- skins of rams

T|pD9po5avco|i8va Kai S7iiKaA,D|i|iaTa 5spjiaTa

dyed red, and coverings of skins

DaKiv9iva S7idvco0sv 15+ Kai 7ioif|aeic; otdXodc^ ttjc^

of blue on top. And you shall make posts for the

OKTjvfjc; 8K ^dAxov aafj7iTCOv 16+ 5sKa 7ir|%scDV

tent from out of [wood incorruptible]. [Of] ten cubits

7ioif|aeic; tov otdA^ov tov sva Kai 7ir\%s(^q evoc; Kai

you shall make the [ post one], and [ cubit one] and

r||iiooD(; to 7iAxrcoc; tod cjtd^od tod svoc; 17+ 5do

a half the width of the [ post one]. Two

ayKCDvicjKODc; tcd cttdAxd too svi avTuri7rTOVTac; STspov

joints to the [ post one] [resting] headlong against [one]

too STspco odtcoc; 7ioif|aeic; 7idoi Toiq aroloic; Tr\q

to the other. Thus you shall make to all the posts of the

aKTjvfjc; 18+ Kai 7iorf|aeic; todc; cttd^odc; Tr\q aKTjvfjc;

tent. And you shall make the posts for the tent ~

eiKoai GTvXovq sk tod kXvcodc; tod 7ipoc; votov 19 +

twenty posts by the side towards the south.

Kai TsaoapaKovTa pdasic; apyDpdq 7ioif|aeic; toic;

And forty bases of silver you shall make for the


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

02 - Exodus

sucoai GTvXoiq dvo pdasic; too aroAxjo too svi sic;

twenty posts. Two bases to the [ post one] for

ajicpoxepa xa |ispr| avzov Kai 6vo pdasic; too

both [its] parts, and two bases to the [other]

ovblxo too svi sic; ajicpoTspa xa jisprj avzov 20+ Kai to

[ post one] for both [its] parts. And the

Kkhoq to 5si)Tspov to rcpoc; Poppdv sucoai aivkovq 21 +

[ side second] towards [the] north — twenty posts.

Kai Teaaap&amp;KovTa pdasic; aDTcbv apyupdc; Svo pdasic;

And forty bases for them made of silver. Two bases

too otdAxd too svi sic; ajicpoTspa Ta jisprj avzov Kai

to the [ post one] for both [its] parts, and

dvo pdasic; too cttdAxjo too svi sic; ajicpoTspa

two bases for the [other] [ post one] for both

Ta jisprj avzov 22 + Kai sk toov O7uaoo Tr\q aKTjvfjc;

[its] parts. And by the rear of the tent

KaTd to (ispoq to 7ipoc; GdAxxaaav noif\asiq s^

by the part towards [the] west you shall make six

GTvXovq 23+ Kai 6vo azvXovq 7ioif|asic; S7ri toov

posts. And two posts you shall make at the

yooviobv Tr\q aKr\vr\q sk toov O7iia0(oov 24+ Kai saovTai

corners of the tent at the posteriors. And they shall be

s^ iaov KdTOoBsv Kai KaTd to avzo saovTai

of equal below, and according to the same [measurement] they shall be

1001 sk toov KscpaAxbv sic; &lt;x6|ipAx|Giv |i(av otjtoo

equal from the heads unto [ coupling one]. Thus

7roif|asic; ajicpoTspaiq zaiq dvai yooviaic; (aai saTOoaav

shall you make to both the two corners, let them be equal!

25 + Kai saovTai oktoo gtvXoi Kai ai pdasic; aDTobv

And there shall be eight posts. And their bases

apyopai 8sKas^ Kai dvo pdasic; too gto'Xxo to svi

of silver — sixteen; and two bases to the [ post one],

Kai dvo pdasic; too aToXoo to svi 26 + Kai 7ioif|asic;

and two bases to the [other] [post one]. And you shall make

[io%Xovq sk ^dAxdv aafj7iT00v tcsvts toic; aToAmc;

bars from out of [ wood incorruptible]; five to the posts


from the one part of the tent. And five

[io%Xovq TOiq aTO^oic; too kXitsi Tr\q aKTjvfjc;

bars to the posts to the [side of the tent

too 5si)Tspoo Kai 7TSVTS [io%Xovq TOiq GTvXoiq TOO

second], and five bars for the posts on the


26 ID


02 - Exodus

O7ria0ico kAitsi Tr\q GKr\vr\q to itpoq daXaaaav 28 +

posterior side of the tent, the one towards [the] west.

Kai o [io%X6q o jieaoc; avajieaov tcov otdA,cov

And the [ bar middle] in between the posts —

8iiKV8io0co owio tod evoc; Kkuovq eic; TO STspov

let it penetrate from the one side unto the other

kMtoc; 29+ Kai todc; aivkovq KaTaxpDacbasic; %pDaico

side! And the posts you shall gild in gold.

Kai todc; SaKToAioDc; 7ioif|aeic; %pvaovq eic; odc;

And the rings you shall make of gold, into which

eiaa^eic; todc; [io%kovq Kai KaTaxpDacbasic; todc;

you shall insert the bars. And you shall gild the

[io%Xovq xpDaico 30+ Kai avaaTfjaeic; tt|v aKTjvfiv

bars in gold. And you shall raise the tent

KaTd to ei8oc; to 8e8siy|ievov ooi ev too opsi 31 +

according to the form being shown to you in the mountain.

Kai 7roifjasic; KaTa7iSTaa|ia s£, DaKiv0OD Kai

And you shall make a veil from out of blue, and

7rop(pDpac; Kai kokkivod KSK^coajisvoD Kai Pdcjctod

purple, and scarlet being twined, and linen

vsvr|a|isvr|c; spyov DcpavTOV 7ioifjaeic; aDTO xspoDpiji

being spun. [ work a woven You shall make it] [with] cherubim.

32+ Kai £7ti0fjG8ic; aDTO S7Ti Teaaapcov &lt;xcdAxjqv

And you shall place it upon four posts

aafj7iTC0v Ks%pDa&lt;jQ|isvcov xpDaico Kai ai KecpaAiSec;

of incorruptible [wood] being gilded in gold. And the tips

aDTcbv xpDaai Kai ai p&amp;aeic; aDTcbv Tsaaapsc; apyDpai

of them in gold, and [ bases their four] made of silver.

33+ Kai 0f|asic; to KaTa7iSTaa(ia sni todc; &lt;xcdAx)dc; Kai

And you shall put the veil upon the posts. And

eiaoiaeic; 8ks( eacoTepov tod KaTa7iSTao|iaTOc; ttjv

you shall carry in there, inside the veil, the

kiPcotov tod jiapTDpioD Kai Siopisi to KaTa7ieTaa|ia

ark of the testimony. And [ shall separate the veil]

D|i(v avajieaov tod ayioD Kai avajieaov tod ayioD

to you between the holy and between the holy

toov ayicov 34+ Kai KaTaKaAtiysic; tco KaTa7i8Taa|iaTi

of the holies. And you shall cover up by the veil

ttjv kiPcotov tod jiapTDpioD ev tco ayico tcov ayicov

the ark of the testimony in the holy of the holies.

35+ Kai 0f|asic; ttjv Tpcure^av s^co0sv tod

And you shall put the table outwardly of the


27 TD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

Kaxa7iexda|iaxoc; Kai xrjv Xvyyiav arcsvavxi xrjc;

veil, and the lamp-stand directly opposite the

Tpa7rs^r|c; £7U [ispovq xrjc; aKr\vr\q xo itpoq voxov Kai

table near [the] part of the tent towards [the] south, and

xrjv Tp&amp;7T£^av Bfjaeic; S7U [ispovq xrjc; aKr\vr\q xo npoq

the table you shall put by [the] part of the tent towards

poppdv 36+ Kai 7ioif|aeic; S7ua7iaaxpov xr| dvpa

[the] north. And you shall make a draw curtain for the door, of

DoudvGoD Kai 7rop(pi)pac; Kai kokkivod KSKAxjoajievoD

blue and purple, and scarlet being twined,

Kai ptiaaoi) K£KAx»a|i8vr|c; epyov 7ioiKiAxoi) 37+ Kai

and linen being twined, [the] work of an embroiderer. And

7ioir\G£iq too Kaxa7i8xda|iaxi 7isvx8 GxvXovq Kai

you shall make for the veil five posts, and

Xpvacbasiq avzovq xpi)a(co Kai ai KS(paAi8ec; auxcbv

you shall gild them with gold; and the tips of them

%pvaai Kai xowzvaziq auxofc; rcsvxs pdosic; xahcaq

of gold; and you shall cast for them five bases of brass.

27 T3

1+ Kai 7ioifjasic; Guaiaaxfjpiov £K tpXcnv aafj7rxcov

And you shall make an altar from out of [ woods incorruptible],

7TSVXS 7ir|X8cov xo jifjKoc; Kai 7TSVXS 7ir|%ecDV xo svpoq

of five cubits the length, and five cubits the breadth.

xexpdycovov eaxai xo 0i)aiaoxfjpiov Kai xpicbv 7ir|%£CDv

[ four-cornered will be The altar], and [ three cubits

xo v\\foq clvtox) 2 + Kai 7ioif|asic; xa Kepaxa S7ri xcov

[its] height]. And you shall make the horns upon the

xsaadpoov ycovicbv avzov saxai xa Kspaxa Kai

four corners. [ [part] of it will be The horns]. And

KaAtiij/eic; ai)xd %aAxcb 3+ Kai 7ioif|aeic; axecpdvrjv xco

you shall cover them in brass. And you shall make a rim for the

0Daiaaxr|p((jo Kai xov KaA,D7ixf|pa avzov Kai

altar. And [its] lid, and

xac; (piaXaq avzov Kai xaq Kpedypac; avzov Kai

[its] bowls, and [its] meat hooks, and

xo 7TDps(ov olvtov Kai 7idvxa xa aKei&gt;r| avzov 7ioif|Geic;

[its] censer, and all [its] utensils you shall make

%ah&lt;:a 4 + Kai 7ioif|a£ic; auxcb ea%dpav epyoo 8iKxi)coxcb

of brass. And you shall make for it [grate work a latticed

%aA,Kf|v Kai 7ioif|a£ic; xr| eo%dpa xsaaapaq

brass]. And you shall make for the grate four


27 TD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

SaKTDAioDc; %akKovq em xa Tsoaapa kXittj 5 + Kai

rings ofbrass upon the four sides. And

D7ro6fjaeic; aDTODc; D7i6 tt|v ea%dpav tod

you shall place them under the grate of the

6i)aiaaTr|p(oD KdxcoGsv saxai 5s r| eo%dpa ecoc;

altar from below. [ will be And the grate] for

TOD T||il(JODCj TOD 0DGiaGTT|piOD 6+ K(Xl 7T0lf|O8l^ TCO

half the altar. And you shall make for the

0DaiaaTr|p(co avacpopefc; sk ^dXcov aafj7iTCOv Kai

altar bearing poles from out of [ woods incorruptible], and

7rspi%aA,Kcbasic; avzovq %akK(b 1+ Kai eiad^eic; todc;

you shall brass plate them in brass. And you shall bring the

avacpopsfc; sic; todc; SaKTDAioDc; Kai scrccoaav 01

bearing poles into the rings; and let [ be the

avacpopefc; KaTd Ta rcXeDpa tod 0DoiaoTTj pioD sv

bearing poles] according to the sides of the altar in

tco aipsiv aDTO 8 + koi^ov oavi8coT6v 7roifja£ic; aDTO

the lifting it! [hollow planked You shall make it];

KaTd to 7iapa8ei%6sv aoi sv tco opsi odtco

according to the holding forth of the example to you on the mountain — thus

7roifjasic; aDTO 9 + Kai 7ioifjasic; aDArjv tt| aKqvfj eic;

you shall make it. And you shall make a courtyard for the tent in

to kMtoc; to 7ipoc; ll$a icma tt|c; aDArjc; sk

the side, the one towards [the] south, [and] shrouds for the courtyard from out of

Pdctctod KSKXcoajievrjc; jifjKoc; SKaTOV 7tr|%ecov tco svi

linen being twined, [the] length a hundred cubits to the one

kMtsi 10+ Kai 01 aTD^oi aDTcbv eucoai Kai

side. And their posts — twenty; and

ai pdoeic; aDTcbv sikocji %aAxa( Kai oi KpiKoi aDTcbv

their bases— twenty, ofbrass; and their hooks,

Kai ai \j/aAi5ec; aDTcbv apyDpai n+ odtco tco kMtsi

and their clips made of silver. So also to the side

tco 7ipoc; Poppdv lOTia SKaTOV 7ir|%ecov |if|Koc;

towards [the] north [you shall make] shrouds a hundred cubits in length,

Kai oi cttdAx)i aDTcbv eucooi Kai ai pdaeic; aDTcbv eucoai

and their posts ~ twenty; and their bases ~ twenty,

%aAxa( Kai oi KpiKoi aDTcbv Kai ai \j/aAi5ec; tcov

made ofbrass; and their hooks, and the clips for the

(xcdAxov Kai ai pdaeic; 7repir|pyDpco|isvai apyDpfco 12 +

posts, and the bases being silver plated with silver metal.

to 8s SDpoc; tt|c; aDArjc; to KaTd daXaaaav icma

And the breadth of the courtyard by [the] west [with] shrouds


27 TD


02 - Exodus

7isvTfiK0VTa 7ir|%ecDV gtvXoi aDTcbv Sera Kai

of fifty cubits, their posts ~ ten; and

P&amp;asic; aDxcov 8sra 13+ Kai svpoq Tr\q avhf\q rr|c; 7ipoc;

their bases ~ ten. And [the] breadth of the courtyard towards

avaxoldq taxia 7isvTf|K0VTa 7ir|%scDV gtvXoi avzcbv

[the] east [with] shrouds [of] fifty cubits; their posts ~

Sera Kai pdasiq aDxcov 8eKa u+ Kai 7rsvTSKa(8£Ka

ten, and their bases — ten. And fifteen

7ir|X8COV xcov laxicov to v\\foq tcd kAitsi icq svi

cubits for the shrouds [is to be] the height for the [side one];

gtvXoi aDxcov xpsiq Kai ai pdaeiq aDxcov xpsiq 15+ Kai

their posts ~ three, and their bases — three. And

TO Kkhoq TO 8sT3T8pOV 8sKa7TSVT8 7ir|%£(j0V TCOV

[for] the [ side second] fifteen cubits for the

icmcDV to v\\foq aroAxn aDTcbv Tpsic; Kai

shrouds [is to be] the height; their posts — three, and

Pdasiq aDTcbv Tpsic; i 6 + Kai tt| 7ivkr\ Tr\q avXr\q

their bases ~ three. And in the gate of the courtyard

KOkV[l[La SlKOGl 7ir|%8CDV TO v\\foq 8^ DaKlV0OD Kai

a covering twenty cubits in height, from out of blue and

7iop(pi)pac; Kai kokkivod KeKXcoajievoi) Kai ptiaaoi)

purple, and scarlet being twined, and linen

KSKA,©a|isvr|c; tt| 7ioiKiAia tod pacpiSsDTOD

being twined in the embroidery of the stitcher;

aToAxn aDTcbv Teaaapsc; Kai ai pdasic; aDTcbv Tsaaapsc;

their posts ~ four, and their bases ~ four.

17+ 7idvTSc; 01 aroAxn Tr\q avXr\q kukAxd

All the posts of the courtyard round about

KaTTjpyi)pco|i8voi apyupioo Kai ai KecpaAiSec; auTcbv

being plated in silver, and their tips

apyopai Kai ai pdasiq auTcbv %akxai i8+to8s jxfjKoc;

made of silver, and their bases of brass. And the length

Tr\q avhf\q SKaTOV ecp' SKaTOV Kai to svpoq

of the courtyard — a hundred by a hundred. And the breadth —

7TSVTfjKOVTa 8711 7TSVTfjKOVTa Kai V\\fOq 7TSVTS 7Tr|%SCDV

fifty by fifty. And [the] height — five cubits

sk ptioaoi) K£KAx»a|i8vr|c; Kai ai pdaeic; auTcbv

from out of linen being twined. And their bases

%aA,Ka( i9+ Kai 7idaa r| KaTaaK8i)f| Kai 7idvTa Ta

[were] of brass. And all the furniture, and all the

epya^eia Kai 01 7idoaaXoi Tr\q avhf\q %ahcoi 20+ Kai

work tools, and the stanchions of the courtyard [were] of brass. And


28 rra


02 - Exodus

ai) awca^ov xoic; moiq IapafjA, Kai XaPsxcoadv aoi

you give orders to the sons of Israel! And let them take to you

slaiov s^ sAmcbv dxpuyov KaBapov kskojijisvov

olive oil from olive trees free from impurities! [pure being beaten]

sic; cpcoc; (va Karqxai Xvyyoq 8ia7iavx6c; 21+ sv xr|

for a light, that [ should burn a lamp] always. In the

oKTjvfj xod jiapxDpuyo s^co0sv xoi) Kaxa7isxda|iaxoc;

tent of the testimony, from outside the veil,

xod 87ii xrjc; 5ia6fjKT|c; Kauasi auxo Aapcbv Kai

the one by the covenant — [ shall burn it Aaron] and

oimo(auxoi) acp' sa7ispac; scoc; 7ipcoi svavxiov Kupioi)

his sons from evening until morning before [the] LORD;

v6|ii|iov aicbviov sic; xag ysvsdq i)|icbv 7iapd xcov mcbv

[ law [for an] eternal] unto your generations by the sons


of Israel.
28 rp

i + Kai &lt;td 7ipoaaydyou npoq asauxov xov xs Aapcbv

And you lead forward to yourself both Aaron

xov aSsAxpov gov Kai xodc; viovq avzov 8K xcov

your brother, and his sons from out of the

mcbv IapafjX ispaxsusiv |ioi Aapcbv Kai Na8dp Kai

sons of Israel! to officiate as priest tome— Aaron, and Nadab, and

ApiouS Kai E^sd^ap Kai IGdjiap viovq Aapcbv 2+ Kai

Abihu, and Eleazar, and Ithamar ~ sons of Aaron. And

7roifjaeic; axoArjv ayiav Aapcbv xco a8sAxpcb aoi) ziq

you shall make [ apparel holy] for Aaron your brother, for

xijifjv Kai 86^av

honor and glory.

3 + Kai &lt;td XdAxjaov 7idai xoic; aocpoic; xr| 5iavo(a ovq

And you speak to all the wise in thought! whom

svs7iAx|aa 7rvsi)|iaxoc; aocpiac; Kai aiaGfjascoc; Kai

I filled a spirit of wisdom and perception. And

7roifjaoi)ai xrjv axoAxjv xrjv ayiav Aapcbv sic; xo dyiov

they shall make the [ apparel holy] for Aaron, for the holy place,

sv rj ispaxsuasi jioi 4+ Kai atixai ai axoAm aq

in which he shall officiate as priest to me. And these [are] the apparels which

7toifjaoi)ai xo 7ispiaxf|0iov Kai xrjv S7ico|ii8a Kai xov

they shall make; the breast-plate, and the shoulder-piece, and the

7io8fjpr| Kai xixcbva KoaujiPcoxov Kai KiSapiv Kai

foot length robe, and [ inner garment a fringed], and turban, and


28 rra

02 - Exodus

^cbvrjv Kai 7ioif|aoDai azoXaq ayiaq Aapcbv Kai zoiq

belt. And they shall make [ apparels holy] for Aaron and [to]

vioiq clvtov sic; to lepaxstisiv jioi 5 + Kai auTOi

his sons for officiating as priest to me. And they

Axjij/ovxai to xpuaiov Kai rqv d&amp;kiv0ov Kai xr|v

shall take the gold, and the blue, and the

7iop(pi3pav Kai to kokkivov Kai tt|v puaaov 6+ Kai

purple, and the scarlet, and the linen. And

7roifjaoi)ai ttjv S7ico|ii5a 8K p^aaoi) KSKAx»a|ievr|c;

they shall make the shoulder-piece from out of linen being twined,

spyov DcpavTOV 7toikiAtoi) ? + 8uo S7ico|ji8sc; saovTai

[ work a woven] of an embroiderer. Two shoulder-pieces will be

ai)Tcb &lt;yov£%ouaa STepa tt|v STspav S7ri zoiq 8ua(

for him, being held together [the] other to the other, [ upon the two

jiepeaiv 8^r|pTr||i8vai 8+ Kai to ixpaajia tcov

parts attached]. And the woven work of the

S7TCO|Il5cOV O SCJTIV 871 ' aDTCO Kara ttjv 7iovr|aiv s£,

shoulder-pieces which is upon him, concerning the making of

avTOV sarai sk ypvaiov KaGapoi) Kai DaKivGoi) Kai

it, shall be from [ gold pure], and blue, and

7rop(pi)pac; Kai kokkivod Siavsvrjajievoi) Kai ptiaaou

purple, and scarlet being spun, and linen

KSKA,coa|isvr|C" 9 + Kai Xr\\\fr\ zovq Svo XiQovq Tddovq

being twined. And you shall take the two stones ~ stones

o|iapdy8oi) Kai yXvysiq ev aDTOiq Ta ov6|iara tcov

of emerald; and you shall carve on them the names of the

mcbv IopafjX io+ ov6|iara 87ii tov AiGov tov eva

sons of Israel. Six names upon the [stone one],

Kai Ta ovojiara Ta Xomd ski tov AiGov

and the six names remaining upon the [ stone

tov 8st)Tspov Kara rag ysvsaeiq ai)Tcbv n+ spyov

second], according to their births. A work

AiGoDpyiKqc; Texvrjc; ykv[i[ia acppay(5oc; 5iayM\j/£ic;

of a stonecutter's craft, [as a] carving [of a] seal you shall carve

Tovq 6vo Xidovq £7U zoiq ovojiaai tcov mcbv IopafjA,

the two stones with the names of the sons of Israel.

12+ Kai Gfjasiq Tovq 5i3o Xidovq em tcov cojicov ttjc;

And you shall put the two stones upon the shoulders of the

S7TC0 |ji8oc; AiGoi |ivr||io&lt;y6vov siai Toiq vioiq IapafjX

shoulder-piece. [stones of memorial They are] to the sons of Israel.

Kai avaArj\j/£Tai Aapcbv Ta ovojiara tcov mcbv IopafjA,

And Aaron shall lift up the names of the sons of Israel


28 rra


02 - Exodus


before [the] LORD upon [ two shoulders his], [as a] memorial

7isp( auxcbv 13+ Kai 7ioif|aeic; aa7u8(aKac; 8K ypvaiov

for them. And you shall make bezels from [ gold

KaGapoi) H+ Kai 7ioif|aeic; 8t3o Kpoaacoxd 8K

pure]. And you shall make two bordered fringes from out of

Xpvaiov KaGapoi) Kaxajis|iry|ieva sv dvBeaiv epyov

[ gold pure], being mixed with [ flowers a work

7rAx)Kf|c; Kai S7ri6f|aeic; xa Kpoaacoxd 7i87iA,sy|isva sni

of wreathen]. And you shall place the bordered fringes being plaited upon

xac; aonidiGKaq Kaxd xac; 7rapco(ii8a(; auxcbv sk xcov

the bezels, on their shoulder straps from the

S|i7rpoa0icov i 5 + Kai 7ioif|a£ic; Xoyeiov xcov Kpiaecov

front. And you shall make an oracle of the judgments;

epyov 7toikiAxoi) Kaxd xov puGjiov xrjc; S7ico|ii8o(;

a work of an embroiderer, according to the proportion of the shoulder-piece;

7ioif|aeic; auxo sk ypvoiov Kai DaKivGou Kai

you shall make it from gold, and blue, and

ftopcptipac; Kai kokkivod KSKXcoajisvoi) Kai ptiaaoi)

purple, and scarlet being twined, and linen

K8KA,coa(isvr|(; 7ioifjaei(; ai)xo i 6 + xsxpdycovov eaxai

being twined — you shall make it. Four-cornered it shall be,

duiXovv a7ii0a|xf|c; xo jifjKoc; Kai a7ii6a|xf|c; xo svpoq

doubled; a span the length, and a span the breadth.

17+ Kai KaGucpavsic; ev auxcb ticpaajia KaxaAiGov

And you shall interweave in it a woven work inlaid with precious stones,

xsxpdaxi%ov ax(%oc; AiBcov eaxai adp5iov xo7id^iov Kai

arranged in four rows. A row of stones will be sardius, topaz, and

ajidpaySoc; o ax(%oc; o siq is + Kai o ax(%oc;

emerald ~ [for] the [ row one]. And the [ row

o Setixspoc; dvGpa^ Kai ad7rcpsipoc; Kai ida7ii(; 19+ Kai

second], carbuncle, and sapphire, and jasper. And

o ax(%oc; o xpixoq Aayupiov Kai a%dxr|c; Kai

the [ row third], amber, and agate, and

ajisGDaxoq 20 + Kai o axi^oq o xsxapxoq %pi)a6Aa0oc;

amethyst. And the [ row fourth], chrysolite,

Kai PrjpuAAiov Kai ovu^iov 7rspiK8Ka}u)|i|isva %pvam

and beryl, and onyx, being covered all around in gold

Kai ai)v8s8s|i8va sv %pvam saxcoaav Kaxd

and being tied together by gold; let them be according to

ax(%ov auxcov 21 + Kai 01 AiGoi eaxcoaav sk xcov

their row! And [ the stones let] be of the


28 rra


02 - Exodus

ovojidxcov xcov dicov IapafjX 5cb8sKa Kaxd

names of the sons of Israel, twelve, according to

xa ovojiaxa aDxcov y^Dtpai acppayiScov SKdaxoD Kaxd

their names! Carvings as seals each; [ according to

xa ovojiaxa eaxcooav sic; xac; 8co88Ka (pvXaq 22 + Kai

the names let them be] for the twelve tribes! And

Ttovf\G£iq 87ii xo Xoysiov KpoaaoDc; aD|i7iS7rA,sy|ievoDc;

you shall make upon the oracle a border, being a closely joined,

epyov aA,Dai8coxov sk ypvaiov Ka0apoD 23+ Kai

[ work a chain] of [ gold pure]. And

7roifjasic; 87ii xo AxDysiov 8do SaKXDAioDc; %pvaovq Kai

you shall make upon the oracle two [ rings golden]. And

£7ri0fjaei(; xodc; 8do SaKXDAioDc; xodc; xpdcjodc; S7i'

you shall place the two [ rings golden] upon

ajicpoxspaq xac; ap%dc; xod XoysioD 24+ Kai S7ii0f|asic;

both the corners of the oracle. And you shall put upon

xodc; KpoaaoDc; Kai xa aA,Dai5coxd xaxpDaioD S7ri

the borders even the chain-works of gold upon

Tovq 5do 8aKXDAioDc; S7i' ajicpoxspcov xcov kAtccov

the two rings upon both of the sides

xod Ax)ys(oi) 25+ Kai 8do kXixt) xcov 8do Kpoaacov

of the oracle. And two sides of the two borders

87ri9f|aeic; S7U xa 8do s|i7iA,6Kia Kai EK\dr\asiq em

you shall place upon the two wreaths. And you shall place [them] upon

xodc; cojiodc; xrjc; S7ico|ji8oc; s^svavxiaq Kaxd 7ip6aco7iov

the shoulders of the shoulder-piece right opposite in front.

26+ Kai 7ioifja£ic; 8do SaKXDAioDc; %pvaovq Kai

And you shall make two rings of gold. And

87ri0fja£ic; S7U xa 8do 7ixspDyia xod XoysioD S7il xo

you shall place [them] upon the borders of the oracle, upon the

dKpov ait' dKpoD xod O7iia0(oD xrjq S7ico|ji8oc;

tip from tip of the posterior of the shoulder-piece

sacoBsv 27+ Kai 7roif|asic; 8do SaKXDAioDc; xpdcjodc; Kai

within. And you shall make two rings of gold, and

e7ri0fjaeic; S7i' apxpoxspoDc; xodc; cojiodc; xrjq

you shall place [them] upon both of the shoulders of the

S7ico|ii8o(; Kdxco0ev aDxoD Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov Kaxd

shoulder-piece from below it, according to [the] front, according to

xrjv aDjipoArjv dvco0sv xrjc; aDVDtpfjc; xrjc; S7ico|ji8oc; 28 +

the coupling from above of the woven part of the shoulder-piece.

Kai oqny^eic; xo A,oys(ov arco xcov SaKXDAicov xcov

And you shall clasp the oracle from the rings of the ones


28 rra

8V TOUT© + VlKa

02 - Exodus

S7i ' aDxoD sic; Tovq SaxTvMovq Tr\q S7cco|ji5oc;

upon it, to the rings of the shoulder-piece

aDve%o|i8VODc; sk Tr\q DaKivBoD aD|i7i;s7i;A£y|ievoDc; sic;

banded together of the blue [work], closely joined to

to Dcpaajia xrjc; SKO)[d3oq (va |irj %aXdxai to Xoyeiov

the woven work of the shoulder-piece, that [ should not slacken the oracle]

goto Tr\q S7ico|ii5o(; 29+ Kai Xfjij/sxai Aapcbv xa ovojiaxa

from the shoulder-piece. And Aaron shall receive the names

xcov dicov IapafjA, S7ri xod XoysioD Tr\q Kpiaecoc; S7i(

of the sons of Israel upon the oracle of the judgment, upon

xod GTr\Qovq eiaicbv sic; xo dyiov |ivr||i6aDvov

the breast, entering into the holy place, [as a] memorial

evavxiov xod 0sot) 30+ Kai £7ri6fjasic; £7U xo A,oys(ov

before God. And you shall place upon the oracle

xrjc; Kpiaecoc; xrjv 5fjAxoaiv Kai xrjv aXfjGsiav Kai

of the judgment, the Manifestation and the Truth; and

eaxai 87Ti xod axfjGoDc; Aapcbv oxav 8ia7cop8DT|xai

they shall be upon the breast of Aaron, whenever he should enter

sic; xo dyiov evavxi KopioD Kai oiasi Aapcbv xac;

into the holy place before [the] LORD. And Aaron shall bring the

Kpiaeic; xcov dicov IapafjX £7U xod axfjGoDc; evavxi

judgments of the sons of Israel upon the breast, before

KDpiOD dmnavToq 3 i+ Kai 7coif|aeic; D7co8Dxr|v 7co5f|pr|v

[the] LORD always. And you shall make [ undergarment a foot length robe]

6Xov DaKivGivov 32 + Kai saxai xo 7cspiax6|iiov e£,

entirely of blue. And [ will be the cleft of

aDxoD jisaov coav e%ov kdkXco xod 7cspiaxo|iioD

it] in the middle, [ an edge having] round about the cleft —

spyov DcpavxoD xrjv aDjiPoArjv aDVDcpaajievrjv

a work of a weaver; [ in the coupling being woven together] of

aDxoD (va |ir| payfj 33 + Kai 7corf|asic; £7U xo Axbjia

it that it should not be torn. And you shall make upon the hem

xod D7co8dxod KdxcoGsv coast s^avGoDarjc; poaq

of the undergarment below, as it were of a blossoming pomegranate ~

Poktkodc; DaKivGoD Kai 7copcpDpac; Kai

figures of pomegranates from out of blue, and purple, and

kokkivod 5iav8vr|a|isvoD Kai pDaaoD KSKAx»a|isvr|c;

scarlet being spun, and linen being twined

S7Ti xod Xcbjiaxoq xod D7co8dxod kdkAxd xo 5s

upon the hem of the undergarment round about. And the

aDxo e(5oc; poiaKODq %pvaovq Kai Kcb5covac;

form of it [as the] figures of pomegranates of gold, and bells


28 rra

ev toutco + viKa
02 - Exodus

avajisaov xodxcov 7ispikdkAxjd 34+ 7iapd po'iaKov

in between these [that are] surrounding. By [the] figure of a pomegranate

Xpvaovv Kcb5cova Kai dvGivov £7ri tod Xcbjiaxoc; tod

of gold, a bell, and flowered work upon the hem of the

D7to8dtod kdkAxo 35+ Kai saxai Aapcbv ev xco

undergarment round about. And it shall be [ of Aaron in the


officiating] [ [will be] audible his sound] entering into the

dyiov svavxi KDpioD Kai s^iovxi (va |ir| a7io9dvr| 3 6 +

holy place before [the] LORD, and [his] exiting, that he might not die.

Kai 7roifjasic; 7iexaA,ov %pvaovv KaGapov Kai

And you shall make a panel [gold of pure]. And

£KTD7rcba£ic; sv aDxcb SKTD7ico|ia atppay(5oc; ayiaajia

you shall shape on it an impression seal — Sanctified

KDpiOD 37+ Kai £7Tl6fjG£lC; aDXO 8711 DaKlV0OD

of [the] LORD. And you shall place it upon blue

KSKA,coa|isvr|(; Kai saxai sm Tr\q jidpaq Kaxd

being twined; and it will be upon the mitre — in

7ip6aco7rov xrjq jiixpaq eaxai 38+ Kai eaxai 87i( xod

front of the mitre it shall be. And it shall be upon the

(i8xcb7ioD Aapcbv Kai e^apei Aapcbv xa ajiapxfj|iaxa

forehead of Aaron; and Aaron shall lift away the sins

xcov ayicov 6aa av ayidocoaiv 01 dioi IapafjA,

of the holy [things] whatever as much as [ should sanctify the sons of Israel] —

7iavx6c; 86|iaxoc; xcov ayicov aDxcbv Kai eaxai 87ii xod

every gift of their holy [things]; and it will be upon the

(isxcb7ioD Aapcbv 5ia7ravx6c; 5skx6v aDxoiq svavxi

forehead of Aaron always — accepted for them before


[the] LORD. And the fringes of the inner garments [shall be] of

pDaaoD Kai 7roifjasi(; Ki5apiv pDaaivrjv Kai ^cbvrjv

linen; and you shall make a [ turban fine linen]; and [ a belt

Ttovf\G£iq spyov tcoikiAxod 40+ Kai xoic; vioiq Aapcbv

you shall make], [the] work of an embroiderer. And for the sons of Aaron

7ioifjasic; %ixcbvac; Kai Cfbvaq Kai Ki5dpeic; 7ioifjasi(;

you shall make inner garments, and belts; and [ turbans you shall make]

aDxok; eic; xijifjv Kai 56^av 41+ Kai £v5dcjsic; aDxd

for them for honor and glory. And you shall put them [on]

Aapcbv xov a5sAxpov aoD Kai xodc; diodc; aDxoD jisx'

Aaron your brother, and his sons with

aDxoD Kai xpiasic; aDxotic; Kai s[L7iXr\as\q aDxcbv

him. And you shall anoint them, and you shall fill their


29 DD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

xac;%eipac; Kai ayiaaeic; auxouc; iva ispaxeuacooi

hands. And you shall sanctify them that they should officiate as priests

(ioi 42+ Kai 7ioif|aeic; auxofc; 7iepiaKeAx| Xwd KaAriij/ai

to me. And you shall make for them [ pants flaxen linen] to cover

aa%ri|ioowr|v xpcoxoq auxcbv anb oaqrooc; ecoc; ixqpcbv

[the] indecency of their flesh — from [the] loin unto [the] thighs
saxai 43 + Kai s^si Aapcbv auxd Kai moi auxou oxav

they shall be. And Aaron shall have them and his sons, whenever

eiaftopeixjovxai siq xrjv aKTjvfiv xod jiapxupiou r|

they should enter into the tent of the testimony, or

oxav 7rpoa7iopsT3covxai XeixoDpyeiv 7ipoc; xo

whenever they should go to officiate to the

9i)aiaaxf|piov xod ayioi) Kai odk sftd^ovxai 7ipoc;

altar of the holy place; and [thus] they shall not bring upon

eauxouc; ajiapxiav iva |ir| a7io0dvcoai vojiijiov aicbviov

themselves sin that they should not die ~ [ law [for] an eternal]

auxcb Kai xco a7isp|iaxi ai)xoi3 jisx' ai)xov

for him, and his seed after him.

29 t3D

i+ Kai xatixd eoxiv a 7toifja8ic; auxofo; ayidaai

And these are what you shall do to them, to sanctify

avzovq cbaxs lepaxeueiv |ioi Xr\\\fr\ |ioa%dpiov sk

them, so as to officiate as priest to me. You shall take [ young calf from out of

Pocbv ev Kai Kpiotic; ajicbjiouc; dvo 2 + Kai dpxouc;

[the] oxen one], and [ rams unblemished two], and [ breads

atfiiiovq 7is(pDpa|i8VODc; sv eAmco Kai Xdyava d^Djia

unleavened] being mixed up with olive oil, and [ pancakes unleavened]

Ksxpiajisva sv sAmco ae|i(8aAav sk 7ropcbv 7ioif|asic;

being coated with olive oil. [ of fine flour of wheat You shall make

ai)xd 3+ Kai £7ii0f|aeic; ai)xd em Kavouv sv Kai

them]. And you shall place them upon [ bin one], and

7rpoao(aeic; ai)xd S7ri xco Kavcb Kai xo |ioa%dpiov Kai

you shall offer them at the bin, and the young calf, and

xodc; dvo Kpiotic; 4 + Kai Aapcbv Kai xodc; viovq avzov

the two rams. And Aaron and his sons

7ipoad^eic; S7U mq dvpaq xrjc; aKTjvfjc; xod

you shall lead forward at the door of the tent of the

jiapxDpioD Kai Xovaziq avzovq sv i35axi 5 + Kai

testimony, and you shall bathe them in water. And

AxxPcbv zaq azoXaq zvdvaziq Aapcbv xov a5sAxpov cjod

taking the apparels, you shall put on Aaron your brother


29 DD


02 - Exodus

Kai xov xixcbva tov 7io8f|pr|v Kai ttjv S7ico|ii8a Kai

both the inner garment, the foot length robe, and the shoulder-piece, and

to Ax)ysk&gt;v Kai aDvd\j/£ic; ai)i6 to A,6ysiov 7ipoc; xr|v

the oracle; and you shall join it— the oracle to the

SK7ico|ii8a 6+ Kai £7ii6fjasic; xrjv jidpav S7U

shoulder-piece. And you shall place the mitre upon

ttjv KecpaAxjv avTOV Kai £7ii6f|aeic; to iiSTakov

his head; and you shall place the [ panel

to ayiaajia S7ri tt|v jivcpav ? + Kai Xr\\\fr\ tod skaiov

sanctified] upon the mitre. And you shall take of the oil

tod xpiajiaTOc; Kai snvxssiq avxo ski

of the scented unguent, and pour it upon

ttjv KecpaAxjv aDTOD Kai xpiaeic; aDTOV 8 + Kai

his head, and anoint him. And

todc; diodc; aDTOD 7ipoad^si(; Kai evStiaeic; aDTODc;

his sons you shall lead forward, and put on them

%vc(bvaq 9+ Kai Cfbasiq aDTODc; zmq Cfbvaiq Kai

[the] inner garments. And you shall tie around them the belts, and

7ispi6fjGSic; aDTOiq Tac; KiSdpsic; Kai e&lt;xcai aDTOic;

shall put on them the turbans, and it will be for them

ispaTSia sjioi sic; tov aicbva Kai TS^eicbasic; zaq

a priesthood to me into the eon. And you shall perfect the

Xsipac; Aapcbv Kai Tag %£ipaq tcov dicov aDTOD io+ Kai

hands of Aaron, and the hands of his sons. And

7ipoad^eic; tov |ioa%ov S7ri zaq dvpaq Tr\q aKqvfjc;

you shall lead forward the calf unto the door of the tent

tod jiapTDpioD Kai £7ri6fjooDaiv Aapcbv Kai

of the testimony. And [ shall place Aaron and

oi dioi aDTOD Tac; %eipac; aDTcbv £7U rqv KecpaArjv tod

his sons] their hands upon the head of the

jiooxod svavTi KDpiOD 7iapd zaq dvpaq Tr\q aKTjvfjc;

calf, before [the] LORD, by the doors of the tent

tod jiapTDpioD n+ Kai acpd^eic; tov jioa^ov svavTi

of the testimony. And you shall slay the calf before

KDpiOD 7iapd Tac; dvpaq Tr\q GKr\vr\q tod jiapTDpiOD

[the] LORD by the doors of the tent of the testimony.

12+ Kai Axj\j/r| a7io tod aijiaTOc; tod |i6ct%od Kai

And you shall take from the blood of the calf, and

dr\G£iq 8711 TCOV KSpdTCOV TOD 0DOiaOTT]piOD TCO

put [it] upon the horns of the altar with

SaKTD^co aoD to 5s Xovkov 7iav aijia ZKyzziq 7iapd

your finger. [ the And remaining all] blood you shall discharge by

29 DD


02 - Exodus

xrjv P&amp;aiv tod 0Daiaaxr|pioD 13+ Kai Xr\\\fr\ 7iav to

the base of the altar. And you shall take all the

oxsap to S7Ti Tr\q KoiAiac; Kai tov Xofiov tod r\7iaToq

fat, upon the belly, and the lobe of the liver,

Kai todc; 8do vscppoDc; Kai to &lt;xceap to S7i' aDTcbv

and the two kidneys, and the fat upon them,

Kai £7u6fja£ic; 87U to 0Daia&lt;xcfjpiov i 4 +Ta88 Kpsa

and you shall place [it] upon the altar. But the meats

tod jioaxoD Kai to Sspjia Kai tt|v Korcpov

of the calf, and the skin, and the dung

KaTaraDasic; 7iDp( e^co Tr\q 7cape|iPoAr|c;

you shall incinerate with fire outside the camp,

ajiapTiaq yap scm 15+ Kai tov Kpiov Xr\\\fr\

[ [an offering on account] of sin for it is]. And [ram you shall take

tov eva Kai S7ri0fjaoDaiv Aapcbv Kai 01 dioi aDTOD

one], and [ shall place Aaron and his sons]

Taq xeipaq aDTcbv £7U tt|v KecpaArjv tod KpioD i 6 + Kai

their hands upon the head of the ram. And

ocpa^sic; tov Kpiov Kai Xaficbv to aijia aDTOD

you shall slay the ram. And taking the blood of it,

7rpoaxssfc; S7U to 0Daia&lt;ycfjpiov kdkXco n+ Kai tov

you shall pour [it] upon the altar round about. And the
Kpiov 5i%OTO|ifja£ic; KaTa jieArj Kai itXvvsiq Ta

ram you shall cut in pieces according to [its] limbs. And you shall wash the

sv86a0ia Kai zovq nodaq vdazi Kai 87ri0fja£ic; S7U

entrails, and the feet in water. And you shall place [them] upon

Ta 8ixoTO|ifj|iaTa odv tt| Kscpa^fj is+ Kai avoiaeic;

the pieces with the head. And you shall offer

6X0V TOV KpiOV 8711 to 0DaiaaTfjpiov oXoKaDTCOjia

all the ram upon the altar [as] a whole burnt-offering

too KDpico sic; oajifjv SDCoSiaq 0Daiaojia KDpico

to the LORD, for a scent of pleasant aroma; [ a sacrifice [to the] LORD

scm 19+ Kai Ax|\j/r| tov Kpiov tov 8sDTspov Kai

it is]. And you shall take the ram— the second; and

£7ri0fjG£i Aapcbv Kai 01 dioi aDTOD Tac; %sipaq aDTcbv

[ shall place Aaron and his sons] their hands

8711 TTJV KetpaXfjV TOD KpiOD 20+ Kai OCpd^Siq aDTOV

upon the head of the ram. And you shall slay it,

Kai Axj\j/r| tod aijiaToq aDTOD Kai £7i;i0fjaeic; S7c( tov

and take of the blood of it, and place [it] upon the

Ax)P6v tod cotoc; Aapcbv tod 8s^iod Kai £7U to

lobe of the ear of Aaron ~ of the right [one], and upon the


29 DD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus
dKpov tod 7ro86c; tod 8s^iod Kai 87ii todc; Xofiovq

big toe of the foot ~ of the right [one], and upon the lobes


of the [ears of his sons right], and upon the

ducpa tcov %eipcov aDTcbv tcov 5s^icov Kai 87ii Ta dKpa

thumbs [ hands of their right], and upon the big toes

tcov 7io8cbv aDTcbv tcov 5s^icbv 21 + Kai hf\\\nr\ anb tod

[ feet of their right]. And you shall take from of the

aijiaToq tod a7io tod GDaiaarqpioD Kai arco tod

blood, of [blood] before the altar, and from the

slaioD Tr\q xpiascoq Kai paveic; em Aapcbv Kai

oil of the anointing, and you shall sprinkle [it] upon Aaron, and


upon his apparel, and upon his sons, and


upon the apparels of his sons with him. And

ayiaaGfjasTai aDToq Kai r| cttoAt| avzov Kai

you shall sanctify him, and his apparel, and

oi dioi aDTOD Kai ai azoXai tcov dicov aDTOD jist'

his sons, and the apparels of his sons with

aDTOD to 5s aijia tod KpioD 7cpoa%£s(c; itpoq to

him. And the blood of the ram you shall pour before the

0Daia&lt;ycf|piov kdkAxo 22+ Kai Axj\j/r| a7co tod KpioD

altar round about. And you shall take from the ram


[its] fat, both the fat covering up the

KoiAiav Kai tov Xofiov tod fj7taTOc; Kai todc; 5do

belly, and the lobe of the liver, and the two

vstppoDq Kai to crceap to aDTcbv Kai tov

kidneys, and the fat upon them, and the

Ppa%iova tov 8s^i6v scm yap TsXsicoaic; aDTrj 23 + Kai

[shoulder right]-- [is for a consecration this]. And

dpTOV sva 8^ eAmoD Kai A,dyavov sv a7co tod

[ bread [loaf] one] made with olive oil, and [ pancake one] from the


bin of the unleavened [breads], of the ones being set before

KDpioD 24+ Kai S7ri0f|aeic; Ta 7cdvTa 87U Tag xsipaq

[the] LORD. And you shall place the whole amount upon the hands

Aapcov Kai S7U Tag xsipac; tcov dicov aDTOD Kai

of Aaron, and upon the hands of his sons. And

acpopisk; aDTd acpopiajia svavTi KDpioD 25+ Kai

you shall separate them [as a] separation [offering] before [the] LORD. And


29 DD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

Xr\\\fr\ ai)T&amp; sk tcov %z\p(hv aDTcbv Kai avoiasic;

you shall take them from their hands, and you shall offer [them]

S7Ti to 0Daia&lt;xcfjpiov Tr\q oloKaDTcboecoc; sic; oajifjv

upon the altar of the whole burnt-offering as ascent

SDCo8(ac; svavxi KDpioD Kdp7ico|id sail Kopico 26 +

of pleasant aroma before [the] LORD — [ a yield [offering] it is] [to the] LORD.

Kai Axj\j/r| to axr|6i)viov goto tod KpioD Tr\q

And you shall take the breast from the ram of the
TsA^sicbascoq o screw Aapcbv Kai acpopiek; avzo

consecration, which is Aaron's, and you shall separate it

acpopiajia evavTi KDpioD Kai scrcai aoi sv |isp(5i

[as a] separation [offering] before [the] LORD ~ and it will be to you for a

27+ Kai ayidaeic; to &lt;xcr|0Dviov acpopiajia Kai tov

And you shall sanctify the [ breast separation [offering]], and the

Ppa%iova tod acpaipejiaToq oq acpcbpicrcai Kai oq

shoulder of the choice portion which has been separated, and which

acpfjprjTai ano tod KpioD Tr\q TS^eicbaecoc; arco

has been removed from the ram of the consecration — from

tod Aapcbv Kai ano tcov dicov aDTOD 28 + Kai scrcai

Aaron, and from his sons. And it will be [to]

Aapcbv Kai tok; dioic; aDTOD vojiijiov aicbviov 7iapd

Aaron, and [to] his sons [ law an eternal] for

tcov dicov lapar\k ecrci yap acpaipejia todto Kai

the sons of Israel, [is for a choice portion this]; and

acpaipsjia s&lt;xcai 7iapd tcov dicov IapafjX a7io tcov

[ a choice portion it will be] by the sons of Israel from the [things]

0D|idTCOv tcov acoTTjpicov acpaipsjia tco KDpico 29+

offered in sacrifices of the deliverance [offerings] — a choice portion to the


Kai T| cjtoAti tod ayioD r| ecmv Aapcbv eoTai zoiq

And the apparel of the holy place which is Aaron's, shall be [to]

Dioiq aDTOD |I8t' aDTOV xpiaGfjvai aDTODq SV aDTOiq

his sons' after him, for them to be anointed in them,

Kai TS^sicbaai xaq %sipaq aDTcbv 30+ 87iTd rjiispaq

and to perfect their hands. Seven days

sv8DaeTai aDTd o ispsvq avz r avzov 8K

he shall put them on — the priest replacing him from

tcov dicov aDTOD oq eioeXsDaeTai siq rqv aKTjvfiv tod

his sons, who shall enter into the tent of the

jiapTDpioD XsvcoDpysiv sv tco ayico 31+ Kai tov Kpiov

testimony to officiate in the holy place. And the ram

Tr\q TsXsicbascoc; Xr\\\fr\ Kai s\\fr\asiq Ta Kpsa sv

of the consecration you shall take, and you shall boil the meats in


29 DD


02 - Exodus

T07rco ayico 32 + Kai s8ovxai Aapcbv Kai 01 dioi aDxoD

[ place [the] holy]. And [ shall eat Aaron and his sons]

xa Kpsa tod KpioD Kai xodc; dpxoDg xodc; sv icq

the meats of the ram, and the bread loaves [that are] in the

Kavcb 7iapd xac; dvpaq xrjc; aKr\vr\q xod jiapxDpiOD 33 h

bin by the door of the tent of the testimony.

s5ovxai (xdt&amp; sv oiq rjyidaGrjaav sv aDxoic;

They shall eat [the offerings] with which they were sanctified by them,

xs^sicoaai xac; xsipaq aDxcov ayidaai aDxotic; Kai

to perfect their hands, to sanctify them. And

aXkoysvr\q odk s8sxai a7i aDxcov soxi yap ayia 34 +

a foreigner shall not eat from them, for it is holy.

sdv 5s KaxaXsupGfj arco xcov Kpscbv xrjc; Qvaiaq

And if [anything] should be left behind from the meats of the sacrifice

xrjc; xsXsicbascoc; Kai xcov dpxcov scoc; 7ipcoi

of the consecration, and of the bread loaves, until morning,

KaxaKaDasic; xa Xourd 7iDp( od PpcoGfjasxai ayiaajia

you shall incinerate the remainder with fire; it shall not be eaten, [ sanctified

yap saxi 35+ Kai 7ioif|asic; Aapcbv Kai xoic; vioiq avzov

for it is]. And you shall do for Aaron and his sons

odxco Kaxd 7idvxa 6aa svsxsiA,d|xqv aoi S7ixd

thus according to all as much as I gave charge to you. Seven

rjjispac; xs^sicbasic; xac; xsipaq aDxcov 36 + Kai xo

days you shall perfect their hands. And the

|ioa%dpiov xo xrjc; ajiapxiaq 7ioif|asic; xrj rj|ispa

young calf, the one of the sin [offering], you shall offer in the day

xod KaGapiojioD Kai KaGapisiq xo 0Daiaaxf|piov sv

of cleansing. And you shall cleanse the altar in

xco ayid^siv as S7i' aDxcb Kai xpiasiq aDxo cooxs

your sanctifying upon it. And you shall anoint it so as

ayidoai aDxo 37+ S7ixd r||ispac; KaGapisfo; xo

to sanctify it. Seven days you shall cleanse the

0Daiaaxf|piov Kai ayidasic; aDxo Kai saxai xo

altar, and sanctify it. And [ will be the

0Daiaaxf|piov dyiov xcov ayicov 7iac; o a7ix6|isvoc; xod

altar] a holy of the holies; all touching the

0DaiaaxrjpioD ayiaaGfjasxai 38+ Kai xaDxd saxiv a

altar shall be sanctified. And these are what

7ioifjasic; S7U xov 0Daiaaxf|piov ajivoDc; sviaDcrioDcj

you shall offer upon the altar— lambs of a year [old],

ajicojioDc; 8do xrjv rjjispav sv8sA,s%cbc; Kdp7ico|ia

unblemished, two for [each] day perpetually - a yield [offering]

29 DD


02 - Exodus

ev8sA,exia|ioD 39+ tov ajivov tov sva 7iorfja£ic;

of perpetuity. The lamb — the [first] one you shall offer

TO7ipC0l Kai xov ajivov TOV SsDTSpOV 7TOlf|aSl(;

in the morning, and the [ lamb second], you shall offer

to 5eiAiv6v 4 o + Kai 5sKaxov as|ii8dXsooc; 7is(pDpa|i£vr|c;

at dusk. And a tenth [measure] of fine flour being mixed

SV sAmCD KSKO|I|ieV00 TOO TST&amp;pTCO TOD iv Kai a7iov5f|v

with olive oil being beaten to the fourth [part] [of a] hin; and a libation —


the fourth [part] of the hin of wine to the lamb — to the [first] one. And

tov ajivov tov 5sDTspov 7roifjaeic; to 8siXiv6v

the lamb — the second, you shall offer at dusk,

KaTd ttjv 0Doiav tt|v 7ipooivr|v Kai KaTd

after the manner of the sacrifice ~ the early morning, and according to

ttjv a7iov8f|v aDTOD 7rovf|G£ic; sic; oajifjv £Doo8(ac;

[its] libation you shall do it for a scented pleasant aroma,

Kdp7ioo|ia KDpioo 42+ 0Daiav sv8sA,8xia|i6D siq

a yield [offering] [to the] LORD; [ sacrifice a perpetual] unto

Tag ysvsdq djioov S7il zaq dvpaq Tr\q aKr\vr\q tod

your generations upon the doors of the tent of the

jiapTDpioD svavTi KDpioD ev oiq yvooa6f|ao|ia( aoi

testimony before [the] LORD, in which I will be known to you

sksi obexes Xakf\aai aoi 43+ Kai Td^ojiai sksi toic;

there, so as to speak to you. And I will give orders there to the

vioiq IapafjA, Kai ayiaaGfjaojiai sv 86^r| |iod 4 4 + Kai

sons of Israel, and I will be sanctified in my glory. And

ayidooo ttjv aKTjvfjv tod jiapTDpioD Kai to

I will sanctify the tent of the testimony, and the

0Daia&lt;xcf|piov Kai Aapobv Kai todc; diodc; aDTOD

altar; and Aaron, and his sons

ayidaoo lepaTSDSiv jioi 45+ Kai 87iiKA,r|6f|oo|iai sv toic;

I will sanctify, to officiate as priests to me. And I will be called upon by the

Dioiq IapafjA, Kai saojiai aDTobv 0s6c; 4 6+ Kai

sons of Israel, and I will be their God. And

yvobaovTai 6ti syob sijii KDpioq o Geoq aDTobv o

they shall know that I am [the] LORD their God, the

s^ayayobv aDTODc; sk yr\q AiyD7iTOD S7iiKXr|0f|vai

one leading them from out of [the] land of Egypt, to be called upon

aDTok; Kai eivai aDTobv Geoc;

by them, and to be their God.


30 "7 sv toutco + vtica 02 - Exodus


i+ Kai 7ioif|aeic; 0Daia&lt;xcf|piov 0D|iid|iaTOc; 8K

And you shall make an altar of incense from out of

^dAxjov aafj7TTCOv 2 + Kai 7ioif|G£ic; ai)i6 7rf|%eoc;

[ wood incorruptible]. And you shall make it a cubit

to jifjKoc; Kai 7rr|%£oc; to zvpoq T8Tpdycovov e&lt;xcai Kai

in length, and a cubit in breadth ~ four-cornered is shall be, and

8do 7ir|X8cov to v\\foq amov ecrcai

two cubits in height; from out of it will be

Ta KepaTa aDTOD 3 + Kai KaTa%pDacbaeic; avza %pvam

[its] horns. And you shall gild these [ gold

KaBapcb ttjv eaxdpav avzov Kai todc; toixodc; avzov

in pure] ~ [its] grates, and [its] walls

kdkXco Kai Ta KspaTa avzov Kai 7ioifjaeic; aDTcb

round about, and [its] horns. And you shall make for it

0Tp87iTf|v aTsepdvrjv xpDafjv kdkAxd 4 + Kai 8do

a twisted [ rim gold] round about. And two

5aKToAioi)c; %pvaovq Ka0apoDc; aDTcb 7ioif|G£ic; D7i6

rings [ gold of pure] for it you shall make under

ttjv aTps7TTfjv aTStpdvrjv olvtov sic; Ta 8do KllTTj

[ twisted rim [its]] for the two corners.

Ttovf\G£iq sv Svai itXsvpoiq Kai saovTai \j/aAi8ec;

You shall make [them] on two sides, and they will be clips

Taiq GKUTokaiq coerce aipsiv avzo ev avzaiq 5+ Kai

for the staves so as to lift it by them. And

7ioifjaeic; aKDTdAxxc; 8K ^d^cov aafj7TT(jov Kai

you shall make staves from out of [ wood incorruptible], and

KaTa%pi)acbaeic; avzaq %pvam 6+ Kai Gfjaeiq avzo

you shall gild them in gold. And you shall put it

a7i8vavTi tod KaTa7i£Tda|iaTOc; tod ovtoc; ski Trjq

before the veil being for the

kiPcotod tod jiapTDpioD sv 01c; yvcoa0f|ao|iai aoi

ark of the testimony, in which I shall be made known to you

8K8i 7+ Kai 0D|iidasi 87i ' aDTOD Aapcbv 0D|i(a|ia

there. And [ will burn incense upon it Aaron]; incense

&lt;y6v08TOV Xstctov to 7ipcoi 7ipcoi OTav S7iiaK8Dd^r|

compounded fine ~ in the morning [by] morning. Whenever he should trim

todc; Xvyyovq 0D|iidasi S7i' aDTOD 8+ Kai OTav

the lamps, he shall burn incense upon it. And whenever

s^d7iTr| Aapcbv todc; Xvyyovq o\j/s 0D|iida£i 87i'

Aaron should ignite the lamps late, he shall burn incense upon


30 "7 sv toutcq + viica 02 - Exodus

avTOV 0D|i(a|ia sv58A,sxicj|iot3 8ia7cavT6c; svavn

it -- incense of perpetuity, continually before

Ki)p(oi) sic; zaq yevedc; djicov 9 + Kai odk avoiaeTe S7i'

[the] LORD unto your generations. And you shall not offer upon

aDTcb 0D|i(a|ia sxspov Kdp7ico|ia Kai Guaiav Kai

it [ incense another]. A yield [offering], and a sacrifice [offering], and

O7cov8f|v od a7is(asTS S7i' aDTOD io+ Kai s^i^daexai

a libation [offering] you shall not offer upon it. And [ shall atone

Aapcbv S7i( xcov Kspdxcov avTOV d7ia^ tod sviaDTOD

Aaron] upon [its] horns once a year.

goto tod aijiaioq tod KaGapiajioD tcdv ajiapTicbv tod

From the blood of the cleansing of sins of the

s^iXaajioD d7ca^ tod svkxdtod KaGapiei ocdto sic;

making an atonement once a year he shall cleanse it for

Tag ysvedc; djicov dyiov tcov ayicov ecm too KDpico n +

your generations; [a holy of holies it is] to the LORD.

Kai eXdAxjas KDpioc; npoq McoDofjv Aiycov 12+ edv

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, If

Xafir\q tov &lt;xuAAx)yia|i6v tcov dicov IapafjA, sv ttj

you should take the assessment of the sons of Israel in the

£7i;iaK07rfj aDTcbv Kai 5cbaoDaiv SKacrcoc; Ampa

overseeing of them, then [ shall give each] ransoms

Tr\q yDxrjc; aDTOD too KDpico Kai odk e&lt;xcai ev aDTOiq

for his soul to the LORD, and there shall not be among them

7rccboic; sv ttj s7naK07tfj aDTcbv 13+ Kai todto saTiv o

a failure in the overseeing of them. And this is what

ScbaoDaiv oaoi av 7capa7cop8DcovTai ttjv S7uaKe\j/iv to

they shall give, as many as pass the numbering — the

r\[iiav tod 8i5pd%|ioD o scm KaTd to 8(8pa%|iov

half double-drachma, which it shall be according to the double-drachma

to dyiov eiKoaiv oPoAxn to 8(8pa%|iov to 8s r\[iiav

of the holy place — twenty oboli to the double-drachma; but the half

tod 8i8pd%|ioD siacpopd KDpico u + naq o

double-drachma [is a] contribution [to the] LORD. Every one

7capa7cop8D6|i8VO(; eic; tt|v £7uaKe\j/iv a7c6 sucoaasTODc;

passing in the numbering from twenty years [old]

Kai S7cdvco ScoaoDai tt|v eiacpopdv tco KDpico 15+0

and above shall give the contribution to the LORD. The

7tAx)DTcbv od 7cpoa6f|asi Kai o 7cev6jisvoc;

ones being rich shall not add [more], and the ones needing

OD sAxXTTOVfjCTSl a7CO TOD T||jiaODC; tod 8i8pdx|iOD 8V

shall not [add] less from the half of the double-drachma in


30 "7 sv toutco + viica 02 - Exodus

tod 8i56vai xrjv eiacpopdv KDpico s^daaaGai 7ispi

the giving the contribution [to the] LORD to atone for

xcov \j/d%cgv Djicbv i6+ Kai Xr\\\nr\ to apyopiov Tr\q

your souls. And you shall take the silver of the

eiacpopdc; 7iapd xcov dicgv IapafjA, Kai Scoaeic; aDxo

contribution [given] by the sons of Israel, and you shall give it

sic; to Kdxepyov xrjc; oKr\vr\q tod jiapxDpiOD Kai

for the upkeep of the tent of the testimony. And

eaxai TOiq vioiq IopafjA, |ivr||i6aDVOV evavxi KopiOD

it will be to the sons of Israel a memorial before [the] LORD,

s^iAxxaaaGai 7iep( xcov \\fv%&amp;&gt;v djicov i?+ Kai

to atone for your souls. And

sXdAxjae Kupioq itpoq McoDafjv Aiycov is+ 7iovr|aov

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Make

XoDxfjpa %aAxoDV Kai pdoiv auxcb %aA,Kf|v cbaxe

a bathing tub of brass, and abase for it [of] brass, so as

vi7ix8a6ai Kai Gfjaeic; ai)xov avajisaov xrjc; GKr\vr\q

to wash. And you shall put it between the tent

xod jiapxDpioi) Kai avajisaov xod 0Daiaaxr|p(oD Kai

of the testimony, and between the altar. And

£K%e£ic; ziq ai)xov i38cop 19+ Kai vuj/exai Aapcbv Kai

you shall pour into it water. And [ shall wash Aaron and

01 dioi avTOV avTOV zaq %zipaq auxcbv Kai

his sons] from it their hands and

xodc; 7i68ac; aDxcbv 20 + oxav sio7iopsDcovxai sic; xrjv

their feet. Whenever they should enter into the

aKTjvfjv xod jiapxDpioi) vuj/ovxai i38axi Kai od jlit|

tent of the testimony they shall wash in water, and no way

a7io0dvcoaiv r| oxav 7ipoa7iopsi3covxai itpoq xo

shall they die. Or whenever they should go to the

0i)aiaaxfjpiov XsixoDpyeiv Kai avacpspeiv xa

altar to officiate and to offer the

oXoKai)xcb|iaxa KDpico 21 + vuj/ovxai zaq %sipaq Kai

whole burnt-offerings [to the] LORD, they shall wash [their] hands and

xodc; 7r68ac; aDxcbv D8axi (va jirj a7io6dvcoai Kai saxai

their feet in water, that they should not die. And it will be
aDxoiq v6|ii|iov aicbviov aDxcb Kai xaiq ysvsaiq aDxoD

to them [ law an eternal], to him and his generations

jisx' aDxov 22+ Kai sAxxAxjas KDpioc; npoq McoDafjv

after him. And [the] LORD spoke to Moses,

Aiycov 23+ Kai ctd Xdpe r|8Da|iaxa xo dv0oc; ajiDpvrjc;

saying, And you take spices, the flower [ myrrh


30 "7 sv toutco + vtica 02 - Exodus

SKXsKxfjq 7r£VTaKoa(oDc; ahckovq Kai Kiwajicb|ioD

of choice] ~ five hundred shekels, and [ cinnamon


sweet smelling] half of this — two hundred and fifty,

Kai KaXdjioi) sdcd8odc; 5iaKoa(oDc; 7isvTf|K0VTa 24

and [ calamus sweet smelling] -- two hundred fifty, and

(pscoq 7r£VTaKoa(oDc; cjikAxddc; tod ayioD Kai

of oil of cassia — five hundred shekels of the holy [place], and

elaiov s£, eAmcbv iv 25+ Kai 7roifja£ic; avzo sAmov

olive oil from olives — a hin! And you shall make it [ oil

Xpiajia dyiov jxopov jiDpeyiKov tsxvt| |iDps\j/OD

scented unguent a holy], a perfumed liquid scented by [the] craft of a perfumer ~

eXaiov %p(a|ia dyiov e&lt;xcai 26+ Kai xpiasiq e£,

[oil scented unguent a holy it shall be]. And you shall anoint with


it the tent of the testimony, and the ark

TOD JiapTDpiOD 27+ Kai 7ldVTa Ta aKSDTj aDTfjq Kai TTJV

of the testimony, and all [its] utensils, and the

A,D%v(av Kai Ta aKSDrj aDTfjc; Kai to 0Daia&lt;ycf|piov

lamp-stand, and [its] utensils, and the altar

tod BDjxidjiaTO^ 28+ Kai to 0Daia&lt;ycf|piov tcdv

of incense, and the altar of the

oA,oKaDTC0|idTC0v Kai 7idvTa aDTOD Ta oksdtj Kai tt|v

whole burnt-offerings, and all [its] utensils, and the

Tpd7is^av Kai 7idvTa Ta oksdtj avTT\q Kai tov Am&gt;Tf|pa

table, and all [its] utensils, and the bathing tub,

Kai ttjv pdaiv aDTOD 29 + Kai ayidasic; aDTd Kai

and [its] base. And you shall sanctify them. And

scrcai dyia tcdv ayicov naq o a7rc6|i£voc; aDTcbv

[they] shall be a holy of the holies. Every one touching them

ayiaaGfjasTai 30+ Kai Aapcbv Kai tod^ diod^ aDTOD

shall be sanctified. And Aaron and his sons

Xpiaeic; Kai ayidosic; aDTODc; lepaTSDeiv |ioi 31+ Kai

you shall anoint, and you shall sanctify them to officiate as priests to me. And

Toiq vioiq IapafjX Xakr\as\q Aiyoov eA,aiov dA,si|i|ia

to the sons of Israel you shall speak, saying, An oil of anointing —

Xpiaecoq dyiov 8&lt;xcai todto djiiv sic; Tag yevedc; Djicbv

[ anointing a holy] this will be to you into your generations.

32+sm adpKa av6pcb7i;oD od xp^6fiasTai Kai KaTd

[ upon [the] flesh of man You shall not anoint [with it]]. And concerning


this composition, you shall not make [any] to you yourselves


31 &amp;

02 - Exodus

coaaDxcoc; dyiov sail Kai ayiaajia saxai Djjiv 33 + oq av

likewise — it is holy, and it shall be sanctified to you. Who ever

7ioifjar| (Daamcoq Kai oq av 5co an avzov

should make likewise, and who ever should give of it

aAA,oysvsi s^oXoGpsDGfjasxai 8K tod Axxod avzov 34+ Kai

to a foreigner, he shall be utterly destroyed from his people. And

S17T8 Kupioq 7rpoc; McoDafiv hafts asaDxcb r|8Da|iaxa

[the] LORD said to Moses, Take to yourself spices —

axaKTfjv Kai 6vD%a Kai %akfiavr\v r\6va[iov Kai

balsam, and onycha, and [ galbanum luscious], and

Xifiavov 5iacpavf| (aov (aco saxai 35+ Kai 7ioif|aoDaiv

[ frankincense transparent], equal to equal it will be. And they shall make

avid 0D|i(a|ia jxopsij/iKov spyov |xops\j/OD |isjiiy|isvov

[with] it [incense scented], a work of a perfumer— [ being mixed

KaGapov spyov dyiov 3 6+ Kai &lt;xoyK6\j/sic; sk xodxcdv

a pure work holy]. And you shall cut of these

A,S7tt6v Kai Bfjasiq arcsvavxi tod jiapiDpioD sv xr|

[into] fine [parts], and you shall put it before the testimony in the

aKTjvfj tod jiapiDpioD 608V yvcoa6f|ao|ia( aoi

tent of the testimony from where I will be known to you

SK8108V dyiov xcov ayicov saxai D|i(v 0D|i(a|ia 37+

from there. [ a holy of the holies It will be to you] incense.

Kaxd xrjv ativGsaiv xaDxrjv od 7ioif|asxs djiiv saDxoic;

According to this composition you shall not make to you yourselves ~

ayiaajia saxai djiiv Kopioo 38+ oq av 7ioif|ar|

it shall be a sanctified [thing] to you [to the] LORD. Who ever should make

coaaDxcoq cbaxs oacppaivsaGai sv aDxcb a7ioA,8ixai

likewise so as to smell by it, he shall be destroyed


from out of his people.

31 vto

1 + Kai sXdAxjas Kopioc; npoq MoaDafjv Aiyoov 2 + i5od

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Behold,

avaKSKAr||iai s^ ovojiaxoq xov BsasA,sf|A, xov xod

I have called by name Bezaleel the [son of]

ODpi diod Qp sk Tr\q (pvhf\q lovda 3+ Kai svs7iAx|aa

Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. And I filled

aDxov 7WSD|ia 0s(ov aocpiaq Kai aDvsascoc; Kai

him [ spirit a divine] of wisdom, and understanding, and


31 &amp;


02 - Exodus

S7iiaTf||ir|(; sv 7iavTi spyco 5iavoeia0ai 4 + Kai

higher knowledge, [in every work to consider], and

ap%iT£KT0vs(v epyd^eoGai to %pDa(ov Kai to

to supervise construction; to work the gold, and the

apyopiov Kai tov xoXkov Kai tt|v dockivGov Kai tt|v

silver, and the brass, and the blue, and the


purple and the [ scarlet spun], and the

pDaaov ttjv KSKAxjaa|isvr|v Kai Ta AiGoDpyira spya

linen being twined, and the stonecutting works,

Kai sic; Ta tsktovikoc tcov ^dAxdv spyd^eaGai

and for the woodworkers of the [works of] wood ~ to work

KaTd 7idvTa Ta epya 6+ Kai syco 8£8coKa avzov Kai

according to all the works. And I have given him even

tov EAidp tov tod A%iaa|idK sk (pvXr\q Aav Kai

Aholiab, the [son] ofAhisamach, of [the] tribe of Dan. And

7iavTi ODV8TC0 Kap8ia 5s5coKa ctdvsoiv Kai 7roifjaoi)oi

to every one discerning in heart I have given understanding. And they shall make

7idvTa 6oa aDveTa^d aoi 7+ tt|v aKTjvfiv tod

all as much as I gave orders to you — the tent of the

jiapTDpioD Kai ttjv kiPcotov TTjcj SiaGfjKqc; Kai to

testimony, and the ark of the covenant, and the

lAxXCJTfjpiOV TO 871 ' aDTTJCj Kai TTJV SiaaKSDfjV TTjCj

atonement-seat, the one upon it, and the equipment of the

aKTjvfjc; 8+ Kai Ta 0Daia&lt;xcfjpia Kai rqv Tpd7i8^av Kai

tent, and the altars, and the table, and

7idvTa Ta OK8DT] aDTTjcj Kai ttjv A,Dxviav ttjv KaGapdv

all the utensils for it, and the [lamp-stand pure],

Kai 7idvTa Ta oksdtj aDTfjc; 9 + Kai tov XoDTfjpa Kai

and all the utensils for it, and the bathing tub, and

tt|v pdaiv aDTOD io + Kai xaq azoXaq Tag XsrcoDpyiKaq

[its] base, and the [ apparels ministry]

Aapcbv Kai Tag GToXaq tcov dicov aDTOD sic; to

of Aaron, and the apparels of his sons in the

ispaT8D8iv |ioi n+ Kai to sAmov tt|c; ypiascoq Kai to

officiating as priest to me, and the [ oil anointing], and the

0D|i(a|ia Tr\q aDvBsoecoc; tod ayioD KaTd 7idvTa

incense of the composition of the holy place — according to all

6aa 8V8TSiXd|ir|v aoi 7ioif|aoDai u + Kai

as much as I gave charge to you they shall make. And

sAxxAxjas Kupioq 7tpoc; MoaDafjv Aiycov u + Kai cjd

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, You also



8V TOUT© + VlKa

02 - Exodus

Xakr\GOV Toiq vioq IapafjA, Xsycov opdxs Kai

speak to the sons of Israel! saying, Perceive, and

xa adppaxa |iod cpDAxx^soGs saxiyap arjiieiov 7iap'

[ my Sabbaths guard]! For it is a sign by

sjioi Kai sv D|i(v sic; xaq ysvsdg djicov (va yvcbxs

me and among you unto your generations, that you might know

oxi sycb Kopioc; o ayid^cov v[iaq u+ Kai cpDAxx^saBs

that I [the] LORD [am] the one sanctifying you. And you shall guard

xo a&amp;PPaxov oxi dyiov saxiv D|i(v o PsPt]A,cov ai)xo

the Sabbath, for [ holy it is] to you. The one profaning it,

Gavdxco GavaxooGfjaexai naq oq 7ioif|asi sv aoxcb

unto death shall be put to death. Every one who shall do [ on it

spyov s^oAx)0psD0fjasxai r\ \|/d%t] sksivt] sk jiscjod

work], [ shall be utterly destroyed that soul] from [the] midst

xod Xaov avTOV i 5 + s£, Tjjispac; 7ioiT]asic; spya xr| 8s

of his people. Six days you shall do works, but the

rjjispa xtj sp86|ir| adppaxa avanavaiq dyia xco

[ day seventh Sabbath rest [is a] holy] to the

Kopico itaq oq 7ioif|asi spyov xr| rjjispa xcov

LORD. All who shall do work on the day of the

aappdxcov GavaxcoGfjasxai i6+ Kai (pvXatpvaiv oi dioi

Sabbaths shall be put to death. And [ shall guard the sons

IapafjX xa adppaxa 7ioisrv aDxd sic; zaq ysvsdq aDxcbv

of Israel] the Sabbaths to observe them unto their generations.

17+ 5ia0f|Kr| aicbvioc; sv sjioi Kai xoic; vioiq IapafjA,

[covenant [It is] an eternal] with me and the sons of Israel,

&lt;xq|isi6v saxiv aicbviov oxi sv s^ rjjispaic;

[sign it is an eternal]. For in six days

S7iovr|as Kopioc; xov ODpavov Kai xttv yrjv Kai xrj

[the] LORD made the heaven and the earth, and on the

;P86|ir| srcaDaaxo Kai Kaxs7iai)as is+ Kai

he ceased and rested. And

s5coks Mcodot] rjviKa Kaxs7iai)as XaXcbv aDxcb sv

he gave to Moses, when he rested from speaking to him in

xco opsi xco Sivd xac; 5do iiXaKaq xod jiapxDpioD

mount Sinai, the two tablets of the testimony ~

7rA,dKac; Ai0(vac; ysypajijisvac; xco 5aKXDAxo xod 0sod

tablets of stone, written by the finger of God.

rjjispa xtj s

[ day seventh


32 ±

02 - Exodus


i + Kai i8cbv o Xaoq 6xi ks%p6viks McoDafiq Kaxapfjvai

And [ seeing the people] that Moses passed time to come down

sk tod opovq auvsaxrj o Xaoq S7ri Aapcbv Kai

from out of the mountain, [ stood together the people] by Aaron, and

AiyoDaiv auxcb avdaxrjGi Kai 7iovr|aov r\[iiv dsovq

they say to him, Rise up and make for us gods!

oi 7ipo7ropsT3oovTai rjjicbv o yap Moyoafjc; omoq

the ones who will go before us. For Moses, this

o dv0p&lt;jO7ioc; oq s^qyaysv rjjiac; sk yr\q AiyimxoD

man who led us from out of [the] land of Egypt,

odk o(8a|isv it ysyovsv auxcb 2 + Kai Aiysi auxoic;

we do not know what has happened to him. And [ says to them

Aapcbv 7ispisA,sa0s xa svcbxia xaxpuad xa sv xoic;

Aaron], Remove the [ear-rings gold]! the ones in the

cbai xcov yovaiKcbv ujicbv Kai xcov 0uyaxspcov Kai

ears of your wives, and daughters; and

svsyraxs npoq |is 3+ Kai 7ispis(A,avxo naq o Xaoq xa

bring [them] to me! And [ removed all the people the

svcoxia xa %pvad xa sv xoic; cooiv auxcbv Kai

ear-rings gold], the ones in their ears, and

fjveyKav npoq Aapcbv 4 + Kai s5s^axo sk

they brought [them] to Aaron. And he took [them] from out of

xcov %sipcbv auxcbv Kai S7iA,aasv auxd sv xrj ypacp(5i

their hands, and he shaped them with the stylus.

Kai S7roir|asv ai)xo ji6a%ov %covsuxov Kai sircav

And he made it [calf a molten]. And they said,

otixoi 01 0soi gov IapafjA, oixivsq avspipaadv as

These [are] your gods, O Israel, who hauled you

sk yr\q Aiytmxoi) 5+ Kai i8cbv Aapcbv coKo56|ir|as

from out of [the] land of Egypt. And seeing, Aaron built

6i)aiaaxf|piov Kaxsvavxi avzov Kai SKqpt^sv Aapcbv

an altar over against it. And Aaron proclaimed,

Aiycov sopxfj KDpioi) di)piov 6+ Kai opBpiaaq xrj

saying, A holiday of [the] LORD is tomorrow. And rising early in the

S7rai3piov avspipaasv oXoKai)xcb|iaxa Kai 7ipoaf|vsyKs

next day, he offered whole burnt-offerings, and he offered

dvaiav acoxrjpioD Kai SKdGiasv o Xaoq cpaysiv Kai

[the] sacrifice of deliverance. And [ sat the people] to eat and

7iis(v Kai avsaxrjaav 7ia(^siv 7+ Kai sAxxArjas Kopioc;

to drink, and they rose up to play. And [the] LORD spoke


32 ±


02 - Exodus

7ipoc; Mcoi)af|v Xsycov pd8i^8 to Ta%oq Kax&amp;pr|0i

to Moses, saying, Proceed quickly! to go down

svtsd0sv r|v6|ir|as yap o Xaoq gov o s^qyaysc; sk

from here, [ acted lawlessly for your people], whom you led from
yrjc; AiyD7iTOD 8+ 7iapsPr|aav Ta%D sk Tr\q odov r\q

[the] land of Egypt. They violate quickly from the way which

svstsiAxo aDTOic; 87io(r|aav saDTOic; |ioa%ov Kai

I gave charge to them; they made to themselves a calf, and

7ipoaK8KDvf|Kaai aDTcb Kai TS0DKaaiv aDTcb Kai si7iav

they do obeisance to it, and they have sacrificed to it. And they said,

odtoi oi 0soi aoD IapafjA, omvsc; avspipaadv as sk

These [are] your gods, O Israel, who hauled you from

yrjc; AiyD7iTOD 9 + Kai vdv saaov |is Kai 0D|ico0sic;

[the] land of Egypt. And now allow me! for being enraged

opyfj sic; aDTODc; SKTpuj/co aDTODc; io+ Kai 7roifjaco as

in anger against them, I will obliterate them. And I will make you

sic; sBvoc; jisya n+ Kai s8sf|0r| McoDafjc; Kaxsvavxi

into [nation a great]. And Moses beseeched in front of

Kop(oi) tod 0sod Kai si7isv ivan Kopis 0D|io( opyfj

[the] LORD God, and said, Why, O LORD, be enraged in anger

sic; xov Xaov gov ovq s^qyaysc; sk yr|c; AiyD7iTOD

against your people, whom you led from out of [the] land of Egypt

sv ia%vi |isydAx| Kai sv icq Ppa%(ov( gov tco D\j/r|A,cb

in [ strength great], and with [ arm your high]?

12 + |ifj 7iots si7icoaiv oi AiyD7iTioi XsyovTSc; jisxd

lest at any time [ should say the Egyptians], in saying, With

7iovr|piac; s^qyaysv aDTODc; a7ioKTs(vai sv zoiq opsai

wickedness he led them to kill [them] in the mountains,

Kai s^avaAxbaai aDTODc; arco rr|c; yrjc; 7iai3aai Tr\q

and to completely consume them from the earth. Cease in the

opyfj q tod Gdjiod aoD Kai (Xscoc; ysvoD S7U tt| KaKia

anger of your rage, and [ propitious be] to the evil

tod Xaov gov 13 + |ivr|a0sic; APpadji Kai IaadK Kai

of your people! remembering Abraham, and Isaac, and

IaKcbp tcov acov oikstcov oiq cbjioaac; aDTOiq

Jacob your servants, to whom you swore by an oath to them

KaTd asaDTOD Kai sXdAxjaac; 7ipoc; aDTODq Aiycov

according to yourself. And you spoke to them, saying,

7roA,D7iAx|0Dvcb to a7isp|ia djicov coast Ta daTpa tod

I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the

ODpavoD tco 7tAt|0si Kai 7idaav tt|v yrjv TaDTTjv r|v

heaven in multitude, and all this land which


32 ±

8V TOUT© + VlKa

02 - Exodus

sbiaq 8oDvai tco o7isp|iaTi aDTcbv Kai KaGs^oDaiv

you spoke of to give it [to] their seed, [so that] they shall hold

aDTfjv sic; xov aicova u + Kai ikaaQr\ Kopioc; 7isp( Tr\q

it into the eon. And [the] LORD dealt kindly concerning the

Koudac; r\q si7is 7roifjaai 7ipoc; xov Xaov avzov i 5 + Kai

bad which he said he would do to his people. And

a7ro&lt;ycps\j/ac; McoDafjc; KaxePrj arco tod opovq Kai

Moses returning, went down from the mountain along

ai 8do iiXaKsq tod jiapTDpioD sv Taiq %epa(v aDTOD

[with] the two tablets of the testimony in his hands ~

ftAxxKec; AiGivai KaTaysypajijisvai s^ ajicpoTspcov

tablets of stone, having been written on both

tcov jispcbv aDTcbv svGsv Kai svGsv Tjoav ysypam^svai 16 +

their parts; on this side and that side they were written.

Kai ai nXoKEq spyov 0sod fjaav Kai r| ypacpfj

And the tablets [a work of God were], and the writing,

ypacpfj 08OD sera KSKoA,aji|isvrj sv zmq nXafy n+ Kai

[ a writing of God is] chiseled in the tablets. And

aKODaaq IrjaoDc; rrjc; cpcovrjvc; tod Xaov KpatpvTCOv

Joshua hearing the voice of the people crying out,

Aiysi 7ipoc; MooDafjv cpcovfj 7ioA,s|iod sv ttj

says to Moses, [It is a] sound of war in the

7taps|iPoAxi i8+ Kai Aiysi odk sera cpcovfj s^ap%6vTCOv

camp. And he says, It is not a sound originating

KaT' icj%dv od5s (pcovfj s^ap%6vTC0v Tpo7ifjc;

from strength, nor a sound originating by a routing of the enemy,

aXka tpcGvfjv s^apxovTCOv oivod sycb aKODCo i 9 + Kai

but a sound originating from wine I hear. And

rjviKa fjyyi^s tt| 7iaps|iPoAxj opd tov |ioa%ov Kai

when he approached the camp, he sees the calf and

todc; %opovq Kai opyia0sk; Gdjico Mocmafjc;

the company of dancers. And [ being provoked to anger in rage Moses]

sppuj/sv arco tcov xsipcbv aDTOD Tac; 5do iiXaKaq Kai

tossed from his hands the two tablets, and

oDVSTpi\j/sv aDTdc; D7i6 to opoq 20 + Kai taxpcbv tov

he broke them below the mountain. And having taken the

|ioa%ov ov S7ioir|aav KaTSKaDosv aDTOV 7iDp( Kai

calf which they made, he incinerated it [in] fire, and

KaTfjXsasv aDTOV A,S7tt6v Kai sarcsipsv aDTOV S7U to

ground it fine, and sowed it upon the

D5cop Kai S7iOTiasv aDTO todc; diodc; IapafjA, 21 + Kai

water, and made [ drink it the sons of Israel]. And


32 ±


02 - Exodus

S17T8 MooDafjc; npoq Aapcbv xi 87io(r|a8 aoi

Moses said to Aaron, What did [ do to you

o Xaoq omoq 6xi S7rqyayec; 87i' avzovq ajiapxiav

this people] that you brought upon them [ sin

jisydAxjv 22 + mi S17T8V Aapcbv npoq MooDafjv |ir|

a great]? And Aaron said to Moses, [Be] not

opyi^ou Kopie &lt;td yap oidaq xo 6p|ir||ia

provoked to anger, O master! for you know the impulse

xod Xclov xot3xod 23 + Xzjovgi yap |ioi 7iorr|aov r\[iiv

of this people. For they say to me, Make us

dzovq oi 7rpo7iop8T3aovxai r\[i(bv o yap Moyoaf|c;

gods! which shall go before us, for [ Moses

omoq o dv0pco7ro(; oq e^fjyaysv r\[iaq e£, AiyimxoD

this man], who led us out of Egypt,

odk o(8a|isv xi ysyovsv auxcb

we do not know what has happened to him.

24+ Kai si7ia aDxoiq xivi D7idp%£i %pvaia nspisksaQs

And I said to them, Anyone who possesses pieces of gold, remove [them] !

Kai s5coKdv |ioi Kai eppuj/a sic; xo nvp Kai

And they gave them to me, and I tossed [them] into the fire, and
s^fjXGev o [ioa%oq omoq 25+ Kai i8cbv Moyoofjc; xov

there came forth this calf. And Moses seeing the

Xaov 6x1 5ieaK88aaxai 8isaKs8aas yap avzovq

people, that they have been dispersed, [ dispersed for them

Aapcbv S7i(xap|ia xoic; D7ievavx(oic; auxcbv 26 +

Aaron] [to be a] derision to their opponents.

saxrj McoDafjc; S7U Tr\q 7ivXr\q Tr\q 7iape|iPoAT|c; Kai

Moses stood at the gate of the camp, and

81718 Tiq npoq Kopiov IXCO 7ipO(; (IS CTDVfjXGoV OUV

he said, Who [is] for [the] LORD? Come to me! [ came together Then

7ipoc; auxov navTsq 01 moi Asm 27+ Kai Aiyei auxofc;

to him all the sons of Levi]. And he says to them,

xd8s Aiyei Kopioc; o dsoq IopafjX 6sxs SKaaxoq

Thus says [the] LORD God of Israel, Let [ put each]

xrjv sauxoi) pojicpaiav em xov jxrjpov Kai 8isX0axe

[on] himself a broadsword upon his thigh! And let him go through

Kai avaKd|i\j/axs arco 7ivhr\q em Ttvh\v 8id Tr\q

and return from gate to gate through the

7iap£|iPoAx|c; Kai a7ioKxsivaxs SKaaxoq

camp! and let [ kill each]

xov aSeAxpov avTOV Kai SKaaxoq xov 7rAx|criov avzov Kai

his brethren, and each his neighbor, and


32 ±

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus
SKaaxoq xov eyyiaxa aDxoD 28 + Kai S7ioir|aav oi dioi

each the one nearest him! And [ did the sons

Asdi Ka0&amp; sX&amp;Arjasv aDxofc; McoDafjc; Kai £7C£aov sk

of Levi] as [ said to them Moses]. And there fell of

tod Xaov sv ttj rjjispa 8KSIVTJ xpia%iAioDc; dvdpaq 29 +

the people in that day three thousand males.

Kai 817T8V aDxofc; McoDafjc; £7cAx|pcbaax£

And [ said to them Moses], You filled

xac; %8ipac; djicdv afjjiepov Kopioo eraaxoc; sv

your hands today to [the] LORD; each [one] on

too aSeAxpcb Kai mcb 5o6fjvai scp' v[idq SD^oyiav 30 +

[his] brother, and [his] son, to give upon you a blessing.

Kai eyevexo jiexd xrjv dDpiov si7i8 McoDafjc; npoq xov

And it came to pass after the next morning, Moses said to the

Xaov djisic; r||iapxf|Kaxe ajiapxiav jisydAxjv Kai vdv

people, You have sinned [ sin a great]. And now

avapfjaojiai npoq xov 0s6v iva e^iA,daco|iai 7isp(

I will ascend to God, that I might make atonement on account of

xrjc; ajiapxiac; djicdv 31 + D7csoxpe\j/e 5s McoDafjc; npoq

your sin. [ returned And Moses] to

Kopiov Kai 81718 Seojiai Kl3pi8 T||ldpxr|KSV

[the] LORD, and said, I beseech O LORD, [ have sinned

0 Xaoq omoq ajiapxiav jisydAxjv Kai S7ro(r|aav saDxoic;

this people sin a great], and made to themselves

Gsodc; xpvaovq 32 + Kai vdv si jiev acpeic; aDxoiq

golden gods. And now, if forasmuch as you forgive them

xrjv ajiapxiav aDxcbv dtpec; si 8e |ir| s^d^suj/ov jie sk

of their sin— forgive! But if not, wipe me away from out of

xrjc; ptpioD aoD r\q eypayac; 33 + Kai 8i7i8 Kopioc; npoq

your book of which you wrote! And [the] LORD said to

MoQDafjv si xic; r||idpxr|K8v svcb7ri6v |iod e^a^euj/co

Moses, If any sin before me, I will wipe

aDxotic; sk xrjc; ptp^oD jiod 34+ vdv 8s pd8i^e Kai

them from out of my book. And now, proceed, and

oSfjyrjaov xov Xaov xodxov sic; xov x67rov ov si7rd

guide this people into the place which I told

001 i8od o dyjskoq |iod 7rpo7iop8Da8xai 7ipo

to you! Behold, my angel shall go forth before

7ipoacb7i;oD aoD rj 8' av rjjiepa S7riaKS7rxco|iai S7cd^co

your face, and in whatever day I should visit, I will bring

871 ' aDxotic; xrjv ajiapxiav aDxcbv 35 + Kai S7tdxa^e Kopioc;

upon them their sin. And [the] LORD struck


33 3fr


02 - Exodus

xov Xaov 7isp( Tr\q 7ioif|asooc; tod [ioa%ov ov

the people on account of the making of the calf, which

£7io(r|aev Aapcbv

Aaron made.

i + Kai S17T8 Kopioc; 7ipoc; Moyoafjv 7rpo7iop8T3oD avdpr|6i

And [the] LORD said to Moses, Go forth, ascend

svtst308V &lt;7D Kai o Xaoq aoi) ovq e^fjyaysq sk

from here, you and your people! whom you led from out of

yr\q AiyimTOD sic; rr|v yrjv r|v cbjioaa tod

[the] land of Egypt, into the land which I swore by an oath [to]

APpa&amp;ji Kai too Iaa&amp;K Kai tod IaKcbp Aiyoov too

Abraham, and [to] Isaac, and [to] Jacob, saying, To

a7T8p|iaTi djicov 8obaoo avTT\v 2 + Kai auva7roaTsAxb

your seed I will give it. And I will send along

tov dyyslov jiod 7ipo 7rpoac&amp;7roD aou Kai SKfiaksi tov

my angel before your face; and he will cast out the

Ajioppaiov Kai Xsrcaiov Kai Osps^aiov Kai

Amorite, and Hittite, and Perizzite, and

Tspysoaiov Kai Euaiov Kai IsPouaaiov Kai

Gergesite, and Hivite, and Jebusite, and

Xavavaiov 3+ Kai siad^oo as sic; yrjv psouaav yaka

Canaanite. And I will bring you into a land flowing milk

Kai jisAi od yap |ir| awavapcb jistoc aoi) 81a

and honey. [ not For I will] go up with you, because

to tov Axxov aKlr|poTpd%r|X6v as sivai (va

[ people a hard-necked you are], that

|xr| s^avaAxbaoo as sv tt| o5oa 4 + Kai aKouaac; o

I should not completely consume you in the way. And [ hearing the

Xaoq to pfjjia to 7iovr|p6v totjto KaTS7isv6r|asv sv

people saying this severe], mourned in

7tsv9iko(c; 5+ Kai si7is Kopioc; toic; vioiq IapafjX djisic;

mourning. And [the] LORD said to the sons of Israel, You [are]
Xaoq aKAr|poTpd%r|Ax)c; opdTS |ir| 7iAx|yf|v dAAxjv sycb

a people hard-necked; see that [ do not calamity another I

S7idyoD scp' v[iaq Kai s^avaAxbaoo Djidc; vdv ouv

bring] upon you! and should completely consume you. Now then

acpsA,sa0s zaq azoXaq todv 5o^cbv ujicbv Kai tov

remove [ apparels your glorious], and the

Koajiov Kai 8s(^od aoi a 7ioif|aoa aoi 6 + Kai

ornament! and I will show to you what I will do to you. And


33 3fr

8V TOUT© + VlKa

02 - Exodus

7rspis(A,avTO 01 uioi IapafjA, tov kocjjiov auxcbv Kai

[removed the sons of Israel] their ornamentation, and

TTJV 7T8piaTOXflV a7TO TOD OpOUq TOD X(Bpf|P i+ K(Xl

the attire at the mountain ofHoreb. And

Xaficbv M(£&gt;var\q rrjv aKTjvfjv avmv S7ir|^8V s^co Tr\q

Moses, taking his tent, pitched outside the

7tape|i(3oAxic; jiaKpav goto Tr\q 7rape|iPoAx|c; Kai

camp far from the camp. And

SKAx|6r| aKTjvfj tod |iapTDpiou Kai syevsTO naq o

it was called— Tent of Testimony. And it came to pass, all the [ones]


seeking the LORD went forth unto the tent outside

Tr\q 7rap8|j|k)ATjc; 8+r|viKa8'av sios7iopei3sTO Ma&gt;ijaf|c;

the camp. And whenever Moses entered

sic; ttjv aKTjvfiv s^co Tr\q 7iaps[LPohf\q eiaTfjKei naq o

into the tent outside the camp, [ stood all the

Xaoq aK07r£DOVT£c; SKaoToq 7iapa Tag Qvpaq

people] watching, each [one] by the door

Tr\q &lt;jKr\vr\q olvtov Kai KaTSVOOuaav amovTOc; Mcouafj

of his tent. And they contemplated Moses' going away

scoq tod eiasXGeiv auTOV sic; ttjv aKTjvfjv 9+ coq 8s

unto his entering into the tent. And as

eiafjABs Mcouafjc; sic; tt|v aKqvfjv KaTsPaivsv o

Moses entered into the tent, [ came down the

GTvXoq Tr\q vscpsAxjc; Kai (aTaTO S7U tt|v 0i3pav Tr\q

column of cloud] and stood at the door of the

aKTjvfjc; Kai zkaksi Moyoafj io+ Kai scbpa naq o Xaoq

tent, and he spoke to Moses. And [ saw all the people]

tov gtvXov Tr\q vscpsAxjc; soTCOTa 8711 Tr\q dvpaq Tr\q

the column of cloud standing by the door of the

oKTjvfjc; Kai (crcaTO naq o Xaoq Kai 7ipoasKwr|aav

tent. And [stood all the people]. And they did obeisance,

SKacxcoc; ano Tr\q dvpaq Tr\q GKr\vr\q avzov n+ Kai

each from the door of his tent. And

sAxxAxjas Kupioq 7rpoq Mcouafiv svcb7iioc; 8vco7iico cdc;

[the] LORD spoke to Moses face to face, as

si tic; XaXfjaai 7ipoc; tov sauTOU (p(A,ov Kai anskvsTO

if any might speak to his own friend. And he retired

sic; ttjv 7iaps|iPoAr|v o 8s 0spd7rcov Irjoouc; o vioq

into the camp. And the attendant Joshua, the son

Nai)fj VSOq ODK S^S7TOpSl)STO SK TT\q GKT\vr\q 12 +

of Nun, a young [man], did not go forth from out of the tent.

33 3fr


02 - Exodus

Kai 8i7i8 McDDafjc; itpoq Kupiov idov gv jioi Aiysic;

And Moses said to [the] LORD, Behold, you say to me,

avdyays xov Xaov xouxov gv 8s odk sSfjlcoadc; jioi ov

Lead this people! But you manifested not tome whom

aDva7roaxsXsfo; jisx' sjioi) gv 8s jioi sinaq o(8d as

you shall send along with me. But you said to me, I know you

7iapd rcavxac; Kai %apiv 8 % 8l( ^ 7ra P 8 I 10 ^ 13 + 81 ovv

above all, and [ favor you have] with me. If then

stiprjKa %dpiv svavxiov aou sjicpdviaov jioi asauxov

I have found favor before you, reveal to me yourself

yvcoaxcbc; (va (8co as oncoq av co SDprjKcbc;

knowingly! that I might see you, how ever I should be found

Xdpiv svavxiov aou Kai iva yvcb 6xi Xaoq gov

in favor before you; and that I might know, that [ [is] your people

xo s0voq xot3xo H + Kai Aiysi auxoc; 7ipo7iopsT3ao|iai

this nation]. And he says, I myself will go before

gov Kai Kaxa7iai3acD as 15+ Kai Xsysi npoq avzov

you, and will rest you. And he says to him,

si jitj gv avToq 7iopsT3r| jisG' r\[i(bv [ir\ jis avaydyrjc;

Unless you yourself should go with us, [ not me you should lead]

svxsi)0sv 16+ Kai Ticnq yvcoaxov saxai aAxjGcbc; 6x1

from here. And how [ be made known will it truly] that

stiprjKa %apiv ^ocpd aoi sycb xs Kai o Xaoq gov

I have found favor by you — I and also your people,

aXX' T| aD|i7ropsi)0|isvoD aoi) |is6' r||icbv Kai

unless you [are] going with us, and

sv8o^aa9f|ao|iai sycb xs Kai o Xaoq gov 7iapd rcdvxa

[ will be glorified both I and your people] by all

xa sGvrj 6aa sm xrjc; yr\q saxiv 17+ si7is 8s Kopioc;

the nations, as many as [ upon the earth are]? [ said And [the] LORD]

7ipoc; McoDafjv Kai xcroxov aoi xov Xoyov ov

to Moses, And this [ to you word which

siprjKaq 7ioifjacG stiprpcac; yap %apiv svco7iiov [iov Kai

you have said I will do], for you have found favor before me, and

o(8d as 7iapd rcdvxac; ig+ Kai Aiysi dsitpv |ioi

I know you above all. And he says, Show to me

xttv asai)xoi3 86^av 19+ Kai si7isv sycb 7iapsA,si)ao|iai

your own glory! And he said, I will go by

rcpoxspoc; gov xr| 86^r| jiod Kai KaAiaco xco ovojiaxi

in front of you [in] my glory; and I will call the name,

Kopioc; svavxiov gov Kai sA,sf|aco ov av

[the] LORD, before you; and I will show mercy [on] whom ever


34 lb

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus
sXscb Kai oiKxsipfjaco ov av oiKisipcb 20+ Kai

I should show mercy, and I will pity whom ever I should pity. And

S17T8V od 8Dvfjar| i8siv to 7ip6aco7r6v jiod od yap jirj

he said, You will not be able to see my face, for not in any way

(8r| &amp;v0p&lt;jO7ioc; to 7ip6aco7r6v jiod Kai ^fjasTai 21 + Kai

may [ see man] my face, and shall live. And

S17TS KDpiOq l80D T07TOC; 7iap' SJIOl Kai aTTjarj S7U

[the] LORD said, Behold, a place by me. And you shall stand upon

Tr\q 7iSTpac; 2 2+r|viKa5' av 7iapsX9rj rj 86^a jiod Kai

the rock; and when ever [ should go by my glory], even

6fja&lt;D as sic; 07ifjv rrjc; nsipaq Kai aKS7idaco tt|

I will put you into an opening in the rock, and I will shelter with

Xsipi jiod S7U as scoq av 7iapsA,0co 23 + Kai acpsAxb

my hand upon you until whenever I should go by. And I shall remove

ttjv %s(pa Kai tots 6\j/si Ta O7i(aco jiod to 8s

the hand, and then you shall see the rear of me, but

7ip6a&lt;j07i6v jiod odk ocpGfjasTai aoi

my face will not appear to you.

34 7b

1 + Kai si7is Kopioc; 7ipoc; McoDafjv Xd^sDaov asaDTcb

And [the] LORD said to Moses, Dress to yourself

8do 7rXdKac; Xidivaq Kad'cbq Kai ai 7rpd)Tai Kai

two tablets of stone, as also the first, and

avdpr|6i 7ipoc; |is sic; to opoq Kai ypd\j/&lt;jo S7U tcov

ascend to me into the mountain! and I will write upon the

7iA,aKcbv Ta pfjjiaTa a rjv sv zmq itkatqi

tablets the words which [were] upon the [ tablets

Taiq 7ipcoTai(; aq aDVSTpuj/ac; 2 + Kai yivoD stoijioc; ziq

first], which you broke. And come prepared in

T07ipcoi Kai avapfjasic; sm to opoq to Siva Kai

the morning! and you shall ascend upon mount Sinai, and

aTfjarj jioi sksi S7i' dKpoD tod opoDc; 3+ Kai jxrjSsk;

you shall stand there to me upon [the] tip of the mountain. And [let] no one

avapfjTCO jiSTd aoD |irj8s ocpGfjTca sv rcavTi tcd opsi

ascend with you, nor appear in all the mountain!

Kai Ta 7ip6paTa Kai 01 Pose; jirj vsjisaGcoaav

And the sheep and the oxen [let them] not feed

7rAxja(ov tod opoDc; sksivod 4 + Kai sXd^sDas 8do

neighboring that mountain! And he dressed two


34 lb


02 - Exodus

nkaxaq MKvac; Ka0d7iep Kai ai 7ipcoTai Kai

tablets of stone, just as also the first. And

opGpiaac; Moyoafjc; T07ipcoi avsprj eic; to opoq to Xivd

Moses rising early in the morning ascended unto mount Sinai,

KaGoTi (XovsTa^sv avzcb Kopioc; Kai shafts Mcovar\q

in so far as [ordered him [the] LORD]. And Moses took

|is9' eaDTOD zaq 8do nXaKaq zaq Xidivaq 5+ Kai

with himself the two tablets, the ones of stone. And

KaTsPrj Kopioc; ev vscpeAxj Kai 7iapsaTr| avzcb 8ks( Kai

[the] LORD came down in a cloud, and stood beside him there. And

SKdXsae too ovojiaTi KopioD 6 + Kai 7rapfjA,9e Kopioq

he called [by] the name of [the] LORD. And [the] LORD went by

7ipo 7ipoacb7roD avzov Kai SKd^eas Kopioc; Kopioc;

before his face, and called [out], [The] LORD, [The] LORD

o Bsoq oiKTipjicov Kai sXefjiicov |iaKp60D|ioc; Kai

God, pitying and merciful, lenient and

itoXvskzoq Kai ahr\d\voq 7+ Kai 8iKaioawr|v 5iaTT|pcbv

full of mercy and true, and [ righteousness observing],

Kai 7roicbv ZXzoq sic; xiAidSac; acpaipcbv avojiiaq Kai

and doing mercy for thousands, removing lawlessnesses, and

a8iKia&lt;; Kai ajiapTiaq Kai tov svoxov od

iniquities, and sins; and the [ones] liable he will not

KaGapiei S7idycov avojjiac; 7raTspcov £7U T8Kva Kai

cleanse; bringing [the] lawlessnesses of [the] fathers upon [the] children, and

8711 T8KVa TSKVCOV 8711 TpiTTjV Kai TSTdpTTJV ySV8aV

upon [the] children of [the] children, unto [the] third and fourth generation.

8 + Kai amvaaq McoDafjc; Kvyaq S7U tt|v yrjv

And Moses hastening, bowing upon the earth,

7cpoa£K6vr|ae 9 + Kai si7i8v si SDprjKa %dpiv svcb7ri6v

did obeisance. And he said, If I have found favor before

aoD ai)(i7rop8D0f|TCD o Kopioc; jiod jis0' rjjicbv o Xaoq

you, let [ go my LORD] with us! [the people

yap aKAx|poTpd%r|A,6c; 8&lt;xci Kai acpsXsfc; av zaq

For] are hard-necked. And you shall remove the

ajiapTiac; Kai Tac; avojiiaq r||icbv Kai eaojieGd aoi 10 +

sins, and our lawless deeds, and we will be yours.

Kai S17T8 Kopioc; 7ipoc; MoaDafjv i8od sycb Ti0r||ii aoi

And [the] LORD said to Moses, Behold, I establish with you

8ia6fjKT|v svcb7riov navToq tod Axxod aoi) Kai 7ioifjacD

a covenant before all your people. And I will do

ev8o^a a od ysyovsv sv 7idar| ttj yrj Kai cv

honorable, which has not happened in all the earth, and with


34 lb


02 - Exodus

7iavTi s0vsi Kai 6\j/sxai 7iaq o Xaoq sv oic; si au

any nation. And [ shall see all the people among whom you are]

xa spya Kupiou 6xi 0au|iaaxd saxiv a sycb 7ioif|aco

the works of [the] LORD, for it is wonderful what I will do

aoi 11+ 7ip6as%s au rcdvxa 6aa sycb svxsAlojiai aoi

for you. You heed all as much as I give charge to you!

i8ou sycb SKpaAAxb 7ipo 7rpoacb7rou ujicbv xov

Behold, I cast out before your face the

Ajioppaiov Kai xov Xavavaiov Kai xov Xsxxaiov Kai

Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and

xov Osps^aiov Kai xov Euaiov Kai xov Tspysaaiov

the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Gergesite,

Kai xov IsPouaaiov u + 7ip6as%s asauxcb |xq rcoxs

and the Jebusite. Take heed to yourself! lest at any time

Grjc; 5ia0fjKT|v xoic; syKa0r||isvoic; S7U xrjc; yrjc;

you should establish a covenant [with] the ones lying in wait upon the land,

sic; Tjv sia7iopsur| sic; auxfjv jifj rcoxs ysvrjxai

into which you enter into it, lest at any time it become

7tp6aKO|i|ia sv Djiiv 13 + xouc; Pcojiouc; auxcbv Ka0sA,s(xs

an occasion of stumbling to you. Their shrines you shall demolish,

Kai xac; axfjiac; auxcbv auvxpnj/sxs Kai xa 6Xar\ auxcbv

and their monuments you shall break, and their sacred groves

skko\j/sxs Kai xa yXvma xoov 0scbv auxcbv

you shall cut down, and the carvings of their gods

Kaxarauasxs 7rup( n+ouyap jit] 7ipoaKuvf|ar|xs

you shall incinerate in fire. For you should not do obeisance to

0scb sxspco o yap Kupioc; o 0s6c; ^rjlcoxov ovojia 0s6c;

other gods. For [the] LORD God, a jealous name, [God

tj\kxoTf\q soxi i 5 + ixq rcoxs Qr\q 8ia0fjKr|v xoic;

is a jealous]; lest at any time you should establish a covenant with the ones

syKa0r||isvoic; srci xrjc; yr\q Kai SKrcopvsuacoaiv orciaco

lying in wait upon the land, and they should fornicate after

xcov 0scbv auxcbv Kai 0uacoai xoic; 0so(c; auxcbv Kai

their gods, and should sacrifice to their gods, and

KaXsacocri as Kai cpdyrjc; xcov 0uaicbv auxcbv i 6 + Kai

they should call you, and you should eat of their sacrifices; and

AxxPrjc; xcov 0uyaxspcov auxcbv xoic; vioiq aou Kai

you should take of their daughters to your sons, and

xcov 0uyaxspcov aou 8coc; xoic; vioiq auxcbv Kai

of your daughters you should give to their sons; and

SKrcopvsuacoaiv ai 0uyaxspsq aou orciaco

[ should fornicate your daughters] after


34 lb

02 - Exodus

xcov 0scbv aDxcbv Kai 8K7iopv8T3aoi)aiv xodc; diodc; GOV

their gods, and [ will fornicate your sons]

O7i(aco xcov 6scbv aDxcbv 17+ Kai dzovq %covsdxodc;

after their gods. And [ gods molten

od 7ioif|0£ic; aeaDxcb ig+ Kai xrjv sopxfjv xcov

you shall not make to yourself]. And the holiday of the

a£/6|icov (pDAxx^rj ercxa rjiiepac; cpayf| d£/D|ia

unleavened [breads] you shall guard; seven days you shall eat unleavened [breads],

Ka0&amp;7rsp evxsxaljiai aoi eic; xov Kaipov sv jirjvi

just as I gave charge to you, at the time in [the] month

xcov vscov svyap xco jirjvi xcov vscov s^fjXGsc;

of the new [produce]. For in the month of the new [produce] you came forth

AiyimxoD i 9 + 7iav 8iavo(yov jxqxpav ejioi xa

out of Egypt. All opening wide [the] womb ~ to me [are] the

apasviKd 7ipcox6xoKov |ioa%OD Kai rcpoPaxoD 20+ Kai

males; first-born of [the] calf, and of [the] sheep. And

7ipcox6xoKov D7ro^Dyioi) Ampcbarj 7ipopdxco sdv 8e

a first-born beast of burden you shall ransom [with a] sheep. But if

|iT| Ampcborj ai)xo xijifjv Scbaeic; aDxoD 7iav

you will not ransom it, [ value you shall give] for it. Every

7ipcox6xoKov xcov mcbv aoi) Ampcoarj odk ocp6f|ar|

first-born of your sons you shall ransom. You shall not appear

SVCb7ll6v |IOD K8VOq

before me empty.

21 + s£, rjiispaq spya xrj 8e rjjiepa xrj sp56jLir|

Six days you shall work, but the [ day seventh

Kaxa7iai&gt;aeic; xco a7i6pco Kai xco a|xqxcb Kaxa7iaDai(; 22 +

you shall rest ~ in the sowing and in the harvest you shall rest.

Kai sopxfjv ep8o|id8cov 7roifjasic; jioi apxfjv

And a holiday of a period of sevens you shall observe to me, [the] beginning

6epia|ioD 7ropcbv Kai sopxfjv &lt;xovaycoyfjc; jisaowcoc;

of [the] harvest of wheat, and a holiday gathering being in the middle

xod sviaDxoD 23+ xpsiq Kaipotic; xod sviaDxoD

of the year. Three times of the year

ocpGfjasxai 7iav apaeviKov aoi) svcb7iiov KopioD

[ shall appear every male of yours] before [the] LORD

xod 0sod IopafjX 24+ oxavyap SKpdAxo xa s0vr| arco

God of Israel. For whenever I shall cast out the nations from

7ipoacb7ioi) aoi) Kai 7iXaxDvcb xa opid aoi)

your face, and I widen your borders,

odk S7n0D|if|asi odSsic; xrjc; yr\q aoD rjviKa av avaPaivrjc;

[ shall desire no one] your land, when ever you ascend


34 lb


02 - Exodus

ocpGfjvai svavxiov KDpiOD tod 0sod cjod xpsic; Kaipotic;

to appear before [the] LORD your God three times

TOD SViaDTOD 25+ OD OCpd^SlC; 8711 £6jJT| a(|ia

a year. You shall not slay [ with yeast [the] blood

0Dai(Xa|I&amp;TCDV |IOD Kai OD KOl|IT|0f|O8Tai Siq TO7lpC0l

of my sacrifices]; and [ shall not remain through the night into the morning

0D|iaxa sopxT\q tod 7cdo%a 26 + Ta

that which is offered in sacrifices] for [the] holiday of the passover. The

7ipcoToyswf||iaTa Tr\q yr\q aoD eiooiasic; eic; tov oikov

first produce of your land you shall carry into the house

KDpiOD tod 0SOD ood ov% s\\fr\asiq dpva sv

of [the] LORD your God. You shall not boil a lamb in

Y&amp;AXXKTI |IT|Tp6(; aDTOD 27 + K(Xl 81718 KDpiOq 7CpOC;

[the] milk of [its] mother. And [the] LORD said to

McoDafjv ypd\j/ov aeaDTcb Ta pfjjiaTa tocdtoc 87ci yap

Moses, Write to yourself these words! for upon

tcov Xoycov todtcov TsGsijiai aoi 5ia6fjKT|v Kai tco

these words I have established to you a covenant, and [to]

IapafjX 28+ Kai r|v sksi McoDafjq evavTi KDpiOD

Israel. And [ was there Moses] before [the] LORD

TeoaapdKovTa rjjiepac; Kai TeoaapdKovTa VDKTac;

forty days and forty nights.

dpTOV odk scpaye Kai D8cop odk S7C18 Kai sypa\j/ev

Bread he did not eat, and water he did not drink. And he wrote

£7U tcov 7cA,aKcbv Ta pfjjiaTa TaDTa Tr\q SiaGfjKTjc; zovq

upon the tablets these words of the covenant — the

5sKa Xoyovq 29+ coc; 5s KaTePaivs McoDafjq sk

ten words. And as Moses went down from

tod opoDc; Eivd Kai ai Sdo nXaKsq sni tcov

mount Sinai, even the two tablets [were] upon the

%sipcbv McoDafj KaTaPaivovToq 5e aDTOD sk tod

hands of Moses. [ going down And in his] from the

opoDc; Kai McoDafjc; odk fj5ei 6ti 5e56^a&lt;xcai r|

mountain, even Moses did not know that [ was glorified the

6\\f\q tod xpcoToq tod 7cpoacb7COD aDTOD sv

appearance of the complexion of his face] in

tco Xaksiv avTOV aDTcb 30 + Kai e(8ev Aapcbv Kai

his speaking to him. And [ saw Aaron and

7tdvTSc; 01 Dioi IapafjX tov McoDafjv Kai rjv

all the sons of Israel] Moses; and he was

8s5o^aa|i8vr| r| 6\j/ic; tod xpcoToq

being glorified in the appearance of the complexion



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

tod 7ipoaco7roD avTOV Kai scpopfjGrjaav syyiaai auxcb 31 +

of his face. And they feared to approach him.

Kai SK&amp;Xsaev avzovq Mamofjc; Kai S7r£axpd(pr|Gav

And [called them Moses]; and [turned

7rpoc; auxov Aapcbv Kai 7idvxec; 01 dp%ovxec; Tr\q

towards him Aaron] and all the rulers of the

aDvaycoyfjq Kai eAxxAxjaev auxofc; McoDafjq 32+ Kai

congregation. And [spoke to them Moses]. And

jisxd xatixa 7ipoaf|Ai)ov itpoq auxov navTsq 01 mot

after these [things] came forward to him all the sons

IapafjX Kai evsxeiXaxo auxoic; 7idvxa 6aa

of Israel. And he gave charge to them all as much as

sldAxjae Kupioc; 7ipoq auxov sv xco opei Siva 33 + Kai

[the] LORD spoke to him on mount Sinai. And

87i8i5f| Kax87iai)a8 Xakfov itpoq avzovq e7re9r|Ksv S7ri

as soon as he rested speaking to them, he placed upon

xo 7ip6aco7rov auxou KdA,D|i(ia 34+ rjviKa 8' av

his face a covering. And when ever

8ia87iop8T38xo Moyoafjc; evavxi KDpioi) Xaksiv auxcb

Moses entered before [the] LORD to speak to him,

7ispir|p8ixo xo Kd?u)|i|ia scoq xou £K7iopsi)£a0ai Kai

he removed the covering until exiting. And

s^eAi)cbv sAxx^si 7idai xoic; vioiq IapafjX 60a

going forth he spoke to all the sons of Israel, as much as

svsxeiAxxxo auxcb Kupioc; 35+ Kai e(8ov 01 dioi lapar\k

[ gave charge to him [the] LORD]. And [saw the sons of Israel]

xo 7ip6aco7rov Mcouaecoc; 6x1 5e86^aaxai Kai

the face of Moses, that it was glorified; and

7ispis0r|Ks Mcouafjc; KdA,u|i|ia S7ri xo 7ip6aco7rov auxou

Moses put [the] covering upon his face

ecoc; av eiaeXGrj avXXaXsiv auxcb

until whenever he entered to converse together with him.

35 rh

1 + Kai auvqGpoiae Mcouafjc; 7idaav auvaycoyfjv uicbv

And Moses gathered together all [the] congregation of [the] sons

IapafjA, Kai ei7ie npoq auxouc; ouxoi 01 Xoyoi ouc;

of Israel. And he said to them, These [are] the words which

81718 Kupioq 7ioifjaai auxouc; 2+8^ r[\i£paq no\f[G^\q

[the] LORD told them to do. Six days you shall do

spy a xt| 8s rjjispa xrj sp86|ir| Kaxd7iauasic; dyia

works, but on the [ day seventh] you shall rest a holy




02 - Exodus

adppaxa avd7rai)ai(; too Kopioo itaq o 7ioicbv epyov

Sabbath rest to the LORD; every one doing work

sv aDifj xsA^suxaxoo 3+ ou Kauaexs itvp sv 7idar|

on it — let him come to an end. You shall not burn a fire in any [place]

ttj KaxoiKia djicov sv xtj rjjiepa xcov aappdxcov sycb

of your house on the day of the Sabbaths — I [am]

Kopioc; 4+ mi S17T8 McoDofiq 7ipoc; 7idaav &lt;yovaycDyf|v

[the] LORD. And Moses said to all [the] congregation

mcbv IopafjA, Aiyoov xouxo xo pfjjia o

of [the] sons of Israel, saying, This [is] the saying which

(Tovsxa^s Kopioc; Aiyoov 5+ Xdpsxs 7iap' ujicbv auxcbv

[the] LORD ordered, saying, Take from yourselves of them ~

acpaipsjia Kopioo naq o Kaxa8e%6|ievoc; xr| Kap8ia

a choice-portion [to the] LORD. Every one appreciating [in his] heart

oiaoDai xac; anapyaq Kopioa %pua(ov apyupiov

shall bring the first-fruits [to the] LORD ~ gold, silver,

XoXkov 6+ udKivGov ftopcptipav kokkivov dmXovv

brass, blue, purple, scarlet [ double

8iavsvr|a|i8vov Kai ptiaaov KSKlcoa|i8vr|v Kai xp(%ac;

being spun], and linen being twined, and hair

aiyeiac; 7+ Kai 5sp|iaxa Kpicbv T}pi)0po8avco|ieva Kai

of goats, and skins of rams dyed red, and

Sspjiaxa uaKivGiva Kai ^vXa dar|7rxa 8 + Kai eAmov

skins of blue, and [ wood incorruptible], and oil

eic; xttv (pavaiv Kai Gujiiajia eic; xo sAmov xrjc;

for the giving light, and incense for the oil of the

Xpiaecoq Kai eic; xttv crovGeaiv xou 0D|iid|iaxoc; 9 + Kai

anointing, and for the compound of the incense, and

AiBouc; aap8(ouc; Kai XiQovq eic; xt|v ykv(pr\v eic; xt|v

stones of sardius, and stones for the carving for the

S7ico|ii8a Kai sic; xov Xoyeiov 10+ Kai rcac; o aocpoc;

shoulder-piece and for the oracle. And all the wise

xtj 8iavo(a sv djiiv eABcbv spya^saGco 7idvxa 6aa

in thought among you, in coming, let him work all [things] as much as

owexa^e Kopioc; u+ xrjv aKTjvfjv Kai xa 7iapapi)|iaxa

[the] LORD ordered ~ the tent, and the [covering] sheets of leather,

Kai xa KaxaKaM)|i|iaxa Kai xa 8iax6via Kai xodc;

and the coverings, and the clasps, and the

GTvXovq Kai xouc; [LO%Xovq Kai xouc; naaaakovq Kai

posts, and the bars, and the pegs, and

xaq pdosiq 12+ xttv kiPcoxov Kai xouc; avacpopeic; auxfjc;

bases, the ark, and [its] bearing poles,



02 - Exodus

Kai to i^aaxfjpiov Kai to Kaxa7iexaa|ia 13+ Kai xrjv

and the atonement-seat, and the veil, and the

xparce^av Kai xodc; avacpopeic; avTT\q Kai rcdvxa

table, and [its] bearing poles, and all

xa 0K8DT] aDxfj^ Kai xodc; dpxoDc; xrjc; 7ipo0£aecoc; 14 +

[its] utensils, and the bread loaves of the place setting,

Kai xrjv h)%viav xod cpcoxoc; Kai rcdvxa

and the lamp-stand of the light, and all

xa aKstirj aDxfjc; Kai xodc; Xvyyovq avTT\q Kai xo sXaiov

[its] utensils, and [its] lamps, and the oil

xod cpcoxoc; 15+ Kai xo 6i)oiaaxfjpiov xod 0D|iid|iaxoc;

of the light, and the altar of the incense,

Kai xodc; avacpopeic; aDxoD Kai xo eA,aiov xrjc;

and the bearing poles of it, and the oil for the

Xpiaecoq Kai 0D|i(a|ia xrjc; aDvBsascoq Kai xo

anointing, and incense for the composition, and the

S7i(a7raaxpov xrjc; dvpaq Tr\q GKr\vr\q i 6 + Kai xo

draw curtain for the door of the tent, and the

GDoiaaxfjpiov xod oXoKaDxcbjiaxoc; Kai xrjv ea%dpav

altar of the whole burnt-offering, and [ grate

aDxoD xrjv %ahd\v Kai xodc; avacpopeic; aDxoD Kai

[its] brass], and [its] bearing poles, and

rcdvxa xa oksdtj aDxoD Kai xov Ax)Dxf|pa Kai

all [its] utensils, and the bathing tub, and

xrjv pdaiv aDxoD 17+ Kai xa laxia Tr\q aDArjc; Kai

it base, and the shrouds of the courtyard, and

xodc; cjxdAxddc; aDxfjc; is + Kai xodc; naaaaXovq xrjc;

[its] posts, and the pegs of the

aKTjvfjc; Kai xac; naaaaXovq Tr\q aDArjc; Kai

tent, and the pegs of the courtyard, and

xa a%oiv(a aDxcbv Kai xac; axoA.dc; xac; ayiaq Aapcbv

their cords, and the [ apparels holy] of Aaron

xod lepeooc; 19+ Kai xac; axoXdq sv aic; XsixoDpyoDaiv

the priest, and the apparels in which they officiate

sv aDxaiq ev xco ayioo Kai xodc; %ixcbvac; xoic; vioiq

in them in the holy place, and the inner garments for the sons

Aapcbv xrjc; lepaxsiac; Kai xo sAmov xod xpiajiaxoc;

of Aaron for the priesthood, and the oil of the anointing,

Kai xo 0D|i(a|ia xrjc; crovGeaecoc; 20+ Kai s^fjXGe 7idaa

and the incense of the composition. And went forth all

aDvaycoyfj dicov lapar\k arco McoDafj 21+ Kai fjvsyKsv

[the] congregation of [the] sons of Israel from Moses. And [brought




02 - Exodus

eraaxoc; cov ecpepev auxcbv r| Kap8(a Kai oiq

each] what [ offered their heart]. And the ones which

e8o^e tt] yv%r\ auxcbv fjveyrav acpaipsjia KDpico

it seemed [good in] their soul brought a choice portion to [the] LORD

sic; rcdvxa xa epya xrjc; GKrjvfjc; xod jiapxupiou Kai

for all the works of the tent of the testimony, and

sic; 7idvxa xa K&amp;xspya avxr\q Kai eic; naaaq xaq

for all the upkeep of it, and for all the

aToXdq xod ay(oi) 22+ Kai fjvsyKav 01 dvSpec; 7iapd

[apparels holy]. And [brought the men] from

xcov ywaiKcbv naq co e8o^ev xr| 5iavo(a

the women every [thing] which seemed [good] in [their] thought.

fjveyKav acppayi8ac; Kai svcbxia Kai 8aKxi)Aioi)c; Kai

They brought seals, and ear-rings, and rings, and

sjurXoKia Kai 7iepi8e^ia 7iav aKetioc; %pvaovv 23 + Kai

wreaths, and right armbands ~ every item of gold. And

7idvx£c; oaoi fjvsyKav acpaipejiaxa %pvaiov Kopico

all as many as brought choice-portions of gold [to the] LORD,

Kai iiaq co eupe0r| 7iap' auxcb dockivGoc; Kai

and all which was found by them of blue, and

7roptpi)pa Kai kokkivov Kai ptiaaoc; Kai 8ep|iaxa

purple, and scarlet, and linen, and skins

Kpicbv rjpi)6po5avco|isva Kai Sepjiaxa uaKivBiva

of rams being dyed red, and skins of blue ~

fjveyrav 24 + Kai rcac; o acpaipcbv xo acpaipejia

they brought. And everyone removing the choice-portion

apyopiov Kai %aAxov fjvsyKav xa acpaipejiaxa xco

silver and brass, brought the choice-portions to the

KDpico Kai 7iap' oiq SDpeGrj £pXa dar|7rxa siq

LORD. And from whomever [ was found wood incorruptible] for

7idvxa xa epya xrjc; 7iapaaKeuf|c; fjveyKav 25+ Kai

all the works of the preparation — they brought. And

7idaa yovfj aocpfj xrj Siavoia xaic; %epa( vfjGeiv

every woman wise in considering with the hands to spin,

fjveyKav vevrjajieva xrjv udKivBov Kai xrjv 7iop(pf)pav

brought [works] being spun — the blue, and the purple,

Kai xo kokkivov Kai xrjv ptiaaov 26+ Kai 7idaai ai

and the scarlet, and the linen. And all the

yDvaiKeq aic; eSo^e xr| 8iavo(a auxcbv ev aocpia

women to whom it seemed [good] in their consideration with wisdom,

evrjaav xac; xpi%ac; xac; aiyeiaq 27+ Kai 01 dp%ovxec;

spun the hair of the goats. And the rulers



8V TOUT© + VlKa

02 - Exodus

fjvsyKav todc; Xidovq Tr\q ajiapdy5oD Kai todc; Xidovq

brought the stones of emerald, and the stones

Tr\q 7rAx|pcoascoc; sic; xrjv S7rco|i(8a Kai sic; to A,oysiov

for the filling in the shoulder-piece, and for the oracle,

28+ Kai zaq aDvBsasic; Kai sic; to sAmov Tr\q %p(ascoc;

and the compositions, and for the oil of the anointing,

Kai ttjv aovBsaiv tod 6i)|iid|iaTO(; 29 + Kai naq avfjp

and the composition of the incense. And every man

Kai ywfj cov scpspsv rj 5idvoia aDTcbv siasA£6vTac;

and woman which brought their consideration, entering

7TOISIV 7idvTa Ta spya 6aa aDVSTa^s Kopioc;

to do all the work; as many as [the] LORD ordered

7ioifjaai at&gt;Td 5id MoQDafjv fjvsyrav 01 dioi IapafjX

them to do through Moses— [brought the sons of Israel]

acpaipsjia Kopico 30 + Kai si7is McoDafjc; toic; vioiq

[the] choice-portion [to the] LORD. And Moses said to the sons

IapafjX i8od avaKSKAr|Ksv o dsoq s^ ovojiaToq

of Israel, Behold, God has called by name

tov BsasXsfjX tov tod Ovpi diod Qp sk Tr\q (pvXr\q

Bezaleel the [son] of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe

IoD8a 31+ Kai svs7iAx|asv avzov 7rvsD|ia 6s(ov aoqnac;

of Judah. And he filled him with [ spirit divine] of wisdom,

Kai odvsoscoc; Kai £7riaTfj|ir|c; 7idvTC0v 32+ ap%iTSKT0vs(v

and understanding, and of higher knowledge of all [things]; to supervise


KaTd 7idvTa Ta spya Tr\q ap%rcsKTOViac; 7ioisiv to

according to all the works of the construction; to prepare the

Xpuaiov Kai to apytipiov Kai tov %aAxov 33+ Kai

gold, and the silver, and the brass, and

AiGoupyfjaai tov AiGov Kai KaTspyd^saGai Ta IqvXa

to cut the stone, and to manufacture the wood [things],

Kai 7roi8iv sv 7iavTi spyco aoqnac; 34+ Kai 7ipoPipdaai

and to produce with every work of wisdom. And [ assistance

ys s8coksv sv ttj 5iavo(a aDTcb ts Kai tco EAidp tco

indeed [God] gave] in the considering to him, and also [to] Aholiab, to the

tod A%iaa|id% sk (pvhf\q Aav 35+ Kai svs7tAr|asv

[son] ofAhisamach, of [the] tribe of Dan. And he filled

avTOvq aoqnac; aDvsascoc; 8iavo(ac; 7idvTa aDvisvai

them [with] wisdom of understanding in considering all [things], to perceive,

7rovfjaai Ta spya tod ayioD Kai Ta DcpavTd Kai

to make the works of the holy place, and the woven [works], and

7roiKiArd Dcpdvai tco kokkivco Kai ttj pDaaco

embroidered works; to weave with the scarlet and with the linen;

36 f7 ev tootco + vtica 02 - Exodus

7T018W 7iav spyov apxiTSKioviaq Kai noudkiaq

to make every work of construction and embroidery.

36 lV

i + Kai 87io(r|as Bsas^sfjA, Kai EAidp Kai naq aotpoc;

And Bezaleel prepared, and Aholiab, and all wise

tt] 8iavo(a co s866r| aocpia Kai S7iiaxfuir| sv auxoic;

in thought, in whom was given wisdom and higher knowledge for them

cyovisvai 7TOISIV rcdvxa xa spya Kaxd xa dyia

to perceive to do all the works [ for the holies,

KaGfjKovxa Kaxd rcdvxa 6aa aovsxa^s KDpioq 2 + Kai

being fit], according to all as much as [the] LORD ordered. And

SKdXsas MoaDafjc; xov BsasXsfjX Kai EAadp Kai rcavxac;

Moses called Bezaleel and Aholiab, and all

Tovq s%ovxac; xrjv aocpiav co sScoksv o Bsoc;

the ones having the wisdom, to whom God gave

87riaxfj|ir|v ev xr| Kap5(a Kai rcavxac; zovq skoucticoc;

higher knowledge in the heart, and all of the [ones] voluntarily

PodAxdjisvodc; 7rpoa7iopsi)sa0ai itpoq xa spya cbaxs

willing to go to the works so as

awcsXsw ai)xd 3+ Kai zkafiov 7iapd Moyoafj rcdvxa

to complete them. And they took from Moses all

xa acpaipsjiaxa a fjvsyKav 01 men lapar\k sic;

the choice-portion offerings which [ brought the sons of Israel] for

rcdvxa xa spya xod ay(oi) rcoisiv ai)xd Kai auxoi

all the works of the holy [place], to prepare them. And they

rcpoas8s%ovxo sxi xa rcpoacpspojisva rcapd xcov

favorably received still the [things] being brought from the [ones]
cpspovxcov rcpcoi rcpcoi 4+ Kai rcapsyivovxo rcdvxsc; 01

bringing morning [by] morning. And [ came all the

aocpoi 01 rcoiowcsc; xa spya xod ayioi) SKaaxoq

wise [ones]], the ones doing the works of the holy [place], each

Kaxd xo sauxoi) spyov o auxoi sipydtpvxo 5 + Kai

according to his own work, which they worked. And

sircav rcpoc; McoDafjv 6xi rcAxjGoc; cpspsi o Xaoq rcapd

they said to Moses, that, [ a multitude bring The people] for

xa spya 6aa awsxa^s Kopioc; rcorqaai e + Kai

the works, as much as [the] LORD ordered to do. And

rcpoasxa^s McoDafjq Kai SKqpu^sv sv xr| rcaps|iPoAx|

Moses assigned, and proclaimed in the camp,

Aiycov avfjp Kai ywq jifjKsxi spya^saGcoaav sic; xac;

saying, [Let] a man and woman no longer work in the


36 il sv toutco + vtica 02 - Exodus

a7rapxaq tod ayioD Kai sk&lt;joA,d9t| o Xaoq sxi

first-fruits of the holy [place]. And [ were restrained the people] still

7ipoa(pspsiv ?+ Kai xa spya r|v aDxoig iKavd sic;

to bring. And the [supply of] works was to them enough for

xrjv KaxaaKSDfjv 7roifjaai Kai 7rpoaKaxsAi7rov 8 + Kai

[the furniture making]; and they left surplus. And

S7ro(r|08 naq oocpoq xr| 8iavo(a sv xoic; spya£p|isvoic;

[ produced every wise one in thought among the ones working]

xrjv aKTjvfjv 8sKa aDAmac; sk Pdcjcjod

[for] the tent ten curtains from out of linen

KSKA,coa|isvr|(; Kai DaKivBoD Kai 7ropq)Dpac; Kai

being twined, and blue and purple, and

kokkivod kskAxjoct|isvod %spoDp(|i spyaoia DcpavxoD

scarlet being twined; [ [with] cherubim [the] work of a weaver

87ro(r|asv auxdc; 9 + xo jxfjKoc; xrjc; aDAmac; xrjc; jiidc;

he made them]. The length of the [ curtain one] —

OKxcb Kai siKoai 7ir|%s&lt;jov Kai xo SDpoc; xsaadpoov

eight and twenty cubits, and the breadth of four

7ir|xscov T| aDAma rj |iia rjv jisxpov xo ai)xo rjv

cubits [ to the curtain one was]. [ measure The same] was

ndaaiq xaxq auAmaic; io+7rsvxs8s ai)Xa(ai fjaav s^

to all the curtains. And five curtains were of

aAAxjAxDV oDvsxojisvai rj sxspa sk xrjc; sxspac; Kai

one another, being held the other with the other. And

7TSVXS auAmai fjaav s^ aXkr\k($v aDvsxojisvai r|

five curtains were of one another, being held the

sxspa 8K xrjc; sxspac; n+ Kai S7iovr|asv ajKvXaq

other with the other. And he made hooks

DaKivGivaq S7ri xod %s\kovq xrjc; aDAmac; xrjc; jiidc;

of blue upon the edge of the [curtain one]

sk xod svoc; jispoDc; sic; xrjv cjd|iPoAx|v Kai odxcdc;

[joining] the one part for the coupling. And thus

S7ioir|as S7U xod %sikovq xrjc; aD^aiac; xrjc; s^ooxspac;

he made upon the edge of the [ curtain outer]

7ipoc; xt| aDjiPoXfj xr| SsDxspa n + 7isvxf|Kovxa 8s

for the [ coupling second]. And fifty

ayKD^aq S7iovr|as xrj aDAma xr| jjia Kai 7isvxf|Kovxa

hooks he made for the [curtain one], and fifty

ayKD^aq S7iovr|as sk xod jispoDc; xrjc; aDAmac;

hooks he made for the part of the curtain

Kaxd xrjv &lt;xu|iPoAt|v xrjc; 8sDxspaq avxurp6a&lt;j07roi

corresponding to the coupling of the second, facing


36 f? ev toutco + vtica 02 - Exodus

avTi7ri7iTODaai sic; aXkf\kaq SKdaxrj 13+ Kai 87io(r|as

headlong into one another each. And he made

KpiKODq 7isvTf|KOVTa xpuaouc; Kai ai)vf|\j/8 zaq

[hooks fifty] of gold. And he joined together the

auAmac; sxspav tt| STepa zoiq KpiKoiq Kai syevsTO rj

curtains an other [to] an other by the hooks. And [ became the

GKTjvfj [da 14+ Kai £7iovr|a£ 5eppeic; Tpi%(vac; oK87isiv

tent] one. And he made hide coverings of hair to protect

S7Ti ttjv aKTjvfiv ev5sKa 5eppeic; S7io(r|a8 avzaq 15+ to

over the tent. Eleven hide coverings he made them. The

jxfjKoc; Tr\q 8sppe&lt;joc; Tr\q jiidc; r\v xpidKovxa 7ir|%e&lt;jov

length of the [ hide covering one] was thirty cubits,

Kai xeaadpoov 7rr|%ecDV to svpoq Tr\q 8sppe&lt;joc;

and four cubits the breadth of the [ hide covering

TT\q jlldcj |I8ipOV TO (WTO T|V TOlCj Sv5sKa 8sppSCTl 16 +

one]. [ measure The same] was to the eleven hide coverings.

Kai &lt;yovfj\j/s zaq 7tsvts Ssppeic; 87U to avzo Kai

And he joined together the five hide coverings to the same, and

Tag 8^ Ssppsiq 87i( to auTO 17+ Kai 87ioir|asv

the six hide coverings to the same. And he made

ajKvXaq 7rsvTfjKOVTa S7U tod %zikovq Tr\q Seppeooc;

[ hooks fifty] upon the edge of the [ hide covering

Tr\q [iidq Tr\q avajisaov KaTd tt|v au|iPoAx|v Kai

one], in the middle by the coupling. And

7rsvTfjKOVTa ayKoXac; S7io(r|a8V S7U tod %zikovq Tr\q

fifty hooks he made upon the edge of the

Ssppeox; Tr\q avvaTiTOvar\q Tr\q SzvTzpaq 18+ Kai

[ hide covering joining second]. And

S7TOir|a8V KpiKODCj %aAxODC; 7lSVTf|KOVTa Kai OWf|\j/e

he made [hooks of brass fifty]. And he joined together

Tovq KpiKODc; sk tcov ajKvXcbv Kai awfj\j/e zaq

the hooks by the hooks, and he joined together the

8sppsic; Kai eyevsTO sv 19+ Kai £7iovr|ae KaTaKdlDjijia

hide coverings, and it became one. And he made a covering

Tr\q GKr\vr\q 8sp|iaTa Kpicbv r|pu9po5avcD|ieva Kai

for the tent— skins of rams dyed red, and

87iiKaA,D|i|iaTa 5spjiaTa DaKivGiva 87idvco98v 20+ Kai

coverings of skins of blue on top. And

S7io(r|a8 aTvXovq Tr\q GKr\vr\q sk tqvkcov aafj7iTCOV

he made posts for the tent from out of [wood incorruptible].

21 + 8eKa 7rr|%8CDV tov gtvXov tov eva Kai 7ifj%eoc;

Ten cubits [was] the [] [ post one], and [ cubit


36 f? ev toutco + viica 02 - Exodus

svoc; Kai rjjjiaoDc; to 7iXdTOc; tod gtvXov TOD SVOCj 22 +

one] and a half the width of the [post one].

8do ayKcoviaKoi too citdAxjo too evi avTi7ii7iTOVT8(;

Two joints to the [ post one] [resting] headlong against

STspoq too 8T8pco odtcoc; £7iovrjae 7idai toic; otdXok;

an other [to] an other; thus he made all the posts

Tr\q aKTjvfjc; 23+ Kai S7iovrjas todc; cjtdAxddc; Tr\q GKr\vr\q

of the tent. And he made the posts of the tent —


twenty posts by the side of the one towards [the] south.

Kai Tsaoap&amp;KovTa pdaeic; apyDpdc; 87rovrjae toic;

And forty bases of silver he made for the

eiKoai cttdAxdic; 8do pdaeic; tco cttdAxjo tco evi eic;

twenty posts. Two bases to the [ post one], for

ajicpoTepa Ta jieprj aDTOD Kai 8do pdaeic; too

both [its] parts. And two bases to the [other]

cjtdAxjo tco evi eic; ajicpoTspa Ta jieprj aDTOD 25 + Kai to

[ post one], for both [its] parts. And the

kMtoc; to 5sDTspov to 7ipoc; Poppdv eucoai GTvXovq 26 +

[ side second] towards [the] north ~ twenty posts,

Kai TsaaapdKovTa pdaeic; aDTcbv apyDpdc; 8do pdaeic;

and forty bases for them made of silver. Two bases

tco citdAxjo tco evi eic; ajicpoTepa Ta jieprj aDTOD Kai

to the [ post one], for both [its] parts. And

8do pdasic; tco cttdAxo tco evi sic; ajicpoTepa

two bases for the [other] [post one], for both

Ta jisprj aDTOD 27 + Kai sk tcov O7uaco TTjCj GKr\vr\q

[its] parts. And by the rear of the tent

KaTd to jiepoc; to 7ipoc; dakaaaav 87io(r|asv e£,

by the part towards [the] west, he made six

cttdAxddc; 28+ Kai 8do otdXodc; e7iorrjaev 87U tcov

posts. And two posts he made at the

ycovicov Tr\q GKr\vr\q sk tcov O7ria9icov 29+ Kai fjaav

corners of the tent at the posteriors. And they were

e^ (aoD KdTCO0sv Kai KaTd to aDTO fjaav

of equal below, and according to the same [measurement] they were

(aoi sk tcov KscpaAxbv sic; aDjipAxjaiv jiiav odtco

equal from the heads unto [ coupling one]. Thus

£7iorr|asv ajicpoTspaic; zaiq ycoviaic; zaiq Svai 30+ Kai

he made to both the [corners two]. And

fjaav oktco ctvXoi Kai ai pdaeic; aDTcbv apyopai

there were eight posts, and their bases of silver —


36 il sv toutcq + vtica 02 - Exodus

5sras^ 8do pdasiq tco cttdXco to svi Kai 8do pdasic;

sixteen. Two bases to the [ post one], and two bases

to aroAxD to svi sic; ajicpoTspa Ta jisprj aDTOD 31+ Kai

to the [post one], for both it parts. And

S7io(r|as [io%Xovq sk ^dAxdv aafj7iTCOV 7tsvts toic;

he made bars from out of [wood incorruptible]; five to the


posts from the one part of the tent; and five

[io%Xovq toic; GTvXoiq tco kAatsi tt|c; GKr\vr\q

bars to the posts to the [ side of the tent

tco 5si)Tspco 32 + Kai 7TSVTS [io%Xovq toic; GTvXoiq TCO

second]. And five bars for the posts to the

O7ria6ico kMtsi ttjc^ aKrjvfjc; tco 7ipoc; GdAxxaaav 33 + Kai

posterior side of the tent towards [the] west. And

o [io%X6q o [izaoq avajisaov tcov cjtdXcov Sukvsito

the [ bar middle] in between the posts penetrated

a7io tod svoc; kAatodc; sic; to STspov kMtoc; 34+ Kai

from the one side unto the other side. And

todc; otdXodc; KaTa%pDacoasv %pDa(co Kai

the posts he gilded in gold; and

todc; 8aKToAioDc; aDTcbv S7io(r|as %pvaovq sic; BfjKac;

their rings he made of gold for holders

Toiq avatpopsDai Kai KaTaxpDacoas todc; [io%Xovq

to the bearing poles. And he gilded the bars

XPDaico 35+ Kai S7io(r|as KaTa7iSTaa|ia s^ DaKiv0OD

in gold. And he made a veil from out of blue,

Kai 7roptpDpac; Kai kokkivod kskXcoctiisvod Kai

and purple, and scarlet being twined, and

Pdctctod vsvr\a[isvr\q spyov DtpavTOV S7iovr|asv aDTO

linen being spun. [ work a woven He made it]

XspoDptji 36+ Kai S7is9r|Ksv aDTO S7ri Tsaadpcov

[with] cherubim. And he placed it upon four

cjtdAxov aafj7iTCOv KsxpDacojisvcov xpDaico Kai ai

posts of incorruptible [wood] being gilded in gold. And the

KscpaAiSsc; aDTcbv %pDaa( Kai ai pdasic; aDTcbv

tips of them of gold, and [ bases their

Tsoaapsq apyDpai 37+ Kai S7ro(r|asv S7ua7iaaTpov

four] [were] made of silver. And he made a draw curtain

ttj 0Dpa ttjc; GKr\vr\q s^ DaKiv0OD Kai 7iopcpDpa(;

for the door of the tent of blue, and purple,

Kai kokkivod kskA,cocj|isvod Kai Pdcjctod KSKAxDajisvrjc;

and of scarlet being twined, and linen being twined,


37 T*7 ev toutco + vtica 02 - Exodus

spyov 7toikiAtod 3 s + Kai tod axvXovq avxov tcsvts Kai

a work of an embroiderer; and [ posts [its] five], and

zaq KstpaAaSsc; aDTcbv Kai KaTS%pDacoas

their tips. And he gilded

zaq KscpaAi5ac; aDTcbv %pvam Kai s%covsdosv aDTOic;

their tips with gold. And he cast for them

7TSVTS pdasiq xahcdq

five bases of brass.

37 H

i + Kai S7roir|as Bsas^sfjA, tt|v kiPcotov sk ^dAxdv

And Bezaleel made the ark from [ wood

aafj7iTCDV 5do 7ir|%scov Kai rjiiiaoDq to jifjKoc; Kai

incorruptible]; two cubits and a half [was] the length, and

7ifj%eoc; Kai rjiiiaoDq to iikaToq Kai 7if|%soc; Kai

a cubit and a half [was] the width, and a cubit and

r||i(aoDc; to d\j/oc; 2 + Kai KaTS%pDacoasv aDTfjv

a half [was] the height. And he gilded it

Xpvam KaGapcb sacoGsv Kai s^coGsv Kai S7iorr|asv

[ gold in pure] from inside and from outside. And he made


for it a waved border twisted of gold round about. And

s%cbvsDasv aDTfj Tsaoapaq 5aKTDAioDc; %pvaovq S7i(

he cast for it four [ rings golden] upon

TaTsaaapa kAttt| aDTOD 8do 5aKTDAioDc; S7il to

[ four sides [its]]. Two rings upon the

Kkuoq to sv Kai 8do 5aKTi)AioDc; S7U to Kkuoq

[ side one], and two rings upon the [ side

to 8sDTspov 4 + Kai £7iorr|aev avacpopsfc; sk ^d^cov

second]. And he made bearing poles of [ wood

aafj7iTCDV Kai KaTSXptiacoasv aDTODc; %pDaico 5 + Kai

incorruptible], and he gilded them with gold. And

eiafjyays todc; avacpopsfc; sic; todc; 8aKToAioDc; todc;

he inserted the bearing poles into the rings, the ones

sv Toiq kAJtscji tt|c; kiPcotod aipsiv tttv kiPcotov sv

on the sides of the ark, to lift the ark by

aDTOiq 6+ Kai S7ioir|as to iXaoTfjpiov S7i(6s|ia %pDa(oD

them. And he made the atonement-seat lid [ gold

KaGapoD 8do 7ir|%scov Kai t||iigodc; to jifjKoc; Kai

of pure]. Two cubits and a half [was] the length, and


37 T*7 ev toutco + vtica 02 - Exodus

KT\%Eoq Kai rjjjiaoDc; to nXaioq ? + Kai 87iovrjas 8do

a cubit and a half [was] the width. And he made two

%£poi)P(|i xpDaaxopeDxd Kai 87is0r|Ksv ai)id

cherubim wrought in gold. And he put them at

ajitpoTspcov xcov kAitcov tod i^aarrjpioD 8+ x^poDp sic;

both of the sides of the atonement-seat. [cherub One]


at this side, and [ cherub one] at the [ side

tod 8sDT8poD tod i^aaTTjpioD Kai S7rovrjas todc; 8do

second] of the atonement-seat. And he made the two

%epoDp(|i 87ii Ta 5do KAirq aDTOD 9 + Kai fjaav oi 8do

cherubim upon [ two sides [its]]. And [ were the two


cherubim] stretching out the wings above,

aDaKid^ovTsq imq 7iTepD^iv aDTcbv S7ii tod i^aaTTjpioD

overshadowing [with] their wings over the atonement-seat,

Kai Ta 7ip6a(D7ra aDTcbv ziq aXkr(ka sic; to i^aaTfjpiov

their faces to one another — to the atonement-seat

fjaav Ta 7rp6aco7ia tcov xspoDpiji io+ Kai S7rorrjae tt|v

were the faces of the cherubim. And he made the

Tpd7is^av sk ^dAxdv aafj7TT&lt;jov 5do 7rrj%ecov to

table from [ wood incorruptible]. Two cubits [was] the

jxfjKoc; Kai 7rfj%£oc; to zvpoq Kai 7rfj%eoc; Kai rjjjiaoDc;

width, and a cubit the breadth, and a cubit and a half

to v\\foq n+ Kai KaTSXpDacoasv aDTfjv xpDaico KaBapcb

the height. And he gilded it [gold in pure].

12+ Kai 87lOir|OSV aDTTj OTpSTCTOV KDJldTlOV xpDaow

And he made for it a twisted [ waved border golden]

kdkAxd Kai £7iovr|aev aDTfj aTStpdvrjv 7iaAmaTOD

round about. And he made for it a rim — a palm's [width]

kdkAxd Kai 87iovr|ae aTps7iT6v KDjidTiov kdk^co ttj

round about. And he made a twisted waved border round about the

oTsepdvrj i3+ Kai sxcbvsDasv aDTfj Tsaaapaq SaKTDAioDc;

rim. And he cast for it four [ rings

XPDcjodc; Kai S7rs6rjKs todc; Teaaapacj 8aKToAioDc; em

golden]. And he placed the four rings upon

Ta Teaaapa jisprj tcov 7io8cbv avTT\q u+ D7i6 tt|v

the four parts by [its] feet. By the

aTp87iTfjv aTStpdvrjv fjaav oi 8aKr6Xioi eic; 0fjKac;

waved border rim were the rings for a holder

Toiq avatpopsDdiv cbaTS aipsiv tt]v Tpd7ie^av i 5 + Kai

to the bearing poles, so as to lift the table. And


37 i 1 ? sv tootco + vtica 02 - Exodus

S7iorrjas xodc; avacpopsc; sk ^6A,cov aafj7ixcov Kai

he made the bearing poles of [ wood incorruptible], and

Kaxsxptiaooasv aDxotic; %pDaico cbaxs aipsiv xr|v

he gilded them with gold so as to lift the

xparcs^av i6+ Kai £7io(r|as xa aKSDTj xrjc; xpa7is^rjc;

table. And he made the utensils for the table,

xa xs xpupAia aDxfjc; Kai xac; GmoKaq Kai xodc;

both [its] saucers, and the incense pans, and the

kd&amp;Godc; Kai xa O7rov8sia sv oic; o7isiasi ev

cups, and the libation bowls in which [the priest] will offer libations in

aDxoiq %pvaiov KaGapoD n + Kai S7iorrjas xrjv h)%viav

them, [ gold [made] of pure]. And he made the lamp-stand

sk xpvaiov KaGapoD xopsDxfjv S7ro(rjas xrjv A^xviav

of [gold pure]; a turned piece he made the lamp-stand.

o KavXoq avTT\q Kai 01 KaAxxjjiaKoi Kai 01 Kpaxfjpsc;

Its stem, and the branches, and the basins,

Kai oi acpaipcoxfjpsc; Kai xa Kpiva s^ auxfjc; fjaav is+

and the knobs, and the lilies [ of it were].

s£, 8s KaXajjiaKoi SK7iopsD6|isvoi sk 7iA,ay(cov xpsiq

And six branches were going forth sideways ~ three

KaXajiiaKoi xrjc; XDXviac; sk xod kAixodc; auxfjc;

branches of the lamp-stand from out of [side [its]

xod svoc; Kai xpsic; KaXajiiaKoi xrjc; ^D%v(ac; 8K xod

one], and three branches of the lamp-stand from the

kMxodc; xod SsDxspoD 19+ Kai xpsic; Kpaxfjpsc;

[ side second]. And three basins


being shaped nut-like [were] on the one branch,

ocpaipcoxfjp Kai Kpivov Kai xpsic; Kpaxfjpsc;

[with] a knob and lily; and three basins


being shaped nut-like on the one branch

acpaipcoxfjp Kai Kpivov odxco xoic; s^ KaXajiiaKoic;

[with] a knob and a lily; thus to the six branches,

xoic; eK7iopsDO|isvoic; sk xrjc; Xvyyiaq 20 + Kai sv xrj

to the [ones] going forth from the lamp-stand. And on the

A,D%v(a xsaaapsc; Kpaxfjpsc; skxsxd7tco|isvoi KapDioKODq

lamp-stand [were] four basins being shaped nut-like

sv xco svi KaXajiiaKco 01 acpaipcoxfjpsc; Kai

to the one branch, [with] the knobs, and

xa Kpiva aDxfjq 21+0 acpaipcoxfjp D7i6 xodc; 8do

[its] lilies. The knob under the two


37 i 1 ? sv toutco + viica 02 - Exodus

KaXajiiaKODq avTT\q Kai acpaipcoxfip D7i6 todc; 8do

branches of it, and a knob under the two

KaXajiiaKODc; avTT\q odtco toic; Ka^ajjiaKoic;

branches of it, thus to the six branches,

toic; eK7iopsDO|isvoic; sk Tr\q Xvyyiaq 22 + Kai 01

to the ones going forth from out of the lamp-stand. And the

KaAxxjjicTKoi Kai 01 acpaipcoxfipsq avTT\q fjaav 6Ax|

branches, and the knobs of it were entirely

xopsDTOi svoc; %pvaiov KaGapoD 23+ Kai

turned from out of one [piece] [gold of pure]. And


he made [lamps [its] seven], and

zaq Xafiidaq avTT\q Kai xaq S7rapDaTp(5ac; avTT\q %pvaiov

[its] tongs, and their oil funnels — [ gold

KaGapoD 24+ xdAxxvTOV ypvaiov KaGapoD £7rovr|aev

of pure]. A talent [gold of pure] he made

aDifjv Kai 7idvTa xa aKSDrj avTT\q 25 + Kai 87rovr|as

all [its] items. And he made

GDaiaaxfjpiov 0D|iid|iaTOc; tqvXcov aofj7iTCOv

an altar of incense from out of [wood incorruptible].

7if|%soc; to jifjKoc; avzov Kai 7if|%eoc; to svpoq

A cubit [was] the length of it; and a cubit [was] the breadth

avTOV T8Tpdycovov Kai 5do 7ir|%£cov to v\\foq avzov

of it, four-cornered; and two cubits [was] the height of it;

avTOV fjaav Ta KspaTa avzov 2 6+ Kai KaTS%pDG&lt;joasv

of it were [its] horns. And he gilded

ai)TO xpDaico KaGapcb tt|v ea%dpav avzov Kai

it [ gold with pure], [its] grate, and

todc; to(%odc; avTOV Kai Ta KspaTa avzov Kai £7tovr|asv

[its] walls, and [its] horns. And he made

ai)Tcb aTps7rcf|v aT8(pdvr|v %pvar\v kdk^cd 27+ Kai 8do

for it a twisted [ rim gold] round about. And two

5aKToAioi)c; %pvaovq KaGapotic; S7rovr|aev avzcb vno

rings [ gold of pure] he made for it under

ttjv aTecpdvrjv tt|v OTp£7iTf|v avTOV sic; Ta 5do Kkvcr\

[ rim twisted [its]] for [ two corners

avTOV sv toic; dvai nXsvpoiq avzov sic; GfjKac; TOiq

[its]] on [ two sides [its]] for holders for the

avacpopstiaiv aipsiv avzo ev aDTOic; 28+ Kai £7iovr|a£

bearing poles to lift it by them. And he made

todc; [io%Xovq 8K ^dAxdv aafj7iTCDV Kai KaTe%pDaooasv

the bars out of [ wood incorruptible]; and he gilded



ev tootco + vtica

02 - Exodus

avTOvq xpDaico 29+ Kai S7iorr|as to eAmov Tr\q

them with gold. And he prepared the oil for the

Xpiaecoq to dyiov Kai tt|v awGsaiv tod 0D|iid|iaTOc;

anointing the holy, and the composition of the incense,

KaGapov epyov jxopeij/OD

a pure work of a perfumer.


1+ Kai S7roir|as GDaiaaTfjpiov oXoKaDTcbjiaTOc; sk

And he made an altar for whole burnt-offering out of

^OAXDV aafj7TTCDV 7T£VTS 7ir|X8COV TO llfjKOq Kai 7T8VT8

[ wood incorruptible]; of five cubits [was] the length, and five

7ir|%scDV to svpoq TSTpdycovov r|v to GDaiaaTfjpiov

cubits the breadth; [ four-cornered was the altar],

Kai Tpicbv 7ir|%scDV to v\\foq avzov 2 + Kai S7iovr|ae Ta

and [three cubits [its] height]. And he made the

KspaTa 87ii tcov Tsaadpcov ycovicbv s£, aDTOD fjaav

horns. Upon the four corners of it were

Ta KspaTa Kai £KdXD\j/sv aDTd %aA,Kcb 3+ Kai S7rovr|a£

the horns, and he covered them in brass. And he made

aTsepdvrjv too 0DaiaaTT|pico Kai tov KaXD7rcf|pa aDTOD

a rim on the altar, and the lid for it,

Kai Tag (piaXaq avzov Kai Tag Kpedypaq aDTOD Kai

and the bowls for it, and the meat hooks for it, and


the censer for it; and all the utensils for it

£7iorr|as xoXkql 4 + Kai S7iovr|asv aDTcb sa%dpav spyoo

he made of brass. And he made for it [grate work

5iktdcotco %aA,Kf|v 5+ Kai £7iovr|a£ tt| ea%dpa

a latticed brass]. And he made for the grate

Tsaaapaq 8aKTDAioDc; xahcovq ski Ta Teaaapa kXittj

four rings of brass upon the four sides.

Kai D7i86r|K8v aDTODc; D7i6 ttjv ea%dpav TOD

And he placed them under the grate of the

0DaiaaTTj pioD KdTCD0sv Kai rjv rj sa%dpa eooc;

altar from below; and [ was the grate] unto

rjjjiaoDc; tod 0Daiaarr|pk)D 6 + Kai S7rorr|as zovq

half the altar. And he made the

avacpopeic; too 0DaiaaTT|pico sk ^dAxdv aafj7iTCOv Kai

bearing poles for the altar out of [wood incorruptible]; and

7r£pi%dA,KCDasv aDTODc; %aA,Kcb 7+ Kai siafjyays zovq

he brass plated them in brass. And he inserted the



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus
avacpopsfc; Kaxd xa itXsvpa tod 0Daiaaxrjpk&gt;D sv icq

bearing poles at the sides of the altar in the

aipeiv auxo koiXov aaviScoxov S7rovr|G8v aDxo 8 + Kai

lifting it! [ hollow planked He made it]. And

S7ro(r|08 xov Ax)Dxfjpa xov xahcovv Kai xrjv p&amp;oiv

he made the [ bathing tub brass], and the [ base

avTOV %afad\v 8K xgov Kax67ixp&lt;jov xcdv

of it brass] from out of the mirrors of the

vr\GT£VGaa(bv ai evfjaxsDaav 7iapd xac; dvpaq xrjc;

women that fasted, who fasted by the doors of the

aKTjVfjq xod (lapxDpioi)

tent of the testimony.

9+ Kai S7roir|as xrjv avhf\v xa npoq )dfia laxia xrjc;

And he made for the courtyard, the one towards [the] south, shrouds for the

avXr\q sk Pdctood KSKXcoa|i£vr|c; sKaxov scp'

courtyard from out of linen being twined — a hundred by

SKaxov io+ Kai oi ctxdAxh auxcbv siKoai Kai ai pdaeic;

a hundred. And their posts — twenty, and [ bases

ai)xcbv eiKoai %aA,Ka( Kai oi KpiKoi aDxcbv Kai

their twenty brass]. And their hooks and

ai \\faXidsq auxcbv apyDpai n+ Kai xo kMxoc; xo npoq

their clips [were of] silver. And the side towards

Poppdv SKaxov scp' sraxov Kai oi &lt;xr6Ax)i aDxcbv

[the] north [was a] hundred by a hundred. And their posts ~

eiKoai Kai ai pdaeic; auxcbv siKoai xahcai Kai

twenty, and [bases their twenty, brass]. And

oi KpiKoi ai)xcbv Kai ai \\fokidsq aDxcbv apyDpai n + Kai

their hooks, and their clips [were of] silver. And

xo KAixoc; xo itpoq Gd^aaaav auAmai 7ievxfjKovxa

the side towards [the] west ~ curtains of fifty

7ir|xscov gtvXoi aDxcbv 8sKa Kai ai pdasic; auxcbv Sera

cubits; their posts ~ ten, and their bases ~ ten,

Kai oi KpiKoi ai)xcbv Kai ai \\fokidsq aDxcbv apyDpai 13 +

and their hooks, and their clips [were of] silver.

Kai xo kAixoc; xo 7ipoc; avaxoA.dc; 7ievxf|Kovxa 7ir|%ecov

And the side towards [the] east — [ of fifty cubits

10x1a 14 + 7T8vx8Ka(88Ka 7ir|%scDV xo Kaxd vcbxoi) Kai

shrouds], of fifteen cubits according to [the] back, and

01 gtvXoi ai)xcbv xpeic; Kai ai pdaeic; aDxcbv xpeic; 15 +

their posts ~ three, and their bases ~ three.

Kai 8711 XOD VOQXOD XOD SsDXSpOD 8V08V Kai 8V08V

And upon the back of the second on this side and that side




02 - Exodus

Kaxd xr|v 7r6Ax|v xrjc; avXr\q aDAmai 7ievxeKa(8eKa

according to the gate of the courtyard ~ curtains of fifteen

7ir|%ecov Kai 01 oxdAxdi aDxcbv xpsic; Kai ai pdaeic; aDxcbv

cubits, and their posts ~ three, and their bases ~

xpeic; i6+ 7idaai ai aDAmai xrjc; aKTjvfjc; sk Pdoctod

three. All the curtains for the tent [were] of linen

K£KAx»a|isvr|c; n+ Kai ai pdaeic; xcov oxdAxbv aDxcbv

being twined. And the bases, the ones of their posts

%aAxa( Kai ai ayK6A,ai aDxcbv apyDpai Kai

[were of] brass, and their hooks [were of] of silver, and

ai KscpaAiSec; aDxcbv 7ispiripyDpco|ievai apyDpico Kai oi

their tips being silver plated in silver; and the

gtvXoi 7ispir|pyDpco|isvoi apyDpico 7idvxec; oi gtvXoi

posts being silver plated in silver, all the posts

xrjc; auArjq ig+ Kai xo Kaxa7i8xaa|ia xrjc; Kvh\q xrjc;

of the courtyard. And the veil of the gate of the

avXr\q epyov tcoikiAxod DaKivGoD Kai 7iop(pDpac;

courtyard [was] a work of an embroiderer, of blue, and purple,

Kai kokkivod vsvr|a|i8VOD Kai Pdctood K8KA,coa|i8vr|(;

and scarlet being spun, and linen being twined;

eiKoai 7ir|%£cov xo jxfjKoc; Kai xo v\\foq Kai

twenty cubits [was] the length, and the height and

xo evpoq 7TSVXS 7ir|%scov e^iaoDjievov xoic; laxioic; xrjc;

breadth five cubits, being made equal to the shrouds of the

avXr\q i 9 + Kai oi ctxdAxdi auxcbv xeaaapsc; Kai

courtyard. And their posts — four; and

ai pdasiq aDxcbv xeaaapsc; %aA,Ka( Kai

their bases ~ four, [were of] brass; and

ai ayiculai aDxcbv apyDpai Kai ai KscpaAi5ec; aDxcbv

their hooks [were of] silver, and their tips

7ispir|pyDpco|i8vai apyDpico 2 o+ Kai 7idvxec; oi 7idaaaA,oi

being silver plated in silver. And all the stanchions

xrjc; avXr\q kdkAxo %ahcoi 21+ Kai atixrj r|

of the courtyard round about [were of] brass. And this [was] the

awca^ic; xrjc; aKTjvfjc; xod jiapxDpioD Ka6d aDvsxdyrj

arrangement of the tent of the testimony, as was given orders

McoDofj xrjv XsixoDpyiav sivai xcov Asdixcov 8id

to Moses; the ministration to be of the Levites through

I6d|iap xod diod Aapcbv xod ispecoc; 22 + Kai

Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest. And

Beae^sfjA, o xod ODpi sk xrjc; tpDAr|c; IoD8a S7iovr|as

Bezaleel the [son] ofUri, of the tribe of Judah, made




02 - Exodus

Ka6&amp; aDvexa^s KDpioq xco McoDafj 23 + Kai EAidp o

as [the] LORD gave orders to Moses, and Aholiab, the

tod A%iaa|i8% sk xrjc; (pvXaq Aav oq r|p%ixeKx6vr|ae

[son] of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, who supervised construction ~

xa Dtpavxd Kai xa paqnSeDxd Kai xa 7toikiAx&amp; Dtpave

the woven [works], and the stitched works, and the embroideries, woven

xco dcxkivGco Kai 7iopcpT3pa Kai kokkivco vsvrjajisvco

in the blue and purple, and scarlet being spun,

Kai ptiaaco 24 + nav xo xpuaiov o KaxeipydaBrj siq

and linen. All the gold which was manufactured for

xa epya Kaxd 7idaav xrjv epyaaiav xcov ayicov

the works according to all the work of the holies,

sysvsxo xpvaiov xod xrjc; a7iap%f|c; ewea Kai sixoai

was of [the] gold of the first-fruit — nine and twenty

xdAxxvxa Kai S7ixaK6aioi Kai xpidKovxa cjik^oi Kaxd

talents, and seven hundred and thirty shekels, according to

xov aiKAxw xov dyiov 25 + Kai apyi)p(oi) Kai

the [shekel holy]. And of [the] silver and

acpaipsjia 7iapd xcov S7i8aK8|i|isvcov av5pcov xrjc;

[the] choice-portion [offering] from the [ being numbered men] of the

(xovaycoyfjc; eraxov xdXavxa Kai %ikioi S7ixaK6aioi

congregation — a hundred talents, and a thousand seven hundred

sP8o|xfjKovxa 7TSVXS ahckoi 8pa%|if| jiia xr| Kscpa^fj xo

seventy five shekels, [ drachma one] [per] head, the

r\[iiav xod g(kA,od Kaxd xov ctikXov xov dyiov 26 +

half shekel, according to the [ shekel holy],

iiaq o 7rapa7iopsD6|isvoc; sic; xrjv 87riaKe\j/iv arco

[for] every one passing into the numbering, from

siKoaaexoDc; Kai 87idvco eic; xac; s^fjKovxa ixopidSac;

[a son] twenty years and up, for the sixty ten thousands,

Kai xpia%iAioi)c; Kai 7revxaKoa(oDc; 7isvxf|Kovxa 27+ Kai

and three thousand and five hundred fifty. And

sysvfjBrj xa SKaxov xdXavxa xod apyDpioD eic; xrjv

came to pass the hundred talents of silver for the

XcbvsDcnv xcov KetpaAi8cov xrjc; aKTjvfjc; Kai eic; xac;

molten casting of the tips of the tent, and for the

K£tpaAi5ac; xod Kaxa7iexda|iaxoc; SKaxov KetpaAi8ec; eic;

tips of the veil; a hundred tips for

xa SKaxov xdXavxa xdXavxov xrj KscpaAiSi 28+ Kai

the hundred talents, a talent to the tip. And

xodc; %iAioDc; S7rxaKoa(oDc; spSojxfjKovxa 7isvxs ctikXodc;

the thousand seven hundred seventy five shekels


39 ^
8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

S7io(r|asv sic; xac; ajKvXaq xcov cjxdXcdv Kai

he made for the hooks for the posts; and

Kaxsxptiaooas xac; KscpaAi5ac; aDxcbv Kai KaxsKoajirjaev

he gilded their tips, and adorned

aDxotic; 29+ Kai o xahcoq xod acpaipejiaxoc; xpiaKoaia

them. And the brass of the choice-portion [offering] [was] three hundred

sP8o|xfjKovxa xdXavxa Kai dia%ik\oi Kai xsxpaKoaioi

seventy talents, and two thousand and four hundred

ahckoi 30+ Kai S7ro(r|aav aDxoD xac; pdaeic; xrjc;

shekels. And they made from out of it the bases of the

dvpaq xrjc; aKTjvfjc; xod jiapxDpiOD Kai xo

door of the tent of the testimony, and the

9i)aiaaxfjpiov xo %aA,KODV odv xr| ea%dpa aDxoD Kai

altar of brass with [its] grate, and

7idvxa xa aKetirj xod 0Daiaaxr|p(oD 31+ Kai xac; pdaeic;

all the utensils of the altar, and the bases

xrjc; avh^q kdkAxd Kai xac; pdaeic; xrjc; 7ivXr\q xrjc;

of the courtyard round about, and the bases of the gate of the

aDArjc; Kai xodc; 7iaaadAx)Dc; xrjc; aKTrvfjc; Kai xodc;

courtyard, and the stanchions of the tent, and the

7iaaadAx)Dc; xrjc; aDArjc; kdkA,co

stanchions of the courtyard round about.

39 taV
1+ Kai xrjv Kaxa^eupGeiaav DdKivGov Kai 7iopq)Dpav

And the leftover blue and purple

Kai xo kokkivov eTrovqaav axoA.dc; XeixoDpyiKdc;

and the scarlet they made [into] apparels for [the] ministry

Aapcbv sic; xo XeixoDpyeiv sv aDxaiq ev xoo ayico

of Aaron, for the officiating in them in the holy [place],

KaGd aDvsxa^e KDpioq xoo McoDafj 2+ Kai S7io(r|oav

as [the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses. And they made

xrjv 87ico|ii5a 8K %pDafc&gt;D Kai DaKivBoD Kai

the shoulder-piece from out of gold, and blue, and

7ropq)Dpac; Kai kokkivod vevrjajievoD Kai ptiaaoD

purple, and scarlet being spun, and linen

K£KA(»a|isvr|c; 3+ Kai ex|ifj6r| xa hztoXol xod

being twined. And [ were trimmed [apart] the panels], of the

XPDaioD xpixsc; cbaxe aDVDcpdvai aDV xrj DaKivGco Kai

[ of gold hairs], so as to weave together with the blue and

xtj 7iopcpDpa Kai ODV XCO KOKKIVCO XCO 8iaVSVT|a|I8VC0

the purple, and with the scarlet being spun,


39 ^


02 - Exodus

Kai cjdv tt| pDaaco xr| KSKA,coa|isvr| spyov Dcpavxov

and with the linen being twined — [ work a woven]

S7rovr|aav auxo 4 + S7ico|ji8ac; avv£.%ovaaq s^

they made it; shoulder-pieces held together by

ajicpoxspcov xcov jispcbv spyov Dcpavxov sic; aXkr(ka

both of the parts; [ work a woven] into one another

oi)|i7rs7rX8y|i8vov Ka6' socdto 5+ s^ aDxoD 87io(r|aav

being closely joined to itself. From it they made

raid xrjv olvtov 7iorr|aiv 8K xpvaiov Kai DaKivBoD

according to the same making, of gold, and blue,

Kai 7iopcpDpac; Kai kokkivod SiavsvrjajisvoD Kai

and purple, and scarlet being spun, and

Pdctood KSKA,©a|i8vr|c; KaGd aDvsxa^s Kopioc; xco

linen being twined, as [the] LORD gave orders [to]

McoDcyq 6+ Kai S7ro(r|aav ajicpoxspoDc; xodc; Xidovq

Moses. And they made both of the stones

Tr\q a|iapdy8oi) aD|i7rs7iop7rri|isvoDc; Kai

of emerald, being clasped together and

7rspiaiaAx»|isvoDc; %pvam ysyA,D|i|isvoDc; Kai

being inlaid in gold, being carved and

K£KoA,a|i|i8VODc; SKKo^ajijia acppay(8oc; sk tcov

being engraved — an engraved seal of the

ovojidxcov xcov dicov IopafjA, ?+ Kai S7is0r|Kav aDxotic;

names of the sons of Israel. and they placed them

S7Ti xodc; cojiodc; Tr\q S7rco|i(8o(; AiGoi [ivr\[Loavvov

upon the shoulders of the shoulder-piece; [stones of memorial

eicriv xcov dicov IapafjA, Ka6d aDvsxa^s Kopioc; xco

they are] of the sons of Israel, as [the] LORD gave orders [to]

Mcoixxfj 8+ Kai 87iovr|aav Xoyiov spyov Dcpavxov xr|

Moses. And they made [the] oracle — [ work a woven] [in]

7roiKiAia Kaxd xo spyov xrjc; S7ico|jl8oc; sk %pDa(oD

embroidery, according to the work of the shoulder-piece; of gold,

Kai DaKivGoD Kai 7iopcpDpac; Kai kokkivod

and blue, and purple, and scarlet

8iavsvrjO|isvoD Kai Pdctcjod KSKAxBajisvriq 9 +

being spun, and linen being twined.

xsxpdycovov 8utA,odv S7io(r|aav xo Xoyiov a7ii6a|if|c;

[four-cornered double They made the oracle]. A span

xo jifjKoq Kai a7u6a|if|c; xo SDpoq dmXovv io+ Kai

[was] the length, and a span [was] the breadth, doubled. And

aDVDcpdvGrj sv aDxcb Dcpaajia KaxaAi0ov

they wove together in it a woven work inlaid with precious stones,


39 ^

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

xsxpdaxixov axixoq AiGcov adp8iov Kai xcmd^iov Kai

arranged in four rows. A row of stones ~ sardius, and topaz, and

a|idpay8oc; o cm%oc; o siq u+ Kai o oxijoq

emerald, [was] the [ row one]. And the [ row

o Seuxspog dvGpa^ Kai ad7icpeipoc; Kai idcmc; 12+ Kai

second] ~ carbuncle, and sapphire, and jasper. And

o oTi%oq o xpixoc; Aaytipiov Kai axdxrjc; Kai

the [ row third] — amber, and agate, and

ajieGuoxoc; 13 + Kai o gxv%oc; o xexapxoc; %pua6Aa0oc;

amethyst; and the [ row fourth] — chrysolite,

Kai Pr|pi)AAiov Kai ovv%iov 7i8piK8KDKXco|isva %pi)aico

and beryl, and onyx; being surrounded by gold

Kai ai)v5s5s|i8va %pi)aico u+ Kai 01 X(0oi fjaav 8K

and being tied together by gold. And the stones were of

xcov ovojidxcov xcov mcbv IapafjX 8cb8eKa sk

the names of the [sons of Israel twelve], of

xcov 8cb8eKa ovojidxcov auxcbv syysy}u)|i|ievai

[ twelve names their] being engraved

acppay(8ec; SKaoxoq 8K xod eauxcro ovojiaxoc; sic; xac;

seals, each of [its] own name for the

8cb8eKa (pvkdq 15+ Kai S7iovr|aav em xo Xoysiov

twelve tribes. And they made [ upon the oracle

Kpoaaotic; ai)|i7re7rA,ey|ievoi)c; epyov £|i7iAx)Kiou sk

a border], [ being closely joined a work of wreath] from out of

Xpvaiov Ka6apcy6 i 6 + Kai S7ro(r|aav dvo aa7ii8(aKac;

[ gold pure]. And they made two bezels

Xpvadq Kai 8t3o 8aKxuAioi)c; %pvaovq n+ Kai S7i80r|Kav

of gold, and two rings of gold. And they placed

Tovq dvo 8aKxi)Aioi)c; xouq %pi)acr6c; S7i' ajicpoxspaq

the two rings of gold upon both

xac; apxdq xod Xoysuro Kai S7i80r|Kav xa ejjjrXoKia

the corners of the oracle. And they placed the wreaths

sk xpvaiov S7i( Tovq dvo 8aKroAioi)c; S7i' ajicpoxepcov

of gold upon the two rings, upon both

xcov jiepcbv xod Xoysioi) Kai eic; xac; dvo av^oXaq

of the parts of the oracle, and for the two couplings

xa 5t3o 8|i7iX6Kia 18+ Kai 87i86r|Kav em xac; 8t3o

for the two wreaths. And they placed [them] upon the two

aa7ri8(aKac; zovq cojiodc; xrjc; 87tco|jI8oc; s^svavxiaq

bezels of the shoulders of the shoulder-piece, right opposite

Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov 19+ Kai S7iorr|aav 8t3o 8aKxi)Aioi)c;

down in front. And they made two rings


39 ^


02 - Exodus

Xpvaovq Kai S7i86r|Kav S7i( xa 8do 7rcepDyia 87i'

of gold. And they placed [them] upon the two fins at

(XKpOD TOD XoySlOD 8711 TO OCKpOV TOD O7lia0lOD TT\q

[the] tip of the oracle upon the tip of the posterior of the

S7ico|ii8o(; sacoGsv 20+ Kai S7rovr|aav 8do SaKTDAioDc;

shoulder-piece from inside. And they made two rings

XPDctodc; Kai S7i86r|Kav S7i' ajicpoTspoDc; todc; co|iodc;

of gold, and placed them upon both of the shoulders

Tr\q 87ico|ii8o(; K&amp;TGoGev aDTOD KaTd 7ip6coa7rov KaTd

of the shoulder-piece from below it, down in front, down

ttjv aDjiPoAxjv dvcoGsv Tr\q aDVDtpfjc; Tr\q S7ico|ii8o(; 21 +

from the coupling from above the woven part of the shoulder-piece.

Kai aDveoqny^s to Xoyeiov anb tcov SaKTDAicov

And he fastened the oracle by the rings

tcov S7i ' aDTOD sic; todc; 5aKTDAioDc; Tr\q S7cco|ji8oc;

upon it, to the rings of the shoulder-piece,


to hold [it] together — from out of blue, being closely joined

sic; to Dcpaajia Trjq S7cco|jl8oc; (va jirj %aAmai to

into the woven work of the shoulder-piece, that [ would not slacken the

Xoysiov a7co rr|c; S7cco|ji8oc; Ka6d aDVSTa^e Kopioc; tco

oracle] from the shoulder-piece, as [the] LORD gave orders [to]

McoDafj 22+ Kai S7coir|aav tov D7co8dtt|v D7c6 tt|v

Moses. And they made the undergarment under the

S7cco|ii8a spyov DtpavTOV oXov DaKivBivov 23 + to 8s

shoulder-piece, [ work a woven], entirely of blue. And the

7cspiaT6|iiov tod D7co8dtod sv tco jisaco

cleft of the undergarment [was] in the middle,

SiDtpaajisvov aD|i7cA,SKT6v codv s^ov kdkAxd to

being interwoven closely, [ an edge having] round about the

7tspiaT6|iiov aSidAmov 24+ Kai S7co(r|aav 87U tod

cleft, reinforced. And they made upon the

AxbjiaTOc; tod D7co8dtod KdTCoGsv coast s^avGoDarjc;

hem of the undergarment from below as it were of a blossoming

poaq po'taKODc; DaKivGoD Kai 7copcpDpac; Kai

pomegranate — figures of pomegranates of blue, and purple, and

kokkivod vsvr|a|isvoD Kai Pdctctod KSKAx»a|isvr|c; 25 +

scarlet being spun, and linen being twined.

Kai S7io(r|aav KcbScovaq %pvaovq Kai S7is0r|Kav todc;

And they made bells of gold. And they placed the

KcbScovaq S7i( Ta AxbjiaTa tod D7co8dtod kdkXco

bells upon the hems of the undergarment round about,


39 ^

02 - Exodus

avajisoov tcov poioKcov 26 + Kcb5covac; %pvaovq Kai

between the figures of pomegranates. Bells of gold and

po'taKODc; 87ii tod AxbjiaTOc; tod D7to8dtod kdk^co siq

pomegranate figures upon the hem of the undergarment round about, for

to XsiTODpysiv Ka6d odvsto^s Kopioc; TCO McoDafj 27 +

the officiating, as [the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses.

Kai £7rovr|aav xrccovac; Pdctoivodc; spyov DcpavTOV

And they made garments of fine linen, [ work a woven],

Aapcbv Kai Toiq vioiq avzov Kai zaq Ki5dpei&lt;; 8K

for Aaron and his sons. And the turbans from out of

Pdctctod 28+ Kai ttjv jivcpav 8K pDaaoD Kai Ta

linen, and the mitre from out of linen, and the

7rspiaK8Ar| sk Pdoood K8Klcoa|i8vr|(; 29+ Kai

pants from out of linen being twined; and

zaq Cfbvaq aDTcbv sk PDaaoD Kai DaKivGoD Kai

their belts from out of linen, and blue, and

nopcpvpaq Kai kokkivod vsvrjajisvoD spyov 7toikiAtod

purple, and scarlet being spun, [the] work of an embroiderer,

ov Tpo7rov aDVSTa^e KDpioq tco McoDafi 30 + Kai

in which manner [the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses. And

87io(r|aav to iiSTakov to xpDaow acpopiajia tod

they made the [ panel golden], a separation [offering] for the

ayioD %pDcrioD KaGapoD Kai eypa\j/av S7i' aDTOD

holy [place], [gold of pure]. And they wrote upon it

ypdjijiaTa SKTSTD7rco|ieva atppay(8oc; ayiaajia Kopico

letters being shaped as of a seal, Sanctified [to the] LORD.

31+ Kai S7is9r|Kav 87i' aDTcb Axbjia DaKivGivov cocjts

And they put upon it a hem of blue, so as

87iiK8ia0ai 87ii TTjv jivcpav dvco08v OV Tp07lOV

to rest upon the mitre above, in which manner

aDVSTa^e KDpioq tco McoDafj 32 + Kai aDVSTsXeaGrj 7iav

[the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses. And [ was completed all

spyov Tr\q aKr\vr\q tod jiapTDpiOD Kai S7rorr|oav 01

work of the tent of the testimony]. And [made the

Dioi IopafjX KaTa 7idvTa 6aa aDVSTa^s Kopioc; tco

sons of Israel] according to all whatsoever [the] LORD gave orders [to]

McoDafj 33+ Kai fjveyKav tt|v aKTjvfjv itpoq McoDafjv

Moses. And they brought the tent to Moses,

Kai 7idvTa Ta oksdtj aDTfjc; Kai zovq ScLKivXiovq avTT\q

and all the items for it, and [its] rings,

Kai todc; cjtdA^odc; aDTfjc; Kai tod&lt;; [io%Xovq avTT\q Kai

and [its] posts, and [its] bars, and


39 ^


02 - Exodus

xodc; naaaakovq avTT\q Kai xac; pdasic; avTT\q 34 + Kai zaq

[its] stanchions, and [its] bases, and the

8up0spac; Sspjiaxa Kpicbv rjpi)6po5avco|isva Kai xa

leather coverings of [the] skins of rams dyed red, and the

KaAti|i|iaxa 8sp|iaxa DaKiv0iva Kai xo Kaxa7isxaa|ia

[ coverings skin] of blue, and the veil,

35+ Kai xrjv kiPcoxov xod |iapxDpk&gt;D Kai

and the ark of the testimony, and

xodc; 8ioaaxf|pac; aDxfjc; Kai xo 0Daiaaxfjpiov 36+ Kai xrjv

[its] poles, and the altar, and the

xpd7i£^av Kai 7idvxa xa aKSDrj aDxfjc; Kai xodc; dpxoDc;

table, and all [its] utensils, and the bread loaves

Tr\q 7ipo0sascoc; 37+ Kai xrjv h)%viav xr|VKa0apdv Kai

of the place setting, and the [ lamp-stand pure], and

xodc; Xvyyovq avTr\q Xvyyovq Tr\q KaDasooc; Kai rcavxa

[its] lamps ~ lamps [for] burning, and all

xa aKstirj auxfjc; Kai xo zkmov xod cpcoxoq 3 s + Kai xo

[its] utensils, and the oil for the light, and the

0i)aiaaxfjpiov xo %pvaovv Kai xo sAmov xrjc; xpiasooc;

[ altar golden], and the oil for the anointing,

Kai xo 0D|i(a|ia xrjc; aDV0sasooc; Kai xo S7ua7iaaxpov

and the incense of the composition, and the draw curtain

xrjc; dvpaq Tr\q GKr\vr\q 39+ Kai xo 0i)aiaaxfjpiov

of the door of the tent, and the altar

xo %aAxoDV Kai xrjv so%dpav aDxoD xrjv xaAxfjv Kai

of brass, and [its] grate brass, and

xodc; avacpopsk; aDxoD Kai rcavxa xa aKSDrj aDxoD Kai

[its] bearing poles, all [its] items, and

xov Am&gt;xfjpa Kai xrjv pdaiv aDxoD 40+ Kai xa laxia

the bathing tub, and [its] base, and the shrouds

xrjc; avhf\q Kai xodc; GTvXovq Kai xac; pdasic; aDxfjc;

of the courtyard, and the posts, and [its] bases,

Kai xo £7ria7iaaxpov xrjc; nvhr\q Tr\q avXr\q Kai

and the draw curtain of the gate of the courtyard, and

xa a%oiv(a avTT\q Kai xodc; naaaaXovq avTT\q Kai rcavxa

[its] lines, and [its] stanchions, and all

xa spya^sia xa sic; xa spya xrjc; GKr\vr\q xod

the work tools, the ones for the works of the tent of the

jiapxDpioD Kai xac; axoAxxc; xac; XsixoDpyiKdc; sic; xo

testimony, and the robes of the ministries for the

XsixoDpysiv sv aDxak; sv xco ayico 41+ Kai zaq

ministering in them in the holy [place], and the


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

02 - Exodus

GToXaq xod ayioD ai eiaiv Aapcbv Kai mq GToXaq

apparels of the holy [place] which are for Aaron, and the apparels

tcov mcbv olvtov siq xrjv lepaxeiav 42 + raid 7idvxa

of his sons for the priesthood. According to all

6aa aDvexa^e Kopioc; xco McoDafj odxcoc; £7tovr|aav 01

as much as [the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses, thus [ made the

moi IapafjA, 7idaav xrjv 7iapaaK£Df|v Kai £i8e McoDarjc;

sons of Israel] all the accoutrements. And Moses saw

7idvxa xa spya Kai fjaav 7re7rorr|K6xsc; ai)xd ov

all the works; and they were doing them in the


manner [the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses; thus

S7rovr|aav aoxd Kai eD^oyrjaev aDxotic; McoDafjc;

they did them, and [blessed them Moses].

40 a

i + Kai eXdAxjae Kopioc; npoq McoDafjv Aiycov 2 + sv

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, On

rjjispa |i(a xod [ir\voq xod 7ipcoxoD voD|ir|v(a axfjaeic;

day one of the month of the first new moon, you shall set up

xrjv aKTjvfjv xod |iapxDpfc&gt;D 3+ Kai Bfjasic; sksi xrjv

the tent of the testimony, and you shall set up there the

kiPcoxov xod jiapxDpioD Kai aK87ida£ic; xrjv kiPcoxov

ark of the testimony, and you shall shelter the ark

xco Kaxa7i8xda|iaxi 4+ Kai siaoiaeic; xrjv xparce^av Kai

by the veil. And you shall carry in the table, and

7ipo0fjO£ic; xrjv 7rp66eaiv avTT\q Kai siaoiaeic; xrjv

you shall set [its] place setting. And you shall carry in the

A,D%v(av Kai e7U0fjaeic; xodc; Xvyyovq avTT\q 5+ Kai

lamp-stand, and you shall place on it [its] lamps. And

dr\aziq xo GDaiaaxfjpiov xo xpDaow sic; xo 9D|iidaai

you shall place the [ altar golden] to burn incense

evavxiov xrjc; kiPcoxod xod jiapxDpioD Kai e7ri6fjasic;

before the ark of the testimony. And you shall place

KdA,D|i|ia Kaxa7iexda|iaxoc; em xrjv 6i3pav xrjc; GKr\vr\q

a covering veil upon the door of the tent.

6+ Kai xo 0DGiaaxfjpiov xcov Kap7ico|idxcov Gfjasiq

And the altar of the yield [offerings] you shall put

7iapd xrjv 0Dpav Tr\q GKr\vr\q xod jiapxDpiOD 7+ Kai

by the door of the tent of the testimony. And


40 a ev tootco + vtica 02 - Exodus

Gfjasiq xov XoDxfjpa avajieaov Tr\q GKr\vr\q tod

you shall place the bathing tub between the tent of the

jiapiDpioD Kai avajisaov tod 0Daiaarr|pioD Kai

testimony and between the altar. And

Gfjaeic; ev aDTcb D5cop 8+ Kai dr\asiq rqv avhf\v

you shall put [in it water]. And you shall station the courtyard

kdkAxd Kai Gfjasiq to KaTa7iSTaa|ia tt|c; 7ivhr\q Tr\q

round about. And you shall station the veil of the gate of the

ax&gt;Xr\q 9+ Kai Ar|\j/r| to sAxxiov tod xpiajiaToq Kai

courtyard. And you shall take the oil of the scented unguent, and

Xpiaeic; tt|v aKTjvfjv Kai 7idvTa Ta sv aDTfj Kai

you shall anoint the tent, and all the [things] in it. And

ayidaeic; aDTfjv Kai rcdvTa Ta oksdtj avTT\q Kai saTai

you shall sanctify it, and all [its] items. And it shall be

dyia 10+ Kai xpiaziq to 0DaiaaTfjpiov tcov

holy. And you shall anoint the altar of the

Kap7T(D|ldTCDV Kai 7ldVTa Ta OKSDT] aDTOD n+ Kai

yield [offerings], and all [its] utensils. And

Xpiaeiq tov XoDTfjpa Kai tt|v pdaiv aDTOD Kai

you shall anoint the bathing tub, and [its] base, and

ayidaeic; aDTOV Kai ayidaeic; to GDaiaaTfjpiov Kai

you shall sanctify it. And you shall sanctify the altar. And

s&lt;ycai to GDaiaaTfjpiov dyiov tcdv ayicov n+ Kai

it will be the altar [of the] holy of the holies. And

7ipoad^sic; Aapcbv Kai todc; diodc; aDTOD £7U zaq

you shall lead Aaron and his sons unto the

dvpaq Tr\q GKr\vr\q tod jiapTDpiOD Kai Xovaziq

doors of the tent of the testimony, and you shall bathe

aDTODc; D8aTi i 3 + Kai sv8Dasic; Aapcbv Tag GToXaq

them in water. And you shall put on Aaron the [ apparels

zaq ayiaq Kai xpiasic; aDTOV Kai ayidaeic; aDTOV Kai

holy], and you shall anoint him, and you shall sanctify him, and

ispaT8Dasi (ioi 14 + Kai todc; diodc; aDTOD 7ipoad^sic;

he shall officiate as priest to me. And his sons you shall lead forward,

Kai evStiaeic; aDTODc; xrccbvac; 15+ Kai aXsnj/eic; aDTODc;

and you shall put on them inner garments. And you shall anoint them

ov Tpo7iov r\ksi\\faq tov 7iaT8pa aDTcbv Kai

in which manner you anointed their father, and

ispaTSDaoDai jioi Kai saTai cbaTS sivai aDTOic;

they shall officiate as priests to me. And it will be so as to be to them

Xpiajia ispaTSiaq sic; tov aicbva £\q zaq yevedc; aDTcbv

an anointing priesthood into the eon, unto their generations.


40 a ev toutco + viica 02 - Exodus

i6+ Kai S7io(r|a8 McoDafiq rcdvxa 6aa svsxeiXaxo aDxco

And Moses did all as much as [ gave charge to him

Kopioc; odxcoc; £7iovr|as n+ Kai syevexo sv xco (irjvi

[the] LORD] ~ thus he did. And it came to pass in the [ month


first], in the second year of their going forth

AiyirnxoD voi)|ir|via saxdGrj r| aKTjvfi ig+ Kai

from out of Egypt, [at the] new moon, [was set up the tent]. And

saxrjas McoDafjc; xrjv aKTjvfjv Kai S7is0r|KS zaq

Moses set up the tent, and placed the

KscpaAiSaq Kai 8isvsPaXs xodc; [io%Xovq Kai eaxrjasv

tips, and inserted the bars, and set up

zovq GTvXovq avTT\q 19+ Kai e^exeivs xac; aDAmac; £7U

[its] posts. And he stretched out the curtains upon

xrjv aKqvfjv Kai 87i86r|Kav xo KaxaKdA,D|i|ia

the tent, and they placed the [ coverings

Tr\q aKT\vr\q 87i' aDxfjv dvcoGev KaGd aDVSxa^s Kopioc;

tent] upon it from above — as [the] LORD gave orders

xco Mcoixxfj 20+ Kai XaPcbv xa jiapxtipia evsPaXsv £iq

[to] Moses. And taking the testimonies, he put [them] into

XT|V KlPcOXOV Kai D7180T|KSV XODCJ 8lC0axf|pac; D7TO XT|V

the ark, and he placed the poles under the

kiPcoxov Kai S7i86r|K8v xo lAxxaxfjpiov 87idvco TT\q

ark, and he placed the atonement-seat upon the

kiPcoxod 21+ Kai eiafjvsyKs xrjv kiPcoxov siq xrjv

ark. And he carried the ark into the

aKTjvfjv Kai 87is0r|Ks xo KaxaKdXi)|i|ia xod

tent, and he set the covering of the

Kaxa7T8xda|iaxoc; Kai saK87iaas xrjv kiPcoxov xod

veil, and it sheltered the ark of the

(lapxi)p(oi) ov xp07iov oDvexa^e Kopioc; xco McoDafj

testimony in which manner [the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses.

22+ Kai S7rs9r|KS xrjv xpdrcs^av sic; xrjv aKqvfjv xod

And he placed the table in the tent of the

jiapxDpiOD 87ii xo kAaxoc; xrjc; GKr\vr\q xod jiapxDpiOD

testimony, upon the side of the tent of the testimony,

xo 7ipoc; Poppdv e^coGev xod Kaxa7i£xda|iaxoc; Tr\q

the [one] towards [the] north, from outside the veil of the

aKTjvfjq 23+ Kai 7ipoas0r|K8v S7i' aDxfjc; xodc; dpxoDc;

tent. And he set upon it the bread loaves

xrjc; 7ipo08aecoc; svavxi KopioD ov xporcov

of the place setting before [the] LORD, in which manner


40 a ev toutco + viica 02 - Exodus

ai)V8ia^8 Kopioc; tco McoDofj 2 4 + Kai eGrjKs ttjv

[the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses. And he put the

A,i)xv(av sic; xrjv aKTjvfjv tod |iapTDpfc&gt;D svavxiov Tr\q

lamp-stand in the tent of the testimony before the

Tpa7rs^r|c; siq to kAJtoc; Tr\q aKr\vr\q to 7ipoc; votov 25 +

table, to the side of the tent towards [the] south.

Kai S7i89r|Ksv todc; Xv%vovq avTT\q svavn KopioD ov

And he placed upon it [its] lamps before [the] LORD, in which

Tp07TOV &lt;TDV8Ta^£ KDpiOCj TCO McODafj 26 + Kai 80rjKS TO

manner [the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses. And he put the

0Daia&lt;xcf|piov to %pvaovv ev tt| oKTjvfj tod

[ altar golden] in the tent of the

jiapTDpioD a7rsvavTi tod KaTa7i8Tda|iaTO(; 27+ Kai

testimony before the veil. And

s0D|i(aaev S7i' aDTOD to 0D|i(a|ia Tr\q aDV0sascoc;

he burned incense upon it, the incense of the composition,

Ka0d7isp aDVSTa^e Kopioc; too McoDafj 2 s + Kai s0r|K8

just as [the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses. And he placed

to £7ua7iaaTpov tt|c; 0Dpaq ttjc^ aKTjvfjc; 29+ Kai to

the draw curtain of the door of the tent. And the

0Daia&lt;xcf|piov todv Kap7ico|idTCOv s0r|Ke 7iapd xaq

altar of the yield [offerings] he put by the

0Dpaq Tr\q GKr\vr\q tod jiapTDpioD Kai avfjveyKev sv

door of the tent of the testimony. And he offered on

aDTcb oXoKaDTCOjia Kai 0Da(av Ka0d aDVSTa^e

it a whole burnt-offering, and a sacrifice [offering], as [ gave orders

KDpiOCj TCO McoDofj 30+ Kai £7iovr|as TOV AxDDTTjpa

[the] LORD] to Moses. And he put the bathing tub

avajisoov ttjc; GKr\vr\q tod jiapTopioD Kai avajisaov

between the tent of the testimony, and between

TOD 0DaiaOTT|piOD Kai 871S0T|K8V 8V aDTCG D5cop 31 +

the altar. And he placed [ in it water]

(va vi7iTCOVTai aDTOD McoDafjc; Kai Aapcov Kai

for [ to wash from it Moses and Aaron and

01 Dioi aDTOD Tag xsipaq aDTcbv Kai todc; nodaq 32 +

his sons] their hands and feet,

Sia7TOp8DO|ISVC0V aDTCOV £\q ttjv aKTjvfiv TOD jiapTDpioD

in their entering into the tent of the testimony;

T| OTav 7ipoa7ropsDcovTai 7ipoc; to 0Doia&lt;ycfjpiov

or whenever they went to the altar

A^iTODpysiv 8V17TTOVTO aDTOD Ka0d aDVSTa^e Kopioc;

to officiate, they washed from it, as [the] LORD gave orders


40 a ev toutco + vtica 02 - Exodus

xco Mamaf) 33+ Kai saxrjae xrjv avXr\v kdk^cd xrjc;

[to] Moses. And he set up the courtyard round about the


tent and the testimony, and he stationed the

S7ua7iaaxpov xrjc; dvpaq xrjc; avhf\q Kai

draw curtain of the door of the courtyard. And

oDvexe^eae McDDafjg rcavxa xa epya 34 + Kai £KaA,D\j/sv

Moses completed all the works. And [ covered

T| vscpsArj xrjv GKr\vr\v xod jiapxDpiOD Kai S6^r\q

the cloud] the tent of the testimony, and [ of [the] glory

Kopioi) S7iATja6r| r| aKTjvfi 35+ Kai odk r|5r&gt;vf|6r|

[of the] LORD was filled the tent]. And [ was not able

Moyoafjc; eiasAiteiv siq xrjv aKTjvfiv xod jiapxDpiOD

Moses] to enter into the tent of the testimony,

6x1 S7T8aKia^sv S7i' aDxfjv r| vscpsArj Kai 66^r\q

for [overshadowed upon it the cloud], and [ of [the] glory

KDpioD £7iATja6r| T| aKTjvfi 36+r|viKa8' av avsprj r|

[of the] LORD was filled the tent]. And when ever [ascended the

vecpsAxj a7io xrjc; aKTjvfjc; avs^sDyvoaav 01 dioi

cloud] from the tent, [ broke camp the sons

IapafjA, &lt;xuv xrj a7iapx(a aDxcbv 37+ si 5s |ir| aveprj r|

of Israel] with their chattel. But if [ascends not the

vscpsArj odk avs^SDyvoaav sooc; xrjc; r||ispac; r\q

cloud], they did not break camp till the day which

aveprj r| vscpsArj 3 8 + vscpsArj yap r|v S7U xrjc; aKTjvfjc;

[ ascended the cloud]. For [the] cloud was upon the tent

rjjispac; Kai 7rop r|v S7t' avTT\q vdkxoc; svavxiov

[by] day, and fire was upon it [by] night, before

7iavx6c; IapafjA, ev 7iaoaic; xaic; ava^oyaic; aDxcbv

all Israel, in all their marchings.


1 N sv tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

1 X

i + Kai avsKd^sas McoDarjv Kai sA,dAx|as Kopioc; aDxcb

And he called Moses, and [the] LORD spoke to him

sk Tr\q aKr\vr\q xod Liapropfcn) Aiycov 2 + AxxArjaov

from out of the tent of the testimony, saying, Speak

TOiq vioiq IapafjX Kai spsiq npoq avzovq dv0pco7ioc;

to the sons of Israel! And you shall say to them, A man

s^ djicov sdv 7ipoaaydyr| 5cbpa xco Kopico ano xcov

of you, if he should bring gift [offerings] to the LORD from the

KTTjvcbv Kai a7io xcov Pocbv Kai a7io xcov 7ipopdxcov

cattle, and from the oxen, and from the sheep ~

7ipoao(asxs xa 8d)pa dlicov 3+ sdv oAx)KaDxcoLia

you shall bring your gift [offerings thus]. If [ [be] a whole burnt-offering

to 8cbpov aDxoD sk xcov Pocbv dpasv dLicoLiov

his gift [offering]] of the oxen, [ male as an unblemished

7ipoad^si ai)i6 7ipoc; xrjv 0Dpav xrjc; aKTjvfjc; xod

he shall bring it] to the door of the tent of the

LiapxDp(oi) 7ipoao(asi ai)xo 8skx6v 8VaVXlOV KDpiOD 4 +

testimony. He shall bring it as acceptable before [the] LORD.

Kai £7ii9f|aei xrjv %sipa S7i( xrjv KscpaArjv xod

And he shall place [his] hand upon the head of the

Kap7icoLiaxoc; 8skx6v aDxcb s^iAxxaaaGai nspi aDxoD 5 +

yield [offering] acceptable to him, to atone for him.

Kai acpd^oDai xov [ioa%ov svavxi KDpiOD Kai

And they shall slay the calf before [the] LORD, and

7ipoao(aoDaiv 01 dioi Aapcbv 01 ispsk; xo aijia Kai

[ shall bring the sons of Aaron the priests] the blood, and

7ipoaxsoDai xo aijia S7i( xo GDaiaaxfjpiov kdk^co

they shall pour the blood upon the altar round about

xo S7Ti xcov 0Dpcbv xrjc; aKqvfjc; XOD JiapXDpiOD 6 +

the [one] at the doors of the tent of the testimony.

Kai SKSsipavxsq xo oXoKaDxcojia lisAiodoiv aDxo

And flaying the whole burnt-offering, they shall dismember it

Kaxd LisArj 7+ Kai S7ii6fjaoDaiv 01 dioi Aapcbv 01

by limbs. And [ shall put the sons of Aaron the

ispsk; 7iDp S7U xo 0Doiaaxfjpiov Kai axoipdaoDai

priests] fire upon the altar. And they shall pile

^6A,a sm xo 7iDp 8+ Kai S7iiaxoipdaoDaiv 01 dioi

wood upon the fire. And [ shall pile up the sons

Aapcbv 01 ispsk; xa 8i%oxoLifjLiaxa Kai xrjv KscpaArjv

of Aaron the priests] the pieces, and the head,

1 N ev xoiJTCp + vtica 03 - Leviticus

Kai to axeap sni xa tpXa xa ski xod nvpoq xa ovxa

and the fat upon the wood upon the fire being

S7Ti xod 0Doiaoxr|pioD 9 + xa 8s syKoiAia Kai xodc;

upon the altar. But the intestines and the

7i65ac; nXvvovaiv D8axi Kai S7n0f|aei o ispsDc; xa

feet they shall wash in water. And [ shall place the priest] the

7idvxa em xo 6i)aiaaxf|piov Kdp7ccoLid eaxi 0Da(a

whole [amount] upon the altar — [ a yield [offering] it is] sacrifice

oaLifj sDcoSiac; KDpico io+sdv8s a7i6 xcov

scent of pleasant aroma [to the] LORD. And if [ [is] from the

7ipopdxcov xo 8cbpov avzov xco KDpico a7io xs xcov

sheep his gift [offering]] to the LORD, or also from the

apvcbv Kai xcov spicpcov sic; oAx)KaDxcoLia dpasv

lambs, and of the kids for a whole burnt-offering, [ male

dLicojiov 7ipoad^8i ai)xo Kai 87ri0fja£i xrjv %eipa S7i(

an unblemished he shall bring] for it. And he shall place [his] hand upon

xrjv KecpaAxjv auxou n+ Kai acpd^oDaiv ai)xo sk

its head. And they shall slay it by

7rA,ayicov xod 0i)aiaaxr|pioD 7ipoc; Poppdv svavxiov

[the] side of the altar, towards [the] north before

Kopioi) Kai 7ipoa%£oi)aiv 01 moi Aapcbv 01 ispsiq xo

[the] LORD. And [ shall pour the sons of Aaron the priests] the

aijia avTOV S7U xo 9i)aiaaxfipiov kukAxo 12+ Kai

blood of it upon the altar round about. And

5ieAx)i)aiv ai)xo Kaxd LisArj Kai xrjv Kscpa^fiv Kai

they shall divide it by limbs, and the head, and

xo axsap avzov Kai S7noxoipdaoi)aiv 01 ispsfc; ai)xd

its fat. And [ shall pile the priests] them

87Ti xa tpXa xa £7U xod nvpoq xa £7U xov

upon the wood upon the fire upon the

GDaiaaxrjpiov 13+ Kai xa syKodia Kai xodc; nodaq

altar. And the intestines, and the feet

7cA,DVODaiv D8axi Kai 7cpoao(asi o lepetic; xa 7cdvxa

they shall wash in water. And [ shall bring the priest] the whole [amount],

Kai e7ri6fja£i £7U xo 0DGiaaxfjpiov Kdp7cco|id saxi

and shall place [them] upon the altar — it is a yield [offering]

0Dd(a oaLifj 8Dco5(ac; xco Kopico h + sdv 5s a7co xcov

sacrifice scent of pleasant aroma to the LORD. But if from the

7CSXSlVCbv Kdp7CCOLia 7CpOacp8pr| 8cbpOV aDXOD xco Kopico

birds [ yield [offering] he should bring his gift] to the LORD,

Kai 7tpoao(aei a7co xcov xpDyovcov r| a7co xcov

then he shall bring [ from the turtle-doves or from the

8V TOUT© + VlKa
03 - Leviticus

7ispiaTspcbv to 8cbpov (xdtoi) 15+ Kai 7ipoaoia8i aVTO o

pigeons his gift], and [ shall bring it the

lepetic; npoq to 0DoiaaTfjpiov Kai a7TOKv(oei

priest] to the altar, and shall pluck off

ttjv KecpaAxjv avTOV Kai S7ii0f|oei o ispetic; em to

its head, and [ shall place [it] the priest] upon the

0Daia&lt;ycf|piov Kai aTpayyisi to aijia itpoq tt|v pdaiv

altar, and he shall wring out the blood to the base

tod 0i)oiaoTT] pioi) 16+ Kai atpeXsi tov 7ip6XoPov ai)v

of the altar. And he shall remove the crop with

xoiq 7TT£pofc; Kai SKpa^ei avxd 7iapd to

the feathers, and cast them by the

0i)aiaaTfjpiov KaT' avaToXdc; sic; tov totcov Tr\q

altar according to [the] east, into the place of the

a7ro8oT3 17+ Kai sKK^daei avzo sk tcov TTTeptiycov Kai

ashes. And he shall break it from the wings, and

od 8ieXei Kai £7ri6fjasi auTO o ispetic; sm to

shall not divide it. And [ shall place it the priest] upon the

0i)aia&lt;xcf|piov em Ta £pXa Ta em tod itvpoq

altar upon the wood upon the fire ~

Kdp7ico|id scjti Qvaia oajifj ei)co8(ac; too Kopico

[ a yield [offering] it is] sacrifice scent of pleasant aroma to the LORD.

2 n

1 + sdv 8s \|A)%fj 7ipoo(p8pr| 8cbpov 0ucriav too Kopico

And if a soul should bring a gift [offering] sacrifice to the LORD,

aejjiSaAic; s&lt;xcai to 8cbpov avzov Kai em%e£i S7i' auTO

[ fine flour shall be his gift [offering]]. And he shall pour upon it

eXaiov Kai £7ii6fjasi S7i' avzo Xifiavov Qvaia SOTl 2 +

olive oil. And he shall place upon it frankincense — it is a sacrifice.

Kai oiasi aDTTjv npoq zovq viovq Aapcov zovq

And he shall bring it to the sons of Aaron of the

ispek; Kai Spa^djievoc; ari avTT\q 7iAr|pr| tt|v 8pdKa

priests. And grabbing of it full by the handful

a7io Tr\q asjiiSdXscoc; aw tco sAmco Kai 7idvTa

of the fine flour with the olive oil and all

tov Aipavov avxr\q Kai £7ti0fjasi o ispsvq

its frankincense, [that] [ shall place the priest]

to |ivr||i6aDVOV avTT\q em to 0i)aia&lt;xcf|piov dvaia

its memorial [portion] upon the altar — a sacrifice

oajifj sDooSiaq tco Kopico 3+ Kai to Xovkov arco Tr\q

scent of pleasant aroma to the LORD. And the remainder of the

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

03 - Leviticus

dvaiaq Aapcbv Kai xoic; vioiq avzov dyiov xcov

sacrifice [shall be for] Aaron and his sons; [it is a] holy of the

ayicov goto xcov 0uaicbv Kopioi) 4 + sdv 8e 7ipoa(pspr|

holies of the sacrifices of [the] LORD. And if he should bring

8cbpOV 0DOiaV 7T£7T£|I|I8Vr|V 8V kXiP&amp;VCD 8K

a gift [offering] sacrifice being baked in an oven, [it shall be] of

asLiiSdlecoc; dpxouc; aCp^iovq 7T£(pupaLievouc; ev eAmco

fine flour, [ breads of unleavened] being mixed up with olive oil,

Kai Axxyava d£/DLia SiaKexpiajisva sv sAmco 5 +

or [ pancakes unleavened [breads]] being smeared all over in olive oil.

e&amp;v 8s dvaia goto xrjydvoi) xo 8cbp6v gov G£[iidaXiq

And if a sacrifice from [the] frying pan [is] your gift [offering], [ fine flour

7rs(pi)paLi8vr| sv eAmco d£/DLia saxai 6+ Kai

mixed up with olive oil unleavened [breads] it shall be]. And

8ia0pi)\j/eic; auxd KMaLiaxa Kai S7ri%e£ic; S7i' ai)xd

you shall break them [into] pieces, and you shall pour upon them

eXaiov 0i)oia eaxi Kopico i + sdv 8s Guaia anb

olive oil — it is a sacrifice to [the] LORD. And if [ sacrifice [be] from

saxdpaq xo 8cbp6v gov GS[ddaXxq sv sAmco

[the] grate your gift [offering]], [ fine flour with olive oil

7ioir|0f|asxai 8+ Kai 7ipoao(aeic; xrjv 0ua(av r\v av

it shall be made of]. And you shall bring the sacrifice, what ever

7roifjar| sk xouxcov xoo Kupico Kai 7ipoaoiasic; npoq

he should have made of these, to the LORD. And you shall bring [it] to

xov ispsa Kai 7ipoa£yy(aac; npoq xo 0i)aiaaxfjpiov 9 +

the priest. And in drawing near to the altar,

acpe^si o ispsvq arco Tr\q 0i)a(ac; xo |ivr||i6aDVOV

[ shall remove the priest] from the sacrifice the memorial [portion]

avTr\q Kai S7n0fjaei o mpsvq S7U xo 0i)aiaaxf|piov

of it. And [ shall place [it] the priest] upon the altar —

Kdp7TCOLia OCTLlfjV SDCoSiaq XCO KDpiCO 10+ xo 8s

a yield [offering] scent of pleasant aroma to the LORD. And the [amount]

KaxaXsicpGsv arco xrjc; dvGiaq Aapcbv Kai

being left behind from the sacrifice [shall be] for Aaron and

xoic; vioiq avzov dyia xcov ayicov arco xcov

his sons, a holy of the holies of the

Kap7icoLidxcov Kopioi) 11+ 7idaav dvGiav r\v av

yield [offerings] of [the] LORD. Every sacrifice which ever

7rpoacp8pr|xs xco Kopico ov 7ioifjasxs ^dlicoxov

you should bring to the LORD, you shall not make leavened;

7idaav yap £6|ir|v Kai 7iav jisli od 7rpoao(a£xe

for all yeast, and all honey you shall not offer

8V TOUT© + VlKa

03 - Leviticus

an avTOV Kap7icbaai too KDpico 8cbpov 12 + (map%r\q

of it, to yield to the LORD a gift [offering]. Of first-fruit -

7ipoao(asxs ai)id too KDpico S7U 8s to 0Daiaaxf|piov

you shall bring them to the LORD, but upon the altar

odk avaPiPaoGfjaexai sic; oo[ir\v SDCoSiaq too

they shall not be brought up for a scent of pleasant aroma to the

KDpico 13 + mi 7iav 8cbpov dvaiaq djicov aki

LORD. And every gift [offering] of your sacrifice [ [with] salt

a^iaGfjasxai od 8ia7iaDasTai aXaq SiaGfjicqc;

shall be salted]. You shall not discontinue salt [from the] covenant

KDpioi) arco 0i)aiaa|idTCOv djicov S7U 7ravx6c;

of [the] LORD with your sacrifices; [ upon all

SwpoD djicov 7ipoaoia8T8 akaq i 4 +sdv8s 7rpoatpspr|c;

your gift [offering] you shall offer salt]. And if you should bring

dvaiav 7ipcoToyswr||idTCOv icq KDpico vsa

a sacrifice of first produce to the LORD, [it shall be] new

7i8(ppDy|i8va %iSpa spiKid too KDpico Kai

parched [ green wheat ground] to the LORD. And [thus]

7ipoao(asic; xrjv dvaiav xcov 7ipcoToyswr|(idTCOv 15+ Kai

shall you bring the sacrifice of the first produce. And

znvxzsiq 87i ' aDifjv sAmov Kai £7ri0fjO£ic; S7i' aDifjv

you shall pour upon it olive oil. And you shall put upon it

Xifiavov dvaia saxi 16+ Kai avoiasi o ispstic; to

frankincense. It is a sacrifice [offering]. And [ shall offer the priest] the

(ivr||i6aDvov avTT\q arco xcov %{8pa)v cjdv xco sAmco

memorial [portion] of it from the green wheat with the olive oil,

Kai rcavxa xov Aipavov avTT\q Kdp7ico|id sail KDpico

and all its frankincense — it is a yield [offering] [to the] LORD.

3 a

1 + sdv 8s Qvaia acoxrjpioD to 8cbpov aDxoD xco

And if [ [be a] sacrifice of deliverance his gift [offering]] to the

KDpico sdv jisv 8K xcov Pocbv clvtov 7ipoaaydyr| sdv

LORD, [and] if then from his oxen he should bring [it]; if

is dpasv sdv is dr\kv d|ico|iov 7ipoad^si aDxo

indeed a male, [and] if indeed a female, [ unblemished he shall bring it]

svavxi Kopioi) 2 + Kai S7ii9f|asi xac; %sipaq aDxoD S7ri

before [the] LORD. And he shall place his hands upon

xrjv KstpaXfjv tod 8cbpoD Kai acpd^si aDxo 7iapd xac;

the head of the gift [offering], and he shall slay it by the

dvpaq Tr\q aKr\vr\q tod jiapTDpiOD Kai 7ipoa%soDaiv

doors of the tent of the testimony, and [ shall pour

3 3, sv tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

oi dioi Aapcbv oi ispeic; to ai|ia em to

the sons of Aaron the priests] the blood upon the

0DaiaaTf|piov tcdv oA,OKai)TC0LidTC0v kdkXco 3 + K(Xl

altar of the whole burnt-offerings round about. And

7ipoad^oi)aiv goto Tr\q dvaiaq tod acorrjpioD Kdp7icoLia

they shall bring, for the sacrifice of deliverance a yield [offering]

KDpico to crceap to KaTaKaA,D7rTOV tt|v KoiAiav

[to the] LORD — [and] the fat covering up the belly,

Kai 7iav to (xcsap to em Tr\q KoiAiaq 4+ Kai todc;

and all the fat upon the belly, and the

8do vecppoDc; Kai to crceap to aDTcbv to £7U

two kidneys, and the fat upon them, the [part] upon

TCDV LlTjpiCOV Kai TOV XofioV TOV 8711 TOD fj7TaT0C; ODV

the thighs; and the lobe, the one upon the liver with

Toiq vstppofc; mpisksi 5+ Kai avoiaoDaiv aDTd oi dioi

the kidneys, he shall remove. And [ shall offer them the sons

Aapcbv oi lepefc; S7U to 0Daia&lt;xcfjpiov £7ri Ta

of Aaron the priests] upon the altar, upon the

oXoKaDTCOLiaTa £7U Ta ^DA,a Ta ski tod nvpoq

whole burnt-offerings, upon the wood upon the fire —

Kdp7ico|ia oajxfjv SDCo8ia(; tco KDpico 6+sdv8s anb

a yield [offering] scent of pleasant aroma to the LORD. And if [ [is] of

tcov 7ipopdTC0v to 8cbpov aDTOD GDaia acorrjpioD TCO

the sheep his gift [offering] sacrifice of deliverance to the

KDpico dpasv r| 6f|A,D dLicoLiov 7ipoao(asi aDTO i +

LORD], [male or female as an unblemished he shall bring it].

sdv dpva 7ipoaaydyr| to 8cbpov aDTOD 7ipoad^si aDTO

If [ a lamb he should bring] for his gift [offering], he shall bring it

svavTi KDpioD s + Kai S7u6fja£i Tac; %sipaq S7i( tt|v

before [the] LORD. And he shall place hands upon the

KscpaAxjv tod 8cbpoD aDTOD Kai acpd^ei aDTO 7iapd zaq

head of his gift [offering], and shall slay it by the

dvpaq Tr\q GKr\vr\q tod LiapTopiOD Kai 7ipoax80Daiv

doors of the tent of the testimony. And [ shall pour

oi dioi Aapcbv oi ispsiq to ai|ia £7U to

the sons of Aaron the priests] the blood upon the

0Daia&lt;ycf|piov kdkAxo 9 + Kai 7ipoao(aei a7io Tr\q dvaiaq

altar round about. And he shall bring from the sacrifice


of deliverance a yield [offering] to the LORD — the fat and the

oacpDV dLicoLiov aDV zaiq \\f6aiq 7i8pisA,8i aDTO Kai

loin, unblemished with the flank he shall remove it, and

3 3, ev toutco + viica 03 - Leviticus

7iav to axsap to k(xt(xk(xA.t37ttov xrjv KoiAiav Kai 7iav

all the fat covering up the belly, and all

to oTsap to S7Ti TTjq KoiAiac; io + Kai a|icpoT8poi)c; xovq

the fat upon the belly, and both the

vscppotic; Kai to &lt;xceap to ai)Tcbv to S7ri tcdv

kidneys, and the fat upon them, [and] the [fat] upon the

jxrjpicov Kai tov Xofiov tov 87ii tod f|7raTOc; auv Toiq

thighs, and the lobe upon the liver, with the

vecppofc; 7i8pisXcbv n+ avoiasi o lepeug S7ri to

kidneys being removed. [ shall offer it [And] the priest] upon the

0i)aiaaTfjpiov oajifjv eucoSiaq Kdp7cco|ia too Kupico 12 +

altar — a scent of pleasant aroma yield [offering] to the LORD.

sdv 5s a7i6 tcdv aiycbv to 5cbpov avzov Kai 7cpoad^ei

And if [ [is] from the goats his gift [offering]], then he shall bring

ai)Tcb svavTi Kopioi) 13+ Kai S7ri6fja£i Tac;%e(pac; S7i(

it before [the] LORD. And he shall place hands upon

ttjv KecpaXfjv clvtov Kai acpd^ouaiv auTO svavTi

the head of it. And they shall slay it before

Kopioi) 7iapd Tac; dvpaq Tr\q aKr\vr\q tov jiapTDpioi)

[the] LORD by the doors of the tent of the testimony.

Kai 7ipoa%soi)aiv 01 moi Aapcbv 01 lepeic; to aijia

And [ shall pour the sons of Aaron the priests] the blood

87i( to 0Daia&lt;xcfipiov kdkXco 14+ Kai avoiasi a7c'

upon the altar round about. And he shall offer of

olvtov Kdp7cco|ia tco Kupico to aTeap

it a yield [offering] to the LORD — [even] the fat

to KaTaKaAi)7CTOV tt|v KoiAiav Kai 7cav to aTeap

covering up the belly, and all the fat

to £7U Tr\q KoiAiac; 15 + Kai todc; 6vo vscppouc; Kai 7cav

upon the belly, and the two kidneys, and all

to &lt;ycsap to S7c' ai)Tcbv to S7ci tcov jirjpicov Kai

the fat upon them, the [fat] upon the thighs; and

tov A,op6v tov S7c( tod fj7caTOc; auv Toiq vecppok;

the lobe upon the liver with the kidneys

7rspisA£i 16+ Kai avoiaei o lepstic; S7ri to

he shall remove. And [ shall offer [it] the priest] upon the

9i)aiaaTf|piov Kdp7cco|ia oajifjv SDCo8(ac; tco Kupico

altar— a yield [offering] scent of pleasant aroma to the LORD.

7cav aTeap tco Kupico 17+ v6|ii|iov aicoviov sic;

All fat [belongs] to the LORD, an [ law everlasting] unto

Taq ysvsdq djicov sv 7cdar| Kaxoiida djicov 7cav aTeap

your generations, in every dwelling of yours ~ all fat


8V TOUT© + VlKa

03 - Leviticus

Kai 7iav aijia odk s8ea9s

and all blood you shall not eat.

4 7

i + mi sXaAxjae Kopioc; npoq MoaDafjv Aiyoov i +

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

XaXr\aov itpoq zovq viovq IapafjA, Aiyoov \\fv%r\ sav

Speak to the sons of Israel! saying, If a soul

ajidpiri aKODaicoq anb 7idvTCOv tcdv 7ipoaTay|idTCOv

should sin unintentionally from all of the orders

KDpiOD GOV 01) 8si 7TOIC0V K(Xl 7lOrfjaSl 8V Tl 0171 '

of [the] LORD, of which [things] he must not be doing, and he should do any one of

aDTcbv 3 + s&amp;v jisv o apxispstic; o Kexpiajievoc; a|i&amp;pxr|

them; if then the [ chief priest anointed] should sin

tod xov Axxov ajiapxsiv Kai 7ipoad^ei 7iepi

[to cause] the people to sin, [then] he shall bring for

Tr\q ajiapxiaq avzov r\q fjjiapTe |ioa%ov 8K Pocbv

his sin of which he sinned [ calf of [the] oxen

d|ico|iov too KDpico 7rspi TT\q ajiapTiac; 4 + Kai

an unblemished] to the LORD for the sin. And

7ipoad^si xov jioaxov 7iapd xrjv 0Dpav Tr\q GKr\vr\q

he shall bring the calf by the door of the tent

TOD JiapiDpiOD SVaVTl KDpiOD Kai £7U0fjaei

of the testimony before [the] LORD. And he shall place


his hand upon the head of the calf before

KDpiOD Kai acpd^ei xov |ioa%ov svcb7riov KDpiOD 5 +

[the] LORD, and he shall slay the calf in the presence of [the] LORD.

Kai Xaficbv o ispsDc; o xpiaxoq o TSTsXeicojievoc; xaq

And [ taking the priest anointed having perfected the

%8ipac; anb tod aijiaxoc; tod |i6ct%od Kai eiaoiaei

hands] from the blood of the calf, even shall carry

aDTO sic; TTJV aKTjVflV TOD jiapTDpiOD 6+ Kai pd\j/ei o

it into the tent of the testimony, and [ shall dip the

ispsDq tov 8dKTDA,ov sic; to a(|ia Kai 7ipoapave( anb

priest] the finger into the blood, and shall sprinkle on from


the blood seven times with the finger before [the] LORD

KaTd to KaTa7iSTaa(ia to dyiov 7+ Kai e7ii9f|asi o

at the [ veil holy]. And [ shall put the

ispsDq anb tod aijiaToq tod |ioa%OD S7U Ta KspaTa

priest] of the blood of the calf upon the horns

4 7 ev tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

tod GDaiaaxrjpioD tod 0DLii&amp;LiaTOc; Tr\q crovGsascoc;

of the altar of incense of the composition

evavxi KDpioD o saxiv sv ttj aKrjvfj tod LiapTopioD

before [the] LORD, which is in the tent of the testimony.

Kai 7iav to ai|ia tod Li6a%OD sk%ssi rcapd rqv

And [ all the blood of the calf he shall pour] by the

P&amp;aiv tod 0d (iuxo ttj pioD TT\q Kap7ccoaecoc; O SCJTl

base of the altar of the [yield] offering, which is

7iapd zaq dvpaq Tr\q GKr\vr\q tod LiapTopioD 8+ Kai

by the doors of the tent of the testimony. And

7iav to crcsap tod li6cj%od tod Tr\q aLiapTiaq Kai

all the fat of the calf, of the one of the sin [offering], and

7rspisA£i an (xdtod to crcsap TO KaTaKaA,D7TTOV Ta

he shall remove from it the fat covering up the

sv86a6ia Kai 7cav to crcsap to S7c( tcov sv5oa6icov 9+

entrails, and all the fat upon the entrails,

Kai todc; 8do vscppoDq Kai to crcsap to S7c' aDTcbv

and the two kidneys, and the fat upon them,


by the thighs; and the lobe upon the

fj7caTO&lt;; crov toic; vscppoiq 7cspisXs( aDTO 10+ ov

liver with the kidneys he shall remove it, in which

Tpo7cov acpaipercai a7co tod lioct/od tod Tr\q dvaiaq

manner he removes from the calf of the sacrifice

tod acoTTjpioD Kai avoiasi o lepetic; 87ci to

of the deliverance [offering]. And [ shall offer [it] the priest] upon the

0Daiacrcfjpiov tt|c; KapTccbascoq 11+ Kai to 8spLia tod

altar of the yield [offering]. And the skin of the

|i6cj%od Kai 7cdaav aDTOD tt|v odpKa aw tt| KecpaXfj

calf, and all of its flesh, with the head,

Kai Toiq aKpcorrjpioic; Kai ttj KoiAia Kai tt| K07cpco

and the extremities, and the belly, and the dung.

12+ Kai s^oiaoDcnv 6A,ov tov [ioa%ov s^co rr|c;

even they shall bring forth [the] entire calf outside the

7cape|iPoAx|c; ziq T07cov KaGapov od SK^eoDai tt|v

camp into [ place a clean] where they shall pour out the
a7co8idv Kai KaTaKaDCJODaiv aDTOV 87ci ^d^cov 8V

ashes. And they shall incinerate it upon wood with

7CDpi em Tr\q SK^Dascoq TT\q anodiaq KaDGfjasTai 13 +

fire; [upon the outpouring of the ashes it shall be burnt].

sdv 5s 7cdaa aDvaycoyfj IapafjA, ayvofjarj

And if all [the] congregation of Israel should not know,

4 7 ev tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

aKODaicoc; Kai Xadr\ pfjLia s£, ocp9aA,Licbv

[it being] unintentionally [done], and [ should be unaware [the] thing] from [the]

Tr\q away wyr\q Kai 7ioifjacDai jiiav arco 7iaacbv

of the congregation, and they should do one [trespass] from all

xcov svxoAxbv KDpiOD T| 01) 7TOir|0f|a8Tai Kai

of the commandments of [the] LORD which should not be done, and

7iA,r|LiLisXf|acoai h+ Kai yvooaBfj aircofc; r| ajiapxia

they should trespass, and [ should be made known to them the sin]

r|v fjLiapxov sv aDifj Kai 7ipoad^ei r| aDvayooyfj

which they sinned by it; then [ shall bring the congregation]

Lioaxov sk Pocbv d|icoLiov 7isp( Tr\q ajiapTiaq Kai

a calf from out of [the] oxen, unblemished, for the sin [offering]; and

7ipoad^si auxov 7iapd xaq dvpaq Tr\q aKr\vr\q tod

he shall bring it by the doors of the tent of the

jiapxDpioi) 15+ Kai £7ii6fjaoDoiv 01 7rpsaPi)T£poi Tr\q

testimony. And [ shall place the elders of the

aDvaycDyfjc; xac; xeipaq ai)icbv S7i( xr|v KecpaXfjv tod

congregation] their hands upon the head of the

LioaxoD svavxi KDpiOD Kai acpd^oDai xov [ioa%ov

calf before [the] LORD. And they shall slay the calf

svavxi KDpiOD i6 + Kai eiaoiasi o ispsDc; o xpiazoq

before [the] LORD. And [ shall carry the priest anointed]

a7io tod aiLiaxoq tod lioctxod siq tt|v aKTjvfjv tod

some of the blood of the calf into the tent of the

LiapTDpioD 17+ Kai pd\j/si o ispsDc; tov 5dKTDA,ov ano

testimony. And [ shall dip the priest] [his] finger into

tod aiLiaToq tod li6cj%od Kai pavei znxaKiq svavTi

the blood of the calf, and shall sprinkle [it] seven times before

KDpiOD KaT8vco7riov tod KaTa7i£Tda|iaTOc; tod ayioD i8 +

[the] LORD in front of the [veil holy].

Kai and tod aijiaToq S7ri0fja8i o lepetic; sni xa

And some of the blood [ shall place the priest] upon the

KspaTa tod GDaiaarrjpioD tcdv 0DLiiaLidTCOv Tr\q

horns of the altar of the incenses of the

aDvGeascDc; o screw svcb7riov KDpiOD o eaTiv sv

composition, which is before [the] LORD, which is in

TT| OKTjVfl TOD LiapTDpiOD Kai TO 7iaV ai|ia £K%££1

the tent of the testimony. And [all [the] blood he shall pour out]

7ipoc; ttjv pdoiv tod 0DoiaoTTj pioD tcov Kap7icbascov

before the base of the altar of the yield [offering],

tod ovToq 7ipoc; ttj 0Dpa TT\q aKT[VT\q TOD

of the one being before the door of the tent of the


4 7 ev toi3tco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

LiapiDpioi) 19+ Kai to 7i ocv axeap aDxoD 7repieXe( an

testimony. And [ all of its fat he shall remove] from

avTOV Kai avoiaei em to 0Daiaaxf|piov 20+ Kai

it, and he shall offer [it] upon the altar. And

7roifjasi xov Li6a%ov ov xporcov S7roir|ae xov

he shall offer the calf, in which manner he did the

Lioaxov xov Tr\q ajiapxiac; odxcoc; 7ioir|6fia8Tai Kai

calf for the sin [offering] — so it shall be done. And

s^iAxxaexai 7i8p( aDxcbv o ispetic; Kai atpsGfjoexai

[ shall atone for them the priest], and [ shall be forgiven

aDioiq r| aLiapxia 21+ Kai s^oiaoDai xov [ioa%ov

them the sin]. And they shall bring forth the [calf

6Xov s^co Tr\q 7iap8LiPoA,f|q Kai KaxaKatiaoDai xov

complete] outside the camp. And they shall incinerate the

Lioaxov ov xpo7iov KaxeKaDaav xov Li6a%ov

calf, in which manner they incinerated the calf

xov 7ip6x8pov a|iapxia aDvaycoyfiq eaxiv 22 + sdv 5s o

formerly— [ a sin [offering] for [the] congregation it is]. And if the

dp%cov aLidpxrj Kai 7roifjar| jiiav ano 7raacov xcov

ruler should sin, and should commit one [trespass] of all of the

svxoAxbv Kupioi) xod 08ot3 aDxoD r| oi) 7roir|9fjaexai

commandments of [the] LORD his God which he shall not do

aKODaicDc; Kai a|idpxr| Kai 7ihr\[L[Lskr\ar\ 23+ Kai

unintentionally, and should sin and should trespass, and

yvcoaGfj aDxcb r| ajiapxia rjv fjLiapxsv sv aDxfj

[ should be known to him the sin by which he sinned by it],

Kai 7ipoao(asi xo 5cbpov aDxoD x^apov 8 ^ aiycbv

then he shall bring his gift [offering] of a young he-goat from [the] goats ~

dpasv djicoLiov 24+ Kai S7ii9fjasi xrjv %e(pa aDxoD S7ri

a male unblemished. And he shall place his hand upon

xrjv KscpaArjv xod xiLidpoi) Kai ocpa^oDaiv ai)xov ev

the head of the young he-goat, and they shall slay it in

xo7rco od acpd^oDai xa oXoKaDxcbLiaxa evcG7riov

[the] place of which they slay the whole burnt-offerings before

Kupioi) ajiapxiac; saxi 25+ Kai £7ri6fjO£i o ispsDc; ano

[the] LORD — [ a sin [offering] it is]. And [ shall place the priest] some of

xod aiLiaxoq xod xrjc; ajiapxiaq xco 8aKXDAx» em

the blood of the one of the sin [offering], with the finger, upon

xa Kspaxa xod 0Daiaaxr|p(oD xcov o^oKaDxcoLidxcov

the horns of the altar of the whole burnt-offerings.

Kai xo 7iav ai|ia aDxoD SK%£ei 7iapd xrjv pdaiv xod

And [ all of its blood he shall pour out] by the base of the


4 7 ev toi3tco + vuca 03 - Leviticus

6i)aiaaTT|p(oD tcov oAx)KaDTCOLidTCOv 26+ Kai 7iav

altar of the whole burnt-offerings. And [ all

to axsap olvtov avokrei S7ri to 0DGia&lt;xcf|piov champ

of its fat he shall offer] upon the altar, as

to &lt;ycsap 0Da(ac; oarer) pk&gt;D Kai e^iXdaeTai nspi

the fat sacrifice of deliverance. And [ shall atone for

olvtov o ispetic; goto Tr\q ajiapTiac; olvtov Kai

him the priest] of his sin, and

acpeBfjasTai avT&amp;t n + sdv 8s \\fv%r) jiia aLidpTTj

it shall be forgiven him. And if [ soul one] should sin

aKODcricDc; 8K tod Xcilov Tr\q yr\q SV TOO 7ioif|aai

unintentionally from among the people of the land, in the committing

Liiav euro 7iaacov tcov svto^cov Kopuro r| ov

one [trespass] from all of the commandments of [the] LORD, which should not

7ioir|0f|O8Tai Kai 7iA,r||i|ieATjar| 2 s + Kai yvooaBfj

be done, and he should trespass, and [ should be made known

avT(b T| ajiapTia r|v fjLiapTev ev aDTfj Kai oiaei

to him the sin] which he sinned by it, then he shall bring

to 8cbpov %i|iaipav 8 ^ aiycbv 0rjA,£iav djicoLiov

the gift [offering] — [ yearling of [the] goats female an unblemished

oiaei 7ispi Trjq ajiapTiaq r\q fjLiapTS 29 + Kai

he shall offer] for the sin which he sinned. And

£7ri6fja£i ttjv %e(pa olvtov 87ii tt|v KscpaArjv

he shall place his hand upon the head

tod aLiapTfjjiaTOc; aDTOD Kai ocpd^oDoi tt|v %(|iaipav

of his sin [offering]; and they shall slay the yearling,

ttjv Tr\q ajiapTiaq ev tcd T07ico od acpd^oDai Ta

the one of the sin [offering], in the place where they slay the

oXoKaDTCDLiaTa 30+ Kai Arj\j/8Tai o lepstic; arco

whole burnt-offerings. And [ shall take the priest] some of

tod aiLiaToq aDTfjc; too SaKToAxo aDTOD Kai e7U0f|aei

its blood [with] his finger, and shall put [it]

8711 Ta KSpaTa TOD 0DOiaOTT]piOD TCOV

upon the horns of the altar of the

oA,oKaDTCOLidTCOv Kai 7iav to aijia ovTT\q sk%s£( 7iapd

whole burnt-offerings. And all of its blood he shall pour out by

ttjv pdaiv tod 0Daiaarr|pioD 31+ Kai 7iav to exesap

the base of the altar. And all the fat

7ispisA£i ov Tp07iov Tiepiaipevrai to crcsap ono Tr\q

he shall remove in which manner he removed the fat from the

0Da(ac; acorrjpioD Kai avoiasi o ispsvq ski to

sacrifice of deliverance. And [ shall offer [it] the priest] upon the

5 n sv toutco + viica 03 - Leviticus

GDaiaaxfjpiov sic; oajifjv eD&lt;»8iac; Kopioo Kai

altar for a scent of pleasant aroma [to the] LORD. And

s^iAxxaexai 7i8pi aDxoD o ispsDc; Kai acpeGfjaexai

[ shall atone for him the priest], and it shall be forgiven

avT(b 32+s&amp;v8s 7rp6paxov 7rpoasvsyKr| xo 8cbpov aDxoD

him. And if [ a sheep he should bring] for his gift

7ispi xrjc; ajiapxiac; dr\ko d|ico|iov 7ipoaoia8i aoxo 33 +

for the sin [offering], [female as an unblemished he shall bring it].

Kai £7ii9f|aei xrjv xsipa aDxoD S7ri xrjv KecpaArjv xod

And he shall place his hand upon the head of the one

xrjc; ajiapxiac; Kai acpd^oDaiv ai)xo nspi ajiapxiac; sv

for the sin [offering]. And they shall slay it for a sin [offering] in

X07TCD od acpd^oDai xa oXoKai)xcb|iaxa 34+ Kai Xaficbv

[the] place of which they slay the whole burnt-offerings. And [ taking

0 ispstic; and xod aijiaxoc; xod xrjc; ajiapxiac; xco

the priest] some of the blood of the one for the sin [offering] [with]

8aKXDAxD aDxoD £7ri0fja£i 87U xa Kepaxa xod

his finger, he shall place [it] upon the horns of the

0Daiaaxr|p(oD xrjc; oAx)Kap7icba£CDc; Kai 7iav aDxoD

altar of the whole offering. And all of its

xo aijia sk%s£i rcapd xrjv pdaiv xod 0Daiaaxr|p(oD

blood he shall pour out by the base of the altar

xrjc; o^oKaDxcbascDc; 35 + Kai 7iav aDxoD xo axsap

of the whole burnt-offering. And all of its fat

mpisksi ov xp07iov 7iepiaipeixai axsap 7ipopdxoD

he shall remove in which manner [ was removed [the] fat of [the] sheep
arco 0Da(ac; xod acoxrjpioD Kai £7ii6fjasi aDxo o

from [the] sacrifice of deliverance]. And [shall place it the

ispsDc; 87U xo 0Daiaoxfjpiov sni xa oA^OKaDxcojiaxa

priest] upon the altar, upon the whole burnt-offerings

KDpioD Kai s^dasxai 7isp( aDxoD o ispsDc; 7ispi

of [the] LORD. And [ shall atone for him the priest], for

xrjc; ajiapxiac; r\q fjjiapxs Kai acpeGfjaexai aDxcb

the sin of which he sinned, and it shall be forgiven him.

5 n

1 + sdv 8s \|/D%fj ajidpxrj Kai aKODarj cpcovf|v opKiajioD

And if a soul should sin, and should hear a voice of conjuring,

Kai odxoc; jidpxDc; r| ecbpaKev r| aDvo(8ev sdv

and witness this, or see, or be fully conscious [of it], if

|ir| a7iayys(A,r| Arj\j/sxai xrjv ajiapxiav aDxoD 2 +

he should not report [it], he takes [responsibility] for his sin.


5 n ev toi3tco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

r| \|A)%r| sKsivrj f\Tiq eav a\j/r|xai navioq 7ipayLiaxoc;

That soul which ever should touch any thing

aKaG&amp;pxoD r| 9vr|aiLia(oD r| Gripia^coTOD aKaGdpxoi)

unclean, or decaying flesh, or [ taken by wild beasts [that which is] unclean],

r| xcov 0vr|aiLiaicov p8e?u)yLidxcov xcov aKaGdpxcov r|

or of the decaying flesh of abominations of the unclean, or

tcdv OvrjaiLiaicov Kxrjvcov xcov aKaGdpxcov 3 + r| d\j/r|xai

of the decaying flesh [cattle of unclean], or should touch

and aKaGapoiaq av6pco7roi) and naar[q

of [the] uncleanness of a man, of any

aKaGapaiaq avzov r\q av aij/djievoc; LiiavBfj Kai

of his uncleanness — what ever touching he should be defiled, and

sXaBsv ai)xov jisxd 8s xotixo yvcb Kai

he be unaware of it, but after this he should know even

7rAr||i|i£Axjar| 4 + r| \|A)xr| r\ av OLioar)

he should have trespassed. The soul, in what ever he should swear by an oath,

SiaaxeAlouaa xoic; xsileai KaK07ioif|aai r| Kakcbq

drawing apart [his] lips to do evil or [ well

7ioif|aai Kaxd rcdvxa 6aa av 8iaaxeiAx| o

to do] according to all as much as [ who should draw apart the

dv0pco7roc; Ka0' opKOD Kai XdGrj auxov Kai

man] according to an oath, and should be unaware of it, and

omoq yvcb Kai aLidpxrj sv xi xouxcov 5 + Kai

this one should know and should sin any one of these [things] ~ then

e^ayopeuaei xrjv ajiapxiav 7iep( r\q r|Lidpxr|K8 Kax'

he shall declare openly the sin for which he has sinned by

avTT\q 6+ Kai oiaei 7rsp( cov S7ihr\[i[L£.hr[as xco

it. And he shall bring for which he trespassed [against] the

Kopico 7ispi Tr\q ajiapxiac; r\q fjLiapxs dr\kv anb

LORD, for the sin of which he sinned, a female from

xcov 7ipopdxcov ajivdSa r| %i|iaipav aiycbv 7ispi

the sheep, a ewe-lamb or a yearling of [the] goats for

ajiapxiaq Kai s^iAxxasxai 7isp( ai)xof) o ispetic; 7isp(

a sin [offering]. And [ shall atone for him the priest] for

xrjc; ajiapxiaq ai)xof) r\q fjLiapxs Kai acpsGfjaexai auxcb

the sin which he sinned, and [ will be forgiven him

T| ajiapxia 7 + sdv 8e lit) icyvsi r| %eip avzov xo iKavov

the sin]. And if [ is not strong his hand] to be fit

sic; xo 7ip6paxov oioei 7isp( xrjc; ajiapxiaq auxof)

for [bringing] the sheep, he shall bring for his sin [offering]

r\q f|Liapxs 8f&gt;o xpuyovac; r| 8f&gt;o vsoaaovq

of which he sinned, two turtle-doves, or two young


5 n sv toutco + viica 03 - Leviticus

7iepiaxspcbv too Kupico sva 7i8p( ajiapxiac; Kai sva

pigeons to the LORD; one for a sin [offering], and one

sic; oA,OKm3xcD|ia s+ Kai oiasi aDxd 7ipoc; xov lepsa

for a whole burnt-offering. And he shall bring them to the priest.

Kai 7ipoad^si o ispsvq xo nspi xrjc; ajiapxiac;

And [ shall bring the priest] the [one] for the [ sin [offering]

7ip6xspov Kai a7TOKvia£i o lepetic; xrjv KecpaAxjv aDxoD

prior]. And [ shall pluck off the priest] its head

arco xod a(pov8i)A,OD Kai od diskzi 9 + Kai pdvei

from the neck, and shall not divide [it]. And he shall sprinkle

and xod aijiaxoc; xod nspi xrjc; ajiapxiaq ski xov

from the blood of the [one] for the sin [offering] upon the

xo(%ov xod 0Doiaoxr|piOD xo 5s KaxdXourov xod

wall of the altar; but the rest of the

aijiaxoc; Kaxaaxpayyiei em xrjv pdaiv xod

blood he shall drop upon the base of the

GDaiaaxrjpioD ajiapxiaq yap saxi 10+ Kai xo

altar— [ [an offering on account] of sin for it is]. And the

8eDxspov 7roifjasi oA,OKdp7ico|ia coq KaGfjKei Kai

second [one] he shall offer for a whole offering as is fit. And

s^iAxxaexai 7i8pi aDxoD o ispsDc; 7ispi

[ shall atone for him the priest] for

xrjc; ajiapxiac; aDxoD r\q fjjiapxs Kai acpeGfjaexai aDxcb

his sin which he sinned, and it shall be forgiven him.

n+sdv8s (iTj sDpioKTj T| %sip aDxoD t^sDyoc; xpDyovcov T|

And if [ should not find his hand] a pair of turtle-doves, or

5do vsoocjodc; 7rspiaxspcbv Kai oiasi xo 8cbpov aDxoD

two young pigeons, then he shall bring his gift

7ispi od fjjiapxs xo Seraxov xod oupi as[ddaXiv 7rsp(

for which he sinned ~ the tenth of the ephah of fine flour for

ajiapxiac; odk S7ri%£ei S7i' aDxo eAmov od5s S7ri0f|a£i

a sin [offering]. He shall not pour upon it olive oil, nor place

87i ' aDxo Mfiavov 6x1 7isp( ajiapxiaq eaxi 12 +

upon it frankincense, for [ on account of sin it is [an offering]].

Kai oiasi aDxfjv npoq xov ispsa Kai Spa^djievoc; o

And he shall bring it to the priest. And [ grabbing the

lepsDc; ait' avTT\q 7iAr|pr| xrjv 8pdKa aDxoD xo

priest] from it a full handful of his, [ the

(ivr||i6aDvov aDxfjc; 87ri6f|a£i £7U xo BDoiaaxfjpiov em

memorial [portion] of it shall place] upon the altar, upon

xcov oAx)KaDxco|idxcDV xco KDpico ajiapxiac; saxi 13+ Kai

the whole burnt-offerings to the LORD— [ a sin [offering] it is]. And


5 n sv tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

s^i^aasxai 7ispi avzov o ispstic; 7cspi

[ shall atone for him the priest] for

Tr\q aLiapxiac; avzov r\q fjLiapxsv acp' svoc; xotixcov

his sin which he sinned against one of these [things] ~

Kai acpsGfjasxai auxcb to 5s Kaxa^sicpGsv saxai icq

and it shall be forgiven him. And the remaining will be for the
ispsi coc; Guoia xrjc; asLuMXscoc; u+ Kai

priest as a sacrifice of the fine flour. And

eXaAxjas icupioq 7ipoc; M(m&gt;of|v Aiycov 15+ \\fv%r\ r\ av

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, [The] soul who ever

A,&amp;6r| avzov Xr\dr\ Kai aLiapxrj aKODaicoq

should be unaware himself [with] forgetfulness, and should sin unintentionally

goto xcov ayicov Kupiou Kai oiasi

of the holy [things] of [the] LORD, then he shall bring

TT\q 7lAx|LlLlsA£iac; aVTOV XCO KUpiCO KpiOV &amp;LIC0LIOV SK

for his trespass [offering] to the LORD [ ram an unblemished] of

xcov 7ipopdTCDV xiLifjc; apyupuru gikXow xco cjikXco

the flocks, of [the] value of silver of shekels, in the shekel

tco ay icq 7csp{ ou S7cAx||i|isAr|as

in the holy [place], for what he trespassed.

i6+ Kai o fjLiapxsv arco xcov ayicov a7cox(asi Kai

And what [ever] he sinned, [ from the holy [things] he shall pay], and

xo 8711718 L17TXOV 7cpoa9f|asi 87c' auxo Kai 8cbasi ai)xo

the fifth part he shall add to it. And he shall give it

xco ispsi Kai o ispsuc; e^iAxxasxai 7cspi auxof) sv xco

to the priest. And the priest shall atone for him by the

Kpicb xrjc; 7tAr|LiLisA,siac; Kai acpsGfjasxai auxcb n+ Kai

ram of the trespass [offering]. And it shall be forgiven him. And

T| \|A)%fj T| av aLiapxrj Kai 7coifjarj jiiav a7co

the soul who ever should sin, and should commit one [trespass] from

7caacbv xcov svxoAxbv Kupiou cov ou 5si 7coisiv Kai

all of the commandments of [the] LORD, which [ not must he] do, and

odk syvco Kai 7cAxj|iLisAxjarj Kai Xafir\

[does] not know, and should trespass, and should take [the guilt for]

xrjv ajiapxiav auxofj is + Kai oiasi Kpiov &amp;licoliov

his sin; then he shall bring [ ram an unblemished]

sk xcov 7cpopdxcov xiLifjc; apyupiou sic; 7cArjLiLisA,siav

from out of the flocks, [the] value of silver for [the] trespass [offering]

7tpoc; xov ispsa Kai s^iAxxosxai 7csp( auxofj o ispsuc;

to the priest. And [ shall atone for him the priest]

7cspi xrjc; ayvoiac; auxou r\q r|yv6r|as Kai auxoc; odk

for his ignorance of which he was ignorant of, and he did not



8V TOUT© + VlKa

03 - Leviticus

fj8si Kai acpeGfjaexai (XUTCO 19 + S7cAr||i|isAx|as yap

know. And it will be forgiven him, for he trespassed

7iAr||i|isA£iav 7cAr||ieAx|aiv evavxi Kop(oi)

a trespass ~ [it is] a trespass [offering] before [the] LORD.

6 1

i + Kai sAxxAxjae Kopioc; 7ipoq Mamafjv Aiycov 2 + yv%r\

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, [Lhe] soul

r|v av a|idpxr| Kai 7iapi5cbv 7cap(8r| xac; evxoXdq

which ever should sin, and by ignoring should ignore the commandments

Kopiou Kai \j/ST3ar|xai npoq xov 7ihr\aiov sv

of [the] LORD, and should lie concerning the neighbor in

7rapa6fjKr| r| 7ispi Koivcoviaq r| mpi ap7cayf|c; r|

[a matter of] trust, or concerning fellowship, or concerning seizure, or

r|5iKr|08 xi xov 7tAx|g(ov 3+ T| etipev a7icbA,siav

he wronged [ [in] any [way] the neighbor], or he found [something] lost

Kai \j/si&gt;ar|xai 7isp( avTr\q Kai ojioarj aSiKcoc;

and should lie concerning it, and should swear by an oath unjustly

7ispi evoc; a7io 7idvxcov cov av 7ioif|ar| dvGpcoTroq

concerning [any] one of all which ever [should do a man],

cbaxe ajiapxdv sv xouxoic; 4 + Kai saxai rjviKa av

so as to sin by these. Then it shall be when ever

a|idpxrj Kai 7iAx||i|isAT|Gr| Kai a7io8cb xo dp7iay|ia

he should sin, and trespass, that he should give back the seized [thing]

o fjp7raaev r| xo a8iKT||ia o rjSiKTjasv r| xrjv

which he seized by force, or the offence which he wronged, or the

7rapa6fjKr|v ryciq 7capsxs6r| auxcb rj xrjv a7icbX8iav r|v

trust which was placed in him, or the loss which

etipev a7io navzoq 7cpdy|iaxoc; ov cbjioos 7cspi

he found of every thing, of which he swore by an oath concerning

olvtov aSiKcoq Kai a7ioxiosi ai)xo xo KscpdAmov Kai

it unjustly; and he shall pay it, the total sum, and

xo 8711718 |i7ixov auxoi) 7cpoa9f|aei 87c' ai)xo xivoq eaxiv

his fifth part shall be added upon it ~ whatever is

avT(b a7co8cba£i r| rjjiepa sA£y%6f| 5 + Kai

his he shall give back in the day he should be reproved. And

xrjc; 7iXr\[L[isksiaq olvtov oiaei xco Kopioo Kpiov

[ for his trespass [offering] he shall bring] to the LORD, [ ram

d|ico|iov a7co xcov 7cpopdxcov xi|if|c; eic; o

an unblemished] from the flocks, [the] value for what

£7tAr||i|i8Ax|as 6+ Kai e^iAxxaexai 7csp( avxov o ispsvq

he trespassed. And [ shall atone for him the priest]



03 - Leviticus

svavxi Ki)p(oi) Kai acpeGfjasxai ai)ico 7isp( evoc; goto

before [the] LORD. And he shall be forgiven for [ an y] one of

7T&amp;VTC0V cov S7io(r|as Kai S7uXri|iLieAx|aev SV (XDTCO 7 +

all which he did, and trespassed by it.

Kai elaAxjae icupioq npoq McoDofjv Aiyoov 8 + evTeiAm

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Give charge

to Aapcbv Kai xoic; vioiq avzov Aiycov 9 + odtoc; o

[to] Aaron and his sons! saying, This [is] the

voLioq Tr\q oXoKaDicbaecoq aDifj r|

law of the bringing the whole burnt-offering. This [is] the

oXoKatixcoaiq 87i( Tr\q Kauaecoc; avTT\q S7ri tod

bringing the whole burnt-offering upon its burning upon the

0DoiaoTTj pioD 6hr\v ttjv VDKTa eooc; 7ipcoi Kai TO 7CDp

altar [the] entire night until morning; and the fire

tod 0Doia&lt;ycr|pioD KaD0fjasTai S7i' aDTOD Kai

of the altar shall burn upon it, and

od aPsaGfjasTai 10+ Kai evStiaeTai o ispsDc; %iTcbva

shall not be extinguished. And [ shall put on the priest inner garment

Aivodv Kai TrspiaKsAig Aivodv svStiasTai 7isp(

a flaxen linen], and [ pants flaxen linen he shall put on] on

to acbLia aDTOD Kai acpsXsi tt|v KaTaKdp7icoaiv rjv

his body. And he shall remove the incinerated remains, which

av KaTavaAxbarj to 7rop tt|v o^oKaDTcaoiv arco tod

ever [ should have consumed the fire] [of] the whole burnt-offering of the

0DoiaoTTj pioD Kai 7capa6f|aei aDTfjv s%OLieva tod

altar. And he shall place it next to the

0DoiaoTTj pioD 11+ Kai SK8DasTai ttjv gtoAt|v aDTOD Kai

altar. And he shall take off his apparel, and

sv8Da8Tai cjtoAx|v dAArjv Kai s^oiasi tt|v

shall put on [apparel other]. And he shall bring forth the

KaTaKdp7icoaiv s^oo Tr\q 7tapeLiPoAr|c; sic; T07iov

incinerated remains outside the camp unto [ place

KaGapov 12+ Kai 7iDp S7U to 0Daia&lt;xcfjpiov

a clean]. And [the] fire upon the altar

KaDGfjaeTai an avzov od aPeaGfjasTai Kai Katiaei

shall be kept burning upon it, it shall not be extinguished. And [ shall burn

871 ' aDTOD O ISpSDq ^dAxX TO7CpC0l 7CpCOl Kai

upon it the priest wood] in the morning [by] morning; and

(xcoipdasi S7c' aDTOD ttjv o^oKaDTcaaiv Kai S7i;i0fja£i

he shall pile upon it the whole burnt-offering. And he shall place

S7C' aDTOD TO CJTSap TOD aCOTT|p(OD 13+ Kai 7CDp

upon it the fat of the deliverance [offering]. And fire



8V TOUT© + VlKa

03 - Leviticus

SiarcavTOc; KaDBfjasTai S7ri to 0Daia&lt;xcf|piov od

shall always burn upon the altar; it shall not

oPeaGfjasxai u+ omoq o volioc; Tr\q Qvaiaq r\v

be extinguished. This [is] the law of the sacrifice [offering] which

7ipoad^oi)aiv aDifjv 01 dioi Aapcbv svcb7iiov KDpioD

[ shall bring it the sons of Aaron] before [the] LORD,

arcsvavTi tod 6i)aiaoTr|p(oD 15+ Kai acpsA,si ari

before the altar. And he shall remove from

avTOV ttj 5paKi and Tr\q asjiiSdlscoc; Tr\q Qvaiaq

it a handful of fine flour of the sacrifice [offering]

ctdv too sAmcb avTT\q Kai ctdv rcavTi icq AiP&amp;vco avTT\q

with its olive oil, and with all its frankincense

xa ovxa S7U Tr\q dvaiaq Kai avoiasi S7U to

being upon the sacrifice. And he shall offer up upon the

0Daia&lt;xcf|piov Kdp7icoLia oaLifjv SDCo8iac; LivrjLioaDvov

altar a yield [offering] scent of pleasant aroma, a memorial

avTT\q too KDpico 16+ to 8s KaTaXsupBsv an avTr\q

of it to the LORD. And the remainder of it

s5st(xi Aapcbv Kai 01 dioi ovtox) d^DLia PpcoGfjasTai sv

Aaron shall eat and his sons. [ unleavened It shall be eaten] in

t67tco ayico sv avhf\ Tr\q aKr\vr\q tod LiapTopiOD

[ place a holy]; in [the] courtyard of the tent of the testimony

s5ovTai aDTTjv 17+ od 7rscp6f|asTai s^dlicollsvti

they shall eat it. It shall not be baked being leavened.

Lisp(5a aDTTjv 8s8coKa aDTOiq arco tcov Kap7ico|idTCOv

[ it as a portion I have given] to them of the yield [offerings]

KDpioD dyia ayicov saw coa7isp to Tr\q ajiapTiaq

of [the] LORD, [a holy of holies It is], as the one for the sin [offering],

Kai coG7isp to TT[q Kh\ LiLisXsiac; i8+ 7iav apasviKov

and as the one for the trespass [offering]. Every male

tcov ispscov sSovTai aDTTjv voLiiLiov aicoviov sic;

of the priests shall eat it ~ [ law an eternal] unto

zaq ysvsdc; dlicov arco tcov Kap7icoLidTCOv KDpioD naq

your generations of the yield [offerings] of [the] LORD. All

oq av d\j/r|Tai aDTcbv ayiaaGfjasTai 19+ Kai

who ever should touch them shall be sanctified. And

sldAxjas KDpioq 7ipoc; McoDafjv Aiycov 20+ todto to

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, This [is] the

8copov Aapcov Kai tcov dicov aDTOD o 7ipoao(ooDai

gift [offering] of Aaron and his sons which they shall bring

KDpico sv ttj rjjispa T| av %piaziq avzov to

[to the] LORD in the day which ever you shall anoint him — the



8V TOUT© + VlKa

03 - Leviticus

58Kaxov tod oicpi cjsluMXscdc; sic; 0Da(av

tenth of the ephah of fine flour for a sacrifice [offering]

8ia7ravx6c; to fj lucid avTT\q T07ipcoi Kai to fjuiaD

always, half of it in the morning, and half

avTT\q to 5siXiv6v 21 + S7ii TTjydvoD sv sAmoo

of it at dusk. [upon a frying pan with olive oil

7roir|6fja£Tai 7is(pDpaLisvr|v oiasi aDTfjv sXiktoc

You shall prepare [it]]. [ being mixed up He shall bring it], kneaded,

0Da(av 8K K^aaudTCDV 7ipoao(aei BDcriav sic; oaufjv

[as] a sacrifice of pieces; he shall bring a sacrifice for a scent

SDCo5iac; KDpico 22+ Kai o ispstic; o %pi&lt;xc6c; o avT'

of pleasant aroma [to the] LORD. And the [ priest anointed] in place


of him from his sons will prepare it. [It is] [ law

aicbviov too KDpico drcav S7riTsA,so0fjasTai 23+ Kai 7idaa

an eternal] to the LORD ~ all shall be completed. And every

0Da(a ispsooc; oloKaDToq scrcai Kai od

sacrifice [offering] of a priest shall be wholly burnt, and it shall not

PpooBfjasTai 24 + Kai eAxxAxjae Kopioc; npoq MoaDofjv

be eaten. And [the] LORD spoke to Moses,

Aiyoov 25 + Xakr\GOV tco Aapcbv Kai toic; vioiq avzov

saying, Speak [to] Aaron and [to] his sons,

Aiyoov ODToq o vouoq Tr\q auapTiac; sv t67tcd od

saying, This [is] the law of the sin [offering]. In [the] place where

ocpd^oDai Ta oAx)KaDTCOLiaTa acpd^oDai Kai to tt|c;

they slay the whole burnt-offerings, they shall slay also the one for the

auapTiaq svavTi KopioD dyia ayioov screw 26+0

sin [offering] before [the] LORD — [a holy of holies it is]. The

ispstic; o avacpspoov aDTfjv s5sTai aDTfjv ev t67tco

priest offering it, he shall eat it in [ place

ayico PpcoBfjasTai ev aDArj Trjq oKrjvfjc; tod

a holy]; he shall eat [it] in [the] courtyard of the tent of the

uapTDpioD 27+ naq o a7rc6Lisvoc; tcov Kpscbv aDTfjc;

testimony. Every one touching of its meats

ayiaaGfjasTai Kai go av S7nppavTia6fj arco

shall be sanctified. And to whom ever should be sprinkled upon of

tod aiuaToq aDTfjc; S7ri to ludTiov o av pavTiaBfj

its blood, upon the cloak — the one who should be sprinkled
S7i ' aDTO 7iA,D0f|a8Tai sv t67ico ayico 28+ Kai cjksdoc;

upon by it shall be washed in [place a holy]. And [item

OdTpdKlVOV OD aV S\j/T|6f| SV aDTCO

an earthenware] of what ever should have been boiled in it,



8V TOUT© + VlKa

03 - Leviticus

cyovxpipfjasxai sdv 5s sv cjksdsi xaAxco s\j/r|6f|

it shall be broken. And if [in an item of brass it should have been boiled],

SKxpnj/si avid Kai skkXdcisi D8axi 29+ naq dpasv sv

he shall scour it, and wash it out in water. Every male among

xoic; ispsDai cpdysxai aDxo dyia ayicov saxi Kopico

the priests shall eat it; [ a holy of holies it is] [to the] LORD.

30+ mi 7idvxa xa 7ispi xrjc; ajiapxiac; cov av

And all the [meats] concerning the sin [offering], what ever

eiasvsxBfj goto xod aijiaxoq aDxcov sic; xrjv aKqvfjv

might be carried in of their blood into the tent

xod jiapxDpioD s^iAxxaaaGai sv xco ayico od

of the testimony to atone in the holy [place], shall not

Ppco9fjasxai sv 7rop( KaxaKaDGfjasxai

be eaten; [in fire it shall be incinerated].

7 T

1 + Kai omoq o vojioq XOD KpiOD xod 7isp( xrjc;

And this is the law of the ram for the

7ihr\[i[isksiaq dyia ayicov saxiv 2+ sv xo7ico od

trespass [offering] ~ [a holy of holies it is]. In [the] place of which

otpd^oDai xo oA,OKaDxco|ia ocpd^oDai xov Kpiov xrjc;

they slay the whole burnt-offering, they shall slay the ram of the

7ihr\[i[isksiaq svavxi KopioD Kai xo aijia 7ipoaxssi S7ri

trespass [offering] before [the] LORD. And [ the blood he shall pour] upon

xrjv pdaiv xod 0DaiaaxrjpioD kdkXco 3+ Kai 7iav xo

the base of the altar round about. And all the

oxsap aDxoD 7ipoao(asi an' aDxoD Kai xrjv oaqrov

fat of it he shall offer of it, and the loin,

Kai xo oxsap xo KaxaKaAirnxov xa sv86o6ia Kai 7iav

and the fat covering up the entrails, and all

xo axsap xo S7U xcov sv5oa6icov 4 + Kai xodc; 5do

the fat upon the entrails, and the two

vstppoDc; Kai xo axsap xo S7i' aDxcbv xo S7U xcov

kidneys, and the fat upon them by the

ixqpicov Kai xov Xofiov xov S7ii xod f|7raxoc; &lt;xov xoic;

thighs, and the lobe upon the liver, with the

vscppoiq 7ispisXs( aDxd 5+ Kai avoiosi aDxd o ispstic;

kidneys, he shall remove them. And [ shall offer them the priest]

S7U xo GDaiaaxfjpiov Kdp7lCO|ia XCO KDpiCO 7isp(

upon the altar of [the] yield [offering] to the LORD; [ for

7ihr\[i[isksiaq saxi 6 + naq dparjv sk xcov ispscov s8sxai

a trespass [offering] it is]. Every male of the priests shall eat


7 T ev toi3tco + vuca 03 - Leviticus

ai)id sv T67rco ayioo PpcoGfjaexai dyia ayicov saxiv 7 +

them; in [place [the] holy] they shall eat ~ [a holy of holies it is].

cba7rsp to 7ispi xrjq ajiapTiac; odtcdc; Kai to Trjq

As the one concerning the sin [offering], so also the

7rAr|LiLisA£iac; vojioc; sic; (xdtcov o ispstic; octtk;

trespass [offering] ~ [ law [there is] one] for them. The priest, whoever

s^&amp;aeTai sv outcd (totco scrcai 8 + Kai o ispstic;

shall atone for it, it shall be to him. And the priest

o 7ipoadycov oXoKaDTCDjia av6pcb7roD to 5ep|ia rr|c;

bringing [the] whole burnt-offering of a man, the skin of the

oA,oKaDTcbaecDc; r\q avzoq 7ipoa(pspsi avzcb ecrcai 9 + Kai

whole burnt-offering which he offers will be his. And

7idaa dvaia r\T\q 7roir|6f|aeTai sv tco K^ipdvco Kai

every sacrifice [offering] which should be prepared in the oven, and

7idaa r\T\q 7ioir|9fjaeTai S7i' sa%dpac; r| em TTjydvoi)

all which shall be prepared upon a grate or upon a frying pan,


of the priest offering it, it shall be his.

Kai 7idaa 0Da(a ava7i87i;oir|Li8vr| sv eAmoo Kai jnr|

And every sacrifice [offering] being prepared in olive oil, and not

ava7iS7roir||i8vr| 7idai toic; vioiq Aapcbv ecrcai

being prepared [with olive oil] ~ all of it [for the sons of Aaron will be],

eKdaTCD to (aov 11+ odtoc; o volioc; 0Da(ac;

to each equally. This [is] the law [of the] sacrifice

acoTrjpioD Tjv 7ipoao(aoDai Kopioa 12+ sdv llsv 7isp(

of deliverance which they shall bring [to the] LORD. If indeed for

aiveaeooc; 7ipoa(p8pr| aDTfjv Kai 7ipoao(a£i £7U ttjc^

praise [a man] should offer it, then he shall bring upon the

GDcriac; tt|c; aiveaeooc; dpTODc; a^DLioDc; sk

sacrifice of praise [ breads unleavened] [made] of

cjsluMXscdc; ava7TS7roir|Li8VODc; sv eAmco Kai Axxyava

fine flour, being prepared in olive oil, and [ pancakes

d^DLia 8iaK£%piaLi8va sv eAmco Kai aeLi(5aAav

unleavened] being smeared all over with olive oil, and fine flour

7is(pDpaLi8vr|v sv eAmco 13+ en dpTOic; tpiiuaiq

being mixed with olive oil. With [ breads leavened]

7ipoao(aei to 8cbpov aDTOD S7i( 0Da(a aiveaeooc;

he shall offer his gift with a sacrifice of praise

aoQTrjpioD aDTOD h+ Kai 7ipoad^si an aDTOD sv

of his deliverance. And he shall bring from his [offering] one [portion]

ano 7idvTC0v tcov 8cbpcov aDTOD acpaipejia KDpico tco

from all his gift [offerings], a cut-away portion [to the] LORD; for the


7 T ev toi3tco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

ispsi too 7ipoa%sovTi to aiLia tod acoTrjpioD

priest who [is] pouring on the blood of the deliverance [offering],

oared) s&lt;xcai 15 + Kai Ta Kpsa BDaiac; aivsascoc;

it will be his. And the meats of [the] sacrifice of praise

acoTrjpioD (xdtco scxuai Kai sv r| rjjispa Scopsvcai

of deliverance, it will be his. And in the day it is presented,

PpooGfjasTai od KaTa^enj/ODaiv on ovtov sic;

it shall be eaten. They shall not leave behind of it into

TO7ipC0l 16+ Kai Sdv £D%f| T| T| SKODCJIOV

the morning. And if [avow it should be], [the voluntary [offering]

0i)aid^r| to 8cbpov olvtov r\ av rjLispa

he should sacrifice], the one of his gift [offering]; in which ever day

7ipoaaydyr| tt|v dvaiav olvtov PpcoBfjasTai Kai ttj

he should bring his sacrifice, it shall be eaten and in the

di)piov 17+ Kai to KaTaXeupBsv arco tcdv Kpscbv

next morning. And the [thing] being left from the meats

Tr\q Qvaiaq scoq rjLispac; TpiTTjq sv 7iDp(

of the sacrifice until [ day [the] third in fire

KaTaKai)0f|a£Tai is + sdv 8s cpaycbv cpayfj arco tcdv

shall be incinerated]. And if in eating he should eat from the


meats of the [ day third], it shall not be accepted to the one

7ipoa(pspovTi avTO ov XoyiaGfjasTai aDTcb

offering it; it shall not be imputed to him ~

LiiaaLid saTiv rj 8s \\fv%r) ryciq sav cpayfj on olvtov

it is a defilement, and the soul who should eat of it,

ttjv ajiapTiav Afj\j/STai 19+ Kai Kpsa 6aa av d\j/rjTai

[the sin he shall bear]. And meats, whatever as much as touch

rcavTOc; aKaGdpTOD od PpcoGfjasTai sv 7iDp(

any unclean [thing], shall not be eaten; [in fire

KaTaKauGfjasTai noq KaGapoq cpdysTai Kpsa 20+

it shall be incinerated]. Every [one] clean shall eat [clean] meats.

T| Ss \\fv%r\ ryciq av cpayfj arco tcdv Kpscbv Tr\q dvaiaq

And the soul which ever should eat from the meats of the sacrifice


of the deliverance, which is [to the] LORD, then

rj aKaGapma aDTOD S7i' aDTcb a7ioA,siTai

his uncleanness [is] upon him, [ shall be destroyed

T| \|/D%fj SKSlVTj SK TOD XOOV OVTT\q 21 + Kai Tj \\fV%T\ Tj

that soul] from its people. And the soul which

av d\j/r|Tai rcavTOc; 7ipdy|iaTOc; aKaGdpTOD r| arco

ever should touch any thing unclean, or from


7 T ev tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

aKaGapaiaq av9pco7ioD r| xcov xsxpa7i65cov xcov

an uncleanness of man, or of the four-footed [creatures] of the

araGapxcov r| 7iavx6c; p5sA,Dy|iaxoc; aKaBdpxoD Kai

unclean, or any abomination of an unclean [thing], and

(payfj a7io xcov Kpscbv xrjc; dvaiaq xcov siprjviKcbv o

should eat from the meats of the sacrifice of the peace [offerings] which

saxi xod KDpioi) a7ioA,s(xai r| \|/D%fj sKsivrj sk

is for the LORD, [ shall be destroyed that soul] from

xod Xclov (xdxtj^ 22+ Kai sX&amp;Axjae Kopioc; npoq MoQDofjv

its people. And [the] LORD spoke to Moses,

Aiycov 23+ AxxAxjaov xoic; vioiq IapafjX Aiycov 7iav

saying, Speak to the sons of Israel! saying, All

axsap Pocov Kai 7ipopdxcov Kai aiycbv ODK£8ea0s 24 +

fat of oxen and sheep and goats you shall not eat!

Kai axeap GvrjaiLiaiov Kai 0rjpiaAxbxcov 7ioir|0f|aexai

And [the] fat of decaying flesh, and [that] taken by wild beasts shall be appointed

eic; 7iav epyov Kai sic; Ppcoaiv od ppcoGfjasxai 25 +

for all work, but for food it shall not be eaten.

7iac; o ea0cov oxeap arco xcov Kxrjvcbv cov 7ipoad^ei

Every one eating fat off the cattle, of which he will bring

an aDxcbv Kdp7ico|ia KDpico aftoXeixai

from them as a yield [offering] [to the] LORD, [ shall be destroyed

T| \|A)%f| SK8ivr| arco xod Xaov avTT\q 26+ 7iav aijia

that soul] from its people. All blood

odk e5sa0s ev 7idar| xrj KaxoiKia dlicov arco xs

you shall not eat in all of your house, of either

xcov Kxrjvcbv Kai a7io xcov 7rsxsivcov 27+ 7idaa \\fv%r\

the cattle [or] of the birds. Every soul

T| av cpdyrj aijia a7ioA,8ixai r| \\fv%r\ 8K8ivr| anb

which ever should eat blood, [ shall be destroyed that soul] from

xod XaoD aDxfjcj 28+ Kai sldAxjas Kopioc; 7ipoc; MoQDofjv

its people. And [the] LORD spoke to Moses,

Aiycov 29+ Kai xoic; dioicj IapafjX Xah^aziq Aiycov o

saying, And to the sons of Israel you shall speak, saying, The

7ipoa(pspcov 0Da(av xcov siprjviKcbv aDxoD xco KDpico

one offering a sacrifice of his peace [offerings] to the LORD,

oiasi xo 8cbpov aDxoD xco KDpico a7io xrjc; 0Da(ac;

he shall bring his gift to the LORD of the sacrifice

xod ocoxTjpioD aDxoD 30 + ai %s(pscj aDxoD 7ipoaoiaoDai xa

of his deliverance [offering]. His own hands shall bring the

Kap7icoLiaxa xco KDpico xo oxsap xo S7U xod

yield [offerings] to the LORD; the fat upon the


7 T ev tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

axr|0DvioD Kai xov Xofiov xov S7i( tod f|7raxoc;

breast, and the lobe, the one upon the liver,

7ipoao(asi ai)id cbaxs S7ii0r|vai 5o|ia svavxi KupioD 31 +

he shall bring them so as to place a gift before [the] LORD.

Kai avokrsi o ispstic; xo axsap S7U xov 0Doiaaxr|piov

And [ shall offer the priest] the fat upon the altar.

Kai saxai xo axr|0Dviov Aapcbv Kai xoic; vioiq avzov

And [ shall be the breast] Aaron's and his sons.

32 + Kai xov Ppa%(ova xov 8e^i6v 5cbaexs acpaipsLia

And the [ shoulder right] you shall give as a cut-away portion

xco ispsi a7io xcov 0Daicbv xod acoxrjpioD dlicov 33 +0

to the priest from the sacrifices of your deliverance [offering]. The

7tpoa(pspcov xo ai|ia xod acoxrjpioD Kai xo axsap

one offering the blood of the deliverance [offering], and the fat,

arco xcov dicov Aapcbv aDxcb saxai o Ppaxicov

of the sons of Aaron — to him will be the [ shoulder

0 5e^i6c; sv Lisp(8i 34+xoyap axr|0Dviov xod

right] for a portion. For the breast of the

87U08|iaxoc; Kai xov Ppa%k&gt;va xod acpaipejiaxoc;

increase [offering] and the shoulder of the cut-away portion

sLVqcpa 7iapd xcov dicov IopafjX a7io xcov 0Daicov

1 have taken from the sons of Israel from the sacrifices

xod acoxrjpioD DLicbv Kai 88coKa aDxd Aapcbv xco ispsi

of your deliverance [offering], and I gave them to Aaron to the priest

Kai xoic; Dioiq aDxoD voliiliov aicbviov 7iapd xcov dicov

and [to] his sons, [ law an eternal] for the sons

IapafjX 35+ aDxrj r| xpicic, Aapcbv Kai r| xpicic,

of Israel. This is the anointing of Aaron, and the anointing


of his sons, of [their portion] of the yield [offerings] of [the] LORD, in

T] rjLispa 7ipoar|ydysxo aDxotic; xod ispaxsDsiv

which day he brought them to officiate as priest

KDpiCO 36 + Ka06xi svsxsi^axo KDpioq 5oDvai aDxoiq

[to the] LORD; in so far as [the] LORD gave charge to give to them

T| rjLispa sxpiasv aDxotic; 7iapd xcov dicov IapafjX

in which day he anointed them from the sons of Israel,

voliiliov aicbviov sic; xac; ysvsdq aDxcbv 37+ odxoc; o

[ law an eternal] unto their generations. This is the

volioc; xcov oXoKaDxcoLidxcov Kai 0Da(ac; Kai 7ispi

law of the whole burnt-offerings, and of sacrifice, and for

ajiapxiac; Kai xr\q 7iA,r|LiLisXsia(; Kai xrjc; xs^sicbascoq

a sin [offering], and of the trespass [offering], and of the consecration,


8V TOUT© + VlKa

03 - Leviticus

Kai Tr\q dvaiaq xod aoaxrjpioD 3 s+ ov xp67cov

and of the sacrifice of deliverance [offering], in which manner

svstsiAxxto rcopioc; xco McoDafj sv too opei Eivd r|

[the] LORD gave charge [to] Moses on mount Sinai, in which

rjjispa svexei^axo xoic; vioiq IapafjX Tcpoacpepeiv

day he gave charge to the sons of Israel to bring

xa 5copa aDxcbv svavxi KopioD sv xr| spfjjLico Siva

their gift [offerings] before [the] LORD in the wilderness of Sinai.

8 n

i + Kai sAxxAxjas Kopioc; npoq MoQDafjv Aiycov 2 + Xafis

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Take

xov Aapcbv Kai xodc; viovq aDxoD Kai xaq

Aaron and his sons, and the

aToXdq avTOV Kai xo sAmov xrjc; xpiaecoc; Kai xov

apparels, and the olive oil for the anointing, and the

|ioa%ov xov 7i8p( xrjc; ajiapxiaq Kai xodc; 8do Kpiotic;

calf for the sin [offering], and the two rams,

Kai xo Kavotiv xcov a£/6|icov 3+ Kai 7idaav xrjv

and the bin of the unleavened [breads] ! And let all the

ai)vaycoyf|v eKKlrjaiaaov em xrjv 0Dpav xrjc; aKTjvfjc;

congregation hold an assembly at the door of the tent

xod jiapxDpfcn) 4+ Kai S7roir|as McoDafjq ov xpo7iov

of the testimony! And Moses did in which manner

(XDvexa^sv aDxcb Kopioc; Kai s^sKKlrjaiaos xrjv

[ ordered him [the] LORD]. And he held an assembly [of] the

aDvaycoyfjv S7U xrjv 0Dpav xrjc; aKr\vr\q xod

congregation at the door of the tent of the

jiapxDpioD 5+ Kai 8i7i8 McoDafjc; xrj aDvaycoyfj xodxo

testimony. And Moses said to the congregation, This

saxi xo pfjiia o svsxeiAxxxo Kopioc; 7coif|Gai 6 + Kai

is the word which [the] LORD gave charge to do. And

7ipoaf|yays McoDafjc; xov Aapcbv Kai xodc; diodc; aDxoD

Moses led forward Aaron, and his sons,

Kai sloDasv aDxotic; D5axi 7+ Kai svsSdctsv aDxov xov

and bathed them in water. And he put on him the

Xixcbva Kai e^coaev aDxov xrjv ^cbvrjv Kai svsSdctsv

inner garment, and tied [ around him the belt], and put on

aDXOV XOV D7ro5DXT|V Kai S7l80r|K£V 871 ' aDxov XTjV

him the undergannent, and placed upon him the

S7cco|i(5a Kai aDvs^coaev aDxov Kaxd xrjv 7covr|aiv

shoulder-piece, and tied it together on him, according to the making


8 n ev tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

xrjq 87tcolii8o(; Kai aDvsacpiy^sv aDxfjv sv aDTcb 8 + Kai

of the shoulder-piece, and fastened it to him. And

S7T86r|KSV 871 ' aDTOV TO A,6yiOV Kai S7lS0r|KSV 8711 TO

he placed upon him the oracle; and he placed upon the

A^oyeiov ttjv 5fjAxjoaiv Kai tt|v aArjGeiav 9 + Kai

oracle the Manifestation and the Truth. And


he placed the mitre upon his head. And

S7C86r|Ksv S7U Tr\q LiiTpaq KaTa 7cp6aco7cov avzov

he placed [ upon the mitre down in front of him

to 7C8TaAx)v to %pDaoDV to KaGrjyiaajievov dyiov

panel the golden], for the [consecrating holy],

OV Tp07COV CTDVSTa^S KDpiOC; TCO McODafj io + Kai

in which manner [the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses. And

sAxxps McoDafjc; a7co tod skaiov Tr\q xpiascoc; n+ Kai

Moses took from the oil of the anointing, and

eppavev a7c' avzov siti to 0DaiaaTfjpiov stctockk; Kai

he sprinkled from it upon the altar seven times. And

e%piae to 0i)aiaaTf|piov Kai rjyiaasv avzo Kai 7cdvTa

he anointed the altar, and sanctified it, and all


its utensils, and the bathing tub, and its base.

Kai rjyiaasv avza Kai s%pias tt|v aKqvfjv Kai 7cdvTa

And he sanctified them, and he anointed the tent, and all

Ta okst3t| aDTfjc; Kai rjyiaasv aDTfjv n + Kai

its items, and he sanctified it. And

8718X88 McoDafjc; a7co tod skaiov Tr\q %piascoc; S7U Trjv

Moses poured of the oil of the anointing upon the

KecpaAxjv Aapcbv Kai s%piasv aDTOV Kai rjyiaasv

head of Aaron. And he anointed him, and sanctified

aDTOV 13 + Kai 7cpoafjyays McoDafjc; todc; diodc; Aapcbv

him. And Moses led forward the sons of Aaron;

Kai svs8Dasv aDTODc; xvrcbvac; Kai s^coasv aDTODc;

and he put on them inner garments, and tied around them

^cbvaq Kai 7cspis6rjKsv aDTOiq Ki5dpsic; Ka6d7csp

belts, and put on them turbans, just as

aDV8Ta^8 KDpiOq TCO McODafj 14 + Kai

[the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses. And

7cpoafjyay8 McoDafjc; tov jioaxov tov 7csp( rrjc;

Moses brought the calf, the one for the

ajiapTiaq Kai S7cs6rjKsv Aapcbv Kai 01 dioi aDTOD

sin [offering]. And [ placed Aaron and his sons]


8 n ev tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

zaq xetpaq aDTcbv S7i( rqv KscpaArjv tod li6ct%od tod

their hands upon the head of the calf, of the one

Tr\q ajiapTiaq 15+ Kai eacpa^ev ocdtov Kai

for the sin [offering]. And he slew it. And

slaps McDDafjc; ano tod aijiaToq Kai 87is6r|K8v em

Moses took of the blood, and put [it] upon

Ta Ksporca TOD 0DOKXOTTJ piOD kdkXco TCO

the horns of the altar round about [with]

8aKT6AxjQ (xdtod Kai SKaGdpias to 0Daia&lt;xcfjpiov Kai

his finger; and he cleansed the altar. And

TO a(|ia £^8%S£V 8711 TTJV P&amp;CTIV TOD 0DOiaOTT] piOD

the blood he poured out upon the base of the altar;

Kai rjyiaaev aDTO tod s^iAxxaaaGai S7i' aDTOD i 6 + Kai

and he sanctified it, to atone upon it. And

sXaPs McoDofjc; 7iav to cxceap to S7i( tcov sv8oa9(cov

Moses took all the fat upon the entrails,

Kai TOV XoP6v TOV 8711 TOD fj7raTOc; Kai ajicpoTepoDc;

and the lobe upon the liver, and both

todc; vscppoDc; Kai to crceap to S7i' aDTcbv Kai

of the kidneys, and the fat upon them; and

avfjvsyKe McDDafjc; S7U to 0Daia&lt;xcf|piov n+ Kai tov

Moses offered them upon the altar. And the

|ioo%ov Kai ttjv ptipaav aDTOD Kai Ta Kpsa aDTOD Kai

calf and its hide, and its meats, and


its dung he incinerated in fire outside the

7rapeLiPoAx|c; ov Tpo7iov aDVSTa^s Kopioc; tco McoDafj

camp, in which manner [the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses.

i8+ Kai 7ipoaf|yay8 McDDafjc; tov Kpiov tov sic;

And Moses brought the ram, the one for

o^oKaDTCOLia Kai S7is0r|Ksv Aapcbv Kai dioi aDTOD

a whole burnt-offering. And [ placed Aaron and his sons]

Taq xeipaq aDTcbv £7U tt|v KecpaArjv tod KpioD 19+ Kai

their hands upon the head of the ram. And

sacpa^e McDDafjc; tov Kpiov Kai 7cpoae%ss McDDafjc; to

Moses slew the ram. And Moses poured the

ai|ia 87i( to 0DaiaaTfjpiov kdk^co 20+ Kai tov Kpiov

blood upon the altar round about. And [ the ram

SKpsavoLirjas Kara LisAxj Kai avfjvsyKe McoDofjc;

he dressed] according to its limbs. And Moses offered up

ttjv KecpaArjv Kai Ta jieArj Kai to cxceap 21+ Kai tt|v

the head, and the limbs, and the fat; and the

8 n sv tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

KoiAiav Kai zovq itodaq snXvvsv i35axi Kai

belly and the feet he washed in water. And

avfjvsyKe McoDofjc; okov tov Kpiov sni to

Moses offered up [the] entire ram upon the

BDaiaaxfjpiov oA,oko6tcdli&amp; saxiv sic; oaLifjv SDCoSiac;

altar. [ a whole burnt-offering It is] for a scent of pleasant aroma;

K&amp;P7TCDLI&amp; Sail KDpiCO Ka6&amp;7TSp SVSTSlAxXTO KDpiOC; TCO

[ a yield [offering] it is] [to the] LORD, just as [the] LORD gave charge [to]

McoDafj 22+ Kai 7rpoafjyay£ McoDafjc; xov Kpiov

Moses. And Moses brought the [ ram

xov 8sDTspov Kpiov TsXsicbaecoc; Kai 87is9r|Ksv Aapcov

second], [the] ram of consecration. And [ placed Aaron

Kai oi dioi olvtov xac; %eipac; aDTcbv S7ii xr|v KecpaArjv

and his sons] their hands upon the head

tod KpioD 23 + Kai eacpa^ev olvtov Kai shafts McoDafjc;

of the ram. And he slew it. And Moses took

ano tod aiLiaToq aDTOD Kai 87i80r|Ksv sni tov Xofiov

some of its blood, and placed [it] upon the lobe


of the [ ear of Aaron right], and upon the thumb

Tr\q %sipoq aDTOD Tr\q Se^iac; Kai S7ri to oucpov

[hand of his right], and upon the big toe

TOD 71056c; aDTOD TOD 8s^lOD 24 + Kai

[foot of his right]. And

7rpoafjyay£ McoDafjc; zovq viovq Aapcov Kai

Moses brought the sons of Aaron. And

S7i86r|Ks McoDafjc; arco tod aijiaToq S7i( tv Xofiov

Moses put some of the blood upon the lobe


[ ear of their right], and upon the thumb

Tr\q xsipoq aDTcbv Tr\q Ss^iac; Kai S7ri to oucpov

[ hand of their right], and upon the big toe

tod 7ro86c; aDTcbv tod 8e^ioD Kai 7cpoae%ee McoDofjc; to

[foot of their right]. And Moses poured the

aijia em to 0Daia&lt;xcfjpiov kdkAxb 25+ Kai shafts to

blood upon the altar round about. And he took the

(xcsap Kai ttjv oacpDV Kai to cxceap to S7U Tr\q

fat, and the loin, and the fat upon the

KoiAiac; Kai tov Ax&gt;p6v tod r\7iaToq Kai todc; 8do

belly, and the lobe of the liver, and the two

vecppoDc; Kai to &lt;xceap to sn aDTcbv Kai tov

kidneys, and the fat upon them, and the


8 n ev toutco + viica 03 - Leviticus

Ppaxiova tov 8e^i6v 2 6+ Kai and tod kovod Tr\q

[shoulder right]. And from the bin of the

xs^sicbascoc; tod ovtoc; svavTiov kdpiod elapsv dpTOV

consecration being before [the] LORD, he took [ bread loaf

sva d^Djiov Kai dpTOV sAmoD eva Kai

one unleavened], and [ bread loaf [made] of olive oil one], and

Xdyavov sv Kai 87is0r|Ksv S7ri to cxcsap Kai S7i( tov

[ pancake one], and he placed [them] upon the fat and upon the

Ppaxiova tov 5e^i6v 2 ? + Kai S7is0r|Ks a7iavTa 87U Tag

[shoulder right]. And he put all these in the

Xsipac; Aapcbv Kai 87i( Tag %sipaq tcov dicov aDTOD

hands of Aaron, and upon the hands of his sons.

Kai avfjvsyKev aDTd acpaipejia svavTi kdpiod 28+ Kai

And he offered them as a cut-away portion before [the] LORD. And

slape MooDafjc; anb tcov %eipcbv aDTcbv Kai avfjveyKev

Moses took from their hands, and he offered

aDTd 87i( to 0Daia&lt;ycfjpiov S7ri to oAx)KaDTCO|ia Trjq

them upon the altar, upon the whole burnt-offering of the

TS^sicbascog o saTiv oajifj SDCo5(ac; Kdp7ico|id scm

consecration, which is a scent of pleasant aroma; [ a yield [offering] it is]

too KDpico 29 + Kai AxxPcbv McoDafjq to arr|0Dviov

to the LORD. And Moses taking the breast,

acpsiA^ev aDTO S7U0£|ia svavTi kdpiod ano tod

removed it for an increase [offering] before [the] LORD, from the

KpioD Tr\q Tsksmascoq Kai eyeveTO McoDafj ev |iep(5i

ram of the consecration; and it became Moses' portion,

Ka0d svsTsiAmo KDpiog too McoDafj 30 + Kai

as [the] LORD gave charge [to] Moses. And

sAxxPe McoDafjc; arco tod skaiov Tr\q xpiascnq Kai arco

Moses took of the oil of the anointing, and of

TOD aiJiaTOq TOD 8711 TOD 0DOiaOTT| piOD Kai

the blood upon the altar; and

7ipoa8ppavsv £7U Aapcbv Kai em Tag oToXaq aDTOD

he sprinkled [it] upon Aaron, and upon his apparels,

Kai 87i( todc; diodc; aDTOD Kai S7U Tag aioXaq

and upon his sons, and upon the apparels

tcov dicov aDTOD Kai rjyiaasv Aapcbv Kai

of his sons. And he sanctified Aaron and

Tag axoXdq avxov Kai TODg Diotig avxov Kai Tag

his apparels, and his sons, and the


apparels of his sons with him. And


8 n ev tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

S17T8 McoDofjc; 7ipoc; Aapcbv Kai xodc; viovq avzov

Moses said to Aaron and his sons,

syfjaaxs xa Kpea 7iapd xr|v 0Dpav xrjc; aKr\vr\q tod

Boil the meats by the gate of the tent of the

LiapiDpioi) sv T07rco ayico Kai sksi cpdyeaGs aDxd

testimony in [ place [the] holy] ! And there you shall eat them,

Kai xodc; dpxoDc; xodc; ev xco Kavcb xrjc; xe^eicbaecoc;

and the bread loaves, of the [ones] in the bin of the consecration,

ov xp07iov aDvxsxaKxai lioi Aiycov Aapcbv Kai

in which manner it was ordered to me, saying, Aaron and

01 dioi olvtov cpdyovxai ai)xd 32 + Kai xo

his sons shall eat them. And the [amount]

KaxaXsicpGsv xcov Kpecbv Kai xcov dpxcov ev 7iDp(

being left behind of the meats and the bread loaves [ in fire

KaxaKauGfjasxai 33+ Kai arco xrjc; dvpaq xrjc; aKqvfjc;

shall be incinerated]. And from the door of the tent

xod Liapxi)p(oi) odk e^e^sDaeaBe S7ixd rjLispaq ecoc;

of the testimony you shall not come forth [for] seven days, until

rjLispaq 7rXr|pcba£C0c; rjLiepcbv xs^sicooscoq dlicov

[the] days of fullness, [the] days of your consecration;

S7ixdyap rjLiepac; xs^sicbosi XaCj %Sipa(^ DLICOV 34 +

for seven days he will perfect your hands,

Ka0d7isp 87rorr|aev sv xr| rjLiepa xaDxrj r|

just as he did in this day, in which

svsxsiAxxxo KDpioq xod 7roifjaai coaxs e^iXdaaaGai 7isp(

[the] LORD gave charge to do, so as to atone for

dlicov 35+ Kai S7Ti xrjv 0Dpav xrjc; aKr\vr\q XOD

you. And upon the door of the tent of the

LiapxDpioD KaGfjaeaGe ercxa rjLiepac; rjLispav Kai

testimony you shall sit seven days — day and

VDKxa Kai cpD^d^saGe xa cpD^dyjiaxa KupioD Kai

night; and you shall guard the injunctions of [the] LORD, and

odk a7ro0av8ia6s odxcoc; yap svsxsiAxxxo LlOl KDpiO(^ 36 +

you shall not die. For thus [ gave charge tome [the] LORD].

Kai 87ioir|asv Aapcbv Kai 01 dioi aDxoD rcdvxac; xodc;

And [ observed Aaron and his sons] all the

Xoyovq ovq aDVSxa^e KDpioc; ev %eip( McoDafj

words which [the] LORD gave orders by [the] hand of Moses.


9 0 sv tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

9 13

i+ Kai sysvfjGrj xrj rjLispa xr| oy86r| sKd^sas McoDafjq

And it came to pass on the [day eighth], Moses called

Aapcbv Kai zovq viovq avzov Kai xrjv yspouaiav

Aaron, and his sons, and the council of elders

IopafjX 2+ Kai 81718 Mocmafjc; itpoq Aapcbv Xafiz

of Israel. And Moses said to Aaron, Take

asauxcb Lioa%dpiov sk Pocbv 7isp( ajiapxiac; Kai Kpiov

to yourself a young calf from [the] oxen for a sin [offering], and a ram
siq oA,OKai)TC0|ia djicoLiov Kai 7ipoasvsyKs auxd svavxi

for a whole burnt-offering, unblemished, and offer them before

Kopioi) 3+ Kai ttj yepoDoia IapafjA, Xahf\asiq Aiycov

[the] LORD! And to the council of elders of Israel you shall speak, saying,

AxxPsxs xijiapov s£, aiycbv sva 7isp( ajiapxiaq Kai

Take a young he-goat from out of [the] goats, one for a sin [offering], and

Lioaxdpiov Kai ajivov sviatiaiov sic; oA,OKdp7icoaiv

a young calf, and a lamb of a year [old] for a whole offering,

dLicojia 4 + Kai Li6a%ov Kai Kpiov sic; dvaiav

unblemished; and a calf, and a ram for a sacrifice

acoxrjpioi) svavxi Kopiou Kai a£|ji8aAiv

of deliverance [offering], before [the] LORD; and fine flour

ava7rs(pi)paLi8vr|v sv sAmco 6xi afjLispov Kupioc;

being mixed up with olive oil! For today [the] LORD

otpGfjasxai sv dliiv 5 + Kai ZXafiov KaGoxi

will appear among you. And they took as

svsxsi^axo McoDafjc; arcsvavxi xrjc; aKqvfjc; xod

Moses gave charge before the tent of the

jiapxDpioi) Kai 7rpoafjAi)s 7idaa oDvaycoyfj Kai

testimony. And came forward all [the] congregation, and

saxrjoav svavxi Kopiou 6 + Kai si7is Moyoafjc; xotixo xo

they stood before [the] LORD. And Moses said, This [is] the

pfjLia o aDvsxa^s Kupioc; 7ioif|aaxs Kai ocpGfjasxai

saying which [the] LORD gave orders, do [it] ! And [ will appear

sv dliiv rj 86^a Kupiov ?+ Kai sifts Mocmafjc; xco

among you the glory [of the] LORD]. And Moses said [to]

Aapcbv 7ip6asA,0s 7ipoc; xo 0Daiaaxfjpiov Kai 7rorr|aov

Aaron, Come forward to the altar, and offer

xo 7isp( xrjc; ajiapxiac; oou Kai xo oAx)Kai)xcGLid gov

the [thing] for your sin [offering], and your whole burnt-offering!
Kai s^i^aaai 7isp( asauxoi) Kai 7ispi xod oikod ctod

And atone for yourself, and for your house!


9 0 ev tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

Kai 7rovr|aov to 5cbpov tod Axxod Kai e^aaai 7ispi

And offer the gift [offering] of the people, and atone for

(xdtcov Ka6&amp;7T£p svsTSi^aTO Kopioc; to McoDafj 8 + Kai

them! just as [the] LORD gave charge [to] Moses. And

7ipoafjX0£v Aapcbv npoq to 0Daia&lt;xcfjpiov Kai eacpa^e

Aaron came forward to the altar, and he slew

to Lioa%dpiov to 7ispi Trjq ajiapTiaq ai)TOi3 9+ Kai

the calf, the one for his sin [offering]. And

7tpoafjvsyKav 01 moi Aapcbv to aijia npoq avzov

[ brought the sons of Aaron] the blood to him.

Kai spays tov 5dKToAx)v avzov eic; to aijia Kai

And he dipped his finger into the blood, and

S7T86r|KSV 8711 Ta KSpaTa TOD 0DOiaOTT| pioD Kai TO

put [it] upon the horns of the altar. And the

ai|ia s^sxssv em tt|v pdaiv tod GDaiaarrjpioD 10+ Kai

blood he poured upon the base of the altar. And

to &lt;ycsap Kai todc; vscppoDc; Kai tov Xofiov tod

the fat, and the kidneys, and the lobe of the

fj7iaTOc; tod 7ispi Trjq ajiapTiac; avfjveyKev S7U to

liver of the one for the sin [offering] he offered upon the

BDaiaaTfjpiov ov Tporcov svsTSiAmo Kopioc; tco

altar, in which manner [the] LORD gave charge [to]

McGDafj 11+ Kai Ta Kpsa Kai tt|v ptipaav KaTSKaDaev

Moses. And the meats, and the hide he incinerated

sv 7iDpi s^co Tr\q 7iapsLiPoAx|c; 12+ Kai sacpa^s TO

by fire outside the camp. And he slew the

oXoKaDTCOLia Kai 7ipoaf|vsyKav 01 dioi Aapcbv to

whole burnt-offering. And [ brought the sons of Aaron] the

ai|ia 7ipoc; aDTOV Kai 7ipoasxssv S7il to BDaiaaTfjpiov

blood to him. And he poured [it] upon the altar

kdkXco 13+ Kai to o^oKaDTCOLia 7rpoafjvsyKav aDTO

round about. And the whole burnt-offering — they brought it

KaTd jieArj Kai tt|v KecpaArjv Kai S7i80r|Ksv em to

by limbs, and head; and he placed [them] upon the

0DaiaaTf|piov 14+ Kai S7tA,dvs rqv KoiAiav Kai todc;

altar. And he washed the belly and the

itodaq D8aTi Kai S7re6r|Kav to oXoKaDTCOjia S7ri to

feet in water. And they placed the whole burnt-offering upon the

0Daia&lt;ycf|piov 15+ Kai 7rpoafjveyKav to 8cbpov tod

altar. And they brought the gift of the

Xaov Kai eAxxPs tov %i|iapov tov mpi Tr\q ajiapTiaq

people. And he took the young he-goat, the one for the sin [offering]


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

03 - Leviticus

tod Xaov Kai eacpa^sv ai)i6v Kai eraGapiaev ai)i6v

of the people, and he slew it, and cleansed it,

Ka6&amp; Kai xov 7ipcbTOV i 6 + Kai 7rpoafjV£yKe to

as also the first. And he brought the

oAx)Kai)TCOLia Kai S7ioir|asv ai)i6 cgc; KaGfjKsi n+ Kai

whole burnt-offering, and offered it as fitting. And

7tpoafjvsyK£ ttjv 0i)o(av Kai ercArioe rqv %e(pa an

he brought the sacrifice [offering], and he filled the hand of

aDifjc; Kai 87is9r|Ksv S7ri to 0Daia&lt;ycfjpiov x^P^ Tao

it. And placed [it] upon the altar separate from the

oXoKaDTCDLiaToq tod 7rpcoivoi) is + Kai sacpa^s TOV

[ whole burnt-offering early morning]. And he slew the

|ioa%ov Kai tov Kpiov Tr\q dvaiaq tod acoTrjpioD

calf and the ram for the sacrifice of the deliverance [offering]

Tr\q tod Axxod Kai 7ipoafjV£yKav 01 dioi Aapcbv to

of the one of the people. And [ brought the sons of Aaron] the

aijia npoq aDTOV Kai 7rpoa8%e8v aDTO mi to

blood to him. And he poured it upon the

0DaiaaTfjpiov kdkAxd 19+ Kai to crceap to anb tod

altar round about, and the fat, the [fat] from the

LioaxoD Kai a7io tod KpioD tt|v oacptiv Kai to crcsap

calf, and from the [ of the ram loin], and the fat

to KaTaKaA,D7TTOV S7Ti Tr\q KoiAiac; Kai todc; 5do

covering up the belly, and the two

vecppoDc; Kai to &lt;xceap to S7i' aDTcbv Kai tov Xofiov

kidneys, and the fat upon them, and the lobe

tov 87i( tod r\KaToq 20 + Kai S7C86r|Ks Ta crceaTa ski Ta

upon the liver. And he placed the fat upon the

oTT|0Dvia Kai avfjvsyKsv Ta crceaTa S7ri to

breasts. And he offered the fat upon the

0Daia&lt;ycf|piov 21+ Kai to arr|6Dviov Kai tov Ppa%iova

altar. And the breast and the [ shoulder

tov 5s^i6v acpeRev Aapcbv acpaipejia svavTi KopioD

right] Aaron removed as a cut-away portion before [the] LORD,

OV Tp07COV CTDVSTa^S TOO McoDafj 22+ Kai

in which manner he gave orders [to] Moses. And

s^dpaq Aapcbv Tag %sipaq em tov Xaov SD^oyrjasv

Aaron lifting hands upon the people, he blessed

aDTODc; Kai KaTsPrj 7iorf|oac; to 7rsp( Tr\q ajiapTiaq

them. And he came down [after] offering the [thing] for the sin [offering],

Kai Ta oA^oKaDTCOLiaTa Kai Ta tod acoTrjpioD

and the [things] of whole burnt-offerings, and the [things] of the deliverance



8V TOUT© + VlKa

03 - Leviticus

23+ Kai siaf|X08 McDDafjq Kai Aapcbv sic; xrjv aKrjvfjv

And [ entered Moses and Aaron] into the tent

tod jiapropioD Kai e^sXGovxec; SDloyrjaav xov Xaov

of the testimony. And coming forth they blessed the people.

Kai cbcpGrj rj 86^a KDpioD 7tavx( too Xacb 2 4+ Kai

And [ appeared the glory [of the] LORD] to all the people. And

s^fjXGe 7Top 7iapd KDpioD Kai Kaxscpays xa S7ri

[ came forth fire] from [the] LORD, and it devoured the [things] upon

tod 0Daiaaxr|pioD xa xe oXoKaDxcbjiaxa Kai xa

the altar, both the whole burnt-offerings and the

axsaxa Kai e(8s naq o Xaoq Kai e^eaxrj Kai 87i8aav

fat. And [ saw all the people], and were amazed. And they fell

87i( 7ip6aco7rov aDxcbv

upon their face.

10 ■»

i+ Kai XafiovTzq oi 5do dioi Aapcbv Na5dp Kai

And [ taking the two sons of Aaron Nadab and

APiod8 eraaxog xo 7iDps(ov aDxoD S7i86r|Kav S7i' aDxd

Abihu each] his censer, they placed upon them

7iDp Kai 87isPaXov 87i ' aDxd GDjiiajia Kai

fire, and put upon them incense, and

7cpoafjvsyKav evavxi KopioD 7CDp aAloxpiov o

offered before [the] LORD [ fire an alien], which

od 7cpoo8xa^8 KDpioq aDxofc; 2 + Kai s^fjABs 7CDp 7capd

[ assigned not [the] LORD] to them. And came forth fire from

KDpioD Kai Kaxscpaysv aDxotic; Kai a7ce9dvov evavxi

[the] LORD, and it devoured them, and they died before

KDpioD 3 + Kai si7C8 McoDofjc; 7cpoc; Aapcbv xodxo saxiv

[the] LORD. And Moses said to Aaron, This is

0 zkakr\&lt;3£ KDpioq Aiycov sv xoic; syyiCpvai |ioi

what [the] LORD spoke, saying, Among the ones approaching to me

ayiaaGfjaojiai Kai sv 7cdar| xrj aDvaycoyf]

1 will be sanctified, and in all the congregation

8o^aa0f|ao|iai Kai KaxevD%0r| Aapcbv 4 + Kai

I will be glorified. And Aaron was vexed. And

eKdXsae McoDafjq xov MiaafjX Kai xov EAiaacpdv diodc;

Moses called Mishael and Elzaphan, sons

Ofyf\k a5eAxpoD xod nazpoq Aapcbv Kai ei7cev aDxoiq

ofUzziel brother of the father of Aaron, and said to them,

7cpoasA,0axs Kai dpaxs xodc; adskcpovq djicov sk

Come forward and lift your brethren from



8V TOUT© + VlKa

03 - Leviticus

7ipoaco7roD xcov ayicov e^co xrjc; 7iape|iPoAT|c; 5 + Kai

before the holies outside of the camp. And

7ipoafjX0ov Kai fjpav aDxotic; sv xoic; %ixcoaiv aDxcbv

they came forward, and lifted them by their gannents

e^coBev xrjc; 7iape|iPoAx|c; ov xporcov

outside of the camp, in which manner

eAxxAxjae McoDafjc; 6 + Kai si7is McoDafjc; npoq Aapcbv

Moses said. And Moses said to Aaron,

Kai EXed^ap Kai IGdjiap xodc; viovq aDxoD

and Eleazar and Ithamar his sons

xodc; KaxaXeA£i|i|isvoDc; xac; KscpaXdc; djicov

being left behind, Your heads

odk a7ioKi8apcba8X8 Kai xa ijidxia djicov od

shall not be without a turban, and your cloaks you shall not

8iappfj^sx£ (va |ir| a7io6dvr|xe Kai em 7idaav

tear, that you should not die, and [ upon all

xrjv aDvaycoyfjv eaxai dv[ioq 01 8s a8eAxpoi djicov naq

the congregation be rage]. But your brethren, all

0 oiKoq IapafjA, K^a^aovxai xov S|i7ri)pia|i6v ov

the house of Israel, shall weep [for] the combustion, which

svs7r6pio6r|a£v KopioD i+ Kai axio xrjc; 0Dpac; xrjc;

[ set on fire [the] LORD]. And from the door of the

aKTjvfjc; xod jiapxDpioD odk s^sXsDaeaBs (va

tent of the testimony you shall not go forth, that

|iT| a7io6dvr|xs xo sAxxiov yap xrjc; xpiaecoc;

you should not die. [ the oil For] of the anointing

xo 7iapd Kopioi) scp' djiiv saxiv Kai S7io(r|aav Kaxd

of [the] LORD [upon you is]. And they did according to

xo pfjjia McoDafj 8 + Kai sAxxAxjas Kupioc; xco Aapcbv

the saying of Moses. And [the] LORD spoke to Aaron,

Aiycov 9+ oivov Kai aucepa od 7i(sa68 ctd Kai

saying, Wine and liquor you are not to drinlc, you and

01 dioi ood jisxd aoD rjviKa av sia7iopeDr|a6e sic; xrjv

your sons with you, when ever you should enter into the

oKTjvfjv xod jiapxDpioD T| 7ipoa7ropsDO|ievcov DJICOV

tent of the testimony, or in your going

rcpoc; xo 0Daiaaxfjpiov Kai od jlit| a7io6dvr|xs vojiijiov

to the altar, that no way you should die — [it is] [ law

aicbviov sic; xac; ysvsdc; djicov io+ 5iaaxe(Am avajisaov

an eternal] unto your generations; to distinguish between

xcov ayicov Kai xcov pspfjAxov Kai avajisaov xcov

the holy [things] and the profane, and between the



ev toi3tco + viKa
03 - Leviticus

araGapxcov Kai xcov KaBapcbv n+ Kai aDjiPipd^eiv

unclean and the clean, and to instruct

xodc; viovq lapar\k anavxa xa vojiiLia a

the sons of Israel all together the laws which

eXaAxjas icupioq 7cpoc; avzovq 5id %eipoc; McoDafj n +

[the] LORD spoke to them through [the] hand of Moses.

Kai 81718 McoDafjq 7ipoc; Aapcbv Kai itpoq EXed^ap

And Moses spoke to Aaron, and to Eleazar

Kai IGdjiap xodc; viovq avzov xodc; KaxaXeicpGevxac;

and Ithamar, the sons of his being left,

AxxPsxs xrjv dvaiav xrjv Kaxa^eupGsiaav a7io xcov

You take the sacrifice [offering] being left from the

Kap7ico|idxcov Kopioi) Kai cpdysxs d^DLia 7iapd xo

yield [offerings] of [the] LORD, and eat unleavened [breads] by the

6i)aiaaxfjpiov 6xi dyia ayicov eoxi b+ Kai tpdysaGe

altar! For [ a holy of holies it is]. And you shall eat

ai)xfjv sv x67rco ayico voliiliov yap aoi saxi Kai

it in [place [the] holy]. [ a law For to you it is], and

voliiliov xoic; vioiq ctod xodxo a7io xcov Kap7ccoLidxcov

a law [to] your sons ~ this from the yield [offerings]

Kopioi) odxcoc; yap evxexaAxai lioi h + Kai xo

of [the] LORD. For thus it has been given charge to me. And the

axr|0Dviov xod acpopiojiaxoq Kai xov Ppa%(ova xod

breast of the separation [offering], and the shoulder of the

acpaipsLiaxoq cpdyeaGs sv xo7cco ayico cjd Kai

cut-away portion you shall eat in [place [the] holy], you, and

oi dioi aoi) Kai o oikoc; gov jiexd ctod voliiliov aoi

your sons, and your house with you - a law to you,

Kai voliiliov xoic; vioiq ood s866r| a7io xcov 0Daicbv

and a law [to] your sons it was given of the sacrifices

xcov acoxrjpicov xcov dicov IopafjX i 5 + xov Ppa%(ova

of the deliverance [offerings] of the sons of Israel. The shoulder

xod acpaipeLiaxoq Kai xo axr|0Dviov xod acpopiajiaxog

of the cut-away portion and the breast of the separation [offering]

8711 xcov Kap7ccoLidxcov xcov axsdxcov 7cpoaoiaoi)aiv

upon the yield [offerings] of the fats, they shall bring

acpopicjLia acpopiaai evavxi KDpioD Kai eaxai aoi

as a separation [offering] to separate before [the] LORD. And it will be to you,

Kai xoic; mofc; ood Kai xaic; GDyaxpdai aoD Lisxd aoD

and [to] your sons, and [to] your daughters with you,

voliiliov aicbviov ov xpo7cov aDvexa^s Kopioc; xco

[ law an eternal]; in which manner [the] LORD gave orders [to]


11 &gt;r


03 - Leviticus

Mcouafj i6 + Kai xov xijiapov xov 7isp( xrjc; ajiapxiac;

Moses. And [ the young he-goat for the sin [offering]

^rjxcbv s^s^fjxrjas Mcouafjc; Kai o8s svs7iS7r6piaxo Kai

seeking] Moses sought after. But thus it had been set on fire. And

s0ULicb6r| Moouofjc; S7U EXsd^ap Kai IBdjiap xouc;

Moses was enraged at Eleazar and Ithamar the

viovq Aapcbv xouc; KaxaXs^siLiLisvouc; Xsycov n+ 8iax(

sons of Aaron, the ones being left, saying, Why

odk scpdysxs to 7isp( xrjc; ajiapxiac; sv x67ico

did you not eat the [thing] for the sin [offering] in [ place

ayico oil yap dyia ayicov saxi xouxo sScoksv uluv

[the] holy]? For because [ a holy of holies it is]. This he gave to you

cpaysiv (va acpsArjxs xrjv ajiapxiav xrjc; auvaycoyfiq

to eat, that you should remove the sin of the congregation,

Kai s^iAxxarjaGs 7isp( auxcbv svavxi Kupiou i8+ouyap

and should atone for them before [the] LORD. For not

siar|V8%6r| arco xou aiLiaxoq auxou sic; xo dyiov

was brought from the blood of it into the holy [place].

Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov saco cpdysaGs auxo sv xo7ico ayico

In person inside you shall eat it in [ place [the] holy],

ov xpo7iov auvsxdyrj lioi 19+ Kai sA,dAx|asv Aapcbv

in which manner it was ordered to me. And Aaron spoke

7ipoc; Mcouafjv Xsycov si afjLispov 7ipoaayr|6%aai

to Moses, saying, If today they have brought

xa 7ispi xrjc; ajiapxiac; auxcbv Kai xa

the [things] for their sin [offering], and the [things]

oXoKauxcbLiaxa auxcbv svavxi Kupiou Kai auLiPsPrjKs

of their whole burnt-offerings before [the] LORD, and has come to pass

lioi xoiauxa Kai cpdyoLiai xo 7isp( xrjq ajiapxiac;

to me such [things], and I shall eat the [thing] ~ for the sin [offering]

afjLispov lit) apsaxov saxai Kupico 20+ Kai

today, shall it be pleasing [to the] LORD? And

fjKouas Moauafjc; Kai fjpsasv auxcb

Moses heard [it], and it pleased him.

11 «■»

1 + Kai sldAxjas Kupioc; itpoq Mrauafjv Kai Aapcbv

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron,

Aiycov 2+ XaArjaaxs xoic; vioq lapar\k Aiyovxsc; xauxa

saying, Speak to the sons of Israel! saying, These

xa Kxfjvrj a cpdysaGs arco 7idvxcov xcov Kxrjvcbv

[are] the animals which you shall eat from out of all of the animals


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03 - Leviticus

xcov 87i( Tr\q jr\q 3 + 7iav Kxfjvoc; 5i%r|Ax)DV 07iAx|v

of the [ones] upon the earth. Every animal being cloven hoof,

Kai ovD%iaxfjpac; ovD%i£pv 8do %r(k(bv Kai avdycov

and cloven-footed, clawing with two claws, and taken up

|irjpi)Kia|i6v sv xoic; Kxfjvsai xatixa cpdysaGs 4 + ith\v

chewing the cud among the animals, these you shall eat. Except

goto xodxcov od cpdysaGs anb xcov avayovxcov

from these you shall not eat — of the ones taking up

|irjpi)Kia|i6v Kai euro xcov od 5ixt|Ax)dvxcov xac;

chewing the cud, and of the [ones] not being cloven of the

onkaq Kai ovD%i£pvxcov ovD%iaxf|pac; xov Kd|ir|Ax)v 6xi

hoofs, and clawing cloven-footed ~ the camel, for

avdysi ixqpDKia |iov xodxo Kai 07iAx|v od 5i%rjA,si

[ takes up chewing the cud this one], and [the] hoof is not cloven;
aKd0apxov xotixo djiiv 5 + Kai xov 5aai)7io5a 6xi

this [one is] unclean to you. And the hare, for

avdysi jirjpDKia jiov xodxo Kai 07rAx|v od 5ixr|A,s(

[ takes up chewing the cud this one], and its hoof [is] not cloven;

aKdGapxov xodxo djjav 6 + Kai xov x 0l P 0 TP^^ l0V 0Tl

this one [is] unclean to you. And the hyrax, for

odk avdysi |ir|pDKia(i6v xodxo Kai 07rAxjv od

[ [does] not take up chewing the cud this one], and [the] hoof [is] not

8i%r|A£i aKdGapxov xodxo djiiv 7+ Kai xov dv 6x1

cloven; this one [is] unclean to you. And the pig, for

8i%r|A£i onkf[V xodxo Kai ovd%(^si 6vD%ac; 07iAxj q Kai

[ is cloven of hoof this [one]], and claws [with the] claw [of the] hoof, but

xodxo odk avdysi |ir|pDKia|i6v aKdGapxov xodxo djiiv 8 +

this one takes not up chewing the cud; this one [is] unclean to you.

a7io xcov Kpscbv aDxcbv od cpdysaGs Kai xcov

Of their meats you shall not eat, and of the [meats]

Gvrjaijiaicov aDxcbv od% dysaGs araGapxa xaDxa

of their decaying flesh you shall not touch; these [are] unclean

Djiiv 9+ Kai xaDxa cpdysaGs arco 7idvxcov xcov sv xoic;

to you. And these you shall eat out of all the [ones] in the

D5aai 7idvxa 6aa saxiv aDxoiq 7ixspDyia Kai Xsnidsq

waters ~ all as many as there are fins to them and scales

sv xoic; D8aai Kai sv xaic; GaAxxaaaic; Kai sv xoiq

in the waters, and in the seas, and in the

%si|idppoic; xaDxa cpdysaGs 10+ Kai 7idvxa 6aa

rushing streams ~ these you shall eat. And all as many as

odk saxiv aDxoiq 7ixspDyia od5s Xznidsq sv xoiq

there are not fins to them, nor scales, [being] in the


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03 - Leviticus

vSaai Kai sv xaic; dakdaaaiq Kai sv xoic; xsijidppoic;

waters, and in the seas, and in the rushing streams,

and 7T&amp;VTC0V cov epsuyexai xa u8axa Kai and 7idar|c;

of all which bubble the waters, and from every

\j/D%fjc; xrjc; Cfbar\q ev xco i35axi fiSZXvyiia eaxi n+ Kai

soul living in the water, it is an abomination. And

P8e?u)y|iaxa saovxai djiiv arco xcov Kpscbv auxcbv odk

they shall be abominations to you; [ of their meats you shall not

e8ea0s Kai xa 0vr|ai|ia(a auxcbv p8sA^sa0s n + Kai

eat]. And their decaying flesh you shall abhor. And

7idvxa 6aa odk saxiv auxoic; 7ixspi)yia od8s XzniSzq

all as many as there are not fins to them, nor scales

xcov sv xoic; vdaai pSsAuyjia xotixo saxiv djiiv 13 +

of the ones in the waters ~ [ an abomination this is] to you.

Kai xatixa pSeAti^eaBe anb xcov 7isxsivcbv Kai ou

And these you shall abhor from the winged creatures, and they shall not

PpcoGfjaexai p5s?u)y|id saxi xov aexov Kai xov ypwra

be eaten, it is an abomination — the eagle, and the griffin,

Kai xov aAiaiexov h+ Kai xov yt)7ia Kai iKxiva Kai

and the osprey, and the vulture, and kite, and

xa ojioia ai)xcb Kai rcavxa xa Kopara Kai xa

the [ones] likened to it. And all the crows, and the [ones]
ojioia ai)xcb 15+ Kai axpouGov Kai yA,ai)Ka Kai Axxpov

likened to it. And [the] ostrich, and owl, and gull,

Kai xa ojioia auxco 16+ Kai lepara Kai xa ojioia

and the [ones] likened to it. And hawk, and the [ones] likened

auxco 17+ Kai VDKxiKopaKa Kai KaxappdKxrjv Kai ipiv

to it. And long-eared owl, and cormorant, and ibis,

18+ Kai 7ropcpi)p(cova Kai 7isA£Kdva Kai kdkvov 19+ Kai

and [the] purple-legged stork, and pelican, and swan, and

spco5iov Kai %apd8piov Kai xa ojioia ai)xco Kai

heron, and curlew, and the [ones] likened to it. And

87i07ia Kai VDKxsp(8a 20+ Kai rcdvxa xa eprcsxd xcov

hoopoe, and bat, and all the crawling things of the

7i8xsivcbv a 7ropei)exai em xeaadpcov p5s?u)y|ia saxiv

winged creatures which go upon fours, it is an abomination

Djiiv 21 + aXX' T| xatixa cpdyeaGs arco xcov sp7isxcov xcov

to you. But these you shall eat from the crawling things of the

7T£X£ivcbv a 7ropsi)sxai 8711 xsaadpcov a s%ei

winged creatures which go upon fours - [the ones] which have

cjksAxi avcoxspov xcov 7io5cbv auxcov 7ir|8dv sv auxofc;

legs upward from their feet to spring up with them


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03 - Leviticus
8711 Tr\q jr\q 22+ Kai xatixa tpdyeaGe an auxcbv xov

upon the earth. And you shall eat these from them ~ the

fipov%ov Kai xa ojioia auxco Kai xov axxdKTjv Kai

grasshopper, and the [ones] likened to it; and the hopping locust, and

xa 6|ioia auxcb Kai ocpiOLid%r|v Kai xa ojioia

the [ones] likened to it; and crawling locust, and the [ones] likened

auxcb Kai xrjv aKp(8a Kai xa ojioia a^xfj 23+ Kai

to it; and the locust, and the [ones] likened to it. And

7iav sprcexov a7io xcov 7rsxeivcbv ok; eiai xeaaapec;

every crawling thing of the winged creatures which are of four

iiodzq p5sXi)yLia saxiv dluv 24+ Kai sv xouxoic;

feet — it is an abomination to you. And by these

LiiavGfjasaGs itaq o a7ix6Lisvoc; xcov GvrjaiLiaicov arjxcbv

you shall be defiled — every one touching their decaying flesh

aKdGapxoq saxai scoc; Eanspaq 25+ Kai naqo aipcov

will be unclean until evening. And every one lifting

xcov GvrjaiLiaicov arjxcbv Ttkvvsi xa ijidxia arjxorj Kai

their decaying flesh shall wash their garments, and

aKdGapxoq eaxai ecoc; Eanspaq 26+ Kai sv 7idai xoic;

shall be unclean until evening. And among all the

Kxfjvsaiv o eoxi 5i%r|Ax)i)v 07rArjv Kai ovu%iaxfjpac;

animals which are cloven hoof, and [with] cloven-footed

ovdxi^si Kai litj pi)Kio Liov oi) LiaprjKdxai aKdGapxa

claws, and of chewing the cud does not chew the cud — [ unclean

saovxai dluv naq o a7ix6Li£voc; xcov GvrjaiLiaicov arjxcbv

they shall be] to you; every one touching their decaying flesh

aKdGapxoq saxai ecoc; sanspaq 27+ Kai naq oq

will be unclean until evening. And every [one] which

7iop8T38xai 8711 %eipcbv arjxorj sv 7idai xoic; Grjpioic;

goes upon his hands among all the wild beasts,

a 7ropei)sxai S7U xsaadpcov aKdGapxa saxiv dliiv

which go upon fours, it is unclean to you.

naq o a7rxoLisvoc; xcov GvrjaiLiaicov arjxcbv

Everyone touching of their decaying flesh

aKdGapxoc; saxai ecoc; Eanspaq 28 + Kai o aipcov

will be unclean until evening. And the [one] lifting

xcov GvrjaiLiaicov auxcov tiXvveI xa iLidxia auxofj Kai

of their decaying flesh, he shall wash his garments, and

aKdGapxoc; eaxai ecoc; Eanspaq aKdGapxa xatixa eaxai

he will be unclean until evening. [ unclean These shall be]

dliiv 29+ Kai xatixa dliiv aKdGapxa xcov sp7iexcbv xcov

to you. And these [are] unclean to you of the crawling things, of the ones


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03 - Leviticus

sp7c6vxcov 8711 Tr\q yr\q r\ yaArj Kai o \ix&gt;q Kai o

crawling upon the earth — the weasel, and the mouse, and the

KpoK68eiAx)c; o %spaa(oc; Kai xa ojioia auxcb 30 +

[ crocodile dry land], and the ones likened to it.

\ivyahr\ Kai %a[iaikscov Kai KaA,apcbxr|c; Kai aaupa

[The] field-mouse, and chameleon, and newt, and lizard,

Kai aonaka^ 31+ xatixa aKdGapxa saxiv dluv a7io

and mole ~ these are unclean to you from out of


all the crawling things of the ones crawling upon the earth;

iiaq o a7ix6Li£voc; xcov GvrjaiLiaicov auxcbv

every one touching their decaying flesh

aKdGapxoc; saxai scoc; saitspaq 32+ Kai 7iav scp' o av

will be unclean until evening. And all upon what ever

S7ri7i8or| 87i ' auxo £7U xsGvrjKoxcov auxcbv

should fall upon it, upon their ones having died,

aKdGapxov saxai a7co 7cavx6c; aKsuoDc; ZpXivov r\

shall be unclean from every [ item wooden], or

iLiaxioi) T| SspLiaxoq rj adKKOD 7tav aKsuoc; co sav

garment, or skin, or a sackcloth. Every item in which ever

7coir|6f| spyov sv ai)xcb sic; i35cop Pacpfjasxai Kai

[ should be done work] by it [ into water shall be dipped], and

aKdGapxov saxai scoc; sanspaq Kai KaGapov saxai 33 +

it shall be unclean until evening ~ and [then] it will be clean.

Kai 7cav aKsuog oaxpdKivov sic; o av SLi7csar| a7c'

And every [ item earthenware] into what ever should fall in from

auxcbv sv8ov 60a av sv8ov r| aKdGapxa saxai Kai

them inside, as much as should be inside, it shall be unclean, and

ai)xo ai)vxpipf|osxai 34+ Kai 7cav Ppcbjia o saGsxai sic;

it shall be broken. And every food eaten, into

o av S7csA,6r| S7c' ai)xo i35cop

what ever should come upon it water [from such a container],

aKdGapxov saxai dliiv Kai 7cav 7cox6v o 7uvsxai sv

will be unclean to you. And every beverage which is drunk in

7cavx( ayysico aKdGapxov saxai 35+ Kai 7cav scp' o av

any [such] receptacle, it shall be unclean. And all upon what ever

S7ui7csar| a7co xcov GvrjaiLiaicov arjxcbv S7c' arjxo

should fall from their decaying flesh upon it,

aKdGapxov saxai KAipavoi Kai %uxpo7i;o5sc;

it shall be unclean ~ ovens and pots with feet

KaGaipsGfjaovxai aKdGapxa xarjxd saxi Kai

shall be demolished; [ unclean these are], and


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03 - Leviticus

araGapxa saovxai dluv 36+ Tih\v 7ir|ycbv D8dxcov Kai

they shall be unclean to you. Except springs of waters, [or]

Axxkkod Kai aDvaycoyfjc; DSaxoc; saxai KaBapov o 8s

a well, [or] a gathering of water, it will be clean; but the one

a7ix6Lisvoc; xcov GvrjaiLiaicov aDxcbv aKdGapxoc; Saxai 37 +

touching their decaying flesh, it shall be unclean.

sdv 8s S7ri7i8ar| goto tcov GvrjaiLiaicov aDxcbv S7il 7iav

And if [anything] should fall from their decaying flesh upon any

a7i8pLia a7i6piLiov o a7iapf|asxai KaGapov Saxai 38 +

seed fit for sowing, which shall be sown, it shall be clean.

sdv 8s S7rixi)6fj D8cop S7ri 7iav a7ispLia Kai S7ri7isar|

But if [ should be poured water] upon any seed, and [ should fall

xcov GvrjaiLiaicov aDicbv S7i' ai)i6 araGapxov saxiv dluv

their decaying flesh] upon it, it is unclean to you.

39+sdv8s a7io6dvr| xcov Kxrjvcbv o saxiv dliiv

And if one should die of the animals, which [ is [allowed] for you
cpaysiv xodxo o a7ix6Lisvoc; xcov 9vr|aiLiaicov aDxcbv

to eat, this one], the one touching of their decaying flesh,

aKdGapxoq saxai scoq sa7rspaq 4 o+ Kai o sa0icov

he will be unclean until evening. And the [one] eating

a7io xcov 9vr|aiLiaicov aDxcbv 7tAdvsi xa ijidxia aDxoD Kai

from their decaying flesh, he shall wash his garments, and

aKdGapxoq saxai scoq sa7rspaq Kai o aipcov a7io

shall be unclean until evening. And the [one] lifting of

xco GvrjaiLiaicov aDxcbv 7tA,dvsi xa ijidxia aDxoD Kai

their decaying flesh, he shall wash his garments, and

Axyoasxai D8axi Kai aKdGapxoq saxai scoq sa7ispaq 41 +

he shall bathe in water, and he shall be unclean until evening.

Kai 7iav sp7isxov o sprcsi sm Tr\q yr\q

And every crawling thing which crawls upon the earth,

p8sA,DyLid saxi xodxo dliiv od PpcoGfjasxai 42+ Kai

[ is an abomination this] to you, you shall not eat. And

iiaq o ftopsDOLisvoc; S7U KoiAiac; Kai naq

all going upon [the] belly, and all

o rcopsDOLisvoc; S7U xsaadpcov 8ia7iavx6(; o

going upon fours always, which

7roA,D7iAx|6s( 7ioaiv sv 7idai xoiq sp7isxoi(;

is numerous in feet among all the crawling things

xoic; sp7iODaiv S7t( Tr\q yr\q od cpdysaBs aDxo 6x1

crawling upon the earth ~ you shall not eat it, for

P8sA,DyLia dliiv saxi 43 + Kai od lit) P8sA,d^t|xs

[ an abomination to you it is]. And noway shall you abhor


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

03 - Leviticus

xac; \\fv%dq djicov sv 7idai xoic; sp7rsxo(c; xoic; sp7roi)oiv

your souls among all the crawling things crawling

8711 Tr\q yr\q Kai ou jiiavGfjasaGs sv xcroxoic; Kai

upon the earth, and you shall not be defiled by these, and

odk aK&amp;Gapxoi sasaGs sv xcroxoic; 4 4+ 6xi sycb sijii

[ not unclean you shall be] by these. For I am

Kopioc; o Gsoc; ujicbv Kai ayiaaGfjasaGs Kai sasaGs

[the] LORD your God. And you shall be sanctified, and you shall be

ayioi on dyioc; eijii sycb Kopioc; o Gsoq djicov Kai

holy. For [holy am I [the] LORD your God]. And

od jiiavsixs xac; \|A)%dc; djicov sv 7idai xoic;

you shall not defile your souls among all the

sp7i£xo(c; TOiq kivodjisvokt, S7t( xrjc; yr\q 45+ 6x1 sycb sijii

crawling things moving upon the earth. For I am

Kopioc; o avayaycov v[iaq 8K yr\q Aiy67rxoD

[the] LORD, the [one] leading you from out of [the] land of Egypt,

sivai djicov Gsoc; Kai sasaGe ayioi 6x1 dyioc; sijii

to be your God. And you shall be holy, for [ holy am

sycb Kopioc; 46+ omoq o vojioc; 7isp( xcov Kxrjvcov

I [the] LORD]. This [is] the law for the animals,

Kai xcov 7rsxsivcov Kai 7idar|c; yv%r\q xrjq KivoDjisvrjq

and the winged creatures, and all life moving

sv xco i38axi Kai 7idar|c; yv%r\q sp7ioi)ar|c; sm xrjc;

in the water, and all life crawling upon the

yr\q 47+ 5iaaxs(Am avajisaov xcov araGapxcov Kai

earth; to distinguish between the unclean and

avajisaov xcov KaGapcov Kai avajisaov xcov

between the clean; and between the ones

^cooyovoi3vxcov xa saGiojisva Kai avajisaov xcov

bringing forth alive of the ones being eaten, and between the

^cooyovoi3vxcov xa |ir| saGiojisva

ones bringing forth alive the ones not being eaten.

12 V

1 + Kai sXdAxjas Kopioc; npoq Mcoi)af|v Aiycov 2 +

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

Xakr\aov TOiq vioiq IapafjA, Kai spsfc; npoq avzovq

Speak to the sons of Israel! and you shall say to them,

Aiycov ywfj fjxiq sdv a7isp|iaxiaGf| Kai xskt|

saying, A woman whoever should conceive, and should give birth to

dpasva aKdGapxoc; saxai S7ixd rjiispaq Kaxd xac;

a male, she shall be unclean seven days; according to the


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03 - Leviticus

rjLispaq tod %oopiaLiOD Tr\q acpeSpoD avTT\q

days of the separation of her menstruation

aK&amp;Gapxoc; eaxai 3+ Kai xrj rjjispa xrj oy86r| 7i8pixs|iei

she shall be unclean. And the [ day eighth] she shall circumcise

xrjv adpKa xrjq aKpoPDoxiaq ai)TOD 4+ Kai xpidKovxa

the flesh of his foreskin. And thirty

Kai xpeic; rjLiepac; KaBfjasxai sv aijiaxi

and three days she shall sit in [the] blood

Ka0apiaLi(y6 avTT\q navToq ayioD ov% d\j/sxai Kai

of her cleansing; anything holy she shall not touch, and

sic; xo ayiaaxfjpiov odk eiaeXeDaexai ecoc; av

[ into the sanctuary she shall not enter], until whenever

7iA,r|pco0cbaiv ai rjjiepai KaGdpaeooc; avTT\q s+edvSe

[ should have been fulfilled the days of her cleansing]. But if

dr\kv xsktj Kai aKdBapxoc; eaxai 81c; S7ixd

[ a female she should give birth to], then she will be unclean twice seven

rjLiepac; Kaxd xrjv dcpeSpov avTT\q Kai e^fjKovxa

days, according to her menstruation; and sixty

rjLispac; Kai s£, KaGsaBfjaexai sv aijiaxi

days and six she shall be seated in [ blood

aKaGdpxco avTT\q 6 + Kai oxav ava7iA,r|pco0cbaiv ai

her unclean]. And whenever [ should be fulfilled the

rjLispai KaGdpoeooc; avTT\q scp' mcb r| S7i( 0Dyaxp(

days of her cleansing] for a son or for a daughter,

7rpoao(aei ajivov eviaDaiov sic; o^oKaDxooLia Kai

she shall bring a lamb of a year [old] for a whole burnt-offering, and

vsoaoov 7T8piaxspdc; rj xpDyova 7iepi ajiapxiac; em

a young pigeon, or turtle-dove for a sin [offering] to

xrjv dvpav Tr\q GKr\vr\q xod LiapxDpiOD itpoq xov

the door of the tent of the testimony to the

ispsa 7+ Kai 7ipoao(asi ai)xov svavxi KopioD Kai

priest. And he shall bring it before [the] LORD. And

s^iAxxasxai 7ispi avTT\q o lepstic; Kai KaGapisi aDxfjv

[ shall atone for her the priest], and he shall cleanse her

a7io xrjc; 7rr|yfjc; xod aiLiaxoc; avTT\q odxoc; o volioc; xrjc;

from the spring of her blood. This is the law for the

xiKxoDarjc; dpasv rj dr\kv g + sdv 8s lit) SDpioKTj

giving birth to a male or female. But if [ does not find

rj %eip aDxfjc; xo iKavov siq ajivov Kai Ax|\j/£xai 8do

her hand] enough for a lamb, then she shall take two

xpDyovaq rj 8do vsoaaovq 7ispioxspcbv Luav sic;

turtle-doves, or two young pigeons — one for


13 v ev toutco + vlica 03 - Leviticus

oXoKaDxcajia Kai |i(av 7isp( ajiapxiaq Kai s^iAxxasxai

a whole burnt-offering, and one for a sin [offering]; and [ shall atone

7isp( avTT\q o ispstic; Kai Ka6apia0fjasxai

for her the priest], and she shall be cleansed.

13 x*

i + Kai sXdAxjas Kopioc; npoq MoaDafjv Kai Aapcbv

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron,

Aiyoov 2+ av6pcb7rco edv xivi ysvrjxai ev 8sp|iaxi

saying, [ man If any] should have in [the] skin

Xpcoxoq avTOV ouAxj arjjiaoiac; xrjlaDyfjc; Kai ysvrjxai

of his flesh a discoloration [spot radiant], and [takes place

sv 5sp|iaxi xpcoxoq aDxoD acpfj A,S7ipac; a%6fjasxai

in [the] skin of his flesh an infection of leprosy], he shall be led

7ipoc; Aapcbv xov ispsa rj sva xcov dicov aDxoD xcov

to Aaron the priest, or one of his sons of the

ispscov 3+ Kai 6\j/sxai o ispstic; xttv acpfjv ev 8sp|iaxi

priests. And [ shall look at the priest] the infection in [the] skin

xod xpcoxoq avTOV Kai si 9pi£, sv xr| acpfj jisxapdAxj

of his flesh, and if [the] hair in the infection should turn

XsDKfj Kai T| 6\\fiq xrjc; acpfjc; xa7isivfj ano xod

white, and the appearance of the infection [be] deep under the

Sspjiaxoc; xod xpcoxoq aDxoD acpfj A,S7ipac; saxi Kai

skin of his flesh, [ an infection of leprosy it is]; and

6\j/sxai o ispsDc; Kai jiiavsi aDxov 4 + sdv 8s xrjXaDyfjc;

[ shall look the priest], and shall declare him defiled. And if [the] radiant

XsDKfj T] sv xco Sspjiaxi xod xpcoxoq aDxoD Kai xa7isivfj

should be white in the skin of his flesh, and [ deep

|xq T| T| 6\\f\q avTT\q anb xod Sspjiaxoq Kai

should not be its appearance] below the skin, and

T| 6pi^ aDxoD od jisxspa^s XsDKfjv aDxfj 8s saxiv

its hair did not turn white, but it is

ajiaDpd Kai acpopisi o ispstic; xrjv acpfjv S7ixd

faint, then [ shall separate the priest] the infection [for] seven

rjjispac; 5+ Kai 6\j/sxai o ispstic; xrjv acpfjv xr| rjjispa

days; and [ shall look at the priest] the infection on the [ day

xtj sp86|ir| Kai i8od rj acpfj jisvsi svavxiov aDxoD

seventh]; and behold, [if] the infection abides before him, [and]

od |isxs7isasv rj acpfj sv xco 8sp|iaxi Kai acpopisi

[ did not degenerate [if] the infection] in the skin, then [ shall separate

aDxov o ispstic; S7ixd rjjispac; xo SsDxspov 6 + Kai

him the priest] seven days the second [time]. And


13 v ev tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

6\j/sxai o ispstic; aDxov xrj rjjispa xrj spSoLirj to

[ shall look at the priest] him on the [ day seventh] the

8srjxspov rat i8od ajiaDpd rj acpfj od Lisxs7isasv

second [time]. And behold, [ is faint [if] the infection], [did not degenerate

rj acpf| cv too 8sp|iaxi Kai KaBapisi aDxov o

[and] the infection] in the skin, then [ will cleanse him the

ispstic; arjLiaaia yap sail Kai 7iA,DvdLisvoc;

priest]- [ a spot for it is]. And washing

xa ijidxia aDxoD KaBapoc; saxai 7 + e&amp;v 8s LisxaPaAxroaa

his garments he will be clean. But if in turning,

|isxa7isar| rj arjLiaaia sv xco Sspjiaxi Lisxd xo i8srv

[ degenerates the spot] in the skin after [ looking at

avTOV xov ispsa xod KaBapiaai aoxov Kai ocpGfjasxai

him the priest] to cleanse him, then he shall appear

xo 8srjxspov xco ispsi 8+ Kai 6\j/sxai aDxov o ispstic;

the second [time] to the priest. And [ shall look at him the priest],

Kai i8od Lisxs7rsasv rj arjLiaaia sv xco Sspjiaxi Kai

and behold, [ degenerated [if] the spot] in the skin, then

Liiavsi arjxov o ispstic; A,S7ipa saxi 9 + Kai acpfj

[ shall declare him defiled the priest] ~ it is leprosy. And [ an infection

Aihrpac; sdv ysvrjxai ev av0pcb7rco Kai sXsrjasxai itpoq

of leprosy if] happens in a man, then he shall come to

xov ispsa 10+ Kai 6\j/sxai o ispstic; Kai i8od orjAxj

the priest, and [ shall look the priest], and behold, [ discoloration

A,SDKfj sv xco 5epLiaxi Kai arjxrj LisxsPa^s xpi%a

[if it is] a white] in the skin, and [if] it turned [the] hair

XsrjKfjv Kai arco xod Dyiotic; xrjc; aapKoq xrjc; ^cbarjc;

white, and [some] of the healthy flesh be living

sv xrj orjAxj 11+ A,87ipa 7taAmoDLisvrj saxiv sv xco

in the discoloration — [ a leprosy becoming old it is] in the

Sspjiaxi xod xpcoxoq arjxorj Kai Liiavsi arjxov o ispstic;

skin of his flesh, and [ shall declare him defiled the priest],

Kai acpopisi arjxov 6x1 aKdGapxoq saxiv 12 + sdv 5s

and shall separate him, for he is unclean. But if

s^avBorjaa s^avGfjasi Xs7ipa sv xco Sspjiaxi Kai

blooming [ shall break out leprosy] in the skin, and

KaAtiysi rj Xs7ipa 7iav xo Sspjia xrjc; acpfjc; arco

[ shall cover the leprosy] all the skin with the infection, from

KscpaArjc; scoc; 7io5cbv aDxoD Ka0' oArjv xrjv opaaiv

head unto his feet, according to [the] whole vision

xod ispscoq 13+ Kai 6\j/sxai o ispstic; Kai i5od

of the priest; then [ shall look the priest], and behold,


13 v ev tootco + viica 03 - Leviticus

£Kakv\\f£v r| A,S7ipa 7iav to 8sp|ia tod xpcoToq olvtov

[covers [if] the leprosy] all the skin of his flesh,

Kai KaGapiei tt|v acpfjv 6ti 7iav jiSTsPals Xsdkov

then he shall cleanse the infection, for all turned white —

KaGapoq sctti 14+ Kai r| av rjjiepa ocpGfj sv aDTcb

it is clean. And in what ever day should appear to him

Xpcoq ^cov jiiavGfjaeTai 15+ Kai 6\j/STai o ispstic; tov

[ flesh living], he shall be declared defiled. And [ shall look at the priest] the

XpcbTa tov Dyifj Kai jiiavsi olvtov o xpcoq o vyir\q 6ti

[flesh healthy], and [ shall prove him defiled flesh the healthy]; for

aKdBapToq 8oti tenpo sari i6+sdv8s a7roKaTa&lt;xcf|

it is unclean, it is leprosy. But if [ should restore

o XP 0 ^ 0 uy 11 !^ Kai H£TapdA,r| Xsdkov Kai sXstiasTai

flesh the healthy] and turn white, then he shall come

7ipoc; tov ispsa 17+ Kai 6\j/STai olvtov o ispstic; Kai

to the priest, and [ shall see him the priest], and

18013 |i£TsPaA,sv T| acpfj sic; to Xsdkov Kai

behold, [ turned the infection] to the white, then

KaGapisi o ispsDc; tt\v acpfjv Ka0ap6q SOTl 18 +

[ shall declare him cleansed the priest] by the infection — he is clean.

Kai aap^ sdv ysvrjTai sv too SspjiaTi ovtov sXkoc; Kai

And if flesh should have [ in his skin a lesion], and

uyiaaGfj 19+ Kai ysvrjTai sv too t67tco tod sXkodc;

should heal, and [there] should become in the place of the lesion,

odAti ^sdkt| r| TT|A,aDyfjc; XsDKaivoDaa rj

[ discoloration a white], or radiant being whitened, or

7iDpp(^ODaa Kai ocpBfjasTai tcd ispsi 20+ Kai 6\j/STai o

being reddish, and it should be looked at by the priest; then [ shall look the

ispsDc; Kai iSod r| 6\j/ic; Ta7isivoTspa tod Sspjjmoc;

priest], and behold, [if] the appearance [be] deeper [under] the skin,

Kai T| 6pi^ aDTfjc; jiSTsPa^sv sic; XsDKqv Kai

and its hair turns into white, then

jiiavsi aDTOV o ispsDq 6ti A,S7ipa screw sv too sXksi

[ shall declare him defiled the priest], for it is leprosy, [ in the lesion

s^fjvGrjasv 21 + sdv 5s 15r| aDTOV o ispstic; Kai

it broke out]. But if [ should look at him the priest], and


behold, there is no [ on it hair white], and [ deep

|iT| T| a7io tod 8spjiaTOc; tod xpcoToq Kai aDTfj

it should not be] under the skin of the flesh, and it

T| ajiaDpd Kai acpopisi aDTOV o ispstic; S7rcd

should be faint, then [ shall separate him the priest] seven


13 r ev toi3tco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

rjLispaq 22+s&amp;v8s 5iaxf&gt;asi SiaxsTjxai sv xco Sspjiaxi

days. But if in a diffusion it should have diffused in the skin,

Kai jiiavsi avTOV o ispstic; acpfj Xsnpaq saxiv sv

then [ shall declare him defiled the priest]; [ an infection of leprosy it is]; [in

too sAxsi s^fjvBrjasv 23 + e&amp;v 5s raid %cbpav avzov

the lesion it broke out]. And if in its place

jisivrj to TrjA,m3yr|Lia Kai |ir| 5ia%STjxai ovhf\

[ should abide the radiance], and should not diffuse, [ a discoloration

tod skxovq sail Kai KaGapisi auxov o ispstic; 2 4+ Kai

of the lesion it is], and [ shall cleanse him the priest]. And

aap^ sdv ysVqxai sv xco 5sp|iaxi avzov KaxaKaujia

if flesh should become [ in his skin inflammation

itvpoq Kai ysvnxai sv xco Sspjiaxi auxof) xo uyiaaGsv

a fiery], and there should be in his skin the healing

xod KaxaKa^Liaxoq avydCpv xTjlauysc; Xsdkov

of the inflammation, shining forth radiant white,

D7ro7TDppi^ov T| skA,si3kov 25+ Kai 6\j/sxai ai)xov o

becoming somewhat reddish or very white; then [ shall look at him the

ispstic; Kai i5ot3 Lisxspa^s xp(%a A,sdkt]v sic; xo

priest], and behold, [ is turned [if the] hair] white in the

avydCpv Kai rj 6\\fiq avzov xa7isivfj arco xod

shining forth, and the appearance of it [is] deep under the

SspLiaxoq A,S7ipa saxiv sv xco KaxaKaf)Liaxi s^fjvGxjas

skin, it is leprosy; [ in the inflammation it broke out],

Kai jiiavsi ai)xov o ispstic; acpfj Xsitpaq SOXIV 26 +

and [ shall declare him defiled the priest]; [ an infection of leprosy it is].

sdv 8s (5r| auxov o ispstic; Kai i8oi3 odk saxiv

But if [ should look at him the priest], and behold, there is not

sv xco auydtpvxi 9pi^ Xsukt] Kai xarcsivov lit] rj

in the shining forth [hair a white], and [deep it should not be]

a7io xod 8sp|iaxoc; auxo 5s ajiaupov Kai acpopisi

under the skin, but it [is] faint, then [ shall separate

auxov o ispsuc; S7ixd rjLispaq 27+ Kai 6\j/sxai auxov o

him the priest] seven days. And [ shall look at him the

ISpSDC; SV XT] TjLlSpa XT] s

priest] in the [ day seventh

356lit] sdv 5s 8ia%uasi

But if [the] diffusion

5ia%sr|xai sv xco Sspjiaxi Kai jiiavsi ai)xov o ispsuc;

should diffuse in the skin, then [ shall declare him defiled the priest];

acpfj Xs7rpac; saxiv sv xco sXksi s^fjvGxjasv 28 +

[an infection of leprosy it is]; [in the lesion it broke out].

sdv 5s Kaxd %cbpav lisivt] xo auydtpv Kai

But if [ in its place should stay the shining forth], and


13 v sv tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

|ir| S\a%vdr\ sv icq Sspjiaxi aDxfj 8s ajiaDpd r| ovkr\

should not be diffused in the skin, but it should be faint, [ a discoloration

tod KaxaKaDjiaxoc; sail Kai KaGapisi auxov o ispstic;

of an inflammation it is], and [ should declare him cleansed the priest];

oyap %apaKxf|p T01) KaxaraDLiaxoc; sail 29 + Kai av8p(

for [ an effect [of] an inflammation it is]. And a man

r| ywaiKi co sdv ysvrjxai sv aDxofc; acpfj Xsnpaq

or a woman, in whom ever has in themselves an infection of leprosy

sv ttj KstpaArj T| sv xco 7icbycovi 30+ Kai 6\j/sxai o

in the head or in the beard; then [ shall look at the

ispstic; xrjv acpfjv Kai i8od r\ 6\\fiq avTT\q syKoi^oxspa

priest] the infection. And behold, [if] its appearance be imbedded under

xod 5spjiaxoc; sv auxfj 5s 6pi^ ^avdiCpvaa A,S7ixf|

the skin, [ in it and hair a yellowish thin],

Kai jiiavsi ai)xov o ispstic; GpaDajid saxi Ai7ipa xrjc;

then [ shall declare him defiled the priest]; it is an outbreak, [ a leprosy of the

KstpaAxjc; r| Xs7ipa xod 7icbycov6c; saxi 31+ Kai sdv

head or a leprosy of the beard it is]. And if

(5r| o ispstic; xrjv acpfjv xod BpaDaLiaxoq Kai

[ should look at the priest] the infection of the outbreak, and

i8od od% T| 6\\fiq syKoiA,oxspa xod Sspjiaxoc; Kai

behold, [ is not the appearance] imbedded under the skin, and

6pi^ ^avdiCpvaa odk saxiv sv aDxfj Kai acpopisi o

[the] hair [ yellowish is not] in it, then [ shall separate the

ispsDc; xrjv acpfjv xod BpaDajiaxoc; S7ixd rjLispaq 32 +

priest] the infection of the outbreak seven days.

Kai 6\j/sxai o ispstic; xrjv acpfjv xrj rjLispa xrj sP86lit|

And [ shall look at the priest] the infection on the [ day seventh .

Kai i5od od 8isxd9t| xo GpaDajia Kai 9pi£,

And behold, [ should not be diffused [if] the outbreak], and [hair

^avQiCpvaa odk saxiv sv aDxfj Kai r| 6\\nq xod

yellowish no there is] in it, and the appearance of the

GpaDaLiaxoc; odk saxi ko(Ax| arco xod Sspjiaxoc; 33 + Kai

outbreak is not hollow under the skin; then

^DprjGfjasxai xo 8spjia xo 8s GpaDajia od ^DprjBfjasxai

[ shall be shaven the skin], but the outbreak shall not be shaven;

Kai acpopisi o ispstic; xo BpaDajia S7ixd rjLispac; xo

and [ shall separate the priest] the outbreak seven days [for] the

SsDxspov 34+ Kai 6\j/sxai o ispstic; xo GpaDajia xrj

second [time]. And [ shall look at the priest] the outbreak on the

rjLispa xrj s

[ day seventh

386 LIT) Kai l80D OD SlS%D0T| xo

and behold, [ should not be diffused [if] the


13 v ev tootco + viica 03 - Leviticus

6pai3aLia sv tod Sspjjxm jisTd to ^opr|9f|vai ai)i6v

outbreak] in the skin after the shaving of it,

Kai T| 6\\fiq tod GpaDajiaTOc; odk scjti ko(Ax| anb

and the appearance of the outbreak is not hollow under

tod SspLimoc; Kai KaGapisi ocdtov o ispstic; Kai

the skin, then [ shall cleanse him the priest]; and

7rA,DV&amp;Lievoc; Ta ijidTia oidtod KaGapoc; s&lt;xcai 35 + sdv 8s

washing his garments, he will be clean. But if

8ia%Dasi 8ia%8T|Tai to GpaDajia sv tod 8sp|iaTi jisTd

[the] diffusion should be diffused in the outbreak in the skin after

TO K(x6(Xpio6f|V(Xl (XDTOV 36+ Kai 6\J/£T(Xl (XDTOV O ISpSDC;

cleansing it, then [ shall look at him the priest],

Kai i8od 8iaKs%DTai to GpaDajia sv too SspjiaTi

and behold, [ should be diffused [if] the outbreak] in the skin,

odk s7iiaKs\j/STai o ispsDc; 7isp( Tr\q xpixoq

[ shall not examine the priest] concerning the hair

Tr\q ^avGi^oDarjq aKdGapTog screw 37 + sdv 8s svcb7iiov

being yellowish ~ he is unclean. But if before

aDTOD Lisivrj S7U %cbpac; to GpaDajia Kai Gpi^

him [ should abide in [its] place the outbreak], and [ hair

jisAmva avaTSiAxj sv aDTcb DyiaKs to GpatiaLia

a black] should rise in it, [ is healed the outbreak] —

KaGapoc; sera Kai KaGapisi aDTOV o ispsDc; 3 s+ Kai

he is clean, and [ shall declare him cleansed the priest]. And

av8p( T| yDvaiKi co sdv ysvrjTai sv 8sp|iaTi

a man or woman, in whom ever should have in [the] skin

Tr\q aapKoq aDTOD aDydajiaTa aDydtpvTa IsDKavGitpvTa

of his flesh shinings shining forth being white,

39+ Kai 6\j/STai o ispstic; Kai i8od sv Sspjjxm

then [ shall look the priest]; and behold, in [the] skin

Tr\q aapKoq aDTOD aDydajiaTa aDyd^ovTa A,SDKavG(£pvTa

of his flesh shinings shining forth being white,

oXcpoq saTiv s^avGsi sv tco Sspjjxm KaGapoc; SOTl 40 +

it is a psoriasis, it broke out in the skin, he is clean.

sdv 8s tivi jiaSfjarj rj KscpaArj aDTOD cpaAxxKpoc; saTi

And if anyone be loose of hair [then] his head is [only] bald;

KaGapoc; saTiv 41 + sdv 8s KaTd 7ip6aco7rov LiaSfjcrq

he is clean. But if [ by his face [is] loose of hair

r| KscpaArj aDTOD avacpdXavToq saTi KaGapoc; SOTIV 42 +

his head], he is forehead bald; he is clean.

sdv 8s ysvrjTai sv to cpaA,aKpcbLiaTi aDTOD rj sv

But if there becomes in his baldness, or in


13 v ev tootco + viica 03 - Leviticus

tod avacpa^avxcoLiaTi avzov acpfj XsrjKfj r| 7irjppi^orjaa

his being forehead bald [ infection a white] or reddening,

A,S7ipa s^av0(^ODo&amp; screw sv too cpalaKpobjiaTi avzov rj

[ leprosy blossoming it is] in his baldness, or

sv to avacpaXavTcbLiaxi avzov 43+ Kai 6\j/STai awov o

in his forehead baldness. And [ shall look at him the

ispstic; Kai idov rj 6\\nq Tr\q acpfjg XsrjKfj rj

priest]. And behold, [if] the appearance of the infection [be] white or

iivppiCpvaa sv too cpalaKpobjiaTi avzov rj sv

reddish in the his baldness, or in

too avacpa^avTobjiaTi avzov 00c; sidoq Xsitpaq sv too

his being forehead bald as [the] form of leprosy in the

5sp|iaTi Tr\q aapKoq avzov 4 4 + dv9poo7roc; Xznpoq screw

skin of his flesh, [man a leprous he is],

aK&amp;6apT6c; saTiv jiidvasi jiiavsi odtov o ispstic; sv

he is unclean; in defilement [ shall declare him defiled the priest] — in

ttj KscpaArj avTOV rj acpfj avzov 45 + Kai o Xsnpoq sv

his head [is] his infection. And the leper in

00 screw r| acpfj Ta ijidTia arjTofj scrcai

whom is the infection, his garments shall be

7iapaA,sXi)Lisva Kai rj KscpaArj avzov aKaTaKaXimTOc; Kai

disabled, and his head uncovered, and

7ispi to crcoLia arjTofj 7ispiPaXsa0oo Kai

concerning his mouth let him put something around [it] ! And

aKdGapToq KSKAxjasTai 46+ naoaq xaq rjLispac; oaaq sdv

[ unclean he shall call himself] all the days, as many as

rj S7i' arjTOV rj acpfj araGapTog oov

[ might be upon him the infection] — being unclean,

aKdGaproq sarai Ksxcopiajisvoq KaGfjasrai s^oo

he shall be unclean; being separated he shall sit down outside

rrjc; 7iaps|iPoArjc; arjTofj scrcai arjTob 5iaTpipfj 47+ Kai

of his camp, it will be to him a [place] for pastime. And

i|idTiov 00 sav ysvrjTai sv arjTob acpfj Mnpaq sv

a garment which ever should have in it an infection of leprosy in

ijiaTioo spsoo rj sv ijiaTioo aTD7i7n)ivoo 48+ rj sv

[garment a woolen], or in a garment made of hemp, or in

aTfjLiovi rj sv KpoKT] rj sv TOiq Xivoiq rj sv TOiq

[the] warp, or in [the] woof, or in the flaxen linens, or in the

spsoiq rj sv 8sp|iaTi rj sv 7iavTi spyaaiLioo 5spjiaTi

woolen [threads], or in a skin, or in any workmanship of skin,

49+ Kai ysvrjTai rj acpfj %Xoop(£prjaa rj 7rrjppi£prjaa sv

and [ should become the infection] greenish or reddish in


13 v sv tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus


the skin, or in the garment, or in the warp, or in

tt] KpoKTj T| sv 7iavTi aKsfjsi spyaaiLioo SspjiaTOc;

the woof, or in any item of workmanship of skin,

acpfj Mnpaq sail Kai 5s(^si too ispsi 50

[an infection of leprosy it is]; and he shall show [it] to the priest. And

6\j/sxai o ispsfjc; xrjv acpfjv Kai acpopisi o ispsfjc; xr|v

[ shall look at the priest] the infection; and [ shall separate the priest] the

acpfjv S7TT&amp; rjLispaq 51+ Kai 6\j/sxai xrjv acpfjv sv tt]

infection seven days. And he shall look at the infection on the

rjLispa tt] sP56lit] sdv 5s 5ia%srjTai r| acpfj sv too

[day seventh]. But if [ should diffuse the infection] in the


garment, or in the warp, or in the woof, or in the

8sp|iaTi KaTa navxa 6aa sdv 7ioirj0f| 8spjiaTa sv

skin, according to all as much as might be made with [the] skins in

tt] spyaaia ls7ipa sjiLiovoq screw r\ acpfj

the work, [ leprosy it is permanent]; [ infection

aKdGapToq scjti 52+ KaTaKai3asi to ijidTiov r\ tov

it is an unclean]. He shall incinerate the garment, or the

OTfjLlOVa T] TT]V KpOKTjV T] SV TOiq SpSOiq T]

warp, or the woof which [is] in the woolen [garments], or

sv Toiq Xivoiq r\ sv 7iavTi aKstisi 8spLiaTivco sv co

in the flaxen linens, or in every item made of skin, in which

av T] sv ai)Tcb r\ acpfj 6ti Xs7ipa sliliovoc; saTiv

ever there might be in it the infection; for [ leprosy it is a permanent];

sv 7iDp( KaTaKai)6fjasTai 53 + sdv 5s (8rj o ispstic;

by fire it shall be incinerated. But if [ should look the priest],

Kai jLirj 8ia%srjTai rj acpfj sv too ijiaTico rj sv too

and [ should not be diffused the infection] in the garment, or in the


warp, or in the woof, or in any item

SspLiaTivco 54+ Kai owcd^si o ispsvq Kai 7tA,dvsi

made of skin; then [ shall order the priest], and [one] shall wash

scp' ou sdv Tj S7i' auTCO Tj acpfj Kai acpopisi

that upon which ever there might be [upon it an infection]; and [ shall separate

o ispstic; TTjv acpfjv S7rcd TjLispaq to 5sf)Tspov 55+ Kai

the priest] the infection seven days for the second [time]. And

6\j/STai o ispstig LiSTd to 7iA,D6fjvai avzo tt]v acpfjv

[ shall look the priest] after the washing the infection;

Kai fj5s od lit] LisTapdAxj rj acpfj rqv 6\j/iv auTfjc; Kai

and thus [ in no way should turn the infection] of its appearance, and


14 v

8V TOUT© + VlKa

03 - Leviticus

rj acpfj od Siaxsixai aKdGapxov saxiv sv itvpi

the infection did not diffuse, it is unclean; in fire

KaxarauGfjasxai saxfjpucxai sv xco ijiaxico r| sv xco

you shall incinerate [it]; it is fixed firm in the garment, or in the

axfjJIOVl T| SV XT| KpOKTj 56+ K(Xl S&amp;V l5r| O lSpSl)C;

warp, or in the woof. And if [ should look the priest],

Kai rj ajiarjpd r| acpfj jisxa xo 7rA,D0fjvai arjxo

and [ should be faint the infection] after washing it,

a7ioppfj^si auxo goto xod ijiaxioi) rj and xod

he shall rip it from the garment, or from the

axfjjiovoc; rj arco xrjc; KpoKqc; r| arco xod Sspjiaxoc; 57 +

warp, or from the woof, or from the skin.

s&amp;v 8s ocpGfj sxi sv xco ijiaxico r| sv xco axfjjiovi

And if it should appear still in the garment, or in the warp,


or in the woof, or in any item made of skin, [ leprosy

s^avGotiad saxiv sv 7rop( KaxaKauGfjasxai sv co

breaking forth it is]; by fire you shall incinerate [ in that which

saxiv rj acpfj 5 s + Kai xo ijidxiov rj o axfjjicov rj rj

is the infection]. And the garment, or the warp, or the

KpoKTj rj 7iav cjksdoc; 8sp|idxivov o 7i}u)0fjasxai Kai

woof, or any item made of skin which shall be washed, and

aftoaxfjasxai an aDxoD rj acpfj Kai 7iA,D9fjasxai xo

[ leaves from it the infection], that it shall be washed the

Ssfjxspov Kai KaGapov saxai 59+ odxoc; o vojioq

second [time], and it shall be clean. This is the law

acpfj q Xsnpaq ijiaxioD spsoD rj axD7i7tmvorj rj

of an infection of leprosy of a garment of wool, or made of hemp, or

axfjjiovoq rj KpoKqc; rj 7iavx6c; ctksdodc; Sspjiaxivorj

warp, or woof, or any item made of skin,

sic; xo KaGapiaai arjxo rj jiidvai arjxo

in the declaring it cleansed or defiled.

14 V

1 + Kai sXdAxjas Kopioc; 7ipoc; Mcouafjv Aiycov 2 + odxoc;

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, This is

o vojioq xod A,S7iporj rj av rjjispa KaGapiaGfj

the law of the leper. In what ever day he should have been cleansed,

Kai 7ipoaa%9fjasxai 7ipoc; xov ispsa 3+ Kai s^s^sfjosxai

and shall be brought to the priest; that [ shall come forth

o ispsfjq s^co xrjc; 7iaps|iPoArjc; Kai 6\j/sxai o ispstic;

the priest] outside the camp. And [ shall look the priest],


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03 - Leviticus

Kai i8od idxai r| acpfj Tr\q XEitpaq arco tod

and behold, [ has been healed [if] the infection] of the leprosy from the

A,S7ipoD 4+ Kai 7rpoaxd^8i o ispstic; Kai Ar|\j/ovTai

leper, then [ shall assign the priest], and they shall take

xco K8Ka6apia|isvco 8do opviGia ^cbvxa KaBapd Kai

for the one being cleansed two [ small birds living clean], and

tpXov KsSpivov Kai kskAxdolisvov kokkivov Kai

wood of cedar, and twined scarlet, and

Daa&lt;j07iov 5 + Kai 7ipoaTd^si o ispstic; Kai acpd^ODai to

hyssop. And [ shall assign the priest], and they shall slay the

opviGiov to sv sic; ayysiov oaTpdKivov scp' i38aTi

[ small bird one] into [ receptacle an earthenware] over [ water

^covti 6+ Kai to opvOiov TO ^cov Axj\j/£Tai ai)TO

living]. And [as for] the small bird, the one living, he shall take it,

Kai to tqvXov to KsSpivov Kai to kAxdcttov kokkivov

and the wood of cedar, and the spun scarlet,

Kai ttjv vaaomov Kai pd\j/si avid Kai to opviGiov

and the hyssop; and he shall dip them and the small bird

to CfDV sic; to aiLia tod opviGioD tod acpaysVcoc; scp'

that is living into the blood of the small bird being slain over

D8aTi ^cdvti ?+ Kai rcspippavsi S7U tov KaGapiaGsVca

[water living]. And he shall sprinkle it about upon the one being cleansed

and TT[q Xsnpaq snxaKiq Kai KaBapoc; scrcai Kai

of the leprosy seven times, and he will be clean. And

s^a7ioaTsA,si to opviGiov to ^cov sic; to 7is5iov g + Kai

he shall send out the small [ bird living] into the plain. And
7tA,dvsi o KaGapiaGsic; Ta ijidTia aDTOD Kai

[ shall wash the [man] being cleansed] his garments, and

^opfjasTai 7idaav ttjv Tp(%a aDTOD Kai AxroasTai sv

he shall shave all his hair, and shall bathe in

D8aTi Kai KaGapoq s&lt;xcai Kai jisTd TaDTa

water, and shall be clean. And after these [things]

siasXsDasTai sic; tt|v 7raps|iPoAxjv Kai 8iaTpuj/si s^co

he shall enter into the camp, and shall spend time outside

tod oikod aDTOD S7rcd rjLispac; 9+ Kai scrcai ttj r||ispa

of his house seven days. And it will be on the [day

ttj sP86lit| ^DpfjasTai 7idaav ttjv Tp(%a aDTOD tt|v

seventh], he shall shave all of his hair, the [hair]

KscpaAxjv aDTOD Kai tov 7icbycova Kai zaq ocpptic; Kai

of his head, and the beard, and the brows; even

7idaav ttjv Tpi%a aDTOD ^opfjasTai Kai nXvvsi

all his hair he shall shave. And he shall wash


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03 - Leviticus

xa iLi&amp;Tia aDxoD Kai Axroasxai xo acbLia aDxoD D8axi

his garments, and shall bathe his body in water,

Kai KaGapoq saxai

and he shall be clean.

10+ Kai ttj TjLispa XT] oy86r| Ar|\j/sxai 5do ajivoDc;

And on the [ day eighth] he shall take two lambs,

aLicoLioDc; sviaDaioDq Kai 7ip6paxov sv (xlicdliov

unblemished, of a year [old], and [sheep one], unblemished

svuroaiov Kai xpia 5sraxa ctsluMXscdc; sic; Guaiav

of a year [old], and three tenths of fine flour for a sacrifice [offering],

7is(pi)pa|i8vr|v ev sAmoo Kai koxdAx|v sAmoD Liiav n +

being mixed in olive oil, and [ small cup of olive oil one].

Kai axfjasi o ispstic; o KaGapi^cov xov dv0pco7rov

And [ shall stand the priest that cleanses] the man

xov KaGapi^OLisvov Kai xatixa svavxi KopioD S7ri

for the cleansing, and these [offerings] before [the] LORD, at

xttv 0i3pav Tr\q aKTrvfjc; xod jiapxDpiOD n+ Kai

the door of the tent of the testimony. And

Axj\j/exai o ispstic; xov ajivov xov sva Kai 7ipoad^si

[ shall take the priest] the [ lamb one], and bring

avTOV xrjc; 7iAx|Li|isXs(ac; Kai xrjv koxdAt|v xod skaiov

it for the trespass [offering], and the small cup of olive oil;

Kai acpopisi auxd acpopiajia svavxi Kupiou o+ Kai

and he shall separate them as a separation [offering] before [the] LORD. And

ocpd^oDai xov ajivov sv x67ico od acpd^oDai xa

he shall slay the lamb in [the] place where they slay the

oXoKaDxcbLiaxa Kai xa 7ispi ajiapxiaq sv xo7ico

whole burnt-offerings, and the [ones] for a sin [offering], in [ place

ayioo saxiyap xo 7isp( ajiapxiaq cba7isp xo xrjq

[the] holy]. For it is the [one] for a sin [offering]; as the one of the

7rAr|LiLisA£iac; soxi xco ispsi dyia ayioov saxi u + Kai

trespass [offering] is for the priest— [a holy of holies it is]. And

Axjysxai o ispstic; a7io xod aiLiaxoq xod xrjc;

[ shall take the priest] from the blood, of the one of the
7iAr|LiLisA£iac; Kai S7ii0fjasi o ispstic; S7ri xov A,op6v

trespass [offering], and [ shall place it the priest] upon the lobe

XOD COXOq XOD Ka6api^O|ISVOD XOD 5s^lOD Kai S7U xo

of the ear of the one being cleansed — the right, and upon the

dKpov xrjc; xzipoq aDxoD xrjc; 8s^idq Kai S7i( xo dKpov

thumb of his hand— the right, and upon the big toe

xod 7ro56c; aDxoD xod 8s^iod i 5 + Kai Xaficbv o ispstic;

of his foot— the right. And [taking the priest]


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ano Tr\q kotdAx|c; tod eAmoD S7ci%ee( sni rqv %zipa

from the small cup of the olive oil, he shall pour upon the [ hand

tod lepeooc; tt|v apKxcep&amp;v ie+ Kai pd\j/st o ispsDc;

of the priest left]. And [ shall dip the priest]

tov 5&amp;ktdAx)v (xdtod tov 5e^i6v anb tod sAmoD

[ finger his right] from the olive oil

tod ovToq S7Ti TT\q X^ipbq (xdtod TTjq apuxcepdc; Kai

being in [ hand his left]. And

pavei a7io tod e^aioD too 8aKT6AxD aDTOD S7rcdKic;

he shall sprinkle from the olive oil [with] his finger seven times

svavn KDpioD i7+to5s KaTa^eupGsv sAmov to ov sv

before [the] LORD. And the left behind olive oil being in
TTJ %£ipl aDTOD 87ll6fiaSl O ISpSDq 8711 TOV XofioV TOD

his hand, [ shall place the priest] upon the lobe of the

COTOq TOD KaGapi^OLlSVOD TOD 8s^lOD Kai 8711 TO

[ ear of the one being cleansed right], and upon the

ducpov Tr\q X^ipbq aDTOD Tr\q Ss^iaq Kai 87U to dKpov

thumb of his hand— the right, and upon the big toe


of his foot— the right, upon the place of the

aiLiaToq tod Trjq 7rXrjLiLi8A,8iac; i8+to8s KaTa^eupGev

blood of the trespass [offering]. And the left over

sAmov to 87ii Tr\q X^ipoq tod ispscoq S7Cl6fjaei o

olive oil [that is] upon the hand of the priest, [ shall place it the

ispsDc; 87U ttjv KscpaAxjv tod KaGapiaGevTOc; Kai

priest] upon the head of the one being cleansed, and

s^iAxxaeTai 7cepi aDTOD o lepetic; svavn KDpioD i 9 + Kai

[ shall atone for him the priest] before [the] LORD. And

7toifjaei o lepsDc; to 7cspi Tr\q ajiapTiaq Kai

[ shall offer the priest] the [thing] for the sin [offering], and

s^iAxxaeTai o ispetic; 7C8p( tod KaBapi^OLisvoD a7co

[ shall atone the priest] for the one being cleansed of

Tr\q ajiapTiac; aDTOD Kai listoc todto acpd^ei o ispeDc;

his sin. And after this [ shall slay the priest]

to o^oKaDTCDLia 20+ Kai avoiaei o ispeDc; to

the whole burnt-offering. And [ shall offer the priest] the

oXoKaDTCDLia Kai ttjv BDcriav 87U to GDaiaaTfjpiov

whole burnt-offering, and the sacrifice upon the altar

svavTi KDpioD Kai s^dosTai 7C8pi aDTOD o ispsDq

before [the] LORD; and [ shall atone for him the priest],

Kai KaGapiaGfjasTai 21 + edv 5s 7csvr|Tai Kai

and he shall be cleansed. And if he should be in need, and


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03 - Leviticus

r| %sip olvtov lit] sDpiaKT] Ax|\j/sxai ajivov sva siq

his hand should not find [what is needed], he shall take [lamb one] for

o £7rXr||i|i8Ar|aev sic; acpaipsLia cbaxs s^iXdaaaBai

what he trespassed for a cut-away portion, so as to atone

7isp( avTOV Kai Ssraxov cjsluMXscoc; 7i8(pi)paLisvr|(; sv

for him, and a tenth of fine flour being mixed in

sAmco sic; dvaiav Kai koxdAx|v skaiov jiiav 22 + Kai

olive oil for a sacrifice, and [ small cup of olive oil one], and

5do xpDyovac; r| 5do vsoctctodc; 7cspiaxspcbv 6aa

two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, as much as

stipsv rj %sip olvtov Kai saxai r\ [da 7isp( ajiapxiaq

[found his hand]. And [ shall be the one] for a sin [offering],

Kai rj |iia sic; o^oKaDxcoLia 23+ Kai 7ipoao(osi aDxd

and the one for a whole burnt-offering. And he shall bring them

xtj rjLiepa xt| oy86r| sic; xo KaBapiaai ai)xov npoq xov

on the [ day eighth], for his cleansing, to the

ispsa S7Ti xttv 0Dpav Tr\q aKr\vr\q xod jiapxDpiOD

priest, unto the door of the tent of the testimony

svavxi Kopiou 24+ Kai Xaficbv o ispstic; xov ajivov xt]c;

before [the] LORD. And [ shall take the priest] the lamb of the
7rAr|LiLisA£iac; Kai xttv koxdAx|v xod sAmoD S7n0f|asi

trespass [offering], and the small cup of the olive oil, [and] he shall place

ai)xd S7i(08Lia svavxi KopioD 25+ Kai ccpd^si xov

them for an increase [offering] before [the] LORD. And he shall slay the

ajivov xov Tr\q 7cAr|LiLisA£iac; Kai Arj\j/exai o ispstic;

lamb, the one for the trespass [offering]; and [ shall take the priest]

ano xod aiLiaxoq xod xtjc; 7cAx|LiLisXs(ac; Kai S7n0f|asi

from the blood of the one for the trespass [offering], and shall place it

8711 XOV XofioV XOD CDXOq XOD Ka6api^O|I8VOD XOD

upon the lobe of the ear of the one being cleansed — the

5s^iod Kai em xo dKpov xt|c; %sipoc; aDxoD xrjc; 5s^idc;

right, and upon the thumb of his hand — the right,

Kai 87U XO dKpOV XOD 7T086c; aDXOD XOD 8s^lOD 26 + Kai

and upon the big toe of his foot — the right. And

a7co xod eAmoD S7n%ssi o ispstic; 87ci xtjv %sipa aDXOD

of the olive oil [ shall pour the priest] upon his hand —

xttv apiaxspdv 27+ Kai pavsi o ispstic; xco

the left. And [ shall sprinkle the priest] with

SaKXDAxjo aDXOD xco 8s^icb a7co xod sAmoD xod sv

his finger — the right from the olive oil, the [oil] in

xt| %sip( aDXOD xt] apiaxspd S7cxdKic; svavxiov kdpiod

his hand ~ the left, seven times before [the] LORD.


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03 - Leviticus
28+ Kai £7n0fja£i o ispsDc; and tod sAmoD tod ovtoc;

And [ shall put the priest] of the olive oil being


in his hand upon the lobe of the ear of the one

Ka6api£p|i8VOD tod 8s^iod Kai S7U to dKpov

being cleansed — the right, and upon the thumb

Tr\q xsipoq aDTOD Tr\q Se^idc; Kai £7U to dKpov

of his hand— the right, and upon the big toe

TOD 7C056C; aDTOD TOD 8s^lOD 8711 TOV T07COV TOD

of his foot— the right, on the place of the

aijiaToq tod TT[q Kkr[[i[isksiaq 29+ to 8s KaTa^eicpGev

blood of the trespass [offering]. And the left over

slaiov to ov S7U Tr\q X^ipoq tod lepecoc; emGfiasi S7U

olive oil, being in the hand of the priest, he shall place upon

ttjv KecpaXfjv tod KaGapiaBevTOc; Kai e^iAxxoeTai 7csp(

the head of the one being cleansed, and [ shall atone for

aDTOD o ispeDc; svavTi KDpioD 30+ Kai 7coifjaei jiiav

him the priest] before [the] LORD. And he shall offer one

a7co tcov TpDyovcov r| a7co tcov vsoaacbv tcov

from the turtle-doves, or from the young ones of the

7cspiaTspcbv KaGoTi etipev aDTOD r| %eip 31+ tt|v jiiav

pigeons, in so far as [ found his hand], the one

7csp( ajiapTiaq Kai tt|v jiiav eic; oAx)KaDTCO|ia aDV ttj

for a sin [offering], and the one for a whole burnt-offering with the

GDcria Kai s^i^daeTai o lepetic; 7csp( tod

sacrifice [offering]. And [ shall atone the priest] for the

Ka0api£p|i8VOD svavTi KDpioD 32+ omoq o vojioc; ev

one being cleansed before [the] LORD. Lhis is the law [for him] in
co screw T| acpfj Tr\q Xsnpaq Kai tod |ir| sDpiaKovToq

whom is [found] the infection of the leprosy, and not finding [means]

ttj %eip( aDTOD sic; tov KaBapiajiov aDTOD 33 + Kai

[in] his hand enough for his cleansing. And

sAxxAxjas Kupioq Tcpoq McoDafiv Kai Aapcbv Aiycov 34 +

[the] LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying,

coc; av siasX0r|T8 sic; tt|v yrjv tcov Xavavaicov r|v

When ever you should enter into the land of the Canaanites, which

sycb 8(8co|ii djiiv sv KTfjasi Kai 8cbaco acpfjv Xsitpaq

I give to you for a possession, and I put an infection of leprosy

sv Tmq oiKiaiq Tr\q yr\q Tr\q syKTfjTOD D|i(v 35+ Kai

in the houses of the land procured by you; then

fj^ei zivoq avzov r\ oiKia Kai avayys^si tco ispsi

[ shall come one from the house] and shall announce to the priest,


14 v


03 - Leviticus

Aiyoov cba7isp acpfj ecbpaxai lioi sv xrj oiKia 36 +

saying, [Something] as an infection has appeared to me in the house.

Kai 7ipoaxd^8i o ispstic; a7roaKsi)daai xrjv oiKiav 7ipo

And [ will assign the priest] to pack up the house before

tod siasA£6vxa xov ispsa i8s(v xrjv acpfjv Kai ou litj

the [ enters priest] to look at the infection, that no way

aK&amp;0apxa ysVrjxai 6aa av r| sv xrj oiKia Kai

[ unclean should become] as much as might be in the house. And

Lisxd xm3xa sias^suasxai o tepetic; KaxajiaBsiv xrjv

after these [things] [ shall enter the priest] to study the

oiKiav 37+ Kai 6\j/sxai xrjv acpfjv Kai i5oi3 r| acpfj

house. And he shall look at the infection. And behold, [if] the infection

sv xoic; xoi%oic; xrjc; ovdaq KoiXd5ac; %X(^piCpvaaq rj

[is] in the walls of the house, [with] a cavity being greenish or

nvppiCpvaaq Kai r\ 6\\f\q auxcbv xarcsivoxspa xcov

being reddish, and their appearance deep in the

xoixcov 38+ Kai s^sABcbv o ispetic; sk xtjc; oiKiaq

walls. And [ coming forth the priest] from out of the house,

S7Ti xrjv Qvpav xrjc; ovdaq Kai acpopisi o ispstic;

at the door of the house, and [then] [ shall separate the priest]

xrjv oiKiav 87ixd rjLispaq 39+ Kai 87iavfj^8i o ispstic;

the house seven days. And [ shall come back again the priest]

xtj rjLiepa xrj sP56lit| Kai 6\j/sxai xttv oiKiav Kai

on the [ day seventh], and he shall look at the house. And

i5of) Sm%vdr\ r\ acpfj sv xoic; xo(%oic; xrjq oiKiaq 40 +

behold, [if] [ was diffused the infection] in the walls of the house,

Kai 7ipoaxd^8i o ispstic; Kai s^sAxroai xouc; Xidovq

then [ shall assign the priest], and they shall take out the stones

sv oic; saxiv r\ acpfj Kai SKpaAm&gt;aiv avzovq s^cd

in which is the infection, and they shall cast them outside

Tr\q noXzwq sic; xo7iov aKdGapxov 4 i+ Kai xrjv oiKiav

the city, into [place an unclean]. And [the house

a7ro^6aoi)aiv saooGsv kdk^cd Kai SK%sof&gt;ai xov xouv

they shall scrape] from inside round about, and shall pour out the dust

xov a7is^DaLisvov s^co xtjc; noXsctiq sic; xo7iov

of the scraping outside the city into [ place

aKdGapxov 4 2+ Kai Axjyovxai Ai6oi)c; a7rs^i)aLisvoi)c;

an unclean]. And they shall take stones being scraped

sxspouc; Kai avxi6fjaoi)oiv avxi xcov AiGoov Kai

of another, and they shall substitute for the stones, and

Xodv sxspov Arj\j/ovxai Kai s^aXsnj/ouai xttv

[ dust [for plaster] other] they shall take, and they shall plaster the


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03 - Leviticus

oiKiav 43 + sdv 8s 87i8X0r| 7idA.iv r| acpfj Kai avaxsiAxj

house. But if [ should come again the infection], and should rise up

sv tt] oiKia |iex&amp; to s^slsiv Tovq Xidovq Kai jisxd

in the house after the taking away of the stones, and after

to a7ro^Da0fjvai xrjv oiKiav Kai jisxd to

the scraping the house, and after the

s^aA£up6fjvai 44+ Kai siaslsuasxai o ispstic; Kai

plastering, then [ shall enter the priest] and

6\j/sxai si 5iaK8%i)xai r| acpfj sv xr| oiKia Xs7ipa

he shall look. If [ be dispersed the infection in the house], [ leprosy

SLiLiovoq saxiv sv tt] oiKia aKdGapxoc; saxi 4 s + Kai

it is a permanent] in the house — it is unclean. And

KaGsAxroai xr|v oiKiav Kai xa tpXa avTT\q Kai

they shall demolish the house, and its wood, and

xodc; Ai6oi)c; avTT\q Kai rcavxa xov %ouv xrjc; oiKiac;

its stones; and all the [plaster] dust of the house

s^oiaoDaiv s^co xrjc; noXscnq sic; xorcov araBapxov 46 +

they shall bring forth outside the city unto [place an unclean].

Kai o sio7iopsu6Lisvoc; sic; xrjv oiKiav naaaq xac;

And the one entering into the house all the

rjLispaq aq acpcopiajievri saxiv aKdGapxoc; saxai scoc;

days which it is being separated will be unclean until

sa7ispac; 4 ?+ Kai o koilicdlisvoc; sv xr| oiKia Ttkvvsi

evening. And the one going to bed in the house shall wash

xa i|idxia avxov Kai aKdGapxoc; saxai scac; sanspaq Kai

his garments, and will be unclean until evening. And

o saGicov sv xt| oiKia nXvvzi xa iLiaxia auxou 48 +

the one eating in the house, he shall wash his garments.

sdv 5s 7rapaysvoLisvoc; siasA£r| o ispstic; Kai (5r| Kai

And if coming, [ should enter the priest] and look, and

i8of) od 8ia%s(xai r| acpfj sv xrj oiKia Lisxd xo

behold, [ is not dispersed the infection] in the house after the

s^a^sicpGfjvai xrjv oiKiav Kai KaGapisi o ispstic;

plastering the house, that [ shall declare cleansed the priest

xrjv oiKiav oxi idGrj r| acpfj 49+ Kai Arj\j/sxai

the house], for [ is healed the infection]. And he shall take

acpayviaai xrjv oiKiav 8f&gt;o opviGia ^cbvxa Kai ZfiXov

to purify the house, two small [ birds living], and wood

KsSpivov Kai kskXcdcjlisvov KOKKIVOV Kai UOOG07IOV 50 +

of cedar, and twined scarlet, and hyssop.

Kai acpd^si xo opvOiov xo sv sic; cjksuoc; oaxpdKivov

And he shall slay the [ small bird one] into [ utensil an earthenware]

15 "ID

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03 - Leviticus

scp' i35axi ^covti 51+ Kai Xr\\\t STai to ZpXov

over [ water living]. And he shall take the wood


of cedar, and the twined scarlet, and the

Daaco7iov Kai to opviGiov to ^cov Kai pd\j/si avza sic;

hyssop, and the [small bird living]; and he shall dip them into

to aijia tod opvi0ioi) tod sacpayjisvoD scp' D8aToq

the blood of the small bird having been slain over [ water

^COVTOq Kai 7TSpippaV£l SV aDTOiq S7U TTJV oiKiav

living]; and he shall sprinkle about with them upon the house

87iTdKK; 52+ Kai acpayvisi Trjv oiKiav sv tco aijiaTi

seven times. And he shall purify the house with the blood

tod opviBioD Kai ev tco D5aTi tco ^covti Kai sv tco

of the small bird, and with the [ water living], and with the

opviGico tco ^covti Kai sv tco ^dXco TCO Ks8piVC0 Kai sv

[ small bird living], and with the wood of cedar, and with

tco Daaco7ico Kai sv tco KSKA,coa(isvco kokkivco 53+ Kai

the hyssop, and with the twined scarlet. And

s^a7ioaTsXsi to opviGiov to ^cov s^co Tr\q 7r6Xscoc; sic;

he shall send out the [ small bird living] outside the city into

to 7is8iov Kai s^iXdasTai 7ispi Tr\q ovdaq Kai

the plain. And he shall atone for the house, and

KaGapd scrcai 54+ odto^ o vojioc; KaTd 7idaav acpfjv

it will be clean. This [is] the law for every infection

tenpaq Kai BpaDajiaToq 55+ Kai Trjq Xs7ipac; ijiaTioD

of leprosy, and outbreak, and the leprosy of a gannent,

Kai oiKiaq 56+ Kai ovXr\q Kai arjiiaaiaq Kai

and house, and discoloration, and spot, and

tod aDydajiaToq 57+ tod s^rjyf|aaa6ai rj r||ispa

shining; to describe the day

aKdGapTOV Kai rj r||ispa KaGapiaGfjasTai odtoc; o

unclean, and the day it shall be cleansed. This [is] the

v6[ioq Tr\q Mnpaq

law of the leprosy.

15 lta

1 + Kai sA,dAx|as Kopioc; itpoq McoDafiv Kai Aapcov

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron,

Aiycov 2+ AxxAxjaov toic; vioiq lapar\k Kai spsiq itpoq

saying, Speak to the sons of Israel! And you shall say to


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8V TOUTCp + VlKa

03 - Leviticus

avTOvq av8p( av5p( co edv ysvrjxai pvaiq 8K

them, The man, a man in whom ever should have a flow from out of

tod acbjiaToq olvtov r\ pvaiq avzov araGapTOc; SOTl 3 +

his body, his flow is unclean.

Kai odtoc; o vojioc; Tr\q aKaGapaiaq avzov pecov yovov

And this [is] the law of his uncleanness. Flowing semen

SK TOD aCOjiaTOq aDTOD 8K Tr\q pDoecoc; Tj

from out of his body, from out of the flow, in which

aDV8&lt;ycr|Ke to acbjiaTi oidtod 8id rrjc; pDascoc; ocdttj

[ concocted his body], [ [is] through this flow

T| aKaBapaia aDTOD ev aDTcb 4+ 7idoa Korcrj ecp' r|

his uncleanness] in him. Every bed upon which

av Koi|ir|6f| S7i' avTT\q o yovoppDfjc;

ever he should go to bed upon it, the one having a seminal emission,

oncdGapTOc; sctti km, 7iav ctksdoc; scp' co av KaGiarj

it is unclean; and every item upon which ever he should sit

S7i ' aDTO o yovoppDfjc; aKdGapTOV sctti 5 + Kai

upon it, the one having a seminal emission, it is unclean. And

dv0pcG7roc; oq edv d\j/rjTai rrjc; Kovcrjc; aDTOD itXvvsi

a man who ever should touch his bed, shall wash

Ta ijidTia aDTOD Kai AxruasTai f)8aTi Kai

his garments, and shall bathe in water, and

aKdGapToq scrcai scoc; ea7rspac; 6 + Kai o KaGfjjisvoc; em

shall be unclean until evening. And the one sitting down upon

TOD CTK8DODC; 8(f) CO av KaGiaTj 871 ' aDTO o

the item, upon what ever [ should sit upon it the

yovoppDfjc; 7cA,dvs( Ta ijidTia aDTOD Kai XoDaeTai

one having a seminal emission], he shall wash his garments, and shall bathe

D5aTi Kai aKdGapTOc; ecrcai ecoc; Eanspaq i + Kai o

in water, and he will be unclean until evening. And the

a7rc6|i£voc; tod xpcoToq tod yovoppDODc; itXvvsi

one touching the flesh of the one having a seminal emission, he shall wash

Ta ijidTia aDTOD Kai AxroasTai f)8aTi Kai

his garments, and shall bathe in water, and

aKdGapToq scrcai scoc; saftspac; s+sdv8s 7ipoaaisAiarj

he will be unclean until evening. And if [ should salivate

o yovoppDfjc; S7U tov KaGapov 7rA,Dvsi

the one having a seminal emission] upon [one that is] clean, [that person] shall

Ta ijidTia aDTOD Kai AxroasTai vdan Kai

his garments, and shall bathe in water, and

aKdGapToq scrcai scoc; sa7cspac; 9 + Kai 7cav emaayjia

he will be unclean until evening. And every saddle


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03 - Leviticus

scp co av 87iipr| 87i ai)io o yovoppDTjq

upon which [should mount upon it the one having a seminal emission],

aK&amp;Gapxov saxai ecoc; sanEpaq io+ Kai naq

it will be unclean until evening. And every one

o a7ixoLisvoc; goto 7idvxcov 6aa av r| D7ioKdxco

touching from all as much as might be underneath

avTOV aK&amp;Gapxoc; saxai scoc; sa7repac; Kai o aipcov

him, he will be unclean until evening. And the one lifting

cxdt&amp; nkvvsi xa iLidxia auxoi) Kai Axroasxai i)8axi Kai

them, he shall wash his garments, and shall bathe in water, and

aK&amp;Gapxoc; eaxai ecoc; sanspaq n+ KCXI OCCOV OV

will be unclean until evening. And of as many as

d\j/r|xai o yovoppufjc; Kai xac; %e(pac; avzov ov

should touch the one having a seminal emission, and his hands have not

vevurxai u5axi nXvvzi xa ijidxia avzov Kai Axyoasxai

been washed in water, he shall wash his garments, and shall bathe

u8axi Kai aKdGapxoq saxai scoc; zaitzpaq n + Kai

in water, and he will be unclean until evening. And

oKstioc; oaxpdKivov od av d\j/r|xai o

[ item an earthenware] of which ever [ should have touched the

yovoppDfjq airvxpipfjasxai Kai 7iav cjksuoc;

one having a seminal emission], it shall be broken. And every [ item

§6A,ivov vicpfjaexai i35axi Kai KaGapov eoxai i 3 +£dv5s

wooden] shall be washed in water, and it will be clean. And if

KaGapiaGfj o yovoppi)f|c; sk xrjc; puascoc; avzov

[ should be cleansed the one having a seminal emission] from his flow,

Kai e^api6Lir|9f|aexai eauxcb S7ixd rjLispac; eic;

then he shall count out to himself seven days for

xov KaBapicTLiov avzov Kai nXvvsi xa ijidxia avzov Kai

his cleansing; and he shall wash his garments, and

Axyoaexai xo acoLia avzov i35axi ^cbvxi Kai

shall bathe his body [water in living], and

KaGapoq saxai u+ Kai xrj rjjiepa xrj oy56r| Arjij/exai

he will be clean. And on the [ day eighth] he shall take

sai)xcb 8i3o xpuyovac; r| 8i3o vzoaaovq 7iepiaxspcbv

to himself two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons,

Kai oiasi auxd svavxi Kopioi) em xac; Qvpaq xrjc;

and he shall bring them before [the] LORD, to the doors of the

GKTjvfjc; xod jiapxDpioi) Kai 5cbaei ai)xd xco ispsi i 5 +

tent of the testimony, and he shall give them to the priest.

Kai 7roifjasi ai)xd o lepetic; jiiav 7isp( ajiapxiac; Kai

And [ shall offer them the priest]-- one for a sin [offering], and


15 "ID

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03 - Leviticus

jjiav sic; oXoKatixcDLia Kai s^dasxai 7isp( avzov o

one for a whole burnt-offering. And [ shall atone for him the

ispstic; svavxi Kopiou arco xrjc; ptiascoc; auxoi) 16+ Kai

priest] before [the] LORD for his flow. And

dvGpco7roc; go sdv s^sA,Gr| s^ avzov ko(xt|

a man who should come forth from his marriage-bed

a7ispLiaxoc; Kai Axroasxai i)8axi nav to acbLia auxoi) Kai

of [issuing] semen, shall bathe in water all his body, and

aKdGapxoc; saxai scoc; saftspac; n+ Kai 7iav ijidxiov Kai

he will be unclean until evening. And every garment, and

7iav 5spLia scp' co av r| S7i' auxcb Koixrj

every skin, upon which ever might be upon it of [the] marriage-bed

o7T8pLiaxoc; Kai 7iAA)Gf|asxai i35axi Kai aKdGapxoc; saxai

of semen, that it shall be washed in water, and will be unclean

scoc; eaftepac; i 8 + Kai ywq sdv KoiLir|Gf| avfjp

until evening. And a wife, if [ should have gone to bed a husband]

lisx' auxfjc; Koixrjv a7ispLiaxoc; Kai Xouaovxai i38axi

with her in a marriage-bed of semen, that they shall bathe in water,

Kai araGapxoi saovxai scoc; saTispac; 19+ Kai yovfj

and they will be unclean until evening. And a woman

fjxic; av T| psouaa aiLiaxi Kai saxai rj ptiaic; auxfjc;

whoever might be flowing blood, when [ shall be flow her]

sv xco acoLiaxi auxfjc; srcxd rjLispac; saxai sv

in her body, seven days she will be in

xtj acpsSpco auxfjc; naq o a7ix6|isvoc; auxfjc;

her menstruation; every one touching her

aKdGapxoc; saxai scoc; Eanspaq 20+ Kai 7iav scp' co

will be unclean until evening. And everything upon what

av Koixd^rjxai S7i' ai)xo sv xtj acps5pco auxfjc;

ever she should lay [herself] upon it, in her menstruation,

aKdGapxov saxai Kai 7iav scp' co av S7iiKaG(ar|

it will be unclean; and everything upon what ever she should sit [herself]

S7i ' ai)xo araGapxov saxai 21+ Kai naq oq av d\j/r|xai

upon it, it will be unclean. And all who ever should touch

xrjc; Koixrjc; auxfjc; iikvvEi xa iLidxia avzov Kai Axyoasxai

her bed, he shall wash his garments, and shall bathe

i38axi Kai aKdGapxoc; soxai scoc; saftspac; 22+ Kai naq o

in water, and will be unclean until evening. And every one

a7ix6Lievoc; 7iavx6c; aKsuouc; scp' co av KaGiarj S7i'

touching any item upon which ever she should sit upon

ai)xo Tikvvsi xa iLidxia ai)xoi3 Kai Xotiasxai i38axi Kai

it, he shall wash his garments, and shall bathe in water, and


15 "ID

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03 - Leviticus

aKdGapxoq scxcai scoc; EGitspaq 23 + sdv 8s sv

shall be unclean until evening. And if [ in

ttj Kovcrj avTT\q ovar\q r\ S7ri tod okstjodc; od av

her bed being], or upon the item of which ever

aDifj KaGiarj S7i' arjTcb sv too d7n;soGai arjTOV avTT\q

she should sit upon it, in its touching her,

aK&amp;Bapxoc; scrcai scoc; zanspaq 24 + sdv 8s Kovrrj

it shall be unclean until evening. And if [ in her bed

KoiLirjGfj tic; list' avTT\q Kai ysvrjTai

should bed down any one] with her, and [ should be

rj araGapcria avxr\q sk auTcb araGapTOc; scrcai S7rcd

her uncleanness] upon him, he shall be unclean seven

rjLispac; Kai 7idaa Kovrrj scp' r| av KoiLirjGfj S7i'

days. And every bed upon which ever he should go to bed upon

ocdttj aK&amp;9apTOc; s&lt;xcai 25 + Kai yrjvfj sdv per)

it, it shall be unclean. And a woman if she should flow

prjaiv aiLiaToq rjLispac; nXsiovq odk sv Kaipco

a flow of blood [ days many], not in [the] time

rrjc; acpsSpou auTfjc; sdv Kai psrj jisTd

of her menstruation; if also it should flow after

ttjv dcpsSpov arjTfjc; 7idaai ai rjLispai prjascoc;

her menstruation, all the days of [the] flow

aKaGapmaq arjTfjc; KaGdrcsp ai rjLispai

of her uncleanness [shall be] just as the days

ttjc; acpsSpoi) aDTTjc; s&lt;xcai araGapTOc; 26+ Kai 7idaa

of her menstruation — she shall be unclean. And every

koittj scp' r)c; av KoiLirjGfj S7i' aDTTjc; 7rdaac; zaq

bed upon of which ever she should go to bed upon it all the

rjLiipac; Tr\q prjascoc; arjTfjc; KaTd tt|v Korcrjv

days of her flow, [as the bed

ttjc; acpsSporj aDTTjc; sarai ar&gt;Tfj Kai 7iav ctksdoc; scp'

of her menstruation it will be to her]. And every item upon

co av KaGiarj S7i' arjro aKdGaprov sarai KaTd Trjv

which ever she should sit upon it, it shall be unclean, according to the

araGapaiav rrjc; acps8por&gt; aircfjc; 27+ Kai itaq

uncleanness of her menstruation. And every [man]

o a7iTOLi8VO(; avTT\q aKdGapxoc; soxai Kai TtXvvsi

touching her, he shall be unclean, and shall wash

Ta iLidTia arjxorj Kai Axroasxai r&gt;8axi Kai

his garments, and he shall bathe in water, and

aKdGapxoc; soxai scoc; saftspac; 28+ sdv 5s KaGapiaGfj

he shall be unclean until evening. But if she should be cleansed


16 TO

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03 - Leviticus

a7io Tr\q ptiascoc; avTT\q Kai s^apiGLifjasxai aDifj S7ixd

from her flow, then she shall count out to herself seven

rjLispaq Kai Lisxd xatixa KaGapiaGfjasxai 29 + Kai xrj

days, and after this she shall be cleansed. And the

rjLispa xr| oy86r| Ar|\j/sxai eauxfj dvo xpuyovac; r| dvo

[ day eighth] she shall take for herself two turtle-doves, or two

vsoaaovq 7ispioxspcov Kai oiasi auxd npoq xov

young pigeons, and she shall bring them to the

ispsa S7Ti xrjv Gtipav Tr\q aKTrvfjc; xou Liapxupuru 30 +

priest to the door of the tent of the testimony.

Kai 7roifjaei o ispstic; xrjv jiiav 7isp( ajiapxiaq Kai

And [ shall offer the priest] the one for a sin [offering], and

xrjv Liiav sic; oXoKauxcoaiv Kai s^ildasxai 7isp( avTT\q

the one for a whole burnt-offering. And [ shall atone for her

o ispstic; svavxi Kupicru arco ptiascoc;

the priest] before [the] LORD of [the] flow

aKaBapaiaq auxfjc; 31+ Kai svXafisiq 7ioiT]asxs zovq

of her uncleanness. And [be reverent you shall make the

move; IapafjA, arco xcov aKaGapaicbv avxcbv Kai

sons of Israel] [because] of their uncleannesses. And

odk a7ro6av(y6vxai 5id xrjv aKaGapoiav auxcbv

they shall not die on account of their uncleanness,

sv xco (iiaivsiv amove; xrjv aKqvfjv liod xrjv sv auxofc;

in their defiling my tent, the one among them.

32+ omoq o volioc; xod yovoppDcroc; Kai sdv xivi

This [is] the law of the one having a seminal emission. Even if one

s^sA£r| s^ avTOV koixt] aftspLiaxoc; cbaxs

should come forth from his marriage-bed of semen, so as

jiiavBfjvai sv auxfj 33+ Kai xrj aijioppooijaT] sv

to be defiled by it, and the one hemorrhaging in

xtj acps5pco auxfjc; Kai o yovoppufjc; sv

her menstruation, and the one having a seminal emission in

xtj pijasi avTOV xco dpasvi r\ xt] 6T]A,s(a Kai xco av8p(

his flow to the male or the female, and to the husband

sdv koilutGt] Lisxd a7toKa6T]|isvT]c;

if he should go to bed with one sitting apart.

16 Ttt

1 + Kai sA,dAx|as Kopioc; npoq Mamafjv Lisxd xo

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses after the

xsA,si)xfjaai zovq Svo viovq Aapcbv sv

coming to an end of the two sons of Aaron in


16 TO

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

03 - Leviticus

tod 7ipoacpspsiv avzovq itvp aAAxkpiov svavTi Kupiov

their offering [ fire alien] before [the] LORD,

Kai STsXewjoav 2 + Kai si7is KDpioc; npoq Mcovar\v

and they came to an end. And [the] LORD said to Moses,

AxxArjaov npoq Aapcbv tov aSsAxpov gov Kai

Speak to Aaron your brother! that

|ir| sia7ropsDsa0CG 7idaav cbpav sic; to dyiov

he enters not at any hour into the holy [place]

to sacbTspov tod KaTa7iSTda|iaTOc; sic; to 7ip6aco7rov

inside the veil, at the front

tod iA,aarr|pk&gt;D o screw sm Tr\q kiPcotod tod

of the atonement-seat which is upon the ark of the

LiapTDpioD Kai odk a7ro9avsiTai svyap vscpsArj

testimony, that he shall not die. For in a cloud

ocpGfjaoLiai S7U tod iXaarrjpioD 3+ odtcoc;

I will appear upon the atonement-seat. Thus

siasA,sDasTai Aapcbv sic; to dyiov sv Li6a%co sk Pocbv

Aaron shall enter into the holy [place] with a calf of [the] oxen

7ispi aLiapTiaq Kai Kpiov sic; oAx)KaDTCGLia 4 + Kai

for a sin [offering], and a ram for a whole burnt-offering. And

XiTcbva Xivodv rjyiaoLisvov sv5i3asTai Kai

[ an inner garment of flaxen linen having been sanctified he shall put on], and; Aivodv scrcai S7U tod xpcoToq aDTOD Kai

[ pants flaxen linen] will be upon his flesh, and

^cbvrj Aivfj ^cbasTai Kai Ki8apiv Xivfjv

[ belt a flaxen linen] shall be tied around, and [ turban a flaxen linen]

7ispi6fiasTai ijidTia dyid scrci Kai AxroasTai D8aTi

shall be placed — [garments [the] holy they are]. And he shall bathe in water

7iav to acbLia aDTOD Kai sv8i3asTai aDTd 5+ Kai 7iapd

all his body. And he shall put them on. And from

TTjcj &lt;7Dvaycoyf|c; tcdv dicov lapar\k Ar|\j/STai 8do

the congregation of the sons of Israel he shall take two

%i|idpoDc; s^ aiycbv 7isp( ajiapTiaq Kai Kpiov sva sic;

young he -goats of [the] goats for a sin [offering], and [ ram one] for

oA^oKaDTCOLia 6 + Kai 7ipoad^si Aapcbv tov Li6a%ov tov

a whole burnt-offering. And Aaron shall bring the calf, the one

7isp( ajiapTiac; tov saDTOD Kai s^iXdasTai 7isp(

for a sin [offering], the one for himself, and he shall atone for

saDTOD Kai tod oikod aDTOD ? + Kai Aj|\j/STai todc; 8do

himself and his house. And he shall take the two

XijidpoDc; Kai 7iapaaTf|asi aDTODc; svavn KopioD 7iapd

young he-goats, and present them before [the] LORD by


16 TO

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

03 - Leviticus

xrjv 0Dpav Tr\q aKr\VT\q xod LiapxDpiOD 8+ Kai

the door of the tent of the testimony. And

£7U0fja£i Aapcbv S7U xodc; 5do %iLidpoDc; kAtipodc;

Aaron shall place [ upon the two young he-goats lots];

KAxjpov sva too KDpico Kai Klfjpov sva TOO

[ lot one] to the LORD, and [ lot one] to the

a7T07TOLi7raicD 9+ Kai 7cpoad^si Aapcbv xov %iLiapov scp'

scapegoat. And Aaron shall bring the young he-goat, upon

ov S7rfjA,0£v S7i ' avTOV o KAxjpoc; xco KDpico Kai

which came unto it the lot to the LORD. And

7ipoao(asi 7isp( ajiapxiac; io+ Kai xov %iLiapov scp' ov

he shall offer it for a sin [offering]. And the young he-goat, upon which

£7lfjAi)£V 871 ' aVTOV O KAjjpOC; TOD a7C07COLl7Ca{OD

[ came unto it the lot of the scapegoat],

axfjasi aDiov ^cbvxa evavxi KDpioD cbaxe s^daaaGai

he shall set it living before [the] LORD, so as to atone

S7c' aDxoD cbaxe 8^a7coax8iA,ai aDxov eic; xrjv

for him, so as to send him out as the

a7C07C0|i7ifjv Kai acpfjasi aDxov sic; xrjv sprjjiov n+ Kai

scapegoat, and to let him go into the wilderness. And

7cpoad^si Aapcbv xov lioo%ov xov 7cspi xrjc; ajiapxiac;

Aaron shall bring the calf, the one for the sin [offering],

xov saDxoD Kai s^iXdaexai 7csp( eaDxoD Kai

the one for himself; and he shall atone for himself, and

xod oikod aDxoD Kai acpd^ei xov |ioa%ov xov 7csp(

his house. And he shall slay the calf, the one for

xrjc; ajiapxiac; xov eaDxoD n+ Kai Arj\j/sxai xo 7CDp8iov

the sin [offering], the one for himself. And he shall take the censer

7tAx|p£c; av0pdKcov itvpoq a7co xod GDaiaaxrjpioD xod

full of coals of fire from the altar, of the one

a7cevavxi KDpioD Kai 7cAx|pcbasi xac; xsipaq aDxoD

before [the] LORD, and he shall fill his hands

0DLiidLiaxoc; oDvGeaecoc; A£7cxf|c; Kai eiaoiaei eacbxepov

[ incense composition of fine], and he shall carry [it] inside

xod Kaxa7t£xdaLiaxoc; o+ Kai S7ci6f|aei xo 0DLi(aLia S7c(

the veil. And he shall place the incense upon

xo 7CDp svavxi KDpiOD Kai KaA,D\J/£l T| axLiiq XOD

the fire before [the] LORD. And [ shall cover the vapor of the

0DLiidLiaxoc; xo iXaaxfjpiov xo S7ci xcov LiapxDpicbv

incense] the atonement-seat, the one upon the testimonies,

Kai odk a7co6av8ixai h+ Kai Axj\j/sxai a7co xod

and he shall not die. And he shall take some of the


16 TO


03 - Leviticus
aiLiaxoq tod Lioaxoi) Kai pavsi icq 8aKXDAxo S7i(

blood of the calf, and he shall sprinkle [with his] finger on

to lAxxaxfjpiov Kaxd avaxoXdc; Kaxd 7rp6aco7rov xod

the atonement-seat, according to [the] east; in front of the

iXaaxripioi) pavsi S7ixdKic; and xod aiLiaxoc; xco

atonement-seat he shall sprinkle seven times of the blood [with]

SaKTvXa) olvtov 15+ Kai acpd^si xov x^ a P 0V T0V 7l8 P^

his finger. And he shall slay the young he-goat, (the one for

ajiapxiac; xov 7isp( xod Xaov svavxi kdpiod Kai

a sin [offering], the one for the people) before [the] LORD. And

siaoiasi xod aijiaxoc; ocdxod sacoxspov xod

he shall carry its blood inside the

Kaxa7T8xdaLiaxoc; Kai 7ioif|asi xo aijia aDxoD ov

veil. And he shall offer its blood in which

xpo7iov S7T0ir|O8 xo aijia xod liocjxod Kai pavsi

manner he offered the blood of the calf. And he shall sprinkle

xo ai|ia aDxoD S7ri xo iXaaxfjpiov Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov xod

its blood on the atonement-seat, in front of the



16+ Kai s^iAxxasxai xo dyiov arco xcov aKaGapaicbv

And he shall atone the holy [place] of the uncleannesses

xcov Dicbv IapafjA, Kai arco xcov a5iKT||idxcov aDxcbv

of the sons of Israel, and of their offences

7isp( 7iaacbv xcov ajiapxicbv aDxcbv Kai odxco 7iorfjasi

for all their sins. And thus he shall do


to the tent of the testimony, to the one created among them

sv Lisaco xrjc; aKaBapaiaq aDxcbv 17+ Kai naq dv6pco7roc;

in [the] midst of their uncleanness. And every man

odk saxai sv xr| aKTjvfj xod LiapxDpioD

shall not be in the tent of the testimony,

sia7iopsDO|isvoD aDxoD s^iAxxaaaGai sv xco ayico scoq

of his entering to atone in the holy [place], until

av s^sA£r| Kai s^dosxai 7isp( saDxoD Kai

whenever he should come forth. And he shall atone for himself, and

xod oikod aDxoD Kai 7isp( 7rdar|(; aDvaycoyfjc; IapafjA,

his house, and for all [the] congregation of Israel.

18+ Kai s^s^sDasxai S7ri xo 0Daiaaxfjpiov xo arcsvavxi

And he shall come forth unto the altar, the one before

kdpiod Kai s^i^dasxai S7i' aDxo Kai Xfj\j/sxai arco

[the] LORD, and he shall atone upon it. And he shall take from

xod aiLiaxoq xod li6cj%od Kai and xod aijiaxoc; xod

the blood of the calf, and from the blood of the


16 TO

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03 - Leviticus

XiLiapoi) Kai 87ii6f|a8i S7U xa Kspaxa tod

young he-goat, and he shall place [it] upon the homs of the

0DOKXOTTJ piOD KDkXcO 19+ Kai paVSl 871 ' aDTO OJIO

altar round about. And he shall sprinkle upon it some of

tod aiLiaToq too 8aKToA,co (xdtod 87iTdKK; Kai KaGapisi

the blood [with] his finger seven times; and he shall cleanse
aDTO Kai ayidasi aDTO a7co tcov aKaGapaicbv tcov

it, and shall sanctify it from the uncleannesses of the

Dicbv IapafjX 20+ Kai aDVTsAiasi s^aaKOLisvoc; to

sons of Israel. And he shall complete making atonement for the

dyiov Kai tt|v aKTjvfjv tod jiapTDpioD Kai to

[holy] place, and the tent of the testimony, and the

BDaiaaTTjpiov Kai 7tsp( tcov ispscov KaGapisi Kai

altar; and [ for the priests he shall make a cleansing]. And

7ipoad^si tov xiLiapov tov ^cbvTa 21 + Kai

he shall bring the [ young he-goat living]. And

£7ri6fjG£i Aapcbv Tag 8do %s(pac; aDTOD S7U tt|v

Aaron shall place [ two hands his] upon the

KscpaAxjv tod xiLidpoD tod ^covtoc; Kai s^ayopstiasi

head of the [ young he -goat living]; and he shall declare openly

871 ' aDTOD 7cdoac; Tag avoLuac; tcov Dicbv IopafjX Kai

over it all the lawless deeds of the sons of Israel, and

naoaq xaq adudaq aDTcbv Kai naoaq

all their iniquities, and all

zaq ajiapTiaq aDTcbv Kai S7n9fjasi aDTdq S7ri ttjv

their sins. And he shall place them upon the

KscpaAxjv TOD XlLldpOD TOD ^COVTOCJ Kai 8^a7COaT8A,Sl sv

head of the [ young he -goat living], and he shall send it out by

%£ip( aV0pCO7COD STOljlOD SICJ TTJV SpTjJIOV 22+ Kai

[the] hand [ man of a prepared] into the wilderness. And

Ax|\j/eTai o xiLiapoq scp' saDTcb Tag avojiiaq aDTcbv sic;

[ shall take the young he-goat] upon himself their lawlessnesses into

yrjv dpaTOV Kai s^a7coaTsXs( tov %iLiapov 8l( ^ TT I V

a land untrodden. And he shall send out the young he-goat into the

sprjjiov 23+ Kai eias^sDasTai Aapcbv sic; tt|v oKTjvfjv

wilderness. And Aaron shall enter into the tent

TOD LiapTDpiOD Kai SK8t)OSTai ttjv cjtoAt|v TTJV AlVTjV

of the testimony, and shall take off the [ apparel flaxen linen]

rjv svs8s8dksi sio7copsd6lisvod aDTOD sic; to dyiov

which he put on of his entering into the holy [place].

Kai a7co0fjasi aDTfjv sksi 2 4+ Kai XoDasTai

And he shall put it aside there. And he shall bathe


16 TO

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03 - Leviticus

to acbLia clvtov vSoti sv t67tco ayico Kai svStiasTai

his body in water in [ place [the] holy]. And shall put on

ttjv axoArjv olvtov Kai s^sA£cov 7ioif|asi

his apparel, and coming forth shall offer

to oAx)Km3TCDLia olvtov Kai to oAx)KaDTCOLia tod Xoov

his whole burnt-offering, and the whole offering of the people;

Kai s^i^dasTai rcspi olvtov Kai 7isp( tod oikod aDTOD

and he shall atone for himself, and for his house,

Kai 7ispi tod Xoov coc; 7isp( tcov ispscov 25+ Kai TO

and for the people as for the priests. And the

(xcsap to 7isp( tcov ajiapTicbv avoiasi ski to

fat for the sin [offerings] he shall offer upon the

9Daia&lt;xcf|piov 26 + Kai o s^a7ioaTsAAxov tov x^ a P 0V

altar. And the one sending out the young he-goat,

tov 8isaTaA,Li8vov sic; dcpsaiv 7tA,dvs( Ta ijidTia aDTOD

the one having been drawn apart for release, shall wash his garments

Kai Axy6a8Tai to acbLia aDTOD D8aTi Kai jistoc TaDTa

and shall bathe his body in water, and after these [things]

eiasXsDasTai sic; tt|v 7raps|iPoAxjv 27+ Kai tov |i6a%ov

he shall enter into the camp. And the calf,

tov 7i8p( Tr\q ajiapTiacj Kai tov xiLiapov tov 7isp(

the one for the sin [offering], and the young he -goat, the one for

Tr\q ajiapTiaq cov to a(|ia aDTcbv siarjvexOrj

the sin [offering] which their blood was carried

s^iAxxaaaGai sv tco ayico s^oiaoDaiv aDTd s^co Tr\q

to atone in the holy [place], they shall bring them outside the

7rapeLiPoAx|c; Kai KaTaKaDaoDaiv aDTd sv 7iDp( Kai

camp, and they shall incinerate them in fire, and

Ta 8spLiaTa aDTcbv Kai Ta KpsaTa aDTcbv Kai

their skins, and their meats, and

TTJV K07ipOV aDTCOV 28 + O 8s KaTaKaiCOV aDTd 7lA,DVSl

their dung. And the one incinerating them shall wash

Ta i|idTia aDTOD Kai XoDasTai to acbjia aDTOD D8aTi

his garments, and shall bathe his body in water,

Kai LiSTd TaDTa sias^sDasTai siq ttjv 7iapsLiPoA,f|v

and after these things he shall enter into the camp.

29+ Kai scrcai todto dliiv voliiliov aicbviov sv tco lit|vi

And this shall be to you [law an eternal]. In the [month

tco spSoLico 8sKdrr| tod Lirjvoc; Ta7isivcbasTS

seventh] [the] tenth of the month humble

mq \|/D%dc; Djicbv Kai 7iav spyov od 7ioifiasTS o

your souls! And [ any work you shall not do] — the

8V TOUT© + VlKa

03 - Leviticus

aDioxOcov Kai o 7ipoaf|Amoc; o 7ipoaKs(|ievoc; sv djiiv

native born and the foreigner joining up with you.

30+ svyap xrj rjjiepa xaDxrj e^ildaexai 7isp( Djicov

For in this day he shall atone for you,

KaGapiaai Djidc; anb 7iaacov xcov ajiapxicov Djicbv

to cleanse you from all your sins

svavxi KopioD Kai Ka0apio6fiasa08 3 i+ adppaxa

before [the] LORD, and you shall be cleansed. A Sabbath

aaPP&amp;xcDV saxai aDxfj djiiv Kai xa7rsivcbasxs

of Sabbaths it shall be to you. And you shall humble

Taq\\fv%dqv[i(bv vojiijiov aicbviov 32+ Kai s^iAxxaexai

your souls ~ [ law an eternal]. And he shall make atonement —

o lepetic; ov av %p(acoaiv ai)xov Kai ov av

the priest whom ever they should anoint him, and whom ever

xsA,eicbacoai xac; xsipac; aDxoD xod ispaxstisiv jiexd

shall perfect his hands to officiate as priest after

xov 7iaxspa aDxoD Kai ev8Daexai xrjv axoAxjv xrjv Xivfjv

his father; and he shall put on the [ apparel flaxen linen] —

axoArjv ayiav 33+ Kai e^ildaexai xo dyiov xod ayioD

[ apparel holy]. And he shall atone the holy of the holy;

Kai xrjv aKTjvfjv xod jiapxDpioD Kai xo 0Daiaoxfjpiov

and the tent of the testimony and the altar

s^iAxxaexai Kai 7ispi xcov ispecov Kai 7isp( 7idar|c; xrjc;

he shall atone; and for the priests and for all the
aDvaycoyfiq s^iAxxosxai 34+ Kai saxai xodxo djiiv

congregation he shall atone. And this will be to you

vojiijiov aicbviov e^iXdaKeaBai 7iep( xcov dicov IapafjA,

[ law an eternal] to atone for the sons of Israel

a7io 7iaacbv xcov ajiapxicbv aDxcov d7ia§ xod sviaDxoD

from all their sins. Once of the year

7roir|9f|asxai Ka6d aDvsxa^s Kopioc; xco McoDafj

you shall do as [the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses.

17 n

1 + Kai sXdAxjae Kopioc; itpoq McoDafiv Aiycov 2 +

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

XaXr\aov npoq Aapcbv Kai itpoq zovq viovq aDxoD Kai

Speak to Aaron and to his sons, and

7ipoc; 7idvxac; xodc; diodc; IapafjA, Kai epefc; itpoq

to all the sons of Israel! And you shall say to

aDxotic; xodxo xo pfjjia o svsxsdaxo KDpioq Aiycov 3 +

them this saying which [the] LORD gives charge, saying,


17 P ev tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

dv0pcD7roc; dv0pcD7ioc; tcdv dicdv lapar\k oq eav acpd^rj

[The] man, a man of the sons of Israel, whoever should slay

li6o%ov r| 7ip6paxov r| aiya sv tt| 7rap£|iPoAr| Kai

a calf or a sheep or a goat in the camp, and

oq av acpd^rj s^cd Tr\q 7iapsLiPoAx|c; 4 + Kai S7ri xrjv

who ever should slay outside the camp, and [ to the

0Dpav Tr\q aKTjvfjc; tod LiapTopiOD |ir| sveyKq cbaxs

door of the tent of the testimony should not bring [it]], so as

7ipoa8vsyKai 8cbpov tcd KDpiCD arcevavTi Tr\q GKr\vr\q

to bring a gift to the LORD before the tent

KDpioi) ai|ia XoyiaGfjasxai tcd av0pcb7icD 8ks(vco aiLia

[of the] LORD; blood shall be imputed to that man, [for] blood

s^e%eev 8^oA,o0p8i)6f|asTai r| \\fv%r\ 8ks(vt| sk

was poured out. [ shall be utterly destroyed That soul] from

tod Xaov avTT\q 5 + oncnq av cpspcoaiv 01 dioi IapafjA,

its people, so that [should bring the sons of Israel]

zaq dvaiaq (xdtcov oaaq av ocdtoi acpd^coaiv sv toic;

their sacrifices, as many as they should slay in the

mdioiq Kai oiaoDaiv aDTd tco KDpico S7ri zaq dvpaq

plains, and shall bring them to the LORD at the door

Tr\q aKr\vr\q tod LiapTopiOD 7ipoc; tov ispea Kai

of the tent of the testimony, to the priest. And

0DaoDai dvaiaq acDrqpioD tcd KDpiCD aDTd 6 + Kai

they shall sacrifice [ as a sacrifice of deliverance to the LORD them]. And

7rpoa%eei o ispsDc; to aiLia S7ri to 0Daia&lt;xcf|piov

[ shall pour the priest] the blood upon the altar,

a7T8vavTi KDpiOD 7iapd zaq dvpaq Tr\q GKr\vr\q tod

before [the] LORD, by the door of the tent of the

jiapTDpioD Kai avoiaei to crceap siq oaLifjv £DCD8(ac;

testimony. And he shall offer the fat for a scent of pleasant aroma


to the LORD. And they shall not sacrifice still

zaq 0Da(ac; aDTcbv TOiq jiaTaioic; oiq aDTOi

their sacrifices to the vain [gods] in which they

SK7iopV8DODaiv 07iiacD aDTcbv voliijiov aicbviov e&lt;xcai

fornicate after them; [ law it will be an eternal]

dliiv ziq zaq yevedc; dlicdv 8 + Kai epsk; itpoq aDTODc;

to you unto your generations. And you shall say to them,

dv0pcD7roc; dv0pcD7roc; anb tcdv dicdv IopafjX Kai anb

[The] man, a man from the sons of Israel, and from

tcdv 7rpo&lt;xr|A,DTCDV tcdv 7ipoaK8iLi8VCDV sv djjIv oq av

the foreigners of the ones lying nearby among you, who ever


17 P ev toi3tco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

7ioifjar| o^oKODTCDLia r| 0Da(av 9 + Kai zni rqv 0i3pav

should offer a whole burnt-offering or sacrifice, and at the door

Tr\q GKr\vr\q tod LiapTopiOD lit| svsyKTj 7ioif|aai

of the tent of the testimony should not bring [anything] to offer

avid TOO Kopico e^oAx&gt;0psD0f|asTai o dv0pco7ioc; SKSlVOCJ

it to the LORD, [ shall be utterly destroyed that man]

sk tod Xclox) (XDTOT3 10+ Kai dv0pco7ioc; dv0pco7ioc; TCOV

from his people. And [the] man, a man of the

dicov IopafjX T| tcov 7ipoar|A,DTC0V tcov 7ipoaKsiLievcov

sons of Israel, or of the foreigners of the ones lying nearby

sv dliiv oq av cpdyrj 7iav aijia Kai 87iioTfiaco

among you, who ever should eat any blood, that I will set

to 7rp6aco7i6v liod £7ri tt|v \|/D%f|v ttjv ea0ODaav to

my face against the soul eating the

aijia Kai anoXcb avzr\v sk tod XaoD aDTT|(^ 11 +

blood, and I will destroy it from out of its people.

T| yap \|/D%fj 7rdor|c; aapKoq aijia aDTOD ecm Kai eycb

For the life of all flesh [its blood is]. And I

s8coKa aDTO dliiv S7ri tod 0DoiaoTTj pioD e^iAxxaKsa0ai

gave it to you upon the altar to atone

7isp( tcov \j/D%cbv DLicbv to yap aijia aDTOD avTi ^\fv%r\q

for your souls. For its blood [ for [the] soul

e^iAxxaeTai 12+ 8id todto siprjKa toic; vioiq lapar\k

shall atone]. On account of this I have said to the sons of Israel,

7idaa \|/D%fj 8^ DLicbv od cpdysTai aijia Kai o

Every soul of you shall not eat blood; and the

7rpo&lt;yqAmoc; o 7ipoaKeiLievoc; sv dliiv od cpdysTai

foreigner lying near by to you shall not eat

aijia 13+ Kai dv0pco7ioc; dv0pco7ioc; tcov Dicbv lapar\k r\

blood. And [the] man, a man of the sons of Israel, or

tcov 7ipoar|XDTC0v tcov 7ipoaK£iLi8vcov sv dliiv oq av

of the foreigners lying near to you, who ever

0rjpsDaei 0f|psDLia 0r|piov r| 7tstsiv6v o ea0STai

shall hunt a hunt for a wild beast or birds, which is to be eaten,

£K%es( to aijia aDTOD Kai KaAriyei aDTO tt| yrj u +

he shall pour out its blood, and cover it in the ground.

T| yap yx&gt;yy\ 7idar|c; aapKoq aijia aDTOD sctti Kai ei7ia

For the life of all flesh [ its blood is], and I said

toic; Dioiq IapafjX aijia 7idar|c; aapKoc; od

to the sons of Israel, [The] blood of all flesh you shall not

(pdyea0s 6ti yv%r\ 7idar|(; aapKoq aijia aDTOD ecm

eat, for life of all flesh [ its blood is].


18 rr

8V TOUT© + VlKa
03 - Leviticus

7iaq o sa0(cov airco s§oAx}0psi)6fjasxai 15+ Kai 7idaa

Every one eating it shall be utterly destroyed. And every

\j/u%f| fjxic; cpdysxai 0vr|ai|ia(ov r| GrjpidXcoxov sv

soul who should eat decaying flesh, or [flesh] taken by wild beasts, among

xoic; auxo%0oaiv r| sv xoic; 7ipoar|Amoic; itkvvzi

the native born, or by the foreigners, shall wash

xa ijidxia auxoi) Kai Axroasxai u8axi Kai

his garments, and shall bathe in water, and

aKdGapxoc; saxai scoc; sa7ispac; Kai KaGapoq saxai 16+

will be unclean until evening; then he will be clean.

sdv 8s |ir| 7rA,i3vr| xa ijidxia avzov Kai

But if he should not wash his garments, and

xo acbjia clvtov [ir\ Axyoarjxai u8axi Kai Ar|\j/sxai

[ his body should not bathe] in water, then he shall take

av6|ir||ia ai)xoi3

[the] violation of the law himself.

18 rr

1 + Kai eXdAxjae Kopioc; npoq Mamafjv Aiycov 2 +

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

XaXr\aov xoic; vioiq lapar\k Kai spsk; npoq avzovq

Speak to the sons of Israel! And you shall say to them,

sycb Kopioc; o Gsoc; i)|icbv 3+ Kaxd xa S7iixr|5si)|iaxa

I [am] [the] LORD your God. According to the practices

Tr\q yr\q Aiy67rxoi) sv r| 7iapcoKfjaaxs sv auxfj

of the land of Egypt, in which you sojourned in it,

od 7iorf|asxe Kai Kaxd xa S7iixr|5si)|iaxa xrjc; yrjc;

you shall not do. And according to the practices of the land

Xavadv sic; rjv sycb siadyco v[iaq sksi od

of Canaan, into which I bring you there, you shall not

7roifjasxs Kai xoic; vojjijioic; auxcbv od 7iopsDasa6s

do. And their laws you shall not go by.

4 + xa Kpijiaxd jiod 7ioifjasxs Kai xa 7ipoaxdy|iaxd jiod

My judgments you shall execute, and my orders

cpuXd^saGs Kai 7ropsi3sa0s sv auxoic; sycb Kupioc;

you shall keep, and you shall go by them. I [am] [the] LORD

o9s6&lt;;D|icbv 5+ Kai cpuAxx^saGs rcdvxa

your God. And you shall keep all

xa 7ipoaxdy|iaxd jiod Kai rcdvxa xa Kpijiaxd jiod Kai

my orders, and all my judgments, and

7ioif|asxs ai)xd a 7ioif|Gac; auxd dv0pco7roc; t/jasxai

you shall observe them; by which [ observing them a man] shall live


18 rr

8V TOUT© + VlKa

03 - Leviticus

sv aDxofc; sycb Kopioc; oGsoqDLicbv 6 + dvGpcoTroq

by them. I [am] [the] LORD your God. [The] man,

&amp;v0pcD7roc; npoq rcavxa oixeia aapKoc; aDxoD od

a man [ to any family member of his flesh shall not

7rpoaeA£Da£xai a7ioKaAD\j/ai aaxruioawrjv sycb Kopioc;

draw near] to uncover their indecency. I [am] [the] LORD.

?+ aa%r\[ioavvr[V xod nazpoq aoD Kai aaxr||ioaDVTW

[The] indecency of your father, and [the] indecency

Tr\q Lirjipoq aoD odk a7iOKaA,D\j/sic; (ifjirip yap aoD

of your mother you shall not uncover, [ mother for your

screw xrjv aaxrjLioaDvrjv avTT\q odk a7iOKaA,D\j/eic; 8 +

she is]. Her indecency you shall not uncover.

aaxrjLioaDvrjv yovaiKoc; rcaxpoc; aoD odk

[The] indecency of a wife of your father you shall not

a7iOKaA,D\j/eic; aa%r||ioaDvr| rcaxpoc; aoD screw 9 +

uncover, [indecency your father's it is].

aa%T]|ioaDVTTv xrjc; a5eAxpf|c; ood sk rcaxpoc; aoD r| sk

[The] indecency of your sister of your father or of

jxrjxpoc; aoD sv8oysvoDc; r| yeyevvr||isvr|c; s^co odk

your mother, natural or being procreated outside, you shall not

arcoKaA,D\j/£ic; xtw aaxr||ioaDvr|v aDxcbv 10+ aaxr||ioaDvr|v

uncover their indecency. [The] indecency

0Dyaxp6c; diod ood rj BDyaxpoc; 0Dyaxp6q aoD odk

of a daughter of your son or a daughter of your daughter you shall not

arcoKaA,D\j/sic; xrjv aaxrjLioaDvrjv aDxcbv 6x1 arj

uncover their indecency, for [ your

aaxr|LioaDvr| saxw n+ aaxr|LioaDvr|v BDyaxpoc; yDvaiKoq

indecency it is]. [The] indecency of [the] daughter [wife

rcaxpoc; aoD odk arcoKaA,D\j/eic; ojiorcaxpia

of your father's] you shall not uncover, [ of the same father

a5sXcpfj ood saxw odk arcoKaAD\j/eic;

your sister she is], you shall not uncover

xrjv aaxr|LioaDvr|v aDxfjq 12+ aaxruioawrrv a5eAxpfjc;

her indecency. [The] indecency [ sister

rcaxpoc; aoD odk arcoKaA,D\j/eic; ovxsia yap

of your father's] you shall not uncover, [ a member of the family for

rcaxpoc; aoD saxw 13+ aaxr||ioaDvr|v a8eAxpfjc;

of your father she is]. [The] indecency [sister

jxrjxpoc; aoD odk arcoKaA,D\j/£ic; oixeia yap

of your mother's] you shall not uncover, [ a member of the family for

Lirjxpoq aoD saxw 14+ aaxr||ioaDvr|v a5sAxpoD

of your mother she is]. [The] indecency of the brother


18 rr

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

03 - Leviticus

tod 7iaxp6c; cjod odk a7ioKaA,D\j/sic; Kai itpoq

of your father you shall not uncover, and to

xrjv yDvaiKa aDxoD odk eiaeXeDarj aDyysvfjc; yap

his wife you shall not enter, [ relative for

aoD screw 15+ aa%ri|iooDvr|v VDjicprjc; aoD odk

your she is]. [The] indecency of your daughter-in-law you shall not

a7ioKaA,D\j/sic; yDvfj yap diod aoD saxiv odk

uncover, [ wife for your son's she is], you shall not

a7TOKaA,D\j/sic; xrjv aa%ri|ioaDvr|v avTT\q i 6 + aaxr||ioaDvr|v

uncover her indecency. [The] indecency

yDvaiKoq a8sAxpoD aoD odk a7ioKaA,D\j/ei(;

[ wife of your brother's] you shall not uncover,

aa%r||ioaDvr| a8eAxpoD aoD saxiv 17+ aoxrjLioaDvrjv

[indecency your brother's it is]. [The] indecency

yDvaiKoq Kai 0Dyaxp6c; avTT\q odk a7ioKaXD\j/£ic; xrjv

of a woman and her daughter you shall not uncover; the

0Dyaxspa tod diod avTT\q Kai xrjv 0Dyaxepa

daughter of her son and the daughter

Tr\q 0Dyaxp6c; aDxfjc; od Xr\\\fr\ a7ioKaA,D\j/ai

of her daughter you shall not take to uncover

xrjv aaxrjLioaDvrjv aDxcbv ouceiai aoD eiaiv

their indecency, [ members of your family they are];

aasPrjLid saxi i 8 + yDvaiKa S7i' a8eAxpf| aDxfjc; od

it is an act of impiety. [ a wife in addition to her sister You shall not

Axj\j/r| avx(^r|A,ov a7ioKaA,D\j/ai xr|v aaxr||ioaDvr|v aDxfjq

take] as a rival, to uncover her indecency

87i ' aDxfj 8x1 Cfbar\q avTT\q 19+ Kai npoq yDvaiKa

instead of her, [yet living while she [is]]. And to a wife

sv %GopiaLLcb aKaGapoiaq aDxfjc; odk eiae^sDarj

in separation of her uncleanness you shall not enter,

a7iOKaXD\j/ai xrjv ao%ri|ioaDvr|v aDxfjc; 20+ Kai itpoq xrjv

to uncover her indecency. And to the

yDvaiKa xod 7rAx|a(ov aoD od 5cbasic; koixt|v

wife of your neighbor you shall not give the marriage-bed

a7T8pLiax6c; aoD xod SKLiiavGfjvai itpoq aDxfjv 21 + Kai

of your semen, to be thoroughly defiled with her. And

a7i6 xod a7T8pLiax6c; aoD od 8cbaeic; Xaxpstisiv

of your semen you shall not give to serve

dpxovxi Kai od PePrjAxbaeic; xo 6vo|ia xo dyiov

a ruler, and you shall not profane the [name holy].

sycb KDpioq 22+ Kai Liexd dpaevoc; od KoiLir|6f|ar|

I [am] [the] LORD. And with a man you shall not go to bed

18 rr


03 - Leviticus

ko(tt|v yuvaiKeiav pSeAuyLia yap eaxi 23+ Kai npoq

in a marriage-bed in [the] feminine [way]; [ an abomination for it is]. And with

7iaV T8Tpd7TODV 01) 5cbaSlC; KOlXTjV ctod sic;

any four-footed [creature], you shall not give your marriage-bed for

a7i8pLiaTiaLi6v SKLiiavBfjvai itpoq aDxo Kai ywrj od

a discharge of semen to be thoroughly defiled with it. And a woman shall not

oxfjasxai npoq 7iav xexparcoDV PiPaa0f|vai jiDaapov

set [herself] with any four-footed [creature] to breed; [ detestable

yap sail 24 + |ir| (iiaivsaGs ev 7idai xodxoic; ev 7idai

for it is]. Do not defile [yourselves] in any of these; [in all

yap xodxoic; SLiidvGrjaav xa e0vr| a syca

for] these [ were defiled the nations], which I

e^a7roaxsAM) 7ipo 7ipoaco7roD dlicov 25 + Kai s^SLiidvGrj

eject before your face. And [ was thoroughly defiled

r| yr| Kai avxa7is8coKa a8iKiav aDxoic; 81' aDxfjv

the land]; and I recompensed injustice to them because of it,

Kai 7ipoacb%0iaev r| yrj xoic; syKa0r|Lievoic; S7i'

and [ is loathed the land] with the ones lying in wait upon

avxT\q 26+ Kai (pi)A,d^sa0s rcavxa xa voLiiLid liod Kai

it. And you shall guard all my laws, and

xa 7ipoaxdyLiaxd liod Kai od 7roifja£X£ and rcavxcov

my orders, and [ shall not do any of

xoov pSe^DyLidxcov xodxoov o syxcbpioc; Kai o

these abominations the native inhabitant and the

7rpoaysvoLisvoc; 7rpoafjAmoc; sv dluv 27+ rcavxa yap

uniting foreigner with you]. For all

xa pSsAtiyjiaxa xatixa S7ioir|aav 01 dv0pco7roi xrjc; yr\q

these abominations [ committed the men of the land] —

01 ovxec; rcpoxspov dlicov Kai 8Liidv0r| r| yr|

the ones being prior of you, and [ was defiled the land].

28+ Kai (va lit) 7rpoao%6iGr| dliiv rj yr| sv

And lest [ should loathe you the land] in

xoo Liiaivsiv v[iaq aDxfjv ov xporcov 7ipoacb%0iae xoic;

your defiling it, in which manner it loathed the

sGvsai xoigrcpo dlicov 29+ oxi naq oq av 7ioifiar| arco

nations before you, for all who ever should do of

7idvxcov xcov pSe^uyLidxcDV xodxcdv s^oAx)0peD0f|aovxai

all these abominations shall be utterly destroyed ~

ai \jA)%ai ai rcoioDaai sk LieaoD xod Xaov auxcbv 30 +

the souls doing [them], from out of [the] midst of their people.

Kai (fruXd^exs xa 7ipooxdyLiaxd liod onaq (irj

And you shall keep my orders, so that you should not


19 cr

8V TOUT© + VlKa

03 - Leviticus
7TOlfjX£ a7TO 7ldVTC0V TCOV VO|Il|ICOV xcov sp8sA,Dy|isvcDV

do of any of the laws of the ones being abhorred,

a ysyovs 7ipo tod ujidc; Kai ou |iiav0f|a£a0£

which happened before you. And you shall not be defiled

sv auxoic; on eyco rcopioc; o 6e6c; djicov

among them, for I [am] [the] LORD your God.

19 w

i + Kai skakr\G£ Kopioc; npoq Mamafjv Aiyoov i +

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

Xdhr\aov 7idar| xrj auvayooyfi xcov mcbv IapafjA, Kai

Speak to all the congregation of the sons of Israel! And

spsiq 7ipoc; auxotic; dyioi saeaGe 6xi dyioc; sycb

you shall say to them, You shall be holy, for [ [am] holy I

Kopioc; o 0£oq ujicbv 3 + SKaaxoq 7raxspa avzov Kai

[the] LORD your God]. Let each [one] [ his father and

jxrjxspa olvtov cpoPeiaGco Kai xa adppaxd jiod

his mother fear] ! And my Sabbaths

(pi)Xd^sa08 sycb Kopioc; o 0£6g ujicbv 4 + odk

you shall keep. I [am] [the] LORD your God. You shall not

£7raKoAx)D6fjO£X£ siScbXoic; Kai Qsovq %covsvTOvq

follow after idols, and [ gods molten

01) 7TOlfja£X£ D|IIV EJ(h KOpiOCJ O 0£OC; DJICDV 5 +

you shall not make to yourselves]. I [am] [the] LORD your God.

Kai £dv 0T3arjx£ 0ua(av acoxrjpioD xco Kopioo

And if you should sacrifice a sacrifice of deliverance to the LORD,

8£Kxf|v djicdv 0tia£X£ 6+ t| av T||I£pa

[acceptable for yourselves you shall sacrifice]. In which ever day

0t3ct£X£ Ppco0f|a£xai Kai xrj dupiov Kai av

you should sacrifice, it shall be eaten, and in the next morning. And if
KaxaA,£up0fj £ooc; r||i£pac; xpixrjc; £v 7rop(

any should be left behind until [ day [the] third] [ by fire

KaxaKai)0fja£xai 7+£dv8£ Ppcba£i PpcoGfj xrj r||i£pa

it shall be incinerated]. And if food should be eaten the [day

xtj xpixTj d0i)xov £axiv ou 5£x0fja£xai 8 + o6s

third] it is unfit, you shall not accept it. And the

£ct0cdv auxo ajiapxiav Arj\j/£xai 6xi xa dyia Kupiou

one eating it [ [the] sin shall take], for the holy [things] of [the] LORD

£P£pfjX&lt;joa£ Kai £^oXo0p£D0fjaovxai ai \\fv%ai

he profaned. And [ shall be utterly destroyed the souls


19 cr

8V TOUT© + VlKa

03 - Leviticus

aisa9ioi)aai sk tod Axxod aDTobv 9 + Kai SK0spi£pvTOOv

eating [it]] from their people. And [ reaping

Djiobv xov 6spia|i6v Tr\q yr\q Djiobv od aDVTsXeasTS

of your] the harvest of your land, you shall not complete

xov Gepiajiov Djiobv tod aypoD ood £K0epiaai Kai

your harvest of your field to [completely] reap [it]. And

xa a7ro7ri7TTOVTa tod BepiajioD ood od avXks^siq

the [parts] falling away of your harvest you shall not collect together.

10+ Kai xov a(i7isXcbvd aoD odk s7iavaTpDyf|aeic; od8s

And your vineyard; you shall not glean the vintage, nor
zaq pobyac; tod a[msk(bv6q aoD avXM^ziq too

the grape-stones of your vineyard shall you collect together; to the

7rcoo%ob Kai too TrpoarjAmoo KaTaXenj/eic; aDTd sycb

poor and to the foreigner you shall leave behind for them. I [am]

KDpioq odsoqv[i(bv n+ OD kA,S\J/£T£ Kai OD

[the] LORD your God. You shall not steal, and you shall not

\j/£Dasa0s od8£ aDKocpavrfjaei eKacrcoc; tov 7rAx|a(ov

lie, nor shall you extort each his neighbor.

12+ Kai odk ojisiaGs too ovojiaTi jiod S7i' aSucoo Kai

And you shall not swear by an oath [ my name upon] unjustly. And

od PsPrjAxbasTS to ovojia to dyiov tod 0sod djioov

you shall not profane the [ name holy] of your God.

sycb KDpioq oGeoqDjicbv n+ odk aSiKqaeiq tov

I [am] [the] LORD your God. You shall not wrong [your]

7iAr|aiov Kai od% ap7idasic; Kai od Koi|ir|0f|a£Tai

neighbor. And you shall not seize by force. And [ shall not go to bed

o jiiaBoq tod jiiaGcoTOD aoD 7iapd aoi eooc; 7ipooi u +

the wages of your hireling] with you until morning.

od KaKcbq spsfc; Kootpov Kai a7l8VaVTl TDtpXoD

You shall not wickedly speak to a mute, and before [the] blind

od 7ipoa9f|aeic; aKdv8aAx&gt;v Kai tpoPr|6fjar| KDpiov

you shall not put an obstacle. And you shall fear [the] LORD

TOV 08OV OOD 8ycb KDpiOq O GeOC; DJICOV 15+ OD

your God. I [am] [the] LORD your God. You shall not

7ioifjasTS d5iKov ev Kpiasi od hf\\\nr\ 7ip6aco7iov

act unjustly in a judgment. You shall not take [favor] on [the] face

7ttco%od od5s |ir| 0aD|idar|c; 7rp6aco7rov 5DvdaTOD sv

of [the] poor, nor marvel [before the] face of a mighty one. With

5iKaioaDvr| Kpiveic; tov 7rAx|a(ov aoD 16+ od

righteousness you shall judge your neighbor. You shall not

7ropsD&lt;yr| 56A,co ev too sGvsi aoD odk s7noDaTfjar|

go by treachery among your nation. You shall not rise up together


19 cr

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

03 - Leviticus

scp' aijiaxi tod 7ihr\aiov gov sycb Kopioc; oGso^dlicdv

for blood of your neighbor. I [am] [the] LORD your God.

17+od jiiafjaeic; xov a8sAxpov gov xr| 8iavo(a gov

You shall not detest your brother [in] your mind.

sleyLicb eXsy^sic; xov 7iAr|oiov gov Kai ov Xr\\\fr\

With rebuke you shall reprove your neighbor, and you shall not take

8i' avTOV aLiapxiav is+ Kai odk sk8ik6ct(xi gov

[on account of him sin]. And [ shall not avenge your

T| %eip Kai ov Lirjvisiq xoic; vioiq tod Xaov gov

hand]. And you shall not be infuriated at the sons of your people.

Kai aya7rf|aeic; xov iOa\ciov aoD caq eaDxov sycb

And you shall love your neighbor as yourself. I [am]


[the] LORD your God. My law you shall keep.

xa Kxfjvrj aoD od Kaxo%SDaeic; exepot/oyco Kai

Your cattle you shall not mate unequally yoked. And

xov a|i7rsAxbvd aoD od Kaxaa7iepek; Sidcpopov Kai

[in] your vineyard you shall not scatter abroad diverse [seed]. And
i(idxiov sk 8do DtpaaLievov Kip8r|Ax)v odk

a garment of two [materials] being woven commingled you shall not

£7iiPaA£fc; asaDxcb 20+ Kai sdv xic; KoiLir|0f| jisxd

put upon yourself. And if any [man] should go to bed with

yDvaiKoq Koixrjv a7T8pLiaxoc; Kai aDxfj oiksxk;

a woman in the marriage-bed of semen, and she is a domestic servant

8ia7i8(pDA,ayLi8vr| av0pcb7ico Kai aDxfj Ampoic; od

being guarded for a man, and to her ransoms have not

A^slDxpcoxai T| eA£D0£p(a odk £866r| aDxfj £7riaK07ifj

been ransomed, or freedom was not given to her; an overseeing

eaxai aDxoiq odk a7io6avoDvxai 6x1

will be to them; they shall not die, for

odk a7ir|A,SD6spcb0r| 21+ Kai 7ipoad^si

she was not set free. And he shall bring

xrjc; 7rAx|LiLisA£iac; aDxoD xoo KDpico 7iapd xrjv Gtipav

his trespass [offering] to the LORD by the door

xrjc; GKr\vr\q xod LiapxDpioD Kpiov ith] LiLisXsiaq 22+ Kai

of the tent of the testimony— a ram for a trespass [offering]. And

s^iAxxaexai 7ispi aDxoD o ispsDc; sv xco Kpico xrjc;

[ shall atone for him the priest] with the ram of the

7iAr|LiLisA£iac; evavxi KopioD 7i8p( xrjc; ajiapxiaq aDxoD

trespass [offering] before [the] LORD for his sin

r\q fjjiapxe Kai acpeGfjasxai aDxco r| ajiapxia r|v

of which he sinned; and [ shall be forgiven him the sin] which


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8V TOUT© + VlKa
03 - Leviticus

fjjiapTSV 23+6xav8s siasXGrjis sic; ttjv yrjv r|v Kopioc;

he sinned. And whenever you should enter into the land which [the] LORD

0 0s6c; Djicbv 5(8&lt;joaiv djiiv Kai KaxacpDie^arjie 7iav

your God gives to you, and you should plant any

tpXov Ppcbaijiov Kai 7ispiKa0apisiTS

[ tree eatable], then you shall purge away

xrjv (XKaGapaiav avzov o Kap7i6c; avzov xpia sxrj eaxai

its uncleanness. Its fruit for three years will be

djiiv a7iepiKd6apTOc; od PpcoGfjasxai 24+ Kai tcd stsi

impure to you, it shall not be eaten. And the [ year

tcd TST&amp;pxco saxai Tiaq o Kapftoc; avzov dyioc; aiveTOc;

fourth will be all of its fruit] holy, praiseworthy

TOO KDpiCO 25 + SV 8e TCD STSI TCD 7TS|I7rTCD Cpdy8a08

to the LORD. And in the [ year fifth] you shall eat

tov Kap7i6v avzov 7ip6a6s|ia v[iiv Ta yswfjjiaTa avzov

of its fruit; [ is an addition to you its produce].

sycb Kopioc; oGsoqDjicbv 26+ |ir| sctGsts S7ri tcdv opscbv

1 [am] [the] LORD your God. Eat not upon the mountains!

Kai odk oicdvisicjGs od8s opvi0oaKO7rfjO£o6s 27 +

And you shall not foretell, nor use augury.

01) 7TOlf|a8T8 aioorjv SK Tr\q Kojirjc;

You shall not make a lock of hair consecrated to an idol from out of the hair

TTjq KscpaArjc; djicdv od8s cpGspsvcs tt|v 6\jav

of your head, nor shall you corrupt the appearance

tod 7icbycDvoc; Djicbv 28+ Kai svTOjiiSac; od 7ioif|asTS

of your beards. And [ cuts you shall not make]

S7Ti \\fv%r\ sv tcd acbjiaTi Djicbv Kai ypdjijiaTa otikto,

for a [dead] soul on your body; and letter marks

OD 7TOlf|a8T8 SV DJIIV Sycb KDpiOq O Gsoq DJICDV 29 +

you shall not make upon you. I [am] [the] LORD your God.

od PePrjAxbaeic; tt|v GDyaTspa aoD SK7iopvsDaai

You shall not profane your daughter to fornicate

aDTTjv Kai odk 8K7iopvsDaei T| yr| Kai 7iAx|a0f|asTai

her. And you shall not fornicate the land, and [ be filled

T| yr| avojiiaq 30+ Ta adppaTd jiod cpD^d^eaGe Kai arco

the land] of lawlessness. My Sabbaths you shall keep, and of

tcdv ayicDV jiod cpoPrjGfjasaGs sycb KDpioq 31+ odk

my holy [things] you shall fear. I [am] [the] LORD. You shall not

£7iaKoAx)D0fjasTS syyaoTpi|iD0oic; Kai zoiq S7iaoi5ok;

follow after ones who deliver oracles, and to the enchanters

od 7rpoaKoAAr|6f|a£a9e SKjiiavGfjvai sv aDTOiq eycb

you shall not cleave to be thoroughly defiled by them. I [am]



03 - Leviticus

Kopioc; o0sog dlicov 32+ a7io 7ipoacb7roD 7toAiod

[the] LORD your God. At [the] face of a gray [one]

s^avaaxfjarj Kai xiLifjasic; 7rp6aco7rov 7ipsaPDxspoD Kai

you shall rise up, and you shall esteem [the] face of an older [one]; and

(popr|0f|ar| xov 6s6v ood sycb Kopioc; o Gsoc; dlicov 33 +

you shall fear your God. I [am] [the] LORD your God.

sdv 8s tic; 7rpoasX6r| dluv 7ipoaf|}u)xoc; sv

And if any [ should come forward to you foreigner in

xr| yrj dlicov od 6Ai\j/sxs aorcov 34+ coc; o aDxoxGcov

your land], you shall not afflict him. [ as the native born

sv dluv soxai o 7rpoaf|Amoc; o 7rpoa7iopsD6Lisvoc;

among you shall be The foreigner approaching

7rpoc; v[idq Kai aya7ifjasic; aDxov coc; asaDxov 6x1

to you]. And you shall love him as yourself, for

7ipoaf|Amoi sysvf|9r|xs sv yrj AiyirnxoD sycb KDpioq

[foreigners you became] in [the] land of Egypt. I [am] [the] LORD

o 0s6c; dlicov 35 + od 7ioif|asxs d8iKov sv Kpiasi sv

your God. You shall not act unjustly in an equity with

Lisxpoic; Kai sv axaGjiioic; Kai sv ^oyofc; 36 +

measures, and with weights, and with yoke [balance scales].

£uyd 8iKaia Kai jisxpa axdGjiia Sucaia Kai

[ yoke [balance scales] Just], and [ [dry] measure weights just], and

%ovq dhcaioq saxai dliiv sycb Kopioc;

[ coos [liquid measure] a just] shall be to you. I [am] [the] LORD

o 0s6c; dlicov o s^ayaycbv DLidq sk yr\q AiyD7ixoD

your God, the one leading you from out of [the] land of Egypt.

37+ Kai cpD^d^saGs 7idvxa xa volulux liod Kai 7idvxa

And you shall keep all my laws, and all

xa 7ipoaxdyLiaxd liod Kai 7ioif|asxs aDxd sycb Kopioc;

my orders, and you shall do them. I [am] [the] LORD.

20 D

1 + Kai sldAxjas Kopioc; 7ipoc; McoDaf|v Aiycov 2 + Kai

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, And

xoic; vioiq IopafjA, Xakr\as\q Aiycov sdv xic; arco xcov

to the sons of Israel, you shall speak, saying, If any from the
Dicbv IapafjA, rj xcov 7ipoaysysvr|Lisvcov 7ipoar|A,Dxcov

sons of Israel, or of the ones being foreigners

sv lapar\k oq av 8co xod aftspLiaxoc; aDxoD dpxovxi

in Israel, who ever should give his semen to a chief [god],

Gavdxco 0avaxoDa6co xo s0voq xo S7U xrjc; yr\q

to death let him be put to death! The nation, the [people] upon the land


20 3 ev tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

AiGoPoArjaoDaiv oroxov sv XiQoiq 3+ Kai sycb S7iiaTf|aco

shall stone him with stones. And I will set

to 7ip6aco7r6v liod ski tov dvGpcG7iov sksivov Kai

my face against that man, and

anoX&amp;i avTOV sk tod Xaov avzov 6ti

I will destroy him from out of his people. For

tod a7T8pLiaTOc; (xdtod s8coksv dp%ovTi (va Liiavrj

of his semen he gave to a chief [god], that he should defile

Ta dyid liod Kai PsPrjXcborj to ovojia to

my holy place, and should profane the name ~ the

rjyiaaLisvov lioi 4 + edv 5s D7isp6\j/si D7rspi8coaiv 01

one having been sanctified to me. And if in disdain [ should overlook the

aDTO%6ov£c; Tr\q yr\q TOiq ocpGaA,Liofc; (xdtcov arco

native-born of the land] [with] their eyes of

tod av9pcb7roD sksivod sv tcd 8oDvai ocdtov

that man, in his giving

tod a7T8pLiaTOc; aDTOD dpxovTi TOD LIT) aftOKTSlVai

his semen to a chief [god], to not kill

(XDTOV 5 + Kai 87liaTf|aCO TO 7ip6aCD7r6v LIOD SKI

him, then I shall set my face against

tov dv0pco7rov sksivov Kai TTjv aDyysvsiav aDTOD Kai

that man, and his kin, and

aitoXcb avzov Kai rcavTac; todc; OLiovoowcac; aDTcb

I will destroy him, and all the ones consenting with him,

coots SK7iopv8D8iv aDTODc; sic; todc; dpxovTaq SK

so as for them to fornicate with the ruling [gods] of

tod Xaov aDTcbv 6+ Kai \|/D%fj T| av 87iaKoA,oD6fiar|

their people. And a soul who ever should follow after

syya&lt;xcpiLiD0oic; r| s7iaoi8o(c; cbaTS SK7iopvsDaai O7iiaco

ones who deliver oracles or enchanters, so as to fornicate after

aDTcbv 87iiaTfjaco to 7rp6aco7r6v liod ski

them, I will set my face against


that soul, and I will destroy it from out of

tod Xaov aDTfjq 7+ Kai ayiaaGfjasaGs Kai sasaGs dyioi

its people. And you shall be sanctified, and you shall be holy,

6ti dyioc; sycb Kupioc; oGso^dllcov 8 + Kai cpDAxx^saGs

for [ [am] holy I [the] LORD your God]. And you shall keep

Ta 7ipoaTdyLiaTd liod Kai 7ioifjasTS aDTd sycb Kupioc; o

my orders, and you shall do them. I [am] [the] LORD, the

ayid^cov Djidq 9+ dvGpco7roc; dvGpco7ioc; oq av KaKcbc;

one sanctifying you. [The] man, a man who ever [ wickedly


20 3 sv tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

8i7ir| xov rcaxspa aDxoD r\ xrjv Liqxspa aDxoD 0avdxco

should speak] of his father or his mother, unto death

0avaxoDa0co rcaxspa avzov r\ jirjxspa aDxoD KaKcbc;

let him be put to death! [of his father or of his mother wickedly

S17T8V svo%oc; saxai 10+ Kai dv0pco7i;oc; &amp;v0p&lt;D7ioc; oq

he spoke], he shall be liable And a man, a man who

av Lioixstiarjxai yovaixa avdpoq r\ oq av

ever should commit adultery [ wife [with] a man's], or who ever

Lioixstiarjxai yDvauca xod 7rAx|ak&gt;v aDxoD 0avdxoo

should commit adultery [with] a wife of his neighbor, to death

0avaxoDa0coaav o lioixsdcdv Kai r|

let them be put to death! the [man] committing adultery and the

|ioi%£DO|i8vr| 11+ Kai sdv xic; KoiLir|0f| jiexd

[woman] committing adultery. And if anyone should have bedded with

yDvaiKoq xod nazpoq avzov aaxr|LioaT3vr|v

[the] wife of his father, [ [the] indecency

xod rcaxpoc; (xdxod a7i8KdA,D\j/s 0avdxco 0avaxoDa0coaav

of his father to uncover], to death let them be put to death!

aLicpoxspoi svo%o( eiai 12 + Kai edv xic; Koi|ir|0f| (isxd

both are liable. And if anyone should have bedded with

VDjicpriq aDxoD 0avdxco 0avaxoDa0coaav ajicpoxspoi

his daughter-in-law, unto death let them be put to death! both

rjasprjaav svoxoi siai 13 + Kai oq av KoiLir|0f| (isxd

were impious, they are liable. And who ever should have bedded with

dpasvoq Koixrjv yDvaiKoq p8sA,DyLia S7io(r|aav

a male as the marriage-bed of a woman, [ an abomination did

ajicpoxepoi 0avdxco 0avaxoDa0coaav svoxoisiaiv u+ oq

both]; to death let them be put to death! they are liable. Who

av AxxPrj yDvaiKa Kai xrjv Lirjxepa avTT\q avoLirjLid

ever should take a woman and her mother, [ a violation of the law

saxiv sv 7iDp( KaxaKaDooDaiv aDxov Kai avzaq Kai

it is]; in fire they shall incinerate him and them, and

odk saxai avoLirjLia sv dluv 15+ Kai oq av

there shall not be a violation of the law among you. And who ever

8co Koixamav aDxoD sv xsxpd7io5i 0avdxco

should give over to his laying with a four-footed [creature], to death

0avaxoDa0CD Kai xo xsxpd7ioDV a7ioKxsvsixs 16+ Kai

let him be put to death! and the four-footed [creature] you shall kill. And

yDvfj fjxiq 7tpoosA,SDasxai npoq 7iav Kxfjvoq

a woman, whoever should come forward to any beast

PiPaa0fjvai aDxfjv D7i' aDxoD a7ioKxsvsixs xrjv

to breed herself by it, you shall kill the


20 3 sv tootco + vtica 03 - Leviticus

ywaiKa Kai to Kxfjvog Bavdxoo 0avaxoDa9coaav

woman and the beast — unto death let them be put to death!

svo%oisioiv 17+ oq av Xofir[ xr|v a5sAxpf|v ovtov 8K

they are liable. Who ever should take his sister of

rcaxpoc; aDxoD r\ 8K ixqxpoc; aDxoD Kai (8r|

his father, or of his mother, and should look at

xrjv aa%rj|ioaDvr|v avTT\q Kai aDxrj i5r|

her indecency, and she should look at

xrjv aaxrjjioawrjv aDxoD 6vsi56c; saxiv

his indecency, it is scornful,

s^oAx)0psD0f|aovxai svcb7iiov dicdv yevouc; aDxcbv

they shall be utterly destroyed before [the] sons of their race,

aa%rj|io&lt;y6vr|v a5eAxpf|c; aDxoD a7r£KaA,D\j/ev

[for the] indecency of his sister he uncovered —

aLiapxiav olvtov Ax|\j/exai is + Kai avfjp oq av Koi|ir|0f|

his sin he shall receive. And a man who ever should go to bed

Lisxd ywaiKoq a7ioKa0r|Lievr|(; Kai a7ioKaA,D\j/si

with a woman sitting apart, and shall uncover

xrjv aaxrjjioawrjv avTT\q xrjv 7ir|yf|v avTT\q a7reKdA,D\j/s

her indecency, [ her flow he uncovered],

Kai atixrj a7rsKdXi)\j/8 xrjv ptiaiv xod aijiaxoc; avTT\q

and she uncovered the flow of her blood;

s^oAx)6p£D0fjoovxai aLicpoxepoi sk xrjc; yevedc; aDxcbv 19 +

[ shall be utterly destroyed both] from their generation.

Kai aa%r)|ioawr|v aSeAxpfjq rcaxpoc; gov Kai adsk(pr\q

And [the] indecency [ sister of your father's] and [ sister

Lirjxpoq aoi) odk a7ioKaA,D\j/sic; xrjv yap oiKsioxrjxa

your mother's] you shall not uncover, [ the for [family] intimacy

a7i8KdA,D\j/8v ajiapxiav aDxoov a7ioiaovxai 20 + Kai oq av

he uncovered]; [ their sin they shall carry]. And who ever

KoiLir|6f| Liexd avyysvovq olvtov aaxrjjioawrjv

should have gone to bed with his relative, [ [the] indecency

xrjc; (yoyysvsiac; olvtov onsKokvysv dxeKvoi

of his kin he uncovered]; [childless

a7io0avoDvxai 21+ Kai avfjp oq sdv Xofir\ yDvafca

they shall die]. And a man who ever should take [the] wife

xod a5eAxpoD aDxoD araGapaia eaxiv aaxrj|ioaDvr|v

of his brother, it is uncleanness; [indecency

xod a8eAxpoD aDxoD a7isKdA,D\j/8v dxsicvoi a7io0avoDvxai

his brother's he uncovered] — [ childless they shall die].

22 + Kai q)DXd^aa0s rcdvxa xa 7ipoaxdy Liaxd liod Kai

And you shall keep all my orders, and

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03 - Leviticus

7idvxa xa Kpiuaxd uod Kai 7ioif|asxs ai)xd Kai od urj

all my judgments; and you shall do them, then no way

7ipoaox6(ar| duiv r| yr| sic; r|v sycb siadyco Dude;

should [ loathe you the land], into which I bring you

sksi KaxoiKsiv S7i ' aa)xf|c; 23+ Kai od%( 7iopsDsaGs 8V

there to dwell upon it. And do not go in

xoic; vouiuoiq xcov 80vcbv ovq s^a7roaxsAAxo acp'

the laws of the nations! which I eject from

ducov oxi xm3xa 7idvxa S7ioir|aav Kai sp5sA,D^dur|v

you; for all these [things] they did, and I abhor

aDxcroc; 24+ Kai si7ia dluv dusic; KAxjpovoufjasxs

them. And I said to you, You shall inherit

xtjv yrjv aDxcbv Kai sycb 8cbaco duiv aDxfjv ev Kxfjasi

their land. And I will give it to you for a possession;

yrjv psoDaav yaka Kai usAi sycb K^pioq o 0s6c; ducov

a land flowing milk and honey. I [am] [the] LORD your God

oq 8icbpiaa Dudq a7io 7idvxcov xcov s0vcbv 25+ Kai

who separated you from all the nations. And

acpopisixs savTOvq avausaov xcov Kxrjvcbv xcov

you shall separate yourselves between the cattle of the

KaGapcbv Kai araGapxcov Kai avausaov xcov 7i8xsivcov

clean and unclean; and between the winged creatures

xcov KaGapcbv Kai xcov araGapxcov Kai od

of the clean, and the unclean. And you shall not

p8eA,D^£xs xac; \\fv%aq ducov sv xoiq KxYyveoi Kai sv

make abhorrent your souls among the cattle, and among

xoic; 7T£X£ivo(c; Kai ev 7idai xoiq sp7rsxoi(; xrjq yr\q

the winged creatures, and among all the reptiles of the earth,

a sycb acpcbpiaa duiv ev aKaGapaia 2 6+ Kai sasaGe

which I separated to you for uncleanness. And you will be

uoi dyioi 6x1 sycb dyioq KDpioq o Gsoq ducov o

holy to me, for I [am] holy, [the] LORD your God, the

acpopiaaq Dudq arco 7idvxcov xcov sGvcbv sivai suoi 27 +

one separating you from all the nations, to be mine.

Kai avfjp T| yDvfj oq av ysvrjxai aDxcbv

And a man or woman who ever of them should become

syyaaxpiuDGoq r| enaoxboq Gavdxco GavaxoDaGcoaav

a deliverer of oracles or enchanter, to death let them be put to death —

aucpoxspoi AiGoic; AiGoPoArjasxs aDxcroc; svoxoi siai

both! By stones stone them! they are liable.


21 SD

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03 - Leviticus


i + Kai 81718 Kopioc; 7cpoc; Mcoi)af|v Aiyoov si7iov xoiq

And [the] LORD said to Moses, saying, Speak to the

ispsDai TOiq vioiq Aapcbv Kai epefc; npoq avzovq

priests, to the sons of Aaron! And you shall say to them,

sv Taiq \\fv%aiq od jiiavGfjaovTai sv

that [among their] [dead] souls they shall not defile themselves among

TOO 80V81 aDTCOV 2+ oXk' T| 8V TOO OIK8100

their nation; but only among the members of the family

too syyiaTa ocdtoov em 7iaTp( Kai zni |ir|Tp( Kai £7U

near them — for father, and for mother, and for

vioiq Kai S7ri 0DyaTpdai Kai sit' aSeAxpob 3+ Kai 87i'

sons, and for daughters, and for brother, and for

a5sX(pfj avTOV 7cap0svoo tt| eyyitptiarj aDTob tt| |xq

[ sister his virgin] being near to him, the [sister] not

SK5s5o|isvr| av5pi £7U todtoic; od jiiavGfjaeTai 4 +

being espoused to a man; for these he shall not defile himself

s^d7iiva sv too Axxob avzov sic; PepfjAxjoaiv avzov 5 +

suddenly among his people by profaning himself.

Kai cpaAxxKpoojia od ^Dpr|0f|aea0s tt|v KecpaArjv

And to baldness you shall not shave [your] head

8711 VSKpOO Kai TTJV 6\j/lV TOD 7C0by00VOC; OD

for [the] dead; and the appearance of the beard they shall not

^opfjaovTai Kai S7ri Tag adprac; aDTobv od

shave; and upon their flesh they shall not

KaTaTSjioDoiv svTOjiiSaq 6 + dyioi eaovTai too

mutilate by cuts. Lhey shall be holy to

0eob aDTobv Kai od PePrjAxbaoDai to ovojia

their God, and they shall not profane the name

tod 0SOD aDTobv Tac; yap 0Daiac; KDpiOD 8obpa too

of their God. [ the For sacrifices [of the] LORD as gifts [to]

0eob aDTobv aDTOi 7cpoa(p8poDai Kai saovTai dyioi 1 +

their God they offer], and they shall be holy.

yDvaiKa 7c6pvr|v Kai PePr|Xoo|i8vr|v od ^f|\j/ovTai

A woman harlot and being profaned they shall not take;

Kai yDvaiKa SKpspAx||ievr|v a7co av8poc; aDTfjc; od

and a woman being cast out from her husband they shall not

Ax|\j/ovTai 6ti dyioq saTi too Kupioo too 0eob aDTOD 8 +

take; for he is holy [to] the LORD his God.

Kai ayidaeic; aDTOV Tayap 8obpa KDpiOD

And you shall sanctify him; for the gifts of [the] LORD


21 SD


03 - Leviticus

tod 0soi) dlicov odtoc; 7cpoatpspsi dyioc; saxai on dyioq

your God this one offers — he shall be holy. For [ [am] holy

sycb Kopioc; o ayid^cov avzovq 9 + Kai 0Dydrr|p

I [the] LORD], the one sanctifying them. And a daughter

av0pcb7ioD ispscoc; sdv PsPr|Axjo0f| tod SK7copvsDaai

of a man [being] a priest, if she should be profaned to fornicate,

to ovojia tod 7iaTp6c; avTT\q avTT\ PsPrjAm S7U nvpoq

[the name of her father she profanes]; with fire

KaT(XKaD0f|aeTai io+ Kai o ispstic; o jisyac; a7io

she shall be incinerated. And the [ priest great] from among


his brethren, of the one having [ poured upon


his head the oil of the anointing], and

tstsA,sico|isvod zaq xzipaq avzov sv5Doaa0ai Ta iLidTia

[ having been perfected his hands] to put on the garments —

ttjv KecpaAxjv odk a7C0Ki5apcbasi Kai Ta iLidTia od

the head shall not be without a turban, and the garments he shall not

8iappfj^si n+ Kai S7i( 7idar| \\fv%r\ TSTsXsDrrjKDia odk

tear up; and [ unto any soul coming to an end he shall not

eiasXsDasTai S7t( 7iaTp( aDTOD od8s S7ri LirjTpi aDTOD

enter]; [by his father nor by his mother

od Liiav0f|a8Tai n+ Kai sk todv ayicov odk

he shall not be defiled]. And from out of the holies he shall not

s^sXsDasTai Kai od PsPrjAxbasi to rjyiaaLisvov

come forth; and he shall not profane the thing having been sanctified

tod 0sod aDTOD 6ti to dyiov sAmov TO XpiCJTOV

of his God, for the holy [ oil anointing]

TOD 0SOD aDTOD 871 ' aDTCO SyCO KDpiOq 13 + ODTOq

of his God [is] upon him. I [am] [the] LORD. This one

yDvaiKa 7cap0svov sk tod ysvoDc; aDTOD Ar|\j/STai u +

[woman a virgin from his family shall take].

%fjpav 5s Kai skPsPAx||isvt|v Kai PsPr|A,coLisvr|v Kai

But a widow, and one being cast out and being profaned, and

7c6pvr|v TaDTaq od Ax|\j/STai aXk' r\ 7cap0svov

a harlot — these he shall not take; but only a virgin

sk tod Axxod aDTOD Ax|\j/STai yDvaiKa 15 + Kai od

from out of his people shall he take for a wife. And he shall not

PsPrjAxbasi to cmspLia aDTOD sv tod Axxcb aDTOD sycb

profane his semen among his people. I [am]

KDpioq o 0s6c; o ayid^cov aDTOV

[the] LORD God, the one sanctifying him.

21 SD


03 - Leviticus

i6+ Kai s^dAxjas Kopioc; npoq MoaDafjv Aiycov n+ smov

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Speak

Aapcbv Aiycov dv0pco7ioc; 8K tod ysvoDc; gov sic;

to Aaron, saying, A man from your kind, throughout

zaq ysvsdc; dlicov xivi sdv rj sv aDxcb licolioc; od

your generations, to any if there might be on him a blemish, shall not

7ipoasA,SDasxai 7rpoacpspsiv xa 8cbpa tod 0sod aDXOD i 8 +

come forward to offer the gifts of his God.

iiaq dv0pco7ioc; co sdv r| sv aDxcb jicolioc; od

Any man in which ever might be in him a blemish, shall not

7tpoasA,SDasxai dv0pco7iO(; Tvqkoq r\ %coX6q r\

come forward — [ man a blind], or lame, or

KoXoPopiv r| coxoxLirjxoc; 19+ r| dv0pco7ioc; co sdv T|

splitmouth, or [with] mutilated ears, or a man in which might be

sv aDicb aDVipiLijia xzipoq r\ owcpiLiLia nodoq 20+ r\

in him a broken hand, or a broken foot, or

KDpxoq T| scprjloc; r| miXXoq xodc; ocp0aA,LiODc; r\

humpback, or peeling, or hairless of the eyes, or

dv0pco7roc; co av r| sv aDxcb \j/cbpa aypia r|

a man in which ever might be in him [ mange a wild], or

Xzi%r\v T| Liovopxic; 21+ naq dv0pco7ioc; co saxiv sv

scabbed, or having one testicle. Every man in which there is on

(XDxcb licolioc; sk xod aftspLiaxoc; Aapcbv xod ispscoc;

him a blemish from the seed of Aaron the priest,

odk syyisi xod 7ipoasvsyKsiv xac; dvaiaq Kupico 6x1

shall not approach to offer the sacrifices [to the] LORD, that

licolioc; sv (XDxcb xa 5cbpa xod 0sod cxdxod

[has] a blemish on him; [ the gifts of his God

od 7ipoasA,SDasxai 7rpoasvsyKsiv 22 + xa dyia xcov ayicov

he shall not come forward to bring]. The holy of the holies,

Kai arco xcov ayicov cpdysxai 23+ 7iAr|v npoq xo

and of the holy [things] he shall eat. Except to the

Kaxa7rsxaa|ia od 7ipoasA,SDosxai Kai npoq xo

veil he shall not come forward, and to the

0Daiaaxf|piov odk syyisi 6x1 licoliov s%si Kai od

altar he shall not approach, for [ a blemish he has], and he shall not

PsPrjXcbasi xo dyiov xod 0sod aDxoD 6x1 sycb Kopioc;

profane the holy [things] of his God, for I [the] LORD,

o ayid^cov aDxoDq 24 + Kai sAxxAxjas McoDafjc; npoq

[am] the one sanctifying them. And Moses spoke to

Aapcbv Kai xodc; diodc; aDxoD Kai npoq rcavxac; xodc;

Aaron and his sons, and to all of the


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03 - Leviticus

viovq IapafjA,
sons of Israel.

22 M

i + Kai zkakr\G£ Kopioc; itpoq MooDafjv Aiycov 2 + sitcov

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Speak

Aapcbv Kai xoiq vioiq avzov Kai 7ipoaexsTCoaav arco

to Aaron and [to] his sons! And let them take heed concerning

xcov ayicov tcov dicov lapar\k Kai od

the holy [things] of the sons of Israel! and they shall not

PsPrjXcbaoDai to ovojia to dyiov jiod 6aa aDTOi

profane [ name my holy], as much as they

ayid^oDoi jioi eycb Kopioc; 3 + si7iov aDTOic; sic;

sanctify to me. I [am] [the] LORD. Say to them! Unto

zaq ysvedc; djicov itaq dv6pco7roc; oq av 7rpoaeA,6r| arco

your generations every man who ever should come forward from

navToq tod o7T8p|iaTOc; djicov npoq xa dyia 6oa

all your seed to the holy [things], as much as

av ayid^coaiv oi moi IapafjX tcd Kopico Kai

indeed [ should sanctify the sons of Israel] to the LORD, and

T| araGapaia avzov S7i' aDTcb e^oAx)9peD9f|aeTai

his uncleanness is upon him, they shall utterly destroy

r| \|A)%fj 8K8ivr| an sjiod sycb Kopioc; 4 + Kai dv0pco7io(;

that soul from me. I [am] [the] LORD. And [the] man

sk tod a7T8p|iaTOc; Aapcbv tod lepecoc; Kai odtoc;

of the seed of Aaron of the priest, that this one

A,S7ipa T| yovoppDfjc; tcov ayicov odk s5sTai ecoc;

[being] leprous or [having] gonorrhea, [ of the holy [things] shall not eat], until

av KaGapiaGfj Kai o a7rc6|i£voc; 7idar|c; aKaGapaiac;

whenever he should be cleansed. And the one touching any uncleanness

\\fv%r\q T| dv6pco7roc; co av s^sA£r| e£, aDTOD

of soul, or a man in whom ever should come forth from out of his
koittj a7T8p|iaTOc; 5+ T| oanq av d\j/r|Tai navToq

marriage-bed of semen, or who ever should touch any

sp7iSTOD araBdpTOD o jiiavei aDTOV r|

[reptile unclean], which should defile him, or [come] upon

dv0pco7iov ev co jiiavsi aDTOV KaTd 7idaav

a man in which he shall defile him according to any

aKaGapmav aDTOD 6 + \|/D%f| ryciq av d\j/r|Tai aDTcbv

of his uncleanness; [the] soul who ever should touch them

aKdBapToq 8&lt;xcai ecoc; sanspaq odk s5sTai arco tcov

will be unclean until evening; he shall not eat from the


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03 - Leviticus

ayicov sdv [ir\ AxyoarjTai to acoLia clvtox) i35axi 7 +

holy [things] if he should not have bathed his body in water.

Kai 8dt| o r\kioq Kai KaGapoc; eaxai Kai tots

And [ should go down [when] the sun], then he will be clean, and then

cpdysTai anb tcov ayicov 6ti dpTog aDTOD s&lt;xri 8 +

he shall eat from the holy [things], for [ bread it is his].

6vr|ai|iaiov Kai GrjpidAxoTOV od cpdysTai LiiavGfjvai

Decaying flesh and that taken by wild beasts he shall not eat, to be defiled

sv ai)Tcb sycb Kopioc; 9 + Kai cpD^d^ovTai

by it. I [am] [the] LORD. And they shall guard

to (puAAyLiaTd liod iva lit) AxxPcoai 81' ama

my injunctions, that they should not take [ on account of them

ajiapTiav Kai a7io6dvcoai 81' aired sdv

sin], and should die because of them, if

PsPrjAxbaoDaiv ama sycb Kopioc; o ayid^cov aDTODc; 10 +

they shall profane them. I [am] [the] LORD, the one sanctifying them.

Kai 7iaq aAloysvfjc; od cpdysTai dyia 7tdpoiKoc;

And all of another race shall not eat [the] holy [things]; a sojourner with

ispscoq r| LiiaBcoToq od cpdysTai dyia n+sdv8s

a priest, or a hireling shall not eat [the] holy [things]. And if

ispstic; KTfjarjTai \\fv%r\v syKTrjTOV apyDpioD avzoq

a priest should acquire a soul procured with silver, he

cpdysTai tov dpTOV avzov Kai 01 oiKoysvsiq avzov Kai

shall eat of his bread loaf; and his native-born servants, even

at)TOi cpdyovTai tov dpTOV avzov 12+ Kai GDydrrjp

these shall eat of his bread loaf. And a daughter

av0pco7ioD ispscoq sdv ysvrjTai av5p( aAloysvsi

of a man a priest, if she should become [the wife] of a man of another race,

ai)Tfj tcov a7tap%cbv tcov ayicov od cpdysTai 13+ Kai

she [of the first-fruits of the holy [things] shall not eat]. And

0Dydrr|p ispscoc; sdv ysvrjTai %r\pa r \ £KpspArj|isvr|

[the] daughter of a priest, if she becomes a widow or being cast out,

cmspLia 8s lit) r\ avTT\ Kai S7iavaaTps\j/r| S7ri tov

and seed might not be in her, and she should return unto the


house of her father, as in her youth; from

tcov dpTCOv tod 7iaTp6c; avTT\q cpdysTai Kai naq

the bread loaves of her father she shall eat. And all

aAloysvf|c; od cpdysTai ait' aDTcbv h+ Kai dv9pco7iO(;

of another race shall not eat of them. And a man

oq av cpdyrj dyia KaTa dyvoiav Kai 7ipoa6f|asi

who ever should eat holy [things] according to ignorance; then he shall add


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03 - Leviticus

TO 8711718 LL7TTOV aDXOD S7C' QLVTO K(Xl 8cbaSl ICQ ISpSl TO

his fifth part unto it, and shall give to the priest the

dyiov 15+ Kai od psPrjlcoaoDai xa dyia xcov

holy [thing]. And they shall not profane the holy [things] of the

mcbv IopafjX a aDxoi avacpspoDoi xco KDpico 16+ K(Xl

sons of Israel, which they offer to [the] LORD, that

S7cd^oi)aiv S7c' aDxotic; avojiiav 7cAx||iLisA£iac; sv

they shall bring upon themselves lawlessness of [the] trespass in

too sa0isiv avTOvq xa dyia aDxcbv 6xi sycb icupioq o

their eating their holy [things]; for I [am] [the] LORD, the

ayid^cov avzovq i?+ Kai sAxxAxjas Kopioc; itpoq McoDafjv

one sanctifying them. And [the] LORD spoke to Moses,

Aiycov i8+ AxxAxjaov Aapcbv Kai xoic; vioiq aDXOD Kai

saying, Speak to Aaron and his sons, and

7cdar| aDvaycoyfj dicov IapafjA, Kai spsfc; npoq

to all [the] congregation of [the] sons of Israel! And you shall say to

avTOvq dvGpcoTcoq dv0pco7i;oc; a7co xcov dicov IapafjA, r|

them, The man, a man from the sons of Israel, or

xcov 7tpoar|Amcov xcov 7cpoaKsiLisvcov itpoq aDxotic; sv

of the foreigners lying near them among

IapafjA, oq av 7cpoasvsyKr| xa 8cbpa aDXOD Kaxd

Israel, who ever should offer his gifts according to

7cdaav ojioloyiav aDxcov r| Kaxd 7cdaav aipsaiv

every acknowledgment [offering] of theirs, or according to every choice [offering]

aDxcov 6aa av 7cpoasvsyKcoai xco Kopico sic;

of theirs, as much as they should offer [to] [the] LORD for

oAx)Kai)xcoLia i 9 + 5sKxd dliiv dpasv djicoLiov sk

a whole burnt-offering, [what is] acceptable unto you [is] [ male an unblemished]


the herds, and of the sheep, and of the

aiycbv 20+ 7cdvxa 6aa av s%r| licoliov sv aDxofc;

goats. Of all as many as you have [with a] blemish among them

od 7cpoad^oi)ai Kopico 8i6xi od 5skx6v soxai

you shall not bring [to the] LORD, for [ not accepted it shall be]

dliiv 21+ Kai dv6pco7co(; oq av 7cpoasvsyKr| BDcriav

for you. And a man who ever should offer a sacrifice

acoxrjpioD xco KDpico 5iaaxs(Xac; sv%r\v r\ Kaxd

of deliverance to the LORD, while setting apart a vow, or according to

aipsaiv r| sv xaic; sopxaic; dlicov sk xcov PodkoAacov

a choice [offering], or in your holiday [feasts], out of the herds

T| sk xcov 7cpopdxcov dLicoLiov saxai sia8sKxov naq

or of the sheep, it shall be unblemished for acceptance. [ any


22 3D
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03 - Leviticus

jicbjioc; odk saxai 87i' aDxcb 22 + xDcpAxyv r|

blemish There shall not be] upon it. Blind, or

ODVT8ipi|I|I8VOV T| yAxoaaox|ir|xov T| |ii)p|ir|KicbvTa T|

broken, or with the tongue cut out, or troubled with warts, or

\j/G)paypicbvxa r| Xsi%r\vaq e%ovxa od 7ipoad^oDai

chronic mange, or [ scabs having] — they shall not bring

xatixa too KDpico Kai sic; Kdp7icoaiv od 8cbasxs

these to the LORD; and for a yield [offering] you shall not give

ari aDxcbv 87ii to GDaiaaxfjpiov too KDpico 23+ Kai

of them upon the altar to the LORD. And

[ioa%ov T| 7ip6paxov coxoxjirjxov rj KoA^PoKepKov

a calf or a sheep with mutilated ears, or tailless,

acpdyia 7ioif|a£ic; aDxd aeaDxcb eic; 5s SD%f|v gov od

[ for slaughter you shall make them] to yourself, but for your vow it shall not

8e%0f|a£xai 24+ 0Xa5iav Kai skxs9Ai|I|isvov Kai

be taken. Crushed testicles, or being squeezed out, or

8Kxoji(av Kai a7rsa7iaa|isvov od 7ipoad^sxs aDxd xco

emasculated, or drawn away — you shall not bring them to the

KDpico Kai 8711 xrjc; yrjc; djicov od 7ioif|aexe 25 + Kai

LORD, even upon your land you shall not offer [them]. And

sk X 8l P°^ diod aXXoysvovq od 7ipoaoiasxs xa

from out of [the] hand of a son of another race you shall not offer the

8cbpa xod 6sod djicov arco 7idvxcov xodxcov 6x1

gifts of your God of all these [things]. For

cpGdpjiaxd saxiv sv aDxoic; |icb|ioc; sv aDxoic; od

there is corruption in them, a blemish in them; [ shall not

8s%9f|aexai xaDxa djiiv 26+ Kai sAxxAxjas Kopioc; npoq

be received these] to you. And [the] LORD spoke to

McoDafjv Aiycov 27+ [ioa%ov r\ 7ip6paxov r| aiya coc;

Moses, saying, A calf, or a sheep, or a goat, when

av xe%9f| Kai eaxai 87ixd rjjispac; D7i6

ever it is born, then it shall be seven days under

xrjv jxrjxspa aDxoD xrj 5e rjjiepa xr| oy56r| Kai S7isK8iva

its mother; but the [ day eighth] and beyond

8e%0f|a£xai sic; 5cbpa Kdp7ico|ia xco KDpico 2 s+ Kai

it shall be accepted for gift [offerings], a yield [offering] to the LORD. And

|ioo%ov Kai 7ip6paxov aDxfjv Kai xo 7rai8(ov aDxfjc;

a calf and a sheep — it and its offspring

od ocpd^exs ev rjjispa [da 29+edv8s 0D&lt;xr|c;

you shall not slay in [ day one]. And if you should sacrifice

GDCTiaV £D%fjV x a P!^ oa ^ vr l v ^ TC0 KDpico sia5sKxov DJIIV

a sacrifice vow of joyfulness to the LORD, [acceptable to you


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Gdctsts avTO 30+ ttj rjjispa sksivt| PpcoBfjasTai odk

you shall sacrifice it]; [in] that day it shall be eaten; you shall not


leave of the meats into the morning. I [am] [the] LORD.

31+ Kai (pi)Xd^8T8 zaq svtoAxxc; |iod Kai 7ioif|asTS avzaq

And you shall keep my commandments, and you shall observe them.

sycb KDpioc; 32 + Kai od PsPrjAxbosTS to ovojia

I [am] [the] LORD. And you shall not profane [ name

tod ayioD jiod Kai ayiaaGfjaojiai sv jisoco tcdv dicov

my holy]; and I shall be sanctified in [the] midst of the sons

lapar\k sycb Kopioc; o ayid^cov Djidc; 33+0

of Israel. I [am] [the] LORD, the one sanctifying you, the one

s^ayaycbv Djidc; 8K yr\q AiyD7iTOD coots sivai

leading you from out of [the] land of Egypt, so as to be

djicov Gsoc; sycb KDpioc;

your God. I [am] [the] LORD.

23 20

1 + Kai sXdAxjas KDpioc; npoq McoDafjv Aiycov 2 +

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

XaXr\aov TOiq vioiq IapafjA, Kai spsiq npoq avzovq

Speak to the sons of Israel! And you shall say to them,

ai sopTai KDpioi) aq KaAiasTS avzaq Khr\Taq

The holiday [feasts] of [the] LORD which you shall call them [ convocations

ayiaq awai siaiv aisopTaijioi) 3+ s^ rjiispaq

[for] holy] — these are my holiday [feasts]. Six days

Ttovf\G£iq spya ttj 5s r||ispa ttj sp86|ir| adppaTa

you shall do work, but the [ day seventh] [is] a Sabbath

avd7iai)aic; KArjTfj ayia tco KDpico 7iav spyov od

rest, [ convocation a holy] to the LORD. All work you shall not

7ioif|asTS odppaTd sctti tco KDpico sv 7idar|

do, it is a Sabbath to the LORD in all

KaTOiKia Djicbv 4+ afoai ai sopTai tco KDpico

your house. These [are] the holiday [feasts] to the LORD,

KArjTai dyiai aq KaAiasTS avzaq sv

[ convocations holy], which you shall call them in

TOiq KaipOiq aDTCOV 5 + SV TCO 7ipcbTC0 |IT|Vl SV TTJ

their seasons. In the first month, on the

TsaaapsaKai8sKdTT| rjjispa tod jirjvoq avajisaov tcov

fourteenth day of the month, between the


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ea7ispivcov 7iaa%a icq KDpico 6 + Kai sv xrj

evenings [is] a passover to the LORD. And on the

7tsvT£Kai5sK&amp;Tr| rjjiepa tod jxrjvoc; xodxod sopxfj

fifteenth day of this month [is the] holiday [feast]

xcov a£6|icov xco KDpico S7txd rjjiepac; cpdysaBs

of the unleavened [breads] to the LORD. Seven days you shall eat

d^Djia 7+ Kai r| rjjiepa T] 7ipcbxr| KAxjxfj ayia saxai

unleavened [breads]. And the [day first convocation a holy will be]

djiiv 7iav epyov XaxpeDxov od 7ioif|aexs 8 + Kai

to you; [any work servile you shall not do]. And

7ipoad^sxs o^oKaDxcbjia xco KDpico S7ixd r||iepac; Kai

you shall bring a whole burnt-offering to the LORD seven days. And

T| rjjispa T| sp56|ir| KAxjxfj ayia saxai D|jiv 7iav epyov

the [ day seventh convocation a holy will be] to you. [ any work
AxxxpsDxov od 7roifjasxe 9+ Kai sldArjae Kopioc;

servile You shall not do]. And [the] LORD spoke

7ipoc; McoDafjv Xeycov io+ ei7iov xoic; vioiq IapafjX Kai

to Moses, saying, Speak to the sons of Israel! And

spsiq 7rpoq aDxotic; oxav siasXGrjxs sic; xrjv yrjv r|v

you shall say to them, Whenever you should enter into the land which

sycb 8(5co|ii djiiv Kai 0ep(^r|xe xov Gspiajiov aDxfjc; Kai

I give to you, and should harvest its harvest, that

oiasxs xo 5pdy|ia a7iap%f|v xod GspiajioD djicov itpoq

you shall bring the sheaf first-fruit of your harvest to

xov ispsa n+ Kai avoiaei xo 5pdyjia evavxi KopioD

the priest. And he shall offer the sheaf before [the] LORD

8skx6v djiiv xtj 87iaDpiov Tr\q 7ipcoxr|c; avoiasi aDxo

accepted for you. On the next day of the first [ shall offer it

o ispsDc; 12+ Kai 7ioifjaexs sv xrj rjjiepa r| av

the priest]. And you shall offer on the day in which ever

cpspnxs xo 5pdyjia 7ip6paxov djicojiov eviatiaiov sic;

you should bring the sheaf ~ a sheep unblemished of a year [old] for

oXoKaDxcojia xco KDpico n+ Kai xttv GDaiav aDxoD 5do

a whole burnt-offering to the LORD. And [with] its sacrifice two

8eKaxa aejiiSdlecoc; ava7T£7roiTiji£vr|c; ev eAmco 0Da(av

tenths of fine flour being prepared in olive oil, a sacrifice

xco KDpico sic; oajifjv £Dco5(ac; xco KDpico Kai

to the LORD for a scent of pleasant aroma to the LORD; and

a7iov5fjv aDxoD xo xsxapxov xod iv oivod h + Kai

its libation — the fourth of the hin of wine. And

dpxov Kai 7rscppDy|isva %(8pa vea od cpdysaBs

bread and [ parched green wheat new] you shall not eat

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ecoc; siq aDifjv xrjv rjLiepav xaDxrjv scoc; av

until [ same day this], until whenever

7ipoa8vsyKr|TS xa 5cbpa tcd 6scb dlicov voliiliov

you should offer the gifts to your God — [ law

aicbviov sic; xac; yevedc; dlicov sv 7idar| KaxoiKia dlicov

an eternal] unto your generations in every dwelling of yours.

15+ kcu apiGLifjaexs dluv arco xrjc; s7iaDpiov xcov

And you shall count to yourselves from the next day of the

aapp&amp;xcov goto xrjc; rjLiepac; r\q av 7ipoaevsyKr|xs xo

Sabbaths, from the day which ever you should bring the

8pdyLia xod S7ri68Liaxoc; S7ixd 8p8oLid8ac; oXokAtipodc;

sheaf of the increase [offering], seven [ periods of seven entire];

i6+ scoc; xrjc; S7iaDpiov xrjc; £o%dxr|c; ep8oLid8oc;

until the next day of the last period of seven

apiGLifjaexs 7i£vxfjKovxa rjLiepac; Kai 7ipoaoio8X8

you shall count fifty days, and you shall bring

0Da(av vsav xco KDpico 17+ a7io xrjq KaxoiKiaq dlicov

[ sacrifice [offering] a new] to the LORD. From your houses

7rpoao(asxs apxcroc; smGeLia 8do apxcroc; sk 8do

you shall bring bread loaves, an increase [offering]; [two bread loaves of two

Sskcxxcov asLiiSd^scoc; soovxai s^dlicolisvoi 7r8cp6f|aovxai

tenths of fine flour they shall be], [ being leaven baked]

7ipcoxoyswr|Lidxcov xco KDpico i8+ mi 7ipoad^8X8 Lisxd

of [the] first produce to the LORD. And you shall bring with

xcov dpxcov S7ixd cxlivodc; aLicoLioDq svuxdctiodc; Kai

the bread loaves seven [ lambs unblemished] of a year [old], and

lioo%ov sva SK

[ calf one] of

3oDKoAioD Kai KpioDc; 8do ajicoLioDc;

the] herd, and [rams two unblemished].

Kai saovxai oXoKaDxcoLia xco KDpico Kai

And they shall be a whole burnt-offering to the LORD, and

ai GDaiai aDxcbv Kai ai a7iov8a( aDxcbv 0Da(a oaLifj

their sacrifice [offerings], and their libations, a sacrifice scent

SDCoSiaq xco KDpico 19+ Kai 7roifja£X£ %iLiapov

of pleasant aroma to the LORD. And they shall offer a young he-goat from out of

aiycov eva 7isp( ajiapxiac; Kai 8do ajivoDc;

[the] goats — one for a sin [offering], and two lambs

sviaDcrioDc; siq 0Da(av acoxrjpioD Liexd xcov dpxcov

of a year [old] for a sacrifice of deliverance [offering] with the bread loaves

xcov 7ipcoxoy8wr|Lidxcov 20+ Kai S7ri9f|a8i aDxd o ispstic;

of the first produce. And [ shall place them the priest]

Lisxd xcov dpxcov xcov 7ipcoxoyswr|Lidxcov S7ri0£Lia

with the bread loaves of the first produce increase [offering]


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svavxiov KDpioi) Lisxd toov 8do aLivobv dyia saovxai

before [the] LORD, with the two lambs. They shall be holy

too Kopioo too ispsi too 7ipoa(pspovTi ctDTCt ctDTob s&lt;xcai

to the LORD — to the priest bringing them, to him it will be.

21 + Kca KaAiasTS t(xt3tt|v tt|v rjjispav KAx|Tf|

And you shall call this day a convocation,

ay (a s&lt;xcai dluv 7iav spyov AmpsDTOV od

it shall be holy to you. [ any work servile You shall not

7roifjasT£ sv avTT\ voliiliov aiobviov sic;

do] on it. [ law [It is] an eternal] unto

zaq ysvsdc; dlioov sv 7idar| koctoikioc dlioov 22 + kcu OTav

your generations in all your house. And whenever

Gspi^rjTS tov GspicjLiov TT\q yr\q dlioov od

you shall harvest the harvest of your land, you shall not


complete the remainder of the harvest of your field

sv too Bspi^siv as kcu toi a7ro7ri7TTOVTa

in your harvesting. And the fall away [portions]


of your harvest you shall not collect together — for the poor and

too 7rpoar|Amoo Korca^suj/sic; aDTd syob Kupioc;

for the foreigner you shall leave them. I am [the] LORD

o Gsoc; dlioov 23 + Kai sXdArjas Kupioc; itpoq MooDafiv

your God. And [the] LORD spoke to Moses,

Aiyoov 24+ XdAxjaov toic; vioiq lapar\k Aiyoov tod

saying, Speak to the sons of Israel, saying! The

Lirjvoq tod sp56|ioD Liia tod lutvoc; s&lt;xcai dliiv

[ month seventh], [day] one of the month will be to you

avd7iaDaic; LivrjLioaDvov aaAmyyoov KAx|Tf| ayia too

a rest, a memorial of trumpets, [ convocation a holy] to the

KDpioq 25+ 7iav spyov XcapsDTOV od 7roif|asTS Kai

LORD. [ any work servile You shall not do], and

7ipoad^STS oXoKaDTOOua too Kopioo 26 + Kai

you shall bring a whole burnt-offering to the LORD. And

sXdAxjas Kupioq itpoq MooDafiv Aiyoov 27 + Kai ttj

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Also on the

5sKdrr| tod Lirjvoq tod sP86liod todtod rjLispa

tenth [ month of this seventh] [is] a day

s^iAxxoliod KAx|Tf| ayia s&lt;xcai dliiv Kai Ta7isivobasTS

of making an atonement, [ convocation a holy it will be] to you. And you shall

Tag \|/D%dc; dlioov Kai 7ipoad^STS o^oKaDTOOjia too

your souls, and you shall bring a whole burnt-offering to the


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Kupico 28+ 7iav spyov od 7ioifiasTS sv ami] rq

LORD. All work you shall not do in it, [in]

rjLispa tolvtk] sail yap rjLispa s^iXaaLiofj ami] dluv

this day; [is for a day of making an atonement this to you];

s^iAxxaaaGai 7isp( dlicov svavTi KupioD tod 9sod dlicov

to atone for you before [the] LORD your God.

29+ 7idaa \|A)%fj ryciq Lirj Ta7r£ivcD0fja£Tai sv avTT\ tt\

Every soul who shall not be humbled in it, [in]

rjLispa toct3tt| s^oAx)9psD0fjasTai sk tod Xaov avTT\q

this day, shall be utterly destroyed from among its people.

30+ mi 7idaa \|/Dxfj fjxiq 7iotfjasi spyov sv aDTfj tt|

And every soul which shall do work in it, [in]

rjLispa TaDTTj a7roXsvrai rj \|/D%fj sKsvvrj sk

this day, [ shall be destroyed that soul] from among

tod Axxod aDTTj^ 3i+7iav spyov OD 7TOlfjaSTS

its people. All work you shall not do;

voliiliov aicbviov sic; Tac; ysvsdc; dlicov sv 7idoaic;

[ law [it is] an eternal] unto your generations in all

Taiq KaTOiKidiq dlicov 32+ adppaTa aaPPdTCOv s&lt;xcai dluv

your houses. A Sabbath of Sabbaths it will be to you.

Kai Ta7isivcoosTS Tac; \\fv%aq dlicov arco swdrrjc; tod

And you shall humble your souls from [the] ninth of the

litjvoc; and sa7ispac; scoc; so7ispac; aaPPaTisvrs

month. From evening to evening you shall observe the Sabbath

Ta odppaTa dlicov 33 + Kai s^dAxjas Kopioc; 7ipoc;

of your Sabbaths. And [the] LORD spoke to

MoQDafjv Aiycov 34+ XdAxjaov toic; vioiq IapafjX Aiycov

Moses, saying, Speak to the sons of Israel! saying,


The fifteenth of the [ month seventh], this

SOpTTj aKTjVCbv S7TTd TjLlSpaq TCO KDpiCO 35+ Kai T|

[is] a holiday of tents seven days to the LORD. And the

rjLispa T| 7rpcoTrj KAxjTfj ay (a s&lt;xcai dliiv 7iav spyov

[ day first convocation a holy shall be] to you; [ any work

Axxtpsdtov od 7ioifjasTS 35+ S7rcd rjLispac;

servile you shall not do]. Seven days

7ipoad^STS o^oKaDTCOLiaTa tco Kupico Kai rj rjLispa

you shall bring [the] whole burnt-offerings to the LORD, and the [ day

rj oy86rj KArjTfj ayia s&lt;xcai dliiv Kai 7ipoad^STS

eighth convocation a holy will be] to you. And you shall bring

oAx)KaDTCOLia tco Kupico s^68iov soti 7iav spyov

a whole burnt-offering to the LORD, it is a holiday recess. [ any work


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XaxpeDxov od 7iorfja£TS 37+ ai3xai aisopxai

servile You shall not do]. These [are] holiday [feasts]

Kupico aq KaAiaexe avidq KArjxdc; ayiac; coaxe

[to the] LORD which you shall call them [ convocations holy], so as

7ipoa£vsyKai Kdp7icoLia too Kopico oAx)KaDxcoLiaxa Kai

to bring a yield [offering] to the LORD, whole burnt-offerings, and

dvaiaq aDxcov Kai O7iov5dc; to Ka6' TjLiepav eic;

their sacrifices, and libation [offerings]; the [thing] according to day by

rjLispav 38+ 7rAr|v xcov aappdxcov Kupiou Kai 7iAr|v

day; besides the Sabbaths of [the] LORD, and besides

xcov 5oli&amp;tcdv dlicov Kai 7iAx|v 7iaacbv xcov SD%cbv DLICOV

your gifts, and besides all your vows,

Kai 7iAr|v rcavxcov xcov eKODaicov dlicov a av 5coxs

and besides all your voluntary [offerings], which ever you shall give

xco Kupico 39+ Kai sv xtj 7T8vxsKai58Kaxr| rjLiepa

to the LORD. And on the fifteenth day

xod littvoc; xod sp56|ioi) xodxod oxav auvxsXearjxs

[month of this seventh], whenever you should complete [gathering]

xa yewfjLiaxa xt]c; yrjc; eopxdaexs xco Kopico

the produce of the land, you shall solemnize a holiday to the LORD

S7ixd rjjispac; xrj rjLiepa xrj 7ipcoxr| avanavaiq Kai xrj

for seven days; on the [ day first] a rest, and on the

rjLispa xrj oy86r| avdnavaiq 40+ Kai Axj\j/sa0£ eauxoiq

[ day eighth] a rest. And you shall take to yourselves

xtj TjLiepa xt] 7ipcoxr| Kaprcov tpXov copaiov Kai

on the [day first] [fruit of [the] tree beautiful], and

KaXkvvdpa cpoiviKcov Kai Kkadovq ZpXov daaziq Kai

palm branches of palm trees, and tender branches [ tree of a bushy], and

ixeac; Kai ayvoD KXd8oDc; sk %siLidppoD Kai

willows, and [ of [the] chaste tree tender branches] by [the] rushing stream; and

SDcppavBfjasaGs svavxi KopioD xod 0sod dlicov S7ixd

you shall be glad before [the] LORD your God seven

TjLispaq 4i+ Kai eopxdoexe auxfjv xttv sopxfjv xco

days. And you shall solemnize [ a holiday it] — the holiday to the

Kopico S7ixd TjLispaq xod sviauxoD voLiiLiov aicbviov

LORD seven days of the year; [ law an eternal]

eic; xac; yevedc; dlicov sv xco lutvi xco £P86lico

unto your generations. In the [ month seventh]

eopxdaexs aDxfjv 42+ ev oKirvaic; KaxoiKqaexe

you shall solemnize [ a holiday it]. In tents you shall dwell

S7ixd TjLispaq itaq o aDxox0cov sv IapafjX

for seven days. All the native born in Israel


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KaxoiKfjaoDaiv sv aicqvaig 43+ oitozq (8coaiv

shall dwell in tents, so that [ should see

ai ysvsai ujicbv 6x1 sv aKqvaic; KaxcbKiaa xodc; viovq

your generations] that in tents I settled the sons

IapafjX sv too s^ayaysiv |is auxotic; sk yr\q Aiy67ixou

of Israel, in my leading them from [the] land of Egypt.

sycb Kopioc; o 0s6q ujicbv 4 4+ Kai sAxxArjas Mcoi)af|c; xac;

I [am] [the] LORD your God. And Moses told the

sopxdc; KDpioi) miq vioiq IapafjA,

holidays of [the] LORD to the sons of Israel.

24 73

1 + Kai sXdAxjas Kopioc; npoq MoyDafjv Aiyoov 2 +

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

svxsiAm xoic; vioiq IopafjA, Kai AxxPsxoaodv aoi

Give charge to the sons of Israel! And let them take to you

sAmov sAmvov KaGapov kskojijisvov sic; (pcoq Kauaai

[ oil olive], pure, being beaten for light! to burn

Xvyyov 5id 7iavx6c;

in a lamp continually,
3+ s^coGsv xod Kaxa7isxda(iaxo(; sv xrj aKTjvfi xod

from outside the veil, in the tent of the

jiapxDpioD KatiaoDaiv auxo Aapcbv Kai 01 moi avzov

testimony. [ shall burn it Aaron and his sons]

an sa7ispac; sooc; 7ipcoi svcbmov Kopioi) sv5sA,s%cbc;

from evening until morning before [the] LORD perpetually —

vojiijiov aicbviov sic; xac; ysvsdc; djicov 4+ S7U xrjc;

[ law an eternal] unto your generations. Upon the

Xvyyiaq xrjc; KaGapdq Kauasxs xouc; Xvyyovq svavxiov

[ lamp-stand pure] you shall burn the lamps before

Kopioi) sooc; sic; xo 7ipcoi 5 + Kai Ar|\j/sa0s as|i(8aAiv

[the] LORD until into the morning. And you shall take fine flour,

Kai 7roifjasxs auxfjv 5cb8sKa dpxouc; Svo 5sKdxcov

and you shall make for it twelve bread loaves; two tenths [parts]

saxai o dpxoc; o sic; 6 + Kai S7u6fjasxs auxouc; 8uo

will be [ bread loaf [for] the one]. And you shall place them two

Gsjiaxa s^ dpxouc; xo sv Gsjia S7U xrjv xpdrcs^av

places; six bread loaves to the one place upon the [ table

xrjv KaBapdv svavxi Kopioi) 7 + Kai S7ii6f|asxs S7ii xo

pure] before [the] LORD. And you shall place upon the


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GsLia Aipavov KaGapov Kai akaq Kai saovxai oi

place [ frankincense pure] and salt; and they will be the

dpxoi siq avdLivrjoiv 7ipoKs(|ieva too Kopico 8 + xrj

bread loaves for remembrance being situated before the LORD. On the

rjLispa xcov aappdxcov 7ipoa0fja£TS evavxi Kopioi)

day of the Sabbaths you shall put [them] before [the] LORD

8ia7ravx6c; rcapd xcov mcov IapafjX 5ia6f|Kr|v aicovioc;

always before the sons of Israel — [covenant an eternal].

9 + Kai eaxai Aapcbv Kai xoic; vioiq avzov Kai

And it will be for Aaron and [to] his sons. And

cpdyovxai ai)xd ev xo7ico ayico saxi yap dyia ayicov

they shall eat them in [place [the] holy], [is for a holy of holies

xotixo auxcb a7io xcov Guaia^OLievcov xco Kopico

this] to him from the [things] being sacrificed to the LORD ~

voliijiov aicoviov io+ Kai s^fjXGev vioq

[ law an eternal]. And [ went forth a son

yDvaiKoq Iapar|Aixi8oc; Kai omoq r\v vioq AiyD7rx(oi)

of an Israelitish woman], and he was a son of an Egyptian [man]

sv TOiq vioiq IapafjX Kai 8Lia%eaavxo sv xrj

among the sons of Israel. And they did combat in the

7iap£|ipoAxj o 8K Tr\q Iapar|Aixi5oc; Kai o avdpamoq

camp — the one of the Israelitish [woman] and the [ man

o IaparjAixrjq n+ Kai S7rovoLidaac; o vioq Tr\q yuvaiKoc;

Israelite]. And [named the son of the woman

xrjc; Iapar|Aixi8oc; xo ovojia Kaxrjpaaaxo Kai fjyayov

Israelitish] the name ~ he cursed. And they led

avzov itpoq Mcoi)af|v Kai xo ovojia Tr\q Lirjxpoq avzov

him to Moses. And the name of his mother [was]

EaAxDjjiG 0uydxr|p AaPpei 8K xrjc; (pvhf\q Aav n+ Kai

Shelomith, daughter ofDibri of the tribe of Dan. And

a7T86svxo auxov siq (pvXaKx\v 5iaKpivai auxov 8id

they put him in prison, to litigate over him because of

7rpoaxdyLiaxoc; Kupioi) n + Kai eAxxAxjae Kopioc; npoq

[the] order of [the] LORD. And [the] LORD spoke to

McoDafjv Aiycov h+ s^dyaye xov KaxapaadLievov s^co

Moses, saying, Lead the one cursing outside

xrjc; 7iapsLipoAT|c; Kai £7ti6fjaoi)aiv 7tdvxec; oi

the camp, and [ shall place all the ones

aKotioavxec; xac; %eipac; auxcbv S7i( xrjv KecpaAxjv avzov

hearing] their hands upon his head,

Kai AiGoPoArjaoDaiv auxov 7idaa r| auvaycoyf) i 5 + Kai

and [ shall stone him all the congregation]. And


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xoic; vioiq IopafjX AxxArjaov Kai spsk; izpoq avxovq

to the sons of Israel speak! And you shall say to them,

&amp;v0pco7roc; dv0pco7ioc; sdv Kaxapdarjxai 0e6v ajiapxiav

A man, a man if he should curse God, [ [the] sin

Ax|\j/STai i6+o ovoLid^cov 5s to ovojia Kupiov

[that one] shall take]. [the one naming And] the name of [the] LORD,

0avdxco 0avaxot)a0co Xidoiq A,i0oPoXsixco auxov 7idaa

to death let him be put to death! [ with stones Let stone him all

r| &lt;yovaycoyf| sdv is Tipoar\h)Toq edv xe ai)x6%0cov ev

the congregation]. Whether a foreigner, [or] whether native born in

too ovoLidaai auxov to ovojia Kupiou xe^euxdxco n +

his naming the name of [the] LORD, let him come to an end.

Kai dv0pco7ioc; oq av 7iaxd^r| \\fv%r\v av0pcb7rou Kai

And [the] man who ever should strike [the] life of a man, and

a7io0dvr| 0avdxco 0avaxoi&gt;a0co ig+ Kai oq av 7iaxd^r|

he should die, to death let him be put to death! And who ever should strike

Kxfjvoc; Kai a7io0dvr| a7ioxiadxco \\fv%r\v avxi yv%r\q 19 +

cattle, and it should die, let him pay life for life!

Kai sdv xic; 8cbo8i licojiov xco 7tAx|o(ov avzov coq

And if any shall give a blemish [to] his neighbor, as

£7ioir|aev auxcb coaauxcoc; avxuroir|0f|aexai ai)xcb 20 +

he did to him, likewise he shall act against him.

awcpiLiLia avxi aDvxpiLiLiaxoc; ocp0aA,Liov avxi

A break for a break, eye for

o(p0aA,LioT3 o56vxa avxi oSovxoc; Ka06xi av 800

eye, tooth for tooth; in so far as he should give

jicoliov av0pcb7ico ouxcoc; 8o0fjaexai auxcb 21+ oq av

a blemish to a man, so it shall be given to him. Who ever

7iaxd^r| dv0pco7iov Kai a7io0dvr| 0avdxco 0avaxoua0co

should strike a man, and he should die, to death let him be put to death!

22 + SiKaicoaiq |iia saxai xco 7ipoar|A,uxco Kai xco

Justice will be one to the foreigner, and to the

syxcopico 6x1 eycb Kupioc; o 0s6q dlicov 23 + Kai

native inhabitant; for I [am] [the] LORD your God. And

eAxxAxjae Mcouafjc; xoic; vioiq IapafjA, Kai s^fjyayov

Moses spoke to the sons of Israel, and they led

xov Kaxapaodjisvov e^co Tr\q 7iap£LipoAT|c; Kai

the one cursing outside the camp, and

sXi0op6Ax|aav auxov Xidoiq Kai 01 uioi IapafjA,

they stoned him [with] stones. And the sons of Israel

S7io(r|aav Ka0d7iep auvexa^s Kupioc; xco Mcouafj

did just as [the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses.


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03 - Leviticus

25 ns

i + Kai eXdAxjae Kopioc; npoq McoDafjv sv xco opsi Siva

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses on mount Sinai,

Aiycov 2+ AxxAxjaov xoic; vioiq IapafjX Kai epeic; 7ipoc;

saying, Speak to the sons of Israel! And you shall say to

aDxoDCj oxav eiaeABrjxe sic; xrjv yrjv r|v eycb 5(5co|ii

them, Whenever you should enter into the land which I give

dluv Kai avarcaDaexai r| yr| adppaxa xco KDpico 3+ s£,

to you, then [ shall rest the land] a Sabbath to the LORD. Six

sxrj ampsiq xov aypov aoD Kai e£, exrj xslisic;

years you shall sow your field, and six years you shall trim

TT|V dLL7TSA,6v OOD Kai GVVCL^Ziq xov Kap7i6v avTT\q 4 +

your grapevine, and you shall bring together its fruit.

xco 8s exei too spSoLico adppaxa avanavaiq saxai xrj

But the [ year seventh a Sabbath rest will be] in the

yr| adppaxa xco Kopico xov aypov aoD od aitspziq

land — a Sabbath to the LORD. [ your field You shall not sow]
Kai xrjv dLi7rsA,6v aoD od xsLisiq 5 + Kai xa

and [ your grapevine you shall not trim], and the

ai)X0Liaxa avapaivovxa xod aypoD aoi) odk

[ by itself [produce] ascending] in your field you shall not

SKGepiaek; Kai xrjv axacpuArjv xod ayidajiaxoc; aoD

reap up, and the grape of your sanctification

odk sKxpDyfjaeic; sviaDxoc; avaftaDaecoc; eaxai xr|

you shall not gather in the vintage; a year's rest will be for the

yrj 6+ Kai saxai xa adppaxa xrjc; yrjc; Ppcbjiaxd aoi

land. And [ will be the Sabbath of the land] foods to you,

Kai xco 7iai8( aoD Kai xr| 7iai5(aKr| aoD Kai xco

and [to] your children, and [to] your maidservant, and [to]

jiiaGcoxco aoD Kai xco 7iapoiKco xco 7ipoaKsiLi8VC0 npoq

your hireling, and to the sojourner lying near to

ae 7+ Kai xoic; KxfjveaiaoD Kai xoic; Grjpioic; xoic; sv

you, and to your cattle, and to the beasts in

xt| yrj aoD eaxai 7iav xo yswrjLia aDxoD sic; Ppcoaiv 8 +

your land [ shall be all of its produce] for food.

Kai s^api0Lifja£ic; aeaDxco S7ixd ava7iaDasic; sxcov S7ixd

And you shall count out to yourself seven rests of years, seven

8xr| sftxaKic; Kai saovxai aoi S7ixd ep5oLid5ec; sxcov

years seven times. And they will be to you seven periods of seven of years,

swsa Kai xsaaapdKovxa exrj 9 + Kai Siayys^sixs

nine and forty years. And you shall declare


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03 - Leviticus

adAjuyyoc; (pcovfj sv 7idar| rr| yr| dlicov sv tco lit|vi

by trumpet sound in all your land, in the [ month


seventh], the tenth of the month. In the day

tod s^ilaciLioD SiayysXsvcs adAjuyyi sv 7idor|

of making an atonement — you shall declare by trumpet in all

tt| yr| dlicov io+ Kai ayidasTS to stoc; tov 718vtt|koot6v

your land. And you shall sanctify the year — the fiftieth

svicxdtov Kai 8iaPof|aeTe dcpsaiv S7U Tr\q yr\q 7idai

year; and you shall proclaim forth a release upon the land to all

TOiq KCXTOiKODoiv (XDTTJV svuxdtoc; acpsascoc; arjLiaaia

the ones dwelling it. A year of release [ indication

cxdtt] scxuai dliiv Kai a7isA,SDasa0s SKacrcoc; sic;

its will be] to you. And you shall go forth each to


his possession, and [ each to his family

ii + acpsosco^ oTjLiaoia aDTTj to sto^ to

you shall go forth]. [ of release This indication], the year, the

7isvTr|KoaT6v sviaDToq saTai dliiv od a7isp8iTS od8s litj

fiftieth year will be to you. You shall not sow, nor in any way

aLifjarjTS Ta aDTOjiaTa avaPaivovTa aDTfjc; Kai

shall you reap the [produce] [ self ascending by its]; and

od TpDyfjasTS Ta rjyiaaLieva aDTfjc; u+ 6ti

you shall not gather the vintage, the things having been sanctified of it. For

acpeascoq arjLiaaia screw dyiov scrcai dliiv anb tcov

[ of release an indication it is]; it shall be holy to you. From the

7rs5icov cpdysaGe Ta yswrniaTa avTT\q 13 + SV TCO STSl

fields you shall eat its produce. In the year

Tr\q acpsascoq arjLiaaiaq aDTfjc; S7ravsXsDasTai SKaaToq

of the release, [the] indication of it, [ shall return back each]

sic; ttjv KTfjdiv aDTOD 14 + sdv 8s a7io8co 7ipdaiv tco

unto his possession. And if you should render a sale to

7iAr|aiov aoD sdv 8s KTfjarj 7iapd tod 7iAr|aiov aoD

your neighbor, or if you should acquire by your neighbor,

lit) BAiPstco dv6pco7roc; tov 7rAx|aiov 15+ KaTd

let not [ afflict a man] [his] neighbor! According to

api0|i6v stcov LiSTd tt|v arjLiaaiav KTrjarj 7iapd

[the] number of years after the indication shall you acquire [land] from

tod 7ihr\aiov KaTd apiGjiov svuxdtcov ysvrjLidTCOv

your neighbor, [and] according to [the] number of years [left] of [the] produce

a7io8cbasTa( OOl 16 + KaGoTi av 7iA,s(ov tcov

shall he sell to you. In so far as [there might be] many of the


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03 - Leviticus

sxcbv 7iAx|0DV£i tt|v Kxfjaiv aDxof) Kai KaGoxi

years, he shall multiply the [value of] his possession; and in so far

av sA,axxov xcov sxcbv sXaxxovcbasi

as [there might be] less of the years, he shall lessen [the value]
xrjv Kifjaiv aDxof) on apiGjiov xcov yswrjLidxcov

of his possession; for by number of the produce [years left]

a7io5cbasxai aoi m+ Lirj GXiPsxco dvGpco7ioc;

shall he sell to you. Let not [ afflict a man]

xov 7ihr\aiov aDxof) Kai tpoPrjGfjarj icopiov xov Gsov gov

his neighbor! And you shall fear [the] LORD your God.

sycb Kopioc; oGso^dlicov is + Kai 7ioifjasxs rcdvxa

I [am] [the] LORD your God. And you shall observe all

xa 8iKaicoLiaxd liod Kai naaaq xaq Kpiasic; liod Kai

my ordinances, and all my judgments. And

(fruXd^saGe Kai 7rorfjasx£ ai)xd Kai KaxoiKqosxe S7i(

you shall keep, and you shall observe them. And you shall dwell upon

xrjc; yrjc; 7rs7roi06xsc; 19+ Kai 8cbaei r| yr|

the land complying. And [ shall give the land]

xa 8K(p6pia avTT\q Kai cpdysaGs siq 7iA,r|aLiovfiv Kai

its resources, and you shall eat in fullness, and

KaxoiKfjasxs 7rs7roi06xsc; S7r' avTT\q 2 o+sdv58 Xsyrjxs

you shall dwell complying upon it. And if you should say,

xi cpayoLisGa sv xoo sxsi xco sP86lico xotjxco sdv [ir\

What shall we eat in [ year this seventh] if we do not

a7i8ipcoLi8v Kai lit| aDvaydycoLisv xa yswfjLiaxa rjLicbv

sow, and we do not gather in our produce?

21 + Kai a7ioaxeAM) xrjv eiAoyiav liod dluv sv xcd sxsi

Then I will send my blessing to you in the [ year

xco skxco Kai 7rorfjasi xa yswfjLiaxa avTT\q siq xa

sixth], and [the land] shall produce its produce for the

xpia sxrj 22 + Kai arcspsixs xo sxoq xo 6y5oov Kai

three years. And you shall sow the [ year eighth], and

cpdysaGs anb xcov yswrjLidxcov 7raAmd scoq xod sxorjq

you shall eat of the [ produce old] until the [ year

xod swdxoD scoq av sXGrj xa yswfjLiaxa aDxfjc;

ninth]. Until whenever [ should come its produce],

cpdysaGs 7iaXaid 7iaXaicbv 23+ Kai rj yrj od

you shall eat old [produce] of [the] old. And the land shall not

7ipaGfjasxai sic; PsPaicoaiv sjifj yap saxiv rj yrj 816x1

be sold for security; [ mine for is the earth], because

7ipoafjA,Dxoi Kai 7idpoiKoi dlisic; saxs svavxiov liod 24+

[ foreigners and sojourners you are] before me.


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03 - Leviticus

Kai Korea 7idaav yrjv Kaxaaxsascoq dlicov Ampa

And according to all [the] land of your possession [ ransoms

8cbasTS Tr\q yr\q 25 + sdv 8s 7isvr|xai o aSsAxpoc; aoi)

you shall give] for the land. But if [ should be in need your brother

o jisxd aoi) Kai a7io8cbxai and xrjc; Kaxaa%soscoc; auxoi)

with you], and should have sold part of his possession,

Kai sX6r| o ay%iaxsi)cov o syyi^cov auxcb Kai

and [ should come the one acting as next of kin being near to him], then

Ampcbasxai xrjv 7ipdaiv xod aSsAxpoi) avzov 2 6 + sdv 8s

he shall ransom the sale of his brother. But if

|ir| T| xivi o ay%iaxsi)cov Kai si)7ropr|6fj xr|

there might not be any acting as next of kin, and [later] he should be well-
provided in the
%sip( Kai supsGfj auxcb xo iKavov Ampa avzov 21 + Kai

hand, and he should find himself fit for his ransoms, then

(joAloyisixai xa sxrj xrjc; 7ipdascoc; amox&gt; Kai a7io8cbasi

he shall reckon the years of his sale, and shall give back

o D7isps%si xco av6pcb7rco co arcsSoxo ai)xo Kai

the superior [amount] to the man to whom he sold it, and

S7iavsA,ST3asxai sic; xrjv Kaxda%soiv ai)xoi3 2 s + sdv 8s

he shall return back to his possession. But if

jLiri si)7iopr|0f| amox&gt; r| %sip xo iKavov cbaxs

[ should not be well-provided his hand] [with] the [thing] fit so as

a7io8oi3vai auxcb Kai saxai r| 7ipdai(; auxou xco

to repay him, then [ will be his sale [property]] to the

KxrjaaLisvco auxfjv scoq xod sxodc; xrjc; acpsascoq Kai

one acquiring it until the year of the release; and

s^sXsuasxai sv xr| acpsasi Kai S7iavsXsT3asxai sic;

it shall go forth in the release; then he shall go return to

xrjv Kaxda%saiv auxou 29 + sdv 8s xic; a7io8cbxai oiKiav

his possession. But if any should sell a house

oiKqxfjv sv 7i6Xsi xsxsixiaLisvrj Kai soxai r|

inhabited in a city being walled, then there shall be the

Ampcoaic; avTT\q scoq 7iAx|pco0f| sviauxoc; r||ispcbv

ransoming of it, until [the time] should be fulfilled, a year of days

saxai T| Ampcoaic; avTT\q 30 + sdv 8s |ir| AmpcoBfj

will be the [time] of ransoming of it. But if it should not be ransomed

scoq 7iAx|pco6fj sviaDxoq 6Xoq Kopco0f|asxai r| oiKia

until [ should be fulfilled year [the] entire], [ shall be validated the house

r| ovaa sv xtj 7i6A,si xrj s%ovar\ xsfyoc; PsPaicoq xco

being in the city having a wall] firmly to the

KxrjaaLisvco auxfjv sic; xaq ysvsdq avzov Kai odk

one acquiring it, unto his generations, and it shall not


25 TO


03 - Leviticus

s^sXsDasxai sv xr| acpsosi 3 i+ ai8s oiKiai ai sv

go forth in the release. But the houses, the ones in

£7rm3A£oiv aiq odk saxiv sv aDxafc; xsi%oc; kdk^co

properties, ones in which there is not among them a wall round about,

7ipoq xov aypov xrjc; yrjc; XoyiaGfjoovxai Ampcoxai

[ [belonging] to the field of the land they shall be considered] — ransomable

8ia7iavx6c; auxai saovxai Kai sv xr| acpsasi

always they shall be. And in the release

s^sXsDaovxai 32+ Kai ai 7r6Xsic; tcov Asdixcov oiKiai

they shall go forth. And the cities of the Levites, [the] houses

tcov 7i6A,scov Kaxaa%sascoc; aDxcbv Ampcoxai Sia7iavx6c;

of the cities in their possession, [ ransomable always

saovxai xoic; AsDixaic; 33+ Kai oq av Ampcbarjxai

shall be] to the Levites. And what ever should be ransomed

7iapd xcov Asdixcov Kai s^sXstiasxai r| 8id7ipaaic;

by of the Levites, then [ shall go forth the sale

oiKicbv noXswq Kaxaa%sascoc; ai)xcbv sv xr| acpsasi 6x1

of houses of [the] city of their possession] unto the release. For

oiKiai xcov 7i6A,scov xcov Asdixcov aDxrj

[the] houses of the cities of the Levites — this [is]

T| Kaxda%saic; ai)xcbv sv jisaco dicov lapar\k 34 + Kai 01

their possession in [the] midst of [the] sons of Israel. And the

aypoi 01 acpcopiajisvoi sv xaic; 7i6A,saiv ai)xcbv od

fields, the ones being separated in their cities shall not

7rpa9fjaovxai 6x1 Kaxda%saic; aicbvioq xodxo aDxcbv

be sold, for [ possession eternal this their

saxiv 35 + sdv 8s 7isvr|xai o aSsAxpoc; gov o jisxd

is]. And if [ should be in need your brother [who is] with

aoD Kai a8Dvaxf|asi xaic; %spa( nap® gox avxiAr|\j/r|

you], and he shall be powerless in the hands with you; you shall take hold

avTOV coc; 7rpoar|AmoD Kai 7iapoiKOD Kai ^fjasxai

of him, [as a foreigner and a sojourner and he shall live

jisxd aoD 36+ od Xr\\\fr\ 7iap' aDxoD xokov od5s

with you]. You shall not take [ from him interest], nor

S7U 7iAx|9si Kai cpoPr|6fjar| xov 0s6v aoD Kai ^fjasxai

for an amount. And you shall fear your God, and [ shall live

o a8sAxpoc; aoD jisxd aoD 3 ? + xo apyopiov aoD od

your brother] with you. Your money you shall not

Scbasic; aDxcb sv xokco Kai S7U 7iA,sovaa|icb od

give to him with interest [due]; and with usury you shall not

Scbasiq aDxcb xa Ppcojiaxd aoD 38+ sycb Kopioc;

give to him of your foods. I [am] [the] LORD


25 TO

03 - Leviticus

o 0s6c; dlicov o s^ayaycov Djidq sk yrjg Aiy67ixoD

your God, the one leading you from out of [the] land of Egypt,

tod 8oDvai dluv ttjv yrjv Xavadv coaxs sivai dlicov

to give to you the land of Canaan, so as to be your

Gsoc; 39 + sdv 8s xa7isivco0Ti o aSsAxpoc; ood rcapd aoi

God. And if [ should be humbled your brother] by you,

Kai 7ipa0fj aoi od 8oDA,SDasi aoi 8oDA,siav

and should be sold to you, he shall not serve you [in the] slavery

oikstod 40+ coc; LiiaGcoioq r| 7idpoiKO(; saxai aoi scoc;

of a servant. [ as a hireling or a sojourner He shall be] to you until

tod stodc; Tr\q acpsascog spydxai 7iapd aoi 4 i+ Kai

the year of the release — [thus] he shall work for you; and

s^sXstiasxai sv xr| acpsasi goto aoD avzoq Kai

he shall go forth in the release from you himself, and

xa T8KVa cxdtod list' cxdtod Kai a7T8A,SDasTai siq

his children with him. And he shall go unto

ttjv ysvedv aDTOD eic; xr|v Kaxdaxsaiv

his family; unto the possession

ttjv 7raxpiKfiv aDTOD a7ioSpaLiercai 42 + 81611 oiKsxai liod

of his father he shall run. Because [ my servants

eiaiv odtoi odc; s^fiyayov sk yr\q AiyD7ixoD

these are] whom I led out of [the] land of Egypt.

od 7ipa6fjaovTai sv 7ipdasi oikstod 43 + od

They shall not be sold in a sale of a domestic servant. You shall not

Kaxaxsvsfc; aDiov sv too lioxGco Kai (poPrj9f|ar|

violently strain him in [his] trouble, and you shall fear

xov 0s6v aoD 44 + Kai itmq Kai 7iai8(aKr| oaoi av

your God. And a boy and a girl, as many as should

ysvcovxai aoi arco xcov s0vcbv oaoi kdkXco aoD

be to you from the nations, as many as [ round about you

siaiv an aDicbv KxfjasaBs 8odXov Kai 8odXt|v 45 +

there are] — from them you shall acquire a manservant and a maidservant.

Kai arco xcov dicov xcov 7rapoiKcov xcov ovxcov sv

And from the sons ofthe sojourners being among

dliiv a7io xodxcov KxfiasaGs Kai arco

you — from these you shall acquire, and from

xcov aDyysvcbv aDxcbv xcov lis0' dlicov oaoi av

their relatives of the ones with you; as many as

ysvcovxai sv yrj dlicov saxcoaav Djjiv sic; Kaxda%saiv

happen to be in your land, let them be to you for a possession!

46+ Kai raxajispisixs aDxotic; xoic; xskvok; dlicov jisG'

And you shall divide them [to] your children after


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8V TOUT© + VtKCl

03 - Leviticus

Djiaq Kai saovxai D|iiv Kaxo%i|ioi sic; xov aicova

you. And they shall be to you possessions unto the eon.

xcov 8s aSsAxpcbv djicov xcov dicov IapafjA, sraaxoc;

But of your brethren of the sons of Israel, each

xov aSsAxpov olvtov od raxaxsvsi aDxov sv xoic;

[concerning] his brother shall not violently strain him in [his]

|io%0oic; 47 + sdv 8s stiprj r| %sip xod

troubles. And if [wealth] should find in the hand of the

7rpoar|AmoD rj xod 7iapoiKOD xod 7iapd aoi Kai

foreigner or the sojourner [living] by you, and

a7iopr|6efc; o aSsAxpoc; aoD 7ipa6fj xco 7ipoar|A,Dxco r|

[ being in distress your brother] should be sold to the foreigner or

xco 7iapoiKco xco 7iapd aoi r| 8K ysvsxfjc; 7ipoar|XDxco

to the sojourner [living] by you, or to [ by birth a foreigner];

48 + fisxd xo 7tpa0fjvai cxdxov Ampcoaic; saxai aDxcb sic;

after his being sold, there shall be a ransoming to him — one

xcov aSsAxpcbv cxdxod Ampcbasxai cxdxov 49+ aSsAxpoc;

of his brethren shall ransom him. A brother

7iaxp6c; cxdxod r| vioq aSsAxpoD rcaxpoc; cxdxod

of his father, or a son [brother of his father's]

Ampcbasxai cxdxov r\ arco xcov oiksicov

shall ransom him; or [one] of the members of the family

xcov acxpKcbv cxdxod 8K xrjc; (pvfor\q cxdxod Ampcbasxai

of his flesh of his tribe shall ransom

cxdxov sdv 8s SD7ropr|0£fc; miq %spa( cxdxod Ampcbasxai

him. And if being well-provided [in] his hands, he shall ransom

scxdxov 50+ Kai aDAloyisixai itpoq xov kskxtijisvov

himself. And he shall reckon together with the one acquiring


him from the year of which he sold himself to him

scoc; xod svicxdxod xrjc; acpsascoc; Kai saxai xo

until the year of the release. And [ will be the

apyopiov xrjc; 7ipdascoc; aDxoD coc; r||ispa jiiaGioD sxoc;

money of his sale] as [the] day of a hireling. Year

s^ sxodc; saxai jisx' aDxoD 51+ sdv 8s xivi 7iA,s(ov

to year he will be with him. And if to any [ many [surplus]

xcov sxcbv T| 7ipoc; xaDxa a7io8cbasi

years there might be], for these he shall render

xa Ampa aDxoD anb xod apyDpiOD xrjc; 7ipdascoc; aDxoD

his ransoms of the money of his sale.

52 + sdv 8s oAiyov KaxaA,sicp6fj anb xcov sxcbv siq xov

And if few should be left behind of the years to the


26 ID

8V TOUT© + VlKa

03 - Leviticus

sviaDxov Tr\q acpsascoc; Kai aDAloyisixai aDxcb Korea

year of the release, then he shall reckon to him according to

xa sxrj aDxoD Kai a7io8cbosi xa Ampa aDxoD 53 + coc;

his years, and shall render his ransoms. As

liktGcoxoc; sviaDxov s£, sviaDxoD saxai list' aDxoD

a hireling, year to year he shall be with him.

od Kaxaxsvsfc; aDxov sv xco li6%0co evGmiov ctod

You shall not violently strain him in [his] trouble before you.

54 + sdv 8s Lirj &gt;a)xpcbxai Kaxd xatixa Kai

And if he should not pay ransom according to these [things], then

s^sXstiasxai sv xco sxsi xrjq acpsascoc; avzoq Kai

he shall go forth in the year of the release; he and

xa 7iai8ia aDxoD lisx' aDxoD 55+6x1 slioi 01 moi

his children with him. For to me the sons

IopafjX oiKsxai 7iai8sc; liod odxoi sioiv ovq s^fjyayov

of Israel [are] servants; [ of my children these are], whom lied

8K yr\q AiyimxoD sycb Kopioc; o Gsoc; dlicov

from out of [the] land of Egypt. Iam [the] LORD your God.

26 12

1+ od 7ioifjasxe dliiv aDxoic; %sipo7roir|xa odSs

You shall not make to yourselves a handmade thing, nor

yXi)7rxd od8s axfjAxjv avaaxfjasxs dluv od8s AiGov

a carving, nor [ a monument shall you raise up] to yourselves; nor a stone

aK07iov oxfjasxs sv xr| yr| dlicov 7ipoaKDvf|aai aDxcb

exemplar shall you stand in your land to do obeisance to it.

sycb silii KDpioq oGsoq dlicov 2+ xa adppaxd liod

I am [the] LORD your God. My Sabbaths

cpD^d^saGs Kai arco xcov ayicov liod cpoPr|9f|asa9s sycb

you shall keep, and of my holy [things] you shall fear. I [am]

KDpioq 3 + sdv sv xoic; 7ipoaxdyLiaa( liod 7iopsDr|a6s Kai

[the] LORD. If in my orders you should go, and

xac; svxoAxxc; liod cpDAxx^arjaBs Kai 7roifjar|xs avzaq 4 +

my commandments you should keep, and should do them,

Kai 8cbaco xov dsxov dliiv sv Kaipcb aDxoD Kai r|

then I will give the rain to you in its season, and to the

yr| 8cbasi xa yswfjLiaxa aDxfjc; Kai xa ^6A,a xcov

land I will give its produce, and the trees of the

7is8icov a7io8cbasi xov Kaprcov aDxcbv 5 + Kai

fields will give back their fruit. And


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03 - Leviticus

KaxaAr|\j/exai dluv o aAxrnxoc; xov xpDyrjxov Kai o

[ shall overtake among you the threshing] the gathering of the crops; and the

xpDyrjxoc; KaxaAxj\j/£Tai xov arcopov Kai cpdyeaBe

gathering of the crops shall overtake the sowing; and you shall eat

xov dpxov dlicov sic; 7ihr\a[iovT\v Kai KaxoiKqasxe Liexd

your bread unto fullness. And you shall dwell with

aacpalsiac; S7U xrjc; yr\q dlicov 6+ Kai 5cbaco eipfjvrjv sv

safety upon your land. And I will put peace in

xtj yrj dlicov Kai KoiLirjGfjaeaGe Kai odk eaxai DLidc;

your land, and you shall go to bed, and there will not be among you

0 SKcpoPcov Kai a7roAxb Grjpia 7iovr|pd 8K

one frightening. And I will destroy [ wild beasts [the] ferocious] from

xrjc; yrjc; dlicov Kai ttoXslioc; od Sie^sDaexai 8id

your land, and war shall not go through

xrjq yrjq dlicov ?+ Kai 5ico^eo0s xodc; e%6poDc; dlicov Kai

your land. And you shall pursue your enemies, and

7isaoDvxai evco7riov dlicov sv cpovco 8+ Kai 5ico^ovxai

they shall fall before you in carnage. And there shall pursue


from out of you five [after] a hundred, and a hundred of you

5icb^ovxai LiDpiaSaq Kai 7isaoDvxai oi z%Qpoi dlicov

shall pursue tens of thousands; and [ shall fall your enemies]

SVC07TIOV dlicov Lia%a(pa 9+ Kai S7iipA,s\j/co scp' DLidc;

before you by sword. And I will look upon you,

Kai aD^avco DLidc; Kai 7iAr|6Dvco DLidc; Kai axfjaco

and I will increase you, and I will multiply you, and I will establish

xttv 5ia6fjKTTV liod Lie6' dlicov 10+ Kai cpdyeaGe Kai

my covenant with you. And you shall eat even

7iaXaid 7iaXaicbv Kai 7iaAmd sk 7rpoacb7ioD vscov

[the] old [of the] old, and [ [the] old in front of [the] new

e^oiaexs u+ Kai Gfjaco xrjv oKTjvfiv liod ev dluv

you shall bring forth]. And I will put my tent among you,

Kai od p5sA,D^exai r| \|/D%fj liod DLidc; 12+ Kai

and [ shall not abhor my soul] you. And

SLi7r£pi7iaxfjaco sv dliiv Kai eaojiai dlicov 0e6c; Kai

1 will walk about among you; and I will be your God, and

dlisic; 8asa08 lioi sic; Xaov 13 + SyCO SILll KDpiOCj

you shall be to me for a people. I am [the] LORD

o dzoq dlicov o s^ayaycov DLidc; sk yr\q AiyD7ixoD

your God, the one leading you from out of [the] land of Egypt,

ovxcov dlicov 8odAxov Kai &lt;yuvsxpi\j/a xov 8sctli6v

[where you were] slaves. And I broke the bond


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03 - Leviticus

tod ^DyoD dlicov Kai fjyayov Djidc; jisxd Tiapprjaiag 14 +

of your yoke, and led you [out] in an open manner.

SOCV 8S LIT) D71(XKOt3oT]TS LIOD |IT|5S 7lOlfjar|T£

And if you should not obey me, nor should observe

xa 7ipooxdyLiaxd liod xatixa 15+ aXXa a7i8i6fiar|X8 avxoiq

[ my orders these], but should resist them,

Kai xoic; Kpijiaoi liod 7ipoao%6iGr| r| \\fv%r\ dlicov cbaxs

and [ my judgments you should loathe] in your soul, so as for

DLidq Lirj 7roi8iv naoaq xaq evxo^dc; liod cbaxs

you to not observe all my commandments, so as for

8iaaK88daai DLidq xrjv SiaGfjicqv liod i 6 + Kai sycb

you to efface my covenant, then I

7roifjacD ODxcoq dliiv Kai S7riaxf|aco scp' Djidq

will do thus to you; and I will to set upon you

xrjv a7iop(av xrjv xs \j/cbpav Kai xov ucxspov

perplexity, and also [the] mange, and jaundice,

ocpaKsXi^ovxaq xodc; ocp0aA,LioDc; dlicov Kai

inflaming of your eyes, and

xrjv \|/D%f|v dlicov 8Kxf|KODaav Kai aftspeixs SiaKevfjc;

of your life wasting away. And you shall sow ineffectually

xa aftspLiaxa dlicov Kai s8ovxai aDxd

of your seeds, and [ shall eat them

01 D7i8vavxioi dlicov n+ Kai £7iiaxfjaco xo 7ip6aco7i6v liod

your opponents]. And I will set my face

scp' DLidq Kai 7isasia08 evavxiov xcov e%6 pcbv dlicov

against you, and you shall fall before your enemies;

Kai Sicb^ovxai DLidq 01 luctodvxsc; Djidq Kai cpsD^saBs

and [ shall pursue you the ones detesting you], and you shall flee

odSsvoc; 8icokovxoc; Djidq i 8 + Kai sdv xodxod lit)

[with] no one pursuing you. And if in this you should not

D7iaKODar|X8 liod Kai 7ipoa9fiaco 7iai8sDaai Djidq

obey me, then I will add to correct you

Kkr[jaiq 87ixdKic; mi xaic; a Liapxiaic; dlicov 19+ Kai

with strokes seven times for your sins, and


I will break the insolence of your pride, and

Gfjaco xov ODpavov dliiv ai8r|poDV Kai xrjv yrjv dlicov

I will establish your heaven as iron, and your land

coaei %ahcr\v 20+ Kai saxai eic; ksvov rj ia%vq dlicov

as brass, and [ shall be in vain your strength].

Kai od 8cbaei r| yr| dlicov xov a7iopov aDxfjc; Kai

And [ shall not give the earth] of your sowing it, and


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to ZfiXov tod aypoD od 8cba8i tov Kaprcov avxov 21 +

the tree of the field shall not give its fruit.

Kai sdv li£t&amp; Tama 7iopsDr|a6s 7iXdyioi Kai lit)

And if after these [things] you should go sideways, and should not

PodAt|o6s D7iaKODSiv liod 7ipoa0f|aco dluv 7iAx|ydc;

want to obey me, I will add to you [ calamities

£7TT(x Kara xaq ajiapTiac; dlicov 22+ Kai a7ioaTsA,cb scp'

seven] according to your sins. And I will send upon

v[idq Ta 6r|pia Ta aypia Trjq yr\q Kai KaTsSsTai DLidc;

you the [ beasts wild] of the land; and they shall eat you,

Kai s^avaAxbasi Ta KTfjvrj dlicov Kai oAiyoaTODc;

and shall completely consume your cattle; and [ very few

7ioifjaco DLidq Kai sprjLicoGfjaovTai ai 0801 dlicov 23 + Kai

I will make you]; and [ shall be made desolate your ways]. And

sdv 87i( todtok; lit] 7rai8sD6fjT£ aXXd 7iopsDr|a08

if over these [things] you should not be corrected, but should go

npoq lis rcAxxyioi 24+ 7iopsDaoLiai Kaycb lis9' dlicov

to me sideways, I will go also with you

Gdlico 7iXayico Kai 7iaTd^co DLidc; Kaycb S7iTdKic; avTi

in rage sideways, and I will strike you also seven times for

tcov ajiapTicbv dlicov 25+ Kai S7id^co scp' DLidc; Lid^aipav

your sins. And I will bring upon you a sword,

SKSiKODaav 8ikt|v 8ia9fjKT|c; Kai KaTacpsD^sa0s sic;

avenging punishment of covenant. And you shall take refuge in

Tag 7i6A£ic; dlicov Kai s^a7ioaTsAxb GdvaTOV scp' DLidc;

your cities, and I will send out plague upon you;

Kai 7iapa8o6fjasa0£ sic; %s(pac; tcov s%6pcov 2 6+ sv

and you shall be delivered up into [the] hands of the enemies. In

too 6Ai\j/ai DLidc; avcoSsia dpTCOv 7is\j/ODai Sera

your being afflicted [there will be] scarcity of bread loaves, [shall bake Ten

yDvafcsc; todc; dpTODc; dlicov sv K^ipdvco svi Kai

women] your bread loaves in [ oven one], and

a7io8cbaoDai todc; dpTODc; dluv sv aTaGucb Kai

they shall give back the bread loaves to you by weight; and

cpdysaBs Kai od lit) s|i7iAx|a0f|TS 27 + sdv 8s S7U todtoic;

you shall eat, and no way shall you be filled. And if upon this

lit) D7iaKODOTjTS liod aXXd 7iopsDr|a6s 7ipoc; LIS

you do not obey me, but should go to me

7iAxxyioi 28+ Kai avzoq 7iopsDaoLiai lisG' dlicov sv

sideways, then I myself shall go with you in

Gdlico 7rAxxy(co Kai 7iai8sDaco DLidc; syco S7iTdKic;

rage sideways, and I will correct you, [even] I, seven times


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Kaxd xag ajiapxiag dlicov 29+ Kai cpdysaGs xac; adpKaq

according to your sins. And you shall eat the flesh

tcov mcbv dlicov Kai xac; adprac; xcov 0Dyaxspcov dlicov

of your sons; and the flesh of your daughters

cpdyeaGe 30+ Kai eprjLicboco xac; axfj^ac; dlicov Kai

you shall eat. And I will make desolate your monuments, and

e^oAx)6p£Daco xa §6Aava %eipo7iovr|xa ulicov Kai Gfjaco

I will utterly destroy [ wooden [images] made by hands your]. And I will put

xa kcoAxx dlicov 8711 xa K(bXa xcov ei5cbAxov dlicov Kai

your carcasses upon the carcasses of your idols. And

7ipoaox6is( T] \\fv%r\ liod dluv 31 + Kai Gfjaco

[ will loathe my soul] in you. And I will establish

xac; 7i6A,sic; dlicov epfjLioDc; Kai s^sprjLicbaco

your cities as desolate, and I will make quite desolate

xa dyia DLicbv Kai od lit} oacppavGcb xrjc; oa[ir\q

your holy [places]; and noway shall I smell the scents

xcov Gdcticov dlicov 32+ Kai e^eprjLicbaco eycb

of your sacrifices. And I will make quite desolate, [even] I,

xrjv yrjv DLicbv Kai GaDjidaovxai S7i' aDxfj

your land. And [ shall wonder over it

01 e%6po( DLicbv 01 svoikodvxsc; SV aVTT\ 33 + Kai

your enemies dwelling in it]. And

8iaa7ispcb Djidc; sic; xa s0vr| Kai e^avaAxbaei DLidc;

I will disseminate you into the nations; and [ will completely consume you

S7ri7ropsi)6Lisvr| r| |ia%aipa Kai eaxai rj yrj dlicov

coming upon [you] the sword]; and [ will be your land]

sprjLioq Kai ai noXsiq dlicov saovxai eprjLioi 34+ xoxs

desolate, and your cities will be desolate [places]. Then

SDSoKqasi r| yr| xa odppaxa aDxfjc; naoaq xac; rjLiepac;

[ will favor the land] its Sabbaths all the days

xrjc; sprjLicbascoc; aDxfjc; Kai dlisic; eaea0s sv xr| yr|

of its desolation, and you will be in the land

xcov sxGpcbv dlicov xoxs aappaxisi rj yr| Kai

of your enemies. Then [ shall observe the Sabbath the land], and

£D8oKf|aei xa adppaxa aDxfjc; 35+ naaaq xac; rjLiepacj

will favor its Sabbaths. All the days

xr|c; sprjLicbascoc; aDxfjc; aappaxisi a odk

of its desolation it shall observe the Sabbath, in which it did not

saappdxiaev sv xoic; aappdxoic; dlicov rjviKa KaxcbKsixs

observe the Sabbath in your Sabbaths, when you dwelt

aDxfjv 36+ Kai xoic; Kaxa^supGsiaiv s^ dlicov S7id^co

it. And to the ones being left behind of you, I will bring


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5siAiav sic; xrjv Kap8(av auxcbv sv xr| yr|

timidity into their heart in the land

tcov s%6pcbv auxcbv Kai Sicb^sxai auxotic; cpcovfj (pvXkov

of their enemies. And [ will pursue them [the] sound of a leaf

(pspojisvoi) Kai cpsu^ovxai coc; tpsuyovxsc; GOTO 7roA,SLlOU

being brought along], and they shall flee as fleeing from war,

Kai 7isaowcai odSsvoc; Sicokovxoc; 37+ Kai D7isp6\j/sxai

and they shall fall [with] no one pursuing. And [ will neglect

0 aSsAxpoc; xov a5sAxpov avzov coast sv 7toA,slico

the brother] his brother as in war,

od8sv6c; Kaxaxps%ovxoc; Kai ou 8wf|asa0s

[but] no one running [them] down. And you will not be able

avxiaxfjvai xoic; s%0po(c; dlicov 38+ Kai a7roXsia0s sv

to oppose your enemies. And you shall perish among

xoic; 80veai Kai KaxsSsxai v[iaq r\ jr\

the nations, and [ will devour you the land

tcov s%0pcbv Djicbv 39+ Kai oi KaxaA,sup9svxsc; acp' dlicov

of your enemies]. And the ones being left behind from you

KaxatpGapfjaovTai 8id xac; ajiapxiac; auxcbv Kai

shall be corrupted on account of their sins, and

8id xac; ajiapxiac; xcov 7iaxspcov auxcov sv xr| yr|

on account of the sins of their fathers. In the land

xcov 8%6pcbv ai)xcbv xaKfjaovxai 40+ Kai s^ayopsuaoDai

of their enemies they shall be melted away. And they shall declare openly

xac; ajiapxiac; auxcbv Kai xac; ajiapxiac;

their sins, and the sins

xcov 7iaxspcov auxcbv 6x1 7iapsPr|aav Kai D7isps(86v lis

of their fathers; for they violated and overlooked me,

Kai 6x1 S7rop£i)0r|aav svavxiov jiou 7iA,dyioi 41+ Kai

and that they went before me sideways. And

sycb £7ropei)0r|v jisx' auxcbv ev 0ujicb 7rXay(co Kai

1 went with them in rage sideways, and

a7roAxb auxotic; sv xr| yr| xcov s%0pcbv auxcbv xoxs

I will destroy them in the land of their enemies. Then

£vxpa7rrjasxai r| Kap8(a auxcbv r| a7ispixjir|xoc; Kai xoxs

[ shall have felt shame heart their uncircumcised], and then

SDSoKqaoDai xac; ajiapxiac; auxcbv 42+ Kai LivrjaGfjaoLiai

they shall think well on their sins. And I shall remember

xrjc; 5ia0f|Kr|c; IaKcbp Kai xrjc; 8ia0f|Kr|c; IaadK Kai

the covenant of Jacob, and the covenant of Isaac; and

xrjc; SiaGfjKTjc; APpadji LivrjaGfjaoLiai Kai xrjc; yrjc;

the covenant of Abraham I shall remember; and the land


27 TD


03 - Leviticus

LivrjaBfjaoLiai 43+ Kai r| yrj eyKaxaXsupGfjaexai an

I shall remember. And the land shall be abandoned of

aDTcbv tots 7rpoa8s^8Tai r| yrj xa adppaxa avxr\q ev

them. Then [ shall favorably receive the land] her Sabbaths, in

too 8pr|Lico9f|vai auxfjv 81' auxotic; Kai auxoi

her being made desolate because of them. And they

7ipoa8e^ovxai xac; eauxcbv avoLiiac; av6' cov

shall accept the [things] of their own lawlessness, because

xa KpiLiaxd liod D7iepe(8ov Kai xoic; 7ipoaxdy|iaoi liod

[my judgments they overlooked], and [ my orders

7ipoacb%0iaav xrj \\fv%r\ auxcbv 4 4 + Kai otixcoc;

they loathed] in their soul. And thus,

ovxcov auxcov sv xr| yrj xcov £%6pcbv auxcbv

they being in the land of their enemies,

ov% D7rspsi8ov avTOvq od8s 7ipoacox0foa auxofc; cbaxs

I did not overlook them, nor loathed in them so as

e^avaAxbaai avzovq xod 8iaaKs8daai xrjv SiaGfjKqv liod

to completely consume them for effacing my covenant,

xrjv 7rpoc; auxouc; sycb yap eijii Kopioc; o Geoc; auxcbv

the one with them. For I am [the] LORD their God.

45+ Kai LivrjaBfjaoLiai SiaGfjKrjq auxcbv xrjc; 7ipoxspac;

And I will remember their covenant, the former one,

6xs s^fjyayov auxouc; sk yr\q Aiy67rxoi)

when lied them out of [the] land of Egypt, from out of

oiKOD SouXeiac; evavxi xcov sGvcbv xod sivai auxcbv

[the] house of slavery before the nations, to be their

Bsoq sycb Kopioc; 46+ xatixa xa Kpijiaxa Kai xa

God. I [am] [the] LORD. These [are] the judgments, and the

7ipoaxdy|iaxa Kai o vojioc; ov e8coK£ Kopioq

orders, and the law, which [the] LORD made

avajieoov avzov Kai avajieoov xcov mcov IapafjA, sv

between himself and between the sons of Israel on

xco opei Eivd sv %eip( McoDafj

mount Sinai by [the] hand of Moses.

27 T3
1 + Kai eAxxAxjae Kopioc; npoq Mamafjv Aiycov 2 +

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

Xakr\aov xoic; moic; IapafjA, Kai epeiq itpoq avzovq

Speak to the sons of Israel! And you shall say unto them,

dv0pco7roc; oq av eu^rjxai ei)%f|v sic; xijifjv

A man who ever should vow a vow for a value


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Tr\qy\fv%r\q olvtox) xco KDpico 3 + saxai r| tiliY] tod

of his life to the LORD, it will be the value of a

dpasvoc; euro siKoaasxoDc; scoc; s^rjKovxasxoDc; saxai

male from twenty years unto sixty years old — [ will be

olvtov T| xiLifj 7isvTfjK0VTa 8(8pa%|ia apyDpioD xco

his value] fifty double-drachmas of silver by the

axaGLico xco ayico 4 +xr|c;8s GrjXsiac; saxai rj aDvxiLirjaic;

[weight holy]. And the female will be the price

xpi&amp;Kovxa 8(8pax|ia 5 + sdv 8s euro 7rsvxasxoDc; scoc;

of thirty double-drachmas. And if from five years [old] unto

eiKoaiv sxobv saxai r| xiLifj xod dpasvoc; sucoai

twenty years [old], [ shall be the value of the male] twenty

S(8pa%Lia xrje; 8s dr(ksiaq 8sra 8i8pa%|ia 6 +a7r6 8s

double-drachmas, and the female ten double-drachmas. And from

LirjviaiOD scoc; 7rsvxasxoDc; saxai rj xiLifj xod dpasvoc;

a month unto five years [old], [ shall be the value of the male]

7TSVXS 8(8pa%Lia apyDpioD xrjc; 8s Gr^siac; xpia

five double-drachmas of silver, and the female three

8(8pax|ia apyDpioD 7 + sdv 8s anb s^rjKovxasxcov Kai

double-drachmas of silver. And if from sixty years old and

S7rdvco sdv lisv dpasv r| saxai r| xiLifj ocdxod

up, if indeed [ a male it might be], [ shall be his value]

7isvxsKeu8sKa 8(8pa%Lia apyopioD xrjc; Gr^siac; 8sra

fifteen double-drachmas of silver; for the female ten

8(8pa%|ia 8 + sdv 8s xcursivoc; rj xrj xiLifj axfjasxcu

double-drachmas. And if [ of low [estate] he might be] for a value, he shall be


svavxiov xod ispscoc; Kai xiLifjasxai aDxov o ispstic;

before the priest, and [ shall value him the priest],

KaGdrcsp ia%Dsi r| %sip xod sd^xjisvod odxcoc;

just as [ is able [to afford] the hand of the one making a vow] — thus

xijxqasxai oidxov o ispstic; 9 + sdv 8s euro xcov Kxrjvcbv

[ shall value him the priest]. And if [it be] from the cattle

xcov 7rpoacpspoLisvcov cur' cxdxcov 8cbpov xco KDpico

of the ones being offered of them as a gift to the LORD,

oq av 8co arco xodxcov xco KDpico saxai dyiov 10 +

who ever should give of these to the LORD, it shall be holy.

odk aXkatqsi avzo koXov 7rovr|pcb od8s 7rovr|p6v

He shall not change it good [for] bad, nor bad [for]

KaXco sdv 8s aAMaacov aXXafy] aDxo Kxf|voc; Kxfjvsi

good. And if by bartering he should barter it cattle [for] cattle,

saxai aDxo Kai xo dAAxxyjia dyia n+ sdv 8s 7rav

[ shall be it and the [thing] bartered] holy. And if any


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03 - Leviticus

Kxfjvoq aK&amp;Gapxov acp' cov od 7rpoatpspsxai an

[ beast unclean], of which none are offered of


them as a gift to the LORD, he shall set the beast before

tod ispscoc; 12+ Kai TiLifjaexai arjxo o ispsrjg

the priest, and [ shall value it the priest],

avajieaov koXov Kai avajieaov 7iovr|poT3 Kai KaGoxi

between good and between bad. And as far

av xijxfjasxai arjxo o isperjc; orjxco axfjaexai 13 + e&amp;v 8e

as [ valuing it the priest], so it will stand. And if

Amporjjievoc; Ampcbarjxai auxo 7ipoa0f|aei xo

[the] one ransoming should ransom it, he shall add the

87U7T£|i7rxov 7ipoc; xt|v xijxqv arjxorj 14+ Kai dv6pco7roc;

fifth part to the value of it. And a man,

oq av ayidarj xrjv oudav ovtov ayiav xco Kopico Kai

who ever should sanctify his house holy to the LORD, then

xijxfjasxai ar&gt;xf|v o isperjc; avajreaov Kahf\q Kai

[ shall value it the priest] between good and

avajreaov 7iovr|pdc; coc; av xijxfjarjxai ar&gt;xf|v o lepetic;

between bad; what ever [ shall value it the priest],

orjxco axaGfjasxai i5+sdv88 o ayidaac; ar&gt;xf|v

so it shall stand. And if the one sanctifying it

Ampcbxai xrjv oudav ovtov 7ipoa9f|asi S7i' arjxo xo

should redeem his house, he shall add unto it the

87U7iSLi7rxov xoi) apyrjpiorj xrjq xijxqc; Kai saxai arjxcb

fifth part of [the] money for the value, and it shall be his.

i6+edv5e arco xor&gt; ayporj xrjq Kaxaa%eaecoc; arjxorj

And if [from the field of his possession

ayidarj dv6pco7ioc; xco Kopico Kai saxai r\ xijufj

should sanctify a man] to the LORD, then [ shall be the value]

Kaxd xov arcopov arjxorj Koporj KpiGcov 7ievxf|Kovxa

according to its sowing — a cor of barley [equals] fifty

8(5pa%jia apyr&gt;p(or&gt; i 7 +sdv5s arco xod eviarjxorj xrjc;

double-drachmas of silver. And if from the year of the

acpeaecoc; ayidorj xov aypov ar&gt;xor&gt; Kaxd

release he should sanctify his field, according to

xrjv xiLifjv arjxorj axfjaexai i8+edv8e ea%axov jrexd xrjv

his value it shall stand. But if [ last after the

dcpsaiv ayidarj xov aypov arjxorj 7ipoaXoyis(xai arjxcb

release he should sanctify his field], [ shall count in addition to it

o lepetic; xo apyrjpiov em xa exrj xa S7riA,oura ecoc;

the priest] the money for the years remaining, until


27 TD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

03 - Leviticus
sic; xov sviaDiov TT\q acpsasooc; Kai av0D(paips6f|asTai

unto the [next] year of the release, and it shall be deducted

goto Tr\q aDviijifjascDc; olvtov i 9 +sdv8s AmpobTai tov

from his valuation. And if [ should ransom the

aypov o ayidaaq odtov 7ipoa6f|asi to S7U7ts|I7i;tov

field the one sanctifying] it, he shall add the fifth part

tod apyopioD 7ipoc; ttjv Ti|ifjv avzov Kai scxuai aDTob

of the money to the value of it, and it will be his.

20 + sdv 8s |ir| AmpcbTai tov aypov Kai a7i68ooTai

And if he should not ransom the field, and should give back

tov aypov av6pcb7rco STspoo odksti |ir| AmpobarjTai

the field [ man to another], no longer shall he ransom

avzov 21+ akX' scxuai o aypoq s^sAx|A,D0Diac; Tr\q

it. But [ will be the field coming forth from the

acpsasooc; dyioc; too KDpioo oba7usp rj yr| r| acpcopiajievrj

release] holy to the LORD, as the land being separated;

too ispsi scxuai KaTda%eaic; aDTOD 22 + sdv 8s and tod

to the priest it will be his possession. And if from the

aypoD od KSKTTjTai oq odk sotiv arco tod aypoD

field of which he acquired, which is not from the field

Tr\q KaTacx/sasooc; aDTOD ayidarj too KDpioo 23 +0

of his possession, [that] he should sanctify to the LORD, the

ispsDc; Xoyisvuai npoq avzov to Tskoq Tr\q Ti|if|c; sk

priest shall impute to him the full value from

tod eviaDTOD Tr\q acpsasooc; Kai a7uo8obcxsi tt|v Tijifjv

the year of the release, and he shall render the value

sv TTj Tj|i8pa 8KSIVT] ayiav too KDpioo 24+ Kai sv too

in that day as holy to the LORD. And in the

svuxdtoo Tr\q acpsasooc; a7uo8o6fjasTai o aypoq too

year of the release, he shall give back the field to the

aV0pOO7TOO 7iap' OD KSKTTjTai aDTOV OD rjv

man from whom he acquired it, of whom was

rj KaTda%8aic; Trjq jr\q 25 + Kai rcdaa Tijifj saTai

in possession of the land. And all value will be

oTaGjioiq ayioic; sixoaiv oPoAxn saTai to 8(8pa%|iov

[ weights by holy] — twenty oboli will be the double-drachma.

26+ Kai 7iav 7ipooTOTOKov o sav ysvrjTai sv

And every first-born which ever should be born among

tok; kttjvsoi aoD saTai too KDpioo Kai od KaGayidasi

your cattle will be to the LORD. And [ shall consecrate

aDTO odSsic; sdv ts |ioa%ov sdv ts 7up6paTOV too

it no one]. If also a calf, if also a sheep, [ to the


27 TD

8V TOUT© + VtKd

03 - Leviticus

KDpico saxiv 27 + sdv 8s xcov xsxpa7i68cov xcov

LORD it is]. And if of the four-footed [creatures] of the

araGapxcov aXXaty] Korea xrjv xi|if|v aDxoD Kai

unclean he should barter for the value of it, then

7rpoa9fjasi to S7ri7iSLi7rxov aDxoD npoq avxb Kai saxai

he shall add his fifth part to it, and it will be

aDxco sdv 8s lit| ^uxpcbxai 7ipa6f|asxai Kaxd

his. But if he should not ransom it, it shall be sold according to

xo xiLirjLia aDxoD 28+7iav8s avdGsLia o sdv

its valuation. And every offering for consumption which ever

avaBfj dv0pco7ioc; xco KDpico arco rcavxcov 6aa

[ should present a man] to the LORD of all as much as

aDxcb saxiv goto av6pcb7roD scoc; KxfjvoDq Kai a7io

is to him, from man unto beast, and from

aypoi) Kaxaaxsascoq avzov odk a7io5cbasxai oi)5e

afield of his possession, he shall not sell it, nor

Ampcbasxai 7iav avdGejia dyiov ayicov soxai xco

ransom it; every offering for consumption [a holy of holies will be] to the

KDpico 29+ Kai 7iav o sdv avaxeGfj anb

LORD. And all, what ever should be presented from

xcov av0pco7rcov od AmpcoGfjaexai aXka Gavdxco

men, it shall not be ransomed, but to death

GavaxcoGfjasxai 30+ 7idaa 8sKdxr| xrjq yrjq anb xod

it shall be put to death. Every tenth of the land, from the

aTrepLiaxoq xrjc; yrjq Kai anb xod Kap7ioD xod

seed of the land, and from the fruit of the

^dMvod xco KDpico saxiv dyiov xco KDpico 31+ sdv 8s

wood to the LORD, it is holy to the LORD. And if

AmpoDLisvoc; Ampcoxai dv6pco7ioc; xrjv 8sKdxr|v aDxoD

ransoming [ should ransom a man] of his tenth,

xo S7ii7rsLi7ixov aDxoD 7ipoa6fiasi S7i' aDxo Kai saxai

his fifth part he shall add to it, and it will be

aDxco 32+ Kai 7idaa 8sKdxr| Pocbv Kai 7ipopdxcov Kai

his. And every tenth of oxen, and sheep, and

7iav o sdv 8isX0r| sv xco apiGLicb D7i6 xrjv pdp8ov

all which should go through in the number by the rod [measure],

xo SsKaxov saxai dyiov xco KDpico 33+ odk

the tenth will be holy to the LORD. You shall not

aAld^sic; aDxo koXov 7iovr|pcb od8s 7iovr|p6v KaAxb

barter it good [for] bad, nor bad [for] good.

sdv 8s aAldaacov aXXatflq aDxo saxai aDxo Kai

And if in bartering you should barter it, it shall be and


27 TD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

03 - Leviticus

to aAlayjia avxov dyiov ou AmpcoBfjasTai 34+ wbmi

its barter holy, it shall not be ransomed. These

ai evxoAm aq evsxsiXaxo icopioc; icq McoDofj npoq

[are] the commandments which [the] LORD gave charge [to] Moses for

todc; viovq IapafjA, sv too opsi Siva

the sons of Israel on mount Sinai.


1 x ev tootco + vuca 04 - Numbers

1 X

i + Kai sXaAxjae Kopioc; npoq MoaDafjv sv xrj spf|jLico

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses in the wilderness

TTj ElVd 8V TT| aKT|Vf| TOD JiapTDpiOD 8V (Iia TOD

of Sinai, in the tent of the testimony, on [day] one of the


[ month second year of [the] second] of their coming forth

8K yr\q AiyD7iTOD Aiycov 2 + AxxPsts apxfjv 7idar|c;

from out of [the] land of Egypt, saying, Take [the] sum of all

aDvaycoyfjc; dicov IapafjX KaTd mq cDyyevsiac; aDTcbv

[the] congregation of [the] sons of Israel according to their kin,

Kai oikodc; 7iaTpicbv aDTcbv KaTd apiGjiov

and houses of their patrimony, according to [the] number

ovojidTCDV (xdtcdv 7iav dpaev KaTd KetpaArjv aDTcbv 3 +

of their names; every male according to their head [count].

arco siKoaasTODq Kai £7idvco naq o SK7iop£D6|i£voc; ev

From twenty years and up, all going forth in

ttj 8Dvd|isi IopafjA, 87iiaK8\j/aa6s aDTODq cjdv

the force of Israel, you number them with

tt| 8Dvd|i8i aDTcbv &lt;td Kai Aapcbv 4 + Kai |ie6' djicov

their force ~ you and Aaron! And with you

saovTai 8KaaToq KaTd (pvXr\v SKdoTOD ap%6vTC0v

there will be each [one] [ according to [the] tribe of each of [the] rulers],

KaT' oikodc; 7iaTpicbv saovTai 5+ Kai TaDTa Ta

[ according to [the] houses of [their] patrimony they shall be]. And these [are]

ovojjma tcov avSpcov omvsq 7iapaaTf|aovTai |is0'

names of the men who shall stand with

DJICOV tcov PoDpfjv EAiaotip dioc; XeSeioDp 6+ TCOV

you of the ones of Reuben ~ Elizur son of Shedeur. Of the ones

2/D|iecov EaA,a|iif|X dioc; SoDpiaaSa'i 7+ tcov IoD5a

of Simeon- Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai. Of the ones of Judah —

Naaacbv dioc; A|iiva8dp 8+ tcov Ioaxap NaGavafjA,

Nashon son ofAmminadab. Of the ones oflssachar— Nethaneel

dioc; Scoydp 9+ tcov ZaPoD^cbv EAidp dioc; Xzkcbv 10 +

son ofZuar. The ones ofZebulun— Eliab son ofHelon.

tcov dicov Icoafjcp tcov Ecppaiji EAiaajid dioc;

Of the sons of Joseph, of the ones ofEphraim— Elishama son

EsjiiodS tcov Mavaaafj ra|iaXif|A, dioc; OaSaaoDp

ofAmmihud. Of the ones ofManasseh— Gamaliel son ofPedahzur.

11+ tcov Beviajjiv Api8dv dioc; raSscovi 12+ tcov

Of the ones of Benjamin— Abidan son of Gideoni. Of the ones

1 x ev toi3tco + vuca 04 - Numbers

Aav A^is^sp vioq A|iiaa8di 13+ xcov Aafjp OaysfjA,

of Dan— Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai. Of the ones ofAsher— Pagiel

vioq E%pdv 14+ xcov Ta8 EXiadcp vioq PayoufjX 15 +

son ofOcran. Of the ones of Gad— Eliasaph son ofReuel.

xcov Necp9aAi|i A%eipai vioq Evdv 16 + OUXOl 01

Of the ones ofNaphtali— Ahira son ofEnan. These [are] the

£7UkAt|toi Tr\q auvayoayfjc; dpxovxec; xcov cpuAxbv

selected ones of the congregation, rulers of the tribes

Kaxd 7iaxpid(; auxcbv %iAiap%oi lapar\k sicn 17+

according to their patrimony; [ commanders of thousands in Israel they are].

Kai eAxxPe Moauafjc; Kai Aapcbv xouc; dvSpac; xouxouc;

And [ took Moses and Aaron] these men,

xouc; avaKArjGsvxac; ovojiaxoq is+ Kai 7idoav xrjv

of the ones being called by name. And all the

auvaycoyfjv auvfjyayov sv |i(a xou jirjvoc; xou

congregation gathered on [day] one of the month, of the

Seuxepou exouc; Kai S7ieaKe\j/avxo Kaxd

second year. and they were numbered according to

yeveaeic; auxcbv Kaxd xac; 7iaxpidc; auxcbv Kaxd

their origins, according to their patrimony, according to

apiGjiov ovojidxcov auxcbv arco eiKoaaexouc; Kai S7idvco

[the] number of their names from twenty years [old] and up,

7iav apasviKov Kaxd KetpaArjv auxcbv 19+ ov xporcov

every male according to their head [count]. In which manner

ouvsxa^s Kupioq xco Mcouofj Kai S7isaKS7rr|aav sv xrj

[the] LORD gave orders to Moses, and they were numbered in the

8pfj|ico xou Eivd 20+ Kai syevovxo 01 uun Poupfjv

wilderness of Sinai. And there were to the sons of Reuben,

rcpcoxoxoKou IapafjA, Kaxd auyyeveiac; auxcbv Kaxd

first-born of Israel, according to their kin, according to

5fj|iouc; auxcbv Kax' oikouc; 7iaxpicbv auxcbv Kaxd

their peoples, according to [the] houses of their patrimony, according to

apiGjiov ovojidxcov auxcbv Kaxd KscpaArjv auxcbv 7iav

[the] number of their names, according to their head [count], every

apasviKov arco eiKoaaexouc; Kai 87idvco naq

male from twenty years and up, every one

O SK7TOp£u6|ISVOC; SV XT| 8uvd|ISl 21 + T| 87TiaKS\j/l(;

going forth in the force, the numbering

auxcbv 8K xrjc; (pvXr\q Poupfjv e£, Kai

of them from out of the tribe of Reuben ~ six and

xsaaapdKovxa %iAid5sc; Kai 7isvxaK6aioi 22+ xoic; vioiq

forty thousand and five hundred. To the sons

1 x ev tootco + vtica 04 - Numbers

£u|iscbv Kaxd auyyevsiac; auxcbv Kaxd 8fj|iouc; auxcbv

of Simeon, according to their kin, according to their peoples,

Kax' oikouc; 7iaxpicbv auxcbv Kax' apiG |iov

according to [the] houses of their patrimony, according to [the] number

ovojidxcov auxcbv Kaxd KecpaAxjv auxcbv rcdvxa

of their names, according to their head [count], all

apasviKd ano siKoaaexouc; Kai £7tdvco rcac;

males from twenty years and up, every one

o £K7ropsu6|i£voc; ev XT] 8uvd|iei 23 + T] 87r(aKs\j/i(; auxcbv

going forth in the force, their numbering

sk xrjc; cpuArjc; Eujiecbv swsa Kai 7revxf|Kovxa

from the tribe of Simeon — nine and fifty

%iAid5ec; Kai xpiaKoaioi 24+ xoic; uiok; Yah Kaxd

thousand and three hundred. To the sons of Gad, according to

auyysveiaq auxcbv Kaxd Sfjjiouc; auxcbv Kax' oikouc;

their kin, according to their peoples, according to [the] houses

7iaxpicbv auxcbv Kaxd apiGjiov ovojidxcov auxcbv 7idvxa

of their patrimony, according to [the] number of their names, all

apasviKd anb eiKoaaexouc; Kai 87idvco rcac;

males from twenty years and up, every one

o £K7ropsu6|i£voc; ev xt| 8uvd|isi 25+ r| s7uaKe\j/ic; auxcbv

going forth in the force, their numbering

sk xrjc; cpuArjc; Ta8 7i8vxs Kai xsaaapdKovxa

from out of the tribe of Gad— five and forty

XiAidSec; Kai s^aKoaioi Kai 7ievxf|Kovxa 2 6+ xoic; uiofc;

thousand and six hundred and fifty. To the sons

Iou5a Kaxd auyyevsiac; auxcbv Kaxd Sfjjiouc; auxcbv

of Judah, according to their kin, according to their peoples,

Kax' oikouc; 7iaxpicbv auxcbv Kaxd apiGjiov

according to [the] houses of their patrimony, according to [the] number

ovojidxcov auxcbv 7idvxa apasviKd anb eiKoaasxouc;

of their names, all males from twenty years

Kai S7idvco 7iac; o SK7iopsu6|isvoc; sv xrj 5uvd|isi 27 +

and up, every one going forth in the force,

T| £7uaKs\j/ic; auxcbv sk xrjc; cpuAxjc; Iou8a xsaoapec; Kai

their numbering from the tribe of Judah ~ four and

sP5o|ifjKovxa %iXid8ec; Kai s^aKooioi 28+ xoic; uioic;

seventy thousand and six hundred. To the sons

Iad%ap Kaxd auyyeveiac; auxcbv Kaxd 8fj|iouc; auxcbv

oflssachar, according to their kin, according to their peoples,

Kax' oikouc; 7iaxpicbv auxcbv Kaxd apiG |iov

according to [the] houses of their patrimony, according to [the] number

1 x ev toi3tco + vtica 04 - Numbers

ovojiaxcov auxoov rcavxa apasviKa ano eiKoaaexoDc;

of their names, all males from twenty years

Kai S7T&amp;VCD iiaq O £K7lOpSD6|ISVOC; 8V XT] 8l)Vd|ISl 29 +

and up, every one going forth in the force,

T| S7uaKS\j/ic; auxcbv 8K xrjc; (pvXr\q Iaadxap xeaaapsc;

their numbering from the tribe of Issachar ~ four

Kai 7ievxf|Kovxa %ikiadsq Kai xsxpaKoaioi 3 o+ xoic;

and fifty thousand and four hundred. To the

vioiq Zafiovkcbv Kaxd (xoyyeveiac; auxcbv Kaxd

sons ofZebulun, according to their kin, according to

5f||icn)c; auxcbv Kax' oikouc; 7iaxpicbv auxcbv Kaxa

their peoples, according to [the] houses of their patrimony, according to

apiGjiov ovojidxcov auxcbv 7idvxa apasvncd arco

[the] number of their names, all males from

eiKoaaexoDc; Kai 87idvco iiaq o eK7iopsu6|isvoc; ev xrj

twenty years and up, every one going forth in the

5i)vd|isi 31+ T| S7i(aK8\j/i(; ai)xcbv sk xrjc; (pvkr\q

force, their numbering from the tribe

ZafiovXcbv S7ixd Kai 7i8vxf|Kovxa %iAid5ec; Kai

of Zebulun — seven and fifty thousand and

xexpaKooioi 32+ xoic; vioiq Icoafjcp vioiq Ecppaiji Kaxd

four hundred. To the sons of Joseph, [the] sons ofEphraim, according to

(xoyyeveiac; ai)xcbv Kaxd 8f||ioDc; ai)xcbv Kax' oikodc;

their kin, according to their peoples, according to [the] houses

7iaxpicbv auxcbv Kaxd apiBjiov ovofidxcov auxcbv 7idvxa

of their patrimony, according to [the] number of their names, all

apasviKd arco eiKoaaexcmc; Kai 87idvco itaq

males from twenty years and up, every one

o £K7ropsi)6|isvoc; sv xrj 5i)vd|iei 33 + rj s7uaKs\j/ic; ai)xcbv

going forth in the force, their numbering

sk xrjq (pvXr\q Ecppaiji xsaaapdKovxa %ikiadEq Kai

from the tribe ofEphraim— forty thousand and

7isvxaK6aioi 34+ xoic; vioiq Mavaaafj Kaxd

five hundred. To the sons of Manasseh, according to

(xoyysvsiac; auxcbv Kaxd 8fuioi)c; auxcbv Kax' oikodc;

their kin, according to their peoples, according to the houses

7iaxpicbv auxcbv Kaxd apiBjiov ovojidxcov auxcbv 7idvxa

of their patrimony, according to [the] number of their names, all

apasviKd anb eiKoaaexouc; Kai 87idvco naq

males from twenty years and up, every one

o £K7rop£i)6|i£voc; ev xtj 8i)vd|isi 35 + T| e7uaKs\j/ic; auxcbv

going forth in the force, their numbering

1 x ev tootco + vtica 04 - Numbers

8K Tr\q (pvXr\q Mavaaafj 5do Kai xpidKovxa %ikiadsq

from the tribe of Manasseh ~ two and thirty thousand

Kai 8iaKoaioi 36+ xoic; vioiq Bsviajjiv raid

and five hundred. To the sons of Benjamin, according to

aDyysvsiac; aDxcbv Kaxd 8t]|iodc; aDxcbv Kax' oikodc;

their kin, according to their peoples, according to [the] houses

7iaxpicbv aDxcbv Kaxd apiBjiov ovojidxcov aDxcbv rcdvxa

of their patrimony, according to [the] number of their names, all

apasviKd anb sucoaasxoDc; Kai 87idvco rcac;

males from twenty years and up, every one

o £K7rop£i)6|i£voc; ev xtj 8i)vd|isi 37 + T| s7uaKs\j/ic; auxcbv

going forth in the force, their numbering

8K xrjq (pvXr\q Bsviajjiv 7isvxs Kai xpidKovxa %iAid5sc;

from the tribe of Benjamin— five and thirty thousand

Kai xsxpaKoaioi 38+ xoic; vioiq Aav Kaxd

and four hundred. To the sons of Dan, according to

aDyysvsiac; auxcbv Kaxd 8t]|iodc; auxcbv Kax' oikodc;

their kin, according to their peoples, according to [the] houses

7iaxpicbv aDxcbv Kaxd apiGjiov ovojidxcov aDxcbv rcdvxa

of their patrimony, according to [the] number of their names, all

apasviKd arco sucoaasxoDc; Kai S7idvco itaq

males from twenty years and up, every one

o SK7ropsi)6|isvoc; sv xr| 8i)vd|isi 39 + r\ s7uaKs\j/ic; aDxcbv

going forth in the force, their numbering

sk xrjq (pvhf\q Aav 8do Kai s^fjKovxa %iAid8sc; Kai

from the tribe of Dan— two and sixty thousand and

S7ixaKoaioi 4 o+ xoic; Diok; Aafjp Kaxd

seven hundred. To the sons of Asher, according to

aDyysvsiac; auxcbv Kaxd SfjjioDc; aDxcbv Kax' oikodc;

their kin, according to their peoples, according to [the] houses

7iaxpicbv aDxcbv Kaxd api0ji6v ovojidxcov aDxcbv 7idvxa

of their patrimony, according to [the] number of their names, all

apasviKd anb siKoaasxoDc; Kai S7idvco rcac;

males from twenty years and up, every one

o £K7iopsD6|isvoc; sv xtj 8i)vd|isi 41 + T] s7uaKs\jnc; aDxcbv

going forth in the force, their numbering

sk Tr\q (pvhf\q Aafjp |iia Kai xsaaapdKovxa %iAid5sc;

from the tribe of Asher — one and forty thousand

Kai 7isvxaKoaioi 42+ xoic; dioic; NscpGaAiji Kaxd

and five hundred. To the sons of Naphtali, according to

aDyysvsiaq aDxcbv Kaxd 8t]|iodc; aDxcbv Kax' oikodc;

their kin, according to their peoples, according to [the] houses

1 x ev tootco + viica 04 - Numbers

7iaxpicbv auxcbv Kaxd api9|iov ovojidxoov auxcbv rcdvxa

of their patrimony, according to [the] number of their names, all

apasviKd anb eiKoaasxcmc; Kai 87idvco naq

males from twenty years and up, every one

o £K7ropsD6|isvoc; sv xr| 5i)vd|i£i 43 + rj £7riaK£\j/ic; auxcbv

going forth in the force, their numbering

sk xrjq (fyuArjc; NscpGaMji xpsiq Kai 7i£vxf|Kovxa

from the tribe of Naphtali ~ three and fifty

yikmhzq Kai xexpaKooioi 44+ ai3xr| r| £7uaK£\j/ic; r|v

thousand and four hundred. This [is] the numbering which

S7i80Ks\j/avxo McoDafjq Kai Aapcbv Kai 01 dpxovxsq

Moses numbered, and Aaron, and the rulers

IapafjX 8cb58Ka dvSpsq avfjp sic; Kaxd (puArjv jiiav

of Israel — twelve men, [man one] according to tribe; [one

Kaxd qyoAxjv oikcov 7iaxpidc; auxcbv fjaav 45+ Kai

according to tribe of [the] houses of their patrimony there [was]]. And

sysvsxo 7idaa r| £7riaK£\j/ic; xcov uicov IopafjA, auv

came to pass all the numbering of the sons of Israel with

xtj 8i)vd|i8i auxcbv arco £iKoaa£xouc; Kai £7idvco naq o

their force, from twenty years and up, all the

£K7rop£i)6|i£voc; 7iapaxd^aa6ai £v IapafjA, 46+ £^aKoaiai

ones going forth to deploy in Israel ~ six hundred

XiXiadsq Kai xpia%(Aaoi Kai 7i£vxaK6oioi Kai

thousand and three thousand and five hundred and

7i£Vxf|Kovxa 47+oi8£ A£u(xai £K xrjc; cpuAxjc;

fifty. But the Levites from the tribes

7iaxpidc; auxcbv ou ouv£7i£aK£7rr|aav £V TOiq uiok;

of their patrimony were not considered together among the sons

IapafjA, 48 + Kai £A,dAx|a£ Kupioc; npoq Mamafjv Aiycov

of Israel. And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

49 + 6pa xrjv cpuArjv xou A£ui ou auv£7UOK£\j/r|

Know [that]! [the tribe of Levi you shall not consider],

Kai xov api0|iov auxcbv od hf\\\nr\ £v |i£aco uicbv

and their number you shall not take in [the] midst of [the] sons

IapafjX 50+ Kai au £7uaxr|aov xouc; Asvhaq £7U xttv

of Israel. And you set the Levites over the

aKTjvfjv xod jiapxupiou Kai £7ii rcdvxa xa gk£ut|

tent of the testimony, and over all the items

auxfjc; Kai £7ri rcdvxa 60a £v auxfj auxoi apouoi

of it, and over all as much as [is] in it! They shall lift
xrjv aKTTvfjv Kai rcdvxa xa aK£ur| auxfjc; Kai auxoi

the tent, and all the items for it. And they

8V TOUT© + VtKd

04 - Numbers

XsixoDpyfjaoDaiv sv avTT\ Kai kdk^co xrjc; aKrjvfj

shall officiate in it, and [ round about the tent

7iap£|iPaAx)i)ai 51+ Kai sv too e^aipeiv xrjv aKTjvfiv

they shall camp]. And in the lifting away the tent,

KaBeAxroaiv aDxfjv 01 Aemxai Kai sv xco

[ shall lower it the Levites]. And in the

7iap£|iP&amp;AA£iv xrjv aKTjvfjv avaaxfjaoDai aDxfjv Kai o

pitching the tent, they shall raise it up. And the

aXXojsvr\q o 7rpoa7iop£D6|isvoc; a7io0avexco 52+ Kai

foreigner going in it, let him die! And

7iape|iPaAx)i)aiv 01 moi IapafjA, avfjp sv xrj sauxof)

[ shall camp the sons of Israel], [every] man in his own

xd^ei Kai avfjp Kaxd xrjv eauxof) rjysjioviav aw

order, and [every] man according to his own governing [authority], with

5i)vd|i8i auxcbv 53 + 01 8s Asmxai 7iaps|iPaAA,sxcoaav

their force. But the Levites — let them camp

svavxioi kdkA,co xrjc; aKTjvfiq xou |iapxi)pioi) Kai

opposite round about the tent of the testimony, and

odk eaxai a|idpxr||ia ev xoic; vioiq IopafjX Kai

there shall not be sin among the sons of Israel. And

(pvXatpvaiv 01 AsDixai auxoi xrjv (pvX(wr\v Tr\q

[ shall guard the Levites themselves] the watch of the

aKTjvfjq xod (lapxDp(oi) 54+ Kai 87io(r|aav 01 moi

tent of the testimony. And [ did the sons

IapafjX Kaxd rcdvxa 6aa svsxeiAxxxo Kopioc; xco

of Israel] according to all as much as [the] LORD gave charge to

McoDafj Kai Aapcbv otixcoc; 87io(r|aav

Moses and Aaron — thus they did.

2 n

1 + Kai sA,dAx|ae Kopioc; npoq Mamafjv Kai Aapcbv

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron,

Aiycov 2 + dv6pco7roc; e%6|ievoc; Kaxd xdyjia avzov

saying, [Each] man having according to his order,

Kaxd xac; ar||iaa(ac; Kax' oikodc; 7iaxpicbv auxcbv

according to the signals, according to [the] houses of their patrimony,

7tap£|iPaAAixcGaav 01 moi IopafjX svavxiov kukAxd

let [ camp the sons of Israel] opposite— roundabout

xrjc; aKqvfjc; xod jiapxDpioi) 7iape|ipaAxy6aiv 01 moi

the tent of the testimony [ shall camp the sons

IapafjX 3+ Kai 01 7iape|ipdAAx)vxsc; 7ipcbxoi Kaxd

of Israel]. And the ones camping first according to

ev tootco + vtica

04 - Numbers

avaxoldc; xdyjia 7iape|iPoAT|c; lovba aw

[the] east, in order, [was the] camp of Judah with

8i)vd|i8i aDxcov Kai o dp%cov xcov dicov lovda

their force. And the ruler of the sons of Judah

Naaaacbv vioq A|iiva8dp 4 + SDvajiic; olvtov 01

[was] Nashon son ofAmminadab. Of his force the ones

S7i8aKS|i|isvoi xeaaapec; Kai sp8o|if|Kovxa %ikiadsq Kai

being numbered — four and seventy thousand and

s^aKoaioi 5+ Kai 01 7iape|ipdAAx)vxsc; e%6|ievoi

six hundred. And the ones camping being next

(puAxjc; Ioadxap Kai o dpxcov xcov dicov Iaad%ap

[was the] tribe of Issachar. And the ruler of the sons of Issachar

NaGavafjX vioq Scoydp 6 + 8Dva|iic; aDxoD

[was] Nethaneel son ofZuar. Of his force

01 87ieaKS|i|isvoi xsaaapec; Kai 7revTfjK0VTa %iXxd6sq

being numbered ~ four and fifty thousand

Kai xsxpaKoaioi ?+ Kai oi 7iape|ipdAAx)vxec; sxojisvoi

and four hundred. And the ones camping being next to

olvtov (pvhf\q ZafiovXcbv Kai o dp%cov xcov dicov

him [was the] tribe of Zebulun. And the ruler of the sons

ZaPoD^cbv EAidp vioq XsXcbv 8 + 8vvo[i\q olvtov

of Zebulun [was] Eliab son ofHelon. Of his force

oi S7i8aK8|i|isvoi S7ixd Kai 7isvxf|Kovxa xikiodsq Kai

being numbered — seven and fifty thousand and

TSTpaKOOlOl 9+ 7ldVTSC; 01 S7T8aK8|I|ISVOl SK TT\q

four hundred. All the ones being numbering from the

7iape|iPoAx|c; Ioi)8a eraxov oy8of|KovTa %iAid8ec; Kai

camp of Judah [were] a hundred eighty thousand and

s^aKia%iAioi Kai xsxpaKoaioi aDV SDvdjisi aDxcov

six thousand and four hundred; with their force

7ipcoxoi s^apoDoi io+ xdyjia 7tape|iPoAx|c; PoDpfjv npoq

first they shall lift away. [The] order of [the] camp of Reuben towards

MP a aDV 8Dva|isic; aDxcov Kai o dp%cov xcov dicov

[the] south with their forces, and the ruler of the sons

PoDpfjv EAiaoDp vioq SiSrjoDp n+ SDvajisic; aDxoD

of Reuben [was] Elizur son ofShedeur. Of his forces

oi S7i8aK8|i|isvoi Kai xsaaapaKovxa %iA,id8sc; Kai

being numbered — six and forty thousand and

7T8VXaKOOlOl 12 + Kai oi 7iaps|ipdAAx)vxsc; s^ojisvoi

five hundred. And the ones camping being next to

aDxoD (pvkr)q Sdjiscov Kai o dp%cov xcov dicov

him [was the] tribe of Simeon. And the ruler of the sons

2 3 ev toutco + vuca 04 - Numbers

Edjiscdv Haka[iiT\k vioq Soi)piaa5ai 13 + 3vva[iiq avxov

of Simeon [was] Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai. Of his force

01 S7i80K8|i|isvoi ewea Kai 7ievTf|K0VTa %ikiddsq Kai

being numbered — nine and fifty thousand and

xpiaKoaioi 14+ Kai 01 7iape|ipdAAx)VTec; s%6|ievoi

three hundred. And the ones camping being next to

clvtov (pvfor\ Tad Kai o dp%CDV tcdv mcbv Ta5

him [was the] tribe of Gad. And the ruler of the sons of Gad

EAiaadcp vioq Payout^ 15+ Kai Swajiic; avzov

[was] Eliasaph son ofReuel. And of his force

01 S7rsaKS|i|isvoi 7T8VT8 Kai TsaaapdKOVTa %ikiadsq Kai

being numbered — five and forty thousand and

s^aKoaioi Kai 7rsvxf|K0VTa 16+ rcavTSc; 01 S7isaKS|i|ievoi

six hundred and fifty. All the ones being numbered

Tr\q 7iaps|iPoATjc; Poi)Pfjv SKaxov Kai 7isvTf|K0VTa

of the camp of Reuben [were] a hundred and fifty

Kai [da xikiadzq Kai xsxpaKoaioi Kai 7rsvTfjKOVTa

and one thousand and four hundred and fifty,

&lt;xdv 8i)vd|isi aDTcbv Kai Seircepoi e^apouai 17 + Kai

with their force. And [ second they shall lift away]. And

apGfjaexai r| aKTjvfj tod jiapiDpioi) Kai r| 7iape|iPoAxj

[ shall lift away the tent of the testimony] and the camp

tcdv Asmxcbv jieaov tcdv 7iaps|ipoAxbv cdc;

of the Levites between the camps; as

7iape|iPaAx)i)aiv outcdc; Kai e^apouaiv SKaaToq

they pitched so also they shall lift away, each

£%6|isvoc; Ka6' rjyejioviav aDTcbv i 8 + Tdyjia

next according to their governing. [The] order

7tap8|iPoAxjc; Ecppaiji 7iapd GdAxxaaav auv

of [the] camp of Ephraim towards [the] west, with

5i)vd|i8i aDTcbv Kai o dp^cDV tcdv mcbv Ecppaiji

their force. And the ruler of the sons of Ephraim

EAioajid vioq Ajjia68 19 + 8tiva|iic; avzov

[was] Elishama son ofAmmihud. Of his force

01 S7i8aK8|i|isvoi T8ooapaK0VTa %ilid8ec; Kai

being numbered — forty thousand and

7isvTaK6aioi 20+ Kai 01 7iape|ipdAAx)VTSc;

five hundred. And the ones camping

sxojisvoi clvtov cpi)Xf| Mavaaafj Kai o dp%CDV tcdv

being next to him [was the] tribe of Manasseh. And the ruler of the

mcbv Mavaaafj Ta[iaXir\k vioq OaSaaaoup 21 +

sons of Manasseh was Gamaliel son of Pedahzur.


2 2 sv tootg) + vtica 04 - Numbers

dvva[iiq avzov 01 S7ieaKS|i|isvoi 8t3o Kai xpidKovxa

Of his force being numbered ~ two and thirty

Xikiadsq Kai SiaKoaioi 22 + Kai 01 7iaps|ipdAAx)vxec;

thousand and two hundred. And the ones camping

e%6|isvoi avTOV (pvhf\ Bsviajiiv Kai o dp%cov xcov

being next to him [was the] tribe of Benjamin. And the ruler of the

mcbv Bsviajiw Api8dv vioq raSecovi 23 + 8wa|iic; avzov

sons of Benjamin [was] Abidan son ofGideoni. Of his force

01 £7rsaKS|i|isvoi 7T8VT8 Kai xpidKovxa xikiadzq Kai

being numbered ~ five and thirty thousand and

xsxpaKoaioi 24+ rcavxec; 01 £7ieaK£|i|isvoi xrjc;

four hundred. All the ones being numbered of the

7rape|iPoAxjc; Ecppaiji SKaxov %iAid8ec; Kai

camp of Ephraim — a hundred thousand and

OKTaKia%(Aioi Kai SKaxov odv 8uvd|isi auxcbv xpixoi

eight thousand and a hundred; with their force [ third

e^apouai 25+ xdyjia 7iape|iPoAx|c; Aav npoq Poppdv

they shall lift away]. [The] order of [the] camp of Dan towards [the] north

&lt;tdv 5i)vd|isi auxcbv Kai o dp%cov xcov mcbv Aav

with their force, and the ruler of the sons of Dan

A%is^sp vioq A|iiaa8ai

[was] Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai.

26 + Swajiiq avTOV 01 87isaK8|i|i8voi 6vo Kai s^fjKovxa

Of his force being numbered — two and sixty

Kai 87TXaKOOlOl 27 + Kai 01 7iaps|ipdAA,ovxsc;

thousand and seven hundred. And the ones camping

sxojisvoi avTOV (pvkr\ Aafjp Kai o dpxcov xcov

being next to him [was the] tribe of Asher. And the ruler of the

mcbv Aofjp OayairjX vioq E%pdv 2 s + Swajiiq avzov

sons of Asher [was] Pagiel son ofOcran. Of his force

01 S7i80K8|i|isvoi jiia Kai xsaoapdKovxa %ikmdsq Kai

being numbered — one and forty thousand and

7isvxaK6aioi 29+ Kai 01 7tape|ipdAAx)vxec; e%6|i£voi

five hundred. And the ones camping being next to

avTOV (pvfor\ NecpGaAi Kai o dp%cov xcov mcbv

him [was the] tribe of Naphtali. And the ruler of the sons

NscpGaAi A%ip vioq Aivdv 30 + Suvajiic; avzov

of Naphtali [was] Ahira son of Enan. Of his force

01 S7i80K8|i|isvoi xpeic; Kai 7i8vxf|Kovxa %iAid5ec; Kai

being numbered — three and fifty thousand and

xexpaKoaioi 31+ rcavxec; 01 S7i8aKS|i|ievoi xrjc;

four hundred. All the ones being numbered of the


8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

7iaps|iPoAx|c; Aav sraxov Kai 7isvxr|Kovxas7rxd xikmbsq

camp of Dan ~ a hundred and fifty-seven thousand

Kai s^aKoaioi sa%axoi s^apotiai Kaxd xdyjia auxcbv

and six hundred; [ last they shall lift away] according to their order.

32+ aoxrj T| £7ugk8\j/ic; xcov mcbv IopafjX Kax' oikodc;

This [is] the numbering of the sons of Israel according to [the] houses

7iaxpicbv auxcbv 7idaa r| s7uaKs\j/ic; xcov 7iaps|iPoA,cbv

of their patrimony. All the numbering of the camps

&lt;tdv xaic; 8i)vd|isaiv auxcbv s^aKoaiai %iAid8sc; Kai

with their forces ~ six hundred thousand and

xpia%(Xioi Kai 7T8vxaKooioi Kai 7isvxf|Kovxa 33 + 01 5s

three thousand and five hundred and fifty. But the

Asmxai od ai)V87isaK87rr|aav sv xoic; vioiq IapafjA,

Levites were not considered with the sons of Israel

KaGd svsxsiAmo Kopioc; xco McoDafj 34+ Kai S7rovr|aav

as [the] LORD gave charge to Moses. And [ did

01 Dioi IapafjA, Kaxd rcdvxa a auvsxa^s Kopioc; xco

the sons of Israel] according to all what [the] LORD gave orders to

McoDafj otixcoc; 7iapsvsPaXov Kaxd xdyjia auxcbv Kai

Moses; thus they camped according to their order, and

otixcoc; s^fjpov SKaaxoq s%6|isvoi Kaxd

thus they lifted away each being next to [the other] according to

8f||ioDc; auxcbv Kax' oikodc; 7iaxpicbv auxcbv

their peoples, according to [the] houses of their patrimony.

3 a

1+ Kai auxai ai ysvsasic; Aapcbv Kai McoDofj sv

And these [are] the origins of Aaron and Moses in

r| r|(ispa sAxxAxjas Kupioc; xco McoDafj sv opsi Siva 2 +

which day [the] LORD spoke to Moses on mount Sinai.

Kai xatixa xa ovojiaxa xcov mcbv Aapcbv

And these are the names of the sons of Aaron —

7ipcox6xoKoc; Na8dp Kai Apiou EXsd^ap Kai I6d|iap

first-born Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.

3+ xatixa xa ovojiaxa xcov mcbv Aapcbv 01 ispsic;

These [are] the names of the sons of Aaron, the priests,

01 rjXsijijisvoi ovq sxs^sicoaav xac; %sipaq auxcbv

the ones being anointed whom were perfected of their hands

ispaxsusiv 4+ Kai sxsA,si&gt;xr|as Na8dp Kai Apiou

to officiate as priest. And [ came to an end Nadab and Abihu]

svavxi Kopioi) 7ipoacpsp6vxcov auxcbv itvp aAloxpiov

before [the] LORD, of their offering [ fire alien]


3 3, sv tootco + vtica 04 - Numbers

svavxi Ki)p(oi) sv XT] spf|jLico Siva Kai 7iai8(a

before [the] LORD in the wilderness of Sinai, and [children

ODKTjv aDxoic; Kai lepdxsDoav EXed^ap Kai IGdjiap

there [were] no] to them. And [ officiated as priest Eleazar and Ithamar]

jisxd Aapcbv tod rcaxpoc; aDxcbv 5 + Kai eXdAxjae Kopioc;

with Aaron their father. And [the] LORD spoke

7ipoc; McoDafjv Aiycov 6 + Xafo xrjv (pvhr\v Aem Kai

to Moses, saying, Take the tribe of Levi! And

oxfjasic; aDxotic; evavxiov Aapcbv tod ispecoc; Kai

you shall set them before Aaron the priest, and

XsixoDpyfjaoDaiv aDxcb ?+ Kai cpD^d^oDai

they shall officiate to him, and they shall guard

xac; (pvXaKaq avzov Kai xac; cpD^aKdc; xcov dicov

his watches, and the watches of the sons

IapafjX svavxi xrjc; aKTjvfjq tod |iapxDpfc&gt;D spyd^saBai

of Israel before the tent of the testimony, to work

xa spya xrjc; &lt;3Kr\vr\q 8 + Kai cpD^d^oDai rcdvxa xa

the works of the tent. And they shall guard all the

oksdtj Tr\q aKr\vr\q xod jiapxDpiOD Kai xac; cpD^aKaq

items of the tent of the testimony, and the watches

xcov dicov lapar\k Kaxd 7idvxa xa spya xrjc; aKr\vr\q

of the sons of Israel, according to all the works of the tent.

9 + Kai Scbaeic; xodc; AeDixac; Aapcbv xco a8eAxpcb aoD

And you shall give the Levites [to] Aaron your brother,

Kai xoic; Diofc; aDxoD xoic; lepetiai 86|ia 8e8o|ievoi

and [to] his sons to the priests for a gift being given;

odxoi jioi eicriv a7io xcov dicov lapar\k 10+ Kai Aapcbv

these tome are from the sons of Israel. And Aaron

Kai xodc; diodc; aDxoD Kaxaaxfjaeic; sizi xrjc; aKrjvfjCj

and his sons you shall place over the tent

xod jiapxDpioD Kai cpD^d^oDai xrjv ispaxeiav aDxcbv

of the testimony, and they shall guard their priesthood.

Kai o akXoysvr\q o a7ix6|ievoc; a7ro6av8ixai 1 1 + Kai

And the foreigner touching shall die. And

eXdAxjae KDpioc; 7ipoc; McoDofjv Aiycov 12+ Kai i8od

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, And behold,

sycb siAxjcpa xodc; AeDixac; sk jiscjod xcov dicov

I have taken the Levites from [the] midst of the sons

lapar\k avxi 7iavx6c; 7ipcoxox6KOD Siavoiyovxoc;

of Israel, in place of every first-born male opening wide

jxqxpav 7iapd xcov dicov IapafjX Xmpa aDxcbv eaovxai

[the] womb of the sons of Israel; [ their ransoms they shall be],


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

04 - Numbers
Kai saovxai sjioi 01 Asmxai 13+ sfioi yap 7iav

and [ will be mine the Levites]. [ is mine For every

7ipcox6xoKov sv r| rjjispa S7idxa^a 7iav 7rpcox6xoKov

first-born]. In which day I struck all [the] first-born

sv yrj AiyirnxoD rjyiaaa sjioi 7iav 7ipcox6xoKov sv

in [the] land of Egypt, I sanctified to myself every first-born in

IapafjX goto av6pcb7roD scoc; Kxfjvouc; sjioi saovxai sycb

Israel; from man unto beast they shall be mine. I [am]

Kopioc; H + Kai s^aAxjae Kopioc; npoq M(tivar\v sv xr|

[the] LORD. And [the] LORD spoke to Moses in the

spfj|icD Siva Aiycov 15+ S7i(aKs\j/ai zovq viovq Asm

wilderness of Sinai, saying, Number the sons of Levi

Kax' oikodc; 7raxpicov auxcbv Kaxd oDyysvsiaq auxcbv

according to the houses of their patrimony, according to their kin!

7iav apasviKov ano ixqviaioD Kai S7idvco S7iiaKs\j/aa0s

Every male from a month and up you number

avzovq 16+ Kai S7isaKs\j/avxo avzovq Mamafjc; Kai

them! And [ numbered them Moses and

Aapcbv 81a (pcovr\q Kopioi) ov xporcov auvsxa^sv

Aaron] because of [the] voice of [the] LORD in which manner [ gave orders

aDxoiq Kupioq 17+ Kai fjaav otixoi 01 moi Asdi s^

to them [the] LORD]. And these were the sons of Levi by

ovojidxcov auxcbv Tspocbv KadG Kai Mspapi is + Kai

their names ~ Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. And

xatixa xa ovojiaxa xcov mcbv Tspacbv Kaxd

these [are] the names of the sons of Gershon according to

5f||ioDc; auxcbv AoPsvi Kai Ssjisi 19+ Kai moi Kad0

their peoples — Libni and Shimei. And [the] sons of Kohath

Kaxd 8fj|ioDc; auxcbv Ajipaji Kai Ioaadp XsPpcbv Kai

according to their peoples — Amram, and Izehar, Hebron, and

Ofyf\k 20+ Kai moi Mspapi Kaxd 8fj|icn)c; auxcbv

Uzziel. And [the] sons of Merari according to their peoples —

M00X1 Kai Modoi otixoi siai 5f|jLioi xcov Asmxcbv

Mahli, and Mushi. These are [the] peoples of the Levites

Kax' oikodc; 7iaxpicov auxcov 21+ xco Tspocbv 8f||ioDc;

according to [the] houses of their patrimony. [To] Gershon [was the] people

xod AoPsvi Kai Sfjjaoq xod Ssjisi odxoi 01 5f||ioi

of Libni, and [the] people ofShemei; these [are] the peoples

xod Tspacbv 22+ r| s7i(aKs\j/ic; aDxcbv Kaxd apiGjiov

of Gershon — their numbering according to [the] number

7iavx6c; apasviKOD arco jirjviaioD Kai S7idvco r|

of every male from a month and up [in]


3 3, ev toi3tco + vtica 04 - Numbers

S7i(aKs\j/i(; aDTcbv S7iTaKia%iAaoi Kai 7isvTaK6aioi 23 + Kai

their numbering — seven thousand and five hundred. And

01 Dioi Tspacbv omaco Tr\q oKTjvfjc; 7iap£|iPaAx)Dai

the sons of Gershon [ behind the tent shall camp]

7iapd dakaaaav 24+ Kai o dp%cov oikod 7iaTpidc;

towards [the] west. And the ruler of [the] household of [the] family

tod 5fj|ioD tod Tspocbv EXsiaaap vioq Aar\k 25+ Kai r|

of the people of Gershon [was] Elisaph son of Lael. And the


watch of [the] sons of Gershon [was] in the tent of the

jiapTDpioD T| aKqvfj Kai to KdA,D|i|ia Kai to

testimony — the tent, and the covering, and the

KaTaKaA,D|i|ia tt|c; dvpaq Tr\q aKTjvfjc; tod jiapTDpiOD

overcovering of the door of the tent of the testimony,

26+ Kai Ta icma Trjq aDAxjc; Kai to KaTa7iSTaa|ia Trjq

and the shrouds of the courtyard, and the veil of the

7ivhr\q Tr\q avXr\q Tr\q ODarjc; S7il Tr\q aKr\vr\q Kai

gate of the courtyard, of the one being at the tent, and

Ta KaTaXoura 7idvTC0v tcov epycov aDTOD 2 ? + too KadG

the remainder of all its works. [To] Kohath [was]

8f||ioc; o Ajipdji eiq Kai 8f||ioc; o Iaadp siq

[ [division of] people for Amram one], and [ [division of] people forlzehar one],

Kai 5f||ioc; o XePpcbv sic; Kai 5f||aoq o O^ifjA,

and [ [division of] people for Hebron one], and [ [division of] people forUzziel

sic; odtoi siaiv 01 5fj|ioi tod Kad6 KaTd apiGjiov 28 +

one]. These are the peoples of Kohath according to number.

7iav apasvucov arco jxrjviaioD Kai S7idvco

Every male from a month and up —

OKTaKio%(Aioi Kai s^aKoaioi cpDldaaovTSc; zaq

eight thousand and six hundred, guarding the

(pvXaKdq tcov ay (gov 29+ 01 8f||ioi tcov dicov KadG

watches of the holy [place]. The peoples of the sons of Kohath

7iap£|iPaAx)Doiv sk 7iA,ayicov tt|c; oKrjvfjc; KaTd Aipa

shall camp by [the] side of the tent towards [the] south.

30+ Kai o dpxcov oikod 7iaTpicbv TCOV 8fj|IC0V

And the ruler of [the] house of [the] patrimony of the peoples

tod Kad0 E^siaacpdv vioq Ofyf\k 31+ Kai

of Kohath was Elizaphan son of Uzziel. And

T| (pvXaKT] aDTcbv T] KiPcoToq Kai T| Tpd7is^a Kai T|

their watch [is] the ark, and the table, and the

A,Dxvia Kai Ta 0DaiaaTfjpia Kai Ta aKSDrj tod ayioD

lamp-stand, and the altars, and the items of the holy [place],


3 3, ev tootco + vlica 04 - Numbers

6aa XercoDpyoDaiv sv aDTOic; Kai to KaxaK&amp;}u)|i|ia

as many as they officiate with them, and the overcovering,

Kai 7rdvxa xa spya aDTcbv 32 + Kai o dp%cov o S7il

and all their works. And the ruler, the one over

tcov apxovxcov xcov Asditcov EXed^ap o vioq Aapcbv

the rulers of the Levites [was] Eleazar the son of Aaron

tod lepscoc; KaGsaxajisvoc; (puAxxaasiv xaq (pvXaKaq

the priest being placed, to guard the watches

xcov ayicov 33+ too Mspapi 5f||ioc; 0M0M Kai

of the holy [places]. [To] Merari [was the] people Mahli, and

5f||ioc; o Modoi odtoi eiai 5f||ioi tod Mspapi 34+

[the] people Mushi. These are [the] peoples of Merari.

T| e7uaK£\j/ic; aDTcbv KaTa apiGjiov 7iav apaeviKov

Their numbering according to [the] number of every male,

a7io jirjviaioD Kai S7idvco e^aKiaxiAaoi Kai 5iaKoaioi

from a month and up — six thousand and two hundred.

35+ Kai O dpXCOV OIKOD 7raTpiC0V TOD 8f||IOD

And the ruler of [the] house of [the] patrimony of the people

tod Mspapi SoDpifjX vioq Api%a'tA, 8K 7rXay(cov Tr\q

of Merari [was] Zuriel son ofAbihail. By [the] side of the

oKTjvfjc; 7iap8|iPaA,ODai npoq Poppdv 35+ r| S7uaKe\j/ic;

tent they shall camp towards [the] north. The numbering

Tr\q (pvXaKT\q dicov Mspapi Tag KstpaAi8ac; Tr\q

of the watch of [the] sons of Merari [is] the tips of the

aKTjvfjc; Kai todc; [io%Xovq avTT\q Kai

tent, and their bars, and

Tovq otdXod^ aDTfjc; Kai zaq pdasic; aDTfjc; Kai rcdvTa

their posts, and their bases, and all

Ta 0K8DT] aDTcbv Kai Ta spya aDTcbv 37+ Kai todc;

their items, and their works, and the

cjtdAxddc; tt|c; aDArjcj kdkA,co Kai Tag pdaeic; aDTcbv Kai

posts of the courtyard round about, and their bases, and

todc; 7raaadAx)Dc; aDTcbv Kai todc; KdAxDDc; aDTcbv 38 + 01

their stanchions, and their ropes. The

7rape|ipdAAx)VTSc; KaTa 7ip6aco7rov ttjc; aKr\vr\q tod

ones camping according to [the] front of the tent of the

jiapTDpioD a7io avaToAxbv McoDafjc; Kai Aapcbv Kai

testimony, from [the] east [was] Moses and Aaron and

01 Dioi aDTOD epDAxxaaovTse; zaq tpDA,aKdc; tod ayioD

his sons, guarding the watches of the holy [place],

sic; Tac; cpD^aKdc; tcov dicov IapafjA, Kai o aAloysvfjc;

for the watches of the sons of Israel; and the foreigner


3 3, ev tootco + vtica 04 - Numbers

o 7ipoa7rop£DO|i£voc; a7io0aveixai 39+ 7idaa r| 87uaKe\j/ic;

approaching shall die. All the numbering

xcov Asmxcbv ovq S7i8aKs\j/aTO Mcoi)af|q Kai Aapcbv

of the Levites, whom [ numbered Moses and Aaron]

8id (poovfjc; KDpioi) Kaxd 8f||ioDc; auxcbv 7iav

through [the] voice of [the] LORD, according to their peoples, every

apasviKov anb jirjviaioD Kai S7idvco 8t3o Kai eucoai

male from a month and up — two and twenty

%iAid5ec; 4 o + Kai si7is Kopioc; 7ipoc; Mayuofjv Aiycov

thousand. And [the] LORD said to Moses, saying,

87i(aKs\j/ai 7iav 7ipcox6xoKov dpasv xcov mcbv IapafjX

Number every first-born male of the sons of Israel,

goto |ir|via(oD Kai 87idvco Kai AxxPs xov apiGjiov auxcbv

from a month and up, and take their number

ovojiaxoc; 41+ Kai Axj\j/r| zovq Aemxac; ejioi eycb

by name! And you shall take the Levites forme, I [am]

Kopioc; avxi rcavxcov xcov 7ipcoxox6Kcov xcov mcbv

[the] LORD, in place of all the first-born of the sons

IopafjX Kai xa Kxfjvrj xcov Asmxcbv avxi 7idvxcov xcov

of Israel; and the cattle of the Levites in place of all the

7ipcoxox6Kcov sv xoic; Kxfjveoi xcov mcbv lapar\k 42 +

first-born among the cattle of the sons of Israel.

Kai S7i8aKs\j/axo Mocmafjc; ov xporcov

And Moses numbered in which manner

svsxsi^axo Kopioc; ai)xcb 7iav 7ipcox6xoKov sv xoic;

[the] LORD gave charge to him ~ every first-born among the

vioiq lapar\k 43 + Kai eyevovxo rcdvxa xa rcpcoxoxoKa

sons of Israel. And were all the first-born

apaeviKd Kaxd apiGjiov Kai e£, ovojiaxoq and

males, by number, and by name, from

IxqviaioD Kai 87idvco 8K xrjq s7iiaKs\j/8C0(; auxcbv Svo

a month and up, from their numbering ~ two

Kai siKoai %ikiadsq Kai xpeic; Kai ep8o|if|Kovxa Kai

and twenty thousand and three and seventy and

8iaKOGioi 44+ Kai eAxxArjae Kopioc; npoq McoDofjv Xsycov

two hundred. And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

45+ AxxPs Tovq Aemxac; avxi rcavxcov xcov 7ipcoxox6Kcov

Take the Levites in place of all the first-born

mcbv IopafjA, Kai xa Kxfjvrj xcov Aemxcbv avxi

sons of Israel, and the cattle of the Levites in place

xcov Kxrjvcbv auxcbv Kai saovxai sjioi 01 Asmxai sycb

of their cattle! And [ will be mine the Levites]. I [am]


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

04 - Numbers

Kopioc; 46+ Kai xa Ampa xpicbv Kai ep8o|if|KovTa Kai

[the] LORD. And for the ransoms of three and seventy and

8iaKoo(cov 01 7rX£ov&amp;£pvT£c; 7iapd zovq AsDixaq arco

two hundred ~ the ones abounding over the Levites, from

tcov 7tpcotot6kcov tcov dicov IapafjA, 4 ? + Kai Xr\\\fr\

the first-born of the sons of Israel, you shall take

71SVTS cjikAx)dc; Kaxd KecpaXfjv Kaxd to 8(8pa%|iov

five shekels per head; according to the double-drachma

to dyiov Ax|\j/r| sikoctiv oPoAxri o ahxkoq 48 +

of the holy [place] you shall take [them]; twenty oboli [was] the shekel.

Kai Scbaeic; to apyopiov Aapcbv Kai Toiq vioiq avzov

And you shall give the money to Aaron and his sons,

Ampa tcov 7iA£ovd£pvTC0v sv avioiq 49 + Kai

[the] ransoms of the ones abounding to them. And

slape McoDafjc; to apytipiov Ta Ampa 7iapd tcov

Moses took the money, the ransoms for the ones

7iA£ova£pvTC0v ziq tt|v eKAmpcoaiv tcov Asditcov 50 +

abounding for the ransoming of the Levites.

7iapd tcov 7tpcotot6kcov tcov dicov IapafjX zkafis to

From the first-born of the sons of Israel he took the

apyopiov %ikiovq TpiaKoaioDc; s^rjK0VTa7T8VT8 oikA^odc;

money — a thousand three hundred sixty-five shekels,

KaTd tov ahckov tov dyiov 51 + Kai e8coK£ MoaDofjc;

according to the shekel of the holy [place]. And Moses gave

to apyopiov Ta Ampa tcov 7iA,8ova^6vTC0v Aapcbv

the money, the ransoms for the ones abounding, to Aaron

Kai tok; vioiq avzov 8id cpcovfjq KopioD ov Tporcov

and [to] his sons, by [the] voice of [the] LORD, in which manner

svsTSi^aTO Kopioc; tco McoDafj

[the] LORD gave charge to Moses.

4 7

1 + Kai sAxxAxjae Kopioc; npoq Mamafjv Kai Aapcbv

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron,

Aiycov 2+ AxxPs to KscpdAmov tcov dicov Kad9 sk

saying, Take the total sum of the sons of Kohath from

jisaoi) mcbv Asdi KaTd 8fj|ioDc; aDTcbv KaT'

[the] midst of [the] sons of Levi, according to their peoples, according to

oikodc; 7iaTpicbv aDTcbv 3 + a7io siKoai Kai 7T8vts stcov

[the] houses of their patrimony! from twenty and five years


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

04 - Numbers
Kai S7idvco ecoc; 7rsvTfjK0VTa excbv naq

and up unto fifty years, every

0 sia7ropsD6|i£voc; Xsixoupyeiv 7rovf|aai rcavxa xa epya

one entering to officiate to do all the works

sv xtj aKTTvfj xod jiapxupioi) 4+ Kai xauxa xa spya

in the tent of the testimony. And these [are] the works

xcov mcbv Ka&amp;0 sv xr| aKTjvfi xod jiapxupiou dyiov

of the sons ofKohath in the tent of the testimony, a holy

xcov ayicov 5 + Kai eiae^euaexai Aapcbv Kai

of the holies. And Aaron shall enter and

01 dioi avxov oxav s^aiprj r| 7iaps|iPoXf| Kai

his sons, whenever [ should lift away the camp]. And

KaGeAxyoai xo Kaxa7i8xaa|ia xo auoKidtpv Kai

they shall lower the veil, the one overshadowing, and

KaxaKaAriyoDoiv sv auxcb xttv kiPcgxov xod

they shall cover with it the ark of the

jiapxupioi) 6+ Kai £7ri6fjaoi)aiv S7i' auxo KaxaKdAr)|i|ia

testimony. And they shall place upon it [ overcovering

5sp|ia DaKivGivov Kai S7riPaAxy6aiv S7r' auxfjv ijidxiov

a skin] of blue. And they shall put upon it a garment

6Xov DaKivGivov dvcoGev Kai SiejiPaAxyoai xouc;

entirely of blue from above. And they shall insert the

avatpopsfc; ?+ Kai £7ri xrjv xparcs^av xttv

bearing poles. And upon the table, the one

7ipoK8i|isvT|v £7iiPaAx)T)aiv S7i ' auxfjv ijidxiov

being situated [for the loaves], they shall put upon it a garment

oAxmoptpupov Kai xa xpupAia Kai xac; OuiiaKac; Kai

entirely of purple, and the saucers, and the incense pans, and

xouc; KudGoDc; Kai xa a7iov5sia sv oic; a7iev8ei Kai

the cups, and the libation bowls in which you offer a libation; and
oi dpxoi oi 8ia7iavx6c; m auxfjc; saovxai s+ Kai

the [ bread loaves continual upon it shall be]. And

87iiPaXoi3aiv S7r' auxfjv ijidxiov kokkivov Kai

they shall put upon it [ garment a scarlet], and

KaAtiyouaiv auxfjv KaXi3|i|iaxi Sepjiaxivco uaKivGivco

shall cover it with a covering made of a skin of blue.

Kai 8i£|iPaAxy6ai xouc; avatpopsfc; auxfjc; 9 + Kai

And they shall insert the bearing poles in it. And

Ax|\j/ovxai ijidxiov DaKivGivov Kai KaA,u\j/ouai xt]v

they shall take [the] cloak of blue, and they shall cover the

Xvyyiav xtjv cpcoxi^ouaav Kai xouc; Xvyyovq auxfjc; Kai

lamp-stand, the one giving light, and its lamps, and


4 7 ev tootg) + vtica 04 - Numbers

xac; Xafiidaq avTT\q Kai xac; S7rapDaxp(8ac; avTT\q Kai

its tongs, and its oil funnels, and

rcdvxa xa ayyeia tod eAmou auxfjc; 6aa

all the receptacles for its oil, as many [things] as

XeiTODpyotiaiv ev auxoic; 10+ Kai e|iPaAxy6oiv auxfjv

they officiate with them. And they shall put it,

Kai 7idvxa xa aKetirj avTT\q sic; Kd?u)|i|ia 5ep|idxivov

and all the items for it, into a covering made of skin

DaKivGivov Kai £7ri6fjaoi)aiv ai)xf|v 87i' avacpopsoov n +

of blue. And they shall place it upon bearing poles.

Kai S7i( xo 0i)aiaaxf|piov xo %pvaovv S7n0fjaoDaiv

And upon the [ altar golden] they shall place

ijidxiov uaKivGivov Kai KaAri\j/oi)aiv auxo KaM|i|iaxi

a garment of blue, and they shall cover it with a covering

8ep|iaxivcD uaKivGivco Kai 5iejiPaAx)i)ai xodc;

made of a skin of blue. And they shall insert the

avacpopeic; olvtov n+ Kai ^f|\j/ovxai rcdvxa xa aKs^rj

bearing poles of it. And they shall take all the items

xa XsixoDpyiKd 6aa XsixoDpyotiaiv sv auxoic; sv

of the ministry, as many as they officiate with them in

xoic; ayioiq Kai sjiPaAxyoaiv sic; ijidxiov DaKivBivov

the holy [places], and they shall put them into a garment of blue.

Kai KaMyoDaiv ai)xd KaArijijiaxi Sepjiaxivco

And shall cover them with a covering made of a skin

DaKiv9ivco Kai £7ri6f|aouaiv S7i' avacpopeic; 13+ Kai xov

of blue. And they shall place [them] upon bearing poles. And [ the

Ka2u)7ixfjpa £7ii6fjasi S7U xo 9uaiaaxf|piov Kai

lid they shall place] upon the altar, and

S7riKaA,T3\j/oi)aiv 87i' ai)xo ijidxiov oAxmopcpDpov 14+

they shall cover over it [with] a garment entirely of purple.

Kai S7ii9f|aoDaiv S7i' ai)xo 7idvxa xa okstjt] auxou

And they shall place upon it all its items

oaoiq Xsixoupyouaiv sv auxoic; Kai xa 7TDpe(a Kai

as many as to officiate with them, and the censers, and

xac; Kpsdypac; Kai xac; (piakaq Kai xov KaXimxripa

the meat hooks, and the bowls, and the lid,

Kai 7idvxa xa aKetirj xod 0i)aiaoxr|pioD Kai

and all the items of the altar. And

£7riPaAxy6aiv sn auxo Kaluga 5sp|idxivov

they shall put upon it a covering made of skin

DaKivGivov Kai 8i£|iPaAxy6ai xouc; avacpopeic; auxoi) 15 +

of blue. And they shall insert the bearing poles of it.


4 7 ev tootco + vtica 04 - Numbers

Kai aDvxsXsaoDaiv Aapcbv Kai 01 dioi aDxoD

And [ shall complete Aaron and his sons]

KakvKTOVTsq xa dyia Kai rcdvxa xa oksdt| xa dyia

covering the holy [things], and all the [ items holy]

sv xco s^aipsiv xrjv 7raps|iPoATjv Kai |isxd xatixa

in the lifting away the camp. And after these [things]

siasXsDaovxai dioi KadG aipsiv Kai od% d\j/ovxai

[ shall enter [the] sons of Kohath] to lift. And they shall not touch

xcov ayicov iva jjt| a7io6dvcoai xatixa apotiaiv

of the holy [things], that they should not die. These [things] [ shall lift

01 dioi Kad0 sv xt| aKTjvfj xod |iapxDpfc&gt;D 16+

the sons of Kohath] in the tent of the testimony,

87uaK07roc; EXsd^ap vioq Aapcbv xod ispscoc; xo

[ [is] overseer [of] Eleazar son of Aaron the priest] the

slaiov xod cpcoxoc; Kai xo 0D|iia|ia xrjc; aDvGsascoc;

oil for the light, and the incense of the composition,

Kai r| dvaia r\ Ka9' rjjispav Kai xo sAmov xrjc;

and the sacrifice by day, and the oil for the

Xpiascoc; r| S7riaK07rq 6Xr\q Tr\q GKr\vr\q Kai 6aa

anointing ~ the overseeing entirely of the tent and as much as

saxiv sv avTT\ sv xco ayico Kai sv 7idai xoic;

is in it in the holy [place], and in all the

spyoiq 17+ Kai sA,dAr|as Kopioc; itpoq Mcoi)af|v Kai

works. And [the] LORD spoke to Moses and

Aapcbv Aiycov ig+ fir) oAx)9psD&lt;xr|xs xrjc; (pvhr\q xov

Aaron, saying, Do not annihilate the tribe of the

5f||iov xov KadG sk iiscjod xcov Asdixcov 19+ Kai

people of Kohath from out of [the] midst of the Levites. But

xodxo 7ioif|aaxs aDxoic; Kai ^fjoovxai Kai od |ir|

do this to them, and they shall live, and in no way

a7io0dvcoai 7ipo7ropsDO|isvcov aDxcbv itpoq xa dyia

shall die, in their going forth to the holy

xcov ayicov Aapcbv Kai 01 dioi aDxoD sia7iopsDsa0coaav

of holies. [Aaron and his sons Let] enter!

Kai KaxaaxfjaoDaiv aDxotic; SKaaxoq Kaxd

and they shall place themselves each in

xrjv avacpopdv aDxoD 20 + Kai od (irj siasABcooiv i8siv

his office. And in no way shall they enter to see

s^dftiva xo dyiov Kai a7io6avoDvxai 21+ Kai

suddenly the holy [place], for they shall die. And

sAxxAxjas KDpioq 7rpoq MoQDofjv Aiycov 22+ Mps XT|V

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Take the


4 7 ev tootco + vuca 04 - Numbers

ap%fjv xcov mcbv Tepacbv Kai todtodc; Kax' oikodc;

sum of the sons of Gershon, and these according to [the] houses

7raxpicbv aDTcbv Kaxd 8r^|ioD(; aDTcbv 23+ arco 7tsvts Kai

of their patrimony, according to their peoples, from five and

eiKoaaexouc; Kai £7idvco ecoc; 7isvTr|K0VTaeT0Dc;

twenty years and up unto fifty years —

87iiaKS\j/aa6s avzovq itaq o eia7iopsD6|isvoc;

you number them! every one entering

Xsixoupysiv Kai 7ioieiv xa epya avzov sv ttj aKqvfj

to officiate, and to do his work in the tent

tod iiapxupiou 24+ a^irj T| Xsixoupyia tod 5fj|iou

of the testimony. This [is] the ministration of the people

tod Tepacbv XsiTOupydv Kai aipeiv 25 + Kai apsi Tac;

of Gershon, to officiate and to lift. And they shall lift the

Seppeig Tr\q aKr\vr\q Kai tt|v aKTjvfiv tod jiapTDpiOD

hide coverings of the tent, and the tent of the testimony,

Kai to KaA,D|i|ia avxr\q Kai to KaTaKdA,D(i(ia

and its covering, and the overcovering

TODaKiv0ivov to ov S7i ' aDTTjv dvcoGev Kai TO

of blue — the one being upon it from above, and the

KaTaKdA,D|i|ia Tr\q dvpaq Tr\q oKrjvfjc; tod jiapTDpiOD

overcovering of the door of the tent of the testimony.

26+ Kai Ta iGTia Trjq aDAxjc; Kai to KaTaKdA,D|i|ia Trjq

And the shrouds of the courtyard, and the overcovering of the

dvpaq Tr\q avhf\q oca S7ri Tr\q aKr\vr\q Kai S7ri

door of the courtyard, as many as are upon the tent, and upon

tod BDoiaoTTj pioD Kai Ta 7ispiaad aDTcbv Kai 7idvTa

the altar, and their extras, and all

Ta OK8DT] Ta XsiTODpyiKd aDTcbv Kai 6aa

the items of their ministries. And as many as

XsiTODpyoDdiv ev aDTofo; 7ioifjaoDai 27+ KaTd &lt;xc6|ia

they officiate with them they shall prepare. By [the] mouth

Aapcbv Kai tcov dicov aDTOD scxuai r| A^siTODpyia tcov

of Aaron and his sons shall be the ministration of the

dicov Tspacbv KaTd ndaaq mq XsrcoDpyiac; aDTcbv Kai

sons of Gershon, according to all their ministrations, and

KaTd 7idvTa Ta spya aDTcbv Kai £7iioK£\j/r| aDTODc;

according to all their works. And you shall number them by

ovojidTCOv Kai 7idvTa Ta epya D7i' aDTcbv 2 s+ aDTTj

names, and all the works by them. This

r| XsiTODpyia tcov dicov Tspacbv 8V ttj aKqvfj TOD

[is] the ministration of the sons of Gershon in the tent of the


4 7 ev tootco + vuca 04 - Numbers

jiapiDpioD Kai r| (pvXaKT\ aDTcbv sv xsipi IGdjiap tod

testimony, and their watch by [the] hand of Ithamar the

diod Aapcov tod ispscoc; 29+ 01 dioi Mspapi Korea

son of Aaron the priest. The sons of Merari according to

8f||ioDc; aDTcbv KaT' oikodc; 7iaTpicbv aDTCOV

their peoples, according to [the] houses of their patrimony,

S7riaKs\j/aa6s avzovq 30 + goto tcsvts Kai siKooasroDc;

you number them! From five and twenty years

Kai S7idvco scoc; 7i£VTr|K0VTa8T0Dc; S7riaKs\j/aa6s aDTODc;

and up unto fifty years number them!

iiaq o sia7iop£D6|isvoc; XsvcoDpysw Ta spya Tr\q

every one entering to officiate the works of the

aKTjvfjc; tod jiapTDpioD 31+ Kai TaDTa Ta cpD^dyjiaTa

tent of the testimony. And these [are] the injunctions


for the [things] lifted by them, according to all

Ta spya aDTcbv sv tt| aKTjvfj tod jiapTopioD zaq

their works in the tent of the testimony ~ the

K£tpaAi5ac; tt|c; aKr\vr\q Kai todc; [io%kovq avTT\q Kai

tips of the tent, and its bars, and

todc; cttdXodc; aDTfjc; Kai Tag pdasic; avTT\q 32+ Kai todc;

its posts, and its bases, and the

cjtdXodc; Tr\q avX^q kdkAxo Kai Tag pdasic; aDTcbv Kai

posts of the courtyard round about, and their bases, and

todc; otdXodc; tod KaTa7iSTda|iaTOc; tt|c; 7ivXr\q Tr\q

the posts for the veil of the gate of the

aDArjc; Kai zaq pdasic; aDTcbv Kai

courtyard, and their bases, and

todc; 7raaadAx)Dc; aDTcbv Kai todc; KdXoDc; aDTcbv Kai

their stanchions, and their ropes, and

7idvTa Ta 0K8DT] aDTcbv Kai 7idvTa Ta

all their items, and all the [things]

A,eiTODpyfj|iaTa aDTcbv s£, ovojidTCOv S7iiaKs\j/aa6s

of their ministrations; [ by names you shall number

aDTODc; Kai 7idvTa Ta oksdtj Tr\q (pDAxxKqc; tcov

them], and all the items of the watch of the [things]

aipO|I8VC0V D7l' aDTCOV 33+ aDTTJ T| A,siTODpy(a

being lifted by them. This [is] the ministration

5f||ioD Dicbv Mspapi ev 7idai toic; spyoic; aDTcbv sv

of [the] people of [the] sons of Merari, in all their works, in

TTJ aKTjVfj TOD JiapTDpiOD SV %£ipi I9d|iap TOD DIOD

the tent of the testimony, by [the] hand of Ithamar the son


4 7 ev toi3tco + vtica 04 - Numbers

Aapcbv tod ispscoc; 34+ Kai S7isaKs\j/aTO MoaDafjc; Kai

of Aaron the priest. And Moses [ numbered and

Aapcbv Kai 01 dp%ovTec; IapafjA, todc; viovq KadG

Aaron and the rulers of Israel] the sons ofKohath,

Kaxd 8fi|ioD(; aDicbv Kax' oikodc; 7iaTpicbv aDTcbv 35 +

according to their peoples, according to [the] houses of their patrimony,

arco 7TSVT8 Kai eiKoaasTODc; Kai 87rdvco ecoc;

from five and twenty years and up unto

7isvTr|K0VTa8T0Dc; naq o sia7iopsD6|isvoc; XsvcoDpyeiv

fifty years, every one entering to officiate

Kai 7TOISW xa spya sv xr| aKTjvfj tod jiapiDpioD 36 +

and to do the works in the tent of the testimony.

Kai syevsxo r| £7uaKe\j/ic; aDicbv Kaxd 8fj|ioDc; aDicbv

And [ was their numbering] according to their peoples —

8ia%(Aioi S7ixaK6aioi 7isvTfjK0VTa 37+ aDxrj r|

two thousand seven hundred fifty. This is the

£7uaKs\j/ic; 5f||ioD KadG naq o A^sixoDpycbv sv xr|

numbering of [the] people of Kohath, every one officiating in the

aKTjvfj xod jiapxDpioD Ka6d 87isaKs\j/aTO MoaDafjc; Kai

tent of the testimony, as [ numbered Moses and

Aapcbv 8id cpcovfjq KopioD sv xsipi McoDafj 3 8+ Kai

Aaron] by [the] voice of [the] LORD by [the] hand of Moses. And

S7rsaKS7ir|aav dioi Tspacbv Kaxd SfjjioDc; aDxcbv

[ were numbered [the] sons of Gershon] according to their peoples,

Kax' oikodc; 7iaxpicbv aDxcbv 39+ arco rcevxe Kai

according to [the] houses of their patrimony, from five and

eiKoaaexoDc; Kai S7idvco scoq 7isvxr|Kovxa8xoD(; naq

twenty years and up unto fifty years; every

o eia7iop£D6|isvoc; A,sixoDpys(v Kai 7iois(v xa epya sv

one entering to officiate and to do the works in

xtj aKTjvfj xod jiapxDpioD 40+ Kai syevexo

the tent of the testimony. And [ was

Tj e7uaKs\j/ic; aDxcbv Kaxd 8fj|ioDc; aDxcbv Kax' oikodc;

their numbering] according to their peoples, according to [the] house

7iaxpicbv aDxcbv 8ia%(Aioi e^aKoaioi xpidKovxa 41 + aDxrj

of their patrimony — two thousand six hundred thirty. This

rj S7uaK£\j/ic; 8fj|ioD Dicbv Tspacbv naq

[is] the numbering of [the] people of [the] sons of Gershon, every

o ^sixoDpycbv ev xrj aKTjvfj xod jiapxDpioD ovq

one officiating in the tent of the testimony, which

S7i8aKs\j/axo McoDafjc; Kai Aapcbv 8id cpcovfjq KDpioD

[ numbered Moses and Aaron] by [the] voice of [the] LORD


4 7 ev toi3tco + vtica 04 - Numbers

sv %zipi Mcoi)af| 42 + S7rsaKS7ir|aav 5s Kai 5f||aoq

by [the] hand of Moses. And were numbered also [the] people

mcbv Mepapi Kaxd 8fniouc; auxcbv Kax' oikouc;

of [the] sons ofMerari according to their peoples, according to [the] houses

7iaxpicbv auxcbv 43 + arco 7ievx8 Kai eiKoaaexouc; Kai

of their patrimony, from five and twenty years and

e7r&amp;vco ecoc; 7isvxr|KovxaexoDc; 7iaq o 8ia7ropsi)6|isvo(;

up unto fifty years, every one entering

^eixoupysiv Kai 7ioi£iv 7ipoc; xa spya xrjc; aKr\vr\q

to officiate and to do for the works of the tent

tod jiapiDpioD 44 + Kai sysvfjGrj r| emaKsij/ic; auxcbv

of the testimony. And [ was their numbering]

Kaxd 8fj|ioDc; auxcbv Kax' oikodc; 7taxpicbv aDxcbv

according to their peoples, according to [the] houses of their patrimony —

xpia%(Xioi Kai 5iaKoaioi 45+ atixrj r| e7uaK£\j/ic;

three thousand and two hundred. This [is] the numbering

5f||ioD mcbv Mspapi ovq S7i8aKs\j/axo McoDofjq Kai

of [the] people of [the] sons of Merari which [ numbered Moses and

Aapcbv 5id cpcovfjq Kopioi) sv %eip( Mcoi)&lt;yq 4 6+

Aaron] by [the] voice of [the] LORD by [the] hand of Moses.

7tdvxsc; 01 S7rsaKS|i|isvoi ovq £7isaK£\j/axo McoDafjq Kai

All the ones being numbered, whom Moses numbered, and

Aapcbv Kai 01 dpxovxsc; IapafjA, zovq Asmxac; Kaxd

Aaron, and the rulers of Israel of the Levites, according to

5f||ioDc; auxcbv Kai Kax' oikodc; 7iaxpicbv aDxcbv 47 +

their peoples, and according to [the] houses of their patrimony,

aito 7rsvx8 Kai siKoaasxoDc; Kai 87idvco scoc;

from five and twenty years and up, unto

7isvxr|Kovxa8xoD(; naq o £ia7iop£u6|i£VOc; npoq xa spya

fifty years; every one entering to the works

xcov epycov Kai xa spya xa aipojisva ev xr|

of the works, and the works of the [things] being lifted in the

oKrjvfj xod jiapxDpioi) 4 s+ Kai eysvfjGrjaav 01

tent of the testimony. And [ were the ones

87riaKS7isvxs(; OKxaKia%iAaoi 7i8vxaKoaioi oy5of|Kovxa 49 +

being numbered], eight thousand five hundred eighty.

8id cpcovfjc; Kopioi) S7isoKs\j/axo auxotic; sv %£ipi

By [the] voice of [the] LORD he numbered them, by [the] hand

McoDafj dv5pa Kaxd dv8pa 87ri xcov spycov auxcbv Kai

of Moses; man for man, over their works, and

S7Ti cov aipouaiv auxoi Kai S7isaKS7rr|aav ov

over what they lifted themselves. And they were numbered in which


5 n sv toutco + vtica 04 - Numbers

xporcov awsxa^s icupioq too McoDafj

manner [the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses.

5 n

i + Kai eAxxAxjae Kopioc; itpoq Mamafjv Aiycov 2 +

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

7ip6axa^ov xoic; vioiq IapafjA, Kai s^a7roaxsiA,dxcoaav

Assign to the sons of Israel, and let them send out

sk Tr\q 7iaps|iPoATjc; rcdvxa A,S7ip6v Kai rcdvxa

from the camp every leper, and every

yovoppufj Kai rcdvxa araGapxov srci \\fv%r\ 3+ arco

one having gonorrhea, and every one unclean from a [dead] soul! from

apasviKoi) scoq 0t|A,dkot3 s^arcoaxsiAms s^oo xrjc;

male unto female you send [them] outside the

7tap£|iPoAr|c; Kai ov |ir| jiiavotiai

camp! for in no way shall they defile

zaq rcapsjiPoAxxc; auxcbv sv oiq sycb Kaxayivojiai sv

their camp in which I occupy among

ai)xok; 4+ Kai srcovrjaav otixooc; 01 moi IopafjA, Kai

them. And [did thus the sons of Israel]. And

s^arcsaxsi^av avzovq s^co xrjc; rcapsjiPoAxjc; Ka6d

they sent them outside the camp as

sAxxAxjas Kupioq too McDDafj ovTOdq srcovrjaav 01 dioi

[the] LORD said [to] Moses — thus [ did the sons

IapafjA, 5 + Kai s^dAxjas Kopioc; rcpoc; Mamafjv Aiycov 6 +

of Israel]. And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

Xakr\GOV xoic; vioiq IapafjA, Xsycov avrjp r| yuvfj

Speak to the sons of Israel! saying, A man or woman,

oaTiq av rcoifjarj arco rcaocbv xcov a|iapxicbv xcov

who ever should commit of all the sins of

avGpcorcrvoov Kai rcapi8cbv rcap(5r| Kai rcAx||iLxsAr|ar|

mankind, and ignoring should ignore, and [ should trespass

T| \|A)%f| SKsivrj 7 + s^ayopsixyq xrjv ajiapxiav r|v

that soul], he should declare openly the sin which

srcorqas Kai arco5cbasi xrjv rcAx|LXLxsA,siav xo

he did, and shall give for the trespass [offering] the

KscpdAmov Kai xo srcircs|ircxov avzov rcpoaGrjasi src'

total sum, and the fifth part of it he shall add unto

ai)xo Kai arco8cbasi xivi srcAr||i|isAx|asv auxoo 8 +

it, and shall give back to whomever he trespassed [against] him.

sdv 5s |ir| T| xco avBpcbrcco o ayxiaxsuoov cbaxs

But if there might not be to the man acting as next of kin, so as


5 n ev toutco + vtica 04 - Numbers

a7io8oDvai ai)icb to 7iAxj|i|isATj|ia to

to give to him [satisfaction] for the trespass [offering], [let] the

7ihr\[L[Lskr\[ia to a7io8i86|isvov too Kopico tco

trespass [offering], the one being given [be] to the LORD— [for the

ISpSl 8&lt;XCai 7tAxjV TOD KplOD TOD lkaO[LOV 8l OD

priest it shall be], besides the ram of the atonement, by which

e^iAxxci8Tai ev (xdtco 7isp( aDTOD 9+ Kai 7idaa a7iap%fj

he shall atone with it for him. And every first-fruit

k(xt&amp; 7idvTa Ta ayia^6|isva sv moiq lapar\k 6aa

of all the things having been sanctified among [the] sons of Israel, as many

av 7ipoa(pepcoai Kopico tcd ispsi aDTcb e&lt;xcai 10+ Kai

as they should offer [to the] LORD, [for the priest himself will be]. And

sk&amp;otod Ta rjyiaajieva oidtod scxuai Kai avfjp oq

the [things] of each [man] having been sanctified it will be his; and a man, who

av 5co tco ispei aDTcb scxuai n+ Kai

ever should give [anything] to the priest, to him it will be [his]. And

eAxxAxjae KDpioq itpoq McoDafiv Aiycov 12+ AxxAxjaov Toiq

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Speak to the

vioiq IapafjA, Kai epefc; npoq aDTODc; avSpoc; avSpoc;

sons of Israel! and you shall say to them, [The] man, a man

sdv 7rapapfj rj yDvfi aDTOD Kai D7ispi8oDaa 7iap(8rj

if [ should violate his wife], and in overlooking should ignore

aDTOV 13+ Kai KoijirjGfj tic; jist' aDTfjc; Kovcrjv

him, and anyone should go to bed with her in [the] marriage-bed

a7i8p|iaTOc; Kai XdGrj ocp9aX|icbv

of semen, and it should be unaware from [the] eyes

tod avSpoc; aDTfjc; Kai KpD\j/rj aDTfj 8s rj

of her husband, and she should hide [it], and herself should be

|is|iiaa|i8vr| Kai jidpTDc; |irj r| tot' avTT\q Kai

defiled, and [ witness there should be no] against her, and

aDTfj |ir| T| aDV8iA,r||i|isvr| 14+ Kai S7i8A,6r| aDTcb

she should not be conceived; and there should come upon him

7rvsD|ia ^rjAxbaecoc; Kai ^rjAxbarj ttjv yDvavxa aDTOD

a spirit of jealousy, and he should be jealous of his wife,

aDTfj 8e jisjiiavTai r| s7isAi)r| aDTcb 7rveD|ia

and she be defiled; or there should come upon him a spirit

^rjAxbaecoc; Kai ^rjAxbarj tt|v yovavxa aDTOD aDTfj 8e

of jealousy and he should be jealous of his wife, and she

|irj rj |is|iiaa|isvrj 15+ Kai d^ei o dv0pco7roc;

should not be defiled; then [ shall lead the man]

TTjv yDvaiKa aDTOD itpoq tov lepea Kai 7ipoao(a£i to

his wife to the priest, and he shall bring the

5 n ev tootco + vuca 04 - Numbers

5cbpov 7rsp( avTT\q xo Ssraxov tod oicpi dXsDpov

gift for her, the tenth of the ephah of flour

KpiGlVOV ODK S7TIXS81 871 ' ODTO sAmOV 01)88

of barley; he shall not pour upon it olive oil, nor

87ci6fja8i S7c' avTO Aipavov sail yap dvaia ^r|Ax)XD7i;(ac;

shall he place upon it frankincense; for it is a sacrifice for jealousy,

dvaia jivri|io&lt;x6voa) ava|ii|ivf|aKODaa ajiapxiav i6+ Kai

a sacrifice of memorial, calling to mind sin. And

7cpoad^8i aDxfjv o ispsDc; Kai axfjasi aDxfjv svavxi

[ shall bring her the priest], and stand her before

Ki)p(oi) 17+ Kai Ax|\j/8xai o ispsDc; i35cop KaGapov ^cov

[the] LORD. And [ shall take the priest water clean living]

sv ayysioo oaxpaKivco Kai xrjc; yr\q Tr\q ovar\q 87U

in [ receptacle an earthenware], and [some] of the earth being upon

xod sSdcpoDc; xrjc; GKr\vr\q xod |iapxDpk&gt;D Kai Xafi(hv

the floor of the tent of the testimony; and taking [it],

o ispsDc; sjiPa^si sic; xo i35cop is + Kai axfjasi o

the priest shall put it into the water. And [ shall stand the

ispstic; xrjv yovaixa svavxi KopioD Kai a7C0KaA,D\j/si

priest] the woman before [the] LORD, and he shall uncover

xrjv KecpaArjv Tr\q yvvaiKoq Kai 8cbasi S7U

the head of the woman, and he shall give unto

xac; %zipaq avTT\q xrjv dvaiav xod jivrjjioaDVOD xrjv

her hands the sacrifice of memorial, the

GDcriav xrjc; ^rjXoxDTciaq sv 8s xrj %sipi xod ispscoq

sacrifice of jealousy; but in the hand of the priest

saxai xo D8cop xod sA^syjioD xo S7UKaxapcb|isvov

will be the water of rebuke, the one accursing

xodxo 19+ Kai opKisi aDxfjv o ispsDc; Kai spsi xr|

this. And [ shall adjure her the priest], and he shall say to the

yDvaiKi si |ir| KSKoijirjxai xic; jisxd aoD si |ir|

woman, If no one has gone to bed with you, if you have not

7tapaPsPr|Kac; jiiavGfjvai D7c6 xov dv8pa xov asaDxfjc;

violated to be defiled [being] under [ husband your own],

aGcba 1061 a7co xod DSaxoc; xod slsyjioD

be innocent from [by the water of rebuke

xod S7ciKaxapcojisvoD xodxod 20 + si 8s &lt;yu 7capaPsPr|Ka(;

this accursing] ! But if [ you violated

D7cav8poc; ODaa rj jisjiiavaai Kai s8coks xk;

being married], or were defiled, and any gave

xrjv Koixrjv aDxoD sv aoi 7cAx|v xod avSpoc; aoD 2 i + Kai

of his marriage-bed with you, besides your husband; then


5 n ev toi3tco + viica 04 - Numbers

opKiei o ispsDc; xrjv yovaiKa sv xoic; opKoic;

[ shall bind the priest] the woman by the oaths

Tr\q apaq TaDTT|c; Kai spsi o ispsDc; tt| yDvaud

of this imprecation. And [ shall say the priest] to the woman,

8cbr| as Kopioc; sv apd Kai svopKiov sv jisaco

May [ appoint you [the] LORD] to a curse and solemn affirmation in [the] midst

tod Xaov aoi) sv too 8oDvai icopiov tov jxrjpov aoD

of your people, in the LORD giving of your thigh

8ia7rs7iTCOK6Ta Kai ttjv KoiAiav aoi) 7iS7ipr|a(isvr|v 22 +

to miscarry, and your belly to bloat;

Kai siasA^sDasxai to D5cop to S7iiKaTapcb|isvov todto

and [ shall enter water this accursing]

sic; ttjv KoiAiav aoi) 7ipfjaai yaaTSpa Kai 5ia7isas(v

into your belly to bloat pregnant and to miscarry

|ir|p6v aoi) Kai spsi r| yirvfj ysvoiTO ysvoiTO 23+ Kai

by your thigh. And [ shall say the woman], May it be. May it be. And

ypdysi o ispstic; zaq apaq zamaq siq PipMov Kai

[ shall write the priest] these imprecations on a scroll, and

s^a^snj/si sic; to i38cop tod sXsyjioD tod

shall wipe [them] away in the water of the rebuke of the

S7iiKaTapco|isvoD 24+ Kai 7roTisi ttjv yovalxa TO

accursing. And he shall give to drink to the woman the

D5cop tod sA^syjioD tod S7iiKaTapco|isvoD Kai

water of the rebuke of the accursing; and

siaslsDasTai sic; aDTfjv to D8cop tod s^syjioD tod

shall enter into her the water of the rebuke of the

S7iiKaTapco|isvoD 25+ Kai Arj\j/STai o ispstic; sk

accursing. And [ shall take the priest] from out of

Xsipoq Tr\q yDvaucoc; tt|v 0Da(av Tr\q ^r|Ax)TD7uac; Kai

[the] hand of the woman the sacrifice of jealousy, and

S7u6fjasi ttjv 0Daiav svavTi KopioD Kai 7ipoao(asi

shall place the sacrifice before [the] LORD. And he shall bring

aDTTjv S7U to 0DaiaaTf|piov 26+ Kai 5pd^STai o ispsDq

her unto the altar. And [ shall grab the priest]

a7io Tr\q dvaiaq to (ivr||i6aDVOV aDTfjc; Kai avoiasi

from the sacrifice as a memorial of it, and he shall offer

aDTO S7U to 0DaiaaTfjpiov Kai jiSTd TaDTa

it upon the altar; and after these [things]

7roTisi ttjv yDvaiKa to D5cop 27+ Kai saTai sdv

he will cause [ to drink the woman] the water. And it shall be if

T| (is|iiaa|isvr| Kai Ar|6r| Xadr\

she should be defiled, and in forgetfulness [ should be unaware



8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

xov dv5pa avTT\q Kai eiae^suasTai siq aDxfjv to i35cop

her husband], then shall enter into her the water

tod eXejilov to 87iiKaTapcb|isvov Kai 7ipr|a6fia8Tai tt|v

of rebuke of accursing, and [ shall bloat the

KoiAiav Kai 5ia7isasrcai o |JT|p6c; avTT\q Kai scxuai r|

belly], and [ shall miscarry her thigh]. And [ will be the

ywfj sic; apdv tco Xacb avTT\q 28+edv8e jlit| (jiavGfj

woman] for a curse to her people. But if [ should not be defiled

T| yovfj Kai KaGapd r| Kai aGcba e&lt;xcai Kai

the woman], and should be clean, then she will be innocent, and

£Ka7rsp|iaTie( a7iep|ia 29 + outoc; o vojioq Tr\q

shall produce offspring of semen. This [is] the law of the

^r|A,OTD7ua(; co av 7iapapf| r| yuvfj vnavdpoq ovaa

jealousy in which ever [ should violate a woman being married]

Kai jiiavGfj 30+ T| dv9pco7iO(; o sdv S7isAi)r| S7i'

and should be defiled; or a man who ever should have [ come upon

avTOV 7rv£i)|ia ^rjXcbascocj Kai fy\k(bar\

him a spirit of jealousy], and should be jealous

ttjv yuvaira avzov Kai aTfjarj tt|v yuvauca avzov

of his wife, and should stand his wife

svavTi KDpioi) Kai 7ioif|a8i avTT\ o lepetic; 7idvTa

before [the] LORD, then [ shall do to her the priest] all

tov vojiov toi)tov 31 + Kai aQcboq e&lt;xcai o dv6p&lt;j07roc;

this law. And [ will be innocent the man]

a7io ajiapTiaq Kai yovfj eKeivrj Axj\j/£Tai tt|v ajiapnav

from sin. And that woman shall take the sin


on herself.

6 1

1 + Kai sAxxAxjae Kopioc; itpoq McoDafjv Aiyoov 2 +

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

Xakr\aov TOiq vioiq lapar\k Kai spsfc; npoq avzovq

Speak to the sons of Israel! And you shall say to them,

avfjp T| yuvfj oq av jisydAxoc; ei3^r|Tai sv%r\v

A man or woman, who ever should greatly vow a vow

acpayviaaaGai ayvsiav Kupico 3 + a7TO OIVOD Kai

to purify [oneself] in purity [to the] LORD, from wine and

oiKepa ayviaGfjasTai Kai o^oc; oivod Kai

liquor he shall be pure, and strong drink from out of wine; and

otqoq sk aiKspa ou 7iiSTai Kai 6aa

strong drink from out of liquor he shall not drink; and as many [things] as



8V TOUT© + VlKa
04 - Numbers

Kaxepyd^sxai sk axacpuAxjc; od 7uexai Kai

[are] manufactured from out of [the] grape he shall not drink; and

oxacpuArjv 7ip6a(paxov Kai axaqn8ac; od cpdyexai 4 +

[ grape fresh] and dried grape he shall not eat.

7i&amp;aac; xac; rjjiepac; xrjc; sv%r\q aDXOD a7io 7cdvxcov

All the days of his vow, from all

6aa yivexai a\msXjov oivov a7io oxsjicptiAxov

as many [things] as come from [the] grapevine, wine, from dregs

ecoc; yiydpxoD od cpdyexai 5+ naaaq xac; rjjiepac;

unto grape-stone, he shall not eat. All the days

xrjc; sv%r\q xod ayviajiOD aDXOD tppoq odk

of the vow of his purification a razor shall not

£7TsA£l)0£Xai 8711 XT|V KSCpaAjjV aDXOD SGOC; aV

come upon his head, until whenever

7iA,r|pco9cbaiv ai rjjiepai oaaq rjD^axo KDpico

[ should be fulfilled the days], as many as he made a vow [to the] LORD.

dyioc; eoxai xpscpcov Kojirjv xp(%a KecpaArjc; aDXOD 6 +

He shall be holy, maintaining [the] lock of hair on his head.

7idaac; xaq rjjiepac; xrjc; SD%f|c; KDpico S7ri 7idar|

All the days of the vow [to the] LORD [ unto any

\j/D%fj xexeXeDxrjKDia odk eiaeXsDaexai 7+ em 7iaxp(

soul coming to an end he shall not enter]. Unto father

Kai 87i( jirjxpi Kai S7i' a5eAxpcb Kai S7i' a5eAxpf|

and unto mother, and to brother, and to sister,

od |iiav6f|aexai S7i' aDxoiq a7io6av6vxcov aDxcbv 6x1

he shall not be defiled by them in their dying; for

SD^fj 08OD aDxoD 87i ' aDxcb 87U KecpaArjc; aDXOD 8 +

[ vow of God his] [is] upon him, upon his head.

7tdaac; xac; rjjiepac; xrjc; sv%r\q aDXOD dyioq saxai

All the days of his vow will be holy

KDpico 9+sdv5s Tiq Gavdxco a7co0dvr| S7c' aDxcb

[to the] LORD. And if anyone [ to death should die] near him

s^d7civa 7tapaxpfj|ia jiiavGfjaexai rj KecpaAxj

suddenly, immediately [ shall be defiled the head

sv%r\q aDXOD Kai ^opfjaexai xrjv KscpaAxjv aDXOD sv r|

of his vow]; and he shall shave his head in which

rjjispa KaGapiaGfj xr| rjjiepa xr| 8p86|ir| ^Dpr|6f|aexai

day he should be cleansed; the [ day seventh] he shall be shaved.

10+ Kai xt| rjjiepa xr| oy56r| oiosi 5do xpDyovac; rj

And the [ day eighth] he shall bring two turtle-doves, or

5do vsoctcjodc; 7cepiaxepcbv npoq xov lepea S7c( xac;

two young pigeons to the priest at the



8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

dvpaq Tr\q GKr\vr\q tod jiapiDpioi) n+ Kai 7ioif|asi o

doors of the tent of the testimony. And [ shall offer the

ispstic; [liav 7isp( ajiapxiac; Kai |i(av sic; oAx)Kai&gt;xcG|ia

priest] one for a sin [offering], and one for a whole burnt-offering;

Kai s^iAxxasxai 7ispi avzov o ispstic; 7isp( cov

and [ shall atone for him the priest], for of which

fjjiapxs 7isp( xrjq yu%f|c; Kai ocyidasi

he sinned concerning [touching] the [dead] soul, and he shall sanctify

xrjv KecpaAxjv OLVTOV SV SKSlVTj XT| r|(ispa

his head in that day,

12+ T[ rjyidaGrj xco Kupico itaaaq zaq rjiispaq Tr\q

in which he was sanctified to the LORD, all the days of the

sv%r\q Kai 7ipoad^si ajivov sviatiaiov siq

vow. And he shall lead forward a lamb of a year [old] for

7rAr||i|i8A£iav Kai ai rjjispai aurpoxspai

a trespass [offering]. And the [ days former]

dXoyoi saovxai 6xi S|iidv6r| r| KscpaAxj sv%r\q auxoi) 13 +

shall not be reckoned, for [ was defiled the head of his vow].

Kai omoq o vojioq xod SD^ajisvoi) r| av r||ispa

And this is the law of the making a vow; in which ever day

7iAr|pcbasi rjjispaq zv%r\q avzov 7ipoaoiasi auxoc;

he shall have fulfilled [the] days of his vow, he shall bring himself

7iapd xac; dvpaq Tr\q aKTjvfjc; xod jiapxupioi) 14+ Kai

by the doors of the tent of the testimony, and

7ipoad^si xo 8cbpov avzov xco Kupico ajivov sviauaiov

shall lead his gift to the LORD — [ he-lamb of a year [old]

d|ico|iov sva sic; oA^OKauxcooiv Kai ajivd8a sviauaiav

unblemished one] for a whole burnt-offering, and [ ewe-lamb of a year [old]

jiiav d|ico|iov sic; ajiapxiav Kai Kpiov sva djicojiov

one unblemished] for a sin [offering], and [ ram one unblemished]

sic; acoxfjpiov 15+ Kai Kavotiv a^ojicov os|ii5dXscoc;

for a deliverance [offering]; and a bin of unleavened fine flour

dpxoDc; ava7iS7roir||isvoD(; sv sAmco Kai Xdyava d£/D|ia

breads being prepared in olive oil, and [ pancakes unleavened]

Ksxpiajisva sv sAmco Kai dvaiav auxcbv Kai

being anointed in olive oil, and their sacrifice, and

O7rov8fjv auxcbv 16+ Kai 7ipoaoiasi o ispstic; svavxi

their libation. And [ shall bring [them] the priest] before

Kopioi) Kai 7ioifjasi xo 7isp( ajiapxiaq avzov Kai

[the] LORD, and shall offer the [sacrifice] for his sin [offering], and

xo oXoKai3xco|ia auxou 17+ Kai xov Kpiov 7iorfjosi

his whole burnt-offering. And [with] the ram he shall make



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dvaiav aoaxrjpioD too Kupioo S7ri xoo Kavcb

a sacrifice of deliverance to the LORD with the bin

xcov a^ojicDV Kai 7ioif|asi o ispsDc; xrjv 0Da(av aDxoD

of unleavened [breads]. And [ shall offer the priest] his sacrifice [offering],

Kai xrjv a7iov5f|v aDxoD is + Kai ^opfjaexai o rjDyjisvoc;

and his libation. And [ shall shave the one making a vow]

7iapd xac; dvpaq xrjc; aKr\vr\q xod jiapxDpiOD xrjv

by the doors of the tent of the testimony the

KscpaAxjv Tr\q sv%r\q avzov Kai £7ii0f|aei xac; xp(%ac; em

head of his vow; and he shall place the hair upon

xo 7Top o saxiv S7Ti xrjv 0Da(av XOD

the fire, the one which is upon the sacrifice of the

acoxrjpioi) 19+ Kai Axjyexai o lepsDc; xov Ppa%(ova

deliverance [offering]. And [ shall take the priest] the shoulder

scp06v a7io xod KpioD Kai dpxov eva dt/ojiov arco

cooked from the ram, and [ bread one unleavened] from

xod kovod Kai Xdyavov d£/D|iov ev Kai S7ri0f|a£i

the bin, and [pancake unleavened one]; and he shall place [them]

87i( xac; %s(pac; xod rjDyjievoD jiexd

upon the hands of the one making a vow, after

xo ^opfjaaaGai aDxov xrjv KecpaArjv aDxoD

his shaving of his head.

20+ Kai 7ipoao(asi aDxd o lepsDc; S7U0s|ia svavxi

And [ shall offer them the priest] as an increase [offering] before

KDpioD dyiov saxai xca ispsi em xod axr|0Dv(oD xod

[the] LORD; it shall be a holy [portion] to the priest beside the breast of the

£7ii08|iaxoc; Kai em xod Ppaxiovoq xod acpaipejiaxoc;

increase [offering], and beside the shoulder of the cut-away portion [offering].

Kai jisxd xaDxa 7iisxai o rjDyjievoc; oivov 2 \+ odxoc; o

And after this [ shall drink the one making a vow] wine. This is the

vojioq xod SD^ajievoD oq av eD^rjxai Kupioo

law of the one making a vow; who ever should make a vow [to the] LORD

8cbpov aDxoD xco Kupioo 7isp( xrjc; sv%r\q X^P^ © v

of his gift to the LORD, concerning the vow, separate from what

av SDprj T| %sip aDxoD Kaxd 6vva[iiv

ever [ should find his hand] according to ability

Tr\q sv%r\q aDxoD r\q av eD^rjxai Kaxd xov vojiov

of his vow, of what ever he should have vowed according to the law

ayvsiaq aDxoD 22+ Kai sAxxAxjae KDpioc; npoq McoDaf|v

of his purity. And [the] LORD spoke to Moses,

Aiycov 23 + XaXr\aov Aapcbv Kai xoic; vioiq aDxoD Aiycov

saying, Speak to Aaron and his sons! saying,



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

04 - Numbers

ovTwq srAoyfjasTS zovq viovq IapafjX AiyovTSc;

Thus you shall bless the sons of Israel, saying

aDTok; 24+ srAoyfjaai as Kopioc; Kai (pvXatjui CTS 25 +

to them, May [ bless you [The] LORD], and keep you.

87ii(pdvai Kopioc; to 7ip6aco7rov avzov S7ri as Kai

May [the] LORD shine his face upon you, and

sksr\aa\ as 26 + srcdpai Kopioc; to 7ip6aco7rov auTorj sm

show mercy on you. May [the] LORD lift up his face upon

as Kai 8cbr| aoi sipfjvrjv 2 ?+ Kai S7ii6f|aouai

you, and give you peace. And they shall place

to ovojid |iod sm touc; viovq IapafjX Kai sycb

my name upon the sons of Israel, and I

srAoyfjaoo arjTorjc;

will bless them.

7 T

i + Kai sysvsTO tt| rjjispa r| awsTsA^sas McoDafiq

And it came to pass in the day in which Moses completed

cbaTS avaaTfjaai tt|v aKTjvfiv Kai s%piasv arjTfjv Kai

so as to raise up the tent, and he anointed it, and

rjyiaasv arjTfjv Kai 7idvTa Ta aKstirj avTT\q Kai to

sanctified it, and all the items of it, and the

GuaiaaTfjpiov Kai rcavra Ta aKstirj avzov Kai

altar, and all the items of it; and

sxpiasv ai)Td Kai rjyiaasv ai)Td 2 + Kai 7ipoafjvsyKav

he anointed them and sanctified them. And [ brought [gifts]

oi dpxovTsq IapafjA, dpxovTsq oikcov 7iaTpicbv arjTcbv

the rulers of Israel], rulers of the houses of their patrimony,

ovjtoi oi dpxovTsq cprAcbv ovjtoi oi TrapsarrjKOTSc;

these [are] the rulers of [the] tribes, these [are] the ones standing

S7U Tr\q S7riaK07ifjc; 3 + Kai fjvsyrav Ta 8cbpa arjTcbv

by the overseeing. And they brought their gifts

svavTi Kopioi) s^ ajid^ac; A,a|i7ir|viKdc; Kai 5cb5sKa

before [the] LORD, six wagons covered, and twelve

Poaq djia^av 7iapd 8rjo ap%6vTCDV Kai |ioa%ov 7iapd

oxen; a wagon from two rulers, and a calf from

SKdaTOD Kai 7ipoafjyayov svavriov Tr\q aKrjvfjc; 4 + Kai

each. And they brought [them] before the tent. And

si7is Kupioq 7ipoc; McoDaf|v Xsycov 5+ AxxPs 7iap' arjTcbv

[the] LORD said to Moses, saying, Take from them!


7 T sv tootg) + vuca 04 - Numbers

Kai saovxai npoq xa spya xa XsixoDpyiKd xrjc;

and they will be for the works of the ministry of the

aKTjvfjc; xod jiapxDpioD Kai Scbasic; aDxd xoic;

tent of the testimony. And you shall give them to the

AsDixaic; £K&amp;axcD Kaxd xrjv aDxoD XsixoDpyiav 6 + Kai

Levites, each according to his ministration. And

Xaficbv MooDofjc; xac; ajid^ac; Kai xodc; fioaq sScdksv

Moses, taking the wagons and the oxen, he gave

ai)xd xoic; AsDixaiq ?+ xac; 8do ajid^ac; Kai xodc;

them to the Levites. The two wagons, and the

xsaaapac; Poaq s8cdks xoic; vioiq Tspacbv Kaxd

four oxen he gave to the sons of Gershon for

xac; XsixoDpyiac; aDxcov 8 + Kai xac; xsaaapac; ajid^ac;

their ministrations. And the four wagons

Kai xodc; OKxcb Poaq s8cdks xoiq dioic; Mspapi Kaxd

and the eight oxen he gave to the sons of Merari for

xac; XsixoDpyiac; auxcbv 8id I6d|iap diod Aapcbv xod

their ministrations, by Ithamar son of Aaron the



9 + Kai xoic; dioic; KadG od sScdksv 6xi xa

And to the sons ofKohath he gave not, for [the

A£ixoi)pyfj|iaxa xod ayioD s%ODaiv S7i' cbjicov

ministrations of the holy [things] they have]; [ upon [their] shoulders

apoDai io+ Kai 7rpoafjveyKav 01 dp%ovxsc; sic; xov

they shall lift [them]]. And [ brought [gifts] the rulers] for the

syraiviajiov xod GDaiaaxrjpioD sv xrj rjjispa sv r|

dedication of the altar in the day in which

sxpicrsv aDxo Kai 7ipoafjvsyKav 01 dp%ovxsc;

he anointed it, and [ brought the rulers]

xa 8cbpa aDxcov arcsvavxi xod 0Daiaaxr|p(oD n+ Kai

their gifts before the altar. And

si7is KDpioq 7ipoc; McoDaf|v dpxcov sic; Ka6' rjjispav

[the] LORD said to Moses, [ ruler One] for [each] day,

dpxcov Ka6' r||ispav 7ipoao(aoDai xa 8cbpa aDxcov sic;

a ruler per day shall bring his gift for

xov syKaiviajiov xod BDaiaaxrjpioD 12+ Kai rjv o

the dedication of the altar. And was the

7ipoa(pspcov sv xrj rjjispa xrj 7ipcbxr| xo 8cbpov aDxoD

one bringing on the [day first] of his gift —

Naaaacbv vioq A|iiva8dp dp%cov xrjc; (pvXr\q lovda 13 +

Nahshon son of Amminadab, ruler of the tribe of Judah.


7 T sv toutco + vtica 04 - Numbers

Kai 7ipoaf|vsyKs to 8cbpov avzov xpt&gt;pAiov apyopotiv

And he brought his gift; [ saucer silver

sv xpi&amp;Kovxa Kai sraxov oA,kt| avzov cpidAxjv jiiav

one], thirty and a hundred [was] its scale-weight, [bowl one

apyopdv spSojxfjKovTa ctikXcdv Kaxd xov ahckov

silver] of seventy shekels, according to the [ shekel

xov dyiov ajicpoxspa 7rAxjpr| as|ii8dA,s&lt;joc;

holy], both full of fine flour

ava7i£7ioir||isvr|c; sv sAmco sic; Qvaiav u+ 0maKT|v

being prepared in olive oil for a sacrifice [offering]; [ incense pan

jiiav 8sKa %pva(bv 7iAr|pr| 9i)|iid|iaxoc; 15+ [ioa%ov

one] of ten [weights] of gold, full of incense; [ calf

sva sk Pocbv Kpiov sva ajivov sva sviatiaiov sic;

one] from [the] oxen, [ ram one], [ he-lamb one] of a year [old] for

oAx)Km3xcD|ia 16+ Kai %(|iapov s^ aiycbv sva 7isp(

a whole burnt-offering; and [ winter yearling from [the] goats one] for

ajiapxiac; 17+ Kai sic; Guaiav acoxrjpiou 8a|idA,sic; dvo

a sin [offering]; and for a sacrifice of deliverance, [heifers two],

Kpiotic; 7rsvxs xpdyouc; 7isvxs ajivdSac; sviauaiac; 7isvxs

[rams five], [he-goats five], [ewe-lambs of a year [old] five];

xotixo xo 8cbpov Naaacbv mou AjiivaSdp i 8 + xr|

this [is] the gift of Nahshon son of Amminadab. The

rjjispa xrj 8si)xspa 7ipoaf|vsyKs NaBavafjA, mocj Xcoydp

[ day second] there brought Nethaneel, son of Zuar,

o dp%cov xrjc; (pvh^q Iaad%ap 19+ Kai 7ipoof|vsyKS

the ruler of the tribe oflssachar. And he brought

xo 8cbpov avTOV xpt&gt;pAiov apyupotiv sv xpidKovxa Kai

his gift; [ saucer silver one], thirty and

sraxov oA,kt| avTOV cpidArjv jiiav apyDpdv

a hundred [was] its scale-weight, [ bowl one silver]

spSojxfjKovxa cjikAxov Kaxd xov ahckov xov dyiov

of seventy shekels, according to the [shekel holy],

ajicpoxspa 7iAr|pr| asjiiSd^scDc; ava7TS7roir||isvr|c; sv

both full of fine flour being prepared in

slaico sic; Guaiav 20+ GmaKqv jjiav 8sra %pt&gt;acbv

olive oil for a sacrifice [offering]; [ incense pan one] often [weights] of gold

7tAx|pr| 0D|iid|iaxoc; 21+ |ioa%ov sva sk Pocbv Kpiov

full of incense, [ calf one] from [the] oxen, [ ram

sva ajivov sva sviatiaiov sic; oA,orai)xcD|ia 22+ Kai

one], [he-lamb one] of a year [old] for a whole burnt-offering; and


7 T ev tootco + vtica 04 - Numbers

Xijiapov s£, aiycbv sva 7isp( ajiapxiac; 23 + Kai sic;

[ winter yearling from [the] goats one] for a sin [offering]; and for

dvaiav acoxrjpioi) 5a|idA,sic; Svo Kpiotic; 7isvxs xpdyouc;

a sacrifice of deliverance, [ heifers two], [ rams five], [ he-goats

7TSVTS a[iva6aq sviauoiac; 7tsvxs xotixo to 5cbpov

five], [ewe-lambs of a year [old] five]; this [is] the gift

NaGavafjX viov Scoydp 24+ xr| r||ispa xr| xpixrj dp%cov

of Nethaneel son of Zuar. The [ day third] [the] ruler

xcov mcbv ZafiovXcbv EAidp vioq XsAxbv 25+ to

of the sons ofZebulun, Eliab son ofHelon [brought]

8cbpov avTOV xpt&gt;pAiov apyopotiv sv xpidKovxa Kai

his gift; [ saucer silver one], thirty and

sraxov oAxfj avTOV cpidArjv jiiav apyupdv

a hundred [was] its scale-weight, [ bowl one silver]

sP5o|if|Kovxa gikXcov Kaxd xov ctikA,ov xov dyiov

of seventy shekels, according to the [ shekel holy],

ajicpoxepa 7iXf|pr| as|ii8dXscoc; ava7TS7ioiri|isvr|c; sv

both full of fine flour being prepared in

sAmco sic; dvaiav 26+ 0maKT|v jiiav 5sra %pi)acbv

olive oil for a sacrifice [offering]; [ incense pan one] often [weights] of gold,

7rAx|pr| GDjiidjiaxoc; 27+ [ioa%ov sva sk Pocbv Kpiov

full of incense; [ calf one] from [the] oxen, [ ram

sva ajivov sva sviatiaiov sic; oA,OKai3xco|ia 2 s+ Kai

one], [ he-lamb one] of a year [old] for a whole burnt-offering; and

Xijiapov s^ aiycbv sva 7isp( ajiapxiac; 29+ Kai sic;

[ winter yearling from [the] goats one] for a sin [offering]; and for

dvaiav acoxrjpioi) 6a[iaXs\q Svo Kpuroc; 7isvxs xpdyouc;

a sacrifice of deliverance, [ heifers two], [ rams five], [ he-goats

7rsvxs ajivdSaq sviarjaiac; 7isvxs xorjxo xo 8cbpov

five], [ewe-lambs of a year [old] five]; this [is] the gift

EAidp mou XsA^cbv 30+ xr| r||ispa xr| xsxdpxrj dp%cov

of Eliab son ofHelon. The [day fourth] [the] ruler

xcov mcbv Poi)Pfjv EAiaorjp vioq £s5r|oi)p 31+ xo

of the sons of Reuben, Elizur son ofShedeur [brought]

8cbpov avTOV xpupAiov apyoporjv sv xpidKovxa Kai

his gift; [ saucer silver one], thirty and

sraxov oA,kt| avTOV tpidArjv |i(av apyDpdv

a hundred [was] its scale-weight; [ bowl one silver]

sp8o|ifjKovxa cjikXcov Kaxd xov arnXov xov dyiov

of seventy shekels, according to the [ shekel holy],

ajicpoxspa 7rArjpr| as|ii8dXscoc; ava7TS7ioiri|isvr|c; sv

both full of fine flour being prepared in


7 T ev toutco + vuca 04 - Numbers

sAmco sic; dvaiav 32 + 0maKT|v jiiav 5sra %pi)acbv

olive oil for a sacrifice [offering]; [ incense pan one] often [weights] of gold,

7iAxjpr| 0u|iid|iaxoc; 33+ |ioa%ov sva 8K Pocbv Kpiov

full of incense, [ calf one] from [the] oxen, [ ram

sva ajivov sva sviauaiov sic; oXoKauxcojia 34+ Kai

one], [he-lamb one] of a year [old] for a whole burnt-offering; and

%(|iapov s£, aiycbv sva 7isp( ajiapxiac; 35+ Kai sic;

[ winter yearling from [the] goats one] for a sin [offering]; and for

dvaiav ooQxrjpioi) 6a[iaXsiq Svo Kpiovq 7isvxs xpdyouc;

a sacrifice of deliverance, [ heifers two], [ rams five], [ he-goats

7rsvxs ajivdSaq sviauoiac; rcsvxs xotixo xo 5cbpov

five], [ewe-lambs of a year [old] five]; this [is] the gift

EAaooup moi) Ss8r|OT3p 36+ xr| r||ispa xr| 7is|i7rxr| dp%cov

ofElizur son ofShedeur. The [day fifth] [the] ruler

xcov mcbv I/ojiscbv SaXa|iif|A, vioq Soi)piaa8ai 37+ xo

of the sons of Simeon, Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai [brought]

5cbpov avTOV xpupAiov apyopouv sv xpidKovxa Kai

his gift; [ saucer silver one], thirty and

SKaxov ohtf\ clvtov cpidArjv jiiav apy^pdv

a hundred [was its] scale-weight, [ bowl one silver]

sp5o|if|Kovxa aiK^cbv Kaxd xov ctikA,ov xov dyiov

of seventy shekels, according to the [shekel holy],

ajicpoxspa 7iXf|pr| as|ii8dXscoc; ava7TS7ioiri|isvr|c; sv

both full of fine flour being prepared in

sAmco sic; Gucriav 38+ GmaKqv |i(av 8sKa %pi)acbv

olive oil for a sacrifice [offering]; [ incense pan one] often [weights] of gold,

7rAx|pr| 9i)|iid|iaxoc; 39+ [ioa%ov sva sk Pocbv Kpiov

full of incense; [ calf one] from [the] oxen, [ ram

sva ajivov sva sviatiaiov sic; oAx)Kai3xcG|ia 40+ Kai

one], [ he-lamb one] of a year [old] for a whole burnt-offering; and

Xijiapov s^ aiycov sva 7ispi ajiapxiaq 41+ Kai sic;

[ winter yearling from [the] goats one] for a sin [offering]; and for

dvaiav acoxrjpioi) 6a[iaXs\q Svo Kpiotig 7isvxs xpdyouc;

a sacrifice of deliverance, [ heifers two], [ rams five], [ he-goats

7rsvxs ajivdSaq sviaDaiaq 7isvxs xotixo xo 8cbpov

five], [ewe-lambs of a year [old] five]; this [is] the gift

SaAxxjirfjA, Dioi) £oupiaa8ai 42+ xrj rjjispa xrj skxt|

of Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai. The [ day sixth]

dpxcov xcov mcbv Ta5 EAaadcp vioq Payoi)f|A, 43+ xo

[the] ruler of the sons of Gad, Eliasaph son ofReuel [brought]


7 T ev tootco + vtica 04 - Numbers

5cbpov olvtov xpt&gt;pAiov apyopotiv sv xpidKovxa Kai

his gift; [ saucer silver one], thirty and

SKaxov oAxfj olvtov cpidArjv |i(av apyupdv

a hundred [was] its scale-weight, [ bowl one silver]

spSojxfjKovxa oikAxov Kaxd tov aiK^ov xov dyiov

of seventy shekels, according to the [ shekel holy],

ajitpoxspa 7rArjpr| as|ii8dXscGc; ava7TS7ioiri|isvr|c; sv

both full of fine flour being prepared in

sAmco sic; dvaiav 44 + GmaKqv jiiav 8sra %pi)acbv

olive oil for a sacrifice [offering]; [ incense pan one] often [weights] of gold

7rAx|pr| 9i)|iid|iaxoc; 45+ [ioa%ov sva sk Pocbv Kpiov

full of incense; [ calf one] from [the] oxen, [ ram

sva ajivov sva sviatiaiov sic; oAx)Kai&gt;xcG|ia 4 6+ Kai

one], [ he-lamb one] of a year [old] for a whole burnt-offering; and

Xijiapov s£, aiycbv sva 7isp( ajiapxiac; 4 ?+ Kai sic;

[ winter yearling from [the] goats one] for a sin [offering]; and for

dvaiav aooxrjpioi) 8a[iaXs\q Svo Kpiotig 7isvxs xpdyouc;

a sacrifice of deliverance, [ heifers two], [ rams five], [ he-goats

7rsvxs ajivdSac; sviaDaiaq rcsvxs xouxo xo 8cbpov

five], [ewe-lambs of a year [old] five]; this [is] the gift

EAaadcp Dioi) PayoDfjA, 48+ xr| r||ispa xr| sP56jlit| dp%cov

ofEliasaph son ofReuel. The [day seventh] [the] ruler

xcov mcbv Ecppaiji EXiaajid vioq A|i|iioi)8 49+ xo

of the sons ofEphraim, Elishama son ofAmmihud [brought]

8cbpov olvtov xpt&gt;pAiov apyopotiv sv xpidKovxa Kai

his gift; [ saucer silver one], thirty and

SKaxov oA,kt| olvtov cpidArjv |i(av apyDpdv

a hundred [was] its scale-weight, [ bowl one silver]

spSojxfjKovxa cjikAxov Kaxd xov aiK^ov xov dyiov

of seventy shekels, according to the [ shekel holy],

ajicpoxspa 7iXf|pr| as|ii8dXscoc; ava7TS7ioiri|isvr|c; sv

both full of fine flour being prepared in

slaico sic; Guaiav 50+ GmaKqv jiiav 8sra %puacbv

olive oil for a sacrifice [offering]; [ incense pan one], ten [weights] of gold

7iAx|pr| 0u|iid|iaxoc; 51+ |ioo%ov sva sk Pocbv Kpiov

full of incense; [ calf one] from [the] oxen, [ ram

sva ajivov sva sviatiaiov sic; oAx)Kai&gt;xco|ia 52+ Kai

one], [he-lamb one] of a year [old] for a whole burnt-offering; and

Xijiapov s^ aiycov sva 7isp( ajiapxiac; 53+ Kai sic;

[ winter yearling from [the] goats one] for a sin [offering]; and for

dvaiav ocoxrjpioi) Sajid^sic; dvo Kpiotic; 7isvxs xpdyouc;

a sacrifice of deliverance, [ heifers two], [ rams five], [ he-goats


7 T sv tootco + vuca 04 - Numbers

7TSVTS ajivdSac; sviauaiac; tcsvts touto to 8cbpov

five], [ewe-lambs of a year [old] five]; this [is] the gift

EXiaajid mou A|I|iiot38 5 4+ tt| r||ispa tt| oy86r| dp%cov

ofElishama son ofAmmihud. The [day eighth] [the] ruler

xcov mcbv Mavaaafj Ta[LakiT\k vioq OaSaaaoup 55 +

of the sons of Manasseh, Gamaliel son ofPedahzur

to Scbpov avTOV TpupAiov apyupow sv TpidKovTa

[brought] his gift; [ saucer silver one], thirty

Kai eKorcov ohtf\ odtoi) qndArjv |i(av apyopdv

and a hundred [was] its scale-weight; [ bowl one silver]

sP8o|xf|KovTa cjikAxov Korea tov gwXov tov dyiov

of seventy shekels, according to the [ shekel holy],

ajicpoTepa 7iXf|pr| aejiiSdlecDc; ava7TS7ioiri|isvr|c; sv

both full of fine flour being prepared in

sXaioo sic; 0i)o(av 5 6+ 0maKr|v |i(av 8sra %puacbv

olive oil for a sacrifice [offering]; [ incense pan one] often [weights] of gold

7iAx|pr| 0u|iid|iaTOc; 57+ |ioa%ov sva 8K Pocbv Kpiov

full of incense; [ calf one] from [the] oxen, [ ram

sva ajivov sva sviatiaiov sic; oAx)Kai)T&lt;D|ia 5 s + Kai

one], [he-lamb one] of a year [old] for a whole burnt-offering; and

Xijiapov s^ aiycbv sva 7ispi ajiapTiaq 59+ Kai sic;

[ winter yearling from [the] goats one] for a sin [offering]; and for

dvaiav acoTrjpioD Sajid^sic; dvo Kpuroc; 7tsvts Tpdyouc;

a sacrifice of deliverance, [ heifers two], [ rams five], [ he-goats

7TSVTS ajivdSac; sviaDaiaq tcsvts touto to 8cbpov

five], [ewe-lambs of a year [old] five]; this [is] the gift

Ta[iaXiT\k Dioi) OaSaaaoup

of Gamaliel son of Pedahzur.

60+ ttj r||ispa ttj swdTTj dp%&lt;jov tcov mcbv Bsviajiiv

The [ day ninth] [the] ruler of the sons of Benjamin,

ApiSdv moc; TsSscovi 6 i + to 8cbpov avzov ipv^Xiov

Abidan son of Gideoni [brought] his gift; [ saucer

apyopotiv sv TpidKovTa Kai SKaTOV oAxfj avzov

silver one], thirty and a hundred [was] its scale-weight,

qndArjv jiiav apyDpdv spSojxfjKovTa aiK^cbv KaTd

[ bowl one silver] of seventy shekels, according to

tov aiK^ov tov dyiov ajicpoTspa 7iXf|pr| as|ii8dA£CDc;

the [ shekel holy], both full of fine flour

ava7iS7roir||isvr|c; sv sAmoo sic; 0i)a(av 62+ 0maKr|v

being prepared in olive oil for a sacrifice [offering]; [ incense pan

jiiav 8sKa %puacbv 7rAr|pr| 0u|iid|iaTO(; 63+ |ioa%ov

one] of ten [weights] of gold full of incense; [ calf

7 T sv tootco + vtica 04 - Numbers

sva 8K Pocbv Kpiov sva ajivov sva sviatiaiov sic;

one] from [the] oxen, [ ram one], [ he-lamb one] of a year [old] for

oA,oKm3TC0|ia 64+ Kai %(|iapov s^ aiycbv sva 7isp(

a whole burnt-offering; and [ winter yearling from [the] goats one] for

ajiapxiac; 6 s+ Kai sic; Qvaiav acorrjpioD Sajid^sic; 8do

a sin [offering]; and for a sacrifice of deliverance, [heifers two],

Kpiotic; 7TSVTS xp&amp;yoDc; 7tsvts a|ivd8ac; sviaDaiac; tcsVcs

[rams five], [he-goats five], [ewe-lambs of a year [old] five];

TODTO TO 5cbpOV APl8dv DIOD TsSsCOVl 66+ TTJ T||ISpa

this [is] the gift of Abidan son of Gideoni. The [ day

tt| 8skctct[ dp%cov tcov dicov Aav Apis^ep vioq

tenth] [the] ruler of the sons of Dan, Ahiezer son

AjiiaaSai 67+ to 8cbpov avzov ipv^kiov apyDpotiv

of Ammishaddai [brought] his gift; [ saucer silver

sv Tpi&amp;KovTa Kai 8KaT6v ohd\ avzov cpidAxjv jiiav

one], thirty and a hundred [was] its scale-weight, [ bowl one

apyDpdv spSojxfjKovTa cjikAxov KaTd tov amkov

silver] of seventy shekels, according to the [ shekel

tov dyiov ajicpoTspa 7iAx|pr| as|ii8dA,scoc;

holy], both full of fine flour

ava7i£7roir||i8vr|c; sv sAmco sic; 0Da(av 68+ 0maKr|v

being prepared in olive oil for a sacrifice [offering]; [ incense pan

jiiav 5sKa %pDocbv 7rAr|pr| 0D|iid|iaTO(; 6 9+ |ioa%ov

one] of ten [weights] of gold full of incense; [ calf

sva sk Pocbv Kpiov sva ajivov sva sviatiaiov sic;

one] from [the] oxen, [ ram one], [ he-lamb one] of a year [old] for

oXoKaDTCOjia ?o+ Kai %(|iapov s£, aiycbv sva 7ispi

a whole burnt-offering; and [ winter yearling from [the] goats one] for
ajiapTiaq ?i+ Kai sic; dvaiav acorrjpioD 8a|idA,sic; Sdo

a sin [offering]; and for a sacrifice of deliverance, [heifers two],

Kpiotic; 7TSVTS TpdyoDc; 7TSVTS a|ivd8ac; sviaDaiac; 7tsvts

[rams five], [he-goats five], [ewe-lambs of a year [old] five];

todto to 8cbpov Apis££p Dioi) AjiiaaSai 72+ ttj

this [is] the gift of Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai. The

rjjispa ttj sv8sKdTT| dp%cov tcov dicov Aafjp OaysfjX

[ day eleventh] [the] ruler of the sons of Asher, Pagiel

vioq E%pdv 73+ to 8cbpov aDTOD TpDpAiov apyDpoDV

son of Ocran [brought] his gift; [ saucer silver

sv TpidKovTa Kai SKaTOV o^Kfj aDTOD cpidAxjv |i(av

one], thirty and a hundred [was] its scale-weight, [bowl one


7 T ev tootco + vtica 04 - Numbers

apyopdv sp8o|if|Kovxa cjikXcdv Kaxd xov ctik^ov

silver] of seventy shekels, according to the [ shekel

xov dyiov ajicpoxspa 7rAxjpr| as|ii8dA,scoc;

holy], both full of fine flour

ava7i£7roir||i8vr|c; sv sAmco sic; dvaiav 74+ GmaKqv

being prepared in olive oil for a sacrifice [offering]; [ incense pan

[dav 5sk(x xpuocbv 7tXf|pr| 0u|iid|iaxo(; 75+ |ioa%ov

one] of ten [weights] of gold full of incense; [ calf

sva 8K Pocbv Kpiov sva ajivov sviauaiov sva sic;

one] from [the] oxen, [ ram one], [ he-lamb of a year [old] one] for

oXoKauxcojia 7 6+ Kai xijiapov s^ aiycbv sva 7ispi

a whole burnt-offering; and [ winter yearling from [the] goats one] for

ajiapxiac; 77+ Kai sic; dvaiav acoxrjpioi) 8a|idA,sic; 8uo

a sin [offering]; and for a sacrifice of deliverance, [heifers two],

Kpiotic; 7TSVTS xpdyouc; 7isvxs ajivdSac; sviauaiac; 7isvxs

[rams five], [he-goats five] [ewe-lambs of a year [old] five];

xotixo to 8cbpov OayafjA, viov E%pdv 7 8+ xr| rjjispa

this [is] the gift of Pagiel son Ocran. The [ day

ttj 8&lt;jo8sKdrr| dp%cov xcov mcbv Nscp0aXsi|i A%ipd vioq

twelfth] [the] ruler of the sons of Naphtali, Ahira son

Aivdv 79+ to 8cbpov avTOV xpt&gt;pAiov apyupotiv sv

of Enan [brought] his gift; [ saucer silver one],

xpidKovxa Kai sraxov ohcr\ avzov cpidAxjv jiiav

thirty and a hundred [was] its scale-weight, [ bowl one

apyDpdv sp8o|if|KovTa oikAxov Kaxd xov ahckov

silver] of seventy shekels, according to the [ shekel

xov dyiov ajicpoxspa 7iAx|pr| as|n8dA,scoc;

holy], both full of fine flour

ava7iS7ioir||isvr|c; sv sAmco sic; dvaiav so+ 0maKT|v

being prepared in olive oil for a sacrifice [offering]; [ incense pan

|i(av 8sKa xpvacbv 7iAr|pr| 0D|iid|iaxoc; si+ |ioa%ov

one] of ten [weights] of gold full of incense, [ calf

sva sk Pocbv Kpiov sva ajivov sva sviatiaiov sic;

one] from [the] oxen, [ ram one], [ he-lamb one] of a year [old] for

oA,oKai3xco|ia 82+ Kai %(|iapov s^ aiycbv sva 7isp(

a whole burnt-offering; and [ winter yearling from [the] goats one] for

ajiapxiac; 8 3+ Kai sic; Guaiav acoxrjpiou Sajid^sic; 8uo

a sin [offering]; and for a sacrifice of deliverance, [heifers two],

Kpiotic; 7rsvxs xpdyouc; 7isvxs ajivdSac; sviauaiac; 7isvxs

[rams five], [he-goats five], [ewe-lambs of a year [old] five];

7 T ev tootco + vuca 04 - Numbers

TODTO TO 5cbpOV A%ipd DIOD Aivdv 84+ omoq o

this [is] the gift ofAhira son ofEnan. This [is] the

syKaiviajioc; tod GDaiaarrjpioD r| rjjiepa s%piasv

dedication of the altar in which day he anointed

avid 7iapd tcov ap%6vT&lt;jov tcov dicov IopafjX ipv^Xia

it, by the rulers of the sons of Israel; [ saucers

apyopd 8co8sKa cpidAm apyDpai ScoSsra 0DiaKai

silver twelve], [ bowls silver twelve], [ incense pans

Xpvaai ScbSsra 85+ TpidKovTa Kai SKaTOV aiK^cbv to

gold twelve], thirty and a hundred shekels to the

TpupAiov to sv Kai spSojifjKovTa aiK^cbv r| cpidAxj

[ saucer one], and seventy shekels to the [ bowl

T| [iia iiav to apytipiov tcov ctksdcov 8ia%(Aioi Kai

one]; all the silver of the items— two thousand and

TSTpaKoaioi ahckoi ahckoi sv too ctikXco tco ayico

four hundred shekels, [the] shekels according to the [shekel holy].

86+ Gdktkcu xpvaai ScbSsra 7ikr\ps\q 9D|iid|iaTOc; 7iav

[ incense pans gold Twelve] full of incense; all

to xpucriov tcov 0dicjkcov eiKoai Kai SKaTOV

the gold of the incense pans [was] twenty and a hundred

Xpuaoi 87+ 7idaai ai Pose; sic; oAx)KaDTCoaiv |ioa%oi

[weights] of gold. All the livestock, for [the] whole burnt-offering — [ calves

8cb8sKa Kpioi 8cb8sKa ajivoi sviatiaioi 8cb8sKa Kai

twelve], [ rams twelve], [ he-lambs of a year [old] twelve], and

ai dvaim aDTcbv Kai ai a7iovSa( aDTcbv Kai %(|iapoi

their sacrifices, and their libations, and [ winter yearlings

s£, aiycbv ScbSsra nspi ajiapriac; ss+ 7idaai ai Pose;

from [the] goats twelve] for a sin [offering]. All the livestock
sic; dvaiav acorrjpioD SajidXsic; siKoarcsaaapsc; Kpioi

for a sacrifice of deliverance — [ heifers twenty-four], [ rams

s^fjKovTa Tpdyoi s^fjKovTa ajivdSsq s^fjKovTa

sixty], [ he-goats sixty], [ ewe-lambs sixty

sviatiaioi djicojioi aDTTj rj syKaivcoaiq tod

of a year [old] unblemished]. This [is] the dedication of the

0DoiaoTTj pioD jiSTd to %p(aai avzov 89 + SV

altar after his anointing. In

tco sio7iopsDsa0ai MoaDafjv sic; tt|v aKTjvfjv tod

Moses' entering into the tent of the

jiapTDpioD XaAxjaai aDTcb KaifjKODos tt|v cpcovfiv

testimony to speak to him, he heard the voice

KDpioD XakovvToq itpoq avzov dvcoGsv tod

of [the] LORD speaking to him from above the


8V TOUT© + VtKd

04 - Numbers

i^aaxrjpioD o saxiv S7ri xrjc; kiPcoxod tod |iapxDpk&gt;D

atonement-seat, which is upon the ark of the testimony,

avajieoov xcov 5do %spoDp(|i Kai skakzi npoq aDxov

between the two cherubim ~ and he spoke to him.

8 n

i + Kai sXaAxjae Kopioc; itpoq Mamafjv Aiycov i +

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

Xakr\aov too Aapcbv Kai spsfc; itpoq aDxov oxav

Speak to Aaron! And you shall say to him, Whenever

S7ri0f|q xodc; Xvyyovq sk jispoDc; Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov

you should place the lamps by rank, [ in front

Tr\q Xvyyiaq cpcoxioDaiv oi srcxd Xvyyoi 3 + Kai

of the lamp-stand shall give light the seven lamps]. And

£7rorr|asv odxcoc; Aapcbv Kaxd 7rp6aco7iov xrjc; h)%viaq

[ did so Aaron]; in front of the lamp-stand

s^fj\j/s todc; Xdxvodc; avTT\q Ka9d aDvsxa^s Kopioc;

he lit up its lamps as [the] LORD gave orders

xco McoDafj 4 + Kai aDxrj r| KaxaaKSDfj xrjc; Xv%viaq

to Moses. And this is the apparatus of the lamp-stand;

axspsd %pDafj o KavXoq avTT\q Kai xa Kpiva aDxfjc;

[ [is] solid gold, its stem], and its lilies

axspsd 6Ax| Kaxd xo s(5oc; o s8si^s Kopioc;

[are] solid entirely, according to the form which [the] LORD showed

xco McoDaf) odxcoc; S7io(r|as xrjv A,D%v(av 5+ Kai

Moses — thus he made the lamp-stand. And

sXdAxjas Kupioq 7ipoc; McoDafjv Aiycov 6+ A,dps xodc;

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Take the

AsDixaq sk jisood xcov Dicbv IapafjA, Kai acpayvisiq

Levites from [the] midst of the sons of Israel, and you shall purify

aDxoDq 7+ Kai odxco 7ioif|asic; aDxoic;

them. And thus you shall do to them

xov ayviajiov aDxcbv ftspippavsic; aDxotic; D5cop

for their purification — you shall sprinkle about them water

ayviajioD Kai S7isA,SDasxai ^opoc; S7ri 7iav

of purification, and [ shall come a razor] upon [the] whole

xo acojia aDxcbv Kai 7iA,DVODai xa ijidxia aDxcbv Kai

of their body. And you shall wash their garments, and

KaGapoi saovxai s + Kai Arj\j/ovxai jioaxov sva sk

they shall be clean. And they shall take [ calf one] from

Pocov Kai xodxod 0Da(av as|i(8aXiv

[the] oxen, and of this a sacrifice [offering] of fine flour


8 n sv tootco + vuca 04 - Numbers

ava7iS7roir||i8vr|v sv sAmco Kai [ioa%ov sviatiaiov sk

being prepared in olive oil. And a calf of a year [old] from

Pocov hf\\\nr\ 7i8p( ajiapxiac; 9 + Kai 7ipoad^sic; xodc;

[the] oxen you shall take for a sin [offering]. And you shall lead forward the

AsDixac; svavxi xrjc; aKr\vr\q tod jiapxDpiOD Kai

Levites before the tent of the testimony. And

aDvd^sic; 7idoav aDvaycoyfjv dicov lapar\k 10+ Kai

you shall bring together all [the] congregation of [the] sons of Israel. And

7tpoad^sic; xodc; AsDixac; svavxi KDpiOD Kai

you shall lead forward the Levites before [the] LORD, and

87ri6fjGODaiv 01 dioi IopafjX xac; %sipac; aDxcbv S7U

[shall place the sons of Israel] their hands upon

xodc; AsDixac; n+ Kai dcpopisi Aapcbv xodc; AsDixac;

the Levites. And Aaron shall separate the Levites

a7i68o|ia svavxi Kopioi) 7iapd xcov dicov IapafjX Kai

[for] a gift before [the] LORD from the sons of Israel. And

saovxai cbaxe spyd^saGai xa spya kdpiod 12 + 01 8s

they shall be so as to work the works of [the] LORD. And the

AsDixai £7ri6fjaoDoi xac; %sipac; S7ri xac; KscpaAxxc; xcov

Levites shall place the hands upon the heads of the

|ioa%cov Kai 7ioif|asic; xov sva 7isp( ajiapxiac; Kai xov

calves. And you shall offer the one for a sin [offering], and the

sva sic; oloKaDxcojia KDpico s^iXdaaaBai 7isp( aDxcov

one for a whole burnt-offering [to the] LORD to atone for them.

13+ Kai oxfjasic; xodc; AsDixac; svavxi Aapcbv Kai

And you shall stand the Levites before Aaron, and

svavxi xcov dicov aDxoD Kai a7io8coasic; aDxotic; a7i68o|ia

before his sons; and you shall give them back [as] a gift

KDpico 14+ Kai SiaaxsXsic; xodc; AsDixac; sk jisctod

[to the] LORD. And you shall draw apart the Levites from [the] midst

xcov dicov lapar\k Kai saovxai sjioi 15+ Kai jisxd

of the sons of Israel, and they shall be mine. And after

xaDxa siaslsDaovxai 01 AsDixai spyd^saGai xa spya

these [things] [ shall enter the Levites] to work the works

xrjc; aKqvfjc; xod jiapxDpioD Kai KaGapisic; aDxotic; Kai

of the tent of the testimony. And you shall cleanse them, and

a7io8cbasic; aDxotic; svavxi kdpiod i 6 + 6x1 a7i68o|ia

render them before [the] LORD. For [as] a gift

a7io8s8o|isvov odxoi jioi siaiv sk jiscjod xcov dicov

these are being given back to me; they are from out of [the] midst of the sons

IapafjA, avxi xcov Siavoiyovxcov rcdaav (ifjxpav

of Israel, in place of the ones opening wide every womb


8 n sv tootco + vtica 04 - Numbers

7rpcoTOTOKcov 7idvTC0v 8K tcov Dicbv IapafjA, siArjcpa

of all first-born of the sons of Israel; I have taken

aDTODc; sjioi 17+ oil sjioi 7iav tcpcototokov ev Toiq

them to myself. For [ [is] mine every first-born among the

vioiq IapafjA, goto av6pcb7rcov scoc; KxfjvoDq r|

sons of Israel], from man unto beast; in which

rjjispa 87rdxa^a 7iav tcpcototokov sv yr| AiyD7iTOD

day I struck every first-born in [the] land of Egypt,

rjyiaaa aDTODc; sjioi ig + Kai skafiov zovq Azvvcaq

I sanctified them to myself. And I took the Levites

avxi rcavTOc; tcpcototokod sv vioiq IapafjX 19+ Kai

instead of every first-born among [the] sons of Israel. And

a7is8coKa todc; Asvhaq a7i65o|ia a7io8s8o|isvov

I gave back the Levites [as] a gift, recompensing

Aapcbv Kai xoic; vioiq avzov sk jisctod tcov Dicbv

Aaron and to his sons from out of [the] midst of the sons

lapar\k spyd^saGai xa spya tcov Dicbv IapafjA, sv ttj

of Israel, to work the works of the sons of Israel in the

aKTjvfj tod jiapTDpioi) Kai s^iAxxaKsaBai rcspi tcov

tent of the testimony, and to atone for the

dicov lapar\k Kai odk scrcai sv toic; vioiq IapafjX

sons of Israel; and [that] [ shall not be among the sons of Israel

7rArjyf| OTav 7ipoasyy(^cov itpoq Ta dyia 20+ Kai

a calamity] whenever drawing near to the holy [things]. And

S7rovr|as McoDofjc; Kai Aapcbv Kai 7idaa r| aDvaycoyfj

[ did [so] Moses and Aaron], and all the congregation

Dicbv IopafjX Toiq AsDvcaic; KaGd svsTsdaTO Kopioc;

of [the] sons of Israel, to the Levites as [the] LORD gave charge

tco McoDafj 7isp( tcov Asditcov odtcoc; S7iovr|aav

to Moses concerning the Levites — thus [ did

aDTOiq 01 Dioi IapafjX 21+ Kai rjyvioavTO 01 AsDvcai

to them the sons of Israel]. And [ purified themselves the Levites],

Kai S7iA,Dvav Ta ijidTia aDTcbv Kai a7is8coKsv aDTODc;

and washed their garments. And [ gave them

Aapcbv a7i68o|ia svavn KopioD Kai s^iXdaaTO 7isp(

Aaron] [as] a gift before [the] LORD. And [ made atonement for

aDTcbv Aapcbv acpayvioaoGai aDTODq 22+ Kai jiSTd

them Aaron] to purify them. And after

TaDTa siafjXGov 01 AsDvcai XsiTODpysiv

this [ entered the Levites] to officiate

ttjv A^siTODpyiav aDTCOV sv ttj aKTjVfl TOD JiapTDpiOD

their ministration in the tent of the testimony


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

04 - Numbers

svavxi Aapcbv Kai svavxi xcov dicov aDxoD Ka9d

before Aaron, and before his sons. As

&lt;yovsxa^s Kopioc; xco Moyoafj 7isp( xcov Asdixcov odxcoc;

[the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses for the Levite, so

S7ro(r|aav aoxoiq 23 + Kai sldAxjas icupioq npoq

they did to them. And [the] LORD spoke to

MoaDafjv Aiycov 2 4+ xodxo saxi xo 7ispi xcov

Moses, saying, This is the [thing] for the

ASDIXCOV GOTO 7TSVXS Kai siKoaasxoDc; Kai S7idvco

Levites from five and twenty years and up.

sias^sDaovxai XsixoDpysiv XsixoDpyiac; sv spyoic; sv

They shall enter to minister a ministration in works in

xtj aKTjvfj xod jiapxDpioi) 25+ Kai a7io

the tent of the testimony. And from

7T£vxr|Kovxa8xoDc; a7ioaxf|asxai arco xrjc; Xsvcovpyiaq

fifty years [old] he shall leave from the ministration,

Kai odk spydxai exi 26+ Kai A,sixoDpyr|as( jisxd

and shall not work any longer. And he shall officiate with

a5sAxpcbv avTOV sv xrj aKTjvfj xod jiapxDpioD

his brethren in the tent of the testimony,

(fruXdaasiv (pvXaKaq spya 8s odk epydxai odxcoc;

to guard [the] watches; [ [the] works but he shall not work] — so

7ioifjaeic; xoiq AsDixaic; sv xaic; cpD^aKafc; aDxcbv

shall you do to the Levites in their watches.

9 13

1 + Kai sAxxAxjae Kopioc; npoq McoDafjv sv xrj spf||ico

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses in the wilderness

Siva sv xco sxsi xco 8sDxspco s^sABovxcov aDxcbv sk

of Sinai, in the [year second] of their coining forth from out of

yrjc; AiyD7ixoD sv xco jirjvi xco 7ipcbxco Aiycov 2+ si7iov

[the] land of Egypt, in the [month first], saying, Speak!

Kai 7ioisixcoaav 01 dioi IapafjA, xo naoya Ka6'

And let [ prepare the sons of Israel] the passover according to

cbpav aDxoD 3 + xrj xsaaapsaKai5sKdxr| rjjispa xod

its season! On the fourteenth day of the

jxrjvoc; xod 7ipcbxoD npoq sarcspav 7ioif|asi(; aDxo

[ month first] towards evening you shall observe it;

Kaxd Kaipov Kaxd xov vojiov aDxoD Kai Kaxd

according to [its] time, according to its law, and according to


9 Q ev toi3tco + vuca 04 - Numbers

xrjv &lt;yoyKpiaiv avxov noif[G£\q avxo 4 + Kai

the interpretation [given] for it you shall observe it. And

sldAxjas McoDafjc; Toiq vioiq IapafjA, 7ioif|Gai to

Moses spoke to the sons of Israel, to observe the

nda%a 5+ svap%o|isvoD ttj Tsaoap8aKai88KdTr| rjjispa

passover, commencing on the fourteenth day

tod jxrjvoc; sv xr| spf|jaco tod Xivd Ka6d

of the month in the wilderness of Sinai. As

aDVSTO^s KDpioq tco McoDafj odtcoc; 87io(r|aav 01 DIOl

[the] LORD gave orders to Moses, thus [ did the sons

IapafjX 6+ Kai rcapsysvovTO oidv8psc; 01 fjaav

of Israel]. And [came men], the ones who were

aK&amp;6apTOi em yuxfj av9pcb7ioD Kai odk

unclean by reason of [touching] a [dead] soul of a man, and they were not

r|5DvavTO 7ioifjaai to 7ido%a sv ttj r|(ispa sks(vt| Kai

able to observe the passover in that day. And

7rpoafjX0ov svavriov McoDafj Kai Aapcbv sv sks(vt|

they came forward before Moses and Aaron on that

tt| Tjjispa 7 + Kai si7iav 01 avSpsc; sksivoi itpoq aDTODc;

day. And [ said those men] to them,

rjiisiq aKdGapTOi em yv%r\ av6pcb7roD |ir| odv

We [are] unclean by reason of [the dead] soul of a man. Are we then

D&lt;ycspf|acD|isv coots 7ipoasvsyKai to 5cbpov Kopico

lacking so as to bring the gift [to the] LORD

KaTd Kaipov aDTOD sv jisaco dicov IapafjA, s + Kai

according to its time in [the] midst of [the] sons of Israel? And

S17TS 7ipO&lt;; aDTOD McODafjq OTTJTS aDTOD Kai

[ said to them Moses], Stand there and

aKODCTOJiai Tl SVTS^SlTai KDpioq 7ispi D|IC0V 9+ Kai

I will hear what [the] LORD gives charge concerning you. And

sXaAxjas KDpioq 7ipoc; McoDofjv Aiycov 10+ XdArjaov zoiq

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Speak to the

Dioiq IapafjA, Aiycov dv9pco7roc; dv9pco7ioc; oq av

sons of Israel! saying, A man, a man who ever

ysvrjTai aKdGapToq S7i( yuxfj av0pcb7ioD r| sv

becomes unclean by reason of a [dead] soul of a man, or on

o5cb jiaKpdv djiiv T| sv zaiq ysvsaic; djicov

a journey far from you, [even] among your generations,

Kai7TOlfjaSl TO 7lda%a TCO KDpiCO 11+ SV TCO (IT|Vl

he shall observe the passover to the LORD. In the [ month

tco 5sDTspco sv TTj TsaaapsaKaiSsKdrrj r||ispa 7ipoc;

second], on the fourteenth day towards


9 0 ev tootco + vtica 04 - Numbers

sa7i8pav 7ioif|aoDaiv aDxo S7i' a£/6|icov Kai

evening, they shall prepare it; upon unleavened [breads] and

7riKpi8cov tpdyovxai aDxo 12+ od Kaxa^euj/ODoiv

bitter herbs they shall eat it. They shall not leave behind

an' avTOV etc; xo7ipcoi Kai ocjxodv od

any of it into the morning, and [ a bone they shall not

aDvxpnj/ODaiv an' avzov Kaxd xov vojiov xod

break] of it. According to the law of the

naaya 7ioif|aoDaiv amb 13+ Kai dv9pco7roc; oq av

passover they shall observe it. And [the] man who ever

KaGapoq T| Kai sv o5co jiaKpdv odk saxi Kai

might be clean, and [on a journey faraway is not], and

Daxepfjarj 7ioif|aai xa naaya s^oAx)0peD0f|a£xai

should lack to observe the passovers, [ shall be utterly destroyed

r| \jn)%f| 8K8ivr| sk xod XaoD aDxfjc; oxi xo 8cbpov

that soul] from its people, because the gift

KDpico od 7rpoafjvsyK£ Kaxd xov Kaipov aDxoD

[to the] LORD he did not offer according to its time;

ajiapxiav aDxoD Axj\j/sxai o dv9pco7roc; sksivoc; u + sdv 8e

[ his sin shall take that man]. But if

7ipoaeAi)r| npoq v[iaq 7ipoaf|}u)xoc; sv xr| yr| Djicbv

[ should come forward to you a foreigner] in your land,

Kai 7ioif|ar| xo ndaya Kopico Kaxd xov vojiov

and would observe the passover [to the] LORD, [then] according to the law

xod naaya Kai Kaxd xrjv awxa^iv aDxoD odxcoc;

of the passover, and according to its arrangement, thus

7roifjasi aDxo vojioq sic; eaxai djjav Kai xco

he shall observe it. [ law one There will be] to you, both to the

7ipoar|XDxco Kai xco aDxo%0ovi xrjc; yrjq i 5 + Kai xr|

foreigner, and to the native born of the land. And in the

rjjispa T| eoxdGrj r| aKTjvfi SKd^Dij/ev r| vstpsAxj xrjv

day which [ was set up the tent] [ covered the cloud] the

GKTjvfjv xov oikov xod |iapxDpfc&gt;D Kai xo ea7iepac;

tent — the house of the testimony. And in the evening

Tjv S7Ti xrjc; aKTjvfjc; coc; siSoq nvpbq ecoc; 7ipcoi i6+

there was upon the tent as a form of fire until morning.

odxcoc; eyevexo hxanavxbq r| vecpeArj sKdAAmxev aDxfjv

So it was always. The cloud covered it

rjjispac; Kai s(5oc; 7iDp6c; xrjv VDKxa n+ Kai rjviKa

by day, and [the] form of fire by the night. And when

avsprj T| vscpsAxj anb xrjc; aKTjvfjc; Kai jisxd xaDxa

[ ascended the cloud] from the tent, then after this


9 D ev xoi3xcp + vtica 04 - Numbers

a7if|pav 01 dioi IopafjA, Kai sv icq t67tco od av

[departed the sons of Israel]. And in the place where ever

eaxrj r| vscpsAxj sksi 7iap8V8PaA,ov 01 dioi lapar\k i$ +

[stopped the cloud], there [camped the sons of Israel].

8id 7ipoaxdy|iaxoc; KDpioD 7iape|iPaAx)Doiv 01 dioi

By order of [the] LORD [ shall camp the sons

lapar\k Kai 8id 7ipoaxdy|iaxoc; KDpioD a7iapoDai

of Israel], and by order of [the] LORD they shall depart.

itaaaq xac; rjjispaq sv aiq aKid^si r| vecpeAxj em xrjc;

All the days in which [ shadowed the cloud] over the

aKTjvfjc; 7iap8|iPaA,ODaiv 01 dioi IopafjA, 19+ K(Xl OTOCV

tent, [ shall camp the sons of Israel]. And whenever

scpeAxrjxai r| vecpeAxj S7U xrjc; aKr\vr\q rjjiepaq nXsiovq

[ should be dragged the cloud] upon the tent [ days for many],

Kai (pDld^ovxai 01 dioi IapafjX xrjv (pDlaKqv tod

that [ shall guard the sons of Israel] the watch of the

KDpioD Kai od |ir| e^apoDai 2 o+ Kai eaxai oxav

LORD, and in no way shall they lift away. And it shall be whenever

yevrjxai r| vscpsArj rjjispac; apiGjicb S7ri xrjc; aKr\vr\q

[ should become the cloud of days a number] upon the tent;

8id cpcovfiq KDpioD 7raps|iPaA,ODai Kai 8id

by [the] voice of [the] LORD they shall camp, and by

7ipoaxdy|iaxoc; KDpioD a7iapoDai 21+ Kai saxai oxav

order of [the] LORD they shall depart. And it shall be whenever

yevrjxai r| vscpeAxj acp' sanspaq eooc; 7ipcoi Kai

[ should be [present] the cloud] from evening until morning, and

avapfj r| vecpsAxj xo7ipcoi Kai a7iapoDaiv rjjiepac; r|

[ should ascend the cloud] in the morning, then they shall depart by day or

VDKxoq 22+ T| jirjvoq rjjispac; 7rA,sova£pDar|c; xrjc;

night, or [ a month of days [when] being more than] of the

vscpsAxjc; aKiaCpvar\q S7i' aDxfjq 7iaps|iPaAx)Daiv 01

cloud shadowing upon it, [ shall camp the

dioi IapafjX Kai od [ir\ a7iapoDaiv 23 + 6x1 8id

sons of Israel], and in no way shall they depart. For by

7ipoaxdy|iaxoc; KDpioD a7iapoDoi xrjv (pvXaKr\v

order of [the] LORD they shall depart. [ the watch

KDpioD sqyoXa^avxo 8id 7ipooxdy|iaxoc; KDpioD sv

[of the] LORD They guarded] by order of [the] LORD by

%eip( McoDafj

[the] hand of Moses.



8V TOOTCp + VlKa

04 - Numbers

10 ■»

i + Kai eXdAxjae Kopioc; npoq Mamafjv Aiyoov i +

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

7rovr|aov aeauxcb 8vo adAmyyac; apyopdc; eXaxdc;

Make for yourself two trumpets of silver! A hammered [work]

7ioifjaeic; auxdc; Kai saovxai aoi avaKaleiv xrjv

you shall make them, and they will be for you to call the

oDvaycoyfjv Kai e^aipsiv xac; 7iaps|ipoAxxc; 3 + Kai

congregation, and to lift away the camps. And

aaAmeic; ev auxaic; Kai &lt;yDva%6fjaexai 7idaa r|

you shall trump with them, and bring together all the

ai)vaycoyf| S7ri xrjv dvpav xrjc; aKr\vr\q xod |iapxi)pioi)

congregation unto the door of the tent of the testimony.

4 + sdv 8s sv [da aaAjriaooai 7ipoaeA£i)aovxai npoq

But if [ with one [sound] they should trump], [then] shall come forward to

ae 7rdvxec; oi dp%ovxec; ap%r|yo( IapafjA, 5 + Kai

you all the rulers [of the] heads of Israel. And

aaAmeixe ar||iaa(av Kai e^apouaiv ai 7iap8|iPoAm

you shall trump a signal, and shall lift away the camps

ai 7iap8|ipdAAm&gt;aai Kax' avaxoldq 6+ Kai aaAjueixe

camping according to [the] east. And you shall trump

&lt;xr||iaaiav Seuxspav Kai e^apouaiv ai 7iape|iPoAm

for a signal a second [time], and shall lift away the camps

ai 7iap8|ipdAAm&gt;aai Kax' Aipa Kai aaAjnsixs

camping according to [the] south. And you shall trump

&lt;xr||iaaiav xpixrjv Kai s^apouaiv ai 7iaps|iPoAm

[ signal a third], and shall lift away the camps

ai 7iap8|ipdAAm&gt;aai 7iapd BdXaaoav Kai aaAmeixe

camping by [the] west. And you shall trump

or||iao(av xexdpxrjv Kai e^apouaiv ai 7iaps|ipoAm

[ signal a fourth], and shall lift away the camps

ai 7iaps|ipdAAm&gt;aai npoq Poppdv ar||iaa(av

camping towards [the] north. [ a signal

aaAjnotiaiv sv xr| e^dpaei auxcbv ? + Kai oxav

You shall trump] at their departure. And whenever

aDvaydyrjxs xrjv aDvayooyfjv aaAmsixs Kai od

you should bring together the congregation, you shall trump, but not

GT||iaoia 8+ Kai oi vioi Aapcbv oi lepefc; aaAmouai

a signal. And the sons of Aaron the priests shall trump

xaic; adAmy^i Kai eaxai djiw vojiijiov aicbviov sic;

with the trumpets; and it will be to you [ law an eternal] unto



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

04 - Numbers

xac; yevedc; djicov 9 +edv8e e^sXGrjxs sic; 7i6A,8|iov sv

your generations. But if you should go forth to war in

tt] yr| Djicbv 7rpoc; xodc; D7ievavx(oDc; xodc; avGeaxrjKoxac;

your land against the opponents opposing

Djiiv Kai ar||iavs(xs xaic; adAmy^i Kai

you, then you shall signify with the trumpets; and

ava|ivrja0fjasa0s evavxi KDpioD xod 0sod Djicbv Kai

you will be called to mind before [the] LORD your God, and

8iaaco9f|aea0e arco xoov sxOpcbv Djicbv 10+ Kai sv xaiq

you shall be preserved from your enemies. And in the

rjjiepaic; xrjc; sD^poawqc; Djicbv Kai sv

days of your gladness, and in

xaic; eopxaic; djicov Kai sv xaic; voDjxrjviaic; djicov

your holidays, and in your new moons,

oaAmeixe xaic; adAmy^iv em xoic; oXoKaDxcbjiaai Kai

you shall trump with the trumpets at the whole burnt-offerings, and

8711 xaiq GDaiaic; xcov acoxrjpicov djicov Kai eaxai djiiv

at the sacrifices of your deliverance [offerings]. And it shall be to you

sic; avdjivrjaiv svavxi xod 0sod Djicbv sycb Kopioc;

for a remembrance before your God. I [am] [the] LORD

odsoqviubv n+ Kai sysvsxo ev xco eviaDxcb

your God. And it came to pass in the [ year

XCO 5si)X8pC0 8V XCO |IT|Vl XCO 8sDX£pC0 8lKd5l XOD

second], in the [ month second], [the] twentieth of the

jxrjvoc; avsprj r| vscpsAxj arco xrjc; aKr\vr\q xod

month, [ ascended the cloud] from the tent of the

jiapxDpioD 12+ Kai e^fjpav oi dioi IapafjX odv

testimony. And [ lifted away the sons of Israel] with

a7iapxiaic; aDxcov sv xrj epfjiico xod Eivd Kai eaxrj r|

their chattel in the wilderness of Sinai. And [ stopped the

vecpsAxj ev xt| spf||ico xod Oapdv n+ Kai e^fjpav

cloud] in the wilderness of Paran. And [ lifted away

7ipcbxoi 8id cpcovfjc; KDpioD sv %£ipi McoDafj u+ Kai

[the] first [ranks]] by [the] voice of [the] LORD by [the] hand of Moses. And

s^fjpav xdyjia 7iape|iPoAx|c; dicov Ioi)8a 7ipcbxoi aDV

they lifted away in order, [the] camp of [the] sons of Judah first with

5Dvd|i8i aDxcov Kai em xrjc; 8Dvd|iecoc; aDxcov Naaaacbv

their force. And over their force [was] Nahshon

vioq A|iiva8dp 15+ Kai em xrjc; SDvdjiscoc; (pvXr\q

son of Amminadab. And over the force of [the] tribe

dicov Ioad%ap NaGavafjX dioc; Scoydp i 6 + Kai em

of [the] sons of Issachar [was] Nethaneel son of Zuar. And over


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

04 - Numbers

Tr\q SDvdjiscoc; (pvXr\q dicov ZaPoD^cov EXidp vioq

the force of [the] tribe of [the] sons of Zebulun [was] Eliab son

XeXcov 17+ Kai KaGsAxyoai xrjv aKTjvfiv Kai e^apoDoiv

of Helon. And they shall lower the tent, and [ shall lift away

oi dioi Tepacbv Kai oi dioi Mepapi oi aipovxec;

the sons ofGershon], and the sons ofMerari, the [ones] carrying

ttjv aKTjvfiv i8+ Kai s^fjpav xdyjia 7iape|iPoAT|c;

the tent. And lifted away in order [the] camp

P0l)PfjV CTDV 8l)Vd|I8l aDTCOV Kai 8711

of Reuben with their force. And over

TT\q 8i)vdjisco^ aDxcbv EXiaoDp vioq £e8soDp 19+ Kai S7U

their force [was] Elizur son of Shedeur. And over

Tr\q SDvdjiecoc; (pvkr\q dicov Edjiscov £aA,a|iifjA, vioq

the force of [the] tribe of [the] sons of Simeon [was] Shelumiel son

EoDpioaSat 20+ Kai £7U Tr\q 5Dvd|iecoc; (pvhf\q dicov

of Zurishaddai. And over the force of [the] tribe of [the] sons

ra8 EAiadcp o tod PayoDfjX 21+ Kai s^apoDaiv 01

of Gad [was] Eliasaph the [son of] Reuel. And [ shall lift away the

dioi KadG aipovTsq Ta dyia Kai &lt;xcf|aoDai tt|v

sons ofKohath] carrying the holy [things]. And they shall set up the

aKqvfjv ecoc; 7iapayevcovTai 22+ Kai e^apotiai Tdyjia

tent until when they should arrive. And shall lift away in order

7tape|iPoAx|(; Ecppaiji aDV 8Dvd|isi aDTcbv Kai S7it

[the] camp of Ephraim with their force. And over

Tr\q SDvdjiscoq aDTOD EAaaajid vioq EjiiodS 23 + Kai S7U

his force [was] Elishama son of Ammihud. And over

Tr\q 5Dvd|iscoc; (pvhf\q dicov Mavaaafj Ta[iaXxr\k o

the force of [the] tribe of [the] sons of Manasseh [was] Gamaliel the

tod Oa8aaaoDp 24+ Kai S7ri rr|c; SDvdjiscoq (pvkr\q

[son of] Pedahzur. And over the force of [the] tribe

dicov Bsviajiiv ApiSdv o tod TaSecovi 25+ Kai

of [the] sons of Benjamin [was] Abidan the [son of] Gideoni. And

s^apoDai TdyjiaTa 7iaps|iPoAT|c; dicov Aav saxaTOi

shall lift away in order [the] camp of [the] sons of Dan last

7iaacbv tcov 7iape|iPoA,cbv cjdv 8Dvd|iei aDTcbv Kai em

of all the camps with their force. And over

Tr\q SDvdjiscoq aDTcbv Apis^sp o tod AjiiaaSai 26 + Kai

their force [was] Ahiezer the [son of] Ammishaddai. And

8711 Tr\q 8Dvd|iscoc; (pvXr\q dicov Aafjp OaysfjX vioq

over the force of [the] tribe of [the] sons of Asher [was] Pagiel son



8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

E%pdv 27+ Kai 87ii Tr\q Suvdjisooc; (pvhr\q mcbv

of Ocran. And over the force of [the] tribe of [the] sons

NecpGaAiji A%ipdv vioq Aivdv 2 8+ amai ai axpaxiai

ofNaphtali [was] Ahira son ofEnan. These are the militaries

mcbv lapar\k Kai e^qpav ctdv 8i)vd|isi ai)Tobv 29+ Kai

of [the] sons of Israel. And they lifted away with their force. And

81718 McoDafjq too Icopdp mob PayoDfjA, too Ma8iavvrr|

Moses said to Hobab son of Raguel the Midianite

yajiPpob MooDafj e^aipojisv r\[isiq sic; tov totcov ov

father-in-law of Moses, We are lifting away unto the place which

817C8 KDpiOq TOT3TOV 80OCTOO DJIIV SsvpO |IS0' T||I0bv KCU

[the] LORD said, This I will give to you. Come with us and

sd as 7coif|ao|i8v 6ti Kupioc; eldAxjae KaXa 7cspi

[good for you we will do], for [the] LORD spoke good concerning

IopafjX 30 + Kai 817C8 npoq avxov od 7cop8T3ao|iai aXXa

Israel. And he said to him, I shall not go; but

ziq TT|vyr|V(ioD Kai sic; rrjv yevedv jiod 7iopsi)ao|iai 31 +

unto my land, and unto my family I will go.

Kai si7cs jLir| syKaTaAi7rr|c; r\[iaq ov svsksv fjaGa

And he said, You should not abandon us, because you were

|is0' r||icbv sv ttj spf||ioo Kai sarj sv r\[dv

with us in the wilderness, and you will be among us

TtpsaPirrric; 32+ Kai e&lt;xcai sdv 7ropei)6f|c; |ie6' r||icbv

[as] an ambassador. And it shall be if you should go with us,

Kai scrcai Ta ayaGd SKsiva 6aa av

that it shall be the good [things] that whatever as many as

aya9o7roifjaei Kopioc; r\[iaq Kai sd ae 7ioif|ao|iev 33 +

[the] LORD shall do good for us, also [good for you we shall do].

Kai s^fjpav 8K tod 6poi)c; Kopioi) o86v Tpiobv

And they lifted away from the mountain of [the] LORD, a journey of three

r||ispobv Kai T| kiPootoc; 8ia6f|Kr|c; Kupioi)

days. And the ark of covenant of [the] LORD

7ipo£7i;op£i)£TO 7ipoT£pa ai)Tcbv o86v Tpiobv r||ispcbv

went forth in front of them, a journey of three days,

KaTaaKsyaaGai amok; avd7rai)oiv 34+ Kai r| vecpsArj

to survey themselves a rest. And the cloud

Kopioi) sysvsTO aKid^oDaa 87i' aDTOiq rjjiepac; sv

of [the] LORD came to pass shadowing over them by day in

too s&lt;^a(psiv cuvTOvq sk TTjcj TrapejiPoAric; 35+ Kai

their lifting away from out of the camp. And

syevsTO sv too s^aipsiv tt|v kiPootov Kai

it came to pass in the lifting away the ark, that


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

81718 MoQDafjC; 8^8y8p0T|Tl KDpiS Kai

Moses said, Awaken! O LORD, and

5iaaKop7iia0fjTCDaav oi e%0poi aou Kai qroyeTCDaav

let [ be dispersed your enemies] ! and let flee

ndvTEq oi jiiaowcec; as 36+ Kai sv ttj Kaxa7iaT3a8i

all the ones detesting you! And in the resting,

S17T8V S7uaTps(ps icopis %\kw8aq |ii)pid8ac; sv

he said, Turn! O LORD, thousands of myriads in

too IapafjX

11 «■»

i+ Kai r|v o Xaoq yoyyu^cov 7iovr|pd svavxi Kopiou

And [ [were] the people] grumbling wickedly before [the] LORD.

Kai fjKODae Kopioc; Kai s0D|icb0r| opyfj Kai s^sKai)0r|

And [the] LORD heard, and he became enraged in anger; and there burned

sv auTOic; 7iDp 7iapd Kupioi) Kai Kaxecpays jispoc; xi

among them a fire by [the] LORD, and it devoured a certain part

Tr\q 7rap£|iPoAr|c; 2 + Kai SKSKpa^sv o Xaoq npoq

of the camp. And [ cried out the people] to

Mamafjv Kai r|i)^aTO MooDafjc; npoq Kopiov Kai

Moses. And Moses made a vow to [the] LORD, and

SK67raas to 7rop 3 + Kai sKAx|0r| to ovojia

[ abated the fire]. And he called the name

TOD T07TOD SKSIVOD S|i7TDpia|l6c; OTl S^SKai)0r| 8V

of that place, Combustion, for [ burned among

aDTOiq TtVp 7iapd KOpiOl) 4 + Kai O S7ri|IlKTOC; O 8V

them fire by [the] LORD]. And the intermixed [people] among

aDTOiq S7ts0t3 jitj osv 87ci0D|iiav Kai Ka0(aavTSc;

them desired [with a great] desire. And being seated,

SK^aiov Kai oi uioi IapafjA, Kai si7csv tic;

they wept along with the sons of Israel. And they said, Who

r|jLxdq \j/co|iisi Kpsa 5+ sjivf|a0r||isv touc; i%0i&gt;ac; ovq

will feed us meats? We remember the fishes which

r|a0io|isv ev AiyT37CTCO 8cop8dv Kai todc; aiKoouc; Kai

we ate in Egypt without charge, and the cucumbers, and

xovq KEKOvaq Kai Ta 7cpdaa Kai Ta KpojijiDa Kai Ta

the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the

oKop65a 6 +vuv(5s r| \\fv%r\ r\[i(bv KaTa^qpoc; ou5sv

garlics. But now our soul is dried up; [there is] nothing

7tAr|v sic; to jidwa 01 o(p0aX|io( r\[i(bv 7+ to 5s jidwa

except for the manna to our eyes. And the manna


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

coast a7isp|ia Kop(oi) sail Kai to zidoq olvtov

is as seed, it is [as] of coriander, and the appearance of it

sidoq KpvGToXkov s+ Kai 8iS7iopsi)sxo o Xooq Kai

[is the] appearance of ice. And [ traveled around the people] and

gvvsXejov Kai f|Ax|6ov ovto sv xco |x6Axjo Kai

collected together, and ground it with the millstone, and

sxpipov sv ttj 6ma Kai fj\j/oi)v ovto sv xr| %i3xpa

ground with the hand mill, and boiled it in the earthen pot,

Kai S7roioi)v ovto syKpDcpiaq Kai r|v rj r|5ovfj

and made it into a cake baked in hot ashes. And [ was the satisfaction

ovtov coasi ystijia syKpfc; s^ sAmou 9 + Kai

from [eating] it] as [the] taste of pastry [made with] olive oil. And

oxav KaxsPrj r| Spoaoc; S7i( xrjv 7iaps|iPoAx|v vukxoc;

whenever [ came down the dew] upon the camp at night,

KaxsPaivs xo jidwa S7i' ovTf]q 10+ Kai

[ came down the manna] upon it. And

fjKODas McoDafjc; KAmovxcov auxcbv Kaxd

Moses heard their weeping, according to

8fj|icyDc; auxcbv SKaaxoq S7U xrjc; Qvpoq olvtov Kai

their peoples, each at his door. And

s0D|ico0r| opyfj Kopioc; acp65pa Kai svavxi Mcouafj

[ was enraged in anger [the] LORD] exceedingly; and before Moses

Tjv 7iovr|p6v 11+ Kai si7is McoDafjq npoq Kopiov ivaxi

it was wicked. And Moses said to [the] LORD, Why

SKdKcoaaq xov Bspdrcovxa gov Kai 8iax( ov% STjprjKa

do you afflict your attendant? And why have I not found

Xdpiv svavxiov gov S7ii0s(vai xrjv opjifjv

favor before you to place the thrust

xod Xoov xot3xod S7i' s(is 12+ |iT| sycb sv yaaxpi

of this people upon me? [Have] I [ in [the] womb

slapov 7idvxa xov A,a6v xouxov r| sycb sxskov auxotic;

conceived] all this people, or [have] I given birth to them?

6x1 Aiysic; jioi Xdps auxouc; sic; xov koAjtov gov coasi

that you say to me, Take them into your bosom as

dpai xiGrjvoq xov 9r|A,d£pvxa sic; xrjv yrjv r|v

[ lifts a wet-nurse] the one being nursed, unto the land which

cojjx)aacj xoicj 7iaxpaaiv auxcov 13 + 7i66sv (ioi

you swore by an oath to their fathers? From what place is it to me

Kpsa Sotivai 7iavxi xco Xaco xouxco 6x1 KAmouaiv S7i'

[ meats to give] to all this people? for they weep upon

s|is Aiyovxsc; 80c; r\[dv Kpsa iva cpdycojisv 14+ ov

me, saying, Give to us meats that we may eat! [ shall not


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VlKa
04 - Numbers

SDvfjaojiai eycb jiovoq cpspsiv xov Xaov xodxov 6xi

be able I] alone to bring this people, for

PapD |ioi sail to pfjjia xodxo i 5 +si8s odxcoc; cjd

[heavy forme is this matter]. But if so you

7roi£ic; jioi arcoKxeivov |is avaipsosi si SDprjKa %dpiv

do to me, kill me with [my] removal, if I have found favor

7iapd aoi (va |ir| (8co xryv KdKcoaiv jiod i 6 + Kai

with you, that I should not see my ill-treatment. And

81718 icupioq 7rpoc; MoaDafjv aDvdyaye jioi ep8o|if|Kovxa

[the] LORD said to Moses, Bring together to me seventy

dvSpac; goto xcov 7rpeaPDX£pcov IopafjX ovq ctd avzoq

men from the elders of Israel! whom you yourself

oiSac; odxoi sioi 7ipsaPDxspoi tod Xaov Kai

know. These are elders of the people, and

ypajijiaxsfc; aDxcbv Kai d^sic; aDxotic; sic; xrjv aKqvfjv

their scribes. And you shall lead them to the tent

tod jiapiDpioD Kai oxfjaovxai sksi jiexd aoD n+ Kai

of the testimony, and they shall stand there with you. And

Kaxapfjaojiai Kai Xakr\a(ti sksi jiexd aoD Kai acpeAxb

I shall go down and speak there with you. And I will remove

and xod 7rv£D|iaxoc; xod ski aoi Kai 87ii0f|acG sk

of the spirit upon you, and I will place [it] upon

aDxotic; Kai aDvavxiArj\j/ovxai jiexd aoD xrjv opjifjv

them, and they shall aid with you the thrust

xod Xaov Kai odk oiasiq aDxotic; cjd [iovoq ig+ Kai

of the people, and [ shall not bring them you] alone. And

xco Axxcb epefc; ayviaaaBs sic; dDpiov Kai cpdyeaGe

to the people you shall say, Purify yourselves for tomorrow! and you shall eat

Kpea 6xi eicXaDaaxs evavxi kdpiod Aiyovxec; xic;

meats, for you wept before [the] LORD, saying, Who

r|jLxdq \j/co|iie( Kpsa 6xi KaA,6v r\[iiv eaxiv sv

shall feed us meats? for [ good to us it [was]] [being] in

AiyD7ixco Kai 8cbasi Kopioc; djiiv Kpea Kai cpdyeaGe 19+

Egypt. And [the] LORD shall give to you meats and you shall eat.

od% rjjispav jiiav cpdyea0e od8s 8do od8s 7ievxe

[ not day [for] one You shall eat], nor two, nor five

rjjispac; od8s 8era rjjiepac; od8s eixoaiv rjjiepac; 20 +

days, nor ten days, nor twenty days,

ecoc; [Lr\v6q r||ispcbv cpdysaGe ecoc; av e^eXGrj

[ for a month of days you shall eat], until whenever [it] should come forth

sk xcov jiDKxfjpcov Djicbv Kai eaxai djiiv sic;

from out of your nostrils; and it shall be to you for


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

%oMpav on r|7rsi6f|aaTS Kopioo oq eaxiv sv D|iiv

a cholera, that you resisted [the] LORD who is among you,

Kai SK^aoaaTe evavxiov aDxoD Aiyovxec; ivaxi r\[iiv

and you wept before him, saying, What did we [do]

e^eXGdv AiyirnxoD 21 + Kai £i7re McoDafjc; e^aKoaiai

to come out of Egypt? And Moses said, six hundred

Xikiadsq mCfbv o Xaoq sv oiq eijii sv aDxofc; Kai

thousand footmen [are] the people in which I am among them. And

&lt;td sbiaq Kpsa Scbaco aDxofc; Kai cpdyovxai jifjva

you said, [meats I will give them], and they shall eat for a month

r||ispcbv 22+ fir) 7ip6paxa Kai Pose; acpayfjaovxai

of days. [Shall] sheep and oxen be slain

auxok; Kai apKsasi auxok; r| 7iav xo 6\j/ov xrjc;

for them, and will it suffice to them? or [shall] all the fish of the

dakaaar\q &lt;yova%0fjoexai auxok; Kai apKsasi aDxoic; 23 +

sea be brought to them, and will it suffice to them?

Kai 8i7i8 Kopioc; 7rpoc; MooDafjv |ir| r| %eip KopioD

And [the] LORD said to Moses, Shall the hand of [the] LORD

odk s^apKsasi f|5r| yvebarj 8i e7iiKaxaAT|\j/exai as

not be enough? Already you shall know if [ shall overtake you

o Xoyoq jiod r| od 24+ Kai e^fjXGs McoDafjc; Kai

my word] or not. And Moses came forth, and

eAxxAxjae itpoq xov Xaov xa pfjjiaxa KopioD Kai

he spoke to the people the sayings of [the] LORD. And

aDvfjyaysv ep8o|xf|Kovxa dvSpac; arco xcov

he brought together seventy men from the

7ip8aPi)X8pcov xod Xaov Kai eaxrjasv aDxotic; kdkAxd

elders of the people, and he stood them round about

xrjc; aKTjvfjc; 25+ Kai Kaxsprj Kopioc; sv vscpsAxj Kai

the tent. And [the] LORD came down in a cloud, and

eXaAxjas npoq aDxov Kai 7iap8iA,axo ano xod

he spoke to him, and he lifted from the

7cvsi)|iaxoc; xod S7i' aDxcb Kai 87is0r|Ksv S7ri xodc;

spirit, of the one upon him, and he placed [it] upon the

sP8o|xfjKovxa dvSpac; xodc; 7ipeaPDxepoDc; coq 8s

seventy men of the elders. And as

£7ravs7i;ai)aaxo 7ivsD|ia £7U aDxotic; Kai e7rpo(pf|xeDoav

[ rested spirit] upon them, that they prophesied,

Kai odk 8x1 7ipoa808vxo 26+ Kai KaxsXsicpGrjaav 8do

and no longer proceeded. And were left behind two

dvSpsq sv xt| 7iaps|iPoAT| ovojia xco evi EAM5 Kai

men in the camp; [the] name of the one [was] Eldad, and


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

ovojia too 5sdtsp&lt;jo Mco5d8 Kai 87iav87iaT3aaTO S7i'

[the] name of the second [was] Medad; and [ rested upon

avTOvq to 7rvei)|ia Kai otjtoi fjaav xcov

them the spirit], and these were of the

Kaxay8ypa|i|isvcov Kai ouKfjABov itpoq xrjv aKTjvfjv

ones delineated, and came not to the tent;

Kai 87rpo(pfjT£Doav ev tt] 7iap£|iPoAxi 27+ Kai

and they prophesied in the camp. And

7ipoa5pa|icbv oveaviaKoc; a7cf|yyeiA£ McoDafj Kai £i7ce

[ ran up a young man] to report to Moses, and said,

Aiycov EAM8 Kai Mco8d8 7cpo(pr|TSi)ODaiv sv xr|

saying, Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the

7iape|iPoAx| 2 s + Kai a7ioKpi6efc; IrjaoDc; o tod Nai)f| o

camp. And answering Joshua the [son of] Nun, the

7raps&lt;ycr|Kcbc; MooDafj o sk^sktoc; ai)TOi3 8i7i8 Kopie |iod

one standing beside Moses, his chosen one, said, O my master

MoQDofj kcoXdciov auxotic; 29+ Kai 81718 McoDafiq auxcb

Moses, restrain them! And Moses said to him,

jLiri CflXoiq av jioi Kai tic; 5cbr| 7cdvxa xov Xaov

[Are] you zealous for me? and O how it would be given all the people

Kopioi) 7rpo(pfjxac; oxav 5co Kopioc; to 7rvsi)|ia avzov

of [the] LORD [were] prophets, whenever [the] LORD should put his spirit

87i ' aDTotic; 30+ Kai anr\kdE M(Dvar\q sic; xr|v

upon them. And Moses went forth into the

7tap8|ipoAxjv avToq Kai 01 7cpeaPi)T£poi IapafjA, 31 + Kai

camp, he and the elders of Israel. And

7tv8i)|ia s^fjXBs 7capd Kupioi) Kai e^S7i;spaasv

a wind went forth from [the] LORD, and carried over

opTDyojifjipav a7co Tr\q Qakaaar\q Kai S7C8paA,8v S7ri

mother-quail from the sea, and it put [them] upon

Tr\q 7cap8|ipoArjc; o56v rjjiepac; evxeuGsv Kai o86v

the camp, [ journey a days] here [on this side], and [ journey

rjjispac; 8VT8D08V kdkAxd Tr\q 7cape|iPoAT|c; coast

a days] here [on that side], round about the camp, about

8i7rr|%D a7co Tr\q yr\q 32+ Kai avaaxdc; o Xaoq 6h\v

two cubits from the earth. And [ rose up the people entire

TTJV T||I8paV 8KSIVT|V Kai 6Aj|V TT|V VDKia Kai 6Aj|V

day that], and the entire night, and [the] entire

tt|v rjjjipav xrjv £7tai)piov Kai aDvfjyayov xrjv

[day next]; and they gathered together the

opTDyojifjipav o to oAiyov aDvfjyaye 8sKa Kopouc;

mother-quail ~ the one [ a few gathering] [was] ten cors.


12 T

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

Kai e\jn)^av saDxofc; ij/Dyjiouc; kukAxd xrjc;

And they cooled themselves [in a time of] refreshing round about the

7rape|iPoAxjc; 33 + xa Kpea exi r|v sv xoic; odovaiv auxcbv

camp. The meats still was in their teeth

7ipiv T| 8kA,s(7T81v Kai Kopioc; s0D|icG0r| opyfj siq xov

before the dissipating. And [the] LORD was enraged in wrath at the

Xaov Kai S7idxa^s Kopioc; xov A,a6v 7iA,r|yf|v jisydAxjv

people. And [the] LORD struck the people [ calamity great

acp65pa 34+ Kai sKAxjGrj xo ovojia xod x67tod sksivod

an exceedingly]. And [ was called the name of that place],

jivfjjiaxa Tr\q 87ii0D|iia(; 6x1 sksi e0a\j/av xov Xaov

Tombs of Desire. For there they entombed the [people

xov 87ii0DjiT]xf|v 35+ arco |ivr||idxcov TT\q S7Tl0D|Iia(;

craving]. From Tombs of the Desire

s^fjpsv o Xaoq ziq Aar|pcb0 Kai syevexo o Xaoq sv

[ lifted away the people] unto Hazeroth; and [ existed the people] in



12 V

1+ Kai sA,aAx|ae Mapidji Kai Aapcbv Kaxd Mcaoafj

And [ spoke Miriam and Aaron] against Moses,

8VSK8V xrjc; yovaiKoq Tr\q Ai0iO7uaar|c; r|v

because of the Ethiopian wife, whom

sAxxPe McoDafjc; 6x1 yuvaiKa Ai0io7uaaav zkafis 2+ Kai

Moses took, for [ an Ethiopian woman he took]. And

8i7iav |ir| Moyoafj jiovco Xe^dAxjKe Kupioc; ov%i Kai

they said, [Has] [ only to Moses spoken [the] LORD]? Did he not also

r\[iiv sldArjae Kai fjKODae Kupioc; 3+ Kai o dv0pco7roc;

speak to us? And [the] LORD heard. And the man

Mcooafjc; npavq acp65pa 7iapd rcavxac; zovq

Moses [was] [ gentle exceedingly] above all the

av0pcb7roi)c; xodc; ovxac; em xrjc; yr\q 4 + Kai

men of the ones being upon the earth. And

81718 Kupioq 7iapaxpf||ia itpoq M&lt;m)af|v Kai Aapcbv

[the] LORD said immediately to Moses, and Aaron,

Kai Mapidji e^sA,0sxs v^iziq 01 xpsic; sic; xrjv aKTjvfjv

and Miriam, Come forth you the three into the tent

xod |iapxi)p(ou 5+ Kai s^fjABov 01 xpeic; sic; xrjv

of the testimony! And came forth the three into the


12 T

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

aKTjvfjv tod (lapiDpioi) Kai KaxePrj Kopioc; sv cjxdAxo

tent of the testimony. And [the] LORD came down in a column

vscpsAxjc; Kai saxrj S7U xrjc; dvpaq xrjc; aKr\vr\q tod

of cloud, and it stood at the door of the tent of the

jiapiDpioD Kai £KAxj0r|Gav Aapcbv Kai Mapidji Kai

testimony. And [ were called Aaron and Miriam], and

s^fjXGoaav ajicpoxspoi 6 + Kai si7is itpoq aDxotic;

[ came forth both]. And he said to them,

aKODaaxs xcov A,6ycov |iod sdv ysvrjxai 7rpo(pfjxr|c;

Hear my words. If there should be a prophet

Djicbv KDpico sv opdjiaxi aDxcb yv&lt;joa0fjao|iai Kai sv

among you [to the] LORD, [ in a vision to him I will be made known], and in

D7TVC0 Xahf\GC0 aDxcb 1 + OV% ODXCOCJ O 08pd7TCOV |IOD

sleep I will speak to him. Not so my attendant

McoDafjc; sv 6A,co xco ovkco jiod 7iiax6c; saxi g + axojia

Moses; in [ entire house my] he is trustworthy. Mouth

Kaxd axojia XaAxjaco aDxcb sv s(5si Kai od 81'

to mouth I will speak to him in sight, and not through

aiviyjidxcov Kai xrjv 86^av KopioD s(5s Kai 5iax(

enigmas; even [the glory [of the] LORD he saw]. And why

odk scpopfjGrjxs KaxaXaXfjaai Kaxd

were you not afraid to speak ill against

xod 0spd7iovx6c; jiod McoDafi 9 + Kai opyfj 0djiod

my attendant Moses? And anger of rage

KDpioD S7i' aDxoDq Kai a7rfjA,9ov 10+ Kai rj vscpsAxj

of [the] LORD [was] upon them, and they went forth. And the cloud

a7isoxr| a7io xrjc; aKr\vr\q Kai i5od Mapidji Xs7ipcbaa

left from the tent. And behold, Miriam became leprous

coasi %icbv Kai S7ispXs\j/sv Aapcbv S7ii Mapidji Kai

as snow. And Aaron looked upon Miriam, and

i8od A,S7ipcooa 11+ Kai sircsv Aapcbv itpoq McoDafjv

behold, she was leprous. And Aaron said to Moses,

8so|iai KDpis |iod jlxti aDVS7ii6f| r\[dv ajiapxiav

I beseech you, O my master, you should not join sin to us,

816x1 r|yvof|aa|isv Ka0' 6x1 r||idpxo|isv 12+ [ir\ ysvrjxai

for we knew not that we sinned. Do not let her become

cog (aov Gavdxco coasi SKxpcojia SK7iopsDO|isvov sk

as equal to death, as a miscarriage going forth from

jxfjxpaq jxrjxpoc; aDxoD Kai KaxsaBisi xo fj|iiaD

a womb of his mother, and it eats up half

xcov aapKcbv aDxfjc; 13 + Kai sporjas McoDafjc; npoq

of her flesh. And Moses yelled out to


8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

Kopiov Aiyoov o 0s6c; 8so|ia( aoi) (aaai ai)xf|v h +

[the] LORD, saying, O God, I beseech you to heal her.

Kai 81718 Kopioc; 7rpoc; Mocmafjv 8i o 7iaxfjp avTT\q

And [the] LORD said to Moses, If her father

7tt6cdv svs7ixuaev sic; to 7ip6aco7rov avTT\q ODK

in spitting, spat into her face, would she not

evTpa7ifjosTai £7rc&amp; r||iepac; acpopioGfjxoo e^oo xrjc;

feel shame? Seven days she shall be separated outside the

7taps|iPoAxjc; Kai jiexd xatixa eiae^euaexai 15+ Kai

camp, and after this she shall enter. And

acpcopiaBrj Mapi&amp;ji s^co xrjc; 7rap£|iPoAT|c; £7rxd rjjiepac;

Miriam was separated outside the camp seven days;

Kai o Xaoq odk s^fjpev sooc; SKa6ap(a6r| Mapidji 16+

and the people did not lift away until Miriam was cleansed.

Kai jisxd xauxa s^qpsv o Xaoq e£, AarjpcbG Kai

And after these [things] [ lifted away the people] from Hazeroth, and

7tapev8PaAx)v sv xr| spfjjLico tod Oapdv

they camped in the wilderness of Paran.

13 r

1 + Kai sXaAxjae Kopioc; npoq Mocmafjv Aiyoov 2 +

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

a7i6axsiAx)v asauxcb dv5paq Kai KaxaaKsij/daGooaav

Send for yourself men, and let them survey

tt|v yrjv xcov Xavavaicov r|v sycb 8i5co(ii xoic; vioiq

the land of the Canaanites! which I give to the sons

IapafjX sic; Kaxda%eaiv dv5pa eva Kaxd (pvhf\v

of Israel for a possession. [man One] per tribe;

Kaxd 5fj|ioi)c; 7iaxpicbv auxcbv a7roaxsA,eic; auxotic;

according to [the] peoples of their patrimony you shall send them,

7idvxa apxrjyov auxcbv 3+ Kai e^a7ieaxsiA,ev avzovq

all [being] chiefs of them. And [ sent them

Mocmafjc; sk xrjc; spfj|ioD Oapdv 8id (pcovfjc; Kopiou

Moses] from the wilderness of Paran, by [the] voice of [the] LORD.

7idvx£c; dv5pec; apxrjyoi mcbv IopafjA, ouxoi 4 + Kai

All [men [were] chiefs of [the] sons of Israel these]. And

xatixa xa ovojiaxa auxcbv xrjc; (pvXr\q Poupfjv Xajioi)

these [are] their names. Of the tribe of Reuben [was] Shammua

vioq Za%oi3p

son of Zaccur.

5+ Tr\q (pvhf\q Edjiscov Eacpdx vioq SoDpsi 6 + xrjc;

Of the tribe of Simeon [was] Shaphat son of Hori. Of the


13 r ev toi3tco + vtica 04 - Numbers

(pvhr\q lovba XaXdp vioq Iscpowfj ? + Tr\q (pvXr)q

tribe of Judah [was] Caleb son of Jephunneh. Of the tribe

Iaod%ap lyak vioq Icoafiq) 8+ xrjc; (pvhf\q Ecppaiji

oflssachar [was] Igal son of Joseph. Of the tribe ofEphraim

Avar] vioq NaDfj 9 + xrjc; (pvhf\q Bsviajiiv OaAxi vioq

[was] Oshea son of Nun. Of the tribe of Benjamin [was] Palti son

Pacpdv 10+ xrjc; (pvhf\q ZafiovX&amp;w Tov6if\k vioq £od8(

ofRaphu. Of the tribe ofZebulun [was] Gaddiel son ofSodi.

11+ Tr\q (pvXf)q Icoafjtp xcov mcbv Mavaaafj ra58i vioq

Of the tribe of Joseph of the sons ofManasseh [was] Gaddi son

Eodcji 12+ Tr\q (pvkr)q Aav AjiifjA, vioq TajiaM 13+ Tr\q

ofSusi. Of the tribe of Dan [was] Ammiel son ofGamalli. Of the

(pvhf\q Aofjp Zadovp vioq Mi%af|X h+ Tr\q (pvhf\q

tribe ofAsher [was] Sethur son of Michael. Of the tribe

NscpGaAiji Napi vioq Afii 15+ Tr\q (pvhf\q Tad

ofNaphtali [was] Nahbi son ofVophsi. Of the tribe of Gad

roD8ifjX vioq Ma%i i 6 + Tama xa ov6|iaxa xcov

[was] Geuel son ofMachi. These [are] the names of the

av8pcbv ovq a7ieaxsiA,s M(£&gt;vaf)q KaxaaKe\j/aa0ai xrjv

men which Moses sent to survey the

yrjv kcu S7icov6|iaa8 McoDafjq xov Avar] viov NaDfj

land. And Moses named Oshea son of Nun —


17+ mi (meaxsiXev auxotic; Mcoi)&lt;yqc; KaxaaKs\j/aa0ai

And [ sent them Moses] to survey

xrjv yrjv Xavadv Kai ei7ie npoq avzovq avdprjxs

the land of Canaan. And he said to them, Ascend

xm3xr| xt| epf||ico Kai avapfj aea0e siq xo opoq 1 8 + KCXl

in this wilderness! And you shall ascend into the mountain. And

6\j/ea0£ xrjv yrjv Tiq saxi Kai xov Xaov

you will behold the land, what it is, and the people

xov 8yKa0f||i8VOV S7i' avTf]q si ia%vpoq eaxiv r|

lying in wait upon it, if [they are] strong or

aadzvr)q r\ oAiyoi eioiv r| noXkoi 19+ Kai Tiq r\

weak; or [if] they are few, or many. And what the

yr| sic; r\v otjxoi 8yKd0r|vxai S7i' avTf)q 8i

land [is like] in which these lie in wait upon it, if

KaAxj saxiv rj 7iovr|pd Kai xivsc; ai itoXsiq ziq aq

it is good, or wicked; and what the cities in which


13 r ev toutco + vtica 04 - Numbers

odtoi KaxoiKODaiv sv auxaic; 81 SV T£l%f|p£aiV T| sv

these dwell in them, if in walled or in

axevxiaxoig 20+ Kai tic; rj yr| 8i 7iicbv rj 7iapsi|isvr|

unwalled. And what the land [is like], if plentiful or being neglected;

8i eaxiv sv aDifj 5ev8pa r| od Kai

if there is in it trees or not. And

7ipoaKapxepf|aavxsc; Arj\j/so0s and xcov Kap7icov xrjc;

attending to constantly you shall take from the fruits of the

yr\q Kai ai rjjiepai rjjiepac; sapoc; 7ip68po|ioi

land. And the days [were] days in spring, forerunners

axacpDArjc; 21+ Kai avapdvxec; KaxeaKe\j/avxo xr|v yrjv

of [the] grape. And ascending they surveyed the land

a7TO TT\q Spf||IOD XlV eCOq PocbP Sia7lOp8DO|I8VCOV

from the wilderness ofZin until Rehob, entering

EjidG 22+ Kai avsprjaav Kaxd xr|v eprjjiov Kai

Hamath. And they ascended by the wilderness, and

r\kdoaav ecoc; Xsppcbv Kai SKei A%ei|idv Kai Ssai

came unto Hebron; and there [was] Ahiman, and Sheshai,

Kai ©sXajiiv yeveai Evd% Kai XePpcbv £7ixd exeoiv

and Talmai, [the] families of Anak; and Hebron [ seven years

coKo8o|xfj6r| 7ipo xod Tavi AiyimxoD 23 + Kai r\kdooav

was built] before Tanin of Egypt. And they came

scoc; cpdpayyoc; Poxpuoc; Kai SKo\j/av £Ks(6ev Kkr\[ia

unto [the] Ravine of [the] Cluster. And they beat from there a vine branch

Kai p6xpi)v axaqroArjc; sva S7i' avzov Kai fjpav

and [ cluster of [the] grape one] from it; and they lifted

avzov S7i ' avacpopeuai Kai anb xcov pocbv Kai

it upon bearing poles, and [some] from the pomegranates, and

arco xcov aDKcbv 24+ Kai xov xorcov sksivov S7icov6|iaaav

the fig-trees. And that place they named

cpdpay^ PoxpDoq 5id xov poxpuv ov SKo\j/av

Ravine of [the] Cluster, on account of the cluster of grapes which [ beat

8ks(9sv 01 dioi IapafjX 25+ Kai S7reaxps\j/av sksiGsv

from there the sons of Israel]. And they returned from there

KaxaaK£\j/d|ievoi xrjv yrjv jisxd xsaaapdKovxa rjjispac;

[ surveying the land after] forty days.

26+ Kai 7ropei)6svxsc; fjA£ov 7ipoc; Mcoi)af|v Kai Aapcbv

And having gone, they came to Moses and Aaron,

Kai 7ipoc; 7idoav aDvaycoyfjv mcbv IapafjA, eic; xrjv

and to all [the] congregation of [the] sons of Israel, to the

sprjjiov Oapdv Kd5r|c; Kai a7isKpi6r|aav auxofc; pfj|ia

wilderness ofParan Kadesh. And they answered to them a word,


13 v sv tootco + vuca 04 - Numbers

Kai 7idar| ai)vaycoyf| Kai s8si^av tov Kaprcov Tr\q

and to all [the] congregation. And they showed the fruit of the

yrjc; 2 ?+ Kai 8ir|yf|aavTO avzcb Kai si7iav r\kdo[i£v sic;

land. And they described to him, and they said, We came into

xrjv yrjv sic; r|v ansaTsikaq r\[idq yrjv psouaav jaka

the land unto which you sent us, a land flowing milk

Kai [iski Kai outoc; o Kap7i6c; auxfjc; 28+ aXX r r\ on

and honey. And this [is] its fruit. Only that

6pa&lt;y6 to s0voc; to KaTOiKotiv tt|v yrjv Kai ai 7i6A,sic;

[ [is] bold the nation dwelling the land], and the [ cities

o%i)pa( TSTSi%ia|isvai jisydAm acp65pa Kai tt|v ysvsdv

fortified], being walled, are great — very much so. And the generation

Evd% scopdKajisv sksi 29 + Kai A|iaAx|K KaTOiKsi sv tt|

of Anak we saw there. And Amalek dwells in the

yr| ttj 7ipoc; votov Kai o Xsrcaioc; Kai o Euaiog

land, in the [land] to [the] south; and the Hittite, and the Hivite,

Kai o IsPouaaioc; Kai o Ajioppaioc; KaTOiKsi sv ttj

and the Jebusite, and the Amorite dwell in the

opsivf] Kai o Xavavaioc; KaTOiKsi 7iapd BdXaaaav

mountainous area; and the Canaanite dwell by [the] sea,

Kai 7iapd tov Iop5dvr|v 7iOTa|i6v 30 + Kai

and by the Jordan river. And

KaTsaicb7ir|os XaXsP tov Xaov 7ipoc; M&lt;m&gt;af|v Kai

Caleb quelled the people before Moses, and

si7isv ai)Tcb ov%i aXXd avapdvTsg avaPrjaojisGa Kai

said to him, Not so, but ascending we will ascend, and

KaTaKlr|povo|xfjao|isv awfjv 6ti 5i)vaTOi

we shall inherit it; for by might

8i)vr|a6|is6a 7ipoc; aDTotic; 31+ Kai 01 dv0pco7roi 01

we shall be able [to prevail] against them. And the men, the ones

(XovavapdvTSc; jist' avzov sircav odk avapaivojisv

going up with him said, We are not ascending;

6ti od |ir| 8i)vcb|is6a avapfjvai 7ipoc; to s0voc; 6ti

for in no way should we be able to ascend to that nation, for

iaxi)poTspov r||icbv saTi [lakXov 32+ Kai s^fjvsyKav

[stronger than us it is rather]. And they brought

SKcrcaaiv tt|c; yrjc; r\q KaTsaKS\j/avTO avTT\v 7ipoc;

an astonishment of the land of which they surveyed it to

Tovq viovq lapar\k XsyovTSc; tt|v yrjv rjv 7iapf|A,0o|isv

the sons of Israel, saying, The land which we went

aDTfjv KaTaaKs\j/aa6ai yrj KaTsa0oi)aa zovq

in it to survey ~ [ a land devouring the ones


14 v

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers
KaxoiKcrovxac; S7i ' avTT\q soxi Kai izaq o Xaoq ov

dwelling upon it it is]; and all the people whom

£&lt;J0p&amp;Ka|ieV 8V m)TT\ dvSpSCJ D7TSp|Xf|KSlC; 33+ Kai SKSl

we see in it [ men [are] exceedingly tall]. And there

scopdKajisv xodc; yiyavxaq Kai fjjisv svcb7nov auxcbv

we saw the giants; and we were [ in the presence of them

coast aKpiSsc; aXka Kai croxcoc; fjjisv svcb7riov auxcbv

as locusts]; yes, even so we were in the presence of them.

14 7^

1+ Kai avaAxxPotiaa 7idaa r| auvaycoyfj s8coks ^oavfjv

And taking up, all the congregation gave a sound,

Kai SKAmev o Xaoq 6Ax|v ttjv vt)Kxa sks(vt|v 2 + Kai

and [ wept the people entire night that]. And

Sisyoyyutpv S7U Mccmafjv Kai Aapcbv 7idvxsc; 01 men

they complained over Moses and Aaron — all the sons

IapafjX Kai si7iav npoq avzovq 7idaa r| auvaycoyfj

of Israel. And [ said to them all the congregation],

ocpsAxrv a7is0dvo|i8v sv yr| Aiy67ixco r| sv

Ought that we should die in [the] land of Egypt, than [ in

ttj spfjjico xat)xr| a7is0dvco|isv 3+ Kai ivaxi Kupioc;

this wilderness we should die]. And why did [the] LORD

eiadyei r\[idq sic; xrjv yrjv xauxrjv 7isasiv sv 7ioXs(ico

bring us into this land to fall in war?

ai yuvaucsc; r||icbv Kai xa 7iai5(a saovxai sic; 5iap7rayfjv

Our wives and children will be for ravaging.

vuv ouv PsXxiov r\[dv saxiv a7ioaxpa(pf|vai sic;

Now then [ best for us it is] to return to

Aiyu7ixov 4+ Kai si7rsv sxspoq xco sxspco 8cb|isv

Egypt. And [ said [the] other] to the other, We should appoint

apxrjyov Kai a7roaxps\j/co|isv sic; A(yu7ixov 5 + Kai

a chief, and we should return unto Egypt. And

S7rsas Mcouafjc; Kai Aapcbv S7U 7ip6aco7rov svavxiov

[ fell Moses and Aaron] upon [their] face before

7tdar|c; auvaycoyfjc; mcbv IapafjA,

all [the] congregation of [the] sons of Israel.

6+ Irjacyoc; 8s o xou Naufj Kai XaAip o xou Iscpowfj

And Joshua the [son of] Nun, and Caleb the [son of] Jephunneh,

xcov KaxaaKsyajisvcov xrjv yrjv Sisppfj^av

of the ones surveying the land, tore


14 V

8V TCTuTCp + vuca

04 - Numbers

xa ijiaxia auxcov ?+ Kai smav npoq naaav aDvaycoyfjv

their cloaks. And they said to all [the] congregation

mcbv IapafjX Aiyovxsc; rj yrj r|v KaxsaKs\j/d|is6a

of [the] sons of Israel, saying, The land which we surveyed

ai)xf|v ayaGfjv saxi acp65pa acp68pa 8 + si aipsxi^si

it, it is good exceedingly exceedingly. If [ selected

rjjLidq rcopioc; siad^si r\[iaq sic; xrjv yrjv xai&gt;xr|v Kai

us [the] LORD], he will bring us into this land, and

5cbasi aDxfjv r\[iiv yrj ryciq saxi psouaa yaka Kai

he will give it to us; a land which is flowing milk and

jisAi 9 + aXXa and xod Kupuyo jitj a7coaxdxai y(vsa0s

honey. But from [the] LORD do not [ defectors become];

ujisic; 8s |ir| (popr|0f|xs xov A,a6v Tr\q yr\q 6xi

And you, do not fear the people of the land! for

KaxdPpcojia r\[dv saxiv acpsaxrjKs yap o Kaipoc; an

[ a [thing] devoured for us [they are]]. [ has left for the time] from

auxcbv o 5s Kopioc; sv r\[iiv |ir| (poPr|6f|xs avzovq

them, and the LORD [is] among us; do not fear them!

io+ Kai 81718 7idaa rj aDvayoayfj KaxaAaGoPoAxjaai

And [ said all the congregation] to stone

avTOvq sv Xidoiq Kai rj 56^a Kopioi) cbcpGrj sv xrj

them with stones. And the glory of [the] LORD appeared in the

VSCpsAxj 8711 xrjc; aKTjVfjq xod jiapxDpioi) 8V 7cdai

cloud upon the tent of the testimony among all

xoic; vioiq IopafjA, n+ Kai si7cs Kupioc; npoq Mcovar\v

the sons of Israel. And [the] LORD said to Moses,

sooc; xivoc; 7tapo^6vsi |is o Xaoq omoq Kai sooc; xivoc;

For how long [does] [provoke me this people]? And for how long

od 7tiaxsi)ODai jioi S7U 7cdai xoic; arjiisioic; oiq

do they not trust me, for all the signs which

S7co(r|aa sv auxok; n+ 7caxd^co avzovq Bavdxoo Kai

I did among them? I will strike them in death, and

a7toAxb auxouc; Kai 7coif|aco as sic; sGvoc; jisya Kai

I will destroy them, and I will make you into [ nation a great and

tioXv [laXkov rj xotixo 13 + Kai S17CS McoDafjc; 7cpoc;

populous] rather than this one. And Moses said to

Kopiov Kai aKotiasxai Aiyimxoc; 6xi avfjyaysc;

[the] LORD, And Egypt shall hear that you led

xtj ia%m aou xov Axxov xouxov s^ auxcbv h + aXka Kai

[ by your strength people this] from them, but also

7tdvxsc; oi KaxoiKowxsq S7U xrjc; yrjc; xauxric;

all the ones dwelling upon this land


14 V


04 - Numbers

aKTjKoaaiv 6xi av si Kopioc; sv too Xacb xouxco oaxiq

have heard, that you are [the] LORD among this people, who

o(pQak[ioiq Kax' o(pdak[iovq 07ixd^r| Kopis Kai

eyes to eyes you behold, O LORD, and

r| vscpsAxj aoi) scpsaxrjKsv S7i' auxcbv Kai sv axuAxjo

your cloud stands over them, and in a column

vscpeAxjc; &lt;xo 7iopsi)r| rcpoxspoc; auxcbv xrjv rjjispav Kai

of cloud you go in front of them by the day, and

sv &lt;xt6A,cd 7Top6c; xrjv vuKxa 15+ Kai SKxpuj/sic;

in a column of fire by the night. And shall you obliterate

xov Xaov xotixov coast dv6pco7iov sva Kai spouai xa

this people as [ man one]? and [ shall say the

sGvrj oaoi aKTjKoaai xo ovojid aou Aiyovxsq 16+ rcapd

nations], as many as heard your name, saying, Because

xo |ir| 8waa0ai Kopiov siaayaysiv xov A,a6v xotixov

the [ was not able LORD] to bring this people

siq xrjv yrjv r|v cbjioasv auxofc; Kaxsaxpcoasv

into the land which he swore by an oath to them, he prostrated

auxotic; sv xrj spfj|ico 17+ Kai vuv i)\j/co6f|xcG

them in the wilderness. And now, raise up high

T| ia%vq aoi) Kupis ov xporcov sbiaq Aiycov is+ Kopioc;

your strength, O LORD, in which manner you said, saying, [The] LORD

|iaKp66i)|ioc; Kai itoXvZXsoq Kai aAxjGivoc; acpaipcbv

[is] lenient, and full of mercy, and true, removing

avojiiaq Kai advdaq Kai ajiapxiac; Kai KaGapiajicb

lawless deeds, and iniquities, and sins; but by cleansing

od KaGapisi xov svo%ov a7io8i8oi)(; ajiapxiac;

he shall not cleanse the liable, repaying [the] sins

7iaxspcov S7U xsicva scoq xpixrjc; Kai xsxdpxrjc; ysvsdq

of [the] fathers upon [the] children unto [the] third and fourth generation.

19+ dcpsq xrjv ajiapxiav xco Axxcb xotixco Kaxd xo jisya

Dismiss the sin of this people according to [ great

sksoq aoi) Ka6d7isp (Xscoq sysvoi) auxoic; an

mercy your], just as kindness happened to them from

Aiywtxoi) scoq xod vdv 20+ Kai si7is Kupioq ikscoq

Egypt until the present. And [the] LORD said, [ kind

auxok; sijii Kaxd xo pfj|id aoi) 21+ aXXa ^co sycb Kai

to them I am] according to your word; but [as] I live, that

s|i7rAr|asi r| 86^a Kopioi) rcdaav xrjv yrjv 22+ 6x1

[will fill the glory [of the] LORD] all the earth. For

ftdvxsc; 01 dvSpsc; 01 opcbvxsq xrjv 86^av jiod Kai xa

all the men seeing my glory, and the


14 V

8V TOUT© + VlKa
04 - Numbers

ar||is(a a S7iovr|aa sv AiyD7rxco Kai sv

signs which I did in Egypt, and in

tt] spf|jLico xaDxrj Kai S7i8ipaadv (is xodxo Ssraxov Kai

this wilderness, and test me this tenth [time], and

odk eiafjKODaav xrjc; cpcovfiq |iod 23+ r\[ir\v odk

are not listening to my voice, assuredly they shall not

6\j/ovxai ttjv yrjv r|v cbjioaa xoic; 7raxpdaiv aDxcbv

see the land which I swore by an oath [to] their fathers;

aXk r T| xa xsicva ai)xcbv a soxi jisx' sjiod cg8s oaoi

but only their children who are with me here, as many as

odk o(8aaiv aya66v r| kockov naq vscbxspoc; d7isipoc;

have not known good or evil, every young one inexperienced,

xodxoic; 8cbaco xrjv yrjv navTsq 8s 01 7iapo^6vavxsc;

to these I will give the land. But all the ones provoking

|is odk 6\j/ovxai aDxfjv 24 + 08s 7iaic; |iod XaAip 6x1

me shall not see it. But my servant Caleb, for

sysvfjGrj 7WSD|ia sxspov sv aDxcb Kai S7ir|KoXoD6r|as

[ is spirit another] in him, and he followed after

jioi siad^co aDxov siq xttv yrjv sic; r|v siaf|A,0sv sksi

me, I will bring him into the land into which you enter there,

Kai xo a7isp|ia aDxoD KAx|povo|ifjasi aDxfjv 25 + o 8s

and his seed shall inherit it. But

AjiaAxjK Kai o Xavavaioc; KaxoiKODaiv sv xr| Koi^dSi

Amalek and the Canaanites dwell in the valley.

dDpiov S7iiaxpd(pr|xs Kai arcdpaxs sic; xrjv sprjjiov

Tomorrow you should turn and depart into the wilderness

o86v daXdaar\q spD0pdq 26 + Kai si7is Kopioc; itpoq

way [sea [of the] red]. And [the] LORD said to

MoQDafjv Kai Aapcbv Aiycov 27+ soocjxivoc;

Moses and Aaron, saying, For how long [shall I endure]

xrjv aDvaycDyfjv xrjv 7iovr|pdv xaDxrjv a aDxoi

[ congregation this wicked], in which they

yoyyD^ODaiv svavxiov |iod xrjv yoyyDai xcov dicov

grumble before me? The grumbling of the sons

IapafjX Tjv aDxoi yoyyotpDai 7isp( Djicbv aKfjKoa 28 +

of Israel, which they grumble concerning you, I have heard.

si7iov aDxoiq Cfti sycb Aiysi Kopioc; r\[ir\v ov xporcov

Say to them, [as] I live, says [the] LORD, assuredly in which manner

A,sXaAx|Kaxs sic; xa coxa jiod odxcoc; 7rorf|aco djiiv 29+ sv

you spoke into my ears, so I will do for you. In

xtj spf||ico xaDxrj 7isas(xai xa kcoAxx djicov Kai 7iac;

this wilderness [ shall fall your carcasses], even all


14 V

8V TOUT© + vuca

04 - Numbers

T| S7liaK07lf| D|ICDV Kai 01 KaTT|pi0|ir||I8VOl DJICOV a7io

overseeing you, and the ones being counted of you from

siKoaasxouc; Kai 87idvco oaoi syoyyutpv S7i' s|io( 30 +

twenty years [old] and up, as many as grumbled against me.

eiDjieic; siosXsi)asa0s sic; xttv yrjv scp' r|v s^sxsiva

Shall you enter into the land upon which I stretched out

xttv xsipd |iou KaxaoKTjvcbaai ujidc; S7i' auxfjc; aXk r r\

my hand to encamp you upon it, [no]. But only

XaAip vioq Iscpowfj Kai Irjaouc; o tod Naufj 31+ Kai

Caleb, son of Jephunneh, and Joshua the [son of] Nun, and

xa 7iai5(a a sircaxs sic; 8iap7iayf|v sasa0 ai siad^oa

the children who you said, [ for ravaging to be], I will bring

auxotic; sic; xnv yrjv r|v ujisic; a7rs&lt;xrr|xs an auxfjc; 32 +

them into the land which you abstained from it.

Kai xa KcbXa djicov 7isas(xai sv xr| spfj|ico xatixT) 33 +

And your carcasses will fall in this wilderness.

01 8s dioi ujicbv saovxai vs|i6|isvoi sv ttj spf||ico

But your sons will be fed in the wilderness

xsaaapdKovxa sxrj Kai avokrouai xttv 7iopvs(av ujicbv

forty years. And they shall bear your harlotry,

sooc; av avaXcoGfj xa KcbA,a djicov sv tt| spfj|i&lt;jo 34 +

until whenever [ should be consumed your carcasses] in the wilderness.

Kaxd xov apiGjiov xoov r||ispcbv oaaq

According to the number of the days, as many as

KaxsaKs\j/aa6s xttv yrjv xsaaapdKovxa rjjispac; rjjispav

you surveyed the land ~ forty days; a day

xou sviauxou Ar|\j/sa0s xac; ajiapxiac; ujicbv

for the year you will take for your sins ~

xsaaapdKovxa sxrj Kai yvcbasaGs xov 0uji6v

forty years; and you shall know the rage

xrjc; opyfjc; jiou 35+ sycb Kopioc; sldAxjaa r\[ir\v odxcoc;

of my anger. I [the] LORD spoke. Assuredly thus

7roifjacD xtj aDvayooyfj xr| 7iovr|pd xatixT) xr|

I will do [ congregation to this wicked], to the one

S7iiai)vsaxa|isvr| S7i' sjis sv xr| spf||ico xatixrj

rising up together against me. In this wilderness

s^avaAxoGfjaovxai Kai sksi a7io0avowxai 3 6+ Kai 01

they shall be completely consumed, and there they shall die. And the

dv0pco7roi ovq a7isaxsiA,s Mamafjc; KaxaaKS\j/aa0ai xrjv

men whom Moses sent to survey the

yrjv Kai 7iapaysvr|0svxsc; Sisyoyyuaav Kax' auxfjc;

land, and coming, complained concerning this


14 v

8V TOUT© + vuca

04 - Numbers

7ipoc; xrjv ai)vaycoyf|v s^svsyrai pfjjiaxa 7iovr|pd

to the congregation, to bring forth [ words bad]

7isp( Tr\q yr\q 37 + Kai a7i£0avov 01 dv0pco7ioi

concerning the land, and they died, the men

01 Kaxsurdvxec; 7iovr|pd Kaxd xrjc; yr\q ev xr| 7iAx|yf|

avowing bad [things] concerning the land in the calamity

evavxi KopioD 38+ Kai IrjaoDc; vioq NaDfj Kai XaAip

before [the] LORD. And Joshua son of Nun, and Caleb

vioq Iscpovfj s^rjaav arco xcov av0pcb7icov SKeivcov xcov

son of Jephunneh lived of those men, of the ones

7iS7rop8D|isvcov KaxaaK£\j/ao0ai xrjv yrjv 39+ Kai

going to survey the land. And

eXdAxjas McoDcxqc; xa pfjjiaxa xatixa npoq 7idvxac; viovq

Moses spoke these words to all [the] sons

IopafjX Kai £7isv0r|aev o Xaoq acp65pa 4 o+ Kai

of Israel; and [mourned the people] exceedingly. And

opGpiaavxsc; xo7ipcoi aveprjaav sic; xrjv KopDcpfjv xod

rising early in the morning, they ascended into the top of the

opovq Aiyovxec; i8od r\[isiq avaPrjaojieGa sic; xov

mountain, saying, Behold, we shall ascend unto the

X07TOV OV 81718 KUpiOCj 0X1 T||ldpXO|ISV 41 + Kai

place which [the] LORD spoke, for we sinned. And

si7T8 MooDofjc; ivaxi Djisiq 7rapaPa(vsxs xo pfjjia

Moses said, Why do you violate the word

Kopioi) odk sDo8a saxai djjav 42+ |iT| avapaivsxs od

of [the] LORD? it will not be prosperous for you. Do not ascend, [ not

yap eaxi Kopioc; |is0' Djicbv Kai 7isas(a0e 7ipo

for is [the] LORD] with you. And you shall fall before

7ipoacb7i;oD xcov e%0pcbv djicov 4 3 + 6xi o A|iaAr|K Kai o

[the] face of your enemies. For Amalek and the

Xavavaioc; 8ksi S|i7rpoa0ev djicov Kai 7iea£ia0£

Canaanite [are] there in front of you, and you shall fall

|ia%a(pa od sivsksv a7ieaxpdcpr|xe a7iei0ODVxec;

[by the] sword, because you were turned resisting [the] persuasion

Kopico Kai odk saxai Kopioc; sv djiiv 4 4+ Kai

[by the] LORD, and [ will not be [the] LORD] with you. And

8iaPiaad|i8voi avsprjaav S7ri xrjv KopDtpfjv xod opovq

forcing through, they ascended upon the top of the mountain.

T| 5e Kipcoxoq Tr\q 8ia0fjKr|c; KopioD Kai McoDafjc;

But the ark of the covenant of [the] LORD, and Moses

odk 8Kivfj0r|aav 8K (isaoD xrjc; 7iaps|ipoAx|c; 45+ Kai

did not move from out of [the] midst of the camp. And

15 io

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

04 - Numbers

KaxsPrj o AjiaArjK Kai o Xavavaioc; o syKa0f||isvoc; sv

[ came down Amalekite], and the Canaanite lying in wait in

too opsi sksivco Kai STps\j/avTO aDTODc; Kai KaTSKO\j/av

that mountain, and they routed them, and they slew

aDTODc; scoc; Epjid

them unto Hormah.

15 1t3

i+ Kai S17T8 KTjpioq 7ipoc; Mamafjv Xsycov 2+ AxxArjaov

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Speak

TOiq vioiq lapar\k Kai spsic; npoq avzovq oxav

to the sons of Israel, and say to them, Whenever

eiasXGrjxe sic; xrjv yrjv Tr\q KaTOiKqascoc; Djicbv r|v sycb

you should enter into the land of your dwelling, which I

5(8&lt;D|ii D|iw 3+ Kai 7iorqasTS Kap7ico|iaTa tco KDpico r|

give to you, and you shall offer yield [offerings] to the LORD, or

oXoKaDTCOjia r| Qvaiav jisyaAtivai zv%r\v r\ Ka0'

a whole burnt-offering, or sacrifice [offering] to magnify a vow, or concerning

skodctiov r| sv Taiq sopxaiq djicov 7rorqaai oajif|v

a voluntary [offering], or in your holiday [feasts], you shall offer a scent

SDCoSiac; too KDpico 8i |i8v arco xcov Pocbv T| a7io

of pleasant aroma to the LORD, either from the oxen or from

xcov 7ipopdTCOv 4 + Kai 7ipoao(asi o 7ipoacpspcov

the sheep. That [ shall bring the one offering]

to 5cbpov avTOV KDpico 0Da(av os|ii8dXscoc; to

his gift [to the] LORD [being] a sacrifice of fine flour — the

SsraTOV tod oicpi ava7i£7roir||i8vr|c; sv sAmco sv

tenth of the ephah, being prepared in olive oil, in

TSTdpTCO TOD IV 5+ Kai oivov sic; a7iov5f|v TO

a fourth of the hin. And wine for a libation [offering], the


fourth of the hin, you shall offer upon the whole burnt-offering, or

S7U Tr\q 0Da(ac; tco ajivcb tco svi 6 + Kai tco Kpicb

upon the sacrifice [offering] to the [lamb one]. And for the ram,

OTav 7ioif|TS aDTOV sic; oAx)Kdp7ico|ia r| sic; 0Daiav

whenever you offer it for a whole burnt-offering or for a sacrifice [offering],

7ioif|asic; 0Daiav asjiiSd^scoc; 8do 8sKdTa

you shall prepare a sacrifice of fine flour — two tenths

ava7TS7roir||isvr|c; sv sAmco to Tpvcov tod iv ?+ Kai

being prepared in olive oil, the third of the hin. And

oivov sic; a7iov8f|v to Tpvcov tod iv 7cpoaoiosTS sic;

wine for a libation, the third of the hin, you shall offer for


15 "ID

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

04 - Numbers
oajifjv SDCo8(ac; KDpico 8 + sav 5s goto tcov Pocbv

a scent of pleasant aroma [to the] LORD. But if from the oxen

7tovfjTS sic; oA,OKaDTCoaiv r| sic; 0Da(av jisyaAtivai

you should offer for a whole burnt-offering, or for a sacrifice [offering] to


£D%fjv r| sig aoQxfjpiov too KDpico 9+ Kai 7ipoao(asi

a vow, or for a deliverance [offering] to the LORD, then he shall bring

S7Ti tod [i6a%ov sic; 0Dcriav os|ii8aXscoc; xpia

with the calf for a sacrifice [offering] of fine flour, three

88Kaxa ava7iS7ioiri|isvr|c; ev sAmco r\[i\av tod iv io+

tenths being prepared in olive oil, a half of the hin.

Kai oivov sic; a7iov5f|v to r\[i\av tod iv Kap7ico|ia

And [the] wine for a libation, the half of the hin — a yield [offering]

oajifjv SDCoSiac; KDpico n+ odtco 7ioif|asic; tco ji6a%co

scent of pleasant aroma [to the] LORD. Thus you shall offer for the [ calf


one], or the [ram one], or the [lamb one] from the

7ipoP&amp;TCOv T| 8K tcov cuycbv 12+ kcxtcx tov apiGjiov

sheep, or [a kid] of the goats. According to the number

cov av 7iorfjar|T£ odtcoc; 7roifja£TS tco svi kcxtcx

which ever you should offer, so you shall do to the one, according to

tov api0|iov ctDTcbv 13 + naq o cxdt6%0cov 7ioifja£i odtcoc;

their number. Every native born shall offer thus,

tokxdtcx 7rpoasv8yKcu Kap7icb|iaTa eiq oajifjv 8Dco8(a(;

such as to bring yield [offerings] for a scent of pleasant aroma

KDpico i4+s&amp;v8s 7ipoaf|}u)TOc; sv djjav 7ipooysvr|Tai

[to the] LORD. And if a foreigner among you should unite

sv ttj yr| djicov rj oq av ysvrjTai ev djiiv sv

in your land, or who ever was born to you among

Taic; ysvsaiq djicov Kai 7roifja£i Kdp7ico|ia oo[ir\v

your generations, and he shall offer a yield [offering] scent


of pleasant aroma [to the] LORD, in which manner you do yourselves ~ so

7roifjasi T| aDvaycoyfj KDpico 15+ vojioq siq saTai

shall [ offer the congregation] [to the] LORD. [ law One] will be

djiiv Kai tok; 7ipoar|A,DTOic; zoiq 7ipoaK8i(isvoi(; sv

to you and to the foreigners lying near to

djiiv vojioq aicbvioq sic; Taq ysvsdq djicov coc; Djisiq

you, [ law an eternal] unto your generations. As you,

Kai o TrpoafjAmoc; s&lt;xcai svavTi kdpiod 16+ vojioq siq

also the foreigner will be before [the] LORD. [ law one

scrcai Kai 5iKa(co|ia sv s&lt;xcai djiiv Kai tco

There shall be], and [ ordinance one there shall be] to you and to the


15 "ID

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

04 - Numbers

7ipoar|AmCD TOO 7ipoaKSl|ISVCD 8V DJIIV 17+ Kai

foreigner lying near to you. And

sldAxjas Kupioc; npoq Mamofjv Aiycov i 8 + XdArjaov xoic;

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Speak to the

vioq IapafjX Kai spsic; npoq avzovq sv

sons of Israel! And you shall say to them, In

to sio7iopsi)sa0ai v[iaq sic; xrjv yrjv sic; r|v sycb

your entering into the land, into which I

siadyco ujidc; sksi 19+ Kai soxai oxav saBrjxs ujisiq

bring you there, that it will be whenever you yourselves should eat

goto xcov dpxoov TTjcj yrjc; acps^sixs acpaipsjia

from the bread loaves of the land, you shall remove a cut-away portion

acpopiajia too Kopioo a7rap%fjv cpupdjiaxoc; ujicbv 20 +

[as] a separation [offering] to the LORD, a first-fruit of your batch [of dough].

dpxov acpopisixs acpaipsjia auxcb oac; acpaipsjia and

[ bread You shall separate] as a cut-away portion to him. As a cut-away portion


akowoq omcoq acpsA,sixs auxov 21+ a7rap%fjv

[the] threshing-floor, thus shall you remove it. As first-fruit

cpupdjiaxoov ujicbv Kai 5cbasxs Kopioo acpaipsjia sic;

of your batch, even you shall give [it] [to the] LORD as cut-away portion for

xac; ysvsdc; djicov 22+ oxav 5s 8iajidpxr|xs Kai jirj

your generations. And whenever you should miss entirely, and should not

7roifjar|xs ndaaq xac; svxoA.dc; xamaq aq

observe all these commandments which

sXdAxjas Kupioc; 7ipoq Mamafjv 23 + KaGd

[the] LORD spoke to Moses; as

(xovsxa^s Kopioc; 7ipoc; Djidq sv %sipi McoDofi arco

[the] LORD gave orders for you by [the] hand of Moses, from

xrjc; rjjispac; rjc; aDvsxa^s Kopioc; 7ipoc; Djidc; Kai

the day of which [the] LORD gave orders to you and

S7isKsiva sic; xac; ysvsdc; djicdv 24+ Kai saxai sdv s^

beyond unto your generations; that it shall be if from

ocp0aA,jicbv xrjc; aDvayooyfjc; ysvr|6r| aKODoiooc; Kai

[the] eyes of the congregation it should happen unintentionally, then

7ioifjasi 7idaa r| aDvaycoyfj jioo%ov sva sk Pocbv

[ shall offer all the congregation] [ calf one] from [the] oxen,
d|ico|iov sic; oAx)Kai)xcD|ia sic; oajiqv su&lt;jo8(ac; Kopioo

unblemished, for a whole burnt-offering, for a scent of pleasant aroma [to the]

Kai dvaiav xotjxod Kai a7iov8f|v avzov Kaxd

and this sacrifice [offering], and its libation, according to

xrjv (xovxa^iv avTOV Kai %(jiapov e£ aiycbv sva

its arrangement, and [ winter yearling from out of [the] goats one]


15 io

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04 - Numbers

7isp( ajiapxiag 25+ Kai e^iXdaexai o ispsvq mpi

for a sin [offering]. And [ shall make atonement the priest] for

7t&amp;ar|c; &lt;yovaycoyf|c; mcbv IapafjA, Kai acpeGfjaexai

all [the] congregation of [the] sons of Israel, and it shall be forgiven

(xdtoic; on aKotiaiov sail Kai auxoi fjvsyKav

them, for it is unintentional. And they brought

TO 8cbpOV aUXCOV K&amp;p7TCD|ia KDpiCO 7TSp(

their gift, a yield [offering] [to the] LORD for

Tr\q ajiapxiac; auxcbv evavxi Kopioi) 7ispi

their sins, before [the] LORD for

tcov aKODaicDV auxcbv 2 6 + Kai acpsGfjoexai 7idor|

their unintentional [sins]. And [ it shall be forgiven to all

ai)vaycoyf|v mcbv IapafjA, Kai xco 7ipoariAmco

[the] congregation of [the] sons of Israel], and to the foreigner

too 7ipoaKsi|isvco npoq v^idq 6xi rcavxi tcd Axxcb

lying near to you, for to all the people

aKotiaiov 27 + edv 8s \\fv%r\ jjia ajidpxri aKouaicoc;

[it is] unintentional. And if [ soul one] should sin unintentionally,

7ipoad^si jiiav aiya eviauaiav 7ispi ajiapxiaq 28+ Kai

he shall lead forward one goat of a year [old] for a sin [offering]. And

s^iAxxaexai o ispsvq mpi Tr\q \\fv%r\q Tr\q

[ shall atone the priest] for the soul of the

aKODaiaaGeiarjc; Kai ajiapxcy6ar|c; aKODaicoc; evavxi

one acting unintentionally, and sinning unintentionally before

Kopioi) s^iXdaaaGai 7isp( avzov Kai acpsGfjaexai auxcb

[the] LORD, to atone for him, and to forgive him.

29+ xco syxcopico sv vioiq lapar\k Kai xco 7ipoar|Amco

To the native inhabitant among [the] sons of Israel, and to the foreigner

xco 7ipoaKsi|isvco sv auxofc; vojioc; sic; saxai auxofc;

lying near to them, [ law one there shall be] to them,

oq av 7ioifjar| aKODaicoc; 30+ Kai \\fv%r\ ryciq 7roifjaei

who ever should do it unintentionally. And [the] soul who shall do [a thing]

sv yfxpi D7repr|cpav(ac; anb xcov ai)xo%66vcov r| ano

by hand through pride — of the native born, or of

xcov 7ipoar|Amcov xov 0s6v omoq 7iapo^6vei Kai

the foreigners — [ God this one provokes], and

s^oAx)6psD9f|asxai r| yx&gt;yf[ sksivt) sk xod Xaov avTT\q

[ shall be utterly destroyed that soul] from out of its people,

31+ 6x1 xo pf||ia Kupioi) scpatiAaas Kai

for the word of [the] LORD he treated as worthless, and

xac; svxoAxxc; avzov SisoKeSaoev £Kxpuj/ei SKxpipfjaexai

his commandments he effaced; by obliteration [ shall be obliterated


15 "ID

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

r| yo%f[ 8K8ivr| r| ajiapxia aDxrjc; sv aDxrj 32+ Kai fjaav

that soul]; his sin [be] on him. And [ were

01 Dioi IapafjA, ev xrj epf||ico Kai etipov &amp;v8pa

the sons of Israel] in the wilderness, and they found a man

auAAiyovxa ^vXa xr| rjjispa tod aappdxoi) 33+ Kai

collecting together wood on the day of the Sabbath. And

7ipoaf|yayov auxov 01 supovxsc; auxov auAAiyovxa

[ led him forward the ones finding him collecting

tpXa npoq McoDafjv Kai Aapcbv Kai npoq 7idaav

wood] to Moses and Aaron, and to all

ai)vaycoyf|v mcbv IopafjX 34+ Kai a7re9evxo auxov siq

[the] congregation of [the] sons of Israel. And they put him under

(pvXaKx\v od yap aovsKpivav xi 7ioifjacoaiv auxov 35 +

guard, [ not for they did] interpret what they should do with him.

Kai eXaAxjae Kupioq itpoq Maroafjv Aiycov Gavdxco

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, [Unto] death

GavaxouaGco o dv6pco7roc; Xi0oPoAt|O£xs auxov

put to death the man! You shall stone him

Xidoiq naaa r\ auvaycoyfj e^co xrjc; 7iape|iPoAT|c; 3 6 +

[with] stones — all the congregation outside the camp.

Kai s^fjyayov auxov 7idaa r| auvaycoyfj s^co xrjc;

And [ led him all the congregation] outside the

7rape|iPoAx|c; Kai sAa9op6Ar|aav auxov KaGd

camp; and they stoned him, as

auvexa^e Kupioc; x&lt;» Mcouafj 37+ Kai ei7ie Kupioc; npoq

[the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses. And [the] LORD spoke to

Moauafjv Aiycov 38+ AxxAxjaov xoic; vioiq IapafjX Kai

Moses, saying, Speak to the sons of Israel! And

spsiq 7rpoq auxouc; Kai 7iorr|adxcoaav eauxofc;

you shall say to them, and let them make for themselves

KpaarceSa em xa rcxepuyia xcov ijiaxicov auxcov eic;

decorative hems upon the borders of their cloaks [throughout]

xac; yevedc; auxcov Kai em6f|aexe em xa Kpdo7ie8a xcov

their generations. And you shall place upon the decorative hems of the

7ixepuy(cov KAxbajia uaKivGivov 39+ Kai eaxai ujjiv ev

borders yarn of blue. And it will be to you in

xoic; Kpaa7rs8oic; Kai 6\j/ea0e auxd Kai |ivr|a6f|aea6e

the decorative hems, that [as] you shall see them, then [ shall be remembered

7iaacbv xcov svxoAxbv Kupiou Kai 7ioif|aexe auxdq

all the commandments [of the] LORD]. And you shall do them,

Kai od SiaaxpacpfjaeaGs omaco xcov Siavoicbv ujicbv

and you shall not turn aside after your own considerations,


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04 - Numbers
Kai O7i(aco tcov ocpGaXjicbv ujicbv sv oiq Djisiq

and after your eyes in which you

£K7TOpV£l)£X£ O7ttaC0 aUXCOV 40 + 67TCOC; aV |IVT|a6fjT£

fornicate after them, so that you should remember

Kai 7roifjar|T£ naoaq xaq £VxoXdc; |iod Kai £a£a0£

and should do all my commandments. And you shall be

dyioi too Gscb ujicbv 41 + £ycb Kopioc; o dsoq t&gt;|icbv o

holy [to] your God. I [am] [the] LORD your God, the one

£^ayaycbv v[iaq £K yr\q AryirnxoD dvai djicov

leading you from out of [the] land of Egypt, to be your

dzoq £ycb Kopioc; o dsoq ujicbv

God. I [am] [the] LORD your God.

16 Ttt

1 + Kai £kakr\G£ Kop£ vioq Iaoadp viov KadG viov

And Korah spoke, [the] son oflzhar, son ofKohath son

A£i)( Kai AaGdv Kai Ap£ipcbv vioi EAadp Kai Avvav

of Levi; and Dathan and Abiram sons ofEliab, and On

vioq OaA,£K viov Poi)pf|v 2+ Kai av£oxr|aav £vavxi

son ofPeleth son of Reuben. And they rose up before

McoDafj Kai dv5p£c; tcov mcbv IapafjA, 7i£vxf|Kovxa

Moses, and men of the sons of Israel — fifty

Kai 5iaKoaioi apxrjyoi aDvaycoyfjq &lt;yoyKAr|xoi PouAxjq

and two hundred, chiefs of [the] congregation, summoned counselors,

Kai dv5p£c; ovojiaaxoi 3+ &lt;xov£axr|aav £7ri Mamafjv

and [men famous]. They stood together against Moses

Kai Aapcbv Kai £i7iav npoq avzovq £%£xco djiiv 6ti

and Aaron. And said to them, Let this suffice to you, that

7idaa T| ai)vaycoyf| 7idvx£c; dyioi Kai £v auxoic;

all the congregation [are] all holy ~ and [ is among them

Kopioc; Kai 5iax( Kaxav(axaa6£ £7ii xrjv awaycoyfjv

[the] LORD]; and why do you stand against the congregation

Kopioi) 4+ Kai aKotiaac; Mamafjc; £7i£a£v £7U

of [the] LORD? And hearing, Moses fell upon

7rp6aco7iov 5+ Kai skaXr\as itpoq Kop£ Kai npoq

[his] face. And he spoke to Korah and to

7idaav ai)vaycoyf|v Aiycov £7i£aK£7ixai Kai £yvco o dsoq

all [the] congregation, saying, [ has visited and knows God]

Tovq ovzaq avzov Kai zovq ayiovq 7ipoar|ydy£xo

the ones being his; and the ones holy he led

7rpoc; £ai)xov Kai ovq odk £^£A,£^axo £ai)xcb

to himself; and whom he chose not for himself,


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od 7ipoar|yaysTO npoq sauxov 6+ xodxo Tcoirjaaxs

he led not to himself. This you do!

AxxPsxs D|i(v saDioiq 7iDp8ia Kops Kai 7idaa

You take to yourselves censers, Korah and all

r| ai)vaycoyf| auxoi) ?+ Kai S7U0sxs S7c' auxd nvp Kai

his gathering! And put [upon them fire]! And

S7T108T8 87i ' auxd 0t&gt;|jia|ia svavxi KDpiOD dupiov Kai

put upon them incense before [the] LORD tomorrow! And

saxai o avfjp oq av SKXs^rjxai Kupioc; omoq dyioq

it will be the man who ever [the] LORD should choose, this one [shall be] holy.

iKavotiaGcD djiiv vioi Asm 8 + Kai 81718 Moyoafjc; npoq

Let it be suitable to you sons of Levi! And Moses said to

Kops siaaKouaaxs jiou moi Asm 9 + [ir\ jiucpov sail

Korah, Listen to me sons of Levi! [ a small [thing] Is

TOT3TO djiiv oil 5isaxsiA,sv v[iaq o 0s6c; sk aDvaycoyfjq

this] for you, that [ separated you God] from [the] congregation

IapafjX Kai 7cpoar|ydysTO v[iaq npoq sauxov

of Israel, and led you to himself

A,sixoi)pys(v xac; XsixoDpyiac; xrjc; GKr\vr\q Kupuyo Kai

to officiate the ministrations of the tent of [the] LORD, and

7cap(axaa0ai svavxi Tr\q oDvayooyfjc; Ampsusiv auxofc;

to stand before the congregation to serve to them?

io+ Kai 7cpoar|ydysx6 as Kai 7cdvxac; xodc; a5sAxpoi3c; gov

And he led you, and all your brethren

viovq Asm jisxd gov Kai ^rjxsixs ispaxsusiv n +

of [the] sons of Levi with you, and [do] you seek to officiate as priest [also]?

ovTcnq gv Kai 7cdaa r| aDvaycoyfj gov rj ai)vr|0poia|isvr|

Thus you and all your gathering [are] gathering together

7tpoc; xov 0s6v Kai Aapcbv xic; saxiv 6xi 5iayoyyi3^sxs

against God. And [ Aaron who is] that you complain

Kax' avzov n+ Kai a7csaxsiA,s Mamafjc; KaXsaai Aa0dv

against him? And Moses sent to call Dathan

Kai Apsipcbv viovq EAidp Kai si7cov omc

and Abiram, sons ofEliab. And they said, We do not

avapaivojisv 13+ jirj jiiKpov xouxo 6x1 avfjyaysq rjjLidq

ascend [to you]. [Is] this a small [thing] that you led us

sk yrjc; psoixxqc; yaka Kai [iski a7COKxsivai r\[idq sv

from a land flowing milk and honey, to kill us in

xtj spfj|i&lt;jo 6x1 Kaxdpxsiq rjjicbv Kai dp%cov si i 4 + Kai

the wilderness, that you rule us, and be a ruler, and

sic; yrjv psoDaav yaka Kai jisAi siafjyaysq r\[idq Kai

into a land flowing milk and honey you brought us, and


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04 - Numbers

eScoKag rjjjlv KXfjpov aypou Kai a[msk(bvaq zovq

you gave to us a lot [of inheritance] of field and vineyards? [ the

o(pQak[iovq xcov av0pcb7icov £ks(vcov e^sKo\j/ac; odk

eyes of those men [Would you have] cut out]? We do not

avapaivojisv 15+ Kai ePapD0D|xr|as Mamafjc; acp68pa

ascend. And Moses [was] weighed down exceedingly.

Kai 81718 7rpoc; Kopiov |ir| 7ip6a%r\q siq

And he said to [the] LORD, Do not take heed to

tt|v dvaiav aDxcbv odk e7i;i6D|ir||ia odSsvoc; aDxcbv

their sacrifice, [ not [the] desire of any one of them

eiAxjtpa od8s SK&amp;Kooaa oi)8sva aDxcbv i 6 + Kai

I have taken], nor inflicted evil on any one of them. And

81718 McoDafjq 7tpoc; Kops ayiaaov xr|v aDvaycoyfjv gov

Moses said to Korah, Sanctify your congregation,

Kai yiveaGe exoijioi svavxi KopioD cjd Kai aDxoi Kai

and come prepared before [the] LORD, you and they, and
Aapcbv dupiov 17+ Kai Axxpsxs SKaaxoq

Aaron tomorrow! And let [ take each]

xo nvpziov avTOV Kai £7i;i0fjasxs S7c' ai)xd 9i)|i(a|ia

his censer! and you shall put [ upon them incense],

Kai 7cpoad^sxs svavxi KopioD sraaxoc;

and [ shall bring before [the] LORD each]

xo 7ci)ps(ov avTOV 7t£vxfjKovxa Kai SiaKoaia 7ropeia Kai

his censer, fifty and two hundred censers; and

&lt;xo Kai Aapcbv eraoxoc; xo nvpsiov aDxoD 1 8 + Kai

you and Aaron each [shall bring] his censer. And

slapev SKaaxoq xo 7rop£iov eaDxoD Kai S7C86r|Kav 87c'

[ took each] his own censer, and they put upon

ai)xd 7Top Kai SKsfiakov sk aDxd 0D|iia|ia Kai

them fire, and they put upon them incense. And

saxrjaav 7capd xac; dvpaq Tr\q GKr\vr\q xod jiapxDpiOD

stood by the doors of the tent of testimony

Mocmafjc; Kai Aapcbv 19+ Kai S7naDvsaxr|aev S7c'

Moses and Aaron. And [ rose up together against

avTOvq Kops xrjv 7cdaav aDxoD aDvaycoyfjv 7capd xrjv

them Korah], the whole of his congregation, by the

0Dpav xrjc; aKr\vr\q xod |iapxDpk&gt;D Kai cbcpBrj rj 86^a

door of the tent of the testimony. And appeared the glory

Kopioi) 7cdar| xrj aDvaycoyfj 20 + Kai eldAxjos Kopioc;

of [the] LORD to all the congregation. And [the] LORD spoke

7tpoc; McoDofjv Kai Aapcbv Aiycov 21+ a7coo%(a0r|X£ 8K

to Moses and Aaron, saying, Sever [yourselves] from


16 TO

04 - Numbers

jisaoi) Tr\q &lt;yovaycoyf|c; xauxric; Kai e^avaXcbaco aDxouc;

[the] midst of this congregation! and I will completely consume them

sia&amp;7ra^ 22+ Kai S7i8oav ski 7rp6aco7rov auxcbv Kai

at once. And they fell upon their face. And

si7iav o Geoc; o Geoc; xcov 7weu|idxcov Kai 7idar|c;

they said, The God, the God of the spirits and of all

oapKoq 8i dvGpco7ioc; eic; f||iapxsv em 7idaav

flesh, if [ man one] sinned, [shall there be] upon all

xrjv ai)vaycoyf|v r| opyfj Kupioi) 23+ Kai

the congregation the anger of [the] LORD? And

eAxxAxjae Kupioq itpoq Moouafjv Aiycov 24+ Xakr\aov xrj

[the] LORD said to Moses, saying, Speak to the

ai)vaycoyf| Aiycov ava%copf|aaxe kdkAxd arco xrjc;

congregation! saying, Withdraw round about from the

aDvaycoyfjq Kope Kai AaGdv Kai Apsipcbv 25+ Kai

congregation ofKorah, and Dathan, and Abiram! And

aveaxrj McoDafjc; Kai S7iop£i)Gr| npoq Aa6dv Kai

Moses rose up, and went to Dathan and

Apsipcbv Kai &lt;yovs7ropsi)6r|aav |isx' avzov 7idvxsc; 01

Abiram. And went with him all the

7tpeaPi)xepoi IapafjX 2 6+ Kai eXdArjoe 7ipoq xrjv

elders of Israel. And he spoke to the

aDvayooyfjv Aiycov a7ioa%(aGr|xe arco xcov aKTjvcbv

congregation, saying, Sever from the tents

xcov av9pcb7icov xcov aKArjpcbv xouxcov Kai jlit| d7ixeaGe

[ men recalcitrant of these], and do not touch

and 7idvxcov 6aa saxiv avxoiq (irj

of all as much as is to them. You should not

&lt;yova7r6Ax|a6£ ev 7idar| xrj ajiapxia auxcbv 27 + Kai

be destroyed together in all their sin. And

a7i8axr|aav arco xrjc; aKTjvfjc; Kope Kai AaGdv Kai

[ left from the tent of Korah both Dathan and

Apsipcbv kdkAxo Kai AaGdv Kai Apeipcbv e^fjXGov

Abiram] round about. And Dathan and Abiram came forth

Kai eiaxfjKsiaav 7iapd xaq Gtipac; xcov aKTjvcbv auxcbv

and stood by the doors of their tents,

Kai ai yuvaiKsc; auxcbv Kai xa xeKva auxcbv Kai

and their wives, and their children, and

T| a7ioaK8i)f| auxcbv 2 s + Kai ei7is McoDafjq sv xouxco

their belongings. And Moses said, By this

yvcbaeoGs 6x1 Kopioc; a7isax8iA,s |ie 7ioif|aai rcdvxa

you shall know that [the] LORD sent me to execute all


16 TO


04 - Numbers

xa spya xauxa oxi odk an ejiauxoi) 29 + si Kaxa

these works, that [they are] not of myself. If by

Gdvaxov 7r&amp;vxcov av6pcb7rcov a7ro6avowcai otixoi

[the common] death of all men these shall die;

eiKai Kax' smaKeij/iv 7idvxcov av6pcb7icov S7riaK07if|

[or] if according to [the] review of all men [the] visit [of death]

eaxai auxcbv ov%i Kopioc; a7reaxaAxe |is 3o+aAA/r|

shall be theirs — [ [has] not [then the] LORD] sent me. But if

sv (p&amp;ajiaxi 5s(^si icopioc; Kai avoi^aaa r| yrj

by a visible manifestation [the] LORD shall show, and [ opening the earth]

xo axojia avxr\q Kaxa7ii8xai auxotic; Kai

its mouth shall swallow them, and

Tovq oikodc; auxcbv Kai xac; aKqvdc; auxcbv Kai rcavxa

their houses, and their tents, and all

6aa eoxiv aDxoiq Kai Kaxapfjoovxai ^cbvxec; siq

as much as is theirs, and they shall go down alive into

d8oi) Kai yvcbasaGs 6x1 7iapcb^Dvav 01 dv6pco7roi otixoi

Hades, then you shall know that [ provoked these men]

xov KDpiov 3i+gx;8£ 87iai)aaxo Xak(hv 7idvxac;

the LORD. And as he ceased speaking all

Tovq Xoyovq xouxodc; sppdyrj r| yrj D7iOKdxco auxcbv 32 +

these words, [ [was] torn the earth] underneath them.

Kai r|vo(%6r| r| yrj Kai Kax87iisv auxotic; Kai

And [ was opened the earth], and it swallowed them, and

Tovq oikodc; auxcbv Kai ftdvxac; zovq av6pcb7roi)c; xouc;

their houses, and all the men of the

ovxac; jisxd Kops Kai 7idvxa xa Kxfjvrj auxcbv 33 + Kai

ones being with Korah, and all their cattle. And

Kaxs(3r|aav auxoi Kai rcavxa 60a eaxiv auxofc; ^covxa

these went down, and all as many as is to them, alive

sic; d8oi) Kai 8KdXi)\j/sv avzovq r\ yrj Kai a7icbXovxo

into Hades; and [ covered them the earth], and they were destroyed
sk jieaoi) xrjc; auvaycoyfjc; 34+ Kai naq IapafjA,

from out of [the] midst of the congregation. And all Israel

01 kdkAxd auxcbv scpuyov arco xrjc; cpcovfjc; auxcbv

round about them fled from their sound,

Aiyovxsc; |if|7rox8 Kaxa7ur| r\[idq r\ yrj 35+ Kai nvp

saying, Lest at any time [ shall swallow us the earth]. And fire

e^fjXGe 7iapd Kopiou Kai Kaxscpays xouc; 7revxf|Kovxa

came forth from [the] LORD, and it devoured the fifty

Kai 5iaKoa(oi)c; dv5pac; xouc; 7rpoatpspovxac; xo

and two hundred men of the ones offering the


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6i)|i(a|ia 36+ Kai eAxxAxjae Kopioc; npoq Mamafjv Aiycov

incense. And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

37+ AxxAxjaov 7rpoc; EXed^ap xov mov Aapcbv xov

Speak to Eleazar the son of Aaron the

ispea ave^saGe xa 7rop£ia 8K |ieoou xcov

priest, Do away with the censers from [the] midst of the

KaxaK8Kai)|isvcov Kai xo itvp xo aMtoxpiov

ones having been incinerated, and [ fire alien

xotixo a7is(pov 8K8i 38 + 6xi rjyiaaav xa 7TDpe(a

sow this] there! For they sanctified the censers

xcov ajiapxooAxbv xotixcov sv xaic; \\fv%aiq auxcbv Kai

of these sinners by their lives. And

7ro(r|aov ai)xd Xsnidaq eXaxdc; 7i8p(08|ia xco

make them [into] scales hammered out for adornment to the

6i)aiaaxr|pico 6xi 7ipoar|vsx0r|aav svavxi Kop(oi) Kai

altar! for they were brought near before [the] LORD, and

r|yida0r|aav Kai eyevovxo sic; arjjisiov xoic; vioiq

were sanctified. And they became for a sign to the sons

IapafjX 39+ Kai skafizv EXed^ap vioq Aapcbv xou

of Israel. And [took Eleazar son of Aaron the

ispscoq xa 7iDps(a xa%aA,Kd 6aa 7ipoafjveyKav 01

priest] the censers of brass, as many as [ brought near the

KaxaK8Kai)|isvoi Kai 7ipoas0r|Kav ai)xd 7iep(0e|ia xco

men having been incinerated]; and they added them as an adornment to the

0Daiaaxr|pico 40+ (ivr||i6aDVOV TOiq vioiq IapafjX oitcnq

altar, as a memorial for the sons of Israel, how

av |ir| 7ipoasX0r| jariSsiq aAloysvfjc; oq odk saxiv 8K

that not [ come forward should anyone foreign who not is] of

xod a7i8p|iaxoc; Aapcbv 87ii08ivai 0D|iia(ia svavxi

the seed of Aaron, to place incense before

Kopioi) Kai odk eaxai cba7isp Kops Kai r|

[the] LORD; so that he shall not be as Korah, and the

87ri&lt;y6axaaic; avzov Ka0d e^dAxjae Kopioc; sv %zipi

ones conspiring with him, as [the] LORD spoke by [the] hand

McoDofj auxcb 41+ Kai eyoyyuaav 01 men IapafjA, xr|

of Moses to him. And [grumbled the sons of Israel] the

£7rai)piov 87ii McoDafjv Kai Aapcbv Aiyovxec; Djiek;

next day against Moses and Aaron, saying, You

a7i8KxdyKax8 xov Xaov Kopiou 42+ Kai sysvsxo ev xco

have killed the people of [the] LORD. And it came to pass in the
£7ii&lt;yDaxpscpsa0ai xrjv ai)vaycoyf|v S7ri McoDafjv Kai

gathering together the congregation against Moses and


16 TO

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

04 - Numbers

Aapcbv Kai copjirjaav S7U xttv aKTjvfiv tod |iapxDpfc&gt;D

Aaron, that they advanced against the tent of the testimony;

Kai xf|v5e SKaA,D\j/ev aDxfjv r| vecpsAx| Kai cbcpGrj r|

and thus [ covered it the cloud], and there appeared the

56§a KDpioi) 43+ Kai s\ar\kds M(Dvar\q Kai Aapcbv

glory of [the] LORD. And [ entered Moses and Aaron]

Kaxd 7ip6aco7iov xrjc; aKTjvfjc; tod jiapiDpioD 44+ Kai

by [the] front of the tent of the testimony. And

eXaAxjas KDpioc; npoq Mcodotiv Aiycov 45+ SKxcopfjaaxs

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Withdraw

sk (isaoD xrjc; oDvaycoyfjc; xaDxrjc; Kai e^avaXcbaco

from [the] midst of this congregation, and I shall completely consume

aDxotic; 8iaa7ia^ Kai S7ceaov S7U 7ip6aco7iov aDxcbv 46 +

them at once. And they fell upon their face.

Kai 81718 McoDafjq 7ipoc; Aapcbv X&amp;Pe xo 7CDps(ov Kai

And Moses said to Aaron, Take the censer, and

87U08C; 87i ' aDxo 7CDp a7co xod 6Daiaaxr|p(oD Kai

place upon it fire from the altar, and

87u(paX8 87c' aDxo 0D|iia|ia Kai a7csvsyKs xo xa%oc; siq

put upon it incense, and carry it quickly into

xrjv aDvaycoyfjv Kai s^i^aaai 7cep( aDxcbv e^fjABs yap

the congregation, and make atonement for them! [ came forth For

opyfj a7co 7cpoacb7coD KopioD fjpKxai GpaDsiv xov

anger] from [the] face of [the] LORD; it has begun to devastate the

Xaov 47+ Kai sAxxPev Aapcbv Ka6a7i;sp sAxxArjasv aDxcb

people. And Aaron took just as [ spoke to him

McoDafjq Kai e8pa|iev sic; xrjv oDvaycoyfjv Kai r\Sr\

Moses]; and he ran into the congregation, for already

svfjpKxo T| GpaDaiq sv xco Axxcb Kai S7cePaA,s xo

had commenced the devastation among the people. And he put the

0D|i(a|ia Kai s^iAxxaaxo 7cspi xod Xaov 48+ Kai eaxrj

incense, and he made atonement for the people. And he stood

avajieaov xcov xs0vt|k6xcov Kai xcov ^cbvxcov Kai

between the ones having died and the ones living, and

SK67caasv r| GpaDaiq 49+ Kai sysvovxo 01 xs0vt|k6xsc;

[abated the devastation]. And [were the ones having died

sv xtj GpaDaei xeaaapsaKaiSsKa %ikmdsq Kai

in the devastation] fourteen thousand and

S7cxaK6aioi x^P^ TC0V xsGvrjKoxcov svsksv Kops 50 +

seven hundred, apart from the ones having died because of Korah.

Kai S7C8axp8\j/sv Aapcbv 7cpoc; McoDafjv S7ri xrjv Gtipav

And Aaron returned to Moses at the door


17 P sv toutco + vuca 04 - Numbers

Tr\q aKTjvfjc; tod jiapTDpiOD Kai SK67iaaev r| dpavaiq

of the tent of the testimony, and [abated the devastation].

17 n

i + Kai eXdAxjae Kopioc; npoq M(tivar\v Aiycov 2 +

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

XaXr\aov zoiq moiq lapar\k Kai Xdpe 7iap' aDTcbv

Speak to the sons of Israel! And take from them

pdp8ov p&amp;p5ov Kax' oikodc; 7iaTpicov 7iapd 7idvTCOv

a rod! a rod according to [the] houses of [the] patrimony, from all

xcov apxovxcov aDxcbv Kax' oikodc; 7iaTpicbv aDTcbv

their rulers, according to [the] houses of their patrimony ~

5cb5sKa pdpSoDq Kai SKdaxoi) to ovojia 87uypa\j/ov

twelve rods. And for each [ the name inscribe]

S7Ti Tr\q pdp5oi) clvtov 3 + Kai to ovojia Aapcbv

upon his rod! And the name of Aaron

87riypd\j/£ic; S7ri Tr\q pdp8oD Asdi scmyap pdpSoc;

you shall inscribe upon the rod of Levi. For it is [rod

|i(a KaTd (pi)Xf|v oikod 7iaTpicbv aDTcbv 4 + Kai

one] according to [the] tribe of [the] house of their patrimony. And

Gfjaeic; avzaq sv tt| aKTjvfi tod jiapTDpioD KaTevavTi

you shall put them in the tent of the testimony, over against

tod jiapTDpioD sv 01c; yvooa0fjao|iai aoi sksi 5+ Kai

the testimony, in which I will be made known to you there. And

scrcai o dv0p&lt;jO7roc; oq av SKAe^cojiai aDTOV

it shall be the man who ever I should choose him,

T| pdp8oq aDTOD SKp^aaTfjasi Kai 7ispisAxb arco aoD

his rod shall sprout forth. And I will remove from you

tov yoyyDajiov dicov lapar\k 6aa aDTOi

the grumbling of [the] sons of Israel, as much as they

yoyyD^ODaiv scp' djiiv 6 + Kai eAxxAxjas McoDafjc; zoiq

grumble against you. And Moses spoke to the

vioiq lapar\k Kai sScoKav aDTcb 7rdvTec; 01 dp%ovTSc;

sons of Israel; and [gave to him all the rulers]

aDTcbv pdp8ov tco dp%ovTi tco svi pdp8ov |i(av

their rod — to the [ ruler one] [ rod one],

KaTd dpxovTa KaT' oikodc; 7iaTpicbv aDTcbv 5co5sKa

according to [the] ruler, according to [the] houses of their patrimony ~ twelve

pdp5oDc; Kai r| pdp8oc; Aapcbv avajisaov

rods. And the rod of Aaron [was] in the midst

tcov pdp8cov aDTcbv 7 + Kai a7is0r|Ks McoDafjq Tag

of their rods. And Moses put aside the


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04 - Numbers

pdpSoDc; evavxi KDpioD sv xrj aKTjvfj tod jiapxDpioD

rods before [the] LORD in the tent of the testimony.

8 + Kai eyevsxo xrj £7rm3piov Kai eiafjABs McoDafjc; ev

And it came to pass in the next day, that Moses entered into

ttj GKTjvfj xod jiapxDpioD Kai i8od epAxxaxrjaev T|

the tent of the testimony; and behold, [ sprouted the

pdpSoc; Aapcbv eic; oikov Asdi Kai e^fjveyKe

rod of Aaron] for [the] house of Levi; and it brought forth

P^aaxov Kai e^fjvGrjaev dvGrj Kai epAxxaxrjae KdpDa

a bud, and it blossomed a flower, and sprouted walnuts.

9+ Kai s^fjvsyKs McoDafjq naaaq xac; pdpSoDc; a7io

And Moses brought forth all the rods from

7ipoaco7roD KDpioD 7cpoc; rcavxac; viovq lapar\k Kai

in front of [the] LORD to all [the] sons of Israel. And

e(8ov Kai slapsv sraoxoc; xrjv pdp8ov aDxoD io+ Kai

they saw, and [ took each] his rod. And

81718 Kupioq 7ipoc; McoDafjv aitodzq xrjv pdp8ov

[the] LORD said to Moses, Put aside the rod

Aapcbv svcb7iiov xcov jiapxDpioD eic; Siaxfjprjaiv sic;

of Aaron before the testimony! for preservation for

ar||is(ov xoic; vioiq xcov avrjKocov Kai 7caDada0co

a sign to the sons of the unhearing. And let cease

o yoyyDajioc; aDxcbv ait' sjiod Kai od jir| a7io6dvcoai u +

their grumbling of me! so in no way they shall die.

Kai S7ioir|08 McoDafjc; Kai Aapcbv Ka6d

And [ did Moses and Aaron] as

ai)V8xa^£ Kopioq xco McoDafj odxcoc; 87io(r|aav n + Kai

[the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses — so they did. And

8i7iav oi dioi IapafjX itpoq McoDafjv Aiyovxsc; i8od

[ said the sons of Israel] to Moses, saying, Behold,

s^avr|Xcb|is9a a7ioXcbA,a(isv rcavxac; rjjisic;

we have been completely consumed, we have been destroyed, we all

7iapavr|Xcb|is0a 13 + naq o a7cx6|ievoc; xrjc; aKTjvfjc;

have been uselessly consumed, every one touching the tent

Kopioi) a7ro6vfjaK£i ecoc; sic; xe^oc; a7co6dvco|iev

of [the] LORD dies. Until completion should we die?

18 rr

1 + Kai 81718 Kopioq 7tpoc; Aapcbv cjd Kai 01 dioi aoD

And [the] LORD said to Aaron, You and your sons,

Kai o oiKoq xod 7taxp6c; aoD jiexd aoD Ar|\j/ea6e xac;

and the house of your father with you shall take the


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04 - Numbers

ajiapxiac; xcov ayicov Kai ctd Kai 01 moi ood

sins [associated with] the holies; and you and your sons

jisxd aoi) Ar|\j/£a0s xac; ajiapxiac; xrjq ispaxsiaq djicov 2 +

with you shall take the sins [associated with] your priesthood.

Kai Tovq aSsAxpoDc; gov (pvkr\v Asdi Sfjjiov

And your brethren [the] tribe of Levi, [the] people

xod naxpoq gov 7ipoaaydyoD npoq asaDxov Kai

of your father, you lead them to yourself, and

7ipoax80f|xcoadv aoi Kai XeixoDpyeixcoadv aoi Kai gv

let them be added to you, and let them officiate to you! even you

Kai 01 dioi gov jisxd gov arcevavxi xrjc; GKr\vr\q xod

and your sons with you before the tent of the

jiapxDpioi) 3 + Kai (piAd^ovxai xac; (pvXaKaq gov Kai xac;

testimony. And they shall guard your watches, and the

(pvXaKdq Tr\q aKTjvfjc; 7iAx|v 7ipoc; xa aK£DT| xa dyia

watches of the tent; except for the items of the holies

Kai 7rpoc; xo 0i)aiaaxfjpiov ov 7ipoaeA£Daovxai

and for the altar they shall not draw near,

Kai odk a7io6avoDvxai Kai odxoi Kai Djieic; 4 + Kai

so that they shall not die, even these and you. And

7ipoax80f|aovxai npoq as Kai cpD^d^ovxai xac;

they shall be added to you, and shall guard the

(pvXaKaq Tr\q GKr\vr\q xod jiapxDpiOD Kaxd itaGaq

watches of the tent of the testimony, concerning all

xac; XeixoDpyiac; xrjc; oKrjvfjc; Kai o aAloysvfjc; od

the ministrations of the tent. And the foreigner shall not

7ipoaeA,SD08xai npoq as 5+ Kai cpDAxx^eaGe xac;

draw near to you. And you shall guard the

(pvXaKaq xcov ayicov Kai xac; (pvXaKaq xod

watches of the holy [places], and the watches of the

0Daiaaxr|p(oD Kai odk saxai exi Gdjioc; sv xoiq

altar. And there shall not be yet rage among the

vioiq IapafjA, 6+ Kai i8od sycb siAxjtpa

sons of Israel. And behold, I have taken

xodc; a5sAxpoDc; djicov xodc; AeDixac; 8K jisctod xcov

your brethren the Levites from [the] midst of the

Dicbv IopafjX 86|ia 8e8o|i£vov KDpico XeixoDpyeiv

sons of Israel [as] a gift being given [to the] LORD, to officiate

xac; XeixoDpyiac; xrjc; OKrjvfjc; xod jiapxDpioD 7+ Kai gv

the ministrations of the tent of the testimony. And you

Kai 01 dioi ood jisxd aoD Siaxrjpfjasxs

and your sons after you shall observe


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04 - Numbers

xrjv lepaxeiav djicov Kaxa rcavxa xporcov xod

your priesthood according to every manner of the

0i)aiaaxr|p(oD Kai xo sv8o6ev xod Kaxa7iexda|iaxoc;

altar, and the [thing] within the veil;

Kai XeixoDpyfjasxs xac; Xsvcovpyiaq 86|ia

and you shall officiate the ministrations as a gift

xrjc; lepaxeiac; i)|icbv Kai o aAloyevfjc;

of your priesthood. And the foreigner

o 7rpoa7iopsD6|i£voc; a7io0avs(xai 8 + Kai eAxxAxjae Kopioq

going to [it] shall die. And [the] LORD spoke

7ipoc; Aapcbv Kai idov eycb 8e8coKa i)|i(v xrjv

to Aaron, And behold, I give to you the

8iaxfjpr|aiv xcov a7iap%cbv jiod arco rcavxcov xcov

preservation of my first-fruits of all the [things]

rjyiaajisvcov 7iapd xcov mcbv IapafjX aoi 8s8coKa

having been sanctified by the sons of Israel. To you I give

ai)xd sic; yepac; Kai xoic; mok; aoi) v6|ii|iov aicoviov 9 +

them as an honor, and [to] your sons [law for an eternal].

Kai xotixo saxco djiiv arco xcov rjyiaajisvcov ayicov

And let this be to you from the [ having been sanctified holy [things]]

xcov Kap7rco|idxcov a7io 7idvxcov xcov 8cbpcov ai)xcbv Kai

of the yield [offerings], from all their gifts, and

arco 7idvxcov xcov 0i)oiaa|idxcov ai)xcov Kai arco 7idar|c;

from all their sacrifices, and from all

Kkr[[i[isksiaq auxcbv Kai and 7iaacbv

their trespass [offerings], and from all

xcov ajiapxicbv ai)xcbv 6aa a7io8i86aa( jioi and

their sin [offerings] ! as many as they give back to me of

7idvxcov xcov ayicov aoieaovxai Kai xoic; vioiq aoi) 10 +

all of the holy [things], it shall be to you and [to] your sons.

sv xco ayico xcov ayicov cpdyeaGe ai)xd 7iav

In the holy of the holies, you eat them! [Let] every

apasviKov cpdyeaGe ai)xd dyia eaxai aoi u+ Kai xotixo

male eat them! They shall be holy to you. And this

eaxai D|i(v a7rap%cbv 8o|idxcov auxcbv ano 7idvxcov

will be to you [of the] first-fruits of their gifts, from all

xcov £7ii9s|idxcov xcov dicov IopafjA, aoi 8s8coKa aDxd

the increase [offerings] of the sons of Israel. To you I have given them,

Kai xoic; mofc; aoi) Kai xaic; 9i)yaxpdai aoi) jiexd aoi)

and [to] your sons, and [to] your daughters after you ~

vojiijiov aicoviov naq KaGapoc; sv xco oikco aoi) e8exai

[ law an eternal]. Every clean [person] in your house shall eat


18 rr

ev toi3tco + viKa

04 - Numbers

auxd 12+ 7idaa a7iap%fj sAmoi) Kai 7idaa a7iap%fj

them. Every first- fruit of olive oil, and every first-fruit

oivod Kai aixoi) a7iap%f| auxcov 6aa av 8cbai

of wine, and [ of grain of their first- fruit], as many [things] as they should

tco KDpico aoi SsScora auxd n+ xa 7rpcoxoyswf||iaxa

to the LORD, to you I have given them. [ the first produce

7idvxa 6aa sv xr| yr\ auxcov 6aa av

All], as many [things] as are in their land, as many [things] as

svsyKcoai Kupico aoi saxai naq KaGapoq sv

they should bring [to the] LORD, it will be yours; every clean [person] in

tco oiKco aou s8sxai auxd 14 + 7iav

your house shall eat them. Every [thing]

avaxsGsjiaxiajisvov sv uiofc; IapafjX aoisaxai 15+ Kai

being devoted to consumption by [the] sons of Israel shall be to you. And

7iav 8iavoiyov jxfjxpav arco 7idar|(; aapKoq

every [thing] opening wide [the] womb of all flesh,

6aa 7ipoacpspoi)ai Kupico a7io av0pcb7roi) scoq

as many [things] as they offer [to the] LORD, from man unto

KxfjvoDc; 001 saxai aXk r r\ Xmpoiq A^DxpcoBfjasxai xa

beast, it will be to you; only with ransoms you shall ransom the

7ipcox6xoKa xcov av6pcb7icov Kai xa 7ipcox6xoKa xcov

first-born of men; and the first-born of the

Kxrjvcbv xcov aKaGdpxcov Ampcbarj i 6 + Kai r| ^xpcoaiq

[ cattle unclean] you shall ransom. And the ransoming

avTOV a7io jirjviaioi) rj awxijirjaK; 7isvxs aiK^cov

of him from a month [old] — the price is five shekels,

Kaxd xov ctikXov xov dyiov siKoaiv opoA^oi siai

according to the [shekel holy]-- twenty oboli they are [worth].

17+ 7iAr|v 7ipcox6xoKa jioaxcov Kai 7ipcox6xoKa

Except [the] first-born of calves, and [the] first-born

7ipopdxcov Kai 7ipcox6xoKa aiycbv od Xi)xpcbor|

of sheep, and [the] first-born of goats you shall not ransom,

dyid saxi Kai xo aijia auxcov 7rpoa%ss(c; S7ii xo

[holy [they are]]. And their blood you shall pour upon the

0i)aiaaxfjpiov Kai xo axsap avoiasiq Kdp7ico|ia siq

altar, and the fat you shall offer as a yield [offering] for

oajifjv SDCoSiaq Kupico is+ Kai xa Kpsa saxai aoi

a scent of pleasant aroma [to the] LORD. And the meats will be yours,

Ka6d Kai xo axr|0i)viov xod S7ii0s|iaxoc; Kai Kaxd

as also the breast of the increase [offering]. And accordingly

xov Ppa%(ova xov 8s^i6v aoisaxai 19+ 7iav acpaipsjia

the [ shoulder right] will be yours. Every cut-away portion


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04 - Numbers

xcov ayicov 6oa av acpsAxooiv 01 moi IopafjX

of the holy [things], as many [things] as [ should remove the sons of Israel]

Kopico ooi 8s8coKa Kai xoic; vioiq ood Kai xaic;

[to the] LORD, to you I have given, and [to] your sons, and [to]

0Dyaxpdoi ood |isxd ood vojiijiov aicbviov 8ia6f|KT|

your daughters after you— [law an eternal]. [covenant

akoq aicovioD svavxi KopioD ooi Kai xco

of salt [It is] an eternal] before [the] LORD to you and [to]

o7i8p|iax( ood jisxd 08 20+ Kai eAxxAxjoe Kupioq npoq

your seed after you. And [the] LORD spoke to

Aapcbv sv xtj yr| aDxcbv od KAx|povo|xf|osic; Kai

Aaron, In their land you shall not be an heir, and

jispic; odk soxai ooi sv aDxoic; 6xi syco jispic; ood

a portion shall not be to you among them; for I [am] your portion

Kai KArjpovojjIa ood sv jisoco xcov dicov IopafjA, 21 +

and your inheritance in [the] midst of the sons of Israel.

Kai Toiq dioic; Asdi i8od 8s8coKa 7iav S7ii8sKaxov sv

And to the sons of Levi, behold, I have given every tenth part in

IopafjX sv Klfjpco avxi xcov XsixoDpyicbv aDxcbv 60a

Israel by lot for their ministrations, as much as

aDxoi A^sixoDpyoDoi XsixoDpyiav sv xr| oKTjvfi xod

they shall officiate [the] ministration in the tent of the

jiapxDpioD 22+ Kai od 7ipoosXsDoovxai SXl 01 DIOl

testimony. And [ shall not come forward still the sons

IopafjA, sic; xttv oKTjvfiv xod jiapxDpioD AxxPsiv

of Israel] into the tent of the testimony, [so as] to take on

ajiapxiav Bavaxrjcpopov 23+ Kai A^sixoDpyfjosi o

sin causing death. And [ shall officiate the

AsDixrjc; avToq xttv XsixoDpyiav xtjc; oKTjvfjc; xod

Levite himself] the ministration of the tent of the

jiapxDpioD Kai aDxoi Axjyovxai xa ajiapxfjjiaxa aDxcbv

testimony; and they shall take their sins.

vojiijiov aicbviov sic; xac; ysvsdc; aDxcbv Kai sv jisoco

[ law [It is] an eternal] into their generations. And in [the] midst

DICOV IopafjX OD KAx|pOVO|lfjOODOl KArjpovojjiav

of [the] sons of Israel they shall not be an heir of an inheritance,

24+ 6x1 xa smSsKaxa xcov dicov IopafjX 60a av

for the tenth parts of the sons of Israel, as many [things] as

acpopiocooi xco KDpico acpaipsjia 8s8coKa xoic; AsDixaic;

they should separate to the LORD, a cut-away portion I give to the Levites

sv Klfjpco Sid xodxo sipiiKa aDxoiq SV JISOC0

by lot. On account of this I have said to them, Among [the] midst


18 rr


04 - Numbers

mcbv lapar\k ov KAx|povo|ifjaoi)ai KAxjpov 25+ Kai

of [the] sons of Israel they shall not be an heir of a lot. And

sldAxjas Kupioc; npoq McoDafjv Aiycov 26+ Kai xoic;

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, And to the

Asmxaic; XaArjoeic; Kai spsk; npoq avzovq sdv

Levites you shall speak, and you shall say to them, If

AxxPrjxs 7iapd xcov mcbv IapafjX to S7ii8sKaxov o

you should take from the sons of Israel the tenth part, which

8s8coKa djjIv 7iap' auxcbv sv KArjpco Kai acpsXsixs

I have given to you from them for a lot, then you shall remove

ujisk; an ovtov acpaipsjia Kopico S7ii8sKaxov anb

to yourselves from it a cut-away portion [to the] LORD, a tenth of

tod S7ri8sKdxoi) 27+ Kai A,oyia6f|asxai v[iiv

the tenth part. And [ shall be considered for you

xa acpaipsjiaxa ujicbv coc; aixoq anb akcovoq Kai coc;

your cut-away portions] as grain from [the] threshing-floor, and as

acpaipsjia anb Axjvoi) 28+ otixcocj atpsA,sixs Kai

a cut-away portion from [the] wine-vat. So you shall remove, even

Djieic; anb rcavxcov xcov acpaipsjidxcov Kupiou anb

you yourselves, from all the cut-away portions of [the] LORD, from

rcavxcov xcov 87ii8sKdxcov djicov baa av ^dprjxs

all your tenth parts; as many [things] as you should take

7iapd xcov mcbv IopafjA, Kai Scbasxs an auxcbv

from the sons of Israel; and you shall give of them

acpaipsjia Kopico Aapcbv xco ispsi 29 + ano 7iavxcov

a cut-away portion [to the] LORD, [through] Aaron the priest. From all

xcov Sojidxcov Djicbv acps^sixs acpaipejia Kopico anb

your gifts you shall remove a cut-away portion [to the] LORD, from

rcavxcov xcov arcap%cbv xcov rjyiaajisvcov an ovtov 30 +

all the first-fruits having been sanctified of it.

Kai spsfc; rcpoc; avTOvq oxav acpaipfjxs xrjv

And you shall say to them, Whenever you should remove the

arcap%f|v an ovtov Kai XoyiaBfjasxai xoicj Asmxaic;

first-fruit from it, then shall it be considered the Levites

coc; ysvr||ia anb aXcovoq Kai coc; ysvr||ia anb

as produce from [the] threshing-floor, and as produce from

Arjvoi) 31+ Kai s8sa9s ovto sv rcavxi xorcco v[isiq

[the] wine-vat. And you shall eat it in any place, you

Kai 01 oikoi Djicbv 6x1 [iiadbq omoq djiiv saxiv avxi

and your households; for [ [the] wage this to you is] for

xcov XsixoDpyicbv DJICOV XCOV SV XT| aKTjVfj XOD

your ministrations of the [things] in the tent of the


19 cr

8V TOOTCp + VlKd

04 - Numbers
|iapxDpfc&gt;D 32+ Kai od Ar|\j/ea0e 8i' aDxo

testimony. And you shall not take [ because of it

ajiapxiav 6xi av acpaipfjis xrjv a7iapxriv an aDxoD

sin], in that you should remove the first- fruit from it.

Kai xa dyia xcov mcbv IapafjA, od PePrjAxbaexs

And the holy [things] of the sons of Israel you shall not profane,

iva |ir| a7io6dvr|xs

that you should not die.


i + Kai sAxxAxjae KDpioc; npoq Mamafjv Kai Aapcbv

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron,

Aiyoov 2 + ami] r\ 5iaaxoAx| xod vojiod 6aa

saying, This is a distinction of the law, as many [things] as

(XDvexa^s Kopioc; Aiycov XaXr\aov xoic; vioiq IapafjA,

[the] LORD ordered, saying, Speak to the sons of Israel!

Kai AxxPsxooaav npoq ae 5d|iaXiv 7roppdv d|ico|iov

And let them take to you [ heifer reddish an unblemished] !

fjXiq ODK 8%£l SV m)TT\ [l(b[lOV Kai T| ODK S7T8pA,f|6r|

which [ is not on it a blemish], and which [ was not put

S7i ' avTT\v t/oyoc; 3 + Kai 5cbaeic; aDxfjv npoq EXsd^ap

upon it a yoke]. And you shall give it to Eleazar

xov ispsa Kai e^d^oDaiv aDxfjv s^oo xrjc; 7iape|iPoAT|c;

the priest; and they shall lead it outside the camp,

Kai acpd^oDaiv aDxfjv svcb7riov aDxoD 4 + Kai

and they shall slay her before him. And

Ax|\j/£xai E^sd^ap arco xod aijiaxoq aDxfjq Kai

Eleazar shall take of her blood, and

pavsi a7isvavxi xod 7ipoocb7roD xrjc; aKTjvfjq xod

he shall sprinkle [it] before the front of the tent of the

jiapxDpioD and xod aijiaxoc; avxr\q 87ixdKic; 5 + Kai

testimony of her blood seven times. And

KaxaKaDaoDoiv aDxfjv evavxiov aDxoD Kai

you shall incinerate her before him, and

xo 8ep|ia aDxrjc; Kai xa Kpea avTT\q Kai xo aijia aDxfjq

her skin, and her meats, and her blood

cjdv xrj K67rpco aDxfjc; KaxaKaDGfjasxai 6 + Kai Axjysxai o

with her dung shall be incinerated. And [ shall take the

ispsDc; ^dA,ov Ks8pivov Kai Daaco7iov Kai kokkivov

priest] wood of cedar, and hyssop, and scarlet;

Kai sjiPaXoDaiv sic; jisaov xod KaxaKaDjiaxoq xrjc;

and they shall put [them] in [the] midst of the burning of the


19 cr

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

8a|idA,scoc; ? + Kai TtXvvsi xa ijidxia arjxorj o ispsrjc; Kai

heifer. And [ shall wash his garments the priest], and

Axyoasxai xo ocbjia arjxorj r)8axi Kai jisxa xarjxa

bathe his body in water; and after these [things]

siasXsrjasxai sic; xrjv 7raps|iPoAxjv Kai

he shall enter into the camp, and

aKdGapxoq saxai o ispsrjc; sooc; sanspaq s + Kai o

[ shall be unclean the priest] until evening. And the

KaxaKaicov arrrfjv nXvvzi xa ijidxia avzov r&gt;8axi Kai

one incinerating her shall wash his garments in water, and

Axyoasxai xo acbjia arrror) r&gt;8axi Kai aKdGapxoq saxai

shall bathe his body in water, and shall be unclean

sooc; saftspac; 9+ Kai auvd^si dv0p&lt;jO7roc; KaGapoc;

until evening. And [ shall gather together man a clean]

xrjv a7io86v xrjc; Sajid^scoc; Kai a7ro6fjasi s^oo xrjc;

the ashes of the heifer, and shall put [them] aside outside the

7iap£|iPoAxic; sic; xotcov KaGapov Kai saxai xr|

camp in [place a clean]. And it shall be for the

oi)vaycoyf| mcbv IapafjA, siq 5iaxfjpr|aiv fjSoop

congregation of [the] sons of Israel for preservation. [ water

pavxiajior) dyviajid saxi io+ Kai o arrvdyoov xrjv

of sprinkling It is a purification]. And the one gathering the

a7io86v xrjc; 8a|idA,scDc; nkvvsi xa ijidxia arrror) Kai

ashes of the heifer shall wash his garments, and

aKdGapxoq saxai sooc; sarcspac; Kai saxai xoic; vioiq

will be unclean until evening. And it will be to the sons

IapafjX Kai xoic; 7rpoar|Amoic; 7ipoaKsi|isvoic; sv jieoco

of Israel, and to the foreigners lying nearby in [the] midst

djicov vojiijiov aicbviov n+ o a7ix6|isvoc;

of you [law an eternal]. The one touching

xod xsBvrjKoxoc; 7idaT]c; ^\fv%r\q av6pcb7iOD

[ having died any [departed] soul of a man]

aKdBapxoq saxai srcxd rjiispac; n+ omoq ayviaBfjasxai

will be unclean seven days. This one shall be purified

356jlxt| Kai

xtj rjjispa xt| xpixrj Kai xr| rjjispa xr| s

on the [ day third] and the [ day seventh

KaGapoc; saxai edv 8s jirj acpayviaGfj xr| rjjispa

he will be clean. But if he should not be purified on the [ day

xtj xpixT] Kai xt] rjjispa xrj sp86|irj or&gt;

third], and on the [ day seventh], he will not

KaGapoc; saxai u + rcac; o a7ix6|isvoc; xod xsGvttkoxoc;

be clean. Every one touching the one having died


19 cr

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

a7io yv%r\q av6pcb7roD sdv a7io9dvr| Kai

of [the departed] soul of a man, if he should die, and

|ir| acpayvioGfj xrjv aKTjvfjv tod KDpioD

[the other] should not have been purified, the tent of [the] LORD

sjiiavsv Kai SKxpipfjasxai r| \\fv%r\ sks(vt| s£, IapafjA,

is defiled; and [ shall be obliterated that soul] from Israel,

on D8cop pavxiajioD od 7rspisppavx(a6r| S7i' oroxov

for water of sprinkling was not sprinkled about upon him;

aK&amp;Gapxoc; saxiv sxi r| oucaGapaia aDxoD sv aDxcb saxi

he is unclean; [ still uncleanness his with him is].

14+ Kai odxoc; o vojioq dv0pcD7roc; sdv a7io6dvr| sv

And this [is] the law. A man, if he should die in

oiKia itaq o sia7iopsD6|isvoc; sic; xrjv omav Kai 6aa

a house, every one entering into the house, and as many as

saxiv sv xtj oiKia araGapxa saxai S7ixd rjiispac; 15 +

are in the house, will be unclean seven days.

Kai 7iav oksdoc; avsooyjisvov 6aa ov%i 5sajicb

And every item being open, as many as [have] not [ with a bond

Kaxa8s8sxai S7i' ai)xoi) aKdGapxd saxi 16+ Kai naq oq

been bound] upon it is unclean. And all who

av dyrjxai S7ii 7ipoaco7roD xod 7ts5(od xpai)|iaxioi) r|

ever should touch upon [the] face of the plain one slain, or


a dead [corpse], or of a bone of mankind, or tomb, for seven

r||ispac; aKdGapxoq saxai n+ Kai Axjyovxai xco

days he will be unclean. And they shall take for the

aKaGdpxco anb xrjc; onohmq Tr\q KaxaKSKai)|isvr|(;

unclean some of the ashes of the [thing] having been incinerated

xod ayviajioD Kai sk%sodoiv S7i' aDxfjv D8cop ^cov

for the purification, and shall pour out upon it [ water living]

siq ctksdoc; 18+ Kai Arjysxai DaacD7iov Kai pd\j/si siq

into a utensil. And [ shall take hyssop and shall dip [it] into

xo d8cdp avfjp KaGapoq Kai 7ispippavs( sm xov

the water man a clean], and sprinkle about upon the

oikov Kai S7U xa aKSDrj Kai S7i( xaq \\fv%aq oaai

house, and upon the utensils, and upon the souls, as many as

av cbaiv sksi Kai S7U xov r||i|isvov xod oaxsoD

might be there, and upon the one touching the bone

xod av6pco7i(voD rj xod xpaDjiaxioD r| xod xsBvrjKoxoc;

of mankind, or of the slain, or of the one having died,

rj xod jivfjjiaxoc; 19+ Kai 7ispippavs( o KaGapoq sm

or of the tomb. And [ shall sprinkle about the clean [man]] upon


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

04 - Numbers

XT] 8


xov aK&amp;Gapxov sv xr| r|(ispa xrj xpixrj Kai sv xr|

the unclean on the [ day third], and on the

rjjispa ttj ep56|ir| Kai acpayvioGfjoexai xrj rjjiepa

[day seventh]; and he shall be purified on the [day

386|ir| Kai iiXvvsi xa ijidxia avzov Kai Axroaexai

; and he shall wash his garments, and he shall bathe

i35axi Kai aKdGapxoc; eaxai eooc; sanspaq 20 + Kai

in water, and he will be unclean until evening. And

dv0p&lt;D7ioc; oq av jiiavGfj Kai |ir| acpayviaGfj

a man who ever should be defiled, and shall not be purified,

s^oAx)6psD0f|aexai rj \\fv%r\ sKsivrj sk jiscjod xrjc;

[ shall be utterly destroyed soul that] from [the] midst of the

aDvaycDyfjc; 6x1 xa dyia Kopiou sjiiavsv 6x1 i35cop

congregation, for the holy [things] of [the] LORD he defiled, for [the] water

pavxiajioi) od 7iepisppavxia0r| S7i' auxov

of sprinkling was not sprinkled about upon him;

aKdGapxoq eaxi 21 + Kai eaxai djiiv vojiijiov aicbviov

he is unclean. And it shall be to you [ law an eternal].

Kai o 7ispippa(vcov t)8&lt;jop pavxiajioi) itXvvsi

And the one sprinkling about [the] water of sprinkling, he shall wash

xa ijidxia avzov Kai o a7ix6|isvoc; xod vdaxoq

his garments; and the one touching the water

xod pavxiajioD aKdGapxoq saxai sooc; sanspaq 22 + Kai

of sprinkling, he will be unclean until evening. And

7iavx6c; od av d\j/r|xai avzov o aKdGapxoq

anything what ever should be touched by him (the one [being] unclean)

aKdBapxov eaxai ecoc; sanzpaq

shall be unclean until evening.

20 D

1+ Kai r\kdov 01 dioi IapafjA, 7idaa r| ai)vaycoyf| siq

And [ came of the sons of Israel all the congregation] into

xrjv eprjjiov Siv sv xco jirjvi xco 7ipcbxco Kai

the wilderness ofZin, in the [month first]; and

Kaxsjieivsv o Xaoq ev Kd5r|c; Kai exe^sDxrjaev 8ks(

[ stayed the people] in Kadesh. And [ came to an end there

Mapidji Kai sxdcprj sksi 2 + Kai odk r|v i38cop xrj

Miriam], and she was entombed there. And there was no water for the

ai)vay&lt;joyfj Kai r|0po(a0r|aav S7U MoQDafjv Kai Aapcbv

congregation, and they gathered themselves against Moses and Aaron.

3+ Kai eXoi5opdxo o Xaoq npoq Mamafjv Aiyovxec;

And [ reviled the people] against Moses, saying,


20 3 sv tootco + vtica 04 - Numbers

ocpsAxrv a7is9dvo|i8v sv xrj a7ccoA£ia

Ought we died in the destruction

tcov aSsAxpcbv r|(icov evavxi Ki)p(oi) 4 + Kai ivaxi

of our brothers before [the] LORD. And why

avrjydyexs xrjv ai)vaycoyf|v KDpioi) sic;

did you lead the congregation of [the] LORD into

xrjv eprjjiov toct3tt]v a7C0Kxe(vai r\[idq Kai

this wilderness, to kill us, and

xa Kif|vr| r||icbv 5+ Kai ivaxi xouxo avrjydysxs rjjLidq

our cattle? And why is this you led us from

AiyimxoD 7capayev£a6ai siq xov xorcov

Egypt to come unto [ place

xov 7iovr|p6v xotixov xo7iO(; od od a7C£ipexai od5s

this bad]? A place which you cannot sow, nor [is there]

aural 01)88 d\inskoi od5s poai oi)8e i)8cop saxi

fig-trees, nor grapevines, nor pomegranates, nor is there water

7TISIV 6+ Kai fjXGs McoDafjq Kai Aapcbv a7io

to drink. And [ came Moses and Aaron] from

7ipoacb7iOD xrjc; airvaycoyfjc; stii xrjv Qvpav xrjc; GKr\vr\q

in front of the congregation, unto the door of the tent

xod jiapxDpioi) Kai S7i8aov S7Ti 7ip6aco7rov ai)xcbv Kai

of the testimony, and they fell upon their face. And

cbcp9r| T| 86^a KDpioi) npoq avzovq 7+ Kai

[ appeared the glory [of the] LORD] to them. And

eXaAxjae Kupioc; npoq McoDafiv Aiycov 8 + AxxPe xrjv

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Take the

pdp8ov Kai SKKArjaiaaov xrjv ai)vaycoyf|v ai) Kai

rod, and call an assembly of the congregation, you and

Aapcbv o aSsAxpoc; aoi) Kai XaAxjaaxs npoq xrjv

Aaron your brother! And speak to the

7isxpav svavxiov ai)xcbv Kai 8cbasi xa i38axa avTT\q Kai

rock before them! and it shall give of its waters; and

e^oiaexs aDxok; tiScop 8K Tr\q nsxpaq Kai

you shall bring forth to them water from out of the rock, and

7TOX181XS xrjv ai)vaycoyf|v Kai xa Kxfjvrj ai)xcbv 9 + Kai

you shall give to drink the congregation and their cattle. And

elape McoDafjc; xrjv pdp8ov a7tevavxi KDpioi) Ka6d

Moses took the rod before [the] LORD, as

aDvexa^s Kopioc; ai)xcb 10+ Kai e^sKKAxjaiaae McoDafjq

[the] LORD gave orders to him. And [ held an assembly Moses

Kai Aapcbv xrjv ai)vaycoyf|v a7cevavxi xrjq 7csxpac; Kai

and Aaron] [of] the congregation before the rock. And


20 3 sv tootg) + vtica 04 - Numbers

81718 npoq avTOvq aKotiaaxs jiod oi a7csi0sk; |ir|

he said to them, Hear me! O ones resisting persuasion; must

sk Tr\q 7csxpac; TavTr\q s^d^ojisv djiiv i35cop n+ Kai

[ from out of this rock we bring forth to you water]? And

£7T&amp;pac; MCDDGTjC; XT|V %Sipa OLDXCVU S7Caxa^S XT|V 7CSXpaV

Moses lifting his hand, struck the rock

tt] pdp5co 5k; Kai s^fjXGsv vdcop noXv Kai S7cisv r|

with the rod twice, and came forth [ water much], and [ drank the

ai)vaycoyf| Kai xa Kxfjvrj auxcbv

congregation], and their cattle.

12 + Kai 81718 Kopioc; 7tpoc; Mcoi)af|v Kai Aapcbv 6xi

And [the] LORD said to Moses and Aaron, Because

odk smoxstiaaxs jioi ayidaai |is svavxiov xcov

you did not trust in me to sanctify me before the

Dicbv IapafjX 8id xotixo odk siad^sxs ujisfc;

sons of Israel, because of this [ shall not bring you yourselves]

xrjv aDvaycDyfjv xatixrjv sic; xrjv yrjv r|v 5s5ooKa auxoic;

this congregation into the land which I have given to them.

13+ xodxo xo i35cop avxiXoyiaq 6xi sAxn5opfj9r|aav oi

This is the water of dispute, for [ were reviled the

moi IapafjX svavxi Kopiou Kai rjyidaGrj sv auxoic;

sons of Israel] before [the] LORD, and he was sanctified among them.

14 + Kai a7csaxsiA,s MoyDafjc; ayyskovq sk Kd8r|c; npoq

And Moses sent messengers from Kadesh to

PaaiXsa E5cb|i Aiycov xd8s Aiysi o a5sAxpoc; gov

[the] king of Edom, saying, Thus says your brother

IapafjX &lt;xo 87c(axr| 7cdvxa xov |io%6ov xov supovxa

Israel, You have knowledge of all the trouble finding

r\[iaq 15+ Kai KaxsPrjaav 01 7taxspsc; rjjicbv sic;

us, and [how] [ went down our fathers] into

Aiyimxov Kai 7tap(jQKfjaa|isv sv Aiytmxco rjjispac;

Egypt, and we sojourned in Egypt [ days

itXziovq Kai SKdKcoaav r\[idq 01 Aiyo7cxioi Kai

many], and [ inflicted evil onus the Egyptians] and

Tovq 7caxspac; rjjicbv i 6 + Kai avspofjaajisv 7tpoc; Kopiov

our fathers. And we yelled out to [the] LORD,

Kai siafjKODas Kopioc; xrjc; cpcovfjc; r||icbv Kai

and [the] LORD listened [to] our voice. And

a7coaxsiA,ac; dyys^ov s^fjyaysv r\[idq s^ AiyimxoD

sending an angel, he led us from out of Egypt.

Kai vdv eajisv sv Kd5r|c; 7c6A,si sk jispouc;

And now we are in Kadesh, a city of a part

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

xcov opicov aoD 17+ 7iapsA,SDa6|is6a 8id Tr\q jr\q aoD

of your borders. We shall go through your land.

od 8isXsDa6|is6a 8i' aypcbv od8s 8i'

We will not go through [the] fields, nor through

a|i7isXcbvcov od8s 7ii6|is0a D8cop sk Mkkod aoD

[the] vineyards, nor shall we drink water from out of your cistern.

o8cb PaaiXiKfj 7iopsDa6|is0a odk skkAivod|isv

[way [by the] royal We shall go]. We shall not turn aside

8s^id od8s SDcbvDjia scoc; av 7iapsX9co|isv

to [the] right nor left, until whenever we should have gone by

la opid aoD i8+ Kai si7is 7ipoc; ai)i6v E8cb|i od

your borders. And [said to him Edom], You shall not

8isA,SDar| 8i' s|iod si 8s |ir| sv 7ioA,s|ico s^slsDaojiai

go through mine, and if otherwise, in war I shall come forth

sic; aDV&amp;vrrjaiv aoi 19+ Kai Myovaiv outcd 01 dioi

to meet with you. And [ say to him the sons

IapafjX 7iapd to opoq 7iapsXsDa6|is6a sdv 8s

of Israel], [by the mountain We shall go]. And if


[of your water we drink], both I and my cattle,

8cbaco Tijxfjv aoi aXXd to 7ipdy|ia odGsv saTi

I will give [the] value [of it] to you. But the thing is nothing,

7iapd to opoq 7iapsA,SDa6|is9a 20 + o 8s sircsv od

[ by the mountain we shall go]. And he said, You shall not

8isA,SDar| 81' sjiod Kai s^fjXGsv E8cb|i sic; aDvdvTrjaiv

go through of mine. And Edom came forth to meet with

aDTcb sv 6%Axjo Papsi Kai sv %sipi ia%Dpd 21+ Kai

him with [ multitude a heavy], and with [ hand a strong]. And

odk r|0sAr|asv E8cb|i 8oDvai too IapafjA, 7iapsX0siv

[ did not want Edom] to give [permission] to Israel to go

8id tcov opicov aDTOD Kai s^skAivsv IapafjA, an avzov

through his borders. And Israel turned aside from him.

22+ Kai a7if|pav sk Kd8r|c; Kai rcapsysvovTO 01 dioi

And they departed from Kadesh. And [ came the sons

IapafjX 7idaa r| aDvaycoyfj sic; Qp to opoq 23+ Kai

of Israel], all the congregation, unto Hor the mountain. And

si7is KDpioq npoq McoDafjv Kai Aapcbv sv Qp tco

[the] LORD said to Moses and Aaron in Hor, in the

opsi S7U tcov opicov TTjCj yrjc; E8cb|i Aiycov 24+

mountain, upon the borders of the land of Edom, saying,

7ipoaTS0f|TCO Aapcbv npoq tov Xaov avzov 6ti od |ir|

Let Aaron be added to his people, for in no way


21 SD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

eiaeXGrjxs sic; xrjv yrjv r|v SeScoKa xoic; mofc; lapaf\k

should he enter into the land which I have given to the sons of Israel,

8i6xi 7iapco^6vax£ |is S7ii tod i)8axoc; xrjc; avxi^oyiac;

because you provoked me at the Water of Dispute.

25 + AxxPe xov Aapcbv Kai EXed^ap xov mov olvtov Kai

Take Aaron and Eleazar his son, and

avapipaaov auxotic; sic; Qp to opoq 26+ Kai 8k8dcjov

haul them unto Hor the mountain! And take off

Aapcbv ttjv axoArjv ovtov Kai evSuaov EAm^ap

of Aaron his apparel, and put [it] on Eleazar

xov mov ovtov Kai Aapcbv 7ipoaxs0ei(;

his son! And Aaron, having been added [to his people],

a7io9av8TCO sksi 27+ Kai S7io(r|as Mcoi)af|Cj Ka6d

let him die there! And Moses did as

crovexa^e Kopioc; auxcb Kai avepipaaev auxotic; sic; Qp

[the] LORD gave orders to him, and he hauled them unto Hor

xo opoq svavxiov 7idar|c; xrjc; &lt;xovaycoyf|c; 2 8+ Kai

the mountain before all the congregation. And

McDDafjc; e§e5i)as xov Aapcbv xa ijidxia ovtov Kai

Moses stripped off Aaron his garments, and

svs8uaev ovto EXed^ap xov mov olvtov Kai

he put them [on] Eleazar his son. And

arcsGavsv Aapcbv em xrjc; Kopucpfjc; xou opovq Kai

Aaron died upon the top of the mountain. And

KaxsPrj McoDafjc; Kai EXsd^ap 8K xod opovq 29 + Kai

[ came down Moses and Eleazar] from the mountain. And

e(8e 7idaa r| auvaycoyfj 6x1 oitzkvdr\ Aapcbv Kai

[ saw all the congregation] that Aaron was loosed, and

zkXovgov xov Aapcbv xpidKovxa rjjispac; naq owoq

[ wept [for] Aaron thirty days all [the] house


of Israel].

1+ Kai fjKODasv o Xavavaioq fioaiksvq Apd8 o

And [ heard the Canaanite king Arad], the one

KaxoiKcbv Kaxd xrjv eprjjiov 6x1 fjABsv lapof\k oSov

dwelling by the wilderness, that Israel came [by the] way

A6aps(|i Kai S7roA,s|ir|as 7ipoc; lapof\k Kai

to Atharin; and he waged war against Israel, and

Kaxs7ipov6|i8Daav auxcbv ai%|iaA,CGa(av 2+ Kai

they carried away captive some of them [into] captivity. And


21 SD


04 - Numbers

r|i)^axo IapafjA, £v%r\v Kopico Kai ei7isv sdv

Israel vowed a vow [to the] LORD, and said, If

|ioi 7iapa8cbc; xov Xaov xotixov D7io%s(piov

you should deliver up to me this people under my hand,

avaGejiaxicb auxov Kai xac; 7i6A,eic; avzov 3 + Kai

I will devote him to consumption and his cities. And

eiafjKODas Kopioc; xrjc; (p($vr\q IapafjX Kai 7iape8coKe

[the] LORD listened to the voice of Israel, and he delivered up

xov Xavavaiov imoxeipiov avzov Kai

the Canaanite unto his hand, and

aveBsjidxiaev auxov Kai xac; noXsiq avzov Kai

he devoted him to consumption, and his cities. And

S7i8KaA,saav xo ovojia xou x67tod sksivod Avd0£|ia 4 +

they called the name of that place, Anathema.

Kai aftdpavxec; Qp xou opovq o86v S7ii

And departing from Hor the mountain, by way unto [the]

daXaaaav epi)6pdv 7rspieKDKAxjaaav xrjv yrjv E8cb|i

[sea red], they encircled the land ofEdom,

Kai coA,iyo\j/T3xT|asv o Xaoq sv xr| o8cb 5 + Kai

and [ became faint-hearted the people] in the way. And

KaxeXd^si o Xaoq npoq xov 9s6v Kai Kaxd McoDafj

[ spoke ill the people] against God, and against Moses,

Aiyovxsc; ivaxi e^fjyayec; r|jLxdq AiyimxoD

saying, Why did you lead us out of Egypt

a7iOKxs(vai r\[idq ev xr| spf|jLiCD 6x1 odk soxiv dpxoq

to kill us in the wilderness? For there is no bread

od88 uScop T| 8s \\fv%r\ T[[i(bv 7ipoocbx0ia8v sv xco dpxco

nor water; and our soul loathes in [ bread

xco 8iaK8vco xotixco 6 + Kai aTieaxeile Kopioc; siq xov

this empty]. And [the] LORD sent to the

Xaov Tovq ocpeic; zovq Bavaxowcac; Kai sSaicvov xov

people the serpents, the ones causing death; and they bit the

Xaov Kai arceGave Xaoq noXvq xcov mcbv IapafjA, 7 +

people, and [ died people many] of the sons of Israel.

Kai 7rapaysv6|isvoc; o Xaoq npoq Moauafjv eXsyov 6x1

And [ came the people] to Moses, saying that,

r||idpxo|i8v 6x1 KaxsA,aArjaa|i£v Kaxd xou Kopioi) Kai

We sinned, for we spoke ill against the LORD, and

Kaxd aoi) eti^ai odv npoq Kopiov Kai acpeAixco acp'

against you; make a vow then to [the] LORD that he remove from

rjjicbv xov ocpiv Kai Tyo^axo McoDafjq mpi xod Xaov s +

us the serpent! And Moses made a vow for the people.


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Kai S17T8 Kopioc; 7ipoc; Mamafjv 7io(r|oov asauxcb ocpiv

And [the] LORD said to Moses, Make to yourself a serpent

XoXkovv Kai Gee; auxov S7ri ar||is(oD Kai naq

of brass, and put it upon a sign. And all

o 8s5r|Y|isvoc; i5cbv auxov ^fjasxai 9 + Kai

having been bitten, beholding it, shall live. And

£7rorr|a£ Mamaf^ ocpiv xoXkovv Kai soxrjasv auxov

Moses made a serpent of brass, and set it

S7Ti ar||i8ioD Kai sysvsxo oxav sSaKvsv ocpic;

upon a sign. And it came to pass whenever [ bit a serpent]

dv0pco7iov Kai S7ispA,s\j/sv 87i( xov ocpiv xov xoXkovv

a man, and he looked upon the serpent of brass,

Kai s^rj io+ Kai a7ifjpav oi moi IapafjX Kai

that he lived. And [departed the sons of Israel], and

7iapsv8paAx)v sv QpcbG u+ Kai s^dpavxsc; s^ QpcbG

they camped in Oboth. And lifting away from Oboth,

7iapsvsPaAx)v sv AvsPapiji sv xr| spf||ico r| saxi

they camped in Ije-abarim in the wilderness, which is

Kaxd 7ip6aco7i;ov Mcodp Kaxd avaxoAxxc; r(kiov n +

against [the] face of Moab according to [the] east of [the] sun.

sksiGsv a7ifjpav Kai 7iapsvspaAx)v sic; cpdpayya Zaps8

From there they departed and camped at [the] Ravine of Zared.

13+ sksiGsv a7idpavxsc; 7iapsvsPaAx)v sic; xo 7ispav

From there departing they camped in the other side

Apvcbv sv xrj spf||ico xo s^s%ov arco xcov opicov xcov

of Arnon, in the wilderness protruding from the borders of the

Ajioppaicov saxi yap Apvcbv opia Mcodp

Amorites. [ is For Arnon] [the] boundary of Moab

avajisoov Mcodp Kai xou Ajioppaioi) u+ 8id

between Moab and the Amorite. On account of

xotixo Aiysxai sv PipAico noXs^ioq xou Kupuru

this it says in [the] [ scroll war] of the LORD,

xrjvZoop scployias Kai xouc; %si|idppouc; Apvcbv i 5 +

Zoob set ablaze, and the rushing streams of Arnon.

Kai Tovq %si|idppoi)c; Kaxsaxrjas KaxoiKiaai Eip Kai

And [ the rushing streams he established] to settle Ar, and

7ip6aKsixai xoic; opioic; Mcodp i6+ Kai sksiGsv xo

it lies near to the boundaries of Moab. And from there [they came to] The

eppsap xot3xo xo eppsap o si7is Kupioc; 7ipoc;

Well. This is the well which [the] LORD said to

Mamafjv (Tovdyays xov Xaov Kai 5cbaco auxoic; u8cop

Moses, Gather together the people, and I will give to them water.


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17+ tots fjasv IapafjA, to dajia totjto ski tod eppsaToe;

Then Israel sang this song at The Well,

s^&amp;p%£T£ auTcb cppsap i 8 + cbpu^av auTO dp%ovTSc;

Take the lead to him, O Well; [dug it rulers];

s^aAxxTOixqaav auTO fiaaikziq sGvcov sv

[ quarried kings of nations] in

ttj Paai^sia aDTcbv sv too Kopisuaai auTcbv Kai arco

their kingdoms, in their dominating. And from

cppsaToq sic; MavGavasiv 19+ K(Xl (X7TO

Well [they went] unto Mattanah. And from

MavGavasiv sic; NaaAafjA, Kai arco NaaXifjA, sic;

Mattanah to Nahaliel. And from Nahaliel to

BajicbB Kai and BajicbG sic; Iavfjv r| saTiv sv too

Bamoth. And from Bamoth to Janen which is in the

7is5ico Mcodp and Koptxpfjc; tod A,sA,a^su|isvoi) to

plain of Moab, [seen] from [the] top of the dressing of the stone ~ the [place]

PA,S7rov KaTd 7ip6aco7rov rr|c; spf||ioD 20+ Kai

looking down at [the] face of the wilderness. And

a7rs&lt;ycsiXs IapafjA, 7ipsaPs(c; 7ipoc; I/qcov PaaiXsa

Israel sent ambassadors to Sihon king

Ajioppaicov Aiycov 21 + 7iapsA,si)a6|is9a 81a tt|c; yrjc; gov

of [the] Amorites, saying, We shall go through your land;

odk skkAavodjisv odts sic; aypov outs sic; aji7rsAxbva

we will not turn aside, neither into a field, nor into a vineyard;

22+ outs 7ii6|is6a i35cop sk eppsaToe; aoi) o8cb

nor shall we drink water from out of your well. [ way

PaaiAiKfj 7iopsi)a6|is0a scoc; av 7iapsX6co|isv

[the] royal We will go by], until whenever we pass by

Ta opid gov 23 + Kai odk s5coks Srjcov too IapafjA,

your borders. And [ did not give [permission] Sihon] [to] Israel

7iapsA,0siv 8id tcov opicov avzov Kai auvfjyays I/qcov

to go through his borders. And Sihon gathered together

7idvTa tov Xaov avzov Kai s^fjABs 7iapaTd^aa0ai tco

all his people, and came forth to deploy [against]

IapafjX sic; tt|v sprjjiov Kai fjABsv sic; Idaaa Kai

Israel in the wilderness. And he came unto Jahaz, and

7iapsTd^aTO tco IapafjA, 24+ Kai S7idTa^sv auTOV

deployed [against] Israel. And [ struck him

IapafjX sv cpovco jia%a(pac; Kai KaTSKopisuaav

Israel] with a carnage of [the] sword; and they dominated

Tr\q yrjc; avzov arco Apvcov scoc; IaPoK scoc; mcbv

his land from Arnon unto Jabbok, unto [the] sons


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Ajijidv on Ia^fjp opia mcbv Ajijidv sail 25+ Kai

of Ammon. For Jazer [ [the] boundaries of [the] sons of Ammon is]. And

slaPev IapafjA, naaaq xaq noXsiq xamaq Kai

Israel took all these cities, and

KaxcbKqasv IapafjA, sv naaaiq xaic; 7i6A,sai xcov

Israel dwelt in all the cities of the

Ajioppaicov sv EasPcbv Kai sv naaaiq miq

Amorites, in Heshbon, and in all the [ones]

aDyKDpotiaaic; auxfj 26 + saxi yap EasPcbv itoXiq Srjcbv

falling in with it. [ is For Heshbon] [the] city of Sihon

xod Paai^scoq xcov Ajioppaicov Kai omoq S7ioXs|xr|as

the king of the Amorites. And this one waged war against

PaaiXsa Mcodp xo 7ip6xspov Kai sAxxPs rcdaav

[the] king of Moab formerly. And [they] took all

xtjv yrjv clvtov arco %sipoc; outou scoq Apvcbv 27 +

his land from his hand unto Arnon.

8id xot3xo spcroaiv 01 aiviyjiaxiaxai sA£sxs sic;

On account of this [ say the ones speaking enigmas], Come into

EasPcbv iva oiKo5o|ir|6fj Kai KaxaaKsuaaGfj noXiq

Heshbon, for [ should have been built and should have been carefully prepared [the]

I/qcbv 28+ 6x1 7Top s^fjXBsv s£, EasPcbv cpXo^ sk

of Sihon]; for fire came forth from out of Heshbon, aflame from out of

7i6Xscoc; Srjcbv Kai Kaxscpaysv scoc; Mcodp Kai

[the] city of Sihon, and it devoured unto Moab, and

Kaxs7iis axfjAxxc; Apvcbv 29+ croai aoi Mcodp

swallowed down [the] monuments of Arnon. Woe to you Moab.

ancbkov Xaoq Xajicbq a7is566r|aav 01 vioi auxcbv

You are destroyed people of Chemosh. [ were rendered over Their sons]

8iaacb^sa9ai Kai ai Guyaxspsc; auxcbv ai%|idAxoxoi xco

to be preserved, and their daughters captives to the

PaaiXsi xcov Ajioppaicov I/qcbv 30+ Kai

king of the Amorites — Sihon. And

xo a7isp|ia auxcbv aftoXsixai EasPcbv scoc; Aatpcov Kai

their seed shall perish — Heshbon unto Dibon. And

ai ywaiKsq auxcbv sxi 7ipoas^sKai)aav nvp S7U Mcodp

their women still burn a fire over Moab.

31+ Kai KaxcoKqas IapafjA, sv naaaiq xaic; 7i6Xsai xcov

And Israel dwelt in all the cities of the

Ajioppaicov 32+ Kai a7isaxsiA,s McoDafjc; KaxaaKs\j/aa0ai

Amorites. And Moses sent to survey

xrjv Iaafjp Kai KaxsXdpovxo aDxfjv Kai

Jaazer, and they overtook it, and


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xac; Kcbjiaq avTr\q Kai s^zfiakov xov Ajioppaiov

her towns, and they cast out the Amorite

xov KaxoiKowca sksi 33 + Kai £7iiaxpe\j/avx£c; avsprjaav

dwelling there. And having turned they ascended

o56v xrjv ziq Baadv Kai e^fjXBev Qy fiaoiksvq

[the] way unto Bashan. And came forth Og king

Tr\q Baadv sic; auvdvxrjaiv auxofc; Kai rcac;

of Bashan to meet with them, and all

o Xaoq clvtov sic; 7i6A,8|iov sic; E8pas(v 34 + Kai

his people for war in Edrei. And

81718 Kupioq 7ipoc; Mcoi)af|v |ir| cpoPr|6f|c; clvtov 6x1

[the] LORD said to Moses, Do not fear him, for

sic; xac; yzipaq gov 7iapa8s8coKa clvtov Kai rcavxa

into your hands I have delivered him, and all

xov A,a6v clvtov Kai 7idaav xrjv yrjv clvtov Kai 7rorfjG8ic;

his people, and all his land; and you shall do

auxcb KaBcbq S7iorr|aac; xco I/qcbv Paai^si xcov

to him as you did to Sihon king of the

Ajioppaicov oq KaxcbKsi sv EasPcbv 35+ Kai S7idxa^sv

Amorites, who dwelt in Heshbon. And he struck

clvtov Kai Tovq viovq clvtov Kai rcavxa xov Xaov clvtov

him and his sons, and all his people,

scoc; xod jlxti KaxaXurdv clvtov ^coypsiav Kai

until there was not [any] of his being left behind for taking alive; and

£KAr|pov6|ir|aav xrjv yrjv clvtov

they inherited his land.

22 M

1+ Kai a7idpavxsc; 01 moi IopafjX 7iapsvsPaAx)v S7U

And departing, the sons of Israel camped upon

Suajicbv Mcodp 7iapd xov Iop8dvr|v Kaxd Ispixcb 2 +

[the] descent of Moab by the Jordan near Jericho.

Kai i8cbv Ba^adK vioq £s7i(pcbp rcavxa 6aa

And [ [was] seeing Balak son of Zippor] all as many [things] as

srcovrjasv IapafjA, xco Ajioppaico 3 + Kai etpopf|0r| Mcodp

Israel did to the Amorites. And Moab feared

xov Xaov acp68pa 6x1 rcoAAxnfjaav Kai

the people exceedingly, for they were many. And

rcpoacb%9ias Mcodp arco rcpoacbrcoi) mcbv IapafjX 4 +

Moab loathed of [the] face of the sons of Israel.

Kai sircs Mcodp xtj yspouaia Ma8idv vdv skA,si^si

And Moab said to the council of elders ofMidian, Now [shall lick up

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r| aDvaycoyfj aDxrj rcavxac; zovq kdkXco rjjicbv coast

this congregation] all the ones round about us, as

SKlei^ai o [ioa%oq xa %Xcopd 8K tod 7re8(oD Kai

[ licks up the calf] the green [grass] from the plain. And

BaXa&amp;K vioq £e7icpcop fiaaikzvq Mcodp r|v Kaxd

Balak son of Zippor [ king of Moab was] at

xov Kaipov 8KSWOV 5 + Kai a7i£axeiA£ ftpeaPeic; npoq

that time. And he sent ambassadors to

BaXa&amp;ji diov Bscbp OaBoDpd oq eaxiv S7U tod

Balaam son of Beor, to Pethor, which is upon the

7ioxa|ioD yrjc; dicov Xaox) oidtod KaXeaai aDxov

river of [the] land of [the] sons of his people, to call him,

Aiycov i8od Xaoq s^sAx|A,d0sv s£, AryD7ixoD Kai

saying, Behold, a people have come forth from out of Egypt. And

l50D KaT8K&amp;A,D\J/£ TT|V 6\j/lV TT\q yr\q Kai ODTOq

behold, it covers up the appearance of the earth, and this [people]

syKdGrjiai s%6|isv6c; jiod 6+ Kai vdv Setipo dpaaai

lie in wait next to me. And now come, curse


forme this people! for [ stronger than me [it] is]. If

5Dvcb|i80a 7iaxd^ai aDxcbv Kai SKfiakcb aDxotic;

we should be able to strike at them, then I will cast them

sk Tr\q yr\q on o(8a 6xi odc; av svXoyr\ar\q av

from out of the land. For I know that whom ever you should bless,

SD^oyrivxai Kai odc; av Kaxapdarj cjd KeKaxfjpavxai i +

they are blessed; and whom ever you should curse, they are cursed.

Kai S7iop8D0r| T| yspoDaia Mcodp Kai r| yepoDoia

And [went the council of elders of Moab], and the council of elders

Ma8idv Kai xa jiavxsia sv xaic; %zpaiv aDxcbv Kai

ofMidian, with the oracles in their hands. And

r\kdov npoq BaAxxdji Kai sircav aDxcb xa pfjjiaxa

they came to Balaam, and they spoke to him the words

BaXadK 8 + Kai djrs 7ipoc; aDxotic; KaxaMaaxe aDxoD

of Balak. And he said to them, You rest up here

xrjv VDKxa Kai a7ioKpi0f|ao|iai djiiv 7ipdy|iaxa a av

the night, and I will answer you [the] things which ever

XaXr\ar\ Kopioc; 7ipoc; |is Kai Kaxsjisivav oi dp%ovxsc;

[the] LORD should speak to me! And [stayed the rulers

Mcodp 7iapd BaXadji 9 + Kai r\kdzv o dzoq npoq

of Moab] with Balaam. And God came to

BaXadji Kai si7isv aDxco xi oi dv6pco7roi odxoi

Balaam, and he said to him, What do these men


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7iapd aoi 10+ Kai si7is BaXadji npoq xov 0s6v BaXadK

[want] with you? And Balaam said to God, Balak

vioq S87i(pcop fiaaikzvq Mcodp a7ieaxeiA£V avzovq

son of Zippor king ofMoab sent them

7ipoc; |i8 Aiycov n+ idov Xaoq s^eAx|}u)0ev

to me, saying, Behold, a people come forth from out of

AiyimxoD Kai 8KdA,D\j/sv xrjv 6\j/iv xrjc; yr\q Kai vdv

Egypt, and covered the appearance of the earth, and now

Ssupo dpaaai jioi auxov 8i dpa 8wf|ao|iai 7iaxd^ai

come curse it for me! if it is so I shall be able to strike

avTOV Kai SKfiakcb auxov 12+ Kai si7iev o 6e6c; npoq

it, and I will cast it out. And God said to

BaAxxdji od 7iopsi)ar| jist' auxcbv od8s Kaxapdarj

Balaam, You shall not go with them, nor shall you curse

xov A,a6v eaxiyap si)A,oyr||isvoc; 13 + Kai

the people; for [they are] blessed. And

avaaxdq BaAxxdji xo7ipcoi si7is xoic; dp%oi)ai Ba^adK

Balaam rising in the morning, said to the rulers of Balak,

a7ioxpsx8X8 7ipoc; xrjv yrjv djicov odk acpirjai |is

You run to your land, [ does not allow me

Kopioc; 7iopsi)sa0ai |is0' djicov u+ Kai avaaxdvxsq 01

[the] LORD] to go with you. And rising, the

dpxovxsq Mcodp r\kdov itpoq BaXadK Kai sbiav od

rulers ofMoab came to Balak. And they said, [ does not

6sA,ei Ba^adji 7iop£D0fjvai |is0' rjjicbv 15+ Kai

want Balaam] to go with us. And

7ipoae0sxo 8x1 BaXadK a7iooxs(Xai dp%ovxac; nXsiovq

[ added again Balak] to send [ rulers many],

Kai evxijioxspouc; xotixcov i 6 + Kai r\kdov npoq BaXadji

and ones more important than these. And they came to Balaam,

Kai AiyoDaiv auxcb xd5e Aiysi Ba^adK o

and they say to him, Thus says Balak the [son]

xod £s7i(pcbp a^icb ae [ir\ OKvr\ar\q eXGeiv npoq

of Zippor, I deem you worthy, you should not be reluctant to come to

|is 17+ svxijicoq yap xijifjaco as Kai 6aa av

me, for highly valued I will esteem you, and as many [things] as

EVKT[q (ioi 7roifjoco aoi Kai Setipo 87iiKaxdpaaa(

you should say to me I will do for you. Now come, accurse

(ioi xov Axxov xotixov 18 + Kai a7isKp(6r| BaXadji Kai ei7ie

for me this people! And Balaam answered and said

xoiq dpxoDai Ba^adK sdv 8co jioi BaXadK 7rXf|pr|

to the rulers of Balak, If [ shall give tome Balak full


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xov oikov avTOV apyDpioD Kai %pDaioD od

house his] of silver and gold, I shall not

SDvfjaojiai 7iapapf|vai to pfjjia KopioD tod 0sod

be able to violate the word of [the] LORD God,

7ioifjaai auTO jiiKpov r| jisya 19+ Kai vdv D7io|isivaTS

to do it small or great. And now remain behind

avTOV Kai djisic; ttjv VDKTa t(xt3ttjv Kai yvcoaojiai ti

here, even you this night! and I will know what

7tpoa0fjaei Kopioc; XaAxjoai npoq |is 20+ Kai

[the] LORD shall add to speak to me. And

fjXBev o 0s6c; npoq Ba^adji vdktoc; Kai sircsv aDTcb si

God came to Balaam at night, and said to him, If

KaXsaai as 7iaps(aiv 01 dv0pco7ioi odtoi avaaTdc;

[ calling you are at hand these men], rising up

aKoAx)D0r|aov amok; aXka to pf||ia o av XaArjaco

you follow them, but the saying which ever I speak

npoq as todto 7ioif|asic; 21 + Kai avaaTdc; Ba^adji

to you, this you observe! And Balaam rising


in the morning, saddled his donkey, and went with

tcov apxovTCOv Mcodp 22+ Kai copyiaGrj 0D|icb

the rulers ofMoab. And [ was provoked to anger in rage

o 0s6c; 6ti S7iopsD0r| avzoq Kai avsarr| o dyys^oc;

God] that he himself went. And [ rose up the angel

tod 0sod S7U Tr\q o8od svSiapdAlsiv avzov

of God] in the way to stand in the way as an adversary against him.

Kai avToq S7iiPspf|Ksi S7ri Tr\q ovod avzov Kai 8do

And he mounted upon his donkey, and [ two

7ia(8sc; avzov |ist' avzov 23+ Kai iSotiaa r| ovoc; tov

servants his] with him. And [ seeing the donkey] the

ayys^ov tod 0sod av0saTrjKOTa sv tt| o8cb Kai tt|v

angel of God opposing it in the way, and the

pojicpaiav sa7iaa|isvr|v sv tt| %zipi avzov Kai s^skXivsv

broadsword being unsheathed in his hand, that [ turned aside

T| ovoc; sk Tr\q o8od Kai S7iopsDSTO sic; to 7is8(ov

the donkey] from the way, and went into the plain.

Kai S7idTa^s tt|v ovov tod SD0Dvai aDTfjv sv tt| o8cb

And he struck the donkey to straighten it in the way.

24 + Kai saTTj o dyys^oc; tod 0sod sv zaiq avXafy tcov

And [ stood the angel of God] in the furrows of the

a|i7isA,cov cppayjioq svtsd0sv Kai cppayjioc; svtsd0sv

grapevines, a barrier here [on this side] and a barrier here [on that side].


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25 + Kai iSotiaa r| ovoc; xov dyys^ov xod 0sod

And [ seeing the donkey] the angel of God,

7ipoae6Ai\j/ev eaDxfjv npoq xov xoi%ov Kai a7r£6Ai\j/£

pressed herself against the wall, and it squeezed

xov 7r65a BaXadji 7ipoq xov xo(%ov Kai 7ipoae6sxo

the foot of Balaam to the wall, and he added

sxi jiaaxi^ai aDxfjv 26 + Kai 7ipoae9sxo o dyyeXoc;

again to crack the whip on her. And [ proceeded the angel

xod 0sod aitzkd&amp;iv Kai D7isaxr| sv x67ico axsvcb siq

of God] going forth. And he stood in [ place a narrow] for

ov odkttv SKKAivai 8s^idv rj apiaxepdv 27 + Kai

which there was no turning aside right or left. And

iSotiaa r| ovoc; xov dyyeAxrv xod Gsod aDVSKdBiosv

[ seeing the donkey] the angel of God, sat down

D7ioKdxco BaXadji Kai £0D|icb6r| BaXadji Kai sxD7ixs

underneath Balaam. And Balaam became enraged, and beat

xrjv ovov sv xtj pdp8co 28 + Kai fjvoi^sv o 6e6c; xo

the donkey with the rod. And God opened the

axojia xrjc; ovod Kai Aiyei xco BaAxxdji xi 7rs7rovr|Kd

mouth of the donkey, and she says to Balaam, What did I do

aoi 6x1 7re7iaiKdc; |is xodxo xpixov 29+ Kai

to you that you have hit me this third time? And

81718 BaAxxdji xrj ovco 6x1 8|i7rs7rai%dc; |ioi Kai si

Balaam said to the donkey that, You have mocked me, and if

e(%ov |id%aipav sv xrj %eipi jiod fj5r| av e^sKevxrjad os

I had a sword in my hand, already I would have stabbed you.

30+ Kai Aiyei r| ovoc; xco BaXadji ODKsycb r| ovoc; aoD

And [ says the donkey] to Balaam, [Am] I not your donkey,

scp' r\q S7isPaiV8(; arco vsoxrjxoc; aoD scoc; xrjc; afjiispov

upon which you mounted from your youth, until today's

rjjiepac; jirj D7ispopdasi D7ispi8oDaa S7ioir|ad aoi

day? [Have] [ to neglect by overlooking I acted] you

ODxcoq o 5s si7rsv odxi 3 1 + a7i8KdA,D\j/8 8s o Beoc; xodc;

thus? And he said, No! [ uncovered And God] the

ocpGaXjioDc; BaAxxdji Kai opd xov dyysAxrv KopioD

eyes of Balaam, and he sees the angel of [the] LORD

avGeaxrjKoxa sv xrj o8cb Kai xttv jidxaipav

opposing [him] in the way, and the sword

8a7iaa(isvr|v sv xrj %£ipi aDxoD Kai KD\j/ac;

being unsheathed in his hand. And bowing

7ipoasKDvr|as xco 7ipoacb7ico aDxoD 32 + Kai si7isv aDxcb o

he did obeisance on his face. And [ said to him the

22 3D

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04 - Numbers

ayyskoq tod 9sod 8iax( S7cdxa^ac; xr|v ovov aoD xodxo

angel of God], Why do you strike your donkey this

xpixov Kai i8od sycb s^fjABov sic; 5iaPoXfjv aoD 6xi

third time? Now behold, I came forth to distract you, for

odk aaxsia r| odoq gov svavxiov |iod 33 + Kai i8oDad

[ [was] not fair your way] before me. And seeing

|is T| ovoq s^skAivsv an s|iod xpixov xodxo Kai

me, the donkey turned aside from me this third [time]; and

81 (IT| S^SkAiVSV 0171 ' SJIOD VDV ODV as |ISV aV

unless she turned aside from me, now then you indeed

a7T8KX8lVa SKSlVTjV 8' av 7T8pi87rOir|a&amp;|ir|V 34+ Kai

I would have killed, [her and then I would have preserved]. And

81718 BaXadji xco ayyslco KopioD r||idpxr|Ka od yap

Balaam said to the angel of [the] LORD, I have sinned, for I did not

r|7riaxd|ir|v 6xi av jioi avGsaxrjKaq sv xr| o8cb sic;

have knowledge that you opposed me in the way to

oDvdvxrjcriv [iov Kai vdv si |ir| aoi apKsasi

meet with me. And now, unless it not be sufficient to you,

a7coaxpa(pfjao|iai 35 + Kai si7csv o ayyskoq tov 6sod

I shall return. And [ said the angel of God]

7tpoc; BaXadji aD|i7i;opsD0r|xi |isxd xcov av6pcb7ccov

to Balaam, You go with the men!

7tAr|v xo pf||ia o av si7cco itpoq as xodxo (pvXa^r\

Except the word which ever I should say to you, this you shall guard

AxxAxjaai Kai S7copsD6r| BaAxxdji jisxd xcov ap%6vxcov

to speak. And Balaam went with the rulers

BaXadK 36+ Kai aKODaac; BaXadK 6x1 fjKeiBaXad|i

of Balak. And Balak hearing that Balaam had came,

s^fjXGsv sic; ai)vdvxr|aiv aDxco sic; 7c6Aiv Mcodp r|

came forth to meet him in a city of Moab, which

saxiv S7U xcov opicov Apvcbv o saxiv sk jispoDc;

is upon the borders of Arnon, which is of [the] parts

xcov opicov 37+ Kai 8i7csBaA,adK npoq BaAxxdji ov%i

of the borders. And Balak said to Balaam, Did I not

a7csaxsiXa npoq as KaAiaai as 8iax( odk t\p%ov

send to you to call you? Why have you not come

7tpoc; jis ovxcoq od SDvfjaojiai xijifjaai as 38+ Kai

to me? Really, shall I not be able to esteem you? And

si7cs BaAxxdji itpoq BaXadK i8od fjKco npoq as vdv

Balaam said to Balak, Behold, I come to you now.

SDvaxoc; sijii XaArjaai xi xo pfjjia oq av

Am I able to speak anything? The word which ever


23 30

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04 - Numbers

e|ipdAx| o Geoc; sic; xo axojia jiod xodxo AxxArjaco 39+ Kai

God should put into my mouth, this I will speak. And

S7iopsT30r| BaAxxaji jisxd BaXadK Kai r\kdov sic; noXsiq

Balaam went with Balak. And they came to Cities

£7rm3A£cov 40+ Kai e0Dae BaAxxdK 7cp6paxa Kai [ioa%ovq

of Properties. And Balak sacrificed sheep and calves,

Kai a7T80TSiXs icq BaXadji Kai xoic; dp%ODai xoic;

and sent [to] Balaam and to the rulers, to the ones

jiex' aDxoD 41+ Kai sysvfjGrj 7ipcoi Kai

with him. And it became morning, and

7tapaA,aPcbv BakadK xov Ba^adji aveptpaaev aDxov

Balak taking Balaam transported him

87i( xrjv &lt;3Tr\h\v tod Bad! Kai s5si^sv aDxcb £Ks(0ev

unto the stele of Baal, and showed to him from there

jlSpoq Tl TOD XaOV

a certain part of the people.

23 3D

1 + Kai S17T8 BaXadji xco BaXadK oiKo56|ir|a6v jioi

And Balaam said to Balak, Build for me

evxatiGa S7cxd Pcojiodc; Kai sxoijiaaov jioi svxatiGa

here seven shrines, and prepare forme here

S7rcd [ioa%ovq Kai S7cxd Kpiotic; 2+ Kai £7tofr|oe BakadK

seven calves, and seven rams! And Balak did

ov xpo7cov 8i7rsv aDicb BaAxxdji Kai avfjveyKs

in which manner [said to him Balaam]. And he offered

[ioa%ov Kai Kpiov S7ri xov Pcojiov 3+ Kai ei7ce Ba^adji

a calf and ram upon the shrine. And Balaam said

7ipoc; BaXadK 7tapdaxr|6i 87i( xrjc; 0Da(aq aoD Kai

to Balak, You stand beside your sacrifice! and

7iop8Dao|iai 8i (101 cpavdxai o 0e6c; sv aDvavxfjaei

I shall go [and see] if [me shall appear God to meet with].

Kai pfjjia o av jioi 5eft;ei avayyeAxb 001 Kai

And [the] saying which ever he shall show to me I shall announce to you. And

S7iopsD0r| 8D08iav 4+ Kai scpdvrj o 0s6c; xco BaAxxdji Kai

he went straight. And God appeared to Balaam. And

81718 7tpoc; aDxov BaAxxdji xodc; S7cxd Pcojiodc;

[ said to him Balaam], The seven shrines

rjxoijiaoa Kai aveptpaaa |ioa%ov Kai Kpiov S7U xov

I prepared, and I brought a calf and ram unto the


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

Pcojiov 5+ Kai svsfiaXzv o dsoq pr\\xa sic; to axojia

shrine. And God put a word into the mouth

BaXadji Kai 8i7isv smaTpacpsic; 7cpoc; BaAxxdK otixcoc;

of Balaam, and he said, Turning towards Balak thus

Xahf\asiq 6 + Kai a7C8oxpd(pr| npoq auxov Kai 65s

you shall speak. And he returned to him, and thus


he stood over his whole burnt-offerings, and all

oi dp%ovxec; Mcodp jist' avzov ?+ Kai avaAxxPcbv

the rulers ofMoab with him. And taking up

ttjv 7capaPoAx|v avzov siitzv sk MsaoTcoxajiiac;

his parable, he said, From out of Mesopotamia

(iST87i8|i\j/aT6 |is BaXadK fiaaiksvq Mcodp

[fetched me Balak king ofMoab], out of

opecbv an avaxoAxbv Aiycov 5si3po dpaaai jioi

[the] mountains of [the] east, saying, Come curse for me

xov IaKcbp Kai 8ei3po e7riKaxdpaaai jioi xov IapafjA, 8 +

Jacob! and, Come accurse to me Israel!

ti apdacojiai ov jirj apdxai Kupioc; Kai xi

How shall I curse whom [ does not curse [the] LORD]? And how

Kaxapdaojiai ov jirj Kaxapdxai o Geoc; 9+

shall I imprecate maledictions upon whom [ does not imprecate maledictions upon

6x1 a7io Koputpfjc; opscbv 6\j/o|iai auxov Kai arco

For from [the] top of mountains I shall see him; and from

Podvcov 7rpoovofjaco ai)xov idov Xaoq jiovoc;

hills I shall pay attention to him. Behold, a people [ alone

KaxoiKfjasi Kai sv sGveaiv ov auAloyiaGfjaexai 10+ xic;

shall dwell], and among nations they shall not be reckoned together. Who

s^rjKpipdaaxo xo a7i£p|ia IaKcbp Kai xic;

determined exactly the seed of Jacob, and who

s^api0|ifjasxai 8fj|ioi)c; IapafjX a7io0dvoi r| \|A)%f| jiod

shall count out peoples of Israel? May [ die my soul]

sv \\fv%aiq Siraicov Kai ysvoixo xo o7iep|ia jiod coc;

among souls of [the] just, and may [ become my seed] as

xo a7isp|ia xot3xod 11+ Kai ei7rs BakadK 7ipoc; BaXadji

the seed of this. And Balak said to Balaam,

xi 7rs7rorr|Kdc; jioi eic; Kaxdpaaiv e%6pcbv jiou

What have you done to me? For a curse for my enemies

KSKAxjKd as Kai i8ot3 siAoyrjKac; eiAoyiav 12+ Kai

I have called you, and behold, you have blessed a blessing. And

81718 BaXadji 7ipoc; BakadK ov%i 6aa av

Balaam said to Balak, Is it not as many [things] as


23 30


04 - Numbers

e|ipdAx| o dsoq sic; to axojia jiod xouxo (pu^d^co

God should put in my mouth this I will guard

AxxAxjaai 13+ Kai si7i8 npoq ovtov BaAxxdK dsvpo exi

to speak? And [ said to him Balak], Come yet

jisx' sjiot3 sic; xotcov oXkov ov odk6\j/si ovtov

with me to [ place another] of which you shall not see it

SKeiGev oXk r r| (ispoq it ovtov 6\j/ei ftdvxac; 8e

from there, but only a certain part of it shall you see, [ all but

od |ir| (5r|c; Kai Kaxdpaaai jioi ovtov sksOsv u +

in no way should you see], and you curse it for me from there!

Kai 7iapeA,aPev ovtov £iq oypov aK07iidv S7ri

And he took him into a field ~ a height upon

KopDcpfjv Xskotqsviisvov Kai coKo86|ir|a8v sksi £7ixd

[the] top of a place for dressing stone; and he built there seven

Pcdjioik; Kai aveptpaae |ioa%ov Kai Kpiov £7U xov

shrines, and brought a calf and ram unto the

Pcojiov 15+ Kai S17TS Ba^adji npoq BaXadK 7iapdaxr|6i

shrine. And Balaam said to Balak, Stand

S7Ti Tr\q dvaioq gov sycb 8s 7iopsi)ao|iai S7rspooxf|aai

beside your sacrifice! and I shall go to ask

xov 08ov 16+ Kai awqvxrjasv o dsoq xoo BaAxxdji Kai

God. And God met with Balaam, and

svsPaA,e pfjjia sic; to axojia auxoi) Kai sircsv

he put a word into his mouth. And said,

a7ro&lt;ycpd(pr|6i npoq BakadK Kai xd8s \akf\os\q 17+ Kai

Return to Balak! and thus you shall speak. And

a7isaxpd(pr| npoq olvtov Kai 68s scpsiaxfjKsi S7ri

he returned to him. And thus he was standing beside

Tr\q oXoKaDxcbascoq olvtov Kai 01 dp%ovxsc; Mcodp jisx'

his whole burnt-offering, and the rulers ofMoab with

ovtov Koi 817TSV ovT(b BaAxxdK xi zkokr\&lt;3£ Kopioc;

him. And [ said to him Balak], What said [the] LORD?

18+ Kai avaAxxPcbv xrjv 7tapaPoArjv ovtov sitcsv avdaxrjGi

And taking up his parable, he said, Rise up,

BaXadK Kai dKODS svcbxiaai jidpxDq vioq £s7i(pcbp 19 +

O Balak, and hear! Give ear, O witness son of Zippor!

ov% 00c; dv9pco7ro(; o dsoq SiapxrjGfjvai od8s cdc; vioq

[ is not as a man God] to waver, nor as a son

av0pcb7iOD a7isiAr|6fjvai ovToq sbioq ov%i 7ioif|asi

of man to be threatened. He in speaking, shall he not do?

AxxAxjaei Kai od^i sjijisvsi 20+ i&amp;ov suXoysiv

Shall he speak, and not adhere to? Behold, [ to bless


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8V TOUT© + VlKd
04 - Numbers

7iap8iA,r||i|iai siAoyfjaco Kai od |ir| a7roaxps\j/co

I have taken to myself]. I will bless and in no way shall I turn back.

21+ odk saxai [i6%doq sv IaKcbp od8s ocpGfjasxai

There shall not be trouble in Jacob, nor shall [ appear

7i6voc; sv IapafjA, Kopioc; o 6s6c; aDxoD |isx' aDxoD xa

misery] in Israel. [The] LORD his God [is] with him, the

sv8o^a ap%6vxcov sv aDxcb 22 + Oeoc; o s^ayaycbv

honorable ones of [the] rulers [are] with him. God [was] the one leading


him out of Egypt; as [the] glory of his unicorn.

od yap saxiv oicoviajioc; sv IaKcbp od8s jiavxsia sv

[ no For there is] omen in Jacob, nor divination in

IapafjX Kaxd Kaipov prjGfjasxai IaKcbp Kai xco

Israel. In time it shall be told to Jacob and [to]

IopafjX xi S7iixsXsasi o 0s6c; 24 + i8od Xaoq coc;

Israel what [ shall complete God]. Behold, [the] people as

ctkdjivoc; avaaxfjasxai Kai coc; Aicov yaDpcoGfjasxai

a cub shall raise up, and as a lion it shall prance;

od KoijirjGfjasxai scoc; cpdyrj Gfjpav Kai aijia

It shall not go to sleep until it shall eat game, and [the] blood

xpaDjiaxicbv msxai 25+ Kai si7is BaAxxdK npoq BaAxxdji

of [the] slain it shall drink. And Balak said to Balaam,

odxs Kaxdpaiq Kaxapdarj ai)xov odxs siAoycbv jitj

Neither in curses shall you curse him, nor blessings shall you

SD^oyfjasiq ai)xov 26+ Kai a7TOKpi0sic; BaXadji si7is

bless him. And Balaam answering said

xco BaXadK odk sAxxAxjad aoi Aiycov xo pf||ia o

to Balak, Did I not speak to you, saying, The word which

av XaXr\ar\ o Gsoc; xodxo 7ioif|aco 27+ Kai si7is Ba^adK

ever God should speak, this I will do? And Balak said

npoq BaXadji 8si&gt;po 7rapaXdpco as sic; xorcov aXXov

to Balaam, Come, I should take you unto [ place another],

si apsarj xco Gscb Kai Kaxdpaaai jioi ai)xov sksiGsv

if it should please God, and curse him for me from there!

28+ Kai 7iapsXaPs Ba^adK xov BaAxxdji S7U KopDtpfjv

And Balak took Balaam upon [the] top

xod Ooycbp xo 7iapaxs(vov sic; xrjv sprjjiov 29 + Kai

ofPeor, the part extending into the wilderness. And

si7is BaXadji 7ipoc; Ba^adK oiKo86|ir|a6v jioi cb8s

Balaam said to Balak, Build for me here

S7ixd Pcojiotic; Kai sxoijiaaov |ioi co8s S7ixd [ioa%ovq

seven shrines, and prepare for me here seven calves,


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Kai S7TT&amp; Kpioi3q 30+ Kai S7io(r|a8 BaXadK Ka0d7isp

and seven rams! And Balakdid just as

S17T8V auTcb BaXadji Kai avfjveyKs |ioa%ov Kai Kpiov

[said to him Balaam], and he bore a calf and a ram


unto the shrine.

24 73

i + Kai i8cbv BaXadji oil koXov saxiv svavxiov Kopioi)

And Balaam seeing that it is good before [the] LORD

eiAoysiv tov IapafjA, odk S7iopsi)0r| raid to

to bless Israel, he did not go according to the

sicoGoq eic; aDvavirjaiv xoiq oicovoiq Kai a7ieaTps\j/s

accustomed way to meet with the ones [with] omens; and he turned back

to 7ip6aco7rov avzov sic; rqv sprjjiov 2 + Kai

his face to the wilderness. And

S7idpac; BaAxxdji todc; o(pQak[io\)q avxov KaGopd

Balaam lifting up his eyes, looks down

tov IapafjA, saTpaT07is8si)K6Ta KaTd (pvXdq Kai

[on] Israel encamped by tribes. And

sysvsTO 7rvsi)|ia 0eoi3 87i' ai)T6v 3+ Kai ava^apcbv

[became spirit of God] upon him. And taking up

ttjv 7iapaPoAx|v avTOV ei7is cprjai BaXadji vioq Becbp

his parable, he said, Says Balaam son ofBeor.

cprjaiv o dv0pcD7roc; aAx|0ivoc; opcbv 4 + (prjaiv aKoticov

Says the man [ true seeing]. Says [the] one hearing

Xoyia 08ot3 octtic; opaaiv 0eoi) 8i8ev sv vizv®

oracles of God, who [a vision of God saw] in sleep;

a7ioK8KaA,D|i|i8voi oi ocpGaXjioi avzov 5 + coc; KaAxn

uncovering his eyes. How good

oioiKoiaoi) IaKcbp ai aKqvai aoi) IapafjX 6 + ooosi

[are] your houses, O Jacob, your tents, O Israel. As

vdrcai aKid^oDoai coaei 7rapd8siaoi ski 7iOTa|i6v Kai

groves shadowing, as parks near a river, and

coaei aKqvai aq S7ir|^8 Kopioc; coast Ks5poi 7iap'

as tents which [the] LORD pitched, as cedars by

i35aTa ?+ e^e^etiaeTai dv0pcD7i;oc; sk

waters. [ came forth A man] from out of

tod a7T8p|iaTOc; olvtov Kai Kopietiaei 80vcbv TtoXkaw

his seed, and he shall dominate [nations many].


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

Kai u\j/co0f|asxai r| Tcoy Paai^sia auxou Kai

And [ shall be raised up high Gog his kingdom], and

ai)^r|0f|O8Tai Paai^sia auxou 8+o0s6c; oo8f|yr|asv

[ shall be increased his kingdom]. God guided

auxov s^ AiyimTOD coq 86^a jiovoKspooxoc; auxcb

him from out of Egypt; as [the] glory of a unicorn to him.

sSsxai sGvrj e%0pcbv auxou Kai xa 7rd%r| auxcbv

He shall eat [the] nations of his enemies, and [ of their thicloiess

skjidsAisi Kai xaic; PoAiaiv auxou Kaxaxo^suasi

he will extract the marrow], and [with] his arrows he shall shoot

s%0pov 9+ KaxaKAiGefc; avsrcauaaxo coc; Xsoov Kai caasi

an enemy. Lying down he rested as a lion, and as

cjkd [ivoq nq avaaxfjasi ai)xov oi su^oyouvxsc; as

a cub who shall raise him? The ones blessing you,

suXoyrjvxai Kai oi Kaxapcbjisvoi as KSKaxfjpavxai io +

they are blessed; and the ones cursing you, they are cursed.
Kai s0u|icb0r| BaXadK S7U BaAxxdji Kai auvsKpoxrjas

And Balak was enraged at Balaam, and he struck together

xaic; %spaiv auxou Kai si7is BaAxxdK npoq BaXadji

his hands. And Balak said to Balaam,

KaxapdaGai xov s%9pov jiou KSKArjKd as Kai i8ou

To imprecate maledictions upon my enemy I have called you, and behold,

su^oycbv suXoyrjaac; xpixovxouxo n+vuv ouv cpsuys

blessing you blessed this third [time]. Now then, flee

sic; xov xo7rov aou si7ia xijifjaco as Kai vuv saxsprjas

unto your place! I said I will esteem you, but now [deprived

as Kupioc; xrjc; 86^r|c; 12+ Kai si7is Ba^adji 7ipoc;

you [the] LORD] of the glory. And Balaam said to

BaAxxdK ov%i Kai xoic; ayysXoiq aou ovq anzcTSikaq

Balak, Did I not also [ [to] your messengers whom you sent

7ipoq |is sAxxArjaa Aiyoov 13+ sdv jioi 8co BaAxxdK

to me speak], saying, If [ to me should give Balak

7iAxjpr| xov oikov auxou apyupiou Kai %puaiou ou

full his house] of silver and gold, I shall not

Suvfjaojiai 7iapapf|vai xo pfjjia Kupiou 7ioif|aai auxo

be able to violate the word of [the] LORD, to do it

KaXov T| 7iovr|p6v 7iap' sjiauxou 6aa sdv si7ir|

good or bad by myself. As many [things] as [ should say

(ioi o Gsoc; xauxa spcb 14+ Kai vuv i8ou a7ioxps%CD

to me God], these [things] I shall speak. And now, behold, I run

ziq xov xo7rov |iou 8supo aujipouXsuaoo aoi xi

to my place. Come, I will advise you what

24 73

ev tootco + viica

04 - Numbers

7ioifjaei o Xaoq omoq xov Xaov gov S7t' ea%axcbv xoov

[ will do this people] [with] your people in [the] last of the

rjjispcbv i5+ mi avaAxxPcbv xrjv 7rapaPoAr|v avzov sins

days. And taking up his parable, he said,

(prjcri Bakad[i vioq Becbp cprjoiv o dv0pcD7roc;

Says Balaam son ofBeor. Says the man

o ahr\Qivoq opcbv i6+ aKouoov A,6yia dsov S7riaxd|i£voc;

[true seeing], In hearing oracles of God, having knowledge of

S7iiaTf||ir|v 7iapd D\jnaxoD Kai opaaiv dsov i8cbv sv

higher knowledge by [the] highest, and [ a vision of God seeing] in

T37TVCD a7TOK8KaA,D(I|I8VOl 01 O(p0aX|IOl aVTOV 17+ 581^03

sleep, uncovering his eyes. I will show

aDTcb Kai ov%i vvv jiaKapi^co Kai odk eyyi^ei

to him, but not now. I bless, and he does not approach.

avaxslei daxpov IaKcbp Kai avaaxfjaexai

[ will arise A star] from out of Jacob, and [ shall rise up

dv9p&lt;j07roc; IopafjX Kai Gpatiasi zovq ap%r\yovq

a man] from out of Israel, and he shall devastate the heads

Mcodp Kai 7ipovo|i8T3asi navxaq zovq viovq Sf|9 ig+

ofMoab, and he shall despoil all of the sons ofSheth.

Kai saxaiE8cb|i KAxjpovojjia Kai eaxai KAxjpovojjia

And Edom shall be an inheritance, and [ shall be an inheritance

Hgclv o z%Qpoq avzov Kai IapafjA, S7io(r|asv sv ia%m

Esau his enemy]. And Israel acted in strength.

19+ Kai s^eyspBfjasxai IaKcbp Kai a7roA,s(

And one shall be awakened from out of Jacob, and shall destroy

ocotpjisvov 8K nokscoq 20 + Kai i8cbv xov A|iaAr|K Kai

[the] one escaping from [the] city. And having seen Amalek, and

ava^apcbv xrjv 7iapaPoAr|v avzov sinzv ap%r\ s0vcbv

taking up his parable, he said, [The] head of nations

AjiaAxjK Kai xo a7isp|ia ai)xoi3 anoXshai 21 + Kai i8cbv

[is] Amalek, and his seed shall perish. And having seen

xov Ksvaiov Kai ava^apcbv xrjv 7iapaPoAx|v avzov

the Kenite, and taking up his parable,

S17T8V ia%upd T| KaxoiKia gov Kai sdv dr\q sv

he said, [ is strong Your dwelling], and if you should put [ in

7isxpa xrjv voaaidv gov 22 + Kai edv yevrjxai xoo Becbp

a rock your nest], and if it be to Beor

voaoid 7iavoupy(ac; Aacxopioi ai%|iaA,coxsi)aoDai as 23 +

a nest of astuteness, [the] Assyrians shall capture you.

Kai ava^apcbv xrjv 7iapaPoArjv avzov si7isv co co Tiq

And taking up his parable, he said, Oh, Oh, who


25 TO

8V TOT/CCp + VtKd

04 - Numbers

^fjaexai oxav 9r| xatixa o Bsog 24 + Kai

shall live whenever [ should appoint these [things] God]? And

s^sA^suasxai sk %sipcbv Kixiaicov Kai KaKcoaoDoiv

one shall come forth from out of [the] hands of [the] Chittim, and they shall

Aaaotip Kai KaKcbaoDaiv EPpauroc; Kai auxoi

Assyria, and they shall afflict Hebrews, and they

O|io0i)|ia86v a7roA,owxai 25+ Kai avaaxdc; BaXadji

with one accord shall perish. And Balaam rising up

a7if|A,08v a7ioaxpacps(c; sic; xov xo7iov avzov Kai

went forth returning unto his place. And

BaXadK aitr\kd£ npoq sauxovu

Balak went forth to his own.

25 Tto

i + Kai KaxsAuasv IapafjX sv Saxxsiv Kai sPsPr|Axb6r| o

And Israel rested up in Shittim, and [ profaned the

Xaoq 8K7iopvsT3aai sic; xac; Guyaxspac; Mcodp 2 + Kai

people] to fornicate with the daughters of Moab. And

ZKokzaav avTOvq sic; xac; dvaiaq xcov si5cbXcov auxcbv

they called them unto the sacrifices of their idols,

Kai scpaysv o Xaoq xcov Guaicbv auxcbv Kai

and [ ate the people] of their sacrifices, and

7ipoasKwr|oav xoic; si5coA,oic; auxcbv 3 + Kai

they did obeisance to their idols. And

sxsAiaGrj IapafjX xco BssAxpsycbp Kai copyiaGrj Gdjico

Israel was initiated to Baal-peor; and [ was provoked to anger in rage

Kopioc; xco IapafjA, 4 + Kai si7is Kopioc; xco Mcoi)&lt;yq AxxPs

[the] LORD] with Israel. And [the] LORD said to Moses, Take

rcdvxac; xouc; ap%r\jovq xou Xaov Kai

all the heads of the people, and

7iapa8siy|idxiaov auxotic; Kopico Kaxsvavxi xod r(kiov

make an example of them [for the] LORD over against the sun!

Kai a7ioaxpacpf|asxai opyfj 0d(iot3 Kupiou arco

and [ shall turn away [the] anger of [the] rage [of the] LORD] from

IapafjX 5+ Kai si7is Mamafjc; xaiq (pvXaiq lapaf\k

Israel. And Moses said to the tribes of Israel,

a7ioKxs(vaxs sraaxoc; xov oiksiov avzov

Let [ kill each] the [one] of his family

xov xsxsXsajisvov xco BssAxpsycbp 6 + Kai idov dv6pco7roc;

being initiated to Baal-Peor! And behold, a man


25 TO

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

04 - Numbers

tcov mcbv IapafjA, sA£cbv 7ipoaf|yays

of the sons of Israel coming, led forward

xov a8sAxpov clvtov npoq xrjv Ma5iav(xiv svavxiov

his brother to the Midianitish [woman] before

McoDafj Kai svavxiov 7idar|c; aDvaycoyfjc; dicov

Moses, and before all [the] congregation of [the] sons

IapafjX (xdxoi 8s SKAmov 7iapd xrjv 0Dpav xrjcj

of Israel. And they were weeping by the door of the

aKTjvfjc; xod jiapxDpioD ?+ Kai i8cbv Oivssc; diocj

tent of the testimony. And seeing, Phinehas son

EXsd^ap diod Aapcbv xod ispscocj s^avsaxrj sk jiscjod

ofEleazar, son of Aaron the priest, rose up from [the] midst

xrjc; aDvayooyfjc; Kai Xaficbv asipojidoxrjv sv xrj %£ipi

of the congregation, and taking a spear in [his] hand,

8+ eiafjXGev O7uoco xod avBpdmoD xod IaparjAixoD sic;

he entered after the Israelitish man into

xrjv Kdjiivov Kai a7i8Ksvxr|asv ajicpoxspoDcj xov

the furnace, and he pierced both the

xs dv9pco7iov xov IoparjAixrjv Kai xrjv yDvaiKa 5id

Israelitish man, and the woman through

xrjcj jifjxpacj aDxfjcj Kai S7iaDaaxo rj 7iAx|yf| arco xcov

her womb; and [ ceased the calamity] from the

dicov IapafjA, 9 + Kai sysvovxo oi xs9vt|k6xsc; sv xrj

sons of Israel. And [ were the ones having died by the

7iAr|yf| xsaaapsc; Kai sikocti %iXid8sc; io+ Kai

calamity] four and twenty thousand. And

eXdAxjae KDpiocj 7ipocj McoDafiv Aiycov u+ Oivsscj o

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Phinehas, the

Diocj E^sd^ap diod Aapcbv xod ispscoc; KaxsrcaDas

son ofEleazar, son of Aaron the priest, caused [ to cease

xov 0D(i6v (iod a7io dicov IapafjA, sv xco ^rjAxbaai jiod

my rage] from [the] sons of Israel, in my being jealous

xov tj\kov sv aDxoicj Kai odk s^avfjAxoaa xodcj diodcj

in the zeal for them; and I did not completely consume the sons

IapafjX sv xco ^fjAxo jiod n + odxcocj sitcov i5od sycb

of Israel in my zeal. Thus say! Behold, I

8(5co|ii aDxcb 8ia0f|Kr|v jiod sipfjvrjcj n+ Kai saxai

make with him my covenant of peace; and it will be

aDxcb Kai xco o7isp|iaxi aDxoD jisx' aDxov 5ia6f|Kr|

to him and [to] his seed after him a covenant

ispaxsiacj aicoviacj av0' cov s^fjlcoas xco Gscb aDxoD Kai

[priesthood of an eternal], because he was jealous for his God, and


26 ID

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

s^daaxo 7isp( tcov dicov IapafjA, u + to 8s ovojia tod

he atoned for the sons of Israel. And the name of the

av0pcb7roi) tod IaparjAiroD tod 7rs7iAr|y6TOc; oq S7iAx|yr|

Israelitish man being struck, who was stricken

|ist&amp; Tr\q Ma8iavm8oc; ZajiPpi vioq SaAxb dpxcov

with the Midianitish [woman], [was] Zimri son ofSalu, ruler

oikod 7iaTpidc; Edjiscov i 5 + Kai ovojiaTrj

of [the] house of [the] family of Simeon. And the name

yDvaiKi ttj MaSiavmSi tt| 7re7iAx|yDia Xaapi 0DydTT|p

of the Midianitish woman being struck, [was] Cozbi, daughter

EoDp dpxovToq s0vodc; O|i60 oikod 7iaTpidc; scxri

of Zur, a ruler of [the] nation of Ommoth; [ of [the] house of [the] family it is]

tcdv Ma8idv i6+ Kai eXdAxjae Kopioc; npoq McoDafjv

of the ones of Midian. And [the] LORD spoke to Moses,

Aiycov XdXrjaov toic; dioic; IcpafjX Aiycov n +

saying, Speak to the sons of Israel! saying,

£%6pa(vsT£ Toiq MaSvqvaioic; Kai 7iaTd^aT£ cxdtod^ ig+

Hate the Midianites, and strike them!

6ti s%0pa(voDoiv D|i(v cxdtoi sv 5oXi6tt|ti 6aa

For [ are hating you they with deceit], [with] as many [things]
SoAiodcjiv Djidq 5id Ooycbp Kai 8id Xaapi

they used deceit against you through Peor, even through Cozbi,

0DyaTspa dp%ovTOc; Ma8idv a8eAxpf|v aDTcbv tt|v

daughter of [the] ruler of Midian, their sister, the

7iS7rAr|yDiav sv tt| rjjiepa Tr\q 7ihr\yr\q 5id Ooycbp

one being struck in the day of the calamity on account of Peor.

26 13

i + Kai sysvsTO |i£Td tt|v 7iAr|yf|v Kai eXdArjae Kopioc;

And it came to pass after the calamity, and [the] LORD spoke

7ipoc; McoDofjv Kai itpoq E^sd^ap tov lepea Aiycov 2 +

to Moses, and to Eleazar the priest, saying,

AxxPs ttjv apxfjv 7idar|(; aDvaycoyfjc; dicov IapafjX

Take the sum of all [the] congregation of [the] sons of Israel,

arco siKoaaeTODc; Kai £7idvco KaT' oikodc;

from twenty years and up, according to [the] houses

7iaTpicbv aDTcbv itaq o SK7iopsD6|isvoc; 7iapaTd^aa0ai

of their patrimony! everyone going forth to deploy

sv IapafjX 3+ Kai eXdArjae McoDafjc; Kai EXed^ap o

among Israel. And [ spoke Moses and Eleazar the

ispsDc; |I8t' aDTcbv ev apapcb0 Mcodp £7U tod

priest] with them in [the] wilderness of Moab at the


26 ID

8V TOT/CCp + vuca
04 - Numbers

Iop5dvoi) Kaxd Iepixcb Xsycov 4 + arco

Jordan by Jericho, saying, [This is the numbering] from

eiKoaaexoDc; Kai £7idvco ov xporcov oDvexa^e icupioq

twenty years and up, in which manner [the] LORD gave orders

xco McoDcrq Kai 01 dioi IopafjX 01 e^eXGovxec;

[to] Moses. And the sons of Israel, the ones coming forth out of

AiyimxoD 5+ Poi)Pfjv 7ipcox6xoKoc; IapafjX dio(8s

Egypt — [and] Reuben, [was] first-born of Israel. And [the] sons

PoDpfjv Evcbx 8f||ioc; xod Evcbx xod &lt;£&gt;aXkov 6r\[ioq

of Reuben— Hanoch, [the] people of the of Hanochites; ofPallu, [the] people

xod OaAloDsi 6+ xco Eapcbv 5f||aoq xod Eapcovsi xco

of the Palluites; [to] Hezron; [the] people of the Hezronites; [to]

Xappi 5fj|ioc; xod Xapjiei 7 + odxoi oi 5f||aoi

Carmi, [the] people of the of Carmites. These [are] the peoples

PoDpfjv Kai eyevexo r| s7uaKe\j/ic; cxdxcov xpsic; Kai

of Reuben. And [was the number of them] three and

xsaaapdKovxa %ikiaSzq Kai 87ixaKoaioi Kai xpidKovxa

forty thousand and seven hundred and thirty.

8+ Kai oi dioi OaAAxro EAidp 9 + Kai oi dioi EXidp

And the sons of Pallu ~ Eliab; and the sons of Eliab —

NajioDfjA, Kai Aa6dv Kai Apsipcbv odxoi 87UkAt|xoi

Namuel, and Dathan, and Abiram; these [are] [the ones] summoned

xrjc; aDvaycoyfjq odxoi siaiv oi S7iiaDaxdvxec; S7ri

of the congregation. These are the ones rising up together against

McoDafjv Kai Aapcbv sv xr| aDvaycoyfj Kops sv xr|

Moses and Aaron in the gathering ofKorah, in the

£7riaDaxda£i KopiOD io+ Kai avoi^aaa r| yr|

conspiring against [the] LORD. And [ opening the earth]

xo axojia aDxfjc; Kax87iisv aDxotic; Kai Kops sv xco

its mouth swallowed them and Korah in the

Gavdxco xrjc; aDvaycoyfjq aDxoD 6xs Kaxetpaye xo 7rop

death of his congregation, when [ devoured the fire]

xodc; 7isvxf|Kovxa Kai SiaKooioDc; Kai 8y8vf|0r|aav ev

the fifty and two hundred. And they were made as

or||isico 11+0188 dioi Kops odk a7i80avov 12+ Kai 01

a sign. But the sons ofKorah did not die. And the

dioi Sdjiscov o 8f||iO(; xcov dicov Edjiscov xco

sons of Simeon the people of the sons of Simeon; [to]

NajioDfjA, Sfjjioc; o NajioDrj^ei xco Iajjiv 8f||ioc; o

Nemuel, [the] people the Nemuelites; [to] Jamin, [the] people the

Iajieivi xco Ia%(v 5fmoq Iaxsivsi 13+ xco Zapd 5f||ioc;

Jaminites; [to] Jachin, [the] people [the] Jachinites; [to] Zerah, [the] people


26 ID

8V TOUT© + vuca

04 - Numbers

o Zapai xco ZaovX dr\[ioq o ZaovXi u+ odxoi 01

the Zerahites; [to] Shaul [the] people the Shaulites. These [are] the

5f|jLxoi Ei)|iscbv sk Tr\q S7iiaK8\j/sco(; aDxcbv 8do Kai

peoples of Simeon by their numbering — two and

siKoai xikiadzq Kai SiaKoaioi 15+ 01 dioi Ta5 raid

twenty thousand and two hundred. The sons of Gad according to

SfjjioDc; aDxcbv xco Sacpcov 5f||aoq o Sacpcovi xco Ayyi

their peoples — [to] Zephon, [the] people the Zephonites; [to] Haggi,

5f||ioc; o Ayyi icq Sodvi 5f||aoq o Sodvsi i 6 + icq A£e

[the] people the Haggites; [to] Shuni, [the] people the Shunites; [to] Ozni,

Sfjiioc; o A^svi too A58i 8f||ioc; o A55i n+ xco

[the] people the Oznites; [to] Eri, [the] people the Erites; [to]

Aop&amp;8 8f||ioc; o Aopa8( xco AprqA, 5fmoq o ApirjAi

Arod, [the] people the Arodites; [to] Areli, [the] people the Arelites.

i8+ot3xoi 01 SfjjLioi dicov Tad 87iiaK8\j/sco(; ai)xcbv

These [are] the peoples [of the] sons of Gad by their numbering —

xeaaap&amp;Kovxa %iAid5ec; Kai 7isvxaK6aioi 19+ dioi IoD5a

forty thousand and five hundred. Sons of Judah —

Hp Kai Avvav £r|A,cb|i Kai Oapec; Kai Zapd Kai

Er and Onan, Shelah, and Pharez and Zara; and

a7i80av8v Hp Kai Avvav sv yr| Xavadv 20+ Kai

[ died Er and Onan] in [the] land of Canaan. And

eysvovxo 01 dioi Ioi38a Kaxd 8fj|ioi)c; aDxcbv xco

[were the sons of Judah] according to their peoples — [to]

£r|Axb|i 8f||iO(; o I/qAxovi xco Oapsq Sfjiioq o Oapsai

Shelah, [the] people the Shelanites; [to] Pharez, [the] people the Pharzites;

xco Zapd Sfjjioc; o Zapai 21+ Kai eysvovxo 01 dioi

[to] Zerah, [the] people the Zerhites. And [ were the sons

Oapec; xco Aapcbv 5f||aoq o Aapcovi xco AjiodX

of Pharez] — [to] Hezron, [the] people the Hezronites; [to] to Hamul,

5f||ioc; o AjioDAi 22+ odxoi 8f||ioi xco IoD8a Kaxd

[the] people the Hamulites. These [are the] peoples [to] Judah, according to

xrjv 87iiaKS\j/iv aDxcbv e£, Kai sp8ojif|Kovxa %iAid5ec; Kai

their numbering — six and seventy thousand and

7rsvxaKoaioi 23+ Kai 01 dioi Iaad%ap Kaxd

five hundred. And the sons oflssachar according to

5t||iodc; aDxcbv xco 0coAxx 5f||aoq o 0coA,ae( xco OoDd

their peoples - [to] Tola, [the] people the Tolaites; [to] Pua,

5f||ioc; o OoDai 24+ xco Iaaotip Sfjjioq o IaooDpi xco

[the] people the Punites; [to] Jashub, [the] people the Jashubites; [to]


26 ID

ev toi3tco + viica

04 - Numbers

SajiPpdv 5f||iO(; o SajiPpavi 25+ odxoi br\\xoi

Shimron, [the] people the Shimronites. These [are the] peoples

Iaad%ap 8^ S7iiaKs\j/8CO(; aDxcov xsaaapec; Kai

oflssachar by their numbering — four and

s^fjKovxa %iAid8ec; Kai xpiaKoaioi 26 + dioi ZaPoDAxbv

sixty thousand and three hundred. Sons of Zebulun

Kaxd 5fj|ioDc; aDxcov xco Eape8 5fmoq o SapeSsi xco

according to their peoples — [to] Sered, [the] people the Seredites; [to]

AAAxbv 8f||ioc; o AAlcovsi xco AXkr\X Sfjjioc; o

Elon, [the] people the Elonites; [to] Jahleel, [the] people the

AAAxjAi 27+ odxoi 01 8f||ioi Zafiovkozv

Jahleelites. These [are] the peoples of Zebulun by

£7riaKS\j/scoc; aDxcov e^fjKovxa %iAid8sc; Kai 7ievxaK6aioi

their numbering — sixty thousand and five hundred.

28+ dioi Icoafjtp Kaxd 8f||ioDc; aDxcov Mavaaofj Kai

Sons of Joseph according to their peoples — Manasseh and

Ecppaiji 29+ dioi Mavaaafj xco Ma%s(p 5f||aoq o

Ephraim. Sons of Manasseh — to Machir, [the] people the

Ma%eip( Kai Maxsip syewrjas xov Takaad xco

Machirites; and Machir procreated Gilead; [to]

TaXadS 5f||aoq o Takaadi 30+ Kai odxoi dioi TaAxxdS

Gilead, [the] people the Gileadites; And these [are] sons of Gilead -

xco A%is^sp 5fj|ioc; o A%i£^spi xco XeAiy 8fj|ioc; o

[to] Jeezer, [the] people the Jeezerites; [to] Helek, [the] people the

XeXeyi 31+ xco EapifjA, 6r\[ioq o EapirjAi xco £i%e|i

Helekites; [to] Asriel, [the] people the Asrielites; [to] Shechem

5f||aoq o £i%£|ji 32+ xco Sajiasp 5f||aoq o Sajiaspi Kai

[the] people the Shechemites; [to] Shemida, [the] people the Shemidaites; and

xco Ocpsp 5f||ioc; o Ocpspi 33+ Kai xco SaAjiadS dico

[to] Hepher, [the] people the Hepherites. And [to] Zelophehad son

Ocpsp odk eyevovxo aDxco dioi aXX r r\ 0Dyaxepsc; Kai

of Hepher there were no sons to him, only daughters. And

xaDxa xa ovojiaxa xcov 0Dyaxspcov SaAjiadS MaaXd

these [are] the names of the daughters of Zelophehad — Mahlah

Kai NoDd Kai 'EyXa Kai Msk%a Kai 0spad 34+ odxoi

and Noah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Tizrah. These

01 5fj|ioi Mavaaafj s£, S7naKs\j/scoc; aDxcov 8do Kai

[are] the peoples of Manasseh by their numbering ~ two and

7rsvxfjKovxa %iAid5ec; Kai S7ixaK6aioi 35+ odxoi dioi

fifty thousand and seven hundred. These [are the] sons


26 ID

8V TOUT© + vuca
04 - Numbers

Ecppaiji too EoDiaAxx 5fmoq o SouxaXdv too Bsxsp

ofEphraim— [to] Shuthelah, [the] people the Shuthelahites; [to] Becher,

5fj|ioc; o Bs%ep( xco Tavai 5f||ioc; o Tavai 36+ ouxoi

[the] people the Becherites; [to] Tahan, [the] people the Tahanites. These

moi SoDiaXd xco E8sv 8f||ioc; o E8evi 37+ ouxoi

[are the] sons of Shuthelah — [to] Eran, [the] people the Eranites. These

01 5f||ioi Ecppaiji e£, S7iiaKs\j/8CO(; auxcbv Svo Kai

[are] the peoples of Ephraim by their numbering — two and

xpi&amp;Kovxa %iA,id8ec; Kai 7i8VxaKoaioi ouxoi oi 5f|jLxoi

thirty thousand and five hundred. These [are] the peoples

mcbv Icoafjcp Kaxd Sr^jioug auxcbv 38+ moi Bsviajiw

[of the] sons of Joseph according to their peoples. Sons of Benjamin

Kaxd 5t||iodc; auxcbv xco Bale 8f||ioc; o BaA,ei xco

according to their peoples - [to] Bela, [the] people the Belaites; [to]

A&lt;xopf|X 5f||ioc; o AauPrjAi xco I%eipcb|i 8f||ioc; o

Ashbel, [the] people the Ashbelites; [to] Ahiram, [the] people the

A%eipco|ii 39+ xco Ecocpdv 5f||ioc; o Scocpavi xco Ocpdji

Ahiramites; to Shupham [the] people the Shuphamites; [to] Shupham,

8f||iO(; o ocpajii 40+ Kai syevovxo 01 moi BaXs A8ap

[the] people the Shuphamites. And were the sons of Bela— Ard

Kai Nosjidv xco A8ap Sfjiioq o A8ap( xco Nosjidv

and Naaman. [To] Ard, [the] people the Ardites; [to] Naaman,

Sfjjioq o Nosjiavi 41+ otixoi 01 moi Bsviajiw Kaxd

[the] people the Naamites. These [are] the sons of Benjamin according to

8t||iodc; auxcov £7iiaKe\j/ecoc; auxcbv rcevxs Kai

their peoples by their numbering — five and

xsoaapdKovxa %ikiadzq Kai e^aKoaioi 42+ Kai moi

forty thousand and six hundred. And [the] sons

Aav Kaxd 8fj|ioi)c; auxcbv xco Sajisi 5f||aoq o Sajisi

of Dan according to their peoples ~ [to] Shuham, [the] people the Shuhamites.

ot3xoi 01 8f||ioi Aav Kaxd 8fj|ioi)c; auxcov 43+ navTsq

These [are] the peoples of Dan according to their peoples. All

01 8f||ioi Sajiei Kax' S7riaK07if|v auxcov xeaaapec; Kai

the peoples of Shuham according to their overseeing - four and

s^fjKovxa %iAid8ec; Kai xexpaKoaioi 4 4+ moi Aafjp

sixty thousand and four hundred. Sons of Asher

Kaxd 8fj|ioi)c; auxcov xco Iajiiv 5f||ioc; o Iajisivi xco

according to their peoples - [to] Jimna, [the] people the Jimnites; [to]

Ieaaom 8f||ioc; o Isaaom xco Bapid 8f||ioc; o Bapiai

Jesui, [the] people the Jesuites; [to] Beriah, [the] people the Beriites;


26 ID

8V TOUT© + VtKd

04 - Numbers

45+ too XoPsp 5f||iO(; o XoPspi too Msk%ir\k 3r\[ioq o

[to] Heber, [the] people the Heberites; [to] Malchiel, [the] people the

MeA^i 46+ Kai to ovojia Guyaxpoc; Aafjp Sdpa 47 +

Malchielites. And the name of [the] daughter ofAsher— Sarah.

ouxoi 01 5fj|ioi Aafjp 8^ S7riaKs\j/8CO(; auxobv xpeic;

These [are] the peoples ofAsher by their numbering — three

Kai 7isvxf|K0VTa %ikid6sq Kai xexpaKoaioi 48+ 01 moi

and fifty thousand and four hundred. The sons

NscpGaAiji Korea 8f||ioDc; auxobv xoo Aar\k 6r\[ioq o

ofNaphtali according to their peoples — [to] Jahzeel, [the] people the

AarjAi xoo TaDvei 8fj|ioc; o Tavvzi 49+ xoo Ieasp

Jahzeelites; [to] Guni, [the] people the Gunites; [to] Jezer,

8f||ioc; o Ieaepi xoo £eAx||i 8f||iO(; o SsA,r||ii 50+ otixoi

[the] people the Jezerites; to Shillem, [the] people the Shillemites. These

5f|jLxoi NscpBaXeiji emaKeij/eooc; auxobv 7i8vx8 Kai

[are the] peoples ofNaphtali by their numbering — five and

xeaaapdKovxa %iAia8ec; Kai xexpaKoaioi 51+ atixrj r|

forty thousand and four hundred. This [is] the

£7uaK£\j/ic; mobv IopafjX s^aKoaiai %ikiddEq Kai

numbering of [the] sons of Israel ~ six hundred thousand and

%(Aioi Kai 87ixaKoaioi Kai xpidKovxa 52+ Kai

a thousand and seven hundred and thirty. And

eXaAxjae Kupioc; npoq Mooi)of|v Aiyoov 53 + xotixoic;

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, To these

jispiaBfjasxai r| yr| KAr|povo|isiv apiGjioi)

[ shall be portioned the land] to inherit by [the] number

ovojidxoov 54+ xoic; 7iA,s(ooi 7iA,eovda£ic; xrjv

of names. To the many [ will be superabundant the

KArjpovojjiav Kai xoic; sXdxxoaiv sXaxxobasic;

inheritance], and to the less [ will be less

xrjv Klr|povo|iiav auxobv SKdaxoo KaGobq 87isaK87ir|aav

their inheritance]. To each as they are numbered

8o9fjasxai r| KAxjpovojjia auxobv 55+ 8id KAxjpoov

[ shall be given their inheritance]. By lots

jispiaGfjasxai r| yr| xoic; ovojiaai Kaxd (pvXdq

[ shall be portioned the land] by the names; according to [the] tribes

7iaxpiobv auxobv KAx|povo|xqaoi)aiv 56+ sk xod KAxjpou

of their patrimony they shall inherit. By the lot

jispisic; xrjv KArjpovojjiav auxobv avajisaov 7toXk(hv

you shall portion their inheritance between [the] many


26 ID

ev tootco + viKa

04 - Numbers

Kai oAiyov 57+ Kai dioi Asdi Korea 8f||ioD(; aDTcbv

and few. And [the] sons of Levi according to their peoples ~

too Tepacbv 8f||ioc; o Tspacovi too Ka&amp;0 5f||aoq o

[to] Gershon, [the] people the Gershonites; [to] Kohath, [the] people the

Kaa6( too Mspapi Sfjiioq o Mspapi

Kohathites; [to] Merari, [the] people the Merarites.

58+ odtoi 01 8fi(ioi diov Asdi 5f||aoq o Aipsvi

These are the peoples of [the] sons of Levi; [the] people — the Libinites;

5f||ioc; o XsPpovi 5f||aoq o MoXi dr\[ioq o Modcji

[the] people ~ the Hebronites; [the] people — the Mahlites; [the] people -- the

Kai 5f||aoq o Kops Kai KadG sysvvrjas tov AjiPpaji

and [the] people ~ the Korathites; and Kohath procreated Amram.

59+xo5s ovojia Tr\q yDvaucoc; avzov Io%aPs8 GDydrqp

And the name of his wife [was] Jochebed, daughter


of Levi, who bore these to Levi in Egypt. And

stsks to AjiPpaji tov Aapov Kai MoDafjv Kai

she bore to Amram — Aaron and Moses and

Mapidji tt)v aSsAxprfv aDTOV 60+ Kai sysvfjBrjaav

Miriam their sister. And was born

to Aapov o ts Na5dp Kai APiod Kai E^sd^ap Kai

to Aaron both Nadab, and Abihu, and Eleazar, and

IGdjiap 6i+ Kai arcsGavs Na8dp Kai APiod sv

Ithamar. And [ died Nadab and Abihu] in

to 7rpoa(pspsiv aDTODc; 7rop aAAxkpiov svavTi KopioD

their offering [ fire alien] before [the] LORD

sv ttj 8pf||io Sivd 62+ Kai eyevfjGrjaav s£,

in the wilderness of Sinai. And there were of

£7riaKS\j/soc; aDTOV Tpsic; Kai sikocti %iAidSsc; nav

their numbering — three and twenty thousand, every

apasviKov arco jirjviaioi) Kai srcdvo od yap

male from a month and up. [ not For

aDV87isaK87ir|aav sv jisao tov diov IapafjX 6ti

they were] considered together in [the] midst of the sons of Israel, for

od 8(8oTai aDTOiq K^fjpoq sv jisao diov IapafjX

[ [was] not given to them a lot] in [the] midst of [the] sons of Israel.

63 + Kai ami] T| s7uaKs\j/ic; MoDafj Kai E^sd^ap tod

And this numbering [was by] Moses and Eleazar the

ispsoq 01 S7isaKs\j/avTO todc; diodc; IapafjA, sv

priest, the ones who numbered the sons of Israel in

apap69 Modp S7ri tod IopSdvoD KaTd Ispi%6 64+ Kai

[the] wilderness of Moab, at the Jordan by Jericho. And


27 TD

04 - Numbers

sv xodxoic; odkttv dv6pco7roc; xcov S7isaKS|i|isvcov D7i6

among these there was not a man of the ones being numbered by

Mocmafj Kai Aapcbv ovq S7isaKS\j/avxo xodc; movq

Moses and Aaron whom they numbered [being] of the sons

IapafjA, sv tt] spfjjLico Siva 65+ 6xi si7is Kopioc; aDxoic;

of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai. For [the] LORD said to them,

Bavdxco a7io6avoDvxai sv xr| spf||ico Kai od

By death they shall die in the wilderness, and there shall not

KaxsXsicpBrj s^ aDxcbv od8s sic; 7iAx|v XaXsP vioq

be left behind of them not even one, except Caleb [the] son

Iscpovfj Kai It|oodc; o xod Nai)fj

of Jephunneh, and Joshua the [son] of Nun.

27 T3

i+ Kai 7rpoasA£oDaai ai 0Dyaxspsc; XaAjradS diod

And there came forward the daughters of Zelophehad, son of

Ocpsp diod Takaad diod Ma%ip xod 8fj|ioD

Hepher, son of Gilead, son ofMachir of the people

Mavaaaf) xcov dicov Icoafjcp Kai xatixa

of Manasseh, of the sons of Joseph; and these are

xa ovojiaxa ai)xcbv MaA,d Kai Notia Kai AyXd Kai

their names — Mahlah, and Noah, and Hoglah, and

Msk%a Kai 0spad 2 + Kai axdaai svavxi McoDafj Kai

Milcah, and Tizrah. And standing before Moses, and

svavxi E^sd^ap xod ispscoc; Kai svavxi xcov apxovxcov

before Eleazar the priest, and before the rulers,

Kai svavxi 7idar|c; aDvayooyfjc; S7ri xrjc; 0Dpa&lt;; xrjc;

and before all [the] congregation at the door of the

oKqvfjc; xod jiapxDpioD XsyoDaiv 3 + o 7raxfjp rjjicbv

tent of the testimony, they say, Our father

a7is0avsv sv xr| spf||ico Kai avzoq odkt|v sv jisaco

died in the wilderness, and he was not in [the] midst

Tr\q aDvaycoyfjc; xrjc; S7noDaxdor|c; svavxi KDpiOD sv

of the congregation of the ones rising up together against [the] LORD in

xtj aDvaycoyfj Kops 6xi 8i' ajiapxiav aDxoD

the congregation ofKorah; for because of his sin

a7is0avs Kai dioi odk sysvovxo aDxcb jitj

he died. And [ sons no there were] born to him. Let [ not

s^aA,sicp0fjxco xo ovojia xod rcaxpoc; rjjicbv sk jisctod

be wiped away the name of our father] from [the] midst

xod 8fj|ioD aDxoD oxi odk saxiv aDxcb vioq 86xs r\[dv

of his people! for there is not a son to him. Give to us


27 TD


04 - Numbers

Kaxda%eaiv sv jisoco aSsAxpcbv 7iaxp6c; r||icbv 4 + Kai

a possession in [the] midst of [the] brothers of our father! And

7ipoafjyays McoDafjc; xt]v Kpkriv aDxcbv evavxi KopioD 5 +

Moses brought their case before [the] LORD.

Kai eAxxAxjae icupioq npoq Mcodot]v Aiycov 6 + opBcbc;

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Rightly

0Dyaxspsc; SaAjradS Xskah^caai 86|ia 8cbaeic; avxaiq

[the] daughters of Zelophehad have spoken. A gift you shall give to them

Kax&amp;a%eaiv KAx|povo|jiac; sv jisaco aSeXcpcbv

for possession of an inheritance in [the] midst [of the] brothers

7raxp6c; auxcbv Kai 7rspi6fjasic; xov KAxjpov

of their father; and you shall put the lot

xod 7raxp6c; aDxcbv avzaiq 7 + Kai xoic; vioiq IapafjX

of their father among them. And to the sons of Israel

Xahf\asiq Aiycov 8 + dv0pco7roc; edv a7io0dvr| Kai vioq

you shall speak, saying, A man if he should die, and [ a son

|IT] T| aDXCO 7T£pi6fja£XS xrjv KA,r|povo|iiav OLVTOV XT]

there might not be] to him, you shall invest his inheritance [to]

6i)yaxpi ai)xoi3 9 +sdv8s jlit| r\ 0Dydxr|p aDxcb

his daughter. And if there might not be a daughter to him,

5cbaexs xttv KAxjpovojjiav aDxoD xco a8sAxpcb aDxoD 10 +

you shall give his inheritance [to] his brother.

sdv 8s |ir| cbaiv aDxcb a8sAxpo( 8cbasxs

And if there should not be brothers to him, you shall give

xttv Klripovojiiav aDxoD xco aSeAxpcb xod nazpoq avzov

his inheritance to the brother of his father.

n+sdv8s (ir| cbaiv aSeAxpoi xod 7iaxp6c; aDxoD Scbasxs

And if there might not be brothers of his father, you shall give

xrjv KAr|povo|jiav aDxoD xco oiksico xco syyiaxa

his inheritance to the member of the family, to the one nearest

aDxoD 8K Tr\q (pvkr\q aDxoD KAx|povo|xf|aai xa

him of his tribe, to inherit the [things]

aDxoD Kai eaxaixoDxo xoic; vioiq IapafjX SiKaicojia

of his. And this will be to the sons of Israel, an ordinance

Kpiascoq Ka6d aDvexa^e Kopioc; xco Mcodcjt] n+ Kai

of equity, as [the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses. And

81718 KDpioq 7rpoc; McoDafjv avdpr|6i sic; xo opoq xo

[the] LORD said to Moses, Ascend into the mountain, the one

sv xco 7ispav xod IopSdvoD xodxo xo opoq Napdp

on the other side of the Jordan, this mount Nebo,

Kai i8s xt]v yrjv Xavadv r\v eycb 8(8co|ii xoic; vioiq

and see the land of Canaan which I give to the sons


27 TD

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IapafjX sv Kaxaaxsasi 13+ Kai 6\j/r| aDxfjv Kai

of Israel for a possession! And you shall see it, and

7ipoaT80f|ar| npoq tov Xaov gov Kai gv KaGd

you shall be added to your people, even you, as

7ipoa£Ts6r| Aapcbv o a8eAxpoc; gov sv Qp too opei u +

[ was added Aaron your brother] in Or the mountain;

8i6xi 7iapsPr|TS to pfj|i&amp; [iov sv tt| epfj|i&lt;jo Siv ev

because you [both] violated my word in the wilderness of Zin, when

too avTi7tt7TTSiv TTjv &lt;xovaycDyf|v tod ayidaai |ie ov%

[ rushed headlong against the congregation] the sanctifying me; you did not

r|yidoaT8 |is S7U tco vdazi evavTi auTcbv totjto saTi

sanctify me at the water before them — this is

to i38cop avTi^oyiaq Kd5r|c; sv tt| spfjiico Siv 15+ Kai

The Water of Dispute — Kadesh, in the wilderness of Zin. And

81718 McDDafjq 7ipoc; Kupiov 16+ S7iiaK8\j/da0(D Kopioc;

Moses said to [the] LORD, Let [ watch [the] LORD

o Geoc; tcov 7rvsi)|idTCOv Kai 7idar|c; aapKoq dv6pco7rov

God of the spirits and all flesh] for a man

8711 Tr\q Gwaj(Djr\q TavTr\q 17+ ocmc; e^sA£i)asTai 7cpo

[to be] over this congregation, who shall go forth before

7cpoacb7COD aDTcbv Kai ocmc; sias^suasTai 7cpo

their face, and who shall enter before

7cpoacb7i;oD aDTcbv Kai ocmc; e^d^ei aDTotic; Kai ocmc;

their face, and who shall lead them, and who

eiad^si avTOvq Kai odk scrcai r| ai)vaycoyf| Kopiou

shall bring them; that [ shall not be the congregation [of the] LORD]

ooaei 7cp6paTa 01c; odkscjti 7coi|if|v is + Kai

as a sheep in which there is no shepherd. And

sXdAxjae Kupioc; itpoq Mcdvgt\v Aiyoov Xa$£ npoq

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Take to

aeaDTOV Irjaow mov Nai)f| dv6pco7cov oq e%ei

yourself Joshua son of Nun! a man who has

7Tvei)|ia sv saDTcb Kai S7ci0f|O£ic; Taq xsipaq aoi) 87c'

spirit in him. And you shall place your hands upon

avTOV 19+ Kai GTT\GSiq avTOV svavTi EXsd^ap tod

him. And you shall set him before Eleazar the

ispeooc; Kai svavTi 7cdar|c; Tr\q aDvaycoyfjc; Kai

priest, and before all the congregation, and

svtsAt| ai)Tcb evavTiov auTcbv 20+ Kai 5cbaeic;

you shall give charge to him before them, And you shall put
rrjc; do^r\q gov S7c' avzov oitox; av eiaaKouaooaiv

your glory upon him, so that [ should hearken to


28 rra

8V TOUT© + VtKd

04 - Numbers

ovtov 01 Dioi IapafjX 21+ Kai svavxi EXsd^ap tod

him the sons of Israel]. And before Eleazar the

ispscoq axfjasxai Kai £7iep(jQxf|aoi)aiv auxov xrjv

priest he shall stand, and they shall ask him the

Kpiaiv xcov 8fjA,cov svavxi Kupiou S7il

equity of the manifestations before [the] LORD. By

xco cxojiaxi ovtov e^s^stiaovxai Kai sni

his mouth they shall go forth, and by

too ax6|iaxi ovtov eiaeXeuaovxai avxoq Kai rcavxec; 01

his mouth they shall enter, he and all the

dioi lapof\k O|io0i)(ia86v Kai 7idaa r| &lt;yovay&lt;joyf| 22+

sons of Israel with one accord, and all the congregation.

Kai S7io(r|as Mcouafjc; Ka0d evexsi^axo auxcb Kopioc;

And Moses did as [ gave charge to him [the] LORD].

Kai Xoficbv xov Irjaotiv eoxrjaev auxov evavxiov

And taking Joshua, he stood him before

EXed^ap tod ispscoq Kai evavxiov 7idor|c; auvaycDyfjc;

Eleazar the priest, and before all [the] congregation.

23+ Kai S7is9r|Ks xac; xsipac; olvtov S7i' olvtov Kai

And he placed his hands upon him, and

auvsaxrjasv auxov Ka6d7iep auvexa^e Kopioc; xco

he stood him just as [the] LORD gave orders [to]



28 no

1 + Kai eXdAxjae Kopioc; itpoq Mamafjv Aiyoov 2 +

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

svxsiAm xoic; vioiq IapafjX Kai epek; rcpoc; ovTOvq

Give charge to the sons of Israel! And you shall say to them,

Aiycov xa 8cbpd |iou 86|iaxd jiou Kap7icb|iaxd |iou siq

saying, My gifts, my presents, my yield [offerings] for

oajifjv euco8iac; Siaxrjpfjasxs 7ipoa(pspsiv |ioi sv

a scent of pleasant aroma you shall observe to bring near to me in

TOiq sopxak; jiod 3 + Kai spsfc; npoq ovTOvq xauxa xa

my holidays. And you shall say to them, These are the

Kap7icb|iaxa a 7ipoad^sx8 Kupico o^ivovq

yield [offerings] which you shall lead [to the] LORD — he-lambs

sviauaiouq o[i(b[iovq 6vo xrjv rjjispav sic; oXoKauxoooiv

of a year [old], unblemished, two a day for a whole burnt-offering

sv5eA£%cbc; 4 + xov ajivov xov eva 7ioifjaeic; xo7ipcoi Kai

perpetually. The [ lamb one] you shall offer in the morning, and


28 rra

8V TOUT© + VlKa
04 - Numbers

xov ajivov tov SsDTspov 7ioifjasic; to 7ipo^ sarcspav 5 +

the [ lamb second] you shall offer towards evening.

Kai 7roifjasic; to SsraTOV tod oicpi asjiiSaliv sic;

And you shall offer the tenth of the ephah of fine flour for

dvaiav ava7iS7roiri|isvr|v sv sAmco TSTdpTCO tod iv

a sacrifice [offering] being prepared in olive oil [the] fourth part of the hin.

6 + oloKaDTCOjia sv8sA,s%ia|ioD r\ ysvo|isvr| sv

[It is] a [ whole burnt-offering perpetual], the one taking place in

too opsi Eivd sic; oajxfjv SDCoSiac; KDpico ? + Kai

mount Sinai, for a scent of pleasant aroma [to the] LORD. And


its libation ~ the fourth [part] of the hin to the [lamb one].

sv tco ayico amiasiq a7iov5f|v aucspa KDpico 8 +

In the holy [place] you shall offer a libation [offering] of liquor [to the] LORD.

Kai tov ajivov tov 8sDTspov 7iorf|asic; to itpoq

And the [ lamb second] you shall offer towards

sarcspav Korea tt|v 6Daiav aDTOD Kai KaTd

evening according to its sacrifice [offering]; and according to

TTJV a7TOv8fjV aDTOD 7TOlfjaSTS sic; oajifjv SDCoSiaq

its libation you shall offer [it] for a scent of pleasant aroma

KDpico 9+ Kai ttj r||i8pa tcov aaPPdTCOv 7ipoad^8TS

[to the] LORD. And in the day of the Sabbaths you shall lead forward

8do ajivoDc; svuxdctiodc; ajicbjioDc; Kai 5do 5sraTa

two lambs of a year [old], unblemished; and two tenths

as|ii8dXscoc; ava7TS7ioiri|isvr|c; ev sAmco sic; 0Da(av

of fine flour being prepared in olive oil for a sacrifice [offering]

Kai O7T0v5fjV aDTOD io + oAx)KaDTCO|ia oaPPdTCOv sv toic;

and its libation; a whole burnt-offering of [the] Sabbaths on the

aaPPdTOiq 87ii Trjq oXoKaDTcbascoc; Tr\q SiarcavTOc; Kai

Sabbaths, besides the [ whole burnt-offering continual] and

ttjv O7iov8f|v aDTOD n+ Kai sv Taiq vsojxrjviaic;

its libation. And in the new moons

7ipoad^STS oloKaDTCOjia tco KDpico |i6ct%odc; sk Pocbv

you shall lead a whole burnt-offering to the LORD, [ calves of [the] oxen

8do Kai Kpiov sva ajivoDc; sviaDaioDc; S7rcd ajicbjioDc;

two], and [ram one], [lambs of a year [old] seven unblemished].

12+ Tpia 8sKaTa as|ii8dA,scoc; ava7iS7ioiri|isvr|c; sv sAmco

Three tenths of fine flour being prepared in olive oil

tco jioaxco tco svi Kai 8do 8sKaTa as|ii8dA,scoc;

for the [ calf one], and two tenths of fine flour

ava7iS7roir||isvr|c; sv sAmco tco Kpicb tco svi 13 + Kai

being prepared in olive oil for the [ram one]. And


28 rra

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

58Kaxov asjiiSdXscoc; ava7iS7ioiri|isvr|c; sv sAmco too

a tenth of fine flour being prepared in olive oil for the

ajivcb to svi 0Da(av oajxfjv SDCo8(ac; Kdp7ico|ia

[ lamb one] — a sacrifice scent of pleasant aroma, a yield [offering]

KDpiCO 14+ XT] a7TOv5fj (TDTCOV TO T\[liaV TOD IV

[to the] LORD. [To] their libation [the half of the hin [of wine]

scxuai tco |ioa%co tco svi Kai to Tpvcov tod iv

will be] for the [calf one], and the third of the hin [of wine]

s&lt;ycai tco Kpicb tco svi Kai to TSTapTOV tod iv scxuai

will be for the [ ram one], and the fourth of the hin [ will be


for the lamb one of wine]. This [is] the whole burnt-offering, month

sk jxqvoc; sic; todc; [ir\vaq tod sviaDTOD i 5 + Kai

by month throughout the months of the year. And

Xijiapov s£, aiycov sva 7isp( ajiapTiac; KDpico S7i(

a young he-goat from [the] goats — one for a sin [offering] [to the] LORD, beside

Tr\q oioKaDTcbascoq Tr\q 8ia7iavT6c; 7ioir|0f|asTai Kai

the [ whole burnt-offering continual]; you shall offer it and

T] O7T0v8f| (XDTOD 16+ Kai SV TCO |JT|Vl TCO 7ipcbTCO

its libation. And in the [ month first],

TsaaapsaKai8sKdTT| rjjispa tod jirjvoc; naoya KDpico

[the] fourteenth day of the month, [is] a passover [to the] LORD.

17+ Kai ttj 7isvTSKai8sKdTr| r||ispa tod jirjvoc; todtod

And the fifteenth day of the month, this [is]

sopTfj s7iTd rjiispaq d^Djia s8sa9s ig+ Kai rj

a holiday; seven days [ unleavened [breads] you shall eat]. And the

r||ispa T[ 7ipcbTr| s7iiKXr|TO(; ayia saTai D|i(v 7iav

[ day first] [ summoning a holy will be] to you. All

spyov XaTpsDTOV od 7ioif|asTS i 9 + Kai 7ipoad^STS

work [which is] servile you shall not do. And you shall bring

oAx)KaDTcb|iaTa Kdp7ico|ia KDpico [ioa%ovq sk Pocbv

whole burnt-offerings, a yield [offering] [to the] LORD, [ calves of [the] oxen

8do Kpiov sva ajivoDc; sviaDaioDq S7iTd dficojioi

two], [ram one], [lambs of a year [old] seven]; [unblemished

saovTai djiiv 2 o+ Kai 0Da(a aDTcbv asjiiSaXiq

they shall be] to you. And their sacrifice [offering] [shall be] of fine flour

ava7iS7ioir||isvr| sv sAmco Tpia 5sKaTa tco jiooxco

being prepared in olive oil, three tenths for the [ calf

tco svi Kai 8do 5sKaTa TCO KpiCO TCO SVI 21 + 5sKaTOV

one], and two tenths for the [ram one]. [a tenth

5sKaTOV 7rovf|asic; tco ajivcb tco svi toic; S7iTd ajivoiq

tithe You shall offer] for the [ lamb one], for the seven lambs,


28 rra

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

22+ Kai xijiapov s£, aiycbv sva 7isp( ajiapxiac;

and a young he-goat from [the] goats ~ one for a sin [offering]

s^iAxxoaaGai 7isp( djicov 23+ 7ih\v xrjc; oXoKaDxcoascoc;

to atone for you, besides the [ whole burnt-offering

Tr\q 8ia7iavx6c; xrjc; 7rp&lt;mvr|c; o saxiv oXoKaDxcojia

continual] of the early morning which is [ whole burnt-offering

sv8sA,s%io|iod 24+ xm3xa Kaxd xatixa 7ioif|asxs xrjv

a perpetual]. These according to these [manners] you shall offer [per]

rjjispav sic; xac; srcxd rjjispac; 5cbpov Kdp7ico|ia oo|xqv

day for the seven days [as] a gift yield [offering] scent

SDCoSiac; KDpico S7U xod oA,OKaDxcb|iaxoc;

of pleasant aroma [to the] LORD; with the [ whole burnt-offering

xod 8ia7iavx6c; 7ioif|asi(; xrjv a7iov8f|v aDxoD 25 + Kai

continual] you shall offer its libation. And

T] rjjispa T] sp56jLir| KAxjxfj ayia saxai D|iiv 7iav spyov

[ day the seventh calling a holy will be] to you; all [ work

AxxxpsDxov od 7roifja£xe sv auxfj 2 6+ Kai xr| rjjispa

servile] you shall not do on it. And the day

xcov vscov oxav 7ipoa(pspr|X8 dvaiav vsav

of the new [produce], whenever you should bring [sacrifice a new [produce]

KDpico xcov sp8ojid8cov S7i;ikAx|xoc; ayia saxai D|iiv

[to the] LORD of the period of sevens], [ summoning a holy it will be] to you.

7iav spyov XaxpsDxov od 7ioifjasxs 27+ Kai

All [ work servile] you shall not do. And

7ipoad^sxs oloKauxcojiaxa sic; oajxqv SDCoSiac;

you shall bring whole burnt-offerings for ascent of pleasant aroma

KDpico [i6a%ovq sk pocov 8do Kpiov sva srcxd

[to the] LORD — [ calves of [the] oxen two], [ ram one], seven

ajivoDc; sviauaioDc; ajicojioDc; 2 s+ rj dvaia aDxcbv

lambs of a year [old] unblemished. Their sacrifice [offering]

as[ii6akiq ava7iS7roir||isvr| sv sAmco xpia 5sKaxa xco

[shall be] of fine flour being prepared in olive oil, three tenths for the

|i6a%co xco svi Kai 8do 8sraxa xco Kpico xco svi 29 +

[calf one], and two tenths for the [ram one],

Ssraxov Ssraxov xco ajivco xco svi xoic; S7ixd ajivok;

a tenth tithe to the [lamb one], for the seven lambs,

30+ Kai xijiapov s^ aiycbv sva 7isp( ajiapxiac;

and [ young he-goat from [the] goats one] for a sin [offering],

s^iAxxaaa0ai 7isp( djicov 31+ Tth\v xod oloKaDxcbjiaxoc;

to atone for you; besides the [ whole burnt-offering

xod 8ia7iavx6c; Kai xrjv 0Da(av aDxcov 7ioifjasxs jioi

continual]. And their sacrifice [offering] you shall offer tome;


29 DD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

d|ico(ioi saovxai djiiv Kai ai cmovSai auxcov

[ unblemished they shall be] to you, and their libations.

29 t3D

i + mi too jirjvi icq sp56|ico [da tod [ir\voq S7UkAx|xoc;

And the [ month seventh], [day] one of the month, [ summoning

ayia saxai djiiv 7iav spyov Xaxpsuxov ou

a holy will be] to you; all [ work servile] you shall not

7roifjasT£ rjjispa arjjiaaiac; saxai djiiv 2+ Kai 7ioif|asxs

do; a day of signal it will be to you. And you shall offer

oAx)Kauxcb|iaxa sic; oajxqv si)co5(ac; Kopico |ioa%ov

whole burnt-offerings for a scent of pleasant aroma [to the] LORD — [ calf

sva sk Pocbv Kpiov sva a^ivovq sviauaiouc; srcxd

one] of [the] oxen, [ ram one], [ lambs of a year [old] seven

a[i(b[iovq 3 + r| Qvaia auxcov as|i(5aXic; ava7iS7roir||isvr|

unblemished]. Their sacrifice [offering] of fine flour being prepared

sv sAmco xpia 8sKaxa xco jioaxco xco svi Kai 8i3o

in olive oil ~ three tenths for the [calf one], and two

8sKaxa xco Kpico XCO SVI 4+ Ssraxov SsKaxov xco ajivco

tenths for the [ram one]. A tenth tithe to the [lamb

xco svi xoic; S7ixd ajivoiq 5 + Kai xijiapov s£, aiycbv

one] for the seven lambs. And a young he-goat from [the] goats —

sva 7isp( ajiapxiac; s^daaaGai 7isp( Djicov 6+ 7iAx|v

one for a sin [offering], to atone for you; besides

xcov oAx)Kai)xco|idxcov xrjc; voDjirjviac; Kai

the whole burnt-offerings of the new moon, and

ai dvaim auxcov Kai ai a7rov8ai auxcbv Kai xo

their sacrifice [offerings], and their libations, and the

oXoKai3xco|ia xo 5ia7iavx6c; Kai ai Guaiai auxcov Kai

[ whole burnt-offering continual], and their sacrifice [offerings], and

ai c7rov5a( auxcov Kaxd xrjv auyKpiaiv auxcov sic;

their libations according to their interpretation for

oajifjv si)co8ia(; Kopico 7+ Kai xr| 8sKdxr|

a scent of pleasant aroma [to the] LORD. And the tenth

xod jxrjvoc; xotixou S7UkAt|xoc; ayia saxai ujjiv Kai

of this month [ summoning a holy there shall be] to you. And

KaKcbasxs xac; \\fv%aq djicov Kai 7iav spyov od

you shall afflict your souls, and all work you shall not

7ioif|asxs 8+ Kai 7ipoao(asxs oXoKai)xcb|iaxa sic; oajifjv

do. And you shall bring whole burnt-offerings for a scent


29 DD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

SDCoSiaq K&amp;p7icD|ia Kopico [ioa%ov sk Pocbv sva

of pleasant aroma yield [offering] [to the] LORD — [ calf of [the] oxen one],

Kpiov sva a^ivovq zvmvaiovq srcxd djicojioi saovxai

[ ram one], [ lambs of a year [old] seven]; they shall be unblemished

djiiv 9 + T] dvaia auxcbv as[ddaXxq ava7iS7ioiri|isvr| sv

to you. Their sacrifice [offering] shall be of fine flour being prepared in

slaico xpia 8sraxa xco ji6o%co xco svi Kai dvo 8sraxa

olive oil; three tenths to the [ calf one], and two tenths

xco Kpicb xco svi io+ Ssraxov 8sKaxov xco ajivcb xco svi

to the [ram one]. A tenth tithe to the [lamb one],

sic; Tovq srcxd a^ivovq u+ Kai %i|iapov s^ aiycbv sva

for the seven lambs. And [ young he-goat from [the] goats one]

7isp( ajiapxiac; s^iAxxoaoGai rcspi djicov 7iAx|v xo rcspi

for a sin [offering] to atone for you; besides the one for

xrjc; ajiapxiaq xrjq s^Mascoc; Kai rj oXoKatixcoaic;

the sin [offering] of the atonement, and the [ whole burnt-offering

rj 8ia7iavx6c; r| dvaia avTT\q Kai r| a7iov8f| avTT\q Kaxd

continual], its sacrifice [offering], and its libation according to

xrjv (ToyKpiaiv Kdp7ico|ia Kopico 12+ Kai xrj

the interpretation, a yield [offering] [to the] LORD. And the

7isvxsKai8sKdxr| r||ispa xod [Lr\voq xou sP86|iod xotjxod

fifteenth day [ month seventh of this]

87UkAt|xoc; ayia saxai v[iiv rcav spyov Ampsuxov

[ summoning a holy will be] to you; all [ work servile]

od 7roifja£X£ Kai sopxdaaxs auxfjv sopxfjv Kupico

you shall not do; and you shall solemnize it as a holiday [to the] LORD

srcxd rjjispaq n+ Kai rcpood^sxs oXoKai)xcb|iaxa

for seven days. And you shall bring whole burnt-offerings,

Kdprccojia sic; oa[ir\v suco5(ac; KDpico xrj rjjiepa

a yield [offering] for a scent of pleasant aroma [to the] LORD. On the [ day

xt[ rcpcbxrj [ioa%ovq sk pocbv xpsic; Kai 8sKa Kpiouc;

first] ~ [ calves of [the] oxen three and ten], [ rams

dvo a^ivovq sviauafcroc; Ssraxsaaapac; djicojioi saovxai

two], [lambs of a year [old] fourteen]; they shall be unblemished.

14+ ai 0ua(ai auxcbv as|ji8aAic; avarcsrcoir}|isvr| sv

Their sacrifice [offerings] [shall be] of fine flour being prepared in

sAmco xpia 5sraxa xco jioaxco xco svi xoic;

olive oil — three tenths to the [ calf one] for the

xpiaKa(5sKa [ioa%oiq Kai 5t3o 8sKaxa xco Kpico xco svi

thirteen calves; and two tenths to the [ ram one]

srci xodc; 8t3o Kpiotic; 15+ Kai SsKaxov Ssraxov xco

for the two rams; and a tenth tithe to the


29 DD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

ajivcb too svi 87ii Tovq xsoaapac; Kai Sera a^ivovq ie +

[ lamb one] for the four and ten lambs.

Kai xijiapov aiycbv eva 7isp( ajiapxiac; 7iAx|v Tr\q

And [ young he-goat of [the] goats one] for a sin [offering], besides the

oXoKauxcbaecoc; Tr\q 8ia7iavx6c; ai dvaiai auxcbv Kai

[ whole burnt-offering continual], their sacrifice [offerings], and

ai a7iov8a( auxcbv n+ Kai xt] rjjiepa xt] Ssuxspa

their libations. And the [ day second] ~

[ioa%ovq 8cb8eKa 8K Pocbv Kpicyoc; dvo a[ivovq

[calves twelve] of oxen, [rams two], [lambs

sviaDcrioDc; xsaaapac; Kai 8sra ajicb|ioi)c; is+

of a year [old] four and ten unblemished],

T| dvaia auxcbv Kai r| a7iov8T] auxcbv xoic; jioaxoic; Kai

their sacrifice [offering], and their libation for the calves, and

xoic; Kpioiq Kai xoic; ajivofc; Kaxd api0|iov auxcbv

for the rams, and for the lambs according to their number,

Kaxd xrjv croyKpioiv auxcbv 19+ Kai %(|iapov aiycbv

according to their interpretation, and a young he-goat of [the] goats ~

sva 7rsp( ajiapxiac; 7iAx|v Tr\q oA,OKai)xcoascoq

one for a sin [offering]; besides the [ whole burnt-offering

xrjc; 8ia7iavx6c; ai dvaiai auxcbv Kai ai a7iov8a( auxcbv 20

continual], their sacrifice [offerings], and their libations.

xtj rjjispa xrj xpixrj [ioa%ovq svSera Kpicyoc; 8i3o

The [day third]-- [calves eleven], [rams two],

a[ivovq zvmvaiovq xsaaapac; Kai Sera a[i(b[iovq 21 +

[ lambs of a year [old] four and ten unblemished],

T| 0uaia auxcbv Kai r| anovdr] auxcbv xoic; [ioa%oiq Kai

their sacrifice [offering], and their libation for the calves, and

xoic; Kpioiq Kai xoic; ajivoic; Kaxd apiBjiov auxcbv

for the rams, and for the lambs, according to their number,

Kaxd xrjv otiyKpiaiv auxcbv 22 + Kai %(|iapov s^ aiycbv

according to their interpretation, and a young he-goat of [the] goats —

sva 7iep( ajiapxiac; 7iAx|v Tr\q oAxrKauxcbascoc;

one for a sin [offering]; besides the [ whole burnt-offering

xrjc; SmnavToq ai dvaiai auxcbv Kai ai arcovSai auxcbv 23

continual], their sacrifice [offerings], and their libations.

xtj T]|ispa xt] xsxdpxT] [ioa%ovq 8sra Kpuroc; 8i3o

The [ day fourth] — [ calves ten], [ rams two],

a^ivovq sviauaiouc; xsaaapac; Kai 8sra ajicbjioijc; 24 +

[ lambs of a year [old] four and ten unblemished],

ai Guaiai auxcbv Kai ai arcovSai aDxcbv xoic; |ioa%oic;

their sacrifice [offerings], and their libations for the calves,


29 DD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

Kai xoic; Kpioiq Kai xoic; ajivoiq Kaxa

and for the rams, and for the lambs, according to

apiGjiov auxcbv Kaxa xrjv &lt;x6yKpiaiv auxcbv 25 + Kai

their number, according to their interpretation, and

Xijiapov e£, aiycbv eva 7isp( ajiapxiac; 7iAr|v xrjc;

a young he-goat of [the] goats ~ one for a sin [offering], besides the

oAx)Kauxcba£coc; xrjc; 8ia7iavx6c; ai Guaiai auxcbv Kai

[ whole burnt-offering continual], their sacrifice [offerings], and

ai a7rov8a( auxcbv 26+ xrj rjjispa xrj 7is|i7rxr| |ioa%ouc;

their libations. The [ day fifth] — [ calves

swsa Kpiouq 5uo ajivouc; eviauaiouc; xeaaapac; Kai

nine], [ rams two], [ lambs of a year [old] four and

8sKa ajicbjiouc; 2 ? + ai Guaiai auxcbv Kai

ten unblemished], their sacrifice [offerings], and

ai O7iov5a( auxcbv xoic; |ioa%oic; Kai xoic; Kpioiq Kai

their libations for the calves, and for the rams, and

xoic; ajivofc; Kaxa apiG jiov auxcbv Kaxa

for the lambs, according to their number, according to

xrjv auyKpiaiv auxcbv 2 s + Kai %i|iapov aiycbv eva

their interpretation, and a young he-goat of [the] goats — one

7isp( ajiapxiac; 7iAx|v xrjc; oloKauxcbaecoc; xrjc; 5ia7iavx6c;

for a sin [offering], besides the [ whole burnt-offering continual],

ai Guaiai auxcbv Kai ai a7iov8a( auxcbv 29+ xrj rjjispa

their sacrifice [offerings] and their libations. The [ day

xtj 8kxt| [ioa%ovq okxco Kpiouq 5uo ajivouc; sviauaiouc;

sixth] — [ calves eight], [ rams two], [ lambs of a year [old]

8eKaxsaaapac; ajicbjiouq 30+ ai Guaiai auxcbv Kai

fourteen unblemished], their sacrifice [offerings], and

ai a7rov8a( auxcbv xoic; |ioa%oic; Kai xoic; Kpioic; Kai

their libations for the calves, and for the rams, and

xoic; ajivoic; Kaxa apiGjiov auxcbv Kaxa

for the lambs, according to their number, according to

xttv auyKpiaiv auxcbv 31+ Kai xijiapov s£, aiycbv eva

their interpretation, and a young he-goat of [the] goats — one

7isp( ajiapxiac; 7iAx|v xrjc; oXoKauxcbascoc; xrjc; 5ia7iavx6c;

for a sin [offering], besides the [ whole burnt-offering continual],

ai Guaiai auxcbv Kai ai a7rov8a( auxcbv 32+ xrj rjjispa

their sacrifice [offerings], and their libations. The [ day

xt| sp56jLir| [ioa%ovq S7ixd Kpiouc; 5uo ajivouq

seventh] — [ calves seven], [ rams two], [ lambs

eviauaiouc; 8sKax8aaapac; ajicbjiouc; 33 + ai Guaiai auxcbv

of a year [old] fourteen unblemished], and their sacrifice [offerings],


29 DD

8V TOUT© + VlKa
04 - Numbers

Kai ai a7iov5a( auxcov xoic; jioaxoiq Kai xoic; Kpioiq

and their libations for the calves, and for the rams,

Kai xoic; ajivofc; raid apiGjiov auxcov Kaxd

and for the lambs, according to their number, according to

xrjv cyoyKpiaiv auxcbv 34 + Kai xijiapov aiycbv eva

their interpretation, and a young he-goat of [the] goats — one

7isp( ajiapxiac; 7iAx|v xrjc; oXoKauxcoascoc; xrjc; 5ia7iavx6c;

for a sin [offering], besides the [ whole burnt-offering continual],

ai dvaim auxcbv Kai ai a7iov5a( auxcov 35 + Kai xrj

their sacrifice [offerings], and their libations. And the

rjjispa xrj oy56r| s^68iov eaxai djiiv 7iav spyov

[ day eighth] will be a holiday recess to you. All [ work

AxxxpsDxov od 7roifja£xe ev auxfj 36+ Kai

servile] you shall not do on it. And

7ipoad^sxs oAx)Kai)xcb|iaxa eic; oa|xqv ei)co5(ac;

you shall lead forward whole burnt-offerings for a scent of pleasant aroma,

Kap7icb|iaxa xco Kopico |ioo%ov eva Kpiov eva a^ivovq

yield [offerings] to the LORD ~ [ calf one], [ ram one], [ lambs

eviaucriouc; ercxd a|icb|ioi)c; 37+ ai dvaiai auxcov Kai

of a year [old] seven unblemished], [and] their sacrifice [offerings], and

ai c7rov5a( auxcov xco |i6a%co Kai xco Kpico Kai xoic;

their libations for the calf, and for the ram, and for the

ajivoic; Kaxd apiGjiov auxcbv Kaxd

lambs, according to their number, according to

xrjv cyoyKpiaiv auxcov 3 s + Kai %(|iapov e^ aiycbv sva

their interpretation, and a young he-goat of [the] goats, one

7isp( ajiapxiac; 7iAx|v xrjc; oXoKauxcoaecoc; xrjc; 8ia7iavx6c;

for a sin [offering], besides the [ whole burnt-offering continual],

ai dvaim auxcov Kai ai a7rov8ai auxcov 39 + xatixa

their sacrifice [offerings], and their libations. These [things]

7ioif|asxs Kopico sv xaic; eopxaic; Djicbv 7iAx|v

you shall do [to the] LORD in your holidays, besides

xcov £D%cbv Djicbv Kai xa SKoi3aia djicov Kai

your vows, and your voluntary [offerings], and

xa oloKaDxcojiaxa djicov Kai xac; Guaiac; Djicbv Kai

your whole burnt-offerings, and your sacrifice [offerings], and

xac; anovdaq djicov Kai xa acoxfjpia djicov 4 o+ Kai

your libations, and your deliverance [offerings]. And

eAxxAxjae Moyoafjc; xoic; vioiq lapar\k Kaxd 7idvxa

Moses spoke to the sons of Israel concerning all

6aa evexeiAmo Kopioc; xco McoDafj

as many [things] as [the] LORD gave charge to Moses.


30 "7 sv tootco + vuca 04 - Numbers


i + Kai skakr\G£ Mcovar\q npoq xodc; dp%ovxac; xcov

And Moses spoke to the rulers of the

(froAxbv mcbv IapafjX Aiycov xodxo to pfj|ia o

tribes of [the] sons of Israel, saying, This is the saying which

aDvsxa^s Kopioc; 2 + dv6pco7roc; dv9pco7ioc; oq av SD^rjxai

[the] LORD ordered. A man, a man who ever should vow

SD%f|v Kupico r| ojioarj opKov r| opiarjxai opiajicb

avow [to the] LORD, or should swear by an oath, or should confirm a set of limits

7ispi Tr\q yoxrjc; avzov od PsPrjAxbasi to pf|(ia aDxoD

upon his life, he shall not profane his word;

7idvxa 6aa av s^sA£r| sk

all as many [things] as should come forth from out of

tod axojiaxoc; olvtov 7ioif|asi 3 + sdv 8s SD^rjxai yvvr\

his mouth he shall do. And if [ should vow a woman]

£D%f|v Kupico T| opiarjxai opiajiov sv too oikco

a vow [to the] LORD, or confirm a set of limits in the house

tod rcaxpoc; avTT\q sv xr| vsoxrjxi avTT\q 4 + Kai aKODorj

of her father in her youth; and [ should hear

o 7raxf|p avTT\q xac; SD%dc; avTT\q Kai

her father] her vows, and

xodc; opiajiODc; avTT\q ovq copiaaxo Kaxd

her sets of limits which she confirmed on

xrjc; yv%r\q aDxfjq Kai 7iapaaico7rf|ar| aDxfjc; o 7iaxf|p Kai

her life, and [ should remain silent her father], then

axfjaovxai rcdaai ai SD%ai aDxfjc; Kai 7idvxsc; 01

shall stand all the [matters] of her vows, and all the

opiajioi odc; copiaaxo Kaxd xrjc; yv%r\q avTT\q

sets of limits which she confirmed on her life

jisvoDaiv aDxfj 5 + sdv 5s avavsDcov avavsDarj

she shall abide by. But if in shaking his head in dissent [ should dissent

o 7iaxf|p aDxfjc; r| av rjjispa aKODarj xac; sv%aq avTT\q

her father] in which ever day he should hear her vows,

Kai xodc; opiajioDc; aDxfjc; ovq copiaaxo Kaxd

and her sets of limits which she confirmed on

xrjc; \|/D%f|c; aDxfjc; od axfjaovxai Kai Kopioc;

her life, [then] they shall not stand; and [the] LORD

KaGapisi aDxfjv 6xi avsvsDasv o 7iaxf|p avTT\q 6 +

shall clear her for [ shook his head in dissent her father].

sdv 8s ysvo|isvr| ysvrjxai av8pi Kai ai zv%ai avTT\q

But if in coming to pass she should become a man's [wife], and her vows

S7i' aDxfj Kaxd xrjv 8iaaxoAr|v xcov xsiXscov aDxfjq

[be] upon her, according to the distinction from her lips


30 V ev toi3tco + vtica 04 - Numbers

oaa copiaaxo Kaxa xrjc; yv%r\q arjxfjc; ?+ Kai

as many [things] as she confirmed on her life; and

aKoixxq o avfjp arjxfjc; Kai 7iapaaico7rfjarj arjxfj r|

[ should hear her husband], and should remain silent [concerning] her in which

av rjjispa aKotiarj Kai otixcoc; axfjaovxai rcdaai

ever day he should hear, then thus shall stand all

ai £D%a( avTT\q Kai 01 opiajioi arjxfjc; ovq copiaaxo Kaxa

her vows; and her sets of limits which she confirmed on

Tr\q\\fv%T\qavTT\q axfjaovxai 8 + sdv 5s avavsfjcov

her life shall stand. But if in shaking his head in dissent

avavsfjarj o avfjp arjxfjc; rj edv rjjispa aKofjarj

[ should dissent her husband] in which ever day he should hear

7idaai ai sv%ai avTr\q Kai 01 opiajioi arjxfjc; ovq

all her vows, and her sets of limits which

copiaaxo Kaxa xrjc; yv%r\q avir\q ov jisvofjaiv 6xi

she confirmed on her life, they shall not abide, for

o avfjp arjxfjc; avsvsuasv S7i' arjxfjc; Kai Kopioc;

her husband shook his head in dissent concerning her, and [the] LORD

KaGapisi auxfjv 9+ Kai srj%fj %r\paq Kai SKpspAxjjisvrjc;

shall clear her. And a vow of a widow, and a woman being cast out,

oaa edv sfj^rjxai Kaxa xrjc; \\fv%r\q avTr\q

as many [things] as she should make a vow on her life,

jisvofjaiv ai)xfj 10+ sdv 5s ev xco oikco

shall abide to her. But if in the house

xod av5poq arjxfjc; rj srj%fj arjxfjc; rj o opiajioc; Kaxa

of her husband her vow [be], or the set of limits on

Tr\q\\fv%T\qavTT\q |is6' opKou n+ Kai aKofjarj

her life with an oath, and [ should hear

o avfjp arjxfjc; Kai 7iapaaico7rfjarj arjxfj Kai jlit]

her husband], and remain silent concerning her, and should not

avavsfjarj arjxfj Kai axfjaovxai 7idaai

shake his head in dissent concerning her, then shall stand all

ai sv%ai arjxfjc; Kai 7idvxsc; 01 opiajioi arjxfjc; ovq

her vows; and all her sets of limits which

copiaaxo Kaxa xrjc; \\fv%r\q avTr\q axfjaovxai Kax'

she confirmed on her life shall stand concerning

arjxfjq 12+ sdv 5s 7ispisAxbv 7ispisAxj o avfjp arjxfjc;

her. But if in removing [ should remove [them] her husband],

rj av rjjispa aKofjarj 7idvxa oaa sdv s^sXGrj

in which ever day he should hear, all as many [things] as should come forth

sk xcov xsiAicov arjxfjc; Kaxa zaq zv%aq avTr\q Kai

from out of her lips concerning her vows, and


31 &amp;

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers
Kaxa xovq opia|ioi)c; mvq Kaxa xrjc; \|A)%fjc; auxfjc; ov

concerning the sets of limits on her life; it shall not

jisvei auxfj o avfjp auxfjc; nspisiks Kai Kopioc;

remain to her, her husband removed [them], and [the] LORD

KaGapiei auxfjv n+ 7idaa ei)%fj Kai naq opKoq 88a|ioi3

cleared her. Every vow and every [ oath binding]

KaKcbaai \|A)%fjv o avfjp auxfjc; axfjaei auxfj Kai

to afflict [her] soul, her husband shall set for her, and

o avfjp avTT\q mpizksi auxfj i 4 +sdv8s aico7rcbv

her husband shall remove for her. But if in keeping silent

7iapaaico7rfjarj auxfj rjjispav e£, rjjiepac; Kai axfjaei

he should remain silent at her day by day, then [ shall stand

ai)xfj itaaaq zaq zv%aq m)TT\q Kai zovq opiajicnjc;

to her all her vows]; and the sets of limits

zovq 87i ' aDxfjq oxfjasi auxfj 6xi saicb7rrjasv ai)xfj xrj

upon her shall stand to her, for he kept silent at her in the

rjjispa rj fjKODasv ls+edvSe 7i8pisXcbv 7iepieAx|

day in which he heard. But if removing [ should remove [them]

o avfjp auxfjc; jiexd xrjv rjjispav rjv fjKouas Kai

her husband] after the day which he heard [them], then

Axj\j/8xai xrjv ajiapxiav auxof) i6+ xatixa xa

he shall take the sin unto himself. These [are] the

8iKaicb|iaxa 6aa evexei^axo Kopioc; xco MooDafj

ordinances, as many as [the] LORD gave charge [to] Moses

avajieaov avdpoq Kai avajisaov yovaiKoc; avzov Kai

between a husband and between his wife, and

avajieoov nazpoq Kai Guyaxpoc; ev vsoxrjxi sv oikco

between a father and daughter in youth in [the] house

Tiazpoq avxr\q

of her father.
31 vto

i + Kai sA,dAxjas Kopioc; npoq Mocmafjv Aiycov 2 + sk8(k81

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Let [ avenge

xrjv £K8iKrjGiv xcov mcbv IapafjA, 8K xcov MaSiavixcbv

with punishment the sons of Israel] on the Midianites;

Kai ea%axov 7ipoaxe9fjarj npoq xov Xaov aoi) 3 + Kai

and at [the] last you shall be added to your people. And

eXdAxjae Moyoafjc; npoq xov Xaov Aiycov s^07iAiaaxe

Moses spoke to the people saying, Completely arm

s^djicov dv8paq Kai 7iapaxd^aa0£ evavxi Kopioi) 87i(

your men, and deploy before [the] LORD against




04 - Numbers

Ma8idv arcoSoDvai SKSiKqaiv 7iapd tod kdpiod

Midian, to render punishment by the LORD

tt| Ma5idv 4 + %ikiovq sk (pvhf\q Kai %ikiovq sk (pvXr\q

on Midian. A thousand from a tribe; even a thousand from a tribe

sk iiaacbv (pvXcbv mcbv lapar\k a7ioaxs(Xaxs

from all [of the] tribes of [the] sons of Israel you send

7iapaxd^aa9ai 5 + Kai s^r|p(6|ir|aav sk xcdv %iA,ia8a)v

to deploy! And they counted out from the thousands

IapafjX xikiovq sk (pvXr\q 8cb8sKa %iXxddaq

of Israel, a thousand from a tribe. Twelve thousand

svcD7iXia|isvoi sic; rcapaxa^iv 6+ Kai a7isaxsiA,sv aDxotic;

being armed in battle array. And [ sent them

McoDafjq yikiovq sk (pvh^q Kai xikiovq sk

Moses], a thousand from out of a tribe; even a thousand from out of

(pvXr\q &lt;tdv 8i)vd|isi aDxcbv Kai Oivssq diov EXsd^ap

a tribe with their force. And Phinehas son ofEleazar

diod Aapcbv tod ispscoq Kai xa oksdtj xa dyia Kai

son of Aaron the priest; and the [ items holy] and

ai adAmyysc; sv xaic; %spa(v aDxcbv xcov arjjiaaicbv ?^

the trumpets [were] in their hands for the signals.

Kai 7iapsxd^avxo S7ri Ma8idv Ka6d svsxsdaxo Kopioc;

And they deployed against Midian as [the] LORD gave charge

McDDafj Kai a7isKxsivav 7iav apasviKov 8+ Kai xodc;

to Moses. And they killed every male. And [ the

PaaiXsfc; Ma8idv aftSKxsivav djia xoic;

kings of Midian they killed] together [with]

xpaDjiaxiaiq aDxcbv xov Edviv Kai xov Podkoji Kai

their slain — Evi, and Rekem, and

xov EoDp Kai xov Oop Kai xov PoPsk 7isvxs PaaiXsiq

Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five kings

Ma8idv Kai xov BaAxxdji diov Bscbp a7isKxsivav sv

of Midian; and Balaam son ofBeor they killed by

pojicpaia odv xoiq xpaDjiaxiaiq aDxcbv 9 + Kai

[the] broadsword with their slain. And

S7ipov6|isDaav xac; yDvaucac; Ma8idv Kai

they despoiled the women of Midian, and

xrjv a7ioaKSDfiv aDxcbv Kai xa Kxfjvrj aDxcbv Kai 7idvxa

their belongings, and their cattle, and all

xa syKxrjxa aDxcbv Kai xrjv SDvajiiv aDxcbv

the [things] procured by them; and [ their force

S7ipov6|isDaav io+ Kai naaaq xac; noXsiq aDxcbv xac; sv

they despoiled]. And all their cities, the ones in


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xaic; Kaxondaic; auxcbv Kai xac; snavksiq auxcbv

their dwellings, and their properties

svs7ipr|aav sv nvpi n + Kai skafiov 7idaav xrjv

they burned by fire. And they took all the

7ipovo|xfjv Kai 7idvxa xa okvXol auxcbv arco av6pcb7roD

plunder, and all their spoils ~ from man

eooc; KxfjvoDc; 12+ Kai fjyayov npoq MooDafjv Kai 7ipoc;

unto beast. And they brought to Moses, and to

EXed^ap xov ispsa Kai itpoq ftdvxac; viovq IapafjA,

Eleazar the priest, and to all [the] sons of Israel,

xrjv ai%|iaAxDa(av Kai xa gkvXcl Kai xrjv 7ipovo|if|v

the captivity, and the spoils, and the plunder,

eic; xrjv 7rap£|iPoAr|v eic; apaPcbB Moodp r| saxiv

into the camp in [the] wilderness of Moab which is

87i( xod Iop8dvoi) Kaxd Iepi%cb 13+ Kai e^XGe Mtouafjc;

upon the Jordan by Jericho. And Moses came forth,

Kai EXed^ap o lepetic; Kai rcavxec; oi dp%ovxec; xrjc;

and Eleazar the priest, and all the rulers of the

oDvaycoyfiq eic; &lt;yovdvxr|aiv auxoic; e^oo xrjc;

congregation to meet with them outside the

7rape|iPoAxjc; i 4 + Kai copyiaGrj McoDafiq £7ri xoic;

camp. And Moses was provoked to anger with the

£7uaK67roic; xrjc; 5uvd|iecDc; %iXidp%oic; Kai

overseers of the force — commanders of thousands, and

£Kaxovxdp%oic; xoic; ep%o|ievoic; sk xrjq 7iapaxd^ecDc;

commanders of hundreds, the ones coming from the battle array

xod 7toA,s|iod 15+ Kai 817TSV auxoic; Mocmafic; ivaxi

of the war. And [ said to them Moses], why

s^coypfjaaxs 7iav dr\kv i6+ atixaiyap fjaav xoic;

did you take alive every female? For these were [the occasion] to the

vioiq IapafjA, Kaxd xo pfjjia BaAxxdji xod a7roaxfjaai

sons of Israel by the word of Balaam of their leaving

Kai U7iepi5e(v xo pfjjia Ki)p(oi) sveKev Ooyoop Kai

and overlooking the word of [the] LORD, because of Peor, and

eyevexo r| 7iAx|yf| ev xr| aDvaycoyfj Kopioi) n+ Kai

came to pass the calamity in the congregation of [the] LORD. And

vdv a7ioKX8ivax8 7iav apaevucov sv 7idar| xr|

now kill every male among all the

arcapxia Kai 7idoav ywaiKa ryciq syvco ko(xt|v

chattel! And every woman who knew [the] marriage-bed

dpaevoc; a7TOKX8ivaxs is+ Kai 7idaav xrjv a7iapx(av xcov

of a man kill! And all the chattel of the


31 &amp;
8V TOfjlCp + vuca

04 - Numbers

yDvaiKcbv fjxiq odk o(8s Korcrjv dpasvoc;

women who have not known [the] marriage-bed of a man,

^CDypfjaaxe auxac; 19+ Kai Djisic; 7iaps|ipdA,STS s^co Tr\q

take them alive! And you camp outside the

7tape|iPoAxjc; £7rc&amp; rjjispac; naq o avsAxbv \\fv%r\v Kai

camp seven days, every one doing away with a soul! And

iiaq o a\j/d|isvoc; tod tstp&lt;jO|isvod ayviaGfjasxai xrj

all having touched the one being pierced shall be purified in the

xpiTTj rjjispa Kai tt| rjjispa rr| 8

third day, and in the [ day seventh

356jlxt| djisic; Kai

you and

r| aixjia^coaia Djicbv 20+ Kai 7iav 7isp(pAr||ia Kai 7iav

your captivity. And every wrap-around garment, and every

oksdoc; 8ep|idTivov Kai 7idaav spyaaiav s^ aiysiac;

item made of skin, and every work of goat [skin],

Kai 7iav ctksdoc; Zfifavov acpayvisvcs 21 + Kai S17ISV

and every [ item wooden], you shall purify. And [ said

EXsd^ap o ispstic; npoq zovq dvSpac; Tr\q 5Dvd|iscoc;

Eleazar the priest] to the men of the force

todc; spxojisvoDc; sk Tr\q TrapaTd^scoq tod 7toA,s|iod

of the ones coming from the battle array of the war,


This [is] the ordinance of the law which [the] LORD gave orders

too McoDafj 22+ 7iAx|v tod xpDaioD Kai tod apyDpioD

[to] Moses. Besides the gold, and the silver,

Kai %aAxoD Kai ai8fjpoD Kai |ioAip8oD Kai

and brass, and iron, and lead, and

KaaaiTspoD 23+ 7iav 7ipdy|ia o 8isA,SDasTai sv 7iDp(

tin, every thing which shall go through in fire

Sid^STai sv 7iDpi Kai KaGapiaGfjaeTai aXk' rj tco

shall be led through in fire, and shall be clean, but only with the

D8aTi tod ayviajioD ayvia9fjasTai Kai 7idvTa 6aa

water of purification shall it be purified. And all as many as

|ir| 8ia7iop8DT|Tai 8id nvpoq 5isA,SDosTai 81'

should not travel through fire, shall go through

DSaTOc; 24+ Kai 7iA,dvs(o0s Ta ijidTia ttj r||ispa

water. And you shall wash the garments on the [ day

386|ir| Kai Ka6apia6fjasa0s Kai |iSTd TaDTa

, and you shall be clean. And after this

siasXsDasaGs sic; rrjv 7iaps|iPoAx|v 25+ Kai

you shall enter into the camp. And

sAxxAxjas Kupioq 7ipoc; McoDafiv Aiyoov 26+ Xdps to

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Take the




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04 - Numbers

KscpdAmov xcov cjkd^cov xrjc; aixjiaXcoaiaq arco

total sum of the spoils of the captivity, from

av0pcb7rou ecoc; kxt|vodc; od Kai EXed^ap o ispetic;

man unto beast, you and Eleazar the priest,

Kai 01 dp%ovxec; xcov 7iaxpicov xrjc; aDvaycoyfjc; 2 ?+ Kai

and the rulers of the patrimony of the congregation! And

8i8A,siT8 xa aicuXa avajieaov xcov 7ioA,s|iiaxcov xcov

you shall divide the spoils between the warriors of the

£K7iopsDO|i8vcov sic; xt|v 7iapdxa^iv Kai avajisaov

ones going forth into the battle array, and between

7r&amp;ar|c; auvayoayfjc; 2 s+ Kai acpsXsixs xo TzXoq Kopico

[the] whole congregation. And you shall offer up the tax [to the] LORD

7iapd xcov av0pco7icov xcov 7ioXs|iiaxcbv xcov

from the men of the warriors, of the

£K7rop£DO|i8vcov sic; xt|v rcapaxa^iv |iiav \\fv%r\v arco

ones going forth into the battle array, one soul from

7rsvxaKoa(cov arco xcov av0pcb7icov Kai arco xcov

five hundred of the people, and from the

Kxrjvcbv Kai a7io xcov Pocbv Kai arco xcov 7ipopdxcov

cattle, and from the oxen, and from the sheep,

Kai a7io xcov ovcov 29 + arco xod ruiiaoDq ai)xcov

and from the donkeys; from their half

Axj\j/eo0s Kai 8coaeic; E^sd^ap xco lepsi xac; a7iap%dc;

you shall take. And you shall give to Eleazar the priest the first-fruits
Kopioi) 30+ Kai arco xod r||jiacyDc; xou xcov dicov

[for the] LORD. And from the half of the ones of the sons

IapafjX Ax|\j/r| sva arco 7isvxf|Kovxa arco xcov

of Israel, you shall take one from fifty, from the

av0pco7rcov Kai arco xcov Pocbv Kai arco xcov

people, and from the oxen, and from the

7ipopdxcov Kai anb xcov ovcov Kai arco rcavxcov xcov

sheep, and from the donkeys, and from all the

Kxrjvcbv Kai Scbaeic; auxd xoic; Aemxaic; xoic;

cattle. And you shall give them to the Levites, to the ones

(pi)A,daaoi)ai xac; cpiAaKdc; sv xr| aKTjvfj Kupuro 31 +

guarding the watches in the tent of [the] LORD.

Kai S7io(r|as Mcouafjc; Kai E^sd^ap o lepetic; Ka0d

And [ did Moses and Eleazar the priest] as

(XDvexa^s Kopioc; xco McoDafj 32+ Kai sysvfj0r| xo

[the] LORD gave orders to Moses. And came to pass the

7iA,s6vaa|ia xrjc; 7ipovo|ifjc; o 87rpov6|isi)aav 01 dv5pec;

surplus of the plunder which [ despoiled men


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04 - Numbers

01 7ioA,s|iiaTai arco xcov 7ipopdxcov e^aKoaiai %ikiadsq

the warrior] from the sheep ~ six hundred thousand

Kai sp5o|ifjKovTa %ikm6sq Kai 7revxaKia%(Xia 33+ Kai

and seventy thousand and five thousand; and

Pose; 8do Kai ep8o|if|Kovxa %ikid6sq 34+ Kai ovcov |i(a

oxen ~ two and seventy thousand; and donkeys — one

Kai s^fjKovxa %ikm6sq 35+ Kai \j/D%a( av6pcb7rcov anb

and sixty thousand. And [the] souls of [people] from

xcov yDvaiKcbv ai odk eyvcoaav Koixrjv dpaevoc;

the women who did not know [the] marriage-bed of a male,

7idaai \jn)%ai 8do Kai xpidKovxa xiAidSec; 35+ Kai

all souls — two and thirty thousand. And

sysvfjGri to r||i(a8D|ia rj jiepk; xcov 8K7iS7iop8D|isvcov

came to pass the half portion of the ones going forth

sic; xov 7i6A,s|iov sk tod apiGjioD xcov 7ipopdxcov

into the war, of the number of the sheep ~

xpiaKoaiai xikiadsq Kai xpidKovxa %ikiadsq Kai

three hundred thousand and thirty thousand and

£7rxaKia%(Xia Kai 7i8vxaK6oia 37+ Kai eysvexo xo xskoq

seven thousand and five hundred. And came to pass the tax

xco KDpico arco xcov 7ipopdxcov e^aKoaiai Kai

to the LORD of the sheep — six hundred and

sP8o|xfjKovxa 7rsvx8 38+ Kai pose; Kai xpidKovxa

seventy five; and oxen ~ six and thirty

%iAid8ec; Kai xo xskoq aDxcbv KDpico 8do Kai

thousand; and their tax [to the] LORD — two and

spSojxfjKovxa 39+ Kai ovoi xpidKovxa %iAid8ec; Kai

seventy; and donkeys — thirty thousand and

7isvxaK6aioi Kai xo zskoq auxebv KDpico sic; Kai

five hundred; and their tax [to the] LORD ~ one and

s^fjKovxa 40+ Kai \j/D%a( av0pcb7icov Kai 5sKa

sixty. And [the] souls of people — six and ten

%iAid8ec; Kai xo TzXoq aDxcbv xco KDpico 8do Kai

thousand; and their tax to the LORD — two and

xpidKovxa \jA)%a( 41 + Kai sScoks McoDafjc; xo xsXoc;

thirty souls. And Moses gave the tax

KDpico xo acpaipsjia xod GeoD E^sd^ap xco lepsi

[to the] LORD, the cut-away portion of God, to Eleazar the priest

KaGd aDvexa^e Kopioc; xco McoDafj 42 + arco xod

as [the] LORD gave orders [to] Moses, of the

r||iia£D|iaxoc; xcov dicov IapafjX odc; 5ie(Xe McoDofjc;

half of the sons of Israel whom Moses divided


31 &amp;


04 - Numbers

a7io xcov av8pcbv xcov 7ioA,s|iiaxcbv 43 + Kai sysvsxo to

from the [ men warrior]. And came to pass the

r||i(a8D|ia goto Tr\q aDvaycoyfjc; anb xcov 7ipopdxcov

half from the congregation, of the sheep ~

xpiaKoaiai xikmdsq Kai xpidKovxa %ikiddsq Kai

three hundred thousand and thirty thousand and

S7ixaKiax(Xia Kai 7i8vxaK6aia 44+ Kai Pose; Kai

seven thousand and five hundred; and oxen ~ six and

xpidKovxa xikiadsq 45+ ovoi xpidKovxa %iAid5ec; Kai

thirty thousand; donkeys ~ thirty thousand and

7isvxaK6aioi 46+ Kai \\fv%ai av6pcb7icov Kai Sera

five hundred; and souls of peoples ~ six and ten

%iAid8ec; 47+ Kai sAxxps McoDafjq ano xou r||iiaei)|iaxoc;

thousand. And Moses took from the half

xcov mcbv IopafjA, xo sv ano xcov 7isvxfjKovxa and

of the sons of Israel, the one from [every] fifty of

xcov av6pcb7icov Kai arco xcov Kxrjvcbv Kai s8coksv

the people, and of the cattle; and he gave

ai)xd Toiq Aemxaic; xoic; tpiAdoaoDoi xac; (pvXaKaq

them to the Levites guarding the watches

xrjc; aKqvfjc; Kopioi) ov xpo7iov auvexa^e Kopioc; xco

of the tent of [the] LORD, in which manner [the] LORD gave orders to

Mcoixyfj 48+ Kai 7ipoafjAi)ov npoq Mamafjv ftdvxsc; 01

Moses. And there came forward to Moses all the ones

KaGsaxdjievoi sic; xac; %iAiap%(ac; xrjc; 5uvd|iecoc;

placed as the commanders of the force —

%i?dap%oi Kai £Kax6vxap%oi Kai 8i7iav 7ipoc;

commanders of thousands, and commanders of hundreds. And they said to

Mocmafjv 49 + 01 7iai8sc; aoi) siArjtpaai xo KstpdAmov xcov

Moses, Your servants have taken the total sum of the

av8pcbv xcov 7ioA,s|iiaxcbv xcov 7iap' rjjicbv Kai od

[men warrior], of the [ones] with us, and not

8ia7T8(pcbvr|K8v owe' auxebv oi)8e eic; 50+ Kai

dissented of them not even one. And

7ipoa8vr|v6xa|i8v xo 8cbpov Kupico avfjp o stipe

we have brought the gift [to the] LORD, [every] man who found

oKstioc; xpvaovv Kai %Ai5cbva Kai \j/sAAiov Kai

an item of gold, and armlet, and bracelet, and

SaKxtiAiov Kai 7iepi5e^iov Kai s|I7tX6kiov e^iXdaaaGai

ring, and right armband, and wreath, to atone

7isp( r||icbv svavxi Kopioi) 51+ Kai sXaPs Moyoafjc; Kai

for us before [the] LORD. And [ took Moses and


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

EXed^ap o lepetic; to %pvaiov 7iap' ai)Tcbv 7iav

Eleazar the priest] the gold from them, every

oKstioc; sipyaajisvov 52+ Kai syevsTO 7iav to %pua(ov

item being worked. And came to pass all the gold

to acpaipejia o acpeiAxrv Kopico 8kkoc(8sk(x

for the cut-away portion which they removed [to the] LORD — sixteen

%ikm6sq Kai S7iTaK6aioi Kai 7rsvTfjK0VTa ciikXoi rcapd

thousand and seven hundred and fifty shekels from

TCOV %lAl&amp;pXCDV Kai 7iapd TCOV SKaTOVTdp%COV 53 +

the commanders of thousands, and from the commanders of hundreds.

Kai 01 dv5pec; 01 7roA£|iiaTai S7ipov6|isDoav eKacrcoc;

And the [ men warrior] despoiled each

eauTcb 54+ Kai slaps MooDafjc; Kai EXed^ap o ispsvq

unto himself. And [ took Moses and Eleazar the priest]

to xpuaiov 7iapd tcov %iXidp%cov Kai 7iapd tcov

the gold from the commanders of a thousand, and from the

SKaTOVTdpxcov Kai siafjveyKsv avza sic; tt|v aKTjvfiv

commanders of hundreds, and carried them into the tent

tod jiapTDpioi) |ivt||i6&lt;xdvov tcov mcbv IapafjA, svavTi

of the testimony, a memorial of the sons of Israel before


[the] LORD.


1+ Kai KTfjvrj 7iA,f|6o(; rjv zoiq vioiq Poupfjv Kai

And [of cattle a multitude there was] to the sons of Reuben, and

Toiq viovq Tad 7rA,f|6o(; noXv acp65pa Kai e(8ov tt|v

to the sons of Gad, [multitude great an exceedingly]. And they saw the

Xcbpav Ia^fjp Kai ttjv %cbpav Takaad Kai rjv o

place of Jazer, and the place of Gilead; and [ was the

T07roc; T07roc; KTfjvsai 2+ Kai 7ipoasA,06vT8(; 01 moi

place] a place of cattle. And [ coming forward the sons

Poupfjv Kai 01 moi Ta5 8i7iav npoq Mamafjv Kai

of Reuben], and the sons of Gad, said to Moses, and

7ipoc; EXsd^ap tov ispsa Kai itpoq zovq dp%ovTac;

to Eleazar the priest, and to the rulers

Tr\q aDvaycoyfjq AiyovTec; 3+ ATapcb0 Kai AePcbv Kai

of the congregation, saying, Ataroth and Dibon and

Ia^fjp Kai NajiPpcbv Kai EasPcbv Kai EXeaArj Kai

Jazer and Nimrah and Heshbon and Elealeh and

SsPajid Kai NaPai) Kai Ba'iav 4 + rqv yrjv rjv

Shebam and Nebo and Beon, the land which


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8V TOUT© + VlKa
04 - Numbers

7iap85cOK8 KDpiOq 8VCQ7110V TCOV DICOV IapafjX JT\

[the] LORD delivered up before the sons of Israel, [land

KTrjvoxpocpoq eoxi Kai xoic; 7iaiai aoi) KTfjvrj U7rdp%ei 5 +

for grazing cattle is], and your servants [on cattle subsist].

Kai eA,eyov si etipojisv %dpiv svcb7ri6v aoi) 8o6fiTCO

And they said, If we find favor before you, give

r| yr| auxrj xoic; oucexaic; aou sv Kaxaa%eaei Kai |ir|

this land [to] your servants for a possession, and do not

8iaPiP&amp;ar|c; r\[iaq xov Iop8dvr|v 6 + Kai si7i£ Mcoi)af|c;

cause us to pass over the Jordan! And Moses said

xoic; vioiq Tad Kai xoic; vioiq Poi)Pf|v

to the sons of Gad, and to the sons of Reuben,

01 aSeAxpoi djicov 7iopsi)aovxai eic; xov 7i6A£|iov Kai

[ your brethren Shall] go to war and

djisic; KaGfjaeaGs avzov i+ Kai ivaxi Siaaxpscpsxs xaq

you sit here? And why do you turn aside the

Siavoiaq xcov mcov IapafjX (irj Siapfjvai sic; xrjv yrjv

thoughts of the sons of Israel to not pass over into the land

T|v Kopioc; 8(8coaiv auxoic; 8 + ou% otixcoc; S7rovr|aav

which [the] LORD gives to them? Did not [ do thus

oi rcaxspsc; djicov 6xs a7isaxsiXa auxouc; sk Kd8r|c;

your fathers] when I sent them from out of Kadesh

Bapvfj Kaxavofjaai xrjv yrjv 9+ Kai aveprjaav cpdpayya

Barnea to study the land? And they ascended [the] Ravine

PoxpDoq Kai Kaxsvorjaav xrjv yrjv Kai a7ieaxr|aav

of [the] Cluster, and studied the land, and separated

xrjv Kap5(av xcov mcov IapafjA, oncoq [ir\ eiaeXGcoaiv

the heart of the sons of Israel, so as to not enter

eic; xrjv yrjv r|v e8coK£v auxoic; Kupioc; 10+ Kai

into the land which [ gave to them [the] LORD]. And

copyiaGrj 9u|ico Kopioc; sv xrj rjjiepa SKsivrj Kai

[ was provoked to anger in rage [the] LORD] in that day, and

cojioas Aiycov n+ si 6\j/ovxai 01 dv9pco7ioi ouxoi

swore by an oath, saying, Shall [ see these men]

01 avapdvxsq s£, Aiyimxoi) arco eiKoaaexouc; Kai

(the [men] ascending from Egypt, from twenty years [old] and

S7idvco 01 S7iiaxd|i8voi xo ayaGov Kai xo KaKov xrjv

up, the ones having knowledge of the good and the bad) the

yrjv Tjv cojioaa xco APpadji Kai IoadK Kai IaKcop

land which I swore by an oath to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, [no].

od yap oi)vs7ir|KoXoT)6r|aav 07uaco jiou 12 + 7iAr|v

For they did not follow together after me, except


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

XaXeP vioq Iecpovfj o 5iaKs%copia|isvoc; Kai Irjaotic; o

Caleb son of Jephunneh, the one being set apart, and Joshua the

tod Nam oil aDVS7ir|KoA,OT30r|aav O7riaco Kopiou 13 +

[son] of Nun, for he followed after [the] LORD.

Kai copyiaGrj Gdjico Kopioc; S7ri xov IapafjA, Kai

And [ was provoked to anger in rage [the] LORD] over Israel; and

KaxsppsjiPeDasv auxouc; sv xrj epf||ico xeaaapdKovxa

he staggered them in the wilderness forty

sxrj ecoc; e^avr|Xcb6r| 7idaa r| yevsd 01 7ioiowcsc;

years, until [ was completely consumed all the generation doing

xa7iovr|pd evavxi Kupuyo 14+ i8ot3 aveaxrjxe avxi

evil before [the] LORD]. Behold, you rose up in place of

xcov 7iaxepcov djicov ai3axps|i|ia av0pcb7rcov ajiapxcolcbv

your fathers, a confederation of men of sinners

7ipoa08ivai 8x1 87ii xov 0u|i6v xrjc; opyfjc; Kopioi) em

to add still unto the rage of the anger of [the] LORD against

xov IapafjA, 15+6x1 a7roaxpa(pfja8a08 an avxov

Israel, that you shall turn away from him

7ipoa9s(vai sxi KaxaAursiv auxov sv xrj spfjjaco Kai

to add still to leave him in the wilderness, and

avojifjaexe eic; 6Ar|v xrjv awayoQyfjv xauxrjv i 6 + Kai

shall act lawlessly against [ entire congregation this]. And

7ipoafjX0ov auxcb Kai eXsyov snavXsiq 7ipopdxcov

they came forward to him, and said, Properties for flocks

oiKo8o|ifjao|i8v cb5s xoic; Kxfjvsaiv rj|icbv Kai itoXsiq

we shall build here for our cattle, and cities

xaiq a7roaK£i)afc; rj|icbv 17+ Kai r||isfc; svo7iAaad|isvoi

[for] our chattel. And we, arming ourselves,

7ipo(pi)A,aKfi 7ip6xspoi xcov mcov IapafjX scoc; av

[will be] an advance guard in front of the sons of Israel, until when

aydycojiev auxotic; eic; xov sauxcbv xo7iov Kai

we should lead them into their own place. And

KaxoiKfjasi T| a7roaK8i)fi r||icbv sv 7i6A£oi xexsi%io|i£vaic;

[ shall dwell our belongings] in cities being walled,

8id xodc; KaxoiKouvxac; xrjv yrjv i8+oi)|ir|

because of the ones dwelling in the land. In no way

a7roaxpacpcb|i8v sic; xac; oiKiaq rijicbv scoc; av

should we return to our dwellings, until whenever

KaxajisipiaGcbaiv 01 moi IapafjX sraaxoc; eic;

[ should divide the sons of Israel each] into

xrjv KXripovojiiav avzov 19+ Kai omcsxi KArjpovo|ifjao|isv

his inheritance. And no longer shall we be heir


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

sv aDioiq a7io tod rcspav tod Iop8dvoD Kai

with them from the other side of the Jordan, and

S7i8K8iva 6ti a7is%o|isv todc; kAtipodc; r||icbv SV TCO

beyond; because we receive our lots on the

rcspav tod Iop8dvoD ev avaToAmq 20 + Kai si7is npoq

other side of the Jordan eastwards. And [ said to

avTOvq McoDafjc; sdv 7roifjar|Te KaTd to pf||ia todto

them Moses], If you should do according to this thing,

sdv s^07iAiar|a6s svavTi KDpioD siq 7i6A,s|iov 21+ Kai

if you should completely arm before [the] LORD for war, and

7rapeA£DasTai djicov naq 07rAirr|c; tov Iop5dvr|v

[ shall go over you yourselves all armed with large shields the Jordan]

svavTi KDpioD sooc; SKTpipfj o s%0poc; (XDTOD arco

before [the] LORD, until [ shall be obliterated his enemy] from

7ipoaco7roD oidtod 22+ Kai KaTaKDpisDBfj r| yr| svavTi

his face, and [ shall be dominated the land] before

KDpioD Kai (iSTd TaDTa a7ioaTpa(pf|asa0s Kai sasa0s

[the] LORD, then after these [things] you shall return, and you will be

aGcboi svavTi KDpioD Kai arco IapafjX Kai s&lt;xcai

innocent before [the] LORD, and from Israel. And [ shall be

r| yr| aDTTj D|i(v sv KaTaa%sasi svavn KDpioD 23 +

this land] to you for a possession before [the] LORD.

sdv 8s jLir| 7ioif|ar|TS odtooc; ajiapTfjasa0s svavn

But if you should not do so, you shall sin before

KDpioD Kai yvcbasaGs tt|v ajiapriav djicov OTav

[the] LORD; and you shall know your sin, whenever

Djidq KaTaAxxPrj Tarara 24+ Kai oiKoSojifjasTS D|i(v

[ should overtake you bad [things]]. And [thus] you shall build to yourselves

aDTOiq noXsiq tt| a7ioaKSDf| djicov Kai znavXsiq

for them cities for your belongings, and properties


for your cattle; and the [thing] going forth from out of

TOD aTOJiaTOq DJICOV 7TOlfjaSTS 25+ Kai si7iav 01 DIOl

your mouth you shall do. And [ spoke the sons

PoDpfjv Kai 01 Dioi Tad itpoq MoaDafjv XsyovTSc;

of Reuben and the [the] sons of Gad] to Moses, saying,

01 7iai5sc; ood 7rovfjaoDai Ka6d o Kopioc; rjjicbv

Your servants shall do as our master

svTsA,A,STai 26+ T| a7ioaKSDfi rjjicbv Kai ai yovaixsc; r\[i(bv

gives charge. Our belongings, and our women,

Kai ai KTfjasic; r||icbv Kai rcdvTa Ta ktt\vt\ r||icbv

and our possessions, and all our cattle


32 ±

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

saovxai sksi sv xaic; koXegi Takaad n + 01 8s

will be there in the cities of Gilead. And

7ia(8sc; aoi) 7rapsXsi3aovxai 7idvxsc; svcD7rAia|isvoi Kai

your servants shall all go over, being armed and

SKxsxayfisvoi svavxi Kop(oi) sic; xov 7i6A,s|iov ov

being arrayed before [the] LORD for war, in which

xpo7iov o Kopioc; Xsysi 28+ Kai &lt;yovsaxr|asv auxofc;

manner the master says. And [ stood together with them

Mocmafjc; E^sd^ap xov ispsa Kai Irjaotiv mov Nam

Moses], [with] Eleazar the priest, and Joshua son of Nun,

Kai xodc; dpxovxaq 7iaxpicbv xcov cpuAxbv mcbv

and the rulers of [the] patrimony of the tribes of [the] sons

IapafjX 29+ Kai si7is npoq avzovq Mcovar\q sdv

of Israel. And [ said to them Moses], If

SiaPcbaiv oi moi Poi)Pf|v Kai oi moi Ta5 |is0'

[ should pass over the sons of Reuben and the sons of Gad] [with

djicov xov Iop8dvr|v naq svco7iAia|isvoc; sic; 7i6A,s|iov

you the Jordan], every one being armed for war

svavxi Kopioi) Kai KaxaKupisuarjxs xrjc; yr\q arcsvavxi

before [the] LORD, and you should dominate the land before

djicov Kai Scbasxs auxoic; xrjv yrjv TaXaad sv

you, then you shall give to them the land of Gilead for

Kaxaa%8asi 30 + sdv 5s |ir| SiaPcbaiv 8vco7iXia|isvoi

a possession. But if they should not pass over being armed

(180' djicov sic; xov 7i6A,8|iov svavxi Kupiou Kai

with you for war before [the] LORD, then

SiaPipdasxs xrjv a7ioaKsi)f|v auxcbv Kai

you shall cause [ to pass over with their belongings them], and

xac; yvvahcaq auxcbv Kai xa Kxfjvrj auxcbv rcpoxspa djicdv

their women, and their cattle in front of you

sic; yrjv Xavadv Kai aDyKaxaKAx|povo|ir|6fjaovxai sv

into [the] land of Canaan; and they shall inherit together with

Djiiv sv xtj yr| Xavadv 31+ Kai a7isKpi6r|aav 01 dioi

you in the land of Canaan. And [ answered the sons

Poupfjv Kai 01 dioi Ta5 Aiyovxsc; 6aa o Kopioc;

of Reuben and the sons of Gad], saying, As much as the LORD

Aiysi xoic; 0spd7iouaiv auxoij otixcoc; 7ioif|acD|isv 32 +

says [to] his attendants, so we shall do.

r||isfc; 8iaPr|a6|is0a svcD7rAia|isvoi svavxi Kopioi) sic;

We will pass over being armed before [the] LORD into

yrjv Xavadv Kai 8cbasxs xttv Kaxda%saiv r||icbv sv xca

[the] land of Canaan. And you shall give our possession on the


32 ±

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

04 - Numbers
7ispav tod Iop5dvoD 33+ Kai e5coKev aDTofc; McoDafjc;

other side of the Jordan. And [ gave to them Moses],

TOiq vioiq Tad Kai xoic; vioiq PoDpfjv Kai xco rijjiaei

to the sons of Gad, and to the sons of Reuben, and to the half

(pvhf\q Mavaoafj mcbv Icoafjcp xrjv PaaiXeiav Srjcbv

tribe ofManasseh of [the] sons of Joseph, the kingdom ofSihon

PaaiAicoc; Ajioppaicov Kai xrjv Paai^eiav Qy

king of [the] Amorites, and the kingdom of Og

PaaiAicoc; Tr\q Baadv xrjv yrjv Kai xac; 7i6A,sk; &lt;tdv

king of Bashan, the land and the cities with

xoic; opioiq avTT\q noXsiq xrjc; yr\q kdkAxo 34 + Kai

its boundaries ~ [the] cities of the land round about. And

coKo86|xr|oav 01 moi Ta8 xrjv AsPcbv Kai xrjv Axapcb0

[ built the sons of Gad] Dibon, and Ataroth,

Kai xr|vApofjp 35+ Kai xrjvlkxpdp Kai xr|v Ia^fjp Kai

and Aroer, and Shophan, and Jaazer. And

D\j/coaav avzaq 36+ Kai xrjv Brj0ia|ipd|i Kai

they raised them up, and Beth-nimrah, and

xrjv BaiBappdv noXziq o%vpaq Kai snavksiq 7ipopdxcov

Beth-haran— [cities fortified], and properties of flocks.

37+ Kai 01 Dioi PoDpfjv coKo56|ir|aav xrjv EaePcbv Kai

And the sons of Reuben built Heshbon, and

xrjv EXsaArj Kai xrjv KapiaGaiji 3 s + Kai xrjvNaPcbG Kai

Elealeh, and Kirjathaim, and Nebo and

ttjv Bse^jiecbv 7i8piK8KDKA,co|isva(; Kai xrjv EePajid Kai

Baal-meon, being surrounded [with walls], and Shibmah. And

S7icov6|iaaav Kaxd xa ovojiaxa aDxcbv xa ovojiaxa xcov

they named by their names the names of the

7i6Xscov aq coKo86|irjaav 39+ Kai £7ropeD6rj vioq

cities which they built. And [ went a son

Ma%s(p diod Mavaaafj eic; Takaad Kai elapev

ofMachir son ofManasseh] into Gilead, and took

auxfjv Kai a7icbA,sa8 xov Ajioppaiov xov KaxoiKowca

it, and destroyed the Amorite dwelling

sv aDxfj 40+ Kai s8coks McoDafjc; xrjv TaXadS

in it. And Moses gave Gilead

xco Ma%£ip Dico Mavaaafj Kai KaxcoKqaev 8ks( 41 + Kai

to Machir son ofManasseh; and he dwelt there. And

Ia'tp o xod Mavaaafj 87iop8D0rj Kai eAxxPe

Jair the [son] of Manasseh went, and he took

xac; £7raDA,eic; aDxcbv Kai S7icov6|iaasv aDxdq snavXsiq

their properties, and named them Properties


33 3fr

8V TOUT© + VlKa

04 - Numbers

Iaip 42+ Kai NaPm3 S7iopsi30r| Kai zkafis xrjvKadG

ofJair. And Nobah went and took Kenath,

Kai xac; Kcbjiac; auxfjc; Kai S7icov6|iaasv auxdq NaPcbG

and her towns, and named them Nobah,


after his name.

33 jfc
i+ Kai odtoi oi axaGjioi xcov mcbv IapafjA, coc;

And these are the posts of the sons of Israel, as

s^fjXGov 8K yr\q Aiyirnxoi) ai)v 5i)vd|isi auxcbv sv

they came forth from [the] land of Egypt with their force by

%sip( Mamafj Kai Aapcbv 2 + Kai sypa\j/s Moyoafjc;

[the] hand of Moses and Aaron. And Moses wrote

xac; a7idpaei(; auxcbv Kai zovq axaGjiouc; auxcbv 5id

the [things] of their departures, and the [things] of their stages through

pfjjiaxoc; Kopioi) Kai otixoi oi axaGjioi

[the] word of [the] LORD. And these [are] the stages

xrjc; 7iope(a(; auxcbv 3+ a7if|pav sk Pajisaafj xco (irjvi

of their goings. Departing from out of Rameses in the [ month

xco 7rpcbxco xt| 7i8VX8Kai5sKdxr| rjjispa xou jittvoc;

first], the fifteenth day of the [ month

xod 7rpcbxoi) xtj sftaupiov xoi) 7ida%a S^f|M)0V 01 DIOl

first]; the next day of the passover [ came forth the sons

IapafjX sv %£ipi v\\fr(kr\ svavxiov rcavxcov xcov

of Israel] with [hand a high] before all the

AiyD7rx(cov 4+ Kai 01 Aiyimxioi s9a7ix6v s^ auxcbv

Egyptians. And the Egyptians buried of theirs

xodc; xsBvrjKoxaq Tidvxaq ooouc; srcdxa^s Kopioc; 7iav

the ones having died, all of as many as [the] LORD struck, all

7ipcox6xoKov sv yrj Aiy67ixco Kai sv

[the] first-born in [the] land of Egypt. And among

xoic; 08o(c; auxcbv S7io(r|as xttv SKSiKqaiv Kopioc; 5 +

their gods [executed punishment [the] LORD].

aftdpavxec; 5s 01 moi IapafjA, 8K Pajisaafj

[ departing And the sons of Israel] out of Rameses

7tapev8PaAx)v sic; £ok%co6 6 + Kai a7ifjpav sk £ok%co6

camped in Soccoth. And departing from Soccoth,

Kai 7iapsvsPaXov sic; BouGdv o soxi jispoq xi xrjc;

and they camped in Etham, which is a part of the


33 3fr


04 - Numbers

spfjiioi) ?+ Kai a7if|pav sk BcroGdv Kai 7iapsvsPaA,ov

wilderness. And departing from Etham, and they camped

S7Ti to ox6(ia EpcbG o saxiv arcsvavxi BssA,as7i(pcbv

at the mouth ofHiroth, which is before Baal-zephon;

Kai 7iapsvsPaXov arcsvavxi MayScoXoi) 8 + Kai a7if|pav

and they camped before Migdol. And departing

arcsvavxi Epcb0 Kai SisPrjaav jisaov xrjc; GaXdaarjc;

before Hiroth, and they passed over between the sea

sic; xrjv sprjjiov Kai S7iopsi)6r|aav o86v xpicbv

into the wilderness. And they went a journey three

rjjispcbv 8id Tr\q spf||ioD auxoi Kai 7iapsvspaA,ov sv

days through the wilderness themselves, and they camped in

7iiKpiaic; 9+ Kai a7rfjpav sk 7iiKpicbv Kai fjXGov sic;

Bitterness. And departing from Bitterness, and they came to

AiAiji Kai sv AiAiji 8cb5sKa 7ir|yai uSdxcov Kai

Elim. And in Elim [were] twelve springs of waters, and

sp5o|xfjKovxa axsXs%r| cpoiviKcov Kai 7rapsvsPaA,ov sksi

seventy trunks of palm trees; and they camped there

7iapd xo uSoop io+ Kai a7if|pav s^ AiAiji Kai

by the water. And departing from Elim, and

7iapsvsPaAx)v S7i( daXaaaav spi)6pdv n+ Kai a7ifjpav

they camped by [ sea [the] red]. And departing

a7io GaXdaarjc; spuGpdc; Kai 7iapsvsPaXov sic; xrjv

from [sea [the] red], and they camped in the

sprjjiov Xiv 12+ Kai a7if|pav sk xrjc; spf||iou Eiv Kai

wilderness ofZin. And departing from the wilderness ofZin, and

7iapsvsPaAx)v sic; Pacpara n+ Kai a7if|pav sk Pacpara

they camped in Dophkah. And departing from Dophkah,

Kai 7iapsvspaXov sv Aikovq u+ Kai a7if|pav s^

and they camped in Alush. And departing from

Aikovq Kai 7iapsvsPaA,ov sv PaqnSiv Kai odkt|v

Alush, and they camped in Rephidim, and there was no

SKsiuSoop xco Axxcb 7iis(v i 5 + Kai a7if|pav sk PaqnSiv

water there for the people to drink. And departing from Rephidim,

Kai 7iapsvsPaXov sv xr| spfj|i&lt;jo Siva i6+ Kai a7rfjpav

and they camped in the wilderness of Sinai. And departing

sk xrjc; spfj|ioD Sivd Kai 7iapsvsPaAx)v sv (ivfjiiaai

from the wilderness of Sinai, and they camped at Tombs

xrjc; s7U0D|jiac; n+ Kai a7if|pav sk |ivr||idxcov xrjc;

of the Desire. And departing from Tombs of the


33 3fr

8V TOUT© + vuca
04 - Numbers

S7ii0D|iia(; Kai 7iapsvsPaAx)v sv AarjpcbG i 8 + Kai

Desire, and they camped in Hazeroth. And

a7rfjpav s^ AarjpcbG Kai 7rapsvsPaXov ev PaGajid 19 +

departing from Hazeroth, and they camped in Rithmah.

Kai aftfjpav sk PaGajid Kai 7rapsvsPaXov sv Psjicbv

And departing from Rithmah, and they camped in Rimmon

Odpsc; 20+ Kai aftfjpav sk Psjicbv Odpsc; Kai

Parez. And departing from Rimmon Parez, and

7iapev8PaAx)v sv AsPcovd 21+ Kai arcfjpav 8K AsPcovd

they camped in Libnah. And departing from Libnah,

Kai 7iapsv8PaXov sic; Psaad 22+ Kai a7ifjpav 8K Psoad

and they camped in Rissah. And departing from Rissah,

Kai ftapevePaXov sic; MaKs^dG 23+ Kai aftfjpav sk

and they camped in Kehelathah. And departing from

MaKsAxxG Kai 7rapsvsPaA,ov sic; Apaacpdp 24+ Kai

Kehelathah, and they camped in Shapher. And

aftfjpav sk Apaacpdp Kai 7rapsvsPaA,ov sic; Xapa8a'i

departing from Shapher, and they camped in Haradah.

25+ Kai a7if|pav sk Xapa8ai Kai 7iapsvsPaXov siq

And departing from Haradah, and they camped in

MaKTjAxbG 26+ Kai a7ifjpav sk MaKrjAxbG Kai

Makheloth. And departing from Makheloth, and

7iapsvsPaA,ov siq KaxadG 27+ Kai a7ifjpav sk KaxadG

they camped in Tahath. And departing from Tahath,

Kai 7iapsvsPaXov sic; 0apd0 2 s+ Kai aftfjpav sk

and they camped in Tarah. And departing from

0apd9 Kai 7iapsvsPaXov sic; MaGsKKd 29+ Kai a7rfjpav

Tarah, and they camped in Mithcah. And departing

sk MaGsKKd Kai 7iapsvsPaA,ov sic; Aaasjicovd 30+ Kai

from Mithcah, and they camped in Hashmonah. And

a7if|pav sk Aaasjicovd Kai 7iapsvsPaAx)v sic;

departing from Hashmonah, and they camped in

MaaorjpofjG 31+ Kai a7rfjpav sk MaaorjpofjG Kai

Moseroth. And departing from Moseroth, and

7iapsvsPaAx)v sic; MaviaKdv 32+ Kai a7rfjpav sk

they camped in Bene-jaakan. And departing from

BavaKKdv Kai 7iapsvsPaAx)v sic; to opoq Ta5iyd5 33 +

Bene-jaakan, and they camped in the mountain of Hagidgad.


33 3fr

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

04 - Numbers

Kai a7if|pav sk tod opoDc; ra8iyd8 Kai 7iapsvsPaA,ov

And departing from the mountain ofHagidgad, and they camped

sic; ExejiaGd 34+ Kai a7if|pav s^ ExsjiaGd Kai

in Jobathah. And departing from Jobathah, and

7iapsvsPaAx)v sic; EPpoovd 35+ Kai a7rfjpav s^ EPpoovd

they camped in Ebronah. And departing from Ebronah,

Kai 7iap8vePaXov sic; Taaicbv TaPsp 36+ Kai a7if|pav

and they camped in Ezion Gaber. And departing

8K Taaicbv TaPsp Kai 7rapsvsPaA,ov sv xr| spfjjLico

from Ezion Gaber, and they camped in the wilderness

Eiv Kai a7rfjpav sk Tr\q spf||ioD Eiv avTT\ sail

ofZin; and departing from the wilderness ofZin, it is

Kd5r|c; 37+ Kai a7ifjpav sk Kd5r|c; Kai 7iapsvsPaA,ov

Kadesh. And departing from Kadesh, and they camped

sic; Qp to opoc; 7rAx|a(ov yrjc; E5cb(i 3 8 + Kai avsprj

in Hor the mountain neighboring [the] land of Edom. And [ ascended

Aapcbv o ispstic; sic; to opoq 5id 7ipoaTdy|iaTOc;

Aaron the priest] into the mountain by order

Kopioi) Kai arcsGavsv sksi sv too TsaaapaKocrccb

of [the] LORD, and he died there in the fortieth

stsi Tr\q s^68od tcov Dicbv lapar\k sk yr\q

year of the exodus of the sons of Israel from out of [the] land

AiyD7iTOD too |ir|vi tod 7rs|i7iTCO |i(a tod [ir\voq 39 + Kai

of Egypt, in the [month fifth], [day] one of the month. And

Aapcbv rjv Tpicbv Kai siKoai Kai SKaTOV stcov 6ts

Aaron was three and twenty and a hundred years [old] when

a7is0vr|aKsv sv Qp too opsi 4 o + Kai aKODaac; o

he died on Hor the mountain. And [ heard [of it] the

Xavavfc; PaoiA^sDc; Apd8 Kai odtoc; KaTCOKsi sv yrj

Canaanite king Arad]; and this one dwelt in [the] land

Xavadv 6ts sias7iopsDOVTO 01 dioi IapafjX 41+ Kai

of Canaan, when [entered the sons of Israel]. And

a7rfjpav s^ Qp tod opovq Kai 7iapsvsPaA,ov sic;

departing from Hor the mountain, and they camped in

Ea^jioovd 4 2+ Kai a7rfjpav sk Sa^jioovd Kai

Zalmonah. And departing from Zalmonah, and

7rapsvsPaA,ov sic; Oivcb 43+ Kai a7ifjpav sk Oivoa Kai

they camped in Punon. And departing from Punon, and

7iapsvsPaAx)v sv Opoa0 4 4+ Kai a7if|pav s^ OpobG Kai

they camped in Oboth. And departing from Oboth, and


33 3fr

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

04 - Numbers

7iapsvsPaAx)v sv Tai sv too rcspav S7U xcov opicov

they camped in Gai on the other side upon the boundaries

Mcodp 45+ Kai a7rfjpav sk Tea Kai 7iapsvsPaXov sic;

of Moab. And departing from Gai, and they camped in

AaiPcbv Tad 46 + Kai a7rfjpav sk AaiPcbv Ta5 Kai

Dibon Gad. And departing from Dibon Gad, and

7tapev8PaAx)v sic; rs^jicov AepAxxaGaiji 4 y+ Kai a7if|pav

they camped in Almon Diblathaim. And departing

8K Tsk[i(bv AspAxxaGatji Kai 7iapsvsPaA,ov sm xa

from Almon Diblathaim, and they camped upon the

6pr| xaApapiji arcsvavxi NaPai) 4 s+ Kai a7if|pav arco

mountains ofAbarim, before Nebo. And departing from

xcov opscbv Apapiji Kai 7iapsvspaAx)v S7i( Suajicov

the mountains of Abarim, and they camped upon [the] descent

Mcodp 87ii xod IopSdvou Kaxd Ispi%co 49+ Kai

of Moab, at the Jordan by Jericho. And

7iapsvsPaAx)v 7iapd xov Iop5dvr|v avajisaov Aiai|icb0

they camped by the Jordan between Jesimoth

scoc; ApsAxjaxiji Kaxd 5i)a|idc; Mcodp 50+ Kai

unto Abel-shittim by the descent of Moab. And

eAxxAxjae Kupioq itpoq Moauafjv S7i( Suajicbv Mcodp

[the] LORD spoke to Moses near [the] descent of Moab

7iapd xov Iop8dvr|v Kaxd Ispi%cb Aiycov 51+ XaXr\aov

by the Jordan near Jericho, saying, Speak

xoic; vioiq IopafjX Kai spsic; 7ipoc; auxotic; djisic;

to the sons of Israel! and you shall say to them, You

8iaPa(vsxs xov Iop8dvr|v sic; yrjv Xavadv 52+ Kai

pass over the Jordan into [the] land of Canaan! And

anoXshs rcavxac; xodc; KaxoiKotivxac; sv xr| yrj 7ipo

you shall destroy all the ones dwelling in the land before

7rpoacb7roi) Djicbv Kai s^apsixs xac; aKomdc; auxcbv Kai

your face; and you shall lift away their [sacred] heights; and

7idvxa xa s(8coA,a xa %covsi)xd auxcov a7ioA,s(xs ai)xd Kai

all [ idols their molten] ~ you shall destroy them; and

ndaaq xac; cxfjlac; auxcbv s^apsixs 53 + Kai a7ioA,s(xs

all their [sacred] monuments you shall lift away. And you shall destroy

xodc; KaxoiKowxaq xrjv yrjv Kai KaxoiKqasxs sv avTT\

the ones dwelling the land, and you shall dwell in it.

Djiivyap 8s8coKa xrjv yrjv auxcbv sv KArjpco 54+ Kai

For to you I have given their land by lot. And

KaxaKlr|povo|xfjosxs xrjv yrjv sv KAxjpco Kaxd

you shall inherit the land by lot, according to


34 lb

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

04 - Numbers
cpD^dq Djicbv xoic; nkzioox 7iAr|0Dvsixs

your tribes. To the many you shall multiply

xrjv Kaxda%saiv auxcbv Kai xoic; sXdxxoaiv sXaxxcbasxs

their possession, and to the lesser you shall [give] less

xrjv Kaxda%saiv auxcbv sic; o av s^sA£r|

for their possession. To what ever [part] [ should come forth [by lot]

xo ovojia olvtov sksi avzov saxai Kaxd (pvkaq

his name], there his [possession] will be; according to [the] tribes

7iaxpicbv djicov KArjpovo|if|asx£ 5 5+s&amp;v8s jlit|

of your patrimony you shall inherit. And if you should not

a7ioA,8or|X8 zovq KaxoiKouvxac; S7ri xrjc; yr\q arco

destroy the ones dwelling upon the land from

7ipoaco7roD djicov Kai saxai ovq sdv KaxaAi7ir|xs s^

your face, then it shall be whom ever you should leave behind of

auxcbv aKoXomq sv xoic; ocpGaXjioiq ujicbv Kai PoAi5sc;

them, [shall be] barbs in your eyes, and arrows

sv xaic; nksvpaiq djicov Kai s%0psi)aouaiv djiiv S7ri xrjc;

in your sides; and they shall be an enemy to you upon the

yr\q scp' rjv djisic; KaxoiKqasxs 5 6+ Kai saxai KaGoxi

land upon which you dwell. And it will be in so far as

5i8yvcbK8iv 7iorfjaai auxotic; 7ioif|aco djjav

I had determined to do to them, I shall do to you.

34 7b

i + Kai sldAxjas Kopioc; itpoq McoDafjv Aiyoov 2 +

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

svxsiAxxi xoic; vioiq lapar\k Kai spsic; 7ipoc; avzovq

Give charge to the sons of Israel! And you shall say to them,
ujisfc; sio7ropsi)sa0£ sic; xrjv yrjv Xavadv auxrj saxai

You enter into the land of Canaan! this will be

D|i(v sic; KAxjpovojjiav yr| Xavadv auv

to you for an inheritance — [the] land of Canaan with

xoic; opioiq avTT\q 3 + Kai saxai djiiv xo kAJxoc; xo 7ipoc;

its boundaries. And it shall be to you the side towards

MP a a7io spfj|ioi) Siv scoq sxojisvov E8cb|i Kai

[the] south from [the] wilderness ofZin unto being next to Edom. And

saxai djiiv xa opia 7ipoc; Aipa and jispouc; xrjc;

it shall be to you the boundaries towards [the] south from [the] part of the

GaXdaarjc; Tr\qah)KT\q ano avaxoAxbv 4 + Kai KUK^cbasi

[ sea salty] from [the] east, and [ shall encircle

Djidc; xa opia ano Xifioq npoq avdpaaiv AKpapiv

you the borders] from [the] south to [the] ascending of Akrabbim,


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Kai 7rapsA,si3asxai EwdK Kai saxai r| 8is^o8oc; amox&gt;

and shall go by Ennak. And [ will be its outer reaches]

7ipoq Aipa Kd8r|c; tod Bapvfj Kai s^slstiasxai sic;

towards [the] south ~ Kadesh Barnea. And it shall come forth unto

S7iai)Aav Ap&amp;5 Kai 7iapsA,si)asxai Aasjicovd 5 + Kai

[the] property of Addar, and shall go by Azmon. And

kdkAxoosi xa opia anb Aasjicovd %s(|iappoi)v

it shall encircle the borders from Azmon [to the] rushing stream

AiyimTOD Kai saxai r| 8is^o8oc; r| GdXaaaa 6+ Kai xa

of Egypt, and [ will be the outer reaches] the sea. And the

opia xrjc; Ga^daarjc; saxai v[dv r\ BdXaaaa r| |isydAr|

boundaries of the west will be to you ~ the [ sea great]

opisi xotixo saxai v[iiv xa opia xr|c;

shall define the bounds. This will be to you the boundaries of the

dakdaar\q i+ Kai xotixo saxai djiw xa opia 7ipoc;

west. And this will be to you the boundaries towards

Poppdv ano xrjc; Qakdaar\q xrjc; |isydAx|c;

[the] north. From the [ sea great]

Kaxajisxpfjasxs djiiv auxok; 7iapd xo opoq s+ Kai and

you shall measure them to yourselves by the mountain. And from

xod 6poi)c; xo Opoc; Kaxajisxpfjasxs sauxoic;

mount Hor you shall measure for yourselves

8ia7iop8DO|isvcov sic; EjidG Kai saxai r| 8is^o8oc;

entering into Hamath. And [ will be the outer reaches

avxov xa opia Sa8a8d 9+ Kai s^sXsuasxai xa opia

of it] the borders of Zedad. And [ shall go forth the borders]

Zscppcovd Kai saxai r| Sis^oSoq avzov Aaspvadv xotixo

to Ziphron, and [ will be its outer reaches] Hazer-enan. This

3oppd 10+ Kai Kaxajiexpfjasxs

the] north. And you shall measure out

Djiiv saDxoiq xa opia avaxoAxbv arco Aposvaiji

to you yourselves the borders [of the] east from Hazar-enan

£s7T(pa|id 11+ Kai Kaxapfjaexai xa opia and £s7i(pdv

to Shepham. And [ shall go down the borders] from Shepham

ApPrjAxx a7io avaxoAxbv S7U 7ir|ydc; Kai Kaxapfjaexai

to Riblah, from [the] east by [the] springs. And [ shall go down

xa opia BrjA, S7U vcoxod dakdaar\q XsvspsG arco

the borders] [from] Beel by [the] back [of the] sea of Chinnereth by

avaxoAxbv 12+ Kai Kaxapfjaexai xa opia S7U xov

[the] east. And [ shall go down the borders] upon the

Iop8dvr|v Kai saxai r| Sis^oSoc; GdAxxaaa r| aXDKq

Jordan, and [will be the outer reaches sea the salty].

saxai djiiv opia arco

will be to you [the] borders from


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ai3xr| saxai djiiv rj yrj Kai xa opia avir\q kdkXco 13 +

This shall be to you the land and its borders round about.

Kai svstsiAxxto McoDafjc; xoic; vioiq IapafjX Aiycov

And Moses gave charge to the sons of Israel, saying,

ami] T| yrj r|v KaxaKAr|povo|xf|asx£ aDifjv jiexd

This is the land which you shall inherit it by

KAxjpoi) ov xp07rov auvexa^e Kupioc; Scrovai aDXTjV

lot, in which manner [the] LORD gave orders to give it

xaic; swsa (pvXaiq Kai xco rjjjiasi (pvkr\q Mavaaafj 14+

to the nine tribes, and the half tribe of Manasseh.

6x1 sXaPe (puAxj mcbv Pcyopfjv Kax' oikodc;

For [ received [it] [the] tribe of [the] sons of Reuben] according to [the] houses
7iaxpicbv auxcbv Kai cpuXfj mcbv Ta5 Kax' oikodc;

of their patrimony, and [the] tribe of [the] sons of Gad according to [the] houses

7iaxpicbv auxcbv Kai xo r\[iiav (pvhf\q Mavaaofj

of their patrimony, and the half tribe of Manasseh

auxcov 15 + Svo (pvkai Kai

took their lots. Two tribes and

r\[Liav (pvfor\q ZXafiov xovq Khr\povq auxcbv rcepav

a half tribe took their lots on the other side

xou IopSdvoi) Kaxd Iepi%cb and votov Kpoq

of the Jordan by Jericho from [the] south towards

avaxoAxk; i 6 + Kai sldAxjas Kupioc; itpoq Mcouafjv Aiycov

[the] east. And [the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

17+ xatixa xa ovojiaxa xcov av5pcbv 01

These [are] the names of the men, the one who

KAr|povo|if|aoDaiv djjIv xtjv yrjv EXed^ap o ispsvq

shall allot for you the land ~ Eleazar the priest,

Kai Irjaotic; o xou Nai)fj is + Kai dpxovxa eva sk

and Joshua the [son] of Nun. And [ ruler one] from out of

(pvhf\q Ax|\j/£a6e KaxaKXrpovo|ifjoai djiiv xrjv yrjv 19 +

a tribe you shall take to allot for you the land.

Kai xatixa xa ovojiaxa xcov av8pcbv xrjc; (pvfor\q

And these are the names of the men of the tribe

lovda XaAip vioq Iscpovfj 20+ Tr\q (pvhf\q I/ojiecbv

of Judah — Caleb son of Jephunneh. Of the tribe of Simeon —

Ha[iovT\k vioq E|iiot38 21+ Tr\q (pvhf\q Bsviajiiv EAM5

Shemuel son ofAmminhud. Of the tribe of Benjamin— Elidad

vioq XaasAxbv 22+ Tr\q (pvkr\q Aav dp%cov Bokki vioq

son ofChislon. Of the tribe of Dan— ruler Bukki son

IokXx 23+ xcov mcbv Icoafjtp (pvhf\q mcbv Mavaaafj

of Jogli. Of the sons of Joseph, of [the] tribe of [the] sons of Manasseh —



ev tootco + vtica

04 - Numbers

dpxcov AvifjA, vioq Ch)cp(8 24 + xrjc; (pvhr\q mcbv

ruler Hanniel son ofEphod. The tribe of [the] sons

Ecppaiji dp%cov Ka|ioi)f|X vioq Sacpxdv 25 + Tr\q (pvhf\q

ofEphraim— ruler Kemuel son ofShiphtan. Of the tribe

ZafiovXcbv dp%cov EAiaacpdv vioq ®apvd% 26+ Tr\q

of Zebulun — ruler Elizaphan son of Parnach. Of the

(puAxjg mcbv Ioadxap dp%cov OaAxifjA, vioq OCfi 27 +

tribe of [the] sons oflssachar— ruler Paltiel son ofAzzan.

Tr\q (pvhf\q mcbv Aafjp dpxcov A%icbp vioq SsXsjii 28 +

Of the tribe of [the] sons ofAsher— ruler Ahihud son ofShelomi.

Tr\q (pvkr\q NscpGaAi dpxcov ®a8af|A, vioq Ajiiot35 29 +

Of the tribe of Naphtali ~ ruler Pedahel son ofAmmihud.

otixoi oiq evexei^axo Kopioc; Kaxajiepiaai xoic;

These [are] the ones whom [the] LORD gave charge to divide [the inheritance] to the

vioiq IapafjA, ev yrj Xavadv

sons of Israel in [the] land of Canaan.

35 rft

1 + Kai sA,dAx|ae Kopioc; itpoq Mamafjv em 5i)a|icbv

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses upon [the] descent

Mcodp 7iapd xov Iop8dvr|v Kaxd Ispixcb Aiycov 2 +

of Moab, by the Jordan, across from Jericho, saying,

awxa^ov xoic; vioiq IapafjX Kai 8cbaoi)ai xoic;

Give orders to the sons of Israel! and they shall give to the

Aemxaic; arco xcov KAx|pcov Kaxaa%eaecoc; auxcbv noXsiq

Levites from the lots of their possession cities

KaxoiKsiv Kai xa 7ipodaxeia xcov 7i6A,8cov kdk^co

to dwell in; and the outskirts of the cities round about

cxDxcbv 8cbaoi)ai xoic; Aemxaic; 3 + Kai saovxai ai

them you shall give to the Levites. And [ shall be the

noX^iq KaxoiKsiv Kai xa acpopiojiaxa auxcbv eaxai xoic;

cities] to dwell in. And their separation [offerings] [of lands] will be for

Kxfjvsaiv auxcbv Kai 7idoi xoic; xexpd7i;oaiv auxcbv 4 + Kai

their cattle and all their four-footed [animals]. And

xa aDyKDpcyovxa xcov 7i6A,scov aq Scbasxs xoic;

the lands falling in with the cities, which you shall give to the

Aemxaic; a7io Tsi%ovq xrjc; itoXscnq Kai e^co %(Xioi

Levites, [shall be] from [the] wall of the city and outside — a thousand

7ir\%siq kdkAxd 5+ Kai jisxpfjasic; e^co Tr\q noXscoq xo

cubits round about. And you shall measure outside the city — the



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04 - Numbers
Kkhoq to 7rpoc; avaxo^dq 6\a%ikiovq 7if|%eic; Kai to

side the one towards [the] east -- two thousand cubits; and the

Kkvcoq to 7rpoq )dfia 6ia%ikiovq nr\%ziq Kai to

side the one towards [the] south — two thousand cubits; and the

kMtoc; to rcpoc; QaXaaaav dia%ikiovq 7if|xsiq Kai to

side the one towards [the] west ~ two thousand cubits; and the

kMtoc; to 7ipoc; Poppdv 6ia%ikiovq nr\%ziq Kai rj

side the one towards [the] north — two thousand cubits; and the

noXiq jisaov tot3tod scrcai D|i(v Kai Ta 6|iopa TCOV

city between this will be for you, and the adjoining [areas] of the

7i6A,scov 6+ Kai Tac; noXsiq aq ScoaeTS TOiq Asvvzaq

cities. And the cities which you shall give to the Levites

Tac; 7i6A,eic; tcdv tpi)ya8ei)Tr|picov aq 8cba8T8

[are] the six cities of the places of refuge, which you shall give

cpuyeiv 8K8i too cpovetioavTi Kai 7ipoc; TauTaic;

[to flee there for the one man-slaying]; and in addition to these,

TsaaapdKOVTa Kai 8uo 7i6A£i&lt;; i + ndaaq xaq noXsiq aq

forty two cities. All the cities which

5cbasT8 tok; Asvhaiq TsaaapdKOVTa Kai oktco itoXsiq

you shall give to the Levites [are] forty and eight cities,

xamaq Kai Ta 7ipodoTSia aDTcbv s + Kai xaq noXsiq aq

these and their outskirts. And the cities which

8cbasTS and xr[q KaTao%ea£coc; mcbv lapar\k and

you shall give from the possession of [the] sons of Israel, from

tcdv Ta noXka noXka Kai and tcov

the [ones having] many [will be] many; and from the [ones having]

s^aTTOVcov e^arcov eKacrcoc; KaTd

less [will be] less; each according to

ttjv Klr|povo|iiav ovtov r\v KaTaKXripovo|if|ooi)ai

his inheritance which they shall allot,

Scbaouaiv a7io tcov 7t6A,scov TOiq Aeuvcaic; 9 + Kai

they shall give from the cities to the Levites. And

eXdAxjas Kupioq npoq McoDofjv Aiycov io+ XdArjaov TOiq

[the] LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Speak to the

vioiq IapafjA, Kai epsfc; npoq avzovq v[isiq

sons of Israel! and you shall say to them, You

8iaPa(v8T8 tov IopSdvrjv sic; yrjv Xavadv n+ Kai

are passing over the Jordan into [the] land of Canaan. And

8iaaTeA£iT£ djjav auTOic; 7i6A,sic; cpi)ya8ei)Tf|pia e&lt;ycai

you shall draw apart to you for them cities for them; [ places of refuge they will

D|i(v cpuydv sksi tov cpovsDTfjv rcac; o 7iaTd^ac;

to you [ to flee there [for] the man-slayer]; any one striking



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\|/D%fjv aKODaicoq 12+ Kai saovxai ai7i6A,sic; djjav

a soul unintentionally. And they will be cities for you

cpDya8sDxf|pia goto tod ay%iaxsDovxoc; to aijia Kai

as places of refuge from the one acting as next of kin for blood, that

od jlxti a7io0dvr| o cpovsDcov scoc; av axrj

in no way should [ die the one man-slaying] until whenever he should stand

svavxi Tr\q aDvaycoyfjc; sic; Kpiaiv 13+ Kai ai noXsiq

before the congregation for judgment. And the cities

aq 5cbasTS xac; s^ 7i6A,sic; cpDya8sDxf|pia saovxai

which you shall appoint — the six cities ~ [ places of refuge will be]

djiiv 14 + xac; xpsic; itoksiq 8cbasTS sv xco rcspav tod

for you. Three cities you shall appoint on the other side of the

Iop5dvoD Kai xaqxpsic; 7i6A,sic; Scbasxs sv yrj

Jordan, and three cities you shall appoint in [the] land

Xavadv 15+ cpDya8s(ov saxai xoig dioic; IapafjA, Kai

of Canaan. A place of refuge they will be to the sons of Israel. And

too 7ipoar|AmcD Kai too 7rapoiKco too sv djiiv saovxai

to the foreigner and to the sojourner among you [ will be

ai 7i6A£ic; atixai sic; cpDyaSsDxfjpiov cpDysiv sksi rcavxi

these cities] for a place of refuge to flee there to all

rcaxd^avxi \|/Dxfjv aKODaicoc; i 6 +sdv8s sv cjksdsi

striking a soul unintentionally. And if by an item

aiSfjpoD 7iaxd^r| aDxov Kai xsXsDxfjarj

of iron one should strike him, and he should come to an end ~

(povsDxfjc; sail Gavdxco GavaxoDaGco O CpOVSDXT|Cj 17 +

[that one] is a murderer — unto death let [ be put to death the murderer] !

sdv 8s sv AiGco sk %sipoc; sv go a7ioGavs(xai sv

And if by a stone from [the] hand in which one should die by

aDxcb 7iaxd^r| aDxov Kai a7ioGdvr|

it, [then the one] who should strike him, even he should die,

(povsDxfjc; saxi Gavdxco GavaxoDaGco O (pOVSDXT|(^ 18 +

he is a murderer — unto death let [ be put to death the murderer] !

sdv 8s sv cjksdsi ^oAivco sk xzipoq 8 ^ ov

And if by an item of wood from [his] hand of which

a7ioGavs(xai 7iaxd^r| aDxov Kai a7ioGdvr|

one should die, as he should strike him, and one should die,

cpovsDxfjc; saxi Gavdxco a7ioGavs(xai o cpovsDxfjc; 19+0

he is a murderer ~ unto death [ shall die the murderer] ! The

ay%iaxsDcov xo aijia odxoc; a7ioKxsvs( xov cpovstiaavxa

one acting as next of kin for blood, this one shall kill the one man-slaying;

oxav aDvavxfjarj aDxcb odxoc; a7ioKxsvs( aDxov 20 +

whenever he meets him, this one shall kill him.



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sdv 5s 8i' s%0pav cbarj aDxov Kai S7nppuj/rj S7i'

And if through hatred he should thrust him through or should cast upon

avzov iiav cksdoc; s^ svsSpoD Kai a7ro0dvrj 2 i+ r|

him any item by ambush, and he should die, or

5id jifjviv S7tdxa^sv aDxov xrj %sip( Kai a7io0dvrj

through vehement anger he strikes him by the hand, and he should die —

0avdxco 0avaxoDa0co o 7iaxd^ac; cpovsDxfjc; soxi o

to death let [ be put to death the one striking], he is a murderer! The

ay%iaxsDcov xo aijia a7roKxsvsi xov cpovstiaavxa ev

one acting as next of kin for blood shall kill the one man-slaying in

xco aDvavxfjaai aDxco 22+ sdv 5s s^a7rrvrjc; od 81'

the meeting up with him. But if suddenly, [ not by

s%0pav cbarj arjxov rj S7iippuj/rj S7i' arjxov 7iav

hatred he should thrust him through], or cast upon him any

aKsrjoc; odk s^ svsSpoD 23+ r| 7iavx( Ai0co sv co

item, not from ambush, or any stone in which

a7io0avs(xai sv aDxco odk siScbc; Kai S7ri7isar| S7i'

he shall die by it, not knowing, and he should fall upon

arjxov Kai a7ro0dvrj avzoq 5s odk s%0poc; aDxoD rjv

him, and he should die, but he [ not his enemy was],

od5s ^rjxcov KaK07ioif|aai aDxov 24+ Kai Kpivsi rj

nor seeking to do evil against him; then [ shall judge the

aDvaycoyfj avajisaov xod 7iaxd^avxoc; Kai avajisaov

congregation] between the one striking and between

xod ayxiaxsDovxoq xo aijia Kaxd xa Kpijiaxa xaDxa 25 +

the one acting as next of kin for blood, according to these cases.

Kai s^sXsixai rj aDvaycoyfj xov cpovstiaavxa arco xod

And [ shall rescue the congregation] the one man-slaying from the one

ayxiaxsDovxoq xo aijia Kai a7ioKaxaaxfjaoDaiv aDxov

acting as next of kin for blood; and [ shall restore him

rj aDvaycoyfj sic; xrjv 7i6A.iv xod cpDyaSsDxrjpioD aDxoD

the congregation] into the city of his place of refuge,

od KaxscpDys Kai KaxoiKqasi sksi scoq av

of which he took refuge; and he shall dwell there until whenever

a7io0dvrj o ispsDc; o jisyaq ov s%piaav aDxov

[ should die the priest great], whom they anointed him

xco sAmco xco ayico 26 + sdv 5s s^65co s^sA£rj

[ oil with the holy]. But if by an exit [ should come forth from

o cpovsfjaac; xa opia xrjc; noXscnq sic; rjv

the one man-slaying] the borders of the city in which

KaxscpDysv sksi 27+ Kai SDprj aDxov o ay%iaxsDcov

he took refuge there, and [ should find him the one acting as next of kin


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to aijia e^co xcov opicov xrjc; itoXscnq KaxacpDyfjc; aDxoD

for blood] outside the borders of the city of his refuge,

Kai cpovsDarj o ayxiaxsDcov to aijia xov

and [ should slaughter the one acting as next of kin for blood] the

cpovsDaavxa odk evo%6c; screw 28 + sv yap xr| 7c6A,si

one man-slaying, [ not liable is he]? For in the city

Tr\q KaxacpDyfjc; aDxoD KaxoiKeixco ecoc; a7io6dvr|

of his refuge let him dwell until [ should die

o ispetic; o jisyac; Kai jiexd xo a7co6av£iv xov lepea

priest the great] ! And after the dying of the [ priest

xov jisyav e7ravaoxpacpfja£xai o cpovetioac; sic; xrjv

great] [ will be able to return the one man-slaying] unto the

yrjv xrjc; Kaxaa%ea£coc; aDxoD 29+ Kai eaxaixatixa D|iw

land of his possession. And these [things] will be to you

sic; 5iKa(co|ia Kpijiaxoc; eic; xag ysvsdg Djicbv ev 7cdaaic;

for an ordinance of judgment unto your generations in all

xaiq KaxoiKiaiq djicov 30+ 7iaq 7caxd^ac; \|/D%f|v 8id

your dwellings. Every [one] striking a soul, with

jiapxtipcov cpovsDaei xov cpovetiaavxa Kai jidpxDc; sic;

witnesses, you shall slaughter the one man-slaying; and [ witness one]

od |iapxi)pfjasi S7i( \\fv%r\v a7io0avs(v 3 1 + Kai od

shall not witness for a soul to die. And you shall not

Axj\j/ea9s Ampa 7iep( \|A)xfjc; Tiapd xod cpovsDaavxoc;

take ransoms for a soul from the one murdering ~

xod svoxod ovxoc; avaipsGfjvai Gavdxco yap

the [ liable one being] [is] to be done away with, for unto death

GavaxooGfjasxai 32+ Kai od Arjij/eaGe Ampa xod

he shall be put to death. And you shall not take ransoms for the

cpDysiv sic; 7i6A.iv xcov cpDya8£Dxr|picov xod 7cdAav

one fleeing into a city of the places of refuge, to again

KaxoiKsiv S7ri xrjc; yrjc; scoc; av a7co9dvr| o lepetic;

dwell in the land, until whenever [ should die the priest

o (isyaq 33+ Kai od jjt| (povoKxovfjarjxs xrjv yrjv scp'

great]. And in no way should you pollute with murder the land upon

r\q Djisiq KaxoiKsixs 87c' aDxfjc; xo yap aijia xodxo

which you dwell upon it; for this blood

cpovoKxovsi xrjv yrjv Kai odk s^iAxxaGfjaexai rj yrj

pollutes [ by murder the land], and [ shall not be atoned the land]

a7co xod aijiaxoc; xod sk%d0svxoc; 87c' aDxfjc; aXk'

from the blood having been poured out upon it, but

S7c( xod aijiaxoc; xod sk%80vxoc; 34+ Kai od

[it shall be] upon the blood of the one pouring it out. And you shall not


36 l 1 ? ev toutco + vtica 04 - Numbers

jiiavsixs xrjv yrjv scp r\q Kaxoucsixs S7i auxf|c; scp

defile the land upon which you dwell upon it, of

r\q sycb KaxaaKqvcb sv v[iiv sycb yap sijii Kopioc;

which I should encamp among you. For I am [the] LORD

KaxaaKTjvcbv sv jisaco xcov mcbv IapafjX

encamping in [the] midst of the sons of Israel.

36 lb

i+ Kai 7ipoafjX0ov oi dp%ovxsc; 7iaxpicbv (pvXr\q

And came forward the rulers of the fathers' [side] of [the] tribes

mcbv Takaad diod Maxip viov Mavaaafj sk xrjc;

of [the] sons ofGilead, son ofMachir, son of Manasseh, from the

(pvhf\q mcbv Icoafjtp Kai sAxxArjaav svavxi Mcomyq

tribe of [the] sons of Joseph, and they spoke before Moses,

Kai svavxi EXsd^ap xod ispscoc; Kai svavxi xcov

and before Eleazar the priest, and before the

ap%6vxcov oikcov 7iaxpicov xcov mcbv IapafjX 2 + Kai

rulers of [the] houses of [the] patrimony of the sons of Israel. And

8i7iav xco Kopico rjjicbv svsxsiXaxo Kopioc; a7ro8oi3vai

they said, [ [to] our master [The] LORD gave charge] to give

xtjv yrjv xrjq KA,r|povo|i(a(; ev KArjpco xoic; vioiq

the land of inheritance by lot to the sons

IapafjX Kai xco Kopico auvsxa^s Kopioc; 5owai xrjv

of Israel; and [to the master [the] LORD gave orders] to give the

KArjpovojiiav SaAjradS xod aSsAxpoi) rjjicbv xaic;

inheritance ofZelophehad our brother [to]

9i)yaxpdaiv avzov 3 + Kai saovxai svi xcov tpiAcbv

his daughters. And they will be to one of the tribes

mcbv IopafjX yuvaiKec; Kai acpaipsGfjasxai

of [the] sons of Israel for wives; and [ shall be removed

o KArjpoc; auxcbv sk xrjc; Kaxaa%sascoc;

their lot] from the possession

xcov 7iaxspcov r||icbv Kai 7ipoaxs9f|asxai sic;

of our fathers, and shall be added for

KArjpovojjiav xrjc; (pvXr\q oiq av ysvcovxai yovaiKsc;

an inheritance of the tribe in which ever they should become wives;

Kai sk xod KArjpou xrjc; KAxjpovojjiac; r||icbv

and from the lot of our inheritance

atpaipsGfjasxai 4 + sdv 8s ysvrjxai r| dcpsaiq xcov mcbv

it shall be removed. And if there should be the release of the sons

lapar\k Kai 7ipoaxs0fjasxai r| KAxjpovojjia auxcbv ski

of Israel, then [ shall be added their inheritance] unto


36 il sv toi3tco + vuca 04 - Numbers

xrjv KAxjpovojjiav Tr\q (pvkr\q oiq av ysvcovTai

the inheritance of the tribe in which ever [ become [wives]

ywaiKec; Kai arco Tr\q Khr\povo[daq (pvhf\q

[the] women]; and from the inheritance of [the] tribe

7iaTpi&amp;c; rjjicbv acpaipeBfjasxai r) KArjpovojiia aDTcbv 5 +

of our family [ shall be removed their inheritance].

Kai svstsiAxxto McoDafjc; zoiq vioiq IapafjX 8id

And Moses gave charge to the sons of Israel, through

7ipoaT&amp;y|iaTOc; kdpiod Aiycov odtcoc; (pvhf\ dicov

[the] order of [the] LORD, saying, Thus [to the] tribe of [the] sons

Icoafjcp AiyoDai 6 + todto to pf||ia o awsxa^s icupioq

of Israel, say, This is the saying which [the] LORD ordered

Toiq 0Dyaxpdai SaAjradS Aiycov od av apsaKq

to the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, Of whom ever it is pleasing

svavxiov aoTcbv scxccoaav yvvahcsq Tihr\v sk tod

before them let them be wives, only from the

8f||ioD tod itCLTpoq (xdtcov scrccoaav yovaixsc; ?+ Kai

people of their father let them be wives! And

od%( 7ispiaTpa(pf|asTai r| KAx|povo|i(a TOiq vioiq

[ shall not be moved around the inheritance to the sons

IapafjX arco (pvhf\q S7i( (pvhf\v 6ti SKaoToq ev tt|

of Israel] from tribe to tribe, that each in the

KArjpovojjia Trjq (pvkr\q Tr\q 7iaTpid(; aDTOD

inheritance of the tribe of his family

7rpoaKoAAx|9fjaovTai 01 dioi IapafjX s+ Kai 7idaa

[ shall cleave to the sons of Israel]. And every

0DydTT|p ay%icTTeDODoa KArjpovojjiav sk tcov cpD^cbv

daughter acting as next of kin of an inheritance from the tribes

Dicbv IapafjA, svi tcov sk tod 5t||iod

of the sons of Israel, [to one of the ones from out of the people

tod 7raTp6c; aDTfjc; saovTai yovaixsc; (va

of her father they shall be wives], that

ayxicTTSDacooiv 01 dioi IapafjA, SKacrcoc; tt|v

[ should be acting as next of kin the sons of Israel], each in the

KArjpovojiiav tt|v 7iaTpiKf|v aDTOD 9 + Kai OD

inheritance of his father. And [ shall not

7tspioTpacpfjaeTai o KAxjpoc; 8K (pvhf\q S7U tpDArjv

be moved around the lot] from [one] tribe to [ tribe

STspav aXk' SKacrcoc; sv ttj KAxjpovojjia aDTOD

another], but each unto his inheritance

7ipoaKoHr|6f|aovTai 01 dioi IapafjX 10+ ov Tporcov

shall [ cleave to the sons of Israel]. In which manner


36 V?

ev tootco + vtica

04 - Numbers
aDvexa^e Kopiog Moyoafj odxooc; S7io(r|aav 0Dyaxspsc;

[the] LORD ordered Moses, thus [ did [the] daughters

XaAjradS n+ Kai eysvovxo Maa^d 0epad Kai AiyXd

of Zelophehad]. And it came to pass Mahlah, Tizrah, and Hoglah,

Kai MsA,%d Kai NoDd 0Dyaxepsc; SaAjiad5 xoic;

and Milchah, and Noah, daughters of Zelophehad [to]

aveyiok; aDxcbv 12+ sk xod 5f||ioD xod Mavaaafj mcbv

their cousins of the people of Manasseh of [the] sons

Iooofjcp sysvfjGrjaav yDvaiKec; Kai sysvf|6r|

of Joseph they became wives. And [ came

r| KArjpovojjia auxcbv em xrjv (pvkr\v 8r\[iov

their inheritance] to the tribe of [the] people

xod 7iaxp6(^ ai)xcbv 13+ atixai ai evxoAm Kai xa

of their father. These [are] the commandments, and the

8iKaicb|iaxa Kai xa Kpijiaxa a evexsi^axo Kopioc; sv

ordinances, and the judgments, which [the] LORD gave charge by

Xsipi McoDafj xoic; vioiq IapafjX S7il 8i)a|icbv Mcodp

[the] hand of Moses to the sons of Israel at [the] descent ofMoab

S7Ti xod Iop8dvoD Kaxd Ispi%cb

near the Jordan by Jericho.


1 N sv Tovrccp + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

1 X

i + croTOi oi Xoyoi ovq sAxxArjas Modvar\q rcavxi IapafjA,

These are the words which Moses spoke to all Israel

7ispav tod IopSdvoD ev ttj spfjiico 7ipoc; SDajidc;

on the other side of the Jordan, in the wilderness towards [the] west,

7iAr|a(ov xrjc; zpvdpaq dakaaar\q avajisaov Oapdv

neighboring the red sea, between Paran

TotpoA, Kai AoPov Kai avXodv

Tophel and Laban, and Canyons, and Place Abounding in Gold.

sv8sra rjjispcbv 8K XoopfjP odoq S7i' opoc; Sr|8ip

[eleven days from Horeb [It is] a journey] by mount Seir

scoc; Kd8r|c; Bapvfj 3 + Kai sysvf|6r| sv too

unto Kadesh Barnea. And it came to pass in the

xsoaapaKoaxcb sxsi sv too sv8sKdTC0 jirjvi jiia tod

fortieth year, in the eleventh month, [day] one of the

ixqvoc; sAxxAxjas MoaDafjc; itpoq rcdvxac; viovq lapar\k

month, Moses spoke to all [the] sons of Israel

raid rcdvxa 6aa svsxs(A,axo Kopioc; aDxcb itpoq

according to all as much as [the] LORD gave charge to him for

avTOvq 4+ fisxd to 7iaxd^ai Erjcbv PaaiAia Ajioppaicov

them, after the striking ofSihon king of [the] Amorites,

xov KaxoiKfjaavxa sv EasPcbv Kai xov Qy PaaiAia

the ones dwelling in Heshbon, and Og king

TTjqBaadv xov KaxoiKqoavxa sv AaxapcbB Kai sv

ofBashan, the one dwelling in Astaroth and in

E8paiv 5 + sv xco 7ispav xod Iop8dvoD sv yrj Mcodp

Edrei. On the other side of the Jordan, in [the] land ofMoab,

fjp^axo McoDafjc; Siaaacpfjaai xov vojiov xodxov Aiycov 6 +

Moses began to make clear this law, saying,

KDpioq o dsoq r\[i(bv sA,dAx|osv r\[dv sv XcopfjP Aiycov

[The] LORD your God spoke to you in Horeb, saying,

iKavoDaGco D[iiv KaxoiKsiv sv xco opsi XODXCO 7 +

Let it be enough for you to dwell in this mountain!

S7iiaxpd(pr|xs Kai arcdpaxs djisic; Kai sia7iopsDsa9s sic;

[ turn and depart You], and enter into

opoq Ajioppaicov Kai itpoq rcdvxac; zovq 7ispioiKODc;

[the] mountain of [the] Amorites, and to all the ones adjacent

apapd sic; opoq Kai 7is8(ov Kai itpoq Aipa

to [the] wilderness, to [the] mountain, and [the] plain, and to [the] south,

Kai 7iapaAiav yrjv Xavavaicov Kai AvxiAipavov scoq

and [the] coast land of [the] Canaanites, and Antilebanon, unto

1 N sv tootcq + vtica 05 - Deuteronomy

TOD 7TOTa|IOD TOD |I8yaA,OD EDCppdTOD 8+ (8sts

the river of the great Euphrates! Behold!

7iapa8e8coKa evcG7iiov Djicbv tt|v yrjv £io7iopsD6£VT£c;

I have delivered up before you the land. Having entered,

KAr|povo|xfjaaT£ tt|v yrjv r|v cojioaa miq

inherit the land! which I swore by an oath [to]

7iaTpdoiv djicov too APpa&amp;ji Kai Ioa&amp;K Kai IaKcbp

your fathers, [to] Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob,

5oDvai aDTOiq Kai tcd a7i8p|iaTi aDTcbv jist' (xdtodc; 9 +

to give to them and to their seed after them.

Kai 8i7ia 7ipoc; Djidq sv tcd Kaipcb eKeivco Aiycov od

And I said to you in that time, saying, I will not

8Dvfjao|iai [iovoq cpepsiv Djidc; 10+ Kopioc; oGso^djicov

be able alone to bear you, [the] LORD your God

£7rAxj0Dvsv Djidq Kai i8od ecrce ofjjispov coasi Ta

multiplied you. And behold, you are today as the

dcrcpa tod ODpavoD too 7iAx|0ei u+ KDpioc; o Geoc;

stars of the heaven [in] multitude. [The] LORD God

tcov 7iaT8pcov Djicbv 7ipoa9e(r| djiiv coc; sctts

of your fathers may he add to you as you are

XikioTikaamq Kai eD^oyfjaai Djidc; KaGoTi sldAxjaev

a thousand times more, and bless you in so far as he spoke

D|i(v 12+ 7icoc; SDvfjaojiai [iovoq cpspsiv tov K07iov djicov

to you! How shall I be able alone to bear your toil,

Kai ttjv D7i6aTaaiv djicov Kai Tag avTi^oyiaq djicov

and support you, and your disputes?

13+ 86ts saDTOiq dvSpac; aocpoDc; Kai S7iiaTf||iovac; Kai

Appoint to yourselves [men wise], and having knowledge, and

cjdvstodc; sic; Tag (pvkaq djicov Kai KaTaaTfjaco aDTODc;

discerning among your tribes! And I will ordain them

scp' Djidc; rjyoDjievoDc; djicov i 4 + Kai a7isKp(6r|TS jioi

over you [as] your leaders. And you answered to me,

Kai 8i7raTS Kakov to pfjjia o eXdArjaac; 7ioifjaai 15 +

and said, [ [is] good The saying] which you spoke to do.

Kai elapov Dficbv dvSpac; aocpoDc; Kai

And I took from you [ men wise], and

87iiaTfj|iovac; Kai ctdvstodc; sic; Tag (pvXaq djicov Kai

having knowledge, and discerning for your tribes. And

KaTsarrjaa aDTODc; r|ys(a0ai scp' djicov x i ^ lc *PX 01) c;

I ordained them to take the lead over you — commanders of thousands,

Kai £KaTOVTdp%ODc; Kai 7ievTr|K0VTdp%0Dc; Kai

and commanders of hundreds, and commanders of fifties, and

1 N sv Tovrccp + vtica 05 - Deuteronomy

5sKdp%ODc; Kai ypajijiaxoeiaaycDysk; xoic; Kpixaig Djicbv

commanders of tens, and judicial recorders [for] your judges.

i6+ mi £VSTSiX&amp;|ir|v xoic; Kpixaiq DJICOV 8V

And I gave charge [to] your judges in

too Kaipcb SK8ivco Xsycov 8iaK0Dsxe avajisaov

that time, saying, Hold a hearing between

tcov aSeAxpcbv djicov Kai Kpivaxe 5iKaicbc; avajieaov

your brethren, and judge justly between

avdpoq Kai avajieaov a8eAxpoD aDxoD Kai avajisaov

a man and between his brother, and between

7rpoarjAmoi) aDxoD n+ odk S7nyvcbaea9s 7ip6aco7rov

[the] foreigner [with] him! You shall not discriminate [for] a person

sv Kpiasi Kaxd xov jiiKpov Kai Kaxd xov jisyav

in a judgment; concerning the small and according to the great

Kpivsic; od |ir| D7roaxsiAx| 7ip6aco7rov

you shall judge [equally]. In no way shall you avoid [justice] [by accepting the]

av0pcb7roi) 6xi r| Kpiaic; xod 0sod saxi Kai xo pfj|ia

of a man, for the judgment is of God. And the matter

o sdv aicAr|p6v r| acp' djicov avoiaexe ai)xo zri ejie

which ever might be hard for you, you shall bear it to me,

Kai aKotiaojiai ai)xo is+ Kai £vexeiXd|ir|v djiiv sv

and I shall hear it. And I gave charge to you at

xco Kaipcb sksivco 7idvxac; xodc; XoyoDc; odc; 7ioif|aexe 19+

that time all the words which you shall do.

Kai a7idpavxsc; sk Xcopfjp s7ropsD0r||isv 7idaav

And departing from out of Horeb, we went through all

xrjv eprjjiov xrjv jieydAxjv Kai xrjv cpopspdv SKsivrjv r|v

[ wilderness great and dreadful that], which

e(8exe o86v opoDc; xod A|ioppafc&gt;D Ka66xi

you beheld by [the] way of [the] mountain of the Amorite, in so far as

svsxsiAxxxo Kopioc; o Geoc; r||icbv r||iiv Kai f|Ai)o|iev ecoc;

[ gave charge [the] LORD our God] to us; and we came unto

KdSrjq Bapvf] 20+ Kai si7ia 7ipoc; Djidc; f|A,9axs ecoc;

Kadesh Barnea. And I said to you, You came unto

xod 6poi)c; xod AjioppaioD o Kopioc; o Geoc; r||icbv

the mountain of the Amorite, the one [the] LORD our God

8(Scoaiv DJXIV 21 + (8exe 7iapa5s8coKsv r\[dv Kopioc;

gives to you. Behold! [ has delivered up to you [the] LORD

o Geoc; djicov 7ipo 7rpoacb7iOD djicov xrjv yrjv avapdvxsc;

your God before your face the land]. Ascending,

KArjpOVOJISlXS OV Xp07TOV 81718 KDpiOCj O 9s6c;

you inherit it! in which manner [ spoke [the] LORD God

1 N ev Tovrccp + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

xcov 7iai8pcov djicov djiiv |ir| cpopfjaGs |JT|8s

of your fathers] to you. You should not fear nor

SsiAidarjxs 22+ Kai 7rpoafjX0aTS |ioi navxsq Djisic; Kai

be timid. And [ came forward tome you all], and

si7raTS a7roaTs(AxD|i£V avdpaq 7rpoxspoDc; r||icbv Kai

said, You should send men in front of us, and

s(po5sDa&amp;T&lt;jaaav r\[iiv xrjv yrjv Kai avayysiXdxcoaav

let them explore [for us the land], and let them announce

r\[iiv aftOKpiaiv xrjv o86v 81' r\q avaPrjaojisGa sv

to us an answer for the way through which we shall ascend by

aDifj Kai xac; noXziq sic; aq sia7iopsDa6|is9a sic;

it! and the cities into which we shall enter into

avzaq 23+ Kai fjpsaev svavxiov sjiod to pfjjia Kai

them. And [ was pleasing before me the saying]. And

zkafiov s^ djicdv 8cb8sKa dvSpac; dv8pa sva Kaxd

I took from you twelve men — [ man one] according to

(pi)Axjv 24+ Kai STiiaxpacpsvxsc; avsprjaav sic; to opoq

tribe. And turning they ascended into the mountain,

Kai fjXGov scoc; cpdpayyoc; PoxpDoc; Kai

and came unto Ravine of Cluster, and

KaxsoK07isDoav aDxfjv 25+ Kai skafiov sv

they spied it. And they took in

xaic; %spa(v aDxcbv anb tod KapftOD xrjc; yr\q Kai

their hands of the fruit of the land, and

KaxfjvsyKav 7ipoc; Djidc; Kai s^syov ayaGfj r| yr| r|v

carried it to you, and said, [ [is] good The land] which

Kopioc; o Gsoq t||icdv 8(8coaiv r\[dv 26+ Kai odk

[the] LORD our God gives to us. And you did not

rjGsAxjaaxs avapfjvai aXk' r|7rsi6fjaaxs xoo pfjjiaxi

want to ascend, but you resisted persuasion against the word

Kopioi) tod 6 sot) Djicbv 27 + Kai Sisyoyytiaaxs sv

of [the] LORD your God. And you complained in

xaic; aKqvafc; djicov Kai sircaxs 8id to jiiasiv Kopiov

your tents, and said, Because the LORD detested

r|jLxdq s^qyaysv r\[iaq sk yr|Cj AiyirnxoD 7iapa8oDvai

us he led us out of [the] land of Egypt, to deliver

r\[iaq sic; %s(pac; Ajioppaicov Kai s^oXoGpsDaai r\[idq

us into [the] hands of [the] Amorites, and to utterly destroy us.

28+ 7tod r\[iEiq avapaivojisv 018s aSsA^oi rjjicbv

Where do we ascend? And our brethren

a7rsoTT|aav xr|v KapSiav r||icbv Aiyovxsc; sGvoc; jisya

caused [ to abstain our heart], saying, [ nation [It is] a great

1 N sv tootco + vtica 05 - Deuteronomy

Kai itoXv Kai 8i)vaxcbxspov rjjicbv Kai 7r6A,eic; jieydAm

and populous], and mightier than we; and [cities great],

Kai T£T£i%ia|i8vai ecoc; tod oupavoi) aXka Kai viovq

and walled unto the heaven; moreover also [ sons

yiydvicov scopdKajiev sksi 29+ Kai si7ia itpoq v[idq |ir|

of giants we saw] there. And I said to you, Do not

7TTf|^r|T8 |JT|8s (poPr|6fjT£ a7l' aDXCOV 30+ KUpiOq

be alarmed, nor fear from them! [The] LORD

o dsoq djicov o 7rpo7rop£i)6|i£voc; 7ipo 7ipoaco7roD UJICOV

your God, the one going forth before your face,

avToq aDV£K7roA£|xfjasi avzovq |is0' djicov raid

he will join in making war against them with you, according to

rcdvxa 6aa S7rorr|asv ujjiv sv yr| Aiyimxco 31+ Kai

all as much as he did for you in [the] land of Egypt, and

sv XT] spfjjaco xat)TT[ rjv e(8exs coc; sxpocpotpoprjae ae

in this wilderness which you beheld, how as [ nurtured you

Kopioc; o dsoq gov coc; ei xic; xpocpocpopfjaai dv6pco7ioc;

[the] LORD your God], as if any [ should nurture man]

xov Diov clvtov Kaxd 7idoav ttjv o86v 8iq T|V

his son, according to all the way into which

S7ropsi)0r|TS scoc; fjABsxe siq xov xorcov xouxov 32 + Kai

you were gone, until you came unto this place. And

sv xco A,6yco xouxco ouk svs7riaxsi)aaxe Kopico

in this word you did not entrust [to the] LORD

xco 0scb djicov 33 + oq 7rpo7iopsT3sxai rcpoxspoc; Djicbv sv

your God, who goes forth in front of you in

XT] o5cb SKAiyeaGai djiiv xotcov o8r|ycbv v[iaq sv

the way, to choose for you a place, guiding you by


fire at night, showing to you the way by which

7iop£i)£a6£ S7i' avTT\q Kai sv vetpsArj rjjiepac; 34+ Kai

you go by it, and with a cloud by day. And

fjKODae Kopioc; xrjv cpcovfjv xcov Xoycov djicov Kai

[the] LORD heard the voice of your words, and

7iapo^DV0sfc; cojioae Aiycov 35+ si 6\j/sxa( Tiq

he being provoked swore by an oath, saying, [Shall] [ see any

xcov av5pcbv xotixcov xcov 7iovr|pcbv xrjv yrjv ayaGfjv

men of these wicked] [ land good

xatixTTV rjv cojioaa xoic; rcaxpdaiv auxcbv 35+ ith\v

this] which I swore by an oath [to] their fathers, [no]. except

XaAip vioq Iscpovfj omoq 6\j/exai aDxfjv Kai xotixco

Caleb son of Jephunneh, this one shall see it; and to this one

1 N sv tootco + vtica 05 - Deuteronomy

5cbaco xrjv yrjv scp' r|v S7isPr| Kai xoic; vioiq aDxoD

I shall give the land upon which he mounted, and [to] his sons,

8id to 7rpoaKs(a6ai auxov xa npoq Kopiov 37 +

because of joining [ to himself the [things] of [the] LORD].

Kai s|io( s0D|icb0r| Kopioc; 81' v[idq Aiycov od5s

And [ at me was enraged [the] LORD] because of you, saying, Nor should

od od |iT| siasA£r|c; sksi 38+ IrjaoDc; vioq NaDfj o

you in any way enter there. Joshua son of Nun, the

7rapsorr|Kcbc; aoi odxoc; sias^SDasxai sksi

one standing beside you, this one shall enter there;

avzov Kax(a%Daov 6x1 aDxoc; KaxaKAr|povo|xf|asi aDxfjv

you strengthen him! for he shall allot it

xco IapafjX Kai xa 7iai8(a djicdv a sircaxs sv

to Israel and your children, which you said [ for

xt| 5iap7iayfj sasaBai 39+ Kai 7iav 7iai5(ov vsov oaxiq

ravaging to be]. And every [child new], whoever

odk 018s afjiispov aya66v r| KaKov odxoi

does not know today good or bad, this one

siasXsDaovxai sksi Kai xodxoic; 5cbaco aDxfjv Kai

shall enter there, and to these I shall give it, and

ai)xo( KAxipovojifjaoDaiv aDxfjv 40+ Kai djisic;

to them they shall inherit it. And you,

S7iiaxpa(psvxsc; saxpaxo7is8sDoaxs sic; xrjv sprjjiov

in turning, encamped in the wilderness,

o56v xrjv S7U xrjc; zpvdpaq dakdaar\q 4 i + Kai

the way near the red sea. And

a7TSKpi6r|xs Kai si7iaxs jioi r||idpxo|isv svavxi KopioD

you answered and said to me, We sinned before [the] LORD

xod 0sod r||icbv v\[iEiq avapdvxsc; 7ioXs|xf|ao|isv Kaxd

our God; we, in ascending, shall wage war according to

7idvxa 6aa svsxsi^axo Kopioc; o 0s6c; r||icbv r\[iiv Kai

all as much as [ gave charge [the] LORD our God] to us. And

ava^apovxsq sraaxoc; xa aKstirj xa 7ioA,s|iiKd aDxoD

[ taking up each] the items for his warfare,

Kai aDvaGpoiaGsvxsq avspaivsxs sic; xo opoq 42+ Kai

and gathering together, ascended into the mountain. And

si7is Kupioq 7ipoc; |is si7rov aDxoiq odk avapfjasaGs

[the] LORD said to me, Say to them, You shall not ascend,

od8s |ir| 7ioXs|xfjasxs od yap sijii |is0' Djicbv Kai

nor wage war, [ not for I am] with you; and

od jitj aDvxpipf|asa0s svcb7iiov xcov s^Gpcbv djicov 43 +

in no way shall you be broken before your enemies.


05 - Deuteronomy

Kai eXdAxjaa djiiv Kai odk eiarjKODaaTS jiod Kai

And I spoke to you, and you did not listen to me, and

7iap8prjxs to pfjjia KopioD Kai 7iapaPiaadji£voi

you violated the word [of the] LORD, and pressing [forward]

aveprjxe etc; to opoq 44+ Kai s^fjAitev o Ajioppaioc;

you ascended unto the mountain. And [ came forth the Amorite

o KaxoiKcbv sv too opsi 8KSIVC0 sic; aDvdvTTjaiv DJICDJI

dwelling in that mountain] to meet you.

Kai KaxsSico^av Djidc; coaei 7ioif|Gaiaav ai jieAiaaai

And they pursued you as do the bees,

Kai smpcoaKov Djidc; arco Srjeip eooc; Epjid 45+ Kai

and pierced you from Seir until Hormah. And

KaGiaavxsq SKAmeTS svavriov KopioD tod 0sod rjjicbv

sitting you wept before [the] LORD your God,

Kai odk siafjKODas Kopioc; Tr\q cpcovfiq Djicbv od5s

and [ did not listen to [the] LORD] your voice, nor

Trpoasaxsv djiiv 46+ Kai svsKdGrjaGs sv Kd5r|c; rjjiepaq

took heed to you. And you laid in wait in Kadesh [ days

noXXaq oaaq 7ioi8 rjjiepac; evsKdGrjaGe

many], as many [ as at some other time days] you laid in wait.

2 n

1+ Kai S7ri&lt;ycpa(psvT£c; a7if|pajiev eic; tt|v eprjjiov o56v

And turning we departed into the wilderness by way

daXaaaav epDBpdv ov Tporcov eldArjas Kopioc; npoq

[ sea [of the] red], in which manner [the] LORD spoke to

jie Kai SKDKAxbaajisv to opoq to I/qeip rjjiepac;

me. And we encircled mount Seir [ days

itoXkaq 2+ Kai e(7ie Kupioc; itpoq jis 3+ iKavoDaGco djiiv

many]. And [the] LORD said to me, [ is enough Your

kdkXodv to opoq todto 87iiaTpd(pr|TS odv S7ri poppdv

encircling this mountain]; turn then towards [the] north!

4+ Kai to Xacb svTSilai Aiyoov djisic; 7iapa7iop8D8a0s

And [ to the people you give charge], saying, You go

8id tcov opicov tcov a8sAxpcbv djicdv dicov HaaD 01

through the borders of your brethren, [the] sons of Esau, the ones

KaTOiKODaiv sv I/qsip Kai (poPr|6f|aovTai Djidc; Kai

dwelling in Seir! And they shall fear you, and

£DA,aPr|0f|aovTai Djidc; acp68pa 5+ jirj aDvd\j/r|Te

shall be [ cautious of you exceedingly]. You shall not join

7ipoc; aDTODc; 7i6A,sjiov od yap jir| 8co djiiv arco

against them [for] war, for not in any way will I give to you of

8V TOT/CCp + VtKCl

05 - Deuteronomy

Tr\q jr\q aDicbv ou8s pfjjaa noboq on sv KAxjpco

their land, nor a stool [for your] foot; for by lot

SsSocnca to Haa6 to opoq to I/qsip 6 + apyopioi)

I have given [to] Esau mount Seir. With silver

Ppcb|iaTa ayopdaaTS 7iap' aDTcbv Kai cpdysoBs Kai

[ foods buy] from them and eat, and

tiSoop jiSTpco Ar|\j/sa6s 7iap' aDTcbv apyupiou Kai

[ water measured out you shall receive] from them by silver, and

7risa08 7+0 yap Kopioc; o Geoc; gov rjiAoyrjas as sv

you shall drink. For [the] LORD your God blessed you in

7iavTi spyco tcov xsipcbv aoi) 8idyvco6i itcnq 8\r\kdsq

every work of your hands. Determine how you went through

ttjv sprjjiov ttjv jisydAxjv Kai cpopspdv sksivt|v i8ou

[ wilderness great and dreadful that] ! Behold,

TsaaapdKovTa stt| Kopioc; o dsoq aoi) jiSTd aoi)

forty years [the] LORD your God [was] with you;

odk S7is8sfj6r|c; pf||iaTOc;

you did not want of a thing.

8+ Kai 7rapfjA,6o|isv zovq adskipovq r\[i(hv viovq Haai3

And we went by our brethren [the] sons of Esau,

todc; KaTOiKowTaq sv Srjsip 7iapd tt|v o86v tt|v

the ones dwelling in Seir, by the way [of] the

apapd a7io EAxbv Kai arco Taaicov TaPsp Kai

wilderness from Aelon, and from Ezion Gaber; and

S7uaTpa(psvTSc; 7tapfjA,0o|isv o86v sprjjiov Mcodp 9 +

turning we went by [the] way of [the] wilderness ofMoab.

Kai S17TS KDpiOCJ 7ipO(; |IS |IT| S%0paiVSTS TOiq

And [the] LORD said to me, Do not hate the

MooaPvcaic; Kai |ir| ai)vd\j/r|TS itpoq avzovq 7i6Xs(iov

Moabites, and do not join together against them in war!

od yap |ir| 8co v[dv anb Tr\q yr\q avzcbv sv KArjpco

for in no way will I give to you of their land. [ by lot

TOiq yap vioiq Acot 8s8coKa tt|v Apofjp KArjpovojisiv

For to [the] sons of Lot I have given Aroer] to inherit.

10+ 01 OjijjIv 7ipoTspoi svsKd6r|VTO S7i' avTT\q zdvoq

The Emim prior laid in wait upon it, [ nation

jisya Kai TtoXv Kai ia%i)pov cba7isp 01 EvaKiji n +

a great and populous], and strong, as the Anakim.

Pacpaiji Ax&gt;yia9fjaovTai Kai outoi cbo7isp Kai 01

[ of the Raphaim shall be considered And these] as also the

EvaKiji Kai 01 Mcoapvcai S7iovo|id£puaiv aDTotic;

Anakim; and the Moabites named them

2 2 sv toutco + vuca 05 - Deuteronomy

EojijjIv 12+ Kai sv I/qsip svsKdGrjxo o Xoppaioc; to

Emim. And in Seir [ laid in wait the Horite] the

7ip6xspov Kai oi dioi HaaD a7icbXsaav aDxotic; Kai

former one; and the sons of Esau destroyed them, and

s^sxpnj/av avTOvq arco 7ipoaco7roD aDxcbv Kai

obliterated them from their face; and

KaxcoKia9r|aav avx' aDxcbv ov xporcov

they settled in place of them in which manner

£7rovr|a£ IopafjX xrjv yrjv xrjc; KArjpovojjiac; aDxoD r\v

Israel did [to] the land of his inheritance, which

sScdks Kopioc; aDxoiq 13 + vdv odv avdaxrjxe Kai

[the] LORD gave to them. Now then, [I said], Rise up, and

aftdpaxe djisic; Kai 7iapa7i;opeDea6e xrjv cpdpayya

depart, and come near the ravine

Zape8 Kai 7rapfjA,0o|i£v xrjv cpdpayya Zape8 14+ Kai

of Zared! And we went by the ravine of Zared. And

ai rjjiepai aq 7iap87ropsT36r||isv arco Kd8r|c; Bapvfj

the days which we passed from Kadesh Barnea

eooc; od 7rapfjA,9o|isv xrjv cpdpayya Zaps8

until of which [time] we went by the ravine of Zared

xpidKovxa OKxcb sxrj eooc; od 8i87isas 7idaa r|

[was] thirty eight years, until of which [time] [ perished all the

ysved av5pcbv 7ioA,8(iiaxcbv a7io9vfjaKovxec; arco xrjc;

generation of men of war], dying from the

7tape|iPoAxjc; KaGoxi cbjioas Kopioc; o 6e6c; aDxoic; 15 +

camp, as [ swore by an oath [the] LORD God] to them.

Kai T| %eip xod GeoD Tjv S7i ' aDxofc; e^avdAxoaai

And the hand of God was upon them, to completely consume

aDxotic; sk jiscjod xrjc; 7iape|iPoAT|c; eooc; od

them from out of [the] midst of the camp, until

8i87isaov i6+ Kai sysvfjGrj 87iei8f| S7isaov 7idvxsc; oi

they perished. And it came to pass, as soon as [ fell all the ones

a7io0vfjaKovxsc; dvSpec; 7ioA,8|iiaxai sk jisctod xod

dying], men warriors, from out of [the] midst of the

Xaov 17+ Kai eAxxAxjas Kupioq npoq |is Aiyoov is+ ctd

people, that [the] LORD spoke to me, saying, You

7iapa7iop8Dar| afjjiepov xa opia Mcodp xrjv Apofjp 19 +

shall pass over today the borders of Moab — the Aroer.

Kai 7ipoad^sxs syyvq dicdv Ajijidv |ir| e%6pa(vexe

And you shall lead near [the] sons of Ammon. Do not hate

aDxoic; |xr|8s &lt;yovd\j/r|xe aDxoic; sic; 7i6A,s|iov od yap

them, nor join against them in war! for

2 2 sv Tovrccp + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

|ir| 5co goto Tr\q yr\q mcbv Ajijidv aoi sv KAxjpco

I will not give from the land of [the] sons of Ammon to you by lot,

on Toiq vioiq Aoox 5s5ooKa auxfjv sv KAxjpco 20+ yr|

for to the sons of Lot I have given it by lot. [ land

Pacpaiv XoyiaGfjasxai Kaiyap S7i' avTT\q KaxcbKODV 01

ofRaphaim It shall be considered], for even upon it [dwelt the

Pacpa'iv to rcpoxspov Kai 01 Ajijiavixai S7rovo|id^oi)aiv

Raphaim formerly]. And the Ammonites named

avTOvq Zojijiiv 21+ sGvoc; jisya Kai itoXv Kai

them Zummim, [ nation a great and populous], and

5i)vaxcbxspov djicov cbo7isp Kai 01 EvaKiji Kai

mightier than you, as also the Anakim; and

a7icbA,sasv auxotic; Kopioc; arco 7ipoacb7roD auxcbv Kai

[ destroyed them [the] LORD] before their face, and

KaxsKAr|pov6|ir|aav auxotic; Kai KaxooKiaGrjaav avx'

they inherited them; and they were settled there in place

auxcbv scoq xrjc; rjjispac; xa^xrjq

of them until this day,

22+ cba7rsp S7rovr|aav xoic; vioq Haav xoic; KaxoiKotiaiv

even as they did [inherit] the sons of Esau, the ones dwelling

sv Erjsip ov xpo7iov s^sxpnj/s xov Xoppaiov arco

in Seir, in which manner he obliterated the Horite from

7ipoaco7roD auxcbv Kai KaxsKAr|pov6|xr|aav avzovq Kai

their face; and they inherited them, and

KaxcoKiaGrjaav avx' auxcbv scoq xrjc; rjjispac; xatixrjc; 23 +

they were settled in place of them until this day.

Kai 01 Euaioi 01 KaxoiKowcsc; sv AarjpcbG scoq Tdfy\q

And the Hivites dwelling in Aseroth unto Gaza,

Kai 01 Ka7T7rd8oKsc; 01 s^sXGovxsc; sk Ka7T7ra8oKiac;

and the Cappadocians coming forth from out of Cappadocia,

s^sxpnj/av avzovq Kai KaxcoKiaGrjaav avx' auxcbv 24 +

obliterated them, and were settled in place of them.

vdv odv avdaxrjxs Kai arcdpaxs Kai 7iapsA,0sxs djisic;

Now then, rise up and depart and go by

xrjv cpdpayya Apvcbv i8ot3 7iapa8s5coKa sic;

the ravine of Arnon! Behold, I have delivered up into

xac; xsipdq aoi) xov Erjcbv PaaiAia EasPcbv xov

your hands Sihon king ofHeshbon the

Ajioppaiov Kai xrjv yrjv avzov svdp%oi) KArjpovojisiv

Amorite and his land. Commence to inherit [it] !

ai)vd7ixs rcpoc; ai)xov 7i6A,s|iov 25+ sv xr) rijispa xatixrj

Join against him in war! On this day


ev xorjxcp + viKa

05 - Deuteronomy

svdpxoi) 8oDvai tov xpojiov aoD Kai tov cpopov aoD

commence to give the trembling of you and the fear of you

8711 7lpOaC07lOD 7T&amp;VTC0V TCOV 86vC0V TCOV D7TOKdTCO

upon [the] face of all the nations of the ones underneath

tod ODpavoD omvsc; aKODaavTsg to ovojid aoi)

the heaven! Whoever hearing your name

Tapa%6fjaovTai Kai coSivac; s^oDaiv anb

shall be disturbed, and [ pangs of anguish shall have] before

7ipoaco7roD aoi) 26 + Kai a7isaTSiA,a rcpsaPsic; sk Tr\q

your face. And I sent ambassadors from the

spfjlioi) Ks8a|icb0 7ipoc; Srjcbv PaaiXsa EasPcbv

wilderness ofKedemoth to Sihon king of Heshbon

Xoyoiq siprjviKoiq Xsycov n+ 7iapsA,SDao|iai 8id

[words with peaceable], saying, I will go through

Tr\q yr\q aoi) sv tt| o8cb 7iopsDao|iai odk skkXivco

your land; in the journey I will go ~ I will not turn aside

8s^id od8' apiaTSpd 2 s + PpcbjiaTa apyopioD a7ro8cbar|

right nor left. [ foods for silver You shall give

jioi Kai cpdyojiai Kai tiSoop apyDp(oi) a7io8cbar| jioi

to me], and I shall eat; and [ water for silver you shall give to me],

Kai 7i(ojiai nhr[v 6ti 7iapsA,SDao|iai xoxq noai 29 +

and I shall drink; only that I shall go by on the feet,

Kad(bq 87io(r|adv jioi 01 dioi HaaD 01 KaTOiKowcsc;

as [did tome the sons of Esau dwelling

sv I/qsip Kai 01 Mcoapirai 01 KaTOiKODVTsg sv Ap

in Seir], and the Moabites, the ones dwelling in Ar,

scoc; av 7iapsA,0co tov Iop8dvr|v sic; rqv yrjv rjv

until whenever I should go by the Jordan into the land which

Kopioc; o 6s6c; r\[i(bv 8i8coaiv r\[dv 30+ Kai odk

[the] LORD our God gives us. And [ did not

r|0sAr|as I/qcbv PaaiXstic; EasPcbv 7iapsA,0s(v r\[iaq 81'

want Sihon king of Heshbon] us to go by through

aDTOD 6ti saK^fjpDvs KDpioq o Gsoc; rjjicbv

his [land], for [ hardened [the] LORD our God]

to 7rvsD|ia aDTOD Kai Kanakas tt|v Kap8(av aDTOD (va

his spirit, and strengthened his heart, that

7rapa8o0fj sic; Tag xzipaq aoD coc; sv tt| r||ispa TaDTTj

he should be delivered up into your hands, as in this day.

31+ Kai si7rsK6pioc; 7ipoc; |is i8od fjpyjiai 7iapa8oDvai

And [the] LORD said to me, Behold, I have begun to deliver up

7ipo 7ipoacb7ioD aoD tov Srjcbv PaaiAia EasPcbv tov

before your face Sihon king of Heshbon the


2 2 sv tootco + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

Ajioppaiov Kai xttv yrjv ovtov svap^ai KAr|povo|xf|aai

Amorite, and his land. Commence to inherit

xttv yrjv avTOV 32 + Kai s^fjABs Srjcbv fiaaiksvq EaePcbv

his land! And came forth Sihon king of Heshbon

eic; auvdvxrjaiv r\[dv auxoc; Kai naq o Xaoq ovtov siq

to meet us, he and all his people, for

7r6Xs|iov sic; Iaad 33+ Kai 7iaps5cDKev avTOV Kopioc;

war at Jahaz. And [ delivered him [the] LORD

o Gsoc; r\[i(bv 7ipo 7ipoacb7roD rjjicbv eic; Taq %e(pac; rjjicbv

our God] before our face, into our hands;

Kai 87iaTd^a|i8v avTOV Kai xodc; viovq clvtov Kai

and we struck him, and his sons, and

rcdvxa xov Xaov clvtov 34+ Kai SKpaxfjaajiev 7iaocbv

all his people. And we held all

TCOV 7l6A,SCOV ai)TOT3 8V ICQ KaipCO 8K81VC0 Kai

his cities in that time. And

8^coA,o0p8T3aa|isv 7idaav noXxv stftq Kai

we utterly destroyed every city; next also

xac; yDvaiKaq auxcbv Kai xa xeKva auxcbv ou

their women, and their children we did not

KaxsXi7io|i8v ^ooypiav 35+ 7iAr|v xa Kxfjvrj

leave behind for taking alive. Except the cattle

87ipovo|i8T3aa|isv eauxoic; Kai xa gkvXcl xcov 7i6A,scov

we despoiled for ourselves. And the spoils from the cities

eXdpojiev 3 6+ Apofjp r| eaxi 7iapd xo %sikoq tov

we took, from Aroer, which is by the bank of the

X8i(idppoi) Apvcbv Kai xrjv 7i6Aav xrjv ouaav sv xr|

rushing stream Arnon, and the city being in the

cpdpayyi Kai sooc; opouc; xou raXad8 odk eysvf|0r|

ravine, and unto mount Gilead. There was not

noXiq fjxic; 5i£(puyev r\[iaq Taq naaaq 7iap88coK8 Kopioc;

a city which evaded us; [ delivered up all [the] LORD

o 0s6c; r||icov eic; xac; %eipac; r\[i(bv 37+ 7iAx|v siq xrjv yrjv

our God] into our hands. Except in the land

mcbv A|i|idv od 7ipoaf|A,0o(isv rcdvxa xa

[of the] sons of Ammon we did not draw near, all the [parts]

auyKupowca %si|idppoi) IaPoK Kai xac; itoXsiq Taq

falling in with [the] stream Jabbok, and the cities, the ones

sv xtj opsivf] KaGoxi svsxsi^axo r\[dv Kopioc;

in the mountainous area, in so far as [ gave charge to us [the] LORD

o 0s6c; rjjicbv

our God].


3 3, sv tootco + vtica 05 - Deuteronomy

3 *

i + Kai S7naxpatpevxsc; avsprjjiev o86v xrjv sic; Baadv

And turning we ascended [the] way into Bashan.

Kai s^fjXGev Qy fiaaikvbq xrjc; Baadv sic; ai)vdvxr|aiv

And came forth Og king of Bashan to meet

r\[iiv avToq Kai naq o Xaoq avzov sic; 7i6A,s|iov sic;

us, he and all his people for war, in

E8pai|i 2+ Kai si7is Kopioc; npoq |is |ir| tpoPr|6f|c;

Edrei. And [the] LORD said to me, You should not fear

avzov on sic; xac; %sipaq gov 7iapa8s8coKa ai)xov Kai

him, for into your hands I will deliver him, and

7idvxa xov Xaov avzov Kai rcdaav xrjv yrjv avzov Kai

all his people, and all his land. And

7ioifjaeic; auxco cba7isp S7iovr|aac; Srjcbv PaaiA,si xcov

you shall do to him as you did to Sihon king of the

Ajioppaicov oq KaxcbKsi sv EasPcbv 3+ Kai 7iaps8coKsv

Amorites, who dwelt in Heshbon. And [ delivered

ai)xov Kopioc; o Gsoc; r\[i(bv sic; xac; %sipac; rijicbv Kai

him [the] LORD our God] into our hands, even

xov Qy PaaiAia xrjc; Baadv Kai 7idvxa xov Xaov avzov

Og king of Bashan, and all his people.

Kai S7iaxd^a|i8v ai)xov scoq xod jjt| KaxaAa7is(v

And we struck him until [there was] not left behind

ai)xoi3 a7isp|ia 4+ Kai SKpaxfjaajisv 7iaacbv

[any] of his seed. And we held all

xcov 7i6Xscov clvtov sv xco Kaipcb sksivco odk rjv itoXiq

of his cities in that time; there was not a city

rjv odk sXdpojisv 7iap' auxcbv s^fjKovxa 7i6A,sic;

which we did not take from them; sixty cities,

7idvxa xa 7rsp(xcopa ApyoP PaaiAicoc; Qy sv Baadv

all the places round about Argob, of king Og in Bashan.

5+ 7idaai atixai 7i6A,sic; o%upa( xs(%r| u\j/r|Axx 7r6Am

All these cities [were] fortified [ walls [with] high], gates,

Kai |io%Xoi 7tAr|v xcov 7i6Xscov xcov Osps^aicov

and bars; besides the cities of the Perizzites —

xcov 7ioAA,cbv acp68pa 6+ s^co^oGpsDaajisv auxoix;

[many very]. We utterly destroyed them

cba7rsp £7roifjaa|iev xov Srjcbv PaaiXsa EasPcbv Kai

as we did Sihon king of Heshbon. And

s^coA,o6p£i)aa|isv rcdaav 7i6Xiv s^fjc; Kai xac; ywaiKac;

we utterly destroyed every city, next also the women


3 3, ev tootco + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

Kai xa xsKva 7+ Kai rcdvxa xa Kxfjvrj Kai xa GKvXa

and the children, and all the cattle; and the spoils

xcov 7i6A,scov S7ipovo|isDaa|isv saDxoic; 8+ Kai sAxxPojisv

of the cities we despoiled for ourselves. And we took

sv xco Kaipcb sksivco xrjv yrjv sk %sipcbv 8do

in that time the land from [the] hands of [the] two

PaaiXscov xcov Ajioppaicov 01 fjaav rcspav xod

kings of the Amorites, the ones who were on the other side of the


Jordan — from the rushing stream of Arnon unto mount

Epjicbv 9+01 OowiKsq 87rovo|id^oi)ai xo Epjicbv Savicbp

Hermon. The Phoenicians named Hermon, Sirion,

Kai o Ajioppaioq S7icov6|iaasv ai)xo Savip 10+ rcdaai

but the Amorite named it Shenir. All

TtoXeiq Miacbp Kai 7idaa raA,ad8 Kai rcdaa Baadv

[the] cities of Misor, and all Gilead, and all Bashan

scoc; EAxd Kai ESpa'iv 7i6A,sic; fiaaikziaq xod Qy sv

unto Salchah and Edrei — cities of [the] kingdom of Og in

xt| Baadv n+ 6x1 nh\v Qy PaaiXstic; Baadv

Bashan. For only Og king of Bashan

KaxsXeitpGrj ano xcov Pacpatv i5od r| Kkivr\ aDxoD

was left from the Rephaim. Behold his bed

KAivrj ai5r|pd i8od aDxrj ev xr| dKpa xcov dicov

is a bed of iron. Behold this [is] in the Akra of the sons

Ajijidv swsa 7ir|%scov xo (ifjKoq aDxfjc; Kai

of Ammon. Nine cubits was the length of it, and

xsaadpcov 7ir|%scov xo stipoc; aDxfjc; sv 7rf|%si av5poq

four cubits the breadth of it, in [the] cubit of a man.

12+ Kai xrjv yrjv 8ks(vt|v SKAr|povo|xf|aa|isv ev

And that land we inherited in

xco Kaipcb sksivco and Apofjp rj saxi 7iapd xo %£ikoq

that time from Aroer, which is by the bank

XsijidppoD Apvcbv Kai xo f||iiaD xod opoDc; Ta5ad5

of [the] stream Arnon, and the half of the mountain of Gilead.

Kai xac; 7i6A,sic; aDxoD sScora xco PoDpfjv Kai xco Ta5 13 +

And his cities I gave to Reuben and Gad.

Kai xo KaxdXourov xod Takaad Kai 7idaav xrjv Baadv

And the remainder of Gilead, and all Bashan ~

PaaiXsiav Qy sScora xco rjjiiasi (pvhf\q Mavaaafj Kai

[the] kingdom ofOg, I gave to the half tribe of Manasseh; and

rcdaav 7rsp(%copov ApyoP 7idaav Baadv sks(vt|v yr|

all the place round about Argob. All that Bashan [ [the] land


3 3, ev tootco + vtica 05 - Deuteronomy

Pacpavv XoyiaGfjaexai h+ Kai Iafjp vioq Mavaaafj

ofRaphaim shall be considered]. And Jair son ofManasseh

slape 7idaav xrjv 7rspi%copov ApyoP ecoc; xcov opicov

took all the place round about Argob, unto the borders

TsaoDpi Kai Ma%a6( Kai S7rcov6|iaa£v auxac; e7ri

of [the] Geshurites and Maachathites. And he named them after

xco ovojiaxi aDxoD xrjv Baadv ApcbG Iafjp scoc;

his name — Bashan Havoth Jair until

xrjq rijispaq xai3xr|(; i 5 + Kai xco Ma%(p e8coKa

this day. And [to] to Machir I gave

xrjv Takaad 16+ Kai xco PoDpfjv Kai xco Ta8 e8coKa

Gilead. And [to] Reuben and [to] Gad I gave

a7io Tr\qTakad6 scoc; xod xeijidppoD Apvcbv jieaov

of Gilead unto the rushing stream Arnon, between

xod xsijidppoi) opiov Kai scoc; xod IapoK Kai o

the rushing stream's border and unto the Jabbok; and the

%ei|idppoDc; opiov xoic; vioiq A|i|idv n+ Kai r|

rushing streams [are the] border to the sons of Amnion. And the

apapd Kai o IopSdvrjc; opiov anb XevspeB Kai ecoc;

Araba and the Jordan [are] [the] border from Chinnereth, and unto

daXdaar\q apapd dakdaar\q akvKT\q D7i6 Aar|5cb0

[the] sea of Araba, [ sea [the] salty] by Ashdoth

xrjv Odaya arco avaxoAxbv is + Kai £vexsiXd|xr|v djiiv

of Pisgah from [the] east. And I gave charge to you

sv xco Kaipcb sksivco Aiycov Kopioc; o 0s6c; djicov

at that time, saying, [The] LORD your God

8s8cok£v D|iw xrjv yrjv xaDxrjv sv KAxjpco

has given to you this land by lot.

svo7iAiad|i£VOi 7rpo7iopsDsa0s 7ipo 7rpoacb7iOD

Arming yourselves, go forth before [the] face

xcov aSsAxpcbv djicov dicov lapar\k naq SDvaxoc; 19 +

of your brethren of [the] sons of Israel— everyone able!

7iAr|v ai yDvaiKeq djicov Kai xa xeKva djicov Kai

Except your wives, and your children, and

xa Kxfjvrj djicov o(8a 6x1 noXka Kxfjvrj djiiv

your cattle, for I know [there are] many cattle to you,

KaxoiKsixcoaav sv miq tioXsgiv djicov aiq eScora dji(v

let them dwell at your cities in which I gave to you,

20+ scoc; av Kaxa7iaD&lt;xr| Kopioc; oGeoq djicov

until whenever [ should rest [the] LORD your God]

xodc; aSeAxpoD djicov cba7iep Kai Djidc; Kai

your brethren, as also you, and


3 3, ev tootco + vtica 05 - Deuteronomy

KaxaKAx|povo|ifjacoai Kai auxoi xrjv yrjv r|v Kopiog

they should have inherited also themselves the land which [the] LORD

0 0s6c; r\[i(bv 5(8cooiv auxofc; ev xco rcepav tod

your God gives to you on the other side of the

IopSdvou Kai £7ravaaTpa(pfjasa6£ eraaxoc; sic;

Jordan; then [ shall turn back each] to

tt|v KArjpovojjiav avzov r\v 5e8coKa v[iiv 21 + KOCl TCO

his inheritance, which I have given to you. And [to]

lr\aov 8vsxsiXd|ir|v ev xco Kaipcb eKeivco Aiycov

Joshua I gave charge at that time, saying,

01 ocpGaXjioi djicov scopdKaai rcdvxa 6aa S7rorr|G£

Your eyes have seen all as much as [ did

Kopioc; o Geoc; r||icbv xoic; dvai fiaaiksvai xouxoic;

[the] LORD our God] [ two kings to these];

ouxcoc; 7rorfjasi Kopioc; 7idaai(; xaic; Paai^eiac; scp' aiq

so [ shall do [the] LORD] to all the kingdoms unto which

av 8iaPa(veic; sksi 22 + ou cpoPr|9fjasa6e an

you passed over there. You shall not have fear of

(xdxcov 6x1 Kopioc; o Gsoc; rjjicbv auxoc; 7ioA£|xfjaei 7isp(

them, for [the] LORD our God himself shall wage war for



23+ Kai £8sfj6r|v Kopioi) ev xco Kaipcb sksivco Aiycov 24 +

And I besought [the] LORD in that time, saying,

Kopie Kopie av fjp^co 8s(^ai xco aco Bepdrcovxi

O Lord, O LORD, you began to show [to] your attendant

xrjv ia%vv gov Kai xt|v dvva^iiv gov Kai xrjv %e(pa

your strength, and your power, and the [ hand

xrjv Kpaxaidv Kai xov Ppaxiova xov D\j/r|A,6v xic; yap

fortified], and the [arm high]. For what

saxi 0e6c; sv xco oupavcb r| S7ri xrjc; yrjc; oaxiq

God is in the heaven or upon the earth, who

7roifjaei KaGd S7iovr|aa(; &lt;yu Kaxd xa spya gov Kai

shall do as you did yourself, according to your works, and

Kaxd xrjv ig%vv gov 25+ Siapdc; odv 6\j/ojiai xrjvyrjv

according to your strength? Passing over then I will see [ land

xrjv ayaGfjv xatixrjv xrjv ouaav 7ispav xou Iop5dvot&gt;

this good], the one being on the other side of the Jordan,

xo opoq xot3xo xo aya06v Kai xov AvxiAipavov 26 + Kai

[ mountain this good], and the Antilebanon. And


[the] LORD overlooked me because of you. And he did not listen to


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

05 - Deuteronomy

jiod Kai 81718 Kopioc; 7cpoc; |i8 iravoDaGco aoi |ir|

me. And [the] LORD said to me, Let it be enough for you to not

7ipoa0fjc; sti AxxAxjoai npoq |ie xov A,6yov xodxov 27 +

add yet to speak to me on this matter!

(XV&amp;Pr|6l 8711 TT|V KOpDtpfjV TOD A,£A,a^£D|I£VOD Kai

Ascend upon the top the dressed stone, and

avdpXs\j/ov Toiq ocpBaXjioiq aoD Kaxd BdXaaaav Kai

lift up your eyes towards [the] west and

Poppdv Kai Aipa Kai avaxoXdc; Kai (8s xoic;

[the] north and [the] south and [the] east! And behold [with]

o(p0aA,|io(c; aoi) 6x1 od 5iapfjar|

your eyes! for you shall not pass over

xov Iop8dvr|v xodxov 2 8 + Kai evxeiAm IrjaoD Kai

this Jordan. And you give charge to Joshua, and

KaxiaxDaov aDxov Kai 7capaKdA,8aov aDxov 6xi odxoc;

strengthen him, and comfort him! for this one

5iapfjaexai 7cpo 7cpoacb7coD xod Xaov xodxod Kai avzoq

shall pass over before [the] face of this people, and he

KaxaKAx|povo|if|asi aDxofc; xrjv yrjv r|v ecbpaKac; 29 +

shall allot to them the land which you have seen.

Kai svsKaGfjjieGa sv vd7cr| ativsyyoc; oikod Ooycbp

And we laid in wait in a grove in [the] vicinity of [the] house ofPeor.

4 7
1+ Kai vdv IapafjX dKODS xcov 8iKaico|idxcov Kai xcov

And now, O Israel, hear the ordinances and the

Kpijidxcov 6aa sycb 5i8daKco Djidc; ofjiiepov 7coisiv

judgments! as many as I teach you today to do,

iva ^fjxs Kai 7coXD7cXaaiaa6f|xs Kai eiaeXGovxec;

that you should live and manifoldly multiply; and entering

KAr|povo|xf|ar|X£ xrjv yrjv r|v Kopioc; o Gsoq

should be heir to the land which [the] LORD God

xcov 7caxspcov djicov 8(8coaiv D|i(v 2+ od 7cpoa6f|aexs

of your fathers gives to you. You shall not add

7tpoc; xo pfjjia o eycb svxeAlojiai D|i(v Kai

to the saying which I give charge to you, and

odk acpsXsixe a7c' aDxoD cpD^daaeaGs xac; svxoXdc;

you shall not remove from it. Guard the commandments

Kopioi) xod 08OD djicov 6aa sycb svxsAlojiai D|i(v

of [the] LORD your God! as many as I give charge to you

afjjispov 3 + 01 ocp0aA,|ioi Djicbv scopdKaai 7tdvxa

today. Your eyes have seen all


4 7 ev tootco + vtica 05 - Deuteronomy

6aa 87io(r|a8 Kopioc; o Geoc; r||icbv xco BssAxpsycbp

as many [things] as [ did [the] LORD our God] to Baal-peor.

on naq dv6pco7roc; oaxiq 87iop8T30r| O7uaco BssAxpsycbp

For every man whoever went after Baal-peor,

s^sxpnj/sv avTOV Kopioc; o Gsoq ujicgv s^ i)|icbv 4+

[ obliterated him [the] LORD your God] from you.

ujisic; 8s 01 7ipooKs(|isvoi Kopico xco 6scb U|ICGV

But you, the ones joining with [the] LORD your God,

^fjxs 7T&amp;VTSC; sv XT] ofjjispov 5 +(8sxs 8s8si%a DJIIV

all live today. Behold! I have shown to you

SiKaicojiaxa Kai Kpiasic; Ka6d svsxsiAmo |ioi Kopioc;

ordinances and judgments, as [ gave charge to me [the] LORD

o 0s6c; jiou xod 7rorfjaai ouxcoc; v[iaq sv xr| yr| sic; r\v

my God], to do thus for you in the land into which

v[isiq sia7iopsi)SG0s sksi KXr]povo|xfjaai aDxfjv 6 + Kai

you enter there to inherit it. And

trruAxx^saGs Kai 7rorfjasxe 6xi ami] r| aocpia i)|icbv Kai

you shall guard and shall do; for this [is] your wisdom and

T] GVVSGiq djicov svavxiov 7idvxcov xcov sGvcbv oaoi

your understanding before all the nations, as many as

sdv aKcroacoai rcdvxa xa 8iKaicb|iaxa xatixa Kai

should hear all these ordinances. Then

spcroaiv i5ot3 Xaoq aocpoc; Kai S7iiaxf||icov xo sGvoc;

they shall say, Behold, [ people [is] a wise and intelligent nation

xo jisya xot3xo ? + 6xi 7io(ov sGvoc; jisya co saxiv

this great]. For what [nation great] in which there is

auxcb dsoq syyi^cov auxofc; coc; Kopioc; o dzoq r\[i(bv

to it a God near to them as [the] LORD our God

sv 7idaiv oiq auxov S7riKaA,sacb|is0a 8 + Kai 7io(ov

[is] in all [things] in which we should call upon him? And what

sGvoc; jisya co saxiv auxcb SiKaicojiaxa Kai Kpijiaxa

[ nation great] in which there is to it [ ordinances and judgments

8iKaia Kaxd 7idvxa xov vojiov xcroxov ov sycb 8(5co(ii

just] according to all this law, which I give

8vcb7riov djicov &lt;xf||ispov 9+ 7ip6asxs asaDxcb Kai

before you today? Take heed to yourself, and

(pvXatqov xrjv \\fv%r\v gov acp65pa jit] s7iiAxx6r|

guard your life exceedingly! You should not forget

7tdvxac; zovq Xoyovq ovq scopdKaaiv 01 ocp0aA,|ioi gov

all the words which [ have seen your eyes],

Kai |xq a7roaxfjxcGaav ano xrjq KapSiac; gov naGaq xaq

and let them not leave from your heart all the


4 7 sv tootco + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

rjjispaq Tr\q tf$r\q gov Kai aDjiPipdaeic; zovq viovq gov

days of your life! And instruct your sons

Kai zovq viovq xcov mcov gov 10+ rjjiepav r|v eaxrjxe

and the sons of your sons! [Specially the] day which you stood

SVCb7TlOV KDpiOD TOD dsOV GOV SV XcopfjP XT] T||I8pa

in the presence of [the] LORD your God in Horeb, in the day

Tr\q eKKAxjGiac; 6xi ei7is rcopioc; itpoq |is SKKArjoiaaov

of the assembly; for [the] LORD said to me, Hold an assembly

npoq |i8 xov Xaov Kai aKODadxcoaav xa pfjjiaxd jiod

to me, [the people and let] hear my words!

oiKtiq jidGcoai (pops(a0a( |is naGaq xaq rjjiepac; aq

so that they should learn to fear me all the days which

(xdxoi CfbGiv S7Ti Tr\q yr\q Kai xodc; viovq auxcbv

they live upon the earth, and [that] [ their sons

8i8d^coai n+ Kai 7ipoafjX08X8 Kai saxrjxs vno xo

they should have taught]. And you came forward and stood under the

opoq Kai xo opoq eraiexo 7rop( ecoc; xod oupavoD

mountain; and the mountain burned fire unto the heaven ~

ctkoxoc; yvocpoc; Kai dvsXXa 12 + Kai eXdAxjae Kupioc;

darkness, dimness, and a storm. And [the] LORD spoke

7ipoc; v[idq ev xco opsi 8K jisood xod nvpoq (pcovfjv

to you in the mountain from [the] midst of the fire. A voice

pr||idxcov Djiefc; rjKotiaaxe Kai o|ioico|ia odk e(8sxs

of utterances you heard, and a representation you did not behold —

dXX' r| (pcovfjv 13+ Kai avfjyyei^ev v[iiv

but only a voice. And he announced to you

xrjv 8ia6fjKr|v avzov r\v evsxsi^axo djjIv 7ioisiv xa

his covenant, which he gave charge to you to observe ~ the

8sra pfjjiaxa Kai eypa\j/ev ai)xd em Svo nXaKaq

ten discourses; and he wrote them upon two tablets

XiQivaq u + Kai ejioi evexei^axo Kupioc; ev

of stone. And [ to me [the] LORD gave charge] in

xco Kaipcb sksivco 8i8d^ai v[idq 8iKaicb|iaxa Kai Kpiaeic;

that time to teach you ordinances and judgments,

7TOISIV v[idq ai)xd S7U Tr\q yrjc; siq r\v v[isiq

for you to do them upon the land into which you

sia7iop8T3sa6s sksi KAx|povo|ifjaai auxfjv 15+ Kai

enter there to inherit it. And

qroAxx^eaGe acp68pa mq yvyaq djicov 6x1 odk si8sxs

you shall guard exceedingly your lives, that you not behold

7iav O|io(co|ia ev xr| r||iepa r| sldArjae Kupioc; npoq

any representation in the day in which [the] LORD spoke to


4 7 ev tootco + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

DJldq 8V XcopfjP SV TCO 6p8l 8K JISOOD TOD 7TDp6c; 16 +

you in Horeb in the mountain from [the] midst of the fire.

|ir| avo|ifjar|TS Kai 7coifjar|xs djjIv auxofc;

Lest you should act lawlessly, and make [to] yourselves

yXirnxov o|io(co|ia 7tdaav siKova o|io(co|ia apaeviKoi)

a carving representation, any image, a representation of a male

r| 6t|A,dkot3 17+ o|ioico|ia 7cavx6c; kxt|vodc; xcov ovxcov

or female; a representation of any beast of the ones being

8711 xrjc; yrjc; o|ioico|ia 7iavx6c; opveoi) 7cxepcoxoi3 o

upon the earth; a representation of any [ bird feathered] which

7isxdxai D7i6 xod oupavoi) i8+ o|io(co|ia navzoq

flies under the heaven; a representation of any

ep7cexoi3 o sp7isi 8711 xrjc; yrjc; o|io(co|ia 7cavx6c;

reptile which crawls upon the earth; a representation of any

vxfdvoq oca eaxiv sv xoic; i38aaiv U7COKdxco xrjc; yr\q

fish, as many as are in the waters underneath the earth.

19+ Kai |ifj 710X8 avapXsyac; eic; xov oupavov Kai i5cbv

And lest at any time looking up into the heaven, and beholding

xov fjAiov Kai xrjv asArjvrjv Kai xouc; aaxepac; Kai

the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and

7cdvxa xov kocjjiov xod oupavoi) 7cA,avr|0e((;

all the cosmos of the heaven wandering,

7tpoaKDvfjar|c; auxok; Kai A,axpei3ar|c; auxoic; a

you should do obeisance to them, and you should serve them, which

a7C8vsi|i8 Kopioc; o Geoc; gov ai)xd 7cdai xoic; eGveai

[ bestowed [the] LORD your God] them to all the nations

xoiq D7i;oKdxco xod oupavoi) 20+ v[iaq 5s elapsv Kopioc;

underneath the heaven. [ you But took [the] LORD

o Bsoc; Kai e^fjyayev ujidc; 8K xrjc; KajiivoD

God], and led you from out of the furnace

xrjc; ai8r|pdc; s£, AiyimxoD sivai auxcb Xaov eyKAxjpov

of iron, out of Egypt, to be to him [ people a hereditary],

coc; sv xtj Tjjispa xaDXTj 21+ Kai Kopioc; o Geoc; s0D|icb6r|

as in this day. And [the] LORD God was enraged

|IOl 7C8pi XCOV A,SyO|I8VC0V Dtp DjlCOV Kai

with me on account of the [things] having been said by you. And

cbjioasv (va |ir| 8iaPcb xov Iop8dvr|v xodxov Kai

he swore by an oath that I should not pass over this Jordan, and

iva |ir| eiaeA^CG sic; xttv yrjv xrjv ayaGfjv r|v Kopioc;

that I should not enter into the [ land good] which [the] LORD

o Geoc; aoi) 8(8coai v[iiv sv KArjpco 22+sycbyap

your God gives to you by lot. For I


8V TOUT© + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy

a7io0vfjaKCD sv xrj yr| xatixrj Kai ov SiaPaivoo

die in this land, and I shall not pass over

xov Iop5dvr|v xotixov Djisiq 5s 8iaPa(vsxs Kai

this Jordan. But you shall pass over and

KArjpovo|ifjasTS xrjvyrjv xrjv ayaGfjv xatixrjv 23 +

shall inherit [ land this good].

7tpoas%sxs djisic; \ir\ rcoxs S7iiXd0r|a08 xrjv 8ia6fiKr|v

Take heed to yourselves! lest at any time you should forget the covenant

KDpiOD TOD 0SOT3 DJICDV T|V 8lS0SXO 7ipOC; V[ldq Kai

of [the] LORD your God, which he ordained with you, and

7roifjar|TS djjIv sauxofc; yAarnxov o|io(co|ia 7idvx&lt;jov cov

you should make to you yourselves a carving representation of all of which

crovsxa^s aoi Kupioc; o Gsoc; aoi) 24+6x1 Kopiog

[ gave orders to you [not to do] [the] LORD your God]. For [the] LORD

o Gsoc; aov nvp KaxavaAiaKov sail Gsoc; ^r(k(DTT\q 25 +

your God [fire a consuming is]— a jealous God.

sdv 8s yewfjarjc; moiq Kai viovq xoov mcbv aoi) Kai

And if you should procreate sons and sons of your sons, and

%pov(ar|xs S7U xrjc; yr\q Kai avo|ifjar|xs Kai

you should pass time upon the land, and you should act lawlessly, and

7roifjar|X£ yXimxov O|io(co|ia 7iavx6c; Kai 7iorf|ar|xs xo

you should make a carving representation of any [thing], and you should do the

7iovr|p6v svcb7riov Kopioi) xod 6sot3 rjjicbv

wicked [thing] in the presence of [the] LORD our God

7iapopy(aai ai)xov 26+ Siajiapxtipojiai djiiv afjjispov

to provoke him to anger, I call to testify against you today

xov xs ODpavov Kai xrjv yrjv 6x1 a7icoA,8ia a7roA,s(a0s

both the heaven and the earth, that by destruction you shall be destroyed

arco xrjc; yrjc; sic; r|v ujisic; 8iaPa(vsxs xov Iop8dvr|v

from the land in which you pass over the Jordan

sksi KArjpovojifjaai auxfjv ov%i 7io}u)%povisixs

there to inherit it. You shall not delay long

rjjispac; S7i' avTT\q aXX' rj sKxpipfj SKxpipfjasaGs 27 +

days upon it, but by obliteration you shall be obliterated.

Kai 8iaa7ispsi Kopioc; Djidc; sv 7idai xoic; s0vsai Kai

And [the] LORD shall disseminate you among all the nations, and

KaxaXsupGfjasaGs oAiyoi apiBjicb sv 7idai xoic;

there shall be left few of you in number among all the

sGvsaiv sic; ovq siad^si Kopioc; ujidc; sksi 28+ Kai

nations into which [the] LORD shall bring you there. And

Axxxpsuasxs sksi Gsoic; sxspoic; spyoic; %sipcbv

you shall serve there other gods, works of [the] hands


4 7 sv toutcq + vuca 05 - Deuteronomy

av0pcb7icov tqvXoiq Kai Xidoiq 01 odk 6\j/ovxai od5s

of man — wood and stones, which cannot see, nor

aKODacoaiv od5s cpdycoaiv od5s oacppavGcbai 29 + Kai

hear, nor eat, nor smell. And

SK^rjTfjaexe sksi KDpiov tov 0s6v djicov Kai SDpfjasTS

you shall seek after there [the] LORD your God, and you shall find

avTOV oxav SK^r|Tf|ar|TS ai)i6v s£, 6hr\q Tr\q Kap5(aq

him whenever you should seek after him with [ entire heart

aoi) Kai s£, 6h\q Tr\q\\fv%r\q gov sv tt| 0Ai\j/si cjod 30 +

your], and with [ entire soul your] in your affliction.

Kai supfjaoDcri as navTsq 01 Xoyoi odtoi S7i' saxaxoi)

And [ shall find you all these words] at [the] last

tcov rjjispcbv Kai S7naTpatpf|ar| npoq Kupiov

of the days, and you shall turn towards [the] LORD

xov Gsov aov Kai siaaKODarj Tr\q (pcovfjq avzov 31+6x1

your God, and you shall hearken [to] his voice. For

0s6c; oiKiipjicov Kai sXefjjicDV Kupioq o 0s6c; ood odk

God [ [is] pitying and merciful [the] LORD your God]. He will not

syKaxalsnj/si os od5s jif) SKTpnj/r| as odk

abandon you, nor in any way will he obliterate you; he will not

£7riAr|aeTai rqv 8ia6f|Kr|v tcov 7iaTspcov aoD r|v

forget the covenant of your fathers, which

cbjioasv aDioiq 32+ S7isp&lt;i)Tf|aaTS rjjispaq rcpoTspaq

he swore by an oath to them. Ask [ days former] !

zaq ysvojisvaq 7ipoTspac; aoD arco Tr\q rjjispac; r\q

the ones having taken place prior of you, from the day of which
sktiosv o 0s6c; dv0pco7iov 87ii Tr\q yr\q Kai S7ri to

God created man upon the earth, and upon the


[one] extremity of the heaven unto the [other] extremity of the heaven,

si ysyovs KaTd to pfjjia to jisya todto si

if [anything] has taken place according to [thing this great], if


[ was heard such]; if [ has heard a nation] [the] voice

0sod ^cbvToq XaXovvToq sv jisctod tod nvpoq ov

of [the] living God speaking in [the] midst of the fire, in which

Tpo7iov aKfjKoaq &lt;xd Kai s^rjaaq 34 + si S7is(paosv o 0s6c;

manner you have heard and lived; if God tested,

siasX0cbv Xafisiv saDTcb s0voc; sk jisctod s0vodc;

entering to take to himself a nation from out of [the] midst of a nation,

sv 7i8ipaa|icb Kai sv ar||is(oic; Kai sv Tspaai Kai sv

for a test; and in signs, and in miracles, and by


4 7 sv tootco + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

7ioXs|ico Kai sv %sip( Kpaxaid Kai sv Ppaxiovi

war, and by [ hand a fortified], and with [ arm

D\j/r|A,cb Kai sv op&amp;jiaoi jisydloic; Kaxd rcdvxa 6aa

a high], and in [ visions great], according to all as much as

S7rovr|GS Kopioc; o Gsoc; r\[i(bv sv AiyD7rxco svcbmov

[ did [the] LORD our God] in Egypt, in the presence of

gov pA,S7iovTac; 35+ cbaxs si5fjvai as 6x1 Kopioc;

your seeing; so as to see yourself that [the] LORD

o Gsoc; aoi) avToq Gsoc; sail Kai odk saxiv sxi 7iAx|v
your God, he is God, and there is not yet [one] besides

olvtov 36+ sk xod ODpavoD aKODaxfjv aoi S7iovr|as

him. From out of the heaven [ audible to you he made

xrjv 9&lt;jQvfjv avTOV 7iai8sDaa( as Kai S7U xrjc; yr\q

his voice], to correct you; and upon the earth

s5si^s aoi xo itvp avzov xo jisya Kai

he showed you [ fire his great]; and

xa pfjjiaxa aDxoD fjKODaac; sk jisaoD xod nvpoq 37 +

his discourses you heard from [the] midst of the fire.

8id xo aya7rfjaai ai)xov xodc; rcaxspac; aoi) Kai

[It is] on account of his loving your fathers that

s^sXs^axo xo a7isp|ia ai)xcbv jisx' avxovq v^idq Kai

he chose their seed after them — you. And

s^fjyays as avzoq sv xr| ia%m aDxoD xr| |isydAx|

he led you himself by [ strength his great]

s^ AiyimxoD 3 s+ s^oAx)GpsDaai sGvrj jisyd^a Kai

from out of Egypt, to utterly destroy [ nations great and

ia%Dpoxspd aoi) 7ipo 7ipoaco7roD aoi) siaayaysiv as

stronger] than you before your face, to bring you

8oDva( aoi xrjv yrjv ai)xcbv KArjpovojisiv KaGcbc; s%sic;

[and] to give to you their land to inherit as you have

afjjispov 39+ Kai yvcbarj afjjispov Kai S7uaxpa(pfjar|

today. And you shall know today, and shall turn

xt| 8iavo(a 6x1 Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoi) odxoc; Gsoc; sv xco

[your] mind, that [the] LORD your God — he [is] God, in the

ODpavcb dvco Kai S7U xrjc; yr\q Kdxco Kai odk saxiv

heaven upward, and upon the earth below; and [there] is not

sxi 7iAx|v aDxoD 40 + Kai yvXafy] xac; svxo^dq aDxoD Kai

any besides him. And you shall guard his commandments, and

xa 8iKaicb|iaxa aDxoD oaaq sycb svxsAAx)|ia( aoi

his ordinances, as many as I give charge to you

afjjispov (va sd aoi ysvrjxai Kai xoic; Diok; aoD

today; that [good to you it should be], and [to] your sons


4 7 sv tootg) + vtica 05 - Deuteronomy

jisxd as onctiq |iaKpofj|ispoi ysvr|a0s S7U Tr\q yr\q

after you, so that [ long-lived you should be] upon the earth,

r\q Kupioq o 0s6c; oou 8(8coa( aoi naaaq zaq

of which [the] LORD your God gives to you all the

rjjispac; 4 i + tots acpcopias Mocmofjc; Tpsiq 7i6A,sic;

days. Then Moses separated three cities

7ispav tod IopSdvoi) arco avaToAxbv rjAioi) 42 +

on the other side of the Jordan of [the] east sun,

cpuysiv sksi tov cpovsDTfjv oq av (povstxyrj tov

[ to flee there [for] the man-killer] who ever should have slaughtered the

7rAr|a(ov odk si5cbc; Kai odtoc; od jiiacov avzov

neighbor not knowingly, and this one having not detested him

7ipo Tr\q s%6sq Kai Tr\q Tprrrjc; Kai KaTacpsD^STai

before yesterday and the third [day before]. And he shall take refuge

sic; jiiav tcov 7i6A,scov totjtcov Kai ^fjasTai 43 +

in one of these cities, and he shall live ~

TTJV Boa6p SV TTJ Spf||ICO SV TTJ JX] TTJ 7is8ivf|

Bezer in the wilderness, in the land in the plain

too Poupfjv Kai ttjv PajicoG sv TaXadS too ra88( Kai

of Reuben; and Ramoth in Gilead to the ofGadites; and

Trjvrai)Xcbv sv Baadv tco Mavaaafj 44+ o\)Toq o

Golon in Bashan to the Manassites. This [is] the

vojioq ov 7iaps0STO McoDafjc; svcb7iiov mcbv IopafjX

law which Moses placed before [the] sons of Israel.

45+ TauTa Ta jiapTopia Kai Ta 8iKaicb|iaTa Kai Ta

These are the testimonies, and the ordinances, and the

KpijiaTa 6aa sAxxAxjas Mcoi)ar|c; TOiq vioiq IopafjX sv

judgments, as many as Moses spoke to the sons of Israel in


the wilderness, in their coming forth from [the] land of Egypt, on

tco 7ispav tod IopSdvou sv cpdpayyi syytic; oikod

the other side of the Jordan, in [the] ravine near [the] house

Ooycbp sv yrj Srjcbv PaaiXscoc; tcov Ajioppaicov oq

ofPeor, in [the] land ofSihon king of the Amorites whom

KaTCOKsi sv EasPcbv ov S7idTa^s Mocmafjc; Kai 01 moi

dwelt in Heshbon, who Moses struck, and the sons

IapafjX s^sA$6vtcov auTcbv sk yr\q Aiy67iTOD 47 +

of Israel, in their coming forth from out of [the] land of Egypt.

Kai SKAx|pov6|ir|aav rqv yrjv avzov Kai ttjv yrjv Qy

And they inherited his land, and the land of Og

PaaiXscoq Tr\q Baadv Stio PaaiAicov tcov Ajioppaicov

king of Bashan, two kings of the Amorites


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

05 - Deuteronomy

01 fjaav rcspav tod IopSdvoD Kaxd avaxoAxxc;

who were on the other side of the Jordan, according to [the] rising

rjAioD 48+ goto Apofjp T| saxiv S7U xod xzikovq

of [the] sun. From Aroer, which is upon the bank

XsijidppoD Apvcbv Kai S7ri xod opoDc; xod I/qcbv o

of [the] rushing stream Arnon, and upon the mountain of Sion, which

saxiv Aspjicbv 49+ 7idaav xttv apapd rcspav xod

is Hermon, all the wilderness on the other side of the

Iop8dvoD Kaxd avaxoA.dc; rjAioD D7i6 Aor|5co6 xrjv

Jordan according to [the] rising of [the] sun by Asedoth — the [one of]


dressed stone.

5 n

i + Kai SKdXsas McoDafjc; rcdvxa IopafjX Kai si7is 7ipoc;

And Moses called all Israel, and he said to

aDxotic; dKODS IopafjX xa 8iKaicb|iaxa Kai xa Kpijiaxa

them, Hear O Israel, the ordinances and the judgments!

6aa sycb Xakcb sv xoic; coaiv djicov sv

as many as I speak in your ears in

xtj rjjispa xaDxrj Kai |ia9f|aea0£ aDxd Kai cpD^d^saGs

this day. And you shall learn them, and guard

7T01SIV aDxd 2+ KDpioq odsoqv[i(bv 8is6sxo 7ipoc; Djidc;

to do them. [The] LORD your God ordained to you

8ia6fjKTTV sv XcopfjP 3 + od%( xoic; rcaxpaaiv djicov

a covenant in Horeb. Not [with] your fathers

8is6sxo KDpioq xrjv 5ia6fjKr|v xaDxrjv aXk r r\ npoq v[iaq

[the] LORD ordained this covenant, but only with you;

Djisk; 8s cb8s 7idvxsc; ^cbvxsc; af||ispov 4 + 7ip6aco7rov

even you here all living today. Face

Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov sldArjas Kopioc; 7ipoc; Djidq sv xco

to face [the] LORD spoke to you in the

opsi 8K (I8O0D xod 7iDp6c; 5+ Kaycb SiaxfjKSlV

mountain from [the] midst of the fire. And I stood

avajisaov KopioD Kai djicov ev xco Kaipcb sksivco

between [the] LORD and you in that time,

avayysiAm djiiv xa pfjjiaxa KopioD 6xi s(popfj0r|xs

to announce to you the sayings of [the] LORD (for you were in fear

a7io 7rpoacb7iOD xod itvpoq Kai odk avsprjxs sic; xo

from before the fire, and you did not ascend unto the


5 n sv tootco + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

opoq Aiyoov 6 + sycb sijii Kopioc; o Gsoc; gov o

mountain), saying, I am [the] LORD your God, the

s^ayaycbv as 8K yr|c; AiyD7iTOD s^ oikod

one leading you from out of [the] land of Egypt, from [the] house

SoD^siac; ? + odk soovxai 001 Gsoi STSpoi 7ipo

of slavery. There shall not be [ to you gods other] before

7ipoacb7ioi) |iod 8+ od 7ioif|asic; asaDTcb yXi)7iT6v

my face. You shall not make for yourself a carving,

od8s 71(xvt6c; ojioico|ia 6aa sv icq ODpavcb dvco

nor any representation, as many as [are] in the heaven upward,

Kai 6aa sv xrj yr| k&amp;tcd Kai 6aa sv xoiq

and as many as [are] in the earth below, and as many as [are] in the

i38aaiv D7tok&amp;tcd xrjq yrjc; 9 + od 7ipoaKDvfjasi(;

waters underneath the earth. You shall not do obeisance to

aDTok; od8s |ir| AxxTpsDorjc; avxoiq on sycb sijii

them, nor in any way serve them; for I am

Kopioc; o Gsoc; gov Gsoc; ^r(kcoTT\q a7io8i8oDc; ajiapxiaq

[the] LORD your God, a jealous God, repaying [the] sins

7iaTspcov S7U xsKva S7i( TpiTTjv Kai tst&amp;ptt|v ysvsdv

of [the] fathers upon [the] children unto [the] third and fourth generation

TOiq jiiaoDcri |is io+ Kai 7ioicbv sksoq sic; %ilid8ac;

to the ones detesting me, and executing mercy to thousands,

xoiq ayancbai |is Kai xoiq cpD^daaoDai

to the ones loving me, and to the ones keeping

xa 7ipoaTay|iaTd jiod n+ od Xr\\\fr[ to ovojia

my orders. You shall not take the name

KOpiOD TOD GsOD aOD S7U jiaTaiCO OD yap jJT|

of [the] LORD your God in vain; for [ shall not

KaGapiasi Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoD tov AxxjipdvovTa

cleanse [the] LORD your God] the one taking

to ovojia aDTOD S7i( jiaTaico n+ cpD^a^ai tt|v rjjispav

his name in vain. Guard the day

tcov aaPPdTCDV ayid^siv aDTfjv ov Tporcov

of the Sabbaths! to sanctify it in which manner

svstsiAxxto aoi Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoD b+ e£, r||ispac;

[ gave charge to you [the] LORD your God] ! Six days

spya Kai 7ioif|asic; 7idvTa Ta spyd aoD h + ttj 8s

you shall work, and do all your works. But the

rjjispa ttj sp86|ir| adppaTa Kopioo too Gsco aoD od

[ day seventh] [is a] Sabbath [to the] LORD your God. You shall not

Ttovf\G£iq sv aDTTj 7iav spyov ctd Kai o vioiq aoD Kai

do on it any work ~ you, and your son, and


5 n ev tootco + vtica 05 - Deuteronomy

r| GDydxrjp aoD o itaiq aoD Kai r| 7iai8(aKr| aoD

your daughter, your manservant, and your maidservant,

o fiovq aoD Kai to D7io£/6yi6v aoi) Kai 7iav Kxfjvoc;

your ox, and your beast of burden, and every beast

aov Kai o 7ipoafjAmoc; o 7iapoiKcbv sv aoi iva

of yours, and the foreigner sojourning among you, that

ava7im3ar|Tai o naiq aoi) Kai r| 7iai8(aKr| aoi) cba7isp

[ should have cause to rest your manservant and your maidservant] as

Kai ai) 15+ Kai |ivr|a6fjar| 6xi oiKsxrjc; fjaGa sv yrj

also you. And you shall remember that you were a servant in [the] land

AiyD7rxco Kai s^qyays as Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoi) sksiGsv

of Egypt, and [led you [the] LORD your God] from there

sv %sip( Kpaxaid Kai sv Ppa%iovi D\j/r|Axb 5id

by [ hand a fortified] and with [ arm a high]. On account of

xodxo aDvsxa^s aoi Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoi) cbaxs

this [ gave orders to you [the] LORD your God], so as for

(pi)Xdaasa6ai as xrjv rjjispav xcov aappdxcov Kai

you to guard the day of the Sabbaths, and

ayid^siv ai)xfjv i 6 + xijia xov 7iaxspa aoi) Kai

to sanctify it. Esteem your father and

xrjv jirjxspa aoi) ov xpo7iov svsxsi^axo aoi Kopioc;

your mother! in which manner [ gave charge to you [the] LORD

o 0s6q aoi) iva sd aoi ysvrjxai Kai (va jiaKpoxpovioq

your God], that good should be to you, and that [ a long time

ysvr] S7U xrjc; yrjc; r\q icupioq o Gsoc; aoi) 5(8coai

you may be] upon the earth, of which [the] LORD your God gives

aoi 17+ od cpovstiasic; i 8 + od |ioi%si)asic; 19 +

to you. You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery.

od kA,s\j/sic; 20+ od \j/SD8o|iapxDpf|asic; Kaxd

You shall not steal. You shall not witness falsely against

xod 7rAx|a(ov aoD jiapxDpiav \j/SD8f| 21 + odk

your neighbor [ witness as a lying]. You shall not

S7riGD|ifjasic; xrjv yovaixa xod 7rAr|aiov aoD odk

desire the wife of your neighbor. You shall not

S7riGD|ifjasic; xrjv oiKiav xod 7iXr|a(ov aoD odxs

desire the house of your neighbor, nor

xov aypov aDxoD odxs xov 7ia(5a aDxoD odxs

his field, nor his manservant, nor

xrjv 7iai8(aKr|v aDxoD odxs xod pooq aDxoD odxs

his maidservant, nor his ox, nor


his beast of burden, nor any beast of his, nor


5 n ev Tovrccp + vtica 05 - Deuteronomy

7rdvxa 6aa tod iihr\aiov cjod sail 22 + Tm3xa xa

any [thing] as much as [ of your neighbor is]. These are the

pfjiiaxa eX&amp;Axjoe Kopioc; npoq 7idaav aDvayooyfjv djicdv

discourses [the] LORD spoke to all your congregation


in the mountain from [the] midst of the fire, darkness, dimness,

dvsXXa (pcovfj |ieydAx| Kai od 7ipoas0r|Ks Kai

storm— [voice a great]; and he did not add [any more]. And

eypa\j/sv (xdt&amp; em 8do nXaKaq Xidivaq Kai s5cdks

he wrote them upon two tablets of stone, and he gave [them]

sjioi 23+ Kai eyevsTO cdc; rjKODaaxs ttjv (pcovfjv sk

to me. And it came to pass as you heard the voice from out of

JISCJOD TOD 7TDp6c; Kai TO 6poq SKaiSTO 7TDp( Kai

[the] midst of the fire, and the mountain burned fire, and

7ipoaf|X08T8 7ipoc; |is 7idvTS(; 01 rjyoDjievoi

there came forward to me all the leaders

tcov cpDAxbv djioqv Kai r| yspoDaia Djicbv 24+ Kai sXsysTS

of your tribes, and your council of elders, that you said,

i5od s5si^sv r|(iiv Kopioc; o 0e6c; r||icbv

Behold, [ showed to us [the] LORD our God]


his glory, and his voice we hear from


[the] midst of the fire. In this day we beheld that

XaXr\G£\ o 0e6c; npoq dv0p&lt;£7rov Kai ^fjasTai 25+ Kai

God shall speak to man, and he shall live. And

vdv [ir\ 7TOTS a7io0dvco|i8v OTi e^avaAxbaei r\[iaq

now lest at any time we die, for [ shall completely consume us

to 7iDp to jisya todto sdv 7ipoa0cb|isv aKODaai r\[isiq

fire this great], if we [ should have added to hear ourselves]

TTJV (pCOVfjV KDpiOD TOD 08OD T||icbv STl Kai

the voice of [the] LORD our God any more — then

a7io0avoD(is0a 26+ tic; yap aap£, ryciq fjKODas 9&lt;javf|v

we shall die. For what flesh who heard [the] voice

0sod CfbvToq A,aAx)DVTOc; 8K jieooD tod nvpoq coq

of [the] living God speaking from [the] midst of the fire [ as

r\[isiq Kai ^fjasTai 27 + 7ip6asA,08 cjd Kai dKODaov

we even shall live]? You approach and hear

7idvTa 6aa av 8i7ir| Kopioc; o 0s6c; r|(icbv 7ipoc; as

all as much as [ should say [the] LORD our God] to you!

Kai cjd Xakf\a£iq npoq rjjLxdq 7idvTa 6aa av

And you shall speak to us all whatever as much as


5 n ev tootco + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

XaXr\ar[ icupioq o Gsoc; r||icbv npoq as Kai aKoi)a6|is9a

[ should speak [the] LORD our God] to you, and we will hear,

Kai 7ioif|ao|isv 28 + Kai fjKouas Kopioc; xrjv 9&lt;wf|v

and we will do. And [the] LORD heard the voice

xcov Xoyoov djicov A,aA,oi3vTCOv npoq |is Kai si7is Kopioc;

of your words speaking to me. And [the] LORD said

7rpoc; |is fjKODaa xrjv (pcovfjv xcov Xoycov

to me, I heard the voice of the words

tod Xaov xotjxod 6aa sldAxjaav npoq as opdcbq

of this people, as many as they spoke to you rightly,

rcdvxa 6aa skahf\Qr\ 29+ Tiq 8cbasi sivai omcoq

all as many as they spoke. Who shall give [ to be thus

ttjv Kap5(av auxcbv ev auxofc; cbaxs cpoPsiaGai |is Kai

their heart] in them, so as to fear me, and

qruAxxaasiv xac; evxoXdc; [iov itaaaq zaq rjjiepac; (va su

to guard my commandments all the days, that good

T| aDxoiq Kai xoic; vioiq ai)xcbv 81' aicbvoq 30 +

might be to them and to their sons through [the] eon.

PdSiaov S17TOV auxoic; a7ioaxpd(pr|xs v[isiq siq

Proceed! Say to them! You return to

Tovq oikodc; djicov 3i+ai)5s avzov axf|0i jisx' sjioi)

your houses! But you here stand with me!

Kai Xakf\a(ti npoq as 7idaac; xac; svxoA.dc; Kai xa

and I shall speak to you all the commandments, and the

8iKaicb|iaxa Kai xa Kpijiaxa 6aa 8i8d^sic; avxovq

ordinances, and the judgments, as many as you shall teach them.

Kai 7rois(xcoaav otixooc; sv xrj yr| rjv sycb 8(800 |ii

And let them do thus in the land which I give

auxok; sv Klfjpco 32+ Kai cpuld^saGs 7ioisiv ov

to them by lot! And you shall guard to do in which

xpo7iov svsxsiAxxxo aoi Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoi) odk

manner [ gave charge to you [the] LORD your God], to not

skkAivsic; 8s^id oi)8s apiaxspd 33+ Kaxd rcdaav

turn aside right nor left, [but] according to every

xrjv o86v rjv svsxsi^axo aoi Kupioc; o 0s6c; aoi)

way which [ gave charge to you [the] LORD your God]

7iopsi)sa6ai sv auxfj OTicnq Kaxa7iai&gt;ar| as Kai sd

to go by it, so that he should rest you, and good

aoirj Kai |iaKpor||ispsi)ar|xs S7U xrjc; yrjc; rjv

might be to you, and you should prolong your days upon the land which


you shall inherit.




05 - Deuteronomy

6 1

i+ Kai auxai ai svxoAm Kai xa 8iKaicb|iaxa Kai xa

And these are the commandments, and the ordinances, and the

Kpijiaxa 6aa svsxsiAmo Kopioc; o 0s6c; r||icov 5i5d^ai

judgments, as many as [ gave charge [the] LORD our God] to teach

DJldq 7TOISIV OVTCtiq SV XT] JT[ 8iq T|V ujisfc;

you to do thus in the land into which you

sia7iopsi3sa0s sksi KAx|povo|if|aai auxfjv 2 + (va

enter there to inherit it. That

cpopfjaBe Kopiov xov 0s6v r||icbv cpi)Axxaasa0ai rcdvxa

you should fear [the] LORD our God, to guard all

xa 8iKaico|iaxa auxou Kai xac; svxo^dq auxou aq sycb

his ordinances and his commandments which I

svxsAAx)|iai aoi afjjispov au Kai oi uioi aou Kai oi

give charge to you today, you and your sons, and the

uun xcov incov aou naaaq xac; r||ispac; Tr\q Cf$r\q aou

sons of your sons, all the days of your life,

(va |iaKpor||ispsuar|xs 3 + Kai dKouaov IapafjX Kai

that you should prolong your days. And hear, O Israel, and

(pvXatqov 7iois(v oncoq su r| aoi Kai (va

guard to do! so that good might be to you, and that

7iAr|0uv0f|xs acp65pa Ka0d7isp s^dAxjas Kupioc; o 0s6c;

you should multiply exceedingly, just as [ spoke [the] LORD God

xcov 7iax8pcov aou 8ouva( ooi yrjv psouaav yaka Kai

of your fathers] to give to you a land flowing milk and

jisAi Kai xauxa xa 8iKaicb|iaxa Kai xa Kpijiaxa 6aa

honey. And these are the ordinances, and the judgments, as many as

svsxsi^axo Kupioc; xoic; vioiq IapafjA, sv xr| spf||ico

[the] LORD gave charge to the sons of Israel in the wilderness,

s^sX06vxcov auxcbv sk yr\q Aiyu7ixou 4+ dKous IapafjA,

in their coming forth from [the] land of Egypt. Hear, O Israel!

Kupioc; o 0s6c; rjjicov Kupioc; sic; saxi 5 + Kai aya7if|asic;

[The] LORD our God [Lord one is]. And you shall love

Kupiov xov 08ov aou s^ 6hr\q xrjc; KapSiac; aou Kai s£,
[the] LORD your God with [ entire heart your], and with

6h\q Tr\q yv%r\q aoi) Kai 6Xr\q Tr\q 6vvd[is(bq aoi)

[ entire soul your], and with [ entire power your].

6+ Kai saxai xa pfjjiaxa xauxa 6aa sycb svxsAA,o|ia(

And [ will be these discourses as many as I give charge

aoi afjjispov sv xrj Kap8(a aou Kai sv xr| \\fv%r\ aoi) i +

to you today] in your heart, and in your soul.



8V TOUT© + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy

Kai 7ipoPipdaeic; aDxd xodc; viovq gov Kai Xakr\asiq

And you shall assist [ with them your sons], and you shall speak

S7i ' aDxoic; Ka6f||i£voc; ev oikco Kai 7ropeD6|isvoc; ev

of them sitting down in [your] house, and going in

o5cb Kai Koixatpjisvoc; Kai 5iavioxd|ievoc; 8 + Kai

[the] way, and lying in bed, and arising. And

acpdyeic; aDxd sic; ar||ie(ov £7U Tr\q X 8l P°^ sod Kai

you shall affix them for a sign upon your hand, and

saxai aadlsDxa 7ipo ocpGa^jicbv aoi) 9 + Kai ypd\j/eic;

it shall be unshaken before your eyes. And you shall write

ai)xd S7Ti xac; (pXmq xcov oikicov cjod Kai

them upon the lintels of your houses, and

xcov 7n)Axbv ood 10 + Kai saxai oxav sioaydyrj as

your gates. And it will be whenever [ shall bring you

Kopioq o Gsoq aoi) eic; xrjv yrjv rjv cbjioae xoic;

[the] LORD your God] into the land which he swore by an oath [to]

7iaxpdai aoi) xco APpadji Kai xco IaadK Kai xco

your fathers, [to] Abraham, and [to] Isaac, and [to]

IaKcbp 8oDva( ooi noXsiq [isyakaq Kai KaA.dc; aq

Jacob, to give to you [ cities [the] great and good] which

odk cGKo56|ir|aac; n+ ovdaq iihf\psiq 7idvxcov aya0cov

you did not build; houses full of all good [things]

aq odk sv87rAx|aac; XdKKODc; A£A,axo|ir||ievoDc; ovq

which you did not fill up; pits of quarrying which

odk s^sXax6|xr|aac; a[msk(bvaq Kai sAmcbvac; ovq

you did not quarry; vineyards and olive groves which

odk stpDxsDaac; Kai cpaycbv Kai s|i7iAx|a0e(c; n +

you did not plant; and eating and being filled up;

7ipoa8%£ asaDxcb [ir\ S7iiXd6r| KopiOD

take heed to yourself! [that] you should not forget [the] LORD

xod GsoD aoD xod e^ayayovxoc; ae 8K yr\q AiyirnxoD

your God. the one leading you from [the] land of Egypt,

OIKOD 50DA,Sia(; 13 + KDpiOV XOV 08OV aoD

from out of a house of slavery. [ [the] LORD your God

cpopr|0f|ar| Kai aDxcb jiovco AxxxpsDosic; Kai 7ipoc;

You shall fear], and to him only you shall serve, and to

aDxov KoAAr|0fjar| Kai em xco ovojiaxi aDxoD

him you shall cleave to, and by his name

ojifj 14 + od 7iop8Dsa0s O7i(aco 0scov exepcov

you shall swear an oath by. You shall not go after other gods


of the gods of the nations surrounding you.



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

05 - Deuteronomy

on o Gsoc; ^r(k(DTT\q Kopioc; o Gsoc; gov sv aoi jitj

For [ [is a] jealous God [the] LORD your God] among you, lest

opyioBsiq Gdjico icupioq o dsoq gov sv aoi

being provoked to anger [ should be enraged [the] LORD your God] against you,

Kai s^oAx)6psDar| as goto 7ipoacb7roD Tr\q yrjq i 6 +

and should utterly destroy you from [the] face of the earth.

odk sK7isipdasic; icopiov tov 6s6v gov ov Tporcov

You shall not put to test [the] LORD your God in which manner

s^S7i8ipdaaTS sv too 7isipaa|icb n+ tpD^daacov (pvXatfl

you put to test in Test. Guarding, you shall guard

zaq svTokaq KopiOD tod 0sod gov Kai

the commandments of [the] LORD your God, and

xa iiapropia aDTOD Kai xa 8iKaicb|iaTa avxov 6aa

his testimonies, and his ordinances, as many as

svstsiAxxto aoi i8+ Kai 7ioir\GSiq to apeaxov Kai to

he gave charge to you. And you shall do the pleasing and the

koXov svavTi KopiOD tod 6sod aoD iva sd aoi

good before [the] LORD your God, that [ good to you

ysvrjTai Kai siasXGrjc; Kai KAx|povo|if|ar|c; ttjv yrjv

it should be], and you should enter, and should inherit the [ land

ttjv ayaGfjv rjv cbjioas Kopioc; zoiq 7iaTpdaiaoD 19 +

good] which [the] LORD swore by an oath [to] your fathers,

SKSicb^ai 7rdvTac; zovq s%dpovq gov 7ipo 7ipoaco7roD aoD

to drive out all your enemies before your face,

KaGd eAxxAxjae Kopioc; 20+ Kai s&lt;xcai OTav spcoTfjarj as

as [the] LORD spoke. And it will be whenever [ should ask you

o vioq gov dDpiov Xsycov Tiva sari Ta jiapTDpia Kai

your son] tomorrow, saying, What are the testimonies, and

Ta 8iKaicb|iaTa Kai Ta KpijiaTa 6aa svsTSiXaTO

the ordinances, and the judgments, as many as [ gave charge

KDpioq o Gsoc; rjjicov r||iiv 21 + Kai spsfc; too dico aoD

[the] LORD our God] to us? And you shall say [to] your son,

oiKSTai fjjisv tco Oapacb sv yr| AiyD7iTOD Kai

We were servants [to] Pharaoh in [the] land of Egypt, and

s^fjyaysv rjjLidq Kopioc; sksiGsv sv yzipi KpaTaid Kai

[ led us [the] LORD] from there by [ hand a fortified] and

sv Ppa%(ovi D\j/r|A,cb 22+ Kai s8coks Kopioc; arjjisia Kai

with [arm a high]. And [the] LORD executed signs and

TspaTa jisyd^a Kai 7iovr|pd sv AiyD7iTC0 sv Oapacb

[ miracles great and severe] in Egypt to Pharaoh,


and to his house in our presence. And



ev toi3tco + viica

05 - Deuteronomy
rjjLidq s^qyaye Kopioc; sksiGsv iva eiaaydyrj r\[idq

[ led us [the] LORD] from there, that he should bring us,

8oi3vai r||i(v xrjv yrjv xai3xr|v r|v cbjioas Kopioc;

to give to us this land which [ swore by an oath [the] LORD

o 0s6c; r\[i(bv xoic; rcaxpdaiv r\[i(bv 8oi3vai r\[iiv 24+ Kai

our God] [to] our fathers to give to us. And

svstsiAxxto r\[dv icopioc; 7ioieiv rcdvxa

[ gave charge to us [the] LORD] to do all

xa 8iKaico|iaxa xatixa cpoPeiaGai icopiov xov 0s6v rjjicbv

these ordinances, to fear [the] LORD our God,

iva sd T| r\[iiv naaaq xac; rjjiepac; (va ^cbjiev

that good might be to us all the days, that we should live

champ Kai afjjiepov 25+ Kai eA,sr||ioawr| saxai r\[dv

as even today. And mercy will be to us,

sdv (pi)A,aaacb|is9a 7ioisiv naoaq xac; svxo^dc;

if we guard to do all the commandments


of this law before [the] LORD our God, as

svsxsi^axo r\[dv

he gave charge to us.

7 T

i + Kai saxai ev xco eiaayayeiv ae KDpioc; o Geoc; aoD

And it will be in [ bringing you [the] LORD your God]

sic; xrjv yrjv eic; r|v sia7iop£Dr| 8ks( KAr|povo|xfjaai

into the land into which you enter there to inherit

ai)xfjv Kai s^dprj s9vr| jisydla Kai noXka arco

it, and he shall lift away [ nations great and numerous] from

7ipoaco7roD aoD xov Xexxaiov Kai xov Tepysaaiov Kai

your presence — the Hittite, and the Girgashite, and

xov Ajioppaiov Kai Xavavaiov Kai Ospe^aiov Kai

the Amorite, and Canaanite, and Perizzite, and

xov Ei)a(ov Kai xov IsPoDaaiov S7ixd sGvrj jisyd^a

the Hivite, and the Jebusite ~ seven [ nations great

Kai TtoXka Kai laxDpoxspa djicdv 2+ Kai 7iapa8cbasi

and numerous], even stronger than you. And [ shall deliver

aDxotic; Kopioc; o Geoc; aoD sic; xac; %e(pac; aoi) Kai

them [the] LORD your God] into your hands, and

7iaxd^£ic; avzovq acpaviajicb acpaviek; avzovq od

you shall strike them. To extinction you shall remove them. You shall not

SiaGfjarj rcpoc; avzovq 8ia6f|Kr|v od8s jlit| sksr\ar\q

ordain with them a covenant, nor in any way should you show mercy


7 T sv tootco + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

aDTOijq 3 + od8s |ir| ya|iPpsT3ar|TS itpoq avzovq

[unto] them; nor contract a marriage with them.

xrjv 0t&gt;yaxepa gov ov Scoaeic; too mcb avzov Kai

[ your daughter You shall not give] [to] his son, and

xrjv 0i)yaxepa avzov ov hf\\\nr\ xco mcb gov a +

his daughter you shall not take [to] your son.

a7ro&lt;ycfjO£i yap xovmovaou ari s[iov Kai Xaxpetiaei

[ will leave For your son] from me, and shall serve

Gsoiq sispoiq Kai opyiaGfjasxai 0D|icb Kopioq ziq

other gods, and [ shall be provoked to anger in rage [the] LORD] against

v[idq Kai e^oXoGpstiasi as to Ta%oq 5+ aXX' otixco

you, and shall utterly destroy you quickly. But thus

7ioifjasTS aDioiq Tovq fico[iovq auxcbv KaGsXede Kai

you shall do to them; [ their shrines you shall demolish], and

xac; GTT\kaq auxcbv awcpnj/exe Kai xa oXgk] auxcbv

[ their monuments you shall break], and [ their sacred groves

skk6\|/sxs Kai xayA,D7ixd xcov 0scbv auxcbv

you shall cut down]; and [carvings of the gods their]

KaxaKatiasxs 7iDpi 6 + 6x1 Xaoq ayioq 8i Kopico

you shall incinerate by fire. For [ people a holy you are] [to the] LORD

xco 0ecb gov Kai as 7ipos(A,8xo Kopioc; o dzoq gov sivai

your God. And [ preferred you [the] LORD your God] to be

ai)xcb Xaov 7i8pioi3aiov 7iapd 7idvxa xa s0vr| 6aa

to him [ people a prized] from all the nations, as many as

£7U 7ipoacb7iOD xrjc; yrjc; 7+ ov% 6x1 7io}u)7rAr|0eix£

[are] upon [the] face of the earth. Not because you were [more] numerous

7iapd 7idvxa xa s0vr| 7ipo8iA,sxo Kopioc; v[iaq Kai

than all the nations [ prefer [did the] LORD] you, and

s^sAi^axo v^idq v^isiq yap eaxs oAayoaxoi 7iapd

chose you; for you are ones very few of

7idvxa xa s0vrj 8 + aXka 7iapd xo ayaftdv Kupiov v^idq

all the nations. But because the LORD loved you,

Kai Siaxrjpeiv xov opKov ov cbjioas xoiq

and to observe the oath which he swore [to]

7iaxpdaiv Djicbv s^fjyaysv v[idq Kopioc; sv %sip(

your fathers, [ led you [the] LORD] by [ hand

Kpaxaid Kai ev Ppa%(ovi D\j/r|A,cb Kai sAmpcbaaxo as

a fortified] and with [arm a high]; and he ransomed you

oiKOD SoiAeiac; sk %sipoc; Oapacb PaaiAicoc;

from out of a house of slavery, from [the] hand of Pharaoh king

AiyimxoD 9 + Kai yvcbarj 6x1 Kupioc; o dsoq gov omoq

of Egypt. And you shall know that [the] LORD your God ~ this one

7 T sv tootco + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

Gsoc; o Gsoc; o 7iiax6c; o (piAdaacov xrjv 8ia6fiKr|v Kai

[is] God, the trustworthy God, the one guarding the covenant and

sksoq xoic; aya7tcbaiv ai)xov Kai xoic; (pi)Axxaaoi)ai

mercy to the ones loving him, and to the ones guarding

xag svxoAxxc; auxoi) sic; %ikiaq ysvsdq 10 + Kai a7io8i8oi)c;

his commandments into a thousand generations; and repaying

xoic; [aaovai Kaxd 7ip6oco7iov s^oXoGpsuaai avzovq

to the ones detesting [his] face, to utterly destroy them.

Kai ov%i (3pa8i)vs( xoic; jiiaouai Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov

And he shall not be slow to the ones detesting; by person

a7io8cbasi auxoic; n+ Kai (pvXatfl xac; svxo^dc; Kai

he shall render what is due to them. And you shall guard the commandments, and

xa 8iKaicb|iaxa Kai xa Kpijiaxa xatixa 6aa sycb

the ordinances, and these judgments, as many as I

svxsAAx)|iai 001 afjjispov 7iois(v 12+ Kai saxai rjviKa

give charge to you today to do. And it will be when

av aKotiarjxe xa SiKaicojiaxa xatixa Kai tpi)Axx^r|xs Kai

ever you should hear these ordinances, and should have guarded and

7roifjar|X£ ai)xd Kai SiacpuXd^si Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoi)

should have done them, that [ will protect [the] LORD your God

aoi xrjv 8ia9fjKr|v Kai xo sXsoc; o cbjioas xoic;

with you the covenant], and the mercy which he swore by an oath [to]

7iaxpdaiv ujicbv 13 + Kai aya7rf|asi as Kai suXoyfjasi as

your fathers. And he will love you, and shall bless you,

Kai 7iAr|0Dvsi as Kai siAoyfjasi xa SKyova

and shall multiply you, and shall bless the descendants

xrjc; KoiAiac; aoi) Kai xov Kaprcov xrjc; yrjc; aoi)

of your belly, and the fruit of your land —

xov aixov aoi) Kai xov oivov aoi) Kai xo skmov aoi) xa

your grain, and your wine, and your olive oil, the

PoDKoAia xcov Pocbv aoi) Kai xa 7ioi|ivia

herds of your oxen, and the flocks

xcov 7rpopdxcov aoi) S7ri xrjc; yr\q r\q cbjioas Kopioc;

of your sheep upon the land which [the] LORD swore by an oath

xoic; 7iaxpdai aoi) Sowai aoi 14 + siAoyrjxoc; sarj

[to] your fathers to give to you. Blessed you will be

7iapd 7idvxa xa sGvrj odk saxai sv i)|i(v dyovoq

of all the nations. There will not be among you barren

od8s axsipa Kai sv xoic; Kxfjvsai aoi) 15+ Kai 7ispisA,s(

nor sterile, even among your cattle. And [ shall remove

Kopioq a7io aoi) 7idaav jiaAxxKiav Kai naaaq voaoix;

[the] LORD] from you every infirmity; and all [ diseases



8V TOUT© + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy

AiyD7ixoD mq 7iovr|pdc; aq syvooc; odk S7ii6f|aei S7U

of Egypt the severe] which you knew, he will not place upon

08 Kai £7u6fja8i aDxd S7U navxaq xovq jiiaoDVxdc; as

you. And he will place them upon all the ones detesting you.

i6+ Kai (payfj rcdvxa xa gkuXcl xcov sBvcbv a

And you shall eat all the spoils of the nations which

Kopioc; o dsoq gov 8(8coai aoi od cpeiaexai

[the] LORD your God gives to you; you shall not spare

o ocpGaXjioc; aoD S7i' aDxofc; Kai od jirj AxxxpsDarjc; xoiq

your eye over them; and no way should you serve [to]

dzoiq (xdxcdv 6xi aKcoAxrv xodxo saxai aoi n + sdv 5e

their gods; for [ an impediment this shall be] to you. But if

Xzyr\q sv xrj 5iavo(a aoi) 6xi noXv xo eGvoc; xodxo

you should say in your mind that, [ [is] great nation This];

T| eycb ncoq 6vvr\ao[Lai e^oXoGpsDaai aDxotic; ig+

or, I, how shall I be able to utterly destroy them?

od (popfjGrjarj oidxodc; jivsia |ivr|a6f|ar| 6aa

You shall not fear them; remembering you shall remember as much as

87ro(r|as KDpioq o Gsoq aoD xco Oapacb Kai 7idai xoic;

[ did [the] LORD your God] [to] Pharaoh and to all the

AiyD7rx(oic; 19+ xodc; 7isipaa|iODc; zovq [isjalovq ovq

Egyptians; the [ tests great] which

8i8oaav 01 ocpGa^jioi aoD xa arjjieia Kai xa xepaxa

you beheld with your eyes; the signs and [ miracles

xa jisydla eKsiva xrjv %e(pa xrjv Kpaxaidv Kai xov

those great]; the [ hand fortified] and the

Ppa%(ova xov d\j/t|X6v coq e^fjyays as Kopioc;

[ arm high]. As [ led you [the] LORD

o dzoq aoD odxoo 7ioif|aei Kupioq o dzoq djicov 7idai

your God], so [ will do [the] LORD your God] to all

xoic; 80veaiv odc; aD cpopfj arco 7ipoacb7roD aDxcbv 20 +

the nations which you fear from their face.

Kai xac; acprjKiaq a7ioaxsA,8i Kopioc; o Geoc; aoD sic;

And [ the swarms of wasps will send [the] LORD your God] unto
aDxotic; scoq av SKxpiPcbaiv 01 KaxaXeA£i|i|isvoi

them, until whenever shall be obliterated the ones being left behind,

Kai 01 KSKpDjijisvoi a7io aoD 21+ od xpcoGfjarj

and the ones being hidden from you. You shall not be pierced

arco 7ipoaco7roD aDxcbv 6x1 Kopioc; o dsoq aoD sv aoi

from their face, for [the] LORD your God among you

Geoc; jisyac; Kai Kpaxaioq 22+ Kai KaxavaXcbasi KDpioq

[is] a God great and fortified. And [ shall consume [the] LORD


8V TOUT© + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy

o 0e6c; aoi) xa sGvrj xatixa arco 7ipoaco7roD aoi) Kaxd

your God] these nations from your face according to

jiiKpov jiiKpov od 8i)vf|ar| e^avaAxbaai avzovq

little [by] little. You shall not be able to completely consume them

to xd%oc; iva |ir| yevrjxai r| yr| sprijioq Kai

quickly, that [ might not become the land] wilderness, and

7tAr|0Dv0fj 87ii as xa Grjpia xa dypia 23+ Kai

[ should multiply upon you the beasts wild]. And

7iapa8cba£i aoxotic; Kopioc; o Geoc; aoi) etc;

[ delivered them [the] LORD your God] into

xac; %eipdc; aoi) Kai a7ioA£ic; aDxotic; a7icoA,sia |isydAx|

your hands, and you shall destroy them [ destruction in a great],

eooc; av £^oAx)6psi)ar|c; avzovq 24 + Kai 7iapa5cbasi

until whenever you should utterly destroy them. And he shall deliver up

xodc; Paai^siq ai)xcbv sic; xaq %sipaq djicov Kai a7ioA,s(xai

their kings into your hands. And he shall destroy

xo ovojia ai)xcbv D7ioKdxco xod oi)pavoi3 ODK

their name under the heaven. Not

avxiaxfjaexai oi)8efo; Kaxd 7ip6aco7r6v aoi) ecoc; av

shall [ withstand anyone] against your face until whenever

s^oAx)6p£i)ar|c; aDxotic; 25+ xa yA,D7ixd

you should have utterly destroyed them. The carvings

xcov Bscbv ai)xcbv Kaxaratiaexs itvpi odk e7n0i)|xqasic;

of their gods you shall incinerate in fire. You shall not desire

apyopiov od8s xpDaiov ait' ai)xcbv Xafiziv asaDxcb

silver nor gold from them, to take for yourself,

|ir| 7ixa(ar|q Si' ai)xo 6x1 pSeAuyjia Kopioo

lest you should be at fault because of it, for [ an abomination [to the] LORD

xco Gscb aoi) eaxi 26 + Kai odk eiaoiaeic; p8eA,i)y |ia

your God it is]. And you shall not carry an abomination

sic; xov oikov aoi) Kai avdGsjia ear) champ xotixo

into your house, that it be anathema as this [thing].

7ipoaox0ia|iaxi 7ipoao%0iefc; Kai pSsMyjiaxi p5sA&gt;i3^r|

Loathing you shall loathe, and as an abomination you shall abhor [it],

6x1 avd0s|id saxi

for it is anathema.

8 n

1+ naaaq xac; evxoXdc; aq sycb svxsHojiai djiiv

All the commandments which I give charge to you

afjjispov (pi)A,d^sa6s 7ioie(v (va ^fjxs Kai

today you shall guard to do, that you should live and

8 n sv tootco + vtica 05 - Deuteronomy

7roA,D7iA,aaiaa6fjT£ Kai siasXGrjxs Kai KAx|povo|ifjar|xs

manifoldly multiply, and should enter and should inherit

xrjv yrjv r|v cbjioas rcopioc; xoic; rcaxpdaiv djicdv 2 +

the land which [ swore by an oath [the] LORD] [to] your fathers.

Kai |ivr|a6fjar| rcdaav xrjv o56v r|v fjyays as Kopioc;

And you shall remember the whole journey which [ led you [the] LORD

0 0s6c; aoD xodxo xsaaapaKoaxov sxoc; sv xr| spf||ico

your God] this fortieth year in the wilderness,

oiiodq av KaKcbarj as Kai 7isipdar| as Kai 8iayvcoa0f|

how he should afflict you, and should test you, and should determine

xa sv ttj Kap8(a aoi) si (pvXafy] xac; svxoAxxc; aDxoD

the [things] in your heart, if you shall guard his commandments

T| od 3 + Kai SKaKcoas as Kai sAi|iay%6vr|as as Kai

or not. And he afflicted you, and caused you to hunger, and

s\j/cb|iias as to jidwa o odk f|5siaav

fed you the manna which [ had not known

01 7iaxspsc; gov iva avayysiAxj aoi on odk S7i' dpxco

your fathers]; that he should announce to you that, [not by bread

jiovco ^fjasxai o dv6pco7ro(; aXk r S7i( 7iavx( pfjjiaxi

alone shall live A man]; but by every word

xco SK7iopsi)0|isvco 8id axojiaxoq 6sot3 ^fjasxai

going forth through [the] mouth of God shall [ live

0 dv0p&lt;jO7ioc; 4 + xa ijidxid aoi) odk s7iaAmcb6r| a7io aoi)

a man]. Your garments did not grow old from you;

01 iiodsq aoi) odk sxDAxbGrjaav i5od xsaaapdKovxa

your feet were not calloused ~ behold, for forty

sxrj 5 + Kai yvcbarj xrj Kap5(a aoD 6xi coq si xic;

years. And you shall know in your heart, that as if any

dv0p&lt;D7iO(; 7iai5sDar| xov diov aDxoD odxod Kopioc;

man should correct his son, so [the] LORD

o 6s6c; aoD 7iai8sDasi as 6 + Kai (pvXa^siq xaq svxoXdq

your God corrects you. And you shall guard the commandments

KDpiOD xod 0sod aoD 7iopsDsa0ai sv xaic; odoiq aDxoD

of [the] LORD your God, to go in his ways,

Kai cpoPsiaGai aDxov 7+0 yap Kopioc; o 0s6q aoD

and to fear him. For [the] LORD your God

siad^si as sic; yrjv ayaBfjv Kai 7ioAAx|v od

shall bring you into aland good and abundant, of which [are]

Xsijiappoi D8dxcov Kai 7ir|yai aPDaacov SK7iopsDO|isvai

rushing streams of waters, and springs of [the] deeps going forth

8id xcov 7is5icov Kai 5id xcov opscbv 8 + yr| 7iDpoD

through the plains, and through the mountains. Aland of wheat,


8 n ev tootco + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

Kai KpiGfjq &amp;|i7rsAx)i aurai poai yr| zkaiaq sAmou

and barley, grapevines, fig-trees, pomegranates; a land of olive oil

Kai jisXixoq 9+ yr| ecp' r\q ou |iexd 7ixcD%£iac; cpayfj

and honey. A land upon which [ without poorness you shall eat

xov dpxov aou Kai ouk sv5sr|0f|ar| S7i' auxfjc; yr\ r\q

your bread], and you shall not be in want upon it. Aland of which

oi Xidoi avTT\q a(5r|poc; Kai 8K tcov opscov auxfjc;

its stones [are] iron, and from out of its mountains

jiexaAleuasic; xahcov 10+ Kai cpayfj Kai s[mhr\adr\ar\

you shall mine brass. And you shall eat and shall be filled up,

Kai siAoyfjasic; Kupiov xov 0s6v aou S7ii xrjc; yrjc;

and shall bless [the] LORD your God upon the [ land

xrjc; ayaBfjc; r\q 8s5coks aoi n+ 7rp6ae%e asauxcb

good] of which he has given to you. Take heed to yourself!


that you should not forget [the] LORD your God, so as to not

cpuXd^ai xac; evxoXdc; auxou Kai xa Kpijiaxa auxou Kai

guard his commandments, and his judgments, and

xa 8iKaicb|iaxa auxou 6aa sycb svxeAA,o|iai aoi

his ordinances, as many as I give charge to you

ofjjispov 12+ |iT| cpaycbv Kai s|i7rAx|a6£ic; Kai oiKiaq

today; lest having eaten, and being filled up, and [ houses

Kakaq oiKo5o|ifjoac; Kai KaxoiKqaac; ev auxaic; 13+ Kai

good having built], and dwelling in them, and

xcov Pocbv aou Kai xcov 7ipopdxcov aoi) 7rAx|9uv0evxcDV

your oxen, and your sheep having been multiplied

aoi apyupiou Kai %pua(ou 7iAr|6uv6evxcDV aoi Kai

to you, [and] silver and gold having been multiplied to you, and

7idvxcov 6aa aoi saxai 7iAr|9uv0evxcDV 14+

all as much as to you shall be multiplying,

u\j/&lt;jo6fjc; xt| Kap8(a aou Kai S7iiXd6r| Kup(ou

you should be raised up high in your heart, and should forget [the] LORD

xou Gsou aou xou s^ayayovxoc; ae 8K yr\q Aiyurcxou

your God, the one leading you from [the] land of Egypt,

oikou 8ouXe(ac; 15+ xou ayayovxoc; as 5id xrjc;

from [the] house of slavery, the one leading you through the

spfjjiou xrjc; (isydAxjc; Kai xrjc; cpopepdq SKsivrjq ou

[ wilderness great and dreadful], that one of which [is]

ocpiq 5dKvcov Kai aKop7rioc; Kai 5uj/a ou oukt|v

[serpent [the] biting], and scorpion, and thirst, of which there was no

u5cop xou s^ayayovxoc; aoi sk 7rexpac; aKpoxojiou

water; the one leading to you [ from out of rock chiseled


8V TOUT© + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy

7ir|yf|v D8aTOc; i 6 + tod ytojjiaavxoc; as to jidwa sv

a spring of water]; the one feeding you the manna in

ttj spfjiico o odk r\6siq oi) Kai odk f|8siaav

the wilderness, which [had not known you], and [did not know

oi 7iaTspsc; aoi) (va KaKcbarj as Kai (va

your fathers]; that he should afflict you, and that

8K7isipdar| as Kai sd as 7iorf|ar| S7i' sa%dTOD

he should put you to the test, and [ good unto you do] upon [the] last

tcov rjjispcbv aoi) n+ Kai |ir| smr\q sv rq Kap8(a aoD

of your days; and lest you should say in your heart,

T| ia%vq jiod Kai to KpdToq Tr\q %£ipbq jiod S7io(r|as

My strength and the might of my hand produced

(ioi ttjv SDvajiiv ttjv jisydAxjv TaDrrjv is + Kai |ivr|a6f|ar|

to me [ ability this great]. And you shall remember

KopiOD tod Gsod aoD 6ti avToq aoi 8(5coaiv ia%DV

[the] LORD your God, that he gives to you strength

tod 7roifjaai 5Dvajiiv (va aTfjarj tt|v SiaGfjKqv aDTOD

to produce [the] ability, that he should establish his covenant

Tjv cbjioas TOiq 7iaTpdai aoD coq afjjispov 19+ Kai

which he swore by an oath to your fathers as today. And

saTai sdv AxjGrj S7nM6r| KopioD tod Gsod aoD Kai

it will be if in forgetfulness you should forget [the] LORD your God, and

7ropsD0fjc; O7i(aco Gscbv STspcov Kai XaTpsDarjc; aDTOiq

should go after other gods, and should serve to them,

Kai 7rpoaKDvfjar|c; aDTOiq SiajiapTopojiai djiiv

and should do obeisance to them, I testify to you

afjjispov tov ts ODpavov Kai tt|v yrjv 6ti a7icoA,sia

today [on] both heaven and the earth that by destruction

a7i;oXsia0s 20+ KaGd Kai Ta Xourd sGvrj 6aa o

you shall be destroyed. As also the remaining nations, as many as the

KDpioq a7ioAA,Dsi 7ipo 7rpoacb7roD DJICOV ODTCOq

LORD destroys before your face, so

a7ioXsia0s avG' cov odk rjKODaaTS Tr\q (poavfjc;

shall you be destroyed; because you did not hearken to the voice

KDpioD tod Gsod djicov

of [the] LORD your God.

9 ta

1+ dKODS IapafjA, aD SiaPaivsiq afjjispov tov IopSdvrjv

Hear, O Israel! You pass over today the Jordan

siasXGsiv KAx|povo|if|aai sGvrj jisyd^a Kai ia%DpoTspa

to enter to inherit [ nations great and stronger]


9 0 sv tootco + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

[laXkov r| Djieic; 7i6A,sic; jisydXaq Kai xsixfipsic; ecoc;

than you; [ cities great and walled] unto

tod oupavoi) 2+ Axxov jisyav Kai itoXvv Kai £D|if|Kr|

the heaven; a people great and populous and tall ~

viovq Ev&amp;k ovq ai) oiada Kai ai) aKfjKoaq xic;

sons ofAnak whom you know, and you have heard [said], Who

avxiaxfjaexai Korea 7ip6aco7rov mcbv EvdK

can withstand against [the] face of [the] sons of Anak?

3+ Kai yvebar) afjjiepov 6xi Kupioc; o 0e6c; aoi) omoq

And you shall know today that [the] LORD your God, he

7ipo7ropsi)asTai 7ipo 7ipoacb7roD aoi) nvp KaxavaAiaKov

shall go forth before your face. [ fire a consuming

eaxiv omoq s^oXoGpstiaei aDxotic; Kai omoq

He is]. He shall utterly destroy them, and he

a7ioaxps\j/8i aDxotic; 7ipo 7ipoacb7roD aoi) Kai

shall turn them away before your presence. And

s^oAx)6psi)aei avzovq Kai a7roA,8i avzovq sv xd%si

he shall utterly destroy them, and he will destroy them quickly,

KaGdftsp 81718 aoi Kopioc; 4 + |ir| sbir\q sv

just as [said to you [the] LORD]. You should not say in

xt| Kap5(a aoi) sv xco e^avaXcbaai Kopiov

your heart by the complete consuming [by the] LORD

xov Geov aoi) xa £0vr| xatixa 7ipo 7ipoacb7roD aoi) Aiycov

your God of these nations before your face, saying,

5id xac; 5iKaioai&gt;vac; jiod eiafjyaye |is Kopioc;

Because of my righteousness [ brought me [the] LORD]

KArjpovojifjaai xrjv yrjv xrjv aya0fjv xatixrjv aXka

to inherit [land this good]. But

8id xrjv aaspsiav xcov 80vcbv xotixcov s^oXoGpstiasi

on account of the impiety of these nations [ will utterly destroy

avTOvq Kopioq 7ipo 7ipoaco7roD aoi) 5 + od^i 8id

them [the] LORD] before your face. Not because of

xrjv 5iKaioaT)vr|v aoi) od8s 5id xrjv oaioxrjxa

your righteousness, nor because of the sacredness

xrjc; Kap8(ac; aoi) ai) 8ia7iop8T)r| KAr|povo|if|aai

of your heart do you enter to inherit

xrjv yrjv ai)xcbv aXka 8id xrjv aaspeiav

their land. But because of the impiety

xcov sGvcbv xouxcov Kopioc; s^oAx)0psi)asi ai)xoi)(; arco

of these nations [the] LORD shall utterly destroy them from

7rpoacb7iOD aoi) Kai (va axfjarj xrjv 5ia0fjKT|v rjv

your presence, and that he should establish the covenant which

cbjioae Kopioc; xoic; rcaxpaaiv djicov xco APpadji Kai

[the] LORD swore by an oath [to] your fathers ~ [to] Abraham, and


9 0 sv tootco + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

tco Iaa&amp;K Kai xco IaKcop 6 + Kai yvcbarj afjjispov 6xi

[to] Isaac, and [to] Jacob. And you shall know today that

od 8id xac; SiKaioauvac; gov Kopioc; o 0s6c; aou 8(8coa(

not through your works of righteousness [the] LORD your God gives

aoi ttjv yrjv xrjv ayaGfjv xauxrjv KAx|povo|if|aai 6xi

to you [ land this good] to inherit; for

Xaoq aKAr|poxpd%r|Ax)c; si ?+ |ivf|a0r|xi |ir|

[people a hard-necked you are]. Remember! you should not

£7iiM9r| 6aa 7iapco^Dvac; Kupiov xov 0s6v gov sv xrj

forget as much as you provoked [the] LORD your God in the

epfj|icD acp' r\q r||ispac; s^fjABsxs sk yr\q AiyimxoD

wilderness, from which day you came forth from [the] land of Egypt,

scoc; fjXGexe sic; xov xorcov xotixov a7isi0oi)vxsc;

until you came into this place, [for by] resisting persuasion

8isxsA,s(xs xa npoq Kupiov 8+ Kai sv XcopfjP

you completed the [things] against [the] LORD. And in Horeb

7iapco^6vaxs Kupiov Kai s0D|ico0r| Kupioc; scp' Djiiv

you provoked [the] LORD, and [the] LORD was enraged with you

s^oAx)0psi)oai v[iaq 9 + avaPaivovxoc; [iov sic; xo opoq

to utterly destroy you. Of my ascending into the mountain

Xafiziv xac; nXdKaq xac; Xidivaq nXaKaq 8ia0f|Kr|c; r\q

to take the tablets of stone, tablets of covenant of which

8is0sxo Kopioc; 7ipoq v[idq Kai Kaxsysvojxrjv sv xco

[the] LORD ordained for you. And I was occupied in the

opsi xsaaapdKovxa rjjiepac; Kai xsaaapdKovxa vvKiaq

mountain forty days and forty nights.

dpxov ODKscpayov Kai i38cop odks7tiov 10+ Kai s8coks

[ bread I did not eat], and water I did not drink. And [ gave

jioi Kopioc; xac; Svo nXaKaq xac; XiQivaq ysypajijisvac;

to me [the] LORD] the two tablets of stone, being written

sv xco SaKxuAxo xou 0sot3 Kai S7i' avzaiq sysyparcxo

by the finger of God. And upon them he had written

ftdvxsc; 01 Xoyoi ovq eAxxAxjae Kupioc; npoq v[idq

all the words, the ones which [the] LORD spoke to you

sv xco opsi sk jisaou xod 7rop6c; sv rjiispa

in the mountain, from amidst the fire, in [the] day

SKKAxjcriac; n+ Kai sysvsxo 8id xsaaapdKovxa r||ispcbv

of assembly. And it came to pass through forty days

Kai Sid xsaaapdKovxa vdkxcov s5coks Kopioc; sjioi

and through forty nights, [the] LORD gave to me

xac; 8t3o 7rXdKac; xac; MKvac; itXaKaq 8mQr\Kr\q n + Kai

the two tablets of stone ~ tablets of covenant. And

9 D ev toutco + vuca 05 - Deuteronomy

81718 icupioq 7cpoc; |i8 avdaTTjGi Kaxdpr|0i to t&amp;xoc;

[the] LORD said to me, Arise, go down quickly

svtst368V 6ti r|v6|ir|aev o Xaoq ciod ovq e^qyayec; sk

from here! for [ acted lawlessly your people], of whom you led out of

yrjc; AiyD7i;TOD 7capePr|aav xayjo 8K Tr\q o8od r\q

[the] land of Egypt. They violated quickly from the way of which

svstsiAxjo aDTOic; £7tovr|aav eaDTofc; %cbveD|ia 13+ Kai

you gave charge to them; they made to themselves a molten casting. And

81718 icupioq 7cpoc; |i8 Aiyoov A,sA,dAx|Ka 7tpoc; as d7ca§

[the] LORD said to me, saying, I have spoken to you once

Kai 81c; Aiyoov scbpaKa tov Xaov todtov Kai i8od

and twice, saying, I have seen this people; and, behold,

Xaoq aKkr\poTpa%r(k6q scmv u+ eaaov |is e^o^oGpsDaai

[ people it is a hard-necked]. Allow me! to utterly destroy

aDTODc; Kai s^a^enj/CD to ovojia aDTcbv D7coKdTCO0sv

them, and I will wipe away their name from beneath

tod ODpavoD Kai 7coif|aco ae eic; sGvoc; jisya Kai

the heaven. And I will make you into [ nation a great and

iaxi)p6v Kai Ttokv [laXXov r\ todto 15+ Kai

strong], and [more] numerous rather than this one. And

STciaxpsij/aq KaTsPrjv 8K tod opoDc; Kai to opoq

turning, I went down from the mountain, and the mountain

SKaiSTO 7CDp( Kai ai 8do itkaKzq Tr\q SiaGfjKqc; S7ri

burned fire. And the two tablets of the covenant were in

Taiq 8dcji %zpci jiod 16+ Kai i8cbv 6ti rjjidpTSTS

[two hands my]. And seeing that you sinned


before [the] LORD your God, and made to

aDTok; |i6a%ov %G)vsdt6v Kai 7capsPr|TS tcl%v sk Tr\q

yourselves a calf molten [image], and transgressed quickly from the

o8od r\q 8V8T8iA,aTO KDpioq djiiv n+ Kai £7nAxxp6|isvoc;

way which [the] LORD gave charge to you; that taking hold of

tcov 8do 7cXaKcbv sppuj/a aDTdq a7co tcov 8do %sipcbv

the two tablets, I tossed them from [ two hands

(iod Kai oDV8Tpi\j/a aDTdq evaraov Djicbv i 8 + Kai

my], and I broke them before you. And

s8sf|6r|v svavn KDpiOD SeDTspov Ka0d7csp Kai

I beseeched before [the] LORD a second [time], as also even

to 7cp6Tspov TeoaapdKovTa r||iepac; Kai TeoaapdKovTa

formerly, forty days and forty

VDKTaq dpTOV odk ecpayov Kai D5cop odk stciov

nights. Bread I did not eat, and water I did not drink,


9 0 sv tootco + vtica 05 - Deuteronomy

7isp( 7iaacbv tcov ajiapTiobv Djicbv cov rui&amp;pxexs

on account of all your sins which you sinned,

7rovfjaai to 7iovr|p6v svavTi KopioD tod 0sod

to do the wicked [thing] before [the] LORD God,

7iapo^6vai ai)i6v 19+ Kai SKtpoPoc; sijii 8id tov

to provoke him. And I am frightened on account of the

0D|i6v Kai ttjv opyfjv on 7iapoo^DV0r| Kopioc; scp'

rage and the anger that [the] LORD was provoked by

Djiiv tod s^oA,o0psDoai Djidc; Kai siafjKODas Kopioc;

you to utterly destroy you. And [the] LORD hearkened to

s|iod Kai ev too Kaipcb sksivoo 20 + Kai 87i( Aapcbv

me even at that time. And upon Aaron

s0D|icb9r| KDpioq acp68pa tod s^oAx&gt;0psDaai aDTOV Kai

[the] LORD was enraged exceedingly to utterly destroy him. And

r|D^d|xr|v Kai 7isp( Aapcbv sv too Kaipcb sksivoo 21 + Kai

I made a vow also for Aaron in that time. And

ttjv ajiapTiav djicov r|v £7roifjaaT£ tov |ioa%ov s^apov

your sin which you made — the calf; I took

Kai KaTSKaDaa aDTOV ev 7iDp( Kai aDVSKO\j/a aDTOV

and I incinerated it in fire, and cut it down,

Kai KaTfj^eaac; acp68pa sooc; od sysvsTO Xstctov Kai

and ground it down exceeding, until of which it became fine, and

sysvfj6r| coast KoviopToq Kai sppuj/a tov kovioptov

became as a cloud of dust. And I tossed the dust

sic; tov %ei|idppoDV tov KaTaPaivovTa sk tod opoDc;

into the rushing stream, the one coming down from the mountain.

22 + Kai sv too 8|i7iDpia|icb Kai sv too 7isipaa|icb Kai sv

And in Combustion, and in Test and in

tok; |ivf||iaai Tr\q S7ii0D|jIac; 7iapo^6vavTSc; f|TS KDpiov

Tombs of the Desire, you were provoking [the] LORD

TOV 0SOV DJICOV 23 + Kai 6ts s^a7isaTSiXsv Djidq KDpioq

your God. And when [ sent you [the] LORD]

sk Kd8r|c; Bapvfj Aiyoov avdprjTS Kai KAx|povo|if|aaTS

from Kadesh Barnea, saying, Ascend and inherit

ttjv yrjv Tjv 8(8co|ii djiiv Kai r|7rsi6fjaaTS too pfj|iaTi

the land which I give to you! that you resisted persuasion in the word


of [the] LORD your God, and did not trust him,

Kai odk siarjKODaaTS Tr\q cpoovfjc; aDTOD 24 +

and did not listen to his voice.

a7rsi6oDVTSc; fjTS Ta npoq KDpiov an r\q rjjispac;

You were resisting the [things] towards [the] LORD from which day

9 0 ev tootco + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

syvcbaBrj djiiv 25+ Kai s8sfi9r|v svavxi Kupiou

he was made known to you. And I beseeched before [the] LORD

xsaoap&amp;Kovxa rjjiepac; Kai xsaaapdKovxa vuKxac;

forty days and forty nights.

oaaq 888f|6r|v si7is yap Kopioc; s^oXoBpsuaai v[iaq

Many [things] I beseeched; [ said for [the] LORD] he would utterly destroy you.

26+ Kai r|D^d|xr|v npoq xov 0s6v Kai si7ia Kupis Kopis

And I made a vow to God, and said, O Lord, [the] LORD,

|ir| s^oXoBpsixyqc; xov Xaov gov Kai

you should not utterly destroy your people, and

xrjv KXr|povo|iiav gov rjv sAmpcoaco sv xr| ia%vi gov

your inheritance whom you ransomed in [ strength your

xtj |isydAr| ovq s^fjyaysc; sk yr\q Aiy67rxoi) ev

great], of whom you led out of [the] land of Egypt by

xtj %zipi gov xt] Kpaxaid Kai sv xco Ppaxiovi gov

[ hand your fortified], and by [ arm your

xco D\j/TjAxb 27+ |ivt]g6t]xi APpadji Kai IaadK Kai IaKcbp

high]. Remember Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob,

xcov 6spa7i6vxcov gov oiq cbjioaaq Kaxd

your attendants! ones to whom you swore by an oath according to

asauxoi) jlxt| S7iipA,s\j/T]c; S7i( xrjv aKAxjpoxrjxa

yourself. You should not look upon the hardness

xod Xaov xoTJxoi) Kai 87i( xa aaspfjjiaxa ai)xcbv Kai

of this people, and upon their acts of impiety, and

xa ajiapxfj|iaxa auxcov 28+ |iT]7roxs si7rcoaiv 01

their sins; lest should say the ones

KaxoiKcrovxec; xttv yrjv 60sv s^fjyaysc; r\[iaq sksiBsv

dwelling the land from where you led us from there,

Aiyovxsc; 7iapd xo jit] 5i3vaa9ai Kopiov siaayaysiv

saying, Because [ was not able [the] LORD] to bring

auxouc; sic; xttv yr|v r|v sitcsv auxoic; Kai 7iapd

them into the land which he said to them, and because of

xo (iiofjaai Kopiov auxotic; s^fjyaysv auxotic; sv xtj

[ detesting [the] LORD] them, he led them in the

spfj|ico a7ioKxs(vai auxotic; 29+ Kai otixoi Xaoq gov Kai

wilderness to kill them. And these [are] your people and

KArjpovojjia gov ovq s^fjyaysc; sk yrjc; Aiy67ixou sv

your inheritance, of whom you led out of [the] land of Egypt by

xt] iG%vi gov xrj |isydAx| Kai sv xco ppaxiovi gov

[ strength your great] and by [ arm your

XCO D\j/T]Axb




8V TOOTCp + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy

10 ■»

l + SV SKSIVCO TCO KaipCO 81718 KDpiOC; 7ipOC; |I8 Xd^SDCJOV

In that time [the] LORD said to me, You dress stone

osaDxcb dvo iiXdKaq Xidivaq coa7rsp xac; 7ipcbxac; Kai

for yourself— two tablets of stone as the first! And

avdprjGi npoq |ie sic; to opoq Kai 7roifjosic; asauxcb

ascend to me into the mountain, and make for yourself

Kipooxov ^oAivrjv 2+ Kai ypd\j/co S7ri xac; 7iA,dKac; xa

[ ark a wooden] ! And I will write upon the tablets the

pfjjiaxa 6aa rjv sv xaic; nka^i xaic; 7ipcbxaic; aiq

words which [were] on the [ tablets first] which

&lt;xovsxpi\j/ac; Kai sjiPaXsic; auxdc; sic; xrjv kiPcoxov 3 +

you broke, and you shall put them into the ark.

Kai S7io(r|aa kiPcoxov sk ^dAxdv aafj7ixcov Kai

And I made [the] ark from out of [ wood incorruptible]. And

sXd^suaa xac; 6vo 7iAxxKa(; xac; Xidivaq coc; ai 7ipcbxai

I dressed the two [ tablets stone] as the first.

Kai aveprjv sic; xo opoq Kai ai 5t3o nkoKsq S7U

And I ascended into the mountain, and the two tablets [were] upon

xaic; Svai %epa( |iod 4 + Kai sypa\j/sv S7ri xac; iiXaKaq

[two hands my]. And he wrote upon the tablets

Kaxd xrjv ypatpfjv xrjv 7ipcbxr|v xouc; 8sra Xoyovq

according to the [ writing first], the ten words

odc; sldAxjas KDpioc; 7ipoc; v[iaq sv xco opsi sk

which [the] LORD spoke to you in the mountain out of

jisaoi) xod 7Top6c; sv r||ispa xrjc; auvaycoyfjc; Kai

[the] midst of the fire in [the] day of the gathering. And

s5coksv avzaq Kopioc; sjioi 5+ Kai S7iiaxps\j/ac; KaxsPrjv

[ gave them [the] LORD] to me. And turning, I went down

sk xod 6poi)c; Kai svspalov xac; iiXdKaq sic; xrjv

from the mountain, and I put the tablets into the

kiPcoxov rjv S7rovr|aa Kai fjaav sksi KaGd svsxsdaxo

ark which I made; and they were there as [ gave charge

jioi Kopioc; 6+ Kai 01 moi lapar\k a7if|pav sk BrjpcbG

to me [the] LORD]. And the sons of Israel departed from Beeroth

mcbv IaKiji Moaspd sksi arcsGavsv Aapcbv Kai

of [the] sons of Jaakin to Mosera; there Aaron died, and

sxdcprj sksi Kai ispdxsuasv E^sd^ap o vioq avzov

he was entombed there. And [ officiated as priest Eleazar his son]

avx' avTOV 7+ sksOsv a7rfjpav sic; ra5yd8 Kai arco

instead of him. From there they departed into Gudgodah; and from



8V TOT/CCp + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy

ra8y&amp;8 sic; ExsPaBd yr| %s(|iappoi D5dTC0v 8 + sv

Gudgodah to Jobath, a land of rushing streams of waters. In


that time [the] LORD separated the tribe of Levi

aipsiv xrjv kiPcotov Tr\q SiaGfjKrjq KopioD

to lift the ark of the covenant of [the] LORD,

7rape&lt;yc&amp;vai svavn KopioD XsvcoDpysw Kai S7isD%sa6ai

to stand before [the] LORD to officiate, and to invoke

S7Ti too ovojiaxi clvtov scoc; TTjq rjiiepaq Ta^xriq 9+ 8id

upon his name until this day. On account of

todto odk sail Toiq AsDvcaic; jispic; Kai KArjpoc; sv

this there is not to the Levites a portion or lot among

tok; a5sAxpofc; aDTcbv icupioq avzoq Kkr\poq clvtov Ka0&amp;

their brethren. [The] LORD himself [is] his lot, as

S17T8V avT(b Kopioc; o Bsoq Djicbv io+ Kaycb SOTTjV sv

[ told them [the] LORD your God]. And I stayed in

tco opsi Teaaap&amp;Kovxa rjjispac; Kai xsaaapaKovxa

the mountain forty days and forty

vvKiaq Kai siafjKODas Kopioc; sjiod Kai sv

nights; and [the] LORD listened to me, And in

tco Kaipcb sksivco odk r|6sAr|os Kopioc; s^oXoBpsDaai

that time [ did not want [the] LORD] to utterly destroy

v[iaq n+ Kai si7is Kupioq npoq |is pd8i^s drcapov

you. And [the] LORD said to me, Proceed, depart

svavxi tod Xaov todtod Kai sia7iopsDsa9coaav Kai

before this people, and let them enter and

KAripovojisvccoaav rqv yrjv r|v cbjioaa toic;

inherit the land! which I swore by an oath [to]

7iaTpdaiv aDTcbv 8oDvai aDTOiq n + Kai vdv IapafjX

their fathers to give to them. And now, Israel,

ti KDpioq o 0s6c; aoD aiTSi 7iapd aoD aXk r r\

what does [the] LORD your God ask from you, but only

cpoPsiaGai Kopiov tov 0s6v aoD Kai 7iopsDsa6ai sv

to fear [the] LORD your God, and to go in

naaaiq zaiq odoiq clvtov Kai ayarcdv aDTOV Kai

all his ways, and to love him, and

Axxtpsdsiv KDpico tco 0scb ctod s£, oAxjc; Tr\q KapSiaq

to serve [the] LORD your God from [ entire heart

aoD Kai s^ oAxjc; Tr\q\\fv%r\q gov b+ cpD^daasaGai zaq

your], and from [ entire soul your]; to guard the


commandments of [the] LORD your God, and



8V TOUT© + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy

xa 8iKaicb|iaTa ai)TOi) 6aa sycb evTsAAx)|iai aoi

his ordinances, as many as I give charge to you

afjjispov (va eu aoi r| i 4 + idov Kopiou

today, that [ good to you it might be]. Behold, [ [is of the] LORD

tod 0sot3 aoi) o oupavoc; Kai o oupavoc; tod oupavou

your God the heaven], and the heaven of the heaven,

T| yr| Kai 7idvTa 6aa eariv ev avTT\ 15 + 7ih\v zovq

the earth and all as much as is in it. Except concerning

7iaT8pac; djicov 7ipoeiA£TO Kopioc; ayarcdv ocdtod^ Kai

your fathers, [the] LORD preferred to love them, and

E^sXstfxzo to a7i8p|ia auTcbv jist' avxovq ujidc; napa

he chose their seed after them — you, from

7idvTa Ta sGvrj Kara ttjv rjjispav tocdttjv 16 + Kai

all the nations according to this day. And

7ispiTS|i8ia08 ttjv aKAx|poKap5(av ujicbv Kai

you shall circumcise the hardness of your heart, and

tov Tpd%r|Xov ujicbv ou aKAx|pi)V£vcs 8Ti 17+0 yap

[ your neck you shall not harden] any longer. For the

Kopioc; o Bsoq djicov omoq Geoc; tcov 0scbv Kai Kupioq

LORD your God, he [is] God of gods, and Lord

tcov Kopicov o Geoc; o jisyac; Kai \a%vp6q Kai cpopspoc;

of lords, the [ God great and strong and fearful]

ocmc; od 9ai)|id^si 7ip6aco7iov ou5s jirj Xdprj

who does not marvel [over a] person, nor should take

8cbpov i8+o 7ioicbv Kpiaiv 7ipoar|XDTC0 Kai opcpavcb

a bribe; the one executing judgment for a foreigner, and orphan,

Kai xfjpa Kai ayarcd tov TipoofjAmov 5oi3vai auTcb

and widow; and he loves the foreigner [so as] to give to him

dpTOV Kai ijidTiov i 9 + Kai aya7if|a8TS tov 7rpoafjAmov

bread and a garment. And you shall love the foreigner;

7rpoaf|Amoi yap f|TS sv yr| AiyimTOi) 20 + Kupiov

[foreigners for you were] in [the] land of Egypt. [The] LORD

tov 08ov aou tpoPr|9fjar| Kai auTcb Ampsuasic; Kai

your God you shall fear, and to him you shall serve, and

7ipoc; auTOV KoAAx|6fjar| Kai £7U tco ovojiaTi avzov

to him you shall cleave, and upon his name

ojifj 21+ avToq Kai)%r||id aoi) Kai auTOc;

you shall swear by an oath. He [is] your boasting, and he [is]

Geoc; aou ocmc; S7rovr|asv sv ooi Ta jisydla Kai Ta

your God, who did among you the great and the

sv5o^a TauTa a s(5ov oi ocpGaXjioi aoi) 22+ sv

honorable [things], these [things] which [ beheld your eyes]. With


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VlKa
05 - Deuteronomy

sp8o|if|Kovxa y\fv%aiq KaxsPnaav 01 7iaxspsc; aoi) sic;

seventy souls [ went down your fathers] into

A(yD7iTOV vdv 8s S7iovr|as as Kopioc; o Gsoc; aou coast

Egypt. But now [ made you [the] LORD your God] as

xa daxpa xou oupavoi) xco 7tAt|6si

the stars of the heaven in multitude.

11 &gt;T

i + Kai aya7if|asic; Kopiov xov 0s6v aoi) Kai (pvXaty]

And you shall love [the] LORD your God, and you shall guard

xa cpiAdyjiaxa avzov Kai xa 8iKaicb|iaxa avzov Kai

his injunctions, and his ordinances, and

xaq svxoAxxc; auxoi) Kai xac; Kpiasic; avzov naoaq xac;

his commandments, and his judgments all the

r||ispac; 2+ Kai yvcbasaBs afjjispov 6xi ou%(

days. And you shall know today that [I do] not [speak to]

xa 7iai5(a djicov oaoi ouk o(8aaiv od8s s(8ov xrjv

your children, as many as [are] not knowing, nor knew the

7iaiSs(av Kop(oi) xod 0sot3 aoi) Kai xa jisyaXsia avzov

instruction of [the] LORD your God, and his magnificence,

Kai xrjv %zipa xrjv Kpaxaidv Kai xov Ppaxiova

and the [ hand fortified], and the [ arm

xovi)\j/r|X6v 3+ Kai xa arjjisia auxoi) Kai

high], and his signs, and

xa xspaxa auxou 6aa S7iovr|asv sv jisaco Aiytrnxoi)

his miracles as many as he did in [the] midst of Egypt

Oapacb PaaiXsi Aiyimxou Kai 7idar| xr| yr| avzov 4 +

to Pharaoh king of Egypt, and all his land;

Kai 6aa S7iovr|as xrjv Suvajiiv xcov AiyD7ixicov

and as many [things] as he did to the force of the Egyptians,

xa dpjiaxa auxcbv Kai xrjv i7r7iov ai)xcbv coc; snsKkvas

their chariots, and their cavalry, as he inundated [them]

xo i38cop xrjc; dakdaar\q xrjc; spuGpdq S7ri

in the water of the [ sea red] upon

7ipoacb7ioi) auxcbv KaxaSicoKovxcov auxcbv sk xcov

their face pursuing them from the [coming]

O7i(aco djicov Kai arccoXsasv aDxouc; Kopioc; scoc;

after you, and [ destroyed them [the] LORD] until

Tr\q afjjispov ruispaq 5 + Kai 6aa S7iovr|asv v[iiv

today's day; and as many [things] as he did to you


in the wilderness, until you came into this place; and


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6aa S7ro(r|as xco AaGdv Kai Apipcbv vioiq EAidp

as many [things] as he did to Dathan and Abiram, sons of Eliab,

moD PoDpfjv ovq avoi^aaa r| yrj to ax6|ia avTT\q

son of Reuben; which [ opening the earth] her mouth

KaTS7ii8v avTOvq Kai zovq oikodc; auxcbv Kai

swallowed them, and their houses, and

zaq aKTjvdq auxcbv Kai 7idaav auxcov xr|v D7i6axaaiv

their tents, and all their [means of] support


with them in [the] midst of all Israel; for

oi ocpGaXjioi djicov scbpoov 7idvxa xa epya Kopioi) xa

your eyes saw all the works of [the] LORD, the

jieydXa 6aa S7io(r|asv sv djiiv af||ispov 8 + Kai

great ones, as many as he did among you today. And

cpuXd^eaGs naaaq xac; evxo^dc; avzov oaaq eycb

you shall guard all of his commandments, as many as I

svxsAAx)|iai v[dv afjjiepov (va ^fjxs Kai

give charge to you today, that you should live, and

7ioA,D7rXaaiaa6fjxs Kai siasXGrjxs Kai Klr|povo|ir|ofjX£

should manifoldly multiply, and you should enter, and should inherit

xtjv yrjv sic; rjv djisic; 5iaPa(vsxs xov Iop5dvr|v sksi

the land into which you pass over the Jordan there

KAr|povo|if|aai auxfjv 9+ iva jiaKpor||ispsi)ar|xs em xrjc;

to inherit it; that you should prolong your days upon the

yrjc; r\q cocoas Kopioc; xoic; 7iaxpdaiv Djicbv 8oi&gt;vai

land of which [the] LORD swore by an oath to your fathers to give

auxok; Kai xco a7iep|iaxi auxcbv jisx' avzovq yrjv

to them, and [to] their seed after them — a land

peouaav jaka Kai jieAi 10+ saxiyap r| yrj sic; rjv

flowing milk and honey. For it is the land into which

sia7iop£i)r| 8Ksi KAr|povo|ifjoai aDxfjv ov% coa7rep r|

you enter there to inherit it; [ not as the

yr| Ary67ixoi) saxiv 69ev £K7iS7i6psDa0s SKeOev oxav

land of Egypt it is], from where you went forth from there; whenever

a7i8ipcoai xov a7iopov Kai 7iox(^coai xoic; 7ioa(v coast

they sow the seed, and water with the feet, as

Kf|7rov Xa%ave(ac; n+r|5s yrj sic; rjv 8ia7iopsT3r| SK8i

a garden of vegetables. But the land into which you enter there

KArjpovo|xfjaai auxfjv yrj opeivfj Kai 7is8ivf| sk

to inherit it, [ land [is] a mountainous] and plain; from out of

xod dsxot3 xod ODpavoD 7ii8xai D8cop 12+ yrj T|V

the rain of the heaven it shall drinlc water; a land which


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Kopioc; o 0e6c; cjod S7riaK07reiTai aDTfjv SiarcavTOc; 01

[the] LORD your God oversees it always, [as] the

oq)0aA,|ioi Ki)p(oi) tod Gsod aoi) S7i' m)TT\q an

eyes of [the] LORD your God [are] upon it from

ap%r\q tod 8VKXDTOD Kai eooc; avvTsksiaq tod

[the] beginning of the year and until [the] completion of the

sviaDTOD 13 + sdv 8s aKofj aKODarjTS naaaq

year. But if in hearing you should hear all

zaq svtoAxxc; oidtod oaaq eycb svTsAlojiai aoi afjiiepov

his commandments, as many as I give charge to you today,

aya7idv Kopiov tov 0s6v aoD Kai XaTpsDeiv aDTcb

to love [the] LORD your God, and to serve to him from

oAxjc; Tr\q KapSiac; aoD Kai oAxjc; Tr\q\\fv%r\q aoD u+

[ entire heart your], and from [ entire soul your],

Kai 5cbasi tov dstov tt| yrj aoD Ka6' cbpav 7ipcbi|iov

then he will give the rain for your land according to season — early

Kai 6\j/i|iov Kai eiaoioeic; tov avcov aoD Kai

and late; and you shall carry in your grain, and

tov oivov OOD Kai to sAmov aoD 15+ Kai 8cba£i

your wine, and your olive oil. And he shall give

XopTdajiaTa ev toic; aypoic; aoD toic; Kcfjvecri aoD Kai

fodder in your fields [to] your cattle. And

cpaycbv Kai £|i7iAx|a6sic; i6+ 7ipoae%STS eaDTOic; jirj

having eaten and having been filled up, take heed to yourselves! not

7iAxxTDV0fj T| Kap8(a Djicbv Kai 7tapapfjT£ Kai

widening your heart, that you should transgress, and

AxxTpsDarjTS Geofc; STspoiq Kai 7ipoaKDvf|ar|Te aDTOiq n+

should serve other gods, and should do obeisance to them;

Kai 6D|icD0sk; opyiaGfj KDpioq scp' djiiv Kai

and [ being enraged should be angry [the] LORD] with you, that

Gva%r\ tov ODpavov Kai odk s&lt;xcai dstoc; Kai

he should hold together the heaven, and there will not be rain, and

T| yrj od Scbaei tov Kaprcov aDTfjc; Kai a7ioA,s(a0s

the earth shall not give of its fruit, and you shall be destroyed

sv Td%8i a7io Tr\q yr\q Tr\q ayaBfjc; r\q KDpioc; e8&lt;£Kev

quickly from the [ land good] which [the] LORD gave

D|i(v i8+ Kai sjiPaleiTS Ta pfjjiaTa TaDTa sic;

to you. And you shall put these words into

ttjv KapSiav Djicbv Kai eic; tt|v \\fv%r\v Djicbv Kai

your heart, and into your soul, and

acpdysTS aDTd sic; or||ie{ov S7U Tr\q XBipoq djicov Kai

you shall affix them for a sign upon your hand, and

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saxai aadXeuxov 7ipo ocpGaXjicbv djicov i 9 + Kai 8i5d^exe

it shall be unshaken before your eyes. And you shall teach


[ them your children], to speak them sitting down in

oiKco Kai 7iop£uo|i8vouc; ev o8cb Kai Koixatpjisvouc;

[the] house, and going in [the] way, and laying in bed,

Kai Siaviaxajievouc; 20+ Kai ypd\j/exs auxd S7ri xac;

and arising. And you shall write them upon the

(pXidq xcov oiKicbv djicov Kai xcov TtvXfov djicov 21 + (va

lintels of your houses, and of your gates; that

7rAr|0Dv9cbaiv ai rjjispai ujicbv Kai ai rjjiepai

you should multiply your days, and the days

xcov mcbv djicov 87ii Tr\q yr\q r\q cbjioae Kopioc; xoic;

of your sons, upon the land which [the] LORD swore by an oath [to]

7iaxpdaiv Djicbv 8owai auxoic; KaBcbc; ai rjjispai

your fathers to give to them, as the days

xod oupavoi) 87ii xrjc; yr\q 22 + Kai saxai sdv aKofj

of heaven upon the earth. And it will be if hearing

aKotiarjxe naaaq xac; evxo^dc; xamaq aq eycb

you should hear all these commandments which I

svxsAlojiai u|i(v ofjjiepov 7ioi8iv ayarcdv Kopiov

give charge to you today, to do [them], to love [the] LORD

xov 08ov djicov Kai 7iopsi)so6ai sv 7idaaic;

your God, and to go in all

xaic; o5o(c; avzov Kai 7ipoaKoAlda6ai auxcb

his ways, and to cleave to him;

23 + Kai SKpa^si Kopioc; 7idvxa xa s0vr| xauxa arco

then [the] LORD will cast out all these nations from

7rpoacb7roi) djicov Kai KAr|povo|if|asxs s0vr| jieydXa Kai

your face, and you shall inherit [ nations great], and

loxupoxspa [itiXkov rj Djisiq 24 + 7iavxa xov xo7iov ov

stronger ones than you. Every place which

av 7iaxf|ar| xo i%voq xod itodoq djicov djiiv saxai anb

ever [ may tread the track of your foot] will be yours. From

xrjc; epfj|iou Kai AvxiXipdvou Kai anb xou 7ioxa|ioi)

the wilderness and Antilebanon, and from the river

xod jieydAm) noxa\io\) Eucppdxou Kai ecoc; xrjc;

of the great river Euphrates, and unto the

GaXdaarjc; xrjc; em 8i)a|icbv saxai xa opia ujicbv 25 +

sea at [the] descent [of the sun] it will be your boundaries.

odk avxiaxfjasxai oi)8sfc; Kaxd 7ip6aco7iov djicov xov

Not shall [ withstand any one] against your face. The


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cpopov djicov Kai xov xpojiov djicov S7ii9fjaei

fear of you and the trembling [because] of you [ shall place

Kopioc; o 0e6c; djicov £7U 7ip6aco7rov 7cdor|c; xrjc; yr\q

[the] LORD your God] upon [the] face of all the land,

stp' r\q av S7i;ipf|xe 87i' auxfjc; ov Tp07rov

upon which ever you should mount upon it, in which manner

eXaAxjae npoq v[iaq 26 + i8ot3 syco 5(5co|ii svcb7riov

he spoke to you. Behold, I give before

djicov afjjispov euXoyiav Kai Kaxdpav 27 + xrjv

you today a blessing and curse. The

su^oyiav sdv aKouarjxe xaq svxoXdc; Kopiou

blessing, if you should hear the commandments of [the] LORD

tod 0sot3 ujicbv oaaq sycb evxeAAxDjiai u|i(v afjjiepov

your God, as many as I give charge to you today.

28+ Kai xrjv Kaxdpav sdv |ir| eiaaKotxyrjxe xac;

And the curse, if you do not hearken to the

svxoXdc; Kupiou tod 0soD Djicbv oaac; eycb evxsAAx&gt;|iai

commandments of [the] LORD your God, as many as I give charge

djiiv afjjispov Kai 7iXavr|0f|TS a7io Tr\q oSov r\q

to you today, and you should wander from the way which


I gave charge to you, having gone to serve other gods,

oiq ouk o(8axs 29+ Kai eaxai oxav siaaydyrj ae

ones who do not perceive. Then it will be whenever [ should bring you

Kopioc; o 0e6c; aou sic; xr|v yrjv eic; r\v 8ia(3a(vsic;

[the] LORD your God] into the land into which you pass over

SK8i KArjpovojifjaai auxfjv Kai Scbaeic; xr|v eiAoyiav

there to inherit it, then you shall give the blessing

87i ' opoq Tapi^iv Kai xr|v Kaxdpav S7i' opoq Tsfiak

upon mount Gerizim, and the curse upon mount Ebal.

30+ ouk i8ot3 Tama 7ispav tod IopSdvou O7iiaco

[ not Behold are these] on the other side of the Jordan, behind

o86v Suajicbv rjAiou ev yrj Xavadv to

[the] way of [the] descent of [the] sun in [the] land of Canaan, the [people]

KaxoiKow 87i( Suajicbv £%6|i£vov tod ToA,y6A, 7cAx|a(ov

dwelling upon [the] descent, being next to Gilgal, neighboring

Tr\q dpvoq T^q v\\fr\kf]q 31+ ujiefc; yap 5iaPa(vsxs xov

the [oak high]? For you are passing over the

Iop8dvr|v eiaeA,06vxec; KAx|povo|if|aai xrjv yrjv rjv

Jordan, entering to inherit the land which

Kopioc; o 0s6c; r||icbv 8(8coaiv u|i(v sv Klfjpco naaaq

[the] LORD our God gives to us by lot all


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xac; rijispaq Kai KAr|povo|if|asxs Kai KaxoiKqasxs sv

the days. And you shall inherit and dwell in

aDifj 32 + Kai (fruAxx^soGe tod 7ioisiv rcdvxa

it. And you shall guard to do all

xa 7ipoaxdy|iaxa auxou Kai xac; Kpiasic; xamaq aq syco

his orders, and these judgments, which I

5(5co|ii 8vcb7iiov djicov &lt;xf||iepov

give in your presence today.

12 V
i+ Kai xatixa xa 7ipoaxdy|iaxa Kai xa Kpijiaxa a

And these are the orders and the judgments, which

trruAxx^saGs xou 7ioif|aai S7U xrjc; yr\q r\q Kupioq o

you shall guard to do in the land of which [the] LORD the

Gsoc; xcov 7iaxspcov djicov 8(5coaiv v[iiv sv KArjpco

God of your fathers gives to you by lot,

7idaac; xac; rjjispac; ac; djisic; ^fjxs S7ri xrjc; yr\q 2 +

all the days of which you live upon the land.

a7icoA,sia anoXsvzs rcdvxac; xovq xonovq sv oxq

By destruction you shall destroy all the places in which

sXdxpsuaav sksi xa sGvrj xoic; Bsoic; auxcbv ovq

[ serve there the nations] their gods, whose [lands]

v[isiq KaxaKArjpovojieixs auxotic; sm xcov opscov

you shall inherit them upon the [ mountains

xcov D\j/T|A,cbv Kai 87i( xcov Bivcbv Kai D7ioKdxco 7iavx6c;

high], and upon the hills, and underneath every

8sv8pot&gt; Saoscoc; 3 + Kai KaxaaKd\j/sxs

[tree bushy]. And you shall raze

Tovq fi(ti[iovq auxcbv Kai awcpnj/sxs xac; axfj^aq auxcbv

their shrines, and break their monuments;

Kai xa akar\ auxcbv skko\j/sxs Kai xa yAAmxd

and [ their sacred groves you shall cut down]; and the carvings

xcov 0SCOV ai)xcov KaxaKauasxs 7iDpi Kai a7ioXsixai

of their gods you shall incinerate by fire; and you shall destroy

XO OVOJia aDXCOV 8K XOD X07rOD SKSIVOD 4 + 01) 7TOlfja8X8

their names from out of that place. You shall not do

otixco Kopico xco08coi)|i6v 5+ akX' T| sic; xov xo7iov

so [with the] LORD your God. But in the place

ov av SKAi^rjxai Kupioc; o Gsoc; djicov sk 7iaacbv

which ever [ should choose [the] LORD your God] from all

xcov (pi)A,cov Djicbv 87iovo|idoai xo ovojia avzov sksi Kai

of your tribes to name his name there, and


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87iiKAr|9f|vai Kai SK^rjxfjasxs Kai sias^sDasaGs SK81 6 +

to be called upon ~ even you shall seek after and enter there.

Kai okrsxs sksi xa oAx)KaDxcb|iaxa djicov Kai

And you shall bring there the whole burnt-offerings of yours, and

xa GDaidajiaxa djicov Kai xac; 8sKdxac; djicov Kai

your sacrifices, and your tenths, and

xac; SD%dc; djicov Kai xa SKODaia djicov Kai

your vow [offerings], and your voluntary [offerings], and

xac; ojio^oyiac; Djicbv xa 7ipcox6xoKa xcov Pocbv Djicbv Kai

your acknowledgment [offerings], the first-born of your oxen, and

xcov 7rpo(3dxcov djicov ?+ Kai cpdysaGs sksi svavxi

of your sheep. And you shall eat there before

Kopioi) xod 0sod Djicbv Kai SDcppav9f|asa0s S7U 7idaiv

[the] LORD your God, and you shall be glad in all [the things]

od sdv S7iipdAx|X£ xac; %s(pac; djicov djisic; Kai

of which ever you should put your hands, you and

oi oikoi djicov KaGoxi siAoyrjos os Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoi)

your houses, in so far as [blessed you [the] LORD your God].

8+ od 7roifja£X8 Kaxd 7idvxa 6aa r||isfo;

You shall not do according to all as many as we

7ioioD|isv co5s ofjjispov sraoxoc; xo apsaxov svavxiov

do here today — each [doing] the pleasing [thing] before

avTOV 9+ od yap fjKaxs scoc; xod vdv sic; xrjv

him. [ not For you have] come unto the present [time] for the

Kaxd7iaDaiv Kai sic; xrjv KAxjpovojjiav r|v Kopioc;

rest and for the inheritance which [the] LORD

o Gsoc; r\[i(bv 8i8cooiv D|i(v io+ Kai 8iapf|asa6s xov

our God gives you. But you shall pass over the

Iop5dvr|v Kai KaxoiKfjasxs S7U xrjc; yrjc; r\q Kopioq

Jordan, and you shall dwell upon the land of which [the] LORD

0 0s6c; rjjicbv KaxaKAxjpovo|ifjasi djiiv Kai Kaxa7iaDasi

our God shall inherit to you; and he shall rest

Djidc; a7io 7idvxcov xcov sxBpcbv djicov xcov kdkXco Kai

you from all your enemies round about; and

KaxoiKfjasxs jisxd aacpaXsiaq n+ Kai saxai o xorcoc;

you shall dwell with safety. And there will be the place

ov av SKAi^rjxai KDpioc; o Gsoc; Djicbv S7iiKAxj0fjvai

which ever [ should choose [the] LORD your God] [ to be called upon

xo ovojia aDxoD sksi sksi oiasxs rcdvxa 6aa

his name] there — there you shall bring all as many [things] as

sycb svxsAlojiai djjav afjjispov xa oloKaDxcbjiaxa Djicbv

1 give charge to you today; your whole burnt-offerings,


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Kai xa GDaidajiaxa djicov Kai xa S7ii8sKaxa djicov Kai

and your sacrifices, and your tithes, and

xac; a7iap%dc; xcov %sipcbv Djicbv Kai 7iav skXskxov

the first-fruits of your hands, and every choice [thing]

xcov 8cbpcov djicov 6aa av SD^r|a0s xco Kopico 12+

of your gifts, as many as you should vow to the LORD.

Kai £D(ppav0fjasa0s svavxi KopioD xod 0sod Djicbv

And you shall be glad before [the] LORD your God,

djisic; Kai 01 men djicov Kai ai Guyaxspec; djicov Kai

you and your sons, and your daughters, and

01 7iai5sc; djicov Kai ai 7iai5(aKai djicov Kai o AsDixrjc;

your manservants, and your maidservants, and the Levite

o S7Ti xcov iivXcbv Djicbv oxi odk saxiv aDxcb jispfc; od5s

at your gates; for there is not to him a portion nor

KAxjpoc; |is0' djicov 13+ 7ip6as%s asaDxcb [ir\

lot with you. Take heed to yourself [that] you should not

avsvsyKrjc; xa o^oKaDxcbjiaxd gov sv rcavxi xotcco od

offer of your whole burnt-offerings in any place of which

av i8r\q 14+ akX' r\ sic; xov xo7iov ov SKAi^rjxai

ever you should behold, but only in the place which [ should choose

Kopioc; o 0s6c; gov auxov sv jiia xcov 7r6A,scbv gov sksi

[the] LORD your God] it, in one of your cities — there

avoiasic; xa oloKaDxcbjiaxa gov Kai sksi 7ioif|GSic;

you shall offer your whole burnt-offerings, and there you shall do

7idvxa 6aa eycb svxsHojiai 001 of||ispov 15 +

all as many [things] as I give charge to you today.

aXk r T| sv 7idar| 87ii0D|iia gov dvGSiq Kai cpayfj

But in all your desire you shall sacrifice and shall eat

Kpea Kaxd xrjv SD^oyiav KopioD xod 0sod gov r\v

meats according to the blessing of [the] LORD your God which

s8coks goi sv 7idar| 7i6A,si o aKdGapxoq sv aoi Kai

he gave to you in every city ~ the unclean among you, and

o KaGapoq S7ii xo ai)xo cpdysxai ai)xo coc; 8opKd8a r|

the clean [ the same shall eat it], as a doe or

slacpov 16+ 7iAx|v xo a(|ia od cpdysaBs S7i( xrjv

stag. Except the blood you shall not eat upon the

yrjv sk%ssixs avzo coc; i38cop n+ ov 8vvr\Gr\

land; you shall pour it out as water. You shall not be able

cpaysiv sv xaic; 7i6A,sai gov to smSsraxov

to eat in your cities the tithe

xod aixoD ood Kai xod oivod aoD Kai xod slaioD aoD

of your grain, and your wine, and your olive oil,


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xa 7ipcox6xoKa xcov Pocov aoi) Kai xcov 7ipopdxcov aoi)

the first-born of your oxen, and of your sheep,

Kai 7idaaq xac; si)%dc; oaaq av si)^r|a0s Kai

and all the vows, as many as you should have vowed, and
xac; ojio^oyiac; i)|icov Kai xac; arcapxdc; xcov %sipcov i)|icov

your acknowledgment [offerings], and the first-fruits of your hands.

i8+aM/r| svavxiov Kopioi) xod 0sot3 aoi) (payfj ai)xd

But only before [the] LORD your God shall you eat them

sv xco xo7rco co av SKAi^qxai Kopioc; o 0s6c; aoi)

in the place in which ever [ should choose [the] LORD your God

ai)xcb ai) Kai o vioq aoi) Kai r| 9i)ydxr|p aoi)

himself] [for] you and your son and your daughter,

o 7iaic; aoi) Kai r| 7iai5iaKr| aoi) Kai o Xsmxrjc; Kai o

your manservant and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the

7ipoafj}u)xoc; o sv xaic; 7r6A,sa( aoi) Kai SDcppavGfjarj

foreigner in your cities. And you shall be glad

svavxiov KDpioi) xod 0SO1) aoi) S7U 7idvxa od sdv

before [the] LORD your God over all of whatsoever

£7iipdAr|c; xijv xsipd aoi) 19+ 7ip6as%s asaDxcb

you should put [ upon your hand]. Take heed to yourself!

|xq syKaxaAi7ir|c; xov Asinxrjv 7idvxa xov

that you should not abandon the Levite all the

Xpovov oaov av Qr\q S7U xrjc; yr\q 20+ sdv 8s

time, as much as you should live upon the land. And if

s|i7iA,axi)vr| Kopioc; o 0s6c; aoi) xa opid aoi) Ka0d7isp

[ should widen [the] LORD your God] your borders, just as

sldAxjas aoi Kai spsic; cpdyojiai Kpsa sdv

he spoke to you, and you shall say, I will eat meats; if

S7U0D|xfjar| rj \\fv%r\ aoi) cbaxs cpaysiv Kpsa sv 7idar|

[ should desire your soul] so as to eat meats, in every

S7ii0D|iia xrjc; yv%r\q aoi) cpayfj Kpsa

desire of your soul, you shall eat meats.

21 + sdv 5s jiaKpoxspov a7is%r| aoi) o Toitoq ov sdv

And if at a farther distance from you [be] the place which ever
SKls^rjxai Kopioc; o 0s6c; aoi) S7iiKAx|0f|vai

[ should choose [the] LORD your God] to call upon

xo ovojia ai)xoi) sksi Kai 0i)asiq arco xcov Pocov aoi)

his name there, then you shall sacrifice from your oxen,

Kai a7io xcov 7ipopdxcov aoi) cov av 5co aoi Kupioc;

and from your sheep what ever [ should give to you [the] LORD

o 0s6q aoi) ov xpo7iov svsxsiXd|ir|v aoi Kai cpayfj

your God], in which manner I gave charge to you; and you shall eat

sv xaic; 7i6Xsa( aoi) Kaxd xrjv S7ii0D|iiav

in your cities according to the desire


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Tr\q\\fv%r\qaov 22+ coc; sa0sxai r| Soprac; Kai r| zkaqoq

of your soul. As [ are eaten the doe and the stag],

odxcoc; (payfj auxo o aKdGapxoq sv aoi Kai o

so shall you eat it; the unclean among you, and the

KaGapoq coaaDxcoc; s5sxai 23 + 7ip6as%s ia%Dpcoc; tod [ir\

clean [likewise shall eat it]. Take heed strongly! to not

(paysiv a(|ia 6x1 to aijia aDxof) \|/D%f| od

eat blood, for its blood [is] life. You shall not

Ppco0fjasxai \|A)%fj jisxd xcov Kpscbv 24+ od

eat life with the meats. You shall not

(p&amp;ysa0s em xrjv yrjv sk%ss(xs aDxo coc; D8cop 25 +

eat [blood]; upon the earth you shall pour it out as water.

od cpayfj ai)i6 iva sd aoiysvrjxai Kai xoiq

You shall not eat it, that good should happen to you, and [to]

vioiq aoD jisxd as sdv 7ioif|ar|c; xo koXov Kai xo

your sons after you, if you should do the good and the

apsaxov svavxi KopioD xod 0sod aoi) 2 6 + 7iAx|v

pleasing [thing] before [the] LORD your God. Except

xa dyid aoi) a av ysvrjxai aoi Kai xac; £i)%dc; aoi)

your holy [things], which ever should come to you, and [ your vow [offerings]

Xaficbv fj^eic; sic; xov xorcov oq av SKAi^rjxai

taking], you shall come into the place which ever [ should choose

Kopioc; o 0s6g aoi) S7iiKXr|0f|vai xo ovojia aDxof) sksi 27 +

[the] LORD your God] [ to be called upon his name] there.

Kai 7iovf\G£iq xa oA,OKaDxcb|iaxd aoi) xa Kpsa

And [there] you shall offer your whole burnt-offerings; the meats

avoiasic; S7U xo 9i)aiaaxfjpiov Kopioi) xod 0sod aoD

you shall offer upon the altar of [the] LORD your God;

xo 5s aijia xcov 0Daicov aoD 7rpoa%ss(c; npoq xrjv pdaiv

but the blood of your sacrifices you shall pour towards the base

xod 0Daiaaxr|pioD KopioD xod 08od aoD xa 5s Kpsa

of the altar of [the] LORD your God, but the meats

cpayfj 28+ (pD^daaoD Kai dKODS Kai 7ioif|asic; rcdvxac;

you may eat. Guard and hearken! and you shall do all

Tovq Xoyovq ovq sycb svxsAlojiai aoi (va sd

the words which I give charge to you, that good

aoi ysvrjxai Kai xoic; dioic; aoD 81' aicovoc; sdv

should happen to you, and to your sons through [the] eon, if

7ioir\ar\q xo apeaxov Kai xo KaAxyv svavxi KopioD

you should do the pleasing and the good [thing] before [the] LORD
xod 0sod aoD 29 + sdv 5s s^oA,o0psDar| Kopioc;

your God. But if [ should utterly destroy [the] LORD


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

05 - Deuteronomy

o 0e6c; aoi) xa e0vr| eic; ovq eia7ropsi3r| sksi

your God] the nations into which you enter there

KAr|povo|xf|aai xrjv yrjv auxcbv arco 7ipoacb7ioD gov Kai

to inherit their land from your presence, and

KaxaKXr|povo|i^ar|c; avzovq Kai KaxoiKqarjc; ev

you should inherit them, and dwell in

xtj yxj (XDxcbv 30+ 7ip6as%s aeauxcb |ir| £K^r|xf|ar|c;

their land; take heed to yourself! you should not seek

£7raKoAx)D9fjaai auxok; jisxa xo s^oAx)9pei)9fjvai auxouc;

to follow them after their being utterly destroyed

goto 7ipoacb7roD aoi) ou jjt| eK^rjxfjarjc;

from your face. In no way should you seek after

Tovq dsovq auxcbv Aiycov 7icoc; 7ioioi3ai xa sGvrj xaijxa

their gods, saying, How [ act these nations]

xoic; Gsoiq auxcbv 7roifja&lt;jo Kaycb 31+ od 7ioif|aeic;

with their gods [ shall act I also]. You shall not do

ouxco Kopico Gecb aou xa yap p8sXi3y|iaxa a Kopioc;

so [to the] LORD your God; for the abominations which [the] LORD

ejiiarjasv S7iorr|aav sv xoic; Geofc; auxcbv 6x1 Kai

detested they did with their gods; for also

Tovq viovq auxcbv Kai xac; Buyaxspac; auxcbv

their sons and their daughters

Kaxaraiouaiv sv 7iupi xoic; Beoic; auxcbv 32+ 7iav pf||ia

they incinerated in fire [to] their gods. Every word

o sycb evxeAlojiai aoi afjjiepov xouxo (pvXaty]

which I give charge to you today, this you shall guard

7TOISIV ou 7rpoa0fjoeic; 87i' auxo ou8e acpeXefc; an

to do. You shall not add unto it, nor remove from



13 X*

1 + sdv Se avaaxfj sv aoi 7ipocpfjxr|c; rj

And if there should rise up among you a prophet or

£VU7rvia£p|i£voc; evu7rviov Kai 5co aoi ar||is(ov r|

one dreaming dreams, and he should give to you a sign or

xepaq 2+ Kai eXGrj xo arjjieiov r| xo xepac; o

miracle, and it should come to pass — the sign or the miracle which

eXaAxjae 7ipoc; ae Xeycov 7iopeu0cb|iev Kai

he spoke to you, saying, We should go and

Axxxpeuacojisv Gsofc; sxspoic; oiq ouk o(8axs 3 + ouk

serve other gods who we do not know. You shall not


13 v sv tootco + vtica 05 - Deuteronomy

aKODasa0s tcov Xoycov tod 7ipocpf|TOD sksivod r\ tod

hearken to the words of that prophet, or the


one dreaming that dream; for [ tests [the] LORD

o 0s6c; djicov v[idq tod si5svai 8i ayarcdTS Kopiov

your God] you, to know, if you love [the] LORD

tov 08ov djicov s^ 6h\q Tr\q Kap8(ac; djicov Kai

your God from [ entire heart your] and from

oAxjc; Tr\q\\fv%r\q djicov 4 + O7riaco KDpiOD tod 0sod Djicbv

[ entire soul your]. [ after [the] LORD your God

7iopsDasa0s Kai (xdtov (popr|0f|a8a08 Kai

You shall go], and him you shall fear, and

Tag svtoAxxc; aDTOD cpDAxx^sa0s Kai Tr\q (pcovr\q avzov

his commandments you shall keep, and his voice

aKODaea0s Kai aDTcb Sod^sdctsts Kai aDTcb

you shall hearken to, and to him you shall serve, and to him

7rpoaT80fjaea0s 5+ Kai o 7ipocpf|Tr|c; sksivoc; rj o to

you shall be added to. And that prophet, or [ the

SVD7TVIOV svD7rvia£p|isvoc; sksivoc; a7ro0avsvcai

dream dreaming that one] shall die;

sAxxAxjas yap 7iA,avf|aai as arco KDpiOD tod 0sod aoD

for he spoke to cause you to wander from [the] LORD your God

tod s^ayayovToq as sk yrjc; AiyD7iTOD

(the one leading you from [the] land of Egypt,

tod AmpcoaajisvoD as sk tt|c; 5oDA,s(ac; s^cbaai as sk

ransoming you from slavery) to push you from

Tr\q o8od r\q svsTSi^aTO aoi Kopioc; o 0s6c; aoD

the way of which [ gave charge to you [the] LORD your God]

7iopsDsa0ai sv aDTfj Kai acpavisvcs to 7iovr|p6v s^

to go by it. And you shall remove [ wicked [thing] from

djicov aDTcbv 6+sdv8s 7iapaKaA,sar| as o a8sAxpoc; aoD

you their]. But if there should enjoin you, your brother

sk 7iaTp6c; aoD r| sk jirjTpoc; aoD r| o vioq aoD rj

from your father, or from your mother, or of your son, or

rj 0Dydrr|p aoD rj r| yovfj aoD rj sv tco koAjtco aoD rj

of your daughter, or of your wife, or one in your bosom, or

o (pikoq aoD o iaoq tt| \|/D%fj aoD Xd0pa Aiycov

[ friend your equal] [to] your soul, in private saying,

7iopsD0cb|isv Kai AxxTpsDacojisv 0sofo; STspoic; ovq odk

We should go and should serve other gods which neither

fjSsiq aD Kai 01 7iaTspsc; aoD 7 + arco tcov 0scbv tcov

[ know you nor your fathers], of the gods of the

s0vcbv tcov 7rspiKDKA,co djicov tcov syyitpvTCOv aoi T|

nations surrounding you, of the ones near to you, or


13 v sv xoi3xcp + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

xcov jioucpav a7io aoD an dKpoD Tr\q yr\q sooc;

of the [ones] far from you, from [the] uttermost part of the earth, unto

&amp;KpoD Tr\q yr\q 8 + od aDvBsArjasic; aDTcb Kai

[the] uttermost part of the earth; you shall not acquiesce to him, and

odk siaaKODarj avzov Kai od cpsiasTai

you shall not hear him, and you shall not spare

o ocpGaXjioq aoD 87i ' aDTcb odk s^sfjasic; En

your eye upon him, and you shall not show mercy upon

aDicb od8s |ir| aKS7cdar|c; aDiov 9 + avayysAloov

him, nor shall you shelter him. Announcing,

avayyslsic; 7isp( ocdtod Kai r| %sip aoD saxai S7c'

you shall announce concerning him, and your hand shall be upon

aDicb ev 7rpcbTOic; a7C0KTs(vai aDiov Kai r| %sip

him as first to kill him, and the hand

KOVTOq TOD AXXOD 871 ' Sa%dTC0 io+ Kai

of all the people upon [him] last. And

AiGoPoAjjaoDaiv aDiov sv Xidoiq Kai a7co6av£vcai oil

they shall throw stones at him with stones, and he shall die; for

s^fjirjaev a7coaTf|aa( as a7co KopioD tod 0sod aoD

he sought to abstain you from [the] LORD your God,

tod s^ayayovToq as sk yr\q AiyD7CTOD s£, oikod

the one leading you from [the] land of Egypt, from [the] house

SoD^siaq n+ Kai itaq IapafjA, aKODaaq (poPr|9f|asTai

of slavery. And all Israel hearing, shall fear,

Kai od 7cpoa6fjaoDai 7coifjaai sti KaTa to pfjjia

and shall not add to do again according to [ matter

TO 7COVT|p6v TODTO SV DJIIV 12+ sdv 8s aKODarjc; sv jiia

this wicked] among you. And if it should be heard in one

tcov 7c6Xscbv aoD cov KDpioq o Gsoc; aoD 8(8coai aoi

of your cities, which [the] LORD your God gives to you

KaTOiKsiv as sksi A,sy6vTcav 13 + s^f|A,0ov dv8psq

for you to dwell there, saying, [ came forth Men

7capdvo|ioi s^ djicov Kai a7csaTT|aav 7cdvTac; zovq

lawbreakers] from you, and left all the ones

KaTOiKODVTaq ttjv 7c6Xiv aDTcbv AiyovTSc; 7COpSD0CO|ISV

dwelling in their city, saying, We should go

Kai AxxTpsDacDjisv Gsoic; STspoic; 01c; odk t|8sits h +

and serve other gods, which you did not know;

Kai STdasiq Kai spanrfjasic; Kai s^spsDvfjasic;

then you shall examine, and shall ask, and shall search

acp65pa Kai i8od ahr\dr\q aacpcbq o Xoyoq ysysvrjTai

exceedingly; and behold, [ true [be] clearly [if] the word has taken place

13 v ev tootco + vtica 05 - Deuteronomy

to pSsA^Dyjia xodxo sv djjav 15+ avaipcbv

abomination [that] this] among you; then by doing away with,

ave^siq rcavxac; xodc; KaxoiKotivxac; ev

you shall do away with all the ones dwelling in

ttj 7i6A,8i sks(vt| sv cpovco |ia%a(pac; ava6s|iaxi

that city by carnage [of the] sword; under anathema

ava6s|iaxis(xs aoxfjv Kai rcavxa xa ev aDxfj Kai

you shall devote it to consumption, and all the [things] in it, and

7idvxa xa Kxfjvrj aDxfjq sv axojiaxi |ia%a(pac; 16+ Kai

all its cattle by [the] mouth of [the] sword. And

7idvxa xa GKvXa avTT\q aDvd^sic; siq

all its spoils you shall bring together into

xac; 8i65odc; auxfjc; Kai sji7rpf|asic; xrjv 7i6A.iv sv 7iDp(

its corridors, and you shall burn the city by fire,

Kai rcavxa xa gkvXol auxfjc; 7rav8r||isi svavxi KDpiOD

and all its spoils in full assembly before [the] LORD

xod Gsod aoD Kai saxai aoiKqxoc; sic; xov aicbva

your God; and it shall be uninhabited into the eon;

odk avoiKo5o|ir|0f|asxai sxi 17+ Kai od

it shall not be rebuilt again. And you shall not

7rpoaKoAAx|0fjasxai od8sv arco xod

cleave to anything of that

avaGsjiaxoq sv xrj %zipi aoD (va

being offered up for consumption as anathema in your hand so that

a7roaxpa(pfj Kopioc; arco xod Gdjiod xrjc; opyfjc; aDxoD

[the] LORD should be turned away from the rage of his anger,

Kai 8coar| aoi sXsoc; Kai sA,sfjar| as Kai

and should grant to you mercy, and should show mercy on you, and
7rAr|0Dvf| as ov xporcov cbjioas Kopioc; xoiq

should multiply you in which manner [the] LORD swore by an oath [to]

7iaxpdaiaoD 18+ sdv siaaKODarjxs xrjc; ^oavfjc; KDpiOD

your fathers; if you should hearken to the voice of [the] LORD

xod 0sod aoD cpD^daasiv naaaq xac; svxo^dq aDxoD aq

your God, to guard all his commandments, which

sycb svxsAlojiai aoi afjjispov 7ioisiv xo KaA,6v Kai

I give charge to you today, to do the good and

xo apsaxov svavxi KDpiOD xod 0sod aoD

the pleasing [thing] before [the] LORD your God.


14 V

8V TOOT© + vuca

05 - Deuteronomy

14 7^


You are sons of [the] LORD your God. You shall not make

cpalaKpcojia avajieaov xcov otp6aX|icbv djicov 87ii veKpcb

baldness between your eyes for [the] dead.

2 + on Xaoq dyioc; ei Kopico xco Gscb gov Kai

For [ people a holy you are] [to the] LORD your God, and

as e^eXe^axo Kopioc; o Geoc; ood ysveaGai as Xaov

[ chose you [the] LORD your God] to become [ people


his prized] of all the nations of the [ones] upon

7ipoacb7roD xrjc; yr\q 3 + od cpdyeaGe 7iav p8eA,Dy|ia

[the] face of the earth. You shall not eat any abomination.

4+ Tama xa Kxfjvrj a (p&amp;yso0s [ioa%ov sk Pocbv Kai

These [are] the cattle which you shall eat ~ [the] calf of [the] oxen, and

ajivov 8K 7ipopdxcov Kai %(|iapov aiycbv 5 + elacpov

a lamb of [the] sheep, and a young he-goat of [the] goats, [the] stag,

Kai 8opKd8a Kai fiovfiaXov Kai xpayeAxxcpov Kai

and doe, and roebuck, and antelope, and

7r6yapyov Kai 6pi)ya Kai Kajir|A,07rdp8aAav

white-tailed hart, and gazelle, and cameleopard.

6+ 7iav Kxfjvoq S\%r(kovv 07ikf]v Kai ovDxiaxfjpaq

Every beast cloven hoof, and cloven-footed

ovD%(£pv 8do %r\k(bv Kai avdyov |irjpi)Kia|i6v ev

to claw with two claws, and embarks chewing the cud among

xoic; Kxfjveai xatixa cpdysaBs ?+ Kai xatixa od

the cattle, these you shall eat. And these you shall not

cpdysaBs anb xcov avayovxcov |ir|pDKia|i6v Kai anb

eat — from of the ones embarking chewing the cud, and of

xcov 8i%rjAx)Dvxcov xac; onka^ Kai ovD%i£pvxcov

the ones being cloven of the hoofs, and clawing

ovD^iaxfipaq xov Kd|ir|Ax)v Kai 8aaD7io8a Kai

cloven-footed ~ the camel, and hare, and

%oipoypi)AAaov 6xi avdyoDoi |ir|pDKia|i6v Kai onkf[V

hyrax — for they embark chewing the cud, but [the] hoof

od 8i%t|Ax)doiv araGapxa xaDxa D|i(v 8 + Kai XOV DV

is not cloven, these [are] unclean to you. And the pig,

oxi 8i%r|A£i 07iAx|v xodxo Kai ovd%i^£i ovD%iaxf|pac;

for [ [is] cloven of hoof this [one]], and claws cloven- footed

07iAr|c; Kai xodxo |ir|pDKia|i6v od jiapDKdxai

of hoof, but this one [as far as] chewing the cud does not chew the cud ~


14 v

8V TOUT© + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy

araGapxov xodxo djjav arco xcov Kpscbv auxcbv od

this [one is] unclean to you; from their meats you shall not

cpdysaGs Kai xcov Gvrjai|ia(cov auxcbv ov% d\j/saGs 9 +

eat, and of their decaying flesh you shall not touch.

Kai xm3xa cpdysaGs arco rcavxcov xcov sv xoic; D5aai

And these you shall eat from all the [ones] in the waters ~

7idvxa 6aa saxiv sv auxoiq 7ixspDyia Kai A,s7ri8sc;

all as much as there are [ on them fms and scales]

cpdysaGs 10+ Kai rcdvxa 6aa odk saxiv auxofc;

you shall eat. And all as much as there is not [ to them

rcxspDyia Kai Xznidsq od cpdysaGs araGapxa

fins and scales] you shall not eat; [ unclean

xatixa saxai djjav 11+ 7iav opvsov KaGapov cpdyeaGs 12 +

these shall be] to you. [every fowl clean You shall eat].

Kai xauxa od cpdysaGe an' aDxcbv xov aexov Kai

And these you shall not eat of them — the eagle, and

xov ypD7ia Kai xov aAiaiexov 13 + Kai xov yD7ia Kai

the griffin, and the osprey, and the vulture, and

xov iKxiva Kai xa ojioia aDxcb 14+ Kai 7idvxa

the kite, and the [ones] likened to it, and every

KopaKa Kai xa ojioia aDxcb 15+ Kai axpoDGov Kai

crow and the [ones] likened to it, and [the] ostrich, and

yXaDKa Kai Axxpov 16+ Kai spcb5iov Kai kdkvov Kai

owl, and gull, and heron, and swan, and

(Piv 17+ Kai KaxapdKxrjv Kai lepara Kai xa ojioia

ibis, and cormorant, and hawk, and the [ones] likened

aDxcb Kai 87i07ia Kai vdkxiko p aKa is+ Kai 7i8A,SKdva

to it, and hoopoe, and long-eared owl, and pelican,

Kai x a P a $piov Kai xa ojioia aDxcb Kai

and curlew, and the [ones] likened to it, and

7iop(pDp(cova Kai VDKxep(8a 19+ rcdvxa xa sp7isxd xcov

[the] purple-legged stork, and bat. All the crawling things of the

7rsxsivcov aKdGapxa xaDxa eaxiv djiiv od

winged creatures — [ unclean these are] to you, you shall not

cpdyeaGs an aDxcbv 20+ 7iav tcsxsivov KaGapov

eat from them. Every winged creature [being] clean

cpdyeaGs 21+ 7iav Gvrjaijiaiov od cpdysaGe xco

you shall eat. Any decaying flesh you shall not eat. To the

7iapoiKco xco sv xaiq 7i6Xsa( aoD 8oGf|asxai Kai

foreigner in your cities it shall be given, and


14 v

8V TOUT© + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy
cpdysTai r| a7io5cbar| tco aAAmpico on Xaoq dyioq

he shall eat [it]; or you shall render it to the alien. For [ people a holy

si Kupico too 0scb aov ov% s\j/f|asic; dpva sv

you are] [to the] LORD your God. You shall not boil a lamb in

yd^aKTi jirjipoq avzov 22 + 5sKdrr|v a7ro8sKaTcbosic;

[the] milk of his mother. A tenth you shall tithe

navToq yevfjiiaxoc; tod a7isp|iaT6c; ctod to ysvr||ia

of all [produce of seed your], the produce

tod aypoD ctod sviaDTOV KaT' sviaDTOV 23+ Kai cpayfj

of your field year by year. And you shall eat


it before [the] LORD your God in the place in which

av SKAi^rjTCU Kopioc; o 0s6c; aoD S7iiKAx|0f|vai

ever [ should choose [the] LORD your God] [ to be called upon

to ovojia cxdtod SKsi oiasic; Ta S7ii8sKaTa

his name] there. You shall bring the tithes

tod aiTOD aoD Kai tod oivod aoD Kai tod eAmoD aoD

of your grain, and of your wine, and of your olive oil,

Kai Ta 7ipcoT6TOKa tcov Pocbv aoD Kai

and the first-born of your oxen, and

tcov 7ipopdTC0v aoD (va jLid6r|^ cpoPsiaGai KDpiov

of your sheep, that you should learn to fear [the] LORD

tov 08ov aoD 7rdaac; Tag rjjispac; 24+sdv5s jiaKpdv

your God all the days. And if [ far

ysvrjTai T| odoq a7io aoD Kai |ir| 8dvt|

should be the journey] from you, and you should not be able

avacpspsiv aDTd 6ti jiaKpdv arco aoD o Tonoq ov

to offer them, because [ [is] far from you the place] which

av SKAi^rjTai Kopioc; o 0s6c; aoD S7iiKXr|0fivai

ever [ should choose [the] LORD your God] [ to be called upon

to ovojia aDTOD sksi 6ti SD^oyfjasi as KDpioq

his name] there, that [ shall bless you [the] LORD

o 0s6c; aoD 25 + Kai a7io5coor| aDTd apyopioD Kai

your God]; then you shall render for them of silver, and

Axj\j/r| to apyDpiov sv zaiq %spai aoD Kai 7iopsDar|

you shall take the silver in your hands, and you shall go

sic; tov T07rov ov av SKAi^rjTai KDpioq o 0s6q aoD

to the place which ever [ should choose [the] LORD your God]

aDTOV 26+ Kai 5cbasic; to apyDpiov sm rcavTOc; od

it. And you shall give the silver for all, of what

av S7ii0D|xfj T| yv%r\ aoD S7ii poDaiv rj S7i( 7ipopdTOK;

ever [ should desire your soul], for oxen, or for sheep,


15 "ID

8V TOUT© + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy

r| 87ii oivco r| 8711 aucspa r| S7ci KavToq oi) av

or for wine, or for liquor, or for any [thing] of which ever

S7ci9i)|ifi r| \|A)%f| gov Kai cpayfj sksi svavxi Kupioi)

[ should desire your soul]. And you shall eat there before [the] LORD

tod 08ot3 gov Kai 8D(ppav6f|ar| gv Kai o oiKoq gov n +

your God. And you shall be glad, you and your house.

Kai o Asmxrjc; o sv xaiq 7c6A,sa( gov ov KaxaXsnj/sic;

And the Levite in your cities — you shall not abandon

avTOV on odk saxiv auxcb jispfc; od8s KAxjpoc; jisxd

him, for there is not to him a portion nor a lot with

gov 28 + fisxd xpia sxrj s^oiasic; nav xo S7n8sKaxov

you. After three years you shall bring forth every tenth

xcov ysvr||idxcov gov sv xco sviauxcb sksivco Gfjasiq

of your produce; in that year you shall place

avid sv xaic; 7c6A,sai gov 29 + Kai s^stiasxai o Asmxrjc;

it in your cities. And [ shall come the Levite],

6x1 odk saxiv auxcb jispiq od8s KAxjpoc; jisxd gov Kai

for there is no portion for him nor lot with you, and

o 7cpoaf|}u)xoc; Kai o opcpavoc; Kai r| %r\pa "H 8V

the foreigner, and the orphan, and the widow in

xaic; 7c6A,sai gov Kai cpdyovxai Kai s|i7cAx|a0f|aovxai (va

your cities, and they shall eat and shall be filled; that

siAoyfjarj as Kopioc; o 0s6c; gov sv 7cdai xoiq spyoic;

[ should bless you [the] LORD your God] in all the works

xcov %sipcbv gov oiq sav 7coif|c;

of your hands, in whichever ones you should do.

15 1t3

1+ 81' S7cxd sxcbv 7coif|asic; dcpsaiv 2 + Kai otixcoc; xo

For seven years you shall make a release. And thus [is] the

7cp6axay|ia Tr\q acpsascoc; acpfjasic; 7cav xpsoq (8iov

order of the release. You shall cancel every [ loan private],

o ocpsdsi aoi o 7tAx|a(ov Kai xov aSsAxpov gov

the one which [owes to you [your] neighbor]. And [ of your brother

odk a7taixfjasic; 6x1 S7nKSKAr|xai dcpsaiq Kopico

you shall not exact [payment]], for it has been called a release [to the] LORD

xco 0scb gov 3 + xov aAloxpiov a7taixf|asic; 6aa sav r|

your God. The alien ~ you shall exact as much as might be

aoi 7cap' ai)xcb xco 8s aSsAxpcb gov dcpsaiv 7covf|asic;

[due] you from him; but [ for your brother a release you shall make]

xod xpzovq gov 4 + 6x1 odk saxai sv aoi svSsfjc;

of your loan. For there shall not be among you one lacking;


15 "ID


05 - Deuteronomy

on SD^oycbv SD^oyfjasi as Kopioc; o Gsoc; gov sv tt|

for by a blessing [ shall bless you [the] LORD your God] in the

yrj r|v Kopioc; o Gsoc; gov 5(5coa( aoi sv KXfjpco

land which [the] LORD your God gives to you by lot

KaxaKXr|povo|xfjGai aDifjv 5 +sdv8s aKofj aKODaiirs

to inherit it. But if in hearing you should hearken to


the voice of [the] LORD your God, to guard and

7TOISW KCLGaq xaq svTO^dc; xavxaq aq sycb svTsAA^ojiai

to do all these commandments which I give charge

goi afjjispov 6+6ti Kopioc; o Gsog gov svX6jr\GS as

to you today, for [the] LORD your God blessed you

ov Tp67iov sAxxAxjae aoi Kai Savisic; sGvsai noXkoiq

in which manner he spoke to you; then you shall lend [nations to many],

gv 8s ov 5avifj Kai dp^sic; gv sGvcbv noXXcbv

but you shall not borrow; and you shall control [ nations many],
gov 8s odk dp^oDaiv ? + sdv 5s ysviirai sv aoi

but of you they shall not control. And if there should be among you

svSsfjc; sk xcov aSsAxpcbv gov sv jiia tcdv 7i6A,scbv gov

one lacking from your brethren in one of your cities

sv tt] yrj T| Kopioc; o Gsoc; gov 8(5coai aoi odk

in the land which [the] LORD your God gives to you, you shall not

OOToaTsp^sic; xrjv Kap8(av gov od8' od jlit| aDaqny^sic;

disregard your heart, nor in any way close


your hand from your brother — the one wanting.

8 + avoiycov avoi^siq zaq %s(pdc; aoD aDTcb Kai Sdvsiov

In opening, you shall open your hands to him, and [ a loan

Savisiq aDTcb oaov av S7ii8sr|Tai Kai KaG' oaov

you shall lend] to him as much as he wants, and according to as much as

DaTspsvcai 9+ 7ip6as%s asaDTcb jirj ysvrjTai pfjjia

he lacks. Take heed to yourself! there be not [ thing

KpD7iTOV sv tt] Kap8(a aoD av6|ir||ia Aiyoov syyi^si

a hidden] in your heart, a violation of the law, saying, [ approaches

to stoc; to spSojiov stoc; TTjcj acpsasooc; Kai

The year seventh], [the] year of the release; and

7iovr|psDar|Tai o o(pdak[ioq gov too aSsAxpcb aoD tco

[ should be wicked your eye] [towards] your brother [that]

S7ii8so|isvco Kai od Scoq aDTcb Kai PofjasTai

is wanting, that you should not give to him; and he shall call to aid

KaTd aoD 7ipoc; Kopiov Kai saTai sv aoi ajiapTia

against you to [the] LORD, and there shall be in you [ sin

15 "ID

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

05 - Deuteronomy

|isydXr| 10+ 8i8od&lt;; Scbasic; aDTcb Kai 5&amp;vsiov Savisfc;

a great]. Giving, you shall give to him, and [ a loan you shall lend

aDTcb oaov av S7ri8sr|Tai aoD Kai od A,D7rr|0f|ar| xrj

to him] as much as he wants of you. And you shall not fret [in]

Kap8(a aoD 8i86vto&lt;; aoD aDTcb on 5id

your heart of your giving to him, for on account of

to pfjjia todto eiAoyfjaei as Kopioc; o 6s6c; aoD sv

this matter [ will bless you [the] LORD your God] in

7idai Toiq spyoic; aoD Kai sv 7idaiv od av S7iipdAr|c;

all your works, and in all [things] of which ever you should put

TTjvx^pdaoD n+ODyap(ir| sKAi7ir| sv8sf|c; arco

your hand [to]. For in no way should [ fail [the] one lacking] from

Tr\q yr\q gov 8id todto sycb aoi svTsMtojiai 7iois(v

your land. Because of this I give charge to you to do

to pfjjia todto Xsycov avoiycov avoi^siq Taq %sipdq aoD

this thing, saying, In opening, you shall open your hands

too aSsAxpcb aoD too 7isvr|Ti Kai tco S7ii8so|isvco too S7U

[to] [ brother your needy], and to the one wanting upon

Tr\q yr\q aoi) i2+sdv8s 7ipa9fj aoi o aSsAxpoc; aoi)

your land. And if [ should be sold to you your brother

o EPpaioq r| r| EPpaia SodXsdcsi aoi s^ stt| Kai

a Hebrew man], or the Hebrew woman, he shall serve to you six years, and

tco sp86|ico s§a7roaTsA,sfc; ai)T6v sXsD0spov arco aoi)

the seventh you shall send him free from you.

13 + OTav 8s s^a7roaTsAAr|c; ai)T6v slstiGspov anb aoi)

And whenever you should send him free from you,

odk s^a7roaTsA,s(c; ai)T6v ksvov h + scp68iov scpoSidasic;

you shall not send him empty. With supplies you shall provide

ai)T6v a7io tcov 7ipopdTC0v aoi) Kai arco tod avcoD aoi)

him from your sheep, and from your grain,

Kai a7io tod Ax|vod aoD Ka0d SD^oyrjas as Kopioc;

and from your wine vat. As [ blessed you [the] LORD

o 0s6q aoD Scbasiq aDTcb i 5 + Kai iivrjaGfjarj 6ti

your God] you shall give to him. And you shall remember that

oiKsrqc; fjaGa sv yrj AiyD7iTOD Kai sAmpcbaaTO as

you were a servant in [the] land of Egypt, and [ransomed you

KDpioq o 6s6q aoD sksiBsv 8id todto sycb

[the] LORD your God] from there. On account of this I

aoi svTsAlojiai 7iois(v to pfjjia todto i6+sdv5s Aiyrj

give charge to you to do this thing. But if he should say

7ipoc; as odk s^s^SDaojiai ano aoD 6ti rjyd7ir|as as

to you, I shall not go forth from you, for he loves you,


15 "ID

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

05 - Deuteronomy

Kai xrjv oiKiav aoi) on sd saxiv aDTCO rcapa aoi 17 +

and your house, for it is good to him [to be] by you;

Kai Axj\j/r| to 07ifiTiov Kai TpD7if|asic; to odc; OLVTOV

then you shall take the shoemaker's awl, and make a hole in his ear

7ipoc; ttjv 0Dpav Kai saTai 001 oiKsrqc; sic; tov

against the door, and he will be to you a servant into the

aicova Kai rrjv 7rai5(aKr|v aoD 7ioif|asic; coaaDTCOc; 18+ od

eon. And of your maidservant you shall do likewise. [ not

cjKAxjpov soTai evavriov aoi) s^a7ioaTsAAxD|isvcov

hard It shall be] before you sending

aDTcbv sA,SD0spcov arco aoi) 6ti stcstsiov jiiaGov tod

them free from you, for [the] yearly wage of the

IiktGcotod s8oDlsDas aoi s^ stt| Kai SD^oyfjasi as

hireling ~ he served to you six years. And [ shall bless you

Kopioc; o Bsoq aoi) sv 7idaiv oic; av 7ioif|c; 19+ 7iav

[the] LORD your God] in all what ever you should do. Every

tcpcdtotokov o av TS%0f| sv TCLiq Poi)a( aoi) Kai

first-born which ever should give birth among your oxen, and

sv Toiq 7rpopdTOic; aoi) Ta apasviKa ayidasiq KDpico

among your sheep, [ the males you shall sanctify] [to the] LORD

too 6scb aoi) odk spya sv too 7tp&lt;jotot6kcd jioaxco

your God. You shall not work with [ first-born calf

aoi) Kai od |ir| Ksiprjq to 7tpcot6tokov

your], and in no way should you shear the first-born


of your sheep. Before [the] LORD your God

(payfj aDTO sviaDTOV s^ sviaDTOD sv tco t67tco co

you shall eat it year by year, in the place in which

av SKls^rjTai Kopioc; o Bsoq aoD aD Kai o ohcoq aoD

ever [ should choose [the] LORD your God] — you and your house.

21 + sdv 5s T| sv aDTcb iicbjioq %coX6v rj TDcp^ov rj

And if there might be in it a blemish — lame or blind, or

Kai 7iaq iicbjioq 7iovr|p6c; od 0Dasiq aDTO KDpico

even any [ blemish severe], you shall not sacrifice it [to the] LORD

tco 0scb aoD 22 + sv Taiq 7i6A,sai aoD cpayfj aDTO o

your God. In your cities you shall eat it. The

aKdGapToq sv aoi Kai o KaGapoq coaaDTcaq cpdysTai

unclean in you and the clean likewise shall eat

coc; 8opKd5a r| sAxxtpov 23 + 7ihr\v to aijia aDTOD od

as [the] doe or stag. Except its blood you shall not

cpayfj S7U ttjv yrjv sk%ss(c; aDTO coc; D8cop

eat; [ upon the ground you shall pour it] as water.


16 TO


05 - Deuteronomy

16 Ttt

i+ (pvXatpv xov jifjva tcov vscov Kai 7iorfjasic; to

Guard the month of the new [corn] ! And you shall observe the

Tiaaya Kopico too 0scb aoi) 6ti sv too jjt|vi tcov vscov

passover [to the] LORD your God, for in the month of the new corn

s^qyays as Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoi) s^ Aiy67rTOD vdktoc; 2 +

[ led you [the] LORD your God] out of Egypt [by] night.

Kai Gtiaeic; to 7ida%a Kupico tco Gscb aoi) 7ip6paTa

And you shall sacrifice the passover [to the] LORD your God — sheep

Kai Poaq ev tco t67tco co av SKAi^rjTai Kopioc;

and oxen in the place in which ever [ should choose [the] LORD

o Gsoc; aoi) £7iiKAx|0fjvai to ovojia cxdtoi) sksi 3 + 01)

your God to be called upon his name] there. You shall not

cpayfj 87i cxdtoi) £6|xr|v £7rc&amp; rjjispac; cpayf] S7i ai)TOi)

eat it with yeast; seven days you shall eat it with

&amp;£o|ia dpTOV KaKcbaecoc; 6ti ev a7roi)5f| s^fjXGsTS

unleavened [breads], bread of affliction; for in haste you came forth

s^ AiyimTOD vdktoc; (va jivrjaGfjTS tt|v rjjispav

from out of Egypt at night; that you should remember the day

Tr\q ztpdiaq Djicbv sk yr\q AiyD7iTOD itaaaq zaq

of your departure from out of [the] land of Egypt all the

rjjispac; iv\q ^cofjcj djicov 4+ odk ocpGfjasTai aoi £/6|ir|

days of your life. There shall not be seen by you [any] yeast

sv 7idai TOiq opunc; aoi) S7iTd rjiiepaq Kai od

in all your boundaries for seven days, and you shall not

Koi|ir|6f|aeTai arco tcov Kpscbv cov av 0i)af|TS

go to bed with any of the meats, which ever you should have sacrificed

to sanspaq xr\ r||ispa ttj sparer) sic; T07ipcoi 5 +

in the evening, [left over] the [ day first] in the morning.

od 5i)vfjar| Gtiaai to 7ida%a ev oi)5s|iid

You shall not be able to sacrifice the passover in any one

tcov 7i6A,scbv aoi) cov Kopioc; o 0s6c; aoi) 8(8coa( aoi 6 +

of your cities which [the] LORD your God gives to you;

aXk r T| sic; tov totcov ov av SKls^rjTai Kopioc;

but only in the place which ever [ should choose [the] LORD

o 0s6c; aoi) 87iiKAx|6fjvai to ovojia avzov sksi Btiasic;

your God to be called upon his name] there. You shall sacrifice

to naoya sa7ispac; itpoq 6va[idq rjAioD sv tco Kaipcb

the passover at evening towards [the] descent of [the] sun, in the time

co s^fjXGsc; sk yr\q AiyD7iTOD 7+ Kai s\j/f|asic; Kai

which you came forth from out of [the] land of Egypt. And you shall boil, and


16 TO

8V TOUT© + vuca

05 - Deuteronomy

07rcf|asic; Kai cpayfj sv too T07rco go av SK^s^rjiai

bake, and eat in the place in which ever [ should choose

Kopioc; o 0s6c; gov avzov Kai a7ioaTpacpf|ar| T07ipcoi

[the] LORD your God] it. And you shall return in the morning

Kai cureXsixyri sic; todc; oikodc; aot&gt; 8 + s^ rjjispac;

and go to your houses. Six days

cpayfj d^Djia Kai ttj rjjispa ttj sP86jjt| s^68iov

you shall eat unleavened [breads], and the [ day seventh] [is] a recess

sopxfj Kopico xco 0scb gov oi) 7ioif|asic; SV aDTTj

holiday [to the] LORD your God; you shall not do on it

7iav spyov nh\v 6aa 7ioir|0f|asTai \\fv%r\ 9 + S7iTd

any work except as much as shall be done for your life. Seven

sp8o|id8ac; oXokAtipodc; s^apiGjifjaeic; asauTcb

[ periods of seven entire] you shall count out to yourself;

ap^ajievoi) gov Spsrcavov S7i' ajirjiov dp^r)

[with the] beginning of your sickle upon [the] harvest you shall begin

s^apiGjxfjaai 87rcd sp8o|id8ac; 10+ Kai noir\GSiq eopxfjv

to count out seven periods of seven. And you shall observe [the] holiday

sp8o|id8cov Kupioo too 0scb gov KaGcbq r| %sip gov

of [the] period of sevens [to the] LORD your God, as your hand

\G%v£i 60a av 8co aoi KaGoxi rji)A,6yr|as as

is strong, [in] as much as [ should give to you in so far as he blessed you

Kopicx; o Gsoc; gov n+ Kai si)cppav0fjar| svavn Kupioi)

[the] LORD your God]. And you shall be glad before [the] LORD

tod 0sof) gov gv Kai o vioq gov Kai T| 0Dydxr|p gov

your God, you and your son and your daughter,

o naiq gov Kai r| 7iai8iaKr| gov Kai o AeDvcrjc; o sv

your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite in

xaiq 7i6A,sa( gov Kai o 7ipoaf|Amoc; Kai o opcpavoc;

your cities, and the foreigner, and the orphan,

Kai T| %r\pa r \ 8V 8V TC0 ^67103 co av

and the widow among you, in the place in which ever

SK^s^rjiai Kopioc; o 0s6g gov S7iiKAx|0fjvai

[ should choose [the] LORD your God] [ to be called upon

to ovojia avTOV sksi 12+ Kai |ivr|a0fjar| on oikstt|c;

his name] there. And you shall remember that [ a servant

r|a0a sv yrj AiyimTCD Kai (pvXafy] Kai 7ioifjasic;

you were] in [the] land of Egypt. And you shall guard and observe

xaq svxoAxxc; zavzaq 13 + sopTfjv aKqvcbv 7roir}asic;

these commandments. [The] holiday of tents you shall observe

asaDicb S7iTd rjjispac; sv tod crovayaysiv as sk

to yourself seven days, in your bringing from


16 TO

8V TOUT© + vuca
05 - Deuteronomy

Tr\q akctivoq gov Kai arco Tr\q At|vod cjod i 4 + Kai

your threshing-floor, and from your wine vat. And

SD(ppav0fjar| sv xrj sopxfj ctod ctd Kai o vioq gov Kai

you shall be glad in your holiday, you and your son, and

T| GDydxrjp god o naiq gov Kai r| 7rai8(aKr| gov Kai o

your daughter, your manservant, and your maidservant, and the

AsDixrjc; Kai o 7ipoafjAmoc; Kai o opcpavoc; Kai r|

Levite, and the foreigner, and the orphan, and the

%r\pa r| ovgcl sv xaiq tzoXsgi gov 15+ S7ixd rjiiepaq

widow being in your cities. Seven days

sopxdosic; Kopico icq 6scb gov sv too 167100 go

you shall solemnize a holiday [to the] LORD your God in the place in which

av SKls^rjxai Kopioc; o dsoq gov auxov sdv 8s

ever [ should choose [the] LORD your God] for himself. But if

siAoyfjari as Kopioc; o dsoq gov sv 7idoi

[ should bless you [the] LORD your God] in all

Toiq ysvfj|iaai gov Kai sv 7iavx( spyco xcov %sipcbv gov

your offspring, and in every work of your hands,

Kai sarj sD(ppaiv6|isvoc; 16+ xpsic; Kaipotic; xod

then you shall be glad. Three times of the

sviaDxof) ocpGfjasxai 7iav apasviKov gov svavxiov

year [ shall appear every male of yours] before

Kopioi) xod 0sod gov sv xco x67ico co av SKAi^TjXai

[the] LORD your God in the place in which ever [ should have chosen

Kopicx; sv xrj sopxfj xcov a£/6|icov Kai sv xrj sopxfj

[the] LORD] in the holiday of the unleavened [breads], and in the holiday

xcov sp5o|id8cov Kai sv xrj sopxfj xrjc; aKr|V07rr|y(a(;

of the period of sevens, and in the holiday of the pitching of tents.

odk ocpGfjarj svcb7iiov KopioD xod Gsod gov ksvoc;

You shall not appear in the presence of [the] LORD your God empty.

17+ SKaaxoq Kaxd 5wa|iiv xcov %sipcbv djicov Kaxd

Each [offering] according to [the] power of your hands; according to

xrjv si)Xoyiav KopioD xod 9sod aoD rjv s8coks OOl 18 +

the blessing of [the] LORD your God which he gave to you.

Kpixdq Kai ypajijiaxosiaaycoysiq Kaxaaxfjasic; asaDxcb

Judges and judicial recorders you shall ordain to yourself

sv iiaGaiq xaic; 7i6Xsa( aoD mq Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoD

in all your cities, which [the] LORD your God

8(8coa( aoi Kaxd (pvXdq Kai KpivoDai xov Xaov

gives to you according to tribes. And they shall judge the people

Kpiaiv 8iKa(av 19+ odk skkXivodcji Kpiaiv

[judgment with just]. They shall not turn aside a judgment,



05 - Deuteronomy

odk s7nyvcbaovxai 7ip6aco7rov od8s Arj\j/ovxai 8cbpa

they shall not discriminate a person, nor shall they take bribes;

xayap 8cbpa sKXDtpXoi ocp0aA,|ioDc; aocpcbv Kai s^aipsi

for the bribes make blind [the] eyes of [the] wise, and lift away

Xoyovq Sucaicov 20 + SiKaicoc; to Sixaiov 5icb^r| iva

[the] words of [the] just. Justly [justice you shall pursue], that

^fjxs Kai siasXGovxsc; KAr|povo|xf|ar|xs xrjv yrjv rjv

you should live, and entering you should inherit the land which
Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoD 5(5coai aoi 21 + od cpDxsDasic;

[the] LORD your God gives to you. You shall not plant

asaDxcb aXaoq 7iav ZpXov 7iapa to 6Daiaaxf|piov

for yourself a sacred grove; any tree by the altar

Ki)p(oi) tod 0soi) ooi) od 7ioifjasic; asaDxcb 22 +

of [the] LORD your God you shall not produce for yourself.

od axfjasic; asaDxcb axfjArjv a sjjiarjas icupioq

You shall not set [up] for yourself a monument which [ detests [the] LORD

o Gsoc; aoi)

your God].

17 V

i + od Gtiasic; Kupico too 0scb aoi) [ioa%ov r\ 7ip6paxov

You shall not sacrifice [to the] LORD your God a calf or sheep

sv co saxiv ev cxdxco jicojioc; 7iav pf||ia 7iovr|p6v 6xi

in which there is in it a blemish, any thing in a sorry state, for

pSeA^Dyjia Kupico xco 0scb aoi) saxiv 2 + s&amp;v 8s SDpsGfj

[ an abomination [to the] LORD your God it is]. But if there should be

sv aoi sv jiia xcov itoXsfov aoi) cov Kopioc;

among you, in one of your cities which [the] LORD

o 6s6c; aoi) 8(8coai aoi avfjp r| yDvfj oaxiq 7ioif|asi

your God gives to you, a man or woman who shall do

xo 7iovr|p6v svavxi icupioi) xod 0sod aoi) 7iapsA,0s(v

the wicked [thing] before [the] LORD your God, to pass by

xrjv 8ia6fjKT|v ai)xoD 3 + Kai a7isA,96vxsc; AxxxpsDacoai

his covenant, and going forth should serve

Gsofc; sxspoiq Kai 7ipoaKi)vfiacoaiv aDxoiq xco rjAico rj

other gods, and should do obeisance to them - to the sun, or

xtj asArjvrj r| 7iavxi xcov sk xod KoajiOD xod

the moon, or to any of the ones of the cosmos of the

ODpavoD a od 7ipoasxa^a 4+ Kai avayysAr] aoi Kai

heaven, which I assigned not; and it should be announced to you, and

aKODasiq Kai ^rjxfjasic; acp68pa Kai i5od aAxjGcbc;

you heard, and you sought exceedingly, and behold, [if] truly


17 P sv tootco + vuca 05 - Deuteronomy

ysyovs to pfjjia ysyevrjTai to p5e?u)y|ia todto sv

[ has happened the thing] [ came to pass [that] this abomination] in

IapafjX 5 + Kai e^d^eic; tov dv0pco7rov sksivov r\

Israel; then you shall lead out that man or

tt|v ywaiKa SKeivrjv omvsc; S7covr|aav to 7ip6aTay|ia

that woman, (the ones who made [ order

TO 7TOVr|p6v TODTO 8711 TTJV 7T6At|V Kai AlGoPoAxjOSTS

this wicked],) unto the gate. And you shall stone

aDTotic; sv Xidoiq Kai T£A,eDTf|aoDaiv 6 + S7ri 5ua(

them with stones, and they shall come to an end. By two

|i&amp;pTDaiv rj Tpiai jidpTDaiv a7io0avsiTai o

witnesses or three witnesses one shall die. The

a7io0vf|aKcov odk a7ro6av£vcai scp' svi jidpTopi ?+ Kai

one dying shall not die by one witness. And

T| %£ip TCDV |iapTl3pCOV SCTTai 871 ' aDTCO SV 7CpCDTOl(;

the hand of the witnesses shall be upon him among [the] first

GavaTcbaai atrcov Kai rj %eip 7cavT6c; tod Xaov S7c'

to put him to death, and the hand of all of the people upon [him]

sa%dTCD Kai e^apeicj tov 7covr|p6v ujicbv auTcbv

last. And you shall lift away the wicked [thing] [ from you of them].

8+sdv8s a5i)vaTf|ar| a7co gov pf||ia ev Kpiaei

But if [ should be powerless for you [to decide] a matter in a judgment],

avajieoov aijia aijiaTOc; Kai avajisaov Kpiaiq Kpiascoq

between blood [and] blood, and between judgment [and] judgment,

Kai avajieaov acpfj acpfjc; Kai avajieaov avTi^oyia

and between blow [and] blow, and between dispute

avTiXoyiaq pfjjiaTa Kpiascoq sv zaiq itoksai gov Kai

[and] dispute, formatters of judgment in your cities; then

avacrcdc; avapfjarj sic; tov to7cov ov av SKAi^rjTai

rising up you shall ascend unto the place which ever [ should choose

Kopioc; o dzoq gov S7ciKXr|6f|vai to ovojia avzov sksi 9 +

[the] LORD your God to be called upon for his name] there.

Kai eXeuari 7cpoc; todc; ispefc; todc; Azvhaq Kai 7cpoc;

And you shall come to the priests of the Levites, and to

tov KpiTTjv oq av ysvrjTai sv zaiq rjjispaic; SKsivaiq

the judge, who ever happens to be in those days;

Kai SK^rjTTjoavTec; avayyeXouai aoi tt|v Kpioiv 10 + Kai

and seeking after [the matter] they shall announce to you the judgment. And

Ttovf\G£iq KaTd to pf||ia o av avayyeiAxoai aoi sk

you shall do according to the thing, which ever they should announce to you from

tod to7cod oi) av eKAi^rjTai Kopioq o dsoq GOV Kai

the place of which ever [ should choose [the] LORD your God]. And


17 P ev tootco + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

(pvXd^siq acp68pa 7ioif|aai Kaxd rcdvxa 6aa av

you shall guard exceedingly to do according to all as much as

vo|io0£rr|6fj aoi 11+ Kaxd xov vojiov Kai Kaxd

[the] law should be established to you. According to the law, and according to
xrjv Kpiaiv Tjv av 8i7icoai aoi 7ioif|asic; odk

the judgment, which ever they should tell to you, thus you shall do it. You shall

skkAivsic; a7io xod pfjjiaxoc; od av avayysiAxoai aoi

turn aside from the matter of which ever they should announce to you,

8s^id od88 apiaxspd 12 + Kai o dv0pco7io(; oq av

right nor left. And the man who ever

7ioifjar| sv D7i8pr|(pavia xod |ir| DrcaKODaai xod ispsooc;

should do in pride to not obey the priest

xod 7iapsaxr|K6xoc; XsixoDpysiv S7ri xco ovojiaxi kdpiod

standing beside to officiate in the name of [the] LORD

xod 0SOD aoD T| xod KpixoD oc; av ysvrjxai sv

your God, or the judge who ever should be in

xaic; rjjiepaic; SKeivaiq Kai a7io6ave(xai

those days, then [ shall die

o dv9p&lt;D7roc; SKsivoq Kai s^apsiq xov 7iovr|p6v

that man], and you shall lift away the wicked [one] from out of

IapafjA, 13+ Kai naq o Xaoq aKODaaq (poPrjGfjaexai Kai

Israel. And all the people hearing shall fear, and

odk aaepfjasi sxi u + sdv 8s siasXGrjq sic; xrjv yrjv

shall not be impious any more. And whenever you should enter into the land

Tjv KDpioq o 6s6c; aoD 8(8coai 001 sv KArjpco Kai

which [the] LORD your God gives to you by lot, and

Khr\povo[iT\ar[q aDxfjv Kai KaxoiKfjarjc; S7i' aDxfjv Kai

you should inherit it, and should dwell upon it, and

si7ir|(; KaxaaxfjacD S7i' sjiaDxov dpxovxa Ka6d Kai

you should say, I shall place over myself a ruler, as also

xo A,ourd sGvrj xa kdkXco jiod 15 + Ka9iaxcbv

the rest of [the] nations round about me; [then] in placing,

Kaxaaxfjasic; S7U asaDxov dpxovxa ov av SKAi^rjxai

you shall place over yourself a ruler, which ever [ should choose

KDpioq o Gsoq aoD aDxov sk xcov aSsAxpcbv aoD

[the] LORD your God] — him from out of your brethren

Kaxaaxfjasic; S7i( asaDxov dp%ovxa od 8Dvf|ar|

you shall place over yourself [as] ruler. You shall not be able

Kaxaaxfjaai S7U asaDxov dv0pco7rov aAloxpiov 6x1

to place over yourself [ man an alien], for

odk aSsAxpoc; aoD saxi i 6 + 7iA,r|v od 7iA,r|9Dvsi

[not your brother he is]. Furthermore he shall not multiply


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05 - Deuteronomy

sai)xcb 171710V od8s |ir| a7toaxps\j/si xov Xaov sic;

to himself a cavalry, nor shall he return the people to

AbfviiTOV 67ccdc; |ir| 7cAx|0i)vr| sai)xco i7C7i;ov o 8s Kopioc;

Egypt, so that he should not multiply to himself a cavalry. For the LORD

S17C8V Djiiv od 7tpoa0fja£o0s a7coaxps\j/ai

said to you, You shall not add to return

XT] o8cb Xai)XT| SXl 17+ K(Xl 01) 7cAr|0DVSl SaDXCO

this way any more. And he shall not multiply to himself

yDvaiKaq (va |ir| jisxaaxfj auxoi) r| Kap8(a Kai

wives, that he shall not change over his heart. And

apyi)piov Kai %pvaiov od 7cAt|0dvsi sai)xcb acp68pa

silver and gold he shall not multiply to himself exceedingly.

18+ Kai saxai oxav KaGiarj S7U xod Sicppoi)

And it will be whenever he shall be settled in the chair

xrjc; ap%fjc; auxoi) Kai ypd\j/si sai)xcb

of his office, then he shall write for himself

xo 5ei)xspov6|iiov xoi)xo sic; PipAiov 7capd xcov

this second book of the law into a scroll by [the hands] of the

ispscov xcov Asdixcov 19+ Kai soxai jj,sx ai)xoi) Kai

priests of the Levites. And it shall be with him, and

avayvcbasxai sv ai)xcb itaaaq xaq rijispaq

he shall read in it all the days

xrjc; ^cofjc; ai)xoi) (va judGrj cpops(a0ai Kopiov

of his life; that he should learn to fear [the] LORD

xov Geov ai)xoi) cpi)Axxaasa0ai naaaq xac; zvioXaq xauxac;

his God, to guard all these commandments,

Kai xa 5iKaicb|iaxa xai)xa 7coisiv 20 + (va |ir| D\j/co0f|

and [ these ordinances to do]; that [should not be raised up high

T| Kap5(a ai)xoi) a7co xcov a8sAxpcbv ai)xoi) (va |ir|

his heart] above his brethren; that he should not

7tapapfj a7c6 xcov svxo^cbv 8s^id r| apiaxspd oncoq

transgress from the commandments, right or left; so

av jiaKpoxpovioq r| S7ri xrjc; ap%f|c; ai)xoi) avzoq Kai

that he should be a long time in his office ~ he and

01 Dioi ai)xoi) sv xoic; vioiq IapafjX

his sons among the sons of Israel.

18 rr

1+ odk saxai xoic; ispsi3ai xoic; Asinxaic; 6Ax|

There will not be to the priests, to the Levites, [the] entire

cpi)Ax| Asm jispic; od8s Kkr\poq jisxd IapafjA,

tribe of Levi, a portion nor a lot with Israel.


18 rr

ev toi3tco + viKa

05 - Deuteronomy

Kap7icb|iaxa kdpiod o KA^pog aDxcbv cpdyovxai aDxd 2 +

[The] yield [offerings] of [the] LORD [are] their lot — they shall eat them.

KAxjpoc; 5s odk eoxai aoxcb sv

[ a lot And there will not be] to him among

xoic; aSeAxpofc; aDxoD Kopioc; avzoq Kkr\poq avzov

his brethren; [the] LORD himself [is] his lot,

Ka06xi 817T8V aDxcb 3+ Kai aDxrj r| Kpiaiq xcov

in so far as he said to him. And this [is] the distinguishing thing of the

ispecov xa 7iapd xod Xaov 7iapd xcov 0dovxcov

priests ~ the [things] from the people, from the ones sacrificing

xac; dvaiaq sdv xs |ioo%ov sdv xs 7ip6paxov Kai

the sacrifices, if both a calf, or if also a sheep — that

8cbaeic; xov Ppa%iova xco ispsi Kai xa aiayovia Kai

you shall give the shoulder to the priest, and the jawbones, and

xo svDaxpov 4 + Kai xac; a7iap%d(; xod aixoi) ood Kai

the large intestine, and the first-fruits of your grain, and

xod oivod aoD Kai xod sAmoD aoD Kai xrjv a7iap%f|v

of your wine, and of your olive oil; and the first-fruit

xcov KODpcbv xcov 7ipopdxcov god 8cbasic; aDxcb 5+6x1

of the shearing of your sheep you shall give to him: for

aDxov s^sAi^axo Kopioc; o Gsoq ood sk 7iaacbv

[ chose him [the] LORD your God] from out of all

xcov cpDAxbv aoD 7iap8axdvai svavxi kdpiod xod 08od

your tribes, to stand before [the] LORD God,

XeixoDpysiv S7ri xco ovojiaxi kdpiod avzoq Kai

to officiate in the name of [the] LORD, he and

oiDioiaDxoD 7rdaac; xaq rjjispac; 6+8dv 88 7iapaysvr|xai

his sons all the days. And if [ should come

o AeDixrjc; sk jliicxc; xcov 7i6A,8cov djicov sk 7idvxcov xcov

the Levite] from one of your cities of all the

Dicbv IapafjX od aDxoq 7iapoiKs( Ka9' 6x1 S7ii0D|isi

sons of Israel, of which he himself sojourns, that [desires

r| \|/dxt| aDxoD siq xov xo7rov ov av SKA,S^T|Xai KDpioq

his soul], into the place which ever [the] LORD should choose;

7+ Kai XsixoDpyfjasi xco ovojiaxi kdpiod

then he shall officiate in the name of [the] LORD

xod GsoD aDxoD cba7isp 7idvxs(; 01 a8sAxpo( aDxoD 01

his God, as all his brethren the

AsDixai 01 7iapSOXT|KOXSCj SKSl SVaVXl KDpiOD 8 +

Levites, the ones standing there before [the] LORD.

|isp(8a |is(ispia|isvr|v cpdysxai 7iAr|v Tr\q 7ipdasco(;

[a portion having been portioned He shall eat], besides the sale


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05 - Deuteronomy

Tr\q Kaxd rcaxpidv 9+sdv8s siasXGrjq sic; xrjv

of the [things] of his family. And whenever you should enter into the

yrjv r|v Kupioc; o 0e6c; aou 5(8coa( aoi ou

land which [the] LORD your God gives to you, you shall not

|ia6fjar| 7iois(v Kaxd xa p5eA,uy|iaxa

learn to do according to the abominations

xcov sGvcbv 8KSWC0V 10+ ou% supe0f|a£xai sv aoi

of those nations. There shall not be found in you

7iepiKa0a(pcov xov uiov auxou rj xrjv 0uyaxepa auxou sv

one purging his son or his daughter in

7iDpi jiavxsuojisvoc; jiavxeiav KArj8ovi£p|ievoc; Kai

fire, [or] one using oracles for divination, [or] one prognosticating and

oiqvi^ojisvoc; n+ cpapjiaKoc; S7id8cov S7iaoi8f|v

foretelling, an administer of potions, one charming an enchantment,

syyaoxpijxoGoc; Kai xepaxoaKOftoc; 87ispcoxcbv xouc;

one who delivers oracles, and an observer of signs asking of the



12 + saxi yap pSsXuyjia Kupico xco 0scb aou itaq

[ is For an abomination [to the] LORD your God every one

7roicbv xauxa svsks yap xcov p5eA,uy|idxcov xouxcov

doing these [things]]. For because of these abominations

Kupioc; o 0e6c; aou s^oA,o0peuasi auxouc; arco

[the] LORD your God shall utterly destroy them from

7ipoaco7ioD aou 13 + xe^sioc; sarj svavxiov Kupiou

your face. You shall be perfect before [the] LORD

xou 0eou aou 14 + xa yap e0vr| xauxa ouc; au

your God. For these nations which you

KaxaKAxjpovojisic; auxouc; ouxoi KAx|8ovia|icbv Kai

inherit them, these [ prognostications and

jiavxsicbv aKouaovxai aoi 8s ou% ouxcoq eScoKe

divinations shall hear]; but to you [ did not so give

Kupioq o 0e6c; aou 15+ 7ipo(pf|xr|v sk

[the] LORD your God]. A prophet from out of

xcov aSsAxpcbv aou coc; sjie avaaxfjaei aoi Kupioq

your brethren, as me, [ shall raise up to you [the] LORD

o 0e6c; aou auxou aKouasa0s 16 + Kaxd rcdvxa 6aa

your God]; him you shall hear. According to all as much as

rjxfjaco 7iapd Kupiou xou 0sou aou ev Xcopf|P xr|

you asked of [the] LORD your God in Horeb, in the

rjjispa xrjc; SKKArjaiaq Aiyovxsc; ou 7ipoa0f|ao|iev

day of the assembly, saying, We shall not add


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05 - Deuteronomy

aKODaai rqv (pcovfjv KopioD tod 0sod gov Kai to itvp

to hear the voice of [the] LORD your God, and [ fire

TODTO TO |ISya ODK O\j/6|IS0a 8TI OD8£ |IT|

this great] we shall not see any longer, nor

a7io0dvco|i£v 17+ Kai sifts icopioc; npoq |ie op0coc; 7idvTa

shall we die. And [the] LORD said to me, Rightly all

6aa eAxxAxjaav ig+ 7rpotpf|Tr|v ava&lt;xcf|oco aDTOic; sk

as much as they spoke. [ a prophet I shall raise up] to them from

jisaoD Tcav aSeAxpcbv aDTcbv cba7iep as Kai 5cbaco

amidst their brethren, as you, and I shall put

TO pf||ld |IOD 8V TCD CJTOJiaTl aDTOD Kai Xakf\a£i aDTOiq

my word in his mouth; and he shall speak to them

Ka0' 6ti av evTSiAxjojiai airccb 19+ Kai o dv0pco7ioc; oq

in so far as I give charge to him. And the man who

av |ir| aKODarj tcov Xojcov avzov 6aa av

ever should not hear his words, as many as [ should

XaXr\ar\ o 7ipo(pfjTr|c; £7U too ovojiaTi |iod sycb

speak the prophet] in my name, I

£K8iKfja&lt;jo 8^ avzov 20+ 7iAx|v o 7rpotpf|Tr|c; oq av

shall exact punishment from him. Except the prophet, who ever

aaspfjarj XaArjaai pfjjia em tco ovojiaTi jiod o od

should be impious to speak a word in my name, which I did not

7rpoa8Ta^a ai)Tcb AxxAxjaai Kai oq av Xakr\GT[ sn

assign to him to speak, and who ever should speak in

ovojiaTi 08cbv STepcov a7io0avsiTai o 7rpotpf|Tr|c; sksivoc;

[the] name of other gods, [ shall die that prophet].

21 + sdv 8e smr\q sv tt| Kap8(a gov ncnq yvcoa6|ie0a

But if you should say in your heart, How shall we know

to pfjjia o ODKsAxxAxjas Kopioc; 22+ 6aa av

the word which [ spoke not [the] LORD]? As many [things] as

XaXr\ar\ o 7rpotpf|Tr|c; S7ri tco ovojian KopioD Kai

[ should speak the prophet] in the name of [the] LORD, and

|ir| yevrjTai to pfjjia Kai jir| aD|ipf| todto

[ should not take place the thing], and [ should not come to pass this

to pfjjia o odk eXdlrjae KDpioq sv aaepsia

thing] which [ spoke not [the] LORD]; through impiety

eXdAxjasv o 7ipo(pfjTr|c; odk acps^sa08 an avzov

[spoke the prophet]; you shall not receive from him.


19 cr


05 - Deuteronomy

19 w

i + sdv 5s acpaviarj icupioq o Bsoq gov xa s0vr|

But whenever [ should remove from view [the] LORD your God] the nations

a o dzoq god 5(5coa( aoi xrjv yrjv aDxcbv Kai

which your God gives to you of their land, and

KaxaKlr|povo|ifiar|c; avzovq Kai KaxoiKqarjc; ev

you should inherit them, and should dwell in

xaic; 7i6A,saiv aoxcbv Kai ev xoic; oikoic; aoxcbv 2 + xpeic;

their cities, and in their houses; [ three

7r6Xsic; 8iaaxsA,e(c; aeaDxcb sv jisaoo xrjc; yqc; aoD r\q

cities you shall draw apart to yourself] in [the] midst of your land, which

Kopioc; o dzoq aov didcoai aoi 3 + axo%aaa( aoi xrjv

[the] LORD your God gives to you. Take thought to yourself [of] the

o56v Kai xpijispiek; xa opia Tr\q yr\q aoi) r|v

way, and you shall make three parts the boundaries of your land which

Kaxajispi^ei aoi Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoi) Kai eaxai sksi

[ divides to you [the] LORD your God], and it will be there [for]

KaxacpDyfj rcavxi (povsi)xf| 4 + xodxo 8s saxai xo

a refuge to every man-slayer. And this will be the

7ip6axay|ia xod cpovsDxoD oq av (pvyr\ 8K8i Kai

order for the man-slayer, who ever should flee there, and

^fjaexai oq av 7iaxd^r| xov 7iAx|ak&gt;v aDxoD aKovamq

shall live ~ who ever should strike his neighbor unintentionally,

Kai odxoc; od jiiacbv ai)xov 7ipo xrjc; z%dzq Kai 7ipo

and this one was not detesting him before yesterday and before

xrjc; xpixrjc; 5 + Kai oq sdv siasXGrj jisxd xod 7rAx|a(ov

the third [day]. And who ever should enter with the neighbor

ziq xov 8pD|i6v aDvayaydv ^6A,a Kai 8KKpoDa6f|

into the oak grove to bring wood, and [ was knocked back

T| %eip aDxoD xt| a^ivrj K07rxovxoc; xo tqvXov Kai

his hand] [with] the axe while felling the wood, and

SK7isa6v xo ai8f|piov arco xod tqvkov

[ in falling off the iron implement] from the wood [handle]

xd%t| xod 7rAx|ak&gt;v Kai a7io0dvr| odxoc;

should happen by chance [to strike] the neighbor, and he should die; this one

KaxacpsD^sxai sic; jiiav xcov 7t6A,scdv xodxgov Kai

shall take refuge in one of these cities, and

^fjaexai 6 + (va |ir| dmtqaq o ay%iaxeD&lt;jov xod aijiaxoc;

shall live. Lest [pursue the one acting as next of kin for blood]

O7r(aco xod cpovsDaavxoq 6xi 7iapaxs6sp|iavxai

after the man-slayer, because [ is overheated


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05 - Deuteronomy

tt] Kap8(a avTOV Kai KaxaAxxPrj aDxov sdv

his heart], and overtakes him, if

jiaKpoxspa T| T| o66q Kai 7iaxd^r| aDxoD \|/i&gt;x i l v Kai

it might be a longer way, and he strikes his life and

a7io6dvr| Kai xodxco odk saxi Kpiaic; GavdxoD 6xi od

he should die. And [to this man there is no judgment of death], for [not

jiiacbv Tjv ai)xov 7ipo xrjc; s%0sc; Kai 7ipo xrjc; xpixrjc;

detesting he was] him before yesterday and before the third [day].

7+ 8id xodxo sycb aoi svxsAA,o|iai xopf||ia xodxo

Because of this I give charge to you this thing,

Aiycov xpsic; noXsiq SmoTskziq asaDxco 8 + sdv 5s

saying, Three cities you shall draw apart to yourself. And if

8|i7rA,axwr| Kopioc; o Gsoc; gov xa opid aoD ov

[ should widen [the] LORD your God] your borders, in which

xpo7iov cojioas xoiq rcaxpdai aoD Kai 8co aoi

manner he swore by an oath [to] your fathers, and [ should give to you

Kopioc; 7idaav xrjv yrjv rjv si7is 8oDvai xoiq

[the] LORD] all the land which he said he would give [to]

7iaxpdai aoD 9 + sdv siaaKODarjc; 7iois(v ndaaq

your fathers; if you should listen to do all

xac; svxoA.dc; xatixac; aq sycb svxsAAx)|ia( aoi afjjispov

these commandments which I give charge to you today,

ayarcdv Kopiov xov 0s6v aoi) 7iopsDsa6ai sv 7idaaic;

to love [the] LORD your God, to go in all

xaic; 0801c; avzov itaaaq xaq rjjispac; Kai 7ipoa9f|asic;

his ways all the days; then you shall add

asaDxco sxi xpsic; 7i6A,sic; npoq xac; xpsic; xatixac; 10+ Kai
to yourself again three cities to these three. And

odk sK%i)9f|asxai aijia avaixiov sv xr| yrj r|v

[ shall not be poured out [the] blood of [the] innocent] in the land which

Kopioc; o Gsoq aoi) 8(8coa( aoi sv KArjpco Kai odk

[the] LORD your God gives to you by lot, and there will not

saxai sv aoi aijiaxi svo%oc; n+sdv8s ysvrjxai

be among you blood liability. But if there should be

dv0pco7roc; jiiacov xov Tihr\aiov Kai svs8psDar| aDxov

a man detesting [his] neighbor, and he shall lie in wait for him,

Kai S7iavaaxf| S7i' aDxov Kai 7iaxd^r| aDxoD

and should rise up against him, and should strike his

xrjv \\fv%r\v Kai a7io9dvr| Kai cpDyrj sic; jiiav

life, and he should die, and he should flee into one

xcov 7i6A,scov xodxcov 12 + Kai a7ioaxsXoDaiv r| yspoDaia

of these cities; then they shall send the council of elders


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05 - Deuteronomy

Tr\q TtoXzodq avzov Kai Arj\j/ovTai ai)i6v sksOsv Kai

of his city, and they shall take him from there, and

7iapa8cbooDaiv ai)i6v sic; %e(pac; too ay%i&lt;xceDOVTi

shall deliver him into [the] hands to the one acting as next of kin

tod aijiaxoc; Kai a7ro6avercai 13 + 01) (pSlOSTttl

for blood, and he shall die. You shall not spare

0 0(pdak[i6q aoi) 87i' ai)icb Kai KaGapiefc; to aijia to

your eye for him, and you shall cleanse the blood for the

avamov IapafjA, Kai sd aoi scrcai h+ od

innocent from out of Israel, and [ good to you it will be]. You shall not

(iSTaKivfjasic; opia tod 7rAx|ak&gt;v ood a earrjaav

move [the] boundaries of your neighbor, which they established,

01 7ip6TSpOV OOD 8V TT| KAxjpOVOjjia CTOD T|V

the ones prior of you among your inheritance, which

KaT£KAr|pov6|ir|0r|c; sv tt| yr| rjv KDpioq o Geoc; aoD

you inherited in the land, which [the] LORD your God

8(5coai aoi ev KAxjpco 15+ odk 8|i|isv8i jidpTDc; eic;

gives to you by lot. You shall not adhere to [ witness one]

jiapTDpfjaai KaTa av0pcb7ioD KaTa 7idaav a8iKiav Kai

in witnessing against a man for any injustice, and

KaTd 7iav a|idpTT||ia Kai KaTa 7idoav ajiapTiav rjv

for any sin, and for any sin which

av ajidpTTj 87i( aTOjiaToq 8do jiapTDpcov Kai ski

ever he should have sinned. By [the] mouth of two witnesses, and by

oTOjiaToq Tpicbv jiapTDpcov aTaGfjasTai 7iav pf||ia 16 +

[the] mouth of three witnesses [ shall be established every word].

sdv 8s KaTa&lt;xcfj jidpTDc; dSiKoq KaTa av0pcb7ioD

And if [ should stand witness an unjust] against a man

KaTaXsycov aDTOD aaepeiav n+ Kai &lt;xcf|aovTai 01 8do

alleging his impiety; then [ shall stand the two

dv0pco7ioi oiq £&lt;xriv aDTOiq r| avTiXoyia evavTi

men], in which [is with them the dispute], before

KDpioD Kai svavTi tcov lepecov Kai evavTi tcov

[the] LORD, and before the priests, and before the

KpiTcbv 01 av cbaiv ev zmq rjjiepaic; eKeivaic; is + Kai

judges — the [ones] as might be in those days. And

s^STdacoaiv 01 Kprcai aKpiPcbq Kai i8od jidpToc;

[ should inquire the judges] exactly. And behold, [ witness

d8iKoq sjiapTDprjasv d8iKa avTsaTrj KaTa

if an unjust] witnessed unjustly, [and] stood against

TOD aSsAxpOD aDTOD 19+ Kai 7lOlfja£T£ aDTCD OV TpOTCOV

his brother, then you shall do to him in which manner


8V TOUT© + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy

S7iovr|psT3aaTO 7ioifjaai Kaxd tod aSsAxpoD aDTOD Kai

he devised wickedly to do against his brother, and

s^apsrcs TO 7iovr|p6v S^ D|IG)V aDTCOV 20+ Kai 01

you shall lift away the wicked from yourselves. And the

S7r(Xoi7roi aKODoavTSc; (popr|6fjaovTai Kai od

rest hearing shall fear, and they shall not

7ipoa0fjaoDoiv sti 7roifjaai KaTd to pfjjia

add again to do according to [ thing

TO 7TOVr|p6v TODTO 8V DJIIV 21 + 01) (pSlCJSTai

this wicked] among you. [ shall not spare

o ocpGaXjioc; aoi) S7i' aDTcb \\fv%r\v avTi ^\fv%r\q

Your eye] him; life for life,

ocpGaXjiov avTi oq)0aX|ioD o56vTa avTi oSovtoc; %s(pa

eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand

avTi %sipoc; 7i68a avTi nodoq KaGoTi av tic; 5co

for hand, foot for foot; in so far as any should give

|IC0|IOV TOO 7rAx|GlOV OUTGO 8cba£T£ aDTCb

a blemish to the neighbor, thus you shall give to him.

20 D

1 + sdv 5s s^skdr\q sic; 7i6A,s|iov S7ri todc; z%dpovq gov

And if you should go forth to war against your enemies,

Kai (8r|Cj i7T7rov Kai avapdTTjv Kai Xaov 7iA,s(ovd

and you should behold a horse, and rider, and [ people many more]

ood od (poPr|6fjar| an aDTcbv 6ti KDpioc;

than you, do not be fearful of them! for [the] LORD

o 0s6c; aoi) jiSTd ctod o avapipdaac; as sk yr|c;

your God [is] with you, the [one] bringing you from [the] land

AiyD7TTOD 2+ Kai scrcai OTav syyiorjc; tod 7ioXs|ico

of Egypt. And it will be whenever you should approach to the war,

Kai 7ipoasyyioac; o ispstic; AxxAxjasi tcd Xacb Kai spsi

that [ drawing near the priest] shall speak to the people, and shall say

7ipoc; aircoDc; 3 + dKODS IopafjX djisic; 7iopsDsa0s

to them, Hear, O Israel! You go

afjjispov sic; 7i6A,s(iov S7U todc; s%6poD&lt;; djicov |ir|

today to war with your enemies; do not

skXdsctGcd t| Kap5(a Djicbv |ir| cpoPsiaGs |ir|5s

loosen your heart; do not fear nor

GpaDsaGs |ir|8s skkMvsts arco 7ipoacb7roD aDTcbv 4 + 6ti

be devastated, nor turn aside from their face! For

KDpioq o0s6qD|icbv o 7ipo7ropsD6|isvoc; |IS6' DJICOV

[the] LORD your God, the one going forth with you,

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

05 - Deuteronomy

ai)V8K7roA,8(if|a8i djjav xodc; s%Qpovq djicov Kai

he shall join in war with you [against] your enemies, and

8iaacbosi Djidq 5+ Kai XaAxjaoDaiv 01 ypa|i|iaxs(c; npoq

he shall preserve you. And [ shall speak the scribes] to

xov Xaov Aiyovxsc; tic; o dv0pcD7roc; o oiKo8o|if|aac;

the people, saying, Who [is] the man building

oiKiav Kaivfjv Kai odk svsKaiviasv ai)xf|v 7ropsi)sa0CD

[house anew], and did not dedicate it? Let him go

Kai a7ioaTpa(pf|TCD sic; xrjv oiKiav avzov |ir| a7io0dvr|

and return to his house! lest he die

sv too 7ioAi|icD Kai dv6p&lt;j07roc; sxspocj syraivisi auxfjv

in the war, and [ man another] shall dedicate it.

6+ Kai tic; o dv9p&lt;j07roc; ooxiq scptixsuasv a|i7isAxbva

And Who [is] the man whoever plants a vineyard,

Kai odk 8D(ppdv0r| s^ avTOV 7ropsi)sa0CD Kai

and was not glad from it? Let him go, and

a7ro&lt;ycpa(pfjTCD sic; xrjv oudav avzov [ir\ a7io0dvr| sv

let him return to his house! lest he should die in

tod 7ioA,s|ico Kai dv0p&lt;jO7roc; sxspoc; si)(ppav0f|asTai

the war, and [ man another] be glad

s^ avzov 7+ Kai xiq o dv0pcD7ioc; oaxiq

from out of his [labor]. And who [is] the man who

jisjivfjaTSDiai yi)vaiKa Kai odk sA^aPsv auxfjv

has espoused a woman, and did not take her?

7iopsDsa0co Kai a7ioaTpa(pf|TCO sic; xrjv oudav avzov ut|

Let him go, and let him return to his house! lest
a7io0dvr| sv xoo 7ioA,s|ico Kai dv0pcD7ioc; sxspoc;

he die in the war, and [ man another]

Axj\j/sxai auxfjv

shall take her.

8+ Kai 7ipoa0fjaoi)aiv 01 ypajiumsk; Xakf\aai npoq

And [ shall add the scribes] to speak to

xov A,a6v Kai spotiai xic; o dv0pcD7roc; o

the people, and shall say, Who [is] the man, the one

(poPoDjisvoq Kai dsikoq xr| Kap5(a 7ropsi)sa0co Kai

fearing and timid in the heart? Let him go, and

a7roaxpa(pfjxcD sic; xrjv oudav avzov iva [ir\

let him return to his house! that he should not

5siAidvr| xrjv Kap5(av xod aSsAxpou amov cba7isp

make timid the heart of his brother, as

rj avzov 9+ Kai saxai oxav 7iai)acDvxai 01 ypajijiaxsiq

he. And it will be whenever [ should cease the scribes]

XaXovvTEq npoq xov Xaov Kai KaxaaxfjaoDaiv

speaking to the people, that they shall place


20 3 ev tootco + vtica 05 - Deuteronomy

dpxovxaq Tr\q axpaxidc; 7ipor|yoi)|isvoi)c; tod Xaov 10 +

rulers of the military taking lead of the people.

sdv 8s 7rpoo8A,6r|(; npoq 7i6A.iv SK7ioA£|xf|aai auTfjv

And if you should come forward to a city to wage war against it,

Kai KaAiarj avzovq |isx' sipfjvrjc; n+ Kai saxai sdv

that you should call them forth with peace. And it shall be if

jisv siprjviKd a7ioKpi0cbai aoi Kai avoi^coai aoi

then they should peaceably answer you, and open to you,

saxai itaq o Xaoq 01 supsGsvxsc; sv auxfj saovxai

it shall be [that] all the people being found in it shall be

aoi (popoA,oyr|xoi Kai D7if|Kooi aoi 12 + sdv 5s |ir|

[to you tributaries], and subjects to you. But if they should not

D7raKoi)acoai aoi Kai 7roifjacDai 7ipoc; as 7i6A,s|iov Kai

obey you, and should make [against you war], and

7tspiKa0isfc; auxfjv 13+ Kai 7iapa8coasi aDxfjv Kopioc;

you shall besiege it, and [ shall deliver it [the] LORD

o Bsoc; aoi) sic; xac; %s(pdc; aoi) Kai 7iaxd^sic; 7iav

your God] into your hands, then you shall strike every

apasviKov avTT\q sv cpovco jiaxaipaq h+ 7iAx|v xcov

male of it by carnage [of the] sword, except the

ywaiKcbv Kai xrjc; a7roaKsi)fjc; Kai 7idvxa xa Kxfjvrj

women and the belongings. And all the cattle,

Kai 7idvxa 6aa av D7idpxr| sv xrj 7i6A,si Kai 7idaav

and all as much as exists in the city, and all

xrjv a7iapx(av 7ipovo|isi)asic; asauxco Kai cpayfj

the chattel you shall despoil for yourself, and you shall eat

7idaav xrjv 7rpovo|ifjv xcov s%0pcov aoi) cov Kopioc;

all the plunder of your enemy, whom [the] LORD

o Bsocj aoi) 8(8coa( aoi 15 + otixco 7ioif|asic; itaaaq xaq

your God gives to you. Thus you shall do for all the

7r6Xsic; xac; jiaKpdv ovaaq arco aoi) acp68pa ai odxi

cities [ far away being] from you exceedingly, which are not

arco xcov 7i6A,scov xcov sGvcov xouxcov cov Kopioc;

from the cities of these nations which [the] LORD

o Gsoq aoi) 8(8coai aoi KArjpovojisiv xrjv yrjv ai)xcbv 16+

your God gives to you to inherit their land.

1801) 8s a7io xcov 7i6Xscov xcov sGvcov xouxcov cov o

But behold, from the cities of these nations which the

Kopioc; o Gsoq aoi) 8(8coa( aoi KArjpovo|xqaai

LORD your God gives to you to inherit

xrjv yrjv ai)xcov od ^coypfjasxs 7iav sjurvsov 17 +

their land, you shall not take alive any one breathing.


21 SD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy

aXka avaGsjiaxisixs aDxoDC] tov Xsxxaiov Kai xov

But you shall devote them to consumption ~ the Hittite, and the

Ajioppaiov Kai xov Xavavaiov Kai Osps^aiov Kai

Amorite, and the Canaanite, and Perizzite, and

Euaiov Kai IsPoDaaiov Kai rspysaaiov ov xporcov

Hivite, and Jebusite, and Gergesite; in which manner

svsxsi^axo aoi Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoi) is+ (va |ir|

[ gave charge to you [the] LORD your God]; that they should not

8i8d^coai Djidq 7iois(v rcdvxa xa pSsMyjiaxa ai)xcbv

teach you to do all their abominations,

6aa 87io(r|aav xoic; Gsofc; ai)xcbv Kai ajiapxfjasaBs

as many as they made unto their gods, that you shall sin

svavxiov Kopioi) xod 6sod Djicov 19 + sdv 5s 7rspiKa6(ar|c;

before [the] LORD your God. But if you should besiege

7ispi 7r6Xiv rjjiepac; nXsiovq SK7roA,s|if|aai aDxfjv sic;

around a city [ days many] to wage war [against] it for

KaxdAx|\jnv avTT\q odk s^oAx)9psDasic;

taking it, you shall not utterly destroy

xa 8sv8pa avTT\q s7riPaA,s(v S7i' ai)xd a(8r|pov aXk'

its trees by putting upon them an iron [axe]; but

an qlvtov cpayfj ai)xo 8s odk skko\j/sic; jlit|

of it you shall eat, [ it [down] but you shall not cut]; nor [is]

dv0pco7roc; xo ZpXov xo sv xco 8pD|ico siasAi)s(v arco

a man [ the tree in the grove to enter unto] from

7ipoaco7roD aoi) sic; xov %dpara 20 + aXka xo tpXov o

your presence for the siege mound? But the tree which

87i(axaaai 6x1 od Kap7i6Ppcox6v saxi xodxo

you know that [ not fruit-bearing it is], this

oXoGpstiasic; Kai skko\j/sic; Kai oiKoSojifjasic;

you shall annihilate, and you shall cut it, and shall build

XapdKcoaiv S7U xrjv 7i6Xiv fjxic; 7ioisi npoq as

a siege mound at the city, whichever makes [ against you

xov 7r6A,s|iov scoc; av 7rapa5o6fj

war], until whenever it should be delivered up.


1 + sdv 8s si)ps6f| xpaDjiaxiaq sv xr| yr| r|v Kopioc;

And if [ should be found a slain [person]] in the earth (which [the] LORD

o 0s6c; aoi) 8(8coai aoi KAripovojifjaai 7iS7rx&lt;jQKcbc; sv

your God gives to you to inherit) fallen in

xco 7rs8ico Kai odk o(8aai xov rcaxd^avxa aDxov 2 +

the plain, and they do not know the one striking him;

21 SD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy

s^sXsDasxai r| yspoDaia cjod Kai 01 Kpixai cjod Kai

there shall come forth your council of elders, and your judges, and

£K|i£Tpfjaoi)aiv 87ii xac; itoXziq xacjKDKAxo tod

they shall measure out [the distances] of the cities round about the

xpaD|iaxfc&gt;D 3 + Kai eaxai r| noXiq r\ syyiCpvaa xco

slain [person]; and it shall be to the city near to the

xpaDjiaxia Kai Arjysxai rj yspoDaia

slain [person], that [ shall take the council of elders

xrjc; Tioksodq SKswrjc; 6d[iaXxv sk Pocbv fjxiq odk

of that city] a heifer from [the] oxen, which has not

eipyaaxai Kai fjxiq ov% sihcoas tpyov 4 + Kai

worked, and which did not draw a yoke; and

KaxaPipdaoDaiv r| yspoDaia xrjc; nokscnq SKSivrjq xrjv

[ shall bring the council of elders of that city] the

5d|ia^iv eic; cpdpayya xpa%eiav fjxic; odk eipyaaxai

heifer into [ ravine a rough] which has not been worked,

od8s a7is(p8xai Kai veDpoK07rfjaoDai xrjv 5d|iaAiv sv

nor sowed; and they shall hamstring the heifer in

xtj cpdpayyi 5 + Kai 7ipoasA,8Daovxai oi ispsfc; oi

the ravine, and [ shall come forward the priests the

AsDixai 6xi aDxotic; S7isA,s^s Kopioc; o Bsoq aoD

Levites], for [ chose them [the] LORD your God]

7iap8axr|K8vai aDxcb Kai eD^oysiv em

to stand beside him, and to bless over

xco ovojiaxi aDxoD Kai ski xco axojiaxi aDxcbv soxai

his name, and by their mouth will be

7idaa avxiloyia Kai 7idaa acpfj 6+ Kai 7idoa rj

every dispute and every blow [decided]. And everyone of the

yspoDaia xrjc; noXscnq SKeivrjc; oi syyitpvxec; xco

council of elders of that city, the ones approaching the

xpaDjiaxia vuj/ovxai xac; %sipaq em xrjv KscpaArjv xrjc;

slain [person], shall wash [their] hands over the head of the

8a|idA,ecoc; xrjc; vsvsDpoK07ir||i8vr|(; sv xr| cpdpayyi i +

heifer ~ the one being hamstrung in the ravine.

Kai a7TOKpi6svx£c; spoDaiv ai xeipeq T]|icbv odk e^£%eav

And answering they shall say, Our hands did not pour out

xoaijiaxoDxo Kai oi ocpGaljioi rjjicbv od% scopdKaaiv 8

this blood, and our eyes have not seen it.

ikscoq yevoD xco Axxcb cjod IapafjA, ovq eAmpcbaco sk

Let kindness come [to] your people Israel, whom you ransomed from

yr\q AiyD7ixoD Kopie (va |ir| ysvrjxai aijia

[the] land of Egypt, O LORD, that there should not be [ blood


21 SD

8V TOUT© + vuca

05 - Deuteronomy

avamov sv too Xacb gov IapafjA, Kai s^iA,aa6f|asTai

innocent] to your people Israel. And [ shall be atoned for

(xdtoic; to aijia 9+ gv 5s s^apsfo; to aijia to avamov

to them the blood]. And you shall lift away the [blood innocent]

s^ djicov aDTcbv sdv 7roifjor|T£ to koXov Kai TO

from you of them, if you should do the good and the

apeaTOV svavTi Kopiou tod Gsotj gov 10 + sdv 5s

pleasing [thing] before [the] LORD your God. And whenever

stq£kdr\q sic; 7i6A,s|iov S7ri zovq s%dpovq gov Kai

you should go forth to war with your enemies, and

7iapa5cb auTotic; Kopioc; o Geoc; gov siq zaq %sipaq gov

[ should deliver them up [the] LORD your God] into your hands,

Kai 7rpovo|isi)ar|c; tt|v 7rpovo|ifjv auTcbv 11+ Kai

that you shall despoil them by plunder. And

(5r|c; ev tt| 7rpovo|ifj yuvomca KaAxjv too s(5si

should you behold among the spoils a woman good to the sight,

Kai sv0D|xr|0f|c; avTr\q Kai Xa^q avTT\v asauTcb

and should ponder her, and you should take her to yourself

yDvaiKa 12+ Kai eiad^eiq avTr\v sv5ov sic;

for a wife; then you shall bring her inside into

ttjv oiKiav gov Kai ^opfjasic; ttjv KscpaArjv avTT\q Kai

your house, and you shall shave her head, and

7i£piovD%i£ic; aDTfjv n + Kai mpisksiq Ta ijidTia Tr\q

trim her nails; and you shall remove the garments of

ai%[LokcoGiaq avTr\q an avTr\q Kai KaBisirai ev

her captivity from her, and you shall seat [her] in

ttj oiKia gov Kai KAxroasTai tov 7iaTspa Kai

your house, and she shall weep over her father and

ttjv jirjTspa jirjvoq rjjiepac; Kai jiSTd Tafoa sias^stxyq

mother for a month of days; and after this you shall enter

7rpoq aDTfjv Kai &lt;yovoiKia6fjar| avTr\ Kai scxcai gov

to her, and you shall be living together with her, and she shall be your

jvvr\ 14+ Kai 8&lt;xcai sdv jjt| dzkr\Gr\q avTr\v

wife. And it shall be if you should not want her,

£^a7rooTsA£fc; avTr\v sA,si)6spav Kai 7ipdasi ov

you shall send her free, and for sale you shall not

7ipa0fja£Tai apyupioi) odk aGsTfjasic; avTr\v 5i6ti

sell [her] for silver, you shall not disrespect her, for

£Ta7rsiv&lt;jaaac; avTr\v 15+ sdv 8s ysvcovTai av9pcb7ico dvo

you humbled her. But if there be to a man two

ywaiKsq [da auTcbv r|ya7rr||isvr| Kai |i(a aDTcbv

wives, one of them being loved, and one of them


21 SD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy

|iiaoi)|isvr| Kai xeKooaiv auxco rj r|ya7rr||isvr| Kai

being detested, and they should bear with him, [both] the one being loved and

T| |iiaoi)|i8vr| Kai ysvrjxai vioq 7rp&lt;jox6xoKoc; xrjc;

the one being detested, and [ is born son [the] first-born] of the

|iiaoD|isvr|c; i 6 + Kai eaxai r| av rjjiepa

one being detested, then it shall be in which ever day

KaxaKAx|po8oxf| xoic; vioiq ovtov to D7idp%ovxa auxou

he should divide by lot [to] his sons of his possessions,

01) 8l)Vf|08Tai 7ipCOTOTOK8T3aai TOV DlOV TT\q

he shall not be able to give the right of the first-born to the son of the
rjya7rr||i8vr|c; D7ispi8cbv xov mov xrjc; jiiaoDjievriq xov

one being loved, overlooking the son of the one being detested ~ the

7ipcox6xoKov 17+ oXko xov 7ipcox6xoKov mov xrjc;

first-born. But the first-born son of the

|iiaoi)|isvr|c; S7riyvcbaexai 5oi3vai auxcb 8urA,d ono

one being detested he shall recognize to give to him double from

7idvxcov gov av supeBfj auxcb 6xi omoq eaxiv ap%f|

all which ever should be found by him, for this one is [ beginning


child his], and to this one [ is fitting the rights of the first-born].

sdv 8s tivi r| moq amidr\q Kai epeGiaxfjc; ov%

And if any might [have] a son resisting persuasion, and an irritant, not

imaKoiNjov cpcovfiv nazpoq ovtov Kai (poovfjv

obeying [the] voice of his father, and [the] voice

jirjipoq ovtov Kai 7iai8sT3coaiv ovtov Kai jlit|

of his mother, and they should correct him, and he should not

eiaaKotirj auxcbv 19+ Kai avXkafiovTsq olvtov

listen to them; then [ seizing him

o 7raxf|p ovtov Kai rj |if|xr|p olvtov Kai s^d^oDaiv

his father and his mother] then shall lead

ovtov S7Ti ttjv yepoucriav Tr\q itoXscoq ovtov Kai em

him to the council of elders of his city, and unto

tt|v 7r6Ax|v tod T0710D ovtov 20+ Kai spotiai TOiq

the gate of his place. And they shall say to the

avSpdai xrjc; noXscnq auxcbv o vioq r\[i(bv omoq

men of their city, Our son, this one

a7i8i0si Kai epeGi^ei ov% mraKousi xrjc; (poovfjc; r\[i(bv

resists persuasion, and he aggravates, not obeying our voice;

aD|iPoAx)K07rcbv oivocpluysi 21+ Kai Ai0oPoArjaoi)aiv

he is fond of carousing drunk with wine. And [ shall stone

ovtov 01 dvSpec; Tr\q itoXswq ovtov ev XiQoiq koi

him the men of his city] with stones, and


22 3D

8V TOT/CCp + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy

a7io0avs(xai Kai s^apsig xov 7iovr|p6v s£, djicdv

he shall die; and [thus] you shall lift away the wicked from you

aDTcbv Kai iiaq IapafjX aKouaavxsc; cpopr|0f|aovxai 22 +

of them; and all Israel hearing, they shall be fearful.

sdv 8s ysvrjxai sv xivi ajiapxia Kpijia 0avdxoi)

And if there be [ in any sin] [with the] judgment of death [upon him],

Kai a7io0dvr| Kai Kpsjidarjxs ai)xov S7ri ^vXov 23 +

and he should die, and you should hang him upon a tree,

odk £7iiKoi|ir|6f|aexai xo acbjia avzov S7ri xou tpkov

[ shall not rest his body] upon the tree,

aXXd xacpfj 0d\j/sxs ai)xov sv xr| r||ispa sks(vt| 6x1

but by burial you shall entomb him on that day, for

KSKaxrjpajievoc; imo 0sot3 naq Kpejidjievoc; S7U

being cursed by God [is] every one hanging upon

ZpXov Kai od |ir| jiiavsixs xrjv yrjv r|v Kopioc;

a tree; and in no way shall you defile the land which [the] LORD

0 0s6c; aoi) didcoai aoi sv KAxjpovojjia

your God gives to you by lot.

22 M

1 + |iT| i5cbv xov |ioo%ov xod a8sAxpoi) aoi) r|

In beholding the calf of your brother or

xo 7ip6paxov avTOV 7iA,avcb|isva sv xr| o8cb vmpidr\q

of his sheep wandering in the way, do not overlook

ai)xd a7ioaxpo(pfj a7ioaxps\j/sic; ai)xd xco aSsAxpcb aoi)

them; by returning you shall return them [to] your brother,

Kai a7io5cbasic; ai)xd ai)xcb 2 + sdv 8s |ir| syyi^rj

and you shall give them back to him. And if [ [is] not near

o aSeAxpoc; aoi) npoq as |ir|8s S7riaxr| ai)xov awd^sic;

your brother] to you, nor do you know him, you shall bring

ai)xd sv8ov sic; xrjv oiKiav aoi) Kai saxai jisxd aoi)

them inside into your house; and it shall be with you

scoq av ^rjxfjarj ai)xd o aSsXcpoq aoi) Kai

until whenever [ should seek them your brother], and

a7io8cbasic; ai)xd ai)xcb 3 + otixoo 7ioif|asic; xov ovov avzov

you shall give them back to him. So shall you do for his donkey,

Kai ot3xcd 7ioif|asic; xo ijidxiov ai)xoi3 Kai ouxoo

and so you shall do for his garment, and so

Ttovf\G£iq Kaxd 7idaav a7icbA,siav xod a8sAxpoi3 aoi)

you shall do according to all loss of your brother;

6aa av a7roAxjxai 7iap' ai)xoi3 Kai SDprjq ai)xd

as much as should perish of his, and you should find them,


22 3D

8V TOUT© + VlKa
05 - Deuteronomy

od 5i)vf|ar| D7iepi8eiv 4+ odk 6\j/r| xov ovov

you shall not be able to overlook. You shall not see the donkey

tod aSeAxpoD ctod r| xov |ioa%ov aDxoD 7iS7rxcoK6xa sv

of your brother, or his calf fallen in

tt] o5co |ir| D7isp(5r|c; aDxd aviaxcbv avaaxfjoeic;

the way, and not overlook them; by raising you shall raise [them] up

(isx' olvtov 5+ odk eaxai oksdtj avdpoq S7il yDvaud

for him. [ shall not be [The] items of a man] upon a woman,

od5s |ir| sv5Dar|xai avfjp axoArjv yDvaiKeiav 6xi

nor [should] [ put on a man apparel feminine], for

P5eA,Dy|ia KDpico xco 0scb aoD saxi itaq 7ioicbv

[ an abomination [to the] LORD your God is every one doing

xaDxa 6+s&amp;v8e aDvavxfjarjc; voaaid opvscov 7ipo

these [things]]. And if you should meet with a nest of birds before

7ipoacb7ioD aoD sv xr| o8cb r| S7il 7iavx( SevSpco r| sm

your face in the way, or upon any tree, or upon

Tr\q yr\q veoaaofc; r| cook; Kai r| |if|xr|p 0dA,7ir|

the ground — young [chicks] or eggs, and the mother should be incubating

87i( xcov vsoaacbv r| S7ri xcov cocbv od Xr\\\fr\ xrjv

upon the young, or upon the eggs, you shall not take the

jirjxspa (isxd xcov xskvcov i+ cmoaxoATj aTioaxe^eiq

mother with the offspring. By discharge you shall send off

xrjv jirjxspa xa 5s 7iai5(a Xf|\j/r| aeaDxcb (va 8D

the mother, but the offspring you shall take to yourself; that [ good

aoi ysvrjxai Kai TroXDfiiispoq sarj 8+sdv5s

for you it should be], and [ of many days you shall be]. And if

oiKo5o|ifjar|c; oiKiav Kaivfjv Kai 7roifjasic; axscpdvrjv

you should build [house anew], then you shall make a rim

xco 8cb|iax( aoD Kai od 7ioif|aeic; cpovov sv

for your roof, and you will not cause carnage in

xt| oiKia (tod sdv 7T8&lt;xr| o 7isacbv an aDxoD 9 + od

your house if should fall one falling from it. You shall not

Kaxaa7i£p£ic; xov a|i7rsAxbvd aoD Sidcpopov (va [ir\

scatter abroad your vineyard diverse [seed], that [ should not

ayiaaGfj xo yevrjiia Kai xo a7isp(ia o av o7T£ipr|c;

be sanctified the produce], and the seed which ever you should sow

(isxd xod yevfjjiaxoc; xod a|i7isXcov6(; aoD io+ odk

with the produce of your vineyard. You shall not

apoxpidasiq sv jioaxco Kai ovco S7i( xo aDxo n +

plow with a calf and donkey upon the same [yoke].

odk svSDarj K(p8r|Xov spia Kai Aivov 87i( xco

You shall not put on commingled wool and flax upon the


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05 - Deuteronomy

ai)io 12+ aTps7rca Troirjaeic; aeaDxco S7ii xcov

same [garment]. A twisted [fringe] you shall make for yourself upon the

xeaadpcov Kpaa7T£8cov xcov 7iepiPoAmcov gov a av

four decorative hems of your wrap-around garments, which ever

7ispiP&amp;Ax| sv auxoiq i3+sdv88 xic; Xdprj

you should put around yourself by them. And if any should take

ywaiKa Kai &lt;xovoiKf|ar| avTr\ Kai iiiafjarj auxf|v u+

a wife, and should live with her, and should detest her,

Kai 87ii0fj aDxfj 7rpo(paaiaxiKoi3(; Xoyovq Kai

and should place upon her [ offered as an excuse words], and

KaxsvsyKrj avTT\q ovojia 7iovr|p6v Kai Aiyrj

should bring upon her [name a bad], and should say,

xrjvyDvaiKa xai3xr|v s(Ar|cpa Kai 7rpoo£X6cbv auxfj ov%

[woman this I took], and drawing near to her, I did not

stiprjKa m)TT\q 7rap6svia i 5 + Kai Xaficbv o 7iaxf|p xrjc;

find her tokens of virginity. And taking, the father of the

naidoq Kai rj |xqxr|p s^oiaoDai xa 7iap6svia xrjc;

child and the mother, they shall bring forth the tokens of the virginity of the

7iai56c; itpoq xrjv yspouaiav S7ri xrjv 7r6Ax|v i6+ Kai

child to the council of elders at the gate. And

spsi o 7iaxfjp xrjc; 7iai86c; xr| yepoDaia xrjv Buyaxepa

[ shall say the father of the child] to the council of elders, [ daughter

jiou xatixrjv 5e5coKa xco av6pcb7ico xcyoxco ywaiKa Kai

of mine This] I gave to this man as wife, and

jiiafjaaq auxfjv n+ avzoq vvv S7rix(6r|aiv auxfj

he is detesting her. He now places upon her

7ipo(paaiaxiKoi)c; Xoyovq Aiycov ov% euprjKa

[ offered as an excuse words], saying, I did not find

xt[ Guyaxpi aou 7iap0evsia Kai xatixa xa 7iap9svsia

[ of your daughter tokens of virginity]; and these are the tokens of virginity

Tr\q Buyaxpoc; jiod Kai ava7ixi3^0Dai xo ijidxiov

of my daughter. And they shall unfold the garment [worn by her]

svavxiov Tr\q yepoDaiac; Tr\q noXscoq ig+ Kai Ar|\j/exai

before the council of elders of the city. And [ shall take

T| yspoDcria Tr\q noXscoq eKsivrjc; xov dv6pco7rov sksivov

the council of elders of that city] that man,

Kai 7rai5ei)aoDaiv ai)xov i 9 + Kai ^r||iicbaoDoiv ai)xov

and they shall correct him, and shall penalize him

8Kax6v aiK^ODq Kai Scboouai xco 7iaxp( xrjc; vmvidoq

a hundred shekels, and shall give them to the father of the young woman,

oxi s^fjvsyKsv ovojia 7iovr|p6v S7ri

because he brought [ name a bad] upon


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05 - Deuteronomy

7iap0svov IaparjAixiv Kai avzov eaxai yovfj od

an Israelite virgin, and she shall be his wife; he shall not

Swqaexai £^a7cooxe(Am auxfjv xov d7cavxa %povov 20 +

be able to send her away at any time.

sdv 8s 87i ' aAxjGeiac; ysvnxai o Xoyoq omoq Kai |ir|

But if in truth [ be this word], and [ should not

supeGfj 7cap0evia xr| vsdvi8i 21+ Kai e^d^ouai xrjv

be found tokens of virginity] to the young woman; then they shall lead the

vedviv 87i( zaq dvpaq xod oikod xod nazpoq avTT\q

young woman unto the doors [house of her father's],

Kai AiGoPoArjaoDaiv auxfjv Xidoiq 01 dv8pec;

and [ shall stone her with stones the men

xrjc; itoXzcnq avTT\q Kai a7to0ave(xai 6x1 87co(r|asv

of her city], and she shall die; for she did

acppoawrjv sv vioiq IapafjX 8K7i;opvsDaai xov oikov

folly among [the] sons of Israel, to fornicate the house

xod 7caxp6c; avTr\q Kai e^apeic; xov 7covr|p6v

of her father. And you shall lift away the wicked from

djicov ai)xcbv 22+ sdv 8s £Dpe0f| dv0pco7i;oc;

yourselves of them. And if [ should be found a man]

Koi|icb|ievoc; jisxd yDvaiKoc; aDvoaKiajievrjc; av8p(

going to bed with a wife living with a husband,

a7C0Kxsvs(x8 ajicpoxspoDc; xov dv8pa xov koijicd|isvov

you shall kill both, the man going to bed

jisxd xrjc; yovaiKoc; Kai xrjv yDvauca Kai e^apek;

with the wife, and the wife; and you shall lift away

xov 7covr|p6v e£, IapafjA, 23+8dv8e yevnxai naiq

the wickedness from Israel. And if there be [ child

7tap0svoc; |is|ivr|axsD|i8vr| av8pi Kai SDpcbv aDxfjv

a virgin] being espoused to a man, and [ finding her

dv9pco7co(; sv 7c6Xsi Koi|ir|0r| jisx' avTT\q 24+

a man] in [the] city should have gone to bed with her;

e^d^exe ajicpoxspoDc; £7U xrjv 7cdAx|v

you shall lead out both unto the gate

Tr\q noXscoq aDxcbv Kai Ai0oPoAx|0f|oovxai sv XiQoiq

of their city, and they shall be stoned with stones,

Kai a7co0avoDvxai xrjv vsdviv 6x1 odk eporjaev sv

and they shall die; the young woman, for she did not yell out in

xtj 7c6A,si Kai xov dv0pco7cov 6x1 sxa7csivooas xttv

the city; and the man, for he humbled the

yDvaiKa xod 7cAx|a(ov aDxoD Kai s^apsiq xov

wife of his neighbor; and you shall lift away the


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05 - Deuteronomy

7iovr|p6v e£, djicov aDxcbv 25+ sdv 88 8V 7is8(co SDprj

evil from yourselves of them. But if in a plain [ should find

dv0pcG7ioc; xrjv 7ia(5a xrjv |is|ivr|OTSD|isvr|v Kai

a man] a girl, being espoused; and

Piaadjisvoc; Koi|ir|6fj |iex' aDxfjc; aftOKxevsixs xov

using force should go to bed with her, you shall kill the

dv0pco7rov xov Koi|icb|i£vov |ist' avTT\q jiovov 26 +

man, the one going to bed with her only;

tt] 8s vedviSi od 7ioif|aexs od8sv odk sail xrj

for the young woman shall not do anything, there is no [ to the

vedviSi a|idpxr||ia 0avdxoD 6xi coc; sixic; S7iavaaxf|

young woman sin [worthy of] death]. For as if any [ should rise up

dv0pco7roc; £7U xov 7iAx|aiov aDxoD Kai tpoveDorj aDxoD

man] against his neighbor, and should do murder [taking] his

\jA)%f|v odxcoc; to 7ipdy |ia xodxo 27 + 6x1 ev xco ay pcb

life, thus this thing, for in the field

etipev aoxfjv eporjaev r| vedviq r| |is|ivr|ax8D|i8vr| Kai

he found her; [ yelled the young woman being espoused], and

odk Tjv o PorjGfjacDV aDxfj 28 + sdv 8s Tiq SDprj xrjv

was there no one helping her. And if any should find the

7ia(8a xrjv 7iap0evov fjxiq od jisjivfjaxeDxai Kai

[ child virgin], whoever was not espoused, and

Piaadjisvoq aDxfjv Koi|ir|6fj jisx' aDxfjc; Kai SDpsGfj

using force on her, he went to bed with her, and he should be found,

29+ 8cbasi o dv0pco7ioc; o KoijirjGefc; jisx' avTT\q xco

[ shall give the man going to bed with her] to the

7iaxp( xrjc; vsdviSoc; 7isvxfjKovxa 8(8pax|ia apyDpioD

father of the young woman fifty double-drachmas of silver,

Kai aDxoD eaxai yovfj av0 ' cov £xa7is(vcoaev aDxfjv

and she will be his wife, because he humbled her;

od 8Dvf|asxai e^a7roaxe(Am aDxfjv xov drcavxa XP 0V0V

he will not be able to send her away at any time.

30+ od Arj\j/sxai dv9pco7roc; xrjv yDvaiKa

[ shall not take A man] the wife

xod nazpoq aDxoD Kai odk avaKaA,D\j/si aDyKdA,D(i(ia

of his father, and shall not uncover [the] marriage veil

xod rcaxpoc; aDxoD

of his father.


23 30


05 - Deuteronomy

23 »

i + odk sias^stiasxai dXadiaq od8s a7ioKSKO|i|isvoc;

[ shall not enter One with crushed testicles] (nor being cut off)

sic; xrjv SKKArjcriav KDpioD 2 + odk siasXstiasxai sk

into the assembly of [the] LORD. [ shall not enter [One born] of

7i6pvr|c; sic; sKKAxjoiav KDpioD scoc; SsKdxrjc; ysvsdc; 3 +

a harlot] into [the] assembly of [the] LORD unto [the] tenth generation.

odk siasXsDasxai A|i|iav(xr|c; Kai McoaPixrjc; sic;

[ shall not enter [The] Ammonite and Moabite] into

SKKAxjcriav KDpioD Kai scoc; 8sKdxr|c; ysvsdc; odk

[the] assembly of [the] LORD; even unto [the] tenth generation he shall not

siaslsDasxai sic; xrjv sKKAxjaiav KDpioD Kai scoc; sic;

enter into the assembly of [the] LORD, even unto into

xov aicbva 4 + 7iapd xo |ir| aDvavxfjaai aDxotic; D|i(v

the eon, for reason [ not meeting with of their] you

jisxd dpxcov Kai DSaxoc; sv xrj o5cb

with bread loaves and water in the way,


of your going forth from Egypt; and that

s|iia9cbaavxo S7i( as xov BaAxxdji diov Bscbp sk

they hired against you Balaam son of Beor from out of

xrjc; Msao7roxa|jiac; KaxapdoBai as 5+ Kai odk

Mesopotamia to curse you. And [ did not

rjBsArjas Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoD siaaKODoai xod BaAxxdji

want [the] LORD your God] to listen to Balaam;

Kai |isxsaxps\j/s Kopioc; o Geoc; ood xac; Kaxdpac; sic;

and [ converted [the] LORD your God] the curses into

SD^oyiaq 6x1 rjyd7ir|as as Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoD 6 + od

a blessing, for [loved you [the] LORD your God]. You shall not

ftpoaayopsDaeic; siprjviKd aDxoic; Kai aDjicpspovxa

address peaceable to them, [nor] be advantageous

aDxoiq 7idaac; xac; r||ispac; aoD sic; xov aicbva 7 + od

to them all your days into the eon. You shall not
pSsA,D^r| ISodjjxxiov 6x1 aSsAxpoc; aoD saxiv od

abhor anEdomite, for [your brother he is]. You shall not

p5sA,D^r| AiyD7ixiov 6x1 7idpoiKoc; sysvoD sv

abhor an Egyptian, for [ a sojourner you were] in

xtj yr| aDxoD 8 + dioi sdv yswrjGcbaiv aDxoic; ysvsd

his land. [ sons If they shall bear] to themselves [ generation

xpixrj siasXsDaovxai sic; SKKAxjaiav KDpioD 9+ sdv 5s

in [the] third], they shall enter into [the] assembly of [the] LORD. And if


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05 - Deuteronomy

s^sXGrjc; 7iape|iPaA,£iv S7ri zovq z%dpovq aov Kai

you should go forth to camp against your enemies, then

(fyuX&amp;^rj arco rcavTOc; 7iovr|poD pfjiiaioq io+ sdv r|

you shall guard from every evil thing. If there might be

sv aoi dv0pco7ro(; oq odk sail KaGapoc; 8K

among you a man who is not clean because of

pDasooc; avzov vdktoc; Kai s^sXstiasTai s^oo Tr\q

his flow by night, then he shall go forth outside the

7rape|iPoAx|c; Kai odk sias^stiasTai sic; tt|v

camp, and he shall not enter into the

7rape|iPoAx|v n+ Kai saxai to npoq sarcspav AxroasTai

camp. And it will be towards evening he shall bathe

to acbjia aDTOD i38aTi Kai 5s5dk6toc; r(kiov

his body in water; and [at the] going down of [the] sun,

siasXstiasTai siq ttjv 7iaps|iPoAx|v n+ Kai xonoq saTai

he shall enter into the camp. And a place will be

aoi 8^co Trig 7raps|iPoArjc; Kai s^sA,SDar| sksi s^cd 13 +

for you outside the camp, and you shall go forth there outside,

Kai naaaakoq scxuai aoi sm Tr\q Cfbvr[q aov Kai saTai

and a trowel will be upon your belt, and it will be

OTav 8iaKa0i^dvr|c; s^cd Kai oprj^siq sv arjTcb Kai

whenever you should sit separately outside, that you shall dig with it, and

S7rayaycbv KaXinj/sic; tt\v aa%r\[Loavvr\v aov sv airccb u+

bringing it you shall cover your indecency by it.

6ti Kopioc; o Gsoc; aov s|i7rspuraTs( ev

For [the] LORD your God walks about in

tt| 7iaps|iPoXfi aoD s^sAiaBai as Kai 7iapa5oDvai

your camp to rescue you, and to deliver up

tov s^Gpov aov 7ipo 7ipoacb7rorj aov Kai saTai

your enemy before your face; and [ shall be

T| 7rape|iPoAx| aov ayia Kai odk ocpGfjasTai sv aoi

your camp] holy, and there shall not be seen among you

aa%r||ioaDvr| 7ipdy|iaTOc; Kai a7ioaTps\j/si ano aoD 15 +

[of indecency a thing], that he shall turn away from you.

od 7iapa5cbasic; 7rai8a tco Kopioo aDTOD oq

You shall not deliver up a servant [to] his master, who

7ipoaT808iTa( aoi 7iapd tod KopioD aDTOD 16 + jiSTd aoD

was added to you by his master; [ with you

KaTOiKTjasi sv djiiv sv 7iavTi t67tco od av apsarj

he shall dwell], among you, in every place of which ever it should please

aDTcb od 6Ai\j/sic; aDTOV n+ odk saTai 7i6pvr|

him. You shall not afflict him. There shall not be a harlot

23 30


05 - Deuteronomy

a7io 0DyaTspcov IapafjA, Kai odk saxai 7iopvsDcov

from [the] daughters of Israel, and there shall not be one whoring

and dicov IcpafjX i 8 + od 7rpooo(osic; jjiaGcojia

from [the] sons of Israel. You shall not bring [the] hire

7i6pvr|c; od5s dAlayjia kdvoc; siq tov oikov KopioD

of a harlot, nor [the] price of a dog, into the house of [the] LORD

tod Gsod aoi) 7rpoc; 7idaav eu%f|v oil p5sA,Dy|ia

your God for any vow. For [ an abomination

KDpiCO TOD 0SCO CTOD Sail KCU ajltpOTSpa 19 + ODK

[to the] LORD your God are even both]. You shall not

SKioKisiq too aSsAxpcb aoi) tokov apyopioD Kai tokov

lend [to] your brother with interest of silver, and interest

PpcojidTCOv Kai tokov 7ravT6c; 7ipdy|iaTOc; od av

of foods, and interest of any thing of which ever

£K5av£iar|c; 2 o + too aAloTpico sktokisic; tco 5s

you should lend. To the alien you may lend with interest, but to

a5sAxpcb aoi) odk sktokisic; (va SDA,oyf|or| as

your brother you shall not lend with interest; that [ should bless you

KDpioq o Gsoc; aoD sv 7idai TOiq spyoic; aoD S7U Tr\q

[the] LORD your God] in all your works upon the

yr\q sic; r|v sia7iopsDr| sksi KAr|povo|xf|aai aDTfjv 21 +

land into which you enter there to inherit it.


And if you shall vow a vow [to the] LORD your God, you shall not


pass time to give it; for requiring, [ shall require it

KDpioq o 6s6c; aoD 7iapd aoD Kai scrcai sv aoi

[the] LORD your God] from you; and it will be [ to you

ajiapTia 2 2+sdv5s |ir| GsAxjc; sD^aaGai odk sctti

sin]. But if you should not want to make a vow, it is not

aoi ajiapTia 23 + Ta SK7iopsDO|isva 5id

a sin to you. The [things] going forth through

tcov %siA,scov aoD (pD^d^rj Kai 7ioif|asic; ov Tporcov

your lips you shall guard, and you shall do in which manner

TjD^CO KDpiCO TCO Gscb aoD 86|ia o

you made a vow [to the] LORD your God [in the matter of] a gift which

sldAxjaac; tco aTOjiaTi aoD 2 4+sdv5s siasXGrjc; sic; tov

[spoke your mouth]. And if you enter into the

a|i7isXcbva tod 7iAx|a(ov ood cpayfj aTacpDAxjv oaov

vineyard of your neighbor, you may eat [grape as much

\\fv%r\v aoD s|i7iAr|a9f|vai sic; 5s dyyoc; odk sjipd^sk; 25 +

your soul [as] to fill up], [into but a container you shall not put [them]].


24 73


05 - Deuteronomy
sdv 5s siasABrjc; sic; ajirjiov tod 7ihr\aiov cjod Kai

And if you should enter into [the] harvest [field] of your neighbor, then

avXks^Eiq sv Tmq %spa( gov GTa%vq Kai Spsrcavov

you may collect together [in your hands corn]; but [the] sickle

od |ir| £7uP&amp;Ar|c; S7ri tov ajirjiov tod 7iAxja(ov ood

in no way shall be put upon the harvest of your neighbor.

24 73

i + sdv 8s tic; Xafir\ yDvauca Kai aDvoiKfjarj aDTfj Kai

And if any take a woman and should live with her, and

scrcai sdv (irj stiprj %dpiv svavriov aDTOD 6ti

it shall be if she should not find favor before him, for

SDprjKsv sv aDTfj da%rj|iov 7ipdy|ia Kai ypd\j/si aDTfj

he finds in her an indecent thing, then he shall write to her

PiPAiov a7ioaTaa(oD Kai 8cbasi sic; Tag yzipaq aDTfj c;

[ scroll a certificate of divorce], and he shall put it into her hands,

Kai s^a7ioaTsA,s( aDTfjv sk Tr\q ovdaq aDTOD 2 + Kai

and he shall send her from out of his house. And

a7isA,6oDaa ysvrjTai av8pi STspco 3+ Kai (iiofjarj

going forth, should she become [ man's [wife] another], and [ should detest

aDTTjv o avfjp o sa%aTOc; Kai ypd\j/rj aDTfj PipAiov

her husband the last], and should write to her [ scroll

a7ioaTaa(oD Kai 5cbar| aDTfj sic; Tac; %sipac; aDTfj q Kai

certificate of divorce], and he should put it into her hands, and

s^a7i6aTsXsi aDTfjv sk ttjc; ovdaq aDTOD rj a7io9dvrj

send her from out of his house; or [ should die

o avfjp aDTfjc; o sa%aTOc; oq slapsv aDTfjv saDTcb

husband her last] who took her to himself

yDvaiKa 4 + od 5DvfjasTai o avfjp o rcpoTspoc;

as wife; [ shall not be able husband the former

o s^a7rooTs(Xac; aDTfjv S7rava&lt;xcps\j/ac; XaPsiv aDTfjv

sending her out] to return to take her

saDTcb yDvaiKa jiSTd to jiiavGfjvai aDTfjv 6ti

to himself for a wife after her being defiled; for

P8sA,Dy|id sotiv svavTi KopioD tod 0sod aoD Kai

it is an abomination before [the] LORD your God, and

od (iiavsiTS TTjv yrjv rjv Kopioc; o Gsoc; djicov

you shall not defile the land which [the] LORD your God

8(5coaiv djiiv sv K^fjpco 5+ sdv 8s tic; Xdprj yDvauca

gives to you by lot. And if any should take a wife

7ipoa(pdTCDc; odk s^s^sDasTai sic; 7i6A,s|iov Kai odk

recently, he shall not go forth to war, and not


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05 - Deuteronomy

S7iipAx|6f|asxai ai)xcb od8sv 7ipdy|ia adcboq saxai sv

[ shall be put upon him one thing] ~ he shall be innocent in

tt| oiKia avzov sviaoxov sva sucppavsi

his house, [ year for one] he shall make glad

xrjv yDvaiKa avzov rjv ZXafizv 6 + odk svs%i)pdasic;

his wife whom he took. You shall not take for security

[ivXov od8s £7ii|x6Aiov 6xi \\fv%r\v ovzoq svs%i)pd££i ?

a millstone nor an upper millstone, for [ a life this one takes] for security.

sdv 8s akch dv6pcG7roc; kA,S7ttcov \\fv%r\v sk

And if you should capture a man stealing [the] life of

xcov aSsAxpcbv avzov xcov mcbv IapafjA, Kai

his brethren of the sons of Israel, and

Kaxa8uvaaxsi3aac; aoxov a7io8cbxai a7io6avs(xai

tyrannizing him to sell [him]; [ shall die

o Kks7iTr\q SKsivoq Kai s^apsfc; xov 7iovr|p6v S^

thief that]; and you shall lift away the evil from

djicov auxcbv 8+ 7ip6a£%£ asauxcb sv tt] acpfj

yourselves of them. Take heed to yourself in the infection

Tr\q Xsnpaq cpuXd^rj acp68pa 7ioisiv Kaxd 7idvxa xov

of leprosy! You shall guard exceedingly to do according to all the

vojiov ov av avayysilcoaiv v[dv oi ispsfo; oi

law which ever [ should announce to you the priests the

Asmxai ov xpo7iov svsxsiM|ir|v djiiv cpuXd^aaGs

Levites], in which manner I gave charge to you to guard

7T018W 9+ |ivf|a9r|xi 6aa S7iovr|as Kopioc; o Gsoc; gov

to do. Remember as much as [ did [the] LORD your God]

xtj Mapidji ev xr| o8cb SK7iopsi)0|isvcov djicov s^

to Miriam! in the way of your going forth from

Aiyij7ixoD io+sdv8s ocpsiAr||ia r| ev

Egypt. And if a debt might be [owed] by

xco 7rAx|a(ov oou ocps(Ax||ia oxioijv odk siaslsuari

your neighbor, [any] debt whatsoever, you shall not enter

sic; xrjv oiKiav avzov svsxDpdaai xo svsxupov avzov n +

into his house to take for security of his item for security.

s^co axfjarj Kai o dv6pco7roc; od xo Sdveiov aoi)

[outside You shall stand], and the man of whom your debt

saxiv sv cxdxco s^oiasi aoi xo svs%t&gt;pov s^co n +

is in, he shall bring forth to you the item of security outside.

sdv 8s o dv0p&lt;jO7roc; 7isvr|xai ov Koi|ir|6f|ar| sv

But if the man should be in need, you shall not go to bed with

xco svs%i3pco auxoij n + a7io86asi a7io8cbasic; auxcb

his item of security. By restitution you shall give back to him


24 73


05 - Deuteronomy

to svsxupov qlvtov npoq 5Dajidc; r(kiov Kai

his item of security towards [the] descent of [the] sun, and

Koi|ir|6fja£Tai sv too ijiaxico avzov Kai eD^oyfjaei as

he shall go to bed in his garment, and he will bless you;

Kai saxai aoi e^sruioawrj svavxiov KopioD

and it will be to you charily before [the] LORD

tod Gsod aoD 14 + odk a7ioaTspf|asic; jiiaGov 7revr|TOc;

your God. You shall not disregard [the] wage of [the] needy

Kai ev5eoDc; sk tcov a5sAxpcov aoi) r| sk tcov

and one lacking from your brethren, or of the

GOD 15 + aD0f||ispov

foreigners, of the ones in your cities. Daily

a7ro5cbasic; tov |iia06v aDTOD odk 87ii5DasTai o r\Xxoq

you shall give [him] his wage, [ shall not set the sun]

S7i ' aDTcb 6ti itzvr\q saTi Kai sv aDTcb s%si

upon him, for he is needy, and in it he has

ttjv sAm8a Kai od KaTaPofjasTai KaTa ood npoq

hope; and he shall not yell out against you to

KDpioq Kai scrcai ev aoi ajiapTia i 6 + odk

[the] LORD, and [thus] it will be to you a sin. [ shall not

a7io6avoDVTai 7taTsp£c; D7isp tskvcov Kai oi dioi odk

die Fathers] for [the] children, and the sons shall not

a7T09aV0DVTai D7C8p 7iaT8pcov SKaaToq 8V ttj SaDTOD

die for [the] fathers; each for his own

ajiapTia a7io6avsiTai n+ odk sKKXivsiq Kpiaiv

sin shall die. You shall not turn aside a judgment

7ipoar|XDTOD Kai opcpavoD Kai %T\paq Kai odk

of a foreigner, and an orphan, and a widow; and you shall not

svsxDpdaeiq ijioctiov %T\paq ig+ Kai |ivr|a6f|ar| 6ti

take for security a garment of a widow. And you shall remember that

oiKSTTjq rjaGa ev yrj AiyD7iTC0 Kai sA^DTpcoaaTO as

you were a servant in [the] land of Egypt, and [ransomed you

KDpioq o Bsoq aoD SK8i6sv 5id todto sycb

[the] LORD your God] from there. On account of this I

aoi 8VTsAAx)|iai 7ioi8iv to pfjjia todto i9+8dv5e

give charge to you to do this thing. And if

ajifjariq tov ajxrjTOV aoD sv tco aypcb aoD Kai

you should reap your harvest in your field, and

S7iiXd0r| 5pdyjia ev tco aypcb aoD odk

you should forget a sheaf in your field, you shall not

£7iavaaTpa(pfjar| Xafiziv avzo tco 7iTCOxcb Kai tco

turn back to take it; [for] to the poor, and to the

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05 - Deuteronomy

7ipoar|AmcD Kai xco opcpavcb Kai xr| %r\pa saxai (va

foreigner, and to the orphan, and to the widow it will be; that

svXoyr\ar\ as rcopioc; o Gsoc; aoi) sv rcavxi spyco

[ should bless you [the] LORD your God] in every work

tcov %sipcbv aoi) 2o+sdv5s skaioXoyr\ar\q odk

of your hands. And if one should pick olives, you shall not

S7iavaaxps\j/sic; KaXajifjaaaGai xa O7uaco aoi) xco

turn back to glean after you; [ to the

7ipoar|Amco Kai xco opcpavcb Kai xr| yj\pa saxai 21 +

foreigner and to the orphan and to the widow it shall be].

sdv 8s TpDyfjarjc; xov aji7rsAxbvd aoi) odk

And whenever you should gather the vintage of your vineyard, you shall not

S7ravaxpi)yf|asic; xa O7uaco aoi) xco 7tpoar|Amco

glean the [things] after you; [ for the foreigner

Kai xco opcpavcb Kai xrj %fjpa saxai 22+ Kai |ivr|a0fjar|

and the orphan and the widow it will be]. And you shall remember

6x1 oiKsxrjc; fjaGa ev yq Aiyimxco 81a xodxo

that you were a servant in [the] land of Egypt. On account of this

sycb aoi svxsAlojiai 7iois(v xo pfj|ia xodxo

I give charge to you to do this thing.

25 ns

1 + av 5s ysvrjxai avxi^oyia avajisaov av6pcb7icov Kai

And if there be a dispute between men, and

7rpoasA,6coaiv sic; Kpiaiv Kai Kpivcoai Kai

they should come forward for judgment, and they should judge, and

8iKaicbacoai xov 5iKaiov Kai Kaxayvcbai xod aaspouc;

should do justice for the just, and should condemn the impious;

2+ Kai saxai edv d^ioq r| 7iAx|ycbv o aaspcbv

then it will be if [ worthy might be of strokes the one being impious],

KaGisk; auxov svavxi xcov Kpixcbv Kai |iaaxiycbaoi)aiv

they shall sit him before the judges, and they shall whip

ai)xov svavxiov auxcbv Kaxd xrjv aaspsiav aDxou 3 +

him before them according to his impiety.

apiGjicb xsaaapdKovxa |iaaxiycbaoi)aiv auxov

[in number forty [stripes] They shall whip him],

od 7rpoa9fjaoi)aiv sdv 8s 7ipoa6cbai jiaaxiycbaai auxov

they shall not add more; but if he should add to whip him

D7isp xatixac; xac; 7iAx|ydc; nkziox)^ aa%r||iovfjasi

above these, by the strokes [being] more you shall be disgraced

o a5sAxpoc; aoi) svavxiov aoi) 4 + od cpijicoasic; pouv

of your brother before you. You shall not muzzle an ox


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05 - Deuteronomy

aXocbvxa 5 + s&amp;v 5s KaxoiKcbaiv a8sAxpoi S7it to aDxo

threshing. And if [ should dwell brethren] in the same place,

Kai a7io0dvr| sic; s^ aDxcbv a7isp|ia 5s \n\ r|

and [ should die one of them], [seed and there might not be]

aDTcb odk saxai r| yuvf) tod xs0vt|k6xoc; s^co

to him, [ shall not be the wife of the one having died] outside

av5p( |ir| syyi^ovxi o aSslcpoq

[the] husband's [family] not near. The brother

tod avSpoq avTT\q siasXsDasxai npoq aDxfjv Kai

of her husband shall enter to her, and

Axj\j/sxai aDxfjv sauxcb yDvafxa Kai aDvoiKfjasi auxfj

he shall take her to himself as wife, and he shall live with her.

6+ Kai saxai xo 7iai5(ov o av xs%0fj

And it will be, [that] the male child, who ever she should give birth to,

KaxaaxaGfjasxai sk xod ovojiaxoc; xod xsxsA,sdxt|k6xoc;

shall be ordained from the name of the one coming to an end,

Kai odk s^a^supGrjasxai xo ovojia aDxoD s^

and [ shall not be wiped away his name] from out of

IapafjX 7+sdv5s |ir| PoDArjxai o av0pcD7roc; Xafiziv

Israel. But if [ does not want the man] to take

xrjv yuvaiKa xod a8sAxpoD aDxoD Kai avapfjasxai r|

the wife of his brother; then [ shall ascend the

yuvfj S7ri xrjv 7r6Ar|v S7ri xrjv yspoDcriav Kai spsi

woman] unto the gate to the council of elders, and shall say,

od 0sA,si o aSsAxpoc; xod avSpoc; jiod avaaxfjaai xo

[ does not want The brother of my husband] to raise up the

ovojia xod aSsAxpoD aDxoD sv IapafjA, odk r|0sAr|asv

name of his brother in Israel — [ does not want to

o aSsAxpoc; xod av5p6q jiod g + Kai KaXsaoDaiv aDxov

the brother of my husband]. And [ shall call him

T| yspoDcria xrjc; noXscoq sks(vt|c; Kai spODaiv aDxcb Kai

the council of elders of that city], and they shall speak to him. And

axac; si7ir| od PoD^ojiai AxxPsiv aDxfjv 9 + Kai

standing, should he say, I am not willing to take her; then

7ipoasA,6oDaa r| yovf| xod aSsAxpoD aDxoD npoq aDxov

[ coming forward the wife of his brother] to him,

svavxi xrjc; yspoDaiaq Kai dttoXdcjsi xo D7i65r||ia aDxoD

before the council of elders, then shall untie his sandal,

xo sv and xod nodoq aDxoD Kai sjurxDosxai siq

the one from his foot, and shall spit into

xo 7ip6oco7rov aDxoD Kai a7ioKpi0s(aa spsi odxcdc;

his face; and responding she shall say, Thus


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05 - Deuteronomy

7ioifjaoDai too av0pcb7ico oq odk oiKo8ojif|asi tov

shall they do to the man who shall not build the

oikov tod aSsAxpoD avzov io+ Kai KAx|0f|asTai

house of his brother. And [ shall be called

to ovojia avTOV sv IapafjA, ohcoq tod D7toA,d0svtoc;

his name] in Israel, House of the Untied

TOD7i65r||ia n+s&amp;v8£ jidxcovTai 5do dv0pco7roi

Sandal. And if [ should do combat two men]

8711 TO (XDTO dv9pC07rO(; (IST&amp; TOD a8sXq)OD aDTOD Kai

at the same time — a man against his brother; and

7ipoasA,0r| r| yDvfj svoc; ocdtcov s^sXsa0ai

should come forward the wife of one of them to rescue

tov dv5pa aDTfjc; sk X 8l P 0( ^ tod td7ttovtoc; ocdtov

her husband from out of [the] hand of the one beating him,

Kai SKTSivaaa tt|v xsipa avTT\q s7iiAxxPr|Tai

and stretching out her hand should take hold of

tcov 5i8d|icov aDTOD 12+ a7ioK6\j/8i(; tt|v %zipa avTT\q od

his twins, you shall cut off her hand; [ shall not

cpsiasTai o 0(pdak[i6q aoD S7i' aDTfj n + odk scrcai

spare your eye] over her. There shall not be

sv too |iapai7i7i;co aoD aTdGjiiov Kai aTdGjiiov jisya rj

in your money bag a weight and a weight — a great or

JIlKpOV H + ODK SCJTai SV TTJ oiKia aoD jiSTpov Kai

small. There shall not be in your house a measure and

jiSTpov (isya rj jiiKpov 15+ aTd0|iiov aA,r|0iv6v Kai

a measure ~ a great or a small. [ weight a true and

SiKaiov saTai aoi Kai jiSTpov aXrjGivov Kai

just There shall be to you], and [ measure a true and

SiKaiov s&lt;xcai aoi (va 7roA,Dfj|i£poc; ysvrj 87ii Tr\q

just there shall be to you], that [ many days you should be] upon the

yrjc; r\q Kopioc; o dsoq ood 8(8coa( aoi ev icXfipco i6 +

land which [the] LORD your God gives to you by lot.

6ti p8eA,Dy|ia Kopioo tco 0scb aoD naq 7ioicbv

For [it is] an abomination [to the] LORD your God every one doing

TaDTa naq 7ioicbv d8iKov i?+ (ivf|a0r|Ti 6aa

these [things] — every one doing unjustly. Remember as many [things]

S7io(r|a8 aoi AjiaAxjK sv ttj o8cb 8K7iopsDO|isvoD aoD

[ did to you Amalek] in the way of your going forth

sk AiyD7iTOD i8+ Tiwq avTsaTTj aoi sv tt| o8cb Kai

from Egypt! How he opposed you in the way, and

sko\|/s aoD ttjv ODpayiav zovq KOTiicbvTaq O7i(aco aoD

beat your rear guard, the ones tiring in your rear,


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05 - Deuteronomy

ai) 5s STiEivaq Kai SK07i(ac; Kai odk scpopfjGrj xov 0s6v

and you hungered and were tired. And he feared not God.

19+ Kai saxai rjvdca sdv Kaxa7iai)ar| as Kupioc;

And it will be when ever [ rests you [the] LORD

o Bsoc; aoi) goto 7idvxcov xcov s%0pcov aoi) tcov kdkA,co

your God] from all your enemies round about

aoi) sv tt] yr| r| Kupioc; o Gsoc; gov 5(8coa( aoi sv

you in the land which [the] LORD your God gives to you by

KAxjpco KaxaKA,ripovo|ifjaai s^a^snj/sic; to ovojia

lot to inherit, you shall wipe away the name

AjiaAxjK sk Tr\q imo xov oupavov Kai od jitj

Amalek from under the heaven, and in no way


should you forget.

26 13

i+ Kai saxai oxav siaskdr\q sic; xrjv yrjv rjv Kupioc;

And it will be whenever you should enter into the land which [the] LORD
o Bsoc; aoi) 5(5coai aoi sv KArjpco KaxaKAx|povo|if|aai

your God gives to you by lot to inherit

auxfjv Kai KaxoiKqarjc; S7i' avTT\q 2 + Kai hf\\\fr\ arco

it, and should dwell upon it; that you shall take from

xrjc; a7iap%f|c; xcov Kap7icbv xrjc; yr\q aoi) r\q Kupioc;

the first- fruit of the fruits of your land, which [the] LORD

0 Bsoc; aoi) 5(8coai sv KAxjpco Kai sjiPaXsiq siq

your God gives by lot, and you shall put [them] into

KdpxaAlov Kai 7iopsi)ar| sic; xov xorcov ov av

a basket, and you shall go into the place which ever

SKls^rjxai Kopioc; o 6s6c; aoi) S7riKAx|6fjvai

[ should choose [the] LORD your God] to call upon

xo ovojia avzov sksi 3 + Kai sA,si3ar| npoq xov ispsa

his name there. And you shall come to the priest,

oq av T| sv xaic; rjjispaic; SKsivaic; Kai spsic; 7ipoc;

who ever might be in those days, and you shall say to

ai)xov avayysAlco afjjispov Kopico xco 0scb aoi) 6x1

him, I announce today [to the] LORD your God, that

siasAxjAuGa sic; xrjv yrjv rjv cbjioas Kupioc; xoic;

1 have entered into the land which [the] LORD swore by an oath [to]

7iaxpdaiv rjjicbv Sotivai r\[iiv 4 + Kai Arj\j/sxai o ispstic;

our fathers to give to us. And [ shall take the priest]

xov KdpxaAlov sk xcov %sipcbv aoi) Kai Gfjasi

the basket from out of your hands, and he shall put


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05 - Deuteronomy

avTOV arcsvavTi tod 0Daiaarr|pu)D KDpiOD

it before the altar of [the] LORD

tod GsoD ood 5 + Kai a7ioKpi0f|or| Kai spsfc; svavTi

your God. And you shall respond and shall say before


[the] LORD your God, [ threw off Syria My father],

Kai KaTsPrj sic; AiyD7iTOV Kai 7iapcoKr|asv sksi sv

and he went down into Egypt, and sojourned there with

api0|ico Ppa%e( Kai sysvsTO sksi sic; s0voc; jieya Kai

[ in number few], and became there into [ nation a great] and

7iAx|0oc; 7ioA,D 6+ Kai SKdKcoaav r\[iaq oi AiyD7iTioi

[multitude a populous]. And [maltreated us the Egyptians],

Kai STa7i8ivcoaav r\[iaq Kai S7is0r|Kav r\[dv spy a

and humbled us, and placed upon us [ works

aicAxipd ?+ Kai avspofjaajisv itpoq KDpiov tov 0s6v

hard]. And we yelled out to [the] LORD God

TCOV 7iaT8pCOV T[[L(bv Kai 8lofjKODa8 KDpiO^

of our fathers, and [the] LORD listened to

Tr\q ^CDvfjc; r||icbv Kai 8(88 tt|v Ta7i8ivcoaiv r||icbv Kai

our voice, and beheld our humiliation, and

tov |io%0ov r\[i(bv Kai tov 0Xi|i|i6v r||icbv 8 + Kai

our trouble, and our affliction. And

s^fjyaysv rjjLidq Kopioc; 8^ AiyD7iTOD sv ioxdi

[ led us [the] LORD] out of Egypt with [ strength

ttj jisydArj Kai sv xsipi KpaTaid Kai sv Ppa^iovi

great], and with [hand a fortified], and with [arm

D\j/rjA,cb Kai sv opdjiaai jisyaXoiq Kai sv aruisioiq

a high], and with [ visions great], and with signs,

Kai sv Tspaoi 9 + Kai siafjyaysv r\[idq siq

and with miracles. And he brought us into


this place, and he gave to us this land, a land

psoDaav jaka Kai jisAi io+ Kai vdv i5od svfjvoxa

flowing milk and honey. And now, behold, I have brought

ttjv a7iap%fjv tcdv ysvr||idTCOV Tr\q yr\q r\q sScoKaq

the first-fruit of the produce of the land which you gave

(ioi KDpis Kai acpfjasic; aDTO a7isvavTi KDpiOD

to me, O LORD. And you shall leave it before [the] LORD

TOD 0SOD OOD Kai 7ipoaKDVf|aSlC; SVaVTl KDpiOD

your God, and you shall do obeisance before [the] LORD

tod 0sod aoD n+ Kai SD(ppav0f|ar| sv 7idai toic;

your God. And you shall be glad in all the


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05 - Deuteronomy

ayaGoig oiq s5ooks aoi Kopioc; o dsoq aoD Kai ttj

good [things] which [ gave to you [the] LORD your God], and [to]

oiKia aoD &lt;xo Kai o AsDixrjq Kai o 7ipoafjAmoc; o ev

your family, you and the Levite and the foreigner among
aoi i2+s&amp;v8s awcsAiorjc; a7ro8eKaTobaai nav to

you. And whenever you should complete to tithe all the

S7ii5sKaTOV toov ysvr||idT00V Tr\q yr\q aoD ev too stsi

tenth part of the produce of your land in the [ year


third], the second tenth part you shall give to the Levite,

Kai too 7rpoor|Amoo Kai too opcpavob Kai ttj %r\pa

and to the foreigner, and to the orphan, and to the widow;

Kai cpdyovTai ev zaiq itoksai aoi) Kai s|i7rAr|a6fjaovTai

and they shall eat in your cities, and they shall be satisfied.

13 + Kai epeic; svavn Kupioi) tod 6sod aoi) e^sKdBapa

And you shall say before [the] LORD your God, I cleared

Ta dyia sk Tr\q ondag jiod Kai eSoora avid too

the holy [things] from out of my house, and I gave them to the

Asdittj Kai too 7ipoar|Amoo Kai too opcpavob Kai ttj

Levite, and to the foreigner, and to the orphan, and to the

%f|pa KaTa 7idaac; Tag svtoAxxc; aoi) aq svstsiAxd jioi

widow, according to all your commandments which you gave charge to me;

od 7iapfji6ov ttjv evToAxjv aoi) Kai odk 87isA,a06|ir|v

I did not pass by your commandment, and I did not forget.

14+ Kai odk ecpayov sv o5dvt| jiod ari aDTobv odk

And I did not eat [in my grief of them]; I did not

8Kdp7iooaa an aDTobv sic; araGapTOV odk s5ooKa an

yield of them in an unclean [manner]; I did not give of

aDTOOV TOO T£0VT|k6tI D7lf|KODaa TT\q (pOOVfjq KDpiOD

them to the one having died; I obeyed the voice of [the] LORD

tod GsoD |iod 87iovr|aa Ka6d svstsiAxd |J,Ol 15 + KdTi8s

my God to do as he gave charge to me. Look down


from out of [ house your holy], from heaven, and

£DA,6yr|aov tov Xaov aoD tov IapafjX Kai tt|v yrjv rjv

bless your people Israel! and the land which

eSoorac; aDTOiq KaGd objioaac; TOiq 7iaTpdaiv r||iobv

you gave to them, as you swore by an oath [to] our fathers,

8oDvai r||iiv yrjv peoDaav yaka Kai jieAa i 6 + ev

to give to us a land flowing milk and honey! On

ttj rjjiepa TaDTTj Kopioc; o dsoq aoD svsTsdaTO aoi

this day [the] LORD your God gave charge to you


27 TD


05 - Deuteronomy

7ioif|aai rcdvxa xa 8iKaicb|iaxa xatixa Kai xa Kpijiaxa

to do all these ordinances and judgments.

Kai (puXd^sa0s Kai 7ioif|asxs auxd s^ 6hr\q

And you shall guard and observe them from [ entire

xrjc; KapSiac; i)|icov Kai 6h\q Tr\q\\fv%r\q t&gt;|icbv n +

heart your], and from [ entire soul your].

xov 08ov sikov afjjispov sivai gov 0s6v Kai

You took God today to be your God, and

7iop8T38o0ai sv 7idaaic; xaic; odoiq avzov Kai

to go in all his ways, and

(pi)A,daasa0ai xa 8iKaicb|iaxa Kai xac; svxo^dc; Kai

to guard the ordinances, and the commandments, and

xa Kpijiaxa avzov Kai imaKousiv xrjc; (pcovr\q olvtox) ig+

his judgments, and to obey his voice.

Kai Kopioc; silaxo as afjjispov ysvsa0ai as auxcb

And [the] LORD took you today for you to be to him

Xaov 7ispi(y6aiov Ka0d7isp si7is aoi tpuXdxxsiv naaaq

[people a prized], just as he spoke to you — [for you] to guard all

xag svxoAxxc; auxou 19 + Kai sivaias i)7rspdvco 7idvxcov

his commandments; and for you to be above all

xcov s0vcbv cog S7io(r|as as ovojiaaxov Kai Kai&gt;xr||ia

the nations, as he made you famous, and a boasting,

Kai 8o^aax6v sivai as Xaov dyiov Kopico

and glorious; for you to be [ people a holy] [to the] LORD

xco 0scb aoi) Kadcbq sldArjas

your God as he spoke.

27 TD

1+ Kai 7ipoasxa^s Moyoafjc; Kai r| yspouaia IapafjA,

And [assigned Moses and the council of elders of Israel],

Aiycov cpi)Axxaasa0s naaaq zaq svxo^dc; oaaq sycb

saying, Guard all the commandments! as many as I

svxsAAxDjiai djiiv afjjispov 2+ Kai saxai r| av r||ispa

give charge to you today. And it will be in which ever day

5iapfjxs xov Iop8dvr|v sic; xrjv yrjv r|v Kopioc;

you should pass over the Jordan into the land which [the] LORD

o 0s6q aoi) 5(8coai aoi Kai axfjasic; asauxcb Ai0ouc;

your God gives to you, that you shall set up to yourself [ stones

jisydXoDc; Kai Kovidasiq auxotic; Kovia 3+ Kai ypdysic;

great], and you shall whitewash them in lime. And you shall write

S7U xcov Ai0cov rcavxac; zovq Xoyovq xod vojiod xouxod

upon the stones all the words of this law,


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05 - Deuteronomy

coc; av 8iapf|TS xov Iop5dvr|v rjviKa av

as [when] whenever you should pass over the Jordan, when ever

eiasXGrjc; sic; xrjv yrjv rjv Kopioc; o Gsoc; gov 8i8coo(

you should enter into the land which [the] LORD your God gives

aoi yrjv psouaav yaka Kai [isXx ov xp67iov si7i8

to you; a land flowing milk and honey; in which manner [ spoke

Kopioc; o Gsoc; xcov 7cax£pcov gov aoi 4 + Kai eaxai

[the] LORD God of your fathers] to you. And it will be

coc; av 8iapfjxs xov Iop5dvr|v axfjasxs

as [when] ever you should pass over the Jordan, you shall set

Tovq Xidovq xotjxodc; ovq eycb svxsAlojiai djiiv

these stones, which I give charge to you

afjjispov ev opei TsfiaX Kai Kovidasic; auxotic; Kovia

today, on mount Ebal, and you shall whitewash them with lime.

5 + Kai oiKoSojxfjasic; sksi 0i)aiaaxfjpiov Kupico

And you shall build there an altar [to the] LORD

xco Gscb gov 0Daiaaxfjpiov sk AiGcov odk

your God — an altar from out of stones; you shall not

£7iiPaA£fc; S7i ' auxotic; aiSrjpov 6 + Xidovq oXoKArjpouc;

put upon them an iron [tool]. [stones Of whole]

oiKoSojxfjasic; xo 6i)aiaaxfjpiov Kupico xco Gscb gov

you shall build the altar [to the] LORD your God,

Kai avoiaeic; S7i' ai)xo oAx)Kauxcb|iaxa Kupico

and you shall offer upon it whole burnt-offerings [to the] LORD

xco Gscb gov 7+ Kai Guasig Guaiav ocoxrjp(oi) Kai

your God. And you shall sacrifice a sacrifice of deliverance; and

cpayfj 8K8i Kai s[mhr\Gdr\Gr\ Kai SDcppavGrjarj evavxi

you shall eat there and shall be filled up, and be glad before

Kop(oi) xod 0soi) gov 8 + Kai ypdyeic; 87ii xcov AiGcov

[the] LORD your God. And you shall write upon the stones

7cdvxa xov vojiov xotixov aacpcoq acp68pa 9 + Kai

all this law ~ [ clearly very]. And

sAxxAxjas McoDafjc; Kai 01 ispsfc; 01 Asmxai 7cavxi

[ spoke Moses and the priests the Levites] to all

IopafjA, Aiyovxsc; aicb7ca Kai dKous IapafjX sv

Israel, saying, Keep silent and hear, O Israel! On

xtj r||i8pa xatixrj ysyovac; eic; Xaov KDpico xco Gscb gov

this day you have become a people [to the] LORD your God.

10+ Kai siaaKotiarj xrjc; cpcovfiq Kupioi) xod dsov gov

And you shall listen to the voice of [the] LORD your God,

Kai 7roifjasic; 7cdaac; xaq svxoldc; avzov Kai

and you shall observe all his commandments, and


27 TD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

05 - Deuteronomy
xa 8iKaicb|iaxa ai)xoi3 a sycb svxsAAx)|ia( aoi af||ispov

his ordinances, which I give charge to you today.

11+ Kai svsxsi^axo McoDofjc; to Xacb sv

And Moses gave charge to the people in

tt| r||i8pa SKsivrj Xsycov i 2 +ot3toi axfjoovxai siAoysiv

that day, saying, These shall stand to bless

xov Xaov sv opsi Tapi^iv Siapdvxsc; xov Iop8dvr|v

the people in mount Gerizim passing over the Jordan;

2/djiscdv Asm Ioi)8ac; Iaad%ap Iooafjcp Kai Bsviajiw 13 +

Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Joseph, and Benjamin.

Kai ouxoi axfjaovxai S7i( xrjc; Kaxdpaq sv opsi Ts^aX

And these shall stand for the cursing on mount Ebal;

PoDpfjv Tad Kai Aafjp ZafiovXcbv Aav Kai NscpGaAi

Reuben, Gad, and Asher, Zebulun, Dan, and Naphtali.

14+ Kai a7TOKpi6svxsc; spouaiv 01 Asmxai rcavxi

And [ responding shall say the Levites] to all

IapafjX (pcovfj |isydAr| 15+ smKaxdpaxoc; dv6p&lt;j07roc;

Israel [ voice [with] a great], Accursed [is] [the] man

oaxiq 7rovf|aei yXirnxov Kai yfovsmov p8sA,Dy|ia

who shall make a carving and a molten [image], an abomination

KDpico spyov xsipcbv xsxvixoD Kai Gfjasi ai)xo sv

[to the] LORD, a work of [the] hands of a craftsman, and shall put it in

aftOKpixpcD Kai a7ioKpi0£ic; naq o Xaoq spsi ysvoixo

concealment. And answering all the people shall say, May it be.

16+ £7UKaxdpaxoc; o axijid^cov rcaxspa ai)xoi3 rj

Accursed [is] the one dishonoring his father or

jxrjxepa avzov Kai spotiai naq o Xaoq ysvoixo 17+

his mother. And [ shall say all the people], May it be.
87iiKaxdpaxo(; o jisxaxiGsic; opia xod 7iAr|aiov Kai

Accursed [is] the one altering boundaries of the neighbor. And

spotiai naq o Xaoq ysvoixo is+ S7iiKaxdpaxoc; o

[ shall say all the people], May it be. Accursed [is] the

7iA,avcbv xDcpXov sv o8cb Kai spotiai naq o Xaoq

one misleading [the] blind in [the] way. And [ shall say all the people],

ysvoixo 19+ S7UKaxdpaxoc; oq av sKKAivrj Kpiaiv

May it be. Accursed [is] who ever turns aside a judgment [which favors]

7ipoar|AmoD Kai opcpavoi) Kai %r\paq Kai spotioi naq

a foreigner, and orphan, and widow. And [ shall say all

o Xaoq ysvoixo 20+ S7iiKaxdpaxoc; o Koi|icb|isvoc; jisxd

the people], May it be. Accursed [is] the one going to bed with


28 rra


05 - Deuteronomy

yDvaiKoq tod 7iaxp6c; aDxoD 6xi a7isKdA,D\j/s

[the] wife of his father, for he uncovered

avjKaXv[L[ia xod nazpoq ocdtod Kai spoDoi naq o

[the] marriage veil of his father. And [ shall say all the

Xaoq ysvoixo 21+ S7iiKaxdpaxoc; o Koi|icb|isvoc; jisxd

people], May it be. Accursed [is] the one going to bed with

7iavx6c; kxt|vodc; Kai spoDai naq o Xaoq ysvoixo 22 +

any beast. And [ shall say all the people], May it be.

87UKax&amp;paxoc; o Koi|icb|isvoc; jisxd adsk(pr\q sk rcaxpoc;

Accursed [is] the one going to bed with a sister from [ father

T| jirjxpoc; (xdxod Kai spoDai naq o Xaoq ysvoixo 23 +

or mother his]. And [ shall say all the people], May it be.

87riKax&amp;paxoc; o Koi|icb|isvoc; jisxd mvdspaq ocdxod Kai

Accursed [is] the one going to bed with his mother-in-law. And

spoDai iiaq o Xaoq ysvoixo S7iiKaxdpaxoc; o

[ shall say all the people], May it be! Accursed [is] the

Koi|icb|isvoc; jisxd a8eAxpfjc; yDvaiKoq aDxoD Kai spoDai

one going to bed with a sister of his wife. And [ shall say

naq o Xaoq ysvoixo 24+ STriKaxdpaxoq o xD7ixcov

all the people], May it be. Accursed [is] the one striking

xov 7iAr|criov 56Axo Kai spoDai naq o Xaoq ysvoixo

his neighbor with treachery. And [ shall say all the people], May it be.

25+ S7riKaxdpaxoc; oq av Xdprj 5cbpa 7iaxd^ai \\fv%r\v

Accursed is who ever should take bribes to strike [the] life

aijiaxoq aBcboD Kai spoDai naq o Xaoq ysvoixo 26 +

[blood of innocent]. And [ shall say all the people], May it be.

S7UKaxdpaxoc; naq dv6p&lt;j07roc; oaxiq odk sjijisvsi sv

Accursed [is] every man whoever shall not adhere to

7idai TOiq Xoyoiq xod vojiod xodxod xod 7roifjaai

all the words of this law to do

aDxotic; Kai spoDai naq o Xaoq ysvoixo

them. And [ shall say all the people], May it be.

28 no

1+ sdv aKofj aKODarjxs xrjq cpcovfiq KopioD

If in hearing you should hear the voice of [the] LORD

xod 0sod Djicbv cpD^daasiv Kai 7iois(v itaaaq

your God to guard and to observe all

xac; svxoA.dc; aDxoD aq sycb svxsA,A,o|ia( aoi afj|ispov

his commandments which I give charge to you today,

Kai 8cbasi as Kopioq o 6s6c; ood D7ispdvco 7idvxcov

then [ shall appoint you [the] LORD your God] above all


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05 - Deuteronomy

xcov s0vcbv Tr\q yr\q 2 + Kai fj^oDaiv S7ri as rcdaai

the nations of the earth, then [ shall come upon you all

ai siAoyiai atixai Kai SDpfjaoDai as sdv aKofj

these blessings], and they shall find you if in hearing

siaaK0i3or| xrjc; cpcovfjc; Kopioi) tod 0sot3 aoi) 3 +

you should listen to the voice of [the] LORD your God.

si)Ax)yr||isvoc; ai) sv 7i6Xsi Kai si)Xoyr||isvoc; ai) sv

Being blessed [are] you in [the] city, and being blessed [are] you in

aypcb 4 + si)Xoyr||isva xa SKyova xrjc; KoiAiac; aoi) Kai

[the] field. Being blessed [are] the progeny of your belly, and

xa ysvfjjiaxa xrjc; yrjc; aoi) Kai xa PoDKoAia

the produce of your land, and the herds

xcov pocbv aoi) Kai xa 7ioi|ivia xcov 7ipopdxcov aoi) 5 +

of your oxen, and the flocks of your sheep.

si)Ax)yr||isvai ai a7ro0fjKa( aoi) Kai

Being blessed [are] your storehouses and

xa syKaxaXsijijiaxd aoi) 6 + si)Ax)yr||isvoc; ai) sv

your surpluses. Being blessed [are] you in

xco sia7iopsi)sa0ai as Kai siAoyrjjisvoc; ai) sv

your entering, and being blessed [are] you in

xco SK7iopsi)sa0ai as 7 + 7iapa5cbasi Kopioc; o 0s6q aoi)

your going forth. [ shall deliver up [The] LORD your God]

xodc; s%dpovq aoi) xodc; av0saxr|K6xac; aoi

your enemies opposing you

aDvxsxpijijisvoDc; 7ipo 7ipoacb7ioD aoi) o8cb jiia

[by] breaking [them] before your face; [ way in one]

s^sA,sDaovxai npoq as Kai sv S7ixd o5oic; cpsD^ovxai

they shall come forth against you, and in seven ways they will flee

and 7rpoacb7roi) aoi) s + a7ioaxs(Xai Kopioc; S7U as xrjv

from your face. May [the] LORD send upon you the

siAoyiav sv xoic; xajisioic; aoi) Kai sv 7idaiv od av

blessing among your storerooms, and on all what ever

S7updAr|(; xrjv %zipa aoi) Kai si)A,oyf|asi as S7ri xrjc;

you should put your hand. And he will bless you upon the

yrjc; r\q KDpioc; o 0s6q aoi) 8(5coai aoi 9 +

land of which [the] LORD your God gives to you.

avaaxfjaai as Kupioq o 0s6c; aoi) sai)xcb Xaov dyiov

May [ raise you up [The] LORD your God] for himself [ people as a holy],

ov xp07iov cbjioas xoiq rcaxpdai aoi) sdv

in which manner he swore by an oath to your fathers, if

siaaKotiarjc; xrjc; cpcovfjc; Ki)p(oi) xod 0sod aoi) Kai

you should hearken to the voice of [the] LORD your God, and


28 rra
8V TOUT© + vuca

05 - Deuteronomy

7ropsi)9fjc; sv xaic; 0801c; avzov 10+ Kai 6\j/ovxai as

should go in his ways. And [ shall see you

rcdvxa xa sGvrj xrjc; yr\q 6x1 xo ovojia Kopiou

all the nations of the earth], that the name of [the] LORD

87iiK8KAx|xa( aoi Kai tpoPr|6f|aovxai as n+ Kai

is called upon by you, and they shall fear you. And

7rAr|6Dvsi as Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoi) sic; ayaGd S7ri xoic;

[ shall multiply you [the] LORD your God] for good [things] upon the

SKyovoiq xrjc; KoiAiac; aoi) Kai S7U xoic; SKyovoic;

progeny of your belly, and upon the progeny

xcov Kxrjvcbv aoi) Kai S7U xoic; ysvfjjiaai xrjc; yr\q aoi)

of your cattle, and upon the produce of your ground,

S7U xrjc; yr\q r\q cbjioas Kopioc; xoic; rcaxpdai aoi)

upon the land which [the] LORD swore by an oath [to] your fathers

dovvai aoi 12 + avoi^ai aoi Kopioc; xov GrjaaDpov

to give to you. May [ open to you [the] LORD treasury

ai)xoi) xov ayaGov xov ODpavov 8oi3vai xov dsxov xrj

his good], the heaven, to give the rain [to]

yrj aoi) S7ri Kaipoi) avzov siAoyfjaai rcdvxa xa spy a

your land in its season; to bless all the works

xcov %sipcov aoi) Kai Savisfc; sOvsai noXkov; ai) 5s

of your hands; and you shall lend [ nations to many], but you

od 8avsifj Kai dp^siq ai) sGvcbv itoXkfov aoi) 8s

shall not borrow; and you shall yourself rule [nations many], [you but

odk dp^oDai 13+ raxaaxfjaai as Kopioc; o 0s6q aoi)

they shall not rule]. May [place you [the] LORD your God]

sic; KstpaArjv Kai jirj sic; oi)pdv Kai sarj xoxs

as head, and not as [the] tail; and you will be then

S7idvco Kai odk sarj D7ioKdxco sdv siaaKouarjc; xcov

above, and you will not be underneath, if you should hearken to the

svxoAxbv Kupioi) xod 0soT) aoi) oaaq sycb svxsAlojiai

commandments of [the] LORD your God, as many as I give charge

aoi afjjispov cpiAdaasiv Kai 7iois(v i 4 + od

to you today, to guard and to observe. You shall not

7iapapfjar| arco 7idvxcov xcov A,6ycov cov sycb

transgress from all the words which I

svxsAlojiai aoi afjjispov 5s^id r| apiaxspd

give charge to you today, to [the] right or to [the] left,

7iopsT)sa6ai O7iiaco Gscov sxsxcov Axxxpstisiv auxoic; 15 +

to go after other gods, to serve them.

Kai saxai sdv [ir\ siaaKODarjc; xrjc; cpcovfjc;

And it shall be if you should not listen to the voice


28 rra

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05 - Deuteronomy

KDpioi) tod 0soi) aoD cpD^daasiv Kai 7TOISIV naaaq

of [the] LORD your God, to guard and to observe all

xac; zvToXaq avzov oaaq syco svxsAAx)|ia( aoi afjjispov

his commandments, as many as I give charge to you today,

Kai sXstiaovxai sm as rcdaai ai Kaxdpai atixai Kai

then shall come upon you all these curses, and

KaxaArj\j/ovxai as i6+ S7iiKaxdpaxoc; av sv 7i6A,si Kai

they shall overtake you. Accursed [are] you in [the] city, and

S7UKaxdpaxoc; ai) sv aypcb n+ smKaxdpaxoi

accursed [are] you in [the] field. Accursed [are]

ai a7io6f|Kai aoD Kai xa syKaxaXs(|i|iaxd a od 1 8 +

your storehouses, and your surplus.

S7iiKaxdpaxa xa SKyova xrjc; KoiAiac; aoi) Kai xa

Accursed [are] the progeny of your belly, and the

ysvfjjiaxa xrjc; yrjc; aoi) xa PoDKoAia xcov Pocov aoi) Kai

produce of your land; the herds of your oxen, and

xa 7io(|ivia xcov 7ipopdxcov aoi) 19+ S7iiKaxdpaxoc; ai) sv

the flocks of your sheep. Accursed [are] you in

xco sia7iopsi3sa0ai as Kai S7iiKaxdpaxoc; ai) sv

your entering, and accursed [are] you in

xco SK7iopsi3sa9a( as 20+ s^a7ioaxs(Xai Kupioq sm as

your going forth. May [the] LORD send upon you

xrjv sv8siav Kai xrjv SK^ijiiav Kai xrjv avdAxoaiv S7ri

lack, and craving, and consumption, upon

7idvxa od sdv S7iipdAx|c; xrjv %s(pd aoD 6aa av

all [things] of which ever you should put [ upon your hand], as much as

7tovfjc; scoc; av s^oXoGpsDarj as Kai scoc; av

you should do, until whenever he should utterly destroy you, and until whenever

a7ioXsar| as sv xd%si 8id xa 7iovr|pd S7iixr|8sD|iaxd

he should consume you quickly because of [ wicked practices

aoD 5i6xi syKaxsXursc; (is 21 + 7ipoaKoAAx|aai KDpioc; sic;

your], because you abandoned me. May [the] LORD cleave [ to

as xov Gdvaxov scoc; av s^avaAxbarj as anb

you the plague] until whenever he should completely consume you from

xrjc; yrjc; sic; rjv aD sia7iopsDr| sksi KAx|povo|if|aai

the land into which you enter there to inherit

aDxfjv 22+ 7iaxd^ai as Kopioc; sv a7iopid Kai 7iDpsxco

it. [ strike you [The] LORD] with perplexity, and burning heat,

Kai piysi Kai sps0ia|ico Kai cpovco Kai avsjiocpGopia

and shivering, and aggravation, and carnage, and wind-blown,

Kai xt| cb%pa Kai Kaxa8ico^ovxa( as scoc; av

and paleness; and may they pursue you until whenever


28 rra

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05 - Deuteronomy

a7ioXsacoa( as 23 + Kai saxai aoi o ODpavoc; o D7isp

they should destroy you. And [ will be to you the heaven above

KscpaAxjc; aoD %aAxoDc; Kai r| yr| r| D7ioKdxco aoD

your head] as brass, and the earth underneath you

oi5r|pd 24+ 5cofi KTjpioq xov dsxov xrjc; yr\q gov

as iron. May [the] LORD appoint the rain of your land

Koviopxov Kai %ovq sk tod ODpavoD Kaxapfjasxai

a cloud of dust; and dust from out of the heaven shall come down

8711 as scoc; av SKipuj/rj as Kai scoc; av a7ioA,sar|

upon you, until it should obliterate you, and until whenever it should destroy

as 25+ 5cbr| as Kopicx; S7i( K07rfjv svavxiov

you. May [ appoint you [the] LORD] for slaughter before

xcov s%6pcbv aoD sv oSco |i(a s^s^sDarj npoq avzovq

your enemies. In [ way one] you shall go forth against them,

Kai sv S7ixd 0801c; cpsD^rj arco 7ipoacb7roD aDxcbv Kai

and in seven ways you shall flee from their face. And

sarj sv 8iaa7iopd sv ftdaaic; PaaiXsiaic; xrjc; yr\q 26 +

you will be in dispersion among all kingdoms of the earth.

Kai saovxai 01 vsKpoi Djicbv KaxdPpcojia xoic; 7isxsivofc;

And [ will be your dead] things devoured by the winged creatures

xod ODpavoD Kai xoic; Grjpioic; xrjc; yqc; Kai odk

of the heaven, and the wild beasts of the earth; and there will not

saxai o a7ioaoPcbv 2 ?+ 7iaxd^ai as Kupioq sv sAxsi

be one frightening away. [ strike you [The] LORD] with [the] sore

AiyD7ix(co sic; xaic; sSpaic; Kai \j/copa aypia Kai

of Egypt in the buttocks, and [ mange wild], and

Kvfjcprj cbaxs |ir| 8Dvaa6a( as ia0fjvai 28+ 7iaxd^ai as

itching, so as to not be able to heal. [ strike you

Kopioc; 7rapa7iAx|^ia Kai aopaaia Kai SKaxdasi

[The] LORD] in derangement, and inability to see, and an astonishment

Siavoiac; 29+ Kai sarj yrjAxxcpcbv (isaruiPpiaq coast xic;

of thought. And you will be groping at midday as [ one

yrjXatpfjaai o xDtfAoc; sv xco aKoxsi Kai odk

gropes the blind] in the darkness, and [ will not

SDo5cbasi xac; oSodc; aoD Kai sarj xoxs aSiKODjisvoc;

prosper your ways]. And you will be then injured

Kai 8iap7ia£p|isvoc; naaaq xac; rjjispac; Kai odk

and torn in pieces all the days, and [there] shall not

saxai aoi o PorjGcbv 30+ yovauca Xr\\\fr\ Kai avfjp

be [ you one helping]. [ a wife You shall take], and [ man

sxspoc; s^si aDxfjv oiKiav oiKoSojifjasic; Kai odk

another] shall have her. [ a house You shall build], and you shall not


28 rra

8V TOUT© + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy

oiKfjasiq sv aDifj a|i7isAxbva tpDxsDasic; Kai od jlit|

live in it. [ a vineyard You shall plant], and in no way

xpDyfjasic; atrcov 31+ o [ioa%oq gov sacpayjisvoc; svavxiov

shall you gather its vintage. Your calf being slain before

aov Kai od (payfj s^ aDxoD o ovoq gov

you, and you will not eat from it. Your donkey

r|p7raa|i8voc; goto gov Kai odk a7io8o0f|asxai aoi

being seized by force from you, and it shall not be given back to you.

xa 7ip6paxd gov SsSojisva xoic; s^Gpofc; gov Kai

Your sheep being given [to] your enemies, and

odk saxai aoioPorjGcbv 32+oiDioiaoD Kai

there shall not be one helping you. Your sons and

ai 0Dyaxspsc; gov 8s8ojisvai sGvsi sxspco Kai

your daughters will be given [ nation to another], and

01 o(p6aX|io( gov 6\j/ovxai a^aKsAitpvxsc; sic; ai)xd Kai

your eyes shall see being inflamed over them. And

odk ia%Dasi T| %sip aoD 33 + xa SKtpopia xrjc; yr\q gov

[shall not be strong your hand]. The resources of your land,

Kai rcavxac; xodc; itovovq gov cpdysxai sGvoc; o

and all the [things] of your toils [ shall eat a nation] which

odk 87i(axaaai Kai sarj aSiKODjisvoc; Kai

you have no knowledge of; and you will be injured and

xsBpaDajisvoc; 7idaac; xac; r||ispac; 34+ Kai sarj

devastated all the days. And you will be

7tapd7iAx|Kxoc; 8id xa opdjiaxa xcov ocpBa^jicbv aoD a

deranged through the visions of your eyes which

PAihj/rj 35+ 7iaxd^ai as Kopioc; sv sXksi 7iovr|pcG sm

you shall see. [ strike you [The] LORD] with [ sore a severe] upon

xa yovaxa Kai em xac; Kvr\[iaq cbaxs jirj SwaaGai

the knees, and upon the legs, so as to not be able

ia6f|vai as arco ixvodc; xcov 7io5cbv aoD scoc; xrjc;

to heal yourself from [the] sole of your feet unto the

KopDtpfjc; aoD 36+ a7iaydyoi KDpioq as Kai

top of your [head]. May [the] LORD take you and

xodc; apxovxdq aoD ovq av Kaxaaxfjarjc; S7U asaDxov

your rulers, whom ever you should place over yourself,

S7i ' s0voc; o odk S7uaxaaai aD Kai

by a nation who you have no knowledge of yourself [nor]

01 rcaxspsc; aoD Kai Axxxpstiasic; sksi Gsoic; sxspoic;

your fathers; and you shall serve there other gods

^dAxhc; Kai Xidoiq 37+ Kai ear) sksi sv aiviyjiaxi

[of] wood and stone. And you will be there for an enigma,


28 rra

05 - Deuteronomy

Kai 7rapaPoAx| Kai Svrjyfuiaxi sv 7idai xoic; s0vsaiv

and a parable, and a tale, in all the nations

sic; ovq av a7raydyr| as Kopioc; sksi 3 s+ a7isp|ia noXv

into which ever [ should take you [the] LORD] there. [ seed Much]

s^oiasic; sic; to 7is5iov Kai oAiya siaoiasiq 6xi

you shall bring forth in the plain, and little will be carried in, for

KaxsSsxai aDxd r| oucpic; 39+ a|i7isAxbva cpDxstiasic; Kai

[ shall eat them the locust]. A vineyard you shall plant, and

Kaxspyd Kai oivov od 7i(saai od8s SDcppavGfjarj

you will work it, and wine you shall not drink, nor will you be glad

s^ avxov 6x1 Kaxacpdysxai aDxd o aKcbArj^ 4 o+ sAmai

from it, for [ shall eat [it] the worm]. Olive trees

saovxai aoi sv 7idai xoic; opioic; gov Kai sAmov

will be to you in all your borders, but with olive oil

od XP^ ar l 0X1 £Kpi)f|asxai t| sAma aoD 4 i + diodc; Kai

you will not anoint, for [ shall flow away your olive]. Sons and

Guyaxspac; yswfjasic; Kai odk saovxai aoi

daughters you shall bear, but they shall not be yours,

a7isA,SDaovxai yap sv ai%|iaA,coaia 42 + rcdvxa

for they shall go forth in captivity. All

xa ^vXiva aoi) Kai xa ysvf||iaxa xrjc; yrjc; aoi)

your woods and the produce of your land

s^avaAxbasi r| spDaipr) 43+0 7ipoaf|}u)xoc; oq saxiv

[ shall completely consume the blight]. The foreigner who is

sv aoi avapfjasxai em as dvco dvco av 5s

among you shall ascend over you upward [and] upward; but you

Kaxapfjarj Kdxco Kdxco 4 4 + odxoc; Savisi aoi av 8s

shall go down lower [and] lower. This one shall lend to you, but you

xodxco od 5avsis(c; odxoc; saxai sic; KscpaArjv av 5s

[ to this one shall not lend]; this one will be for [the] head, and you

sarj sic; oupdv 45+ Kai sXstiaovxai S7U as 7idaai

will be for [the] tail. And [ shall come upon you all

ai Kaxdpai atixai Kai KaxaSicb^ovxai as Kai

these curses], and they shall pursue you, and

KaxaAr|\j/ovxai as scoc; av s^oXoGpsDarj as Kai scoc;

overtake you, until whenever they shall utterly destroy you, and until

av a7roA,sar| as 6x1 odk siafjKODaac; xrjc; cpcovfjc;

whenever they shall consume you. For you did not listen to the voice

KDpioD xod 9sod aoD cpD^daasaGai xac; svioXaq aDxoD

of [the] LORD your God, to guard his commandments,

Kai xa SiKaicbjiaxa aDxoD 6aa svsxsiAxxxo aoi 46 + Kai

and his ordinances, as many as I gave charge to you. And


28 rra

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05 - Deuteronomy

saxai ev aoi arjjisia Kai xepaxa Kai sv

[they] will be for signs to you, and miracles, and among

too a7i8p|iaTi aoD scoc; tod aicbvoc; 4 ? + av6' cov odk

your seed until the eon. Because you did not

sAxrcpsDaac; Kopico tco 0scb aoi) sv SDcppoawq Kai sv

serve [the] LORD your God with gladness, and with

ayaBfj Kap5(a 5id to nhf\doq 7idvTCOv 4 s+ Kai

a good heart, because of the multitude of all [these]. And

AxxTpstiasic; toic; s%6po(c; aoi) ovq S7ra7ioaTsA,s( Kopioc;

you shall serve your enemies whom [the] LORD shall send as a successor

S7U as sv Aijicb Kai sv 5uj/si Kai sv yDjivoTrjTi Kai

over you in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and

sv skA,suj/si 7idvTCOv Kai S7ii9fjasi kXoiov ai8r|poDV

in want of all [things]. And he shall put a collar of iron

S7U tov TpdxrjXov aoi) scoc; av s^oXoGpsDarj as 49 +

upon your neck, until whenever he should utterly destroy you.

S7id^si S7U as Kopioc; sGvoc; jiaKpoGsv an' sa^dTOD

[ shall bring upon you [The] LORD] a nation far off from [the] end

Tr\q yr\q coasi 6p|ir||ia asTOD sGvoc; od odk

of the earth, as [the] impulse of an eagle, a nation of which you will not

aKODarj ttj^ cpcovfj^ aDTOD 50+ s0voq avaiSsc; 7ipoacb7ico

hear its voice; a nation impudent in [its] face

OGTiq od GaDjidasi 7rp6aco7iov 7ipsaPDTOD Kai

who will not admire [the] face of an old man, and

vsov odk slsfjasi 51+ Kai KaTs5sTai Ta SKyova

[ for [the] young will not show mercy]. And it will devour the progeny

tcov KTrjvcbv aoD Kai Ta ysvfjjiaTa Tr\q yr\q aoD cbaTS

of your cattle, and the produce of your land, so as

|iT| KaTaXursiv aoi arcov oivov sAmov PoDKoXia

to not leave behind for you grain, wine, olive oil, herds

tcov Pocbv aoD Kai Ta 7io(|ivia tcov 7ipopdTC0v aoD scoc;

of your oxen, and the flocks of your sheep, until

av a7roA,sar| as 52+ Kai SKcpuj/rj as sv ftdaaic;

whenever it should destroy you, and should obliterate you in all

Taiq 7i6A,sai aoD scoc; av Ka0aips6cbai Ta tsixtj aoD

your cities, until whenever [ should be demolished your walls],

Ta D\j/r|Axx Kai Ta o%Dpd scp' oiq av 7rs7ioi9ac; S7i'

the high and the fortified [ones] upon which you rely upon

aDTOiq sv 7idar| tt| yrj aoD Kai 6Ai\j/si as sv 7idaaic;

them in all your land. And it shall afflict you in all

Taiq TtoXsai aoD mq s8coks aoi KDpioc; o Gsoc; aoD 53 +

your cities, which [gave to you [the] LORD your God].


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05 - Deuteronomy

Kai (payfj xa SKyova xrjc; Koikiaq gov Kpsa mcov aoi)

And you shall eat the progeny of your belly, [the] meat of your sons

Kai 0uyaxspcov aoi) 6aa s8coks aoi Kopioc;

and your daughters, as many as [ gave to you [the] LORD

o 0s6c; aou sv xrj axsvo%cop(a aoi) Kai ev xrj 0Ai\j/si aoi)

your God] in your straits, and in your affliction,

r| 0Ai\j/si as o s%0poc; aoi) 54 +0 anakoq sv aoi

in which [ shall afflict you your enemy]. The one tender among you,

Kai o xptxpspoc; acp65pa Paaravsi icq

and the [ delicate very] shall charm [with]

o(pdak[i(b avTOV xov aSsAxpov avzov Kai xrjv yuvauca

his eye his brother, and the wife

ttjv sv xco koAjtco avzov Kai xa KaxaXsA,si|i|isva xsKva

in his bosom, and the left behind children,

a av KaxaA,si(p0f| auxcb 55+ cbaxs 8owai svi auxcbv

who ever should be left to him; so as to give one of them

a7io xcov aapKcbv xcov xskvcdv avzov cov av KaxsaGrj

from the flesh of his children whom ever he should eat,

8id xo |ir| KaxaA,si(p9fjvai ai)xcb od8sv sv xrj

because of the not having left behind to him anything in the

axsvo%copia Kai sv xrj GAiysi rj av 0Ai\j/coai as

straits, and in the affliction, in which ever [ should afflict you

ois%6poiaoi) sv 7idaaic; xaiq 7i6A,sa( aoi) 5 6+ Kai r|

your enemies] in all your cities. And the

anaXr\ sv djiiv Kai r| xpi)(pspd acp65pa r\q ov%i

tender among you, and the [ delicate one exceedingly] of whom [has] not

7is(pav sAxxPsv o novq avTT\q Paivsiv S7ri xrjq yr\q

[ an attempt taken] [with] her foot to go upon the land

8id xrjv xpi)(psp6xr|xa Kai 8id xrjv a7iaA,6xr|xa

because of the delicacy, and because of the tenderness —

PaaKavsi xco 0(p9aA,(icb auxfjc; xov dv8pa avTT\q xov sv

she shall charm with her eye her husband, the one near

koAjtcd avTT\q Kai xovmov Kai xrjv 0i)yaxspa avTT\q 57 +

her bosom, and [son and daughter her];

Kai xo %opiov avTT\q xo s^sA£6v 8id xcov (irjpcbv avTT\q

and her afterbirth coming forth through her thighs,

Kai xo xskvov avTT\q o av xsktj

and her child which ever she should give birth to ~

Kaxacpdysxai yap ai)xd 8id xrjv svSsiav 7rdvxcov

they she shall eat them because of the lack of all [things],

Kpi)(pf| sv xtj axsvo%cop(a Kai sv xrj 0Ai\j/si r|

secretly, in the straits. and in the affliction by which


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05 - Deuteronomy

0Ai\j/si as o s^Gpoc; aoD sv xaic; 7i6A,sa( aoD 5 8 + sdv

[ shall afflict you your enemy] in your cities, if

|xq siaaKODarjxs 7iois(v rcdvxa xa pfjjiaxa

you should not hearken to do all the discourses

xod vojiod xodxod xa ysypajijisva sv xco PipAico xodxco

of this law, the ones being written in this scroll,

cpoPeiaGai xo ovojia xo svxijiov Kai

to fear [ name valued and

xo GaDjiaaxov xodxo icopiov xov 0s6v aoD 59+ Kai

this wonderful] — [the] LORD your God. Then

7iapa8o^dasi Kopioc; xac; 7iAx|ydc; aoi) Kai xac; 7ikr\ydq

[the] LORD will render notorious your calamities, and the calamities

xod a7T8p|iax6c; aoi) Khyyaq [isyakaq Kai GaDjiaaxdq

of your seed, [ calamities great and surprising],

Kai voaoDc; 7iovr|pdc; Kai 7iiaxdc; 6 o+ Kai S7iiaxps\j/si

and [diseases severe and sure]. And he shall turn

8711 as 7idaav xrjv o8dvt|v AiyirnxoD xrjv 7iovr|pdv

upon you all the grief of Egypt, the severe [grief]

Tjv 5isdAxxPod a7io 7ipoaco7roD aDxcov Kai

which you were on guard from in front of them, and

KoAArjGfjaovxai sv aoi 6 i+ Kai rcdaav jia^aKiav Kai

they shall cleave to you. And every infirmity, and

rcdaav 7iAx|yf|v xrjv |ir| ysypa|i|isvr|v Kai rcdaav

every calamity not being written, and every

xrjv ysypaji|i8vr|v sv xco PipAico xod vojiod xodxod

one being written in [ scroll of the law this],

srcd^si Kopioc; srci as scoc; av s^oXoGpsDarj as 62 +

[the] LORD shall bring upon you, until whenever he should utterly destroy you.

Kai KaxaXsupGfjasaGs sv apiBjicb Ppa%s( avG'covoxi

And you shall be left behind [ in number few] for

fjxs coasi xa daxpa xod ODpavoD sic; rcArjGoc; 6x1

you were as the stars of the heaven in multitude, for

odk siarjKODaaxs xrjc; cpcovfjc; KopiOD xod 0sod Djicbv

you did not hearken to the voice of [the] LORD your God.

63+ Kai saxai ov xporcov SDtppdvGrj Kopioc; scp' djiiv

And it will be in the manner [the] LORD was glad over you,

sd rcovqaai Djidq Kai rcArjGDvai Djidq odxcoc;

[ good to do] for you, and to multiply you; so

SDcppavGfjasxai KDpioq scp' djiiv s^oXoGpsDaai Djidc;

[the] LORD will be glad over you to utterly destroy you,

Kai s^apGfjasaGs arco xrjc; yrjc; sic; r|v djisic;

and to lift you away from the land into which you


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05 - Deuteronomy
sia7iopsDsa0s sksi KAx|povo|ifjaai aDTfjv 6 4+ Kai

enter there to inherit it. And

8iaa7isps( as Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoD sic; navm xa sGvrj

[ will disperse you [the] LORD your God] into all the nations,

an oucpoD Tr\q yr\q scoc; oucpoD Tr\q yr\q Kai

from [the] tip of the earth, unto [the other] tip of the earth. And

8oDA,SDasic; sksi Gsok; sispoiq tpXoiq Kai Xidoiq oiq

you shall slave there to other gods of wood and stone, which

odk rj7i(aTCO ai) Kai 01 7iaxspsc; aoD 6 s + aXXa Kai sv

[ have no knowledge of you], [nor] your fathers. But also in

Toiq s0vsoiv skswok; odk avarcaDasi as od8 ' od jlit|

those nations he will not rest you, nor in any way

ysvrjxai axdaiq too (%vsi tod 71086c; aoD Kai 8cbasi

will [ become stationary the sole of your foot]. And [ will give

aoi KDpioq sksi Kap8(av sxspav a0D|ioDaav Kai

to you [the] LORD] there [ heart another] being depressed, and

SKA£i7iovTac; ocpGa^jioDc; Kai xr|KO|isvr|v \\fv%r\v 66+ Kai

failing eyes, and a melting soul. And

saxai r| ^cofj aoD Kps|iajisvr| arcsvavTi

[ will be your life] hanging before

xcov ocpGaXjicbv aoD Kai (poPr|9f|ar| rjjispac; Kai vdktoc;

your eyes. And you shall have fear day and night,

Kai od 7ri&lt;xcsDasic; tt| ^cofj aoD 6 ?+ T07ipcoi spsic;

and not trust [in] your life. In the morning you shall say,

itctiq av ysvouo sarcspa Kai to saftspac; spsk;

O how that it might become evening. And in the evening you shall say,

iictiq av ysvouo 7ipcoi arco tod 96P0D

O how that it might become morning; from the fear

Tr\q Kap8(ac; aoD od (poPr|6f|ar| Kai anb tcov

of your heart of which you shall have fear, and from the
opajidTCOv tcov ocpGaXjicov aoD cov 6\j/r| 68 + Kai

visions of your eyes which you shall see. And

a7ioaTps\j/si as Kopioc; sic; AiyD7iTOV sv 7rA,o(oic; Kai

[ will return you [the] LORD] unto Egypt in boats, and

sv ttj o8cb T| si7ia od 7ipoa6f|asa0s sti i8s(v aDTfjv

in the way which I said, You shall not proceed again to behold it.

Kai 7rpa6fjasa9s sksi toic; s%0poic; djicov sic; 7ia(5ac;

And you shall be sold there to your enemies for manservants

Kai 7rai8(aKac; Kai odk saTai o ktcojisvoc;

and maidservants, and none shall be acquiring you.


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05 - Deuteronomy

29 toD

i+ odtoi oi Xoyoi Tr\q 8ia9fjKr|c; ovq

These are the words of the covenant, which

svstsiAxxto Kopioc; McoDafj axfjaai TOiq vioiq IapafjA,

[the] LORD gave charge to Moses to establish with the sons of Israel

sv yr| Moo&amp;p nh\v Tr\q 8ia6f|Kr|c; r\q 5i808io

in [the] land of Moab, besides the covenant of which he ordained

aDTok; ev XoopfjP 2 + Kai eKd^eae McoDafjq 7rdvxac;

with them in Horeb. And Moses called all

todc; viovq lapar\k Kai si7is npoq avxovq Djisic;

the sons of Israel, and he said to them, You

SGop&amp;Kaxs 7rdvxa 6aa £7iorr|ae Kopioc;

see all as many [things] as [ did [the] LORD

0 Bsoq djicov sv yrj AiyD7iTCD evcb7nov Djicbv Oapacb

your God] in [the] land of Egypt before you to Pharaoh

Kai tok; 9spd7roi)aiv avzov Kai 7idar| xr| yrj avzov 3 +

and his attendants, and all his land;

todc; 7ieipaa|ioDc; todc; jieyd^oDc; odc; soopdKaaiv

the [ tests great] which [ have seen

01 ocpGaXjioi ood Ta arjiieia Kai Ta TspaTa

your eyes]; the signs and [miracles

Ta jisydla eKsiva tt|v %e(pa tt|v KpaTaidv Kai tov

those great], by the [ hand strong], and the

Ppa%(ova tov D\j/r|A,6v ± + Kai odk eScoKe Kopioc; o 0e6c;

[ arm high]. And [ did not give [the] LORD God]

Djiiv Kap8(av ei8evai Kai ocpBaAjioDc; pA£7ieiv Kai

to you a heart to behold, and eyes to see, and

area aKODeiv eooc; TTjCj rjjispacj TaDTTjCj 5+ Kai fjyaysv

ears to hear, until this day. And he led

Djidq TsaaapdKovTa sttj sv tt| spfj|icD odk

you forty years in the wilderness. [ did not

£7iaAmcb9r| Ta ijidTia djicov Kai Ta D7io8fniaTa djicov od

become old Your garments], and your sandals did not

KaTSTpiprj arco tcov 7io8cbv Djicbv 6+ dpTOV odk

wear away from your feet. [ bread You did not

scpdyeTS oivov Kai aiKspa odk 87tists iva yvarcs

eat]; [wine and liquor you did not drink], that you should know

6ti omoq KDpioq oGeo^Djicbv 7+ Kai f|X0£Te eooc;

that I [am] [the] LORD your God. And you came unto

TOD T07T0D TODTOD Kai £^fjX9s ErjCOV PaCJl^SDC; E&lt;3Sfi(bv

this place. And came forth Sihon king of Heshbon,


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05 - Deuteronomy

Kai Qy fiaaikvbq Baadv sic; auvdvxrjaiv r\[dv sv

and Og king ofBashan to meet us in

7ioXs|ico 8+ Kai S7iaxd^a|isv avxovq Kai sA,dpo|isv

war. And we struck them, and we took

xrjv yrjv auxcbv Kai s5cbKa|isv auxfjv sv kAtipcd

their land, and we gave it by lot

too Poupfjv Kai tod ra88i Kai too r||iiasi (puAxjc;

to Reuben, and to Gad, and to the half tribe

Mavaaafj 9 + Kai cpuXd^saGs rcdvxac; xouc; Xoyovq

of Manasseh. And you shall guard all the words

Tr\q SiaGfjKTjq TavTr\q 7iois(v auxotic; (va awqxs

of this covenant, to do them, that you should perceive

rcdvxa 6aa tcoisixs io+ ujisk; saxfjKaxs ndvTsq

all as much as you do. You all stand

ofjjispov svavxi Kopiou tod 0sot3 djicov

today before [the] LORD your God;

oi apxicpiAoi Djicbv Kai r| yspouaia ujicbv Kai

your tribal chiefs, and your council of elders, and

oi Kpixai ujicbv Kai oi ypajiiiaxosiaaycoysiq ujicbv naq

your judges, and your judicial recorders, every

avfjp IapafjA, n+ ai yuvaiKsq djicov Kai xa xsicva djicdv

man of Israel; your wives, and your children,

Kai o 7rpoafjAmoc; o sv jisaco xrjc; 7raps|iPoArjc; djicdv

and the foreigner in [the] midst of your camp;

a7io ^dA,ok67tod djicdv Kai scoc; u8po(popou ujicbv n +

from your woodcutter and unto your water-carrier,

7rapsA,6siv ev xr| 5ia0fjKT| Kupiou tod Gsotj aou Kai

to go in the covenant of [the] LORD your God, and

sv xaic; apaic; auxou 6aa Kopioc; o Gsoc; aou

in his oaths, as many as [the] LORD your God

8iax(6sxai npoq as afjjiepov u + (va axfjarj as

ordains for you today. That he should establish you

auxcb sic; Xaov Kai auxoc; saxai aou Gsoc; ov

to himself for a people, and he will be your God, in which

xpoftov si7is aoi Kai ov xporcov cbjioas xoic;

manner he said to you, and in which manner he swore by an oath [to]

rcaxpdaiaou APpadji Kai IaadK Kai IaKcbp i 4 + Kai

your fathers ~ Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. And

ou% upiv jiovoic; sycb 8iax(6s|iai xrjv 5ia6f|Kr|v xauxrjv

not to you alone I ordain this covenant

Kai xrjv apdv xauxrjv is + aXka Kai xoic; cb5s ouai

and this oath, but also to the ones here being


29 DD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl
05 - Deuteronomy


with you today before [the] LORD your God, and

TOiq [ir\ ovai |is0' ujicov cb8s af||ispov i 6 + 6xi djisic;

to the ones not being with you here today. For you

o(8axs coc; KaxcoKqoa|isv sv yr| Aiy67ixco coc;

know how we dwelt in [the] land of Egypt, as

7tapfjA,6o|isv ev jisaco xcov s0vcbv ovq 7iapf|X0sxs 17 +

we went by in [the] midst of the nations which you went by.

Kai (5sxs xa pSsMyjiaxa auxcbv Kai xa s(5coXa auxcov

And you beheld their abominations, and their idols ~

tpkov Kai Xidov apyupiov Kai %pvaiov a saxi

wood and stone, silver and gold, which is

7iap' aDxoiq i8+ |iT| Tiq saxiv sv djjIv avfjp rj yovfj

among them. Lest there is among you, a man or woman,

T| 7iaxpid T| (pvhf\ xivoc; r\ 5idvoia s^skAivsv arco

or family or tribe, whose thought turned aside from

Ki)p(oi) xod 0sou Djicbv 7iopsi)sa0ai Axxxpsusiv xoic;

[the] LORD your God, to go to serve to the

dzoiq xcov 80vcbv sksivcov jlit| xic; saxiv sv ufjiv piCfx

gods of those nations; lest there is among you a root

dvco tptioDaa %oXr\ Kai 7iiKp(a

[upward germinating bile and bitterness].

19+ Kai saxai sdv aKoixxq xa pfjjiaxa xrjq apaq xatixrjc;

And it shall be if you should hear the words of this imprecation,

Kai S7ri(pr||iiar|xai ev xr| Kap8(a avzov Aiycov ooid

and [one] should portend in his heart, saying, [ sacred [things]

jioi ysvoixo 6xi sv xrj a7T07iA,avf|asi xrjc; KapSiaq jiou

tome May happen], for [by the digression of my heart

7iopsT3ao|iai (va |irj aDva7roXsor| o ajiapxco^oq

I shall go], that [ should not be destroyed together with the sinner]

xov ava|idpxr|xov 20+ od |ir| 0sAx|asi o 0s6q sm^axsusiv

the sinless, in no way should God want to propitiate

auxcb aXk r r| xoxs SKKai)0f|asxai opyfj Kupiou Kai

for him, but then [ shall be burned away [the] anger [of the] LORD], and

o tftkoq olvtov sv xco av0pco7ico sksivco Kai

his zeal against that man. Then

KoAAr|0f|aovxai sv auxco 7idaai ai apai

shall cleave to him all the imprecations

xrjc; 8ia0fjKT|c; xauxric; ai ysypajijisvai sv xco PipAico

of this covenant, the ones being written in [ scroll


of the law this]. And [the] LORD will wipe away


29 DD


05 - Deuteronomy

to ovojia ai)TOD sk xrjc; D7io tov oupavov 21 + Kai

his name from under heaven. And

8iaaxeA,si auxov Kopioc; sic; Kara 8k 7idvxcov xcov

[ shall separate him [the] LORD] for evils from all the

mcbv IopafjX raid naaaq zaq apdq Tr\q 8\adr\Kr\q

sons of Israel, according to all the imprecations of the covenant,

xac; yeypa|i|i8vac; sv too PipAico tod vojiod xotjxou 224

the ones being written in [ scroll of the law this].

Kai epouaiv T| yeved r| sxspa 01 moi djicov 01

And [ shall say generation another] ~ [even] your sons who

avaaxfjaovxai |is9' v[idq Kai o aAloxpioc; oq av

rise up after you, and the alien which ever

sXGrj sk yrjc; jiaKpoGev Kai 6\j/ovxai zaq nhyyaq

should come from out of a land far off, that they shall see the calamities

xrjc; yrjc; SKeivrjc; Kai xac; vocjodc; avTT\q aq

of that land, and its diseases, which

a7T8oxsiXs KOpiOC] 871 ai)XT|V 23 + Geiov Kai akaq

[the] LORD sent unto it, sulphur and salt

KaxaK8Kai)|isvov 7idaa r| yrj avTT\q ov a7iapf|asxai

incinerating; all its land shall not be sown,

od8s avaxe^ei ou5s jjt| avapfj 87i' avTT\q 7iav

nor shall rise, nor should ascend upon it any

%Xcop6v cbo7isp Kaxsoxpdcprj E65o|ia Kai Tojioppa

green [thing]. As [ were eradicated Sodom and Gomorrah] —

A5a|id Kai £ePco(|i aq Kaxsoxps\j/s Kopioc; sv Gdjico

Admah and Zeboim, which [the] LORD eradicated in rage

Kai opyfj 24+ Kai epotiai rcavxa xa s0vr| 8iax(

and anger, and [ shall say all the nations], Why

£7iorr|as Kopioc; otixco xr| yrj xatixrj xiq o dv[ioq

did [ do [the] lord] thus to this land? What is [ rage

xrjc; opyfjc; o jisyac; omoq 25+ Kai spouaiv 6x1

of anger this great]? And they shall say, Because

KaxsXurov xrjv 5ia6fjKr|v Kopioi) xou 6sot3

they left the covenant of [the] LORD, God

xcov 7iax8pcov ai)xcov a 5ie0exo xoic; 7iaxpdaiv auxebv

of their fathers, which he ordained [with] their fathers,

6x8 e^fjyayev auxotic; sk yrjc; Aiyimxoi) 26+ Kai

when he led them out of [the] land of Egypt. And

7iop£D0svxsc; eAxxxpsDaav dsoiq exepoic; Kai

going, they served other gods, and

7ipoa£K6vr|aav auxoic; oiq odk r|7r(axavxo oi)8e

they did obeisance to them, ones which they had no knowledge of, nor




05 - Deuteronomy

5isvsi|isv aDioiq 27+ Kai copyiaGrj 0D|icb Kupiog

[knowledge] spread to them. And [ was provoked to anger in rage [the] LORD]

£7U xrjv yrjv sks(vt|v S7iayays(v S7i' aDxfjv Kaxd

over that land, to bring upon it according to

7idaac; xac; apdq xac; ysypajijisvac; sv xco PipAico xod

all the imprecations being written in [ scroll of the

VOJIOD XOIJXOD 28+ Kai s^fjpsv aDxotic; Kopioc; arco

law this]. And [lifted them [the] LORD] from

xrjc; yrjc; auxcbv sv 0D|icb Kai opyfj Kai 7iapo^i)a|icb

their land in rage and anger, and [ fit of temper

jisydXco acp68pa Kai s^spa^sv avzovq sic; yrjv

great an exceedingly], and cast them into [land

sxspav coasi vdv 29+ xa Kpimxa Kupico

another] as now. The secret [things belong] [to the] LORD

xco 0scb rjjicov xa 5s cpavspd r||iiv Kai xoic;

your God. But the open [things are] to you, and [to]

xskvoic; r||icbv sic; xov aicbva 7iois(v rcavxa xa pfjjiaxa

your children into the eon, to do all the words


of this law.


1 + Kai saxai coc; av sA,0coaiv sm as rcavxa

And it will be whenever [ should come upon you all

xa pfjjiaxa xatixa r| siAoyia Kai r| Kaxdpa r|v

these things], the blessing and the curse, which

5s5coKa 7ipo 7ipoacb7ioD aou Kai 8s^r| sic;

I put before your face, and you shall take [them] into

xrjv Kap8(av aou sv 7idai xoic; s0vsaiv od av

your heart in all the nations of which ever

5iaaKop7iiar| as Kopioc; o 0s6c; aou sksi 2 + Kai

[ should disperse you [the] LORD your God] there; and

S7riaxpacpf|ar| S7U Kopiov xov 0s6v aou Kai U7raK0i3ar|

you shall turn towards [the] LORD your God, and you shall hearken to

xrjc; cpcovfjc; auxou Kaxd rcavxa 6aa sycb svxsAlojiai

his voice, according to all as much as I give charge

aoi afjjispov s^ oAxjc; xrjc; Kap8(ac; aou Kai s^ oAxjc;

to you today, from [ entire heart your], and from [ entire

xrjc; yvx^q aoi) 3 + Kai idasxai Kupioc; xac; ajiapxiaq aoi)

soul your]; that [the] LORD shall heal your sins,

Kai sXsfjasi as Kai 7idA.iv auvd^si as sk

and shall show mercy on you, and again shall bring you from out of

30 "7 sv Tovrccp + vtica 05 - Deuteronomy

7idvTCOv xcov s0vcbv sic; odc; 8isaK6p7nas as Kopioc;

all the nations into which [ dispersed you [the] LORD

o 0s6c; aoD sksi 4 + e&amp;v r| r| 8iaa7iopd aoD an

your God] there. Even if [ might be your dispersion] from


[one] tip of the heaven unto [one] tip of the heaven, from there

oDvd^si as KDpioc; o 0s6c; ood Kai sks(0sv Ax|\j/STa(

[shall bring you [the] LORD your God], and from there he will take

as 5 + Kai siad^si as KDpioq o 0s6c; aoD sic; Trjv yrjv

you. And [ will bring you [the] LORD your God] into the land

rjv SKAr|pov6|xr|aav 01 7iaTspsc; aoD Kai KAx|povo|if|asic;

which [ inherited your fathers], and you shall inherit

(xdttjv Kai sd as 7roifjasi Kai 7iA,sovaaT6v as

it, and [ you good he will do], and [ superabundant for you

7roifjasi D7isp todc; 7iaTspac; aoD 6 + Kai

he will do] above your fathers. And

7ispiKa0apis( KDpioq tt|v Kap5(av aoD Kai tt|v KapSiav

[the] LORD shall purge your heart, and the heart

tod a7rsp|iaT6c; aoD ayarcdv KDpiov tov 0s6v aoD s^

of your seed, to love [the] LORD your God from

oAxjc; Trjq KapSiaq aoD Kai s£, 6Xr\q Tr\q\\fv%r\q aoD

[ entire heart your], and from [ entire soul your],

(va ^r\q av ?+ Kai 8cbasi KDpioc; o 0s6q aoD

that you should live. And [ shall put [the] LORD your God]

Tag apaq zamaq S7U todc; s%0poDc; aoD Kai S7ii todc;

these curses upon your enemies, and upon the ones

jiiaowcdc; as 01 s8(co^dv as 8+ Kai aD S7iiaTpa(pfjar|

detesting you, who pursued you. And you shall turn

Kai siaaKODarj Tr\q (poavfjc; KopioD tod 0sod aoD Kai

and shall listen to the voice of [the] LORD your God, and

7roifjasic; zaq EVToXaq ovtov oaaq sycb svTsAlojiai aoi

shall observe his commandments, as many as I give charge to you

afjjispov 9+ Kai 7roA,DCDpfjasi as KDpioc; o 0s6q aoD sv

today. And [ shall take great care of you [the] LORD your God] in

7iavTi spyco tcov %sipcbv aoD sv toic; SKyovoic;

every work of your hands, in the progeny

Tr\q KoiAiac; aoD Kai sv TOiq SKyovoiq tcov kttjvcov aoD

of your belly, and in the progeny of your cattle,

Kai sv TOiq ysvfjjiaai tt|c; yr\q aoD 6ti S7iiaTps\j/si

and in the produce of your land, because [ shall turn

KDpioc; o 0s6q aoD SD(ppav0fjvai sm as sic; aya0d

[the] LORD your God] to be glad over you for good [things],


30 "7 ev tootco + vtica 05 - Deuteronomy

KaGoxi sucppdvGrj stii xoic; 7iaxpdai gov 10 + SOV

as he was glad over your fathers. If

eiaaKotiarjc; Tr\q ^covfjc; Kopiou tod 6sot3 gov

you should hearken to the voice of [the] LORD your God,

cpuXdaasaGai xac; svxoAxxc; avzov Kai

to guard his commandments, and

xa 5iKaicb|iaxa avzov xac; ysypajijisvac; sv xco PipAico

his ordinances — the ones written in the scroll

XOD VOJIOD XOT3XOD sdv S7liaxpacpf|C; 8711 Kopiov

of this law, if you turn to [the] LORD

xov 08ov gov 6Xr\q Tr\q KapSiaq gov Kai s^ 6h\q

your God with [ entire heart your], and with [ entire

Tr\q\\fv%r\q gov u + 6xi r| svxoArj clvtk] r\v sycb

soul your]. For this commandment which I

evxsAAxDjiai aoi of||ispov ov% imspoyKoc; saxiv od8s

give charge to you today [ not enonnous is], nor

jimcpdv goto gov saxiv 12+ odk sv xco oupavco saxi

[ far from you is it]. [ not in the heaven It is],

Aiycov Tiq avapfjasxai rj|icbv sic; xov oupavov Kai

saying, Who shall ascend of us into the heaven, and

Ax|\j/exai r\[iiv aDxfjv Kai aKotiaavxsc; auxfjv 7ioif|ao|isv

shall take it to us, and hearing it we will do it?

13+ od8s rcspav xrjc; GaXdaarjc; saxi Aiycov xic;

Nor [ on the other side of the sea is it], saying, Who

Sia7ispdasi r\[dv sic; xo rcspav xrjc; GaXdaarjc; Kai

will pass through for us to the other side of the sea, and

Axj\j/exai r||iiv ai)xfjv Kai aKouaavxsc; avTr\v 7ioif|ao|isv

shall take it for us, and hearing it we will do it?

14+ Ejyvq gov saxi xo pf||ia acp68pa sv

[ near you is [But] the word very], in

xco axojiaxi gov Kai sv xr| Kap8(a gov Kai sv

your mouth, and in your heart, and in

xaiq xspai aoi) 7ioisiv ai)xo 15+ i8ot3 8s8coKa 7ipo

your hands to do it. Behold, I put before

7ipoacb7ioD gov afjjispov xrjv ^cofjv Kai xov Gdvaxov

your face today life and death,

xo ayaGov Kai xo KaKov i 6 +sdv8s siaaKotiarjxs xac;

good and bad. But if you should hearken to the

svxoldq Kupioi) xod 0soi) Djicov ac; sycb svxsAAx)|ia(

commandments of [the] LORD your God, which I give charge

aoi afjjispov ayarcdv Kopiov xov 9s6v gov 7iopsi)sa6ai

to you today, to love [the] LORD your God, to go


30 "7 sv tootco + viica 05 - Deuteronomy

sv 7iaaaic; xaic; odoiq auxou Kai cpuAxxaasiv

in all his ways, and to guard

xa SiKaicbjiaxa auxou Kai xaq zvioXaq auxou Kai

his ordinances, and his commandments, and

xac; Kpiasic; auxou Kai ^fjasaGs Kai noXkoi sasaBs Kai

his judgments, then you shall live, and you will be populous, and

su^oyfjasi as Kupioc; o Gsoc; aou sv 7idar| xr| yrj siq

[ will bless you [the] LORD your God] in all the land into

Tjv sia7iopsur| sksi KAr|povo|if|aai auxfjv n+ Kai sdv

which you enter there to inherit it. And if

(isxaaxfj T| Kap8(a aou Kai |ir| siaaKouarjc; Kai

[ should change over your heart], and you should not listen, and

7iA,avr|6s(c; 7ipoaKuvf|ar|c; Gsoic; sxspoiq Kai Xaxpsuarjc;

in wandering you should do obeisance to other gods, and should serve

auxoic; i 8 + avayysAloo aoi afjjispov 6xi a7icoXsia

them; I announce to you today, that by destruction

a7i;oXsia0s Kai ou jirj 7roA,ufnispoi ysvrjaGs S7i( xrjc;

you will be destroyed, and in no way [ many days shall there be] upon the

yr\q sic; r|v ujisfc; 5iaPa(vsxs xov Iop5dvr|v sksi

land, into which you pass over the Jordan there

KAr|povo|xf|aai auxfjv 19+ 5ia|iapxupojiai upiv afjjispov

to inherit it. I call to testify to you today

xov xs oupavov Kai xrjv yrjv xrjv ^oofjv Kai

both the heaven and the earth. The life and

xov Gdvaxov 8s8coKa 7ipo 7ipoaco7rou ujicbv xrjv

death I put before your face; the

su^oyiav Kai xrjv Kaxdpav Kai skXs^xi xrjv ^oofjv (va

blessing and the curse; then choose the life, that

^r\ar\qav Kai xo a7isp|ia aou 20+ ayarcdv Kupiov

you should live and your seed; to love [the] LORD

xov 0s6v aou siaaKousiv xrjc; (pcovr\q auxou Kai s%sa0ai

your God, to listen to his voice, and to hold [what is]

auxou 6x1 xouxo r| ^cofj aou Kai rj jiaKpoxTjc;

of his. For this [is] your life, and the duration

xcov r||ispcbv aou KaxoiKsiv S7U xrjc; yr\q r\q

of your days, to dwell upon the land of which

cbjioas Kupioq xoic; rcaxpdai aou APpadji Kai IaadK

[the] LORD swore by an oath [to] your fathers ~ Abraham and Isaac

Kai IaKcbp 8ouvai auxoiq

and Jacob, to give [it] to them.


31 &amp;


05 - Deuteronomy

31 vto

i + Kai ai)vsxsA,eas MooDafjc; Xak(bv Tidvxag

And Moses completed speaking all

xouc; Xojovq Tomovq npoq navmq viovq IapafjA, 2+ K(Xl

these words to all [the] sons of Israel. And

si7i8 7rpoc; avTOvq sraxov Kai edcoai excbv eyco sijii

he said to them, A hundred and twenty years I am

afjjispov od 8i)vf|ao|iai exi sia7iopei)ea9ai Kai

today. I shall not be able still to enter and

£K7iopsi)sa0ai KDpioq 8s 81718 7ipoc; |i8 od Siapfjarj

go forth. For [the] LORD said to me, You shall not pass over

xov Iop8dvr|v xouxov 3 + Kvpioq o Geoc; aoi) o

this Jordan. [The] LORD your God, the

7rpo7ropsi)6|isvoc; 7ipo 7rpoaco7ioi) aoi) auxoc;

one going forth before your face, he

s^oAx)6 pstiaei xa s0vr| xauxa arco 7ipoaco7roi) aoi) Kai

shall utterly destroy these nations from your face, and

KaxaKXr]povo|xfjaeic; auxotic; Kai Irjaouc; o

you shall inherit them; and Joshua [is] the one

7ipo7rop8i)6|i8VO(; 7ipo 7ipoacb7roi) aoi) Ka6d eAxxArjae

going forth before your face, as spoke

Kopioc; 4+ Kai 7roifja£i Kopioc; auxoiq KaGcbc; S7rorr|ae

[the] LORD. And [the] LORD shall do to them as he did

Srjcbv Kai Qy xoic; 8uai Paai^euai xcov Ajioppaicov

to Sihon and Og, to the two kings of the Amorites,

01 fjaav 7ispav xou IopSdvoi) Kai xr| yr| auxcbv

the ones who were on the other side of the Jordan, and [to] their land,

KaGoxi s^coA,60peuaev auxouc; 5 + Kai 7iaps8coKsv

in so far as he utterly destroyed them. And [ delivered

auxouc; Kupioc; evcb7iiov ujicbv Kai 7ioif|aexs auxoic;

them [up] [the] LORD] before you; and you shall do to them

Ka06xi svexsiAxx|ir|v ujjiv 6 + av8p(^oi) Kai ia%vs [ir\

in so far as I gave charge to you. Be manly and be strong! Do not

cpopou |ir|8s SsiAidarjc; |ir|8s 7ixor|9fjc; arco

fear! nor should you be timid, nor should you be terrified from

7ipoaco7i;oi) auxcbv 6xi Kupioc; o Gsoc; aoi) o

their face. For [the] LORD your God, the one

7rpo7ropsi)6|ievoc; |is6' ujicbv ou |ir| as avr\

going before with you — in no way should he forsake you,

ou8s |ir| ae syKaxaXi7ir| 7 + Kai SKdXsas Mcouaf|c; Irjaouv

nor in any way should he abandon you. And Moses called Joshua,


31 &amp;

8V TOUT© + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy

Kai 817T8V auxcb svavxi 7iavx6c; IapafjA, avdpiCpv Kai

and said to him before all Israel, Be manly and

ia%DS &lt;td yap siaslsuarj 7ipo 7ipoaco7roD

strong! For you shall enter before [the] face


of this people, into the land which [the] LORD swore by an oath [to]

rcaxpaaiv ujicov 8oi3vai auxofc; Kai au

your fathers to give to them, and you

KaxaKXr|povo|jTja£ic; auxfjv auxok; 8+ Kai Kupioq o

shall allot it to them. And [the] LORD, the one

&lt;yo|i7i;opsi)0|isvoc; jisxd gov odk avfjasi as

going with you will not send you [away],

od8s |ir| as syKaxaAi7ir| (irj cpopou |ir|8s 8siAia 9 + Kai

nor in any way abandon you. Do not fear nor be timid! And

sypa\j/s Mocmafjc; xa pfjjiaxa xod vojiod xotjxou sic;

Moses wrote the sayings of this law in

PiPAiov Kai s8coks ai)xo xoic; ispstiai xoic; vioiq Asm

a scroll, and he gave it to the priests, the sons of Levi,

xoic; aipoDai xrjv kiPcoxov xrjc; SiaGfjKqc; Kopioi) Kai

the ones lifting the ark of the covenant of [the] LORD, and

xoic; rcpsaPuxspoic; xcov mcbv IapafjA, io+ Kai

to the elders of the sons of Israel. And

svsxsi^axo McDDafjc; auxofc; sv xrj rjjispa sks(vt| Xsycov

Moses gave charge to them in that day, saying,

jisxd 87ixd sxrj sv Kaipcb sviauxou acpsascoc; sv

After seven years, in [the] time of [the] year of release, in

sopxfj aKT|V07rr|yiac; n+ sv xoo ai)|i7ropsT3sa6ai 7idvxa

[the] holiday of pitching of tents, in the going with all

IapafjX ocpGfjvai svcbmov Kopiou xod Gsotj djicov sv

Israel to appear before [the] LORD your God, in

xco xo7rco co av SKls^rjxai Kupioq avayvcbosaBs

the place in which ever [the] LORD should choose, you shall read

xov vojiov xotixov svavxiov 7iavx6c; IapafjX sic;

this law before all Israel in

xa coxa auxcbv 12+ SKKArjaiaoaxs xov Xaov xouc; dv8pac;

their ears. Assemble the people! the men,

Kai xac; ywaiKac; Kai xa SKyova Kai xov

and the women, and the progeny, and the

7ipoafj}u)xov xov sv xaic; 7i6A,soiv Djicbv iva aKouacoai

foreigner, the one in your cities, that they should hear,

Kai (va |id0coai cpopsioGai Kopiov xov 0s6v djicov

and that they should learn to fear [the] LORD your God.

Kai aKotiaovxai 7iois(v rcavxac; xouc; Xoyovq

And they shall hearken to do all the words


31 &amp;

8V TOT/CCp + vuca

05 - Deuteronomy


of this law. And their sons, the ones who have not

o(8aaiv aKODaovxai Kai |ia0f|aovxai cpoPsiaGai Kopiov

known, they shall hear, and shall learn to fear [the] LORD

xov Geov djicdv naaaq xac; rjjispaq oaaq aDxoi Cfbaiv

your God all the days, as many as they live

87i( Tr\q yr\q sic; r|v Djisk; 8iaPa(vsxs xov Iop8dvr|v

upon the land, into which you pass over the Jordan

sksi KAripovojifjaai aDxfjv 14+ Kai si7is Kopioc; 7ipoc;

there to inherit it. And [the] LORD said to

MooDafjv i8od syyiraaiv ai rjjispai xod 0avdxoD cjod

Moses, Behold, [ are approaching the days of your death];

K&amp;Xeaov IrjaoDV Kai axfjxs 7iapd xac; 0Dpac; xrjc;

call Joshua, and stand by the door of the

aKTjvfjc; xod jiapxDpioD Kai svxsXoDjiai aDxcb Kai

tent of the testimony! and I will give charge to him. And

S7iopsD0r| McDDafjc; Kai LqaoDc; sic; xrjv aKrjvfjv xod

[ went Moses and Joshua] into the tent of the

jiapxDpiOD Kai saxrjaav 7iapd xac; dvpaq Tr\q oKr\vr\q

testimony, and they stood by the door of the tent

xod jiapxDpioD 15+ Kai KaxsPrj KDpioq sv cjxdAxd

of the testimony. And [the] LORD came down in a column

vscpsAxjc; Kai saxrj S7ri xac; 0Dpaq xrjc; GKr\vr\q xod

of cloud. And it stood at the door of the tent of the

jiapxDpiOD Kai soxrj o axvXoq xrjc; vscpsAxjc; napa xac;

testimony. And [ stood the column of cloud] by the

0Dpaq xrjc; GKr\vr\q i6 + Kai si7is Kopioc; 7ipoc; McoDafiv

door of the tent. And [the] LORD said to Moses,

i8od &lt;xd Koijid |i8xd xcov 7iax8pcov aoD Kai avaaxdc;

Behold, you go to sleep with your fathers. And rising up,

odxoc; o Xaoq SK7iopvsDasi 07i(aco 0scbv aAloxpioov xrjc;

this people shall fornicate after alien gods of the

yrjc; sic; r\v omoq siarcopsDSxai sksi sic; aDxfjv Kai

land into which this [people] enter there into it. And

KaxaXsnj/ODcri |is Kai 8iaaKs8daoDai xrjv 8ia0fjKT|v |iod

they shall forsake me, and shall efface my covenant

rjv 8is0s|ir|v aDxoiq 17+ Kai opyia0f|ao|iai 0D|icb

which I ordained with them. And I shall be provoked to anger in rage

aDxoiq sv xrj rjjispa SKsivrj Kai KaxaXsuj/oo aDxotic; Kai

with them in that day, and I will leave them, and

a7ioaxps\j/co xo 7ip6aco7r6v jiod an aDxcbv Kai saovxai

I will turn my face from them, and they shall be


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

05 - Deuteronomy

KaxdPpco|ia Kai supfjaouaiv auxov KaKd itoXXa Kai

a thing devoured. And [ shall find him evils many and

0Ai\j/sic; Kai spsi sv xr| rjjispa sks(vt| 816x1 odk sail

afflictions]; and he shall say in that day, because [ is not

Kopioc; o 6s6c; jiou sv s|io( supoadv |is

[the] LORD my God] among me [ found me

xa KaKd xawa i8+eycb8s a7toaxpo(pf| a7roaxps\j/co

these evils]. And I in turning will turn away

to 7ip6aco7r6v jiod ait' auxcbv sv xr| rjjispa sks(vt| 8id

my face from them in that day because of

ndaaq xaq KaKiaq aq S7ro(r|aav 6xi a7isaxps\j/av sm

all the evils which they did, for they turned away unto

dzovq aAloxpioix; 19+ Kai vdv ypd\j/axs xa pfjjiaxa

alien gods. And now write the words

xrjc; coSfjq xauxTjc; Kai 8i8d^axs auxfjv zovq viovq

of this ode, and teach it to the sons

IapafjX Kai sjipalsixs aDxfjv sic; xo axojia auxcbv (va

of Israel! And you shall put it into their mouth, that

ysvrjxai jioi r| coSfj atixrj jiapxtipiov sv vioiq IapafjA,

[ should be to me ode this] a testimony among [the] sons of Israel.

20 + siad^oo yap auxotic; sic; xrjv yrjv xrjv ayaBfjv r|v

For I shall bring them into the [ land good] which

cbjioaa miq 7iaxpdaiv auxcbv yrjv psouaav yaka

I swore by an oath [to] their fathers; a land flowing milk

Kai jisAi Kai cpdyovxai Kai s|i7iAr|a0svxsc;

and honey. And they shall eat. And being filled up

KopfjaoDai Kai S7iiaxpa(pf|aovxai S7U

they shall satisfy [themselves], and shall turn to

dzovq aAloxpioDc; Kai AxxxpstiaoDaiv auxofc; Kai

alien gods, and shall serve to them, and

7rapo^ovoi)cri |is Kai 8iaaKs8daouai xrjv SiaGfjKrjv |iod

shall provoke me, and shall efface my covenant

Tjv 8is6s|ir|v aDxoiq 21+ Kai saxai oxav supcooiv

which I ordained with them. And it will be whenever [ shall find

ai)xov KaKd TtoXka Kai 6Ai\j/sic; Kai avxiKaxaaxfjasxai

him evils many and afflictions], and [ shall stand firm

T| co8fj ai3xr| Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov auxcbv jiapxDpouaa

ode this against their face witnessing].

od yap |irj s7uXr|a6fj and axojiaxoc; auxcbv Kai and

For they should not forget [it] from their mouth, and from

oxojiaxoc; xod a7isp|iaxoc; auxcbv sycb yap o(8a

[the] mouth of their seed. For I perceive

xrjv 7iovr|piav auxcbv 6aa 7iouy6aiv cb8s af||ispov 7ipo

their wickedness, as much as they do here today, before


31 &amp;

8V TOUT© + VlKa

05 - Deuteronomy

tod eiaayaysw |is avzovq sic; xrjv yrjv xrjv ayaGfjv r|v

my bringing them into the [ land good] which

cbjiooa xoic; 7iaxpdaiv aDxcbv 22+ Kai eypa\j/s MoaDafjc;

I swore by an oath [to] their fathers. And Moses wrote

XT|V C05fjV XaDXTjV 8V 8K81VT| XT] Tjjiepa Kai e5(5a^ev

this ode in that day, and he taught

aDxfjv xodc; viovq IapafjA, 23 + Kai evsxsiAxxxo Moyoofjc;

it to the sons of Israel. And Moses gave charge

lr\aov mob Nai)f| Kai si7iev avdpiCpv Kai (a%D8

to Joshua son of Nun and said, Be manly and be strong!

&lt;td yap eiad^eic; todc; diodc; IapafjA, sic; xr|v yrjv r|v

For you shall bring the sons of Israel into the land which

cbjioasv aDTOiq Kopioc; Kai aDxoc; saxai jisxd aoD

[ swore by an oath to them [the] LORD], and he will be with you.

24 + rjviKa 8s cjdvsxsXscts MoaDafjc; ypdcpcov rcavxac; xodc;

And when Moses completed writing all the

Xoyovq xod vojiod xodxod sic; PipAiov sooc; sic; xsAxdc; 25 +

words of this law in a scroll, until completion,

Kai svsxsi^axo xoic; AsDixaic; xoic; aipoDai xrjv

that he gave charge to the Levites, to the ones lifting the

kiPcoxov xrjc; 5ia6fjKT|c; kdpiod Aiycov 26+ AxxPovxsc; xo

ark of the covenant of [the] LORD, saying, Taking the

PiPAiov xod vojiod xodxod Gfjasxs aDxo sk 7iA,ay(cov

scroll of this law, you shall put it sideways

xrjc; kiPcoxod xrjc; SiaGfjKqc; kdpiod xod 0sod djicov Kai

in the ark of the covenant of [the] LORD your God; and

saxai sksi sv aoi sic; jiapxtipiov 27+ 6x1 sycb

it will be there to you for a testimony. For I

87i(axa|iai xov sps6ia|iov aoD Kai xov xpd%r|X6v

know the aggravation [caused by] you, and [ neck

aoD xov GKh\pov sxiyap s|iod ^cbvxoc; |is6' djicov

your hard]. For still [in] my living with you

of||ispov 7rapa7UKpaivovx£c; rjxs xa 7ipoc;

today, [ embittering greatly you [have been]] the [things] towards

xov 08ov 7icoc; ODxi Kai sa%axov xod GavdxoD |~10D 28 +

God; how not so also at [the] last at my death?

eKKAxjcriaaaxe rcpoc; |is xodc; (pvXap%ovq djicov Kai

Hold an assembly for me of your tribal chiefs, and

xodc; 7ipeaPDX8poDc; djicov Kai

your elders, and

xodc; ypa|i|iaxosiaayoaysic; djioqv iva AxxAxjaco sic;

your judicial recorders! that I should speak into


32 ±

ev toutco + viKa

05 - Deuteronomy

xa coxa auxcbv rcavxac; zovq Xoyovq Tomovq Kai

their ears all these words; and

8iajiapxi)pco|iai auxoic; xovxs oupavov Kai xrjv yrjv 29 +

I [call to] testify to them both the heaven and the earth.

o(8a yap 6x1 ea%axov xrjc; xe^eDxfjc; jiou avojjia

For I know that [at the] last of my decease, with lawlessness

avo|if|asxs Kai skkAivsixs sk xrjc; odov r\q

you shall act lawlessly, and shall turn aside from the way of which

svsxsiM|jt|v djiiv Kai aDvavxfjasxai djiw xaKaKd S7ri

I gave charge to you; and [ shall meet with you evils] at

saxdxcov xcov rjjispcbv 6x1 7ioif|aexe xo 7iovr|p6v

[the] last of the days; for you shall do the evil

svavxi Kopioi) 7iapopyiaai ai)xov sv xoic; spyoic;

before [the] LORD to provoke him to anger by the works

xcov xsipcbv ujicbv 30+ Kai sAxxAxjae Mayuofjc; sic; xa coxa

of your hands. And Moses spoke into the ears

7idar|(; eKKArjaiac; IapafjA, xa pfjjiaxa Tr\q coSfjc; xai3xr|c;

of all [the] assembly of Israel the words of this ode,

scoc; sic; Tskoq

until completion.


1 + 7rp6as%s oupavs Kai XaXfjaco Kai aKODSxco r| yr|

Take heed, O heaven! and I will speak. And hear, O earth,

pfjjiaxa 8K axojiaxoc; jiou 2+ 7rpoa8oKda0co coc;

[the] discourses from out of my mouth! Expect as

dsxoc; xo a7i6(p08y(id jiod Kai Kaxapfjxco coc; Spoaoc;

[the] rain my maxims, and let [ go down as dew

xa pfjjiaxd jiou coc; 6|iPpoc; S7i' dypcoaxiv Kai coaei

my discourses], as a heavy shower upon wild grass, and as

vicpsxoq 87ii %6pxov 3+ 6x1 xo ovojia Kopiou SKdXeoa

snowflakes upon grass! For [ the name [of the] LORD I called].

86x8 (isyaXcoawrjv xco 0scb rijicbv 4 + Geoc; aAxjGivd

Give greatness [to] our God! God, [ [are] true

xa epya avzov Kai 7idaai ai 0801 avzov Kpiaeic; Gsoc;

his works], and all his ways are equity. God

ftiaxoc; Kai odk saxiv a8iKia sv auxcb Sfcaioc; Kai

[is] trustworthy, and there is no injustice in him; just and

oaioc; o Kopioc; 5 + r||idpxoaav odk auxcb xeKva

sacred [is] the LORD. They sinned ~ [they are] not his children;

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8V TOUT© + VtKCl

05 - Deuteronomy

|ico|ir|Td ysvsd aKoAid Kai 8isaxpaji|isvr| 6 +

[they are] a scoffing ~ [generation a crooked], and one turning aside.

xatixa KDpico avxa7ro8(8oxs ouxoo Xaoq jicopoq Kai

[ these [things] [to the] LORD Do you recompense] thus, O people, moronish and

ov%i aocpoq odk auxoc; omoq aou 7raxf|p SKxfjaaxo

not wise? Did not he, this your father, acquire

as Kai 87ro(r|a8 as Kai snkaas as i+ |ivfja0r|TS

you, and make you, and shape you? Remember

rjjispac; aicbvoq awsxs 8r| sxrj ysvsdc; ysvscbv

[the] days of [the] eon! Perceive indeed [the] years [of the] generations of

S7ispcoTr|aov xov rcaxspa aoi) Kai avayysXsi aoi

Ask your father, and he will announce to you;

xouc; 7rpsaPi)TspoDc; aoi) Kai spotiai aoi 8 + 6xs

your elders, and they shall speak to you. When

8is|ispi^sv o v\\f\GToq sGvrj coq 8isa7isipsv viovq

[ divided into parts the highest nations], as he disseminated [the] sons

A8d|i saxrjasv opia sGvcbv raid apiGjiov ayys^cov

of Adam, he set [the] borders of nations according to [the] number of [the] angels

6soi) 9+ Kai sysvfjGrj jispiq Kopiou taxoq auxou IaKcbp

of God; and [became a portion [for the] LORD his people Jacob].

a%o(via|ia KAxjpovojjiac; avzov IapafjA, io +

[ is a piece of measured out land of his inheritance Israel].

aDTdpKTjasv auxov sv xr| yr| spfj|i&lt;jo sv 8uj/si

He sufficed him in [ land a wilderness], in thirst

Katijiaxoc; sv yr| avuSpoo SKDKAxjoasv auxov Kai

of sweltering heat in [land a waterless]. He encircled him, and

S7iai8suasv auxov Kai SiscpuAxx^sv auxov coq Kopryv

corrected him, and guarded him as a pupil

ocpGaXjiou n+ ox; asxoc; aKsrcdaai voaaidv auxou Kai

of an eye. As an eagle sheltering his nest, [ and

S7U xoic; vsoaaoiq auxou S7iS7r60r|as 8isk;

over his young he longs after]. Thrusting out

xac; rcxspuyac; auxou sSs^axo auxouc; Kai avsAxxPsv

his wings he receives them; and he takes

auxouc; S7U xcov jisxacppsvoov auxou u + Kupioc; jiovoc;

them upon his upper back. [The] LORD alone

fjysv auxouc; Kai oukttv |isx' auxcbv Gsoc; aAloxpioc;

led them, and there was not with them an alien god.

13+ avsptpaasv auxouc; S7U xrjv ia%uv xrjc; yr\q

He brought them unto the strength of the land.

s\j/cb|iiasv auxouc; ysvfjjiaxa aypcbv sGfjAxxaav jisAa sk

He fed them produce of fields. They nursed honey out of


32 ±

8V TOUT© + vuca

05 - Deuteronomy
7iexpac; Kai eAmov sk axspsdc; 7isxpac; u+ PoDXDpov

[the] rock, and olive oil out of [the] solid rock. Butter

Pocbv Kai yaka 7ipopdxcDV jiexd oxeaxoc; apvcbv Kai

of oxen, and milk of sheep, with fat of lambs and

Kpicbv mcbv xaDpoov Kai xpdyoov jiexd axeaxoc;

rams, offspring of bulls and he-goats, with fat

vecppcbv 7ropoD Kai aijia axaqruArjc; S7IIOV OIVOV 15 +

of kidneys of wheat, and [ [the] blood of [the] grape they drank wine].

Kai ecpayev IaKcbp Kai £VS7rArja9r| Kai a7ieA,dKxiaev o

And Jacob ate and was filled up, and [ kicked up the

rjya7rr||i8voc; sAi7idv6r| s7iaxDv6r| s7iA,axDv6r| Kai

one being loved]; he was fattened, he was thickened, he was widened, and

syKaxeAurs 0s6v xov 7roifjaavxa ai)xov Kai a7i8oxr|

he abandoned God the one making him; and he left

arco 6sod acoxfjpoc; aDxoD i 6 + 7iapco^Dvdv |ie 87i'

from God his deliverer. They provoked me over

aAAx)xp(oic; sv p8sADyjiaaiv auxcbv e^S7UKpavdv |is n+

[the] alien [ones]; in their abominations they greatly embittered me.

s0i)aav Saijiovunc; Kai od 0scb 0sofc; oiq odk

They sacrificed to demons, and not to God — to gods in whom they did not

fj8siaav Kaivoi Kai 7ip6a(paxoi fjKaaiv oiq

know; new and newly made [gods] have come, in whom

oi)Kf|5eiaav oi rcaxspsc; auxcbv is+ 9s6v xov yswfjaavxd

[ knew not their fathers]. God, the one creating

ae syKaxslursc; Kai £7T£Axx6od Gsod xod xpecpovxoc; as

you, you abandoned; and you forgot God the one maintaining you.

19+ Kai eiSsKopioc; Kai e^fjAxoas Kai 7iapco^DV0r| 8i'

And [the] LORD beheld, and was jealous; and he was provoked to

opyfjv uicbv ai)xcbv Kai GDyaxspoov 20 + Kai ei7isv

anger by their sons and daughters. And he said,

a7ioaxp8\j/co xo 7ip6aco7r6v jiod an aDxcbv Kai 8s(^co

I will turn away my face from them, and I will show

xi eaxai aDxoiq S7i' ea%dxcov 6x1 yeved

what will be to them at [the] last [times], for [ a generation

8^saxpa|i|isvr| eaxiv dioi oiq odk saxi nicTiq sv

being distorted it is]; sons in whom there is no belief in

auxok; 21+ aDxoi 7iape^f|AxDadv |is S7i' od Gecb

them. They provoked me to jealousy over [that which is] not god;

7iapcbpyiadv jie sv xoic; eiScbXoic; aDxcbv Kaycb

they provoked me to anger with their idols. And I

7iapa^r|Xcbaco aDxotic; S7i' odk eGvei em £0vsi

shall provoke them to jealousy over [that which is] not a nation. Over [nation


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8V TOUT© + VtKCl

05 - Deuteronomy

aai)V8ico 7iapopyi(D auxouc; 22 + oxi nvp skkskocdtoci sk

a senseless] I will provoke them to anger. For a fire burns away of

tod 0d|iot3 |iod Kau6f|asxai sooc; ddov Kaxooxdxoi)

my rage; it shall be burned unto [Hades lower];

Kaxacpdysxai yrjv Kai xa ysvf||iaxa avTT\q cpAi^si

it shall devour [the] land, and its produce; it shall blaze

GsjisAia opscbv 23+ awa^co sic; avzovq KaKd Kai

on [the] foundations of mountains. I bring together to them bad [things]; and

xa PsArj jiod aDvxsAiaoo sic; auxotic;

[by] my arrows I will finish with them;

24+ xrjKojisvoi Aijicd Kai Ppcbasi opvsoov Kai

melting [them] away in hunger, and being food of fowls, and

07ua66xovoc; aviaxoc; oSovxac; Grjpicov S7ra7ioaxsAxb sic;

[convulsion incurable]. [The] teeth of wild beasts I will send as a successor to

avTOvq jisxd 0djiot3 aDpovxcov S7ri xrjc; yrjc; 25 +

them, with rage dragging [them] upon the ground.

s^ooBsv axsKvcbasi avzovq jia%a(pa Kai sk xcov

From outside [ shall make them childless [the] sword], and from out of the

xajiisicov (popoq vsaviaKoq &lt;tdv 7rap6svco GrjXd^cov

inner chambers fear; [the] young man with [the] virgin, [the] one nursing

jisxa KaGsaxrjKoxoc; 7ipsaPi)xoD 26+ si7ia 5iaa7ispcb

being placed with [the] old man. I said, I will disperse

avTOvq nave® 8s s£, av0pcb7icov

them, and I will cause [ to cease from among men

xo |ivr||i6aDvov auxcbv 27+ si|xq 81'

their memorial]. Unless [they should say it was] on account

opyfjv s%0pcbv wa |ir| jiaKpoxpoviacooi Kai iva jjt|

[of the] anger of [the] enemies, that in no way should they live a long time, and
that in no way

ai)vs7ii6cbvxai 01 D7isvavxioi (irj si7icoaiv r| %sip r\[i(bv

[join in making an attack [their] opponents], lest they should say, [hand Our

T| D\j/rjArj Kai ov%i Kopioc; S7io(r|as xaijxa rcdvxa 28 + 6x1

high], and not [the] LORD did all these [things]. For

sGvoc; a7ioAxjoA,SK6c; poi)Arjv saxi Kai odk saxiv sv

[ a nation destroying counsel it is], and there is no [ in

auxok; S7iiaxfj|xr| 29+ odk scppovrjaav awisvai

them higher knowledge]. They did not think to perceive;

xaDxa Kaxa8s^do0coaav sic; xov S7ii6vxa %povov 30 +

let them appreciate in the coming time.

7icoc; Sicb^sxai sic; %ikiovq Kai 8do jisxaKivfjaoDai

How shall [ pursue one] thousands, and two rout

jxopidSac; si |ir| o Gsoc; a7is8oxo avzovq Kai o Kopioc;

ten thousands, unless God rendered them [up], and the LORD


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05 - Deuteronomy

7iape5coKsv avTOvq 31+6x1 odk siaiv coc; o 0s6c; r)|icbv

delivered them [up]? For [ are not as our God

01 0soi auxcbv 01 5s e%0po( r||icbv avorjxoi 32+ sk yap

their gods], but our enemies are unthinking. For of

a|i7rsXoi) £o86|icov r| a[mskoq auxcov Kai

[the] grapevine of Sodom [is] their grapevine, and

T| Khr\[iaTiq auxcbv sk Tojioppaq r| axacpD^fj auxcov

their small vine branch [is] of Gomorrah; their grape

axa(pi)Ar| %oXr\q Poxpuc; TiiKpiaq auxoic; 33+ 0dji6c;

[is the] grape of bile, [their] cluster [is] bitterness to them. [The] rage

8paKovxcov o oivoq auxcbv Kai dv[ioq aa7u8cov

of serpents [is] their wine, and [ rage of asps

aviaxoc; 34+odki8ot3 xatixa auvfjKxai 7iap' ejioi Kai

[the] incurable]. Behold, [are] not these [things] brought together by me, and

eacppdyiaxai sv xoic; GrjaaDpoiq jiou 35+ sv r||ispa

a set seal among my treasures? In [the] day

SKSiKfjascoq avxa7io5cbaco sv Kaipcb oxav atpaAxj

of punishment I shall recompense, in a time whenever [ should trip

o novq auxcbv 6x1 syyvq rjjispa a7icoA,e(ac; auxcbv Kai

their foot]; for [ [is] near [the] day of their destruction], and

7idpsaxiv sxoijia djjav 36+ 6x1 Kpivsi Kopioc;

at hand prepared for you. For [the] LORD judges

xov Xaov avTOV Kai £7U xoic; 5ot3Ax)ic; avzov

his people, and over his menservants

7iapaKA,r|0f|a8xai s(5eyap avzovq iiapakskv[isvovq Kai

he shall be comforted. For he beheld their being disabled, and

SKA,sAx)i7r6xac; sv S7iaycDyfj Kai 7iapei|ievouc; 37+ Kai

failing in [the] [hostile] invasion, and were weakened. And

81718 KDpiOq 7T0D 81CJIV 01 0801 ai)XCOV Stp' Oiq

[the] LORD said, Where are their gods upon whom

87r87io(08iaav sk auxok; 38+ cov xo axeap

they yielded upon them? Of whom the fat


of their sacrifices you ate, and drank the wine

xcov a7rov8cbv auxcbv avaaxfjxcoaav Kai Por|0r|adxcooav

of their libations? Let [them] rise up and help

D|i(v Kai ysvr|0f|xcoaav djiiv aKS7iaaxai 39+ (5sxs (5sxs

you, and be your shelterer! Behold! behold

6x1 sycb 8i(ii Kai odk saxi dsoq 7iAx|v sjioi) sycb

that I am! and there is no God besides me. I

a7ioKxsvco Kai ^r|v 7roifjaco 7iaxd^co Kaycb idoojiai

shall kill, and [ to live I shall make]. I shall strike, and I will heal.

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8V TOUT© + VtKCl

05 - Deuteronomy

Kai odk saxiv oq e^s^eixai sk xgov xsipcbv jiod 40 +

And there is not one who shall rescue from out of my hands.

on apcb sic; xov ODpavov xrjv xsipa jiod Kai

For I shall lift into the heaven my hand, and

ojioDjiai xtj 8e^id jiod Kai epcb CfD sycb sic; xov

I shall swear by an oath by my right [hand]. And I will say, I live into the

aicbva 41+ 6xi 7iapo^Dvcb coc; aaxpa7if|v

eon. For I will sharpen [ as lightning

xrjv |id%aipdv |iod Kai avGs^sxai Kpijiaxoc; r| %eip |iod

my sword], and [will hold to equity my hand].

Kai avxa7io5cbaco 5(kt|v xoic; £%6po(c; Kai xoic;

And I will recompense punishment against the enemies; and against the ones

jiicjodoi (is avxa7ro8cbacD 42+ iisGdcjcd xa PeAxj jiod acp'

detesting me I will recompense. I shall intoxicate my arrows of

aijiaxoc; Kai rj |id%aipd jiod cpdyexai Kpsa acp'

blood, and my sword shall devour meats from

aijiaxoc; xpaDjiaxicbv Kai ai%|iaAx»a(ac; and KS(paAx|c;

[the] blood of [the] slain, and from [the] captivity [of the] heads

apxovxcov s%0pcbv 43+ SDcppdvGrjxe ODpavoi djia aDxcb

of [the] rulers of [the] enemies. Be glad, O heavens, together with him!

Kai 7ipoaKi)vr|adxcoaav auxcb rcavxec; dyyeXoi 0sod

and do obeisance to him, all angels of God!

si)(ppdv6r|X8 sGvrj jisxd xod A,aoD auxoij Kai

Be glad, O nations, with his people! And

sviaxuadxcoaav auxcb 7idvxsc; vioi 0£od 6x1 xo aijia

grow in strength in him all, O sons of God! For the blood

xcov mcbv avTOV SKSiKeixai Kai SKSiKqasi Kai

of his sons he shall avenge, and he shall avenge and

avxa7io8cbasi 5(kttv xoic; sxGpoic; Kai xoic; jiiaoDaiv

recompense punishment to the enemies. And to the ones detesting

ai)xov avxa7ro8cbasi Kai SKKaGapiei Kupioc; xrjv yrjv

him he will recompense, and [the] LORD shall clear out the land

xod Xaov avTOV 44 + Kai sypa\j/e MoaDafjc;

for his people. And Moses wrote

xttv codr\v xatixrjv sv xt| rjjispa 8K8ivr| Kai s8(8a^sv

this ode in that day. And he taught

auxfjv xodc; viovq lapar\k Kai 7ipoaf|A,6s MoaDafjc; Kai

it to the sons of Israel. And Moses approached and

eAxxAxjae rcdvxac; xodc; Xoyovq xod vojiod xodxod sic;

spoke all the words of this law into

xa coxa xod Xaov avzoq Kai IrjaoDc; o xod NaDfj 45 +

the ears of the people, he and Joshua the [son of] Nun.


32 ±

ev toi3tco + vuca

05 - Deuteronomy

Kai aDVSTS^sas McoDafjc; Xakcbv zovq Xoyovq todtodc;

And Moses completed speaking these words

7iavTi IapafjA, 46 + Kai si7is npoq avxovq 7ipoas%STS ttj

to all Israel. And he said to them, You take heed [in]

Kap5(a djicov S7i( 7r&amp;vxac; zovq Xoyovq todtodc; ovq sycb

your heart over all these words which I

SiajiapTDpojiai D|i(v afjjispov a svtsXsicjGs zoiq

testify to you today, which you shall charge [to]

DioiqDjicbv (pvXaaasiv Kai 7ioisiv rcavTac; todc; Xoyovq

your sons, to guard and to do all the words


of this law! For [ [is] not word an empty this] for you,

on m3xr| r| ^cofj Djicbv Kai svsksv tod A,6yoD todtod

for this [is] your life. And because of this word

|iaKpor||isp£DasTS 87i( TT\q yr\q sic; r|v djisic;

you shall prolong your days upon the land into which you

8iaPa(vsTS tov Iop8dvr|v sksi KAx|povo|ifjoai aDTfjv 48 +

pass over the Jordan there to inherit it.

Kai eXaAxjae KDpioq itpoq MoaDafjv sv xr| rjjispa xaDTT]

And [the] LORD spoke to Moses in this day,

Aiycov 49+ avdprjGi ziq to opoc; to Apapiji todto opoc;

saying, Ascend into the mountain Abarim, this mountain

NaPaD o eoTiv sv yr| Mcodp KaTd 7ip6aco7rov

Nebo! which is in [the] land of Moab, against [the] face

Ispi%cb Kai (5s ttjv yrjv Xavadv r|v sycb 5(8co|ii

of Jericho. And behold the land of Canaan! which I give

TOiq vioiq IapafjX sic; KaTda%saiv 5 o+ Kai TsA^SDTa sv

to the sons of Israel for a possession. And come to an end in

too opsi sic; o avapaivsiq sksi Kai 7ipoaTs6r|Ti

the mountain into which you ascend there! And be added

7ipoc; tov Axxov aoD ov Tporcov arcsGavsv Aapcov

to your people! in which manner [died Aaron

o a8sAxpoc; aoD sv Qp tco opsi Kai 7ipoasTs6r| 7ipoc;

your brother] in Hor the mountain, and was added to

tov Xaov aDTOD 5 i+ 8i6ti r|7rsi6fiaaTS tco pfjjiaTi |iod

his people. Because you resisted persuasion of my word,

sv tok; vioiq IapafjX S7U tod DSaToq avTi^oyiac;

among the sons of Israel at the water of dispute,

KdSrjc; sv ttj spfj|ico 2av 8i6ti ov% rjyidaaTS |is

Kadesh, in the wilderness of Sin; because you did not sanctify me

sv Toiq Dioiq IapafjX 52+ 6ti arcsvavTi 6\j/si tt|v

among the sons of Israel. For [ before [you] you shall see the


33 3fr

ev toi3tco + viKa

05 - Deuteronomy

yrjv Kai sksi odk sias^SDarj sic; xrjv yrjv r|v sycb

land], and [ there you shall not enter], into the land which I

8(5co|ii TOiq vioiq lapar\k

give to the sons of Israel.

33 jfe

i+ a^irj r| sD^oyia r\v r|DA,6yr|ae McoDafjc;

This [is] the blessing which [ blessed Moses

&amp;v0p&lt;D7ioc; tod 0sod Tovq viovq IopafjA, 7ipo

[the] man of God] the sons of Israel before

TT\q TEksVTT\q aDTOD 2+ Kai S17T8 KDpiOCJ 8K £lV&amp;

his decease. And he said, [The] LORD [ from out of Sinai

fjKsi Kai S7is(pavsv sk I/qeip r\[dv Kai KaTsa7ieDaev

is come], and he appeared upon Seir to us. And he hastened

opovq Oapdv cjdv jiDpidai KdSrjc; 8K

from out of mount Paran with myriads ofKadesh— at

5e^icbv olvtov dyysAm jist' clvtox) 3+ Kai scpsiaaxo

his right [were] angels with him. And he spared

tod Xaov aDTOD Kai 7rdvxsc; 01 rjyiaajisvoi 87ii

his people, and all the ones being sanctified by

zaq %eipdc; aoD odtoi D7t6 as siai Kai £8e^aTO arco

your hands; these [under you are]; and he received of

xcov Xoycov aDTOD 4+ vojiov ov svstsiAxxto r\[iiv

his words [the] law which [ gave charge to us

McoDafjc; KAxjpovojjiav aDvayoayfjc; IaKcbp 5 + Kai ecrcai

Moses], an inheritance of [the] congregation of Jacob. And he will be

sv too rjya7ir||i8vco dp%cov aDvaxGevToav apxovToav

[ with the one being loved a ruler] being brought [ with rulers

Axxcbv d|ia (pvXaiq IapafjA, 6 + ^fjTCO PoDpfjv Kai jir|

of peoples together] among tribes of Israel. Let Reuben live and not

a7io0av8TCO Kai I/ojiecbv scttco noXvq sv apiGjicb 7+ Kai

die! And let Simon be many in number! And

aDTTj IoD8a eiadKODaov Kopie (pcovfjq IoD8a Kai sic;

this for Judah, Listen, O LORD, of [the] voice of Judah, and unto

tov A,a6v aDTOD siasXGoiaav ai %s(pec; aDTOD

his people! may they enter in. His hands

SiaKpivoDGiv aDTcb Kai PorjGoc; sk tcov e%0pcbv aDTOD

shall litigate for him; and [ a helper from his enemies

ear) 8 + Kai tod Asdi 8i7is 86ts Asdi 8f|Ax)Dc; aDTOD

you will be]. And to Levi he said, Give to Levi his manifestations

33 3fr

8V TOUT© + vuca

05 - Deuteronomy

Kai aArjBsiav auxcro xco av8p( xco oaico ov S7isipaaav

and his truth to the [ man sacred], whom they tested

auxov sv 7i8ipa sAm86pr|aav auxov scp' uSaxoc;

him in Trial; they reviled him at Water

avxiXoyiac; 9+0 Xeycov xco rcaxpi ovtov Kai xrj

of Dispute; the one saying [to] his father and [to]

jirjipi ovtov ov% ecopaKd as Kai

his mother, I have not seen you; and

xouc; aSeAxpouc; ovtov ovk £7ieyvco Kai

his brethren he did not recognize, and

todc; viovq olvtov ovk eyvco etpuA^ev to A,6yid gov Kai

his sons he did not know. He guarded your oracles, and

xrjv 8ia6fjKr|v gov Sisxfjprjas 10+ 8r|XcbaoDai

[ your covenant he observed]. They shall manifest

xa 8iKaicb|iaxd gov xco IaKcbp Kai xov vojiov gov

your ordinances to Jacob, and your law

xco IopafjX £7u6fjaouai 0u|i(a|ia sv opyfj gov

to Israel. They shall place incense in [the time] of your anger

8ia7ravx6c; £7U xou Guaiaaxripiou gov n+ euloyrjaov

always upon your altar. Bless,

Kopis xrjv ig%vv ovtov Kai xa spya xcov xsipcbv ovtov

O LORD his strength! And the works of his hands

8e^ai Kdxa^ov oaqrov S7iav£axr|K6xcov e%0pcov olvtov

receive! Break [the] loin [ having risen up against [him] of his enemies]!

Kai 01 jiiaowcsc; auxov [ir\ avaaxfjxcoaav 12+ Kai

And the ones detesting him let them not rise up! And

xco Bsviajiiv 817T8V r|ya7rr||i8VO(; U7i6 Kupiou

to Benjamin he said, One being loved by [the] LORD;

KaxaaKTjvcoasi 7ie7roi0coc; Kai o Geoc; aKid^si S7i' auxco

he shall encamp being yielded, and God shadows over him

noGoq mq rjjiepac; Kai avajisaov xcov cbjicov ovtov

all the days, and [ between his shoulders

Kaxs7rauas 13+ Kai xco Icoafjtp £i7isv on svXoyioq

he rested]. And to Joseph he said, [ is of [the] blessing

Kupiou rj yrj ovtov arco copcov oupavou Kai 8p6aou

of [the] LORD His hand], of seasons of heaven, and of dew,

Kai arco apuaacov 7ir|ycbv KdxcoGsv u+ Kai Ka6'

and of [the] deeps of springs below, and according to

cbpav yevrjjidxcov r(kiov xpoftcov Kai arco auv68cov

[the] season of [the] offsprings [of [the] sun of [the] circuits], and of [the]

jirjvcov 15+ arco Kopucpfjc; opecbv op%r\q Kai onb

of [the] months; from [the] top [mountains of ancient], and from


33 3fr

8V TOUT© + vuca
05 - Deuteronomy

KopDcpfjq Podvcov asvdcov

[the] top [ hills of everlasting],

i6+ Kai Ka0' copav yr|c; 7iXripcboscoc; Kai xa

and according to [ in season of [the] land [the] fullness], and the

8sKxd TOO Otp0SVXl SV XT] PdxCO sXGoiaaV 8711

accepted [things] being seen in the bush — may they come upon

KecpaAxjv Icoafjtp Kai S7U Kopucpfjv So^aaGsic; sv

[the] head of Joseph, and upon [the] top being glorified among

aSzkqoiq n+ 7ipcox6xoKoc; xaupoi) to KaXkoq avzov

brethren. [As] a first-born bull [is] his beauty.

Kspaxa jiovoKspcoToq xa Kspaxa avzov sv auxofc; s0vr|

Horns of a unicorn are his horns. With them [ nations

Kspaxisi d|ia scoc; ari oucpoD yr\q auxai |ii)pid8sc;

he shall gore] together, even from [the] tip of [the] earth. These [are] [the]

Ecppaiji Kai atixai %iAidSsc; Mavaaafj i 8 + Kai

of Ephraim, and these are [the] thousands of Manasseh. And

xco ZafiovXfov 817TSV si)cppdv6r|xi ZafiovXcbv sv

to Zebulun he said, Be glad, O Zebulun, in

8^o5(a aoi) Kai Ioadxap sv xoiq aKT|vcb|iaai aoi) 19+

your departure, and Issachar in your tents!

sGvrj s^oloGpsuaouai Kai S7iiKaA,sasa0s sksi Kai

[ nations They shall utterly destroy], and you shall call upon there, and

0t3cjsxs 0ua(av 8iKaio&lt;x6vr|c; 6x1 7iAxy6xoc; GaXdaorjc;

you shall sacrifice a sacrifice of righteousness; for [the] riches of [the] sea

GrjAxxasi as Kai sjuropia 7iapdA,iov KaxoiKouvxcov 20 +

shall nurse you, and market-places [on the coast dwelling].

Kai xco Ta8 sircsv siAoyrjjisvoc; sji7iA,axi)vcov Ta8 coc;

And to Gad he said, One being blessed, widening Gad. As

Aicov av87iai3aaxo auvxpnj/ac; Ppa%(ova Kai dpxovxa

a lion he rested, having broken [the] arm, and [the] ruler.

21 + Kai si8ev a7iap%f|v avzov 6x1 sksi sjispiaGrj yr|

And he beheld his first-fruit, for there [ was portioned [the] land]

apxovxcov ai)vr|y|isvcov djia ap%r|yoic; A,acbv

by rulers being brought together, heads of peoples;

SiKaioawqv Kopioc; S7iovr|as Kai Kpiaiv avzov jisxd

[ righteousness [the] LORD did], and his equity [was] with

IapafjX 22+ Kai xco Aav si7is Aav aKujivoc; Xsovxoq

Israel. And to Dan he said, Dan, [cub a lion],

Kai SK7ir|8f|asi sk xod Baadv 23+ Kai xco NscpBaAiji

and he shall rush out from Bashan. And to Naphtali

si7is NscpGaAiji 7ihr\a[iovr\ Sskxcov Kai

he said, Naphtali a fullness of acceptable [things]; and


34 lb


05 - Deuteronomy

8|i7iXr|a9f|Tco siAoyiac; 7iapd Kopioi) daXaaaav Kai

let him be filled with blessing from [the] LORD! [ [the] west and

Xifia KAripovojifjaeic; 2 4+ Kai xoo Aafjp si7iev

[the] south You shall inherit]. And to Asher he said,

£DAx)yr||isvoc; goto xskvcdv Aafjp Kai saxai 5skx6c;

[ [is] one being blessed of children Asher]; and he will be acceptable

xoic; a8sAxpofc; avzov pd\j/si sv sAmoo xov 7i68a avzov

[to] his brethren; he shall dip [ in olive oil his foot];

25+ cnxyqpoc; Kai %aAxoc; to D7i65r||ia auxof) saxai Kai

iron and brass [ his sandal will be]; and

coc; ai rjjispai aoi) r| ia%vq aou 26+oi)Ksaxiv cba7isp o

as your days [so] your strength. There is not [ an y] as the

Geoc; tod rjya7rr||isvoD o S7iipaivcDV S7ri xov oupavov

God of the one being loved. The one mounting upon the heaven

PorjGoq aoi) Kai o |isyaA,07ips7rfjc; tod axepscb|iaxoc; n+

[is] your helper, even the majestic one of the firmament.

Kai aKS7ida8i as 6sod ap%f| Kai vno ia%vv

And [ shall shelter you [of] God [the] sovereignty], and [that] under [the]

Ppaxiovcov asvdcov Kai SKpaXei arco 7ipoaco7roD aou

[arms of everlasting]. And he shall cast out from your face

sxOpov Aiycov a7i6Xoio 2 s + Kai KaxaaKqvcbaei IapafjA,

[the] enemy, saying, May you perish. And Israel shall encamp

jiovoq 7iS7roi0cbc; 7ir|yf| IaKcbp em aixou Kai oivou

alone complying; fountain of Jacob, with grain and wine;

Kai o oupavoc; auxcb auwecpfjc; 5p6aco 29 + jiaKdpioq

and the heaven [on him covered with clouds in dew]. Blessed

ai) IapafjA, xic; ojioioc; aoi Xaoq aco£p|isvoc; vno

[are] you, O Israel. Who [is] likened to you, a people being delivered by

Kopioi) D7rspaa7iis( o PorjGoq aoi) Kai rj jiaxaipa

[the] LORD? [ [is the] shield Your helper], and the sword

Kai&gt;xr||id aou Kai \j/suaovxa( ae 01 sxBpoi aoi) Kai

of your boasting. And [ shall lie [to] you your enemies], and

ai) 87i( xov xpd%r|Ax)v auxcbv S7iipf|ar|

you [upon their neck shall mount].

34 7b
1 + Kai aveprj Mcouafjc; arco apaPcbG Mcodp S7il

And Moses ascended from [the] wilderness of Moab unto

xo opoq NaPau £7ri Kopucpfjv Oaayd r| saxiv £7i(

mount Nebo, upon [the] top of Pisgah, which is upon

7ipoaco7roD Ispi%cb Kai s5si^sv ai)xcb Kupioc; rcdaav

[the] face of Jericho. And [ showed to him [the] LORD] all


34 lb

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

05 - Deuteronomy

xrjv yrjv YakaaL scoc; Aav 2+ Kai 7idaav xrjv yrjv

the land ofGilead unto Dan, and all the land

NscpGaAi Kai 7idaav xrjv yrjv Ecppaiji Kai Mavaaafj

ofNaphtali, and all the land ofEphraim and Manasseh,

Kai 7idaav xrjv yrjv lovda scoc; xrjc; dakaaar\q

and all the land of Judah unto the [ sea

Tr\q sa%dxr|c; 3 + Kai xrjv sprjjiov Kai xa 7ispvxcopa

latter]; and the wilderness, and the places round about

Ispi%co 7i6A.iv cpoiviKcov scoc; I/qycbp 4 + Kai si7i;s Kopioc;

Jericho, City of Palms unto Zoar. And [the] LORD said

7ipoc; McoD&lt;xqv aDxrj r| yr| r|v cbjioaa

to Moses, This [is] the land which I swore by an oath

too APpadji Kai IaadK Kai IaKcbp Xsycov xco

to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, saying, [To]

07i8p|iaTi djicov 8cbaco aDxfjv Kai s8si^a aDxfjv xoic;

your seed I shall give it. And I showed it [to]

ocpGaXjioiq aoi) Kai sksi odk siosA,SD&lt;xr| 5 + Kai

your eyes, but there you shall not enter. And

sxsXsDxrjasv sksi McoDofjc; o oiksxtjc; KopioD sv

[ came to an end there Moses], the servant of [the] LORD, in

yr| Mcodp 5id pfjjiaxoc; KopioD 6+ Kai s6a\j/av

[the] land of Moab by [the] word of [the] LORD. And they entombed

avTOV sv yr| Mcodp syytic; oikod Ooycbp Kai odk

him in [the] land of Moab near [the] house of Peor. And not

o(8sv odSsic; xrjv xacpfjv aDxoD scoc; xrjc; rjjispac; xaDxrjc;

has [ known any one] his burial [place] until this day.

7 + McoDafjc; 8s rjv sraxov Kai stoai sxcov sv

And Moses was a hundred and twenty years [old] at

xco xsA,si)xdv avzov odk r||iaDpco0r|oav

his coming to an end. [ were not darkened

01 ocpGaXjioi aDxoD od8s scpGdprjaav xa %sAm&gt;ia aDxoD

His eyes], nor were [ corrupted his lips].

8+ Kai SK^aDaav 01 dioi lapar\k McoDafjv sv apaPcbG

And [wept over the sons of Israel] Moses in [the] wilderness

Mcodp S7U xod IopSdvoD Kaxd Ispi%cb xpidKovxa

of Moab, at the Jordan by Jericho [for] thirty

rjjispac; Kai aDvsxsAiaGrjaav ai rjjispai xod 7tsv6odc;

days; and they completed the days of the mourning

kAxxdGjiod McoDofj 9+ Kai IrjaoDc; vioq NaDfj

of weeping for Moses. And Joshua son of Nun

svs7rAr|a9r| 7WSD|iaxoc; ctdvsctscoc; S7is9r|Ks yap

was filled of spirit of understanding; [ placed for

34 lb

ev xofjxcp + vuca

05 - Deuteronomy

McoDafjq mq %sipaq aviox) auxov Kai eiofjKouaav

Moses] his hands upon him. And [ hearkened to

avTOV 01 Dioi IapafjX Kai S7io(r|aav KaGoxi

him the sons of Israel], and they did in so far as

evexei^axo Kopioc; tco McoDafj io+ Kai odk aveaxrj

[the] LORD gave charge [to] Moses. And rose up not

exi 7rpo(pfjrr|c; sv lapar\k coq Mcovar\q ov

any longer a prophet in Israel as Moses, whom

syvco Kopioc; auxov 7ip6aco7iov Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov n+ ev

[the] LORD knew him face to face, in

7idai xoic; ar||ie{oic; Kai xspaaiv ov a7isaxsiA£v auxov

all the signs and miracles, which [ sent him

Kupioc; 7ioifjaai auxd sv yr| Aiyu7rxcD Oapacb Kai

[the] LORD] to do them in [the] land of Egypt, to Pharaoh, and

xoic; 0epd7iouaiv auxou Kai 7idar| xr| yq auxou n+ Kai

[to] his attendants, and to all his land; and

xa Baujidaia xa jieydXa Kai 7idaav xrjv %e(pa

the [ wonders great], and all by the [ hand

xrjv Kpaxaidv a S7io(r|as Moouarjc; evavxi 7iavx6c;

fortified] which Moses executed before all



1 N sv tootco + vuca 06 - Joshua

1 X

i+ Kai sysvsTO jiSTd xrjv tsXsdttiv McoDafj 8odA,od

And it came to pass after the decease of Moses [the] servant


of [the] LORD, that [the] LORD spoke [to] Joshua son of Nun, the

D7roi)pycb McoDafj Aiycov 2 + McoDafjc; o 0spd7icov jiod

aid of Moses, saying, Moses, my attendant

tstsA,sdtt|ks vdv odv avaaTdc; 5idpr|6i tov Iop8dvr|v

has come to an end; now then rising up, pass over the Jordan!

&lt;yu Kai iiaq o Xaoq odtoc; sic; ttjv yrjv r|v sycb

you, and all this people, into the land which I

8(8co|ii aDioiq 3+ naq o T07roc; scp' ov av S7iipfj

give to them. Every place upon which ever you should mount

tcq (xvrj xcov 7io5cbv djicov djiiv 8cboco aVTOV ov

the track of your feet, [ to you I will give it], in which

Tpo7rov siprjKa xco McoDafj 4+ ttjv sprjjiov Kai TOV

manner I spoke to Moses. The wilderness and the

AvTiAipavov scoc; tod 7iOTa|ioD tod jisydAxDD 7iOTa|ioD

Antilebanon unto the [ river great], [the] river

EDcppdTOD 7idaav yrjv ETaicov Kai scoc; Tr\q

Euphrates, all [the] land of [the] Hittites, and unto the

dakaaar\q Tr\q |isydAr|c; acp' rjAioD SDajicov saTai

[ sea great] from [ [of the] sun [the] descent] will be

TaopiaDjicbv 5 + odk avTiaTfjaeTai dv0pco7ioc;

your boundaries. [ shall not withstand A man]

KaT8vcb7iiov Djicbv 7idaac; zaq rjjispac; Tr\q Cf^T\c&gt; aoD

before you all the days of your life.

Kai cba7isp f\\n\v jiSTd McoDafj odtcoc; saojiai Kai

And as I was with Moses, so I will be also

jiSTd aoD Kai odk syKaTa^snj/co as od8' D7isp6\j/o|iai

with you, and I will not abandon you, nor will I neglect

as 6 + ia%DS Kai avSpi^OD aDyap aitodiEkziq

you. Be strong and manly! for you shall divide up

tco Xacb todtco TTjv yrjv Tjv cbjioaa TOiq

to this people the land which I swore by an oath [to]

7iaTpdaiv Djicbv 8oDvai aDTOic; ?+ (a%DS odv Kai

your fathers to give to them. Be strong then and

av8p(^OD cpDAxxaasaBai Kai 7iois(v KaGoTi svsTSiAmo

manly! to guard and to do in so far as I gave charge

aoi McoDafjq o naiq jiod Kai odk skkAivsic; ari aDTcbv

Moses my servant. And do not turn aside from them

1 N sv toutco + vtica 06 - Joshua

sic; 8s^id r| sic; apicrcspd (va aDvfjg sv 7idaiv

to [the] right or to [the] left! that you should perceive in all

oiq sdv 7rp&amp;^r|c; 8 + Kai odk a7iooTf|asTai r| pipAxx;

what ever you should act on. And [ shall not leave book


of the law this] from your mouth, and

jisXeTfjasic; sv aDTcb rjjispac; Kai vdktoc; iva

you shall meditate in it day and night, that

aDvfjc; 7TOISIV 7idvTa Ta ysypajijisva sv aDTcb

you should perceive to do all the [things] written in it.

tots sdoScdctsic; zaq oSodc; aoD Kai tots aDvfjasiq 9 +

Then you shall prosper your ways, and then you shall perceive.

i8od svTsAAx)|ia( aoi (ct%ds Kai av5p(^OD [ir\

Behold, I give charge to you; be strong and be manly! You should not

SsiAidarjc; |ir|5s 7iTor|0f|c; 6ti jiSTd aoD KDpioc;

be timid, nor should you be terrified, for [ [is] with you [the] LORD

o 0s6c; aoD sic; 7idvTa totcov od sdv 7iopsDar| 10 + Kai

your God] in every place where ever you should go. And

svstsiAxxto IrjaoDc; toic; ypajijiaTSDai tod Xaov Aiyoov

Joshua gave charge to the scribes of the people, saying,

11+ sicjsABsts KaTd jisaov Tr\q 7iaps|iPoAx|c; tod XaoD

Enter in [the] midst of the camp of the people,

Kai svTSiXaaGs too Xacb AiyovTsg STOi|id^sa0s

and give charge to the people! saying, Prepare

S7riama|i6v 6ti sti Tpsic; rjjispai Kai Djisiq

provisions! for yet [in] three days even you

8iaPa(vsTS tov Iop8dvr|v todtov sicisABovtsc; KaTaa%s(v

pass over this Jordan, entering to take control


[of] the land which [the] LORD God of your fathers

SiScoaiv djjav 12+ Kai tco PoDpfjv Kai too Ta8 Kai too

gives to you. And to Reuben, and [to] Gad, and to the

r||i(osi (pvkr\q Mavaaafj si7isv IrjaoDc; 13+ |ivf|a6r|TS to

half tribe of Manasseh, Joshua said, Remember the

pfjjia KDpioD o svsTSi^aTO djiiv MoyDafjc; o naiq

word of [the] LORD! which [ gave charge to you Moses the servant

KDpioD Aiycov KDpioq o Gsoc; D|ICDV KaTS7iaDasv Djidq

[of the] LORD], saying, [The] LORD your God rested you,

Kai sScoksv Djiiv tt|v yrjv TaDTTjv 14+ ai yDvaiKsq djicov

and gave to you this land. Your wives,

Kai Ta 7iai8(a djicdv Kai Ta KTfjvrj djicov KaTOiKsvccoaav

and your children, and your cattle ~ let them dwell

1 N sv toutco + vtica 06 - Joshua

sv tt] yrj T| sScoksv djiiv McoDafjq 7ispav TOD

in the land which [ gave to you Moses] on the other side of the

IopSdvou ujisic; 8s SiapfjaeaBs su^covoi rcpoxspoi

Jordan! And you shall pass over well-equipped prior to

xcov a8sAxpcbv djicov naq o ia%i3cov Kai oi)|i|ia%f|asxs

your brethren, every one being strong, and you shall fight along with


15+ sex; av Kaxa7iai)ar| Kopioc; o Gsoc; ujicbv

until whenever [ should rest [the] LORD your God]

xodc; aSsAxpouc; djicov cba7isp Kai v[iaq Kai

your brethren, as also you; and so

KAr|povo|xf|acDai Kai ouxoi xrjvyrjv rjv Kopioc;

they shall be heir also to this land which [the] LORD

o Gsoc; djicov 8(8coaiv auxoic; Kai a7isA,si)asa9s sraaxoc;

your God gives to them. Then you shall go forth each

sic; xrjv KArjpovojjiav sauxoi) r|v sScoksv djiiv Mocmafjc;

unto his own inheritance, which [ gave to you Moses]

sv xoo 7ispav xod IopSdvoi) an avaxolcbv r(kiov ie+

on the other side of the Jordan from [the] east sun.

Kai a7ioKpi0svxsc; xoo lr\aov sbiav rcdvxa 6aa sdv

And answering [to] Joshua, they said, All as much as

svxsiArj r\[iiv 7ioif|oo|isv Kai sic; rcdvxa xorcov ou

you should give charge to us we will do, and into every place where
sdv a7iooxs(Ar|c; r||idc; 7iopsua6|is0a n+ Kaxd rcdvxa

ever you should send us, we will go. According to all

6aa r|Koi3aa|isv McoDafj aKODaojisBd aou rcArjv

as much as we hearkened to Moses, we will hearken to you. Furthermore

saxco Kopioc; o 0s6c; r)|icov jisxd aoi) ov xporcov r|v

let [ be [the] LORD our God] with you, in which manner he was

jisxd McoDafj is+o 8s dvGpcorcoc; oq av arcsiGfjarj aoi

with Moses! And the man who ever should resist you,

Kai oq av |ir| aKouarj xcov pr||idxcov aoi) Ka06xi av

and who ever should not hearken to your words, in so far as

svxsiArj ai)xcb arco9avsxco aXka (a%i)s Kai

you should give charge to him, let him die! But be strong and


be manly!

2 2 ev tootco + vuca 06 - Joshua

2 n

i+ Kai a7i8aTSiX8V IrjaoDc; vioq NaDfj 8K Xaxxiv

And [ sent Joshua son of Nun] from out of Shittin

8do avdpaq KaxaaK07t8Daai Aiycov avdprjxs Kai (88X8

two men to spy, saying, Ascend and behold

xtjv yrjv Kai xrjv Iepi%cb Kai 7copeD6evxec; 8iafjA£ov

the land and Jericho! And going, they entered

sic; oiKiav yDvaiKoq 7c6pvr|c; r| ovojia Padp Kai

into a house of a woman harlot, whose name [was] Rahab, and

KaxsAuaav 8ks( 2+ Kai a7rr|yysAr| xco PaaiXsi Ispi%cb

they rested up there. And it was reported to the king of Jericho,

Aiyovxsc; sio7ce7c6peDvxai cb5s dv5psc; xcov mcbv

saying, [ have entered here Men] of the sons

IapafjX KaxaaK07i8T3aai xrjv yrjv 3+ Kai a7isax8iA,sv o

of Israel to spy out the land. And [sent the

fiaaiksvq Iepi%co Kai £i7ce npoq Padp Xeycov e^dyays

king of Jericho], and said to Rahab, saying, Lead out

Tovq dv5paq xodc; 8ia7iS7ropsD|isvoD(; eiq

the men! the ones entering into

xrjv oiKiav aoi) xrjv VDKxa KaxaaK07ceDaai yap xrjv

your house in the night, [ to spy out for the

yrjv fjKaai 4+ Kai AxxPoDaa r| yvvr\ xodc; 5do

land they have come]. And [taking the woman] the two

dv8paq 8Kpi)\j/sv aDxotic; Kai si7cev auxok; XsyoDaa

men hid them. And she said to them, saying,

siaeArjAtiGaai npoq |is 01 avdpzq Kai odk 018 a 7i69sv

[entered to me The men], and I know not from where

fjaav 5 + coc; 5e r| 7cdAx| sK^eiexo ev xco cjkoxsi Kai 01

they were. But as the gate was locked in the darkness, and the

dvSpec; e^fjA,0ov odk S7uaxa|iai 7cod 7cs7c6peDvxai

men went forth, I do not know where they went.

Kaxa8(co^axs O7uaco aDxcbv Kai KaxaAr|\j/ea0s avzovq

You pursue after them! and you shall overtake them.

6+ avTT\ 8e avspipaasv aDxotic; S7ri xo Scojia Kai

But she brought them upon the roof, and

SKpi)\j/8v avTOvq ev xr| AivoKaXd|ir| xr| eoxoipaajievrj

hid them in the stalk of flax having been piled

avTT\ S7Ti xod Scbjiaxoq 7+ Kai 01 dv5pec; Kaxs5ico^av

by her upon the roof. And the men pursued

O7rioco ai)xcbv o56v xrjv 87i( xod Iop5dvoD S7Ti xac;

after them [on the] way unto the Jordan near the

2 3 ev tootco + vtica 06 - Joshua

8iaP&amp;aeic; Kai r| 7r6Ar| sKA,s(a9r| 8 + Kai sysvsxo coc;

ford, and the gate was locked. And it came to pass as

s^fjXGoaav 01 Kaxa5icoKovxsc; O7uaco auxcbv Kai

[ went forth the ones pursuing after them], and

7ipiv T| Koi|ir|6fivai auxotic; Kai aDifj avsprj S7U xco

before their going to sleep, that she ascended upon the

6(b[ia itpoq auxotic; 9+ Kai si7is npoq avzovq

roof to them. And she said to them,

S7uaxa|iai 6x1 s8coksv djiiv Kopioc; xrjv yrjv

I know that [ gave to you [the] LORD the land];

S7ii7i87rTCOK8 yap o cpopoc; DJICOV scp' rjjLidq Kai

[ has fallen for the fear of you] upon us, and


[ are struck with awe all the ones dwelling the land] of

djicov 10+ aKrjKoajisv yap 6xi Kaxs^qpavs Kopioc; o Gsoq

you. For we have heard that [ totally dried up [the] LORD God]

ttjv daXaaaav xrjv spi)6pdv arco 7ipoocb7roD ujicbv 6xs

the [ sea red] before your face, when

s^S7iopsi)so0s s^ Aiy67ixou Kai 6aa S7ioif|aaxs

you went forth from out of Egypt, and as much as you did

TOiq dvai fiaaikzvoi xcov Ajioppaicov 01 fjaav

to the two kings of the Amorites, the ones who were

7ispav tod Iop8dvoi) xco Srjcbv Kai xco Qy ovq

on the other side of the Jordan, [to] Sihon and [to] Og, of which

s^coA,o9psi)aaxs auxotic; n+ Kai aKotiaavxsc; r\[isiq

you utterly destroyed them. And having heard, we

s^saxr||isv xrj Kap8(a rj|icbv Kai odk saxrj sxi

were amazed [in] our heart, and there was no [ established longer

7rv£i)|ia sv oi)8evi arco 7rpoaco7rou djicov 6ti Kupioq

a spirit] in any one because of your presence; for [the] LORD

0 0s6c; djicov Gsoc; sv oupavcb dvco Kai S7U xrjc; yr\q

your God [is the] God in heaven upward, and upon the earth

Kdxco 12+ Kai vdv ojioaaxs jioi Kopiov xov 0s6v 6xi

below. And now, swear by an oath to me [by the] LORD God! for

7ioicb Djiiv sksoq Kai 7ioif|a8X8 Kai djisic; skzoq

1 performed [an act of] mercy to you, and you shall also perform yourself [an act
of] mercy

sv xco oikco xod nazpoq jiod Kai 8cbasxs jioi arjjisiov

in the house of my father, And you shall give to me [ sign

aAx|6ivov 13 + ^coypfjaaxs xov oikov xod rcaxpoc; jiod Kai

a true]. Take alive the house of my father, and

xrjv jxrjxspa [iov Kai xodc; aSsAxpouc; jiou Kai

my mother, and my brothers, and

2 2 ev toutco + viica 06 - Joshua

zaq adskipaq [iov Kai 7idvxa xov oikov jiod Kai 7idvxa

my sisters, and all of my house, and all

6aa eaxiv auxoicj Kai s^sA,e(a0£ xrjv \\fv%r\v r||icov 8K

as much as is theirs! And you shall rescue our life from

Bavdxoi) 14+ Kai si7iav ai)xf| 01 avdpzq r\ \\fv%r\ rijicbv

death. And [ said to her the men], Our life

av0' djicov ziq 0dvaxov Kai ai)xf| ei7iev coc; av

for yours, [even] unto death. And she said, Whenever

7iapa8co Kupioc; djiiv xrjv 7i6A.iv 7rorqasxe siq s|ie

[the] LORD should deliver up [ to you the city], you shall perform for me

£ksoq Kai aAxjBsiav 15+ Kai Kaxe%dA,aaev auxotic;

[an act of] mercy and truth. And she let them down

8id xrjc; 0up(5oc; 6x1 o oikoc; avTr\q ev xco xei%£i

through the window, for her house [was] in the wall,

Kai sv xco xsixsi auxfj KaxcbKsi 16+ Kai ei7rev auxofc;

and in the wall she dwelt. And she said to them,

sic; xrjv opsivfyv a7i8X6ax8 jitj ai)vavxf|acoaiv djjav 01

[into the mountainous area Go forth], lest [there] should meet up with you the

KaxaSicoKovxsq Kai KpupfjaeaGs sksi xpsiq rjjiepac;

ones pursuing! And you shall be hidden there three days

ecoc; av a7ioaxp8\j/coaiv 01 Kaxa5icoKovxec; O7i(aco

until whenever [ should return the ones pursuing after

djicov Kai jiexd xatixa anskEVGSGdE eic;

you]; and after this you shall go forth into

xrjv o56v djicov 17+ Kai si7iav npoq auxfjv 01 dv8pec;

your way. And [said to her the men],

aGcboisajisv xco opKco aoi) xotixco i 8 + i5oi3 r\[isiq

We are innocent [your oath in this]. Behold, [as] we

8ia7iop8i)6|is9a sic; jiepoc; Tr\q itoXswq Kai Gfjaeiq

enter into a part of the city, then you shall place

xo arjjisiov xo a7iapx(ov xo kokkivov xotjxo SKSfjasiq

a sign — [ string this scarlet you shall suspend]

sic; xrjv 0upi5a 81' r\q Kaxspipaaaq rjjLidc; 81' avTr\q

in the window through which you let us down through it.

Kai xov 7iaxspa gov Kai xrjv jirjxspa gov Kai

And your father, and your mother, and

Tovq adzkqovq gov Kai 7idvxa xov oikov

your brothers, and all the house

xod 7iaxp6c; gov Gvvalqziq npoq asai)xf|v eic;

of your father, you shall bring together to yourself into

xrjv oiKiav gov 19+ Kai eaxai itaq oq av e^eXBrj xrjv

your house. And it will be any which ever should come forth by the

2 2 sv tootco + vuca 06 - Joshua

dvpav Tr\q oudac; aoi) s^oo £vo%oq saDTcb eaxai

door of your house [unto] outside, [ liable to himself shall be],

r\[isiq 5s aGcboi too opKco gov toijtcg Kai oaoi av

and we [will be] innocent [your oath in this]. And as many as

ysvcovxai jisxd aoi) sv ttj oiKia aou rjjisk;

should be with you in your house, we

svo%oi saojisGa sdv %sip d\j/r|Tai avzov 20 + sdv 5s

will be liable if a hand should have touched him. But if

tic; r||idcj aSiKfjarj Kai a7ioKaAi)\j/r| todcj Xojovq rjjicbv

anyone should wrong us, and should uncover [ our words

totjtodcj saojisGa aGcooi tco opKco aoi) toutco co

these], we will be innocent [ your oath in this], which

cbpKioacj r\[iaq 21 + Kai si7isv amok; Kaxd

we bound you by. And she said to them, According to

to pfjjia djicov outcocj saTCO Kai s^a7rs&lt;xcsiA£v avzovq

your word thus let it be! And she sent them out,

Kai S7ropsi)0r|aav Kai sSrjasv to arjiisiov to kokkivov

and they went. And she tied the [ sign scarlet]

sv ttj 9i)p(5i 22+ Kai S7ropsi)6r|aav Kai r\kdoaav sic;

in the window. And they went, and they came unto

ttjv opsivfjv Kai KaTSjisivav sksi Tpsicj rjjispac; scgcj

the mountainous area, and they stayed there three days, until

S7isoTps\j/av 01 5icbK0VTSCj Kai s^s^fjTrjaav 01

[returned the ones following]. And [ sought after them the

KaTa5icbK0VTSCj 7idaacj Tacj oSoticj Kai ov% supov 23 +

ones pursuing] in all the ways, and did not find.

Kai d7isaTps\|/av 01 5t3o vsaviaKoi Kai KaTsPrjaav

And [ returned the two young men], and they went down

sk tod 6poi)Cj Kai SisPrjaav Kai fjXGoaav 7ipocj

from out of the mountain, and passed over, and came to

tov Irjaotiv mov Naufj Kai 5ir|yf|aavTO awco 7idvTa

Joshua son of Nun. And they described to him all

Ta aDjiPsPrjKOTa aDTOicj 24+ Kai si7iav 7ipocj Irjaow

the things coming to pass to them. And they said to Joshua

6ti 7iapa5s5coKs Kopiocj rcdaav tt|v yrjv sv yp.pi rijicbv

that, [The] LORD has delivered all the land in our hand,

Kai KaTS7TTT|Ks 7iacj o KaTOiKcbv tt|v yrjv SKswrjv atp'

and [ are struck with awe all dwelling in that land] at



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

06 - Joshua

3 a

1 + Kai cbpGpiasv IrjaoDc; T07ipcoi Kai a7if|pav sk

And Joshua rose early in the morning. And they departed from

Saxxw Kai r\kdov scoq tod Iop8dvoD avzoq Kai

Shittin, and they came unto the Jordan, he and

7idvT£c; oi moi IapafjX Kai Kaxe^Doav 8ks( 7ipo

all the sons of Israel. And they rested up there before

tod 8ia(3fjvai 2+ Kai eyevfjGrj |iexd xpeic; r||iepac;

passing over. And it came to pass after three days,

5ifjX0ov 01 ypajijiaxeic; 81a xrjc; 7iape|iPoAx|c; 3+ Kai

[ went [that] the scribes] through the camp. And

svsxsi^avxo too Xacb Aiyovxsc; oxav i8r|xe xrjv

they gave charge to the people, saying, Whenever you should behold the

KlPcOTOV TT\q 6iadr\KT\q KDpiOD TOD 0SOD rjjicbv Kai

ark of the covenant of [the] LORD our God, and

xodc; ispsiq Kai xodc; Asvuaq aipovxac; aDxfjv Kai

the priests, and the Levites lifting it, that

Djieic; a7iap8ii8 arco xov xorcov djicov Kai 7ropsDsa08

you shall depart from your place and go

O7i(aco avTT\q 4 + aXXa jiaKpdv saxoo avajisaov djicov

after it! But let there be a far [space] between you

Kai SKsivrjq oaov 8ia%iAioDc; 7ifj%eic; axf|aea0e

and that [ark], as much as two thousand cubits! You shall stand —

|ir| 7rpoasyyiar|TS aDxfj (va £7rioxr|a6£ xrjv o86v r|v

you should not draw near it, that you should know the way which

7iop8D8a6s sv aDifj od yap 7rs7i6p8Da6s xrjv o86v

you go by it. [ not For you have] gone the way

an ex08c; Kai xpixrjc; rjjispac; 5+ Kai e(7iev IrjaoDc; xco

either yesterday [or the] third day [before]. And Joshua said to the

Axxcb ayidaaaBs sic; xrjv atipiov 6x1 atipiov

people, Be sanctified by the morrow! for tomorrow

7roifjasi KDpioq sv djjav GaDjidaia 6 + Kai si7iev IrjaoDc;

[the] LORD shall do [among you wonders]. And Joshua said

xoic; lepsDai Aiycov dpaxs xrjv kiPcoxov xrjc; SiaGfjKrjq

to the priests, saying, Lift the ark of the covenant

KDpiOD Kai 7rpO7TOpSDSa08 8|I7lpOa08V xod Xaov Kai

of [the] LORD, and go before in front of the people! And

fjpav 01 ispsiq xrjv Kipcoxov xrjc; 5ia0f|Kr|c; KDpiOD

[ lifted the priests] the ark of the covenant of [the] LORD,

Kai £7iopsDovxo e|i7ipoa9ev xod Xaov 7+ Kai

and they went in front of the people. And

3 3, sv tootco + vuca 06 - Joshua

S17T8 icupioq 7ipoc; IrjaoDV sv tt] rjjispa xaDxrj dp%o|iai

[the] LORD said to Joshua, On this day I begin

xod D\j/cbaa( as Kaxsvcb7iiov rcavxcov dicov IapafjA, (va

to raise you up high in front of all [the] sons of Israel, that

yvcbaiv KaGoxi r\\n\v jisxd McoDafj odxcoc;

they should know in so far as I was with Moses, so

saojiaiKai jisxd ctod 8+ Kai vdv svxsiAm xoic; ispsDoi

shall I also be with you. And now give charge to the priests

Toiq aipoDGi xrjv kiPcoxov Tr\q SiaGfjKrjq Aiycov coc;

lifting the ark of the covenant! saying, As

av siasA£r|xs sm jispoDc; xod DSaxoc; xod Iop5dvoD

soon as you should enter upon a part of the water of the Jordan,

Kai sv xco Iop8dvr| axfjasaGs 9 + Kai sircsv IrjaoDc; xoic;

then in the Jordan you shall stand. And Joshua said to the

Dioiq IapafjA, 7ipoaaydysxs co8s Kai aKODaaxs xo

sons of Israel, Lead forward here and hearken to the

pfjjia KDpioD xod 6 sod Djicbv 10+ Kai si7rsv IrjaoDq sv

word of [the] LORD your God! And Joshua said, In

xodxco yvcoasaBs 6xi Gsoc; Cfbv sv djiiv Kai

this you shall know that God [is] living among you, and

oA,o0psDcov oXoGpsDasi a7io 7ipoaco7ioD r||icbv xov

by annihilating he will annihilate from our face the

Xavavaiov Kai xov Xsxxaiov Kai xov EDaiov Kai

Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Hivite, and

xov Osps^aiov Kai xov Ajioppaiov Kai xov

the Perizzite, and the Amorite, and the

Tspysaaiov Kai xov IsPoDaaiov n+ i8od r| kiPcoxoc;

Girgashite, and the Jebusite. Behold, the ark

8ia6fjKT|c; KDpioD 7rdar|c; xrjc; yr\q 5iaPa(vsi

of [the] covenant of [the] LORD of all the earth passes over

S|i7ipoa0sv djicov xov Iop8dvr|v 12+ Kai vdv

[ before you the Jordan]. And now

7rpo%sip(oaa0s djiiv 5co5sKa dv8paq arco xcov dicov

handpick for yourselves twelve men from the sons

IopafjX sva acp' SKdaxrjc; (pvkr\q 13+ Kai saxai coc;

of Israel, one from each tribe! And it will be as

av Kaxa7iaDacoaiv 01 7i65sc; xcov ispscov xcov

whenever [ shall rest the feet of the priests], of the ones

aipovxcov xrjv kiPcoxov xrjc; SiaGfjKrjq KDpioD 7idar|c;

lifting the ark of the covenant of [the] LORD of all

xrjc; yrjc; sv xco D8axi xod IopSdvoD xo D5cop xod

the earth in the water of the Jordan, the water of the

8V TOUT© + VlKa
06 - Joshua

Iop5dvoD skXsuj/si to 8s D5cop to KaTaPaivov

Jordan shall fail, and the water going down

oTfjasTai &amp;VGO0SV coc; acopoq 14+ Kai sysvsTO coc;

shall stand from above as a heap. And it happened as

a7rfjpsv o Xaoq 8K tcov oKT|vco|idTCOv aDTcbv

[ departed the people] from out of their tents,

8iapf|vai tov Iop8dvr|v 01 8s ispsic; fjpav tt|v

to pass over the Jordan, that the priests lifted the

kiPcotov Tr\q 8ia6f|Kr|c; KopioD rcpoTspoi tod Xaov i 5 +

ark of the covenant of [the] LORD in front of the people.

coc; 8s 8ia87iop8DOVTO oi lepeic; 01 aipovTSc; tt|v

And as [ entered the priests] lifting the

kiPcotov TTjq 8ia6fjKr|(; em tov Iop8dvr|v Kai oi

ark of the covenant unto the Jordan, that the

iiodzq tcov ispecov tcov aipovTCOV tt|v kiPcotov

feet of the priests lifting the ark

epdcprjaav sic; jiepoc; tod dScxtoc; tod IopSdvoD o 8s

were dipped into a part of the water of the Jordan, and the

IopSdvrjc; £7rAr|poDTO kcxG' 6Ar|v tt|v Kprj7i(8a cxdtod

Jordan filled up [ entire bank its]

coc; sv rjjiepaic; 6epia|ioD i 6 + Kai earrjaav tcx D8aTa

as in days of harvest, and [ stood the waters]

tcx KaTaPaivovTCx dvcoGsv scrcr) 7rqy|ia sv

going down from above, it stood [as] a bank of water in

acpeaTTjKoc; jioucpdv ocp68pa acpoSpcbq arco A8a|i( rr|c;

abstaining far off, very vehemently unto Adam the

TtoXscnq scoc; jispoDc; KapiaGiapiji to 8s KaTaPaivov

city, unto [the] part of Kirjath Jearim. And the [part] going down

KaTePrj eic; ttjv GdXaaaav Apapd GdXaaaav

went down into the sea of Araba, [the] sea

tcov aAxbv scoq sic; to zskoq siskins Kai o Xaoq

of salts, unto the end were it ceased. And the people

eiaTfjKei arcsvavTi Iepixco i?+ Kai earrjaav oi ispsic;

stood before Jericho. And [ stood the priests],

oi aipovTsg ttjv kiPcotov Tr\q 5ia6f|Kr|c; KDpioD em

the ones lifting the ark of the covenant of [the] LORD, upon

^rjpdc; ev jieaco tod IopSdvoD stoijicoc; Kai navTsq oi

dry [land] in [the] midst of the Jordan ready. And all the

dioi IapafjX SiePrjaav 5id ^rjpdc; ecoc; od

sons of Israel passed over through dry [land], until of which [time]

aDVSTS^sas rcac; o Xaoq 5iaPaivcov tov Iop8dvr|v

[ completed all the people] passing over the Jordan.



06 - Joshua

4 7

i+ Kai 87181 auvsxsXsos 7cac; o Xaoq 8iaPa(vcov xov

And when [ completed all the people] passing over the

Iop8dvr|v Kai 81718 Kijpioq 7cpoc; Irjaotiv Aiycov 2 +

Jordan, that [the] LORD spoke to Joshua, saying,

7capaA,aPcov 8co8eKa dvSpac; a7co tod Xaov dv8pa

Taking twelve men from the people, [ man

sva acp' SKdoxrjc; (pvXr\q 3 + auvxa^ov auxofc; Aiycov

one] from each tribe, give orders to them! saying,

avs^eaGe auxofc; svxei30sv sk jisaou tod IopSdvou

Take up to yourselves from here from [the] midst of the Jordan,

goto axdaecoc; 7co8cbv xcov ispecov exoijiouc; 8cb8sKa

from [the] station of [the] feet of the priests, [ prepared twelve]

Tddovq Kai xouxouc; SiaKojiiaavxsc; djia ujjIv auxofc;

stones! And these, in carrying [ across together with you them],

6sxs auxotic; sv xr| axpaxo7C£8e(a ujicbv ou edv

put them in your military encampment! where ever

7cape|iP&amp;Ar|X£ sksi xrjv vuKxa 4 + Kai

you should camp there the night. And

avaKa^eadjievoc; Irjaouc; 8cb8sKa dvSpac; xcov sv86^cov

Joshua calling by name twelve men of the honorable [ones]

a7co xcov mcov IapafjX dv8pa sva acp' SKdaxrjc;

from the sons of Israel, [man one] from each

(pvhf\q 5 + S17C8V auxoic; Irjaotic; 7cpoaaydyexs 7cpo

tribe, [ said to them Joshua], Lead forward before


[the] presence of [the] LORD your God into [the] midst of the

IopSdvou Kai ave^ojievoc; apdxco sksiGsv sKaaxoq

Jordan! And by taking up, lift away from there each

Ai0ov sva £7U xcov cojicov auxou Kaxd xov api0|iov

[ stone one] upon his shoulders, according to the number

xcov cpu^cbv xou IapafjA, 6 + (va U7cdp%coaiv ujiiv otixoi

of the tribes of Israel! That [ should exist to you these]

eic; ar||isiov ksijisvoi 8ia7cavx6c; iva oxav spcoxd as

for a sign, being situated always; that whenever [ should ask you

o vioq gov atipiov Aiycov xi eiaiv 01 AiBoi otixoi ujiiv

your son] tomorrow, saying, What are these stones to you?

7 + Kai ai) SrjAxbaeic; xco mcb aou Aiycov 6xi s^s^ursv

And you shall make manifest [to] your son, saying that, [ ceased

o IopSdvrjc; 7coxa|i6c; a7co 7cpoocb7coi) Kipcoxoi) xrjc;

The Jordan river] from in front of [the] ark of the


4 7 ev tootco + vuca 06 - Joshua

SiaGfjKTjq KDpioi) 7idar|(; Tr\q yr\q coc; SisPaivsv avzov

covenant of [the] LORD of all the earth as it passed over

xov Iop8dvr|v Kai s^s^ursv to D8cop tod IopSdvoD

the Jordan— even [ceased the water of the Jordan].

Kai saovTai 01 AiGoi odtoi djiiv |ivr||i6aDvov toic;

And [ shall be these stones] to you a memorial to the

vioiq IapafjA, scoc; tod aicbvoc; 8 + Kai S7iorr|aav odtcoc;

sons of Israel unto the eon. And [ did thus

01 dioi IapafjA, KaGoTi svsTsdaTO Kopioc; tco IrjaoD

the sons of Israel], in so far as [the] LORD gave charge to Joshua.

Kai AxxPovtsc; 8co5sKa AiGoDc; 8K jiscjod tod IopSdvoD

And taking twelve stones from [the] midst of the Jordan,

Ka6d7isp aDVSTa^e Kopioc; tod IrjaoD sv tt| oDVTsXsia

just as [the] LORD gave orders to Joshua, in the completion

Tr\q Siapdascoc; tcov dicov IapafjX Kai 8isKO|iiaav

of the fording of the sons of Israel, that they carried [them] across

d|ia eaDTOic; sic; tt|v 7raps|iPoAr|v Kai

together themselves into the camp, and

a7i86r|Kav aDTODc; sksi 9 + earners 8s IrjooDc; Kai

they put them aside there. [ set And Joshua] also

aXkovq 8cb8sKa Xidovq sv aDTcb tco Iop8dvr| sv tco

another twelve stones in [ itself the Jordan], in the

ysvojisvco TO71C0 D7i6 todc; nodaq tcov ispscov

[ being place] under the feet of the priests

tcov aipovTCOv ttjv KipcoTOV TT\q 8ia6f|Kr|c; KopioD Kai

lifting the ark of the covenant of [the] LORD. And

siaiv sksi scoc; Tr\q afj|ispov r||ispac; 10+ siGTfpcsiaav 8s

they are there until today's day. [ stood And

01 ispsk; 01 aipovTsq ttjv kiPcotov TT\q 8ia6f|Kr|(;

the priests], the ones lifting the ark of the covenant,

sv jisaco tco IopSdvrj scoc; od aDVSTS^sasv 7idvTa

in the midst the Jordan, until of which he completed all

Ta pfjjiaTa a svstsiAxxto KDpioc; tco It|ood

the words which [the] LORD gave charge [to] Joshua

avayysiAm tco Xacb Kara navxa 60a

to announce to the people, according to all as much as

svstsiAxxto McoDofjq tco IrjaoD Kai sarcsDasv o Xaoq

Moses gave charge [to] Joshua. And [ hastened the people],

Kai SisPrjaav n+ Kai sysvsTO coc; aDVSTS^sas itaq o

and passed over. And it came to pass as [ completed all the

Xaoq Siapfjvai Kai 8isPr| r| kiPcotoc; Tr\q Swdr\Kr\q

people] to pass over, that [ passed over the ark of the covenant


8V TOUT© + VlKa

06 - Joshua

KDpiOD Kai 01 ISpSiq 7ip6x8pOl aDXCDV 12+ Kai

[of the] LORD], and the priests in front of them. And

8iePr|aav oi moi PoDpfjv Kai oi moi Ta5 Kai oi

there passed over the sons of Reuben, and the sons of Gad, and the

rjjjiaeic; (puAxjc; Mavaaafj SieaKSDaajievoi S|i7ipoa08v

half tribe of Manasseh, being equipped in front of

xcov Dicbv IapafjA, Ka6d7i8p evexeiAmo MoaDafjc; aDxoic;

the sons of Israel, just as Moses gave charge to them.

13+ xexpaKiajiDpioi sd^oovoi sic; |id%r|v SiePrjaav evavxi

Forty thousand well-equipped for battle passed over before

KDpiOD SIC; 7c6A,S|IOV 7ipO(; TTJV Ispi%CD 7l6A.IV 14 + sv

[the] LORD for war against Jericho [the] city. In

SK8ivr| ttj rjjiepa rjD^rjae Kopioc; xov IrjaoDV evavxiov

that day [the] LORD increased Joshua before

7ravx6c; IapafjA, Kai ecpopowco aDxov cba7cep

all of Israel, and they feared him as

scpopowco xov MoQDafjv oaov %povov e^rj 15+ Kai

they feared Moses, as much time [as] he lived. And

81718 Kupioq xco It|ood Aiyoov i6+ svxsiAxxi xoic; ispsDai

[the] LORD spoke to Joshua, saying, Give charge to the priests

xoic; aipoDai xrjv kiPcoxov xrjc; 8ia0f|Kr|c; xod

lifting the ark of the covenant of the

jiapxDpioi) SKpfjvai sk xod IopSdvoD i?+ Kai

testimony! to go up out of the Jordan. And

svsxsi^axo IrjaoDc; xoic; ispeDai Xsycov skPt|X8 8k xod

Joshua gave charge to the priests, saying, Go up out of the

IopSdvoD i8+ Kai eyevsxo coq s^eprjaav oi lepeic; oi

Jordan! And it came to pass as [went up the priests], the ones

aipovxsc; xrjv Kipooxov xrjc; Sia6f|Kr|c; KDpiOD sk

lifting the ark of the covenant of [the] LORD, from

jisaoD xod Iop8dvoD Kai eGrjKav xodc; noSaq oi

the midst of the Jordan, that [ put the feet the

ispeic; S7U xrjc; ^rjpdc; Kai cbp|ir|as xo D8cop xod

priests] upon the dry land, and [ advanced the water of the

IopSdvoD Kaxd %cbpav Kai S7copsDsxo KaGd Kai

Jordan] according to place, and it went as also

e%6ec; Kai xpixrjv rjjispav 8i' 6hr\q

yesterday and [the] third day [before], through all

xrjcj KpT[7c(8ocj aDxoD i 9 + Kai o Xaoq avsprj sk xod

its bank. And the people ascended from out of the

IopSdvoD SsKdxrj xod jirjvoc; xod 7cpcbxoD Kai

Jordan [on the] tenth of the [month first]. And


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

06 - Joshua

Kaxeaxpaxo7ie8eDaav 01 dioi IapafjA, sv TakjaXoiq

[bivouacked the sons of Israel] in Gilgal

Kaxd jiepoc; to npoq r(kiov avaxo^cbv goto xrjc; Iepi%cb

in [the] part towards [the] sun, rising by Jericho.

20 + Kai Tovq 5cb5sKa Ai0ODc; xodxodc; ovq eAxxPsv 8K

And [ twelve stones these] which he took from out of

tod Iop8dvoD soxrjaev IrjaoDc; sv TakjaXoiq 21 + Kai

the Jordan, Joshua set in Gilgal. And

817T8V 7ipoc; Tovq viovq IapafjX Aiyoov oxav epooxcbaiv

he spoke to the sons of Israel, saying, Whenever [ ask

oimoiDjicbv atipiov v[iaq Aiyovxsc; xi eicriv

your sons tomorrow you], saying, What are

01 AiGoi odxoi 22 + avayyeleixs xoic; dioi^djicdv Aiyovxec;

these stones? You announce [to] your sons! saying

6x1 S7i( ^rjpdq 8isPr| IapafjX xov Iop8dvr|v XODXOV 23 +

that, [ upon dry [ground] Israel passed over this Jordan].

a7io^r|pdvavxoc; KopioD xod 0sod rjjicbv xo i35cop xod

[ caused to dry up [The] LORD our God the water of the

l0p5dV0D 8K XOD S|I7ipoa08V (XDXCOV JISXP 1 ov

Jordan] from in front of them, until of which [time]

8ie(3r|aav Ka0d7iep 87io(r|as Kopioc; o 0e6c; r||icbv xrjv

they passed over, just as [ did [the] LORD our God] to the

daXaaaav xrjv spD0pdv rjv a7re^f|pave Kopioc; o 0s6c;

[ sea red], which [ caused to dry up [the] LORD God]

8|i7ipoa0sv rjjicbv sooc; 7iapf|A,0o|isv 24+ oitodq yvcbai

in front of us until we went by. So that [ might know

7idvxa xa £0vr| xrjc; yrjc; 6x1 r| SDvajiic; xod KopioD

all the nations of the earth] that the power of the LORD

ia%Dpd saxi Kai (va Djieic; aepr|a0s Kopiov

is strong, and that you should worship [the] LORD

xov 08ov rjjicbv sv 7iavx( XP OVCO

our God at all time.

5 n

1+ Kai eyevexo cdc; fjKODaav rcavxac; 01 fiaaiksiq

And it came to pass as [ heard all the kings]

xcov Ajioppaicov oifjaav rcepav xod Iop8dvoD

([the kings] of the Amorites [who] were on the other side of the Jordan

7iapd xrjv 0dA,aaaav Kai navTsq 01 fiaaikziq

by the sea, and all the kings

xrjc; OoiviKTjq 01 7iapd xrjv 0dA,aaaav 6x1 a7ie^f|pave

of Phoenicia by the sea) that [ caused to dry up


5 n sv toutco + vtica 06 - Joshua

KTjpiOq O Gsoq TOV Iop5dVT|V 7TOTa|l6v 8K

[the] LORD God the Jordan river] from

xcov S|i7ipoa08v xcov dicov IapafjA, SV

before the sons of Israel in

too 8iapfjvai aDTODc; Kai STdKqaav ai 5iavoiai aDTcbv

their passing over, that [ melted away their thoughts],

Kai KaTS7iXdyr|aav Kai odkt|v sv (roxoiq cppovrjaic;

and they were struck with terror, and there was not among them [ with intellect

oi)8s|iia goto 7ipoacb7roD xcov mcbv lapar\k 2+ D7i6 5s

anyone] because of [the] presence of the sons of Israel. And about

todtov tov Kaipov si7is Kopioc; xco IrjaoD 7io(r|aov

this time [the] LORD said to Joshua, Make

asaDicb |ia%a(pac; nsxpivaq Kai KaGiaaq 7ispvcs|is

for yourself [ knives [flint] rock], and sitting down circumcise

todc; viovq IapafjA, sk 5sdtspod

the sons of Israel a second [time] !

3+ Kai S7rovr|asv saDTcb IrjaoDc; |ia%a(pac; 7rsxp(vac; Kai

And [ made for himself Joshua knives [flint] rock], and

7ispiSTS|is todc; diodc; IapafjA, S7U tod KaXoDjisvoD

he circumcised the sons of Israel upon the [ being called

T07TOD Podvoc; aKpoPDambv 4 + Kai ODTOCj o Xoyoq

place], Hill of Foreskins. And this [is] the account

ov 7ispiSTS|isv o IrjaoDc; itaq o Xaoq 01

for which Joshua circumcised all the people, the ones


coming forth from Egypt. [ the male All]

dv5psq 7toA,s|iod 01 arcsGavov sv tt| spfjiico sv tt|

men of war [that] died in the wilderness in the

o8cb s^sXGovtcov aDTcbv sk yr|c; AiyD7iTOD 5 + 6ti

way of their coming forth from [the] land of Egypt, that

7ispiTST|ir||isvoi fjaav 7iac; o Xaoq o s^sX0cbv Kai naq

[circumcised were all the people coming forth]. And all

o Xaoq 01 yswrjGsvTSc; sv tt| spfjiico sv tt| o8cb

the people being born in the wilderness, in the way

s^sXGovtcov aDTcbv sk yrjc; AiyD7iTOD

of their coming forth from [the] land of Egypt

od 7rspiST|ifj6r|aav TsaaapdKovTa yap stt|

were not circumcised. For forty years

avsaTpa7iTSV IapafjA, sv ttj spfj|icD 6+816

Israel paced in the wilderness. Therefore

a7ispiT|ir|TOi fjaav oi7iA,s(aTOi aDTcbv tcdv jia%(|icDV

[ were uncircumcised most of them] of the ones for combat,


5 n ev tootco + vuca 06 - Joshua

xcov s^sAx|A,d06xcdv sk yr\q Aiy67ixoD 01

of the ones coming forth from out of [the] land of Egypt, the ones

a7T£i0fjaavT£c; xcov svxoAxbv KopioD tod 0sod

resisting the commandments of [the] LORD God;

oiq mi 5icbpias rcopioc; aDxoic; |ir| i5s(v avzovq xrjv

and the ones whom [ separated [the] LORD] to them, [ to not behold for them] the

yrjv r|v cbjioas Kupioq xoic; 7iaxpdaiv r||icbv 5oDvai

land which [the] LORD swore by an oath [to] our fathers to give
r\[iiv yrjv psoDaav yaka Kai jisAa ? + xodc; viovq aDxcbv

to us, a land flowing milk and honey. Their sons

avxiKaxeaxrj asv avxi xodxcdv ovq 7ispisxs|isv IrjaoDc;

he firmed instead of these, whom Joshua circumcised.

oxi aKpoPDaxoi fjaav 5id xo aDxotic; ysyswf|a0ai

For they were uncircumcised on account of them being born

Kaxd xrjv o86v a7ispix|if|xoDc; 8+ 7ispix|ir|0svxsc; 5s 7iav

along the way of uncircumcised ones. And being circumcised, all

xo s0voc; r\av%iav s(%ov ai)x60i Ka0r||isvoi sv xr|

the nation [ rest had] at that time, sitting down in the

7iap£|iPoAx| sooc; Dyida0r|aav 9 + Kai si7is Kopioc; xca

camp until they were healed. And [the] LORD said [to]

lr\aov sv xrj afj jispov rjjispa acpsiAxrv xov ovsiSiajiov

Joshua, In today's day I removed the scorn

AiyimxoD acp' djicdv Kai SKdXsas xo ovojia

of Egypt from you. And he called the name

xod xotcod sksivod TaXyaka sooc; xrjc; rjjispac; xaDxrjc; 10 +

of that place, Gilgal, until this day.

Kai 7iapsvsPaXov 01 dioi IopafjX sv Takjakoiq Kai

And [camped the sons of Israel] in Gilgal. And

S7ro(r|oav xo 7ida%a xrj xsooapsaKai8sKdxr| rjjiepa

they observed the passover on the fourteenth day

xod jxrjvoc; acp' so7ispac; mi 5Dajicbv Ispi%cb sv xca

of the month, at evening, at [the] descent of Jericho in the

7rs8ico 11+ Kai scpayov anb xod aixoD xrjq yrjc; xrj

plain. And they ate from the grain of the land on the

87iaDpiov xod naoya d£/D|ia Kai vsa 12+ sv

next day of the passover ~ unleavened [breads] and new [corn]. On

xtj rjjispa xaDxrj s^sAurs xo jidwa xrj srcaDpiov jisxd

this day [failed the manna], on the next day after

xo PsPpcoKsvai aDxotic; sk xod aixoD xrjc; yrjc; Kai

their eating from the grain of the land, and

odksxi D7rf|p%s xoic; dioic; IopafjX jidwa

no longer [existed to the sons of Israel manna].



ev tootco + vtica

06 - Joshua

SKap7i(aavTO 5s xrjv %(bpav TC0V ^oivikcov sv

And they gathered fruit [of] the place of the Phoenicians in

too sviauxcb SK81VC0 n + Kai sysvsxo coc; r|v Ir| erotic; sv

that year. And it came to pass as Joshua was in

Ispi%cb Kai avapXsyac; xoic; ocpGaXjioiq avzov e(8ev

Jericho, that lifting up his eyes, he beheld

dv0pco7rov eaxrjKoxa svavxiov avzov Kai

a man standing before him, and

T| pojicpdia avzov ea7raa|i£vr| sv xr| %eipi avzov Kai

his broadsword was unsheathed in his hand. And

7ipoasA,0cbv o Irjaotic; si7isv auxcb ruiexepog 8i r| xcov

coming forward, Joshua said to him, Are you ours or [of]

D7i8vavTicov r||icbv 14+ o 8s S17TSV auxcb on sycb

our opponents? And he said to him that, I

ap%iaxpdxr|yoc; 8i)vd|i£CGc; Kopioi) vdvi 7iapaysyova

am [the] commander-in-chief of the force of [the] LORD, now I have come.

Kai Irjaotic; sfteasv sm 7ip6aco7rov auxoi) £7i( xrjv yrjv

And Joshua fell upon his face upon the ground,

Kai TrpoasKovrjasv Kai si7i8V auxcb 8ea7roxd jiod ti

and he did obeisance, and he said to him, My master what

7ipoaxdaaeic; too aco oiKsxrj 15+ Kai Aiysi o

do you assign to your servant? And [ says the

ap%ioxpdxr|yoc; Kupiou 7ipoc; Irjaotiv Xvaai

commander-in-chief [of the] LORD] to Joshua, Untie

tod D7i68r||id aoi) sk tcdv 7io8cbv aoi) oyap xotcoc; stp'

your sandal from your feet! for the place upon

co saxrjKac; 87i' clvtov dyioc; eaxi Kai

which you stand upon it is holy. And

S7ro(r|08v Irjacyoc; ODicoq

Josua did thus.

6 1

1+ Kai Ispvxcb ai)yK8KA,sia|isvr| Kai a&gt;%i)p(»|ievr| arco

And Jericho was closed up, and fortified from

7ipoacb7ioD mcbv IopafjX Kai ouSeic; e^£7i;opei)exo

before [the] sons of Israel. And no one went forth

avTT\q Kai oi)5e(c; sias7iopsT3sTO 2 + Kai

from out of it, and neither entered. And

81718 Kupioq 7ipoc; Irjaotiv idov 7iapa8(8co|jI aoi

[the] LORD said to Joshua, Behold, I deliver up to you

D7ro%8ipi6v aoi xrjv Iepi%cb Kai xov PaaiXea auxfjc; xov

[ under your hand to you Jericho], and its king, the one



06 - Joshua

sv aDifj Kai Tovq SvvaTOvq iG%vi 3+ Kai KDKAxboaxs

in it, and the mighty ones in strength. And let [ circle

xrjv 7c6Aiv 7idvTS(; dv5pec; TtoAijiou kdkA,co Tr\q

the city all men of war] round about the

7i6Xscdc; ana^ ctdxcg 7coif|G8X8 8^ rjjispaq 4+ Kai S7cxd

city! Once thus they shall do [for] six days. And seven

ISpSiq Ax|\j/OVXai S71T&amp; KSpaXlVaCJ TOD ICDpfjA, 8VCb7llOV

priests shall take seven horns of the ram before

Tr\q kiPcotod Kai TTj rjjispa TTj sp56jLir| KDKAxbaaxs

the ark. And on the [ day seventh] circle

xrjv 7i6A.iv S7rxdKic; Kai 01 ispsfc; aaAmouaiv xaic;

the city seven times! and the priests shall trump the

Kspaxivaiq 5+ Kai eaxai coc; av aaAmarjxs xrj

horns. And it will be as whenever you should sound the

adAjnyyi icopfjA, sv xco aKouaai v[iaq xrjv (pcovfjv Tr\q

trumpet of [the] ram, in your hearing the sound of the

Kspaxivrjc; avaKpayexcoaav naq o Xaoq Kai

horn, let [ shout aloud all the people] ! And

avaKpayovxcov auxcbv 7isa£ixai auxojiaxa xa x£i%r| xrjc;

with their shouting aloud [ shall fall by themselves the walls of the

7c6A,scoc; D7ioKdxco auxcbv Kai eiaeXsuasxai itaq o

city] underneath them, and [ shall enter all the

Xaoq opiifjaac; SKaaxoq Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov eic; xrjv

people], [ advancing each] in front into the

7i6A.iv 6+ Kai 8iaf|A,0sv Irjacyoc; vioq Nai)fj npoq Tovq

city. And [ entered Joshua [the] son of Nun] to the

ispek; Kai si7cev npoq avzovq AxxPexe xrjv kiPcoxov

priests, and he said to them, You take the ark

xrjc; 5ia0fjKT|c; Kai S7cxd ispefc; Ax|\j/ovxai S7cxd

of the covenant! and seven priests shall take seven

Kspaxivaq xod icopfjA, Kaxd 7cp6aco7cov Tr\q Kipcoxoi)

horns of the ram, according to the front of the ark

Kopioi) 7+ Kai S17C8V auxofc; Aiycov 7capayysiA,axs xco

of [the] LORD. And he said to them, saying, Exhort the

Axxcb 7rspisA,9e(v Kai KDKAxbaaxs xrjv 7c6Aiv Kai 01

people to go around and circle the city, and [ the ones

|id%i|ioi 7capa7cop8D8a0coaav svco7cAia|i£voi evavxi Tr\q

for combat let] come near! arming themselves before the

KiPcoxoi) Kopioi) s + Kai syevsxo coc; sbisv lr\aovq npoq

ark of [the] LORD. And it came to pass as Joshua spoke to

xov A,a6v Kai S7txd ispsiq e%ovxac; S7cxd adAmyyac;

the people, that [the] seven priests having seven [ trumpets



8V TOUT© + VlKa

06 - Joshua

ispdc; Kai 7rapeA,9sTCDaav Goaatixcoc; svavxiov tod

consecrated] also went by likewise before the

KDpioi) 7rapa7iop8D8a0coaav Kai or||iaivexcoaav

LORD, [and] they passed and signified

SDiovcoq Kai T| Kipcoxoq xrjc; 8ia6f|Kr|c; Kopioi)

intensely. And the ark of the covenant of [the] LORD

£7raKoAx)D6svccD auxoiq 9 + 01 8s |id%i|ioi

followed after them. And the ones for combat

7iapa7iop8D8o9coaav S|i7rpoa0sv Kai 01 ispeic;

came near in front. And the priests

aakiiiCpvTsq xaic; Kepaxivaic; Kai o faniioq 6%Xoq

trumpeting the horns, and the rest of [the] multitude

arcac; O7uaco xrjc; kiPcotod xrjc; 8ia0f|Kr|c; Kopiou

all together after the ark of the covenant of [the] LORD,

7ropsi)6|ievoi Kai aaAmtpvxec; xaiq Kepaxivaic; io+xoo8e

were going and trumpeting with the horns. And to the

Xa&amp;&gt; svexeiXaxo Irjaouc; Aiyoov |ir| Podxe |ir|8s

people Joshua gave charge, saying, Do not yell nor

aKODadxcD |ir|8s(c; xrjv 9&lt;wqv ujicbv ov Sie^euosxai sk

let [ hear anyone] your voice! There shall not go through from

axojiaxoc; ujicbv Xoyoq eooc; av 5iayye(Ax| auxoc;

your mouth a word until whenever he himself declares

rjjispav avapofjaai Kai avapofjasxs xoxs n+ Kai

[the] day to yell out, and you shall yell out then. And

mpiskdovaa r\ kiPcdxoc; xrjc; 8ia6f|Kr|c; xod 0sot3 xrjv

[ having gone around the ark of the covenant of God] the

7i6Xiv kdkAxd sdGscdc; a7tr\kdzv sic; xrjv 7iaps|iPoA,f|v

city round about, immediately they went forth into the camp,

Kai £Koi|ifj6r| sksi 12+ Kai xrj r||ispa xrj 8si)xepa

and spent the night there. And on the [ day second]

avsaxrj Irjaotic; xo7ipcoi Kai fjpav 01 ispek; xrjv

Joshua rose up in the morning, and [ lifted the priests] the

kiPcoxov Kopioi) 13+ Kai oi 87ixd ispek; oi cpepovxec;

ark of [the] LORD. And the seven priests, the ones bringing

xac; 87ixd adAjnyyac; xac; lepdc; evavxi KipcoxoD Kopioi)

the seven [ trumpets consecrated] before [the] ark [the] LORD

7ipo87iopsT3ovxo Kai oi ispeic; eodAmaav xaic; adAmy^i

went forth, and the priests trumping the trumpets,

Kai jisxd xatixa 8ia87iopei)ovxo oi |id%i|ioi Kai o

and after these, there entered the ones for combat, and the

Xomoq 6%koq anaq O7ria08V xrjc; kiPcoxod xrjc;

remaining multitude all together [were] behind the ark of the



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

06 - Joshua

8ia6f|Kr|c; Kopioi) 7ropsi)6|i8voi Kai aakitiCpvTzq zaiq

covenant of [the] LORD, going and trumping with the

Kspaxivaic; u+ Kai 7tepieK6KAxoaav xrjv 7i6A.iv sv xrj

homs. And they encircled the city on the

rjjispa tt] 88Dxspa arca^ syytiGev Kai a7rfjX0ov nakiv

[day second], once near to [it]; and they went forth again

SIC; XT|V 7iap8|lPoA,flV OTJXCOC; 8710181 871 ' 8^ rjJISpaq 15 +

into the camp. So it was done for six days.

Kai eysvsxo xrj rjjispa xrj sp86(ir| avsaxrjaav xrj

And it came to pass on the [ day seventh rose up the

avapdasi tod opGpoi) Kai 7tspifjA,0oaav xrjv 7c6Aiv

expedition] at dawn and went around the city

Kaxd to Kpijia xotixo 87cxdKic; 7cAr|v ev

according to this practice seven times, only on

XT] T]|I8pa SKSIVTJ £KDKAxOaaV TTJV 7c6AlV 87CTdKl(; 16+ Kai

that day they circled the city seven times. And

eyevsxo tt] 7cspi68co ttj ep86|ir| eadAmaav oi ispeic;

it came to pass in the [ circuit seventh trumped the priests]

adAjny^i Kai si7cev IrjaoDq xoic; vioiq IapafjX

with trumpets, and Joshua said to the sons of Israel,

KSKpd^axs 7caps8coKs yap Kopioc; xrjv 7c6Aiv djiiv i? +

Cry out, [ delivered up for [the] LORD] the city to you!

Kai eaxai rj noXiq avdBejia auxfj Kai 7cdvxa

And [ will be the city] an offering for consumption, it and all

6aa eaxiv ev auxfj xco Kupico xcov 8uvd|iscov 7cAr|v

as much as is in it, to the LORD of the forces. Except

Padp xrjv 7c6pvr|v 7cspi7i;oif|aaa6e aDxfjv Kai 7cdvxa

Rahab the harlot — protect her, and all

6aa eoxiv avTT\q sv xco oikco 6xi £Kpi)\j/ev xodc;

as much as is of hers in the house! for she hid the

ajjskovq ovq a7ceaxsiA,a|iev ig+ aXka ujisfc; cpuXd^aaGs

messengers whom we sent. But you guard

a7co xod avaGejiaxoc; |xq 7coxe evGDjirjBsvxec; v[iziq

from the offering for consumption! lest at any time pondering, you

AxxPrjxe a7co xod avaGejiaxoc; Kai 7coif|ar|X£ xrjv

should take of the offering for consumption, and should make the

7tap£|iPoAxjv xcov mcbv IapafjX avdGsjia Kai

camp of the sons of Israel an offering for consumption, and

£Kxpnj/r|xs r\[iaq 19+ Kai 7tav apyopiov r| ypvaiov Kai

he should obliterate us. And all silver or gold, and

itaq xafacoq Kai aiSrjpoq dyiov soxai xco Kupico £iq

all brass and iron, will be holy to the LORD; [ into



8V TOUT© + VlKa

06 - Joshua

6rjaai)p6v Kopiou siasvs%0f|aeTai 20+ Kai rjXdXa^ev o

[the] treasury [of the] LORD it shall be carried]. And [shouted the

Xaoq Kai eadAmy^av xaic; adAmy^i 01 lepefc; coc; 8e

people], and [ trumped the trumpets the priests]. And as

fjKODasv o Xaoq xrjv (pcovr\v xoov aaAjriyycov

[ heard the people] the sound of the trumpets,

r(kaXa^av naq o Xaoq akakayiub jisydAxjo Kai ia%upcb

[shouted all the people] [shout a great and strong].

Kai S7i8asv to Tsi%oq kdkAxd Kai aveprj o Xaoq sic;

And [ fell the wall] round about; and [ ascended the people] into

ttjv 7r6Aiv eKaaxoq evavxiac; avzov Kai

the city, each at his opposite, and

KaxsXdpovTO ttjv 7i6A.iv 21 + Kai aveBejidTioav auxfjv

overtook the city. And they devoted it to consumption,

Kai 6aa r|v ev xrj 7i6A,ei ano av5poc; Kai eooc;

and as much as was in the city, from man and unto

yDvaiKoq a7io veaviaKOD Kai eooc; 7ipeaPi)TOD Kai sooc;

woman, from young and unto old, and unto

jioaxoi) Kai 7ipopdTOD Kai D7ro^Dyioi) sv aiojiaxi

calf and sheep and beast of burden, by [the] mouth

pojicpaiaq 22+ Kai xoic; dvo vsaviaKoic;

of [the] broadsword. And to the two young men

Toiq KaxaoK07isT3oaoi xr|v yrjv si7i8v Irjaotic; eiaeXGaxe

spying out the land, Joshua said, You enter

sic; ttjv oiKiav Tr\q yovaiKoq Tr\q 7i6pvr|(; Kai

into the house of the woman, the harlot, and

s^aydysxs sks(0£v auxfjv Kai rcdvxa 60a eaxiv aDifj

lead her from there, and all as much as is with her,

coc; oojioaaxs auxfj 23+ Kai eiafjABov 01 6vo

as you swore by an oath to her! And [ entered the two

vsaviaKoi 01 KaTaaK07iei)aavT£c; xrjv 7i6Aav sic; xrjv

young men], the ones spying out the city, into the

oiKiav Tr\q yovaiKoc; Kai s^fjyayov Padp xrjv 7i6pvr|v

house of the woman; and they led out Rahab the harlot,

Kai xov rcaxepa auxfjc; Kai xrjv ixqxepa avTT\q Kai

and her father, and her mother, and

Tovq aSskqovq avTT\q Kai rcdvxa 6aa r|v auxfj Kai

her brothers, and all as much as was to her, and

xrjv (Toyysvsiav avTT\q Kai Kaxeaxrjaav ai)xf|v e^co xrjc;

her kin. And they placed her outside the

7rape|iPoAx|(; IapafjA, 24+ Kai r| noXiq evs7ipf|a6r| sv

camp of Israel. And the city was burned by



06 - Joshua

7iDp( cjdv 7r&amp;ai xoic; sv aDxfj 7ih\v apyDp(oi) Kai

fire with all the [things] in it. Except silver and

Xpvaiov Kai 7iavx6c; %aXxov Kai ai8f|poD eSocncav siq

gold and all brass and iron they yielded up unto

GrjaaDpov eiaevs%6fjvai 25+ Kai Pa&amp;p xrjv 7i6pvr|v Kai

[the] treasury to be carried in. And Rahab the harlot, and

rcdvxa xov oikov xov rcaxpiKov avTT\q Kai rcdvxa xa

all the house of her father, and all the things

avTT\q e^cbyprjasv IrjaoDc; Kai KaxcbKrjaev ev

of hers, Joshua took alive. And she dwelt in

too IapafjA, eooc; xrjc; rjjispac; af||ispov 816x1 SKpD\j/s

Israel until the day today, because she hid

xodc; KaxaaK07isDaavxac; ovq a7isoxsiXev IrjaoDc;

the ones spying which Joshua sent

KaxaaK07i8T3aai xrjv Iepi%cb 26+ Kai cbpKiaev IrjaoDc; sv

to spy out Jericho. And Joshua bound them by an oath in

tt] rjjiepa SKsivrj ley gov S7iiKaxdpaxoc; o dv6poo7i;oc; oq

that day, saying, Accursed [is] the man who

evavxi Kopioi) ooc; avaaxfjaei r| oiKoSojifjasi

before [the] LORD, who shall raise up or shall build


that city Jericho; with his first-born

GejieAicoaei aDxfjv Kai sv too sA,a%(axcD aDXOD

he will lay the foundation for it, and with the least of his

£7uaTfjG£i xac; nvXaq avTr\q 27+ Kai r|v Kopioc; |iexd

he shall set the gates of it. And [the] LORD was with
lr\aov Kai rjv to ovojia aDXOD Kaxd 7idaav xrjv yrjv

Joshua, and [ was his name] in all the land.

7 T

1+ Kai £7rAx||i|isAx|aav 01 moi IapafjA, 7iAr||i|ieA,siav Kai

And [trespassed the sons of Israel] a trespass, and

evooqnaavxo arco tod avaGejiaxoc; Kai zkafisv A%av

pilfered from the offering for consumption. And Achan took

vioq Xapjii diod Zap8( diod Zapd 8K xrjc; (pvXr\q

(son of Carmi, son of Zabdi, son of Zerah, from the tribe

Ioi38a arco tod avaGejiaxoc; Kai s0D|icb0r| opyfj

of Judah) from the offering for consumption. And [ was enraged [the] anger

KDpioq TOiq vioiq IapafjX 2 + Kai a7ieax£iA£V IrjooDc;

of [the] LORD] with the sons of Israel. And Joshua sent

dvSpac; arco Ispixcb ziq Tai r\ sail Kaxd BrjGaDsv

men from Jericho unto Ai, which is by Beth-aven,


7 T ev toutco + vtica 06 - Joshua

Kaxd avaxoAxxc; BaiGfjA, Kai 8i7isv itpoq avzovq

according to [the] east of Beth-el. And he spoke to to them,

Aiyoov avapdvxsq KaxaaKs\j/aa0s xrjv yr|v Kai

saying, In ascending, survey the land! And

aveprjaav 01 dvSpsc; Kai KaxeaKs\j/avxo xr|v Tai 3 + Kai

[ ascended the men] and surveyed Ai. And

aveaxpe\j/av npoq IrjaoDV Kai 8i7iav npoq aDxov

they returned to Joshua, and said to him,

|iT| avapfjxcD iiaq o Xaoq aXX r coasi 5ia%(Aioi r|

Do not let [ ascend all the people], but about two thousand or
xpia%(Aioi avdpsq avapfjxooaav Kai

three thousand men, let them ascend! And

8K7ioA,iopKr|adTCoaav xrjv 7c6Aav |ir| avaydyrjc; sksi

let [them] capture the city! You should not lead there

7cdvxa xov Xaov oAiyoi yap eiai 4 + Kai aveprjaav

all the people, [ few for they are]. And ascended

arco tod Xaov sksi coasi xpia%(Xioi avdpsq Kai

from the people there about three thousand men. And

scpuyov a7io 7ipoaco7roD av5pcbv Tai 5+ Kai a7csKxeivav

they fled from [the] face of [the] men of Ai. And [ killed

an aDxcbv dv5pec; Tai coq xpiaKovxae£, dv8paq Kai

of them [the] men of Ai] about thirty-six men, and

KaTs8(co^av aDxotic; arco xrjc; 7ivXr\q scoq &lt;yuvsxpi\j/av

they pursued them from the gate until they defeated

avzovq Kai S7cAr|^av avzovq £7U tod KaxacpepoDc; Kai

them. And they struck them by the incline. And

S7rcofj0r| r| Kap8(a tod Axxod Kai eyevsxo cba7isp

[ [was] terrified the heart of the people], and it became as

D5cop 6 + Kai 5isppr|^sv IrjaoDc; xa ijidxia aDxoD Kai

water. And Joshua tore his garments, and

S7i8asv S7i( 7ip6aco7rov aDxoD 87ii xrjv yrjv evavxi

fell upon his face upon the earth before

kiPcoxod KDpioD eooc; sanspaq avToq Kai 01

[the] ark of [the] LORD until evening, he and the

7tpeaPDxspoi IapafjX Kai S7cspdAx)vxo %ovv 87U

elders of Israel. And they put dust upon

xrjv KecpaAxjv aDxcbv 7 + Kai si7csv IrjaoDc; 8so|iai Kopie

their heads. And Joshua said, I beseech, O Lord,

Kopie ivaxi SiaPipd^cov 5isp(paaev o naiq aoD

O LORD, why in causing to pass over was [ caused to pass over your servant]

xov Xaov xodxov xov Iop8dvr|v 7capa8oDvai aDxov xco

this people the Jordan, to deliver it to the


7 T sv tootco + vtica 06 - Joshua

Ajioppaico a7roAiaai rjjLidq Kai 8i Kaxsjieivajisv Kai

Amorite to destroy us? And if we stayed and

KaxcoKia0r||i8v 7iapd xov Iop5dvr|v ev ejioi Kopie 8 +

were settled by the Jordan, what is it to me, O LORD.

Kai it epco 87181 jisxsPaXsv IopafjX au%eva

And what shall I say when Israel turned the back of the neck

a7i8vavTi tod s%6poi) olvtov 9+ Kai aKotiaac; o

before its enemy? And hearing, the

Xavavaioc; Kai 7cdvxec; oi KaxoiKotivxec; xrjv yrjv

Canaanite and all the ones dwelling in the land

7ispiKDKXcbaoDaiv r\[iaq Kai SKxpnj/ouaiv rjjLidq arco

shall surround us, and shall obliterate us from

Tr\q yr\q Kai xi 7coif|aei(; xo ovojid aoi) xo jisya io+

the land. And what will you do [ name for your great]?

Kai 8i7i8 Kopioc; 7tpoc; Irjaotiv avdaxrjGi ivaxi au

And [the] LORD said to Joshua, Rise up! Why [do] you

xotixo 7tS7i;xcDKac; £7U 7cp6oco7c6v aoi) n+ r||idpxr|Ksv o

[do] this ~ fall upon your face? [ have sinned The

Xaoq Kai 7capsPr| xrjv 8ia0fjKTjv jiou r|v SieGeixqv

people], and violated my covenant which I ordained

7tpoc; auxov Kai ye skafiov ano xou avaGejiaxoc; Kai

with it. For even they took from the offering for consumption, and

KkzyavTsq systiaavxo Kai zfiakov sic; xa aKstirj

stealing they lie, and they cast [ for the items]

auxcbv 12+ Kai ov jjt| Suvcovxai oi uioi IopafjX

themselves. And [in no way will be able the sons of Israel]

D7cooxfjvai Kaxd 7cp6aco7cov xcov £%6pcbv olvtov

to stand in front of its enemies.

av%sva 87ciaxp8\j/oi)aiv 8vcb7ciov xcov exBpcbv auxcbv

[ the back of the neck They shall turn] before their enemies,

oxi sysvf|6r|aav avdGsjia od 7cpoa9f|aco sxi

for they were become an offering for consumption. I will not add any longer

eivai |is0' ujicbv sdv |ir| e^dprjxe xo

to be with you, if you should not lift away the

avd6s|ia ujicbv auxcbv 13+ avaaxdc; dyviaov

offering for consumption from among you of them. In rising up, purify

xov Xaov Kai 8i7cov ayviaGfjvai sic; aupiov 6x1 xd5s

the people, and tell [them] to be sanctified for tomorrow! For thus

Aiysi Kupioc; o Geoc; IapafjX xo avdGsjid

says [the] LORD God of Israel, The offering devoted for consumption

saxiv sv ujjiv IapafjX od 8uvf|aea0e avxiaxfjvai

is among you, O Israel; you shall not be able to withstand


7 T ev toutco + viica 06 - Joshua

arcsvavxi xcov s%0pcbv djicov ecoc; av s^dprjxai to

before your enemies, until whenever you should lift away the

av&amp;6s|ia djicov h+ Kai crova%0f|a£a0e rcavxec;

offering for consumption from you. And you shall gather all

T07ipcoi Kaxd (pvXaq Djicbv Kai eaxai r| (pvhf\ r\v

in the morning according to your tribes. And it will be to the tribe which
av 8eft;r| rcopioc; Kai 7rpoad^ex£ raid 8f||ioDc; Kai

ever [the] LORD shows, and you shall lead forward according to peoples. And

xov Sfjjiov ov av 8s(^r| Kopioc; 7ipoad^exs raid

the people which ever [the] LORD shows you shall lead forward according to

oikov Kai xov oikov ov av 8s(^r| Kupioq Kaxd dv8pa

house. And the house which ever [the] LORD shows, by man

7ipoad^STS 15+ Kai oq av sv8ei%0fj ev too

you shall lead forward. And who ever should be pointed out in the

avaBsjiaxi KauGfjaexai sv too 7iDp( auxoc; Kai

offering for consumption, he shall be burnt by the fire himself, and

rcdvxa 6aa screw auxcb 6xi 7iapsPr| xr|v SiaGfjKrjv

all as much as is his; for he violated the covenant

Kopioi) Kai on 87rovr|asv av6|ir||ia sv IapafjA, i6 +

of [the] LORD, and that he committed a violation of the law in Israel.

Kai cbp0piaev Irjaotic; xo7ipcoii Kai 7rpoafjyay£ xov

And Joshua rose early in the morning, and he led [ forward the

Xaov Kaxd (pvXaq avzov Kai ave8evx0r| r| (pvkr\

people] by its tribe. And [ was made manifest the tribe

Ioi38a 17+ Kai ave8e(x0r| Sfjjioc; o Zapat Kai

ofJudah]. And [ were made manifest people the Zarhite]. And

7rpoafj%9r| Sfjiioq o Zapa'i Kaxd dv8pa Kai

he led forward [ people the Zarhite] according to man, and

aveSeixGrj Zap8( 18+ Kai 7rpoofj%0r| o oikoc; avzov Kaxd

Zabdi was made manifest. And he led forward his house by

dv5pa Kai ave8si%0r| A%ap vioq Xapjii mou Zap8i

man, and was made manifest Achan son of Carmi, son of Zabdi,

moi) Zapd Tr\q (pvhf\q lovda 19+ Kai £i7iev Irjoouc;

son of Zerah of the tribe of Judah. And Joshua said

xco A%ap me |iod af||iepov 80c; 8r| 86^av xco Kopico

to Achan, O my son, today give indeed glory to the LORD

0eco IapafjX Kai 80c; auxcb xrjv e^ojioXoyrjaiv Kai

God of Israel, and make to him the acknowledgment, and

avdyyei^ov jioi xi £7io(r|aac; Kai jlit| Kpi3\|/r|q an

announce to me what you did! and you should not hide [it] from

8|iot3 20 + Kai a7rsKp(6r| A%ap xco Irjaoi Kai ei7iev

me. And Achan answered [to] Joshua, and said,


7 T sv tootco + vtica 06 - Joshua

akr\d(bq sycb fjjiapxov evavxiov Kopioi) dsov IopafjA,

Truly I sinned before [the] LORD God of Israel,

otixooc; Kai otixooc; 7T£7rovr|Ka 21+ e(5ov sv xr| 7ipovo|xf|

so and so I have done. I beheld in the spoils

yiArjv 7roiKiAr|v jiiav KaAxjv Kai 5iaKoaia 5(8pa%|ia

[standing] bare [ colored [robe] one goodly], and two hundred double-drachmas

apyopioi) Kai ytabaaav %pvar\v jjiav 7isvxf|Kovxa

of silver, and [ wedge of gold one] — fifty

5i8p&amp;%|i(jov ohd\ avTr\q Kai S7ie6i)|ir|aa auxcbv Kai

double-drachmas its scale weight. And I coveted them, and

zkafiov Kai idov xatixa KSKpimxai sv xrj yr| sv

I took. And behold, these are hid in the ground in

tt] aKTjvfj |iod Kai to apyopiov KSKpimxai D7ioKdxcD

my tent, and the silver is hid underneath

auxcbv 22 + Kai aftsaxsi^sv Irjaouc; ayysXouc; Kai

them. And Joshua sent messengers, and

s8pa|iov sic; xrjv aKTjvfiv eic; xr|v 7iape|iPoAT|v Kai

they ran to the tent in the camp; and

Tama r\v KSKpujijieva eic; xrjv aKr\vf]v ovtov Kai to

these were being hid in his tent, and the

apyopiov D7TOKdTCO auxcbv 23+ Kai e^fjvsyKav auxd 8K

silver underneath them. And they brought them from

Tr\q aKr\vf]q Kai fjveyrav ovto npoq Irjaotiv Kai

the tent, and brought them to Joshua, and

7ipoc; rcdvxac; 7rp£aPi)xepoDc; IapafjX Kai eGrjKav ovto

to all elders of Israel. And they put them

evavxi Kopfcyu 24+ Kai elapsv Iriaouc; xovA%ap mov

before [the] LORD. And Joshua took Achan son

Zapd Kai to apyopiov Kai xr|v axoAxjv Kai xr|v

of Zerah, and the silver, and the robe, and the

yAxoaoav xrjv %pvar\v Kai xodc; viovq ovtov Kai

[ wedge gold], and his sons, and

zaq Guyaxepac; ovtov Kai todc; [ioa%ovq ovtov Kai

his daughters, and his calves, and

xa D7ro£6yia ovtov Kai xa 7ip6paxa ovtov Kai

his beasts of burden, and his sheep, and

xrjv aKqvfjv ovtov Kai rcdvxa xa U7idp%ovxa ovtov Kai

his tent, and all his possessions, and

7iac; lapaf\k jisx' ovtov Kai avfjyayov auxotic; sic;

all Israel with him. And they led them into

EjisKaxcbp 25 + Kai ei7isv Irjaouc; xi (tiXodpzvaaq r\[ioq

Emek Achor. And Joshua said, Why did you annihilate us


8 n ev toi3tg) + vtica 06 - Joshua

s^oAx)9psi)aai as Kopioc; Ka6d Kai afjiispov Kai

[ to utterly destroy you [for the] LORD] even today? And

sAi0op6Ax|oav auxov itaq IapafjX Xidoiq Kai

[ stoned him all Israel] [with] stones, and

KaxsKaDaav auxd ev 7iDp( Kai sA,i0c&gt;p6Ar|aav aDxouc;

they burned them in fire, and they stoned them

sv AiGoic; 2 6+ Kai 87isaxr|aav auxcb acopov Ai0cov

with stones. And they set over him a heap [ stones

jisyav scoc; xrjc; rjjispac; xauxric; Kai S7rai3aaxo Kopioc;

of great] until this day. And [the] LORD ceased

xod 9d|iot3 Tr\q opyfjc; 8id xouxo 87icov6|iaasv auxo

the rage of anger. Therefore this is [the] name of it —

E|isKa%cbp ecoc; xrjc; rjjispac; xauxric;

Emek Achor, unto this day.

8 n

i + Kai S17T8 Kopioc; 7cpoc; Irjaotiv |ir| tpoPr|6f|c;

And [the] LORD said to Joshua, You should not fear,

|iT|58 SsiAidarjc; AxxPs jiexd aoi) 7cdvxac; zovq dvSpaq

nor should you be timid. Take with you all the men,

zovq 7ioA,8|ioT3vxa(; Kai avaaxdq avdprjGi eic; Tai idov

the ones making war, and rising up ascend unto Ai! Behold,

8e8coKa eic; xac; %e(pdc; aou xov PaaiXsa Tai Kai

I give into your hands the king of Ai, and

xov A,a6v olvtov Kai xrjv 7i6A.iv auxcro Kai xrjv yrjv auxcro

his people, and his city, and his land.

2 + Kai 7roif|a£ic; Tai Kai xco PaaiXei auxfjc; ov

And you shall do to Ai, and [to] her king in which

xpo7iov £7iorr|aac; xrjv Iepi%co Kai xco paai^si auxfjc;

manner you did to Jericho and [to] her king.

Kai xrjv 7ipovo|if|v auxfjq Kai xcov Kxrjvcbv auxfjq

And her spoils and her cattle

7rpovo|isi)asic; osauxcb Kaxdaxrjaov 8s aeauxcb svs8pa

you shall despoil for yourself. But place for yourself an ambush

xtj 7i6A,si eiq xa O7i(aco auxfjc; 3 + Kai avsaxrj Irjacyoc;

for the city to the rear of her. And Joshua rose up,

Kai iiaq o Xaoq o 7coXe|iiaxf|c; cbaxs avapfjvai eic;

and all the people, the warriors, so as to ascend to

Tai 87r8A,8^s 8s Irjocyoc; xpidKovxa %ikiadaq avSpcbv

Ai. [ chose And Joshua] thirty thousand men,

Suvaxouc; sv ia%vi Kai a7ceaxsiA£v avzovq vdkxoc; 4 +

mighty in strength, and sent them by night.


8 n ev tootco + viica 06 - Joshua

Kai evexei^axo auxoic; Aiyoov (58X8 6xi djisic;

And he gave charge to them, saying, See that you

svs5psT3aax8 xrjv 7t6Aiv O7i(aco xrjc; noXscoq acp65pa

lie in wait the city, behind the city greatly!

Kai saeaGe 7idvxsc; sxoijioi 5 + Kai eycb Kai 7idvxsc;

and you shall all be prepared. And I, and all

01 jisx' 8|iot3 7ipoad^o|i8v 7ipoc; xrjv 7r6Aiv Kai

the ones with me, will lead forward to the city. And

saxai coc; av s^s^Gooaiv 01 KaxoiKowcsc; Tai sic;

it will be as whenever [ should come forth the ones dwelling in Ai] to

&lt;yovdvxr|aiv rjjjiv Ka6&amp;7rep Kai 7rpcofjv Kai (psi)^6|ie0a

meet you, just as also the day before, and we fled

arco 7ipoaco7roD auxcbv 6 + Kai coc; av s^sXGcoaiv O7uaco

from their face, that whenever they should come forth after

r||icbv a7ioa7rdao|i8V auxotic; and xrjc; KoXsaq Kai

us, we shall draw them away from the city. And

spotiai cpstiyoDaiv auxoi arco 7ipoaco7roD rjjicbv ov

they will say, They flee from our face in which

xpo7iov S|i7ipoa08v Kai (psi)^6|is6a cut ai)xcov 7 +

manner before; and we shall flee from them.

v[isiq 8e e^avaaxfjaeaBs sk xrjc; sve5pac; Kai

And you shall rise up from the ambush, and

7ropsi)aso9s sic; xrjv 7i6A.iv Kai eKxpuj/axs xrjv 7i6Aav

you shall go into the city, and you shall obliterate the city,

Kai 5cbasi auxfjv Kopioc; o 0s6c; r|(icbv sv %£pciv ^IH^v

and [ shall give it [the] LORD our God] into our hands.

8+ Kai saxai coc; av ai)AAxxPr|xe xrjv nohv e|i7rpf|aaxe

And it will be when ever you should seize the city, burn

avTT\v sv 7iDp( Kaxd xo pfjjia xoijxo 7ioif|oax8 1801J

it by fire! According to this matter you shall act. Behold,

svxsxaljiai djiiv 9+ Kai a7isax8iA,8v avzovq Irjaoijc; Kai

I have given charge to you. And [ sent them Joshua], and

87iop8T39r|aav sic; xrjv svs8pav Kai everaGiaav

they went to the ambush, and sat in place

avajieaov BaiGfjA, Kai avajisoov Tai arco dakdaar\q

between Beth-el and between Ai, from [the] west

xrjc; Tai Kai rjuAiaGrj Irjaoijc; xrjv vuKxa SKSivrjv sv

ofAi. And Joshua lodged that night in

jiscjcD xod Xaov 10+ Kai opGpiaac; Irjaouc; xo7ipcoi

[the] midst of the people. And Joshua rising early in the morning,

£7isaKs\j/axo xov Xaov Kai avsprjaav auxoc; Kai 01

numbered the people. And they ascended, he and the


8 n ev tootco + vuca 06 - Joshua

7rpeaPi3Tepoi IapafjX raid 7ip6aco7rov tod Xaov S7ri

elders of Israel, before [the] face of the people, against

Tax 11+ mi naq o Xabq o noXs[iiaTT\q o |iex'

Ai. And all the people, the warrior, the one with

olvtov avsprjaav Kai 7ropsi)6|isvoi f|X0ov e^svavxiac;

him, ascended. And going, they came right opposite

Tr\q nbXzcoq anb avaxoAxbv Kai xa eveSpa xrjc;

the city from [the] east. And the ambushes of the

7r6XscDc; goto dakaaar\q Kai 7iapsvspaAx)v anb

city [were] from [the] west. And they encamped from

poppa xrjc; Tai Kai r| KoiA.dc; avajisaov avxov Kai

north of Ai. And the valley [was] between it and

xTj^Tai 12+ Kai eXaPev coq 7i£vxe %iAid5ac; av8pcbv Kai

Ai And he took about five thousand men, and

S0SXO avzovq svsSpov avajisaov xr|c;Bai6f|X Kai

he stationed them in ambush between Beth-el and

xrjc; Tat daXaaaav Tr\q Tai n + Kai exa^sv o Xabq

Ai, west of Ai. And he arranged [ the people

7idaav xrjv 7iape|iPoAT|v r| r|v arco Poppa xr| 7i6Xsi

all] [of] the camp, which was from north of the city,

Kaixa ea%axa ai)xoi3 GdAxxaoav xrjc; KbXsaq Kai

the ends of it west of the city. And

S7iopsT30r| Irjaotic; xrjv vi)Kxa SKeivrjv sv jisaco xrjc;

Joshua went that night in the midst of the

koiAxx8oc; h+ Kai sysvsxo 00c; s(8sv o fiaaikzvq Tai

valley. And it happened as [beheld the king ofAi],

Kai 8a7i8Dos Kai cbpBpias Kai e^fjXGov 01 dv8psc;

that he hastened and rose early. And there went forth the men

xrjc; nbXscoq eic; &lt;yovdvxr|oiv auxofc; 87i SDGeiac; sic; xov

of the city to meet them straight on into the

7i6Xs|iov avTbq Kai naq o Xabq olvtov sic; xov

battle, he and all his people at the

Kaipov Kaxd 7ip6aco7iov xrjc; Apapd Kai avzbq ovk

opportune [time], in front of the Araba. And he did not

fj8si 6x1 eve8pa auxcb saxiv O7i(aco xrjc; TtbXsodq 15 +

know that an ambush against him is behind the city.

Kai e(8e Kai avs%cbpr|asv Irjaotic; Kai itaq IapafjA,

And [ beheld and withdrew Joshua and all Israel]

arco 7ipoaco7roD auxcbv 16+ Kai scpuyev o86v xrjc;

from in front of them. And [the people] fled [by the] way of the

spfjlioi) Kai sviaxDas 7iac; o Xabq xrjc; Tai

wilderness, and [ grew in strength all the people of Ai]


8 n sv tootco + vtica 06 - Joshua

tod Kaxa8icb^ai O7uaco aDxcbv xcov dicov IopafjX Kai

to pursue after them of the sons of Israel. And

(xdtoi a7teaxr|oav arco xrjc; noXs^q i?+ od

they departed from the city. They did not

KaxsA£up9r| od5s(c; ev xr| Tai Kai sv BaiGfjA, oq od

leave behind any one in Ai and in Beth-el who did not

Kaxs5(co^ev omacD IapafjA, Kai KaxeAmov xrjv 7i6A.iv

pursue after Israel. And they left the city

avecoyjievrjv Kai Kaxe5(co^av O7uaco IapafjA, ig+ Kai

being open, and they pursued after Israel. And

81718 Kupioq 7cpoc; IrjaoDV skxsivov xrjv %e(pd aoi) xco

[the] LORD said to Joshua, Stretch out your hand with the

yatacb xco sv xrj %zipi cjod S7ri xrjv 7c6Xiv sic; yap
javelin, the one in your hand, against the city, for into

xac; xstpdq aoi) s8coKa ai)xfjv Kai xa svs5pa

your hands I gave it. And the ones in ambush

s^avaaxfjaovxai svxd%ei 8K xod xotcod aDxcbv 19 +

shall rise up quickly from out of their place.

Kai e^sxeivev o IrjaoDc; xov yatoov Kai xrjv %e(pa aDxoD

And Joshua stretched the javelin and his hand

S7U xrjv 7c6Aiv Kai xa svs5pa e^aveaxrjaav sv xd%ei

against the city, and the ones in ambush rose up quickly

sk xod xo7cod aDxcbv Kai s^f|A,6oaav 6xs s^sxsivs

from out of their place. And they went forth when he stretched out

xrjv %zipa Kai £iar\kdov sic; xrjv 7c6Aiv Kai

the hand. And they entered into the city, and

KaxsXdpovxo aDxfjv Kai a7C£Daavxec; 8VS7cpr|aav xrjv

overtook it. And hastening they burned the

7C6A.IV SV 7CDpi 20+ Kai 7cspipA£\j/d|isvoi 01 KaXOlKOl

city in fire. And [ looking about the inhabitants

Tai sic; xa O7uaco aDxcbv Kai sGecbpoDV xov Ka7cv6v

of Ai] unto the rear of them, and they viewed the smoke

xrjc; noXzcnq avapaivovxa sic; xov ODpavov Kai

of the city ascending into the heaven; and

odk 8x1 s(%ov 7cod cpDycooiv cb8e T| cb8e

no longer had they anywhere to flee here [on this side] or here [on that side].

Kai o Xaoq o cpsDycov sic; xrjv sprjjiov saxpatprjaav

And the people fleeing into the wilderness turned

S7c( xodc; 8icbKovxac; 21+ Kai IrjaoDc; Kai naq IapafjX

upon the ones pursuing. And Joshua and all Israel

s(5ov 6x1 slapov xa evs8pa xrjv 7c6Aiv Kai 6x1

beheld that [ took the ones in ambush] the city, and that

8 n sv toutco + vuca 06 - Joshua

avsprj o KCLizvoq Tr\q itoXsctiq sic; xov orjpavov Kai

[ ascended the smoke of the city] into the heaven; and

jisxaPaAlojisvoi S7tdxa^av took; avdpaq Tr\q Tai 22 + Kai

turning they struck the men of Ai. And

otixoi s^fjA,6ov sk xrjc; nokscoq sic; aDvdvxrjaiv auxcbv

these came forth from the city to meet them.

Kai sysvfjGrjaav avajisaov xrjc; 7iaps|ipoArjc; otixoi

And they came in the midst of the camp, [some of] these

svxsf39sv Kai otixoi svxsf30sv Kai S7idxa^av auxofjc;

here and [some of] these here. And they struck them

scoc; tod (iT| Kaxa^supGfjvai arjxcbv asacoajisvov Kai

until [there was] not one being left behind of them being delivered and

8ia7rscpsf)yoxa 23 + Kai xov PaaiXsa xrjc; Tai auvs^apov

escaping. And the king of Ai was seized

^cbvxa Kai 7rpoafjyayov auxov npoq Irjaofjv 24 + Kai

alive, and they led him to Joshua. And

sysvsxo coc; S7iafjaavxo 01 moi IapafjA, a7ioKxsvvovxsc;

it happened as [ceased the sons of Israel] killing

ftdvxac; xouc; sv xrj Tai Kai sv xoic; nsSioiq Kai sv

all the ones in Ai, and in the plains, and in

xco opsi S7U Tr\q Kaxapdascoq od Kaxs5(co^av

the mountain upon the descent of which they pursued

avxovq Kai srcsaov navTsq sv axojiaxi pojicpaiac; an

them, that all fell by [the] mouth of [the] broadsword, by

avTT\q sic; Tzkoq Kai S7isaxps\j/sv Irjaofjc; sic; Tai Kai

it unto completion. And Joshua returned to Ai, and

S7idxa^sv arjxfjv sv axojiaxi pojicpaiac;

struck it by [the] mouth of [the] broadsword.

25+ Kai sysvfjGrjaav ftdvxsc; 01 7isa6vxsc; xrj

And it came to pass that all the ones falling [in]

rjjispa SKsivrj anb av8poc; Kai scoc; ywaiKoc; 8cb8sKa

that day, from man and unto woman — twelve

yikiaLzq navxaq xouc; KaxoiKowcac; Tai 26+ Kai

thousand, all the ones dwelling in Ai. And

Irjaofjc; odk S7isaxps\j/s %zipa arjxofj rjv s^sxsivsv sv

Joshua returned not his hand which he stretched out by

xco yatacG scoc; avsGsjidxias af3|i7iavxac; xouc;

the javelin until he devoted to consumption the whole of the ones

KaxoiKowxaq Tai 2 ?+ nh\v xcov Kxrjvcbv Kai xcov

dwelling Ai. Except the cattle and the

aKuAxov xcov sv xrj 7i6A,si SKsivrj s7ipov6|isuaav sauxoic;

spoils in that city [ despoiled for themselves


8V TOUT© + VlKa

06 - Joshua

01 dioi IopafjA, Korea 7cp6&lt;ycay|ia KopioD ov

the sons of Israel] according to [the] order of [the] LORD, in which


manner [the] LORD gave orders to Joshua. And

sv£7r6piasv IrjaoDc; rqv 7i6A.iv sv nvpi Kai s0r|K£v

Joshua burned the city by fire, and he established

aDxfjv %(b[ia sic; tov aicova aoiKrjxov scoq

it for an embankment into the eon, uninhabited until

TTjcj rjjispacj TOCTJTTjcj 29+ Kai xov PaaiAia irjc^rai

this day. And the king ofAi

SKpsjiaaev 87U ^dAxdd 8i5djiod Kai r|v S7U tod

he hung upon [tree a twin]. And he was upon the

ZpXov ecoc; KaipoD Tr\q zanspaq Kai 87i;i8dvovtoc; tod

tree until [the] time of the evening. And [at the] setting of the

rjAioD aDVSTa^sv IrjaoDc; Kai Ka0siAx)v to acbjia aDTOD

sun Joshua gave orders, and they lowered his body

a7i6 tod ^dAxdd Kai eppuj/av aDTOV sic; tov P60pov

from the tree, and they tossed him into the cesspool

7ipoc; ttjv 7ivh\v Tr\q noXscoq Kai S7isaTr|aav aDTcb

before the gate of the city, and set over him

acopov Ai0cov jisyav scoc; ttjc^ Tjjispacj TaDTTjcj 30+ tots

[ heap of stones a large] until this day. Then

CDKo56|ir|asv IrjaoDc; 0DaiaaTf|piov Kopico tco 6scb

Joshua built an altar [to the] LORD God

IapafjX sv opsi TspdA, 31+ Ka0OTi evsTSi^aTO McoDafjc;

of Israel on mount Ebal, as [ gave charge Moses

o 0spd7rcov KDpiOD tok; vioiq lapar\k Ka0d

the attendant [of the] LORD] to the sons of Israel, as

ysypa7rcai sv tco vojico McoDafj 0Daia&lt;xcf|piov AiGcov

it is written in the law of Moses, An altar [stone

oX6kAx|PC0V Stp' ODC; ODK S7T8pA,f|0r| 871 ' aDTOD Cj

entirely], upon which [ was not put upon it

aiSrjpoc; Kai avepipaasv sksi oXoKaDTcbjiaTa tco

an iron [tool]]. And he transported there whole burnt-offerings to the

KDpico Kai 0Daiav acoTTjpioD 32+ Kai eypa\j/sv IrjaoDc;

LORD, and a sacrifice of deliverance. And Joshua wrote

87U tcov Ai0cov to 8sDTspov6|iiov VO|IOV McoDafj ov

upon the stones the second book of the law, [the] law of Moses, which

eypa\j/ev evebmov tcov dicov IapafjA, 33+ Kai naq

he wrote in the presence of the sons of Israel. And all

IapafjX Kai 01 7cpsoPDTepoi aDTcbv Kai

Israel, and their elders, and


8V TOUT© + VlKa

06 - Joshua

01 8iKaaxa( auxcbv Kai 01 ypaji|iaxeic; auxcbv

their magistrates, and their scribes,

7iap87iopsT3ovxo svGev Kai sv0sv Tr\q kiPcoxoij a7i8vavxi

[were] coming near on this side and that side [ the ark before];

Kai 01 lepsic; Kai oi Aemxai fjpav xttv kiPcoxov xt]c;

and the priests and the Levites lifted the ark of the

8ia6fjKr|c; Kupioi) Kai o 7ipoafj}u)xoc; Kai o aux6%0cov

covenant of [the] LORD; and the foreigner and the native born

fjaav oi ruiiasiq auxcbv S7ii 7rAr]aiov opovq Tapi^iv

were [there]; the halves of them neighboring mount Gerizim,

Kai oi r\[i\av em 7rAx|a(ov opouc; TaipdA, Ka6d

and the halves neighboring mount Ebal, as

svsxsiAxxxo McoDafjq o 0spd7icov Kopiou euloyfjaai

[ gave charge Moses the attendant [of the] LORD to bless

xov Xaov IapafjA, ev 7rpcbxoic; 34+ Kai jiexd xatixa

the people Israel at first]. And after these [things]

aveyvco &lt;r6|i7i;avxa xa pfjjiaxa xou vojiou xoijxod xac;

Joshua read the whole sayings of this law, the

eiAoyiac; Kai xac; Kaxdpac; Kaxd rcavxa xa

blessings and the curses, according to all the [things]

yeypajijieva ev xco v6|ico Mcouaf] 35+ odkttv pfjjia

being written in the law of Moses. There was not a word

a7io 7idvxcov cov svsxe(A,axo Mcoi)af|c; xco lr\aov o

from all which Moses gave charge [to] Joshua, which

odk avsyvco rqaouc; sic; xa coxa 7id&lt;xr|c; SKKArjaiac;

[ did not read Joshua] into the ears of all [the] assembly

IapafjX xoic; av8pdai Kai xaic; yovai^i Kai xoic;

of Israel, to the men, and to the women, and to the

7rai8(oic; Kai xoic; 7cpoar|}a)xoic; xoig 7cpoa7copei)0|ievoic;

servants, and to the foreigners going

xco IapafjA,

with Israel.

9 13

1 + coq 8e fjKODaav rcavxac; 01 fiaaiksiq xcov Ajioppaicov

And as they all heard (the kings of the Amorites

sv xco 7ispav xod IopSdvoi) 01 sv xtj opeivfj Kai

on the other side of the Jordan, the ones in the mountainous area, and

01 sv xtj 7ie5ivf| Kai 01 sv 7idaT] xtj 7iapaAia

the ones on the plain, and the ones in all the coast

Tr\q GaAxxaoTjc; xtjc; jisydAxjc; Kai 01 7ipoc;

of the [ sea great], and the ones towards


9 0 ev toutco + vtica 06 - Joshua

xco AvtiAiP&amp;vcd Kai oi Xsxxaioi Kai 01 Ajioppaioi Kai

Antilebanon, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and

oi repysaaioi Kai oi Xavavaioi Kai oi Oepe^aioi

the Gergashites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites,

Kai oi Euaioi Kai oi IePouaaioi 2 + Kai awqX0oaav

and the Hivites, and the Jebusites) that they came together

eic; to auxo SK7ioA£|jT|aai Irjootiv Kai IapafjA,

to the same [place] to wage war against Joshua and Israel

djia 7idvTSc; 3 + Kai 01 KaxoiKowcsc; TaPacbv fjKouaav

all together. And the ones dwelling in Gibeon heard

rcdvxa 6aa S7ioir|a8 Irjaouc; xrj Iepi%cb Kai xrj Tai 4 +

all as much as Joshua did to Jericho and to Ai.

Kai 87rovr|aav Kai ye auxoi |iexd 7iavoupy(ac; Kai

And they acted, even indeed themselves with astuteness. And

eA,06vxec; S7r£axf|aavxo Kai rjxoijidaavxo Kai XafiovTsq

coming, they stood by and prepared. And taking

adKKODc; nakaiovq S7U xcov ovcov auxcbv Kai aaKotic;

[ sackcloths old] upon their donkeys, and [ leather bags

oivod nakmovq Kai Kaxeppcoyoxaq a7io5e5s|isvoDc; 5 +

of wine old] being broken down [and all] tied up,

Kai xa Koika xcov i)7ro8r||idxcov auxcbv Kai

and the hollows in their shoes, and

xa aavSdAia auxcbv 7iaAmd Kai Kaxa7iS7isX|iaxco|isva sv

their sandals old and mended on

xoic; 7ioa(v auxcbv Kai xa ijidxia auxcbv 7cs7iaAmco|ieva

their feet, and their garments being old

S7i ' auxcbv Kai 01 dpxoi xod £7iiaixia|ioi) auxcbv ^rjpoi

upon them, and the bread loaves of their provisions [ dry

syevsxo Kai SDpcoxicbv Kai PePpcojievoc; 6 + Kai

were] and moldy and [worm] eaten, that

fjXBoaav npoq Irjaow eic; xrjv 7iape|iPoAT|v IapafjX

they came to Joshua into the camp of Israel

ziq Takyakd Kai si7rav itpoq Irjaotiv Kai itpoq 7idvxa

in Gilgal. And they said to Joshua, and to all

IapafjA, sk yrjq jiaKp60ev fjKajiev Kai vdv

Israel, From out of a land far off we have come, and now

8id08a0s r|(iiv 8ia0fjKr|v 7+ Kai ei7iav 01 moi IapafjX

ordain with us a covenant! And [said the sons of Israel]

7tpoc; xov SDaiov 6pa jlit| sv sjioi auKaxoiKqc; Kai

to the Hivites, Look, [ not with me you do dwell together], so

7icoc; 8ia0cb|isv aoi 8ia0fjKrjv s+ Kai 8i7iav npoq

how do we ordain with you a covenant? And they said to


9 0 sv tootco + vuca 06 - Joshua

IrjaoDV oiKsxai gov eajiev Kai si7ie npoq avzovq

Joshua, [ your servants We are]. And [said to them

IrjaoDc; 7i66sv sctts Kai 7i66ev 7iapaysyovaTS 9 +

Joshua], From what place are you, and from what place do you come?

Kai 8i7iav 7ipoc; aDTcbv sk yrjc; |iaKp60ev acp68pa

And they said to him, [ from out of a land far off exceedingly

fjKaaiv oi naidsq gov sv ovojiaxi KopioD tod 0£od gov

have come your servants] in [the] name of [the] LORD your God.

aKTjKoajisv yap to ovojia avzov Kai 7idvTa 6aa

For we have heard his name, and all as much as

£7rorr|asv sv Aiy67rccD 10+ Kai 7idvTa 60a £7rorr|G£

he did in Egypt; and all as much as he did

TOiq SvgI fiaGikzvGi tcov Ajioppaicov 01 fjaav

to the two kings of the Amorites, to the ones who were

7ispav tod Iop5dvoD tco I/qcbv Paai^ei EaePcbv

on the other side of the Jordan, [to] Sihon king ofHeshbon,

Kai tco Qy PaaiXsi Tr\q Baadv oq KaTCOKSi sv

and [to] Og king of Bashan, who dwelt in

AcrcapcbG Kai sv E5patv n+ Kai sbiav itpoq r\[idq

Ashtaroth and in Edrain. And [ spoke to us

01 7ipsaPDTspoi rjjicbv Kai navTzq 01 KaTOiKODVTsq tt|v

our elders], and all the ones dwelling [in]

yrjv rjjicbv AiyovTec; AxxPsts saDTOiq S7iiaiTio |iov sic;

our land, saying, Take for yourselves provisions for

ttjv o56v Kai 7iopsD6r|T8 sic; aDvdvTTjaiv aDTcbv Kai

the journey, and go to meet with them! And

epevce 7ipoc; aDTODc; oiK8Tai djicov eajiev Kai vdv

you shall say to them, [ your servants We are], and now

8id08a6s r||iiv tt|v SiaGfjKqv 12+ odtoi 01 dpTOi rjjicbv

ordain with us the covenant! These [are] our bread loaves

GspjioDc; 8(pco8ida6r||i8v aDTODc; arco oikcov rjjicbv sv

[we took] hot, being provided of them from our houses in

ttj rjjispa T| s^fjXGojisv 7iapayevea6ai npoq v[iaq

the day in which we came forth to come to you.

vdv 8 s i8od 8^r|pdv0r|aav Kai ysyovaai PsPpcbjievoi 13 +

And now behold, they are dry, and have become [wonn] eaten.

Kai odtoi 01 aaKoi tod oivod odc; S7rArjaa|isv

And these are the leather bags for the wine which we filled

KaivoDc; Kai odtoi eppcbyaai Kai TaDTa

new, And these are torn. And these [are]

Ta ijidTia rjjicbv 7rs7iaAmcovTai ano Trjq noXkf\q o8od

our garments made old from the [ long journey


9 Q ev toutco + vuca 06 - Joshua

acp65pa i 4 + Kai skafiov 01 dpxovxsg

exceedingly]. And [ took the rulers]

xouc; S7riama|i(y6c; auxcbv Kai to axojia Kopioi)

their provisions, and the mouth of [the] LORD

odk 87ir|pcbTr|aav 15 + Kai S7iovr|asv itpoq avzovq lr\aovq

they did not ask. And [ made with them Joshua

eipfjvrjv Kai 8is0sxo npoq avzovq 8ia0fjKrrv Kai

peace], and ordained with them a covenant, and

cbjioaav auxoic; 01 dp%ovxsc; xrjc; auvaycoyfjc; 16+ Kai

[ swore by an oath to them the rulers of the congregation]. And

sysvsxo jisxd xpsk; rjjiepac; jisxd to 8ia0sa0ai npoq

it came to pass after three days, after the ordaining with

avzovq 5ia0fjKT|v fjKouaav 6x1 syyi30sv siaiv auxcbv

them a covenant, they heard that [ near they are] them,

Kai on sv auxoic; KaxoiKouai 17+ Kai a7if|pav 01

and that [among them they dwelt]. And [departed the

moi IopafjX Kai s^fjX0ov sic; xac; noXsiq auxcbv xrj

sons of Israel], and came forth into their cities the

rjjispa xrj xpixrj ai 8s 7i6A,sic; auxcbv TaPacbv Kai

[day third]. And their cities [were] Gibeon, and

Kscpipd Kai Br|pcb0 Kai 7i6A,sic; Iapiji 1 8 + Kai ODK

Chephirah, and Beeroth, and cities of Jearim. And [ did not

S7ioA,s|ir|aav auxoic; 01 moi IapafjX 6x1 cbjioaav

wage war with them the sons of Israel], for [ swore by an oath

auxoiq ftdvxsc; 01 dp%ovxsc; xrjc; auvaycoyfjc; Kupiov

to them all the rulers of the congregation] by [the] LORD

xov 0s6v IapafjA, Kai Sisyoyyuaav 7idoa r| ouvaycoyr]

God of Israel. And [ complained all the congregation]

S7U xoic; dp%ouai 19+ Kai sircav ftdvxsc; 01 dp%ovxsc;

about the rulers. And [ said all the rulers]

7idar| xrj auvaycoyfj r||is(c; cb|ioaa|isv auxoic; Kupiov

to all the congregation, We swore by an oath to them by [the] LORD

xov 0s6v IapafjA, Kai vuv ou 8uvr|a6|is0a d\j/aa0ai

God of Israel. And now, we shall not be able to touch

auxcbv 20+ xouxo 7roifjao|isv auxoic; ^caypfjaai auxouc;

them. This we will do to them ~ to take them alive,

Kai 7ispi7ioir|a6|is0a auxouc; Kai odk saxai Ka0'

and we will preserve them, and there will not be [ against

r\[i(bv opyfj 8id xov opKov ov cojioaajisv auxoic;

us anger] on account of the oath which we swore by an oath to them.

21+ Kai sircav auxoic; 01 dp%ovxsc; ^fjaovxai Kai

And [ said to them the rulers], They shall live, and


9 0 sv tootco + vuca 06 - Joshua

saovxai ^dA,ok67toi Kai D5pocp6poi 7idar| xrj

they shall be woodcutters and water-carriers to all the

aDvaycoyfj KaGarcep ei7iav aDxoic; 01 dp%ovxec; 22 + Kai

congregation, just as [said to them the rulers]. And

aDveK&amp;Xeasv aDxcroc; IrjaoDc; Kai si7i8v aDxoic; Aiycov

[ called them together Joshua], and he spoke to them, saying,

8iax( 7iapsXoy(aaa0s |ie Aiyovxec; jiaKpdv sojiev and

Why did you mislead me, saying, [ far We are from

cjod acp65pa djisic; 5s sy%cbpioi eaxs xoav KaxoiKotivxcov

you exceedingly]; but you are natives of the ones dwelling

sv r\[iiv 23+ Kai vdv S7iiKaxdpaxoi soxs od jlit| SKA,8i7rr|

among us? And now you are accursed, in no way shall there fail

djicov SovXoq od5s ^dAx)k67i;oc; od5s D5potp6poc;

from [one] of you [being] a servant, nor woodcutter, nor a water-carrier

s|io( Kai xco 08cb |iod 24+ Kai a7rsKpi6r|aav xco IrjaoD

to me, and to my God. And they answered Joshua,

Aiyovxec; 6x1 ayysAia avrjyysXrj r\[iiv 6aa aDvexa^e

saying that, A message was announced to us as much as [ ordered

Kopicx; o 0s6q god McoDofj xco 7iai8( clvtov 8oDvai

[the] LORD your God] Moses his servant to give

djiiv xaDxrrv xrjvyrjv Kai s^oXoB petioai rjjLidq Kai

to you this land, and to utterly destroy us, and

ftavxag Tovq KaxoiKowcac; S7i' avTT\q arco 7rpoacb7roi)

all the ones dwelling upon it, from in front

djicov Kai 8(popf|6r||isv acp68pa 7isp( xcov \j/D%cbv rjjicbv

of you. And we feared exceedingly for our lives

and 7rpoacb7ioD Djicbv Kai S7iorf|aa|iev xo 7ipdy|ia xodxo

from your presence, and we did this [thing].

25+ Kai vdv i8od rjjisk; D7ioxs(pioi djiiv coc; apsaKei

And now, behold, we [are] under your hands as it pleases

djiiv Kai coc; 8oksi 7roifjaai r\[iiv 7ioif|aaxs 26+ Kai

you. And as it seems [good] to do to us, you do it! And

S7ro(r|aav aDxoic; odxcoc; Kai s^sdaxo aDxotic; Ittoodc;

they did to them thus, and [ rescued them Joshua]

sv xtj rjjiepa eKsivrj 8K %eipcov dicov IapafjA, Kai

in that day from [the] hands of [the] sons of Israel, and

odk avsiXov aDxcroc; 27+ Kai Kaxsaxnaev aDxotic;

they did not do away with them. And [ established them

IrjaoDc; sv xr| rjjispa SKeivrj ^dAxdkottodc; Kai

Joshua] in that day as woodcutters and

DSpocpopoDc; 7idar| xtj aDvaycoyfj Kai xco 0Daiaaxr|pico

water-carriers to all the congregation, and for the altar



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

06 - Joshua

tod 9sot3 scoc; Tr\q rjjispac; ar\\xspov Kai sic; xov

of God until the day today, and for the

T07rov ov av SKAi^rjxai Kopioc;

place which ever [the] LORD should choose.

10 i

i + coc; 5e fjKODasv A8covios8sk fiaaikzvq IspoDaaAr||i

And as [ heard Adoni-zedec [the] king of Jerusalem]

on sAxxPev Irjaouc; xrjv Tai Kai s^coA,66peDaev aDxfjv

that Joshua took Ai, and utterly destroyed it,

ov xporcov S7rovr|asv xrjv Ispixcb Kai

in which manner he did to Jericho and

xov paaiAia avxr\q outgo S7rorr|aev Kai xrjv Tai Kai

her king, and thus they did also to Ai and

xov PaaiAia auxfjc; Kai 6xi r|uxo|i6Ax|oav oi

her king, and that [ deserted the ones

KaxoiKowcec; TaPacbv 7ipoc; Irjaotiv Kai 7ipoc; IapafjA,

dwelling in Gibeon] to Joshua and to Israel,

Kai eysvsxo sv jieaco auxcov 2 + Kai scpopfjGrjaav sv

and were in [the] midst of them; that they feared among

auxcbv atp65pa fj5ei yap 6xi r| noXiq r\v |isydAx|

themselves exceedingly. For he knew that [ city was a great

TaPacbv coast Kai jiia xcov |irjxpo7i6A£cov xcov

Gibeon], as also one of the mother-cities of the

PaaiAioov 6xi avTT\ |isydAr| D7isp xrjv Tai Kai 7idvxsc;

kings, for it [was] great, over Ai, and all

oi avdpzq avTT\q (axupoi 3 + Kai a7isax8iA,sv A8coviae5eK

its men [were] strong. And [ sent Adoni-zedec

fiaaiksvq IspoDaaArjji 7ipoc; EXdji PaaiXea Xsppcbv

king of Jerusalem] to Holam king of Hebron,

Kai 7ipoc; nspdji PaaiAia IepijiotiG Kai 7ipoc; Iacpi

and to Piram king of Jarmuth, and to Japhia

PaaiAia Aaxic; Kai 7ipoc; Aadp PaaiAia 05oA,d|i

king ofLachish, and to Debir king ofEglon,

Aiycov 4+ 8st3x8 avdprjxs 7ipoc; |ie Kai Por|6f|aaxe jioi

saying, Come, ascend to me, and help me!

Kai SK7ioA,s|if|aco(isv xrjv TaPacov r|Dxo|i6Ax|aev yap

and we shall wage war against Gibeon. For it deserted

npoq Irjaotiv Kai 7ipoc; xodc; viovq IapafjA, 5 + Kai

to Joshua, and to the sons of Israel! And

avvT\%dr\aav Kai aveprjaav 01 tcsvxs fiaaikziq xcov

they gathered and ascended — the five kings of the



06 - Joshua

Ajioppaicov fiaaiksvq IspoDaaAxjji Kai fiaaikvbq

Amorites — [the] king of Jerusalem, and [the] king

XePpcov Kai fiaaikvbq Ispi|icn30 Kai fiaaiksvq Aa%iq

of Hebron, and [the] king ofJerimuth, and [the] king ofLachish,

Kai fiaaiksvq 08oXd|i auxoi Kai naq o Xaoq auxcbv

and [the] king of Eglon, they and all their people;

Kai 7T8pi8Kd6iaav xrjv TaPacbv Kai s^87io^i6pKODV

and they besieged Gibeon and [attempted] to capture

aDxfjv 6+ Kai a7T80T£iA,av oi KaxoiKcrovxsc; TaPacbv

it. And [ sent the ones dwelling in Gibeon]

7rpoc; Irjaow sic; xr|v 7cape|iPoAx|v IapafjA, sic;

to Joshua into the camp of Israel in

TaXyaXa Aiyovxec; jlit| SKAtiarjc; xac; xeipdq cod arco

Gilgal, saying, Do not loosen your hands from

xcov 7ia(8cov aou avdpr|6i npoq r\[idq xo xd%oc; Kai

your servants! Ascend to us quickly and

z^zkov r\[idq Kai PofjGrjaov r||iiv 6xi &lt;xovr|y|i£voi eiaiv

rescue us, and help us! for [ are gathering

scp' r\[idq TtavTsq oi PaaiXefc; xcov Ajioppaicov oi

against us all the kings of the Amorites], the

KaxoiKowxsq xrjv opsivfjv 7 + Kai avsprj Irjacyoc; sk

ones dwelling in the mountainous area. And Joshua ascended from

ralydAxDV auxoc; Kai naq o KoXs^iiax^q jiex' ai)xoi3

Gilgal, he and every warrior with him,

iiaq dwaioq ev ia%vi 8+ Kai si7is Kopioc; npoq Irjaow

all mighty in strength. And [the] LORD said to Joshua,

|ir| (poPrjGfjq aDxcroc; sic; yap xac; %e(pdc; gov

Do not fear them! for into your hands

7tapa5e8coKa aDxcroc; ov% U7i;ooxf|aexai od8sic;

I have delivered them; there shall not stand even one of

aDXCOV 8VC07TIOV DJICOV 9+ Kai 87181 7CapsyeVSXO 871 '

them before you. And when [ came upon

aDxcroc; Irjacyoc; dcpvco 6Ax|v xrjvvrjKxa 8ia87copsT36r|

them Joshua] suddenly, [for the] entire night he was gone

sk TakyaXcov 10+ Kai e^eaxrjoev arjxorjc; Kopioc;

from out of Gilgal, that [ startled them [the] LORD]

a7co 7cpoacb7i;oD IapafjA, Kai awsxpuj/ev arjxorjc;

from in front of Israel, and [ defeated them

Kopioc; awcpnj/iv jisydArjv sv TaPacbv Kai

[the] LORD defeat with a great] in Gibeon. And

Kaxs5ico^av auxorjc; o86v avapdaecoc; BrjGcopcbv Kai

they pursued them by [the] way ascending to Beth-horon, and



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

06 - Joshua

KaTSK07iTOV aDTOTjq scoc; A^r|K&amp; Kai scoc; MaKT|5d n +

they slew them unto Azekah and unto Makkedah.

sv 5s too cpstiysiv aDTODc; arco 7ipoacb7roD tcov dicov

But in their fleeing from in front of the sons

IapafjX S7Ti Tr\q Kaxapdoscoq Br|6copcbv Kai Kopioc;

of Israel at the descent of Beth-horon, that [the] LORD

S7isppi\j/sv aDTOiq AiGoDc; %akaQr\q sk tod ODpavoD

cast upon them stones of hail from out of the heaven

scoc; A^rjKd Kai sysvovTO nksiovq oi arcoGavovTSc; 5id

unto Azekah. And there were more dying by

todc; AiBoDc; Tr\q %akd^r\q r\ ovq aftSKcsivav oi mot

the stones of hail than which were killed by [the] sons

IopafjX |ia%a(pa sv too 7roAi|ico n+ tots

of Israel by sword in the battle. Then

sAxxAxjasv IrjaoDc; itpoq Kopiov r| rjjispa

Joshua spoke to [the] LORD in the day

7iaps5coKsv o Gsoc; tov Ajioppaiov D7ioxsipiov dicov

God delivered up the Amorites under [the] hand of [the] sons

lapar\k Kai sircsv o IrjaoDc; o r\kioq KaTd TaPacov

of Israel. And Joshua said, [ the sun over Gibeon

&lt;xcf|TCO Kai r| asAxjvrj KaTd cpdpayyac; EaAxbv 13+ Kai

Let stand], and the moon over [the] ravine ofAjalon. And

saTTj o r\k\oq Kai rj asAxjvrj sv crcdasi scoc;

[ stood the sun and the moon] in position until

r||x6vaTO o 6s6c; todc; s%0poDc; aDTcbv ov%i todto

God repulsed their enemies. Is this not

3ipAiou tod sdGodc; Kai s&lt;xcr| o

the] scroll of the upright? And [ stood the

r\kioq KaTd |ISOOV TOD ODpaVOD OD 7ipOS7ropSDSTO

sun] in [the] midst of the heaven, it did not go forth

sic; 8Da|idc; sic; tsAxdc; rjjispac; jiidc; h+ Kai

into descent for [the] completion [ day of one]. And

odk sysvsTO rjjispa TOiaDTTj od8s to 7ipoTspov od5s

there was not [ a day such] nor former nor

to sa%aTOV coots S7iaKODaai 0s6v cpcovfjc; av6pco7ioD

latter, so as for God to heed [the] voice of man,

6ti KDpioq aDVS7ioA,s|ir|as tco lapar\k 15+ Kai

because [the] LORD joined in war with Israel. And

S7isaTps\j/sv IrjaoDc; Kai 7iac; IapafjX jist' aDTOD sic;

Joshua returned, and all Israel with him to

ttjv 7iaps|ipoA,f|v sic; TdAyaXa i 6 + Kai scpDyov oi7tsvts

the camp in Gilgal. And [ fled five

ysypajijisvov S7ii

written in




06 - Joshua

fiaaiksiq odtoi Kai KaTeKptiprjaav sic; to a7if|Xaiov

kings these] and hid in the cave ~

to ev MaKT|5d n+ Kai a7ir|yyeAr| tco IrjaoD XsyovTec;

the one in Makkedah. And it was reported to Joshua, saying,

stiprjVTai 01 7T8VT8 PaoiXeic; KSKpD|i|isvoi sv too

[ have been found The five kings] hiding in the

o7rr|AmcD too sv MaKr|8d i8+ Kai ei7i£v IrjaoDc;

cave, the one in Makkedah. And Joshua said,

kdAictsts AiGoDc; jisyd^oDc; S7ri to &lt;xc6|ia tod

Roll [ stones great] upon the mouth of the

a7ir|AmoD Kai KaTacrcfjaaTS m aDTODc; dvSpaq

cave, and place upon them men

TOD (pX)XciL&lt;5&lt;5£lV S7l' aDTODq 19+ V[LSiq 8e |XT| OTTJKSTS

to guard them! But you do not stand firmly!

KaTaSicbKovTsq O7uoco tcov £%6pcbv D|IC0V Kai

be pursuing after your enemies, and

KaTaXdpeTS tt|v ODpayiav aDTcbv Kai |ir| acpfjTe

overtake their rear guard, and do not let

aDTODc; siaeABsiv sic; zaq TtoXziq aDTcbv 7iaps8coKs yap

them enter into their cities! [delivered for

aDTODc; KDpioq o Gsoq rjjicbv sic; zaq %sipac; rjjicbv 20+ Kai

them [the] LORD our God] into our hands. And

sysvsTO coc; KaT87iaDaev IrjaoDc; Kai 01 vioq IapafjA,

it came to pass as Joshua rested, and the son of Israel,

k'o7ttovtsc; aDTODc; K07if|v jieydAxjv acp68pa scoc;

in beating them [ slaughter great [with] an exceedingly] even

sic; Tskoq Kai 01 8iaaco£p|isvoi 5isaco6r|oav an

unto completion, that the ones surviving were delivered from

aDTcbv Kai eiofjABov siq zaq noXziq Tag o%Dpdc; 21 +

them, and entered into the [cities fortified].

Kai a7i8aTpd(pr| itaq o Xaoq npoq LqaoDV sic;

And [ returned all the people] to Joshua in

MaKr|8d sic; tt|v 7iaps|ipoAr|v Dyisic; Kai odk sypD^sv

Makkedah in the camp in health; and not [ growled

tcov Dicbv IapafjA, od5s(c; tt| yAxbaarj aDTOD 22 + Kai

of the sons of Israel one] with his tongue. And

817T8V IrjaoDc; avoi^aTS to a7ifjAmov Kai s^aydysTS

Joshua said, Open the cave, and lead out


to me [ five kings these] from out of the

o7rrjA,ak&gt;D 23+ Kai S7iovr|aav odtcoc; Kai s^qyayov npoq

cave! And they did thus, and they led to




06 - Joshua

avTOV TOvqnsvTS fiaaiksiq todtoic; sk tod a7ir|AmoD

him [ five kings these] out of the cave —

xov paaiAia IepoDoaArjji Kai tov PaoiXsa XsPpcbv

the king of Jerusalem, and the king of Hebron,

Kai xov PaaiAia Ispi|ioD0 Kai xov (3aaiA,sa Aa%(c;

and the king of Jarmuth, and the king ofLachish,

Kai xov PaaiAia 05oAAxxji 24 + Kai S7is( s^fjyayov

and the king of Eglon. And when they led

avTOvq itpoq IrjaoDV Kai aDVSKd^sasv IrjaoDc; 7idvTa

them to Joshua, then Joshua called together every

dv8pa IapafjX Aiycov aDTOic; Kai todc; svapxojisvoDc;

man of Israel, saying to them, and the ones commencing


the war of the ones going with him, saying

aDTOiq 7ipO7lOp8D8a0S Kai S7U0STS TODCj 7l68aCj DjlCOV

to them, Go forth and place your feet

87i( todc; xpa%fjAx)Dc; aDTcbv Kai 7rpoasA,06vTSc; S7rs0r|Kav

upon their necks! And coming forward, they placed

todc; 7i68ac; aDTcbv S7U todc; Tpa%f|Ax)Dc; aDTcbv 25 + Kai

their feet upon their necks. And

817T8V 7ipoc; aDTODq IrjaoDc; jir| (poPr|9f|T8 aDTODq

[ said to them Joshua], You should not fear them

|ir|8s 88iAidar|T8 av8p(^sa0s Kai ici%dsts 6ti odtcgc;

nor be timid; be manly and be strong! for thus

7rovfja8i KDpioq 7idai TOiq s%0po(c; djicov ovq djisic;

[the] LORD shall do to all your enemies whom you

KaTa7T0A,8|I8lT8 aDTODC; 26+ Kai a7T8KT8lV8V aDTODq

make war against them. And [ killed them

IrjaoDc; jiSTd todto Kai 80avdTcaa8v aDTODc; Kai

Joshua after this], and put them to death, and

S7i8Kp8|iaasv aDTODc; S7U 7TSVTS ^6A,cov Kai fjoav

hung them upon five trees. And they were

Kpsjidjisvoi 8711 tcov ^dAxdv scoc; soTispac; 27+ Kai

hanging upon the trees until evening. And

£y£vfj0r| 7ipoc; SDajidc; rjAioD Kai svsTSiXaTO IrjaoDc;

it came to pass towards [the] descent of [the] sun, and Joshua gave charge,

Kai Ka0s(Xoaav aDTODc; arco tcov ^dAxdv Kai sppnj/av

and they lowered them from the trees. And they tossed

aDTODc; sic; to a7ifjAmov sic; o KaTsqyoyoaav sksi

them into the cave into which they took refuge there.

Kai S7isKDA,ioav Xi0odc; jisydloDc; S7ii to a7tfjAmov

And they rolled [ stones great] upon the cave,



06 - Joshua

scoc; Tr\q rjjiepaq af||ispov 28+ Kai xttv MaKqSd

[which remains] until the day today. And [ Makkedah

slapsv Irjaotic; sv xr| rjjispa sks(vt| Kai scpovsuasv

took Joshua] in that day, and he slaughtered

aDxfjv sv ax6|iaxi ^(cpouc; Kai xov PaaiAia Kai

it by [the] mouth of [the] sword, and the king. And

s^coA,60psuaav auxotic; Kai 7iav sji7Wsov o r|v sv

they utterly destroyed them, and every one breathing [that] was in

auxfj Kai od Kaxe^sicpBrj ev auxfj oi)8sk;

it. And there was not left behind in it any one

8iaasacoa|isvoc; Kai S7iovr|aav xoa Paai^si MaKT|8d

surviving. And they did to the king of Makkedah

ov xpo7iov 87io(r|aav xco PaaiXsi Ispi%cb 29 + Kai

in which manner they did to the king of Jericho. And

a7rfjX0sv Irjaotic; Kai naq lapar\k jisx' auxoi) sk

Joshua went forth, and all Israel with him, from out of

MaKr|8d sic; AsPvd Kai S7roAi6pKsi S7i( AsPvd 30+ Kai

Makkedah unto Libna. And they assaulted against Libna. And

7iaps8coKsv Kopioc; Kai aDxfjv sv %sip( IapafjA, Kai

[the] LORD delivered it also into [the] hand of Israel. And

slapov auxfjv Kai xov PaaiAia avTT\q Kai scpovsuoav

they took it, and its king. And they slaughtered

aDxfjv sv axojiaxi ^(cpouc; Kai 7iav sjurvsov o r|v

it by [the] mouth of [the] sword, and every one breathing [that] was
sv avTT\ ov KaxsXsicpGrj sv auxfj oi)8s sic;

in it; there was not left behind in her not even one

Siaasacoajisvoc; Kai 8ia7rscpsi)ycbc; Kai S7iovr|aav xco

surviving and having escaped. And they did [to]

PaaiA^si auxfjc; ov xporcov S7ioir|aav xco PaaiXsi

its king in which manner they did to the king

Ispi%cb 31+ Kai a7tfjX0sv Irjaouc; Kai naq IapafjA, |isx'

of Jericho. And Joshua went forth, and all Israel with

avzov sk AsPvd sic; Aa%iq Kai 7ispisKd9iasv

him, from out of Libna unto Lachish; and he besieged

aDxfjv Kai S7ioAi6pKsi auxfjv 32 + Kai 7iaps8coKs Kopioc;

it, and assaulted it. And [the] LORD delivered

xrjv Aa%k; sic; xac; %sipaq IopafjX Kai slapsv auxfjv

Lachish into the hands of Israel. And he took it

xtj 8si)xspa rjjispa Kai scpovsuasv avxr\v sv axojiaxi

on the second day, and he slaughtered it by [the] mouth

^(cpoDc; Kai s^coX66psuasv aDxfjv ov xporcov

of [the] sword, and utterly destroyed it in which manner



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

06 - Joshua

S7iovrjas ttj AsPvd 33 + tots avsprj EAxxji fiaaikvbq

he did to Libna. Then [ ascended Horam king

ra^sp PoTjGfjaai tt| Aa%iq Kai S7idTa^sv avzov

of Gezer] to help Lachish. And [ struck him

Itjciodc; sv oTOjiaTi ^(cpoDc; Kai tov Xaov avzov sooc;

Joshua] by [the] mouth of [the] sword, and his people, until

tod jxrj KaTaA,si(p9fjvai aDTcbv asaooajisvov Kai

[there was] not being left behind of them one being delivered and

SiarcscpsDyoTa 34+ Kai a7ifjAi)sv Itjcjodc; Kai naq IapafjA,

escaping. And Joshua went forth, and all Israel

(ist' olvtov 8K Aa%iq sic; EyAxbv Kai 7ispisKd0iasv

with him, from Lachish unto Eglon, and he besieged

aDTTjv Kai s^S7ioAi6pKTjasv aDTTjv 35+ Kai 7iaps5coKsv

it, and captured it. And [ delivered

aDTTjv Kopioc; sv %sip( IapafjA, Kai sAxxPsv aDTTjv sv

it [the] LORD] into [the] hand of Israel. And he took it in

ttj rjjiepa sksivtj Kai scpovsDasv aDTTjv ev oTOjiaTi

that day, and he slaughtered it by [the] mouth

fyipovq Kai 7iav sji7rvsov sv aDTfj sv

of [the] sword, and every one breathing in it. In

ttj rjjispa sksivtj scpovsDaav ov Tporcov S7iovrjaav

that day they slaughtered in which manner they did

tt| Aajiq 36+ Kai a7rfjA,0sv Itjctodc; Kai itaq IapafjX jist'

to Lachish. And Joshua went forth, and all Israel with

olvtov a7io EyXcbv sic; Xsppcbv Kai 7ispisKd0iaav

him, from Eglon unto Hebron. And they besieged

aDTTjv 37+ Kai KaTS^dpovTO aDTTjv Kai S7idTa^av

it. And they overtook it, and struck

aDTTjv sv aTO|iaTi fyipovq Kai tov PaaiXsa aDTfjc; Kai

it by [the] mouth of [the] sword, and its king, and

xaq naaaq Kcbjiac; aDTfjc; Kai navxa Ta s|i7rvsovTa 6aa

all its villages, and every one breathing, as many as

tjv sv aDTfj odktjv 8iaasacoa|isvoc; ov Tporcov

was in it. There was not one surviving. In which manner

S7rorrjaav ttj EyAxbv Kai s^coX60psDaav aDTTjv Kai

they did [to] Eglon, also they utterly destroyed it and

7iav s|i7rvsov 6aa sv aDTfj 3 s+ Kai

all breathing, as much as [was] in it. And

a7isaTps\j/sv Itjoodc; Kai 7iac; IapafjA, jist' aDTOD sic;

Joshua returned, and all Israel with him, to

AapTjpd Kai 7ispiKd0iaav aDTTjv 39+ Kai s^apov aDTTjv

Debir; and they besieged it. And and they took it,


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

06 - Joshua

Kai xov PaaiAia avTT\q Kai naaaq xac; Kcbjiaq avTT\q

and its king, and all her towns;

Kai £7r&amp;xa^av aDxfjv sv aiojiaTi ^icpovq Kai

and they struck it by [the] mouth of [the] sword, and

s^ooA,66p£Daav aDxfjv Kai 7iav s|i7ivsov sv avTT\ Kai

they utterly destroyed it, and every one breathing in it, and

od KaxsXurov ou8sva 5iao8ocoa|isvov ov xp67iov

they did not leave behind one surviving. In which manner

S7rovr|aav xr| XePpcbv ovtcdc, S7iovr|aav xr| Aapip Kai

they did to Hebron, so they did to Dabir, and

too Paai^si avTT\q Ka6d7iep S7io(r|asv xr| AsPvd Kai

[to] its king; just as he did to Libna and

too PaaiXsi avTT\q 40+ Kai S7idTa^ev Irjaotic; xrjv 7idaav

its king. And Joshua struck all

yrjv Tr\q opeivfjc; Kai xrjv NaysP Kai xrjv 7te8ivf|v

[the] land of the mountainous area, and the Negev, and the plain,

Kai ttjv Aai8cb6 Kai zovq 7idvTac; PaaiXefc; avTT\q od

and Asedoth, and all its kings; they did not

KaT8Ai7rov sv aDifj asaooajievov Kai 7iav s|i7iveov

leave behind in it one being delivered, and every one breathing

Cf^r\q e^coA,60psDaav ov Tporcov svstsiAxxto Kopioc;

life they utterly destroyed; in which manner [ gave charge [the] LORD

o 0s6c; IopafjX 4 i + Kai a7i8KTSivsv aDiouc; Irjaotic; arco

God of Israel]. And [killed them Joshua] from

KdSrjc; Bapvfj eooc; Td^r\q 7idaav xrjv yrjv Toaov eooc;

Kadesh Barnea unto Gaza, all the land of Goshen unto

TTj^raPacbv 42+ Kai 7rdvxac; zovq Paai^siq toutodc; Kai

Gibeon. And all these kings and

xrjv yrjv aDxcbv slapev Irjaotic; siad7ia^ on Kopiocj

their land Joshua took at once; for [the] LORD

o Bsoq IapafjA, &lt;yDVS7roXs|isi too IapafjA, 43 + Kai

God of Israel joined in war with Israel. And

aveaxpsij/sv Irjaouc; sic; Takyaka

Joshua returned to Gilgal.

11 «■»

1 + coq 8s fjKODasv Iaptv fiaaikzvq Aocbp ansaTSiks

And when [heard Jabin king ofHazor], he sent

7ipoc; Icopdp PaaiAia Ma8cb|i Kai 7ipoc; PaaiAia

to Jobab king ofMadon, and to king

Sojiscbv Kai itpoq PaaiXea Xaadcp 2+ Kai 7ipoc; todc;

Shimron, and to king Achshaph, and to the


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

06 - Joshua

fiaaiksiq todc; Kaxd £i8cbva xrjv |ieydAx|v eic; xr|v

kings of the [places] by [ Sidon the great], unto the

opsivfjv mi sic; xrjv dpapa a7C£vavTi XevspeG Kai

mountainous area, and unto the wilderness before Chinneroth, and

to 7is5iov Kai sic; Na(ps05cbp 3+ Kai sic; todc;

the plain, and unto Napedor, and to the

7iapaAioDc; XavavaioDc; an avaxoAxbv Kai sic; todc;

ones on the coast — [the] Canaanites from [the] east, and to the

7iapaAicn)c; AjioppaioDc; Kai todc; XsrcaioDc; Kai

ones on the coast — [the] Amorites, and the Hittites, and

Osps^aioDc; Kai IsPoDaaioDc; todc; sv icq opsi Kai

Perizzites, and Jebusites, the ones in the mountain, and

todc; EDaioDc; D7i6 Aspjicbv sic; yrjv Maaarjcpd

the Hivites under Hermon unto [the] land of Mizpeh.

4 + Kai s^fjABov aDTOi Kai 01 fiaaiksiq aDTcbv jist'

And they came forth, they and their kings with

aDTcbv Xaoq nohbq cba7isp rj djijioq rj S7U to

them, [ people a vast] as the sand which [is] by the

Xzikoq Tr\q dakaaar\q too 7rA,f|0si Kai (717101 Kai

edge of the sea in multitude, and horses, and

dpjiaTa noXka acp68pa 5+ Kai aDvsPaAAxrv 7cdvTSc;

[ chariots many very]. And [ united all

01 PaaiXsic; odtoi Kai 7capsysvovTO Kai 7capsvspaAx)v

these kings], and came and camped

S7ci to aDTO S7ci tod DSaTOc; Mspcbji 7coA,8(ifiaai TCO

together by the water ofMerom to wage war [against]

IapafjX 6+ Kai si7csK6pioc; 7cpoc; IrjaoDV |ir|

Israel. And [the] LORD said to Joshua, You should not

(poprjGfjc; a7co 7cpoacb7coD aDTcbv 6ti atipiov

fear from their face, for tomorrow

ttjv cbpav TaDTTjv sycb 7capa8(8co|ii 7cdvTac; aDTODCj

at this hour I will deliver all of them

T8Tpo7cco|i8VOD(; svavTiov Dicbv IapafjX

being putting to flight before [the] sons Israel.

todc; 17C7cod(; aDTcbv vsDpoK07cf|GSic; Kai Ta dpjiaTa aDTcbv

Their horses you shall hamstring, and their chariots

KaTaraDasic; 7CDp( 7+ Kai fptGsv IrjaoDc; Kai naq o

you shall incinerate by fire. And Joshua came, and all the

Xaoq o noXs[iiaTT\q jist' aDTOD sn aDTODCj S7U to

[ people warrior] with him, against them at the

D8cop Mspcbji s^dmva Kai S7cs7csaav aDTOic; sv tt|

water of Merom, suddenly. And they fell against them in the


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VlKa
06 - Joshua

opeivfj 8+ Kai 7iaps8coK8v avzovq icupioq

mountainous area. And [ delivered them [the] LORD]

D7ro%£ip(oi)c; IapafjX Kai kottxovxsc; avzovq Kaxs8(coKov

under the hands of Israel. And beating them they pursued

avzovq scoc; £i5cbvoc; xrjc; [isyaXr\q Kai scoc;

them unto [ Sidon the great], and unto

MaapscpcbB jiatv Kai scoc; xcov 7rs8(cov Maaarjtpd Kai

Misrephoth-maim, and unto the plains ofMizpeh and

avaxoXdc; Kai KaxsKo\j/av auxotic; scoc; tod |ir|

eastwards. And they slew them until the not

KaxaXsKpGfjvai auxcbv 5iaasacoa|isvov 9+ Kai S7iorr|asv

being left behind of them one surviving. And [ did

auxoic; o Irjaotic; KaGoxi svsxsi^axo auxcb Kopioc;

to them Joshua] in so far as [ gave charge to him [the] LORD].

Tovq i7i7ioD(; auxcbv svsupoK67rr|as Kai xa dpjiaxa auxcbv

[ their horses He hamstrung], and [ their chariots

svs7ipr|asv sv 7rop( 10 + Kai a7rsaxps\j/sv Irjaotic; sv

he burned] by fire. And Joshua returned in

xco Kaipcb sksivco Kai KaxsAxxPsxo xrjv Aacbp Kai

that time, and overtook Hazor; and

xov PaaiAia avTT\q a7isKxsivsv sv pojicpaia r|v 5s

her king he killed by [the] broadsword. [ was And

Aacbp xo 7ip6xspov dp%oi)aa 7iaacbv

Hazor] formerly ruling all

XCOV Paai^eiCOV XOT3XC0V 11+ Kai aftSKXSlVS 7iaV S|I7WSOV

these kingdoms. And he killed everyone breathing

sv auxfj sv axojiaxi ^iipovq Kai s^coA,66psuasv

in it by [the] mouth of [the] sword, and he utterly destroyed

ftdvxac; Kai ov KaxsXsupGrj sv auxfj s|i7ivsov Kai

all, and there was not left behind in it one breathing. And

xrjv Aacbp svs7ipr|aav sv 7iDp( 12 + Kai 7idaac; xac;

Hazor they burned by fire. And all the

7r6Xsic; xcov PaaiXsicbv xouxcov Kai rcdvxac;

cities of these kingdoms, and all

Tovq Paai^siq auxcbv sXaPsv Irjao^q Kai avsi^sv

their kings, Joshua took and did away with

avzovq sv axojiaxi ^iipovq Kai s^coA,69psi)asv aDxcroc;

them by [the] mouth of [the] sword. And he utterly destroyed them

ov xpo7iov auvsxa^s McoDafjc; o nmq Kopioi) 13 +

in which manner [ordered Moses the servant [of the] LORD].

akXa naoaq xac; 7i6A,sic; xac; Ks%co|iaxia|isvac; auxcbv

But all the cities being fortified by a mound of them


11 &gt;r


06 - Joshua

odk svs7ipr|asv IapafjA, 7iAx|v xrjv Aacbp jiovrjv

[ did not burn Israel]. Except [ Hazor only

svs7ipr|asv Irjaotic; i 4 + Kai rcdvxa xa gkvXol avTT\q Kai

burned Joshua]. And all her spoils, and

xa Kxfjvrj 87ipov6|i8Daav auxoic; 01 moi lapar\k

the cattle, [despoiled for themselves the sons of Israel].

avTOvq 8s rcavxac; s^coA,60psi)aav sv oxojiaxi ^iqovq

[ of them And all] they utterly destroyed by [the] mouth of [the] sword;

Kai a7icbA,sasv auxotic; od KaxsXurov auxcbv od8sv

and he destroyed them, they did not leave behind of them one

8|i7W80v 15 + ov xpo7iov &lt;yovsxa^s icupioq xco McoDafj

breathing. In which manner [the] LORD gave orders to Moses,

xco 7iai8( olvtov coaatixcoc; svsxsi^axo Mcouafjc; xco lr\aov

[to] his servant, likewise Moses gave charge to Joshua,

Kai otixcoc; S7iorr|asv Irjaouc; od 7iapsPr| ou8sv arco

and thus Joshua did; he did not violate anything of

7idvxcov cov auvsxa^sv auxcb Mcoi)af|c; i 6 + Kai

all which [ gave orders to him Moses]. And

sAxxpsv Irjao^q 7idaav xrjv yrjv xatixrjv xrjv opeivfjv

Joshua took all this land — the mountainous area,

Kai xrjv 7idaav yrjv NaysP Kai 7idaav xrjv yrjv

and the whole land ofNegev, and all the land

roaoji Kai xrjv 7ts8ivf|v Kai xrjv npoq Suajiafc; Kai

of Goshen, and the plain, and the [land] towards [the] west, and

xo opoq IapafjX Kai xa xa7isivd xa npoq xco opsi

the mountain of Israel, and the low [lands], the ones towards the mountain;

17+ a7io opovq AaA.dK Kai o 7ipoaavaPa(vsi sic; Ssipd

from mount Halak, and the ascent into Seir,

Kai scoc; BaaAydS Kai xo 7is8k&gt;v xod Aipdvou imo

and unto Baal-gad, and the plain of Lebanon under

xo opoq xo Aepjiov Kai ftavxac; xouc; Paai^sic; auxcbv

mount Hermon. And [ all their kings

sAxxps Kai avsiXsv avzovq Kai arcsKcsivsv avzovq

he took], and he did away with them, and killed them.

i8+ Kai rjjispac; nXsiovq S7iovr|asv Irjaotic; npoq navTaq

And [ days [for] many] Joshua made [ against all

Tovq fiaaikziq Tomovq xov 7r6Xs|iov 19 + Kai odkt|v

these kings war]. And there was not

noXiq Tjv od 7iaps8coKS TOiq vioiq lapar\k ith\v o

a city which he did not deliver over to the sons of Israel, except the

Euaioc; o KaxoiKcbv sv TaPacbv rcavxac; slapsv sv

Hivite dwelling in Gibeon. He took all by


12 T


06 - Joshua

7roA,8|ico 20+ on 5id Kopiorj sysvsxo Kaxia%r&gt;aai

war. For it was by [the] LORD to become strong

xrjv Kap5iav arjxcbv arjvavxdv sic; 7i6A,8|iov itpoq

of their heart to meet for war against

IapafjX (va s^oA,o0psrj0cbaiv oncoq |ir| 8o0f|

Israel, that they should be utterly destroyed; so that no [ should be given

arjxoic; sksoq aXk r iva s^oAx)0psrj0cbaiv ov xporcov

to them mercy], but that they should be utterly destroyed in which manner

81718 icupioq 7ipoc; McoDafjv 21 + Kai f|A,0sv Irjaorjc; sv

[the] LORD told to Moses. And Joshua came in

xco Kaipcb sksivco Kai s^coAxj0psr&gt;as xorjc; EvaKijr sk

that time and utterly destroyed the Anakim from out of

xrjc; opsivfjc; 8K XsPpcbv Kai sk Aapip Kai s^

the mountainous area, from Hebron and from Debir, and from

Avcbp Kai sk 7iavx6c; oporjc; Iorj5a Kai sk 7iavx6c;

Anab, and from every mountain ofJudah, and from every

oporjc; IapafjA, arjv xaic; 7i6A,saiv arjxcbv Kai

mountain of Israel with their cities. And

s^coAxj0psr&gt;asv arjxorjc; I^aorjc; 22+ or&gt; KaxsA£icp0ri xcov

[ utterly destroyed them Joshua]. He did not leave of the

EvaKiji a7io xcov mcbv IapafjX aXka 7iXr\v sv Tafy]

Anakim from the sons of Israel, but except for in Gaza,

Kai sv Ts0 Kai sv Aas5cb8 KaxsA,s(cp0r| 23+ Kai

and in Gath, and in Ashdod, [some] were left. And

slapsv Irjaorjc; 7idaav xrjv yrjv Ka06xi

Joshua took all the land, as far as

svsxsi^axo Kopioc; xco Mcorjafj Kai s8coksv arjxorjc;

[the] LORD gave charge to Moses. And [ gave them

Irjacyoc; sv KAx|povo|iia IapafjA, sv jispiajicb arjxcbv

Joshua] by inheritance to Israel in their distribution

Kaxd (pvXdq arjxcbv Kai rj yrj Kaxs7rar&gt;as

according to their tribes. And the land rested


from waging war.

12 V

1+ Kai orjxoi 01 PaaiXsiq xrjc; yrjc; ovq avsi^ov 01

And these [are] the kings of the land which [ did away with the

men IapafjX Kai KaxsKXr|pov6|ir|aav xrjv yrjv arjxcbv

sons of Israel], and inherited their land

7ispav xorj Iop5dvor&gt; arco avaxoAxbv rjAiorj arco

on the other side of the Jordan, of [the] east sun of


12 T


06 - Joshua

cpdpayyoc; Apvcbv scoc; tod opovq Aspjicov Kai rcdaav

[the] ravine of Arnon unto mount Hermon, and all

TTjvApapd a7io avaxo^cbv 2 +TOv£r|cov tov PaaiXsa

Araba of [the] east ~ Sihon the king

xcov Ajioppaicov oq KaxcbKsi sv EasPcov kdpisdcov

of the Amorites, who dwelt in Heshbon, dominating

goto Apofjp r| saxiv 87i( tod %sikovq SV XT]

from Aroer, which is by the river bank in the

cpdpayyi Apvcbv kcxt&amp; jisaov Tr\q cpdpayyoc; Kai to

ravine of Arnon, in [the] midst of the ravine, and the

r\[L\av Tr\qTakadd scoc; IapOK tod xsijidppoD opia

half of Gilead, unto Jabbok the rushing stream, [the] borders

Dicbv Ajijicov 3 + Kai r| Apapd scoc; Tr\q dakdaar\q

of [the] sons of Ammon. And Araba unto the sea

XsvspsG k(xt'; Kai scoc; Tr\q daXdaar\q

of Chinneroth according to [the] east, and unto the sea

Apapd dakdaaaq tcov aXcov arco avaToXcov sic; o86v

of Araba, [the] sea of salts from [the] east, by [the] way

ttjv KaTd Br|6ai|i69 Kai arco 0sjidv ttjv D7i6

according to Beth-jeshimoth; and from Teman, the one under

Aar|8co6 Oaayd 4 + Kai opia Qy fiaoikzvq Baadv

Ashdoth Pisgah. And [the] border of Og king of Bashan,

oq D7T8A,s((p0r| 8K tcov yiydvTCOv o KaTOiKcov sv

which [was] left behind of the giants, the one dwelling in

A&lt;xcapco0 Kai sv A5pat 5+ dp%cov ano opoDc; Aspjicov

Ashtaroth and in Edrei, ruling from mount Hennon,

Kai anb IL^kyaq Kai 7idaav tt|v Baadv scoc; opicov

and from Salcah, and all Bashan, unto [the] borders

rsaoDps Kai ttjv Ma%a6i Kai to r\[iiav Takadd scoc;

of [the] Geshurite, and Maachathite, and the half of Gilead, unto

opicov Srjcov Paai^scoq EasPcbv 6 + McoDafjc; o itaiq

[the] borders of Sihon king of Heshbon. Moses the servant

KDpioD Kai 01 dioi IapafjX S7idTa^av aDTODc; Kai

of [the] LORD and the sons of Israel struck them. And

s5coksv aDTTjv McoDafjq o itaiq KDpioD sv

[ gave it Moses the servant [of the] LORD] by

KArjpovojjia PoDpfjv Kai Tad Kai tco rjjjiosi (pvkr\q

inheritance to Reuben, and Gad, and to the half tribe

Mavaaafj 7+ Kai odtoi 01; tcov Ajioppaicov

ofManasseh. And these [are] the kings of the Amorites

odc; avsiks IrjaoDc; Kai 01 dioi IapafjA, sv tco 7ispav

which Joshua did away with, and the sons of Israel on the other side


12 T

ev toutco + vtica

06 - Joshua
tod Iop8dvoD 7iapd daXaaaav BaaAydS sv too 7rs8ico

of the Jordan by west of Baal-gad in the plain


of Lebanon, and unto mount Halak

avaPaivovTCOv sic; 2/r|s(p Kai s8cdksv aDTfjv IrjaoDc;

ascending unto Seir. And [ gave it Joshua]

zaiq (pvXaiq lapar\k KArjpovojjiav KaTd

to the tribes of Israel as an inheritance according to

KAxjpOV aDTCOV 8+ SV TOO 6pSl Kai 8V TOO 7ls8lCD Kai

their lot; in the mountain, and in the plain, and

sv Apapd Kai sv Aar|8cb0 Kai sv tt| spfj|i&lt;jo Kai

in Araba, and in Ashdod, and in the wilderness, and

NsysP tov XsTTaiov Kai tov Ajioppaiov Kai tov

Negev — the Hittite, and the Amorite, and the

Xavavaiov Kai tov Osps^aiov Kai tov EDaiov Kai

Canaanite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and

tov IsPoDaaiov 9 + tov PaaiAia Ispi%cb sva Kai tov

the Jebusite ~ the king of Jericho, one; and the

Pamlsa Tr\q Tai r\ saTi 7iAr|aiov BaiBfjA, sva io +

king of Ai which is neighboring Beth-el, one;

PaaiXsa IspoDaaAxjji sva PaaiXsa XsPpcbv sva n +

[the] king of Jerusalem, one; [the] king of Hebron, one;

PaaiXsa Ispi|ioD0 sva PaaiAia Aa%iq sva u+ paailsa

[the] king of Jarmuth, one; [the] king of Lachish, one; [the] king

EyXcbji sva PaaiXsa Ta^sp sva n + PaaiXsa Aaptp

ofEglon, one; [the] king ofGezer, one; [the] king ofDebir,

sva PaaiAia Ta8sp sva 14+ PaaiAia Ep|id sva

one; [the] king ofGeder, one; [the] king ofHormah, one;

PaaiXsa ApsS sva 15 + Paai^sa AsPvd sva PaaiAia

[the] king ofArad, one; [the] king ofLibnah, one; [the] king

08oA,d|i sva i 6 + PaoiXsa MaKT|8d sva PaaiAia

ofAdullam, one; [the] king of Makkedah, one; [the] king

sva 17 + PaaiXsa Ta7i(poD sva PaaiAia Ecpsp

of Beth-el, one; [the] king ofTappuah, one; [the] king ofHepher,

sva i8+ PaaiXsa AcpsK sva PaaiAia Asaapcbv sva 19 +

one; [the] king ofAphek, one; [the] king ofLasharon, one;

PaaiXsa Ma8cbv sva PaaiXsa Aaacbp sva 20 + PaaiXsa

[the] king ofMadon, one; [the] king ofHazor, one; [the] king

Ajiapcbv sva PaaiAia A%aad(p sva 21+ PaaiAia

of Meron, one; [the] king of Achshaph, one; [the] king


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

06 - Joshua

A6avd% sva PaaiXea Mays58cb 8V0C 22 + PaaiAia

of Taanach, one; [the] king of Megiddo, one; [the] king

Ks5sc; sva PaaiAia IsKovdji tod XepjisA, 8V(X 23 +

ofKedesh, one; [the] king ofJokneam ofCarmel, one;

PaaiAia A8cbp tod Natpa65cop sva PaaiXea rcoeiji

[the] king of Dor ofNephedor, one; [the] king ofGoim

sva 24 + PaaiXsa 0epad sva 7idvTec; odtoi

ofGilgal, one; [the] king ofTizrah, one. All these

PaaiXsfc; TpidKovTa Kai sic;

kings [were] thirty and one.

13 X*
i+ Kai IrjaoDq TrpsaPDTspoq 7rpoPePr|Kcbc; tcov r||ispcbv

And Joshua [was] older being advanced of days;

Kai S17TS KDpioq itpoq IrjaoDV cjd yeyfjpaKacj

and [the] LORD said to Joshua, You are grown old,

7ipoPePr|Kcbc; tcov r||i£pcbv Kai r| yrj D7roA,sA,8i7iTai

advanced of days, and [ land [is] left

7ioAAxj acp68pa sic; KAxjpovojjiav 2 + Kai aDTTj r| yrj

much] exceedingly for inheritance. And this is the land

T| KaTaA,sA,8i(i|i8vr| 7idvTa opia ®DAaaTisi|i Kai naq o

being left; all [the] borders of [the] Philistines, and all the

TsaoDpi Kai o Xavavaioq 3 + arco Tr\q aoiKfjTOD

Geshurite and the Canaanite, from the uninhabited part

TTjqKaTd 7ip6aco7rov AiyD7iTOD scoc; tcov opicov

by [the] face of Egypt, unto the borders

AKKapcbv s£, 8dcovd|icov tcov Xavavaicov

ofEkron, from [the] left of the Canaanites —

7ipoaXoy(^STai xaiq 7T8VT8 aaTpa7i8ia(c; tcov

[which is] counted in addition to; the five satrapies of the

®dAkjtisi|i too Ta^aico Kai tco A^cotico Kai tco

Philistines, to the Gazite, and to the Ashdodite and to the

AaKaXcoviTTj Kai tco TsBBaico Kai tco A%apcovm Kai

Ashkelonite, and to the Gittite, and to the Ekronite, and

tco EDaico 4+ 8K 0s|idv Kai 7idar| tt| yrj Xavadv

to the Hivite; from Teman, and all the land of Canaan

arco Td^r\q Kai oi Si5cbvioi scoc; AcpsKKd ecoc; tcov

from Gaza, and the Sidonians unto Aphek, unto the

opicov tcov Ajioppaicov 5 + Kai 7idaav tt|v yrjv TaPai

borders of the Amorites. And all the land ofGabli

OdAkttisiii Kai 7idvTa tov Atpavov and avaTolcbv

of the Philistines, and all Lebanon from [the] east


13 v sv xoiJTCp + vdca 06 - Joshua

rjAioD a7io BaaAyd8 D7c6 to opoq to Aspjicbv scoc; rr|c;

sun from Baal-gad under mount Hermon, unto the

sici65od E|i&amp;0 6 + naq o koctoikcov tt|v opsivfjv a7io

entrance ofHamath; everyone dwelling the mountainous area from

tod AiP&amp;vod scoc; MaaspscpcbG |ia(|i 7cdvTac; todc;

Lebanon unto Misrephoth-maim, [and] all the ones of

Ei8coviodc; sycb s^oXoGpsDaco aDTODc; a7io 7ipoacb7roD

Sidon — I will utterly destroy them from [the] face

mcbv IapafjX aXXa SmSoq avTT\v tco IapafjA, sv

of [the] sons of Israel; but distribute it [to] Israel by


lot! in which manner I charged you. And now

jispiaov ttjv yrjv tocdttjv sv KAxjpovojjia Taic; swsa

portion this land by lot of inheritance to the nine

(pvXaiq Kai tco r||i(a8i (pvhf\q Mavaaafj 8 + toic; jist'

tribes, and to the half tribe of Manasseh! To the ones with

aDTOD tco PoDpfjv Kai tco Tad sX&amp;Poaav

him, [to] Reuben and [to] Gad, they received

KArjpovojjiav cxdtcov rjv sScoksv aDTOic; Moyoafjc; sv

their inheritance which [ gave to them Moses] on

tco 7i8pav tod Iop8dvoD kcxt' avaTO^dc; rjAioD

the other side of the Jordan; according to [the] rising of [the] sun

8s8coksv amok; McoDafjq o nmq KopioD 9 + a7io

[ granted to them Moses the servant [of the] LORD], from

Apofjp T| eoTiv 87i( tod %zikovq xsijidppoD Apvcbv

Aroer, which is upon the edge of [the] stream Arnon,

Kai ttjv 7i6A.iv ttjv sv jisaco Tr\q cpdpayyoc; Kai 7cdaav

and the city in [the] midst of the ravine, and all

TTjvMiacbp a7co Ms8apd scoc; Aipcbv 10+ Kai naaaq

Misor from Medeba unto Dibon; and all

zaq noXsiq Srjcbv PaaiAicoc; Ajioppaicov oq

the cities of Sihon king of [the] Amorites, which

sPaaiXsDasv sv EosPcbv scoc; tcov opicov dicov

reigned in Heshbon, unto the borders of [the] sons

Ajijicbv 11+ Kai tt|v TaAxxaSmv Kai Ta opia TsaoDpi

of Ammon; and Gilead, and the borders of [the] Geshurites

Kai tod Ma%aTi 7cav opoq Aspjicov Kai 7cdaav

and the Maachathites, all mount Hermon, and all

tt|v Baaavmv scoc; SsA^d 12+ 7cdaav tt|v Paai^siav

Bashan unto Salcah; all the kingdom

Qy sv tt] BaaavmSi oq sPaai^sDasv sv AcrcapcbG

ofOg in Bashan, who reigned in Ashtaroth


13 v sv xoiJTCp + vtica 06 - Joshua

Kai sv E5pa'i odxoc; KaxeXeitpGrj arco xcov Xeijijiaxoc;

and in Edrei ~ this one was left from the remnant

yiydvxcov Kai 87idxa^sv auxov McoDofiq Kai

of giants; for [ struck him Moses] and

e^coA,60pei)ae auxov 13 + Kai odk s^coXoGpsDaav 01

utterly destroyed him. But [ did not utterly destroy the

moi IapafjA, xov TsaoDpi Kai xov Ma%a6( Kai

sons of Israel] the Geshurite, and the Maachathite. And

KaxcbKsi fiaoiksvq Tsaovpi Kai o MaxaGi sv xoic;

[ dwelt [the] king of [the] Geshurites and the Maachathites] among the

vioiq IapafjA, ecog xrjc; r||iepac; xaDxrjc; u + 7th\v xrj

sons of Israel until this day. Except to the

(puAxj Asdi odk s5coksv KArjpovojjia Kopioc; o Geoc;

tribe of Levi there was not given an inheritance; [the] LORD God

IapafjX omoq KArjpovojjia aDxcbv Ka6d ei7iev aDxoic;

of Israel, this [is] their inheritance, as [said to them

Kopioc; 15+ Kai 88coks McoDafiq xrj (pvkr\ mcbv

[the] LORD]. And Moses gave to the tribe of [the] sons

Poi)Pf|v Kaxd 8f||ioD(; ai)xcbv i 6 + Kai eysvf|0r| aDxcbv

of Reuben according to their peoples. And became theirs

xa opia and Apofjp rj saxi Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov

the boundaries from Aroer, which is by [the] face

tpdpayyoc; Apvcbv Kai r| noXiq r\ sv xrj tpdpayyi

of [the] ravine Arnon, and the city, the one in the ravine

Apvcbv Kai 7idaav xrjv Miacbp Kai Me5apd ecoc;

of Arnon, and all Misor and Medeba unto

EaePcbv n + Kai naaaq xac; noXsiq aDxcbv xac; ovaaq sv

Heshbon, and all their cities being in

xtj Miacbp Kai Aepcbv Kai BajicbG Baak Kai oikodc;

Misor, and Dibon, and Bamoth-baal, and [the] house

BssXjicbv 18+ Kai Isaadv Kai Ks8i|icb0 Kai MaupdG 19 +

ofBaal-meon, and Jahaza, and Kedemoth, and Mephaath,

Kai KapiaGaiji Kai SePajid Kai SapG Kai Sicbp sv

and Kirjathaim, and Sibmah, and Zerath, and Sharah in

xco opsi AijidK 20+ Kai BaGcpoycbp Kai Aar|8cb6 Oaayd

mount Emak; and Beth-peor, and Ashdoth Pisgah,

Kai Br|6ai|icy69 21 + Kai naaaq xac; 7i6A,eic; xod Mioodp

and Beth-jeshimoth, and all the cities of Misor,

Kai 7idaav xrjv Paai^eiav xod I/qcbv PaaiAicoc; xcov

and all the kingdom of Sihon king of the

Ajioppaicov ov sPaai^sDasv sv EasPcbv ov

Amorites, which reigned in Heshbon, whom



06 - Joshua

S7idxa^s Mocroafjc; auxov Kai xouc; rjyoujisvoDc; Ma8idv

Moses struck he and the leaders of Midian

Kai xov Eusi Kai xov Pok6|i Kai xov Soup Kai

even Evi and Rekem, and Zur, and

xov Oup Kai xov Popd dpxovxac; Srjcov xouc;

Hur, and Reba, rulers of Sihon, the ones

KaxoiKouvxac; xrjv yrjv 22+ Kai xovBaAxxdji uiov Bscbp

dwelling in the land. And Balaam son Beor

xov jidvxiv a7i8KTSivav 01 uun IapafjX sv pojicpaia

the clairvoyant [ killed the sons of Israel] by [the] broadsword

sv tt] xp07rfj 23 + sysvsxo 8s xa opia uicbv

in the routing of the enemy. And became the borders of [the] sons

Poupfjv o Iop8dvr|c; opiov auxrj r| KArjpovojiia dicov

of Reuben the Jordan boundary. This [is] the inheritance of the sons

PoDpfjv raid 8f||iouc; auxcov ai itoXziq Kai

of Reuben according to their peoples, the cities, and

ai S7iauA,sic; auxcov 24+ s8coks 5s Mcouafjc; xoic; vioiq

their properties. [ gave And Moses] to the sons

ra5 Kaxd Sr^jioug auxcov 25+ Kai sysvsxo auxcov

of Gad according to their peoples. And [ were their

xa opia Ia^ip 7idaa koXeic, TakaaS Kai f||iiau yrjq

borders] Jazer, [and] all [the] cities of Gilead, and half of [the] land

dicov Ajijicov scoc; Apofjp T| saxi Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov

of [the] sons of Ammon, unto Aroer which is against [the] face

Pappd 26+ Kai arco EasPcbv scoc; PajisB Kaxd

ofRabbah. And from Heshbon unto Ramath by

xrjv Maacpd Boxaviji Kai Maavaiji scoc; xcov opicov

Mizpha, Betonim, and Mahanaim unto the borders

Asptp 27+ Kai Ewsjisk Br|6apd|i Kai BaGavajipd Kai

ofDebir; and Enemek, Beth-aram, and Beth-nimrah, and

EiXcbG Kai Sacpcbv Kai xrjv A,oi7if|v Paai^siav Srjcbv

Succoth, and Zaphon, and the remaining kingdom of Sihon

PaaiXscoq EasPcbv o IopSdvrjc; opisi scoc;

king ofHeshbon. The Jordan shall define the bounds, unto

jispouc; Tr\q dakdaar\q XsvspsG 7ispav xou

part of the sea of Chinnereth, on the other side of the

Iop8dvou arc' avaxoXcov 28+ auxrj r| KAxjpovojjia

Jordan from [the] east. This [is] the inheritance

mcbv Ta5 Kaxd 8fj|iouc; auxcov Kai Kaxd

of [the] sons of Gad according to their peoples, and according to

7r6Xsic; auxcov Kai S7iauA,sic; auxcov 29 + Kai

their cities, and their properties. And


14 v

8V TOUT© + VtKCl
06 - Joshua

s8coks McDDafjc; xco r||iiasi (pvXr\q Mavaaafj Kai

Moses gave to the half tribe of Manasseh, and

sysvfj0r| xoic; rjjjiasai (pvhf\q mcbv Mavaaafj Korea

it became to the halves of [the] tribe of [the] sons of Manasseh according to

Sfjjiouc; auxebv 30+ Kai sysvsxo xa opia auxebv anb

their peoples. And [ were their borders] from

Mavaiji Kai 7idaa

Mahanaim, and all

3aaiXsia Baadv Kai rcdaa

the] kingdom of Bashan, and all

Pamleia Qy PaaiAicoc; Baadv Kai 7idaac; xac; Kcbjiag

[the] kingdom of Og king of Bashan, and all the towns

Iaip ai eiaiv sv yrj Baaav(xi8i s^fjKovxa nokzi^

of Jair, which are in [the] land of Bashan, sixty cities;

31+ Kai xo r\[aav xrjc; Takaad Kai ev AaxapcoG Kai sv

even half of Gilead, and in Ashtaroth, and in

E8pa'i 7i6Xsic; PaaiXsiac; Qy ev BaaivixiSi xoic;

Edrei, cities of [the] kingdom of Og in Bashan — [these were] to the

vioiq Ma%(p viov Mavaaafj Kai xoic; rjjjiasaiv mcbv

sons ofMachir [the] son of Manasseh, and to the half [of the] sons

Ma%(p moi) Mavaaafj Kaxd 8fj|ioD(; ai)xcbv 32+ otixoi

ofMachir [the] son of Manasseh according to their peoples. These [are]

ovq KaxsKArjpovojxrjas McoDafjg sv apapcb0 Mcodp sv

which Moses gave to inherit in [the] wilderness ofMoab on

xco 7ispav xod IopSdvoi) xod Kaxd Ispi%co an

the other side of the Jordan by Jericho from

avaxoAxbv 33 + Kai xrj cpuArj Asm odk s8coks Mcouafjc;

[the] east. And to the tribe of Levi [did not give Moses]

KArjpovojiiav Kopioc; o 0s6c; IapafjA, avzoq

an inheritance. [The] LORD God of Israel, he

KArjpovojjia auxebv ov xporcov s^dArjasv auxoiq

[is] their inheritance in which manner he said to them.

14 7^

1+ Kai ot3xoi 01 KaxaKArjpovojifjaavxsc; mcbv IapafjA,

And these [are] the ones inheriting of [the] sons of Israel

sv XT] yrj Xavadv 01c; KaxsKArjpovojirjasv auxoic;

in the land of Canaan, which [ allotted to them

EA^sd^ap o ispstic; Kai Irjaouc; o xod Naufj Kai 01

Eleazar the priest], and Joshua the [son of] Nun, and the

dpxovxsq 7iaxpicbv cpuXcbv xcov dicov IapafjA, 2 + Kaxa

rulers of families of [the] tribes of the sons of Israel. According to

kAxjpodc; SKAx|pov6|ir|aav ov xporcov

lots they inherited, in which manner


14 V


06 - Joshua

8V8Ts(A,axo Kopioc; sv %£ipi McoDafj xaiq ewea (pvXaiq

[the] LORD gave charge by [the] hand of Moses, to the nine tribes,

Kai too rjjiiaei (pvhf\q 3+ sScdksv yap McoDofjc;

and to the half tribe. [ gave for Moses]

KArjpovojjiav xaic; 5do (pvXaiq Kai xrj r||iiasi (pvhf\q

a lot to the two tribes and to the half tribe

and tod nspav tod Iop8dvoD Kai xoiq AsDvcaic;

of the other side of the Jordan. And to the Levites

odk 88&lt;jok£ kAtjpov ev aDTOic; 4 + 6ti fjaav 01 DIOI

[ was not given a lot] among them. For [ were the sons

Iooafjcp 8do (pvXai Mavaaafj Kai Ecppaiji Kai odk

of Joseph] two tribes ~ Manasseh and Ephraim. And [ was not

s860r| jispiq Toiq AsDiTaiq sv ttj yr| aXk r r\ TioXsiq

given a portion] to the Levites in the land, but only cities

KaTOiKsiv Kai Ta 7ipodaTSia aDTcbv zoiq KTfjvsaiv aDTcbv

to dwell in, and their outskirts for their cattle

Kai Ta KTfjVT| aDTCOV 5 + OV TpOTCOV SVSTSl^aTO Kopioc;

and their herds. In which manner [the] LORD gave charge

too MooDofj ODTcaq S7rorr|oav 01 dioi IapafjA, Kai

to Moses, so [did the sons of Israel], and

sjispiaavTO tt|v yrjv 6+ Kai 7rpoafjAi)oaav dioi IoD8a

they portioned the land. And there came forward sons of Judah

itpoq IrjaoDV sv TaXyakoiq Kai s(7is npoq avzov

to Joshua in Gilgal. And said to him

XaXsP o tod Iecpoovfj o Keve^aioc; ctd S7uaTr| to

Caleb the [son of] Jephunneh the Kenezite, You know the

pfjjia o sXdArjas Kopioc; npoq MoQDafjv dv0pco7rov

word which [the] LORD spoke to Moses [the] man

tod Gsod 7rsp( sfioD Kai cjod sv Kd8r|c; Bapvfj 7 +

of God concerning me and you in Kadesh Barnea.

TsaaapdKovTa yap stcov r\[ir[v 6ts a7isaTSiAi |is

[ forty For years [old] I was] when [ sent me

McDDafjc; o itaiq tod 9sod sk Kd8r|c; Bapvfj

Moses the servant of God] from Kadesh Barnea

KaTaaK07i8Daai ttjv yrjv Kai a7isKp(9r|v aDTcb Xoyov

to spy out the land. And I answered him a word

KaTd tov vodv aDTOD 8 + 01 8s aSeAxpoi jiod 01

according to his mind. But my brethren the

avapdvTsg jist' sjiod jiSTsarriaav tt|v Sidvoiav tod

ones ascending with me changed over the mind of the

Xaov eycb 8e 7rpoaeTS0r|v S7iaKoAx)D6f|aai Kopico

people. But I proceeded to follow after [the] LORD


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xco 0scb jiod 9+ Kai cbjioas MooDafjc; sv xrj rjjispa sks(vt|

my God. And Moses swore by an oath in that day,

Aiycov on T| yr| scp' r|v S7tsPr|c; sv aDxfj aoisaxai

saying that, The land upon which you mounted in it will be yours

sv KXfjpco Kai Toiq xskvoic; aoD sic; xov aicbva 6xi

by lot, and [to] your children into the eon, for

7ipoasTS0r|c; S7iaKoXoD0f|aai O7uaco KDpiOD

you proceeded to follow after [the] LORD

TOD 0SOD (101) 10 + Kai VDV 8lS0pS\j/S |IS KDpiOCj OV

my God. And now, [ maintained me [the] LORD] in which

xporcov si7rs xodxo xsaaapaKoaxov Kai 7is|i7rxov sxoc;

manner he said this fortieth and fifth year,

acp' od sAxxArjas Kopioc; to pf|(ia xodxo npoq McoDafjv

from which [the] LORD spoke this word to Moses;

Kai S7iopsD0r| IapafjX sv xrj spf||ico Kai vdv i8od sycb

and Israel went in the wilderness. And now behold, I

sijii afjjispov vioq oySofjKovxa Kai 7ISVXS STCOV l i +

am today a son eighty and five years [old].

sxi sijii of||ispov ia%Dcov coast 6xs a7isaxsiXs |is

Yet I am today of strength as when [ sent me

McoDafjc; coaaDxcoc; ia%Dco vdv sic; xov 7i6A,s|iov

Moses], likewise I am strong now [ for war

s^sX0s(v Kai siasABsiv n+ Kai vdv aixoDjiai as

to go forth and to enter]. And now I ask you

XO 6poq XODXO Ka0d S17TS KDpiOq XT| T||ISpa SKSlVTj 0X1

this mountain as [the] LORD said in that day, for

aD aKfjKoaq xo pf|(ia xodxo sv xr| rjjispa sksivt| vdv 5s

you heard this word in that day, [saying], And now

oi EvaKiji sksi siai 7i6A,sic; jisydAm Kai o%Dpa( sdv

the Anakim are there, in cities great and fortified. If

odv KDpioq jisx' sjiod T| s^oA,o0psDaco aDXODC;

then [the] LORD [ with me should be], I shall utterly destroy them

ov xporcov si7is jioi Kupioc; 13+ Kai SD^oyrjasv

in which manner [spoke tome [the] LORD]. And [blessed

aDxov IrjaoDc; Kai s8coks xrjv Xsppcbv xco XaAip dico

him Joshua], and he gave Hebron [to] Caleb son

Iscpcovfj sv KAjjpco 14+ 8id xodxo sysvf|0r| r| XsPpcbv

of Jephunneh by lot. On account of this Hebron came

xco XaAip xco xod Iscpcovfj xod Ksvs^aioD sv KAxjpco

to Caleb, to the [son of] Jephunneh the Kenezite by lot

scoc; xrjc; afjjispov rjjispac; 8id xo aDxov

until today's day, because he


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06 - Joshua

S7caKoAx)D6fjaai icq 7cpo&lt;ycdy|iaTi KDpk&gt;D tod 0sod

followed after the order of [the] LORD God

IapafjX 15 + to 5s ovojia Tr\q XsPpcbv to 7cpoTspov

of Israel. And the name of Hebron fonnerly

itoXiq ApPai |ir|Tp67i;oAac; tcov EvaKiji aDTTj Kai r| yrj

[was] City Arbai, [ [is the] mother-city of the Anakim this]. Then the land

SKxmaas tod 7toA,s|iod

abated of war.

15 1t3

i+ Kai syevsTO Ta opia (pvhf\q lovda Kazd

And [ were the boundaries of [the] tribe of Judah] according to

8fj|ioDc; (xdtcov goto tcov opicov TT\q l6ov[iaiaq a7io Tr\q

their peoples; from the borders ofEdom from the

spfjjioD Siv 7cpoc; Aipa scoc; Kd8r|c; 2+ Kai sysvfjGrj

wilderness of Zin to [the] south unto Kadesh. And [ were

(xdtcov Ta opia arco Xifioq scoc; jiepoDc; dakdaar\q Tr\q

their borders] from [the] south unto a part [ sea of the

ah)KT\q a7io Tr\q Xoqiaq Tr\q tpepoDarjc; S7ri )dfia 3 +

salty] from the ridge bearing to [the] south.

Kai 8ia7iopsDSTai arcsvavTi Tr\q 7cpoaavapdaeco(;

And it travels over before the ascent leading to

AKpapiv Kai SK7iop8D8Tai Siva Kai avapaivsi a7co

Acrabbim, and goes around Zin, and ascends from

Xifioq em Kd8r|c; Bapvfj Kai 8K7iopsDSTai Eapcbv Kai

[the] south upon Kadesh Barnea, and it goes forth to Hezron, and

7ipoaavaPaiv8i sic; A88apd Kai eKTcepuropeDSTai

ascends into Adar, and it marches around

TTjVKaTd SDajidq Kd5r|c; 4 + Kai SK7iopsDSTai 87ii

by [the] descent of Kadesh. And it goes forth upon

Aasjicovd Kai 8ieKpdAA,ei ecoc; %si|idppoD AiyD7iTOD

Azmon, and it passes out unto [the] rushing stream of Egypt.

Kai 8&lt;TCai T| 8l8^050Cj aDTOD TCOV OpiCOV 8711 TTJV

And [ will be his outer reaches] of the borders at the

GdXaaaav todto screw aDTcbv Ta opia and Xifioq 5 +

sea. This is their borders from [the] south.

Kai Ta opia and avaToAxbv 7idaa rj GdXaaaa

And the borders from [the] east [are] all the [ sea

rj ah)Kr\ scoc; jispoDc; tod Iop5dvoD Kai Ta opia aDTcbv

salty], unto part of the Jordan; and their borders

S7Ti Poppd a7co Tr\q Xocpiaq Tr\q dakdaar\q Kai arco

by [the] north [are] from the ridge of the sea, and from


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tod [ispovq tod Iop5dvoD 6+ S7iiPa(vsi Ta opia £7ri

the part of the Jordan. [ mount The borders] upon

BaiGayXd Kai 7rapa7iop8DSTai a7io Poppa S7i(

Beth-hoglah, and go near from [the] north unto

BaiGapapd Kai 7cpoaavaPa(v£i Ta opia £7U Ai6ov

Beth-arabah. And it ascends unto the borders at [the] stone

Baiov diod PoDpfjv ?+ Kai 7ipoaavaPa(vsi Ta opia

ofBohan of [the] son of Reuben. And [ascend the borders]

87i( to AaPpd Tr\q cpdpayyoc; A%cbp Kai KaTd Poppdv

unto Debir of the ravine ofAchor, and according to [the] north

KaTaPaivsi £7ri TakyaX rj screw a7isvavTi Tr\q

it goes down to Gilgal, which is before the

7rpoapdascDc; A8a|i|i(v r| scrci KaTd Xifia ttj

entrance approach of Adummim, which is towards [the] south in the

cpdpayyi Kai 5isKpdAlsi to opiov S7U to D5cop

ravine. And passes out the border unto the water

7rr|yf|c; rjAioD Kai £&lt;xcai r| 5i£^o5oc; aDTOD 7ir|yf|

of [the] spring of sun. And [ will be his outer reaches] [the] spring

Pcoyf|^ 8+ Kai avapaivei Ta opia eic; cpdpayya diod

ofRogel. And [ascend the borders] unto [the] ravine of [the] son

Ewoji 87i( vcdtod tod I£Podc; a7co Arpoc; aDTTj saTiv

ofHinnom at [the] back ofJebus from [the] south, this is

IspoDaaAxj|i Kai 5i£KpdAA,ei Ta opia £7U KopDcpfjv

Jerusalem. And [ pass out the borders] unto [the] top

opoDc; T| scrci KaTd 7ip6aco7rov cpdpayyoc; Ew6|i

of [the] mountain which is by [the] face of [the] ravine of Hinnom

7ipoc; QaXaaor\ r\ saTiv 8K jispoDc; yr\q Pacpaiji

towards [the] west, which is by part of [the] land ofRephaim

S7Ti Poppd 9+ Kai 5i£KpdAA,£i to opiov a7co KopDcpfjc;

towards [the] north. And [ passes out through the border] from [the] top

tod opoDc; £7U 7it\jt\v D8aTOc; NacpGcb Kai 8l£KPaAl£l

of the mountain at [the] spring [of the] water ofNephtoah; and it passes out

£7c( Kcbjiaq opoDc; Ecppcbv Kai d^£i to opiov £iq

unto [the] towns of mount Ephron; and [ leads the border] unto

BadA, aDTTj £&lt;yc( no)aq Iapiji io+ Kai 7C£pi£A,£Da£Tai

Baalah ~ this is [the] city Jearim. And [ went around

opiov a7co BadA, £7U GdAxxoaav Kai 7cap£X£Da£Tai

[the] border] from Baalah unto west, and shall go by

£iq opoq Srjeip Kai 7cap£A,£Da£Tai £7c( vcotod 7c6Atv

unto mount Seir, and shall go by unto [the] back of [the] city

Iapiji a7c6 Poppd aDTTj £cm XaaaAxbv Kai

Jearim from [the] north ~ this is Chesalon, and


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06 - Joshua

Kaxapfjasxai S7il 7i6A.iv r\kiov Kai 7capsA£i)osxai sm

it shall go down to [the] city of [the] sun, and shall go by to

Xifia n+ Kai SieKpaAlei to opiov Kaxd vcoxod

[the] south. And [ shall pass out the border] at [the] back

AKKapcbv em Poppdv Kai SieKpaXei xa opia siq

ofEkron towards [the] north; and [ shall pass out the borders] into

Saxapcovd Kai 7tapeA£i)aexai opoq yr\q Baa^cbv

Shicron, and shall go by [the] mount [of the] land of Baalah,

Kai 8i8KpaA,s( £7U IajivfjA, Kai eaxai r| Sie^oSoc; xcov

and pass out at Jebneel; and [ will be the outer reaches] the

opicov 8711 daXaaaav Kai xa opia auxcbv a7co

borders at [the] sea. And their borders from

daXdaar\q r\ daXaaaa r\ |ieydAr| opisi u + xai)xa

[the] west — the [ sea great] shall define the bounds. These [are]

xa opia mcbv Iot38a kdkAxd Kaxd 8fj|ioDc; ai)xcov 13 +

the borders of [the] sons of Judah round about according to their peoples.

Kai xco XaAip mcb Iscpcovfj s8cok8 jiepiSa sv jieaco

And [to] Caleb son of Jephunneh he gave a portion in [the] midst

mcbv Ioi)8a 8id 7tpoaxdy|iaxoc; xod Geou Kai

of [the] sons of Judah according to [the] order of God. And

sScgksv auxcb Irjootic; xrjv nokw ApPai |ir|xp67coA,iv

[ gave to him Joshua] the city Arba, [the] mother-city

EvdK ai3xr| eoxi Xeppcbv u+ Kai e^coloGpeuaev

of Anak ~ this is Hebron. And [ utterly destroyed

SKeiGev XaAip vioq Iecpcovfj xodc; xpsic; viovq EvdK

from there Caleb son of Jephunneh] the three sons of Anak ~

xov Sodcji Kai A%si|idv Kai xov 0aA,pa't yewfjjiaxa

Sheshai, and Ahiman, and Talmai, offspring

xod EvdK i5+ Kai avsprj sks(0£v XaAip S7U xodc;

of the Anak. And [ ascended from there Caleb] upon the

KaxoiKowxaq Aapip xo 8e ovojia Aapip r|v

ones dwelling in Debir; and the name Debir was

xo 7cp6xspov noXiq ypajijidxcov i6+ Kai sinsXaksP oq

formerly City of Letters. And Caleb said, Who

sdv Xdprj xrjv TtoXiv xcov ypajijidxcov Kai KopisDarj

ever should take the City of Letters, and should dominate

avTT\q 8cbaco auxcb xrjv A%aav 0i)yaxspa jiod sic;

it, I will give to him Achsah my daughter for

yuvauca n+ Kai slapev auxfjv ToGovifjA, vioq Ksvs^

a wife. And [ took it Othniel son of Kenaz

o aSsAxpoq XaAip ovscbxspoc; Kai sScoksv auxcb

the brother of Caleb younger]. And he gave to him


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06 - Joshua

A%aav Guydxepa avxov auxcb sic; yovaixa ig+ Kai

Achsah his daughter to him for a wife. And

syevsxo sv xco SK7ropei)ea0ai aDifjv Kai

it came to pass in her going forth, that

aDvePouleuaaxo auxcb Xeyouaa aixfjaojiai

she advised him, saying, I will ask

xov 7iaxspa jiod aypov Kai eporjaev arco xrjv ovod

my father [for a] field; and she yelled from the donkey.

Kai 8i7i8vXaXsP xi eaxi aoi 19+ Kai si7iev ai)xcb

And Caleb said, What is it with you? And she said to him,

80c; |ioi suXoyiav 6x1 sic; yrjv NayeP 8e8coKdc; |is

Give a blessing to me! for [for [the] land [of the] Negev you have appointed me].

80c; jioi xrjv roA,a6|idi|i Kai sScoksv auxfj XaAip

Give to me Golath-maim. And [ gave her Caleb]

xrjv roA,a0|idi|i xrjv dvco Kai xrjv ToXaQ xrjv Kdxco

Golath-maim the upper [part], and Golath the [part] below.

20+ atixrj T| KArjpovojjia cpuAxjc; mcbv lovda Kaxd

This [was] the inheritance of [the] tribe of [the] sons of Judah according to

5f||ioDc; auxcbv 21 + sysvfjGrjaav 5s 7i6A,eic; auxcbv itoXsiq

their peoples. [ became And their cities cities

7ipcbxr| (pvXr\q mcbv lovda ecp' opicov E8cb|i sm

foremost] of [the] tribe of [the] sons of Judah, upon [the] borders ofEdom, by

xrjc; epfjiioi) KaPafjX Kai 'E8ep Kai Iayotip 22+ Kai

the wilderness Kabzeel, and Eder, and Jagur, and

Kivd Kai Aijiovd Kai A8a8d 23+ Kai Ke8f|c; Kai

Kinah, and Dimonah, and Adadah, and Kadesh, and

Aacbp Kai Iovdv 24+ Zicp Kai TeAiji aiBaXcbB 25 +

Hazor, and Ithnan, Ziph, and Telem Bealath,

Aacbp xrjv Kaivfjv Kai ai TtoXziq Eapcbv auxrj saxiv

Hazor the new, and the cities of Hezron — this is

Aacbp 26+ Ajidv Kai Eajid Kai McoA,a8d 27+ Kai

Hazor. Aman, and Shema, and Moladah, and

Aaapaoudp Kai Aaepya88d Kai Aaejicbv Kai

Hazar-shual, and Hazar-gaddah, and Heshmon, and

BrjGcpsXeG 28+ Kai BrjpaaPes Kai Bi^icoBia 29+ Kai

Beth-palet. and Beer-sheba, and Biziothiah and

BaAld Kai Amji Kai Aasji 30+ Kai EA,6coAxx8 Kai Unk

Baalah, and Iim, and Azem, and Eltolad, and Chesil,

Kai Epjid 31+ Kai SiKsAiG Kai MsSijievd Kai

and Hormah, and Ziglag, and Madmannah, and


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06 - Joshua

Savaawd 32 + Kai AaPacbG Kai £sA,s(|i Kai Aiv Kai

Sansannah, and Lebaoth, and Shilhim, and Ain, and

Psjijicbv 7idaai ai itoXsiq eiKoaiewea Kai

Rimmon; all the [ cities twenty-nine] and

ai Kcbjiai aDxcbv 33 + sv xrj 7i£8ivf| AaGacbA, Kai Sapad

their towns. In the plain, Eshtaol, and Zoreah,

Kai Aavd 34+ Kai Zavcb Kai Hyowiji TacpcpoDd Kai

and Ashnah, and Zanoah, and En-gannim, Tapphuah, and

Evaiji 35+ Kai IspijicroG Kai A8aA,d|i Kai Scox^ K ^

Enam, and Jarmuth, and Adullam, and Socoh, and

A^rjKd 36+ Kai EsPapiji Kai Aye66ai|i Kai TaSipd

Azekah, and Sharaim, and Adithaim, and Gederah,

ai znavXsiq avTT\q noXsiq xeaaapeaKaiSeKa Kai

its properties — [ cities fourteen] and

ai Kcbjiai aDxcbv 37+ Ssvdji Kai A8aad Kai May8aA,yd8

their towns; Zenan, and Hadashah, and Migdal-gad,

38+ Kai AaXkav Kai Maaarjcpd Kai l£%dar\k 39+ Kai

and Dilean, and Mizpeh, and Joktheel, and

Aa%iq Kai BaasxdB Kai AyXcbv 40+ Kai XaPPco Kai

Lachish, and Bozkath, and Eglon, and Cabbon, and

Aajijidq Kai Kadakiq 41+ Kai TaSrjpcbG Kai Br|08aycbv

Lahmam, and Kithlish, and Gederoth, and Beth-dagon,

Kai Nojid Kai MaKT|5d 7i6A,sk; 5sKae^ Kai

and Naamah, and Makkedah; [ cities sixteen] and

ai Kcbjiai aDxcbv 42 + AsPvd Kai A0sp Kai Aadv 43 + Kai

their towns; Libnah, and Ether, and Ashan, and

IscpBd Kai Aaawd Kai Neaetp 4 4+ Kai Keild Kai

Jiphtah, and Ashnah, and Nezib, and Keilah, and

A%^(p Kai Maprjad 7i6A,sic; ewea Kai ai Kcbjiai auxcbv

Achzib, and Mareshah; [ cities nine] and their towns;

45+ AKKapcbv Kai ai Kcbjiai avTT\q Kai sitavXziq avTT\q 4 6 +

Ekron, and her towns, and her properties.

arco AKKapcbv Kai siq BdXaaaav IsjivdB Kai 7idoai

From Ekron and unto [the] sea, Jemnath and all

oaai siai 7ihr\aiov Ea8cb8 Kai ai Kcbjiai aDxcbv 47 +

as much as are neighboring Ashdod, and their towns.

Ea8cb6 Kai ai Kcbjiai avTT\q Kai ai EnavXziq avTT\q Ta^i

Ashdod and her towns, and her properties; Gaza

Kai ai Kcbjiai avTT\q Kai ai snavXziq avTT\q scoq tod

and her towns, and her properties, unto the


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X8i(idppoi) AiyimxoD Kai r| GdXaaaa r| |iey&amp;Ax|

rushing stream of Egypt, and the [ sea great]

8iop(^ei 48+ Kai ev tt] opeivfj Eajiip Kai IGep Kai

separates. And in the mountainous area, Shamir, and Jatir, and

£co%cb 49+ Kai Pewd Kai noXiq ypajijidxcov ami] soil

Socoh, and Dannah, and [the] city of Letters, this is

Aapip 50+ Kai Avdp Kai AaBsjicb Kai Aviji 51+ Kai

Debir; and Anab, and Eshtemoh, and Anim, and

roaoji Kai Xikovv Kai TiAxb itoXsiq evSera Kai

Goshen, and Holon, and Giloh; [ cities eleven], and

ai Kcbjiai auxcbv 52+ EpeP Kai Poujid Kai Eodv 53+ Kai

their towns; Arab, and Rumah, and Eshean, and

IavoT3|i Kai BrjGcpous Kai Acpara 54+ Kai Ajijiaxd Kai

Janum, and Beth-tappuah, and Aphekah, and Humtah, and

itoXiq ApPai atixrj eaxi XsPpcbv Kai Sicbp 7i6A,sk;

[the] city Arba ~ this is Hebron, and Zior; [ cities

swsa Kai ai zitavXEiq auxcbv 55 + Macbv Kai XspjisA,

nine] and their properties; Maon, and Carmel,

Kai Zicp Kai lend 5 6+ Kai Ie^peeX Kai IsK5ad|i Kai

and Ziph, and Juttah, and Jezreel, and Jokdeam, and

Zavoi)d 57+ 'Eksv Kai TaPad Kai 0a|ivd noXziq 5sKa

Zanoah, Cain, and Gibeah, and Timnah; [ cities ten]

Kai ai Kcbjiai aDxcbv 58+ Akovs Kai BeGaoup Kai

and their towns; Halhul, and Beth-zur, and

rs8cbp 59+ Kai MaapcbG Kai Br|0avcb6 Kai EXGsksv

Gedor, and Maarath, and Beth-anoth, and Eltekon;

7i6A,sic; Kai ai Kcbjiai aDicbv 60+ KapiaGpadA, ami]

[ cities six], and their towns; Kirjath-baal — this [is]

itoXiq Iapiji Kai Apsjipd 7i6A,sk; 8t3o Kai

[the] city Jearim, and Rabbah; [ cities two] and

ai EnavXziq auxcbv 6 i+ ev xr| spfuico BrjGapapd Kai

their properties; In the wilderness, Beth-arabah, and

Ma58(v Kai Z%a%a 62 + Kai NePodv Kai ai noXsiq xcov

Middin, and Secacah, and Nibshan, and the cities of the

AAxbv Kai Eyya58( 7r6A,sic; Kai ai Kcbjiai auxcbv 63 +

of Salts, and En-gedi; [ cities six] and their towns.

Kai o IsPoDaaioc; KaxcbKsi sv IspoDaaArjji Kai

And the Jebusite dwelt in Jerusalem, and

odk Tj8i)vf|8T|oav 01 Dioi lovda a7ioAioai avzovq Kai

[ were not able the sons of Judah] to destroy them; and


16 TO

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06 - Joshua

KaxcbKqaav 01 IspoDaaioc; |isxd xcov dicov k&gt;D8a sv

[ dwelt the Jebusites] with the sons of Judah in

IepoDoaAxj|i scoc; xrjc; rjjispac; xaDxrjc;

Jerusalem until this day.

16 tta

i+ Kai sysvsxo xa opia dicov Icoafjcp arco xod

And [ were the borders of [the] sons of Joseph] from the

IopSdvoD kcxx&amp; Ispi%cb arco avaxoA,cbv xrjv sprjjiov Kai

Jordan by Jericho from [the] east wilderness; and

avapfjaexai ano Ispi%co sic; xrjv opsivfjv sic; BaiGfjX

it shall ascend from Jericho unto the mountainous area into Beth-el.
2 + Kai s^sXstiasxai anb BaiGfjA, sic; XoD^d Kai

And it shall go forth from Beth-el to Luz, and

7iapsA,SDasxai mi xa opia xod Ap%iaxapcb9 3 + Kai

it shall go by unto the borders of Archi Ataroth. And

8isA,SDosxai S7U xrjv GdXaaaav S7U xa opia IscpArjxi

it shall go to the west by the borders of Japhleti

scoc; xcov opicov BaiGcopcbv xrjv kcxxco Kai scoc;

unto the borders of Beth-horon the [part] below, and unto

Ta^sp Kai saxai r| 8is^o8oc; aDxcbv S7ri xrjv GdAxxaaav

Gezer; and [ shall be their outer reaches] to the sea.

4+ Kai SKAx|pov6|ir|aav 01 moi Icoafjcp Mavaaafj Kai

And [ inherited the sons of Joseph — Manasseh and

Ecppaiji 5+ Kai sysvf|0r| opia dicov Ecppaiji Kaxd

Ephraim]. And [were [the] borders of [the] sons ofEphraim] according to

SfjjioDc; aDxcbv Kai sysvf|6r| xa opia

their peoples; and [ were the borders

xrjc; KAxjpovojjiac; aDxcbv anb avaxolcbv AxapcoG A8dp

of their inheritance] from [the] east ~ Ataroth Addar

scoc; BrjGcopcbv xrjv dvco 6 + Kai 8isA,SDasxai xa opia

unto Beth-horon the upper. And [ shall go the borders]

87i( xrjv GdAxxaaav sic; Ma%0cb6 anb Poppa Kai

to the sea unto Michmethah from [the] north, and

7ispisXsDasxai xo opioc; S7i' avaxoAxxc; sic;

[ shall go by the border] unto eastwards into

0r|va6aar|Xcb Kai 7iapsA,SDasxai aDxo an' avaxoAxbv

Taanath-shiloh, and it shall go towards [the] east

sic; Iavco%d 7+ Kai raxapfjaexai anb Iavcoxd siq

to Janoah; and it shall go down from Janoah to

AxapcoG Kai ai Kcbjiai aDxcbv Kai sic; AvapaGd Kai

Ataroth, and their towns, and to Naarath, and


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sXsuasxai S7it Ispixco Kai 8isKpaA,s( S7ri xov Iop5dvr|v

it shall come to Jericho, and pass out at the Jordan.

8+ Kai and 0a7i(pous 7iopsf)asxai xa opia

And from Tappuah [ will go the borders]

S7Ti dakaaaav S7U %si|idppoi)v Xavd Kai saxai

west unto [the] rushing stream Kanah; and [ will be

T| 8is^o8oc; olvtov S7i( dakaaaav auxrj r\ KArjpovojjia

its outer reaches] at [the] sea. This [is] the inheritance

(fruAxjc; mcbv Ecppaiji Kaxd 8fj|ioi)c; auxcbv 9 + Kai ai

of [the] tribe of [the] sons ofEphraim according to their peoples. And the

7i6A,sic; ai acpopiaBsiaai xoic; moic; Ecppaiji avajisaov

[cities separated] to the sons ofEphraim [were] in the midst

xrjc; KAxjpovojjiac; mcbv Mavaoafj rcdaai ai 7r6A,sic;

of the inheritance of [the] sons of Manasseh, all the cities,

Kai ai Kcbjiai ai)xcbv io+ Kai omc a7icbXsasv Ecppaiji

and their towns. And [ did not destroy Ephraim]

xov Xavavaiov xov KaxoiKowxa sv Ta^sp Kai

the Canaanite dwelling in Gezer; but

KaxcbKsi o Xavavaioc; sv Ecppaiji scoc;

[ dwelt the Canaanite] in Ephraim until

xrjc; rjjispac; xauxrjc; Kai sysvovxo mrocpopoi 8of)Axn

this day, and they became [ subject to tribute bondmen].

17 V

i+ Kai sysvsxo xa opia (pvXr\q Mavaaafj 6xi otixoc;

And [ were the borders of [the] tribe of Manasseh] (for this one [is]

7ipcox6xoKoc; xoo Icoafjtp xco Ma%s(p 7ipcoxox6Kco

first-born of Joseph) [to] Machir first-born

Mavaaafj 7iaxpi Takaad auxocjyap avfjp 7ioA,s|iiaxfjc;

of Manasseh, father of Gilead. For he [was] a man of war

sv xtj Ta^aaSixiSi Kai sv xr| BaaavixiSi 2 + Kai

in Gilead and in the Bashan [area]. And

sysvf|0r| xoic; moic; Mavaaafj xoic; Xomoiq Kaxd

there became to the sons of Manasseh, to the ones remaining according to

8fj|ioi)c; auxcbv xoic; vioiq Apis^sp Kai xoic; moic;

their peoples — to the sons of Abiezer, and to the sons of Helek,

Kai xoic; moic; EapifjA, Kai xoic; moic; Kai xoic;

and to the sons of Asriel, and to the sons of Shechem, and to the

moic; Etpsp Kai xoic; moic; Esjii5as ouxoi moi

sons ofHepher, and to the sons ofShemida; these [are] sons

Mavaaafj diod Icoafjtp oi dpasvsc; Kaxd

of Manasseh son of Joseph, the males according to


17 V ev tootco + vuca 06 - Joshua

8fj|ioDc; aDxcbv 3+ Kai xco SaAjradS dico Ocpsp diod

their peoples. And [to] Zelophehad, son ofHepher, son

Takaad diod Maxsip diod Mavaaafj ODKfjaav

ofGilead, son ofMachir, son of Manasseh, there were no

(xdtco dioi aXXa 0Dyaxspsc; Kai xatixa xa ovojiaxa

sons to him, but daughters. And these [are] the names

xcov 0Dyaxspcov SaAjiadS MaaAxx Kai Nodoc Kai

of the daughters of Zelophehad — Mahlah, and Noah, and

EyXd Kai Mzk%a Kai 0spad 4 + Kai saxrjaav svavxiov

Hoglah, and Milcha, and Tirzah. And they stood before

EXsd^ap xod ispscoc; Kai svavxiov IrjaoD diod NaDfj

Eleazar the priest, and before Joshua son of Nun,

Kai svavxiov xcov ap%6vxcov AiyoDaai o Gsoc;

and before the rulers, saying, God

svsxsiAxxxo 5id %£ipoq McoDafj 8oDvai r||iiv

gave charge through [the] hand of Moses to give to us

KArjpovojjiav sv (isaco xcov a8sAxpcbv r||icbv Kai s866r|

an inheritance in [the] midst of our brethren. And there was given

aDxak; KAx|povo|iia 8id 7ipoaxdy|iaxo(; kdpiod KArjpoc;

to them an inheritance by order of [the] LORD, a lot

sv jisaco xcov aSsAxpcbv aDxcbv xod nazpoq aDxcbv 5 + Kai

in [the] midst of their brethren of their father. And

S7rsasv o a%oivia|i6c; Mavaaafj 7is5(ov AaPs5 sk

[fell a piece of measured out land] to Manasseh — [the] plain ofLabed of

xrjc; yr\q TaXaad Kai xrjqBaadv r| saxi 7ispav

the land of Gilead and Bashan, which is on the other side

xod Iop8dvoD 6+ 6x1 GDyaxspsq dicov Mavaaafj

of the Jordan; for [the] daughters of [the] sons of Manasseh

SKlr|pov6|ir|aav KAxjpov sv (isaco xcov aSsAxpcbv aDxcbv

inherited a lot in [the] midst of their brethren.

r| 8s yrj TaXaad sysvf|0r| xoic; vioiq Mavaaafj xoiq

And the land ofGilead became to the sons of Manasseh, to the

KaxaA,sA,si|i|isvoic; 7+ Kai sysvfjBrj opia Mavaaafj

ones left behind. And [were [the] borders of Manasseh]

a7io Aafjp Ma%0cb0 rj saxi Kaxd 7rp6aco7iov £ix£|i

from Asher to Michmethah, which is by [the] face of Shechem;

Kai 7iopsDsxai S7i( xa opia S7U Iajiiv Kai sic; IaafjP

and it goes to the borders unto Jamin and to Jassib,

Kai S7U 7irjyfjv NacpGcbG s+ S7i( xcov opicov Mavaaafj

and to [the] spring Naphthoth, upon the borders of Manasseh

xoic; vioiq Ecppaiji 9+ Kai Kaxapfjasxai xa opia

[belonging] to the sons of Ephraim. And [ will go down the borders]


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06 - Joshua

87i( cpdpayya S7U Xifia Kaxd cpdpayya IapiprjX

to [the] ravine to the south by [the] ravine of Jariel ~

xspsPivGoc; xrjv Ecppaiji avajisaov 7i6A,scoc; Mavaaafj

[the] terebinth of Ephraim, in the midst [of the] city of Manasseh.

Kai opia Mavaaafj S7U Poppdv sic; xov

And [the] borders of Manasseh towards north [were] to the

XsijidppoDV Kai saxai r| 8is^o8oc; aDxof) daXaaaa 10+

rushing stream, and [ will be its outer reaches] [the] sea.

goto Xifioq xco Ecppaiji Kai sm Poppdv Mavaaafj

From [the] south [it was to] Ephraim, and towards [the] north to Manasseh;

Kai saxai rj dakaaaa opia aDxoic; Kai S7U Aafjp

and [ will be the sea] their borders, and at Asher

aDvd\j/ODaiv 87ii Poppdv Kai xco Iaad%ap arco

they join together towards [the] north, and [with] Issachar from
avaxoAxbv n+ Kai saxai Mavaaafj sv Iaad%ap Kai sv

[the] east. And Manasseh will be with Issachar; and in

Aafjp BrjGadv Kai ai Kcbjiai auxcbv Kai IapAxxdji Kai

Asher Beth-shean and their towns, and Ibleam and

ai GDyaxspsc; aDxfjc; Kai S7U xodc; KaxoiKowcac; Acop

her daughter [towns], and unto the ones dwelling in Dor

Kai xac; Kcbjiac; aDxfjc; Kai S7U xodc; KaxoiKowcac;

and her towns; and unto the ones dwelling

Ev8cbp Kai xac; Kcojiac; aDxfjc; Kai S7ri xodc;

in En-dor and her towns, and unto the ones

KaxoiKotivxac; 0avd% Kai xac; Kcbjiac; aDxfjc; Kai xodc;

dwelling Taanach and her towns; and the ones

KaxoiKotivxac; Mayys5cb Kai xac; Kcbjiac; aDxfjc; Kai xo

dwelling Megiddo and her towns; and the

xpixov xrjqNocpsG Kai xac; Kcbjiac; aDxfjc; 12+ Kai odk

third [part] ofNapheta and her towns. And [ were not

s5i)vfj6rjaav 01 dioi Mavaaafj s^oA,o0psDaai

able the sons of Manasseh] to utterly destroy

xac; 7i6A,sic; xatixac; Kai fjp^axo o Xavavaioc; KaxoiKsiv

these cities. And [ began the Canaanite] to dwell

sv xrj yrj xatixrj 13 + Kai sysvfjGrj S7isi KaxiaxDaav 01

in this land. And it came to pass when [ grew strong the

dioi IapafjX Kai S7iorrjaav xodc; XavavaioDc;

sons of Israel] that they made the Canaanites

D7rrjK6oDc; Kai s^oXoGpsDasi odk s^coA,60psDaav aDxotic;

subjects; and [as] to utterly destroy, they did not utterly destroy them.

14+ avxsi7iav 8s 01 dioi Icoafjcp xco IrjaoD Aiyovxsc;

[ contradicted And the sons of Joseph] Joshua, saying,

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06 - Joshua

8iax( £KAx|pov6|ir|aac; r\\xdq KAxjpov sva Kai

Why do you allot us [ lot one], and

o%o(via|ia sv sycb 8s Xaoq noXvq Kai

[ piece of measured out land one], and I [ people [am] a populous], and

eoAoyrjas |is o 0s6g i 5 + Kai sircsv aDTOic; IrjaoDc; 8i

[ blessed me God]? And [ said to them Joshua], If

Xaoq noXvq si cjd avdprjGi ziq tov 8pD|i6v Kai

[people a populous are you], ascend into the forest, and

SKKdGapov asaDicb sksi sv tt| yr| tod Osps^aioD

clear it out for yourself there in the land of the Perizzites

Kai tod Pacpaiji si aTSVo%copiaai to opoq to Ecppaiji

and of the Rephaim, if [restricts mount Ephraim].

i6+ Kai si7iav oi dioi Icoofiq) odk apsaKsi r\[dv

And [said the sons of Joseph], [ does not please us

to opoq to Ecppaiji Kai bmoiq S7uXsktoc; Kai aiSrjpoq

Mount Ephraim], for [ horses choice] and an iron [weapon]

7iavTi too Xavavaico too KaTOiKowci sv tt| yr| Ejisk

[is] to all the Canaanite dwelling in the land Emek

sv BaiGaadv Kai sv zaiq Kcbjiaic; avTT\q Kai sv tt|

in Beth-shean, and in her towns, and in the

koiAxx8i IsapasX n+ Kai si7isv IrjaoDc; toic; vioiq

valley of Jezreel. And Joshua said to the sons

Icoofjcp tco Ecppaiji Kai tod Mavaaafj Aiycov si Xaoq

of Joseph, to Ephraim and to Manasseh, saying, If [ people

si noXvq Kai ict%dv jisydAxjv s%sic; odk s&lt;xcai aoi

you are many], and [strength great have], there shall not be to you

KAxjpoc; sic; i8+oyap SpDjioq s&lt;xcai aoi 6ti 8pD|i6c;

[ lot [only] one]. For the forest shall be to you, for [ a forest

screw Kai SKKaGapisiq aDTOV Kai s&lt;xcai ooi

it is], and you shall clear it out. And [ will be to you

r| s^o8(a aDTOD OTav s^oXoGpsDarjc; tov Xavavaiov

his departure] whenever you should utterly destroy the Canaanite,

6ti biKoq EKiksKioq saTi aDTcb 6ti ia%Dpoc; saTi

for [ cavalry a choice there is] to him, for he is strong;

cjd yap D7ispiaxDsic; aDTOV

for you excel in strength over him.

18 rr

i+ Kai s^sKKAxjaidaGrj 7idaa aDvaycoyfj dicov IapafjX

And an assembly was held, all [the] congregation of [the] sons of Israel

sic; £dA,co Kai S7rr|^av sksi ttjv aKTjvfiv tod

in Shiloh; and they pitched there the tent of the


18 rr


06 - Joshua

jiapiDpioi) Kai r| yr| sKpaxfjGrj vn auxcbv 2 + Kai

testimony, and the land was seized by them. And

KaxsXeicpGrjaav 01 moi IapafjX 6xi

[ were left the sons of Israel], for

od KaxsKAr|pov6|ir|aav xrjv KArjpovojjiav auxcbv S7ixd

[ did not inherit their inheritance seven

cpuAm 3 + Kai S17T8V Ir| erotic; xoic; vioiq IapafjA, eooc; xivoc;

tribes]. And Joshua said to the sons of Israel, For how long

ujisk; £K?u)0fja£o6£ eiasXGeiv KAx|povo|if|aai xrjv yrjv

shall you faint to enter to inherit the land

Tjv s8cok8v r\[iiv Kopioc; o Gsoc; xcov 7iax8pcov r|(icbv 4 +

which [ gave to us [the] LORD God of our fathers]?

56xs djicov xpeic; avdpaq sk (pvfor\q Kai

Give from out of yours three men from a tribe, and

a7ioaxsAxb avzovq Kai avaaxdvxsc; 8isA,0sx&lt;joaav xrjv

send them; and rising up let them go through the

yrjv Kai 8iaypa\j/dxcooav auxfjv evavxiov jiou Ka0d

land, and let them diagram it before me! as

8efjasi SisXeiv auxfjv Kai r\kdov 7ipoc; auxov 5+ Kai

it shall behoove to divide it. And they came to him. And

8ie(A,sv auxok; S7ixd |iep(8ac; Ioi38a axfjaexai opiov

he divided to them seven portions — Judah shall stand as a border

a7io Xifioq auxoic; Kai 01 moi Icoafjcp axfjaovxai S7ri

from [the] south to them, and the sons of Joseph shall stand upon

xo opiov auxebv a7io Poppa e+viisiqdz jispiaaxe xrjv

their border from [the] north. And you portion the

yrjv 87ixd jiep(5ac; Kai evsyraxe 7ipoc; |is cb5s Kai

land [into] seven portions, and bring [the diagram] to me here! and

s^oiaco djiiv kAtjpov cb8£ evavxi Kopioi)

I shall bring forth to you a lot here before [the] LORD

xod Gsoti djicov 7+ od yap soxi jispfc; xoic; vioiq Asm

your God. [ no For there is] portion to the sons of Levi

sv djiiv lepaxeia yap Kopioi) jispk; auxou Kai Ta8

among you; for [the] priesthood of [the] LORD [is] his portion. And Gad,

Kai Poi)Pf|v Kai xo r\[iiav (pvkr\q Mavaaafj Zkafiov

and Reuben, and the half tribe ofManasseh received

xrjv Klr|povo|iiav avzov rcepav xou IopSdvou

its inheritance on the other side of the Jordan

87i ' avaxoA.dc; rjv sScoksv avxoiq Moouafjc; o naiq

eastward, which [ gave to them Moses the servant

Kopioi) 8+ Kai avaaxdvxsc; 01 dvSpsc; S7iopsi)0r|aav

[of the] LORD]. And rising up the men went.


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Kai svsxei^axo o IrjaoDc; xoig av8pdai

And Joshua gave charge to the men

xoic; 7rop£DO|i8voic; %copopaxf|aai xrjv yrjv Aiycov

going to explore the land, saying,

8ieA,6axs Kai 7ropeD0r|xs xrjv yrjv Kai %copopaxf|aaxs

Spread, and go [through] the land, and explore

aDxfjv Kai 7rapay£vfj6r|T£ npoq |is Kai e^oiaco djiiv

it, and come to me! and I will bring forth to you

cb8e KAjjpov evavxi KDpk&gt;D sv SdAxo 9 + Kai

here a lot before [the] LORD in Shiloh. And

S7iopsT30r|aav 01 dvSpec; Kai SvqXGov ev xrj yr| Kai

[ went the men] and spread in the land, and

e%copopdxr|oav aDxfjv Kai e(8oaav aDxfjv Kai

explored it. And they beheld it, and

sypa\j/av aDxfjv Kaxd 7i6A,sic; avTT\q S7ixd jispiSac; eiq

they wrote about it according to her cities, seven portions in

PiPAiov Kai fjveyKav itpoq IrjooDV sic; 7iape|iPoAT|v sv

a scroll, and they brought [it] to Joshua in [the] camp in

I/oAxb 10+ Kai svepa^sv aDxofc; IrjaoDc; KAxjpov sv

Shiloh. And [ cast for them Joshua] a lot in

I/oXcb evavxi Kupioi) n+ Kai sjiepiaev sksi IrjaoDc;

Shiloh before [the] LORD. And [ portioned there Joshua]

xrjv yrjv xoic; vioiq lapar\k Kaxd jispiajiODc; aDxcbv

the land to the sons of Israel according to their distributions.

Kai s^fjXGsv o KAxjpoc; cpD Arjc; dicov Bsviajiiv

And there came forth the lot [of the] tribe of [the] sons of Benjamin

7ipcbTOc; Kaxd 8fj|ioDc; aDxcbv Kai s^fjXGev opia

first according to their peoples. And [ came forth [the] borders

xod KArjpoi) aDxcbv avajisaov dicov lovda Kai

of their lot] between [the] sons of Judah and

avajieaov xcov dicov Icoafjtp u+ Kai syevfjOrj aDxcbv

between the sons of Joseph. And [ were their

xa opia arco Poppa anb xod Iop5dvoD

borders] from [the] north of the Jordan;

7rpoaavapfjasxai xa opia Kaxd vcoxod Ispi%cb S7ri

[ shall ascend the borders] by [the] back of Jericho at

Poppd Kai avapfjaexai em xo opoq S7ri xrjv

[the] north, and shall ascend unto the mountain to the

BdXaaaav Kai eaxai r| 8ie^o8oc; aDxoD r| MaSpapixiq

west; and [ will be its outer reaches] Madbariti

BaiGaoDV 13+ Kai SisXsDasxai 8ks(08v xa opia AoD^d

of Beth-aven. And [ will go from there the borders] to Luz


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06 - Joshua

ano Xifioq atixrj eaxi BaiGfjX Kai Kaxapfjasxai xa

from [the] south -- this is Beth-el. And [ will go down the

opia goto AxapcbB E85dp S7U xrjv opsivfjv r| saxi

borders] from Ataroth Adar upon the mountainous area which is

7ipoc; )dfia BaiGcopcbv r| Kdxco h+ Kai 5isXsf&gt;asxai

towards [the] south of Beth-horon, the [part] below. And [ shall go through

xa opia Kai 7rspisXsf)asxai ski xo jiepoc; xo fiXsnov

the borders] and go around upon the part that looks

xo 7iapd dakaaaav and Xifioq and xou opouc; S7i(

upon [the] west from [the] south, from the mountain upon

7ip6aco7rov BaiGopcbv Aipa Kai saxai r| 8is^o8oc; avzov

[the] face of Beth-horon south. And [will be its outer reaches]

sic; KapiaBpadX auxrj saxi KapiaGapiji nokiq mcbv

unto Kirjath-baal (this is Kirjath-jearim) a city of [the] sons

lovda xot3xo saxi xo jispoc; xo npoq daXaaaav 15+ Kai

of Judah. This is the part towards [the] west. And

jispoq xo 7rpoq Xifia arco jispouc; KapiaGpadA, Kai

[the] part towards [the] south of [the] part of Kirjath-baal, even

8isA,si)asxai sic; raafjv Kai s^s^suasxai S7i( 7irjyfjv

shall go through unto Gasin, and it shall go forth to [the] spring

f)8axoc; NacpGcb i 6 + Kai Kaxapfjasxai xa opia S7U

of [the] water Nephtoah. And [ shall go down the borders] unto

jispouc; xod opouc; o saxi Kaxd 7ip6aco7iov vd7rrjc;

[the] part of the mountain which is at the face of [the] grove

diod Evoji o soxiv 8K jispouc; EjisKpacpaiji arco

[of the] son Hinnom, which is of [the] part of Emek-rephaim from

Poppd Kai Kaxapfjasxai S7U raicowd|i S7U vcbxov

[the] north, and it shall go down unto Gehenna at [the] back

IsPotic; a7io Aapoc; Kai Kaxapfjasxai S7ii 7irjyfjv PooyfjX

ofJebus from [the] south. And it shall go down upon [the] spring ofRogel.

17+ Kai 8isKpaXs( sm Poppdv Kai 8isA,sf&gt;asxai S7U

And it shall pass out unto [the] north, and it shall go through to

7irjyfjv BaiGaajiuc; i 8 + Kai 7rapsA,sf)asxai S7ri Takik(bd

[the] spring of Beth-shemesh. And it shall go by unto Geliloth,

rj saxiv a7i8vavxi npoq avdpaaiv E8oojjI|i Kai

which is before by [the] ascent of Adummim. And

Kaxapfjasxai S7U AiGov Badv mcbv Poupfjv Kai

it shall go down upon [the] stone ofBohan of [the] sons of Reuben. And

8isA,sf&gt;asxai Kaxd vcbxou BaiGapapd arco Poppd Kai

shall go by [the] back of Beth-araba from [the] north, and

Kaxapfjasxai S7U Apapd Kai 7rapsA,sf)asxai S7U xa

shall go down to Arabah. And it shall go by at the


18 rr

06 - Joshua

opia S7ii vcbxov GdAxxaaa anb Poppa 19+ Kai saxai r|

borders at [the] back of [the] sea from [the] north. And [ shall be the

8ie^o8oc; xcov opicov S7ri Xocpiav xrjc; dakaaar\q

outer reaches of the borders] upon [the] ridge of the sea

xcov aAxbv a7io Poppa ziq jispoc; tod IopSdvoD arco

of salts from [the] north, to part of the Jordan from

AiPoc; xatixa xa opia saxiv and Xifioq 20+ Kai o

[the] south. These [ the borders are] of [the] south. And the

IopSdvrjc; opiei ai)xo arco jiepoDc; an

Jordan shall define the bounds of it from [the] part from

avaxoAxbv atixrj r| KXr|povo|i(a dicov Beviajjiv

[the] east. This [is] the inheritance of [the] sons of Benjamin,

xa opia avTT\q kdkXco Kaxd 8t||iodc; aDxcbv 21+ Kai

its borders round about, according to their peoples. And

sysvfjGrjaav ai noXziq xrjc; (pvhf\q xcov dicov Bsviajiw

[were the cities of the tribe of the sons of Benjamin]

Kaxd 5fj|ioDc; aDxcbv Iepixco Kai BrjGay^d Kai

according to their peoples — Jericho, and Beth-hoglah, and

MsKKaafc; 22+ Kai BaiGaPapd Kai Sa|iap(|i Kai BriGfjA,

Mekeziz, and Beth-arabah, and Zemaraim, and Beth-el,

23+ Kai Adiji Kai Acppd Kai Acpapd 24+ Kai

and Avim, and Parah, and Ophrah, and

Kacpapaji|icovd Kai xrjv Acpvi Kai TaPad itoXsiq

Chephar-haammonai, and Ophni and Gaba; [ cities

8cb8sKa Kai ai Kcbjiai aDxcbv 25 + TaPacov Kai Pajid Kai

twelve] and their towns; Gibeon, and Ramah, and

BrjpcbG 26+ Kai Maaarjcpd Kai Kscpipd Kai Macro d 27 +

Beeroth, and Mizpeh, and Chephirah, and Mozah,

Kai Psksv Kai IspcpfjX Kai 0spaAxx 2 s+ Kai IsPodc;

and Rekem, and Irpeel, and Taralah, and Jebus

aDxrj saxiv IspoDoaAxj|i Kai TaPacbG Kai noXiq Iapiji

(this is Jerusalem), and Gibeath, and [the] city Jearim;

7i6A,sic; SsKaxpsiq Kai ai Kcbjiai aDxcbv aDxrj r|

[ cities thirteen] and their towns. This [is] the

KArjpovojjia dicov Beviapiv Kaxd 8t||iodc; aDxcbv

inheritance of [the] sons of Benjamin according to their peoples.


19 cr


06 - Joshua

19 w

l + Kai S^fjABsV O KXfjpoq O SsDXSpOC; TCO I/DJISCOV XT]

And [ came forth the lot second] to Simeon, to the

cpuAxj mcbv I/ojiscbv Kaxd 8fniouc; auxcbv Kai

tribe of [the] sons of Simeon, according to their peoples; and

sysvfj6r| r| KArjpovojjia auxcbv avajisoov KArjpcov mcbv

[ was their inheritance] between [the] lots of [the] sons

lovda 2+ Kai sysvfjGrj oroxofc; o Klfjpoq auxcbv

of Judah. And [ was to them their lot]

BrjpaaPee Kai Saps Kai MoA,a8d 3 + Kai ApasacyodX

Beer-sheba, and Sheba, and Moladah, and Hazar-shual,

Kai BoXd Kai Iaaoji 4 + Kai EA,0oi)Xd8 Kai BaGcyoA,

and Balah, and Azem, and Eltolad, and Bethul,

Kai Epjid 5+ Kai SiKeAxxy Kai Br|6a|iap%aPcb9 Kai

and Hormah, and Ziglag, and Beth-marcaboth, and

AoepaoDoiji 6 + Kai BrjGXePacbG Kai oi aypoi auxcbv

Hazar-susah, and Beth-lebaoth, and their fields;

itoXsiq SsKaxpeiq Kai ai Kcbjiai auxcbv ?+ Aiv Kai

[ cities thirteen] and their towns. Ain, and

Psjijicbv Kai E0ep Kai Aadv noXsiq xeaaapsc; Kai

Remmon, and Ether, and Ashan; [ cities four] and

ai Kcbjiai auxcbv 8 + Kai 7idaai ai ziKwXsiq kdkXco

their towns; and all the properties round about

xoov 7i6A,scov xcroxcov ecoc; BaaA,d0 BrjppaGjicbG

these cities unto Baalath Beer Ramoth

7iop8DO(i8vcov Kaxd Xlfia aVTT\ T| KAxjpovojjia

going towards [the] south. This [is] the inheritance

qroAxjc; mcbv I/ujiscbv Kaxd SfjjioDc; auxcbv

of [the] tribe of [the] sons of Simeon according to their peoples.

9+ a7io xod kAtipod xod Ioi38a r| KArjpovojjia

From the lot of Judah [was] the inheritance

tpuAxjc; mcbv I/ujiscbv 6xi 8ysvf|0r| r| jispiq mcbv

of [the] tribe of [the] sons of Simeon, for it was [that] the portion of [the] sons

Icr68a jisi^cov xrjc; aDxcbv Kai SKAr|pov6|xr|aav oi moi

of Judah was greater than theirs; and [ inherited the sons

Sdjiscov sv jisaco xod KAxjpoi) aDxcbv io+ Kai e^fjXGev o

of Simeon] in [the] midst of their lot. And came forth the

KAxjpoc; o xpixoq xco ZafiovXfov Kaxd 8f||iX)Dc; aDxcbv

[ lot third] to Zebulun according to their peoples;

saxai xa opia xrjc; KArjpovojjiac; aDxcbv scoc; SapiS n +

[ will be the borders of their inheritance] unto Sarid.


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Kai 7ipoaavaPa(v8i xa opia auxcbv sic; daXaaaav Kai

And [ ascend their borders] unto [the] west, and

MapaAxx Kai m)vd\j/£i S7U AaPaoGe Kai a7cavxf|aei

Maralah, and it joins together at Dabbasheth, and meets

eic; xrjv cpdpayya r| saxi Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov IsKvdji 12 +

at the ravine which is at [the] face of Jokneam.

Kai aveaxpeij/av anb Eap(5 s£, evavxiac; an

And they return from Sarid right opposite from

avaxoAxbv Sajisc; S7ii xa opia XaaeAAxx60aPcbp Kai

east of Samis, unto the borders of Chisloth-tabor, and

8ieA,si)aexai S7i( AaPpd0 Kai 7ipoaavapf|aexai 87i(

it shall go through upon Daberath, and shall ascend to

Iacpcpis 13+ Kai 8K8i0sv 7rspisA,si)a£xai svavxiac;

Japhia. And from there it shall go around right opposite

S7i ' avaxoA.dc; £7U TsGascpep Kai Eiv Kai 5ieXei)aexai

eastwards upon Gittah-hepher and Zin, and shall go through

S7Ti Ps|i|icovd AjiaGdp Avotia 14+ Kai 7cepi£Xei)aexai

to Remmon Methoar [to] Neah. And [ shall go around

opia em

[the] borders] towards

3oppdv £7U AvaGcbv Kai eaxai

the] north unto Hannathon, and [ will be

rj 5ie^o5og auxcbv S7ri Tax IscpBafjX 15+ Kai KoxxdG Kai

their outer reaches] unto Gai Jiphthah-el, and Kattath, and

NaaAxbA, Kai Ssjipcbv Kai Ie5aAxx Kai Br|6A,s8|i itoXsiq

Nahallel, and Shimron, and Idalah, and Beth-lehem. [ cities

5cb8sKa Kai ai Kcbjiai auxcbv 16+ ai3xr| r| KAx|povo|i(a

Twelve] and their towns. This [is] the inheritance

xrjc; (pvhf\q mcbv ZafiovXcbv Kaxd 5t||iodc; auxcbv

of the tribe of [the] sons of Zebulun according to their peoples,

ai 7c6A,sic; atixai Kai ai Kcbjiai ai)xcbv 17+ Kai xco

their cities, and their towns. And [to]

Iaad%ap e^fjXGsv o KAxjpoc; o xsxapxoc; xoic; vioiq

Issachar came forth the [ lot fourth], to the sons

Iaad%ap Kaxd auyysvsiav auxcbv is + Kai syevfjBrj

of Issachar, according to their kin. And [were

xa opia auxcbv I^pasA, Kai A%aasAxb6 Kai £uvfui 19 +

their borders] Jezreel, and Chesulloth, and Shunem,

Kai Acpapsji Kai Srjcbv Kai AvepeB 20+ Kai PaPcbG

and Haphraim, and Shihon, and Anaharath, and Rabbith,

Kai Ksaicbv Kai Aspfjc; 21+ Kai PajicbG Kai Evyawiji

and Kishion, and Abez, and Remeth, and En-gannim,


19 cr

06 - Joshua

Kai Awa8d Kai BrjBcpaafjc; 22 + Kai auvd\j/ei xa opia

and En-haddah, and Beth-pazzez. And [ joined together the borders]

S7Ti TaPcop Kai em Saaijid Kai BaiGoajiiq Kai eaxai

at Tabor, and at Shahazinah, and Beth-shemesh; and [ will be

T| 8ie^o8oc; tcdv opicov auxcbv o IopSdvrjc; 7i6A,sk;

the outer reaches of their borders] the Jordan, [cities

SKKa(88Ka Kai ai Kcbjiai auxcbv 23+ auxrj r| KAr|povo|i(a

Sixteen] and their towns. This is the inheritance

(puAxjc; uicbv Iaad%ap Kaxd 8fj|iouc; Kai ai noXsiq

of [the] tribe of [the] sons oflssachar according to peoples, and the cities

Kai ai znavXziq auxcbv 24+ Kai s^fjXGev o KArjpoc;

and their towns. And came forth the [ lot

7rs|i7n;oc; xr| cpuArj uicbv Aafjp raid Sfjjiouc; auxcbv

fifth] to the tribe of [the] sons of Asher according to their peoples.

25+ Kai sysvfjGrj xa opia auxcbv EAxdG Kai Aki Kai

And [ were their borders] Helkath, and Hali, and

Bs0sv Kai A%aadcp 2 6+ Kai EA,jisA£% Kai A|iad8 Kai

Beten, and Achshaph, and Alammelech, and Amad, and

MaadA, Kai auvd\j/ei xco KapjifjAxo Kaxd GdXaaaav

Misheal, and it shall join together [with] Carmel by [the] west,

Kai xco I/ocbp Kai AaPavdG 27+ Kai S7riaxpe\j/si an

and to Shihor, and Libnath. And it will turn from

avaxoAxbv r(kiov Kai Brj68aycbv Kai auvd\j/si xco

[the] east of [the] sun and Beth-dagon, and shall join together [with]
ZaPouAxbv Kai sv raiecpGafjX Kaxd Poppdv

Zebulun and unto Jiphthah-el, according to [the] north

Br|0as|i8K Kai NarfjA, Kai e^euaexai sic; XoPcbX arco

of Beth-emek and Neiel, and shall go unto Cabul from

apiaxepcbv 28+ Kai AKpdv Kai Pocbp Kai Ajicbv Kai

[the] left, and Akran, and Rehob, and Hammon, and

Kavai ecoc; SiScovoq xrjc; |isydAx|c; 29+ Kai avaoxpe\j/ei

Kanah unto [ Sidon the great]. And [ shall turn

xa opia sic; Pajid Kai ecoc; noXscoq o%upcb|iaxoc; xcov

the borders] to Ramah, and unto [ city [the] fortress] of the

Tupicov Kai avaaxpe\j/ei xa opia £7ti Qad Kai eaxai

Tyrians; and [ shall turn the borders] to Hosah; and [ will be

T| 8i8^o8oc; auxou r\ dakaaaa Kai eaxai arco xou

his outer reaches] the sea, and it shall be from the

axoiviajiaxoc; A%a^(p 30+ Kai Ajijid Kai AcpsK Kai

measured land of Achzib, and Ummah, and Aphek, and

Pa6p 7i6A,sic; £ikooi8uo Kai ai Kcojiai auxcbv 31+ auxrj

Rehob; [ cities twenty-two] and their towns. This


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06 - Joshua

r| KXrjpovojiia (pvhr\q mcbv Aafjp Kaxd

is the inheritance of [the] tribe of [the] sons of Asher, according to

8fj|ioDc; auxcbv ai noXsiq auxcbv Kai ai Kcbjiai auxcbv 32 +

their peoples, their cities, and their towns.

Kai s^fjXGe xco Necp0aAi o KAxjpoc; o skxoc; xoic; vioiq

And came forth to Naphtali the [ lot sixth], to the sons

Necp0aAi Kaxd 5f||ioDc; auxcbv 33+ Kai 8ysvf|9r|

of Naphtali according to their peoples. And [were

xa opia auxcbv MssXscp Kai QAxxv Sssvaviji Kai

their borders] Heleph, and Allon to Zaanannim, and

A88|i|i( AwsKep Kai IaPvifjA, scoc; AaKof)|i Kai

Adami, Nekeb, and Jabneel, unto Lakum; and

sysvfjGrjaav ai 8ie^o8oi auxcbv o IopSdvrjc; 34+ Kai

[ were their outer reaches] the Jordan. And

87iiaxps\j/8i xa opia sic; daXaaaav A£jvcb0 0aPcbp Kai

[ turned the borders] unto [the] west to Aznoth Tabor, and

Sie^euaexai 8K8i6sv eic; Ikcok Kai ai)vd\j/ei xco

it shall go from there unto Hukkok, and it shall join together with

ZaPouAxov a7io vcoxod Kai Aafjp ai)vd\j/ei Kaxd

Zebulun from [the] south, and Asher will join [it] towards

daXaaaav Kai lovda o IopSdvrjc; ari avaxoXcbv

[the] west, and Judah of the Jordan from [the] east

rjAioi) 35+ Kai ai noXsiq xsi%f|peic; xcov TDpicov Tupoc;

sun. And the [ cities walled] of the Tyrians — Tyre,

Kai A|id6 Kai PaKKd0 Kai Xevsps0 36+ Kai A8ajji

and Hammath and Rakkath, and Chinnereth, and Adamah,

Kai Pajid Kai Aacbp 37+ Kai Ke8sc; Kai A8pai Kai

and Ramah, and Hazor, and Kedesh, and Edrei, and

7ir|yf| Aacbp 38+ Kai Iepcbv Kai May8aAif|A, Qpdji Kai

[the] spring of Hazor, and Iron, and Migdal-el, Horem, and

BrjGavdG Kai Br|0aa|jic; noXsiq Sera Kai swsa Kai

Beth-anath, and Beth-shemesh; [ cities ten and nine] and

ai EJiavXziq auxcbv 39+ ai3xr| rj KArjpovojjia (pvXr\q

their towns. This [is] the inheritance of [the] tribe

mcbv Nscp0aAi Kaxd auyysveiav auxcbv Kai ai

of [the] sons of Naphtali according to their kin, and the

7i6Xsic; Kai ai snavXsiq auxcbv 40 + Kai xr| cpuAx| dicov

cities and their properties. And to the tribe of [the] sons

Aav Kaxd 8fj|ioi)c; auxcbv e^fjA,0ev o KAxjpoc;

of Dan according to their peoples came forth the [lot

o spSojioq 41+ Kai eysvfj0r| xa opia KArjpovojjiac; auxcbv

seventh]. And [ was the borders of their inheritance]


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06 - Joshua

Sapad Kai EaGaoA, itoXiq Sajisc; 42 + Kai EaaAxxpiv

Zorah, and Eshtaol, city Shemesh, and Shaalabbin,

Kai EXcbv Kai IsGAxx 43+ Kai IaAxbv Kai 0ajivd Kai

and Ajalon, and Jethlah, and Elon, and Timnah, and

AKKapcbv 44+ Kai EXGskco Kai raPaxGcbv Kai BaaAxbG

Ekron, and Eltekeh, and Gibbethon, and Baalath,

45+ Kai Od5 Kai BavrjPapdK Kai rs6ps|i|icbv 46+ Kai

and Jehud, and Bene-berak, and Gath-rimmon. And

a7io dakdaar\q IspaKcbv Kai HpsKKcbv opiov

towards [the] west of Me-jarkon and Rakkon, [whose] border

7cAr|a(ov I67C7rr|c; 47+ Kai s^fjAitev to opiov mcbv

[was] neighboring Japho. And went forth the border of [the] sons

Aav Kai 87iop8T30r|aav 01 moi Aav Kai S7coA,s|ir|aav

of Dan. And [went the sons of Dan] and waged war

ttjv Asasv Kai KaxsXdpovxo aDxfjv Kai S7cdxa^av

[against] Leshem, and overtook it, and struck

aDxfjv sv axojiaxi jiaxaipaq Kai KaxsKAr|pov6|ir|aav

it by [the] mouth of [the] sword; and they inherited

aDxfjv Kai KaxcbKTjaav auxfjv Kai SKdXsaav xo ovojia

it, and they dwelt it, and they called the name

Asasv Aav Kaxd xo ovojia Aav xod nazpoq auxcbv

Lesen, Dan, according to the name Dan their father.

48+ atixrj T| KArjpovojjia (pvXr\q mcbv Aav Kaxd

This [is] the inheritance of [the] tribe of [the] sons of Dan, according to

&lt;yoyysvsiav auxcbv ai itoXsiq auxai Kai

their kin, their cities, and

ai znavXsiq auxcbv 49+ Kai auvsxsXsaav

their towns. And they completed

xod KAx|po8oxf|Gai xrjv yrjv sic; xa opia auxcbv Kai

to divide by lot the land unto their borders. And

s8coKav 01 dioi IapafjA, KAfjpov xco lr\aov mcb Naufj

[gave the sons of Israel] a lot [to] Joshua son of Nun

sv auxofc; 50+ 5id 7cpoaxdy|iaxoc; Kopioi) Kai sScorav

among them, by [the] order of [the] LORD. And they gave

auxcb xrjv 7i6A.iv rjv rjxfjaaxo 0a|iva6aaapd r|

to him the city which he asked ~ Timnath-serah, which

saxiv sv xco opsi Ecppaiji Kai coKo56|ir|as xrjv 7i6A.iv

is in mount Ephraim. And he built the city,

Kai KaxcbKsi sv avTT\ 51+ auxai ai 8iaipsasiq aq

and he dwelt in it. These [are] the divisions which

KaxsKAr|po56xr|asv EA^sd^ap o ispstic; Kai Irjaotic; o

[ divided by lot Eleazar the priest], and Joshua the


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

06 - Joshua

tod Naofj Kai 01 dp%ovxsc; xcov 7taxpicbv ev xaic;

[son of] Nun, and the rulers of the families among the

(pvXaiq tod lapar\k Kaxd kAtipodc; sv £r|Axb evavxi

tribes of Israel, according to [the] lots in Shiloh before

KDpiOD 7iapd xac; dvpaq Tr\q GKr\vr\q tod jiapxDpiOD

[the] LORD, by the doors of the tent of the testimony.

Kai S7iop8D0r|aav ejiPaxsDaai xrjv yrjv

And they went entering into the land.

20 2

i+ Kai sAxxAxjae Kopioc; xco IrjaoD Xsycov 2 + AxxArjaov

And [the] LORD spoke to Joshua, saying, Speak

tok; vioiq IapafjX Aiycov 86x8 djjav xac; itoXsiq xcov

to the sons of Israel! saying, Appoint to you the cities of the

cpDya5sDxr|picov aq ei7ia npoq v[idq 5id McoDafj 3 +

places of refuge! which I spoke to you through Moses,

tpDya5sDxfjpiov xco cpoveDxfj xco rcaxd^avxi \\fv%r\v

for a place of refuge to the manslayer, to the one striking a life

aKODcricoc; dvsD 7ipovo(ac; Kai eaovxai D|i(v ai noXziq

unintentionally without forethought. And [ shall be to you the cities]

cpDya8sDxf|piov Kai odk a7io6ave(xai o tpovsDxfjc;

a place of refuge, and [ shall not die the manslayer]

D7i6 xod ayxiaxsDovxoq xo aijia 4 + Kai cpsD^sxai sic;

by the one acting as next of kin [for] blood. And he shall flee to

jiiav xcov 7r6A,scov xodxcov Kai axfjaexai em xrjv 0Dpav

one of these cities, and shall stay at the door

xrjc; mbhr\q Tr\q 7r6A,ecoc; aDxoD Kai XaArjaei sv xoic;

of the gate of his city, and shall speak in the

com xcov 7ipsaPDX8pcov xrjc; 7i6A£C0c; SKSivrjc; zovq

ears of the elders of that city [concerning]

Xoyovq aDxoD Kai 87riaxpe\j/ODaiv aDxov r| aDvaycoyfj

his words. And [ shall return him the congregation]

7rpoq aDxotic; Kai 8coaoDaiv aDxco xorcov Kai

to them, and they shall appoint to him a place, and

KaxoiKfjaei jisx' aDxcbv 5+ Kai 6xs 8ico^r| o

he shall dwell with them. And when [ should pursue the one

ayxiaxsDcov xo aijia O7riaco aDxoD Kai

acting as next of kin for blood] after him, that

od aDyicXsiaoDai xov cpovsDaavxa sv yzipi aDxoD 6x1

they shall not consign the one manslaying into his hand, for

odk eiScoq S7idxa^s xov 7iAr|aiov aDxoD Kai od

not knowing he struck his neighbor, and [ [was] not


20 3 ev toi3tco + vtica 06 - Joshua

jiiacbv avxoq auxov an Kai xp(xr|c; 6 + Kai

disliking he himself] him from yesterday, and [the] third [day before]. And

KaxoiKfjasi sv xr| 7t6A,si sks(vt| scoc; axr|

he shall dwell in that city, until he should stand

raid 7ip6aco7rov Tr\q aDvaycoyfjc; sic; Kpiaiv scoc;

in front of the congregation for judgment, until

a7io0dvr| o ispstic; o jisyac; oq saxai sv

[ should die the priest great], who shall be in

xaic; rjjispaic; SKsivaic; xoxs S7iiaxps\j/si o tpovsuc; Kai

those days. Then [ shall return the man-slayer], and

slsuasxai npoq xrjv 7i6A.iv ai)xoi3 Kai npoq

shall come unto his city, and to

xov oikov olvtov Kai npoq xrjv 7i6Aav 60sv stpuysv

his house, even to the city from where he fled

SK8i0sv 7 + Kai 8isaxsiA,s xrjv Ks8f|c; sv xrj TahXaia ev

from there. And he separated Kadesh in Galilee, in

xco opsi xco NscpGaAi Kai Sixsji sv xco opsi xco Ecppaiji

mount Naphtali, and Shechem in mount Ephraim,

Kai xrjv 7i6Aav ApPoK ai3xr| saxi XsPpcbv sv xco

and the city Arba (this is Hebron) in the

opsi xco lovda 8 + Kai sv xco nspav xod IopSdvou

mountain of Judah. And on the other side of the Jordan,

Ispi%co an avaxo^cbv s8coks Boacbp sv xrj spfj|ico sv

[by] Jericho from [the] east, he gave Bezer in the wilderness on

xco 7rs8ico ano xrjc; (pvkr\q Povfir\v Kai xrjv PajicbG sv

the plain of the tribe of Reuben, and Ramoth in

xt[ Takaad sk Tr\q (pvXr\q Tad Kai xrjv Tco^dv sv xrj

Gilead of the tribe of Gad, and Golan in the

BaaavixiSi sk xrjc; (pvXr\q Mavaaafj 9 + atixai ai

Bashan [area] of the tribe of Manasseh. These [were] the

7r6Xsic; ai S7UkAx|xoi xoic; 7idaiv vioiq Iapaf\k Kai xco

cities selected to all sons of Israel, and to the

7rpoar|Amco xco 7ipoaKsi(isvco sv auxoic; Kaxacpuysiv

foreigner, to the one lying near among them, to take refuge

sksi 7iavx( 7ia(ovxi \\fv%r\v aKODaicoc; (va jit]

there, to any one [ hitting a soul unintentionally], that he should not

a7io9dvr| sv yzipi xou ayxiaxsuovxoc; xo aijia scoc;

die by [the] hand of the one acting as next of kin [for] blood, until

av Kaxaaxfj svavxi xrjc; aDvaycoyfjc; sv Kpiasi

whenever he should be placed before the congregation for judgment.


21 SD

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06 - Joshua


i+ Kai 7ipoof|X0oaav oi apxiftaxpicbxai xcov dicov Asdi

And came forward the chief patriarchs of the sons of Levi

7rpoc; EXsd^ap xov ispsa Kai itpoq IrjaoDV xov xod

to Eleazar the priest, and to Joshua the [son of]

NaDfj Kai 7rpoc; xodc; ap%iq)DAx)Dc; 7iaxpicov sk xcov

Nun, and to the tribal chiefs of [the] families of the

(puXcbv xcov dicov lapar\k 2 + Kai sbiav itpoq avzovq

tribes of the sons of Israel. And they spoke to them

sv SdAxo sv yrj Xavadv Xsyovxsc; Kopioc;

in Shiloh, in [the] land of Canaan, saying, [The] LORD

svsxsi^axo ev %sip( McoDafj 5oDvai r\[dv 7i6A,sic;

gave charge by [the] hand of Moses to give to us cities

KaxoiKsiv Kai xa 7rspia7i6pia ai)xcbv xoic; Kxfjvsaiv rj(icbv

to dwell in, and their outskirts [for] our cattle.

3+ Kai s5coKav oi men IapafjX xoic; AsDixaic; ev

And [ gave the sons of Israel] to the Levites in

xco KaxaKArjpovojisiv aDxotic; 8id 7ipoaxdy|iaxoc; KopioD

their inheriting by [the] order of [the] LORD

xac; noXsiq xamaq Kai xa 7ispia7i6pia aDxcbv 4 + Kai

these cities and their outskirts. And

s^fjXGsv o Klfjpoq xco 5fi|ico KadG Kai sysvsxo xoic;

[ came forth the lot] to the people of Kohath, and it was to the

Dioiq Aapcbv xoic; ispstiai xoic; AsDixaic; arco (pvXr\q

sons of Aaron, the priests, to the Levites from [the] tribe

Icr65a Kai arco (pvkr\q Sdjiscov Kai arco (pvkr\q

of Judah, and from [the] tribe of Simeon, and from [the] tribe

Beviajjiv KArjpcoxi 7i6A,sic; 5sKaxps(c; 5+ Kai xoic; vioiq

of Benjamin— [ by casting lots cities thirteen]. And to the sons

KadG Toiq KaxaA,sA,si|i|isvoic; sk Tr\q aDyysvsiaq

of Kohath, to the ones being left from out of the kin,

(pvXr\q Ecppaiji Kai sk xrjc; (pvkr\q Aav Kai arco xod

of [the] tribe ofEphraim, and from the tribe of Dan, and from the

ruiiaoDc; (pvhf\q Mavaaafj KXrjpcoxi 7i6A,sic; 5sKa 6 + Kai

half tribe of Manasseh — [ by casting lots cities ten]. And

xoic; vioiq Tspacbv arco Tr\q aDyysvsiac; (pvhf\q

to the sons of Gershon, from the kin of [the] tribe

Iaad%ap Kai arco Tr\q cpDAxjc; Aafjp Kai arco xrjc;

oflssachar, and from the tribe ofAsher, and from the

(pvhf\q NscpGaAi Kai arco xod r||jiooDc; (pvhf\q

tribe of Naphtali, and from the half tribe

21 SD


06 - Joshua

Mavaaafj sv too Baa&amp;v KAxjpcoxi 7i6A,sic; 8sKaxpsfc; ? +

ofManasseh in Bashan ~ [ by casting lots cities thirteen].

Kai Toiq vioiq Mspapi Kaxd 5f||icn)c; auxcbv arco

And to the sons ofMerari, according to their peoples, from

(pvhf\q PoDpfjv Kai a7io (pvhf\q Tad Kai anb (pvXr\q

[the] tribe of Reuben, and from [the] tribe of Gad, and from [the] tribe

ZaPouAxov kAx|p&lt;dti nokzx^ 8cb5sKa s+ Kai s5coKav 01

ofZebulun— [ by casting lots cities twelve]. And [gave the

vioi IopafjX xoic; Asmxaic; xac; 7i6A,sic; xatixac; Kai

sons of Israel] to the Levites these cities and

xa 7iepia7i6pia auxcbv ov xpo7iov svsxsi^axo Kopioc;

their outskirts, in which manner [the] LORD gave charge

xco McoDafj KAxjpooxi 9+ Kai s8coksv r| (pi)Ax| mcbv

to Moses by casting lots. And he gave the tribe of [the] sons

Icr65a Kai r| (pvkr\ I/ojiscbv xac; itoXsiq xatixac; Kai

of Judah, and the tribe of Simeon these cities. And

£7T£KAT|6r|aav sv ovojiaxi io+ Kai sysvovxo xoic; vioiq

they were called by name. And they became to the sons

Aapcbv arco xou 5fj|ioi) xou KadG xcov mcbv Asm 6xi

of Aaron, of the people of Kohath, of the sons of Levi; for

xouxoic; sysvf|9r| o Kkr\poq 7ipcbxoc; n+ Kai s5coksv

[ to these came the lot] first. And they gave

aDxoiq xrjv KapidB apPcbK |irjxp67ioA,iv xcov EvdK atixrj

to them Kirjath-arba, mother-city of the Anak (this

saxi XsPpcbv sv xco opsi Ioi35a xa 8s 7rspia7i6pia

is Hebron) in the mountain of Judah, and the outskirts

avTT\q kdkAxd avTT\q n+ Kai zovq aypovq xrjc; noXscoq

of it roundabout it. But the fields of the city,

Kai xac; Kcbjiac; avTT\q s5coksv Irjacyoc; xco XaAip mcb

and her towns Joshua gave to Caleb son

Iscpcovfj sv Kaxaa%sasi avzov u + Kai xoic; vioiq Aapcbv

of Jephunneh for his possession. And to the sons of Aaron

xod ispscoq s5coks xrjv 7i6A.iv cpDya8si)xf|piov xco

the priest he gave the city, [the] place of refuge for the

cpovstiaavxi xrjv XsPpcbv Kai xa acpcopiajisva auv

one manslaying ~ Hebron and the [parts] being separated with

auxfj Kai xrjv AsPvd Kai xa acpcopiajisva xa npoq

it, and Libnah and the [parts] being separated with

auxfj H + Kai xrjv IsGsp Kai xa acpcopiajisva xa npoq

it, and Jattir and the [parts] being separated with

auxfj Kai xrjv IaGijicb Kai xa acpcopiajisva xa 7ipoc;

it, and Eshtemoa and the [parts] being separated with


21 SD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

06 - Joshua

aDxfj 15+ Kai xrjvHAxbv Kai xa acpcopiajisva xa7ipoc;

it, and Holon and the [parts] being separated with

aDifj Kai xrjv Aaptp Kai xa atpcopiojieva xa npoq

it, and Debir and the [parts] being separated with

auxfj i6+ Kai xrjvAiv Kai xa acpcopiajisva xa7ipoc;

it, and Ain and the [parts] being separated with

auxfj Kai xrjv Isxxd Kai xa acpoopiajieva xa npoq aDxfj

it, and Juttah and the [parts] being separated with it,

Kai BeGaajiec; Kai xa acpoopiajisva xa7ipoc; auxfj

and Beth-shemesh and the [parts] being separated with it;

7i6A,sic; swea 7iapd xcov 5do cpDAxbv xodxcov n+ Kai

[cities nine] from [two tribes these]. And

7iapd xrjc; (pvXr\q Beviajiiv xrjv TaPacbv Kai xa

from the tribe of Benjamin, Gibeon and the

acpcopiajieva xa7ipoc; aDxfj Kai Taps Kai xa

[parts] being separated with it, and Geba and the

atpcopiojieva xa7ipoc; auxfj is + Kai AvaGcoG Kai xa

[parts] being separated with it and Anathoth and the

acpcopiajieva xa itpoq aDxfj Kai xrjv EA,|icbv Kai xa

[parts] being separated with it, and Almon and the

acpcopiajisva xanpoq aDxfj koXeic, xsaaapsc; 19+ 7idaai

[parts] being separated with it; [ cities four]. All

ai 7i6A£ic; dicov Aapcbv xcov ispscov 7i6A,sk;

the cities of [the] sons of Aaron of the priests ~ [ cities

8eKaxpei(; Kai xa 7ispio7r6pia auxcbv 20+ Kai xoic; 5fj|ioic;

thirteen] and their outskirts. And to the peoples

dicov Kad6 xoic; AeDixaic; KaxaXeA£i|i|ievoic; ano

of [the] sons of Kohath, to the Levites being left behind from

xcov mcbv KadG Kai syevfjGrj rj nokxq

the sons of Kohath. And [ came the city

xcov opicov ai)xcbv anb (pvfor\q Ecppaiji 21 + Kai s8coKav

of their borders] from [the] tribe ofEphraim. And they gave

aDxoiq xrjv 7i6A.iv xod (pDya5sDxrjpk&gt;D xrjv

to them the city of the place of refuge for the

xod cpovsDovxoc; xrjv £dx8|i Kai xa atpcopiajieva

one manslaying ~ Shechem and the [parts] being separated

xa npoq aDxfj sv xco opei Ecppaiji Kai Ta^epd Kai xa

with it in mount Ephraim, and Gezer and the

acpcopiajieva xaftpoc; aDxfjv 22+ Kai xrjvKaPas|i Kai

[parts] being separated with it, and Kibzaim and

xa acpcopiajisva xaftpoc; aDxfj Kai BaiGopov Kai xa

the [parts] being separated with it, and Beth-horon and the


21 SD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

06 - Joshua

acpcopiajisva xa npoq auxfj noXziq xeaaapsc; 23 + Kai sk

[parts] being separated with it -- [ cities four]. And from

Tr\q (pvhf\q Aav xr|v EXGeKd Kai xa acpcopiajisva

the tribe of Dan, Eltekeh and the [parts] being separated

xa 7rpoc; auxfj Kai xrjv TspGcbv Kai xa acpcopiajisva

with it, and Gibbethon and the [parts] being separated

xa 7rpoc; auxfj 24 + Kai xrjv AiXcbv Kai xa acpoopiajisva

with it, and Aijalon and the [parts] being separated

xa 7ipoc; auxfj Kai xrjv re9ps|i|i&lt;jov Kai xa acpoopiajisva

with it, and Gath-rimmon and the [parts] being separated

xa npoq auxfj noXsiq xsaaapec; 25 + Kai ano xod

with it— [cities four]. And from the

rjjjiaoDc; (pvhf\q Mavaaafj xrjv Tavd% Kai xa

half tribe of Manasseh, Tanach and the

acpoopiajieva xa npoq auxfj Kai xrjv rs9ps|i|icbv Kai xa

[parts] being separated with it, and Gath-rimmon and the

acpcopiajieva xanpoq auxfj noXsiq 8f&gt;o 26+ rcdaai

[parts] being separated with it — [ cities two]. All

nohsiq 8sKa Kai xa acpcopiajieva xa npoq auxaic; xoic;

[ cities [the] ten] and the [parts] being separated with them to the

5f||ioic; mcbv KadG xoic; D7roA,eA£i|i|isvoic; 2 ?+ Kai xoic;

peoples of [the] sons ofKohath being left behind. And to the

vioiq Tripacbv xoic; auyyeveaiv xoic; Asmxaic; sk

sons of Gershon, the relatives to the Levites, [ [were] from

xod r||iiaoD(; (pvXr\q Mavaaafj xac; 7r6A,eic; xac;

the half tribe of Manasseh the cities], the

acpoopiajievac; xoic; cpovsuaaai xr|v TcdAxxv ev xr|

[parts] being separated for the ones manslaying — Golan in the

BaaavixiSi Kai xa acpcopiajieva xarcpoc; auxfj Kai

Bashan [area] and the [parts] being separated with it, and

xrjv BssaGepd Kai xa acpcopiajieva xa npoq ai)xfj

Beeshterah and the [parts] being separated with it —

noXziq 8t3o 28+ Kai sk xrjc; (pvfor\q Iaad%ap

[cities two]. And from the tribe oflssachar,

xrjv Keaicbv Kai xa acpcopiajieva xa npoq ai)xfj

Kishon and the [parts] being separated with it,

xrjv AaPpdG Kai xa acpcopiajieva xa npoq ai)xfj 29 + Kai

Dabareh and the [parts] being separated with it, and

xrjv IepjicoB Kai xa acpcopiajieva xa npoq auxfj Kai

Jarmuth and the [parts] being separated with it, and

Ilr|yf|v ypajijidxcov Kai xa acpcopiajieva zanpoq ai)xfj

Spring of Letters and the [parts] being separated with it —


21 SD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

06 - Joshua

izoXsiq xsaaapsg 30+ Kai sk Tr\q (pvhr\q Aafjp

[ cities four]. And from out of the tribe of Asher —

xrjv MiaaXd Kai xa acpcopiajisva xa itpoq auxfj Kai

Mishal and the [parts] being separated with it, and

Ap5cbv Kai xa acpcopiajisva xa7ipoc; auxfj 31+ Kai

Abdon and the [parts] being separated with it, and

XaAxdG Kai xa acpcopiajisva xaftpcx; auxfj Kai

Helkath and the [parts] being separated with it, and

xrjv Pocbp Kai xa acpcopiajisva xa npoq auxfj;

Rehob and the parts being separated with it — [ cities

xsaaapsc; 32+ Kai sk xrjc; (pvhf\q NscpBaAi xac; noXiq

four]. And from out of the tribe of Naphtali, the cities

xac; acpcopiajisvaq xco cpovsuaavxi xrjv Ks8sq sv

being separated for the one manslaying — Kedesh in

xtj Takikaia Kai xa acpoapiajisva xa npoq auxfj Kai

Galilee and the [parts] being separated with it, and

xttv A|ia05cop Kai xa acpcopiajisva xa itpoq auxfj Kai

Hamoth-dor and the [parts] being separated with it, and

xttv KapGdv Kai xa acpcopiajisva xa itpoq auxfj noXziq

Kartan and the [parts] being separated with it -- [ cities

xpsiq 33 + 7idaai ai noXsiq xou Tspacbv Kaxd

three]. All the cities ofGershon according to

8fj|iouc; auxcov noXziq 5sKaxps(q Kai xa acpoopiajisva

their peoples — [ cities thirteen] and the [parts] being separated

xa7rpoc; auxak; 34+ Kai xco 8fj|ico uicbv Mspapi xoiq

with them. And to the people of [the] sons ofMerari, the

Asmxaic; TOiq Xomoiq sk xTjc; cpuAxjc; uicbv

Levites, to the ones remaining from the tribe of [the] sons

ZaPouAxbv xttv IsKvdji Kai xa 7ispia7r6pia auxfjc; Kai

of Zebulun ~ Jokneam and the outskirts of it, and

xTTvKapiGd Kai xa 7rspia7r6pia auxfjc; 35+ Kai

Kartah and the outskirts of it, and

xttv Aajivd Kai xa 7rspia7i6pia auxfjc; Kai xt|v NaaAxbA,

Dimnah and the outskirts of it, and Nahalal

Kai xa 7ispia7i6pia auxfjc; noXsiq xsaaapsc; 36+ Kai

and the outskirts of it— [cities four]. And

7i6Xsic; xou Iop8dvou xttv Ispi%co sk Tr\q cpuAxjc;

cities of the Jordan of Jericho, from out of the tribe

Poupfjv xtjv 7i6Xiv xou cpuyaSsuxfjpiov XOU

of Reuben, the city of the place of refuge of the

cpovsuaavxoc; xttv Boacbp Kai xa 7ispia7i6pia auxfjc;

one manslaying — Bezer and the outskirts of it,


21 SD

06 - Joshua

Kai xrjv Ia^fjp Kai xa 7iepia7i6pia avTT\q 3 ?+ Kai

and Jahazah and the outskirts of it, and

ttjv K88acbv Kai xa 7ispia7i6pia auxfjc; Kai xr|v Macpd

Kedemoth and the outskirts of it, and Maphaath

Kai xa 7rspia7i6pia auxfjc; noXsiq xsaaapeq 38+ Kai

and the outskirts of it— [cities four]. And

a7io (puAxjc; Tad xrjv 7i6A.iv xod (pi)ya5sDxr|pu)D xod

from [the] tribe of Gad, the city of the place of refuge of the

cpovsDaavxoc; xrjv PajicoG sv xr| Takadd Kai xa

one manslaying — Ramoth in Gilead and the

7rspia7i6pia avTT\q Kai xrjv Maavsji Kai xa 7iepia7r6pia

outskirts of it, and Mahanaim and the outskirts

avTT\q 39 + Kai xrjv EaePcov Kai xa 7ispia7i;6pia auxfjc;

of it; and Heshbon and the outskirts of it,

Kai xrjv Ia^fjp Kai xa 7iepia7i6pia avxr\q 7iaaai ai

and Jazer and the outskirts of it — all the

noXsiq xsaaapeq 40+ 7idaai ai noXsiq xoiq vioiq

cities [were] four. All the cities to the sons

Mspapi Kaxd 8fj|ioDc; aDxcbv xcov KaxaA,sA,si|i|ievcov

ofMerari, according to their peoples of the ones left

a7io Tr\q (pvh^q xrjc; Asdi Kai sysvfjGrj xa opia aDxcbv

from the tribe of Levi, and were from their borders ~

7i6Xsic; ScoSera 4 i+ 7idaai Tioksiq xcov Asdixcov sv

[cities twelve]. All cities of the Levites in

jisaco Kaxaaxsascoc; dicov IapafjA, xsaaapaKovxaoKxcb

[the] midst of [the] possessions of [the] sons of Israel— forty-eight

7r6Xsic; 42 + Kai xa 7ispia7i;6pia aDxcbv kdk^co

cities, and their outskirts. Round about

xcov 7i6A,scov xodxcov noXsiq Kai 7i6A,sic; Kai xa

these cities city by city and the

7ispia7r6pia aDxcbv kdkA,co xcov 7t6A,scov odxcoc; naoaiq

their outskirts round about the cities. Thus to all

xaic; 7i6A,sai xatixaic; 43 + Kai £8coks Kopioc; xco IapafjX

these cities. And [the] LORD gave to Israel

7idaav xrjv yrjv r|v cbjioas 8oDvai xoic;

all the land which he swore by an oath to give [to]

7iaxpdaiv auxcbv Kai KaxsKAx|pov6|ir|aav aDxfjv Kai

their fathers; and they inherited it, and

KaxcoKqaav sv auxfj 4 4+ Kai Kaxs7iaDaev aDxotic;

dwelt in it. And [ rested them

Kopioc; kdkX66sv Ka66xi cbjiooe xoic;

[the] LORD] round about in so far as he swore by an oath [to]


22 3D

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

06 - Joshua

7raxpdaiv aoxcbv odk avsairj odSsic; Kax8vco7riov

their fathers. Not [ rose up one] before

aDTcbv goto 7idvTCOv xcov e%6pcbv aDTcbv rcavTac;

them of all their enemies; [ all

todc; £.%dpovq aDTcbv 7iaps8coK8 Kopioc; siq

their enemies delivered up [the] LORD] into

zaq %zipaq aDTcbv 45+ od 8iS7isosv pfjjia arco 7idvTCDV

their hands. Not [ failed a word] from all

xcov prjjidTCDV xcov Kak(bv gov sldXrjas Kopioc; toic;

of the [ words good] which [the] LORD spoke to the

vioiq IapafjA, 7idvxa 7iapeyevsTO

sons of Israel; all came [to pass].

22 M

1 + tots oDveKdXeasv IrjaoDc; todc; diodc; PoDpfjv Kai

Then Joshua called together the sons of Reuben, and

todc; diodc; Tad Kai to r\[i\av (pvXr\q Mavaaafj 2 +

the sons of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh.

Kai 817T8V aDTOiq djisic; (xktjkoocts aD|i7iavTa 6aa

And he said to them, You have heard the whole, as much as

svstsiAxxto djiiv McoDafjc; o 7taic; KopioD Kai

[ gave charge to you Moses the servant [of the] LORD], and

87ir|KODaaTS rr|c; (pcovfjc; jiod KaTd 7idvTa 6aa

you heeded my voice according to all as much as

svsTSiA,d|ir|v djiiv 3 + Kai odk 8yKaTaA,sXoi7raTS

I gave charge to you. And you have not abandoned

todc; a5sAxpoDc; djicov TaDTaq zaq rjjiepac; Kai nXziovq

your brethren these [days many];

eooc; rjjiepac; Tr\q afjiispov ecpDAxx^aaBe tt|v svtoAx|v

until [the] day of today you guarded the commandment

KDpiOD TOD 6 SOD TjJlCDV 4+ VDV 5s KaT87iaDaS KDpiOCj

of [the] LORD our God. And now [rested [the] LORD

o dzoq r\[i(bv todc; adskqovq r\[i(bv ov Tporcov si7isv

our God] our brethren in which manner he spoke

aDTOic; vdv odv aTrocrcpacpevTec; anskdzTZ sic;

to them. Now then in returning you go forth to

todc; oikodc; djicov Kai eic; ttjv yrjv

your houses, and to the land

TT\q KCLTdGjSGSCoq Djicbv Tjv £8&lt;joksv djiiv McoDafjc;

of your possession which [ gave to you Moses

dovkoq kdpiod sv too 7ispav tod Iop5dvoD 5+ akXa

[the] bondman of [the] LORD] on the other side of the Jordan. But


22 3D


06 - Joshua

(pvXd^aads acp65pa 7ioisiv xac; evxoXdc; Kai xov

guard exceedingly to do the commandments and the

vojiov ov svsxeiXaxo djjav McoDafjc; o naiq KopioD

law, which [ gave charge to you Moses the servant [of the] LORD] ~

ayarcdv rcopiov xov 0e6v djicov Kai 7iop£D£o0ai sv

to love [the] LORD your God, and to go by

7t&amp;aaic; xaic; 0801c; aDxoD (pi)Xd^ao0ai xac; svxoAxfc; aDxoD

all his ways, to guard his commandments,

Kai 7ipoaK8ia0ai aDxcb Kai Axxxpetieiv aDxcb s£, oAxjc;

and to lie near to them, and to serve him in all

xrjc; Siavoiac; djicov Kai oAxjc; xrjc; \|/D%f|c; Djicbv 6 + Kai

your thought, and of [entire soul your]. And

siAoyrjasv aDxotic; IrjaoDc; Kai e^a7ieaxsiA,sv avzovq

[ blessed them Joshua], and sent them,

Kai £7iopsi)9r|aav sic; xodc; oikodc; aDxcbv 7 + Kai xoic;

and they went unto their houses. And to the

rjjjiaeai (pvXr\q s8cok8 McoDafjc; sv xr| BaaavixiSi

halves of [the] tribe Moses gave [a portion] in the Bashan [area];

Kai xoic; r||iiasaiv sScoksv IrjaoDc; jiexd

and to the halves Joshua gave [a portion] with

xcov aSeAxpcbv aDxcbv sv xco 7ispav xod IopSdvoi) 7iapd

his brethren on the other side of the Jordan towards

0dXaaaav Kai rjviKa e§a7isaxeiA£V avxovq IrjooDc; sic;

[the] west. And when [ sent them Joshua] unto

xodc; oikodc; aDxcbv Kai SD^oyrjaev aDxotic; Aiycov 8 + sv

their houses, then he blessed them saying, With

Xpfjiiaai noXkoiq a7rf|A,0oaav sic; xodc; oikodc; aDxcbv

[ things many] they went forth unto their houses,

Kai Kxfjvrj noXXa acp68pa Kai apytipiov Kai

and [with] [ cattle much exceedingly], and silver, and

XPDaiov Kai x a ^ K0V Kai cj(8r|pov Kai ijiaxiajiov

gold, and brass, and iron [tools], and clothes

noXvv acp68pa 8is(A,avxo xrjv 7ipovo|if|v

[much exceedingly]; [and] they divided the spoils

xcov s%0pcbv aDxcbv jiexd xcov aSe^cpcbv aDxcbv

of their enemies with their brethren.

9+ Kai a7ieaxpe\j/av Kai S7iopsD9r|aav 01 dioi PoDpfjv

And [returned and went the sons of Reuben],

Kai 01 dioi Ta8 Kai xo r\[iiav (pvkr\q Mavaaafj arco

and the sons of Gad, and the half tribe ofManasseh from

xcov Dicbv lapar\k sk I/dAxo sv yrj Xavadv

the sons of Israel from Shiloh in [the] land of Canaan,

a7T8A,6s(v sic; xrjvyrjv Takadd eic; yrjv

to go forth into land of Gilead, into [the] land


22 3D

ev tootco + viica

06 - Joshua

Kaxaaxeascoq aDTcbv rjv 8KAx|pov6|ir|aav aDifjv 8id

of their possession which they inherited it, through

7tpo&lt;yc&amp;y|iaTOc; kdpiod ev %eip( McoDafj 10+ Kai

[the] order of [the] LORD by [the] hand of Moses. And

fjXBoaav sic; raAx|Axb6 tod IopSdvoD r| soxiv ev

they came into Galeloth of Jordan, which is in

yrj Xavadv Kai coKo56|ir|aav 01 dioi PoDpfjv Kai

[the] land of Canaan; and they built (the sons of Reuben, and

01 dioi Tad Kai to fjjiiaD (pvkr\q Mavaaafj sksi

the sons of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh) there

P&lt;D|IOV 8711 TOD l0p8dV0D PcOJIOV |ISyaV TOD l8 81V 11 +

a shrine upon the Jordan; [ shrine a great] to behold.

Kai fjKODaav 01 dioi IapafjA, XeyovTCOv i5od

And [heard the sons of Israel], saying, Behold,

coKo86|ir|aav 01 dioi PoDpfjv Kai 01 dioi Ta8 Kai to

they built (the sons of Reuben, and the sons of Gad, and the

fj|iiGD (pvhf\q Mavaaafj Pcojiov scp' opiov yrjc;

half tribe of Manasseh) a shrine upon [the] border of [the] land

Xavadv em tod TaXadS tod IopSdvoD sv too rcspav

of Canaan, at Gilead of Jordan, on the other side

Dicbv IapafjX 12+ Kai fjKODaav 01 dioi IapafjA, Kai

of [the] sons of Israel. And [heard the sons of Israel], and

aDvr|0po(a6r|aav rcavTSc; 01 dioi IapafjX sic; I/oAxb

[ gathered together all the sons of Israel] in Shiloh,

cbaTS avapdvTsq aDTODq SK7roA£|ifjaai 13+ Kai

for their ascending to wage war. And

aftsaTSiXav 01 dioi IapafjX 7ipoc; todc; diodc; PoDpfjv

[ sent the sons of Israel] to the sons of Reuben,

Kai 7ipoc; todc; diodc; Ta8 Kai 7tpoc; to fjjiiaD (pvXr\q

and to the sons of Gad, and to the half tribe

Mavaaafj siq ttjv yrjv Tdkaad tov ts Oivesc; diov

of Manasseh, into the land of Gilead, both Phinehas [the] son

EXed^ap diod Aapcbv tod ispscoq 14+ Kai 8eKa tcov

ofEleazar, [the] son of Aaron the chief priest, and ten of the

apxovTCOv tcov |I8t' aDTOD dp%cov eiq arco OIKOD

rulers of the ones with him; [ ruler one] from a house

7iaTpid(; a7io 7iaacbv tcov (pvXfov IapafjA, dvSpsc;

of family, from all of the tribes of Israel, men

dpxovTsq oikcov 7iaTpicbv eiai xiAiap%oi IapafjA,

rulers of [the] houses of [the] families — they are commanders of thousands in


15+ Kai 7iapsysvovTO 7ipoc; todc; diodc; PoDpfjv Kai

And they came to the sons of Reuben, and


22 3D
8V TOUT© + VlKa

06 - Joshua

7ipoc; todc; viovq Tad Kai itpoq todc; rjjjiasic; (pvXr\q

to the sons of Gad, and to the halves of [the] tribe

Mavaaafj sic; yrjv Takaad Kai sXdArjoav 7tpoc;

of Manasseh, unto [the] land of Gilead; and they spoke to

avTOvq AiyovTsg 16+ xd8s Xsysi 7idaa r| aDvaycoyfj

them, saying, Thus says all the congregation

KDpioi) tic; T| 7iA,r||i|isA,8ia aDTTj r|v S7iArj|i|is}tfjaaTS

of [the] LORD, What [is] this trespass which you trespass

svavxi tod Gsod IapafjA, a7iooTpa(pfjvai afjjispov arco

before the God of Israel, to turn away today from

O7ria0sv KDpioi) oiKoSojxfjaavTSc; saDTOic; Pcojiov

behind [the] LORD by building for yourselves a shrine,

a7roaT&amp;Tac; ysvsa0ai Djidc; ofjjispov and KopioD n+ (irj

[ defectors to become [for] you] today from [the] LORD? [Is it]

jiiKpov djiiv to a|idpTT||ia Ooycbp 6ti odk

a small [thing] to you, the sin of Peor, that we were not

SKa0ap(a0r||i8V an avzov sooc; ttjc^ rjjispacj TaDTTjCj Kai

cleansed from it unto this day, and

sysvfjGrj rj 7iArjyfj sv tt| aDvaycoyfj KopioD i 8 + Kai

there became the calamity in the congregation of [the] LORD? And

ujisk; a7isaTpd(pr|TS afjjispov arco KopioD Kai atipiov

you were turned away today from [the] LORD, and tomorrow

8711 7idvTa IapafjA, s&lt;rcai opyfj i 9 + Kai vdv si jiiKpd

[upon all Israel there will be anger]. And now, if [ [be] small

r| yr| TTjc; KaTaaxsascoq djicov 5iapfjTS sic; tt|v yrjv rrjc;

the land of your possession], pass over into the land of the
KaTaaxeascoc; KopioD 07roD KaTaaKTjvoi sksi r\

possession of [the] LORD! where [encamps there the

aKTjvfj KDpioi) Kai KaTaKAr|povo|if|aaT£ sv r||iiv Kai

tent of [the] LORD]; and inherit among us, and

a7io Kopioi) (ir| a7ioaTdTai ysvfjGrjTe Kai arco rj|icbv

[ from [the] LORD not defectors be] ! and [ from us

|xr| a7ioaTf|TS 8id to oiKo5o|ifjaai Djidc; Pcdjiov s^oo

do not separate] ! on account of your building a shrine outside


the altar of [the] LORD our God. Behold did not

A%ap o tod Zapd 7iAxj|i|isA£iav S7iXrj|i|isAxjasv and

Achan the [son of] Zara [ a trespass trespass] from

tod ava08|iaTOc; Kai S7U 7idaav tt|v aDvayooyfjv

the offering for consumption, and upon all the congregation

sysvfjGrj opyfj Kai odtoc; sic; jiovoc; jlit] odtoc;

became anger? And this one only [sinned], [but] not this one


22 3D

8V TOUT© + VlKa

06 - Joshua

jiovoc; arcsGavsv sv xrj ajiapxia auxou 21 + Kai

alone died for his sin. And

a7T8Kpi6r|aav 01 moi Poupfjv Kai 01 moi Ta8 Kai to

they answered (the sons of Reuben, and the sons of Gad, and the
r\[L\av (pvkr\q Mavaaafj Kai s^dAxjaav xoic;

half tribe of Manasseh,) and said to the

%iAiapxoic; IopafjA, Aiyovxsc; 22+0 Gsoc; o Gsoc;

commanders of thousands of Israel, saying, God, the [ God

Kopioc; sail Kai o Gsoc; o Gsoc; Kopioc; auxoc; o(5s Kai

LORD is]. And God, [the] LORD God himself knows, and

lapar\k avxoq yvcbasxai si sv a7ioaxaa(a

Israel itself shall know; if [ by defection

S7iAr||i|isATjaa|isv svavxi Kopuyo |ir| ptiaaixo r\[idq sv

we trespassed] before [the] LORD, may he not rescue us in

ttj Tjjispa xai)xr| 23+ Kai si &lt;»Ko5o|xfjoa|isv sauxoic;

this day. And if we built [ for ourselves

Pcojiov cbaxs a7roaxfjvai anb Kopiou r| cboxs

a shrine], so as to depart from [the] LORD, or so as

avapipdaai S7i' auxou Guaiav oA,OKai)xco|idxcov rj

to haul up on it a sacrifice of whole burnt-offerings, or

cbaxs 7rovfjaai S7i' auxou dvaiav acoxrjpioi) Kopioc;

so as to make upon it a sacrifice of deliverance, [the] LORD

avToq SK^rjxfjasi 24+ dXX' svsksv svXafisiaq pfjjiaxoc;

himself shall inquire. But [ because of veneration thing

S7ioif|aa|isv xotixo Aiyovxsc; iva [ir\ atipiov si7icooiv

we did this], saying that, Should tomorrow [ say

xa xsicva djicov xoic; xskvoic; r||icbv Aiyovxsq xi v[dv

your children] [to] our children, saying, What [is it] to you

Kai Kopico xco Gscb IopafjA, 25 + Kai opia sGt|ks Kopioc;

and [to the] LORD God of Israel? And [a border [the] LORD put]

avajisaov rjjicbv Kai djicov 01 moi Poi)Pfjv Kai 01

between us and you, the sons of Reuben and the

moi Ta5 xov Iop5dvr|v Kai omc saxiv djiiv jispfc;

sons of Gad — the Jordan; and there is no [ to you portion]

Kopioi) Kai a7iaHoxpicbaoi)oiv oimoiDjicbv

of [the] LORD. And [ shall separate your sons]

Tovq viovq rjjicbv iva |ir| asPcovxai Kopiov 26+ Kai

from our sons, that they should not worship [the] LORD. And

si7ia|isv 7roifjaai otixcoc; xod oiKo8o|ifjaai

we said to do thus, to build

XOV PCOJIOV XOT3XOV ov% svsksv Kap7ico|idxcov 01)5'

this shrine, not because of yield [offerings], nor


22 3D

ev tootco + viKa

06 - Joshua


because of sacrifices, but that [ might be this testimony]

avajieaov rj|icov Kai avajisaov djicov Kai avajisaov

between us and between you, and between

xcov ysvscbv rijicov (186' r\[iaq xod AxxxpsDsiv xrjv

our generations after us, to serve the

Axxxpsiav Kupioi) svavxiov aDxoD sv

service of [the] LORD before him in

xoic; Kap7icb|iaaiv rj|icov Kai sv xaic; dvaiaiq r\[i(bv Kai

our yield [offerings], and in our sacrifices, and

sv xaic; dvaiaiq xcov aooxrjpicov r||icbv Kai

in the sacrifices of our deliverances; and [so that]

odk spotiai xa xsicva Djicbv atipiov xoic; xskvoic; rjjicbv

[ shall not say your children] tomorrow [to] our children,

odk saxiv djiiv jispiq KDpioD 2 8 + Kai si7ia|isv sdv

There is no portion to you of [the] LORD. And we said, If

ysvrjxai 7ioxs Kai taxArjaoDai npoq r\[iaq r\

it comes to pass at some time or other, and they shall speak to us or

xaic; ysvsaiq rjjicov atipiov Kai spoDjisv (8sxs

[to] our generations tomorrow, then we shall say, Behold!

ojioicojia xod 0Daiaaxr|pioD KDpioD o S7iovr|aav

[it is] a representation of the altar of [the] LORD which [ made

01 7raxspsq rjjicov ov% svsksv Kap7ico|idxcov od8'

our fathers]. [It is] not for yield [offerings], nor

svsksv Gdcticov aUd jiapxDpiov saxiv avajisaov djicov

for sacrifices, but it is a testimony between you,

Kai avajisoov r\[i(bv Kai avajisaov xcov dicov rjjicbv 29 +

and between us, and between our sons.

|ir| ysvoixo odv r\[iaq a7iooxf|vai arco KDpioD coaxs

May it not be then for us to leave from [the] LORD, so as

a7ioaxpa(pf|vai sv xaic; afjjispov rjjispaic; ano KDpioD

to turn away in today's days from [the] LORD,

coaxs oiKo8o|if|aai rjjLidq 0Daiaaxf|piov xoic;

so as to build us an altar for the

Kap7icb|iaai Kai xaic; 0Da(aic; Kai xr| 0Da(a

yield [offerings], and the sacrifices, and the sacrifice

xod acoxrjpioD 7iAr|v xod 0Daiaaxr|pioD KDpioD

of deliverance, except for the altar of [the] LORD


our God which is before his tent.

Kai fjKODasv Oivssq o ispstic; Kai 7iavxsc; 01

And [ heard Phinehas the priest], and all the

dpxovxsq xrjcj aDvaycoyfjc; Kai 01 x i ^ a PX 01 IcipafjA.

rulers of the congregation, and the commanders of Israel,


22 3D


06 - Joshua

01 fjaav jisx' aDxoD xovq Xojovq ox&gt;q eXdArjaav

the ones who were with him, the words which they spoke,

oi dioi PoDpfjv Kai oi dioi Ta8 Kai oi dioi

the sons of Reuben, and the sons of Gad, and the sons

Mavaoafj Kai fjpeasv aDxofc; 31+ Kai 8i7is Oiveec; vioq

of Manasseh, and it pleased them. And [said Phinehas son

EXed^ap o lepstic; xoic; vioiq PoDpfjv Kai TOiq vioiq

ofEleazar the priest] to the sons of Reuben, and to the sons

Ta8 Kai xoic; vioiq Mavaaafj afjiispov syvcoKajisv

of Gad, and to the sons of Manasseh, Today we know

on |i80' r\[i(bv Kopioc; 5i6xi odk s7iAx||i|ieAx|oaxs

that [ [is] with us [the] LORD], for you did not trespass

evavxiov Kopioi) 7rAx||i|isA£iav xaDxrjv Kai 6x1

before [the] LORD this trespass, and that

eppDaaaBe xodc; viovq IopafjX 8K X^poq KopiOD

you rescued the sons of Israel from out of [the] hand of [the] LORD.

32+ Kai a7ieaxps\j/s Oiveec; vioq EXed^ap o ispsDc; Kai

And [returned Phinehas son ofEleazar the priest and

01 dp%ovxec; arco xoav dicov PoDpfjv Kai arco xcov

the rulers] from the sons of Reuben, and from the

mcbv Ta5 sk Tr\q Takadd ziq yrjv Xavadv npoq

sons of Gad, from out of Gilead unto [the] land of Canaan, to

xodc; viovq lapar\k Kai a7isKpi6r|aav auxok; xodc;

the sons of Israel; and they answered to them [with these]

Xoyovq 33+ Kai fjpeoev o Xoyoq xoic; vioiq IapafjX

words. And [was pleasing the word] to the sons of Israel;

Kai eDA,6yr|Gav xov 0s6v dicov IapafjX Kai odk exi

and they blessed the God of [the] sons of Israel. And no longer

si7iav avapfjvai npoq aDxotic; sic; 7i6A,8(iov

they spoke to ascend to them for war,

s^oAx)9psDaai xrjv yrjv xcov dicov PoDpfjv Kai xcov

to utterly destroy the land of the sons of Reuben and the

dicov Ta5 Tjv KaxcbKrjaav S7i' aDxfjq 34+ Kai

sons of Gad which they dwelt upon it. And

S7icov6|iao8v xco PoDpfjv Kai xco Ta8 xov Pcojiov Kai

he named [for Reuben and for Gad the shrine]. And

si7iav 6x1 jiapxDpiov saxiv avajieoov aDxcov 6x1

they said that, It is a testimony in the midst of them, that

KDpioq avToq Qsoq aDxcov saxi

[the] LORD he [their God is].


23 30


06 - Joshua
23 »

i+ Kai eysvexo |is0' rjjispaq nXsiovq jiexd

And it came to pass after [ days many], after

to KaTa7im3aai icopiov xov 0s6v IapafjA, arco 7rdvxcov

[rested [the] LORD God] Israel from all

xcov sx6pcbv olvtov kdkA,608v Kai Irjaouc; 7ipeaPi)xepoc;

their enemies round about, and Joshua [was] older

7rpoPePr|Kcbc; xaic; rjjispaic; 2 + Kai aDVSKd^sasv Irjao^q

being advanced in days, that Joshua called together

7idvxac; Tovq viovq IapafjA, Kai xrjv yepoDaiav auxcbv

all the sons of Israel, and their council of elders,

Kai zovq dpxovxaq auxcbv Kai zovq SiKaaxdc; auxcbv Kai

and their rulers, and their magistrates, and

zovq ypajijiaxeiq auxcbv Kai si7i8 itpoq avzovq sycb

their scribes, and he said to them, I

ysyfjpara Kai 7ipoPePr|Ka xaic; rjjispaic; 3+i)|isfc;8e

grow old and advanced in days. And you

scopdKaxs &lt;x6|i7ravxa 6aa S7rovr|a£ Kopioc;

have seen all things as much as [ did [the] LORD

0 Bsoq r||icbv 7idai xoic; s0vsai xodxoic; arco 7ipoaco7roD

our God] to all these nations from in front

djicov oxi Kopioc; o Geoc; r\[i(bv avzoq o

of you; for [the] LORD our God, he [is] the one

£K7roA£|ifjaac; djiw

waging war for you.

4 + (8exs 07rsp si7ia S7isppi(pa djiiv 80vr| xa

Behold whatsoever I said, I cast to you nations, the ones

KaxaA,sA,8i(i(i8va djiiv xatixa sv xoic; KAxjpoic; sic;

being left to you. These [lands will be] for lots to

xac; (pvXaq djicov arco xou IopSdvoi) 7idvxa xa e0vr|

your tribes. [ from the Jordan All the nations]

s^coA,66p£i)aa Kai anb xrjc; GaAxxaarjc; xrjc; jisydAxjc;

1 utterly destroyed, and from the [ sea great]

opisi 87ii Suajidc; rjMoi) 5 + Kopioc; 8s

you shall define the bounds by [the] descent of [the] sun. And [the] LORD

o Geoc; djicov omoq e^o^oBpeuaei aDxotic; ano

your God, he shall utterly destroy them from

7ipoaco7roD ujicbv Kai 8^oA,o0p8T3asi avzovq anb

in front of you, and he shall utterly destroy them from

7ipoaco7roD gov Kai KaxaKAripovojifjaexe xrjv yrjv auxcbv

your face; and you shall inherit their land,

Ka6d eAxxAxjoe Kopioc; o Geoq ujicbv djiiv 6 +

as [ spoke [the] LORD your God] to you.


23 30

8V TOUT© + VlKa

06 - Joshua

KaxiaxDaaxs odv acp68pa cpD^daaeiv Kai 7ioie(v

Grow strong then exceedingly! to guard and to do

oDjuravxa xa yeypajijieva sv too PipAico tod vojiod

all things being written in the scroll of the law

McoDafj (va jLiri sKKAavfjxe ari avzov sic; 5s^id

of Moses, that you should not turn aside from him to [the] right
r| sic; SDcbvDjia 7+ oncoq jir| eiasXGrjxe sic; xa sGvrj

or to [the] left; that you should not enter unto [ nations

xa Kaxa^eXeijijisva xatixa jis0' djicov Kai xa ovojiaxa

being left these] with you, and the names

xcov 6scbv aDxcbv odk ovojiaaGfjaexai sv djiiv Kai

of their gods you shall not name among you, and

odk ojifjaBs od5s |ir| A,axp8Dar|xs od8£ jir|

you shall not swear by an oath nor serve, nor

7ipoaKDvfjar|X£ aDxotic; 8 + aXka Kopico xco Gecb djicov

shall you do obeisance to them. But [to the] LORD your God

7ipoaKoXAx|6f|a£a0£ KaGdrcep S7ioif|aax8 ecoc;

you shall cleave, just as you did until

xrjc; rjjiepac; xaDxrjq 9 + Kai e^oAx)9psDasi aDxotic; Kopioc;

this day. And [ shall utterly destroy them [the] LORD]

a7io 7ipoaco7roD djicov sGvrj jisyd^a Kai ia%Dpd Kai

from your face — [nations great and strong]; and

Djiiv od8s(c; avxeaxrj Kaxsvcb7nov djicov scoc;

to you no one withstood before you until

xrjc; rjjiepac; xaDxrjc; io+ avfjp eic; djicov e5ico^e xikiovq

this day. [ man One] of you pursued a thousand.

oxi KDpioq o Bsocj rjjicov odxoc; e^e7roA,ejisi djiiv

For [the] LORD our God, he wages war for you,

Ka0d7isp 817TSV djiiv n+ Kai cpD^d^aaGs ocp68pa

just as he spoke to you. But guard exceedingly

xaic; \\fv%aiq djicov xod ayarcdv Kopiov xov 0e6v djicov n+

your lives! to love [the] LORD your God.

sdv yap a7ioaxpa(pf|xs Kai 7ipoaxe9f|xs

For if you should turn away, and should proceed

xoiq D7roA,8i(p0s(aiv e0veai xodxoic; jieG' djicov Kai

to leave behind these nations with you, and

87riyajiiac; 7ioif|ar|a08 7ipoc; aDxotic; Kai

[ connections by marriage you should make] with them, and

aDyKaxajiiyfjxs aDxoic; Kai aDxoi djiiv n+ yvcoaei

mix together with them, and they with you. [With] knowledge

yivcbaKsxs oxi od jit| 7ipoa9f| Kupioc; o Beoc; DJICOV

know that in no way shall [ proceed [the] LORD your God]


23 30

8V TOUT© + VlKa

06 - Joshua

tod s^oXoGpsuaai xa sGvrj xatixa arco 7ipoad)7roD djicov

to utterly destroy these nations from your face.

Kai saovxai djiiv sic; nayidaq Kai sic; oKdvSaXa Kai

And they will be to you for snares, and for obstacles, and

sic; fjAm&gt;c; ev xaic; rcxspvaic; djicov Kai sic; PoAiSac; sv

for nails in your heels, and for arrows in

Toiq o(pdak[ioiq djicov scoq av a7i6Ar|a0s arco

your eyes, until whenever you should destroy [them] from

Tr\q yr\q xrjc; ayaGfjc; xm3xr|c; r\q sScdksv Djiiv Kopioc;

[ land this good] which [ gave to you [the] LORD

oGsoqDjicbv i4+sycb8s a7ioxps%CD afjjispov xrjv o86v

your God]. But I run today the way

Ka0&amp; Kai ftdvxsc; oi S7U xrjc; yr\q Kai yvcbasaGs sv

as also all the ones upon the earth. And you shall know in
6Ax| xt| Kap5ia djicov Kai ev 6Ax| xr| yv%r\ Djiobv 5i6xi

[ whole heart your], and in [ whole soul your], that

od 8iS7isas Xoyoq sic; ano rcavxcov xcov Xoycov

[ failed not word one] from all of the [ words

xov ayaGcbv gov si7is Kopioc; o 9s6c; r||icbv 7ipoc; x&gt;\iaq

good] of which [ spoke [the] LORD your God] concerning you;

7idvxa xa avfjKovxa r\[iiv ov Sis^cbvrjasv s^ auxcbv

all the [things] being related to us — he did not dissent from them

pfjjia sv 15+ Kai saxai ov xporcov fjKsi scp' v[iaq

[word one]. And it will be in which manner [come unto you

7idvxa xa pfjjiaxa xa KaXd a sXdArjas Kopioc;

all the things good], which [ spoke [the] LORD

o9s6qi)|icbv scp' v[idq otixox; S7id^si Kopioc; scp' v[idq

your God] unto you; so [the] LORD will bring upon you

7idvxa xa pfjjiaxa xa 7iovr|pd scoq s^oXoGpsDarj v[idq

all the [ things bad], until he should utterly destroy you

arco xrjc; yrjc; xrjc; ayaGfjq xatixrjc; r\q s8coksv djiiv

from [ land this good], of which [ gave to you

Kopioc; ods6qv[i(bv i 6 + sv xco 7iapapf|vai v[idq xrjv

[the] LORD your God], in your violating the

8ia6f|Kr|v Kupuyo xou 0sot3 djicov rjv svsxsiAmo v[iiv

covenant of [the] LORD your God, which he gave charge to you,

Kai 7ropsi)9svxsc; Xaxpsuasxs 0sofc; sxspoic; Kai

and going you shall serve [ gods other], and

7rpoaKovfjasxs auxok; Kai opyiaGfjasxai Gdjico Kopioc;

shall do obeisance to them, and [ shall be provoked to anger in rage [the] LORD]

sv djiiv Kai a7ioXsio0s xo xd%oc; arco Tr\q yr\q

with you, and you shall perish quickly from the [ land

Tr\q ayaGfjc; r\q s8coksv djiiv Kopioc;

good] which [ gave to you [the] LORD].


24 73


06 - Joshua

24 73

i + Kai aDvfjyaysv IrjaoDc; naaaq Tag (pvXdq IapafjA, sic;

And Joshua brought together all the tribes of Israel to

I/u%s|i Kai oDVSK&amp;Xeoe todc; 7ipsaPDTspoDc; IapafjX

Shechem, and he called together the elders of Israel,

Kai todc; &amp;p%ovxac; ai)icbv Kai todc; SucaaTdc; ai)icbv Kai

and their rulers, and their magistrates, and

todc; ypa|i|iaTSic; aDTcbv Kai sarrjaav arcsvavTi tod Gsod

their scribes; and they stood before God.

2+ Kai S17T8V IrjaoDc; 7ipoc; 7idvTa tov Xaov xd8s Aiysi

And Joshua said to all the people, Thus says

KDpioq o Gsoc; IapafjX rcspav tod 7roxa|ioD

[the] LORD God of Israel, On the other side of the river

KaxcoKr|aav oi 7iaTspsc; djicov to ait' ap%fjc; 0dpa o

[ dwelled your fathers] from the beginning — Terah the

7iaTf|p APpadji Kai o 7iaTf|p Na%cbp Kai sAxrcpsDaav

father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor; and they served

Gsofc; STspoic; 3 + Kai skafiov tov rcaTspa djicov

[gods other]. And I took your father


Abraham from out of the other side of the river, and

CD8fjyr|aa aDTOV sv 7idar| tt| yr| Xavadv Kai

I guided him in all the land of Canaan, and

£7rAxj0Dva to cnrspjia aDTOD 4 + Kai sSocnca aDTcb

I multiplied his seed. And I gave to him

tov IaadK Kai sSocnca too IaadK tov IaKcbp Kai

Isaac; and I gave [to] Isaac Jacob and

tov HaaD Kai s8coKa too HaaD to opoc; to Ssip

Esau; and I gave [to] Esau mount Seir,

KArjpovojjiav aDTcb Kai IaKc&amp;p Kai oi dioi aDTOD

for an inheritance to him; and Jacob and his sons

KaTsPrjaav sic; AiyD7iTOV 5+ Kai a7isaTSiA,a McoDafjv

went down into Egypt. And I sent Moses

Kai Aapcbv Kai S7idTa^sv tt|v AiyD7iTOV sv oiq

and Aaron, and he struck Egypt with the things which

S7io(r|asv sv aDTOic; 6 + Kai jiSTd TaDTa s^qyays

he did among them. And after these [things] he led

Djidc; Kai s^qyaysv todc; 7iaTspac; Djicbv s^

you, and he led your fathers from out of

AiyD7iTOD Kai siaf|A,9sTS sic; rqv GdAxxaaav Kai

Egypt. And you entered into the sea, and


24 73


06 - Joshua
Kaxs8ico^av oi Aiy67ixioi O7uaco xcov 7iaxspcov djicov sv

[ pursued the Egyptians] after your fathers with

dpjiaai Kai sv bmoiq sic; xr|v GdXaaoav xrjv spuGpdv

chariots and with horses into the [ sea red].

?+ mi spofjaafisv itpoq Kopiov Kai s8coks vscpsAxjv

And we yelled to [the] LORD, and he put a cloud

Kai yvocpov avajisaov djicov Kai avajisaov xcov

and dimness between you and between the

AiyD7iTicov Kai S7if|yaysv S7i' auxotic; xrjv Qakaaaav

Egyptians; and he brought upon them the sea,

Kai 8KdXi)\j/8v avTOvq Kai s(8oaav oi ocpGa^jioi djicov

and it covered them; and [ beheld your eyes]

6aa 87io(r|as Kupioc; sv yrj Aiyimxco Kai fjxs sv

as much as [the] LORD did in [the] land of Egypt; and you were in

ttj spfj|ico rjjispac; itXsiovq 8 + Kai fjyaysv v[idq sic;

the wilderness [ days many]. And he led you into

yrjv Ajioppaicov xcov KaxoiKowxcov rcspav xod

[the] land of [the] Amorites dwelling on the other side of the

Iop5dvoi) Kai 7iapsxd^avxo djiiv Kai 7iaps8coKsv

Jordan; and they deployed against you. And [ delivered

avTOvq Kopioc; sic; xac; %s(pac; djicov Kai

them [the] LORD] into your hands, and

KaxsKArjpovojifjaaxs xrjv yrj auxcbv Kai s^co^oGpstiaaxs

you inherited their land, and you utterly destroyed

avTOvq a7io 7ipoacb7roD djicov 9+ Kai avsaxrj BaXdK o

them from your face. And Balak rose up, the

xod Ss7icpcbp fiaoikzvq Mcodp Kai rcapsxa^axo xco

[son of] Zippor, king of Moab, and deployed [against]

IopafjX Kai anoaTsikaq SKdXsas xov Ba^adji mov

Israel. And sending, he called Balaam son

Bscbp apdaaaGai djiiv 10+ Kai odk r|0sAr|as Kopioc;

ofBeor to curse you. And [ did not want [the] LORD

o Bsoc; aoi) a7ioXsaai as Kai siAoyiaic; siAoyrjasv

your God] to destroy you, and with blessings he blessed

Djidc; Kai s^si^axo Djidq sk %sipcbv auxcbv 1 1 + Kai

you, and rescued you from their hands. And

8isPr|xs xov Iop5dvr|v Kai 7rapsysvfj6r|xs sic; Ispi%co

you passed over the Jordan and came to Jericho;

Kai S7roAi|ir|aav 7ipoc; ujidc; 01 KaxoiKowcsc; Ispi%co

and [ waged war against you the ones dwelling in Jericho],

o Ajioppaioc; Kai o Osps^aioq Kai o Xavavaioc; Kai

the Amorite, and the Perizzite, and the Canaanite, and


24 73

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

06 - Joshua

0 Xexxaioq Kai o Tspyeoaioq Kai o Euaioc; Kai o

the Hittite, and the Girgashite, and the Hivite, and the

IsPoDaaioq Kai 7iapsScoKsv aDTODc; sic;

Jebusite; and he delivered them into

zaq %s(pac; djicov n+ Kai s^a7isaTSiXsv rcpoTspav djicov

your hands. And he sent [ in front of you

ttjv acprjKiav Kai s^spaXsv aDTODc; ano

the swarm of wasps], and it cast them out from

7ipoaco7ioD djicov 8do PaoiXsic; tcov Ajioppaicov odk

your presence — [the] two kings of the Amorites; [but] not

sv ttj pojicpaia cjod od8s sv tco to^co cjod n + Kai

by your broadsword, nor by your bow. And

sScoksv djiiv yrjv scp' r|v odk sK07iiaaaTS

he gave to you [the] land upon which you did not tire [by labor]

87i ' aDxfjv Kai 7r6A,8ic; aq odk cDKo8o|ifjaaT8 Kai

upon; and [he gave] cities which you did not build, but

KaxcoKia0r|TS S7r' avzaiq Kai a|i7isA,cbvac; Kai sAmcovac;

you settled upon them; and [he gave] vineyards and olive groves

ovq od KaxscpDisDaaxs Djisfc; s5sa0s w+ Kai

which you did not plant, [but] you shall eat from [them]. And

vdv (popf|6r|Te xov Kopiov Kai AmpsDaaTS aDTcb sv

now fear the LORD, and serve him in

sd0dtt|ti Kai sv SiKaioawq Kai 7ispisA,sa6s todc;

straightness and in righteousness, and remove the

Gsodc; zovq aAloTpiODc; oiq s^dxpsDaav

[ gods alien] which [ served

01 7raxspsc; djicov sv tco 7ispav tod 7iOTa|ioD Kai sv

your fathers] on the other side of the river, and in

AiyD7TTC0 Kai AxxTpsuaaTS tco Kopico 15 + si 5s |ir|

Egypt, and serve to the LORD! But if it [is] not

apsoKsi ujjiv XaTpsDsiv tco Kupico SKAi^aaGs D|jiv

pleasing to you to serve to the LORD, choose to

aDTOiq afjjispov tivi AxxTpSDarjTS sits TOiq dsoiq

yourselves today whom you should serve! whether to the gods


of your fathers, to the ones on the other side of the river,

sits tok; dsoiq tcov Ajioppaicov sv oiq v[isiq

or whether to the gods of the Amorites, in which you

KaTOiKsiTS S7U TT\q yr\q aDTcav sycb 8s Kai o oikoc; jiod

dwell upon their land. But I and my house,

AxxTpsDaojisv tco KDpico i6+ Kai a7ioKpi9sfc; o Xaoq

will serve to the LORD! And responding the people


24 73

8V TOUT© + VlKa

06 - Joshua

81718 jlit| ysvoixo T||i{v KaxaA,ure(v xov Kopiov cbaxe

said, May it not be to us to leave the LORD so as

Axxxpetieiv Geofc; exspoic; n+ Kopioc; o Geoc; r)|icov avzoq

to serve [gods other]. [The] LORD our God, he

avfjyaysv r\[iaq Kai xodc; 7iaxepac; r)|icbv yr\q

led us and our fathers from out of [the] land

AiyimxoD oikod SoiAeiac; Kai 6aa S7iorr|asv

of Egypt, from [the] house of slavery, and as many as [ he did

r||iiv xa ar||i8ia xa jieydla xatixa Kai 8iecpi)Xa^8v rjjLidq

to us signs these great], and guarded us

sv 7idar| xr| o5cb r| e7ropei)6r||i£v sv auxfj Kai sv

in all the way which we went by it, and among

7idai xoic; eGveaiv ovq 7iapf|X0o(isv 8i' auxcbv ig+ Kai

all the nations which we went through them. And

s^sPaXs Kopioc; &lt;y6|i7iavxa xa s0vr| Kai xov

[the] LORD cast out all the nations, and the

Ajioppaiov xov KaxoiKowca xrjv yrjv arco

Amorite dwelling in the land, from

7ipoaco7rou rjjicbv aXka Kai r\[isiq Axxxpsuaojiev xco

our face. But also we will serve to the

Kopico ouxogyap saxiv o Gsoq r\[i(bv i 9 + Kai

LORD, for this one is our God. And

S17T8V o Irjaotic; 7ipoc; 7idvxa xov Xaov ov |ir| SwqaGe

Joshua said to all the people, In no way shall you be able

Axxxpetieiv xco KDpico oxi dyioc; saxi Kai Bsoq

to serve to the LORD (for he is holy, and God

^Axoxfjc; soxiv omoq odk avfjaei xa avo|xf||iaxa ujicbv

is jealous, this one shall not spare your violations of the law,

Kai xa ajiapxfjjiaxa ujicbv 20+ rjviKa av syKaxaXi7rr|xs

and your sins) when ever you should abandon

Kopiov Kai Axxxpstxyqxe Geok; aAloxpioic; Kai S7rsA,9cbv

[the] LORD, and should serve [ gods alien]. And coming

KaKcbaei v[iaq Kai e^avaAxbasi v[iaq av6' cov sd

he shall afflict you, and shall completely consume you, because [ good

S7T0ir|O8V D|i(v 21+ Kai S17T8V o Xaoq npoq Irjaotiv

he did] to you. And [ said the people] to Joshua,

ov%i aXka KDpico Axxxpeuaojiev

No, but [to the] LORD we shall serve.

22+ Kai S17T8V IrjaoDq itpoq xov Xaov jidpxDpeq djisic;

And Joshua said to the people, You [are] witnesses

Ka0' djicov 6x1 s^eA,s^aa0e djisic; sauxofc; xov

according to yourselves that [ chose you yourselves] the

24 73

8V TOUT© + VlKa

06 - Joshua

Kopiov Axxxpstisiv auxcb Kai si7iav jidpxDpsc; 23

LORD, to serve him. And they said, [We are] witnesses. And

vdv 7ispisA,sa0s xodc; dsovq zovq aAloxpiouc; xouc; sv

now, remove the [ gods alien], the ones among

Djiiv Kai si)0i3vaxs TTjv Kap8(av 7ipoc; KDpiOV 08OV

you, and straighten the heart to [the] LORD God

IapafjX 24+ Kai sircsv o Xaoq npoq Irjaotiv Kopico

of Israel! And [ said the people] to Joshua, To [the] LORD

xco 0scb rjjicbv Axxxpsuaofisv Kai xrjc; (p($vr\q avzov

our God we shall serve, and of his voice

aKoi)a6|i80a 25+ Kai 8i808io Irjao^q 5ia0f|Kr|v itpoq xov

we shall hearken. And Joshua ordained a covenant with the

Xaov sv TTj rjjispa sksivt| Kai s8coksv auxcb vojiov

people in that day. And he gave to [them] [the] law

Kai Kpiaiv sv £i)%s|i 2 6 + Kai sypa\j/sv Irjaouc;

and judgment in Shechem. And Joshua wrote

xa pfjjiaxa xatixa sic; PipAiov vojiov xou 0sot3 Kai

these things in a scroll of [the] law of God. And

slapsv Ai0ov jisyav Kai saxrjasv auxov Irjooijc; sksi

[ took stone a great and set it Joshua] there

D7TO XT|V XSpsPlV0OV XT|V aftSVaVXl KDpiOD 27 + Kai

under the terebinth tree before [the] LORD. And

si7isv Irjaotic; 7ipoc; rcdvxa xov Xaov idov o XiQoq omoq

Joshua said to all the people, Behold, this stone

saxai djiiv sic; jiapxtipiov 6xi avzoq aKfjKos rcdvxa

will be to you for a testimony; for it has heard all

xa A,sx0svxa imo Kopioi) 6aa s^dAxjasv itpoq v[idq

the things being said by [the] LORD, as much as he spoke to you

afjjispov Kai otixoc; saxai sv ujjiv sic; jiapxtipiov S7i'

today. And this will be in you for a testimony unto

saxdxcov xcov rjjispcbv rjviKa av \j/si)ar|a0s Kopico

[the] last of the days, when ever you should lie [to the] LORD

xco 0scb djicov 28+ Kai a7rsaxsiA,sv Irjaouc; xov Xaov

your God. And Joshua sent the people

SKaaxoq sic; xov xorcov avzov 29+ Kai sysvsxo jisx'

each to his place. And it came to pass after

SKsiva a7is0avsv Irjaoijc; vioq Naufj dovXoq Kopioi)

those [things] [died Joshua [the] son of Nun], a servant of [the] LORD

oq SKaxov 8sra sxcbv 30+ Kai s0a\j/av ai)xov 7ipoc;

who [was] a hundred ten years [old]. And they entombed him by

xoic; opioic; xod KArjpovojjiac; avzov sv 0a|ivaaapdx sv

the borders of his inheritance in Timmnath-serah, in


24 73

8V TOUT© + VlKa

06 - Joshua

xco opsi tod Ecppaiji a7io Poppa tod opoDc; Taaq 31 +

mount Ephraim, from [the] north of the mountain of Gaash.

Kai sXdxpsDasv IapafjX xco KDpico naaaq xac; rjjispac;

And Israel served to the LORD all the days

Irjaoi) Kai naaaq xac; r||ispac; xcov 7ipsaPDxspcov

of Joshua, and all the days of the elders,

oaoi scpsiAxoaav xov xpovov jisxd IrjaoD Kai oaoi

as many as dragged on in time after Joshua, and as many as

s(8oaav &lt;y6|i7iavxa xa spy a KDpioD 6aa S7iovr|as

beheld all the works of [the] LORD, as much as he did

xco IapafjA, 32 + Kai xa oaxd Icoafjcp avfjyayov 01 moi

to Israel. And [ the bones of Joseph took up the sons

IapafjX s^ AiyD7rxoi) Kai KaxcbpD^av sv Iakijioic;

of Israel] from out of Egypt, and they buried [them] in Shechem,

sv xtj jispiSi xod aypoD od SKxfjaaxo IaKcbp 7iapd

in the portion of the field of which Jacob acquired from

xcov Ajioppaicov xcov KaxoiKotivxcov sv EiKijioiq

the Amorites dwelling in Shechem

SKaxov ajivdScov Kai s8coksv ai)xf|v xco Icoafjcp sv

[for a] hundred ewe-lambs, and he gave it to Joseph for

|isp(8i 33+ Kai E^sd^ap o vioq Aapcbv o ap%ispsDc;

a portion. And Eleazar the son of Aaron the chief priest

sxs^sDxrjas Kai sxacprj sv TaPadG Oivssq

came to an end; and he was entombed in Gabath of Phinehas

xod diod aDxoD try sScoksv aDxcb sv xco opsi Ecppaiji

his son, which he gave to him in mount Ephraim.


1 N ev toi3tco + vtica 07 - Judges

1 X
i+ Kai sysvsxo jisxd xrjv xsXsuxfjv lr\aov Kai

And it came to pass after the decease of Joshua, that

S7ir|pcoxcov oi dioi IapafjA, sv Kopico Aiyovxsc; xic;

[ asked the sons of Israel] in [the] LORD, saying, Who

avapfjaexai r\[iiv npoq xov Xavavaiov acpr|yoi)|isvoc;

shall ascend with us against the Canaanite guiding

tod 7roA,s|if|aai npoq avzovq 2 + Kai si7is Kopioc; Ioi)5ac;

to wage war against them. And [the] LORD said, Judah

avapfjaexai i5oi3 8s8coKa xrjv yrjv sv yzipi olvtox) 3 +

shall ascend; behold, I have put the land in his hand.

Kai S17T8V IotiSac; itpoq I/djiscov tov aSsAxpov avzov

And Judah said to Simeon his brother,

avdpr|6i |isx' s|iod ev tco Klfjpco |iod Kai

Ascend with me unto my lot, for

7ioXs|ifjacD|i£v ev tco Xavavaico Kai 7iopsi)ao|iai Kayco

we should wage war with the Canaanite, and I shall go also

jisxd aoi) sv tco KAxjpco aoi) Kai S7iopsi)6r| jisx' avzov

with you unto your lot. And [ went with him

Sdjiscov 4+ Kai avsprj IotiSac; Kai s8coks Kopioc; xov

Simeon]. And Judah ascended. And [the] LORD gave the

Xavavaiov Kai xov Osps^aiov sv %£ipi avzov Kai

Canaanite and the Perizzite into his hand; and

S7idxa^av auxotic; sv Bs^sk 5sKa %iXid8ac; avSpcov 5 +

they struck them in Bezek — ten thousand men.

Kai stipov xov A8coviPs^sk sv Bs^sk Kai S7roA,s|xr|aav

And they found Adoni-bezek in Bezek. And they waged war

sv ai)xco Kai S7idxa^av xov Xavavaiov Kai xov

with him, and they struck the Canaanite and the

Osps^aiov 6 + Kai scpuysv AScoviPs^sk Kai Kaxs8(co^av

Perizzite. And Adoni-bezek fled; and they pursued

O7iiaco avTOV Kai s^dpoaav auxov Kai a7isKO\j/av xa

after him, and took him, and cut off the

dKpa xcov %sipcbv avTOV Kai xa dKpa xcov 7io8cov avzov

thumbs of his hands, and the big toes of his feet.

7 + Kai si7rsv AScoviPs^sk sp5o|ifiKovxa PaaiXsic; xa

And Adoni-bezek said, Seventy kings the

dKpa xcov xsipcbv auxcov Kai xa dKpa

thumbs of their hands, and the big toes

xcov 7io5cov ai)xcov a7ioKSKO|i|isvoi fjaav auAAiyovxsc;

of their feet being cut off were collected together

ev xorjxcp + viKa

07 - Judges

xa D7ioKdTC0 Tr\q Tpa7is^r|c; jiod KaGcbc; odv S7iovr|aa

underneath my table. As then I did,

otixcoc; avTa7is5coKs jioi o Gsoc; Kai fjyayov auxov sic;

so [ recompensed to me God]. And they led him unto

IspoDaaAxjji Kai arcsGavsv sksi s+ Kai S7roA,s|ir|aav 01

Jerusalem, and he died there. And [ waged war the

moi lovda sv IepoDaaArj|i Kai KaxsAxxPovxo ai)xf|v

sons of Judah] with Jerusalem, and overtook it,

Kai S7idxa^av auxfjv sv oxojiaxi pojicpaiac; Kai xrjv

and struck it by [the] mouth of [the] broadsword, and the

nohv 8VS7ipr|aav sv 7ropi 9+ Kai |isxd xatixa

city they burnt with fire. And after these [things]

KaxsPrjaav 01 moi lovda 7ioA,s|if|oai sv xco

[ went down the sons of Judah] to wage war with the

Xavavaico xco KaxoiKowxi xrjv opsivfjv Kai xov

Canaanite dwelling the mountainous area, and the

voxov Kai xrjv 7is8ivf|v 10+ Kai S7iopsT36r| IotiSac; 7ipoc;

south, and the plain [country]. And Judah went to

xov Xavavaiov xov KaxoiKotivxa sv XsPpcbv xo 5s

the Canaanite dwelling in Hebron; and the

ovojia XsPpcbv Tjv xo 7ip6xspov KapiaGapPcbG Kai

name Hebron was formerly Kirjath-arba. And

S7idxa^av xov Ssai Kai A%i|idv Kai xov 0oX|ii

they struck Sheshai, and Ahiman, and Talmai,

yswfjjiaxa xod EvdK n+ Kai S7iopsT30r|aav sksiGsv

offspring of the Anak. And they went from there

7ipoc; Tovq KaxoiKowcac; Aaptp xo 8s ovojia

to the ones dwelling in Debir; and the name

xrjc; Aapip rjv S|i7ipoa0sv KapiaGascpap itoXiq

Debir was formerly Kirjath-sepher — City

ypajijidxcov 12 + Kai si7is XaAip oq av 7iaxd^r| xrjv

of Letters. And Caleb said, Who ever should strike the

7i6Xiv xcov ypajijidxcov Kai 7ipoKaxaAxxPr|xai ai)xf|v

City of Letters, and be first to take it,

Scbaco auxcb xrjv A%adv 0uyaxspa |iod sic; yuvauca 13 +

I will give to him Achsah my daughter for a wife.

Kai 7ipoKaxsXdpsxo auxfjv ToGovifjA, vioq Ksvs^

And first to take it [was] Othniel son ofKenaz,

aSsAxpoc; XaAip o vscbxspoc; Kai s8coksv auxcb

[ brother of Caleb the younger]. And he gave to him

xr|vA%odv Guyaxspa avzov sic; ywaiKa 14+ Kai sysvsxo

Achsah his daughter for a wife. And it came to pass


1 N ev tootco + vuca 07 - Judges

sv too eia7ropsDsa6ai aDTfjv Kai S7rsaeiaev cu)xfjv

in her entering, that he stirred her

tod aixfjacu 7iapd tod nazpoq ax&gt;Tr\q aypov Kai

to ask for [ from her father a field]. And

eyoyyu^s S7idvco tod D7io^Dy(oD Kai si7i8v aDTfj XaAip

she grumbled upon [her] beast of burden. And [ said to her Caleb],

ti ecm aoi 15+ Kai £i7iev aDTcb A%adv doq 5r| jioi

What is it with you? And [ said to him Achsah], Give indeed to me

SD^oyiav 6ti sic; yrjv votod SK8s5oaa( |is Kai

a blessing, for into [the] land of [the] south you have handed me over, and

Scbasiq jioi Ampooaiv f)5aT0c; Kai sScoksv aDTfj

you shall give to me a ransoming of water. And [ gave to her

XaAip Ampooaiv jiSTScbpcov Kai Ampcoaiv

Caleb] [the] ransom of [the] elevated [springs], and [the] ransom

Ta7T8ivcov i6+ Kai oi dioi IcoGcbp TOD KivaioD

of [the] ones below. And the sons of Jothor the Kenite,

7isv6spoD McDDafj aveprjaav sk ttjc^ TtoXscnq tcdv

father-in-law of Moses, ascended from out of the city of the

(pOlVlKCOV 7ipOC; TODCj DIODC; lovda ziq ttjv spr||iov

palms to the sons ofJudah, into the wilderness

lovda ttjv ODaav sv tco votco em KaTapdaeooc; Apd8

of Judah, the one being in the south upon [the] descent of Arad;

Kai S7iop8D0r|aav Kai KaTCOKqaav jiSTd tod A,aoD n +

and they went and dwelt with the people.

Kai S7iopsD0r| IoD8aq jiSTd I/djisoqv tod a8sAxpoD aDTOD

And Judah went with Simeon his brother,

Kai S7idTa^av tov Xavavaiov tov KaTOiKODVTa SscpsB

and they struck the Canaanite dwelling in Zephath,

Kai av808|idTiaav aDTfjv Kai e^coA,60peDaev aDTfjv Kai

and they devoted it to consumption, and utterly destroyed it. And

eKdXsaav to ovojia Tr\q noXscnq ztpXodpsvaiq ig+ Kai

they called the name of the city, Devastation. And

£KAr|pov6|ir|asv Iof)5ac; tt|v Td^av Kai to opiov aDTfj q

Judah inherited Gaza and her border;

Kai ttjv AKKapcbv Kai to opiov aDTfjc; Kai

and Ekron and her border, and

ttjv AcTKdAxova Kai to opia aDTfjc; Kai tt|v A^cotov Kai

Ashkelon and her border and Ashdod and

Ta 7i8pio7r6pia aDTfjq 19+ Kai rjvKopioc; |i£Td lovda Kai

her outskirts. And [the] LORD was with Judah; and

£KAr|pov6|ir|a£ to opoq 6ti odk Tj8DvaTO

he inherited the mountain, for he was not able

KAr|povo|xfjaai todc; KaTOiKODVTaq tt|v KoiA,d5a 6ti

to inherit [the] ones dwelling in the valley, for

1 N ev tootco + vuca 07 - Judges

8isaxs(A,axo avxoiq Kai dpjiaxa ai8r|pd auxok; 20 +

it was separated to them, and [there were] chariots of iron to them.

Kai sScorav icq XaAip xrjv XsPpcbv Ka0d

And they gave [ [to] Caleb Hebron], as

sldAxjas MarDafjc; Kai s^fjpsv sksi xodc; xpsic; viovq

Moses spoke. And he removed there the three sons

Ev&amp;k 21 + Kai xov Ispouaaiov xov KaxoiKowca

of Anak. And [ the Jebusite dwelling

IspoDaaAxjji odk s^fjpav 01 moi Bsviapiv Kai

Jerusalem did not remove the sons of Benjamin]. And

KaxcoKqasv o Ispouaaioc; jisxd tcdv mcbv Bsviapiv sv

[dwelt the Jebusite] with the sons of Benjamin in

IspoDaaAxjji eox; Tr\q rijispaq xaDxrjc; 22+ Kai avsprjaav

Jerusalem until this day. And [ ascended

01 dioi Iooafjcp Kai ye auxoi siq BaiGfjA, Kai

the sons of Joseph], and indeed they [went] into Beth-el, and

Kopioc; r|v jisx' auxcbv 23+ Kai 7iapsvsPaAx)v Kai

[the] LORD was with them. And they camped, and

KaxsaKS\j/avxo Bai0fjX to 8s ovojia xrjc; itoksodq rjv

surveyed Beth-el; and the name of the city was

s|i7ipoa9sv AoD^d 24+ Kai s(8ov 01 qyoAxxaaovxsc;

formerly Luz. And [ beheld the ones keeping guard]

dv8pa SK7iopsu6|isvov sk xrjc; noXscoq Kai slapov

a man going forth from out of the city, and they took

avTOV Kai S17TOV auxcb 8si^ov r||iiv xrjv s(ao8ov Tr\q

him, and they said to him, Show to us the entrance of the

KoXsaq Kai 7roifjoo|iev jisxd gov sksoq 25+ Kai

city, and we will deal [ with you mercifully]. And

sSsi^sv aDioiq xrjv siaoSov xrjc; itoXscnq Kai

he showed to them the entrance of the city; and

S7idxa^av xrjv 7i6A.iv sv axojiaxi pojicpaiac; xov 8s

they struck the city by [the] mouth of [the] broadsword; but the

dv8pa Kai xrjv aoyysvsiav avzov s^a7isaxsiXav

man and his kin they sent out.

26+ Kai a7rfjAi)sv o avfjp sic; yrjv Xsxxiv Kai

And [ went forth the man] into [the] land of [the] Hittite, and
coKo86|ir|asv sksi 7r6Aav Kai SKd^sas xo ovojia avTT\q

he built there a city, and he called the name of it,

AoD^d xotixo ovojia avTT\q scoq xrjc; rjjispac; xauxric; 27 +

Luz; this [is] its name until this day.

Kai odk s^fjps Mavaaafj xrjv BaiBodv ou5s

And [ did not remove Manasseh] Beth-shean nor

1 N sv tootco + vtica 07 - Judges

xac; 0Dyaxspac; avTT\q od8s 0avdK Kai

its daughter [towns], nor Taanach and

xac; 0Dyaxspac; aDxfjc; odSs xodc; KaxoiKowcac; Acop Kai

her daughter [towns], nor the ones dwelling in Dor and

xac; 0Dyaxspac; avTT\q od8s xodc; KaxoiKowcac;

her daughter [towns], nor the ones dwelling

Mays58cbv Kai xac; 0Dyaxspac; auxfjc; od8s xodc;

Megiddo and her daughter [towns], nor the ones

KaxoiKowcac; IsP^dji od8s xac; Guyaxspac; aDxfjc; Kai

dwelling Ibleam nor her daughter [towns]. And

fjp^axo o Xavavaioc; KaxoiKsiv sv xrj yrj xaDxrj 2 s+ Kai

[ began the Canaanite] to dwell in this land. And

sysvsxo 6x8 svia%Dasv IapafjX Kai s0sxo xov

it came to pass when Israel grew in strength, that he established the

Xavavaiov sic; cpopov Kai s^aipcov odk s^fjpsv

Canaanite for tribute, but by removing he did not remove

avTOV 29+ Kai Ecppaiji odk s^fjps xov Xavavaiov

him. And Ephraim did not remove the Canaanite

xov KaxoiKowxa sv Ta^sp Kai KaxcbKsi o Xavavaioc;

dwelling in Gezer; and [ dwelt the Canaanite]

sv jisaco avTOV sv Ta^sp 30+ Kai ZafiovXfov odk

in [the] midst of him in Gezer. And Zebulun did not

s^fjps xodc; KaxoiKowcac; Ksxpcbv Kai xodc;

remove the ones dwelling in Kitron, and the ones

KaxoiKotivxac; NaaAxbA, Kai KaxcbKrjasv o Xavavaioc;

dwelling Nahalol. And [ dwelt the Canaanite]

sv jisaco ai)xcbv Kai sysvsxo sic; cpopov 31+ Kai Aafjp

in [the] midst of them, and it became for tribute. And Asher

odk s^fjps xodc; KaxoiKowcac; Ak%co Kai xodc;

did not remove the ones dwelling Accho, and the ones

KaxoiKODVxaq £i8cbva Kai xodc; KaxoiKowcac; A%A,dp

dwelling Sidon, and the ones dwelling Ahlab,

Kai xrjv A%a^(p Kai xrjv Eipd Kai xrjv AcpsK Kai

and Achzib, and Helbah, and Aphik, and

xrjvPocbp 32+ Kai KaxcbKrjasv o Aafjp sv jisaco xod

Rehob. And Asher dwelt in [the] midst of the

XavavaioD xod KaxoiKODVxoc; xrjv yrjv 6x1 odk

Canaanite dwelling in [the] land; for he was not

r|8Dvfj6r| s^dpai aDxov 33+ Kai NscpGaAi odk s^fjps

able to remove him. And Naphtali did not remove

xodc; KaxoiKODVxaq Bs0aajif|c; Kai xodc; KaxoiKowcac;

the ones dwelling in Beth-shemesh, and the ones dwelling

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

07 - Judges
Be9avd% Kai KaTcbKTias NscpGaAi sv jisoco tod

in Beth-anath. And Naphtali dwelt in [the] midst of the

XavavaioD tod koctoikodvto^ tt|v yrjv 01 5s

Canaanite dwelling in the land. But the ones

k(xtoikodvt£c; BaiGaajifjc; Kai tt|v BaiGeveG eyevovTO

dwelling in Beth-shemesh and in Beth-anath became

(xdtoic; sic; cpopov 34+ Kai s^e0Xi\j/£v o Ajioppaioq

to them for tribute. And [ squeezed out the Amorite]

todc; diodc; Aav eic; to opoq 6ti odk acpfjKav

the sons of Dan into the mountain; for they did not let

(xdtov KaTapfjvai sic; tt|v KoiXd8a 35+ Kai fjp^aTO o

him go down into the valley. And [ began the

Ajioppaioc; KaTOiKeiv ev tco opsi too Apse; od ai

Amorite] to dwell in mount Heres of which the

dpKoi Kai ai aXomsKEq Kai ePapDvGrj r| %eip oikod

bears and the foxes [are]; and [ was oppressive the hand of [the] house

Iooafjcp 87ii tov Ajioppaiov Kai eysveTO sic; cpopov 36 +

of Joseph] upon the Amorite, and he became for tribute.

Kai to opiov tod AjioppaioD arco Tr\q avapdascoq

And the border of the Amorite [was] from the ascending

AKpapiv a7io rr|c; 7iSTpac; Kai 87idvco

ofAkrabbim, from the rock, and above.

2 n

1+ Kai avsprj ayyskoq KopioD arco TakyaX em tov

And ascended an angel of [the] LORD from Gilgal, unto the

KA,aD6|icbva Kai si7is 7ipoc; aDTODc; Kopioc; avspipaasv

Place of Weeping. And he said to them, [The] LORD transportec

Djidq 8^ AiyD7iTOD Kai eiafjyayev Djidq eic; tt|v yrjv

you from Egypt, and brought you into the land

Tjv cbjioasv Toiq 7iaTpdoiv Djicbv tod 5oDvai djiiv

which he swore by an oath [to] your fathers to give to you.

Kai 817T8V od 5iaaKs5daco tttv SiaGfpcqv jiod |ie6'

And he said, I shall not efface my covenant with

djicov sic; tov aicbva 2+ Kai djisic; od 8ia9f|asa98

you into the eon. And you shall not ordain

8ia6fjKTTv Toiq syKaGrjjisvoic; sic; tt|v yrjv TaDTrjv

a covenant with the ones lying in wait in this land,

od8s toic; Beoic; aDTcbv od |ir| 7rpoaKDvfjaeTe akXa

nor [[to] their gods in any way shall you do obeisance]; but

Ta yA,D7iTd aDTcbv oDVTpnj/aTS Kai Ta GDoiaaTfjpia aDTcbv

their carved [idols] break, and their altars

2 2 sv tootg) + vuca 07 - Judges

KaxaaK&amp;yaxe Kai odk siarjKouoaxs xrjc; (powr\q |iod

raze! And you hearkened not to my voice,

croTS xatixa S7ioifjaaxs 3+ Kaycb si7ia od jirj s^dpco

nor [ these [things] did you do]. And I said, In no way shall I remove

avTOvq sk 7ipoaco7roD djicov Kai saovxai djiiv sic;

them from your face; and they will be to you for

avvo%aq Kai 01 0so( auxcbv saovxai djjav sic;

conflict, and their gods will be to you as an

GKavdaXov 4+ Kai sysvsxo coc; sXdArjasv o dyysXoc;

obstacle. And it came to pass as [ spoke the angel

Kopioi) Tovq Xoyovq xouxodc; 7ipoq rcdvxac; viovq

[of the] LORD] these words to all [the] sons

IapafjX Kai S7if|pav o Xaoq xrjv ^oovfjv auxcbv Kai

of Israel, that [lifted up the people] their voices, and

ZKkavaav 5+ 5iaxoi3xo sKArj6r| xo ovojia

wept. Therefore he called the name

XOD X07TOD SKSIVOD KXavd[l(bv Kai S0l)aaV SKSl xco

of that place, Weeping. And they sacrificed there to the

Kopico 6 + Kai s^a7isaxsiA,sv Irjaotic; xov Axxov Kai

LORD. And Joshua sent out the people, and

a7if|X0ov 01 dioi IapafjA, sraaxoc; sic; xov xorcov avzov

[departed the sons of Israel each] to his place,

Kai sic; xrjv KArjpovojjiav avzov KaxaKAr|povo|if|aai xrjv

and to his inheritance, to inherit the

yrjv 7+ Kai zdovXsvasv o Xaoq xco Kupico naaaq zaq

land. And [ served the people] to the LORD all the

rjjispac; lr\aov Kai itaaaq xac; rjjispac; xcov

days of Joshua, and all the days of the

7rp8aPi)X8pcov 6001 s|iaKpor||ispsDoav jiexd Irjaouv

elders, as many as prolonged their days with Joshua,

oaoi syvcoaav 7iav xo spyov Kop(oi) xo jisya o

as many as knew every [ work [of the] LORD great] which

£7rorr|asv xco IapafjX 8 + Kai sxsXsuxrjasv o Irjaouc; vioq

he did to Israel. And [ came to an end Joshua [the] son

Naufj SovXoq Kopioi) vioq 8Kax6v 5sra sxcbv 9+ Kai

of Nun], a servant of [the] LORD, a son of a hundred ten years. And

s0a\j/av ai)xov sv opico xrjc; KArjpovojjiac; avzov sv

they entombed him in [the] border of his inheritance in

@ajiva0apsc; sv opsi Ecppaiji arco Poppa xou opouc;

Timnath-heres, in mount Ephraim, from [the] north of mount

Tadc; 10 + Kai ys 7idaa r| ysvsd sks(vt| 7ipoasxs0r|aav

Gaash. And indeed all that generation was added


2 2 sv tootco + vuca 07 - Judges

7ipoc; Tovq nazspaq auTcbv Kai avsairj ysved sxspa

to their fathers. And [ rose up generation another]

jist' aDTotic; 01 odk eyvcoaav tov KDpiov Kai ys

after them which did not know the LORD, and indeed

to spyov o S7iovr|as too IapafjA, n+ Kai S7io(r|aav 01

the work which he did to Israel. And [ acted the

moi IapafjX to 7iovr|p6v evavTiov Kopiou Kai

sons of Israel] wickedly before [the] LORD, and

sXdTpsDaav toic; BaaAiji 12+ Kai eyKaTslurov Kupiov

they served to the Baalim. And they abandoned [the] LORD

tov 08ov tcov 7iaT8pcov aDTcbv tov e^ayayovTa aDTotic;

God of their fathers, the one leading them

8K yrjc; AiyimTOD Kai S7iopsi)6r|aav O7riaco

out of [the] land of Egypt, and they went after

Gecbv STepcov a7io tcov Gecbv tcov Xacbv tcov 7tspik6kAxo

other gods of the gods of the peoples surrounding

aDTcbv Kai 7ipoa£K6vr|aav avzovq Kai 7iapcbpyiaav

them; and they did obeisance to them, and provoked [ to anger

tov Kopiov 13+ Kai syKaTsAurov tov Kupiov Kai

the LORD]. And they abandoned the LORD, and

sXdTpsuaav ttj BadA, Kai zaiq AcrcdpTaic; 14+ Kai

served [to] Baal and to the Ashtoreths. And

copyiaGrj 0u|icb Kopioc; sv tco IapafjA, Kai

[ was provoked to anger in rage [the] LORD] with Israel, and

7iap85cOK8V aVTOVq 8V XSipt 7ipOVO|ISu6VTCOV Kai

he delivered them into [the] hand of ones despoiling, and

KaTS7ipov6|i8Daav avzovq Kai a7ie5oTO avzovq sv

they carried [ away captive them]. And he gave them into

%eip( tcov s%6pcbv auTcbv kdkA,608v Kai

[the] hand of their enemies round about, and

odk rj5i)vfj6r|aav avTKxcfjvai KaTd 7rp6aco7iov

they were not able to oppose against [the] face

TCOV £X0pCOV aDTCOV 15+ 8V 7ldaiV Oiq S7TOpSl)OVTO Kai

of their enemies. In all wherever they went, even

%eip Kopioi) Tjv sv auTotic; sic; KaKd KaGcbq

[the] hand of [the] LORD was against them for bad, as

eldAxjas Kupioq Kai KaBcbc; cbjioas Kopioc; auTOic; Kai

[the] LORD said, and as [the] LORD swore to them; and

s^s0?a\j/sv aDTotic; acp65pa 16+ Kai fjysips Kopioc; Kprcdc;

he squeezed them exceedingly. And [the] LORD raised up judges,

Kai sacoaev avzovq Kopioc; sk %zipoq tcov

and [ delivered them [the] LORD] from [the] hand of the ones

2 2 ev tootco + vuca 07 - Judges


despoiling them. And [ their judges

od% D7if|KODaav 17+ on s^87i6pv8Daav O7uaoo

they obeyed not], for they fornicated after

Gecbv sxspcov Kai 7ipoasKT3vr|aav aDxofc; Kai

other gods, and did obeisance to them, and

7iapcbpyiaav xov Kopiov Kai s^sKlivav xa%D sk xrjc;

provoked [ to anger the LORD]. And they turned aside quickly from the

o5od r\q S7iop£D0r|aav 01 7iaxep£c; aDxcbv

way of which [ went their fathers],

xod eiaaKODeiv xac; zvTokaq KopioD odk S7ro(r|oav

listening to the commandments of [the] LORD; they did not do

odxcoc; i8+ Kai 6x8 fjysipe Kopioc; aDxofc; Kpixdc; Kai

so. And when [the] LORD raised up to them judges, then

Tjv Kupioq jisxd xod KpixoD Kai sacooev avTOvq 8K

[the] LORD [was] with the judge, and he delivered them from

Xsipoc; s%0pcbv aDxcbv naaaq xac; rjjiepac; xod KpixoD

[the] hand of their enemies all the days of the judge.

oxi 7iapeKAx|6r| Kopioc; arco xod axevayjioD aDxcbv

For [ was moved to comfort [the] LORD] because of their moaning

arco 7ipoaco7roD xcov 7roAiopKODVxcov aDxotic; Kai

from in front of the ones assaulting them and

KaKODVxcov aDxotic; 19+ Kai sysvexo coc; a7i86vr|aK8v o

afflicting them. And it came to pass as [ died the

Kpixfjc; Kai a7i8oxps(pov Kai nakw 8i£tp6eipav D7rep

judge], that they turned back, and again corrupted [themselves] above

xodc; 7iaxspac; aDxcbv 7ropsD9fjvai O7rioco Gscbv sxspcov

their fathers, to go after other gods,

Kai AxxxpsDsiv aDxoiq Kai 7ipoaKDVsiv aDxoiq odk

and to serve them, and to do obeisance to them. They did not

a7i8ppi\j/av xa S7iixr|8sD|iaxa aDxcbv Kai arco xrjq o5od

disown their practices, and of [ way

aDxcbv Tr\qaKhr\pdq 20+ Kai copyiaGrj Bdjico KDpioq

their recalcitrant]. And [ was provoked to anger in rage [the] LORD]

sv xco IapafjX Kai sircsv av0 ' cov 6aa syKdxsAurs

with Israel. And he said, Because of as much as [ abandoned

xo 80voq xodxo xrjv 8ia6fiKr|v jiod tjv svsxsiA,d|ir|v xoic;

this nation] my covenant which I gave charge [to]

7iaxpdaiv aDxcbv Kai odk siafjKODaav xrjq cpcovfiq jiod 21 +

their fathers, and hearkened not to my voice,

Kai sycb od 7ipoa0fjaco xod s^dpai dv5pa 8K

then I shall not proceed to remove a man before

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

07 - Judges

7ipoacb7roD aDxcbv arco xcov sGvcbv cov KaxsXmsv

their presence from the nations whom were left behind

IrjaoDc; 22 + Kai acpfjKs tod 7isipdaai sv aDxcb

[by] Joshua. And he allowed to test [ by him

xov IapafjA, si cpD^daoovxai aDxoi xrjv o86v kdpiod

Israel], if they guard the way of [the] LORD,

7iopsDsa6ai sv aDxfj ov xporcov sipvXa^av

to go by it in which manner [ guarded

01 rcaxspsc; aDxcbv r| od 23 + Kai atpfjKs Kupioq

their fathers], or not. And [the] LORD left

xa s6vr| xatixa tod jitj s^dpai aDxd to xd%oc; Kai

these nations so as to not remove them quickly; and

OD 7iaps8cOKSV (XDld 8V %sipi Iti^jod

he did not deliver them into [the] hand of Joshua.

3 ft

1 + Kai xatixa xa s0vr| a acpfjKs Kopioc; aDxd cbaxs

And these [are] the nations which [the] LORD left [with] them so as

7isipdaai ev aDxoiq xov lapar\k navxaq xodc; |ir|

to test [ by them Israel], all the ones not

syvcoKoxac; rcavxac; xodc; 7toA,s|iodc; Xavadv 2+ 7iAr|v

knowing all the wars of Canaan, [this was] only

8id xac; ysvsdc; xcov dicov IapafjA, xod 8i8d^ai

for the sake of the generations of the sons of Israel, to teach

aDxotic; 7i6A,s|iov 7iAx|v 01 sji7ipoa0sv aDxcbv odk

them war, except the ones before them did not

syvcooav aDxd 3+ xaq tcsvxs aaxpa7isidc; xcov

know them, [namely] the five satrapies of the

aAlocpD^cov Kai 7idvxa xov Xavavaiov Kai xov

Philistines, and every Canaanite, and the

Ei8cbviov Kai xov EDaiov xov KaxoiKODVxa

Sidonian, and the Hivite dwelling

xov Aipavov a7io xod opoDc; xod BaaX Epjicbv scoc;

in Lebanon, from mount Baal-hermon unto

AaPcb r||id6 4+ Kai sysvsxo cbaxs 7isipdaai sv aDxoiq

Hamath. And it happened so as to test [ by them

xov IapafjA, yvcbvai si aKODaovxai xac; zvioXaq

Israel], to know if they will hearken to the commandments

KDpioD aq svsxsiXaxo xoic; 7iaxpdaiv aDxcbv sv %£ipi

of [the] LORD which he gave charge [to] their fathers by [the] hand

McoDafj 5+ Kai 01 dioi IapafjA, KaxcbKqaav sv jisaco

of Moses. And the sons of Israel dwelt in [the] midst


3 3, sv tootco + vtica 07 - Judges

tod XavavaioD Kai tod XsrcaioD Kai tod

of the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the

AjioppaioD Kai tod Osps^akm Kai tod EDaioD Kai

Amorite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and

tod IePoDaaioD 6 + Kai slapov zaq 0DyaTspac; aDTcbv

the Jebusite. And they took their daughters

saDTOiq sic; yovafrcac; Kai Tac; 0DyaTspac; aDTcbv

unto themselves for wives, and their daughters

s5coKav Toiq vioiq aDTcbv Kai sAxrcpsDaav

they gave [to] their sons, and they served

Toiq Gsoiq aDTcbv 7 + Kai S7iovr|aav 01 dioi IapafjA,

their gods. And [acted the sons of Israel]

TO 7TOVr|p6v SVaVTlOV KDpiOD Kai £7lsA,d90VT0 KDpiOD

wickedly before [the] LORD, and they forgot [the] LORD

tod GsoD aDTcbv Kai sAxrcpsDaav zoiq BaaAiji Kai toic;

their God, and they served to the Baalim, and to the

aXasai 8 + Kai copyiaGrj Gdjico KDpioc; sv

sacred groves. And [ was provoked to anger in rage [the] LORD] with

too IopafjX Kai a7is5oTO aDTODc; sic; %sipac;

Israel, and he gave them into [the] hands

XoDaavpsaaGaiji PaaiAiooc; Zvpiaq MsaoTroTajiiaq Kai

of Chushan-rishathaim king of Syria Mesopotamia. And

s8oDA,SDaav 01 dioi IapafjA, too aDTcb stt| oktcd 9 +

[served the sons of Israel] [to] him [years eight].

Kai SKSKpa^av 01 dioi IapafjA, 7ipoc; Kupiov Kai

And [ cried out the sons of Israel] to [the] LORD, and

fjysips KDpioq acoTfjpa tcd IapafjA, Kai sacoasv aDTODCj

[the] LORD raised up a deliver for Israel, and he delivered them —

tov ro9ovif|X Diov Ksvs^ a8sAxpoD XaAip o

Othniel son of Kenaz, brother of Caleb the one


younger than him. And [ came upon him spirit

KDpiOD Kai SKpivs tov IapafjA, Kai s^fjXGsv S7U tov

[of the] LORD], and he judged Israel, and he went unto the

7i6A,s|iov Kai 7raps8coKs KDpioc; sv %sip( aDTOD

war. And [the] LORD delivered [ into his hand

tov XoDaavpsaaGaiji PaaiXsa Tr\q I/opiac; Kai

Cushan-rishathaim king of Syria]; And

SKpaTaicbGrj r| %sip aDTOD S7ii tov XoDaavpsaaGaiji n +

he fortified his hand against Cushan-rishathaim.

Kai rj&lt;y6%aosv r| yrj TSoaapdKovTa stt| Kai a7ts0avs

And [ was tranquil the land] forty years, and [ died


8V TOOTCp + VlKa

07 - Judges

roGovifjA, vioq Ksvs^ 12 + Kai 7cpoas0evTO 01 dioi

Othniel son ofKenaz]. And [proceeded the sons

IapafjX 7toif|aai to 7iovr|p6v svavxi KopioD Kai

of Israel] to do wickedly before [the] LORD. And

sv(a%Dae rcopioc; tov EyA,cbv paaiAia Mcodp S7it

[the] LORD strengthened Eglon king of Moab against

xov IapafjA, 8id to 7iS7roir|Ksvai aDTODc; to 7iovr|p6v

Israel, because of their acting wickedly

svavTi KDpioi) 13+ Kai aDvfjyaye itpoq saDTOV navTaq

before [the] LORD. And he brought together to himself all

todc; viovq Ajijicov Kai AjiaArjK Kai S7i;opsD9r| Kai

the sons of Ammon and Amalek, and he went and

S7rdTa^s tov IapafjX Kai £KAx|pov6|ir|ae tt|v 7i6A.iv

struck Israel, and inherited the city

tcov cpoiviKcov 14+ Kai eSoD^eDoav 01 dioi IapafjX too

of the palms. And [served the sons of Israel] [to]

EyAxbv Paai^si Mcodp 8sKaoKTcb stt| 15+ Kai

Eglon king of Moab eighteen years. And

SKSKpa^av 01 dioi IopafjA, npoq Kupiov Kai fjyeipsv

[ cried out the sons of Israel] to [the] LORD; and [ raised up

Kopioc; aDTOiq acoTfjpa tov AcoS diov Ftpd diov

[the] LORD] to them a deliverer ~ Ehud son of Gera, son

tod Isjiivi dv5pa ajicpoTspoSe^iov Kai a7isaTSiA,av 01

of Benjamin, a man ambidextrous. And [sent the

dioi IapafjX 8cbpa sv %£ipi aDTOD too EyAxbv PaaiXei

sons of Israel] gifts by his hand to Eglon king

Mcodp 16+ Kai £7rovr|aev saDTcb Aco5 |id%aipav

of Moab. And [made for himself Ehud] a knife,

Sicttojiov a7ri6a|xfjc; to jxfjKoc; aDTfjc; Kai

double-edged, a span [being] the length of it; and

7lSpi8^cbaaTO aDTTJV D7TO TOV |iav8DaV 8711 tov jirjpov

he girded it under the uniform, upon [ thigh

tov 8s^i6v aDTOD 17+ Kai 7cpoaf|vsyK8 Ta 8cbpa

his right]. And he brought the gifts

tco EyA,cbv Paai^si Mcodp Kai EyXcov avfjp aazsioq

to Eglon king of Moab. And Eglon [was] a man [ fair [weight]

acp68pa 18+ Kai eysveTO coc; aDveTS^eaev Aco8

of exceedingly]. And it came to pass as Ehud completed

7cpoa(p8pcov Ta 8cbpa Kai s^a7csaT8iA,8 todc; aipovTaq

bringing the gifts, that he sent out the ones carrying

Ta Scbpa 19+ Kai D7csaTps\j/sv a7co tcov yA,D7CTcbv jiSTd

the gifts, and he returned from the carvings by


3 3, ev tootco + vuca 07 - Judges

Tr\q TakyaX Kai 8i7i8v Acb8 Xoyoq jioi KpDqnoc;

Gilgal. And Ehud said, [ word [There is] with me a secret]

7ipoc; as fiaaikvb Kai 8i7isv EyA,cbv npoq avzov aicb7ia

for you, O king. And Eglon said to him, Be silent!

Kai s^fjXGov acp' avzov 7idvTac; oi TrapeaxrjKOTSc;

And went forth from him all the ones standing around

aDTcb 20+ Kai Acb8 eiafjXGe npoq avzov Kai avzoq

him. And Ehud entered to him, and he


sat in [ upper harvest [room] his] alone.

Kai 817T8V Acb8 Xoyoq 0£od jioi itpoq as fiaaiksv

And Ehud said, [There is] a word of God with me to you, O king.

Kai s^avsaxrj sk tod 0p6voD EyAxbv syyvq avzov 21 +

And [ rose up from the throne Eglon] near him.

Kai sysvsxo djia too avaaxfjvai ai)i6v Kai

And it happened together in his rising up, that

s^sxsivsv Acb8 xrjv %zipa thv apiaxepdv avzov Kai

Ehud stretched out [ hand his left] and

zkafis xrjv |id%aipav arco tod jirjpoD aDTOD tod 8s^iod

took the knife from [ thigh his right],

Kai svs7ir|^8v aDifjv siq xr|v KoiAiav EyXcbv 22+ Kai

and he stuck it into the belly of Eglon. And

£7T£iafjV£yK£ Kai y£ ttjv A,apfjv O7i(aco Tr\q (pkoyoq

he brought in addition also indeed the handle after the blade;

Kai a7T£KA,£ia£ to aT£ap KaTd Tr\q cployoq 6ti odk

and [ locked the fat] onto the blade, for he could not

£^£a7iaa£ ttjv jidxaipav £K Trjq KoiAiaq aDTOD 23 +

pull out the knife from out of his belly.

Kai £^fjA,0£v Acb8 £iq ttjv 7ipoaTd8a Kai s^r\kds

And Ehud went forth into the antechamber; and he went forth [by]

todc; 8iaT£Tayji£VODc; Kai a7i£KA,£ia£ zaq 0Dpaq tod

the [things] set in order, and locked the doors of the

D7T£pcbOD £71 ' aDTOV Kai £a(pfjVCDa£ 24+ Kai avToq

upper room by him, and wedged [them]. And he

£^fjX0£ Kai 01 itaidzq aDTOD £iafjX0ov Kai £i8ov Kai

went forth. And his servants entered, and they saw, and

i8od ai 0Dpai TOD D7l£pcbOD £a(pr|vco|i£vaico Kai £i7iav

behold, the doors of the upper room were wedged. And they said,

|xfj7roT£ 7ipoc; SicppoDc; Kd0r|Tai £v tt| a7io%CDpf|a£i tod

Perhaps [ with [the] chair he sits] in the voidance of the

KoiTcbvoq 25+ Kai 7ipoa£|i£ivav aia%Dv6|i£voi Kai i5od

bedroom. And they remained being ashamed. And behold,


3 3, ev tootco + vuca 07 - Judges

odk r|v o avoiycov xac; dvpaq xod D7ispcooD Kai

there was not one opening the doors of the upper room. And

slapov ttjv K^siSa Kai fjvoi^av Kai i8od

they took the key, and they opened. And behold,


their master was fallen upon the ground having died.

Kai Acb8 8isaco0r| scoc; sGopDpowco Kai odkttv o

And Ehud came through safe until they made a disruption. And there was not [one]

7ipoavocov aDxco Kai avzoq 7iapf|A,0s xa yA,D7ixd Kai

paying attention to him. And he went by the carvings, and

SisacbGrj sic; SsipcoGd n+ Kai sysvsxo rjviKa fjXGsv

came through safe into Seirath. And it came to pass when he came,

Kai sadAmasv Kspaxivrj sv xco opsi Ecppaiji Kai

that he trumped a horn in mount Ephraim. and

KaxsPrjaav auv aDxco 01 dioi IapafjX anb xod opoDc;

[ went down with him the sons of Israel] from the mountain,

Kai aDxoq 8(i7ipoa9sv aDxcov 2 s+ Kai si7is 7ipoc;

and he in front of them. And he said to

aDxotic; Kaxdprjxs O7riaco |iod 6xi 7iaps8coKs Kopioq

them, Come down after me, for [ delivered up [the] LORD

o Gsoc; xodc; s%0poDc; r||icbv xrjv Mcodp sv %zipi r\[i(bv

God] our enemies of Moab into our hand.

Kai KaxsPrjaav O7uaco aDxoD Kai 7ipoKaxsXdpovxo xac;

And they went down after him, and first took the

Siapdasic; xod IopSdvoD xrjc; Mcodp Kai odk

ford of the Jordan of Moab, and they did not

acpfjKav dv8pa 5iapfjvai 29 + Kai S7idxa^av xttv Mcodp

allow a man to pass over. And they struck Moab

sv xco Kaipcb sksivco coast 8sra %ikiadaq avSpcbv

in that time, about ten thousand men,

7tdvxac; xodc; |ia%rjxdc; Kai 7idvxa dv8pa 5Dvd|iscoc;

all the warriors, and every man having power;

Kai od 5isacb0r| o avfjp 30+ Kai svsxpd7ir| Mcodp sv

and not [ came through safe a man]. And Moab felt shame in

xtj rjjispa sksivt) D7i6 xttv %sipa IapafjX Kai rjaD%aasv

that day under the hand of Israel; and [ was tranquil

T| yrj oy5ofjKovxa sxtj 31+ Kai jisx' aDxov avsaxrj

the land] eighty years. And after him rose up

Sajisydp vioq AvdG Kai S7idxa^s xodc; aAAxxpD^ODc;

Shamgar son of Anath, and he struck the Philistines

sic; s^aKoaioDc; dv5paq sv xco apoxp67ro8i xcov Pocbv

up to six hundred men by the plowshare of the oxen;


4 7 sv tootco + vtica 07 - Judges

Kai sacoasv auxoc; xov IopafjX

and he himself delivered Israel.

4 7

i + Kai 7ipoas6svxo 01 moi IapafjA, 7ioif|aai to 7iovr|p6v

And [proceeded the sons of Israel] to act wickedly

svco7iiov KDpioi) Kai Acb8 arcsGavs 2 + Kai a7is8oxo

before [the] LORD; and Ehud died. And [ delivered

auxotic; Kopioc; sv %sip( lafiiv PaaiXscoc; Xavadv oq

them [the] LORD] into [the] hand of Jabin king of Canaan, who

sPacriXsDasv sv Aacbp Kai o dp%cov

reigned in Hazor; and the ruler

Tr\q 5i)vd|iscoc; avzov Siadpa Kai avzoq KaxcbKsi sv

of his force [was] Sisera, and he dwelt in

ApiocoG tcov sGvcbv 3+ Kai SKSKpa^av 01 moi IapafjX

Harosheth of the nations. And [ cried out the sons of Israel]

7rpoc; Kupiov 6x1 swaKoaia dpjiaxa ai8r|pd r|v

to [the] LORD, because nine hundred chariots of iron [were]

auxcb Kai avzoq s0Ai\j/s xov IapafjA, Kaxd Kpdxoq

his. And he afflicted Israel by might

siKoai sxt| 4+ Kai AsPPcopd yvvr\ 7ipocpf|xic; yvvr\

for twenty years. And Deborah, a woman prophetess, wife

Aacpi5cb0 auxfj SKpivs xov IapafjA, sv xco Kaipcb sksivco

ofLapidoth— she judged Israel in that time.

5+ Kai auxfj SKdGrjxo D7i6 cpoiviKa AsPPcopd avajisaov

And she sat down under [the] palm of Deborah, between

xrjc; Pdjia Kai avajisaov Tr\q BaiGfjA, sv opsi Ecppaiji

Rama and between Beth-el, in mount Ephraim;

Kai avspaivov itpoq aDxfjv 01 moi IapafjX sksi

and [ ascended to her the sons of Israel] there

xod KpivsaGai 6+ Kai a7isaxsiA,s AsPPcopd Kai SKdXsas

to be judged. And Deborah sent and called

xov BapdK Diov Apivssji sk Kd5r|c; Nscp0aAi Kai

Barak son of Abinoam from out of Kedesh Naphtali. And

si7is 7ipoc; ai)xov ov%i svsxsiA^axo Kopioc; o 6s6c;

she said to him, Did not [ give charge [the] LORD God

IapafjX aoi Kai aitsksvaK] sic; opoq 0aPcbp Kai

of Israel] to you, that, You shall go forth unto mount Tabor, and

Xr\\\fr\ jisxd asauxou 8sKa %ikiadaq av5pcbv arco

you shall take with yourself ten thousand men of

xcov mcbv NscpBaAi Kai arco xcov mcbv ZafiovXfov 1+

the sons of Naphtali, and of the sons ofZebulun?


4 7 sv tootco + vtica 07 - Judges

Kai 87id^co npoq as sic; xov %ei|idppoi)v Kiacbv

And I shall bring to you at the rushing stream Kishon

xov Siadpa dp%ovxa xrjc; Suvdjiecoc; lafiiv Kai

Sisera ruler of the force of Jabin, and

xa dpjiaxa ai)xoi3 Kai xo nkr\doq avzov Kai 7rapa8cbaco

his chariots, and his multitude; and I will deliver

avzov sv xrjxsipiaoi) s+ Kai si7is itpoq ai)xf|v BapdK

him into your hand. And [said to her Barak],

sdv 7iop£D0f|c; jisx' 8|iot3 7iopei)ao|iai Kai sdv

If you should go with me, I will go; and if

|ir| 7ropsi)0f|c; od 7iopsT3ao|iai 9 + Kai si7is npoq ai)xov

you should not go, will I not go. And [ said to him

AePPoopd 7ropsi)0|isvr| 7ropei)ao|iai jiexd gov 7ih\v

Deborah], In going I will go with you. Except

yivcDCTKs oxi odk saxai xo 7ipoxspr||id aoi) S7ri xrjv

know that [ will not be the honor] yours in the

o56v Tjv av 7iopsi)r| oxi ev %eip( ywaiKoc;

way which you go; for by [the] hand of a woman

a7ro5cba£xai Kopioc; xov Eiadpa Kai aveaxrj Aeppcopd

[the] LORD will deliver up Sisera. And Deborah rose up

Kai £7iopei)9r| jisxd xod BapdK sk KdSrjc; i 0 + Kai

and went with Barak from out of Kedesh. And

7iapfiyysiA,8 BapdK xco ZafiovXcbv Kai xco NecpBaAi sic;

Barak summoned Zebulun and Naphtali to

Ka8ec; Kai avsprjaav Kaxd nodaq avzov Sera %iAid8ec;

Kedesh. And ascended by his feet ten thousand

av8pcbv Kai aveprj Aeppcopd |iex' avzov 1 1 + Kai oi

men; and Deborah ascended with him. And the

7rAr|a(ov xod Kiva(oi) e%cop(a9r|aav goto Kevd arco

near ones of the Kenite were separated from Kena, from

xcov mcbv Opdp yajiPpoD Mcoi)af| Kai S7ir|^8

the sons ofHobab father-in-law of Moses. And he pitched

xrjv aKTjvfiv avzov ecoc; dpvoq ava7iauo|ievcov r| saxiv

his tent by Oak of the ones Resting, which is

sxojisva KeSec; 12+ Kai avfjyyeAxj xco Siadpa 6x1

next to Kedesh. And it was announced [to] Sisera that

aveprj BapdK vioq Apivssji 87i' opoq 0aPcbp 13+ Kai

[ ascended Barak son of Abinoam] unto mount Tabor. And

era^eae Siodpa 7idvxa xa dpjiaxa avzov ewaKoaia

Sisera called all his chariots — nine hundred

dpjiaxa ai8rjpd Kai navxa xov Xaov xov jisx' avxov

chariots of iron, and all the people with him,


4 7 sv tootco + vuca 07 - Judges

goto ApiacbG xcov sGvcbv sic; xov xsijidppoDV Kiocbv

from Harosheth of the nations unto the rushing stream Kishon.

14+ Kai S17T8 AsPPcopd 7rpoc; BapdK avdaxrjGi 6xi aDxrj

And Deborah said to Barak, Rise up! for this

T| rjjispa sv r| 7iaps8coKs rcopioc; xov Eiadpa ev

[is] the day in which [the] LORD delivers Sisera into

%sip( aoi) odk i8od Kopioc; s^sDasxai s|i7ipoa6sv gov

your hand. Behold [is] not [the] LORD gone in front of you?

Kai KaxePrj BapdK arco xod opoDc; 0aPcbp Kai 8sra

And Barak went down from mount Tabor, and ten

Xikwdzq av8pcbv O7uaco aDxoD 15 + Kai s^saxrjas Kopioc;

thousand men behind him. And [the] LORD startled

xov Siadpa Kai 7idvxa xa dpjiaxa aDxoD Kai 7idoav

Sisera, and all his chariots, and all

xrjv 7raps|iPoAxjv aDxoD sv axojiaxi pojicpaiac; svcb7riov

his camp, by [the] mouth of [the] broadsword before

BapdK Kai KaxsPrj Siadpa S7idvco6sv

Barak. And Sisera came down from on top

xod dpjiaxoq avTOV Kai stpDys xoic; 7ioa(v aDxoD 16+ Kai

of his chariot, and he fled [by] his feet. And

BapdK Sicokcov O7uaco xcov apjidxoov Kai O7riaco xrjc;

Barak pursued after the chariots, and after the

7rape|ipoAxjc; scoc; 8pD|ioD xcov sGvcbv Kai S7isas 7idaa

camp unto Oak of the Nations. And [ fell all

7iap8|iPoAxj Siadpaq sv axojiaxi pojicpaiaq od

[the] camp of Sisera] by [the] mouth of [the] broadsword; [there was] not

KaxsXsitpBrj scoq svoc; 17+ Kai Siadpa avsxcbprjas xoic;

left behind even one. And Sisera withdrew [by]

7ioa(v avTOV sic; aKTjvfiv Iar\k yDvaiKoc; XaPsp xod

his feet to [the] tent of Jael wife of Heber the

KivaioD 6x1 eipfjvrj r|v avajisaov Iapiv PaaiAicoc;

Kenite; for there was peace between Jabin king

Aacbp Kai avajisaov xod oikod XaPsp xod KivaioD

ofHazor and between the house of Heber the Kenite.

18+ Kai s^fjXGev IafjA, sic; a7idvxr|oiv Siodpa Kai sircsv

And Jael came forth for a meeting with Sisera, and she said


to him, Turn aside, O my master, turn aside to me, do not

cpopoD Kai s^svsdctsv 7ipoc; aDxfjv sic; xrjv aKTjvfiv

fear! And he turned aside to her into the tent,

Kai oDV8KdA,D\j/sv aDxov sv xt| Ssppei aDxfjq 19+ Kai

and she covered him with her hide covering. And


4 7 sv tootco + vuca 07 - Judges

81718 Siadpa 7ipoc; auxfjv 7i6xiaov 5r| jioi jiiKpov

Sisera said to her, Give a drink please to me, a little

i35cop oil s8nj/r|aa Kai fjvoi^s xov aaKov tod

water! for I am thirsty. And she opened the leather bag of the

yd^aKTOc; Kai S7i6xiasv auxov Kai &lt;xovsKd}u)\j/sv

milk, and she gave him to drink, and she covered

to 7ip6oco7rov (XDTOD 2 o+ Kai si7i8 7ipoc; auxfjv axfjGi sv

his person. And he said to her, Stand in

tt[ Qvpa Tr\q aKr\vr\q Kai saxai sdv xic; £kdr\ npoq

the door of the tent! And it will be if a man should come to

os Kai spcoxfjarj as Kai si7rr| aoi saxiv svxauBa

you, and should ask you, and should say to you, Is [ here

avfjp Kai spsic; odk saxi 21 + Kai sXapsv IafjA, yvvr\

a man]? That you shall say, There is not. And [ took Jael [the] wife

XaPsp xov 7idaaaA,ov xrjc; aKTrvfjc; Kai sGttks xrjv

ofHeber] the peg of the tent, and put the

aqropav sv xrj %sip( m)TT\q Kai siafjXGs itpoq ai)xov

hammer in her hand, and she entered to him

r|&lt;yu%f| Kai svsKpoDas xov 7idaaaXov sv

tranquilly, and she hammered in the peg into

xtj yvdGco avTOV Kai 5if|A,aasv sv xrj yr| Kai avzoq

his cheek, and thrust it through into the ground. And he

s^saxcbq saKoxcbBrj Kai a7is6avs 22+ Kai idov

being startled was enveloped in darkness and died. And, behold,

BapdK 5icokcov xov Siadpa Kai s^f|A,9sv IafjA, sic;

Barak [was] pursuing Sisera. And Jael came forth for

a7idvxr|aiv avzov Kai si7isv auxcb 5supo Kai 8s(^co

meeting him, and she said to him, Come, and I will show

aoi xov dv8pa ov &lt;td ^ttxsic; Kai siofjXGs npoq

to you the man whom you seek. And he entered with

avTT\v Kai 180D Siadpa 7cs7cxcGKcbc; vsKpoq Kai o

her. And behold, [there was] Sisera having fallen dead, and the

ndaaakoq sv xco Kpoxacpco avzov 23 + Kai sxa7is(vcoasv

peg in his temple. And [ abased

o Gsoc; sv xrj rjjispa sks(vt| xov Iapiv PaaiXsa Xavadv

God] in that day Jabin king of Canaan

SVCb7llOV XCDV DICOV lapm\k 24+ Kai S7lOpST3SXO %sip

in front of the sons of Israel. And [ went forth [the] hand

xcdv mcbv IapafjA, 7iopsi)0|isvr| Kai aKXrjpi)vo|isvr| S7U

of the sons of Israel] going, and hardening against

Iapiv PaaiXsa Xavadv scoq ou s^coA,66psi)aav

Jabin king of Canaan, until of which [time] they utterly destroyed


8V TOOTCp + VlKa

07 - Judges



5 n

1+ Kai fjaav AsPPcopd Kai BapdK vioq Apivssji sv

And [ sang Deborah and Barak son of Abinoam] in

xr| r||i8pa SKsivrj Kai 817TSV 2+ sv too dp^aa0ai

that day, and said, In the rule

ap%r\jovq sv IapafjA, sv 7ipoaipsosi Xaov srAoysixs

of chiefs in Israel, in resolve of people, bless

Kopiov 3 + aKorjaaxs fiaaiksiq svcoxi^so0s aaxparcai

[the] LORD! Hear, O kings! Give ear, O satraps!

sycb too Kopico daojiai Kai \j/aAxb xco 9scb IapafjA, 4 +

I [ to the LORD shall sing], and I shall strum to the God of Israel.

Kopis si ttj s^68co aoi) sk Ssip sv too a7ia(psiv as

O LORD, in your exodus from Seir, in your departing

s^ aypor) E8cb|i yr| sasiaGrj Kaiys o orjpavoc;

from out of [the] field ofEdom, [the] earth was shaken, and indeed the heaven

sxapd%0r| Kai ai vscpsAm saxa^av rj8cop 5+ 6pr|

was disturbed, and the clouds dripped water. Mountains

saaXsi30r|aav arco 7ipoacb7roD Kopiou xorjxo Xivd

shook from [the] face of [the] LORD; this Sinai

a7io 7ipoaco7roD Kopiorj 0sorj IapafjA, 6+ sv rjjispaK;

from [the] face of [the] LORD God of Israel. In [the] days

Sajisydp Dioi) Avd0 sv rjjispaic; IafjA, s^sAurov odovq

ofShamgar son ofAnath, in [the] days ofJael, [failed [the] ways],

Kai S7iopsi)0r|aav azpanovq S7ropsi)0r|aav odovq

and they went by short cuts. They went by ways

8isoxpa|i|isvac; 7+ s^sAmtov 01 KaxoiKowcsq sv

being turned aside. [ failed The ones dwelling in

xco IopafjX s^slurov scoc; od avsaxrj AsPPcopd 6x1

Israel], they failed until of which [time] Deborah rose up, that

avsaxrj (ifjxrjp sv IopafjA, 8 + rjpsxiaav dzovq Kaivorjq

[ rose up a mother] in Israel. They selected new gods,

xoxs S7roA,s|ir|aav itoXsiq apxovxcov aKS7ir| vsav(8cov

then [ waged war cities of rulers]; [ for protection of young women

asipojidaxcov ocpGf] Kai asipojidaxriq xsaaapdKovxa

spears appeared], even a spear ~ forty

%iAidoiv sv xco IapafjA, 9+ r| Kap8(a |iod S7U xa

thousand in Israel. My heart [is] with the

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

07 - Judges

8iaT8xay(i8va too IapafjX 01 Swaami tod Xaov

things ordered to Israel. The mighty of the people —

siAoysvcs tov Kupiov 10+ S7iiPsPr|K6TSc; S7U vnoCpjicov

you bless the LORD! O ones mounting upon beasts of burden,

S7Ti A,a|i7ir|vcbv KaGfjjisvoi sm Kpirrjpiou Kai

upon covered royal chariots, sitting down upon a judgment seat, and

7iop8i)6|i8voi scp' o5cb cpGsy^aaGs 11+ (pcovfjv

going by [the] way — utter! A sound

avaKpoi)0|isvcov avajieaov SDcppaivojisvcov sksi

of the men playing music in the midst of ones making merry. There

8cbaouai SiKaioawqv Kopioo 5iKaio&lt;r6vac; sv(a%i)aov

they shall give righteousness [to the] LORD. O righteousness grow in strength

sv too IapafjX tots KaTsPrj sic; zaq noXsiq avzov o

in Israel! Then shall go down into his cities the

Xaoq Ki)p(oi) 12+ s^sysipoi) s^sysipoi) AsPPoopd

people of [the] LORD. Awaken, awaken, O Deborah!

s^sysipou s^sysipou Xaksi jist' co8f|c; s^avicrcaoo

Awaken, awaken! Speak with an ode! Rise up,

Bap&amp;K Kai aixjiaXcoTi^s ai%|iaAxjoa(av gov vioq

O Barak! And take captive your captivity, O son

Apivssji 13 + tots sjisyaArivGrj r| \G%vq avzov Kopis

ofAbinoam! Then [ was magnified his strength]. O LORD

Ta7i8ivcoa6v jioi zovq lax^poTspouc; [iov Xaoq

abase tome the ones stronger than me! People

Ecppaiji 8Ti|icopf|aaTO avzovq sv K01M81 a8sAxpoc; gov

Ephraim punished them in [the] valley. Your brother

Bsviajiiv sv Xaoiq aoi) u+ Ecppaiji s^sppi^asv aircouc;

Benjamin among your peoples. Ephraim rooted them out

sv too AjiaAxjK O7iiaco gov Bsviajiiv sv

among Amalek. After you, Benjamin, with

TOiq Xaoiq gov s^ sjiotj Ma%s(p KaTsPrjaav

your peoples. Of me, Machir, they came down

s^spsDvcbvTsq Kai sk ZafiovXfov SViaXDOVTSq sv

searching out; and from Zebulun growing in strength in

aKfj7iTpco 5ir|yf|ascDc; ypajijiaTSoac; 15+ Kai dp%ovTSc;

chiefdom [of the] narrative of a scribe. And [the] rulers

sv Ioad%ap jiSTd AsPcbppac; Kai Iaadxap outgo

[were] in Issachar with Deborah and Issachar; so

BapdK sv ttj KoiA,d8i s^a7isaTSiA,sv itsipvq avzov sv

Barak in the valley sent out his footmen in

5iaipsasaiv Poi)Pf|v jisydAm aKpiPaajioi KapSiaq 16 +

[the] divisions of Reuben— in great restrictions of heart.


8V TOUT© + VlKa

07 - Judges

ivaxi |ioi Kd9r|a9s avajisaov tcov jioacpaGaiji

Why with me did you settle between the sheepfolds

tod siaaKODSiv oDpiyjioDc; s^sysipovTCOv tod 8isA£s(v

to listen to whistlings arousing to go through

sic; xa tod PoDpfjv jisy&amp;Am s^i%viaa|ioi KapSiac; i? +

for the ones of Reuben— in great trackings out of heart?

Takaad sv tco 7ispav tod Iop5dvoD KaTsaKfjvcoas

Gilead [ on the other side of the Jordan encamped].

Kai Aav ivaTi 7iapoiKs(c; 7iAxnoic; Aafjp 7iapcoKr|asv

And Dan — why does he sojourn in boats? Asher sojourns

7iap' aiyia^ov GaXaaacbv Kai S7ri Tac] 8iaK07idc] ocdtod

by [the] shore of seas, and at his breaches

KaTsaKfjvcoaev i 8 + ZaPoDtabv Xaoq ovsiSiaac;

he will encamp. Zebulun ~ a people berating

\j/D%f|v (xdtod sic; BdvaTOV Kai NscpBaAi S7i( D\j/r|

[their] soul to death; and Naphtali [was] upon [the] heights

aypoD 19+ r\kdov fiaaiksiq Kai 7tapsTd^avTO tots

of a field. [ came Kings] and deployed; then

S7ioA,s|ir|aav fiaaiksiq Xavadv sv Tswd% sm tod

[ waged war [the] kings of Canaan] in Taanach, at the

D8aToq Mays58cb 7iA,sovs^(av apyDpioD odk skafiov 20 +

water ofMegiddo; a desire for wealth of silver they did not have.

sk tod ODpavoD 7iapsTd^avTO 01 acrcspsc; sk

From the heaven they deployed; the stars from

Trjq Td^scoc; aDTcbv 7iap8Td^avTO jiSTd Eiadpa 21 +

their order deployed against Sisera.

%ei|idppoDc; Kiacbv s^spa^sv aDTODc; %si|idppoDc;

[The] rushing stream Kishon cast them out, [the] rushing stream

Ka8r||ii|i %si|idppoDc; Kiacbv KaTa7iaTf|asi aDTODc;

of antiquity, [the] rushing stream Kishon; [ shall trample them

\j/Dxfj (iod 8DvaTf| 22+ tots svs7i68ia6r|aav 7rcspvai

soul my mighty]. Then they were impeded, [the] heels

i7urcov a7TOD8fj sarcsDaav ia%Dpo( aDTOD 23 + KaTapdaGs

of horses [ with diligence were hastened] by his mighty ones. Curse

Mrjpcb^ 817TSV o dyys^oc; KDpiOD KaTapdasi

Meroz! said the angel of [the] LORD. [With] a curse,

KaTapdaaaGe naq o KaTOiKcbv aDTfjv 6ti odk r\kdov

curse every one dwelling in it! for they came not

sic; ttjv PofjGsiav KDpiOD Kopioc; PorjGoq sv

to the help of [the] LORD. [The] LORD [is] a helper against

|ia%r|Tafc; 24+ SDAx&gt;yr|0svr| sk yovaiKcbv IafjX yovfj

warriors. May she be blessed of women ~ Jael wife


5 n ev tootco + vuca 07 - Judges

XaPsp tod Kiva(oi) arco yovaiKcbv sv aKrjvfj

of Heber the Kenite; above [the] women in [the] tent

si)A,oyr|68ir| 25+ i38cop fjxrjaev auxfjv Kai yaka eScoKev

may she be blessed. [for water He asked her], and [milk she gave]

ai)xcb sv XeK&amp;vrj layvpfov 7ipoaf|yyias pouxupov 26 +

to him in a pan; [ of strong ones she drew near butter].

tt|v %zipa CLvn\q siq naaaaXov s^sxsive Kai

[ her hand for a peg She stretched out], and

8e^idv avTT\q sic; aqropav K07ncbvxcov Kai

her right for [the] hammer of a laborer; and

sacpupoKOTrqae Siadpa SrqAxjoae KecpaAxjv avzov Kai

she struck [ with a hammer Sisera]; she nailed his head; yes,

e7idxa^e SifjXcoas Kpoxacpov avzov 2 ?+ avajieaov

she struck, she nailed his temple. In between

xcov 7io8cbv avTT\q avjKvyaq 87isas 8Koi(if|9r| fisxa^o

her feet bowing he fell; he slept between

7io8cbv avTT\q SKa|i\j/ev S7isasv sv co 8Kaji\j/ev sksi

her feet; he bent; he fell; in which he bent there

S7i8asv xaAm7icbpcoc; 2 s+ 81a xrjc; dvpidoq 8iskd7tt8 Kai

he fell miserably. Through the window [ looked and

Kaxs|idv0av8v r| |xqxr|p Siadpa 8id xrjc; 5iKxi)coxf|c;

studied the mother of Sisera] — through the latticed [window].

Sura rja%dTias to dpjia auxoi) 7rapayev8o6ai Siaxi

Why was [ late his chariot] to arrive? Why did

sxpoviaav (%vr| apjidxcov avzov 29 + aotpai apxoDacbv

[pass time [the] track of his chariots]? [wise ladies leading

avTT\q avTa7i8KpivavTO npoq auxfjv Kai aDifj

Her] answered to her, and she

a7isaxpe\j/e X6yovqavTT\q saDifj 30+ ov%i eDpfjaouaiv

returned her words to herself. Shall they not find

avzov Siajiepitpvxa aicula tpiAad^coc; (pikoiq eic;

him dividing [the] spoils? Befriending friends to

KscpaAxjv 5uvaxoi) gkvXol Pa|i|idxcov xco Siadpa

[ head [ruler] a mighty]. Spoils of dyed [things] for Sisera,

cjkuAxx PajijidxcDV 7ioiKiAiac; Pacpfj pdjijiaxa 7ioiKiAxcbv

spoils of dyed embroidery dipped. Dyed embroidered works,

xco xpa^fjAxD ai)xoi3 gkvXol 31+ otixcoc; a7i6A,oivxo navTsq

[for his neck spoils]. Thus may [ be destroyed all

01 sxGpoi aoi) Kopis Kai 01 aya7icbvxsc; auxov KaGcbq

your enemies], O LORD. And the ones loving him [be] as

T| avaxoArj xod r(kiov sv 8i)vd|i8i avzov Kai

the rising of the sun in his power. And



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r|&lt;y6%ao£V r| yrj xsaaapdKovxa sxrj

[ was quiet the land] forty years.

6 1

i + mi S7ioir|oav oi moi IapafjA, to 7iovr|p6v svavxi

And [ acted the sons of Israel] wickedly before

Ki)p(oi) Kai 7iaps8cDKsv avzovq icupioq sv %sip(

[the] LORD, and [ delivered them over [the] LORD] into [the] hand

Ma8id|i S7TT&amp; stt] 2+ Kai Kax(a%i)as %sip Ma8id|i

ofMidian for seven years. And [prevailed [the] hand ofMidian]

S7Ti IapafjA, and 7ipoaco7roD Ma8id|i S7ro(r|aav

against Israel. Because of [the] presence ofMidian [made

sauxofc; oi dioi lapar\k xac; jidvSpac; ev xoic; opsai

for themselves the sons of Israel] havens in the mountains,

Kai xoic; a7ir|Amoic; Kai xoiq o%i)pcb|iaai 3 + Kai

and in the caves, and in the fortresses. And

sysvsxo 6x8 sarcsipsv avfjp IapafjA, Kai avspaivs

it came to pass when [sowed a man of Israel], that there ascended up

Ma8id|i Kai A[Lakr\K Kai oi dioi avaxo^cbv

Midian and Amalek; even the sons of [the] east

avspaivov auxofc; 4 + Kai 7iapsvsPaXov S7i' auxotic; Kai

were ascending against them. And they camped by them, and

8iscp6sipav xa SKcpopia xrjc; yrjc; sooc; xou sA,0siv sic;

they ruined the resources of the land unto the coming unto

Td^av Kai odx D7rsX8i7iovxo D7i6axaaiv ^oafjc; sv

Gaza. And there was not left behind support for life in

IopafjX Kai 7io(|iviov Kai |ioa%ov Kai ovov 5+ 6x1

Israel, even [for the] flock, and calf, and donkey. For

ai)xo( Kai xa Kxfjvrj auxcbv avspaivov Kai

they and their livestock ascended and

xac; aKTjvdq auxcbv rcapscpspov Kai 7iapsysvovxo cog

[ their tents they carried about with]; and they came as

aKpiSsc; sic; itk^doq Kai auxoic; Kai

[the] locusts by multitude. And for them and

xaiq KajifjAmc; auxcov odk r|v apiBjioc; Kai 7iapsyivovxo

their camels there was no number. And they came

sv xtj yrj IopafjA, xod SiacpGsipai auxfjv 6 + Kai

in the land of Israel to ruin it. And

S7ixcbxsDasv IapafjA, acp68pa arco 7ipoacb7roD Ma8id|i 7 +

Israel became poor, exceedingly, from [the] presence of Midian.

Kai SKSKpa^av 01 dioi IapafjA, 7ipoc; Kupiov Kai

And [ cried out the sons of Israel] to [the] LORD. And



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sysvsTO 87181 8K8Kpa^av oi Dioi IapafjX izpoq icopiov

it came to pass when [ cried out the sons of Israel] to [the] LORD

8id Ma5id|i 8 + s^a7isoTSiXs Kopioc; dv8pa 7rpotpf|Tr|v

on account of Midian, [the] LORD sent a man, a prophet,

7ipoc; todc; viovq lapar\k Kai si7isv aDTofc; xd5s Aiysi

to the sons of Israel. And he said to them, Thus says

Kopioc; o Gsoq IapafjA, sycb si|ii o avapipdaac; Djidc;

[the] LORD God of Israel, I am the one bringing you up

s£, Aiy67rTOD Kai s^qyayov v[idq s^ oikod SoD^siac;

from Egypt, and I led you from [the] house of slavery;

9+ Kai s^siXdjirjv Djidc; sk xzipoq AiyD7iTOD Kai sk

and I rescued you from [the] hand of Egypt, and from

%sipoc; 7idvTC0v xcov 0AiP6vtcov v[idq Kai s^sPaXov

[the] hand of all the ones afflicting you; and I cast

aDTODc; sk 7ipoaco7i;oD djicov Kai s5coKa djiiv

them from your face, and I gave to you

xrjv yrjv aDxcbv io+ Kai si7ia D|i(v sycb sijii Kopioc;

their land. And I said to you, I am [the] LORD

o Geoc; djicov od cpopr|0f|a8a08 todc; 0sodc; tod

your God; you shall not fear the gods of the

AjioppaioD sv oic; Djisfc; KaxoiKsvcs sv tt| yr| aDicov

Amorites in which you dwell in their land.

Kai odk siorjKotiaaxs Tr\q cpcovfiq jiod n+ Kai fjXGsv

But you hearkened not to my voice. And [ came

dyys^oc; KopioD Kai SKdGiasv D7i6 tt|v 8pi)v tt|v

an angel [of the] LORD] and sat under the oak, the one

ovaav sv Ecppd xrjv tod Icodq nazpoq tod E^pi Kai

being in Ophrah, the one of the [ of Joash father] [of] Ezri. And

rs5scbv o Dioq aDTOD spdp8i^s nvpovq sv Arjvcb

Gideon his son beat [ with a rod wheat] in a wine-vat,

tod SKtpDysiv sk 7ipoacb7ioD Ma8id|i n + Kai cbcpGrj

to flee from [the] face of Midian. And [ appeared

aDTcb o dyysXoc; KopioD Kai si7is npoq avzov

to him the angel [of the] LORD], and said to him,

KDpioq jiSTd aoD 8DvaTO(; tt| icj%di n + Kai si7is 7ipoc;

[The] LORD [is] with you mighty in strength. And [ said to

aDTOV TsSscbv SV SJIOl KDpiS |IOD Kai si soti KDpioq

him Gideon], [Be it] to me, O my Lord, and if [the] LORD is

|is6' rjjicbv Kanvan SDpsv r\[idq 7idvTa Ta KaKd TaDTa

with us, then why [do] [ find us all these bad [things]]?

Kai 7ioD scrri 7idvTa Ta GaDjidaia aDTOD 6aa

And where are all his wonders, as many as



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07 - Judges

8irjyf|aavTO r\[iiv 01 rcaxspsc; r||icbv Xsyovxsc; ov%i s^

[ described to us our fathers], saying, Is it not from out of

AiyimxoD avfjyaysv rjjiac; Kopioc; Kai vdv

Egypt [ led us [the] LORD]? And now

a7icbaaxo rjjLidq Kai 7iaps5coKsv r\[idq sv %£ipi Ma5id|i

he thrust us away, and delivered us over into the hand of Midian.

14+ Kai S7ispXs\j/s 7ipoc; auxov o dyysAxx; Kopioi) Kai

And [looked towards him the angel [of the] LORD], and


said to him, Go in [ your strength this] ! and

acoasic; xov IopafjX i8ot3 s^a7isaxsiXd as 15 + Kai si7is

you shall deliver Israel. Behold, I send you. And [ said

7ipoq auxov TsSscbv sv sjioi Kopis |iod sv xivi

to him Gideon], [Be it] to me, O my Lord, by what [means]

acoaco xov IapafjA, idov r\ %ikiaq jiou xarcsivoxspa sv

shall I deliver Israel? Behold, my thousand [is] humbler in

Mavaaafj Kai syco eijii jiiKpoxspoc; sv oikco

Manasseh, and I am [the] lesser in [the] house

tod 7iaxp6cj \xov 16+ Kai si7is itpoq atrcov Kopioc; 6x1

of my father. And [ said to him [The] LORD] that,

saojiai jisxd aoi) Kai 7iaxd^sic; xrjv Ma8id|i coast

I will be with you, and you shall strike Midian as

dv5pa sva 17+ Kai si7is npoq auxov TsSscbv Kai si

[man one]. And [said to him Gideon], And if

stipov x a P lv 8V ocp0aA,|io(c; aoi) Kai 7ioif|asic; jioi

I found favor in your eyes, then you shall give to me

ar||is(ov 6x1 ai) Xaksiq jisx' sjiot) is+ firj 8r|

a sign that you spoke with me. In no way should

%copia6fjc; svxstiGsv scoq xod sA$s(v jis npoq as Kai

you separate from here until [ coming my] to you, and

oiaco xrjv 0ua(av |iod Kai Gtiaco svcb7ii6v aoi) Kai

I shall bring my sacrifice, and I shall sacrifice before you. And

si7rsv sycb sijii KaGfjaojiai scoq xod smaxpsij/ai as 19 +

he said, I am settled until you return.

Kai rs5scov siafjABs Kai S7iovr|asv spicpov aiycbv Kai

And Gideon entered and prepared a kid of [the] goats, and

oicpi aXzvpov d^Djia Kai xa Kpsa s6t|ksv S7U xo

an ephah [flour of unleavened], and [the meats he put] upon the

Kavotiv Kai xov ^cojiov svs%ssv sic; %i&gt;xpav Kai

bin, and the broth he poured into an earthen pot, and

s^fjvsyKsv 7ipoc; auxov dtco xrjv 5pt&gt;v Kai

he brought [it] to him under the oak, and



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7ipoasic6vr|as 20+ Kai si7i8 npoq aDxov o dyyeXoc;

did obeisance. And [ said to him the angel

KDpioi) X&amp;Pe xa Kpsa Kai xodc; a£6|ioDc; Kai

[of the] LORD], Take the meats and the unleavened [breads], and


put [them] on that rock, and [ the broth pour out] !

Kai S7io(r|asv odxgk; 21+ Kai s^sxsivsv o dyyeXoc;

And he did so. And [ stretched out the angel

Kopioi) to dKpov Tr\q pdp8oD TT\q £V ttj %eip( CLVTOV

[of the] LORD] the tip of the rod in his hand,

Kai fj\j/axo xcov Kpscbv Kai xcov a^ojicov Kai

and touched of the meats, and of the unleavened [breads]; and

avfjcpGrj nvp sk xr|c; 7isxpac; Kai Kaxecpaye xa

[ was lit fire] from out of the rock, and it devoured the

Kpea Kai xodc; aCp[iovq Kai o ayyskoq KopiOD

meats and the unleavened [breads]. And the angel of [the] LORD

a7if|A,0ev an ocpGa^jicbv aDxoD 22+ Kai si8srs5ecbv 6x1

departed from his eyes. And Gideon knew that

ayyskoq Kopioi) saxi Kai si7is rs8scbv oijioi

[ [the] angel [of the] LORD it is]. And Gideon said, Alas,

Kopis jiod Kopis 6x1 e(8ov xov dyye^ov KDpiOD

O my Lord, O LORD, for I beheld the angel of [the] LORD

7ip6aco7rov npoq 7ip6aco7rov 23+ Kai si7T8V aDxcb Kopioc;

face to face. And [ said to him [the] LORD],

sipfjvrj aoi |ir| cpopotj od |ir| a7io9dvr|c; 24+ Kai

Peace to you, do not fear, in no way shall you die. And

c0Ko86|xr|O£v 8K8i TsSscbv 0i)aiaaxf|piov xco Kupico

[ built there Gideon] an altar to the LORD.

Kai eKdXsaev ai)xo KDpiOD sipfjvrj sooc;

And he called it, Peace of [the] LORD, until

xrjc; rjjispac; xaDxrjc; sxi aDxoD ovxoc; sv EcppaGd rcaxpoc;

this day. It [is] still being with Ephratah father

xod E^pi 25 + Kai sysvf|6r| sv xr| vdkxi SKsivrj Kai 8i7isv

ofEzri. And it came to pass in that night, that [said

ai)xcb Kopioc; Xdps xov [ioa%ov xov cjixsdxov

to him [the] LORD], Take the [calf well fed]

xod 7raxp6c; gov Kai xov |ioa%ov SsDxepov S7ixa8xf|

of your father, and the [ calf second] of seven years [old] !

Kai KaGsXefc; xo 0Daiaaxf|piov xod BaaX o eaxi

And you shall demolish the altar of Baal which is

xod rcaxpoc; aoD Kai xo aXaoq xo 87i' aDxo skk6\j/£ic;

of your father; and the sacred grove by it you shall cut down.



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26+ Kai oiKoSojifjaeic; 0Daia&lt;xcfjpiov too Kopioo

And you shall build an altar to the LORD

TOO 0800 CTOD TOO O(p0SVTl aOl 8711 Tr\q KopDcpfjq

your God, to the one appearing to you upon the top

tod opovq Maob^ todtod sv tt| 7iapaTd^8i Kai

[mountain ofMaoz of this] in the battle array. And

Axj\j/r| aw too |ioa%oo too 8eDTspoo Kai avoiasic;

you shall take with the [ calf second], and you shall offer

oXoKcu)Tob|iaTa sv toic; tqvXoiq tod akaovq od

whole burnt-offerings in the trees of the sacred grove which

eKKoyeic; 27 + Kai eAxxPs TsSeobv Sera dvSpac; arco

you cut down. And Gideon took ten men from

toov SodAxdv aDTOD Kai S7ro(r|a8v Ka0d eAxxArjae npoq

his manservants, and he did as [ spoke to

aDTOV KDpioq Kai syeveTO ooc; scpopfjBrj tov oikov

him [the] LORD]. And it came to pass that he feared the household

tod nazpoq aDTOD Kai todc; dv5paq rr|c; 7r6A,eooc;

of his father, and the men of the city,

tod jitj 7ioifjoai rjjispac; Kai 87io(r|as vdktoc; 28+ Kai

[so as] to not act by day, and he acted [it] [by] night. And

obpGpiaav oi dv5pec; rr|c; 7i6A,eooc; T07ipooi Kai i8od

[ rose early the men of the city] in the morning; and behold,

KaTsaKajijievov to 0Doia&lt;xcfjpiov tod BadX Kai to

[ was razed the altar of Baal], and the

akaoq to S7t' aDTob skk8ko|I|isvov Kai o [ioa%oq

sacred grove by it was cut down; and the [ calf

o cjitsdtoc; avrjveyjisvoc; sic; oXoKaDTOOjia S7ri to

well fed] was offered for a whole burnt-offering upon the

0Daia&lt;xcfjpiov to ooko5o|xt||I£vov 29+ Kai ei7iev avfjp

altar having been built. And [ said [each] man]

npoq tov 7iA,rjaiov aDTOD xiq S7ro(r|as to 7ipdy|ia todto

to his neighbor, Who did this thing?

Kai avfjTatpv Kai s^fjTODV Kai si7iav TeSeobv vioq

And they investigated and inquired. And they said, Gideon son

Ioodq £7io(r|as to 7ipdy|ia todto 30 + Kai eircav 01

of Joash did this thing. And [ said the

dv8ps&lt;; Tr\q noXEwq npoq Ioodq s^dyays tov diov aoD

men of the city] to Joash, Lead out your son

Kai a7io0av8TOO 6ti KaTsaKaye to 0Daia&lt;xcf|piov

and let him die! for he razed the altar

tod Baak Kai 6ti s^sko\j/s to akaoq to S7i' aDTob 31 +

of Baal, and because he cut down the sacred grove by it.



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Kai 817TSV Icodq 7ipoc; Tovq avdpaq zovq S7ravi&lt;yca|isvoDc;

And Joash said to the men rising

S7i ' avTOV |ir| v[isiq vdv 8iKd^sa08 7isp( tod Baak r\

against him, Do you now adjudicate for Baal? or

Djisfo; acbo8T8 odtov oq av avTs8iKT|asv aDTcb

shall you deliver him? Who ever pleaded to him

a7io0av8TCO scoc; 7ipcoi 8i 0s6c; avzoq sail £K5iKfjasi

let die in [the] morning. If [ God he is], he shall avenge

eaDxov oil KaTsaKays to 0DoiaoTT|piov aDTOD 32+ Kai

for himself, for he razed his altar. And

SKdXsasv avTOV sv ttj rjjispa SKsivrj IspopdaA, Xsycov

he called him in that day, Jerubbaal, saying,

8iKaoxfjpiov tod BadA, on KaTsaKa\j/s

[The] court of justice of Baal, for he razed

to 0Daia&lt;xcf|piov ocdtod 33 + Kai 7idoa Ma8id|i Kai

his altar. And all Midian and

AjiaAxjK Kai 01 dioi avaToAxbv aDvfj%0r|aav S7U to

Amalek and the sons of [the] east came together at the

aDTO Kai 8isPr|oav Kai 7iapsvsPaAx)v ev tt| KoiA,d8i

same [place], and they passed over and camped in the valley

Is^pasA, 34+ Kai 7rvsD|ia 0sod svs5Dvd|icoas tov rs88cbv

ofJezreel. And spirit of God empowered Gideon,

Kai sadAmasv ev KspaTivrj Kai sporjasv Apis^sp

and he trumped with [the] horn; and he called for aid to Abiezer

O7i(aco aDTOD 35+ Kai ayysXoDc; s^a7rsaTSiA£v sv 7iavTi

after him. And [ messengers he sent] to all

Mavaaafj Kai sporjas Kai aDToq O7i(aco aDTOD Kai

Manasseh, and he called also himself [others] after him. And

ayyskovq s^a7isaT8iA,8v sv Aafjp Kai sv ZapoDAxbv

[ messengers he sent out] in Asher, and in Zebulun,

Kai sv Nscp0aAi Kai avsprjaav sic; a7idvTr|aiv aDTOD

and in Naphtali. And they ascended for meeting him.

36 + Kai si7is rs8scbv 7tpoc; tov 0s6v si acb^siq sv

And Gideon said to God, If you deliver [ by

%sip( jiod tov IapafjA, Kadcbq skakr\aaq 37+ i8od sycb

my hand Israel], as you spoke, behold, I

a7ispsi8o|iai tov 7t6kov tcov spicov sv tco dXcovi Kai

fasten the fleece of wool [pieces] in the threshing-floor. And

sdv Spoaoq ysvrjTai S7ii tov tcokov jiovov Kai sm

if dew comes upon the fleece only, and upon

7idaav ttjv yrjv ^rjpaaia Kai yvcbaojiai 6ti acbasiq

all the earth [be] dryness, then I will know that you shall deliver



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sv xsipi |iod xov IopafjA, ov xporcov Ekakr\aaq 38 +

[ by my hand Israel] in which manner you spoke.

Kai sysvsxo orjxcoc; Kai cbpGpias rsSscbv xrj s7rafjpiov

And it came to pass thus. And Gideon rose early on the next day,

Kai a7T£7uaosv xov tcokov Kai saxa^s Spoaoc; sk xod

and he squeezed out the fleece, and [ dripped dew] from the

7t6kod 7iAx|pr|c; Xsravrj f38axoc; 39+ Kai si7rsrs8scbv

fleece — a full pan of water. And Gideon said

7rpoc; xov 0s6v jir| opyiaGfjxco o dv[ioq gov sv sjioi

to God, Let not [ be provoked to anger your rage] against me!

Kai Xakr\G($ 8x1 dna^ Kai 7isipdaco sxi ana^ sv

for I will speak still once [more], and I will test still once [more] by

xco 7t6kcd Kai ysvrjGfjxco sxi ^rjpaaia S7U xov tcokov

the fleece. And let there become yet dryness upon the fleece

jiovov S7ii 5s 7idaav xrjv yrjv ysvrjGfjxco Spoaoc; 40 +

only, and upon all the ground let there become dew!
Kai S7roirjasv o Gsoc; otixcoc; sv xrj vdkxi SKsivrj Kai

And God did so in that night. And

sysvsxo ^rjpaaia S7ri xov 7t6kov jiovov S7ri 8s 7idaav

there was dryness upon the fleece only, and upon all

xrjv yrjv sysvsxo Spoaoc;

the ground became dew.

7 T

1 + Kai copGpiasv IspopdaX auxoc; saxi rsSscbv Kai naq

And Jerubbaal rose early (he is Gideon), and all

o Xaoq jisx' arjxofj Kai 7iapsvsPaAx)v S7i( 7irjyf|v

the people with him. And they camped upon [the] spring

ApsS Kai 7raps|iPoArj MaSid|i rjv arjxcb arco Poppa

ofHarod. And [the] camp ofMidian was to him from [the] north

arco xod Povjvorj Apcbp sv xrj KoiXdSi 2 + Kai

of the hill Moreh, in the valley. And

si7is Kupioq 7ipoc; xov TsSscbv noXvq o Xaoq o jisxd

[the] LORD said to Gideon, [ are many The people with

gov cbaxs jLiT] 7rapa8or3va( |is xrjv MaSidji sv

you] so as [ to not deliver up for me] Midian into

Xsipi arjxcbv jifj 7ioxs Kai)%fjarjxai IapafjX S7i' sjis

their hand, lest at any time Israel should boast instead of me,

Aiycov rj %sip [iov sacoas (is 3 + Kai si7is Kupioq npoq

saying, My hand delivered me. And [the] LORD said to

arjxov AxxArjaov 8rj sic; xa coxa xod Xaov Aiycov xic;

him, Speak indeed into the ears of the people! saying, Any


7 T ev tootg) + vuca 07 - Judges

0 cpoPoDjisvoc; Kai dsikoq a7coaTpa(pf|T(jo Kai

one fearing and timid return! And

s^cbp|ir|oav arco tod opoDc; TaXaad Kai a7ceaTpd(pr|aav

they sallied out from mount Gilead. And returned

goto tod XaoD siKoai Kai 5do xikiadsq Kai 5sKa

of the people twenty and two thousand, and ten

%ikiadsq D7csA£i(p6r|aav 4 + Kai £i7ce Kopioc; itpoq

thousand were left behind. And [the] LORD said to

TsSscbv sti o Xaoq noXvq saTi KaTdyaye aDTODc; siq

Gideon, Still the people are many, lead them down to

to D5cop Kai 5oKi|icb aDTODc; aoi 8ks( Kai e&lt;ycai ov

the water! and I will try them for you there. And it will be whom

av si7ico npoq as odtoc; 7iopsDasTai jistoc aoD

ever I should tell to you, This one shall go with you ~

aDToq 7ropsDasTai (iSTa aoi Kai 7idvTa ov av si7rco

he shall go with you. And all whom ever I should say

6ti od 7iopsDa8Tai jiSTa aoD Kai avxoq od 7iopsDasTai

that, He shall not go with you, then he shall not go

jiSTd aoD 5 + Kai KaTsptpaae tov Xaov sic; to D5cop

with you. And [ went down the people] to the water.

Kai 8i7i8 KDpioq 7tpoc; TsSscbv 7rac; oq av Xd\\fr\ tt|

And [the] LORD said to Gideon, All who ever laps [with]

yAxoaarj aDTOD sk tod D8aTOc; coq av Xd\\fr\ o kdcov

his tongue of the water as if [ should lap the dog],

aTfjasic; aDTOV KaTd [iovaq Kai naq oq av Kd|i\j/r| S7i(

you shall stand him alone. And all who ever bends upon

Ta yovaTa aDTOD tod 7iis(v jieTaaTfjaeic; aDTOV Ka6'

his knees to drink, you shall remove him by

aDTOV 6+ Kai sysveTO o apiBjioc; tcov A,a\j/dvTCOv ev

himself. And was the number of the ones lapping with

tt[ yAxbaarj aDTcbv TpiaKoaioi dv5psc; Kai 7iav to

their tongue three hundred men. And all the

KaTdXourov tod Xaov 8Kaji\j/av 87ii Ta yovaTa aDTcbv

remaining people bent upon their knees

7TISIV D800p 7 + Kai 81718 KDpiOq 7CpOC; r888C0V 8V TOiq

to drink water. And [the] LORD said to Gideon, By the

tpuxkogioic; av8pdai Toiq A,d\j/aoi acbaco v[iaq Kai

three hundred men lapping I shall deliver you, and

8cbaco ttjv Ma8id|i sv xsipi aoD Kai 7cac; o Xaoq

1 will put Midian into your hand. And all the people

a7C0Tpe%8TCD avfjp siq tov to7cov aDTOD 8+ Kai slapov

ran, [each] man to his place. And they took


7 T sv tootco + vtica 07 - Judges

xov 87iiaiTia|i6v tod Xaov sv xsipi auxcbv Kai

the provision of the people in their hand, and

xac; Kspaxivac; auxcov Kai rcdvxa dv5pa IapafjA,

their horns. And every man of Israel

s^a7isaxsiA,sv sic; xo aKT]vco|ia auxoi) xcov 5s xpiaKoaicov

he sent out to his tent, and the three hundred

av8pcbv SKpdxrjasv r\ 8s 7iaps|iPoAr] Ma8id|i r|v

men he kept. And the camp ofMidian was

avzov D7ioKdxco sv xrj KoiA,d8i 9+ Kai sysvfj6r| sv

underneath him in the valley. And it came to pass in

xtj vdkxi SKsivrj Kai si7is rcpoc; ai)xov Kopioc; avdaxa

that night, that [ said to him [the] LORD], Rise up,

KaxdprjGi sic; xrj 7iaps|iPoAxjv 6xi 7iaps8coKa avTT\v sv

go down into the camp! for I delivered it into

xrjxsipiaoi) io+ si 8s (popfj gv Kaxapfjvai

your hand. And if you should fear [ by yourself to go down],

KaxdprjGi gv Kai Oapd xo 7iai8dpi6v gov sic; xrjv

[ go down then you and Phurah your servant] into the

7iaps|iPoAx|v n+ Kai aKoijarj xi AxxAxroaiv Kai jisxd

camp. And you should hearken to what they speak, and after

xaijxa svia%i3aoDaiv ai xzipzq gov Kai Kaxapfjarj sv

these [things] [ shall grow in strength your hands], and you shall go down in

xtj 7raps|iPoArj Kai KaxsPxj auxoc; Kai Oapd

the camp. And he went down, he and Phurah

xo 7iai8dpiov avzov sic; jispoc; xcov 7rsvxfjKovxa xcov

his servant, into a portion of the fifty [companies] of the ones

sv xt] 7raps|iPoAxj n+ Kai Mi8id|i Kai A|iaAx|K Kai

in the camp. And Midian and Amalek and

7idvxsc; oi moi avaxoAxbv 7raps|iPspAr|Ksiaav sv xt]

all the sons of [the] east were encamped in the

KoiA,d8i coc; aKpiq sic; nXr\doq Kai xaiq

valley as locust in multitude; and [ [to]

KajiT] Axnc; ai)xcbv odk tjv apiGjioc; aXk' fjaav cba7isp r\

their camels there was no number], but they were as if the

d|i|ioc; T] S7U xo xzikoq xtjc; GaAxxaarjc; sic; 7iAxj6oc; n +

sand upon the edge of the sea in multitude.

Kai fjA£s TsSscov Kai i8oi3 avfjp s^qysixo xco

And Gideon came, and behold, a man was describing [to]

Tihr\Giov avzov zvvtzviov Kai sircsv i8oi3 sviJ7rviaaa|iT]v

his neighbor a dream. And he said, Behold, I dreamed

SVTJ7TVIOV Kai i8oi3 jiayic; dpxoi) Kpi0ivoi) kijAiojisvt]

a dream. And behold, a loaf of bread of barley was rolling


7 T sv tootco + vtica 07 - Judges

sv tt] 7iaps|iPoAx| Ma8id|i Kai r\kdzv scoc; xrjc;

in the camp ofMidian, and it came unto the

oKTjvfjc; Ma8id|i Kai srcdxa^sv auxfjv Kai

tent ofMidian, and it struck it, and

Kaxsaxps\j/sv auxfjv Kai srcsasv r| aKTjvfi h+ Kai

it overturned it, and [fell the tent]. And

a7i8Kpi9r| o 7rAr|a(ov avzov Kai sircsv odk saxiv ami]

[ answered his neighbor] and said, [ not This is]

aXk r r| pojicpaia rsSscbv viov Icodc; avSpoc; IapafjA,

other than [the] broadsword of Gideon son ofJoash, a man of Israel.

7iaps8coKsv o Gsoc; sv %zipi olvtov xrjv Ma8id|i Kai

God delivered up [into his hand Midian], and

7idaav xrjv 7raps|iPoAr|v 15+ Kai sysvsxo coc;

all the camp. And it came to pass as

fjKODae rsSscbv xrjv s^qyrjaiv tod svi)7rviou Kai

Gideon heard the description of the dream, and

tt|v cyoyKpiaiv olvtov Kai 7ipoasK6vr|as Kopiov Kai

its interpretation, that he did obeisance to [the] LORD, and

U7isaxps\j/sv sic; xrjv 7raps|iPoAr|v IapafjX Kai sitcsv

he returned into the camp of Israel. And he said,

avdoxr|T8 on 7raps5coKs Kopioc; sv %spa(v ujicbv xrjv

Rise up! for [the] LORD delivered up into your hands the

7iape|iPoAx|v MaSidji 16+ Kai 8is(Xs zovq xpiaKoaioDc;

camp of Midian. And he divided the three hundred

dvSpac; sic; xpsic; apxdc; Kai s5coks Kspaxivac; sv

men into three companies, and he put horns into

%sip( 7idvxcov Kai i)5p(ac; Ksvdc; Kai Xaimadaq sv

[the] hand of all, and [ water-pitchers empty], and lamps in

jisaco xcov u5picbv 17+ Kai si7is npoq avzovq an

the middle of the water-pitchers. And he said to them, Of

sjiod 6\j/sa0s Kai cyoxcoc; 7ioif|asxs Kai i5cr6 sycb

me you shall see, and thus shall you do. And behold, I

sia7iopsi)6|iai sv jisaco xrjc; 7raps|iPoAr|c; Kai saxai ax;

will enter into [the] midst of the camp, and it will be as

av 7ioif|aco cyoxcoc; 7roif|asxs is+ Kai aaAmcb sv xrj

whenever I shall act, so shall you act. When I shall trump with the

Kspaxivrj sycb Kai ftdvxsc; jisx' s|iod Kai aaAmsixs

horn, I and all with me, then you shall trump

sv xaic; Kspaxivaic; kdkAxd 6hr\q xrjc; 7iaps|iPoAr|c; Kai

with the horns round about [the] entire camp, and

spsixs xco Kupico Kai xco TsSscbv 19+ Kai

you shall say, For the LORD and for Gideon. And


7 T sv toutco + vuca 07 - Judges

siafjABsv rs8scbv Kai 01 sraxov dv8psc; 01 jisx'

Gideon entered, and the hundred men, the ones with

olvtov sv jispsi xt]c; 7raps|iPoAr|c; ap%o|isvr|c; xt]c;

him, into [the] rank of the camp command of the

(pvXaKi^q Tr\q [isaovar\q nh\v syspasi fjyeipav xouc;

guard of the middle [watch]; furthermore rising they roused the

tpuXdaaovxac; Kai sadAmaav xaic; Kspaxivaic; Kai

ones guarding. And they trumped the horns, and

s^sxiva^av xac; i)8p(ac; xac; sv xaic; %spcriv auxcbv 20 +

shook off the water-pitchers, the ones in their hands.

Kai sadAjriaav ai xpeic; ap%ai sv xaic; Kspaxivaic; Kai

And [ trumped the three companies] with the horns, and

&lt;yov8xpi\|/av xac; uSpiac; Kai s^dpovxo ev xr| %sip(

they broke the water-pitchers, and took [ in hand

xtj apiaxspd auxcbv xcov A,a|i7id8cov Kai sv xr| %£ipi

their left the lamps], and in [ hand

xtj 8s^id auxcbv ai Kspaxivai xou aaAm^siv Kai

their right] [was] the horns to trump. And

avsKpa^av pojicpaia xco Kopico Kai xoo rsSscbv 21+ Kai

they shouted aloud, A broadsword for the LORD and for Gideon. And

saxiiaav sraaxoc; avfjp Ka6' sauxov kdkXco xt|c;

they stood, each man by himself, round about the

7iap8|iPoAxjc; Kai sSpajiov 7idaa r| 7iaps|iPoAx| Kai

camp; and they ran [around] all the camp, and

safjjiavav Kai scpuyov 22+ Kai sadAmaav ai

they signified [by an alarm] — and they fled. And they trumped the

xpiaKoaiai Kspaxivai Kai sGsxo Kopioc; jidxaipav

three hundred horns. And [the] LORD placed [ sword

avSpoc; sv xco 7rAx|a(ov auxcro Kai sv 6Ax|

[every] man's] against his neighbor, even in [the] whole

xt] 7raps|iPoAr| Kai scpuysv r\ 7taps|iPoAx| scoc;

camp. And [ fled the camp] unto

Tr\q BaiGaasxxd TayapayaGd scoc; %sikovq APcojisodAxx

Beth-shittah Zererath, unto [the] edge of Abel-meholah

S7i( TapdG 23+ Kai sPotjcjsv avfjp IapafjA, sk NscpBaM

by Tabbath. And [ called for aid [the] man of Israel] of Naphtali,

Kai s^ Aafjp Kai sk 7iavx6c; Mavaaafj Kai

and of Asher, and of all Manasseh; and

Kaxs8icb^av O7iiaco Ma8id|i 24+ Kai ayysAxyoc;

they pursued after Midian. And [ messengers

s^a7tsaxsiA,s TsSscbv sv rcavxi opsi Ecppaiji Xsycov

sent out Gideon] to every mountain ofEphraim, saying,


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

07 - Judges

Kax&amp;PrjTe sic; aDvavirjaiv Ma8id|i Kai KaxaXdpsxs

Go down to meet Midian, and overtake

eaircofc; to i35cop ecoc; BaiBprjpd Kai xov Iop5dvr|v

for yourselves the water unto Beth-barah and the Jordan!

Kai sporjas iiaq avfjp Ecppaiji Kai 7ipoKaxeXdpovxo

And [ yelled out every man of Ephraim] and were first to take

to f)8&lt;jop sooc; BaiGprjpd Kai xov Iop8dvr|v 25+ Kai

the water unto Beth-barah and the Jordan. And

Gvvskafiov mvq bvo dp%ovxac; Ma8id|i xov OpfjP Kai

they seized the two rulers of Midian — Oreb and

xov ZrjP Kai arcsKxsivav xov OpfjP ev Soup Kai

Zeeb; and they killed Oreb in Sur, and

xov ZrjP a7isKxsivav sv IaKeP ZrjP Kai Kaxs8(co^av

Zeeb they killed in Jakeb Zeeb. And they pursued

xrjv Ma5id|i Kai xrjv KecpaAxjv OpfjP Kai ZrjP

Midian. And the head of Oreb, and of Zeeb

fjvsyKav 7ipoc; rs88cbv sk xod 7ispav xou Iop5dvou

they brought to Gideon from the other side of the Jordan.

8 n

1+ Kai 81718 npoq auxov avfjp Ecppaiji xi

And [said to him a man of Ephraim], What

xo pfjjia xofjxo 87rovr|aac; r||i(v xod jirj KaAiaai r\[idq

[is] this thing you do to us, to not call us

6x8 87ropei)6r|c; 7iapaxa^aa6ai sv Ma8id|i Kai

when you went to deploy against Midian? And

SKpivovxo |i8x' avTOV Kpaxaicbq 2+ Kai si7i8 npoq

they quarreled with him forcefully. And he said to

auxofjc; xi S7io(r|aa vuv KaGcbq u|iefc; ov%i Kpsiaaov

them, What did I [do] now as [concerning] you? Is not [ better

zniipvXkiq Ecppaiji rj xpuyrjxoc; Apie^sp 3+ sv

[the] gleaning of Ephraim] than [the] gathering the crops of Abiezer? In

XsipiDjicbv 7iaps8coKs Kopioc; xouc; dpxovxaq Ma8id|i

your hand [ delivered up [the] LORD] the rulers of Midian ~

xov OpfjP Kai xov ZrjP Kai xi rj8wfj6rjv 7ioifjaai

Oreb and Zeeb; and what was I able to do

KaQcbq Djisiq xoxs avfjKs xo 7rvef)|ia auxcbv an auxofj

as you? Then [ was spared their spirit] towards them

sv xco AxxAxjaai auxov |isx' auxcbv xov Xoyov xouxov 4+

in his speaking with them this word.

Kai fjXGs TsSscbv sm xov Iop8dvr|v Kai 8iePrj auxoc;

And Gideon came upon the Jordan, and he passed over


8 n ev tootco + vtica 07 - Judges

Kai 01 xpiaKoaioi dvSpsc; 01 jisx' avzov

and the three hundred men, the ones with him,

oA,iyo\jA)%owcsc; Kai 7isivcbvxsc; 5 + Kai si7is xoic;

faint-hearted and hungering. And he said to the

av5pdai £ok%co6 56x8 8r| dpxouc; sic; xrjv xpocpfjv

men of Succoth, Give indeed bread [loaves] for the nourishment

xco Axxcb xouxco xco jisx' 8|ioi3 oxi 7isivcbaiv sycb 8s

to this people with me! for they hunger, fori

Sicokco O7i(aco xod Zspss Kai EaA,|iavd PaaiAicov

pursue after Zebah and Zalmunna, kings

Ma5id|i 6+ Kai 8i7iov 01 dp%ovxsc; £ok%co0 |ir| %sip

ofMidian. And [said the rulers of Succoth], [ [is] not [The] hand

Zspss Kai Sa^jiavd vdv sv xrj xsipi aoi) oxi 8cbaco|isv

of Zebah and Zalmunna] now in your hand, that we should give

xt| axpaxid gov dpxouc; ? + Kai si7is TsSscbv ov% otixcoc;

[[to] your military bread [loaves]]. And Gideon said, Thus

sv xco 8owai Kopiov xov Zspss Kai xov Ea^jiavd sv

in the giving [by the] LORD Zebah and Zalmunna into

xt| yfxpi [iov Kai Kaxa^avcb xac; adprac; Djicbv sv xaic;

my hand, that I will rend in shreds your flesh with the

aravBaic; xrjc; spfj|ioi) Kai sv xaic; BapKT|vi|i 8 + Kai

thorn-bushes of the wilderness, and with the Barkenim. And

avsprj sksOsv siq OavoDfjA, Kai sAxxAxjas npoq

he ascended from there to Penuel, and spoke to

auxotic; Kaxd xaijxa Kai a7isKpi6r|aav ai)xcb 01

them according to these [things]. And [ answered to him the

dvSpsc; Oavoi)f|A, ov xporcov a7isKp(6r|aav ai)xcb 01

men of Penuel] in which manner [ answered to him the

dvSpsc; £ok%co0 9 + Kai si7is rs8scbv xoic; avSpdai

men of Succoth]. And Gideon said to the men

OavoDfjA, Aiycov sv xco smaxpscpsiv |is |isx' sipfjvrjc;

of Penuel, saying, In my returning with peace,

KaxaaKd\j/co xov 7r6pyov xouxov 10+ Kai Zspss Kai

I will raze this tower. And Zebah and

EaA,|iavd sv KapKdp Kai r| 7iaps|iPoAx| auxcbv jisx'

Zalmunna [were] in Karkor, and their camp with

auxcbv coasi SsKarcsVcs %iAid8sc; 7idvxsc; 01

them, about fifteen thousand, all the ones

KaxaA^sicpGsvxsq sv 7idar| xrj 7raps|iPoAr| mcbv

being left in all the camp of [the] sons

avaxoAxbv Kai 01 7iS7rxcoK6xsc; fjaav SKaxov Kai

of [the] east. And the ones falling were a hundred and


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

07 - Judges

eiKoai %iAid8ec; av5pcbv sa7iaa|ievcov pojitpaiav n+ Kai

twenty thousand men unsheathing [the] broadsword. And

aveprj TsSscbv o56v xcov KaxoiKowxcov sv aKqvafc;

Gideon ascended [the] way of the ones dwelling in tents

goto avaxoAxbv xrjqNaPai Kai IsyepdX Kai £7rdxa^e

from [the] east of Nobah and Jogbehah, and he struck

xrjv 7raps|ipoAx|v r| 8e 7iape|iPoAT| r|v 7re7roi6ma 12 + Kai

the camp. And the camp was secure. And

scpuys ZePss Kai SaXjiavd Kai e5(co^ev O7uaco auxcbv

Zebah fled, and Zalmunna. And he pursued after them,

Kai eKpdxrjas zovq dvo fiaaikziq Ma8id|i xov ZePee

and he took hold of the two kings of Midian, Zebah

Kai xov SaXjiavd Kai 7idoav xrjv 7rape|iPoAx|v auxcbv

and Zalmunna, and all their camp

s^saxrjae n + Kai aveoxpeij/e TsSscbv vioq Icodc; sk

was startled. And [ returned Gideon [the] son of Joash] from

xod 7toA,s|iod a7io avapdascoq Apsq u+ Kai avvskafis

the battle from [the] ascent of Ares. And he seized

7iai8dpiov sk xcov av5pcov £ok%co6 Kai 87ir|pcoxr|asv

a servant from the men of Succoth, and he questioned

avTOV Kai a7ieypd\j/axo npoq ai)xov xouc; dp%ovxac;

him; and he registered for him the rulers

£ok%co0 Kai zovq ftpeaPuxepoDc; avTT\q epSojxfjKovxa

of Succoth, and their elders — seventy

Kai S7ixd dv8paq i 5 + Kai rcapsysvexo itpoq zovq

and seven men. And he came to the

dpxovxaq Eok%co0 Kai £i7isv avxoiq i8ot3 ZePee Kai

rulers of Succoth. And he said to them, Behold, Zebah and

SaXjiavd 81' ovq covei5(aaxs |is Aiyovxsc; jjt| %sip

Zalmunna, by whom you berated me, saying, Not [is] [the] hand

ZsPss Kai Sa^jiavd vuv sv %zipi aou 6xi 5cbaojisv

of Zebah and Zalmunna now in your hand, that we will give

xoic; av5pdai aoi) xoic; 8kA,do|I8vok; dpxouc; i6+ Kai

[[to] your men fainting bread [loaves]]. And

slape zovq dpxovxac; Kai zovq 7ip£oPi)X£pODc; Tr\q

he took the rulers and the elders of the

noXeayq ev xaiq aravGaic; Tr\q epf||ioi) Kai xaq

city into the thorn-bushes of the wilderness, and the

BapKT|vi|i Kai Kaxs^avsv sv auxofc; zovq avdpaq

Barkenim, and he rent with them the men

£ok%co0 17+ Kai xov 7r6pyov OavoDfjA, KaxeaKa\j/8 Kai

of Succoth. And the tower of Penuel he razed, and


8 n sv tootco + vuca 07 - Judges

ootsktsivs Tovq dvSpac; Tr\q noXswq i8+ Kai 81718 7ipoc;

he killed the men of the city. And he said to

ZsPss Kai Sa^jiavd 7tod 01 dv8psc; ovq

Zebah and Zalmunna, What [manner are] the men whom

a7isKxsivaxs sv 0ap6p Kai 8i7iav coq ai) coq aDxoi

you killed in Tabor? And they said, As you, so they

ojioioq aoi ojioioq aDxofc; coq s(8oc; mcbv

[are] likened to you — likened to them as [the] appearance of sons

PaaiAicov 19+ Kai si7rsrs8scov aSsAxpoi jiod dioi

of kings. And Gideon said, [ of my brothers sons

Tr\q jirjxpoc; jiod sicriv ^r| Kopioc; 8i

of my mother They are]. As [the] LORD lives, if

e^jDoyovfjaaxs aDxotic; odk av a7isKxsiva Djidc; 20 + Kai

you brought them forth alive, I would not have killed you. And

817T8V too Is0sp xco tcpcdtotokcd aDxoD avaaxdc;

he said [to] Jether his first-born, In rising up,

a7i6KT8ivov aDxotic; Kai odk sa7iaas to 7iai5dpiov

you kill them! And [ did not unsheathe the boy]

ttjv jidxaipav aDxoD 6x1 scpopf|6r| 6x1 rjv vscbxspoc; 21 +

his sword, for he feared, for he was younger.

Kai S17T8 ZsPss Kai SaXjiavd avdaxa 8r| av Kai

And [ said Zebah and Zalmunna], You rise up indeed yourself and

ai)vdvxr|aov r\[iiv 6x1 coq avfjp Kai rj 5Dva|iic; aDxoD

meet us! for as a man [is], [so] also his power.

Kai avsaxrj rs8scbv Kai avsi^s xov ZsPss Kai

And Gideon rose up, and did away with Zebah and

xov Sa^jiavd Kai sAxxPs xodc; jirjviaKODc; xodc; sv xoic;

Zalmunna. And he took the crescents on the

xpa%fjA,oic; xcov Kajifjlcov ai)xcbv 22+ Kai sitcsv avfjp

necks of their camels. And [ said a man

IapafjX 7ipoc; TsSscbv dp^s sv rjjjiv cjd Kai

of Israel] to Gideon, Rule among us, you and

o vioq aov Kai o vioq tov diod aov 6x1 asacoKaq

your son, and the son of your son! for you have delivered

rjjLxdq sk %zipoq Ma8id|i 23+ Kai si7is itpoq avzovq

us from [the] hand of Midian. And [ said to them

rs8scbv odk dp^co sycb djicdv Kai odk dp^si

Gideon], [ will not rule I] you, and [ will not rule

ODl6q|IOD SV DJIIV KDpiOq dp^Sl DJICOV 24+ Kai S17TS

my son] among you — [the] LORD shall rule you. And [ said

7tpoc; aDxotic; TsSscbv aixfjaojiai 7iap' djicov aixrjaiv

to them Gideon], I will ask from you a request,


8 n sv tootco + vuca 07 - Judges

Kai 56x8 (ioi avfjp svcbxiov tcdv aKo^cov clvtov 6xi

and you give to me ~ [every] man an ear-ring of his spoils; for

svcbxia xpvaa rjv auxofc; 6xi fjaav IajiarjAixai 25+ Kai

ear-rings of gold was to them, because they were Ismaelites. And

si7iav 8i86vxsc; Scbaojisv Kai avs7ixi)^s

they said, In giving we will give. And he unfolded

xo iji&amp;xiov clvtov Kai sppuj/sv sksi avfjp svcbxiov

his garment, and [ tossed there [each] man] an ear-ring

aicuAxjav clvtov 2 6+ Kai sysvfjGrj o axaGjioc; xcov

of his spoils. And was the weight of the

svcoxicov xcov xpDacbv cov rixfjaaxo aiic^oi %(Aioi Kai

ear-rings of gold which he asked for — [ shekels a thousand and

S7ixaK6aioi %pvaoi 7th\v xcov aipcbvcov xcov jirjviaKcov

seven hundred] of gold, besides the ornaments of the crescents,

Kai XCOV 7T£piPoAmCOV XCOV 7lOp(pi)pi8cOV XCOV 8711

and the wrap around [garments] of the ones of purple, of the ones upon

xoic; fiaaiksvai Ma5id|i Kai 7iAx|v xcov kXoicov xcov

the kings of Midian, even besides the collars of the ones

sv xoic; xpaxri^oiq xcov KajxfjXcov auxcbv 27 + Kai

on the necks of their camels. And

S7io(r|asv ai)xcb TsSscov siq s(poi35 Kai saxrjasv ai)xo

[ made to himself Gideon] for an ephod, and set it

sv 7r6A,si clvtov sv Ecppd Kai s^S7r6pvsi)as naq

in his city, in Ophrah. And [ fornicated all

IapafjX O7r(aco clvtov sksi Kai sysvsxo xco rs8scov

Israel] after it there. And it became [ to Gideon

Kai xco oikco avzov sic; aKav5alov 28 + Kai

and his house an obstacle]. And

svsxpd7ir| Ma5id|i svco7iiov xcov dicov IapafjA, Kai

Midian was in remorse before the sons of Israel, and

od 7ipoas9svxo sxi dpai KscpaArjv ai)xcov Kai

they did not proceed yet to lift their head; and

r|&lt;y6%(xosv t| yrj xsaaapdKovxa sxrj sv rjiispaic;

[ was tranquil the land] forty years in [the] days

rs8scov 29+ Kai S7ropsi)0r| IspopdaA, vioq Icodq Kai

of Gideon. And [ went Jerubbaal son of Joash] and

KaxcoKTjasv sv xco oikco avzov 30+ Kai xco TsSscov

dwelt in his house. And [to] Gideon

fjaav spSojifjKovxa moi SK7iopsi)6|isvoi sk

there were seventy sons going forth from out of

jxrjpcbv avzov 6x1 ywaiKsq noXkai fjaav ai)xco 31+ Kai

his thighs, for [ wives many there were] to him. And


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07 - Judges

r\ naXkaxr] clvtov sv £ikt||ioic; stsksv aDTcb Kai ys

his concubine in Shechem, [ bore to him also indeed

aDxfj diov Kai S7is0r|Ks to ovojia clvtov Apijie^sx 32 +

she] a son, and put upon [him] his name — Abimelech.

Kai a7is9avs rs8scbv vioq Icodc; sv 7ioAid ayaGfj

And [died Gideon [the] son ofJoash] with [ grayness of hair good].

Kai sxacprj sv too Tdtpco Icodc; tod nazpoq clvtov

And he was entombed in the burying-place of Joash his father,

sv scppd Apisa5pi 33+ Kai sysvfjGrj coc;

in Ophrah [of the] Abi-ezrites. And it came to pass as

a7i80avs rs8scbv Kai a7isaTps\j/av 01 moi lapaf\k Kai

Gideon died, that [returned the sons of Israel] and

s^S7i6pv8Daav O7uaco tcov BaaAiji Kai sGsvto aDTOic;

fornicated after the Baalim, and established to themselves

to BadA, Bsp(0 sic; 5ia0fjKr|v tod sivai aDTOiq aDTOV

Baal-berith for a covenant, [ to be to them for him]

siq Geov 34+ Kai odk e|ivfja6r|aav 01 dioi IopafjX

for god. And [ did not remember the sons of Israel]


[the] LORD their God, the one rescuing them from out of

%sipoc; 7idvTC0v tcov sx0pcbv aDTcbv kdkA,60sv 35 + Kai

[the] hand of all their enemies round about. And

odk £7rovr|aav sksoq jiSTd tod oikod IspopdaA,

they did not do mercy with the house of Jerubbaal —

rs5scbv KaTd 7idaav tt|v ayaGcoaDvrjv rjv S7ro(r|os

Gideon, according to all the goodness which he did

jiSTd lapaf\k

with Israel.

9 13

1+ Kai S7iop8D0r| Api|isXs% o vioq IspopdaA, sic;

And [ went Abimelech the son of Jerubbaal] into

SiKT||ia rcpoc; Tovq a8sAxpoDc; Tr\q [irycpoq aDTOD Kai

Shechem to the brothers of his mother. And

sldAxjas npoq aDTODc; Kai npoq ndaav tt|v

he spoke to them, and to all the

&lt;yoyysvsiav tod oikod nazpoq [iiycpoq clvtov Aiycov 2 +

kin of the house [father of his mother's], saying,

AxxAxjaaTS 5r| sv Toiq cbai 7idvTC0v tcov av5pcbv

Speak indeed into the ears of all the men

EiKf||icov 7iou)v psAriov djjav to dp%siv djicov

of Shechem, [saying], Which [is] best to you, [ to rule you


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

07 - Judges
£p8o|ifjKovTa dv8pac; Ttavmq viovq IspopdaA, r|

[for] seventy men], all [the] sons of Jerubbaal, or

KopisDsiv djicov dv8pa sva Kai |ivf|a6r|TS on

[ to dominate you man [for] one]? And you should remember that

ocjtodv djicov Kai aap^ djicov sijii sycb 3 + Kai sldAxjoav

[of your bone and of your flesh lam]. And [spoke

7isp( ai)TOT3 01 a8sAxpo( Tr\q jirjipoq avzov sv xoic;

concerning him the brothers of his mother] in the

coaiv 7idvTC0v tgov avSpcbv £ikt||icdv rcavTac;

ears of all of the men of Shechem all

todc; Xojovq todtodc; Kai skAivsv r| Kap5(a aDTcbv

these words. And [ leaned their heart]

O7rioco ApijisA^x on 8i7iav a8sAxpoc; r||icbv soil 4 + Kai

after Abimelech; for they said, [ our brother He is]. And

sSooKav ai)icb sp8ojif|KovTa apyDpioD sk tod

they gave to him seventy [pieces of] silver from out of the

oikod BadA,psp(0 Kai sjiiaBcboaTO sv aDTOic;

house of Baal-berith; and [ hired for them

Apijis^sx dvSpac; ksvodc; Kai GajiPoDjisvoDc; Kai

Abimelech men vain and distraught], and

S7iopsT39r|aav O7i(aco avzov 5+ Kai siafjXGsv sic; tov

they went behind him. And he entered to the

oikov tod 7iaxp6c; aDTOD sic; EcppaBd Kai arcsKTSivs

house of his father at Ophrah, and he killed

todc; aSsAxpoDc; aDTOD diodc; IspopdaX spSojxfjKovTa

his brothers, [the] sons of Jerubbaal, seventy

dvSpac; eid AiGov sva Kai D7rsA,s((p9r| IcoaGdji dioc;

men upon [stone one]. But [ was left behind Jotham son
IspopdaA, o vscbxspoc; oil SKptiprj 6 + Kai aDvfj%6r|aav

of Jerubbaal the younger], for he was hidden. And came together

7idvT£c; 01 dvSpec; EiKf||icov Kai 7iac; o oikoc; MaaAxb

all the men of Shechem, and all the house ofMillo,

Kai S7iop8D0r|aav Kai sPaaRsDaav xov Api|isA,sx

and they went and gave reign to Abimelech

PaoiXsa 7ipoc; tt| Pa^dvco Tr\q axdascoc; Tr\q sv

[as] king at the acorn tree of the station, of the one in

SiKfjjioic; 7+ Kai avfjyysiXav too IcoaGdji Kai S7iopsD0r|

Shechem. And they announced to Jotham, and he went,

Kai saxrjasv sv xr| KopDcpfj tod opoDc; Tapi^iv Kai

and stood on the top of mount Gerizim, and

S7rfjps ttjv cpcovfiv aDTOD Kai SKdXsas Kai sircsv aDTOic;

he lifted up his voice, and he called, and he said to them,


9 0 ev tootco + vtica 07 - Judges

aKODaaxs jiod dv5psc; EiKfjjicov Kai aKODasxai Djicbv

Hear me men ofShechem! and [ shall hear you

o Bsoq s + 7copsDO|isva S7topsD0r|oav xa ^vXa

God]. Ingoing, [ went forth the trees]

tod xpiaai 87i ' aDxcbv PaaiAia Kai si7cav xr| sAma

to anoint for themselves a king. And they said to the olive tree,

fiaaiksvaov scp' rjjicbv 9 + Kai si7csv aDxofc; r| sAma

You reign over us! And [ said to them the olive tree],

acpsiaa xrjv 7u6xr|xd jiod r|v ev sjioi s86^aasv o Gsoc;

Allowing my fatness which [ in me glorified God],

Kai 01 dv9pco7roi 7copsD0cb dpxsiv S7ri xcov ^d^cov 10 +

and men, shall I go to rule over the trees?

Kai 8i7iav xa ^vXa xr| gvkt\ Sstipo Paai^sDaov scp'

And [ said the trees] to the fig-tree, Come, you reign over

rjjicbv 11+ Kai 8i7rsv aDxofc; T] odkt} acpsiaa

us! And [ said to them [the] fig-tree], Allowing

xrjv yA,DK6xr|xd jiod Kai xa yswf||iaxd jiod to aya66v

my sweetness and [ produce my good],

7copsD0cb dpxsiv xcov ^6A,cov 12 + Kai si7cav xa £pXa

should I go to rule the trees? And [ said the trees]

xtj a|i7isA,co 8sDpo Paai^SDS cjd scp' rjjicbv 13 + Kai

to the grapevine, Come, you reign over us! And

S17T8V aDxoiq T| d|i7csA,oc; acpsiaa xov oivov (iou xrjv

[said to them the grapevine], Allowing my wine, the

SDcppoawrjv xod 0sod Kai xcov av0pcb7ccov 7copsD0cb

gladness of God, and of the ones of men, should I go

dp%siv 87ii xcov ^oAxov 14+ Kai si7i;av 7cdvxa xa ^vka

to rule over the trees? And [ said all the trees]

7tpoc; xttv pdjivov 8sDpo cjd fiaaiksvs scp' r||icbv 15 +

to the white-thorn shrub, Come, You reign over us!

Kai 817C8V T| pdjivoq 7cpoc; xa tpXa 8i ev aAr|0s(a

And [ said the white-thorn shrub] to the trees, If in truth

Xpisxs |i8 djisic; xod PaaiXsDsiv scp' v[iaq 8sdxs

you anoint me yourselves to reign over you, come

7C87co(9ax8 ev xr| aKS7cr| jiod Kai si |ir| s^sA,0oi 7CDp

rely in my protection; and if not may [ come forth fire]

sk xrjc; pdjivoi) Kai Kaxacpdyoi xac; KsSpoDc;

from the white-thorn shrub, and may it devour the cedars

xod AipdvoD 16+ Kai vdv si sv aAr|6s(a Kai sv

of Lebanon. And now, if in truth and in

xs^sioxnxi S7roifjGaxs Kai sPaoilsDaaxs xov Api|isXs%

soundness you made even Abimelech reign,


9 0 sv tootco + vtica 07 - Judges

Kai ei Kokcbq S7iorf|aaTS jisxd IspopdaA, Kai jisxd

and if [ well you did] with Jerubbaal, and with

tod oikod olvtov Kai ei raid to avTa7i68o|ia TT\q

his house, and if according to the recompense of

%sipoc; olvtov S7ioif|aaTS aDTcb n+ coq S7ioXs|ir|asv

his hand you did to him, as [ waged war

O 7TaTfjp |IOD D7TSp DJICDV Kai 8ppi\j/8 \|A)%f|V OLVTOV

my father] for you, and tossed his life

s^svavTiaq Kai spptiaaTO v[iaq sk X^poq Ma8id|i

right opposite, and rescued you from out of [the] hand of Midian;

i8+ Kai v[isiq S7iavsaTr|TSV S7ri tov oikov

and you rose up against the house

tod 7raTp6c; jiod afjjispov Kai aftSKTSivaTS

of my father today, and you killed

todc; diodc; aDTOD sp8o|ifiKovTa avdpaq S7U AiGov sva

his sons, seventy men upon [ stone one];

Kai ePaai^sDaaTe tov ApijisA^x diov

and you gave reign to Abimelech [the] son

Tr\q 7iai5(aKr|v aDTOD S7ri zovq dvSpac; £iKfj|icDV 6ti

of his maidservant over the men ofShechem, because

aSsAxpoc; djicov ecrci 19+ Kai 8i ev aAxjGsia Kai

[ your brother he is]; and if [ in truth and

t8A,si6tt|ti £7roifjaaTS jiSTd IopopdaA, Kai

perfection you acted] with Jerubbaal, and


his house in this day, may you be glad in

Apijis^sx Kai SD(ppav0svr| Kai ys aDToq sv djjav 20 +

Abimelech, and may he be glad also indeed himself in you.

si (ir| s^sX0oi 7iDp s^ Apijis^sx Kai KaTacpdyoi zovq

If not, may [ come forth fire] from Abimelech, and devour the

dvSpac; SiKf||icov Kai tov oikov MaAxb Kai s^sABoi

men of Shechem, and the house Millo; and may [ come forth

7TDp a7TO av8pCOV ElKf||ICOV Kai SK tod OIKOD

fire] from [the] men of Shechem, and from out of the house

MaAxb Kai KaTacpdyoi tov Apijis^sx 21 + Kai

of Millo, and devour Abimelech. And

a7is8pa IcoGdji Kai scpDys Kai S7iopsD6r| sic; Brjpd Kai

Jotham ran away and fled, and went unto Beer, and

KaTCOKqas sksi arco 7ipoacb7roD Api|isA,s%

dwelt there away from [the] face of Abimelech

tod aSsAxpoD aDTOD 22 + Kai fjp^sv ApijisXsx S7U IapafjX

his brother. And Abimelech ruled over Israel


9 0 sv toi3tco + vtica 07 - Judges

xpia stt] 23 + Kai s^a7isaT8iA,sv o 0s6c; 7rveD|ia 7iovr|p6v

three years. And God sent [ spirit a bad]

avajieoov Api|ieA£% Kai avajieaov xcov av5pcov

between Abimelech and between the men

£iKf||icDV Kai rjGsTTjaav 01 avbpsq EiKfjjicDV sv too

of Shechem; and [ annulled [allegiance] the men of Shechem] with the

oikco Apijis^sx 24+ tod S7iayaysiv xrjv aSudav xcov

house of Abimelech; so as to bring the injustice [done to] the

spSojxfjKovTa mcbv IepopdaX Kai to aijia aDxcbv

seventy sons of Jerubbaal, and for their blood

S7ii08ivai S7Ti Apijie^sx xov a5eAxpov aDxcbv xov

to be put upon Abimelech their brother the one

a7TOKxs(vavxa aDxotic; Kai sm xodc; avdpaq £iKf||icov

killing them; and upon the men of Shechem,

xodc; Kaxio%Daavxec; xac; %eipac; aDxcbv cooxe

of the ones strengthening their hands so as

a7TOKxs(vai xodc; a8sAxpoDc; aDxoD 25 + Kai sGsvxo aDxcb

to kill his brothers. And [ put for him

01 dv5pec; Sikt||icov eve5psDovxac; sm xac; Kscpa^dc;

the men of Shechem] ones lying in wait upon the top

xcov opscbv Kai avfjp7ia^ov ftdvxac; xodc;

of the mountains. And they kidnapped all the ones

8ia7ropsDO|i8VODc; S7i ' aDxcbv ev xrj o5cb Kai

going along by them in the way; and

a7rr|YYsAr| xco ApijisXex 26 + Kai fjXGe TadA, dioc; Ap£8

it was reported to Abimelech. And [came Gaal [the] son ofEbed]

Kai 01 a8eAxpo( aDxoD Kai 7tapf|Ai)ov sic; £iKf||ia Kai

and his brothers, and they went unto Shechem; and

S7C87co(9r|aav sv aDxcb 01 dv5pec; EiKf||icov 27+ Kai

[relied in him the men of Shechem]. And

s^fjXGov sic; aypov Kai exptiyrjaav

they went forth into [the] field, and gathered the vintage

xodc; a|i7teAxbvac; aDxcbv Kai S7cdxoDV Kai 87co(odv

of their vineyards, and they treaded, and they made

Xopotic; Kai eiafjA,0ov sic; oikov 0sod aDxcbv Kai

a dance, and they entered into [the] house of their god, and

ecpayov Kai S7ciov Kai Kaxrjpcbvxo xov ApijisXsx 28 + Kai

they ate and drank, and they cursed Abimelech. And

817C8 TadA, dioc; Aps5 xic; saxiv Api|ieA£% Kai xic;

[ said Gaal son ofEbed], Who is Abimelech, and who

saxiv dioc; £dxs|i 6x1 SodXsdoojisv aDxcb od% dioc;

is [the] son of Shechem, that we shall serve to him? [Is he] not [the] son


9 0 sv toutco + vtica 07 - Judges

IspopdaA, Kai ZzfiovX 87iiaK07ro(; avzov SovXoq avzov

of Jerubbaal, and Zebul his overseer, his manservant

gvv TOiq av5pdoiv E|i|icbp nazpoq I/u%e|i Kai xi

with the men ofHamor, father ofShechem? And why

on SouXeuaojisv auxcb r\[isiq 29+ Kai tic; 5cbr|

[is it] that we shall serve to him ourselves? And if any should give

xov Xaov xouxov sv %zipi [iov Kai jiexaaxfjacD

this people into my hand, then I shall remove

xov ApijisXsx Kai spcb 7ipoc; Api|isXs% 7iAxj Gdvov

Abimelech. And I shall say to Abimelech, Multiply

tt|v 6vva[iiv gov Kai s^sABs 30 + Kai fjKouae Zzfiovk o

your force, and come forth! And [ heard Zebul the

dpxcov Tr\q noXscnq zovq Xoyovq Taak viov Ape5

ruler of the city] the words of Gaal son of Ebed,

Kai s0D|icb0r| opyfj 31+ Kai a7isai8iA,sv ayyskovq npoq

and he was enraged in anger. And he sent messengers to

ApijisA^sx |i8id 8cbpcov Aiycov idov Taak vioq Aps5

Abimelech with bribes, saying, Behold, Gaal [the] son of Ebed,

Kai 01 a8eAxpo( avzov 7rapaysy6vaaiv sic; £iKr||ia Kai

and his brothers have come unto Shechem; and

o(5s 7ioAiopK(y6ai xrjv 7i6A.iv S7i( as 32+ Kai vdv

know, they assault the city against you. And now

avdaxrjGi vdkxoc; gv Kai o Xaoq o |isxd gov Kai

rise up at night, you and the people with you, and

svs8psus too aypcb 33+ Kai saxai xo7cpcoi djia xco

lie in wait in the field! And it will be in the morning, together with the

avaxsiAm xov fjAiov Kai opGpisic; Kai skxsvsic; S7U

rising of the sun, that you shall rise early and stretch out against

xrjv 7r6Aav Kai 18013 auxoc; Kai o Xaoq o jisx' avzov

the city. And behold, he and the people with him

£K7iopsi)sxai 7rpoc; as Kai 7coif|asic; auxcb Ka6d7csp av

go forth against you, and you shall do to him just as

stiprj T| %sip gov 34+ Kai avsaxrj Api|isA,s% Kai

[ should find [opportunity] your hand]. And Abimelech rose up, and

iiaq o Xaoq o jisx' avzov vdkxoc; Kai svf|5psuaav

all the people with him at night, and they laid in wait

87i( EiKf||ia xsaaapsc; ap%a( 35+ Kai e^fjXGs Taak vioq

at Shechem — four companies. And [ came forth Gaal son

Aps8 Kai saxrj 7cpoc; xrjv dvpa xrjc; Tivhr\q Tr\q

of Ebed], and he stood at the door of the gate of the

TtoXEwq Kai avsaxrj Api|isA,s% Kai 7cac; o Xaoq o jisx'

city. And Abimelech rose up, and all the people with


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

07 - Judges

avTOV 8K xcov eve8pcov 36+ Kai si5s Taak vioq Ape8

him, from the ambush. And [ saw Gaal son of Ebed]

xov Xaov mi 81718 7tpoc; ZsfiovX i8od Xaoq

the people. And he said to Zebul, Behold, a people

KaxaPaivcov goto tcov Koptxpcov xcov opscov Kai ei7ce

coming from the tops of the mountains. And [ said

7rpoc; avTOV ZspouA, xrjv aKidv xcov opscov &lt;td opdq

to him Zebul], The shadow of the mountains you see

cog dvSpac; 37+ Kai 7cpoae08xo sxi Taak tod Xakr\aa\

as men. And [ proceeded still Gaal] to speak,

Kai 817T8V idov Xaoq KaxaPaivcov Kaxd GdAxxooav

and said, Behold, a people coming down as a sea

arco xod e%6|i£va xod oji(paAx)D xrjc; yr\q Kai ap%f|

from the [part] next to the navel of the earth, and [ company

jiia 7iapayiv8xai arco o8od dpvoq pA£7covxcov 38+ Kai

one] arrives from [the] way of [the] Oak of [the] Seers. And

81718 npoq avxov ZsPodA, kov saxi xo ax6|ia cjod xo

[ said to him Zebul], Where is your mouth, the one

Aiyov xic; eaxiv Api|ieA,e% 6x1 8odA,sdoo|isv aDxcb

saying, Who is Abimelech, that we will serve him?

odk omoq saxiv o Xaoq ov e^oDSevcooac; e^eXGs

[ not Is this] the people whom you treated with contempt? Go forth

5r| vdv Kai 7coA,8|i£i 7cpoc; aDxov 39+ Kai e^fjABs TadA,

indeed now and wage war with him! And Gaal went forth

a7co 7cpoacb7coD xcov av8pcbv Sikt||icov Kai S7coA,s|ir|as

from [the] presence of the men of Shechem, and he made war

7tpoc; Api|ieA,e% 4 o+ Kai Kaxe5(co^ev ai)xov Apijis^sx

against Abimelech. And [ pursued him Abimelech],

Kai ecpDysv a7co 7cpoaco7coi) aDxoD Kai 87csaov

and he fled from his face, and there fell

xpaDjiaxiai noXkoi ecoc; xcov 0Dpcbv xrjc; itoXzcnq 41 +

slain many unto the doors of the city.

Kai SKdGiasv ApijisXex sv Apijid Kai s^spa^s ZsPodA,

And Abimelech settled in Arumah, and Zebul cast out

xov TadA, Kai xodc; a8sAxpoDc; aDxoD xod jitj oiksiv sv

Gaal and his brethren, [so as] to not live in

EiKfuioiq 42+ Kai £ysvf|9r| xr| 87caDpiov Kai s^fj^Gsv o

Shechem. And it came to pass in the next day, and came forth the

A,a6c; eic; xo 7C£8(ov Kai a7cr|yyeAr| xco Api|ieA£% 43 + Kai

people into the plain, and reported to Abimelech. And

7tap8A,aPs xov A,a6v Kai SisiXev aDxov sic; xpeic;

he took the people, and he divided them into three


9 0 sv tootco + vuca 07 - Judges

apxaq Kai svfj8psuasv sv aypcb Kai s(8s Kai idov

companies, and he laid in wait in [the] field. And he watched, and behold,

Xaoq e^fjAitev sk Tr\q nokscoq Kai S7iavsoTr| S7i'

a people came forth from out of the city, and he rose up against

(xdtoi)^ Kai S7rdTa^sv aDTotic; 4 4 + Kai Api|isXs% Kai

them and struck them. And Abimelech and

ap%a( ai jist' avxov s^STSivav Kai sarqaav 7iapd

companies, the ones with him, stretched out and stood by

ttjv dvpav Tr\q 7ivhr\q Tr\q nokscoq Kai ai 8t3o ap%a(

the door of the gate of the city, and the two companies

£^s%i)0r|aav S7U 7idvTac; zovq sv tco aypcb Kai

poured out upon all the ones in the field, and

S7idTa^sv aDxcyoc; 45+ Kai Api|isXs% S7ioA,s|isi sv ttj

he struck them. And Abimelech made war against the

7i6Xsi 6Ax|v xrjv rjjispav SKsivrjv Kai KaxsA,dpovTO TT|V

city [entire day that]. And they overtook the

7i6Xiv Kai xov Xaov tov sv aDifj arcsKTSivav Kai

city, and the people in it they killed; and

KaGsiXs ttjv 7i6A.iv Kai sarcsipsv avTT\v akaq 46+ Kai

he demolished the city and sowed it with salt. And

fjKODoav 7rdvTSc; 01 dvSpsc; tod 7r6pyou Eikt||icov Kai

[heard all the men of the tower ofShechem], and

siafjABov sic; to o%i3pco|ia oikod BrjGfjA, Bsp(0 4 ?+ Kai

they entered into the fortress of [the] house of Bethel-berith. And

avrjyysAxj too Api|isA,s% 6ti awf|%0r|aav rcavTSc; 01

it was announced to Abimelech that [ were brought together all the

dvSpsc; tod 7r6pyou EiKfjjicov 48+ Kai avsprj Api|isA,s%

men of the tower ofShechem]. And Abimelech ascended

sic; opoq SsXjicbv awoc; Kai 7iac; o Xaoq o jist'

into mount Zalmon, he and all the people with

avTOV Kai sA^aPsv Api|isXs% tt|v a^ivrjv sv

him. And Abimelech took the axe in

ttj %sip( avTOV Kai sko\j/s cpopTiov tpXav Kai s^apsv

his hand, and he cut a load of wood, and he took

avid Kai S7is6r|Ksv S7U todc; cdjiodc; avzov Kai si7is

it, and put [it] upon his shoulders. And he said

7tpoc; tov Axxov tov |ist' avTOV ti (8sts |is 7ioiowca

to the people with him, What you see me doing,

Ta%scoc; 7roifjaaTS coc; Kai sycb 49+ Kai SKO\j/av Kai

quickly you do as also I! And they felled [wood]. And

ys 7tdvTSc; auTOi SKacrcoc; cpopTiov Kai fjpav Kai

indeed to them all each [was] a load. And they lifted, and

9 0 sv xoi3xcp + vuca 07 - Judges

S7iopsT30r|aav O7i(aco Api|ieA,s% Kai S7re6r|Kav em to

they went after Abimelech. And they placed [the wood] at the

o%i3pcD|ia Kai sv87ipr|aav 87i' avzovq to o%Dpoo|ia sv

fortress, and they set fire to them at the fortress with

7iDpi Kai 7T&amp;VTSC; a7ie0avov oi avdpzq nvpyov

fire. And all died, the men of [the] tower

EiKf||icov oooei %ikio\ dv5pec; Kai yuvaiiceg 5 o+ Kai

of Shechem, about a thousand men and women. And

£7iopsi)0r| Api|isXe% sic; ©rjPfjq Kai 7ispisKd6iaev

Abimelech went unto Thebez, and besieged

aDTfjv Kai 7rpoKaTsA,dpeTO aDTfjv 51+ Kai nvpyoq

it, and first took it. And [ tower

ia%vpoq Tjv sv jisaco Tr\q nokscoq Kai ecpDyov sksi

a strong there was] in [the] midst of the city. And fled there

7idvT£c; 01 dv8pec; Kai ai yovaiKec; Kai ndvTsq 01

all the men, and the women, and all the

rjyoDjisvoi Tr\q noXzcnq Kai a7i8KA,siaav scp' saDTok;

leaders of the city. And they shut up themselves,

Kai aveprjaav £7U to 8cb|ia tod nvpyov 52 + Kai

and ascended upon the roof of the tower. And

f|X08V Api|i8A,s% eooc; TOD 7TDpyOD Kai

Abimelech came unto the tower, and

8^S7ioA,8|ir|aav aDTOV Kai fjyyiasv ApijisA^x sooc; Tr\q

they subdued it by war. And Abimelech approached unto the

dvpaq tod 7iDpyoD tod S|i7ipfjaai aDTOV sv 7iDp( 53 +

door of the tower to burn it with fire.

Kai eppnj/e yovfj |i(a KMajia |idXod ski tt|v

And [ tossed a woman] one piece of millstone upon the

KscpaAxjv ApijieXex Kai (xovskAxxcts TO KpaVlOV aDTOD 54 +

head of Abimelech, and it fractured his skull.

Kai sporjas to Ta%oq npoq to 7iai5dpiov to aipov

And he yelled out quickly to the servant lifting

Ta oksdtj aDTOD Kai 817TSV aDTcb a7idaai

his weapons. And he said to him, Unsheathe

ttjv pojicpaiav aoD Kai GavdTcaaov |is jifj 7tots si7icoai

my broadsword and kill me! lest at any time they should say

6ti yDvfj arcsKTSivev aDTOV Kai s^sk8vtt|osv aDTOV

that, A woman killed him. And [ stabbed him

to 7iai8dpiov aDTOD Kai a7is9avs 55+ Kai s(5sv avfjp

his servant], and he died. And [ saw [each] man

IapafjX 6ti a7i80av8v Api|ieA,s% Kai a7ifjX6£v avfjp

of Israel] that Abimelech died, and [departed [each] man]




07 - Judges

Eiq XOV X07TOV aDXOD 56 + Kai S7TSaxpS\j/SV O 0SOC; XT|V

to his place. And God returned the

Koudav Api|isA,£% r|v S7iorr|as too 7iaxp( aDXOD

evil of Abimelech, which he did to his father,

a7TOKTSivai xod&lt;; sp8o|if|Kovxa aSsAxpoDc; aDXOD 57+ Kai

by killing [seventy brothers his]. And

7idaav xrjv KaKiav av8pcbv Iakthicdv

all the evil of [the] men of Shechem,

S7isaxps\j/sv o Gsoc; sic; xrjv KscpaArjv aDxcbv Kai 87ifjX08v

God returned on their [own] head. And came

87i ' aDxotic; r| Kaxdpa Icoa0d|i tod diod IspopdaX

upon them the curse ofJotham the son ofJerubbaal.

10 1

1 + Kai avsoxrj jisxd Api|isXs% tod acboai xov IopafjX

And rose up after Abimelech to deliver Israel,

0coA,d Dioq OoDd vioq 7iaxpa8sAxpoD aDXOD avfjp

Tola son ofPhua, son of his uncle, a man

Iaad%ap Kai avzoq KaxcbKsi sv Eajiip ev opsi

oflssachar; and he dwelt in Shamir in mount

Ecppaiji 2 + Kai SKpivs xov IapafjA, sikocji Kai xpia sxrj

Ephraim. And he judged Israel twenty and three years,

Kai arcsGavs Kai sxdcprj sv Sajiip 3+ Kai avsaxrj

and he died, and he was entombed in Shamir. And rose up

jisx' aDxov Iaip o raA,aa8(xr|c; Kai SKpivs xov IcpafjA,

after him Jair the Gileadite; and he judged Israel

eiKoai Kai 8do sxrj 4 + Kai sysvovxo aDxcb xpidKovxa

twenty and two years. And there were born to him thirty

dioi STTiPePrjKoxec; S7U xpidKovxa iKbXovq Kai

sons mounted upon thirty foals. And

xpidKovxa 7i6A,sic; aDxoiq Kai aDxdq SKd^sasv EnavXziq

thirty cities were his, and they called them, Properties

Iaip scoq xrjc; rjjispac; xaDxrjc; ai siaiv sv yr|

of Jair until this day, the ones which are in [the] land

TaXaad 5 + Kai arcsGavsv Iaip Kai sxdcprj sv Kajicbv 6+

of Gilead. And Jair died and was entombed in Camon.

Kai 7ipoas0svxo 01 dioi IapafjA, 7roifjaai xo 7iovr|p6v

And [ proceeded the sons of Israel] to do wickedly

svavxi KDpioD Kai sldxpsDaav xoic; BaaAiji Kai xoic;

before [the] LORD, and they served to the Baalim, and to the

AaxapcbB Kai xoic; Gsok; Hvpiaq Kai xoic; Gsoiq

Ashtaroths, and to the gods of Syria, and to the gods



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£i8cbvoc; Kai xoic; 0sofc; Mcodp Kai xoic; Qsoiq mcbv

ofSidon, and to the gods ofMoab, and to the gods of [the] sons

Ajijicov Kai xoic; Qsoiq xcov aXkoipvXwv Kai

of Amnion, and to the gods of the Philistines; and

syKaxsAircov xov Kopiov Kai odk sSotiXsuaav ai)xco 7 +

they abandoned the LORD, and did not serve to him.

Kai s0u|ico0r| opyfj Kopioc; sv xco IapafjX Kai

And [ was enraged in anger [the] LORD] against Israel, and

a7is8oxo auxotic; sv xsipi aXXo(pvX(DV Kai sv %£ipi

he gave them into [the] hand of [the] Philistines, and into [the] hand

mcbv Ajijicbv 8+ Kai sad0pcoaav Kai sGAxxaav zovq

of [the] sons of Ammon. And they disintegrated and crushed the

viovq IapafjA, sv xco sviauxcb sksivco OKxcoKaiSsra sxrj

sons of Israel in that time— eighteen years,

7tdvxac; xouc; viovq IapafjA, xouc; sv xco rcspav xou

all of the sons of Israel on the other side of the

IopSdvou sv yr| xou Ajioppaioi) sv xr| raXaa8(xi8i

Jordan, in [the] land of the Amorite, in Gilead.

9+ Kai 8isPr|aav oi moi A|i|icbv xov Iop5dvr|v

And [ passed over the sons of Ammon] the Jordan

SK7roA,s|ifjaai Kai sv xco IotiSa Kai Bsviajiiv Kai sv

to wage war even against Judah and Benjamin, and against

xco oikco Ecppaiji Kai sGAiprjaav oi men IapafjA,

the house of Ephraim; and they afflicted the sons of Israel

acp65pa io+ Kai SKpa^av oi moi IapafjA, npoq Kopiov

exceedingly. And [ cried out the sons of Israel] to [the] LORD,

Aiyovxsc; r||idpxo|isv aoi 6xi syKaxsAi7io|isv

saying, We sinned against you, for we abandoned

xov 0s6v Tjjicbv Kai sXaxpsuaajisv xoic; BaaAiji n+ Kai

our God, and we served to the Baalim. And

si7is Kupioq npoq Tovq viovq IapafjA, ov%i oi

[the] LORD said to the sons of Israel, Is it not the

Aiyimxioi Kai oi Ajioppaioi Kai oi dioi Ajijicov Kai

Egyptians, and the Amorites, and the sons of Ammon, and

Mcodp Kai aAA,6(fn)Ax)i n+ Kai Ei5covioi Kai A|iaAx|K

Moab, and [the] Philistines, and Sidonians, and Amalek,

Kai Xavadv s^s0Aa\j/av v[idq Kai SKSKpd^axs npoq |is

and Canaan [that] squeeze you out? and you cried out to me,

Kai sacoaa v[idq sk X^poq auxcbv u + Kai djisic;

and I delivered you from out of their hand. And you

syKaxsAi7rsxs |is Kai sSoiAsuoaxs 0so(q sxspoiq

abandoned me, and served other gods.

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Sid xotixo od 7ipoa6fjaco tod acbaai v[idq u+

On account of this I will not proceed to deliver you.

Pa8(^8TS Kai Podxs npoq zovq dzovq ovq s^sAi^aaGs

Proceed and yell to the gods whom you chose

saDioiq Kai (xdtoi acoadxcoaav v[iaq sv Kaipcb

for yourselves, and let them deliver you in [the] time

0Ai\j/scoc; djicov i 5 + Kai sircav oi moi IapafjA, npoq

of your affliction! And [said the sons of Israel] to

Kopiov r||idpTO(i8v 7io(r|aov &lt;td r||i(v Kaxd 7idvxa

[the] LORD, We sinned, do to us according to all

6aa av apsaKTj svcb7ri6v gov Tihr\v stpkov r\[idq

whatever as much as should be pleasing before you, only rescue us

sv ttj r||ispa t(xt3ttj i 6 + Kai jisxsaxrjaav xoi)Cj 0sot)Cj xodc;

in this day! And they removed [ gods the

aAAx)Tpk&gt;i)c; 8K jisood auxcbv Kai sAxxxpsDoav xco

alien] from their midst, and they served to the

Kopico Kai coAayoij/uxrjasv sv icq k67tco IapafjA, n+ Kai

LORD. And he was faint-hearted over the toil of Israel. And

aveprjaav oi moi Ajijicbv Kai 7rapsvsPaXov sv

there ascended up the sons of Amnion, and they camped in

Takadd Kai e^fjABov oi moi IapafjX Kai

Gilead. And [ came forth the sons of Israel] and

7iapevsPaAx)v sv Maaarjcpd ig+ Kai si7iov o Xaoq oi

camped in Mizpeh. And [ said the people], [and] the

dpxovxsq TaXadd avfjp npoq xov 7iAx|a(ov avzov xic;

rulers of Gilead, [each] man to his neighbor, Who [is]

o avfjp oq dp^sxai 7ioA,s|ifjaai sv xoic; vioiq A|i|icbv

the man who shall begin to wage war with the sons of Ammon,

Kai saxai sic; KscpaArjv 7idai xoic; KaxoiKouai sv

for he shall be head to all the ones dwelling in



11 «■»

i+ Kai IscpBds o raXaa8(xr|c; r|v 8i)vax6c; sv ia%m Kai

And Jephthah the Gileadite was mighty in strength. And

avToq vioq yuvaucoc; 7i6pvr|c; Kai sxsksv xco Takadd

he [was] [the] son [woman of a harlot]. And she bore [[to] Gilead

xov IscpGds 2 + Kai sxsksv rj yuvfj raA,ad8 auxcb viovq

Jephthah]. And [ bore the wife] to Gilead himself sons.

Kai r|8pi)v6r|aav oi moi xrjc; ywaiKoc; Kai s^spalov

And [ matured the sons of the woman], and they cast out


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xov IscpGds Kai si7iov aDTcb od KAr|povo|xf|osic;

Jephthah, and said to him, You shall not inherit

sv too oikcd tod 7iaTp6c; r||icbv 6ti dioc; yovaiKoc;

among the house of our father, for [ a son woman

STcapac; ctd si 3 + Kai arcsSpa IscpGds sk 7ipoacb7roD

of a mistress you are]. And Jephthah ran away from [the] face

tcov a8sAxpcbv avTOV Kai KaTcbKqasv sv yr| Top Kai

of his brothers, and he dwelt in [the] land ofTob. And

cxovsAiyovTO npoq tov IscpGds dvSpsc; Arcoi Kai

[ collected together with Jephthah men cheap], and

ai)vs^S7iopsT3ovTO jist' avTOV 4+ Kai sysvsTO jisG'

went forth together with him. And it came to pass after

rjiispaq Kai S7ioA,s|xr|aav 01 dioi Ajijicbv jiSTd IapafjA,

[some] days, that [ waged war the sons of Ammon] against Israel.

Kai sysvfjGrj rjviKa S7ioA,s|ir|oav 01 dioi A|i|icbv jiSTd

And it came to pass when [ waged war the sons of Ammon] with

IapafjX 5+ Kai S7iopsDGr|oav 01 7ipsapDTspoi TaAxxdS

Israel, that [ went forth the elders of Gilead]

7iapaA,aPs(v tov IscpGds arco Tr\q yrjq Tcop 6 + Kai

to take Jephthah from the land of Tob. And

si7rov 7ipoc; IscpGds 5sDpo Kai sarj r\[dv sic;

they said to Jephthah, Come, and you will be to us as

rjyoDjisvov Kai 7roA,s|xfjao|isv sv TOiq vioiq Ajijicov 7 +

a leader, for we shall make war with the sons of Ammon.

Kai si7isv IscpGds Toiq 7ipsaPi)Tspoic; Takaad ov% djisic;

And Jephthah said to the elders of Gilead, Did you not

sjiiafjaaTS |is Kai s^spdAxxTS |is sk tod oikod

detest me, and cast me from out of the house

tod Kcrcpoq jioD Kai s^a7tsaTs(A,aTS |is acp' DJICOV Kai

of my father, and sent me from you? And

ti 6ti fjXGaTS 7ipoc; |is vdv rjviKa sGAiprjTS 8 + Kai

why [is it] that you came to me now when you are afflicted? And

si7iav 01 7ipsaPDTspoi raA,ad8 rcpoc; IscpGds odk

[ said the elders of Gilead] to Jephthah, Not

ODTCoq vdv aDvfjABojisv 7ipo&lt;; as Kai aD|i7iopsDar|

so, now we gathered together to you, and you shall go with

r||i(v Kai 7ioA£|ifjao|isv sv toic; vioiq Ajijicbv Kai

us, and we shall wage war against the sons of Ammon, and

sarj r\[dv sic; KscpaArjv 7idai toic; KaTOiKODai

you will be to us as head to all the ones dwelling

Takaad 9+ Kai si7isv IscpGds 7ipoc; todc; 7ipsaPDTspoDc;

in Gilead. And Jephthah said to the elders


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TaXaaS si S7iiaxpscpsxs jis Djisiq 7ioA,s|if|aai sv

of Gilead, If you return me to yourselves to make war against

Toiq vioiq Ajijicbv Kai 7iapa8cb Kopioc; avTOvq

the sons of Ammon, and [ should deliver [the] LORD] them

svcb7iiov s(iot3 sycb saojiai djiiv sic; KscpaArjv 10+ Kai

before me, I will be to you for head [ruler]. And

si7iav 01 7ipsaPi)Tspoi TaXaaS npoq IscpGds Kopioc;

[ said the elders of Gilead] to Jephthah, Let [the] LORD

saxai o aKODcav avajisaov rjjicbv si |ir| Kaxd

be the one hearing between us! if we do not do according to

to pfjjid 00D odtgx; 7ioif|ao|isv 11+ Kai S7ropsi)6r| IscpGds

your word thus we will do. And Jephthah went

jisxd xcov 7rpsoPi)Tspcov Takadd Kai Kaxsoxrjaav o

with the elders of Gilead, and [ established the

Xaoq avTOV S7i' auxcbv sic; KscpaArjv Kai ziq

people] him over them as head, and for

riyoDjisvov Kai sAxxArjasv IscpGds rcavxac;

leader. And Jephthah spoke all

Toxyq Xoyovq CLVTOV svcb7iiov Kupioi) sv Maaarjcpd 12+

his words before [the] LORD in Mizpeh.

3aaiA,sa mcbv

the] king of [the] sons

Kai arcsaxsiXsv IscpGds ajjskovq npoq

And Jephthah sent messengers to

Ajijicdv Aiycov xi sjioi Kai aoi 6x1 fjKsiq npoq |is

of Ammon, saying, What [is it] to me and to you, that you come to me

xod 7roA,s|xf|aai sv xrj yrj jiod 13 + Kai si7is fiaaikzvq

to wage war in my land? And [ said [the] king

mcbv Ajijicdv 7ipoc; xodc; ayysXouc; IscpGds 6x1

of [the] sons of Ammon] to the messengers of Jephthah, Because

slapsv IapafjA, xrjv yrjv [iov sv xrj avapdasi avzov

Israel took my land in their ascending

s^ Aiyirnxoi) ano Apvcbv scoc; IaPoK Kai scoc; xod

from out of Egypt, from Arnon unto Jabok, and unto the

IopSdvou Kai vdv S7rioxps\j/ov auxdc; jisx' sipfjvriq 14+

Jordan. And now return them with peace!

Kai 7ipoasGsxo sxi IscpGds Kai aftsaxsiXsv ayysXouc;

And [ added Jephthah again], and he sent messengers

npoq xov PaaiXsa mcbv Ajijicbv 15+ Kai si7iav ai)xcb

to the king of the sons of Ammon. And they said to him,

xd5s Aiysi IscpGds omc sAxxPsv IapafjA, xrjv yrjv

Thus says Jephthah, [ did not take Israel] the land

Mcodp Kai xrjv yrjv mcbv Ajijicbv i 6 + sv

of Moab, and the land of [the] sons of Ammon. In


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tt] avap&amp;aei aDxcbv s£, AryD7ixoD aXk'

their ascending from out of Egypt, [it is that]

£7ropsi)6r| IapafjA, ev xr| epf||ico ecoc; GaXdaorjc;

Israel went in the wilderness unto [ sea

zpvdpaq Kai fjABev scoc; KdSrjc; i?+ Kai

[the] red], and came to Kadesh. And

a7i£axsiXev IopafjX ayyeAxyoc; npoq PaaiAia E8cb|i

Israel sent messengers to [the] king of Edom,

Aiycov 7iapsA,8T3ao|iai 8id xrjc; yr\q gov Kai odk

saying, I shall go through your land. And [ did not

fjKODas fiaaikvbq E8cb|i Kai ys itpoq paaiAia Mcodp

hearken [the] king of Edom], and indeed to [the] king ofMoab

aftsaxsiXe Kai odk rjGsAxjasv Kai 8Kd6iasv IapafjX sv

[Israel] sent, and he would not, and Israel settled in

Kd8r|c; i 8 + Kai 8ifjX08v ev xrj epf||ico Kai SKDKAxoae

Kadesh. And [Israel] went through in the wilderness, and encircled

tt|v yrjv E8cb|i Kai xrjv yrjv Mcodp Kai 7iapsysvsxo

the land of Edom and the land ofMoab. And it arrived

Kax' avaxoAxxc; rjAioD Tr\q jr\q Mcodp Kai

according to [the] rising of [the] sun of the land of Moab, and

7iap8V8PaA,sv sv too rcepav Apvcbv Kai odk eiafj^Gov

camped on the other side of Arnon, and did not enter

ziq to opiov Mcodp 19+ Kai a7ieaxsiA,ev ayyskovq

into the border ofMoab. And [sent messengers

IopafjX 7ipoc; Srjcbv PaaiAia xcov Ajioppaicov PaaiAia

Israel] to Sihon king of the Amorites, king

EasPcbv Kai si7iev aDxcb lapar\k 7iapsA,8Dao|iai 8id

ofHeshbon. And [said to him Israel], I shall go by through

Tr\q yr\q aoD scoc; tod xotcod jiod 20 + Kai odk rjGeArjae

your land unto my place. And [ did not want

Srjcov xov IapafjA, SieABsiv 8id xcov opicov aDxoD Kai

Sihon] Israel to go through his borders. And

cTDvfjyays I/qcbv rcdvxa xov Xaov aDxoD Kai

Sihon gathered all his people, and

ftapevepa^sv sic; Iaaad Kai S7roA,s|ir|asv jisxd lapar\k

they camped at Jahaz, and he waged war with Israel.

21 + Kai 7iaps8coK8 KDpioc; o Gsoc; IapafjX xov I/qcov Kai

And [delivered up [the] LORD God of Israel] Sihon and

rcdvxa xov A,a6v aDxoD sv %eip( IapafjX Kai S7idxa^sv

all his people into [the] hand of Israel, and they struck

aDxotic; Kai SKAr|pov6|xr|aev IapafjA, rcdaav xrjv yrjv

them, and Israel inherited all the land


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of the Amorites dwelling in that land.

Kai SKAx|pov6|ir|as 7iav to opiov tod AjioppaioD anb

And [Israel] inherited all the border of the Amorites, from

Apvcbv Kai scoc; tod IaPoK Kai goto tod spf||ioD scoc;

Arnon and unto the Jabok, and from the wilderness unto

tod Iop8dvoD 23 + Kai vdv KDpioq o Gsoc; IapafjX

the Jordan. And now [the] LORD God of Israel

e^fjpe tov Ajioppaiov sk 7ipoaco7roD A,aoD aDTOD

lifted away the Amorite from [the] face of his people

IapafjA, Kai cjd KAxipovojifjasic; aDTOV 24+ od%( 6aa

Israel, and you, shall you inherit it? Is it not that as much as

KaTSKArjpovojifjas aoi Xajicbc; o Gsoc; aoD aDTd

[ allots to you Chemosh your god], them

KaTSKlr|povo|ifjaeic; Kai rcdvTa 6aa

you will inherit? And all as much as

KaTSKXr|pov6|ir|asv Kopioc; o Gsoc; r\[i(bv sk

[ inherits [the] LORD our God] from

7ipoaco7roD Djicbv aDTd KA,r|povo|if|ao|i8v 25 + Kai vdv

your person we shall inherit them. And now

|ir| Kpsiaacov si od D7isp BaAxxdK diod £s7icpcop

[ [any] better are you] than Balak son of Sephor

PaaiXscoc; Mcodp |ir| |id%r| s|ia%soaTO jiSTd IapafjA,

king of Moab? Did he with battle do combat with Israel,

T| 7ioA,s|ico 87ioA,8|ir|a8v aDTOiq 26+ sv tco oiKfjaai

or by war wage war with them? In the living

IapafjA, sv EasPcov Kai sv zaiq GDyaTpdaiv aDTfjc; Kai

of Israel in Heshbon, and in her daughter [cities], and

sv Apofjp Kai sv Taiq 0DyaTpdaiv aDTfjc; Kai sv

in Aroer, and in her daughter [cities], and in

naoaiq xaiq koXegi xaxq napa tov Iop8dvr|v

all the cities by the Jordan

TpiaKoaia sttj ti 6ti odk spptiaavTO aDTODc; sv

for three hundred years — Why [is it] that you did not rescue them in

tco Kaipcb SKsivco 27+ Kay cb OD%fj|iapT6v aoi Kai ctd

that time? And I sinned not against you, but you

7roisic; jist' sjiod 7iovr|piav tod 7ioA,s|xfjaai sv sjioi

do [ with me wickedness] to wage war against me.

Kpivai KDpioq o Kpivcov afjjispov avajisaov dicov

May [the] LORD judge, the one judging today, between [the] sons

IopafjX Kai avajisaov dicov Ajijicbv 28+ Kai odk

of Israel and between [the] sons of Ammon. And [would not


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07 - Judges
siafjKODas fiaaikzvq dicov Ajijicbv tcov Xoycov

hearken to [the] king of [the] sons of Ammon] the words

IscpGds gov a7isoTSiXs 7rpoc; ai)i6v 29 + Kai sysvf|0r| S7r(

of Jephthah which he sent to him. And [ became upon

IscpGds 7rvei)|ia KDpioD Kai 5isPr| rqv Takaad Kai

Jephthah spirit [of the] LORD], and he passed over Gilead, and

ttjv Mavaaafj Kai 8ispr| rqv aK07iidv Takaad Kai

Manasseh, and he passed over the height of Gilead, and

a7io aK07iidc; Takaad sic; to rcspav dicov Ajijicov 30+

from [the] height of Gilead to the other side of [the] sons of Ammon.

Kai rjTj^axo IscpBds sv%r\v too Kopico Kai sircsv sdv

And Jephthah vowed a vow to the LORD, and he said, If

7iapa86asi 7iapa8cbc; todc; viovq Ajijicov sv

by delivering up you should deliver up the sons of Ammon in

%sip( jiod 31+ Kai saxai o SK7ropsD6|isvoc; oq

my hand, then it will be [concerning] the one going forth, who


ever might come from the doors of my house for

a7idvTr|aiv |iod sv too smaTpsij/ai |is sv sipfjvrj anb

meeting me in my returning in peace from

xcov mcbv Ajijicbv Kai s&lt;xcai too Kopico Kai avoiaco

the sons of Ammon, that it will be to the LORD, and I will offer

ai)T6v oXoKaDTCOjia 32+ Kai 8isPr| IscpGds 7ipoc; viovq

him a whole burnt-offering. And Jephthah passed over to [the] sons

Ajijicbv tod 7roA£|ifjaai itpoq aDTODc; Kai 7iaps8coKsv

of Ammon to wage war against them. And [ delivered

aDTODC; KDpiOq SV XSipi aDTOD 33 + Kai 87ldTa^8V aDTODq

them [the] LORD] into his hand. And he struck them

arco Apofjp Kai scoc; tod sXGsiv Msv(9 sikocji

from Aroer even unto the coming [to] Minnith — twenty

7i6Xsic; Kai scoc; Afizk a|i7isAxbvcov 7iAx|yf|v jisydAxjv

cities, and unto [the] Abel vineyards, [ beating great

acp65pa Kai svsTpd7rr|aav 01 dioi Ajijicov

an exceedingly]. And [ showed respect the sons of Ammon]

a7io 7ipoacb7roD dicov IapafjA, 34 + Kai fjABsv IscpBds sic;

in front [of the] sons of Israel. And Jephthah came to

Maaarjcpd sic; tov oikov aDTOD Kai i8od

Mizpeh to his house. And behold,


his daughter went forth for meeting him with

TD|i7rdvoic; Kai %opo(c; Kai ai)T1 1 l^ovoysvfjc; Kai

tambourines and dancers, and she [was] an only child. And


11 &gt;r


07 - Judges

odk r|v aDxcb 7iAx|v avTT\q vioq r\ 0Dyaxr|p 35 + Kai

there was not to him [besides her a son or daughter]. And

sysvfjGrj rjviKa £i8ev aDxfjv Kai Siepprj^e

it happened when he beheld her, that he tore

xa ijidxia aDxoD Kai £i7iev oijioi 0Dyaxr|p jiod

his garments, and said, Alas my daughter

s|i7r£7ro8oox&amp;xr|K&amp;c; jis siq aKcbXov eyevoD sv

you impede me, for [ an impediment you became] in

ocpGaXjioiq jiod Kai sycb fjvoi^a xo axojia jiod 7isp(

my eyes, and I opened my mouth concerning

aoD itpoq Kopiov Kai od 8Dvfjao|iai xod a7ioaxps\j/ai

you to [the] LORD, and I shall not be able to turn back.

36+ Kai S17T8 7rpoc; ai)xov si ev s|io( fjvoi^ac;

And she said to him, If about me you opened

xo axojia aoD itpoq Kopiov 7iovr|a6v jioi ov xporcov

your mouth to [the] LORD, let him do to me in which manner

s^fjXGev 8K xod axojiaxoq aoD av0 ' gov S7iovr|as aoi

it came forth from out of your mouth, because [ did for you

Kopioc; SKSiKqaic; sk xcov s%0pcbv aoi) sk xcov dicov

[the] LORD vengeance] on your enemies, of the sons

Ajijicbv 37+ Kai S17T8 7ipoc; xov rcaxspa avTT\q Kai

of Ammon. And she said to her father, And

7rovr|a6v jioi xo pfjjia xodxo saaov |is 8do (ifjvaq Kai

do to me this thing! Allow me two months and

7iopsDao|iai Kai Kaxapfjaojiai S7i( xa 6pr| Kai

I shall go and shall come down upon the mountains, and

KAxroaojiai S7U xa 7iap0svsia jiod sycb Kai

I shall weep over the tokens of my virginity, I and

ai aDvsxaipiSsc; jiod 3 s + Kai si7is rcopsDOD Kai

my female companions. And he said, Go! And

s^a7isaxsiA,sv auxfjv 8do [ir\vaq Kai S7iopsD0r| aDxfj

he sent her out [for] two months. And she went, she

Kai ai aDvsxaip(8sc; auxfjc; Kai ZKkavaav S7U xa

and her female companions. And they wept over the

7iap0sv8ia avTT\q S7U xa 6pr| 39 + Kai sysvsxo jisxa

tokens of her virginity upon the mountains. And it came to pass after

xo zskoq xcov 8do jirjvcbv Kai average npoq

the end of the two months, that she returned to

xov 7iaxspa avTT\q Kai srcsxsXsasv Iscp0as

her father, and Jephthah completed

Tr\q si)xf|v avTOV rjv rjD^axo Kai aDxfj odk syvco

his vow which he vowed. And she did not know


12 T

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

07 - Judges

&amp;v8pa Kai sysvfjGrj sic; 7ip6aTay|ia sv IopafjX 4 o+ s£,

a man. And it became an order in Israel, from

rjjispcbv sic; rjjispac; aDVS7topsDOVTO ai 0DyaTspsq

days unto days [ go with [one another] the daughters

IopafjX 6pr|vs(v tt|v 0DyaTspa Iscp0ds tod

of Israel] to wail [over] the daughter ofJephthah the

Takaadhov tod Tsaaapac; rjjispac; sv too svkxdtco

Gileadite four days in the year.


i+ Kai Gvvryxfdr\&lt;3av oi dioi Ecppaiji Kai r\kdov sic;

And [ gathered together the sons ofEphraim], and they came to

Escprjvd Kai si7iov itpoq IscpBds ti 6ti S7iopsD6r|(;

Zaphon, and said to Jephthah, Why [is it] that you went

7roXs|if|aai itpoq zovq vioiq Ajijic&amp;v Kai r\[idq od

to wage war against the sons of Ammon, and [ us you did not
KSKAxjKac; 7iopsD6fjvai jiSTd aoD tov oikov aoD

call] to go with you? [ your house

£|i7rpfjao|iev S7U as sv 7iDpi 2 + Kai si7is Iscp0ds npoq

We will burn] over you with fire. And Jephthah said to

aDTODc; avfjp avTi5iKcbv r\[ir\v sycb Kai o Xaoq jiod Kai

them, [ a man pleading I was], and my people, and

oi dioi Ajijicbv STa7is(voDV (is acp68pa Kai sporjaa

the sons of Ammon humbled me exceedingly, and I yelled out

7ipoc; v[iaq Kai odk sacbaaTS |is sk

to you, and you did not deliver me from out of

Xsipoq aDTcbv 3 + Kai s(5ov 6ti odk r|v o ocd^cdv Kai

their hand. And I saw that [there] was no one delivering, and

s0s|ir|v ttjv y\fv%r\v jiod sv tt| %sip( |iod Kai SisPrjv

I put my life in my hand, and I passed over

7ipoc; diodc; Ajijicov Kai 7iaps8coKsv aDTODCJ Kopioc; sv

to [the] sons of Ammon, and [ delivered them over [the] LORD] into

Xsipi (iod Kai ivan avsPrjTS npoq |is sv

my hand. And why did you ascend against me in

TT| TJJISpa TaDTTJ 7loA,S|ISlV SV sjioi 4 + Kai

this day to wage war against me? And

oDvfjGpoiosv IscpGds itavTaq zovq dv5paq raA,ad8 Kai

Jephthah gathered together all the men of Gilead, and

S7roA,s|isi tco Ecppaiji Kai S7idTa^av dvSpsc; Takaad

waged war [against] Ephraim. And [ struck [the] men of Gilead]

tov Ecppaiji 6ti si7iav oi Siaasaooojisvoi tod Ecppaiji

Ephraim; for [said the men coming through safe ofEphraim],


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07 - Judges

djisic; raAxxdS ev jisaco tod Ecppaiji Kai ev jisaco

You [are] Gilead in [the] midst of Ephraim, and in [the] midst

tod Mavaaaf) 5 + Kai 7ipoKaT£AxxPsTO Takaad zaq

of Manasseh. And Gilead was first to take the

8iaP&amp;aeic; tod Iop5dvoD tod Ecppaiji Kai sysvfjGrj 6ts

ford of the Jordan of Ephraim. And it came to pass when

si7iav aDTofc; 01 Siaaeaooajisvoi tod Ecppaiji 8iaPcbjiev

[said to them the ones coming through safe of Ephraim], We should pass over

8r| Kai 8i7rov aDTOiq 01 dvdpsq Takaad jir| 8k

indeed! That [ said to them the men of Gilead], [ not of

tod Ecppaiji djisic; Kai ei7iav odk eajisv 6 + Kai 8171 ov

Ephraim [Are] you]? And they said, We are not. Then they said

aDTOiq Sl7iaT8 8r| CJTd%DC; Kai OD KaT8D0DVS

to them, Say indeed, Stachys! And [if] he was not straightly [able]

tod XaArjaai odtcdc; Kai £7isAxxPovto aDTODc; Kai

to speak thus, then they would take hold of them, and

sacpa^ov aDTODc; £7U Tag Siapdaeiq tod Iop8dvoD Kai

slay them at the ford of the Jordan. And

S7reaav Ecppaiji sv too Kaipcb sksivco TsaaapdKovTa

they that fell from Ephraim in that time [were] forty

Kai 8do %iAid8sc; ? + Kai SKpivsv Iscp0ds tov lapar\k

and two thousand. And Jephthah judged Israel six

sttj Kai a7is9av8v IscpGds o raA,aa5vcr|c; Kai eTdcprj

years. Then [ died Jephthah the Gileadite], and he was entombed

sv 7i6A,8i aDTOD TaXaaS 8 + Kai SKpiVS JI8T aDTOV

in his city Gilead. And [judged after him

tov IapafjA, Epeadv sk Br|0A,s8(i 9+ Kai eyevovTO aDTcb

Israel Ibzan of Beth-lehem]. And there were to him

TpidKovTa Dioi Kai TpidKovTa 0DyaTspsc;

thirty sons, and thirty daughters

ai 8^a7i8aTaX|isvai s^oo Kai TpidKovTa yovaiKac;

being sent out, and [ thirty wives

eiafjyays toic; vioiq avzov arco e^coBsv Kai eKpive

he brought in] for his sons from outside. And he judged

tov IapafjA, 87iTd £tt| 10+ Kai afteGavev Epeadv Kai

Israel seven years. And Ibzan died, and

STdcpTj SV Br|9A,88(I 11+ Kai 8KpiV8 (1ST' aDTOV

he was entombed in Beth-lehem. And [ judged after him

tov IapafjA, AiAxbji o ZaPoDAx»vrcr|c; Kai SKpivsv

Israel Elon the Zebulunite], and he judged

tov IapafjA, 8sKa sttj 12+ Kai a7is9avsv AiAxbji o

Israel ten years. And [ died Elon the


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

07 - Judges

ZaPoDAxjovvcrjc; Kai sxdcprj sv AiAxbji sv yrj

Zebulunite], and was entombed in Aijalon in [the] land

ZafiovX&amp;iv 13+ Kai SKpivs jisx' aDxov xov IapafjX

ofZebulun. And [judged after him Israel

Ap8cb|i vioq EXXr\k o OapaGcovixrjc; 14+ Kai sysvovxo

Abdon son of Hillel the Pirathonite]. And there were

(XDxcb xsaoapdKovxa dioi Kai xpidKovxa dioi

to him forty sons, and thirty sons

xcov mcbv avTOV S7iiPa(vovxsc; S7U sp8ojif|Kovxa TMhXovq

of his sons being mounted upon seventy foals.

Kai SKpivs xov IapafjX okxco sxrj 15+ Kai arcsGavsv

And he judged Israel eight years. And [died

Ap5cbv vioq EXkr\k o OapaGcovixrjq Kai sxdcprj sv

Abdon [the] son of Hillel the Pirathonite], and he was entombed in

OapaGcbv sv yrj Ecppaiji sv opsi xod A|iaA,f|K

Pirathon in [the] land of Ephraim, in [the] mountain [of] Amalek.

13 V

1+ Kai 7ipoas0svxo sxi 01 dioi IapafjX 7ioifiaai

And [proceeded still the sons of Israel] to act

xo 7iovr|p6v svcb7iiov Ki)p(oi) Kai 7raps8coKsv aDxotic;

wickedly before [the] LORD, and [ delivered them

Kopioc; sv %£ipi aXko(pvX(tiv xsaaapdKovxa sxrj 2 + Kai

[the] LORD] into [the] hand of [the] Philistines — forty years. And

sysvsxo avfjp sic; s^ Apad sk xrjc; (pvXr\q xod Aav

there was [man one] from Zorah, from the tribe of Dan,

Kai ovojia aDxcb Mavcbs Kai r| yDvfj aDxoD axsipa

and [the] name [to] him [was] Manoah, and his wife was sterile,

Kai odk sxikxs 3+ Kai cbcpGrj ayyeXoq KopioD 7rpoc;

and had not given birth. And [ appeared an angel [of the] LORD] to

xrjv yDvaiKa Kai si7is rcpoc; aDxfjv i8od 8r| cjd

the woman, and he said to her, Behold indeed, you [are]

axsipa Kai od xsxoKaq Kai sv yaaxpi s^siq

sterile, and have not borne; but [ in [the] womb you shall have [one]],
Kai xs^rj Diov 4 + Kai vdv (ptiXa^ai Kai |ir| 7i(r|(;

and shall bear a son. And now guard and do not drink

oivov Kai aiKspav Kai |ir| cpayfj 7iav aKdGapxov 5 +

wine and liquor, and do not eat any unclean [thing] !

6x1 i8od ctd sv yaoxpi s%sig Kai xs^rj diov Kai

For behold, you [ in [the] womb have [one]], and you shall bear a son, and


13 v sv xoiJTCp + vdca 07 - Judges

aiSrjpoc; odk avapfjasxai S7ri Tr\q KstpaArjc; avzov on

an iron [razor] shall not ascend upon his head, for

Na^ipaiov too 0ecb eaxai to 7cai5dpiov sk Tr\q

[ a Nazarite to God will be the boy] from the

yaoxpoq Kai avzoq dp^sxai aco^eiv tov IapafjA, 8K

womb; and he shall begin to deliver Israel from out of

Xsipoc; aXko(pvX(DV 6 + Kai fjXGsv r| yovfj Kai si7cs

[the] hand of [the] Philistines. And [ went in the woman] and said

too av8pi avTT\q Xsyovaa dv0pco7i;oc; tod 0sod r\kds

to her husband, saying, A man of God came

7ipoq |i8 Kai T| opaaic; avzov coc; opaaic; ayye^oD

to me, and his appearance was as [the] appearance of an angel

tod GsoD £7rupavf|c; acp68pa Kai odk r|pcbTr|aa aDTOV

of God— [prominent very]. And I did not ask him

7i608v ecm Kai to ovojia aDTOD odk a7cf|yysiA,s jioi

from what place he is, and his name he did not report to me.

7+ Kai 81718 jioi i5od &lt;td sv yacxcpi 8%8K; Kai

And he said to me, Behold, you [ in [the] womb have [one]], and

T8^r| diov Kai vdv |iT| 7ur|c; oivov Kai aiKspav

you shall give birth to a son. And now do not drink wine and strong drink,
Kai |ir| cpdyrjc; 7tdoav aKa0apa(av 6ti Na^rjpaiov

and do not eat any uncleanness! for [a Nazarite

0sod e&lt;xcai to 7cai5dpiov a7co Tr\q yacrcpoc; ecoc;

of God will be the boy] from the womb until

rjjispac; 0avdTOD aDTOD

[the] day of his death.

8+ Kai e8efj0r| Mavcbs tod KopioD Kai ei7cev sv sjioi

And Manoah besought of the LORD. And he said, [Be] to me,

Kopie tov dv0pco7i;oc; tod 0sod ov ansaTsikaq sX0£tco

O LORD, the man of God whom you sent, let him come

8rj 8Ti npoq rjjLidq Kai tpcoTiadTCO r\[idq ti

yet once more to us and enlighten us! what

7coifjacD|i£v too 7cai8ap(cG tco tiktojisvco 9 + Kai

we should do with the boy [to] be born. And

£7tf|KODasv o 0s6q Tr\q (poavfjq Mavcbs Kai 7capsysvsTO

God heeded the voice of Manoah; and [ came

o dyysXoq tod 0sod sti itpoq tt|v yDvauca Kai aDTTj

the angel of God] again to the woman. And she

SKd0r|TO sv tco aypco Kai Mavcbe o avfjp avTT\q

sat in the field, and Manoah her husband

ODKTjV |I8T' aVTT\q io+ Kai STdXDVSV T| yDVTj Kai

was not with her. And [ hastened the woman], and


13 v sv xoiJTCp + vuca 07 - Judges

s8pajis Kai a7if|yysiA£ icq av5p( avTT\q Kai si7is itpoq

ran, and reported to her husband, and she said to

avTOV i8od cb7iTa( |ioi o avfjp o sA£cbv

him, Behold, [ has appeared to me the man], the one coming

tt| r||i8pa SKsivrj 7ipoc; |i8 n+ Kai avs&lt;ycr| Kai 87iopsT36r|

in this day to me. And [ rose up and went

Mavcbs O7uaco Tr\q yovaiKoc; avzov Kai r\kdz npoq tov

Manoah] after his wife. And he came to the

dv5pa Kai si7isv aDTcb 8i gd 8i o avfjp o XaXr\aaq

man, and said to him, Are you the man speaking

7ipoc; ttjv ywaiKa Kai si7isv o dyyskoq sycb 12+ Kai

to the woman? And [ said the angel], I [am]. And

81718 Mavcbs vdv 5ieA,06vTOc; tod pfjjiaTOc; god xi eaxai

Manoah said, Now, [ going through your word], what will be

to Kpijia tod 7iai8ap(oD Kai Ta spya aDTOD 13 +

[the] distinguishing manner of the boy, and his works?

Kai 817T8V o dyysXoq KopioD Trpoq Mavcbs arco

And [said the angel [of the] LORD] to Manoah, Of

7idvTC0v cov si7ia 7ipoc; tt|v yDvaiKa cpD^a^daGco 14 +

all which I spoke to the woman, let her guard!


From every [thing] which goes forth from out of [the] grapevine, she shall not

tpdyeTai Kai oivov Kai aiKspav |ir| 7Ustco Kai

eat, and wine and liquor she shall not drink, and

7iav aKdGapTOV |xq cpaysTCO 7idvTa 6aa

every [thing] unclean she shall not eat; all as much as

£V£T£iAxx|ir|v aDTTj cpDla^daGco 15 + Kai si7is Mavcbs

I gave charge to her, let [her] guard! And Manoah said

7tpoc; tov dyys^ov KopioD PiaacbjisGa 8r| as Kai

to the angel of [the] LORD, We should indeed force you [to stay], and

7ioifjao|isv svcb7ii6v aoD spicpov aiycbv 16+ Kai si7isv

shall prepare before you a kid of [the] goats. And [ said

0 dyysXoq KopioD npoq Mavcbs sdv Pidarj (is

the angel [of the] LORD] to Manoah, If it should hold me

od cpdyojiai arco tcov dpTCOv ood Kai sdv 7iou\ar\q

1 will not eat from your bread [loaves]. And if you should offer

oXoKaDTCOjia tco Kopico avoiasiq aDTO 6ti odk syvco

a whole burnt-offering, [ to the LORD you shall offer it]. For [ did not know

Mavcbs 6ti dyysAxx; kdpiod aDToq 17+ Kai si7is Mavcbs

Manoah] that [ an angel [of the] LORD he [was]]. And Manoah said

7ipoc; tov dyys^ov kdpiod ti to ovojid aoi iva

to the angel of [the] LORD, What is the name to you, that


13 v sv xoiJTCp + vdca 07 - Judges

oxav £kdr\ to pfj|id cjod Kai 8o^daco|isv as

whenever [ should come [to pass] your word] that we should glorify you?

i8+ Kai S17T8V aDxcb o dyysXoc; KopioD ivaxi xodxo

And [ said to him the angel [of the] LORD], Why [is] this

spcoxdc; to ovojid \xox&gt; Kai aDxo saxi 0aD|iaax6v 19 +

you ask of my name, for it is Wonderful?

Kai slaps Mavcbs xov spicpov xcov aiycbv Kai xr|v

And Manoahtook the kid of the goats, and the

dvaiav Kai avfjvsyKsv S7ri xrjv 7csxpav xco Kopico

sacrifice [offering], and he offered [it] upon the rock to the LORD,

xco 0ai)(iaaxd 71010 dvxi Kai Mavcbs Kai r| ywq aDxoD

to the wonderful [thing] being done; and Manoah and his wife

s0scbpoDV 20 + Kai sysvsxo sv xco avapfjvai xrjv cp^oya

were viewing. And it happened in the [ ascending flame]

S7cdvco0sv xod 0Daiaaxr|pioD scoc; xod ODpavoD Kai

on top of the altar unto the heaven, that

aveprj o dyysXoc; KopioD ev xr| cp^oyi xod

[ ascended the angel [of the] LORD] in the flame of the

6i)aiaaxr|p{oD Kai Mavcbs Kai r| yuvfj aDxoD sGscbpoDV

altar. And Manoah and his wife were viewing,

Kai 87isaov S7i( 7cp6aco7cov ai)xcbv S7ri xrjv yrjv 21 + Kai

and they fell upon their face upon the ground. And

od 7cpoas6r|Ksv sxi o dyysXoq KopioD ocpBfjvai

[ did not proceed any longer the angel [of the] LORD] to appear

7tpoc; Mavcbs Kai itpoq xrjv yDvafca aDxoD xoxs

to Manoah and to his wife. Then

syvco Mavcbs 6x1 djyskoq kdpiod omoq 22 + Kai

Manoah knew that [an angel [of the] LORD this [was]]. And

si7cs Mavcbs 7cpoc; xrjv yDvafca aDxoD Gavdxco

Manoah said to his wife, To death

a7to6avoD|is0a 6x1 0s6v scopdrajisv 23 + Kai si7csv ai)xcb

we shall die, for we have looked at God. And [ said to him

T| yi)vf| clvtov si spoD^sxo Kupioq Bavaxcboai r|jLxdq

his wife], If [wanted [the] LORD] to kill us,

odk av s8s^axo sk xrjc; X^ipbq rjjicbv oAx)KaDxco|ia Kai

he would not have received from our hand a whole burnt-offering and

dvaiav Kai odk av scpcbxiasv r\[iaq 7cdvxa xatixa

a sacrifice [offering], and he would not have enlightened us all these [things],

Kai KaGcbq o Kaipoc; Kai odk av aKODaxd S7co(r|asv

even as [this] time, and he would not [ audible have made

r||i(v xaDxa 24+ Kai sxsksv rj yDvfj diov Kai SKd^sas

to us these [things]]. And [ bore the woman] a son, and she called


14 v

07 - Judges

to ovojia ovtov £a|i\j/cov Kai r|D^f|6r| to 7iai5dpiov

his name Samson. And [ grew the boy],

Kai siAoyrjasv olvtov Kupioc; 25+ Kai fjp^aTO izv£V[io

and [blessed him [the] LORD]. And [began spirit

Ki)p(oi) aDV£K7iop£i)£a6ai auTcb sv 7raps|iPoAx| Aav

[of the] LORD] to go forth with him in [the] camp of Dan,

avajieaov Eapad Kai avajisaov EaGaoA,

between Zorah and between Eshtaol.

14 T&gt;

1 + Kai KaTsPrj £a|i\j/cov sic; 0ajiva6d Kai s(5s ywaiKa

And Samson went down unto Timnath, and he saw a woman

sv 0a|iva6d sk tcov GuyaTspcov tcov olXoyvXcov 2+

in Timnath from the daughters of the Philistines.

Kai avsprj Kai a7if|yysiXs too 7iaTp( olvtov Kai ttj

And he ascended, and reported [to] his father and [to]

jxrjTpi ovtov Koi 81718 yuvaiKa scopara sv 0ajiva9d

his mother. And he said, [ a woman I have seen] in Timnath

arco tcov GuyaTspcov tcov aAlocptiXcov Kai vuv XdpsTS

from the daughters of the Philistines. And now take

aDTfjv |ioi sic; yuvauca 3+ Kai si7isv auTcb

her to me for wife! And [ said to him


his father], and his mother, Is it that there is not [ of the

0i)yaTspcov tcov a5sAxpcov gov koi sv 7iavTi

daughters of your brethren and among all

tco A,aco [iov yvvr\ 6ti av 7iopsi)ar| Xofisiv ywaiKa

my people a woman], that you should go to take a wife

sk tcov oXkoyvkcm tcov a7rspiT|ifjTC0v Kai

from the [ Philistines uncircumcised]? And

si7is £a|i\j/cov 7ipoc; tov 7iaTspa ovtov Ta^TTjv Xdps |ioi

Samson said to his father, Take this one forme!

OTl OVTT\ fjpSOSV SV OCpGaXjIOiq (IOD 4+ Kai

for she pleases in my eyes. And

o 7iaTf|p ovtov koi T| |if|Tr|p ovtov ovk syvcoaav OTl

his father and his mother did not know that

7iapd Kopioi) saw 6ti avTa7i68o|ia ovToq sk^t|tsi sk

[ from [the] LORD it is], that [ recompense he required] of

tcov oXkoqvXcov Kai sv tco Kaipcb sksivco 01

the Philistines. And in that time the

oXkoipvkoi SKopisDov tcov Dicov lapof\k 5+ Kai

Philistines dominated the sons of Israel. And


14 v


07 - Judges

KaxePrj £a|i\j/cov Kai o 7iaxf|p aDxoD Kai r| |if|Tr|p aDxoD

Samson went down, and his father and his mother

sic; 0ajiva6d Kai fjXGev sic; tod a|i7isAxbvac; 0ajiva6d

unto Timnath. And he came to the vineyards of Timnath.

Kai i8od ctkd|ivoc; Aiovxoc; copDOjisvoc; sic; a7idvxr|aiv

And behold, a cub of a lion [was] roaring in meeting

avzov 6+ Kai KaxsD0Dvsv S7i' aDxov 7WSD|ia KopioD

him. And [ straightened upon him spirit [of the] LORD],

Kai 5isa7iaasv aDxov coc; spicpov aiycbv Kai od8sv r|v

and he tore it apart as a kid of [the] goats, and nothing was

sv ttj %£ipi avzov Kai odk a7if|yysiA£ xco 7iaxp( aDxoD

in his hand. And he did not report [to] his father

Kai xrj |xqxp( olvtov a S7tovr|as ?+ Kai KaxsPrjaav Kai

and [to] his mother what he did. And they went down and

slaAxjaav xrj yDvaud Kai fjpsasv svcomov £a|i\j/cov

spoke to the woman, and she was pleasing before Samson.

8+ Kai D7isaxps\j/s |is0' rjjispac; AxxPsiv auxfjv Kai

And he returned after [some] days to take her, and

s^skAivsv i8s(v xo 7ixcb|ia xod Aiovxoc; Kai i8od

he turned aside to behold the carcass of the lion. And behold,

ai)axpo(pfj jisAaaacov sv xco axojiaxi xod Aiovxoc;

a swarm as of an apiary [of bees] [was] in the mouth of the lion,

Kai jisAi 9 + Kai s^siXsv ai)xo sic; xo ax6|ia aDxoD Kai

and honey. And he took of it into his mouth, and

S7iopsDsxo 7iopsi)6|isvoc; Kai saBicov Kai S7iopsD6r|

went forth going and eating. And he went

7ipoc; xov 7iaxspa olvtov Kai npoq xrjv jxrjxspa aDxoD

to his father and to his mother,

Kai sScoksv aDxoiq Kai scpayov Kai odk avfjyysi^sv

and he gave to them, and they ate, and he did not announce

aDxoiq 6xi sk xod s^scoc; xod Xsovxoc; S^SlA^S xo

to them that [ from the manner of the lion he took the

jisAi io+ Kai KaxsPrj o 7raxfjp aDxoD npoq xrjv yovaixa

honey]. And [went down his father] to the woman,

Kai S7ioir|osv sksi Xa|i\j/cov rcoxov S7ixd rjjispac; 6xi

and [ prepared there Samson] a banquet [for] seven days; for

odxcoc; S7ro(oDV oi vsavioKoi n+ Kai sysvsxo sv

thus [ did the young men]. And it came to pass in

xco cpoPsiaGai aDxotic; aDxov Kai 7ipoaKaxsaxr|oav aDxco

their fearing him, that they posted in front to him

xpidKovxa sxaipoDc; Kai fjoav |isx' aDxoD

thirty companions, and they were with him.


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12+ Kai S17TSV aDioiq £a|i\j/cbv 7cpoPaAxb 8r| D|iiv

And [ said to them Samson], I will propound indeed to you

to 7rp6pAx||ia Kai e&amp;v a7cayyeAlovx£c; a7cayye(Ar|xe

a riddle, and if by reporting you should report

jioi avxo sv xaiq S7cxd r||iepaic; tod 7c6xod Kai

it to me in the seven days of the banquet, and

SDprjxs 8cbaco djiiv xpidKovxa aivSovac; Kai

you should find [the solution], I will give to you thirty [pieces] of fine linen,

xpidKovxa axoAxxc; ijiaxicov 13+ Kai edv jjt|

thirty robes of clothes. And if you should not

SwnaBe a7cayye(Am jioi Kai 5cbasxs Djiefc; s|io(

be able to report [the solution] to me, then you shall give to me yourselves

xpidKovxa aiv56vaq Kai xpidKovxa axoA.dc; ijiaxicov

thirty [pieces] of fine linen, and thirty robes of clothes.

Kai 8i7iav ai)xcb 7cpoPaAx)D xo 7cp6pAx||ia gov Kai

And they said to him, Propound your riddle, and

aKoi)a6|i80a ai)xo h+ Kai si7csv aDxofc; sk xod

we shall hear it! And he said to them, From the one

saGovxoq e^fjA,6s Ppcbaiq Kai ia%DpoD e^fjXGe

eating came forth food, and from [the] strong came forth

jXvkv Kai odk r|5wfj6r|aav a7cayye(Am xo 7cp6pAx||ia

sweetness. And they were not able to explain the riddle

XT] 8


8711 xpsic; rjjispac; 15+ Kai sysvsxo sv xrj rjjispa

for three days. And it came to pass in the [ day

356jlxt| Kai 8i7iav xrj yovaiKi £a|i\j/cbv a7idxr|aov

, and they spoke to the wife of Samson, [saying], Deceive

8r| xov dv8pa cjod Kai a7cayysiA,dxco 001 xo 7cp6pAx||ia

indeed your husband! and let him explain to you the riddle,

|lfj 710X8 8|I7CDp(aC0|I8V CT8 Kai XOV OIKOV

lest at any time we should burn you and the house

xod 7caxp6c; aoD sv 7CDp( r| 7cxcD%eDaai eraAiaaxe r\[iaq

of your father by fire; or [ to make us poor did you call us]?

16+ Kai skA^dctsv T| yDvfj Saji\j/cbv npoq aDxov Kai

And [ wept the wife of Samson] to him, and

S17C8V aDxcb |i£|iiGr|Kdc; |is Kai odk r|yd7i;r|odc; |is 6x1

said to him, You detest me, and do not love me, because
xo 7tp6pAr||ia o 7cposPaAxyD xoic; dioic; xod Xaov jiod

the riddle which you propounded to the sons of my people,

odk a7tfjyysiAxxc; Kai jioi aDxo Kai si7cev aDxfj

you did not explain even it to me. And [ said to her

SajjAj/cbv i8od xco 7caxp( |iod Kai xrj jirjxpi (iod odk

Samson], Behold, to my father and [to] my mother I did not


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a7if|yy8iA,a auxo Kai aoi a7tayysA,cb n + Kai ekXolvgzv

report it, and should I report to you? And she wept

87i ' avTOV 87ii zaq 87rc&amp; rjiispaq sv mq r\v avzaiq o

upon him for the seven days in which [ was to them the

7t6toc; Kai eyevsxo sv xr| rjjispa xrj sp56jar|

banquet]. And it came to pass on the [ day seventh^

a7ufjyysiA£v avTT\ 6xi 7iapr\v(b%h\Gsv auxov Kai avTT\

he explained to her, for she troubled him. And she

a7cfjyy£iA£ xoic; vioiq tod Xaov ax&gt;Tr\q i 8 + Kai ei7cav

reported to the sons of her people. And [said

auxcb oi avdpzq Tr\q noXscnq sv xr| rjjispa xr| ep56|ir|

to him the men of the city] on the [ day seventh]

7cpiv 5i3vai xov fjAiov xi yA,UKi)xspov [iskvcoq Kai

before [ going down the sun], What is sweeter than honey, and
xi laxDpoxspov Aiovxoc; Kai ei7cev auxoic; Saji\j/cbv

what [is] stronger than a lion? And [said to them Samson],

si (ir| rjpoxpidoaxe ev xr| 8a|iaA,s( jiou odk av etipsxs

Unless you plowed by my heifer, you would not have found

TO 7Cp6pAxi|ld \XOV 19 + Kai KaXSl)0DVeV ZTl' aVTOV

my riddle. And [ straightened upon him

7Tvei)|ia Kopioi) Kai KaxePrj siq AaKaXcova Kai

spirit [of the] LORD], and he went down unto Ashkelon, and

S7taiasv 8K8i0sv xpidKovxa dv5paq Kai zkafiz

smote from there thirty men, and took

xac; axoA.dc; auxcbv Kai s8cdks xoic; a7cayys(Xaai xo

their robes, and gave [them] to the ones explaining the

7cp6pXr||ia Kai £0D|icb0r| opyfj £a|i\j/cbv Kai avsprj siq

riddle. And [ was enraged in anger Samson], and he ascended into

xov oikov xod 7taxp6c; avzov 20 + Kai ai)vcbKr|asv r|

the house of his father. And [ lived with the

jvvT\ Eajiij/cbv xco VDjicpaycoycb auxou oq r\v

wife of Samson] his groomsman who was

sxaipoc; auxou

his companion.

15 1t3

1+ Kai sysvexo |is0' rjjiepac; sv rjjiepaic; 0epiajioi)

And it came to pass after [some] days, at [the] days [ harvest

7ci)pcbv Kai £7ceaKs\j/axo £a|i\j/cov xrjv yuvaixa avzov

of [the] wheat], that Samson visited his wife,

cpspcov epupov aiycbv Kai sitcsv siasA,ei)ao|iai npoq

carrying a kid of [the] goats. And he said, I shall enter to

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xrjv ywaiKd jiod sic; xov Koixcbva Kai odk s8goksv

my wife into the bedroom. But [ would not grant

avTOV o 7taxfjp auxfjc; siasABsiv 2 + Kai si7i8v

him her father] to enter. And [ said

0 7iaTfjp avTT\q surcbv ei7ia 6xi jiiacbv sjiiarjaaq auxfjv

her father], In saying, I said that, By detesting you detested her;

Kai s5coKa aDifjv tod auvexaipoo aoi) odk i8ou

and I gave her to your companion. [ not Behold

T| aSeAxpfj avTr\q r\ vsooxspa Kpsiaaoov avTr\q eaxiv

sister her younger better [than] she is]?

saxcD aoi av0' avTr\q 3 + Kai si7isv auxcb £a|i\j/cbv

Let her be to you instead of her! And [said to him Samson],

adcboq 8i(ii xo arca^ arco aXko(pvX(DV 6xi 7ioicb sycb

1 am innocent this once concerning [the] Philistines, that I myself should do

|is6' djicov KaKd 4+ Kai S7iopei)6r| £a|i\j/cbv Kai

[with you evils]. And Samson went and

avvskafts xpiaKoaiac; akcbnsKaq Kai shafts Xa^madaq

seized three hundred foxes, and took lamps,

Kai auveSrjae KspKov npoq KspKov Kai s9t|ks

and tied together tail to tail, and put

A,a|i7id8a jiiav avajieaov xoov Svo KspKcov Kai

[ lamp one] between the two tails, and

co8fiyr|as 5+ Kai s^srauae itvp sv xaic; A,a|i7idai Kai

guided [them]. And he kindled fire in the lamps, and

s^a7isax8iA,sv sv xoic; axd%i)oi xcov aXXoyvXcov Kai

he sent [them] out in the ears of corn of the Philistines. And

sve7r6pias xouc; GTa%vaq arco aXcmoq Kai scoq

he burned the ears of corn from [the] threshing-floor, and unto

axax^cov opGcbv Kai scoq a[msk(bvoq Kai

[ ears of corn [the] straight standing], and unto [the] vineyard, and

skaiaq 6+ Kai ei7iav 01 aMtocpiAoi xic; 87io(r|as

olive [orchards]. And [ said the Philistines], Who did

xatixa Kai ei7iav £a|i\j/cbv o yajiPpoc; xod

these [things]? And they said, Samson, the son-in-law of the

©ajivaxaioi) 6x1 shafts xrjv yuvaiKa avzov Kai

Timnite, because he took his wife, and

sScdksv aDxfjv xco owsxaipco avzov Kai aveprjaav 01

he gave her to his male companion. And [ ascended up the

aAA,6(pi)A,oi Kai £VS7ipr|aav auxfjv Kai xov oikov

Philistines] and burnt her and the house

xod 7raxp6c; avTr\q sv itvpi 1 + Kai si7isv auxofc;

of her father by fire. And [said to them


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£a|i\j/cbv s&amp;v 7roifjar|TS ouxooc; odk si)8oKf|acD aXka

Samson], Since you should do thus, I shall not think well, but


[ my vengeance against one each of you I will execute].

8+ Kai S7cdxa^sv auxotic; Kvfj|ir|v S7U jirjpov 7ihr\yr\v

And he struck them leg on thigh [ beating

jisydAxjv rat KaxePrj Kai SKdGiasv sv xpujiaAid xrjc;

with a great]. And he went down and sat at [the] hole in the

7iSTpaq Hxdji 9+ Kai avsprjaav 01 aXkoipvkoi Kai

rock of Etam. And [ ascended the Philistines] and

7tapev8PaAx)v sv lovda Kai s^sppiqyqaav ev As%( 10 +

camped in Judah, and cast forth about Lehi.

Kai 817T8V auxofc; 7cac; avfjp lovda ivaxi avsprjxs

And [said to them every man of Judah], Why have you ascended

scp' r\[idq Kai si7iov 01 aAlocpuAxn 5f|aai xov £aji\j/cbv

against us? And [ said the Philistines], [ to tie up Samson

avsprjjisv Kai 7ioif|aai auxcb ov xp67cov S7covr|asv

We ascended], and to do to him in which manner he did

r\[iiv 11+ Kai KaxePrjaav xpia%(Xioi dv8psc; s^ lovda

to us. And [ went down three thousand men of Judah]

S7i( xpi)|iaAidv Ksxpaq Hxdji Kai 8i7iav npoq £a|i\j/cbv

unto [the] hole in [the] rock of Etam, and said to Samson,

odk o(8ac; 6x1 Kopisuouaiv 01 aAlocpuAxn r||icbv Kai

Do you not behold that [ dominate the Philistines] us? Then

ivaxi xatixa S7co(r|aac; r\[iiv Kai si7csv auxoicj

why [ these [things] did you [do]] to us? And [ said to them

£a|i\j/cbv ov xpo7iov S7iovr|adv jioi omcoq S7corr|aa

Samson], In which manner they did to me, so I did

aDxoiq 12+ Kai £i7iov auxcb 8f|aa( as KaxsPrjjisv

to them. And they said to him, [ to tie you We came down],

xod 7capa5oi)va( as sic; %s(pac; aXkoqv'kcov Kai si7csv

to deliver you up into [the] hands of [the] Philistines. And [ said

auxok; Xa|i\j/cbv ojioaaxs jioi |xq a7C0Kxsiva( |is djisic;

to them Samson], Swear to me by an oath to not kill me yourselves,

Kai \ir\ 7cox8 auvavxfjarjxs jioi djisic; 13 + Kai

that lest at any time you should meet up with me yourselves. And

cbjioaav auxcb Xsyovxsc; ov%i aXk r r\ 8sa|icb

they swore by an oath to him, saying, No, but only by a bond

Sfjaojisv as Kai 7capa8cbao|isv as sic; %s(pac; auxcbv

will we tie you, for we should deliver you up into their hands;

0avdxco 5s od Gavaxcbaojisv as Kai s5r|aav auxov

but to death we will not kill you. And they tied him


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sv Svai KaAxjo8(oic; Kaivofc; Kai avfjvsyKav aDxov sk

with two [ ropes new], and bore him from

Tr\q 7isxpac; u+ Kai avzoq r\kdzv scoc; Siayovoq Kai 01

the rock. And he came unto Jaw, and the

aA^ocpD^oi rjld^a^av Kai s8pa|iov sk; aDvdvxrjaiv

Philistines shouted and ran to meet

avxov Kai KaxsD0Dvsv sk aDxov 7WSD|ia KopioD

him. And [ straightened upon him spirit [of the] LORD],

Kai sysvsxo xa KaAxbSia xa ev xoic; Ppa%(oaiv aDxoD

and [ became the ropes in his arms

coast axD7T7riov rjviKa av oacppavGfj nvpoq Kai

as hemp when [ smells fire], and

sxdKqaav 01 8sa|io( arco xcov Ppa%i6vcov aDxoD 15 + Kai

[ melted away the bonds] from his arms. And

stipsv oiayova ovod sppi|ijisvr|v Kai s^sxsivs

he found a jaw [bone] of a donkey having been tossed. And he stretched out

xrjv %s(pa avTOV Kai slapsv aDxfjv Kai S7idxa^sv ev

his hand, and took it, and struck with

auxfj xikiovq dv5paq i 6 + Kai si7is Xa|i\j/cbv sv aiayovi

it a thousand men. And Samson said, By [the] jaw [bone]

ovod s^a^sicpcov s^f^suj/a aDxotic; 6x1 sv xrj aiayovi

of a donkey, in wiping away, I wiped them away, for by the jaw [bone]

xod ovod 87idxa^a xikiovq avdpaq n+ Kai sysvsxo

of the donkey I struck a thousand men. And it came to pass

rjviKa aDvsxsXsas XaX(bv Kai sppnj/s xrjv aiayova

when he finished speaking, that he tossed the jaw [bone]

arco xrjc; %sipoc; aDxoD Kai SKdXsas xov xorcov sksivov

from his hand, and he called that place,

avaipsaic; aiayovoq ig+ Kai s8uj/r|as acp65pa Kai

Removal of [the] Jaw. And he thirsted exceedingly, and

sporjas rcpoc; Kopiov Kai si7is av s5coKac; sv xsipi

he yelled to [the] LORD, and said, You gave by [the] hand

xod 8odA,od aoD xrjv acoxrjpiav xrjv jisydAxjv xaDxrjv Kai

of your servant [ deliverance great this], and

vdv a7io6avoD|iai sv 8uj/r| Kai s|i7isaoD|iai sv %sip(

now shall I die in thirst, and fall into [the] hand

xcov a7ispix|xfjxcov 19+ Kai fjvoi^sv o Gsoc; xo xpaDjia

of the uncircumcised? And God opened the gash,

xov sv xrj aiayovi Kai s^f|A,0sv s^ aDxoD D8axa

the one in Jaw, and there came forth from out of it waters,

Kai S7iis Kai S7isaxps\j/s xo 7rvsD|ia aDxoD Kai s^rjas

and he drank, and [ was restored his spirit], and he lived.


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8id todto SKXfjGrj to ovojia avxr\q 7ir|yfj tod

Because of this [ is called its name], Spring of the

£7UKaAx)D|i8VOD T| £cttiv ev Xiayovi ecoc;

Calling Upon, which is in Jaw until

TTjq rijispaq TaDTTjq 20+ Kai SKpivs tov IopafjX sv

this day. And he judged Israel in

rjjiepaic; aXkoipvXwv eiKoai stt|

[the] days of [the] Philistines twenty years.

16 Ttt

1 + Kai S7iop8T30r| £a|i\j/cov sic; Td^av Kai e(5sv SKei

And Samson went into Gaza, and saw there

ywaiKa 7i6pvr|v Kai eiofjXGs 7ipoq aDTfjv

a woman harlot, and he entered to her.

2 + Kai a7ir|yysXr| zoiq Ta^aioic; AiyovTec; fjKei £aji\j/cbv

And it was reported to the Gazites, saying, Samson comes

cb8e Kai KaTSKDKAxoaav Kai evf|5peDaav S7i' avzov

here. And they encircled, and laid in wait for him

oAxjv ttjv VDKTa S7Ti Tr\q ivbhr\q Tr\q noXscnq Kai

the entire night at the gate of the city. And

SKcocpsDaav 6Ax|v ttjv VDKTa AiyovTec; scoc; 5iacpaDGr|

they were silent [the] entire night, saying, [ until light shows through

o opGpoc; |is(vco|isv Kai a7roKTeivco|i£v auTOV 3 + Kai

at dawn We should wait], and we should kill him. And

£Koi|ir|6fj £a|i\j/cbv scoc; jiscjovdktiod Kai aveaTTj sv

Samson went to bed until midnight. And he rose up at

r||iia8i Tr\q vdktoc; Kai 87i8A,dpsTO tcov 0Dpcov TT\q

half the night, and he took hold of the doors of the

ivbhr\q Tr\q nokscoq Kai tcov 8do OTaBjicov Kai

gate of the city, and the two doorposts, and

avspdcrca^sv avzaq aw tco [io%X(b Kai sGrjKev S7ri

carried them with the bar, and put [them] upon

cbjicov avTOV Kai avfjveyKsv avid S7U tt|v KopDcpfjv

his shoulders, and bore them upon the top

tod opoDc; o scmv 8711 7rpoaco7roi) XePpcov 4+ Kai

of the mountain which is at [the] face of Hebron. And

sysvsTO (iSTd todto Kai rjyd7ir|a8 yovaixa 87ii tod

it came to pass after this, that he loved a woman by the

%ei|idppoD Scopfjx Kai ovojia aDTfj AahXa 5 + Kai

rushing stream Sorek, and her name [was] Delilah. And

aveprjaav npoq avTT\v 01 aaTpd7iai tcov aAlocpD^cov

[ ascended to her the satraps of the Philistines],


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Kai 8i7rov aDifj a7idxr|aov auxov Kai s(8s sv xivi

and said to her, Beguile him, and see by what [means]

T| ia%vq avTOV saxiv r| jisydArj Kai sv xivi

[ strength his is great], and by what [means]

8wr|a6jis6a npoq auxov Kai Sfjaojisv auxov cbaxs

we shall be able to prevail against him, and tie him so as

xa7isivcooai auxov Kai r\[isiq Scbaojisv 001 avfjp

to humble him. And we will give to you by man

Xikiovq Kai sraxov apyupiou 6 + Kai si7is AahXa itpoq

a thousand and a hundred [pieces] of silver. And Delilah said to

£aji\j/cbv a7idyysiXov 8r| jioi sv xivi r| ia%vq aou

Samson, Explain indeed to me by what [means] [ strength [is] your

T| jieyaArj Kai sv xivi SsGfjarj xou xa7isivco0f|vai

great] ! and by what [means] you shall be tied [so as] to humble

as ?+ Kai si7is npoq auxfjv £aji\j/cbv sdv Sfjocoai jis

you? And [ said to her Samson], If they should tie me

sv S7ixd vsupafc; uypaic; |ir| 5istp6ap|isvaic; Kai

with seven [ strings of a bow wet] that are not ruined, then

aaGsvfjacD Kai saojiai coc; sic; xcov av0pcb7icov 8+ Kai

I will be weakened, and I will be as one of the men. And

avfjvsyKav auxfj oi aaxparcai xcov aAlocpu^cov S7ixd

[ brought to her the satraps of the Philistines] seven

vsupdc; vypaq |ir| 5iscp0ap|isvac; Kai s5r|asv auxov

[ strings of a bow wet] not ruined. And she tied him

sv auxafc; 9+ Kai xo svs8pov SKdBrjxo auxou sv xco

with them. And the ambush sat down for him in the

xajisico Kai si7isv npoq auxov aAlotpuXoi S7i( as

storeroom. And she said to him, [The] Philistines are upon you,

EajjAj/cbv Kai 8isppr|^sv xac; vsupdq ov xporcov

Samson. And he tore up the strings of the bow in which manner one

8iaa7idxai KXcoojia axuurooi) sv xco oacppavGfjvai auxo

pulls apart yarn of hemp in its smelling

nvpoq Kai ouk syvcoaBrj r| ia%vq auxou io+ Kai

of fire, and [was not made known his strength]. And

si7is Aakikd itpoq £a|i\j/cbv i5ou 7iapsA,oy(aco jis Kai

Delilah said to Samson, Behold, you misled me, and

skaXr\aaq npoq (is \j/su5f| vuv ouv avdyysi^ov (ioi

you spoke to me [by] lying. Now then report to me!

svxivi 8s0fjar| u+ Kai si7is npoq auxfjv sdv

how you shall be tied. And he said to her, If

8sa|isuovxsc; 8fjacoa( (is sv KaAxoSioic; Kaivofc; oiq

by binding, they should tie me by [ ropes new] which


16 TO

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odk sysvsxo sv aDioiq spyov Kai aaGsvfjaco Kai

were not [used] in work, then I shall be weak, and

saojiai coc; sic; xcov av0pco7rcov 12+ Kai ska^s AahXa

I will be as one of the men. And Delilah took

KaXco5ia Kaivd Kai s5r|asv aDxov sv aDxoic; Kai si7is

[ ropes new], and tied him with them. And she said

7ipoc; auxov 01 aAlocpiAoi £7U as £a|i\j/cov Kai to

to him, The Philistines are upon you, Samson. And the

svs5pov SKdGrjTO sv too xajisico Kai 8isa7iaasv aDxd

ambush sat in the storeroom. And he pulled them

and xcov Ppaxiovcov aDxoD coast pdjijia 13 + Kai

from his arms as thread. And

S17T8 AahXa npoq Xaji\j/cbv scoc; vdv 7rapsAx)yioco |is

Delilah said to Samson, Until now you misled me,

Kai skaXr\aaq npoq |is \j/SD5f| avdyysi^ov 8r| jioi sv

and spoke to me lying. Announce indeed to me! by

xivi 5s6fjar| Kai si7is npoq aDxfjv sdv Dtpdvr|c;

what [means] you shall be tied. And he said to her, If you should weave

xac; srcxd asipdq xrjc; KecpaArjc; jiod jisxd tod

the seven strands [of hair] of my head with the

5ida|iaxoc; Kai syKpoDarjc; sv xco 7iaaadAxjo sic; xov

warp, and hammer with the peg into the

xo(%ov Kai saojiai aaGsvfjc; coc; sic; xcov av0pco7rcov 14+

wall, then I will be weak as one of the men.

Kai sysvsxo sv xco KoijidaGai ai)xov Kai sAxxPs AaAAd

And it came to pass in his going to sleep, that Delilah took

xac; S7ixd asipdq xrjc; KstpaAr|c; aDxoD Kai Dtpavsv sv

the seven strands of his head, and weaved [them] with

xco 8ida|iaxi Kai S7ir|^s xco 7iaaadXco sic; xov xoi%ov

the warp, and pinned [them] to the peg into the wall.

Kai si7isv rcpoc; ai)xov aAA,6cpi)Ax)i S7U as £aji\j/cbv

And she said to him, [The] Philistines [are] upon you, Samson.

Kai s^rjyspGrj sk xod vizvov aDxoD Kai s^scmaas xodc;

And he was awakened from his sleep, and he pulled out the

7raaadAxyoc; sv xco Dtpdajiaxi sk xod xo(%od Kai

pegs in the woven work from out of the wall, and

xo 8(aa|ia Kai ODKsyvcbaGrj r| ici%dc; aDxoD 15 + Kai

the warp; for he did not know his strength. And

si7is 7ipoc; aDxov Aakika 7icoc; spsic; rjyd7ir|Kd os Kai

[ said to him Delilah], How do you say, I love you, and

T| Kap5(a aoD odk saxi jisx' sjiod xodxo xpixov

your heart is not with me? This third [time]

7iapsAx)yiaco |is Kai odk a7ifjyysiA,dc; jioi sv xivi

you misled me, and did not report to me by what [means]


16 TO

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r| ia%vq aoi) r| jisydAri i 6 + Kai sysvsxo 6x8

[ strength [is] your great]. And it came to pass when

Kaxeipy&amp;aaTO auxov sv xoic; Xoyoiq avTr\q 6Ax|v

she worked him by her words [the] whole

xrjWTJKxa Kai 7rapT]vcb%Ax|aev auxov Kai

night, and troubled him, so that

(Dliyo\j/i)%r|a£v ecoc; siq Gdvaxov n+ Kai a7ifjyysiA,sv

he was faint-hearted unto death. And he reported

aDxfj 7idvxa xa arco Kap8(ac; avzov Kai ei7iev

to her all the [things] from his heart. And said

ai)xfj ^opov odk avapfjasxai S7il xrjv KecpaAxjv jiod 6xi

to her, A razor shall not ascend upon my head, for

Na^rjpaioq 6sot3 eycb sijii 8K KoiAiac; jirjxpoq jiou Kai

[ a Nazarite of God I am] from [the] belly of my mother; and

sdv ^opf|oco|iai a7roaxfjaexai ari sjiot3 rj io%vq jiou

if I should be shaven, [ shall leave from me my strength],

Kai aaGevfjaco Kai eaojiai Kaxd ftdvxac; zovq

and I shall be weakened, and I will be as all the

av0pcb7roi)(; is + Kai si8s Aakika 6xi a7if|yysiA£v avTr\

men. And Delilah knew that he reported to her

7idaav xrjv Kap8(av avzov Kai aftsaxsiXs Kai eKd^eae

all his heart. And she sent and called

Tovq oaTpanaq xcov aXkoyvXav Xsjovaa avdprjxs

the satraps of the Philistines, saying, Ascend

xo analq xotixo oxi a7if|yysiA£ jioi 7idaav

this once! for he reported tome all

xrjv Kap5(av avzov Kai aveprjaav 7ipoc; auxfjv 7idaai

his heart. And ascended up to her all

ai aaxpa7i8iai xcov aXXoipvkcDV Kai avfjveyrav xo

the satraps of the Philistines, and they brought the

apyopiov sv xaic; %epa(v auxcbv 19 + Kai 8Ko(|iias ai)xov

silver into her hands. And she rested him

avajieaov xcov yovdxcov avTT\q Kai SKd^eae xov

between her knees. And she called the

KODpsa Kai s^opfjas xovq 87ixd Poaxpi)%ODc;

barber, and he shaved the seven curls

Tr\q K£(pakr\q avzov Kai fjp^axo xa7isivcy6a6ai ai)xov

of his head; and it began to humble him,

Kai a7i8axr| r| ia%vq avzov ari ovtox) 20 + Kai

and [ left his strength] from him. And

81718 AahXa aAlocpuAxn S7U as £a|i\j/cbv Kai

Delilah said, [The] Philistines [are] upon you, Samson. And

8^T|y8p6r| 8K XOD V1ZVOV aVTOV Kai S171SV

he was awakened from out of his sleep. And he said,


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s^sXsuaojiai Kai 7roifjaco KaBcbc; aei Kai

I shall go forth, and I shall do as continually [before], and

a7iOTivd^o|iai Kai avzoq odk eyvco 6xi o Kopioc;

I shall brush myself off. And he did not know that the LORD

a7i80Tr| an cwtox) 21+ Kai S7T8Xdpovxo avxov 01

left from him. And [ took hold of him the

akXoipvXoi Kai s^cbpt^av zovq o(pdak[iovq avzov Kai

Philistines], and gouged out his eyes, and

KaxfjveyKav auxov sic; Td^av Kai e8r|Gav auxov ev

carried him unto Gaza. And they bound him with

7is5aic; xahcaiq Kai r|v aXfjBcov ev oikco xrjc;

shackles of brass, and he was grinding in [the] house of the

tpuXaKqc; 22+ Kai fjp^axo r| 0pi^ xrjq KecpaXfjq ai)xoi3

prison. And [began [the] hair of his head]

PAxxaxdvsiv KaGcbc; s^opfjaaxo 23+ Kai 01 dp%ovxec; xcov

to grow, as he was shaven. And the rulers of the

alXo(pvX(M Gvvryxfdr\&lt;3av xou dvaai dvaiav |ieydAx|v

Philistines came together to sacrifice [ sacrifice a great]

xco Aaycbv xco 0ecb auxcbv Kai xod SDtppav9fjvai Kai

[to] Dagon their god, and to be merry. And

si7iav 7raps5coKsv o Geoc; r)|icbv sv %eip( rjjicbv £a|i\j/cbv

they said, [ delivered Our god] into our hand Samson

xov e%0pov r\[i(bv 24+ Kai e(8ov auxov o Xaoq Kai

our enemy. And [ saw him the people], and

fjveaav xov 0s6v auxcbv 6x1 si7iav 7iape8coKsv

they praised their god, for they said, [ delivered

o 0s6c; r||icbv xov e%6pov rj|icbv sv %zipi rj|icbv xov

Our god] our enemy into our hands, the one

s^sprjjiowca xrjv yrjv r||icbv oaxiq S7iAxj0uve

making [ quite desolate our land], who multiplied

xodc; xpaujiaxiac; r\[i(bv 25+ Kai eyevexo 6xe rjyaGwGrj

our slain. And it came to pass when [ was [feeling] good

r| Kap8(a auxcbv Kai 8i7iav KaAiaaxe xov £a|i\j/cbv

their heart], that they said, Call Samson

oikou cpuXaKqc; Kai 7iai^dxco evcb7riov r||icbv

from out of [the] house of [the] prison, and let him play before us!

Kai eraXeaav xov £aji\j/cbv oikou Ssajioaxripiou

And they called Samson from out of [the] house of [the] jail,

Kai svs7iai^ov auxcb Kai eaxrjaav auxov avajieaov

and they sported with him. And they stood him in between

xcov 8uo axuA,cov 26+ Kai ei7is £aji\j/cbv itpoq xov

the two posts. And Samson said to the

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7iai8dpiov xov %£ipay(DyovvTa avzov dcpsc; |is Kai

young man leading him by the hand, Allow me! for

\j/r|Xacpf|aco Tovq Kiovac; scp' cov o oikoc;

I should handle the monumental pillars upon of which the house

£7T£OTfjpiKTO 871 ' aDTCOV 27+ O 5s OIKO^ T|V 7lhf\pT\q TCOV

stays upon them. And the house was full of the

av8pcbv Kai yDvaiKcbv Kai sksi 7tdvTSc; 01

men and women, and [ [were] there all the

aaxp&amp;7rai tcov aAloqroAxjav Kai S7U tod 8cb|iaTOc;

satraps of the Philistines]. And upon the roof

coasi Tpia%(Aioi dvSpsc; Kai yDvaucsc; s|iPA£7covtsc;

[were] about three thousand men and women, looking at

s|i7rai£p|isvov tov £a|i\j/cbv 28+ Kai sporjas £a|i\j/cov

[and] mocking Samson. And Samson yelled

7tpoc; Kupiov Kai 8i7rs Kopis Kupie |ivf|a0r|Ti jiod Kai

to [the] LORD, and said, O LORD, O LORD, remember me, and

sv(a%ua6v |is 8r| 7cAx|v Kai to arca^ todto 0ss Kai

strengthen me indeed besides! even this once O God, and

SK5iKf|aco SK5iKT|aiv |i(av avTi tcov 5do ocpGa^jicbv

I will avenge [ vengeance one] against [ two eyes

jiod tok; aAAxxptiXoic; 29 + Kai 7cspisA,aPs £a|i\j/cov todc;

for my the Philistines]. And Samson took hold of the

8do GTvXovq todc; jisctodc; scp' odv o oikoc; sioTfjKsi

two posts in [the] midst upon which the house stood,

Kai £7T£aTfjpiKTO 871 ' aDTCOV SVa 8V TTJ 8s^ld aDTOD

and he stayed against them, one at his right [hand],

Kai sva ev rr| apicrcspd aDTOD 30+ Kai si7cs £a|i\j/cov

and one at at his left. And Samson said,

a7co0av8TCO r| \|A)%fj jiod jiSTd tcov aAlocpDlcov Kai

Let [ die my soul] with the Philistines. And

skAivsv sv iaxm Kai S7csasv o oikoc; S7U todc;

he leaned in strength, and [ fell the house] upon the

aaTpd7tac; Kai S7ri 7cdvTa tov Xaov tov sv aDTcb Kai

satraps, and upon all the people in it. And

fjaav 01 TeBvrjKOTSc; odc; sGavdTcaos Eajiij/cbv sv

[ were the ones having died whom put to death Samson] in

tco GavdTCO avzov itXsiovq D7csp odc; sBavdTCoasv sv

his death many over whom he put to death in

TTJ ^COfj aDTOD 31 + Kai KaTsPrjaav 01 a8sAxpo( avzov Kai

his life. And [ went down his brothers], and

7cac; o oikoc; tod nazpoq avzov Kai slapov aDTOV Kai

all the house of his father, and they took him, and


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

07 - Judges

avsprjaav Kai e0a\j/av ai)i6v avajieaov Eapad Kai

they ascended and entombed him between Zorah and

avajieaov Ea6a6X sv too xdcpco Mavcbe

between Esthaol in the burying-place ofManoah

tod 7raxp6c; avzov Kai avzoq SKpive tov IapafjA, eucooi

his father. And he judged Israel twenty



17 n

1+ Kai eysveTO avfjp opovq Ecppaiji Kai

And there was a man of mount Ephraim, and

ovojia avTOV Mi%d 2 + Kai ei7is xr| jirjipi avzov zovq

his name [was] Micah. And he said [to] his mother, The

Xikiovq Kai SKaxov apyopiOD todc; aDAAxjcpGevTac; aoi

thousand and hundred [pieces] of silver seized from you,

Kai s^cbpKiaaq Kai sbiaq sv xoiq ooaiv jiod i8od to

and you adjured and said [it] in my ears ~ behold, the

apyopiov 7iap' sjioi sycb zXafiov avzo Kai ei7isv

silver is with me, I took it. And [ said

T| jifjirip olvtov si)Ax)yr||isvoc; o vioq jiod sv too Kopico

his mother], Being blessed [is] my son in the LORD.

3 + Kai a7i85coK8 todc; %ikiovq Kai SKaxov tod apyDpioD

And he gave back the thousand and hundred [pieces] of silver

ttj jirjipi aDTOD Kai si7iev r| jifjirip aDTOD ayia^jiov

[to] his mother. And [ said his mother], By sanctification,

rjyiaaa to apyopiov too Kopico 8K Tr\q xsipoc; jiod

I sanctified the silver to the LORD out of my hand

Kaxd fiovaq tod 7ioif|aai yA,D7rx6v Kai %cdvsdt6v Kai

alone, to make a carving and molten [image], and

vdv a7io5cbaco aDio aoi 4 + Kai a7is5coKs to apyDpiov

now I will give it back to you. And he gave back the silver

ttj jirjipi aDTOD Kai eAxxPev r| |if|Tr|p aDTOD 5iaKoafc&gt;Dc;

to his mother. Then [ took his mother] two hundred

tod apyopioD Kai e5ooKsv aDTO tcd xcoveDTfj Kai

of the [pieces] of silver, and gave [them] to the smelterer. And

£7rorr| asv aDTO yXD7iT6v Kai %cdv£dt6v Kai sysvsTO ev

he made it [into] a carving and molten [image]. And it was in

oiKco Mi%d 5+ Kai o oiKoq Mi%d aDTcb oikoc; 6sod

[the] house of Micah. And the house of Micah was to him [the] house of God.

Kai S7io(r|asv scpoD8 Kai Gepaqnv Kai svs7iAx|ae tt|v

And he made an ephod and teraphim. And he filled up the


17 V ev tootco + vtica 07 - Judges

%sipa svoc; xcov mcbv avzov Kai sysvfj0r| auxcb sic;

hand of one of his sons, and he became to him for

ispsa 6 + sv xaicj rjjispaic; SKsivaicj odkt|v fiaaikzvq sv

a priest. In those days there was not a king in

IapafjX avfjp to sd0scj sv ocpGaljioicj (XDTOD S7IOISI i +

Israel; a man [upright in his [own] eyes did].

Kai sysvsxo 7iai5dpiov sk Brj0A,ss|i lovda sk xrjc;

And there was a young man from out of Beth-lehem Judah from the

oDyysvsiacj lovda Kai auxocj Asmxrjc; Kai avzoq

kin of Judah, and he [was] a Levite, and he

7iapcoKsi sksi 8+ Kai S7ropsi)0r| o avfjp sk xrjcj

sojourned there. And [ went the man] from the

7i6Xscocj Br|0Xss|i lovda 7iapoiKs(v ov av stiprj Kai

city of Beth-lehem Judah to sojourn where ever he should find. And

fjA,0sv scocj 6poi)Cj Ecppaiji Kai scocj oikod Mixd

he came unto mount Ephraim, and unto [the] house of Micah,

tod 7ioifjoai o86v avzov 9 + Kai si7isv aDicb Mixd

making his way. And [ said to him Micah],

7i60sv sp%r| Kai si7is 7ipocj avzov AsDixrjCj sycb

From what place come you? And he said to him, [ a Levite I

sijii sk Br|0A,ss|i Ioi35a Kai sycb 7iopsi)0|iai 7iapoiKs(v

am] from Beth-lehem Judah, and I go to sojourn

od av stipco io+ Kai sircsv aDicb Mixd Kd0oi) jist'

where ever I should find. And [ said to him Micah], Sit down with

s|ioi3 Kai yivoi) jioi sicj 7iaxspa Kai sicj ispsa Kai

me, and become to me as a father and as priest, and

sycb 8cbaco aoi 8sKa apyi)pioi) sicj r||ispacj Kai

I will give to you ten silver [pieces] for days, and

^stiyocj ijiawov Kai xa 7ipocj ^cofj aov u+ Kai

a pair of clothes, and the [things] for your [means of] life. And

S7ropsi)0r| o AsDixrjCj Kai fjp^axo 7iapoiKs(v 7iapd xco

[ went the Levite], and he began to sojourn by the

av8p( Kai sysvfj0r| xo 7iai8dpiov ai)xcb cocj sicj anb

man. And [ became the young man] to him as one of

mcbv ai)xoi3 12 + Kai svs7rAx|as Mi%d xrjv xsipa xod

his sons. And Micah filled up the hand of the

Asdixod Kai sysvfj0r| ai)xcb xo 7iaiSdpiov sicj ispsa

Levite, and [ became to him the young man] for a priest,

Kai r|v sv xco oikco Mi%d 13 + Kai si7is Mvxd vdv

and he was in the house of Micah. And Micah said, Now

syvcov 6x1 aya0O7rovr|as jioi Ki3piocj 6x1 sysvfj0r| jioi

I laiow that [ did good to me [the] LORD], for [ became to me


18 rr
8V TOUT© + VtKCl

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0 AeDixrjc; sic; lepea

the Levite] for a priest.

18 rr

1 + sv xaic; rjjiepaic; eKeivaic; odk r|v fiaaiksvq sv IapafjA,

In those days there was not a king in Israel.

Kai sv xaic; rjjispaic; eKsivaic; r| (pvhf\ Aav e^fjxei

And in those days the tribe of Dan sought

eaDifj KArjpovojjiav tod KaxoiKeiv 6xi odk svs7isasv

for itself an inheritance to dwell, for [ did not fall in

aDxfj eooc; Tr\q rjjispaq eKsivrjc; sv jisaco (pvXcbv IopafjA,

to it until that day in [the] midst of [the] tribes of Israel

KArjpovojjia 2 + Kai e^a7reax£iA,av oi dioi Aav anb

an inheritance]. And [ sent out the sons of Dan] from

5f||icov aDTcbv 7T8VTS dv8paq a7io jispoDc; aDxoD avdpaq

their peoples five men from their part, men

viovq 5dv&amp;|I£cdc; ano Sapad Kai EaGaoA,

of sons of power, from Zorah and Esthaol,

tod KaxaoK8\j/aa0ai xrjv yrjv Kai s^i%vidaai aDxfjv

to survey the land, and to track it.

Kai si7iav 7ipoc; aDxotic; 7ropeDea0e Kai s^spsDvfjaaxs

And they said to them, Go, and search out

ttjv yrjv Kai 7iapeysvovxo sic; opoq Ecppaiji eooc;

the land! And they came unto mount Ephraim, unto

oikod Mi%d Kai Kai87iaDoav sksi 3+ aDxcbv ovxcov

[the] house of Micah, and they rested there. In their being

7iapd oiKco Mixd Kai aDxoi eyvoaoav xrjv (pcovf|v

by [the] house of Micah, that they knew the voice

xod 7iai5ap(oD xod Asdixod Kai e^sK^ivav sksi Kai

of the young man, the Levite, and they turned aside there. And

8i7iav aDxcb xic; fjyaye as cb8e Kai xi cjd 7ioie(c;

they said to him, Who brought you here? And what do you do

evxatiGa Kai xi saxiv cb8s 4 + Kai ei7is npoq aDxotic;

here? And what is it here? And he said to them,

odxco Kai ODxcoq S7ro(r|as jioi Mi%d Kai ejiiaGcbaaxo

[ so and so did with me Micah], and hired

|is Kai sysvf|9r|v aDxcb sic; ispsa 5+ Kai si7iov aDxcb

me, and I became to him for a priest. And they said to him,

£7iepcbxr|aov 8r| ev xco Gecb Kai yvooaojieGa 8i

Ask indeed to God! that we will know if

KaxsDo5o( T| 086c; rjjicbv r|v r\[isiq 7iopsD6|is0a sk

[ greatly prospers our way] which we go by


18 rr

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

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auxfjv 6+ Kai S17T8V aDioiq o ispsvq 7TOpSl)Sa0S ziq

it. And [ said to them the priest], Go in

eipfjvrjv 8vcb7riov Kupioi) r| o66q ujicbv Ka6' r|v

peace before [the] LORD! your way by which

7iop£i)sa0s sv aDifj i+ Kai 87iop8i30r|oav oi rcevxe

you go by it. And [ went the five

&amp;v5pec; Kai 7iapsysvovxo sic; Aaiad Kai s(5ov xov

men] and came into Laish. And they saw the

Xaov xov ev amf[ KaxoiKotrvxa sv sAjri8i raid xrjv

people in it dwelling in hope as the

avjKpiaiq xoov Si8cov(cov rj&lt;xu%d£pvxac; ev eAm5i Kai

amalgamation of the Sidonians, being tranquil in hope, and

jLiri Suvajisvouc; XaXfjaai pfjjia ev xrj yrj 6xi

not being able to speak a word in the land, for

jiaKpdv eioiv anb £i8cbvoc; Kai Xoyoc; odk r|v amoiq

they are far from Sidon, and [ word there was no] to them

jiexd I/opiaq 8+ Kai 7iapeyevovxo oi rcevxe avdpsq

with Syria. And [ came the five men]

7rpoc; xodc; aSsAxpoix; auxcbv sic; Sapad Kai sic; EaGaoA,

to their brethren in Zorah and in Esthaol.

Kai sXsyov avxoiq oi a8sAxpoi auxcbv xi ujisic;

And [said to them their brethren], Why do you

Kd0r|o6s 9+ Kai si7iav avdaxrjxs Kai avapcb jisv S7i'

sit down? And they said, Rise up, for we should ascend against

avTOvq 6xi soopaKajisv xrjv yrjv Kai idov ayaGfj

them! for we saw the land, and behold, [ good,

acp65pa Kai djisic; ai&lt;D7iaxe |ir| OKvfjarjxs

[it is] exceedingly]. And you are silent? You should not be reluctant

xod 7ropsi)6f|vai Kai siasX9siv xod KAx|povo|if|aai xrjv

to go and to enter to inherit the

yrjv io+ rjviKa av siasA£r|xs fj^sxs npoq Xaov

land. When ever you should enter, you shall come to a people

7iS7ioi66xa Kai r| yrj svpv%copoq 6xi 7iaps8cDKsv aDxfjv

being secure, and the land of broad space, for [ delivered it over
o Bsoq sv %sip( djicov xorcoc; oitov odk saxiv sksi

God] into your hand. A place where there is not [ there

Daxsprjjia 7iavx6c; pfjjiaxoc; 6aa sv xrj yrj n+ Kai

any deficiency] of a thing as much as [is] on the earth. And

a7ifjpav sksiBsv 8K aDyysvsiac; xod Aav sk Sapad

they departed from there, from [the] kin of Dan, from Zorah

Kai arco EaGaoA, s^xkocjioi dvdpsq 7rspis^&lt;jaa|isvoi

and from Esthaol ~ six hundred men being girded with


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07 - Judges

aKsi3r| 7iapaT&amp;§s&lt;joc; 12 + Kai aveprjaav Kai 7iapevspaAx)v

weapons for battle. And they ascended and camped

sv KapiaGiapiji ev Ioi35a 5id xodxo sKXf|0r|

in Kirjath-jearim in Judah. On account of this [ was called

too t67tco 8K8WC0 7iaps|iPoAT| Aav eooc;

that place], Camp of Dan until

TTjq rjjispaq Ta^xriq i8od Kax67na0ev KapiaGiapiji 13 +

this day. Behold, [it is] behind Kirjath-jearim.

Kai 7iapf|A,6ov sksOsv scoq tod opovq Ecppaiji Kai

And they went from there unto mount Ephraim, and

r\kdov ecoc; oikod Mi%d h+ Kai a7reKp{0r|aav 01 7ievxs

came unto [the] house of Micah. And [ responded the five

avSpsq 01 7ropei)08VT£c; KaxaaK£\j/aa0ai xrjv yrjv Aaiad

men going to survey the land of Laish].

Kai S17TOV 7rpoc; Tovq a5eAxpoDc; aDxcbv si o(5axe 6x1

And they said to their brethren, Did you know that

eaxiv sv Toiq oikoic; xodxoic; ecpoD5 Kai Gspacpiv Kai

there is in these houses an ephod, and teraphim, and

yXi)7rx6v Kai %cdvsdx6v Kai vdv yvcbxs xi 7roifjaexe

a carved [image], and a molten [image]? And now know what you shall do!

15+ Kai s^sK^ivav sksi Kai siafjXGov sic; xov oikov

And they turned aside there, and entered into the house

xod 7iai5ap(oD xod Asdixod sic; xov oikov Mi%d Kai

of the young man — the Levite, into the house of Micah, and

r|pcbxr|oav aDxov sic; eipfjvrj i 6 + Kai 01 s^xkooioi

they asked him for peace. And the six hundred

dv5psc; 7ispi8^coa|i8voi aKSDrj 7ioA,s|iiKd aDxcbv

men being girded with weapons for their warfare,

saxrjAxDjisvoi 7iapd xrjv 0i3pav xod itvXowoq 01

being set up by the door of the gatehouse, [were] the ones

sk xcov Dicbv Aav 17+ Kai avsprjaav 01 7isvxs dv8psc;

from the sons of Dan. Then [ ascended the five men

01 7iop8D6|i8voi KaxaaK8\j/aa0ai xrjv yrjv Kai

going to survey the land]; and

S7isA,06vxsc; sksi skafiov xo yA,D7ix6v Kai xo scpoD8

coming there, they took the carved [image], and the ephod,

Kai xo Gspaqnji Kai xo xgovsdxov Kai o ispstic;

and the teraphim, and the molten [image]. And the priest

saxrjAxojisvoc; 7iapd xr| 0Dpav xod nvXcbvoq Kai 01

was set up by the door of the gatehouse, and the

s^aKoaioi dvSpsc; 01 7ispi8^coa|i8voi oksdt| 7ioA,s|iiKd 18 +

six hundred men were girded with weapons for warfare.


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Kai odtoi siafjXGov sic; oikov Mi%d Kai skafiov to

And [when] these entered into [the] house of Micah, and took the

yXi)7iT6v Kai to scpotiS Kai to Gspaqnv Kai to

carved [image], and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the

%cdvsdt6v Kai S17T8 7ipoc; aDTODc; o ispstic; ti

molten [image], that [ said to them the priest], What

ujisk; 7roisiTS 19+ Kai sircav npoq avzov KcbcpsDaov

do you do? And they said to him, Be silent,

S7U08C; TTjVXSipdaOD S7U TO OTOJia aOD Kai sXGs fisG'

place your hand over your mouth, and come with

r\[i(bv Kai 8ot| r\[dv sic; rcaTspa Kai sic; ispsa |ir|

us! and you will be to us for a father and for a priest. [Is it] not

PsAriov sivai as ispsa oikod avdpoq svoc; rj

better [for] you to be a priest of [the] house [ man of one], or

ysvsaGai as ispsa (pi)Axjc; Kai aDyysvsiac; sv IapafjA,

[for] you to be priest of a tribe and kin in Israel?

20+ Kai rjyaGwGrj r| Kap5(a tod ispsooc; Kai sAxxPs

And it was good to the heart of the priest. And he took

to s(poi)5 Kai to Gspaqnv Kai to y2u)7n;6v Kai to

the ephod, and the teraphim, and the carved [image], and the
%cdvsdt6v Kai siafj^Gsv sv jisaco tod XaoD 21+ Kai

molten [image], and entered into [the] midst of the people. And

S7isaTps\j/av Kai a7if|A,Gov Kai sGrjKav ttjv TSKva Kai

they turned and went forth, and put the children, and

ttjv KTTjaiv Kai to pdpoc; sjurpoaGsv aDTCOV 22 +

the property, and the load before them.

aDTOi 8s sjidKpDvav arco oikod Mi%d Kai i8od Mi%d

And they were far from [the] house of Micah, and behold, Micah

Kai 01 dv8psc; 01 sv zmq oiKiaiq zaiq jiSTd tod oikod

and the men in the houses, near the house

Mr^d SKpa^ov Kai KaTsXaPov todc; diodc; Aav 23+ Kai

of Micah cried out, and they overtook the sons of Dan. And

sporjaav rcpoc; diodc; Aav Kai S7isaTps\j/av 01 dioi

they yelled to [the] sons of Dan. And [ turned the sons

Aav Ta 7ip6aco7ra aDTcbv Kai si7iov 7ipoc; Mi%d ti

of Dan] their faces, and they said to Micah, What

sari aoi 6ti SKpa^aq 24+ Kai si7is todc; Gsodc; odc;

is it to you that you cry out? And he said, The gods which

S7io(r|aa sAxxPsts Kai tov ispsa Kai a7if|A,GsTS Kai

I made you took, and the priest, and you departed. And


what [is there] to me still? And what [is] this you say to me, Why [is] this


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Kpd^siq 25+ Kai 8i7iov 7cpoc; avTOV oi dioi Aav

[that] you cry out? And [said to him the sons of Dan],

|xq aKODaGfjTCD r| (pcovfj gov jisG' r\[i(bv jifj 7roxs

[ should not be heard Your voice] with us, lest at any time

a7ravTfjacooiv D|i(v dv5psc; Kaxcb5DVOi \|/D%f| Kai

[ should confront you men in severe pain of soul], and

7tpoa0fjaeic; xttv \\fv%r\v gov Kai xrjv \\fv%r\v

you shall add your life, and the life

tod oikod gov 2 6 + Kai S7copsD9r|aav oi dioi Aav sic;

of your household. And [ went the sons of Dan] on

ttjv o56v aDicbv Kai s(8s Mi%d 6xi laxDpoxspoi aDxoD

their way. And Micah saw that [ too mighty for him

eicriv Kai s^svsdcts Kai avsaxps\j/sv sic;

they are], and he turned aside and returned to

xov oikov aDxoD 27 + Kai aDxoi zkafiov 6aa

his house. And they took as much as

£7rorr|a£ Mi%d Kai xov ispsa oq nv aDxcb Kai fjXGov

Micah made, and the priest who was with him, and they went

87i( Aaiad S7ri Xaov TiaD%d^ovxa Kai 7i87roi06xa Kai

unto Laish, upon a people being tranquil, and being secure. And

87idxa^av aDxotic; sv axojiaxi pojicpaiaq Kai xrjv

they struck them by [the] mouth of [the] broadsword, and the

7i6Xiv 8V87ipr|aav 7iDpi 28 + Kai odk saxiv

city they burned by fire. And there is no

o s^aipoDjievoc; 6xi jiaKpdv saxiv anb Xi8cbvoc; Kai

one rescuing, for it is far from Sidon, and

A,6yoc; odk saxiv aDxofc; jisxd av0pcb7ioD Kai aDxfj

communication is not to them with man; and it

sv xtj KoiA,d8i T| saxiv xod oikod Podp Kai

[is] in the valley which is of the house ofRehob. And

coKo56|ir|aav xrjv 7i6A.iv Kai KaxcoKqaav sv aDxfj 29 +

they built [up] the city, and dwelt in it.

Kai SKdXsaav xo ovojia xrjc; 7c6A,scoc; Aav Kaxd xo

And they called the name of the city Dan, according to the

ovojia Aav xod naxpbq aDxcbv oq sysvfjGrj xco IapafjA,

name of Dan their father, who was born to Israel.

Kai try Aaia ovojia xco 7c6A,si xo 7cp6xspov 30+ Kai

And [ was Laish [the] name to the city formerly]. And

saxriaav saDxoiq 01 dioi Aav xo yA,D7cx6v Kai

[setup for themselves the sons of Dan] the carved [image]. And

IcovdGav vioq rrjpacbv diod Mavaaafj aDxoq Kai

Jonathan, son of Gershom, son of Manasseh, he and


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01 Dioi olvtov fjaav ispsk; xrj (pvXr) Aav sooc; r||ispac;

his sons were priests to the tribe of Dan until [the] day

Tr\q jiSTOiKsoiac; Tr\q yr\q 31+ Kai STa^av saDTOic; to

of the displacement of the land. And they themselves stationed the

yXi)7iT6v Mi%&amp; S7iovr|as naaaq Taq rijispaq oaaq r\v

carved [image] Micah made all the days, as many as [ was

o oiKoq tod 6sod ev XrjAxb Kai sysvsTO sv

the house of God] in Shiloh. And it came to pass in

Taiq rjjiepaic; SKsivaic; odk r|v fiaaikvbq sv IapafjX

those days there was no king in Israel.

19 tr

1+ Kai sysvsTO avfjp AsDvcr|c; 7iapoiKcbv sv jirjpoiq

And there was a man, a Levite, sojourning on [the] sides

opoDc; Ecppaiji Kai slapsv saDTcb yDvauca 7iaAlaKf|v

of mount Ephraim. And he took to himself a woman concubine

a7io Br|0A,88|i k&gt;D8a 2+ Kai copyiaGrj aDTcb

from Beth-lehem Judah. And [ provoked him to anger

r| 7raAlaKf| olvtov Kai aitr\kdz on olvtov sic; tov

his concubine], and she went forth from him unto the

oikov tod rcaTpoc; avTT\q sic; Brj0A,ss|i Ioi)8a Kai

house of her father in Beth-lehem Judah, and

sysvsTO sksi rijiepaq TSTpdjirjvov 3+ Kai avsorrj

she was there [the] days of four months. And [ rose up

o avfjp aDTfjc; Kai S7ropsD0r| KaTO7ria0sv aDTfjc;

her husband] and went after her,

tod XaArjaai sm tt|v Kap8(av avTT\q tod 5iaAld^ai

to speak unto her heart, to reconcile

aDTTJV Kai TO 7iai8dpiOV aDTOD |IST' aDTOD Kai

her; and his servant [was] with him, and

^SDyoq D7io^Dy(cov Kai S7ropsD6r| sooc; OIKOD

a pair of beasts of burden. And he went unto [the] house

7iaTp6c; aDTfjc; Kai s(8sv aDTOV o 7iaTfjp Tr\q vsdviSoc;

of her father. And [beheld him the father of the young woman],

Kai 7iapf|v sic; a7idvTr|aiv aDTOD 4 + Kai

and [was] at hand for meeting him. And

eiafjyayev aDTOV o yajiPpoq aDTOD o 7iaTf|p ttjc^

[ brought him in his father-in-law], the father of the

vsdvi8oc; Kai SKdGias jist' aDTOD Tpsic; ruispaq Kai

young woman, and he stayed with him three days. And

scpayov Kai smov Kai D7ivcoaav sksi 5+ Kai sysvfj0r|

they ate and drank and slept there. And it came to pass


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tt] rjjiepa xr| xexdpxrj Kai cbpGpiaav T07ipcoi Kai

on the [ day fourth], that they rose early in the morning, and

aveaxrj tod a7isX0£iv Kai 8i7isv o 7iaxf|p xrjc; vsdviSoc;

he rose up to depart. And [ said the father of the young woman]

7ipoc; xov VDjiqnov avzov axfjpiaov xrjv KapSiav gov

to his son-in-law, Support your heart

KAxxajiaxi dpxou Kai jiexd xotixo 7ropef)a8a6e 6 + Kai

with a piece of bread, and after this go! And

SKdGiaav Kai scpayov ajicpoxspoi e7ri xo ai)xo Kai

he sat down, and [ ate both] together, and

87riov Kai 817TSV o 7iaxfjp XTj^ VedviSoCJ npoq xov

drank. And [ said the father of the young woman] to the

dv5pa ap^djievoc; auAiaGrjxi Kai aya0i)v6fjxcD r|

man, For a beginning, lodge and do good [to]

Kap8(a aou ?+ Kai aveaxrj o avfjp anskdziv Kai

your heart! And [ rose up the man] to depart. And

spidaaxo auxov o yajiPpoc; auxofj Kai SKdGiae Kai

[ forced him his father-in-law], and he stayed and

r|DAia6r| sksi 8 + Kai cbpGpias xo7ipcoi xr| rjjiepa

lodged there. And he rose early in the morning on the [ day

xtj 7i8(i7rxr| xod a7reA,9e(v Kai si7isv o 7raxfjp xrjc;

fifth] to depart. And [ said the father of the

vsdvi5oc; axfjpiaov 5r| xttv Kap8(av aoi) dpxco Kai

young woman], Support indeed your heart with bread, and

axpaxefjGrjxi ecoc; kXivt) xrjv rjjiepav Kai scpayov

soldier until [ should decline the day] ! And [ ate

Kai 87riov ajicpoxspoi 9+ Kai aveaxrj o avfjp

and drank both]. And [ rose up the man]

xod a7isA,08iv avToq Kai rj 7iaAlaKfj arjxofj Kai

to go, he and his concubine, and

xo 7iai8dpiov avzov Kai ei7rev arjxcb o yajiPpoq arjxofj

his servant. And [ said to him his father-in-law],

o 7raxfjp xrjc; vedvi5oc; i8od 8r| k8kA,ik£v r\ rjjiepa

the father of the young woman, Behold, indeed [ is declined [the] day]

sic; sarcspav auAiaGrjxi cb8e Kai ayaGrjvBfjxco r|

into evening, lodge here and do good [to]

Kap8(a aoi) Kai opGpieixs atipiov sic; xrjv o86v djicov

your heart, and rise early tomorrow unto your way,

Kai a7isA£i3ar| siq xo aKfjvco|id aoi) io + Kai

and you shall depart unto your tent! And

odk Tj6sAx[a8v o avfjp arAiaGfjvai Kai aveaxrj Kai

[ did not want the man] to lodge. And he rose up and

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a7if|X08 Kai 7iapsysvovxo scoc; arcsvavxi IsPodc; atixrj

went forth and came unto before Jebus, this

saxiv IspoDaaArj|i Kai |isx' aDxof) ^SDyoc; D7ro£Dyicov

is Jerusalem, and with him [were] a pair of beasts of burden

S7iiasaay|isvcov Kai rj 7iaAlaKfj aDxof) jisx' aDxof) u +

being saddled, and his concubine with him.

ai)xo( Kaxd IsPodc; Kai r| rjjispa KSKAiKDia acp68pa

[And] they [were] near Jebus, and the day declined exceedingly.

Kai 8i7i8 xo 7iai5dpiov npoq xov Kopiov aDxof) 8sf&gt;po

And [ said the servant] to his master, Come

8r| Kai 8KKAivoo|i8v sic; xrjv 7i6A.iv xod IsPoDoaioD

please, even we should turn aside into [ city of the Jebusites

xatixrjv Kai ai)Aia6cb|isv sv aDxfj u+ Kai si7is 7ipoc;

this], and lodge in it. And [ said to

ai)xov o KDpioq aDXOD OD JJTj SKKAlVOD|ISV 8iq 7l6AlV

him his master], In no way shall we turn aside into [ city

aAAx)xpk&gt;D sv rj odk saxiv 8K xcov dicov IapafjA, Kai

an alien], in which there is no [one] from the sons of Israel; even

7tapeA£i)a6|i£0a scoc; TaPad n+ Kai si7is xco

we shall go by unto Gibeah. And he said [to]

7iai8apico aDXOD 8sf&gt;po Kai syyiacojisv svi xcov x67rcov

his servant, Come, for we should approach one of the places,

Kai ai)A,ia0cb|isv sv TaPad rj sv Pajid u+ Kai

and we should lodge in Gibeah or in Ramah. And

7tapfjAi)ov Kai s8d aDxoic; o r\kioq s%6|isva

they went by, and [ went down on them the sun] being next

xrigTaPad rj saxi xod Bsviajiiv i 5 + Kai s^sK^ivav

to Gibeah, which is of Benjamin. And they turned aside

sksi xod siasABsiv KaxaMaai sv TaPad Kai siafjXGs

there to enter to rest up in Gibeah. And he entered

Kai SKdGiasv sv xrj 7iA,axs(a xrjc; 7r6A,scoc; Kai

and sat in the square of the city, and

odk soxiv avfjp o aDvdycov aDXODq sic; XOV OIKOV

there is no man bringing them into the house

xod KaxaMaai i6+ Kai i8od avfjp 7ipsaPDxrjc; siafjXGsv

to rest up. And behold, [ man an old] entered

a7co xcov spycov aDxoD e£ xod aypoD sa7ispac; Kai

from his works from out of the field at evening, and

o avfjp s^ opoDc; Ecppaiji Kai avzoq 7iapcbKsi sv

the man [was] from mount Ephraim, and he sojourned in

rapad Kai oi dvSpsc; xod xotcod dioi Bsviajiiv n +

Gibeah; and the men of the place [were] sons of Benjamin.


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07 - Judges

Kai avapXeyac; xoic; ocpGa^jiok; auxofj Kai e(8e xov

And he looked up with his eyes, and he saw the

dv5pa xov oSouropov sv xrj 7rXaxs(a xrjc; noXscoq Kai

man, the one journeying in the square of the city. And

S17T8V o avfjp o 7ipeoPi)Tr|(; 7iorj 7iop£fjrj Kai 7i66sv

[said man the old], Where [are] you going, and from what place

sp%r| i8+ Kai 81718 7ipoc; arjxov 5iaPaivo|i8v rijisiq 8K

come you? And he said to him, We are passing over from

Br|9A,88(i Iof38a ecoc; jxrjpov oporjc; Ecppaiji 8ks(0sv Se

Beth-lehem of Judah unto [the] side of mount Ephraim. [ from there And

sycb sijii Kai S7iopsT36r|v scoc; Br|9A,8S|i Iof38a Kai sic;

I am], and I went unto Beth-lehem of Judah, and [ to

xov oikov jiou sycb a7roTp8%co Kai odk saxiv avfjp

my house I run]; but there is no man

arjvdycov |ie sic; xrjv oraav i 9 + Kai ys d%rjpa Kai

bringing me into a house. And indeed straw and

%opxda|iaxa D7idp%si xoic; ovoiq rjjicbv Kai ys dpxoq

fodder exists for our donkeys, and indeed bread

Kai oivoq D7idp%si |ioi Kai xr| 7iai8(aKrj Kai xco

and wine exists to me, and to the maidservant, and to the

veaviaKco xoic; 8of3Ax)ic; aou odk soxiv rjaxsprj|ia

servant; [and to] your servants there is no deficiency

7iavx6c; 7ipdy|iaxoc; 20+ Kai si7isv o avfjp o 7ipsapf3xrjc;

of any thing. And [said the man old],

sipfjvrj aoi 7iArjv 7iav xo rjaxsprjjid aorj S7i' sjis

Peace to you; only [let] any deficiency of yours [be] upon me,

7iArjv ev xrj 7iA,axsia jxrj KaxaAriarjc; 21+ Kai

only [in the square you should not rest up]. And

siafjyaysv arjxov sic; xrjv oiKiav arjxofj Kai 7iapsvsPaA,s

he brought him into his house, and camped

xoic; D7ro£/Dy(oic; arjxofj Kai arjxoi svnj/avxo

his beasts of burden. And they washed

Tovq 7r68ac; auxcbv Kai scpayov Kai smov 22 + arjxcbv 8s

their feet, and they ate and drank. And they

aya0Dv9svxcov xrj Kap8(a arjxcbv Kai i8of3 01 dvSpsc;

were doing [ good their heart]; and behold, the men

xrjc; 7r6A,scoc; men 7iapav6|icov 7rspisKDKAxjoaav xrjv

of the city, sons of lawbreakers, encircled the

oiKiav Kai SKpoDaav S7ri xrjv Gfjpav Kai si7rov npoq

house, and knocked upon the door; and they said to

xov dv8pa xov Kfjpiov xrjc; oudac; xov 7rpsapf3xrjv

the man, the master of the house, the old man,


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AiyovTsg s^dyaye tov dv8pa tov siasX06vTa siq

saying, Lead out the man entering into

ttjv oiKiav aoi) (va yvcbjisv ai)i6v 23 + Kai e^fj^Gs

your house, that we should know him. And [ came forth

7rpoc; aDTODc; o avfjp o Kopioc; tod oikod Kai ei7is

to them the man], the master of the house, and he said

7ipoc; avTOvq |ir|8a|icbc; aSeAxpoi jiod (irj 7iovr|p£Dar|a0£

to them, By no means, my brethren, you should not do evil

8r| jisxd to siasA,9siv xov dv8pa todtov siq

indeed with [ entering this man] into

xrjv oiKiav [lov |ir| 7ioif|ar|Te

my house; you should not do

tt[v acppooDVTjv t(xt3tt|v 24 + i8od GDydrrjp jiod rj

this folly. Behold, my daughter the

7iap0svoc; Kai r| 7iaAA,aKf| avzov s^d^co 8s auxdc; Kai

virgin, and his concubine; and I will bring them, and

Ta7i8ivcbaaT8 auxdc; Kai 7roifjaaTS avxaiq to aya06v

you humble them, and do to them the good [thing]

sv ocpGa^jioic; djicov Kai icq av8p( todtcd |ir| 7ioif|ar|Te

in your eyes, but to this man you should not do

to pfjjia TTjq acppoawrjq xa^Triq 25+ Kai odk rjBeAxjaav

the thing of this folly. And [ did not want

01 dvSpec; aKODaai avzov Kai S7isAxxPeTO o avfjp

the men] to hear him. And [ took hold the man]

Tr\q 7iaAA,aKf|c; avzov Kai s^fjyaysv aDifjv npoq avzovq

of his concubine, and led her to them

s^co Kai syvcoaav aDTfjv Kai svercai^av aDifj 6Ar|v

outside. And they knew her, and sported with her [the] entire

ttjv vt)Kxa sooc; T07ipcoi Kai 8^a7i8aTSiXav aDxfjv

night until the morning. And they sent her

djia too avsprj tov opGpov 26+ Kai f|X0sv rj yovfj

at the same time the [ascended dawn]. And [came the woman]

T07ipcoi Kai S7i8as 7iapd ttjv 0Dpav tod nvXcbvoq

in the morning, and fell by the door of the vestibule


of the house of the man of whom [was her master] there,

sooc; od SiscpaDas 27+ Kai avsarr| o Kopioc; avTT\q

until of which [time] light shown through. And [ rose up her master]

T07ipcoi Kai fjvoi^s Tac; dvpaq tod oikod Kai e^fjXGe

in the morning, and he opened the doors of the house, and he came forth

tod a7isX08iv sic; tt|v o86v aDTOD Kai i8od r| yDvfj

to depart into his way. And behold, the woman,


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07 - Judges

r| 7iaXA,aKf| clvtov 7r87iTCOKDia 7iapd ttjv 0i3pav tod

his concubine, [was] fallen by the door of the

oikod Kai ai %e(pec; avTT\q em to 7ip60Dpov 28+ Kai

house, and her hands [were] upon the threshold. And

S17T8 7ipoc; ocdttjv avd&lt;ycr|6i Kai a7isA,6co|i8v Kai odk

he said to her, Rise up, for we should go forth! And she did not

a7T8Kpi6r| ai)Tcb aUd TsGvfjKei Kai ave^apev aDTfjv

answer to him for she had died. And he lifted her

87i( to D7ro£/6yiov Kai avsaTTj o avfjp Kai a7rfjX0£v

upon the beast of burden, and [ rose up the man] and went forth

eic; tov T07rov olvtov 29 + Kai eiafjXGev sic;

to his place. And he entered into

tov oikov clvtov Kai sXaPs tt|v jid%aipav Kai

his house, and he took the knife, and

S7rsA,dpeTO Tr\q naXkaKr\q clvtov Kai sjisAiaev avTr)v

took hold of his concubine, and dismembered her

KaTd Ta 6&lt;xca avTT\q eic; 8cb88Ka jispiSaq Kai

according to her bones into twelve portions, and

a7T80TSiXsv avxa sic; naaaq xaq (pvXdq IapafjA, 30+ Kai

he sent them unto all the tribes of Israel. And

sysvsTO naq o opcbv s^sysv odts sysvfjGrj odts

it came to pass all the ones seeing said, Neither happened, nor

cbcp9r| odtcdc; arco tt|c; rjjiepac; avapdasooc; dicdv

was thus seen from the days of [the] ascending of [the] sons

IapafjX sk yr\q AiywrTOD eooc; ttjc^ Tjjispacj TaDTTjCj

of Israel from out of [the] land of Egypt until this day.

6sa0e 5r| eaDTOiq mpi avTT\q PouAxjv Kai

Appoint indeed to yourselves [ concerning her counsel] and



20 D

1+ Kai s^fjXGov 7idvTsq 01 moi IapafjX Kai

And there came forth all the sons of Israel, and

s^£KKAx|aida6r| r| aDvayooyfj cdc; avfjp sic; arco Aav

[ held an assembly the congregation] as [ man one], from Dan

Kai eooc; BrjpaaPais Kai yr|c; Takadd itpoq Kopiov

and unto Beer-sheba, and [the] land of Gilead, before [the] LORD

sic; Maaarjcpd 2+ Kai earn to KAijia rcavTOc; tod

in Mizpeh. And [ established the region] all of the

Xaov 7idaai ai qroAm tod IapafjA, sv tt| 8KKAx|a(a

people in all the tribes of Israel in the assembly


20 3 sv tootg) + vtica 07 - Judges

tod Xaov tod 08OD TSTpaKoaiai %ikiaSzq av5pcbv

of the people of God ~ four hundred thousand men

7is^cbv a7ico|i8vcov pojicpaiav 3+ Kai fjKODaav 01 dioi

on foot unsheathing [the] broadsword. And [ heard the sons

Beviajjiv 6ti aveprjaav 01 dioi IapafjX sic; Maaarjcpd

of Benjamin] that [ascended the sons of Israel] unto Mizpeh.

Kai si7iav 01 dioi IapafjA, AxxAfjaaTS 7tod sysvsTO

And [said the sons of Israel], Tell where [took place

T| Kouda (xdttj 4 + Kai a7i8Kpi6r| o avfjp O AeDVCrjC; o

evil this]? And [ answered the man], the Levite, the

avfjp Tr\q yDvaiKoq rrjc; 7rs(povsD|isvr|c; Kai sitcsv sic;

husband of the woman having been murdered. And he said, [ unto

TaPad rrjc; Beviajjiv fjABov syco Kai r| 7raAlaKfj jjod

Gibeah of Benjamin I came], I and my concubine

tod KaTaAriaai 5 + Kai avearrjoav 87i' s|is 01 dv5pec;

to rest up. And [ rose up against me the men],

01 Trj^raPad Kai 7rspi£KDKAxDaav 87i' sjis S7ii tt|v

the ones of Gibeah, and they encircled upon me, upon the

oiKiav VDKToq Kai 8(is rjBsAxjaav a7ioKT8ivai Kai

house at night; and [me they wanted to kill], and

ttjv 7iaAA,aKfjv jjod STa7rsivcoaav Kai svercai^av aDTfj

[ my concubine they humbled], and sported with her,

Kai arceGavev 6 + Kai S7i8A,ap6|ir|v rrjc; 7raAlaKfjc; jjod

and she died. And I took hold of my concubine,

Kai sjieAioa aDTfjv Kai 8^a7i8aTSiXa sv 7iavTi opico

and I dismembered her, and I sent out into every border

KArjpovojjiac; IapafjX 6ti 87io(r|aav acppoaDvrjv ev

of [the] inheritance of Israel; for they committed folly in

IapafjA, 7+ i5od itavTsq v[isiq 01 dioi IapafjA, 86ts

Israel. Behold, all you, the sons of Israel, make

aDTok; Xoyov Kai PoDAxjv cb8s 8 + Kai avearrj naq o

to yourselves an account and plan here! And [ rose up all the

Xaoq coq avfjp sic; Xsycov odk eiasA^SDaojieBa avfjp

people] as [ man one], saying, We shall not enter — a man

sic; to aKfjvcojia aDTOD Kai odk skk^ivodjjsv avfjp

into his tent, and we shall not turn aside — a man

ziq tov oikov aDTOD 9+ Kai vdv to pfjjia TODTO o

to his house. And now [ the thing this [is]] which

7ioifjao|i8v TTj TaPad avaprja6|is0a S7i' aDTfjv sv

we shall do to Gibeah; we will ascend against it by

KAxjpco 10+ Kai Axj\j/6|is9a Sera dvSpac; toic; eraTOV

lot. And we shall take ten men [out of] a hundred


20 3 sv tootco + vtica 07 - Judges

sic; naaaq (pvXaq IapafjA, Kai sraxov xoic; %iXxoiq

for all [the] tribes of Israel, and a hundred [out of] a thousand [men],

Kai xikiovq xoic; jxopioic; Xafisiv S7iiaixia|i6v too

and a thousand [out of] ten thousand [men], to take a provision for the

Axxcb S7riTsAioai Toiq sic; 7ropsi)0|isvoic; sic;

people, to complete [the task] to the ones in going unto

xrjv TaPad tod Bsviajiiv raid 7idaav xrjv a^poawqv

Gibeah of Benjamin, against all the folly

r|v S7io(r|aav sv IapafjX n+ Kai Gvvr\%dr\ naq avfjp

which they did in Israel. And came together every man

IapafjX sic; xrjv 7i6A.iv coc; avfjp sic; sp%6|isvoi 12+ Kai

of Israel to the city as [ man one] coming. And

s^a7tsaTSiA,av ai (pvXai IapafjA, dv8pac; sv 7idarj

[ sent out the tribes of Israel] men in all

(pi)Axj Bsviajiiv Aiyovxsc; tic; rj KaKia atixrj rj

[the] tribe of Benjamin, saying, What [is] this evil that

ysvojisvrj sv djiiv 13+ Kai vuv 86ts xodc; dvSpac;

took place among you? And now, give [over] the [ men

xodc; aaspsic; xodc; sv TaPad xodc; diodc; PsMaX Kai

impious] in Gibeah, the sons of Belial, and

Gavaxcbaojisv aDxotic; Kai s^apoDjisv KaKiav s^

we shall kill them and lift away evil from

IapafjA, Kai odk rjGsAxjaav 01 moi Bsviajiiv aKODaai

Israel. But [ did not want the sons of Benjamin] to hear

xrjc; (pcovfjc; tcov aSsAxpcbv aDxcbv dicov IapafjA, i 4 + Kai

the voice of their brethren [of the] sons of Israel. And

avvT\%Qr\aav 01 moi Bsviajiiv sk tcov 7i6A,scov aDxcbv

[ came together the sons of Benjamin] from their cities

sic; TaPad s^sX0srv sic; 7iapdxa^iv npoq diodc;

to Gibeah, to go forth into battle array against [the] sons

IapafjX 15+ Kai S7isaKS7ir|aav 01 moi Bsviajiiv sv

of Israel. And [numbered the sons of Benjamin] in

ttj rjjispa SKsivrj sk xcov 7i6A,scov siKoai Kai 7isvxs

that day of the cities, twenty five

%iAid8sc; av5pcbv a7ico|isvcov pojicpaiav xcopfc; TC0V

thousand men unsheathing [the] broadsword, apart from the

KaxoiKotivxcov xrjvTaPad i 6 + odxoi S7isaKS7ir|aav

ones dwelling in Gibeah. These numbered

S7ixaKoaioi dvSpsc; sk^skxoi sk 7iavx6c; xod Xaov

seven hundred [ men chosen] from all of the people,

ajicpoxspoSs^ioi 7idvxsc; odxoi acpsv8ovf|xai pdAlovxsc;

ambidextrous; all these [were] slingers casting

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Xidoiq itpoq xrjv xp(%a Kai od 8iajiapxdvovxsc; n +

stones [accurate] to the hair, and not missing.

Kai iiaq avfjp IapafjA, S7rsaKS7rrjaav %copic; xcov mcbv

And every man of Israel — they were numbered, separate from the sons

tod Bsviajiiv xsxpaKoaiai %ikiadsq av8pcbv a7ico|i8vcov

of Benjamin, four hundred thousand men unsheathing

pojicpaiav ndvTsq otixoi dvSpsc; 7roA,s|iiaxai 18+ Kai

[the] broadsword; all these [were] men warriors. And

avsaxrjaav Kai avsprjaav sic; BaiGfjX Kai

they rose up and ascended unto Beth-el, and

S7irjpcbxrjaav sv too 6scb Kai sircav 01 moi IapafjA, Tiq

asked of God. And [ said the sons of Israel], Who

avapfjasxai rjjjiv acprjyofjjisvoc; 7roA,s|ifjaai |isxd xcov

shall ascend to us guiding to wage war with the

mcbv Bsviajiiv Kai si7is Kopioc; Iof)5ac; avapfjasxai

sons of Benjamin? And [the] LORD said, Judah shall ascend

acprjyofjjisvoc; 19+ Kai avsoxrjaav 01 moi IapafjX

guiding. And [rose up the sons of Israel]

xo7ipcoi Kai 7iapsvsPaAx)v S7U TaPad 20+ Kai s^fjAi)ov

in the morning, and camped at Gibeah. And [ went forth

itaq avfjp IapafjA, sic; 7i6A,s|iov jisxd Bsviajiiv Kai

every man of Israel] for war against Benjamin; and

7iapsxd^avxo jisx' auxcbv avfjp IapafjA, sic; 7r6A,sjiov

he deployed against them ~ [the] man of Israel for war

7rpoc; xrjv TaPad 21 + Kai s^fjABov 01 moi Bsviajiiv sk

against Gibeah. And came forth the sons of Benjamin from

xrjc; 7t6A,scdc; Kai 8iscp0sipav sv IapafjA, sv

the city, and utterly destroyed in Israel on

xrj rjjispa SKSivrj 5f3o Kai siKoai %ikiadaq av5pcbv S7U

that day two and twenty thousand men upon

xrjv yrjv 22+ Kai sv(a%i)aav o Xaoq avfjp IapafjA, Kai

the ground. And [ strengthened the people] — [the] man of Israel, and

7ipoas0svxo 7iapaxd^aa6ai tcoXsjiov sv xoa x67ico co

proceeded to deploy for war in the place in which

7iapsxd^avxo sksi sv xrj rjjispa xrj 7ipcbxr| 23+ Kai

he deployed there on the [day first]. And

avsprjaav 01 moi IapafjA, Kai SK^arjoav svcb7iiov

[ascended up the sons of Israel], and they wept before

Kopioi) scoq sa7ispac; Kai S7irjpcbxrjaav sv Kopico

[the] LORD until evening, and they asked of [the] LORD,

Aiyovxsc; si 7ipoa0cb rcpoasyyiaai sic; tcoXsjiov jisxd

saying, Shall I proceed to draw near for war against


20 3 sv tootco + vuca 07 - Judges

mcbv Bsviajiiv tod a5sAxpoD jiod Kai si7is Kupioc;

[the] sons of Benjamin my brother? And [the] LORD said,

av&amp;Prjxe 7ipoc; aDiov 2 4+ Kai 7ipoaf|Ai)oaav 01 dioi

Ascend against him! And [ came forward the sons

IapafjA, 7ipoc; viovq Bsviajjiv sv xrj rjjiepa xrj 5sDxspa

of Israel] against [the] sons of Benjamin in the [day second].

25+ Kai s^fjXGe Bsviajjiv sic; a7idvxr|aiv aircoic; sk

And Benjamin came forth to meet them from

Tr\q TaPad sv xrj rjjiepa xrj 8sDxspa Kai 8is(p6sipav

Gibeah on the [day second]. And they utterly destroyed

sxi sk tod Xaov lapar\k OKTCDKa(8sKa %iAid8ac;

yet of the people of Israel eighteen thousand

av5pcbv 87i( xrjv yrjv ftdvxsc; odxoi sa7iaa|isvoi

men upon the ground, all these unsheathing

pojicpaiav 26+ Kai avsprjaav ftdvxsc; 01 dioi IopafjX

[the] broadsword. And [ascended up all the sons of Israel],

Kai naq o Xaoq Kai fj^Goaav sic; BaiGfjA, Kai

and all the people, and they came unto Beth-el and

SK^aDaav Kai SKdGiaav sksi svavxi kdpiod Kai

wept, and sat there before [the] LORD, and

svfjOTSDaav sv xrj rjjispa sks(vt| scoq sa7ispac; Kai

fasted in that day until evening; and

avfjvsyKav o^oKaDxcojia aoaxrjpioD svavxi kdpiod 27 +

they offered a whole burnt-offering for deliverance before [the] LORD.

Kai S7ir|pcbTr|aav 01 dioi IapafjA, sv Kopioo Kai

And [asked the sons of Israel] in [the] LORD. And


[ [was] there [the] ark of [the] covenant [of the] LORD] in

xaic; rjjispac; SKsivaiq 28+ Kai Oivssq vioq EXsd^ap diod

those days. And Phinehas [the] son ofEleazar, [the] son

Aapcbv 7iapsaxr|KCDc; svcb7riov aDxfjc; sv

of Aaron stood before it in

miq rjjispaic; SKsivaic; Xsycov si 7ipoa0f|acD sxi

those days, saying, Shall I proceed still

s^sXGsiv sic; 7i6Xs|iov jisxd dicov Bsviajiiv

to go forth for war against [the] sons of Benjamin

tod a5sAxpoD jiod T| K07idaco Kai si7is Kupioq avaprjis

my brother, or slacken? And [the] LORD said, Ascend,

Kai atipiov 7iapa8cbaco aDxov sv xrj %£ipi god 29 + Kai

and tomorrow I will deliver him into your hand. And

sGrjKav 01 dioi IapafjX svs5pa sv xrj TaPad kdkAxd

[placed the sons of Israel] an ambush in Gibeah roundabout.


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07 - Judges

30+ Kai avsprjaav 01 dioi IapafjX izpoq xov diodc;

And [ ascended the sons of Israel] against the sons

Beviajjiv sv xrj rjjispa xr| xpixrj Kai 7iapsxd^avxo

of Benjamin on the [day third]. And they deployed

7rpoc; xrjv TaPad Kadcbq arca^ Kai arca^ 31+ Kai

against Gibeah as once [before], and once [before that]. And

s^fjXGov 01 dioi Bsviajiiv sic; a7idvxr|aiv tod Xaov

[ came forth the sons of Benjamin] for meeting the people,

Kai s^siAxDaGrjaav sk xrjc; TtoXswq Kai fjp^avxo

and were drawn away from the city. And they began

xdtcxsiv sk tod Xaov xpaDjiaxiac; Kadcbq arca^ Kai

to strike of the people (slain as once [before], and

d7ia^ ev xaic; odoiq cov sail |i(a avaPaivoDoa

once [before that]) in the ways which there is one ascending

sic; BaiBfjX Kai |i(a avaPaivoDoa sic; TaPad sv

to Beth-el, and one ascending to Gibeah in

aypcb ©asi xpidKovxa dv5paq sv xco IapafjX 32 + Kai

[the] field, about thirty men of Israel. And

si7iav 01 dioi Bsviajiiv 7rpoaK67ixovxai aDxoi svco7iiov

[said the sons of Benjamin], They stumble before

rjjicov Kadcbq S|i7ipoa0sv Kai 01 dioi IapafjX si7iav

us as before. And the sons of Israel said,

(pDycojisv Kai SKa7idaco|isv aDxotic; sk xrjc; itoXzodq sic;

We should flee and pull them out from the city into

xac; odovq 33+ Kai naq avfjp IapafjA, avsaxrj sk

the ways. And every man of Israel rose up from

xod X07TOD aDxoD Kai 7iapsxd^avxo sv BaaXGajidp Kai

his place, and deployed in Baal-tamar. And

xo svs5pov IapafjA, S7idAmsv sk xod xotcod aDxoD

the ambush of Israel wrestled from out of its place

arco 8do|icov xrjc; TaPad 34 + Kai 7iapsysvovxo

from [the] descent of Gibeah. And they arrived

s^svavxiac; TaPad 5sKa %ikiadsq av5pcbv skA,skxcov

right opposite Gibeah — ten thousand [ men chosen]

sk 7iavx6c; IapafjX Kai o n6Xs[ioq sPapDvGrj Kai

from out of all Israel. And the battle weighed down, and

aDxoi odk syvcooav 6x1 acpf|7rxai S7i' aDxotic; r| KaKia

they did not know that [ has been affixed upon them hurt].

35 + Kai sxp67icoas Kopioc; xov Bsviajiiv Kaxd 7rp6aco7iov

And [ put to flight [the] LORD Benjamin] before

IapafjX Kai 8iscp6sipav 01 dioi IapafjA, sv

Israel. And [ utterly destroyed the sons of Israel] among


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

07 - Judges


Benjamin in that day twenty and five

XiAidSaq Kai SKaTOV dvSpac; itavTzq odtoi a7icb|isvoi

thousand and a hundred men, all these unsheathing

pojicpaiav 36+ Kai s(8ov 01 dioi Bsviajjiv on

[the] broadsword. And [beheld the sons of Benjamin] that

T8Tp67icovTai Kai s5cok8v avfjp IapafjA,

they were put to flight. And [gave [the] man of Israel]

too Bsviajjiv T07rov on fjAmoav S7il to svsSpov o

place to Benjamin, for they hoped upon the ambush which

sxa^av 7rpoc; xrjv TaPad 37 + Kai to svs5pov cbp|irjas

they arranged near Gibeah. And the ambush advanced,

Kai £^sxi36r|aav itpoq rqv TaPad Kai S7iopsD0rj to

and they poured out against Gibeah. And [ went the

svs8pov Kai S7idTa^av oAxjv ttjv 7i6A.iv sv aTOjiaTi

ambush], and they struck all the city by [the] mouth

pojicpaiac; 38+ Kai rj aDVTayfj rjv avfjp IapafjX

of [the] broadsword. And the arranged order was [with the] man of Israel

7ipoc; to svsSpov tod avsvsyrai aDTODc; nvpaov

with the ambush, for them to offer a signal-fire

tod Ka7rvot) arco Tr\q noXscoq 39+ Kai avs&lt;xcps\j/sv avfjp

of smoke from the city. And [ turned [the] man

IapafjX sv too 7ioA,s|ico Kai Bsviajjiv fjpKTai

of Israel] in the battle. And Benjamin began

tod TD7TTSIV TpaDjjaTiac; sv Tea av8pi IapafjA, coq

to strike slain against the man of Israel about

TpidKovTa dvSpac; 6ti si7iav 7iAxjv Tpo7roD|isvoc;

thirty men. For they said, Surely being put to flight

Tpo7iODTai avToq svavnov rjjjcbv Kadcbq o n6Xs[ioq

he was put to flight before us as the battle

o S|i7ipoa0sv 40+ Kai o nvpaoq fjp^aTO avapaivsiv sk

before. And the signal-fire began to ascend from

Tr\q noXscoq cttdXoc; Ka7ivoD Kai S7ispXs\j/s Bsviajiiv

the city [as] a column of smoke. And Benjamin looked

O7i(aco aDTOD Kai i8od avsprj oDVTslsia Tr\q

behind him, and behold, [there] ascended [the] consummation of the

7t6Xscdc; sic; tov ODpavov 4 i+ Kai avfjp IopafjX

city unto the heaven. And [the] man of Israel

S7isaTps\j/s Kai sa7isDasv avfjp Bsviajjiv Kai s(8sv

turned. And [hastened [the] man of Benjamin], for he beheld

6ti fj7iTai aDTOD rj KaKia 42+ Kai SK^ivav svcb7iiov

that [ has touched him a bad [thing]]. And they leaned before


20 3 sv tootco + vuca 07 - Judges

av8poc; IapafjX sic; xrjv o56v xrjc; spfj|ioi) Kai o

[the] man of Israel in the way of the wilderness, and the

7i6Xs|ioc; KaxscpGaasv S7i' avzovq Kai 01 arco xcdv

battle fell [ unawares upon them]; and the ones from the

7i6Xscov 8iscp6sipov auxotic; ev jisaco auxcbv 43 + K(Xl

cities — they utterly destroyed them in their midst. And

KaxsKoyav xov Bsviajjiv Kai sSico^av auxov Kaxa

they cut up Benjamin, and pursued him according to

7i68ac; avzov Kai Kaxs7idxr|aav auxov sooc; svavxiac;

his feet, and trampled him unto before

Tap ad 7ipoc; avaxoldc; r(kiov

Gibeah towards [the] rising of [the] sun.

44+ Kai srcsaav sk xod Bsviajiiv OKxooKaiSsKa %iAidSsc;

And [ fell of Benjamin eighteen thousand

av5pcbv 01 7idvxsc; otixoi dvSpsc; 5uvaxo( 45 + Kai

men]; all these men of power. And

s^sicAavav Kai scpsuyov sic; xrjv sprjjiov 7ipoc; xrjv

they turned aside and fled into the wilderness to the

7isxpav xod Psjijicbv Kai 8KaXa|if|aavxo auxov sv xaiq

rock of Rimmon. And they gleaned him in the

0801c; 7TSVXS xikiadzq avSpcbv Kai 7rpoasKoAArj9r|aav

ways — five thousand men. And they cleaved

O7UGC0 avTOV scoc; ra8ad|i Kai S7idxa^av s^ auxcbv

after them unto Gidom, and struck of them

5ia%i?doDc; dv5pac; 4 6+ Kai sysvovxo ftdvxsc; 01

two thousand men. And it came to pass all the

7r£7ixcDK6xsc; sv xco Bsviajiiv siKoamsvxs xiAad8sc;

ones falling among Benjamin [was] twenty-five thousand

avSpcbv a7ico|isvcov pojicpaiav sv xr| r||ispa SKsivrj

men unsheathing [the] broadsword in that day;

01 ftdvxsc; otixoi dvSpsc; 5i)vd|iscDc; 47 + Kai s^sKAivav

all these [were] men of power. And they turned aside

Kai scpuyov sic; xrjv eprjjiov 7ipoc; xrjv rcsxpav

and fled into the wilderness to the rock

xod Psjijicbv s^aKoaioi dv8psc; Kai SKdGiaav sv rcsxpa

of Rimmon — six hundred men; and they stayed at [the] rock

Psjijicbv xsxpd|ir|vov 48+ Kai avfjp IapafjA, avsaxps\j/av

of Rimmon four months. And [the] man of Israel turned

sic; xodc; viovq Bsviajiiv Kai S7idxa^av auxotic; sv

against the sons of Benjamin, and they struck them by

axojiaxi pojicpaiac; anb 7t6Xscdc; s^fjc; scoc; Kxfjvouc;

[the] mouth of [the] broadsword, from [city [the] next], unto beast,

21 SD

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07 - Judges

Kai ecoc; 7iavx6c; tod SDpsBsvxoc; sic; xac; 7i6A,sk; Kai

and unto all being found in the cities; and

xac; noXsiq xac; SDpeGeiaac; £VS7ipr|aav sv 7iDp(

the cities being found they burned by fire.


i+ Kai avfjp IapafjA, cbjioaev sv Maaarjcpd Aiyovxsc;

And [the] man of Israel swore by an oath in Mizpeh, saying,

avfjp 8^ r\[i(bv od 5cbasi 0Dyaxspa aDxoD xco Bsviajiiv

[ man from us No] shall give his daughter to Benjamin

eic; yi)vaiKa 2 + Kai 7iapeyevovxo rcac; o Xaoq ziq

for a wife. And [ came all the people] unto

BaiGfjA, Kai eraGiaav sksi scoc; zanspaq evcb7iiov

Beth-el, and sat there until evening before

xod Gsod Kai £7ifjpav xrjv 9&lt;wqv aDxcbv Kai SKkavaav

God. And they lifted their voice and wept

kAxxdGjiov jieyav 3+ Kai 8i7iav ivaxi Kupis 6ee IapafjX

[weeping a great]. And they said, Why, O LORD God of Israel,

sysvfjGrj xodxo sv xco lapar\k xod e7iiaKe7if|vai afjiispov

was this taken place in Israel, to overlook today

sv xco IapafjA, cpuArjv jiiav 4 + Kai syevsxo xr| srcaDpiov

in Israel [ tribe one]? And it happened the next day

Kai copBpiaav o Xaoq Kai coKo86|ir|aav sksi

that [ rose early the people], and they built there

6i)aiaaxfjpiov Kai avfjvsyrav oXoKaDxcojia acoxrjpioD 5 +

an altar, and offered a whole burnt-offering of deliverance.

Kai S17TOV 01 dioi IapafjX xic; o [ir\ avafiaq sv

And [said the sons of Israel], Who [is] the one not ascending among

xtj eKKAxjcria sk 7iaacbv cpi)A,cbv IapafjA, npoq Kupiov

the assembly from all of [the] tribes of Israel to [the] LORD?

6x1 o opKoq jisyaq rjv xco jir| avapdvxi

For [ oath a great there was] [concerning] the one not ascending

7ipoc; Kupiov sic; Maoorjcpd Aiyovxec; Bavdxco

to [the] LORD in Mizpeh, saying, To death

a7io0av8ixai 6 + Kai 7rap£KAr|6r|Gav 01 dioi IapafjA,

he shall die. And [relented the sons of Israel]

7rspi Bsviajjiv xod a8eAxpoD aDxcbv Kai sircav

concerning [ Benjamin their brother], and said,

acpfjprjxai afjjiepov cpDArj |i(a s£, IopafjA, 7+ xi

[is removed today tribe one from Israel]. What

7ioifjaco|i£v aDxoiq xoic; D7ioA,sicp0s(aiv sic; yDvaucac;

should we do to them, to the ones left behind for wives,


21 SD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

07 - Judges

Kai r||ie(c; cojioaajisv too Kopico tod (irj 8oDvai amoiq

for we swore by an oath to the LORD to not give to them

goto xcov 0i)yaTspcov r||icbv sic; yvvahcaq 8+ Kai sircav

from our daughters for wives? And they said,

tic; [da tcov (puAxbv lapar\k ryciq odk avsprj 7ipoc;

What one [is there] of the tribes of Israel which did not ascend to

Kopiov sic; Maaarjcpd Kai i8od odk fjABsv avfjp ziq

[the] LORD in Mizpeh? And behold, no [ came man] to

ttjv 7rap£|iPoAr|v anb la$iq Yakadh sic; tt|v

the camp from Jabish Gilead to the

SKKAxjaiav 9+ Kai S7rsaKS7rr| o Xabq Kai i8od

assembly. And [ were numbered the people], And behold,


there is not there a man from the ones dwelling in Jabish

Yakadh io+ Kai a7isaTSiA,sv sksi rj aDvaycoyfi 8cb8sKa

Gilead. And [ sent there the congregation] twelve

%iAid5ac; avSpcov anb tcov dicov ttjc^ 8Dvd|iscoc; Kai

thousand men from the sons of the force. And

svsTSi^avTO aDTOic; AiyovTSc; 7ropsD6r|TS Kai 7iaTd^aTS

they gave charge to them, saying, Go and strike

rcavTac; todc; KaTOiKowcac; Iapic; Yakaah sv &lt;xc6|iaTi

all the ones dwelling in Jabish Gilead by [the] mouth

pojicpaiac; Kai Tag yDvaiKaq Kai tov Xaov n+ Kai

of [the] broadsword, even the women and the people! And

odtoc; o Xbyoq ov 7roifja£T£ 7iav apaeviKov Kai

this [is] the word which you shall do. Every male and

7idaav yDvaiKa yivcbaKODaav Korcrjv dpasvoc;

every woman knowing [the] marriage-bed of a man

ava6s|iaTi8iT8 u+ Kai stipov anb KaTOlKODVTCOV

you shall devote to consumption. And they found of ones dwelling

IaPiq Yakadh TSTpaKoaiac; vsdviSac; 7iap0svoDc; ai

Jabish Gilead four hundred young women virgins, the ones

odk syvcoaav dv8pa sic; Kovcrjv dposvoc; Kai

[that] knew not a man, in [the] marriage-bed of a man. And

fjyayov aDTdc; sic; ttjv 7iaps|iPoXf|v sic; £r|Axb r|

they led them into the camp in Shiloh which

screw sv yrj Xavadv n+ Kai a7isaTSiXav 7idaa rj

is in [the] land of Canaan. And [ sent all the

ciDvaycoyfj Kai sAxxArjaav 7ipoc; todc; diodc; Bsviajiiv

congregation] and spoke to the sons of Benjamin,

todc; sv ttj rcsTpa Psjijicov Kai SKdXsaav aDTODc; sic;

of the ones at the rock of Rimmon, and they called them for


21 SD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

07 - Judges

sipfjvrjv 14+ Kai S7isaxps\j/s Bsviajiw npoq zovq viovq

peace. And Benjamin returned to the sons

IapafjX sv too Kaipco sksivco Kai s5coKav auxoic; xac;

of Israel in that time, and they gave them the

yvvahcaq aixivsc; fjaav sk tcov yuvauccov lafiiq

women who were of the women ofJabish

TakadS Kai fjpeaev auxofc; ouxcoc; 15+ Kai o Xaoq

Gilead, and it pleased them thus. And the people

7iapsKAT|6r| S7U xco Bsviajiiv 6x1 S7rorr|as o Kopioc;

were comforted concerning Benjamin, for [ made the LORD]

5iaK07rfjv sv xaic; (pvXaiq IapafjX i 6 + Kai sircov 01

a breach among the tribes of Israel. And [ said the

7ipeaPi)xepoi xrjc; &lt;yovaycoyf|c; xi 7ioif|ao|isv xoic;

elders of the congregation], What shall we do to the

87iiXo(7ioi(; sic; xac; yuvaiKac; 6x1 rjcpaviaGrj sk

remaining for wives, [now] that [ was removed from

xod Bsviajjiv yvvr\ 17+ Kai si7isv KXr|povo|iia

Benjamin [the] woman]? And he said, An inheritance

8iaasacoa|isvr| xco Bsviajiiv Kai od |ir| s^a^supGrj

for the ones surviving to Benjamin, that in no way [ should be wiped away

(pvhf\ s£, IapafjA, ig+ Kai r\[isiq od 5wr|a6|is6a

a tribe] from Israel. For we are not able

5oDvai aDxoic; yovaixac; arco xcov GDyaxspcov r||icbv 6x1

to give to them wives from our daughters, for

cojioaajisv 01 vioiq IapafjA, Aiyovxsc; S7iiKaxapaxoc; o

[ swore by an oath the sons of Israel], saying, Accursed [is] the

8i5odc; yi)vaiKa xco Bsviajiiv 19 + Kai sircav i8od

one giving a wife to Benjamin. And they said, Behold,

sopxfj xco Kupico sv acp' r||ispcbv sic;

[there is] a holiday to the LORD in Shiloh from days to

rjiispaq T| saxiv arco Poppa xrjc; BaiGfjX Kax'

days, which is from [the] north of Beth-el, according to

avaxoXdq r(kiov sv xco 8i65co xr| avaPaivoDarj sk

[the] rising of [the] sun, upon the corridor ascending from

BaiGfjA, sic; SiKijia Kai arco voxod xrjc; AsPcovd 20 +

Beth-el unto Shechem, and from south of Lebonah.

Kai svsxsi^avxo xoic; dioic; Bsviajiiv Aiyovxsc;

And they gave charge to the sons of Benjamin, saying,

anskdais Kai svs8psDaaxs sv xoic; a|i7isAxbai 21 + Kai

Go forth and lie in wait at the vineyards! And

6\j/soGs Kai i8od coc; av s^s^Gcoaiv ai GDyaxspsc;

look and behold, whenever [ should come forth the daughters


21 SD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

07 - Judges

xcov KaxoiKowccDV I/qXcb xop8T30i)oai sv xopoiq

of the ones dwelling in Shiloh] joining in a dance with a company of dancers,

Kai s^s^etiaeaGe goto tcov a|i7i£A,cbvcov Kai ap7tdaax£

then you shall come forth from the vineyards, and let [ seize by force

£auxcb avfjp yuvauca anb xcov 0uyax£pcov I/qXcb Kai

to himself a man] a wife from the daughters of Shiloh! then

a7T£A,£i)O£o0£ £ic; xt|v yrjv Eteviajiiv 22+ Kai £oxai oxav

you shall depart unto the land of Benjamin. And it will be whenever

£X0coaiv 01 7iax£p£c; auxcbv rj 01 a5£Axpoi auxcbv

[ should come their fathers or their brothers]

Kpiv£a0ai 7rpoc; r|jLxdq Kai £pof)|i£V npoq avzovq

to quarrel with us, that we shall say to them,

£A,£fjaax£ auxotic; 6xi odk zkafizv avfjp £ai)xcb yuvafca

Show mercy on them! for [ did not take a man] to himself a wife

£v xco 7ioA,£|ico 6x1 ov%v[isiq 5£8cbKax£ auxofc; Kaxd

in the battle, for you did not give to them according to

xov Kaipov ov £7rXr||i|i£ATjaax£ 23+ Kai £7iovrjaav

the time which you trespassed. And [ did

ouxcoc; 01 dioi Eteviapiv Kai zkafiov yuvaiKac; Kaxd

thus the sons of Benjamin]; and they took wives according to

xov api0|iov auxcbv arco xcov %op£i)ot&gt;acov cov

their number from the ones dancing, whom

8ifjp7iaaav Kai a7tfjX0ov Kai D7i£axp£\j/av £7i(

they snatched. And they went and returned unto

xrjv KArjpovojjiav auxcbv Kai coKo86|irjaav xac; 7i6A,£ic;

their inheritance, and they built up the cities,

Kai KaxcbKqaav £v avzaiq 24+ Kai 7i£pi£7rdxr|aav

and dwelt in them. And [ walked

£K£i0£v 01 moi IapafjX £v xco Kaipcb £K£ivco avfjp siq

from there the sons of Israel] in that time, each man to

xrjv cpuAxjv avTOV Kai ziq xrjv &lt;yoyy£V£iav avzov Kai

his tribe, and to his kin; and

£^fjX0£V £K£10£V avfjp £ICJ XTjV KXrjpOVO|IiaV OLVTOV 25 +

[ went forth from there [each] man] to his inheritance.

£v xaic; rj|i£pai(; £K£ivaic; odk rjv fiaaiksvq £v IapafjA,

In those days there was not a king in Israel.

avfjp xo £D0£c; £v ocp0aX|iofc; avzov £7ioi£i

A man [the upright [thing] in his eyes did].


1 N sv tootco + vuca 08 - Ruth

1 X

i+ Kai sysvsxo sv xaic; rjjispaic; sv xco Kpivsiv xodc;

And it came to pass in the days in the judging of the

Kpudq Kai sysvsxo Xi[i6q sv xrj yr| Kai S7ropsD0r|

judges. And came to pass a famine in the land. And went forth

avfjp ditto Br|0A,ss|i xrjc; IouSaiac; tod 7iapoiKf|aai sv

a man from Beth-lehem of Judea to sojourn in

aypcb Mcodp avzoq Kai r| yDvfj aDxoD Kai oi 5do dioi

[the] field of Moab, he, and his wife, and [ two sons

avTOV 2 + Kai ovojia xco av8pi EAi|isXs% Kai ovojia

his]. And [the] name to the man [was] Elimelech, and [the] name

ttj yovaiKi avTOV Noojii Kai ovojia xoic; 8do(v mole;

[to] his wife was Naomi, and [the] name [to] [ two sons

avTOV MaaAxbv Kai Xs^scbv EcppaGaioi sk Br|0A,ss|i

his] — Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites from Beth-lehem

xrjc; lovda Kai fjXGoaav sic; aypov Mcodp Kai fjaav

of Judah. And they came into [the] country of Moab, and were

sksi 3+ Kai arcsGavsv EAi|isA,s% o avfjp xrjqNoojii Kai

there. And [ died Elimelech the husband of Naomi], and

KaxsXsi(p0r| auxfj Kai oi 8do dioi avTT\q 4 + Kai

[ were left she and two sons her]. And

sAxxPoaav saDxofc; yDvafcac; McoapixiSac; ovojia xrj

they took to themselves Moabite wives; [the] name to the

|i(a Opcpd Kai ovojia xrj SsDxspa PodG Kai

one [was] Orpah, and [the] name to the second Ruth. And

KaxcoKqaav sksi coc; 8sra sxrj 5 + Kai a7is6avov Kai

they dwelt there about ten years. And [ died also

ys ajitpoxspoi Maa^cbv Kai XsA,scbv Kai KaxsXsicpGrj

indeed both Mahlon and Chilion]. And [ was left

r| yovfj a7io xcov 8do dicov avTT\q Kai arco

the woman] of [ two sons her], and of

xod av8p6q avTT\q 6 + Kai avsaxrj aDxrj Kai ai 8do

her husband. And she rose up, and [ two

VDjicpai avTT\q Kai a7isaxps\j/av s^ aypoD Mcodp

daughter-in-laws her], and they returned from out of [the] country of Moab;

oxi fjKODaav sv aypco Mcodp 6xi S7rsaKS7ixai Kopioq

for they heard in [the] country of Moab that [the] LORD visited

xov A,a6v avTOV xod 8oDvai aDxofc; dpxoDc; ? + Kai

his people to give to them bread [loaves]. And

s^fjXGsv sk xod X07TOD od Tjv sksi Kai ai 8do

she went forth from out of the place of which she was there, and [ two

1 N ev tootco + vuca 08 - Ruth

VDjicpai avTi\q jist avTi\q Kai S7copsdovto sv

daughter-in-laws her] with her; and they went by

XT] o8cb TOD S7llOTp8\j/(Xl SIC; TTJV JT[V lovSd 8+ Kai

journey to return to the land of Judah. And

81718 Noojii Taiq Svai VDjicpaic; avTT\q 7copsD0r|TS 8r|

Naomi said [to] [ two daughters-in-law her], Go please!

a7ioaTpd(pr|T8 8Kdaxr| sic; xov oikov jirjxpoc; avTT\q

Let [ return each] to the house of her mother!

7tovr|aai Kopioc; |is0' Djicbv ZXsoq KaGcbq S7coif|aaTS

[May the] LORD deal [ with you mercy], as you did

jisxd xcov ts0vt|k6tcov Kai jist' sjiod 9 + 5cbr| Kupioq

with the ones having died, and with me. May [the] LORD give

D|i(v Kai SDpovcs avd7caDaiv SKdaxrj sv oikco

to you that you should find rest each in [the] house

avSpoc; avTT\q Kai KaxsqnArjasv avzaq Kai £7rfjpav

of her husband. And she kissed them, and they lifted up

tt|v (pcovfjv aDTcbv Kai EKkavaav 10+ Kai 8i7iov aDxfj

their voice and wept. And they said to her,

jisxd aoi) S7ciaxps\j/o|isv 8711 xovAxxovcjod 11+ Kai

[ with you We shall return] unto your people. And

817C8 Noojii S7uaxpd(pr|xs 5r| 0Dyaxspsc; |iod ivaxi

Naomi said, Return please, my daughters! Why


do you go with me? [Are there] still to me sons in

tt] KoiAia jiod Kai saovxai djiiv sic; dvSpac;

my belly, and will they be to you for husbands?

12 + S7ciaxpd(pr|xs 8r| 0Dyaxspsc; |iod 7copsD6r|xs 8r| 6x1

Turnback please, my daughters! Go please! for

ysyfjpaKa tod jlit| sivai av5p( 6x1 si7i;a sail (ioi

I grow old to not [have] a husband. For I said, Is it to me

D7c6&lt;xcaaic; tod ysvrjGfjvai (is av8p( Kai xs^ojiai

a reality to be to me a husband, and shall I give birth to

diodc; 13+ (iT| aDTODc; 7cpoa8s^sa9s sooc; od

sons? Shall you wait for them until of which [time]

av8pDv6cbaiv r| aDxoic; Kaxaa%s0f|asa0s tod [ir\

they should become manly? Or, for them shall you hold up to not

ysvsaGai av8p( |ir| 0Dyaxspsc; jiod 6ti S7ciKpdv0r| jioi

have a husband? No, my daughters; for it is made bitter to me

acp68pa D7csp Djidc; 6x1 s^fj^Gsv sv sjioi %sip

exceedingly for you, that [ came forth against me [the] hand

KDpioD 14+ Kai S7cf|pav xr|v (pcovfjv aDicbv Kai

[of the] LORD]. And they lifted up their voice and

8V TOUT© + VlKa

08 - Ruth
SK^aDaav sxi Kai KaxsqnArjasv Opcpd

wept again. And Orpah kissed

TTJV 7T8V08pdv aVTT\q Kai S7CSaXpS\j/SV sic;

her mother-in-law, and turned back to

xov Xaov avTT\q Pod0 5s riKoAxy60r|asv auxfj 15+ Kai

her people. But Ruth followed her. And

81718 Noojii 7ipoc; PodG idov avsaxps\j/sv r| awvujjxpoc;

Naomi said to Ruth, Behold, [ returned sister-in-law

gov 7ipoc; xov A,a6v avTT\q Kai npoq zovq dzovq avTT\q

your] to her people, and to her gods;

S7ciaxpd(pr|xi 8r| Kai gv O7uaco xrjc; Gvwv[i(pr\q gov ie +

[turnback please also you] after your sister-in-law!

81718 8s Pod0 |ir| a7cavxf|aai jioi tod KaxaXursiv as

[ said And Ruth], Do not confront me to leave you

T| a7coaxps\j/ai O7cia08V gov 6x1 gv oitov sdv

or to turn behind you! For you ~ where ever

7top8D0fj(; 7cop8i3ao|iai Kai 07cod sdv avX\adr\q

you should go, I shall go; and where ever you should lodge,

ai)A,ia0fjao|iai o Xaoq gov Xaoq [iov Kai o 0s6c; gov

I shall lodge. Your people [shall be] my people, and your God

0s6c; [iov 17+ Kai od sdv a7co0dvr|c; a7co0avoi)|iai

my God. And where ever you should die, I shall die,

KaKsi xacpfjaojiai xd8s 7coif|aai Kopioc; jioi Kai xd5s

and there I shall be entombed. Thus [ do [the] LORD] to me! and thus

7cpoa08ir| 6x1 0dvaxoc; 8iaaxsA,s( avajisaov s[iov Kai

may he add more. For death [only] shall separate between me and

gov 18+ i8ouaa 8s Noojii 6x1 Kpaxaiotixai avTr\

you. [ seeing And Naomi] that she was determined

xod 7copei)eo0ai |isx' avxr\q sK07i;aas xod XaArjaai

to go with her, she abated to speak

7tpoc; avTT\v sxi 19+ S7copsD0r|aav 8s ajicpoxspai scoq

to her any more. [ went And both] until

xod 7capaysvsa0ai auxdc; sic; Br|0A,ss|i Kai sysvsxo sv

their arriving in Beth-lehem. And it came to pass in

xco sX0sw avTaq sic; Brj0A,ss|i Kai r\%r\G£ 7cdaa rj

their coming unto Beth-lehem, that [ resounded all the

7c6Aac; S7c' avxaiq Kai si7rav si aDxrj saxi Noojii 20 +

city] concerning them. And they said, Is this Naomi?

Kai si7cs 7cpoc; auxdc; |ir| 8r| KaXsixs |is Noojii

And she said to them, Do not indeed call me Naomi!

KaXsaaxs |is IIiKpdv 6x1 S7ciKpdv0r| sv sjioi o iKavoc;

Call me, Bitter one! for [ embittered me the worthy one]


08 - Ruth

acp68pa 21 + sycb S7iopsi)0TTV 7iAr|pr|c; Kai Ksvfjv

exceedingly. I went out full, and [ empty

a7isaxps\j/s |is Kupioc; Kai ivaxi KaXsixs |is Noojii

returned me the LORD]. And why do you call me Naomi,

Kai Kupioc; sxa7is(vcoas |is Kai o iKavoq sk&amp;kcocts jis

and [the] LORD humbled me, and the worthy one afflicted me?

22+ Kai S7isaxps\j/s Noojii Kai Pod0 r\ McoapixK;

And Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitess,

r| vujjxpri avTT\q jisx' avTT\q s7naxpscpcn)oai s^ aypoi)

her daughter-in-law, with her, to return from [the] country

Mco&amp;p auxai 8s 7rapsysvfj0r|aav sic; Br|0A,ss|i sv

ofMoab. And they came unto Beth-lehem at

apx^l 0spiajicy6 Kpi0cov

[the] beginning [harvest of barley].

2 n

1 + Kai tt] Noojii avfjp yvcbpijioc; xco av8pi avTT\q

And [to] Naomi [was] a male acquaintance [to] her husband,

o 8s avfjp Suvaxoc; ia%m 8K Tr\q ouyysvsiac; EAi|isA,s%

and the man was mighty in strength of the kin of Elimelech;

Kai ovojia auxco Boo^ 2+ Kai si7is Pou0 r\ Mcoapixic;

and [the] name to him [was] Boaz. And [ said Ruth the Moabitess]

7rpoc; Noojii 7iopsD0cb 8r| sic; aypov Kai awa^co sv

to Naomi, I should go indeed into [the] field, and gather among

xoic; axdxDGi Kax67iia9sv od av supco %apiv sv

the ears of corn after of whom ever I should find favor in

ocpGaXjioiq avTOV si7is 8s avTT\ 7iopsi)OD 0i3yaxsp 3 + Kai

his eyes. And she said to her, Go, O daughter! And

S7ropsi)0r| Kai zXdovaa awsA^sv sv xco aypcb

she went. And having arrived, she collected together in the field

Kaxo7iia0s xcov 0spi£pvxcov Kai 7ispiS7isas 7ispi7ixcb|iaxi

after the ones harvesting. And she fell by chance

xtj |isp(8i xod aypcro Boo^ xou sk xrjc; &lt;yoyysvs(ac;

in the portion of the field of Boaz, the one of the kin

EXijisXsx 4+ Kai i8ot3 Boo^ fjA,0sv sk Brj0A,ss|i Kai

of Elimelech. And behold, Boaz came from Beth-lehem, and

si7is Toiq dzpiipvai Kupioc; |is0' tjjicov Kai si7iov

he said to the ones harvesting, [The] LORD [be] with you. And they said

ai)xcb siAoyfjaai as Kupioc; 5+ Kai si7isBo6^ xco

to him, May [ bless you [the] LORD]. And Boaz said [to]
7iaiSap(co avTOV xco scpsoxcbxi S7i( zovq dspiCpviaq

his servant, to the one having been set over the ones harvesting,

2 3 ev tootco + vuca 08 - Ruth

xivoq r| vedvic; amr[ 6 + Kai a7isKp(6r| to 7caiSdpiov

Whose young woman [is] this? And [ answered the servant

TO SCpSCTTOC; 8711 TODC; Bspi^OVTaq Kai S17T8V T| 7caic; T|

attending over the ones harvesting] and said, She [ servant the

MooaPmc; screw r| a7coaTpacp£iaa jiSTd Noojii

Moabitess is] returning with Naomi from out of

aypoD Moo&amp;p ? + Kai sins &lt;xuAA£^cg 5r| Kai

[the] country ofMoab. And she said, I shall collect together please, and

aDvd^co sv Toiq 8pdy|iaaiv 67iia6sv tcov 0spi£pvTCOv

I will bring in the sheaves behind the ones harvesting.

Kai fjA£e Kai sarr| arco 7cpcoi6ev Kai scoc; Eaitzpaq

And she came and stood, from morning and until evening,

od KaT87rai)aev sv too aypcb jiiKpov s + Kai

she did not rest in the field a little. And

81718 Boo^ 7tpoc; PodG odk fjKODaac; GtiyaTsp

Boaz said to Ruth, Did you not hear, O daughter?

|ir| nopzvdr\q GvXkstpn sv aypcb STspco Kai ctd

You should not go to collect into [ field another], and you

od 7copsi)or| 8VTSD0SV co8e KoAAx|6r|Ti jiSTd

should not go from here; [here you join up] with

tcov Kopaaicov |iod 9 + Kai oi ocp0aX|io( gov sic; tov

my young women! And [let] your eyes [be] unto the

aypov od av Bepi^cooi Kai 7copsDor| KaTO7cia08v

field where ever [mine] should harvest! and you should go after

aDTcbv i8od svsT8iA,d|ir|v tok; 7cai8ap(oic; tod |ir|

them. Behold, I gave charge to the servants to not

d\j/aa6a( aoD Kai 6ts 8i\j/fjaeic; Kai 7copeD6fjar| siq

touch you. And when you shall thirst, then you shall go to

Ta oksdtj Kai 7ueaai 60sv DSpsDcovTai Ta 7tai8dpia

the vessels, and you shall drink from where [ should draw water the servants].

io+ Kai S7csasv S7ri 7cp6aco7cov avTT\q Kai 7cpoaeKDvr|a£V

And she fell upon her face, and did obeisance

87U TTJV yr|V Kai S17CS 7tpOC; aDTOV Tl OTl SDpov

upon the ground, and said to him, Why [is it] that I found

%dpiv ev ocpGaXjioiq aoD tod emyvcbvai |is Kai sycb

favor in your eyes to recognize me, and I

eijii ^svr) n+ Kai a7csKp(0r| Boo^ Kai si7cev aDTfj

am a stranger? And Boaz answered and said to her,

a7tayysAia a7U|yysAx| jioi 7cdvTa 6aa 7C87co(r|Ka(; jiSTd

By report it was reported to me all as much as you have done with

Tr\q 7cev9epdc; aoD jiSTd to a7co6avs(v tov dv8pa aoD

your mother-in-law after the dying of your husband;

2 2 ev tootco + vuca 08 - Ruth

Kai Ttaq KCLTskmzq xov rcaxepa aoD Kai

and how you left behind your father, and

ttjv jxrjxepa aoD Kai xrjv yrjv yevsascoc; gov Kai

your mother, and the land of your origin, and

S7ropsi)9r|c; itpoq Xaov ov odk r\6s\q exOsc; Kai

went to a people which you did not know yesterday and

xpixrjc; 12+ arcoxiaai Kopioc; xrjv epyaaiav aoD Kai

[the] third [day before]. [May the] LORD repay your work, and

ysvoixo o jiiaBoc; aoi) 7iAr|pr|c; rcapd Kopioi) 6sod

may [ be your wage] full from [the] LORD God

IapafjX 7ipoc; ov fjXGec; 7i87roi68vai D7i6

of Israel, to whom you came to yield under

zaq 7rc8pi)yac; aDxoD 13+ r| 5s si7isv stipoijii %dpiv sv

his wings. And she said, May I find favor in

ocpGa^jioiq aoi) Kopis jiod 6ti 7iapsKdA£adc; |is Kai

your eyes, O my master; for you comforted me, and

on eXaAxjaac; £7U Kap5(av xrjc; 6ovhr\q aoi) Kai

because you spoke in [your] heart [to] your maidservant; and

i8od eycb saojiai coc; |i(a xcov 7iai8iaKcbv aoi)

behold, I shall be as one of your maidservants.

14+ Kai S17T8V aircfj Boo^ fj5r| copa tod cpayeiv

And [ said to her Boaz], Already [it is the] hour to eat;

7rp6asA,0s cb8e Kai cpdyeaai xcov dpxcov jiod Kai

draw near here! for you shall eat of my bread [loaves], and

pdij/siq xov \j/co|i6v aoi) sv xco o^si Kai SKdGias Pod0

dip your morsel in the vinegar. And Ruth sat

sk 7iA,ayicov xov 0epi£pvxcov Kai ePoDviaev ai)xf|

by [the] side of the ones harvesting, and [ heaped up to her

Boo^ dAxpixov Kai ecpays Kai svs7rArja0r| Kai

Boaz] toasted grain, and she ate, and was filled, and

KaxsXurs 15 + Kai avsaxrj xod aDAAiyeiv Kai

left. And she rose up to collect [grain], and

svsxsi^axo Boo^ xoic; 7iai8ap(oic; aDxoD Aiycov Kai ys

Boaz gave charge [to] his servants, saying, Indeed,

avajieaov xcov Spayjidxcov aDAleyexco Kai |ir|

[in the midst of the sheaves let her collect], and do not

Kaxaia%wr|xs aDxfjv i 6 + Kai ye 7iapapdAAx)vxsc;

shame her! And indeed in setting aside,

7iapaPaA,s(x8 ai)xfj 8K xcov PePoDviajievcov Kai

you set aside for her of the [things] being heaped up, and

dcpsxs ai)xf|v Kai ai)AAi^si Kai odk S7uxi|ifjasxs aDxfj

allow her! and she shall collect, and you shall not reproach her.

2 3 ev tootco + vtica 08 - Ruth

17+ Kai (TovsA^ev sv icq aypcb scoc; ea7iepac; Kai

And she collected in the field until evening, and

spp&amp;p5iaev a &lt;xdvsA,s^s Kai syevfjGrj coc; oicpi

she beat with a rod what she collected up, and it was about an ephah

KpiGcbv i8+ Kai fjpe Kai siafjXGev sic; xrjv 7i6A.iv

of barley. And she carried [it], and entered into the city.

Kai e(5ev r| 7T8v6spd avTT\q a aDveXs^e Kai

And [ saw mother-in-law her] what she collected, and

e^eveyKaaa Pod0 e5coK£v auxf| a KaTeAmev gov

Ruth brought forth to give to her what was left of what

£V£7rATja0r| i 9 + Kai si7T8V aircfj r| 7csv0£pd avTT\q nov

she was filled up with. And [ said to her mother-in-law her], Where did

avvsks^aq afjjiepov Kai 7cod £7i;ovr|aac; evrj o

you collect today? And where did you [do it]? May it be the one

ETiiyvovq as SDAx)yr||isvoc; Kai a7cf|yysiA£ Pod0 tt|

recognizing you a blessing. And Ruth reported [to]

7rsv0spd avTT\q nov ercovrioe Kai 81718 to ovojia tod

her mother-in-law where she did [it]. And she said, The name of the
av5p6q |ie6' od 87io(r|aa Gfjjiepov Boo^ 20+ si7is 8e

man with whom I did [this] today [is] Boaz. [ said And

Noojii ttj vDjicprj avTT\q sDXoyrjTOc; sctti tod Kopico 6ti

Naomi] [to] her daughter-in-law, Blessed is the LORD, for

odk eyKaTe^uis to ZXsoq avzov jiSTd tcov ^covtcov Kai

he abandoned not his mercy with the living and

jiSTd tcov ts0vt|k6tcov Kai S17T8V avTT\ Noojii syyi^ei

with the ones having died. And [ said to her Naomi], [ is near

r||iiv o avfjp 8K tcov ay%iaTSD6vTC0v r\[dv ecm 21+ Kai

to us The man], of the ones acting as next of kin — he is of us. And

81718 POD0 7tpOC; TTJV 7CSv6spdv aVTT\q Kai yS OTl £1718

Ruth said to her mother-in-law, And also he said

7tpoc; |i8 jiSTd tcov 7cai5ap(cov tcov sjicov

to me, [ with the young men of mine

7rpoaKoAArj6r|Ti scoc; av TsAiacoaiv 6A,ov tov

You cleave] ! until whenever they should finish all the

ajirjTOV oq D7cdp%ei jioi 22 + Kai ei7cs Noojii 7tpoc;

harvest which belongs to me And Naomi said to

Pod0 ttjv VD|itpr|v avTT\q ayaGov 0DyaTsp 6ti s^r\kQsq

Ruth her daughter-in-law, [It is] good, O daughter, that you went forth

jiSTd tcov Kopaaicov avzov Kai odk a7cavTf|aovTai

with his young women, and they shall not meet

001 sv aypcb STspco 23 + Kai 7cpoa£KoAAr|0r| Pod0 toic;

with you in [ field another]. And Ruth cleaved to the

ev tootco + viKa
08 - Ruth

Kopaaioiq tod Boo^ tod aDAlsysiv scoc; ctdvtsXscjsv

young women ofBoaz to collect until they completed

tov Gspiojiov tcov KpiGcbv Kai tov Bspiajiov tcov

the harvest of the barley, and the harvest of the



3 a

1 + Kai SK&amp;Gias jiSTd Tr\q 7isv0spdc; avTT\q Kai si7is

And she stayed with her mother-in-law. And [ said

(xdttj Noojii rj 7isv9spd avTT\q 0DyaTsp od (ir| ^rjTfjaco

to her Naomi mother-in-law her], O daughter, In no way shall I seek

aoi av&amp;7iaDaiv (va sd ysvrjTai aoi 2 + Kai vdv

rest for you, that a good [thing] should happen to you. And now,

od%( Boo^ yvcbpijioc; r\[iiv od r\q jiSTd

[is] not Boaz a [near] acquaintance to us, of whom you were with

tcov Kopaaicov cxdtod i8od cxdtoc; AiKjid tov dA,cova

his young women? Behold, he winnows [at] the threshing-floor


of the barley this night. And you shall bathe, and

aXsnj/rj Kai 7rspi6f|aeic; tov ijiaTiajiov aoD em aeaDTfj

anoint, and put your clothes upon yourself,

Kai avdpr|0i £7U tov d^co jlit| yvcopiaBfjc; tco

and ascend unto the threshing-floor! You should not make [yourself] known to the

av5p( ecoc; tod aDVTeAiaai aDTOV tod cpaysiv Kai 7risiv

man, until he finishes eating and drinking.

4 + Kai scrcai sv tco Koi|ir|0f|vai aDTOV Kai yvcbar)

And it will be at his going to sleep, that you shall perceive

tov T07rov od KoijiaTai SK8i Kai eA,SDar| Kai

the place where he sleeps there, and you shall go in, and

a7ioKaA,D\j/sic; Ta itpoq 7io5cbv aDTOD Kai Koi|ir|6fjar|

uncover the [things] by his feet, and you shall go to sleep.

Kai avxoq anayysksi aoi a noif\asiq 5+ si7is 8s

And he shall report to you what you shall do. [ said And

PodG 7ipoc; aDTTjv 7idvTa 6aa av smr\q |io( 7ioifiaco

Ruth] to her, All as much as you should tell to me I will do.

6+ Kai KaTsPrj sic; tov dAxo Kai S7iovr|as KaTd

And she went down into the threshing-floor, and she did according to

7idvTa 6aa svstsiAxxto aDTfj r| 7isv0spd avTT\q 1 + Kai

all as much as [ gave charge to her her mother-in-law]. And

scpays Boo^ Kai S7iis Kai r|ya0Dv9r| r| Kap8(a aDTOD

Boaz ate, and drank, and did good [to] his heart;

3 3, sv tootcq + vuca 08 - Ruth

Kai fjABs tod Koi|ir|0f|vai sv jisp(8i Tr\q axoipfjc; r| 5s

and he went to go to sleep in a portion of the pile. And she

fjX0ev ev Kpi)(pf| Kai a7rsKdXi)\j/8 xa itpoq

came in secret, and uncovered the [things] by

7io5cbv avTOV Kai SKoi|if|0r| 8 + sysvsxo 8s sv

his feet, and she went to sleep. And it came to pass at

xco jisaovDKxico Kai s^saxrj o avfjp Kai sxapd%0r| Kai

midnight, that [ was startled the man] and disturbed; and

i8od jvvt\ Koijidxai npoq 7io8cbv aDxoD 9 + si7is 8s xic;

behold, a woman slept at his feet. And he said, Who

si &lt;td T| 8s si7rsv sycb sijii Pod0 T| 8odAt| aoi) Kai

are you? And she said, I am Ruth, your maidservant; and

7rspiPaA,s(c; xo rcxspDyiov ood S7U xrjv 8odAx|v gov 6xi

you shall put your [garment] border upon your maidservant, for

ay%iaxsDc; si &lt;yu io+ Kai si7isBo6^ si)A,oyr||isvr| cjd xco

[ a relative you are]. And Boaz said, Being blessed are you by the

Kopico 6scb 0Dyaxsp 6xi r|yd0Dvac; xo sA^soq ood xo

LORD God, O daughter, for you did good [in] your mercy at the

sa%axov D7isp xo 7ipcbxov xod jlit| 7iopsD0f|vai as

last over the first, [ to not go for you]

O7i(aco vsavicbv sixs 7ixco%6c; sixs iikovoioq 1 1 + Kai

after [the] young men, whether poor or whether rich. And

vdv 0Dyaxsp |ir| cpoPoD rcdvxa 6aa av smr\q

now, O daughter, do not fear! All what ever you should say

7tovfjacG aoi o(8s yap 7idaa (pi)Axj Xaov [iov 6xi

I will do for you. [ know For all tribe of [the] people of my] that

yuvfj 8i)vd|iscGc; si av n+ Kai vdv aAx|0coc; ay%iaxsDc;

[a woman of ability are you]. And now truly [a relative

sycb sijii Kai ys saxiv ay%iaxsDc; sv yrj cov D7isp

I am]; but indeed there is a relative in [the] land who [is] over

sjis 13+ aDAio0r|xi xrjv VDKxa Kai saxai xo7ipcoi sdv

me. You lodge the night! and it will be in the morning, if

ay%iaxsD&lt;xr| as aya06v ayxiaxsDsxco sdv 8s

he should act as next of kin for you ~ good, let him act as next of kin! But if

|ir| PoDAxjxai ay%iaxsDoa( os ay%iaxsDaco as

he should not want to act as next of kin for you, [ shall act as next of kin for

SyCO KDpiOq KOl|Xfj0T|Xl SCOC; 7lpC0l 14+ Kai SKOl|Xfj0T|

I]. [As] [the] LORD lives, you go to sleep until morning! And she went to sleep

7ipoq 7io8cbv aDxoD scgc; 7ipcoi T| 8s avsaxrj 7TpO

at his feet until morning. And she rose up before

xod S7iiyvcbvai dv8pa xov 7iAr|aiov aDxoD Kai si7is Boo^

[ [could] recognize a man] his neighbor. And Boaz said,

8V TOUT© + VlKa

08 - Ruth

\xr\ yvcoa9f|Tco on sArjA,D0s yovfj sic; tov dA,oo 15-

Do not let it be known, that [ has come a woman] unto the threshing-floor!

Kai S17T8V avTT\ cpepe TO 7isp(^co|ia TO 87idvco OOD

And he said to her, Bring the apron, the one upon you,

Kai Kp&amp;TTjaov ai)TO r| 8s SKpdTTjoev avzo Kai

and hold it! And she held it, and

sjiSTprjasv KpiGcbv Kai S7i80r|K8v S7i' avTT\v

he measured out six [measures] of barley, and placed them unto her.

Kai eiafjABsv sic; ttjv 7i6A.iv 16+ Kai PodG siafjXGe

And she entered into the city. And Ruth entered

7tpoc; ttjv 7i8v6spdv avTT\q r\ 8s ei7cs ti scjti GtiyaTSp

to her mother-in-law. And she said, What is it, O daughter?

Kai a7rfjyy£iA£v ai)Tfj 7idvTa 60a S7roir|asv aDTfj o

And she reported to her all as much as [ did for her the

avfjp 17+ Kai S1718V Ta ToavKpiGcbv Tairca s8coks

man]. And she said, [six [measures] of barley these] he gave

(101 6ti 81718 7tpoc; |i8 |ir| s\askdr\q Ksvfj 7cpoc;

to me, for he said to me, You should not enter empty to

ttjv 7csv0spdv ooi) i8+r|8s si7C8 KdGoD GtiyaTsp eooc;

your mother-in-law. And she said, Sit down, O daughter, until

tod 87ciyvcbva( as nctiq od 7csaevcai to pfj|ia od yap

you realize how [ shall fall [the] matter] ! for

|xr| r|&lt;yu%dar| o avfjp sooc; av TsAiaGrj to pfjjia

[ should not be still the man] until whenever he should finish the matter



4 7

1+ Kai Boo^ avsprj S7U tt|v 7cdAx|v Kai SKdGiasv sksi

And Boaz ascended unto the gate, and sat there.

Kai i5od o ay%iaTSDc; 7cape7i;opsDSTO ov

And behold, the relative came near whom

eXdAxjae Boo^ Kai 8i7cs 7cpoc; avzov Boo^ SKKAivac;

Boaz spoke of. And [ said to him Boaz], In turning aside,

KdGiaov cb8e KpDcpie Kai e^eicAive Kai SKdBiae 2+ Kai

sit here in private! And he turned aside, and sat. And

sXaPs Boo^ 8sKa dv8paq a7co tcov 7cpsapDTspoov Tr\q

Boaz took ten men from the elders of the

TioXscnq Kai ei7i;e KaBioaTS cb8e Kai eraGiaav 3+ Kai

city, and said, Sit here! And they sat. And

si7C8 Boo^ to ayxioTSDOVTi tt|v |iep(8a tod

Boaz said to the one acting as next of kin, [Concerning] the portion of the


4 7 sv tootco + vlica 08 - Ruth

aypoD rj sail tod aSsAxpoD r||icbv tod EAajis^sx co

field which is of our brother Elimelech, which

a7is5oTO Noojii rj s7iiaTps\j/aaa s^ aypoD Mcodp

he gave to Naomi, the one returning from out of [the] country of Moab,
4 + Kay cb 8i7ia a7TOKaXD\j/co to odc; ood Aiycov

that I said [to myself], I will uncover your ear, saying,

KTfjaai svavTiov tcov Ka0r||isvcov Kai svavriov tcov

You acquire it before the ones sitting down, and before the

7ipeaPDT8pcov tod Xaov jiod si ayxiaTSDSiq

elders of my people! If you are a acting as next of kin,

ay%(aTSD£ ei 5s |ir| ayxiaTSDSic; avdyysiXov jioi Kai

[then] act as next of kin! But if not acting as next of kin, announce it tome! and

yvcoaojiai 6ti odk sctti 7idps^ aoD tod ay%iaTSDaai

I shall know. For there is no one besides you to act as next of kin,

Kaycb sijii |ist&amp; as o 8s sircsv sycb sijii ay%iaTSDaco

and I am after you. And he said, I am. I shall act as next of kin.

5+ Kai si7isBo6^ sv r||ispa tod Kcfjaaa0a( as tov

And Boaz said, In [the] day you acquire the

aypov sk xzipoq Noojii Kai 7iapd Pod0 Tr\q

field from [the] hand of Naomi, also of Ruth the

McoaPm5oc; yDvaucoc; tod ts0vt|k6toc; Kai aDTfjv

Moabitess, wife of the one having died, even she

KTfjaaaGai as 8si cbaTS avaaTfjaai to ovojia tod

[ acquire you must], so as to raise up the name of the one


having died, for his inheritance. And [ said the

ay%iaTSDc; od 5Dvfjao|iai ay^iaTSDaai sjiaDTcb

relative], I shall not be able to act as next of kin myself,

|ifj 7TOTS 8ia(p9s(pco tt|v KXr|povo|i(av |iod ay%(aTSDaov

lest at any time I ruin my right of inheritance. [ act as next of kin

asaDTcb aD tt|v ay%iaTs(av |iod 6ti od 8Dvf|ao|iai

yourself You] for my inheritance! for I shall not be able

ay%iaTSDaai 7+ Kai todto to 8iKa(co|ia s|i7ipoa6sv

to act as next of kin. And this [was] the ordinance in former [times]
sv too IapafjA, S7U tt|v ayxiaTSiav Kai sm to

in Israel for the right of inheritance, and for the

avTdAlayjia tod aTfjaai 7idvTa Xoyov D7tsA,dsto avfjp

equivalent, to establish every matter. [ untied A man]

to D7i68r||ia aDTOD Kai s5(5od tco 7iAx|aiov aDTOD tco

his sandal, and he gave [it] [to] his neighbor, to the one

ay%iaTSDOVTi tt|v ay%iaTSiav aDTOD Kai todto rjv

acting as next of kin for his right of inheritance; and this was


4 7 ev tootco + vtica 08 - Ruth

jiapxtipiov sv IopafjX 8 + Kai si7isv o ay%iaxsDc;

testimony in Israel. And [ said the relative]

too Boo^ Kifjaai osaDxcb xrjv ay%iaxs(av |iod Kai

to Boaz, You acquire to yourself my right of inheritance! And

imeAriaaxo xo D7i68r||ia aDxoD Kai sScoksv aDxcb 9+ Kai

he untied his sandal and gave [it] to him. And

81718 Boo^ xoic; 7ip8aPi)T8poic; Kai 7iaVTl xco Axxcb

Boaz said to the elders, and to all the people,

jidpxDpsc; djisic; afjjispov 6x1 KSKxrjjiai rcavxa xa

You [are] witnesses today that I have acquired all the [things]

xod EAijisXsx Kai 7idvxa 6aa imdpxsi xco XsXscov

ofElimelech, and all as much as exists to Chilion

Kai xco MaaAxbv sk xsipoc; Noojja 10+ Kai ys Pod0

and Mahlon, from [the] hand of Naomi. And indeed, Ruth

xrjv Mcoapixiv xrjv yDvauca Maa^cov KSKxrjjiai

the Moabitess, the wife of Mahlon I have acquired

sjiaDxco sic; yDvauca xod avaaxfjaai xo ovojia xod

for myself for wife, to raise up the name of the one

xs6vt|k6xoc; S7U xrjc; KAxjpovojjiac; aDxoD Kai odk

having died, for his inheritance, and [ shall not

£^oAx)6peD6f|aexai xo ovojia xod xs0vt|k6xoc; sk

be utterly destroyed the name of the one having died] from among

xcov a8sAxpcbv aDxoD Kai sk xrjg 7ivXr\q

his brethren, and from the gate

XOD X07TOD aDXOD JldpXDpSCJ DjlSiq af||ISpOV 11+ Kai S17TOV

of his place- you [are] witnesses today. And [said

iiaq o Xaoq 01 sv xr| 7r6Ar| jidpxDpsc; Kai 01

all the people at the gate], [We are] witnesses. And the

7ipsaPDxspoi si7iov 8cofj KDpioq xrjv yDvauca aoD xrjv

elders said, May [the] LORD give your wife, the

sia7iopsDO(isvr|v sic; xov oikov aoD coc; PaxfjX Kai

one entering into your house, [to be] as Rachel and

coc; Asiav ai coKo56|ir|aav ajicpoxspai xov oikov

as Leah, the ones who [ built both] the house

IapafjX Kai S7ioir|aav 8Dva|iiv sv EcppaBd Kai saxai

of Israel, and did powerfully in Ephratah, and it will be

ovojia sv BrjGXssji 12+ Kai ysvoixo o ohcoq aoD coc;

a name in Beth-lehem. And may [ become your house] as

oikoc; Oapsq ov sxsks 0d|iap xco IoD8a sk

[the] house ofPharez, whom Tamarbore to Judah. Of

xod a7rsp|iax6c; ood 8cbr| aoi Kopioc; sk

your seed may [ give to you [the] LORD of


4 7 sv toutcq + vtica 08 - Ruth

Tr\q 7iai8(aKr|c; xafjxrjc; xsKva u + Kai sAxxPs Boo^

this maidservant children]. And Boaz took

ttjv PodG Kai sysvfjGrj auxcb sic; yuvauca Kai siafjXGs

Ruth, and she became to him for wife. And he entered

7rpoc; arjxfjv Kai sScdksv auxfj Kopioc; Korjaiv Kai

to her. And [ gave to her [the] LORD] conception, and

sxsksv diov 14+ Kai 8i7iov ai yuvaiKsc; 7ipoc; Noojii

she bore a son. And [ said the women] to Naomi,

srAoyrjxoc; Kopioc; oq ov koltsXvgs aoi afjjispov

Blessed [be] [the] LORD who rested not [to provide] to you today

xov ayxiaxsa Kai KaAiaai xo ovojid aoi) sv IapafjA, 15 +

a relative; and may he call out your name in Israel.

Kai saxai aoi sic; smaxpscpovxa \|A)%fjv Kai

And he will be to you for restoring life, and

tod 8ia9ps\j/ai xrjv 7ioAidv aoi) 6x1 rj vfjjKprj aoi) rj

to nourish your gray hair; for your daughter-in-law, the

aya7if|aaad ae sxsksv auxov r| saxiv ayaGfj aoi

one loving you, bore him, which is good to you

D7i8p S7ixd mofjc; i 6 + Kai slaps Noojii xo 7iai5dpiov

above seven sons. And Naomi took the boy,

Kai s6t|ksv ai)xo sic; xov koAjtov auxfjc; Kai sysvfjGrj

and put him to her bosom, and became

auxcb sic; xiGrjvov 17+ Kai SKd^saav auxcb ai ysixovsc;

to him for a wet-nurse. And [ called to him the neighbor women]

xo ovojia Xsyouaai sxs%0rj vioq xrj Noojii Kai

the name, saying, [ was birthed A son] [to] Naomi. And

SKd^saav xo ovojia avzov Qpfj8 omoq 7iaxfjp Isaaai

they called his name Obed. This one [is] father of Jesse,

7iaxp6c; Aam8 ig+ Kai atixai ai ysvsasic; Oapsc; Oapsc;

father of David. And these are the generations ofPharez. Pharez

syswrjas xov Eapcbv 19+ Kai Eapcb syswrjas xov Apdji

engendered Hezron, and Hezron engendered Ram,

Kai Apdji syswrjas xovA|iiva8dp 20+ Kai A|i|iiva8dp

and Ram engendered Amminadab, and Aminadab

syswrjas xovNaaaacov Kai Naaaacbv syswrjas

engendered Nahshon, and Nahshon engendered

xov£aA,|icbv 21+ Kai Sa^jicbv syswrjas xovBoo^ Kai

Salmon, and Salmon engendered Boaz, and

Boo^ syswrjas xov Qpfj8 22+ Kai Qpfj8 syswrjas

Boaz engendered Obed, and Obed engendered

xov Isaaai Kai Isaaai syswrjas xov AaviS

Jesse, and Jesse engendered David.


8V TOOTCp + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

1 X

i+ Kai sysvsxo dv0p&lt;£7roc; sic; Ap|ia0ai|i Eocpiji e£,

And there was [ man one] from Ramathaim Zophim of

opovq Ecppaiji Kai ovojia aDxcb EAxavd vioq Ispodji

mount Ephraim, and his name [was] Elkanah, son of Jeroham,

diod HAiod diod 0COK8 diod Ecocp opoDc; Ecppaiji

son ofElihu, son ofTohu, son Zuph from mount Ephraim.

2 + Kai xodxcd 8do yDvaucec; ovojia tt\ jiia Awa

And to this one [was] two wives; [the] name to the one [was] Hannah,

Kai ovojia tt] 5sDxepa Oewdva Kai r|v

and [the] name to the second [was] Peninnah. And there was

xtj Oswdva 7iai8(a Kai xrj Awrj odk r|v 7iai8(ov 3 + Kai

to Peninnah a child, and to Hannah there was no child. And

avepaivsv o dv0pGO7roc; sksivoc; e£, r||ispcbv sic; Tjjispac;

[ ascended man that] from days to days

sk noXzcoq clvtov Ap|ia0ai|i 7ipoaKDVs(v Kai

from out of his city of Ramathaim to do obeisance and

0dsiv xco Kupico SaPacbG sv Evtab Kai sksi r|v UXi

to sacrifice to the LORD of Hosts in Shiloh. And [ there was] Eli

Kai 01 8do vioi clvtov Ocpvi Kai Oivssc; ispeic; xod

and [ two sons his], Hophni and Phinehas, priests of the

Kupioi) 4 + Kai eyevexo rjjispa Kai e0Daev EAxavd Kai

LORD. And came to pass a day that Elkanah sacrificed, and

s5coks xtj Oswdva yovaiKi clvtov Kai 7idai

he gave to Peninnah his wife, and to all

xoic; vioiq avTT\q Kai xaic; 0i)yaxpdaiv avTT\q |iepi8ac; 5 +

her sons, and [to] her daughters, portions.

Kai xt] Awt] eSooKs |iep(8a jiiav 6x1 odk tjv

And to Hannah he gave [ portion one], for there was no

avTT\ 7iai8(ov nh\v 6x1 xttv Awav T]yd7ia EAxavd D7iep

child to her; except that [ loved Hannah Elkanah] above

Ilswdvav Kai KDpioc; ansKksias xa mpi

Peninnah. But [the] LORD locked the [matter] concerning

xttv jxfjxpav avTT\q 6 + Kai 7iapcbpyiasv aDxfjv

her womb. And [ provoked her to anger

T] avxi^Tjloq avTT\q Kai ys 7iapopyia|icb 5id xo

her rival], and even a provocation to anger because of the

s^od0svsiv ai)xf|v 6x1 cjdvskXsicjs KDpioc; xa 7iep(

treating her with contempt, for [the] LORD closed up the [matters] concerning
xt]v jxfjxpav avTT\q xod jit] 5oDvai aDxfj 7iai8(ov 7 +

her womb to not give to her a child.

1 N ev toi3tco + vuca 09-1 Samuel


Thus she did year by year in

too avapaiveiv aDxfjv sic; oikov KDpioD Kai r|0D|iei

her ascending unto [the] house of [the] LORD; and she was depressed,

Kai SK^ais Kai odk fjaGie 8 + Kai ei7cev aDxfj EAxavd

and she wept, and did not eat. And [ said to her Elkanah

o avfjp avTT\q Awa xi soxi aoi 6xi KAmeic; Kai ivaxi

her husband], Hannah, what is it to you that you weep? And why

odk eaBieic; Kai ivaxi ximxei as r| Kap8(a ctod odk

do you not eat? And why does [ beat you your heart]? [ not

ay adoq eycb 001 D7isp 5sKa xsicva 9 + Kai aveaxrj Awa

good Am I] to you over ten children? And Hannah rose up

jisxd xo cpaysiv aDxotic; sv SdAxo Kai jiexd xo 7iis(v

after their eating in Shiloh, and after drinking.

Kai HAi o ispetic; SKaGrjxo S7ri xod 8(cppoD S7U xcov

And Eli the priest sat upon the chair at the

cpAicbv vaoD KDpioD 10+ Kai aDxfj Kaxcb5Dvoc; yv%r\

doorposts of [the] temple of [the] LORD. And she was in severe pain of soul,

Kai 7ipoar|D^axo npoq Kopiov Kai KAmoDaa SKAaDae

and she prayed to [the] LORD, and with weeping she wept.

11+ Kai rjD^axo £D%fjv AiyoDoa Kopie SaPacbG edv

And she vowed a vow, saying, O LORD of hosts, if

87riPA,87TCOV S7TlpA,S\|/T|q 8711 XT|V Xa7CSlVCDaiV

looking you should look upon the humiliation

xrjc; 5odAt|c; aoD Kai jivrjaGfjc; (iod Kai |ir| 87iiA,d6r|

of your maidservant, and should remember me, and should not forget

xrjc; 8odAt|c; ctod Kai 800c; xr| 8odAx| aoD a7i8p|ia

your maidservant, and should give [to] your maidservant seed

dvSpac; Kai 5cbaco aDxov 8vcb7ii6v aoD 8ox6v scoq

of a male, then I will put him before you, dedicated until

rjjispac; GavdxoD aDxoD Kai a(8r|poc; odk avapfjasxai

[the] day of his death. And an iron [razor] shall not ascend

8711 xrjv KscpaArjv aDXOD 12 + Kai sysvsxo 6xs S7cAt|9dvs

upon his head. And it came to pass when she multiplied

7ipoa8Dxo(isvr| 8vcb7iiov KDpioD Kai HAi o lepstic;

praying before [the] LORD, that Eli the priest

sqroAxx^s xo axojia aDxfjc; 13 + Kai aDxfj eA,dA,ei sv

watched her mouth. And she spoke in

xtj Kap8(a aDxfjc; Kai xa %s(Ar| aDxfjc; sKiveixo Kai

her heart, and her lips moved, but

cpoovfj aDxfjq odk rjKODSxo Kai eAx&gt;yiaaxo aDxfjv HAi

her voice was not heard. And [ considered her Eli]

1 N ev toi3tco + vtica 09-1 Samuel

£\q |i80T3ODaav h+ Kai si7i8v aDifj HAi ecoc; 7i6xe

to be intoxicated. And [ said to her Eli], Until when

|is0Da0fjor| 7repisAxy6 xov oivov gov 15+ Kai

shall you be intoxicated? Remove your wine! And

a7i8Kpi6r| Awa Kai si7isv ov%i Kopis yvvr) sv

Hannah answered and said, No, O master, [ a woman with

aKAxjpd rjjiepa sycb eijii Kai oivov Kai |ie0ua|ia

a hard day I am], and wine and strong drink

01) 7lS7lCOKa Kai SK%SC0 XT|V \\fV%T\V [10V SVC07riOV

I have not drunk, and I pour out my soul before

Kopioi) i6+ jlit| 5coc; tt]v 8ot3Ax[v gov siq 0i)yaxepa

[the] LORD. You should not grant your maidservant for [ daughter

Ax)i|if|v on sk nhf\dovq a6oXsG%iaq [iov Kai sk

mischievous]. For from [the] amount of my meditation, and from

TtXr\dovq aGDjiiaq jiod eKxsxara scoq xod vdv i? +

[the] amount of my depression, I have been stretched out until the present.

Kai a7T8Kpi6r| Hki Kai si7is itpoq aDxfjv 7iopsi)OD ziq

And Eli answered and said to her, Go in

sipfjvrj o dsoq IopafjA, 8cbr| aoi 7iav a(xr||id gov o

peace! The God of Israel will give to you all your request which

rjxfjoco 7iap' avTOV i8+r|5s si7i8v eupsv r| 5ot3Ax| gov

you asked of him. And she said, [ found Your maidservant]

%dpiv ev ocpGaXjioiq gov Kai £7iop£i)6r| r| ywq

favor in your eyes. And [ went the woman]

xrjv o56v avTT\q Kai ecpaye jiexd xod avdpoq avTr\q Kai

her way, and ate with her husband, and

87118 Kai xo 7ip6aco7rov avTr\q ov &lt;XDVS7reaev sxi 19 +

drank, and her face was not downcast any longer.

Kai op9pi^oi)ai xo7ipcoi Kai 7ipoaKuvoi)ai xco Kopico

And they rose early in the morning, and did obeisance to the LORD,

Kai 7iop8T30vxai xrjv o86v auxcbv Kai eiafjXGev EAxavd

and they went their way. And Elkanah entered

ziq xov oikov avTOV siq Apa|ia0ai|i Kai eyvco Awav

unto his house in Ramah, and he knew Hannah

yDvaiKa avzov Kai S|ivf|a9r| avTr\q Kopioc; Kai

his wife; and [ remembered her [the] LORD], and

GWskafiE 20+ Kai sysvf|0r| xco Kaipcb xcov r||iepcbv Kai

she conceived. And it came to pass in the time of the days, that

sxsK8v Awa Diov Kai skoXsgs to ovojia avzov

Hannah bore a son, and she called his name

£a|ioi)f|A, Aiyouaa 6x1 7iapd Kopioi) 7iavxoKpdxopoc;

Samuel, saying that, From [the] LORD almighty

1 N ev toutco + vuca 09-1 Samuel

rjir|ad|ir|v ai)i6v 21+ Kai aveprj o dv0pco7ro(; EAxavd

I asked him. And [ ascended the man Elkanah],

Kai iiaq o ohcoq avzov dvam sv SdAxd xrjv dvaiav

and all his house, to sacrifice in Shiloh, for the sacrifice

xcov rjjispcbv Kai xac; ei)%ac; aDTOD 22+ Kai Awa odk

of the days, and his vows. And Hannah did not

avsprj jist' avzov on si7ie too av5p( aDTfjc; eooc;

ascend with him, for she said to her husband, [I will wait] until

tod avapfjvai to 7rai8dpiov edv a7ioyaXaKTioco

the ascending [of] the boy, whenever I should have weaned

ai)TO Kai ocpGfjaeTai too 7ipoacb7rco KopioD Kai

it, and he shall appear in front of [the] LORD, and

KaBfjasTai sksi eooc; aiobvoc; 23+ Kai si7isv avTT\

he shall settle there unto [the] eon. And [ said to her

EAxavd o avfjp avTT\q 7ioisi to ayaGov sv

Elkanah her husband], You do the good [thing] in

ocpGaXjioiq aoi) KdGoD sooc; av a7ioyaA,aKTiar|c; avzo

your eyes, sit until whenever you should wean it!

7rAr|v crcfjaai Kopioc; to s^sA£6v sk

Only may [the] LORD establish the [thing] coming forth from out of

tod &lt;yc6|iaT6c; aoD Kai £Kd6iaev r| yDvfj Kai eGfjlaae

your mouth. And [sat the woman], and nursed

tov Diov aDTfjc; eooc; av a7ioyaXaKTior| aDTOV 24 + Kai

her son until whenever she weaned him. And

aveprj jist' aDTOD sic; I/uA,ob sv jioaxoo TpisntpvTi

she ascended with him unto Shiloh with a calf being three years old,

Kai 0191 aejiiSd^eooc; Kai vsPsA, oivod Kai eiafjABsv

and an ephah of fine flour, and a skin flask of wine. And she entered

eic; oikov KopioD sv £dA,oo Kai to 7iai8dpiov jist'

into [the] house of [the] LORD in Shiloh, and the boy with

aDTcbv 25+ Kai 7rpoafjyayov svGmiov KDpioD Kai

them. And they led [him] before [the] LORD, and

sacpa^av tov jioaxov Kai 7ipoaf|yaysv Awa r| |ifjTT|p

they slew the calf. And [ brought it Hannah the mother

tod 7iai8ap(oD itpoq HAi 26+ Kai ei7iev sv sjioi Kopie

of the boy] to Eli. And she said, By me, O master,

T| yv%r\ god eyob r| yDvfj r| KaTaaTdaa svcb7ri6v

[ should live your soul]; I [am] the woman standing before

aoD |i£Td aoD sv too 7ipoasD^aa0ai npoq Kopiov 27 +

you with you while praying to [the] LORD.

D7i8p tod 7rai8ap(oD todtod 7ipoor|D^d|ir|v Kai 85C0K8

Over this boy I prayed, and [ gave

2 3 ev tootco + vuca 09-1 Samuel

jioi KDpioq to aixr||ia jiod o r|Tr|aa|ir|v 7iap outou

to me [the] LORD] my request which I asked of him.

28+ Kaycb Kixpcb avTOV tcd Kopioo naaaq Tag rjjispac;

And I lend him to the LORD all the days

aq %PT\&lt;5W TOO KDpiCO

which he should live for use by the LORD.

2 n

i + kcu 7ipoar|i)^aTO Awa Kai si7i8v saTSpscbGrj

And Hannah prayed and said, [ is solidified

r| Kap8(a |iod sv Kopioo D\j/cb0r| Kepac; |iod sv

My heart] in [the] LORD; [ was raised high my horn] by

Gscb jiod S7rXar6v0r| S7i' e%6poDc; |iod to &lt;xc6|ia jiod 6ti

my God; [ was widened over my enemies my mouth]; for

si)(ppdv6r|v sv acoTrjpia cjod 2 + 6ti odk scjtiv dyioc; cdc;

I was glad in your deliverance. For there is no [one] holy as

Kopioc; Kai odk scm 8iKaioc; cdc; o Geoc; r\[i(bv Kai

[the] LORD; and there is no just one as our God; and

odk scTTiv dyioc; 7iAr|v cjod 3 + |ir| KaD%da9e Kai jlit|

there is no holy one besides you. Do not boast, and do not

AXX^SITS V\\fT[ka 81CJ D7T£pO%f|V |XT| S^sX0£TCO

speak high [things] in superiority! Let not come forth

|isyaXoppr||ioawr| 8K tod &lt;xc6|iaTOc; Djicbv 6ti Geoc;

lofty language from out of your mouth! For [ [is] a God

yvcbasoov KDpioq Kai Geoc; STOijid^cov

of knowledge [the] LORD], and God is preparing

87iiTr|8eD|iaTa aDTOD 4 + to^ov 5DvaTcbv rjaGsvrjas Kai

his practices. [The] bow of the mighty is weakened, and

aaGsvoDVTSc; 7iepis^cbaavTO 5Dvajiiv 5+ 7rArjpsic;

[the] ones being weakened girded on power. [The] ones full

dpTCOv rjlaTTcbGrjaav Kai 01 7ieivcbvT£c; 7iapf|Kav

of bread [loaves] are made less; and the ones hungering disregarded

yrjv 6ti cxceipa stsksv S7iTd Kai r| 7toAAt| ev

[the] land; for [the] sterile gave birth to seven, and the one [with] many in

TSKvoicj TjaGevrjas 6+ Kopioc; GavaTOi Kai ^cooyovei

children weakened. [The] LORD puts to death, and he brings forth alive;

KaTdysi sic; d5oD Kai avdysi 7+ Kopioc; 7ttcoxi^

he leads [them] down into Hades, and he leads up. [The] LORD makes poor,

Kai 7rAx)DTi^ei Ta7ieivo( Kai avD\j/oi 8 + aviaTd arco

and he enriches; he humbles, and elevates. He raises up from

2 3 ev toutco + vtica 09-1 Samuel

yrjc; 7ievr|xa Kai goto Konpmq eyeipei 7rxco%ov

[the] earth [the] needy, and from [the] dung he raises [the] poor

tod KaGiaai aDxov jisxd 5Dvaaxcbv Xaov Kai

to seat him with mighty ones of [the] people, and

0p6vov 86^r\q KaxaKAxjpovojicbv aDxofc; 9 + 5i8odc;

[ a throne of glory inheriting to them]; giving

£D%fjv xco sd%o|I£vco Kai eDA,6yr|aev exrj

[the thing] vowed for to the one vowing. And he blessed [the] years

8iKaioi) 6xi odk sv ia%m avfjp Swaxoq io+ Kupioq

of [the] just; for not by strength [is] man able. [The] LORD

aaBsvfj 7roifjasi avx(5iKov aDxoD Kopioc; dyioc; Kopioc;

[ weak shall make his opponent]. [The] LORD [is] holy. [The] LORD

avsprj sic; ODpavotic; Kai sppovxrjaev avzoq Kpivsi

ascended into heavens, and he thundered. He shall judge

dKpa yr\q SUcaioq gov Kai 5cbasi \a%vv xoic;

[the] extremities of [the] earth being just; and he shall give strength [to]

fiaoiksvaiv r\[i(bv Kai D\j/coaei Kspaq %pioxoD aDxoD

our kings, and he will raise up high [the] horn of his anointed one.

n+ Kai a7rfjX0ov eic; Apa|ia6ai|i sic; xov oikov aDxcbv

And they went forth unto Raman unto their house.

Kai xo 7iai5dpiov r|v A,sixoDpycbv xco Kopico 7ipo

And the boy was officiating to the LORD before

7rpoacb7rco HAi xod ispscoc; u+ Kai oi dioi HAi xod

the face of Eli the priest. And the sons of Eli the


priest [ sons [were] mischievous], not knowing the LORD.

Kai xo 5iKa(co|ia xod ispscoc; 7iapd xod XaoD 7iavx6c;

And the ordinance of the priest of [ the people all]

xod Gdovxoc; Kai f|p%sxo xo 7iai8dpiov xod

of the one sacrificing [was this]; that [ came the servant of the

ispscoc; coc; av r|\j/r}6r| xo Kpsac; Kai Kpsdypa

priest] when ever [ boiled the meat], and [ meat hook

xpi65oDq sv xrj xsipi aDxoD 14 + Kai S7idxa^sv aDxfjv

[was] a three-pronged in his hand]. And he stuck it

sic; xov Aiprjxa xov jisyav rj sic; xo xaAxsiov rj sic;

into the [ kettle great], or into the brass caldron, or into

xttv x^ T P av Kai K( w 0 av ocvsprj sv XT] Kpsdypa

the earthen pot; and all, what ever ascended on the meat hook

sAxxjiPavsv saDxco o ispstic; Kaxd xd5s stcoiodv

[took to himself the priest]. According to thus they did

7iavxi IapafjA, ev £dA,co xoic; sp%ojisvoic; 0Daai xco

to all Israel in Shiloh to the ones coming to sacrifice to the

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

09 - 1 Samuel

KDpico 15+ Kai 7ipiv 9i)|iia0f|vai to axsap f|p%STO to

LORD. And before [the] burning the fat, [ would come the

7iai8dpiov tod ispecoc; Kai eA,sys tod av8p( too 0dovti

servant of the priest]. And he said to the man sacrificing,

8oc; Kpsaq 07rcf|aai tco lepei Kai od |ir| AxxPco Kpeac;

Give meat [to roast to the priest]; for in no way shall I take meat

7iapd aoi) 8(p06v sk tod AiprjTOc; i 6 + Kai eXeyev

from you cooked from out of the kettle. And [if] [ said

O avfjp O 0DCOV 0D|Iia0f|TCO 7ipCOTOV COq Ka9f|K8l

the man [who was] sacrificing], [ let there be burnt first] as is fit

to aTsap Kai tots Xr\\\fr\ aeaDTcb 8K 7idvTCOv cov

for the fat, and then you shall take for yourself from all what

S7ii0D|isi T| \\fv%r\ aoD Kai si7iev od%( aXX r r\ vdv

[ desires your soul]. Then he said, No, but now

Scbasic; Kai sdv jir| hf\\\fO[iai KpaTaicbc; n+ Kai r|v

you shall give [it]; and if not, I will take it forcefully. And [ was

T| ajiapTia tcov 7iai8apicov |ieydAr| evcb7riov kdpiod

the sin of the young men] great before [the] LORD,

acp65pa 6ti t|0stodv tt|v 0Da(av kdpiod i 8 + Kai

exceedingly, for they annulled the sacrifice of [the] LORD. And

SajioDfjA, Tjv XsrcoDpycbv svcb7iiov kdpiod 7iai5dpiov

Samuel was officiating in the presence of [the] LORD, a boy

7ispie^coa|isvov 8(poD5 Pap 19+ Kai 8utA,oi8a jiiKpdv

being girded [ ephod with a linen]. And [ double garment a small

£7iorr|aev aDTcb r| |ifjTr|p aDTOD Kai avscpepev aDTcb

made his mother] for him, and offered it to him

rjjiepcbv sic; rjjiepac; sv to avapaivsiv aDTfjv jiSTd

from days unto days in her ascending with

tod avSpoq aDTfjc; 0Daai tt|v 0Da(av tcov r||iepcbv 20 +

her husband, to sacrifice the sacrifice of the days.

Kai SDA,6yr|asv HAi tov EAxavd Kai tt|v yDvauca aDTOD

And Eli blessed Elkanah and his wife,

Aiycov a7iOTiaai aoi Kopioq a7iep|ia sk

saying, [ pay to you [the] LORD] seed from out of

TTjq yDvaiKoq TaDTTjq avTi tod xpsovq od s%pr\aaq tco

this woman, for the loan which she treated the

KDpico Kai a7if|X08v o dv0pco7ioc; eic; tov totcov aDTOD

LORD. And [ went forth the man] to his place.

21 + Kai S7isaKs\j/aTO KDpioc; ttjv Awav Kai aDveXaPev

And [the] LORD visited Hannah, and she conceived

8Ti Kai 8T8KSV 8Ti Tpsic; diodc; Kai 8do 0DyaTspa&lt;;

again, and she bore yet three sons and two daughters.

2 2 sv tootco + vuca 09-1 Samuel

Kai s|ieyaA,DV0r| to 7iai8dpiov £ajioDf|A, svcb7nov

And [ was magnified the boy Samuel] in the presence of

KDpioi) 22+ Kai HAi 7ipsaPDxr|c; acp68pa Kai fjKODaev

[the] LORD. And Eli [was] an old man, exceedingly. And he heard

a S7ro(oDV oi dioi avzov xoic; viovq IapafjX rcavxa

what [did his sons] to [ the sons of Israel all],

Kai on SKoijicbvTO oi dioi aDxoD |iexd xcov yovaiKcbv

and that [ went to bed his sons] with the women

xcov 7iap8axr|KDicbv 7iapd xac; Qvpaq xrjc; oKTjvfjc; xod

standing by the doors of the tent of the

jiapxDpioi) 23+ Kai 817TSV aDxoiq ivaxi 7roie(xe Kaxd

testimony. And he said to them, Why do you do according to

xa pfjjia xatixa a sycb aKotico KaxaXaXoDjieva Ka6'

these things, which I hear being spoken ill of

djicov 8K axojiaxoq 7iavx6c; xod Xaov KopioD 24+ jlit|

you from [the] mouth of all the people of [the] LORD? No

xsicva |ir| 6x1 odk ayaGfj r| aKofj r|v sycb aKODCo

children, no, for [it is] not good, the hearing which I hear

xod 7ioie(v xov Xaov |ir| AxxxpsDsiv xco KDpico 25+ sdv

of the making the people to not serve to the LORD. If

ajiapxdvcov ajidpxr| avfjp sic; dv8pa Kai

by sinning [ should sin a man] against a man, then

7ipoa£D^ovxai 7isp( aDxoD 7ipoc; Kopiov Kai edv

they shall pray for him to [the] LORD. But if

xco KDpico ajiapxr) avfjp xic; 7ipoasD^sxai D7isp

[ against the LORD sins a man], who shall pray for

aDxoD Kai odk fjKODOv xrjc; cpcovfjc;

him? But they did not hearken to the voice

xod 7raxp6c; aDxcbv Pod^ojisvoc; yap sPodXsxo Kopioc;

of their father. For willing, [the] LORD preferred

SiacpGeipai aDxotic; 2 6+ Kai xo 7iai8dpiov £ajioDf|A,

to utterly destroy them. And the boy Samuel

£7iopsDsxo Kai £|ieyaA,Dvsxo Kai rjv ayaGov jisxd

went on and was magnified, and was [in] good [standing] with

KDpioD Kai jiexd av6pcb7icov 2 ?+ Kai fjABsv o

[the] LORD, and with men. And [ came the

dv9pco7iO(; 0soD itpoq UM Kai si7is aDxcb xd8s Aiysi

man of God] to Eli, and said to him, Thus says

KDpioq a7ioKaA,Dcp0sfc; a7isKaA,Dcp6r|v itpoq xov oikov

[the] LORD, In revealing I revealed [myself] to the house

xod 7taxp6c; ood ovxcov aDxcbv sv yr| AiyD7ixco

of your father in their being [in [the] land of Egypt

2 3 ev tootco + vtica 09-1 Samuel

5odAxov tco oikco Oapacb 2 s+ Kai e^sA,s^d|ir|v tov

servants to the house of Pharaoh]. And I chose the

oikov tod 7iaxp6c; gov sk 7idvTC0v tcov (pvXcbv

house of your father from out of all the tribes

IapafjA, ispaxetisiv sjioi tod avapaivsiv S7ri

of Israel to officiate as priest tome, to ascend unto

0Daia&lt;xcf|pi6v |iod Kai 0D|iidv GDjjiajia Kai aipsiv

my altar, and to burn incense, and to carry


an ephod before me. And I gave to the house

tod 7raTp6c; aoD Ta 7idvTa tod nvpoq tcov 0Daicbv tcov

of your father all the [things] [ of the fire of the sacrifices] of the

Dicbv lapar\k eig Ppcbaiv 29 + ivaTi snzfiXsyaq 87ii

sons of Israel for food. Why have you looked upon

to 0D|i(a|id jiod Kai S7ri ttjv 0Daiav jiod avai8e(

my incense [offering], and upon my sacrifice [offering] [with an] impudent

ocpGaXjicb Kai e56^aaac; todc; diodc; aoD D7isp sjis

eye, and glorified your sons above me,

sveD^oyeiaGai a7iapxric; 7idar|c; 0Da(ac; IapafjX

in [them] blessing themselves [with the] first- fruit of every sacrifice of Israel,
S|i7rpoa0sv |iod 30+ 8id todto Td5s Aiysi KDpioc; o

prior of me? On account of this, thus says [the] LORD, the

0s6c; IapafjA, si7ia o oikoc; aoD Kai o oikoc;

God of Israel, I said, Your house, and the house

tod 7raTp6c; aoD 5isA,SDoovTai svcb7iiov sjiod scoc;

of your father shall go through before me unto

aicbvoq Kai vdv cprjai Kupioq |ir|8a|icb(; sjioi 6ti

[the] eon. And now, says [the] LORD, not even one will be to me, for

todc; So^d^ovTdq |is 5o^daco Kai 01

the ones glorifying me I will glorify, and the ones

s^od0£vodvt8c; |is aTi|ico0f|aovTai 31+ i5od spxovTai

treating me with contempt shall be disgraced. Behold, [ come

rjjispai Kai £^oAx)0psDoco to a7isp|ia aoD Kai to

days], and I shall utterly destroy your seed, and the

a7i8p|ia tod oikod 7raTp6c; aoD 32+ Kai S7npA£\j/ei

seed of the house of your father. And you shall look upon

KpaTaicojia vecbv S7ri 7idaiv 01c; aya0Dve(

[ fortifications new] upon all the things which [ shall do good

tov IapafjA, Kai odk scrcai 7ipeaPDTr|c; sv tco oikco aoD

Israel]. And there will not be an old man in your house

ndaaq xaq rjiispaq 33+ Kai dv8pa ov

all the days. And a man whom

8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

odk s^oXo0 psDaoo aoi arco tod 0DoiaoTT| pioD jiod

I should not utterly destroy among you from my altar,

7ioif|aco 8kA,s(7T81V Tovq o(pdak[iovq avzov Kai

I will make [ to fail his eyes], and

Kaxappsiv tt|v \\fv%r\v avzov Kai itaq 7ispiaasDcov

[ will flow down his life], and all [the] ones abounding

tod oikod ood 7isaoDVTai sv pojicpaia av8pcbv 34+ Kai

of your house shall fall by [the] broadsword of men. And

todto 001 to arjjieiov o fj^ei em todc; 8do

this [is] to you the sign which shall come upon [ two

diodc; aoD todtodc; Ocpvi Kai Oivssc; sv |i(a rjjispa

sons these your], on Hophni and Phinehas; in one day

a7io0avoDVTai ajicpoTspoi 35+ Kai ava&lt;xcfjacD sjiaDTcb

[ shall die both]. And I will raise up for myself

ispsa 7iiaT6v oq 7idvTa Ta sv tt| Kap5ia |iod Kai

[ priest a trustworthy] who [ all the [things] in my heart and

Ta sv TTj \\fv%r\ (iod 7ioif|asi Kai oiKo5ojif|aco aDTcb

the [things] in my soul will do]. And I will build to him

oikov 7iiaT6v Kai 8isXsDasTai svcb7iiov xpiazov ^ 01)

[ house a trustworthy], and he shall go through before my anointed one

naoaq xaq rjiispaq 36+ Kai scrcai naq

all the days. And it will be everyone

o D7roA,sA,si|i|isvoc; sv too oikco ctod fj^si 7ipoaKDvf|aai

being left behind among your house shall come to do obeisance

aDTcb sv ofiokcb apyDpioD Kai sv dpTca svi Aiycov

to him for an obolus of silver, and for [ bread loaf one], saying,

7iapdppi\j/6v |is S7U jjiav tcov ispaTSicbv aoD tod cpaysiv

Throw me aside upon one of your priesthoods to eat


3 a

1+ Kai to 7iai5dpiov SajioDfjA, rjv XsvcoDpyoDV tco

And the boy Samuel was officiating to the

KDpiCO SVCb7llOV UXl TOD ISpSCO^ Kai pf||ia KDpiOD T|V

LORD before Eli the priest. And [the] word of [the] LORD was

tijiiov sv Taiq rjjispaic; SKsivaiq odk r|v opaaiq

esteemed in those days, because there was no vision

8ia&lt;ycsAAx)Daa 2+ Kai sysvsTO sv tt| T|jj,spa SKsivrj Kai

for giving orders. And it came to pass in that day that

HAi SKd0SD8sv sv tod t67tco aDTOD Kai

Eli slept in his [own] place, and


3 3, ev tootco + vuca 09-1 Samuel

oi ocp0aA,|io( olvtov fjp^avxo ajiaDpoDa0ai Kai odk

his eyes began to be darkened, and he was not

sStivaxo pAiftsiv 3 + Kai o Xvyyoq xod 0sod rcpiv

able to see. And the lamp of God [was] before

KaxaaPsaBfjvav Kai XajioDfjA, sk&amp;0£d5sv ev too vacb

its being extinguished, and Samuel slept in the temple

KDpiOD 01) T| KlPcOTOq TOD 0SOD 4 + Kai

of [the] LORD where the ark of God [was]. And

SKdXsas KDpioq T,a[iovr\k EajioDfjA, Kai sircsv i8od

[the] LORD called, Samuel Samuel. And he said, Behold,

sycb 5 + Kai s8pa|is itpoq HAi Kai sircsv i8od sycb 6xi

[it is] I. And he ran to Eli, and said, Behold, [it is] I, for

kskAxik&amp;c; |is Kai sircsv od KSKAxjKd as avdaxpscps

you called me. And he said, I have not called you, return
Kai Kd0SD8s Kai avsaxps\j/s Kai SKd6sD8£ 6 + Kai

and sleep! And he returned and slept. And

7ipoas0sxo KDpioq 8xi KaAiaai SajioDfjA, Kai

[ added [the] LORD] again to call Samuel. And

S7ropsD9r| 7ipoc; HAi xo SsDxspov Kai sircsv i8od sycb

he went to Eli the second [time], and said, Behold, [it is] I,

oxi KSKArjKdc; |is Kai sircsv od KSKArjKd as xskvov

for you called me. And he said, I have not called you child,

avdaxpscps Kai Kd0SD8s 7+ Kai SajioDfjA, rcpiv r| yvcbvai

return and sleep! And [it was] before Samuel knew

xov 0s6v Kai rcpiv T| arcoKaA,Dcp0f|vai pfj|ia KDpioD

God, and before the revealing [the] word of [the] LORD

rcpoc; aDxov g + Kai rcpoas0sxo Kopioc; KaAiaai

to him. And [the] LORD added [again] to call

EajioDfjA, sv xpixco Kai avsaxrj Kai srcopsD0r| rcpoc;

Samuel a third [time]. And he rose up and went to

HAi Kai sircsv i8od sycb 6x1 KSKArjKdc; |is Kai

Eli. And said, Behold, [it is] I, for you have called me. And

saocpiaaxo HAi 6x1 KDpioq kskAx|ks xo rcaiSdpiov 9 +

Eli discerned that [the] LORD has called the boy.

Kai sircsv HAi xco EajioDfjA, avdaxpscps Kai Kd0SD8s

And Eli said [to] Samuel, Return and sleep

xskvov Kai saxai sdv KaXsarj as Kai spsiq Xaksi

child! And it will be if he should call you, that you shall say, Speak,

KDpis 6x1 aKODSi o dovXoq aoD Kai srcopsD0r| £a|iODf|A,

O LORD, for [hears your servant] ! And Samuel went,

Kai SKOl|Xfj0T| SV XCO XO7TC0 aDXOD 10+ Kai fjA,0s KDpioq

and went to bed in his place. And [the] LORD came,


3 3, sv tootco + vuca 09-1 Samuel

Kai Kaxsaxrj Kai SKd^sasv avTOV coc; arca^ Kai

and stood, and called him as once [before], and

&amp;7ra^ lla[LOVT\k l^a[LOvr\k Kai si7is £a|ioi)f|X Xakzi

once [before that], Samuel, Samuel. And Samuel said, Speak,

KDpiS Oil (XKOl)Sl O SovXoq GOV n + Kai S17TS Kopioc;

0 LORD, for [hears your servant] ! And [the] LORD said

itpoq £a|ioi)f|A, idov sycb 7ioicb xa pf||iaxd jiod sv

to Samuel, Behold, I perform my words in

IapafjX cbaxs 7iavx6c; aKouovxoc; auxd rjxfjasi

Israel, so that every one hearing them, it shall sound

ajicpoxepa xa coxa ovtov 12+ sv xrj rjjispa sks(vt|

in both of his ears. In that day

S7isyspcb 87i( HAi rcdvxa 6aa s^dAxjaa sic;

1 rouse up against Eli. All as many [things] as I spoke against

xov oikov clvtov dp^ojiai Kai S7nxsAioco 13 + Kai

his house I will begin and I will complete. And

avfjyysAxa auxcb 6x1 skSikco sycb xov oikov clvtov scoc;

I have announced to him that I punish, I, his house, unto

aicbvoc; ev a8iKiaic; mcbv clvtov aiq syvco 6x1

[the] eon for [the] iniquities of his sons, in which he knew that

KaKoAx)yowcsc; 0s6v 01 mot clvtov Kai odk svodGsxsi

[ were speaking evil of God his sons], and he did not admonish

avTOvq 14+ Kai ov^ otjxcoc; cbjioaa xco oikco HAi

them. And [not thus have I] sworn by an oath to the house of Eli,

8i e^iXaaGfjasxai r| a8iKia oikod HAi sv 0D|iid|iaxi

Shall [ be atoned the iniquity of [the] house of Eli] by incense

T| sv dvaiaiq scoq aicbvoc; 15 + Kai Koijidxai EajioDfjA,

or by sacrifices into [the] eon, [no]. And Samuel went to bed

scoc; 7ipcoi Kai cbpBpias xo7ipcoi Kai fjvoi^s xac;

until morning. And he rose up early in the morning, and he opened the

dvpaq oiKOD Kupioi) Kai £ajiouf|A, stpopfj6r|

doors of [the] house of [the] LORD. And Samuel feared

a7iayysiA,ai xrjv opaaiv xco HAi i 6 + Kai si7isvHAi itpoq

to report the vision to Eli. And Eli said to

Xajiouf|A, IsCL[iovr\k xskvov Kai si7isv idov sycb 17+ Kai

Samuel, Samuel child. And he said, Behold, [it is] I. And

si7is xi xo pf||ia xo AxxAxjGsv rcpoc; as jlit| 5r|

he said, What [was] the word being spoken to you? Do not indeed

Kpi3\|/r|q an s(iot3 xd8s 7ioif|aai aoi o 0s6q Kai xd8s

hide [them] from me! Thus [ do to you God], and thus

7ipoa0s(r| sdv Kpi)\j/r|c; an s[iov pr\[ia is+ Kai

add to it if you should hide from me [the] word. And



09 - 1 Samuel

a7if|YYsiA£ SajioDfjA, aDxcb 7idvTac; todc; Xoyovq Kai

Samuel reported to him all the words, and

odk 8Kpi)\j/sv on ovtov koi si7isvHAi Kopioc; avzoq

did not hide [them] from him. And Eli said, [The] LORD himself

to ayaGov svco7iiov olvtov 7ioiT]asi 19+ Kai

[ the good [thing] before him will do]. And

sjisyaArivGrj SajioDfjA, Kai rrv Kopioq |ist' olvtov Kai

Samuel was magnified, and [the] LORD was with him. And


there did not fall from all his words [one] upon the

yr\q 20+ Kai syvcoaav naq IapafjA, arco Aav Kai scoc;

ground. And [ knew all Israel] from Dan and unto

BrjpaaPais oil itiGToq SajiODfjA, sic; 7ipo(pf|Trrv xco

Beer-sheba that Samuel [was] trustworthy for prophet to the

KDpico 21 + Kai 7ipoas9sxo Kopioc; tod 8riA,&lt;ja6fjvai sv

LORD. And [the] LORD added [again] to manifest in

£r|Axb on a7i8KaA,D(p0r| Kopioc; itpoq Ho[iovT\k sv

Shiloh, for [the] LORD was revealed to Samuel in

I/uXco raid pr]|ia KopioD

Shiloh according to [the] word of [the] LORD.

4 7

i+ Kai sysvsxo pfjjia SajioDfjX npoq 7rdvxa IapafjX

And came to pass [the] word of Samuel to all Israel.

Kai aDvaGpoi^ovxai 01 okXoipvXoi sic; 7i6A,s(iov S7ri

And [ gathered together the Philistines] for war against

lapof\k Kai s^fjABsv lapof\k sic; a7idvxr|aiv aDxoic; sic;

Israel; and Israel went forth to meet them for

7i6Xs(iov Kai 7iaps|ipdAAx)Daiv S7ii Apsvs^sp Kai 01

war. And they camped at Ebenezer. And the

aXkoipvXoi 7raps|ipdAloDoiv sv AcpsK 2 + Kai

Philistines camped in Aphek. And

7iapaxdaaovxai 01 aAA,6cpDAx)i sic; noXs^iov sni

[ deployed the Philistines] for war against

lapor\k Kai skAivsv o 7i6A,s|ioc; Kai S7ixaiasv avfjp

Israel. And [ leaned [one way] the war], and [ failed [the] men

lapor\k svcb7riov xcov aXXo(pvk(DV Kai S7rAxjyr|aav sv

of Israel] before the Philistines. And there was struck in

TTj rcapaxd^si sv aypcb xsaaapsc; %iXid8sc; av5pcbv 3 +

the battle array in [the] field four thousand men.

Kai fjXGsv o Xooq sic; xrjv 7iaps|iPoAx|v Kai sircav 01

And [ came the people] into the camp. And [ said the



09 - 1 Samuel

7rpeaPin;epoi IapafjX 8iax( dpa eGpauaev r\\iaq Kopioc;

elders of Israel], Why is it so [ devestated us [the] LORD]

ofjjispov 8vcb7iiov xcov aXkoipvXcov AxxPcojiev npoq

today before the Philistines? We should take to

r|jLxdq xrjv kiPcotov TT\q 5ia6fjKT|C; KOpiOU SK IsvXcb

us the ark of the covenant of [the] LORD from out of Shiloh,

Kai e^sABexco sv jieaco rjjicbv Kai acbasi r\[idq sk

and let [it] come forth in our midst! and it will deliver us from

Xeipoq xcov e%6pcbv rijicbv 4 + Kai a7i£oxeiA£v o Xaoq sic;

[the] hand of our enemies. And [ sent the people] unto

I/oXcb Kai fjpav 8ks(08v xrjv kiPcotov SiaGfjKqc;

Shiloh, and they lifted from there the ark of covenant

Kopioi) xcov 5i)vd|iscov od S7i8Kd9r|TO xa x 8 P 01) P^

of [the] LORD of the forces, which sits upon the cherubim.

Kai ajitpoxspoi oi moi UXi jiexd xrjc; kiPcoxou xrjc;

And both the sons of Eli [were] with the ark of the

8ia6f|Kr|c; tod 0sot3 Ocpvi Kai Oivssc; 5 + Kai eyevsxo

covenant of God — Hophni and Phinehas. And it came to pass

COC; fjA,6sV T| KlPcOTOq TT\q SiaGfjKTjq KDpiOD Siq XT|V

as [ came the ark of the covenant [of the] LORD] into the

7rape|ipoAxjv Kai avsKpa^e naq IapafjA, cpcovfj |ieydAx|

camp, that [ shouted aloud all Israel voice with a great],

Kai r\%r\Gzv r\ yr\ 6 + Kai fjKouaav oi aAlocpuAxn xrjv

and [ resounded the earth]. And [ heard the Philistines] the

cpcovfjv Tr\q Kpauyfjc; Kai ei7iov tic; r\ cpcovfj Tr\q

sound of the cry. And they said, What [is] the sound of the

Kpauyfj T| |ieydAx| ai3xr| sv xr| 7iaps|iPoXf| xcov

cry — this great one in the camp of the

EPpaicov Kai eyvcoaav 6xi r| Kipcoxoc; xou Kupiou

Hebrews? And they knew that the ark of [the] LORD

f)K8i eic; xrjv 7iape|iPoAT|v ?+ Kai 8cpopfj6r|aav oi

comes into the camp. And [ feared the

aXkoipvkoi Kai sitcov otixoc; o Geoc; ai)xcbv fjKei 7ipoc;

Philistines], and said, This their God comes to

auxotic; sic; xrjv 7rap£|iPoAr|v 8+ ouai r\[iiv stqskov

them into the camp. Woe to us, rescue

rijLidc; Kopis af||iepov 6xi ou ysyovs otixoc; s%6ec; Kai

us, O Master, today! for it happened not thus yesterday [nor the]

xpixrjc; ovai r\[iiv xic; s^sXsixai r\[idq sk X 8l P°^

third [day before]. Woe to us, who shall rescue us from out of [the] hand

xcov 0scbv xcov axspscoxspcov xouxcov ouxoi siaiv oi

[ gods substantial of these]? These are the


4 7 ev tootco + vuca 09-1 Samuel

0soi oi 7iaxd^avxsc; xrjv AiyD7ixov sv 7idar| nh]yr\ Kai

gods striking Egypt in every calamity, and

sv tt] spfjjLico 9+ KpaxaioDaBs Kai yivsaGs sic; dvSpac;

in the wilderness. Fortify, and become as men,

akXoipvXoi 07TCDC; |ir| 8oDA,SD&lt;yr|xs xoic; EPpaioic;

0 Philistines! so that you should not serve to the Hebrews,

KaGcbq sSoD^SDaav r\[iiv Kai sosaGs sic; avdpaq Kai

as they served us; and you shall be men and

7roXs|if|aaTS avxovq 10+ Kai S7ioA,s|ir|aav 01 aAA,6(pi)Ax)i

wage war against them. And [ waged war against the Philistines]

avTOvq Kai rcxaisi avfjp IapafjA, svamiov xcov

them; and [ failed [every] man of Israel] before the

aXkoipvXcov Kai scpDysv sraaxoc; sic;

Philistines, and [ fled each] unto

to aKfjvco|ia aDxoD Kai sysvsxo 7iAx|yf| |isydAx|

his tent. And there came to pass [ calamity great

ocp65pa Kai S7isaov s^ IapafjX xpidKovxa %iAid5sc;

an exceedingly]; and there fell from Israel thirty thousand

xayjidxoov n+ Kai r| kiPcdxoc; tod 0sod sArjcpGrj Kai

from [the] ranks. And the ark of God was taken, and

apxpoxspoi 01 dioi HAi arcsBavov Ocpvi Kai Oivssc; 12 +

both the sons of Eli died — Hophni and Phinehas.

Kai s8pajisv avfjp Isjiivaioc; sk xrjc; 7iapaxd^s&lt;joc;

And there ran a man of Benjamin from out of the battle array,

Kai fjA£ev sic; I/oAxb sv xr| rjjispa sks(vt| Kai

and he came into Shiloh on that day; and

xa ijidxia aDxoD 5isppcoy6xa Kai yrj em

his garments were torn up, and earth [was] upon

xrjc; KscpaArjc; avzov 13 + Kai fjA,6s Kai i8od HAi SKdGrjxo

his head. And he came. And behold, Eli sat

S7U xod SicppoD avTOV 7iapd xrjv 7r6Ar|v ctkottsdcdv xrjv

upon his chair by the gate watching the

o86v 6x1 Tjv Kap8(a aDxoD s^saxrjKDid 7isp( xrjc;

way, for [ was his heart] receded on account of the

kiPcdxod xod 0sod Kai o dv0p&lt;jO7ioc; siafjXGsv sic; xrjv

ark of God. And the man entered into the

7i6Xiv a7iayys(Am Kai avsporjasv 6hr\ r\ noXiq u+ Kai

city to report. And [ yelled out whole the city]. And

fjKODasv HAi xrjv (poovfjv xrjq pofjc; Kai si7is xic;

Eli heard the sound of the yelling, and said, What [is]

T| cpcovfj Tr\q Pofjq xaDxrjq Kai o dvGpcoTroq amvaaq

[ sound of yelling this]? And the man hastening,


4 7 ev tootco + vuca 09-1 Samuel

eiafjXGs Kai aftfiyyeiXs icq HAi i 5 + Kai rjvHAi dioc;

entered and reported to Eli. And Eli was a son

svsvfjKovxa Kai oktco excbv Kai 01 ocpBaXjioi aDxof)

ninety and eight years [old], and his eyes

sPapDV0r|oav Kai ODKepA,£7rev i6+ Kai siftevHAi xoic;

were weighed down, and he did not see. And Eli said to the

av5pdai xoic; 7ispisaxr|K6oiv aDxcb xic; r\ (pcovfj

men, to the ones standing around him, What [is] the report

tod fj%0D xodxod Kai o avfjp amvaaq 7ipoaf|A,9s itpoq

of this sound? And the man hastening, came forward to

HAi Kai 817TSV ai)Tcb sycb sijii o fjKcav sk xrjc;

Eli, and he said to him, I am the one having come from the

7rape|iPoAxjc; Kaycb 7ie(psDya 8K xrjc; 7rapaxd^£coc;

camp, [and] I have fled from the battle array

afjjispov Kai 8i7isv UXi xi xo yeyovoc; pfjjia xskvov

today. And Eli said, What [is] the [ taking place thing] child?

17+ Kai a7i8Kp{0r| xo 7iai5dpiov Kai 8i7is 7ie(peDyev

And [ answered the servant-lad], and said, [ fled

avfjp IapafjA, arco 7ipoacb7roD aXXoipvXcov Kai 7iAx|yf|

[Every] man of Israel] from [the] face of [the] Philistines, and [calamity

|isydAx| yeyovsv sv xco Xacb Kai ajicpoxspoi

a great] has happened among the people, and both

oi dioi aoi) xsGvfjKaai Kai r| kiPcdxoc; xod 0sod

of your sons have died, and the ark of God

sAxjcpGrj i8+ Kai sysvsxo coq sjivf|a0r| xrjc; kiPcdxod

was taken. And it happened as [ was mentioned the ark

xod 0sod Kai 87rsasv a7io xod 8((ppoD O7iia0ico(;

of God], that he fell from the chair backwardly,

£%6|isvoc; xrjc; 7ivhr\q Kai aDvexpiprj ovcbxoc; aDxoD

being next to the gate, and [ was broken back his],

Kai a7i86av8v 6xi 7tpsaPDxr|c; r|v o dv0poo7i;oc; Kai

and he died, for [ was old the man] and

Paptic; Kai aDxoq eKpivs xov IopafjX xsaaapdKovxa

heavy; and he judged Israel forty

SXTj 19+ Kai T] VDJICpt] aDXOD yDVTj OlVS8q ODVSlAx|(pDia

years. And his daughter-in-law, [the] wife ofPhinehas, having conceived

xod XSK8W Kai fjKODoe xrjv ayyeAiav 6xi eAx|(p0r| r|

to give birth, when she heard the message that [ was taken the

KlPcOXOq XOD 0SOD Kai 0X1 XS0VT|K8V o 7isv0£p6c; avTT\q

ark of God], and that [ has died her father-in-law],

Kai o avfjp aDxfjc; Kai SK^aDas Kai sxsksv 6xi

and her husband; that she wept and gave birth, for


09 - 1 Samuel

S7isaxpacpr|aav 87i' aDxfjv coSivec; aDxfjc; 20+ Kai sv too

[ turned upon her [birth] pangs her]. And in the

Kaipcb avTT\q a7ro6vfjOK£i Kai 8i7iov aDxfj ai yDvaucec;

time she was going to die, that [ said to her the women

ai 7iap80Tr|KDiai aDxfj |ir| cpoPoD 6x1 diov xsxorac;

standing beside her], Do not fear! for [ a son you have birthed].

Kai odk a7T8Kpi6r| Kai odk svorjaev r| Kap8(a avTT\q

But she did not answer, and did not comprehend in her heart.

21+ Kai SKd^eas xo 7iai5apiov E^aPcbB vitsp xrjc;

And she called the boy, Ichabod, for the

KlP&lt;j0XOD XOD 0SOD Kai D7TSp XOD 7TSV0SpOD aVTT\q Kai

ark of God, and for her father-in-law, and

D7i8p xod avdpoq avTT\q 22+ Kai 8i7i8v a7id)Kiaxai 86^a

for her husband. And she said, [ has been resettled [The] glory]

arco IapafjA, 816x1 sArjcpGrj r| kiPcgxoc; xod 6sod

from Israel, for [ was taken the ark of God].

5 n

1 + Kai 01 aAlocpDAxn zkafiov xrjv kiPcdxov xod 08od

And the Philistines took the ark of God,

Kai siafjveyKav aDxfjv Apsws^ep sic; A^coxov

and carried it from out of Ebenezer unto Ashdod.

2 + Kai sXapov 01 aXkoipvkoi xrjv kiPcdxov xod 0sod

And [ took the Philistines] the ark, of God

Kai eiafjveyKav aDxfjv sic; xov oikov Aaycbv Kai

and carried it into the house ofDagon, and

7iap8axr|aav aDxfjv 7iapa Aaycbv 3+ Kai cbpGpiaav 01

stood it by Dagon. And [ rose early the

A^cbxioi Kai siafjXGov sic; oikov Aaycbv xr| s7iaDpiov

Ashdodites], and they entered into [the] house ofDagon the next day.

Kai s(8ov Kai i8od Aaycbv 7iS7rxcoKcbc; S7ri

And they saw, and behold, Dagon was fallen upon

7rp6aco7iov aDxoD S7ri xrjv yrjv 8vcb7iiov xrjc; kiPcoxod

his face upon the ground before the ark

xod 0sod Kai fjyeipav xov Aaycbv Kai Kaxsaxrjaav

of God. And they raised Dagon, and they placed

aDxov S7Ti xov xo7rov aDxoD 4 + Kai sysvexo cog

him upon his place. And it came to pass as

cbpGpiaav xr| srcaDpiov xo7ipcoi Kai i5od Aaycbv

they rose early in the next day in the morning, and behold, Dagon

7iS7rxcDKcbc; S7Ti 7ip6aco7iov aDxoD 8Vcb7riov Tr\q kiPcoxod

was fallen upon his face before of the ark


8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

Ki)p(oi) Kai r| KscpaXfj Aaycbv Kai ajicpoxepa xa (xvrj

of [the] LORD. And the head of Dagon, and both the traces

%eipcbv olvtov a(pr|pr||isva S7il xa S|i7ip6a0ia xcov

of his hands were removed unto the front of the

axaGjicbv Kai ajicpoxspoi 01 Kap7io( xcov %sipcbv avmv

doorposts, and both the wrists of his hands

7TS7rxcoK6xsc; 8711 xo 7ip60i)pov 7ihr\v T| pa%iq Aaycbv

were fallen upon the threshold. Only the spine of Dagon

D7T8A,s(cp0r| 5+ 5id xotixo ouk e7uPaivouaiv 01

was left behind. On account of this, [ do not mount the

ispek; Aaycbv Kai naq o £ia7ropei)6|ievoc; sic; oikov

priests of Dagon], [nor] do any enter into [the] house

Aaycbv S7U xov PaGjiov oikod Aaycbv sv A^cbxco ecoc;

of Dagon by the threshold of the house of Dagon in Ashdod until

xrjc; rjjispac; xai3xr|c; aXk' imepPaivovxec; D7rspPa(voi)ai 6+

this day; but by passing over, they pass over it.

Kai spapi)v6r| r| %eip Kupioi) em A^coxiodc; Kai

And [ was oppressive the hand [of the] LORD] against [the] Ashdodites, and

sPaadviae xouc; A^coxiodc; Kai £7rdxa^ev avzovq sic;

he tormented the Ashdodites, and he struck them in

xac; s8pac; auxcbv xrjv A^coxov Kai xa opia auxfjc; i + Kai

their buttock — the one from Ashdod and their borders. And

e(8ov 01 dvSpec; A^coxod 6xi ouxcoc; Kai Aiyouaiv

[ beheld the men of Ashdod] that [it was] so, and they spoke [saying]

oxi od KaBfjasxai r| kiPcoxoc; xou 0eoi3 IapafjX |i£0'

that, [ shall not settle the ark of the God of Israel] with

rjjicbv oxi cTKArjpd rj %eip auxou scp' r||idc; Kai stii

us, for [ [is] hard his hand] against us, and against

Aaycbv xov 0s6v r||icbv 8 + Kai a7ioaxsAAx)i)oi Kai

Dagon our god. And they send and

(XovdyoDai xodc; aaxpd7iac; xcov aAA,ocpi3A,cov 7ipoq

gather the satraps of the Philistines to

eauxouc; Kai Xeyouai xi 7ioif|aco|isv xrj Kipcoxcb xou

themselves. And they say, What should we do with the ark of the

0eoi3 IopafjX Kai Aiyouaiv oi TsGaioi |isxsA,0£xco

God of Israel? And [say the Gathites], Let [ pass between the ranks

T| KlPcOXOq XOD 08OT3 7ipOC; T[[ldq Kai |I8XfjA,0S T|

the ark of God] to us! And [ passed between the ranks the

kiPcoxoc; xod 08OD IopafjA, sic; Ts0 9+ Kai syevsxo

ark of the God of Israel] unto Gath. And it came to pass

(isxd xo |i8X8A,0e(v aDxfjv Kai yivsxai %eip Kupioi)

after it being passed through the ranks, that [ came [the] hand [of the] LORD]

sv xtj 7i6A,8i xdpa%oc; jieyac; acp68pa Kai S7idxa^s

against the city— [disturbance great an exceedingly]; and he struck



ev toutco + vtica

09 - 1 Samuel

xodc; dv8pac; xrjc; hoXegx; arco jiiKpoD scoc; jisyd^oD

the men of the city from small unto great

sic; xac; s8pac; io+ Kai s^a7ioaxsAAx)Dai xrjv kiPcoxov

in their buttocks. And they sent out the ark

tod Gsod sic; AK&amp;pcova Kai sysvf|0r| coc; siofjABs

of God unto Ekron. And it came to pass as [ entered

KiPcoToq 0sod sic; AK&amp;pcova Kai avsporjaav oi

[the] ark of God] unto Ekron, that [ yelled out the

AKapcovixai Aiyovxsc; xi a7isaxps\j/axs xrjv kiPcoxov

Ekronites], saying, Why do you return the ark

xod 08OD IapafjA, npoq r\[idq 0avaxcbaai r\[iaq Kai

of the God of Israel to us, [is it] to put us to death and

xov Xaov rjjicbv n+ Kai a7ioaxsAloDai Kai aDvdyoDoi

our people? And they sent, and they brought together

rcdvxac; xodc; aaxpa7iacj xcov aXkoipvXctiv Kai sircav

all the satraps of the Philistines. And they said,

s^a7ioaxs(Xaxs xrjv kiPcoxov xod 0sod IopafjX Kai

Send out the ark of the God of Israel, and

KaGiadxco sic; xov xorcov aDxfjc; Kai od jirj 0avaxcbar|

let it sit in its place, so that in no way shall we be put to death ~

r\[idq Kai xov Xaov rj|icbv 12+6x1 sysvsxo avj%vaiq

us and our people. For there came to pass a confusion

GavdxoD sv 6Ax| xr| 7i6A,si papsia acp68pa coc;

of death in [the] entire city, [ severe exceedingly], as

siafjXGs T| Kipcoxoq xod 0sod IapafjX Kai 01 ^covxscj

[entered the ark of the God of Israel]. And the living

Kai 01 a7io0av6vxscj S7rArjyr|aav sic; xac; sSpac; Kai

and the dying were struck in the buttocks. And

avsprj T| KpaDyfj Tr\q noXzcnq scoc; xov ODpavov

[ ascended the cry of the city] unto the heaven.

6 1

1+ Kai Tjv T| Kipcoxoq KDpioD sv aypcb xcov

And [was the ark [of the] LORD] in [the] field of the

aXXoipvXodv S7ixd jifjvac; 2 + Kai Ka^oDaiv aXkoipvkoi

Philistines seven months. And [ called [the] Philistines]

xodc; ispsic; Kai xodc; jidvxsiq Kai

the priests, and the clairvoyants, and

xodc; S7iaoi5oDc; aDxcbv Aiyovxsc; xi 7ioif|oco|isv xr|

their enchanters, saying, What should we do with the


ark of [the] LORD? Make known to us by what [means]



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

09 - 1 Samuel

a7ro&lt;ycsAx)i)|isv aDifjv sic; tov totcov avTT\q 3 + Kai sitcov

we shall send it unto its place! And they said,

si £^a7ro&lt;ycsAA£T£ Djisiq xrjv kiPcotov 5ia0fjKT|C; KDpiOD

If you yourselves send the ark of [the] covenant of [the] LORD

6sot3 IapafjX |xq s^a7ioaTs(Xr|T8 auTfjv Ksvfjv aXka

God of Israel, do not send it out empty! but

a7ro5i86vTSc; a7i68oTS avTT\ D7isp Tr\q Paodvoi) Kai

by delivering [it up], you give it back for the tonnent! and

tots ia0f|asa08 Kai s^ilaaGfjaeTai djiiv

then you shall be healed, and it shall be atoned unto you,

jit] odk (X7iooTf| T| %eip avzov acp' Djicbv 4 + Kai Xsyovai

if should you not remove his hand from you? And they say,

ti to D7i8p Tr\q Paadvou a7io5cbao|i£v at&gt;Tf| Kai

What [thing] for the torment shall we give for it? And

S17TOV 5+ KaTd apiGjiov tcov aaTpa7reicbv tcov

they said, According to [the] number of the satrapies of the

aXXoipvXcov 7TSVT8 sdpaq %pvaaq 6ti 7iTaia|ia sv v[dv

Philistines — five buttocks of gold, for [the] fault in you,

Kai TOiq dpxoDaiv djicov Kai too Xaco Kai tcsvts [ivaq

and your rulers, and to the people. And five [ mice

Xpvaovq ojioicojia tcov jidcov ujicbv tcov

golden], a representation of your mice, of the ones

8iacp0sip6vTCOv ttjv yrjv Kai 5cbaeTS tco Kupico Gsco

corrupting the land. And you shall give to the LORD God

56^av oitcnq KODcpiarj tt|v xsipa avzov acp' djicov Kai

glory, so that he should lighten his hand from you, and

a7io tcov 0scbv djicov Kai arco Trjq yrjq djicov 6+ Kai

from your gods, and from your land. And

ivaTi PaptivsTS zaq KapSiaq djicov coc; spdpuvsv

why do you oppress your hearts as [ oppressed

Aiyi)7iTO(; Kai Oapacb tt|v Kap8(av ai)Tcbv ov%i 6t8

Egypt and Pharaoh] their hearts? Was it not when

svs7rai^sv aDTOiq £^a7reaTeiXav aDTotic; Kai anr\kdov i +

he mocked them, [that] they sent them, and they went forth?

Kai vdv XdpeTe Kai 7ioifjaaTS djia^av Kaivfjv jiiav

And now, take and make [ wagon new one],

Kai 5i3o Poaq 7ipcoTOTOKoi)aac; dvsu tcov tskvcov

and two oxen having given birth for the first time, without the offspring,

scp' aq odk 87T8TS0T] Cpyoq Kai ^sti^aTS zaq Poaq sv

upon which [ was not placed upon a yoke] ! And team up the oxen on

ttj ajid^rj Kai Ta TSKva auTcbv arcaydyeTe arco 67iia0sv

the wagon, and their offspring lead away from behind


8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

auxcbv sic; oikov 8 + Kai Ar|\j/saGs xrjv kiPcoxov

them to [the] house! And you shall take the ark

Ki)p(oi) Kai Gfjasxs auxfjv S7Ti xrjv djia^av Kai xa

of [the] LORD, and you shall put it upon the wagon; and the

oKstirj xa%pi)od arcoSoxs avTT\ wisp xrjc; Paadvou

items of gold, deliver it for the torment!

Kai Gfjasxs sv Gsjiaxi Pspas%Gdv sk [ispovq avTT\q

And you shall put in place a chest on part of it,

Kai s^a7roaxsA,s(xs avxr\v Kai a7isA,si)asxai 9+ Kai

and you shall send it, and it shall go forth. And

6\j/saGs si sic; o86v op(oi) auxfjc; 7iopsi)asxai Kaxd

you shall see if into [the] way of their border it shall go — according to

BaiGaajifjc; auxoc; 7iS7ioir|Ksv r\[iiv xrjv KaKiav

Beth-shemesh, [if] he did to us [ evil

xrjv jisydAxjv xatixrjv Kai sdv [ir\ Kai yvcoaojisGa 6x1

great this]. And if not, then we will know that

od %sip ai)X0T3 fj7ixai r||icbv aXXa &lt;y6|i7rxco|ia xouxo

[it] was not his hand that touched us, but [that] [ a coincidence this

ysyovsv r\[dv 10+ Kai S7tovr|aav 01 aAlotpuXoi ouxcoc;

was] to us. And [ did the Philistines] so.

Kai sAxxPov Svo Poaq 7ipcoxoxoKoi)aac; Kai

And they took two oxen, having given birth for the first time. And

s^su^av auxdc; sv xrj ajid^rj Kai xa xsicva auxcbv

they teamed them up to the wagon, and their offspring

a7TSKA,siaav sic; oikov n+ Kai sGsvxo xrjv kiPcoxov

they shut up at [the] house. And they put the ark

Kopioi) S7U xrjv djia^av Kai xo Gsjia spydp Kai

of [the] LORD upon the wagon, and the place chest, and

xodc; [ivaq xoug xpuaouc; Kai xac; sucovac;

the mice of gold, and the images

xcov s5pcbv auxcov 12 + Kai KaxsuGwav ai Pose; sv xr|

of their buttocks. And [ straightened out the oxen] in the

o8cb sic; xrjv o56v BaiGaajifjc; sv xptpco sv

journey on the way to Beth-Shemesh, in a road in

T| s7ropsT3ovxo Kai SK07ricov Kai od s^sKAivav 8s^idv

[its] going, and they labored, and they turned not aside right

od8s apiaxspdv Kai 01 aaxpd7iai xcov aXXoipvkcDV

nor left; and the satraps of the Philistines

S7iopsi)ovxo O7i(aco auxcbv scoc; opicov BaiGaajifjc; 13 +

went after them unto [the] borders of Beth-shemesh.

Kai 01 sv BaiGaajifjc; sGspitpv Gspiajiov 7ropcbv sv

And the ones in Beth-shemesh were harvesting [the] harvest of wheat in



8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

K01M81 Kai fjpav Tovq ocpGaAjioDc; aDxcbv Kai s(8ov

[the] valley. And they lifted their eyes, and they beheld

xrjv kiPcoxov Kup(oi) Kai s%dprjaav sic; a7idvxrjaiv

the ark of [the] LORD, and they were rejoiced to meet

avTT\q 14+ Kai r| djia^a siafjXGsv sic; aypov Icoais

it. And the wagon entered into [the] field of Joshua,

xov sv BaiGaajifjc; Kai saxrj sksi 7iap' Ai6ov jisyav

the [one] in Beth-shemesh, and it stood there by [stone a great].

Kai saxiaav xa tqvXa Tr\q ajid^riq Kai xac; Poac;

And they split the wood of the wagon, and the oxen

avfjvsyKav sic; oAxDKaDxcoaiv xco KDpico 15+ Kai 01

they offered for a whole burnt-offering to the LORD. And the

AsDixai avfjvsyKav xrjv kiPcoxov xod kdpiod Kai xo

Levites brought the ark of the LORD, and the

6s|ia spyd(3 jisx' aDxfjc; Kai xa aKSDTj xa%pDad Kai

place chest with it, and the items of gold, and

sGsvxo S7U xco Ai0co xco |isydA,co Kai 01 dvSpsc;

put [them] upon the [ stone great]. And the men

BaiGaajxfjc; avfjvsyKav oXoKaDxcbasic; Kai sGuaav

of Beth-shemesh offered whole burnt-offerings, and they sacrificed

dvaiaq xco Kupico sv xrj rjjispa SKSivrj i 6 + Kai 01 7isvxs

sacrifices to the LORD in that day. And the five

aaxparcai xcov aAlocpDAxov scbpcov Kai avsaxps\j/av sic;

satraps of the Philistines saw, and they returned to

Arapcbv xrj rjjispa SKsivrj 17 + Kai atixai ai s5pai

Ekron in that day. And these are the [ buttocks

ai%pi)aa( aq a7is8coKav 01 aAlocpuAxn D7isp xrjc;

gold] which [ gave back the Philistines] for the

Paadvoi) xco Kupico xrjqA^cbxoD jjiav xrjc;rd^rjc; jiiav

torment to the LORD — for Ashdod one, Gaza one,

xrjc; AaKdXcovoc; jiiav xrjc; Ts0 jiiav xrjc; AKapcov jiiav

Ashkelon one, Gath one, Ekron one.

18+ Kai [ivq oixpi)ao( Kaxd apiGjiov 7iaacov xcov

And [mice gold], according to [the] number of all the

7i6A,scov xcov aAAx)tpf)A,cov xcov rcsvxs aaxpa7icov sk

cities of the Philistines, of the five satraps, from

7r6Xscoc; saxspscojisvrjc; Kai scoc; Kcojirjc; xod Osps^aioD

[the] city being solidly [fortified], and unto [the] town of the Perezzite,

Kai scoc; AiGoi) xod jisydXoD od S7is0rjKav S7i'

and unto [ stone the great] of which they placed upon

aDxoD xrjv kiPcoxov xrjc; 8ia9fjKTjc; kdpiod scoc;

it the ark of the covenant of [the] LORD until



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

09 - 1 Samuel

Tr\q rjjispaq m\)Tr\q sv aypcb Icoais tod BaiGaajifjc; 19 +

this day in [the] field of Joshua, of the one of Beth-shemesh.

Kai £7r&amp;Ta^sv dvSpac; Baidaa[n\q on e(8ov xrjv

And he struck [the] men of Beth-shemesh, for they beheld the

KlPcOTOV TOD KDpiOD Kai 87rdxa^8v 8V aDTOic;

ark of the LORD. And he struck among them

ep5o|ifjKOVTa dvSpac; Kai 7revTfjKOVTa %ikiddaq

seventy men, and fifty thousand

av8pcbv 8K tod Xaov Kai S7rsv6r|asv o Xaoq 6ti

men of the people. And [ mourned the people] because

87idTa^8 KDpioq sv tod Xacb 7iA,r|yf|v jieydArjv acp68pa

[the] LORD struck among the people [calamity great an exceedingly].

20+ Kai S17TOV oi dvSpec; oi sk BaiGaajifjc; tic;

And they said, the men, the ones from Beth-shemesh, Who

8DvfjasTai 7rapaaTfjvai 8vcb7iiov KDpiOD tod 08od

shall be able to stand before [the] LORD, [ God

tod ayioD todtod Kai 7ipoc; Tiva avapfjasTai rj

holy this]? And to whom shall [ ascend the

KiPcoToq tod KDpiOD acp' rjjicbv 21+ Kai a7ioaTsAloDaiv

ark of the LORD] of us? And they sent

ayyskovq npoq zovq KaTOiKODVTaq KapiaGiapiji

messengers to the ones dwelling in Kirjath-jearim,

AiyovTSc; a7tsaTpe\j/av oi aAA,6cpDA,oi tt|v kiPcotov tod

saying, [ returned The Philistines] the ark of the

KDpiOD Kai KaTdprjTS Kai avaydysTS aDTfjv itpoq v[idq

LORD, and you go down and lead it up unto you!

7 T

1+ Kai spxovTai oi dvSpscj KapiaGiapiji Kai avdyoDai

And [came the men of Kirjath-jearim], and they led up

ttjv kiPcotov ttjv 5ia6f|Kr|c; KDpiOD Kai siafjyayov

the ark [of] the covenant of [the] LORD. And they brought

aDTTjv sic; oikov A(iiva8dp tov sv too poDvcb Kai

it into [the] house of Abinadab on the hill. And

tov EA^sd^ap tov diov aDTOD rjyiaaav cpD^daasiv tt|v

[ Eleazar his son they sanctified] to guard the

kiPcotov 8ia0f|Kr|c; KDpiOD 2 + Kai eyevsTO acp' r\q

ark of [the] covenant of [the] LORD. And it came to pass from which

rjjispaq Tjv T| KiPcoToq sv KapiaGiapiji S7iA,f|0Dvav ai

day [ was the ark] in Kirjath-jearim, [ were multiplied the

rjjispai Kai sysvovTO siKoai stt| Kai 87repA£\j/s naq

days]. And they became twenty years; and [looked all


7 T ev tootco + vuca 09-1 Samuel

0 ohcoq IapafjA, O7i(aco Kopiorj 3 + Kai si7is SajiorjfjA,

[the] house of Israel] after [the] LORD. And Samuel said

7ipoc; rcdvxa ovkov IapafjX Aiycov si ev 6h\ Kap8(a

to all [the] house of Israel, saying, If with [ entire heart

djicov Djisiq S7isaxps\j/axs itpoq Kopiov 7ispisA,sa0s

your] you turn to [the] LORD, remove

xodc; Gsorjc; xodc; aAloxpiouc; 8K jisaorj djicdv Kai xa

the gods of the aliens from your midst, and the

akor\ Kai sxoijidaaxs xac; Kap5iac; djicov npoq icopiov

sacred groves, and prepare your hearts to [the] LORD,

Kai 8ouXsrjaaxs arjxcb jiovco Kai s^s^sixai v[iaq

and serve him alone! and he will rescue you

sk xsipoc; xcov aXXoipvXcov 4 + Kai 7rspis(Xov 01

from out of [the] hand of the Philistines. And [ removed the

moi IapafjX xac; BadAiji Kai xa aXar\ AaxapcbG

sons of Israel] the Baalim, and the sacred groves of Ashtaroth,

Kai s5oi)A,£Doav Kopico jiovco 5 + Kai si7is XajioufjA,

and served to [the] LORD alone. And Samuel said,

aGpoiaaxs rcdvxa IapafjA, sic; Maaarjcpd Kai

Gather all Israel unto Mizpeh! and

7ipoasrj^o|iai rcpoc; Kopiov imsp djicov 6 + Kai

1 will pray to [the] LORD for you. And

avvr\%dr\ o Xaoq sic; Maaarjcpd Kai DSpsrjovxo i35cop

[ gathered together the people] in Mizpeh, and drew water,

Kai s^s%sav svcxmiov Kopioi) S7ii xrjv yrjv Kai

and poured it out before [the] LORD upon the ground. And

svfjoxsDaav sv xrj rjjispa SKsivrj Kai smav

they fasted in that day, and said,

r||iapxfjKa|isv xco Kopiorj Kai s8iKa^s EajioufjA, xouc;

We have sinned against [the] LORD. And Samuel adjudicated for the

viovq IapafjA, sic; Maaarjcpd ?+ Kai fjKouaav 01

sons of Israel in Mizpeh. And [heard the

aXXoipvkoi 6xi awrjGpoiaGrjaav ftdvxsc; 01 moi

Philistines] that [ were gathered together all the sons

IapafjA, sic; Maaarjcpd Kai avsprjaav 01 aaxpdrcai

of Israel] in Mizpeh. And [ ascended the satraps

xcov aXkoyvXcov S7U IapafjA, Kai fjKouaav 01 moi

of the Philistines] against Israel. and [ heard the sons

IapafjX Kai scpopfjBrjaav arco 7ipoacb7rorj xcov

of Israel], and they were fearful from [the] face of the

aAlocprjAxDV 8 + Kai si7iav 01 moi IapafjA, npoq

Philistines. And [ said the sons of Israel] to


7 T sv toutco + vtica 09-1 Samuel

SajioDfjA, |ir| 7iapaaico7rf|ar|(; acp' rjjicbv tod jlit| Podv

Samuel, Do not remain silent from us! to not yell

7ipoc; Kupiov xov 0s6v aoD Kai acbaei rjjLidq sk

to [the] LORD your God, that he shall deliver us from out of

Xeipoq aXXoipvXcov 9 + Kai skafis EajioDfjX dpva

[the] hand of [the] Philistines. And Samuel took [ lamb

ya^aGrjvov sva Kai avfjveyKev ai)i6v oAxDKaDTCoaiv

suckling one], and he offered it a whole burnt-offering

too KDpico &lt;xov 7iavx( Too Xacb Kai sporjae EajioDfjX

to the LORD with all the people. And Samuel yelled

7ipoc; Kupiov D7isp tod IapafjX Kai 87rfjKODaev aDTOD

to [the] LORD over Israel, and [ heeded him

o KDpioq 10+ Kai Tjv £ajioDf|A, avacpspoov tttv

the LORD]. And Samuel was offering the

oXoKaDicoaiv Kai 01 aAlocpD^oi 7ipoafjyov ziq

whole burnt-offering. And the Philistines led forward for

7i6Xs|iov 87ii IapafjX Kai ePpovrqae Kopioc; sv (pcovfj

war against Israel. And [the] LORD thundered with [ voice

|isydAx| ev tt| rjjispa SKervrj S7U todc; aXXoipvXovq Kai

a great] in that day against the Philistines, and

aDvs%D6r|aav Kai S7rcaiaav 8vcb7iiov IapafjA, n+ Kai

they were confounded, and failed before Israel. And

s^fjXGov dv5pec; lapar\k 8K Maaarjcpd Kai

[ came forth [the] men of Israel] from out of Mizpeh, and

KaTs8ico^av todc; aXkoipvXovq Kai 87idTa^av aDTODc;

they pursued the Philistines, and they struck them

ecoc; D7ioKdTCO tod Bai0%6p 12+ Kai zXafis Sa|ioDfjA,

unto under Beth-car. And Samuel took

Ai0ov sva Kai sarqaev aDiov avajisaov Maaarjcpd

[ stone one], and set it between Mizpeh

Kai avajieaov Tr\q 7iaAmdc; Kai SKdXeas to ovojia

and between the old [city]. And he called the name

aDTOD Apsvs^ep o arjjiarvei XiQoq tod Pot|6od Kai

of it, Ebenezer, signifying, Stone of the Helper. And

S17T8V eooc; svTaDGa sPofjGrjasv rj|irv o Kopioc; 13+ Kai

he said, Unto here [ helped us the LORD]. And

£Ta7rerv&lt;Dae Kopioc; todc; aXkoipvXovq Kai od

[the] LORD humbled the Philistines, and they did not

7ipoae6evTO sti \j/od S7reA,0erv sic; opiov IapafjA, Kai

proceed any longer to come unto [the] border of Israel. And

sysvsTO %eip KDpioD 87i( todc; aXkoipvXovq naoaq

[ was [the] hand [of the] LORD] against the Philistines all



09 - 1 Samuel

mq rjiispaq tod Ha\xovr\k u+ Kai a7is860r|aav ai

the days of Samuel. And [ were given back the

noXsiq aq skafiov 01 aAlocpuAm rcapd xcov dicov

cities] which [ took the Philistines] from the sons

IapafjA, goto AKapcbv scoc; TsG Kai to opiov IapafjA,

of Israel — from Ekron unto Gath. And the border of Israel

acpsi^ovxo sk %sipoc; xcov aAlocpDAxov Kai rjv

was removed from [the] hand of the Philistines. And there was

eipfjvrj avajisaov IapafjX Kai avajisaov tod

peace between Israel and between the

AjioppaioD 15+ Kai sSuca^e EajioDfjX xov IapafjX naaaq

Amorite. And Samuel adjudicated for Israel all

xac; rjjispac; xrjc; Cf^T\q aDxoD ie+ Kai S7iopsDSxo Kax'

the days of his life. And he went according to

sviaDiov sviaDxov Kai skdkXod BaiGfjX Kai

year [by] year and circled [about] Beth-el, and

tt|v TakyaX Kai xrjv Maaarjcpd Kai sSfca^s

Gilgal, and Mizpeh. And he adjudicated for

xov IapafjA, sv 7idai xoic; xotcoic; xodxoic; n + r\ 8s

Israel in all these places. And

a7ioaxpo(pf| aDxoD rjv sv ApjiaGaiji 6xi sksi rjv

his returning was unto Ramah; for [ was there

o oiKoq aDTOD Kai s5iKa^sv sksi xov IapafjA, Kai

his house]; and he adjudicated for Israel there, and

coKo86|ir|asv sksi 0Daiaaxfjpiov too Kopico

he built there an altar to the LORD.

8 n

i + Kai sysvsxo coc; syfjpaas Ha[iovT\k Kai Kaxsaxrjas

And it came to pass as Samuel grew old, that he placed

xodc; diodc; aDTOD Sucaoxdc; too IopafjX 2 + Kai xatixa xa

his sons as magistrates in Israel. And these [are] the

ovojiaxa xcov dicov aDxoD o 7ipcox6xoKoc; IcofjA, Kai

names of his sons. The first-born [was] Joel, and

ovojia xod SsDxspoD Apia 8iKaaxa( sv BrjpaaPsai 3 +

[the] name of the second Abiah, magistrates in Beer-sheba.

Kai odk s7iopsD0r|aav 01 moi aDxoD sv o8co aDxoD

And [ did not go his sons] in his way.

Kai s^sicAavav O7uaco xrjc; aDvxsA^siac; Kai sldjiPavov

And they turned aside after the contribution, and they took



09 - 1 Samuel

5cbpa Kai s^skAivov 8iKaicb|iaxa 4 + Kai aDva6po(£pvxai

bribes, and turned aside ordinances. And [ gathered together

dvSpsc; IapafjX Kai 7iapay(vovxai npoq £a|ioDf|X sic;

[the] men of Israel], and they came to Samuel into

Ap|ia6ai|i 5 + Kai si7iav aDxcb i8od av ysyfjparac; Kai

Ramah. And they said to him, Behold, you grow old, and

01 dioi ood od rcopsDovxai sv tt] o5cb aoD Kai VDV

your sons do not go in your way. And now

Kaxdaxrjaov scp' r\[idq PaaiAia SiKd^siv r\[idq KaGcbq

place over us a king to adjudicate for us as

rcdvxa xa sGvrj 6 + Kai r|v 7iovr|p6v xo pf||ia sv

all the nations! And [ was wicked the matter] in

o(pdak[ioiq £ajioDf|X coq si7iov 6oq r\[dv PaaiAia

[the] eyes of Samuel, as they said, Give to us a king

xod 8iKd^siv r\[idq Kai 7ipoar|D^axo Ha[iovT\k npoq

to adjudicate for us! And Samuel prayed to

Kopiov ?+ Kai si7is Kopioc; npoq SajioDfjA, dKODS xrjc;

[the] LORD. And [the] LORD said to Samuel, Hearken to the

(pcovfjc; xod Xaov Ka6d av XaXcbai npoq as 6xi

voice of the people! as whatever they should speak to you, for

od as s^oi)6svfjKaaiv aXX r r\ s|is s^oi)0svfjKaai

[it is] not you they treat with contempt, but only me they treat with contempt,

xod |ir| Paai^sDsiv sn aDxcbv s+ Kaxd 7idvxa xa

to not reign over them. According to all the

spya a S7io(r|adv jioi acp' r\q rjjispac; avfjyayov

works which they did to me, from which day I led

aDxotic; s^ AiyirnxoD Kai scoq xrjc; r||ispac; xaDxrjc; Kai

them from Egypt, and until this day; even

syKaxsAircov |is Kai s8odA,sdov Gsoiq sxspoiq odxcoc;

as they abandoned me, and served other gods, so

aDxoi 7ioiODai Kai aoi 9 + Kai vdv dKODS xrjc;

they do also to you. And now hearken [to]

(pcovfjc; aDxcbv 7iAr|v 6x1 8iajiapxDp6|isvoc; 8iajiapxDpr|

their voice! Only that in testifying you should testify

aDxoiq Kai a7iayysXsfc; aDxofc; xo SiKaioojia xod

to them, and you shall report to them the ordinance of the

PaaiXsooc; oq Paai^SDasi S7i' aDxotic; 10+ Kai

king, which shall reign over them. And

si7is Sa|ioDf|X ftdvxac; xodc; Xoyovq xod KopioD 7ipoc;

Samuel spoke all the words of the LORD to

xov Axxov xodc; aixowxac; 7iap aDxoD PaaiAia u+ Kai

the people, of the ones asking of him for a king. And


8 n sv tootco + vuca 09-1 Samuel

81718 todto scrcai to 8iKa(co|ia tod PaaiAioac; TOD

he said, This will be the ordinance of the king, of the one

PaaiA,£DOVTOc; scp' Djidc; todc; viovq Djicbv Ax|\j/STai Kai

reigning over you. Your sons he shall take and

BfjasTai (xdtodc; ev dpjiaaiv aDTOD Kai sv

put them in his chariots and among

i7i7isDaiv aDTOD Kai 7rpoTps%ovTac; tcov apjidTcav aDTOD

his horsemen, and they shall run in front of his chariots.

12+ Kai Gfjaei aDTODc; saDTcb %iAiap%ODc; Kai

And he will appoint them for himself as commanders of thousands, and

£KaTOVTdp%ODc; Kai apoTpidv tt|v apoTpidaiv aDTOD Kai

commanders of hundreds, to plow his plowing, and

Gspi^siv Bspiajiov aDTOD Kai TpDydv

to harvest his harvest, and to gather the vintage


of his gathering the crops, and to make items for his warfare, and

oksdtj apjidTCOv aDTOD 13 + Kai zaq GDyaTspac; djicov

items for his chariots. And your daughters

Ax|\j/eTai sic; |iDps\j/ODc; Kai sic; jiaysipiaaac; Kai sic;

he will take for perfumers, and for cooks, and for

7tsaaoDaac; i 4 + Kai todc; aypotic; djicov Kai

baking. And your fields, and

todc; a|i7rsAxbvac; djicov Kai todc; sAmcbvac; Djicbv

your vineyards, and [ olive groves your

todc; ayaGoDc; Ar|\j/STai Kai 5cbasi zoiq 5odAxhc; aDTOD

good] he will take and will give [to] his servants.

15+ Kai Ta a7isp|iaTa djicov a7io8sKaTcbasi Kai

And your seeds he will take a tenth, and

todc; aji7rsAxbvac; djicov Kai 5cbasi toic; sdvodxoic; aDTOD

of your vineyards, and he will give [to] his eunuchs,

Kai Toiq 5odA,oic; aDTOD i 6 + Kai todc; 5odA,odc; djicov Kai

and [to] his servants. And your menservants, and

Tac; 8odAxxc; djicov Kai Ta poDKoAia Djicbv Ta aya6d Kai

your maidservants, and [herds your good], and

todc; ovodc; djicov Ar|\j/STai Kai a7io8sKaTcbasi sic;

your donkeys he shall take; and he will take a tenth for

Ta spya aDTOD 17 + Kai Ta 7io(|ivia djicqv a7io8sKaTcbasi

his works. And [ of your flocks he will take a tenth].

Kai Djisfc; sasa0s aDTcb sic; 8odXodc; i 8 + Kai PofjasaGs

And you will be to him for servants. And you shall yell

sv ttj r||ispa SKsivrj sk 7ipoaco7roD tod PaaiAiooc; DJICOV

in that day before [the] face of your king,


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

09 - 1 Samuel

od e^sAi^aaBs saDxok; Kai odk 87iaKODaexai Kopioc;

of which you chose for yourselves; and [ will not heed [the] LORD]

djicov sv xaic; rjjiepaic; SKeivaic; 19+ Kai odk sPodA^sxo o

you in those days. And [ willed not the

Xaoq aKODeiv xrjv tpcovfjv tod SajioDfjA, Kai si7iov

people] to hearken to the voice of Samuel. And they said

aDTcb od%( aXk r T| on PaaiXsDc; eaxai scp' r\[iaq 20 +

to him, Not [so], but [let it be] that a king will be over us.

Kai eaojieGa Kai rijisiq Ka6d rcavxa xa e6vrj Kai

And [ will be also we] as all the nations. And

5iKdaei r\[idq fiaaiksvq rjjicbv Kai e^s^SDaexai

[ shall adjudicate for us king our], and he shall go forth

S|i7rpoa0sv rj|icbv Kai 7ioA£|ifjasi xov 7i6A,s|iov rjjicbv 21 +

in front of us, and he will wage our war.

Kai fjKODas SajioDfjA, 7idvxac; xodc; Xoyovq xod Axxod

And Samuel heard all the words of the people,

Kai eAxxAxjaev aDxotic; sic; xa coxa KopioD 22+ Kai

and he spoke them into the ears of [the] LORD. And

S17T8 KDpioq 7ipoc; SajioDfjX aKODaov xrjc; cpcovfjc; aDxcbv

[the] LORD said to Samuel, Hearken [to] their voice,

Kai PaaiXsDaov aDxoiq PaaiAia Kai si7is SajioDfjA,

and let [ reign unto them a king]! And Samuel said

7ipoc; dv5paq IapafjA, a7ioxps%sxco SKaaxoq sic;

to [the] men of Israel, Let [ run each [man]] to


his city!

9 13

1+ Kai Tjv avfjp sk xcov dicgv Bsviajiiv Kai

And there was a man from the sons of Benjamin, and

ovojia aDxcb Kic; vioq ApifjA, diod Sapdp diod

his name [was] Kish, son of Abiel, son of Zeror, son

Bs%copd0 diod AcpsK diod av5poc; IsjiivaioD avfjp

of Bechorath, son of Aphiah, son of a man of Benjamin, [man

8Dvax6q sv ia%Di 2+ Kai xodxco vioq Kai

a mighty] in strength. And to this one [was] a son, and

ovojia aDxcb ZaovX SDjieysGrjc; avfjp ayaGoc; Kai

his name [was] Saul, a huge [ man goodly], and

ODKTjv ev Diofo; IapafjX ayaGoc; D7isp aDxov

there was not among [the] sons of Israel one good above him.

D7i8pco(iiav Kai 87idvco D\j/rjX6c; D7i8p 7idaav XTjV

He [was] head and shoulders and [ above high] over all the


9 Q ev tootco + vuca 09-1 Samuel

yrjv 3 + Kai a7icbAx)VTO ai ovoi Kic; tod naxpoq HoovX

land. And [ were lost the donkeys ofKish the father of Saul].

Kai S17T8 Kic; npoq Zoovk tov diov avzov Xdpe jiexd

And Kish said to Saul his son, Take with

aeaDTOD ev tcov 7rai8ap(cov Kai avdaxr|T8 Kai

yourself one of the servant-lads, and rise up and

7ropsi)0r|TS Kai ^rjTfjaaxs mq ovovq 4 + Kai 8if|A,0ov

go and seek the donkeys! And they went

8i' opoDc; Ecppaiji Kai 8if|A,0ov 8id Tr\q yr\q EaAiad

through mount Ephraim. And they went through the land of Shalitha,

Kai od% etipov Kai SvqA,0ov 8id Tr\q yr\q SaaAiji

and they did not find. And they went through the land of Shalim,

Kai oDKTjv Kai 8if|A,0ov 8id Tr\q yr\q IajiivaioD Kai

and it was not. And they went through the land of Benjamin, and

od% etipov s + aDTcbv 8s £A,06vtcov sic; xrjv £up Kai

they did not find. And of their coming unto Zuph, and

Zoovk S17T8 to 7rai8ap(co olvtov tco |i8i' olvtov dsvpo

Saul said [to] his servant-lad with him, Come,

Kai a7ioaTps\j/co(i8v |ir| avsfc; o 7raxf|p jiod 7isp( mq

for we should return, lest [ sparing my father] concerning the

OVOVq (ppOVTl^Tj Ta7TSp( T||icbv 6+ Kai 817T8V aDTcb TO

donkeys, should be thoughtful concerning us. And [ said to him the

7iai8dpiov i8od 8r| dv0pco7ioc; 0sod sv

servant-lad], Behold, indeed a man of God [is] in

ttj 7i6A,8i xaDTrj Kai o dv0pco7ioc; svSo^oc; 7iav o av

this city, and the man is honorable, all what ever

XaXr\ar\ 7iapayiv6|ievov 7iap8axai Kai vdv

he should speak, coming shall be at hand. And now,

7iop8D0cb|i8v 8K8i 6it($q a7iayye(Ar| r\[dv xr|v o86v tijicov

we should go there, so that he should report to us our way,

scp' Tjv 7ropsi)6cb|i8v 87i ' aDxfjv 7+ Kai ei7T8£aoi)A, tco

upon which we should go upon it. And Saul said to

7iai8ap(co olvtov tco jist' olvtov Kai i8od 7iopsDa6|is0a

his servant-lad with him, Yes, behold, we shall go.

Kai ti eiaoiaojiev tco av0pcb7rco tod 0sod 6ti 01

But what shall we carry in to the man of God, for the

dpTOi SK^sAxHTtaoiv 8K tcov ayysicov r||icbv Kai

bread [loaves] have failed from out of our containers, and

7lA,8lOV ODKSdTl |I80' T||icbv TOD SlOSVSyKSVV TCO

[ much there is not] with us to carry to the

aV0pCO7TCO TOD 0SOD TO D7ldp%OV T\[liv 8+ Kai 7ipoa£0£TO

man of God that exists to us? And [ proceeded


9 0 sv tootco + vuca 09-1 Samuel

to 7iai8dpiov a7ioKpi9fjvai xco ZaovX Kai si7isv i8od

the servant-lad] to answer Saul, and said, Behold,

stiprjxai ev ttj %sip( |iou xsxapxov ciikXod apyupiou

there is found in my hand a fourth shekel of silver;

Kai Scbasiq xco av0pcb7ico xod 0sot3 Kai a7iayysA,si

and you shall give [it] to the man of God, and he shall report

r\[iiv xrjv o86v r||icbv 9 + Kai S|i7ipoa0sv sv IapafjX xd8s

to us our way. And before in Israel, thus

sXsyov sraaxoc; avfjp sv xco 7iopsi)sa0ai S7ispcoxdv

said each man in their going to ask

xov 0s6v 8supo Kai 7iopsu0co|isv npoq xov pA,S7iovxa

God, Come, and we should go to the seer.

oxi xov 7ipocpfjxr|v SKd^si o Xaoq S|i7ipoa0sv O

For the prophet was called by the people before, The



io+ Kai smsHaovX npoq xo 7iai8dpiov avzov aya06v

And Saul said to his servant-lad, [ [is] good

xo pf|(ia cod 8supo Kai 7iopsu0cb|isv Kai S7iopsT30r|oav

your word]. Come, for we should go. And they went

SlCj XT|V 7l6A.IV 01) T|V SKSl o dv0pco7roc; O XOD

into the city of which was there the man, the one [of]

0£oi) n+ auxcov avapaivovxcov xrjv avdpaaiv xrjc;

God. In their ascending the ascent of the

7r6Xscoc; Kai auxoi supiaKouai Kopdaia s^sAx|}u)06xa

city, and they found young women going forth

i)8psi3aaa0ai u8cop Kai Aiyouaiv avzaiq si saxiv

to draw water. And they say to them, Is there

svxau0a o pXs7icov 12+ Kai a7TSKpi0r| xa Kopdaia

here the seer? And [ answered the young women]

aDxoiq Kai si7cov soxiv i8ot3 7ipo 7rpoacb7roi) DJICOV

them, and they said, He is, behold, in front of you.

xaxtivaxs 6x1 vuv fjKsi sic; xrjv 7i6Xiv 8id xrjv

Hasten! For now he comes into the city, because of the

rjjispav 6x1 dvaia afjjispov xco Xacb sv Bajid 13+ coc;

day, for a sacrifice today for the people in Bama. As

av siasA£r|xs sic; xrjv 7r6A.1v otixcoc; supfjasxs auxov

soon as you enter into the city, thus you shall find him

sv xtj 7r6A,si 7ipiv avapfjvai ai)xov sic; Bajid

in the city, before his ascending unto Bama

xod cpaysiv 6x1 od |ir| cpdyrj o Xaoq scoc;

to eat; for in no way should [ eat the people] until


9 0 sv xoi3xcp + vtica 09-1 Samuel

tod siasX0siv avTOV 6xi odxoc; SD^oysi xrjv dvaiav Kai

his entering. For this one blesses the sacrifice. And

jisxd xatixa sa0fc&gt;Daiv 01 ^svoi Kai vdv avdprjxs

after these [things] [eat the strangers]. And now, ascend!

on 8id xrjv rjjispav SDpfjasxs aDxov 14+ Kai

for on account of the day you shall find him. And

avaPaivoDaiv sic; xrjv 7i6A.iv auxcbv 8s sia7iopsDO|isvcov

they ascend into the city. And they were entering

sic; jisaov xrjc; itoXsctiq Kai i8od EajioDfjA, s^fjABsv

in [the] midst of the city, and behold, Samuel came forth

sic; xrjv a7idvxr|aiv auxcbv xod avapfjvai sic; Bajid 15 +

for the meeting them, to ascend unto Bama.

Kai Kopioc; a7rsKdXi)\j/s xo coxiov EajioDfjA, r||ispa |i(a

And [the] LORD uncovered the ear of Samuel [ day one]

S|i7ipoa0sv xod sA,0siv npoq ai)xov Zaovk Aiycov 16+

before [ came to him Saul], saying,

cdc; o Kaipoc; odxoc; atipiov a7ioaxsA,cb npoq as dv8pa

At this time tomorrow I will send to you a man

sk yr|c; Bsviajjiv Kai xpiasiq ai)xov sic; dp%ovxa

from [the] land of Benjamin, and you shall anoint him for ruler

S7U xov Axxov [lov IapafjX Kai acbasi xov Xaov jiod

over my people Israel, and he shall deliver my people

sk xsipoq aXko(pvX(tiv 6x1 S7ispA,s\j/a S7ri xrjv

from [the] hand of [the] Philistines. For I looked upon the

xa7is(vcoaiv xod Xaov jiod 6x1 f|A,9s r| Pofj aDxcbv itpoq

humiliation of my people, for [ came their yelling] to

|is 17+ Kai EajioDfjA, s(8s xov HaovX Kai Kopioc;

me. And Samuel beheld Saul, and [the] LORD

a7isKpi6r| aDxcb i8od o dv6pcD7i;oc; ov si7ia aoi odxoc;

answered him, Behold, the man whom I said to you, This one

Kaxdp^si S7U xovAxxovjiod is + Kai 7ipoaf|A,0sv ZaovX

shall rule over my people. And Saul came

7tpoc; Ha[iovr\k sic; jisoov xrjc; 7r6Xs&lt;joc; Kai si7isv

to Samuel in [the] midst of the city, and he said,

a7rdyysiAx)v 8r| jioi 71010c; o oikoc; xod pA,S7iovxo(; 19+

Report indeed tome, of what house [is] the seer?

Kai a7TSKpi6r| SajioDfjA, xco Zaovk Kai si7isv sycb sijii

And Samuel answered Saul, and said, I am [he].

avdprjGi s|i7ipoa6sv jiod sic; Bajid Kai (pays jisx'

Ascend before me unto Bama, and eat with

sjiod afjjispov Kai s^a7ioaxsAxb as 7ipcoi Kai

me today! and I will send you [in the] morning, and


9 Q ev tootco + vuca 09-1 Samuel

7idvxa xa sv xrj Kap8(a gov anayyskcb aoi 20 + Kai

all the [things] in your heart I will report to you. And

7isp( xcov ovcov xcov a7ioA,coA,Dicbv 001 af) jispov

concerning the donkeys being lost to you today

xpixaicov |ir| Qr\q xrjv Kap5(av gov sv avzaiq 6x1

for three days, you should not put your heart to them, for

SDprjvxai Kai xivi xa copaia xod IapafjA, od%( aoi

they are found. And what are the beautiful [things] of Israel? Is it not to you,

Kai 7iavxi xco oikco xod 7iaxp6c; gov 21 + Kai

and to all the house of your father? And

a7i8Kpi6r| ZaovX Kai si7isv ov%i avdpoq vioq

Saul answered and said, [ not a man a son

IsjiivaioD sycb sijii xod jiucpoxspoD aKf|7rxpoD sk xcov

of a Benjamite Ami], of the lesser chiefdom of the

(pvX(bv IopafjX Kai r| 7iaxpid [iov sA,a%iaxr|c; 7iapd

tribes of Israel? And my family least of

KaGaq xaq 7iaxpidc; xod Bsviajiw Kai ivaxi sAxxArjaac;

all the families of Benjamin? And why have you spoken

npoq |is Kaxd xo pfjjia xodxo 22+ Kai sAxxps EajioDfjA,

to me concerning this thing? And Samuel took

xov ZaovX Kai xo 7iai8dpiov aDxoD Kai siafjyaysv

Saul and his servant-lad, and he brought

aDxotic; sic; xo Kaxd^Djia Kai s6sxo aDxoic; xorcov sv

them into the lodging, and set for them a place among

7ipcbxoic; xcov kskAt||isvcov coasi xpidKovxa av5pcbv 23 +

[the] foremost of the ones being called — about thirty men.

Kai 8i7i8 SajioDfjX xco jiaysipco doq jioi xrjv |isp(5a

And Samuel said to the cook, Give to me the portion

rjv s8coKd aoi rjv si7rd aoi Gsivai aDxfjv 7iapd aoi

which I gave to you, which I told you to put it by you.

24+ Kai fjpsv o jidysipoq xrjv KcoXsav Kai xo S7i'

And [ took the cook] the hind quarter, and the [part] upon

aDxfjc; Kai 7iaps0r|Ksv aDxfjv svco7nov ZaovX Kai

it, and placed it before Saul. And

S17T8 SajioDfjX xco IsOlovX i5od xo D7i6A,si|i|ia 7iapd0sc;

Samuel said to Saul, Behold, the leftover; place

aDxo svco7ri6v aoD Kai (pays 6x1 sic; jiapxDpiov

it before you, and eat! For as a testimony

xsBsixai aoi 7iapd xod Xaov a7i6Kvi^s Kai

it is placed for you over the people ~ pull it off! And

scpays HaovX jisxd Ha[LOVT\k sv xrj r||ispa SKsivrj 25 +

Saul ate with Samuel in that day.


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

09 - 1 Samuel

Kai KaxsPrj 8K xrjgBajid sic; xrjv 7r6Aav Kai

And he went down from Bama into the city. And

Sisaxpcoaav xco Zaovk S7ri xco 8cb|iaxi Kai SKoi|if|6r|

they spread carpets for Saul upon the roof, and he went to bed.

26+ Kai sysvsxo coc; avspaivsv o opGpoc; Kai

And it came to pass as [ ascended the dawn], that

SKdXsas £a|iouf|X xco ZaovX em xco 8cb|iaxi Aiycov

Samuel called to Saul upon the roof, saying,

avdaxa Kai s§a7ioaxsA,cb as Kai avsaxrj HaovX Kai

Rise up! and I shall send you out. And Saul rose up, and

s^fjAitev avToq Kai SajioDfjA, scoc; s^co 2 ?+ auxcov

[ went forth he and Samuel] unto outside. And as they

KaxaPaivovxcov sic; cbcpov xrjc; noXscnq Kai

were going down into [the] uttermost part of the city, that

Ha[iovT\k si7is xco ZaovX si7iov xco 7rai8ap(co Kai

Samuel said to Saul, Speak to the young man, and

8isA£sxco S|i7ipoa0sv rijicov Kai au axfjGi co5s

let him go through in front of us! And you stand here

afjjispov Kai dKODaov pf||ia 9scr6

today, and hear [the] word of God!

10 *

i + Kai slaps EajioDfiA, xov cpaKov xou sAmoi) Kai

And Samuel took the flask, of oil and

Kaxs%ssv S7U xrjv KscpaAxjv avTOV Kai sqnAxjasv ai)xov

poured down upon his head, and kissed him.

Kai si7rsv ai)xco ov%i 6xi ks%piks as Kopioc; sic;

And he said to him, Is it not that [ anointed you [the] LORD] as

dpxovxa S7U xrjv KArjpovojjiav avzov 2 + coc; av

ruler over his inheritance? As soon as

anskQriq afjjispov an s|iot3 Kai supfjasic; 8t3o

you should go forth today from me, that you shall find two

dvSpac; 7ipoc; xoic; xdcpoic; Va%r\k sv xoiq opioic;

men near the burying-places of Rachel, on the borders

Bsviajiiv aAlojisvoDc; jisydXa Kai spcroai aoi

of Benjamin, leaping greatly. And they shall say to you,

stiprjvxai ai ovoi aq S7iopsi)0r|xs ^rjxsiv Kai i8cr6

[ have been found the donkeys] which you went to seek. And behold,

o 7iaxf|p aoi) a7ioxsx(vaKxai xo pfjjia xcov ovcov Kai

your father brushed off the matter of the donkeys, and

s8a\j/iA,si3aaxo Si' v[iaq Aiycov xi 7ioif|aco wisp

is worried about you, saying, What should I do about



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

09 - 1 Samuel

TOD VlOV [IOV 3 + Kai aitzkzVGK] SKS10SV Kai 87T8K8lVa

my son? And you shall go forth from there, and beyond.

Kai fj^eig scoc; Tr\q dpvoq 0aPcop Kai supfjasic;

And you shall come unto the oak of Tabor, and you shall find

sksi xpsic; avdpaq avapaivovxac; npoq xov 0s6v sic;

there three men ascending to God unto

BaiGfjA, sva aipovxa xpsic; spicpouc; Kai sva aipovxa

Beth-el, one taking three kids, and one taking

xpia ayysia dpxcov Kai eva aipovxa aaKov oivou

three containers of bread [loaves], and one taking a leather bag of wine.

4+ Kai spcoxfjaoDai as xa sic; sipfjvrjv Kai

And they shall ask you the [things] for peace; and

5cbaoi)cri aoi 8t3o a7iap%d(; dpxcov Kai Axj\j/r|

they shall give to you two first-fruits of bread [loaves], and you shall take

sk Tr\q X^ipbq auxcbv 5 + Kai jisxd xatixa siasXsuari

from out of their hand. And after these [things] you shall enter

sic; xov Podvov xod 0sot3 od saxiv sksi xo

unto the hill of God, of which is there the

avdaxrjjia xcov aXXoipvkow Kai saxai coc; av

height of the Philistines. And it will take place when ever

eiasXGrjc; sksi sic; xrjv 7i6A.iv Kai a7iavxf|asic;

you should enter there into the city, that you will meet

%opco 7ipo(pr|xcov KaxaPaivovxcov sk xrjcjBajid

a company of dancers of prophets coming down from out of Bama,

Kai sjjjrpoaGsv auxcov vafiXa Kai xi)|i7rava Kai

and in front of them a stringed instrument, and tambourine, and

avXoq Kai Kivijpa Kai auxoi 7ipo(pr|xsi)ovxsc; 6 + Kai

pipe, and lute; and they [are] prophesying. And

scpa^sixai sm as 7tvsi)|ia Kupioi) Kai 7ipo(pr|xsi)asic;

[ shall spring upon you spirit [of the] LORD], and you shall prophesy
jisx' ai)xcov Kai oxpacpfjarj sic; dv8pa aXkov 1+ Kai

with them, and you shall turn into [man another]. And

saxai oxav fj^si xa arjjisia xatixa sm as 7ioisi

it will be whenever [ shall come these signs] upon you, do

7idvxa 6aa av suprj rj %sip aoi) 6x1 0s6c; jisxd aoi)

all as much as [ should find your hand], for God [is] with you!

8+ Kai Kaxapfjarj S|i7ipoa0sv jiod sic; Tahfoka Kai

And you shall go down in front of me unto Gilgal. And

idov sycb KaxaPaivco 7ipoc; as xod avsvsyKsiv

behold, I come down to you, to offer

oAx)Kai3xcoaiv Kai 0i3aai 0uaiac; siprjviKdc; S7ixd

a whole burnt-offering, and to sacrifice sacrifice [offerings] of peace. Seven



8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

rjjispaq 6\aksi\\fEiq scoc; tod sX0siv |is npoq as Kai

days you shall stop until my coming to you, and

yvcopkiai ooi a 7ioifjasic; 9+ Kai sysvsxo cbaxs

to make known to you what you shall do. And it came to pass so as

S7iiaxpa(pf|vai tod cbjico aDxoD cureAiteiv anb £ajioDf|A,

[ turned his shoulder] to go forth from Samuel,

Kai |isxsaxps\j/sv aDxcb o Gsoc; Kap5(av dAArjv Kai

that [ converted his God] heart to another. And

r\kds 7idvxa xa arjjisia xatixa sv xr| rjjispa sks(vt| 10 +

came [to pass] all these signs in that day.

Kai sp%sxai sks(6sv sic; xov Podvov Kai i8od

And he comes from there unto the hill. And behold,

%opoq 7ipo(pr|xcbv s^svavxiac; aDxoD Kai fjAxxxo

a company of dancers of prophets right opposite him; and [ leaped

871 ' aVTOV 7TVSD|ia 0SOI) Kai 7ipOS(pf|XSDaSV 8V |ISCTC0

upon him spirit of God], and he prophesied in [the] midst

aDxcbv 11+ Kai sysvsxo 7idvxsc; 01 siSoxsc; ai)xov

of them. And came to pass all the [things] being made known to him

%0sc; Kai xpixrjc; Kai i8od avzoq sv jisaco xcov

yesterday and [the] third [day before]. And behold, he [was] in [the] midst of the

7ipo(pr|xcbv 7cpotpr|xsDcov Kai si7isv o Xaoq sraaxoc;

prophets prophesying. And [ said the people each]

7ipoc; xov 7rAx|criov avzov xi xodxo xo ysyovoc; xco

to his neighbor, What is this, the [thing] having happened to the

mcb Kic; r| Kai ZaovX sv 7ipotpf|xaic; 12+ Kai

son of Kish? Or [is] also Saul among [the] prophets? And

a7i8Kpi9r| xk; s£, aDxcbv Kai si7is Kai xic;

[answered a certain one of them], and said, And who

7iaxfip avTOV 81a xodxo sysvsxo sic; 7rapaPoAr|v

[is] his father? On account of this it became for a parable,

T| Kai ZaovX sv 7ipo(pfjxai(; 13+ Kai aDvsxs^sas

Might also Saul [be] among [the] prophets? And he completed

7ipo(pr|xsT3cov Kai sp%sxai sic; xov Podvov u+ Kai si7isv

prophesying, and comes to the hill. And [ said

aDxcb o 7taxpd5sAxpoc; aDxoD Kai xco 7rai8apico aDxoD

to him his uncle] and [to] his servant-lad,

7ioD S7iopsD9r|xs Kai si7rsv ^rjxsiv xac; ovovq Kai

Where have you gone? And he said, To seek the donkeys, and
s(8ajisv 6x1 ODKfjoav Kai siafjA,6o|isv 7ipoc;

we saw that they are not [around], and we entered unto

T,a[iovr\k 15+ Kai si7isv o 7iaxpd8sAxpoc; 7ipoc; ZaovX

Samuel. And [ said the uncle] to Saul,




09 - 1 Samuel

a7idyyeiA,ov 5r| jioi xi ei7is aoi SajioDfjA, 16+ Kttl

Report indeed tome what [said to you Samuel]! And

S17T8 ZaovX 7ipoq xov oiksiov avzov a7iayysAlcov

Saul said to the member of his family, By reporting

a7rfjyy£iA£ jioi 6xi euprjvxai ai ovoi to 8s pfjjia xrjc;

he reported to me that [ were found the donkeys]. But the matter of the

Paaiksiaq odk arcfiyyeiXev auxco o £i7isv l^a[LOvr\k n+

kingdom, he did not report to him, what Samuel said.

Kai 7iapf|yysiA,8 Ha[iovT\k rcdvxa xov Xaov itpoq

And Samuel summoned all the people to

Kopiov etc; Maaarjtpd is + Kai ei7isv itpoq zovq viovq

[the] LORD in Mizpeh. And he said to the sons

IapafjX t&amp;8s S17T8 Kupioc; o Geoc; IapafjX Aiycov sycb

of Israel, Thus said [the] LORD God of Israel, saying, I

avfjyayov xov IopafjX AiyimxoD Kai s^siXd|ir|v

led Israel from out of Egypt, and I rescued

v[iaq sk %zipoq Oapacb PaaiAicoc; AiyimxoD Kai sk

you from [the] hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and from

Xsipoc; 7iaacbv xcov PaaiXsicbv xcov 9AiPoi)acbv v[iaq 19 +

[the] hand of all the kingdoms of the ones afflicting you.

Kai djisic; afjjispov s^oi)8evcbaaxs xov 0s6v djicov oq

And you today treat with contempt your God, who

avToq eaxiv i)|icov acoxfjp sk rcavxcov

he himself is your deliverer from out of all

xcov KaKcbv Djicbv Kai xcov 0Ai\j/ecov djicov Kai ei7iaxe

your bad [things], and your afflictions. And you said,

aXX r T| PaaiXsa Kaxaaxfjasiq scp' rjjicbv Kai vdv

But only a king you shall place over us. And now,

Kaxdaxrjxs svcb7iiov Kopioi) Kaxd (pvXaq djicov Kai

stand before [the] LORD according to your tribes and

Kaxd %iAid8ac; djicov 20+ Kai 7rpo&lt;yqyaye Ha[LOvr\k

according to your thousands! And Samuel led forward

naaaq xac; (pvXaq IopafjX Kai KaxaKArjpotixai (pvXr\

all the tribes of Israel, and [ was chosen by lot [the] tribe

Bsviajjiv 21+ Kai 7ipoafjyays xrjv (pvXr\v Bsviajiiv

of Benjamin]. And he led forward the tribe of Benjamin

Kaxd 7iaxpidv Kai KaxaicAxipotixai rcaxpid Ajiaxxapi

according to family, and [ was chosen by lot [the] family ofMatri].

Kai KaxaKAx|poi)xai Zaovk vioq Kxq Kai e^fjxei

And [ was chosen by lot Saul son ofKish]. And he sought

avTOV Kai ov% SDpioKsxo 22+ Kai

him, and he was not found. And


8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

87rr|pcbTr|as SajioDfjA, sxi sv Kopioo si sp^sxai sxi

Samuel asked again to [the] LORD, Shall [ come still

svTo69a o avfjp Kai si7i8 icupioq i8od avzoq

here the man]? And [the] LORD said, Behold, he

KSKpi)7lTai SV TOiq CJKSDSCJl 23 + Kai s8pa|ie Kai

hides among the equipment. And he ran and

eAxxPev avTOV sksOsv Kai Kaxeaxrj sv jisaco tod

took him from there, and placed [him] in [the] midst of the

Xaov Kai D\j/cb0r| imsp rcdvxa xov A,a6v D7ispco|iiav

people, and he was high above all the people ~ head and shoulders

Kai S7idvco 24 + Kai 8i7is l^a[LOvr\k npoq rcdvxa xov

and above. And Samuel said to all the

Xaov scopdKaxs ov SKAi^sKxai saDxcb o Kopioc; 6xi

people, You see whom [ has chosen for himself the LORD], that

odk eaxiv ojioioc; aDxcb sv 7idaiv djiiv Kai syvco naq

there is not one likened to him among all you? And [ knew all

o Xaoq Kai si7iav ^fjxoo o fiaaikzvq 25 + Kai

the people], and said, Let [ live the king]! And

S17T8 SajioDfjA, 7ipoc; xov Axxov xo 8iKa(co|ia xrjc;

Samuel spoke to the people the ordinance of the

PaoiXeiac; Kai eypa\j/ev sic; PipAiov Kai s0r|K8v

kingship. And he wrote in a scroll, and put [it]

svcb7iiov Kop(oi) Kai 8§a7i8axsiXs £ajioDf|X rcdvxa xov

before [the] LORD. And Samuel sent out all the

Xaov Kai a7rfjA,0sv eraaxoc; eic; xov xorcov aDxoD 26 +

people, and [ went forth each] unto his place.

Kai ZaovX anr\kdzv sic; xov oikov aDxoD sic; TaPad

And Saul went forth unto his house in Gibeah.

Kai £7iopsi)9r|aav 01 moi 5i)vd|iscov cov f|\j/axo Kupioq

And [ went the sons of power] (whom [the] LORD touched

Kap5(acj ai)xcbv jisxd HaovX n + Kai 01 moi Xoijioi

their hearts) with Saul. And [ sons [the] mischievous]

si7iav Tiq acbasi r|jLxdc; odxoc; Kai rjxijiaaav

said, Who [is] [ [that] shall deliver us this]? And they dishonored

avzov Kai odk fjvsyKav aDxcb 8cbpa Kai eysvf|6r|

him, and did not bring him gifts. And he became


one being silent.


11 &gt;r

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

11 *r

i+ Kai aveprj Nadq o A|i|iav(xr|c; Kai 7iapsvsPaA£v

And [ ascended Nahash the Ammonite], and camped

87i( Iapfjq Takaad Kai ei7iov rcavxec; oi dv5psc;

against Jabish Gilead. And [ said all the men

Iapfjc; 7ipoc; Nadc; xov A|i|iav(xr|v 5i&amp;6od r\[iiv

of Jabish] to Nahash the Ammonite, Ordain with us

8ia6f|Kr|v Kai 8oi)A,si)ao|iev aoi 2 + Kai si7ie itpoq

a covenant! and we will serve you. And [ said to

avTOvq Nadc; o A|i|iav(xr|c; sv xouxco 8ia6f|ao|iai

them Nahash the Ammonite], By this I will ordain

djiiv 5ia9f|Kr|v sv xco e^opu^ai djicov rcdvxa ocp6aA,|i6v

with you a covenant, in the gouging out of all of you [eye

8e^i6v Kai Gfjaojiai auxov sic; 6vsi5oc; S7ri rcavxa

[the] right], and I will make it for scorn upon all

IapafjA, 3+ Kai Xzyovaiv auxcb oi dv5pec; Iafir\q

Israel. And [spoke to him the men of Jabish], [saying],

dvec; rjjLidq 87ixd rjjiepac; Kai a7ioaxsAxy6|isv ajjskovq

Spare us seven days, and we will send messengers

sic; 7iav opiov IopafjX Kai sdv [ir\ r\ o aco^cov

unto every border of Israel. And if there might not be one delivering

rjjLidc; Kai e^eXeDaojieGa 7ipoc; v[idq 4 + Kai spxovxai oi

us, then we will come forth to you. And [ came the

dyyeAxn sic; TaPad 7ipoc; ZaovX Kai sldArjaav

messengers] into Gibeah to Saul, and they spoke

Tovq Xoyovq xotjxodc; sic; xa coxa xou Xaov Kai fjpav

these words into the ears of the people; and [ lifted up

itaq o Xaoq xrjv cpcovfjv auxcbv Kai ZKkavaav 5 + Kai

all the people] their voice, and they wept. And

i5cy6 ZaovX f|p%exo Kax67iia0sv xcov Pocbv e£

behold, Saul came from behind the oxen from out of

aypcro Kai 8i7is ZaovX xi 6xi KAmei o Xaoq Kai

[the] field. And Saul said, Why [is it] that [ weep the people]? And

8irjyowcai auxco xa pfjjiaxa xcov av5pcbv Iapfjc; 6 +

they described to him the words of the men of Jabish.

Kai scpfjAxxxo 7wei)|ia Kopiou em ZaovX coc; fjKODae

And [ sprang up spirit [of the] LORD] upon Saul, as he heard

xa pfjjiaxa xatixa Kai e6i)|icb6r| S7i' avzovq opyfj avzov

these words, and [ enraged over them his anger

ocp65pa 7+ Kai sA,aPe Svo fioaq Kai ejisAaasv avzaq

[was] exceedingly]. And he took two oxen, and dismembered them,


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

Kai a7tsaxeiXev sic; 7iav opiov IapafjA, ev %zipi

and sent [them] unto every border of Israel by [the] hand

ayyeAxjov Aiycov oq odk eaxiv £K7i;op£u6|i£voc;

of messengers, saying, Whosoever is not going forth

O7r(aco HaovX Kai O7uaco l*a[iovr\k Kaxd xd8e

after Saul and after Samuel, according to thus

7roifjaoDoi xoic; Podoiv clvtov Kai 87isa8V eKaxaaic;

they shall do [to] his oxen. And there fell a change of state

KDpioi) 87ii xov Xaov Kai eporjaav cdc; avfjp eic; 8 +

of [the] LORD upon the people, and they yelled as [man one].

Kai S7iiaK87rxsxai auxotic; Ba^fjK 7idvxa dv8pa IapafjA,

And he numbered them inBezek, all [the] men of Israel —

xpiaKoaiaq %iXxddaq Kai dvSpac; lovda xpidKovxa

three hundred thousand, and [the] men of Judah — thirty

%\kw8aq 9+ Kai ei7is xoic; ayys^oic; xoiq spxojisvoic;

thousand. And he said to the messengers, to the ones coming,

xd8s epeixs xoic; av5pdaiv Iapfjq TaXaad atipiov

Thus you shall say to the men of Jabish Gilead, Tomorrow

eaxai djiiv T| acoxrjpia SiaGepjidvavxoc; xod r(kiov Kai

there will be deliverance to you at [the] warming through of the sun. And

f|X6ov oi dyysA,oi eic; xrjv 7i6A.iv Kai a7cayyeAlouai

[ came the messengers] into the city, and they reported

xoic; av8pdaiv la^r\q Kai si)(ppdv9r|aav io+ Kai si7cov

to the men of Jabish, and they were glad. And [ said

oi dvSpsq Iapfjq 7tpoc; Nadq xov A|i|iavixr|v atipiov

the men of Jabish] to Nahash the Ammonite, Tomorrow

8^sX8i)a6|i80a npoq v[idq Kai 7coif|asxs r\[iiv xo

we shall come forth to you, and you shall do to us what

aya66v 8vcb7ciov djicov n+ Kai eyevexo jisxd xrjv

[is] good before you. And it came to pass with the

atipiov Kai s08xo HaovX xov A,a6v sic; xpeic; ap%dc;

morning, that Saul put the people into three companies,

Kai 8ia7copsT3ovxai sic; jisaov xrjc; 7cape|iPoAT|c; sv xrj

and they entered into [the] midst of the camp in the

7cpcoivfi (puAxxKq Kai sximxov zovq viovq Ajijicov sooc;

early morning watch, and they struck the sons of Ammon until

8ie6sp|idv6r| r| rjjispa Kai syevfjGrj oi

[ warmed through the day]. And it came to pass, the ones

D7coA,£Xsi|i|isvoi 8iscT7i;dpr|aav Kai ov%

being left behind were scattered, and there was not

D7C8A,s((p0r|aav ev auxoic; 8t3o S7Uxoaux6 12+ Kai

left behind among them two together. And


12 T
8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

S17T8V o Xaoq izpoq Ha\±ovr\k Tiq o surcbv HaovX

[ said the people] to Samuel, Who [is] the one saying, Saul

od Paai^stiasi stp' r|jLxdq 7iapd8oc; zovq dvSpac; Kai

shall not reign over us? Deliver up the men! and

0avaxcboo|isv aDxotic; n + Kai si7is HaovX odk

we will kill them. And Saul said, Not

a7io0avercai ouSsk; sv tt| rjjispa Tai3xr| oil afjiispov

shall [ die any one] in this day, for today

£7iorr|as Kopioc; acorrjpiav sv IapafjA, u+ Kai

[the] LORD produced deliverance in Israel. And

81718 Sa|ioi)f|X 7ipoc; xov A,a6v Aiycov 8si3ts

Samuel said to the people, saying, Come,

7iopsu0CG|isv sic; TaXyaka Kai syKaiviacojisv sksi xrjv

we should go unto Gilgal, and we should renew there the

PaaiXsiav i 5 + Kai S7iopsi)0r| naq o Xaoq sic; Takyaka

kingdom. And [ went all the people] unto Gilgal;

Kai sxpias SajioDfjA, sksi tov Zaovk sic; PaaiAia

and Samuel anointed Saul there as king

svdmiov Kopioi) sv TakyaXoiq Kai s0t&gt;asv sksi

before [the] LORD in Gilgal. And he sacrificed there

dvaiaq Kai siprjviKdc; svcb7iiov Kopuyo Kai

sacrifice [offerings] and peace [offerings] before [the] LORD. And

si)(ppdv0r| sksi Zaovk Kai 7rdvxac; dvSpsc; IapafjX

[ was glad there Saul] and all [the] men of Israel



12 V

i + Kai si7is EajioDfiA, 7ipoc; 7idvTa dv8pa IapafjA, i8cr6

And Samuel said to every man of Israel, Behold,

fjKODoa Tr\q (pcovr\q ujicbv sic; 7idvTa 6aa si7iaTS

I hearkened to your voice in all as many [things] as you said

(ioi Kai spaailsuaa stp' v[idq PaaiXsa 2 + Kai VDV

to me, and I gave reign over you a king. And now,

i8ot3 o fiaaiksvq 8ia7iopsi)STai svcb7iiov ujicbv Kaycb

behold, the king travels before you. And I

ysyfjpaKa Kai Ka0fjao|iai Kai i8cr6 oi men jiod sv

grow old and shall sit. And behold, my sons [are] among

djiiv Kaycb i8ot3 8isArjA,D0a svcb7riov djicov sk

you. And I, behold, I have gone before you from

vsorrjxoc; |iod Kai scgc; xriq Tjiispaq Ta^TTjCj 3 + i8ot3

my youth, and until this day. Behold,


12 T

8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

sycb a7ioKp(0r|T8 Kax' sjiod 8vcb7iiov KDpioD Kai

I [am here]. You should respond against me before [the] LORD, and

svcb7iiov tod %pioxoD olvtov [ioa%ov xivoc; siAxjcpa r\

before his anointed one. Whose calf have I taken? or

ovov xivoc; siAxjcpa r| xiva djicov KaTs8i)vdaTSDaa rj

whose donkey have I taken? or who of you have I tyrannized over? or

xiva s^S7risaa r| 8K X^poq xivoc; siAxjcpa e^(A,aa|ia

who have I pressured? or from out of whose hand have I taken an appeasement,

T| D7i65r||ia a7ioKp(0r|x£ Kax' sjiod Kai a7io5cbaco

or a sandal? Should you respond to me, then I will give [it] back

D|i(v 4+ Kai S17TOV 7rpoc; £ajioDf|A, odk r|8iKr|aac;

to you. And they said to Samuel, You did not wrong

r|jLxdq Kai od Kaxe5DvdoxsDaac; r|jLxdq Kai odk

us, and you did not tyrannize over us, and you have not

eiAxjcpac; sk xzipoq od5svoc; od8sv 5 + Kai

taken from [ hand anyone's] — not one [thing]. And

81718 SajioDfjX 7ipoc; xov Xaov jidpxDc; Kopioc; 8V DJIIV

Samuel said to the people, [The] LORD [is] witness among you,

Kai jidpxDc; o xpiazoq aDxoD 8V xaDxrj xrj rjjispa 6xi

and [ [is] witness his anointed one] in this day, that

od% SDpfjKaxe sv xrj %£ipi jiod od5sv Kai ei7iav

you have not found in my hand anything. And they said,

jidpxDc; 6+ Kai si7i8 SajioDfjX npoq xov A,a6v Aiycov

[He is] witness. And Samuel said to the people, saying,

jidpxDc; KDpioq o Tioir\aaq xov MoaDafjv Kai xov Aapcbv

[The] LORD [is] witness, the one preparing Moses and Aaron,

Kai o avayaycbv xodc; TCaxepac; r|(icov AiyD7ixoD ? +

and the one leading our fathers out of Egypt.

Kai vdv Kaxdaxrjxe Kai 5iKdaco Djidc; svcb7iiov

And now stand, and I will adjudicate for you before

KDpioD Kai a7iayyeAxb djiiv 7idaav xrjv 8iKaio&lt;y6vr|v

[the] LORD, and I will report to you all the righteousness

KDpioD rjv S7rovr|asv djiiv Kai xoic; 7iaxpdaiv djicov 8 +

of [the] LORD, which he did to you, and [to] your fathers,

coc; eiafjXGev IaKcbp Kai oi dioi aDxoD eic; AiyD7ixov

as [ entered Jacob and his sons] into Egypt,

Kai exa7isivcoasv aDxotic; AiyD7ixoc; Kai sporjaav

and [ humbled them Egypt]. And [ yelled

oi Traxepec; r\[i(bv npoq KDpiov Kai a7ieaxeiA£ Kopioc;

our fathers] to [the] LORD, and [the] LORD sent

xov McoDafjv Kai xov Aapcbv Kai e^qyayev

Moses and Aaron. And he led

xodc; 7raxspac; rjjicbv AiyD7ixoD Kai KaxcoKiaev

our fathers out of Egypt, and settled


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avTOvq sv too T07rco xodxcd g + Kai 87ieXd6oVXO KDpiOD

them in this place. And they forgot [the] LORD

tod Gsod ODTcbv Kai a7i£8oxo aDxotic; sic; xzipaq

their God, and he gave them into [the] hands

Eiadpa ap%iaxpaxfjyoD Iaptv PaoiXeooc; Aacbp Kai etc;

ofSisera commander-in-chief ofJabish, king ofHazor, and into

Xeipaq aXXotyvXcov Kai sic; %e(pac; PaaiXecoc; Moodp

[the] hands of [the] Philistines, and into [the] hands of [the] king ofMoab;

Kai S7ioA,s|ir|aav sv aircok; io+ Kai sporjaav npoq

and they waged war with them. And they yelled to

Kopiov Kai e^eyov r||idpxo|isv 6xi syKaxeAi7io|isv xov

[the] LORD, and said, We sinned, for we abandoned the

Kopiov Kai s5oi)X8T3aa|isv xoic; BaaAiji Kai xoic;

LORD, and we served to the Baalim, and to the

dXasai Kai vdv s^sAxdd rjjLidq sk %sipoq e%6pcbv r||icbv

sacred groves. And now rescue us from [the] hand of our enemies!

Kai 8oi)A,si)ao|isv aoi u+ Kai a7ieaxeiA£ Kupioq

and we will serve you. And [the] LORD sent

xov IepoPadA, Kai xov BapdK Kai xov IecpBde Kai

Jerubbaal, and Barak, and Jephthah, and

xov l^a[LOVT\k Kai s^sdaxo Djidc; kdkX66sv sk %sipoc;

Samuel, and rescued you round about from [the] hand

xcov s%6pcbv Djicbv Kai KaxcoKfjKaxs 7iS7roi66x8(; 12+ Kai

of your enemies, and you dwell secure. And

(5sxs 6x1 Nadq fiaaikvbq dicov Ajijicbv r\kdzv ecp'

you beheld that Nahash king of [the] sons of Ammon came upon

v[idq Kai 8i7iax8 odxi aXk' r\ 6x1 fiaaikzvq

you, and you said, No, but only that a king

PaoiXetiasi scp' r\[i(bv Kai Kopioc; o 0e6c; r\[i(bv

shall reign over us. And [the] LORD our God

fiaoiksvq djicov 13 + Kai vdv i8od o PaaiA,£Dc; ov

[is] your king. And now behold, the king whom

s^eXe^aaBe Kai ov KxfjaaaGe Kai i5od SeSocnce Kopioc;

you chose and whom you acquire. And behold, [the] LORD puts

scp' Djidq PaaiAia 14+ sdv (popfjGrjxs xov Kopiov Kai

over you a king! If you should fear the LORD, and

5oDA,SDar|xs aDxcb Kai aKODarjxs xrjc; cpcovfiq aDxoD Kai

should serve to him, and should hearken to his voice, and

(IT) spiarjxs xco axojiaxi KDpiOD Kai fjxs Kai

should not contend with the mouth of [the] LORD, then you should be (even

Djisfc; Kai o Paai^sDq o PaaiA^SDOov scp' Djidq

you yourselves, and the king reigning over you)


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going after [the] LORD your God. But if

|xq aK0i3ar|T8 Tr\q (pcovfjq KDpiOD Kai spiarjxe

you should not hearken to the voice of [the] LORD, and should contend

xco &lt;xc6|i(ra KDpioi) Kai saxai %eip KDpiOD scp'

with the mouth of [the] LORD, then [will be [the] hand [of the] LORD] against

v[idq Kai em tov PaaiAia djicdv 16+ Kai vdv

you, and against your king. And now,

KaxdaTrjis Kai (88X8 to pfjjia to jisya todto o o

stand and behold [ thing this great] which the

Kopioc; 7ioifjasi sv ocpGa^jiofc; djicov i?+ od%( Gepiajioc;

LORD will do in your eyes! Is it not [the] harvest

iivpcbv af| jispov S7iiKaA,sao|iai Kupiov Kai Scbaei

of wheat today? I shall call upon [the] LORD, and he will give

cpcovdc; Kai dstov Kai yvcbTS Kai (Ssts 6ti

[thundering] sounds and rain. And know and behold! that

|isydAx| T| KaKiaDjicbv rjv 87io(r|aaTS svcb7riov KDpiOD

great [is] your evil which you did before [the] LORD,

arcfjaavTec; eaDTOic; PaaiAia 1 8 + Kai

asking for yourselves a king. And

S7i8KaA,saaTO DajioDfjA, tov Kupiov Kai eScoKe Kopioq

Samuel called upon the LORD; and [the] LORD gave

cpcovdc; Kai dstov ev tt| r||ispa SKsivrj Kai scpopfjGrj

sounds and rain in that day. And [ feared

iiaq o Xaoq tov Kupiov acp65pa Kai tov £ajioDf|A, 19 +

all the people] the LORD exceedingly, and Samuel.

Kai 81718 iiaq o Xaoq itpoq Ha[iovT\k 7cp6asD^ai D7csp

And [ said all the people] to Samuel, Pray for

tcov 5odAxdv cjod itpoq Kupiov tov 0s6v cjod Kai od jlit|

your servants to [the] LORD your God! and in no way

a7co9dvco|i8v 6ti 7cpoaTS0siKa|isv 87ci naaaq

we should die, for we added unto all

Tag ajiapTiaq r||icbv KaKiav aiTfjaavTsq eaDTOic; PaaiAia

our sins [this] evil asking for ourselves a king.

20 + Kai si7C8 £a|ioi)fjA, npoq tov Axxov jlit| cpopdaGe

And Samuel said to the people, Do not fear!

v[isiq 7t£7i;oifjKaTS 7cdaav ttjv KaKiav TaDTTjv nh\v

You have done all this evil, except

|xq skkAavtjts a7co O7cia08V tod KDpiOD Kai

you should not turn aside from [following] after the LORD. And

8oDA,SDoaT8 to KDpico sv 6Ax| ttj Kap5(a DJICDV 21 + Kai

serve to the LORD with [ entire heart your] ! And


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|xq skkMvt|T8 O7i(aco tcov |ir|6ev ovtcov 01

you should not turn aside after the [things] being nothing, which

7ispavoi3aiv od8sv Kai 01 odk e^e^owcai 6ti

achieve nothing, and which shall not rescue, for

od8sv eiaiv 22 + on odk a7icoasTai Kupioq

they are nothing. For [ shall not thrust away [the] LORD]

xov Xaov olvtov 8id to ovojia avzov to jisya 6ti

his people because of [name his great]; for

7rpoaeAxxPsTO Kopioc; v[iaq 7ioif|aai sic; Axxov eaDTcb 23 +

[ took [the] LORD] you to make for a people to himself.

sjioi 5s |xr| ysvoiTO ajiapTSiv tco Kupico

But to me, may it not be to sin [against] the LORD,

TOD 5iaXsi7T8lV 7ipoa£D%6|ieVOV D7TSp DJICOV TCO KDpiCO

to stop praying for you to the LORD.

kcxi SrjAxbaco djiiv tt|v o56v tt|v ayaGfjv Kai

But I will manifest to you the [ way good and

TTJV 8D081CXV 24+ 7lAx|V (poPeidBs TOV KDpiOV Kai

straight]. Only fear the LORD, and

8oDA,£DaaTS aDTcb sv aAr|6e(a Kai sv 6hr\ Kap5(a

serve him in truth, and with [ entire heart

Djicbv 6ti (5sts a sjieydlDve |i£0' Djicov 25+ Kai sdv

your]! For see what he magnified with you! And if

KaKia KaK07roifjar|Te Kai Djiefc; Kai o fiaoiksvq djicov

by evil you should do evil, then you and your king


shall be added to [your dead].

13 r

1 + vioq sviaDTOD ZaovX sv tco PaaiXeDeiv aDTOV Kai

[ [was] a son a year Saul] in his taking reign, and

8do 8tt| ePaaiXeDasv ev IapafjX 2 + Kai e^eXe^aTO

two years he reigned in Israel. And [ chose

saDTcb ZaovX zpsiq %iXid8ac; avSpcov 8K tcov avSpcov

for himself Saul] three thousand men from the men

IapafjX Kai fjaav |i£Td ZaovX 5ia%iXioi ev Ma%|idc;

of Israel. And there were with Saul two thousand in Michmash,

Kai sv tco opei BaiGfjA, Kai %(Xioi fjaav jiSTd

and in the mountain of Beth-el, and a thousand were with

IcovaGdv ev TaPad tod Bsviajiw Kai to KaTdAxDurov

Jonathan in Gibeah ofBenjamin. And the rest

tod Xaov s^a7isaT8iA,sv SKaaTOV sic;

of the people he sent out, each [man] unto


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to aKfjvcD|ia olvtov 3 + Kai S7idxa^sv IcovaBdv xov Nacrip

his tent. And Jonathan struck the Nasib

xcov aAlocpuAxov xov ev xco Podvco Kai fjKouaav oi

of the Philistines, the one in the hill. And [ heard the

aAA,6tpi)A,oi Kai ZaovX sadAmasv adAmyyi sic; 7idaav

Philistines], and Saul trumped [the] trumpet in all

ttjv yrjv Aiycov r|6sTfiKaaiv oi 5ouAx)i 4 + Kai naq

the land, saying, [ disregard [us] The servants]. And all

IapafjX fjKODoav A,sy6vxcov 7iS7iaiKs Zaovk xov Nacrip

Israel heard, saying, Saul has smitten the Nasib

xcov aXko(pvX(DV Kai rja%i3v9r|aav IapafjA, sv zovq

of the Philistines; and Israel was put to shame by the

aXkoipvkovq Kai avsprj o Xaoq O7uaco ZaovX sv

Philistines. And [ ascended up the people] after Saul in

TaXyaka 5 + Kai oi aXkoipvXoi auvdyovxai sic; 7r6A,s|iov

Gilgal. And the Philistines gather together for war

7ipoq xov IapafjA, Kai avaPaivoDaiv S7U xov IopafjX

against Israel. And they ascend upon Israel

sic; 7i6A,8|iov xpidKovxa %ikiddsq apjidxcov Kai s^

for war — thirty thousand chariots, and six

%iAid8sc; ur7rscov Kai Xaoq coc; r| djijioq rj 7iapd xo

thousand horsemen, and people as the sand by the

%sikoq Tr\q dakaaar\q xco 7iAr|9si Kai avaPaivouoi Kai

edge of the sea in the multitude. And they ascend and

7iap£|ipdAAxyDaiv sv Ma%|idc; s^svavxiac; Kaxd voxod

camp in Michmash opposite according to [the] south

BaiGaPsv 6 + Kai avfjp IapafjX s(5sv 6xi axsvcbq ai)xcb

ofBeth-aven. And [the] man of Israel beheld that they were in a strait

|ir| 7ipoadysiv auxov Kai SKptiprj o Xaoq sv xoic;

[ to not lead forward for them]; and [hid the people] in the

a7ir|Amoic; Kai sv xaic; |idv8paic; Kai sv xaic; 7isxpaic;

caves, and in the lairs, and in the rocks,

Kai sv xoic; P60poic; Kai sv xoic; XdKKoiq ?+ Kai oi

and in the excavations, and in the pits. And the ones

5iaPawovxsc; 5isPr|aav xov Iop5dvr|v sic; yrjv Ta5

passing over, passed over the Jordan into [the] land of Gad

Kai raXad8 Kai HaovX sxi r|v sv Takyakoiq Kai

and Gilead. And Saul still was in Gilgal, and

iiaq o Xaoq s^soxrj O7iiaco olvtov s+ Kai 5isAi7isv

all the people were receded after him. And he stopped

S7ixd rjiispaq xco |iapxi)pico coc; si7is Ha[iovr\k

seven days, [according] to the testimony as Samuel said.


13 v ev tootco + vlica 09-1 Samuel

Kai od 7iapsysv8TO l^a[iovr\k ziq TaXyaka Kai

And [ did not come Samuel] unto Gilgal, and

8i8a7idpr| o Xaoq avzov an ovtov 9 + Kai EbisHaovX

[ scattered his people] from him. And Saul said,

7ipoaaydyexe onaq 7ioif|a(jo oXoraDxcoaiv Kai

Lead forward [animals] so that I should offer a whole burnt-offering, and

siprjviKdq Kai avfjveyKs xrjv oAx)KaDxcoaiv 10+ Kai

peace [offerings]; and he offered the whole burnt-offering. And

sysvsxo cdc; aDvsxsXsasv avacpspoov xrjv oAxDKaDxcoaiv

it came to pass as he completed offering the whole burnt-offering,

Kai i5od EajioDfjA, 7iapayevexo Kai s^fjA,6e ZaovX ziq

that behold, Samuel arrived. And Saul came forth to

a7idvTr|aiv aDxoD siAoyfjaai aDxov n+ Kai

meet him, to bless him. And

81718 £a|iouf|X ti 7iS7roir|Ka(; Kai 8i7i8 ZaovX 8lOTl

Samuel said, What have you done? And Saul said, Because

8i8ov oil 8i807idpr| o Xaoq an sjiod Kai av

I saw that [ scattered the people] from me, and you

od 7rapsy8voi) sv too jiapTDpico xoov r||ispcbv caq

did not come in the testimony of the days as

Siexa^aq Kai 01 aAlocpiAoi &lt;yovf|%6r|aav sic; Maxjidq

you set in order, and the Philistines were gathered together in Michmash,

12+ Kai si7ia vdv Kaxapfjaovxai 01 akXoipvkoi npoq (is

and I said, Now [ shall come down the Philistines] to me

ziq TdAyaXa Kai xod 7ipoacb7ioD xod KopioD

in Gilgal, and the face of the LORD

odk s5efj9r|v Kai svsKpaxeDad|ir|v Kai avfjvsyKa xrjv

I beseeched not; and I took control myself and offered the

oXoKatixooaiv 13 + Kai ei7is Sa|ioi)f|X itpoq ZaovX

whole burnt-offering. And Samuel said to Saul,

jisjiaxaicoxai aoi 6x1 odk zyvXalqaq xrjv evxoAxjv jiod

It is folly to you that you kept not my commandment

Tjv svexeiAxxxo aoi Kopioc; coq rjxoijiaas Kopioc;

which [ gave charge to you [the] LORD]. As [the] LORD prepared

xrjv Paai^siav aoi) sni IapafjA, eooc; aicbvoq u + Kai VDV

your kingdom over Israel unto [the] eon. And now

T| PaaiXsia aoD od axfjaexai aoi Kai ^rjxfjasi Kopioc;

your kingdom shall not stand with you. And [the] LORD shall seek

eaDxcb dv6pco7rov Kaxd xrjv Kap8(av aDxoD Kai

for himself a man according to his heart. And

svxsA,sixai KDpioq aDxcb £\q dpxovxa S7ri

[the] LORD shall give charge to him for ruler over


13 v sv xoiJTCp + vtica 09-1 Samuel

xov Xoov ovtov on odk sipvXo^oq oao

his people, for you did not keep as many [things] as

svstsiAxxto aoi o Kupioq 15 + Kai avsaxrj £a|ioi)f|X Kai

[ gave charge to you the LORD]. And Samuel rose up and

onr\kQsv sk Takyakcov sic; pouvov Beviajiiv Kai

went forth from out of Gilgal unto [the] hill of Benjamin. And

S7i8aKs\j/aTO ZoovX xov Xaov xov eupeBeVca |isx'

Saul numbered the people being found with

ovtov coq s^aKomoDq dvSpac; i 6 + Kai Zoovk Kai

him, about six hundred men. And Saul and

IoovaGdv vxoq olvtov Kai o Xooq 01 eupsGsvTSc; jist'

Jonathan his son, and the people being found with

aDTcbv 8Kd6iaav ev TaPad Bsviajiiv Kai 01

him, stayed in Gibeah of Benjamin. And the

oXkoipvXoi 7raps|ipspAxjK£iaav ev Ma%|idc; n+ Kai

Philistines camped in Michmash. And

s^fjABs 8ia(p0s(pcov s£, aypou oXkoyvXaw sv xpiaiv

[men] came forth to destroy out of [the] field of [the] Philistines in three

apxafc; r| apxrj rj jjia S7ripA,87roi)aa o86v Tocpspd

companies. The [ company one] looking upon [the] way of Ophrah,

S7Ti ttjv yrjv ScoydX ig+ Kai apxrj r| jiia 87iipA,S7ioDaa

towards the land of Shual. And [ company one] looking upon

o56v BaiGcopcbv Kai r| ap%f| r| jiia S7ripXs7rouaa o86v

[the] way of Beth-horon. And [ company one] looking upon [the] way

TaPae xrjv SKKi37rcoi)oa S7U Tai xrjv Xapa'iv

of Gibeah, the one looking towards Gai, the Zeboim


wilderness. And a fabricator of iron was not found in

7idar| tt] yrj IapafjA, on 8i7iov oi alXotyvXoi |xq 7tots

all the land of Israel, for [ said the Philistines], Perhaps

7ioif|acoaiv oi Eppaioi pojicpaiav Kai Sopi) 20+ Kai

[ will make the Hebrews] a broadsword and spear. And

KaxePaivs itaq lapor\k eic; yrjv aXkoyvXcov

[ went down all Israel] into [the] land of [the] Philistines,

%oXkzvziv eKaaxoq to Gepuxcpov olvtov Kai

[ to forge for each] his own reaping hook, and


his utensil, and each his axe, and

to 8ps7iavov ovtov 21 + Kai rjv o TpuyrjTOc; stoijioc;

his sickle. And [ was the gathering of crops] prepared

tod 0sp(^8iv sic; 8s Ta aKetirj rjv Tpeic; ahckoi

to harvest. But for the items there was [a charge of] three shekels


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sic; xov o86vxa Kai xrj a^ivrj Kai too 5ps7idvco

for the tooth, and to the axe, and to the sickle;

D7r6&lt;xcaoic; r|v r| aDifj 22 + Kai sysvsTO sv xaiq

[the] support [camp] was the same. And it came to pass in the

rjjispaic; tod 7toA,s|iod Kai od% SDpsGrj pojicpaia

days of the war, that there was not found broadsword

Kai 56pi) sv %zipi rcavTOc; tod Xaov tod jiSTd

and spear in [the] hand of all the people, of the one with

ZaovX Kai IcovaGdv Kai SDpsGrj too ZaovX Kai

Saul and Jonathan. But it was found [with] Saul and

tco IcovaGdv dico aDTOD 23 + Kai s^fjXGsv s^ D7ioaTdoscoc;

Jonathan his son. And [ went forth from [the] support [camp]
tcov aXko(pvX(DV ttjv sv tco 7ispav Maxiidq

of the Philistines] the [place] on the other side of Michmash.

14 V

1+ Kai yivsTai r||ispa Kai sitcsv IcovaGdv vioq HaovX

And came to pass a day, that [ said Jonathan [the] son of Saul]

tco 7rai5ap(co tco aipovTi Ta oksdtj aDTOD 8sDpo Kai

[to] the servant-lad carrying his weapons, Come, for

8iaPcb(i8v sic; D7r6&lt;ycaaiv tcov aAlocpDAxov ttjv sv

we should pass over unto [the] support [camp] of the Philistines, the one on

tco 7ispav sksivco Kai tco 7iaTp( aDTOD odk a7rfjyysiA,s

that other side; but [[to] his father he did not report].

2+ Kai Zaovk SKdGrjTO S7idvco tod Podvod D7t6 tt|v

And Saul settled upon the hill under the

podv ttjv sv May5cbv Kai o Xaoq o jist' aDTOD

pomegranate, the one in Migron. And the people, the one with him,

coc; s^xkocjioi dv8psq 3 + Kai A%ia vioq A%vccop

[was] about six hundred men. And Ahijah son of Ahitub,

a8sAxpoD Icox^P^S diod Oivssq diod HAi ispstic; tod

brother oflchabod, son ofPhinehas, son of Eli [the] priest of the

KDpioD sv SrjAxb aipcov s(poi)5 Kai o Xaoq odk

LORD in Shiloh [was] carrying [the] ephod. And the people did not

fj5si 6ti 7TS7i6psDTai IcovaGdv 4 + Kai avajisaov Tr\q

know that Jonathan was gone. And in the midst of the

Siapdascoq od s^fjTSi IcovaGdv 8iapfjvai sic; tt|v

ford of which Jonathan sought to pass over into the

D7i6aTaaiv tcov aAlocpD^cov aKpoTfjpiov 7iSTpac;

support [camp] of the Philistines [was] an extremity rock

svtsdGsv Kai aKpoTfjpiov 7iSTpac; svtsdGsv ovojia

from here and an extremity rock from [there]; [the] name


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09 - 1 Samuel

too evi Boafjcj Kai ovojia too dAloo £svd 5 +

[given] to the one [was] Bozez, and [the] name [given] to the other [was] Seneh.

T| aKpoTTjpiov T| [iia arco Poppa ep%o|i£voo Maxi^ac;

The [ extremity one] from [the] north was going to Michmash,

KCU T| aKpOTTjpiOV TO 6Xko a7TO VOTOD £p%O|ISV00

and the [ extremity other] from [the] south was going

rapas 6+ Kai 817TSV IoovaBdv npoq to 7iai8dpiov

to Gibeah. And Jonathan said to the servant-lad

to cupov Ta aK8T3r| avxov 8ei&gt;po Kai 8iaPob|iev sic;

carrying his weapons, Come, and we should pass over into

ttjv D7r6&lt;ycaaiv toov a7ispiT|if|T00v toutoov sm

the support [camp] of these uncircumcised, if [perchance]

7ioif|aai Kopiocj r\[iiv 6ti odk soti too Kupioo

[the] LORD may commit to us; for [ is not the LORD]

&lt;yovs%6|isvov aob^siv sv noKkoiq rj sv oAiyoic; 7+ Kai

holding back to deliver by many or by few. And

S17T8V ai)Tob o aipoov Ta aKstirj avzov 7io(si 7iav o

[ said to him the one carrying his weapons], You do all what

av r| KapSia aoi) dskr\ar\ sjkXxvov aeaDTOV idov syob

ever your heart should will, turn yourself! Behold, I

jiSTd aoi) 8i|i( oocj T| Kap5(a gov r\ KapSia [iov 8 + Kai

[with you am]. As your heart my heart. And

S17T8V IoovaGdv i5ot3 r\[isiq 5iaPaivo|i8v 7ipocj todcj

Jonathan said, Behold, we pass over to the

dvSpacj Kai KaTaKuAaa0r|o6|i£6a 7ipocj auTotic; 9+ edv

men, and we will roll down upon them. If

Td8e si7icoai 7ipocj r\[idq a7i6aTr|TS sksi soocj av

thus they should say to us, Abstain there until whenever

syyiaoojisv djiiv Kai arr|a6|ie0a scp' saDTOicj Kai

we should approach to you. Then we shall stand by ourselves, and

od |ir| avapobjisv 87i' auTotic; 10+ Kai edv Td8e

in no way shall we ascend unto them. And If thus

8i7iooai 7ipocj r\[idq avdprjTS 7ipocj r\[idq Kai

they should say to us, Ascend to us! then

avapr|a6|i80a 6ti 7rapa8e8ooKev auTotic; Kopiocj sic;

we will ascend, for [ has delivered them [the] LORD] into

XSipacj rjjiobv touto r\[iiv to or||is(ov 11+ Kai siafjXGov

our hands. This [will be] to us the sign. And they entered

ajicpoTepoi sicj tt|v imoaTaoiv toov aXkoqvXcov Kai

both unto the support [camp] of the Philistines. And

S17TOV 01 akXoipvXoi idov SK7ropei)ovTai 01 EPpaioi

[ said the Philistines], Behold, [ come forth the Hebrews]


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09 - 1 Samuel

8K xcov xpcoyXcbv auxcbv od SKptiprjaav sksi 12+ Kai

from out of their burrows where they hide there. And

a7T8Kpi6r|aav 01 dv5psc; xrjc; D7toaxdascoc; itpoq

[ responded the men of the support [camp]] to

IcovaGdv Kai npoq xov aipovxa xa oKstirj avzov Kai

Jonathan and to the one carrying his weapons, and

AiyoDaiv avdprjxe itpoq r\[iaq Kai yvcopuyojisv v[dv

they say, Ascend to us! and we will make known to you

pfjjia Kai S17T8V IcovaGdv npoq xov aipovxa

a thing. And Jonathan said to the one carrying

xa aKstirj avzov avdprjGi O7riaco jiod 6x1 7caps8coKsv

his weapons, You ascend after me! for [ has delivered

auxotic; Kopiog sic; %sipaq IapafjA, 13+ Kai

them [the] LORD] into [the] hands of Israel. And

avsprj IcovaGdv S7U xac; %s(pac; avzov Kai S7ri

Jonathan ascended upon his hands and upon

xodc; 7c68ac; avzov Kai o aipcov xa aKstirj avzov omaco

his feet, and the one carrying his weapons after

avTOV Kai S7cspXs\j/av Kaxd 7rp6aco7iov IcovaGdv Kai

him. And they looked upon [the] person of Jonathan, and

S7idxa^sv ev avzovq Kai o aipcov xa aKstirj avzov

he struck among them, and the one carrying his weapons

87188(501) 0711000 aDXOD 14 + Kai sysvsxo r| 7cAx|yf|

gave over after him. And came to pass the [ beating

T| 7cpcbxr| Tjv S7cdxa^sv IcovaGdv Kai o aipcov

first] which Jonathan struck and the one carrying

xa aKstirj avzov coc; sikoctiv dvSpsq ev PoAiai Kai

his weapons, [was] about twenty men by arrows, and

sv 7cexpop6Ax)ic; Kai sv k6%Axx^i xod 7cs5(od 15+ Kai

by rock slinging, and by pebbles of the plain. And

sysvsxo SKaxaaic; sv xrj 7raps|iPoAx| Kai sv aypcb Kai

came to pass a change of state in the camp, and in [the] field. And

iiaq o Xaoq o sv xrj D7cooxdasi Kai 01

all the people, the one in the support [camp], and the ones

SiacpGsipovxsc; s^saxrjaav Kai ai)xoi Kai sGa|ipfjGr| rj

being utterly destroyed, [ were startled even they]. And [ was distraught the

yrj Kai sysvsxo SKaxaaiq 7capd Kupiou i 6 + Kai s(8ov

land], and there took place a change of state because of [the] LORD. And [beheld

01 aK07co( xod IsOlovX sv TaPad Bsviajiiv Kai idov r\

the watchmen of Saul] in Gibeah of Benjamin. And behold, the

7taps|iPoAxj xsxapayjisvrj svGsv Kai svGsv 17+ Kai

camp was disturbed on this side and that side. And


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09 - 1 Samuel

81718 HaovX xco Xacb xco jisx' amov 87iiaK8\j/aa08 8r|

Saul said to the people with him, You number [yourselves] indeed,

Kai (Sexe tic; 7T87i;6pSDTai r||icbv Kai

and see who has gone out from us! And

S7i8OKs\j/avT0 Kai i8oi3 ov% si)p(aK8TO IcovaBdv Kai

they numbered. And behold, [ was not found Jonathan] and

o aipcov xa okst3t| ai)TOT3 is + Kai 8i7is ZaovX xco A%ia

the one carrying his weapons. And Saul said to Ahijah,

7rpoadyays xo stpoi38 6xi r|v r| kiPcoxoc; xod 0sod sv

Bring the ephod! for [was the ark of God] in

xtj rjjiepa SKsivrj svcb7nov IapafjA,

that day before Israel

19+ Kai eyevexo coc; eAxxAxjae Eaoi3X npoq xov ispea

And it came to pass as Saul spoke to the priest,

Kai o ryxpq sv xr| 7iaps|iPoATj xcov aAlotpi3A,cov

that the sound in the camp of the Philistines

7iop£u6|isvoc; S7iopsi3sxo Kai £7rAx|0i3v£ Kai si7i8 SaoijA,

[ going [louder] went out], and it multiplied. And Saul said

7rpoc; xov ispea auvdyaye xac; %e(pac; aoi) 20 + Kai

to the priest, Gather together your hands! And

avsprj ZaovX Kai 7iac; o Xaoq o jiex' avzov Kai

Saul ascended, and all the people with him, and

spxovxai ecoc; xod 7toA,s|iod Kai 1801J syevexo

they came unto the battle. And behold, [ was

pojicpaia avSpoc; em xov 7tAx|g(ov auxoij Kai avy%vaiq

broadsword every man's] upon his neighbor, and [ confusion

|isydAx| acpoSpa 21 + Kai 01 8oi3Ax)i 01 ovxec; £%6ec; Kai

great an exceedingly]. And the servants being yesterday and

xpixrjv rjjispav jiexd xcov aAlotpi3A,cov 01 avdpavxsc;

[the] third day [before] with the Philistines, the ones ascending

eic; xttv 7iape|iPoATjv S7rsaxpdtpr|aav Kai auxoi sivai

into the camp, turned themselves also to be

jisxd IapafjA, xcov jiexd ZaovX Kai Icova0dv 22+ Kai

with Israel, of the ones with Saul and Jonathan. And

iiaq avfjp IapafjX 01 KpD7rx6|i8voi sv xco opei

every man of Israel, the ones hiding in mount

Ecppaiji fjKODaav 6x1 7ie(psi3yaaiv 01 aXkoipvkoi Kai

Ephraim, heard that [ have fled the Philistines]. And

ai)vd7rxoi)ai Kai ai)xoi O7iioco auxcbv eic; 7i6A,s|iov Kai

they joined together also themselves after them to battle. And

sacoae Kopioc; sv xr| rjjiepa sksivt) xov IapafjX Kai o

[the] LORD delivered [ in that day Israel]. And the


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09 - 1 Samuel

7t6Xs|ioc; SifjXGs xrjv BrjGaDV Kai itaq o Xaoq r\v

war went through Beth-aven. And all the people being

jisxd IsOlovX coast 5sKa %iAid8sc; av8pcbv 23+ Kai r|v

with Saul were about ten thousand men. And [ was

o 7i6A£|ioc; 8isa7iap|isvoc; sic; 6Ax|v xnv 7i6A.iv sv

the war] dispersing into every city in

too opsi Ecppaiji 24+ Kai ZaovX rjyvorjasv dyvoiav

mount Ephraim. And Saul knew not [ ignorance

jisydAxjv ev ttj rjjispa sks(vt| Kai apdxai too Xaob

[through] great] in that day, and he curses the people,

Aiycov S7iiKaxdpaxoc; o dv0pco7i;oc; oq cpdysxai dpxov

saying, Accursed [is] the man who shall eat bread

scoc; sanspaq Kai SKSiKqaco sic; xov s%6pov |iod Kai

until evening — so I will punish for my enemy. And

odk systiaaxo naq o Xaoq dpxoD Kai 7idaa r| yrj

not [ tasted any of the people] bread, and all the land

fjX0ev sic; 5pi)|i6v 25+ Kai SpDjioc; rjv jisAiaacbvoc;

went unto Grove. And [at] Grove was an apiary

Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov xod aypoD 26+ Kai siafjX9sv o Xaoq

by [the] face of the field. And [ entered the people]

sic; xov jisAiaacbva Kai i8od 8iS7iopsDsxo jisAa Kai

into the apiary, and behold, [ went forth honey]. And

odk rjv o S7iiaxp8(poov XT|V %zipa aDXOD siq

there was not the one turning his hand to

xo axojia aDXOD 6x1 ecpopfjGrj o Xaoq xov opKov

his mouth, for [ feared the people] the oath

Kopioi) 27+ Kai IcovaGdv odk aKTjKosi ev xco

of [the] LORD. And Jonathan did not hear in the

opKi^siv xov 7iaxspa aDxoD xov Xaov Kai s^sxsivs

binding [ by an oath [by] his father the people]. And he stretched out


the tip of his staff, of the one in his hand,

Kai spaysv aDxo sic; xo Kqpiov xod jisAixoc; Kai

and he dipped it into the honeycomb of the honey, and

S7isaxps\j/s xttv %sipa aDXOD sic; xo axojia aDXOD Kai

he returned his hand to his mouth, and

avsp^syav 01 ocp0aA,|ioi aDXOD 28 + Kai a7rsKp(6r| sic; sk

[ looked up his eyes]. And [ responded one of

xod A,aoD Kai si7isv opKiaac; cbpKias o 7raxfjp aoD xov

the people] and said, By an oath [ bound your father] the

Xaov Aiycov S7riKaxdpaxoc; o avdpomoq oq cpdysxai

people, saying, Accursed be the man who shall eat

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09 - 1 Samuel

dpxov ar\\xspov Kai s^skoQr\ o Xaoq 29 + Kai

bread today; and [ were faint the people]. And

syvco IcovaGdv Kai sitcsv a7if|AA,a%sv o 7iaxf|p |iod xrjv

Jonathan knew, and said, [ rids father My] the

yrjv (5s 816x1 s(5ov 01 o(p0aA,|io( |iod 6x1

land; [ behold for see my eyes] [now] that

sysi)ad|ir|v ppa%D xi xod jisArcoc; xodxod 30+ vXk'

I tasted a little something of this honey. But

6x1 si Kai scpaysv saGcov afjjispov o Xaoq xcov

that if also [ ate in eating today the people] of the

okdAxov xcov s%9pcbv aDxcbv cov stipsv vdv av JISl^COV

spoils of their enemies which [they] found, now even greater

sysyovsi rj 7iAr|yf| sv xoic; aAlocpD^oic; 31+ Kai

would have been the calamity among the Philistines. And

S7idxa^sv sv xrj rjjispa sksivt| sk xcov aXkoyvXcov

he struck in that day of the Philistines

7tA£iodc; sv Maxjidq Kai SK07i(aasv o Xaoq acp65pa

many in Michmash, and [ tired the people] exceedingly.

32+ Kai cbpixqasv o Xaoq S7ii xa GKvXa Kai sXaPsv o

And [ advanced the people] unto the spoils. And [ took the

Xaoq 7ioi|ivia Kai PoDKoAia Kai xsicva Pocbv Kai

people] flocks, and herds, and offspring of oxen, and

sacpa^av sm xrjv yrjv Kai fjaGisv o Xaoq cjdv xco

slew [them] upon the ground, and [ ate [them] the people] with the

aijiaxi 33 + Kai a7ifjyysiA,av xco HaovX Aiyovxsc;

blood. And they reported to Saul, saying,

r||idpxr|Ksv o Xaoq xco Kupico xod cpaysiv sv xco

[ sin the people] against the LORD, to eat with the

aijiaxi Kai si7is HaovX r||idpxsxs KDAiaaxs 8r| jioi

blood. And Saul said, You sinned. Roll indeed to me

svxai39a XiQov jisyav 34+ Kai si7is ZaovX 8iaa7idpr|xs

here [ stone a great]. And Saul said, Be dispersed

sv xco Xacb Kai sircaxs aDxofc; 7ipoaaydysxs svxatiGa

among the people! And tell them, Bring here

SKaaxoq xov |ioa%ov aDxoD Kai SKaoxoq

each his calf, and each

xo 7ip6paxov avTOV Kai acpd^axs S7ii xod Tddov xodxod

his sheep, and slay upon this stone

Kai cpdysxs Kai od jjt| ajidpxrjxs xco Kupico

and eat! and in no way should they sin against [the] LORD

xod saBisiv odv xco aijiaxi Kai 7ipoafjyays naq o

to eat with the blood. And [ brought all the


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09 - 1 Samuel

Xaoq sraaxoc; to sv tt| %sip( aDxoD xrjv VDKxa Kai

people] each the [thing] in his hand in the night, and

sacpa^ov sksi 35+ Kai CGKo56|ir|as ZaovX tod Kopico

they slew there. And [built Saul] to the LORD

0Daiaaxfjpiov xodxo fjp^axo Zaovk oiKo5o|ifjaai

an altar; [in] this Saul began to build

0Daiaaxfjpiov xco Kopico 36+ Kai si7is ZaovX KaxaPcbjisv

an altar to the LORD. And Saul said, Let us go down

O7uaco xcov aXko(pvX(tiv xrjv VDKxa Kai

after the Philistines [this] night, and

8iap7idaco|isv avzovq scoc; 5iatpcox(ar| xo7ipcoi Kai

we shall tear them into pieces until it should illuminate in the morning; and

|XT| D7roX8l7lCO|I8V 8V aDXOlC; dv8pa Kai S17TOV 7iav

we should not leave behind among them a man. And they said, All

xo ayaGov svcb7ri6v ctod 7roisi Kai 8i7isv o ispstic;

[that is] good before you, you do! And [said the priest],

7ipoasA,0co|isv svxaD0a itpoq xov 0s6v 37+ Kai

We should come forward here to God. And

87ir|pcbxr|a8 I^aovX xov 08ov si KaxaPcb O7riaco xcov

Saul asked God, Shall I go down after the

aXXoipvXcov si 7rapa5cbaeic; aDxotic; sic; %s(pac; IapafjX

Philistines? Shall you deliver them into [the] hands of Israel?

Kai ODK a7lSKp(0T| aDXCO SV XT] TJjlSpa SKSIVT} 38+ Kai

And he did not answer him in that day. And

81718 ZaovX 7ipoaaydysxs svxaD0a naaaq zaq ycoviac;

Saul said, Bring here all the corners

xod IapafjA, Kai yvcbxs Kai 188X8 sv xivi ysyovsv

of Israel, and know and behold by whom [ has taken place

T| ajiapxia atixrj afijispov 39+6x1 Kupioq o acbaaq

this sin] today! For [as] [the] LORD lives, the one delivering
xov IapafjA, 6x1 sdv a7ioKpi0f| Kaxd Icova0dv

Israel, that if [the] answer [be] against Jonathan

xod diod jiod 0avdxco a7io0avs(xai Kai odk r|v

my son, to death he shall die. And there was no one

0 a7ioKpiv6|isvoc; sk 7iavx6c; xod Axxod 40 + Kai si7is

answering of all the people. And he said

7iavx( av5p( IapafjX djisic; sasa0s sic; sv jispoc; Kai

to every man of Israel, You will be for one part, and

sycb Kai Icova0dv o vioq jiod so6jis0a sic; sv jispoc;

1 and Jonathan my son will be for one part.

Kai si7csv o Xaoq npoq ZaovX xo aya06v svcomov

And [ said the people] to Saul, [ the good [thing] before


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09 - 1 Samuel

aoi) 7io(si 4i + Kai 81718 ZaovX Kopis o Gsoc; IopafjX

you Do]! And Saul said, O LORD God of Israel,

6oq 6r\kovq Kai KaxaKAr|poi3xai ZaovX Kai IcovaGdv

give manifestations! And Saul was chosen by lot and Jonathan,

Kai e^fjXGsv o Xaoq 42+ Kai si7cs£aoi3A, Pais KArjpov

and [ went forth [free] the people]. And Saul said, Throw [the] lot

avajisoov sjioi) Kai avajisaov IcovaGdv tod viov jiou

between me and between Jonathan my son,

ov av KaxaKArjpcbarjxai Kopioc; a7coGavsxco Kai

whomever [the] LORD should choose by lot let him die! And

pdAloDaiv kAtjpodc; avajisaov avzov Kai avajisaov

they threw lots between him and between

IcovaGdv Kai KaxaKAx|poi3xai IcovaGdv 43+ Kai

Jonathan, and Jonathan was chosen by lot. And

si7C8 ZaovX 7cpoc; IcovaGdv a7cdyysiA,6v jioi xi

Saul said to Jonathan, Report to me what

7C87co(r|Ka(; Kai a7cf|yysiA£v auxcb IcovaGdv Aiycov

you have done! And [reported to him Jonathan], saying,

ysuadjisvoc; sysuad|ir|v sv dKpco xod aKfj7cxpoi) xou

In tasting, I tasted with [the] tip of the staff, the one

sv xtj %sip( |iod jiiKpov jislixoc; Kai i5oi3 sycb

in my hand, a little honey; and behold, I

a7coGvfjaKco 4 4+ Kai si7csv auxcb ZaovX xd8s 7coif|aai

die. And [ said to him Saul], Thus [ do

(101 o Gsoc; Kai xd8s 7cpoaGsvr| 6x1 Gavdxco

to me God], and thus add yet again, that in death

a7coGav8ixai afjjiepov IcovaGdv 45+ Kai si7csv o Xaoq

[ shall die today Jonathan]. And [said the people]

7tpoc; ZaovX si afj|ispov a7toGavs(xai Gavdxco o

to Saul, Shall today [ die to death the one

Tioir\aaq xrjv acoxrjpiav xrjv jisydAxjv xai3xr|v sv IapafjX

executing deliverance great this in Israel]?

iA,scoc; Qr\ Kijpioq 8i 7C8as(xai Tr\q xpixoq

Kindness, as lives [the] LORD, there shall not fall of the hair

xrjc; KscpaArjc; auxoij S7U xttv yrjv 6x1 sXsoc; Gsou

of his head upon the ground, for [the] mercy of God

S7co(r|asv sv xr| rjjispa xauxrj Kai 7cpoar|i3^axo o Xaoq

was performed in this day. And [ prayed the people]

7csp( IcovaGdv sv xr| rjjispa sks(vt| Kai ouk a7csGavs

for Jonathan in that day, and he did not die.

46 + Kai dvsprj SaoijX a7co 07ciaGsv xcov aAlocpi3A,cov Kai

And Saul ascended from [going] after the Philistines. And


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09 - 1 Samuel

oi aAlocpuAxn a7rfjA,9ov sic; tov totcov aDTcbv 47 + Kai

the Philistines went forth unto their place. And

ZaovX £ka%s tod PaoiXsDsiv sm IapafjX Kai

Saul obtained by lot to reign over Israel. And

S7ioA,s|isi kdkXco 7r&amp;vxac; todc; s%0poDc; avzov sic;

he waged war round about [with] all his enemies — against

xov Mcodp Kai sic; todc; viovq Ajijicbv Kai sic; todc;

Moab, and against the sons of Amnion, and against the

diodc; E5cb|i Kai sic; todc; PaaiXsac; SoDpd Kai sic;

sons ofEdom, and against the kings ofZobah, and against

todc; aAloq)DAx)Dc; od av saTpdtprj sctco^sto 48 + Kai

the Philistines. Wherever he turned, he was delivered. And

S7io(r|os 8Dva|iiv Kai S7idTa^s tov AjiaAxjK Kai

he acted powerfully, and he struck Amalek, and

s^siXsto tov IapafjA, sk %£ipoc; tcov

he delivered Israel from out of [the] hand of the ones

KaTa7raTODVTcav aDTOV 49+ Kai fjaav 01 dioi ZaovX

trampling him. And [ were the sons of Saul]

IcovaGdv Kai IrjaoDi Kai MsX%iaoDS Kai ovojiaTa

Jonathan, and Ishui, and Melchi-shua. And [the] names

tcov 8do GDyaTspcov aDTOD ovojia tt| 7tpcotot6kco

[ two daughters of his] — [the] name of the first-born

MspoP Kai ovojia tt| 5sDTspa Ms%6X 50 + Kai ovojia

[was] Merab, and [the] name of the second [was] Michal. And [the] name

ttj yDvaiKi ZaovX A%ivad|i 0DydTTjp A%i|iadc; Kai

of Saul's wife [was] Ahinoam daughter ofAhimaaz. And

ovojia too apxiGTpaTfjyco aDTOD Apsvfjp vioq Nrjp

[the] name [to] his commander-in-chief [was] Abner son of Ner,

diod oiKsioD SaoDA, 51+ Kai Kic; 7iaTfjp ZaovX

son of a member of the family of Saul. And Kish [was the] father of Saul,

Kai Nrjp 7iaTfjp Apsvfjp diod ApifjA, 52+ Kai rjv o

and Ner [the] father of Abner son of of Abiel. And [ was the

7i6Xs|ioc; KpaTaioq S7ri todc; aAA,otpDAx)Dc; naoaq xaq

war] strong against the Philistines all the

r||ispac; ZaovX Kai i5cov ZaovX rcdvTa dv8pa 5DvaT6v

days of Saul. And Saul in beholding any [man mighty],

Kai 7idvTa dv8pa diov 8Dvd|iscoc; Kai DvfjGpoiasv

and any man [being a] son of power, that he gathered

aDTODc; 7ipoc; saDTOV

them to himself.


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09 - 1 Samuel

15 1t3

i + Kai 8i7i8 EajioDfjA, npoq HaovX sjis a7isaxaA,Ksv o

And Samuel said to Saul, [ me has sent the

Kopioc; tod xpiaai as sic; PaaiXsa S7U IapafjX

LORD] to anoint you as king over Israel

xov Xaov olvtov Kai vdv ockods xrjc; (podvr\q xod

his people. And now hear the voice of the

prmttTOCj KDpiOD 2 + xd8s si7is KDpioq SaPacbG vdv

saying of [the] LORD! Thus said [the] LORD of hosts, Now

sycb SK5iKf|aco a S7iovr|asv AjiaAxjK xco IapafjA, coc;

I shall punish what Amalek did to Israel, when

a7if|VTr|asv aDxcb sv xr| o5cb avapaivovxoi s^

he met him in the way ascending out of

AiyD7iTOD 3+ Kai vdv 7iopsDOD Kai 7iaxd^sic;

Egypt. And now, go! and you shall strike

xov AjiaAxjK Kai s^oXoBpsDasiq aDxov Kai 7idvxa

Amalek, and you shall utterly destroy him, and all

xa aDTOD Kai ava9s|iaxis(c; aDxov Kai 7idvxa xa

the [things] of his. And you shall devote him to consumption, and all the [things]

aDxoD Kai od jLirj (psiarj an aDxoD Kai a7ioKxsvsfc;

of his; and in no way shall you spare over him. And you shall kill

a7i6 av8poc; Kai scoc; yDvaucoc; Kai arco vr|7UOD Kai

from man and unto woman, and from infant and

scoc; dr(kaCpvToq Kai arco |ioa%OD Kai scoc; 7ipopdxoD

unto one nursing; and from calf and unto sheep,

Kai arco Kajif|Ax)D Kai scoc; ovod 4 + Kai

and from camel and unto donkey. And

7iapf|yysiXs ZaovX xco Xacb Kai S7iiaKS7i;xsxai aDxotic;

Saul gave exhortation to the people. And he numbered them

sv Takyakoiq SiaKoaiac; %iAid5ac; xayjidxcov Kai 5sKa

in Gilgal — two hundred thousand of [the] ranks, and ten

XiAid8ac; xcov av8pcbv xod IoD5a 5 + Kai r\kds ZaovX

thousand of the men of Judah. And Saul came

scoc; xrjc; KoXsaq AjiaXfjK Kai svf|8psDasv sv xco

unto the city of Amalek, and laid in wait by the

Xsijidppco 6 + Kai si7is ZaovX itpoq xov Kivaiov d7isA,9s

rushing stream. And Saul said to the Kenite, You go forth,

Kai skkAivov sk jiscjod xod AjiaArjK |ir| 7ipoa9cb as

and turn away from [the] midst of Amalek! lest I add you

jisx' aDxoD Kai aD S7rorr|aac; ZXsoq jisxd xcov dicov

with him, for you executed mercy with the sons

IapafjX sv xco avapaivsiv aDxotic; s^ AiyD7ixoD Kai

of Israel in their ascending from out of Egypt. And


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09 - 1 Samuel

s^skAivsv o Kivaioc; sk jisood AjiaAxjK ?+ Kai

[ turned away the Kenite] from [the] midst of Amalek. And

£7T&amp;Ta^s Zaovk xov AjiaAjjK arco Em^dx scoc; Soi)p

Saul struck Amalek from Havilah unto Shur

87i( 7ipoaco7roD Aiy67ixou 8 + Kai avvzXafiz xov Aydy

at [the] face of Egypt. And he seized Agag

PaaiAia AjiaArjK ^cbvxa Kai rcdvxa xov Xaov avzov

king of Amalek alive. And all his people

s^co^oGpeuas sv axojiaxi pojicpaiac; 9+ Kai

he utterly destroyed by [the] mouth of [the] broadsword. And

7ispi£7roifjGaxo HaovX Kai o Xaoq xov Aydy Kai xa

[ preserved Saul and the people] Agag, and the

ayaGd xcov 7ioi|ivicov Kai xcov PoukoMcov Kai xcov

good ones of the flocks, and of the herds, and of the

s8sa|idxcov Kai xcov a(i7rsXcbvcov Kai rcavxcov xcov

foods, and of the vineyards, and all the

ayaGcbv Kai odk spoti^ovxo e^oAx)6psi3aai ai)xd Kai

good [things]; and they did not want to utterly destroy them. And

7iav spyov rjxi|ico|i8vov Kai e^oi)8evco|ievov

every work being a disgrace, and being treated with contempt

s^co^oGpeuaav 10+ Kai eyevsxo pfjjia Kopioi) npoq

they utterly destroyed. And came to pass [the] word of [the] LORD to

EajioufjA, Xsycov n+ jiexa|is|isAx||iai 6x1

Samuel, saying, I have changed my mind for

zfiaaikzvaa ZaovX sic; PaaiAia 6x1 a7isoxps\j/sv arco

Saul to reign as king, for he turned away from

67iia6s (iod Kai xodc; Xoyovq jiod odk sxfjprjae Kai

[following] after me; and my words he did not give heed to. And

r|9i)|ir|ae Ha[iovT\k Kai sporjas itpoq Kopiov 6Ax|v

Samuel was depressed, and yelled to [the] LORD [the] entire

xrjvvDKxa 12+ Kai wpGpiae £ajioi)f|A, Kai S7iopsT30r| sic;

night. And Samuel rose early and went to

a7idvxr|aiv xco IapafjA, xo7ipcoi Kai a7if|yyeAx|

meet Israel in the morning. And it was reported

xco Ha[iovT\k Aiyovxsc; fjKei ZaovX sic; xov Kapjirj^ov

to Samuel, saying, Saul comes to Carmel.

Kai idov avsaxaKsv sauxcb %e(pa Kai S7reaxps\j/s

And behold, he has raised up to himself a hand, and turned

xo dpjia avTOV Kai KaxePrj ziq TaXyaka 13 + Kai

his chariot, and went down into Gilgal. And

rcapeysvexo £a|ioi)f|X 7ipoq ZaovX Kai £i7iev auxcb

Samuel came to Saul. And [ said to him


15 "ID

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

09 - 1 Samuel

Zaovk EvXoyiycoq av icq icupico saxrjaa rcdvxa

Saul], Blessed are you to the LORD. I established all

6aa sldAxjas Kopioc; u + Kai si7is £a|iouf|X Kai

as many [things] as [the] LORD spoke. And Samuel said, And


what [is] the sound of this flock in my ears, and


[the] sound of the oxen of which I hear? And Saul said,

s^ AjiaArjK fjveyKa auxd a 7rspiS7roifjaaTO o

From out of Amalek I brought them, which [ procured the

Xaoq xa Kpdxiaxa xcov 7roi(ivicov Kai xcov poDKoAicov

people], the most excellent of the flocks and of the herds,

oitcoq xi)0fj Kupioo xco 0scb gov Kai xa Xomd

so as it may be a sacrifice [to the] LORD your God, and the rest

s^ooA,60psuaa i 6 + Kai si7i8 Sa|ioi)f|X npoq ZaovX dvsq

I utterly destroyed. And Samuel said to Saul, Spare!

Kai a7iayysA,cb aoi a sAxxArjas Kopioc; npoq |is xrjv

and I will report to you what [the] LORD spoke to me [in] the

vi)Kxa Kai S17T8V ai)xcb XaXr\aov i? + Kai si7is £a|ioi)f|A,

night. And he said to him, Speak! And Samuel said

7rpoc; SaotiX ox&gt;yi jiiKpoq au svcb7riov asauxou

to Saul, Were you not small, [even] you, before yourself

siq rjyoDjisvov GKfj7ixpoD (pvXcbv IapafjX Kai s%pias

for taking the lead of [the] chiefdom of [the] tribes of Israel? And [ anointed

os Kupioq sic; fiaaiksa S7U IapafjX is+ Kai a7isaxsiXs

you [the] LORD] for king over Israel. And [ sent

as Kupioq sv o8cb Kai si7is aoi 7iopsi)0r|xi Kai

you [the] LORD] on [the] journey. And he said to you, Go! and

s^oA,60psi)aov xov AjiaAxjK zovq r||iapxr|K6xac; sic; sjis

utterly destroy Amalek the ones sinning against me!

Kai 7roXs|ifjasic; avzovq scoq m)vxsA,sar|c; avzovq 19 +

and you shall war against them until you should have finished them.

Kai ivaxi odk fjKODaaq (pcovr\q xrjc; Kopioi) aXX r

And why did you not hearken to [the] voice of the LORD, but

cbpixrjoac; S7U xa aicuXa Kai S7iovr|aac; xo 7iovr|p6v

advanced upon the spoils, and did the wicked [thing]

svcb7iiov Kopioi) 20 + Kai si7is ZaovX npoq £ajiouf|A,

before [the] LORD? And Saul said to Samuel,

8id xo aKotiaai (is xrjc; (pcovfjc; xod Xaov Kai

Because of my hearing the sound of the people, and

S7ropsi)0r|v sv xt| o8cb sv T| a7isaxsiA,s |is Kopioc;

I went in the way in which [sent me [the] LORD].


15 "ID

8V TOUT© + VtKd

09 - 1 Samuel

Kai fjyayov tov Aydy PaaiAia AjiaArjK Kai

And I brought Agag, king of Amalek, and

xov A|iaAx|K s^coX66psDaa 2 \ + Kai skafizv o Xaoq tgov

I utterly destroyed Amalek. And [ took the people] of the

ctkdAxdv 7io(|ivia Kai PoDKoAia xac; a7cap%dc; tod

spoils of [the] flocks and [the] herds, the first-fruits of the

avaBsjiaioq tod 0Daai 8vcb7iiov kdpiod

offering for consumption, to sacrifice before [the] LORD

tod 0soD Tjjicbv ev TaXyaXoiq 22 + Kai ei7cs SajioDfjA, si

our God in Gilgal. And Samuel said, Does

0sAx|t6v tcd KDpico o^oKaDTcbjiaTa Kai 0Da(ac; coc;

[ want the LORD] whole burnt-offerings and sacrifices, as [compared]

to aKODaai tt|c; cpcovfjc; kdpiod i8od aKofj D7isp

to hearing the voice of [the] LORD, [no]. Behold, hearkening [is] better than

0Da(av Kai T| £7raKp6aaic; D7isp cxceap Kpicbv 23 + oti

sacrifice, and heeding over [the] fat of rams. For

ajiapTia oicbviajid saTiv 68dvt|v Kai novovq Gspacpiv

sin is as an omen, [ grief and miseries teraphim

S7idyoDaiv oti s^oDSevooaac; to pf||ia kdpiod Kai

bring upon]. Because you treated with contempt the word of [the] LORD, even
s^0D8svcbasi os KDpioq |iT| sivai PaaiXea 87U IapafjA,

[ treats you with contempt [the] LORD] to not be king over Israel.

24+ Kai 81718 SaoDX 7ipoc; £ajioDf|A, r||idpTr|Ka oti

And Saul said to Samuel, I have sinned, that

7iap8pr|v tov Xoyov kdpiod Kai to pfjjia aoD oti

I violated the word of [the] LORD, and the saying by you; for

ecpopfjGrjv tov Xaov Kai fjKODaa tt|c; (pcovfjq aDTcbv 25 +

I feared the people, and I hearkened to their voice.

Kai vdv dpov 8r| to a|idpTr||id jiod Kai avd&lt;ycps\j/ov

And now, take away indeed my sin, and return

|IST' SJIOD Kai 7TpoaKDVfja&lt;J0 KDpiCO TCD 08CD aOD 26 +

with me! and I shall do obeisance to [the] LORD your God.

Kai 81718 EajioDfjX 7tpoc; SaoDl odk avacrcpeij/CD |i£Td

And Samuel said to Saul, I shall not return with

aoD oti s^oDSsvcoaaq to pfjjia kdpiod Kai

you. For you treated with contempt the saying of [the] LORD, and

e^0D8evcbaei as Kupioc; tod (iTj sivai PaaiAia S7ri

[ shall treat you with contempt [the] LORD] to not be king over

IapafjX 27 + Kai S7csaTps\j/s SajioDfjX to 7cp6aoo7cov aDTOD

Israel. And Samuel turned his face

tod a7csX08iv Kai SKpdrrjas I^aovX tod 7CT8pDy(oD

to go forth, and Saul took hold of the border


15 "ID


09 - 1 Samuel
Tr\q dmko'idoq olvtov Kai Sispprj^sv ai)i6 2 s+ Kai ei7ie

of his doubled garment, and tore it. And [said

7ipoc; auxov EajioDfjA, 8ieppr|^e Kopioc;

to him Samuel], [the] LORD tore

xrjv Paai^siav aoD arco IapafjA, sk xsipoc; aoD

your kingdom from Israel, from out of your hand

afjjispov Kai 8cbaei aDifjv tco 7iAx|aiov aoD tco

today, and he shall give it [to] your neighbor, to the one

ayaGcb D7iep as 29 + Kai 8iaipe9f|aeTai IapafjA, sic; 8do

good over you. And Israel shall be divided into two,

Kai odk 87iiaTps\j/si od8s jisxavofiasi o dyioc;

and he shall not turn, nor shall [ change his mind the holy one

tod IapafjX oil od% coc; dv0pco7i6c; sail

of Israel], for not as a man is he

tod jisxavofjaaicj 30+ Kai si7is l^aovX r||idpTr|Ka aXXd

to change the mind. And Saul said, I have sinned, but

Sotfioov |is svcb7iiov tcov 7rpeaPDTspcov tod Xaov |iod

glorify me before the elders of my people,

Kai evco7uov tod IapafjA, Kai avdaTpe\j/ov jist' sjiod

and before Israel, and return with me!

Kai 7rpoaKDvfja&lt;jo Kopico tco 9scb aoD 31 + Kai

and I will do obeisance to [the] LORD your God. And

avsaTps\j/e SajioDfjA, O7riaco ZaovX Kai 7ipoasKDvr|ae

Samuel returned behind Saul, and he did obeisance

tco KDpico 32 + Kai S17TS EajioDfjA, 7ipoaaydysTS jioi

to the LORD. And Samuel said, Bring to me

tov Aydy PaaiAia A[Lakr\K Kai 7rpoafjA,6s npoq olvtov

Agag king of Amalek. And [ came forward to him

o Aydy Tpejicov Kai 8i7rsv Aydy si odtco 7iiKp6c;

Agag] trembling. And Agag said, Is [ thus bitter

o BdvaToq 33 + Kai 8i7is Ha[iovT\k itpoq Aydy KaBoTi

death]? And Samuel said to Agag, As

r|T8Kvcoas yvvahcaq r| pojicpaia aoD odtcoc;

[ made childless women broadsword your], thus

aT£Kvco0fja£Tai sk yDvaiKcbv r| jif|Tr|p aoD Kai

[ shall be made childless among women mother your]. And

sacpa^s l^a[LOvr\k tov Aydy svcb7iiov KopioD sv

Samuel slew Agag in the presence of [the] LORD in

raAyd^oic; 34+ Kai anr\kdz SajioDfjA, sic; Ap|ia9a(|i Kai

Gilgal. And Samuel went forth unto Ramah, and

ZaovX avsprj sic; tov oikov aDTOD sic; TaPad 35 + Kai

Saul ascended unto his house in Gibeah. And


16 TO

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

09 - 1 Samuel

od 7cpoas0exo Ha\iovr\k i5siv xov HaovX ecoc;

[ did not proceed Samuel] to see Saul until

rjjispac; 0avdxou avzov 6xi S7cev0si £ajiouf|X S7i(

[the] day of his death, for Samuel mourned over

IsOLOvX Kai KDpiOCJ |ISTS|I£ATj0r| Oil

Saul. And [the] LORD repented that

ePacri^sDas xov ZaovX S7il IapafjA,

Saul reigned over Israel.

16 Ttt

1 + Kai S17T8 KDpiOCJ 7CpOC; Ha[lOVT\k SCOq 710X8 gv

And [the] LORD said to Samuel, Until when do you

7cev0e(c; 87ii ZaovX Kaycb e^ou5evcoKa auxov xod |ir|

mourn for Saul, and I treat him with contempt to not

PaaiXsusiv S7U IopafjX tiXt\gov xo Kspac; gov skaiov

reign over Israel? Fill your horn with oil,

Kai dsvpo a7coaxs(Xco as npoq Ieaaai ecoc; BrjGXssji

and come! I shall send you to Jesse, unto Beth-lehem.

oxi scbpaKa sv xoic; vioiq avzov sjioi sic; PaaiAia

For I have seen [one] among his sons to me for a king.

2 + Kai si7C8 XajioufjA, 7ccoc; 7cop£i)0cb Kai

And Samuel said, How should I go, for

aKotiaexai ZaovX Kai a7C0KX£V£i |is Kai si7C8 Kopioq

Saul shall hear and shall kill me? And [the] LORD said,

AxxPs siq xrjv %zipa gov 8d|iaAiv Pocbv Kai epeic;

Take in your hand a heifer [of the] oxen! And you shall say,

0uaai xco Kopico fjKco 3 + Kai KaXeaeic; xov Ieaaai Kai

[to sacrifice to the LORD I come]. And you shall call Jesse and

xodc; viovq avzov sic; xrjv 0Doiav Kai yvcopico aoi

his sons to the sacrifice, and I shall make known to you

a 7coif|aeic; Kai xpiGZiq jioi ov av ei7cco npoq as

what you shall do. And you shall anoint to me whom ever I should tell to you.

4+ Kai £7co(r|G£ SajioDfjA, 7cdvxa 6aa e^dAxjae Kopioc;

And Samuel did all as much as [the] LORD said.

Kai fjX0ev eic; Br|0A,s8|i Kai s^saxrjaav oi

And he came unto Beth-lehem, and startled the

7cpeaPi)X£poi xrjc; noXswq xrj a7cavxf|a£i avzov Kai

elders of the city meeting him. And

si7cov eipfjvrj r| £ioo86c; gov 5 + Kai ei7i;ev eipfjvrj

they said, [for peace [Is] your entrance]? And he said, Peace,

0uaai xco Kopico fjKco ayida0r|xs Kai avaKAi0rjxe

[ to sacrifice to the LORD I come]. Sanctify [yourselves] and recline


16 TO

ev tootco + viKa

09 - 1 Samuel

jisx' s\iov afjjispov sic; xrjv Guaiav Kai rjyiaas

with me today for the sacrifice! And he sanctified

xov Isaaai Kai xouc; viovq avzov Kai SKd^sasv auxotic;

Jesse and his sons, and he called them

siq xrjv dvaiav 6 + Kai sysvsxo sv too siaisvai auxotic;

to the sacrifice. And it came to pass in their entering,

Kai s(8s xov EAidp Kai sircsv aXk' r\ svcD7iiov

that he beheld Eliab, and said, None other than [ [is] before

Kopioi) o xpiaxoq olvtov ?+ Kai si7is Kopioc; 7ipoc;

[the] LORD his anointed]. And [the] LORD said to

£a|ioi)f|A, |ir| s7iipA£\j/r|c; S7ri xrjv 6\jav olvtov jjt|8s sic;

Samuel, You should not look upon his appearance, nor unto

TT|V S^IV TOD JISysGoDC; aVTOV Oil S^Ol)8sVCDKa avzov

the manner of his greatness, for I treat him with contempt;

on ov% coq sjipXs\j/sxai dv6p&lt;j07roc; 6\j/sxai o Gsoc; 6xi

for not as [ shall look a man] shall God see. For

o dv0p&lt;jO7ioc; 6\j/sxai sic; 7ip6aco7rov o 8s Gsoc; 6\j/sxai

man shall see on [the] surface, but God shall see

sic; Kap5(av 8 + Kai SKd^sasv Isaaai xov AjiivaSdp Kai

into [the] heart. And Jesse called Abinadab, and

7iapf|A,6s Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov Ea(ioi)f|A, Kai sircsv od8s

he went by [the] face of Samuel. And he said, Nor

xotixov s^sAi^axo o Kopioc; 9 + Kai 7iapf|yaysv Isaaai

this one the LORD chose. And Jesse caused to pass by

xov Sajiad Kai si7is ou8s sv xotjxco

Shammah. And he said, Nor in this one

s^sls^axo o Kopioc; 10+ Kai 7tapfjyaysv Isaaai zovq srcxd

the LORD chose. And Jesse caused to pass by [ seven

viovq avzov svGmiov Sa(ioi)f|X Kai si7is Ha[iovT\k

sons his] before Samuel. And Samuel said

npoq Isaaai odk s^sls^axo Kopioc; sv xotixoic; 1 1 + Kai

to Jesse, [ chose not [The] LORD] among these. And

si7is Ha[iovT\k npoq Isaaai SKA,sXoi7iaai xa 7iai8dpia

Samuel said to Jesse, Have [ ceased the boys]?

Kai sircsv Isaaai sxi saxiv o jiiKpoxspoq idov

And Jesse said, [There] yet is the lesser, behold,

rcoijiaivsi sv xco rcoijivico Kai sircs £a|ioi)fjX rcpoc;

he tends among the flock. And Samuel said to

Isaaai arcoaxsiXov Kai Xdps auxov 6x1 ou jjt|

Jesse, Send and take him! for in no way

KaxaKXiGcbjisv sooc; xod sABsiv auxov svxauGa 12+ Kai

shall we lie down [to eat] until he comes here. And

16 TO

8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

OLTTsaTSiXs Kai siafjyaysv auxov Kai auxoc; rjv

he sent, and brought him. And he was

7ropp&amp;Kr|c; jiexd KaXkovq 0(p9aA,|icbv Kai ayaGoc; xr|

ruddy with beauty of the eyes, and good to the

opdaei Kai 8i7is Kupioc; npoq £ajiouf|X avdaxa xpiaov

sight. And [the] LORD said to Samuel, Rise up, anoint

avTOV on omoq eaxi 13 + Kai eAxxPs Ea|ioi)f|A, xo

him! for this it is. And Samuel took the

Kspaq xod sXaioi) Kai e%piaev auxov sv jisaco

horn of oil, and he anointed him in [the] midst

xcov a5sAxpcbv auxou Kai ecpfjAxxxo izvsv[ia Kopioi) em

of his brothers. And [sprang up spirit [of the] LORD] upon

Aavid a7io xrjc; rjiispaq SKsivrjq Kai 87idvco Kai

David from that day and forward. And

aveaxrj EajioDfjA, Kai anr\kdzv eic; Apjia6ai|i i 4 + Kai

Samuel rose up and went forth unto Ramah. And

7TV£l)|ia Kopioi) a7i8oxr| a7io IsOlovX Kai S7rviysv

spirit of [the] LORD left from Saul, and [ smothered

auxov 7wei)|ia 7iovr|p6v rcapd Kopioi) 15+ Kai £i7iov 01

him spirit a ferocious from [the] LORD]. And [said the

7ra(8ec; ZaovX npoq auxov idov izvsv[ia 7iovr|p6v

servants of Saul] to him, Behold, [ spirit a ferocious]

7iapd Kopioi) 7rv(ysi as 16+ eurdxcoaav 5r| Kopie

from [the] LORD smothers you. Let speak indeed, O lord,

01 8oi)Axh aoi) 8vcb7ii6v aoi) Kai ^rjxrjadxcoaav

your servants before you! And let them seek

xco Kupico r|(icbv dv5pa si56xa \\faXXsiv ev Kivupa Kai

for our lord a man knowing to strum with a lute! And

saxai sv xco eivai £7U aoi izvsv[ia 7iovr|p6v 7iapd

it will be when the [ be unto you spirit ferocious] by

6sot3 Kai \\fakf\ ev xr| Kivupa avzov Kai ayaGov

God, that he should strum with his lute, and [ good

aoi saxai 17+ Kai 8i7is HaovX npoq xodc; 7ra(8ac; auxoi)

to you it will be]. And Saul said to his servants,

i8sxs 8r| jioi dv8pa opGcbq \j/dAlovxa Kai

Look indeed for me for a man rightly [skilled for] strumming, and

eiaaydysxs auxov npoq |is i 8 + Kai a7i8Kpi6r| sic;

bring him to me! And answered one

xcov 7iai5apicov avzov Kai 8i7i8v i5ot3 scbpaKa mov

of his servant-lads, and said, Behold, I have seen [the] son

xod Isaaai Br|9A,s8|i(xr|v Kai auxov si86xa \j/dAlsiv

of Jesse [the] Beth-lehemite, and he knows to strum,


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

09 - 1 Samuel

Kai o avfjp avvsToq Kai 7roA,s|iiaxf|c; Kai aocpoq sv

and the man [is] discerning, and a warrior, and wise in

A,6yco Kai o avfjp aydGoc; icq s(5si Kai Kopioc; jisx'

word, and the man is good to the sight, and [the] LORD is with

olvtov 19+ Kai a7rsaxsiA,s ZaovX ayyeXovq npoq Isaaai

him. And Saul sent messengers to Jesse,

Aiyoov £^a7r6ox£iAx)v npoq |is Aam5 xov mov gov xov

saying, Send out to me David your son, the one

sv tod 7ioi|iv(co aoi) 20 + Kai sAxxPsv Isaaai ovov Kai

among your flock. And Jesse took an ass, and

S7is6r|Ksv auxcb yojiop dpxcov Kai aaKov oivod Kai

put upon it a homer of bread [loaves], and a leather bag of wine, and

spicpov aiycbv sva Kai s^a7isaxsiA,sv sv %sip( Aam5

[kid of [the] goats one], and sent [them] by [the] hand of David

tod viov ai)TOD 7rpoc; SaotiA, 21 + Kai siafjA£s Aam5

his son to Saul. And David entered

7rpoc; SaotiX Kai 7iapsiaxfjKsi svcb7iiov auxou Kai

to Saul, and stood before him, and

rjyd7ir|asv auxov acp65pa Kai sysvsxo auxcb aipcov

loved him exceedingly. And he became to him [the] one lifting

xa aKstirj avxov 22 + Kai a7isaxsiA,s HaovX npoq Isaaai

his weapons. And Saul sent to Jesse,

Aiycov 7rapiaxda6co 5r| Aavid svcb7iiov sjioi) 6x1

saying, Let [ stand indeed David] before me, for

sups %ap\v sv ocpGa^jiofc; jiod 23 + Kai sysvsxo sv xco

he found favor in my eyes! And it came to pass in the

sivai 7iapd 9soi3 7wsi3|ia 7iovr|p6v S7U ZaovX Kai

being [ from God spirit a ferocious] upon Saul, that

sldjiPavs Aam8 xrjv Kivupav Kai s\j/aAlsv sv

David took the lute, and strummed with

xtj yfxpi amox&gt; Kai avs\jn)%s EaotiA, Kai ayaGov r|v

his hand. And Saul was refreshed, and it was good

avT(b Kai aqnaxaxo an avzov xo nvsv^ia xo 7iovr|p6v

to him, and [ abstained from him the spirit ferocious].

17 n

1+ Kai auvdyouaiv 01 aAlocpuAxn

And [ gathered together the Philistines]

xac; 7iaps|iPoAxxc; auxcbv sic; 7i6Xs(iov Kai awdyovxai

their camps for war, and they gathered together

sic; £o%cb xrjc; Ioi)5aiac; Kai 7raps|ipdAAxyoaiv avajisaov

at Shochoh of Judea, and they camped in between


17 P ev toi3tco + vuca 09-1 Samuel

Eoxcb Kai avajisaov A^rjKd sv Acpsa8o|iiv 2 + Kttl

Shochoh and between Azekah in Ephes-dammin. And

ZaovX Kai oi dvSpsc; IapafjX oDvdyovxai Kai

Saul and the men of Israel gathered together, and

7tape|iP&amp;AAxyDaiv sv xr| KoiXdSi xrjc; xspspivGoD odxoi

they camped in the valley of the terebinth tree, these

Kai odxoi Kai 7iapaxdaaovxai sic; 7i6Xs|iov s^svavxiaq

and these. And they deployed for war right opposite

toov aXkoipvXcov 3+ Kai aXX6(pvXoi (oxavxai S7i( xod

the Philistines. And [the] Philistines stood upon the

opoDc; svxaD0a Kai IopafjA, (axaxai S7U xod opoDc;

mountain here [on that side]. And Israel stood upon the mountain

svxai)9a Kai o avX&amp;w avajisaov aDxcbv 4+ Kai

here [on this side], and the canyon [was] between them. And

s^fjXGsv avfjp SDvaxoc; sk xrjc; 7iapaxd^scoc; xcov

there came forth [ man a mighty] from out of the battle array of the

aXkoipvXow roAid0 rjv ovojia aDxcb sk Ts0

Philistines, Goliath was [the] name to him, from Gath.

v\\foq avTOV xsaadpcov 7ir|%scov Kai a7ii6a|if|c; 5 + Kai

His height [was] four cubits and a span. And

7ispiKS(paAma %akKr\ S7ii xrjc; KscpaArjc; aDxoD Kai

[ helmet a bronze] [was] upon his head, and

Gcbpara aA,Dai8coxov avzoq sv8s8dkcoc; Kai o axaGjioq

[ a chest [plate] of chain- work he put on]. And the weight

xod GcopaKoc; avTOV rcsvxs xikwdEq aixXcov xoXkov Kai

of his chest [plate] [was] five thousand shekels of brass and

ai8fjpoi) 6+ Kai ai kvt||ii8s(; ai)xoi3 xahcai 87r i

iron. And his leg coverings [were] of brass upon

xcov ctksXcov clvtov Kai aaniq %ahd\ avajisaov

his legs, and a shield of brass in between

xcov cbjicov avTOV 7+ Kai o kovxoc; xod Sopaxoc; aDxoD

his shoulders. And the shaft of his spear

coast jisadvxiov Dcpaivovxcov Kai rj koy%r\ aDxoD

[was] as [the] weaver's beam of one weaving; and his lance

s^aKoaicov cjikAxov aiSfjpoD Kai o aipcov

[was] six hundred shekels of iron. And the one lifting

xa onXa aDxoD 7ipos7iopsDsxo aDxoD 8 + Kai saxrj Kai

his weapons went before him. And he stood and

avsporjdsv sic; xrjv rcapaxa^iv IopafjX Kai sircsv

yelled out to the battle array of Israel, and said

aDxoic; ivaxi SK7iopsDso6s 7iapaxd^aa0ai sic; 7i6A,s|iov

to them, Why are you come forth to deploy for battle

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

09 - 1 Samuel

s^svavxiac; r\\i(bv odk sycb sijii aXkoyv'koq Kai djisic;

right opposite us? [ not I Am] a Philistine, and you are

EPpaioi tod ZaovX SKA,s^aa0s sauxofc; dv8pa Kai

Hebrews of Saul? Choose for yourselves a man, and

KaxapfjxcD 7ipoc; jis 9+ Kai sdv 8wr|0f| 7toXs|xf|aai

let him come down to me! And if he should be able to battle

jisx' 8(iot3 Kai 7iaxd^r| jis Kai sa6|is0a djjav sic;

against me, and strike me, then we will be to you for

SotjAxjdc; sdv 5s sycb Kaxa8i)vaaxsi)acD avzov Kai

servants. But if I shall overpower him, and

7raxd^co auxov sasa0s r\[dv sic; SouAxroc; Kai

shall strike him, you will be to us for servants, and

8ouA,si)asxs r||iiv 10+ Kai sircsv o aXkoyvkoq idov sycb

you shall serve us. And [ said the Philistine], Behold, I

covs(8iaa xrjv 7iapdxa^iv IopafjX af||ispov sv

berate the battle array of Israel today in

tt] r||i8pa xat)TT[ 86x8 jioi dv8pa Kai jiovo|iaxflcTO|isv

this day. Give to me a man, and we will fight [ one on one

ajicpoxepoi u+ Kai t|kodos ZaovX Kai naq IapafjX

both] ! And Saul heard, and all Israel,

xa pfjjiaxa xod aXXoipvXov xatixa Kai s^saxrjaav Kai

[ sayings of the Philistine these], and they were startled, and

scpopfjGrjaav atp65pa 12+ Kai Aam8 vioq avSpoc;

feared exceedingly. And David [was a] son [ man

EcppaGaioi) omoq sk Brj0A,ss|i Ioi38a Kai ovojia

of an Ephrathite]; this one [was] from Beth-lehem Judah, and [the] name

auxcb Isaaai Kai auxcb okxco moi Kai o avfjp

to him [was] Jesse, and to him [were] eight sons. And the man

7ipeoPi)xepoc; sv rjjispaic; ZaovX sh^kvdcbq sv sxsaiv

[was] old in days of Saul arriving in [the] year.

13 + Kai S7iopsi)0r|aav 01 xpsic; dioi Isaaai 01 jisitpvsc;

And [ went the three sons of Jesse elder]

O7uaco ZaovX sic; xov 7i6A,s|iov Kai ovojia

after Saul unto the war. And [the] name

xcov mcbv avTOV xcov 7ropsi)0svxcov sic; xov 7i6A,s|iov

of his sons, of the ones having gone unto the war —

EAidp o 7ipcox6xoKoc; avzov Kai o Sstixspoc; AjiivaSdp

Eliab his first-born, and the second Abinadab,

Kai o xpixoc; Sajid 14+ Kai Aam8 avzoq o

and the third Shammah. And David himself [was] the

vscbxspoc; Kai 01 xpsic; 01 jisi^ovsq S7iopsi)0r|aav

younger, and the three, the elder went


8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

O7i(aco ZaovX 15 + Kai AaDi8 a7if|A,0s Kai aveaxps\j/sv

after Saul. And David departed and returned

ano T^aovX 7ioi|ia(v8iv xa 7ip6paxa xod rcaxpoc; aDxoD

from Saul to tend the sheep of his father

sv Br|A,s8|i 16+ Kai 7rpoofjy£v o aXkoipvkoq opGpi^cov

in Beth-lehem. And [ came forward the Philistines] rising early

Kai oija^cov Kai eaxrjAxbGrj evavxiov IapafjA,

and arriving late, and set up before Israel

xeaaapdKovxa rjjiepac; 17+ Kai si7isv Isaaai Aam8

forty days. And Jesse said to David

xco Did) aDxoD A,dpe 8r| zoiq aSeAxpoic; gov to oicpi

his son, Take indeed [to] your brothers the ephah

xod aAxpixoi) xodxod Kai xodc; 8eKa dpxoDc; xodxodc; Kai

of this toasted grain, and [ ten bread [loaves] these], and

8pd|is sic; xrjv 7rap£|iPoArjv 7ipoc; xodc; aSeAxpoDc; gov

run unto the camp to your brothers.

18+ Kai xac; Sera xpDcpaAiSac; xod ydlaKxoc; xatixac;

And [ ten cheeses of the milk these]

eiaoiaeic; xco %iA,idp%CG Kai xodc; aSeAxpoDc; gov

you shall bring to the commander of a thousand, and [ your brothers

S7iiaKs\j/r| eic; eipfjvrjv Kai 6aa av %pfj^cooiv

you shall visit] concerning [their] peace; and as much as they need

yvcoarj 19+ Kai HaovX Kai aDxoi Kai naq avfjp

you shall know. And Saul, and they, and every man

IapafjA, sv xr| KoiA,d8i xrjc; 5pDoc; 7toA£|iodvxsc; jiexd

of Israel in the valley of the oak were warring with

xcov aXko(pvX(DV

the Philistines.

20+ Kai cbpBpias AaDi8 xo7ipcoi Kai acpfpcs xa 7ip6paxa

And David rose early in the morning, and he left the sheep

87i( cpD^aKfj Kai sAxxPe Kai anr\kdz KaGcbc;

for guard, and he took [the things] and departed as

svsxsi^axo aDxcb Isaaai Kai fjABsv sic; xrjv

commanded to him by Jesse. And he came unto the

axpoyyolcoaiv Kai xrjv 8Dva|iiv xrjv 8K7iopsDO|isvr|v

battleline and the army, the one going forth

sic; xrjv 7iapdxa^iv 21+ Kai rjAxxAxx^av S7ii xco 7roAi|ico

unto the battle array. And they shouted for the war,

Kai 7iapsxd^avxo IapafjX Kai aAlocpD^oi 7iapsxa^av sk

and Israel deployed, and [the] Philistines deployed at

xrjc; svavxiaq 7iapaxd^ecoc; 22+ Kai acpfjKsv AaDi8

the opposite of [the] battle array. And David relieved


17 P ev toi3tco + vtica 09-1 Samuel

xa OK8DT] auTOD acp eauxou S7Ti %eipa tod

his items from himself unto [the] hand of the

aKSDoqroXaKoc; Kai s5pa|iev sic; xrjv 7capdxa^iv Kai

provisions officer, and he ran to the battle array, and

fjX0e Kai ripcbTTjas zovq adskqovq avzov xa sic;

he came and asked his brothers the [things] for

eipfjvrjv 23+ Kai avzov XakovvToq jist' auxcbv Kai

peace. And [with] his speaking with them, and

idov avfjp o (isaaioq avepaivev ovojia auxcb

behold, a man in the middle ascended ([the] name [given] to him

Tokiad o OiXiaxaioq sk TsQ sk xrjc; 7capaxd^scoc;

[was] Goliath the Philistine from Gath) from the battle array

xcov aXXoipvXodv Kai eXdArjae Kaxd xa pfjjiaxa xatixa

of the Philistines, and he spoke according to these words,

Kai fjKODae Aam8 2 4+ Kai naq avfjp IopafjX sv

and David heard. And every man of Israel in

xco i5e(v auxotic; xov dv8pa etpopfjGrjaav atp65pa Kai

their seeing the man feared greatly, and

scpuyov sk 7ipoacb7roD ai)xoi3 25+ Kai ei7cev avfjp s£,

fled from his face. And [ said a man from

IapafjX si scopdKaxs xov dv8pa

Israel], Did you see the man,

xov avapaivovxa xotixov 6x1 ovei8(aai xov IopafjX

this one ascending? [ so as to berate Israel

avsprj Kai eaxai avfjp oq av 7iaxd^rj ai)xov

He ascended]. And it will be a man who ever should strike him,

7iAx)Dxiei auxov o fiaaikzvq 7cAx)f)xco jisydAxjo Kai

[ shall enrich him the king] [ riches in great], and

xrjv Guyaxepa avzov 5coaei auxco Kai xov oikov

[ his daughter he will give] to him, and the house

xod 7raxp6c; avzov 7coifja£i sA,ef)6epov sv IapafjA, 26 +

of his father he will make free in Israel.

Kai 81718 Aam5 npoq xovq avbpaq xovq aDveaxrjKoxac;

And David said to the men, the ones standing

auxcb Aiycov xi 7coirj0fja£xai xco av5p( oq av 7caxd^rj

with him, saying, What shall be done to the man who ever should strike

xo aXXoipvXov sksivov Kai acpsAxj 6vei8oc; a7c6

that Philistine, and should remove scorn from

IapafjA, 6x1 xic; saxiv o aXkoipvkoq

Israel? For who is [ Philistine

o a7rspix|irjxoc; omoq oq covs(5ias 7capdxa^iv

this uncircumcised] who berates [the] battle array


17 P ev toi3tco + vtica 09-1 Samuel

Gsod Cfbvxoq n + Kai si7csv aDxcb o Xaoq Kaxd

of [the] living God? And [ said to him the people] according to

to pfj|ia xodxo Aiycov odxcgc; 7toir|6f|a£xai xco av5p( oq

this word, saying, Thus it shall be done to the man who

av 7iaxd^r| aDxov 2 s + Kai fjKODaev EAidp o aSeAxpoc;

ever should strike him. And [ heard Eliab brother

olvtov o jisi^cov sv xco XaXsiv ovtov npoq Tovq avdpaq

his older] in his speaking to the men,

Kai copyiaGrj 0D|icb EXidp sv xco Aavid Kai si7i8v

and [ became angry with rage Eliab] with David, and said,

ivaxi xodxo Kaxs|3r|c; Kai sni xiva acpfjKac; xa jiiKpd

Why [is] this you came down, and for why did you leave [ small

7ip6paxa 8K8iva sv xrj spfj|ico eycb o(8a

sheep those] in the wilderness? I know

xrjv D7ispr|(paviav cjod Kai xrjv KaKiav xrjc; Kap8(ac; cjod

your pride, and the evil of your heart;

oxi svsksv xod i8e(v xov noXs^iov KaxsPrjq 29+ Kai

that because of seeing the war you came down. And

81718 Aam8 xi S7covr|aa vdv od%( pfjjia eaxiv 30+ Kai

David said, What did I do now? [ not a word Is it]? And

a7T8axps\j/sv an olvtov eiq jiepoc; exepov Kai 8i7isv

he turned from him unto [ rank another], and he said

ODxcog Kai a7i£Kpi9r|aav aDxcb Kaxd xo pfjjia

thus. And they answered to him according to the word

xo 7ip6xspov 31+ Kai r|KOT3a6r|aav 01 Xoyoi Aam8 ovq

formerly. And they heard the words of David which

eXdAxjae Kai avrjyysAxjaav svco7iiov ZaovX 32+ Kai

he spoke, and they were announced before Saul. And

S17T8 Aavid npoq ZaovX [lt\ &lt;XD|i7i;ea£xcG r| Kap8(a

David said to Saul, Let not [ be downcast the heart

xod Kupioi) jiod 87i ' olvtov o SovXoq aov 7copeDaexai

of my master] over him! Your servant will go

Kai 7toA£|JTjO£l jisxd XOD aXXoipvXov XODXOD 33 + Kai

and do battle with this Philistine. And

si7C8 HaovX npoq AaviS ov jirj 8Dvf|ar| 7topsD0fjvai

Saul said to David, In no way shall you be able to go

7tpoc; xov aXXoipvXov xodxov 7coA£|if|aai npoq ovtov

against this Philistine to battle against him,

6x1 av 7cai8dpiov ei avToq 8e avfjp eoxi 7coXs|iiaxf|c;

for you are a boy, and he is a man of war

sk veoxrjxoq aDxoD 34 + Kai si7C8 AaDi8 npoq ZaovX

from his youth. And David said to Saul,


17 P ev tootco + vtica 09-1 Samuel

7ioi(iaivcov r|v o SovXoq gov xco 7iaxp( avzov sv xco

[ tending was Your servant] for his father among the

7ioi|ivico Kai oxav fjp%sxo o Aicov Kai r| dpKxoc; Kai

flock. And whenever [ came the lion] and the bear, and

sAxxjiPavs 7ip6paxov sk xrjc; aysAxjc; 35+ Kai

it took a sheep from out of the herd, that

s^S7iopsu6|xr|v O7uaco avzov Kai 87idxa^a auxov Kai

I went forth after him, and struck him, and

s^sa7iaaa 8K xod axojiaxoq avzov Kai si S7iav(axaxo

pulled it out of his mouth; and if he rose up

S7i ' sjis KaisKpdxrjaa xou cpdpDyyoc; avzov Kai

against me, I held his throat and

S7idxa^a Kai sBavdxcooa auxov 36+ Kai xov Aiovxa Kai

struck [him], and I put him to death. And [ the lion and

xrjv dpKxov 8XD7TXSV o dovXoq gov Kai saxai

the bear beat your servant], and [ will be

o aXXoipvXoq omoq o a7isp(x|xr|xoc; coc; sv xouxcov oq

Philistine this uncircumcised] as one of these who

covs(5ias 7iapdxa^iv 6sot3 CfbvToq 37 + Kai si7is Aam5

berates [the] battle array of [the] living God. And David said,

Kopioc; oq s^siXaxo |is sk X^poq tod Aiovxoc; Kai

[The] LORD who rescued me from out of [the] hand of the lion, and

sk xsipoc; xrjc; dpKxou avzoq s^s^sixai |is sk

from out of [the] hand of the bear, he will rescue me from out of

%sipoc; xod aXkoipvkov xod a7ispix|if|xoD xodxod Kai

[the] hand [ Philistine of this uncircumcised]. And

si7is ZaovX npoq Aavid 7iopsDOD Kai saxai o Kopioc;

Saul said to David, Go and the LORD will be

jisxd gov 38 + Kai svs8dcts HaovX xov AaDi8

with you! And Saul clothed David

xov jiavStiav avzov Kai 7ispiKS(paAmav %ahrf\v

[with] his uniform, and [ helmet a brass

S7is6r|Ksv S7U xrjv KscpaXfjv avzov Kai svsSdctsv avzov

put] upon his head, and clothed him

Gcopara 39 + Kai s^cbaaxo Aavid xrjv |id%aipav avzov

[with] a chest [plate]. And David tied on his sword

S7idvco avzov Kai SK07i(aas 7ispi7iaxf|aac; Aavid sv

upon himself. And [ tired walking David] in

xco Pa8(^siv sv aDxofc; 6x1 d7isipoc; rjv Kai si7is AaviS

the proceeding with them, for he was inexperienced. And David said

7tpoc; ZaovX ov |ir| SDVcbjiai 7iopsD0f|vai sv xodxoic;

to Saul, In no way shall I be able to go in these,


17 P ev toi3tco + vtica 09-1 Samuel

on od 7i87rs(pa|iai Kai 7rspis(A,STO avxa an avxov 40+

for I have not tested them; and they removed them from him.

Kai slaps xrjv papSov avzov sv xrj %sip( avzov Kai

And he took his rod in his hand, and

s^sXs^xto saDTcb tcsVcs Ai0ODc; Xsiodc; 8K tod

chose for himself five [ stones smooth] from out of the

%Sl|I&amp;ppOD Kai S0STO (xdtodc; SV TOO Ka8(co TCO

rushing stream. And he put them in the canteen of the


shepherd, the one being his, for a collection. And

r| atpsv56vr| aDTOD sv rq %sip( aDTOD Kai 7rpoaf|A,0s

his sling [was] in his hand; and he went forward

7ipoc; tov dv5pa tov aAlocpD^ov 41+ Kai S7topsD0r| o

to the man, the Philistine. And [ went the

aXXoipvXoq 7iopsD6|isvoc; Kai syyi^cov npoq Aavid Kai

Philistine], going and approaching to David. And

o avfjp o aipcov tov 0Dps6v sji7ipoa0sv aDTOD Kai

the man, the one caring the oblong shield [was] before him. And

S7rspA,s\j/sv o aXkoipvXoq 42 + Kai s(8s roAid0 tov AaDi5

[looked the Philistine]. And Goliath beheld David,

Kai s^odSsvcocjsv aDTOV 6ti avzoq r\v 7iai8dpiov Kai

and he treated him with contempt, for he was a boy, and

avToq 7TDppdKr|c; jiSTd KaXkovq ocp0aA,|icbv 43+ Kai

he was ruddy with beauty of eyes. And

S17T8V o aAlotpD^oc; npoq Aavid coast kdcov sycb sijii

[ said the Philistine] to David, [ As a dog Am I]

6ti s^fjAiteg sv pdpSco Kai Xidoiq Kai KaTTjpdaaTO o

that you come with a rod and stones? And [ cursed the

aXX6(pvXoq tov AaDi8 ev Toiq 0sok; aDTOD 4 4 + Kai sircsv

Philistine] David by his gods. And [ said

o aAlotpDAxDc; npoq AaDi8 Sstipo itpoq |is Kai Scbaco

the Philistine] to David, Come here to me! and I will give

zaq adpKaq aoD TOiq 7iSTSivofc; tod ODpavoD Kai TOiq

your flesh to [the] birds of heaven, and to the

0rjp(oic; Tr\q yr\q 45+ Kai si7is AaDi8 itpoq tov

wild beasts of the earth. And David said to the

aAlocpD^ov cjd sp%r| npoq (is sv pojicpaia Kai sv

Philistine, You come to me with a broadsword, and with

86paTi Kai sv aamSi sycb 8s 7iopsDO|iai npoq as sv

a spear, and with a shield. But I come to you in

ovojiaTi KDpioD 0sod £apaco0 0sod 7iapaTd^scoc;

[the] name of [the] LORD God of hosts, [the] God of [the] battle array


17 P ev toutco + vuca 09-1 Samuel

IapafjX r|v covs(8iaac; afjjispov 4 6+ Kai a7roKA,siasi as

of Israel, whom you berate today. And [ shall shut you up

Kopiog afjjispov sic; xrjv x^pa M-ov Kai a7ioKTSVcb as

[the] LORD] today by my hand, and I will kill you,

Kai acpsAxb xrjv KscpaArjv aoi) goto aoi) Kai 5cbaco

and I will remove your head from you, and I will give

xa KcoXd aou Kai xa KcbXa 7taps|iPoAx|c; xcov

your carcass and the carcasses of [the] camp of the

aXXoipvXcov sv xatixrj xrj rjjispa xoic; 7isxsivoic; xod

Philistines in this day to the birds of the

ODpavoD Kai xoic; Grjpioic; xrjc; yr\q Kai yvcbasxai

heaven, and to the wild beasts of the earth; and [ shall know

7idaa T| yr| 6xi saxi Gsoc; sv IapafjX

all the earth] that God is in Israel.

47 + Kai yvcbasxai 7idaa r| sKKAxjaia atixrj 6xi odk sv

And [ shall know all this assembly] that [it is] not by

pojicpaia Kai 86paxi acb^si Kopioc; 6xi xod KupioD

[the] broadsword, and spear [the] LORD delivers; for [ [is] of the LORD

o 7i6Xs[ioq Kai 7iapa8cbasi Kopioc; Djidc; ziq

the war], and [the] LORD shall deliver you into

%sipac; r||icbv 48+ Kai avsaxrj o aXkoqvXoq Kai

our hands. And [ rose up the Philistine], and

S7iopsD0r| Kai syyiasv sic; aDvdvxrjaiv xco Aain5 Kai

went and approached to meet with David. And

AaviS sxd%i)vs Kai s^fj^Gs Kai auxoc; sic; xrjv

David hastened, and came forth even himself for the

7iapdxa^iv sic; aDvdvxrjaiv xod aXkoipvkov 49+ Kai

battle array for meeting the Philistine. And

s^sxsivs Aam8 xrjv %s(pa avzov sic; xo Kd8iov Kai

David stretched out his hand into the canteen, and

slapsv sksOsv Ai6ov sva Kai sacpsv86vias Kai

he took from there [stone one], and he slung [it], and

S7idxa^s xov aXkoipvkov sic; xo |isxco7iov aDxoD Kai

he struck the Philistine in his forehead; and

8is8d o Tddoq S7U xo |isxco7iov avzov Kai srcsasv S7ri

[ penetrated the stone] unto his forehead; and he fell upon

7ip6aco7iov aDxoD S7ii xrjv yrjv 50 + Kai

his face upon the ground. And

SKpaxaicoGrj Aam8 imsp xov aAA,6cpDA,ov xr|

David powered over the Philistine with the

acpsv8ovr| Kai xco AiGco sv xr| r||ispa sksivt| Kai

sling, and with the stone in that day. And


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

09 - 1 Samuel

£7r&amp;Ta^£v xov aXk6(pvXov Kai e9avdxcoaev auxov Kai

he struck the Philistine, and he killed him; and

pojicpaia od r|v ev xrj %eip( Aavid 5 i+ Kai

a broadsword was not in the hand of David. And

eSpajis Aam8 Kai S7reaxr| sn auxov Kai elape

David ran and stood over him, and he took

xrjv pojicpaiav avzov Kai £^8a7iaasv auxfjv sk

his broadsword, and pulled it out of

tod kodXsoi) aDTfjv Kai eGavdxcoaev auxov Kai atpeiA,£

its sheath, and he put him to death, and he removed

ttjv KecpaAxjv avzov Kai s(8ov oi aAlocpuAm 6xi

his head. And [ beheld the Philistines] that

TsBvrjKsv o Swaxoc; auxcbv Kai etpuyov 52 + Kai

[ has died their mighty one], and they fled. And

aveaxrjaav dvSpec; IapafjX Kai lovda Kai rjXdla^av

[rose up [the] men of Israel and Judah], and shouted,

Kai KaxeSico^av O7riaco xcov aXXoqroXcov ecoc;

and pursued after the Philistines unto

Tr\q siaoSoi) TsG Kai scoc; xrjc; 7vbh\q AKKapcbv Kai

[the] entrance ofGath, and unto the gate ofEkron. And

87i8aov xpai)|iax(ai xcov aAlocpuAxov sv xrj o8cb xcov

[ fell [the] slain of the Philistines] in the way of the

7n)Axbv Kai scoq TsB Kai ecoc; AKKapcbv 53+ Kai

gates, and unto Gath, and unto Ekron. And

aveaxpeij/av dvSpec; IapafjX skkXivovxsc; O7uaco xcov

[ returned [the] men of Israel] turning aside [going] after the

aXA,otpi)A,cov Kai 7iposv6|i8Daav xac; 7iape|iPoXdc; auxcbv

Philistines, and they plundered their camps.

54 + Kai s^aps Aavid xrjv KscpaAxjv xou aXkoipvXov Kai

And David took the head of the Philistine, and

avfjvsyKev auxfjv sic; IspoDaaArjji Kai xa aKstirj auxou

he brought it unto Jerusalem. And his weapons

S0SXO sv xco aKrjvcbjiaxi avTOV 55 + Kai coc; ei8e ZaovX

he put in his tent. And as Saul saw

xov Aavid SK7rop£i)6|isvov eic; a7idvxr|aiv xod

David going forth for meeting the

aXkoipvkov 8i7i8 7ipoc; Apevfjp xov dp%ovxa xrjc;

Philistine, he said to Abner the ruler of the

Suvdjiecoc; vioq xivoc; o vsaviaKoq otixoc; Apevfjp Kai

force, Whose son [is] this young man,



a7T8Kp{0r| APsVTjp Kai 817C8

Abner responded and said, [

[ should live your soul],


18 rr

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

09 - 1 Samuel

Kopis (iod fiaaikvb odk o(8a 5 6+ Kai ei7iev fiaaikvbq

O my lord king, I do not know. And [the] king said,

S7i8pcbTr|oov &lt;td vioq zivoq o veaviac; odtoc; si + Kai coc;

You ask whose son this young man [is]? And as

S7i8aTp8\j/s Aam8 7iaT&amp;^ac; tov aXkoqv'kov 7iapeXaPsv

David returned having struck the Philistine, [ received

avTOV Apsvfjp Kai eiafjyayev avzov svcb7riov ZaovX

him Abner] and brought him in before Saul.

Kai r| KscpaAxj tod aXkoipvkov sv xr| yzxpi avzov 5 s

And the head of the Philistine [was] in his hand.

Kai 817T8V 7ipoc; auxov HaovX vioq zivoq 8i vsavia

And [ said to him Saul], Whose son are you young man?

Kai S17T8 Aai)(5 vioq tod 8odA,od gov Ieaaai

And David said, A son of your servant Jesse

tod BrjXesjjiTOD

of Beth-lehem.
18 rr

i+ Kai syevsTO coc; aDVSTeXeaev Xakcbv itpoq ZaovX

And it came to pass as he finished speaking to Saul,

Kai T| \|/D%fj IcovaGdv aDveSeSeGrj tt| \|/D%f| Aavid

that the soul of Jonathan was bound together to the soul of David;

Kai rjyd7rr|aev aDTOV IcovaGdv KaTd ttjv \\fv%r\v avzov

and [ loved him Jonathan] according to his own soul.

2 + Kai sAxxPsv aDTOV ZaovX sv tt| rjjispa SKsivrj Kai

And [ received him Saul] in that day, and

odk acpfjKsv aDTOV 87iiaTp8\j/ai sic; TOV OIKOV

he did not allow him to return to the house

tod 7raTp6c; aDTOD 3 + Kai 5isGsto IcovaGdv Kai AaDi5

of his father. And [ordained Jonathan and David]

SiaGfjKrjv 6ti rjyd7ir|a8v aDTOV KaTd

a covenant, for he loved him according to

ttjv \j/D%fjv aDTOD 4 + Kai s^s5DaaTO IcovaGdv tov

his soul. And Jonathan took off the

S7T8v8DTr|V TOV 871 ' aDTCO Kai s8(jQK8V aDTOV TCO

outer garment, the one upon him, and he gave it [to]

AaDi8 Kai tov jiavStiav aDTOD Kai ecoc;

David, and his uniform, unto

Tr\q pojicpaiaq aDTOD Kai tod to^od Kai

his broadsword, and the bow, and

Tr\q Cfbvr\q avzov 5 + Kai s^S7iop8D8TO AaDi8 ctdvicov ev

his belt. And David went forth perceiving in

18 rr

8V TOUT© + VtKCl
09 - 1 Samuel

7idaiv ok; av a7isaTSiA,sv ai)i6v ZaovX Kai

all what ever [ sent him Saul]. And

Kaxsarrjaev auxov Zaovk sm zovq dvSpac; tod

[ placed him Saul] over the men [of]

7toA,8|iod Kai fjpsosv sv ocpGaXjioiq 7ravx6c; tod Xaov

war. And he pleased in [the] eyes of all the people,

Kai ys Kai sv otp6aA,|ioic; tcov 5odXcov ZaovX 6 + Kai

and also even in [the] eyes of the manservants of Saul. And

sysvsTO sv too siG7iopsDsa0ai aDTODc; 6ts

it came to pass in his entering, when

S7rs&lt;xcps\j/s AaDi8 7iaTd^ac; tov aXkoqv'kov Kai

David returned striking the Philistine, that

s^fjXGov ai x°P 8 ^ 01)oai Kai d5oDoai sic;

[ came forth the [women]] joining in a dance and singing, to

a7idvTr|aiv ZaovX tod PaaiAicoc; sk 7iaacbv tcov

meet Saul the king from out of all the

7i6Xscov IapafjA, sv TD|i7idvoic; Kai sv xapjioawrj Kai

cities of Israel, with tambourines, and with joyfulness, and

sv KDjipdAxnc; 7+ Kai s^fjp%ov ai yDvaiKsq ai7iai^0Doai

with cymbals. And [ took the lead the women] playing,

Kai sXsyov S7idTa^s ZaovX sv %iAidaiv aDTOD Kai

and said, Saul struck his thousands, and

AaDi8 sv jiDpidaiv aDTOD s + Kai copyiaGrj ZaovX Kai

David his ten thousands. And Saul was provoked to anger, and

scpdvrj 7iovr|p6v to pfjjia acp68pa svcbmov ZaovX

[ appeared as sorry state the thing an exceeding] before Saul

7isp( tod Xoyov todtod Kai si7is s8coKav TCO AaDi8

concerning this word. And he said, They gave [to] David

Tag jiDpiaSaq Kai sjioi s5coKav zaq %iXid8ac; Kai ti

the ten thousands, and to me they gave the thousands. And what

aDTcb 7iAx|v T| PaaiXsia 9 + Kai rjv HaovX

[is there] to him besides the kingdom? And Saul was

D7ropXs7i6|isvoc; tov AaDi8 arco Tr\q r||ispac; sks(vt|c; Kai

suspecting David from that day and

S7isKsiva io+ Kai sysvf|0r| arco Tr\q srcaDpiov Kai

beyond. And it came to pass of the next day, that

S7rsas 7ivsD|ia 7iapd Gsod 7iovr|p6v S7ri ZaovX Kai

[ fell spirit from God a ferocious] upon Saul, and


he prophesied in the midst of his house; And David

s\j/aAlsv sv tt| xsipi aDTOD coc; Ka0' SKdaTTjv rjjispac;

strummed with his hand as according to each day;


18 rr


09 - 1 Samuel

Kai to 56pi) sv XT] %zipi ZaovX

and the wooden spear [was] in the hand of Saul.

n+ Kai fjpsEaoDA, to 86pi) Kai si7is 7iaxd^co sv

And Saul lifted the wooden spear and said, I will strike into

Aavid Kai sv too xo(%co Kai s^skXivs Aam8 anb

David and into the wall. And David turned aside from

7ipoaco7roD aDxoD Siq u + Kai scpopfjBrj ZaovX arco

his presence twice. And Saul feared from

7ipoaco7roD Aavid 6xi r|v Kupioq jisx' aDxoD Kai anb

[the] face of David, for [the] LORD was with him. And [ from

SaotiA, a7isaxr| n+ Kai a7isaxr|asv aDxov SaotiA, an

Saul he left]. And [removed him Saul] from

saDxoD Kai Kaxsaxrjasv aDxov saDxco %iAiap%ov

himself, and placed him to himself [as] a commander of a thousand.

Kai S^S7TOpSDSXO Kai SiaS7TOpSDSXO S|i7ipoa0sv TOD

And he went forth and entered before the

XaoD H + Kai Tjv Aai)(5 sv 7iaaaic; xaic; odoiq avzov

people. And David was [ in all his ways

ctdvicov Kai Kupioq r|v jist' aDxoD i 5 + Kai s(8s HaovX

perceiving], and [the] LORD was with him. And Saul beheld

coc; avTbq cjdvisi acp65pa Kai sdA^Psixo arco

as he perceived exceedingly, and he was cautious of

7ipoaco7roD aDxoD i 6 + Kai itaq IapafjA, Kai IoDSaq

his person. And all Israel and Judah

rjyd7ia xov Aavid 6xi aDxoc; sias7iopsDSxo Kai

loved David, for he entered and

S^S7TOpSDSXO 7ipo 7ipoaC07lOD TOD A,aOD 17+ Kai

went forth before [the] face of the people. And

si7is SaoDl 7ipoc; AaDi5 i5od r\ 0DydTTjp jiod r\ jisi^cov

Saul said to David, Behold, my daughter, the elder,

Mspcbp 8cbaco aoi aDxfjv sic; yDvauca Tihr\v yivoD |ioi

Merab. I will give her to you for a wife, only become to me

sic; Diov SDvdjiscoc; Kai 7ioXs|isi xodc; 7ioA,s|iodc;

for a son of power, and wage war of the battles

KDpioD Kai ZaovX si7is jLiri saxco r| %s(p jiod S7i'

of [the] LORD! And Saul said, Let not [be my hand] upon

aDxco aXX r saxco sv aDxco r| %sip xcov aAlocpDA,cov ig+

him, but let [ be on him the hand of the Philistines] !

Kai si7is AaDi8 7ipoc; ZaovX Tiq sijii sycb Kai xic; rj

And David said to Saul, Who am I, and what [is] the

^cofj xrjc; (xoyysvsiac; xod rcaxpoc; jiod sv IapafjX 6xi

life of the kin of my father in Israel, that


18 rr

8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

saojiai yajiPpoq tod PaaiAicoc; 19+ Kai sysvsxo sv icq

I shall be an in-law of the king? And it came to pass in the

Kaipco tod 5o0fjvai xr|v Mspcbp 0Dyaxspa ZaovX xco

time of the giving Merab daughter of Saul [to]

AaDi8 Kai aDxrj s566r| xco E5pifjA, xco MaoDAxxGixrj

David, that he gave her to Adriel the Meholathite

sic; yDvaiKa 20+ Kai r|y&amp;7rr|0£ Mskypk r\ 0Dydxr|p

for a wife. And [ loved Michal the daughter

ZaovX xov AaDi8 Kai a7ir|yysAr| xco ZaovX Kai fjpsasv

of Saul] David. And it was reported to Saul, and [ was pleasing

sv xoiq ocpGaXjioiq aDxoD xo pfjjia 21+ Kai si7is£aoDA,

in his eyes the thing]. And Saul said,

5cbaco aDxfjv aDxcb Kai saxai aDxcb sic; aKdv5aAx&gt;v

I will give her to him, and she shall be to him for an obstacle,

Kai saxai S7i' aDxcb %s\p aXkoyvXcov Kai si7is ZaovX

and [shall be upon him [the] hand of [the] Philistines]. And Saul said

7ipoc; AaDi5 sv xaic; 5Daiv S7iiya|iPpsDasic; jioi afjjispov

to David [a second time], You shall ally to me by marriage today.

22 + Kai svsxsiXaxo ZaovX xoic; 7iaia(v aDxoD Aiycov

And Saul gave charge [to] his servants, saying,

AxxAxjaaxs djisic; AxxGpa xco AaDi5 Xsyovxsq i8od 0sXsi

You speak in private to David, saying, Behold, [ want

sv aoi o PaaiXsDc; Kai ftdvxsc; 01 7iai8sc; aDxoD

is towards you the king's], and all his servants

aya7ic&amp;Gi as Kai &lt;xo S7iiyd|iPpsDaov xco PaaiA^si 23 +

love you, and [thus] you be allied by marriage to the king!

Kai sldAxjaav 01 7ia(5sc; EaoDl sic; xa coxa AaDi5

And [ spoke the servants of Saul] into the ears of David

xa pfjjiaxa xaDxa Kai si7is AaDi5 rj KODcpov soxiv sv

these things. And David said, [ the light [thing] Is it] in

ocp0aA,|iofc; djicov S7iiya|iPpsDaai Paai^si sycb 5s avfjp

your eyes to be allied by marriage to [the] king? And I [am] [ man

xa7isivoc; Kai od%i svxijioq 24+ Kai a7rfjyysiA,av 01

a humble], and not esteemed? And [ reported the

Kcddsq I^aovX aDxcb Kaxd xa pfjjiaxa xaDxa a

servants of Saul] to him according to these words which

sXdAxjas AaDi8 25 + Kai si7is HaovX xd5s spsixs

David spoke. And Saul said, Thus shall you say

xco AaDi8 od PoD^sxai o PaaiXstic; s8va aXk r rj

to David, [ does not want The king] a dowry, but only

SKaxov aKpoPDaxiaiq aAlocpD^cov SK8iKfjaai sic;

a hundred foreskins of [the] Philistines, to avenge against


18 rr


09 - 1 Samuel

£%dpovq tod PaaiAicoc; Kai ^LaovX sXoyiaaxo

[the] enemies of the king. And Saul devised

8|iPaA,8iv xov Aam8 sic; xac; %eipac; xcov aXXocptiAxov

to put David into the hands of the Philistines.

26+ Kai a7rfjyy£iA,av oi naidzq HaovX xco Aavid

And [told the servants of Saul] [to] David

xa pfjjiaxa xauxa Kai r|D0i)v0r| o Xoyoq sv otpBaXjiofc;

these things. And [ was straightened the word] in [the] eyes

Aavid S7iiya|iPpsT3aai xco Paai^si Kai

of David to be allied by marriage to the king. And

odk 87iAr|pcb0r|aav ai rjjiepai 2 ?+ Kai aveaxrj Aam8 Kai

[ were not fulfilled the days]. And David rose up and

87ropsT36r| avToq Kai oi dvSpec; ai)xoi3 Kai £7rdxa^ev

went himself and his men, and he struck

sv xoic; aXkoipvXoiq 5iaKoa(oi)c; dv8paq Kai fjveyKe

among the Philistines two hundred men. And he brought

xac; aKpoPixxriac; auxcov Kai S7iAx|pcoaev auxdc; xco

their foreskins, and fulfilled them to the

PaaiXei Kai S7irya|iPpei)exai xco Paai^si Kai 8(8coaiv

king; and he becomes allied by marriage to the king; and [ gives

auxco ZaovX xrjv MsA,%6A, Guyaxepa avzov eic; ywaiKa

to him Saul] Michal his daughter for a wife.

28 + Kai s(8s ZaovX Kai syvco 6xi Kopioc; jisxd AaviS

And Saul beheld and knew that [the] LORD [was] with David.

Kai Ms%6X T| 0uydxr|p avzov Kai naq IapafjX rjyd7ia

And Michal his daughter and all Israel loved

avzov 29+ Kai 7ipoa86sxo ZaovX cpoPeiaGai anb

him. And Saul proceeded to fear from

7ipoacb7ioD AaviS sxi Kai eyevexo ZaovX £%0pa(vcov

before David still. And Saul became hating

xco Aam8 naaaq xac; rjjiepac; 3 o+ Kai s^fjXGov oi

David all the days. And [ came forth the

dpxovxsc; xcov aAlocptiAxov Kai syevsxo acp' iravoi)

rulers of the Philistines], and it came to pass from [ fit

xrjc; s^oSiaq auxcov Kai Aam8 &lt;yovf|K£ 7iapd rcavxac;

expedition their], that David perceived above all

Tovq SovXovq ZaovX Kai exi|if|0r| xo ovojia avzov

the servants of Saul. And [ esteemed his name


[was] greatly].


19 cr

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

19 w

i + Kai sXdAxjas ZaovX npoq IcovaGdv xov mov avzov

And Saul spoke to Jonathan his son,

Kai 7rpoc; rcavxac; zovq 7ia(5a(; clvtox)

and to all his servants,

tod Gavaxcbaai xov Aam5 2 + Kai IcovaGdv o vioq

to put David to death. And Jonathan the son

ZaovX Tjpsixo xov Aam5 acp65pa Kai

of Saul took to David exceedingly. And

a7rfjyysiA£v IcovaGdv too AaviS Xsycov ZaovX

Jonathan reported to David, saying, Saul

0 7raxf|p (iod ^rjxsi Gavaxcbaai as Kai vdv qro^a^ai

my father seeks to put you to death; and now be on guard

atipiov 7ipcoi Kai Kpi&gt;Pr|Gi Kai KdGiaov Kpi)tpf| 3 + Kai

tomorrow morning, and hide and stay in secret! And

sycb e^eXstiaojiai Kai axfjaojiai s%6|isvoc;

1 will come forth and stand next to

xod naxpoq (iod sv aypcb ou av r\q sksi Kai

my father in [the] field of which ever you should be there. And

sycb XaAxjaco rcspi aoi) itpoq xov rcaxspa jiod Kai

I will speak concerning you to my father, and

6\j/ojiai o xi av r| Kai a7iayysA,cb aoi 4 + Kai

I will see whatever might be, and I will report it to you. And

eXdAxjaev IcovaGdv 7isp( Aam8 ayaGd npoq ZaovX

Jonathan spoke concerning David good [things] to Saul

xov rcaxspa avzov Kai si7is itpoq ai)xov |ir|

his father, and said to him, [ not

ajiapxrjadxco o fiaaikzvq siq xov SovXov avzov

Let sin the king] against his servant

xov Aavid 6xi ov% fjjiapxsv sic; as Kai xa spy a avzov

David! for he sinned not against you, and his works

KaXd acp68pa 5 + Kai sGsxo xrjv \\fv%r\v avzov sv

[proper [are] exceedingly]. And he put his life in

xtj %£ipi avTOV Kai S7idxa^s xov oXk6(pvXov Kai

his hand, and struck the Philistine. And

S7rovr|as Kopioc; acoxrjpiav jisydAxjv Kai naq IapafjX

[the] LORD executed [ deliverance a great]. And all Israel

s(5s Kai s%dpr|aav Kai ivaxi ajiapxdvsiq sic; aijia

beheld and rejoiced. And why do you sin against [ blood

aGcbov Gavaxcbaai xov Aam8 Scopsdv 6 + Kai

innocent] to put to death David without charge? And

fjKouas ZaovX Tr\q cpcovfjq IcovaGdv Kai cbjioas ZaovX

Saul hearkened to the voice of Jonathan, and Saul swore by an oath,


19 cr

8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

Aiycov fy\ Kopioc; si a7io0avsiTai ?+ Kai

saying, [As the] LORD lives shall he die, [no]. And

SK&amp;Xsaev IcovaG&amp;v xov Aam8 Kai a7if|yysiA,sv auxcb

Jonathan called David, and reported to him

rcdvxa xa pfjjiaxa xauxa Kai siafjyaysv IcovaGdv

all these things. And Jonathan brought

xov Aavid npoq ZaovX Kai r|v 8vcb7iiov avzov coq

David to Saul, and he was before him as [he was]

s%0sc; Kai xpixrjv rjjispav 8 + Kai 7ipoas0sxo o 7i6Xs|ioc;

yesterday and [the] third day [before]. And [ proceeded the war]

ysvsa0ai Kai Kaxio%i)as Aavid Kai S7roA,s|ir|os xouc;

to take place, and David grew strong and waged war [against] the

aXkoipvXovq Kai srcdxa^sv avzovq 7iAx|yf|v jisydAxjv

Philistines; and he struck them [ beating great

acp68pa Kai scpuyov sk 7ipoaco7roD avzov 9 + Kai

an exceedingly]; and they fled from his face. And

sysvsxo 7W£i3|ia Kopioi) 7iovr|p6v S7i( ZaovX 7iapd

[ came spirit [of the] LORD a ferocious] upon Saul from

Kopioi) Kai avToq sv oikco avzov SKdGrjxo Kai 56pi)

[the] LORD, and he was in his house sitting, and a spear

sv xrj %sip( olvtov Kai Aavid s\j/aAlsv sv

was in his hand. And David strummed with

xaic; %zpciv ocdxotj io + Kai s^fjxsi ZaovX 7iaxd^ai sv

his hands. And Saul sought to strike [ with

86paxi xov Aam5 Kai a7isaxr| Aavid sk 7ipoacb7roD

a wooden spear David]. And David departed from [the] face

ZaovX Kai S7idxa^s xo 56pi) sic; xov xoi%ov Kai

of Saul, and he struck [with] the spear into the wall. And

Aam5 avs^cbprjas Kai 8isacb0r| sv vdkxi SKsivrj n+ Kai

David withdrew and was delivered in that night. And

a7isaxsiXs ZaovX ayyskovq sic; xov oikov Aavid

Saul sent messengers to the house of David

cpuXd^ai ai)xov xod Gavaxcbaai ai)xov xo7ipcoi Kai

to guard him, [so as] to put him to death in the morning. And

a7rfjyysiA,s xco AaviS MskypX r\ yovfj avzov Aiyouoa

it was reported to David by Michal his wife, saying,

sdv |ir| &lt;td acbasic; xrjv \\fv%r\v gov xrjv vuKxa xatixrjv

If you shall not preserve your life this night,

atipiov od 0avax&lt;jo0fjGT| u+ Kai Kaxdysi MsA,%6X

tomorrow you shall be put to death. And Michal let down

xov Aam5 5id xrjc; 0i)pi8oc; Kai a7rqX0s Kai scpuys

David through the window. And he went forth, and fled,


19 cr

ev toutco + viica

09 - 1 Samuel

Kai acb^sxai 13 + Kai zkafizv r\ MsXypX xa Ksvoxdcpia

and escaped. And Michal took the statues,

Kai sGttksv £7ti xrjv KAivrjv Kai oxpoyyoXcojia xpi%cbv

and put [them] upon the bed; and a round [pillow] of hair

aiycbv sGttks npoq KscpaAxjc; auxoi) Kai SKdXuij/sv auxd

of goats she put by his head, and covered them

sv ijiaxico 14 + Kai a7rsaxsiA,s ZaovX ayyskovq Xafiziv

with a cloak. And Saul sent messengers to take

xov AaviS Kai si7is svo%A,sia0ai auxov 15+ Kai

David. And she spoke of him to be unwell. And

a7isaxsiA,s ZaovX ayyskovq i8s(v xov AaviS Aiycov

Saul sent messengers to see David, saying,

aydysxs auxov S7il xrjc; Kkivr\q npoq |is

Lead him upon the bed to me

xod Gavaxcbaai ai)xov i 6 + Kai sp%ovxai 01 dyysAm Kai

to put him to death. And [ come the messengers], and

i8ot3 xa Ksvoxdcpia £7U Tr\q Kkivr\q Kai axpoyyi3Axo|ia

behold, the statues upon the bed, and round [pillow]

xcovxpixcbv xcov aiycbv npoq Ks^aArjc; auxou 17+ Kai

of hair of the goats by his head. And

81718 ZaovX xtj Msk%6X ivaxi oijxcoq 7iapsAx)yiaco |is

Saul said to Michal, Why thus did you mislead me,

Kai s^a7isaxsiA,ac; xov s%0pov jiod Kai 8isacb0r| Kai

and send out my enemy, and he came through safe? And

S17T8 Msk%6X xco Zaovk avzoq si7rsv npoq |is

Michal said to Saul, He said to me,

s^a7i6axsiX6v |is si8s|ir| Gavaxcbaco as is + Kai Aam5

Send me! for if not I shall put you to death. And David

scpuys Kai 8isacb9r| Kai 7iapay(vsxai itpoq SajioufjX

fled, and was delivered, and comes to Samuel

sic; Apjia0ai|i Kai anayjeXksi auxcb 7idvxa 6aa

in Ramah. And he reports to him all as much as

S7ro(r|a8v auxcb Zaovk Kai S7iopsi)6r|Gav £ajioi)f|X Kai

[did to him Saul]. And [went Samuel and

AaviS Kai SKdGiaav sv NapdG sv Pdjia 19+ Kai

David] and stayed in Naioth in Ramah. And

a7ir|yysXr| xco Zaovk Aiyovxsc; i8oi3 Aam8 sv NapdG

it was reported to Saul, saying, Behold, David [is] in Naioth

sv Pajid 20 + Kai a7isoxsiXs ZaovX ayyskovq Xafisiv

in Ramah. And Saul sent messengers to take

xov Aam5 Kai sABovxsc; s(8ov xrjv sKKAxjcriav xcov

David. And coming they saw the assembly of the


8V TOUT© + VtKCl
09 - 1 Samuel

7ipO(pr|TCbv TCOV 7ipO(pr|TSD6VTCOV Kai £a|IOl)fjA, SiaxfjKSl

prophets prophesying, and Samuel stood

KaGsaxrjKcbq S7i' auxcbv Kai sysvsxo S7ri zovq

ordained over them. And [ became upon the

ayyskovq IsOlovX izvsv[ia 0sot3 Kai 7ipos(pf|xsDaav Kai

messengers of Saul spirit of God], and they prophesied, even

aircoi 21+ Kai a7ir|yysAx| too Zaovk Kai a7isaxsiA,sv

they. And it was reported to Saul, and he sent

ayjEkovq sxspoDc; Kai 7rpos(pfjxsi)aav Kai auxoi Kai

[messengers other], and they prophesied, even they. And

7ipoas0sxo ZaovX a7ioaxsiA,ai ayyskovq xpixoix; Kai

Saul proceeded to send messengers a third [time], and

7ipo£(pfjT£Daav Kai auxoi 22+ Kai s0u|icb0r| opyfj

they prophesied ~ even they. And [ was enraged in anger

ZaovX Kai S7ropei)0r| Kai auxoc; sic; Ap|ia0ai|i Kai

Saul], and went even himself unto Ramah. And

sp%sxai scoq cppsaxoc; xrjc; oXcd Tr\q sv too £s%(

he comes unto well of the threshing-floor of the one in Sechu.

Kai r|pcbTr|08 Kai si7ts 7TOD £a|ioi)fjX Kai Aavid

And he asked and said, Where [are] Samuel and David?

Kai si7iav i5ot3 sv Napd0 sv Pajid 23 + Kai S7ropsi30r|

And they said, Behold, in Naioth in Ramah. And he went

SK8108V sic; Napd0 sv Pajid Kai sysvsxo S7i' auxov

from there into Naioth in Ramah. And there came upon him

7ivsi)|ia 0sot3 Kai S7ropsi)0r| 7iopsuo|isvoc; Kai

spirit of God. And he went going, and

7ipos(pfjTsi)asv sooc; tod sA£siv auxov sic; Napd0 sv

prophesied unto his coming unto Naioth in

Pajid 24 + Kai s^s8i&gt;aaxo xa ijidxia auxoi) Kai

Ramah. And he took off his clothes, and

7ipos(pf|xsDasv svamiov £ajiouf|A, Kai S7isas yujivoc;

he prophesied before Samuel. And he fell naked

6Ax|v xrjv rjjispav sks(vt|v Kai 6h\v xrjv vuKxa sks(vt|v

[ entire day that], and [ entire night that].

8id xodxo s^syov si Kai HaovX sv 7ipo(pf|xaic;

Because of this they said, Is also Saul among [the] prophets?

20 2

1 + Kai a7is5pa AaviS s^ Napd0 sv Pajid Kai spxsxai

And David ran away from Naioth in Ramah, and he came

svcb7riov Icova0dv Kai si7is xi 7iS7io(r|Ka Kai xi

before Jonathan. And he said, What have I done, and what [is]


20 3 sv tootco + vuca 09-1 Samuel

to a8iKr||id |iod Kai xi r||idpTr|Ka 8vcb7iiov

my offence, and how have I sinned before

tod 7raxp6c; gov 6ti S7ii^r|T8i xrjv \\fv%r\v jiod 2 + Kai

your father, that he seeks anxiously my life? And

S17T8V avT(b IcovaGdv |ir|5a|icbc; aoi od [ir\ a7roGdvr|c;

[ said to him Jonathan], Far be it to you. In no way shall you die.

i8od od |ir| 7roifjO£i o 7raxfjp |iod pfj|ia jisya r|

Behold, in no way shall [ do my father] a thing, great or

(IlKpOV Kai ODK a7TOKaAl)\J/£l TO C0TIOV (101) Kai Tl

small, and shall not reveal it in my ear. And why

6xiKpi)\j/si o 7raxfjp jiod ari ejioi) to pfjjia todto odk

shall [ hide my father] from me this thing? [ not

SOTl TODTO 3 + Kai a7i8Kp{0r| Aai)(8 too IcovaGdv Kai

is This] [so]. And David answered Jonathan, and

S17T8 yivcbaKcov o(5sv o 7raxf|p aoi) on ei)pr|Ka xdpiv

he said, In perceiving, [ sees your father] that I have found favor

sv ocpGaXjioic; ood Kai si7i8 jlit| yvcoxco todto

in your eyes. And he said, Let not [ know this

IcovaGdv |ir| od Poi)Ar|Tai aXXd Qr\ Kopioc; Kai

Jonathan], lest he should prefer [him] ! But as lives [the] LORD, and

^r| r| \\fv%r\ aoi) on KaGcoq 8i7iov s|i7rs7rAr|aTai

as lives your soul, that as I said, [the space] is filled up

avajisaov sjiod Kai avajisaov tod nazpoq aoD ecoc;

between me and between your father unto

GavdxoD 4 + Kai si7isv IcovaGdv itpoq Aavid xi

death. And Jonathan said to David, What does

87tiGd|isi t| \|/D%f| aoD Kai Ti 7ioif|aco aoi 5+ Kai

[ desire your soul], and what should I do for you? And

81718 AaDi5 7rpoc; IcovaGdv i5od 8rj vsojirjvia atipiov

David said to Jonathan, Behold indeed, [it is] a new moon tomorrow,

Kai eycb KaGiaaq KaGfjaojiai jisxd tod PaaiAicoc;

and I in sitting should sit down with the king

cpayeiv Kai z^aitOGTzksiq |is Kai KpDpfjaojiai sv tco

to eat. And you shall send me, and I shall be hid in the

7is5ico scoq 5s(Ax|c; 6 + sdv 87rioKS7TT6|isvo(; 87iiaKs\j/r|Tai

plain until afternoon. If in numbering [ should number

|i8 o 7iaTfjp aoD Kai epeic; 7iapaiTOD|isvoc;

me [missing] your father], then you shall say, In asking pardon

7iapr|Tf|aaTO ari ejioi) AaDi8 8pa|i8iv scoc;

[ asks pardon of me David] to run unto

sic; BrjGXes|i rr|c; noXscoq avzov 6ti GDcria tcov

Beth-lehem his city, for [the] sacrifice of the


20 3 ev toi3tco + vuca 09-1 Samuel

r||ispcbv sksi 6Ax| tt] (pi)A,f| ?+ sdv x&amp;5s 8l7ir|

[feast] days [is] there [for the] entire tribe. If thus he should say,

ayaGobc; eipfjvrj too 8odXoo gov kcu sdv aKArjpobc;

Fine, [then it will be] peace [to] your servant. And if harshly

curoKpiBfj aoi yvobGi on aDvisisXeaxai r| KaKia 7iap'

he should answer to you, know that [ is completed evil] by

olvtov s + kcu 7ioif|0£ic; sXsoc; jisxd tod 8odXod ood 6ti

him! And you will do mercy with your servant, for

siafjyaysc; tov 8odA,6v aoD sic; 8ia9fjKr|v KopioD jisxd

you brought your servant into a covenant of [the] LORD with

asaDTOD kcu si saxiv a8iKia sv too 8odAxd ood

yourself. And if there is injustice in your servant,

0av&amp;xooa6v |is &lt;xo Kai sooc; tod nazpoq ood ivcm

[ put me to death you] ! And [ unto your father why

odtooc; siaay&amp;yrjc; jis 9 + Kai si7rsv IoovaGdv |ir|5cuiobc;

thus should you bring me]? And Jonathan said, Far be it

aoi 6ti sdv yivcbaKoov yvoo 6ti aDVTSTslsoTai r|

to you; for if in knowing I should know that [ is completed the

KaKia 7iapd tod nazpoq jiod tod sABsiv S7ri as Kai

evil] by my father to come against you, then

|ir| a7iayysAxb aoi 10+ Kai si7is AaDi8 7ipoc; IoovaGdv tic;

would I not report [it] to you? And David said to Jonathan, Who
a7iayysA,si (ioi sdv a7TOKpi6fj o 7iaTfjp aoD aK^ripdoc; 11 +

shall report to me if [ should answer your father] harshly?

Kai si7rsv IoovaGdv 7ipoc; AaDi8 7iopsDOD Kai

And Jonathan said to David, You go! for

s^sX6oo|isv sic; aypov Kai SK7iopsDOVTai ajicpoTspoi siq

we should go out in [the] field. And they went forth both into

aypov 12+ Kai si7isv IoovaGdv 7ipoc; AaDi5 Kopioc;

[the] field. And Jonathan said to David, [The] LORD

o Gsoc; IapafjX o(8sv 6ti avaKpivoo tov 7iaTspa jiod

God of Israel knows that I will question my father

KaTd Kaipov Tpiaaobq Kai i8od ayaGov r| D7isp

according to [time a third]. And behold, if it should be good for

AaDi8 Kai od [ir\ a7ioaTSiA,ob 7ipocj as sicj aypov 13 +

David, then in no way shall I send to you in [the] field.

Td8s 7ioif|aai o Gsoc; too IoovaGdv Kai Td8s 7ipoaGsvr|

Thus God do to Jonathan, and thus add to it,

sdv |iT| avoiaoo Ta Kara S7i( as Kai a7ioKaXD\j/oo

if I will not bring the evils unto you, and I will uncover

to ootiov aoD Kai s^a7ioaTsA,ob as Kai 7iopsDar| sic;

your ear, and I will send you, and you will go in


20 3 sv toutco + vtica 09-1 Samuel

sipfjvrjv Kai saxaiKupioq jiexd cjod KaGobc; r|v jisxa

peace. And [the] LORD will be with you, as he was with

TOD 7T(XTp6^ jlOD u+ K(Xl SOCV STl |IOD CfbvToq 7TOlf|aSlC;

my father. And if [during] my living you shall do

jist' sjiod sXsoc; KopioD Kai sdv Gavdxco arcoGdvoD

[ with me mercy of [the] LORD], even if in death I should die,

15+ odk s^apsfc; zksoq gov goto tod oikod jiod sodc;

you shall not remove your mercy from my house unto

tod aiobvoc; Kai |ir| sv tod s^aipsiv Kopiov todc;

the eon. And not [even] in the removing [by the] LORD of the

sx6poDq AaDi8 SKacrcov arco tod 7ipoaco7roD Tr\q yr\q

enemies of David, each from the face of the earth,

i6+ s^apGfjaeTca too IcovaGdv euro tod oikod Acan8 Kai

shall [ be lifted away Jonathan] from the house of David, even

SK^rjTfjoai KDpioq 8K %sipobv s%0pobv AaDl5 17 + Kai

if [the] LORD should require from [the] hands of [the] enemies of David. And

7ipoa808TO IcovaGdv ojioaai too AaDi8 8id to

Jonathan proceeded to swear by an oath [to] David, because of the

ayarcdv aDTOV 6ti rjyd7rr|a£v \\fv%r\v aya7iobvTOc; avzov

loving him, for he loved [the] soul loving him.

i8+ Kai S17TSV aDTcb IoavaGdv atipiov vso|ir|via Kai

And [ said to him Jonathan], Tomorrow [is a] new moon, and

S7riaK07if| 87iiaK87if|asTai r| Ka6s8pa aoD 19+ Kai

overseeing [ shall be watched your chair]. And

TpiaasDaeiq Kai S7uaKS\j/r| Kai fj^siq sic; tov

you shall do it three times, and you shall watch, and you shall come into the

T07rov od eKptiprjc; sksi tt| rjjispa Tr\q spyaaiac; Kai

place where you may hide there in the day of the deed, and

KaGfjarj rcapd tod Ai0oo sksivod 20+ Kai syob TpiaasDaoD

you shall sit down by that stone. And I shall be three times

sv Taiq ayiCpx^ aKovTi^oDV Kai SK7rs|i7ioDV sic; rqv

in the [ darts shooting], and sending them forth to the

ajiarcapi 21+ Kai i8od a7ro&lt;ycsAM) to 7iai8dpiov XsyoDV

mark. And behold, I shall send the servant-lad, saying,

8sDpo SDps jioi ttjv a%i^av sdv s(7tod tod 7iai8ap(oD

Come find to me the dart! If I should say to the servant-lad,

ob8s T| a%(^a ano aoD ob8s AxxPs aDTfjv 7iapayivoD

Here [is] the dart away from you here, take it! [then] you come,

6ti sipfjvrj aoi Kai odk scjti Xoyoq ^rj

for peace [shall be] to you, and there is no [bad] communication; as lives

KDpioq 22 + sdv 8s Td8s si7tod tod vsavia ob8s rj

[the] LORD. But if thus I should say to the young man, Here [is] the


20 3 sv tootco + vuca 09-1 Samuel

a%(^a a7io god Kai S7isKsiva rcopsDOD on

dart, away from you and beyond. Go! for

s^a7isaTaXKs as rcopioc; 23 + Kai 7isp( tod pfjiiaioq

[sends you out [the] LORD]. And concerning the word

od A,sA,aAr|Ka|i£v sycb Kai od i8od Kopioc; [idpivq

which we have spoken, I and you, behold, [the] LORD [is] witness

avajieaov sjiod Kai gov scoq aicbvoq 2 4 + Kai

between me and you unto [the] eon. And

KSKpimxai AaviS sv aypcb Kai sysvsTO voDjxrjvia Kai

David was hidden in [the] field. And it became a new moon, and

sp%£xai o fiaoiksvq S7U xr|v Tpdrcs^av tod cpaysiv 25 +

[ comes the king] unto the table to eat.

Kai SKdGiasv o fiaaiksvq S7U tt|v Ka0s5pav aDTOD coq

And [ sat the king] upon his chair as

anat, Kai ana^ S7ri Tr\q Ka9s8pac; 7iapd to(%ov

once and once before that, upon the chair by [the] wall.

Kai 7rpo8(p0aae aDiov Icova0dv Kai SKdGiasv Apsvfjp

And [ went beforehand by him Jonathan], and Abner sat

sk 7iA,ayicov tod ZaovX Kai 87isaKS7ir| o T07i;oc;

by [the] side of Saul. And [ was watched the place

tod AaDi8 26+ Kai odk sldArjos EaoDl od8sv sv

of David]. And [did not say Saul] anything in

ttj r||ispa SKsivrj 6ti si7rsv aD|i7iTC0|ia cpaivsTai |ir|

that day, for he said, A coincidence, for he appears [ not

KaGapoq sivai 6ti od KSKd6api&lt;xcai 2 ? + Kai sysvsTO

clean to be], for he has not cleansed [himself]. And it came to pass

tt| s7iaDpiov tod jxrjvoc; ttj r||ispa ttj SsDTspa Kai

in the next day of the month, the [ day second], and

S7isaKS7rr| o T07roc; tod AaDi8 Kai si7is HaovX npoq

[ was watched the place of David]. And Saul said to

IoovaGdv tov diov aDTOD ti 6ti od rcapaysyovsv

Jonathan his son, Why [is it] that he has not come,

o vioq Isaaai Kai s%Gsc; Kai afjjispov S7U tt|v

the son of Jesse, even yesterday and today unto the

Tpd7is^av 28 + Kai a7TSKpiGr| IoovaGdv too ZaovX Kai

table? And Jonathan answered Saul, and

si7rsv 7rapfjTr|Tai 7iap' sjiod AaDi5 sooc; sic; BrjGXssji

said, [ asks pardon of me David], so as [ to Beth-lehem

TTJV 7l6A.IV aDTOD 7TOpSD6fjVai 29+ Kai S17TSV s^a7r6&lt;ycsiAx)v

his city to go]. And he said, Send

8r| jis 6ti 0Da(a Tr\q (pvXr\q r\[dv sv tt| 7i6A,si Kai

me indeed, for [ a sacrifice of the tribe we [have]] in the city, and


20 3 sv tootco + vuca 09-1 Samuel

svsxsi^avxo 7ipoc; |is 01 a5sAxpo( |iod Kai vdv si

[ gave charge for me my brethren]. And now if

stiprjKa x a P lv 8V o(pdak[ioiq gov a7isA,SDao|iai 5r| Kai

I have found favor in your eyes, I will go forth indeed and

6\j/o|iai xodc; a5sAxpoDc; jiod 5id xodxo od

see my brethren. On account of this he does not

rcapaysyovsv em xrjv xpdrcs^av tod PaaiAicoq 30+ Kai

come unto the table of the king. And

80D(icb9r| opyfj ZaovX S7i( IcovaGdv acp65pa Kai sircsv

[ was enraged in anger Saul] at Jonathan exceedingly, and said

aDxcb me Kopaaicov aDxojioAxyovxcov od yap o(5a

to him, O son [ woman of a deserting], [ not for do you] know

on &lt;td jisxoxoq si too mob Isaaai sic; aiaxDvrjv aoD

that you are a partner to the son of Jesse for your shame,

Kai sic; aiaxDvrjv a7ioKaA,D\j/scoc; jirjxpoc; ctod 31+6x1

and for [the] shame of uncovering your mother? For

ndaaq xaq rjjiepaq aq o vioq Isaaai ^rj sm xrjc;

all the days which the son of Jesse lives upon the

yrjc; od% sxoi|iaaGf|ar| av od5s r\ Paai^sia aoD vdv

earth, you shall not be prepared, you nor your kingdom. Now

odv arcoaxsiov Kai Xdps xov vsaviav 6x1 vioq

then, send and take the young man! for [ a son

GavdxoD SaXlV 32 + Kai a7rsKp(9r| IcovaGdv xco Zaovk

of death he is]. And Jonathan responded [to] Saul

rcaxpi aDxoD Kai sircsv ivaxi a7ioGvf|aKsi xi 7iS7rovr|Ks

his father, and said, Why does he die? What has he done?

33+ Kai £7rfjp£ SaoDA, xo 86pD S7U IcovaGdv

And Saul lifted up the spear against Jonathan

xod Gavaxcbaai aDxov Kai syvco IcovaGdv 6x1

to put him to death. And Jonathan knew that

oDvxsxs^saxai r| KaKia aDxrj rcapd xod rcaxpoc; aDxoD

[ has been completed this evil] by his father

xod Gavaxcbaai AaDi5 34+ Kai avs7rfj8r|asv IcovaGdv arco

to put David to death. And Jonathan jumped up from

xrjc; xpa7T8^r|c; sv opyfj Gdjiod Kai odk scpaysv

the table in anger of rage. And he did not eat

dpxov sv xt| 5sDxspa r||ispa xod [ir\voq 6x1

bread on the second day of the month, for

sGpaDoGrj S7i( xov AaDi5 6x1 sPoD^SDaaxo

he was devastated for David, for [ planned

o 7iaxfjp aDxoD aDvxslsaai aDxov 35+ Kai sysvsxo 7ipcoi

his father] to finish him off. And it became morning,


20 3 ev tootco + vtica 09-1 Samuel

Kai e^fjXGsv IcovaGdv sic; aypov KaGcbc; exd^axo sic;

and Jonathan came forth into [the] field as he gave order for

to iiapropiov too Aai)i8 Kai 7cai8dpiov jiiKpov |ist'

the testimony [to] David, and [ servant-lad [the] small] was with

olvtov 36+ Kai 81718 too 7iai5ap(co 5p&amp;|ie ctd Kai stipe

him. And he said to the servant-lad, You run and find

\xoi zaq axi^aq aq sycb aKovTi^co Kai to 7cai8dpiov

for me the darts which I shall shoot! And the servant-lad

sSpajie Kai avToq t|k6vti^s tt| PeAxj Kai 7capf|yay£v

ran. And he shot the arrow, and it passed by

aDifjv 37+ Kai fjXGe to 7iai8dpiov ecoc; tod totcod tcov

him. And [ came the servant-lad] unto the place of the

PeAxbv gov t|k6vti^sv IcovaGdv Kai avsporjasv IcovaGdv

arrows which Jonathan shot. And Jonathan yelled out

O7uaco tod 7iai8ap(oD Kai ei7csv sksi rj ayjLp. anb

after the boy, and said, [ [is] there the dart] [away] from

aoD Kai S7i8Ksiva 3 s + Kai aveporjasv IcovaGdv omaco

you and beyond. And Jonathan yelled out after

tod 7iai8apioD aDTOD Aiycov Ta%Dvac; a7isDaov Kai

his servant-lad, saying, In hastening, you hasten! for

\n\ arrjc; Kai ave^e^e to 7iai8dpiov IcovaGdv xaq

you should not stand. And [ gathered up the servant-lad of Jonathan] the

c/iCfiq Kai fjvsyKs xaq a%(^ac; 7cpoc; tov Kopiov aDTOD

darts, and he brought the darts to his master.

39+ Kai to 7iai8dpiov odk syvco odGsv 7idps^ IcovaGdv

And the servant-lad did not know anything, only Jonathan

Kai AaDi8 syvcoaav to pfjjia 40 + Kai IcovaGdv s5cok8

and David knew the thing. And Jonathan gave

Ta OK8DTJ aDTOD 8711 TO 7Cai5dpiOV aDTOD Kai 817C8 TCO

his weapons to his servant-lad, and said [to]

7Cai8apiCO aDTOD 7COp£DOD eiOsABs Siq TTJV TloklV 41 +

his servant-lad, Go, enter into the city!

Kai coc; siafjABs to 7caiSdpiov Kai AaDi5 avearrj

And as [ entered [the city] the servant-lad], then David rose up

a7co tod spydp Kai S7ceaev S7U 7cp6aco7cov aDTOD S7ri

from the chest, and fell upon his face upon

ttjv yrjv Kai 7cpoaeK6vr|aev aDTcb Tpic; Kai

the ground, and did obeisance to him three times. And

KaTsqnArjaev SKacrcoc; tov 7cAr|a(ov aDTOD Kai SKkavasv

[ kissed each] his dear one, and [ wept

SKaaTOc; £7U tco 7cAx|a(ov aDTOD ecoc; aDVTsA,siac;

each] over his dear one unto [ finale

21 SD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

09 - 1 Samuel

jisydAxjc; Aavid D7rspsPaA,sv 42+ Kai si7isv IcovaGdv

of a great David exceeded]. And Jonathan said

7ipoc; Aavid 7iopsDOD sic; sipfjvrjv Kai coc;

to David, Go in peace! And as

o|ico|i6Ka|i8v r||isfc; ajicpoTspoi sv ovojiaxi KopioD

we swore by an oath, both of us in [the] name of [the] LORD,

AiyovTSc; Kopioc; eaxai jidpToc; avajisaov sjiod Kai

saying, [The] LORD will be witness between me and

aoi) Kai avajisoov tod a7isp|iaT6c; jiod Kai

you, and between my seed and

tod a7T8p|iaT6c; aoD scoc; aicbvoc; Kai avs&lt;xrr| AaDi5 Kai

your seed, unto [the] eon. And David rose up and

anr\kds Kai IcovaGdv siafjXGsv sic; rqv 7i6A.iv

went forth. And Jonathan entered into the city.


1 + Kai sp%STai AaDi5 sic; Nopd 7ipoc; Axi|isA,sx tov

And David comes to Nob, to Ahimelech the

ispsa Kai s^sott) AxijisXsx tt| a7iavTf|asi AaDi8 Kai

priest. And Ahimelech is startled in the meeting David. And

si7csv aDTcb ti 6ti od jiovoc; Kai od8s(c; jiSTd aoD

he said to him, Why [is it] that you [are] alone, and no one [is] with you?

2 + Kai si7is AaDi8 too ispsi A%i|isA,s% o PaaiXsDc;

And David said to the priest Ahimelech, The king

svTSTaArai jioi pfjjia afjjispov Kai si7is jioi jir|8sic;

gave charge to me a thing today, and said to me, Let no one

yvcoTCO |ir|Ssv 7ispi tod pfjjiaTOc; D7isp od syco

know anything concerning the matter for which I

a7ioaTsAAxD as Kai 7ispi od svTSTaXjiai aoi Kai xoiq

send you, and for what I have given charge to you. And to the

7tai8apioic; Siajis|iapTDpr||iai sv tco t67tco tco

servants I testified in the place, in the

Xsyojisvco OsAxxwi AXjicovi 3+ Kai vdv si siaiv D7i6

one being called — Phalanni Alomni. And now, if there is in


your hand five bread [loaves], put into my hand

to SDpsGsv 4+ Kai a7isKp(0r| o ispstic; tco AaDiS Kai

the [thing] being found. And [ responded the priest] to David, and


said, There are no profane bread [loaves] in my hand,

6ti aXk r T| dpTOi dyioi sioiv si 7iscpDXay|isva Ta

but [only bread [loaves] holy there are]. If [ were having been kept the


21 SD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

7iai8dpia arco yDvaucoc; Kai cpdyovxai 5+ Kai

servants] from a woman, then they shall eat. And

a7T8Kpi6r| Aavid xco ispsi Kai sitcsv aDxcb aXka Kai

David answered to the priest, and said to him, Yes, even

arco yovaiKoc; a7isa%fj|is0a arco xrjc; s%0sc; Kai xpixrjc;

from a woman we have been at a distance from yesterday and [the] third

rjjispac; sv xco s^sA£s(v jis sic; xrjv o86v ysyovs rcdvxa

day [before]. In my coming forth for the journey [ have been all

xa 7iai5(a rjyviajisva Kai aDxfj r| odoq PsPrj^oc; 816x1

the servants] purified; but this journey is profane, for

afjjispov ayiaaGfjaexai 81a xa aKSDTj jiod

today it shall be sanctified on account of my weapons.

6+ Kai sScoksv ai)xcb A%i|isA,s% o ispstic; dpxoDc; xrjc;

And [ gave to him Ahimelech the priest] bread [loaves] of the

7ipo0sascoc; 6x1 odk r|v sksi dpxoq aXk r r\ dpxoi

place setting, for there was no [ there bread [loaf]], but only bread [loaves]

xod 7rpoaco7roi) 01 acpr|pr||i8VOi sk 7ipoacb7iOD

of the presence, the [loaves] being removed before [the] presence

Kopioi) xod 7rapax£6fjvai dpxoDc; 0sp|ioDc; r|

of [the] LORD, [so as] to place near [ bread [loaves] [the] hot] in which

rjjispa slapsv aDxotic; 7+ Kai rjv xic; sksi xcov

day he took them. And there was a certain one there of the

8odAxdv ZaovX sv xtj rjjispa sks(vt| aDvsxojisvoc;

servants of Saul in that day, being held

svco7riov Kopioi) Kai ovojia ai)xcb Acofjy o I8oD|ia(o(;

before [the] LORD, and [the] name to him [was] Doeg the Edomite,

vsjicov xac; t||ii6vodc; HaovX 8 + Kai si7is AaDi8 npoq

feeding the mules of Saul. And David said to

A%i|isXs% (8s 8i saxiv evxai30a D7i6 xrjv %s(pd ctod

Ahimelech, See if there is here under your hand

86pu T| pojicpaia 6x1 xrjv pojicpaiav jiod Kai

a spear or broadsword! for my broadsword and

Xa OKSDT] |IOD ODK SlAjjtpa SV XT| %Sip( JIOD 0X1 XO

my weapons I have not taken in my hand, for the

pfjjia xod PaaiXscoq ttv Kaxd a7ioD8f|v 9+ Kai sitcsv o

matter of the king was in haste. And [ said the

ispsDc; i8od T| pojicpaia roAad0 xod aAlocpD^OD ov

priest], Behold, the broadsword of Goliath the Philistine whom

S7idxa^ac; sv xrj KoiXdSi UXd Kai aDxfj svsiAr||i|isvr|

you struck in the valley of Ela. And it is wrapped

sv ijiaxico O7iiaco xrjc; S7rco|ji8oc; si xaDxrrv Xr\\\fr\

in a cloak behind the shoulder-piece. If this you take


21 SD


09 - 1 Samuel

asaDTcb Xdps on odk saxiv sxspa 7idps§ avTT\q

for yourself, take! for there is none other besides it

svxm39a Kai si7is Aavid odk saxiv cba7isp aoxfj doq

here. And David said, There is none as it, give

lioiooxfjv io+ Kai sScdksv ai)xf|v ai)xcb Kai

it to me! And he gave it to him. And

avsaxrj Aai)(8 Kai scpDysv sv xr| rjjiepa sks(vt| sk

David rose up and fled in that day from

7ipoaco7roD Zaovk Kai r\kdz Aavid itpoq AK%iq

[the] presence of Saul. And David came to Achish

PaaiXsa TsG n+ Kai sitcov oi 7ia(8sc; Ak%ic; npoq

king of Gath. And [ said the servants of Achish] to

avTOV od% omoq saxiv AaDi8 o fiaaiksvq xrjc; yr\q

him, [ not this Is] David the king of the land?

od%( xodxcd s^fjpxovxo ai %opsDODaai AiyoDaai

Did not [ to this one taking the lead the women joining in a dance], saying,

S7idxa^s ZaovX sv %ilidaiv aDxoD Kai Aavid

Saul struck his thousands, and David

sv jiDpiaaiv avTOV n+ Kai sGsxo Aavid xa pfjjiaxa xatixa

his ten thousands? And David put these words

sv xtj Kap8(a aDxoD Kai scpopfjGrj acp68pa arco

in his heart, and feared exceedingly before

7ipoaco7roD Ak%ic; PaaiXscoc; TsG i 3 + Kai rjAloiooas

[the] face of Achish king of Gath. And he changed

xo 7ipoaco7rov aDxoD svcb7iiov auxcbv Kai 7iaps(pspsxo

his countenance before them. And carried about

sv xaic; xspaiv aDxoD Kai S7ii7ixsv S7ri xaic; dvpaxq xrjc;

with his hands, and fell upon the doors of the

7ivhr\q Kai xa aizka aDxoD Kaxsppsi sm

gateway, and his saliva flowed down upon

xov 7icbycDva aDxoD u + Kai sircsv Ak%(c; npoq

his beard. And Achish said to

xodc; naibaq aDxoD i8od (8sxs dv8pa S7riAx|7ixov

his servants, Behold, you see a man overcome by convulsions!

ivaxi siafjyaysxs ai)xov npoq |is 15+ rj 7ipoa8so|iai

Why did you bring him to me? Or do [ feel a want

S7iiXf|7rxcov sycb 6x1 siosvsyraxs ai)xov

of ones overcome by convulsions I] that you carry him

S7riAx|7txsi3sa0ai S7i' |is si odxoc; siasXstiasxai sic;

being possessed unto me? Shall this one enter into

XT|V oiKiav |IOD

my house, [no].


22 3D


09 - 1 Samuel

22 M

i + Kai a7rfjA,0sv AaDi8 sks(0sv Kai 8isacb6r| Kai

And David went forth from there, and came through safe. And

sp%£xai sic; to a7ifjAmov to 08oAld|i Kai aKODODaiv

he comes to the cave of Odollam, and [ hear

oi aSsAxpoi avzov Kai itaq o oikoc; tod nazpoq avzov

his brethren], and all the house of his father,

Kai KaTaPaivoDai npoq avzov sksi 2 + Kai aDvfjyovTO

and they went down to him there. And gathered together

7ipoq auTOV naq sv avdyKrj Kai naq D7c6%pscoc; Kai

with him every one in necessity, and every debtor, and

naq KaTcb5i)voc; \\fv%r\ Kai r|v S7c' aDTcbv rjyoDjisvoc;

all in severe pain of the soul; and he was over them, taking the lead.

Kai fjaav jist' avzov coc; TSTpaKoaioi dvSpsc; 3 + Kai

And there were with him about four hundred men. And

cmr\kd£ Aam8 sksiBsv sic; Maaarjcpd rr|c; Mcodp Kai

David went forth from there unto Mizpeh ofMoab. And

81718 7ipoc; tov PaaiAia Mcodp yivsa9coaav 8r|

he said to the king of Moab, Let indeed

0 7iaTfjp jiod Kai T| |if|Tr|p |ioi) 7capd aoi scoc; OTOD

my father and my mother [be] by you, until whenever

yvcb ti 7ioifja8i (ioi o 0s6c; 4 + Kai 7capsKdA,sas to

1 know what [ shall do to me God]. And he appealed to the

7ip6aco7rov tod PaaiAicoc; Mcodp Kai KaTCOKODV jist'

person of the king of Moab. And they dwelt with

ai)TOD 7idaac; Tag rjjispac; ovtoc; tod AaDi8 ev ttj

him all the days of David being in the

7ispio%fj 5+ Kai 81718 Ta8 o 7cpo(pfjTr|c; npoq AaDi8 |ir|

citadel. And [ said Gad the prophet] to David, Do not

Kd0OD SV TTJ 7CSpiO%f| 7COpSDOD Kai fj^sic; sic; yrjv

settle in the citadel. Go! and you shall come into [the] land

IoD8a Kai 87cop8D9r| AaDi8 Kai r\kds Kai SKdGiasv sv

of Judah. And David went, and came and settled in

7c6Xsi XapfjG 6+ Kai fjKODas ZaovX 6ti syvcocrcai AaDi8

[the] city Hareth. And Saul heard that David was known,

Kai oi dvSpsc; oi jist' aDTOD Kai ZaovX SKd6r|T0 sv

and the men with him. And Saul stayed on

too Podvco D7c6 TTjv dpoDpav TTjv sv Pajid Kai TO

the hill by the plowed field, the one in Ramah, and the

86pD sv ttj %sip( aDTOD Kai 7cdvTSc; oi 7ca(8sc; aDTOD

spear was in his hand, and all his servants


22 3D

8V TOUT© + VlKa
09 - 1 Samuel

7iapsiaxfjKsiaav aDxcb ?+ Kai si7is ZaovX npoq

stood beside him. And Saul said to

xodc; 7ia(8ac; aDxoD xodc; 7iapsaxr|K6xac; aDxcb aKotisxs

his servants, of the ones standing beside him, Hear

8r| dioi Bsviajiiv si akr\d(bq 7idaiv djjav 8cbasi o

indeed, O sons of Benjamin! Shall truly [all to you give the

vioq Isaaai aypotic; Kai aji7csAxbvac; Kai ndvTaq v[idq

son of Jesse] fields and vineyards? And [ all you

xd^si SKaxovx&amp;pxoDc; Kai %iAadp%ODc; 8+ 6xi

will he arrange] [as] commanders of hundreds, and commanders of thousands? For

aDyKsiaBs 7idvxsc; v[isiq S7i' sjis Kai odk saxiv

[ situated together you [are] all] against me, and there is not

o a7ioKa}o)7rxcDV xo coxiov jiod sv xco 8ia0sa6ai

one uncovering my ear, in that [ ordains

xov diov jiod 8ia0f|Kr|v jisxd xod diod Isaaai Kai

my son] a covenant with the son of Jesse. And


there is the one toiling for me from you, and

a7TOKaXi)7rxcDV xo coxiov jiod oxi S7if|ysipsv o vioq [iov

uncovering my ear. For [ raised up my son]

xov dovXov |iod 87i ' S|i8 sic; s%0pov coq T| r||ispa aDxrj

my servant against me for an enemy, as [it is] this day?

9+ Kai a7TOKp(vsxai Acofjy o I8oD|ia(oc; o KaGsaxrjKcoc;

And [ answered Doeg the Edomite], the one placed

S7Ti xac; t||ii6vodc; ZaovX Kai si7isv scbpaKa xov diov

over the mules of Saul. And he said, I saw the son

Isaaai 7iapayiv6|isvov sic; Nopd 7ipoc; A%i|isA,sx diov

of Jesse coming into Nob, to Ahimelech son

A%ixcbp xov ispsa 10+ Kai rjpcoxa aDxcb 81a

of Ahitub the priest. And he asked him concerning

xod Gsod Kai S7ciaixia|i6v sScoksv aDxcb Kai xrjv

God, and [ provisions he gave to him]; and the

pojitpaiav ToAadG xod aAlocpD^OD s8coksv aDxcb n +

broadsword of Goliath the Philistine he gave to him.

Kai a7tsaxsiA,sv o PaaiXstic; KaAiaai xov A%ijisXsx

And [ sent the king] to call Ahimelech

diov A%ixcbp xov ispsa Kai rcavxac; xodc; diodc;

son of Ahitub the priest, and all the sons

xod 7raxp6c; aDxoD xodc; ispsk; xodc; sv Nopd Kai

of his father of the priests, of the ones in Nob. And

7iapsysvovxo 7idvxsc; 7ipoc; xov PaaiXsa 12 + Kai

they all came to the king. And


22 3D

ev tootco + viKa

09 - 1 Samuel

81718 IsCLOvX 0CKOD8 8r| 1)18 A%lTCbP Kai 817T8V l80D

Saul said, Hear indeed, O son ofAhitub! And he said, Behold,

eycb Xaksi Kopie n+ rai si7rsv ai)xcb Zaovk ivaxi

[it is] I. Speak, O master! And [ said to him Saul], Why did

ctdvsGod rax' sjiod &lt;jv Kai o vioq Ieaaai

you agree against me, you and the son of Jesse,

tod 8oDva( ae ai)icb dpxov Kai pojicpaiav Kai spcoxdv

for you to give him bread, and a broadsword, and should ask

ai)Tcb 8ia tod 0sod tod 9sa0ai aDTOV S7i' ejis sic;

on his account of God, to put him against me for

sx0pov ox; T| r||ispa aDTTj i 4 + Kai a7isKp(9r| A%i|ieXex

an enemy, as [he is] this day? And Ahimelech answered

too Paai^ei Kai 8i7is Kai tic; sv 7idai

to the king, and said, And who among all

Toiq dovXoiq cjod mcToq coq AaDi8 Kai yajiPpoc; tod

your servants [is] trustworthy as David, and son-in-law of the

PaaiXeooc; Kai dp%cov rcavTOc; 7iapayysA,|iaT6c; aoD Kai

king, and one in charge of all your mobilization order, and

evSo^oc; sv too oikco OOD i 5 + T| afjjiepov fjpyjiai spoycdv

honorable in your house? Or today have I begun to ask

aDTcb 8id tod 08OD |ir|8a|icbc; |ir| 86tcd o fiaaikvbq

for him through God? By no means. Let not [impute the king]

KaTd tod 8odA,od aDTOD Xoyov Kai ecp' 6Xov

concerning [ of his servant [the] word], and against [the] entire

tov oikov tod 7iaTp6c; jiod 6ti odk f|8si o SovXoq aoD

house of my father, for [ knew not your servant]

sv 7idai todtok; pfjjia jiiKpov T| jisya i 6 + Kai si7i8v

in any of these [things], a matter small or great. And [ said

o PaaiXeDc; ZaovX BavdTOO a7io9avf| A%i[i£Xs% cjd Kai

king Saul], To death Ahimelech should die, you and

iiaq o oiKoq tod 7raTp6c; aoD n + Kai si7isv o fiaaiksvq

all the house of your father. And [ said the king]

tok; 7iapaTpsxoDai toic; ecpsarrjKoai S7i' aDTOV

to the bodyguards, to the ones standing by him,

7ipoaaydysT8 Kai GavaTcbaaTS todc; ispsiq tod KopioD

Lead forward, and put to death the priests of the LORD!

6ti r| %eip aDTcbv jiSTd AaDi8 8i6ti eyvcoaav 6ti

for their hand [is] with David, for they knew that

cpsDyei avToq Kai odk a7isKdXD\j/av to cotiov jiod Kai

he fled, and they did not uncover my ear. And

odk ePoDAx|6r|aav 01 naidsq tod PaaiXscoq 87rsvsyK8iv

[ would not the servants of the king] bear


22 3D

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

09 - 1 Samuel

xac; %s\paq aDxcov a7cavxT|aai siq xodc; ispeic; KopiOD

their hands to encounter against the priests of [the] LORD.

i8+ Kai S17TSV o fiaaikzvq too AcDfjy e7riaxpstps cjd Kai

And [ said the king] to Doeg, You turn, and

&amp;7ravxa etc; xodc; lepek; Kai e7C£axp£\j/e Acofjy o

encounter the priests! And [ turned Doeg the

I5oi)|ia(o(; Kai e9avdxcoae xodc; ispsfc; xod kdpiod sv

Edomite], and put to death the priests of the LORD in

xtj r||i8pa SKSivrj oy8or|Kovxa7i;svxs dvSpac; itavTaq

that day — eighty-five men, all

aipovxac; ecpotiS i 9 + Kai xTrvNopd xrjv 7i6A.iv xcov

bearing an ephod. And Nob, the city of the

ispecov 87idxa^8v sv axojiaxi pojicpaiac; and avbpoq

priests, he struck with [the] mouth of [the] broadsword, from man

ecoc; yuvaiKoq anb vt]7Uod Kai ecoc; GrjXdtpvxoc; Kai

unto woman, from infant and unto one nursing, and

anb [iba%ov Kai ovod Kai 7cpopdxoD S7cdxa^ev sv

from calf and donkey and sheep, he struck by

axojiaxi pojicpaiac; 20+ Kai 8iaacb^exai vibq siq

[the] mouth of [the] broadsword. And [ came through safe son one

xod A%i|isXs% dico A%ixcbp Kai ovojia aDxcb ApidGap

ofAhimelech son ofAhitub], and [the] name to him [was] Abiathar,

Kai ecpDysv O7riaco Aain8 21 + Kai a7cfjyysiA,ev ApidGap

and he fled after David. And Abiathar reported

xoo Aavid 6x1 sGavdxcoae ZaovX 7cdvxac; xodc; ispeic;

[to] David that Saul put to death all the priests

xod Kupioi) 22+ Kai 8i7is Aam8 xoo ApidGap fj88iv 6x1

of the LORD. And David said [to] Abiathar, For I knew

sv xtj T]|i8pa 8K8ivr| oxi Acofjy o ISoDjiaioq OXl

in that day, that Doeg the Edomite, that

a7tayysAlcov a7cayysA£i xoo ZaovX sycb sijii o aixioc;

in reporting he would report to Saul. I am the one at fault

xcov \j/D%cbv bXov oikod xod 7caxp6c; aoD 23 + KdGoD

for the lives of all [the] house of your father. You sit down

(ISX' SJIOD |IT] CpoPoD OXl OD sdv ^T]XCO XT] \|A)%T] |IOD

with me! Do not fear! for where ever I seek for my life,

^rjxfjaco Kai xtj \|/d%t] ood xotcov 6x1 mipvka^ai ctd

I shall seek also [ for your life a place]; for you are guarded

7Cap' 8JIOI

by me.


23 30

09 - 1 Samuel

23 20

i+ Kai a7if|yysiA,av xco Aavid Aiyovxsc; i8od oi

And they reported [to] David, saying, Behold, the

akXocpvkoi ttoXsjiodctiv sv xrj Ksild Kai aDxoi

Philistines wage war in Keilah, and they

8iap7rd^oi)ai xac; dA,co 2+ Kai S7rr|pcbxr|a£ Aam5 5id

tear in pieces the threshing-floors. And David asked of

tod KDpioi) Aiycov si 7ropeD6co Kai 7iaxd^co

the LORD, saying, Shall I go and strike

xodc; akXoipvkovq xodxodc; Kai si7T8 Kopioc; npoq Aavid

these Philistines? And [the] LORD said to David,

rcopeDOD Kai 7raxd^£ic; xodc; aXXoipvXovq Kai acbosic;

Go! and you shall strike the Philistines, and you shall deliver

xrjv KeiA,d 3 + Kai ei7iov 01 dv5psc; tod AaDi5 npoq

Keilah. And [ said the men of David] to

aDiov i5od r\[isiq svxatiGa sv xrj IoD8a(a cpoPoDjisGa

him, Behold, we here in Judea fear.

Kai 7icoc; saxai sdv 7ropeD6cb|isv sic; Ksi^d eic; xac;

And how will it be if we should go into Keilah unto the

KoiAxx5ac; xcov aAlocpDAxov 4 + Kai TCpoaeGexo AaDi8 exi

valleys of the Philistines? And David proceeded yet

S7i8pcoxf|aai 5id xod kdpiod Kai a7isKp(6r| aDxcb

to ask of the LORD. And [ answered him

KDpioq Kai S17T8V 7ipoc; aDxov avdaxrjGi Kai KaxdprjGi

[the] LORD], and said to him, Rise up and go down

sic; KeiA,d 6x1 eyco 7iapa5(8co|ii xodc; aXXoipvXovq sic;

unto Keilah! for I deliver up the Philistines into

%e(pdc; ood 5 + Kai S7ropsD6r| AaDi8 Kai 01 dvSpec; 01

your hands. And David went, and the men, the ones

jisx' aDxoD sic; Ks'tAxx Kai S7ioA,s|ir|a8 xodc;

with him, unto Keilah. And he waged war against the

aXXoipvkoiq Kai ecpDyov sk 7ipoacb7roD aDxoD Kai

Philistines, and they fled from his face. And

a7rfjyays xa Kxfjvrj aDxcbv Kai £7idxa^sv aDxoic; 7iAx|yf|v

he took away their cattle, and he struck them [ beating

jisydAxjv Kai eacoae AaDi5 xodc; KaxoiKowcac; KsiA,d 6 +

with a great]. And David delivered the ones dwelling in Keilah.

Kai eyevexo sv xco cpetiyeiv ApidGap xov diov

And it came to pass in the fleeing of Abiathar the son

A%i[i£Xs% itpoq AaDi5 sic; KsiXd KaxsPrj e%cov scpotiS

of Ahimelech to David in Keilah, he came down having an ephod


23 30

8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

sv tt] %£ipi avzov 7 + Kai a7tfjyysAx| xco HaovX 6xi

in his hand. And it was reported to Saul that

f|K8i o Aavid sic; KsiiA,d Kai sites HaovX TtSTipaKsv

David was come to Keilah. And Saul said, [ has sold

avTOV o 0s6c; sic; xac; %sipaq [iov 6xi a7roKSKA,siaxai

him God] into my hands, for he is locked up,

siasABcbv sic; 7i6A.iv Gupcbv Kai |io%Axbv 8 + Kai

having entered into a city of doors and bars. And

7iapfjyysiA£ ZaovX 7iavx( xco Xacb KaxaPaivsiv sic;

Saul exhorted all the people to go down for

7i6A,s|iov sic; Ks'iXd xod &lt;yovs%siv xov Aam8 Kai

war to Keilah, to band together against David and

Tovq avdpaq avzov 9 + Kai syvco Aam8 6x1 ou

his men. And David knew that [ did not

7iapaaicb7i;a ZaovX 7isp( avzov xrjv KaKiav Kai

remain silent Saul] concerning him for evil. And

S17T8 Aavid npoq ApiaGdp xov ispsa 7ipoadyays xo

David said to Abiathar the priest, Bring the

stpcy65 10+ Kai si7is Aavid Kopis o Gsoc; IapafjA,

ephod! And David said, O LORD, the God of Israel,

aKoticov aKfjKoev o Sovkoq gov 6x1 ^rjxsi Zaovk sA,0s(v

in hearing hearken to your servant! for Saul seeks to come

sic; Ksild 8iatp6s(pai xrjv 7i6A.iv 81' sjis n+ si

against Keilah, to utterly destroy the city on account of me. Shall

a7C0KA£ia9fjasxai Kai vdv si Kaxapfjasxai ZaovX

it be locked up? And now, shall Saul come down

KaGcbc; fjKouasv o 8cr6A,6c; gov Kopis o 0s6c; IapafjA,

as [heard your servant], O LORD, the God of Israel?

a7cdyyeiAx)v xco 8ot3Axo gov Kai si7is Kopioc;

Report [to] your servant! And [the] LORD said,

Kaxapfjaexai 12 + Kai sins Aam8 si 7iapa8cbaoi)aiv 01

It shall be locked up. And David said, Shall [ deliver up the ones

a7uo xrjc; Ks'tAxx sjis Kai xodc; dvSpac; [iov sic; xsipac;
from Keilah] me and my men into [the] hand

ZaovX Kai si7cs Kopioc; 7capa8cbooi)aiv 13 + Kai

of Saul? And [the] LORD said, They shall deliver up. And

avsaxrj AaviS Kai 01 dv8psq avzov coc; s^aKoaioi Kai

David rose up, and his men — about eight hundred. And

s^f|A,0ov sk KsiA,d Kai S7iopsi)ovxo ou av

they went forth from Keilah, and went where ever

S7copsT3ovxo Kai a7ir|yysAx| xco Zaovk 6x1

they could go. And it was reported [to] Saul that


23 30

8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

Siaasacoaxai Aai)(5 sk Ks'iXd Kai avfjKs tod s^sX0svv

David went safe from Keilah, and he spared to come forth.

14+ Kai SK&amp;Gias Aam8 sv xrj spf|jaco sv xoic; axsvoic;

And David stayed in the wilderness, in the narrow [passes],

Kai SKdGrjxo sv xrj opsi sv xco spfj|ico Zicp Kai

and settled in the mountain, in the wilderness ofZiph. And

s^fjxsi avTOV ZaovX itaaaq xac; rjjispac; Kai od

[ sought him Saul] all the days. And [ did not

7iaps5coKsv ai)i6v Kopioc; sic; xacj %s(pacj aDxof) i 5 + Kai

deliver him [the] LORD] into his hands. And

s(5s Aavid 6xi s^sp%sxai Zaovk xod ^rjxsiv ai)xov Kai

David knew that Saul went forth to seek him. And

AaviS rjv sv xrj spfj|ico Zicp sv xrj Kaivfj i 6 + Kai

David was in the wilderness Ziph in New. And

avsoxrj IcovaGdv vioq Zaovk Kai S7iopsD0rj 7ipoc;

[rose up Jonathan son of Saul], and went to

Aavid sic; Kaivfjv Kai SKpaxaicoas xac; %s(pac; aDxof) sv

David in New. And he fortified his hands in

xco Kopico 17+ Kai si7is 7ipoc; aDxov |ir| cpopofj 0X1

the LORD. And he said to him, Do not fear! for

od |ir| as SDprj T| %sip ZaovX xod rcaxpoc; |iod Kai ctd

in no way shall [ find you the hand of Saul my father]. And you

PaaiA,sDasic; S7U IapafjX Kai syco soojiai aoi sic;

shall reign over Israel, and I will be to you for

5sDxspov Kai ZaovX o 7iaxfjp jiod o(8sv odxcoc; is + Kai

second. And Saul my father knows so. And

8is6svxo ajicpoxspoi SiaGfjKqv svcbmov KopioD Kai

[ ordained both] a covenant before [the] LORD. And

SKdGrjxo AaDi8 sv xrj Kaivfj Kai IcovaGdv a7ifjA,6sv sic;

David settled in New, and Jonathan went forth to

OIKOV aDXOD 19 + Kai avsprjaav oi Zupaioi rcpoc; Zaovk

his house. And [ ascended up the Ziphites] to Saul,

S7U xov Podvov Aiyovxsc; ODK i5od AaDl8 KSKpD7TXai

unto the hill, saying, Behold [is] not David hid

7iap' rj|iiv sv xoic; axsvok; sv xrj Kaivfj sv xco Podvco

by us in the narrows, in New, in the hill

xod E%sXd xod sk 8s^icbv xod IsaasjioDV 20 + Kai

ofHachilah, of the [place] at [the] right of Jeshimon? And

vdv 7iav xo 7ipoc; xrjv \|/D%fjv xod PaaiAicoc; siq

now, every desire of the soul of the king, [ into

Kaxdpaaiv KaxaPaivsxco 7ipoc; rjjidc;

[the] descent let him go down] to us!


23 30

8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

a7iOK8KA,8ia|i8VOi siaiv sic; xac; %sipaq xod PaaiAicoc; 21 +

They are being uncovered into the hands of the king.

Kai S17T8V aDxofc; l^aovX 8i)Xoyr||isvoi Djisic; icq Kopico

And [ said to them Saul], Being blessed [are] you to the LORD,

Oil S7TOVSaaTS 7TSp( S|IOD 22+ 7lOpSD0T]XS 5r| Kai

for you toiled on account of me. You should go indeed and

sxoijidoaxs sxi Kai yvcbxs Kai (8sxs xov xorcov aDxoD

prepare yet, and know and see his place

od saxiv o novq aDxoD sv xd%si sksi od

where [is his foot], quickly, there [in that place] of which

si7iaxs \n\ 710x8 7iavoDpysDar|xai 23 + Kai (8sxs Kai

you said, lest at any time he should trick [you] ! And look and


know of all the places where he hides

sksi Kai 87iiaxp8\j/ax8 7ipoc; |is sic; sxoijiov Kai

there! And return to me at ready! and

7iopsDao|iai |is0' djicov Kai saxai si saxiv S7U xrjc;

I shall go with you. And it will be if he is in the

yrjc; Kai s^spsDvfjaco ai)xov sv 7idaaic; %iAadaiv

land, that I shall search him out among all [the] thousands
lovda 24+ Kai avsaxrjaav 01 Zicpaioi Kai S7iopsD9r|aav

of Judah. And [ rose up the Ziphites], and went

sjjjrpoaGsv ZaovX Kai AaDi8 Kai 01 dvSpsc; avzov

before Saul. And David and his men

sv xtj spfj|icD XT] Macbv Ka0' sarcspav 8K 8s^icbv

[were] in the wilderness of Maon, to [the] west at [the] right

xod IsaasjioDV 25 + Kai S7iopsD6T] ZaovX Kai

of Jeshimon. And Saul went and

01 dvSpsc; avToi) ^r|xsiv xov Aain8 Kai a7if|yysiXav

his men to seek David. And they reported

xco Aavid Kai KaxspT] sic; xt]v rcsxpav xt]v sv xt]

to David. And he went down into the rock, the one in the

spfj|icD Macbv Kai fjKODas ZaovX Kai KaxsSico^sv sic;

wilderness of Maon. And Saul heard, and he pursued unto

xttv sprjjiov xttv Macbv 07uaco Aam8 26+ Kai

the wilderness of Maon after David. And

rcopsDsxai HaovX Kai 01 dvSpsc; aDxoD sk jispoDc;

Saul went, and his men by the side

xod opoDc; xodxod Kai Aai)i8 Kai 01 dvSpeq aDxoD

of this mountain, and David and his men


by the [other] side of this mountain. And David was


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8V TOUT© + VtKCl
09 - 1 Samuel

aK87ia^6|isvo(; 7ropeDea6ai arco 7ipoacb7roD Zaovk Kai

sheltering to go from [the] face of Saul. And

ZaovX Kai oi dvSpec; aDxoD 7rapsvsPaXov £7U Aai)(5

Saul and his men camped by David

Kai xodc; av&amp;paq aDxoD xod GvXkafciv avxovq u + K(Xl

and his men — to seize them. And

dyyskoq 7iapsysvsxo npoq HaovX Xsycov a7ieD8e Kai

a messenger came to Saul saying, Hasten and

Setipo on aAlocpD^oi S7T80svto em xrjv yrjv 28 + Kai

come here, for [the] Philistines made an attack against the land. And

aveaxpeij/e IsOlovX tod |iT| KaxaSicbKsiv O7r(aco AaDi8

Saul returned [to] not pursue after David,

Kai 87iop8D0r| eic; aDvdvxrjaiv xcov aXXoipvkow 8id

and he went to meet the Philistines. On account of

todto S7isKXf|6r| o 10710^ sksivoc; 7T£xpa r| jiepiaBeiaa

this [ is called place that], [ Rock The Portioned].

29 + Kai aveprj AaDi8 SKeiGev Kai £Kd6iaev ev xoic;

And David ascended from there and settled in the

axsvofc; Eyya88i

narrows ofEnGedi.

24 73

i + Kai sysvexo coc; avsaxpe\j/s ZaovX arco 67iia6sv xcov

And it came to pass as Saul returned from [going] after the

aAAx)(pDA,&lt;jov Kai a7if|yysiXav aDxcb Xsyovxcov i8od

Philistines, that they reported to him, saying, Behold,

AaDi8 sv xrj spf|jLicD Eyya88i 2 + Kai zkafiz |ie6'

David [is] in the wilderness ofEnGedi. And he took with

saDxoD xpsfc; %ikwdaq avSpcbv sk^skxcov sk

himself three thousand [ men chosen] from out of

7ravx6c; IapafjA, Kai 87iop8D0r| ^rjxeiv xov AaDi8 Kai

all Israel, and he went to seek David and

xodc; dvSpac; aDxoD Kaxd 7ip6aco7iov xrjc; dr\paq xcov

his men by [the] face of the trap of the

sAxkpcov 3+ Kai fj^Gsv S7ii xaq aye^ac; xcov 7roi(iv(cov

hinds. And he came unto the herds of the flocks

xcov 87ii xrjc; o8od Kai Tjv 8Ks( a7rf|Amov Kai

of the ones upon the way. And [ was there a cave], and

ZaovX siafjXGe 7iapaaK8Ddaaa6ai Kai AaDi8 Kai

Saul entered to make preparation. And David and

oi dv8psq aDxoD sv xco a7ir|Amco sacbxspov 8Kd9r|vxo

his men [were] in the cave inside sitting down


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8V TOOTCp + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

sv aDTcb 4+ Kai 8i7iov oi dvSpsc; Aai)(8 npoq avzov

in it. And [ said the men of David] to him,

i8od r| rjjiepa aDxrj r|v si7ts KDpioc; npoq os i8od

Behold, [ the day this is] which [the] LORD spoke to you, Behold,

sycb 8i5co|ii xov s%9pov gov sic; xac; %sipdq gov Kai

I give your enemy into your hands; and

Ttovf\G£iq avT(b coq ayaGov sv xoic; ocpBaXjioic; gov Kai

you shall do to him as [is] good in your eyes. And

avsaxrj AaviS Kai acpsiA^s to rcxspDyiov xrjc; SurAxyiSoc;

David rose up and removed the border of the doubled garment

tod IsOlovX AxxBpaiooc; 5 + Kai sysvsxo jisxd xatixa Kai

of Saul clandestinely. And it came to pass after these [things], that

S7idxa^s Kap8(a Aam8 avzov 6xi acpsi^s xo rcxspDyiov

[ struck David's heart] him, for he removed the border

Tr\q dmXoidoq avzov 6 + Kai si7is Aam8 itpoq

of his double garment. And David said to

xodc; dvSpac; avzov |irj5a|icbc; |ioi rcapd KDpioD si

his men, By no means [be it] to me from [the] LORD if

7TOlfjaCD xo pfjjia XODXO XOO KDpiCD |IOD xca xpiGT(b

I should do this thing [to] my master, to the anointed one

KOpiOD S7TSVSyKSlV %sipa l^ 01) 871 CLVTOV 0X1

of [the] LORD, to bear my hand against him, for

Xpiaxoq Kupioi) odxoc; saxiv ? + Kai S7isias Aavid

[ [the] anointed one [of the] LORD this is]. And David persuaded

xodc; dv8pac; aDxoD sv Xoyoic; Kai odk sScoksv aDxoic;

his men by words, and he did not give [in] to them

avaaxfjvai Kai Gavaxcbaai xov HaovX Kai

to rise up and to put Saul to death. And

avsaxrj ZaovX Kai s^fjABsv sic; xrjv o56v sk xod

Saul rose up and went forth into the way from the

a7ir|AmoD s + Kai avsaxrj AaDiS O7i(aco aDxoD sk

cave. And David rose up after him from out of

xod a7ir|AmoD Kai sporjas AaDi8 O7riaoo ZaovX Xsycov

the cave. And David yelled after Saul, saying,

KDpis PaaiXsD Kai S7rspA,s\j/s HaovX sic;

O Master, O king. And Saul looked up to

xa O7r(aco aDxoD Kai skd\j/s AaDi8 S7U 7rp6aco7iov aDxoD

his rear. And David bowed upon his face

S7U xrjv yrjv Kai 7ipoasKDvrjasv aDxcb 9+ Kai

unto the ground, and he did obeisance to him. And

si7is AaDi8 npoq ZaovX ivaxi aKODSiq xcov Xoycov

David said to Saul, Why do you hearken to the words


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09 - 1 Samuel

tod Xaov Xsyovxcov i5od Aavid ^rjTSi rqv \\fv%r\v gov

of the people, saying, Behold, David seeks your life?

io+ i8od ev ttj Tjjispoc toct3tt] scopdKaaiv oi ocpGaXjioi aoD

Behold, in this day [ have seen your eyes]

coc; 7iap88coKs as Kopioc; afjjiepov eic; %eipac; jiod sv

how [ delivered you [the] LORD] today into my hands in

too a7ir|AmcD Kai odk rjPoDArjGrjv aftOKTSivai oe Kai

the cave, and I did not want to kill you, and

sq)8iad|ir|v ood Kai ei7ta odk S7roiaco %zipa [iov £7U

I spared you. And I said, I will not bear my hand against

xov Kopiov jiod on xpiaxoq KDpiOD odtoc; sail n +

my master, for [ [the] anointed one [of the] LORD this one is].

Kai 7iaTfjp jiod Kai i8od to 7iTspDyiov

And, O my father, even behold, the border

Tr\q dmko'idoq gov sv tt| %£ipi [lov sycb acpsiXov to

of your doubled garment in my hand. I removed the

7iT8pi3yiov Tr\q drnXoidoq gov Kai odk a7ieKT£ivd as

border of your doubled garment, and I did not kill you.

Kai yvcbGi Kai (8s af||i8pov 6ti odk scjti KaKia sv

And know and behold today! that there is no evil in

ttj %eip( |iod od8s aGerrjGic; od8£ aaepsia Kai od%

my hand, nor annulment, nor impiety, and I have not

r||idpTr|Ka eic; os Kai gv 8scj|isdsic; tt|v \\fv%r\v jiod

sinned against you. But you bind my life

tod AxxPsiv aDTfjv 12+ Kpivai KDpioq avajisaov sjiod Kai

to take it. May [the] LORD judge between me and

aoD Kai SK8iKf|aai jioi Kopioc; sk aoD rj 8e

you, and may [ render justice to me [the] LORD] because of you. But

%eip jiod odk e&lt;xcai S7Ti as 13 + KaGcbq XeyeTai

my hand will not be against you. As [ says

T| 7rapaPoArj r| ap%a(a e£, avojicov e^eXsDasTai

parable the ancient], [ from [the] lawless shall come forth

7ihr\[i[Lsksia Kai rj %eip jiod odk scxcai stii as 14+ Kai

Trespass]. But my hand will not be against you. And

vdv omaco tivoc; 8K7ropsDr| Paai^SD tod IapafjX

now, after whom do you go forth, O king of Israel?

O7i(aco tivoc; KaTaSicoKsiq aD O7i(aco kdvoc; TsGvrjKOToq

After whom do you pursue? After a dog having died,

rj O7i(aco \j/dAAx)d svoc; 15+ yevorco Kopioc; eic; KpiTfjv

or after [flea one]? May [the] LORD be for a judge

Kai 8iKaaTf|v avajieaov s|iod Kai aoD Kai

and magistrate between me and you. Yes,

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09 - 1 Samuel

(5oi Kopioc; Kai Kpivai xrjv Kpiaiv jiod Kai 5iKdaai

may [the] LORD behold, and may he judge my case, and may he adjudicate

jioi 8K %sipoc; ciod i 6 + Kai sysvsxo ox;

for me from out of your hand. And it came to pass, as

aDvsxs^sas Aavid XaXcbv xa pfjjiaxa xatixa npoq ZaovX

David completed speaking these things to Saul,


that Saul said, Is [ voice this your], son David? And

£7if|pe ZaovX xrjv cpcovfiv avTOV Kai eKAxroas n+ Kai

Saul lifted up his voice and wept. And

81718 7ipo(; Aavid dhcaioq cjd D7isp sjis 6xi cjd

he said to David, You [are] righteous over me, for you

avxa7rs8cDKdc; jioi ayaGd sycb 8s avxa7rs5coKd aoi

recompensed to me good [things], but I recompensed to you

KaKa 1 8 + Kai &lt;xo a7tfjyy£Axac; afjjiepov a SKOU\aaq

evils. And you have reported today what [ you did

jioi ayaGd coc; a7rsKXsias jis Kopioc; sic;

to me good [things]], as how [ locked me [the] LORD] into

xac; %s(pdc; cjod afjjispov Kai odk a7isKxsivd(; jis 19 +

your hands today, and you did not kill me.

Kai 6x1 si stipoi nq xov s^Gpov avzov sv GAi\j/si Kai

And that if anyone may find his enemy in affliction, and

8K7is|i\j/si avzov sv o5cb ayaGfj Kai Kopioc;

shall send him forth in [way a good], even [the] LORD

avxa7io5cba£i aDxco ayaGd KaGcbc; cjd 7rs7rovr|Kac;

will recompense to him good [things], as you have done

ofjjispov 20+ Kai vdv i8od sycb yivcbaKco 6x1

today. And now, behold, I know that

PaaiXsDcov PaaiXsDasic; Kai axfjasxai r| Paai^sia

in reigning you shall reign, and [ shall be established the kingdom

IapafjA, sv %£ipi god 21 + Kai vdv ojiocjov jioi Kaxd

of Israel] in your hand. And now swear by an oath tome according to

Kopico (va (irj s^o^oGpsDarjc; xo a7rsp|ia |iod O7i(aco

[the] LORD, that you should not utterly destroy my seed after

jiod Kai |ir| atpaviafjc; xo ovojid jiod sk xod oikod

me, and you should not obliterate my name from the house

xod 7iaxp6c; jiod 22 + Kai cbjioos AaDi5 xco ZaovX Kai

of my father. And David swore by an oath to Saul. And

a7rfjXGs SaoDl sic; xov oikov aDxoD Kai AaDi5 Kai

Saul went forth unto his house. And David and

01 dv8psc; aDxoD avsprjaav sic; Msoaapd xrjv oxsvfjv

his men ascended unto Messara the narrows.


25 TO


09 - 1 Samuel

25 ns
i+ Kai SajioDfjA, arcsGavs Kai aDvaGpoi^sxai 7ia&lt;;

And Samuel died; and [ gathered together all

IapafjA, Kai K67ixovxai auxov Kai 6d7rxoi)aiv auxov

Israel], and lamented him, and entombed him

sv xco oikco ai)xoi3 sv ApjiaBaiji Kai avsaxrj Aam5 Kai

in his house in Ramah. And David rose up, and

KaxePrj sic; xrjv sprjjiov cpapdv 2 + Kai r|v dv9pco7ioc;

went down into the wilderness ofParan. And there was a man

sv xt[ Macbv Kai rj spyaoia auxoi) sv xco KapjifjAxjQ

in Maon, and his work [was] in Carmel,

Kai o dv9pco7ioc; jisyac; acp65pa Kai xouxco

and the man [ great [was] exceedingly]. And to this man [were]

7ip6paxa xpia%(Xia Kai aiysc; yxkmi Kai sysvsxo sv

[sheep three thousand], and [goats a thousand]. And it happened during

xco Ksipsiv xo 7ioi|iviov auxoi) sv xco Kapjifjlco 3 + Kai

the shearing of his flock in Cannel. And

ovojia xco av0pcb7ico NapdX Kai ovojia

[the] name of the man [was] Nabal, and [the] name

xt| yDvaiKi amox&gt; ApiyatA, Kai rj yuvfj auxoi) ayaGfj

of his wife [was] Abigail. And his wife [had] good

(Tovsasi Kai KaAxj xco s(5si ocp68pa Kai o dv0pco7ioc;

understanding, and [was] good to the sight, exceedingly. And the man

oKAxjpoc; Kai 7iovr|p6c; sv S7uxr|8si)|iaai Kai o

was recalcitrant, and wicked in practices, and the

dv9pco7iO(; KDviKoq 4+ Kai fjKODas Aam5 sv xrj spfj|ico

man [was] churlish. And David heard in the wilderness

oxi Ksipsi NapdX o KapjifjAioc; xo 7io(|iviov amox&gt; 5 +

that [ was shearing Nabal the Carmelite] his flock.

Kai arcsoxsiXs Aam8 8sKa 7iai8dpia Kai si7is xoic;

And David sent ten servants. And he said to the

7iai8ap(oic; avdprjxs sic; xov Kapjirjlov Kai fjKaxs

servants, Ascend to Carmel, and come

7ipoq NapdA, Kai spcoxfjaaxs auxov sm

to Nabal, and ask him in

xco ovojiaxi |iod xa sic; sipfjvrjv 6 + Kai spsixs xd5s

my name the [things] for peace! And you shall say thus,

sic; copac; Kai od uyiaivcov Kai o oikoc; gov Kai

For a season [may it be for] you being in health and your house, and

7idvxa xa aa uyiaivovxa ?+ Kai vdv i8ot3 aKfjKoa

all the [things] of yours being in health. And now, behold, I hear


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09 - 1 Samuel

on KsipoDai aoi vdv oi 7ioi|i£V£c; aoD oi fjoav

that [ shear for you now your shepherds], [the ones] who were

(180' T||IC0V SV XT] Spfj|ICD Kai ODK a7T8KC0A,T3aa(ISV

with us in the wilderness, and we did not detain

aDxotic; Kai odk svexsiA,d|ie0a aDioiq od8sv 7iaaac;

them, and we did not give charge to them in anything all

xac; rjjispaq 6vxa&gt;v aDxcov sv too KapjifjAxja 8 + spcbxrjaov

the days of their being in Carmel. Ask

xa 7iai8dpid aoD Kai anayjskovai aoi Kai eDpexcoaav

of your servants! and they will tell you. Let [us] [ find
xa 7iai5dpid aoi) xdpiv sv ocpGaXjioiq aoi) 6xi scp'

your servants] favor in your eyes! for upon

rjjispav ayaBfjv fjKojisv doq 8r| o av SDprj

[ day a good] we come. Give indeed what ever [ should find

r| %sip aoi) Toiq 7raiaiaoi) Kai xco dico aoi) Aai)(8 9+

your hand] [to] your servants, and [to] your son David!

Kai sp%exai xa 7iai8dpia Aai)i8 Kai Xakovax npoq

And [come the servants of David], and speak to

NapdX Kaxd rcdvxa xa pfjjiaxa xatixa sv xco ovojiaxi

Nabal according to all these things in the name

Aam8 10+ Kai av£7rq8r|ae NapdX Kai a7ieKp{0r| xoic;

of David. And Nabal jumped up and responded to the

7iaia( Aai)(8 Kai si7i8 xic; o Aai)(8 Kai xic; o vioq

servants of David, and he said, Who [is] David, and who [is] the son

Isaaai afjjiepov 7ie7iAx|0D|i|i8voi eiaiv 01 8odXoi

of Jesse? Today [multiplying there are servants],

ava%copoDvxec; eraaxoc; anb 7rpoacb7roi)

[ withdrawing each] from [the] presence

xod Kupioi) aDxoD n+ Kai Ar|\j/o|iai xodc; dpxoDc; |IOD Kai

of his master. And shall I take my bread [loaves], and

xov oivov |iod Kai xa 0D|iaxd jiod a xs0DKa xoic;

my wine, and my [things] offered in sacrifices which I have sacrificed to the ones

KsipoDai jioi xa 7ip6paxa Kai 5cbaco ai)xd av5pdaiv

shearing for me the sheep, and shall I give them to men

oiq odk o(5a 7i608v siai 12+ Kai a7isaxpd(pr|aav xa

whom I do not know from what place they are? And [ turned back the

rcaiSdpia AaDi8 sic; xrjv o56v aDxcov Kai avsaxps\j/av

servants of David] unto their way. And they returned,

Kai f|X0ov Kai avfjyyeiXav xco AaDi8 Kaxd rcdvxa

and they came, and they announced to David according to all

xa pfjjiaxa xaDxa 13+ Kai 8i7ie AaDi8 xoic;

these words. And David said [to]


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

av8pdaiv amox&gt; ^cboaaGe eraaxoc; xrjv |id%aipav amox&gt;

his men, Let [ tie on each [man]] his sword!

Kai Aam8 Kai auxoc; e^cbaaxo xrjv |id%aipav auxoi)

And David even himself tied on his sword.

Kai aveprjaav O7uaco Aam8 coc; xsxpaKoaioi dvSpec;

And they ascended after David, about four hundred men,

Kai SiaKoaioi SKdGiaav S7U xcov aKeucbv u+ Kai xr|

and two hundred stayed by the equipment. And [ [to]

ApiyaiX ywaiKi NapdX a7if|yy£iA,£v sv anb xcov

Abigail wife ofNabal reported one of the

7iai8ap(cov Aiycov idov Aam8 aftsaxsiXsv ayyskovq

servants], saying, Behold, David sent messengers

8K Tr\q spfjiioD suXoyfjaai xov Kopiov rj|icbv Kai

from out of the wilderness to bless our master, and

s^sicAavev an auxcbv i 5 + Kai oi dvSpec; ayaGoi r\[iiv

he turned aside from them. And the men [were] good to us,

acp68pa Kai odk a7i£Kcb}u)aav rjjLidq oi)8e

exceedingly. And they did not detain us, nor

svsxsiAxxvxo r\[iiv oi)8ev naoaq zaq rjjiepac; aq fjjiev

charged to us anything all the days which we were

7iap' aDxoiq sv xco sivai r\[idq ev aypcb i 6 + coast

by them, in our being in [the] field. [ as

xet%oc; fjaav mpi r\[idq Kai xrjv rjjispav Kai

a wall They were] for us, both day and

xrjWTJKxa 7rdaac; xac; rjiiepac; ovxcov r||icbv jisx' auxcbv

night, all the days of our being with them

Kai 7ioi|iaiv6vxcov xa 7iot|ivia n+ Kai vuv yvcbGi Kai

and tending the flocks. And now perceive and

t8e xi 7ioif|aeic; 6xi awxsxs^saxai r| KaKia S7i(

see what you shall do! for [ is completed evil] against

xov Kopiov rjjicbv Kai S7i( xov oikov olvtov Kai avzoq

our master, and against his house; and he

vioq Xoijioq Kai odk saxi XaXfjaai npoq ai)xov ig +

[is] a son of pestilence, and there is no [way] to speak to him.

Kai 8a7rsi)asv ApiyaiA, Kai ZXafiz SiaKoatouc; dpxouc;

And Abigail hastened, and took two hundred bread [loaves],

Kai Stio ayyeta oivov Kai 7isvxs 7ip6paxa 7rs7ioir||isva

and two receptacles of wine, and five sheep prepared,

Kai 7rsvx8 oicpi aAxpixcov Kai yojiop sv axacp(8cov Kai

and five ephahs of toasted grains, and [ homer one] of dried grapes, and

SiaKoatouc; naXadaq Kai sGexo 8711 XOD(^ OVOD(^ 19 +

two hundred dried clusters of figs; and she put [them] upon the donkeys.


25 TO

09 - 1 Samuel

Kai 8i7i8 Toiq 7iai5ap(oi(; avTT\q 7cpo7i;opsDsa0s

And she said [to] her servants, You go forth

S|i7ipoa0sv jiod Kai i8od syco omaco Djicbv

in front of me! and behold, I [ after you

7rapay(vo|iai too 8s av8p( avTT\q NapdA, odk

come]. But to her husband Nabal she did not

a7if|YYsiA£ 20+ Kai sysvsTO avTT\q s7uPsPr|KDir|c; S7ri rqv

report. And it came to pass of her being mounted upon the

ovov Kai KaxaPaivoi)ar|c; sv aKS7ir| tod opoDc; Kai

donkey, that she went down in [the] protection of the mountain. And

i8od Aavid Kai oi dvSpsc; avzov KaxePaivov siq

behold, David and his men went down to

aDvavirjaiv avTT\q Kai a7cf|VTr|asv aDTOiq 21+ Kai

meet her, and she met them. And

Aavid 8i7i8 (acoc; sic; d8iKov stptiXa^a 7cdvTa xa

David said, Perhaps [it was] unjust I guarded all the [things]

tod NapdA, sv xr| spfj|ico Kai odk r|Tr|ad|ir|v AxxPsiv

of Nabal in the wilderness, and asked not to take

sk 7cdvTCOv tcdv aDTOD od5sv Kai avTa7cs8coKs |IOl

of any of his [things] — nothing. And he recompensed tome

7covr|pd avxi ayaGcov 22+ xd8s 7coif|aai o Gsoc; zoiq

evil for good. Thus God do to the

sxGpoiq AaDi8 Kai xd8s 7cpoa6svr| si D7coA,suj/o|iai sk

enemies to David, and thus may he add, if I leave behind of

7cdvTCOv tcdv NapdA, scoq 7cpcoi ODpoDVTa 7cpoc;

all of the ones of Nabal unto [the] morning of ones urinating against
to(%ov 23 + Kai s(8sv ApiyaiA, tov AaDi8 Kai a7csDaaaa

[the] wall. And Abigail saw David, and hastening

KaTsPrj a7to Tr\q ovod Kai S7csasv svco7ciov AaDi8

she came down from the donkey, and fell before David

S7U 7cp6aco7cov avTT\q Kai 7cpoasKDvr|asv aDTcb S7U ttjv

upon her face, and did obeisance to him upon the

yrjv 24 + Kai S7n todc^ 7c68acj aDTOD S7csas Kai si7csv sv

ground. And [ by his feet she fell], and she said, On

sjioi KDpis jiod T| a8iKia AxxArjadTCO 8r|

me, O my lord, [be] the injustice. Let [ speak indeed

r| 8odAt| aoD sic; Ta area aoD Kai dKODaov tov Xoycov

your maidservant] into your ears, and you hear the words

TTjCj 8oDAj|Cj OOD 25+ |JT| 8r| 0So6cO O KDpiOq |IOD

of your maidservant! Let not indeed [ put my master]

ttjv Kap8(av aDTOD S7ri tov dv8pa tov Axnjiov todtov

his heart against [ man this pestilent],


25 TO

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

09 - 1 Samuel

8711 NaP&amp;A, on Kaxd to ovojia aDxoD odxcoc; sail

against Nabal! For according to his name, thus is

(xdtoc; NaP&amp;A, ovojia aDxoD Kai atppoawq jiex' aDxoD

he Nabal. His name, and folly [is] with him.

Kai sycb T| 5odAt| gov odk e(5ov xa 7tai8dpia

And I your maidservant did not see the servants

xod KupioD jiod a a7reoxeiXac; 26 + Kai vdv Kopie jiod

of my master whom you sent. And now, O my lord,

Kopioc; Kai T| \|A)%f| aoi) KaGcoc; SKcbA,Das as

[as the] LORD lives, and as [ lives your soul], as [restrained you

Kopioc; xod (irj sA,0e(v sic; aijia aGcbov Kai acb^siv

[the] LORD] to not come against [ blood innocent], and to deliver

xrjv %s(pd aoi) aoi Kai vdv ysvoivxo coc; NapdX

your hand for yourself. And now may [ become as Nabal

oi s%6po( OOD Kai 01 ^TjXODVXSC; XCO KDpiCO (IOD

your enemies], and the ones seeking [ [against] my lord

Kara 27 + Kai vdv Xafis xrjv SD^oyiav xaDxrjv r|v

bad [things]]. And now receive this blessing which

svfjvoxsv T| 8odAt| ood xco KDpico (iod Kai Scbaeic;

[ has brought your maidservant] [to] my master! and you shall give [it]

xoic; 7iai8apioic; xoiq 7iapsaxr|K6ai xco KDpico jiod 28 +

to the servants standing beside my master.

dpov 8r| xo avojirjjia xrjc; 8odAx|c; aoD 6xi 7ioicov

Takeaway indeed the violation of your maidservant! for in doing,

7TOlfja£l O KDpiOq XCO KDpiCO JIOD OIKOV 7liax6v 0X1

[the] LORD shall make [ for my master house a trustworthy], for

7r6A,£|IOV KDpiOD JIOD O KDpiOq 7loA£(lf|OSl Kai KaKia

[ [the] battle for my master the LORD shall wage], and evil

od% eDpsGfjaexai sv aoi 7rco7roxs 29+ Kai sdv

shall not be found in you at any time. And if

avaaxfj dv0pco7ioc; KaxaSicoKcov as Kai ^rjxcov

[ should rise up a man] to pursue you, and seeking

xrjv \|/D%f|v aoD Kai eaxai r| \\fv%r\ KDpiOD jiod

your life, that [ will be the life of my master]

ev8e8sjievr| ev Ssajicb xrjc; tfd^c, 7iapd KDpico xco 0ecb

bound in a bond of life by [the] LORD God;

Kai xrjv \|/D%f|v xcov e%0pcov aoD acpevSovfjasiq sv

and the life of your enemies you shall sling [as] in

(isaco xrjc; acpsvSovrjc; 30+ Kai eaxai oxav

[the] midst of the sling. And it shall be whenever

7roifjasi KDpioq xco KDpico (iod Kaxd 7idvxa a

[the] LORD shall do for my master, according to all [ which


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sXdAxjasv ayaGd S7i( as Kai svxsXsvcai aoi Kopioc;

he spoke good [things]] concerning you, that [ shall give charge to you [the] LORD]

siq rjyoDjisvov S7U IapafjX 31+ Kai ODK 8OT0CI OOl

for taking the lead over Israel. Then [ shall not be against your

todto p8sA,Dy|i6c; Kai aKdv5aXov Kap8(ac; too

this abomination and obstacle] heart, [to]

KDpico (iod SK%sai aijia aGcbov Scopsdv Kai acoaai

my master, to pour out [ blood innocent] without charge, and to deliver

%sipa KDpioi) od eaDxcb Kai aya0Dvsi Kopioc; too

[the] hand of my master for himself. And [the] LORD shall do good [to]

KDpico |iod Kai |ivr|a6f|ar| Tr\q 8odAx|c; aoi) tod Kokcbq

my master. And you shall remember your maidservant, [ well

7ioif|aai aDifj 32 + Kai si7is Aai)(5 xrj ApiyaiA,

to do] to her. And David said to Abigail,

SD^oyrjioq Kopioc; o Gsoc; IapafjX oq a7isaTSiA,s as

Blessed [be] [the] LORD God of Israel, who sent you

afjjispov sv xat)TT[ sic; aTrdvrqaiv (101 33+ Kai

[ day in this] to meet me. And

siAoyrjTOc; o xp67roc; aoi) Kai 8i)A,oyr||isvr| ai) r|

blessed [be] your manner, and blessed be you [to]

a7ioKcoXT3aaad jis afjjiepov ev tolvtk] |xq sXGsiv sic;

detain me today in this, to not come for

aijiaxa Kai acbaai %zipa (iod sjioi 34 + 7iAr|v ^r|

blood, and to deliver my hand from myself. Only as lives

Kopioc; o 0s6c; IapafjX oq a7isKcbA,Das |is af||ispov

[the] LORD God of Israel, who detained me today

tod KaK07ioif|aai aoi oil si |ir| sarcsDaac; Kai

of doing evil to you, that unless you hastened and

7iapeysvoD sic; a7idvrr|aiv jiod odk av D7ioA,s(cp9r|

came to meet me, not would there have been left behind

too NapdA, scoc; cpcoxoc; tod 7ipcoi ODpcbv 7ipoc; xoixov

[to] Nabal unto [the] light of the morning one urinating against [the] wall.

35+ Kai sAxxPs AaDiS sk xsipoc; avTT\q 7rdvxa a

And David took from her hand all which

fjvsyKsv aDicb Kai si7isv aDifj avdpr|9i sic; sipfjvrjv

she brought to him. And he said to her, Ascend in peace

sic; xov oikov aoD pA,S7is fjKODaa Tr\q (p(Dvr\q aoD Kai

to your house. See, I hearkened to your voice, and

Tjpsxiaa to 7rp6aco7i6v aoD 36+ Kai 7iapsysvsxo ApiyatA,

I took up your person! And Abigail came

7ipoc; NapdA, Kai i5od r|v aDico noToq sv

to Nabal. And behold, there was to him a banquet in


25 TO


09 - 1 Samuel

too oikoo auxoi) cdc; o 7i6xoc; PaaiAiooc; Kai r| Kap8(a

his house, as the banquet of a king. And the heart

NaP&amp;X ayaBfj S7i' auxov Kai auxoc; |I80t3cov

of Nabal [was] good with him, and he was being intoxicated

acp68pa Kai odk a7if|yysiA,sv ApuyaiA, xco NapdX

exceedingly. And [ did not report Abigal] [to] Nabal

pfjjia jisya r| jiiKpov scoq cpooxoc; xou 7ipcoi 37+ Kai

[the] thing, great or small, until [the] light of the morning. And

sysvsxo 7ipcoi 00c; s^svr|\j/sv anb xod oivod NapdA,

it came to pass in [the] morning as [ sobered up from the wine Nabal],

a7if|yysiA£v auxcb r| yuvfj amox&gt; rcavxa xa pfjjiaxa xatixa

[ reported to him his wife] all these things.

Kai sva7is6av8v r| Kap5(a auxoi) sv auxcb Kai auxoc;

And [ died heart his] in him, and he

yivsxai cdc; Xidoq 38+ Kai sysvsxo coast 8sra rjjispai

became as stone. And it came to pass [after] about ten days,

Kai S7idxa^s Kopioc; xovNapdA, Kai arcsGavs 39+ Kai

that [the] LORD struck Nabal and he died. And

fjKODae Aam8 6x1 arcsGavs NapdA, Kai sitcsv

David heard that Nabal died, and he said,

siAoyrjxoc; Kopioc; oq SKpivs xrjv Kpiaiv

Blessed be [the] LORD who judged the case

xod ovsiSiajiou (iod 8K xsipoc; NapdA, Kai

of my being scorned by [the] hand of Nabal, and

xov dovXov avTOV 7ispiS7roif|aaxo sk X^poq KaKcbv

[ his servant protected] from out of [the] hand of evils.

Kai xrjv KaKiav NapdX a7isaxps\j/s Kopioc; sic;

And the evil of Nabal [the] LORD returned against

xrjv KecpaAxjv ai)xoi3 Kai arcsaxsiXs Aavid Kai sA,dAx|as

his [own] head. And David sent and spoke

7isp( ApiyaiiX Xafiziv avTT\v sauxcb sic; yovaixa 40 +

concerning Abigail, to take her to himself for a wife.

Kai r\kdov 01 7ia(5sc; Aavid itpoq ApiyaiA, sic;

And [ came the servants of David] to Abigail in

xov KdpixrjXov Kai s^dAxjaav auxfj Aiyovxsc; Aavid

Carmel. And they spoke to her, saying, David

arcsaxsilsv r\[iaq npoq as Xafisiv as auxcb sic;

sends us to you, to take you to himself for

ywaiKa 4 i+ Kai avsaxrj 7ipoasK6vr|asv sm 7ip6aco7rov

a wife. And rising, she did obeisance upon [her] face

S7U xrjv yrjv Kai sircsv idov r\ 8oi3Ax| aou siq

upon the ground. And she said, Behold, your maidservant [is] for


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09 - 1 Samuel
7iai8(aKr|v vi7cxsiv xodc; izoSaq xcov 7ca(8cov

a girl to wash the feet of the servants

tod KupioD jiod 42 + Kai exd%Dve Kai aveaxrj ApiyaiA,

of my master. And [ hastened and rose up Abigail],

Kai S7i8pr| 87i( xrjv ovov Kai 7TSVTS Kopdaia avTT\q

and mounted upon the donkey, and five of her young women

t|koAx)d0odv avTT\ Kai 87iopsT30r| 07t(ocD xcov ayyslcov

followed her. And she went after the servants

Aavid Kai yivexai aDxcb eic; yDvauca 43+ Kai

of David, and became to him for a wife. And

ttjv A%ivad|i slape Aavid Is^pasX Kai ajicpoxepai

[ Ahinoam took David] of Jezreel; and both

fjaav aDxcb yovaiKec; 4 4+ Kai ZaovX s8coks Msk%6X

were his wives. And Saul gave Michal

xrjv 0Dyaxepa aDxoD xrjv yDvauca AaviS xco OaAxi

his daughter, the wife of David, [to] Phalti

dico Adiq xco sk Taki[i

son ofLaish, the one of Gallim.

26 13

1+ Kai spxovxai 01 Zupaioi sic; xov Podvov npoq

And [ come the Ziphites] to the hill to

ZaovX Aiyovxeq i8od Aavid aKS7cd^8xai |ie0' r||icbv

Saul, saying, Behold, David is sheltered with us

sv xco PoDvcb xod E%sAxx xod Kaxd 7Cp6oC07COV

in the hill of Hachilah, against [the] face

xod IsaosjioDV 2 + Kai aveaxrj ZaovX Kai Kaxsprj sic;

of Jeshimon. And Saul rose up, and went down unto

xrjv eprjjiov Zicp Kai jisx' aDxoD xpsic; %ikmdsq

the wilderness ofZiph, and with him three thousand

av8pcbv skXskxcov s£, IapafjA, xod ^rjxsiv xov AaDi8 sv

[ men chosen] of Israel, to seek David in

xtj epfj|ico Zicp 3+ Kai 7capsvsPaA,8 ZaovX sv xco

the wilderness of Ziph. And Saul camped in the


hill of Hachilah, against [the] face of Jeshimon, upon

xrjc; o5od Kai AaDi8 8Kd0iaev sv xr| epfj|ico Kai

the way. And David stayed in the wilderness. And

e(8e AaDi8 6x1 fjKei Zaovk O7uaco aDxoD eic; xrjv

David saw that Saul comes after him into the

sprjjiov 4 + Kai a7C8axsiA,s AaDi8 KaxaaK07i;oDc; Kai syvco

wilderness. And David sent spies, and he knew


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09 - 1 Samuel


that Saul was come prepared from there.

5 + Kai aveaxrj Aavid Xddpa Kai £7i;op£i)0r| siq xov

And David rose up in private, and went into the

T07rov od sk&amp;6sd8£v 8K8i ZaovX Kai £i8e Aai)(5 xov

place where [ was sleeping there Saul]. And David saw the

xo7rov od SKoi|ifj6r| sksi ZaovX Kai Apevfjp vioq

place where [ went to bed there Saul]. And Abner son

Nrjp apxicjxpdxrjyoq ai)xoi) 8ks( Kai ZaovX

of Ner his commander-in-chief [was] there. And Saul

SKd08i)5sv ev Xa|i7rfjvr| Kai o Xaoq 7iaps|iP£pAx|Kcbc;

was sleeping in [the] royal chariot, and the people were camping

kdkAxd ai)xoi) 6 + Kai a7isKpi9r| Aai)(8 Kai si7is npoq

round about him. And David responded and said to

A%i[i£Xs% xov Xsxxaiov Kai npoq Apeaaai diov

Ahimelech the Hittite, and to Abishai son

Sapoma aSeAxpov Icodp Xsycov xic; siaeA^Doexai jisx'

ofZeruiah, brother ofJoab, saying, Who shall enter with

sjioi) 7ipoc; ZaovX siq xrjv 7iape|iPoAT|v Kai

me to Saul, into the camp? And

8i7rsv Apsaoai eycb eiasXetiaojiai jiexd ood 7+ Kai

Abishai said, I shall enter with you. And

sia7iopsi)sxai Aai)(8 Kai Apeaaai sic; xov Xaov

they enter, David and Abishai, among the people

xr|vvi)Kxa Kai i8oi) ZaovX Ka9si)8cDV i)7Wco sv

at night. And behold, Saul was sleeping a [deep] sleep in

A,a|i7tfjvr| Kai xo 86pi) ai)xoi) £|i7iS7rr|y6c; sic; xrjv yrjv

[the] royal chariot, and his spear [was] sticking in the ground

7ipoc; KscpaAxjc; ai)xoi) Kai Apevfjp Kai o Xaoq

by his head, and Abner and the people

SKd08i)8s kdkAxd ai)xoi) 8 + Kai si7i8v Apsaoai npoq

slept round about him. And Abishai said to

Aai)(8 a7rsKA,eiae Kopioq afjjiepov xov sxGpov aoi) siq

David, [the] LORD locked up today your enemy into

Xsipdc; aoi) Kai vdv 7iaxd^co 8r| ai)xov xoa 86paxi sic;

your hands. And now I shall indeed strike him with the spear into

xtjv yrjv d7ia^ Kai od SsDxepcbaco ai)x6 9+ Kai

the earth once, and I should not repeat it a second time against him. And

81718 Aai)(8 7rpoc; Apsaaai |ir| SiacpGeiprjc; ai)xov

David said to Abishai, you should not utterly destroy him.

6x1 xic; S7T01O81 %zipaq ai)xoi) sic; xov %piaxov

For who shall bear his hand against the anointed one


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09 - 1 Samuel

Ki)p(oi) Kai a6coco0fia8Tai io+ Kai si7is AaDi8

of [the] LORD, and be acquitted? And David said,

^r| Kopioc; oil edv [ir\ Kopioc; 7ia(or| avzov r\

As [the] LORD lives, that if [the] LORD should not smite him, or

T| rjjispa olvtov sXGrj Kai a7io6dvr| rj sic; 7i6A,s|iov

his day should come and he should die, or by battle

Kaxapfj Kai 7ipoaT£0fj n+ |xq8a|icbc; jioi 7iapd

should go down and be added [to his fathers]; then [it is] by no means to me from

KOpiOD S7T8V8yK8lV %slpd |IOD 8711 XP laT0V KDpiOD

[the] LORD to bear my hand against [the] anointed one of [the] LORD.

Kai vdv Xdpe 8r| to 86pD arco npoq KecpaArjc; olvtov

And now, take indeed the spear from before his head,

Kai xov cpaKov tod DSaTOc; Kai a7i8A,6co|i8v r\[isiq n +

and the flask of the water, and we shall go forth.

Kai eXaPe Aavid to 86pi) Kai tov cpaKov tod DSaTOc;

And David took the spear and the flask of the water
a7io rcpoc; KecpaArjc; aDTOD Kai aftfjABov Kai odk r\v o

from before his head, and they went forth. And there was not one

PA,S7rcov Kai oDKTjv o yivcbaKcov Kai odkt|v o

seeing, and there was not one knowing, and there was not one

s^sysipojisvoc; ftdvTec; vtzvovvtec, 6ti GdjiPoq KDpiOD

awakening — all were sleeping, for a stupefaction [from the] LORD

S7T87i8a8v S7i' aDTODq n+ Kai 8iePr| AaDi8 eic; to

fell upon them. And David passed over to the

7ispav Kai saTTj S7U Tr\q KopDcpfjc; tod opoDc;

other side, and stood upon the top of the mountain

jiaKpoGsv Kai noXkr] r\ odoq avajisaov aDTcbv h+ Kai

far off, and a long way between them. And

7ipoa£KaX8oaTO AaDi8 tov Xaov Kai

David called the people, and

too Apsvfjp sXdAxjas dico Nrjp Xsyoov odk

he spoke to Abner son of Ner, saying, Will you not

a7TOKpi6fjar| Apevfjp Kai a7TSKp(0r| Apswfjp Kai ei7ie

answer, Abner? And Abner answered and said,

tic; si o KaXcbv |is 15+ Kai si7i8 AaDi8 7ipoc; Apswfjp

Who are you, calling me? And David said to Abner,

od%( avfjp gd Kai tk; ooc; od sv IapafjX Kai 8iaTi

Are [ not a man you]? And who is as you in Israel? And why

od (pvXaaasiq tov Kopiov ood tov PaaiAia 6ti

do you not guard your master the king? For

siafjABev eic; sk tod Xaov SiacpGeipai tov Kopiov aoD

[ entered one of the people] to destroy your master

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09 - 1 Samuel

xov PaaiAia i 6 + odk ayaGov to pfjjia xodxo o

the king. [ [is] not a good thing this] which

7t£7roifjKac; ^r| Kopioc; 6xi dioi GavdxoD djisic; oi

you have done. As lives [the] LORD, for [ sons of death you [are]], the ones

jLir| cpDAxxaaovxsc; xov paaiAia xov rcopiov djicov xov

not guarding the king, your master, the

Xpiaxov KupioD Kai vdv (8s 7cod soxi xo 56pi) xod

anointed one of [the] LORD. And now see where [ is the spear of the

PaaiAicoc; Kai o cpaKoq xod DSaxoc; xa itpoq

king], and the flask of the water, the [things] by

KscpaAxjc; aDxoD n+ Kai S7csyvco ZaovX xrjv (pcovfjv

his head! And Saul recognized the voice

Aavid Kai si7rs r| (pcovfj ctod atixrj xskvov Aavid Kai

of David, and he said, [your voice Is this] son David? And

81718 Aavid (pcovfj jiod Kopis jiod dovXoq gov PaaiXsD

David said, My voice my master; your servant, O king.

i8+ Kai S17T8V ivaxi XODXO Kaxa5icbK8i o KDpioq |IOD

And he said, Why is this [ pursues my master]

O7i(aco xod 8odA,od aDxoD 6xi xi rjjidpxrjKa Kai xi

after his servant? For in what have I sinned? And what

SDpsGrj sv sjioi a5iKT||ia 19+ Kai vdv aKODadxco 5r|

[ was found in me offence]? And now let [ hear indeed

o KDpioq jiod o fiaaikzvq xa pfjjiaxa xod SodAxdd aDxoD

my master the king] the words of his servant!

81 O Gsoq £711(38181 CJ8 87C' 8(18 OOtppavGsiTj

If God stirs you against me, [then] may [ smell [acceptable]

T| 0Daia ood Kai si dioi av6pcb7ccov

your sacrifice]. And if [the] sons of men,

87TlKaxdpaXOl ODXOl SVCb7ClOV KDpiOD oxi s^sPaXov (IS

[then let] these [be] accursed before [the] LORD, for they cast me out

afjjispov (iT| axrjpvxGfjvai sv KArjpovojjia KDpiOD

today to not be fixed firmly in [the] inheritance of [the] LORD,

Aiyovxsc; 7copsDOD 8odXsds dzoiq sxspoic; 20 + Kai VDV

saying, Go serve other gods! And now

(iT| 7csaoi xo aijid jiod S7ri xrjv yrjv s^svavxiac;

[ not may fall my blood] upon the ground right opposite

7cpoacb7i;oD KDpiOD 6x1 s^sAxjA,D6sv o PaaiA^Dc;

[the] face of [the] LORD, that [ has come forth the king

IapafjX ^rjxsiv \|/D%f|v sva KaGcbc; KaxaSicoKsi o

of Israel] to seek [flea one], as [ pursues [prey] the

VDKxiKopa^ sv Toiq opsai 21 + Kai si7cs ZaovX

long-eared owl] in the mountains. And Saul said,


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09 - 1 Samuel

T||ldpTr|Ka 87liaTp8(p8 TSKVOV AaDi8 Oil 01)

I have sinned. Return, son David! for I shall not

KaK07ioifjacD as sti av0' gov svtijioc; \|/D%f| jiod

do evil against you any more, because [ was valued my life]

sv ocpGaXjioiq aoD Kai sv xrj afjjispov |is|iaTaico|iai Kai

in your eyes; and today I have acted in folly, and

rjyvorjKa TtoXka acp68pa 22 + Kai a7isKp(0r| AaviS Kai

I am ignorant [much very]. And David responded and

S17T8V i8od to 86pi) tod PaaiXsooc; 8isX08tco 8r| 8V

said, Behold, the spear of the king. Let [ come through indeed one

tcov 7iai5apicov Kai AxxPstcd avzo 23+ Kai Kopioc;

of the servants] and take it! And [the] LORD

S7iiaTps\j/8i 8KdaTC0 zaq SiKaioativac; avzov Kai

will restore to each his righteousness and

ttjv 7i(aTiv avTOV cdc; 7iaps8coKs as Kopioc; afjjispov sic;

his trust; as [ delivered you [the] LORD] today into

Xsipdq (iod Kai odk r|0sAx|aa S7isvsyKs(v xsipd jiod

my hands, and I did not want to bear my hand

S7U XP IOTOV Kopioi) 24+ Kai i8od KaGcbq s|isyaA,DV0r|

against [the] anointed one of [the] LORD. And behold, as [ was magnified

T| \|A)%fj aoD afjjispov sv TaDTTj sv ocpGa^jioiq jiod

your life] today in this, in my eyes,

odtcdc; |isyaA,DV0s(r| r| \\fv%r\ |iod svcbmov KopioD Kai

so may [ be magnified my life] before [the] LORD, and

aKS7idaai (is Kai s^sAxdito jis sk 7idar|c; 0Ai\j/sooc;

may he shelter me, and may he rescue me from out of all affliction.

25+ Kai si7rs£aoi)A, itpoq Aam8 SDXoyrjjisvoc; ai)

And Saul said to David, Being blessed [are] you,

tskvov Aai)(8 Kai 7ioicbv 7ioifjasic; Kai SDvdjisvoq

son David, and by performing you shall perform, and in ability

8i)vfjar| Kai a7rfjA,6s Aam8 sic; tt|v o86v avzov Kai

you shall be able. And David went forth on his way, and
ZaovX avsaTpsysv sic; tov totcov avzov

Saul returned to his place.

27 T3

1 + Kai si7is AamS sv tt| Kap8(a avzov Aiycov vdv

And David said in his heart, saying, Now

7ipoaTs9fjao|iai sv r||ispa |i(a sic; %sipac; ZaovX Kai

I shall be added in [ day one] into [the] hands of Saul; and

odk saTi |ioi ayaGov sdv |ir| 8iaaco0cb sic; yrjv

there is no good [thing] to me unless I should come through safe into [the] land


27 TD

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09 - 1 Samuel

aXXoipvXm/ Kai avfj


of [the] Philistines, and I

[ should spare of

me Saul], seeking

|is sic; 7iav opiov IopafjX Kai aco0f|ao|iai sk

me in every border of Israel, and [thus] I shall be delivered from out of

%sipoc; olvtov 2 + Kai avsaxrj Aavid Kai 8isPr| avzoq

his hand. And David rose up and passed over, he

Kai oi e^aKoaioi dvSpsc; oi jisx' olvtov Kai S7iopsD0r|

and the six hundred men with him, and he went

7ipoc; Ak%ic; diov Macbx PaaiXsa TsG 3+ Kai

to Achish, son ofMaoch, king ofGath. And

SKdGias Aavid jisxd Ak%(c; sv TsB avzoq Kai

David sat with Achish in Gath, he and

01 dv5psc; avTOV sraaxoc; Kai o ohcoq olvtov Kai Aavid

his men, each also [with] his house, and David

Kai ajicpoxspai ai yvvahcsq ovtov A%ivad|i IstparjAixic;

and both of his wives — Ahinoam [the] Jezreelitess,

Kai ApiyaiX r| yovfj NapdA, tod Kap|ir|AioD 4 + Kai

and Abigail the wife ofNabal the Carmelite. And

avrjyysAxj icq ZoovX 6x1 7iscpsDys AaDi5 sic; TsB Kai

it was announced to Saul that David fled into Gath, and

OD 7ipoa80STO SXl ^TjXSlV aDXOV 5 + Kai 81718 AaDi8

he did not proceed any longer to seek him. And David said

7ipoc; Ak%ic; 8i 8r| sDprjKsv o 8odX6c; aoD %apiv 8V

to Achish, If indeed [ has found your servant] favor in

o(pdak[ioiq gov 86xcoaav 8r| jioi xorcov sv [da xcov

your eyes, give indeed to me a place in one of the

7i6Xscov xcov Kax' aypov Kai Ka6fjao|iai sksi Kai

cities of the ones in the country! and I shall settle there. For

ivaxi KdGrjxai o 8odA,6c; aoD sv 7i6A,si PaaiXsDO|isvr|

why [ settle [does] your servant] in a city reigning

jisxd aoD 6+ Kai sScoksv aDxcb Ak%ic; sv

with you? And [ gave to him Achish] in

xtj rjjispa SKsivrj xrjv SsKsA^dy 8id xodxo

that day Ziklag. Because of this

sysvfj6r| SsKsXdy xco PaaiXsi xrjc; IoDSaiac; scoc;

Ziklag came to the king of Judea until

xrjc; rjjispac; xaDxrjc; 7+ Kai sysvsxo o api0|ioc; xcov

this day. And came to pass the number of the

r||ispcbv cov SKdGias AaDi8 sv aypcb xcov aAlocpD^cov

days which David stayed in [the] country of the Philistines —

xsaaapaq jxfjvac; 8 + Kai avspaivs AaDi8 Kai




David ascended



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09 - 1 Samuel

oi dvSpsc; avxov Kai S7isx(0svxo sizi xov rsaaoupaiov

his men, and they made an attack upon the Geshurites,

Kai xov Is^apaiov Kai S7ri xov A|iaAx|Kixr|v 6xi

and the Gezrites, and against the Amalekites. For

KaxcoKsixo T| yrj T| a7io rsaaoup Kai scoc; yrjc;

[ was inhabited the land] by the one from Shur and unto [the] land

AiyimxoD 9+ Kai sximxs xrjv yrjv Kai odk s^cooyovsi

of Egypt. And he struck the land, and did not bring forth alive

dv5pa r| ywaiKa Kai sAxxjiPavov 7io(|ivia Kai

man or woman; and they took flocks, and

PoDKoAia Kai ovovq Kai KajifjAx)Dc; Kai i|iaxia|iov Kai

herds, and donkeys, and camels, and clothes. And

avsaxpscpov Kai fjp%ovxo npoq AK%iq w+ Kai

they returned and came to Achish. And

S17T8V Ak%ic; 7ipoc; Aavid S7i( xiva S7is0sa0s afuispov

Achish said to David, Upon whom did you attack today?

Kai si7i8 Aai)(5 npoq AK%iq Kaxd voxov xrjc; Iou5a(ac;

And David said to Achish, To [the] south in Judea,

Kai Kaxd voxov IspajiifjA, Kai Kaxd voxov xod

and to [the] south of Jerahmeel, and to [the] south of the

Ksvs^i n+ Kai dv5pa Kai yovaixa odk s^cooyovsi

Kenite. And [ a man and woman did not bring forth alive

Aavid xod siaayaysiv sic; Ts0 Aiycov |xfj7roxe

David] to bring unto Gath, saying, Lest

avayysiAxoaiv Ka0' rjjicov Aiyovxsc; xd8s Aam8 7iois(

they announce against us, saying, Thus David does.

Kai x68s xo SiKaicojia auxou ndaaq xaq rjjispac; aq

And thus [was] his ordinance all the days which

8Kd0r|xo Aam5 sv aypcb xcov aXkoipvXow 12+ Kai

David settled in [the] country of the Philistines. And

S7iiax8T30r| Aavid ev xco Ak%(c; Aiycov f|a%wcai

David was trusted by Achish, saying, With shame

aia%Dv6|isvoc; ev xco A,aco avzov sv xco IopafjX Kai

he is being shamed by his people in Israel, and

saxai [iov SovXoq sic; xov aicbva

he will be my a servant into the eon.

28 ns

1+ Kai sysvsxo sv xaiq r||ispai(; SKsivaiq Kai

And it came to pass in those days that

&lt;xova0po(£pvxai 01 aAlocpiAoi sv

[ were gathered together the Philistines] in


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09 - 1 Samuel

xaic; 7iaps|iPoAmc; ai)xcbv tod s^sXGsiv sic; 7i6A,s|iov S7i(

their camps to come forth for war against

xov IapafjA, Kai sircsv Ak%ic; 7ipoc; xov Aam8 yivcbaKcov

Israel. And Achish said to David, In knowing

yvcbarj on jist' 8|iot3 s^eXevgk] sic; xov 7i6A,s|iov gv

you shall know that with me you shall go forth unto the war, you

Kai oi dvSpsc; gov 2 + Kai si7is Aavid npoq AK%iq

and your men. And David said to Achish,

odtcdc; vdv yvcbosi a 7ioif|asi o SovXoq gov Kai

Thus now you shall know what [ will do your servant]. And

S17T8V Ak%ic; 7ipoc; xov Aam8 ovT($q apxiaco|iaTO(pi)A,aKa

Achish said to David, Thus as chief of the body-guard

Gfjaojiai as naGaq xaq r||ispac; 3+ Kai £ajiouf|X

I shall appoint you [for] all the days. And Samuel

a7i80av8 Kai SKoyavxo avzov naq IapafjX Kai

died, and [ lamented him all Israel], and

0d7iTODaiv avzov sv ApjiaGaiji sv xr| 7i6A,si avzov Kai

they entombed him in Ramah, in his city. And

Zaovk 7rspis(Xs xouc; syyaaxpi|x60oi)c; Kai xodc;

Saul removed the ones who deliver oracles, and the

yvcbaxac; anb xrjc; yr\q 4+ Kai awaGpoitpvxai 01

diviners from the land. And [ gather together the

aAA,6(pi)A,oi Kai sp%ovxai Kai 7iaps|ipdAAx)Daiv sic;

Philistines], and come, and camp in

Eoi)vd|i Kai &lt;XDva0po(^si ZaovX rcdvxa dv5pa IapafjA,

Shunem. And Saul gathers together every man of Israel,

Kai 7rape|ipdAAx)Daiv sic; rsXpous 5 + Kai s(8s ZaovX

and they camp in Gilboa. And Saul beheld

ttjv 7iaps|iPoXfiv tcov aXkoipvXow Kai ecpopfjGrj Kai

the camp of the Philistines, and he was fearful, and

s^saxrj r| Kap5(a avzov acp68pa 6 + Kai

it startled his heart exceedingly. And

S7ir|pcbTr|a8 ZaovX 5id tod Kopioi) Kai odk a7isKp(0r|

Saul asked through the LORD. And [ did not answer

auxcb Kopioc; sv xoic; svvizvioiq Kai sv xoic; Sr\ko\q

to him [the] LORD] in dreams, nor in the manifestations,

Kai sv xoic; 7rpo(pfjxaic; 7 + Kai si7is ZaovX xoic;

nor among the prophets. And Saul said [to]

7iaiaiv avzov ^rjxfjaaxs |ioi ywaiKa syyaaxp(|xo6ov

his servants, Seek for me a woman who delivers oracles!

Kai 7ropsi3ao|iai 7ipoc; aDxfjv Kai SK^rjifjaco sv auxfj

and I will go to her, and I will inquire by her.


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09 - 1 Samuel

Kai 8i7iav oi 7ia(8ec; avzov itpoq avzov idov yuvfj

And [ said his servants] to him, Behold, a woman

syyaaxpijxoGoc; ev EvScop s+ Kai rjAloicbGrj HaovX Kai

who delivers oracles [is] in En-dor. And Saul changed [appearance], and

7ispispdA,8TO ijidxia exepa Kai 7iopei)sxai auxoc; Kai

put around [ garments other], and he himself goes and

dvo dvSpec; |iex' avzov Kai epxovxai itpoq xr|v

two men with him. And they come to the

ywaiKa vdkxoc; Kai ei7iev avTr\ jidvxeuaov 8r| jioi

woman by night, and he said to her, Use oracles indeed for me

sv too eyyaaxpijiuGco Kai avdyays jioi ov av ei7rco

by the delivering an oracle, and lead up to me whom ever I should tell

ooi 9+ Kai 8i7isv r| yvvr\ auxcb idov av oidaq 6aa

you! And [ said the woman] to him, Behold, you know as much as

£7iorr|as ZaovX coc; e^coX60psi)as zovq syyaaxpi|x60oi)c;

Saul did, as he utterly destroyed the ones delivering up oracles,

Kai xodc; yvcbaxac; anb Tr\q yrjc; Kai ivaxi av

and the diviners from the land. And why do you

7iayi8si)sic; xr|v \\fv%r\v [iov Gavaxcoaai avir\v io + Kai

ensnare my life to put it to death? And

cbjioaev aDifj ZaovX Kaxd xod 9sot3 Aiycov ^r|

[ swore by an oath to her Saul] according to God, saying, As lives

Kopioc; ei a7iavxfjasi aoi a8iKia ev xco Xoyco xotixco

[the] LORD, shall [ meet up with you injustice] in this matter? [No!]

n+ Kai S17T8V T| yuvfj xco HaovX xiva avaydyco aoi

And [ said the woman] to Saul, Whom should I lead up to you?

Kai 8i7i8 xov EajioufjA, avdyays jioi n + Kai eiSev rj

And he said, Lead up Samuel tome! And [beheld the

yuvfj xov SajioufjX Kai eporjas cpcovfj jisydAxj Kai

woman] Samuel, and she yelled [ voice with a great]. And

S17T8V T| yuvfj 7ipoc; ZaovX ivaxi 7rapsXoyiaco jis Kai

[ said the woman] to Saul, Why did you mislead me, even

av si ZaovX 13+ Kai sitcsv auxfj o fiaaiksvq jitj

you are Saul? And [ said to her the king], Do not

tpopou xiva ecopaKac; Kai £i7isv r| yuvfj npoq SaouX

fear! Whom do you see? And [ said the woman] to Saul,

Geouc; ecbpaKa avapaivovxaq sk xrjc; yr\q u+ Kai

I see magistrates ascending from out of the earth. And

817T8V auxfj xi syvcoq Kai si7isv auxcb yspovxa

he said to her, What did you perceive? And she said to him, An aged man

avapaivovxa avaPepAxjjisvov 8i7iA,oi8a Kai

ascending being cloaked in a double-garment. And


28 rra

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09 - 1 Samuel

syvco ZaovX on odxoc; SajioDfjX Kai skd\j/sv sm

Saul knew that this [was] Samuel. And he bowed upon

7ip6aco7iov S7Ti ttjv yrjv Kai 7ipoasKDvr|asv aDxco i 5 +

[the] face upon the ground, and he did obeisance to him.

Kai S17T8 EajioDfjX ivaxi 7iaprivco%Ax|adc; jioi

And Samuel said, Why did you give trouble to me

avapfjvai |is Kai si7is Zaovk GAipojiai acp68pa Kai oi

[to cause] me to ascend? And Saul said, I am afflicted very much, and the

aXXoipvkoi 7roA£|i(y6aiv sv sjioi Kai o Gsoc; acpsaxrjKsv

Philistines wage war with me, and God has left

an sjiod Kai odk s7iaKf|Kos |iod sxi odxs 8V

from me, and he does not heed me any longer, nor by

%Sip( TCOV 7ipO(pT|TCbv ODXS 8V TOiq SVD7TVlOlCj Kai VDV

[the] hand of the prophets, nor by dreams. And now

KSKArpcd as xod yvcopiaai jioi xi 7ioif|aco i6+ Kai

I call you to make known to me what I should do. And

81718 £a|ioi)f|A, ivaxi S7ispcoxdc; (is Kai Kupioq

Samuel said, Why do you ask me, and [the] LORD

acpsaxrjKsv arco aoD Kai ysyovs (isxd

has left from you, and has taken place with

xod 7rAx|a(ov aoD n+ Kai 7iS7rorr|Ks Kopioc; aoi KaGcbc;

your neighbor? And [the] LORD has done to you as

sXdAxjas sv %£ipi |iod Kai 5iappfj^si Kupioc; xrjv

he said by my hand. And [the] LORD will tear the

PaaiXsiav sk X^ipoc; aoi) Kai 8coasi aDxfjv xco

kingdom from out of your hand, and will give it to

7iAr|aiov aoi) xco Aam5 i8+ 5i6xi oDKfpcoDaac; xrjc;

your neighbor, [to] David. Because you hearkened not to the

tpcovfjc; Kopioi) Kai odk s7iAx|aac; 6d|i6v opyfjc;

voice of [the] LORD, and you did not fill [ rage of anger

aDxoD sv xco AjiaArjK 8id xo pfjjia xodxo

his] against Amalek; on account of this thing

S7io(r|as KDpioq aoi odxcoc; xr| rjjispa xaDxrj i 9 + Kai

[the] LORD did to you thus [in] this day. And

7iapa8cbasi Kopioc; xov IapafjA, jisxd aoD sic; %sipac;

[the] LORD will deliver up Israel with you into [the] hands

aXXoyvXcov Kai atipiov aD Kai oi dioi aoD jisxd

of [the] Philistines, and tomorrow you and your sons [will be] with

jisx' sjiod Kai xrjv 7iaps|iPoXfiv IapafjX 5cbasi Kopioq

with me. And [the camp of Israel [the] LORD will put]

sic; xsipaq aAlocpDAxov 2 o + Kai sarcsDas ZaovX Kai

into [the] hands of [the] Philistines. And Saul hastened, and


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09 - 1 Samuel

srcsasv saxrjKcoc; S7i( xrjv yrjv Kai scpopfjGrj acp68pa

fell full stop upon the ground, and feared very much

goto xcov Xoycov Ha[iovr\k Kai oi)Kr|v sv aDxcb icj%dc;

from the words of Samuel. And there was no [in him strength]

sxi on odk scpaysv dpxov 6hr\v

any longer, for he did not eat bread all

XT|V T||I8paV SKSWTjV Kai 6Ax|V XT|V VDKXa 21 + Kai

that day, and all the night. And

siafjABev r| yvvr\ npoq ZaovX Kai s(8sv 6xi sarcsDas

[ entered the woman] to Saul, and beheld that he hastened

ocp68pa Kai si7is npoq avzov idov fjKODasv

very much. And she said to him, Behold, [ hearkened to

r| 8odAt| gov xrjc; (pcovfjc; ood Kai s0s|ir|v xrjv \\fv%r\v jiod

your maidservant] your voice, and I put my life

sv ttj %£ipi [lov Kai fjKODaa xodc; Xoyovq gov ovq

in my hand, and I hearkened to your words which

sAxxAxjaaq jioi 22+ Kai vdv dKODoov 8r| cpcovfiq

you spoke to me. And now hear indeed [the] voice

xrjc; 8odAt|c; ood Kai 7rapa0fja&lt;jo svco7ii6v gov \j/co|i6v

of your maidservant, for I will place before you a morsel

dpxoi) Kai (pays Kai eaxai sv GO\\G%vq 6x1 7iopsDr|

of bread and you eat! and it will be for strength to you, that you should go

sv o8cb 23 + Kai rj7is(0r|as Kai odk sPod^sxo cpaysiv

in [the] way. And he resisted persuasion, and he did not want to eat.

Kai 7iapsPid£pvxo aDxov 01 7ia(8sc; aDxoD Kai r| yDvfj

And they pressed him, his servants and the woman.

Kai fjKODas xrjc; cpoavfjc; aDxcbv Kai avsaxrj arco xrjc;

And he hearkened to their voice, and he rose up from the

yrjc; Kai SKdBiasv sm xov Sicppov 24+ Kai xrj yuvaiid

ground, and he sat upon the chair. And to the woman

Tjv |ioo%dpiov yalaGivov sv xr| oiKia Kai sa7isDas

was [ calf a suckling] by the house; and she hastened

Kai sGdctsv aDxfjv Kai sXaPsv d^sDpa Kai sqropaas

and sacrificed it, and took flour and mixed it,

Kai S7is\j/sv d^Djia 25+ Kai 7rpoafjvsyKsv svco7iiov

and baked unleavened [breads]. And she brought it before

ZaovX Kai svcb7riov xcov 7ra(8cov aDxoD Kai scpayov

Saul, and before his servants, and they ate.

Kai avaaxdvxsc; anr\kdov xrjv VDKxa sks(vt|v

And rising up they went forth that night.


29 DD


09 - 1 Samuel

29 toD

i+ Kai ai)va6po(^ODaiv oi aXkoipvXoi naaaq

And [ gathered the Philistines] all

zaq 7iape|iPoAxxc; auxcbv sic; AcpsK Kai IapafjX

their camps unto Aphek. And Israel

7tapsvsPaA,sv sv Ev5cop xrjv sv Ie^paeA, 2+ Kai 01

camped in En-dor, the one in Jezreel. And the

oaxp&amp;7rai xcov aXko(pvX(tiv 7raps7ropsi)ovxo sic;

satraps of the Philistines came by

sraxovxdSac; Kai %iAid8ac; Kai Aam8 Kai

[the] hundreds and thousands. And David and

01 dvSpsc; avTOV 7iaps7ropsi)ovxo S7i' so%dxcov jisxd

his men came near at [the] last with

Ak%(c; 3 + Kai S17TOV 01 aaxpdftai xcov aXkoipvXow

Achish. And [ said the satraps of the Philistines],

xivsc; 01 5ia7iop8i)6|i8voi ouxoi Kai sircsv Ak%ic; npoq

Who are these traveling? And Achish said to

Tovq aaxparcac; xcov aAA,ocpi)A,cov ov% omoq Aavid o

the satraps of the Philistines, [Is] not this David, the

dovXoq ZaovX fiaaikzcoq lapar\k oq ysyovs |is0'

servant of Saul king of Israel, who has been with

8|iot3 rjiiepaq xcroxo Ssuxspov sxoc; Kai oux stiprjKa

me [some] days this second year. And I have not found

sv auxcb od8sv acp' r\q r||ispac; S7isas npoq |is scoc;

in him any [fault] from which days he fell in with me until

xrjc; rjjispac; xatixrjc; 4+ Kai s0i)|icb6r|aav S7i' auxcb 01

this day. And [ were enraged over him the

aaxpdftai xcov aAlotpuXcov Kai Aiyouaiv ai)xcb

satraps of the Philistines], and they say to him,

a7i6axps\j/ov xov dv5pa Kai a7ioaxpa(pfjxco sic;

Return the man! and let him return unto

xov xo7rov ai)xoi3 oi) Kaxsaxrjaac; ai)xov sksi Kai \xr\

his people of which you placed him there, and do not

sp%sa0co |is9' rjjicbv sic; xov 7i6A,s|iov Kai |ir|

let him come with us to the battle, and let him not

yivsaBco S7uPouXoc; xr| 7raps|iPoAr| Kai sv xivi

become a plotter in the camp! And how shall

8iaHayfjasxai omoq xco Kopico avzov ov%i sv xaic;

he be reconciled [to] his master? Will it not be with the

KscpaAmc; xcov av8pcbv sksivcov 5 + ov% omoq Aavid co

heads of those men? [Is] this not David, which

s^fjp%ov sv xopoiq Xsyovxsq srcdxa^s ZaovX

they led in dances, saying, Saul struck

29 DD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

09 - 1 Samuel

sv xiAi&amp;aiv clvtov Kai Aavid sv jxopidaiv aDxoD 6 + Kai

his thousands, and David his ten thousands? And

SK&amp;Xsaev AK%iq xov Aavid Kai sitcsv aDxcb ^r| Kopioc;

Achish called David, and said to him, As [the] LORD lives,

on sd0dc; av Kai ayaGoq sv ocpGa^jiok; jiod Kai

[know] that you [are] upright and good in my eyes, and

r| s^odoq aoD Kai r| s(ao56c; aoD fisx' sjiod sv xrj

[so is] your exiting and your entering with me in the

7iaps|iPoAxj on od% stipov raid aoi) KaKiav acp' r\q

camp. For I did not find against you an evil from which

rjjispaq fjKsiq itpoq (is scoc; xrjc; rjjispaq xaDxrjc; Kai sv

day you came to me until this day. But in

o(p0aA,|io(c; xcov aaxpa7icbv odk ayaBoq ai) ?+ Kai

[the] eyes of the satraps [not good you are]. And

vdv avdaxpscps Kai rcopsDOD sic; sipfjvrjv Kai od jlit|

now, return and go in peace! and in no way

7ioifjar|c; KaKiav sv ocp0aA,|ioic; xcov aaxpa7icbv xcov

shall you do evil in [the] eyes of the satraps of the

aXAx)tpi)A,cov 8 + Kai si7is Aam8 npoq AKjiq xi

Philistines. And David said to Achish, What

7iS7ro(r|Kd aoi Kai xi stipsc; sv xco 8odAxo aoi) acp'

have I done to you? And what did you find in your servant from

r\q rjjispac; t\[lt\v svcotciov aoi) Kai scoc;

which day I was before you, and until

rjjispac; xaDxrjc; 6xi od jlit| sXGco 7roA,s|xf|aai xodc;

this day, that in no way I should come to wage war against the

z%dpovq xod Kopioi) (IOD xod PaaiAicoc; 9 + Kai

enemies of my master the king? And

a7isKpi6r| Ak%(c; Kai si7is itpoq AaviS oida 6xi

Achish answered and said to David, I know that

ayaGoc; ai) sv ocp0aX|io(c; |iod KaGcbc; ayyskoq 6sod

you are good in my eyes, as an angel of God,

aXX r oi aaxpdrcai xcov aAAx&gt;cpi)A,cov AiyoDaiv od%

but the satraps of the Philistines say, He shall not

fj^si |is0' r||icov sic; 7r6A,s|iov io+ Kai vdv 6p6piaov

come with us to war. And now, rise early

xo7ipcoi aD Kai oi itaidzq xod KopioD aoD oi

in the morning, you and the servants of your master, the

fjKovxsq jisxd aoD Kai 7iopsDsa0s sic; xov xo7iov od

ones having come with you, and go to the place where

Kaxsaxrjaa Djidc; sksi Kai op0p(aaxs sv xr| o5cb Kai

I placed you there! And you rise early in the journey, and



8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

(pcoxiadxco djjIv Kai 7iopsD6r|TS n+ Kai cbpGpias Aam8

[when] it gives light to you then go! And David rose early,

avToq Kai oi dvSpsc; avzov tod a7rsA,6siv T07ipcoi Kai

he and his men to go forth in the morning, and

(puXdaasiv tt|v yrjv tcdv aXXoyvkcov Kai oi

to guard the land of the Philistines. And the

akXoipvXoi avsprjaav 7ioA,s|is(v S7U IapafjA,

Philistines ascended to wage war against Israel.


i+ Kai sysvfjGrj sicjsXGovtoc; Aai)i8 Kai

And it came to pass in [the] entering of David and

xcov av5pcbv avTOV rqv SiKs^dy xr| rjjiepa xrj xpiTTj

of his men to Ziklag, on the [day third],

Kai A|iaAx|K S7ls6sTO S7U TOV VOTOV Kai 8711

that Amalek made an attack upon the south, and upon

xrjv SiKs^dy Kai S7idTa^s xrjv SiKsXdy Kai svs7iDpiaav

Ziklag. And it struck Ziklag, and burnt

aDxfjv sv 7iDpi 2+ Kai zaq yDvafcac; Kai 7idvTa todc;

it with fire. And the women, and all the ones

sv aDifj arco jiiKpoD scoc; |ieydAx)u odk

in it, from small unto great they did not

sGavdxcoaav dv5pa od8s yDvaira aXk r ri%|iaXcbTSDaav

put to death, man nor woman, but they took them captive,

Kai a7if|X9ov sic; xr|v o56v aDTcbv 3 + Kai fjXGs Aavid

and went forth in their way. And [ came David

Kai oi dvSpsc; avzov sic; xr|v 7i6Xiv Kai i5od

and his men] unto the city, and, behold,

s|i7rs7iDp(aTai sv 7iDp( ai 8s yDvafcsc; aDTcbv Kai

it was burnt with fire; and their wives, and

oi dioi aDicbv Kai ai 0i)yaxspsc; aDicbv

their sons, and their daughters,

ai%|iaA,CDTSD6|isvoi 4 + Kai fjps Aavid Kai

were taken captive. And [ lifted David and

oi dvSpsc; avTOV xr|v (pcovfjv aDTcbv Kai SK^aDoav scoq

his men] their voice, and they wept until

OTOD ODK T|V l&lt;3%Vq SV aDTOig TOD K^aiSlV STl 5 +

whenever there was no strength in them to weep any longer.

Kai ajicpoxspai ai yDvaiKsq AaDi5 r|x|iaA,coTSD0r|aav

And both the wives of David were captured ~

A%ivad|i T| Is^parjAmc; Kai ApiyaiA, r| yDvfj NapdX

Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail the wife ofNabal


30 V ev toutco + vtica 09-1 Samuel

tod KapjirjAioD 6+ Kai sBAiprj Aai)(5 acp65pa 6xi si7cev

the Carmelite. And David was afflicted very much, for [ said

0 Xaoq AiGoPoArjaai auxov 6xi KaxcbSDVoc; \|/D%f|

the people] to stone him, for [ were in severe pain of soul

7ravx6c; xod Xaov sk&amp;ctxod £7U xodc; viovq avzov Kai

all the people], each over his sons, and

S7Ti zaq GDyaxspac; aDxoD Kai SKpaxaicoGrj AaviS sv

over his daughters. And David was fortified by

KDpico 0scb avzov ?+ Kai 81718 Aam5 itpoq ApidGap

[the] LORD his God. And David said to Abiathar

xov lepea diov A%i|isXs% 7cpoaaydye xo ecpotiS Kai

the priest, son of Ahimelech, Lead forward the ephod. And

7rpoafjyaysv ApidGap xo s(poi)5 itpoq AaviS 8+ Kai

Abiathar led forward the ephod to David. And

£7rr|pcbxr|as Aavid 8id xod KopioD Aiyoov si

David asked through the LORD, saying, Shall

Kaxa8icb^co O7c(aco xod ys85oDp xodxod ei

1 pursue after this troop? Shall

KaxaArj\j/o|iai aDxotic; Kai ei7i;sv auxcb Kopioc;

I overtake them? And [ said to him [the] LORD],

KaxaSiooKs 6xi KaxaAxxjipdvcov KaxaArj\j/r| avzovq Kai

Pursue! for in overtaking you shall overtake them, and

e^aipoDjievoc; s^sArj 9+ Kai S7copsT39r| Aam5 avzoq

in rescuing you shall rescue. And David went, he

Kai 01 s^xkooioi dvSpec; jiex' aDxoD Kai ep%ovxai

and the six hundred men with him. And they come

scoq xod xsi|idppoi) Boaop Kai 01 7tepiaao( eaxrjaav

unto the rushing stream of Besor, and the extra [ones] stopped.

10+ Kai KaxsSico^ev sv xexpaKoaioic; avSpdaiv

And [pursued about four hundred men],

D7C8axr|aav 8e SiaKoaioi dvSpeq oixivec; 8Kd0iaav

[ stood and two hundred men], who stayed

7cspav xod xsijidppoD xod Boaop n+ Kai

on the other side of the rushing stream Besor. And

SDpiaKODaiv dv8pa AiyD7cxiov sv aypcb Kai

they find an Egyptian man in [the] field, and

AxxjipdvoDaiv aDxov Kai dyoDaiv aDxov npoq AaviS

they take him, and bring him to David,

Kai SiSoaaiv aDxcb dpxov Kai ecpaye Kai S7c6xiaav

and give to him bread and he ate, and they gave [ to drink

aDxov D8cop 12+ Kai 8i86aaiv aDxcb Kldajia

him water]. And they give to him apiece


30 "7 sv toi3tg) + viica 09-1 Samuel

7iaXd9r|(; Kai 8do axaqnSaq Kai scpays Kai

of dried cluster of figs, and two dried grape [clusters]; and he ate, and

Kaxsaxrj to 7rvsD|ia aDxoD sv aDxcb 6xi od

[ stood [up] his spirit] in him. For he had not

PsPpcbKsi dpxov Kai od 7i87icbKsi i38cop xpeic; rjjiepac;

eaten bread, and had not drank water, three days

Kai xpeic; VDKxac;

and three nights.

13 + Kai S17T8V ai)xcb Aavid xivoc; cjd si Kai 7i60sv

And [ said to him David], Who are you, and from what place

si Kai si7i8 xo 7rai8dpiov xo Aiyimxiov eyda eijii

are you? And [ said servant-lad the Egyptian], I am

SovXoq avdpoq AjiaArjKixoD Kai KaxeXure |is

a servant of a man, an Amalekite; and [ left me

o Kupioc; jiod oxi riv&lt;»%ATj0r|v sycb afjjispov xpixaioq u+

my master] for I was unwell, today being three days.

Kai r\[isiq 87i86s|i80a £7U xov voxov xod XopsGi Kai

And we made an attack upon the south of the Cherethites, and

S7Ti xa xrjc; Ioi)5a(ac; jieprj Kai £7U voxov XeiAip

upon the ones of the partofJudea, and to the south of Caleb;

Kai xrjv SiK8A,dy eve7CDp(aa|iev ev 7CDp( 15 + Kai si7i8v

and Ziklag we burnt in fire. And [ said

ai)xcb Aam8 8i Kaxd^siq |is S7ri xo ys88oDp xodxo Kai

to him David], Will you lead me to this troop? And

817T8V OJIOOOV 8r| |IOl Kaxd XOD 0SOD |IT|

he said, [If] you swear by an oath indeed to me according to God to not

0avaxcboa( |ie Kai |ir| 7capa8oDva( |is eic; %eipac;

put me to death, and not to deliver me into [the] hands

xod KDpioD jiod Kai Kaxd^oo os 87ii xo ys88oDp XODXO

of my master, then I will lead you to this troop.

16+ Kai Kaxfjyayev aDxov Kai i8od odxoi 8iaKe%D|ievoi

And he led him. And behold, these were dispersed

87Ti 7cp6aco7cov 7tdar|c; xrjc; yr\q saGiovxsq Kai 7rivovxsc;

upon [the] face of all the land, eating and drinking,

Kai sopxd^ovxsq 87U 7cdai xoic; GKvXoiq xoic; (isyaXoiq

and celebrating over all the [ spoils great]

01c; slapov sk yr\q aXXoyvkcov Kai sk yr\q

which they took from out of [the] land of [the] Philistines, and from out of [the]

IoD8a 17+ Kai fjXGev S7c' aDxotic; AaDi8 Kai S7cdxa^sv

of Judah. And [came upon them David], and he struck

aDxotic; a7co scoacpopoD Kai scoq SsiAxjc; Kai xrjc;

them from [the] morning star and until evening even of the



8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

£7i(r6piov Kai od 5ieacb0r| aDxcov avfjp 6xi aXk r r\

next day. And [ was not preserved of them a man], but only

xexpaKooia 7iai8dpia a 87i8pr| sni KajifjXoDc; Kai

four hundred boys who mounted upon camels and

scpuyov i8+ Kai acpsilaxo Aavid rcdvxa a skafiov oi

fled. And David removed all which [ took the

AjiaArjKixai Kai ajicpoxspac; xac; yovaixac; aDxoD

Amalekites]; and both his wives

e^eiXexo 19+ Kai od Siscpcbvrjaev aDxofc; arco jiiKpoD

he rescued. And nothing was perished to them from small

Kai ecoc; jieydXoD Kai scoc; dicov Kai 0Dyaxspcov

and unto great, and unto sons and daughters,

Kai a7io xcov cjkdAxov Kai ecoc; rcavxcov gov skafiov

from the spoils and unto all what they took

aDxcov xa rcdvxa S7ieaxps\j/s AaviS 20 + Kai ZXafis Aam8

of theirs — all the [things] David returned. And David took

rcdvxa xa 7io(|ivia Kai xa PoDKoXia Kai a7if|yayev

all the flocks and the herds, and led them away

S|i7rpoa0sv xcov ctkd^cov Kai xoic; cjkdAxhc; sksivoic;

before the spoils. And [concerning] those spoils

sAiysxo xatixa xa GKvXa Aai)i8 21+ Kai

it was said, These [are] the spoils of David. And

7iapay(v8xai Aam5 itpoq xodc; 5iaKoa(oDc; dv8paq xodc;

David came to the two hundred men (the ones

D7ioA,sicp0svxac; xod 7iopsDea0ai omaco Aavid ovq

being left behind of the [troop] going after David) that

8Kd0iasv sv xco %ei|idppco Boaop Kai e^f|X0ov eic;

stayed at the rushing stream of Besor. And they came forth to

a7idvxr|aiv Aam5 Kai eic; a7idvxr|aiv xod Xaov xod

meet David, and to meet the people of the one

jisx' aDxoD Kai 7ipoafjA,0£ AaDi8 ecoc; xod Xaov Kai

with him. And David came forward unto of the people, and

rjpcbxrjasv aDxotic; xa sic; sipfjvrjv 22+ Kai

he asked them the [greetings] for peace. And

a7T8Kp{0r| naq avfjp Axhjioc; Kai 7iovr|p6c; xcov av8pcbv

[ responded every man pestilent and wicked] of the men

xcov 7ioA,s|iiaxcbv xcov 7iop£D0£Vxcov jiexd AaDi5 Kai

warriors going with David. And

S17TOV OXl OD KaXs5lC0^aV |I£0' r||icbv OD

they said that, They did not pursue with us, we shall not

5cbao(isv aDxoiq sk xcov ctkdAxov cov s^eiA,d|ie0a

give to them from out of the spoils which we rescued,


30 "7 sv tootg) + vuca 09-1 Samuel

aXk' r| sraaxoc; xrjv yDvauca aDxoD Kai xa xsKva aDxoD

but [ each his wife and his children

a7iaysa0coaav Kai a7ioaxpscpsxcoaav 23 + Kai si7is Aavid

let take away], and let them return! And David said,

od 7ioif|asxs aSsAxpoi jiod odxcoc; jisxd xo

You shall not do [ my brothers thus] after the

7iapa8oDvai xov Kupiov r\[iiv Kai (pvXatpn r\[iaq

delivering up [of the enemy] by the LORD to us, and guarded us,

Kai 7iaps8coKs Kupioq xov ys88oDp xov S7isp%6|isvov

and [the] LORD delivered up the troop, the one coming

scp' r\[iaq sic; %s(paq r)|icbv 24+ Kai xic; S7iaKODasxai

upon us, into our hands. And who will heed

djicov Xoycov xodxcov 6x1 od% fjxxoDc; rjjicbv siai

[ your words these], for [ not inferior to us they are];

5i6xi Kaxd xr|v |isp(8a xod KaxaPaivovxoq sic;

for according to the portion of the one going down to

xov 7r6A,s|iov odxcoc; saxai rj jispfc; xod Ka9r||isvoD sm

war, so shall be the portion of the one staying by

xa oKstirj Kaxd xo ai)xo jispioDvxai 25+ Kai sysvsxo

the equipment; according to the same they shall be portioned. And it came to pass

a7io xrjc; rjjispac; sks(vt|c; Kai S7idvco Kai sysvsxo sic;

from that day and forward, that it became for

7ip6axay|ia Kai sic; 5iKa(co|ia xco IapafjA, scoc;

an order and for an ordinance in Israel until

xrjc; rjjispac; xaDxr|c; 2 6+ Kai fjXGs Aam8 sic; SiKsXdy Kai

this day. And David came to Ziklag, and

a7isaxsiA,s xoic; 7ipsaPDxspoic; Ioi35a Kai xoic;

he sent to the elders ofJudah, and to

7iAr|aiov aDxoD xcov ctkd^cov Aiycov i8od SD^oyia D|i(v

his neighbors of the spoils, saying, Behold, a blessing to you

arco xcov ctkd^cov xcov s%0pcbv KDpiOD 27+ XOICJ sv

from the spoils of the enemies of [the] LORD; to the ones in

BaiGfjA, Kai xoic; sv Pajid voxod Kai xoic; IaGfjp

Beth-el, and to the ones in Ramoth of [the] south, and to the ones [in] Jattir,

28+ Kai xoic; sv Apcofjp Kai xoic; sv EicpajicbG Kai

and to the ones in Aroer, and to the ones in Siphmoth, and

xoic; sv Ea0r||iod 29+ Kai xoic; sv Pa%dA, Kai xoic;

to the ones in Eshtemoa, and to the ones in Rachal, and to the ones

sv xaic; 7i6A,sai xod IspajiifjA, Kai xoiq sv xaic;

in the cities of the Jerahmeelite, and to the ones in the

7i6A,sai xod Ksvi 30+ Kai xoic; sv Epjid Kai xoiq sv

cities of the Kenite; and to the ones in Hormah, and to the ones in


31 &amp;
8V TOUT© + VtKCl

09 - 1 Samuel

Brjp Aadv Kai xoic; sv A0d% 3 i+ Kai xoic; sv

Beer-ashan, and to the ones in Athach; and to the ones in

XsPpcbv Kai eic; 7cdvxac; xodc; xotcouc; ovq

Hebron, and into all the places which

8ifjX0s Aavid 8K8i avzoq Kai oi av8pec; olvtov

David went there, he and his men.

31 vto

i+ Kai oi aAlotpuAxn S7toA,8|iodv S7ri IapafjX Kai

And the Philistines waged war against Israel. And

stpuyov oi avdpsq IapafjA, 8K 7ipoacb7roD xcov

[ fled the men of Israel] from [the] face of the

aXXoipvkodv Kai 7U7cxodoi xpaujiaxiai sv tod opsi

Philistines, and they fell slain in mount

TsipoDS 2+ Kai aDvd7iTODaiv oi aAlotpuAxn xco ZaovX

Gilboa. And [ joined up against the Philistines] Saul

Kai xoic; vioiq cjlvtov Kai ximxoDaiv oi aXkoipvXoi

and his sons. And [ struck down the [the] Philistines]

xov IcovaGdv Kai xov Apiva8dp Kai xov MsA^iaous

Jonathan, and Abinadab, and Melchi-shua,

viovq ZaovX 3+ Kai Papuvexai o ii6Xs[ioq siti ZaovX

sons of Saul. And [ weighs down the battle] against Saul,

Kai SDpiaKODaiv ai)xov oi aKovxiaxai avdpzq xo^oxai

and [ find him the shooters], men bowmen;

Kai 8xpai)|idxia6r| sic; xa D7co%6v5pia 4 + Kai

and he was wounded in the spleen. And

81718 ZaovX itpoq xov aipovxa xa aK8i&gt;r| avzov a7idaai

Saul said to the one carrying his weapons, Unsheathe

xrjv pojitpaiav aoi) Kai a7C0Kevxr|a6v |is sv auxfj

your broadsword, and pierce me with it!

|xfj7rox8 sABcoaiv oi a7cspix|ir|xoi otixoi Kai

lest [ should come these uncircumcised] and

a7TOK8vxfjacDai |is Kai 8|i7iai^cooiv sv ejioi Kai odk

should pierce me, and should mock against me. But [ did not

sPotiXsxo o aipcov xa aKetirj avzov 6xi scpopfj0r|

want to the one carrying his weapons], for he feared

acp65pa Kai eAxxPe ZaovX xrjv pojicpaiav avzov Kai

exceedingly. And Saul took his broadsword, and

£7i87rsasv S7i ' ai)xf|v 5+ Kai si5ev o aipcov

fell upon it. And [ beheld the one carrying

xa aK£i)r| olvtov 6xi xe6vr|Ke ZaovX Kai 87cs7C8as Kai

his weapons] that Saul died, and he fell also


31 &amp;

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

09 - 1 Samuel

avToq 87ii xrjv pojicpaiav avzov Kai arcsGavs jisx'

himself upon his broadsword, and died with

clvtov 6+ Kai arcsGavs ZaovX Kai oixpsic; vioi avzov

him. And Saul died, and [ three sons his],

Kai o aipcov xa aKstirj auxou Kai 7idvxsc;

and the one carrying his weapons, and all

oi dvSpsc; clvtov sv xrj r||ispa sks(vt| Kaxd xo ai)xo i +

his men, in that day at the same [time].

Kai s(8ov oi dvSpsc; IapafjA, oi sv xco rcspav xrjc;

And [beheld the men of Israel], the ones on the other side of the

koiAxx5oc; Kai oi sv xco rcspav xod IopSdvoi) 6xi

valley, and the ones on the other side of the Jordan, that

scpuyov oi dv8psc; IapafjA, Kai 6xi xs6vt|ks Zaovk Kai

[fled the men of Israel], and that Saul died, and

oi dioi clvtov Kai KaxaXsi7ioDai xac; noXsiq auxcbv Kai

his sons. And they leave their cities, and

cpsuyouai Kai spxovxai oi aAloqxuAxn Kai Kaxoucotiaiv

flee. And [ come the Philistines] and dwell

sv aDxaiq 8+ Kai sysvf|0r| xrj s7iai3piov Kai sp%ovxai

in them. And it came to pass on the next day, and [ come

oi aAlocpuAxn skSiStjctksiv xodc; xpaDjiaxiaq Kai

the Philistines] to strip the slain, and

SDpiaKODai xov ZaovX Kai xodc; xpsfc; viovq CLVTOV

they find Saul and [ three sons his]

7TS7rxcoK6xac; sm xa 6pr| TsA^poDS 9 + Kai

fallen upon the mountains of Gilboa. And

a7roKS(pali^oi)aiv auxov Kai SK8i8i3aKODaiv ai)xov

they behead him, and they strip him

xa aKstirj avzov Kai a7ioaxsAA,oi)aiv sic; yrjv

of his weapons, and they send into [the] land

aXXoipvkcov kdk^co SDayysMpjisvoi xoic;

of [the] Philistines round about, announcing good news [to]

siScbAxnc; auxcov Kai xco Axxcb auxcov io+ Kai avs9r|Kav

their idols, and [to] their people. And they presented

xa okst3t] olvtov sic; xo Aoxdpxiov Kai xo ocojia avzov

his weapons in the Astartion. And his body

Kaxs7ir|^av sv xco xs(%si BaiGadji u+ Kai aKououai

they fastened down on the wall in Beth-shan. And [ hear

7ispi oi KaxoiKowcsc; la^r\q xrjc; TaAxxaSmSoc;

concerning the ones dwelling in Jabish Gilead]

6aa S7ioir|aav oi aAA,6cpi)Ax)i xco ZaovX u + Kai

as much as [ did the Philistines] to Saul. And



8V TOUT© + VlKa

09 - 1 Samuel

avsarrjaav 7rdvTec; oi avSpsq 5Dvd|iecDc; Kai

[rose up all the men of power]. And

S7iopsT30r|aav 6h\v tt|v VDKTa Kai skafiov to acbjia

they went [the] entire night, and took the body

ZaovX Kai to acbjia IcovaGdv tod diod clvtov arco

of Saul, and the body of Jonathan his son from

tod t£(%odc; Bai0od|i Kai fjvsyKav aDTODc; siq la^r\q

the wall in Beth-sham. And they brought them into Jabish,

Kai KaTaKaioDaiv aDTODc; sksi b+ Kai ZXafiov

and incinerated them there. And they took

Ta ocrcd aDTcbv Kai e9a\j/av D7i6 tt|v dpoDpav tt|v

their bones and they entombed [them] by the plowed field, the one
sv Iapfjq Kai svfjOTSDaav S7iTd rjjiepac;

in Jabish, and they fasted seven days.


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

1 X

i+ Kai sysvsxo jisxd to a7to6ave(v ZaovX Kai Aam8

And it came to pass after the dying of Saul, that David

aveaxps\j/e ximxcov xov AjiaArjK Kai 8Kd0io8 Aam8 sv

returned [from] striking Amalek. And David stayed in

EiKsXdy rjjispac; 6vo 2+ Kai sysvsxo xr| rjjiepa

Ziklag [days two]. And it came to pass in the [day

tt] xpiTTj Kai idov avfjp fjXBev sk xrjc; 7caps|iPoAx|c;

third], that behold, a man came from out of the camp

tod Xaov ZaovX Kai xa ijidxia avzov 8i8ppcoy6Ta Kai

of the people of Saul, and his clothes were torn up, and

yrj 87ii Tr\q KscpaArjc; avzov Kai sysvsxo sv

earth [was] upon his head. And it happened in

too siasXBsiv auxov itpoq Aam8 Kai S7csasv S7ri xrjv

his entering to David, that he fell upon the

yrjv Kai 7cpoasK6vr|asv auxco 3+ Kai si7csv auxcb

ground and did obeisance to him. And [ said to him

Aavid 7i608v &lt;xo 7capay(vr| Kai si7cs npoq auxov

David], From what place do you come? And he said to him,

sk xrjc; 7tap8|iPoAxjc; IapafjA, 8iaasacoa|iai 4+ Kai

From out of the camp of Israel I have come through safe. And

817C8V auxcb Aavid Tiq o Xoyoq omoq a7tdyysiA,6v jioi

[said to him David], What word [is] this? Report tome!

Kai 817C8 7CS(pSl)ySV O XdLOq SK XOD 7C0A,S|I0D Kai

And he said, [ have fled The people] from the battle, and

7C87uxcbKaaiv noXkoi sk xod Xaov Kai a7cs0avov Kai

[ have fallen many] of the people, and they died; and

ZaovX Kai IcovaGdv o vioq avzov a7csGavs 5 + Kai

Saul and Jonathan his son died. And

si7C8 Aam8 xco 7cai8apico xco a7cayysAlovxi auxco 7ccoc;

David said to the servant-lad, In the reporting it, how

oidaq 6x1 xsGvrjKs ZaovX Kai IcovaGdv o vioq avzov

do you know that [ have died Saul and Jonathan his son]?

6+ Kai si7C8 xo 7cai8dpiov xo anajysXXov auxcb

And [ said the servant-lad] reporting to him,

7cspi7cxcb|iaxi 7C8pi87csaov sv xco opsi xco TsXpoDS Kai

By chance I fell among the mountain of Giboa; and

18013 ZaovX S7tsaxfjpiKxo S7ri xo 86pt&gt; avTOV Kai i8ou

behold, Saul was stayed upon his spear; and behold,

xa dpjiaxa Kai 01 i7C7cap%ai awq \j/av auxcb 7+

the chariots and the commanders of the cavalry joined together against him.

1 x ev tootco + vuca 10-2 Samuel

Kai S7T8pA,8\j/8V 8711 T(X O7UaC0 aVTOV Kai Sl8s |I8 Kai

And he looked behind him, and he beheld me, and

SKdXsas jis Kai si7ia idov sycb 8 + Kai sifts jioi xic; si

he called me. And I said, Behold, [it is] I. And he said to me, Who are

od Kai 8i7ia A|iaAx|Kvcr|c; sycb sijii 9 + Kai si7is itpoq

you? And I said, [anAmalekite I am]. And he said to

|is £7U&lt;xrr|9i 5r| s7idvco jiod Kai Gavdxcoaov (is 6xi

me, Stand indeed above me, and put me to death! for

Kaxsa%s jis cikoxoc; 5siv6v Kai sxi r| \\fv%r\ jiod sv

[ constrained me darkness an awful], for [ [is] yet my life] in

sjioi io+ Kai S7rsarr|v S7i' auxov Kai sGavdxcooa auxov

me. And I stood over him, and put him to death,

oxi fj5siv 6xi od ^fjasxai jisxd xo 7isasiv ai)xov

for I knew that he would not live after he fell.

Kai slapov xo PaaiXsiov xo S7t( xrjc; K£(p&lt;xkr\q avxov

And I took the crown, the one upon his head,

Kai xov %AiScbva xov S7U xod Ppa%(ovoc; ai)xoi3 Kai

and the armlet, the one upon his ami, and

svfjvo%a ai)xd xco Kupico jiod cb8s n+ Kai

I brought them [to] my master here. And

SKpdxrjas Aam8 xcov ijiaxicov avzov Kai Sispprj^sv

David took hold of his clothes, and tore

ai)xd Kai 7idvxsc; 01 dv5psq 01 jisx' avzov 12+ Kai

them; and all the men, the ones with him. And

SKoyavxo Kai SKkavaav Kai svfjaxsuaav scoc; 8s(Ar|c;

they beat their chests and wept, and fasted until evening

S7U ZaovX Kai S7U IcovaGdv xov mov avzov Kai S7U

over Saul, and over Jonathan his son, and over

xov Xaov lovda Kai sm xov oikov IopafjX 6x1

the people of Judah, and over the house of Israel, because

S7rAxjyr|aav sv pojicpaia 13 + Kai si7is Aam8 xco

they were struck by [the] broadsword. And David said to the

7iai8ap(co xco a7iayysAAx)vxi auxcb 7i60sv si au Kai

servant-lad, the one reporting to him, From what place are you? And
si7rsv vioq av8poq 7iapoiKOD A|iaAx|Kixoi) sycb sijii 14+

he said, [ [the] son man sojourner of an Amalekite I am].

Kai si7isv ai)xcb Aavid 7icoc; odk scpopfjGrjc;

And [ said to him David], How [is it] you do not fear

S7isvsyKs(v %sipa aov 8iacp0s(pai xov %piaxov Kupfov

to bear your hand to utterly destroy the anointed one of [the] LORD?

15+ Kai SKd^sas Aam8 sv xcov 7iai8ap(cov avzov Kai

And David called one of his servant-lads, and

8V TOUT© + VlKa

10 -2 Samuel

81718 7cpoasXGcbv a7idvTr|aov aDxcb Kai S7tdxa^sv

he said, Coming forward, you meet him! And he struck

avTOV Kai a7csGavs i 6 + Kai si7cs itpoq aDxov Aavid

him, and he died. And [ said to him David],

to aijid aoi) S7U xrjv KscpaAxjv ctod 6xi to axojia gov

Your blood [be] upon your head, for your mouth

a7i8Kpi6r| Korea aoi) Xsycov sycb sGavdxcoaa xov

answered against you, saying, I put to death the

Xpiaxov KupioD 17+ Kai sGpfjvrjas AaDi8

anointed one of [the] LORD. And David lamented

xov Gpfjvov xodxov 8711 ZaovX Kai S7CI IcovaGdv

this lamentation over Saul, and over Jonathan

xov diov aDxoD i8+ Kai S17CS xod 8i8d^ai xodc; viovq

his son. And he spoke to teach the sons

lovda i8od ysypa7cxai S7ri PipAioD xod sdGodc; 19+ Kai

of Judah. Behold, it is written upon [the] scroll of the upright. And

817C8V axfjAxjoaov IapafjA, imsp xcov x80vt|k6xcov S7U

he said, Set up a stone monument, O Israel, for the ones having died upon

xaD\j/r|aoD xpaDjiaxicbv ncoq S7csaav SDvaxoi 20 +

your heights — being slain! How [ are fallen [the] mighty ones].

|iT| avayysiAxjxs sv TsB Kai |ir| sDayysAiarjaGs sv xaic;

Announce it not in Gath, and announce it not as good news in the

8^68oiq AaKdAxjovoc; |ifj 7coxs SDcppavGcbai GDyaxspaq

streets of Ashkelon! lest at any time [ should be glad [the] daughters

akXoipvXcov |ifj 7cox8 ayaAAidacovxai GDyaxspsc; xcov

of [the] Philistines], lest at any time [ should exult [the] daughters of the

a7cspix|if|xcov 21 + 6pr| xa sv TsA^ods jirj 7tsaoi

uncircumcised]. O mountains in Gilboa, may there not fall

scp' v[iaq jifjxe 8p6aoq jafjxs dsxoc; Kai aypoi

upon you neither dew nor rain; and O fields

a7cap%cbv 6x1 sksi 7cpoacoxG(aGr| Gupeoc; 8i)vaxcbv

of first-fruits, for there [ was loathed [the] shield of [the] mighty ones],

dvpzoq IsOlovX odk s%p(aGr| sv sAmco 22+ acp' aijiaxoq

[the] shield of Saul was not anointed with oil. From [the] blood

xpai)|iaxicbv Kai a7co axsaxoc; Swaxcbv xo^ov

of [the] slain, and from [the] fat of [the] mighty ones, [the] bow

IcovaGdv odk a7csaxpdcpr| ksvov sic; xa O7uaco Kai

of Jonathan did not return empty to the rear; and

pojicpaia HaovX odk avsKaji\j/s Ksvfj 23+ l^aovk Kai

[the] broadsword of Saul did not return empty. Saul and

IcovaGdv 01 r|ya7cr||isvoi Kai copaioi od

Jonathan, the ones being loved, and beautiful ones; not

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

8iaK8xcopia|i8voi sv xrj ^cofj auxcbv Kai sv

parted in their life, and in

xco Gavdxco auxcbv ou 8is%cop(o0r|oav wisp asxotic;

their death they were not parted. [ above eagles

Koixpoi Kai D7isp Xsovxac; Swdxoi 24+ Guyaxspsc;

Nimble], and [ above lions strong]. Daughters

IapafjX KAxrooaxs S7U Zaovk xov sv8i8i&gt;aKovxa v[idq

of Israel, weep over Saul! the one dressing you

KOKKiva jisxd Koajioi) djicov xov avacpspovxa

with scarlet [apparel], with your ornament; the one bearing

Koajiov xpvaovv sm xa ijiaxiajiov ujicbv 25+ itcoq

[ ornament a golden] for your clothes. How

S7isaov 5i)vaxoi sv jisaco 7ioA,s|iod IcovaGdv S7i(

[fell [the] mighty ones] in [the] midst of battle, O Jonathan, upon

xai3\j/r|aoD sxpaujiaxioGrjc; 26+ aXy&amp;&gt; S7i( as IcovaGdv

your heights you were slain. I ache over you, Jonathan,

aSsAxps jiod copaicbGrjc; |ioi ocp68pa sGai)|iaaxcoGr|

O my brother. You were beautiful to me, exceedingly; [ caused wonder

r| ayd7rr|afc; gov sjioi wisp ayd7ir|oiv yuvaiKcbv 2 ?+ 7icoc;

your affection to me] ~ above [the] affection of women. O how

srcsaov 8i)vaxo( Kai a7rcbAx)vxo aKstirj 7roA,s|iiKd

[fell [the] mighty ones], and [perished [the] weapons of warfare].

2 1
1 + Kai sysvsxo jisxd xatixa Kai 87ir|pcbxr|as Aam8 sv

And it came to pass after these [things], and David asked by

Kopico Xsycov si avapcb sic; jiiav xcov 7i6Xscov

[the] LORD, saying, Shall I ascend unto one of the cities

xrjc; lovda Kai si7is Kupioc; npoq ai)xov avdprjGi Kai

of Judah? And [the] LORD said to him, Ascend! And

si7is Aam8 7iou avapcb Kai sircsv sic; XsPpcbv 2+ Kai

David said, Where should I ascend? And he said, Unto Hebron. And

avsprj sksi Aam8 Kai ajicpoxspai ai yovaixsc; avzov

[ ascended there David], and both his wives ~

A%ivad|i T| Is^parjAixic; Kai ApiyaiA, r| yvvr\ NapdX

Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail the wife ofNabal

xod KapixqAixou 3+ Kai 01 dvSpsc; 01 |isx' clvtov

the Camielite. And the men [were] with him,

SKaaxoq Kai o ohcoq avzov Kai KaxcbKODV sv xaic;

each one and his house. And they dwelt among the

2 3 ev toutco + vtica 10-2 Samuel

noXsai XsPpcbv 4+ Kai spxovxai 01 dv8pec;

cities of Hebron. And [ come the men

Tr\q IoD8a(ac; Kai xP^ 01)al T0V Aai)(5 8ks(

ofJudea] and anoint David there

tod (3aaiXsi)£iv £7ri xov oikov lovda Kai a7rfjyyeiA,av

to reign over the house of Judah. And they reported

tod Aavid Xsjovisq 01 dv8pec; lafiiq Tr\q raA,aa8m5oc;

to David, saying, The men of Jabish of the Gileadites

e0a\j/av tov HaovX 5 + Kai a7isaT8iA,s Aavid ayyeXovq

entombed Saul. And David sent messengers

7rpoc; todc; rjyoDjievoDc; lafiiq Tr\q raA,aa8m5oc; Kai

to the leaders of Jabish of the Gileadites, And

81718 7ipoc; avTOvq SDAx)yr||ievoi djisic; tco Kupico 6ti

he said to them, Being blessed [are] you to the LORD, that


you performed this mercy for your master, for

TOvSaoDl Kai 80d\j/aT8 atrcov 6 + Kai vdv

Saul, and you entombed him. And now,

7ioif|aai Kopioc; |ie6' Djicbv sksoq Kai alfjGsiav Kai

may [the] LORD perform [ with you mercy and truth]; and

ys sycb 7ioif|aco |is6' djicdv to ayaBov todto 6ti

indeed I will do with you this good that

£7iorfjaaTS to pf||ia todto 7+ Kai vdv KpaTaioDaGooaav

you did [in] this matter. And now strengthen

ai xeipsq Djicbv Kai yiveaGs eic; viovq SvvaTOvq 6ti

your hands and become as [ sons mighty] ! for

Te6vr|K£ IsOLOvX O KOpiOCJ D|ICDV Kai yS 8|IS K£%piKSV O

[ has died Saul your master], and indeed [ has anointed me the

oiKoq Ioi35a ecp' eaDTODc; eic; PaaiXea 8+ Kai Apevfp

house of Judah] over them for king. And Abner

vioq Nrjp apxiaTpdTrjyoq tod ZaovX sAxxPe

son ofNer, commander-in-chief of Saul, took

tov IaPoasG diov tod ZaovX Kai avspipaasv aDTOV

Ishbosheth son of Saul, and brought him

sk Tr\q 7raps|iPoAT|c; sic; Mavaeji 9+ Kai

from out of the camp into Mahanaim, and

sPaoiXsDasv aDTOV 87i( ttjv raA,aa5mv Kai £7U tov

gave him to reign over Gilead, and over the

Aaepi Kai S7U tt|v I^pafjX Kai £7U tov Ecppaiji Kai

Ashurites, and over Jezreel, and over Ephraim, and

£7U tov Bsviajiiv Kai S7U 7cdvTa IapafjA, 10 +

over Benjamin, and over all Israel.

2 2 ev tootco + vuca 10-2 Samuel

xsaaap&amp;Kovxa sxcbv Iap6as0 vioq ZaovX 6xs

[ was forty years [old] Ishbosheth son of Saul] when

sPaoiXsDasv em IapafjA, Kai 8do sttj sPaai^sDas

he reigned over Israel; and [ two years he reigned];

7iAr|v tod oikod kn38a 01 fjaav O7uaco Aavid

except for the house of Judah, the ones which were [following] after David.

n+ Kai sysvsxo apiGjioq xcov r||ispcbv cov AaDi8

And became [the] number of the days which David

sPaai^sDasv sv Xsppcbv em xov oikov lovda S7cxd

reigned in Hebron over the house of Judah ~ seven

sxrj Kai jifjvaq s^ 12+ Kai s^fjABev Apsvfjp vioq Nrjp

years and [months six]. And [ came forth Abner son ofNer],

Kai oi 7cai8sc; IaPoasG diod ZaovX 8K Mavasji sic;

and the servants of Ishbosheth son of Saul, out of Mahanaim unto

TaPacbv n+ Kai Icodp vioq Sapoma Kai oi itaidsq

Gibeon. And Joab son ofZeruiah, and the servants

Aavid s^fjA£ov sk XsPpcbv Kai aDvavxcbaiv aDxofc;

of David, came forth out of Hebron, and met them

S7Ti tt|v Kpfjvrjv ttjv rapacbv Kai 8Kd6iaav odxoi

at the fountain of Gibeon. And these sat


here [on this side], and these [others] at the fountain here [on that side].

Kai si7C8v Apsvfjp 7tpoc; Icodp avaaxfjxcoaav 8r| xa

And Abner said to Joab, Raise up indeed the

7cai8dpia Kai 7cai^dxcoaav svco7ciov rjjicov Kai

servant-lads and let them play before us! And

S17C8V Icodp avaaxfjicoaav i 5 + Kai avsaxrjaav Kai

Joab said, Let them arise! And they rose up and

7capf|A,6ov sv api0|icb 8co8sKa xcov 7cai8cov Bsviajiiv

went by in number— twelve of the servants of Benjamin

xod Iap6as0 diod Zaovk Kai 8cb8sKa xcov 7ca(8cov

of Ishbosheth son of Saul, and twelve of the servants

AaDi8 i6+ Kai SKpdxrjaav sraaxoc; xr| X 8l P^ Tr l v

of David. And they [ held each] by [their] hand the

KscpaAxjv xod 7cArjaiov aDxoD Kai r| |id%aipa aDxoD

head of his neighbor; and his knife

sic; xrjv 7cXsDpdv xod 7tAr|a(ov aDxoD Kai 7ci7cxoDai

[was thrust] into the side of his neighbor; and they fell down

Kaxd xo aDxo Kai sKAxjBrj xco xo7cco sksivco Mspk; xcov

together. And they called that place, Portion of the

S7ciPodA,cov t| saxiv sv TaPacov 17+ Kai sysvsxo o

Plotters, which is in Gibeon. And [ was the

2 2 ev tootco + vuca 10-2 Samuel

7r6Xs|ioc; aKArjpoc; cbaxs Aiav sv

battle] hard so as to an exceeding [degree] in

tt] rjjispa SKsivrj Kai srcxaiasv Apsvfjp Kai 01 dvSpsc;

that day. And [ failed Abner and the men

IapafjX svco7iiov xcov 7ia(8cov AaDi8 18+ Kdl 8y8VOVTO

of Israel] before the servants of David. And there were

sksi xpsic; Dioi Sapoma Icodp Kai Apsaad Kai

there three sons of Zeruiah ~ Joab and Abishai and

Aaaaf\k Kai AaaafjA, KODtpoc; xoic; noaiv aDxof) coast

Asahel. And Asahel was light of his feet, as

jiia Soprac; xcov sv aypcb 19+ Kai

one doe of the ones in [the] field. And

Kaxs5ico^sv AaaafjX O7uaco Apsvfjp Kai odk s^skAivs

Asahel pursued after Abner, and he did not turn aside

xod 7iopsDsa0ai sic; xa 8s^id od8s sic; xa apioxspd

to go to the right nor to the left

Kax67iia6sv Apsvfjp 20+ Kai S7ispA,s\j/sv Apsvfjp sic;

after Abner. And Abner looked to

xa O7r(aco aDxof) Kai sitcsv av si auxoc; AaaafjX Kai

his rear, and said, Are you Asahel himself? And

817T8V sycb sijii 21+ Kai 817T8V aDxco Apsvfjp

he said, I am. And [ said to him Abner],

skkAivov &lt;td sic; xa 8s^id rj sic; xa apiaxspd Kai

Turn aside to the right or to the left, and

Kaxda%s asaDxcb sv xcov 7iai5ap(cov Kai Xdps asaDxcb

constrain to yourself one of the servant-lads, and take to yourself

xrjv 7ravo7rAiav aDxof) Kai odk rj0sAxjasv AaaafjA,

his full armor! And [ did not want Asahel]

SKKAivai sk xcov omaGsv aDxof) 22 + Kai 7ipoas0sxo sxi

to turn aside from [being] behind him. And [ added yet

Apsvfjp Aiycov xco AaafjX a7i6axrj0i an s|iod (va

Abner], saying to Asahel, Leave from me! that

jxrj 7iaxd^co as sic; xrjv yrjv Kai 7icoc; apcb

I should not strike you unto the ground. For how shall I lift
xo 7rp6aco7i6v jiod npoq Icodp xov aSsAxpov aoD 23 + Kai

my face to Joab your brother? And

odk spotiXsxo xod a7ioaxfjvai Kai xdtcxsi ai)xov

he was not willing to leave. And [ struck him

Apsvfjp sv xco O7iiaco xod Sopaxoc; S7i( xrjv \j/6av

Abner] with the rear of the spear upon [his] flank.

Kai 8is^fjA,0s xo 86pD sk xcov O7i(oco aDxoD Kai

And [ went completely through the spear] out behind him. And

2 2 ev tootg) + vuca 10-2 Samuel

7117TT81 sksi Kai a7ro0vfjaKsi D7coKdxco aDxoD Kai

he falls there and dies underneath him. And

eyevexo Ttaq o ep%6|isvoc; ecoc; tod to7cod od £7ceaev

it came to pass every one coming unto the place where [ fell

SK8i Aaaar\k Kai a7ce0av£ Kai Dcpiaxaxo 24 + Kai

there Asahel] and died, even stood [still]. And

KaxeSico^ev Icodp Kai Apeaad O7riaco Apevfjp Kai o

[ pursued Joab and Abishai] after Abner, and the

r\kioq s5dvs Kai aDxoi eiaf|X6ov scoc; tod Podvod

sun went down. And they entered unto the hill

Ajijid Kaxd 7cp6aco7i;ov Tis o56v epr||iov TaPacbv

of Ammah, according to [the] face of Giah, [ way [the] wilderness] of Gibeon.

25+ Kai oDvaGpoi^ovxai 01 dioi Bsviajiiv 01 O7uaco

And [ gathered together the sons of Benjamin], the ones [following] after

Apsvfjp Kai sysvf|6r|aav sic; aDvdvxrjaiv |i(av Kai

Abner, and they came to meet as one, and

eaxrjaav S7ri KscpaArjv Podvod svoc; 26+ Kai

they stood upon [the] head [hill of one]. And

SKdXsaev Apsvfjp xov Icodp Kai si7C8 |irj sic; vikoc;

Abner called Joab, and he said, Shall [ in victory

Kaxacpdyexai rj pojicpaia r| odk o(8ac; 6x1

devour the broadsword], or do you not know that

7ciKpd eaxai sic; xa sa%axa Kai scoc; 7c6xs od jitj

it will be bitter at the last? And for how long [ in no way

sbir\q xco Axxcb a7coaxp8(psiv a7co 67cia0sv

shall you] speak to the people to return from [following] after

xcov a8sAxpcbv aDxcbv 2 ? + Kai £i7cev Icodp ^rj Kopioc; 6x1

their brethren? And Joab said, As [the] LORD lives, that

si (ir| eXdAxjaac; 816x1 xoxs sk 7cpcoi0ev aveprj av o

if you had not spoken, because then from the morning [ ascended even the

Xaoq eraaxoc; Kax67cia0s xod aSeAxpof) aDxoD 28 + Kai

people] each after his brother. And

sadAmasv Icodp xrj adAjnyyi Kai a7ceaxrjae 7tac; o

Joab trumped the trumpet, and [ left all the

Xaoq Kai od Kaxe8(co^av odksxi O7uaco xod IopafjA,

people], and did not pursue any longer after Israel,

Kai OD 7Cpoas9sVXO 8Xl XOD 7C0A£|ISIV 29 + Kai

and they did not proceed any longer to wage war. And

Apsvfjp Kai 01 dvSpec; aDxoD a7cfjX9ov sic;

Abner and his men went forth at

SDajidc; 6Ax|v xrjv VDKxa SKsivrjv Kai SisPaivov

[the] descent [of the sun], [and went] all that night, and passed over

8V TOUT© + VtKCl
10 -2 Samuel

xov Iop5dvr|v Kai S7ropsD9r|aav 6hr\v

the Jordan, and they went [the] entire

xrjv 7rapaTs(voi)aav Kai epxovxai eic; 7iape|iPoAxxc; 30 +

extent, and they came unto Camp.

Kai Ioo&amp;p avsaxps\j/ev O7na0sv arco tod Apswfjp Kai

And Joab returned from [following] behind Abner, And

aDvfjGpoios rcdvxa xov Xaov Kai S7T8aKS7rr|oav xcov

he gathered together all the people. And they numbered the

7ia(5cov Aai)(5 01 7iS7rxcoK6xsc; sweaKa(5sKa dv5pec;

servants of David, the ones having fallen ~ nineteen men

Kai AaaafjA, 31+ Kai 01 7ia(5ec; Aai)(5 S7idxa^av xcov

and Asahel. And the servants of David struck of the

dicgv Bsviajjiv xcov av5pcbv Apsvfjp xpiaKoaioDc; Kai

sons of Benjamin, of the men of Abner— three hundred and

s^fjKovxa dv5paq 32 + Kai aipoDai xov Aaaar\k Kai

sixty men. And they lifted up Asahel, and

0d7rxoi)aiv ai)xov sv xco xdtpco xod rcaxpoc; aDxoD ev

they entombed him in the burying-place of his father in

Br|0A,s8|i Kai S7rop£i)0r|oav 6Ar|v xrjWDKxa Icodp Kai

Beth-lehem. And [ went [the] entire night Joab and

01 dv5pec; avTOV Kai 8i£(paDaev aDxoic; sv XePpcov

his men], and light shined through to them in Hebron.

3 a

1+ Kai sysvsxo n6Xs[ioq S7il 7io^D avajieaov xod

And there was war for a long [time] between the

oikod Zaovk Kai avajisaov xod oikod AaDi5 Kai o

house of Saul, and between the house of David. And the

oiKoq AaDi5 87iop8D8xo Kai eKpaxaioDxo Kai o ohcoq

house of David went and strengthened. And the house

ZaovX 87iop8D8xo Kai rjaGevsi 2+ Kai sxe%6r|aav xco

of Saul went and weakened. And were born [to]

AaDi8 sv XePpcov dioi s£, Kai rjv

David in Hebron [ sons six], and [ was

o ftpcoxoxoKoc; aDxoD Ajivcbv xrjc; A%ivad|i xrjc;

his first-born] [was] Amnon by Ahinoam the

Ie^parjXixiSoc; 3 + Kai o 8eDxspoc; aDxoD KeAiaP xrjc;

Jezreelitess; and his second [was] Chileab of

ApiyaiX xrjc; KapjirjAiac; Kai o xpixoq ApeaaAxbji

Abigail the Carmelitess; and the third [was] Absalom

vioq Maa%d 0Dyaxp6c; 0aA,|ii PaaiAicoc; rsaafjp 4 +

son ofMaacah daughter ofTalmai king ofGeshur;

8V TOUT© + VlKa

10 -2 Samuel

Kai o isxapioq A5cov(a vioq AyyiG Kai o 7ts|I7i;toc;

and the fourth [was] Adonijah son of Haggith; and the fifth

Sacpaxiaq rrjc;ApiTadX 5 + Kai o sktoc; IsGdv rrjc;

[was] Shephatiah by Abital; and the sixth [was] Ithream of

AiydA, yovaiKoc; Aavid odtoi STS%0rjoav too Aavid sv

Eglah wife of David. These were born [to] David in

XsPpcbv 6+ Kai sysvsTO sv tod sivai tov 7i6A,s|iov

Hebron. And it came to pass in the being the war

avajieaov tod oikod ZaovX Kai avajisaov tod oikod

between the house of Saul, and between the house

AaDi5 Kai Apsvfjp rjv KpaTcbv tod oikod ZaovX i +

of David, that Abner was holding [rule] [over] the house of Saul.

Kai too SaoDl rjv 7iaAA,aKf| Kai ovojia aDTfj Psacpd

And [to] Saul was a concubine, and [the] name to her [was] Rizpah,

0DydTT|p Aia Kai sircsv IaPoasG dioc; EaoDA, 7ipoq

daughter ofAiah. And [said Ishbosheth son of Saul] to

Apsvfjp ti 6ti siar\kdsq itpoq tt|v 7iaAlaKfjv

Abner, Why [is it] that you enter to the concubine

tod 7iaTp6(^ jiod 8+ Kai 80D|icb6r| acp68pa Apsvfjp

of my father? And [ was enraged exceedingly Abner]

7ispi tod Xoyov todtod Too Iap6as0 Kai

on account of this word by Ishbosheth. And

S17TSV APsvfjp 7ipOC; aDTOV |XTj KSCpaAxj KDVOq SlJIl

Abner said to him, Am [ head a dog's I]

S7ro(rjaa afjjispov sksoq jiSTa tod oikod Zaovk

[that] I executed today mercy with the house of Saul

tod 7raTp6c; ood Kai 7isp( a5sAxpcbv Kai 7ispi

your father, and with [his] brethren, and with

yvcopijicov aDTcbv Kai odk rjDTOjioAxjaa sic; tov oikov

his acquaintances, and did not desert to the house

AaDi5 Kai S7U^rjTSic; S7i' sjis 7isp( advdaq yDvaiKoq

of David, that you seek anxiously about me concerning injustice to a woman

afjjispov 9+ Td8s 7ioifjaai o Gsoq too Apsvfjp Kai Td5s

today? Thus may God do to Abner, and thus

7ipoa0sirj aDTcb 6ti KaGcbq cbjioas Kopioc; tco AaDi5

may he add to him that as [the] LORD swore by an oath to David,

OTl ODTCOq 7TOlfjaC0 aDTCO SV TTj Tj|ISpa TaDTTj io +

that so I should do [the same] to him in this day,

7ispisXsiv TTjv PaaiXsiav arco tod oikod ZaovX Kai

to remove the kingdom from the house of Saul, and

tod avacrcfjaai tov Gpovov AaDi8 S7ii IapafjA, Kai S7i(

to raise up the throne of David over Israel, and over


3} ev toutco + vtica 10 -2 Samuel

xov I(y68av and Aav scoc; BrjpaaPss n+ Kai odk

Judah, from Dan until Beer-sheba. And [ [was] not

rj5i)vda0r| sxi Iap6as6 avxa7ioKpi6f|vai xco Apsvfjp

able still Ishbosheth] to answer Abner's

pfjjia goto xod tpoPrjGfjvai auxov 12+ Kai

utterance, because of fearing him. And

arcsaxsilsv Apsvfjp ayyskovq npoq Aavid sic; XsPpcbv

Abner sent messengers to David in Hebron,

Aiycov 5id6oi) 5ia6fjKTjv aoi) |isx' s|iof) Kai idov

saying, [ ordain a covenant You] with me! And behold,

r| %sip |iod jisxd aou S7iiaxps\|/ai npoq as rcdvxa

My hand [is] with you to return to you all

IapafjX 13 + Kai si7is Aavid KoXcbq sycb 5ia0fjao|iai

Israel. And David said, Well, I shall ordain

7rpoc; as 8ia6fjKr|v Tth\v Xoyov sva sycb aixof)|iai

with you a covenant, except [ word one] I ask

7iapd aoi) Aiycov odk 6\j/si to 7ip6aco7i6v jiod sdv

from you, saying, You shall not see my face, if

|ir| aydyrjc; xrjv MsA,%6A, Guyaxspa HaovX

you do not lead Michal daughter of Saul,

7rapayivo|isvoi) aoi) i5s(v to 7rp6aco7r6v |iod h + Kai

in your coming to behold my face. And

s^a7isaxsiA,s Aavid npoq IaPoasG mov ZaovX

David sent [ to Ishbosheth son of Saul

ayysXoDc; Aiycov anodoq jioi xrjv yDvaiKd jiod

messengers], saying, Give back to me my wife

xrjv MsX%6A, r|v slapov sv sraxov aKpoPuaxiaic;

Michal which I took for a hundred foreskins

aXkoipvXcw 15 + Kai arcsaxsilsv IaPoasG Kai sAxxPsv

of Philistines. And Ishbosheth sent, and took

aDxfjv 7iapd xou avdpoq avTT\q 7iapd OaXxifjA, mou

her from her husband, from Phaltiel son

Aa'tc; 16+ Kai S7iopsf)sxo o avfjp auxfjq jisx' auxfjc;

ofLaish. And [went husband her] with her,

7ropsi)6|isvoc; Kai KAmcov O7i(aco avTT\q scoc; BaxoDpiji

going and weeping after her unto Behurim.

Kai si7is rcpoc; ai)xov Apsvfjp 7iopsf)ou avdaxpscps

And [ said to him Abner], Go return!

Kai avsaxps\j/s 17+ Kai Xoyoq Apsvfjp sysvsxo npoq

And he returned. And [the] word of Abner came to

xodc; 7ipsaPi)xspoDc; IapafjA, Aiycov %dsq Kai

the elders of Israel, saying, Yesterday and


3 3, sv tootco + vuca 10-2 Samuel

TpiTTjV S^rjTSlTS TOV A(XDl5 PaaiXsDSlV Stp' Djldq

[the] third [day before] you sought David to reign over you.

18+ K(Xl VDV 7TOlfjGaT8 Oil KDpiOCJ sA,dAxjCJS 7TSpl

And now act! for [the] LORD spoke concerning

Aavid Aiycov sv %sipi tod 8odXod jiod Aavid acbaco

David, saying, By [the] hand of my servant David I will deliver

tov Xaov jiod IapafjX sk %sipoc; tcov akXoipvkcDV Kai

my people Israel from [the] hand of the Philistines, and

SK XSip6q 7T&amp;VTCDV TCOV S%0pCOV aDTOD 19+ Kai

from [the] hand of all his enemies. And

sldAxjasv Apsvfjp sv toic; cbai Bsviajiiv Kai

Abner spoke in the ears of Benjamin. And

S7iopsD0rj Apsvfjp tod XaArjaai sic; tcx cbTa AaDi8 sic;

Abner went to speak into the ears of David in

XsPpcbv 7idvTa 6aa fjpsasv sv otpGaXjiok; IapafjA,

Hebron, all as much as it pleased in [the] eyes of Israel,

Kai sv otp0aA,|iofc; rcavTOc; oikod Bsviajiiv 20+ Kai

and in [the] eyes of all [the] house of Benjamin. And

fjX0sv Apsvfjp 7ipoc; AaDi5 sic; XsPpcbv Kai jist'

Abner came to David in Hebron, and with

aDTOD siKoaiv dvSpsc; Kai S7io(r|as AaDi8 tco Apsvfjp

him twenty men. And David made [ [to] Abner

Kai toic; av8pdai toic; jist' aDTOD tcotov 21+ Kai

and the men with him a banquet]. And

si7isv Apsvfjp rcpoc; AaDi8 avaaTfjaojiai 8rj Kai

Abner said to David, I will arise indeed and

7iopsDao|iai Kai aDvaGpoiaco 7ipoc; tov Kopiov jiod tov

go, and gather together to my master the

PaoiXsa 7idvTa IapafjA, Kai 8ia0fjao|iai jiSTd aoD

king all Israel; and I will ordain with you

8ia6fjKTjv Kai Paai^sDasic; S7U 7idaiv oiq S7ii0D|isi

a covenant, and you shall reign over all whom [ desires

rj \|/Dxfj aoD Kai s^a7isaTSiA,s AaDi5 tov Apsvfjp Kai

your soul]. And David sent away Abner, and

S7iopsD0rj sv sipfjvrj 22+ Kai i8od 01 7ia(8sc; AaDi5

he went in peace. And behold, the servants of David

Kai Icodp 7iapsysvovTO arco Tr\q s^oSiaq Kai gkvXol

and Joab came from the expedition, and [ spoils

noXXa scpspov |is0' saDTcbv Kai Apsvfjp odk Tjv jiSTd

many they brought] with themselves. And Abner was not with

AaDi8 sic; XsPpcbv 6ti a7rs&lt;xcdXKsi aDTOV Kai

David in Hebron, for he had sent him [away], and


8V TOUT© + VlKa

10 -2 Samuel

S7iopsD0r| sv sipfjvrj 23 + Kai Icodp Kai 7idaa r|

he went in peace. And Joab, and all the

axpaxid r| jisx' aDxoD r\kdooav Kai a7if|yysiA,av too

military, the one with him, came. And they reported [to]

Icodp Xsyovxsc; fjKsi Apsvfjp vioq Nrjp npoq Aavid

Joab, saying, [comes Abner son of Ner] to David,

Kai a7isaxaA,Ksv aDxov Kai a7ifjX0ev sv sipfjvrj 24+ Kai

and he has sent him, and he went forth in peace. And

siafjABsv Icodp npoq xov PaaiAia Kai si7is aDxco xi

Joab entered to the king, and he said to him, What

xodxo £7ro(r|aac; i8od f|A,9ev Apsvfjp npoq as Kai

is this you did? Behold, Abner came to you, and

ivaxi s^a7isaxaXKac; aDxov Kai anshf\kvQsv sv sipfjvrj

why have you sent him away, and he has gone forth in peace?
25+ ri odk o(8ac; xrjv KaKiav Apsvfjp diod Nrjp 6x1

Or do you not know the evil of Abner son of Ner, that

a7raxfjaa( as 7iapsysvsxo Kai yvcbvai xrjv siao86v gov

[ to deceive you he came], and to know your entering

Kai xrjv s^o86v cjod Kai yvcbvai drcavxa 6aa cjd

and your exiting, and to know all together as much as you

7iois((; 26+ Kai s^fjABsv Icodp arco AaDiS Kai

do? And Joab went from David, and

arcsaxsiXsv ayysXoDc; O7uaco Apsvfjp Kai

sent messengers after Abner, and

S7riaxps(poi)aiv ai)xov arco xod cppsaxoq Ssipd Kai

they returned him from the well of Sirah; and

Aam8 odk fj8si 2 ?+ Kai S7isoxps\j/s xov Apsvfjp sic;

David did not know. And Abner returned to

XsPpcbv Kai s^skAivsv ai)xov Icodp sk 7iA,ay(cov xrjq

Hebron, and [ turned him Joab] from [the] side of the

7ivhr\q Xakr\aai npoq avzov svs8psf)cov Kai S7idxa^sv

gate to speak to him laying in wait. And he struck

avzov sksi sic; xrjv \j/6av Kai arcsGavsv sv xco

him there in the flank, and he died for the

aijiaxi AaaafjA, xod a8sAxpoD aDxoD 28 + Kai

blood [ Asahel of his brother]. And

fjKODcis AaDi8 jisxd xaDxa Kai si7isv aGcooc; sijii sycb

David heard about these [things], and he said, [ am innocent I]

Kai T| PaaiXsia jiod arco KopioD Kai scoc; aicovoc; arco

and my kingdom from [the] LORD and unto [the] eon of

xcov aijidxcov Apsvfjp diod Nrjp 29+ Kaxavxrjadxcoaav

the blood of Abner son of Ner. Let [it] arrive


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10 -2 Samuel

8711 KscpaArjv Icodp Kai S7i( 7rdvxa tov oikov

upon [the] head of Joab, and upon all the house


of his father! and may there not cease to be one from the house

Icodp yovoppDfjc; Kai Xsnpoq Kai KpaTcbv oKDTdAxjv

of Joab having gonorrhea, and leprous, and holding a stave,

Kai 7ii7rTCOv sv pojicpaia Kai sAxxttovodjisvoc; dpTOiq

and falling by [the] broadsword, and lacking bread loaves.

30+ Icodp 8s Kai Apeaaat o aSsAxpoc; aDTOD SiSTrjpowco

For Joab and Abishai his brother observed

tov Apsvfjp av0' cov s9avdTCoas TOvAaaafjA,

Abner, because he killed Asahel

tov a5sAxpov aDTcbv sv TaPacbv sv tco 7ioA,s(ico 31+ Kai

their brother in Gibeon in the battle. And

si7is AaDi5 7ipoc; Icodp Kai npoq rcdvTa tov Xaov

David said to Joab, and to all the people

tov jiST aDTOD 8iappfj^aTS Ta ijidna djicov Kai

with him, Tear your clothes, and

7ispi^cbaaa0s adKKODc; Kai K67iTsa0s s(i7ipoa6sv

gird on sackcloths, and lament before

Apsvfjp Kai o PaaiXstic; AaDi8 S7iopsDSTO O7iiaco Tr\q

Abner! And king David went behind the

KAivrjc; 32+ Kai 6d7iTODai TOvApsvfjp sv XsPpcbv Kai

bier. And they entombed Abner in Hebron, and

fjpsv o Paai^sDc; tt|v cpcovfjv aDTOD Kai SK^aDasv S7ii

[ lifted the king] his voice and wept over

tco Tdcpco Apsvfjp Kai skAxxdcts itaq o Xaoq 33+ Kai

the tomb of Abner, and [wept all the people]. And

sGpfjvrjasv o PaaiA^Dc; S7i( Apsvfjp Kai si7isv si

[ lamented the king] over Abner, and said, Shall

KaTd tov 0dvaTOV NapdA, a7io9avsiTai Apsvfjp 34 +

[ according to the death of Nabal die Abner], [no].

ai xsipsq aoD odk s8s9rjaav od8s 01 itodsq aoD sv

Your hands were not tied, nor your feet not in

7is8aic; od 7rpoafjyaysc; coc; NapdX svcb7iiov diod

shackles; you did not lead as Nabal; [ in the presence of a son

aSiKiaq S7isaac; Kai aDvfj%0rj naq o Xaoq

of injustice you fell]. And [ were brought together all the people]

tod K^aDaai aDTOV 35 + Kai fjABs naq o Xaoq

to weep for him. And [ came all the people]

7rspi5survfjaai tov AaDiS dpTOiq sti ODarjc; rjjispaq

to cause [ to eat at the wake David bread loaves] still being day.



10 -2 Samuel

Kai cojioas Aavid Xsycov xd8s 7ioif|aai jioi o 6s6c; Kai

And David swore by an oath, saying, Thus may [ do to me God], and

x&amp;5s 7ipoo0£vr| on sdv |ir| 8dt| o r\kioq od [ir\

thus may he add [yet more], that [until] [should go down the sun], in no way
ysDaojiai dpxoD od8s 7iavx6c; xivoc; 3 6+ Kai naq o

shall I taste bread nor any thing. And all the

Xaoq syvco Kai fjpeasv svco7iiov aDxcbv rcdvxa 6oa

people knew. And it was pleasing before them, all as much as

S7io(r|asv o fiaaikzvq svco7nov 7iavx6c; xod Xaov 37 +

[ did the king] in the presence of all the people.

Kai syvco itaq o Xaoq Kai itaq IopafjA, sv

And [knew all the people], and all Israel in

xt| rjjiepa sks(vt| 6x1 odk sysvsxo 7iapd xod PaaiAicoc;

that day, that [ happened not by the king

xod Gavaxcoaai xov Apsvfjp diov Nrjp 38+ Kai sircsv o

the putting to death ofAbner son ofNer]. And [said the

fiaoiksvq npoq xodc; 7ia(8ac; aDxoD odk o(8axs 6x1

king] to his servants, Do you not know that

rjyoDjievoc; Kai jieyac; 7iS7rxcoKsv sv xr| r|(ispa xaDxrj sv

a leader, and a great one has fallen in this day in

xco IopafjX 39+ Kai 6x1 sycb sijii &lt;yuyysvf|c; ofjjispov

Israel? And that I am as a relative today,

Kai KaGsaxajisvoq sic; PaaiAicoc; 01 5s dvSpsc; odxoi 01

and one being placed for king. But these men, the

dioi EapoDia aKAxjpoxspoi jiod siaiv avxa7io8cb Kopioc;

sons ofZeruiah [hard forme are]. [The] LORD should recompense

xco 7roioDvxi xa 7iovr|pd Kaxd xrjv KaKiav aDxoD

to the one doing the wicked [things] according to his evil.

4 7

1+ Kai fjKODos Iap6as0 vioq ZaovX 6x1

And [ heard Ishbosheth son of Saul] that

xs0vt|ksv Apsvfjp sv Xsppcbv Kai s^sAriGrjaav

Abner has died in Hebron, and [ were faint

ai xstpsq aDxoD Kai 7idvxsc; 01 dvSpsc; IapafjA,

his hands], and all the men of Israel

sxapd%0r|aav 2 + Kai 5do dv5psq rjyoDjisvoi

were disturbed. And [there were] two men being leaders

aD&lt;xcps|i|idxcov xco IaPoasG duo HaovX ovojia xco svi

of [the] confederation of Ishbosheth son of Saul— [the] name to the one

Baavd Kai ovojia xco 8sDxspco Pr|%dp 01 dioi

[was] Baanah, and [the] name of the second, Rechab, the sons


4 7 ev tootco + vtica 10-2 Samuel

Psjijicov tod BrjpcoGaioD sk tcov dicov Bsviajjiv

ofRimmon the Beerothite from out of the sons of Benjamin;

on Kai Br|p60 sAx)yi^sxo xoic; vioiq Bsviajiiv 3 + Kai

for also Beeroth was considered [among] the sons of Benjamin. And

a7ie8paoav 01 BrjGcoGaioi eic; rsGGaiji Kai fjaav sksi

[ ran away the Beerothites] unto Gittaim, and they were there

7iapoiKowcsc; ecoc; xrjc; rjjispac; xaDxrjc; 4 + Kai

sojourning until this day. And

too IcovaGdv mcb ZaovX vioq 7ie7iAx|ycbc; xodc;

to Jonathan, son of Saul, [there was] a son stricken in the

7i65ac; vioq excbv 7isvxs Kai odxoc; sv xco eXGeiv

feet, a son [ years old five]; and this one [was] in [the way] in the coming

xrjv ayyeAiav ZaovX Kai IcovaGdv tod diod aDXOD

[of] the message of Saul and Jonathan his son

Is^pafjA, Kai fjpsv aDxov r| xiGrjvoc; aDXOD Kai

from out of Jezreel; and [ lifted him his wet-nurse] and

stpDye Kai eyevexo ev xco a7isD8eiv aDxfjv Kai

fled. And it happened in her hastening and

ava%copsvv S7isa£ Kai £%coAxxvGr| Kai ovojia aDxcb

withdrawing he fell and became lame. And [the] name to him

MscpiPoosG 5+ Kai 87ropsD6r|aav 01 dioi Psjijicov xod

[was] Mephibosheth. And [went out the sons ofRimmon the

BrjpcoGaioD Pe%dp Kai Baavd Kai eiafj^Gov sv xco

Beerothite], Rechab and Baana; and they entered in the

KaDjiaxi Tr\q rjjiepac; sic; xov oikov IaPoaeG Kai

sweltering heat of the day into the house of Ishbosheth, and

avToq £Kd0£D8ev ev xrj Koixrj xrjc; |iearj|iPpiac; 6 + Kai

he was asleep in the bed in the midday. And

i8od T| 0Dpcop6c; xod oikod SKdGaips 7TDpOD(; Kai

behold, the doorkeeper of the house was cleansing wheat, and

svDaxa^s Kai SKdGeDSs Kai Pe%dp Kai Baavd

he slumbered and slept. And Rechab and Baanah

o aSsAxpoc; aDxoD 8ieA,aGov ? + Kai eiafj^Gov sic; xov

his brother escaped notice. And they entered into the

oikov Kai IaPoaeG 8KdGsD8ev S7ri xrjq Kkivr\q aDxoD sv

house. And Ishbosheth was sleeping upon his bed in


his bedroom. And they strike him, and

GavaxoDaiv aDxov Kai acpaipotiai xrjv KscpaArjv aDXOD

put him to death, and remove his head.

Kai slapov xrjv KecpaArjv aDXOD Kai a7ifjXGov o86v

And they took his head, and went forth in [the] way,


4 7 ev toutco + vuca 10-2 Samuel

xrjv Kaxd 5dcj|i&amp;c; 6Ax|v tt|v VDKTa 8 + Kai fjveyrav

the one according to [the] west, [the] entire night. And they brought

xrjv KecpaXfjv IapoaeG too Aavid ziq Xeppcbv Kai

the head of Ishbosheth to David in Hebron. And

S17TOV 7rpoc; tov PaaiAia i8od r\ Kecpa^fj IapoasG

they said to the king, Behold, the head of Ishbosheth


son of Saul your enemy, who sought your life;

Kai sScgks Kopioc; xco Kopico r||icbv Too PaaiXsi

and [the] LORD gave [to] our master the king

SK5lKT|aiV TCOV £%0pCOV aDTOD coc; T| T||I8pa WOT!] SK

punishment of his enemies, as this day, of

IsOLOvX TOD £%6pOD aOD Kai 8K TOD a7T8p|iaTOC; aDTOD 9 +

Saul your enemy, and of his seed.

Kai a7i8Kpi9r| AaDi8 tod Psx&amp;P Kai tco Baavd

And David responded to Rechab and to Baanah

aSeAxpcb aDTOD vioiq Psjijicov tod Brjpco0aioD Kai

his brother, sons ofRimmon the Beerothite, and

817T8V aDTOiq Kopioc; oq sAmpcbaaTO

said to them, As [the] LORD lives, who ransomed

TTJV \J/D%f|V (IOD SK 7iaGT\q 6Ai\j/SCOC; io+ OTl O

my soul from all affliction; that the one

a7iayysiA,ac; jioi 6ti tsGvtjks ZaovX Kai avzoq rjv coc;

reporting to me that Saul has died, and he was as one

SDayysAi^ojievoc; svcb7ii6v jiod Kai KaTsa%ov aDTOV

announcing good news before me, but I constrained him,

Kai a7i8KT8iva aDTOV sv SsKeXdy go s5si

and killed him in Ziklag, in which he must [have thought]

|is 8oDvai SDayyeAia n+ Kai vdv avdpsq 7iovr|poi

to be giving me good news. And now, [ men wicked]

a7i8KT8ivav dv8pa 8iKaiov sv tco oikco aDTOD em

killed [man a just] in his house upon

TT\q KOlTTjq aDTOD Kai VDV SK^TjTfjaCO TO aijia aDTOD 8K

his bed. And now, I will require for his blood of

Xeipoq djicov Kai e^o^oGpsDaco Djidc; sk Tr\q yr\q n +

your hand, and I will utterly destroy you from the earth.

Kai svsTSi^aTO AaDi5 toic; 7iai8apioic; aDTOD Kai

And David gave charge [to] his servants, and

a7i8KT8ivav avTOvq Kai SKoXoPcoaav zaq %sipaq aDTcbv

they killed them, and lopped off their hands

Kai todc; noSaq aDTcbv Kai SKpsjiaaav aDTODc; sjii rr|c;

and their feet, and they hung them upon the


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

Kpfjvrjc; sv XsPpcbv Kai xrjv KstpaArjv IaPoasG

fountain in Hebron. And the head oflshbosheth

s6a\j/av sv too xdcpco Apsvfjp viov Nrjp sv XsPpcbv

they entombed in the tomb ofAbner son ofNer in Hebron.

5 n

i+ Kai 7iapay(vovxai 7idaai ai (pvXai lapaf\k npoq

And [ came all the tribes of Israel] to

AaviS sic; Xsppcbv Kai Xsyouaiv auxcb idov r\[isiq

David in Hebron. And they say to him, Behold, we [are]

oaxd aoi) Kai adpKsq aou 2 + Kai %0sc; Kai

of your bones and of your flesh. And [before] yesterday and

xpixrjc; ovxoc; EaouA, PaaiAicoc; scp' r||iiv ai)

[the] third [day before], Saul [was] king over us, you

r\ada o s^ayaycbv Kai sioayaycbv xov IopafjA, Kai

were the one leading out and bringing in Israel. And

si7is o Kupioc; 7ipoc; os &lt;td 7toi|iavsfc; xov Xaov jiou

[ said the LORD] to you, You tend my people

xov IapafjA, Kai ai) sarj sic; rjyoujisvov S7U

Israel! and you will be for leader over

xov Xaov |iod IapafjA, 3 + Kai spxovxai 7idvxsc; oi

my people Israel. And [ come all the

7ipsaPi)Tspoi IopafjA, 7ipoc; xov PaoiXsa sic; XsPpcbv

elders of Israel] to the king in Hebron.

Kai 5is6sxo auxoic; o fiaaiksvq Aavid 5ia6fiKr|v sv

And [ ordained with them king David] a covenant in

XsPpcbv svcb7riov Kopioi) Kai xP^ 01)al T0V Aairi8 sic;

Hebron, in the presence of [the] LORD. And they anoint David for

PaaiXsa S7i( rcdvxa IapafjA, 4+ moq xpidKovxa sxcbv

king over all Israel. [ [was] a son thirty years

Aavid sv xco PaaiXstisiv auxov Kai xsaaapdKovxa sxrj

David] in his reigning, and forty years

sPacriXsDasv 5+ S7ixd sxrj Kai jxqvac; s£, spaai^suasv

he reigned. Seven years and [ months six] he reigned

sv Xsppcbv S7U Iou5a Kai xpidKovxa xpia sxrj

in Hebron over Judah. And thirty three years

sPaodsDosv S7i( rcdvxa IopafjX Kai Ioi35av sv

he reigned over all Israel and Judah in

IspoDaaAxjji 6+ Kai a7tfjX6s o fiaaiksvq Kai rcdvxac;

Jerusalem. And [ went forth the king], and all

oi dv8psq olvtov sic; IspoDaaAx||i 7ipoc; xov IspoDaaiov

his men unto Jerusalem, to the Jebusite


5n ev xoiJTCp + vdca 10 -2 Samuel

xov KaxoiKotivxa xrjv yrjv Kai sppsGrj xoo Aavid

dwelling in the land. And it was said to David,

odk siae^sixyq cb5s 6xi avxeaxrjaav 01 xDcpAm Kai

You shall not enter here. For [ opposed the blind and

01 %ooAx)i Xsyovxsc; odk eioelsDoexai Aam5 cb8e ? +

the lame], saying, [ shall not enter David] here.

Kai KaxsX&amp;Pexo Aavid xr|v 7repio%f|v Sicbv aDxrj r\

And David overtook the citadel of Zion, this is the

itoXiq tod Aam5 8 + Kai si7is AaDi5 sv xr| rjjiepa SKsivrj

city of David. And David said in that day,

iiaq TD7TTC0V IsPoDaaiov a7rxsa0co sv 7iapa^iqn8i Kai

Every one striking a Jebusite, let him touch by [the] dagger both

xodc; xcoXovq Kai xodc; xDcpAxroc; Kai xodc; jiiaoDVxac;

the lame, and the blind, and the ones detesting

xrjv \|/D%f|v AaDiS 5id xodxo spoDai xDcpXoi Kai

the soul of David! On account of this they shall say, Blind and

%cdAx)( odk eiae^sDaovxai sic; oikov KopioD 9+ Kai

lame shall not enter into [the] house of [the] LORD. And

SKdGias AaDi8 sv xr| 7i£pio%f| Kai £KAx|6r| aDxrj r|

David stayed in the citadel, and this was called the

noXiq AaDi5 Kai coKo56|ir|as AaDi5 xr|v 7i6Aav kdkAxd

city of David. And David built the city roundabout

arco Tr\q dKpaq Kai xov oikov aDxoD 10+ Kai

from the Akra, and his house. And

S7iopsDsxo AaDi5 7iopsD6|ievoc; Kai |isyaA,Dv6|isvo(; Kai

David went [along], going and being magnified, and

KDpioq 7iavxoKpdxcop (isx' aDxoD 11+ Kai a7isaxsiA,s

[the] LORD almighty [was] with him. And [ sent

Xsipdji PaaiA^SDc; TtipoD ayyeloDc; npoq Aavid Kai

Hiram king of Tyre] messengers to David, and

^6A,a Ks5piva Kai xsKxovaq ^d^cov Kai xsKxovaq

wood of cedars, and fabricators of woods, and fabricators

AiGcov Kai coKo86|ir|aav oikov xcd AaDi8 12+ Kai

of stones, and they built a house for David. And

syvoo AaDi8 6x1 rjxoijiaaev aDxov Kopioc; sic; PaaiAia

David knew that [ prepared him [the] LORD] for king

em IapafjA, Kai 6x1 S7if|p6r| r| Paai^sia aDxoD 8id

over Israel, and that [ was lifted up his kingdom] on account of

xov A,a6v aDxoD IopafjA, 13+ Kai sAxxPe AaDi8 sxi

his people Israel. And David took again

yDvaiKaq Kai 7iaAlaKdc; IepoDaaAT||i jiexd

wives and concubines from Jerusalem, after


8V TOUT© + VlKa

10 -2 Samuel

to sA$s(v avTOV sk XsPpcbv Kai sysvovxo xco Aavib

his coming from Hebron. And [ were born to David

sxi dioi Kai 0Dyaxspsc; h+ Kai xatixa xa ovojiaxa

still [more] sons and daughters]. And these [are] the names

xcov yswr|0svxcov ooxcbv sv IspoDaaAr||i Sajiad Kai

of the ones being born of them in Jerusalem — Shammuah, and

EcoP&amp;P Kai NaGdv Kai £oAx)|icbv 15+ Kai IsPadp Kai

Shobab, and Nathan, and Solomon, and Ibhar, and

EAkjods Kai Nacpfjy Kai Iscpis i 6 + Kai EAaaajid Kai

Elishua, and Napheg, and Japhia, and Elishama, and

EAaa8d Kai EAacpaAix Kai EAaaoDS n+ Kai fjKODaav 01

Eliada, and Eliphalet, and Elishua. And [ heard the

akXoipvXoi 6xi K8%piaxai AaDi8 fiaaikvbq S7ri IapafjX

Philistines] that David was anointed king over Israel.

Kai aveprjaav 7idvxsc; oi aMtocpDAm ^rjxsiv xov Aavid

And [ ascended all the Philistines] to seek David.

Kai fjKODae Aam5 Kai KaxsPrj sic; xrjv 7rspio%f|v i8 +

And David heard, and went down unto the citadel.

Kai oi aAlocpuAm rcapayivovxai Kai aDVS7isaav sic;

And the Philistines came and met in battle in

xrjv KoiAxx8a xcov Tixdvcov i 9 + Kai rjpcbxrjae Aam8

the valley of the Titans. And David asked

Kopioi) Aiycov si avapcb npoq xodc; aXkoipvkovq Kai

of [the] LORD, saying, Shall I ascend against the Philistines? and

7iapa8cba£i(; aDxotic; sic; xac; %sipdq jiod Kai si7is Kopioc;

will you deliver them into my hands? And [the] LORD said

7ipoq Aavid avdpaivs 6xi 7iapa8i8oDc; 7rapa8cbaco

to David, Ascend! for in delivering I will deliver

xodc; aXkoipvXovq sic; xac; %s(pdc; gov

the Philistines into your hands.

20 + Kai fjXGs AaviS sk xcov S7idvco 5iaK07icbv Kai

And David came from the upper breaches, and

sko\j/s avTOvq sksi Kai si7is Aavid 8isko\j/s Kopioc;

he smote them there. And David said, [The] LORD cut through

xodc; s%0poDc; jiod svcb7ri6v jiod coc; 8iaK07ixsxai i38axa

my enemies before me, as he cuts through waters.

8id xodxo sKAxjGrj xo ovojia xod xotcod sksivod

On account of this [ is called the name of that place]

87idvco 8iaK07icov 21+ Kai KaxaAi|i7rdvoi)aiv sksi

Upper Breaches. And they left behind there

xodc; Gsodc; aDxcbv Kai sAxxpoaav aDxotic; AaDi8 Kai oi

their gods, and [ took them David] and the



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

dv8psc; oi jist' avxov 22+ Kai 7ipoas0svTO sti

men with him. And [ proceeded yet again

aXA,6(pi)A,oi tod avapfjvai Kai aDVS7isaav sv tt|

[the] Philistines] to ascend, and they met in battle in the

koiM5i xcov Tvcdvcov 23 + Kai S7ir|pcbTr|a8 Aam5 5id

valley of the Titans. And David asked through

KopiOD Kai S17T8 KDpioc; odk avapfjarj sic; aDvavrqaiv

[the] LORD. And [the] LORD said, Do not ascend to meet

aDTcbv a7iooTp8(poi) an aDTcbv Kai 7iapsar| aDioiq

them! turn from them! and you shall be at hand for them

7rAr|a(ov tod Kkavd[i(bvoq 24+ Kai saxai sv

neighboring the Place of Weeping. And it will be in

too aKODaai as ttjv (poovfjv tod aDaasiajiOD arco tod

your hearing the sound of the rumbling from out of the

aXaovq tod Kkavd[i(bvoq tots KaTapfjarj npoq aDTODc;

Grove of the Weeping, then you shall go down to them;


for then [the] LORD shall go forth in front of you to strike

sv to 7ioA,s|i&lt;jo tcov oXXoipvkctiv 25+ Kai S7io(r|as AaDi5

in the battle of the Philistines. And David did


thus as [ gave charge to him [the] LORD]. And he struck

todc; aXXoipvXovq arco TaPacbv scoc; Ta^ripd

the Philistines from Gibeon unto of Gezer.

6 1

1+ Kai aDvfjyaysv sti AaDi8 7idvTa vsaviav s£, IapafjX

And [ gathered again David] every young man of Israel —

TpidKovTa xikiddaq 2+ Kai avsarr| Kai S7iopsD6r|

thirty thousand. And [ rose up and went

AaDi5 Kai itaq o Xaoq o jist' aDTOD Kai arco tcov

David], and all the people with him, and [some] of the

apxovTCOv IoD5a tod avayaysiv sksiGsv tt|v kiPcotov

rulers of Judah, to lead from there the ark


of God, upon which [ is called upon the name of the LORD


of the forces], [the] one sitting upon the cherubim upon

aDTfjc; 3 + Kai S7isp(paaav tt|v kiPcotov tod 0sod S7i(

it. And they set the ark of God upon

djia^av Kaivfjv Kai fjpav aDTfjv s^ oikod

[ wagon a new], and lifted it from out of [the] house



8V TOUT© + VlKa

10 -2 Samuel

ApivaSdp tod sv tco Podvcd Kai O^d Kai

of Abinadab, the one on the hill. And Uzzah and

oi a5sAxpo( avzov vioi Apiva5dp fjyov rr|v djia^av

his brethren, [the] sons of Abinadab, led the wagon

ctdv ttj kiPgotco a + Kai oi a8sAxpo( avzov S7copsdovto

with the ark. And his brethren went

S|i7ipoa08v Tr\q kiPcotod 5+ Kai Aavid Kai 7cdvTSc;

in front of the ark. And David and all

dioi IapafjA, naiipvTsq svcbmov KDpioD sv opydvoiq

[the] sons of Israel played before [the] LORD with instruments

ripjioajisvoic; Kai sv oo8ak; Kai sv Kivtipaiq Kai sv

in accord, and with odes, and with lutes, and with

vavXaiq Kai sv TD|i7cdvoic; Kai sv KujipdAxnc; Kai

stringed instruments, and with tambourines, and with cymbals, and

sv avXoiq 6 + Kai 7capayivovTai scoq Tr\q ak(D

with pipes. And they come unto the threshing-floor

Na%cbv Kai s^sxsivsv O^d xrjv %s(pa avzov npoq xr|v

of Nachon, and Uzzah stretched out his hand to the

kiPcotov tod 0sod KaTaa%s(v aDifjv Kai SKparqasv

ark of God to hold it. And he held

aDTYyv on 7ispisa7iaasv aDifjv o [ioa%oq ? + Kai

it, for [ distracted it the calf]. And

s9D|icb0r| opyfj Kopioc; sv icq O^d Kai S7idTa^sv

[ was enraged in anger [the] LORD] with Uzzah; and [ struck

aDiov sksi o 0s6c; S7U tt] 7rpo7iSTSia Kai a7is0avsv

him there God] for the rashness; and he died


there by the ark of [the] LORD before God.

8+ Kai r|0D(ir|as AaDi5 D7isp od 5isko\j/s Kopioc;

And David was depressed because of which [the] LORD cut

8iaK07ifjv sv too O^d Kai sKAx|0r| o T07roc; sksivoc;

severance with Uzzah. And he called that place,

8iaK07rfj O^d scoq Tr\q rjjispac; TaDTTjc; 9 + Kai

Severance of Uzzah, until this day. And

S(poPfj0T| AaDl8 TOV KDpiOV SV TTJ T||ISpa SKSlVTj Aiyoov

David feared the LORD in that day, saying,

7100c; siasXsDasTai 7cpoc; |is rj kiPcdtoc; tod 0sod io +

How shall [ enter to me the ark of God]?

Kai odk sPod^sto AaDi8 tod sKKAivai npoq avzov

And [ did not want David] to turn aside to himself

TTJV KlPcOTOV 8ia0fjKT|(; KDpiOD Siq TTJV 7l6A.IV AaDi8

the ark of [the] covenant of [the] LORD into the city of David.



8V TOUT© + VlKa
10 -2 Samuel

Kai a7i8KA,iv8v aDTfjv Aai)(5 sic; oikov Opf|5 E8cb|i

And [ turned off with it David] into [the] house of Obed Edom

tod TeBaioD n+ Kai SK&amp;Giaev r| kiPcotoc; tod kdpiod

the Gittite. And [stayed the ark of the LORD]

etc; oikov Ope8 E8coji tod TsGaioD [ir\vaq zpsiq Kai

in [the] house of Obed Edom the Gittite [months three]. And

SDA,6yr|as Kopioc; oXov tov oikov Ope8 E8cb|i Kai

[the] LORD blessed [the] entire house of Obed Edom and

7idvTa Ta aDTOD n+ Kai a7rfjyysAx| tco PaaiXsi

all the [things] of his. And it was reported taking

AaDi5 AiyovTSc; SD^oyrjas Kopioc; tov oikov 08s8

David, saying, [The] LORD blessed the house of Obed

E5cb|i Kai 7idvTa Ta aDTOD evera Tr\q kiPcotod

Edom, and all of his, because of the ark

tod GsoD Kai 87iopsD6r| AaDi8 Kai avfjyays tt|v

of God. And David went and led the


ark of [the] LORD from out of the house of Obed Edom into

ttjv 7i6A.iv AaDi8 sv SDcppoawq b+ Kai fjaav jist'

the city of David with gladness. And there were with


him the ones lifting the ark of the LORD, seven

Xopoi Kai 6D|ia jioaxoD Kai dpvec; h+ Kai

companies of dancers, and [ for sacrifice a calf and lambs]. And

AaDi8 avsKpoDSTO sv opydvoic; r|p|ioa|isvoi(; svco7riov

David played music with instruments in accord in the presence of

KDpiOD Kai o AaDi8 svSsSdkcoc; cttoAt|v s^aXXov i 5 +

[the] LORD. And David was clothed in [ robe a special].

Kai AaDiS Kai naq o oikoc; IapafjA, avfjyayov ttjv

And David and all the house of Israel led the

kiPcotov tod KDpiOD jiSTa KpaDyfjc; Kai |i8Td (pcovfjc;

ark of the LORD with a cry, and with [the] sound

odAjnyyoc; ie+ Kai eyeveTO tt|c; kiPcotod 7capayivo|ievr|c;

of a trumpet. And it happened of the ark coming

ecoc; Tr\q TtoXscnq AaviS Kai MsTqpk 0DydTr|p Zaovk

unto the city of David, that Michal daughter of Saul

8i8KD7iTS 8id Tr\q 0Dp(8oc; Kai s(8s tov PaaiAia

looked through the window, and she saw king

AaDi8 opxoDjisvov Kai avaKpoDojievov svcb7iiov

David dancing and playing music before


[the] LORD; and she treated him with contempt in her heart.



8V TOUT© + VlKa

10 -2 Samuel

Kai eiacpspoDai xrjv kiPcoxov tod KopioD Kai

And they carried in the ark of the LORD, and

a7i86r|Kav aDxfjv sic; xov xorcov avTT\q sv jieaco xrjc;

put it aside in its place, in the middle of the

aKTjvfjc; r\q £7ir|^ev aDxfj Aavid Kai avfjveyKe Aavid

tent which [ pitched for it David]. And David offered

oXoKaDxcbjiaxa svcb7riov KDpioD Kai siprjviKaq ig+ Kai

whole burnt-offerings before [the] LORD, and peace [offerings]. And

aDvsxs^sae Aai)(5 avacpepcov xac; o^oKaDxcbaeic; Kai

David completed offering the whole burnt-offerings, and

xac; eiprjviKdc; Kai suXoyrjas xov Xaov sv ovojiaxi

the peace [offerings]; and he blessed the people in [the] name

Kupioi) xcov 8i)vd|iscov 19+ Kai ejiepias rcavxi xco Xacb

of [the] LORD of the forces. And he portioned to all the people

eic; 7idaav xrjv 8wa|iiv xod IapafjX arco av8poc; ecoc;

among all the force of Israel, from man unto

yDvaiKoq SKdaxco KoAA,Dp(8a dpxoD Kai ea%ap(xr|v Kai

woman, to each a biscuit of bread, and broiled [meat], and

Axxyavov arco xrjydvoD Kai anr\kQs naq o Xaoq

a pancake from [the] frying pan. And [ went forth all the people]

eraaxoc; sic; xov oikov aDXOD 20 + Kai a7i£axps\j/e Aavid

each to his house. And David returned

xod siAoyfjaai xov oikov aDXOD Kai s^fjABs Msk%6X r\

to bless his house. And [ came forth Michal the

0i)ydxr|p ZaovX sic; a7idvxr|oiv AaDi8 Kai si7i8 xi

daughter of Saul] to meet David, and she said, How was

8e86^aaxai afjjispov o fiaaikvbq xod IapafjA, oq

[glorified today the king of Israel], who

a7isKaA,D(p6r| af||ispov sv ocp0aX|iofc; 7iai8iaKcbv

was uncovered today in [the] eyes of [the] girls

xcov SodAxdv aDxoD KaGcbq a7roKaXD7ixsxai a7roKaA,Dcp0£ic;

of his servants, as [ uncovers by uncovering

sic; xcov op%OD|i8vcov 21 + Kai si7is AaDiS 7ipoc;

one] of the ones dancing. And David said to

MzkypX svcb7iiov kdpiod op%fjoo|iai oq e^sXe^axo |is

Michal, In the presence of [the] LORD I will dance, who chose me

D7T8p XOV 7iaXSpa aOD Kai D7lSp 7ldvxa XOV OIKOV aDXOD

over your father, and over all his house,

xod Kaxaaxfjaai |ie siq rjyoDjievov em xov Xaov aDXOD

to place me in [the] lead over his people

xod IapafjX Kai 7ia(^o|iai Kai op%fjao|iai 8vcb7iiov

Israel; and I shall play and dance in the presence of



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

KDpioi) 22+ Kai a7ioKaA,D(p0f|ao(iai sxi odxcoc; Kai

[the] LORD. And I will be uncovered again thus, and

saojiai dxpsioq sv ocp0aA,|io(c; aoi) Kai |isxd xcov

I will be useless in your eyes, and with the

7iai5iaKcbv gov sbiaq |is |ir| 8o^aa0f|vai 23+ Kai

girls of whom you said of me, I was not extolled. And

ttj MskypX 0uyaxpi ZaovX ouk sysvsxo 7iai8(ov scoc;

Michal daughter of Saul did not have a child unto

Tr\q rjjispag xod a7io0avs(v avTT\v

the day of her dying.

7 T

1+ Kai sysvsxo 6xs SKd0iasv o fiaaikvbq sv

And it came to pass when [ sat the king] in

xco oikco avTOV Kai Kopioc; Kaxs7iauasv auxov

his house, and [the] LORD rested him

kdkA,60sv a7io rcavxcov xcov s%0pcbv avzov 2+ Kai si7isv

round about from all of his enemies; that [ said

0 fiaaiksvq itpoq Na0dv xov 7rpotpfjxr|v idov 8r|

the king] to Nathan the prophet, Behold, indeed,

sycb KaxoiKcb sv oikco Ks8p(vco Kai r| Kipcoxoq

1 dwell in a house of cedar, and the ark

xod 0sot3 Kd0r|xai sv (isaco xrjc; aKr\vr\q

of God sits in [the] midst of the tent.

3 + Kai si7rsv Na0dv npoq xov PaaiAia rcdvxa 6aa av

And Nathan said to the king, All as much as

r| sv XT] Kap8(a aoi) pd8i^s Kai 7io(si 6x1 o

should be in your heart, proceed and do! for the

Kopioc; jisxd aoi) 4 + Kai sysvsxo sv xrj vdkxi sksivt)

LORD [is] with you. And it came to pass in that night,

Kai sysvsxo pf||ia Kopioi) npoq Na0dv Xsycov 5 +

and [ came [the] word [of the] LORD] to Nathan, saying,

7iopsi3ou Kai si7is 7ipoc; xov 8ot3Aajv jiou Aavid xd8s

Go, and speak to my servant David! Thus

Aiysi Kijpioq ou au oiKo8o|if|asic; |ioi oikov

says [the] LORD, You shall not build for me a house

xod KaxoiKTjoai jis 6 +6x1 ou KaxcbKrjKa sv oikco acp'

for me to dwell in. For I have not dwelt in a house from

r\q rjjispac; avfjyayov xouc; viovq IapafjX s^

which day I led the sons of Israel out of

AiyD7ixoi) scoc; Tr\q rjjispa xaDxrjq Kai r\[ir\v

Egypt, until this day, for I was


7T ev toutcq + vtica 10 -2 Samuel

s|i7rspi7iaTcbv ev KaxaMjiaxi ev aKrjvfj ?+ sv 7idaiv

walking about in a lodging, in a tent. In all [the places]

oiq 8ifjX0ov ev 7iavx( xco IopafjX ei taxAxbv eXdArjaa

which [ went by all Israel], [have I] in speaking spoke

7ipoc; |i(av (pvhf\v tod IapafjX co svexeiXd|ir|v

to one tribe of Israel in which I gave charge

7ioi|iaiv8iv xov A,a6v jiod IapafjA, Aiycov ivaxi odk

to tend my people Israel, saying, Why do you not

&lt;DK050|lf|KaTS |IOl OIKOV Ke5pivov 8+ Kai VDV xd8e

build for me a house of cedar? And now, thus

epsiq too 8odA,co jiod AaviS xd8e Aiysi Kopioc;

you shall say [to] my servant David, Thus says [the] LORD

7iavxoKpdxcop sAxxPov as sk xrjc; jidvSpaq xcov

almighty. I took you from out of the haven of the

7lpOpdTC0V TOD SIVCU CT£ 81CJ T|yOD|I£VOV 8711

sheep, for you to be for leader over

tovAxxovjiod xov IapafjA, 9+ Kai f\\n\v jisxd ood sv

my people Israel. And I was with you in

7idaiv 01c; 87iop8DOD Kai e^coA,69psDaa 7idvxac;

all wheresoever you went, and I utterly destroyed all

xodc; s%0poDc; aoD arco 7ipoaco7i;oD aoD Kai S7ioir|ad aoi

your enemies from your face, and I made to you

ovojia jisya raid to ovojia xcov jieydAxjov xcov

[name a great], according to the name of the great ones of the ones

87U xrjc; yr\q 10+ Kai Gfjaojiai xorcov xco Xacb [iov

upon the earth. And I will establish a place for my people

lapar\k Kai KaxacpDxsDaco aDxov Kai KaxaaKqvcoaei

Israel, and I will plant [it], and [they] shall encamp

Ka9' saDxov Kai od (ispijivfjasi odksxi Kai od

by themselves, and shall not be anxious any longer. And [ shall not

7rpoa9f|asi vioq aSudac; xod xa7isivcoaai aDxov KaBcoc;

proceed [the] son of iniquity] to humble [them] as

an ap%r\q n+ Kai arco xcov rjjiepcov cov exa^a

from [the] beginning, even from the days which I ordered

Kpixdq S7Ti xov Axxov |iod IapafjX Kai ava7iaDaco as

judges over my people Israel. And I will rest you

arco 7idvxcov xcov e%0pcov aoD Kai a7iayysA£i aoi

from all your enemies. And [ will report to you

KDpioq 6x1 oiKov oiKo8o|if|asi aoi 12+ Kai eaxai edv

[the] LORD] that [ a house he shall build] to you. And it will be whenever

7rAr|pco0cbaiv airjjispai aoD Kai Koi|ir|6f|ar| jisxd

[ should have been fulfilled days your], and you shall sleep with


7T ev tootco + vtica 10 -2 Samuel

tcov 7iaT8pcov aoD Kai avaaTfjoco to a7isp|ia aoD jisxa

your fathers, that I shall raise up your seed after

as oq saxai sk Tr\q KoiAiac; aoD Kai STOijidaco

you, who will be from out of your belly, and I shall prepare

tt|v Paai^siav avzov n + avzoq oiKo8ojif|asi jioi oikov

his kingdom. He shall build to me a house

too ovojiaxi jiod Kai avopBcbaco tov Gpovov avzov scoc;

[to] my name, and I will erect his throne unto

sic; xov aicbva h+ sycb saojiai aDTcb sic; 7iaTspa Kai

into the eon. I will be to him for father, and

avToq eaxai jioi sic; diov Kai edv £kdr\ r\ a8uda

he will be to me for son. And if [ should come injustice

clvtov Kai sAiy^co ai)i6v sv pdp8co avSpcbv Kai sv

his], then I shall reprove him by a rod of men, and by

acpaic; dicov av6pcb7icov 15+ to 5s sksoq jiod odk

blows of [the] sons of men. But my mercy I will not

a7roaxfioco an cwtox) KaGcbc; a7isaTr|aa and HaovX

remove from him, as I removed it from Saul,

cov a7isaxr|aa and 7ipoacb7roD aoD 16+ Kai

whom I removed from your face. And

7iiaTCo9f|a8Tai o oikoc; aoi) Kai r| Paai^sia aoi) scoc;

[ shall be trustworthy your house], and your kingdom unto

aicbvoc; 8vcb7ii6v jiod Kai o Gpovoq aoi) saxai

[the] eon before me. And your throne will be

avcopGcoiisvoq sic; xov aicbva 17+ raid Tiavxaq

erected into the eon. According to all

todc; Xoyovq todtodc; Kai Kaxd 7idaav

these words, and according to all

xrjv opaaiv TaT3TT]v odtcoc; sldArjas NaGdv itpoq Aavid

this vision, so spoke Nathan to David.

18+ Kai siafjABsv o fiaaiksvq Aavid Kai 8Kd0iasv

And [ entered king David] and sat

svco7riov Kopioi) Kai 81718 tic; sijii syco KDpiS |IOD

before [the] LORD, and said, Who am I, O my Lord,

Kopie Kai tic; o oikoc; jiod 6ti r|yd7i;r|adc; |is scoc;

O LORD? and what [is] my house, that you love me for

TODTCOV 19 + Kai Kax£a|iiKpi)v0r|v jiiKpov evcb7n6v aoi)

these [things]? And it was reduced small before you,

Kopie (iod Kopis Kai sXdAxjaac; D7isp tod oikod

O my Lord, O LORD, and you spoke about the house

tod 8odA,od aoD sic; jiaKpdv odtoc; 8s o vojioq

of your servant for a far [time]. And [is] this the law


7T ev tootco + vdca 10 -2 Samuel

tod av6pcb7roi) KDpie |IOD KDpiS 20 + Kai Tl

of man, O my Lord, O LORD? And what

7ipoa0fja£i Aavid exi tod AxxArjaai npoq ae Kai vdv

shall David add yet to speak to you? And now

od oidaq xov SodAxjv cod KDpis jiod KDpie 21+ 8id

you know your servant, O my Lord, O LORD. Because of

xov Xoyov aoD Kai 5id xov 8odX6v aoD 7rs7iovr|Kac;

your word, and because of your servant, you have acted,

Kai Kaxd xrjv KapSiav aoD 7iS7rovr|Ka(; rcdaav

and according to your heart you have done all

xrjv |i8yaA,coaDvr|v xaDxrjv yvoopiaai xco 5odAxd aoD

this greatness, to make known [to] your servant;

22 + 8VSK8V xod jisyaMvai as KDpie jiod KDpis 6x1

so as to magnify you, O my Lord, O LORD. For


there is none as you, and there is no God besides you among

7idaiv 01c; rjKODaajiev ev xoic; coaiv r\[i(bv 23+ Kai xic;

all in whom we heard with our ears. And what

coq o Xaoq aoD lapar\k sQvoq aXko sv xrj yr| coq

[ [is] as your people Israel nation other] in the earth? As

oo5fjyr|asv aDxov o Geoc; xod AmpcbaaaGai aDxcb Xaov

[ guided it God] to ransom to himself a people,

xod 0ea0ai ae ovojia xod 7roifjaai |ieyaAx»aDvr|v Kai

to establish your name for the executing greatness and

87ii(pdvsiav xod SKpa^siv as sk 7ipoaco7roD

grandeur, for you to cast out from in front

xod Xaov aoD odc; sAmpcbaoo aeaDxcb AiyD7ixoD

of your people, whom you ransomed to yourself from out of Egypt,

80vr| Kai aKT|vcb(iaxa 24+ Kai rjxoijiaaac; aeaDxcb

[even] nations and tents? And you prepared for yourself

xov Xaov aoD IapafjX eic; Xaov ecoc; aicbvoc; Kai aD

your people Israel for a people unto [the] eon. And you,

KDpie sysvoD aDxoic; eic; 0s6v 25 + Kai vdv KDpie |iod

O LORD, became to them for God. And now, O my Lord,

KDpis xo pfjjia o Ekahr\aaq D7isp xod 8odA,od aoD

O LORD, the word which you spoke for your servant,

Kai D7i8p xod oikod aDxoD 7riaxcoaov eooc; XOD

and for his house, confirm [it] as trustworthy unto the

aicbvoc; Kai Kadcbq eldAxjaac; 7io(r|aov 26+ Kai vdv

eon! And as you spoke, do! And now

|isyaA,DV0svr| xo ovojid aoD ecoc; aicbvoc; Aiycov 27 +

may [ be magnified your name] until [the] eon, saying,


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

Kopioc; 7iavTOKpdTCop o Geoc; sizi tov IopafjX

[The] LORD almighty, God over Israel.

aiisKakvyaq to cgtiov tod 5odA,od gov Aiycov oikov

You uncovered the ear of your servant, saying, [ a house

oiKo5o|xqacG aoi 8id todto etipsv o SovXoq ood

I shall build for you]. On account of this [ found servant your]

ttjv Kap5iav eaDTOD tod 7ipoasD^aa0ai npoq as

his own heart to pray to you

TTJV 7ipoaSDXriV T0CDTT]V 28 + Kai VDV KDpi8 |IOD KDpiS aD

this prayer. And now, O my Lord, O LORD, you

ei o Geoc; Kai oi Xoyoi aoD saovTai aAxjGivoi Kai

are God, and your words will be true, and

elaAxjaac; D7isp tod 8odAxdd aoD TaayaBdTaDTa 29 +

you spoke [ concerning your servant these good [things]].

Kai vdv dp^ai Kai eD^oyrjaov tov oikov

And now begin and bless the house

tod 5odA,od aoD tod dvai sic; tov aicbva evcb7n6v ood

of your servant to be into the eon before you!

6ti aD KDpis jiod KDpis eXdAxjaac; Kai arco

For you, O my Lord, O LORD, spoke, and from

Trjq sD^oyiaq ood £DAx)yr|0fja£Tai o oikoc;

your blessing [ shall be blessed the house

tod 8odA,od aoD sic; tov aicbva

of your servant] into the eon.

8 n

1 + Kai sysvsTO jiSTd TaDTa S7idTa^e AaDi8 xovq

And it came to pass after these [things], David struck the

aAlocpD^ODc; Kai 8Tpo7icoaaTO aDTODc; Kai eXaPe AaDi5

Philistines, and put them to flight. And David took

ttjv acpcopia|isvr|v sk X 8l P°^ tcov aXkoqvXodv 2 +

the [things] being separated from out of [the] hand of the Philistines.

Kai S7idTa^s AaDi5 tt|v Mcodp Kai 5i8|iSTpr|asv aDTODc;

And David struck Moab, and he measured them [out]

sv a%oiv(oic; Koijiiaaq aDTODc; £7U tt|v yrjv Kai

in measuring lines, resting them upon the ground; and

sysvsTO Ta 5do axoiviajiaTa tod GavaTcbaai Kai to

there were the two measured out lines to kill, and the

7rAx|pco|ia tod tpitod a%oiv(a|iaTOc; s^cbyprjae Kai

fullness of the third measured out line he took alive. And

sysvsTO Mcodp tco AaDi8 sic; 5odXodc; cpspovTac; ^svia

Moab became to David for servants bearing tribute.


8n ev tootco + vdca 10 -2 Samuel

3 + Kai S7cdxa^e Aam8 xov A8pae^sp mov Padcp

And David struck Hadadezer, son ofRehob,

PaaiAia Eoupd 7cop£DO|ievou olvtov S7i;iaxf|aai

king of Zobah, in his going to set

ttjv %zipa ovtov S7i( xov Ei)(ppdxr|v 7coxa|i6v 4 + Kai

his hand against the Euphrates river. And

7rpoKaxeA,&amp;Pexo Aam5 xcov olvtov %\kia dpjiaxa Kai

David first took of his [things] a thousand chariots, and

S7TX&amp; %ikm8aq unteoov Kai sikocji %ikw8oq av8pcbv

seven thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand men —

7ce^cov Kai 7iapsAi&gt;as Aam8 7idvxa xa dpjiaxa Kai

footmen. And David disabled all the chariots, and

D7r8A,si7r8xo eauxco auxcov 8Kax6v dpjiaxa 5 + Kai

he left behind for himself of them a hundred chariots. And

7capay(v8xai rj I/opia AajiaaKoi) Por|6f|aai

[comes Syria of Damascus] to help

xco ASpas^sp PaaiA,8i Soupd Kai S7cdxa^e AaviS sv

Hadadezer king of Zobah. And David struck among

xco I/6pco siKoai Kai Svo %ikio8oq avSpcov 6 + Kai

the Syrians twenty and two thousand men. And

S0SXO Aavid cppoupdv sv 2/opia xr| Kaxd AajiaaKov

David put a detachment in Syria near Damascus.

Kai sysvsxo oi I/6poi xco Aavid sic; SovXovq

And [ became the Syrians] [to] David for servants

cpspovxac; ^svia Kai eacoas Kopioc; xov Aam5

bearing tribute. And [the] LORD delivered David

sv 7cdaiv oiq S7copsi)sxo ? + Kai sAxxPe Aavid zovq

wheresoever he went. And David took the

%Xxb(bvaq xovq %pvoovq oi fjaav sni xcov 7ca(8cov

armlets of gold, the ones [that] were upon the children

xcov ASpas^sp PaaiAicoc; Soupd Kai fjveyKev ai)xd ziq

of Hadadezer king of Zobah, and he brought them unto

Iepoi)aaAxj|i 8 + Kai sk xrjqBaxdK Kai sk xcov

Jerusalem. And from Betah, and from the

skXskxcov 7c6Xscov xod ASpas^ep skafizv o fiaaikzvq

chosen cities of Hadadezer, [ took king

Aavid %olx6v noXvv acp68pa 9 + Kai fjKouae 0oot3 o

David brass much exceedingly]. And [ heard Toi the

fiaaiksvq HjidG 6x1 S7cdxa^e Aam8 7cdaav xrjv

king of Hamath] that David struck all the

Swajiiv ASpas^sp 10+ Kai a7csaxsiA£ 0oot3 Is88oi)pd|i

force of Hadadezer. And Toi sent Joram


8 n sv toutco + vuca 10-2 Samuel

xov mov clvtov itpoq PaaiXsa AaviS spcoxfjaai auxov

his son to king David to ask him

xa sic; sipfjvrjv Kai siAoyfjaai clvtov wisp od

the [things] for peace, and congratulated him over which

S7ioA,s|ir|as xov A5pae^sp Kai S7idxa^sv auxov 6xi

he waged war with Hadadezer, and struck him, for

avxiKsijisvoq rjv xco A8pas££p Kai sv xaic; %spo(v clvtov

he was an adversary of Hadadezer. And in his hands

fjaav aKstirj apyopd Kai aKstirj %puaa Kai aKstirj

were items of silver, and items of gold, and items

%aAxd 11+ Kai xatixa rjyiaasv o fiaaiksvq Aavid xco

of brass. And these [things] [ sanctified king David] to the

Kopico jisxd xod apyupiou Kai xod %pvaiov ov

LORD, with the silver, and the gold of which

rjyiaasv sk 7iaacbv xcov 7r6A,scov cov Kaxs8i)vdaxsuasv

he sanctified from all of the cities which he overpowered;

12+ Kai sk xrjq KoDjiaiaq Kai sk xrjgMcodp Kai sk

and from Edom, and from Moab, and from

xcov mcbv Ajijicov Kai sk xcov aAlocptiXcov Kai s^

the sons ofAmmon, and from the Philistines, and from

AjiaAxjK Kai sk xcov okdAxov ASpas^sp viov Padcp

Amalek, and from the spoils of Hadadezer, son of Rehob,

PaaiXscoc; Xoupd 13+ Kai S7io(r|as Aam8 ovojia Kai

king of Zobah. And David made a name [for himself]. And

sv xco avaKd|i7ixsiv auxov S7idxa^s xrjv I5oi)|ia(av sv

in his returning he struck Idumea in

rsPsAiji sic; OKxcoKa(5sKa xiAidSac; h+ Kai sGsxo sv

Gebelem to eighteen thousand. And he put in

xtj I8oi)|ia(a cppoupdc; sv 7idar| xr| I8ou|ia(a sGttksv

Edom detachments; in all Edom he stationed

saxTi^QjisvoDc; Kai sysvovxo ftdvxsc; 01 sv

ones setting up monuments, and [ became all the ones in

xt| I8oi)|ia(a 8ot3Xoi xco Aavid Kai socoos Kopioc;

Edom] servants to David. And [the] LORD preserved

xov Aam8 sv7idaivoic; S7iopsi3sxo 15+ Kai

David wheresoever he went. And

sPaodsDos Aam8 S7U rcdvxa IapafjA, Kai rjv Aam8

David reigned over all Israel. And David was

7roicov Kpijia Kai SiKaioawqv S7U 7idvxa

executing equity and righteousness over all

xov Xclov clvtov i 6 + Kai Icodp vioq Sapoma S7i( xrjc;

his people. And Joab son of Zeruiah [was] over the


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

axpaxidq Kai IcoaacpdT moq A%ikovS sizi tcdv

military. And Jehoshaphat son of Ahilud [was] over the ones

D7ro|ivr||i&amp;T&lt;jav 17+ Kai £a8cbK vioq A%vccbp Kai

recording. And Zadok son ofAhitub and

A%i|isXs% vioq Apia0dp ispsk; Kai Sapsaq o

Ahimelech son of Abiathar [were] priests. And Seriah [was] the

ypajijiaTSDc; is+ Kai Bavaiac; vioq Icoia5d &lt;y6|ipoDAx)c;

scribe, and Benaiah son of Jehoiada [was] counselor.

Kai o XsXs6( Kai o Os^sxi Kai oi moi Aain5

And the Cherethite and the Pelethite, and the sons of David

ai)A,dp%ai fjaav

were chiefs of the palace.

9 13

i + Kai 81718 Aai)(5 8i sail tic; sti D7ioA£A,si|i|isvoc; sv

And David said, Is there anyone still left from

too oikco ZaovX Kai 7ioif|acD |i8i' avToi) skzoq

the house of Saul, that I should perform with him an [act of] mercy

svsK8v IcovaGdv 2 + Kai 8K tod oikod ZaovX r\v itmq

because of Jonathan? And from the house of Saul was a servant;

Kai ovojia ai)Tcb Sipd Kai KaAx)Daiv avzov itpoq

and [the] name to him [was] Ziba. And they called him to

Aavid Kai si7is 7rpo&lt;; avzov o Paai^sDc; cjd si Sipd

David. And [ said to him the king], You are Ziba?

Kai 817T8V SovXoq aoq 3 + Kai si7isv o fiaaiksvq 8i

And he said, Your servant. And [ said the king], Is

D7roA,8A,Sl7TTai STI avfjp 8K TOD OIKOD I^OLOVX Kai

there left any man from the house of Saul, that

7roifjaoo jist' aDTOD sXsoc; 6sod Kai S17T8 Sipd

I should perform with him an [act of] mercy of God? And Ziba said

7tpoc; tov paaiAia sti saw vioq tco IcovaGdv

to the king, [There] still is a son [to] Jonathan

7TS7rAr|Ycbc; todc; 7i65ac; 4+ Kai si7isv aDTcb o PaaiXsDc;

being stricken of the feet. And [ said to him the king],

7ioD odtoc; Kai si7is £ipd 7ipoc; tov PaaiXsa i8od sv

Where [is] this one? And Ziba said to the king, Behold, in
oikco Ma%sip diod AjiifjA, sk Tr\q Ao5apdp 5 + Kai

[the] house ofMachir, son ofAmmiel. of Lo-debar. And

a7isaTSiXsv o PaaiA^Dc; AaDi5 Kai sAxxPsv aDTOV

[ sent king David], and took him


from out of the house ofMachir, son ofAmmiel, of


9 Q ev toi3tco + vuca 10-2 Samuel

xrjgAoSepdp 6 + Kai 7iapay(vexai MscpiPoasG vioq

Lo-debar. And [ comes Mephibosheth son

IcoavGdv diod ZaovX npoq xov PaaiAia Aam8 Kai

of Jonathan son of Saul] to king David. And

S7i8asv 8711 7ip6aco7rov avzov Kai 7ipoaeK6vr|aev auxcb

he fell upon his face and did obeisance to him.

Kai S17T8V auxcb Aam8 MecpiPoaeB Kai 8i7isv idov

And [ said to him David], Mephibosheth! And he said, Behold,

o dovkoq gov ?+ Kai £i7iev auxcb Aavid |ir| cpoPoi) 6xi

your servant. And [ said to him David], Do not fear, for

7roicbv 7ioif|aco jisxa gov sksoq 5id IcovaGdv

by dealing with [you] I shall execute with you an [act of] mercy because of

xov 7iaxspa gov Kai a7iOKaxaaxf|aco aoi navxaq xovq

your father, and I will restore to you all the

aypovq ZaovX 7iaxp6c; tov nazpoq gov Kai gv cpayfj

fields of Saul, [the] father of your father. And you shall eat

dpxov S7i( xrjc; xpa7T8^r|c; jiod 8ia7iavx6c; 8 + Kai

bread at my table always. And

7rpoasK6vr|asv auxco Kai ei7is xic; sijii o SovXoq gov

he did obeisance to him, and said, Who am I your servant,

oxi S7T8pA£\j/ac; £7U xov Kova xov xeBvrjKoxa

that you looked upon the [ dog dying]

xov ojioiov ejioi 9+ Kai SKd^eaev o PaaiXetic; xovEipd

likened to me. And [ called the king] Ziba,

xo 7ia(5a I^aovX Kai 8i7rs npoq auxov 7idvxa 6oa

the servant of Saul, and said to him, All as much as

saxi xco ZaovX Kai 6A,ov xov oikov auxou 8e8coKa

is to Saul, and [ entire house his], I have given

xco mcb xod Kopioi) gov io+ Kai spya auxcb xrjv yrjv

to the son of your master. And [ shall work for him the land

gv Kai oi moi gov Kai oi 5ot3Ax)( gov Kai eiooiaeic;

you], and your sons, and your servants. And you shall carry in

xco mcb xod Kopioi) gov dpxoix; Kai cpdyovxai Kai

to the son of your master bread loaves, and he shall eat. And

MscpiPoaeB vioq tov Kopiou gov cpdysxai dpxov

Mephibosheth son of your master shall eat bread

8ia7ravx6c; S7U xrjc; xpa7re^r|c; jiou Kai xco Sipd fjaav

always at my table. And to Ziba were

7rsvxsKa(8sKa dioi Kai eucooi 8ot3Xoi n+ Kai si7i8 Sipd

fifteen sons and twenty servants. And Ziba said

npoq xov PaaiAia Kaxd 7idvxa 6aa evxexaAxai

to the king, According to all as much as [ gives charge



10 -2 Samuel

o icopioc; |IOD o fiaGik&amp;bq TCO 5odAxo aDTOD ODTCOC;

my master the king] [to] his servant, so

7ioifjaei o SovXoq gov Kai MecpiPoaeG fjoBisv sm Tr\q

shall [ do your servant]. And Mephibosheth ate at the

Tpa7rs^r|c; Aavid KaGcbc; sic; tcov dicov tod PaaiAicoq n +

table of David as one of [the] sons of the king.

Kai too MeqnPoasG vioq jiiKpoc; r|v Kai ovojia

And to Mephibosheth [ son a small there was], and [the] name

ai)Tcb Mi%&amp; Kai 7idaa r| kcxtoiktjoi^ tod oikod Sipd

to name [was] Micha. And all the household of the house of Ziba

5odA,oi tco MscpiPoasG i 3 + Kai MecpiPoaeG KaTCOKei

[were] servants [to] Mephibosheth. And Mephibosheth dwelt

sv IepoDaaArjii 6ti S7rl Tr\q Tpanst^q tod PaaiAicoc;

in Jerusalem, for at the table of the king

fjaGis 8ia7iavT6c; Kai aDToq rjv xcoXoq apxpoTepoDc;

he ate always. And he was lame of both

todc; 7i68ac; aDTOD

of his feet.

10 i

i+ Kai sysvsTO jieTd TaDTa Kai arceGave o PaaiXeDc;

And it came to pass after these [things], that [ died the king

dicov Ajijicbv Kai sPacnlsDaev Awcbv vioq avzov

of [the] sons ofAmmon], and [reigned Hanun his son]

avT' aDTOD 2+ Kai ei7ie AaDi8 7ioif|aco eXeoc; jistcx

instead of him. And David said, I will perform an act of kindness with
Awcbv diod Nadq ov Tporcov S7iovr|asv

Hanun son of Nahash, in which manner [ performed

o 7iaTf|p aDTOD eXeoc; jist' ejioD Kai

his father] an act of kindness with me. And

a7T8aTSiXs AaDi5 7iapaKaAiaai aDTOV ev %eip(

David sent to comfort him by [the] hand

TCOV 8odAx£V aDTOD 7TSpi TOD 7iaTpOC; aDTOD Kai

of his servants concerning his father. And

rcapeyevovTO oi naidsq Aavid eic; tt|v yrjv dicov

[came the servants of David] into the land of [the] sons

Ajijicbv 3+ Kai S17TOV oi dpxovTsq dicov Ajijicbv 7ipoc;

of Ammon. And [ said the rulers of [the] sons of Ammon] to

Awcbv tov KDpiov aDTcbv (ir| 7iapd

Hanun their master, Is the reason for

to 5o^d^siv AaDi8 tov 7iaTepa aoD svcb7ii6v aoD 6ti

David to glorify your father before you that



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

a7i80T8iXs aoi 7iapaKaAx)Dvxac; aXX r ov%i OTtcnq

he sent to you comforters? or is it not however

spsDvfjacooi xrjv 7i6Xiv Kai KaxaaK07if|acoaiv aDxfjv

that they should search the city, and spy it;

Kai tod KaxaaK8\j/aa0ai aDxfjv ansaTSiks Aavid

for to survey it David sent

xodc; 7ra(5ac; avzov npoq as 4 + Kai elapsv Awcgv xodc;

his servants to you? And Hanun took the

7ra(8ac; Aam5 Kai s^oprjas xodc; 7rcbycovac; aDxcbv Kai

servants of David, and he shaved their beards, and

a7i8KO\j/s todc; [lavdvaq aDxcbv sv xco r||iiasi ecoc;

cut off their uniforms in half unto

xcov laxicov aDicbv Kai e^a7ieaxsiA,ev aDxotic; 5 + Kai

their hips, and he sent them out. And

a7if|YYsiA,av xco AaDi8 7isp( xcov av5pcbv Kai

it was reported to David concerning the men. And

a7i8ax£iA,sv eic; a7ravxfjv aDxcbv 6xi fjaav oi dv8psc;

he sent to meet them, for [ were the men]

r|xi|iaa|isvoi acp68pa Kai ei7iev o fiaaikzvq KaGiaaxs

dishonored exceedingly. And [ said the king], Stay

sv Iepi%cb ecoc; xod avaxeiAm xodc; iKbycmaq djicov Kai

in Jericho until [ rise beards your], and

£7iiaxpa(pfjaea9s 6+ Kai e(8ov oi dioi Ajijicov 6xi

you shall return. And [ saw the sons of Ammon] that

Kaxr|a%DV0r|aav o Xaoq Aavid Kai a7i8oxsiXav oi

[ was disgraced the people of David], and [sent the

dioi Ajijicbv Kai S|iio6coaavxo xov 2/opiav BsGpadp

sons of Ammon], and they hired the Syrian of Beth-re hob,

Kai xov I/opiav 2/opd stoai %iAad8ac; 7is^cbv Kai xov

and the Syrian of Zoba — twenty thousand footmen, and the

PaaiAia Maa%d yikiovq avdpaq Kai xov Ioxcbp

king of Maacah ~ a thousand men, and the one of Tob ~

5cb5eKa %ikia6aq avSpcbv i + Kai fjKODae AaDi8 Kai

twelve thousand men. And David heard, and

a7T8oxsiXs xov Ico dp Kai 7idaav xrjv 5Dvajiiv xodc;

he sent Joab and all the force of the

8DvaxoDc; 8 + Kai e^fjXGov oi dioi Ajijicov Kai

mighty ones. And [ came forth the sons of Ammon], and

7iapexd^avxo 7i6A,s|iov 7iapd xr| 0Dpa xrjc; 7ivXr\q Kai

deployed for war by the door of the gate. And

o Zvpiaq I/opd Kai Pocbp Kai Ioxcbp Kai Maa%d

the Syrian Zoba, and Rehob, and IshTob, and Maacah



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

Ka0' saDTODc; sv xco 7is5ico 9 + Kai s(8sv Icodp Oil

[were] by themselves in the field. And Joab beheld that

sysvfj0r| 7ipoc; avzov avTi7rp6aco7rov tod 7ioA,s|iod sk

it came to pass [ him [was] facing that the war] from

tod Korea 7ip6aco7rov s^svavriac; Kai 8K tod 67iia0sv

the face right opposite, and from the rear.

Kai S7isXs^aTO sk 7T&amp;VTCDV tcov vsavicbv IapafjA,

And he chose from out of all the young men of Israel,

Kai 7iap8Ta^avTO s^svavriac; Zvpiaq 10+ Kai to

and deployed right opposite Syria. And the

KaTd^omov tod Xaov s5coksv sic; tt|v %zipa Apsaad

rest of the people he put into the hand ofAbishai

tod a8eAxpoD aDTOD Kai 7iapsTd^avTO s^svavTiac; tcov

his brother. And they deployed right opposite the

Dicbv Ajijicov 11+ Kai S17TSV sdv KpaTfjarj I/opoc; D7isp

sons of Ammon. And he said, If Syria should strengthen over

sjis Kai sasaBs jioi sic; acorripiav Kai sdv dioi

me, then you shall be to me for deliverance. And if [the] sons

A|i|icbv KpaTfjacoaiv D7isp as Kai 7iopsDoo|iai

of Ammon should be strengthened over you, then I will come

tod acoaai as 12 + avdpiCpv Kai KpaTaico0cb|isv D7isp

to deliver you. Be manly! for we should be strengthened for


our people, and for the cities of our God.

Kai o KDpioq 7ioifjaei to ayaGov sv ocpGaXjioiq aDTOD

And the LORD will do good in his eyes.

13+ Kai 7ipoafjAi)£V Icodp Kai o Xabq avzov |ist' aDTOD

And Joab approached and his people with him

sic; 7i6A,8|iov 7ipoc; I/opiav Kai scpDyav anb

for war against Syria. And they fled from

7ipoacb7lOD aDTOD 14+ Kai 01 DIOI Ajijicbv s(5ov OTl

his face. And the sons of Ammon beheld that

rcscpsDysv I/opia Kai scpDyev anb 7rpoacb7TOD Apsaad

Syria has fled. And they fled from [the] face of Abishai,

Kai siafjXGov sic; tt|v nokw Kai avsaTps\j/sv Icodp

and they entered into the city. And Joab returned

anb tcov dicov Ajijicov Kai 7iapsysvsTO sic;

from the sons of Ammon, and came unto

IspoDaaAxj|i 15+ Kai si8s2/op(a 6ti S7iTaiasv

Jerusalem. And Syria beheld that it failed

S|i7ipoa0sv IapafjA, Kai aDvf|%6r|aav S7U to aDTO 16 +

in front Israel; and they gathered together at the same [place].


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

Kai a7i8aTSiXsv ASpaa^dp Kai aDvfjyays xr|v I/opiav

And Hadarezer sent, and gathered together the Syrian


from the other side of the river. And they came unto

AiAxxji Kai Scopdx o apxiaTpdrnyoc; tod A8paa^dp

Helam. And Shobach the commander-in-chief of Hadarezer

S|i7rpoa0sv aDTcbv n+ Kai a7ir|yy£Ar| too AaDi8 Kai

[was] in front of them. And it was reported to David, and

aDvfjyays 7idvTa IapafjA, Kai 5isPr| tov Iop5dvr|v

he gathered together all Israel, and he passed over the Jordan,

Kai 7iapsysvsTO sic; AiXdji Kai 7iapsTd§aTO I/opia

and he came to Helam. And Syria deployed

a7i8vavTi AaDi5 Kai S7ioA,s|ir|a8 jist' aDTOD is+ Kai

before David, and he waged war with him. And

scpDye I/opia anb 7ipoacb7ioD IapafjA, Kai

Syria fled from [the] face of Israel. And

a7i8KT8ivs AaDi8 sk Tr\q Zvpiaq 87iTaKooia dpjjma

David killed of the one from Syria— seven hundred chariots,

Kai TeaaapdKovTa %ikid6aq uursoov Kai tov £oopd%

and forty thousand horsemen. And Shobach

ap%KTTpdTr|yov aDTOD S7idTa^s Kai a7is9avev 8K81 19 +

his commander-in-chief he struck, and he died there.

Kai eiSov 7rdvTec; oi fiaaiksiq oi 5odA,oi ASpad^ap

And [ beheld all the kings the servants of Hadarezer]

6ti S7iTaiaav s(i7ipoa68v IopafjX Kai r|DTO|i6Ar|aav

that they failed in front of Israel. And they deserted

jiSTd IapafjA, Kai eSoD^SDaav aDTOic; Kai

after Israel, and they served them. And

scpopfjGrj I/opia tod acbaai sti todc; diodc; Ajijicdv

Syria feared to yet again deliver the sons of Ammon.

11 «•»

i+ Kai syevsTO S7riaTp£\j/avTOc; tod sviaDTOD sic; tov

And it came to pass in [the] turning of the year into the

Kaipov TTjCj s^oSiac; tcov PaaiXecov Kai

time of the departure of the kings [for battle], that

a7i80T8iXs AaDi8 tov Icodp Kai todc; naidaq avzov jist'

David sent Joab and his servants with

aDTOD Kai 7idvTa tov IapafjA, Kai SiscpGeipav todc;

him and all Israel; and they utterly destroyed the

diodc; Ajijicov Kai 7ispisKd6ioav S7U PapdG Kai

sons of Ammon, and they besieged against Rabbah. And


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Aai)(5 SKd0iasv sv IspoDaaAxjji 2 + Kai sysvsxo izpoq

David stayed in Jerusalem. And it came to pass towards

sa7T8pav Kai aveaxrj Aavid anb Tr\q koittj^ avzov Kai

evening, and David rose up from his bed, and

7TSpi£7r&amp;T£l 8711 TOD 5cb|iaTOC; TOD OIKOD TOD fiCLGlMcoq

walked upon the roof of the house of the king.

Kai e(5e a7io tod 5cb|iaTOc; yDvauca Ax)DO|ievr|v Kai

And he beheld from the roof a woman bathing; and

rj yDvfj Kakr\ ttj 6\j/ei acp65pa 3 + Kai a7isaTSiA,s AaDi8

the woman was good in appearance — exceedingly. And David sent

Kai s^fjTTjae tt|v yovaixa Kai si7iov odxi aDTrj

and sought the woman. And they said said, Is not this

BrjpaaPsai 0DydTTjp EXidji yDvfj Odpiod tod

Bath-sheba, daughter ofEliam, wife of Uriah the

XsTTaioD 4 + Kai a7isaT8iA,s AaDi5 ayyeXovq Kai elapev

Hittite? And David sent messengers, and he took

aDTTjv Kai siafjXGe npoq avTT\v Kai £Koi|if|0r| jist'

her; and he entered to her, and went to bed with

aDTfjc; Kai aDTfj rjv ayia^o|isvr| a7io

her, and she was being set apart from

aKa0apa(aq aDTfjc; Kai a7C£OTp£\j/sv sic; tov oikov avTT\q

her uncleanness. And she returned to her house.

5+ Kai oDvs^aPsv r| yDvfj Kai a7csaTSiA£ Kai

And [ conceived the woman]. And she sent and

a7rfjyyeiA£ AaDi8 Kai 8i7i8v aDveiAxjcpa sycb 6 + Kai

reported to David, and said, I am one conceiving. And

a7T8aTSiXs AaDi5 npoq Icodp Aiycov a7c6aTSiA,6v jioi

David sent to Joab, saying, Send to me

tov ODpiav tov Xsrcaiov Kai a7isaT8iA,8v Icodp

Uriah the Hittite! And Joab sent

tov ODpiav 7ipoq AaDi8 7 + Kai 7iapay(v8Tai ODpiac; Kai

Uriah to David. And Uriah came and

£iafjX0s npoq avxov Kai £7rr|pcbTr|ae AaDi8 sic;

entered to him. And David asked for

eipfjvrjv Icodp Kai sic; eipfjvrjv tod Xaov Kai siq

[the] peace of Joab, and for [the] peace of the people, and for

SipfjVTjV TOD 7T0A,S|I0D 8 + Kai 81718 AaDi8 tco ODpia

[the] peace of the war. And David said to Uriah,

KaTdpr|0i sic; tov oikov aoD Kai vnj/ai todc; itodaq ood

Go down to your house, even to wash your feet!

Kai 8^fjA,08v ODpiaq oikod tod PaaiAicoc; Kai

And Uriah went forth from [the] house of the king; and


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e^fjXGev O7i(aco avTOV apaiq tod PaaiXscoq 9 + Kai

went forth after him a tribute from the king. And

£Koi|ifj0r| Oopiac; 7iapd tt| 0Dpa tod oikod tod

Uriah went to bed by the door of the house of the

PaaiXecoc; |i£T&amp; 7rdvTC0v tcov 5odAxdv tod KDpioD aDTOD

king with all the servants of his master;

Kai od KaTsPrj sic; tov oikov ocdtod io+ Kai

and he did not go down to his house. And

a7if|yy8iA,av too AaDi8 AiyovTsg 6ti od KaTsPrj

they reported to David, saying that, [ did not go down

ODpiaq sic; tov oikov (xdtod Kai si7cs A(xd(5 7cpoc;

Uriah] to his house. And David said to

ODpiav od%( 8^ o8od od epxrj ti od KaTsPrjc;

Uriah, [not from a journey you Are come]? Why did you not go down

eic; tov oikov god n + Kai ei7cev ODpiaq 7cpoc; AaDi8 rj

to your house? And Uriah said to David, The

KiPcoToq Kai IapafjA, Kai IotiSac; KaTOiKODoiv sv

ark, and Israel, and Judah, dwell in

oKqvafc; Kai o Kopioc; jiod Icodp Kai oi SodAxh

tents; and my master Joab, and the man-servants

tod KDpioD |iod 87i( 7ip6aco7roD tod aypoD

of my master [ upon [the] face of the field

7iap£|ipdAAx)Dai Kai sycb siasleDaojiai sic;

camp]; and shall I enter into

tov oikov jiod cpaysiv Kai 7U£iv Kai Koi|ir|6f|vai jistoc

my house to eat and to drink and to go to bed with

Tr\q yDvaiKoq jiod jia ttjv ^cofjv aoD Kai |ia tt|v ^cofjv

my wife? By your life, and by the life

Tr\q\\fv%r\qaov od jirj 7ioifjacD to 7ipdy|ia todto 12+ Kai

of your soul, in no way shall I do this thing. And

81718 AaDi8 7cpoc; tov ODpiav KdGiaov cb8e Kai

David said to Uriah, Stay here also

ofjiispov Kai aDpiov £^a7cooT£Axb as Kai

today! and tomorrow I will send you. And

SKdGiasv ODpiaq ev IspoDaaXf||i sv tt| rjjiepa SKsivrj

Uriah stayed in Jerusalem on that day,

Kai ttj 87i;aDpiov 13+ Kai SKd^sasv aDTOV AaDi5 Kai

and the next day. And [ called him David]. And

scpaysv svcb7nov aDTOD Kai S7ne Kai sjisGdctsv aDTOV

he ate before him, and drank. And he intoxicated him.

Kai s^fjXGsv sa7i;spac; tod Koi|ir|6f|vai S7ri

And he went forth at evening to go to bed upon


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his bed with the servants of his master,

Kai sic; xov oikov avTOV od KaxePrj u + Kai sysvsTO

but [unto his house he did not go down]. And it became

7ipcoi Kai sypa\j/s Aavid fiifiXiov npoq Ioodp Kai

morning, and David wrote a scroll to Joab, and

a7isaTSiXsv sv xsipi Oi)p(oi) i 5 + Kai sypa\j/sv sv too

sent it by [the] hand of Uriah. And he wrote in the

PiPAioo Xsyoov siadyays xov Oi)p(av s£, svavriac; tod

scroll, saying, Bring Uriah right opposite the

7toXs(iod tod KpaTaioD Kai a7ioaTpa(pfjasa9s and

battle of the fortified [part], and turn away from

67ria6sv aDTOD Kai 7iAr|yf|asTai Kai a7ro6avsvcai i6+

behind him! [so that] he shall be struck and shall die.

Kai sysvfjGrj sv too cpDAxxaasiv Ioodp S7U ttjv 7i6Aav

And it came to pass in Joab's guarding at the city,

Kai eGrjKs tov ODpiav sic; tov totcov od f|8si 6ti

that he put Uriah into the place where he knew that

dv5psc; 8Dvd|isooc; sksi i?+ Kai s^fjXGov oi dv8psc;

men of power [were] there. And [ came forth the men

Tr\q noXscoq Kai S7ioA,s|iodv 7ipoc; Ioodp Kai S7isaov

of the city], and waged war against Joab. And there fell

arco tod XaoD sk toov 5odA,oov AaDi8 Kai arcsGavs

[some] of the people of the servants of David; and [died

Kai ys ODpiaq o Xsrcaux; is + Kai a7isaTSiA,sv Ioodp

also even Uriah the Hittite]. And Joab sent

Kai a7rfjyy£iA£ too AaDi8 ndvTaq zovq pfj|iaTa tod

and reported to David all the matters of the

7toXs|iod 19+ Kai svsTeiAxxTO Ioodp too ayysAxo Aiyoov sv

battle. And Joab gave charge to the messenger, saying, In

too cjDVTsAiaai as rcdvTa Ta pf||iaTa tod 7toXs(iod

your completing all the matters of the battle

Xakovvza 7rpoq tov PaaiXsa 20+ Kai scrcai sdv avapfj

speaking to the king, that it shall be if [ ascends

o Gdjioc; tod PaaiXsooq Kai si7ir| aoi ti 6ti

the rage of the king], and he should say to you, Why [is it] that

rjyyiaaTS npoq tt|v 7i6A.iv 7ioXs|if|aai odk t|8sits

you approached to the city to wage war? Did you not know


that they would shoot from on top the wall?

21 + tic; S7idTa^s tov Apijis^sx diov IspoPadX odxi

Who struck Abimelech son of Jerubbesheth? Did not

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10 -2 Samuel

jvvr\ eppnj/e K^dajia jid^od S7i' aDxov a7io dvcoGev

a woman toss a piece of millstone upon him from above

tod Tsi%ovq Kai a7ce6avsv ev ©apfjq ivaxi

the wall, and he died in Thebez? Why did

7ipoar|ydysTS npoq to xe(%oc; Kai epefc; Kaiys

you lead forward to the wall? And you shall say, And also

o Sovkoq aoi) Oupiac; o Xexxaiog xsGvrjKe 22 + Kai

your servant Uriah the Hittite is dead. And

7rap8ysv8TO o dyyskoq Icodp npoq xov PaoiAia eic;

[ came the messenger of Joab] to the king in

IspoDoaAx||i Kai a7ifjyysiA£ too Aam8 7cdvxa 6aa

Jerusalem, and reported to David all as much as

eXaAxjaev Icodp 23 + Kai ei7csv o dyysXoc; npoq Aavid

Joab spoke. And [ said the messenger] to David

on SKpaxaicoaav scp' r\[idq 01 dv5psc; Kai s^fjXGov

that, [ strengthened against us The men], and came forth

scp' r\[idq sic; xov aypov Kai sysvf|6r||iev 87i' aDxotic;

against us into the field, and we came unto them

ecoc; xrjc; dvpaq xrjc; ivbhr\q 2 4+ Kai exo^SDaav 01

unto the door of the gate. And [ shot the ones

xo^sdovxsc; S7Ti xodc; 5odXodc; gov a7i6 xod xs(%odc; Kai

shooting] unto your servants from of the wall, and

a7te6avov arco xcov 8odXcov xod PaaiAicoc; Kai ys

there died [some] of the servants of the king, and even

o dovkoq gov Oopiaq o Xsxxaioq xsGvrjKsv 25 + Kai

your subject Uriah the Hittite has died. And

81718 Aam5 npoq xov dyysAxrv xd8e spsk; npoq Icodp

David said to the messenger, Thus you shall say to Joab,

|ir| 7covr|p6v eaxco sv otp0aA,|ioic; ctod

Do not let [ be severe in your eyes

xod pfjjiaxoc; xodxo 6x1 7coxs jiev odxcoc; 7coxe 8e

this matter], for perhaps indeed it is thus [one way], and perhaps

odxcoc; Kaxacpdysxai r| pojicpaia Kpaxaicoaov

thus [another way] [ devours [that] the broadsword]; strengthen

XOV 7C6A,S|I6V OOD S7U XT|V 7c6AlV Kai

your battle against the city, and

KaxdaKa\j/ov aDxfjv Kai Kpaxaicoaov aDxfjv 26 + Kai

raze it, and strengthen against it. And

fjKODasv r| yovfj Odpiod oxi xsGvrjKsv ODpiag

[heard the wife of Uriah] that [ has died Uriah

o avfjp aDxfjc; Kai 8Ko\j/axo £7U xov dv5pa aDxfjc; 27+ Kai

her husband], and she lamented over her husband. And


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5if|A,Gs to izzvdoq Kai a7ieaTSiA,s Aavib Kai

[ went by the [time of] mourning], and David sent and

aDvfjyaysv aDxfjv ziq tov oikov avzov Kai eysveTO

brought her into his house. And she became

aDTcb siq yovaixa Kai stsksv ai)xcb diov Kai

to him for a wife, and she bore to him a son. And

7iovr|p6v scpdvrj to pf|(ia o S7io(r|as Aavid sv

[ wicked appeared the matter which David did] in

ocpGaXjioiq Kopioi)

[the] eyes of [the] LORD.

12 V

i + Kai a7T8aT£iA£ Kopioc; Na6dv xov 7rpo(pfjrr|v itpoq

And [the] LORD sent Nathan the prophet to

xov Aavid Kai eiafjXGs npoq avzov Kai ei7isv ai)icb

David. And he entered to him, and said to him,

5do fjaav avdpzq ev |i(a 7i6A,si sic; TtXovaioq Kai sic;

There were two men in one city — one rich and one

7isvr\q 2+ Kai r|v too nXovam 7ioi(ivia Kai PoDKoAia

needy. And there was to the rich [man] flocks and herds ~

itoXka acp65pa 3 + Kai too 7isvr|Ti odkt|v odGsv aXk' r\

many, exceedingly. And to the needy there was not anything, but only

ajivdc; |i(a jiiKpd rjv eKifjaaxo Kai 7ispiS7roif|aaTO

[ ewe-lamb one small] which he acquired, and protected,

Kai s^s9ps\j/sv aDxfjv Kai r|5pi3v6r| jist' avzov Kai

and nourished it. And it matured with him, and

(I8ld TGOV D10QV aDTOD 8711 TO ai)i6 a7io

with his sons at the same [time]. [ from

TOD dpTOD aDTOD f|a6l£ Kai SK TOD 7TOTr|piOD aDTOD

his bread It ate], and [ from his cup


it drank], and [in his bosom it slept], and it was to him

coq 0DydTT|p 4+ Kai r\kdz o8our6poc; itpoq tov dv8pa

as a daughter. And [ came a traveller] to the [ man

tov 7iXoDaiov Kai scpsiaaTO tod Axxpsiv 8K

rich]. And he spared to take from


his flock, and from his herd,

tod 7rovfjaai too ^svoo sABovti 7ipoc; aDTOV Kai sXaPs

to prepare for the stranger coming to him. And he took

ttjv ajivd8a tod av5p6q tod 7isvr|TOc; Kai STiovqasv

the ewe-lamb of the [man needy]; and he prepared


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aDifjv xco av5p( tod sXGovxi npoq aDxov 5 + KOCl

it for the man coming to him. And

s0D|icb0r| opyfj Aavid acp65pa S7U xov &amp;v8pa Kai

[ was enraged in anger David] exceedingly against the man. And

S17T8V 7ipoc; Na6dv ^r| Kopioc; 6xi vioq BavdxoD

he said to Nathan, As [the] LORD lives, that [ [is] a son of death

o avfjp o 7roif|aac; xodxo 6 + Kai xrjv ajivd8a

man doing this]. And for the ewe-lamb

a7ioxio8xai xsxpa7iA,daiov av6' cov S7roir|as

he shall pay four-fold, because he did

xo pfjjia xodxo Kai D7isp od odk scpsiaaxo ?+ Kai

this thing, and for which he did not spare. And

81718 NaGdv 7ipoc; Aain5 &lt;td si o avfjp o 7roifjaac;

Nathan said to David, You are the man, the [one] doing

xodxo xd5s Xsysi Kupioq o 0s6c; lapar\k sycb s^piad

this [thing]. Thus says [the] LORD God of Israel, I anointed

as sic; PaaiAia S7U xov IapafjA, Kai sycb sppDadjirjv

you for king over Israel, and I rescued

as sk X 8l P°^ ^uovk 8+ Kai s5coKd aoi xov oikov

you from out of [the] hand of Saul. And I gave to you the house

xod Kupioi) aoD Kai xaq yDvafcac; xod kdpiod aoi) sv

of your master, and the wives of your master into

xco koAjtco aoD Kai s8coKd aoi xov oikov IapafjA, Kai

your bosom, and I gave to you the house of Israel and

lovda Kai si oAiya aoi saxi 7ipoa6f|aco aoi KaBcbc;

Judah. And if [ little to you it is], I would have added to you as

xatixa 9 + xi 6xi scpatiAiaac; xov Xoyov kdpiod

those. Why [is it] that you treated as worthless the word of [the] LORD,

xod 7ioif|aai xo 7iovr|p6v sv ocpBaljioic; aDxoD

to do the wicked [thing] in his eyes?

xov Oi)p(av xov Xsxxaiov S7idxa^ac; sv pojicpaia Kai

Uriah the Hittite you struck by [the] broadsword, and

xrjv ywaiKa aDxoD ska^q asaDxcb sic; yDvauca Kai

his wife you took to yourself for wife, and

avzov a7TSKxsivac; sv pojicpaia dicov Ajijicbv io+ Kai

him you killed by [the] broadsword of [the] sons of Ammon. And

vdv odk a7ioaxf|asxai pojicpaia sk xod oikod aoD

now, [ shall not depart [the] broadsword] from your house

scoc; xov aicbva svsks xodxov 6xi s^oD5svcoadc; (is Kai

unto the eon. Because of this, for you treated me with contempt, and
sXaPsq xrjv yDvaiKa xod Odpiod xod XsxxaioD

took the wife of Uriah the Hittite


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tod sivai aoi sic; yovaixa u+ Td8s Aiyei Kopioc; i5od

to be to you for a wife. Thus says [the] LORD, Behold,

sycb e^eyeipco £7U as KaKd 8K tod oikod aoD Kai

I shall awaken [ against you evils] from out of your house, and

Ax|\j/o|iai xac; yDvaiK&amp;c; aoD rax' ocpGaljioDc; aoD Kai

I shall take your wives before your eyes, and

8cbaco too 7iAr|aiov aoD Kai Koi|ir|0f|a£Tai jisxa

I will give [them] [to] your neighbor, and he shall go to bed with

xcov yDvaiKcbv aoD svavxiov tod rjAioD todtod u + on av

your wives before this sun. For you

£7io(r|aac; KpDpfj Kaycb 7ioif|aco to pfjjia todto svavxiov

did [it] secretly, but I will do this thing before

7ravx6c; IapafjA, Kai arcevavTi tod rjAioD todtod u + Kai

all Israel, and before this sun. And

S17T8 AaDi5 tco NaGdv r||idpTr|Ka tco KDpico Kai

David said to Nathan, I have sinned against the LORD. And

S17T8 NaGdv 7ipoc; AaDi5 Kai KDpioq Tiapeptpaae

Nathan said to David, And [the] LORD cast aside

to ajidpTTjjid cod Kai av |xq anodavr\q u+ nkr[V 6ti

your sin, and you shall not die. Except that,

7iapopy(^cov 7iapcbpyiaac; todc; £%6poDc; KopioD sv

in provoking to anger, you provoked to anger the enemies of [the] LORD in

tco pfjjiaTi todtco Kai ys o Dioq aoD o ts%0£ic; aoi

this thing, and indeed your son, the one born to you,

GavdTCO a7io6av8iTai is + Kai a7rqA,0e NaGdv sic;

to death he will die. And Nathan went forth to

TOV OIKOV aDTOD Kai sGpaDos KDpioq to 7rai8(ov o

his house. And [the] LORD enfeebled the child which

8TSK8V T| yDVTj ODpiOD TCO AaDl8 Kai TjppCOOTTjOS 16 +

[ bore [the] wife of Uriah] unto David, and he was ill.

Kai s^fjrrjae AaDi8 tov 0e6v D7isp tod 7iai5apioD Kai

And David sought God for the boy. And

svfjOTSDos AaDi8 vrjaTSiav Kai eiafjXBs Kai r|DAia0r|

David fasted with fasting, and he entered and lodged

87i( ttjv yrjv 17+ Kai avearqaav oi 7ipsaPDTspoi

upon the ground. And [ rose up the elders


of his house] to him, to raise him from

Tr\q yr\q Kai odk r|0eAx|a£ Kai od aDvecpayev

the ground, and he did not want, and he would not eat

aDTOiq dpTOV i8+ Kai eysveTO sv tt| rjjispa tt| epSojirj

bread with them. And it came to pass in [ day the seventh],


12 T

10 -2 Samuel

Kai a7is0avs to 7iai5dpiov Kai ecpopfjGrjaav oi

and [died the boy]. And [feared the

8odA,oi Aavid avayyeiAm aDTcb on xsGvrjKs to

servants of David] to announce to him that, [ has died The

7iai8dpiov on ei7iav i8od sv too to 7iai8dpiov sti

boy]. For they said, Behold, while the boy [was] still

£/|v sAxxAxjaajisv itpoq avzov Kai odk siafjKODas

living, we spoke to him, and he did not listen to

Tr\q cpcovfiq rjjicbv Kai itcnq si7iCD|isv itpoq avzov on

our voice. And how should we say to him that,

T80vr|K8 to 7iai8dpiov Kai 7rorfja8i Kara i 9 + Kai

[ has died The boy]. For he shall do bad [things]. And

oi)vf|Ks Aavid oil oi naidzq avzov \j/i0Dpi£pDoi Kai

David perceived that his servants were whispering, and

svorjas Aam8 on ts0vt|ks to 7iai8dpiov Kai

David comprehended that [ has died the boy]. And

S17T8 Aavid npoq zovq 7ia(8ac; avzov si ts0vt|ks to

David said to his servants, Has [ died the

7iai8dpiov Kai sircav ts0vt|ks 20 + Kai avsarr| AaviS 8K

boy]? And they said, He has died. And David rose up from

Tr\q yr\q Kai skovaazo Kai rj^suj/aTO Kai fjAla^e

the ground, and bathed, and anointed [himself], and changed

Ta ijidTia avTOV Kai 8iaf|A,0sv sic; tov oikov tod 0sod

his clothes. And he entered into the house of God,

Kai 7ipoasKDvr|asv aDTcb Kai siafjABsv sic;

and did obeisance to him. And he entered unto

tov oikov avTOV Kai fjTTjaev dpTOV cpaysiv Kai

his house, and asked [for] bread to eat. And

7iap80r|Kav ai)Tcb dpTOV Kai scpays 21+ Kai sitcov

they placed near him bread, and he ate. And [ said

01 7ra(5sc; avzov npoq avzov ti to pfj|ia todto o

his servants] to him, What [is] this thing which

£7iorr|aac; svsra tod 7iai5ap(oD sti ^covtoc;

you do because of the boy? [While] still living

svfjcJTSDSc; Kai SKAmsc; Kai rjypD7ivsic; Kai rjviKa

you fasted, and wept, and [were] sleepless; and when

a7i80av8 to 7iai5dpiov avs&lt;ycr|c; Kai scpaysc; dpTOV Kai

[ died the boy] you rose up and ate bread and

7iS7r&lt;DKac; 22 + Kai sircsv AaDi8 sv too to 7iai8dpiov

drank? And David said, While the boy

sti ^rjv svr|aTSDaa Kai SK^aDaa 6ti si7ia tic; o(8sv

[was] still living, I fasted and wept. For I said, Who knows


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SI sA^STjCTSl |IS KTjpiOq K(Xl ^CJSTai TO 7iai8dpiOV 23 +

if [ will show mercy on me [the] LORD], and [ shall live the boy]?

Kai vdv tsGvtjksv ivaxi todto sycb vrjaTSDCo |ir|

And now he has died, why this [that] I fast? I shall not

8Dvfjao|iai tod S7n&lt;xcps\j/ai avzov sti sycb 7copsDao|iai

be able to return him, yet I will go

7ipoq avzov Kai avzoq odk ava&lt;xcps\j/si npoq |is 24+

to him, but he shall not return to me.

Kai 7capsKdA,sas Aam8 rqv yovaixa avzov BrjpaaPsai

And David comforted his wife Bath-sheba.

Kai eiafjXGe npoq avxr\v Kai SKOi|if|6r| jist' avxr\q

And he entered to her, and went to bed with her,

Kai cjdvsAxxPs Kai stsksv diov Kai sraXsas

and she conceived, and gave birth to a son, and called

to ovojia avTOV XoAojiarv Kai Kopioc; rjya7ir|a8v ai)i6v

his name Solomon. And [the] LORD loved him.

25+ Kai a7csaTSiA,sv sv %sip( NaGdv tod 7ipo(pfjTOD Kai

And he sent by [the] hand of Nathan the prophet; and

SKd^sae to ovojia aDTOD Is88i8(a sv A,6yco KopioD 26 +

called his name Jedidiah, by [the] word of [the] LORD.

Kai S7ioA,s|ir|asv Icodp sv PaPPdG dicov Ajijicbv Kai

And Joab waged war with Rabbah of [the] sons of Ammon, and

KaTsXaPs ttjv 7i6A.iv Tr\q PaaiXsiac; 27+ Kai

he overtook the city of the kingdom. And

a7isaTSiXsv Icodp ayysXoDc; npoq Aavid Kai si7isv

Joab sent messengers to David, and said,

S7ioA,s|ir|aa sv PaP(3d0 Kai KaTsXap6|ir|v tt|v 7c6Aiv

I waged war against Rabbah, and overtook the city

tcov D8dTC0v 28 + Kai vdv aDvdyays to KaTdA,ourov tod

of waters. And now, gather together the rest of the

Axxod Kai 7iaps|iPaXs S7ri ttjv 7i6A.iv Kai

people, and camp upon the city, and

7cpoKaTaA,aPoD aDTfjv (va |ir| 7cpoKaTaA,dpco|iai sycb

be the first to take it! that [ should not be the first to take I]
ttjv 7c6Aiv Kai KArjGfj to ovojid jiod S7c' aDTfjv 29 +

the city, and [ should be called my name] upon it.

Kai aDvfjyays AaDi5 7cdvTa tov A,a6v Kai S7copsD9r|

And David gathered together all the people, and he went

sic; Pappd6 Kai S7coA,s(ir|asv sv aDTfj Kai

to Rabbah, and waged war against it, and

KaTsA,dpsTO aDTTjv 30+ Kai sAxxPs tov crcscpavov

overtook it. And he took the crown


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

tod PaaiXscoq aDxcbv arco xrjc; KscpaAxjc; aDxoD Kai

of their king from his head. And

o axa0|i6c; aDxoD xdXavxov ypvaiov Kai Xidov xijjioD

its weight was a talent of gold, and [stone of precious].

Kai r|v 87i( Tr\q KS(pakr\q Aavid Kai gkvXol Tr\q

And it was upon the head of David. And [spoils of the

7i6Xecoc; e^fjvsyKe noXka acp68pa 31+ Kai xov Xaov

city he brought forth much exceedingly]. And the people,

xov ev aDifj e^fjyaye Kai s0t|ks sv icq 7ipiovi Kai

the one in it, he led out and put [them] to the saw, and

sv Toiq xpiPoAxnc; xoic; aiSrjpofc; Kai aKS7idpvoi(;

to the threshing-machines of iron, and adz

oi5r|poic; Kai 8rfjyaysv aDxotic; 81a xod 7rAav0k&gt;D Kai

of iron. And he led them through the brick-kiln. And

odxcoc; £7rovr|a£ 7rdaaic; xaic; noXsaiv dicov Ajijicbv

thus he did to all the cities of [the] sons of Ammon.

Kai aveaxps\j/s Aain8 Kai naq o Xaoq eic; IepoDaaAr||i

And David returned and all the people to Jerusalem.

13 r

1+ Kai eyevexo jiexd xatixa Kai r|v xco ApeaaXcb|i

And it happened after these [things], that there was [to] Absalom,

mcb AaviS a8eAxpf| koXj\ xco e(8ei acp68pa Kai

son of David, a sister good to the sight, exceedingly. And

ovojia avTT\ 0ajidp Kai r|yd7rr|asv aDxfjv Ajivcbv vioq

her name was Tamar, and [ loved her Amnon son

Aai)(8 2 + Kai eGAipexo Ajivcbv cbaxe appcoaxeiv 8id

of David]. And Amnon was afflicted so as to be ill over

0ajidp xrjv a8sAxpf|v aDxoD 6x1 7iap6evoc; rjv aDxrj Kai

Tamar his sister, for [ a virgin she was], and

D7i8poyKov sv ocpGaXjiofc; Ajivcbv xod 7ioif|aai xi

it was an enormous [thing] in [the] eyes of Amnon to do anything

aDxfj 3 + Kai Tjv xco Ajivcbv sxaipoc; Kai ovojia aDxcb

to her. And there was a companion to Amnon, and his name

IcovaSdp vioq Sajiad xod a5eAxpoD AaDi8 Kai

[was] Jonadab son ofShimeah the brother of David. And

Icova8dp Tjv cppovijioq acp68pa 4 + Kai ei7isv aDxcb

Jonadab was [practical exceedingly]. And he said to him,

xi aoi 6x1 odxcoc; aaQsvr\q xo7ipcoi 7ipcoi Die

What [is it] to you that thus [you are] weak morning [by] morning, O son

xod PaaiAicoc; odk a7tayysA,sic; jioi Kai 8i7isv aDxcb

of the king? Will you not report it to me? And [ said to him

13 v sv tootco + vtica 10-2 Samuel

Ajivcbv 0ajidp xrjv a5eAxpf|v tod a5sAxpoi) jiod

Amnon], Tamar, the sister of my brother

ApeaoaAxbji sycb aya7icb 5 + Kai ei7rev auxcb Icova5dp

Absalom, I love. And [ said to him Jonadab],

Koi|ifj6r|Ti 87ii xrjv KoiTTjv gov Kai |iaA,aKia6r|xi Kai

Go to bed in your bed, and be as infirm! and

eiaeXstiaexai o 7iaxf|p aoi) tod i8siv as Kai epeig

[ will enter your father] to see you. And you shall say

7ipoc; auxov 8X08TCO 5r| 0a|idp T| a5eAxpf| [iov Kai

to him, Let [ come indeed Tamar my sister] and

\j/co|iiadTCO |i8 Kai 7ioir|adxcD rax' o(pdak[iovq [iov

feed me! and let her make [before my eyes

Ppcbjia 07TCDC; (5co Kai cpdyco sk xrjc; XBipoq auxfjc; 6+

food] ! so that I should see, and eat from her hand.

Kai SKoi|if|9r| Ajivcbv Kai rjppcbaxrjae Kai eiafjXGsv o

And Amnon went to bed, and became as ill. And [ entered the

fiaaiksvq i8s(v auxov Kai si7isv Ajivcdv npoq xov

king] to see him. And Amnon said to the

PaaiAia eABexoo 8r| 0a|idp rj a8eAxpf| jiod 7rpoq |is

king, Let [ come indeed Tamar my sister] to me!

Kai KoAAupiadxco sv ocpBa^jiofc; jiod Svo KoAlupiSac;

and let [her] bake [ before my eyes two biscuits] !

Kai cpdyojiai 8K xrjc; %eipoc; avTT\q ? + Kai

and I will eat from her hand. And

afteaxeiXe Aam8 7rpoq 0a|idp sic; xov oikov Aiyoov

David sent for Tamar to the house, saying,

7ropsi)9r|xi 5r| sic; xov oikov Ajivcqv xod aSeAxpou gov

Go indeed to the house of Amnon your brother,

Kai 7rovr|aov auxcb Ppcbjia 8 + Kai S7iop8D0r| 0ajidp eic;

and make food for him! And Tamar went to

xov oikov Ajivcbv aSsAxpou avxr\q Kai auxoc;

the house of Amnon her brother. And [with] him

Koi|icb|ievoc; Kai eXaPe xo axaiq Kai ecpupaae Kai

being in bed, that she took the dough and mixed it, and

eKoAAtipiae Kax' ocpBa^jiotic; avzov Kai f|\|/r[as xac;

made biscuits before his eyes, and baked the

KoAAupiSac; 9 + Kai eAxxPe xo xfjyavov Kai

biscuits. And she took the frying pan, and

KaxsKsvooasv evamiov avzov Kai odk r|9eAr|ae

emptied [it] before him, and he did not want

cpaydv Kai ei7rev Ajivcbv s^aydyexs rcdvxa dv5pa arco

to eat. And Amnon said, Lead out every man from

S7idvco6sv |iod Kai e^qyayov rcdvxa dv5pa S7idvco6sv

about me! And they led out every man about


13 r ev tootco + vuca 10 -2 Samuel

avTOV io+ Kai 817TSV Ajivcbv npoq 0aji&amp;p siaevsyKs

him. And Amnon said to Tamar, Carry in

(ioi to ppcbjia sic; to KoiTcbva Kai cpayojiai sk

to me the food to the bedroom! and I shall eat from out of

Tr\q X 8l P°^ cod Kai skafis 0ajidp xaq KoAA,Dp(8ac; aq

your hand. And Tamar took the biscuits which

£7io(r|ae Kai siafjveyKe tcd Ajivcdv a8eAxpcb avTT\q ziq

she made, and carried [them] [to] Amnon her brother, into
tov KoiTcbva n+ Kai 7rpoafjyay£v airccb tod cpayeiv Kai

the bedroom. And she brought to him to eat. And

£7TSAXXPST0 aDTTjC; Kai 817TSV aDTTj 5sDpO KOlJlfjGrjTl

he took hold of her, and said to her, Come, go to bed

|IST' SJIOD aSe^Cpfj |IOD 12 + Kai S17CSV ai)TC0 JJTj

with me my sister! And she said to him, No,

a8eAxps jiod |ir| Ta7i8ivcbar|(; jis 8i6ti od

O my brother, you should not abase me, for it shall not

7ioir|0f|O8Tai odtgoc; sv IapafjA, jlit| 7corfjarjc;

be done so in Israel. You should not do

ttjv acppoaDvrjv TaDTTjv 13 + Kai sycb 7cod a7ioiaco

this folly. And I, where shall I carry away

to 6vei86c; |iod Kai ai) sarj coq eic; tcdv acppovoov sv

my scorn? And you will be as one of the fools in

IapafjX Kai vdv XdAxjoov 8r| npoq tov PaoiAia 6ti

Israel. And now, speak indeed to the king! for

od |ir| KGoAriari jie a7co aoD h+ Kai odk rjBeAxjasv

in no way will he restrain me from you. And [ did not want

Ajivcbv tod D7iaKODaai Tr\q (pcovfjq aDTfjc; Kai

Amnon] to hear her voice. And

SKpaTaicoasv D7isp aDTfjv Kai £Ta7C£ivcoa£v aDTfjv Kai

he powered over her, and abased her, and

SKOi|if|9r| |I8t' avTT\q 15+ Kai ejjiarjasv aDTfjv Ajivcbv

went to bed with her. And [ detested her Amnon]

[daoq jieya acp68pa 6ti jieya to [daoq o

[with an] [ hatred great exceedingly]; for so great [was] the hatred which

sjjiarjasv aDTfjv D7csp tt|v ayd7crjv rjv rjyd7rrjaev

he detested her, [that it was] above the love which he loved

aDTTjv Kai S17T8V aDTTj Ajivcbv avdaTT|0i Kai rcopeDOD

her. And [ said to her Amnon], Rise up and go!

16+ Kai S17T8V aDTcb 0ajidp 6ti jieydAxj rj KaKia

And [ said to him Tamar] that, Great [is] the [ evil

T| Sa%dTr| D7T8p TTJV 7ipCOTr|V T|V 718710 VrjKac; |IST' SJIOD

last] over the first which you do with me,


13 v ev toutco + vtica 10-2 Samuel

tod 8^a7roaTs(Xa( (is Kai odk r|9sAr|aev Ajivcbv

to send me away. And [ did not want Amnon]

aKODaai Tr\q cpcovfiq avTT\q n+ Kai SKdXeae

to hearken to her voice. And he called

to 7iai8dpiov aDTOD tov 7cpos&lt;xrr|K6Ta tod oikod aDTOD

his servant set over his house,

Kai 817T8V aDTcb e^a7c6aTSiAx)v 8r| tocdttjv an sjiod

and said to him, Send indeed this [one] from me

8^oo Kai a7i6KA,8iaov tt|v Gtipav O7i(aco aDTfjq i 8 + Kai

outside, and lock the door after her! And


upon her was an inner garment with long sleeves, for thus

svsSiSdctkovto ai GDyaTspec; tod PaaiAiooc; ai

[ dressed the daughters of the king], the

7iap0svoi todc; ^mvhmaq aDTcbv Kai e^fjyayev aDTfjv

virgins, the ones with their outer garments. And [ led her

o ^siTODpyoq aDTOD s^co Kai a7isKA£ias tt|v Gtipav

minister his] outside, and locked the door

O7i(aco aDTfjc; 19+ Kai sAxxPs 0ajidp a7io86v Kai

after her. And Tamar took ashes, and

87T86r|KSV 8711 TTJV K8(paAx|V aDTfjc; Kai tov %rccbva TOV

put [them] upon her head. And the inner garment, the one

Kap7TCOT6v TOV 871 ' aDTTJ^ 8l8ppT|^8 Kai 87C86r|K8

with long sleeves, the one upon her, she tore; and she put

Tag %8ipac; aDTfjc; S7c( tt|v KecpaAxjv aDTfjc; Kai 87cop8D6r|

her hands upon her head, and she went

7cop8DO|i8vr| Kai Kpd^oDaa 20+ Kai 8i7cs aDTfj

going and crying out. And [ said to her

A(3saaXcb|i o aSsAxpoc; aDTfjc; |ir| Ajivcbv o a8sAxpoc; aoD

Absalom her brother], [Has] Amnon your brother

ysyovsv (iSTd aoD Kai vdv a8eAxpf| jiod KcbcpsDaov

been with you? And now my sister be silent!

6ti aSsAxpoc; aoD aDToq jirj dr\q ttjv Kap8(av aoD

for [ [is] your brother he]. Do not put [it to] your heart

Xahf\aai ti Kai £Kd6iae 0ajidp SK\j/D%ODoa ev too

to say anything! And Tamar sat expiring in the

oiKco ApeaaAxbji tod aSsAxpoD avTT\q 21 + Kai o PaaiXeDc;

house of Absalom her brother. And king

AaDiS fjKODasv 7cdvTac; todc; Xoyovq todtodc; Kai

David heard all these words, and

s0D|icb9r| acp68pa 22+ Kai odk sAxxArjaev ApsaaAxbji

was enraged exceedingly. And [ did not speak Absalom]


8V TOUT© + VlKa

10-2 Samuel

jisxd Ajivcbv a7io KaKOD scoq ayaGoD on

with Amnon of bad or good, for

sjiiosi ApsaaXcbji tovAjivcov av0' cov STa7is(vcoas

Absalom detested Amnon for which he abased

0ajidp tt|v a8sAxpf|v avzov 23 + Kai eysvexo jisxd

Tamar his sister. And it came to pass after

8i8TT|pi8a r||ispcbv Kai fjaav KeipovTsg too ApsaaXcbji

two whole years of days, that they were shearing [for] Absalom

sv BaaAxxacbp tt| 7iapd Ecppaiji Kai

in Baal-hazor, the one by Ephraim. And

SK&amp;Xsaev ApsaaXcbji 7idvTac; todc; viovq tod PaaiXeooc;

Absalom called all the sons of the king.

24+ Kai fjXGev ApsaaXcbji npoq tov paaiAia Kai si7i8v

And Absalom came to the king, and said,

l80D 8r| KSipODCTl TOO 5odAxj0 CTOD 7ropSD0fjTCD 5r| o

Behold indeed, [ shears your servant]. Let [ go indeed the

fiaaiksvq Kai 01 naiSzq avzov jisxd tod 5odXod (TOD 25 +

king], and his servants with your servant.

Kai S17T8V o Paai^sDc; 7ipoq ApeaaAxbji |xq 5r|

And [ said the king] to Absalom, No indeed,

DlS |IOD OD |IT| 7TOpSD6cb|I8V 7ldVTSC; T[[isiq Kai OD (IT|

O my son, in no way should we all go ourselves, and in no way

KaTaPapDV0cb|isv em os Kai KaTsPid^eTO aDTOV Kai

should we be burdensome upon you. And [Absalom] constrained him, and

odk rjGsArjas tod 7iopsD0f|vai Kai SD^oyrjasv

[the king] did not want to go, but he blessed

aDTOV 26+ Kai S17T8V ApsaaAxbji Kai si jlit| 7iopeD0fjTCD

him. And Absalom said, And if not, let [ go

8r| |is9' rjjicbv Ajivcbv o adzXyoq jiod Kai ei7iev

indeed with us Amnon my brother] ! And [ said

aDTcb o PaaiXeDc; ivaTi 7ropsD6fi jiSTd aoD 27+ Kai

to him the king], Why should he go with you? And

KaTsPidaaTO aDTOV Afisaakcbii Kai a7i8aTSiXs jist'

[ constrained him Absalom], and he sent with

aDTOD tov Ajivcbv Kai 7idvTac; todc; viovq tod

him Amnon, and all the sons of the

PaaiAicoc; 28+ Kai svstsiAxxto ApeaaAxbji toic;

king. And Absalom gave charge [to]

7iai8ap(oic; aDTOD Aiycov (5sts cdc; av aya0DV0f| rj

his servants, saying, Behold, when ever [ [feels] good the

Kap8(a Ajivcbv sv too oivoo Kai si7ico itpoq v[idq

heart of Amnon] with the wine, and I should say to you,


13 v sv xoiJTCp + vdca 10 -2 Samuel

7caxd^axs xov Ajivcbv Kai Gavaxcbaaxe auxov |ir|

Strike Amnon and put him to death! you should not

(poPr|0f|T8 on ov%i sycb o evxsAlojisvoc; v[iiv

fear. For is it not I giving charge to you?

avSpi^eaBe Kai yivsaGe eic; viovq 8i)vd|iecoc; 29+ Kai

Be manly and become as sons of power! And

S7ro(r|aav xa 7cai8dpia ApeaaAxb|i xco Ajivcbv KaGd

[ did the servants of Absalom] to Amnon as

svsxsiAxxxo (xdxoic; Kai aveaxrjaav 7cdvxec; 01 moi xou

he gave charge to them. And [ rose up all the sons of the

PaaiXeooc; Kai S7i8pr|aav SKaaxoq £7U

king], and [ mounted each] upon

xrjv r||iiovov avTOV Kai ecpuyav 30+ Kai syevexo auxcbv

his mule, and they fled. And it came to pass of their

ovxcov sv xrj o5cb Kai r| aKofj r\kdz itpoq Aavid

being in the way, that the report came to David

Xsyovxcov 87idxa^8V ApsaaXcbji 7cdvxac; zovq viovq xou

saying, Absalom struck all the sons of the

PaaiAiooc; Kai od KaxsXsicpBrj auxcbv ou8s 8l(^ 31 +

king, and did not leave behind of them not even one.

Kai avsaxrj o fiaaikvbq Kai Sieppr^e xa ijidxia avzov

And [ rose up the king], and tore his clothes,

Kai £Koi|ifj6r| S7Ti xrjc; yrjc; Kai 7cdvxsc; 01 7ia(5sc; avzov

and laid upon the ground. And all his servants

01 7rspieaxcbx£c; auxcb Sieppr^av xa ijidxia auxcbv 32 + Kai

standing around him tore their clothes. And

a7i8Kpi6r| Icova8dp vioq Sajiad aSeAxpoi) AaviS Kai

[answered Jonadab son ofShimeah brother of David] and

81718 |ir| 8i7cdxco o Kopioc; jioi) o fiaaiksvq oxi 7cdvxa

said, Let not [ say my master the king] that all

xa 7cai8dpia zovq viovq xod PaaiAiooc; eGavdxooaev

the boys of the sons of the king he put to death!

aXk' r| Ajivcbv jiovcbxaxoq a7cs6avev oxi S7U axojiaxoq

but only Amnon alone died, for by [the] mouth

ApsaaAxbji r|v ksijisvoc; a7co xrjc; rjjispac; r\q

of Absalom it was situated to be from the day of which

sxa7C8ivcoa8 0ajidp xrjv aSeXcpfjv avzov 33 + Kai vuv |ir|

he abased Tamar his sister. And now, let not

GsaGco o Kopioc; jiou o fiaaikzvq S7U

[ put my master the king] [ upon

xrjv KapSiav avzov pfj|ia Aiycov 6x1 7cdvxec; 01 moi

his heart [the] matter] ! saying that, All the sons

13 v ev xoiJTCp + vdca 10 -2 Samuel

tod PaaiAiooc; arcsGavov on aXk' r\ Ajivcbv

of the king died; for only Amnon

(lovcbxaioq arceGavs 34+ Kai arceSpa ApeaaAxb|i Kai fjpe

alone died. And Absalom ran away. And [ lifted

to 7iai5dpiov o aK07ioc; todc; o(pdak[iovq avzov Kai

the servant watchman] his eyes and

s(5s Kai i8od Xaoq noXvq 7iopsD6|ievoc; ev xr|

looked. And behold, [ people [there were] many] going in the

o8cb 67iia0sv avTOV sk nkzvpaq tod opoDc; 35 + Kai

way behind him from out of [the] side of the mountain. And

817T8V IcovaSdp rcpoc; tov PaaiAia i5od 01 dioi tod

Jonadab said to the king, Behold, the sons of the

PaaiXecoq 7idp£iai KaTd tov Xoyov tod 8odXod aoD

king are at hand; according to the word of your servant,

ODTCoq ysyovev 3 6+ Kai eysveTO rjviKa oDVSTe^eae

thus it has happened. And it came to pass when he completed

XaXcbv Kai i5od 01 dioi tod PaaiXeooc; r\kdov Kai

speaking, that behold, the sons of the king came and

S7if|pav ttjv cpcovfiv aDTcbv Kai SK^aDaav Kai ys o

lifted up their voice and wept. And indeed the

PaaiXsDc; Kai rcavTec; 01 7ia(5ec; aDTOD EKkavaav

king and all his servants wept

kAxxdGjiov jisyav acp68pa 37+ Kai ApeoaAxb|i a7ie5pa

[ weeping great an exceedingly]. And Absalom ran away,

Kai S7iop8D0r| 7ipoc; 0oA,|ii diov A|iiod8 PaaiXea

and he went to Talmai, son of Ammihud, king

rsafjp Kai 87isv9r|asv o PaaiXeDc; £7U tov diov aDTOD

of Geshur. And [ mourned the king] over his son

naaaq Tag rjiispaq 38+ Kai ApsaaAxb|i scpDye Kai

all the days. And Absalom fled and

a7if|A,08v sic; Tsar\p Kai rjv SKei sttj Tpia 39+ Kai

went forth unto Geshur, and he was there [years three]. And

8K67iaas to 7rvsD|ia tod PaaiAiooc; AaDi8 tod s^sABsiv

[ abated the spirit of king David] to go forth

S7Ti ApsaaXcbji 6ti 7iapsKXf|6r| D7rep Ajivcbv 6ti

unto Absalom; for he was comforted concerning Amnon, that


he died.


14 V

8V TOUT© + VlKa

10 -2 Samuel

14 7^

i+ rai syvco Icodp vioq Sapoma 6xi r| KapSia tod

And [ knew Joab son of Zeruiah] that the heart of the

PaaiXscoc; S7Ti ApeaaAxbji 2 + Kai a7isaxsiXsv Icodp

king [was] towards Absalom. And Joab sent

sic; 08KOD8 mi slapsv SK8108V yuvaiKa aocpfjv Kai

to Tekoah, and he took from there [woman a wise]. And

81718 7rpoc; aDxfjv 7rsv6r|aov 5r| Kai svSuaai ijidxia

he said to her, You mourn indeed, and put on [ garments

7isv0iKd Kai |ir| aXsnj/rj sAmov Kai earj coc; yuvfj

mournful], and do not anoint [yourself] with oil, and be as a woman

rjjispac; noXkaq mvQovaa S7U ts9vt|k6ti 3 + Kai

[days for many mourning] for one having died! And

fj^sicj 7ipoc; xov PaaiXsa Kai XaArjasic; npoq auxov

you shall come to the king, and you shall speak to him

Kaxd to pfjjia xouxo Kai s0sxo Icodp xodc; Xoyovq sm

according to this thing. And Joab put the words into

xco axojiaxi auxfjc; 4 + Kai siafjXGsv r| yuvfj r\ 0skoditicj

her mouth. And [ entered the Tekoahite woman]

7tpoc; xov PaaiAia Kai S7isasv S7U 7rp6oco7iov avTT\q

to the king, and she fell upon her face

sic; xrjv yrjv Kai 7ipoasK6vr|asv auxco Kai si7is

to the ground, and she did obeisance to him. And she said,

acbaov PaaiXsD ocbaov 5 + Kai si7is npoq auxfjv o

Deliver, O king, deliver! And [ said to her the

fiaaiksvq xi aoi sail r| 8s si7is Kai [iaXa yvvr\ %r\pa

king], What to you is it? And she said, By all means [ woman a widow

syco sijii Kai a7is6avsv o avfjp jiod 6+ Kai ys xrj

I am], and [died my husband]. And indeed [to]

8oi)Ar| aoi) Svo vioi Kai s|ia%saavxo ajicpoxspoi sv

your maidservant [are] two sons, and they [ quarreled both] in

xco aypcb Kai odk r|v o s^aipoujisvoc; avajisoov

the field, and there was no one for rescuing between

auxcbv Kai S7iaiasv o sic; xov sva aSsAxpov avzov

them, and [ hit the one] [ one brother his],

Kai sGavdxcoas auxov ? + Kai i5ot3 S7iavsaxr| 6h\ r\

and killed him. And behold, [ rose up entire the

7iaxpid 7ipoc; xrjv 8ot3Ax|v aoi) Kai si7iav doq xov

family] against your maidservant, and they said, Give [over] the

7ia(aavxa xov aSsAxpov ai)xoi3 Kai Gavaxcoaojisv auxov

one hitting his brother, and we shall kill him,


14 V

8V TOUT© + VlKa

10 -2 Samuel

aVTl TY\q yV%T\q Tao Oc8sX(pOT3 aDXOD OV a7lSKTSlV8

on account of the life of his brother whom he killed;

Kai e^apoDjiev xov KAxjpovojiov Kai aPeaGfjaexai

and we shall take away the heir. And [so] they shall extinguish

xov &amp;v9paK&amp; jiod xov KaxaXeupBevxa cbaxs |ir| 0ea0ai

my [spark] of coal, the one being left behind [to me], so as to not establish

tco av8pi jiod KaxaXeijijia Kai ovojia S7ri 7ipoaco7roD

[to] my husband a vestige and name upon [the] face

Tr\q yr\q 8 + Kai ei7isv o fiaaiksvq itpoq xr|v yDvauca

of the earth. And [ said the king] to the woman,

rcopsDOD sic; xov oikov aoD DyiaivoDaa Kayca

Go to your house being in health! and I

evxs^oDjiai 7iep( aoD 9+ Kai ei7iev r| yovfj r|

will take charge concerning you. And [ said woman the

0SKODiTic; 7rpoc; xov PaaiAia Kopis jiod fiaaiksv S7i'

Tekoahite] to the king, O my master, O king, upon

S|i8 T| a5iKia Kai S7ri xov oikov xod nazpoq jiod

me [be] the iniquity, and upon the house of my father!

Kai o fiaaikvbq Kai o Gpovoq aDXOD aGcboq 10+ Kai

and the king and his throne [be] innocent! And

S17T8V o fiaaiksvq o ^aAxrovxa 7ipoc; as pfjjia

[said the king], The one speaking to you a word,

dyays ai)xov 7ipoc; sjis Kai od jjt| 7ipoa0f|aei sxi

lead him to me! and in no way shall anyone proceed yet

d\j/aa0a( aoD n+ Kai si7isv r| yovfj |ivr|a0f|xco 8r| o

to touch you. And [ said the woman], Let now [ remember indeed the

fiaaikvbq xod KDpiOD 0sod aoi) 7iAx|0DV0f|vai ayxiaxsa

king] the LORD your God! to multiply a relative

xod aijiaxoc; xod 8ia(p0e(pai Kai od jlit| s^dpcoai

for blood to utterly destroy, and in no way take away

XOV DlOV (IOD Kai S17T8 KDpiOCj OD 7TSaSlXai a7TO XTjCj

my son. And he said, As [the] LORD lives, there shall not fall of the

xpi%6c; xod diod aoD S7ri xrjv yrjv 12 + Kai ei7isv r|

hair of your son upon the ground. And [said the

yDvfj AxxAxjadxco 8r| r| 8odAx| aoD npoq xov Kopiov jiod

woman], Let [ speak indeed your maidservant] to my master

xov PaaiAia pf||ia Kai ei7is AxxArjaov 13+ Kai si7isv r|

the king a thing! And he said, Speak! And [said the

yDvfj ivaxi s^oyiaco odxcoc; S7ri A,a6v 0£od Kai sk

woman], Why have you imputed thus upon [the] people of God? Yes, by

xod Xaksiv xov PaaiAia xov Xoyov xodxo coq

[ speaking the king] this word [it is] as


14 V

8V TOUT© + VlKa
10 -2 Samuel

7rA,r||i|i8A,8ia tod jitj e7iiaxpe\j/ai xov PaaiAia xov

a trespass, [ to not return for the king] the one

s^coojievov an avzov u+ 6xi Gavdxoo a7io0avoD|i£6a

being thrust away by him. For to death we shall die,

Kai cba7T8p xo i35cop xo sk%s6|I£vov S7i( xrjv yrjv od

and as the water being discharged upon the earth, not

aDva%6fja£xai Kai od Axj\j/exai o Geoc; \|/D%f|v Kai

being gathered together; that [ not God shall] take [the] life; yet

sXoyiaaxo Xoyiajiov xod jjt| a7icbaaa6ai an ocdxod

he himself devises a device [to] not thrust away from him

a7icoa|i8vov i 5 + Kai vdv D7iep cav fjKco AxxAxjaai

[the] one being thrusted away. And now for which I came to speak

7ipoc; xov PaaiAia xov Kopiov jiod xo Xoyov xodxov 6xi

to [ the king my master] this word, for

6\j/sxa( |i8 o Xaoq Kai epei r| 8odAx| aoD XaAxjadxco

[ see me the people]; and [ will say maidservant your], Let [ speak

8r| t| 8odAt| aoD npoq xov Kopiov jiod xov PaaiAia

indeed your maidservant] to my master the king,

ei7i(joc; 7ioif|ar| o fiaaikzvq xo pf||ia

if by any means [ shall do the king] the matter

xtj^ 7iai8(oKT|^ aDxoD 16+oxi aKODasi o PaaiXstic;

of his maidservant; for [ shall hear the king]

pDadaGco xrjv 8odAx|v aDxoD sk X 8l P 0( ^ tod av8p6q

to rescue his maidservant from out of [the] hand of the man

xod ^rjxoDvxoq s^dpai |is Kai xov diov jiod a7io

seeking to take me away, and my son, from

KArjpovojjiac; 0sod n+ Kai epsi rj 8odAt| aoD ysvr|6f|xco

[the] inheritance of God. And said your maidservant, Let

8r| o Xoyoq xod KopioD jiod xod PaaiAiooc; sic;

indeed the word of my master the king be as an

0Da(av 6xi Kadcbq dyysXoc; 6sod odxcdc;

[accepted] sacrifice. For as a messenger of God, thus [is]

o KDpioq jiod o fiaoiksvq xod aKODSiv xo koXov Kai

my master the king, to hear the good and

xo 7iovr|p6v Kai KDpioq o 0e6c; aoD eaxai jisxd aoD

the bad; and [the] LORD your God will be with you.

i8+ Kai a7T8Kpi9r| o PaaiXeDc; Kai si7is xtj yDvaiKi

And [ answered the king] and said to the woman,

|xq 8r| KpD\j/r|c; ait' sjiod xo pfj|ia o av sycb

You should not indeed hide from me the matter which ever I

£7T£pcDxfjacD as Kai 8i7isv rj yDvfj AxxArjadxoo 8r|

shall ask you. And [ said the woman], Let [ speak indeed


14 v

8V TOUT© + VlKa

10 -2 Samuel

o Kopioc; jiod o fiaaikzvq 19+ Kai sircsv o fiaaikvbq

my master the king]! And [said the king],


[Is] not the hand of Joab in all this with you? And

a7T8Kpi6r| Kai sircsv r| jvvr\ xco PaaiXsi

[ answered and said the woman] to the king, [As] [ lives

T| \|/D%f| OOD KDpiS |IOD fiCLOlkzV 81 SCJXIV SICJ Xa

your soul], O my master, O king, since there is [no turning] to the

5s^id r| sic; xa apioxspd sk rcavxcov cov sA,dAx|asv

right or to the left of all which [ spoke

o Kopioc; jiod o fiaaikzvq 6xi o dovXoq gov Icodp

my master the king], for your servant Joab

avToq svsxsdaxo jioi Kai avzoq sGsxo sv xco

himself gave charge to me, and he put [ in the

oxojiaxi xrjc; 8odAx|c; ctod rcdvxac; xodc; Xoyovq xodxodc; 20 +

mouth of your maidservant all these words].

svsksv xod 7rspisA,6siv xo 7rp6aco7rov

So as for [ to come about the face

xod pfjjiaxoc; xodxod S7iovr|asv o SovXoq gov Icodp

of this matter], [ prepared your servant Joab]

xov Xoyov xodxov Kai o Kopioc; jiod o fiaGikzvq oocpoc;

this thing. And my master the king [is] wise

KaGcoq aocpia ayysA,OD xod 0sod xod yvcbvai rcdvxa

as [the] wisdom of a messenger of God, to know all

xa sv xrj yrj 21+ Kai sircsv o Paai^sDc; rcpoc; Icodp

the [things] in the land. And [ said the king] to Joab,

i5od 8r| rcsrcovqKd aoi Kaxd xov Xoyov gov xodxov

Behold, indeed I do to you according to [ your word this].

rcopsDOD src(axps\j/ov xo rcaiSdpiov xov ApsaaAxbji 22 +

Go return the young man Absalom!

Kai srcsasv Icodp srci rcpoacorcov aDxoD srci xrjv yrjv

And Joab fell upon his face upon the ground,

Kai rcpoasKwrjos Kai SDA,6yr|as xov paoilsa Kai

and did obeisance, and blessed the king. And

sircsv Icodp afjjispov syvco o dovXoq gov 6x1 SDpov

Joab said, Today [ knows your servant] that he found

Xdpiv sv ocpGaXjioiq aoD KDpis jiod Paai^sD 6x1

favor in your eyes, O my master, O king, for

srcorrjasv o KDpioq jiod o PaaiXstic; xov Xoyov

[ did my master the king] the matter


for his servant.


14 v


10 -2 Samuel

23 + Kai avsaxrj Icodp Kai S7iopsT39r| sic; rsootip Kai

And Joab rose up and went into Geshur, and

fjyaye xov ApeaaXcb|i siq IspoDaaAx||i 2 4+ Kai ei7tsv o

he led Absalom into Jerusalem. And [ said the

fiaaikvbq a7ioaxpa(pfjxco sic; xov oikov aDxoD Kai

king], Let him return to his house, but

to 7ip6aco7r6v jiod |ir| pA£7isxco Kai

[ my face let him not see] ! And

a7i£axps\j/sv ApsaaXcbji eic; xov oikov aDxoD Kai xo

Absalom returned to his house, but the

7ip6aco7rov xod PaaiAicoc; odk s(5s 25+ Kai coc;

face of the king he did not see. And [ as

ApsaaXcbji odkt|v avfjp ev rcavxi IopafjX aivexoc;

Absalom there was no man] in all Israel as [ praiseworthy

acp65pa arco i%vovq 71086c; aDxoD Kai scoc; KopDtpfjc;

exceedingly]. From [the] sole of his foot and unto [the] top


of his [head] ~ there was not [on him a blemish]. And in

xco KsipeaGai aDxov xrjv KscpaAxjv aDxoD Kai eysvexo

his shearing his head, and it took place

a7io Tskovq rjjiepcbv sic; rjjispac; ox' SKsipsxo 6x1

at [the] end of days unto days that he sheared it, for

KaxePaptivsxo S7i' ai)xov Kai Ksipojievoc; (axa xrjv

it became burdensome upon him; and shearing, he set [aside] the

xp(%a xrjc; KecpaAxjc; aDxoD 5iaKoafc&gt;Dc; adcXoDc; sv xco

hair of his head two hundred shekels of the

axaBjicb xco PaaiAiKcb 27+ Kai sxs%6r|aav xoa ApeaaAxbji

[scale-weight royal]. And there was born to Absalom

xpeic; Dioi Kai 6i)ydxr|p |i(a Kai ovojia avTT\q 0ajidp

three sons and [daughter one], and her name [was] Tamar,

ami] Tjv yDvfj Kakr\ acp68pa 28+ Kai

she was [woman goodly an exceedingly]. And

8Kd6iasv Apeoalcbji ev IepoDaaAx||i 5do sxrj r||ispcbv

Absalom stayed in Jerusalem two years of days,

Kai xo 7ip6aco7iov xod PaaiXecoc; odk s(5s 29+ Kai

and the face of the king he did not see. And

a7i8axsiXsv ApsaaAxbji 7ipoc; Icodp xod a7ioaxe(Am

Absalom sent for Joab to send

aDxov 7ipoc; xov PaoiXea Kai odk rjBsArjasv eXGeiv

him to the king, and he did not want to come

7ipoc; aDxov Kai a7isax8iA,sv sxi sk 8£DxepoD 7ipoc;

to him. And he sent again [the] second [time] to


14 V

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

avTOV Kai odk r|0sAx|as 7iapaysvsa0ai 30+ Kai

him, and he did not want to come. And

817T8V ApsaaXcbji npoq zovq SovXovq avzov (88X8 r|

Absalom said to his servants, You know the

jispiq sv aypco tod Icodp s%6|isvd jiod Kai aDTcb

portion in [the] field of Joab being next to mine, and to him

SK8iKpi9a( 7iopsDsa0s Kai 8|i7ipf|aaT8 aircfjv 8V 7TDp(

[is] barley there. You go and burn it by fire!

Kai 8V87ipr|aav 01 SodAxdi ApsaaAxbji sv 7iDp( ttjv

And [ burned the servants of Absalom] by fire the

|isp(8a IcoaP 31+ Kai avsarr| Icodp Kai fjX0s npoq

portion [of the field] of Joab. And Joab rose up, and came to

ApsaaXcbji sic; tov oikov Kai si7is 7ipoc; ai)i6v ivaxi

Absalom, to the house, and said to him, Why did

svs7r6piaav 01 8odXo( aoD xov aypov \xov sv 7ropi 32 +

[ set on fire your servants] my field with fire?

Kai si7isv ApsaaXcbji npoq Icodp i8od a7isaTSiA,a 7ipoc;

And Absalom said to Joab, Behold, I sent to

as Xsycov f|Ks cb8s Kai a7ioaTsAxb as 7ipoc; xov

you, saying, Come here! And I will send you to the

PaaiXsa Aiycov ivaxi f|X0ov sk rsaotip ayaGov

king, saying, Why did I come from out of Geshur? [ good

jioi Tjv tod sivai sksi Kai vdv 6\j/o|iai 8r|

for me It was] to be there. And now, I shall see indeed

7rp6aco7iov tod PaaiAicoc; Kai si saTiv sv sjioi aSiKia

[the] face of the king, and if there is [ in me iniquity]

Kai GavaTCoGfjaojiai 33+ Kai S7iopsD0r| Icodp 7ipoc; tov

then I shall be killed. And Joab went to the

PaaiXsa Kai a7if|yysiA,sv aDTcb Kai SKd^sas

king, and reported to him. And he called

tov ApsaaAxbji Kai siafjA£s 7ipoc; tov paaiAia Kai

Absalom, and he entered to the king, and

7ipoasKDvr|asv aDTcb Kai srcsasv S7ri 7ip6aco7iov aDTOD

he did obeisance to him and fell upon his face

S7U ttjv yrjv svco7iiov tod PaaiXscoq Kai KaTsqnAxjasv

upon the ground before the king. And [ kissed

o PaaiXstic; tov ApsaaAxbfi

the king] Absalom.


15 "ID

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

10 -2 Samuel

15 1t3

i+ Kai eysvexo jisxd xatixa Kai S7iovr|asv sauxcb

And it came to pass after these [things], that [ prepared for himself

ApsaaAxbji dpjiaxa Kai ur7r£ic; Kai 7isvxf|Kovxa avdpaq

Absalom] chariots, and horsemen, and fifty men

7rapaxp8%eiv S|i7ipoa08v avzov 2 + Kai cbpGpiaev

to run along in front of him. And [ rose early

ApsaaXcbji Kai etpiaxaxo S7U xrjc; odov xrjc; 7ivXr\q

Absalom], and stood at the way of the gate.

Kai syevsxo naq avfjp co eysvexo Kpiaiq Kai

And it came to pass every man in which had a case, and

fjp%sxo 7ipoc; xov PaaiXea eic; Kpiaiv Kai skoXsi

came to the king for a judgment, that [ called

avzov ApsaaXcbji Kai eA,eyev auxcb sk 7io(ac;

him Absalom], and said to him, From out of of what

7t6Xscdc; &lt;td si Kai e^eyev sk jiidc; xcov (pvXfov

city are you? And he said, [ [is] from one of the tribes

IapafjX o SovXoq gov 3 + Kai ei7ie npoq auxov

of Israel your servant]. And [said to him

o ApsaaXcbji idov oi A,6yoi oou ayaGoi Kai euKoAm

Absalom], Behold, your words [are] good and well-tempered;

Kai o aKoucov odk eaxi aoi 7iapd xod PaaiAicoc; 4 +

but [ hearing no one there is] you from the king.

Kai S17T8V ApeaaAxbji xic; |ie Kaxaaxfjaei Kpixfjv ev xr|

And Absalom said, Why shall he [not] place me for judge in the

yr| Kai S7i' sjis e^etiaexai naq avfjp co av r|

land, and [ to me shall come every man] to whom ever there might be

avxiAx&gt;y(a Kai Kpiaic; Kai 8iKaicbaco auxov 5 + Kai

a dispute, and a case, and I will do justice for him. And

eyevexo sv xco eyyi^eiv dv5pa xod 7rpoaKovfjaai auxcb

it came to pass when the [ approached man] to do obeisance to him,

Kai e^exeive xrjv %zipa ocdxod Kai e7ieA,a|ipdvexo avzov

that he stretched out his hand, and took hold of him,

Kai KaxscpiXrjasv auxov 6 + Kai 87io(r|asv ApeaaAxbji

and kissed him. And Absalom did

Kaxd xo pfjjia xotixo rcavxi IapafjA, xoic;

according to this thing to all Israel, to the

7iapayivo|isvoic; sic; Kpiaiv 7ipoc; xov PaaiAia Kai

ones coming for a judgment to the king. And

i8i07ioi8ixo ApsaaXcbji xrjv Kap5(av av8pcbv IopafjX i +

Absalom adopted the heart of [the] men of Israel.


15 "ID

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

Kai sysvsxo arco Tzkovq xsaaapdKovxa sxcov Kai

And it came to pass at [the] end of forty years, that

S17T8V ApsaaAxbji npoq xov rcaxspa avxov 7iopsi)ao|iai

Absalom said to his father, I will go

5r| Kai a7ioxiaco xac; su%dc; [iov aq r|D^d|ir|v xco

indeed and pay my vows which I vowed to the

Kopico sv XsPpcbv 8 +oxi sv%r\v lyo^axo o SovXoq gov

LORD in Hebron. For [ a vow vowed servant your]

sv xco oiKsiv |is sv rsaotip sv Zvpia Aiycov sdv

in my living in Geshur in Syria, saying, If

S7riaxpscpcov S7iiaxps\j/r| (is o Kopioc; sic; IspoDaaAx||i

in returning [ shall return me the LORD] to Jerusalem,

Kai Axxxpstiaco xco Kopico 9+ Kai si7isv auxcb o

then I will serve to the LORD. And [ said to him the

fiaaiksvq pd8i^s sic; sipfjvrjv Kai avaaxdq S7iopsi)0r|

king], Proceed in peace! And rising up he went

sic; Xsppcbv 10+ Kai a7isaxsiA,sv ApsaaAxbji

unto Hebron. And Absalom sent

KaxaoKOTioDCj sic; 7idaac; xac; (pvXaaq xou IapafjA,

spies into all the tribes of Israel,

Aiycov sv xco aKotiaai v[iaq xrjv cpcovfjv xrjc; adAmyyoc;

saying, In your hearing the sound of the trumpet,

Kai spsixs PsPaai^sDKsv ApsoaAxbji sv XsPpcbv u +

that you shall say, [ reigns Absalom] in Hebron.

Kai S7iopsT30r|aav jisxd ApsaaAxbji 5iaKoaioi dv5psq

And [ went with Absalom two hundred men

s^ IspoDaaArjji smKArjxoi Kai S7iopsi)ovxo

from out of Jerusalem chosen]; and they went

a7iX6xr|xi Kai oi)Kf|8siaav odBsv pf||ia 12+ Kai

in simplicity, and they did not know not one thing. And

arcsaxsiXsv ApsaaAxbji Kai SKd^sas xov A%ix6cpsX xov

Absalom sent and called Ahithophel the

rsAxovaiov &lt;x6|iPoi)Ax)v Aam8 sk xrjc; noXsaq avzov

Gilonite, counselor to David, from out of his city

xrjc; TsXcb sv xco Gusiv ai)xov xac; Guaiac; Kai sysvsxo

Giloh, during his sacrificing the sacrifices. And there was

&lt;y6axps|i|ia ia%i)pov Kai o Xaoq S7iopsi)sxo Kai

[confederation a strong]. And the people went, and

S7rAr|0i)vsxo jisxd ApsaaAxbji 13+ Kai 7iapsy(vsxai

it multiplied with Absalom. And one came

o a7iayysXcov 7ipoc; Aam5 Aiycov sysvfjBrj r| Kap5ia

reporting to David, saying, [ [is] committed The heart


15 "ID

8V TOUT© + VlKa

10 -2 Samuel

av8pcbv IapafjX O7i(aco ApsaaAxbji u + Kai 8i7i8 Aai)i8

of [the] men of Israel] after Absalom. And David said

7r&amp;ai TOiq SovXoiq avToi) |iex' aDxoD sic; IepoDaaAr||i

to all his servants with him in Jerusalem,

avdaxrjxe Kai (pDyoo|iev 6xi odk saxiv r\[dv acoxr|pia

Rise up! for we should flee, for there is no deliverance for us

goto 7ipoaco7roD ApsaaXcbji xaxtivaxe xod 7copsD6f|vai

from [the] face of Absalom. Hasten to go!

(va |ir| xaxDvrj Kai KaxaAxxPrj rjjLidq Kai e^cbarj

that he should not hasten and overtake us, and thrust

scp' r\[iaq xrjv KaKiav Kai 7iaxd^r| xrjv 7i6A.iv sv

[ upon us evil], and should strike the city by

oxojiaxi pojicpaiac; 15+ Kai si7iov 01 naidsq xod

[the] mouth of [the] broadsword. And [ said the servants of the

PaaiAiooc; npoq xov PaaiAia Kaxd 7idvxa 6aa

king] to the king, According to all as much as

aipeixai o Kupioq r||icbv o fiaaikvbq i8od 01 7iai8sc; cjod

seems good to our master the king, behold, [we are] your servants.

16+ Kai s^fjXGev o fiaaiksvq Kai naq o oikoc; aDxoD

And [ went forth the king], and all his house

xoic; 7ioa(v auxcbv Kai acpfjKev o fiaaiksvq 8eKa

[on] their feet. And [ left the king] ten

yDvaiKaq xcov 7caAlaKcbv aDxoD xod cpiAdaasiv xov

women of his concubines to guard the

oikov 17+ Kai s^fjABev o fiaaikzvq Kai 7cdvxec;

house. And [ went forth the king], and all

01 Xaoq clvtov itsipi Kai saxrjaav sv oikco xco jiaKpdv

his people by foot. And they set up in a house far [away].

18+ Kai 7idvxsc; 01 7ca(5ec; aDxoD avd %zipa gdiou

And all his servants [ by his hand

7iapfiyov Kai naq o XspsGi Kai naq o ®eXe0i Kai

passed]. And every Cherethite, and every Pelethite, and

7idvxsc; 01 TsGaioi e^aKooioi dv5pec; oifjKovxec; sk

all the Gittites — six hundred men having come from out of

TsG 718^01 7cap87cop8T3ovxo Kaxd 7Cp6aC07COV XOD

Gath by foot, were passing in front of the

PaaiAiooc; 19+ Kai ei7cev o fiaaikzvq itpoq E0{ xov

king. And [ said the king] to Ittai the

TsGaiov ivaxi 7cop8DT| Kai ctd jieG' r||icbv 87ciaxp8(ps

Gittite, Why should you go even yourself with us? Return

Kai oiksi jisxd xod PaaiAiooc; 6x1 aAloxpioc; si ctd

and live with the king! For you are an alien yourself,


15 "ID

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10-2 Samuel
Kai on jiSTCOKiaaq 8K tod totcod cjod 2 o + si s%0sc;

and because you are displaced from out of your place. Since [ yesterday

rcapaysyovac; &lt;xu Kai af||ispov Kivfjaoo as

you came], then today shall I move you

tod 7iopsDso0ai |is9' r||icbv sycb 8s 7iopsDao|iai od av

to go with us? And I shall go where ever

7iopsDO|iai 7iopsDOD Kai avdcrcpstps todc; aSsAxpoDc; aoD

I shall go. Go, and return your brothers

|ist&amp; aoD Kai KDpioq 7ioif|asi jiSTd aoD skzoq

with you! and [the] LORD shall execute with you an act of kindness

Kai aArjBsiav 21 + Kai a7TSKp{0r| E0{ tco Paai^si Kai

and truth. And Ittai answered the king, and

S17TS KDpiOq Kai O KDpiOq (IOD O PaCTlA^SDC;

said, As [the] LORD lives, and as [ lives my master the king],


that unto the place where ever [ might be my master the

PamlsDc; Kai sdv sic; 0dvaTOV Kai sdv sic; ^cofjv 6ti

king], and if unto death, or if unto life, that

sksi scrcai o Sovkoq ood 22 + Kai si7isv AaDi5 7ipoc; E0(

there [ will be your servant]. And David said to Ittai,

7iopsDOD Kai Sidpaivs jist' sjiod Kai 7iapf|A,0sv E0i

Go, and pass over with me! And [ went Ittai

o rs0a(oc; Kai rcdvTSc; 01 dvSpsc; 01 jist' aDTOD

the Gittite], and all the men, the ones with him,

Kai rcavTSc; 01 itaidzq avzov 23 + Kai 7idaa rj yrj sK^ais

and all his servants. And all the land wept

cpcovfj jisydArj Kai rcac; o Xaoq 7iaps7ropsDOVTO sv

[voice [with a] great]. And all the people passed through

tco xsijidppco tod Ks8pcbv Kai o paai^sDc; 5isPr| tov

the rushing stream of the Kidron. And the king passed over the

XsijidppoDV Ks8pcbv Kai naq o Xaoq 7raps7iopsDSTO

rushing stream Kidron. And all the people came

S7U 7rp6aco7iov o5od tt|v spr||iov 24+ Kai i8od Kai

unto [the] face of [the] way [of] the wilderness. And behold, also

ys Sa8coK Kai rcdvTSc; 01 AsDvcai jiSTd aDTOD

indeed Zadok and all the Levites [were] with him

aipovTSc; tt|v kiPcotov tt|c; 8ia0fjKr|(; tod 0sod Kai

lifting the ark of the covenant of God. And

saTTjaav tt|v Kipocrcov tod 0sod Kai avsprj Apia0dp

they stationed the ark of God. And Abiathar ascended

scoc; S7iaDaaTO naq o Xaoq 7iapsX0siv sk Tr\q

until [ ceased all the people] going out of the


15 "ID

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

7i6Xscoc; 25+ Kai si7isv o fiaaiksvq itpoq SaScbK

city. And [ said the king] to Zadok,

a7i6aTps\j/ov xrjv kiPcotov tod Gsod sic; tt|v 7i6Xiv sdv

Return the ark of God unto the city! If

SDpCO %&amp;piV SV OCpGaXjIOiq KDpiOD Kai S7TiaTpS\j/Sl

I should find favor in [the] eyes of [the] LORD, and he returns

|is Kai 8sft;si iioiaircfjv Kai xrjv SD7ips7i;siav avTT\q 26 +

me, then he shall show it to me, and its beauty.

Kai sdv 8i7ir| odtcoc; odk r|0sAx|Ka sv aoi i8od

And if he should say thus, I have no want in you; behold,

SyCO 7TOISITCO |IOl TO apscrcov SVCb7llOV aDTOD 27+ Kai

I, I let him do to me the pleasing [thing] before him. And

817T8V o fiaaiksvq too SaScbK too ispsi (8sts ctd

[ said the king] to Zadok the priest, Behold, you

S7uaTpscpsic; sic; xrjv 7i6A.iv sv sipfjvrj Kai A%i|idac;

return to the city in peace, and Ahimaaz

o vioq gov Kai Icova0dv o vioq ApiaGdp oi 8do dioi

your son, and Jonathan the son ofAbiathar, the two sons

djicov |is0' djicov 28+ i8od sycb 7ipoo8s%o|iai v[idq sv

of yours with you! Behold, I wait for you in

apaPcoG Tr\q spfj|ioi) scoc; tod sABsiv pf|(ia 7iap'

[the] wilderness of the desert until the coming of a word by

djicov tod a7iayys(Am jioi 29+ Kai a7isaTps\j/s Sa8cbK

you to report to me. And [ returned Zadok

Kai ApiaGdp tt|v kiPcotov tod Gsod sic; IspoDaaArj|i

and Abiathar] the ark of God to Jerusalem,

Kai SKdGiasv sksi 30+ Kai AaDi5 avspaivsv S7ii tt|v

and it stayed there. And David ascended upon the

avdpaaiv tcov sAmcbv avapaivcov Kai KAmcov Kai

ascent of the olive [groves], ascending and weeping, and

v KstpaArj aDTOD S7iiKSKaA,D|i|isvr| Kai avzoq S7iopsDSTO

his head being covered over, and he went

avD7r65sTOc; Kai naq o Xaoq o jist' aDTOD

barefoot. And all the people, the one with him,

S7isKdA,D\j/sv SKacrcoc; avfjp tt|v KscpaAxjv aDTOD Kai

[ covered each man] his head. And

avspaivov avaPaivovTSc; Kai KAmovTsg 31+ Kai

they ascended — ascending and weeping. And

avrjyysAxj too AaDi5 XsyovTsq Kai A%iT6cpsA, sv zoiq

it was announced [to] David, saying, And Ahithophel is among the ones

aD&lt;xcps(po|isvoic; jiSTd ApsaaAxbji Kai si7is AaDiS

confederating with Absalom. And David said,


15 "ID

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

Kopis o Gsoc; |iod 5iaaKs8aaov 5r| rqv PodAt|v

0 LORD my God, efface indeed the counsel

AxixocpsX 32 + Kai r|v Aavid sp%6|isvoc; sooc; tod Pooc; od

of Ahithophel! And David was coming unto Ros, where

7ipoa£Kwr|a£v sksi too Gsob Kai i8od fjKsi sic;

he did obeisance there to God. And behold, [ was come for

a7idvTr|aiv avzov Xodcji o apxiexaipoc; AaviS

meeting him Hushai the chief friend of David],

8isppr|%obc; xov %iTobva avzov Kai yr| S7ii

tearing his inner garment, with earth upon

Tr\q KscpaArjc; avzov 33 + Kai sitcsv aDTob Aavid sdv

his head. And [ said to him David], If

5ieA£r|c; jist' sjiod Kai sarj S7i' sjis cpopxiov 34 +

you should go through with me, then you will be unto me a load.

sdv sic; tt|v 7i6Aiv avaaxpsyrjc; Kai spsfc;

If into the city you should return, then you shall say
to ApsaaAxb|i naiq gov sijii PaoiXsD saaov |is ^fjaai

to Absalom, [ your servant lam], Oking, allow me to live!

7iai(; tod 7raxp6c; aoD r\[ir\v tots Kai apriooc; Kai vdv

[ a servant of your father [for] I was] then and just now, and now

sycb dovXoq aoD Kai 5iaaKs5aa6v jioi tt|v

1 [am] your servant. And [by saying this] efface to me the

PodAx|v A%rc6(psA, 35+ Kai i8od sksi jiSTd aoD £a5obK

counsel of Ahithophel! And behold, there [are] with you Zadok

Kai ApiaGdp 01 ispsfc; Kai scrcai 7iav pf|(ia o av

and Abiathar the priests. And it will be every word which ever

aKODarjc; s^ oikod tod PaaiAiooc; Kai a7rayysA,sic;

you should hear from out of [the] house of the king, that you shall report [it]

too Sa5cbK Kai too ApiaGdp zoiq ispstiaiv 36+ i8od sksi

to Zadok and Abiathar the priests. Behold, [ there

jist' aDTobv 8do dioi aDTobv A%i|idac; o vioq Sa5cbK

[are] with them two sons their], Ahimaaz son of Zadok,

Kai IoovaGdv vioq too ApiaGdp Kai a7ioaTsA,siTS sv

and Jonathan son of Abiathar. And you shall send by

Xsipi aDTobv 7ipoc; (is 7iav pfj|ia o av aKODarjTS 37+

their hand to me every word which ever you should hear.

Kai siafjXGs o STaipoc; Xodcji AaDi5 sic; tt|v nohv

And [ entered the friend Hushai of David] into the city,

Kai ApsaaXobji dpTi sias7iopsDSTO sic; IspoDaaAr||i

and Absalom at present entered into Jerusalem.


16 TO
8V TOOTCp + VlKa

10 -2 Samuel

16 re

i + mi Aavid 8vqAi)e jiiKpov goto xrjc; Pcoc; Kai i8od

And David went through a little [way] from Ros. And behold,

Sipd to 7iai8dpiov MscpiPoaeG fjp%exo sic; a7idvxr|aiv

Ziba the servant of Mephibosheth arrived for meeting

aDxco Kai ^svyoq ovcov S7iiasaay|isvcov Kai S7i'

him, and a pair of donkeys being saddled, and upon

aDTcbv 5iaKoaioi dpxoi Kai oicpi axaqnScov Kai

them two hundred bread loaves, and an ephah of dried grape [clusters], and

eraxov 7iaAxx0ai Kai vspsA, oivod 2 + Kai ei7iev o

a hundred dried [fruit] clusters, and a skin flask of wine. And [ said the

fiaoiksvq npoq Sipd xi xatixd aoi Kai si7i8 Eipd oi

king] to Ziba, What [are] these to you? And Ziba said, The

ovoi xco oikco xod PaaiAicoc; xod S7riPaiveiv Kai 01

donkeys for the household of the king to mount, and the

dpxoi Kai ai 7iaA,d9ai Kai axaqnSec; sic; Ppcbaiv

bread loaves, and the dried [fruit] clusters, and dried grapes for food

xoic; 7iai8ap(oi(; Kai o oivoq itmiv xco skA,sXd|isvco sv

to the servants, and the wine to drink to the one faint in

XT) Spf||IC0 3+ Kai 817T8V O fiaGlkvoq 7TOD SCTXIV O Vl6q

the wilderness. And [ said the king], Where is the son

xod Kupioi) aoi) Kai 81718 Sipd 7ipoc; xov PaaiXsa i5od

of your master? And Ziba said to the king, Behold,

KdGrjxai sv IepoDaaAxjji 6xi si7i8 af||ispov

he sits in Jerusalem, for he said, Today

87iiaxps\j/ODai jioi o oikoc; IapafjA, xrjv PaaiXeiav

[ shall return to me the house of Israel] the kingdom

xod 7raxp6c; jiod 4 + Kai si7iev o fiaaikzvq xco Sipd i5od

of my father. And [ said the king] to Ziba, Behold,

aoi 7idvxa 6aa saxi MscpipoasG Kai ei7rs Sipd

[I give to] you all as much as is Mephibosheth's. And Ziba said,

7ipoaKDVco 8Dpoi|ii %dpiv ev ocpGaXjiok; aoD KDpie jiod

I do obeisance, may I find favor in your eyes, O my master,

PaaiXeD 5 + Kai fjXGev o PaaiXsDc; AaDi8 ecoc; BaoDpiji

O king. And [ came king David] until Bahurim.

Kai i8od 8K8i0sv avfjp 8^S7ropsDsxo 8K 7iaxpidc;

And behold, from there a man came forth from [the] family

oikod ZaovX Kai ovojia aDxcb Esjieii vioq Tr\pd

of [the] house of Saul, and [the] name to him [was] Shimei, son of Gera.

s^fjXGev £K7ropsD6|i£voc; Kai Kaxapcbjievoc; 6 + Kai

He came forth coming and cursing, and


16 TO

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

pdAlcov AiGoic; 87ii tov AaDi8 Kai S7il rcavTac; todc;

throwing stones at David, and at all the

7ia(8ac; tod PaaiXscoc; Aavid Kai naq o Xaoq Kai

servants of king David. And all the people, and

7T&amp;VTSC; oi 8Dvaxo( 8K Se^icov Kai apiaTSpcov tod

all the mighty ones of [the] right and of [the] left of the

PaaiAicoc; ? + Kai odtcoc; si7i8 Sejisi ev

king. And thus Shimei said in

too KaTapdaGai aDTOV s^sA,0e s^sABs avfjp tcov

his cursing, Go forth! go forth! O man of the

aijidTCOv Kai avfjp o 7iapdvo|ioc; 8 + S7isaTps\j/sv S7ri

blood [sheddings], and O man the lawbreaker. [ returned upon

os KDpioq 7idvTa Ta aijiaTa tod oikod HaovX

you [The] LORD] all the blood of the house of Saul,

av0' gov sfiaaiksvoaq avz r avzov Kai s8cok£ Kopioq

because you reigned instead of him. And [the] LORD gave

ttjv PaaiA,s(av sic; %sipac; ApeaaAxb|i tod diod aoD Kai

the kingdom into [the] hand of Absalom your son. And

iSod &lt;td sv TTj KaKia aoD 6ti avfjp aijidTCOv av

behold, you [are taken] in your [own] evil, for [ [are] a man of blood you].

9+ Kai S17T8V Apsaad vioq SapoDia itpoq tov PaaiAia

And [ said Abishai son of Zeruiah] to the king,

ivaTi KaTapdTai o kdcov o TsGvrjKcoc; odtoc;

Why [ curse dog dying [does] this]

tov KDpiov |iod tov PaaiAia Siapfjaojiai 5r| Kai

my master the king? Let me pass indeed! and

acpeAxb tt|v KscpaXfjv aDTOD io+ Kai 8i7isv o fiaoiksvq

I shall remove his head. And [ said the king]

itpoq Apeaad ti sjioi Kai djiiv dioi SapoDia Kai

to Abishai, What [is it] to me and to you, sons of Zeruiah? Even

dcpsTS aDTOV Kai odtcoc; KaTapdaBco 6ti Kopioc; ei7isv

leave him, and thus let him curse! For [the] LORD said

aDTcb KaTapdaGai tov AaDi5 Kai tic; spsi aDTcb ti

to him to curse David. And who shall say to him, Why did

£7rovr|aac; odtcoc; n+ Kai 8i7i8 AaDi5 7ipoc; Apsaad Kai

you do thus? And David said to Abishai, and

7ipoc; 7idvTac; todc; itaidaq aDTOD i8od o vioq jiod o

to all his servants, Behold, my son, the one

e^sXGcbv sk Tr\q KoiAiac; |iod ^rjTSi ttjv \|/D%fjv |iod

coming forth from out of my belly, seeks my life.

Kai 7ipoa8Ti vdv o vioq tod IsjiivaioD dcpsTS aDTOV

And moreover, now the son of the Benjamite. Leave him


16 TO

8V TOUT© + VlKa

10 -2 Samuel

KaxapdaGai oil ei7isv aDTcb icupioq u+ si7r&lt;joc;

to curse! for [told him [the] LORD]. If by any means

(8oi KDpiOCj £V TTJ Ta7TSlVCbaSl |IOD Kai S7TiaTp8\j/8l

[the] LORD may behold in my humiliation, and shall return

(ioi ayaGd avxi Tr\q Kaxdpaq aDTOD xr| r||i£pa Tm3rr| i 3 +

good to me for his curse this day — [so be it!]

Kai £7rop£i)STO AaDi8 Kai 7idvTS(; oi dvSpec; avzov ev

And David went, and all his men in

xr| o8cb Kai Ssjisii S7iopsDSTO Kaxd to Kkhoq TOD

the way; and Shimei went according to the side of the

opoDc; e%6|i£va avzov £7iop£D£TO Kai KarrjpdTO Kai

mountain, being next to him — he went, and cursed, and

zfiaXks Xidovq S7i' avzov Kai tcd %oi 7idaacov u+ Kai

cast stones on him, and [dust strewing]. And

fjA,9ev o fiaaikzvq Kai itaq o Xaoq jist' avzov

[went the king], and all the people with him

£kXs}u)|isvoi Kai avs\j/D^av sksi i 5 + Kai ApsaaXcbji

being faint; and they refreshed there. And Absalom,

Kai naq avfjp IapafjA, siafjA,0ov sic; IspoDaaAxjji Kai

and every man of Israel entered into Jerusalem, and

A%iTO(psA, |I8t' clvtov i 6 + Kai eysvsTO 6ts r\kds

Ahithophel [was] with him. And it came to pass when [ came

Xodoi o apxiSTaipoq Aavid itpoq ApeaaAxbji Kai

Hushai the chief friend of David] to Absalom, that

S17T8 Xodcji to ApeaaAxb|i ^tjtco o fiaoiksvq ^tco o

Hushai said [to] Absalom, As lives the king! As lives the

fiaaiksvq n+ Kai 8i7i8v Apeaa^cbji too Xodcti todto

king! And Absalom said [to] Hushai, Is this

to eXsoq gov jieTd tod eTaipoD aoD ivan odk

your act of kindness with your companion? Why did you not

S7ropsD0r|c; jiSTd tod STaipoD aoD i8+ Kai si7is Xodcji

go with your companion? And Hushai said

7ipoc; tov ApeaaAxbji od%( aXXa KaT67iia6sv od

to Absalom, No, but [following] after whoever

s^sle^aTO KDpioq Kai o Xaoq odtoc; Kai naq avfjp

[the] LORD chooses, and this people, and every man

IapafjA, aDTca saojiai Kai jiSTd aDTOD KaGfjaojiai

of Israel. [ [serving] to him I will be] and [with him I shall sit down].

19+ Kai to 8sDTspov tivi sycb 8odA,8doco od%(

And secondly, to whom shall I serve? [Should I] not

svcb7iiov tod diod aDTOD Ka9d7iep eSoD^SDaa 8vcb7iiov

[serve] before his son? Just as I served before


17 V ev toutco + vtica 10 -2 Samuel

tod naxpoq gov odxcoc; saojiai svco7iiov cjod 20+ Kai

your father, so I will be before you. And

S17T8V ApsaaAxbji npoq A%ix6cpeX 86xe eaDxoic; PodAt|v

Absalom said to Ahithophel, Give [ for yourselves counsel]

ti 7ioifjacD|i£v 21 + Kai 817T8V A%ix6cpeX 7ipoc; A^saak(b[L

what we should do. And Ahithophel said to Absalom,

eiaeXGe npoq xaq 7iaHaKdc; tod naxpoq aoD aq

Enter to the concubines of your father! which

KaTsXurs cpD^daasiv xov oikov ocdtod Kai aKODaexai

he left behind to guard his house. And [ shall hear

iiaq la par\k 6x1 KaxfjaxDvac; xov rcaxepa aoD Kai

all Israel] that you disgraced your father, and

svia%DaoDaiv ai xzipzq rcavxcov xcov jiexd aoD 22+ Kai

[ shall grow in strength the hands of all the ones with you]. And

S7ir|^av xrjv aKqvfjv xco ApeaaA,cb|i S7U xo 8cb|ia Kai

they pitched the tent of Absalom upon the roof, and

siafjXGev ApsaaAxbji npoq xac; 7iaAA,aKdc;

Absalom entered to the concubines

xod 7iaxp6(^ aDxoD ev ocp6aX|iok; 7iavx6c; xod IapafjA, 23 +

of his father, in [the] eyes of all Israel.

Kai T| PodAti A%ix6cpsA, r|v sPoD^SDaaxo sv xaic;

And the counsel of Ahithophel, which he consulted in the

rjiispaiq xaic; 7ipcbxaic; ov xporcov S7iepcoxf|ar| xic;

[ days first], [was] in which manner [as if] he should ask anything

sv Xoyco xod 08OD odxcoc; 7idaa r| PodAx|

by [the] word of God; thus [was] all the counsel

xod A%ix6(psA, Kai xco AaDi8 Kai xco ApeaaAxbji

of Ahithophel, both [to] David and [to] Absalom.

17 V

1 + Kai 817T8V A%ix6cpsA, 7ipoc; ApeaaXcbji 87iiX8^co 5r|

And Ahithophel said to Absalom, I shall choose indeed

sjiaDxcb 5co8sKa %iXid8ac; avSpcbv Kai avaaxfjaojiai

for myself twelve thousand men, and I shall rise up

Kai Kaxa5icb^co O7uoco AaDi8 xrjWDKxa 2+ Kai

and pursue after David at night. And

£7ieA£Dao|iai S7i' aDxov Kai avzoq K07iicbv Kai

I shall come upon him, and he [will be] tiring and

skA^djisvoc; xspcri Kai eKaxfjaco aDxov Kai cpsD^sxai

loosening [his] hand, and I shall startle him, and [ shall flee

naq o Xaoq o jisx' aDxoD Kai 7iaxd^co xov PaaiXea

all the people with him], and I shall strike the king


17 V ev toi3tco + vuca 10 -2 Samuel

jiovcbxaxov 3+ Kai S7uaxps\j/co 7cdvxa xov Xaov npoq

alone. And I shall return all the people to

a8 OV Tp67lOV S7CiaxpS(pSl VT3|I(pr| 7tpoc;

you, in which manner [ returns a bride] to

xov dv5pa avTT\q iih\v \\fv%r\v avdpoq svoc; ai) ^rjxsfc;

her husband. Besides [ [the] life man of one you seek],

Kai 7iavxi too Xacb saxai sipfjvrj 4 + Kai fjpsasv o

and all the people will be at peace. And [ was pleasing the

Xoyoq sv oq)6aA,|iofc; ApsaaAxbji Kai ev ocpGaXjiofc;

word] in [the] eyes of Absalom, and in [the] eyes

71&amp;VTC0V xcov 7cpsaPi)xspcov IopafjX 5+ Kai

of all the elders of Israel. And

S17T8V ApsaaXcbji KaAiaaxs 5r| xov Xouai xov Apa%(

Absalom said, Call indeed Hushai the Archite,

Kai aKODaojieGa xi sv xco axojiaxi auxou Kai ys

and I shall hear what [is] in his mouth, and indeed

avTOV 6 + Kai siafjXGs Xodcji npoq ApsaaAxb|i Kai

of him. And Hushai entered to Absalom. And

S17T8V ApsaaAxbji npoq ai)xov Aiycov Kaxd

Absalom said to him, saying, According to

xo pfjjia xotixo s^dAxjasv A%ix6cpsX si 7coif|ao|isv

this thing Ahithophel spoke. Shall we do

Kaxd xov Xoyov avzov si8s|ir| av XaXr\aov 7+ Kai

according to his word? But if not you speak! And

81718 Xouai 7rpoc; ApsaaXcbji odk ayaGfj ami]

Hushai said to Absalom, [It is] not good, this

T| Poi)Axj Tjv spou^suaaxo A%ix6cpsA, xo d7ca^ XODXO 8 +

counsel which Ahithophel counseled this one time.

Kai 81718 XoDai au oidaq xov 7caxspa aou Kai

And Hushai said, You know your father, and

xodc; dv5paq avzov 6x1 5i)vaxoi 8iai acp65pa Kai

his men, that [ mighty they are exceedingly], and

Kaxd7ciKpoi xtj \\fv%r\ auxcbv coc; dpKoq r|X8Kvco|i8vr| sv

[ [is] very bitter their soul] as a bear being made childless in

xco 7ts5(go Kai o 7caxf|p aoi) avfjp 7coA,s|iiaxf|c; Kai

the plain. And your father [is] [ man a warrior], and

od |ir| Kaxa7tai3asi xov Xaov 9 + idov yap avzoq vuv

in no way shall he rest the people. For behold he now

KSKpimxai sv svi xcov aiAcbvcov r| sv svi xcov xo7ccov

hides in one of the canyons, or in one of the places.

Kai saxai sv xco S7cursas(v auxofc; sv apx^l Kai

And it will be when [they] fall upon them at [the] beginning, that


17 V sv xoiJTCp + vdca 10 - 2 Samuel

aKODarj o aKODcav Kai si7rr| sysvf|0r| dpavaiq sv

[one] shall hear the hearing, and should say, There was a devastation among

xco Xaco to cmiacD ApsaaXcb|i 10+ Kai ye avzoq

the people, to the one [following] after Absalom. And indeed any

vioq 5Dvd|iscoc; od r\ Kap5(a KaGcoc; r| Kap8(a

son of power whose heart [is] as the heart

tod Xsovtoc; TT|KO|isvr| tocktjostoci 6ti o(5s 7cac; IopafjX

of a lion, in melting away he shall melt away, for [ knows all Israel]

6ti SvvaToq o 7iaTf|p cjod Kai moi 8Dvd|iscoc; TidvTaq

that [ [is] mighty your father] and [the] sons of power, all

01 jist' avTOV 11+ odtcoc; cjd|iPodA,sdcdv syco

the ones with him. Thus advising, I

aDvsPoD^SDaa Kai aDvayojisvoc; aDva%6f|GSTai sm as

advised. And [ in gathering together shall gather together unto you

iiaq IapafjA, a7io Aav Kai scoq BrjpaaPss coc; r\

all Israel], from Dan and unto Beer-sheba, as the

djijioq T| 8711 Tr\q dakaaar\q sic; 7tAt|6oc; Kai

sand upon the sea in multitude. And

to 7ip6oco7r6v cjod 7copsDasTai sv jisaov aDTcbv u + Kai

your presence shall be going in [the] midst of them. And

fj^ojisv S7i ' ai)T6v sic; sva tcov totccdv od av

we shall come upon him in one of the places, which ever

stipcojisv ai)T6v sksi Kai 7caps|iPaAx)D|isv S7c' aDTOV

we should find him there. And we shall camp upon him

cog 7ci7ctsi 5p6aoq S7U ttjv yrjv Kai od% D7coA,si\j/6|is0a

as falls [the] dew upon the ground. And we shall not leave behind

sv ai)Tcb Kai tok; av8paa(v amox&gt; toic; jist' aDTOD

among to him, and of his men with him,

Kai ys sva n+ Kai sdv sic; tt|v nokw avva%dr\ Kai

even indeed one. And if [ into the city he should gather], then

Ax|\j/eTai iiaq IapafjA, 7cpoc; tt|v 7c6Aiv sks(vt|v a%oivia

[ shall take all Israel] [ against that city lines],

Kai aDpoDjisv avTT\v scoc; sicjtov %si|idppoDV scoc; |ir|

and drag it [apart] unto the rushing stream, unto not

KaTaXsupGfj sksi |ir|5s Xidoq u+ Kai si7csv ApsaaXcoji

leaving behind there neither a stone. And Absalom said,

Kai iiaq avfjp IapafjA, ayaGfj r| PodAt] Xodcti tod

and every man of Israel, [ is good The counsel ofHushai the

Apa%{ D7csp ttjv PodAtjv A%iT6cpsA, Kai Kopioc;

Archite] over the counsel of Ahithophel. And [the] LORD

svsTSi^aTO tod 8iaaKs5daai ttjv PodAt|v tod A^iTOcpsX

gave charge to efface the [ counsel of Ahithophel


8V TOUT© + VlKa

10 -2 Samuel

xrjv ayaGfjv oizwq av S7caydyr| Kopioc; xa KaKd S7il

good], so that [the] LORD should bring the bad [things] upon
ApeaaAxbji 15+ Kai 8i7is Xoi)a( npoq £a5cbK Kai npoq

Absalom. And Hushai said to Zadok and to

ApiaG&amp;p xodc; ispsiq odxco Kai odxco aDvspoDXsDaev

Abiathar the priests, So and so advised

A%ix6cpsX too ApeaaAxbji Kai xoiq 7cpeaPDxspoic;

Ahithophel to Absalom, and to the elders

IapafjX Kai odxco Kai odxco aDvePoD^SDaa eyco i6+ Kai

of Israel, and so and so I advised. And

vdv a7cooxe(Xaxs xa%D Kai a7cayye(A,ax£ too Aam5

now send quickly and report to David!

Aiyovxec; |ir| avX\adr\q xrjv VDKxa Kaxd SDajidq

saying, You should not lodge the night according to [the] descent

Tr\q epfj|ioD aXka 8iaPa(vcov 5idpr|0i oitodq [ir\

of the wilderness, but by passing over, pass over! so that [ should not

KaTa7ro6fj o fiaaiksvq Kai itaq o Xaoq o |iex'

be swallowed down the king], and all the people, the one with

olvtov 17+ Kai Icova0dv Kai A%i|idac; siaxfjKeioav £7U

him. And Jonathan and Ahimaaz stopped at

xt| 7ir|yf| PcoyfjX Kai S7copeD6r| r| 7iai5(aKr| Kai

the spring of Rogel. And came forth the maidservant, and

avfjyysiXsv aDxoiq Kai aDxoi 7copsDovxai Kai

she reported to them. And they went and

avayysAloDai xco PaaiA,e( Aavid 6xi odk r|8Dvavxo

reported to king David, for they were not able

ocpGfjvai xod siasABsiv sic; xrjv 7i6A.iv i8+ Kai s(5sv

to appear to enter into the city. And [ beheld

aDxotic; 7iai8dpiov Kai avfjyysi^s xco ApeaaAxbji Kai

them a young man], and he reported [to] Absalom. And

S7iopsT30r|aav oi 8do xa%scoc; Kai eiafjXGov siq oikov

[ went the two] quickly, and they entered into a house

avdpoq sv BaoDpiji Kai auxcb XaKKoq ev xrj avXr\

of a man in Bahurim, and unto his cistern in the courtyard,

Kai KaxePrjaav sksi i 9 + Kai eAxxPev rj yovfj Kai

and they went down there. And [ took a woman] and

8i87isxaas xo S7iiKdA,D|i|ia £7U xod axojiaxoq xod

opened and spread out a covering over the mouth of the

XdKKOD Kai 8\j/D^sv 87i ' aDxcb 7caXd6ac; Kai

cistern. And she cooled [ upon it dried clusters], and

odk syvcbaGrj xo pfjjia 20+ Kai r\kdov 01 naidsq

they did not know the thing. And [ came the servants


17 V ev xoiJTCp + vdca 10 - 2 Samuel

ApeaaAxbji itpoq xrjv yDvauca sic; xov oikov Kai

of Absalom] to the woman, into the house, and

S17TOV 7TOD A%i|idac; Kai Icova0dv Kai si7i8v aDxofc;

they said, Where [is] Ahimaaz and Jonathan? And [ said to them

T| yovfj 7iapf|X0ov (iiKpov tod DSaxoc; Kai e^fjxoDV

the woman], They went for a little water. And they sought

Kai ov% stipiaKov Kai aveaxpe\j/av eic; lspovaakr\[i 21 +

and did not find [them], and they returned unto Jerusalem.

eyevexo 8e jisxd xo a7reAi)s(v aDxotic; aveprjaav sk

And it came to pass, after their going forth, they ascended from out of

xod XdKKOD Kai S7rop£i)0r|aav Kai a7if|yyeiXav

the cistern, and went, and reported

xco PaaiXsi Aavid Kai AiyoDaiv aDxcb avdoxrjxe Kai

to king David. And they say to him, Rise up and

8idpr|xs xa%ecoc; xo D8cop 6x1 xd8s PePotiXeDxai Kax'

pass over [ quickly the water] ! for thus [ has counseled against

djicov A%ix6cpsA, 22+ Kai avsaxrj AaDi8 Kai naq o Xaoq

you Ahithophel]. And David rose up, and all the people

o |isx' aDxoD Kai 8iePr|aav xov Iop8dvr|v scoc; xod

with him, and they passed over the Jordan until the

cpcoxoc; xod 7ipcoi scoc; evoc; odk eA,a0sv oq od 8iePr|

light of the morning, until one was not unaware of who did not pass over

xov Iop8dvr|v 23 + Kai A%ix6cpsA, e(8sv 6x1 odk yeyovev

the Jordan. And Ahithophel knew that he had not taken

T| PodAxi aDxoD Kai S7i8aa^8 xov ovov aDxoD Kai

his counsel, and he saddled his donkey, and

aveaxrj Kai a7if|X0ev sic; xov oikov aDxoD sic;

rose up, and went forth to his house in

xrjv 7i6A.iv aDxoD Kai evexeiXaxo xco oikco aDxoD Kai

his city. And he gave charge [to] his household, and

a7rfjy^axo Kai a7is0av8 Kai exdtprj sv xco xdcpco

he hung himself, and died. And they entombed [him] in the burying-place

xod 7raxp6c; aDxoD 24 + Kai AaDi8 8ifjA,0sv sic; Mavaiji

of his father. And David went through unto Mahanaim.

Kai ApsaaXcbji 8iePr| xov Iop8dvr|v aDxoq Kai naq

And Absalom passed over the Jordan, he and every

avfjp IapafjX jisx' aDxoD 25+ Kai xovAjisaad

man of Israel with him. And [Amasa

Kaxsaxrjoev ApsaaAxbji avxi Icodp £7U xrjc; SDvdjiscoq

placed Absalom] instead of Joab over the force.

Kai Ajieaad vioq av8p6q Kai ovojia aDxcb Is0sp o

And Amasa [was] a son of a man, and [the] name to him [was] Ithra the

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10 -2 Samuel

IapasAixoi) oq siofjABs izpoq ApiyaiA, Guyaxspa

Israelite. This one entered to Abigail, daughter

N&amp;ac; a8sAxpf|v Eapoma ixqxpoc; Icodp 2 6+ Kai

ofNahash, sister ofZeruiah, mother ofJoab. And

7iapsvspaA,sv ApsoaAxb|i Kai naq IapafjA, sic; xrjv yrjv

Absalom camped and all Israel in the land

TaXaaS 27+ Kai sysvsxo 6x8 siafjABs Aam8 sic;

of Gilead. And it came to pass when David entered into

Mavaiji Kai Sopt vioq Ndaq sk PapdB mcbv

Mahanaim, that Shobi son ofNahash, from Rabbah of [the] sons

Ajijicov Kai Ma%(p vioq AjiifjA, 8K Aco5apdp Kai

of Ammon, and Machir son of Ammiel from Lo-debar, and

Bsp^sAxxi o Takaa6iTr\q 8K PoysAiji 2 s+ fjvsyrav

Barzillai the Gileadite from Rogelim, brought

Koixaq Kai a|i(pixd7roDc; Kai Aiprjxac; Kai aKstjrj

beds, and spreads, and kettles, and [ utensils

Kspdjicov Kai nvpovq Kai KpiGdq Kai aXzvpa Kai

ceramic], and wheat, and barley, and flour, and

Koajiov Kai cpaKov Kai aXqrixa 29+ Kai jisAi Kai

beans, and lentils and toasted grain, and honey, and

Pouxupov Kai 7ip6paxa Kai aacpcbG Pocov Kai

butter, and sheep, and cheese from oxen. And

7ipoaf|vsyKav xco AamS Kai xco A,acb xco jisx' avzov

they brought near to David, and to the people with him

cpaysiv 6x1 sircav o Xaoq 7isivcbv Kai skA,s?u)|isvoc;

to eat; for they said, The people are hungering, and fainting,

Kai Suj/cbv sv xt| epf||icD

and thirsting, in the wilderness.

18 rr

1+ Kai S7isaKs\j/axo Aam5 rcdvxa xov Xaov xov jisx'

And David numbered all the people with

avTOV Kai Kaxsaxrjasv S7i' auxotic; xikiap%ovq Kai

him. And he placed over them commanders of thousands, and

£Kaxovxdp%oi)c; 2 + Kai arcsaxsiXs Aam8 xov A,a6v

commanders of hundreds. And David sent away the people,

xo xpixov sv %zipi Icodp Kai xo xpixov sv yzipi

a third under [the] hand of Joab, and [another] third under [the] hand

Apsaad diod Sapomac; aSsAxpou Icodp Kai xo xpixov

of Abishai son of Zeruiah, brother of Joab, and [other] third

sv x 8l Pi E61 xod TsGaioi) Kai sircsv o fiaoiksvq

under [the] hand of Ittai the Gittite. And [ said the king]


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10 -2 Samuel

7ipoc; xov Xaov s^sA$cbv s^sXsDaojiai Kai ys sycb

to the people, In going forth, I shall go forth even indeed I myself

|is0' Djicbv 3+ Kai S17T8V o Xaoq odk s^s^sDarj oil

with you. And [ said the people], You shall not go forth; for

sdv (pvyr\ cpDycojisv od GfjaoDoiv scp' r\[iaq

if [ into exile we should flee], they shall not put us

Kap8(av Kai sdv a7io0dvco|isv to r\[iiav r\[i(bv od

to heart. And if [ should die half of us] they shall not

GfjaoDaiv scp' rjjLidq Kap5(av oil cjd coc; r||is(c; 5sra

put us to heart. For you [are] as of us ten

Xikwdsq Kai vdv aya06v on sarj r\[iiv sv ttj

thousand. And now [it is] good that you will be with us in the

7i6Xsi sic; PorjGov r||icbv 4 + Kai si7is npoq avzovq o

city for our helper. And [ said to them the

fiaaiksvq to apsarj svcb7iiov djicov 7ioif|aco Kai

king], The pleasing [thing] before you I will do. And

sairj o fiaaiksvq 7iapd to Kkwoq Tr\q 7r6Ax|c; Kai naq

[ stood the king] by the side of the gate, and all

o Xaoq s^S7iopsDSTO sic; SKaTOVTd8ac; Kai sic;

the people went forth by hundreds and by

XiAidSac; 5 + Kai svstsiAxxto o fiaaikzvq tco Icodp Kai

thousands. And [ gave charge the king] [to] Joab and

tco Apsaad Kai tco E0( Aiycov cpsiaaaGs jioi tod

[to] Abishai and [to] Ittai, saying, Spare forme the

7iai5apioD tod ApsaaXcbji Kai rcac; o Xaoq fjKODasv

young man Absalom! And all the people heard

svtsAAxdjisvod tod PaaiAicoc; 7idai toic; dp%ODaiv

[ giving charge the king] to all the rulers

D7isp ApsaaXcbji 6+ Kai s^f|A,0s naq o Xaoq sic; to

concerning Absalom. And [ went forth all the people] into the

7is8(ov sic; a7idvTr|aiv tco IapafjX Kai sysvsTO o

field for meeting Israel. And [ happened the

7r6Xs|ioc; sv tco 8pD|icb Ecppaiji i+ Kai S7iTaiasv sksi

battle] in the grove of Ephraim. And [ failed there

o Xaoq IapafjA, svcbmov tcov 7ra(Scov AaDi8 Kai

the people of Israel] before the children of David. And

sysvsTO T| GpaDGic; |isydAr| sv tt| r||ispa sks(vt| siKoai

there became [ devastation a great] in that day — twenty

%iAid8sc; avSpcbv s+ Kai sysvsTO sksi o 7i6A,s|ioc;

thousand men. And it came to pass there the war

Sisa7iap|isvo(; S7U 7rp6aco7iov 7idar|c; tt|c; yr\q Kai

dispersed over [the] face of all the land. And


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10 -2 Samuel

S7iA,s6vaaev o SpDjioc; tod Kaxacpaysiv sk tod Xaov

[ was superabundant the forest] in devouring of the people

D7i8p odc; Kaxecpaysv r| pojicpaia ev tod Xaob

above what [ devoured the sword] among the people

tt| r||i8pa SKsivrj 9 + mi aDvfjVTrjaev ApsaaAxbji 8vcb7iiov

in that day. And Absalom met before

tcov 7iai8cov AaDi5 Kai ApeaaAxb|i rjv STriPePrjKobc;

the servants of David. And Absalom was mounted

8711 TOD T||Il6vOD KCU SiafjXGsV O T||ji0V0C; D7TO TO

upon the mule, and [ was entering the mule] under the
Sdaoc; Tr\q dpvoq Tr\q jieydAxjc; Kai 7T£pi£7rAxxKr|

thicket of the [ oak great]. And [ was twisted

r| KscpaAri aDTOD ev tt| 8pDi Kai eKpejidaGrj avajieaov

his head] in the oak, and he hung between

tod ODpavoD Kai avajisaov Tr\q yr\q Kai o rjjjiovoc;

the heaven and between the earth, and the mule

D7ioKdTCO aDTOD 7rapfjA,9e 10+ Kai s(5sv avfjp sic; Kai

underneath him went on. And [ saw [it] man one], and

avfjyysiXs too Icodp Kai £i7isv i8od scbpaKa

announced to Joab. And said, Behold, I have seen

tov ApsaaAxbji Kpsjidjievov ev tt| 5pDi n+ Kai

Absalom hanging in the oak. And

S17T8V Icodp too av8p( too avayysAlovTi aDTcb Kai i8od

Joab said to the man announcing to him, And behold,

scbpaKaq Kai ti 6ti odk s7idTa^ac; aDTOV sksi sic;

you saw it? And why is it that you did not strike him there to

ttjv yrjv Kai sycb s8oDKa av aoi 8sra cjik^odc;

the ground, and I would have given to you ten shekels

apyopioD Kai 7iapa^obvr|v jjiav 12+ si7i8 8s o avfjp

of silver, and [ sash one]? [ said And the man]

7ipoc; loo dp Kai edv av 7iapiaTdc; em Tag %e(pdc; jiod

to Joab, And if you rendered unto my hands

Xikiovq cjikXodc; apyDpioD od jlit| s7iipdA,oa

a thousand shekels of silver, in no way would I put

ttjv %e(pd jiod 87i( tov Diov tod PaaiAioDc; OTl sv

my hand against the son of the king. For in

Toiq oocriv rjjiobv eveTeiAmo o paaiXeDc; aoi Kai tod

our ears [ gave charge the king] to you, and [to]

Apsaad Kai tod E0i AiyoDV cpDld^aTS jioi to

Abishai, and [to] Ittai, saying, Guard forme the

7iai8dpiov tov ApsaaAxbji 13 + firj 7iorfjaai sv

young man Absalom, to not do [ against


18 rr


10 -2 Samuel

tt] yv%r\ avTOV &amp;8ikov Kai itaq o Xoyoq

his life [anything] injust]! And all the matter

od Arjaexai anb tod PaaiAicoc; Kai cjd axfjarj

will not be kept unaware from the king, and you shall set [yourself]

e^svavxiaq u + Kai ei7rev Icodp xodxo sycb dp^ojiai od%

right opposite [me]. And Joab said, This I begin; not

odxcoc; jievco svcbmov aoi) Kai skafisv Icodp xpia

thus shall I abide before you. And Joab took three

PsAxj sv tt] %zipi avTOV Kai eve7rr|^ev ai)xd sv xrj

arrows in his hand, and he stuck them in the

Kap8(a ApsaaXcbji sxi aDxoD CfhvToq sv xrj Kap5(a

heart of Absalom [while] yet he was living, in the heart

xrjc; dpvoq i 5 + Kai eKOKlcoaav 8eKa 7iai5dpia aipovxa

of the oak. And there encircled ten young men lifting

xa oKstirj Icodp Kai S7idxa^av xov ApsaaXcbji Kai

the weapons of Joab, and they struck Absalom, and

sGavdxcoaav ai)xov i6 + Kai eadAmaev Icodp ev

killed him. And Joab trumped with the

adAmyyi Kai a7ieaxps\j/ev o Xaoq xod jlit| 5icoksiv

trumpet, and [ returned the people] to not pursue

O7i(aco IapafjA, 6xi s(pe(5sxo Icodp xod Xaov n+ Kai

after Israel, for Joab spared the people. And

slapev Icodp xov ApsaaAxbji Kai eppuj/ev aDxov sic;

Joab took Absalom, and he tossed him into

%do|ia jieya sv xco 5pD|ico sic; xov PoGdvov

[ chasm a great] in the grove, into the [ pit

xov jisyav Kai soxrjaav S7i' aDxov acopov AiGcov

great], and they set over him a heap [ stones

jisyav acp68pa Kai naq IapafjA, scpDysv sraoxoc; sic;

great of exceedingly]. And all Israel fled each to

xo aKfjvcojia aDxoD is + Kai ApsaaAxbji sxi ^cov

his tent. And Absalom [while] still living

slape Kai saxrjaev eaDxco axfjXrjv sv xrj KoiXd5i xod

took and set for himself a monument in the valley of the

PaaiAicoc; 6xi si7i8v odk saxi jioi vioq

king. For he said, There is not to me a son

ava|ii|ivf|aKr|a8xai xo ovojid jiod Kai zkoXegz xrjv

calling to mind my name. And he called the

axfjAxjv 87ii xco ovojiaxi aDxoD Kai SKdXsasv aDxfjv

monument by his name. And he named it

Xsip ApsaaXcbji scoc; Tr\q rjjispag xaDxrjq i 9 + Kai

Hand of Absalom, until this day. And


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

10 -2 Samuel

A%i|idac; vioq EaScoK ei7is 8pajicbv 5r| sDayyeAaoDjiai

Ahimaaz son of Zadok said, Running indeed, I will announce good news

too Paai^si on SKpivev aDxco icupioq sk %eipoc;

to the king, that [ passed judgment to him [the] LORD] on [the] hand

xcov s%0pcov avTOV 20+ Kai 8i7isv aDxco Icodp odk avfjp

of his enemies. And [said to him Joab], [not a man

SDayysAicov si cjd sv xrj rjjispa xafjxrj Kai od

of good news are You] in this day, but you

SDayyeAifj sv rjjiepa dAArj sv 5s xrj rjjispa xaDxrj

shall announce good news in [ day another]. But in this day

odk eDayysAifj oxi vioq xod PaaiXecoc; xsGvrjKs 2 i +

you shall not announce good news, for a son of the king has died.

Kai si7rsv Icodp xco Xodoi 7iopei)OD avdyysiA,ov xco

And Joab said [to] Cushi, Go, announce to the

PaaiXsi a scopaKaq Kai 7rpoaeKDvrjas Xodcji xco Icodp

king what you have seen! And Cushi did obeisance to Joab,

Kai s5pajiev 22+ Kai 7ipoas0sxo sxi A%i|idac; vioq

and he ran. And [ added still Ahimaaz son

Sa5cbK Kai ei7ie xco Icodp Kai saxco 6x1 5pd(ico Kai

of Zadok], and he said [to] Joab, Also let it be that Iran also

ys syco omaco xod Xodcti Kai sbisv Icodp ivaxi ctd

indeed myself after Cushi! And Joab said, Why do you

xpe%eic; xeKvov (iod odk saxi aoi SDayysAia eic;

ran, my young one? There is not [ to you good news] for

cocpsXsiav 7ropsDO|i8vco 23 + Kai 817T8V A%i|idac; xi yap

benefit in going. And Ahimaaz said, For what

sdv 8pd|ico Kai si7isv aDxco Icodp 5pd|ie Kai

if I shall run? And [ said to him Joab], Run! And

s5pa|i8v A%i|idac; Kaxd xrjv o86v xod Ks%dp Kai

Ahimaaz ran by the way of Kechar, and

D7rsp8pr| xov Xodcji 24 + Kai AaDiS SKdGrjxo avajieaov

he surpassed Cushi. And David was sitting between

xcov 8do 7tdAxov Kai S7iopsD0rj o aK07ioc; sic; xo

the two gates, and [ went the watchman] onto the

Scojia xrjc; 7ivXr\q npoq xo xe(%oc; Kai fjpe

roof of the gate [house], unto the wall; and he lifted

xodc; ocpGa^jioDc; aDxoD Kai e(5e Kai i5od avfjp

his eyes and saw, and behold, [there was] a man

xpe%cov [iovoq 8vco7riov aDxoD 25+ Kai avsporjasv o

running alone before him. And [ yelled out the

aK07ioc; Kai arcfiyyeiXs xco Paai^ei Kai ei7isv o

watchman], and reported to the king. And [ said the


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10 -2 Samuel

fiaaiksvq si jiovoq saxiv suayysAaa sv

king], If he is alone good news [is] in


his mouth. And he went [along], coming and

syyi^cov 26+ Kai s(8sv o GKonoq dv8pa exepov

approaching. And [ saw the watchman man another]

xpe%ovxa Kai avsporjaev o GKonoq npoq xr| 7ivhr\

running. And [ yelled out the watchman] at the gate,

Kai 817T8V idov avfjp exepoc; xpe%cov jiovoc; Kai e(7iev

and said, Behold, [ man another] [is] running alone. And [ said

0 fiaoiksvq Kai omoq £i)ayysAa£p|iev6c; eaxi n+ Kai

the king], Also this one [ announcing good news is]. And

S17T8V o aK07roc; sycb opcb XOV 5p6|IOV XOD 7ipcbX0l)

[ said the watchman], I see the racing of the first

coc; 5p6|iov Axijidaq viov £a5coK Kai si7iev o

as [the] racing of Ahimaaz son of Zadok. And [ said the

fiaoiksvq avfjp ayaGoc; omoq Kai ye sic; euayysAiav

king], [ man a good This is], and indeed for [ news

ayaBfjv sA,sf)asxai 2 s+ Kai eporjaev A%i|idac; Kai si7i8

good] he shall come. And Ahimaaz yelled and said

7tpoc; xov PaaiAia sipfjvrj Kai 7rpoaeK6vr|os xco

to the king, Peace. And he did obeisance to the

PaaiXsi 87ii 7ip6aco7rov avzov em xrjv yrjv Kai ei7iev

king upon his face upon the ground. And he said,

ei)Ax)yr|x6c; Kopioc; o dzoq gov oq aiiEKkziaz zovq

Blessed [be] [the] LORD your God, who shut up the

dv8pac; xouc; S7ir|p|ievoDc; xrjv %sipa auxcbv 87ii

men, the ones lifting their hand against

xov Kopiov |iod xov PaaiAia 29 + Kai si7isv o fiaoiksvq

my master the king. And [ said the king],

eipfjvrj xco 7rai8ap(co xco ApsaaXcbji Kai si7isv A%i|idac;

[Is there] peace to the young man Absalom? And Ahimaaz said,

e(8ov xo 7iAr|0oc; xo jisya SDcppaivojisvov sv xco

1 saw the [ multitude great] being gladdened in the

a7ioaxs(Am Icodp xov 7ia(8a xod PaaiAicoc; Kai

sending Joab the servant of the king, and

xov SovXov gov Kai odk syvcov xi sksi 30 + Kai

your servant, and I do not know what [happened] there. And

S17T8V o fiaaikzvq £7uaxpe\j/ov Kai 7iapdaxr|6i cb8e Kai

[said the king], Turn [aside] and standby here! And

S7i8oxpdcpr| Kai eaxr) 31+ Kai idov o Xodcti 7iapsysvsxo

he turned [aside] and stood. And behold, Cushi came.


19 cr

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10 -2 Samuel

Kai 817T8V o Xodcti Tea PaaiXei eDayyeAiaGfjTCD

And Cushi said to the king, Let there be good news announced,

o Kopioc; |iod o fiaaikzvq on eKpive aoi icupioq

O my master the king! for [ passed judgment for you [the] LORD]

&lt;xf||I£pOV 8K XSipOC; 7CaVTCDV TCDV 87lSySipO|ISVCOV 8711

today of [the] hand of all the ones rousing against

as 32 + Kai 817T8V o fiaaikvbq npoq tov Xodcti si

you. And [ said the king] to Cushi, [How] is

eipfjvrj too 7rai5ap(co too ApeaaAxbji Kai si7isv o Xodgi

[the] peace to the young man Absalom? And Cushi said,

yevoiVTO cdc; to 7cai8dpiov oi e%0poi tod kdpiod |iod

Let be as that young man, the enemies of my master

tod PaaiAiooc; Kai navTzq oaoi e7caveaTrjadv aoi

the king! and all as many as rise up against you

eic; Kara 33+ rai eTapd%6rj o fiaaikzvq rai aveprj eic;

for evils. And [ was disturbed the king], and he ascended into

to D7rspcbov Tr\q 7ivXr\q Kai SK^aDos Kai odtcdc; ei7cev

the upper room of the gate and wept. And so he said

sv to KAmsiv avTOV Die jiod ApsaaXcbji Die |iod

as he wept, O My son, Absalom. O my son!,

Die |iod ApeaaAxbji tic; 5cbr| tov GdvaTOV |iod

O my son, Absalom. What [that I couldn't] give my death

avn aoD eycb avri aoD ApeaaAxbji Die jiod Die jiod

for you, I instead of you, Absalom, O my son! O my son.


1 + Kai avrjyyeAx| too Icodp AiyovTec; i5od o PaaiXeDc;

And it was announced to Joab, saying, Behold, the king

KAmei rai 7iev6e( em ApeaaXcbji 2 + rai eyeveTO r|

weeps and mourns over Absalom. And [ became the

ocoTT|pia ev tt| rjjiepa eKeivrj eic; itzvdoq 7iavTi tco

deliverance in that day] for mourning to all the

Axxcb 6ti fjKODaev o Xaoq ev tt| rjfiepa eKeivrj

people. For [ heard the people] in that day,

XeyovTcav 6ti A,D7cevrai o paaiA^Dc; 7iepi

saying that, [ frets The king] for

tod diod aDTOD 3 + Kai 5ieKle7iTeTO o Xaoq ev

his son. And [ stole away the people] in

ttj rjjiepa eKeivrj tod eiaeXGeiv eic; rqv 7i6A.iv raGcbc;

that day to enter into the city, as

8iaKA,e7CTeTai o Xaoq oi aia%Dv6|ievoi ev

[ steal away people] being shamed in


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10 -2 Samuel

xco (pstiysiv aDTODg sv too 7roAi|icD 4 + kcu o fiaaikzvq

their fleeing in the battle. And the king

SKpi)\j/8 to 7ip6aco7rov olvtov kcu SKpa^ev o fiaaiksvq

hid his face, and [ cried out the king

cpcovfi jisyaArj Aiycov Die |iod ApeoaAxbu ApeoaAxbu

voice [with] a great], saying, O my son, Absalom. Absalom,

Die |iod 5 + kcu eiofjAitev Icodp 7ipoc; tov PaaiXea sic;

O my son. And Joab entered to the king into

tov oikov Kai 8i7is KaTT\a%vvaq gv afjiispov Ta

the house, and said, You disgraced today the

7ip6aco7i;a 7idvTC0v tcov 7iai8cov gov tov 5iaacoadvTCOv

faces of all your servants, of the ones delivering

ttjv \\fv%r\v gov afjuepov Kai tt|v \\fv%r\v tcov dicov ctod

your life today, and the life of your sons,

Kai tcov 0DyaTspcov gov Kai tt|v \\fv%r\v

and of your daughters, and the life

tcov yi)vaiKcbv gov Kai ttjv \\fv%r\v tcov 7iaAA,aKcbv gov 6 +

of your wives, and the life of your concubines,

tod aya7idv todc; jiiaowcdc; ae Kai uiasiv todc;

to love the ones detesting you, and to detest the ones

aya7icbvTdc; as oti avfjyysiAxxc; ofjiispov 6ti odk siai

loving you, that you identify today that [ are nothing

aoi dpxovTsq od8s 7ia(8ec; oti oi8a oti ApeaaAxbji

to you your rulers], nor [your] servants. For I know that Absalom,

ei s^T| afjuspov Kai navTsq av rjueic; a7ie0dvousv

if he [were] alive today, and even all we had died,


that then it would have been pleasing before you. And now

avdoTTjGi e^eXBs Kai XdAxjaov em tt|v Kap8(av

arise! go forth and speak unto the heart

tcov 7ia(8cov aoD oti sv KDpico couoaa oti 8i urj gv

of your servants! for by [the] LORD I swear by an oath, that unless you

8K7iop8Dar| od |xr| ueivrj avfjp JISTa aoD

should go forth, in no way should [ remain a man] with you

ttjv VDKTa TaDTTjv Kai S7uyvco0i todto asaDTcb OTI

this night. And realize this in yourself! that


[ evil [will be upon] you this] over all the evil

to 87isX06v aoi 8K vsorrjTOc; aoD ecoc; TOD VDV 8 + Kai

coming upon you from your youth until now. And

aveaTTj o Paai^sDc; Kai SKdBiasv S7ri tt|c; Tivhr\q Kai

[ rose up the king], and he sat at the gate. And


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10 -2 Samuel
Tiaq o Xaoq avfjyyeiXav AiyovTsg i5od o Paai^SDc;

all the people announced, saying, Behold, the king

K&amp;Grjxai 8711 xrjv 7r6Ax|v Kai 7rapeyeveTO iiaq o Xaoq

sits down at the gate. And [ came all the people]

svcb7riov tod PaaiXecoq Kai IapafjA, ecpDyev eKaaxoq

before the king. And Israel fled, each

sic; to oKf|vco|ia aDTOD 9 + Kai rjv iiaq o Axxoc;

to his tent. And [ [were] all the people]

8iaKpiv6|isvoc; sv 7iaaaic; xaiq cpDAmc; IapafjA,

arguing among all the tribes of Israel,

Aiyovxsc; o fiaaikzvq Aavid spp^aaxo r\[idq sk %eipoc;

saying, King David rescued us from [the] hand

7T&amp;VTCDV xcov e%0pcbv r\[i(bv Kai avToq e^si^exo r\[idq

of all our enemies, and he delivered us

sk xsipoq xcov aXkotyvXcov Kai vdv rcscpsDyev arco

from [the] hand of the Philistines. And now he fled from

Tr\q yr\q 10+ Kai ApeaaAxbji ov e%p(aa|iev ecp' r||icbv

the land. And Absalom, whom we anointed over us,

arceGavev sv too 7roA,s|ico Kai vdv ivaxi D|ieicj

died in the war. And now, why are you

KcocpsDexs tod S7iiaTp8\j/ai xov PaaiAia Kai to pfjjia

silent to return the king? And the saying

7iavTOc; IapafjA, r\kds npoq tov PaaiXea 11 + Kai

by all Israel came to the king. And

o PaaiXeDc; AaDi8 aftsaTSiXs npoq Sa8cbK Kai npoq

king David sent to Zadok and to

ApiaGdp Tovq ispsiq Aiycov AxxAxjaaTS npoq zovq

Abiathar the priests, saying, Speak to the

7ipeaPDT8poD(; IoD8a AiyovTec; ivaxi yiveaGs ea%aTOi

elders of Judah! saying, Why have you become last

TOD 87llOTp8\j/ai TOV PaaiAia Ziq TOV OIKOV aDTOD Kai

to return the king to his house? And

o Xoyoq rcavTOc; IopafjX r\kds npoq tov PaaiAia 12 +

the word of all Israel came to the king.

aSsAxpoi (iod Djisiq octtodv jiod Kai aap£, jiod ivari

[brethren my You [are]], of my bones and of my flesh. Why

yiveaGs siq todc; sctx&amp;todc; tod S7iioTps\j/ai tov

have you become for the last ones to return the

PaoiAia sic; tov oikov aDTOD 13 + Kai too Ajieaaa

king to his house? And [to] Amasa

epevce od%( oaTODV |iod Kai aap^ |iod cjd Kai vdv

you shall say, Are [ not of my bone and of my flesh you]? And now,


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10 -2 Samuel

xd8s 7ioif|aai |ioi o 0s6c; Kai Td8s 7ipoa0err| si jlit|

thus may [ do tome God], and thus add [more], if [not

dp%cov SDvdjieooc; ear) svcb7iiov £|iod naaaq zaq

ruler of [the] force you shall be] before me all the

rjjispac; avxi Ioodp u+ Kai skAivs tt|v Kap8(av rcavTOc;

days instead of Joab. And he leaned the heart of every

avdpoq lovda coq avdpoq evoc; Kai a7i£aTSiXav npoq

man ofJudah, as [man one]. And they sent to

xov paaiAia Aiyovxsc; S7uaTps(ps cjd Kai itavTsq

the king, saying, You return, and all

oi 7ia(8ec; cjod is + Kai S7reaTps\j/sv o fiaaikvbq Kai

your servants! And [returned the king], and

fjX0ev eooc; tod IopSdvoD Kai dvSpsc; lovda r\kdav

came unto the Jordan. And [the] men of Judah came

eic; TaXyaXa tod 7iopsDea6ai sic; a7iavTfjv tod

to Gilgal to go to meet the

PaaiAiooc; tod 8iaPipdaai tov PaaiAia tov Iop8dvr|v

king, to cause [ to pass over the king] the Jordan.

i6+ Kai STdxDvs Ssjisi vioq rrjpd diod tod Isjiivi sk

And [ hastened Shimei son of Gera son of the Benjaminite from

Ba%ODp(v Kai KaTsPrj jisTd tcov avSpcbv IoD8a sic;

Bahurim], and he went down with the men of Judah to

a7idvTr|aiv too Paai^ei AaDi8 n+ Kai y\k\oi

meet king David. And [there were] a thousand

dvSpec; jist' aDTOD sk tod Beviajirv Kai Eipd to

men with him from Benjamin, and Ziba the

7iai8dpiov tod oikod SaoDl Kai 7ievT£Ka(5sKa dioi

servant of the house of Saul, and [ fifteen sons

aDTOD Kai siKoai 5odA,oi aDTOD jist' aDTOD Kai

his], and [ twenty servants his] with him. And

KaT8D0Dvav 8711 tov Iop5dvr|v svcb7iiov tod PaaiXecoq

they went straight unto the Jordan before the king.

i8+ Kai 8iePr| r| Sidpaaiq tod s^eysipai tov ovkov

And he passed over the ford to arouse the household

tod PaaiAiooc; Kai tod 7ioifjaai to sdGsc; sv

of the king, and to do the upright [thing] in

o(pQak[ioiq avzov Kai Ssjieii vioq rrjpd S7i8asv em

his eyes. And Shimei son of Gera fell upon

7ip6aco7rov aDTOD 8vcb7iiov tod PaaiAiooc;

his face before the king,

SiaPaivovToq aDTOD tov IopSdvrjv 19+ Kai si7ie itpoq

at his passing over the Jordan. And he said to


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10 -2 Samuel

xov PaaiAia [ir\ 8r| XoyiadaGco o Kopioc; jiod

the king, Let not indeed [ consider my master]

avojiiav Kai |ir| |ivr|o6f|TCD 6oa r|8iKr|aev

[my] lawlessness! and remember not as much as [ did wrong

o Sovkoq gov ev xrj rjjispa r| e^£7i;op£D£TO

your servant] in the day which [ went forth

o Kvpioq jiod o fiaaikzvq e£, IepoDaaArni tod GeaGai

my master the king] from Jerusalem, [ to put it

xov PaaiAia S7ii rqv Kap8iav avzov 20 + 6xi eyvco

for the king] upon his heart! For [ knows

0 SovXoq gov on r||idpTr|Ka Kai i8od syda

your servant] that I have sinned. And behold, I

rcapaysyova afjjispov 7ipcbTOc; navToq tod oikod

have come today first of all of the house

Iooafjcp tod KaTapfjvai |is sic; Trjv a7idvTr|aiv

of Joseph to go down myself for the meeting

tod KDpioD (iod tod paaiAiooc; 21 + Kai a7T8Kp(9r|

of my master the king. And [ answered

Apeaad dioc; SapoDia Kai ei7rev avri todtod

Abishai son ofZeruiah] and said, For this

od BavaTGoGfjaeTai Esjisi 6ti KaTTjpdaaTO tov xpiaTOV

should not [ be put to death Shimei], for he cursed the anointed one

KDpiOD 22+ Kai 81718 AaDl8 Tl SJIOl Kai DJIIV DIOl

of [the] LORD? And David said, What [is it] to me and to you, sons

EapoDia 6ti yiveaGe jioi afjjispov sic; S7uPodA,ov si

of Zeruiah, that you become to me today to plot? Shall

afjjispov 0avaTGo6fjG£Tai tic; avfjp sv IapafjA,

today [ be put to death any man of Israel], [no].

odk o(8a 6ti afjjispov Paai^sDco sycb S7ri tov IopafjX

1 do not lcnow that today I shall reign over Israel.

23 + Kai S17T8V o Paai^sDq itpoq Esjis'i od 0avaTCD0fj&lt;xr|

And [ said the king] to Shimei, You shall not die.

Kai cbjioasv aDTcb o Paai^sDc; 24+ Kai MsqnpoasG

And [ swore by an oath to him the king]. And Mephibosheth

dioc; IoovaGdv diod ZaovX KaTePaivsv sic; a7idvTr|aiv

son of Jonathan, son of Saul went down for a meeting

tco Paai^si Kai odk s6spd7i;sDas todc; nodaq avzov

with the king, and attended not to his feet,

od8s 87ioir|as tov jiDcrcaKa aDTOD Kai Ta ijidTia aDTOD

nor prepared his mustache, and his garments

odk S7iA,DV£V arco TTjCj r||iepac; r\q a7if|A,0sv o

he did not wash from the day which [ went forth the

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10 -2 Samuel

fiaaiksvq sooc; xrjc; rjjispaq r\q 7capsysvsxo sv sipfjvrj

king] until the day which he came in peace.

25+ mi sysvsxo 6x8 siafjABsv sic; IspoDaaArjji sic;

And it came to pass when he entered into Jerusalem for

a7rdvTT|aiv too PaoiXsi Kai 8i7isv aDxcb o fiaoiksvq

a meeting with the king, that [ said to him the king],

ti oil odk s7copsD0r|Cj |isx' sjiod MsqnPoasB 26+ Kai

Why [is it] that you did not go with me, Mephibosheth? And

81718 7rpoc; avTOV MsqnpoosB Kopis jiod fiaaikzv

[ said to him Mephibosheth], O my master, O king,

o dovXoq jiod 7capsAx)yiaax6 |is 6xi si7csv

my servant misled me, for [ said

0 SovXoq gov avzcb S7uaa^6v jioi xov ovov Kai

your servant] to him, Saddle for me the donkey, for

S7TlPcb 871 ' (XDTOV Kai 7COpSDOO|iai |ISXa TOD

1 should mount upon it and go with the

PaaiXsooc; oil %coX6q o SovXoq gov n + Kai |is6cb8sDasv

king, for [ [is] lame your servant]. And he used craft

sv tod 8odA,od aoD 7tpoc; xov KDpiov jiod xov PaaiAia

with your servant against my master the king.

Kai o KDpioq jiod o PaaiXsDq cdc; dyysXoc; 9sod Kai

But my master the king [is] as a messenger of God, and

7tovr|aov to ayaGov sv ocpBaXjiofc; aoD 28 + 6xi

you do [what is] good in your eyes! For

odk r|v 7tac; o oiKoq tod 7caxp6c; |iod aXk T| dv5psc;

there was not any to the house of my father, but only men

BavdxoD to KDpico |iod icq Paai^si Kai sGrjKac;

for death [to] my master the king. And you put

xov 8odX6v aoD sv xoic; sa0ioDai sv xrj xpa7cs^r| aoD Kai

your servant to eat at your table. And

ti sail jioi sxi 5iKa(co|ia Kai tod KSKpaysvai sxi

what [ is there to me still reason], even to cry out still

7tpoc; xov PaaiXsa 29+ Kai si7csv aDxcb o PaaiXsDc;

to the king? And [ said to him the king],

ivaxi XaXziq sxi xodc; Xb^ovq aoD si7cov &lt;xo Kai Sipd

Why do you still speak your words? I said, You and Ziba

5isA,s(a6s xov aypov 30 + Kai si7cs MscpiPoasG 7cpoc; xov

divide the field! And Mephibosheth said to the

PaaiXsa Kai xa 7cdvxa AxxPsxoa jisxd xo 7capaysvsa6ai

king, And [ all the [things] let him take] after the coming

xov KDpiov jiod xov PaaiAia sv sipfjvrj sic;

of my master the king in peace to


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10 -2 Samuel

xov oikov clvtox) 31+ Kai Bsp^eAAi o raA,aa8vcr|c;

his house. And Barzillai the Gileadite

KaxsPrj 8K PcoyeAAiv Kai 8iePr| jisxd tod PaaiAicoc;

came down from Rogelim, and passed over [ with the king

TOV Iop8dVT|V TOD 7ip07rS|JAj/ai (XDTOV 8K TOV Iop5&amp;VT|V

the Jordan], to send him forward from the Jordan.

32+ Kai Bep^eAAi TrpeaPDrqc; acp65pa vioq oy8of|KovTa

And Barzillai [was] [ old man an exceedingly], a son of eighty

stcov Kai aDToq 8ie0pe\j/s tov PaaiXea sv

years, and he nourished the king during

too oiKsiv aDTOV sv Mavaiji 6ti avfjp jisyac; r|v

his living in Mahanaim, for [ man great he was

atp68pa 33 + Kai 8i7isv o fiaaiksvq npoq tov Bsp^sAAi

a very]. And [said the king] to Barzillai,

&lt;td 8iapfjar| |ist' sjiod Kai 8ia9ps\j/co to yfjpdq aoD

You shall pass over with me, and I will nourish your old age

jist' sjiod sv IepoDaaArjja 34+ Kai ei7ie Bep^sAAi npoq

with me in Jerusalem. And Barzillai said to

tov PaaiAia 7i6aai ai rjjispai stcov ^cofjc; |iod (va

the king, How [many] [are] the days of years of my life that

avapcb (i8Td tod PaaiAicoc; sic; IspoDaaAx||i 35+ vioq

I should ascend with the king unto Jerusalem? [ a son

oySofjKovTa stcov sycb sijii afjjispov |ir| yvcoaojiai

of eighty years I am today]. Can I know

avajieaov ayaGoD Kai avajisaov KaKOD ei

between good and between bad? Shall

ysDasTai 8Ti o SovXoq aoD o cpdyojiai r| mojiai si

[ still taste servant your] what I shall eat or shall drink, [no]. Shall

aKODdojiai 8Ti cpcovfjv a86vTCOv Kai a8oDacbv Kai

I hear still [the] voice of singing [men] and singing [women], [no]. Then

ivaTi yivsTai o SovXoq aoD cpopriov £7U

why [ be [should] your servant] a load upon

tov KDpiov jiod tov PaaiAia 3 6 + oti oAiyov 5iapf|a8Tai

my master the king? For [ a little shall pass over

o SovXoq aoD tov Iop8dvr|v jiSTd tod PaaiAicoc; Kai

your servant the Jordan] with the king. And

ivaTi o KDpioq jiod o PaaiXsDq avTa7ro5i8cooi jioi

why [does] my master the king recompense to me

todto avTa7i68o|ia 37 + a7ioaTpe\j/dTC0 8rj o dovXoq aoD

this recompense? Return indeed your servant!

Kai a7io0avoD|iai ev tt| 7i6A,si jiod 7iapd tco Tdcpco

and I shall die in my city, by the burying-place


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10 -2 Samuel

tod 7raxp6(; jiod Kai Tr\q jirjipoq jiod Kai i8od

of my father and of my mother. And behold,

0 Sovkoq gov Xijiadv o vioq jiod 8iapf|aeTai jiexd

your servant Chimham my son shall pass over with

tod KDpioD jiod tod PaaiAicoc; Kai 7TOlf|a£lC; (XDTCO TO

my master the king; and you shall do for him the

apeaTOV svcb7ii6v aoD 38+ Kai ei7isv o fiaaiksvq |ist'

pleasing [thing] before you. And [ said the king], [ with

sjiod 8iapfjTCD Xijiadv Kaycb 7ioif|aco aDTcb to

me Let pass over Chimham], and I will do to him the

apeaTOV svcb7ii6v aoD Kai o av S7riTd^r|c; sjioi

pleasing [thing] before you, and what ever you should give order to me

7ioifjacD aoi 39+ Kai 5iePr| naq o Xaoq tov

1 will do for you. And [ passed over all the people] the

Iop8dvr|v Kai o PaaiA^Dc; eiaTfjKei Kai KaTsqnAxjaev

Jordan, and the king was established, and [ kissed

o PaaiXsDc; tov Bep^eAAi Kai eD^oyrjaev aDTOV Kai

the king] Barzillai, and blessed him; and

£7T8aTpS\J/£V 8iq TOV T07TOV aDTOD 40 + Kai 8lsPr| O

he returned to his people. And [ passed over the

PaaiXsDc; eic; TaXyaka Kai Xijiadv 5iePr| jist' aDTOD

king] into Gilgal, and Chimham passed over with him.

Kai iiaq o Xaoq lovda Siapipaaav aDTOV Kai

And all the people of Judah caused him to pass over, and

to t||iigd tod Axxod IapafjX 4i+ Kai i8od itaq avfjp

half of the people of Israel. And behold, every man

IapafjX 7iapeysvovTO npoq tov PaaiAia Kai si7iov tco

of Israel came to the king. And they said to the

PaaiAia ti 6ti SKA,s\j/dv as oi a5eAxpo( r||icbv oi

king, Why [is it] that [ stole you our brethren the

dvSpsc; IoD5a Kai Sieptpaaav tov PaaiXea Kai

men of Judah], and caused [ to pass over the king and

tov oikov aDTOD tov Iop8dvr|v Kai 7rdvT£c; todc;

his household] the Jordan, and all the

dvSpsc; AaDi5 jist' aDTOD 4 2+ Kai a7TSKp(0r|aav dv5psq

men of David with him? And [ answered [the] men

IoD8a Toiq dvSpaaiv IapafjA, Kai eircov 8i6ti

of Judah] to [the] men of Israel, and said, Because

syyi^si r||iiv o paaiA^Dc; Kai ivari todto

[ is a near [relative] to us the king]. And why [is] this

s9D|icb0r|c; 7ispi tod Xojov todtod rj saBiovTSc;

you are enraged on account of this matter? Or in eating


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

PsPpcbKajisv it Ppcbjia 7iapd tod PaaiAioog rj 56|ia

have we eaten any food from the king, or a gift

8s8cdksv r\[iiv 43+ Kai a7T8Kpi6r|aav 01 dvSpsc; IapafjA,

given to us? And [ answered the men of Israel]

7ipoc; todc; avdpaq lovda Kai sitcov 8sra

to the men of Judah, and said, [There are] ten

(101 xsipsq sv too Paai^si Kai ys sv tod AaviS sijji

hands to me for the king, also indeed in David I am

D7i8p as Kai ti 6ti DPpiadc; |is Kai odk sysvsTO

over you. And why [is it] that you insult me, and it was not

o pfjjid |iod 7ip6Tspov tod S7iioTps\j/ai tov PaaiXsa

my word first to return the king

s|io( Kai saKAx|pDv9r| o pfjjia av8pcbv lovda D7isp

to me? And [ was hardened the saying of [the] men of Judah] above

tov pfjjia avSpcbv IapafjA,

the saying of [the] men of Israel.

20 D

1+ Kai sksi a7if|VTa avfjp vioq Xoi[i6q Kai

And [ there was encountered a man], [ son a mischievous], and

ovojia aDTcb SaPsai vioq Boxopi avfjp o Isjiivi Kai

his name was Sheba son ofBichri, a man of Benjamin. And

sadAmas adAjnyyi Kai sircsv odk sotiv rjjjiv jispic;

he trumped [the] trumpet, and said, There is not to us a portion

sv AaDi8 od8s KAxjpovojjia sv tco dico Isaaai

among David, nor an inheritance in the son of Jesse.

SKacrcoc; avfjp sic; Ta aKTjvcb|iaTd aDTOD IapafjA, 2+ Kai

Each man to his tents, O Israel. And

avsprj iiaq avfjp IapafjA, arco 67iia0sv AaDi8 omaco

ascended every man of Israel from behind David [to follow] after

SaPsai diod Boxopi 01 8s dvSpsc; lovda SKoAAxj9rj

Sheba son of Bichri. But the men of Judah cleaved

7ipoc; tov PaaiAia aDTcbv and tod IopSdvoD Kai scoq

to their king from the Jordan and unto

IspoDaaAxjji 3+ Kai siafjABs AaDi5 sic; tov oikov aDTOD

Jerusalem. And David entered unto his house

sic; IspoDaaAxjji Kai slapsv o Paai^sDc; xaq 8sKa

in Jerusalem, and [ took the king] the ten

yDvaucac; Tac; 7iaAlaKdc; aDTOD aq KaTsXurs cpD^doasiv

women of his concubines, whom he left behind to guard

tov oikov Kai sScdksv aDTdc; sic; oikov cpD^aKfjc; Kai

the house; and he gave them for house guard, and


20 3 ev tootco + vtica 10-2 Samuel

8ie6ps\j/sv avidq Kai npoq avzaq odk 8iaf|A,0s Kai

he nourished them, but [ to them he did not enter]. And

fjaav &lt;xov£%6|i£vai scoc; rjjispaq Gavdxoi) aDTcbv x^P ai

they were held until [the] days of their death [ as widows

Cfbam 4 + Kai si7isv o fiaaikvbq npoq Ajisaad Porjaov

living]. And [ said the king] to Amasa, Call

(ioi dvSpac; lovda xpiaiv r||iepac; cjd 8s evTaD0a

to me men of Judah in three days, but you [ here

axfjGi 5 + Kai £7iopsi)0r| Ajisaad tod 7capayysiAm

stand] ! And Amasa went to summon

too Ioi)8a Kai expoviasv a7io tod KaipoD od STa^aTO

Judah, and he passed time beyond the time which [ ordered

aDTcb AaDi8 6 + Kai 8i7i8 AaDi5 npoq Apeaad vdv

him David]. And David said to Abishai, Now

KaK07toifjasi r|jLidq SaPeai vioq Bo%op( D7isp

[ shall do us evil Sheba son of Bichri] above

ApeaaAxbji Kai vdv Xdps jiSTd aeaDTOD zovq naidaq

Absalom. And now take with yourself the servants


of your master, and pursue after him! so that

jLiri 8Dpr| eaDTcb itoksiq o%Dpdc; Kai aKidarj

he should not find for himself [ cities fortified], and he should shadow

zovq o(pQoX[io\)q rjjicbv 7+ Kai s^fjABov O7riaco aDTOD 01

our eyes. And [ went forth after him the

dvSpsc; Icodp Kai o XepsBi Kai o Oe^sGi Kai navTsq

men ofJoab], and the Cherethites, and the Pelethites, and all

01 8DvaTo( Kai s^fjXGov IspoDaaAr||i Sico^ai

the mighty ones. And they went forth from Jerusalem, to pursue

O7uaco SaPsai diod Bo%op( 8 + Kai aDTOi 7iapd tco

after Sheba son of Bichri. And they [were] by the

Ai0co tco jisydAxo tco sv TaPacbv Kai Ajisaad eiaf|A,0ev

[ stone great] in Gibeon. And Amasa entered

S|i7rpoa0sv aDTcbv Kai Icodp 7rspis^coa|isvo(; [lavdvav

in front of them. And Joab being girded [ uniform

to ev8D|ia aDTOD Kai S7i ' aDTcb s^coajievoc; |id%aipav

garment with his], and upon him [ being tied around [was] a sword]

8^8Dy(isvr|v S7i( Tr\q oaqvoq aDTOD sv koXsco avTT\q Kai

being teamed up on his loin in its sheath. And

T| |id%aipa e^fjXGe Kai S7ceas 9 + Kai ei7csv Icodp

the sword came forth and fell. And Joab said

tco Ajieoad si Dyiaivsiq &lt;xo a8eAxpe jiod Kai KaTsa%ev

to Amasa, Are you in health, my brother? And [ constrained


20 3 ev tootco + vtica 10-2 Samuel

r| x 8l P r \ Se^id Icodp tod 7icbycovoc; Ajisaad

the hand right of Joab] the beard of Amasa

tod KaxacpiArjaai aDiov 10+ Kai Ajisaod odk

to kiss him. And Amasa did not

scpD^d^aTO ano Tr\q |ia%a(pac; Tr\q sv ttj xsipi Icodp

guard from the sword, of the one in the hand of Joab.

kcxi 87iaiaev cxdtov sv aDifj Icodp sic; rqv \j/6av Kai

And [ hit him with it Joab] in his flank, and

s^s%d6t| r| KoiAia cxdtod stci xrjv yrjv Kai odk

[ poured out belly his] upon the ground, and [it was] not

sSsDTSpcoasv aDicb Kai arcsBavs Kai Icodp Kai

repeated a second time to him, and he died. And Joab and

Apsaad o a8sAxpoc; aDTOD s8(co^sv O7riaco SaPsai diod

Abishai his brother pursued after Sheba son

Bo%op( 11+ Kai avfjp eairj S7i' aDiov tcov

ofBichri. And a man stood by him, [one] of the

7rai5ap(cov Icodp Kai si7is tic; o PodX6|isvoc; Icodp

servants of Joab. And he said, Who [is] the one wanting Joab,

Kai tic; xco AaDi5 O7uaco tod Icodp 12 + Kai

and who [is] the [one wanting] David? [Be] behind Joab. And

Ajisaad TsBvrjKcbc; Kai 7iscpDp|isvoc; sv too aijiaTi sv

Amasa having died, and being befouled in the blood, [was] in

jisaco Tr\q TpiPoD Kai s(8sv avfjp 6ti siaTfjKsi itaq o

the middle of the road. And [ beheld a man] that [ stood all the

Xaoq Kai S7isaTps\j/sv tov Ajisaad sk ttjc^ TpipoD sic;

people]. And he returned Amasa from the road to

aypov Kai S7isppi\j/sv S7i' aDTOV ijidTiov 6ti s(5s

[the] field, and cast upon him a cloak, for he beheld

6ti 7iac; o spxojisvoq (crcaTO sn aDTOV 13+ Kai

that every one coming stopped by him. And

sysvsTO 6ts jiSTsaTTjas sk ttjc^ TpipoD 7rapf|X0s

it came to pass when he removed him from out of the road, [ went by

iiaq o Xaoq IapafjA, O7iiaco Icodp tod Sico^ai O7uaco

all the people of Israel] after Joab, to pursue after

SaPsai diod Bo%op( h+ Kai 8vfjX0sv sic; naaaq zaq

Sheba son of Bichri. And he went through among all the

cpDA.dc; tod IapafjA, sic; ApsX Kai BaiGjiaaKd Kai

tribes of Israel, to Abel and Beth-maacah. And

s^sKKAxjaidaGrjaav Kai r\kdov KaT67iia9sv aDTOD 15 +

they were assembled, and they came after him.

Kai 7tapsysvfj6r|oav Kai S7roA,i6pKODV S7i' aDTOV sv

And they came and assaulted against him in

20 3 ev toi3tco + vuca 10-2 Samuel

xr| ApsA, Kai BaiGjiaaKd Kai zfiaXov %dpaKa S7ri xrjv

Abel and Beth-maacah. And they cast a seige mound against the

7i6A.iv Kai saxrj sv too 7cpoTSi%(a|iaTi Kai naq o Xaoq

city, and it stood in the area around the wall. And all the people

0 jisxd Icodp svoouaav KaxaPaXsiv to ts(%oc; ie+ Kai

with Joab purposed to throw down the wall. And

sPorjae yuvfj aocpfj sk Tr\q 7c6A,scoc; Kai si7csv

[ yelled out woman a wise] from the city, and said,

aKotiaaxs 8r| aKotiaaxs si7raTS 5r| xco Icodp syyiaov

Hearken indeed! hearken! Say indeed to Joab, Approach

scoc; cb8s Kai XaXr\a(ti npoq auxov n+ Kai 7cpo&lt;yqyyias

unto here! and I will speak to him. And he drew near

7ipoc; auxfjv Kai si7csv r| yovfj 8i au Icodp Kai 8i7rsv

to her. And [ said the woman], Are you Joab? And he said,

sycb 81718 8s auxcb dKouaov zovq Xoyovq

1 [am]. And she said to him, Hear the words

Tr\q 8ovh\q gov Kai si7csv aKouco sycb sijii 1 8 + Kai

of your maidservant! And he said, [listening I am]. And

si7C8 AiyoDoa A,6yov sAxxArjaav sv 7cpcbxoic; Aiyovxsc;

she said, saying, [ a word They spoke] at first, saying,

spcoTcbvxsq S7C8pcoTf|aoDaiv sv ApsA, Kai otixcoc;

By asking they shall ask in Abel; and thus

s^sAi7i;ov 19+ sycb sijii siprjviKd axr|piy|idxcov IapafjA,

they ceased. I am peaceable of ones supporting Israel.

&lt;yi) 8s ^rjisiq Gavaxcbaai 7c6A,iv Kai |ir|xp67i;oAav sv

But you seek to kill a city, even a mother-city in

IapafjA, ivaxi Kaxa7tivsic; KArjpovojjiav Kopiou 20 + Kai

Israel. Why do you swallow down [the] inheritance of [the] LORD? And

a7csKpi6r| Icodp Kai si7cs |ir| jioi ysvoixo sic; Kaxa7UO|ia

Joab answered and said, May it not be to me to swallow [it],

Kai si 8iacp0spcb 21+ ov% otixcoc; o Xoyoq 6x1 avfjp

and shall I utterly destroy [it]? [is not so The word]. For a man

s^ 6poi)c; Ecppaiji SaPsai vioq Bo%op( ovojia avzov

from mount Ephraim, Sheba son of Bichri [is] his name,

S7cf|ps tt|v xsipa avTOV S7n xov PaaiA^sa Aavid 86xs

lifted up his hand against king David. Give

auxov (ioi jiovov Kai a7csA,si)ao|iai a7co Tr\q noksodq

him to me only, and I shall go forth from the city.

Kai si7csv T| ywq npoq Icodp i8oi3 r| KstpaArj avzov

And [ said the woman] to Joab, Behold, [ his head

pupfjasxai 7cpoc; as 8id tod Tsi%ovq 22+ Kai S7copsi)6r|

I will toss] to you over the wall. And [ went in


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r| yovfj 7cpoc; 7cdvxa xov Xaov Kai zkakr\&lt;3£ npoq

the woman] to all the people, and she spoke to

7idaav xrjv 7c6Aav sv xrj aotpia auxfjc; Kai acpaipotiai

all the city in her wisdom. And they removed

xrjv KecpaArjv SaPsai viov Bo%op( Kai pi7cxouaiv

the head of Sheba son of Bichri, and they tossed

auxfjv 7cpoc; Icodp Kai eadAjuasv sv Kepaxivrj Kai

it to Joab. And he trumped with [the] horn, and

8iea7idpr|aav arco xrjc; 7c6A,ecoc; eraaxoc; avfjp sic;

they scattered from the city, each man to

xa aKf|vco|iaxa olvtov Kai Icodp a7csaxps\j/sv eic;

his tents. And Joab returned to

IspoDaaAxjji 7tpoc; xov PaaiAia 23+ Kai o Icodp 7cpoc;

Jerusalem to the king. And Joab [was] over

7idar| xrj 5i)vd|isi IapafjX Kai Bavsaq vioq Icoa8e

all the force of Israel. And Benaiah son ofJehoiada

8711 XOD XspsGl Kai 8711 XOD OsXeGl 24+ Kai

[was] over the Cherethites and over the Pelethites. And

A5copdv 87ii xod cpopoi) Kai Icoaacpdx vioq Ayikovd

Adoram [was] over the tribute. And Jehoshaphat son of Ahilud

avajii|ivfiaKcov 25+ Kai Soi)ad ypa|i|iaxei)c; Kai Sa8cbK

[was] recording. And Sheva [was] scribe, And Zadok

Kai ApiaGdp ispeicj 26+ Kai ys Ipaq o Iapi r|v

and Abiathar [were] priests. And indeed Ira the Jarite was

ispsvq xco Aavid

priest to David.

21 tf3

1+ Kai sysvexo X\[ioq sv xaic; rjjiepaic; Aam5 xpia sxrj

And there was a famine in the days of David for three years,

eviauxoc; o e%6|ievoc; eviauxoi) Kai s^fjxsi Aavid xo

year next to year. And David sought the

7cp6aco7i;ov Kopiou Kai si7C8 Kopioc; £7U ZaovX Kai

face of [the] LORD. And [the] LORD said, Against Saul and

87U xov oikov olvtov r\ a8iKia ev Gavdxco

against his house [is] the iniquity, in [the] death

aijidxcov olvtov 7csp( ov 80avdxcoa8 xouc; rapacovixaq

of his blood [shed], for which he put to death the Gibeonites.

2+ Kai 8KdA,8a8v o fiaaikzvq xouc; rapacovixac; Kai

And [ called the king] the Gibeonites, and

817C8 7tpoc; avTOvq Kai 01 TaPacovixai ov%r\aav sk

he spoke to them. And the Gibeonites were not of


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xcov Dicbv lapar\k 6xi a7io xcov KaxaAxn7ccov xcov

the sons of Israel, for [of the remnants of the

Ajioppaicov fjaav Kai oi dioi IopafjX cbjioaav aDxoic;

Amorites they were], and the sons of Israel swore an oath to them.

Kai s^fjirjae ZaovX 7caxd^ai aDxotic; sv

But Saul sought to strike them in

xoo ^rjAxbaai aDxov xodc; viovq IapafjA, Kai Ioi)8a 3 +

his zeal for the sons of Israel and Judah.

Kai 8i7i8 Aai)(5 npoq xouc; TaPacovixac; xi 7ioifja&lt;jo

And David said to the Gibeonites, What shall I do

djiiv Kai sv xivi s^iAxxaojiai Kai SD^oyfjaexe xrjv

for you? And by what [means] shall I atone, and you shall bless the

KArjpovojjiav KopioD 4 + Kai S17TOV auxoo 01

inheritance of [the] LORD? And [ said to him the

rapacovixai odk saxiv r\[iiv apytipiov od8s

Gibeonites], There is not [a problem] with us [over] silver nor

XPDGiov jisxd Zaovk Kai jisxd xod oikod aDxoD Kai

gold with Saul, and with his house; and

odk saxiv r\[iiv avfjp 9avaxcbaai sk 7cavx6c; IapafjA, 5 +

there is no man for us to put to death from all Israel.

Kai 8i7rs xi v[isiq Aiyexe Kai 7coifjaco djiiv Kai ei7i;ov

And he said, What you say even I will do for you. And they said

7tpoc; xov PaaiXea o avfjp oq aDvexe^eaev r\[iaq Kai

to the king, The man who finished us off entirely, and

sSico^sv r\[idq oq 7capeXoy(aaxo s^o^oGpeDaai r\[idq

pursued us, who misled to utterly destroy us,

acpaviacojisv ai)xov xod jlit| eaxdvai aDxov ev 7cavx(

we shall remove him, [so that] [ is not established he] in any

opico IapafjX 6+ 86xcD r||i(v S7cxd dvSpaq sk

border of Israel. Give to us seven men from

xcov Dicbv aDxoD Kai s^r|Xidoco|isv aDxotic; xco Kopico ev

his sons, and we will hang them in the sun to the LORD in

xco TaPacov ZaovX skXskxod KopioD Kai 8i7csv o

Gibeah of Saul, chosen of [the] LORD. And [ said the

PaaiXsDc; sycb 8cbaco 7+ Kai scpsiaaxo o PaaiA^Dc;

king], I will give [them]. And [spared the king]

S7U xov MecpiPoasG diov IcovaGdv diod ZaovX 8id

for Mephibosheth, son of Jonathan, son of Saul, on account of

xov opKov KDpioD xov avajieaov aDxcbv Kai

the oath of [the] LORD between them; even

avajieoov AaDi5 Kai avajisoov IcovaGdv diod Zaovk

between David and between Jonathan [the] son of Saul.


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8+ Kai sXapev o fiaaik&amp;bq xovq 8do diodc; Psacpd

And [took the king] the two sons ofRizpah

0Dyaxp6c; Aia ovq sxsks too ZaovX xov Apjicovi Kai

daughter of Aiah, whom she bore [to] Saul — Armoni and

xov MscpiPoasG Kai xodc; tcsvxs diodc; Tr\q MsypX

Mephibosheth, and the five sons ofMichal

0Dyaxp6c; HaovX ovq sxsks icq A8pifjA, dico Bsp^sAAi

daughter of Saul, whom she bore to Adriel son ofBarzillai

xco MoodAxxGi 9+ Kai sScoksv aDxotic; ev yp.pi xcov

the Meholahite. And he gave them into [the] hand of the

TaPacoviTcbv Kai s^rjAiaaav aDxotic; ev xco opsi svavxi

Gibeonites. And they hung them in the sun in the mountain before

Kopioi) Kai srcsaav sksi oi srcxd Kaxd TO ai)i6 Kai

[the] LORD. And they fell there the seven together. And

aDxoi s9avaxcb0r|aav sv rjjispaic; GspiajioD sv

they were put to death in days of harvest at

7ipcbTOic; ev apxfj 6spia|ioD KpiGcbv io+ Kai slaps

first, at [the] beginning [harvest of [the] barley]. And [took

Psacpd 0Dydxr|p Aia xov adKKov Kai saxpcoasv aDxov

Rizpah daughter of Aiah] sackcloth, and she strew a bed

sauxfj 87ii xrjv 7isxpav an ap%f|c; 6spia|ioD KpiGcbv

for herself upon the rock from [the] beginning [ harvest of [the] barley]

scoc; od saxa^sv S7i' aDxotic; D8axa 8K Gsod sk

until of which [time] [ dripped upon them waters] from God from
xod ODpavoD Kai odk acpfjKs xa 7isxsivd xod

heaven. And she did not allow the birds of the

ODpavoD Kaxa7iai)oai S7i' aDxotic; rijiepaq od8s xa

heaven to rest upon them [by] day, nor the

Grjpia xod aypoD vdkxoc; u+ Kai a7ir|yysAx| xco Aam8

wild beasts of the field [by] night. And it was reported to David

7idvxa 6aa S7iorr|as Psacpd GDydxrjp Aia naXXaKT]

all as much as [ did Rizpah daughter of Aiah concubine

ZaovX 12+ Kai £7iopei)9r| Aai)(8 Kai sAxxPs xa oaxd

of Saul]. And David went and took the bones

ZaovX Kai xa oaxd IcovaGdv xod diod aDxoD 7iapd

of Saul, and the bones of Jonathan his son from

xcov avSpcbv Iapiq Takadd xcov KXs\j/dvxcov aDxotic;

the men of Jabish Gilead, of the ones stealing them

a7io Tr\q TiXazsiaq BsGadv Kpsjiaadvxcov aDxotic; sksi

from the square ofBeth-shan, [hanging them there

xcov aAlocpDAxov sv xr| rjjispa r| S7idxa^av oi

of the Philistines] in the day in which [ struck the


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aXkoipvkoi xov ZaovX sv rs^poDS 13 + Kai avfjvsyKsv

Philistines] Saul in Gilboa. And he bore

sksiGsv xa oaxd ZaovX Kai xa ooxd IcovaGdv

from there the bones of Saul, and the bones of Jonathan

xod diod clvtov Kai aDvfjyays xa oaxd xcov

his son, and he gathered the bones of the

s^r|Xiao|i8vcov 14+ Kai sGa\j/s xa oaxd ZaovX Kai

ones hanging in the sun. And he entombed the bones of Saul, and

IcovaGdv xod diod clvtov Kai xa oaxd xcov

of Jonathan his son, and the bones of the

r|Xiaa08vxcov sv xrj yrj Bsviajiiv sv xrj nXsvpa sv

ones being expose to the sun, in the land of Benjamin, in the side [of the hill],

xco xdcpco Kiq xod nazpoq clvtov Kai S7iorr|aav 7idvxa

the tomb of Kish his father. And they did all

6aa svsxsiAxxxo o PaaiXstic; Kai S7if|KODasv o Gsoc;

as much as [ gave charge the king]. And God heeded

xtjv yrjv jisxd xaDxa 15+ Kai sysvsxo sxi 7i6A,s|ioc;

to the land after these [things]. And there was still war

xoic; aXkoipvXoiq npoq IapafjX Kai KaxsPrj AaDi8 Kai

against the Philistines with Israel. And David went down and

01 naidsq aDxoD jisx' aDxoD Kai S7ioA,s|ir|aav jisxd

his servants with him, and they waged war with

xcov aAlocpDAxov Kai s^sXdGt| AaDi8 i 6 + Kai Isapt arco

the Philistines; and David grew faint. And Ishbi of

Ncop oq Tjv sv xoic; SKyovoiq xod Pacpd Kai o

Nob, who was among the progeny ofRapha, and the

axaGjioq xod Sopaxoc; aDxoD xpiaKoaicov aucAxjov oAxq

weight of his spear [was] three hundred shekels scale-weight

%aAxoD Kai avzoq 7ispis^coa|isvo(; Kopwrjv Kai

of brass, and he being girded with a truncheon, even

8isvosixo xod 7iaxd^ai xov AaDi5 17+ Kai sPofjGrjasv

considered to strike David. And [ helped

aDxcb Apsaad vioq SapoDia Kai S7idxa^s xov

him Abishai son of Zeruiah], and he struck the

aAA,6cpDA,ov Kai sGavdxcoasv aDxov xoxs cbjioaav 01

Philistine and killed him. Then [ swore by an oath the

dvSpsc; AaDi8 Aiyovxsc; odk s^s^sDarj sxi jisG' r||icbv

men of David], saying, You shall not come forth still with us

Eiq 7i6A,s|iov Kai od [ir\ aPsarjq xov A,d%vov

into battle, that in no way [ should be extinguished the lamp

IapafjX 18+ Kai sysvsxo jisxd xaDxa noXs^ioq sxi

of Israel]. And it came to pass after these [things] war [was] still


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jisxd xcov aXko(pvk(tiv sv NcoP tots S7idTa^s £oPsk%(

with the Philistines in Nob. Then [ struck Sibbechai

o AacoGi Tovq S7tiowr|y|isvoi)c; tcov a7ioy6vcov tcov

the Hushathite] the ones assembling of the descendants of the

yiydvTCDV i 9 + Kai sysvsTO sti 7i6A,s|ioc; jiSTd tcov

giants. And there was still war with the

aXXoipvXodv sv NcoP Kai srcdTa^sv EXkavav vioq

Philistines in Nob. And [ struck Elhanan son

laps o Br|6A,s8|iiTr|(; tov ToXmd tov TeGaiov Kai

of Jaareoregim the Beth-lehemite] Goliath the Gittite, and

to ^6A,ov tod 86paTOc; avzov rjv coc; avTiov

the wood of his spear was as [the] beam of a loom

DcpaivovTCOv 20+ Kai sysvsTO sti n6Xs[ioq sv Ts9 Kai

of one weaving. And there was still war in Gath. And

Tjv avfjp sk Ma8cbv Kai oi 5dKTuXoi

there was a man of Madon, and the fingers

tcov xsipcbv avTOV Kai oi 5dKTuXoi tcov 7ro8cbv avzov

of his hands, and the toes of his feet

s^ Kai s^ siKoaiTsaaapsq api0|icb Kai ys avzoq

[were] six and six, twenty-four in number; and indeed he

stsxGt] tco Pacpd 21 + Kai covs(5ias tov IapafjA, Kai

was born [to] Rapha. And he berated Israel, and

S7idTa^sv auTOV IcovaGdv vioq Sajiad a8sAxpoi) Aavid

[struck him Jonathan son ofShimea brother of David].

22 + 01 Tsoaapsq odtoi STS%6r|aav arcoyovoi tcov

These four were born to descendants of the

yiydvTCOv sv Ts0 tco Pacpd oikoc; Kai srcsaav sv

giants in Gath, to the [of Rapha house]. And they fell by

%sip( Aavid Kai sv %sip( tcov 8ot3Xcov avzov

[the] hand of David, and by [the] hand of his servants.

22 M

1 + Kai sldAxjas Aam8 tco Kupico zovq Xoyovq

And David spoke to the LORD the words

Tr\q coSfjq TavTr\q sv r||ispa r| s^siXsto auTOV Kupioq

of this ode in [the] day which [ rescued him [the] LORD]

sk %zipoq 7idvTC0v tcov s%6pcbv avzov Kai sk X^poq

from [the] hand of all his enemies, and from out of [the] hand

ZaovX 2+ Kai si7is Kupioc; rcsTpa |iou Kai o%i&gt;pco|id |iot&gt;

of Saul. And he said, [The] LORD my rock, and my fortress,

Kai s^aipoujisvoc; |is 3 + o 0s6q |iou (pvXatq [iov

and [the] one rescuing me. My God, my guard,


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10 -2 Samuel

7rs7ioi9cb(; eaojiai S7i' auxcb U7rspaa7iiaxf|c; |iod Kai

I will be yielded upon him; my defender and

Kspaq aooxrjpiac; jiou avxiAx|7rx&lt;jop (iod Kai

horn of my deliverance; my shielder and

KaxacpDyfj jiod aooxrjpiac; |iot&gt; a8iKOD acbaziq |is 4 +

my refuge; my deliverance from [the] unjust; you shall deliver me.

aivexov 87iiKaX8ao|iai icopiov Kai arco xcov e%0pcbv jiou

Praiseworthy, I shall call upon [the] LORD, and from my enemies

aco9f|ao|iai 5 + 6xi 7iepieaxov |is ai)vxpi|i|ioi Gavdxoi)

I shall be delivered. For [ compassed me conflicts of death],

Kai xsijiappoi avojiiaq eGdjiPrjadv (is 6 + axoivia ddov

and [the] rushing streams of lawlessness made me distraught. Cords of Hades

SKTjicXcoadv |is Kai 7ipos(p0aodv jie 7i£8ai 0avdxou ? +

encircled me, and [anticipated me shackles of death].

sv 0Ai\j/ei |iod S7iiKaX8ao|iai xov Kopiov Kai npoq

In my affliction I shall call upon the LORD, and to

xov Geov jiod Pofjoojiai Kai fjKorjasv sk

my God I will yell. And he heard [ from out of

vaorj avTOV cpoovfjc; |iod Kai r| Kparjyfj |iod sv

his temple my voice], and my cry in

xoic; coaiv auxorj s + Kai ea£ia0r| Kai sxapd%0r| r| yr|

his ears. And [ was shaken and disturbed the earth];

Kai xa 0e|ieAia xou oupavorj &lt;yDvsxapd%0r|aav Kai

even the foundations of the heaven were disturbed and

£a7iapd%0r|aav 6xi 80D(icb0r| Kopioc; auxok; 9+ aveprj

thrown into a spasm, for [the] LORD was enraged with them. There ascended

Kaizvoq ev xr| opyfj avzov Kai nvp 8K

smoke in his wrath, and fire from out of

oxojiaxoq avTOV Kaxscpays dv0paKsq avfj(p0r|aav s£,

his mouth devoured; coals were kindled by

avzov 10+ Kai skAivsv orjpavorjc; Kai KaxsPrj Kai

it. And he leaned [the] heavens, and came down; and

yvocpoq D7i6 xodc; nodaq auxorj n+ Kai 87i8pr| 87ii

dimness [was] under his feet. And he mounted upon

Xspoi)pi|i Kai S7isxda0r| Kai cb(p0r| S7ri xco 7ixsprjycDv

cherubim, and was spread out, and was seen upon the wings

av8|icov 12 + Kai 80sxo cjkoxoc; a7ioKpi)(pfjv avTOV

of [the] winds. And he placed darkness for his concealment.

kdkAxd olvtov r\ aKTjvfj arjxorj ctkoxoc; i)5dxcov S7rd%DV£v

Round about him his tent [was] darkness of waters; thickened

sv vscpeAmc; aspoq 13+ arco xou cpsyyoq svavxiov

in clouds of air. From the brightness before


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10 -2 Samuel

avTOV s^sKauGrjaav dvGpaKsc; itvpoq u+ sppovxrjasv

him [ were kindled coals of fire]. [ thundered

s^ oupavoi) o icupioq Kai o uij/iaxoc; sSgoks

from out of heaven The LORD], and the highest gave out

9&lt;Dvfjv avTOV 15+ Kai a7isaxsiA,s PsAxj Kai saKopmasv

his voice. And he sent arrows, and he dispersed

avTOvq Kai fjoxpa\j/sv aaxpa7if|v Kai s^saxrjasv

them; and he flashed lightning, and he startled

auxotic; i6+ Kai cbcpGrjaav acpsasic; dakaaar\q Kai

them. And [ were seen [the] releases of [the] sea], and

a7isKaA,i)(p6r| xa BsjisAia Tr\q oikoi)|isvt|c; sv xrj

[ were uncovered the foundations of the inhabitable world] at the

£7UTi|xf|aei tod Kopiou a7io izvor\q 7rvsi)|iaxoc;

reproach of the LORD, by [the] breath of spirit

0d|iot3 avTOV n+ aftsaxsiXsv s^ i3\j/odc; Kai slaps |is

of his rage. He sent from [the] height, and took me;

SiXkDOS (18 8^ l)8dxCDV 7T0Alcbv 18+ S^SlXsXO |IS S^

he drew me out of [ waters many]. He delivered me from

io%voq s%6pcbv jiou sk tcov jiiaowccov jis 6xi

[the] strength of my enemies, from the ones detesting me; for

(axDov U7i8p 8(18 i 9 + 7ipos(p0aadv (is sv rjjispa

they were strong above me. They anticipated me in a day

0Ai\j/8cbc; jiou Kai sysvsxo Kopioc; S7iiaxf|piy|id jioi) 20 +

of my affliction, and [the] LORD became my stay.

Kai s^fjyays jis sic; 7iXaxua|i6v Kai s^siXsxo jis 6x1

And he led me into an enlargement, and rescued me, for

r|u86Kr|asv sv sjioi 21+ Kai avxa7rs8coKs (ioi Kopioc;

he thought to do well by me. And [ recompensed unto me [the] LORD]

Kaxd xrjv 8iKaio&lt;y6vr|v jiou Kai Kaxd xrjv

according to my righteousness. And according to the

KaGapioxrjxa xcov %sipcbv jiou avxa7io8cbasi jioi 22 + 6x1

cleanliness of my hands he shall make recompense to me. For

sqroAxx^a odovq Kupiou Kai odk rjasprjaa arco

I guarded [the] ways of [the] LORD, and was not impious before

xou 0sot3 (iod 23 + 6x1 7idvxa xa Kpijiaxa auxoi)

my God. For all his judgments

Kaxsvavxiov jiou Kai xa 8iKaicb|iaxa avzov odk

[were] in front of me, and his ordinances did not

a7isoxr|aav an sjiot3 24+ Kai saojiai d|ico|ioc; auxcb

depart from me. And I will be unblemished to him,


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10 -2 Samuel

Kai 7ipo(pi)A,d^o|iai arco xrjc; avojjiac; |iou 25+ Kai

and I shall keep guard from my lawlessness. And

avxa7io5coasi jioi Kopioc; Kaxd xrjv SiKaioawqv jiou

[ shall recompense to me [the] LORD] according to my righteousness,

Kai Kaxd ttjv Ka0api6xr|xa xcov %sipcbv jiod a7isvavxi

and according to the cleanliness of my hands before

xcov ocpGaXjicbv (XDTOD 26 + jisxd oaioi) oaiooGfjorj Kai

his eyes. With [the] sacred you shall be sacred, and

jisxd a0cboi) aGcboq sarj 27 + Kai |isxd sk^skxoi)

with [the] innocent you shall be innocent, and with [the] chosen

skA,8kt6(; sarj Kai jisxd axpspXoi) axpspAxjaGfjarj 28+ Kai

you shall be chosen; and with [the] crooked you shall be crooked. And

xov Xaov xov 7ixcox6v acbasic; Kai ocpGaXjio^q

the [ people poor] you shall preserve, and [the] eyes

D7i8pr|(pdvcov xa7isivcbasic; 29+ 6x1 gd cpcoxisfc;

of [the] proud you shall humble. For you shall light

Xvyyov jiou Kopis Kai o Kopioc; skMjjaj/si sv

my lamp, O LORD; and the LORD shall shine forth in

okoxsi |iod 30+6x1 sv aoi 8pa|ioT3|iai jiovo^covoq Kai

my darkness. For in you I shall run lightly armed, and

sv xco 0scb |iod s^aAxyojiai xs(%oc; 3 i+o0s6c; d|ico|ioc;

by my God I shall leap over a wall. God ~ unblemished

T| 086q OLVTOV XO pfjjia KDplOD 7lS7lDpCO(ISVOV

[is] his way. The saying of [the] LORD [is tried] in the fire.

D7rspaa7rioxf|c; saxi 7idoi xoic; 7rs7ioi06aiv S7I auxov 32 +

He is a defender to all the ones yielding upon him.

6x1 xic; 0s6c; 7iAr|v KDpioD Kai xic; Kxiaxrjc; 7iAx|v

For who [is] God besides [the] LORD? And who [is] creator besides

xoi) 0sou rjjicbv 33+o0s6q o Kpaxaicov |is 8i3va|iiv Kai

our God? God — the one strengthening me, [is] power; and

s0sxo d|ico|iov xrjv o56v |iod 34+ xi0siq

he established [ as unblemished my way]; setting

Tovq 7i65ac; |iod cdc; s^dcpoi) Kai loxcbv |is S7ri xa

my feet as a stag, and standing me upon the

D\j/r|A,d 35 + 5i8daKcov xac; %sipdc; jiod sic; 7i6A,s|iov Kai

heights; teaching my hands for war, and

Kaxd^aq xo^ov %oXkovv S7i( Ppaxiovdc; jiod 36 + Kai

breaking [the] bow of brass by my arms. And

s8cDKdc; jioi 07iAx)v xrjc; acoxrjpiaq jiod Kai D7iaKof| gov

you gave to me a shield of my deliverance, and obedience of you


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ev toutco + viica

10 -2 Samuel

S7iAx|0Dve (is 37+ Kai S7iAxxxDvac; xa 8iapf||iaxd jiod

multiplied me. And you widened my footsteps

D7tok(xtco jiod Kai odk soaA£D0r|aav xa oKeAxj |iod 38 +

underneath me, and [did not shake my legs].

Sicb^co xodc; e%6poDc; |iod Kai atpavico aDxotic; Kai

I will pursue my enemies, and I will remove them. And

odk a7ro&lt;xcp8\j/CD ecoc; od cDvxsAiaco aDxotic; 39 + Kai

I shall not return until of which [time] I shall finish them off. And

GAxxaco avTOvq Kai odk avaaxfjaovxai Kai 7isaoDvxai

I will crush them, and they shall not rise up; and they shall fall

D7i6 xodc; nobaq jiod 40 + Kai 7iepi8^coadc; |is 8Dvd|iei

under my feet. And you shall gird on me power

eic; 7r6A,s|iov Kd|i\j/£ic; xodc; S7riaxavo|ievoDc; 87i' sjis

for war. You shall bend the ones rising up against me,

D7ioKdxco (iod 41 + Kai oi sx0poi |iod eScoKdc; |IOl

underneath me. And [ my enemies you gave] to me;

aD%svac; jiiaoDvxcov |is Kaxs7idxr|aa 42+ avsporjaav

[ [the] back of the neck of ones detesting me I trampled]. They yelled out,

Kai oDKTjv acb^cov 7ipoc; KDpiOV Kai ODK

and there was not one delivering; to [the] LORD, and he did not

S7if|KODa8v aDxcbv 43+ Kai sAiava aDxotic; coc; %odv

take heed of them. And I ground them as dust

yrjc; coc; 7ir|A,6v xcov s^68cov 8A,S7ixDvd aDxotic; 44 +

of [the] earth; [as [the] mud of the streets I made them fine].

Kai s^sAxdd |is sk avxi^oyicbv Xaov (pvXa^ziq |is sic;

And you rescued me from disputes of people; you shall guard me as

KscpaAxjv 80vcbv Xaoq ov odk eyvcov e8oDA,£Das jioi

head of nations. A people whom not knowing, served tome.

45+ sic; aKofjv coxiod D7if|KODa8 |iod dioi aAloxpioi

With a hearing ear it obeyed me. [ sons Alien]

sysDaavxo jioi 4 6+ dioi aAloxpioi a7ioppicpf|aovxai Kai

lied to me; [ sons alien] shall reel — and

acpa^ODCTiv sk xcov avjKksia[i(bv aDxcbv 4 ? + Kopioc;

they shall trip from their confinement. As [the] LORD lives —

Kai SD^oyrjxoq o itXaaaq jie Kai D\j/co0f|O£xai

for blessed be the one shaping me, and [ shall be raised up high

o Gsoq jiod o acoxfjp jiod 48+ ia%vpoq KDpioc; o 8i8odc;

my God] — my deliverer. [The] LORD [is] strong, the one giving

SK8iKf|asi(; |io( Kai sxa7rs(vcoasv Xaoiq D7ioKdxco jiod

acts of vengeance to me, and humbling peoples underneath me.


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10 -2 Samuel

49+ Kai s^qyays |is s£, sxOpcbv jiod Kai sk tcov

And he led me from my enemies. And from the ones

S7isysipo|isvcov 87i ' |is uycbasic; |is s^ av8pcbv

rousing up against me, you shall raise me up high. [ from men

a5iKT||i&amp;TCDV pi3ar| jie 5 o+ 5id xotixo

of offences You shall rescue me]. On account of this

8^o|ioAx)yf|ao|iai aoi icopis sv xoic; s0vsai Kai too

I will make acknowledgement to you, O LORD, among the nations. And [ [to]

ovojiaxi aoi) \\faX(h 51 + jisyaArivcov xac; aooxrjpiac;

your name I will strum], O one magnifying the deliverance

tod PaaiXscoq avzov Kai 7ioicbv Zksoq xoo %piaxcb avzov

of his king, and doing mercy [to] his anointed one,

too Aavid Kai xco a7isp|iaxi avzov sooc; amvoq

[to] David and [to] his seed unto [the] eon.

23 3D

1 + Kai otixoi 01 Xoyoi Aavid 01 8a%axoi maxoc; AaviS

And these are the [words of David last]. Trustworthy David,

vioq Isaaai Kai 7iiax6c; avfjp ov avsaxrjasv o Gsoc;

son of Jesse, and a trustworthy man whom God raised up —

Xpiaxov Gsoi) IaKcbp Kai SD7rps7isfc; o \\fak[ioq

anointed one of [the] God of Jacob, and for beauty [is] the psalm

xod IopafjX 2+ 7wsi)|ia Kupuyo s^dArjasv sv sjioi Kai

of Israel. Spirit of [the] LORD spoke by me, and

Xoyoq clvtov S7ri yX(baar\q [iov 3 + sitcsv o 0s6c;

his word [was] upon my tongue. [ spoke The God

lapar\k jioi sAxxArjas qroAxx^ IapafjA, dp%cov sv

of Israel] tome; [spoke [the] guardian of Israel], [ruling among

av0pcb7roic; SiKaioq ap%6c; cpopco 6sot3 4 + Kai coq cpcoq

men justice], [the] prince in fear of God. And as [ light

xo 7ipcoiv6v avaxsA,s( r\kioq xo7ipcoi Kai ov aKoxdasi

the early morning], [ arises [the] sun] in the morning, and it shall not darken;

arco cpsyyoDc; Kai s^ dsxotj cdc; Poxdvrj sk yr\q

from brightness and from out of rain as pasturage of [the] earth.

5 + OXl 0V% ODXCOq O OIKOq |IOD jisxd 0SOD 6x1

For [is] not thus my house with God? for

8ia6f|Kr|v aicbviov s0sxo jioi acbaai |is sxoi|ir|v sv

[ covenant an eternal he established] with me, to deliver me, prepared at

7iavxi Kaipcb 7rs(pi)A,ay|isvr|v 6x1 7idaa acoxrjpia |iod

all time being guarded. For all my deliverance,


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10 -2 Samuel

Kai 7iav 0sAx||ia sv Kopico 6xi od |ir| pXaaxfjasi o

and all [my] will [is] in [the] LORD, for in no way shall [ grow the

7tap&amp;vo|ioc; 6+ coa7rsp oucavGa s^coa|isvr| 7tdvxsc; atixoi

lawbreaker]; as a thorn-bush being pushing out [are] all these;

on od %sip( Ax|(p6fjaovxai ?+ Kai avfjp oq K07iidasi

for no hand shall take [them]. And a man who shall labor

sv aDTofc; 7rAx|pr|c; ai5fjpoD Kai tpkov 56paxoc; Kai

among them, full of iron and wooden spear, and

sv 7iDp( Katiasi Kai)9f|aovTai sic; aiaxDvrjv aDxcbv 8 +

in fire burning, they shall be burnt in their shame.

xatixa xa ovojiaxa xcov 8i)vaaxcbv Aavid IsoPadp o

These are the names of the mighty ones of David. Joshabbasshebeth the

0SKS|iav( 7ipcbxoc; xcov xpicbv odxoc; A8ivcb o

Tachmonite — [first of the three this one [is]]. Adino the

Aacovaioc; odxoc; sa7idaaxo xrjv pojicpaiav aDxoD S7ri

Eznite — this one unsheathed his broadsword against

OKxaKocrioDc; xpaDjiaxiac; siad7ia^ 9+ Kai jisx' ai)xov

eight hundred slain at once. And with him

E^sd^ap vioq Aod8i diod 7iaxpa8sAxpoD aDxoD sv

[is] Eleazar son of Dodo, son of his uncle among

xoic; xpioi xoic; SDvaxoic; odxoc; r\v jisxd AaDi8 sv

the three mighty ones, this one was with David in

xco ovsi8(aai ai)xov sv xoic; aXkoipvXoiq Kai 01

his berating among the Philistines. And the

aAA,6tpi)A,oi &lt;yovf|%0r|aav sksi sic; 7r6A,s|iov Kai

Philistines gathered together there for war. And

avsprjaav dvSpsc; IapafjX npoq 7rpoacb7roi) aDxcbv 10 +

[ ascended [the] men of Israel] before their face,

Kai avToq avsaxrj Kai S7idxa^s xodc; aXXoipvXovq scoc;

and he rose up and struck the Philistines, until

od SK07iiaasv r| %s(p aDxoD Kai 7rpoasKoAAr|0r|

of which [ tired his hand], and [ was cleaved

r| %s(p avTOV S7ii xrjv pojitpaiav Kai S7iorr|as Kopioc;

his hand] upon the sword. And [the] LORD made

acoxrjpiav |isydAx|v sv xr| rjjispa sks(vt| Kai o Xaoq

[ deliverance a great] in that day. And the people

S7isaxps\j/sv 07r(aco aDxoD sic; xo ctkdXsdsiv u+ Kai jisx'

returned after for despoiling. And after

ai)xov Sajiaiaq vioq Ayd o Apapi Kai GDvf|%0r|oav

him Shammah son of Agee the Hararite. And [ gathered together

01 aAA,6(pi)Ax)i sic; 0r|p(a Kai rjv sksi jispfc; aypoD

the Philistines] in Theria, and there was there a portion of a field


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10 -2 Samuel

7iAx|pr|c; cpaKOD Kai o Xaoq scpDysv sk 7rpoaco7roD

full of lentils. And the people fled from [the] face

aXXoipvXcov 12+ rai Kaxsoxrj sv jisaco xrjc; |isp(8oc; Kai

of [the] Philistines. And he stood in [the] midst of the portion, and

s^sdaxo aDxfjv Kai S7idxa^s xodc; aXkoipvXovq Kai

rescued it, and struck the Philistines. And

£7iorr|as Kopioc; acoxrjpiav |isydAx|v n + Kai KaxsPnaav

[the] LORD executed [ deliverance a great]. And [ went down

xpsic; a7io xcov xpidKovxa dp%ovxsc; Kai eiafj^Gov

three from the thirty rulers], and they entered

7ipoc; Aavid sic; xo o7if|Amov OSoAAxxji Kai xdyjia

unto David into the cave of Adullam. And [the battle] order

xcov aXko(pvX(DV 7iapsvsPaA,sv ev xr| KoiA,d5i Pacpaiv

of the Philistines camped in the valley of Rephaim.

14+ Kai Aavid xoxs sv xrj 7ispioxf| Kai xo D7i6axr||ia

And David [was] then in the citadel, and the garrison

xcov aXko(pvX(DV xoxs sv Brj0A,ss|i 15+ Kai

of the Philistines [was] then in Beth-lehem. And

S7is6i)|ir|as Aain8 Kai si7is xic; 7ioxis( |is i35cop sk

David desired, and said, Who will give [ to drink me water] from


the well, the one in Beth-lehem, of the one at the gate?

Kai 5isppr|^av 01 xpsiq 8i)vaxo( xttv 7iaps|iPoAr|v xcov

And [ tore up the three mighty ones] the camp of the

aAAx)tpi3A,cov Kai u8psi3aavxo i38cop sk xod XdKKOD

Philistines, and they drew water from the well,

xod sv Brj0A,ss|i xod sv xrj 7tdAx| Kai slapav

of the one in Beth-lehem, of the one by the gate. And they took [of it],

Kai 7iapsysvovxo npoq Aavid Kai odk r|6sAx|as 7iis(v

and came to David. And he did not want to drink

ai)xo Kai scmsiasv auxo xco Kopico 17+ Kai si7isv

it, and he offered it a libation to the LORD. And he said,

ikscbq jioi Kijpis xod 7ioifiaai xodxo si aijia xcov

Kindness be to me, O LORD, to do this. Shall [ [the] blood of the

avSpcbv xcov 7iopsD0svxcov sv xaic; \\fv%aiq aDxcov 7ii6|iai

men going with their lives I drink], [no].

Kai odk r|6sAx|as 7iis(v aDxo xaDxa S7iovr|aav 01

And he did not want to drink it. These [things] [ did the

xpsic; 8Dvaxoi 18+ Kai Apsaod o aSsAxpoc; Icodp vioq

three mighty ones]. And Abishai the brother ofJoab, son

SapoDia 7ipcoxoc; xcov xpicov Kai avzoq s^fjysips

of Zeruiah, [was] foremost of the three. And he awakened

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10 -2 Samuel

to 86pi) clvtov 87i( xpiaKocrioDc; TpaDjiaxiaq Kai aDTcb

his spear upon three hundred slain, and to him

ovojia sv TOiq xpiaiv i 9 + 8K tcov xpicbv svSo^oc;

[was] a name among the three. Of the three [he was] honored,

Kai Tjv aDioiq sic; dpxovxa Kai scoc; tcov xpicbv odk

and was to them for ruler, and unto the [first] three he did not

fjp%STO 20+ Kai Bavsac; vioq Ico8as diod avdpoq

arrive at. And Benaiah son of Jehoiada, son [ man

8i)vaT(y6 noXXa spya goto KaPsasfjA, odtoc; S7idTa^s

of a mighty], with great works from Kabzeel. This one struck

todc; 8do diodc; ApifjX tod Mcodp Kai avzoq KaxePrj

the two sons of Ariel ofMoab. And he went down

Kai S7iaTa^s tov Aiovxa sv jisaco tod Xcxkkod sv

and struck the lion in [the] midst of the pit in

rjjispa %iovoq 21+ Kai avzoq S7idTa^s xov

[day a snowy]. And he struck the

dv5pa xov AiyD7iTiov dv5pa opaxov sv 5s ttj %sip(

Egyptian man, [ man a remarkable]; and in the hand

tod AiyD7iTioD 86pD Kai KaxsPrj npoq clvtov sv

of the Egyptian [was] a spear. And he went down to him with

pdpSco Kai fjp7iaas to 86pD sk tt|c; x 8l P 0C i tod

a rod, and seized by force the wooden spear from out of the hand of the


Egyptian, and killed him with his spear.

22+ TaDTa S7tovr|as Bavsac; vioq Ico5as Kai aDTcb

These [things] [did Benaiah son of Jehoiada], and to him [was]

ovojia sv Toiq Tpioi SDvaTOic; 23+ D7isp todc;

a name among the three mighty ones. [He was] over the

TpidKOVTa svSo^oq Kai npoq todc; Tpsiq odk

thirty honorable ones, but to the [first] three he did not

fjpxsTO Kai STa^sv aDTOV AaDi8 itpoq

arrive at. And [ ordered him David] for

Tag aKodq aDTOD Kai TaDTa Ta ovojiaTa tcov

his reports. And these are the names of the

5DvaTcbv AaDi5 tod PaaiAicoq 24+ Aaar\k a8sAxpoc;

mighty ones of David the king. Asahel brother

Icodp sv Toiq TpidKOVTa EXsavdv vioq Aod5(

ofJoab among the thirty. Elhanan son of Dodo

7taTpa8sAxpoD aDTOD sv BrjBXssji 25 + Sajiaiaq o Apo8(

his uncle in Beth-lehem. Shammah the Harodite.

EAiKd o Apo8i 26+ XaXkiq o OaAri Ipd vioq EKKiq

Elika the Harodite. Helez the Paltite. Ira son of Ikkesh


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o 0skoitt|c; 27+ Apis^sp o AvaGcoBiTrjc; MepoDvai o

the Tekoite. Abiezer the Anathothite. Mebunnai the

AacoGixriq 28+ EsXjicbv o A%oixr|c; Ma%apaii o

Hushathite. Zalmon the Ahohite. Maharai the

NsTCOcpaGixriq 29+ EXdp vioq Baavd o NsTCG(pa6vcr|c;

Netophathite. Heleb son ofBaanah the Netophathite.

E00{ vioq PiPat o sk Podvod Bevaijjiv 30+ Baveac;

Ittai son Ribai the one of the hill of Benjamin. Benaiah

o OapaBevvcrjc; H5at 8K Na%aAiya(ac; 31 +

the Pirathonite. Hiddai from out of Naxali-Gaash.

AptAXpcbv o ApaPcoGixriq A^jicgG o Bap%|iiTr|c; 32 +

Abi-albon the Arbathite. Azmaveth the Barhumite.

EAiapd o SaXaPcoviTriq dioi Iaaev IcovaGdv 33+ Sajid

Eliahba the Shaalbonite. Sons ofJashen, Jonathan, Shammah

o Apcopvcrjc; A%id|i vioq Sapdp o Apa8vrr|c; 34+

the Hararite. Ahiam son ofSharar the Hararite.

EAicpaAxrc vioq tod A%aaPai vioq tod MaaxaGi

Eliphelet son of Ahasbai, son of the Maachathite.

EAadji vioq AxiTOcpsX tod rsAxovvcoD 35+ Aaape o

Eliam son ofAhithophel the Gilonite. Hezrai the

KapjxfjAioc; Oaapa'i o ApPi 3 6+ IyadX vioq NaGdv sk

Carmelite. Paarai the Arbite. Igal son ofNathan of

EoDpd Bavi o Tadi 37+ SsXfjK o AjicoviTriq Na%apa(

Zobah. Bani the Gadite. Zelek the Ammonite. Nahari

o BrjpcoGaioq o aipcov Ta oksdtj Icodp diod

the Beerothite, the one lifting the equipment of Joab son

SapoDia 38+ Ipdq o IeGpaiog TapsP o Is0pa(oc; 39+

ofZeruiah. Ira the Ithrite. Gareb the Ithrite.

ODpiaq o EGaioc; oi7idvTec; TpidKovTa Kai 87iTd

Uriah the Hittite. In all thirty and seven.

24 73
1+ rai 7ipoa86sTO opyfj Kopioc; SKKafjvai sv IopafjX

And [ proceeded in anger [the] LORD] to burn in Israel.

Kai S7T8asias tov AaDi5 eic; aDTofc; Aiycov 7ropsD6r|Ti

And he stirred up David against them, saying, Go

ap(0|ir|aov tov IopafjX Kai tov Iod8(xv 2+ Kai ei7iev o

count Israel and Judah! And [ said the

PaaiXeDc; itpoq Icodp dp%ovTa tcov 8Dvd|i8cov tcov

king] to Joab, ruler of the forces of the ones


24 73

8V TOUT© + VlKa

10 -2 Samuel

jist' aDTOD 7isp(sAi)s 8rj Trdaaq Tag tpDAxxc;

with him, Go around indeed all the tribes

tod IapafjX Kai lovda ano Aav Kai scoc; BrjpaaPsai

of Israel and Judah, from Dan and unto Beer-sheba,

Kai S7i(aK8\j/ai tov A,a6v Kai yvcbaojiai tov apiG |iov

and number the people! and I shall know the number

tod XaoD 3 + Kai 817T8V Icodp 7ipoc; xov PaaiAia Kai

of the people. And Joab said to the king, And

7ipoa08ir| KDpioq o Gsoc; aoD 7ipoc; xov Xaov aoD

may [ add [the] LORD your God] to your people,

cba7isp Kai todtodc; SKaTOVTa7rXao(cDc; Kai oi

as even these a hundred foldly, and the

o(p0aA,|io( tod KDpioD |iod tod PaaiAicoc; opebvTse; Kai

eyes of my master the king seeing [it] — but

o KDpioq (iod o PaaiXsDc; ivan PoD^STai ev

my master the king, why do you want [to do]

too Xoyco todtco 4 + Kai D7i8piaxDa8v o Xoyoq TOD

this matter? And [ excelled the word of the

PaaiXscoc; rcpoc; Icodp Kai sicjtodc; dp%ovTac; Tr\q

king] against Joab, and the rulers of the

8Dvd|iscoc; Kai s^fjABsv Icodp Kai oi dp%ovTSc; Tr\q

force. And Joab went forth, and the rulers of the

SDvdjiscoc; svcb7iiov tod PaaiAicoc; S7iiaKs\j/aa9ai tov

force before the king to number the

Xaov tov IapafjX 5 + Kai 8isPr|aav tov Iop8dvr|v Kai

people of Israel. And they passed over the Jordan, and

7iapsvsPaAx)v sv Apofjp sk Ss^icbv Tr\q nokscoq Tr\q

they camped in Aroer at [the] right of the city of the one

sv jisaco Tr\q cpdpayyoc; Ta5 Kai EXis^sp 6 + Kai

in [the] midst of the ravine of Gad and Eleizer. And

r\kdov sic; raA,ad8 Kai sic; yrjv Xsttiji Xd8r|c; Kai

they came into Gilead, and into [the] land Tahtim Hodshi; and

7iapsysvovTO sic; Aav Kai SKDKAxoaav sic; £i8cbva 7 +

they came into Dan, and encircled to Sidon,

Kai fjXGov sic; MaPadp TtipoD Kai sic; naaaq zaq

and they came into Mapsar of Tyre, and to all the

7i6A,sic; tod EDaioD Kai tod XavavaioD Kai

cities of the Hivite, and the Canaanite. And

SK7iopsDOVTai S7ii votov Ioi)8a sic; BrjpaaPsai 8 + Kai

they went out unto [the] south of Judah into Beer-sheba. And

7rspicb8sDaav sv 7idar| ttj yr| Kai rcapsysvovTO arco

they traveled about in all the land, and came at


24 73

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

Tskovq swsa jirjvcbv Kai sixoai r||ispcbv siq

[the] end of nine months and twenty days into

IspoDaaAxjji 9 + Kai sScdksv Icd&amp;P tov api6|iov Tr\q

Jerusalem. And Joab gave the number of the

e7riaKs\j/£&lt;joc; tod Xaov too Paai^si Kai r|v IapafjX

numbering of the people to the king. And there was to Israel

OKiaKoaiai %iXid8sc; av8pcbv 8Dvd|iscoc; a7ico|i8vcov

eight hundred thousand men of [the] force unsheathing

pojicpaiav Kai dvSpsc; Ioi38a 7isvTaKoaiai %iAad8sc;

[the] broadsword. And men of Judah — five hundred thousand

av5pcbv |ia%r|Tcbv io+ Kai S7idTa^s Kap5(a Aavid avzov

men warriors. And [ struck [the] heart of David] him

jisxd to apiGjifjaai tov Xaov Kai si7is Aavid npoq

after counting the people. And David said to

r r r c* r r r

Kopiov r|(iapTr|Ka acpodpa 7ioifjaac; to pf||ia todto Kai

[the] LORD, I have sinned exceedingly ~ I having done this thing. And

vdv Kopis 7isp(sXs 8r| ttjv a8udav tod 8odA,od aoD

now, O LORD, remove indeed the iniquity of your servant,

6ti 8|iaTaicb0r|v acp68pa u+ Kai avsaTrj AaDi8 T07ipcoi

for I was in folly exceedingly. And David rose up in the morning,

Kai pf||ia KDpioD sysvsTO rcpoc; Ta8 tov 7ipo(pf|Tr|v

and [the] word of [the] LORD came to Gad the prophet,

tov opcbvTa AaDi8 Aiycov 12+ 7iopsDOD Kai XaXr\aov

the one seeing [for] David, saying, Go and speak

rcpoc; AaDi8 Xsycov Td8e Aiysi Kopioc; Tpia sycb

to David! saying, Thus says [the] LORD, Three [things] I

aipco 87i( as sicA^ai asaDTcb sv s^ aDTcbv Kai

lift unto you; you choose for yourself one of them! and

7roifjacD aoi 13 + Kai fjXGe Ta8 7ipoc; AaDiS Kai

I will execute against you. And Gad went to David, and

avfjyysiXs Kai sircsv aDTcb SK^s^ai asaDTcb ysvsaGai

he announced, and he said to him, Choose for yourself [what] is to be

aoi Tpia 8TT| Aijiod sv ttj yn aoD rj Tpsic; jifjvaq

to you! Three years of famine in your land, or three months

cpsDysiv as 8(i7ipoa0sv tcov s%0pcbv aoD Kai saovTai

for you to flee before your enemies, and they will be

KaTa8icoK8iv as r| ysvsaGai Tpsic; r||ispac; GdvaTOV sv

pursuing you, or [ to be three days of plague] in

ttj yrj aoD vdv odv yvcbGi Kai (8s ti a7ioKpi0cb tco

your land. Now then, know and perceive! what I shall answer to the

a7roaTSiA,avTi |is h + Kai si7is AaDi8 7ipoc; Ta8

one sending me. And David said to Gad,


24 73
8V TOUT© + VlKa

10 -2 Samuel

axsvd jioi acp68pa sail xa xpia s|i7isaoD|iai sic;

[ narrow [choice] to me an exceedingly It is] ~ the three [things]. I shall fall


xac; %s(pac; tod KopioD 6xi 7ioAA,oi oiKxipjioi aDxoD

the hands of the LORD, for [ great his compassions

atp68pa siq 5s xac; %s(pac; av6pcb7icov od |ir| s|i7rsaco

[are] exceedingly], but into the hands of men in no way shall I fall.

15+ Kai s^sAi^axo saDxcb Aavid xov Gdvaxov Kai

And [ chose for himself David] plague. And

s8coks Kopioc; Gdvaxov sv IapafjX goto 7ipcoi0sv Kai

[the] LORD appointed plague in Israel from morning and

scoc; cbpac; ap(axoi) Kai arcsBavsv sk xod Xaov

unto [the] hour of dinner. And there died from out of the people

arco Aav Kai scoq BrjpaaPsai sp8ojif|Kovxa %iAid5sc;

from Dan and unto Beer-sheba seventy thousand

av5pcbv i6 + Kai s^sxsivsv o dyys^oc; xrjv %s(pa aDxoD

men. And [ stretched out the angel] his hand

sic; IepouaaAxjii xod 5iacp0sipai auxfjv Kai

to Jerusalem, to utterly destroy it. And

7rapeKAr|9r| Kopioc; S7i( xr| KaKia Kai si7is xco ayysXco

[the] LORD relented over the evil, and said to the angel

xco 8iacp08ipovxi sv xco Xacb iKavov vdv dvsc;

destroying among the people, Enough now, spare

xrjv %s(pd aoi) Kai o dyysloc; xod Kupiou r|v 7iapd xr|

your hand! And the angel of the LORD was by the

dlco Opvd xod IePoDaaioD n + Kai si7is AaDi8 npoq

threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite. And David spoke to

KDpiov sv xco iSsiv aDxov xov dyyslov xov xD7ixovxa

[the] LORD in his beholding the angel striking

sv xco Xacb Kai si7isv i8od sycb fjjiapxov Kai sycb

among the people, and he said, Behold, I sinned, and I

o 7ioi|if|v SKaK07io(r|aa Kai odxoi xa 7ip6paxa xi

the shepherd did evil, and these are the sheep, what

S7io(r|aav ysvsaBco 8r| r| %sip aoD sv sjioi Kai sv

did they do? Let [ come indeed your hand] against me, and against

xco oikco xod 7iaxp6(^ jioD i8+ Kai fjA,0s Ta8 npoq Aavid

the house of my father! And Gad came to David

sv xtj rjjispa sks(vt| Kai si7isv aDxcb avdprjGi Kai

in that day, and said to him, Ascend, and

axfjaov xco 0Daiaaxfjpiov xco Kopico sv xr| oXcd

set up an altar to the LORD in the threshing-floor

Opvd xod IsPoDaaioD 19+ Kai avsprj AaDi5 Kaxd xo

of Araunah the Jebusite! And David ascended according to the


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

10 -2 Samuel

pr\\ia Ta8 tod 7ipo(pf|TOD ov Tporcov svsTSiAmo

word of Gad the prophet, in which manner [ gave charge

aDTcb Kopioc; 20 + Kai 8iskd\j/sv Opvd Kai siSs TOV

to him [the] LORD]. And Araunah looked, and he beheld the

Pamlsa Kai took; 7ia(8ac; avzov 7rapa7iopsDO|isvoDc; S7i'

king, and his servants coming near unto

avzov Kai s^fjABev Opvd Kai 7ipoasKDvr|as too

him. And Araunah went forth, and did obeisance to the

PaaiXsi S7ri 7ip6oco7rov avzov S7U xrjv yrjv 21 + Kai

king upon his face upon the ground. And

S17T8V Opvd ti on fjXGev o Kopioc; jiod o fiaaiksvq

Araunah said, For what [reason] comes my master the king

7ipoc; tov 8odA,ov avzov Kai si7is AaDi8 KifjoaoGai

to his servant? And David said, To acquire

7iapd aoi) xrjv d^co tod oiKo5o|if|aai 0Daiaaxf|piov

from you the threshing-floor, to build an altar

KDpico Kai aDa%s6f| r| GpaDaiq S7idvco tod Xaov

[to the] LORD, so that [ should be constrained [the] devastation upon the people].

22 + Kai S17T8V Opvd 7ipoc; AaDi8 AxxPstco Kai

And Araunah said to David, Take it and

avsvsyKdTCO o Kopioc; jiod o fiaaiksvq too KDpico to

offer, O my master the king, to the LORD [what is]

ayaGov sv ocpGaXjioiq aDTOD i8od oi Pose; sic;

good in [your] eyes! Behold, the oxen [are] for

oXoKaDTCDjia Kai oi Tpoxoi Kai Ta oksdtj tcdv Pocbv

a whole burnt-offering, and the wheels, and the items of the oxen

sic; ^6Axx 23+ Ta 7idvTa sScoksv Opvd too Paai^si

[are] for wood. The whole amount Araunah gave to the king.

Kai si7rsv Opvd 7ipoc; tov PaaiAia KDpioc; o Gsoc; aoD

And Araunah said to the king, [The] LORD your God,

SDA,oyf|aai as 24+ Kai sircsv o PaaiXsDc; 7ipoc; Opvd

may he bless you. And [ said the king] to Araunah,

od^i 6ti aXk T| ktcojisvoc; Kcfjaojiai 7iapd aoD sv

Not so, but only by acquiring shall I acquire [it] from you for

aAldyjiaTi Kai odk avoiaco KDpico 6sco jiod

a price, for I shall not offer [to the] LORD my God

oXoKaDTCOjia Scopsdv Kai SKTfjaaTO AaDi8 tt|v

a whole burnt-offering without [paying] a charge. And David acquired the

dXco Kai todc; poac; sv apyDpico awXcbv

threshing-floor, and the oxen with [ silver shekels

7isvTf|K0VTa 25+ Kai coKo86|ir|asv sksi AaDi8

fifty]. And [built there David]


24 73

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

10 -2 Samuel

GDaiaaxfjpiov icq KDpico Kai avfjvsyKsv oXoKoroxcbaeiq

an altar to the LORD, and he offered whole burnt-offerings,

Kai eiprjviK&amp;c; Kai S7if|KODas icopioc; xrj yr| Kai

and peace [offerings]. And [the] LORD heeded the land, and

&lt;yovsaxs6r| r| dpavaiq S7idvco6sv IapafjA,

held up the devastation on top of Israel.


8V TOOTCp + VlKa

11-1 Kings
1 X

1 + Kai o fiaaikvbq AaviS 7cpeaPDxr|c; 7cpopsPr|Kcbc; sv

And king David [was] an old man, advanced in

rjjispaic; Kai 7cepiePaAAx)v aDxov ijiaxunc; Kai odk

days. And they put [ around him clothes], and he was not

sGspjiaivsTO 2+ Kai si7iov oi naidsq aDxoD aDxcb

warmed. And [ said his servants] to him,

^rjxrjadxcoaav too KDpico rijicbv xco PaaiXei V8dvi8a

Let them seek for our master the king a young

7iap0svov Kai 7tapaaxf|aexai xco Paai^si Kai eaxai

virgin, and she shall stand beside the king, and will be

avzov BdAjroDaa Kai KaxaKsiasxai sv xco koAjtco aDxoD

warming him, and she shall recline in his bosom,

Kai GepjiavGfjaexai o Kopioc; rjjicbv o fiaaiksvq 3 + Kai

and [ shall be heated our master the king]. And

e^fjxrjaav vsdvi8a KaAxjv sk 7cavx6c; opioD IapafjA,

they sought [ young woman a goodly] from every border of Israel.

Kai etipov xrjv Apiady xrjv EoDvajjixiv Kai f|V8yKav

And they found Abishag the Shunammite, and they brought

ai)xfjv 7tpoc; xov PaaiAia 4 + Kai rj vedvic; koXt\ xco

her to the king. And the young woman [was] goodly to the

e(8ei acp65pa Kai r|v GdAjroDaa xov PaaiXea Kai

sight, exceedingly, and was warming the king. And

eXeixoDpyei auxcb Kai o fiaaiksvq odk eyvco aDxfjv 5 +

she ministered to him, and the king did not know her.

Kai AScoviac; vioq AyyiG e7rf|pexo Aiycov eycb

And Adonijah son ofHaggith lifted up, saying, I

PaaiXsDaco Kai S7covr|aev ai)xcb dpjiaxa Kai uursfc;

shall reign. And he appointed to himself chariots, and horsemen,

Kai 7isvxf|Kovxa dv8paq 7capaxpsxovxac; 8(i7ipoa6sv

and fifty men running in front of

avzov 6+ Kai odk 87iix(|ir|asv aDxcb o 7iaxf|p aDxoD

him. And [ did not make a reproach to him his father]

710)710X8 SUTCOV XI 0X1 CJD 7C87COir|Ka(; ODxcoq Kai

at any time, saying, Why [is it] that have you done thus? And

aDxoq KaXoq xr| 6\j/ei acp68pa Kai aDxov sxsksv

he [was] good in appearance, exceedingly. And he was born

07UGCO ApsaaXcbji ?+ Kai fjaav 01 A,6yoi aDxoD jiexd

after Absalom. And [ were his communications] with

Icodp xod diod SapoDia Kai jisxd ApidGap xod

Joab the son of Zeruiah, and with Abiathar the


11-1 Kings

ispscoq Kai sPofjBoDV 07iiaco AScdviod 8 + Kai SaScbK

priest. And they helped [following] after Adonijah. And Zadok

o tepetic; Kai Bavsac; vioq Ico8a8 Kai NaGdv o

the priest, and Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and Nathan the

7ipo(pf|Tr|(; Kai £s|isi Kai Prjai Kai 01 ovtsc;

prophet, and Shimei, and Rei, and the ones being

8Dvaxo( too Aavid odk fjaav jisxd A5cdviod 9 + Kai

mighty [to] David were not with Adonijah. And

sGDaiaaev AScoviaq 7rp6paxa Kai Poac; Kai dpvac;

Adonijah sacrificed sheep and calves and lambs

7iapd xov AiGov tov ZcoeAiG tov e%6|ievov Tr\q 7rr|yf|c;

by the stone Zoheleth, the one being next to the spring

tod PooyfjX Kai eKd^eas 7cdvTac; todc; a5sAxpoDc; avzov

ofEn-rogel. And he called all his brethren

todc; diodc; tod PaaiAiooc; Kai 7tdvTac; todc; dv8paq

of the sons of the king, and all the men

IoD8a todc; 7ta(5ac; tod PaaiXeooc; 10+ Kai Na0dv tov

of Judah, the servants of the king. But Nathan the

7ipo(pfjTr|v Kai tov Baveav Kai todc; SDvaTODc; Kai

prophet, and Benaiah, and the mighty [ones], and

tov SoXojicbvTa a8sAxpov aDTOD odk sKd^eae 1 1 + Kai

Solomon his brother he did not call. And

81718 NaGdv npoq BrjpaaPeai jxrjTspa Ib^ojicbvTOc;

Nathan said to Bath-sheba, mother of Solomon,

Aiyoov odk fjKODaac; 6ti PePacriXsDKev AScoviac;

saying, Did you not hear that [ reigns Adonijah

vioq AyyiG Kai o Kopioc; r||icbv AaDi8 odk syvco 12 +

son ofHaggith], and our master David does not know.

Kai vdv 8sDpo aD|iPoDA,SDacD aoi aDjiPoDMav oitcnq

And now, come, I will advise you with advice, so that

acbariq rqv \\fv%r\v aoD Kai tt|v \\fv%r\v EoXojicbvTOc;

you should preserve your life, and the life of Solomon

tod diod aoD 13 + 8sDpo eiaeXGe 7cpoc; tov PaaiXsa

your son. Come, enter unto king

AaDi8 Kai epek; npoq avzov ov%i av Kopie jiod

David. And you shall say to him, Have you not, O my master,

PaaiXeD cbjioaaq tt| SodAx| ood Aiyoov 6ti EoXojicov

O king, sworn by an oath [to] your maidservant, saying that, Solomon

o vioq aoD Paai^SDaei |ist' sjis Kai avzoq KaGfjaeTai

your son, he shall reign after me, and he shall sit

8711 TOD GpOVOD |IOD Kai Tl OTl

upon my throne. Then why [is it] that

1 N sv tootco + vtica 11-1 Kings

PePaai^sDKsv A8cov(ac; u+ Kai i5od sxi aoD Xakovar\q

Adonijah reigns? And behold, while you [are] speaking

SK8i jiexd tod PaaiAicoc; Kai eycb eiaeA^Daojiai jiexd

there with the king, that I shall enter after

ood Kai 7iAx|pcbaco took; Xoyovq gov is + Kai

you, and I will fulfill your words. And

eiafjXGe BrjpaaPeai npoq xov paaiAia eic; to xajieiov

Bath-sheba entered to the king in the inner chamber.

Kai o fiaaiksvq 7ipsapDxr|c; acp65pa Kai Apiady r|

And the king [was] an old man, exceedingly. And Abishag the

EoDvajiiiK; r|v XsixoDpyoDaa xco Paai^ei i6+ Kai

Shunamite was ministering to the king. And

skd\j/s BrjpaaPeai Kai 7ipoasKDvr|ae xco Paai^si Kai

Bath-sheba bowed, and did obeisance to the king. And

S17T8V o fiaaiksvq xi eaxi aoi 17 + Kai 8i7is Kopie |iod

[ said the king], What is it to you? And she said, O my master,

fiaoiksv &lt;td (b[ioaaq sv Kopico xco 6scb aoD xr|

O king, you swore by an oath to [the] LORD your God [to]

5odAt| aoD Aiycov 6xi SoA,ojicbv o vioq aoi) PaaiXetiaei

your maidservant, saying that, Solomon your son, he shall reign

jisx' 8(18 Kai avToq Ka9fjaexai S7U xod 0p6voD jiod is+

after me, and he shall sit upon my throne.

Kai vdv i8od AScoviac; PePaaiXsDKev Kai &lt;td

And now behold, Adonijah reigns; and you,

Kopie jiod fiaoiksv odk eyvcoc; 19+ Kai s9i)a(aas

O my master, O king, do not know. And he sacrificed

[ioa%ovq Kai dpvac; Kai 7ip6paxa sic; iihf\doq Kai

calves and lambs and sheep in multitude, and

SKd^sae rcavxac; xodc; diodc; xod PaaiAicoc; Kai

he called all the sons of the king, and

ApiaGdp xov lepea Kai Icodp xov dpxovxa xrjc;

Abiathar the priest, and Joab the ruler of the

5i)vd|iscoc; Kai xov EoA,ojicovxa xov 8odA,6v aoi) odk

force; and Solomon your servant he did not

SKdXsas 20+ Kai ai) Kupis jiod PaaiA,SD oi ocp0aX|io(

call. And you, O my master, O king, the eyes

navxoq IapafjA, 7ipoc; as a7idyysiAm aDxofo; xic;

of all Israel are towards you to report to them who

KaGfjasxai S7ri xod 0p6voi) xod KopioD jiod xod

shall sit upon the throne of my master the

PaaiAicoc; |isx' aDxov 21+ Kai eaxai sv xco Koi|ir|9f|vai

king after him. And it will be in the sleeping

8V TOUT© + VlKa

11-1 Kings

xov Kopiov jiod xov PaaiAia jisxd xcov 7iaxspcov aDxoD

of my master the king with his fathers,

Kai saojiai sycb Kai SoAxDjicov o vioq jiod ajiapxcoAxn

that I will be myself and Solomon your son as sinners.

22+ Kai i8od 8xi auxfjc; Xakovar\q jiexd xod PaoiXecoc;

And behold, while she spoke with the king,

Kai NaGdv o 7ipo(pfjxr|c; eiof|Ai)e 23+ Kai avfjyysilav

that Nathan the prophet entered. And it was announced

xco Paai^si Xsyovxsc; i8od NaGdv o 7rpocpf|xr|c; Kai

to the king, saying, Behold, Nathan the prophet. And

eiafjABe Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov xod PaaiAicoc; Kai

he entered in front of the king, and

7ipoasK6vr|a£ xco Paai^si S7ri 7rp6aco7iov aDxoD em

did obeisance to the king upon his face upon

xtjv yrjv 24+ Kai £i7ie NaGdv Kupie |iod fiaaikzv

the ground. And Nathan said, O my master, O king,

&lt;td siprjKaq AScoviac; PaaiXeDasi jisx' jiod Kai avzoq

have you said, Adonijah shall reign after me, and he

KaGfjasxai S7ri GpovoD jiod 25+ 6x1 KaxsPrj afjiispov

shall sit upon my throne? For he went down today

Kai sGuaiaas [ioa%ovq Kai dpvac; Kai 7ip6paxa sic;

and sacrificed calves and lambs and sheep in

7iAx|Goc; Kai eKdXeae rcavxac; xodc; viovq xod

multitude, and called all the sons of the

PaoiAicoc; Kai xodc; dp%ovxac; xrjc; 8i)vd|iecoc; Kai

king, and the rulers of the force, and

ApiaGdp xov lepea Kai i8od eiaiv eaGiovxec; Kai

Abiathar the priest; and behold, they are eating and

7rivovxsc; 8vco7riov avTOV Kai 8i7rov ^fjxco o fiaaikvbq

drinking before him, and they said, Let [ live king

AScoviac; 26+ Kai ejis xov 8odA,6v ood Kai Sa5cbK xov

Adonijah]! And me your servant, and Zadok the

ispsa Kai Bavsav diov IcoSae Kai SoXojicbvxa

priest, and Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and Solomon

xov dovXov gov odk eKdXeasv 2 ? + si 8id

your servant he did not call. If [ through

xod KDpioD jiod xod PaaiAicoc; ysyove xo pfjjia xodxo

my master the king has taken place this thing],

Kai odk syvcopiaac; xco 8odAxo aoD xic; KaGfjaexai

then you did not make known [to] your servant who shall sit


upon the throne of my master the king after

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

11-1 Kings

(xdtov 28+ Kai a7i8Kpi6r| o fiaaiksvq Aai)(8 Kai 8i7i8

him. And [ answered king David], and said,

KaXeaaxe jioi xrjv BrjpaaPeai Kai eiafjXGsv svcb7riov

Call to me Bath-sheba! And she entered before

tod Paai^scoq Kai saxrj svcb7riov aDxoD 29 + Kai

the king, and stood before him. And

cbjioasv o fiaaikzvq Kai si7i8 ^r| Kopioc; oq

[ swore by an oath the king], and said, As [the] LORD lives, who

eAmpcooaxo xrjv \\fv%r\v |iod sk 7rdar|c; GMij/ecoq 30 +

ransomed my soul from out of all affliction,

on KaGcbq cbjioad aoi Kaxd KopioD tod 08od

that as I swore by an oath to you according to [the] LORD God

IapafjX Aiycov 6x1 SoAxdjicdv o vioq aoD Paai^sDaei

of Israel, saying that, Solomon your son shall reign

jisx' sjis Kai aDioq KaGfjasxai S7ri tod 0p6voD jiod

after me, and he shall sit upon my throne

aVl' SJIOD Oil ODX00 7TOlf|aCD XT] T]jI8pa TaDTT] 31+ Kai

instead of me; that thus I will do this day. And

8kd\|/8 BrjpaaPsai S7i( 7ip6aco7rov S7ri xr|v yrjv Kai

Bath-sheba bowed upon [her] face upon the earth, and

7ipoa£KDvr|ae too PaoiXei Kai si7i8 ^fjxoo o Kopioc; jiod

did obeisance to the king, and said, Let [ live my master

o PaoiXeDc; AaDi5 eic; xov aicbva 32+ Kai si7i8v

king David] into the eon! And [ said

o PaaiXeDc; AaDi8 KaAiaaxs jioi SaScbK xov ispsa

king David], Call to me Zadok the priest,

Kai NaGdv xov 7ipo(pf|xr|v Kai Bavsav diov Ico8ae

and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah son of Jehoiada!

Kai siafjABov 8vcb7iiov xod PaaiAiooc; 33+ Kai si7isv o

And they entered before the king. And [ said the

PaoiXeDc; aDxoic; AxxPexe |ie6' Djicbv xodc; 7iai8ac;

king] to them, Take with you the servants

xod KDpioD djicov Kai £7iiPipdaaxe Eo^ojicbv

of your master, and set Solomon


my son upon [ mule my], and

Kaxay dysxe aDxov eic; xrjv Rcbv 34 + Kai xpiadxco aDxov

lead him unto Gihon! And let [ anoint him

sksi Sa8cbK o ispsDc; Kai Na6dv o 7ipo(pf|xr|c; sic;

there Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet] for

PaoiAia S7Ti IapafjX Kai aaAmaaxe Kspaxivrj Kai

king over Israel! And trump [the] horn! And


1 N ev xoi3xcp + vlica 11-1 Kings

epevce ^fjico o fiaaikvbq £oAx)|icbv 35+ Kai avapfjaeaGe

you shall say, Let [ live king Solomon] ! And you shall ascend

O7rioco avTOV Kai eias^stioexai Kai KaGfjaexai S7ri

after him. And he shall enter, and he shall sit upon

tod GpovoD jiod Kai avToq Paai^sDaei avx' s|iod Kai

my throne, and he shall reign instead of me. And

ai)Tcb sycb 8V8T8iA,d(ir|v tod sivai eic; rjyoDjisvov S7ri

to him I gave charge to be for leader over

IapafjA, Kai sjii k&gt;D8av 35+ Kai a7i8Kp(6r| Bavsac; vioq

Israel and over Judah. And [ responded Benaiah son

Ioo8as tco Paai^si Kai si7ie ysvovco odtooc; 7iiaTcbaai

of Jehoiada] to the king, and said, May it be so. May [ confirm [it]

KDpioq o Geoc; tod KDpioD |iod tod PaaiAiooc; 37 + KaBcbq

[the] LORD God of my master the king]. As


[the] LORD was with my master the king, so

evrj jisTd SoAxdjicdv Kai jieyaArivai tov Gpovov aDTOD

may it be with Solomon, and to magnify his throne


above the throne of my master king David.

38+ Kai KaTSprj Sa8cbK o ispstic; Kai Na0dv o

And [ went down Zadok the priest], and Nathan the

7ipo(pfjTr|c; Kai Baveac; vioq IooSae Kai o XepeGi Kai

prophet, and Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and the Cherethite, and

o ®sA,s0( Kai S7i8Kd6iaav tov SoA,ojicbvTa S7U tt|v

the Pelethite. And they sat Solomon upon the

rjjjiovov tod PaaiAiooc; AaDi5 Kai a7ifjyayov aDTOV sic;

mule of king David, and they took him to

ttjv Rcbv 39 + Kai sAxxps Ea8cbK o lepetic; to Kspaq

Gihon. And [ took Zadok the priest] the horn

tod sAmoD 8K tod aKT|vcb|iaTOc; Kai s%pias

of the oil from out of the tent, and anointed

tov SoXojicbvTa Kai eadAmae tt| KspaTivrj Kai si7i8

Solomon, and trumped the horn. And [ said

iiaq o Xaoq ^tco o paaiXsDc; SoXojicbv 40+ Kai aveprj

all the people], Let [ live king Solomon]! And [ascended

itaq o Xaoq O7iiaco aDTOD Kai naq o Xaoq s^opsDOV

all the people] after him, and all the people joined in a dance

sv X°P 0 ^ Kai £D(ppaiv6|isvoi SDcppoawq |isydAx|

by companies of dancers, and making glad [ gladness in great].

Kai sppdyrj r| yrj sv tt| (pcovfj aDTcbv 41+ Kai

And [ tore the earth] with the sound of them. And

1 N ev tootco + vtica 11-1 Kings

fjKODasv AScoviac; Kai ftdvxsc; 01 KAxjxoi jist' aDxof)

Adonij ah heard, and all the invited ones with him;

Kai (xdtoi aDvexsleaav eaGiovxec; Kai fjKODasv Icodp

and they completed eating. And Joab heard

tt|v (poovfjv Tr\q Kspaxivrjq Kai si7is tic; r| (pcovfj

the sound of the horn, and said, What [is] the sound

xrjc; noXscoq r\%ovar\q 42+ exi avzov Xakovvioq Kai

of the city sounding? While he was speaking, that

i8od Icova0dv vioq ApidGap tod ispecoc; fjXGe Kai

behold, Jonathan son of Abiathar the priest came in. And

S17T8V AScoviac; sias^Ge 6x1 avfjp SDvdjiscoc; si cjd Kai

Adonij ah said, Enter, for [ a man of power you are], and

ayaGd SDayyeAieic; 43 + Kai a7isKp(Grj IcoavGdv Kai

[for] good you announce good news! And Jonathan answered and

S17T8 too A8cov(a Kai [idXa o KDpioc; rjjicbv o fiaaiksvq

said [to] Adonij ah, And by all means our master king

Aam8 ePaaiA^DKe xov EoAx)|iG)vxa 4 4+ Kai a7reoxaA,K£

David established Solomon to reign. And [ sent

jisx' aDxof) o fiaaikzvq xov £a8cbK xov lepsa Kai

with him the king] Zadok the priest, and

NaGdv xov 7rpotpfjxrjv Kai Baveav xov diov Ico8ae

Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah the son ofJehoiada,

Kai xov XepeGi Kai xov Os^sGi Kai S7i£p{paaav

and the Cherethite, and the Pelethite. And they sat

avzov S7Ti xrjv rjjiiovov xod PaaiAicoq 45+ Kai e%piaev

him upon the mule of the king. And [ anointed

avzov Ea8coK o ispetic; Kai NaGdv o 7rpocpfjxrjc; sic;

him Zadok the priest], and Nathan the prophet as

PaaiAia sv xrj Ticbv Kai aveprjaav sksiGsv

king at Gihon. And they ascended from there

SD(ppaiv6|isvoi Kai fj%rjaev r| noXiq atixrj r| (pcovfj r|v

making glad. And [ sounded the city] this sound which

TjKotiaaxe 46+ Kai eraGioe £oA,ojicbv em xod GpovoD

you heard. And Solomon is seated upon the throne

xrjc; PaoiXeiac; 47+ Kai ye fjA.Gov 01 5odXoi xod

of the kingdom. And also [ came the servants of the

PaaiAicoc; SD^oyfjaai xov Kopiov rjjicbv xov PaaiAia

king] to bless our master king

AaDiS Aiyovxec; ayaGDvai o Geoc; xo ovojia

David, saying, [ make good God] the name

XOD DIOD aOD EoXojICOVXOC; D7T8p xo ovojid aoD Kai

of your son Solomon above your name, and

1 N sv tootco + vtica 11-1 Kings

jisyaArivai xov Gpovov aDxoD D7isp xov Gpovov gov Kai

magnify his throne above your throne! And

7ipoasKDvr|osv o fiaaikvbq sm xrjv ko(xt|v aDxoD 48 +

[ did obeisance the king] upon his bed.

Kai ye odxcdc; si7isv o fiaaikzvq svXojiycoq KDpioc;

And indeed thus [ said the king], Blessed [is] [the] LORD

0 Gsoc; IopafjX oq s8cdks of||ispov sk

God of Israel, who gave today from out of

TOD a7T8p|iaT6(; (101) Ka6fj|I£V0V S7U TOD GpOVOD |IOD Kai

my seed one sitting upon my throne, and

01 ocpGaXjioi |iod pA,87ioDai 49+ Kai s^saxrjaav Kai

my eyes see [it]. And [ were startled and

s^avsaxrjaav 7idvxsc; oi kAx|xo( D7i6 tod AScdviod

rose up all the ones called by Adonijah],

Kai a7rfjX0ov sraaxoc; sic; xrjv o56v aDxoD 5 o + Kai

and [ departed each] unto his way. And

AScoviac; ecpopfjGrj ano 7ipoacb7roD So^ojicbvioq Kai

Adonijah feared from [the] face of Solomon, and

avsaxrj Kai anr\kds Kai S7isAxxpsxo xcov Kspdxoov tod

he rose up and went forth, and took hold of of the horns of the

GDaiaaxrjpioD 5 i+ Kai avrjyysAxj tco SoXojicovti Aiyovxsc;

altar. And it was announced to Solomon, saying,

i5od ASooviac; scpopfjBrj xov PaaiAia SoXojicbvTa Kai

Behold, Adonijah fears king Solomon, and

Kaxs%si xcov Kspdxcov tod GDaiaaxrjpioD Aiyoov

he takes hold of the horns of the altar, saying,

ojioadxoo |ioi afjjispov o PaaiXstic; £oAx)|icbv tod [ir\

Let [ swear by an oath to me today king Solomon] to not

Gavaxcbaai xov SodAxtv aDxoD sv pojicpaia 52+ Kai

put to death his servant by [the] broadsword. And

81718 So^ojicbv sdv ysvrjxai sic; diov SDvdjisooc; od (ir|

Solomon said, If he should be a son of power, in no way

7isar| a7io xrjc; KscpaArjc; aDxoD Gpi£, S7ri xrjv yrjv

should there fall from his head a hair upon the ground.

sdv 8s KaKia SDpsGfj sv aDxcb GavaxooGfjasxai 53 + Kai

But if evil should be found in him, he shall be put to death. And

aftsaxsiXsv o PaaiXsrjc; £oAx)|icbv Kai Kaxfjvsyrav

[ sent king Solomon], and brought

aDxov a7idvco0sv xod GDaiaaxrjpioD Kai siafj^Gs Kai

him from on top of the altar. And he entered and

7ipoasKDvr|as xoo Paai^si £oAx)|icbvxi Kai si7isv aDxcb

did obeisance to king Solomon. And [ said to him

2 2 ev tootco + viica 11-1 Kings


Solomon], Go unto your house!

2 n

i+ Kai fjyyiaav ai rjjispai AaviS tod a7io0avs(v ai)i6v

And there approached the days for David himself to die;

Kai svsTSiAmo xco dio avTOV £oAx)|iovti Aiyov 2 +

and he gave charge [to] his son to Solomon, saying,

sycb eijii 7topsDO|iai sv 086 7rdar|c; Tr\q yr\q Kai

I am going in [the] way of all the earth, and

\&lt;3%VG£iq Kai sarj sic; dv8pa

you shall be strong, and you shall be a man.

3 + Kai (pvXa^siq ttjv (pvXaKT\v KopioD tod 0sod aoD

And you shall guard the watch of [the] LORD your God,

tod 7iopsDsa0ai sv zmq odoiq avzov cpDAxxaasiv

to go in his ways, to guard

xaq svtoAxxc; aDTOD Kai Ta 8iKaio|iaTa Kai Ta KpijiaTa

his commandments, and the ordinances, and the judgments,

Kai Ta jiapTopia aDTOD KaGoc; ysypa7rcai sv to vojio

and his testimonies, as written in the law

McDDafj (va aDvifjc; rcdvTa a 7ioif|asic; Kai

of Moses; that you should perceive all what you shall do, and

7ravTa%fj od av S7ripA,s\j/r|c; sksi 4+ 6710c;

everywhere of which ever you should have paid attention there. So that

aTfjarj Kopioc; tov Xoyov aDTOD ov sAxxArjas 7isp(

[the] LORD should establish his word which he spoke concerning

(iod Aiyov sdv cpDAxx^oaiv 01 dioi aoD ttjv o86v aDTcbv

me, saying, If [ should guard your sons] their way,

tod 7iopsDso0ai sv67n6v |iod sv aAr|6s(a sv 6hr\

to go before me in truth, with [ whole

Kap8(a aDTcbv Kai sv 6hr\ \\fr\%r\ aDTcbv Aiyov

heart their], and with [ whole soul their], saying,

odk s^apGfjasTai aoi avfjp ano tod GpovoD IopafjA, 5 +

There shall not be lifted away to you a man from the throne of Israel.

Kai vdv ctd oidaq a S7io(r|as jioi Iodp dioc;

And now you know what [ did to me Joab son

SapoDia Kai a S7iovr|as TOiq dvaiv dp%ODai tcov

ofZeruiah], and what he did to the two rulers of the

8Dvd|isov IapafjA, to Apsvfjp dio Nrjp Kai

forces of Israel— Abner son ofNer, and

to Ajisaad dio IsGsp Kai arcsKTSivsv aDTODc; Kai

Amasa son of Jether; and he killed them, and

2 2 sv tootco + vtica 11-1 Kings

sxa^s xa aijiaxa 7ioA,s|iod sv sipfjvrj Kai s5coksv

ordered up the blood of war for peace, and put

aijia aBcoov sv xrj ^cbvrj aDxoD xr| sv xr| oacpm aDxoD

[ blood innocent] on his belt, the one on his loin,

Kai sv xco D7io5f||iaxi aDxoD xco sv xco 71081 aDxoD 6 +

and on his sandal, the one on his foot.

Kai 7rovfjasic; Kaxd xrjv aocpiav ctod Kai od

And you shall do according to your wisdom, and you shall not

Kaxd^siq xrjv 7roAidv aDxoD sv sipfjvrj sic; abort ? + Kai

lead down his gray hair in peace into Hades. And

xoic; vioiq Bsp^sAAi xod raA,aa5(xoD 7ioifjasic; s^soc;

to the sons ofBarzillai the Gileadite you shall have mercy,

Kai saovxai sv xoic; sctGiodcti xrjv xparcs^dv ood 6xi

and they shall be at the eating of your table, for

odxcgc; fjyyiadv jioi sv xco cpsDysiv |is sk 7rpoacb7iOD

so they drew near to me in my fleeing from [the] face

xod a8sAxpof) god ApsaaXcbji 8 + Kai i5od jisxd aoD

of your brother of Absalom. And behold, [there is] with you

Esjisi Dioq Tripd Dioq xod Isjisvi sk BaoDpiv Kai

Shimei son of Gera, son of the Benjamite from Bahurim. And

avToq Kaxrjpdaaxo |is Kaxdpav o8Dvr|pdv sv xr|

he cursed me [ curse a grievous] in the

rjjispa T| s7iopsD6|ir|v sic; 7iaps|iPoAxk; Kai avzoq

day in which I went into Camps. And he

KaxsPrj sic; a7idvxrjavv jiod S7ri xov Iop5dvr|v Kai

went down for meeting me at the Jordan, and

cbjioaa aDxcb sv KDpico Xsycov si Gavaxcbaco as sv

I swore by an oath to him by [the] LORD, saying, I shall not put [ to death you] by

pojicpaia 9+ Kai od jlit| aGcocbarjc; aDxov 6xi avfjp

[the] broadsword. And you shall in no way acquit him, for [ man

aocpoq si cjd Kai yvcbarj a 7ioifjasic; aDxcb Kai

a wise you are], and you shall know what to do with him, and

Kaxd^siq xrjv 7ioA,idv aDxoD sv aijiaxi sic; d8oD 10 +

you shall lead down his gray hair with blood into Hades.

Kai SKoijifjGrj AaDi5 jisxd xcov 7iaxspcov aDxoD Kai

And David slept with his fathers, and

sxdcprj sv xt| 7i6A,si AaDi8 11 + Kai ai T|jj,spai acj

he was entombed in the city of David. And the days which

sPaaiXsDcrs AaDi8 S7U IapafjX xsaaapdKovxa sxrj sv

David reigned over Israel [were] forty years. In

XsPpcbv sPacriXsDasv S7ixd sxrj Kai sv IspoDaaArjji

Hebron he reigned seven years, and in Jerusalem


2 2 sv tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

ePaaiXsDas xpidKovxa Kai xpia errj n+ Kai SoXojicbv

he reigned thirty and three years. And Solomon

SK&amp;01CJSV 8711 TOD GpOVOD A(XDl8 TOD 7iaTp6c; (XDTOD

sat upon the throne of David his father.

Kai r|TOi|ido0r| rj Paai^sia aDTOD acp68pa n+ Kai

And [ was prepared kingdom his] exceedingly. And

eiafjXGev ASooviac; vioq Ayy(6 npoq BrjpaaPeai tt|v

[entered Adonijah son ofHaggith] to Bath-sheba, the

|ir|T8pa Eo^ojicovToq Kai 7ipoasKDvr|a8v aDTfj Kai

mother of Solomon, and did obeisance to her. And

S17T8V sipfjvrj T| siaoSoq aoD Kai si7iev sipfjvrj u+

she said, [ in peace entering [Are] you]? And he said, Peace.

Kai S17T8V Xoyoq jioi npoq as Kai si7T8V aDTcb

And he said, My word to you. And she said to him,

Xakr\GOV 15+ Kai £i7iev aDTfj &lt;xo oidaq 6ti ejioi rjv r|

Speak! And he said to her, You know that to me was the

PaaiXsia Kai S7i' ejis s0sto naq IapafjA,

kingdom, and upon me [ set all Israel]

to 7ip6aco7rov aDTcbv sic; PaaiAia Kai S7isaTpd(pr| r|

their face for king. And [ was turned the

PaaiXsia Kai eyevsTO too a8sAxpcb jiod 6ti 7iapd

kingdom], and came to my brother; for by

KDpioD Tjv aDTcb i6+ Kai vdv avrrjaiv jiiav sycb

[the] LORD it was to him. And now [ request one I

aiTODjiai 7iapd aoD jirj a7ioaTpe\j/rjc;

ask] from you, you should not turn [away]

to 7rp6aco7i6v aoD Kai si7isv aDTcb BrjpoaPeai Xaksi n+

your face. And [ said to him Bath-sheba], Speak!

Kai S17T8V aDTfj 817TOV 8r| 7ipoc; EoA,O|IC0VTa TOV

And he said to her, Speak indeed to Solomon the

PaaiAia 6ti odk a7iooTps\j/ei to 7rp6aoo7i6v aoD Kai

king! for he will not turn away your face, so that

Scbasi jioi TTjvApiady tt|v SoDvajimv eic; yDvaiKa ig+

he shall give to me Abishag the Shunammite for wife.

Kai S17T8V BrjpaaPeai KaXcbq eycb XaArjaoo 7ispi aoD

And Bath-sheba said, Well, I will speak for you

tod Pamlei 19+ Kai eiafjXGs BrjpaaPeai npoq

to the king. And Bath-sheba entered to

tov PaaiAia £oA,ojicbvTa Xakf\aai aDTcb nspi

king Solomon to speak to him concerning

A8oQv(oD Kai s^avsarq o fiaaikzvq eic; a7idvTrjaiv

Adonijah. And [rose up the king] to meet


8V TOUT© + VlKa

11-1 Kings

avTT\q Kai 7ipoasKDvr|aev aDxfjv Kai SKdGiaev S7il

her, and he did obeisance to her, and he sat upon

xov Gpovov avTOV Kai exeGrj Gpovoc; xrj |xqxpi tod

his throne. And [ was set a throne] [for] the mother of the

PaaiAiooc; Kai SKdGiaev sk Se^icbv aDxoD 20 + Kai si7iev

king; and she sat on his right. And she said

avT(b avcrjGiv jiiav jiucpdv sycb aixoDjiai 7iapd ciod

to him, [ request one small I ask] from you,

|ir| a7roaxpe\j/r|c; to 7rp6aco7i6v |iod Kai si7isv aDxfj

you should not turn away my face. And [ said to her

o fiaoikzvq aixrjaai jxfjxep e|xq 6x1 odk a7iooxpe\j/CD

the king], Ask [ mother my], for I will not turn from

as 21+ Kai 81718 8o0f|Tco 8r| Apiady r| EoDvajimq

you. And she said, Let there be given indeed Abishag the Shunammite

too A8covia too aSeAxpcb aoD sic; yDvaixa 22 + Kai

[to] Adonijah your brother for wife! And

a7T8Kpi6r| o fiaoiksvq SoAxdjicdv Kai si7i8 xr|

[ answered king Solomon] and said [to]

jirjxpi avTOV Kai ivaxi av fjxrjaai xrjv Apiady xcd

his mother, And why are you asking Abishag [for]

A5cov(a Kai aixrjaai aDxcb xrjv PaaiXeiav 6x1 odxoc;

Adonijah? Then ask for him the kingdom, for this one

o a5sAxpoc; jiod o jisyac; D7iep sjis Kai aDxcb ApidGap

[ brother [is] my older] over me, and with him [are] Abiathar

o ispstic; Kai aDxcb Icodp vioq Sapoma

the priest, and with him Joab son of Zeruiah

apxiaxpdxrjyoc; sxaipoq 23 + Kai cbjioaev o fiaaiksvq

commander-in-chief — [his] companion. And [ swore by an oath king

£oAx)|icbv Kaxd xod KopioD Xeycov xd5s 7ioif|aai jioi

Solomon] according to the LORD, saying, Thus may [ do to me

o Geoc; Kai xd5s 7ipoa08ir| 6x1 Kaxd xrjc; \\fv%r\q aDxoD

God], and thus may he add [to it] for [ against his [own] life

e^dAxjasv A8ooviac; xov Xoyov xodxov 2 4 + Kai vdv

Adonijah spoke this word]. And now

Kopioc; oq rjxoijiaas |is Kai 808x6 jis S7U xov

as [the] LORD lives, who prepared me, and put me upon the

Gpovov Aavid xod nazpoq jiod Kai aDxoq S7rovr|ae |ioi

throne of David my father, and he made to me

oikov Kadcbq eldAxjae Kopioc; 6x1 afjjiepov

a house as [the] LORD said, that today

GavaxooGfjasxai AScoviaq 25+ Kai £^a7T£axeiXev

Adonijah shall be put to death. And [ sent out


2 2 sv tootco + vtica 11-1 Kings

o fiaaikvbq SoXojicbv sv %£ipi BavsoD diod Ico8as

king Solomon] by [the] hand of Benaiah son of Jehoiada;

Kai avsi^sv auxov Kai arcsBavsv 26+ Kai too ApidGap

and he did away with him, and he died. And to Abiathar

too ispsi S17T8V o fiaaiksvq a7i6xps%s sic; AvaGcbG sic;

the priest [ said the king], Run unto Anathoth, to

xov aypov ctod 6xi avfjp GavdxoD si au Kai sv

your field! for [ a man [marked for] death your are], and from

tt[ rjjispa xa6xr| od Gavaxcbaco as 6xi r\paq xrjv

this day I will not put [ to death you], for you lifted the

Kipooxov xrjc; 8ia6f|Kr|(; KopioD svco7nov AaviS

ark of the covenant of [the] LORD before David

xod rcaxpoc; jiod Kai 6xi sKaKou%fj6r|c; sv 7idaiv

my father, and because you were mistreated in all

oiq SKaKOD%f|0r| o 7raxfjp jiod 27+ Kai

[ways] which [ was mistreated my father]. And

s^spa^s SoA,o|icbv xov ApidGap xod [ir\ sivai sic;

Solomon cast out Abiathar [so that] he would not be for

ispsa xco Kupioo xod 7iXr|pco6fivai xo pfjjia kdpiod

priest to the LORD; [to] fulfill the saying of [the] LORD,

o sXdArjasv sm xov oikov HAi sv Yx&gt;fab 28+ Kai

which he said concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh. And

T| aKofj fjAi)sv scoc; Icodp diod EapoDia 6x1 Icodp r|v

the report came unto Joab son ofZeruiah; for Joab was

kskAikcoc; 07i(aco AScoviod Kai 07i(aco Ib^ojicbvxoc;

leaning after Adonijah, but [ after Solomon

odk s^skAivs Kai scpDysv Icodp sic; xo oKqvco|ia xod

he did not turn aside]. And Joab fled to the tent of the

KDpioD Kai Kaxsa%s xcov Kspdxcov xod 0DaiaaxrjpioD

LORD, and held the horns of the altar.

29+ Kai a7ir|yysAr| xco SoXojicbvxi Aiyovxsc; 6x1

And it was reported to Solomon, saying that,

7iscpsDysv Icodp sic; xrjv aKrjvfjv xod kdpiod Kai i5od

Joab has fled into the tent of the LORD, and behold,

Kaxs%si xcov Kspdxcov xod 0Doiaaxr|pioD Kai

he holds the horns of the altar. And

arcsaxsiXs SoAxdjicov xov Bavsav diov Ico5as Aiycov

Solomon sent Benaiah son of Jehoiada, saying,

7iopsDOD Kai dvsA,s aDxov

Go, and do away with him!

30+ Kai fjXGs Bavsac; 7ipoc; Icodp sic; xrjv aKTjvfiv

And Benaiah came to Joab in the tent

kdpiod Kai si7isv npoq aDxov xd5s Xsysi o

of [the] LORD, and he said to him, Thus says the


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fiaaikvbq s^sX0s Kai si7isv Ioodp odk sK7iopsDO|iai on

king, Come forth! And Joab said, I do not go forth, for

co5e a7io6avoD|iai Kai S7isoTps\j/s Baveac; Kai 8i7is tco

here I shall die. And Benaiah returned and said to the

Pamlsi Aiycov x&amp;8s Xskah}K£v Icodp Kai xd8s

king, saying, Thus Joab has spoken, and thus

a7ioK8KpiTa( jioi 31+ Kai ei7iev ai)Tcb o fiaaikzvq

he answered me. And [ said to him the king],

rcopeDOD Kai 7rovr|oov ai)xcb KaBcbq siprjKs Kai dve^s

Go, and do to him as he has said, and do away with

avTOV Kai 0a\j/sic; ai)i6v Kai e^apefc; afjiiepov to

him! And you shall bury him, and lift away today the

aijia o s^8%££v Ioodp 5copsdv an sjiod Kai anb

blood which Joab poured out freely from me, and from

TOD OIKOD TOD 7iaTp6c; |IOD 32 + Kai S7TSaTpS\j/e KDpiO^ TO

the house of my father. And [the] LORD returned the

aijia Tr\q adudaq aDTOD sic; KscpaAx|v avzov coc;

blood of his iniquity onto his head, inasmuch as

a7if|VTr|as Toiq 8dctiv av9pcb7ioic; zoiq SiKaioiq Kai

he met the two [ men just and

ayaGofc; D7isp aDTOV Kai a7reKTeiv£v aDTODc; ev

good] above him, and killed them by

pojicpaia Kai o 7iaTfjp jiod AaDi5 odk eyvco

[the] broadsword. And my father David did not know [about]

tov Apevfjp diov Nrjp apxicrcpdTr|yov IapafjX Kai

Abner son ofNer, commander-in-chief of Israel, and

tov Ajiaad diov Is6sp apxiaTpdrrjyov Ioi)5a 33 + Kai

Amasa son ofJether, commander-in-chief ofJudah. And

a7roaTpa(pfjTCD Ta aijiaTa aDTcbv sic; tt|v KecpaAr|v aDTOD

let [ return blood their] upon his head,

Kai sic; ttjv KscpaAriv tod a7rep|iaTOc; aDTOD ecoc;

and upon the head of his seed unto

aicbvoc; Kai tod AaDi5 Kai tco a7isp|iaTi aDTOD Kai too

[the] eon! And [to] David, and [to] his seed, and [to]

oikco aDTOD Kai to Gpovco aDTOD ysvoiTO eipfjvrj 7iapd

his house, and [to] his throne, may there be peace by

KDpioD scoc; aicbvoc; 34+ Kai aveprj Baveac; vioq Ico8ae

[the] LORD into [the] eon. And [ ascended Benaiah son of Jehoiada],

Kai a7if|VTr|asv aDTcb Kai sGavdTCoaev aDTOV Kai

and met him, and killed him. And

s0a\j/ev aDTOV sv tco oikco aDTOD sv ttj 8pfl|IC0 35 + Kai

they entombed him in his house in the wilderness. And


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sScoksv o fiaaikzvq xov Bavsav diov Ico8as avx'

[ appointed the king] Benaiah son of Jehoiada instead of

olvtov 87i( ttjv axpaxidv Kai xov EaScbK xov ispea

him over the military. And [ Zadok the priest

s5coksv o fiaaiksvq siq lepea 7cpcbxov avxi ApidGap

appointed the king], as [ priest foremost] instead of Abiathar.

36 + mi a7roax£iA,ac; eraXeasv o paaiXetic; xov Eejisi

And sending, [ called the king] Shimei,

Kai S17T8V aDxcb oiKo86|ir|aov aeaDxcb oikov sv

and said to him, Build for yourself a house in

IspoDaaAxj |i Kai k&amp;9od sksi Kai odk s^s^sDarj

Jerusalem, and settle there, and do not go forth

SKdGev 0D8a|i0D 37+ Kai saxai sv xr| rjjiepa xrjc;

from there — not at all! And it will be in the day that

s^68od aoD Kai Siapfjarj xov %ei|idppoDV xov KeSpcbv

you exit, and pass over the rushing stream Kidron,

yivcbaKGov yvcbarj 6x1 Bavdxco a7ro6dvr| xo aijid aoD

in knowing, know that to death you shall die, your blood

saxai em xrjv KscpaAxjv aoi) 3 s + Kai ei7ce £s|isi itpoq

will be upon your head. And Shimei said to

xov PaaiAia ayaGov xo pfjjia o skaXr\aaq

the king, [ is good The thing] which you have spoken,

Kopis (iod fiaaikvb odxco 7tovf|asi o dovXoq aoi) Kai

O my master, O king, thus shall [ do your servant]. And

SKdGias Ssjiei ev l£poi)aaAr||i xpia exrj 39+ Kai syevexo

Shimei settled in Jerusalem three years. And it came to pass

jisxd xpia 8xrj Kai a7ce8paaav 8do 8odA,oi Esjie'i

after three years, that [ ran away two servants of Shimei]

7tpoc; Ayiq diov Maa%d PaaiAia Ts0 Kai a7cf|yyeiA,av

to Achish son of Maachah king of Gath. And they reported

xco Ssjisii Aiyovxec; iSod 01 8odA,oi aoi) sv TsG 4 o + Kai

to Shimei, saying, Behold, your servants [are] in Gath. And

aveaxrj Ssjisi Kai S7csaa^s xov ovov olvtov Kai

Shimei rose up, and saddled his donkey, and

S7copsT30r| sic; Ts0 npoq Ayiq xod SK^fjxrjaai

went unto Gath to Achish to seek after

xodc; SodAxddc; aDxoD Kai S7copsD0r| Ssjisi Kai fjyays

his servants. And Shimei went and led

xodc; SodXodc; aDxoD 8K TsG 4 i + Kai a7cf|yy£Ax| xco

his servants from Gath. And it was reported [to]

EoA,o|icovxi Xeyovxec; 6x1 S7cop8D0r| Sejiei e£,

Solomon, saying that, Shimei went from out of


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11-1 Kings

IspoDaaAxj |i ziq TsG Kai aveaxpe\j/s 42+ Kai a7ieaxsiA£v

Jerusalem unto Gath, and he returned. And [ sent

0 fiaoikzvq Kai eK&amp;Xeae xov Ssjiei Kai 8i7is 7ipoq

the king] and called Shimei, and he said to

avTOV ov%i copKiad ae Kaxd tod KopioD Kai

him, [Have] I not bound you by an oath according to the LORD, and

S7i8|iapTDpd|ir|v aoi Aiycov sv r| av rjjispa

1 attested to you, saying, In which ever day

s^eXGrjc; e£, IspoDaaAx||i Kai nopzvdr\q eic; 5s^id

you should go forth from out of Jerusalem, and you should go to [the] right

r| apiaxepd yivcbaKcov yvcbarj 6x1 Gavdxco a7io9dvr|

or left, in knowing, know that to death you shall die?

Kai sbiaq jioi ayaGov to pfjjia o fjKODaac; 43+ Kai

And you said to me, [ [was] good The word which you heard]. And

ti odk sipvXa^aq xov opKov KopioD Kai xrjv svxoAxjv

why have you not guarded the oath of [the] LORD, and the commandment

Tjv svexsiA,d|xr|v Kaxd ood 4 4+ Kai si7i8v o fiaaiksvq

which I gave charge to you? And [ said the king]

7ipoc; Ssjisi av oidaq 7idaav xrjv KaKiav cjod rjv oi8sv

to Shimei, You know all your evil which [ knows

T| Kap5(a aoi) a S7rorr|aac; Aavid xco 7iaxp( |iod Kai

your heart], which you did to David my father, and

avxa7is5coKs Kupioq xrjv KaKiav aoi) sic; KscpaArjv OOD 45 +

[the] LORD recompensed your evil on your head.

Kai o fiaoikvbq SoAxdjicov SDAx)yr||ievoc; Kai o Gpovoc;

And king Solomon [is] being blessed, and the throne

AaDi8 eaxai exoijioc; svcb7riov KopioD eic; xov aicbva

of David will be prepared before [the] LORD into the eon.

46+ Kai evexeiXaxo o fiaaiksvq XoAojicbv xco Bavea dico

And [ gave charge king Solomon] [to] Benaiah son

Ico5as Kai s^f|A,9s Kai aveilev aDxov Kai a7is0avs

of Jehoiada. And he came forth, and did away with him, and he died.

3 a

1 + Kai T| PaoiXeia eaxspscbGrj sv x si P^ Tao EoAojicbv

And the kingdom solidified in [the] hand of Solomon.

Kai syajiPpeDaaxo EoA,o|icbv xco Oapacb Paai^si

And Solomon contracted a marriage [with] Pharaoh king

AiyD7ixoD Kai eA,a(3e xrjv GDyaxepa Oapacb Kai

of Egypt. And he took the daughter of Pharaoh, and

siafjyayev aDxfjv sic; xrjv 7i6A.iv AaDi5 ecoc;

he brought her into the city of David, until


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tod aDVTsAiaai ai)i6v oiKo8ojif|aai tov oikov avzov Kai

he completed building his house, and


the house of [the] LORD at first, and the wall

IspoDaaAxjji kdkA,co 2 + 7iAx|v o Xaoq fjaav 0d|iicovtsc;

of Jerusalem round about. Except the people were burning incense

S7Ti TOiq v\\fr(koiq on odk coKo8ojif|0r| ohcoq tco

upon the high [places], for [ was not built a house] to the

ovojiaxi Ki)p(oi) scoc; tod vdv 3 + Kai r|Y&amp;7rr|as £oA,ojicbv

name of [the] LORD until now. And Solomon loved

tov KDpiov tod 7iopsDso0ai ev Toiq 7ipoaTdy|iaai

the LORD, to go in the orders

AaDi8 tod 7raTp6c; oidtod 7iAx|v ev TOiq v\\fr(koiq s0ds

of David his father; only [in the high [places] he sacrificed

Kai sGDjiia 4+ Kai avsarrj Kai S7iopsD0r| sic; TaPacbv

and burned incense]. And he rose up and went into Gibeon

0Daai sksi 6ti aDTTj D\j/r|A,OTdTr| Kai |isydAr| yikiav

to sacrifice there, for it [was] highest and great. [ a thousand

oXoKaDToaiv avfjvsyKs SoXojicbv S7i( to 0Daia&lt;xcf|piov

whole burnt-offerings Solomon offered] upon the altar

sv TaPacbv 5 + Kai cbcp9r| KDpioc; tco SoA,o|icovti ev

in Gibeon. And [the] LORD appeared [to] Solomon in


sleep [at] night. And [the] LORD said [to] Solomon,

aiTTjaai ti avcr||ia aeaDTcb 6+ Kai 8i7is SoXojicbv ctd

Ask any request for yourself! And Solomon said, You

£7rorr|aac; jiSTd tod 5odXod aoD AaDi8 tod nazpoq jiod

did [ with your servant David my father

sXsoc; jisya Ka0cbc; 8rf|A,0sv svcb7ii6v aoD sv aAx|0s(a

mercy great], as he went before you in truth,

Kai sv SiKaioawq Kai sv sd0dtt|ti KapSiac; jiSTd

and in righteousness, and in straightness of heart with

aoD Kai scpD^a^aq aDTcb to sXsoq to jisya todto

you. And you guarded him [ mercy great by this],

8oDvai aDTcb diov Ka0f||isvov S7ri tov 0p6vov aDTOD

to grant to him a son sitting upon his throne

cog T] Tjjispa aDTTj 7 + Kai vdv KDpis O 0SOCJ |IOD aD

as this day. And now, O LORD, my God, you

sPaadsDaaq tov 8odA,6v aoD avn AaDi8

gave reign to your servant in place of David

tod 7raTp6c; jiod Kai sycb sijii 7iai8dpiov jiiKpov Kai

my father. And I am [boy a small]; and

3 3, sv tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

odk o(8a xrjv s(ao86v |iod Kai rqv s^o86v jiod s + Kai

I do not know my entering and my exiting. And

0 dovkoq gov sv jisaco tod Xaov gov ov s^sXs^co

your servant [is] in [the] midst of your people whom you chose,

Xaov noXvv oq odk api0|irj0fjasTai 9 + Kai Scoasic; too

[ people a populous] who cannot be counted. And you shall give [to]

8odAx» aoD Kap5(av tod oikodsiv Kai 5iaKpivsiv

your servant a heart to hear and to litigate

tov Xaov aoD sv 5iKaioawrj tod aDvisvai avajisaov

your people in righteousness, to perceive between

ayaBoD Kai KaKOD 6ti tic; 8DvfiasTai Kpivsiv

good and bad. For who shall be able to judge

tov Xaov aoD tov Paptiv todtov 10+ Kai fjpsasv o

[ for your people this weighty [thing]]? And [ was pleasing the

Xoyoq svcamov KopioD 6ti rjTfiaaTO EoXojicbv

word] before [the] LORD, that Solomon asked

to pfjjia todto n+ Kai 81718 KDpioq 7ipo(; aDTOV av9' GOV

this thing. And [the] LORD said to him, Because

TjTfjaCO TO pfjjia TODTO 7iap' 8JIOD Kai ODK TjTfjaCO

you asked this thing from me, and you did not ask

asaDTcb rjjispac; noXkaq Kai odk rjTfjaco 7tXodtov

[ for yourself days many], and you did not ask [for] riches,

od8s rjTfjaco \\fv%aq tcov sxGpcbv aoD aXk' rjTfjaco

nor asked for [the] lives of your enemies; but you asked

aeaDTcb aDvsaiv tod eiaaKODew Kpijia n + i8od

for yourself understanding to hear judgment; behold,

7rs7ro(rjKa KaTa to pfj|id aoD i8od 8s8coKd aoi

1 have done according to your word; behold, I give to you

KapSiav tppovi|xrjv Kai aocpfjv coq gv ov ysyovsv

[heart an intelligent and wise]. [as you There has not been [one]]

s|i7ipoa9sv aoD Kai (iSTd as odk avaaTfjasTai ojioioq

before you, and after you there shall not rise up [one] likened

aoi 13+ Kai ys a odk rjTfjaco SsScokcx aoi Kai

to you. And indeed what you have not asked, I have given to you, even

7tXodtov Kai 86^av coc; od ysyovev avfjp ojioioc; aoi

riches and glory, as there is not a man likened to you

sv TOiq PaaiXsfjai

among the kings.

14 + Kai sdv 7iopsD0fj(; sv rq oScb jiod tod cpDldaasiv

And if you should have gone in my way, to guard

xaq svToXdq jiod Kai Ta 7ipoaTdy|iaTd jiod coq S7iopsD0rj

my commandments, and my orders, as [ went


3 3, sv tootco + vtica 11-1 Kings

O 7T(XTT|p OOD KOCl JJ,(XKpi)VCO T(X(^ T|[i,Sp(X(^ OOD 15 +

David your father], then I will prolong your days.

Kai s^D7rv(a0r| SoAojicbv Kai i8od svd7tviov Kai

And Solomon woke up and knew [the] dream. And

avsorq Kai 7iapay(vsTai sic; IspoDoaAx||i Kai sairj

he rose up and came unto Jerusalem, and he stood

Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov tod BDoiaorrjpioD tod

in front of the altar, of the one

Kara 7ip6aco7rov Tr\q kiPcotod 8ia9f|Kr|(; KDpioD Kai

in front of the ark of [the] covenant of [the] LORD, and

avfjyaysv oXoKaDTcbosic; Kai S7iorr|osv siprrviKdc; Kai

he led up whole burnt-offerings, and made peace [offerings], and

S7io(r|os tcotov 7idoi xoiq 7iaio(v aDTOD i6+ tots

made a banquet to all his servants. Then

cbcpGrjoav 8do yDvafcsc; rcopvai tco Paoi^si Kai

there appeared two women harlots unto the king, and

sorqoav svcb7iiov aDTOD n+ Kai sircsv r| yDvfj jjia sv

they stood before him. And [ said the woman one], [Hear]


me, O my master. I and this woman live in


[ house one], and we gave birth in the house. And it came to pass


in the [ day third] of my giving birth, [ gave birth also

T| yDvfj aDTTj Kai fjjisv KaTd to aDTO Kai odk r|v

this woman]. And we were in the same [place], and there was

ODGsiq |is0' rjjicbv 7idps^ ajicpoTspcov r||icbv SV TCO

no one with us, only both of us in the

oikco 19+ Kai a7is6avsv o vioq Tr\q yDvaiKoq TaDrrjc; ttjv

house. And [ died the son of this woman] in the

VDKTa coc; S7isKoi|if|9r| S7i' aDTOV 20+ Kai avsorq

night, as she rested upon it. And she rose up

jisoov Tr\q VDKToq Kai sAxxPs tov diov jiod sk

in the middle of the night, and she took my son from

tcov ayraAxbv jiod Kai rj 8odAt| aoD SKoijidTO Kai

my embrace, and your maidservant rested, and

SKoijiias aDTO sv tco koAjtco aDTfjc; Kai tov diov

she rested it in her bosom, and the son

TsGvrjKOTa skoijiicisv sv tco koAjtco jiod 21+ Kai avsorqv

having died she rested in my bosom. And I rose up

T07ipcoi 6r|Axxaai tov diov jiod Kai SKsivoq rjv

in the morning to nurse my son, and that one was


3 3, sv tootco + vtica 11-1 Kings

T80vr|Kcb(; Kai i8od Kaxsvorjaa ai)i6v T07ipcoi Kai

[the] one having died. And behold, I contemplated him in the morning; and

i8od odk t|v o vioq |iod ov stskov 22 + Kai si7rev

behold, he was not my son whom I gave birth. And [ said

rj ywfj T| exepa od%( aXka o vioq |iod o ^cov Kai

woman the other], Not [so], for my son [is] the one living, and

vioq aov o TsGvrjKcbq Kai aDTTj si7i8v ov%i

your son [is] the one having died. And she said, Not [so],

o moq gov o xsvrjKcbq Kai vioq jiod o ^cov

your son [is] the one having died, and my son [is] the one living.

Kai eAxxAxjaav svcb7iiov tod PaaiAiooc; 23+ Kai ei7iev o

And they spoke before the king. And [ said the

fiaoiksvq aDiaiq ctd Xsyziq omoq o vioq jiod

king] to them, You [here] say, This my son

o ^cov Kai o vioq TaDTTjc; o xeGvrjKcbc; Kai

[is] the one living, and this one's son [is] the one having died. And

cjd Aiysic; ov%i aXXa o vioq jiod o ^cov Kai

you [there] say, Not [so], but my son [is] the one living, and

o vioq TavTr\q o TsBvrjKcbg 2 4 + Kai ei7iev o

this one's son [is] the one having died. And [ said the

fiaaiksvq AxxPsts jioi |id%aipav Kai 7ipoaf|vsyKav rrjv

king], Take for me a sword! And they brought the

|id%aipav svco7riov tod PaaiXeooc; 25+ Kai si7i8v o

sword before the king. And [ said the

fiaoiksvq 5isA,st£ to 7iai8iov to ^odv sic; 8do Kai

king], Divide [ child the living] into two, and


give the one half of him to this one, and the [other] half of him

TaDTTj 26+ Kai a7i8Kpi9r| r\ yDvfj r\q r\v o

to this [other] one! And [answered the woman] of whom was [the mother] of the

vioq o ^cov Kai si7ie 7ipoc; tov PaaiXea 6ti 8Tapdx6r|

[ son living], and she said to the king, for [ was disturbed

T| JlfjTpa aDTTjC; S7U TOD Did) aDTTjC; Kai S17TSV 8V 8(101

womb her] over her son, and she said, [Hear] me,

KDpis 86t8 aDTTj to 7iai8(ov Kai GavaTca |ir|

O master. give to her the child, and to death let [ not

6avaTcbar|T8 aDTO Kai aDTTj ei7is |if|T8 sjioi (ifjT8

be put to death it] ! And she [the other] said, Neither to me nor

aDTTj SCJTCD 8lsA,STS aDTO 27 + Kai a7i8Kpi6T| o PaaiXsDc;

to her let it be, divide it! And [ responded the king]

Kai S17T8 56t8 to 7iai8(ov to Cf$v tt| sutodctti 56ts

and said, Give the [ child living] to the one having said, Give


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11-1 Kings

aDifj ai)i6 Kai Gavdxco \±r\ Gavaxcbarjxs auxo amr\

it to her! and unto death you should not put it to death ~ she [is]

r| (if|xr|p avTOV 2 s+ Kai fpcoDae naq IapafjA,

his mother. And [ heard all Israel]

xo Kpijia xodxo o SKpivsv o fiaaikvbq Kai

this ordinance which [ passed judgment the king], and

scpopfjGrjaav arco 7ipoaco7roD xod PaaiAicoc; 6xi e(8ov

they feared from [the] presence of the king, for they knew

oxi cppovrjaic; Gsod ev aDxcb xod 7tois(v SiKaicojia

that intellect of God [was] in him to do justice.

4 7

i + Kai rjv o fiaaikzvq SoXojicbv PaaiXsDcov em IapafjX

And [ was king Solomon] reigning over Israel.

2+ Kai odxoi oi dpxovxsq oi fjaav auxcb

And these [are] the rulers, [the] ones who were [with] him ~

ACfipiaq vioq Sa8coK o ispsDc; 3+ EXi%6pecp Kai A%ia

Azariah son ofZadok the priest; Elihoreph and Ahiah

vioq Xi^d ypajijiaxsiq Icoaacpdx vioq Ayikovd

son of Shisha [were] scribes; Jehoshaphat son of Ahilud

ava|ii|ivf|aKCDv 4 + Kai Bavsaq vioq Ico8as S7ri xrjc;

[was] recorder; and Benaiah son of Jehoiada [was] over the

8i)vd|i£&lt;joc; Kai Sa8cbK Kai ApidGap lepeic; 5+ Kai

force; and Zadok and Abiathar [were] priests; and

A^apiaq vioq NaGdv em xcov KaGsaxajievcov Kai

Azariah son of Nathan [was] over the ones being placed [in charge]; and

Zafiovd vioq NaGdv exaipoc; xod PaaiAicoc; 6 + Kai

Zabud son of Nathan [was] companion of the king; and

A%iadp oiKovojioq Kai A8ovr|pd|i vioq Ap8d e7ri

Ahishar [was] manager; and Adoniram son of Abda [was] over

xcov cpopcov 7 + Kai xco SoA,ojicbvxi 8cb8sKa

the tribute. And to Solomon [were] twelve

Ka0saxd|i8voi em 7idvxa IapafjA, %oprjysiv xco

being placed over all Israel, to conduct [matters] for the

PaaiXei Kai xco oikco aDxoD jifjv sv xco sviaDxcb

king and [to] his house. A month in the year

eyevsxo S7Ti xov sva %opr|yeiv 8 + Kai xatixa

it happened for one to conduct [matters]. And these [are]

xa ovojiaxa aDxcbv Bsvcop sv opsi Ecppaiji 9+ vioq

their names — Ben-Hur in mount Ephraim. [The] son



11-1 Kings

A&amp;Kap sv Marac; Kai sv IsaXafiiv Kai BsGaajifc; Kai

ofDekar in Makaz, and in Shaalbim and Beth-shemesh and

EAxbv scoq Bsvavdv 10+ vioq 'Eas8 sv ApaPcbB avzov

Elon unto Beth-hanan. [The] son of Hesed in Aruboth, of him [was]

£o%cb Kai 7idaa yr| Ocpsp u+ diod ApivaSdp

Sochoh, and all [the] land of Hepher. [ [belonged to the] son of Abinadab

7idaa Ns(p08cbp TacpdG 0Dydxr|p So^ojicovToq r|v

All Nephador], Taphath daughter of Solomon was

aDTcb sic; yovaixa 12+ Baavd vioq Ayikovd xrrv

to him for wife. Baana son of Ahilud [to whom was]

0aavd% Kai Mays88cb Kai 7idvTa oikov Sadv xov

Taanach, and Magiddo, and all [the] house of Shean, the one

7iapd EdpGav D7ioKdTC0 tod I^pafjA, sk Br|0aadv scdc;

by Zartanah below Jezreel, from Beth-shean unto

ApsXjioXd scdc; MasPep Isyjiadji 13+ vioq TaPep sv

Abel-meholah unto Maeber Jokneam. [The] son of Geber in

PajicbG TaXadS todtod fjaav 7i6A,sic; Iafjp diod

Ramoth Gilead ~ of this one were cities of Jair son

Mavaaafj sv TaAxxdS todtco a%o(via|ia

ofManasseh in Gilead; to this one [was] a piece of measured out land,

Apycbp sv ttj Baadv s^fjKovxa 7i6A,sic; jisydAm Kai

Argob in Bashan — sixty cities, great and

Tsi%f|p£ic; Kai jioxAxh x a ^ K °i 14+ A%iva8dp vioq A88cb

walled and bars of brass. Ahinadab son oflddo

Maavaiji 15+ A%i|iadc; sv Nstp0aAi Kai odtoc; slaps

[had] Mahanaim. Ahimaaz [was] in Naphtali, and he took

xrjv Baas|i(id9 0Dyaxspa So^ojicovToq sic; yDvauca 16+

Basmath daughter of Solomon for a wife.

Bavsaq vioq Xodoi sv Aafjp Kai sv BaaXcbG n +

Baanah son of Hushai [was] in Asher and in Aloth.

Icoaatpdx vioq OapoDS sv Iod%ap is + Ssjisi vioq

Jehoshaphat son of Paruah [was] in Issachar. Shimei son

HAxx sv too Bsviajiiv 19+ Tapsp vioq Ovpi sv xr|

of Elah [was] in Benjamin. Geber son of Uri [was] in the

yr| TaXaad Sscbv tod PaaiAicoc; xcov Ajioppaicov Kai

land of Gilead ofSihon of the king of the Amorites, and

Qy Paai^scoq Baadv Kai Naaip sv yr| IoD8a

Og king of Bashan; and Naseb in [the] land of Judah

sic; 20+ IotiSac; Kai IapafjA, noXkoi ocp65pa coc; r|

[was] one. Judah and Israel [many [were] exceedingly], as the


8V TOUT© + VlKa

11-1 Kings
djijioq em Tr\q Qakdaar\q sic; 7iAr|6oc; saGiovxsq Kai

sand upon the sea in multitude, eating and

7UV0VTSC; Kai %a(povxec; 21+ Kai EoXojicbv r|v dp%cov sv

drinking and rejoicing. And Solomon was ruler in

ndaaiq xaxq PaoiXsiaic; and 7coxa|icy6 yr\q

all the kingdoms from [the] river of [the] land

®i)Aiaxia(cov Kai scoc; opiou Aiy67cxou Kai fjaav

of the Philistines and unto [the] border of Egypt. And they were

7cpoatpspovxsc; 8cbpa Kai sSouXsuov icq SoAxdjicdvxi

bringing gifts, and they served Solomon

ndaaq xaq rjjispaq xrjc; ^cofjc; airccm 22+ Kai xatixa xa

all the days of his life. And these [were] the

8s6vxa xco EoAxDjicbvxi sv r||ispa |i(a xpidKovxa

necessary [things] for Solomon. In [ day one] [were] thirty

Kopoi as|ii8dXscoc; Kai s^fjKovxa Kopoi akzvpov 23 +

cors of fine flour, and sixty cors of flour.

8sra |ioa%oi skXskxoi Kai sikooi Pose; vojidSsc; Kai

Ten [ calves choice], and twenty [ oxen grazing], and

8Kax6v 7ip6paxa skxoc; sXdcpcov Kai 5opKd8cov Kai

a hundred sheep, outside of stags and does, and

opviscov skXskxcov Kai vojid5cov 24+ 6x1 rjv dp%cov sv

[hens chosen and feeding]. For he was ruler in

7iavxi 7iepav xod 7ioxa|ioi) a7c6 0d\j/a scoc; Ta^d

all on the other side of the river, from Tiphsah unto Azzah,

sv naaaiq xaxq PaaiXsiaic; xaiq nspav xou 7coxa|ioi)

in all the kingdoms on the other side of the river.

Kai Tjv auxcb sipfjvrj sk 7cdvxcov xcov jispcov

And there was to him peace from all of the parts

kdkX60sv 25+ Kai KaxcbKsi Ioi)8ac; Kai IapafjX

round about. And [ dwelt Judah and Israel]

7rs7ioi96xs(; SKaaxoq sic; xrjv d|i7isXov avzov Kai D7i6

being yielded each in his grapevine and under

xrjv auKqv olvtov a7co Aav Kai scoc; BrjpaaPss ndaaq

his fig-tree, from Dan and unto Beer-sheba, all

xac; rjjispac; SoXoiicbvxoq 26+ Kai fjaav xco EoAx)|icbvxi

the days of Solomon. And there were [to] Solomon

xsoaapdKovxa %iAidSsc; (717101 sic; dpjiaxa Kai ScoSeKa

forty thousand horses for chariots, and twelve

XiAidSsc; i7C7cscov 27+ Kai s%opfjyoDV 01 KaGsaxdjisvoi

thousand horsemen. And [ conducted the ones being placed [in charge]]

ouxcoc; xco Paai^si £oAx)|icbvxi Kai 7cdvxa xa

thus [to] king Solomon, and all the


4 7 sv tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

8iayysX|iaxa S7ri xrjv xpd7ie^av tod PaaiAicoc;

declarations upon the table of the king,

eraaxoc; xov [ir\va avzov ov 7iapdAA,aaaouai

each [one in charge] of his month— they did not alter

A,6yov 28+ Kai xac; KpiBdq Kai to d%rjpov xoic; bmoiq

a word. And the barley and the straw for the horses

Kai xoic; dpjiaaw fjpov sic; xov xorcov ovj av r|

and the chariots they took unto the place of which ever [ might be

o fiaciksvq eraaxoc; raid xrjv awca^iv arjxorj 29 + Kai

the king], each according to his arrangement. And

s5coks Kopioc; cppovrjaiv xco £oAx)|icbvxi Kai aocpiav

[the] LORD gave intellect to Solomon and [ wisdom

7ioXXr\v acp68pa Kai %i3|ia KapSiac; cog rj djijioc;

great exceedingly], and an increase in heart, as the sand

r| 7iapd ttjv 0dA,aaaav 30+ Kai S7rArj0rjv0rj £oAx)jid)vxo(;

by the sea. And Solomon multiplied

acp65pa wisp xrjv cppovrjaiv 7idvxcov ap%a(cov

exceedingly over the intellect of all [the] ancient

av0pcb7icov Kai wisp rcavxac; cppovijiouc; Aiyrrnxou 31 +

men, and above all [the] intelligent ones of Egypt.

Kai eaocpiaaxo imsp rcavxac; xouc; av0pcb7rouc; Kai

And he discerned above all men; and

saocpiaaxo imsp Ai0d|i xov E^paixrjv Kai xov Aijidv

he discerned above Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman,

Kai xov XoXkoX Kai Aap8ae viovq Ma%(bX Kai

and Chalcol, and Darda, sons ofMahol. And

syevsxo xo ovojia arjxorj sv 7idai xoic; £0veai

[ became [famous] his name] among all the nations

kdkAxd 32+ Kai sldArjae xpeic; %iXid8ac; 7iapaPoXdc; Kai

round about. And he spoke three thousand parables. And

fjaav co8a( arjxorj 7ievxaKiaxiAiai 33+ Kai e^dArjasv

[ were odes his] five thousand. And he spoke

7rspi xcov ^dAxdv a7io xrjcj KsSporj Tr\q sv xco Aipdvco

concerning the timbers from the cedars in Lebanon,

Kai ecoc; xrjcj rjaacb7rorj xrjc; SK7ioperjo|isvrjc; sk xod

and unto the hyssop coming forth from the

xo(%od Kai eXdAxjae 7ispi xcov Kxrjvcbv Kai 7isp(

wall. And he spoke concerning the cattle, and concerning

XCOV 7lSX8lVCbv Kai 7TSp( XCOV 8p7T8XCbv Kai 7TSp( XCOV

the winged creatures, and concerning the reptiles, and concerning the

iX0rjcov 34+ Kai 7iapeyrvovxo rcavxec; 01 Xaoi aKorjaai

fishes. And [ came to [him] all the peoples] to hear


8V TOUT© + VlKa

11-1 Kings

Tr\q aocpiaq So^ojicovToq Kai sAxxjiPave 8cbpa 7iapd

the wisdom of Solomon. And he took gifts from

7T&amp;VTCDV tcov PaaiAicov Tr\q yr\q oaoi t|kodov

all the kings of the earth, as many as heard

Tr\q oocpiac; aDxoD

his wisdom.

5 n

1+ Kai a7i8aTSiX8 Xeipdji fiaaikvbq Tvpov

And [ sent Hiram king of Tyre]

xodc; 7ia(8ac; aDxoD npoq SoXojicbvxa fjKODas yap 6xi

his servants to Solomon; for he heard that

avzov sxpiaav sic; PaaiAia avxi AaviS

they anointed him for king in place of David

tod rcaxpoc; aDxoD 6xi aya7icbv r|v Xeipdji xov Aai)(5

his father. For [ loving was Hiram] David

naaaq xaq rjiispaq 2+ Kai ansaTsiks HoXo[i(bv npoq

all the days. And Solomon sent to

Xeipdji Aiycov 3 + ctd oidaq xov rcaxepa |iod Aavid 6x1

Hiram, saying, You knew my father David, that

odk rj5i3vaxo oiKo5o|if|aai oikov xco ovojiaxi

he was not able to build a house to the name

KopioD xod Gsod jiod and 7rpoacb7roD XCOV 7loA£|IC0V

of [the] LORD my God, because of facing the wars

xcov KDKAx»advxcov avzov ecoc; xod SoDvaiKopiov

that were encircling him, until the LORD put

avTOvq D7r6 xa (xvrj xcov 7io5cbv aDxoD 4 + Kai vdv

them under the soles of his feet. And now

av87iai)ae Kopioc; o Qsoq |iod ejioi kdkA,60sv odk soxiv

[ gave rest [the] LORD my God] to me round about; there is not

£7uPodAx)c; Kai odksctxiv a7idvxr||ia 7iovr|p6v 5+ Kai

a plotter and there is not [sin a wicked]. And

i8od sycb Aiyco oiKoSojifjaai oikov xco ovojiaxi

behold, I speak concerning building a house to the name

KDpioD 08OD jiod KaBcoc; eXdArjae Kopioc; 7rpoq AaDi8

of [the] LORD my God, as [the] LORD spoke to David

xov 7iaxspa jiod Aiycov o vioq aoD ov 8cbaco avxi

my father, saying, Your son whom I shall put instead of

aoD S7Ti xov Gpovov aoD odxoc; oiKo8o|if|aei xov oikov

you upon your throne, this one shall build the house

xco ovojiaxi jiod 6 + Kai vdv evxsiAm Kai Ko\j/dxcoadv

[to] my name. And now give charge, and let men fell



11-1 Kings

jioi ^vXa sk tod AiP&amp;vod Kai i8od 01 8odA,oi jiod

timbers for me from Lebanon! And behold, my servants

jisxd xcov SodAxov cjod Kai xov |iia66v

[shall be] with your servants; and the wage

xcov 8odAx»v gov 8cbaco aoi raid rcdvxa 6aa av

of your servants I will give to you according to all as much as

sbir\q on av oidaq 6xi odk saxiv sv r\[dv siScoc;

you should say. For you know that there is not among us one knowing

K07rx8iv ^bka Kadfoq 01 £i8cbvioi ?+ Kai sysvsxo coc;

to fell timbers as the Sidonians. And it came to pass as

fjKODas Xsipdji xcov Xoycov EoXojicbvxoq sxdprj

Hiram heard the words of Solomon, he rejoiced

ocp68pa Kai sircsv SDloyrjxoc; Kopioc; afjiispov oq

exceedingly. And he said, Blessed be [the] LORD today who

sScgks xco Aavid diov tppovijiov sm xov A,a6v

gives to David [ son an intelligent] over [ people

xov itokvv xodxov 8 + Kai arcsaxsiXs Xsipdji npoq

populous this]. And Hiram sent to

EoA,o|icbvxa Aiycov aKfjKoa 7ispi rcavxcov cov

Solomon, saying, I have heard concerning all which

a7i8axaA,Kac; npoq jis syco 7ioifjaco 7iav GsArjjid aoi)

you have sent to me. I will do all your will

sic; ^vXa KsSpiva Kai rcsDKiva 9 + 01 8odXo( jiod

for timbers of cedars and of pines. My servants

Kaxd^oDaiv ai)xd sk xod AipdvoD sic; xrjv

shall lead them from out of Lebanon into the

GdAxxaaav Kai sycb Gfjaojiai ai)xd a%s8(ac; scoc; xod

sea; and I will put them on barges unto the

X07TOD od av a7roaxsiAx|c; 7ipoc; |is Kai

place of which ever you should send for me. And

SKxivd^co aDxd sksi Kai av apsiq Kai av 7ioif|asic;

I shall shake them off there, and you shall lift them. And you shall produce
xo 0sAx||id jiod xod 8oDvai dpxoDc; xco oikco jiod 10 + Kai

for my want, to give bread loaves [to] my house. And

rjv Xsipdji 8i8odc; xco SoA,o(icbvxi KsSpoDc; Kai 7isDKa&lt;;

Hiram was giving to Solomon cedars and pines

Kaxa 7iav xo 6sAx||ia aDxoD u+ Kai EoA,o(icbv s8coks

according to all his want. And Solomon gave

xco Xsipdji siKoai %ikiddaq KopoDc; 7ropoD Kai [ia%r\k

to Hiram twenty thousand cors of wheat, and food

xco oikco aDxoD Kai siKoai Pa(6 slaioD

[to] his house, and twenty baths of olive oil


8V TOUT© + VlKa

11-1 Kings

KSK07iavia|isvoD Kaxd xodxo s8(8od SoXojicbv

being pounded. According to this Solomon gave

too Xsipdji rax sviaDxov 12 + Kai rcopioc; s8cdks

to Hiram yearly. And [the] LORD gave

too SoA,o|icbvTi aoqriav Kadcbq sldAxjasv aDxcb Kai

to Solomon wisdom as he said to him. And

r|v sipfjvrj avajisaov Xsipdji Kai avajisaov

there was peace between Hiram and between

Eo^ojicovToq Kai 8is0svxo 8ia0fiKr|v avajisaov aDxcbv

Solomon. And they ordained a covenant between them.

13 + Kai avfjvsyKsv o fiaaikvbq SoXojicbv cpopov sk

And [ brought king Solomon] tribute from

7ravx6c; IapafjA, Kai r|v o cpopoq xpidKovxa %iAid5sc;

all Israel. And [ was the tribute] thirty thousand

av5pcbv 14 + Kai a7isaxsiA,sv aDxotic; sic; xov Atpavov

men. And he sent them to Lebanon —

8sra xikiadsq sv too jirjvi aAlaaaojisvoi jifjva sva

ten thousand [every month being changed]. [month one

fjaav ev xco Aipdvco Kai 8do [ir\vaq sv oikco aDxcbv

They were in Lebanon], and two months at their house.

Kai A5covipd|i sm tod cpopoD i 5 + Kai fjaav

And Adoniram [was] over the tribute. And were

too SoA,o|icovti spSojxqKovxa xikiadzq aipovxsc; dpaiv

unto Solomon seventy thousand lifting a load,

Kai oySofjKovxa xiAidSsc; Xaxojioov sv icq opsi i6+

and eighty thousand quarriers in the mountain;

Xcopiq tcov apxovxcov xcov KaGsaxajisvcov S7ri xcov

separate from the rulers being placed over the

spycov tod £oA,o|icovtoc; xpio%(A,ioi Kai xpiaKoaioi

works of Solomon — three thousand and three hundred

S7iiaxdxai tod Xaov xcov 7toiodvxsc; xa spya n+ Kai

supervisors over the people of the ones doing the works. And

svsxsi^axo o PaoiXsDc; Kai aipoDai XiQovq jisydloDc;

[ gave charge the king], and they lifted [ stones great

xijiioDq sic; xov GsjisAiov xod oikod Kai MGodc;

valuable] for the foundation of the house, and [ stones

a7isA,SKr|xoDc; is+ Kai S7isXsKr|aav oi 8odA,oi

unhewn]. And [ hewed the servants

£oAx)|icbvxoc; Kai oi 8odXoi Xsipdji Kai oi npAioi

of Solomon], and the servants of Hiram, and the Giblites.

Kai rjxoijiaaav xodc; Xidovq Kai xa ^vXa xod

And they prepared the stones and the timbers [to]



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

11-1 Kings

oiKo8o|ifjaai tov oikov

build the house.

6 1

i+ Kai syevsxo sv tco oy8or|KoaTC0 Kai xexpaKooiooTcb

And it came to pass in the eightieth and four hundredth

sxsi Tr\q 8^68od tcov dicov IapafjA,

year of the exodus of the sons of Israel from out of


Egypt, in the [ year fourth] in the second

jirjvi PaaiXstiovxoc; tod PaaiXecoc; IbAx)|icbvTOc; S7ri

month in [the] reigning of king Solomon over

xov IapafjA, Kai ooKo86|ir|ae xov oikov too Kopico 2 +

Israel, that he built the house to the LORD.

Kai o oiKoq ov ooKo86|ir|aev o fiaaiksvq SoXojicbv

And the house which [ built king Solomon]

TCO Kopico S^fjKOVTa 7lT\%Siq TO JlfjKOq aDTOD Kai SlKOCJl

to the LORD — sixty cubits its length, and twenty

7iT\%siq to TikaToq clvtov Kai TpidKovTa 7rq%eic;

cubits its width, and thirty cubits

to v\\foq clvtov 3 + Kai to aiXdji KaTa 7ip6aco7iov tod

its height. And the columned porch in front of the

vaoD siKoai nr\%ziq to jifjKoc; aDTOD em to TikaToq

temple — twenty cubits [was] the length of it upon the width

tod oikod Kai Sera sv 7if|%ei to 7rXdTOc; aDTOD KaTa

of the house. And ten in cubit [was] its width according to

7ip6aco7rov tod oikod 4 + Kai S7iorr|as tco oikoo

[the] face of the house. And he made for the house

6Dp(8ac; 7rapaKD7tTO|i8vac; KpD7rcdc; 5+ Kai S7io(r|asv S7i(

a window leaning hidden. And he put upon

tov toi%ov tod oikod jielaGpa kdkX60sv tco vacb

the wall of the house a ridge round about the temple,

Kai tco 8aptp Kai S7iovr|ae itkzvpaq kdkA,60sv 6+ r|

and to the dabir. And he made [the] sides round about. The

7lA,SDpd T| D7TOKdTC0 7TSVTS 7ir|%e(J0V TO 7lA,dTOC; aDTTJ^

side underneath— five cubits [was] the width of it.

Kai to jisaov 7rr|%ecov to TikaToq Kai r| TpiTTj

And [for] the middle ~ six cubits [was] the width. And the third ~

S7iTd 7rr|%scov to nkdzoq avxr\q 6ti SidoTr||ia s8coks

seven cubits [was] the width of it. For [ a space he made]


to the house round about from outside the house, so as to not



8V TOUT© + VlKa

11-1 Kings
S7iiXa|ipdvcovTai xoov xoixcdv tod oikod ?+ Kai o oikoc;

take hold of the walls of the house. And the house

sv tco oiKo8o|i8ia0ai aDxov Tadoiq oA^OKArjpoic;

in the constracting it [ stones in whole

aKpoTOjioiq &lt;jOKo8o|ifj6r| Kai aqropa Kai itskzKvq Kai

chiseled was built]. And a hammer, and hewing axe, and

7iav cjksdoc; ai8fjpoDV odk r|KODa9r| sv xcd

every item of iron, was not heard in the

oiKo5o|is(a0ai auxov 8 + Kai o nvXcbv xrjc; nkzvpaq

constructing it. And the vestibule of the side


of the one from beneath [was] by the protrusion of the house on the

8s^idv Kai eAiKifj avdpaaic; sic; to jisaov Kai

right [side], and [there was] a winding ascent into the middle, and

sk Tr\q [isar\q S7ri xa xpicbpocpa 9 + Kai CDKo86|ir|as

from the middle unto the third story. And he constructed

xov oikov Kai ctdvsxsXscjsv aDxov Kai

the house, and completed it. And

SKoiXoaxd6|ir|as xov oikov KsSpoic; 10+ Kai (joko86|jt|os

he vaulted the house [with] cedars. And he built

Tovq svSscjjiodc; 81' 6Xov xod oikod 7isvxs 7ir|%scDV

the chambers through [the] entire house, five cubits

xo v\\foq aDxoD Kai aDveax 8 T0V &lt;x6v8sa|iov sv

[was] the height of it, and he held it together by bonding [it] together with

ZpXoiq KsSpivoiq 11+ Kai sysvsxo Xoyoq KopiOD npoq

timbers of cedars. And came to pass [the] word of [the] LORD to

£oA,o|icbvxa Aiycov 12 + o oikoc; odxoc; ov ctd oikoSojisic;

Solomon, saying, This house which you construct,

sdv oSeDTjc; sv xoic; 7ipoaxdy|iaai |iod Kai

if you travel by my orders, and

xa Kpijiaxd jiod 7iorfjc; Kai (pvXdaar[q naoaq

[my judgments you should observe], and should keep all

xac; svxoAxxc; jiod avaaxpscpsaGai sv aDxaiq axfjaco

my commandments, to pace in them; I will establish

xov Xoyov jiod jisxd aoD ov skaXr\aa itpoq AaviS

my word with you which I spoke to David

xov 7iaxspa aoD 13 + Kai KaxaaKTjvcboco sv jisaco dicov

your father; and I will encamp in [the] midst of [the] sons

IapafjX Kai odk syKaxa^suj/oo xov Xaov jiod IapafjA, u +

of Israel, and I will not abandon my people Israel.

Kai &lt;»Ko86|xr|asv £oAx)|icbv xov oikov Kai cjdvsxsXsosv

And Solomon built the house and finished



8V TOUT© + VlKa

11-1 Kings

avTOV 15+ Kai CDKo56|ir|ae zovq to(%odc; tod oikod

it. And he built the walls of the house

sacoGsv 5id tpX(£&gt;v KsSpivcov and tod sSdcpoDc; tod

from inside with wood of cedars, from the floors of the

oikod Kai scoc; tcov toixcov Kai scoc; tcov 5okcov Kai

house, and unto the walls, and unto the beams. And

SKoiXoaTdGjirjas aDvs%6|isva sv ^dXoic; sacoGsv Kai

he vaulted [it] holding [it] together with timbers from inside. And
7ispisa%£ to saco tod oikod sv itXzvpaiq 7TSDKivaic; i6H

he compassed the inside of the house with ribs of pines.

Kai coKo56|ir|as todc; siKoai nryxziq ari dKpoD tod

And he built twenty cubits from [the] top of the

oikod tcov 7iA,SDpcbv tcov Ks5p(vcov arco s8dcpoDc;

house of the sides of the ones of cedars from floor

scoc; tcov 8oKcbv Kai £7rovr|a£v aDTOV sacoGsv sk tod

unto the beams. And he made it inside of the

8ap(p sic; to dyiov tcov ayicov n+ Kai TsaaapdKovTa

dabir in the holy of holies. And [ forty

7rr|%scov rjv avzoq o vaoq Kazd 7ip6aco7rov tod 5ap(p

cubits was itself the temple] in front of the dabir.

18+ Kai Ks8pco 7ispi£aKS7raa£ tov oikov sacoGsv Kai

And cedar covered the house inside. And

syA,D\j/sv KoXanxaq Kai 8ia7iS7i8Taa|i8va ntxaka navxa

there was carved gourds and [ opened and spread out leaves] ~ all

KsSpiva Kai Xidoq odk scpaivsTO 19+ Kai to 8ap(p

cedar; and stone did not appear. And the dabir


[was] in [the] middle of the house within, to give [place] there for the

KlPcOTOV 8ia0fjKT|C; KDpiOD 20+ SlKOai 7ir|XSCOV TO

ark of [the] covenant of [the] LORD. Twenty cubits [was] the

jxfjKoc; Kai siKoai 7rr|%scov to 7rA,dTOc; Kai siKoai

length, and twenty cubits the width, and twenty

7ir|%ecov to v\\foq avzov Kai 7ispisa%sv aDTO xpDaico

cubits the height of it. And he compassed it with gold

aDyKSK^siajisvco 21+ Kai 87io(r|as GDaiaaTfjpiov KaTd

being closed up. And he made an altar according to

7ip6aco7rov tod 8ap(p Kai 7ispi8axsv aDTO %pvam 22 +

[the] front of the dabir, and he compassed it with gold.

Kai 6A,ov tov oikov 7repisa%s %pDa(co scoq aDVTsXeiac;

And [the] entire house was compassed in gold, unto completion

rcavTOc; tod oikod 23+ Kai £7rovr|asv sv tco 8ap(p 8do

of all the house. And he made in the dabir two



8V TOUT© + VlKa

11-1 Kings

%spoDpi|i sk ^dXgov KD7iapiaaivcov 8sKa 7ir|%ecDV to

cherubim of wood of cypresses, ten cubits [was] the

jisysGoc; saxa0|i&lt;»|isvov 2 4 + Kai 7tsvts 7ir|%ecDV to

greatness being measured by a rule, and five cubits [was] the

7TT£pDyiOV TOD %£pO\)fi TOD SVOC; K(Xl 7T8VT8 7ir|%£(jOV

wing of the [ cherub one], and [ [was] five cubits

TO 7TT8pDyiOV aDTOD TO 8eDTSpOV 5sKa SV 7lfj%Sl a7TO

of its wing the second]. Ten in a cubit from


[one] part of its wing to [the other] part of its wing.


Thus to the [ cherub second] with [ measure one] [and]

oDVTsXsia jiia jist&amp; ajicpoTspcov 26+ Kai to v\\foq tod

[ completion one] with both. And the height of the

Xepotip tod evoc; 5sKa sv 7if|%ei odtcdc; Kai to

[ cherub one] [was] ten in a cubit. So also the

5sDTspov %epoDp 27+ Kai sBtjksv ajicpoTSpa Ta

second cherub. And he stationed both the

%spoDp(|i ev jieaco tod oikod tod sacoTdTOD Kai

cherubim in the middle of the [house innermost]. And

8i87iSTaas xaq nx^pvyaq aDTcbv Kai fj7iT8TO

[ were open and spread out wings their], and [ touched

T| 7lT8pD^ T| |l(a TOD TOl%OD TOD OIKOD Kai T| 7TTSpD^

wing the one] the wall of the house, and the wing


[ cherub of the second] touched the [ wall

tod 8sDT8poD Kai ai iiTspvysq aDTcbv sv jisaco TOD

second], and their wings [were] in [the] midst of the

OIKOD TJ7TTOVTO 7TTSpD^ TTTSpDyoq 28+ Kai 7t£piSa%£ Ta

house, touching wing to wing. And he compassed the

%epoDp(|i xpDcrico 29+ Kai rcavTac; todc; to(%odc; tod

cherubim with gold. And all the walls of the

oikod kdkAxd syKoXa7iTd sypa\j/8 sv ypacp(8i %epoDp{|i

house round about [ sculptures he depicted] with a stylus — cherubim,

Kai cpoiviKsc; Kai 8ia7iS7iSTaa|isva nsxaka too

and palms and [ opened and spread out leaves] to the

sacoTspco Kai too s^ooTspco 30+ Kai to zdaqoq tod

inner and to the outer. And the floor of the

OIKOD 7T£piSa%£ %pDaiC0 TOD 8OC0TaTOD Kai TOD

house he compassed with gold — of the innermost and the

sacoTdTOD 31+ Kai too 0Dpcb|iaTi tod 5ap(p S7ioir|as

outermost. And to the doorway of the dabir he made


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

11-1 Kings

dvpaq sk ^vXcdv apK8D0(vcav Kai (pAidc; 7isvTa7iA,dc; 32 +

doors of wood of juniper, and [doorways five-fold].

Kai 8i&gt;o Qvpaq sk ^dAxjov 7T8dkivcov Kai syKoXa7iTd

And two doors of woods of pines. And sculptures

S7i ' aDxcbv syKSKoA,a|i|i8va %epoup(|i Kai cpoiviKac; Kai

upon them being sculpted of cherubim, and palms. And

nsxaka 8ia7T87rsTaa|i8va Kai 7T8piea%e %pvam Kai

panels were opening and spreading out. And he compassed [them] with gold; and

KaxePaivsv S7ri xa %spoi)P(|i Kai S7ri zovq cpowiKaq

[ came down upon the cherubim and over the palms

to xpvaiov 33+ Kai odtcdc; £7iorr|as tcd myfabvi tod

the gold]. And thus he made to the vestibule of the

vaov (pkiai sk ^dAxdv apK8D0wcov &lt;xcoai T8Tpa7iA,cb(;

temple doorposts of woods of juniper, [ stoas with fourfold].

34+ Kai sv ajicpoTspaiq zaiq Qvpaiq ^vXa mvKiva

And in both the doors woods of pines [were used] --

8do 7iTU%ai T| 0i3pa r| jiia Kai crcpocpeic; auTcbv Kai

[ [was] bi- fold the door one], and their hinges [were there]; and

Svo 7iTDxa( r| dvpa r| Sstrcspa &lt;xcps(p6|ievai 35 +

[ [was] bi- fold door the second] to turn;

syK8KoA,a|i|isvai %epoup(|i Kai cpoiviKsq Kai

being sculpted with cherubim and palms; and

8ia7T87i8Taa|isva nsTaka Kai 7T8pie%6|ieva xpDoico

[ opening and spreading out panels], and being compassed with gold
KaTayojisvco em tt|v sktdtkjoctiv 36+ Kai &lt;£Ko56|ir|ae

being led upon the impression. And he built

ttjv avXr\v ttjv saocrcspav Tpsic; aTi%ovq 81a

the [ courtyard inner], three rows of

7rsA£KT|Tcbv Kai gt(%oc; KaTSipyaajisvriq Ke8poi)

hewn [stones], and a row being manufactured of cedar

KDkX69sV 37+ SV TOO TSTdpTCD 8T81 £9e|i£Aicb6r| O OIKOq

round about. In the fourth year [ was laid a foundation the house

KDpiOD 8V [lT[Vi C^OV 38+ Kai 8V £TSl 8v8sKdTC0 8V

of [the] LORD], in [the] month Zif. And in [year [the] eleventh], in

[ir\vi BovX omoq o jirjv 6y8ooq aDVSTsXsas tov

[the] month of Bui, this [is] the [month eighth], [ was completed the

oikov KaTd TrdvTaq zovq Xoyovq avzov Kai KaTd

house] according to all his words, and according to

7idvTa Ta KpijiaTa avzov Kai coKo86|ir|asv avzov sv

all his responsibilities. And he built it in


seven years.


7 T ev tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

7 T

i + Kai coKo56|ir|a8 SoXojicbv xov oikov eauxcb

And [ constructed Solomon] his own house

xpiaKaiSera exsai Kai auvsxeXsaev okov

for thirteen years. And he [ completed wholly]


his house. And he constructed the house of [the] forest

XOD AlP&amp;VOD SKaXOV 7ir|%£C0V XO (ifjKOq aVTOV Kai

of Lebanon. A hundred cubits [was] its length, and

7isvxfjKovxa 7ir|%scDV xo 7rAxxxoc; auxou Kai xpidKovxa

fifty cubits its width, and thirty

7ir|xscov xo v\\foq avTOV 87ii xeaodpcov ax(%cov axuXcov

cubits its height upon four rows of columns

KsSpivcov Kai cojiiai Ks8pivai xoic; gtvXoic, 3+ Kai

of cedars, and protrusions of cedars for the columns. And

ecpdxvcoas Ks8pco xov oikov dvcoBev S7ri xcov

he decorated with fretwork in cedar the house above upon the

7iA,SDpcbv xcov axu^cov Kai o apiGjioc; xcov axtiAxov

sides of the columns. And the number of the columns

xsaaapdKovxa Kai 7ievxs o cTiypq o sic; 8sra Kai

[was] forty and five — [ row in one ten and

7TSVX8 4 + Kai jisAxxGpa xpia Kai %(bpa siti xcbpav

seven]. And [ ridges three], with place upon place

xpiaocoq 5+ Kai 7idvxa xa Gupcojiaxa Kai ai %copai

thrice. And all the doorways and the places

xexpdycovoi |is|isXa6pco|isvai ano xou dvpaq S7U

[were] four-cornered being arched over, from the doorway upon

0i3pav xpiaacoq 6+ Kai xo aildji xcov axulcov

[the] door thrice. And the columned porch of the columns

7isvxfjKovxa 7rr|%scov xo jifjKoc; Kai xpidKovxa 7rr|%ecov

[was] fifty cubits [in] length, and thirty cubits

sv 7iA,dxsi s^Dycojisva ai^dji em 7ip6aco7iov

in width, being joined together by a columned porch in front

auxcbv Kai axuAm Kai nayp^ S7rl 7ip6aco7iov auxofc;

of them. And columns and thick [beams] were at [the] front to them.

7+ Kai xo aiXdji xod Gpovoi) ou Kpivsi 8K8i

And the columned porch of the throne where he judged there,

aiXdji xod Kpixrjpioi) Kai scpdxvcoasv

[was] a columned porch for the judgment seat. And it [was] decorated with fretwork

KsSpivoiq anb eSdcpouc; ecoc; i)7rspcooi) 8+ Kai

in cedars from floor unto upper room. And


7 T ev tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

o oiKoq avTOV sv co KaGfjaexai sksi avXr\ jiia

his house in which he shall sit there, [ courtyard one]

s^sXioao|isvr| todtoic; kcxt&amp; to spyov todto Kai

[is] expanding to these according to this work. And

c0Ko86|ir|O8v oikov £oAx)|icbv tt| 0Dyaxpi Oapacb r|v

[built a house Solomon] (for the daughter of Pharaoh whom

skafis SoA,o|icov kcxt&amp; to aiA,d|i todto

Solomon took) according to this columned porch.

9+ Tcxtiicx 7rdvxa sk AiGcov Tijiicov KSKoA,a|ijisva 8K

These all from out of [ stones valuable] being chiseled, at

8iaaxf||iaTOc; saco0sv sk tod GsjisAiod scoc; tcov

an interval inside from the foundation unto the

ysiacov Kai s^coGsv sk; tt|v auAxjv tt|v jisydAxjv 10 +

moldings, and outside to the [ courtyard great],

ttjv TS0s|isXico|isvr|v sv Xidoiq tijiioic; jisydAxnc; Xidoiq

in the laying a foundation with [stones valuable great]; stones

8sKa7rfj%sai Kai OKTa7if|%sai n+ Kai S7idvco0sv Xidoiq

ten cubits and eight cubits [in size]. And on top [were] [stones

tijiioic; KaTd to odto jiSTpov 7rsA,SKr|TOic; Kai

valuable] according to the same measure ~ hewn [stones] and

Ks5poiq 12+ Tr\q avhf\q Tr\q jisydAxjc; kdk^cg Tpsiq

cedars, of the [ courtyard great] round about [with] three

aTi%oi 7isA,sKr|Tcbv Kai gt(%oc; KSKoXaji|isvr|c; Ks5poD

rows of hewn [stones], and a row being chiseled of cedar,

Kai ttj avfor\ oikod KupioD to saco0sv Kai tco

even to the [courtyard of [the] house of [the] LORD inner], and to the

ai^dji tod oikod 13 + Kai a7rsaTSiA,sv o PaaiXsDc;

columned porch of the house. And [ sent king

EoA,o|icbv Kai sAxxps tov Xsipdji sk TtipoD i 4 + diov

Solomon] and took Hiram from out of Tyre, [the] son

yDvaiKoq xfjpaq Kai odtoc; arco Tr\q (pvhf\q

[ woman of a widow], and this one [was] from the tribe

NstpGaAiji Kai o 7iaTf|p aDTOD avfjp Ttipioc; tsktcov

of Naphtali, and his father [was] a Tyrian man, a fabricator

XoXkov Kai 7rs7iAx|p&lt;D|isvoc; rr|c; aocpiaq rr|c; TS%vr|c;

of brass, and being accomplished of the wisdom of the craft,

Kai aDvsascoq Kai S7iiyvcbascoc; tod 7iois(v 7iav spyov

and of understanding, and full of knowledge to do all [the] work

sv xahccb Kai siafj%0r| itpoq tov PaaiXsa EoA,o(icbvTa

in brass. And he was brought to king Solomon,

Kai S7rovr|as 7iav spyov 15+ Kai s%cbvsDas todc; 8do

and he did every work. And he cast in a furnace the two


7 T sv tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

GTvXovq too aiXdji tod oikod OKTCOKa(5eKa nryxsiq

columns for the columned porch of the house ~ eighteen cubits

to v\\foq tod otdA,od Kai to 7i8p(|iSTpov 8do Kai

[was] the height of the column, and the perimeter [had] a two and

88Ka 7rr|%scDV a7iapTiov £kdkAx)d ocdtov Kai ODTCOCJ

ten cubits cord encircling it. And so

o GTvkoq o 8£DTspo&lt;; 16+ Kai 8do S7ii08|iaTa

[was] the [column second]. And [two capitals

£7iorr|as 8oDvai 87i( Tag Kecpa^dc; tcdv cjtd^cov

he made] to put upon the heads of the [ columns

XcovsDTd xahca 7tsvts 7cr|%ecov to v\\foq tod

molten] of brass ~ five cubits [was] the height of the

87U08|iaTOc; tod evoc; Kai 7tsvts 7cr|%ecov to d\j/oc;

[ capital one], and five cubits [was] the height

TOD £7tl0S|iaTOC; TOD 88DTSpOD 17+ Kai 87TOir|aS 5lKTDa

of the [ capital second]. And he made latticed [works]

S7iiKaA,D\j/ai Ta S7ii08|iaTa tcov otdXcov S7iTd tco

to cover the capitals of the columns; seven to the

87ll08|iaTl TCO SVl Kai S7TTd TCO S7ll08|iaTl TCO 8sDTSpC0

capital — to the one; and seven to the capital — to the second.

18+ Kai spyov KpsjiaaTOV 8do cm%oi pocbv %aA,Kcbv

And [work a hanging]-- two rows of pomegranates of brass

8s8iktdco|I8voi spyov Kp£|ia&lt;yc6v &lt;xri%oc; S7U cmxov

being made of lattice works, [work a hanging], row upon row.

Kai ODTCOq S7TOir|a8 TCO S7ll0S|iaTl TCO 8sDT8pC0 19+ Kai

And thus he did for the [capital second]. And

S7ii08|iaTa 87ii tcov KecpaAxbv tcov cjtdAxov spyov

capitals upon the heads of the columns, a work

KpivoD KaTd to aiAxxji Tsaadpcov 7rr|%ecov Kai

of lily for the columned porch ~ four cubits; and

|isXa0pov S7i ' ajicpoTspcov tcov &lt;xcdAxov Kai £7cdvco0sv

a ridge upon both of the columns, and on top

tcov 7cA,8Dpcbv S7U0s|ia 20+ Kai tcov pocbv SiaKoaioiq

of the sides of [the] capital. And the pomegranates [were] two hundred

aTi%oi S7c( Tr\q KetpaAiSoc; Tr\q SsDTspaq 21 + Kai sarrjae

in rows upon the [capital second]. And he set up

todc; GTvXovq tod ai^dji tod vaoD Kai saTrjas tov

the columns of the columned porch of the temple. And he set up the

cjtdAxdv tov 5e^i6v Kai S7csKdA,sas to ovojia aDTOD

[column right], and he called the name of it —

Ia%iv Kai eaTTjas tov gtvXov tov apicrcepov Kai

Jachin. And he set up the [ column left], and


7 T ev tootco + vlica 11-1 Kings

S7i8KdA,sas to ovojia avxov B6a^ 22 + Kai S7i( tcdv

called the name of it— Boaz. And upon the

KS(paA,cbv xcov gtvXcov spyov KpivoD Kai STS^sicbGrj

tops of the columns [was] a work of lily. And [ was finished

to spyov xcov gtvXcov 23+ Kai £7rovr|ae rqv GdAxxaaav

the work of the columns]. And he made the [ sea

%vtt\v 8sKa sv 7ifj%si anb tod %sikovq avTT\q scoq

cast] — ten by a cubit from its rim unto

tod %sikovq avTT\q aTpoyyolov kdk^co to ocdto 7tsvts

its rim, globular, round about the same, five

sv 7if|%si to v\\foq avTT\q Kai aDvr|y|isvr|

by a cubit [was] its height. And a [measuring] meeting together

TpidKOVTa 7lT\%Siq SKDK^ODV aDTTJV 24+ Kai

thirty cubits encircled it. And

D7ioaTr|piy|iaTa D7iOKaTC0 tod %sikovq avTT\q kdkX60sv

supports from beneath its rim round about

skdicXodv aDTTjv 8sra sv 7ifj%si avicrcav tt|v

encircled it. Ten by a cubit raising up the

daXaaaav kdkA,60sv 8do cjtixoi D7ioaTr|piy|idTC0v

sea round about. Two rows of supports

Xdtcov sv too x&lt;javsDTT|picD aDTCOv 25+ Kai 8cb5sKa Pose;

cast in the foundry furnace of them. And twelve oxen

D7iOKdTC0 Tr\q dakdaar\q 01 Tpsic; S7ripXs7iovTSc;

[were] underneath the sea — the three looking to

poppdv Kai 01 Tpsic; S7iipA,S7rovTSc; BdXaaaav Kai 01

[the] north, and the three looking to [the] west, and the

TpSiq S7TlPA,S7lOVTS(; VOTOV Kai 01 TpSiq S7TIPXS710VTS(;

three looking to [the] south, and the three looking to

avaToldq Kai r| QaXaaaa S7i' aDTcbv S7idvco9sv 26 +

[the] east. And the sea [was] upon them on top.

Kai 7idvTC0v Ta omaGia sic; to sv8ov Kai to naypq

And all the posteriors [were] to the inside, and the thickness

aDTfjc; 7raAmaTfjc; Kai to %sikoq avTT\q coast spyov

of it [was] a palm, and the rim of it [was] as [work

%sikovq 7iOTr|pioD P^aaTOV Kpivov 8do %i)ad8ac; %6sic;

a rim] of a cup [with] [ bud a lily]. [ of two thousand coos

sxcbpsi 27+ Kai S7io(r|as 8sra |isxcovcb0 %akKaq

It had a capacity]. And he made ten bases of brass —

Tsaadpcov 7ir|%scov to jifjKoq Tr\q jisxcovcbG Tr\q jiidq

four cubits [was] the length of the [ base one],

Kai Tsaadpcov 7ir|%scov to TiAmoc; aDTfjc; Kai Tpicbv

and four cubits the width of it, and three


7 T ev tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

7ir|%ecov to v\\foq avTt[q 2 s+ Kai todto to spyov Trjq

cubits [was] the height of it. And this [is] the work of the

|ie%covd (xoyKXeiaTOV avTT\q Kai oDyK^eiaTOV

base joining it, and joining

avajieaov tcov e^£%o|ievcov 29 + Kai em Ta

between the protruding [parts]. And upon the

ai)yKA,sia|iaTa Ta avajieaov tcov s^e%o|ievcov Xsovtsc;

joineries between the protruding [parts] [were] lions

Kai Posq Kai x 8 P 01) P^ Kai 87 ™ TC0V ^%o[ievcdv

and oxen and cherubim. And upon the protruding [parts]


so also from above and from below the lions and

tcov Pocbv %copai epyov KaTapdascoq 30+ Kai Tsaoapec;

the oxen places [work of a descending]. And four

Tpo%o( xaA,Ko( tt| (isxcovd ttj |iia Kai Ta

wheels of brass [were to] the [base one] and the

7tpoa8%ovTa yahta Kai Teaoapa jieprj avxr\q

fastenings of brass and [ four parts its],

COjliai aDTCOV D7ioKdTCO0ev tcov XoDTfjpcov Kai

of their protrusion [supports] from beneath the bathing tubs, and

cojiiai Ks^Djisvai arco 7ispav av5poq 7ipoK8i|isvai

protrusion [supports] pouring from the other side a man being situated before.

Kai to &lt;yc6|ia avTOV eaco0ev rr|c; KecpaAiSoc; Kai dvco

And the mouth of it within the top and upward

sv 7rfj%ei 31+ Kai to ctto |ia avzov aTpoyyuAxrov

one cubit. And the mouth of it [was] globular,

7rovr||ia odtco 7if|%ecoc; Kai rjiiiascoq 7if|%ecoc; Kai S7ii

a thing made thus ~ a cubit and half a cubit. And upon

tod &lt;yc6|iaTOc; avToi) 8iaTOp8i3|iaTa Kai 8id7ir|ya aDTcbv

its mouth [were] carvings. And their small pillars

T8Tpdycova od aTpoyyD^a 32 + Kai Tsaaapec; 01 Tpo%o(

[were] four-cornered, not globular. And four wheels

D7TOKdTCO08v tcov 8ia7if|ycov Kai %eipsc; sv zoiq

[were] underneath the small pillars. And hands [were] in the

Tpo%o(c; ev ttj |ie%covd Kai TO v\\foq TOD TpO%OD

wheels in the base. And the height of the [ wheel

tod svoc; 7if|%ecoc; Kai rijiiaoDq 33+ Kai to epyov tcov

one] [was] a cubit and a half. And the work of the

Tpo^cov cog spyov Tpoxcbv dpjiaToq Kai

wheels [was] as [the] work [ wheels of chariot]. And

ai x^P 8 ^ cxdtcov Kai 01 vcotoi aDTcbv Kai

their hands and their backs and


7 T ev tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

ai 7ipay|iaxeiai aDxcov xa 7iavxa %covsDxa 34 + Kai

their matters [were] all casted. And

xeaaapsc; cojiiai 87ii xcov xeaadpcov ycovicbv

four protrusion [supports] [were] upon the four corners

xrjc; |I8%cdv&amp; xrjc; [iidq sk xrjc; jiexcovd 01 cofioi avTT\q

of the [ base one]. From out of the base [were] its shoulders.

35+ Kai 8711 xrjc; KscpaArjc; xrjc; |ie%CGvd r\[iiav

And upon the head of the base a half

xod 7rfj%scoc; jisysGoc; avTT\q axpoyytiXov kdk^co em

a cubit [ size was its globular] round about upon

xrjc; KscpaArjc; xrjc; |ie%covd Kai ai xzipzq CLVvr\q Kai

the head of the base. And the hands of it and

xa ai)yKA,s(a|iaxa auxfjc; an avxr\q Kai rjvoiysxo em

its joineries were of it; and it opened upon

xac; apxaq xcov %sipcbv aDxfjc; 36 + Kai

the beginnings of its hands. And

xa ai)yKA,s(a|iaxa avTT\q %spoDpi|i Kai Aiovxsc; Kai

its joinery [was] cherubim, and lions, and

tpoiviKsc; saxcbxa eraaxov e%6jievov Kaxd

[ palms standing], each being next to [the other] in

7rp6aco7iov aDxoD saco0sv kdkA,608v 37+ Kaxd xaDxrjv

front of it inside, round about. According to this

S7ro(r|a8 xac; 5sKa |i£%covcb0 xd^iv |i(av Kai jiexpov sv

he made ten bases, [ order with one] and [ measure one]

7idaai(; 3 s+ Kai S7rorr|ae 5sKa %VTpoyavXovq xafacovq

to all. And he made ten pots of brass,

xsaaapdKovxa %OE\q %copoDvxa xov sva x^poyaDAxrv

[ of forty coos having the capacity] to the one pot,

jisxpfjaei xsaadpcov 7rr|%ecov Kai %Dxp6yaDXoc; o eic;

measuring four cubits. And [ pot one]

S7Ti xrjv |i£%covd xrjv |i(av xac; 8eKa |ie%CGVcb0 39 +

[was] upon the [ base one] for the ten bases.

Kai S0SXO xac; 8eKa |ie%covco6 7revxe arco xrjc;

And he put the ten bases, five on the

co jitac; xod oikod sk Se^icbv Kai 7ievxe a7io xrjc;

protrusion [support] of the house at [the] right sides, and five on the

cojjiac; xod oikod s£, apiaxspcbv Kai r| daXaaaa

protrusion [support] of the house at [the] left sides; and the sea

arco xrjc; cojjiac; xod oikod sk 5e^icbv Kaxa

on the protrusion [support] of the house at [the] right sides, according to

avaxoXdc; arco xod kAaxodc; xod voxod 40+ Kai

[the] east from the side of the south. And


7 T ev tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

S7io(r|a8 Xeipdji xodc; Aiprjxac; Kai xac; Gspjiaaxpeic;

Hiram made the kettles, and the tongs,

Kai xac; (piakaq Kai aDvexeA,sas Xeipdji 7ioicbv rcavxa

and the bowls. And Hiram completed making all

xa epya 6aa S7rorr|as xco PaaiA,s( SoA,ojicbvxi ev xco

the works which he made [for] king Solomon in the

oiKco KDpioi) 41+ GTvXovq 8do Kai xa oxps7ixd xcov

house of [the] LORD — [ columns two] and the twisted [works] of the

yAucpcbv xa ovxa £7U xcov KetpaAxbv xcov cjxdA,cov

carvings, the ones being upon the heads of the [ columns

8do Kai 5iKxi)a 5do xod KaXD7ixeiv ajicpoxepa xa

two]; and [ latticed [works] two], to cover both the

oxps7ixd xcov y^Dcpcbv xa ovxa S7ri xcov ctxdXcov 42 +

twisted [works] of the carvings, the ones being upon the columns;

Kai xac; poaq xexpaKoaiac; ajicpoxspoic; xoiq

and the pomegranates — four hundred to both the

8ikxdoic; 8do axixoi pocbv xco Sikxdco xco evi

latticed [works]; two rows of pomegranates to the [ latticed [work] one],

xod 7iepiKaA,D7ixsiv ajicpoxspa xa axps7ixd xa ovxa

to cover all over both the twisted [works], the ones being

S7i ' ajicpoxspcov xcov (xroAxov 43+ Kai xa 8eKa

upon both of the columns; and the ten

|is%covcb0 Kai xodc; %DxpoyaDXoDc; xodc; 5sKa em xcov

bases, and the [ pots ten] upon the

jisxcovcoG 44+ Kai xrjv Gd^aaaav jiiav Kai xodc;

bases; and the [ sea one], and the

8co8eKa Poaq xodc; D7TOKdxco xrjc; GaAxxaarjc;

twelve oxen underneath the sea;

45+ Kai xodc; XePrjxac; Kai xac; Gepjiaaxpeic; Kai xac;

and the kettles, and the tongs, and the

(piakaq Kai 7idvxa xa oksdtj a S7iovr|ae Xsipdji xco

bowls. And all the items which Hiram made [for]

PaaiA,ei £oA,o|icovxi xco oikco KopioD xahca dp5r|v

king Solomon for the house of [the] LORD [of brass [were] entirely].

46 + sv xco 7ispioiKco xod Iop5dvoD s%cov£Da£v aDxd o

In the adjacent [area] of the Jordan [ cast them the

PaaiXsDc; sv xco 7id%si xr|c;yr|c; avajisaov £ok%co0 Kai

king] in the thick earth between Succoth and

avajieaov Eap0dv 4 ?+ Kai e8coKe SoXojicov o Paai^sDc;

between Zarthan. And [ put [away] Solomon the king]

7idvxa xa aKSDrj sk TiXr\dovq acp65pa odkt|v

all the items, because of [ multitude [the] exceeding] which there was no


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

11-1 Kings

axaGjioq tod xoXkov 48+ Kai S7io(r|asv o SoXojicbv

weight of the brass. And Solomon made

7rdvxa xa aKetirj ev icq oikco kdpiod to

all the items in the house of [the] LORD — the

0Daia&lt;xcfjpiov to %pvaovv Kai tt|v Tpd7ie^av ecp' r\q

[ altar gold], and the table (upon which are

01 dpTOi Tr\q 7rpo68a£CDc; %pvar\v 49+ Kai Tag A^xviac;

the bread loaves of the [ place setting gold]). And the [ lamp-stands

7TSVTS 8^ 5s^icbv Kai 7T8VT8 8K apiaTepcbv KaTd

five] at [the] right sides, and five at [the] left sides, in

7ip6aco7rov tod 8ap(p %pvadq aDyKSK^siajisvac; Kai Ta

front of the dabir [ of gold being completely made]; and the

A,a|i7id5ia Kai todc; Xvyyovq Kai Tag S7iapDaTp(8a(;

oil lamp bowls, and the lamps, and the oil funnels

Xpvadq 50+ Kai Ta 7ip60Dpa Kai 01 fjloi Kai ai

[were] of gold; and the thresholds, and the nails, and the

cpidAm Kai Ta TpDpAia Kai ai 0DiaKai %pDaa(

bowls, and the saucers, and the incense pans [ of gold

aDyK^siaTd Kai Ta GDpcojiaTa tcdv 0Dpcbv tod oikod

[were] joined]. And the doorways of the doors of the [house

tod soooTaTOD tod ayioD tcov ayicov Kai Tag 0Dpag

innermost], of the holy of holies, and the doors

tod oikod tod vaoD %pDadc; 51+ Kai ave7iAr|pcb6r| 7iav

of the house of the temple [were] of gold. And [ was fulfilled all

to spyov o S7io(r|as SoAxdjicov tco oikco kdpiod Kai

the work which Solomon did] for the house of [the] LORD. And

eiafjveyKs SoXojicbv Ta dyia AaDi8 tod nazpoq avzov

Solomon carried in the holy [things] of David his father,

to apyopiov Kai to %pvaiov Kai Ta oksdtj sScoksv

the silver and the gold; and the equipment he put

sic; todc; GrjaaDpoDc; oikod kdpiod

into the treasury of [the] house of [the] LORD.

8 n

1 + tots s^sKKAxjcriaasv o PaaiA^Dc; £oA,o|icbv 7idvTac;

Then [ held an assembly king Solomon] of all

todc; 7ipsapDT8poDc; lapar\k Kai 7idvTac; dpxovTac;

the elders of Israel, and all rulers

tpDAxbv rjyejiovac; 7iaTpicbv dicov IopafjX 7ipoq

of tribes, leaders of [the] families of [the] sons of Israel, for

tov PaaiAia SoXojicbvTa ev IspoDaaArui

king Solomon in Jerusalem


8 n ev tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

tod avsvsyKsiv rqv kiPcotov Tr\q SiaGfjKqc; KopioD

to bear the ark of the covenant of [the] LORD

sk 7t6A£cdc; Aavid ami] scm Sicbv 2 + sv |ir|v(

from out of [the] city of David — this is Zion, in [the] month

aGaviji sv sopxfj avzoq avzoq eaxiv jirjv sp8ojioc;

Athanim during its holiday, this is [ month [the] seventh].

Kai r\kdov 7T&amp;VT8C; 01 7ipsaPDTspoi IapafjA, 3 + Kai

And [came all the elders of Israel]. And

fjpaV 01 ISpSiq TT|V KlPcOTOV 4 + Kai TO OKT|VC0|ia TOD

[ lifted the priests] the ark, and the tent of the

jiapTDpioD Kai 7idvTa Ta aKSDrj Ta dyia Ta ev tco

testimony, and all the [ items holy], the ones for the

GKT|vcb|iaTi tod jiapTDpioD 5+ Kai o Paai^sDc; Kai naq

tent of the testimony. And the king and all

o Xaoq lapar\k S|i7ipoa0sv Tr\q kiPcotod Bdovtsc;

the people of Israel [were] before the ark sacrificing

Poaq Kai 7ip6paTa avap(6|ir|Ta 6+ Kai siacpspoDaiv 01

oxen and sheep — innumerable. And [ carried the

ISpSiq TTJV KlPcOTOV SiaGfjKTjC; KDpiOD sic;

priests] the ark of [the] covenant of [the] LORD unto

tov T07rov aDTfjc; sic; to 5aptp tod oikod sic; Ta dyia

its place, into the dabir of the house, into the holy

tcov ayicov D7i6 Tac; 7rcspDyac; tcov %spoDp(|i ?+ 6ti Ta

of holies, under the wings of the cherubim. For the

%spoDpi|i 5ia7iS7i8Taa|isva xaiq 7iTspD^iv S7ri tov

cherubim were being opened and spread out in the wings over the

T07rov Tr\q kiPcotod Kai 7ispisKdA,D7i;TOV Ta xepoDptji

place of the ark. And [ covered all the cherubim]

S7Ti ttjv kiPcotov Kai 8711 Ta dyia aDTfjc; S7ldvCO0SV 8 +

over the ark, and over its holy [things] from above.

Kai D7rsps(%ov Ta rjyiaajisva Kai svsPA,S7tovto ai

And [ projected the sanctified [staves]], and [ looked out the

KscpaAm tcov rjyiaajisvcov sk tcov ayicov S7U

heads of the sanctified [staves]] from the holies unto

7rp6aco7iov tod 8aptp Kai odk co7iTdvovTO s^co Kai

[the] front of the dabir. And they were not seen outside, and

fjaav sksi scoc; tv\q rjjispacj TaDTTj^ 9 + odktjv sv tt|

they were there until this day. There was nothing in the

kiPcotco 7iAr|v ai 8do nXoKsq AiGivai TiXoKsq Tr\q

ark except the two tablets of stone, tablets of the

SiaGfjKTjc; aq s6t|ksv sksi MoaDafjc; sv XcopfjP aq

covenant, which [ put there Moses] in Horeb, which


8 n sv tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

5ie6eTO Kopioc; jisxd xcov dicov IapafjX sv

[the] LORD ordained with the sons of Israel in

TO 8K7TOpSt)£C)6cU aDTODCj SK JT\q AiyD7ITOD 10+ Kai

their going forth from out of [the] land of Egypt. And

sysvsTO coc; e^fjABov 01 ispek; sk tod ayioD Kai

it happened as [ came forth the priests] from out of the holy place, that

T| vstpsArj 87rAx|as tov oikov n+ Kai odk rj8wavTO

the cloud filled the house. And [ [were] not able

01 lepefo; &lt;xcfjvai XercoDpysiv anb 7ipoacb7roD tt|c;

the priests] to stand to officiate in front of the

vscpsAxjc; 6ti S7rAr|ae 56^a KDpioD tov oikov

cloud, for [filled [the] glory [of the] LORD] the house

KDpiOD 12 + TOTS 81718 SoXojICOV KDpiOC; S17T8V TOD

of [the] LORD. Then Solomon said, [The] LORD spoke of

KaTaaKTjvcbaai ev yvotpco 13+ Kai eycb coKo86|ir|aa

encamping in dimness. And I built

oikov too ovojiaTiaoD dyiov aoi Kai stoijiov Kai tt|

a house [to] your name, holy to you, and readied, and [to]

Ka0s5pa aoD tod KaTaaKTjvcbaai as ev aDTcb sic;

your chair [ to encamp for you] in it into

todc; aicbvaq h+ Kai a7ieaTpe\j/£v o Paai^sDc;

the eons. And [ turned the king]

to 7rp6aco7i;ov aDTOD Kai £DA,6yr|a£v rcavTa IapafjA, Kai

his face, and blessed all Israel. And

7idaa T| 8KKA,r|a(a IapafjX eiaTfjKsi 15+ Kai ei7i;sv

all the assembly of Israel stood. And he said,

SDXoyrjTOc; Kopioc; o 0e6c; IapafjA, oq skaXr\asv sv

Blessed [be] [the] LORD God of Israel, who spoke by

aTOjiaTi aDTOD mpi AaviS tod nazpoq jiod Kai sv

his mouth concerning David my father, and by

Taiq xepaiv aDTOD S7iXf|pcoa8 Xeycov 16+ acp' r\q rjjiepac;

his hands fulfilled, saying, From which day

e^qyayov tov A,a6v jiod IapafjX AiyD7iT0D

I led out my people Israel from Egypt,

odk s^sA£^d|ir|v sv noXsi sv evi aKfj7iTpco IapafjX

I have not chosen a city in one chiefdom of Israel

tod oiKo5o(if|aai oikov tod sivai to ovojid jiod sksi

to build a house [ to be name [for] my] there.

aXk r s^sA£^d|ir|v sv AaDi8 tod sivai rjyoDjievov S7ri

But I chose in David to be [the] one leading over

TOvXaovjioD IapafjA, 17+ Kai eyeveTO £7U ttjc^ KapSiac;

my people Israel. And it was upon the heart


8 n sv tootg) + viica 11-1 Kings

AaDiS xod nazpoq jiod oiKo5o|if|aai oikov icq ovojiaxi

of David my father to build a house to the name

KDpioi) 0sod IapafjA, is+ Kai si7is Kopioc; 7ipoc; Aam5

of [the] LORD God of Israel. And [the] LORD said to David

xov rcaxspa (iod on sysvsxo S7ri xrjv Kap8(av cjod

my father, That it was upon your heart

oiKo8o|ifjaai oikov xco ovojiaxi jiod Kakfoq S7iorr|aa(;

to construct a house [to] my name [ well you did],

on sysvsxo sm xrjv Kap8(av ctod 19+ 7iAr|v cjd odk

for it was upon your heart. Except you shall not

oiKo5o|ifjGSic; xov oikov aXk r r\ o vioq gov o s^sA£cbv

build the house, but your son, the one coming forth

sk xcov 7rA,si)pcbv gov ovzoq oiKo8o|if|asi XOV OIKOV

from out of your sides, this [one] shall build the house

xco ovojiaxi (10D 20+ Kai avsaxrjas Kopioc; xo pf||ia avzov

to my name. And [the] LORD raised up his word

o sAxxArjas Kai avsoxrjv avxi Aavid tov nazpoq [iov

which he spoke. And I am risen up instead of David my father,

Kai SKdGiaa S7i( xod 0p6voD IapafjA, KaBcbc;

and I sat down upon the throne of Israel, as

sXaAxjas Kupioq Kai coKo86|ir|aa xov oikov xco

[the] LORD spoke. And I built the house to the

ovojiaxi Kopioi) xod Gsod IapafjA, 21 + Kai s6s|ir|v sksi

name of [the] LORD God of Israel. And I established there

xo7rov XT] kiPcoxco sv T| saxiv sksi 5ia9fjKr|

a place for the ark, in which is there [the] covenant

KDpioD ryv 8is6sxo Kopioc; jisxd xcov 7iaxspcov rjjicov sv

of [the] LORD, which [the] LORD ordained with our fathers, in

xco s^ayaysiv aDxov aDxotic; sk yr\q AiyirnxoD 22+

his leading them from out of [the] land of Egypt.

Kai saxrj SoXojicbv Kaxd 7rp6aco7iov xod 0Daiaaxr|p(oD

And Solomon stood in front of the altar

KDpioD svcb7riov 7id&lt;xr|c; SKKArjcriac; IapafjA, Kai

of [the] LORD before all [the] assembly of Israel. And

SiS7rsxaas xac; %sipaq avzov sic; xov ODpavov 23 + Kai

he opened and spread out his hands into the heaven. And

si7is KDpis o Gsoq IapafjA, odk saxiv coc; gv Gsoc; sv

he said, O LORD God of Israel, there is no [ as you God] in

xco ODpavcb dvco Kai S7U xrjc; yrjc; Kdxco cpD^daacov

the heaven upward and upon the earth below, guarding

8ia0fjKT|v Kai s^soq xco 8odAxo aoD xco 7iopsDO|isvco

covenant and mercy [with] your servant, to the one going

8 n ev tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

svcb7ii6v aoD sv 6Ax| Kap8(a aDxoD 24+ a scpD^a^ac;

before you with [entire heart his]; which you kept

to 8odAxo aoD Aai)(8 xco 7iaxp( jiod a skaXr\aaq sv

[with] your servant David, my father, which you have spoken by

too axojiaxi aoD Kai ev xaic; %spai om) srcAxjpcoaac; coc;

your mouth; and by your hands you fulfilled as

T| rjjispa ami] 25+ Kai vdv Kopis o Gsoc; IapafjA,

[even] this day. And now, O LORD God of Israel,

(pvXatpv xco 8odAxo gov Aavid xco rcaxpi jiod a

keep with your servant David, my father, [that] which

sAxxAxjaaq aDxcb Xsycov odk s^ap6f|asxa( aoi avfjp

you spoke to him! saying, There shall not be lifted away from you a man

sk 7ipoocb7roD jiod Ka6f||isvoc; 87ii Gpovov IapafjA,

from my face sitting upon [the] throne of Israel,

7tAr|v e&amp;v cpD^a^covxai 01 dioi aoD xac; odovq aDxcbv

except that [ shall guard your sons] their ways

xod 7iopsDsa0ai svcb7ii6v jiod KaGcbc; S7iopsD0r|c; av

to go before me, as you went

8vcb7ii6v jiod 26 + Kai vdv icopis o Gsoc; IopafjX

before me. And now, O LORD God of Israel,

7iioxco9f|xco 8r| xo pfj|i&amp; aoi) Aam8 xco 7iaxp( |iod 27 +

trustworthy indeed [is] your word [to] David my father.

6x1 si akr\d(bq KaxoiKqasi o dsoq jisxa av0pcb7icov S7U

But shall truly God dwell with men upon

xrjc; yrjc; ei o ODpavoc; Kai 01 ODpavoi xcov ODpavcbv

the earth? Shall the heaven and the heavens of the heavens

odk apKsaoDcri 001 7icoc; Kai o oiKoq odxoc; ov

be sufficient for you? How [then] also this house which

coKo86|ir|aa xco ovojiaxiaoD 28+ Kai S7ripXs\|/r| Kai S7U

I built to your name? And should you look also upon

xrjv 7rpoasD%f|v jiod S7ri xrjv Ssrjaiv jiod Kupie o Gsoc;

my prayer, upon my supplication, O LORD God

IapafjX aKODSiv xrjc; Ssfjascoc; Kai xrjc; 7ipoasDxric; r\q

of Israel, to hear the supplication and the prayer which

o SovXoq aov 7ipoasDXSxai svcbmov aoi) itpoq as

your servant prays before you, to you

afjjispov 29+ xod sivai ocpGaAjioDc; aoD rjvscoyiisvoDq

today. For [ to be your eyes] open

sic; xov oikov xodxov rjjispac; Kai vdkxoc; sk;

towards this house day and night, to

xov xo7rov xodxov ov svjtaq saxai xo ovojia jiod sksi

this place which you said, [ shall be My name] there.


8 n sv tootco + vuca 11-1 Kings

tod siaaKODSiv Tr\q 7rpoosD%fjc; r\q 7ipoasD%STai

To listen to the prayer which [ prays

o dovkoq aov sic; tov totcov todtov 30 + Kai siaaKODarj

your servant] in this place. Then you shall hearken to

Tr\q Ssfjascoc; tod 8odA,od aoD Kai tod Axxod aoD

the supplication of your servant, and of your people

IapafjX 6aa av 7ipoasD^covTai sic;

Israel, as many [things] as they should pray in


this place. And you should hear in [ place

Tr\q KaTOiKfjascbq aoD sv ODpavcb Kai 7ioif|asic; Kai

your dwelling] in heaven, and you shall do; and

iksodq s&lt;xr| 31+ 6aa av ajidpTrj dv6pco7ioc; tco

you shall be propitious, as many [things] as [ should sin a man] [against]

7iAr|aiov aDTOD Kai sdv AxxPrj S7i' aDTOV apdv

his neighbor. And if he should take upon himself an oath

tod apdaaaBai aDTOV Kai sXGrj Kai s^ayopsDarj

to curse him, and he should come and should declare openly

KaTd 7ip6aco7iov tod 0DoiaoTTjpioD aoD sv

in front of your altar in

TCO OIK00 TODTCO 32+ Kai SiaaKODaTj SK TOD ODpavoD Kai

this house; then you shall listen from the heaven, and

7ioifjasic; Kai Kpivsiq tov Xaov aoD IapafjA,

shall act, and shall judge your people Israel-

tod avojifjaai dvojiov 8oDvai rrrv o86v aDTOD siq

to act as lawless [with the] lawless, to impute his way upon

KscpaAxjv aDTOD Kai tod SiKaicoaai Sucaiov 8oDvai

his head; and to do justice [with the] just, to impute


to him according to his righteousness. [And] in the

7iTa(aai tov Xaov aoD Iapaf|A, svco7iiov sx6pcbv aDTcbv

failing of your people Israel before their enemies —

6ti ajiapTfjaovTai aoi Kai S7iiaTps\j/ODai Kai

because they shall sin against you, and shall return and

s^o|ioAx)yf|aovTai tco ovojiaTi aoD Kai rcpoasD^ovTai

shall acknowledge your name, and shall pray

Kai 8sr|9f|aovTai sv tco oikco todtco 34 + Kai aD

and beseech in this house; then you

siaaKODarj sk tod ODpavoD Kai iXscoq sarj zaiq

shall hearken from the heaven, and shall be propitious to the

ajiapTiaic; tod Xaov aoD IapafjX Kai S7uaTps\j/sic;

sins of your people Israel, and shall turn towards


8 n ev tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

avTOvq sic; xrjv yrjv r|v s5coKac; TOiq 7raxpdaiv aDTcbv

them in the land which you gave [to] their fathers.

35+ sv too &lt;yoa%£6f|vai tov ODpavov Kai jlit|

[And] in the holding together the heaven and there not

ysvsaGai dstov 6ti aiiaprfjaovTai aoi Kai

being rain because they shall sin against you, and [if]

rcpoasD^ovTai sic; xov totcov todtov Kai

they shall pray in this place, and

s^ojioXoyfjaovTai icq ovojiaxi gov Kai arco

shall acknowledge your name, and [ from

tcov ajiapxicbv aDTcbv a7ioaTps\j/ODaiv oxav Ta7isivcbarjc;

their sins shall turn], whenever you should humble

avTOvq 36+ Kai siaaKODarj 8K tod ODpavoD Kai

them; then you shall listen from the heaven, and

(Xscoc; sarj xaiq ajiapxiaic; tod 8odAxdd aoD Kai

shall be propitious to the sins of your servant, and

tod Xaov aoD IapafjA, 6ti SrjAxbasic; aDTOic; tt|v o56v

your people Israel, for you shall manifest to them the [ way

ttjv ayaGfjv 7iopsDsa6ai ev aDTfj Kai 5cbasic; dstov

good] to go by it; and you shall give rain

S7Ti ttjv yrjv aoD rjv s5coKac; too Axxcg aoD sv

upon your land, which you gave [to] your people for

KArjpovojjia 37 + Aijioc; eav ysvrjTai Gdvaroc; sdv ysvrjTai

an inheritance. [And] if famine happens, if plague happens,

6t8 8&lt;xcai 8|i7TDpia|i6c; PpoD%oc; spDaiprj sdv

when there will be a combustion, [or the] grasshopper, if blight

ysvrjTai Kai sdv 6Ai\j/rj aDTOV o s%9poc; aDTOD sv |i(a

happens, and if [ shall afflict him his enemy] in one

tcov 7i6A,scov aDTcbv 7iav aDvdvTT||ia rcavra 7i6vov 38 +

of their cities, every event, every misery,

7idaav 7ipoasD%fj rcdaav 5srjaic; sdv ysvrjTai rcavTi

every prayer, every supplication, if it should happen to any

av9pcb7ico coc; av yvcbaiv SKaoroq acpfjv

man, whenever [ should know each [one]] [the] infection

Kap8(ac; aDTOD Kai 8ia7iSTdarj rac; %s(pac; aDTOD sic;

of his heart, and should open and spread out his hands in


this house, then you shall hearken from the


heaven, from out of [ prepared home your], and

iksodq sarj Kai 7ioifjasic; Kai Scbasic; av5p( Kara

you will be propitious, and you will act, and you will impute to a man according to


8 n sv tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

rcdvxac; xac; odovq avzov KaGcbc; av yvcoq

all his ways, as you know

xrjv Kap5(av olvtov 6xi av jiovcoxaxoc; oidaq xrjv

his heart; for you alone know the

Kap8(av 7T&amp;VTCDV tcov dicov av0pcG7icov 40+ oncoq av

heart of all of the sons of men; so that

(popcbvxai as itaaaq xac; r||ispac; aq aDxoi Cfbaiv S7U

they should fear you all the days which they live upon

Tr\q yr\q r\q s8coKac; xoic; rcaxpaaiv rj|icbv 4 i+ Kai xco

the earth which you gave [to] our fathers. And to the

aAloxpico oq odk saxiv sk xod Xaov gov IapafjX odxoc;

alien who is not from your people — this Israel,

Kai fj^ei sk yrjc; |iaKp66sv 5id xo ovojid gov 42+

that shall come from a land far off on account of your name,

816x1 aKODaovxai xo ovojia gov to jisya Kai

for they shall hear [ name your great], and

xrjv yfxpa god xrjv Kpaxaidv Kai xov Ppa%(ovd gov

[ hand your strong], and [ arm your

xov d\j/t|A,6v Kai fj^si Kai rcpoasD^sxai sic;

high], and shall come and pray to

xov xo7rov xodxov 43 + Kai gv siaaKODarj sk xod

this place; then you shall listen from the

ODpaVOD S^ SXOljlOD KaXOlKTjXrjpiOD GOV Kai TlOlf\G£iq

heaven, from [ prepared home your], and you shall act

Kaxd 7idvxa a S7riKaAiar|xai as o aAA^oxpioc; onaq

according to all what [ should call upon you the alien], so

av yvcbai rcavxec; 01 Xaoi Tr\q yr\q xo ovojid gov Kai

that [ should know all the peoples of the land] your name, so that

(popcbvxai as KaGcbc; o Xaoq gov IapafjX Kai yvcbaiv

they should fear you, as your people Israel, and should know

oxi xo ovojid aoi) S7iiKSKAr|xai em xov oikov xodxov

that your name has been called upon [in] this house,

ov CGKo86|ir|aa 44+sdv8s s^sABrj o Xaoq gov sic;

which I built. And if [ should go forth your people] to

7i6Xs|iov 87ii xodc; s%dpovq avzov sv o8co r|

war against their enemies, in [the] way which

anoGTEksiq avzovq Kai rcpoasD^ovxai sv ovojiaxi

you shall send them, and they shall pray in [the] name

Kopioi) o86v xrjc; noXzcnq ocp r\q s^sAi^co sv aDxfj

of [the] LORD by way of the city which you chose in it,

Kai xod oikod ov coKo86|ir|aa xco ovojiaxiaoD 45 +

and the house which I built [to] your name;


8 n ev tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

Kai siaaKODarj sk tod ODpavoD xrjc; 8sf|ascDc; aDxcbv

then you shall listen from the heaven [to] their supplication,

Kai Tr\q 7rpoasD%fjc; aDxcbv Kai 7ioifjasic; to SiKaioojia

and their prayer, and shall do justice

(xdtoic; 46+6ti ajiapxfjaovxai aoi 6xi odk saxiv

to them. [If it be] that they shall sin against you, for there is no

&amp;v0pcD7roc; oq od% ajiapxfjasxai Kai sdv snatflq S7i'

man who shall not sin, and if you should strike upon

avTOvq Kai napadcbq avzovq svcb7iiov sx6pcbv Kai

them, and should deliver them [up] before [their] enemies, and

aix|iaA,cox8T3acoaiv aDxotic; 01 ai%|iaAxjaxi£pvxsc; sic; yrjv

[ should take them captive the ones taking captive] into a land

jiaKpdv T| syytic; 4 ? + Kai S7iiaxps\j/ODai

far or near; and they shall turn

xac; KapSiac; auxcbv sv xrj yr| od |iexfj%0r|aav sksi Kai

their hearts in the land which they were led away there, and

S7riaxps\j/cooi Kai 8sr|6cbai gov sv xrj yr|

they shall turn and beseech you in the land

Tr\q (isxoiKiaq ai)xcbv Aiyovxsc; r||idpxo|isv r|vo|xf|aa|isv

of their displacement, saying, We sinned, we acted lawlessly,

r|8iKf|aa|isv 48+ Kai S7naxps\j/cooi itpoq os sv 6hr\

we did wrong; and they shall turn to you with [ entire

xrj Kap5(a ai)xcbv Kai sv 6Ax| xrj \\fv%r\ aDxcbv sv xrj

heart their], and with [ entire soul their] in the

yr| xcov s%0pcbv auxcbv od jisxfjyaysc; aDxotic; Kai

land of their enemies who led them away, and

7ipoasD^covxai npoq as o86v xrjc; yr\q auxcbv r\q

should pray to you by way of their land which

s8coKac; xoic; 7iaxpdaiv auxcbv Kai Tr\q noXso^q r\q

you gave [to] their fathers, and of the city which

s^sXs^co Kai xod oikod od CDKo86|xr|aa xco

you chose, and of the house of which I constructed [to]

ovojiaxi aoi) 49 + Kai siaaKODarj sk xod ODpavoD s^

your name; then you shall listen from the heaven, from

sxoijiod KaxoiKTjxrjpioD aoD Tr\q 7ipoasD%f|c; aDxcbv Kai

[prepared home your], of their prayer and

Tr\q SsfjascDc; aDxcbv Kai 7ioif|asic; xo 5iKa(co|ia aDxcbv

their supplication, and you shall do the just thing for them,

50+ Kai iksodq sarj xaic; aSiKiaiq aDxcbv aiq fjjiapxov

and you shall be propitious [to] their iniquities which they sinned

aoi Kai Kaxd rcdvxa xa a9sxf||iaxa aDxcbv a av

against you, and according to all their wickednesses which ever


8 n sv tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

r|08Tr|aav Kai Scbasic; aDxotic; sic; oiKxipjioDc;

they disregarded. And you shall appoint them for compassions

svcG7iiov ai%|iaAxjQxsDadvxcov avzovq Kai

before [the] ones capturing them, and

oiKieipfjaoDoiv aDxotic; 5 i+ on Xaoqaov Kai

they shall pity them. For [they are] your people, and

KArjpovojjia gov ovq s^fjyaysc; sk yr\q Aiy67ixoD

your inheritance, whom you led out of [the] land of Egypt,

sk jisaoD %covsDxr|pioD ai5fjpoD 52+ Kai saxcoaav

from out of [the] midst of [the] foundry furnace of iron. And let [ be

oi otp6aA,|ioi aoD Kai xa coxa aoD rivsoayjisva sic; xrjv

your eyes and your ears] open to the

8sr|aiv xod SodAxdd aoi) Kai sic; xrjv 8sr|aiv

supplication of your servant, and to the supplication

xod Xaov aov IapafjA, siaaKODSiv ai)xcbv sv 7idaiv oic;

of your people Israel! to hearken to them in all what

av S7riKaA,sacovxai as 53 + 6x1 ai) Sisaxsi^ac; aDxotic;

ever they should call upon you. For you drew them apart

asaDxcb sic; KArjpovojiiav sk rcavxcov xcov Xacbv

unto yourself for an inheritance from out of all the peoples

xrjc; yrjc; KaGcbc; skaXr\aaq sv xsipi xod 8odA,od aoi)

of the earth, as you spoke by [the] hand of your servant

MooDafj sv xco s^ayaysiv as xodc; rcaxspac; r||icbv sk

Moses, in your leading out our fathers from

yrjc; AryimxoD Kopis Kupis 54+ Kai sysvsxo coc;

[the] land of Egypt, O Lord, O LORD. And it came to pass as

awsxsXsas EoXojicbv 7ipoasD%6|isvoc; 7ipoc; Kupiov

Solomon completed praying to [the] LORD

6Ax|v xrjv 7ipoasD%f|v Kai xrjv 8sr|aiv xaDxrjv avsaxrj

all the prayer, and this supplication, [that] he rose up

a7io 7ipoaco7roD xod GDaiaaxrjpioD KopioD okAxxkcoc;

in front of the altar of [the] LORD, having kneeled

S7U xa yovaxa aDxoD Kai ai xzipzq aDxoD

upon his knees, and his hands

Sia7iS7isxaa|isvai sic; xov ODpavov 55+ Kai saxrj Kai

being opened and spread out unto the heaven. And he stood, and

SDA,6yr|as rcdaav xrjv SKKAxjaiav IapafjX cpcovfj

blessed all the assembly of Israel [voice

|isydAx| Xsycov 5 6+ SD^oyrjxoc; Kopioc; oq s8cgks

with a great], saying, Blessed [be] [the] LORD who gave

afjjispov Kaxd7iaDaiv xco Xacb aDxoD IapafjA, Kaxd

today rest [to] his people Israel, according to


8 n sv tootco + vtica 11-1 Kings

rcdvxa 6aa sAxxArjasv od Siscpcbvrjae Xoyoq ziq

all as many [things] as he spoke. Not [ perished word one]

sv 7idai xoic; Xoyoiq aDxoD xoic; ayaGoic; oiq s^dArjasv

in all [ words of his good] which he spoke

sv %£ipi McoDafj tod 8odA,od aDxoD 57 + ysvoixo Kopioc;

by [the] hand of Moses his servant. May [ be [the] LORD

0 6s6c; r\[i(bv |is6' r\[i(bv Kadcbq r\v jisxd

our God] with us as he was with

tcov 7iaTspcov r\[i(bv |ir| syKaxaAi7ioixo rjjLidq |ir|8s

our fathers. May he not abandon us, nor

a7ioaxps\j/oixo rjjLidq 5 s+ smKAivai KapSiac; r||icbv itpoq

turn from us; [but] to incline our heart to

avzov xod 7iopsDsa0ai sv naaaiq xaic; 0801c; ocdtod Kai

himself, to go in all his ways, and

cpD^daasiv itaaaq zaq svxoXdc; ocdtod Kai

to guard all his commandments, and

xa 7ipoaxdy|iaxa ocdtod Kai xa 8iKaicb|iaxa ocdxod a

his orders, and his judgments, which

svsxsiAxxxo xoic; 7raxpdaiv rjjicbv 59+ Kai saxcoaav

he gave charge [to] our fathers. And let [ be

01 A,6yoi odxoi ovq 8s8sr||iai svcb7iiov KopioD

these words] which I have beseeched before [the] LORD

6sod r\[i(bv afj|ispov syyitpvxsc; npoq KDpiov

our God today, approaching to [the] LORD

6s6v r||icbv rjiispaq Kai vdkxoc; xod 7roisiv xo 5iKa(co|ia

our God day and night, to do the right action

xod 5odA,od aoD Kai xo 8iKaico|ia xod Xaov aoD

for your servant, and the right action for your people

IopafjX pf||ia rjjispac; sv xtj rjjispa aDxoD 60+ oncnq

Israel ~ [ matter a days] in its day! How that

yvcbai 7idvxsc; 01 Xaoi xrjc; yr\q 6x1 Kopioc; o Gsoc;

[ should know all the peoples of the earth] that [the] LORD God ~

aDxoq Gsoc; Kai odk saxiv sxi ei + Kai saxcooav

he [is] God, and is there no other. And let [ be

ai KapSiai r|(icbv xs^siai npoq KDpiov xov 0s6v r||icbv

our hearts] perfect to [the] LORD our God!

xod oamq 7iopsDsa6ai sv xoic; 7ipoaxdy|iaaiv aDxoD Kai

[ sacredly to go] by his orders, and

cpD^daasiv xaq svxoXdq aDxoD ox; r| r||ispa aDxrj 6 2+ Kai

to keep his commandments as this day. And

o PaaiXsDc; Kai ftdvxsc; 01 dioi IapafjA, s0Daav

the king, and all the sons of Israel sacrificed


8 n sv tootco + vtica 11-1 Kings

dvaiav evcb7iiov Kop(oi) 63 + Kai s0dcjsv o fiaaikzvq

a sacrifice before [the] LORD. And [ sacrificed king

£oAx)|icbv Taq dvaiaq tcov eiprjviKcbv aq eGuae to

Solomon] the sacrifices of the peace [offerings] which he sacrificed to the

Kopico Pocbv 5t3o Kai siKoai %iAa&amp;5ac; Kai 7ipopdTC0v

LORD — [ oxen two and twenty thousand], and [ sheep

SKaxov Kai eiKoai %i?ad8ac; Kai eveKaiviae tov oikov

a hundred and twenty thousand]. And [dedicated the house

Kopioi) o fiaaiksvq Kai rcavTec; 01 moi IapafjA, 64 + 8V

[of the] LORD the king], and [with] all the sons of Israel. In

tt[ rjjispa sksivt] rjyiaaev o fiaaikvbq to jisaov Tr\q

that day [ sanctified the king] the middle of the

avXr\q to KaTd 7ip6aco7rov tod oikod Kupfov 6ti

courtyard in front of the house of [the] LORD; for

£7rorr| asv sksi tt|v oAx)Kai)TCoaiv Kai Tag 0i)o(ac;

he prepared there the whole burnt-offering, and the sacrifice [offerings],

Kai Ta (xcsaTa tcov siprjviKcbv 6ti to 0i)aia&lt;xcf|piov

and the fat of the peace [offerings], because the altar


of brass before [the] LORD [was] small [so as] to not

8i)vaa6ai 8e^aa6ai tt|v oAx)Kai)TCoaiv Kai to 8cbpov

be able to receive the whole burnt-offering, and the gift [offering],

Kai Tag dvaiaq tcov siprjviKcbv 6 s + Kai

and the sacrifices of the peace [offerings]. And

£7iorr|ae £oAx)|icbv tt|v sopTfjv sv tt| rjjiepa eKeivrj Kai

Solomon observed the holiday [feast] in that day, and

zaq IapafjA, jist' avzov SKKAxjaia |ieydAx| arco Tr\q

Israel with him, [ assembly a great] from the

siaoSoi) H|id6 ecoc; 7iOTa|ioi) AiyimTOD 8vcb7iiov

entering of Hamath unto [the] river of Egypt, before

Ki)p(oi) 6sot3 r||icbv 87iTa rjjiepac; Kai 87iTd rjjiepac;

[the] LORD our God seven days and seven days —

Teaaapsq Kai 5sKa rjjispac; 66+ Kai sv tt| rjjiepa

four and ten days. And on the [ day

tt| oy56r| s^xttsotsiXs tov A,a6v Kai erAoyrjaav tov

eighth] he sent out the people, and they blessed the

PaaiAia Kai a7if|Ai)sv SKaaToq sic;

king. And [ went forth each] unto

Ta aKf|vco|iaTa avzov xaipovxsq Kai ayaGfj Kap8(a S7ri

his tent rejoicing, and [with] good heart over

TOiq ayadoiq oiq 87io(r|a8 Kupioc; tco Aam8

the good [things] which [the] LORD did [to] David

SorjAxo clvtov Kai tco IapafjA, tco Xacb avzov

his servant, and to Israel his people.


9 0 sv tootco + vtica 11-1 Kings

9 13

i + Kai sysvsTO coc; ctdvstsXscjs £oAx)|icbv oiKo8o|ifjaai

And it came to pass as Solomon completed constructing


the house of [the] LORD, and the house of the king, and

7idaav xrjv 7ipay|iaTSiav SoXojicbvToq 6aa

all the matters of Solomon, as many [things] as

rjGeArjas 7roifjaai 2+ Kai d)(p9r| Kopioc; tco SoA,o|icovti to

he wanted to do, that [the] LORD appeared to Solomon the

5sDTspov KaGcbq cb(p0r| aDTCO sv TaPacbv 3+ Kai si7is

second [time], as he appeared to him in Gibeon. And [ said

7ipoc; avTOV Kopioc; fjKODaa Tr\q 7ipoasD%f|(; ood Kai

to him [the] LORD], I heard your prayer and

Tr\q 5sfjascbc; cjod r\q s6sr\dr\q svcb7n6v jiod rjyiaaa

your supplication, which you beseeched before me. I sanctified

tov oiKov todtov ov coKo56|ir|aac; tod GsaGai

this house which you built, to establish

to ovojid jiod sksi sic; tov aicova Kai saovTai

my name there into the eon. And [ will be

01 o(p6aA,|io( |iod Kai r| Kap5(a |iod sksi naaaq zaq

my eyes and my heart] there all the

rjjispac; 4+ Kai cjd sdv nop£vdr\q svcbmov sjiod KaGcbq

days. And you, if you should go before me as

S7iopsD0r| Aam8 o 7raTfjp ctod sv ooiottjti Kap5iac; Kai

[David went your father], in sacredness of heart, and


in straightness, to do according to all which I gave charge

aDTcb Kai Ta 7ipoaTdy|iaTd jiod Kai xaq svtoAxxc; jiod

to him, and [ my orders and my commandments

(pvXd^r\q 5+ Kai avaaTfjaoo tov Gpovov

you should keep], then I will raise up the throne

Tr\q PaaiXsiaq aoD sm IapafjA, sic; tov aicbva KaGcbq

of your kingdom over Israel into the eon, as

sldAxjaa too nazpi aoD AaDi5 Xsycov odk

I spoke [to] your father David, saying, There shall not

s^apGfjasTai aoi avfjp rjyoDjisvoq sv IapafjX 6 +

be removed from you a man leading in Israel.

sdv 8s a7roaTpacpsvTSc; a7roaTpatpfjTS djisic; Kai

But if by turning, you should turn, you and

Ta TSKva djicov an s|iod Kai Ta 7ipoaTdy|iaTd jiod a

your children, from me and my orders which


9 0 ev tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

s8coKa svcb7iiov djicov |ir| tpuXd^nxs Kai 7iopsi)0f|xs

I put before you, so as to not keep, and you should go

Kai 8ouXsi3ar|xs Gsoic; sxspoic; Kai 7ipoaKwf|ar|xs

and should serve [ gods other], and should do obeisance to

(xdtoic; 7+ Kai s^apcb xov IapafjA, arco xrjc; yr\q r\q

them; then I will remove Israel from the land which

s8coKa auxoic; Kai xov oikov xoijxov ov rjyiaaa xco

I gave to them,; and this house which I sanctified [to]

ovojiaxi |iod a7roppnj/co sk 7rpoacG7ioi) |iod Kai

my name I shall throw away from my face. And

saxai IapafjA, sic; acpaviajiov Kai sic; AxxArjjia sic;

Israel will be for extinction and for a discussion among

rcdvxac; xodc; Xaovq g + Kai o ohcoq omoq o D\j/r|A,6c;

all the peoples. And [ house this lofty],

7iac; o 8ia7iopsD6|isvoc; 81' avzov SKaxfjasxai Kai

every one traveling by it shall be amazed, and

oi)pisi Kai spouaiv svsksv xivoc; S7rornas Kopioc;

shall whistle. And they shall say, For what [reason] did [the] LORD

oi3xcd xtj yrj xatixrj Kai xco oikco xoijxco 9 + Kai spouaiv

[do] thus [to] this land, and [to] this house? And they shall say,

av0 ' cov syKaxsA,i7iov Kopiov xov 0s6v auxcbv xov

Because they abandoned [the] LORD their God, the one

s^ayayovxa xodc; rcaxspac; auxcbv s^ oikou SoiAsiac;

leading their fathers from out of [the] house of slavery

s^ Aiyi37ixoD Kai avxsXdpovxo Gscov aAAx&gt;xp(cov Kai

of Egypt, and they took hold of alien gods, and

7rpoasKwr|aav auxofc; Kai sSotiXsuaav auxoiq 5id

did obeisance to to them, and served to them. On account of

xouxo S7rfjyays Kopioc; S7i' auxotic; 7idaav

this [the] LORD brought upon them all

xttv KaKiav xai3xr|v 10+ Kai sysvsxo jisxd siKoai sxrj sv

this evil. And it came to pass after twenty years in

oiq coKo56|ir|as SoXojicbv xodc; 5t3o oikodc; xov oikov

which Solomon constructed the two houses, the house

Kupiou Kai xov oikov xou PaaiXscoq n+ Xsipdji o

of [the] LORD, and the house of the king, Hiram the

fiaaiksvq Tijpou avxsAxxjipdvsxo xou £oAx)|icbvxoc; sv

king of Tyre assisted Solomon with

tpkoiq Ks8p(voic; Kai sv ^bXoiq 7tsdkivoic; Kai sv

timbers of cedars, and with timbers of pines, and in

Xpvam Kai sv 7iavx( 0sAr||iaxi avzov xoxs sScoksv

gold, and in all his want. Then [ gave


8V TOUT© + VlKa

11-1 Kings

o fiaaiksvq SoXojicbv tco Xsipdji sixoai 7i6A,sic; sv xrj

king Solomon] to Hiram twenty cities in the

yrj tt] TaXxkaia 12 + Kai s^fjXGs Xsipdji sk Tupou

land of Galilee. And Hiram came forth from out of Tyre,

Kai £7rop£i)0r| sic; xrjv TahXaiav tod i8s(v xac; noXsiq

and went to Galilee to behold the cities

aq sScoksv auxcb EoXojicbv Kai odk fjpsaav auxcb

which [gave to him Solomon], and they did not please him.

13 + Kai S17T8 Xsipdji ti ai 7i6A,sic; auxai aq s8coKdc;

And Hiram said, What [are] these cities which you gave

(ioi co a8sAxps Kai SKd^sasv auxdc; opiov scoc;

to me, O brother? And he called them [The] Border until

xrjc; rjiispaq xaT3xr|q h + Kai a7isaxsiA,s Xsipdji

this day. And Hiram sent

xco EoA,o|icbvxi SKaxov Kai sixoai xdAxxvxa %pUOlOU 15 +

to Solomon a hundred and twenty talents of gold.

Kai auxfj T| 7ipay|iax8ia xrjc; 7ipovo|if|c; r\q

And this [is] the matter of the plunder which

avfjvsyKsv o fiaaikzvq SoXojicbv oiKo5o(if|aai xov

[ brought king Solomon] to build the

oikov Kupiou Kai xov oikov xou PaaiXscoc; Kai xo

house of [the] LORD, and the house of the king, and the

Tsi%oq IspouaaAxj|i Kai xrjv dKpav xou 7rspuppd^ai xov

wall of Jerusalem, and the Akra to enclose the

cppayjiov xrjc; TioXscnq AauiS Kai xrjv Aaacbp Kai

barrier of the city of David, and Hazor, and

xrjv Mays58cb Kai xrjv Ta^sp 16+ Oapacb fiaaikvbq

Megiddo, and Gezer. Pharaoh king

Aiyurcxou avsprj Kai 7rpoKaxsA,dpsxo xrjv Ta^sp Kai

of Egypt ascended and first took Gezer, and

svs7iupiasv auxfjv sv 7iup( Kai xov Xavavaiov

he burnt it by fire, and the Canaanite

xov KaxoiKouvxa sv xrj 7i6Xsi sGavdxcoasv Kai sScoksv

dwelling in the city he put to death, and [ gave

auxfjv Oapacb a7ioaxoXdc; xrj 0uyaxpi auxou yuvaud

it Pharaoh] as a dowry to his daughter — to [the] wife

£oAx)|icbvxoc; 17+ Kai XoAx)|icbv coKo86|ir|as xrjv Ta^sp

of Solomon. And Solomon built Gezer,

Kai xrjv BaiGcopcbv xrjv Kaxcoxspav is + Kai xrjvBaaXdG

and Beth-horon the lower, and Baalath,

Kai xrjv ©ajicbp sv xrj spfuico 19+ Kai naaaq zaq

and Tadmor in the wilderness, and all the


9 0 sv tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

itoXziq zaq o%vpaq ai fjaav too SoA,o(icovti Kai

cities, the ones fortified which were [to] Solomon, and

ndaaq xaq noX^iq tcov apjidxcov Kai naoaq xaq

all the cities of the chariots, and all the

noXsiq tcov i7i7rscov Kai rqv 7ipay|iaTs(av

cities of the horsemen, and the matters

Eo^ojicovToq r|v S7ipay|iaTST3aaTO oiKo8o|ifjaai sv

which Solomon engaged in to construct in

IspoDaaAfjji Kai sv too Aipdvco Kai sv 7tdarj xrj yrj

Jerusalem, and in Lebanon, and in all the land

Tr\q 8Dvaaxsiac; avzov 20 + 7rdvxa tov D7roXsA,si|i|isvov

of his dominion. All the remaining

Xaov a7io tod Xsixaioi) Kai tod AjioppaioD Kai tod

people from the Hittite, and the Amorite, and the

Osps^aioD Kai tod XavavaioD Kai tod EDaioD Kai

Perizzite, and the Canaanite, and the Hivite, and

tod IsPoDoaioD Kai tod rspysaaioD tcov jlit| ovtcov

the Jebusite, and the Gergesite of the ones not being

sk tcov Dicbv IopafjA, 21 + Ta TSKva aDTcbv

of the sons of Israel, their children

Ta D7ioA,sXsi(i|isva jist' aDTODc; sv tt| yrj ovq odk

being left with them in the land, which [ were not

r|8DvavTO 01 Dioi IapafjA, s^oXoGpstiaai aDTODq Kai

able the sons of Israel] to utterly destroy them, that

avfjyaysv aDTODc; SoAxDjicbv sic; cpopov scoc;

[ led them Solomon] into tribute until

TTjq rjiispaq TaDTTjq 22+ Kai sk tcov dicov IapafjA,

this day. And from the sons of Israel

odk s5coks SoAxdjicov sic; 8oDA,s(av 6ti aDTOi fjaav

[ did not give Solomon] one for servitude, for they were

dvSpsc; 01 7ioA,s|iiaTai Kai 7iai5sc; aDTOD Kai dp%ovTSc;

men warriors, and his servants, and rulers,

Kai Tpiaaoi aDTOD Kai dp%ovTSc; tcov apjidTCOv aDTOD

and his third rank, and rulers of his chariots,

Kai uutsic; aDTOD 23 + fjaav 8s dp%ovTSc; 01

and his horsemen. [ were And [the] rulers] (the ones

S7iiaTd|isvoi S7U tcov spycov EoXojicbvTOc; 7TSVTaK0ai0l

having knowledge over the works of Solomon) five hundred


fifty dominating among the people doing

to spyov 24+ rj 0DydTTjp 8s tod cpapacb avsprj arco

work. [ the daughter And] of Pharaoh ascended from



8V TOUT© + VtKCl
11-1 Kings

Tr\q noXzcnq Aavid sic; xov oikov avTT\q ov

the city of David to her house, which

coKo86|xr|a£v auxfj xoxe coKo86|ir|ae MrjAlcb 25+ Kai

he built to her. Then he built Millo. And

7ipoaf|vsyKsv So^ojicbv xpiaocbc; Kax' sviauxov

Solomon offered thrice in a year

oXoKaDxcbjiaxa Kai eiprjviKdc; S7il xo GDaiaaxfjpiov

whole burnt-offerings and peace [offerings] upon the altar,

o coKo56|ir|as xco Kopico Kai sGDjiiaasv S7i' auxo

the one he built to the LORD. And he burnt incense upon it,


the one which [was] before [the] LORD, and he finished the house.

Kai 87io(r|asv o fiaaiksvq SoXojicbv vavv ev Taaicbv

And [ made king Solomon] a ship in Ezion

rapsp xrjv otioav e%6|isva AikaQ em xod %sikovq

Geber, the [city] being next to Eloth, upon the edge

dakaaar\q xrjc; ea%dxr|c; ev yrj E8cb|i 27+ Kai

of [the] sea of the extreme [part], in [the] land ofEdom. And

a7T8oxsiXs Xeipdji sv xr| vrji xcov 7iai8cov avzov dvSpac;

Hiram sent in the ship [ of his servants, men

vaDxiKOTjq Xaov ei86xac; skavvsiv daXaaaav jiexd

mariners], people knowing to row [the] sea with

xcov 7ia(5cov £oAx)|icbvxoc; 28+ Kai r\kdov sic; Scocprjpd

the servants of Solomon. And they came unto Ophir,

Kai slapov 8K8i6sv xexpaKoaia Kai eucoai xd^avxa

and took from there four hundred and twenty talents

Xpvaiov Kai fjveyKav xco PaaiXei £oA,ojicbvxi

of gold, and brought [them] [to] king Solomon.

10 ■»

1+ Kai PaaiAiaaa Sapd fjKODas xo ovojia SoXojicbvxoc;

And [the] queen of Sheba heard the name of Solomon,

Kai xo ovojia KDpioi) Kai f|X08 xod 7i8ipdaai auxov

and the name of [the] LORD, and she came to test him

sv aiviyjiaai 2+ Kai f|A,6sv eic; IspoDaaAxjji ev Suvdjisi

with enigmas. And she came to Jerusalem with [ force

Papeia acp68pa Kai Kd|xqAx)i aipouaai apcbjiaxa Kai

heavy an exceedingly], and camels lifting aromatics, and

%puaiov noXvv acp68pa Kai AiGov xijiiov noXvv Kai

[gold much exceedingly], and [stone valuable much]. And

r\kds 7ipoc; PaaiXea XoA,o|icbvxa Kai sldArjasv auxcb

she went to king Solomon. And she spoke to him



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rcdvxa 6aa r|v sv xrj Kap8(a auxfjc; 3 + Kai

all as many [things] as was in her heart. And

a7rfjyy£iA£v auxfj EoXojicbv rcavxac; xouc; Xoyovq

[ explained to her Solomon] all the words

avTT\q oi)Kr|v Xoyoq 7iapecDpa|ievoc; U7i6 tod

of her [questions]. There was not a word being overlooked by the

PaaiAiooc; ov odk a7if|yysiA£v auxfj 4 + Kai e(5e

king which he did not explain to her. And [ beheld

PacriAiaaa £apd 7idaav xrjv (ppovrjaiv SoXojicbvToq

[the] queen of Sheba] all the intellect of Solomon,

Kai xov oikov ov ooKo86|xr|as 5+ Kai xa ppcbjiaxa

and the house which he built, and the foods

£oA,o|icbvxoc; Kai xrjv Ka0s5pav 7ia(5cov auxou Kai xrjv

for Solomon, and the form of his servants, and the

7iapdaxaaiv Xeixoupycbv auxou Kai xov ijiaxiajiov auxcbv

position of his ministers, and their clothes,

Kai xouc; oivo%6ouc; auxou Kai xrjv oXoKauxooaiv auxou

and his wine servers, and his whole burnt-offering

T|v avscpspsv SV OIKCD KUpiOU Kai eauxfjc;

which he offered in [the] house of [the] LORD; and [ beside herself

sysvsxo 6+ Kai ei7ie npoq xov PaaiAia EoXojicbvxa

she was]. And she said to king Solomon,

aAx|0ivoc; o Xoyoq ov fjKouaa sv xrj yrj jiou 7ispi

[ [is] true The word] which I heard in my land concerning

xou Xoyou aou Kai 7ispi xrjq cppovfjascbq aoi) 7 +

the word [about] you, and concerning your intellect.

Kai odk S7uaxsuaa xoic; siprjKoai jioi scoq ou

And I did not trust in the ones speaking to me, until of which

7iapsysvo|ir|v Kai scopdKaaiv 01 ocpGa^jioi jiou Kai

I came and [ have seen my eyes]. And

i8ou odk eaxi Kaxd xo r\[iiav KaGcbq a7if|yyeiXdv

behold, it is not according to the half as they reported

(ioi 7rpoaxs0eiKac; aocpiav Kai aya6d em rcdaav xrjv

to me. You have added wisdom and good [things] over all the
aKofjv rjv fjKouaa sv xrj yrj jiou s + jiarapiai

report which I heard in my land. Blessed [are]

ai yuvaiKsq aou Kai jiaKdpioi 01 itaidzq aou ouxoi

your wives, and blessed [are] [ your servants these]

01 7rapsaxr|K6xsc; svcb7ii6v aou 8ia7iavx6c; 01

standing before you continually, the ones

aKouovxsc; xrjv (ppovrjaiv aou 9+ ysvoixo Kupioc;

hearing your intellect. May [ be [the] LORD



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o dzoq aoi) SDA,oyr||isvoc; oq r|0sAr|asv sv aoi 8oDva(

your God] blessing whom he wants by you, to put

os 87i( GpovoD IopafjX 8id to ayarcdv Kopiov

you upon [the] throne of Israel; because [the] LORD loves

xov IapafjA, tod aTfjaai odtov sic; tov aicbva Kai

Israel [to] establish it into the eon, and

80st6 as sic; PaaiAia S7i' aDTODc; tod 7ioisiv Kpijia

to set you for king over them, to execute judgment

sv 5iKaio&lt;y6vr| Kai sv Kpijiaaiv aDTcbv io+ Kai s8coks

in righteousness, and in their equity. And she gave

too SoA,o|icbvTi skoitov Kai siKoai Td^avTa %pDa(oD

to Solomon a hundred and twenty talents of gold,

Kai r|5Da|iaTa noXkd acpoSpa Kai AiGov Tijiiov

and [ spices much exceedingly], and [ stone valuable].

odk sAr|A,D0si KaTd Ta r|5Da|iaTa SKsiva sti sic; nXr\Qoq

There had not come as those spices yet in multitude

a s8coks PaaiAiaaa £apd too PaaiXsi EoAxdjicdvti n +

which [ gave [the] queen of Sheba] to king Solomon.

Kai T| vaDc; Xsipdji rj aipoDaa to xpDaiov sk

And the ship of Hiram, the one carrying the gold from out of

Eoocpsip fjvsyKs ^6A,a 7isA,SKr|Td itoXXa acp68pa Kai

Ophir, brought [ timbers hewn much exceedingly], and

Ai0ov tijiiov 12+ Kai S7iovr|asv o fiaaikzvq Ta ^6A,a

[ stone valuable]. And [ made the king] the [ timbers

Ta 7isA,SKr|Td D7ioaTr|piy|iaTa tod oikod KopioD Kai

hewn] for supports of the house of [the] LORD, and

tod oikod tod PaaiAiooc; Kai vavXaq Kai KivDpaq

the house of the king, and stringed instruments, and lutes


[for] the singers. There had not come such [ timbers unhewn] unto

Tr\q yr\q od8s cbcpGrjadv 7tod zcoq Tr\q r||ispac; TaDTTjcj

the land, nor was seen somewhere until this day.

13 + Kai o paaiXsDc; £oA,ojicbv s8coks tt| PaaiAaoarj

And king Solomon gave to the queen

Sapd 7idvTa 6aa r|6sAr|asv Kai 6aa rjTfjaaTO

of Sheba all as much as she wanted, and as much as she asked,

sktoc; 7idvTC0v cdv sScoKsv aDTTj 5id xsipoq

outside of all which was given to her through [the] hand

tod Paai^scoq SoXojicovtoc; Kai a7isaTpd(pr| Kai fj^Gsv

of king Solomon. And she returned and came

ziq TTjv yrjv aDTfjc; aDTfj Kai oi itaidsq avTT\q u+ Kai rjv

unto her land, she and her servants. And was



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o &lt;yca0|i6c; tod %pvaiov tod sAt|A,d06toc;

the weight of the gold that came

tco SoA,o(icbvTi ev eviaDTcb 8v( s^aKoaia e^fjKovTa Kai

to Solomon in [ year one] — six hundred sixty and

8^ T&amp;A,aVT(X XpDOlOD 15+ X^P^ TC0V (popCDV TCOV

six talents of gold, apart from the tribute of the


ones submitting, and the merchants, and all the

PaaiXscov tod rcepav Kai tcov aaTpa7icov Tr\q

kings of the other side [of the Jordan], and the satraps of the

yr\q i6+ Kai S7iorr|aev o fiaaiksvq £oA,o|icbv SiaKoaia

land. And [ made king Solomon] two hundred

86paTa %pvad £A,aTd s^xkoctioi %pDaoi S7rfjaav

spears of gold hammered out - six hundred [weights] of gold was used

8711 to 86pD to sv i?+ Kai S7iovr|as TpiaKoaioDc;

for the [ spear one]. And he made three hundred

Gdpsodc; %pvaovq s^axoug xpeic; jivai %pDa(oD 87ifiaav

oblong shields of gold hammered out. Three minas of gold [were] used

S7Ti to 0Dps6v to eva Kai s5cok8v aDTd o Paai^sDq

for the [ oblong shield one]. And [put them the king]

sic; oikov 8pD|ioD tod AipdvoD 18 + Kai 87ioir|asv o

in [the] house of [the] forest of Lebanon. And [made the

PaaiXsDc; Gpovov s^scpdvTivov jisyav Kai

king throne ivory a great], and

7ispisxpDacoa8v aDTOV %pDaico 5ok(|ico 19+

he gilded it [gold in unadulterated]. [there were] Six

avaPaBjioi tco Gpovco Kai 7ipoTO|iai |ioa%cov sk

stairs to the throne, and [the] upper part [had] calves from

tcov O7rioco aDTOD tco 0p6vco Kai x s ^P 8&lt; ^

the [places] behind it to the throne. And [There were] hand [rails]

sv0sv Kai 8V08V 8711 tod totcod TT\q Ka0e8pac; Kai 8do

on this side and that side upon the place of the chair, and two

Xsovtsc; scxcfjKOTec; 7iapd zaq %sipaq 20 + Kai

lions standing by the hand [rails]. And [there were]

8cb8eKa XeovTec; scttcotsc; em tcov avaPaGjicbv

twelve lions standing upon the six stairs

sv0sv Kai svGev odk eyeveTO odtcoc; sv 7idar| PaaiXeia

on this side and that side. There was not such in any kingdom.

21 + Kai 7idvTa Ta oksdtj Ta D7i6 tod SoXojicbvToq

And all the vessels, the ones [used] by Solomon,

ysyovoTa %pDad Kai XoDTfjpec; %pDao( Kai 7idvTa Ta

were of gold. And bathing tubs of gold, and all the



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aKSDTj oikod 8pD|ioD tod AipdvoD xpDaioo

vessels of [the] house of [the] forest of Lebanon [of go Id

oDyKSKXeiajieva Kai odkt|v apytipiov on odkt|v

were completely]. And there was no silver, for it was not

A,oyi^6|isvov sv xaic; rjjispaic; So^ojicovToq 22+ on vatic;

thought [anything] in the days of Solomon. For a ship

©apasic; too PaoiXsi £oA,o|icovti S7U Tr\q

of Tarshish [belonged to] king Solomon upon the

dakdaar\q (isxd tcdv vrjcbv Xsipdji [da 5id xpicbv

sea with the ships of Hiram. One [ every three

sxcbv f|p%STO tod ficLGikzi vavq sk ©apask; xpvaiov

years came to the king ship] out of Tarshish [with] gold

Kai apyopioD Kai Ai0cov TopsDTcbv Kai 7isA,SKr|Tcbv 23 +

and silver, and [ stones turned and hewn].

Kai sjisyaArivGrj SoXojicbv D7isp 7idvTac; zovq fiaaiksiq

And Solomon was magnified above all the kings

Tr\q yr\q 7tA,odtcd Kai cppovfjasi 24+ Kai rcavTSc; 01

of the earth in riches and intellect. And all the

fiaaiksiq xrjq yrjc; s^todv to 7ip6aco7rov £oAx)|icovtoc;

kings of the earth sought the face of Solomon

tod aKODSiv Tr\q cppovfjascoq aDTOD r\q s8cdks Kopioc; sv

to hear of his intellect, which [the] LORD put in

TTj Kap8(a aDTOD 25 + Kai aDTOi scpspov SKacrcoc;

his heart. And [ to him brought each

Ta 5cbpa aDTOD oksdtj apyDpd Kai oksdtj %pDad Kai

his gifts], items of silver, and items of gold, and

ijiaTiajiov oTaKTTjv Kai rjSDajiaTa Kai mnovq Kai

clothes, balsam and spices, and horses, and

rjjiiovoDc; TOKaT' sviaDTOV sic; sviaDTOV 26+ Kai

mules according to year by year. And

oDvfjyays SoXojicbv dpjiaTa Kai ui7rs(c; Kai fjoav aDTcb

Solomon brought chariots and horsemen. And there were to him

%ik\a Kai TSTpaKoaia dpjiaTa Kai 8cb8sKa %iAid8sc;

a thousand and four hundred chariots, and twelve thousand

i7i7iscov Kai S0STO aDTdq sv Taiq 7i6A,sai tcov

horsemen. And he put them in the cities of the

apjidTCOv Kai jiSTd tod PaaiAiooc; sv IspoDaaAxjji 27 +

chariots, and with the king in Jerusalem.

Kai s5coksv o PaaiXsDc; to apyopiov sv IspoDaaXf||i

And [ put the king] the silver in Jerusalem

coq AiGoDc; Kai zaq KsSpoDc; sScdksv cdc; zaq

as stones, and the cedars he put as the


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aDKajiivoDc; xac; sv xrj 7is8ivfj sic; 7iAx|0O(; 28+ Kai r|

sycamine trees in the plain in multitude. And the

Stpdoq XCOV l7T7rSCGV SoXojlcbVTOq S^ AiyD7TXOD

exiting of the horsemen of Solomon [was] from out of Egypt.

Kai s^ Ekods oi 8|i7iopoi tod PaaiXscoc;

And from out of Kue the merchants of the king

sldjiPavov s^ Ekods sv aAldyjiaxi 29 + Kai

took [merchandise] from out of Kue in barter. And

avspaivsv r| s^oSoc; s^ AiyirnxoD dpjia av0'

there ascended an exiting from out of Egypt — a chariot for

s^aKoaicov apyopioD Kai bnioq avxi sraxov

six hundred [pieces] of silver, and a horse for a hundred

7isvxf|Kovxa apyopioD Kai odxcoc; 7idai xoic; PaaiXsDai

fifty [pieces] of silver. And thus for all the kings

Xsxxisiji Kai tok; Paai^sDai I/opiac; 81a %£ipoq aDxcbv

of [the] Hittites, and to the kings of Syria, by their hand


they came forth.

11 &gt;T

1 + Kai o Paai^sDc; £oA,o|icbv r|v cpi^oyDvaioq Kai slaps

And king Solomon was fond of women, and he took

yDvaiKaq aAloxpiac; Kai xrjv 0Dyaxspa Oapaco Kai

[wives alien], and the daughter of Pharaoh, and

Mcoap(xi8ac; Kai Aji|iavixi8ac; Kai ISoDjiaiaq Kai

Moabitish, and Ammonitish, and Edomites, and

£i8coviac; Kai Xsxxaiac; 2+ sk xcov sGvcbv cov

Sidonians, and Hittites. of the nations which

a7rsi7is KDpioq TOiq vioiq IapafjX Aiycov odk

[the] LORD forbade to the sons of Israel, saying, You shall not

siasXsDasaGs sic; aDxotic; Kai aDxoi odk

enter to them, and they shall not

siasXsDaovxai sic; Djidc; (va |ir| sKKAivcoai

enter to you; that they should not turn aside

xac; KapSiac; djicov 07uaco xcov si8cbA,cov aDxcbv sic;

your hearts after their idols — for

aDxotic; SKoAAxj0r| SoXojicbv xod aya7if|aai 3 + Kai fjaav

of them Solomon cleaved to love. And there were

aDxcb yDvaiKsq dp%ODaai S7ixaKoaiai Kai 7iaAA,aKa(

to him [ wives [being female] rulers seven hundred], and [ concubines

xpiaKoaiai Kai skAivov ai yDvafcsc; aDxoD

three hundred]. And [ inclined away his wives]


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xrjv Kap8(av avzov 4 + Kai sysvsTO sv Kaipcb yfjpoDc;

his heart. And it came to pass in a time of old age

XoAx)|icbv ai yovaiKec; avzov s^sKlivav

of Solomon, his wives turned aside

xrjv Kap5(av avTOV O7uaco Gecbv exepcov Kai odk r|v

his heart after other gods. And [ was not

r| Kap5(a avTOV TsXsia jisxd tod KDpiOD

his heart] perfect with the LORD

tod GsoD (xdtod Ka0cbc; T| Kap8(a AaDi8

his God, as [was] the heart of David

TOD 7T(XTp6^ (XDTOD 5+ Kai 87lOp8D0T| £oAx)|ICOV O7ttaC0

his father. And Solomon went after

TTjq AaTdpTTjq 08OD EiScovicov Kai omaco tod Msk%(b[i

Ashtoreth god of [the] Sidonians, and after Milcom

p8eA,Dy|iaTOc; A|i|icbv 6 + Kai S7iovr|as SoXojicbv

[the] abomination of Ammon. And Solomon did

TO 7TOVr|p6v 8VCb7llOV KDpiOD Kai ODK S7TOpSD0r| O7i(aco

evil before [the] LORD, and did not go after

KDpiOD CDC; AaDl8 O 7iaTfjp aDTOD 7+ TOTS

[the] LORD as David his father. Then

c0Ko86|ir|O8 £oA,o|icbv d\j/t|A,6v tco Xajicbc; siScbAxo

Solomon built a high [place] to Chemosh, [the] idol

Mcodp ev tco opsi tco KaTd 7rp6aco7iov IspoDaaAxni

ofMoab, in the mountain before Jerusalem,

Kai tco MsX%cb|i siScbAxo dicov A(i(icbv 8 + Kai odtcoc;

and to Molech [the] idol of [the] sons of Ammon. And thus

S7ro(r|08 7idaaic; zaiq yDvai^iv aDTOD zaiq a^OTpiaiq

he did for all [ wives his alien],

s0D|iicov Kai 80dov Toiq siSco^ok; aDTcbv 9+ Kai

ones burning incense and sacrificing [to] their idols. And

COpy(a0T| KDpiOD 8711 EoA,O|IC0VTl OTl S^SkA,IV8V

[the] LORD was provoked to anger at Solomon, for he turned aside

T| Kap8(a aDTOD arco KDpiOD 0£od IapafjA, tod

his heart from [the] LORD God of Israel — the

o(p08VToq aDTcb 81c;

one appearing to him twice,


after being given charge to him, for this word

to 7rapd7iav |ir| 7iop8D0f|vai O7uaco 0scbv STSpcov Kai

thoroughly, to not go after other gods. And

odk scpDAxx^ev a sveTeiAmo aDTcb Kopioc; n+ Kai

he did not guard what [ gave charge to him [the] LORD]. And

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81718 KDpiOq 7ipO(; SoA,O|IC0VTa aV0' COV SySVSXO Tama

[the] LORD said to Solomon, Because these [things] happened

jisxd aoD Kai odk sipvka^aq xac; zvioXaq jiod Kai

with you, and you did not guard my commandments, and

xa 7ipoaxdy|iaxd jiod a svsxsiA,d|xqv aoi 8iappfjoacov

my orders, which I gave charge to you, in tearing

8iappfj^co xrjv PaaiXsiav aoD 8k X^poq gov Kai

I will tear up your kingdom from out of your hand, and

5cbaco aDifjv too 8odAxo aoD u + 7iAx|v sv

I will give it [to] your servant. Except in

xaic; rjjispaic; aoi) od 7roifjaco aDxd 8id Aai)(5

your days I will not do them on account of David

xov rcaxspa aoD sk % 8l P&lt;3c; diod aoi) Ar|\j/o|iai aDxfjv

your father ~ from out of [the] hand of your son I will take it.

13 + 7iAr|v 6Ax|v xrjv PaaiXsiav od jjt| Xdpco aKf|7rxpov

Except [the] entire kingdom in no way shall I take. [ chiefdom

sv 5cbaco too dico aoi) 8id Aai)i8 xov SovXov |iod

One] I will give [to] your son because of David my servant,

Kai 8id IspoDaaAxjji xttv 7i6Aav r|v s^sA,s^d|ir|v u+

and because of Jerusalem the city which I chose.

Kai fjysips Kupioq aaxdv too EoXojicov xov A5dp xov

And [the] LORD raised up an adversary against Solomon, Hadad the

I8oi)|iaiov sk xod a7rsp|iaxoc; xrjc; Paai^siac; sv

Edomite; from out of the seed of the kingdom in

xtj I8oi)jia(a i 5 + Kai sysvsxo sv xco s^oAx)0psDsiv Aam8

Edom. And it happened in David utterly destroying

xov E8cb|i sv xco 7ropsi)6fjvai Icodp dp%ovxa xrjc;

Edom, in the going of Joab [the] ruler of the

axpaxidq 6d7ixsiv xodc; xpaDjiaxiaq Kai SKO\j/av 7iav

military to bury the slain, that they smote every

apasviKov sv xr| I8oi)|iaia i 6 + 6xi s^ jxfjvaq svsKdGrjxo

male in Edom; for six months [ laid in wait

sksi Icodp Kai iiaq IapafjA, scoq od s^coA,66psDas

there Joab] and all Israel, until of which [time] he utterly destroyed

7iav apasviKov sk xrjc; ISoDjiaiaq i?+ Kai a7is5paA5dp

every man of Edom. And Hadad ran away,

avToq Kai dv5psq I8oD|iaioi xcov 7iai8cov

he and [the] Edomite men of the servants

xod 7raxp6c; aDxoD jisx' aDxoD Kai siafjXGov sic;

of his father with him. And they entered into

AiyD7rxov Kai A5dp 7iai5dpiov jiiKpov ig+ Kai

Egypt. And Hadad [boy [was] a small]. And


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aviaxavxai sk Ma5id|i Kai spxovxai sic; Oapdv Kai

they rose up out of Midian, and came into Paran. And

AxxjiP&amp;voDaiv avdpaq |is6' sauxcbv Kai sp%ovxai npoq

they took men with themselves, and they came to

Oapacb PaaiXsa AiyimxoD Kai siafjXGsv A8dp npoq

Pharaoh king of Egypt. And Hadad entered to

Oapacb Kai s5coksv auxcb oikov Kai dpxouc; 8isxa^sv

Pharaoh. And he gave to him a house, and [ bread loaves ordered]

ai)xco Kai yrjv sScoksv auxcb 19+ Kai si&gt;psvA8dp %apiv

for him, and [ land gave] to him. And Hadad found favor

svavxiov Oapacb acp68pa Kai sScoksv auxcb yuvaiKa

before Pharaoh, exceedingly. And he gave to him a wife,

aSsXcpfjv xrjc; yovaiKoc; avzov xrjv a8sAxpf|v 0s%scpsvf|c;

[the] sister of his wife— the [sister ofTahpenes

xrjv jiei^co 20+ Kai sxsksv auxcb T| a8sAxpf| 0s%scpsvf|c;

[the] older]. And [bore to him the sister ofTahpenes],

xco A8dp xov TavipdG mov avTT\q Kai s^s6ps\j/sv

[to] Hadad, Genubath her son. And [ nourished

ai)xov ©sxstpsvfjc; sv jisaco xou oikod Oapacb Kai

him Tahpenes] in [the] midst of the house of Pharaoh. And

Tjv TavipdG sv xco oikco Oapacb sv jisaco xcov mcbv

Genubath was in the house of Pharaoh in [the] midst of the sons

Oapacb 21+ Kai A8dp fjKouasv sv Aiy67rxco 6x1

of Pharaoh. And Hadad heard in Egypt that

KSKoijirjxai Aavid jisxd xcov 7iaxspcov avzov Kai 6x1

David had gone to sleep with his fathers, and that

x80vt|ksv Icodp o dpxcov Tr\q axpaxidc; Kai

[had died Joab the ruler of the military]. And

S17T8V A8dp 7ipoc; Oapacb s^a7i6axsiX6v |is Kai

Hadad said to Pharaoh, Send me, and

a7roaxps\j/co sic; xrjv yrjv |iou 22 + Kai si7is Oapacb xco

I will return unto my land. And Pharaoh said [to]

A8dp xivi &lt;xd sA,axxovf| jisx' sjioi) 6x1 i8ou au

Hadad, What do you lack with me, that behold, you

fyycziq anzkdsiv sic; xrjv yrjv aou Kai sircsv auxcb

seek to go forth into your land? And [ said to him

A8dp |ir|8a|icb(; 6x1 s^a7ioaxsAA,cov s^a7ioaxsA£ic; |is 23 +

Hadad], Not one thing, but by sending you shall send me.

Kai fjysips Gsoc; aaxdv auxcb xov Ps^cbv diov EAaa8d

And God raised up an adversary against him, Rezon son ofEliadah,

oq scpuysv axio ASps^sp PaoiXscoc; Soipd

who fled from Hadadezer king of Zobah,


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11-1 Kings

KDpioi) avTOV 24+ Kai ai)vr|9poia0r|aav S7i' avzov

his master. And [ were gathered together against him

dvSpec; Kai r|v dp%oov ai)axps|i|idTOV Kai

[the] men], and he was ruler of [the] confederation, and

7rpoKaTeA,&amp;PeTO rqv AajiaaKov Kai £K&amp;6iaev sv aDifj

he first took Damascus, and he settled in it,

Kai ePaaiXsDasv sv AajiaaKoa 25+ Kai rjv aaxdv tod

and he reigned in Damascus. And there was an adversary [to]

IapafjX naaaq xac; rjjispac; £oXo|ioqvtoc; ami] r|

Israel all the days of Solomon. This is the

KaKia r|v 87ioir|asv A5dp Kai spapw0r| S7il IapafjX

evil which Hadad did, and oppressed against Israel,

Kai ePaoiXeuasv sv yr| E8cb|i 26 + Kai IspoPodji

and he reigned in [the] land of Edom. And Jeroboam

vioq Napdx o EcppaGi sk rr|c;£apipd vioq yovaiKoc;

son of Nebat the Ephrathite from Zereda, son [ woman

%T\paq SovXoq tod I^ojioovtoc; 27+ Kai totjto to

of a widow], [was a] servant of Solomon. And this [was] the

7ipdy|ia S7ro(r|osv 00c; S7if|ps tt|v %e(pa S7ii

thing he did as he lifted up the hand against

tov PaaiAia SoXojicbvTa Kai o fiaaikzvq £oAx)|icbv

king Solomon. And king Solomon

coKo86|xr|oe tt|v dKpav Kai auvsKleiae tov cppayjiov

built the Akra, and he completed the barrier

Tr\q noXswq Aam8 tod nazpoq avzov 28 + Kai o

of the city of David his father. And the

dv0p&lt;D7ioc; IspoPodji \a%vp6q 8i)vd|isi Kai

man Jeroboam [was] strong in power. And

e(8e £oAx)|icbv to 7iai8dpiov 6ti avfjp epyoov sari Kai

Solomon saw the young man that [ a man of works he is], and

KaTsarqaev auTOV S7U Tag dpaeic; oikod Iooafjcp 29 +

he placed him over the tribute of [the] house of Joseph.

Kai syevsTO sv too Kaipcb SKeivoo Kai IspoPodji

And it came to pass in that time that Jeroboam

s^fjABsv s£, IspoDaaAx||i Kai stipsv avzov A%ia o

came forth out of Jerusalem, and [found him Ahijah the

Sr|A,coviTr|(; o 7ipo(pfjTr|c; sv ttj o8cb Kai a7isaTr|asv

Shilonite the prophet] in the way; and [Ahijah] separated

avzov sk Tr\q odov Kai Ayia 7ispiPepAr||isvoc; ijidTiov

him from the way. And Ahijah was wearing [ cloak

Kaivov Kai ajicpoTepoi jiovoi ev too 7ts5ico 30+ Kai

a new], and both [were] alone in the plain. And


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S7csAxxPsto A%ia tod ijiaxioi) aDTOD tod KaivoD tod S7i'

Ahijah took hold of his own cloak, the new [one] upon

oared) Kai Siepprj^ev (xdto 8cb88Ka pfjyjiaTa 31+ Kai

him, and he tore it [into] twelve pieces. And

81718 too Ispopodji AxxPe asaDTcb 8sKa pfjyjiaTa 6ti

he said to Jeroboam, Take for yourself ten pieces! for

Td5s Aiysi KDpioq o Geoc; IapafjX i5od sycb pfjaaco

thus says [the] LORD God of Israel, Behold, I tear

ttjv Paai^siav sk X^poq SoXojiobvTOc; Kai 5cbaco

the kingdom from out of [the] hand of Solomon, and I give

aoi 8sKa aKfj7iTpa 32+ Kai Sdo aKfj7iTpa saovTai

to you ten chiefdoms. And two chiefdoms will be

aDTcb 81a tov 8odA,6v jiod AaDi8 Kai 8id

his, on account of my servant David, and on account of

IspoDaaAx||i tt|v 7i6A.iv r|v e^eX£^d|ir|v sv aDTfj

Jerusalem the city which I chose in it

sk 7caacbv cpDAxbv IapafjX 33 + av0 ' gov syKaTS^urs

from out of all [the] tribes of Israel; because he abandoned

|is Kai S7co(r|a8 ttj AaTdpTTj pSsMyjiaTi SiScovicov

me, and offered [unto] Ashtoreth [the] abomination of [the] Sidonians,

Kai too Xajicbq si5ooAxjo Mcodp Kai too MsA,%6|i

and to Chemosh [the] idol of Moab, and [to] Milcom

7cpoao%6(a|iaTi dioov Ajijicbv Kai odk S7cop£D0r| ev

[the] loathsome thing of [the] sons of Ammon. And he did not go in

Taiq 0801c; |iod tod 7coif|aai to zvdsq svob7ciov sjiod

my ways to do the upright [thing] before me,

Kai Ta 7cpoaTdy|iaTd |iod Kai Ta 8iKaiob|iaTd jiod Kadcbq

and my orders, and my ordinances, as

S7co(r|a8 AaDi8 o 7caTf|p aDTOD 34+ Kai od jlit| Axj\j/o|iai

[did David his father]. And in no way will I take

ttjv Paai^siav 6hr\v sk %eipoc; aDTOD 6ti

the kingdom entirely from his hand (for

avraaaaojievoc; avmd^oiiai aDTcb naaaq xaq r||iepac;

by resisting I shall resist him all the days

Tr\q owtod 8id AaDi8 tov 5odX6v |iod ov

of his life) because of David my servant — whom

s^sA,e^d|ir|v aDTOV oq scptiXa^e zaq svtoAxxc; Kai

I chose him, who guarded the commandments and

Ta 8iKaicb|iaTd (iod 35 + Kai Ax|\j/o|iai tt|v Paai^eiav

my ordinances. And I shall take the kingdom

sk X 8l P°^ tod diod aDTOD Kai 8cbaco aoi Ta 8eKa

from out of [the] hand of his son, and I will give to you the ten


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aKfj7iTpa 36 + too 8s mcb avzov 8cbaco xa 8do aKfj7iTpa

chiefdoms. But [to] his son I will give the two chiefdoms,

07TCDC; r| Gsaic; too SodAxjo jiod Aavid naaaq

so that there might be a designation [to] my servant David all

zaq rjjispac; svob7iiov sjiod sv IepoDaaArjji tt| 7i6A,si

the days before me in Jerusalem, the city

r|v s^sXe^&amp;iirjv sjiaDTob tod GsaGai to ovojid jiod sksi

which I chose for myself to put my name there.

37+ Kai as Arj\j/o|iai kcu PaaiXstiasic; sv oiq S7u6d|isi

And you shall take, and you shall reign in wherever [ desires

r| yv%r\ aoD Kai &lt;td sarj fiaaiksvq S7U IapafjA, 3 s + Kai

your soul], and you will be king over Israel. And

scrcca sdv (pvXatflq rcdvTa 6aa av svTs(AxjO|ia( aoi

it will be if you should guard all as much as I gave charge to you,

Kai 7topeD0fjc; sv zmq odoiq jiod Kai 7ioif|ar|c; to

and should go in my ways, and do the

sdGsc; svcb7ii6v jiod tod cpD^d^ai Ta 7ipoaTdy|iaTd |iod

upright [thing] before me, to keep my orders,

Kai Tag svToXdq jiod KaGobc; S7iorr|as AaDi8

and my commandments, as did David

0 dovXoq jiod Kai saojiai jiSTd aoi) Kai oiKo8ojif|aoo

my servant; then I will be with you, and I shall build

goi oikov 7iiaT6v KaBcbq ooKo86|ir|aa too Aam5 39 + Kai

for you [ house a sure], as I built for David. And

8obaoo aoi tov IapafjX Kai KaKOD%fjaoo to a7isp|ia

1 will give to you Israel, and I will mistreat the seed

Aam8 8id TaDTa 7iAx|v od naaaq xaq rjiispaq 40 +

of David on account of these [things], except not for all the days.

Kai s^fjTTjas £oA,o|iobv tod BavaTobaai tov IspoPodji Kai

And Solomon sought to put Jeroboam to death. And

avsaTTj Kai arcsSpa sic; AiyD7iTOV itpoq SoDadK

he rose up, and ran away unto Egypt, to Shishak

PaaiXsa AiyD7iTOD Kai rjv sv AiyD7iT00 sooq

king of Egypt. And he was in Egypt until

arcsGavs EoAxdjicov 41 + Kai Ta Xourd toov A,6yoov

Solomon died. And the rest of the words

EoA,o|ioovto(; Kai 7idvTa 6aa S7io(r|as Kai 7idaa

of Solomon, and all as many [things] as he did, and all

r| cppovrjaiq aDTOD odk i8od TaDTa ysypajijisva sv

his intellect ~ behold, have not these been written in

PiPAioo prjjidTOOv Eo^ojicovToq 42+ Kai ai rjjispai aq

[the] scroll of [the] sayings of Solomon? And the days which


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ePaaiXsDas £oAx)|icbv sv IspoDaaAr||i xsaaapdKovxa

Solomon reigned in Jerusalem [was] forty

STT| 87i( rcdvxa IapafjA, 43 + Kai £Koi|ifj0r| £oAx)|icbv |iexd

years over all Israel. And Solomon slept with

xcov 7iai8pcov avTOV Kai e6a\j/av aDxov ev tioXei

his fathers, and they entombed him in [the] city

Aavid xod rcaxpoc; aDxoD Kai ePaoileDaev PoPodji

of David his father. And [reigned Rehoboam

o vioq avTOV avx' aDxoD

his son] instead of him.

12 V

1+ Kai £7rop£i)0r| o fiaaiksvq PoPodji sic; SiKT||ia 6x1

And [ went king Rehoboam] to Shechem, for

sic; SiKT||ia fjpxovxo naq IapafjA, Paai^sDoai aDxov 2 +

[ unto Shechem came all Israel] to give him reign.

Kai eysvsxo cdc; fjKODaev IspoPodji vioq Napdx Kai

And it came to pass as [ heard Jeroboam son of Nebat], and

avTOV sxi ovToq sv AryD7ix&lt;jo coq scpDysv sk

he [was] still being in Egypt, as he had fled from

7ipoacb7roD tod PaaiAiooc; £oAx)jicbvxoc; Kai eKdGrjxo sv

[the] face of king Solomon, and settled in

AiyD7iTC0 3+ Kai a7ieaxeiA,av Kai SKd^saav aDxov Kai

Egypt, that they sent and called him. And

f|X6sv IspoPodji Kai naq o Xaoq IapafjA, Kai

Jeroboam came and all the people of Israel. And

sXdAxjasv o Xaoq npoq xov PaaiAia PoPodji Aiyovxsc;

[ spoke the people] to king Rehoboam, saying,

4+ o 7iaxfjp ood sctkAxipdvs XOV K^OIOV r||icbv Kai CTD

Your father hardened our neck yoke. And you

vdv KODcpioov a7io Tr\q SovXsiaq xod nazpoq aoD xrjc;

now, lighten of [ servitude of your father the

aKAxjpdq Kai arco xod kAadiod aDxoD xod Papscoq od

hard], and from [neck yoke his heavy]! of which

s5coksv scp' rjjLidq Kai 5odA£dcto|isv aoi 5+ Kai s(7is

he put upon us, and we will serve to you. And he said

7ipoc; aDxotic; a7isX0sxs scoq r||ispcbv xpicbv Kai

to them, Go forth for [ days three], and

avaaxps\j/axs npoq |is Kai a7rfjX0ov 6+ Kai a7if|yyeiA£v

return to me! And they went forth. And [ reported

o Paai^sDc; PoPodji xoic; 7ipeaPDxepoic; 01 fjaav

king Rehoboam] to the elders, the ones who were


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TrapeaTTjKOTsq svco7riov SoXojicbvToq tod nazpoq avzov

standing before Solomon his father

sti CfbvToq avTOV Aiycov 7icoc; v[isiq fiovXsvsads iva

[ was still living [while] he], saying, How do you counsel that

OLTTOKpiBcb too Xacb todtco A,6yov 7 + Kai skakr\Gav npoq

I should answer [to] this people a word? And they spoke to

avzov Aiyovxec; ei ev tt| rjjispa tolvtk] sarj SovXoq

him, saying, If in this day you will be a servant

too Xaco todtco Kai Sod^sdosic; aDTOiq Kai Xakr\asiq

to this people, and should serve them, and shall speak

7rpoc; ctDTODc; Xoyovq ayadovq Kai eaovTai aoi

to them [words [with] good], then they will be to you

8odA,oi naaaq xaq rjjiepac; 8+ Kai EjKaTskim ttjv

servants all the days. And he abandoned the

PodAx|v tcov 7rpsaPi)Tspcov r|v aDvepoD^SDaavTO aDTcb

counsel of the elders which they advised him,

Kai aDvePoiAstiaaTO jistoc tcov 7rai8apicov

and he took up advice with the young men


being brought up with him, of the ones standing

7ipO 7ipoacb7lOD OLVTOV 9+ Kai S17T8V aDTOiq Tl DjlSiq

before his face. And he said to them, What do you

ctdiiPodXsdsts Kai ti a7ioKpi6cb tco Axxcb TODTCO

advise, and what should I answer to this people

tok; Xakr\aaa\ npoq jis XsyovTCOv KODtpiaov arco tod

speaking to me, saying, Lighten up the

K^OIOD OD sScOKSV O 7iaTfjp OOD SCp' T|JLlCXq 10+ Kai

neck yoke which [ put your father] upon us? And

elaAxjaav npoq aDTOV Ta 7rai8dpia Ta SKTpacpevTa

they spoke to him, the young men having been brought up

jist' aDTOD Kai 8i7iov Td8s Xakr\asiq tco Xaco todtco

with him; and they said, Thus you shall speak to this people,

xoiq Xakf\oao\ npoq as XsyovTsq o 7iaTf|p aoD

to the ones speaking to you, saying, Your father

spdpDvs tov kXoiov rjjicbv Kai &lt;td vdv KODcpiaov acp'

oppressed our neck yoke, and you now lighten it from

r||icbv Td8s spsfc; npoq aDTODc; r| jiiKpoTriq jiod

us! Thus you shall say to them, My thinness

7ia%DT8pa ecm Tr\q oacpDOc; tod nazpoq |iod n+ Kai vdv

[ thicker than is] the loin of my father. And now,

o 7iaTf|p jiod S7T8adaasTO Djidc; ev kA^oico Papei Kayco

my father saddled you with [ neck yoke a heavy], and I


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7ipoa0f|aco S7ri xov kAxkov djicov o 7iaxf|p jiod

will add unto your neck yoke. My father

S7rai8sDasv Djidc; ev jidaxi^iv eyco 5s 7rai8eDaco Djidc;

corrected you with whips, but I will correct you

sv aKop7rioic; n+ Kai ftapeyevexo IspoPodji Kai naq

with scorpions. And Jeroboam came, and all

IapafjA, 7ipoc; xov PaaiAia Popodji sv xrj rjjiepa

Israel to king Rehoboam on the [ day

tt] xpiTT] KaGoxi e^dAxjaev aDTofc; o PaaiXeDc; Xsycov

third] as [ spoke to them the king], saying,

avaaxpe\j/axe npoq |is xrj rjjiepa xrj xpixr) 13+ Kai

Return to me [ day the third] ! And

a7T8Kpi6r| o PaaiXeDc; npoq xov Xaov aicAr|pd Kai

[ answered the king] to the people hard. And

syKaxeAurs PoPodji xrjv PodAx|v xcov 7rpeaPDX£pcov r|v

Rehoboam abandoned the counsel of the elders which

oDvePoDXetiaavxo auxcb u+ Kai eAxxAxjae npoq avzovq

they advised him. And he spoke to them

Kaxd xrjv PoDXfjv xcov 7iai5ap(cov Aiycov

according to the counsel of the young men, saying,

o 7iaxfjp jiod spdpws xov kA,oi6v Djicbv Kaycb

My father oppressed your neck yoke, and I

7ipoa0fjaco S7ri xov kAxhov Djicbv o 7iaxf|p jiod

shall add to your neck yoke. My father

S7ia(5sDasv v[idq ev jidoxi^i Kaycb 7iai8sDaco v[idq sv

corrected you with whips, and I will correct you with

aKopmoiq 15+ Kai odk fjKODasv o fiaaikvbq xod Xaov

scorpions. And [ did not hear the king] the people,

6x1 rjv (isxaaxpocpfj 7iapd KopiOD oitcnq axfjarj

for he was converted by [the] LORD, so that [ should stand

xo pfjjia avTOV o s^dAxjaev sv %eip( A%ia xod

his word], which he spoke by [the] hand ofAhijah the

£t|Axdvixod S7ri IspoPodji diod Napdx 16+ Kai 818s

Shilonite over Jeroboam son ofNebat. And [knew

naq IapafjA, 6x1 ODKfjKODaev aDxcbv o fiaaikvbq Kai

all Israel] that [ did not hearken to them the king]. And

a7i8Kpi6r| o Xaoq xco Paai^si Aiycov Tiq r\[iiv jiepic;

[ answered the people] to the king, saying, What is our portion

sv Aai)(5 Kai odk saxiv r\[iiv KArjpovojjia ev dico

with David? and, There is no inheritance to us with [the] son

Isaaai arcoxpexs IapafjA, sic; xa aKrjvcbjiaxd aoD vdv

of Jesse. Run, O Israel, to your tents! Now


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Pocjks xov oikov ctod AaDi8 Kai anr\kdzv IapafjA, sic;

graze your [own] house, David! And Israel went forth to

xa aKT|vcb|iaTa avzov n + Kai 01 dioi IapafjA, 01

his tents. And the sons of Israel, the ones

KaxoiKowcec; sv xaic; 7i6A,saiv Ioi)8a ePaai^sDaav scp'

dwelling in the cities of Judah — [ reigned over

eaDxofc; TOvPoPodji is + Kai a7isaTSiA£v o fiaaikzvq

them Rehoboam]. And [ sent king

PoPodji xov A8copd|i xov S7it tod cpopoD Kai

Rehoboam] Adoram, the [one] for [collecting] the tribute. And

sAi6op6Ax|aav ai)i6v sv Xidoiq itaq IapafjA, Kai

[ stoned him with stones all Israel], and

arceGave Kai o fiaaikvbq Popodji scpGaosv avapfjvai

he died. And king Rehoboam anticipated to ascend

8711 to dpjia tod cpDysiv sic; IspoDaaArjji i 9 + Kai

upon the chariot to flee into Jerusalem. And

rjGerrjaev IapafjA, sic; tov oikov AaDi8 eooc;

Israel annulled [allegiance] with the house of David until

TTjcj Tjjispacj TaDTTjcj 20+ Kai eyeveTO coc; fjKODae rcac;

this day. And it came to pass as [ heard all

IapafjX 6ti av8Kaji\j/sv IepoPodji AiyD7iTOD Kai

Israel] that Jeroboam returned from out of Egypt, that

ansoTEikav Kai eKdXeaav aDTOV eic; tt|v aDvaycoyfiv

they sent and called him to the congregation.

Kai ePaaileDaav aDTOV em IapafjX Kai odk r|v

And they gave him reign over Israel. And there was none

O7i(aco oikod AaDi8 7idps^ aKfj7iTpoD IoD8a Kai

[following] after [the] house of David except [the] chiefdom of Judah and
Beviajjiv jiovoi 21+ Kai PoPodji eiofjXGsv sic;

Benjamin only. And Rehoboam entered into

IspoDaaAxj|i Kai e^eKKAxjaiaae 7idoav tt|v oDvaycoyfiv

Jerusalem, and he held an assembly of all the congregation

IoD8a Kai aKfj7iTpov Bsviajiiv sraTOV Kai siKoai

of Judah, and [the] chiefdom of Benjamin— a hundred and twenty

%iAid8ac; vsavicbv 7toiodvtcov 7i6A,8|iov tod 7ioA,8|isiv

thousand young men for making war, to wage war

7ipoc; oikov IapafjA, S7iiaTps\j/ai tt|v Paai^siav

against [the] house of Israel, to return the kingdom

PoPodji Dicb SoXojicovtoc; 22+ Kai sysvsTO Xoyoq

of Rehoboam son of Solomon. And there came to pass [the] word

KDpioD 7ipoc; Eajisav dv6pco7rov tod 6sod Xsycov 23 +

of [the] LORD to Shemaiah [the] man of God, saying,


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81718 too PoPodji Dicb SoXojicbvToq Paai^si Ioi)8a Kai

Speak to Rehoboam son of Solomon king of Judah, and

7ipoc; 7idvxa oikov Ioi35a Kai Bsviajiiv Kai xco

to all [the] house of Judah and Benjamin, and to the

KaTaXoi7rco tod A,aoD Xsycov 24 + xd8s Aiysi Kopioc;

rest of the people! saying, Thus says [the] LORD,

odk avapfjasaGe od5s 7ioA£|xf|asxs |isxd

You shall not ascend, nor wage war with

xoov aSsAxpcbv djicov dicov lapar\k avaaxpscpsxoo

your brethren of [the] sons of Israel. Let [ return

SKaaxoq sic; xov oikov ocdxod 6xi s£, sjiod ysyovs

each] to his house! for from me [ has taken place

xo pfjjia xodxo Kai fjKODaav xod Xojov kdpiod Kai

this thing]. And they hearkened to the word of [the] LORD, and

Kaxs7iaDaav xod 7rop£D0fjvai Kaxd xo pfjjia kdpiod 25 +

they ceased to go against the thing of [the] LORD.

Kai CDKo86|xr|a£v IspoPodji xrjv SiKijia xrjv sv opsi

And Jeroboam built Shechem in mount

Ecppaiji Kai KaxcbKsiasv sv aDxfj Kai s^f|Ai)sv sksiGsv

Ephraim, and he dwelt in it. And he went forth from there

Kai coKo86|ir|08 xrjv OavoDfjX 2 6 + Kai si7isv IspoPodji

and built Penuel. And Jeroboam said

sv xtj Kap8ia aDxoD i8od vdv S7iiaxps\j/si r| PaaiXsia

in his heart, Behold, now [ shall return the kingdom]

sic; oikov AaDi8 27 + sdv avapfj o Xaoq odxoc;

to [the] house of David, if [ should ascend this people]

avacpspsiv 0Daiav sv oikco kdpiod sic; IspoDaaAxjji

to offer a sacrifice in [the] house of [the] LORD in Jerusalem,

Kai S7iiaxpa(pfjasxai rj Kap8(a xod Xaov itpoq

then [ shall turn the heart of the people] towards

xov KDpiov aDxcbv 7ipoc; PoPodji PaaiAia IoD8a Kai

their master, to Rehoboam king of Judah, and

a7ioKxsvoDai |is 28+ Kai sPoD^SDaaxo o PaaiA^Dc; Kai

they shall kill me. And [ consulted the king], and

S7io(r|os 8do 8ajidA,sic; %pvaaq Kai si7is itpoq xov

made two heifers of gold. And he said to the

Xaov iKavoDaGco djjav avapaivsiv sic; IspoDaaAr||i

people, Let it be enough for you to ascend to Jerusalem!

i8od 01 0so( aoD IapafjA, 01 avayayovxsq as sk

Behold, your gods, O Israel, the ones leading you from out of

yr\q AiyD7ixoD 29+ Kai s0sxo xrjv jiiav sv BaiGfjA,

[the] land of Egypt. And he put the one in Beth-el,


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Kai xrjv jiiav sScoksv sv Aav 30+ Kai sysvsTO

and the [other] one he put in Dan. And [ came to pass

o Xoyoq omoq sic; ajiapxiav Kai S7iopsDSTO o Xaoq

account this] for sin. And [ went the people]

O7i(aco Tr\q [imq scoc; Aav 31+ Kai S7iovr|asv oikodc;

after the one unto Dan. And he made houses

scp' D\j/r|Axbv Kai S7rovr|a£v ispsk; jispoqxi sk tod

upon high [places], and he appointed priests from any part of the

Xaov 01 odk fjoav 8K tcov dicov Asdi 32 + Kai

people who were not of the sons of Levi. And

£7rovr|asv IspoPodji sopTfjv sv tco (irjvi icq oy56co sv

Jeroboam made a holiday [feast] in the [ month eighth], on

tt] 7rsvTSKai8sKdrr| rjjispa tod [ir\voq Kaxd ttjv

the fifteenth day of the month, according to the

sopxfjv xr|v sv too IoD5a Kai avsprj sm to

holiday, the one in Judah. And he ascended unto the

0Daia&lt;xcfjpiov o S7iovr|asv sv BaiGfjA, tod 0dsiv zaiq

altar which he made in Beth-el, to sacrifice to the

8a|idA,saiv aic; S7io(r|as Kai 7iapsaTr|osv sv BaiGfjA,

heifers which he made. And he placed in Beth-el

todc; ispsiq tcov D\j/r|Axbv cov S7ioir|as 33+ Kai avsprj

the priests of the high [places] which he made. And he ascended

S7U to GDaiacxcfjpiov o S7iovr|as sv ttj

unto the altar which he made in the

7isvTSKai5sKdTr| rjjispa sv tco jirjvi tco oy86co sv tt|

fifteenth day in the [ month eighth], in the

sopTfj T| s7iA,daaTO anb Kap8(ac; aDTOD Kai S7io(r|osv

holiday which he shaped out of his [own] heart. And he made

sopTfjv tok; Dioiq lapar\k Kai avsprj S7ri to

[the] holiday for the sons of Israel, and he ascended unto the

0Daia&lt;ycf|piov tod S7ii6Daai

altar to sacrifice upon it.

13 x*

1 + Kai i8od dv6pco7TO(; tod Gsod 7iapsysvsTO s^

And behold, a man of God came from out of

IoD8a sv Xoyco KopioD siq BaiGfjA, Kai IspoPodji

Judah with a word of [the] LORD unto Beth-el. And Jeroboam

siottjksi S7U to 0DaiaaTfjpiov S7ii0Daai 2+ Kai

stood upon the altar to sacrifice. And

S7TSKdA,sas S7U to BDaiaaTfjpiov sv Xoyco kdpiod Kai

he called upon the altar with [the] word of [the] LORD, and


8V TOUT© + VtKCl
11-1 Kings

81718 0Daiaaxfjpiov 0Daiaaxf|piov xd8e Aiyei Kopioc;

said, O altar, O altar, thus says [the] LORD,

i8od vioq xucxexai xco oikco Aavid Icoaiac;

Behold, a son is born to the house of David, Josiah

ovojia (xdxco Kai 0Daei S7U ae xodc; lepefc; xcov

[is] his name, and he shall sacrifice upon you the priests of the

Dij/rj^cbv xodc; e7n0Dovxac; S7ri as Kai oaxd av0pcb7ccov

high [places], the ones sacrificing upon you, and bones of men

Koroasi S7i( as 3 + Kai sScoksv sv xr| rjjiepa sks(vt|

he shall burn upon you. And he executed in that day

xspac; Xsycov xodxo xo pf||ia o sXdAxjas Kopioc;

a miracle, saying, This [is] the saying which [the] LORD spoke,

Aiycov i8od xo 0Daiaaxfjpiov pfjyvDxai Kai

saying, Behold, the altar is torn, and

£K%D0f|asxai T| 7ti6xr|c; r| ODaa S7c' ai)xcb 4 + Kai

[ shall be poured out the fatness being upon it]. And

sysvsxo coc; f|KODasv o fiaaikvbq Ispopodji xcov Xoycov

it came to pass as [ heard king Jeroboam] the words


of the man of God. of the one calling upon the

0Daiaaxf|piov xo sv Bai0fjA, Kai s^sxsivsv

altar in Beth-el, that he stretched out

xrjv %zipa clvtov a7co xod 0Daiaaxr|pioD Xsycov

his hand from the altar, saying,

avXkafisTS avTOV Kai s^r|pdv0r| r| %sip avzov r\v

Seize him! And [ withered his hand] which

s^sxsivsv 87c' avzov Kai odk rj8i)vf|0r| S7ciaxps\j/ai

he stretched out against him, and he was not able to return

aDxfjv 7cpoc; aDxov 5 + Kai xo 0Daiaaxf|piov eppdyrj

it to himself. And the altar tore,

Kai s^s%D0r| T| 7ci6xr|c; a7co xod 0Daiaaxr|pioD Kaxd

and [ poured out the fatness] from the altar, according to

xo xspac; o sScoksv o dv0pco7i;oc; xod 0sod sv A,6yco

the portent which [ gave the man of God] by [the] word

KDpioD 6+ Kai a7C8Kp(0r| o PaaiA^Dc; Kai si7cs xco

of [the] LORD. And [ answered the king], and said to the

aV0pCO7CCO XOD 0SOD 8sf|0r|Xl XOD 7Cpoacb7COD KDpiOD

man of God, Beseech the face of [the] LORD

xod 0sod aoD Kai emaxpeij/dxco r| %sip |iod npoq jis

your God, and return my hand to me!

Kai s8sf|0r| o dv0pco7i;oc; xod 0sod xod 7cpoacb7coD

And [ beseeched the man of God] the face

KDpiOD Kai S7csaxps\j/s xrjv %zipa Tao PaaiXscoc;

of [the] LORD, and [ returned the hand of the king]


13 v sv tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

7ipoc; avTOV Kai sysvsTO Ka0cbc; to rcpoTspov ? + Kai

to him, and it became as formerly. And

sldAxjasv o fiaaiksvq npoq tov dv0p&lt;jO7iov tod 0sod

[ spoke the king] to the man of God,

s(asX0s jist' s|iod sic; xov oikov jiod Kai apiairjaov

Enter with me to my house and dine,

Kai 8cbaco aoi 56|ia 8+ Kai sircsv o dv0pco7i;oc;

and I will give to you a gift! And [ said the man

tod 0sod Trpoq xov PaaiAia edv 8ooc; jioi

of God] to the king, If you should give to me


half of your house, I will not enter with you,

od8s |ir| cpdyco dpTOV od5s |ir| 7iico D5cop ev

neither will I eat bread, nor drink water in


this place. For thus [ gave charge to me [the] LORD] by

A,6yco Aiycov od jlit| (pdyrjc; dpTOV od5s |ir| 7ttrig

a word, saying, In no way should you eat bread, nor in any way should you drink

D8oop od8s |ir| s7naTps\j/r|c; sv ttj o5cb sv r|

water, nor in any way should you return in the way in which

S7iopsD0r|c; sv aDTfj 10+ Kai a7if|A,0sv sv o8cb dAAxj

you came by it. And he went forth by [ way another],

Kai odk avs&lt;xcps\j/sv sv tt| o8cb r| f|A,6sv sv aDTfj

and did not return in the way which he came by it

sic; BaiBfjX n+ Kai 7rpo(pfjTr|c; sic; 7ipsaPDTr|c; KaTCOKsi

unto Beth-el. And a prophet, one old man, dwelt

sv BaiGfjA, Kai sp%ovTai 01 dioi aDTOD Kai 8ir|yoDVTai

in Beth-el. And [ came his sons] and described

aDTcb 7idvTa Ta spya a S7iovr|asv o dv0pcD7roc;

to him all the works which [ did the man


of God] in that day in Beth-el, and the

XoyoDc; odc; sAxxArjas tcd Paai^si Kai S7isoTps\j/av to

words which he spoke to the king. And they turned the

7ip6aco7rov tod 7iaTp6c; aDTcbv 12 + Kai sldAxjas rcpoc;

face of their father. And [ said to

aDTODc; o 7raTfjp aDTcbv Aiyoov 7ioia o8cb 7iS7r6psDTai

them their father], saying, Which way has he went?


And [ showed to him his sons] the way which

a7rfjA,9sv o dv0pco7io(; tod 0sod o sX0cbv s£,

[ went the man of God], the one coming from out of


13 v sv tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

lovda 13 + Kai si7is xoic; vioiq aDxoD S7iiad^axs jioi xov

Judah. And he said [to] his sons, Saddle for me the

ovov Kai 87isoa^av aDxcb xov ovov Kai S7isPr| S7i'

donkey! And they saddled for him the donkey. And he mounted upon

(xdxov 14+ Kai S7iopsD0r| Kax67iia6ev xod av0pcb7ioD

him, and he went after the man

xod 0soi) Kai stipsv ai)xov Ka0fj|isvov D7i6 xrjv 8pi)v

of God. And he found him sitting down under the oak.

Kai S17T8V ai)xcb ai) si o dv0p&lt;jO7ioc; xod 0sod o

And he said to him, Are you the man of God, the

s^skr(kvd(bq s^ IoD8a Kai sircsv sycb 15 + Kai S17ISV

one coming from out of Judah? And he said, I am. And he said

aDxcb 5sDpo jisx' sjiod Kai (pays dpxov 16+ Kai sitcsv

to him, Come with me, and eat bread! And he said,

od |iT| 5Dvco|iai xod S7iiaxps\j/ai jisxd ood odxs cpdyco

In no way am I able to return with you, nor should I eat


bread, nor in any way should I drink water in this place. For

ODxcoq svxsxaAxai jioi sv Xoyco KDpioq Xsycov

so it has been given charge to me by [the] word [of the] LORD, saying,

|ir| (pdyrjc; dpxov sksi Kai |ir| 7ur|c; D5cop Kai

You shall not eat bread there, and you shall not drink water, and

|ir| S7rioxps\j/r|c; sksi sv xr| o5cb sv r| S7iopsD0r|(; sv

you shall not return there in the way in which you went by

aDxfj 18+ Kai si7is rcpoc; aDxov Kaycb 7ipo(pf|xr|(; sijii coq

it. And he said to him, And I am a prophet as

&lt;xd Kai dyysAxx; s^dAxjas itpoq |is sv Xoyco kdpiod

you, and an angel spoke to me by word of [the] LORD,

Aiycov S7iioxps\j/ov aDxov jisxd asaDxov sic;

saying, Return him with yourself to

xov oikov aoD Kai cpaysxco dpxov Kai 7iisxco D5cop Kai

your house, and let him eat bread, and drink water! But

sysDaaxo aDxcb 19+ Kai S7isaxps\j/sv aDxov Kai scpaysv

he lied to him. And he returned him, and he ate

dpxov Kai S7risv D5cop sv xcd oikco aDxoD 20 + Kai

bread, and he drank water in his house. And

sysvsxo aDxcbv Ka0r||isvcov S7i( xrjc; xpa7is^r|(; Kai

it came to pass of them sitting down at the table, that

sysvsxo A,6yoc; kdpiod 7ipoc; xov 7ipo(pfjxr|v xov

[ came [the] word [of the] LORD] to the prophet, the one

S7iiaxps\j/avxa aDxov 21+ Kai si7is 7ipoc; xov dv0pco7rov

having returned him. And he said to the man


13 v sv tootco + vlica 11-1 Kings

tod Gsod tov fjKovxa s^ Ioi)8a Aiycov xd8s Xsysi

of God, the one having come from out of Judah, saying, Thus says

Kopioc; av0' gov 7rap£7iiKpavac; to pf||ia KopioD Kai

[the] LORD, Because you rebelled against the saying of [the] LORD, and

odk sqvXa^aq xr|v svxoAxjv r|v svsxsi^axo aoi

did not guard the commandment which [ gave charge to you

Kopioc; o Gsoc; aov 22 + Kai S7isaxps\j/ac; Kai scpaysc;

[the] LORD your God], but you returned and ate

dpxov Kai S7riec; i35cop sv xco x67ico xodxco sv 00

bread, and drank water in this place, in which

eAxxAxjae 7rpoq as Xsycov jjt| (pdyrjc; dpxov |ir|Ss 7ttrig

he spoke to you, saying, You shall not eat bread nor drink

D8cop od |ir| eiasABrj xo acbjia aoD sic; xov xdcpov

water ~ in no way shall [ enter body your] into the burying-place

xcov 7iaxspcov aoD 23 + Kai sysvsxo jisxd xo cpaysiv ai)xov

of your fathers. And it came to pass after he ate

dpxov Kai 7iis(v DScop Kai srcsaa^sv aDxcb xov ovov

bread and drank water, that he saddled for him the donkey,

xco 7rpocpf|xr| Kai S7isoxps\j/s 24+ Kai anr\kd£ Kai

for the prophet, and he returned. And he went forth. And

stipsv ai)xov Aicov sv xrj o8cb Kai s9avdxcoasv ai)xov

[ found him a lion] in the way, and it killed him.

Kai Tjv xo acbjia aDxoD sppijijisvov sv xr| o8cb Kai o

And [ was his body] tossed in the way, and the

ovoc; siaxfjKsi 7iap' ai)xo Kai o Xscov siaxfjKsi 7iapd

donkey stood by it, and the lion stood by

xo acbjia 25+ Kai i8od dvSpsc; 7rapa7ropsi)6|isvoi Kai

the body. And behold, men coming near also

s(8ov xo 0vr|ai|ia(ov sppijijisvov sv xr| o8cb Kai o

beheld the decaying flesh tossed in the way, and the

Aicov siaxfjKsi s%6|isva xod 0vr|ai|ia(oD Kai siafjXGov

lion standing next to the decaying flesh. And they entered

Kai sldAxjaav sv xrj 7i6Xsi od o 7ipocpf|xr|c; o

and spoke in the city of which the prophet, the

7rpsaPDxr|c; KaxcoKsi sv aDxfj 2 6+ Kai fjKODasv o

old man, dwelt in it. And [ heard the one

S7iiaxps\j/ac; aDxov sk xrjc; o8od Kai si7isv o

returning him from out of the way], and said, [ the

dv6pco7ioc; xod 0sod odxoc; saxiv oq 7iaps7iiKpavs xo

man of God This is] who rebelled against the

pfjjia KDpioD Kai sScoksv aDxov KDpioq XCO A.SOVXI

word of [the] LORD; and [gave him [the] LORD] to the lion,


13 v ev tootco + vlica 11-1 Kings

Kai ai)V8xpi\j/8v auxov Kai sGavdxcoasv ai)i6v Kaxd

and it broke him, and it killed him, according to

to pfjjia Kupicn) o eAxxAxjaev auxcb 27 + Kai

the word of [the] LORD which he spoke to him. And

sldAxjasv npoq zovq viovq avzov Aiycov S7iiad^aTS |ioi

he spoke to his sons, saying, Saddle for me

xov ovov Kai S7rs&lt;yca^av 28+ Kai S7iopsD0r| Kai stips

the donkey! And they saddled [it]. And he went and found

to acbjia avTOV sppijijisvov sv xr| o8cb Kai o ovoq

his body having been tossed in the way, and the donkey

Kai o Xscov siaxfjKsiaav 7iapd to acbjia Kai odk

and the lion were standing by the body, and [ did not

scpaysv o Aicov to acbjia Kai od aDVSTpuj/s tov ovov

eat the lion] the body, and it did not tear apart the donkey.

29+ Kai fjpsv o 7rpo(pfjTr|c; to acbjia tod avOpcmroD

And [ lifted the prophet] the body of the man

TOD 0SOD Kai 87T80r|K8V aDTO 8711 TOV OVOV Kai

of God, and he placed it upon the donkey, and

87T8aTp8\j/8V aDTO 8iq TTJV 7l6XlV TOD 7ipO(pf|TOD

he returned it to the city of the [ prophet

tod 7ip8aPDT8poD tod Ko\j/aa6ai Kai 6d\|/ai aDTOV 30 +

old], to lament and to entomb him.

Kai s0t|ks to acbjia aDTOD sv too Tdcpco aDTOD Kai

And he put his body in his tomb; and

SKoyavTO aDTOV ODai aSe^cps 31+ Kai sysvsTO (iSTd

they lamented him, [saying], Woe O brother. And it came to pass after

to Ko\j/aa0ai aDTOV Kai si7is Toiq vioiq avzov Aiyoov

lamenting him, that he said [to] his sons, saying,

sdv a7io6dvco 9d\j/aT8 jis sv too Tdcpco todtco sv r\ o

If I die, entomb me in this tomb in which the

dv0pcD7roc; tod 6sod TS0a7iTai sv aDTcb 7iapd

man of God was entombed in it! [ by

Ta o&lt;xcd aDTOD Gsts |is (va acoGcbai Ta oaTd jiod

his bones Put me] ! that [ should be preserved bones my]

(iSTd tcdv octtcdv aDTOD 32 + OTi yivojisvov saTai TO

with his bones. For [ coming to pass will be the

pfjjia o sAxxArjasv sv Xoyco KopioD S7i( tod

saying which he spoke by [the] word [of the] LORD] against the

0DoiaoTTj pioD sv BaiGfjA, Kai S7ii zovq oikodc; tcov

altar in Beth-el, and against the houses of the

D\j/r|A,cbv tcov sv Sajiapsia 33+ Kai jiSTd

high [places], of the ones in Samaria. And after


14 V
8V TOUT© + VlKa

11-1 Kings

TO pf||ia TODTO ODK S7TSaTpS\j/SV IspoPodjI a7TO

this saying [ did not turn Jeroboam] from

Tr\q Koudac; avzov Kai S7isaTps\j/sv Kai S7rovr|aev sk

his evil, but he returned and appointed from

jispoDc; tod Xaov ispeic; tcdv dij/tjAxov o

part of the people priests of the high [places]. The one

PodXojisvoc; S7rAr|poD xr|v %zipa owtod Kai sysvsxo

wanting [to be a priest] he filled [the post] by his hand, and he became

lepetic; tcdv D\j/r|Xcbv 3 4+ Kai eyeveTO to pfjjia todto

priest of the high [places]. And it came to pass this thing

eic; ajiapTiav tco oikco IepoPodji Kai sic; 6A,s0pov

became sin to the house of Jeroboam, and for ruin,

Kai sic; acpaviajiov arco 7rpoacb7TOD Tr\q yr|c;

and for extinction from [the] face of the earth.

14 7^

i + sv tco Kaipco 8KSWC0 rippcoaTTjaev Apia vioq

In that time [ was ill Abijah son

IspoPodji 2 + Kai ttj yuvaiKi avzov si7isv Iepopodji

of Jeroboam]. And [[to] his wife said Jeroboam],

avdaTT|6i Kai aXXomdr\ar\ Kai od yvcbaovTai 6ti &lt;td

Rise up and change that they shall not know that you [are]

yi)vf| IspoPodji Kai 7ropsi)6f|ar| sic; Ix\fab i8od sksi

[the] wife of Jeroboam, and go unto Shiloh! Behold, [ [is] there

A%id o 7ipocpf|Tr|c; avzoq eXdAxjaev S7i' ejie

Ahijah the prophet], he spoke unto me

tod PaaiXetiaai £7i( tov Xaov todtov 3 + Kai Xdpe sic;

to reign over this people. And take in

ttjv %zipa sod SsKa dpTODc; Kai KoAAtipia Kai

your hand ten bread loaves, and small cakes, and

&lt;xcd|ivov jisAitoc; Kai sXeDarj rcpoc; avzov avzoq

a jar of honey, and you shall go to him. He

avayyeXsi ooi ti s&lt;xcai tco 7rai8ico 4+ Kai S7io(r|asv

will announce to you what will be to the child. And [ did

outgo T| yuvfj Ispopodji Kai avearri Kai S7ropsD6r|

thus the wife of Jeroboam]. And she rose up, and went

sic; SrjXcb Kai siofjAitev eic; tov oikov A%m Kai o

to Shiloh, and she entered into the house of Ahijah. And the

dv0pco7ioc; 7ipeaPi)Tspoc; tod i8siv Kai ri|ipA,Dcb7roDV

man [was] old for seeing, and [ were blunted

oi otp6aA,|io( ai)TOD arco tod yfjpcocj aDTOD 5 + Kai

his eyes] from his old age. And


14 v

8V TOUT© + VlKa

11-1 Kings

81718 icupioq 7ipoc; A%id i8od r| yDvfj IspoPodji

[the] LORD said to Ahijah, Behold, the wife of Jeroboam

siasp%sxai tod SK^rjxfjaai pf||ia 7iapd gov D7isp

enters to seek an utterance from you concerning

diod avTT\q on dppcoaxoc; saxi Kaxd xodxo Kai

her son, for he is ill. According to this and

Kaxd xodxo Xah^aziq npoq aDxfjv Kai sysvsxo sv

according to that you shall speak to her. And it came to pass in

xco siasp%sa0ai aDxfjv Kai a7is^svoDxo 6 + Kai sysvsxo

her entering that she was as a stranger. And it came to pass

cog fjKODasv A%id xrjv (pcovfjv 7io8cov avTT\q

as Ahijah heard the sound of her feet

eiasp%o|i8vr|c; avTT\q sv xco avoiyjiaxi Kai sircsv

of her entering in the passage, that he said,

siasABs yi)vfj IspoPodji ivaxi xodxo av arco^svoDaai

Enter, O wife of Jeroboam! why [is] this you are as a stranger,

Kai sycb eijii a7ioaxoA,oc; itpoq as aKArjpoc;

and I am [ envoy to you a harsh]?

7+ 7iopsD0s(aa sitcov xco IspoPodji xd5s Xsysi Kopioc;

In going, say [to] Jeroboam, Thus says [the] LORD

o 0s6c; IapafjX av0 ' od oaov D\j/coad as anb jisaoD

God of Israel, Because as much as I exalted you from [the] midst

xod XaoD Kai s5coKd as rjyoDjisvov S7U xov Xaov

of the people, and appointed you leading over the people

IapafjX 8+ Kai spprj^a xo Paai^siov anb oikod Aai)i8

of Israel, and tore the crown of state from [the] house of David,

Kai s5coKa ai)xo aoi Kai odk sysvoD coc;

and gave it to you; and [yet] you have not become as

o hovkoq [lov Aavid oq sqroXa^s xac; svxoAxxc; jiod Kai

my servant David, who kept my commandments, and

oq S7iopsD0r| O7iiaco |iod sv 7idar| Kap5ia aDxoD

who went after me with all his heart,

xod 7ioifjaai xo SD0sq sv o(p0aX|io(c; jiod 9+ Kai

to do the upright [thing] in my eyes. But

S7rovr|psDaco xod 7ioif|aai 7iapd rcavxac; oaoi sysvovxo

you did wickedly doing more than all as many as were

sic; 7rp6aco7i6v aoD Kai S7iopsD0r|c; Kai S7ro(r|aac;

in front of you. And you went and made

asaDxcb 0sodc; sxspoDc; Kai %covsDxd xod rcapopyiaai |is

for yourself other gods, and molten [images], to provoke me to anger,

Kai sjis sppnj/ac; O7uaco aoD 10+ 8id xodxo i8od

and tossed me behind you. On account of this behold,


14 V

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

11-1 Kings

sycb dyco Kondav itpoq oikov IspoPodji Kai

I bring evil to [the] house of Jeroboam, and

s^oAx)9psDaco IspoPo&amp;ji ODpowca npoq xo(%ov

I will utterly destroy of Jeroboam [the] one urinating against a wall,

£7T£%6|isvov Kai KaxaA,sXsi|i|isvov sv IapafjA, Kai

[the] one coming and [the] one being left behind in Israel. And

S7ciA,s^co em oikod IspoPodji KaGcbc; 87llA,SySTai T|

I shall choose over [the] house of Jeroboam as one chooses the

K07rpoc; scoc; TsA£i&lt;jo6fjvai aDxov n+ xov xsGvrjKoxa

dung unto finishing it. The one having died

tod IspoPodji ev ttj 7c6Xsi Kaxacpdyovxai oi Kovsq

of Jeroboam in the city [ shall devour the dogs].

Kai xov xsGvrjKoxa sv xco aypcb Kaxacpdysxai xa

And the one having died in the field [ shall devour the

7isx8ivd xod ODpavoD oxi Kupioq sXdAxjas 12 + Kai &lt;xo

birds of heaven]; for [the] LORD spoke. And you,

avdaxa 7copsD6r|xi sic; oikov aoi) sv xco siospxscrGai

rising up, go unto your house! In the entering

7r68ac; aoi) xrjv 7i6A.iv a7co0avsixai xo 7cai8dpiov 13 +

[feet of your] in the city [ shall die the child].

Kai Koyovxai ai)xov naq IapafjX Kai 0d\j/ODaiv ai)xov

And [ shall lament him all Israel], and entomb him,

6x1 odxoc; [lovoq siasXsDasxai xco IspoPodji itpoq

for this one only shall enter of Jeroboam to

xdcpov 6x1 si)ps9r| sv aDxcb pr\[ia koXov mpi

[the] tomb, for there shall be found in him [ word a good] concerning

XOD KDpiOD 0SOD lapWf\k SV OIKCO IspoPodjl 14+ Kai

[the] LORD God of Israel among [the] house of Jeroboam. And

avaaxfjasi Kopioc; saDxcb PaaiAia S7U IapafjA, oq

[the] LORD will raise up for himself a king over Israel who

7cAx|^si xrjv oikov IspoPodji xaDxrj xtj rjjispa Kai sxi

shall strike the house of Jeroboam this day, and yet

Kai ys vdv 15+ Kai 7cAxj^si Kopioc; xov lapar\k Ka9d

also indeed now. And [the] LORD shall strike Israel as

Kivsixai o Kd^ajioc; sv xco i35axi Kai skxi^si

[ shaken a reed] in the water. And he shall pluck out

xov IapafjA, a7co dvco xrjc; %0ov6c; xrjc; ayaGfjc; xaDxrjc;

Israel upward [ soil good of this]

r\q s8coks xoic; 7caxpdaiv aDxcbv Kai AiKjifjasi aDxotic;

of which he gave [to] their fathers. And he shall winnow them

a7co 7cspav xod 7coxa|ioD av0' od oaov S7co(r|aav

on the other side of the river, because of as many [ they made


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xa dXarj aDTcbv 7iapopyiIpvTSc; tov Kopiov 16+ Kai

of their sacred groves], provoking [ to anger the LORD]. And

8cbasi Kopioc; xov IapafjA, %apiv ocjiapxicbv IspoPodji oq

[the] LORD gave Israel favor [from the] sins of Jeroboam, who

f|(iapTS Kai oq e^fjiiapxev IapafjX n+ Kai aveaxrj r|

sinned and who led Israel into sin. And [ rose up the

ywfj Ispopodji Kai S7topsD0r| sic; 0spod Kai sysvsTO

wife of Jeroboam], and went unto Tizrah. And it came to pass


as she entered in the threshold of the house, that the

7iaiSdpiov a7i80av8 ig+ Kai s9a\j/av avzo Kai

child died. And they entombed it, and

SKoyavTO avzo itaq IapafjX KaTd to pfj|ia KopioD

[lamented it all Israel], according to the word of [the] LORD,

o sA,dAx|osv sv %sip( 8odXod avzov A%m tod

the [word] he spoke by [the] hand of his servant Ahijah the

7ipo(pf|TOD 19+ Kai 7iepiaa6v pr||idTCOv IspoPodji 6aa

prophet. And [the] extra things of Jeroboam, as much as

87ioA,s|ir|as Kai 6aa spaoiXsDasv i8od aDTd

he waged war, and as much as he reigned, behold, they

ysypa|i|i8va S7ri PipAioD pr||idTCOv tcov r||ispcbv tcov

are written in [the] scroll of [the] words of the days of the

PaaiAicov IapafjA, 20+ Kai ai rjjiepai aq

kings of Israel. And the days which

sPaaiXsDcrsv IspoPodji sikooi Kai 8do stt| Kai

Jeroboam reigned [were] twenty and two years. And

£Koi|xfj6r| |i£Td tcov 7iaT8pcov aDTOD Kai sPaailsDasv

he slept with his fathers, and [ reigned

Napd8 Dioq aDTOD avT' aDTOD 21+ Kai PoPodji vioq

Nadab his son] instead of him. And Rehoboam son

£oA,o|icovtoc; ePaaiA,£DO£v S7il IoD8av diocj

of Solomon reigned over Judah. [ a son

TeaaapdKovTa Kai svoc; sviaDTcbv PoPodji sv

[being] forty and one years [old] Rehoboam [was]] in

tod Paai^sDsiv aDTOV Kai S7iTaKa(8sKa stt| sPaailsDasv

his being given reign. And seventeen years he reigned

sv IspoDaaArjji tt| 7i6A,si sv r| s^sAi^aTO KDpioq

in Jerusalem, in the city in which [the] LORD chose

GsoGai to ovojia aDTOD sksi sk 7iaacbv cpDAxbv

to put his name there from all of [the] tribes

tod IapafjX Kai to ovojia tt|c; jxqTpoc; aDTOD Nadjia r|

of Israel. And the name of his mother [was] Naamah the


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Ajicovixic; 22 + Kai S7io(riasv k&gt;D5ac; xo 7iovr|p6v svcbmov

Ammonitess. And Judah acted wickedly before

Ki)p(oi) Kai 7iaps^f|Axjoasv aDxov sv 7idaiv oiq

[the] LORD, and provoked him to jealousy in all the [things] which

87io(r|aav 01 rcaxspsc; aDxoD sv xaic; ajiapxiaic; aDxcbv

[ did his fathers] in their sins

aiq fjjiapxov 23+ Kai coKo86|ir|aav saDxoic; D\j/r|Xd Kai

which they sinned. And they built for themselves high [places], and

oxfjXaq Kai 6Xar\ sm rcdvxa Podvov D\j/rjX6v Kai

monuments, and sacred groves upon every [ hill high], and

D7ioKdxco 7iavx6(; ZpXov cjdctkiod 24+ Kai awSsajioc;

underneath every [ tree shady]. And bonding together

sysvsxo sv xt| yrj Kai S7iovr|aav arco rcavxcov xcov

took place in the land, and they did from all the

p5sA,Dy|idxcov xcov s0vcbv cov s^fjps Kopioc;

abominations of the nations which [the] LORD removed

arco 7ipoacb7ioD dicov lapar\k 25 + Kai sysvsxo sv xco

in front [of the] sons of Israel. And it came to pass in the

sviaDxcb xco 7rs(i7ixco Paai^sDovxoc; PoPodji avsprj

[ year fifth] of [the] reigning of Rehoboam, [ ascended

EoDadK fiaaiksvq AiyirnxoD S7ri Ispoi)aaXf||i 2 6+ Kai

Shishak king of Egypt] against Jerusalem. And

sAxxps rcdvxac; xodc; GrjaaDpoDc; oikod kdpiod Kai

he took all the treasures of [the] house of [the] LORD, and

xodc; GrjaaDpoDc; oikod xod PaaiAicoc; Kai xa rcdvxa

the treasures of [the] house of the king, even the whole

sXaps Kai xa 07iA,a xa%pDad a S7ro(r|as SoXojicbv 27 +

he took, and the shields of gold which Solomon made.

Kai S7io(r|asv PoPodji o fiaaikzvq oitXa %aAxd avx'

And [ made Rehoboam the king] shields of brass instead of

ai)xcbv Kai S7is6svxo S7i' aDxov 01 rjyoDjisvoi xcov

them, and [ were set in place by him the leaders of the

7iapaxps%6vxcov 01 tpDAxxaaovxsc; xov nvXcbva oikod

bodyguards], the ones guarding the vestibule of [the] house

xod Paai^scoq 28+ Kai sysvsxo 6xs sias7iopsDsxo o

of the king. And it came to pass when [ entered the

PaaiXsDc; sic; oikov KopioD Kai fjpov aDxd 01

king] into [the] house of [the] LORD, that [ lifted them the

7iapaxpsxovxsc; Kai a7rr|ps(8ovxo aDxd sic; xo 0ss

bodyguards], and fastened them in the vestibule

xcov 7iapaxps%6vxcov 29+ Kai xa Xoma xcov Xoycov

of the bodyguards. And the rest of the words


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Popodji Kai rcdvxa 6aa S7io(r|asv odk i8od

ofRehoboam, and all the things which he did, [not behold

xatixa yeypajijieva £7ii fhpAioD Xoycov xcov ruiepcov

these are] written upon [the] scroll of [the] words of the days

xcov PaaiXecov lovda 30+ Kai 7r6A,e|ioc; r|v avajieaov

of the kings of Judah? And there was war between

PoPo&amp;ji Kai IspoPodji ndaaq xaq r||iepac; 31+ Kai

Rehoboam and Jeroboam all the days. And

£Koi|if|6r| PoPodji jisxd xcov 7iaxspcov aDxoD Kai

Rehoboam slept with his fathers. And

6d7ixsxai jisxd xcov 7iaxepcov aDxoD sv 7i6A,si Aai)i8

they entombed [him] with his fathers in [the] city of David.

Kai ovojia xrjc; jirjxpoq aDxoD Naajid r| Ajijicovixic; Kai

And [the] name of his mother [was] Naamah the Ammonitess. And

sPaodsDosv Apia vioq avzov avx' aDxoD

[ reigned Abijam his son] instead of him.

15 lta

1+ Kai sv xco OKxcoKai58Kdxco sxsi paoiXsDovxoc;

And in the eighteenth year of [the] reigning

IspoPodji diod Napdx PaaiXeDei Apia vioq PoPodji

of Jeroboam son ofNebat, [reigned Abijam son ofRehoboam]

87i( Icr68av 2+ Kai xpia exrj ePaaiXeDaev ev

over Judah. And three years he reigned in

IspoDaaAxjji Kai ovojia xrjc; jirjxpoq aDxoD Maa%d

Jerusalem, and [the] name of his mother [was] Maachah

6i)ydxr|p ApeaaAxbji 3+ Kai S7ropsD0r| ev xaiq

daughter of Abishalom. And he went in the

ajiapxiaic; xod rcaxpoc; aDxoD aiq 87io(r|asv 8|i7ipoa6sv

sins of his father which he did before

avzov Kai odk Tjv T| Kap8(a avzov xs^eia |isxd KopioD

him. And [ was not his heart] perfect with [the] LORD

Gsod avzov KaGcbq r| Kap8(a AaviS xod rcaxpoc; avzov

his God, as the heart of David his [grand] father.

4+ 6x1 8id AaDi8 sScoksv aDxcb Kopioc;

But on account of David [ gave to him [the] LORD

o Gsoq aDxoD KaxdA,si|i|ia sv IspoDaaXfjii iva

his God] a vestige in Jerusalem, that

axfjarj xa xeicva aDxoD |isx' aDxov Kai axfjorj

he should establish his children after him, and establish

xrjv IepoDaaAxjji 5+ coc; S7rovr|a£ AaDi8 xo £D0ec;

Jerusalem, as David did the upright [thing]


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SVC07110V KDpiOD Kai ODK S^SkAiVSV a7TO 7ldvXC0V COV

before [the] LORD, and did not turn aside from all which

svsxsi^axo avT(b naaaq xac; rjjispac; xrjc; tftir\c, aDXOD e

he gave charge to him, all the days of his life,

SKioq sv pfjjiaxi Oi)p(oi) tod XsxxaioD Kai 7i6A,s|ioc;

except in [the] matter of Uriah the Hittite. And war

rjv jisxa^o PoPodji Kai jisxa^o IspoPodji Tidaaq xac;

was between Rehoboam and between Jeroboam all the

rjjispac; Tr\q C&lt;ooT\q avzov 7+ Kai xa Xomd xcov A,6ycov

days of his life. And the rest of the words

Apia Kai 7idvxa 6aa S7iorr|asv odk i8od xatixa

ofAbijam and all the things which he did, [not behold these

ysypajijisva S7ri PipAioD Xoycov xcov r||ispcbv xcov

are] written upon [the] scroll of [the] words of the days of the

PaaiXscov Ioi35a Kai n6Xs[ioq r\v avajisaov Apia Kai

kings ofJudah? And there was war between Abijam and

avajieoov IspoPodji 8+ Kai £Koi|ifj0r| Apia jisxd

between Jeroboam. And Abijam slept with

xcov 7iaxspcov avTOV Kai 0d7ixsxai sv 7i6Xsi Aavid

his fathers. And they entombed [him] in [the] city of David.

Kai ePaailsDasv Aad dioc; aDXOD avx' aDXOD 9 + sv

And [ reigned Asa his son] instead of him. In

xco sviaDxcb xco siKoaxcb xod IspoPodji PaaiAicoc;

the [ year twentieth] of Jeroboam king

xod IapafjX PaaiXsDsiAad S7i( IoD8av 10+ Kai

of Israel, Asa reigned over Judah. And

xsoaapdKovxa Kai sv sxoc; sPaadsDasv sv

forty and one year he reigned in

IspoDaaAxj |i Kai ovojia xrjc; jirjxpoq aDxoD Maa%d

Jerusalem. And [the] name of his mother [was] Maachah

GDydxrjp ApsaaAxbji n+ Kai S7iovr|osv Aad xo sdBsc;

daughter of Abishalom. And Asa did the upright [thing]

SVC07TIOV KDpiOD COC; AaDl8 O 7iaxfjp aDXOD 12+ Kai

before [the] LORD as David his father. And

acpsi^s xaq xsXsxdq and xrjc; yrjc; Kai s^a7isaxsiA,s

he removed the mystic rites from the land, and sent out

7idvxa xa S7iixr|8sD|iaxa a S7io(r|aav

all the practices which [ did

01 rcaxspsc; aDXOD 13 + Kai xrjv Maa%d xrjv jirjxspa aDXOD

his fathers]. And [Maachah his mother

(isxsaxrjas xod (irj sivai r|yoD|isvr|v KaBcbq S7tovr|as

he removed] so as to not be ruling, as she observed

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ai3vo8ov sv too dXasi m)TT\q Kai s^sko\j/sv Aad

a convocation in her sacred grove. And Asa cut off

xac; KaxaStiasic; avTT\q Kai svs7ipr|as ev 7iDp( sv xco

her retreats, and he burnt [them] in fire at the

Xsiji&amp;ppco Ks8pcbv 14+ TQL 8s v\\fr(ka odk s^fjps 7iAr|v rj

rushing stream Kidron. But the high [places] he removed not. Except the

Kap8(a Aad rjv xslsia jisxd KopioD itaaaq

heart of Asa was perfect with [the] LORD all

xac; rjjispac; aDxoD i 5 + Kai siafjvsyKsv Aad sic; xov

his days. And Asa carried into the

oikov KDpioi) Tovq Kiovac; xod rcaxpoc; aDxoD Kai

house of [the] LORD the monumental pillars of his father, and

xodc; Kiovac; xodc; apyopoDc; Kai %pvaovq Kai

the monumental pillars of silver and of gold, and

eiafjveyKev sic; xov oikov kdpiod apytipiov Kai

he carried into the house of [the] LORD silver and

%pi)a(ov Kai aKSDrj i 6 + Kai 7r6A,s|ioc; r|v avajisaov Aad

gold and vessels. And there was war between Asa

Kai avajieaov Baaad PaaiXscoc; IapafjX naaaq

and between Baasha king of Israel all

xaq rijiepaq ai)xcbv n + Kai avsprj Baaad fiaaiksvq

their days. And [ ascended Baasha king

IapafjA, S7ii Ioi38av Kai coKo86|ir|as xrjv Pajid xod jjt|

of Israel] against Judah, and he built Ramah, [so as] not

sivai 8K7iop8i)6|isvov Kai sia7iopsD6|isvov xco Aad

to be going forth and entering [to] Asa

PaaiXsi Ioi38a i8+ Kai sAxxPsvAad av[mav xo

king of Judah. And Asa took all the

apyopiov Kai xo xpuaiov xo SDpsGsv sv xoic;

silver and the gold being found in the

GrjaaDpoic; oikod kdpiod Kai sv xoic; GrjaaDpoic;

treasuries of [the] house of [the] LORD, and in the treasuries

xod oikod xod Paaiiscoc; Kai sScoksv aDxd sic; %sipaq

of the house of the king; and he put them into [the] hands

xcov 7ia(8cov aDxoD Kai s^a7isaxsiA,sv aDxotic; o fiaaikzvq

of his servants. And [ sent them king

Aad rcpoc; diov A8sp diod Tappsjicbv diod A^icbv

Asa] to [the] son of Hadad, son of Tabrimon, son of Hezion,

PaaiAicoc; 2/opiac; xod KaxoiKowcoc; sv AajiaaKcb

king of Syria, the one dwelling in Damascus,

Aiycov 19+ 8ia6f|Kr|v avajisaov sjiod Kai avajisaov

saying, A covenant between me and between


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aoD Kai avajieaov tod nazpoq jiod Kai tod nazpoq aoD
you, and between my father and your father!

i5od e^a7T8aTaA,K&amp; aoi 5cbpa apyopioD Kai %pvaiov

Behold, I have sent to you gifts of silver and of gold,

8sDpo 8iaaKe8aaov Trjv 8ia6fiKr|v aoD ttjv itpoq Baaod

come efface your covenant with Baasha

fiaoiksa IapafjX Kai avapfjaeTai an s|iod 20+ Kai

king of Israel! and he shall ascend from me. And

fjKODasv vioq A8ep tod PaaiXecoc; Aad Kai a7T8aTSiXs

[hearkened [the] son ofHadad] [to] king Asa, and he sent

todc; dpxovTaq Tr\q SDvdjiecoc; aDTOD sv zaiq noXsai

the rulers of his force in to the cities

tod IapafjX Kai S7idTa^s tt|v Aiv Kai tt|v Aav Kai

of Israel. And he struck Ijon, and Dan, and

ttjv Afisk oikod Maa%d Kai rcdaav tt|v XevspeB ecoc;

Abel of [the] house ofMaachah, and all Cinneroth, unto

7idar|c; Tr\q yr\q Nscp9aAi|i 21+ Kai eysvsTO coc;

all the land of Naphtali. And it came to pass when

fjKODae Baaod Kai Siskins tod oikoSojisiv tt|v Pajid

Baasha heard, that he stopped the building of Ramah,

Kai av8&lt;ycpe\j/sv sic; 0spad 22+ Kai o fiaaikvbq Aod

and he returned unto Tizrah. And king Asa

7iapf|yysiX8 7iavTi k&gt;D5a sv aKi Kai aipoDai todc;

exhorted all Judah with no exceptions. And they lifted the

Xidovq Tr\q Pajid Kai Ta ^6Xa aDTfjc; a

stones of Ramah, and its timbers, which

&lt;DKo86|ir|ae Baaad Kai coKo86|ir|aev sv aDTOiq Aad o

Baasha constructed. And [ built with them Asa the

fiaoiksvq tov Podvov Bsviajiw Kai tt|v aKomdv 23 +

king] the hill of Benjamin, and the height.

Kai Ta A,ourd tcov Xoycov Aad Kai 7idaa

And the rest of the words of Asa, and all

T| 8DvaaT8ia aDTOD Kai 7idvTa a S7iovr|ae Kai zaq

his dominion, and all which he did, and the

7i6A,sic; aq coKo56|ir|asv odk i8od TaDTa ysypajijisva

cities which he built, [ not behold these written

eariv S7i( PipAioo Xoycov tcov r||iepcbv tcov PaaiAicov

are] upon a scroll of [the] words of the days of the kings

IoD8a 7iAr|v ev tco Kaipcb tod yfjpoDc; aDTOD S7i6veae

of Judah? Only in the time of his old age [ caused pain

tod^ 7i68a^ aDTOD 24+ Kai SKoi|xq0r| Aad jiSTd

his feet]. And Asa slept with


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TCOV 7iaT8pCOV aDTOD Kai 0d7lTSTai (I8ld

his fathers. And they entombed [him] with

xcov 7iaT8pcov avToi) sv 7i6A,si Aavid tod nazpoq avzov

his fathers in [the] city of David his [fore] father.

Kai sPaailsDosv IcoaacpdT dioc; aDTOD avT' avzov 25 +

And [ reigned Jehoshaphat his son] instead of him.

Kai NaP&amp;5 dioc; IspoPodji PaaiXstisi S7ri IapafjA, sv

And Nadab son of Jeroboam reigned over Israel in

stsi 5sDTspco tod Aad PaaiAicoc; k&gt;D8a Kai

[ year [the] second] of Asa king of Judah. And

ePaaiXsDasv sm tov IapafjX 8do sttj 2 6+ Kai S7ro(r|as

he reigned over Israel two years. And he acted

to 7iovr|p6v 8vcb7riov KDpioD Kai S7ropsD6r| sv o5cb

wickedly before [the] LORD, and he went in [the] way

tod 7raTp6c; aDTOD Kai sv zaiq ajiapTiaiq aDTOD sv

of his father, and in his sins in

aic; s^fj|iapTOV tov IapafjA, 27+ Kai 7ispisKd6iasv

[the things] which led Israel into sin. And [ besieged

S7i' aDTOV Baaad dioc; A%ia S7ri tov oikov Iaad%ap

against him Baasha son ofAhijah over the house oflssachar],

Kai S7idTa^sv aDTOV sv TaPaBcbv tt| tcov

and he struck him in Gibbethon, the [city] of the

aXXoyvXcov Kai Napd5 Kai itaq IapafjX 7ispisKd6r|TO

Philistines; for Nadab and all Israel were besieging

S7U TaPaGcbv 2 s+ Kai sGavdTCoasv aDTOV Baaad sv

at Gibbethon. And [ put him to death Baasha] in

stsi TpiTCO tod Aad PaaiXscoc; Ioi)8a Kai sPaai^sDasv

[ year [the] third] of Asa king of Judah. And he reigned

avT' aDTOD 29+ Kai sysvsTO coc; spaai^sDasv S7idTa^sv

instead of him. And it came to pass as he reigned, he struck

6Xov tov oikov IspoPodji Kai od% D7isXi7iSTO rcdaav

[the] entire house of Jeroboam; and he left not any


[that] breathed of Jeroboam, until utterly destroying him,

KaTd to pfjjia KDpioD o sA,dAx|asv sv x 8l P^

(according to the saying of [the] LORD, which he spoke by [the] hand

5odA,od aDTOD A%(a tod £t|Axovitod 30+ 7isp( tcov

of his servant Ahijah the Shilonite,) for the

ajiapTicbv IspoPodji oq s^fjjiapTS tov IapafjA, Kai sv

sins of Jeroboam, which he led Israel into sin, and in

tco 7iapopyia|icb aDTOD sv co 7iapcbpyias tov KDpiov

his provoking to anger in which he provoked to anger the LORD


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6s6v tod IapafjA, 31+ Kai xa Xomd xcov Xoycov Napd8

God of Israel. And the rest of the words ofNadab,

Kai 7idvxa 6aa S7iorr|asv odk i8od xatixa

and all the things which he did, [ not behold these

ysypajijisva saxiv ev PipAico Xoycnv xcov r||ispcbv

written are] in a scroll of [the] words of the days

xcov PaaiAicov lapar\k 32+ Kai n6Xs[ioq r\v avajisaov

of the kings of Israel? And war was between

Aad Kai avajisaov Baaad PaaiAicoc; lapaf\k naoaq

Asa and between Baasha king of Israel all

zaq rjjispac; aDxcov 33+ sv xco sxsi xco xpixco xod Aad

their days. In the [ year third] of Asa

PaaiXscoc; lovda PaaiXstisi Baaad vioq Ayia S7U

king ofJudah, [reigned Baasha son ofAhijah] over

IapafjX sv 0spad sixoai Kai xsaaapa sxrj 34 + Kai

Israel in Tizrah twenty and four years. And

S7ro(r|a8 xo 7iovr|p6v svco7iiov KopioD Kai S7iopsD6r|

he did the wicked [thing] before [the] LORD, and he went

sv o8cb IspoPodji diod Napdx Kai sv

in [the] way of Jeroboam son ofNebat, and in

xaic; ajiapxiaiq aDxoD aiq s^fjjiapxs xov IapafjA,

his sins in which he led Israel into sin.

16 re

1+ Kai sysvsxo Xoyoq KopioD npoq Iod diov Avavi

And came to pass [the] word of [the] LORD unto Jehu son ofHanani

7rpoc; Baaad Aiycov 2 + av0' cov D\j/coad as arco xrjc;

against Baasha, saying, Because I exalted you above the

yrjc; Kai s8coKd as rjyoDjisvov S7i( xov Xaov jiod

earth, and gave you lead over my people

IapafjX Kai S7iopsD0r|c; sv xrj o5cb IspoPodji Kai

Israel, and you went in the way of Jeroboam, and

s^fjjiapxsc; xov Axxov jiod IapafjA, xod rcapopyiaai |is sv

led [ into sin my people Israel], to provoke me to anger by

xoic; jiaxaioiq aDxcov 3 + i8od syco s^sysipco O7iiaco

their vanities; behold, I arouse [enemies] after

Baaad Kai O7iiaco xod oikod aDxoD Kai 8cbaco

Baasha, and after his house. And I will appoint

xov oikov aoD coc; xov oikov IspoPodji diod Napdx 4 +

your house as the house of Jeroboam son ofNebat.


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xov xsGvrjKoxa tod Baaad sv tt| 7i6A,si Kaxacpdyovxai

The one having died of Baasha in the city, [ shall eat

avTOV 01 kdvsc; Kai xov xsGvrjKoxa aDxoD sv xco

him the dogs]. And the one having died of his in the

7is5ico Kaxacpdyovxai aDxov xa 7isxsivd xod ODpavoD

plain, [ shall eat him the birds of the heaven].

5+ Kai xa Xoma xcov A,6ycov Baaod Kai rcdvxa 6oa

And the rest ofthe words ofBaasha, and all which

£7iorr|as Kai ai 8Dvaaxs(ai aDxoD odk i8od xatixa

he did, and his dominations, [ not behold these

ysypajijisva sv PipAico Xoycov xcov rjjispcbv xcov

are] written in [the] scroll of [the] words of the days of the

PaaiXscov IapafjX 6+ Kai 8Koi|ifj9r| Baaad jisxd

kings of Israel? And Baasha slept with

xcov 7iaxspcov olvtov Kai 9d7ixsxai sv 0spad Kai

his fathers, and they entombed [him] in Tirzah, and

sPacri^sDasv HM vioq olvtov avx' aDxoD ?+ Kai

[ reigned Elah his son] instead of him. And

eldAxjas Kupioq sv x 8l P^ 1°^ mov Avavi S7il Baaad

[the] LORD spoke by [the] hand of Jehu son ofHanani against Baasha,

Kai 87i( xov oikov olvtov Kai 87ii 7idaav xrjv KaKiav

and against his house, and upon all the evil

rjv 87io(r|a8v 8vcb7riov KopioD xod 7iapopy(aai avzov 8V

which he did before [the] LORD, provoking him to anger by

xoic; spyoic; xcov xsipcbv avzov tov sivai ai)xov coc; o

the works of his hands, for him to be as the

oiKoq IspoPodji Kai D7isp xod 7iaxd^ai ai)xov 8 + ev xco

house of Jeroboam, and for striking him. In the

skxco Kai siKoaxcb sxsi Aad PaaiAicoc; Ioi38a UXa

eighth and twentieth year of Asa king of Judah, Elah

vioq Baaod sPacnlsDasv S7U IapafjX sv 0spad 5do

son ofBaasha reigned over Israel in Tirzah two

sxrj 9 + Kai (Tovsaxpacprj S7i' aDxov o naiq ovtov

years. And [ was confederated against him his servant] —

ZajiPpi o dpxcov xrjc; r||iiaoDc; xrjv apjidxcov Kai

Zimri the ruler of half the chariots. And

avToq rjv ev 0spad 7iivcov jisGdcov sv xco oikco

[Elah] was in Tirzah drinking, being intoxicated in the house

Qpad xod oikovojiod xod sv 0spad io+ Kai

of Azra the manager, the one in Tirzah. And

siafjXGs ZajiPpi Kai S7idxa^sv aDxov Kai sGavdxcoasv

Zimri entered and struck him, and killed


16 TO

ev tootco + vtica

11-1 Kings

ai)i6v sv sxsi sp86|ico Kai siKoaxcb Kai sPaaiXsDasv

him in [ year [the] seventh and twentieth], and he reigned

avx' olvtov n+ Kai sysvsxo ev too PaaiXstiaai aDxov

instead of him. And it came to pass in his taking reign,

sv too KaGiaai aDxov S7U tod GpovoD olvtov S7idxa^sv

in his sitting upon his throne, he struck

oXov xov oikov Baaad Kai ov KaxsXursv aDxcb

[the] entire house of Baasha. And he left not to it

ODpowca 7ipoc; xov xoixov Kai zovq aDyysvsic; Kai

one urinating against the wall, even the relatives and

sxaipoDc; olvtov n + Kai s^coXoGpsDasv ZajiPpi oXov xov

his friends. And Zimri destroyed all the

oikov Baaad Kaxd xo pfjjia o sldArjas Kopioc;

house of Baasha, according to the saying which [the] LORD spoke

S7Ti xov oikov Baaad rcpoc; Iod xov 7rpo(pfjxr|v 13+

against the house of Baasha, by Jehu the prophet,

7isp( 7iaacov xcov ajiapxicov Baaad Kai HM

on account of all the sins of Baasha, and [ Elah

xod viov ovtov coc; 8^fj|iapx8 xov IapafjA,

his son], as he led Israel into sin,

xod 7iapopy(aai Kopiov xov 0s6v IapafjA, sv

provoking to anger [the] LORD God of Israel in

xoic; jiaxaioiq aDxcbv u + Kai xa Xomo xcov Xoycov HM

their vanities. And the rest of the words of Elah,

Kai 7idvxa 6aa S7iovr|asv odk i8od xaDxa ysypajijisva

and all which he did, [ not behold these are] written

sv pipAico Xoycov xcov r||ispcbv xcov PaaiXscov

in [the] scroll of [the] words of the days of the kings

IapafjX 15+ sv xco siKoaxcb Kai sp86(ico sxsi Aad

of Israel? In the twentieth and seventh year of Asa

PaaiXscoq IoD8a sPaai^sDasv ZijiPpi sv 0spad S7ixd

king of Judah, Zimri reigned in Tizrah seven

rjjispac; Kai r| 7iaps|iPoAx| IapafjA, S7i( TaPaGcbv

days. And the camp of Israel [was] upon Gibbethon

xrjv xcov oXkoipvXow 16+ Kai fjKODasv o Xooq sv xr|

the [city] of the Philistines. And [ heard the people] in the

7iaps|iPoAx| Xsyovxcov aDvsaxpdcprj ZajiPpi Kai S7iaias

camp, saying, Zimri conspired and smote

xov PaaiAia Kai sPaai^sDaav sv IapafjA, xov AjiPpi

the king. And they gave reign in Israel to Omri,

xov rjyoDjisvov xrjc; axpaxidq S7ri IapafjA, sv

the [one] leading the military over Israel in


16 TO

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xr| rijispa SKsivrj sv XT] 7iaps|iPoAT| 17+ Kai aveprj AjiPpi

that day, in the camp. And Omri ascended

sk TaPaGcbv Kai naq IapafjX |iex' aDxoD Kai

from Gibbethon, and all Israel with him, and

7ispi£K&amp;6iaav S7il 0spad ig+ Kai eyevexo coc;

they besieged against Tizrah. And it came to pass as

e(8e ZajiPpi 6x1 7rpoKaxe(Ax|7ixai aDxoD rj noXiq Kai

Zimri beheld that [ was taken his city], that

eia7iopei)£xai sic; dvxpov xod oikod xod PaaiAicoc;

he entered into [the] inner room of the house of the king,

Kai sv£7r6piasv S7i' aDxov xov oikov xod PaaiAicoc;

and he set on fire [ over himself the house of the king]

sv 7iDp( Kai a7is0avsv 19+ D7isp xcov ajj^apxicov aDxoD

with fire, and he died for his sins

GOV S7TOVr|OS XOD 7TOlfjaai XO 7lOVr|p6v SVCb7llOV KDpiOD

which he did to act wickedly before [the] LORD,

xod 7rop£D0fjvai ev o8cb IepoPodji diod Napdx Kai

to go in [the] way of Jeroboam son ofNebat, and

sv xaic; ajiapxiaic; aDxoD aiq S7io(r|asv coc;

in his sins which he committed as

s^fjjiapxs xov IapafjX 20+ Kai xa Xoma xcov Xoycov

he led Israel into sin. And the rest of the words

ZajiPpi Kai ai aDvdyeic; aDxoD aq aDvfj\j/sv odk i5od

of Zimri, and his associations which he joined in, [not behold

xaDxa yeypajijieva ev PipAico A,6ycov xcov r||iepcbv

these are] written in [the] scroll of [the] words of the days

xcov PaaiAicov IapafjA, 21+ xoxs jispi^sxai o Xaoq

of the kings of Israel? Then [ parted the people

IapafjA, fjjiiaD xod Xaov yivsxai O7iiaco 0aPvi diod

of Israel]; half the people went after Tibni son

TivfjO xod PaaiXsDaai aDxov Kai xo r\[aav xod Xaov

of Ginath for him to reign, and half of the people

yivsxai O7r(aco AjiPpi 22 + Kai o Xaoq o cov O7uaco

went after Omri. And the people being after

AjiPpi D7ispsKpdxr|a£ xov Xaov xov O7uaco 0aPvi

Omri prevailed against the people [that followed] after Tibni

diod TivfjG Kai arcsGavs 0aPv( Kai sPaaiA,SDasv AjiPpi

son of Ginath. And Tibni died, and Omri reigned.

23 + sv xco xpiaKoaxcb Kai 7ipcbxco sxsi xod Aad

In the thirtieth and first year of Asa

PaaiXscoc; IoD5a PaaiXstisi AjiPpi S7i( IapafjX 5cb5sKa

king of Judah, Omri reigned over Israel twelve


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8xr| sv 0spad Paai^sDsi s^ stt| 2 4 + Kai

years. In Tirzah he reigned six years. And

SKifjaaxo AjiPpi to opoq to Scojiopcbv rcapd £sjif|p

Omri acquired the mountain Samaria from Shemer

tod KDpioi) tod opoDc; 8do TaXdVTCOV (XpyDpiOD Kai

the lord of the mountain for two talents of silver. And

ooKo56|ir|as to opoq Kai S7isKdA,sas to ovojia tod

he built [on] the mountain, and he called the name of the

opoDc; od coKo86|ir|asv S7U too ovojkxti Ssjijifip

mountain which he built upon [after] the name of Shemer


the lord of the mountain ~ Samaria. And

S7T0ir|O8V AjlPpl TO 7TOVr|p6v SVC07UOV KDpiOD Kai

Omri did the wicked [thing] before [the] LORD, and

S7iovr|psDaaTO D7isp rcavTac; todc; ysvojisvoDc;

was wicked over all the ones being

aDTOD 26 + Kai 87iop8D0r| sv 7idar| o5cb

prior of him. And he went in all [the] way

IspoPodji diod NapdT Kai sv zaiq ajiapTiaiq aDTOD

of Jeroboam son ofNebat, and in his sins

aiq s^f||iapTS tov lapar\k tod 7iapopy(aai tov Kopiov

in which he led Israel into sin, to provoke to anger the LORD

tov 0s6v lapar\k sv zoiq jiaTaioic; aDTcbv n + Kai Ta

Xomd tcov Xoycov AjiPpi Kai 7idvTa 6aa S7iovr|as Kai

rest of the words of Omri, and all which he did, and

ai 8DvaaTs(ai aDTOD odk i8od TaDTa ysypajijisva sv

his dominations, [ not behold these are] written in

PipXico Xoycov tcov r||ispcov tcov PaaiXscov IapafjA, 28 +

[the] scroll of [the] words of the days of the kings of Israel?

Kai SKoi|ifj9r| AjiPpi jisTd tcov 7iaTspcov aDTOD Kai

And Omri slept with his fathers, and

6d7iTSTai sv Sajiapsia Kai sPaai^sDasv A%adp

they entombed [him] in Samaria. And [ reigned Ahab

ODioq aDTOD avT' aDTOD 29+0 5s A%adp vioq AjiPpi

his son] instead of him. But Ahab son of Omri

sPaodsDosv S7U IapafjA, sv stsi TpiaKoaTcb Kai

reigned over Israel in [ year [the] thirtieth and

oy86co tod Aad PaaiAicoc; Ioi)8a Paai^sDsi 8s A%adp

eighth] of Asa king of Judah. [ reigned And Ahab

vioq AjiPpi S7U lapar\k sv Sajiapsia siKoai Kai 8do

son of Omri] over Israel in Samaria twenty and two


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11-1 Kings
stt] 30+ Kai S7iorr|asv A%adp to 7iovr|p6v svcb7iiov

years. And Ahab did the wicked [thing] before

Ki)p(oi) Kai S7iovr|psDaaxo D7isp rcavxac; xodc;

[the] LORD, and he was wicked above all the [ones]

S|i7rpoa0sv aDXOD 3 i+ Kai odkt|v aDxcb ucavov

prior of him. And it was not enough for him

tod 7iopsDso0ai sv xaic; ajiapxiaic; IspoPodji diod

to go in the sins of Jeroboam son

NaP&amp;x Kai sAxxps yDvauca Is^dpsX xrjv 0Dyaxspa

of Nebat, but he took for wife Jezebel the daughter

EGpadA, PaaiXscoq £i5covsicov Kai S7iopsD0r| Kai

ofEthbaal king of the Sidonians. And he went and

s8odA,sdcts xco BdaA, Kai 7ipoasKDvr|asv aDxcb 32+ Kai

served [to] Baal, and did obeisance to him. And

saxrjas 0i)aiaaxfjpiov xco BdaA, sv oikco xod BdaX

he set up an altar to Baal in [the] house of Baal

ov coKo56|ir|aev sv Eajiapsia 33 + Kai S7iovr|asv A%adp

which he built in Samaria. And Ahab prepared

xo akaoq Kai 7ipoas0r|Ksv A%adp xod 7ioifjaai

the sacred grove. And Ahab proceeded to make

7rapopy(a|iaxa xod 7iapopy(oai xov Kopiov 0s6v

provocations to provoke [ to anger the LORD God

xod IopafjX D7isp rcavxac; xodc; PaaiXsac; IapafjA,

of Israel] above all the kings of Israel

xodc; ysvojisvoDc; sjurpoaGsv aDxoD 34+ sv

being prior of him. In

xaic; rjjispaic; aDxoD coko56|jt|osv XifjA, o BeGsAixrjc;

his days, [ built Hiel the Beth-elite]


Jericho; [ with Abiram his first-born

s0sjisAicoasv aDxfjv Kai sv xco SsyoDp

he laid its foundation], and with Segub

xco vscoxspco aDXOD S7isaxr|as dvpaq avTT\q Kaxd xo

his younger he set up its doors, according to the

pfjjia KDpioD o sA,dAx|asv sv %£ipi IrjaoD diod

saying of [the] LORD, which he spoke by [the] hand of Joshua son


of Nun.


17 P ev tootco + vtica 11-1 Kings

17 n

i +

Kai S17T8V UMaq o 0sapixr|c; o sk ©easpcbv

And [ said Elijah the Tishbite

the one from Tishbon

xrjq raAxx&amp;8 npoq A%adp ^r| Kopioq o 6e6c; lapar\k

ofGilead, to Ahab, As [the] LORD lives, the God of Israel,

co 7iapeaxr|v 8vco7iiov aDxoD si eaxai xa sttj xatixa

in whom I stand before him, Shall there be these years

8p6aoc; Kai uexoc; 6xi si |ir| 8id Xoyov

dew and rain, [no], but unless [it be] through [the] word
axojiaxoc; |iod 2 + Kai syevexo pfjjia KopioD npoq

of my mouth. And came to pass [the] saying of [the] LORD to

HAiav 3+ rcopsDOD svxsd0sv Kaxd avaxoAxxc; Kai

Elijah. Go from here according to [the] east, and

Kpi3pr|0i sv xco x 8l ! I ^PP C0 XspiB xco S7ri 7ip6aco7iov

hide at the rushing stream Cherith, to the one upon [the] face

xod Iop8dvoi) 4+ Kai eaxai 8K xod %ei|idppoD

of the Jordan! And it will be from out of the rushing stream

7iisaai D5cop Kai xoic; Kopa^iv svxeloDjiai

you shall drink water, and to the crows I shall give charge

xod Siaxpstpsiv ae sksi 5 + Kai S7ropsD0r| Kai S7iorr|asv

to nourish you there. And [ went and did

YDdaq Kaxd xo pfjjia KopioD Kai SKdGiasv sv xco

Elijah] according to the saying of [the] LORD. And he settled by the

Xsijidppco XspiG S7i( 7rpoacb7roi) xod Iop8dvoD 6 + Kai

rushing stream Cherith upon [the] face of the Jordan. And

01 KopaKsc; scpspov aDxcb dpxoDc; Kai Kpsaq xo7ipcoi

the crows brought to him bread [loaves] and meat in the morning,

Kai dpxoDc; Kai Kpsac; xo 8sikr\q Kai sk xod

and bread [loaves] and meat in the afternoon. And from out of the

%ei|idppoD S7TIV8V D5cop ?+ Kai sysvsxo |is0' rjiiepaq

rushing stream he drank water. And it came to pass after [many] days,

Kai s^rjpdvGrj o %si|idppoDc; 6xi odk sysvsxo dsxoc;

that [ dried up the rushing stream], for there was no rain

87i( xrjv yrjv 8+ Kai sysvsxo pfjjia KopioD npoq

upon the earth. And [ came to pass [the] word [of the] LORD] to

HAiav Aiyov 9 + avdaxrjGi Kai 7iopsDOD sic; £aps7ixa

Elijah, saying, Rise up, and go into Sarepta

xrjc; SiScbvoq Kai KaxoiKqasic; sksi i5od svxsxa^jiai

of the Sidonians! and you shall dwell there. Behold, I have given charge
sksi yDvaiKi %fjpa xod 8iaxpscpsiv as 10+ Kai avsaxrj

there [ woman [for] a widow] to nourish you. And he rose up


17 P ev tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

Kai 87iop8T30r| sic; £aps7ixa Kai r\kdsv sic; xov

and went into Sarepta. And he came unto the

imfabva Tr\q noXzcoq Kai i8od sksi yuvfj %r\pa

gate -house of the city. And behold, there [ woman a widow]

aws^sys ^vXa Kai sporjasv O7r(aco avTT\q UXiaq

[was] collecting together wood. And [ yelled out after her Elijah],

Kai 8i7isv aDifj Xdpe 8r| jioi oAiyov tiSoop sic; dyyoc;

and said to her, Take indeed for me a little water into a container,

Kai 7i(o|iai 11+ Kai S7iopsi)0r| Xafisiv Kai sporjasv

and I shall drink. And she went to take, and [ yelled out

O7iiaco avTT\q HAiac; Kai sircsv arjxfj Axj\j/rj 8rj jioi

after her Elijah], and said to her, Give indeed to me

\j/co|i6v dpxoi) ev xrj%sip(aou Kai cpdyojiai 12+ Kai

[the] morsel of bread in your hand, and I will eat. And

sircsv r| yuvfj ^r| Kopioc; o 0s6c; GOV si sail |IOl

[ said the woman], As [ lives [the] LORD your God], If there is to me

syKpuqnac; ctXk' r\ oaov 8pd£, aXzvpov sv

a cake baked in hot ashes — [good]? but [I have] only as much as a handful of flour

tt| vdpia Kai oAiyov sAmov sv xcd Ka\j/dKrj Kai i8orj

the pitcher, and a little olive oil in the jar. And behold,

sycb avXks^cti Svo ^i)A,dpia Kai siasA,srjao|iai Kai

I shall collected together two sticks, and I shall enter and

7roifja&lt;jo avid sjiarjxfj Kai xoic; xskvoic; jiod Kai

make it for myself and my children, and

cpayojisGa Kai a7ro6avorj|is0a 13+ Kai si7is 7ipoc; aDifj

we shall eat and die. And [ said to her

Hkiaq Gdposi skrsABs Kai 7rovrjaov Kaxd

Elijah], Be of courage! enter and do according to

to pfjjia aoi) aXka 7iorrja6v jioi sksiGsv syKprjqnav

your word! But make for me from there [ cake baked in hot ashes

(iiKpov sv 7rpcbTOic; Kai s^oiasic; jioi sarjxfj 8s

a small] at first, and bring it forth to me! and to yourself

7ioif|asic; Kai xoic; xskvoic; gov S7i' sa%dxco 14+ 6x1

you shall make and to your children at last. For

xd8s Aiysi Kopioc; o 6s6c; IopafjX r| vdpia

thus says [the] LORD God of Israel, The pitcher

xod aA,srjporj odk sk^suj/si Kai o Ka\j/dKT|(; xou sAmou

of flour shall not fail, and the jar of olive oil

odk sAxxxxovfjasi scoq rjjispac; xod 8or)vai xov Kopiov

shall not have less, until [the] days of the giving by the LORD

xov dsxov S7U xrjv yrjv 15+ Kai S7ropsi36r| r| yovfj Kai

the rain upon the earth. And [ went the woman] and


17 P ev tootco + vtica 11-1 Kings

S7io(r|a8 Kaxd to pf||ia UXiov Kai s5cok8v aDxcb

did according to the word of Elijah; and she gave to him,

Kai fjaGisv avzoq Kai aDxfj Kai xa xsKva avTT\q ie+ Kai

and he ate, and she, and her children. And

T| vdpia xod aksvpov odk 8^8Ai7ce Kai o Ka\j/dKr|c;

the pitcher of flour failed not, and the jar

xod skaiov odk r|A,axxovf|9r| Kaxd xo pfjjia KopioD

of olive oil had not less, according to the saying of [the] LORD,

o sAxxArjaev sv yzipi HAaod n+ Kai eysvsxo jisxd

which he spoke by [the] hand of Elijah. And it came to pass after

xatixa Kai rjppcbaxrjaev o dioc; xrjc; yDvaucoc; xr\q

these [things] that [ became ill the son of the woman [who was] the

Kopiac; xod oikod Kai rjv r| appcoaxia aDxoD Kpaxaid

lady of the house], and [ was illness his] fortified

acp68pa scoc; od od% D7csA£up9r| sv aDxcb 7cveD|ia is+

very much, until there was not left behind in him a breath.

Kai 81718 7ipoc; HAiav xi sjioi Kai aoi dv6pco7i;s

And she said to Elijah, What [is it] to me and to you, O man

xod 08OD E\ar\kdsq npoq |ie xod avajivfjaai

of God, [for you] to enter to me, to call to mind

xac; aSiKiaq jiod Kai Gavaxcbaai xov diov jiod 19+ Kai

my iniquities and to kill my son? And

S17T8V Hkiaq npoq xrjv yDvauca 80c; |ioi xov diov aoD

Elijah said to the woman, Give me your son!

Kai sXaPev aDxov sk xod koAjtod aDxfjc; Kai

And he took him from out of her bosom, and

avfjvsyKev aDxov sic; xo D7cspcbov sv co avzoq

brought him into the upper room in which he

SKdGrjxo SK8i Kai eKoijiiasv aDxov S7il

settled there, and he rested him upon

xrjv KAivrjv aDxoD 20 + Kai aveporjasv YDdaq npoq KDpiov

his bed. And Elijah yelled out to [the] LORD,

Kai 817T8V Kopie o Geoc; jiod Kaiys xrjv %fjpav jisG'

and he said, O LORD my God, also indeed the widow with

r\q sycb raxoiKcb jisx' aDxfjc; av KeKdKcoKaq

whom I dwell with her, have you inflicted evil

xod Gavaxcbaai xov diov aDxfjc; 21 + Kai svscpDarjae xco

to kill her son? And he breathed into the

7rai8apico xpic; Kai 87isKaX8oaxo xov KDpiov Kai

boy three times, and he called upon the LORD, and

81718 KDpi8 O 08OC; |IOD S7ciaxpacpf|xco 5r| T| \|/DXfj

he said, O LORD my God, return indeed the life


18 rr

8V TOUT© + VtKd

11-1 Kings

tod 7iai8ap(oD todtod sic; avzo 22 + Kai sysvsTO odtcoc;

of this boy to [him] ! And it became so,

Kai S7i8aTpd(pr| r| \\fv%r\ tod 7iai8apioD sic; aDio Kai

and [returned the life of the boy] to [him]. And

aveporjas to 7iai8dpiov 23 + Kai KaTfjyaysv ocdto arco

[yelled out the boy]. And he led [him] from


the upper room into the house, and he gave it [to]

jxrjTpi aDTOD Kai sircsv Hkiaq pA,S7is ^r| o vioq aoD 24 +

his mother. And Elijah said, See! [ lives your son].

Kai 817T8V r| yDvfj rcpoc; HAiav i5od syvcora 6ti

And [ said the woman] to Elijah, Behold, I know that

dv0pco7ioc; tod 0sod si ctd Kai pf||ia KopioD sv

[ a man of God you are], and [the] word of [the] LORD in

to &lt;yc6|iaTi aoD aAxjGivov

your mouth [is] true.

18 rr

1+ Kai sysvsTO |is0' rjiispaq noXkaq Kai pf||ia KopioD

And it came to pass after [days many], and [the] word of [the] LORD

sysvsTO 7ipoc; HAiav sv tco sviaDTcb too Tpvcco Xsycov

came to Elijah in [ year the third], saying,

7iopsDOD Kai 6(p0r|Ti tco A%adp Kai 8coaco dstov S7U

Go, and appear to Ahab! and I will put rain upon

7ip6aco7iov Tr\q yrjc; 2 + Kai S7iopSD0r| UXiaq tod ocp0fivai

[the] face of the earth. And Elijah went to appear

tco A%adp Kai r|v )d[i6q KpaTaioq sv Sajiapsia

[to] Ahab, and there was [ famine a strong] in Samaria.

3 + Kai SKd^sasv A%adp tov Ap8k&gt;D tov oikovojiov Kai

And Ahab called Obadiah the manager. And

Ap5(oD r|v cpoPoDjisvoq tov KDpiov acp68pa 4 + Kai

Obadiah was fearing the LORD exceedingly. And


it came to pass when Jezebel struck the prophets of [the] LORD,

Kai slapsv Ap5(oD SKaTOV 7ipocpfjTac; Kai KaTSKpD\j/sv

that Obadiah took a hundred prophets, and he hid

aDTODc; avd 7isvTf|K0VTa sv 8do a7ir|Amoic; Kai

them by fifty in two caves, and

SiSTpscpsv aDTOD sv dpTCO Kai D8aTi 5+ Kai

nourished them with bread and water. And


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S17T8V A%adp 7ipoc; Ap8k&gt;D 8si3po Kai 8isA,9co|isv sv

Ahab said to Obadiah, Come, and we should go through in

xrjv yrjv S7Ti xac; 7ir|ydc; xcov DSdxcov Kai S7U rcavxac;

the land unto the springs of the waters, and unto all

xodc; %ei|idppcn)c; si ncoq stipcojisv Poxdvrjv Kai

the rushing streams, if perchance we should find pasturage, and

7rspi7ioir|acb|i86a imiovq Kai t||ii6vodc; Kai

we should preserve [the] horses and mules, and

odk 8^oA.o0psi)6fjoovTai an r\[i(bv Kxfjvrj 6 + Kai

[ shall not be destroyed from us cattle]. And

8is|ispiaav saDxofc; xrjv o86v tod 7ropsi)9f|vai sv

they divided to themselves the way to go by

aDxfjv A%adp S7iopsD0r| sv o8cb |i(a Kai Ap8fc&gt;D

it; Ahab went by [ way one], and Obadiah

S7iopsD0r| sv o8cb akh\ [iovoq ? + Kai r)v Ap8ioi) sv

went by [ way another] alone. And Obadiah was in

ttj o8cb [iovoq Kai i5od YDdaq sic; aDvdvxrjaiv

the way alone, and behold, Elijah [came] to meet with

aDxco Kai ApSioi) saftSDas Kai srcsasv S7i(

him. And Obadiah hastened and fell upon

7ip6aco7rov aDxoD Kai sircsv si cjd si avzoq KDpis jiod

his face, and he said, Are you he, O my master,

YDda 8 + Kai si7isv Hkiaq aDxco sycb 7iopsDOD Aiys

Elijah? And Elijah said to him, I [am], Go, tell

too Kupico aoi) i8od HAiac; 9 + Kai si7isv Ap8fc&gt;D xi

your master, Behold, Elijah! And Obadiah said, How

r||idpTr|Ka on ctd SiScoq xov SovXov gov sic; %sipaq

have I sinned that you appoint your servant into [the] hands

A%adp xod 0avaxcboa( |is io+ KDpioc; o Gsoc; gov

of Ahab to kill me? As [ lives [the] LORD your God],

si saxiv s0voc; r| Paai^sia ov odk arcsaxsiXsv

is there a nation or kingdom of which [ did not send


my master] to seek you? And if they said, He is not [here]; then

cbpKiasv xrjv Paai^siav Kai xac; %cbpac; avTr\q 6xi ov%

he adjured the kingdom and its places, for he did not

SDprjKs as n+ Kai vdv gv Xsysic; rcopsDOD avdyysAls

find you. And now you say, Go announce

xco KDpico aoD i8od Hkiaq u + Kai saxai sdv sycb

[to] your master, Behold, Elijah! And it will be if I

a7isA,6co a7io aoD Kai 7ivsD|ia KopioD apsi os sic;

should go forth from you, and a wind of [the] LORD shall lift you into


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xrjv yrjv r|v odk o(8a Kai siosA^Daojiai

the land which I do not know, and I shall enter

tod a7iayysiAm too A%adp Kai od% stiprj as Kai

to report to Ahab, and he should not find you, then

a7TOKTSVs( |is Kai o dovXoq ctod saxi cpoPoDjisvoc; xov

he will kill me. But your servant is fearing the

Kopiov 8K vsoxrjxoc; aDxoD n+ r| odk a7ir|yysAx|

LORD from out of his youth. Or was it not reported

aoi too Kopico |iod oia 7T87ro(r|Ka sv

to you, O my master, what [things] I have done when

TOO a7TOKT8lV8lV Is^dPsA, TOVq 7ipO(pf|Xac; KDpiOD Kai

Jezebel killed the prophets of [the] LORD, that

zkafiov 8K tcov 7ipo(pr|Tcbv KDpioD sraxov dvSpaq

I took some of the prophets of [the] LORD — a hundred men,

Kai 8Kpi)\j/a aDxotic; sv xoic; a7ir|Amoic; avd

and I hid them in the caves by

7ievTfjK0VTa Kai s6ps\j/a aDxotic; ev dpxoic; Kai D5axi

fifty, and I maintained them with bread loaves and water?

14 + Kai vdv &lt;7D Aiysic; rcopsDOD leys too Kopico ood

And now you say, Go, tell your master,

i8od HAiac; Kai a7ioKxsvsi (is 15 + Kai sircsv HAiac;

Behold, Elijah! and he will kill me. And Elijah said,

KDpiOC; TCOV 5l)Vd|I8C0V CO 7iapsaxr|v SVC0711OV

As [ lives [the] LORD of the forces], in which I stand before

olvtov on afjjispov ocpGfjaojiai aircco 16+ Kai

him, that today I will appear to him. And

S7iopsD0r| Ap5(oi) sic; aDvdvxrjoiv xco A%adp Kai

Obadiah went to meet with Ahab, and

a7ifjyysiA£v aDxcb Kai s^s8pajisv A%adp Kai S7iopsD0r|

he reported to him. And Ahab ran forth and went

sic; aDvdvxrjaiv HAioD n+ Kai sysvsxo coc; s(8sv A%adp

to meet with Elijah. And it came to pass as Ahab saw

xov HAiav Kai sircsv A%adp 7ipoc; HAiav si &lt;xo si avzoq

Elijah, that Ahab said to Elijah, Are you he

o Siaaxpscpcov xov IapafjA, is + Kai sircsv HMac; od

turning aside Israel? And Elijah said, I do not

8iaaxpscpco xov IapafjA, aXX' rj cjd Kai o oikoc;

turn aside Israel, but you, and the house

xod rcaxpoc; ctod sv xco KaxaAi|i7iavs(v Djidc; xov Kopiov

of your father, in your leaving the LORD

Gsovdjicov Kai 7ropsi)6f|vai O7iiaco xcov Baa^siji 19 +

your God, and to go after the Baalim.


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Kai vdv a7r6ax£iAx)v Kai &lt;yovd0poiaov izpoq jis 7rdvxa

And now, send and gather together to me all

IapafjX sic; to opoq to KapjxfjAiov Kai todc; 7rpotpf|Tac;

Israel at mount Carmel, and the prophets

tod BdaX TSTpaKooioDc; Kai 7rsvTfjK0VTa Kai todc;

of Baal — four hundred and fifty, and the

Ttpoiprycaq tcdv aAxrcbv TSTpaKocrioDc; saBiovTaq

prophets of the sacred groves — four hundred, eating

Tpdrcs^av Is^dpsA, 20 + Kai a7isaTSiXsv A%adp sic; 7idvTa

[at the] table of Jezebel! And Ahab sent into all

tov IapafjA, Kai S7iiaDvf|yays rcavTac; todc; 7rpotpf|Tac;

Israel, and he assembled all the prophets

sic; to opoq to KapjifjAiov 21 + Kai 7ipoafjA,0sv HAiac;

to mount Carmel. And Elijah came near

7ipoc; 7idvTa tov Xaov Kai si7is 7ipo&lt;; avzovq scoc;

to all the people, and he said to them, For

7t6ts djisic; %coA,avsvcs S7i' ajicpoTspaic;

how long will you be lame upon both

Taiq lyvtiaic; Djicbv si scm Kopioc; o 0s6c; 7iopsDso0s

your hams? If [the] LORD is God, go

O7UGC0 avTOV si 5s o BdaX 7iopsDsa0s O7uoco avzov

after him! But if Baal, go after him!

Kai odk a7TSKp(9r| o Xaoq Xoyov 22 + Kai sircsv UXiaq

And [ answered not the people] a word. And Elijah said

7ipoc; tov Xaov sycb D7ioXsA,si(i(iai 7rpotpfjTr|c; KopioD

to the people, I am left [ a prophet [of the] LORD

jiovcoTaTOc; Kai 01 7ipo(pfjTai tod BdaX TSTpaKoaioi

alone], and the prophets of Baal [are] four hundred

Kai 7isvTfjK0VTa dv5psq 23 + 8oTCoaav odv r\[iiv 8do

and fifty men. Give then to us two

fioaq Kai SKA,s^da0coaav saDTOic; tov sva Kai

oxen, and let them choose for themselves one, and

jisAiadTCoaav Kai S7ii0STCoaav S7U tcov ^dAxdv Kai

let them dismember [it], and place [it] upon the wood, and

7iDp |ir| s7ii0STCoaav Kai sycb 7ioif|aco tov Podv

[ fire do not put] upon [it] ! And I will do [the same] [ ox

TOV 6Xk0V Kai 7TDp OD JLir| S7U0CO 24 + Kai PodTS sv

[with the] other], and [fire in no way will I put] upon [it]. And you yell out in

ovojiaTi tcov Gscov djicov Kai sycb S7iiKaA,sao|iai sv tco

[the] name of your gods, and I will call upon the

ovojiaTi KDpioD tod GsoD |iod Kai s&lt;xcai o 0s6q oq

name of [the] LORD my God. And it will be the God who


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av S7iaKOT3ar| sv 7iDpi omoq 0s6c; Kai a7reKp(0r| naq

ever heeds by fire, this [is] God. And [ answered all

o Xaoq Kai si7i8v ayaGoq o Xoyoq ov skakr\aaq 25 +

the people] and said, [ [is] good The word] which you have spoken.

Kai S17T8V Hkiaq xoic; 7ipocpf|xaic; tod BdaX sKle^aaBs

And Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, Choose

sodtoic; xov

for yourselves the

3odv xov eva Kai 7ioif|Gax£ 7ipcbxoi 6x1

ox one], and prepare it first! for

djisic; noXkoi Kai S7riKaA£ia0s sv ovojiaxi 0eoD Djicbv

you [are] many; and call in [the] name of your god,

Kai itvp |ir| 87ri0r|TS 26+ Kai zkafiov xov Podv Kai

and [ fire do not put] upon [it] ! And they took the ox, and

S7ioir|aav Kai S7TSKaAx)Dvxo sv ovojiaxi tod BdaA, sk

offered it, and they called in [the] name of Baal from

7ip&lt;jQiac; scoq |i£ar||iPp(ac; Kai si7iov £7idKODaov r\[i(bv

morning until midday. And they said, Heed us,

co BdaA, 87iaKODoov rjjicbv Kai odkt|v cpcovfj Kai

O Baal, heed us! And there was no sound, and

odktjv aKpoaaiq Kai 8iexpe%ov em tod 0Daiaaxrjpk&gt;D

there was no hearing [a thing]. And they ran upon the altar

od S7ro(r|aav 2 ? + Kai eyevsxo |isarj|iPp(a Kai

of which they made. And it became midday, and

sjiDKxfjpiaev aDTODc; HAiac; o ©eapixrjc; Kai si7i8v

[ sneered at them Elijah the Tishbite], and he said,

87riKaA,s(a08 sv cpcovfj jieydArj |ifj7ioxe a8oA,ea%(a xiq

Call with [ voice a great] ! perhaps [ in meditation some

saxiv aDicb Kai djia (ifj7iOT8 xprj|iax(^ei avzoq r\

he is himself], and at the same time perhaps [ executing [business] he is], or

|xfj7TOTS Ka08D8si Kai e^avaaxfjasxai 2 s + Kai

perhaps he sleeps and shall rise up. And


they called out with [ voice a great], and mutilated [themselves]

Kaxd xov s0iaji6v aDxcbv ev |ia%a(paic; Kai sv

according to their custom with knives and by

asipojidaxaic; ecoc; SK%Daecoc; aijiaxoc; S7i' aDxotic;

spears, until [ poured out blood] of them.

29+ Kai 7tposcpfjxsDov ecoc; OD 7iapfjA,0£ xo

And they prophesied until of which [time] it went into the

|isar||iPpiv6v Kai eyevsxo coc; o Kaipoq xrjc;

midday. And it came to pass as the time of the

jisarjiiPpiaq xod avapfjvai xrjv 0Da(av Kai odk rjv

midday to ascend for the sacrifice — and there was no

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(pcovfj Kai odk r|v aKpoaaiq 30 + Kai ei7iev UXiaq itpoq

sound, and there was no hearing. And Elijah said to

xov Xaov 7rpoaaydy8TS npoq |is Kai 7tpoafjyay8 naq

the people, Come forward to me! And [ came forward all

o Xaoq npoq auxov Kai idaaxo to 0Daiaaxf|piov to

the people] to him. And he repaired the altar, the one

KaxsaKa|i|i8vov 31+ Kai skafizv Hkiaq 8cb8eKa Xidovq

having been razed. And Elijah took twelve stones,

Kaxd api0(iov xcov (pvXfov xod IapafjA, coc;

according to [the] number of the tribes of Israel, as

sXdAxjae Kupioc; itpoq ai)xov Aiyoov IapafjA, eaxai

[the] LORD spoke to him, saying, Israel will be

xo ovojid aoD 32+ Kai coKo86|ir|as xodc; AiGodc; sv

your name. And he built the stones in

ovojiaxi Kopioi) Kai idaaxo xo 0i)aiaoxfjpiov

[the] name of [the] LORD, and he repaired the altar

Kopfcyu xo KaxaaKajijisvov Kai S7iorr|ae daXaaaav

of [the] LORD, the one having been razed. And he made a sea,

XoopoDaav 8do jiexprjxdc; a7iep|iaxoc; kdkX60sv xod

having the space to hold two measures of seed, round about the

6i)aiaaxr|pioD 33+ Kai S7is0r|Ks xac; axiSarac; S7ii xo

altar. And he put the kindling upon the

6i)aiaaxfjpiov o S7tovr|a£v Kai sjisAaae xo

altar which he made. And he dismembered the

oXoKaDxcojia Kai S7rs6r|Ksv mi xac; a%i3aKaq Kai

whole burnt-offering, and he put it upon the kindling, and

saxotpaaev S7U xo 0Daiaaxfjpiov Kai si7isv UXiaq

he piled upon the altar. And Elijah said,

Xdpsxs jioi xsaaapaq i)8piac; vdaxoq Kai S7ri%eaxe em

Bring to me four [ pitchers water], and pour upon

xo oXoKai3xco|ia Kai sni xac; a%(8aKac; 34+ Kai 8i7is

the whole burnt-offering, and upon the kindling! And he said,

8ei)xspcbaax£ Kai eSsDxspooaav Kai 8i7i8 xpiaacbaaxs

Repeat it a second time! And they repeated it a second time. And he said, Do it a
third time!

Kai exp(aaei)aav 35+ Kai S7iopsDsxo xo t)8&lt;jop kdkXcd

And they did it a third time. And [ went the water] round about

xod BDaiaaxrjpioD Kai xrjv GdAxxaaav 87iAx|aev D8axoq

the altar, and the sea filled with water.

36+ Kai coc; Tjv Kaipoq xod ftpoacpspeaBai xrjv 0Daiav

And as it was time of the offering the sacrifice,

Kai 7rapeysvsxo HAiac; o 7rpo(pfjxr|c; Kai si7i8 Kopie

and [ came Elijah the prophet] and said, O LORD


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o Bsoc; APpa&amp;ji Kai IaadK Kai IapafjX afjjispov

God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Israel, today

yvcbxco naq o Xaoq omoq on ctd si icupioq o Gsoc;

let it be known to all this people! that you are [the] LORD God

IapafjX Kai sycb dovkoq gov Kai 8id as 7iS7ioir|Ka

of Israel, and I [am] your servant, and through you I have done

xai)Ta7rdvTa 37+ S7idKODa6v |iod Kopis S7idKODa6v |iod

all [these] things. Heed me, O LORD, heed me!

Kai yvcbxco o Xaoq omoq on cjd Kupioq o Gsoc; Kai

And let [ know this people] that you [are] [the] LORD God! and

cjd saxpsij/aq xrjv Kap8(av tod Xaov todtod O7iiaco 38 +

you turned the heart of this people back.

Kai S7isas itvp 7iapd KDpiOD SK TOD ODpavoD Kai

And [ fell fire] from [the] LORD from out of the heaven, and

KaTScpays to oA,OKaDTC0|ia Kai Tag a%(5aKac; Kai to

it devoured the whole burnt-offering, and the kindling, and the

D5cop to sv tt| GaXdaarj Kai todc; XiQovq Kai tov

water in the sea, and the stones, and the

%odv s^sAa^s to 7iDp 39+ Kai s(8s itaq o Xaoq Kai

dust was licked up by the fire. And [ saw all the people], and

S7rsasv S7ri 7ip6aco7rov aDTcbv Kai sitcov akr\d(bq

fell upon their face. And they said, Truly,

KDpiOq SCTTIV Gsoq KDpiOq aDTOq SOTl Gsoq 40+ Kai

[the] LORD is God. " [The] LORD, he ~ is God. ~ And

si7isv UMaq itpoq tov Xaov cjdAAxxPsts todc;

Elijah said to the people, Seize the

Ttpoiprycaq tod BdaA, |xq8s(c; acoGfjTCD s^ aDTcbv Kai

prophets of Baal, let not one [escape of them]! And

aDvs^aPov aDTODq Kai KaTfjyaysv aDTODc; YDdaq sic;

they seized them. And [led them down Elijah] unto

tov %si|idppoDV Kiacbv Kai socpa^sv aDTODc; sksi 41 +

the rushing stream Kishon, and slew them there.

Kai si7rsv UMaq tco A%adp avdprjGi Kai (pays Kai 7us

And Elijah said to Ahab, Ascend, and eat, and drink!

6ti (pcovfj tod r\%ovq tod dstod 42+ Kai

for [it is the] sound of the noise of the rain. And

avsprj A%adp tod cpaysiv Kai 7iisrv Kai UMaq avsprj

Ahab ascended to eat and to drink. And Elijah ascended

sic; tov Kdp|ir|Ax)v Kai skd\j/sv S7ii rqv yrjv Kai

unto Carmel, and bowed upon the ground, and

s6t|ks to 7ip6oco7rov aDTOD avajisaov

put his face between


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xcov yovdxcov avzov 43 + Kai si7is too 7iai8ap(oo avzov

his knees. And he said [to] his servant-lad,

avdprjGi Kai S7upA,s\j/ov o86v Trjq QaXdaar\q Kai

Ascend, and look [the] way of the sea! And

avsprj Kai S7rspA,s\j/s to 7iai8dpiov Kai sircsv

[ ascended and looked the servant- lad]. And he said,

odk eoTiv OD08V Kai S17T8V HAiac; S7uaTps\j/ov S7rcdKic;

There is nothing. And Elijah said, Return seven times!

44+ Kai sysvsTO sv too sp86|ioo Kai idov vscpsAxj

And it came to pass in the seventh [time], and behold, [ cloud

(iiKpd 00c; i%voq avdpoq avdyouaa i)8oop arco

a small] as [the] sole of a man's [foot] came [with] water from

dakaaar\q Kai sircsv avdprjGi Kai sbiov too A%adp

[the] sea. And he said, Ascend and say to Ahab!

^srj^ov to dpjia gov Kai KaTdpr|6i jlit] KaTaXdprj as o

Team up your chariot, and go down, lest [ should overtake you the

dstoc; 45+ Kai sysvsTO sooc; 0088 Kai 008s Kai o

rain] ! And it happened from here and here, and the

orjpavoq (TovsaKOTaas sv vscpsAmc; Kai 7ivsrj|iaTi Kai

heaven darkened with clouds and wind, and

sysvsTO dstoc; jisyac; Kai i7r7rsi)asv A%adp Kai

there became [rain a great]. And Ahab rode horseback, and

S7ropsrjsTO sic; IstpafjA, 46+ Kai %sip Kopioi) sysvsTO

went unto Jezreel. And [the] hand of [the] LORD came

S7U tov HAiav Kai arjvsacpiy^s rqv oaqrov avzov Kai

upon Elijah, and he fastened his loin, and

STps%sv sji7ipoa0sv A%adp sooc; IstpafjA,

he ran in front of Ahab unto Jezreel.


1 + Kai avfjyysiXsv A%adp tt| Is^dpsA, 7idvTa 60a

And Ahab announced to Jezebel all as much as

S7io(r|osv Wdaq Kai 00c; arcsKTSivs todc; npcxprycaq sv

Elijah did, and as to kill the prophets by

pojicpaia 2+ Kai arcsaTSiXsv Is^dpsX 7ipoc; HAiav Kai

[the] broadsword. And Jezebel sent to Elijah, and

si7isv Td8s 7ioif|aaiadv jioi 01 0so( Kai Td8s

said, Thus may [ do to me the gods], and thus

7ipoa0sir|aav 6ti TaiOTrjv tt|v obpav atipiov 0f|ao|iai

may they add, that this hour tomorrow I shall put

ttjv \\fv%r\v aoi) Ka0obc; \\fv%r\v svoc; s£, ai)Tobv 3 + Kai

your life as [the] life of one of them. And


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scpopfjGrj UXiaq Kai avsaxrj Kai a7if|A,0s Kaxd

Elijah feared, and rose up, and went forth for

xrjv \\fv%r\v olvtov Kai sp%sxai sic; BrjpaaPsai

his life. And he came into Beersheba

xrjv lovda Kai acpfjKs to 7iai5dpiov olvtov sksi 4 + Kai

of Judah. And he left his servant-lad there. And

avxoq S7iop£i)0r| sv xr| spf||icD o56v r||ispac; Kai r\kds

he went by the wilderness way a day. And came

Kai 8Kd6iasv D7ioKdxcD pa6d|i Kai rjxfjaaxo

and stayed underneath a broom shrub, and he asked

xrjv \\fv%r)v avTOV a7io0avs(v Kai si7isv iKavoi3a0co vdv

for his life to die. And he said, It is fit now,

Kopis Xafi£ 8r| tt\v \\fv%r\v [iov ait' s[iov 6xi od

O LORD, take indeed my life from me! for [ no

Kpskiacov eycb sijii imsp zovq rcaxspac; [iov 5 + Kai

better I am] than my fathers. And

£K0i|xfj6r| Kai vtzvcoozv sksi D7t6 cpuxov Kai idov

he bedded down and slept there under a plant. And behold,

tic; dyysXoc; f|\j/axo avzov Kai si7isv auxcb avdaxr|0i

a certain angel touched him, and said to him, Rise up,

Kai (pays 6 + Kai S7rspA,s\j/s Kai \8ov itpoq

and eat! And he looked. And behold, by

KecpaAxjc; avzov syKptxpiac; oXvpur\q Kai Ka\j/dKr|(;

his head [was] a cake baked in hot ashes of oaten bread, and ajar

u5axoc; Kai avsoxrj HAiac; Kai scpays Kai stcis Kai

of water. And Elijah rose up and ate and drank. And

S7iiaxps\j/ac; SKoi|if|0r| ?+ Kai S7isaxps\j/sv o dyysAxx;

he returned and went to bed. And [ returned the angel

KDpiOD SK 5si)TSpOD Kai fj\J/aTO aVTOV Kai S17TSV

[of the] LORD] a second [time], and touched him, and said

avT(b avd&lt;xcr|0i (pays 6xi noXkr] arco gov r\ odoq 8 +

to him, Rise up, eat! for [ [is] great for you the journey].

Kai avsaxrj Kai scpays Kai stcis Kai S7iopsi)0r| sv xr|

And he rose up, and ate and drank. And he went in the

ia%m Tr\q Ppcbascoc; SKsivrjc; xsaaapdKovxa r||ispac; Kai

strength of that food forty days and

xsaoapdKovxa vrjKxac; scoq opouc; Xcopfip 9 + Kai

forty nights unto mount Horeb. And

siafjABsv sksi sic; xo aiir\kaiov Kai KaxsXuasv sksi

he entered there into the cave, and rested up there.

Kai i8orj pfjjia Kupioi) 7ipoc; auxov Kai si7is xi

And behold, a word of [the] LORD [came] to him. And he said, Why [are]


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ai) svxai36a HAia 10+ Kai sircsv UMaq Qr(k(bv

you here, Elijah? And Elijah said, Being zealous,

e^fjXcoKa too Kopico 7ravTOKpdxopi 6x1 syKaxslurov os

I am zealous for the LORD almighty, for [ abandoned you

01 Dioi IapafjA, xa 6ijaiaoxf|pid aoi) KaxsaKayav Kai

the sons of Israel]. Your altar they razed, and

Tovq 7ipocpf|xac; aou aftSKxsivav sv pojicpaia Kai

your prophets they killed by [the] broadsword, and

D7roAiX£i|i|iai syco jiovcoxaxoc; Kai ^rjxouai

[ am left I alone], and they seek

xrjv \\fv%r\v [iov Xafiziv auxfjv 11+ Kai sircsv s^sA,si3or|

my life to take it. And he said, You shall go forth

Kai axfjarj svcb7riov Kupioi) sv xco opsi Kai idov

and stand before [the] LORD in the mountain! and behold,

Kopioc; 7rapsA,si3asxai Kai 7rvsi3|ia jisya Kpaxaiov

[the] LORD will go by. And [ wind [there was] a great strong]

SiaXvov 6pr\ Kai auvxpipov 7isxpac; svco7iiov

parting [the] mountains, and breaking rocks before

KDpiOD ODK SV XCO 7WSl3|iaXl KUpiO^ Kai |ISXd XO

[the] LORD; [ [was] not in the wind [but the] LORD]. And after the

7wei)|ia &lt;xoaasio|i6c; odk ev xco auoasiajicb Kopioc;

wind a rumbling; [ [was] not in the rumbling [but the] LORD].

12+ Kai jisxd xov aDaasiajiov itvp odk sv xco 7rop(

And after the rumbling a fire; [ [was] not in the fire

Kopioc; Kai jisxd xo nvp cpcovfj avpaq XsiiTT\q

[but the] LORD]. And after the fire a sound [ breeze of a fine] ~

KaKsi Kopioc; 13 + Kai sysvsxo coc; fjKODasv UXiaq Kai

there [was] [the] LORD. And it came to pass as Elijah heard, that

S7i8KdA,D\j/s xo 7ip6aco7iov avTOV sv xtj jirjAxoxfj clvtov

he covered over his face with his sheepskin,

Kai s^fjABs Kai saxrj 7iapd xo a7ifjAmov Kai i5oi3

and he went forth and stood by the cave. And behold,

7rpoq avTOV cpcovfj Kai si7is xi au svxai39a HAia

before him [was] a voice, and he said, Why [are] you here, Elijah?

14 + Kai S17TSV HAiac; ^rjAxbv s^fjAxora xco Kopico Gsco

And Elijah said, Being zealous, I am zealous for the LORD God

7iavxoKpdxopi 6x1 syKaxsA,urov xttv 5ia6fjKr|v aou 01

almighty, for [ abandoned your covenant the

moi IapafjA, xa 9i)aiaaxf|pid gov KaxsaKa\j/av Kai

sons of Israel], your altars they razed, and

xodc; Trpocpfjxaq aou arcsKxsivav sv pojicpaia Kai

your prophets they killed by [the] broadsword, and


19 cr

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

11-1 Kings

D7ioA,8Xsi|i|iai sycb jiovcbxaxoc; Kai ^rjxouai

[ am left I alone], and they seek

XT]V \j/U%f|V |IOU Xafislv aUXTjV 15+ Kai 81718 KUpiOCJ 7lpO(;
my life to take it. And [the] LORD said to

auxov 7cop8uou avdaxpecps sic; xrjv o86v aou Kai

him, Go, return to your journey! And

fj^siq sic; ttjv o86v epf||iou AajiaaKou Kai

you shall come unto the way of [the] wilderness of Damascus, and

Xpiasic; xovA^afjA, eic; PaaiXea 87ii I/upiav i 6 + Kai

you shall anoint Hazael as king over Syria. And

xov Iou uiov Najieaaei xpiasiq sic; PaaiXea £7U

Jehu son of Nimshi you shall anoint as king over

IapafjX Kai xov EXiaeai uiov Sacpdx Ape^jisouAxx

Israel. And Elisha son ofShaphat of Abel-meholah

Xpiaeiq eic; 7cpotpf|xr|v avxi aou 17+ Kai saxai xov

you shall anoint as prophet instead of you. And it will be the

acotpjisvov sk pojitpaiac; ACfiT\k Gavaxcbaei Iou Kai

one being delivered from [the] broadsword of Hazael, Jehu shall put to death. And

xov acotpjievov sk pojitpaiac; Iou Gavaxcbasi EAiaeai

the one being delivered from [the] broadsword of Jehu, Elisha shall put to death.

18+ Kai KaxaXsnj/co sv IapafjA, S7cxd %ikiddaq av8pcbv

And I shall leave behind in Israel seven thousand men,

7idvxa xa yovaxa a ouk eKa|i\j/av yovu xr| BdaA,

all knees which do not bend [the] knee to Baal,

Kai 7iav axojia o ou 7cpoaeKuvr|aev auxcb 19+ Kai

and every mouth which does not do obeisance to him. And

anr\kd£v SK8i0sv Kai supiaKsi xov EAaasai uiov

he went forth from there, and he finds Elisha son

Eacpdx Kai auxoc; r|v apoxpicbv sv Pouai 5cb5sKa

ofShaphat, and he was plowing with oxen. Twelve

^suyrj 8vcb7iiov auxou Kai auxoc; sv xoic; 5cb5sKa

teams [were] before him, and he [was] among the twelve.

Kai a7if|X0sv S7Ti xov EAiaeai EAiac; Kai eppuj/e S7i'

And [ went forth unto Elisha Elijah], and he tossed upon

auxov xrjv |ir|Axjaxf|v auxou 20 + Kai KaxsXursv EAiaeai

him his sheepskin. And Elisha left

xouc; Poaq Kai eSpajisv O7uaco HAiou Kai si7cs

the oxen, and he ran after Elijah, and said,

KaxacpiAxjaco xov rcaxspa |iou Kai xrjv jxrjxepa jiou Kai

I shall kiss my father and my mother, and

aKoXouGfjaco O7i(aco aou Kai £i7cev auxcb 7iopsuou

I shall follow after you. And he said to him, Go,


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

11-1 Kings

avdaxpecps 6xi 7i87ro(r|Kd aoi 21+ Kai avsaxps\j/sv

return! for I have done it to you. And he returned

s^67iia08v avTOV Kai zkafis xa ^si3yri xcov Pocbv Kai

from following after him. And he took the teams of oxen, and

sGdos Kai fj\j/rjO£v ai)xd ev xoic; aKstieai xcov pocbv

he sacrificed and cooked them by the equipment of the oxen,

Kai s8coks xco Axxcb Kai ecpayov Kai aveaxrj Kai

and he gave to the people and they ate. And he rose up, and

£7iopsi)0r| O7uaco HAiou Kai sXsixoupyei auxcb

went after Elijah, and ministered to him.

20 D

1+ Kai vioq A5sp fiaaiksvq 2/opiac; awqGpoiaev

And [the] son of Hadad king of Syria gathered together

7idaav xrjv 5i3va|iiv avzov Kai xpiaKovxa5i3o fiaaiksiq

all his force, and thirty-two kings

jisx' ai)xoi3 Kai (717101 Kai dpjiaxa Kai aveprjaav Kai

with him, and horses and chariots. And they ascended, and

7ispisKd6iaav S7i( Sajiapsiav Kai S7ioA,8|ir|aav S7i'

laid siege against Samaria, and waged war against

auxfjv 2+ Kai a7i8axsiA,8v ayyskovq npoq A%adp

it. And he sent messengers to Ahab

PaaiAia IapafjX sic; xrjv 7i6A.iv Kai si7i8 npoq auxov

king of Israel, into the city, and he said to him,

xd5s Aiyei vioq A8sp 3 + xo apyupiov aoi) Kai

Thus says [the] son of Hadad. Your silver and

xo xpucriov aoi) sjiov saxi Kai ai yovaiKec; aoi) Kai

your gold is mine; and your wives and

xa xsicva aoi) xa KdAAiaxa sjid saxi 4 + Kai a7C8Kpi6r| o

your children, the best is mine. And [ answered the

fiaaikvbq IapafjA, Kai 8i7is KaGcbc; eAxxArjaac; Kupie jiod

king of Israel] and said, As you have spoken, O my master,

fiaaiksv aoq sycb sijii Kai 7idvxa xa sjid 5 + Kai

Oking, [yours I am], and all my [things]. And

avsaxps\j/av 01 dyysAm Kai 8i7iov xd5s Aiysi o vioq

[ returned the messengers] and said, Thus says the son

A8ep sycb a7ceaxaA,Ka npoq as Aiycov xo apytipiov aoi)

of Hadad, I have sent to you, saying, Your silver

Kai xo xpvaiov aoi) Kai xac; ywaiKaq aoi) Kai

and your gold and your wives and

xa xsicva aoi) Scbaeic; jioi 6 + 6x1 xauxrjv xrjv cbpav

your children you shall give to me, for this hour


20 3 ev tootco + vtica 11-1 Kings

aopiov a7ioaxsAxb zovq 7ia(8dc; jiod npoq as Kai

tomorrow I will send my servants to you, and

spsDvfjaoDai xov oikov aoi) Kai Tovq ohcovq

they will search your house, and the houses

xcov 7ia(8cov aoi) Kai eaxai rcavxa xa S7ri9i)|if||iaxa

of your servants. And it will be [that] all the desires

xcov ocpGa^jicbv auxcbv ecp' a av £7iipdAxjoai

of their eyes, of what ever they should put upon with

xac; %e(pac; auxcbv Ax|\j/ovxai ? + Kai SKdXeaev o

their hands, they shall take. And [ called the

fiaaikvbq IopafjX 7idvxac; xouc; 7ip£aPuxspouc; xrjc; yrjc;

king of Israel] all the elders of the land,

Kai 8i7i8 yvcbxs 8r| Kai (88X8 oxi KaKiav omoq

and he said, Know indeed and behold! that [ evil this one

^rjxei oxi a7isaxaA,K8 npoq |is 7isp( xcov yuvaiKcov |iou

seeks], for he has sent to me for my wives,

Kai 7ispi xcov x8Kvcov jiou Kai xo apyupiov |iou Kai

and for my children. And my silver and

xo %puaiov jiou odk a7i8KcbA,Daa an ovtov 8 + Kai

my gold I have not kept back from him. And

8i7cov auxcb oi 7rp8aPi)X8poi Kai naq o Xaoq |ir|

[ said to him the elders and all the people], You should not

aKoixxrjc; Kai |ir| dskr\ar\q 9 + Kai si7r8 xoic;

hearken, and you should not want. And he said to the

ayys^oic; mou A8ep Aiysxs xco Kopico ujicbv 7idvxa

messengers of [the] son ofHadad, Say [to] your master! All

6aa a7isaxsiXac; itpoq xov 8oi3A,6v aoi) sv 7ipcbxoic;

as much as you sent to your servant at first,

7ioifjaco xo 8s pfjjia xotixo ou 8wqao|iai 7ioifjaai

I will do; but this thing I shall not be able to do.

Kai a7rfjpav 01 dvSpec; Kai a7ieaxp£\j/av auxcb Xoyov

And [ departed the men] and returned to him [the] word.

10+ Kai a7i8axsiA,8 itpoq auxov vioq A8sp Aiycov xd8e

And [ sent to him [the] son of Hadad] saying, Thus

7ioif|aaiaav jioi 01 6soi Kai xd8s 7ipoa0srr|aav si

may [ do tome the gods], and thus may they add, if

£K7ioifja£i o %ovq Sajiapeiac; xaic; 8pa^( 7iavxi xco

[ shall suffice the dust of Samaria] for the handful to all the

Axxcb xoic; mCpiq jiou n+ Kai a7TSKpi6r| o fiaaikvbq

people, [to] my footmen. And [ answered the king

IapafjX Kai ei7isv iKavouaBco |ir| KauxdaGco o

of Israel] and said, Let it be enough! Let not [boast the


20 3 sv tootco + vtica 11-1 Kings

KDpxoq coc; o opGoq 12+ Kai sysvsxo OTS

humpback] as the one standing straight! And it came to pass when

a7T8Kpi6r| auxcb xov Xoyov xouxov 7rivcov r|v auxoc;

he answered to him this word, [ was drinking he]

Kai 7T&amp;VTSC; oi fiaaiksiq 01 jisx' avzov sv aKqvaic;

and all the kings with him in tents.

Kai S17T8 xoic; 7iaiaiv avzov oiKo8o|if|aaxs x&amp;P aKa Kai

And he said [to] his servants, Build a siege mound! And

S0SVTO %&amp;paKa 8711 xrjv 7i6A.iv n+ Kai idov 7cpo(pf|Tr|(;

they put a siege mound against the city. And behold, [ prophet
sic; 7cpoafjA,6s too A%adp PaaiXsi IapafjA, Kai si7cs

one] came forward to Ahab king of Israel, and he said,

xd8s Aiysi Kopioc; ei scbpaKac; 7cdvxa xov 6xA,ov

Thus says [the] LORD, [Have] you seen all [ multitude

xov jisyav xotixov i8ot3 sycb 8(8co|ii auxov af||ispov

great this]? Behold, I give it today

sic; xzipaq gov Kai yvcborj 6xi sycb Kopioq u + Kai

into your hands; and you shall know that I [am] [the] LORD. And

S17C8V A%adp sv xivi Kai si7cs xd8s Aiysi Kopioc; sv

Ahab said, By whom? And he said, Thus says [the] LORD, By

xoic; 7rai8apioic; xcov apxovxcov xoov xcopcbv Kai

the young men of the rulers of the regions. And

si7csv A%adp Tiq &lt;xovd\j/si xov 7c6Xs|iov Kai si7cs &lt;td

Ahab said, Who shall join together for the war? And he said, You.

15+ Kai S7csaKs\j/axo A^adp xouc; 7ca(8ac; xcov apxovxcov

And Ahab numbered the servants of the rulers

xcov xcopcbv Kai sysvovxo SiaKoaia xpidKovxa Kai

of the regions, and they were two hundred thirty and

8uo Kai jisxd xatixa S7csaKs\j/axo xov Xaov navza

two. And after these [things] he numbered the people, every

mov Suvdjiscoc; S7cxd xi^idSaq i 6 + Kai s^f|A,0s

son of power — seven thousand. And he went forth

jisarjiiPpiaq Kai vioq A5sp 7civcov Kai |is0t3cov sv

at midday. And [the] son ofHadad [was] drinking and being intoxicated in

£ok%co9 avToq Kai oi PaaiXsfc; xpidKovxa Kai Svo

Succoth, he and the kings, thirty and two

PaaiXsiq 01 &lt;xo|iPor|9oi jisx' avzov n+ Kai s^qXGov

kings, the allies with him. And came forth

xa 7cai5dpia apxovxcov xcov xcopcbv sv 7cpcbxoic; Kai

the young men, [the] rulers of the regions at first. And

a7csoxsiXsv vioq A5sp Kai avfjyysilav auxcb Aiyovxsc;

[sent [the] son ofHadad], and they led up to him, saying,


20 3 ev tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

avdpsq s^eArjMGaaiv sk Sajiapeiac; is+ Kai s(7csv

Men have come forth from out of Samaria. And he said

(xdtoic; si sic; eipfjvrjv SK7i;opei)ovxai avXkafizTZ

to them, If in peace they come forth, seize

avTOvq Cfbvzaq Kai si etc; 7i6A,8(iov s^fjABov

them alive! And if for war they came forth,

avXkafizTZ avTOvq Cfbvzaq 19+ Kai s^r\kdov sk xrjc;

seize them alive! And [ went forth from the

7i6Xscdc; xa 7cai8dpia xcov ap%6vxcov xcov %copcbv Kai

city the young men] of the rulers of the regions, and

O7TIOC0 aUXGOV 20 + Kai 87idxa^8v sraaxoc;

the force after them. And [ struck each [man]]

xov 7iap' avTOV Kai sqroys 2/opia Kai Kaxe5(co^ev

the one by him. And Syria fled, and [ pursued

auxotic; IapafjX Kai ocb^sxai vioq A8ep fiaaikvbq

them Israel]. And [ escaped [the] son of Hadad king

Zvpiaq scp' (717101) unteox; 21+ Kai s^f|A,0sv o fiaaikzvq

of Syria] upon a horse of a horseman. And [ came forth the king

IapafjA, Kai eAxxPe xovq mnovq Kai xa dpjiaxa Kai

of Israel], and he took the horses, and the chariots, and

87rdxa^s 7ihr\yr\v |isydAr|v sv Eupia 22+ Kai

he struck [ calamity a great] against Syria. And

7cpoafjX0£V o 7cpo(pfjxr|c; npoq PaaiXea IapafjX Kai

[ came forward the prophet] to [the] king of Israel, and

817C8 Kpaxaioi) Kai yvcbBi Kai (8s xi 7corfjasic; 6x1

he said, Strengthen yourself, and know, and see what you shall do! for

eTciaxpscpovxoq xou eviauxou vioq A8sp fiaaikvbq

returning [during] the year, [the] son of Hadad king

Hvpiaq avapaivsi 87CI OS 23 + Kai 01 7ca(5sc; PaaiXeooc;

of Syria will ascend against you. And the servants of [the] king

Zvpiaq zinov npoq auxov Geoc; opscbv o 6s6c;

of Syria said to him, [The] God of mountains [is] the God

IapafjX Kai od Geoc; KoiXd5cov 5id xotixo

of Israel, and not a God of valleys; on account of this

SKpdxaicoasv D7csp rjjLidq edv 8s 7coA,s|if|aco|isv avzovq

they powered over us. But if we wage war against them

Kax' 8d0t3 r\\ir\v Kpaxaicbaojisv imsp auxouc;

according to [the] straight [plains], assuredly we shall power over them.

24+ Kai xo pf]|ia xodxo 7coir|aov a7coaxr|aov xovq

And this thing you do! Let [ depart the

PaaiXefc; SKaaxov eic; xov xo7cov auxcbv Kai Gee;

kings each] to his place, and establish


20 3 ev tootco + vtica 11-1 Kings

avx' auxcbv aaxpd7iac; 25 + Kai aXkatpv au Kaxd xrjv

[ in place of them satraps] ! And you exchange according to the

8i)va|iiv xrjv nsoovaav anb oou Kai (7T7rov Kaxd

force falling from you — even horse for

xov i7urov Kai dpjiaxa Kaxd xa dpjiaxa Kai

horse, and chariots for chariots. And

7ioXs|ifjao|i£v 7ipoc; aDxotic; Kax' sd0t3 Kai

we will wage war against them in the straight [plains], and

Kpaxaicbaojisv vitsp avzovq Kai fjKODas

we will power over them. And he hearkened to

xrjc; ^cDvfjc; aDxcbv Kai S7iorr|a£v otixcoc; 26+ Kai eyevexo

their voice, and did thus. And it came to pass

£7iiaxps\j/avxoc; xou eviauxoi) Kai S7isaKs\j/axo vioq

at the return of the year, that [ mustered [the] son

A8ep xrjv I/opiav Kai aveprj sic; Acpera sic; 7i6A,s|iov

of Hadad] Syria, and he ascended into Aphek for war

S7Ti IapafjA, 27+ Kai 01 moi IapafjA, S7rsaKS7rr|aav Kai

against Israel. And the sons of Israel were mustered, and

7iapeysvovxo eic; a7idvxr|aiv auxcbv Kai

they came to meet them. And

7iap8V8PaA,sv IapafjX e^svavxiac; auxcbv ooaei 6vo

Israel camped right opposite them, as two

7io(|ivia aiycbv Kai Zvpia S7iAx|as xrjv yrjv 28+ Kai

flocks of goats. And Syria filled the land. And

7ipoof|X08v dv0p&lt;jO7ioc; xod 0ecn3 Kai si7is xco Paai^si

came forward a man of God, and he said to the king

IopafjX xd8s Aiyei Kopioc; av0 ' cov si7is I/opia 0e6c;

of Israel, Thus says [the] LORD, Because Syria said, [ [is] God

opscov Kopioc; o 0e6c; IapafjA, Kai ov 0e6c;

of [the] mountains [the] LORD God of Israel], and [ [is] not God

Koi^dScov avToq Kai 8cboco xrjv 5uva|iiv xrjv jieydArjv

of [the] valleys he], that I will give [force great

xatixrjv eic; %zipa arjv Kai yvcbarj 6x1 sycb Kopioc; 29 +

this] into [ hand your], and you shall know that I [am] [the] LORD.

Kai 7iap£|ipdAAxyDaiv otixoi a7isvavxi xotjxcdv S7ixd

And these camped before those seven

386|ir| Kai


rjjispac; Kai eyevexo sv xr| rjjiepa xr| 8

days. And it came to pass in the [ day seventh"

7ipoaf|ysv o 7i6A,e|ioc; Kai S7idxa^sv IapafjA, xrjv I/opiav

[ led on the war]. And Israel struck Syria —

8Kax6v xiAidSac; 7ie^cbv [da rjjiepa 30+ Kai ecpuyov 01

a hundred thousand footmen in one day. And [ fled the


20 3 sv tootco + viica 11-1 Kings

KaxaXomoi sic; Acpsra sic; ttjv 7c6Aav Kai S7i;sas to

rest] unto Aphek, into the city. And [ fell the

T£i%oc; 87i( eiKoai Kai S7it&amp; %iXid8ac; av8pcbv tcdv

wall] upon twenty and seven thousand men of the

KaTaXoi7icov Kai vioq A8sp scpDye Kai eiafj^Gsv sic;

ones remaining. And [the] son ofHadad fled, and he entered into


the house of the bedroom, into the inner chamber. And [ said

01 7iai8£c; avzov npoq clvtov idov 8r| r|KODoa|isv 6ti

his servants] to him, Indeed behold we heard that

PaaiXeig oikod IapafjX fiaaiksiq zk£ovq sioiv

[the] kings of [the] house of Israel [kings of mercy are].

87ii0cb|is9a 8r| adKKODc; S7ri Tac; oaqroac; rjjicbv Kai

We should place indeed sackcloths upon our loins, and

o%oiv(a S7Ti Tac; Kscpa^dc; rjjicbv Kai e^eXGcDjisv npoq

rough cords upon our heads, and we should go forth to

tov PaaiAia IapafjA, smcoq ^cooyovfjosi

the king of Israel; if by any means he shall bring forth alive

Tac; yv%aq rjjicbv 32+ Kai 7cepi£^cbaavTO adKKODc; S7ri

our lives. And they girded sackcloths upon

Tac; oacpvaq aDTcbv Kai sGsaav a%oiv(a S7U

their loins, and put rough cords upon

Tac; Kscpa^dc; aDTcbv Kai 8i7cov tod Paai^ei IapafjX

their heads. And they said to the king of Israel,

SovXoq aoi) vioq A8sp Aiysi ^rjadTCD 8r| r| \\fv%r\ [iov

Your servant, [the] son ofHadad says, Let [ live indeed my soul]!

Kai 817C8V si sti fy\ aSeAxpoc; J10D SCTTl 33 + Kai 01

And he said, Does he still live? [ brother he is my]. And the

dvSpec; oicovioavTO Kai sansvaav Kai aveAi^avTO tov

men foretold and hastened and gathered up the

Xoyov 8K tod oTOjiaTOc; clvtov Kai 8i7cov aSsAxpoc; aoi)

word out of his mouth, and they said, Your brother

moc; A5sp Kai ei7csv sicjsABsts Kai AxxPsts clvtov

[the] son ofHadad. And he said, Enter, and receive him!

Kai e^fjXGe npoq clvtov vioq A5sp Kai

And [ came forth to him [the] son ofHadad]; and

avaPipd^oDaiv clvtov siti to dpjia itpoq clvtov 34+ Kai

they transported him upon the chariot to him. And

817C8 7cpoc; clvtov Taq noXsiq aq skafisv o 7caTf|p jiod

he said to him, The cities which [ took father my]

7capd tod KCLTpoq aoD a7co8cbaco 001 Kai s^68odc;

from your father, I give back to you. And [ streets

dr\asiq sv AajiaaKcb asaDTcb Kadcbq £0sto

you shall establish] in Damascus for yourself, as [ established


20 3 sv tootco + vlica 11-1 Kings

o 7raxf|p |iod sv Eajiapsia Kai sycb sv 8ia6fjKr|

my father] in Samaria. And I by covenant

s^a7to&lt;ycsAxb os Kai 8is0sxo aDxcb 8ia6fiKr|v Kai

shall send you out. And he ordained with him a covenant, and

s^a7isaT8iA,sv auxov 35+ Kai &amp;v6p&lt;j07ioc; sic; sk tcov

sent him out. And [ man one] of the

mcbv tcov 7ipo(pr|Tcbv si7is 7ipoc; xov 7rAx|criov avzov sv

sons of the prophets said to his neighbor, by

Xoyco KDpioi) 7rdxa^ov 5r| jis Kai odk r|0sAr|asv o

a word of [the] LORD, Strike me indeed! And [not would the

dv9pco7iO(; 7iaTd^ai ai)i6v 36+ Kai si7is npoq auxov

man] strike him. And he said to him,

av0 ' cov odk fjKODaaq xrjc; cpcovfiq Kopiou idov av

Because you hearkened not to the voice of [the] LORD, behold, [as] you

a7TOTps%8ic; an s|iot3 Kai7iaxd^si as Aicov Kai

run from me, [ shall strike you a lion]. And

a7if|X0sv an avzov Kai stipsv auxov Aicov Kai

he went forth from him, and [ found him a lion], and

S7idxa^sv auxov 37+ Kai supiaKsi dv6pco7iov aXkov Kai

struck him. And he finds [ man another], and

81718 7ldTa^OV 8r| |I8 Kai 87ldTa^8V auxov o

he said, Strike indeed me! And [ struck him the

dv0pcG7roc; Kai 7iaxd^ac; auvsxpuj/s 38+ Kai S7iopsi)0r| o

man], and striking he broke [him]. And [went the

7rpo(pfjrr|c; Kai saxrj too Paai^si IopafjX S7U xrjc; odov

prophet] and stood to the king of Israel upon the way,

Kai KaxsSfjaaxo sv xs^ajicbvi xouc; otp0aA,|ioi)c; avzov

and he bound [with a ligature his eyes].

39+ Kai sysvsxo coc; o fiaaikvbq 7iaps7i;opsi)sxo Kai

And it came to pass as the king came near, that

avToq epoa itpoq xov PaaiXsa Kai si7isv

he yelled out to the king. And he said,

o SovXoq gov e^fjX0sv S7U xr|v axpaxidv tod 7toA,s|iod

Your servant went forth with the military for war,

Kai i8od avfjp eiafjyays npoq |is dv8pa Kai si7is

and behold, a man brought to me [another] man, and he said

(101 (pvXatpv todtov tov dv8pa sdv 8s SK7ir|8cbv

to me, Guard this man! And if by rushing away

SK7ir|8f|ar| Kai 8axai r| \|A)%f| aoi) avxi

he should rush away, then [ will be [required] life your] for

Tr\q yvyftq aviov rj xd^avxov apyupiou oxxjosicj 40 +

his life, or a talent of silver you establish [for it].


21 SD


11-1 Kings

Kai eyevsxo coc; o SovXoq aoi) 7iepiepA£7isxo cb5s

And it came to pass as your servant looked round about here [this way]
Kai co8e Kai omoq oukt|v Kai 8i7is npoq

and here [that way], that this [man] was not [around]. And [said to

avTOV o fiaoiksvq lapar\k idov SiKaaxfjc; au 7iap'

him the king of Israel], Behold, you [are the] magistrate, [for

sjioi scpoveuaac; 4 i+ Kai sansvaz Kai acpd^s xov

me you murdered]. And he hastened and removed the

xs^ajicbva a7io xcov ocpBaXjicbv avzov Kai S7i8yvco

ligature from his eyes. And [ recognized

avzov o fiaaikzvq lapar\k 6xi sk xcov 7ipo(pr|Tcbv

him the king of Israel], that [ [was] of the prophets

omoq 42+ Kai 8i7is 7ipoc; auxov xd8e Aiysi Kupioc;

this one]. And he said to him, Thus says [the] LORD,

Sioxi £^a7isaT£iA,ac; au dv5pa olsGpiov sk

Because you sent out [ man a pernicious] [to escape] from out of

xrjc; xsipoq aou Kai eaxai r| yv%r\ aou avxi

your hand, even [ will be [required] your life] for

Tr\q yu%f|c; auxou Kai o Xaoq aou avxi tod Xaov auxou

his life, and your people for his people.

43+ Kai anr\kdzv o fiaoiksvq IapafjA, auyKe%u|isvoc; Kai

And [ went forth the king of Israel] being confounded and

sk^sAujisvoc; Kai sp%sxai sic; Sajiapsiav

faint, and came unto Samaria.


i + Kai sysvexo jiexd xa pfjjiaxa xauxa Kai a|i7i8Axbv sic;

And it came to pass after these words, that [ vineyard one

Tjv xcd NaPouG xco IetparjAixrj 7iapd xco oikco

[there] was] [to] Naboth the Jezreelite, by the house

A%adp PaaiAicoc; Sajiapeiaq 2 + Kai skahr\asv A%adp

of Ahab king of Samaria. And Ahab spoke

7ipoc; NapouG Aiycov doq jioi xov a|i7csAxbvd aoi) Kai

to Naboth, saying, Give to me your vineyard! and

saxai (ioi sic; Kfj7iov Xa%av(w 6xi syyi^cov ouxoc;

it will be to me for a garden of vegetables, for this is near

xco oikco jiou Kai 8coaco aoi avx' auxou aji7rsAxbva

my house! And I will give to you in place of it [vineyard

aXkov ayaGov urcep auxov ei 5s apsaKsi svcb7ii6v

another good] for it, but if [not] pleasing before

aou 8cbaco aoi apyupiov dAlayjia avxi

you, I will give to you money in barter for


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tod a[msk(bv6q gov todto 3 + Kai ei7cev NaPoD0 itpoq

[vineyard this your]. And Nabothsaid to

A%a&amp;p jlxti jioiyevoiTO 7iapd KopioD 8oDvai tt|v

Ahab, May it not be to me from [the] LORD to give the

KA,r|povo|i(av xcov 7raTspcov |iod aoi 4 + Kai fjX0evA%a&amp;p

inheritance of my fathers to you. And Ahab went

7ipoq OIKOV aDTOD &lt;XDyK£%D|I8VOC; Kai SKkskV[lSVOq 8711

to his house being in a tumult and loosened over

too Xoyco co sAxxArjasv npoq clvtov NaPoD0 o

the word which [ spoke to him Naboth the

IsaparjAiTTjg Kai ei7cev od 5cbaco aoi tt|v KA,r|povo|i(av

Jezreelite], as he said, I will not give to you the inheritance

tcov 7iaT8pcov jiod aoi Kai eysvsTO to 7cveD|ia A%dp

of my fathers to you. And [ became the spirit of Ahab]

T8Tapay(i8vov Kai SKoi|xfj6r| £7U Tr\q Kkivr\q clvtov Kai

disturbed, and he went to sleep upon his bed, and

oi)V8KdA,D\j/8 to 7ip6aco7iov clvtov Kai odk ecpaysv

covered up his face, and did not eat

dpTOV 5 + Kai eiafjABsv Is^dpeX r\ yvvr) clvtov npoq

bread. And [ entered Jezebel his wife] to

avTOV Kai sXdAxjae 7ipoq clvtov ti to 7rvsD|ia gov

him, and she said to him, Why [is] your spirit

T8TapdKTai Kai odk si &lt;xd saGicov dpTOV 6 + Kai £i7ce

disturbed, and [ are not you] eating bread? And he said

7ipoc; aDTfjv 6ti eldAxjaa npoq NaPoDG tov

to her, For I spoke to Naboth the

Is^parjMTrjv Aiycov doq jioi tov a|i7csAxbvd aoD

Jezreelite, saying, Give to me your vineyard

apyopioD si 8e |ir| PodA^si 5cbaco aoi a|i7ceXcbva avT'

for money! but if you do not want, I will give to you a vineyard in place

aDTOD Kai 817TSV od 8cbaco aoi tt|v KAxjpovojjiav

of it. And he said, I will not give to you the inheritance

tcov 7iaT8pcov |iod 7 + Kai 81718 7cpoc; aDTOV Ie^dpsA,

of my fathers. And [ said to him Jezebel

r\ yvvr\ aDTOD aD vdv odtco 7coisfc; PaaiXsfc; S7U

his wife], Do you now so act [as] king over

IapafjX avdarr|0i Kai (pays dpTOV Kai aaDTOD ysvoD

Israel? Rise up, and eat bread, and [ yourself be] !

sycb 5s 8cbaco aoi tov a|i7csXcbva NaPoDG tod

and I will give to you the vineyard of Naboth the

Is^parjAiTOD 8 + Kai eypa\j/e PipAiov S7U tco ovojiaTi

Jezreelite. And she wrote upon a scroll the name


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A%adp Kai sacppayiaaxo xrj acppayi5i avzov Kai

of Ahab, and set seal with his seal, and

arcsaxsiXs to PipAiov npoq zovq 7ipsaPuxspouc; Kai

sent the scroll to the elders and

7rpoc; xodc; sXsuGspouc; xodc; KaxoiKowcac; |isxd

to the free men of the ones dwelling with

NaPcroG 9+ Kai sysyparcxo sv too PipAioo Aiyoov

Naboth. And she wrote in the scroll, saying,

vrjaxstiaaxs vrjaxsiav Kai KaGiaaxs xovNaPotiG sv

Fast a fast, and set Naboth at

ap%fj xod Xaov 10+ Kai KaGiaaxs dvo dvdpaq

[the] head [place] of the people! And set two men,

viovq 7iapav6|icov s^svavxiac; avzov Kai

sons of lawbreakers, right opposite him! And

KaxajiapxDprjadxcoaav avzov Aiyovxsc; SDXoyrjKaq 0s6v

let them bear witness against him! saying, You raved [against] God

Kai PaaiXsa Kai s^ayaysxcoaav auxov Kai

and king. And let them lead him out and

AiGoPoAxjadxcoaav auxov Kai a7io0avsxco 1 1 + Kai

stone him, and let him die! And

S7rovr|Gav 01 dv8psc; xrjc; noXzcnq avzov 01 7rpsaPi3xspoi

they did (the men of his city, the elders,

Kai 01 sA,si36spoi 01 KaxoiKowxsq sv xrj 7i6Xsi avzov

and the free [men] dwelling in his city)

KaGcbq a7rsaxsiA,s itpoq avzovq Is^dpsA, Kai Ka6d

as [ sent to them Jezebel], and as

sysyparcxo sv xoic; Pipiioiq oiq arcsaxsiXs npoq

was written in the scrolls which she sent to

auxotic; 12+ Kai SKdXsaav vrjaxsiav Kai SKdGiaav

them. And they called a fast, and they sat

xov NaPoi30 sv ap%fj xod Xaov 13 + Kai siafjABov dvo

Naboth at [the] head of the people. And [ entered two

dv5psq moi 7iapav6|icov Kai SKdGiaav s^svavxiac;

men], sons of lawbreakers, and they sat right opposite

clvtov Kai Kaxsjiapxtiprjaav arjxorj Xsyovxsq

him, and bore witness against him, saying,

rji)A,6yr|Kac; Gsov Kai PaaiAia Kai s^fjyayov arjxov

He raved [against] God and king. And they led him

s^co xrjc; 7t6Xscdc; Kai sAi0op6Ax|aav arjxov sv Xidoiq

outside the city, and they stoned him with stones,

Kai arcsGavs 14+ Kai arcsaxsi^av npoq Is^dpsX

and he died. And they sent to Jezebel,


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Aiyovxsc; XsAiGoPoAxjxai NaPotiG Kai xeGvrjKe 15+ Kai

saying, Naboth has been stoned and died. And

syevsxo coc; fjKODoe Ie^dpeA, tcov Xsyovxcov

it came to pass, as Jezebel heard the ones saying,

XskiQofiohycai NaPotiG Kai xsGvrjKev ei7isv Ie^dpsA,

Naboth has been stoned, and has died; Jezebel said

7rpoc; A%a&amp;p avdaxa KArjpovojiei xov a|i7isA,cbva

to Ahab, Rise up, inherit the vineyard

NaPoi36 xod Ie^parjAixoD 6x1 odk s8coks aoi apyopioD

of Naboth the Jezreelite! for he did not give it to you for money,

6x1 odksoxi NaPotiG ^cov aXXd xs9vt|ks 16+ Kai

for [ is not Naboth] living, but has died. And

syevsxo coc; fjKODasv A%adp 6x1 xs6vt|ks NaPotiG

it came to pass as Ahab heard that Naboth has died,

avsaxrj A%adp Kai KaxsPrj sic; xov a|i7isAxbva NaPotiG

Ahab rose and went down into the vineyard of Naboth

xod Ie^parjAixoi) xod KAr|povo|xfjaai aDxov 17+ Kai

the Jezreelite to inherit it. And

S17T8 KDpioq 7ipoc; HAiav xov 0sap(xr|v Aiycov is+

[the] LORD said to Elijah the Tishbite, saying,

avdaxr|6i Kai KaxdprjGi sic; a7idvxr|aiv A%adp

Rise up and go down for a meeting with Ahab

PaaiXscoc; IapafjA, xod ev Eajiapsia i8od odxoc; sv

king of Israel, the one in Samaria! Behold, he [is] in

xco a|i7rsAxbvi NaPotiG 6x1 KaxaPsPrjKsv sksi

the vineyard of Naboth, for he went down there

KArjpovojifjaai aDxov 19+ Kai XaXr\aE\q itpoq aDxov

to inherit it. And you shall speak to him,

Aiycov xd8s Aiysi Ktipioc; scpovsDaac; Kai

saying, Thus says [the] LORD, You murdered and

SKAr|pov6|ir|aac; Sidxotixo xd5s Aiysi Ktipioc; sv xco

inherited. Therefore thus says [the] LORD, In the

x67ico co sXsi^av 01 kdvsc; xo aijia NaPotiG sksi

place where [ licked the dogs] the blood of Naboth, there

Xsi^odoiv 01 kdvsc; xo aijid aoD 20+ Kai sircsv A%adp

[ shall lick the dogs] your blood. And Ahab said

7ipoc; HAiav ei stiprjKdc; |is o s^Gpoc; jiod Kai sircsv

to Elijah, Have you found me, O my enemy? And he said,

SDprjKa 816x1 7i87rpaaai |idxrjv xod 7ioif|aai

I have found [you], for you sell [yourself] in folly to act

xo 7rovT|p6v svcb7riov KDpioD xod 7iapopyfciai aDXOV 21 +

wickedly before [the] LORD, to provoke him to anger.


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xd8s Aiysi Kopioc; i8od sycb S7idyco S7ri as Kara Kai

Thus says [the] LORD, Behold, I bring upon you evils. And

SKKooacD O7rioco cjod Kai e^oloGpsDaco xov A%a&amp;p

I shall burn away after you, and I shall utterly destroy of Ahab
ODpowca 7rpoc; xo(%ov Kai aDvsxojisvov Kai

[the] one urinating against [the] wall, and [the] one being constrained, and

eyKaxaXe^eiiijisvov ev IapafjX 22 + Kai 8cbaco

[the] one being left in Israel. And I will appoint

xov oikov aoi) coc; xov oikov IepoPodji diod Napdx

your house as the house of Jeroboam son ofNebat,

Kai coc; xov oikov Baaad diod A%id mpi xcov

and as the house ofBaasha son ofAhijah, on account of the

7iapopyia|idxcov cov Tiapcbpyiaaq Kai

provocations which you provoke to anger, and

s^fniapxsq xov IapafjA, 23+ Kai xrj Ie^dpeX

led Israel into sin. And to Jezebel

sXdAxjae Kupioq Aiycov 01 kdvsc; cpdyovxai aDxfjv sv

[the] LORD spoke, saying, The dogs shall eat her in

too 7ipoTei%(a|iaTi tod IsQxxfjA, 24+ xov xsGvrjKoxa

the area around the wall of Jezreel. The one having died

tod A%adp sv ttj 7i6A,8i cpdyovxai 01 kdvsc; Kai xov

of Ahab in the city, [ will eat the dogs]; and the one

xeBvrjKoxa aDxoD sv xco 7is8(co cpdyovxai xa 7isxsivd

having died of his in the plain, [ will eat the birds


of the heaven].

25+ 7rAr|v odk rjv coc; A%adp oq S7ipd0r| 7rovqaai

Furthermore [ not [one] there was] as Ahab, who sold himself to do


the wicked [thing] before [the] LORD, as [ altered him

Is^dpsA, T| yovfj aDxoD 26 + Kai sp5sXD%6r| acp68pa

Jezebel his wife]. And he acted [ abhorrent exceedingly]

xod 7iopsD0f|vai O7i(aco xcov p8sA,Dy|idxcov Kaxd

to go after the abominations, according to

7idvxa 60a S7tovr|aev o Ajioppaioc; ov

all as many things which [ made the Amorite], whom

s^coA,66p8Das Kopioc; arco 7ipoacb7roD xcov dicov IopafjX

[the] LORD utterly destroyed from [the] face of the sons of Israel.

27+ Kai sysvsxo coc; fjKODasv A%adp xa pfjjiaxa xaDxa

And it came to pass as Ahab heard these words,

8ieppr|^8 xov %ixcbva aDxoD Kai 7iepipdA,sxo adKKov

he tore his inner-garment, and he wore sackcloth


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87i( to acbjia olvtov Kai svrjaxsuaaxo Kai 8Koi|ifj0r| sv

upon his body, and he fasted, and he laid in

O&amp;KKOV Kai S7TOp8l)8TO KSKDCpCOC; 28+ Kai SySVSXO

sackcloth, and he went having downcast eyes. And came to pass

pfjjia Kopioi) 7ipoc; HAiav xov ©eaptixrjv Kai si7csv

[the] word of [the] LORD to Elijah the Tishbite, and he said,

29 + scbpaKac; coc; Kaxsvi)%0r| A%adp anb 7ipoacb7roi) jiod

Have you seen that Ahab was vexed in front of me?

av0' ou 6xi Kaxsvi)%9r| arco 7ipoaco7roD jiod oi)KS7cd^co

Because he was vexed in front of me, I shall not bring

ttjv KaKiav sv xaic; rjjispaic; avxov oil' rj sv xaic;

the evil in his days, but only in the

rjjispaic; xod viov olvtov S7cd^co xrjv KaKiav S7ri

days of his son will I bring the evil upon


his house.

22 M

i + Kai SKdBias xpia sxrj Kai odk tjv n6Xs[ioq

And he stayed in place three years, and there was no war

avajisaov 2/opiac; Kai avajisaov IapafjA, 2+ Kai

between Syria and between Israel. And

sysvsxo sv xco sviauxcb xco xpixco Kai KaxsPrj

it came to pass in the [ year third], that [ went down

Icoaacpdx fiaaiksvq lovda npoq PaaiAia IapafjA, 3+ Kai

Jehoshaphat king of Judah] to [the] king of Israel. And

si7is o fiaaiXzvq lapaf\k itpoq zovq 7ca(5ac; avzov si

[ said [the] king of Israel] to his servants, Do

o(8axs 6x1 r||iiv Pajicb0 raA,ad8 Kai r||isfc; aico7icb|isv

you know that [ [is ours] Ramoth Gilead], and we keep silent

xod |ir| AxxPsiv aDxfjv sk X 8l P°^ PaaiXscoq Zvpiaq

[to] not take it from out of [the] hand of [the] king of Syria?

4+ Kai si7is o PaaiXstic; IapafjA, npoq Icoaacpdx

And [ said [the] king of Israel] to Jehoshaphat,

siavapfjarj |is6' sjioi) sic; PajicbG raA,ad5 sic;

Shall you not ascend with me unto Ramoth Gilead for

7i6Xs|iov 5 + Kai si7isv Icoaacpdx KaGcbq av otixcoc; Kai

war? And Jehoshaphat said, As you, thus also

sycb KaGcbq o Xaoq gov odxcoc; Kai Xaoq [iov KaGcbq

I. As your people, thus also my people. As

01 1717101 gov 01 i7C7coi jioi) Kai si7i;sv Icoaacpdx

your horses, [so also] my horses. And [ said Jehoshaphat


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fiaaikvbq lovda itpoq PaaiAia IapafjA, S7ispcoxfjaaxe

king of Judah] to [the] king of Israel, Ask

8r| ofjjispov xov Kopiov 6 + Kai awqGpoiaev o

indeed today of the LORD. And [ gathered together the

fiaaiksvq IapafjX rcavxac; xouc; 7ipocpf|xac; cog

king of Israel] all the prophets, about

xexpaKooioDc; avdpaq Kai si7i8v auxofc; si 7ropei)6cb

four hundred men. And said to them, Shall I go

ziq PajicbG raA,a&amp;8 eiq 7i6A,s|iov r| e7ua%co Kai ei7iav

unto Ramoth Gilead for war, or wait? And they said,

av&amp;Paivs on 8i8cn3c; 8cbasi Kopioc; sic; xsipac; xou

Ascend! for by giving, [the] LORD shall give into [the] hands of the

PaaiAicoc; ?+ Kai si7i8v Icoaacpdx 7ipoc; xov PaaiXea

king. And Jehoshaphat said to the king

IapafjX odk eaxiv cb5e 7ipocpf|xr|c; xod Kopiou Kai

of Israel, Is there not here a prophet of the LORD, and

£7T£p&lt;jQXfjaO|ieV XOV KDpiOV 8l' CLVTOV 8+ Kai £17TSV o

we shall ask the LORD through him? And [ said the

fiaaiksvq IapafjX itpoq Icoaacpdx sxi sic; eaxiv avfjp

king of Israel] to Jehoshaphat, Yet there is one man

ziq to S7i£p&lt;jQxfjaai xov Kopiov 8i' avzov Kai sycb

for the asking the LORD through him, and I

|is|iiar|Ka auxov 6xi ou Xaksi mpi sjiod KaXd

detest him, for he does not speak concerning me [for] good [things],

aXk r T| Kara Mvxaiac; vioq Ia|Ad Kai si7i8v Icoaacpdx

but only bad— Micaiah son oflmlah. And Jehoshaphat said,

|ir| A,sysxco o fiaaikzvq ouxco 9 + Kai eKd^eaev o

Let not [ speak the king] so. And [ called the

fiaaikvbq IapafjX £WOV%ov sva Kai si7i8 xo xd%oc;

king of Israel eunuch one], and he said, Quickly [bring]

Mi%a(av diov IajAd io+ Kai o fiaaikzvq IapafjA, Kai

Micaiah son oflmlah. And the king of Israel and

Icoaacpdx fiaaikvbq lovda SKdGrjvxo SKaaxoc; S7ri

Jehoshaphat king of Judah sat down each upon

xov Gpovov avTOV svotcAxh sv dAx» 7ivhr\q

his throne, armed, at [the] threshing-floor gate

Sajiapsiaq Kai navTsq oi 7ipocpfjxai S7ipocpf|xeuov

of Samaria. And all the prophets prophesied

svco7riov auxcbv n+ Kai £7rorr|a£v eauxcb SeSsKiac; vioq

before them. And [ made for himself Zedekiah son

Xavadji Kepaxa ai8r|pd Kai ei7ie xd5e Aiysi Kopioc;

of Chenaanah] horns of iron. And he said, Thus says [the] LORD,


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sv xodxoic; Kspaxisic; xrjv 2/opiav scoc; av

By these you shall gore the Syrian until whenever

&lt;XDVTsXsa6f| 12+ Kai ftdvxsc; oi 7ipo(pfjxai

you finish them off entirely. And all the prophets

87ipo(pf|TSDOv odxooc; Xsyovxsc; avdpaivs sic; PajicbG

prophesied thus, saying, Ascend unto Ramoth

Takaad Kai si)o5cbasi Kai 5cbasi Kopioc; sic;

Gilead! and your way shall prosper, and [the] LORD shall put into

%sipdc; gov xov PaaiXsa Zvpiaq n + Kai o dyysloc; o

your hands the king of Syria. And the messenger, the

7iopsu0sk; KaAiaai xov Mi%aiav sldAxjasv auxcb

one going to call Micaiah spoke to him,

Aiyoov idov 5r| ftdvxsc; oi 7ipo(pf|xai XaXovai axojiaxi

saying, Behold, indeed all the prophets speak [ mouth

svi koXcl 7isp( tod PaaiXscoc; yivov 6r\ Kai av

by one] good [things] concerning the king. Let it be indeed that you

sv A^oyoic; raid xouc; Xoyovq zvoq xouxcdv Kai

[be] with words according to the words of one of these, and

AxxArjaov KaXa 14+ Kai si7is Mi%a(ac; ^r| Kopioc; 6xi o

speak good! And Micaiah said, As [the] LORD lives, that what

sdv 8i7ir| Kopioc; npoq |is xatixa XaXr\G(D i 5 + Kai

ever [the] LORD should say to me, these [things] I shall speak. And

r\kds npoq xov PaaiAia Kai sircsv auxcb o fiaGikvbq

he came to the king. And [ said to him the king],

Mi%a(a 8i avapcb sic; PajicoB raA,ad8 sic; 7i6A,s|iov r|

Micaiah, Shall I ascend to Ramoth Gilead for war, or

87ua%&lt;jo Kai 817T8V auxcb avdpaivs Kai

wait? And he said to him, Ascend! and

si)o5cbasi Kupioc; sv %sip( tod PaoiAiooc; i 6 + Kai si7isv

[the] LORD shall prosper the way in [the] hand of the king. And [ said

ai)xcb o fiaaiksvq 7roadKic; sycb opKi^co as OTicnq

to him the king], How often shall I adjure you that

Xakr\ar\q npoq |is aAxjGsiav sv ovojiaxi Kopioi) i? +

you should speak to me [the] truth in [the] name of [the] LORD?

Kai si7is Mi%a(ac; odtcdc; scbpaKa rcdvxa xov IapafjX

And Micaiah said thus, I see all Israel

5iso7iap|isvov sv xoic; opsaiv coc; 7ip6paxa co

being scattered in the mountains as sheep in which

ODK SaXl 7TOl|lf|V Kai S17TS KDpiOC; 01) KDpiOq

there is no shepherd. And [the] LORD said, [There] is no lord

xodxoic; avaaxpscpsxoo sraaxoc; sic; xov oikov avzov sv

to these, let [ return each] to his house in


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11-1 Kings

8ipfjvr| i8+ Kai 81718 o fiaaikzvq IapafjX npoq

peace! And [ said the king of Israel] to

Icoaacpdx PaoiXsa lovda odk eura npoq as 6xi ou

Jehoshaphat king of Judah, Did I not say to you that [ would not

7ipo(pr|T£i)£i omoq sjioi Koka aXk r r\ Kara 19+ Kai

prophesy this one unto me good [things]], but only bad? And

S17T8 Mi%a(ac; 5id xouxo draoaov xov A,6yov Kopioi)

Micaiah said, On account of this hear the word of [the] LORD!

s(8ov Kopiov Gsov IapafjA, KaGfjjievov S7U

I saw [the] LORD God of Israel sitting upon

Bpovou clvtov Kai 7rdaa r| axpaxid xou oupavoi)

his throne, and all the military of the heaven

eiaxfjKsi 7rsp( auxov sk 8e^icbv avzov Kai

standing about him at his right, and at

apiaxspcbv avzov 20 + Kai si7cs Kopioc; xic; a7caxfjaei

his left. And [the] LORD said, Who shall deceive

xov A%adp PaaiXea IapafjX Kai avapfjaexai sv

Ahab king of Israel, that he shall ascend in

PajicoG raXad8 Kai 7csaeixai sksi Kai ei7csv omoq

Ramoth Gilead and shall fall there? And this one said

otixcoc; Kai otixoc; ouxcoc; 21+ Kai s^fjAite 7rvei)|ia Kai

thus, and this [other one] thus. And [ came forth a spirit], and

saxrj 8vcb7iiov Kopioi) Kai eiftsv sycb a7caxf|acD ai)xov

stood before [the] LORD. And he said, I will deceive him.

22+ Kai S17T8 7rpoc; ai)xov Kopioc; ev xivi Kai 8i7rsv

And [ said to him [the] LORD], In what [way]? And he said,

s^sXetiaojiai Kai saojiai 7uvei)|ia \j/eu5ec; sv oxojiaxi

I shall go forth, and I shall be [ spirit a lying] in [the] mouth

7idvxcov xcov 7ipo(pr|xcbv avzov Kai 8i7isv a7caxf|aeic; Kai

of all his prophets. And he said, You shall deceive, and

ye 5i)vfjar| e^eXGe Kai 7io(r|aov ouxcoq 23+ Kai vdv

indeed you will be able. Go forth, and do so! And now,

i5oi3 8s8coks Kopioc; 7rvei)|ia \j/sd8sc; sv axojiaxi

behold, [the] LORD has put [ spirit a lying] in [the] mouth

7idvxcov xcov 7rpocpr|xcbv oou xouxcov Kai Kopioc;

of all [ your prophets these], and [the] LORD

8711 os KaKa 24 + Kai 7cpoaf|A,6s SsSsKiaq

spoke against you bad [things]. And [ came forward Zedekiah

vioq Xavadv Kai S7cdxa^s xov Mi%a(av 87ci xrjv

son of Chenaanah], and he struck Micaiah upon the

aiayova Kai ei7ce 7co(ov 7rvei)|ia Kopioi) a7csaxr| a7c'

jaw, and he said, What kind of spirit of [the] LORD departed from


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11-1 Kings

sjiod tod XaArjaai sv aoi 25 + Kai si7is Mi%a(ac; i8od

me to speak with you? And Micaiah said, Behold,

od 6\j/si sv ttj rjjispa SKsivrj oxav siasA^Dorj xajiisiov

you shall see in that day, whenever you shall enter an inner chamber

xod xajiisioD xod Kpi)Pf|vai 26+ Kai sircsv o fiaaikzvq

of the storeroom to hide. And [ said the king

IapafjX AxxPsxs xov Mi%a(av Kai a7ioaxps\j/axs aDxov

of Israel], Take Micaiah, and return him

7ipoc; Ajicbv xov dp%ovxa xrjc; noXscoq Kai 7ipoc; Ioodc;

to Amon the ruler of the city, and to Joash

diov xod PaoiXscoc; 27+ Kai si7iov odxcdc; Aiysi o

son of the king! And say, Thus says the

PaaiXsDc; 0sa6s aDxov sv (pvXaKx\ Kai saGisxco dpxov

king, Put him in prison, and let him eat bread

0Ai\j/scoc; Kai D5cop 0Ai\j/scoc; scoc; xod S7iiaxps\j/ai |is sv

of affliction and water of affliction until my return in

eipfjvrj 28 + Kai si7is Mixaiaq sdv S7naxpscp&lt;jov

peace! And Micaiah said, If in returning,

S7iiaxps\j/r|c; sv sipfjvrj od XsXdAxjKs Kopioc; sv sjioi

you should return in peace, [ did not speak [the] LORD] by me.

Kai si7rsv aKODaaxco naq o Xaoq 29+ Kai avsprj o

And he said, Let [ hearken all the people] ! And [ ascended up the

fiaaiksvq IapafjX Kai Icoaacpdx PaoiXsDc; Ioi)8a |isx'

king of Israel], and Jehoshaphat king ofJudah with

aDxoD sic; PajicbG raA,ad8 30+ Kai si7is o PamlsDc;

him unto Ramoth Gilead. And [ said the king

IapafjA, rcpoc; Icoaacpdx PaaiXsa Ioi)8a &lt;7DyKaA,D\j/o|iai

of Israel] to Jehoshaphat king ofJudah, I shall cover up myself,

Kai sias^sDaojiai sic; xov 7i6A,s|iov Kai cjd svSDaai

and enter into the battle; and you put on

xov ijiaxiajiov jiod Kai aDVSKaA,D\j/axo o PaaiXsDc;

my clothes! And [ covered himself up the king

Iapafj^ Kai siaf|A,0sv sic; xov 7i6A,s|iov 31+ Kai o

of Israel], and he entered into the battle. And the

PaaiXsDc; I/opiac; svsxsiXaxo xoic; dp%ODai

king of Syria gave charge to the rulers

xcov apjidxcov aDxoD xpidKovxa Kai 8do( Aiycov jlit|

of his chariots ~ thirty and two, saying, Do not

7ioA,s|isixs 7ipoc; jiiKpov T| jisyav aXk r r\ xov PaoiXsa

do battle against [the] small or great, but the king

IapafjX jiovcbxaxov 32+ Kai sysvsxo coc; s(8ov 01

of Israel alone. And it came to pass as [saw the ones

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11-1 Kings

dpxovxsq xcov apjidxcov xov Icoaacpdx PaaiXsa Ioi35a

in charge of the chariots] Jehoshaphat king of Judah,

Kai (xdtoi 8i7iov cpaivsxai fiaaiksvq IapafjX odxoc; Kai

that they said, It appears [that] [ [is the] king of Israel this [one]]. And

SKDKAxoaav aDxov xod 7ioA,s|xf|aai Kai

they encircled him to do battle. And

avsKpa^s Icoaacpdx 33 + Kai sysvsxo coc; s(5ov 01

Jehoshaphat shouted aloud. And it happened as [ saw the

apxovxsq xcov apjiaxcov oxi odk saxi

rulers of the chariots] that [ is not

the] king of Israel

odxoc; Kai avsaxps\j/av an aDxoD 34+ Kai svsxsivsv

this], that they turned away from him. And [ stretched tight

sic; xo xo^ov acpsAxbc; Kai S7idxa^s xov PaaiAia

one the bow merely], and it struck the king

IapafjX avajisoov xod 7tvsd|iovoc; Kai avajisaov xod

of Israel between the lungs and between the

GcbpaKoq Kai si7is xco nvi6%co aDxoD S7uaxps\j/ov

chest [plate]. And he said [to] his charioteer, Turn

xrjv %zipa ctod Kai s^dyays |is sk xod 7toXs|iod 6x1

your hand and lead me out of the battle! for

X8xpai)|idxia|iai 35+ Kai sxpo7icb9r| o noXs^ioq sv

I have been wounded. And [ turned the war] in

xtj r||i8pa SKsivrj Kai o fiaoiksvq r\v soxttkcoc; em xod

that day. And the king was set upon the

dpjiaxoc; s^svavxiac; I/opiac; arco 7ipcoi scoc; ecmspaq

chariot right opposite Syria, from morning until evening.

Kai a7T8%Dvs xo aijia arco xrjc; 7iAx|yf|c; sic; xov

And [ poured out the blood] from the wound into the

koAjtov xod dpjiaxoq 36+ Kai saxrj o oxpaxofjpD^ ev

cavity of the chariot. And [ stood the herald of the army] in

xtj 7iaps|iPoXT] 5dvovxoc; xod tjAiod Aiycov sraaxoc;

the camp [until the] going down of the sun, saying, Each

sic; xttv saDxoD 7r6Aav Kai sraaxoc; sic; xttv saDxoD yTjv

to his own city, and each to his own land,

37+ 6x1 xs0vt]ksv o Paai^sDc; Kai r\kdov sic;

for [ has died the king]. And they went unto

Sajiapsiav Kai s0a\|/av xov PaaiAia sv Sajiapsia 38 +

Samaria, and they entombed the king in Samaria.

Kai a7isvi\j/av xo aijia and xod dpjiaxoc; S7ri xtjv

And they washed the blood from the chariot at the

Kpfjvrjv Eajiapsiac; Kai s^s^si^av 01 kdvsc; xo aijia

fountain of Samaria. And [ licked up the dogs] the blood,


22 3D

11-1 Kings

Kai ai 7i6pvai sAxroaavxo sv xco aijiaxi Korea to

and the harlots bathed in the blood, according to the

pfjjia Ki)p(oi) o s^dAxjas 39+ Kai xa Xoma xcov

saying of [the] LORD which he spoke. And the rest of the

A,6ycov A%a&amp;p Kai rcdvxa 6aa S7iorr|as Kai oikov

words of Ahab, and all which he did, and [the] house

sXscpdvxivov ov &lt;DKo56|ir|ae Kai naaaq xaq noXsiq

of ivory which he built, and all the cities

aq S7rornasv odk i8od xatixa ysyparcxai sv PipAico

which he made, [ not behold these have] been written in [the] scroll

Xoycov xcov rjjispcbv xcov PaaiAicov IapafjX 4 o+ Kai

of [the] words of the days of the kings of Israel? And

SKoi|if|9r| A%adp jisxd xcov 7iaxspcov aDxoD Kai

Ahab slept with his fathers; and

ePacriXsDasv 0%o^(ac; dioc; aDxoD avx' aDxoD 4 i+ Kai

[ reigned Ahaziah his son] instead of him. And

Icoaacpdx dioc; Aad sPaai^SDasv S7U lovda sv sxsi

Jehoshaphat son of Asa reigned over Judah in [ year

xco xsxdpxco xod A%adp PaaiXscoc; IapafjA, 42 + Kai

[the] fourth] of Ahab king of Israel. And

Icoaacpdx rjv xpidKovxa Kai rcsvxs sxcbv sv

Jehoshaphat was thirty and five years [old] in

xco PaaiXstisiv aDxov Kai sucoai Kai rcsvxs sxrj

his taking reign; and [ twenty and five years

sPacriXsDasv sv Ispoi)aaAx||i Kai ovojia

he reigned] in Jerusalem. And [the] name

xtj jiTjxpi aDxoD ACpvfia 9i)ydxr|p SaXai 43+ Kai

of his mother [was] Azubah daughter ofShilhi. And

S7iopsD0r| sv 7idar| o8co Aad xod rcaxpoc; aDxoD

he went in all [the] way of Asa his father.

odk s^skAivsv an avTT\q xod 7ioif|aai xo sdGsc; sv

He turned not aside from it, to do the upright in

o(p0aA,|io(c; KopioD 7iAx|v xcov D\j/T]Axbv odk s^fjpsv

[the] eyes of [the] LORD. Except the high [places] he did not lift away;

sxi o Xaoq sBDaia^s Kai sGdjiicov sv xoic; D\j/r|A,ofc; 44+

for the people sacrificed and burnt incense on the high [places].

Kai sipfjvsDasv Icoaacpdx jisxd PaaiXscoq IapafjA, 45 +

And Jehoshaphat made peace with [the] king of Israel.

Kai xa Xoma xcov Xoycov Icoaacpdx Kai

And the rest of the words of Jehoshaphat, and

ai 8Dvaaxs(ai aDxoD aq S7rovnasv odk i8od xaDxa

his dominions which he had, [ not behold these


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ysypa|i|isva sv PipAico Xoycov xcov rjjispcbv PaaiAicov

are] written in [the] scroll of [the] words of the days of [the] kings

lovda 46+ Kai Tovq Xoutodc; xcov xsxsA,sa|isvcov xcov

of Judah? And the rest of the ones being initiated of the

KaxaXsA,si|i|isvcov sv xaic; rjjispaic; Aad

things being forsaken in the days of Asa

xod rcaxpoc; olvtov acpsi^sv arco xrjc; yr\q ai+ Kai

his father he removed from the land. And

fiaoiksvq oi)Kr|v saxrjKcbc; sv I5oD|iaia 48+ Kai

a king was not established in Edom. And

Icoaacpdx S7iovr|as vr\aq ©apasic; xod 7iopsDsa6ai sic;

Jehoshaphat prepared ships ofTarshish to go unto


Ophir because of gold. And they did not go; for

aDvsxpiprjaav ai vfjsc; sv Taaicbv Tdpsp 49+ xoxs

[ were destroyed the ships] in Ezion Geber. Then

si7rsv 0%o^(ac; vioq A%adp npoq Icoaacpdx

[ said Ahaziah son of Ahab] to Jehoshaphat,

7iopsDsa0cooav 01 5odXo( jiod jisxd xcov 5odAxov aoD

Let [ go my servants] with your servants.

Kai odk r|9sAx|asv Icoaacpdx 50+ Kai SKoi|if|6r| Icoaacpdx

And [did not want it Jehoshaphat]. And Jehoshaphat slept

jisxd xcov 7iaxspcov aDxoD Kai sxdcprj 7iapd

with his fathers, and they entombed [him] by

xoic; 7iaxpdaiv aDxoD sv 7i6A,si AaDi5 xod 7iaxp6c; aDxoD

his fathers in [the] city of David his [fore] father.

Kai sPaaiXsDasv Icopdji dux; aDxoD avx' aDxoD 51 +

And [ reigned Jehoram his son] instead of him.

Kai 0%o^(ac; vioq A%adp sPaai^sDasv S7U IapafjX sv

And Ahaziah son of Ahab reigned over Israel in

Eajiapsia sv sxsi S7rxaKai8sKdxco Icoaacpdx PaaiXscoq

Samaria. In [ year [the] seventeenth] of Jehoshaphat king

IoD5a 0%o^(ac; vioq A%adp sPaai^sDasv S7ii IapafjX

of Judah, Ahaziah son of Ahab reigned over Israel

sv Sajiapsia 8do sxtj 52 + Kai S7iovr|as xo 7iovr|p6v

in Samaria two years. And he acted wickedly

svavxiov KDpioD Kai S7iopsD0r| sv o5cb A%adp

before [the] LORD, and went in [the] way of Ahab

xod rcaxpoc; aDxoD Kai sv o8cb Is^dpsX

his father, and in [the] way of Jezebel

xrjc; jirjxpoc; aDxoD Kai sv xaic; ajiapxiaiq oikod

his mother, and in the sins of [the] house


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IspoPodji moi) NaP&amp;x oq e^jiapxs xov IapafjX 53+ Kai

of Jeroboam son of Nebat, who led Israel into sin. And

s5oi)A,£Das Toiq BaaAiji Kai 7ipoaeic6vr|a£v auxofc; Kai

he served to the Baalim, and did obeisance to them, and

7iapcbpyias xov icupiov 6s6v IapafjA, Kaxa rcavxa

provoked to anger the LORD God of Israel, according to all

6aa £7rovr|a£v o 7iaxf|p ai)xoi3

what [ did his father].


1 N ev tootco + viica 12-2 Kings

1 X

Kai rj08ir|a8 Mcodp sv IapafjA, jisxd to a7ro9avsiv

And Moab annulled [allegiance

with Israel after the dying

A%a&amp;p 2 + Kai srcsasv 0%o^(ac; 8id tod Siktdcotod

of Ahab. And Ahaziah fell through the lattice

tod sv too D7ispcbco (xdtod too sv Sajiapsia Kai

in his upper room, in Samaria, and

r|ppcbaTr|as Kai a7isaTSiA,sv ayysloDc; Kai si7is itpoq

was infirm. And he sent for messengers, and he said to

aDTODc; 7iopsD0r|TS Kai S7ispcDTfjGaTS 5id tod BdaA,

them, Go and ask of Baal

jiDiav 0s6v AKKapcbv si ^fjaojiai sk Tr\q appoQcmac;

[the] fly god of Ekron if I shall live through [ infirmity

(iod TaDTTjq Kai S7iopsD6r|aav S7ispcoTf|aai 3 + Kai

my this] ! And they went to ask. And

ayyskoq KDpiOD sAxxArjas npoq YDdav tov 0saPvrr|v

an angel of [the] LORD spoke to Elijah the Tishbite,

Aiycov avaaTdc; 5si3po sic; aDvavrrjoiv tcov ayyslcov

saying, Rise up, go to meet the messengers

0%o^(od PaaiXscoc; Sajiapsiac; Kai XaXr\aov 7ipoq

of Ahaziah king of Samaria! and say to

aDTODc; si 8id to |ir| sivai 6s6v sv IopafjX Djisiq

them, Is it on account of the not being a God in Israel you

7iopsDsa0s S7ispcoTf|aai 8id tod BdaA, (iDiav 6s6v

go to ask of Baal [the] fly god

AKKapcbv 4+ 8id todto Td8s Aiysi Kopioc; rj

ofEkron? On account of this thus says [the] LORD, The

KAivrj scp' r\q avsprjc; S7i' aDTfjc; od KaTapfjarj

bed upon which you ascended upon it, you shall not go

an avTT\q 6ti GavdTCO a7io0avf| Kai S7iopsD6r| HAiac;

from it, for to death you shall die. And Elijah went,

Kai si7is 7ipoc; aDTODc; 5+ Kai S7isaTpdcpr|aav 01

and spoke to them. And [ returned the

dyysAxn 7ipoc; aDTOV Kai si7is rcpoc; aDTODCj ti 6ti

messengers] to him. And he said to them, Why [is it] that

a7isaTpd(pr|aav 6+ Kai si7iov 7ipoc; aDTOV avfjp avsprj

you have returned? And they said to him, A man ascended

sic; aDvdvTTjaiv r||icbv Kai si7is 7ipoc; r\[iaq 8sdts

to meet us, and he said to us, Go,

S7iiaTpd(pr|TS 7ipoc; tov PaaiXsa tov a7ioaTSiA,avTa

return to the king, the one sending

1 N sv xoi3xcp + vuca 12-2 Kings

v[idq Kai XaArjaaxe npoq avzov Td5s Aiysi Kupioc; si

you, and say to him! Thus says [the] LORD, Is it

7iapd to jLirj eivai 0e6v ev IapafjX ctd 7iopsDr|

because there is no God in Israel you go

S7ii^f|Tr|aai sv too BdaA, jxoiav 0e6v AKKapcbv 5id

to seek anxiously by Baal [the] fly god ofEkron? On account of

TODTO T| KAiVTj 8(p' T\q avePrj^ 871 ' avTT\q OD

this, the bed upon which you ascended upon it, you shall not
Kaxapfjarj ari avTT\q on Gavdxco a7io6avf| 7 + Kai

go from it, for to death you shall die. And

817T8V (XDTOfc; O fiaGlkvbq Tiq T| KpiCJlC; TOD

[ said to them the king], What [was] the distinguishing [mark] of the

avdpoq tod avapdvTOc; sic; aDvdvTrjaiv djiiv Kai

man ascending to meet you, and

Xahf\aavToq npoq v[iaq zovq Xoyovq todtodc; 8 + Kai

speaking to you these words? And

si7rov 7ipoc; aDTOV avfjp Saavq Kai Cfbvr\

they said to him, [man [He was] a hairy], and a belt

8sp|iaTivr| 7ispis^&lt;»a|i8voc; tt|v oaqrov aDTOD Kai si7iev

made of skin was girded upon his loin. And he said,

YDdaq o ©saprcrjc; odtoc; 9 + Kai a7isaTSiA,s itpoq

[Elijah the Tishbite This [is]]. And he sent to


him a commander of fifty, and his fifty. And

aveprj npoq avzov avzoq 8s SKdGrjTO S7ri Tr\q

he ascended to him. And he sat upon the

KopDcpfjc; tod opoDc; Kai eAxxArjasv o 7isvTr|K6vTap%oc;

top of the mountain. And [ spoke the commander of fifty]

7ipoq aDTOV dv0p&lt;D7T£ tod 08OD o PaaiXeDc; eKdXeae

to him, O man of God, the king calls

ae KaTdprjGi io+ Kai a7rsKp(6r| UMaq Kai ei7iev npoq

you, come down! And Elijah answered and said to

tov 7rsvrr|K6vTap%ov Kai 8i dvGpcoTroq tod Gsod sycb

the commander of fifty, And if [ a man of God I [am]],

KaTapfjasTai 7rop sk tod ODpavoD Kai KaTacpdysTai

[ shall come down fire] from heaven and shall devour

o8 Kai todc; 7isvTf|K0VTd aoD Kai KaTsPrj 7rop 8K

you and your fifty. And there came down fire from
tod ODpavoD Kai KaTecpaysv aDTOV Kai

heaven, and devoured him and

todc; 7i8VTf|K0VTa aDTOD n+ Kai 7ipoas0STO o PaaiA,8Dc;

his fifty. And [ proceeded the king],

1 N ev tootco + vtica 12-2 Kings

Kai a7i8aTSiXs npoq avzov akXov 7ievTr|K6vTap%ov Kai

and he sent to him another commander of fifty, and

todc; 7T£VTfjK0VTa qlvtov Kai aveprj o 7T£VTr|K6vTap%oc;

his fifty. And [ ascended the commander of fifty]

Kai eXaAxjasv npoq avzov Kai si7i8v dv0pco7r8

and spoke to him, and said, O man

tod 0soi) Td5s Aiysi o fiaaikzvq xaxscoq Kaxdpr|9i n+

of God, thus says the king, Quickly come down!

Kai a7i8Kpi6r| Hkiaq Kai si7is itpoq avzov si

And Elijah answered and said to him, If

dv0pco7ioc; tod 0sod sycb Kaxapfjasxai 7rop sk

[a man of God I [am]], [ shall come down fire] from

tod ODpavoD Kai Kaxacpdyexai oe Kai

heaven, and shall devour you and

todc; 7i8VTf|K0VTd cjod Kai KaxePrj 7lDp 8K

your fifty. And there came down fire from

tod ODpavoD Kai KaTecpaysv aDTOV Kai

heaven and devoured him and

todc; 7rsvTfjK0VTa aDTOD 13 + Kai 7ipoas0STO o PaaiA,8Dq

his fifty. And [ proceeded the king]

8Ti a7ioaT£iAm 7isvTr|K6vTapxov Tprcov Kai

again to send [ commander of fifty a third] and

todc; 7T£VTfjK0VTa aDTOD Kai fjA,0sv o 7isvTr|K6vTap%oc;

his fifty. And [ came the commander of fifty

o TpiToq Kai 8Kaji\j/sv 87ii Ta yovaTa aDTOD KaTevavTi

third], and he bent upon his knees in front of

tod HAioD Kai £5sfj0r| aDTOD Kai sXdXrjas 7ipoc;

Elijah, and beseeched him, and spoke to

aDTOV Kai S17T8V dv0pCO7r8 TOD 08OD SVTl|ICO0flT(JD 5r|

him, and said, O man of God, value indeed

r| \|/Dxfj (iod Kai ai \\fv%a\ tcov 5odXgov aoD todtcdv

my life, and the lives of your servants — these

tcov 7isvTfjK0VTa sv otp0aA,|iofc; GOD 14 + i5od KaTePrj

fifty, in your eyes! Behold, there came down

7iDp 8K tod ODpavoD Kai KaTScpays todc; 8do

fire from the heaven, and devoured the [ two

7isvTr|K0VTdp%0Dc; todc; 7rpcbT0Dc; Kai

commanders of fifties first] and


their fifties. And now value indeed the

\j/D%fj tcov 8odAxdv ood sv ocp0aA,|ioi(; aoD i 5 + Kai

life of your servants in your eyes! And

eldAxjasv dyysAxx; KDpioD 7rpoc; HMav KaTdpr|0i

[ said [the] angel of [the] LORD] to Elijah, Go down

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

12-2 Kings
jisx' olvtov |ir| (poPrjGfjq arco 7ipoaco7roD auxcbv

with him, you should not fear from their presence.

Kai avsaxrj HAiod Kai KaxsPrj jisx' auxcbv itpoq xov

And Elijah rose up and went down with them to the

fiaoiksa ie+ Kai eAxxAxjae npoq ovtov xd8s Aiysi

king. And he said to him, Thus says

Kopioc; av0' gov cursoxsiAxxc; ayysXouc; S7ispcoxf|aai ev

[the] LORD, Because you sent messengers to ask to

xoo BdaA, jimav 6s6v AKKapcbv coast |ir| rjv 0s6c; sv

Baal [the] fly god ofEkron, as if there was not a God in

IapafjA, xod S7ispcoxf|aai xov Xoyov olvtov 8id

Israel to ask the word of him, on account of

XOT3XO T| kA,IVT| Stp' T\q aVSPrjC; 871 ' avTT\q ov

this the bed upon which you ascended upon it, you shall not

Kaxapfjarj on ovTT\q 6xi 0avdxco a7io0avf| n+ Kai

go down from it, for in death you shall die. And

a7is0avs Kaxd xo pf||ia Kopioi) o s^dArjasv UXiaq

he died according to the saying of [the] LORD which Elijah spoke.

Kai spaai^suasv Icopdji o a8sAxpoc; Oxo^iod avx'

And [ reigned Jehoram the brother of Ahaziah] instead

OVTOV OXl ODK T|V auxcb vioq 8V XCO SXSl XCO 8si)XSpC0

of him, (for there was no son to him) in the [year second]

Icopdji diod Icoaacpdx PaaiAicoc; lovda i8+ Kai xa

of Jehoram son of Jehoshaphat king ofJudah. And the

Xomo xcov A,6ycov 0%o^(od 6aa S7iovr|osv

rest of the words of Ahaziah, as many [things] as he did,

odk i5oi3 xatixa ysyparcxai S7U PipAiou Xoycov xcov

behold [are] not these written in [the] scroll of [the] words of the

rjjispcbv xcov PaaiAicov IopafjX

days of the kings of Israel?

2 n

i + Kai sysvsxo sv xco avaydysiv Kopiov xov HAiav sv

And it came to pass in the LORD to lead Elijah in

&lt;yoaasia|icb coc; sic; xov oupavov Kai S7iopsi)0r| UXiaq

a rumbling as into the heaven, that [went Elijah

Kai EAiasai sk TaA,y dXcov 2 + Kai si7isv YDdaq npoq

and Elisha] from out of Gilgal. And Elijah said to

EAiasai Kd0oi) 6r\ svxau0a 6x1 Kopioc; a7isaxaA,Ks (is

Elisha, Sit down indeed here! for [the] LORD has sent me

scoq BaiGfjA, Kai si7isv EXiasai ^r| Kupioq Kai ^r|

unto Bethel. And Elisha said, As [the] LORD lives, and [as] [ lives

2 2 sv tootco + viica 12 - 2 Kings

r| \\fv%r\ aoi) si syKaxaXsnj/co as Kai r\kdov ziq

your soul], shall I abandon you, [no]. And they came unto

BaiGfjA, 3 + Kai e^fjXGov 01 dioi tcov 7rpotpr|xcbv 01 sv

Bethel. And [ came the sons of the prophets in

BaiGfjA, 7rpoc; EAaasai Kai si7iov aDxcb 8i syvcoc; 6xi

Bethel] to Elisha, and they said to him, Do you know that

Kopioc; afjjispov AxxjiP&amp;vsi xov Kopiov aoD S7idvco6sv

[the] LORD today takes your master above

Tr\q K£(paXr\q gov Kai si7is Kai ys sycb syvcov aico7idxs

your head? And he said, Indeed even I knew, keep silent!

4 + Kai S17T8V HAaac; itpoq EAaasai KdGoD 8r| svxaD0a

And Elijah said to Elisha, Sit down indeed here!

on Kopioc; a7isaxaA,Ks jis sic; Ispi%cb Kai

for [the] LORD has sent me to Jericho. And

S17T8V EAaasai ^r| Kopioc; Kai ^rj r| yv%r\ aoD si

Elisha said, As [the] LORD lives, and as [ lives your soul], shall

syKaxaXsnj/co as Kai r\kdov sic; Ispixcb 5+ Kai

I abandon you, [no]. And they came unto Jericho. And

fjyyiaav 01 dioi xcdv 7ipocpr|xcbv 01 sv Ispixcb npoq

[ approached the sons of the prophets in Jericho] to

EAaasai Kai sitcov auxcb si syvcoc; 6x1 afjjispov

Elisha, and they said to him, Do you know that today

Axxjipdvsi Kopioc; xov Kopiov aoi) S7idvco0sv

[the] LORD takes your master from above

xrjc; KscpaArjc; aoi) Kai si7is sycb syvcov aico7idxs 6 + Kai

your head? And he said, I knew, keep silent! And

si7rsv ai)xcb HAaac; KdGoD 8r| svxai36a 6x1 Kopioc;

[said to him Elijah], Sit down indeed here! for [the] LORD

a7isaxaA,Ks |is scoq xod Iop5dvoi) Kai si7isv EAaasai

has sent me unto the Jordan. And Elisha said,

Kopioc; Kai rj \\fv%r\ aoi) si syKaxaXsnj/co

As [the] LORD lives, and as [ lives your soul], shall I abandon

as Kai S7iopsi)6r|aav ajicpoxspoi 7+ Kai 7isvxf|Kovxa

you, [no]. And they [ went both]. And fifty

dv5psq a7io xcov dicov xcov 7ipocpr|xcbv r\kdov Kai

men from the sons of the prophets came, and

saxrjaav s^svavxiac; |iaKp60sv ajicpoxspoi 5s saxrjaav

they stood right opposite far off. And both stood

S7U xod Iop8dvou 8+ Kai sAxxPsv HAaac;

at the Jordan. And Elijah took

xrjv |ir|Axjaxfjv aDxoD Kai siArjas aDxfjv Kai S7idxa^s xo

his sheepskin, and wrapped it, and struck the

2 2 sv tootco + vtica 12 - 2 Kings

D8cop Kai 8ir|ps6r| to d8cdp svGa Kai svGa Kai

water, and [ was divided the water] here and there, and

SisPrjaav ajicpoxspoi 8id ^rjpdc; 9+ Kai sysvsxo sv

they [ passed over both] through dry [ground]. And it came to pass, in

too Siapfjvcu aDxotic; si7is HAiac; xoo EAiasai aixrjaai xi

their passing over, Elijah said to Elisha, Ask! what

7roifja&lt;D aoi 7ipiv r| avaAxjcpGfjvai |is arco cjod Kai

I shall do for you before my being taken up from you. And

817T8V EAiasai ysvr|0f|xco 8r| 8urXd sv 7ivsD|iaxi aoi)

Elisha said, Let there be indeed a double of your spirit

S7i' sjis 10+ Kai si7rsv HAiac; saKAxjpDvac;

upon me! And Elijah said, You hardened

xod aixfjaaaGai sdv (8r|c; (is avalajipavojisvov

to ask. If you should behold me being taken up

a7io aoi) saxai 001 odxcdc; sdv 8s |ir| od [ir\ ysvrjxai

from you, it will be thus to you; but if not, in no way will it be.

11+ Kai sysvsxo ai)xcbv 7iopsi)0|isvcov Kai XaXoDvxoov

And it came to pass of their going and speaking,

Kai i8od dpjia nvpoq Kai (717101 itvpoq Kai

that behold, a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and

SisaxsiXav avajisaov ajicpoxspcov Kai avsArjcpGrj UXiaq

they drew apart between both; and Elijah was taken up

sv &lt;xoaasio|icb sooc; sic; xov ODpavov 12+ Kai EAiasai

in a rumbling unto into the heaven. And Elisha

scbpa Kai avxoq spoa 7idxsp 7idxsp dpjia lapar\k

was beholding, and he yelled, O father, O father, [the] chariot of Israel,

Kai VKTisvq olvtov Kai odk s(8sv ai)xov sxi Kai

and his horseman. And he did not see him any longer. And

S7isA,dpsxo xcov ijiaxicov olvtov Kai Sispprj^sv ai)xd sic;

he took hold of his garments and tore them into

8do 13+ Kai D\j/coas xrjv |ir|Axjaxfjv HAioD r| S7isasv

two. And he raised up high the sheepskin of Elijah which fell

S7idvco6sv avTOV Kai S7csoxps\j/sv EAaasai Kai saxrj

on top of him. And Elisha turned, and stood

S7U xod %s\kovq xod IopSdvoD 14+ Kai sAxxPs xrjv

upon the edge of the Jordan. And he took the

|IT|Axjaxf|V HAlOD T| S7TSOSV S7ldvC09sV aDXOD Kai

sheepskin of Elijah, which fell on top of him, and

S7idxa^s xa D8axa Kai si7is 7tod 0s6c; HAaod acpcpco

he struck the waters, and said, Where [is] [the] God of Elijah now?

Kai S7idxa^s xa D8axa Kai 8isppdyr|aav svGa Kai sv0a

And he struck the waters, and they tore apart here and there;

2 2 sv tootco + vtica 12 - 2 Kings

Kai 8iePr| EAiaeai 15+ Kai e(8ov ai)i6v 01 moi tcov

and Elisha passed over. And [ beheld him the sons of the

7ipo(prjxcbv 01 sv Ispi%co s^svavxiac; Kai 8i7iov

prophets], the ones in Jericho right opposite. And they said,

S7rava7T87raDTai to 7rvsi)|ia HAioi) ski EXiaeai Kai

[rests The spirit of Elijah] upon Elisha. And

r\kdov eic; aDvavrrjaiv ai)Tcb Kai 7cpoaeK6vr|aav ai)Tcb

they came to meet with him, and they did obeisance to him
87i( tt|v yrjv 16+ Kai si7rov 7ipoc; ai)i6v i8oi3 5r| eiai

upon the ground. And they said to him, Behold indeed, there are

(isxd tcdv 7ca(8cov aoi) 7i8VTf|K0VTa dvSpec; DIOI

with your servants fifty men, sons

8i)vd|i£CDc; 7ropsi)68VT8(; 8r| ^rjirjadTCOoav

of power. In going indeed, let them seek

TOV KDpiOV aOD |lfj 7TOT8 f|p8V ai)TOV 7TVSl)|ia KDpiOD

your master! lest at some time [lifted him spirit [of the] LORD],

Kai eppnj/ev avTOV sv tcov opscov rj S7i( sva tcov

and tossed him in the mountains, or upon one of the

Podvcov Kai 817T8V EXiasai odk a7coaTsA£vcs 17+ Kai

hills. And Elisha said, You shall not send. And

7tapePidaavT0 avzov ecoc; t|o%i)vsto Kai si7iev

they pressed him until he was shamed. And he said,

a7ioaT8iA,aT8 Kai a7isaT8iA,av 7isvTf|K0VTa dvSpac; Kai

Send them! And they sent fifty men; and

s^fjTTjaav Tpsic; rjjispac; Kai ov% stipov avzov is+

they sought three days, and they did not find him.

Kai av8&lt;ycps\j/av itpoq avzov Kai avzoq SKdGrjTO sv

And they returned to him. And he stayed in

Ispi%CO Kai 81718 aDTOiq ODK 817COV DJIIV (IT| 7COp8T38a08

Jericho. And he said to them, Did I not say to you, Do not go?

19+ Kai S17C0V 01 dvSpsc; rr|c; noXzcoq npoq EAiaeai

And [ said the men of the city] to Elisha,

180D 8r| t| KaTOiKTjGi^ TTjq iioXsctiq aya6f| KaGcbq od

Behold now, the site of the city [is] good, as you,

Kopie opaq Kai Ta i38aTa 7covr|pd Kai r| yr|

O master, see; but the waters [are] bad, and the ground

aT8Kvoi)|isvr| 20+ Kai ei7csv EAaasai AxxPsts jioi

being barren. And Elisha said, Bring to me

i)8p(aKr|v Kaivfjv Kai ejipd^STS sksi akaq Kai skafiov

[ water-pot a new], and cast salt there! And they took [it]

ai)Tcb 21+ Kai s^f|A,0sv S7c( tt|v 8is^o8ov tcov i)8dTC0v

to him. And he went forth unto the outlet of the waters,

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

12-2 Kings

Kai sppnj/sv sksi to akaq Kai si7is xd8s Xsysi

and he tossed there the salt. And he said, Thus says

Kopioc; (ajiai xa i)8axa Tama odk soxai sxi sksiGsv

[the] LORD, I have healed these waters, there will not be any longer there

Bav&amp;xoc; Kai axsKvoi)|isvr| 22 + Kai idGrjaav xa i38axa

death and being barren. And [ were healed the waters]

scoq xrjc; rjjiepac; xatixrjc; Kaxd xo pf||ia EXiasai o

until this day, according to the word ofElisha which

eAxxAxjas 23+ Kai avsprj sks(0sv sic; Ba\dr\k Kai

he spoke. And he ascended from there unto Bethel. And

avapaivovxoq avToi) sv xr| o8cb Kai rcaiSapia jiiKpd

in his ascending in the way, that [ boys small]

e^fjXGov 8K xrjc; itoXzcoq Kai Kaxs7iai£pv avToi)

came forth from out of the city, and they mocked him,

Kai s^syov auxcb avdpaivs cpalaKps avdpaivs

and said to him, Ascend, bald one! Ascend,

cpaXaKps 24+ Kai s^svsdcisv O7i(aco ovtov Kai s(8sv

bald one! And he turned behind him, and beheld

ovto Kai Kaxrjpdaaxo auxd sv ovojiaxi Kopioi) Kai

them, and cursed them in [the] name of [the] LORD. And

s^qXGov Svo dpKoi sk xod 8pi)|ioi) Kai

[ came forth two bears] from out of the forest, and

avsppr^av an auxcbv xsaaapdKovxa Kai 8i3o naidaq

they tore asunder of them forty and two children.

25 + Kai £7iopsi)0r| sksiGsv sic; xo opoq xo KapjifjAiov

And he went from there to mount Carmel,

Kai sksiGsv S7isaxps\j/sv sic; Sajiapsiav

and from there he turned unto Samaria.

3 a

1+ Kai Icopdji vioq A%adp spaai^suasv sv lapaf\k sv

And Jehoram son of Ahab reigned in Israel in

Sajiapsia sv OKxcoKaiSsKdxco sxsi Icoaacpdx PaaiXscoq

Samaria in [the] eighteenth year of Jehoshaphat king

lovda Kai sPaaiXsuas 8cb8sKa sxrj 2+ Kai S7io(r|as xo

of Judah. And he reigned twelve years. And he did the

7iovr|p6v sv o(p0aA,|io(c; Kopiou 7iAx|v ov% coc;

wicked [thing] in [the] eyes of [the] LORD, only not as

o 7iaxf|p ovtov Kai r| |xqxr|p ovtov Kai jisxsaxrjas xac;

his father and his mother. And he removed the

aTf\koq xod BdaA, aq S7iovr|asv o 7iaxf|p ovtov 3 + nh\v

monuments of Baal which [made his father]. Except

3} sv tootco + vtica 12 - 2 Kings

sv xaic; ajiapxiaic; IepoPodji viov Napdx oq

in the sins of Jeroboam son ofNebat, who

s^fjliapxs xov IapafjX eKoAAx|6r| odk a7ceaxr| an'

led Israel into sin, he cleaved to; he did not abstain from

avTT\q 4 + rat Mead fiaaikvbq Mcodp r|v vcoKf|8 Kai

it. And Mesha king of Moab was a shepherd, and

S7csaxps(ps tco Paai^ei IapafjA, eraxov %ikia6aq

he restored to the king of Israel a hundred thousand

apvcbv Kai SKaxov %ikiadaq Kpicbv 87ii 7c6kcov 5 + Kai

lambs, and a hundred thousand rams with fleece. And

syevsxo jiexd to a7co6av£iv A%adp rjGexrjas Mcodp sv

it came to pass after the dying of Ahab, Moab annulled [allegiance] with

PaoiXei IapafjA, 6 + Kai e^fjAitev o fiaaikzvq Icopdji ev

[the] king of Israel. And [ went forth king Jehoram] in

tt] rjjiepa sksivt) 8k Eajiapeiac; Kai S7ceaKs\j/axo

that day from out of Samaria, and he numbered

xov IapafjA, ? + Kai £7copei)6r| Kai a7isoT8iA,s npoq

Israel. And he went and sent to

Icoaatpdx PaaiXea Ioi38a Aiycov fiaaiksvq Mcodp

Jehoshaphat king ofJudah, saying, [The] king of Moab

rjGexrjaev ev sjioi ei 7cop£i)ar| |iex' s\iov erci

annulled [allegiance] with me. Shall you go with me unto

Mcodp eic; 7i6A£|iov Kai ei7cev 7copei)ao|iai ojioioq aoi

Moab for war? And he said, I will go; likened to you,

ojioioq ejioi coc; o Xaoq aou o Xaoq jiou coc;

likened to me; as your people, [so] my people; as

oi (717101 aoi) oi i7C7coi jioi) s + Kai 8i7cs 7coia o8cb

your horses, [so] my horses. And he said, What way

avaPrjaojisGa Kai ei7i;sv o56v epfniou E8cb|i 9 + Kai

shall we ascend? And he said, [The] way of [the] wilderness of Edom. And

S7copsT39r| o fiaaikvbq IapafjA, Kai o fiaaikvbq lovda

[went the king of Israel], and the king ofJudah,

Kai o PaaiXstic; E8coji Kai SKOKlcoaav o86v £7cxd

and the king of Edom. And they encircled a journey of seven

r||ispcbv Kai oDKTjv i)8cop ttj 7cap8|iPoA,fi Kai TOiq

days. And there was no water for the camp, and for the

Kxfjvsai xoic; sv xoig 7toa(v auxcov 10+ Kai ei7csv o

cattle, the ones at their feet. And [ said the

fiaaiksvq IopafjX co 6x1 kskAt|K£ Kopioc; xouc; xpeic;

king of Israel], O that [the] LORD called [ three

PaaiXefc; xotjxodc; 7capa8oi3vai auxotic; sic; %zipa Mcodp

kings these] to deliver them up into [the] hand of Moab.

3} ev tootco + viica 12 - 2 Kings

n+ Kai 817T8V Icoaacpdx npoq auxov ouk saxiv cb8s

And Jehoshaphat said to him, Is there not here

7tpO(pfjTr|C; TOD KUpiOU Kai S7tt^r|xf|aC0|ISV TOV KUpiOV

a prophet of the LORD, that we should seek anxiously the LORD

7iap' auxou Kai a7isKpi6r| sic; xcov 7iai8cov tod

by him? And answered one of the servants of the

PaaiAicoc; IapafjX Kai sircsv cb8s EAiasai vioq

king of Israel, and said, [ [is] here Elisha son

Sacpdx oq srcsxssv u8cop S7il yzipaq HAiou 12 + Kai

ofShaphat], who poured water upon [the] hands of Elijah. And

S17T8V Icoaacpdx saxiv sv auxcb pfj|ia Kupiou Kai

Jehoshaphat said, [ is with him [The] word [of the] LORD]. And

KaxePrj npoq auxov fiaaiksvq IapafjX Kai Icoaacpdx

[ went down to him [the] king of Israel], and Jehoshaphat

fiaaiksvq Iou8a Kai o fiaaikzvq E8cb|i 13+ Kai

king ofJudah, and the king ofEdom. And

sircsv EXiasai npoq PaaiAia IapafjA, xi sjioi

Elisha said to [the] king of Israel, What [is there between] me

Kai aoi 8supo npoq xouc; 7ipocpf|xac; xou rcaxpoc; aou

and you? Go to the prophets of your father,

Kai 7ipoc; xouc; 7ipocpfjxac; xrjc; jirjxpoq aou Kai sircsv

and to the prophets of your mother. And [ said

auxcb o PaaiXsuc; IapafjA, |ir| 6x1 kskAx|ks Kupioc;

to him the king of Israel], Is it that [the] LORD calls

xouc; xpsic; Paai^siq xouxouq xou rcapaSouvai auxouq

[ three kings these] to deliver them

sic; %£ipaq Mcodp u + Kai sircsv EXiasai ^r| Kupioc;

into [the] hands ofMoab? And Elisha said, As [ lives [the] LORD

xcov 8uvd|iscov co rcapsaxrrv svcbrciov auxou 6x1

of the forces], in whom I stand before him, that

si (ir| rcpoacorcov xou Icoaacpdx PaaiAicoq Iou8a sycb

if it were not [the] face of Jehoshaphat king of Judah [which] I

Axxjipdvco 8i srcspA,s\j/a rcpoc; as r| s(56v as 15+ Kai

receive, shall I [have] looked upon you or beheld you, [no]. And

vuv AxxPsxs jioi \j/dAAx)vxa Kai sysvsxo coc; s\j/aAlsv

now bring to me one for strumming! And it came to pass as [ strummed

o \\faXkcov Kai sysvsxo src' auxou %sip Kupiou 16 +

the one strumming], that [came upon him [the] hand [of the] LORD].

Kai sircs xd8s Xsysi Kupioq rcorqaaxs

And he said, Thus says [the] LORD, Make

xov xsijidppouv xouxov Po0uvouq poBuvouq 17 +6x1 xd8s

this [dry] stream cistern [upon] cistern. For thus


8V TOUT© + VtKd

12-2 Kings

AiySl KTjpiOq ODK 6\j/So6s 7TV£l)|ia Kai odk 6\j/sa9e

says [the] LORD, You shall not see wind, and you shall not see

D8TOV Kai o %ei|idppouc; omoq 7iAx|o0f|O£xai u5axoc;

rain; but this [dry] stream shall be filled [with] water,

Kai 7r(sa08 Djisk; Kai ai Kifjaeic; djicov Kai

and you shall drink, you and your possessions, and

xa Kif|vr| Djicbv is + Kai Kotxprj auxfj ev otp0aX|iofc;

your cattle. But it [is] a light [thing] in [the] eyes

Kopioi) Kai 7iapa8cboco xrjv Mcodp ev %e(pac; Djicbv 19 +

of [the] LORD. And I will deliver up Moab into your hands.

Kai 7iaxd^sxs 7idaav noXiv o%vpav Kai 7idaav noXw

And you shall strike every [ city fortified], and every [ city

SKXeKxfjv Kai 7iav ^6Ax&gt;v aya66v KaxaPaXeixe Kai

choice]; and every [tree good] you shall throw down, and

naaaq nr[jdq vdazoq sjicppd^sis Kai 7idaav jiepiSa

all springs of water you shall obstruct, and every [ portion [of land]

ayaGfjv axpeicbaexe ev XiQoiq 20 + Kai syevexo sv xr|

good] you shall make useless with stones. And it came to pass in the

7ipcoia avapaivotxxrjc; xrjc; dvaiaq Kai idov u8axa

morning of [the] ascending of the sacrifice, that behold, waters

fjpxsxo o8ot3 E5cb|i Kai S7iAx|a9r| r| yr| xcov

came from out of [the] way of Edom, and [ was filled the earth] of the

uSaxcov 21+ Kai 7idaa Moodp fjKODaav 6x1 aveprjaav

waters. And all Moab heard that [ ascended

01 Paai^siq 7ioA£|ifjaai auxouc; Kai avsporjaav sk

the kings] to wage war against them, and they yelled out from

7iavx6c; 7ispie^coa|ievoi ^cbvrjv Kai 87idvco Kai

all [sides] girding on [the] belt, and [went] forward, and

saxrjaav 87ii xou op(oi) 22+ Kai cbpGpiaav xo7ipcoi Kai

they stood at the border. And they rose early in the morning, and

01 r\kioq avsxeiXev S7ri xa u8axa Kai e(5e Mcodp xa

the sun rose upon the waters. And Moab beheld the

i)5axa e^evavxiac; 7roppd coaei a(|ia 23 + Kai smav

waters right opposite fiery red as blood. And they said,

aijia xotixo pojicpaiaq e|ia%8aavxo 01 Paai^siq Kai

This [is] blood of a broadsword. [ did combat The kings], and

S7idxa^sv sraaxoc; avfjp xov 7iAr|aiov avzov Kai vdv

[ struck each man] his neighbor. And now,

87i( xa gkvXol Mcodp 24+ Kai siafjXGov sic; xrjv

[ [are] for the spoils] Moab. And they entered into the

7iap£|iPoAxjv IopafjA, Kai IapafjA, avsaxrjoav Kai

camp of Israel. And Israel rose up and


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

12-2 Kings

£7i&amp;Ta^av xrjv Mcodp Kai ecpDyov arco 7ipoaco7roD

struck Moab. And they fled in front

aDTcbv Kai eiofjABov sia7rop8i)6|i8voi Kai td7i;tovtsc;

of them; and they entered going and beating

xrjv Mcodp 25 + Kai zaq; KaBelAov Kai 7idaav

Moab. And [ the cities they demolished], and every

|isp(5a aya0fjv eppuj/av avfjp tov AiGov avzov Kai

[ portion [of land] good] [ tossed [each] man] his stone, and

svs7rAx|aav aDxfjv Kai 7idaav 7ir|yf|v f)8aTOc;

they filled it. And every spring of water

svscppa^av Kai 7iav ZpXov ayaGov KaxePa^ov ecoc;

they obstructed, and every [ tree good] they threw down unto

tod KaTaA,i7i8iv Tovq TdQovq tod to(%od KaGrjprjiievoDc;

leaving behind the stones of the wall being demolished.

Kai SKDKAcoaav 01 atpsv5ovfjTai Kai S7idTa^av aDTfjv

And [ encircled the slingers] and struck it.

26 + Kai ei8ev o PaaiXeDc; Mcodp 6ti SKpaTaicoasv D7isp

And [beheld the king of Moab] that [overpowered

aDTOV o 7i6A£|ioc; Kai shafts |is0' saDTOD

him the battle]; and he took with himself

S7iTaKoaioD(; dv5paq £O7iaa|i£V0Dc; pojicpaiav 5iaK0\j/ai

seven hundred men unsheathing [the] broadsword to cut

7ipoc; PaoiXsa E8cb|i Kai odk r|5Dvfj6r|aav n + Kai

through [the] king ofEdom; but they were not able. And


he took [ son his first-born] whom

sPaaLAsDasv avT' aDTOD Kai avfjveyKev aDTOV

he gave reign instead of him, and offered him

o^oKaDTCOjia mi to ts(%oc; Kai sysveTO |iSTd|isAx)c;

as a whole burnt-offering upon the wall. And came to pass [ repentance

jisyaq ev IopafjX Kai a7ifjpav an aDTOD Kai

a great] in Israel. And they departed from him, and

S7i8aTp8\j/av sic; tt|v yrjv

they returned to the land.

4 7

i+ Kai yovfj jiia anb tcov dicov tcov 7rpocpr|Tcbv epoa

And [ wife one] of the sons of the prophets yelled

7tpoc; EXiasai AiyoDaa o dovXoq aoD o avfjp jiod

to Elisha, saying, Your servant, my husband

a7i86av8 Kai cjd eyvcoc; 6ti 5od Xoq aoD r|v

died, and you know that your servant was


4 7 ev tootco + vtica 12 - 2 Kings

(popotijisvoc; xov Kupiov Kai o 8avsiaxfjc; fjX0s

fearing the LORD. And the money-lender came

Xafiziv xodc; 5do viovq jiod sic; SodXodc; saDxcb 2 + Kai

to take [ two sons my] for servants to himself. And

S17T8V EXiasai aDxfj xi 7ioif|aco aoi avdyysi^ov |ioi

Elisha said to her, What should I do for you, announce it to me?

xi saxi aoi sv xco oikco r| 5s sitcsv odk saxi xr|

What is there to you in the house? And she said, There is not to

8odAt| aoD od8sv sv xco oikco aXk r r\ ayysiov sAmoD

your maidservant one [thing] in the house, only a vessel of olive oil

sv xco oikco co aXsnj/ojiai 3+ Kai si7is npoq aDxfjv

in the house which I anoint with. And he said to her,

8si&gt;po aixrjaai asaoxfj ayysia s^coBsv 7iapd rcavxcov

Go ask for yourself vessels from outside, from all

xcov ysixovcov gov aKSDTj ksvcx (irj oAiycbarjc; 4 + Kai

your neighbors, [vessels empty], not a few. And

siaslsDarj Kai a7ioKA,siasic; xrjv 0Dpav Kaxd aoi) Kai

you shall enter and lock the door after you and

Kaxd xcov dicov aoi) Kai a7io%ssic; sic; xa aKstirj xatixa

after your sons. And you shall pour out into these vessels,

Kai xo 7rAr|pco0sv apsic; 5+ Kai a7if|X0s 7iap

and the one being filled you shall take away. And she went forth from

avTOV Kai S7rovr|asv odxcoc; Kai a7isKA,sias xrjv 0Dpav

him, and did thus. And she locked the door

Ka0' sauxfjc; Kai Kaxd xcov dicov aDxfjc; aDxoi

after herself and after her sons, [and] they

7ipoaf|yyi£pv 7ipoc; ai)xf|v Kai ai)xf| S7is%ssv scoq

drew near to her; and she poured until

S7rAx|a0r|aav xa aKSDTj 6 + Kai si7is 7ipoc;

[ were filled the vessels]. And she said to

xodc; diodc; avTT\q syyiaaxs |ioi cksdoc; Kai si7iov aDxfj

her sons, Bring [near] to me a vessel! And they said to her,

odk saxiv sxi ayysiov Kai saxrj xo sAmov 7 + Kai

There [is] not yet a vessel. And [ stopped the olive oil]. And

fjA£s Kai a7rfjyysiA,s xco av0pcb7rco xod 0sod Kai si7isv

she came and reported to the man of God. And he said

ai)xfj 8si&gt;po Kai arcoSoD xo sAmov Kai a7iox(asic;

to her, Go, and render the olive oil [for sale], and pay

xodc; xokodc; aoi) Kai ai) Kai 01 dioi aoi) ^fjasa0s sv

your interest! and you and your sons shall live by

xco KaxaA,oi7ico 8 + Kai sysvsxo rjjispa Kai

the rest. And [ came a day] and


4 7 sv tootco + viica 12 - 2 Kings

5iePr| EAaasai sic; Ecovdji Kai sksi yovfj |isydAr|

Elisha passed over into Shunem, and [there was] [there woman a great],

Kai eKp&amp;xrjasv ai)i6v cpaysiv dpxov Kai sysvsTO

and she took hold of him to eat bread. And it came to pass

acp' iKavoD tod sia7iopsDsa6ai aDTOV s^skAtvs

[whenever it was] fit for him to enter [that] he turned aside

TOD SKSI (paySlV dpTOV 9 + Kai S17TSV T| yDvfi 7ipoc;

there to eat bread. And [ said the woman] to

tov &amp;v8pa aDTfjc; i8od 8r| o(8a 6ti dv0pco7i;oc;

her husband, Behold indeed, I know that [ man

tod 0sod dyioc; ODTOq 8ia7iop8D8Tai scp' rjjLidq

of God this [is] a holy], who travels unto us

SiarcavTOc; 10+ 7ioif|aco|i8v 8r| aDTcb D7ispcbov jiiKpov Kai

continually. We should indeed make for him [upper room a small], and

Gcbjisv aDTcb sksi KAivr|v Kai Tpdrcs^av Kai 8(cppov

we should put for him there a bed, and a table, and a chair,

Kai A,Dxviav Kai s&lt;xcai sv too aDTOV sp%sa0ai npoq

and a lamp-stand. And it will be in his coming to

r|jLxdq Kai skkAtvsi sksi n+ Kai sysvsTO rjjiepa Kai

us, that he shall turn aside there. And [ came a day], and

eiafjABsv sksi Kai s^skAtvsv sic; to D7ispcbov Kai

he entered there, and he turned aside into the upper room, and

SKoi|if|0r| sksi 12+ Kai si7is 7ipoc; Tis^i

went to bed there. And he said to Gehazi

to 7iai5dpiov aDTOD KdXsaov tt|v Eco|ia|iiTr|v TaDTTjv Kai

his servant, Call this Shunammite! And

SKdXsasv aDTTjv Kai sarrj svcb7iiov aDTOD 13+ Kai

he called her, and she stood before him. And

si7isv aDTcb si7iov 8r| rcpoc; aDTTjv i8od s^sarqaac;

he said to him, Say indeed to her, Behold, you startled

r\[iiv 7idaav Trjv SKcrcaaiv TaDTTjv ti 7ioif|ao(isv aoi

us all with this change of state, what shall we do for you?

si sera aoi Xoyoq XaArjaai 7ipoc; tov PaaiAia rj rcpoc;

Is there to you a word to say to the king, or to

tov dpxovTa TT]Cj SDvdjisooc; r| 8s sircsv sv jisaco

the ruler of the force? And she said, [ in [the] midst

tod Xaov (iod sycb KaTOiKcb 14 + Kai si7is rcpoc; TlS^l Tl

of my people I dwell]. And he said to Gehazi, What

8si 7ioif|aai aDTfj Kai si7is Tis^i Kai [ioXa vioq

must be done for her? And Gehazi said, That by all means a son

odk sotiv aDTTj Kai o avfjp aDTTjv 7rpsaPDTT|c; 15+ Kai

is not to her, and her husband is old. And


4 7 sv tootco + viica 12 - 2 Kings

S17T8V KOkSGOV aDTTjV Kai £K&amp;A£a£V aDTTjV Kai SOTTj

he said, Call her! And he called her, and she stood

7iapd xrjv 0Dpav i6+ Kai eiTcev EAaaeai npoq avTT\v sic;

by the door. And Elisha said to her, At

xov Kaipov todtov cocj r| cbpa aDTTj Cfbaa ctd

this time [next year], about this hour, [and] living, you

7rspi£iAr|(pDia diov r| 5s 81718 |ir| Kopie dv9pco7r8

shall be holding a son. But she said, No, O master, O man

tod 0soi) |ir| 8ia\j/SD&lt;xrj tttv 8oDAxjv cjod n+ Kai

of God, you should not disappoint your maidservant. And

awsXaPsv r| ywfj Kai stsksv diov sic;

[conceived the woman], and bore a son at

xov Kaipov todtov coc; r| cbpa Cfbaa coc; eAxxAxjae

this [same] time about the [same] hour living, as [ spoke

7tpoc; aDifjv EAaasai is + Kai rj8pDv9rj to 7cai8dpiov

to her Elisha]. And [matured the boy].

Kai eysvsTO s^fjAite to 7iai5dpiov npoq

And it came to pass [ went forth the boy] to

tov 7iaTspa aDTOD 7rpoc; todc; Gspi^ovTaq 19+ Kai 8i7is

his father — to the ones harvesting. And he said

7tpoc; tov 7iaTspa aDTOD tt|v KecpaArjv jiod

to his father, My head,

TTJV KetpaAxjV |IOD Kai 81718 TCD 7Cai8apiCO dpOV aDTOV

my head. And he said to the servant, Carry him

7tpOC; TTJV |IT]T8pa aDTOD 20+ Kai fjp8V aDTOV Kai

to his mother. And he lifted him, and

eiafjvsyKsv aDTOV npoq ttjv jxrjTspa aDTOD Kai

he carried him in to his mother, and

SKoi|if|6r| S7CI Ta yovaTa aDTfjc; scoc; |iearj|iPp(ac; Kai

he laid him down to rest upon her knees until midday, and

a7C80avs 21+ Kai avfjvsyKsv aDTOV Kai SKoijiioev aDTOV

he died. And she bore him, and rested him


upon the bed of the man of God, and

a7C8KA,sias KaT' aDTOD Kai s^fjABs 22+ Kai eKd^eae

locked after him, and went forth. And she called

tov dv5pa aDTfjc; Kai si7tsv a7c6aTSiA,ov 8r| jioi sv

her husband, and said, Send indeed for me one

tcov 7cai8apicov Kai jjiav tcov ovcov Kai 5pa|ioD|iai

of the servants, and one of the donkeys, and I shall run

scoc; TOD aV0pCO7COD TOD 08OD Kai 87CiaTpS\j/C0 23 + Kai

unto the man of God, and I shall return. And


4 7 sv toi3tg) + viica 12 - 2 Kings

S17T8 Tl Oil OD 7COp£Dr| 7CpOC; aDTOV af||I8pOV OD

he said, Why is it that you should go to him today? It is not

V80|ir|v(a od8s a&amp;PPaxov r| 8s si7csv 8ipf|vr| 2 4+ Kai

a new moon nor a Sabbath. And she said, Peace. And

S7i8oa^8 xrjv ovov Kai 81718 Too 7cai8apioo avTT\q ays

she saddled the donkey, and said [to] her servant, You lead,

Kai 7copeDOD |ir| S7ua%r|c; jioi tod S7npfjvai on edv

and go! Do not wait for me to mount. For if

siftCD aoi 8eDpo Kai 7cop£D&lt;xr| Kai sA,£Dar| npoq tov

I said to you, Go, then you shall go and shall come to the

dv0poo7cov tod 680t) sic; opoc; to KapjxfjAiov 25+ Kai

man of God in mount Carmel. And

S7copsD0r| Kai fjXGev eooc; tod av6pcb7C0D tod 0sod sic;

she went, and came unto the man of God in

to opoc; Kai eysveTO 00c; e(8ev aDTfjv o dv0poo7i;oc;

the mountain. And it came to pass as [ saw her the man

tod 0sod s^avriac; Kai si7cs Tis^i too 7caiSapioo aDTOD

of God] right opposite, that he said to Gehazi, [to] his servant,

i8od T| SoDvaiimq 8Ks(vr| 2 6+ vdv 8pd|is siq a7cavTf|v

Behold, that Shunammite. Now run to meet

aDTfjc; Kai spsfc; aDTfj sipfjvrj aoi sipfjvrj too

her! and you shall say to her, [Is] peace to you? [Is] peace [to]

av8p( aoD sipfjvrj too 7cai8ap(oo rj 8e si7cev sipfjvrj 27 +

your husband? [Is] peace to the boy? And she said, Peace.

Kai KaT8D0Dvs 7cpoc; tov dv0poo7cov tod 08OD eic; TO

And she straightened to the man of God in the

opoc; Kai SKpdTTjas toov 7co8obv aDTOD Kai

mountain, and she seized his feet. And

7tpoafjX0£ Tis^i a7cobaaa0ai aDTfjv Kai 817C8 npoq

Gehazi approached to thrust her [away], and [ said to

aDTOV o dv0poo7coc; tod 0sod dcpsc; aDTfjv 6ti

him the man of God], Allow her! for

r| \|/D%fj avTT\q KaTobSDVOc; aDTfj Kai Kopioc; a7CSKpD\j/ev

her soul pains her, and [the] LORD concealed it

a7c' sjiod Kai odk avfjyysiXs jioi 28+ Kai si7C8

from me, and announced it not to me. And she said,

(IT) r|Tr|ad|xr|v diov 7capd tod kdpiod jiod odk si7ca od

[Did] I ask a son from my master? Did I not say, Do not

7tA,avfjaeic; jist' sjiod 29+ Kai ei7csv EAaasai too Tie^i

mislead with me? And Elisha said to Gehazi,

^obaai ttjv oaqrov aoD Kai Xafiz tt|v PaKcrjpiav |iod sv

Tie up your loin, and take my staff in


4 7 sv tootco + viica 12 - 2 Kings

tt] %£ipi god Kai 7copsDOD Kai sdv svpr\q dv5pa

your hand and go! And if you should find a man [in the way],

odk suXoyfjasic; avzov Kai edv eDAx)yf|or| as avfjp

you shall not bless him; and if [ should bless you a man],

odk a7TOKpi6fjar| avzcb Kai £7ii9fjasic;

you shall not answer him; and you shall place

ttjv PaKirjpiav |iod 87i( 7ip6aco7rov tod 7iai5ap(oD

my staff upon [the] face of the boy.

30+ Kai S17T8V T| |lfjTT|p TOD 7Cai8apfc)D KDpiO^ Kai

And [ said the mother of the boy], As [the] LORD lives, and
T| y\fv%r\ aoD si syKaTa^enj/co ae Kai

as [ lives your soul], shall I leave you behind, [no]. And

aveaTTj EAiaeai Kai S7ropsD6r| O7iiaco aDTfjc; 31 + Kai

Elisha rose up, and went after her. And

Rs^i 8ifjX0sv S|i7ipoa08v aDTcbv Kai 87is0r|K8 tt|v

Gehazi went in front of them, and he placed the

PaKTTjpiav S7i( 7ip6aco7i;ov tod 7iai5ap(oD Kai odkt|v

staff upon [the] face of the boy; and there was no

cpcovfj Kai oDKTjv aKpoaaiq Kai S7i8aTp8\j/sv eic;

sound, and there was no hearing. And he returned to

a7idvTr|v aDTOD Kai a7cf|yyeiA£v aDTcb Aiycov

meet him, and he reported to him, saying,

odk rjyspGrj to 7cai8dpiov 32 + Kai 8iaf|A,0sv EAiaeai sic;

[ was not arisen the boy]. And Elisha entered into

tov oikov Kai i8od to 7cai8dpiov ts0vt|k6c;

the house, and behold, the boy having died

KSKOl|Iia|ISVOV 8711 TTJV KAiVTjV aDTOD 33 + Kai

was resting upon his bed. And

eiafjXGev EAiaeai Kai aTcsKleiae tt|v 0Dpav KaTd tcov

Elisha entered, and locked the door after the

5do aDTcbv Kai 7ipoar|D^aTO itpoq Kopiov 34+ Kai

two of them. And he prayed to [the] LORD. And

avsprj Kai SKoi|ifj0r| S7ii to 7iai8dpiov Kai s0r|Ke

he ascended, and bedded down upon the boy, and put

to &lt;xc6|ia aDTOD sni to &lt;xc6|ia aDTOD Kai

his mouth upon his mouth, and

todc; ocpGa^jioDc; aDTOD £7U todc; ocpGa^jioDq aDTOD Kai

his eyes upon his eyes, and

zaq %stpac; aDTOD S7i( Tag %sipaq aDTOD Kai 8i8Kaji\j/sv

his hands upon his hands. And he bent

871 ' aDTOV Kai 8i£0ep|idv0r| r| aap^ tod 7cai8apioD 35 +

upon him, and warmed the flesh of the boy.


4 7 sv tootco + viica 12 - 2 Kings

Kai S7TSaTpS\j/S Kai S7TOpSD0r| 8V XT] OIKia

And he returned, and went about the house

sv6sv Kai svGsv Kai avsprj Kai aDVSKa|i\j/sv S7ri to

this side and that side, and he ascended, and bent downwards upon the

7rai8dpiov scoc; S7iTdKic; Kai fjvoi^s to 7iai8dpiov

boy for seven times. And [ opened the boy]

todc; ocpGaAjiODc; avzov 3 6 + Kai SKdXsasv EAaasai npoq

his eyes. And Elisha yelled out loud to

Rs^l Kai 81718 KOkZGOV TTJV SoDvajimv TaDTrjv Kai

Gehazi, and said, Call this Shunammite! And

SKdXsasv aDTfjv Kai siafjXGs npoq avzov Kai

he called her, and she entered to him. And

S17T8V EAaosai Xdps tov diov ctod 37 + Kai siafjABsv r|

Elisha said, Receive your son! And [ entered the

ywfj Kai 87isas npoq todc; nodaq avzov Kai

woman], and fell at his feet, and

7ipoasKDvr|asv S7U tt|v yrjv Kai slaps tov diov avTT\q

did obeisance upon the ground, and took her son,

Kai e^fjXGe 38+ Kai EAiasai S7isaTps\j/sv sic; Takyaka

and went forth. And Elisha returned to Gilgal.

Kai o Aijioc; sv tt| yr| Kai 01 dioi tcov 7ipo(pr|Tcbv

And the famine [was] in the land. And the sons of the prophets

8Kd0r|VTO svcb7iiov avzov Kai S17T8V EAiasai TCO

sat down before him. And Elisha said [to]

7iai8ap(co avzov smaTrjaov tov XsPrjTa tov jisyav Kai

his servant, Standby the [kettle great], and

s\j/s s\j/s|ia Toiq vioiq tcov 7ipo(pr|Tcbv 39+ Kai s^fjXGev

boil stew for the sons of the prophets! And he went forth

sic; tov aypov avXks^ai apicbG Kai stipsv d|i7isXov

into the field to collect together herbs. And he found a vine

sv tco aypcb Kai cjdvsA^sv an avTT\q ToA,D7rr|v

in the field, and he collected together from it [ gourd

aypiav 7iAx|psc; to ijidTiov avzov Kai siofjXGsv Kai

a wild] to fill his cloak, and he entered and

svsPaXsv sic; tov AiprjTa tod sysjiaTOc; 6ti odk

put [it] into the kettle of the stew— but they did not

syvcoaav 4 o+ Kai svs%ssv tok; av8pdai cpaysiv Kai

know. And he poured out to the men to eat. And

sysvsTO sv tco saBisiv aDTODc; sk tod sysjiaTOc; Kai

it came to pass in their eating from the stew, that

aDTOi avsporjaav Kai si7iov GdvaTOc; sv tco AiprjTi

they yelled out and said, Death [is] in the kettle,


8V TOUT© + VlKa

12-2 Kings

dv0pco7is tod 0sod Kai odk tj8t3v(xvto cpaysiv 41 + Kai

O man of God. And they were not able to eat. And

S17T8 X&amp;Pexe &amp;A,£Dpov Kai e|ipdA£xe eic; xov Aiprjxa

he said, You take flour, and put it in the kettle!

Kai svspalov Kai ei7tsv EAiasai npoq Tis^i ey%ei xco

And they put. And Elisha said to Gehazi, Pour out to the

Axxco Kai £a0iexcooav Kai odk eyevsxo pfjjia 7iovrjp6v

people, and let them eat! And there was not [thing a bad]

8xi sv xco Aiprjxi 4 2+ Kai avfjp fjABsv sk

still in the kettle. And a man came from out of

BadA, aaliad Kai fjveyKe xco dv0pco7rco xod 0sod

Baal-shalisha, and he brought to the man of God

7ipcoxoyswr||idxcov eixoaiv dpxoDc; Kpi0ivoDc; Kai

first produce of twenty bread loaves of barley, and

nakadaq Kai si7is 86x8 xco Xacb Kai sa0isxcoaav

dried clusters of figs. And he said, Give [them] to the people, and let them eat!

43 + Kai S17T8V O A^lXODpyOC; aDXOD xi 8co SVCb7llOV

And [ said his minister], What, should I give before

SKaxov avSpcbv xodxo Kai si7ie Soq xco Axxco Kai

[ hundred men this]? And he said, Give to the people, and

sa0isxcoaav 6xi xd8s Xeyei KDpioc; cpdyovxai Kai

let them eat! for thus says [the] LORD, They shall eat, and

KaxaXsnj/ODai 4 4+ Kai ecpayov Kai KaxsA,i7iov Kaxd xo

shall leave [over]. And they ate, and left behind according to the

pfjjia KDpiOD

saying of [the] LORD.

5 n

i+ Kai Nssjidv o dpxcov xrjc; SDvdjiscoq PaaiAicoc;

And Naaman. the ruler of the force of [the] king

Zvpiaq rjv avfjp jisyaq svcb7iiov xod KopioD aDXOD Kai

of Syria was [ man a great] before his master, and

xs0aD|iaa|isvoc; 7ipoacb7ico 6xi 8id aDXOD

being an admired person, for through him

s8coks KDpioq acoxrjpiav xr| Zvpia Kai o avfjp rjv

[the] LORD gave deliverance [to] Syria. And the man was

SDvaxoc; ia%m Xsnpoq 2 + Kai I/opia e^fjX0ov

mighty in strength, [but] leprous. And [the] Syrians went forth

jiovo^covoi Kai rjx|iaXcbx8Daav sk yr\q IapafjA,

in armed [bands], and they captured from out of [the] land of Israel

vsav(5a jiiKpdv Kai rjv svcb7iiov xrjc; yovaiKoc;

[ young woman a small]; and she was in the presence of the wife


5 n ev tootco + vlica 12-2 Kings

Nssjidv 3 + Kai 81718 tt| KDpia avxr\q ocpsXov

of Naaman. And she said to her lady, Ought that

O KDpiOq |IOD 8VCb7llOV TOD 7CpO(pf|TOD 8V Sa|iap8ia

my master [was] in the presence of the prophet in Samaria,

tots a7ioai)vd^8i avTOV a7io Tr\q Xsnpaq avzov 4 + Kai

then he shall cure him from his leprosy. And

8iafjX08 Kai a7ifjyyeiA,8 too Kopioo avTr\q Kai 8i7isv

she entered and reported it [to] her master, and she said,

outgo Kai odtcdc; eXdAxjaev r| vsavic; r| 8K yr\q

Thus and thus says the young woman from out of [the] land

IapafjX 5+ Kai ei7csv o fiaoiksvq Zvpiaq Setipo

of Israel. And [said the king of Syria], Come,

eiaeABs Kai s^a7ioaT8Xcb PipAiov itpoq tov PaaiAia

enter! and I will send out a scroll to the king

lapar\k Kai S7i;opsD0r| Kai sXapsv sv ttj xsipi avzov

of Israel. And he went and took in his hand

8sKa xakavxa apyDpioD Kai e^aKia%iAioDc; jpvaovq

ten talents of silver, and six thousand [pieces] of gold,

Kai 5sKa aAlaaaojisvac; GToXaq 6+ Kai fjveyKs to

and ten changes of apparels. And he brought the

PiPAiov 7ipoc; tov PaaiXea IapafjA, Aiyoov Kai vdv coq

scroll to the king of Israel, saying, And now when

av sXGrj to PipAiov todto npoq ae i8od a7isaT£iA,a

ever [ should come scroll this] to you, behold, I sent

7rpoc; ae Nssjidv tov 8odA,6v jiod Kai a7coaDvd^£ic;

to you Naaman my servant, and you shall cure

avzov aito Tr\q Xznpaq avzov ? + Kai eysveTO coq

him from his leprosy. And it came to pass as

aveyvoo o PaaiXetic; IapafjA, to PipAiov 5isppr|^s

[ read the king of Israel] the scroll, that he tore

Ta ijidTia avTOV Kai 81718 jjt| dsoq syoo tod 0avaTcbaai

his garments, and said, Am I God, the one putting to death

Kai ^coo7coif|aai 6ti odtoc; a7coaTsAA,si npoq jis

and restoring to life, that this one sends to me

a7co&lt;yovd^ai dv5pa a7c6 Tr\q Xznpaq avzov 6ti 7cAx|v

to cure a man from his leprosy? For besides,

yvcbTS Kai (8eT8 6ti 7cpo(paai^8Tai odtoc; npoq |ie 8 +

you know and see that this one makes an excuse towards me.

Kai syevsTO coq fjKODaev EAiaeai dv0p&lt;£7i;oc; tod 0sod

And it came to pass as [ heard Elisha [the] man of God]

6ti Siepprj^ev o PaaiXsDc; Ta ijidTia aDTOD Kai

that [ tore the king] his garments, that

5n sv xoiJTCp + vdca 12 -2 Kings

a7tsaxsiXs 7cpoc; xov PaaiAia IapafjA, Aiycov ivaxi

he sent to the king of Israel, saying, Why

8isppr|^ac; xa ijidxid gov sAi)sxco 8r| 7cpoc; |is Nssjidv

do you tear your garments? Let [ come indeed to me Naaman] !

Kai yvcoasxai 6xi saxi 7cpotpf|xr|c; sv IapafjX 9 + Kai

and he shall know that there is a prophet in Israel. And

fjXGsNssjidv ev (717100 Kai dpjiaxi Kai saxrj S7U xrjc;

Naaman came by horse and chariot, and he stood at the

dvpaq xod oiKOD EAaasai 10 + Kai a7csaxsiA,sv EAaasai

door of the house ofElisha. And Elisha sent

npoq auxov dyys^ov Aiycov 7copsi)0sfc; Xovaax sv xco

to him a messenger, saying, In going, bathe in the

Iop8dvr| £7rcdKic; Kai S7ciaxps\j/si r| aap^ gov aoi Kai

Jordan seven times, and [ shall return your flesh] to you, and

Ka6apia6fjar| u+ Kai s9i)|icb9r| Nssjidv Kai a7cfjA,0s Kai

you shall be cleansed. And Naaman was enraged, and went forth, and

S17C8V idov s^syov s^sXsuasxai 7cpoc; |is Kai axfjasxai

said, Behold, I said, he will come forth to me, and he shall stand

Kai 87riKaA,sa8xai sv ovojiaxi Kopioi) 0sot3 avzov Kai

and shall call in [the] name of [the] LORD his God, and

87ci0f|a8i xrjv %sipa avzov S7ri xov xo7cov Kai

shall place his hand upon the place, and

a7to&lt;7Dvd^ei xo A,S7cp6v

shall cure the leper.

12+ ov%i ayadoq Apavd Kai Oapcpdp 7coxa|ioi

Are not [ good [the] Abana and Phaphar rivers

AajiaaKoi) imsp xov Iop5dvr|c; Kai 7cdvxa xa u8axa

of Damascus] over the Jordan, and all the waters

IapafjA, ov%i nopsvdsiq Axyoaojiai sv auxofc; Kai

of Israel? Shall I not go bathe in them, and

KaGapiaBfjaojiai Kai s^skAivs Kai anr\kQzv sv Gdjico

be cleansed? And he turned aside, and went forth in rage.

13 + Kai fjyyiaav 01 naidsq avzov Kai sldAxjaav npoq

And [ approached his servants], and they said to

avzov si jisyav A,6yov sldAxjasv o 7cpo(pfjxr|c; npoq

him, If [ a great word spoke the prophet] to

as odk av S7rovr|aac; KaGoxi S17CS npoq as Am&gt;aai

you, would you not have done in so far as he said to you? Bathe

Kai Ka6ap(a6r|xi i 4 + Kai KaxsPrj Nssjidv Kai

and be cleansed! And Naaman went down, and

sPa7cxiaaxo sv xco IopSdvrj s7cxdKic; Kaxd xo pfjjia

he immersed in the Jordan seven times, according to the word


5n ev xoiJTCp + vdca 12 -2 Kings

tod av9pcb7ioD tod 6sod Kai S7isaTps\j/sv r| aap^ aDTOD

of the man of God. And [ returned his flesh]

coc; oap£, 7iai8ap(oD jiiKpoD Kai SKa0ap(a0r| 15+ Kai

as [the] flesh [ boy of a small], and he was cleansed. And

S7isaTps\j/s 7ipoc; tov av0pco7ioD tod 0soD avToq Kai

he returned to the man of God, he and

r| 7rape|iPoAx| oidtod Kai fjXGs Kai sarrj svcb7iiov aDTOD

his camp. And he came, and stood before him,

Kai S17T8V i5od 5r| syvcora 6ti odk soti 6s6c; sv

and said, Behold, now I know that there is not a God in

7idar| ttj yrj 6ti aXk r r\ sv too IopafjX Kai vdv Xafis

all the earth, but only in Israel. And now, receive

SD^oyiav 7iapd tod 5odA,od aoD i 6 + Kai si7isv EAaasai

a blessing from your servant! And Elisha said,

KDpiOq CO 7iap8aTr|V 8VC07TIOV aDTOD 81 Ajj\j/0|iai

As [the] LORD lives in whom I stand before him, shall I take [it]?

Kai 7iap8PidaaTO aDTOV Xafisiv Kai r|7rs(0r|a8 17 +

And he pressed him to take, but he resisted persuasion.

Kai 81718 NsSJidv Kai 81 |IT| 8o6fjTCO 8r| tco

And Naaman said, And if not, let there be given indeed [to]

5odAxd aoD yojioq ^SDyoc; rjjiiovcov yrjc; 6ti od 7ioif|asi

your servant a cargo team of mules of earth, for [ shall not offer

sti o SovXoq aoD o^oKaDTCOjia Kai GDaiac; Gsoic;

any longer your servant] a whole burnt-offering and sacrifice [ gods

STSpOiq 0Xk r T| TCO KDpiCO JIOVCO is + Kai 7T8pi

toother]; but only to the LORD alone. And concerning

tod A,6yoD todto i^dasTai jioi Kopioc; tco 5odAxo ood

this matter, [ shall deal kindly with me [the] LORD], [to] your servant

SV TCO 8ia7TOp8D8a0ai TOV KDpiOV (IOD 8iq OIKOV Psjidv

in the entering of my master into [the] house ofRimmon

7ipoaKDvfjaai sksi 6ti avzoq S7iava7i;aDasTai S7U

to do obeisance there, for he shall rest upon

Tr\q %8ip6c; |iod Kai 7rpoaKDvfjaco sv oikco Psjidv sv

my hand. And I shall do obeisance in [the] house ofRimmon, in

tco 7ipoaKDVs(v aDTOV sic; oikov Psjidv Kai (XaasTai

his doing obeisance in [the] house ofRimmon. And [ shall deal kindly


with me [the] LORD] [to] your servant over this matter.

Kai si7isv EAiasai npoq Nssjidv 7iopsDOD sic; sipfjvrj

And Elisha said to Naaman, Go in peace!

Kai a7if|X0sv ait' avzov sic; XaPpaGd Tr\q yr\q 20 + Kai

And he went forth from him into Havratha the land. And

5n sv xoiJTCp + viica 12 -2 Kings

81718 Tm^i to 7iai8dpiov EXiaeai tod av0pcb7roi)

[ said Gehazi], the servant of Elisha the man

tod 0sod i5od scpsiaaTO o KDpioq jiod tod Nssjidv

of God, Behold, [ spared my master] Naaman


this Syrian, so as to not take from his hand of what

svfjvoxs C 1 ! KDpioq 6ti si |iT| 8pa|ioD|iai O7iiaco

he brought. As lives [the] LORD, that I shall run after

aDTOD Kai hf\\\fO[iai ti 7cap' aDTOD 21+ Kai

him, and I shall take something from him. And

e5ico^e Tis^i O7i(aco tod Nseji&amp;v Kai e(5sv aDTOV

Gehazi pursued after Naaman. And [ saw him

Nssjidv Tps%ovTa O7uaco aDTOD Kai KaT£7cf|5r|asv anb

Naaman] running after him, and he leaped down from

tod dpjiaToq sic; a7cdvrr|v aDTOD Kai si7isv sipfjvrj 22+

the chariot for meeting him. And he said, Peace.

Kai 81718 Tl8^l 8ipfjVT| O KDpiOq (IOD a7CSaTaA,KS |I8

And Gehazi said, Peace. My master has sent me,

Aiycov i5od vdv fjA.Gov 7cpoc; |is 5do 7cai8dpia

saying, Behold, now there came to me two young men from out of

opoDc; Ecppaiji a7co tcov dicov tcov 7cpo(pr|Tcbv 5oc; 8r|

mount Ephraim, from the sons of the prophets. Give indeed

aDTOiq Td^avTOV apyDpioD Kai 5do aAlaaoojisvac;

to them a talent of silver and two changes

axoXdq 23+ Kai S17CS Nssjidv Xafis 8do TdXavTa

of apparel! And Naaman said, Take two talents

apyDpioD Kai sPidaaTO aDTOV Kai e8coKev aDTcb 5do

of silver! And he forced him, and he took to him two

TdXavTa apyDpioD sv 5dct( 0DA,aKioic; Kai 8do

talents of silver in two purses, and two

aAAxxaoojievac; cttoAxxc; Kai s8coksv ski 8do 7cai8dpia

changes of apparel. And he gave unto [ two servants

aDTOD Kai fjpav sji7i;poa9ev aDTOD 2 4+ Kai r\kdzv

his], and they carried them in front of him. And he came

sic; to cjkotsivov Kai e^apev 8K tcov %z\p(bv aDTcbv Kai

to a dark [place], and he took from their hands, and

7tape6eTO sv oikco Kai s^a7csaTeiA£ todc; dv5paq Kai

he placed them in [the] house, and sent out the men, and

a7cfjX0ov 25+ Kai aDTOc; eiafjXGe Kai 7capeiaTf|Ksi 7cpoc;

they left. And he entered and stood before

tov KDpiov aDTOD Kai 8i7cs 7cpoc; aDTOV EAiaeai

his master. And [ said to him Elisha].



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71008V TlS^l Kai 81718 Rs^l 01)

From what place [did you come from] Gehazi? And Gehazi said, [ has not

7C87c6p8DTai o SovXoq gov evGaKaievGa 26+ Kai 8i7cs

gone Your servant] here or there. And [ said

7tpoc; auxov EAiaeai od%( r\ Kap8(a jiod S7copeD0r|

to him Elisha], [Did] not my heart go

jiexd aoi) 6ts S7C8aTp8\j/sv o avfjp GOTO

with you when [ turned the man] from

tod dpjiaxoc; clvtov eic; aDvdvxrjv aoi Kai vdv Zkafisq

his chariot for meeting you? And now, you took

to apytipiov Kai xa ijidxia Kai hf\\\fr\ ev aDxco

the silver, and the garments, and you shall take with it

KT\7iovq Kai eAmcovac; Kai a[msk(bvaq Kai 7co(|ivia

gardens, and olive groves, and vineyards, and flocks,

Kai PoDKoAia Kai SodXodc; Kai dovXaq 2 ?+ Kai rj

and herds, and bondmen and bondwomen. And the

A,S7cpa Nesjidv KoAArj0fjaexai sv ooi Kai ev

leprosy of Naaman shall cleave to you, and among

xco a7C8p|iax( aoi) sic; xov aicbva Kai e^fjA,0sv sk

your seed into the eon. And he went forth from

7cpoacb7COD clvtov Xsksiip(D[isvoq coaei %\(hv

his face being leprous as snow.

6 1

i+ Kai si7cov oi dioi xcov 7cpo(pr|xcbv 7cpoc; EAaaeai

And [ said the sons of the prophets] to Elisha,

i8od 5r| o x67coc; sv go r\[isiq oiKODjiev svco7i;i6v

Behold, indeed the place in which we live before

aoi) axevoc; acp' rjjicov 2 + 7copsD0cb|isv 5rj scoq xod

you [is] scant for us. We should go indeed unto the

IopSdvoD Kai A,dp&lt;D|iev SK8i0sv avfjp siq 8ok6v

Jordan, and we should take from there [ man [per] one beam

|i(av Kai 7toifjacD jisv eaDxofc; aKS7rrjv xod oiksiv sksi

one]; and we should make for ourselves a shelter to live there.

Kai S17C8 7COpSD8a08 3 + Kai S17C8V O SIC; £7Cl£lKCbc; Setipo

And he said, Go! And [ said one], Please come

jisxd xcov SodAxdv GOD Kai 817C8V SyCG 7COp8DOOJJ,ai 4 +

with your servants. And he said, I will go.

Kai S7cop8D0r| jisx' aDxcbv Kai fjX0ov sic; xov

And he went with them, and they came unto the

Iop8dvr|v Kai sxejivov xa ^6A,a 5 + Kai eyevexo xod

Jordan, and they trimmed the wood. And it happened [to]



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svoc; KaxapdXXovToq tov 5ok6v Kai s^S7isasv sk tod

one casting down the beam, that [ fell off of the

aTsks%ovq to ai8fjpiov sic; to i38cop Kai eporjaev Kai

stick the iron implement] into the water. And he yelled, and

S17T8V CO 1c6pi£ Kai (TDTO K8Kpi)|I|I8VOV 6+ Kai 817TSV O

said, O master. And it was hidden. And [ said the

dv0pCO7TOC; TOD 0SOD 7TOD 871808 Kai sSsi^SV aDTCO

man of God], Where did it fall? And he showed to him

TOV TOTCOV Kai a7T8KVia8 ^dA,OV Kai 8ppi\J/8V SK81 Kai

the place. And he plucked off wood and tossed it there, and

87i87r6Axxa8 to ai8f|piov 7+ Kai ei7isv D\j/coaov aeaDTcb

[ floated the iron implement]. And he said, Raise it to yourself!

Kai S^STSIVS TTJV %zlpa OCDTOD Kai ZXafizV aDTO s + Kai

And he stretched out his hand and took it. And

o PaaiXeDc; Zvpiaq r\v 7ioA,8|icbv sv IapafjA, Kai

the king of Syria was waging war against Israel. And

sPoD^SDaaTO itpoq todc; 7ia(8a(; aDTOD Aiycov sic; tov

he consulted with his servants, saying, In the

T07rov t6v8s Tivd s^jicovi 7iap8(ipaA,cb 9+ Kai

place thus [ in a certain concealed [place] I will camp]. And

a7T8aTSiXsv o dv0pco7io(; tod 6sod npoq tov PaaiXsa

[ sent the man of God] to the king

IapafjA, Aiycov tpDAxx^ai |ir| 7rapeAi)eiv ev

of Israel, saying, Guard to not go by

TCO T07TCO TODTCO OTl 8K81 I/Dpia KSKpD7TTai 10+ Kai

this place, for there Syria hides. And

a7i80TSiXsv o Paai^sDc; IapafjX sic; tov totcov ov

[ sent the king of Israel] to the place which

817T8V aDTCO O dv6pC07TO(; TOD 08OD Kai scpD^d^aTO

[told him the man of God]. And he guarded

8K8108V od% d7ia^ od8s 8iq 11+ Kai s^saTTj r| Kap8(a

from there not once nor twice. And [ was startled the soul

tod PaaiAicoc; Zvpiaq mpi tod Xojov todtod Kai

of the king of Syria] on account of this word. And

8KdA,8a8 todc; 7ia(8ac; aDTOD Kai e(7ie 7ipoc; aDTODCj

he called his servants, and he said to them,

odk avayysXsrce jioi tic; 7ipo8(8coo( |ie too Paai^si

Shall you not announce to me who betrays me to the king

IapafjX 12 + Kai £i7isv sic; tcov 7ra(8cov aDTOD od%(

of Israel? And [said one of his servants], Not so,

KDpis (iod PaaiXeD 6ti EAaasai o 7rpotpfjTr|c; o sv

O my master, O king. For Elisha the prophet, the one in



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IapafjX avayyeAlsi xoo Paai^ei IapafjX 7cdvxac; xodc;

Israel, he announces to the king of Israel all the

Xoyovq ovq edv Xahf\ar\q ev xco xajieico

words which ever you should speak in the closet

TOD KOlTCOVOq CJOD 13 + Kai 81718 7COp£D0r|XS Kai (5SXS

of your bedroom. And he said, Go, and see

7TOD omoq Kai anoaTsikaq hf\\\fO[iai aDxov Kai

where this one [is] ! and sending I will take him. And

a7rf|YYsiA,av aDxcb Aiyovxec; i8od sv AcoGaifi u+ Kai

they reported to him, saying, Behold, [he is] in Dothan. And

OOTsaxsilsv i7C7C0D(; Kai dpjiaxa Kai SDvajiiv Papeiav

he sent horses and chariots, and [force a heavy].

Kai fjXGov vdkxoc; Kai 7cspi8KDKA,coaav xrjv nokiv 15+

And they came at night, and surrounded the city.

Kai cbpBpiasv o A^sixoDpyoc; xod av0pcb7coi) xod 0sod

And [ early the minister of the man of God

avaaxfjvai Kai s^fjXBe Kai i8od 6vva[iiq KOK^oDaa

rose up], and went forth. And behold, [the] force [was] encircling

xrjv nohv Kai i7C7coi Kai dpjiaxa Kai ei7ce

the city, and [with] horses and chariots. And [ said

xo 7cai8dpiov avzov npoq ai)xov co Kopie xi

his servant] to him, O master, what

7roifjao|isv 16+ Kai ei7csv EXiaeai |ir| cpopoD 6xi

shall we do? And Elisha said, Do not fear, for

TtXzlovq 01 |IS0' T||icbv D7CSp XODC; |I8X' aDXCDV 17 +

many [are] the ones with us over the ones with them.

Kai 7cpoar|D§axo EXiaeai Kai si7i;s Kopis dvoi^ov

And Elisha prayed, and said, O LORD, open

xodc; ocp0aA,|ioDc; aDxoD Kai iSexco Kai Sifjvoi^e Kopioc;

his eyes, and let him see! And [the] LORD opened wide

xodc; ocp0aA,|ioDc; xod 7tai8ap(oD Kai e(8ev Kai i8od

the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold,

xo opoq TiXr\psq i7C7ccov Kai dpjia nvpoq 7cspiKDKXco

the mountain [was] full of horses, and a chariot of fire surrounding

EAaaeai is+ Kai KaxePrjaav npoq aDxov Kai

Elisha. And they came down to him. And

7cpoar|D^axo EAiaeai npoq Kopiov Kai si7cs 7cdxa^ov

Elisha prayed to [the] LORD, and said, Strike

5r| xo 80voc; xodxo aopaoia Kai £7cdxa^sv aDxotic;

indeed this nation with inability to see! And he struck them

aopaaia Kaxd xo pfjjia EAiaeai 19+ Kai

with inability to see, according to the saying of Elisha. And



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81718 EAaasai itpoq avzovq ov%i atixrj r\ noXiq Kai

Elisha said to them, This [is] not the city, and

ov% ami] r| odoq 5st3t8 O7uaco |iod Kai d^oo v[idq

this [is] not the way. Come after me! and I will lead you

7ipoc; xov dv5pa ov ^rjxdxe Kai a7rfjyay£v avzovq

to the man whom you seek. And he took them

sic; Sajidpsiav 20+ Kai eyevexo coc; sior\kdov sic;

to Samaria. And it came to pass, as he entered into

Sajidpeiav Kai ei7isv EAaasai Kopie dvoi^ov xodc;

Samaria, that Elisha said, O LORD, open the

ocpGa^jioix; xotixoov Kai i5excoaav Kai 8ifjvoi^s Kopioc;

eyes of these, and let them see! And [the] LORD opened wide

Tovq o(pdak[iovq auxcbv Kai e(5ov Kai idov auxoi sv

their eyes, and they saw. And behold, they [were] in

jisaco Eajiapeiac; 21+ Kai si7rsv o fiaaikvoq IapafjA,

[the] midst of Samaria. And [ said the king of Israel]

7rpoc; EAaasai coq e(8ev auxotic; si 7iaxd^ac; 7raxd^co

to Elisha, as he beheld them, Shall by striking, I strike [them],

7idxsp 22+ Kai ei7iev od 7iaxd^eic; ovq

O father? And he said, You shall not strike. Whom

rixjiaAxbxsDaac; sv pojicpaia aoi) Kai xo^oo aoi) cjd

you captured by your broadsword, and your bow you

7iaxd^£ic; 7rapd6sc; dpxoDc; Kai D8cop svcb7riov aDxcbv

shall strike. Place bread loaves and water before them,

Kai cpaysxcoaav Kai 7iisxcooav Kai a7isA,08xcooav 7ipoc;

and let them eat and let them drink and let them go forth to

xov Kopiov ai)xcbv 23 + Kai 7iaps6r|Kev auxok; 7iapd6eaiv

their master! And he placed for them [ fete

jisydAxjv Kai ecpayov Kai S7iiov Kai a7ieaxsiA£v

a great]. And they ate, and drank, and he sent

aDxotic; Kai a7rfjX0ov 7ipoc; xov Kupiov aDxcbv Kai

them. And they went forth to their master. And

od 7rpoa80£vxo sxi jiovo^covoi Zvpiaq xod eXGsiv sic;

[ did not proceed still [the] armed [bands] of Syrians] to come into

yrjv Iapar\k 24+ Kai eyevsxo jiexd xatixa Kai

[the] land of Israel. And it came to pass after these [things], that

fjGpoiasv vioq A5ep fiaaikzvq Zvpiaq 7idaav

[ gathered [the] son of Hadad king of Syria] all

xrjv 7iaps|iPoAxjv avTOV Kai avsprj Kai 7ispieKd6iaev

his camp, and ascended, and besieged

8711 Sajidpsiav 25+ Kai sysvsxo Aijioc; jieyac; sv

against Samaria. And there was [ famine a great] in




12-2 Kings

Sajiapsia Kai i8od 7rspi£K&amp;6r|VTO S7i' aDxfjv sooc;

Samaria. And behold, they laid siege against it until

od sysvfjGrj KscpaArj ovod oy8ofiKovTa aiKkcbv

of which [ was [worth] [the] head of a donkey] eighty shekels

apyDpioD Kai xsiapiov tod k&amp;Pod K07ipoD 7ispiaTspcbv

of silver; and a fourth of a cab [ dung of doves]

7TSVTS awkcbv apyDpioD 26+ Kai Tjv o fiaGikvbq

five shekels of silver. And [ was the king

IapafjA, 5ia7iopsD6|isvoc; S7ri tod tsixodc; Kai yDvfj

of Israel] traveling upon the wall. And a woman

sPorjae 7ipoc; aDTOV AiyoDaa acoaov KDpie Paai^sD 27 +

yelled to him, saying, Deliver [us], O master, O king!

Kai 817T8V aDTTj |ir| os ocbaai KDpioq 7i608v acbaoo

And he said to her, Unless [ delivers you [the] LORD], from what place shall I

as arco akcovoq r\ arco ArjvoD 2 s + Kai si7isv aDTTj

you — from [the] threshing-floor or from [the] wine vat? And [ said to her

0 PaaiXsDc; ti sctti aoi Kai si7isv r| yDvfj aDTTj

the king], What is it with you? And she said, This woman

si7i8 jioi 8oq tov diov ctod Kai cpayojisGa aDTOV

said to me, Give your son! and we shall eat him

afjjispov Kai tovdiovjiod cpayojisBa atipiov 29+ Kai

today, and my son we shall eat tomorrow. And

Tj\j/fjaa|isv tov diov jiod Kai scpdyojisv aDTOV Kai

we boiled my son, and we ate him. And

S17T0V aDTTj ttj Tjjispa TTj dAArj 80c; TOV DIOV aoD Kai

1 said to her the [ day other], Give your son! for

(pdyoojisv aDTOV Kai SKpD\j/s tov diov aDTTj q 30+ Kai

we should eat him. And she hid her son. And

sysvsTO coq fjKODasv o PaaiXsDc; xovq Xojovq Tr\q

it came to pass as [ heard the king] the words of the

yDvaiKoq 5isppTj^s Ta ijidTia aDTOD Kai aDToq

woman, he tore his garments, and he

8lS7TOpSDSTO 8711 TOD TSl%ODC; Kai Sl8sV O XdLOq TOV

traveled over upon the wall. And [ saw the people] the

odKKOV 8711 TTj q aapKOq aDTOD SaCO0SV 31+ Kai S17TS

sackcloth upon his flesh inside. And he said,

Td5s 7ioifjaai jioi o dsoq Kai Td5s 7ipoa0svrj si

Thus [ do to me God], and thus add more, if

oTfjasTai Tj KscpaArj EArasai diod SacpdT S7i' aDTcb

[ shall stand the head of Elisha son ofShaphat] upon him

ofjjispov 32+ Kai EAiasai SKd0TjTO sv tco oikco aDTOD

today. And Elisha was sitting down in his house,



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Kai 01 7ipeaPDxepoi sk&amp;0t|vto jisx' aDxoD Kai

and the elders were sitting down with him. And

a7i£axeiXev &amp;v8pa npo 7rpoacb7roD aDxoD Kai rcpiv

[the king] sent a man before his face. But before

eXGeiv xov dyysA,ov npoq aDxov Kai avzoq 8i7is

[the] coming of the messenger to him, that [Elisha] himself said

7ipoc; xodc; 7ipeaPDxepoDc; ecopaKaxe 6xi a7isaxsiA,ev

to the elders, Do you see that [ sent


son of a murderer this] to remove my head?

(5exs coc; av sXGrj o ayyskoq a7ioKA£iaaxs xrjv

Know as when [ should come the messenger], you lock the

dvpav Kai 7iapa6Ai\j/aT£ aDxov ev xrj 0Dpa od%(

door, and press against him on the door! Is not


[the] sound of the feet of his master right after him?

33+ sxi aDTOD XakovvToq jist' aDxcov Kai i5od o

While he was speaking with them, that behold, the

ayyskoq KaxsPrj npoq aDxov Kai si7iev i5od aDxrj

messenger came to him. And he said, Behold, this

T| KaKia 7iapd KDpiOD XI D7TO|ieiVC0 XCO KDpiCO SXI

evil [is] from [the] LORD, why remain behind for the LORD any longer?

7 T

i + Kai 817T8V EAiaeai (xkodcjov xov A,6yov KDpiOD xd8s

And Elisha said, Hear the word of [the] LORD! Thus

Aiyei KDpioq coc; rj cbpa aDxrj atipiov jiexpov

says [the] LORD, At this same hour tomorrow, a measure

asjiiSdXscoc; cjikXod Kai 5do jiexpa KpiGcov

of fine flour [shall be sold for a] shekel, and two measures of barley

gikXod ev xrj tivXei Sajiapeiac; 2+ Kai a7isKp(6r| o

for a shekel, at the gate of Samaria. And [ responded the

xpiaxdxrjq ecp' ov o PaaiXeDc; 87iav87raDsxo £7U

tribune] (upon whom the king rested upon

xrjc; xeipoq aDxoD xco av0pcb7ico xod 08od Kai 8i7isv Kai

his hand) to the man of God, and he said, And

sdv KDpioq 7roifjor| KaxapdKxaq sv xco ODpavco ei

if [the] LORD should make a torrent in the heaven, shall

saxai xo pf||ia xodxo Kai EAaasai si7iev i5od cjd 6\j/si

[ be this thing], [no]. And Elisha said, Behold, you shall see

sv ocpGaAjioi aoD Kai sksiGsv od cpdyrj 3 + Kai

with your eyes, but [from there you shall not eat]. And

7T ev toi3tco + vdca 12 - 2 Kings

xeaaapec; dv5psc; A,S7ipo( fjaav 7iapd xrjv 0Dpav xrjc;

four men, lepers, were by the door of the

7t6Xscdc; Kai si7isv avfjp npoq xov 7rArja(ov aDxof) xi

city. And said [one] man to his neighbor, Why

r\[isiq KaGfjjieBa co5e ecoc; a7ro0dvco|iev 4 + edv si7rco|isv

do we sit here until we die? If we should say,

siasX0co|iev eic; xr|v 7i6Aav Kai o A^ijuoc; ev xrj 7i6X8i

We should enter into the city, and the famine [is] in the city,

Kai a7io0avoD|is0a 8ks( Kai edv Ka0(aco|iev cb5e Kai

then we shall die there. And if we sit here, then

a7io0avoD|is0a Kai vdv 8sdxs Kai s|i7ieaco|iev sic; xrjv

we shall die. And now, come, and we shall fall into the

7tape|iPoAxjv I/opiac; sdv ^cooyovfjacoaiv r\[iaq Kai

camp of Syria. If they should bring us forth alive, then

^r|a6|i80a Kai sdv 0avaxcbacooiv r\[idq Kai

we shall live. And if they should kill us, then

a7io0avoD|is0a 5 + Kai aveaxrjaav sv too cjkoxsi

we shall die. And they rose up in the darkness

8iasX08iv eic; xrjv 7iaps|iPoATjv Zvpiaq Kai eiarjX0ov

to enter into the camp of Syria. And they entered

ecoc; jiepoDc; Tr\q 7iape|iPoAxjc; Zvpiaq Kai i5od ODKTjv

unto a part of the camp of Syria. And behold, there was not

avfjp 8K8i 6+ Kai Kopioc; aKODaxfjv £7iorrjae

a man there. [For] [the] LORD [ audible made]

7rape|iPoAx|v I/opiac; cpcovfj apjidxcov Kai cpcovfj i7r7icov

in [the] camp of Syria a sound of chariots, and a sound of horses,

Kai cpcovfj 8i)vd|i£coc; jisydArjc; Kai sitcsv avfjp 7ipoc;

and a sound [ force of a great]. And [ said [each] man] to

xov 7rArjGiov avzov i8od |isjjia0coxai ecp' rjjidc; o

his neighbor, Behold, [ has hired against us the

fiaoiksvq IopafjA, xodc; PaoiXeac; xcov Xexxaicov Kai

king of Israel] the kings of the Hittites, and

xodc; fiaaiksaq AiyfrnxoD xod eX0£iv ecp' r\[idq ?+ Kai

the kings of Egypt, to come against us. And

aveaxrjaav Kai a7ie8paaav ev xco ctkotsi Kai

they rose up, and ran away in the darkness. And

eyKaxeXmov xac; aKqvdc; aDxcbv Kai todc; bmovq aDxcbv

they abandoned their tents, and their horses,

Kai todc; ovodc; aDicbv coc; fjaav sv xrj 7iaps|iPoXfj Kai

and their donkeys, as was in the camp; and

scpDyov Kaxd xac; \|/D%dc; aDxcbv 8 + Kai fjA,0ov

they fled for their lives. And [ came


7T sv toi3tco + vdca 12 - 2 Kings

01 A,87ipo( odxoi eooc; jispoDc; xrjc; 7iape|iPoAT|c; Kai

these lepers] unto a part of the camp. And

eiafjXGov sic; aKTjvfjv jiiav Kai ecpayov Kai erciov Kai

they entered into [ tent one], and ate, and drank, and

fjpav 8K8i0sv apytipiov Kai %pDak&gt;v Kai i|iaxio|iov

lifted from there silver, and gold, and clothes,

Kai a7rfjX0ov Kai KaxsKpD\j/av Kai £7ieaxps\j/av Kai

and they went and hid [everything]. And they returned and

siafjABov sic; aKqvfjv aAAxjv Kai Zkafiov sksiGsv Kai

entered into [tent another], and they took from there, and
a7if|A,0ov Kai KaxeKpD\j/av 9+ Kai si7isv avfjp 7ipoc;

went and hid [them]. And said [one] man to

xov 7iAr|criov avzov od% odxcdc; r\[iEiq 7ioiOD|iev

his neighbor, [ not thus We are] doing [right].

r| rjjispa aDxrj rjjispa SDayysAiac; sail Kai r\[isiq

This day [ a day of good news is], and we

oico7rcb|isv Kai jievojiev eooc; cpooxoc; tod 7ipcoi Kai

keep silent, and are waiting until light of the morning, and

SDpfjaojisv a8iKiav vdv odv 8sDpo 7iopsD6cb|isv Kai

we shall find iniquity. Now then, come, we should go and

avayyeiAxjojisv sic; xov oikov tod PaaiAiooc; 10+ Kai

announce to the house of the king. And

eiafjXGov Kai eporjaav 7ipoc; xrjv 7ivh\v Tr\q noXscoq

they entered and yelled by the gate of the city.

Kai avfjyysilav aDxoic; Aiyovxec; siafjXGojiev sic; xrjv

And they announced to them, saying, We entered into the

7rape|iPoAxjv I/opiac; Kai i8od odk sgxiv £ks( avfjp

camp of Syria, and behold, there is not there a man

od8s (pcovfj av0pcb7ioD aXk' r\ bmoq 5s5sjievoc; Kai

nor a voice of a man, but only a horse being tied and

ovoc; 8s5s|ievoc; Kai aKqvai aDxcbv cdc; eiai u+ Kai

a donkey being tied, and their tents as they are. And

eK&amp;Xeaav xodc; 0DpoopoDc; Kai avayysAloDai sic; xov

they called the doorkeepers. And they announce to the

oikov xod PaaiXscoq eooo 12+ Kai aveaxrj o Paai^sDc;

house of the king inside. And [ rose up the king]

vdkxoc; Kai 817TSV xoic; 7iaio(v aDxoD avayysAxb 8r|

[in the] night, and said [to] his servants, I shall report indeed

D|i(v a 7r£7roifjKaaiv r\[iiv 01 I/opioi syvcoaav 6x1

to you what [ have done to us the Syrians]. They know that

7T£ivcb|i£v r||i£ic; Kai s^fjXGov £K xrjc; 7tape|iPoAxjc;

we hunger, and they went forth from out of the camp,

KpDpfjvai sv aypcb Xeyovxsc; s^e^sDoovxai sk xrjc;

to hide in a field, saying, They shall come forth from out of the


7T ev toi3tco + vdca 12 - 2 Kings

7c6A,ecoc; Kai &lt;yoAAr|\j/6|ie6a aDTOD^ Cfhvzaq Kai

city, and we shall seize them alive, and

siasX8i)a6|i80a siq xrjv 7i6A.iv 13+ Kai a7C£Kpi6r| sic;

we shall enter into the city. And answered one

xcov 7iai8cov olvtov Kai 8i7rs AxxPsTCoaav 8r| 7C£vts tcov

of his servants, and said, Let them take indeed five of the

i7r7rcov xcov D7coA£A£i|i|isvcov 01 KaT8A,8i(p0r|aav cb8e

horses, of the ones being left behind, which they left behind here.

i5cy6 siai itpoq 7iav to 7cAt|0oc; IapafjA, to skAsi7i;ov

Behold, they are for all the multitude of Israel faltering;

Kai a7toaTsAx)D|isv sksi Kai o\j/6|ie9a u+ Kai skafiov

for we will send there and see. And they took

8do 87updTac; 17C7ccgv Kai a7C£aT£iA£v o fiaaiksvq

two riders of horses; and [ sent [them] the king

IapafjX 07i(aco rr|c; I/opiac; Aiycov 7copeD0r|T£ Kai (8sts

of Israel] after Syria, saying, Go and see!

15+ Kai S7iop£i)0r|oav 07uaco aDTcbv ecoc; tod IopSdvoD

And they went after them unto the Jordan.

Kai 18013 7idaa r| o86q P 1 !^ i^ocTiafioD Kai

And behold, all the way [was] full of clothes and

cjksdcov cov eppnj/av 01 1/upoi ev tcd 6a|iPe(a0ai aDTODc;

items, which the Syrians tossed in their being distraught.

Kai a7U8aTps\j/av 01 dyyeXoi Kai avfjyyeiA^av tco

And [returned the messengers], and announced to the

PaoiXsi 16+ Kai £^fjA,6sv o Axxoc; Kai 8ifjp7caaav tt|v

king. And [ came forth the people], and they tore in pieces the

7cape|ipoAxjv I/opiac; Kai eyeveTO jiSTpov oejiiSdXscoc;

camp of Syria. And [ became [worth] a measure of fine flour]

cjikAxdd Kai 8do jiSTpa KpiGcbv cjikXod KaTd to

a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, according to the

A,6yov Kopioi) 17+ Kai o fiaaiksvq KaTsarrjos tov

saying of [the] LORD. And the king placed the

TpioTaTTjv scp' ov o PaaiA,SD&lt;; 87cave7caDSTO S7ri

tribune (upon whom the king rested upon

Tr\q XBipoq olvtov S7U Tr\q 7ivhr\q Kai aDVS7cdTr|a£V

his hand) over the gate. And [ trampled

avTOV o Xaoq S7c( Tr\q 7ivh\q Kai a7C86av8 KaGcoc;

him the people] at the gate, and he died as

sAxxAxjasv o dv0pco7i;oc; tod 0sod oq eAxxAxjaev sv tco

[ said the man of God], who spoke with the

KaTapfjvai tov dyysAxw npoq avzov 18+ Kai syevsTO

[ coming down messenger] to him. And it came to pass


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12-2 Kings

Ka6&amp; s^dAxjaev EAiasai npoq xov PaaiXea Aiycov 5do

as Elisha said to the king, saying, Two

jisxpa KpiBcbv cjik^od Kai jiexpov oe|ii8dA,£coc; ctikXod

measures of barley for a shekel, and a measure of fine flour for a shekel,

Kai saxai coq r\ cbpa atipiov ev xrj ivbhr\ Sajiapeiac;

and it will be at [this] hour tomorrow at the gate of Samaria.

19+ Kai a7T8Kpi6r| o xpiaxdxrjc; xco av0pcb7ico xod Gsod

And [ answered the tribune] to the man of God,

Kai 817T8V Kai sdv Kopioc; 7ioif|ar| KaxapdKxaq sv xco

and said, And if [the] LORD should make a torrent in the

ODpavcb si saxai xo pfjjia xodxo Kai si7iev o

heaven, shall [ be this thing], [no]. And [ said the

dv0pco7roc; xod 0sod i8od 6\j/si Toiq otp0aA,|iok; cjod

man of God] Behold, you will see [with] your eyes,

Kai 8K8i68v od cpdyrj 20 + Kai eysvexo odxcoc; Kai

but from there you will not eat. And it came to pass so; and

ai)V87idxr|a8v aDxov o Xaoq sv xrj 7tdAx| Kai afteBave

[ trampled him the people] in the gate, and he died.

8 n

1+ Kai EAaasai skdhr\as npoq xrjv yDvafca r\q

And Elisha spoke to the woman of whom

s^cG7r6pr|os xov diov Aiycov avdaxrjGi Kai 7topeDOD

[ was enlivened the son], saying, Rise up and go,

&lt;td Kai o oiKoq aoi) Kai 7iapoiKsi od sdv

you and your household, and sojourn of which ever [place]

7iapoiKf|ar|c; 6x1 Kopioc; kskAx|K£ Aijiov em xrjv

you should [want to] sojourn! for [the] LORD has called a famine upon the

yrjv Kai 7iapeaxai £7U xrjv yrjv S7ixd exrj 2 + Kai

land; and it will be at hand upon the land [for] seven years. And
aveaxrj r| ywq Kai 87io(r|a8 Kaxd xo pfjjia xod

[ rose up the woman], and did according to the saying of the

aV0pCO7TOD XOD 08OD Kai 87TOpSD6r| aDXTj Kai

man of God. And she went and

o oiKoq aDxfjc; Kai 7iapcbK8i sv yrj aAlocpD^cov S7ixd

her household, and sojourned in [the] land of [the] philistines seven

sxrj 3 + Kai sysvsxo jiexd xo zskoq xcov S7ixd excbv

years. And it came to pass after the end of the seven years,

Kai S7i8axp8\j/sv T| yovfj 8K yrjc; aAlotpDA,cov Kai

that [ returned the woman] from out of [the] land of [the] philistines. And

fjXGe Pofjaai npoq xov PaaiAia 7ispi

she went to yell to the king on account of


8n ev tootco + viica 12 -2 Kings

tod oikod ax&gt;Tf[q Kai 7iepi tcov aypcov aDxfjq 4 + Kai o

her house, and on account of her fields. And the

fiaaiksvq zkaksi npoq Tis^i to 7iai8dpiov EAiaeai

king spoke to Gehazi the servant ofElisha,

tod av6pcb7roD tod 0sod Aiycov 5ifjyr|oai 5r| sjioi

the man of God, saying, Describe indeed to me!

7idvTa Ta jisyd^a a S7ro(r|aev EAaaeai 5 + Kai sysvsTO

all the great [things] which Elisha did. And it came to pass,


of his describing to the king of how he enlivened [the] son

TsBvrjKOTa Kai i5od r\ yovfj r\q s^C07iDpr|as

having died, that behold, the woman of whom he enlivened

tov Diov aDTfjc; Pocbaa itpoq tov PaaiXea mpi

her son [came] yelling to the king concerning

tod oikod aDTfjc; Kai 7iep( tcdv aypcov aDTfjc; Kai

her house and concerning her fields. And

81718 Tis^i Kopie Paai^sD aDTTj r| yDvfj Kai odtoc;

Gehazi said, O master, O king, this [is] the woman, and this [is]

o Dioq aDTfjc; ov 8^co7iDpr|asv EXiasai 6+ Kai

her son whom Elisha enlivened. And

£7ir|pcbTr|asv o paaiA^Dc; tttv yovaixa Kai 8ir|yfjaaTO

[ asked the king] the woman, and she described

aDTcb Kai eScoKev aDTfj o PaaiXeDc; £dvod%ov sva

to him. And [ appointed to her the king eunuch one],

Aiycov £7uaTps\j/ov 7tdvTa Ta avTT\q Kai 7idvTa Ta

saying, Return all the [things] of hers, and all the

yevfjjiaTa tod aypoD avTT\q arco Tr\q r||iepac; r\q

offspring of her field from the day of which

KaTsXurs ttjv yrjv scoq tod vdv 7 + Kai fjABev EXiasai

she left the land until the present. And Elisha came

sic; AajiaaKov Kai o dioc; A5ep fiaoiksvq Zvpiaq r\v

unto Damascus. And the son ofHadad king of Syria was

appcoaTcbv Kai avfjyysiXav aDTcb AiyovTsg fjKsi o

infirm. And they announced to him, saying, [ comes The

dv9pco7iO(; tod 08OD scoc; cb8e 8+ Kai ei7isv o fiaaikzvq

man of God] unto here. And [ said the king]

7ipoc; A^afjX AxxPe sv tt] %eip( god jiavad Kai 5sDpo

to Hazael, Take in your hand a gift, and go

sic; a7idvTr|aiv tod av6pcb7ioD tod 08od Kai

for a meeting with the man of God, and

S7U^fjTr|aov tov Kopiov 81' aDTOD Aiycov si ^fjoojiai

seek anxiously [of the] LORD through him, saying, Shall I live

8n ev tootco + viica 12 -2 Kings

sk xrjc; appooaxiac; jiod xaDxrjc; 9 + Kai

from out of [ my illness this]? And

S7iopsT30r| A^afjX sic; a7idvxr|aiv avzov Kai skafis

Hazael went to meet him, and he took

jiavad ev xr| %sipi avzov sk 7idvTC0v xcdv ayaGcbv

a gift in his hand of all the good [things]

AajiaaKoi) dpaiv xsaaapdKovxa KajifjXcov Kai fjA,0s

of Damascus, a tribute of forty camels. And he came

Kai saxrj 8VC07iiov avTOV Kai si7is o vioq aou vioq

and stood before him, and said, Your son, [the] son

A5sp fiaaikvbq I/opiac; a7isaxsiA,s |is npoq as Aiycov

ofHadad king of Syria sent me to you, saying,

si ^fjaojiai sk xrjq appcoaxiaq |iod xatixrjc; 10+ Kai

Shall I live from out of [ my illness this]? And

S17TSV 7ipOC; aVTOV EXiasai 7TOpSl)OU S17TS auxcb ^cofj

[ said to him Elisha], Go, say to him, To life

^fjarj Kai s8si^s jioi Kupioc; 6x1 Gavdxoo

you shall live! But [ showed to me [the] LORD] that to death

a7io9av8ixai n+ Kai soxrj A^afjA, Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov avzov

he shall die. And Hazael stood in front of him,

Kai 7iaps6r|Ksv svcb7iiov avzov xa 5cbpa scoq

and he placed before him the gifts until

r\G%vv£.TO Kai skAxtdctsv o dv0pcD7roc; xou Gsotj 12+ Kai

he was ashamed. And [wept the man of God]. And

S17T8V A^afjA, xi 6x1 o Kopioc; jiou KAmsi Kai sitcsv

Hazael said, Why [is it] that my master weeps? And he said

6x1 o(5a 6aa 7ioifjasic; xoic; vioiq IapafjA,

that, I have beheld as many [things] as you shall do to the sons of Israel —

Kara xa oxupcbjiaxa auxcbv s^a7ioaxsA£ic; sv 7rop(

bad [things]. [ their fortresses You will send] [up] in fire,

Kai Tovq sk^skxotjc; auxcbv a7ioKxsvs(c; sv pojicpaia Kai

and their chosen ones you will kill by broadsword, and

xa vfj7iia auxcbv s5acpis(c; Kai xac; sv yaaxpi

their infants you shall dash, and the ones [ one in [the] womb

s%ovaaq auxcbv 5iappfj^sic; 13 + Kai sitcsv A^afjX xic;

having of them] you shall tear apart. And Hazael said, What

saxiv o dovXoq aou o kucov o xs0vr|Kcbc; 6x1 7ioif|asi

is your servant, the dog having died, that he will do

xo pf|(ia xo jisya xouxo Kai sitcsv EAaasai s8si^s jioi

[ thing this great]? And Elisha said, [ showed to me

Kupioc; as PaaiXsuovxa S7ri I/opiav h+ Kai anr\kdEV

[The] LORD] you reigning over Syria. And he went forth


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

12-2 Kings

goto EAaasai Kai fjABs itpoq xov Kopiov clvtov Kai

from Elisha, and came to his master. And

S17CSV m)T(b XI S17CS CTOl EAlCTSai Kai S17CSV 81718 |IOl

he said to him, What said Elisha to you? And he said, He said to me,

^cofj ^fjarj 15+ Kai sysvsxo xr| s7cai)piov Kai sAxxPs

To life you shall live. And it came to pass in the next day, and he took

to jiaxPap Kai spa\j/sv avTO sv too i35axi Kai

a rag, and he dipped it in water, and

7cspisPaXsv 87i( to 7cp6acD7i;ov clvtov Kai a7cs0avsv Kai

put [it] upon his face, and he died. And

ePacriXsDasv A^afjA, avx' clvtov i6+ sv sxsi 7cs|I7i;xcd

Hazael reigned instead of him. In [ year [the] fifth]

tod Icopdji mcb A%adp PaaiAiooc; IopafjX spaadsuasv

ofJehoram son ofAhab king of Israel, [reigned

Icopdji vioq Iooaacpdx fiaaiksvq lovda n+ vioq

Jehoram son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah]. [ a son

xpidKovxa Kai hvo sxcbv r|v sv xco Paai^stisiv auxov

of thirty and two years [old] He was] in his taking reign.

Kai okxcd sxrj ePaa(A,ei)asv sv IspoDaaAx||i 1 8 + Kai

And eight years he reigned in Jerusalem. And

S7copsT39r| sv o5cb PaaiAicov IapafjA, KaGcbq S7tovr|asv

he went in [the] way of [the] kings of Israel, as did

oiKoq A%adp 6xi 0uydxr|p A%adp r|v auxcb

[the] house of Ahab; for [the] daughter of Ahab was his

siqyDvaiKa Kai S7covr|as xo 7covr|p6v svamiov Kopioi)

wife. And he did the wicked [thing] before [the] LORD.

19+ Kai odk t|6sAx|gs Kopioc; 5iacp0sipai xov Ioi38av

And [ did not want [the] LORD] to corrupt Judah

8id Aavid xov dovXov clvtov Kadcbq sins dovvai

because of David his servant; as he said to give

CLVT(b to Xvyyov Kai xoic; vioiq clvtov naaaq xac;

to him the lamp and [to] his sons all the

rjjispac; 20+ sv xaic; rjjispaic; clvtov r|0sxr|asv E8cb|i

days. In his days Edom annulled [allegiance]

D7i;oKdxcD0sv %zipoq lovda Kai spaai^suaav scp'

from beneath [the] hand of Judah, and they gave reign to [ over

sauxouc; PaaiAia 21 + Kai avsprj Icopdji sic; Sicbp Kai

themselves a king]. And Jehoram ascended into Zair, and

7cdvxa xa dpjiaxa xa jisx' clvtov Kai sysvsxo coc;

all the chariots with him. And it happened as

avsoxrj vdkxoc; Kai S7cdxa^s xov E5cb|i KDKA,oDvxa S7c'

he rose up at night, that he struck Edom circling upon


8n ev xoiJTCp + vdca 12 -2 Kings

avTOV Kai zovq dp%ovxac; xcov apjidxcov Kai scpuysv

him, and the commanders of the chariots. And [ fled

o Xaoq sic; xa oKT|vcb|iaxa avzov 22 + Kai

the people] to its tents. But

TjGexrjaev E8cb|i U7TOKdxco0sv %sipoc; lovda scoc;

Edom annulled [allegiance] from beneath [the] hand of Judah until

xrjc; rjjispac; xai&gt;xr|c; xoxs r|0sxr|as AoPvd ev

this day. Then Libnah annulled [allegiance] in

xco Kaipcb sksivco 23 + Kai xa Xoma xcov Xoycov Icopdji

that time. And the rest of the words ofJehoram,

Kai 7idvxa 6aa S7iovr|asv odki8ot3 xatixa ysyparcxai

and all as much as he did, behold [are] not these written

87i( PipAioi) A,6ycov xcov rjjispcov xcov PaaiXscov

upon [the] scroll of [the] words of the days of the kings

lovda 24+ Kai SKoi|if|0r| Icopdji jisxd xcov 7iaxspcov avzov

of Judah? And Jehoram slept with his fathers,

Kai 0d7ix8xai jisxd xcov 7iaxspcov avzov sv 7i6A,si

and he is entombed with his fathers in [the] city

Aavid xod rcaxpoc; avzov Kai spaailsuasv 0%o^(ac;

of David his father. And [ reigned Ahaziah

moc; auxoi) avx' avzov 25+ sv sxsi 8co5sKdxco

his son] instead of him. In [ year [the] twelfth]

xod Icopdji viov A%adp PaaiAicoc; IopafjA, spaadsuasv

ofJehoram son ofAhab king of Israel [reigned

Oxo^iaq vioq Icopdji PaaiAicoc; lovda 26+ vioq sikocti

Ahaziah son ofJehoram king of Judah]. [ [was a] son of twenty

Kai Stio sxcbv 0%o^(ac; sv xco Paai^susiv ai)xov Kai

and two years [of age] Ahaziah] in his taking reign. And

sPaaiXsDcrsv sviauxov sv IspoDaaArni Kai ovojia

he reigned a year in Jerusalem. And [the] name

xrjc; jirjxpoc; avzov ro0oAia 0i)ydxr|p AjiPpi PaaiXscoc;

of his mother [was] Athaliah, daughter of Omri king

IapafjX 27+ Kai S7iopsi)0r| sv o8cb oikod A%adp Kai

of Israel. And he went in [the] way of [the] house ofAhab, and

S7io(r|as xo 7iovr|p6v svco7iiov Kopioi) Ka0cbcj o ohcoq

he did the wicked [thing] before [the] LORD, as the house

A%adp 6x1 yajiPpoc; oikod A%adp saxiv 28+ Kai

ofAhab, for [son-in-law of [the] house ofAhab he is]. And

S7ropsi)0r| jisxd Icopdji viov A%adp sic; 7i6A,s|iov jisxd

he went with Jehoram son of Ahab to war against

A^afjA, Paai^sa Zvpiaq sv Pajid0 raAxxdS Kai

Hazael king of Syria in Ramoth Gilead. And


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£7l&amp;Ta^aV 01 I/6p0l XOV IC0pd|I 29 + Kai S7TSOXpS\j/SV

[ struck the Syrians] Jehoram. And [ returned

o fiaaiksvq Icopdji tod iaxp8D0fjvai sv Ie^pafjX goto

king Jehoram] to be treated medically in Jezreel from

tcov 7iAx|ycbv cov £7idxa^av aDxov 01 I/6poi sv

the wounds of which [ struck him the Syrians] in

PajidG TaAxxdS ev xco 7ioXe|is(v aDxov jisxd ACfn\k

Ramoth Gilead, during his waging war against Hazael

PaaiAicoc; I/opiac; Kai 0%o^(ac; vioq Icopdji fiaaikvbq

king of Syria. And Ahaziah, son of Jehoram king

Ioi35a KaxsPrj xod i5siv xov Icopdji diov A%adp sv

of Judah went down to see Jehoram son of Ahab in

Is^pafjX 6x1 rjppcbaxei aoxoc;

Jezreel, because he was infirm.

9 13

1+ Kai EAaaeai o 7rpo(pfjxr|c; SKdXeaev sva xcov dicov

And Elisha the prophet called one of the sons

xcov 7ipo(pr|xcbv Kai 8i7isv ai)xcb ^coaai xrjv oaqrov gov

of the prophets, and he said to him, Tie up your loin,

Kai AxxPs xov cpaKov xod sAmoD xodxod sv

and take the flask of this oil in

xtj yfxpi ood Kai 7iop£D0r|xi eic; PajidG TaXaad 2 + Kai

your hand, and be gone unto Ramoth Gilead! And

eiasA^Darj sksi Kai 6\j/si sksi Iod diov Icoaacpdx

you shall enter there, and you shall see there Jehu son of Jehoshaphat

diod Najisacri Kai eiaeXsDarj Kai avaaxfjaeic; aDxov

son of Nimshi. And you shall enter, and you shall raise him
sk jisaoD xcov a8sAxpcbv aDxoD Kai siod^eic; aDxov eic;

from [the] midst of his brethren. And you shall bring him into

xo xajisiov sk xajiisioD 3+ Kai Xr\\\fr\ xov cpaKov

the closet of a storeroom. And you shall take the flask

xod eAmoD Kai £7ri%£e(c; £7U xrjv KecpaArjv aDxoD Kai

of the oil, and you shall pour upon his head. And

spsiq xd5s Aiysi Kopioc; Ke%piKd ae sic; PaaiXsa

you shall say, Thus says [the] LORD, I have anointed you for king

87i( IapafjA, Kai avoi^siq xttv Gtipav Kai cpsD^rj Kai

over Israel. And you shall open the door, and shall flee, and

od% D7ro|isvsfc; 4 + Kai S7iopsD6r| xo 7iai8dpiov

not wait. And [ went the young

o 7rpocpf|xr|c; sic; PajidG raA,ad8 5 + Kai eiafj^Gs Kai

prophet] unto Ramoth Gilead. And he entered. And


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i8oi3 01 dpxovxsq Tr\q Suvdjiscoc; SKd0r|vxo Kai 8i7i8

behold, the commanders of the force were sitting down. And he said,

Xoyoq |ioi 7rpoc; as o dp%cov Kai 8i7isv lov npoq xiva

A word from me to you, commander. And Jehu said, To whom

SK 7T&amp;VTCDV T||icbv Kai S17T8 7CpOC; CIS O dp%COV 6+ Kai

of all of us? And he said, To you, commander. And

aveaxrj Kai eiafjXGev siq xov oikov Kai £7i;e%£sv to

he rose up, and entered into the house. And he poured the

sAmov 87ii ttjv KecpaAxjv avTOV Kai ei7cev auxcb xd8e

oil upon his head. And he said to him, Thus

Aiysi Kopioc; o Geoc; IapafjX Ks%piKd as sic; PaaiAia

says [the] LORD God of Israel, I have anointed you for king

S7Ti xov Xaov Kopioi) 8711 xov IapafjA, 7 + Kai

over the people of [the] LORD, over Israel. And

e^oXoGpsuasic; xov oikov A%adp tod Kopiou aou sk

you shall utterly destroy the house of Ahab your master from

7cpoacb7coD |iod Kai eKSucqaeic; xa aijiaxa

my face, and you shall avenge the blood

xcov 8oi)Axov |iod xcov 7cpo(pr|xcbv Kai xa aijiaxa

of my servants the prophets, and the blood

7cdvxcov xcov SouXcov Ki)p(oi) sk xzipoq Is^dpsA, 8 +

of all the servants of [the] LORD, at [the] hand of Jezebel,

Kai sk xsipoq 6Xov xod oikod A%adp Kai

and by [the] hand of the entire house of Ahab. And

s^oAx)9psi)asic; xco A%adp oupowca npoq xoixov Kai

you shall utterly destroy [to] Ahab [the] ones urinating against a wall, and

ai)vs%6|isvov Kai eyKaxa^sXsijijisvov sv IapafjA, 9 + Kai

[the] one being held and the one left [free] in Israel. And

8cbaco xov oikov A%adp coc; xov oikov IspoPodji

I will appoint the house of Ahab as the house of Jeroboam

moi) Napdx Kai coc; xov oikov Baaad viov A%ia 10 +

son ofNebat, and as the house ofBaasha son ofAhijah.

Kai xrjv Is^dpsX Kaxacpdyovxai 01 kuvsc; sv xr| |isp(8i

And [ shall eat Jezebel the dogs] in the part

Is^pafjX Kai odk saxai o 9d7i;xcov Kai fjvoi^s xrjv

ofJezreel, and there shall not be [one] burying [her]. And he opened the

dvpav Kai ecpuys n+ Kai lot) E^r\kds 7cpoc; xodc;

door, and fled. And Jehu came forth to the

7ca(8ac; xod Kupioi) avzov Kai si7cov auxco eipfjvrj

servants of his master, and they said to him, Peace?

xi 6x1 eiafjABsv o S7i;(Ar|7cxoc; otixoc; 7cpoc; ae Kai

What [is it] that [ entered overcome by convulsions this [one]] to you? And


9d ev toi3tco + vdca 12 - 2 Kings

S17T8V auxofc; ujisk; o(8axs xov dv5pa Kai

he said to them, You know the man, and

ttjv a8oXsa%(av avzov n + Kai si7iov d5iKov aXka

his meditation. And they said, [That's] unjust, but

avdyysi^ov r||i{v Kai sircsv npoq avzovq ouxco Kai

announce to us! And he said to them, Such and

ouxcoc; sAxxArjos itpoq |is Xsycov xd8s Aiysi Kupioq

such he said to me, saying, Thus says [the] LORD,

KsxpiKd as sic; PaaiXsa sm IapafjA, 13+ Kai

I anoint you for king over Israel. And

aKotiaavxsq sarcsuaav Kai sAxxPsv sraaxoc;

hearing, they hastened, and [ took each]

to ijidxiov clvtov Kai sGrjKav U7TOKdxco avzov S7U to

his cloak, and put [them] under him upon the

yapsji tcov avapa0|icbv Kai sadAmaav sv Kspaxwrj

frame of the stairs. And they trumped with [the] horn,

Kai si7iov spaai^suasv lot) 14+ Kai awsaxpatprj lot)

and said, Jehu reigns. And [ confederated Jehu

vioq Icoaacpdx mou Najisaai 7ipoc; Icopdji Kai Icopdji

son of Jehoshaphat son ofNimshi] against Jehoram. And Jehoram

sqroAxxaasv sv PajidG raA,ad8 avzoq Kai naq IapafjA,

guarded in Ramoth Gilead, he and all Israel

a7io 7ipoaco7roD ACfxr\k PaaiAicoc; Zvpiaq 15+ Kai

before Hazael king of Syria. And

a7isaxps\j/sv Icopaji o fiaaikzvq iaxpsi)6fivai sv

[ returned Jehoram the king] to be treated medically in

Is^pafjX arco xcov 7iAr|ycbv cov srcaiaav auxov 01

Jezreel from the wounds which [ hit him the

I/6poi sv xco 7ioXs(is(v ai)xov jisxd ACfXT\k PaaiXscoc;

Syrians] in his waging war against Hazael king

Zvpiaq Kai si7isv lov si saxi yv%r\ ujicbv jisx' sjioi)

of Syria. And Jehu said, If [ is your soul] with me,

|ir| s^sABsxco sk xrjc; 7r6A,scoc; 8ia7rs(psi)ycbc;

let there not go forth out of the city any one escaping

xod 7ropsi)0f|vai Kai a7iayysiXai sv Is^pafjA, 16+ Kai

to go and report in Jezreel. And

i7i7isDas Kai S7iopsi)6r| lov sic; IstpafjX 6x1 Icopdji

[ rode and went Jehu] unto Jezreel, for Jehoram

S0spa7isi3sxo sv xco Is^pafjA, Kai Oxo^iaq fiaaikzvq

was being attended to in Jezreel. And Ahaziah king

Ioi38a KaxsPrj i8s(v xov Icopdfi 17+ Kai o aK07ioc;

of Judah came down to see Jehoram. And the watchman


9d ev toi3tco + vdca 12 - 2 Kings

eiaxfjKsi 87i( xov 7r6pyov sv Ie^pafjA, Kai si8s xov

was standing upon the tower in Jezreel. And he beheld the

Koviopxov tod 6%Xov lov ev xco 7iapay(vea6ai auxov

cloud of dust of the multitude of Jehu in his coming.

Kai S17T8 KOVlOpiOV TOD 6%X0V £yCO PA£7TCG Kai

And he said, [ a cloud of dust of the multitude I see]. And

S17T8V Icopdji XafiE S7iipdTr|v Kai a7ioaxsiA,axe sic;

Jehoram said, Take a rider, and send for

a7rdvTT|aiv auxcov Kai surdxco 8i eipfjvrj i 8 + Kai

meeting them! and let him say, Is it peace? And

S7iopsT30r| o £7updTr|c; uutod sic; a7iavxr|aiv avzov

[ went the rider] [upon the] horse for meeting him.

Kai S17T8V xd5s Aiysi o fiaaikzvq si siprjvrj Kai

And he said, Thus says the king, Is [it] peace? And

si7rsv lov ti aoi Kai eipfjvrj 87uaxpe(p£ eic; xa

Jehu said, What [is it] to you and peace? You turn to [the] ones

O7UGC0 jiou Kai a7rfjyy£iA£v o aKorcoc; Aiycov fjA,6sv

behind me! And [reported the watchman], saying, [came

o dyysAxx; scoc; auxcbv Kai odk avsoxps\j/s 19+ Kai

The messenger] unto them, and returned not. And

a7i8axsiA,ev S7ripdxTTV (7uiod 8ei3xspov Kai r\kds itpoq

he sent [ rider of a horse a second]. And he came to

auxcov Kai 81718 xd8s Aiyei o fiaaikvbq si sipfjvrj

them, and he said, Thus says the king, Is it peace?

Kai 817T8V lov xi aoi Kai eipfjvrj S7riaxps(ps eic;

And Jehu said, What [is it] to you and peace? You turn to

xa O7i(aco jiou 20+ Kai a7rfjyysiA£v o aK07t6c; Aiycov

the ones behind me! And [reported the watchman], saying,

fjX0sv scoc; auxcbv Kai odk avsaxps\j/e Kai rj aycoyfj

He came unto them and returned not. And the leader

coc; ayooyfj lov uiod Najieocri 5i6xi sv 7iapaAA,ayf|

[is] as [the] leader Jehu son of Nimshi; for [ in a frenzy

eyevexo 21 + Kai si7i8v Icopdji ^eti^axe dpjiaxa Kai

he is]. And Jehoram said, Team up chariots! And

s^st^av Kai e^f|Ai)sv Icopdji fiaaikvbq IapafjA, Kai

they teamed up. And [ went forth Jehoram king of Israel], and

Oxo^iaq fiaaiksvq lovda avfjp sv xco dpjiaxi auxou

Ahaziah king of Judah, [each] man in his chariot.

Kai s^fjXGov eic; a7idvxr|aiv lov Kai eupov avzov sv

And they came forth for meeting Jehu. And they found him in

xtj |isp(5i NaPoi30 xod IetparjAixoi) 22+ Kai eyevexo

the portion of Naboth the Jezreelite. And it came to pass


9d sv toi3tco + vdca 12 - 2 Kings

coc; e(5s Icopdji xov Iod Kai si7iev si sipfjvrj Iod Kai

as Jehoram beheld Jehu, that he said, Is it peace Jehu? And

817T8V Iod ti ooi Kai sipfjvrj SXl ai 7iopv8iai

Jehu said, What [is it] to you and peace [with] still the harlotries

Is^dpsA, Tr\q (irjipoq gov Kai xa cpdpjiaKa avTT\q

of Jezebel your mother and [ potions her

xa noXka 23 + Kai 87isaxps\j/ev Icopdji xac; %s(pac; aDxoD

many]? And Jehoram turned his hands

xod cpDysiv Kai 8i7i8 7ipoc; 0%o^(av doXoq 0%o^ia 24 +

to flee. And he said to Ahaziah, Treachery Ahaziah.

Kai S7iXr|asv Iod xrjv %zipa owxod ev xco xo^co Kai

And Jehu filled his hand with the bow, and

S7idxa^s xov Icopdji avajisaov xcov Ppaxiovcov avzov

he struck Jehoram between his arms,

Kai s^fjXGe xo fizkoq 8id Tr\q Kap5(aq avzov Kai

and came forth the arrow through his heart, and

SKajiij/sv 87i( xa yovaxa avzov 25 + Kai djrsv lov npoq

he bent upon his knees. And Jehu said to

Ba5sKdp xov xpiaxdxrjv avzov dpov Kai puj/ov avzov

Bidkar his tribune, Take and toss him

sv xtj |isp(5i xod aypoD NapotiG xod Ie^parjAixoD

in the portion of the field ofNaboth the Jezreelite!

6x1 (ivr||iov8Dco sycb Kai av stuPsPttkoxsc; em ^SDyrj

for I remember, I and you mounting upon teams

O7i(aco A^adp xod nazpoq avzov Kai KDpioq elapev

after Ahab his father, and [the] LORD took

87i ' aDxov xo Ax||i|ia xodxo Aiycov 26 + si jisv xa

upon him this concern, saying, If in deed [ the

aijiaxa NaPotiG Kai xa aijiaxa xcov dicov aDxoD s(8ov

blood ofNaboth and the blood of his sons I beheld

s%0ec; cprjoi Kopioc; Kai avxa7io5cbaco aoi sv

yesterday], says [the] LORD? And I shall recompense to you in

xtj |isp(5i xaDXT] Aiyei Kopioc; Kai vdv dpaxe Kai

this portion [of land], says [the] LORD. And now lift him, and

pnj/axe aDxov sv xr| |isp(5i Kaxd xo pfjjia

toss him in the portion [of land], according to the word

KDpioD 27+ Kai 0%o^(ac; fiaaiksvq lovda ei8e Kai

of [the] LORD! And Ahaziah king ofJudah beheld, and

stpDyev o86v BaiGaydv Kai s5(co^ev omaco aDxoD Iod

he fled [the] way ofBeth-agan. And [pursued after him Jehu].

Kai S17T8 Kai ys aDxov 7iaxd^axs aDxov ski xco

And he said, Even indeed him, strike him upon the


9d sv toi3tco + vdca 12 - 2 Kings

dpjiaxi sv tt] avapdasi ToDp r| sail tod

chariot! [And the did so] in the ascent ofGur, which is the one of
Ispiadji Kai scpuysv sic; Mays88cb Kai arcsBavsv sksi

Ibleam. And he fled into Megiddo, and died there.

28 + Kai S7rsp(paaav auxov 01 7iai8sc; avzov S7ri xo

And [ set him his servants] upon the

dpjia Kai fjyayov auxov sic; IspoDaaAr||i Kai s0a\j/av

chariot, and led him into Jerusalem. And they entombed

avzov jisxd xcov 7iaxsp&lt;jov avzov sv xoo xdcpoo avzov sv

him with his fathers in his tomb in

7i6Xsi Aavid 29+ Kai sv sxsi sv8sKdxco Icopdji

[the] city of David. And in [year [the] eleventh] ofJehoram

PaaiAiooc; IapafjX sPaa(A,si)asv 0%o^(ac; S7U Ioi38av 30 +

king of Israel, Ahaziah took reign over Judah.

Kai fjXGsv lov sic; Is^pafjA, Kai Is^dpsA, fjKouas Kai

And Jehu came to Jezreel. And Jezebel heard, and

saxijiiaaxo zovq ocpGaXjiotic; auxfjc; Kai SKoajxrjas

she tinged [ with antimony her eyes], and she adorned

xrjv KscpaAxjv avTT\q Kai 8iskd\j/s 8id xrjc; GupiSoq 31 +

her head, and she looked through the window.

Kai lov sias7iopsi3sxo sv xr| 7i6A,si Kai aDxfj sircsv si

And Jehu entered into the city. And she said, Is it

sipfjvrj ZajiPpi o cpovsuxfjc; xou Kopiou aviov 32 + Kai

peace [with] Omri, the murderer of his master? And

S7if|ps xo 7ip6aco7rov avzov sic; xrjv 6i)p(8a Kai s(8sv

he lifted up his face unto the window, and he beheld

auxfjv Kai si7is xic; si &lt;td Kaxdpr|6i 7ipoc; sjiod Kai

her. And he said, Who are you? Come down to me! And

KaxsKD\j/av 7ipoc; ai)xov 8t3o sdvod^oi 33+ Kai

[ stooped forward to look down at him two eunuchs]. And

si7is KoAioaxs aDxfjv Kai SKoAiaav auxfjv Kai

he said, Roll her [over]! And they rolled her [over], and

sppavxiaGrj xo aijia avTT\q itpoq xov xoixov Kai 7ipoc;

[ sprinlcled her blood] against the wall, and against

xodc; 17T7i;odc; Kai ai)vs7idxr|aav ai)xf|v 34+ Kai

the horses; and they trampled upon her. And

siafjABsv lov Kai scpays Kai S7iis Kai si7isv

Jehu entered, and ate and drank, and said,

S7iiaKs\j/aa6s 8r| xrjv Kaxr|pa|isvr|v xatixrjv Kai 0d\j/axs

Watch indeed this cursed one, and bury

ai)xfjv 6x1 0uydxr|p PaaiXsooc; saxi 35+ Kai

her, for [ [the] daughter of a king she is]. And



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S7iopsD0r|aav 9d\j/ai aDxfjv Kai od% stipov sv aDxfj

they went to bury her, and they did not find of her

aAA,r| to Kpaviov Kai xodc; nodaq Kai xa (xvrj xcov

but only the skull, and the feet, and the palms [of her]

%sipcbv 36+ Kai S7isaxps\j/av Kai avfjyysilav aDxcb Kai

hands. And they returned, and announced [it] to him. And

S17T8 Xoyoq Kupioi) ov sldAxjosv sv %sip(

he said, [The] word of [the] LORD which he spoke by [the] hand

xod 8odA,od avTOV UXiov xod ©sctPixod Xsycov sv xrj

of his servant Elijah the Tishbite, saying, In the

jisp(8i Is^pafjA, Kaxacpdyovxai oi kdvsc; xac; adpraq

portion [of land] in Jezreel [ shall eat the dogs] the flesh

Is^dpsA, 37+ Kai soxai xo Gvrjaijiaiov Is^dpsX coc;

of Jezebel. And [ will be the decaying flesh of Jezebel] as

K07ip(a S7ri 7ipooco7roD xod aypoD sv xrj |isp(5i

dung upon [the] face of the field in the portion

Is^pafjX cbaxs jitj sursiv aDxrj Is^dpsA,

of Jezreel, so as to not say, This [is] Jezebel.

10 i

i + Kai xco A%adp sp8o|ifjKovxa moi sv Sajiapsia Kai

And to Ahab [were] seventy sons in Samaria. And

sypa\j/sv Iod PipAiov Kai arcsaxsiXsv sv Eajiapsiav

Jehu wrote a scroll, and sent [it] unto Samaria,

7ipoc; xodc; dp%ovxac; Eajiapsiaq Kai npoq xodc;

to the rulers of Samaria, and to the

7rpsaPi)xspoDc; Kai itpoq xodc; xi6t|vodc; xcov dicov

elders, and to the wet-nurses of the sons

A%adp Aiycov 2 + Kai vdv coc; av sXGrj xo PipAiov xodxo

of Ahab, saying, And now, whenever [ comes scroll this]

7ipoc; v[iaq Kai |is0' djicov 01 moi xod kdpiod djicov

to you, and with you [are] the sons of your master,

Kai |is6' djicov xa dpjiaxa Kai 01 i7utoi Kai 7i6A,sic;

and with you the chariots and the horses, and [ cities

o%Dpa( Kai oitXa 3+ Kai 6\j/sa6s xov aya06v Kai

fortified], and weapons, that you shall look for the good, and

xov sd6t| sv xoic; vioiq xod kdpiod djicov Kai

the upright [one] among the sons of your master. And

Kaxaaxfjasxs aDxov S7ii xov Gpovov xod rcaxpoc; aDxoD

you shall place him upon the throne of his father,


and you shall wage war for the house of your master. And



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s(popfj0r|aav acp65pa Kai ei7iov i8od 01 8do fiaaiksiq

they feared exceedingly, and said, Behold, the two kings

odk saxrjaav Korea 7ip6aco7rov aDxoD Kai 7ccoc;

did not stand against his face, and how

airjaojisGa Tjiieiq 5+ Kai a7C8ax8iA,av 01 £7U tod

shall we stand? And they sent the [ones] over the

oikod Kai 01 87ii Tr\q 7c6Xecoc; Kai 01 7rpeaPi)T£poi

household, and the ones over the city, and the elders,

Kai 01 TiGrjvoi npoq Iod Aiyovxec; naidsq ctod Djieic;

and the wet-nurses to Jehu, saying, [ your servants We are],

Kai 7cdvxa 6aa av 8i7rr|c; r||iiv 7coif|ao|iev

and all as much as you should say to us we shall do.

od Paai^sDoojiev oi)5sva to aya06v sv

We will not give [ reign anyone]. The [thing] good in

o(p0aA,|io(c; gov 7coif|oo|iev 6 + Kai eypa\j/e npoq avzovq

your eyes we will do. And [ wrote to them

Iod PipAiov SeDxepov Aiycov si sjioiDjisfc; Kai

Jehu scroll a second], saying, If you [are] with me, and

Tr\q cpcovfiq jiod djisic; aKotisxs AxxPexe KscpaAxxc;

[my voice you listen to], take [the] heads

av8pcbv xcov Dicbv tod KDpioD djicov Kai svsyraxs

of [the] men of the sons of your master, and bring them

7ipoc; |i8 coc; r| cbpa aDxrj atipiov sv Ie^pafjX Kai 01

to me at this hour tomorrow in Jezreel! And the

Dioi tod PaaiAiooc; fjaav ep8o|if|Kovxa dvSpsc; ovq 01

sons of the king were seventy men, whom the

a8po( Tr\q noXzcnq s^sxpscpov aDxotic; 7+ Kai sysvsxo

stout [men] of the city nourished them. And it came to pass

coc; r\kds xo PipAiov 7cpoc; aDxotic; Kai elapov xodc;

as [ came the scroll] to them, that they took the

diodc; xod PaaiXscoq Kai eacpa^av aDxotic;

sons of the king, and they slew them —

sP8o|xf|Kovxa dvSpaq Kai e9r|Kav xaq Kscpa^dc; aDxcbv

seventy men. And they put their heads

eic; KapxdAloDc; Kai a7ceaxeiA,av aDxcb sic; Ie^pafjA, 8 +

in baskets, and they sent to him in Jezreel.

Kai fj^Gev o dyye^oc; Kai a7rfjyysiA£ aDxcb Aiycov

And [ came the messenger] and reported to him, saying,

fjveyKav xac; KecpaAxxc; xcov Dicbv xod PaaiAicoc; Kai

They brought the heads of the sons of the king. And

81718 08X8 avzaq 8do Podvodc; 7capd xrjv 0Dpav xrjc;

he said, Place them [in] two hills by the door of the


ev tootco + viKa

12-2 Kings

7ivhr\q sic; 7ipcoi 9 + Kai sysvsTO 7ipcoi Kai s^fjABs Kai

gate until morning. And it became morning, and he came forth and

saxrj Kai 81718 7ipoc; 7rdvxa tov Xaov Sucaioi djisic;

stood. And he said to all the people, You are just.

i8od sycb &lt;yov80Tp&amp;(pr|v S7ri xov KDpiov jiod Kai

Behold, I confederated against my master, and

a7i8KT8iva auxov Kai tic; S7idTa^s navxaq todtodc; io +

I killed him; but who struck all of these?

(8sts on od 7rsasvcai arco tod pfjjiaTOc; KopioD srci

See that there shall not fall of the saying of [the] LORD unto

tt|v yrjv od sAxxArjas Kopioc; Kaxd xov oikov A%adp

the ground, of which [the] LORD spoke against the house of Ahab.

Kai KDpioq S7ro(r|asv 6aa sAxxArjasv sv %sip(

And [the] LORD did as much as he spoke by [the] hand

tod 8odAx&gt;d aDTOD HAioD n + Kai S7idTa^sv Iod rcavTac;

of his servant Elijah. And Jehu struck all

todc; KaxaXeicpBsviaq ev too oikco A%adp sv Is^pafjA,

the ones being left among the house of Ahab in Jezreel,

Kai 7rdvxac; todc; aSpoDc; aDTOD Kai

and all his stout [men], and

todc; yvoooxoDc; aDTOD Kai todc; ispsic; aDTOD scoq tod (irj

his [well] known [men], and his priests, unto [ not

KaTaXsupGfjvai aDTOD KaTdXeijijia n+ Kai avs&lt;xcr| Kai

leaving behind his] a vestige. And he rose up and

S7iopsD0r| sic; Sajidpsiav aDTOc; sv Bai0aKd5 tcov

went into Samaria. He [was] in Beth-Akad of the

7ioi|isvcov sv TTj o8cb n+ Kai Iod SDps TODCj aSsAxpoDc;

shepherds in the way. And Jehu found the brothers

Oxo^iod PaaiAicoc; Ioi)8a Kai si7is tivsc; djisic; Kai

of Ahaziah king of Judah, and he said, Who [are] you? And

si7rov aSsAxpoi 0%o^iod r\[isiq Kai KaTsPrjjisv sic;

they said, [ brothers of Ahaziah we [are]], and we came down in


peace of the sons of the king, and the sons of the

5Dva&lt;ycsDODor|c; i 4 + Kai si7is cjdAAxxPsts aDTODCj ^cbvTaq

woman being in power. And he said, Seize them alive!

Kai aDvs^aPov aDTODc; Kai sacpa^av aDTODCj sv

And they seized them, and slew them in

Bai6aKd8 TsaaapdKovTa Kai 5do dv8pac; Kai od

Beth-akad — forty and two men. And he did not

KaTsXursv dv8pa s£, aDTCOV 15 + Kai S7lOpSD0T| SKS10SV

leave a man of them. And he went from there,



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Kai etips xov Icova8dp diov Pr|%dp sv xr| o5cb sic;

and he found Jehonadab son of Rechab in the way for

a7rdvxr|aiv avzov Kai SD^oyrjosv ai)i6v Kai si7is

meeting him. And he blessed him, and [ said

7ipoc; avzov Iod si sail SDBsia r| Kap5(a ctod jisxd

to him Jehu], Is [ straight your heart] with

Tr\q KapSiac; |iod KaGcbc; r\ Kap8(a |iod jisxd

my heart, as my heart [is] with

Tr\q KapSiaq cjod Kai sircsv Icova5dp scm Kai sircsv Iod

your heart? And Jehonadab said, It is. And Jehu said,

Kai 8i sail Soq rqv %zipa aoi) Kai s5coks

Then if it is, give your hand! And he gave

xrjv %s(pa olvtov Kai avspipaasv avzov npoq avzov

his hand. And he hauled him to himself

87i( to dpjia i6+ Kai 8i7is npoq auxov 8sDpo jist'

upon the chariot. And he said to him, Come with

SJIOD Kai (88 8V TCO ^TjAxbaai |I8 TCO KDpiCO Kai

me, and see in my zealousness to the LORD! And

S7C8Kd6ia8v auxov sv icq apjiaxi olvtov n+ Kai

he sat by him in his chariot. And

eiafjXGev sic; Sajidpeiav Kai S7idTa^s rcavTac; todc;

he entered into Samaria, and he struck all the

KaxaXsupGevxac; tod A%adp ev Sajiapsia scoc;

ones left of Ahab in Samaria, unto

tod acpaviaai aDTOV KaTd to pfjjia KopioD o

obliterating him according to the saying of [the] LORD, which

eAxxAxjae itpoq HAiav i8+ Kai aDvfjGpoiosv Iod 7idvTa

he spoke to Elijah. And Jehu gathered together all

tov Xaov Kai si7is itpoq aDTODc; A%adp sSodXsdcts

the people. And said to them, Ahab served

tco BaaX oAiya Iod 8odA,sdosi aDTcb noXka 19+ Kai

to Baal a little, Jehu shall serve to him much. And

vdv KaAiaaTS npoq |ie itavTsq zovq 7ipocpf|Tac;

now call to me all the prophets

tod BdaX Kai todc; ispsic; aDTOD Kai rcavTac;

of Baal, and his priests, and all

todc; SodAxddc; aDTOD avfjp jirj s7iiaKS7if|TCO 6ti 0Do(av

his servants! Let not a man be overlooked! for [sacrifice

jisydAxjv syco 7ioico tco BdaX naq oq av S7riaKS7if|

a great I make] [to] Baal. All who ever overlooked

od ^fjasTai Kai Iod S7iorr|asv sv 7rcspvia|icb (va

shall not live. And Jehu did it by trickery, that



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a7roAior| todc; SovXovq tod BdaA, 20 + Kai ei7cev Iod

he might destroy the servants of Baal. And Jehu said,

ayiaaaxe 08pa7i8iav too BdaX Kai eKqpD^av 21 + Kai

Sanctify a service to Baal! And they proclaimed [it]. And

a7i80TSiXsv Iod sv 7iavTi IopafjX Kai r\kdov navTzq 01

Jehu sent in all Israel. And [ came all the

5odA,oi tod BdaA, od Kaxe^sicpGrj avfjp oq od

servants of Baal]; [there was] not left behind a man who did not

7iap8ysv8TO Kai eiafj^Gov sic; tov oikov tod BdaA,

come. And they entered into the house of Baal,

Kai £7iAxja6r| o oikoc; tod BdaX &lt;xc6|ia sni &lt;xc6|ia 22 +

and [ was filled the house of Baal] — mouth unto mouth.

Kai S17T8V Iod too 87ii tod oikod jieaGdaA, e^dyaye

And Jehu told to the one over the house wardrobe to bring out

sv8D|iaTa 7idai toic; 5odA,oic; tod BdaX Kai

garments for all the servants of Baal. And

s^qveyKsv aDTOic; o aToAaaTfjc; 23 + Kai siafjXGev Iod

[ brought [them] forth to them the keeper of the wardrobe]. And Jehu entered,

Kai Ioova8dp vioq Pr|%dp eic; tov oikov tod BdaA,

and Jehonadab son ofRechab, into the house of Baal.

Kai 81718 TOiq dovXoiq tod BdaA, spsDvfjaaTS Kai

And he said to the servants of Baal, Search and

l8sT£ 81 SCTTl |IS0' D|ICDV TCOV 5odA,COV KDpiOD

see if there is with you servants [of the] LORD!

6ti akX r rj 01 8odA,oi tod Baal JJ^OVCOTaTOl 24 +

for [there is to be] only the servants of Baal alone.

Kai eiafjABov tod 7coif|aai zaq dvaiaq Kai Ta

And they entered to offer the sacrifices and the

oXoKaDTcbjiaTa Kai Iod sarrjoev saDTcb s^oo

whole burnt-offerings. And Jehu stationed for himself outside

oy5of|KovTa avdpaq Kai si7cev avfjp oq av

eighty men. And he said, A man who ever

8iaa&lt;jo6fj a7co tcov av5pcbv cov sycb siadyco 87c(

should preserve [anyone] of the men whom I bring in unto

%eipac; djicov tj \j/D%f| aDTOD avTi ttj^ \j/D%f|Cj aDTOD 25 +

your hands, his life will be for his life.

Kai sysvsTO coc; aDVSTsXsas 7coicbv tt|v o^oKaDTCoaiv

And it came to pass as he completed offering the whole burnt-offering,

Kai 817C8V Iod toic; 7capaTp£%ODai Kai toic; TpicrcdTaic;

that Jehu said to the bodyguards and to the tribunes,

eiasXGovTSc; 7caTd^aTS aDTODc; |ir| s^sAMtcd aDTcbv

In entering, strike them! Let not come forth from them



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avfjp Kai 87rdxa^av avzovq 01 7iapaTpsxovTSc; Kai 01

a man! And [ struck them the bodyguards and the

xpiax&amp;Tai sv aiojiaTi pojicpaiac; Kai sppuj/av Kai

tribunes] by [the] mouth of [the] broadsword; and they tossed [the bodies], and

S7iopsD0r|aav sooc; itoXzcnq oikod tod BdaA, 26 + Kai

went unto [the] city of [the] house of Baal. And

s^fjveyKav tt|v axfjAxjv tod BdaA, Kai svs7ipr|aav

they brought forth the monument of Baal, and burnt

aDTfjv 27+ Kai Kai807raaav xaq axr\kaq tod BdaA, Kai

it. And they tore down the monuments of Baal, and

KaGsiXov tov oikov aDTOD Kai tov oikov tod BdaA,

they demolished his house. And the house of Baal

sGsto sic; Ampcbva sooc; Tr\q rjjispac; TaDTTjq 2 s + Kai

they established for a bathhouse until this day. And

rjcpdviasv Iod tov BdaX s£, IopafjX 29+ 7iAx|v arco

Jehu removed Baal from Israel. Except from

ajiapTicbv IepoPodji diod NapdT oq

[the] sins of Jeroboam son ofNebat, who

s^fjjiapTS tov IapafjA, odk a7isaTr| Iod arco 67iia9sv

led Israel into sin [ did not abstain Jehu] from [following] after
aDTcbv tcdv 8a|idA,scov tcdv xpDacbv sv BaiGfjA, Kai sv

them ~ the heifers of gold in Bethel and in

Aav 30+ Kai si7is Kupioq itpoq Iod av0' cov rjydGDvac;

Dan. And [the] LORD said to Jehu, Because you did good

tod 7rorfjaai to sdGsc; sv ocpBaXjioiq jiod Kai

to do the upright [thing] in my eyes, and

S7roir|aac; KaTd navxa Ta sv tt| Kap8ia |iod too

you did according to all the [things] in my heart to the

oikco A%adp Dioi TSTapTOi KaBfjaovTai aoi S7i(

house of Ahab, sons [unto the] fourth [generation] shall sit down for you upon

0p6voD IapafjA, 31+ Kai Iod odk sqroAxx^s 7iopsDsa0ai

[the] throne of Israel. And Jehu did not guard to go

sv vojico KDpioD 6sod lapar\k sv 6Ax| Kap8(a aDTOD

in [the] law of [the] LORD God of Israel with [entire heart his].

odk a7isaTT| a7io tcov ajiapTicbv IspoPodji diod

He did not abstain from the sins of Jeroboam son

NapdT oq s^fjjiapTS tov IapafjA, 32+ sv

ofNebat, who led Israel into sin. In

Taiq rjjispaic; SKsivaiq fjp^aTO Kopioc; aDyKOftTSiv sv

those days [the] LORD began to cut down in

too IopafjA, Kai S7idTa^sv aDTODc; A^afjA, sv 7iavTi

Israel. And [ struck them Hazael] in every


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opico IapafjX 33+ a7io tod Iop5dvoD Kaxd avaxoAxxc;

border of Israel; from the Jordan according to [the] rising

rjAioD 7idaav tt|v yrjv Takaad tod ra85( Kai

of [the] sun — all the land of Gilead of the Gadites, and

tod PoDpfjv Kai tod Mavaaafj arco Apofjp r| screw

of Reuben, and of Manasseh — from Aroer, which is

87i( tod xzikovq xsijidppoD Apvcbv Kai tt|v Takaad

upon the edge of [the] rushing stream Arnon, and Gilead

Kai TTjvBaadv 3 4+ Kai Ta 'komd tcov A,6ycov Iod Kai

and Bashan. And the rest of the words of Jehu, and

7idvTa 6oa S7ro(r|os Kai 7idaa rj 8Dva&lt;ycsia aDTOD

all as much as he did, and all his dominations,

Kai Tag aDvdysic; aq aDvfjyev od%(i8od TaDTa

and the associations which he joined, behold [are] not these

ysypa7rcai S7ri PipAioD Xoycov tcov rjjispcbv tcov

written upon [the] scroll of [the] words of the days of the

PaaiXscov IapafjX 35 + Kai SKoi|ifj0r| Iod jiSTd

kings of Israel? And Jehu slept with

tcov 7iaT8pcov aDTOD Kai s6a\j/av aDTOV ev Sajiapsia

his fathers, and they entombed him in Samaria,

Kai sPaadsDasv Icoa%d^ dux; aDTOD avT' aDTOD 36 +

and [ reigned Jehoahaz his son] instead of him.

Kai ai rjjispai aq sPaailsDasv Iod S7U IapafjA,

And the days which Jehu reigned over Israel

siKoaioKTcb sttj sv £a|iapsia

[were] twenty-eight years in Samaria.

11 «■»
1+ Kai ToGoMa r| |if|Tr|p 0%o^iod s(8sv 6ti arcsBavsv

And Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that [ died

o vioq avTT\q Kai avs&lt;xcr| Kai a7rcbA,sas 7iav to

her son], and she rose up and destroyed all the

a7i8p|ia Tr\q PaaiXsiac; 2+ Kai sXaPsv IcoaaPsai

seed of the kingdom. And [ took Jehosheba

rj GDydrrjp tod PaaiAicoc; Icopdji a8sAxpf| 0%o^(od

daughter of king Jehoram sister of Ahaziah]

TOV Icodq DlOV a5sAxpOD aDTTjq Kai SkA,S\J/SV aDTOV 8K

Joash, [the] son of her brother, and she stole him [away] from

jisaoD tcov Dicbv tod PaaiAicoc; tcov GavaTODjisvcov

[the] midst of the sons of the king, of the ones being put to death,


him and his nurse. And she hid him in


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xco xajisico xcov kAivcov sk 7rpoaco7roD ro0oAiac; Kai

the inner chamber of the beds from [the] face of Athaliah, and

odk s0avaxco0r| 3+ Kai r|v jisx' avTT\q sv oikco

he was not put to death. And he was with her in [the] house

KDpioi) KpDpojisvoc; s^ 8xt| Kai ro0oAia sfiaaiksvazv

of [the] LORD being hid six years. And Athaliah reigned

S7i( xrjc; yr\q 4 + Kai sv xca sxsi xco sp86|ico aftsaxsiXsv

over the land. And in the [ year seventh sent

Ico8as o ispstic; Kai sXaPs xodc; SKaxovxdp%ODc; xcov

Jehoiada the priest] and took the commanders of hundreds of the

%opp( Kai xcov paaf||i Kai siafjyaysv aDxotic; npoq

patrols, and of the couriers, and brought them in to

saDxov sic; oikov KopioD Kai 8is0sxo aDxoic;

himself in [the] house of [the] LORD. And he ordained with them

8ia0f|Kr|v Kai cbpKiasv avzovq svcb7iiov KopioD Kai

a covenant, and he bound them to an oath in the presence of [the] LORD. And

sSsi^sv aDxoic; xov diov xod PaaiAicoc; 5+ Kai

he showed to them the son of the king. And

svsxsi^axo aDxoiq Xsycov xodxo o pfjjia ov 7ioif|aaxs

he gave charge to them, saying, This [is] the thing which you shall do;

xo xpixov S^ DJICOV 01 8ia7iopsi)6|isvoi xo

the third [part] of you — the ones entering on the

adppaxov cpiAaaasxcoaav xrjv cpi)XaKf|v oikod xod

Sabbath, let them guard the watch of [the] house of the

PaaiAicoc; 6+ Kai xo xpixov sv xr| 7tdAx| xcov o8cbv

king! And the third [part] in the gate of the way,

Kai xo xpixov SV XT| 7r6Ax| 07i(aco xcov

and the third [part] in the gate behind the

7rapaxps%6vxcov Kai (piAd^axs xrjv tpDXaKqv xod oikod

bodyguards, even guard the watch of the house!

7+ Kai 8do xsipsq sv djiiv rcac; o SK7iopsD6|isvoc; xo

And two hands among you, any going forth on the

adppaxov cpD^d^oDai xrjv (pDXaKqv oikod KopioD

Sabbath shall guard the watch of [the] house of [the] LORD

S7U xov PaaiAia 8 + Kai KDK^cbaaxs 7isp( xov PaaiAia

unto the king. And you shall encircle around the king ~
kdkAxo avfjp Kai xo ctksdoc; aDxoD sv X £l Pi oldxod

[ round about [every] man], and his weapon [shall be] in his hand.

Kai o siaspxojisvoc; sic; xac; aa8r|pcb0 a7io0avs(xai

And the one entering into the ranks shall die.

Kai saovxai jisxd xod PaaiXscoq sv

And they will be with the king in


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tco sia7iopsDea0ai aDxov Kai sv icq SK7iopsDea9ai aDxov

his entering and in his exiting.

9+ Kai S7ro(r|aav oi SKax6vxap%oi Kaxd rcdvxa 6oa

And [did the commanders of hundreds] according to all as much as

svsxsiAxxxo Ico5as Kai e^apev sraaxoc;

Jehoiada gave charge. And [ took each [commander]]

Tovq avdpaq avzov zovq £ia7iopsDO|i£VODc; xo

his men of the ones entering on the

a&amp;PPaxov jisxd xoov eK7iopsDO|ievcDV xo adppaxov

Sabbath, with the ones exiting on the Sabbath.

Kai siafjABov npoq Ioo8as xov ispsa io+ Kai sScdksv

And they entered to Jehoiada the priest. And [ gave

o ispsDc; TOiq SKaxovxdp%oic; xodc; asipojidaxac; Kai

the priest] to the commanders of a hundred the spears and

xodc; xpiaaoDc; xod PaaiAiooc; Aavid zovq sv oikcd

the shields of king David, of the ones in [the] house

Kopioi) n+ Kai saxrjaav oi 7iapaxp8%ovxsc; SKaoxoq

of [the] LORD. And [stood the bodyguards each],

Kai xa aKstirj aDxoD sv xr| xsipi aDxoD arco xrjc;

and his weapon [was] in his hand, at the

cojiiaq xod oikod xrjc; Ss^idc; zcoq xrjc; cojiiaq xod

protrusion of the house at the right, unto the protrusion of the

oikod xrjc; apiaxspdc; xod 0Daiaaxr|pioD Kai xod

house at the left of the altar, and of the

oikod 7rsp( xov PaaiXsa kdkXco 12+ Kai s^qyays xov

house around the king round about. And he brought forth the

diov xod PaaiAicoc; Kai s8cdksv S7i' aDxov xo vs^sp

son of the king, and he put upon him the diadem,

Kai xo jiapxDpiov Kai s%piasv aDxov Kai

and the testimony. And he anointed him, and

sPacriXsDasv aDxov Kai SKpoxrjaav xaic; %zipiv ocdxcov

gave him reign. And they clapped their hands,

Kai si7iav ^fjxco o fiaaikzvq u + Kai fjKODas ToGoMa

and said, Let [ live the king] ! And Athaliah heard

xrjv (pcovfjv xcov xps%6vxcov xod Axxod Kai fjX08 7ipoc;

the sound of the running of the people, and she went to

xov Xaov siq oikov KopioD u+ Kai s(8s Kai i8od o

the people into [the] house of [the] LORD. And she saw. And behold, the

fiaaiksvq sioxfjKsi S7U xod axfjAx)D Kaxd xo Kpijia

king stood at the column according to [their] practice.

Kai oi co8o( Kai ai adAmyysc; 7isp( xov

And the singers and the ones [with] trumpets [were] around the

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PaaiAia Kai naq o Xaoq Tr\q jr\q %a(pcov Kai

king. And all the people of the land [were] rejoicing, and

oaAm^cov ev adAmy^i Kai 8i£ppr|^e ro0oAia

trumpeting with trumpets. And Athaliah tore

xa ijidxia aDxfjc; Kai eporjae &lt;x6v8so|ioc; aDv8ea|ioc; 15 +

her garments, and she yelled, Conspiracy, conspiracy.

Kai evexsi^axo Ico8ae o ispsvq xoiq SKaxovxdp%oic;

And [ gave charge Jehoiada the priest] to the commanders of hundreds,

Kai xoic; 87riaK67ioi(; xrjq SDvdjiecoc; Kai si7ie itpoq

and to the overseers of the force, and said to

avTOvq s^aydysxs aDxfjv e^coGev xcov aa5r|pcb0 Kai

them, Lead her outside the ranks and

o £ia7rop£i)6|ievoc; O7uaco avTT\q 0avdxco

the one entering after her! To death

GavaxcoGfjasxai ev pojicpaia 6x1 si7iev o ispsvq

she shall be put to death by [the] broadsword. For [ said the priest],

|ir| a7io0dvr| sv oikco KopioD i 6 + Kai S7is0r|Kav aDxfj

She should not die in [the] house of [the] LORD. And they put [ upon her

Xsipac; Kai siafjABev o86v sia68oD xcov (7r7icov

hands], and she entered byway of [the] entrance of the horses

oikod xod PaaiAicoc; Kai s0avdxcoaav ai)XT|v 8K8i 17+

of [the] house of the king. And they put her to death there.

Kai 8ie6exo Ico8ae 8ia6f|Kr|v avajisoov KopioD Kai

And Jehoiada ordained a covenant between [the] LORD and

avajisaov xod PaaiAicoc; Kai avajisaov xod Xaov

between the king and between the people,

xod eivai sic; Xaov xco Kopico i 8 + Kai siafj^Ge 7iac;

[for them] to be a people to the LORD. And [ entered all

o Xaoq Tr\q yr\q ziq xov oikov xod BdaA, Kai

the people of the land] into the house of Baal, and

Kaxsa7iaaav aDxov Kai xa 0Daiaaxf|pia aDxoD Kai

they tore it down. And his altars, and

zaq siKovaq aDxoD aDvexpnj/av S7ii|isAxbc; Kai

his images they broke diligently. And

xov Ma0dv xov ispsa xod BdaA, a7isKxsivav 7ipo

Mathan the priest of Baal they killed before

7rp6aco7iov xcov 0Daiaaxr|picov Kai Kaxsaxrjasv o

[the] face of the altars. And [ established the

ispsDc; £7riaK67roDc; sic; xov oikov KopiOD 19+ Kai

priest] overseers in the house of [the] LORD. And

sXaps xodc; SKaxovxdpxoDc; Kai xov %opp( Kai xov

he took the commanders of hundreds, and the patrol, and the


12 T

ev tootco + vtica

12-2 Kings

paaiji Kai 7rdvxa tov Xaov Tr\q yr\q Kai Kaxfjyayov

couriers, and all the people of the land. And they led

xov PaaiAia s^ oikod kdpiod Kai siafjXGov o86v

the king from [the] house of [the] LORD, and entered [the] way

7ivhr\q tcov 7iapaTps%6vTCOv oikod tod PaaiAicoc; Kai

of [the] gate of the bodyguards [of the] house of the king. And

SKdGiaav aDiov S7U tod GpovoD tcov paaiAicov 20 +

they seated him upon the throne of the kings.

Kai e%dpr| jiaq o Xaoq Tr\q yr\q Kai r| noXiq

And [rejoiced all the people of the land], and the city

rj&lt;y6%aas Kai rqv ToGoAiav sGavdxcoaav sv pojicpaia

was still. And Athaliah they put to death by [the] broadsword

sv oikod tod PaaiAicoq 21+ dioc; S7rcd stcov Icodc;

in [the] house of the king. [ [was] a son seven years Joash]

sv to PaaiXsDsiv aDTOV

in his taking reign.

12 V

1 + sv stsi sp56|ico tq Iod sPaoiXsDasv Icoac; Kai

[ in year [the] seventh of Jehu reigned Joash], and

TSoaapdKovTa stt| sPaadsDasv sv IspoDaaXfjii Kai

forty years he reigned in Jerusalem. And

ovojia Trjq jirjTpoq aDTOD Sapia sk Tr\q BrjpaaPsai 2 +

[the] name of his mother [was] Zibiah of Beer-sheba.

Kai S7rovr|osv Icoac; to sdGsc; svcb7iiov kdpiod 7idaac;

And Joash did the upright [thing] before [the] LORD all

Tag rjjispac; aq scpcoTiasv aDTOV Ico8as O ISpSDCj 3 +

the days which [ enlightened him Jehoiada the priest].

7rAr|v tcov D\j/r|Axbv od jiSTsaTdGrjaav Kai sksi sti

Only the high [places] he did not remove, and [ there still

o Xaoq s0Daia££ Kai sGdjjacdv sv toic; v\\fr(koiq 4 + Kai

the people sacrificed], and burned incense in the high [places]. And

si7isv Icodc; Trpoq Tovq ispsfc; 7iav to apyDpiov tcov

Joash said to the priests, All the money of the

ayicov to siao8ia£pjisvov sv too oikco kdpiod

holy [things] coming in as income into the house of [the] LORD,

apyDpiov aDVTijifjascoc; avSpoc; apyDpiov aDVTijifjascoc;

[the] money of [the] valuation of a man, [the] money of valuation

\j/D%cbv 7iav apyDpiov o av avapfj S7ri Kap8(av

of souls, all money what ever ascends upon [the] heart


of a man to bring in [the] house of [the] LORD,


12 T

8V TOUT© + VlKa

12-2 Kings

AxxPsToaaav saDTOiq 01 ispsfc; avfjp arco

let [ take it for themselves the priests] ! [every] man from

Tr\q 7ip&amp;ascDc; odtcov Kai aDTOi KpaxfjaoDai to Ps8sk

their sale, and they shall repair the breach

tod oikod sic; 7idvTa od av SDpsGfj sksi Ps8sk 6 +

of the house in all [the places] where ever [ should be found there a breach].

Kai sysvsTO sv too sikocttcd Kai Tpvcco stsi

And it came to pass in the twentieth and third year

tod PaaiXsooc; Icodq odk sKpaTaiooaav oi ispsfc; to

of king Joash, [did not repair [that] the priests] the

Ps5sk tod oikod i+ Kai SK&amp;Xsasv Ioodc; o PaaiA^Dc;

breach of the house. And [ called Joash the king]

tov IooSas tov ispsa Kai todc; ispsfc; Kai si7is 7ipoc;

Jehoiada the priest, and the priests, and he said to


them, Why [is it] that [ was not repaired the breach of the house]?

Kai vdv |xr| XdprjTS to apyDpiov anb

And now, do not take the money from

tcov 7ipdascov djicov 6ti sic; to Ps8sk tod oikod

your sales! for unto the breach of the house

ScbasTS aDTO s + Kai aDvscpcbvrjaav oi ispsfc; tod jirj

you shall appoint it. And [ joined in harmony the priests] to not

AxxPsiv apyDpiov 7iapd tod Axxod Kai

take money from the people, and

tod (irj svia%Daai to Ps8sk tod oikod 9 + Kai sAxxPsv

to not strengthen the breach of the house. And [ took

Ico8as o ispstic; kiPcotov jiiav Kai S7iovr|asv sv aDTfj

Jehoiada the priest] [chest one], and he made in it

07rfjv jiiav Kai s0t|ksv aDTfjv 7iapd to 0Daia&lt;xcf|piov

[ opening one], and he put it by the altar,

sv 5s^id sia7iopsDO|isvcov av5pcbv sic; oikov

at [the] right side of [the ones] entering of men into [the] house

KDpioD Kai s8(8odv sksi oi ispsfc; oi (pD^daaovTsq

of [the] LORD. And [ gave there the priests guarding at

Ta 7ip60Dpa 7iav to apyDpiov to siacpspojisvov sic;

the thresholds] all the money being carried into

tov oikov KDpioD io+ Kai sysvsTO cdc; s(8ov OTl

the house of [the] LORD. And it came to pass as they saw that

nokb to apyDpiov to sv tt| kiPcotco Kai avsprj o

[there was] much money in the chest, that [ ascended the

ypajijiaTSDc; tod PaaiXsooc; Kai o ispstic; o jisyac; Kai

scribe of the king], and the [ priest great], and


12 T

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

12-2 Kings

saqny^av Kai r|pi6|ir|aav to apyDpiov to SDps0sv sv

they grasped and counted the money being found in

oikco KDpioi) 11+ Kai sScokov to apyDpiov

[the] house of [the] LORD. And they gave the money

to STOi|iaa0sv S7i( %sipaq tcov 7toiodvtcov Ta spya

being prepared into [the] hands of the ones doing the works

tcov 87iiaK67rcov oikod KDpioi) Kai s^s8oaav zoiq

of the ones overseeing [the] house of [the] LORD. And they handed over to the

tsktocji tcov ^dXcov Kai Toiq oikoSojiok;

fabricators of the wood [items], and to the builders

TOiq 7ioiODaiv spyov ev oikco KDpiOD u + Kai TOiq

doing work in [the] house of [the] LORD, and to the

T£i%iGTa(c; Kai toic; XaTOjioic; tcov Ai0cov

stonemasons, and to the quarriers of the stones;

tod KcfjaaaGai ^vXa Kai Xidovq Axxtojititodc;

to acquire wood and [ stones quarried],

tod KaTaaxsiv to Ps8sk tod oikod KopioD sic; 7idvTa

to repair the breach of the house of [the] LORD, for all

6aa 8^co8ida0r| S7i( tov oikov tod KpaTaicoaai

as much as was spent upon the house to repair

aDTOV 13 + 7iAr|v od 7ioir|6f|aovTai oikco KDpioD 0Dpai

it. Only they were not to make for [the] house of [the] LORD [ doors

apyopai r\koi cpidAm Kai adAmyysc; 7iav cjksdoc;

silver], nails, bowls, and trumpets, [or] any [ item

XPDctodv Kai cjksdoc; apyopoDV sk tod apyDpioD

gold], or [ item silver] from out of the money

TOD Sia£V£%6sVTOC; £IC; OIKOV KDpiOD 14 + OTl TOiq

being carried in [the] house of [the] LORD. For to the

7roioDai Ta spya sScokov aDTO Kai SKpaTaicoaav sv

ones doing the works they gave it. And they repaired by


it the house of [the] LORD. And they did not call into account

todc; dvSpac; oic; s8(8oto to apyopiov S7ii

the men to whom was given the money into

Xsipaq aDTcbv 8oDvai toic; 7ioioDai to spyov 6ti sv

their hands, to give to the ones doing the work; for [ in

7rioTSi aDTcb 7ioioDaiv 16+ apyDpiov 8s 7isp( 7iAr||i|isA,siac;

trust they were acting]. But money for a trespass [offering],

Kai apyDpiov 7isp( ajiapriac; odk siarjvsxGrj sic; tov

and money for a sin [offering] was not carried into the


house of [the] LORD, for [ to the priests it was]. Then


12 T
8V TOUT© + VlKa

12-2 Kings

avsprj A^afjA, fiaaikvbq I/opiac; Kai S7ioA,s|xr|asv sm

[ascended up Hazael king of Syria], and waged war against

rs0 Kai 7ipoKaxsXdpsxo aDTfjv Kai eGsxo A^afjA,

Gath, and was first to take it. And Hazael arranged

to 7rp6aco7iov ai)T0T3 avapfjvai S7ri IspouaaAr||i i8+ Kai

his face to ascend against Jerusalem. And

slapsv Icodc; fiaaiksvq lovda rcdvxa xa dyia a

[ took Joash king of Judah] all the holy [things] which

rjyiaasv Icoaacpdx Kai Icopdji Kai Oxo^iaq

Jehoshaphat sanctified, and Jehoram, and Ahaziah,

oi rcaxspsc; avzov Paai^siq lovda Kai xa dyia avzov

his fathers, kings of Judah, and his holy [things],

Kai 7iav xo xpuaiov xo supsGsv ev Grjaaupofc; oikod

and all the gold being found in [the] treasuries of [the] house

Kop(oi) Kai oikod xoi) PaaiXscoc; Kai arcsaxsiXs

of [the] LORD, and of [the] house of the king, and sent [them]

xco A^afjX PaaiXsi xrjq Zvpiaq Kai avsprj arco

to Hazael king of Syria. And he ascended away from

IspoDaaAxjji 19+ Kai xa Xourd xcov Xoycov Icoac; Kai

Jerusalem. And the rest of the words of Joash, and

rcdvxa 6aa S7iovr|asv odki8ot3 xatixa ysyparcxai

all as many [things] as he did, behold [are] not these written

87i( PipAioi) Xoycov xcov rjjispcov xcov PaaiXscov

upon [the] scroll of [the] words of the days of the kings

lovda 20+ Kai avsaxrjaav 01 8oi)Ax)i avzov Kai

of Judah? And [ rose up his servants], and

S7io(r|aav &lt;tdv8so|iov Kai S7idxa^av xov Icoac; sv oikco

they made a conspiracy; and they struck Joash in [the] house

MaAlco xco sv xrj Kaxapdaei SsAld 21+ Kai Ico^d%ap

of Millo, the [one] in the descent to Silla. And Jozachar

vioq SsjiadG Kai Ico^apdG vioq Xs|i|if|p

son ofShimeath, and Jehozabad son ofShomer,

01 5oi3Axn avTOV S7idxa^av ai)xov Kai arcsGavs Kai

his servants struck him, and he died. And

s0a\j/av ai)xov jisxd xcov rcaxspcov avzov sv 7i6Xsi

they entombed him with his fathers in [the] city

AamS Kai sPaai^sDasv Ajisaiac; vioq avzov avx'

of David. And [reigned Amaziah his son] instead of



8V TOOTCp + VlKa

12-2 Kings

13 r


In [ year [the] twentieth and third] of Joash son of Ahaziah

PaaiXscoq lovda sPaai^SDasv Iood%a^ vioq Iod S7i'

king of Judah, [ reigned Jehoahaz son of Jehu] over

IapafjX sv Sajiapsia S7rxaKa(8sKa sxrj 2 + Kai S7rovr|as

Israel in Samaria seventeen years. And he did

to 7iovr|p6v ev ocpGaXjioiq KopioD Kai S7ropsD6r|

the wicked [thing] in [the] eyes of [the] LORD, and went

O7i(aco xcov ajiapxicbv IspoPodji diod Napdx oq

after the sins of Jeroboam son ofNebat, who

s^fjjiapxs xov IapafjX odk a7isaxr| an aDxcbv 3

led Israel into sin. He did not abstain from them. And

copyiaGrj 0D|icb Kopioc; sm too lapaf\k Kai sScdksv

[ was provoked in anger to rage [the] LORD] against Israel. And he gave

avTOvq sv xsipi A^afjA, PaaiAiooc; Zvpiaq Kai sv

them into [the] hand ofHazael king of Syria, and in

Xsipi diod A8sp Dioi) A^afjA, itaaaq zaq rjjispaq 4 +

[the] hand of [the] son ofHadad, son ofHazael all the days.

Kai Icodxa^ s8sfj9r| tod 7ipoacb7roD KopioD Kai

And Jehoahaz beseeched the face of [the] LORD, and

S7rfjKODasv aDxoD Kopioc; 6xi s(5s xr|v 9Ai\j/iv

[heeded him [the] LORD]. For he beheld the affliction

tod IapafjX on sGXuj/sv aDxotic; fiaaiksvq Zvpiaq 5 +

of Israel, because [afflicted them [the] king of Syria].

Kai s5coks KDpioq aooxrjpiav too IapafjX Kai s^f|X0sv

And [the] LORD gave deliverance to Israel, and [Israel] came forth

D7roKdxco0sv %sipoc; Zvpiaq Kai SKdGiaav oi dioi

from beneath [the] hand of Syria. And [ sat the sons

IapafjA, sv xoic; aKT|vcb|iaaiv aDxcbv Kadcbq s%0sc; Kai

of Israel] in their tents as yesterday and

xpixrjq 6 + 7rAx|v odk a7isaxr|aav arco xcov

[the] third [day before]. Only they did not abstain from the

ajiapxicbv oikod IspoPodji oq s^fjjiapxs xov IopafjX

sins of [the] house of Jeroboam, who led Israel into sin;

sv aDxaiq S7iopsD9r|aav Kai ys xo dAxroc; saxaBrj

[by them they went]. And indeed the sacred grove was established

sv Sajiapsia ? + 6xi ov% D7isXsi(p6r| xco Icod%a^ Xaoq

in Samaria. For there was not left behind to Jehoahaz a people,

aXk' T| 7rsvxfjKovxa ur7is(c; Kai 5sKa dpjiaxa Kai 5sKa

but only fifty horsemen, and ten chariots, and ten


13 v ev xoiJTCp + vdca 12 - 2 Kings

XiAidSsc; mCfhv 6xi a7icbXsasv avzovq fiaaikzvq

thousand footmen, for [ destroyed them [the] king

I/opiac; Kai sGsvxo aDxotic; coc; %odv sic; KaTa7r&amp;Tr|aiv

of Syria], and he appointed them as dust for trampling.

8+ Kai xa Xoma xcov A,6ycov Icod%a^ Kai rcdvxa 6aa

And the rest of the words ofJehoahaz, and all as much as

87ro(r|as Kai ai SDvaaxsiai aDxoD odk i8od xaoxa

he did, and his dominations, behold [are] not these

ysyparcxai S7i( PipAico A,6ycov xcov rjjispcov xcov

written upon [the] scroll of [the] words of the days of the

PaoiXscov IapafjA, 9+ Kai £Koi|ifj0r| Icod%a^ jisxd

kings of Israel? And Jehoahaz slept with

xcov 7iaxspcov avTOV Kai s6a\j/av ai)xov ev Sajiapsia

his fathers, and they entombed him in Samaria.

Kai sPaai^sDasv Icodc; dioc; aDxoD avx' aDxoD 10+ sv

And [ reigned Joash his son] instead of him. In

xco xpiaKoaxcb Kai ep56|ico sxsi xod Icodq PaaiAicoc;

the thirtieth and seventh year of Joash king

lovda sPacriXsDasv Icodq dioc; Icod%a^ S7ri IapafjA, sv

of Judah, [ reigned Joash son of Jehoahaz] over Israel in

Eajiapsia SKKaiSsra sxrj n+ Kai S7rovr|as xo 7iovr|p6v

Samaria sixteen years. And he did the wicked [thing]

sv ocpGaXjioiq Kopioi) odk a7isaxr| anb 7iaacbv

in [the] eyes of [the] LORD. He did not abstain from all

ajiapxicov IspoPodji diod Napdx oq

[the] sins of Jeroboam son ofNebat, who

s^fjiiapxs xov IapafjX sv avzaiq S7iopsD0r| 12+ Kai xa

led Israel into sin — [ by them he went]. And the

Xoma xcov A,6ycov Icodc; Kai 7idvxa 6aa S7ioir|as Kai

rest of the words of Joash and all as much as he did, and

ai 8i)vaaxs(ai aDxoD aq S7iovr|as jisxd Ajiscjiod

his dominations which he did with Amaziah

PaaiAicoc; Ioi38a OD%(xaDxa ysypajijisva S7i( PipAico

king of Judah, have these not been written upon [the] scroll

A,6ycov xcov r||ispcbv xcov PaaiAicov IapafjA, 13+ Kai

of [the] words of the days of the kings of Israel? And

SKoi|if|6r| Icodc; jisxd xcov 7iaxspcov aDxoD Kai IspoPodji

Joash slept with his fathers. And Jeroboam

SKdGiasv S7ri xod 0p6voD aDxoD Kai sxacpfj Icodc; sv

sat upon his throne. And Joash was entombed in

Eajiapsia jisxd xcov PaaiXscov IapafjA, 14+ Kai EAiasai

Samaria with the kings of Israel. And Elisha



12-2 Kings

rjppcbarr|as xrjv appcoaxiav avxov 81' rjv a7is0avs Kai

became ill with his illness of which he died. And

KaxsPrj Icodc; fiaaiksvq Iapaf\k npoq auxov Kai

[ went down Joash king of Israel] to him and

8KXai)aSV 8711 7ip6aC07rOV aDXOl) Kai S17TS 7ldxsp 7ldxsp

wept upon his face, and said, O father, O father,

dpjia IapafjX Kai mmvq avzov 15+ Kai 817TSV aUXCO

[the] chariot of Israel and his horseman. And [ said to him

E/Uaeai Xdpe xo^ov Kai PeAxj Kai elape npoq

Elisha], Take a bow and arrows. And he took to

eauxov xo^ov Kai PeAxj i6+ Kai 817TS too PaoiXsi

himself a bow and arrows. And he said to the king

IapafjX s7iip(paaov xrjv %e(pd aov em to xo^ov Kai

of Israel, Set your hand upon the bow! And

S7T8p(paasv ttjv %e(pa avzov Kai S7i80r|Ksv EAiaeai

he set his hand. And Elisha placed

xac; %e(pac; auxou em xac; %sipaq tod PaaiAiox; i?+ Kai

his hands upon the hands of the king. And

817T8V dvoi^ov xrjv 0i)p(8a Kaxa avaxoAxxc; Kai

he said, Open the window according to [the] east! And

fjvoi^s Kai 817TSV EAiaeai xo^sdctov Kai exo^euae Kai

he opened. And Elisha said, Shoot! And he shot. And

S17T8 fiskoq acoxrjpiaq xco Kupico Kai fiskoq acoxrjpiac;

he said, [The] arrow of deliverance [of the] LORD, and [the] arrow of deliverance

sv I/opia Kai 7iaxd^sic; xrjv I/opiav sv AcpsK ecoc;

in Syria. And you shall strike Syria in Aphek until

(XovxeXsiaq i 8 + Kai si7i8v auxco EXiaeai Xafis PeArj Kai

completion. And [ said to him Elisha], Take arrows! And

slape Kai si7is xco Paai^si IapafjX 7idxa^ov sic; xrjv

he took. And he said to the king of Israel, Strike against the

yrjv Kai £7idxa^£v xpic; Kai eaxrj i 9 + Kai skv7iT\dr\

ground! And he struck three times and stopped. And [ fretted

S7i ' auxcb o dv0pco7roc; xod 0sot3 Kai ei7iev si

over him the man of God], and he said, If

£7cdxa^ac; 7isvxdKic; r| e^dKic; xoxs av e7rdxa^ac; xrjv

you struck five times or six times, then you would have struck the

I/opiav ecoc; aovxe^eiav Kai vdv xpic; 7iaxd^eic;

Syrian until completion. And now three times you shall strike

xrjvl/opiav 20+ Kai EAaasai a7ie0avsv Kai e0a\j/av

Syria. And Elisha died, and they entombed

avzov Kai (iovo^covoi Mcodp fjA,0ov sv xr| yr|

him. And armed [bands] of Moab came in the land


8V TOUT© + VlKa

12-2 Kings

sABovxoc; tod sviaDxoD 21+ Kai sysvsxo aDxcbv

at [the] coming of the year. And it came to pass as they

6a7iT6vTCOv xov &amp;v8pa Kai i5od s(5ov xov

were entombing the man, that behold, they beheld the

jiovo^covov Kai sppuj/av xov dv5pa sv too xdcpco

armed [band], and they tossed the man in the burying-place

EAiasai Kai S7iopsD0r| Kai f|\j/axo xcov oaxscov

ofElisha, and it went and touched the bones

EAiasai Kai s^rjas Kai avsaxrj S7i( xodc; nodaq aDxoD

ofElisha. And he came alive, and rose upon his feet.

22 + Kai A^afjA, fiaaikzvq Zvpiaq s^s0Aa\j/s xov IapafjA,

And Hazael king of Syria squeezed against Israel

naaaq xac; r||ispac; Icod%a^ 23+ Kai riAirjas Kopioc;

all the days of Jehoahaz. And [the] LORD showed mercy

aDxotic; Kai coKxsiprjasv aDxotic; Kai S7rspA,s\j/sv npoq

on them, and pitied them, and looked upon

avTOvq 8id xrjv 8ia6f|Kr|v aDxoD xrjv jisxd

them on account of his covenant, the [one] with

APpadji Kai IaadK Kai IaKcbp Kai odk r|0sAx|as

Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob. And [ did not want

Kopioc; 5iacp0s(pai avzovq Kai odk a7isppi\j/sv

[the] LORD] to utterly destroy them, and he did not throw

aDxotic; a7io xod 7ipoaco7roD aDxoD scoq vdv 24 + Kai

them from his face until now. And

a7is0avsv A^afjA, fiaaikvbq 2/opiac; Kai sPaai^sDosv

[died Hazael king of Syria], and [reigned

vioq A5sp vioq aDxoD avx' aDxoD 25 + Kai S7isaxps\j/sv

[the] son ofHadad his son] instead of him. And [returned

Ioodc; vioq Iood%a^ Kai slaps xac; noXsiq sk

Joash son of Jehoahaz] and took the city from out of

%sipoc; diod A8sp diod ACfiT\k aq sAxxPsv sk

[the] hand of [the] son ofHadad, son of Hazael, the ones who took [it] from out of

Xsipoc; Icod%a^ xod rcaxpoc; aDxoD sv xco 7ioXs|ico

[the] hand of Jehoahaz his father in the war.

xpic; S7idxa^sv aDxov Ioodc; Kai a7isaxps\j/s zaq

Three times [ struck him Joash], and he returned the

7i6A,sic; IopafjX

cities of Israel.


14 V
8V TOOTCp + VlKa

12-2 Kings

14 7^

i+ sv sxsi 8sDxspco Ioodc; mob Ioodxa^ PaaiXsi IapafjA,

In [ year [the] second] of Joash son of Jehoahaz king of Israel,

Kai sPaailsDasv Ajisaiac; vioq Ioodc; fiaaikvbq lovda 2 +

[reigned Amaziah son of Joash king ofJudah].

vioq sikocji Kai 7isvxs sxcbv r|v sv

[ a son [being] twenty and five years [old] He was] in

too PaaiXsDsiv auxov Kai sikocti Kai swsa sxrj

his reigning. And twenty and nine years

sPaaiXsDcrsv sv Ispoi)aaAxj|i Kai ovojia

he reigned in Jerusalem. And [the] name

Tr\q jirjipoq olvtov Icoa5fjv s£, IspoDaaATjji 3 + Kai

of his mother [was] Jehoaddan of Jerusalem. And

S7io(r|as to sdGsc; sv ocpBaXjioiq KDpioD ith\v ov% coq

he did upright in [the] eyes of [the] LORD, only not as

Aavid o 7iaTfjp olvtov Kaxd rcdvxa 6oa S7iovr|asv

David his father. According to all as much as [ did

Ioodc; o 7iaTfjp avTOV S7iorr|asv 4+ 7iAx|v xa v\\fr(ka ovk

Joash his father] he did. Only the high [places] he did not

s^fjpsv sxi o Xaoq s0Da(a^s Kai sGdjiioov sv xoic;

remove, [and] still the people sacrificed and burned incense in the

D\j/r|Ax)fc; 5 + Kai sysvsxo 6xs Kax(a%Dasv r| Paai^sia

high [places]. And it came to pass when [ grew strong the kingdom]

sv %£ipi avTOV Kai S7idxa^s zovq 7ia(5ac; avzov zovq

in his hand, that he struck his servants, the

7iaxd^avxac; xov rcaxspa avzov 6 + xodc; 5s viovq xcov

[ones] striking his father. And the sons of the

7iaxa^dvxcov odk sGavdxooas KaBobc; ysyparcxai S7ii

ones striking he did not put to death, as it is written upon

PiPAioi) vojiod MooDafj ooc; svsxsiXaxo Kopioc; Aiyoov

[the] scroll of [the] law of Moses, as [the] LORD gave charge, saying,

odk a7io0avoDvxai rcaxspsc; D7isp dioov Kai dioi odk

[ shall not die Fathers] for [the] sons, and [the] sons shall not

a7io0avoDvxai D7isp 7taxspoov aXk r r\ sraaxoc; sv

die for [the] fathers, but only each for

xrj ajiapxia aDxoD a7ro6avs(xai i+ avxbq S7idxa^s

his sin shall he die. He struck

xrjv E8cb|i sv rsjisAxx 5sKa %iAid5ac; Kai aDvslaPs

Edom in Gemela — ten thousand. And he seized

xrjv Ilsxpav sv xca 7ioA,s|ioo Kai SKd^sos

Rock in the war, and he called


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to ovojia avTT\q IsK0of|A, scoc; Tr\q r||ispac; Tm3xr|c; 8 + TOTS

its name, Joktheel until this day. Then

a7T8aTSiA,sv Ajisaaiac; ayysXouc; npoq Icodc; mov

Amaziah sent messengers to Joash son

Icod%a^ viov lov PaaiAicoc; IapafjA, Aiycov 5si3po

ofJehoahaz son of Jehu king of Israel, saying, Come,

ocpGcbjisv 7ipoaco7roi(; 9+ Kai a7isaTSiA,sv Icodc; fiaaiksvq

we should see faces. And [ sent Joash king

IapafjA, 7rpoq Ajisaiav PaaiAia lovda Xsycov o &amp;Kav

of Israel] to Amaziah king ofJudah, saying, The thorn

o sv too Aipdvco cuisaTSiXs rcpoc; TTJV K85pOV TTJV 8V

in Lebanon sent to the cedar in

too Aipdvco Aiycov 80c; tt|v GuyaTspa aoi) tco mco jiod

Lebanon, saying, Give your daughter [to] my son

sic; yuvaiKa Kai 8vqA,0ov Ta Grjpia tod aypou Ta sv

for a wife! And [ went through the wild beasts] the field in

tco AiP&amp;vcd Kai oDVS7r&amp;Tr|aav tt|v drava 10+ tdtttcov

Lebanon, and trampled upon the thorn. Having beaten

£7r&amp;Ta^ac; tt|v I8oi)|ia(av Kai S7if|ps as r| Kap8ia gov

you struck Edom, and [ encouraged you your heart].

sv8o^da0r|Ti KaGfjjievoc; sv tco oikco aoi) Kai ivaTi

Be glorified sitting down in your house. And why

spi^sic; ev KaKia aoi) Kai mar\ au Kai IotiSac; |iSTd

do you contend in your evil, that you shall fall and Judah with

aoi) 11+ Kai odk fjKouaev Ajisaiac; Kai avsprj Icodc;

you? And [did not hearken Amaziah]. And [ascended Joash

fiaaikvbq IapafjX Kai cbcpGrjaav 7rpoacb7ioic; avzoq Kai

king of Israel], and [ saw faces he and

Ajisaiac; paaiA^suc; lovda sv BaiBaaijiq Tr\q IoDSaiaq

Amaziah king of Judah] in Beth-shemesh of Judea.

12+ Kai S7iTaiasv IotiSac; and 7ipoacb7ioD IapafjA, Kai

And Judah failed from in front of Israel, and

scpuysv avfjp sic; to aKqvcojia avzov 13+ Kai

[ fled [each] man] to his tent. And

tov Ajisaiav mov Icodc; diod 0%o^(od PaaiAicoc; Ioi38a

[ Amaziah son of Joash son of Ahaziah king of Judah

auvsAxxPsv Icodc; fiaaiksvq IapafjA, sv BaiGaajiiq Kai

seized Joash king of Israel] in Beth-shemesh. And

fjXBev sic; IspoDaaArjji Kai KaGsi^sv sv tco tsi%si

he came into Jerusalem and demolished in the wall

IspoDaaAxjji sv ttj nvh] Ecppaifi scoc; rr|c; Kvh\q tt|c;

of Jerusalem at the gate of Ephraim unto the gate of the


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ycoviac; xsxpaKoaioDq 7ifj%eic; h+ Kai zkafis to xpuaiov

comer - four hundred cubits. And he took the gold,

Kai to apyopiov Kai rcdvTa Ta aKetirj Ta eupeGevTa

and the silver, and all the items being found

sv oikco KDpioi) Kai sv Brjaaupoic; oikod tod

in [the] house of [the] LORD, and in [the] treasuries of [the] house of the

PaaiAicoc; Kai todc; move; tcov ai)|i|ii^scov Kai

king, and of the sons of the alliances, and

a7i8aTps\j/sv sic; Sajidpsiav 15+ Kai Ta Xoura tcdv

he returned unto Samaria. And the rest of the

Xoycov Icodc; 60a 87io(r|a8v sv SwaaTSia avxov a

words of Joash, as much as he did in his domination in which

S7ioA,s|ir|as jiSTd Ajieaioi) PaaiAicoc; lovda ODXiTairca

he waged war with Amaziah king of Judah, are not these

yeypajijieva £7U PipAioi) Xoycov tcov r||ispcbv tcov

written upon [the] scroll of [the] words of the days of the

PaoiXscov IapafjX i 6 + Kai £Koi|ifj0r| Icoac; |i£Td

kings of Israel? And Joash slept with

tcov 7iaT8pcov avzov Kai 8Tdcpr| sv Sajiapsia |i8Td

his fathers, and they entombed [him] in Samaria with

tcov PaaiXecov IapafjA, Kai ePaaiXeuasv IepoPodji

the kings of Israel. And [ reigned Jeroboam

moq ai)TOi3 avT' avzov 17+ Kai e^rjaev Ajisaiac; vioq

his son] instead of him. And [ lived Amaziah son

Icodc; fiaaikvoq lovda jiSTd to a7io9ave(v tov Icoac;

of Joash king of Judah] after the dying of Joash

mov Icod%a^ paaiAia IapafjA, 7revT£Kai8eKa stt| i 8 +

son of Jehoahaz king of Israel fifteen years.

Kai Ta Xomd tcov Xoycov Ajisaioi) Kai rcdvTa 6aa

And the rest of the words of Amaziah, and all as much as

£7iorr|aev odkiSov Tafoa ysypa7iTai S7ri PipAiou

he did, behold [are] not these written upon [the] scroll

Xoycov tcov r||ispcov tcov PaaiAicov lovda 19+ Kai

of [the] words of the days of the kings of Judah? And

aDveaTpdcprjaav era' avzov &lt;y6&lt;xcp£|i|ia sv IepouaaArui

they confederated against him [with] a confederation in Jerusalem.

Kai ecpuyev sic; Aa%ic; Kai a7isaTSiXav O7uaco avzov

And he fled unto Lachish. And they sent after him

sic; Aa%(c; Kai sBavdTCoaav auTOV sksi 20+ Kai fjpav

unto Lachish, and put him to death there. And they lifted

avzov S7i( tcov i7r7rcov Kai STdcprj sv IspouaaArui

him upon the horses, and he was entombed in Jerusalem


14 V

ev toi3tco + viKa

12-2 Kings

jisxd xcov 7iaxepcov avTOV sv 7i6A,8i Aavib 21 + Kai

with his fathers in [the] city of David. And

slaps iiaq o Xaoq lovda xov A^apiav Kai avzoq

[ took all the people of Judah] Azariah, and he [was]

vioq £KKa(8eKa sxcbv Kai sfiaaiksvoav aDxov avxi

a son sixteen years [old], and they [gave] him reign instead of

tod 7rcrcp6^ aDxoD Ajisoioi) 22+ aDxoc; (DKo86|ir|a8

his father Amaziah. He built

ttjv EA,cb0 Kai £7isaxpe\j/ev aDxfjv tco Ioi35a jiexd

Elath, and returned [it] to Judah after

to Koi|ir|0f|vai xov PaaiAia jisxd xcov 7iaxspcov aDxoD

[ slept the king] with his fathers.

23+ sv sxsi 7isvx8Kai8sKdxco Ajisaiac; diod Icodc;

In [ year [the] fifteenth] of Amaziah son of Joash

PaaiAicoc; Ioi38a ePaai^sDaev Iepopodji vioq Icoac; £7U

king of Judah, [ reigned Jeroboam son of Joash] over

IapafjX sv Sajiapsia xeaaapdKovxa Kai ev sxoc; 24 +

Israel in Samaria — forty and one year.

Kai 87io(r|as xo 7iovr|p6v svcb7iiov KopioD odk

And he did the wicked [thing] before [the] LORD. He did not

a7i8axr| arco 7iaacbv xcov ajiapxicbv IspoPodji diod

abstain from all of the sins of Jeroboam son

Napdx oq e^f||iapxs xov IapafjA, 25+ avxoq a7iSKaxsaxas

of Nebat, who led Israel into sin. He restored

xo opiov IapafjA, arco eia68oD Ai|id0 ecoc; xrjc;

the boundary of Israel from [the] entrance of Hamath unto the

dakaaar\q xrjc; dpaPa Kaxd xo pfjjia KopioD 0£OD

sea of the Arabah, according to the saying of [the] LORD God

IapafjX o s^dAxjaev sv %sip( 5odXod aDxoD Icovd

of Israel, who spoke by [the] hand of his servant Jonah,

DIOD A|ia0l XOD 7ipOCpf|XOD XOD SK Tai08(p8p 26 +

son of Amittai, the prophet, the [one] from out of Gath-hepher.

6x1 s(8s Kopioq xrjv xa7rs(vcoaiv xod IapafjA, 7iiKpdv

For [the] LORD beheld the humiliation of Israel, [bitter

acp68pa Kai oAiyoaxoDc; Kai aDve%o|ievoDc; Kai

[that it was] exceedingly], and very few, and being held together, and

sa7iavia|isvoDc; Kai syKaxa^eXsijiiisvoDc; Kai odkt|v

being depleted, and being abandoned, and there was no

o Por|0cbv xco IapafjA, 2 ?+ Kai odk eAxxAxjas Kopioc;

one helping Israel. And [ did not speak [the] LORD]

e^a^enj/ai xo ovojia xod lapar\k D7roKdxco08v

to wipe away the name of Israel from beneath


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tod ODpavoD Kai sacoaev auxouc; sv yzipi IspoPodji

heaven. And he delivered them by [the] hand of Jeroboam

moD Icodq 28+ Kai xa Ax)urd xcov Xoycov IspoPodji Kai

son ofJoash. And the rest of the words of Jeroboam, and

7idvxa 6aa S7ro(r|08 Kai ai 8uvaaxe(ai ai)xoi3 6oa

all as much as he did, and his dominations, as much as

87ioA,s|ir|as Kai 6aa S7ieaxpe\j/s xrjv AajiaaKov Kai

he waged war, and as much as he returned Damascus and

xrjv AijidG xco lovda sv IapafjA, ov% i8oi3 xatixa

Hamath to Judah in Israel, behold [are] not these

yeypajijieva £7U PipAiou Xoycov xcov r||ispcbv xcov

written upon [the] scroll of [the] words of the days of the

PaaiAicov IapafjX 29+ Kai SKoi|ifj9r| IspoPodji jiexd

kings of Israel? And Jeroboam slept with

xcov 7iax8pcov ai)xoi3 jisxd xcov PaaiAicov IapafjX Kai

his fathers with the kings of Israel. And

sPacriXsDas Zaxapiaq vioq auxou avx' auxou

[ reigned Zechariah his son] instead of him.

15 1t3

1 + ev 8X8i siKoaxcb Kai sp86|ico xod IspoPodji

In [ year [the] twentieth and seventh] of Jeroboam

PaaiAicoc; IopafjA, ePaai^sDaev A^apiaq vioq Ajisoiod

king of Israel, [ reigned Azariah son of Amaziah

PaaiAicoc; lovda 2+ vioq 8KKa(5eKa sxcbv r|v sv

king of Judah]. [ a son [being] sixteen years [old] He was] in

xco PaaiXstisiv auxov Kai 7isvxr|Kovxa8i)o sxrj

his reign, and fifty-two years

sPaaiXsDcrs sv IepoDaaArj|i Kai ovojia

he reigned in Jerusalem. And [the] name

xrjq jirjxpoq ai)xoi3 l£%eAia IepoDaaArni 3+ Kai

of his mother was Jecholiah of Jerusalem. And

S7ro(r|08 xo sdGsc; sv ocpGaXjioiq Kupioi) Kaxd

he did the upright [thing] in [the] eyes of [the] LORD according to

7idvxa 6aa S7ro(r|08 Ajieoiac; o 7iaxfjp auxoi) 4+ 7iAr|v

all as much as [did Amaziah his father]. Only

xcov D\j/r|Xcbv odk e^fjpev 8x1 o Xaoq sdvaia^s

the high [places] he did not remove, [and] still the people sacrificed

Kai sGdjiicov sv xoic; D\j/r|A,ofc; 5 + Kai fj\j/axo Kopioc;

and burned incense in the high [places]. And [the] LORD touched

xod PaaiAicoc; Kai rjv A£A£7ipoa|isvoc; scoc; rjiispaq

the king, and he was being leprous until [the] day


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Gavdxoi) aDTOD Kai sPaai^sDasv sv oikco acpcpoDocoG

of his death, and he reigned in a house apart.

Kai IcoaGdji dioc; tod PaoiXscoc; S7U tod oikod

And Jotham son of the king [was] over the house,

Kpivcov tov Xaov Tr\q yr\q 6 + Kai Ta Xourd tcov

judging the people of the land. And the rest of the

A,6ycov A^apioD Kai rcdvTa 6oa S7io(r|asv odk i5od

words of Azariah and all as much as he did, behold [are] not

TaDTa ysypa7iTai sm PipAioD A,6ycov tcov r||ispcbv

these written upon [the] scroll of [the] words of the days

tcov PaoiXecov IoD8a ?+ Kai SKoijif^Gri A^apiac; jiSTd

of the kings of Judah? And Azariah slept with

tcov 7iaT8pcov aDTOD Kai s6a\j/av aDTOV jiSTd

his fathers. And they entombed him with

tcov 7iaT8pcov aDTOD sv 7i6A,si AaDi8 Kai ePaaiXsDasv

his fathers in [the] city of David. And [ reigned


Jotham his son] instead of him. In [ year [the] thirtieth

Kai oy56co A^apioD PaaiXscoc; lovda sPaai^sDosv

and eighth] of Azariah king of Judah, [ reigned

Za%ap(ac; dioc; IspoPodji S7U IapafjX sv Sajiapsia

Zechariah son of Jeroboam] over Israel in Samaria

s^djirjvov 9+ Kai S7io(r|as to 7iovr|p6v sv ocpBaXjiofc;

six months. And he did the wicked [thing] in [the] eyes

KDpioD KaTd S7ioir|aav oi 7iaTspsc; aDTOD odk

of [the] LORD as did his fathers. He did not

a7isaTr| arco tcov ajiapTicov IspoPodji diod NapdT oq

abstain from the sins of Jeroboam son ofNebat, who

s^fjjiapTS tov IopafjX io+ Kai aDvsaTpdcprj S7i' aDTOV

led Israel into sin. And [ confederated against him

£aAx)D|i dioc; Iapfjc; Kai S7idTa^sv aDTOV sv KspXadji

Shallum son ofJabesh], and he struck him in Keblaam,

Kai sGavdTCoaav aDTOV Kai sPaadsDasv avT' aDTOD

and killed him, and reigned instead of him.

n+ Kai Ta Ax)urd tcov A,6ycov Za%apfc&gt;D iSod TaDTa

And the rest of the words of Zechariah, behold, these

ysypa7iTai S7U PipAioD Xoycov r||ispcbv tcov PaaiAicov

[are] written upon [the] scroll of [the] words of [the] days of the kings

IapafjX 12+ odtoc; o Xoyoq KDpioD ov sAxxArjas npoq

of Israel. This [is] the word of [the] LORD which he spoke to

Iod Xsycov dioi TSTapTOi KaGfjaovTai aoi S7ri

Jehu, saying, [ sons [unto the] fourth [generation] shall sit Your] upon


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0p6voi) IapafjA, Kai sysvsxo otixcoq 13+ Kai £aAxr6|i

[the] throne of Israel. And it became so. And Shallum

vioq Iapfjq spaadsuas sv sxsi xpiaKoaxcb Kai

son of Jabesh reigned in [ year [the] thirtieth and

swdxco xod A^ap(oi) PaaiAicoc; lovda Kai sPaaiXsuas

ninth] of Azariah king of Judah, and he reigned

jxfjva rjjispcbv sv Sajiapsia i 4 + Kai avsprj Mavafui

a month of days in Samaria. And [ ascended Menahem

vioq Tadi 8K 0spad Kai fjXGev sic; Sajidpsiav Kai

son ofGadi from Tirzah], and came into Samaria, and

S7idxa^s xov £aAxy6|i mov Iafir\q sv Sajiapsia Kai

he struck Shallum son of Jabesh in Samaria, and

sGavdxcoasv arjxov Kai sPaaiXsuasv avx' arjxorj

he killed him, and he reigned instead of him.

15+ Kai xa A,ourd xcov Xoycov Hakov^i Kai

And the rest of the words of Shallum, and

T| aDaxpocpfj clvtov r\ awsaxpacprj i8orj xauxa

of his confederacy which he confederated, behold, these

ysyparcxai S7ii

[are] written upon

3ipAioi) Xoycov rjjispcbv xcov PaaiAicov

the] scroll of [the] words of [the] days of the kings

IapafjA, 16+ xoxs S7idxa^s Mavafui xrjv 0scpad Kai

of Israel. Then Menahem struck Tiphsah, and

7idvxa xa sv arjxfj Kai xa opia avTT\q anb 0spod

all the [ones] in it, and its borders from Tirzah;

6x1 odk fjvoi^sv auxcb Kai srcdxa^sv arjxfjv Kai xac;

for it did not open up to him, and he struck it; and the ones

sv yaaxpi s%orjoac; avsppr^sv 17+ sv sxsi xpiaKooxcb

[ one in [the] womb having] he tore asunder. In [ year [the] thirtieth

Kai swdxco xod A^apiou paaiAicoc; Ior38a spaai^suas

and ninth] of Azariah king of Judah [ reigned

Mavafjji vioq ra8i sm IapafjA, sv Sajiapsia 5sKa

Menahem son ofGadi] over Israel in Samaria ten

sxt| 18+ Kai S7ioir|as xo 7iovr|p6v sv otp0aA,|ioic;

years. And he did the wicked [thing] in [the] eyes

Kopioi) odk a7isaxr| anb ajiapxicbv IspoPodji vibv

of [the] LORD. He did not abstain from [the] sins of Jeroboam son

Napdx oq s^fjjiapxs xov IapafjA, 19+ sv

of Nebat, who led Israel to sin. In

xaic; rjjispaic; auxor) avsprj OorA fiaoiksvq Aaarjpicov

his days [ ascended Pul king of [the] Assyrians]

S7U xrjv yrjv Kai Mavafj|i s8coks xco OodX yikia

upon the land. And Menahem gave to Pul a thousand


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xaXavxa apyopioD tod sivai %sipa avzov jist' avzov

talents of silver [ to be for his hand] with him,

tod Kpaxaicbaai xr|v Paai^siav oidtod ev %sip( aDTOD 20 +

to strengthen his kingdom in his hand.

Kai Mavafjji s^fjvsyKs to apyopiov S7ri tov IapafjA,

And Menahem brought forth the silver for Israel,

87i( 7idvTa 5dv(xt6v ioxdi 5of)vai tco Paai^si tcov

[excised] upon every mighty [man] in strength, to give to the king of the

AaaDpiGov 7T£VTfjK0VTa cj(kAx)dc; tco av8p( TCO SVl Kai

Assyrians— fifty shekels for the [man one]. And

a7T80Tps\j/sv o fiaoiksvq AaaDpicov Kai odk s&lt;ycrj

[ returned the king of [the] Assyrians] and did not station

sksi ev ttj yr| 21+ Kai Ta Xoma tcov Xoycov Mavafjji

there in the land. And the rest of the words of Menahem,

Kai 7idvTa 6aa S7ioirjasv odkiSod TaDTa ysypa7rcai

and all as much as he did, behold [are] not these written

87U PipAioD Xoycov rjjispcbv tcov PaaiXscov IapafjA, 22 +

upon [the] scroll of [the] words of [the] days of the kings of Israel?

Kai £Koi|xfj6r| Mavafjii jisTa tcov 7iaTspcov aDTOD Kai

And Menahem slept with his fathers. And

sPaaiXsDos OaKs'ia dioc; aDTOD avT' aDTOD 23+ sv stsi

[ reigned Pekahiah his son] instead of him. In [ year

7isvTT|K0OTcb tod A^apioD PaaiXsi IoD5a sPaaiXsDas

[the] fiftieth] of Azariah king of Judah, [ reigned

OaKs'ia dioc; Mavafjii S7ri IapafjA, sv Sajiapsia 8do

Pekahiah son of Menahem] over Israel in Samaria two

STTj 24+ Kai S7rovrjas to 7iovrjp6v sv otp0aA,|iofc;

years. And he did the wicked [thing] in [the] eyes

KDpioD odk a7isaTrj a7io tcov ajiapTicbv IspoPodji

of [the] LORD. He did not abstain from the sins of Jeroboam

diod NapdT oq s^fjjiapTS tov IopafjA, 25+ Kai

son of Nebat, who led Israel into sin. And

aDVsaTpdcprj S7i' aDTOV OaKsai dioc; PojisAiod

[confederated against him Pekah son ofRemaliah

o TpiaTdTTjq aDTOD Kai S7idTa^sv aDTOV sv Sajiapsia

his tribune], and he struck him in Samaria,

svavTiov oikod tod PaaiAicoc; jiSTd tod ApyoP Kai

before [the] house of the king, with Argob, and

(iSTd tod Apis Kai jist' aDTOD 7isvTfjK0VTa dv8psq

with Arieh, and with him fifty men

a7io tcov Dicov tcov TaXaSiTcbv Kai sGavdTCoasv

from the sons of the Gileadites. And he killed


15 "ID

12-2 Kings

avTOV Kai sPaaiXsDasv avx' avzov 26 + Kai xa Xomd

him, and reigned instead of him. And the rest

tcov A,6ycov OaKs'ia Kai 7rdvxa 6oa S7ioir|asv i8od

of the words ofPekahiah, and all as much as he did, behold,

Tm3xa ysypa7iTai em PipAioD A,6ycov r||iepcov tcov

these [are] written upon [the] scroll of [the] words of [the] days of the

PaaiAicov IopafjA, n+ sv stsi 7cevTT|KoaTC0 Kai 5sDTspco

kings of Israel. In [ year [the] fiftieth and second]

tod A^ap(oi) PaaiXscoq Icr68a s^aaiksvas OaKeai vioq

of Azariah king of Judah [ reigned Pekah son

PojieAioD 87ii IapafjA, ev Sajiapsia sikooiv stt| 2 8 +

ofRemaliah] over Israel in Samaria twenty years.

Kai S7ro(r|os to 7iovr|p6v sv ocp0aA,|iofc; KopioD odk

And he did the wicked [thing] in [the] eyes of [the] LORD. He did not

a7i8aTr| arco 7iaocov ajiapTicbv IepoPodji diod NapdT

abstain from all [the] sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat,

oq e^fjjiapTS tov IapafjA, 29+ sv zaiq ruispaiq OaKsai

who led Israel into sin. In the days of Pekah

PaaiAicoc; IapafjA, r\kds 0eyA,d0 cpaAxxodp PaaiXeDc;

king of Israel came Tiglath-pileser king

AaaDpicov Kai eAxxPe rrjvNarv Kai

[of the] Assyrians, and he took Ijon, and

ttjv ApeA,pai9a|iaa%d Kai tt|v Icovco% Kai tt|v Ksvs^

Abel-beth-maachah, and Janoah, and Kenez,

Kai ttjv Aacbp Kai tt|v TaA,ad5 Kai tt|v raA.iA.aiav

and Hazor, and Gilead, and Galilee,

7idaav yrjv Ns(p0aA,s(|i Kai a7icoKiasv aDTODc; sic;

all [the] land of Naphtali, and he resettled them among

AaaDpioDc; 30+ Kai oDveoTpsye &lt;x6oTps|i|ia Qarjs vioq

Assyria. And [ confederated a confederation Hoshea son

HM 87i( OaKeai diov PojisAioi) Kai S7cdTa^sv avzov

of Elah] against Pekah son ofRemaliah, and he struck him,

Kai eGavdTcaasv avzov Kai zfiaaiksvazv avT' avzov

and killed him, and he reigned instead of him


in [year [the] twentieth] ofJotham son ofUzziah. And the rest

tcov A,6ycov OaKsai Kai 7cdvTa 6aa S7co(r|asv i5od

of the words of Pekah, and all as much as he did, behold,

TaDTa yeypaa7rcai S7ci

these are written upon

3ipAioi) A,6ycov tcov r||iepcov

the] scroll of [the] words of the days

tcov PaoiAicov IapafjA, 32+ sv stsi 5eDTepco tod cpaKeai

of the kings of Israel. In [year [the] second] of Pekah


15 "ID

8V TOUT© + VlKa

12-2 Kings

diod PojisAioi) PaaiXscbc; IapafjX zfiaaikzvasv Icoa0d|i

son of Remaliah king of Israel [reigned Jotham

vioq O^iox) paaiAicoc; lovda 33 + vioq siKoai Kai

son ofUzziah king ofJudah]. [ a son [being] twenty and

7TSVTS 8XC0V T|V sv to Paai^etieiv aDXOV Kai

five years [old] He was] in his taking reign, and

SKKa(88Ka 8tt| ePaoiXeuaev ev IspouaaAT||i Kai

sixteen years he reigned in Jerusalem. And

ovojia Tr\q jirjipoq avzov Ispcroad 9i)ydxr|p Sa5coK 34 +

[the] name of his mother [was] Jerusha, daughter of Zadok.

Kai S7io(r|as to sdGsc; sv otp6aA,|iofc; Kupioi) raxd

And he did upright in [the] eyes of [the] LORD according to

rcdvxa 6aa S7iorr|asv O^iaq o 7iaxf|p avzov 35+ 7iAr|v

all as much as [ did Uzziah his father]. Only

xa v\\fr(ka odk e^fjpsv exi o Xaoq e0uaia^e Kai

the high [places] he did not remove, [and] still the people sacrificed and

sGdjiicov sv TOiq v\\fr(koiq avzoq C0Ko86|ir|a£ xr|v

burned incense on the high [places]. He built the

7tvh\v oiKOD KDpioi) tt|v S7idvco 3 6+ Kai xa Xomd

gate of [the] house of [the] LORD — the upper. And the rest

xcov Xoycov IcoGdji Kai rcdvxa 6aa S7iovr|aev

of the words of Jotham and all as much as he did,

odk i5cr6 xatixa yeyparcxai £7U PipAiou Xoycov xcov

behold [are] not these written upon [the] scroll of [the] words of the

r||ispcbv xcov PaaiAicov lovda 37+ sv

days of the kings ofJudah? In

xaic; rjjiepaic; SKeivaic; fjp^axo Kopioc; a7ioaxeAA£iv sv

those days [the] LORD began to send against

Icr65a xov Paaacbv PaaiAia Zvpiaq Kai xov OaKeai

Judah Rezin king of Syria, and Pekah

Diov PojisAioi) 38+ Kai 8Koi|ifj0r| IcoGdji jisxd

son of Remaliah. And Jotham slept with

xcov 7iax8pcov avzov Kai exdcprj jisxd

his fathers, and they entombed [him] with

xcov 7iax8pcov avzov sv 7i6A,si Aavid xou 7iaxp6c; avzov

his fathers in [the] city of David his father.

Kai sPaadsDasv A%a^ vioq avzov avx' auxcro

And [reigned Ahaz his son] instead of him.


16 TO

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12-2 Kings

16 Ttt

i+ SV SXSl S7IX (XK(Xl8 SKaXCO OaKSai DIOD PojIsAioi)

In [year [the] seventeenth] ofPekah son ofRemaliah,

ePacriXsDasv A%a^ vioq IcoGdji paaiAicoc; lovda 2+

[reigned Ahaz son ofJotham king ofJudah].

vioq siKoai excbv r|v A%a^ sv too fiaaiksvsiv auxov

[ a son [being] twenty years [old] Ahaz was] in his reigning.

Kai £KKa(5eKa exrj sfiaaiksvazv ev IspouaaArni Kai

And sixteen years he reigned in Jerusalem, and

odk S7rovr|0£ to euGec; ev ocpGaXjioiq KDpiOU

he did not do the upright [thing] in [the] eyes of [the] LORD

6sot3 olvtov KaGcbc; Aavid o 7iaxf|p avzov 3 + Kai

his God as David his father. And

S7iopsT30r| ev o8cb PaaiAicov IapafjA, Kai ys

he went in [the] way of [the] kings of Israel, and indeed

xov Diov olvtov 8ifjysv ev 7iDp( Kaxd xa

[ his son he led] through fire, according to the

pSeMyjiaxa xcov 80vcbv cov e^fjpe Kupioq

abominations of the nations, which [the] LORD removed

arco 7ipoaco7roD xcov mcbv IapafjA, 4 + Kai eGuaia^e Kai

in front of the sons of Israel. And he sacrificed and

s9i)|iia sv xoiq D\j/r|Ax)fc; Kai em xcov Podvcov Kai

burned incense in the high [places], and upon the hills, and

D7iOKdxco 7iavx6c; tpkov akachdovq 5+ xoxe aveprj

underneath every tree of [the] woods. Then [ ascended

Paaacbv fiaaikzvq 2/opiac; Kai OaKsai vioq PojieAioi)

Rezin king of Syria], and Pekah son ofRemaliah

fiaaikvbq IapafjX eic; IepoDaaArni siq 7i6A,e|iov Kai

king of Israel, to Jerusalem for war. And

£7l0Al6pK0DV 8711 A%a^ Kai ODK r|5i)vavxo

they made assault against Ahaz, and they were not able

7roXs|isiv 6+ sv xco Kaipcb 8K8WC0 e7ieaxpe\j/e Paaacbv

to wage war. In that time [ returned Rezin

fiaaiksvq I/opiac; xrjv AiA,d0 xr| I/opia Kai e^epa^e

king of Syria] Elath to Syria, and cast out

xodc; Ioi)8aioDc; e^ AiAxx0 Kai I8ou|ia(oi r\kdov eic;

the Jews from Elath. And [the] Edomites came into

Aikad Kai KaxcoKqaav 8ks( ecoc; xrjc; rjjiepac; xai3xr|c; 7 +

Elath, and they dwelt there until this day.

Kai a7T8oxsiA,sv A%a^ ayyskovq npoq 0ayA,d0 cpa^aadp

And Ahaz sent messengers to Tiglath-pileser

16 TO


12-2 Kings

PaaiAia AaaDpicov Aiycov dovkoq gov Kai vioq gov

king of [the] Assyrians, saying, [ your servant and your son

sycb avdprjGi Kai acbaov |is sk %eipoc; PaaiAicoc;

lam]. Ascend and deliver me from [the] hand of [the] king

Zvpiaq Kai sk %eipoc; PaaiXecoc; IapafjA, tcov

of Syria and from [the] hand of [the] king of Israel! the ones

S7iaviaTa|isvcov S7i' sjis s + Kai elapsv A%a^ to

rising up against me. And Ahaz took the

apyopiov Kai to %pDak&gt;v to SDpsBev sv GrjaaDpofc;

silver and the gold he found in [the] treasuries

oikod Kopioi) Kai oikod PaaiAicoc; Kai a7T8aT£iXe

of the house of [the] LORD and of [the] house of [the] king, and he sent

too Paai^si AaaDpicov 8cbpa 9 + Kai fjKouasv avzov

[ to the king of [the] Assyrians gifts]. And [heard him

o PaaiXstic; AaaDpicov Kai avsprj PaaiXeDc;

the king of [the] Assyrians]. And [ascended up [the] king

AaaDpicov eic; AajiaaKov Kai aDve^aPev aDTfjv Kai

of [the] Assyrians] against Damascus, and he seized it, and

a7icbKiasv aDTTjv Kai tov Paaacbv sGavdTCoas 10+ Kai

he resettled it, and he killed Rezin. And

S7iopsD9r| o PaaiA^Dc; A%a^ eic; a7iavTf|v

[ went king Ahaz] to meet

0ayAxx6 cpaXaadp PaaiXei AaaDpicov sic; AajiaaKov

Tiglath-pileser king of [the] Assyrians in Damascus.

Kai e(5s to 0DaiaaTf|piov to ev AajiaaKco Kai

And he saw the altar, the one in Damascus. And

afteaTSiXev o PaaiA^Dc; A%a^ 7ipoc; ODpiav tov lepea

[ sent king Ahaz] to Urijah the priest

ttjv ojioicoaiv tod GDaiaarqpioD Kai tov pd6|iov

the likeness of the altar, and the proportions

aDTOD Kara rcdaav 7io(r|aiv aDTOD n+ Kai

of it, according to all its makings. And

coKo86|ir|a8v ODpiac; o ispetic; to 0DaiaaTfjpiov KaTd

[ built Urijah the priest] the altar according to

7idvTa 6aa a7i8aTSiA,sv o PaaiA^Dc; A%a^ sk

all as much as [ sent king Ahaz] from

AajiaaKOD odtcoc; 87ioir|asv ODpiac; o lepetic; ecoc; tod

Damascus. Thus [ did Urijah the priest] until the

eXGsiv tov PaaiAia sk AajiaaKOD 12+ Kai r\kdzv o

coming of the king from Damascus. And [ came the

PaaiXeDc; 8K AajiaaKOD Kai e(8ev o PaaiA,£Dc; to

king] from Damascus. And [ beheld the king] the


16 TO

8V TOUT© + VlKa

12-2 Kings

GDaiaaxfjpiov Kai 7rpoafjA,0s npoq to 0Daiaaxf|piov o

altar. And [ drew near to the altar the

fiaaiksvq Kai aveprj 87i' avzo 13+ Kai avfjveyKs

king], and ascended unto it. And he offered

tt|v oA,OK(xi)TCDaiv avTOV Kai xrjv 0Da(av avzov Kai

his whole burnt-offering, and his sacrifice [offering]; and

xrjv a7iov8fjv avTOV sa7ceiaev aDTcb Kai 7cpoasxssv

[ of his libation [offering] he offered a libation] to it; and he poured

S7i ' ai)xcb to aijia tcov eiprjviKcbv avzov 87ri to

upon it the blood [ peace [offerings] of his] — upon the

GDaiaaxfjpiov i 4 +to8s xoXkovv 0Daiaaxf|piov o rjv

altar, And the brass altar which was

evavriov Kop(oi) 7ipoaf|yay8 ai)i6 a7i6 7ipoaco7roD tod

before [the] LORD he brought forward in front of the

oikod KDpioD a7io tod avajieaov tod 0DaiaaTTj pioD

house of [the] LORD, from between the altar

Kai a7i6 tod avajieaov tod oikod KopioD Kai

and from between the house of [the] LORD. And

s8cOKSV aDTO 8711 jirjpov TOD 0DaiaaTT|piOD Kara

he put it by [the] side of the altar according to

Poppdv 15+ Kai svstsiAxxto o PaaiXstic; A%a^ tco ODpia

[the] north. And [ gave charge king Ahaz] [to] Uriah

tco lepsi Aiycov S7U to 0DaiaaTfjpiov to jisya

the priest, saying, Upon the [ altar great]

7tp6a(psps ttjv oA^OKaDTCoaiv tt|v 7cpcoivfiv Kai

offer the whole burnt-offering, the early morning [sacrifice], and

ttjv 0Da(av ttjv sa7i;8pivfiv Kai rac; oXoKaDTCoasiq

the [ sacrifice [offering] the evening], and the whole burnt-offerings

tod PaaiAicoc; Kai Tag 0Da(aq aDTOD Kai tt|v

of the king, and his sacrifice [offerings], and the

oXoKaDTCoaiv 7cavT6c; tod Xaov Kai rac; 0Da(aq aDTcbv

whole burnt-offering of all the people, and their sacrifice [offerings],

Kai Tac; anovdaq aDTcbv Kai 7cav aijia oAxDKaDTcbaecoc;

and their libation [offerings] ! And all [the] blood of [the] whole burnt-offering,

Kai 7cav aijia 0Da(aq S7c' aDTcb £K%eeic; Kai

and all [the] blood of [the] sacrifice [offering] [ upon it you shall pour out] !

to 0DaiaaTfjpiov to %aAxoDV earai jioi sic; to 7cpcoi 16 +

the altar of brass will be forme in the morning.

Kai S7co(r|asv ODpiac; o lepetic; KaTa 7cavra 6aa

And [ did Urijah the priest] according to all as much as

svsTSi^aTO aDTcb A%a^ o PaaiA^Dc; 17+ Kai aDV£Ko\j/ev

[ gave charge to him Ahaz the king]. And [cut down


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

12-2 Kings

o fiaaikvbq A%a^ xa aDyK^siajiaxa xcov jisxcovcbG Kai

king Ahaz] the joinery of the bases, and

jisxfjpev ari auxcov xov XoDxfjpa Kai xrjv GdXaaaav

he moved [ from them the bathing tub]; and the sea

KaGsiXsv goto xcov pocov xcov xcxXkcov XCOV D7TOKdxC0

he lowered from the oxen of brass, of the [ones] underneath

cxDxfjc; Kai s8coksv ai)xf|v S7il p&amp;aiv AiGivrjv ig+ Kai

it, and he put it upon [ base a stone]. And

xov GsjisAiov xrjc; Ka6s5pac; xcov aappdxcov

the foundation of the chair of the Sabbaths

coKo56|ir|asv sv oikco Kopioi) Kai xrjv siao8ov XOD

he built in [the] house of [the] LORD, and the entrance of the

PaaiXscoc; xrjv s^co S7isaxps\j/sv sv oikco Kupiou arco

king the one outside, he turned in [the] house of [the] LORD from

7ipoaco7ioD PaaiAicoc; Aaaupicov 19+ Kai xa Xoma xcov

in front [of the] king of [the] Assyrians. And the rest of the

Xoycov A%a^ 6aa S7iovr|asv odki5ot3 xatixa

words of Ahaz, as much as he did, behold [are] not these

ysyparcxai S7ri PipAiou A,6ycov xcov r||ispcov xcov

written upon [the] scroll of [the] words of the days of the

PaoiAicov lovda 20+ Kai SKoi|xq0r| A%a^ jiexd

kings of Judah? And Ahaz slept with

xcov 7iaxspcov avTOV Kai sxdcprj |isxd

his fathers, and he was entombed with

xcov 7iaxspcov avTOV sv 7i6A,si Aam5 Kai spaai^suasv

his fathers in [the] city of David. And [ reigned

E^sKiac; vioq avzov avx' auxou

Hezekiah his son] instead of him.

17 n

1 + sv sxsi 8co5sKdxco xou A%a^ PaaiAicoc; lovda

In [ year [the] twelfth] of Ahaz king of Judah,

sPaoiXsDasv Qarjs vioq UXd sv Eajiapsia S7U

[reigned Hoshea son ofElah] in Samaria over

IapafjX swsa sxrj 2+ Kai S7io(r|as xo 7iovr|p6v sv

Israel [for] nine years. And he did the wicked [thing] in

ocpGaXjioiq Kopioi) 7iAx|v ov% coc; 01 PaaiXsiq IapafjX

[the] eyes of [the] LORD, only not as the kings of Israel

01 fjaav s|i7ipoa6sv avzov 3+ S7i' ai)xov avsprj

who were before him. Against him there ascended

EaA,|iavaadp fiaaikzvq AaaDpicov Kai sysvsxo auxco

Shalmaneser king of [the] Assyrians; and [ became to him


17 V sv xoiJTCp + vdca 12 - 2 Kings

Qarjs dovXoq Kai scpspsv auxcb 8cbpa 4+ Kai sups o

Hoshea] as a servant, and he bore [ to him gifts]. And [ found the

fiaaiksvq Aaaupicov sv Qarjs S7nPouAx|v 6xi

king of [the] Assyrians by Hoshea a plot], for

a7isoxsiXsv ayysXouc; npoq Eoud PaaiAia Aiy67ixoi)

[Hoshea] sent messengers to So king of Egypt,

Kai odk fjvsyKs 5copa icq PaaiXsi AooDpicov

and did not bring gifts to the king of [the] Assyrians

sviauxov Kax' sviauxov Kai S7ioAi6pKr|asv auxov o

year by year. And [ assaulted him the

fiaaikvbq Aacyopicov Kai s8r|asv auxov sv oikco

king of [the] Assyrians], and tied him [up] in [the] house

(fyuXaKfjc; 5 + Kai o fiaoiksvq Aaaupicov avsprj sm

of [the] prison. And the king of [the] Assyrians ascended unto

7idaav ttj yrj Kai avsprj siq Eajidpsiav Kai

all the land, and ascended unto Samaria, and

£7roAi6pKr|0£v auxfjv xpia sxrj 6 + sv sxsi swdxco

assaulted it for three years. In [ year [the] ninth]

Qarjs aovsAxxPs fiaaiksvq xoov Aaaopicov

of Hoshea, [seized [the] king of the Assyrians]

xrjv Sajidpsiav Kai a7icoKiasv xov IopafjX sic;

Samaria, and he resettled Israel into

AocyopioDc; Kai raxcoKiasv aDxcroc; sv EXaa Kai sv

Assyria, and he settled them in Halah and in

Apcop 7ioxa|ioi(; To^dv sv opioiq Mf|8cov ?+ Kai

Habor, [the] rivers of Gozan, in [the] mountains of [the] Medes. And

sysvsxo 6xi fjjiapxov 01 moi IapafjA, xco Kopico

it came to pass that [sinned the sons of Israel] against the LORD

xco Gscb auxcbv xco avayayovxi aDxotic; sk yrjc;

their God, the one leading them from out of [the] land

AiyimxoD D7ioKdxco0sv %sipoc; Oapaco PaoiXscoq

of Egypt, from beneath [the] hand of Pharaoh king

Aiywixoi) Kai scpopfj6r|aav dsovq sxspcroc; s+ Kai

of Egypt, and they feared [ gods other]. And

S7iopsi)0r|aav xoic; Siraicbjiaai xcov sGvcbv cov

they went by the ordinances of the nations which

s^fjps Kopioc; a7io 7rpoacb7ioD xcov mcbv IapafjX Kai 01

[the] LORD removed in front of the sons of Israel, and the

PaoiXsiq IapafjX 6aa S7iovr|aav 9+ Kai r||icpisaavxo

kings of Israel as many as they did. And [clothed

01 dioi IapafjA, Xoyovq aSUcovq Kaxd Kupioi)

the sons of Israel] words of wrongdoings against [the] LORD


17 V sv xoiJTCp + vdca 12 - 2 Kings

6sot3 auxcov Kai coKo86|ir|aav eauxoic; v\\fr(ka sv

their God. And they built to themselves high [places] in

7i&amp;aaic; xaic; 7i6A,saiv auxcbv arco 7r6pyou cpuXaaaovxcov

all their cities, from [ tower guard]

scoc; TioXscnq o%vpaq 10 + Kai eaxfjAxoaav eauxofc;

unto [city fortified]. And they set up to themselves

axfjXac; Kai akar\ em rcavxi Pouvco D\j/r|Axb Kai

[stone] monuments and sacred groves upon every [ hill high], and

D7ioKdxco 7iavx6c; ZpXov akacbdovq n+ Kai s9i)|iiaaav

underneath every tree of [the] woods. And they burned incense

SK8i sv 7idoi xoic; v\\fr(koiq KaGcbq xa s0vr| a

there in all the high [places], as the nations which

a7icbKias Kopioc; sk 7ipoaco7roD auxcov Kai S7iorr|aav

[the] LORD moved far away from their face. And they made

koivcovouc; Kai exdpa^av xod 7iapopyiaai xov Kopiov

partners, and they graved [images] to provoke [ to anger the LORD].

12 + Kai eAmpeuaav xoic; ei8cbXoic; oiq si7i8 Kopioc;

And they served to the idols which [the] LORD said

aDXOiq 01) 7T0lfjO8X8 XO pf||ia X0T3X0 13+ Kai

to them, Do not do this thing! And

Siejiapxupaxo Kopioc; xco IapafjA, Kai xco lovda sv

[the] LORD testified [to] Israel, and [to] Judah, by

%eip( 7idvxcov xcov 7ipo(pr|xcbv avTOV 7ravx6c; opcbvxoc;

[the] hand of all his prophets, every [one of them] seers,

Aiycov a7ioaxpd(pr|X8 arco xcov o5cbv djicov

saying, Turn from [ ways your

xcov 7iovr|pcbv Kai cpiAd^axs xac; svxoA.dc; jiod Kai

wicked], and guard my commandments, and

xa 8iKaicb|iaxd jiod Kai 7idvxa xov vojiov ov

my ordinances, and every law! which

svsx£iAxx|ir|v xoiq 7iaxpdaiv djicov 6aa ansaxEika

I gave charge [to] your fathers, as many as I sent

7ipoc; auxotic; ev %eipi xcov 8ot3Axov jiod xcov 7ipocpr|xcbv

to them by [the] hand of my servants the prophets.

14+ Kai odk fjKODoav Kai eaKAjjpDvav

And they did not hearken, and they hardened

xov vcbxov auxcov wisp xov vcbxov xcov 7iax8pcov auxcov

their back above the back of their fathers,

01 ODK £7UOX£l)aaV KDpiCO XCO 0SCO aDXCOV 15 + Kai

the ones that trusted not in [the] LORD their God; even

a7icbaavxo xrjv Sia6f|Kr|v avzov Kai xa 8iKaicb|iaxa a

thrusting away his covenant, and the ordinances which


17 V ev xoiJTCp + vdca 12 - 2 Kings

5is0sxo Toiq 7iaxpdaiv aDxcbv Kai xa jiapxtipia aDxoD

he ordained [with] their fathers, and his testimonies,

6aa 5is|iapxDpaxo aDxoic; Kai S7iopsD0r|aav O7riaco

as many as he testified to them; and they went after

xcov jiaxaicov Kai S|iaxaicb0r|aav Kai O7uaco xcov

the vain [things], and acted in folly, and [followed] after the

s0vcbv xcov 7tspik6kA,co ai)xcbv cov svsxsiAmo Kupioq

nations surrounding them, which [the] LORD gave charge

aDxoic; xod |irj 7ioifiaai Kaxd xatixa i6+ Kai

to them to not do according to these [things]. And

syKaxsXurov xac; svxo^dq KopioD 0sod auxcbv Kai

they abandoned the commandments of [the] LORD their God, and

£7rovr|aav saDxoic; %covsDxd 8do 5a|idXsic; Kai

they made for themselves molten castings of two heifers, and

S7io(r|aav aXaoq Kai 7ipoasKDvr|aav 7idar| xr|

they made a sacred grove, and did obeisance to all the

oxpaxid xod ODpavoD Kai sXdxpsDaav xco BdaA, i? +

military of the heaven, and they served [to] Baal.

Kai Svqyov xodc; viovq aDxcbv Kai xac; 0Dyaxspac; auxcbv

And they led their sons and their daughters

sv 7iDpi Kai sjiavxsDovxo jiavxsiac; Kai OlCOVl^OVXO

through fire. And they used oracles of divinations, and they foretold.

Kai S7ipd0r|aav xod 7toifjaai xo 7iovr|p6v sv

And they were sold to do the wicked [thing] in

ocpGaXjioiq Kopioi) xod 7iapopy(aai aDxov 1 8 + Kai

[the] eyes of [the] LORD, to provoke him to anger. And

s0D(icb0r| KDpioq acp68pa sv xco IapafjA, Kai a7isaxr|asv

[the] LORD was enraged exceedingly with Israel, and he removed

aDxotic; arco xod 7ipoacb7roD aDxoD od% D7isA,s(cp0r|

them from his face. He did not leave [any] behind

7iAr|v (pvhf\ lovda |iovcoxdxr| 19+ Kai ys IoD8ac; odk

except [the] tribe of Judah alone. And indeed Judah did not

scpDAxx^s xac; svxoAxxc; KDpioD xod 0sod aDxoD Kai

guard the commandments of [the] LORD his God, and

S7iopsD0r|aav sv xoic; 5iKaicb|iaaiv IapafjX oiq

they went by the ordinances of Israel, which

S7io(r|aav Kai a7iscbaavxo xov Kopiov 20+ Kai

they did, and they thrusted away the LORD. And

s0D|icb0r| KDpioq 7iavx( a7isp|iaxi IapafjA, Kai

[the] LORD was enraged with all [the] seed of Israel, and

sadXsDasv aDxotic; Kai s8coksv aDxotic; sv %sipi xcov

he shook them [off], and gave them into [the] hand of the ones


17 V sv xoiJTCp + vdca 12 - 2 Kings

8iap7ia£pvxcov avzovq scoc; od a7isppi\j/sv avzovq

tearing them in pieces, until of which [time] he threw them away

and 7ipoaco7roD aDxoD 21 + 6x1 7iAx|v sppdyrj IapafjA, and

from his face. Except that Israel was torn from

tod oikod Aavid Kai spaai^sDoav xov IspoPodji diov

the house of David; and they gave reign to Jeroboam son

NaP&amp;x Kai s^scoasv IspoPodji xov IapafjA, s^omaGs

of Nebat. And Jeroboam banished Israel from following

tod KDpioD Kai s^f||iapxsv QLVTOvq ajiapxiav jisydAxjv

the LORD, and he led them into sin ~ [ sin a great].

22+ Kai £7ropsD9r|aav 01 dioi IapafjX sv naaaiq

And [went the sons of Israel] in all

ajiapxiaic; IspoPodji aiq S7roir|asv odk a7isaxr|aav

[the] sins of Jeroboam which he did — they did not abstain

an aDxcbv 23 + scoc; od jisxsaxrjas Kopioc;

from them; until of which [time] [the] LORD removed

xov IapafjA, arco 7rpoocb7ioD aDxoD coc; sldArjos Kopioc;

Israel from his face, as [the] LORD spoke

sv %£ipi 7idvxcov xcov 5odAxov aDxoD xcov 7ipo(pr|xcbv

by [the] hand of all his servants the prophets.

Kai a7icoKia9r| IapafjA, arco xrjc; yr\q aDxoD sic;

And Israel was resettled from its land into

AaaDpioDc; scoc; xrjc; rjjispac; xaDxrjc; 2 4+ Kai fjyays

Assyria until this day. And [ led

fiaaiksvq AaaDpicov sk BaPD^cbvoc; xov 8K

[the] king of [the] Assyrians] from out of Babylon the [one] from out of

XcoGd Kai a7io AoDdv Kai arco Ai|id0 Kai

Cuthah, and from out of Ava, and from out of Hamath, and

£s|i(papoDai|i Kai KaxcoKiasv aDxotic; sv xaic; 7i6Xsai

Sepharvaim, and settled them in the cities

Eajiapsiac; avxi xcov dicov IapafjA, Kai

of Samaria instead of the sons of Israel. And

SKAr|pov6|ir|aav xrjv Sajidpsiav Kai KaxcoKiaGrjaav sv

they inherited Samaria, and they settled in

xaiq 7i6A,saiv aDxfjq 25+ Kai sysvsxo sv ap%f|

its cities. And it came to pass in [the] beginning

Tr\q Ka6s5paq aDxcbv odk scpopfjGrjaav xov Kupiov

of their [place] of sitting down, they did not fear the LORD.

Kai aftsoxsiXs Kopioc; sv aDxoic; xodc; Xsovxac; Kai

And [the] LORD sent among them the lions, and

fjaav a7ioKxs(vovxsc; sv aDxoiq 26+ Kai si7iov xco

they were being killed by them. And they said to the


17 V sv xoiJTCp + vdca 12 - 2 Kings

PaaiXsi AaaDpicov AiyovTSc; xa s0vr| a ajrcoKiaaq

king of [the] Assyrians, saying, The nations which you resettled

Kai avxsK&amp;Gioac; sv xaiq 7i6Xsai Sajiapsiac;

and relocated, in the cities of Samaria,

odk syvcoaav to Kpijia tod Gsod Tr\q yr\q Kai

they know not the distinguishing [manner] of [the] God of the land. And

arcsaTSiXsv sic; avzovq Xsovzaq Kai i5od siai

he sent to them lions, and behold, they are

Gavorcowcsc; aDTODc; KaBoTi odk o(5aai to

killing them, in so far as they do not know the

Kpijia tod 0SOD Tr\q yr\q n+ Kai svstsiA^to o

distinguishing [manner] of the God of the land. And [ gave charge the

PaaiA^sDc; AaaDpicov Aiycov arcaydysTS sksi sva tcov

king of [the] Assyrians], saying, Lead away there one of the

ispscov cov a7icbKiaa 8K Eajiapsiac; Kai 7iopsD0f|TCO

priests whom I resettled from Samaria! and let him go


and let him dwell there! and he shall enlighten them on the

Kpijia tod 0sod Tr\q yr\q 2 8+ Kai fjyayov sva

distinguishing [manner] of the God of the land. And they brought one

tcov ispscov cov a7rcoKiaav anb Sajiapsiac; Kai

of the priests which they resettled from Samaria, and

SKdGiasv sv Bai6f|X Kai rjv cpcoTi^cov aDTODc; 7icoc;

he settled in Bethel. And he was enlightening them how

cpoPrjGcoai tov Kopiov 29+ Kai fjaav 7toiodvtsc; s0voc;

they should fear the LORD. And [ were making nation

sGvoc; todc; 0sodc; aDTcbv Kai sGrjKav aDTODq sv oikoc;

[by] nation] their gods. And they put them in [the] houses

tcov Dij/rjAxbv cov S7iovr|aav 01 Sajiapsvcai s0voc;

of the high [places], which [ made the Samaritans], nation

sGvoc; sv xaxq 7i6Xsaiv aDTcbv sv aic; KaTCOKODV 30 + Kai

[by] nation in their cities in which they dwelt. And

01 dv8psc; BaPDlcovoq S7iovr|aav tt|v £ok%co0 BavcoG

the men of Babylon made Succoth Benoth.

Kai 01 dvSpsc; Xod0 S7iorr|aav tt|v NrjpiysA, Kai 01

And the men of Cuth made Nergal. And the

dv8psc; AijidG S7iovr|aav tt|v Aaijid 31+ Kai 01 EDaioi

men ofHamath made Ashima. And the Avites

S7io(r|aav tt|v NiP%d^ Kai tt|v 0ap0dK Kai 01

made Nibhaz and Tartak. And the

Es7i(papoDi|i KaTSKaiov todc; diodc; aDTcbv sv 7iDp(

Sepharvites incinerated their sons by fire


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too A5pa|i8A,sx Kai Avr||ieXe% dsoiq £s7icpapoDi|i 32+ Kai

to Adrammelech and Anammelech, gods of the Sepharvaim. And

fjaav cpoPoDjisvoi xov rcopiov Kai S7ioir|aav saDxofc;

they were fearing the LORD, and they made for themselves

lepek; xcov D\j/rjA,cbv Kai S7rorrjoav saDxofc; ev xoic;

priests of the high [places]; and they offered for themselves in the

oikok; xcov D\j/rjA,cbv 33+ xov KDpiov ecpopowco Kai

houses of the high [places]. [ the LORD They were fearing], and

xoic; Geofc; auxcbv e^dxpsDov Kaxd xo Kpijia

[ their gods they served], according to the distinguishing [manner]

xcov e0vcbv 608V a7icbKiasv avzovq sks(0sv 34+ scoc;

of the nations from where he resettled them from there. Until

xrjc; rjjispac; xaDxrjc; aDxoi £7to(odv Kaxd

this day they do according to

xo Kpijia ai)xcov odk fjaav cpopoDjisvoi xov KDpiov Kai

their distinguishing [manner]. They are not fearing the LORD, and

odk 87io(r|aav Kaxd xa 8iKaicb|iaxa aDxcbv Kai Kaxd

they do not do according to their ordinances, and according to

xrjv Kpiaiv ai)xcbv Kai Kaxd xov vojiov Kai Kaxd

their judgment, and according to the law, and according to

xrjv evxoArjv t|v svexeiA,axo Kopioc; TOiq vioiq IaKcbp

the commandment which [the] LORD gave charge to the sons of Jacob,

od 80t|ks xo ovojia avTOV IapafjX 35 + Kai

of whom he established his name Israel. And

8i80sxo Kopioc; |i8x' ai)xcov 5ia0f|Kr|v Kai svexsiAxxxo

[the] LORD ordained with them a covenant, and he gave charge

auxok; Aiycov od cpopr|0f|asa0s 0£odc; exepoDc; Kai

to them, saying, You shall not fear [ gods other], and

od 7ipoaKDvf|asxs aDxoiq Kai od AxxxpsDasxs aDxoiq

you shall not do obeisance to them, and you shall not serve to them,

Kai od 0DG8XS aDxoiq 36+oxi aXk' r\ xco Kopico oq

and you shall not sacrifice to them. For only to the LORD, who

avfjyayev Djidq sk yr\q AiyfrnxoD sv ia%m

led you from out of [the] land of Egypt with [strength

jieydAxj Kai sv Ppa%(ovi D\j/rjAxb aDxov cpopr|0fja£a0s

great] and with [arm a high], him you shall fear,

Kai aDxcb 7rpoaKDvf|asxs Kai aDxcb 0Dasxe 37+ Kai

and to him you shall do obeisance, and to him you shall sacrifice. And

xa 5iKaicb|iaxa aDxoD Kai xa Kpijiaxa Kai xac; svxoldq

his ordinances, and the judgments, and the commandments,

Kai xov vojiov ov eypa\j/ev djiiv cpDAxxooea0s 7ioisiv

and the law which he wrote for you, you shall guard to do


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Tidaaq mq rjjispac; Kai ou (popr|6f|asa0s dsovq

all the days, and you shall not fear [ gods

sxspouc; 38+ Kai xrjv 8ia0fiKr|v r|v 8is6sxo |is6' ujicbv

other]. And the covenant which he ordained with you

odk £7iiAxja£a6s Kai od tpopr|6f|asa0s dsovq

you shall not forget; and you shall not fear [ gods

sxspouc; 39+ oil aXk r r\ xov icopiov xov 0s6v ujicbv

other]. For only the LORD your God —

avTOV (poPrjGfjaeaGs Kai avzoq s^s^sixai v[iaq sk

him you shall fear; and he will rescue you from

Xsipoc; 7idvxcov xcov sx6pcbv djicov 4 o+ Kai oDKfjKouaav

[the] hand of all your enemies. And they hearkened not,

aXk' r| ev xoic; 8iKaicb|iaaiv auxcbv xoic; 7ipcbxoic; auxoi

but only in [ ordinances their former] they

S7roioDV 4i + Kai fjaav xa s0vr| xatixa cpopoujisvoi xov

acted. And [ were nations these] fearing the

Kopiov Kai xoic; yXvmoiq auxcbv sSotj^sdov Kai ys

LORD, and [[to] their carvings they served]; even indeed

oi dioi auxcbv Kai oi moi xcov mcbv auxcbv KaGcbq

their sons, and the sons of their sons — [ as

S7io(r|aav oi 7iaxspsc; auxcbv auxoi 7ioioi3aiv scoc;

did their fathers they do] unto

xrjc; rjjispac; TavTr\q

this day.

18 rr

i + Kai sysvsxo sv sxsi xpixco xco Qarjs mco UXd

And it came to pass in [year [the] third] ofHoshea son ofElah

PaoiXscoc; IapafjX sPaaiXsDasv E^sKiac; vioq A%a^

king of Israel, [ reigned Hezekiah son of Ahaz

PaoiXscoc; lovda 2 + vioq sixoai Kai tcsvxs sxcov r|v

king of Judah]. [ a son [being] twenty and five years [old] He was]

sv xco PaaiXstisiv auxov Kai sikocti Kai swsa sxrj

in his taking reign, and twenty and nine years

sPaai^sDasv sv Ispoi)aaAx||i Kai ovojia

he reigned in Jerusalem. And [the] name

xrjc; jirjxpoq avzov Apt 0i)ydxr|p Za%apioi) 3 + Kai

of his mother [was] Abi, daughter ofZachariah. And

£7rovr|GS xo sdBsc; sv otp0aA,|ioic; Kopioi) Kaxd rcdvxa

he did upright in [the] eyes of [the] LORD, according to all


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6aa 87ioir|as Aam5 o 7iaxf|p aDxoD 4 + aDxoc; s^fjps

as much as [ did David his father]. He removed

xa v\\fr(ka Kai aDvsxpnj/s xac; axfj^ac; Kai xa akor\

the high [places], and he broke the monuments, and [ the sacred groves

s^sko\j/s Kai ai)V8K0\j/8v xov oqnv xov %oXkovv ov

he cut down], and he cut up the serpent of brass which

£7iorr|as McoDafjc; 6xi scoc; xcov r||ispcbv sksivcov fjaav

Moses made; for unto those days [ were

01 dioi IapafjA, Gdjiicovxsc; aDxcb Kai SKd^sasv ai)xov

the sons of Israel] burning incense to it. And he called it

Nssa0dv 5 + sv Kopico Gsco IapafjA, fjAmas odk sysvsxo

Nehushtan. In [the] LORD God of Israel he hoped, there was not

jisx' avzov ojioioq ai)xcb sv xoic; PaaiAriaiv IoD8a

[ after him one likened to him] among the kings of Judah,

Kai ev xoic; ysvojisvoic; sjurpoaBsv aDxoD 6 + Kai

and among the [ones] taking place before him. And

SKoAAxjGrj xco Kopico odk a7isaxr| anb orciaGsv

he cleaved to the LORD. He did not leave from behind

aDxoD Kai stpDAxx^s xac; svxoA.dc; aDxoD oaac;

him, and he guarded his commandments, as many as

svsxsi^axo Kopioc; xco McoDafj ?+ Kai rjVKopioc; jisx'

[the] LORD gave charge [to] Moses. And [the] LORD was with

olvtov ev 7idoiv oiq S7rovr|as awfjKev Kai

him; in all the things which he did he perceived. And

r|0sxr|asv sv xco PaaiXsi AaaDpicov Kai odk

he annulled [allegiance] to the king of [the] Assyrians, and he did not

s5oDA,SDaev aDxcb 8+ avzoq S7idxa^s xodc; aXkoqv'kovq

serve to him. He struck the Philistines

scoc; rd^rjc; Kai scoc; opioD aDxfjc; and 7r6pyoD

unto Gaza, and unto its border, from [the] tower

cpD^aaaovxcov Kai scoq noXzaq o%vpaq 9 + Kai sysvsxo

of the ones guarding, and unto [ city [the] fortified]. And it came to pass

sv xco sxsi xco xsxdpxco PaaiXsi E^skiod aDxoq

in the [ year fourth] to king Hezekiah, this is

sviaDxoc; o sp8ojioc; xco Qarjs dico HXd PaaiXsi

[ year the seventh] of Hoshea son of Elah king

IapafjX aveprj EaA,|iavaadp PaaiA^sDc; AaaDpicov S7U

of Israel, ascended Shalmaneser king of [the] Assyrians against

Eajidpsiav Kai S7ioA,i6pK8i aDxf|v io+ Kai KaxsXdpsxo

Samaria, and assaulted it. And he overtook

aDxfjv sic; xsAxddc; xpicbv sxcov sv sxsi skxco

it at [the] end of three years. In [ year [the] sixth]

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tod E^skiod avToq sviaDxoc; swaxoc; xco Qarjs paaiA,si

of Hezekiah — this is [year [the] ninth] ofHoshea king

IapafjX &lt;xov£Ax|(p0r| Sajidpsia

of Israel, Samaria was seized.

11+ Kai a7icbKio8 fiaaikvbq AaaDpicov xrjv Sajidpeiav

And [ resettled [the] king of [the] Assyrians] the Samarian

sic; AaaDpioDc; Kai e0r|Ksv aDxotic; sv EXaa Kai sv

into Assyria, and he put them in Halah, and in

Apcop 7ioxa|ico Tco^dv Kai opoic; Mf|8cov n +

Habor [by the] river Gozan, and in [the] mountains of [the] Medes;

av0' cov odk fjKODaav xrjc; (pcovfiq KopioD

because they did not hearken to the voice of [the] LORD

tod 0sod auxcbv Kai 7iapsPr|aav xrjv 8ia0fiKr|v aDxoD

their God, and they violated his covenant,

7idvxa 6oa svsxsi^axo McoDafjc; o SovXoq KopioD

all as much as he gave charge [to] Moses the manservant of [the] LORD;

Kai odk fjKODoav Kai odk 87io(r|aav 13+ Kai xco

and they did not hearken, and they did not do. And in the

x8oaapsaKai8sKdxco sxsi PaaiAicoc; E^skiod avsprj

fourteenth year of king Hezekiah [ ascended

£swa%r|p{p Paai^sDc; AaaDpicov S7ri xac; 7i6A,sic;

Sennacherib king of [the] Assyrians] against the [ cities

IoD8a xac; o%vpaq Kai aDvsA,aPsv aDxdcj u+ Kai

ofJudah fortified], and he seized them. And

a7isaxsiA,sv E££Kiac; PaaiXstic; IoD8a ayyskovq npoq

[ sent Hezekiah king of Judah] messengers to

xov PaaiAia xcov AaaDpicov sic; Aa%iq Xsycov

the king of the Assyrians, to Lachish, saying,

r||idpxr|Ka a7ioaxpdcpr|0i an sjiod o sdv S7ri6f|c;

I have sinned, turn from me! What ever you should place

S7i ' sjis Paaxdaco Kai S7rs0r|Ksv o PaaiXstic;

upon me I will bear. And [ placed [a tribute] the king

AaaDpicov S7U E££Kiav PaaiAia IoD8a xpiaKoaia

of [the] Assyrians] upon Hezekiah king of Judah of three hundred

xdAxxvxa apyopioD Kai xpidKovxa xd^avxa ^pDaiOD 15 +

talents of silver and thirty talents of gold.

Kai sScoksv E^sKiaq 7iav xo apytipiov xo SDps0sv sv

And Hezekiah gave all the silver he found in

oikco KDpioD Kai sv 0r|aaDpo(c; OIKOD XOD

[the] house of [the] LORD, and in [the] treasuries of [the] house of the

PaaiXscoc; 16+ sv xco Kaipcb sksivco aDVSKO\j/sv E^sKiac;

king. In that time [ cut off Hezekiah


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o fiaaikvbq lovda xag dvpaq tod vaov Kupuyo Kai

king ofJudah] the doors of the temple of [the] LORD, and

xa saxrjpiyjisva a s%pi)ocoosv E^SKiac; o fiaaiksvq

the supports which [ gilded Hezekiah the king

lovda Kai s8coksv auxd xco Paai^si Aaaupicov n+ Kai

of Judah], and gave them to the king of [the] Assyrians. And

arcsaxsiXs fiaaiksvq Aacxopicov xov 0ap0dv Kai

[ sent [the] king of [the] Assyrians] Tartan, and

xov Pa\j/ap(c; Kai xov Pa\j/dKT|v sk Ad%ic; npoq

Rabsaris, and Rabshakeh from Lachish to

xov PaaiAia Etpciav sv 8i)vd|isi Papsia sic;

king Hezekiah with [ force a heavy] to

IspoDaaAxj |i Kai avsprjaav Kai r\kdov sic; IspoDaaAr||i

Jerusalem. And they ascended, and came to Jerusalem.

Kai saxrjaav sv xco i)5paycoycb xr|c; dvco Koh)[ifir\dpaq

And they stood by the aqueduct of the upper pool,

T| saxiv sv xt| o5cb xod aypou xod yvacpscoq ig+ Kai

which is in the way of the field of the fuller. And

spofjaav 7ipoc; E££Kiav Kai s^f|A,0s npoq avzovq

they yelled to Hezekiah. And [ came to them

EAiaKiji vioq XsXkiod o oikovojioc; Kai ScoPvdq o

Eliakim son ofHilkiah the manager], and Shebna the

ypajijiaxstic; Kai Icodx o vioq Aodcp o avajii|ivf|aKcov

scribe, and Joah the son of Asaph the one taking record.

19+ Kai si7is 7ipoc; auxotic; PayaKqc; sircaxs 5r| 7ipoc;

And [ said to them Rabshakeh], Say indeed to

E^sKiav xd8s Aiysi o fiaaikzvq o jisyac; fiaaikzvq

Hezekiah, Thus says the [ king great], [the] king

Aaaopicov Tiq r\ 7iS7ro(0r|aic; ai3xr| rjv 7iS7roi9ac; 20 +

of [the] Assyrians, What [is] this reliance which you yield on?

7iAr|v Xoyoi %siA,scov Kai PodAt| 7iapdxa^i(; yivsxai sic;

How then [do] words of [the] lips and counsel [ [the] battle array become] for

7l6Xs|IOV VDV ODV S7U XlVl 7rS7TOl0ac; 6x1

war? Now then, upon whom [are] you relying upon, that

rjGsxrjaaq sv sjioi 21+ i5ot3 7rs7roi0ac; aauxcb S7U

you annulled [allegiance] to me? Behold, are you [ relying yourself] upon

xrjv pdp5ov xrjv KaXa|i(vr|v xrjv xs9A,aajisvr|v xauxrjv

[rod of reed fractured this] —

S7i' Aiyi)7rxov coc; sdv S7iiaxr|pi%6f| avfjp S7i' aDxfjv

upon Egypt? Thus if [ should stay man] upon it,

siaslstiasxai sic; xrjv %s(pa avzov Kai xpfjasi auxfjv

it will enter into his hand and puncture it.


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odxcoc; saxi Oapaco fiaaikzvq AiyirnxoD 7idai xoic;

Thus is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all the ones

7iS7ioi66oiv 87i ' odtov 22+ mi s&amp;v sbiT\q itpoq |IS

relying upon him. And if you should say to me,

S7Ti Kopiov xov 0e6v rjjicbv 7ce7i;o(0a|i£v ov%i avzoq

Upon [the] LORD our God we rely on. Is it not he

E^eidac; a7ceaxr|aev xa v\\fr(ka avzov Kai

[that] Hezekiah removed his high [places] and

xa 0Daiaaxfjpia aDxoD Kai si7cs xco Ioi35a Kai xrj

his altars, and he said [to] Judah and [to]

IspoDoaAx||i svco7ciov xod 0DaiaaxrjpioD xodxod

Jerusalem, Before this altar

7rpoaKDvfjasx£ sv IepoDaaArjii 23+ Kai vdv |ji%0r|X£ xco

you shall do obeisance in Jerusalem? And now mix in [with]

KDpico (10D xco Paai^si AoaDpicov Kai 8cbaco aoi

my master the king of [the] Assyrians, and I will give to you

dia%ikiovq initovq si 8i)vfjar| 8oDvai aeaDxcb

two thousand horses ~ if you shall be able to put for yourself

e7ripdxac; sk avxovq 24 + Kai 7ccoc; a7coaxp8\j/eic;

a rider upon them. And how will you turn back

xo 7cp6aco7i;ov xo7cdp%OD svoc; xcov 8odAxov

[the] face [ toparch of one] of the [ servants

xod Kupioi) jiod xcov eXa%(oxcov Kai r\hiiaaq aai)xcb S7c'

of my master least of the], and hope for yourself upon

Aiyirnxov sic; dpjiaxa Kai music, 25+ Kai vdv |ir| dvsi)

Egypt for chariots and horsemen? And now, is it without

Kupioi) avsprjjisv 87ci xov xo7cov xodxov xod 8iacp0sipai

[the] LORD [that] we ascended against this place to utterly destroy

aDxov KDpioq si7C8 7cpoc; |is avdpr|0i £7U

it? [The] LORD said to me, Ascend against

xtjv yrjv xaDxrjv Kai 8idcp08ipov aDxfjv 26 + Kai sitcsv

this land and utterly destroy it! And [ said

EAiaKiji vioq XsXkiod Kai SoPvdq Kai Icod% npoq

Eliakim son ofHilkiah and Shebna and Joah] to

PaydKTvv XdAxjaov 8r| npoq zovq naiddq aoD I/opiaxi

Rabshakeh, Speak indeed to your servants in Syrian!

6x1 aKODOjisv rjjieic; Kai od Xahf\asiq npoq r\[iaq

for we hear. And do not speak with us

IoDSa'iaxi sv xoic; coai xod Xaov xod £7U xod x£i%odc;

in Jewish to the ears of the people upon the wall!

27+ Kai S17C8 7tpoc; aDxotic; Pa\j/dKr|c; jjt| npoq

And [ said to them Rabshakeh], Is it to


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xov Kopiov aoD Kai itpoq ae a7ieaTSiA,s jis

your master, and to you [ sent me

o Kopioc; |iod AxxAxjoai todc; Xoyovq todtodc; ov%i npoq

my master] to speak these words? [Is it] not to

todc; dvdpaq todc; KaGrjjisvoDc; £7U tod tsvxodc;

the men, the ones sitting upon the wall,

tod cpayeiv tt|v Korcpov aDTcbv Kai 7usiv

to eat their dung, and to drink

TO ODpOV (XDTCOV |I80' DJICOV d|ia 28+ Kai SaTTj Pa\J/&amp;KT|C;

their urine with you together? And Rabshakeh stood

Kai eporjas cpcovfj |ieydAx| IoD5aiaTi Kai eldAxjae Kai

and yelled [ voice [with] a great] in Jewish, and spoke, and

817T8V aKODaaTS todc; Xoyovq tod PaaiAicoc; tod

he said, Hear the words of the king, of the

jisydXoD PaaiAicoc; AaaDpicov 29 + Td8s Aiysi o

great king of [the] Assyrians! Thus says the

PaaiA,£Dc; jlit| £7iaip£TC0 Djidc; E^eKiac; 6ti od jlit|

king, Let not [ lift you Hezekiah] ! for in no way

8Dvf|Tai Djiac; e^eAiaGai sk %eipoc; |iod 30+ Kai jlit|

should he be able to rescue you from out of my hand. And let not

S7T8A,7ll^STCO Djldc; E^SKiac; 8711 KDpiOV AiyCOV

[ raise your hope Hezekiah] unto [the] LORD! saying,

s^aipoDjisvoc; s^sXsirai r\[idq o Kopioc; Kai od jjt|

In rescuing, [will rescue us the LORD], and [and] in no way

7iapa8o9f| r| nokiq aDTTj sv %£ipi PaaiAicoc; AaaDpicov

shall [ be delivered this city] into [the] hand of [the] king of [the] Assyrians.

31+ (ir| aKODSTS E^skiod 6ti Ta8e Aiysi o PaaiA^Dc;

Do not listen to Hezekiah! for thus says the king

AaaDpicov 7ioif|aaT8 jist' sjiod eD^oyiav Kai s^sXGaTS

of [the] Assyrians, Do for me a blessing, and come forth

7ipoq |i8 Kai cpdyeTai SKaaToq tt|v d|i7isXov aDTOD Kai

to me! and [ shall eat each] of his grapevine, and

SKaaToq ttjv aDKTjv aDTOD Kai 7ii8Tai SKaaToq to D8cop

each of his fig tree, and [ shall drink each] water

tod XdKKOD aDTOD 32 + scoc; av sA£co Kai Xdpco

of his well; until whenever I should come, and I should take

Djidq sic; yrjv coc; tt|v yrjv djicov yrjv aiTOD Kai oivod

you into a land as your land, a land of grain and wine

Kai dpTOD Kai a|i7ieAxbvcov yrjv sAmoD Kai [iskuoq

and bread and vineyards, a land of olive oil and honey,

Kai ^fjasTS Kai odk a7io0ave(a0s Kai [ir\ aKOD8T8

and you shall live and you shall not die. And do not listen to


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12-2 Kings

E^skiod on arcaxd v\iaq Xsycov Kopioc; s^sXsixai

Hezekiah! for he deceives you, saying, [The] LORD shall deliver

v[iaq 33+ firj pi)6|isvoi epptioavxo oi 6soi xcov sGvcbv

you. [Have] by rescuing [ rescued the gods of the nations]

SKaaxoq ttjv yrjv avzov sk X^poq PaaiAicoc;

each his land from out of [the] hand of [the] king

Aaaopicov 34+ 7TOD eaxiv o Gsoc; Ai|id0 Kai Apcpd5

of [the] Assyrians? Where is the god ofHamath, and Arphad?

7TOD saxiv o Gsoc; £s7i(papom|i Avd Kai Aova jirj

Where is the god of Sepharvaim ~ Hena and Ivah? [Did]

s^siAxxvxo xrjv Sajidpeiav sk X^poq [iov 35 + xic; sv

they deliver Samaria from out of my hand? Who among

7idai Toiq Geok; xcov yaicbv oq e^eiA,exo

all the gods of the lands [is the one] who rescued

xtjv yrjv avzov 8K X^poq l^ou 6x1 s^e^eixai Kopioc;

his land from out of my hand, that [the] LORD shall rescue

xrjv Iepoi)aaAx||i sk %sipoc; |iod 35+ Kai eoiamrjaav

Jerusalem from out of my hand? And they kept silent,

Kai odk a7i8Kp(0r|aav auxco Xoyov 6x1 evxoArj

and did not answer him a word, because of [the] commandment

xod PaaiAicoc; Aiycov odk a7toKpiGf|a£aGs ai)xcb 37 +

of the king, saying, You shall not answer him.

Kai eiafjXGev EAiaKiji vioq XsXkiod o oikovojioc; Kai

And [entered Eliakim son ofHilkiah the manager], and

Eopvdq o ypajijiaxstic; Kai Icod% vioq Aadcp o

Shebna the scribe, and Joah son of Asaph the

avajii|ivr]aKcov itpoq E^eKiav 5ieppr|%6xec; xa ijidxia

one recording to Hezekiah tearing [their] garments.

Kai avfjyysi^av auxcb zovq Xoyovq Pa\j/dKou

And announced to him the words of Rabshakeh.


1 + Kai sysvexo coc; fjKODasv o fiaaikzvq E^eKiac; Kai

And it came to pass as [ heard king Hezekiah], that

5ieppr|^e xa ijidxia avzov Kai 7iepiepdA,exo adKKov Kai

he tore his garments, and put on sackcloth, and

eiafjXGsv eic; xov oikov Kopioi) 2+ Kai a7ieaxsiA£v

entered into the house of [the] LORD. And he sent

EAaaKiji xov oikovojiov Kai Sopvdv xov ypajijiaxsa

Eliakim the manager, and Shebna the scribe,

Kai xodc; ftpeaPuxspoDc; xcov ispscov 7iepiPepAr||ievoi)c;

and the elders of the priests, having put on


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12-2 Kings

adKKODq rcpoc; Haatav diov Ajicoc; tov 7ipocpfjTr|v 3 +

sackcloths, to Isaiah son ofAmoz the prophet.

Kai S17TOV 7rpoc; ai)i6v Td8s Xsysi E^sKiac; rjjiepa

And they said to him, Thus says Hezekiah, A day

0Ai\j/scoc; Kai sA^syjioD Kai 7iapopyia|ioD r| r||ispa aDTTj

of affliction, and of rebuke, and provocation to anger [is] this day;

on fjABov 01 moi scoc; co5ivcov Kai odk sail ia%vq

for [ came the sons] unto [birth] pangs, and there is no strength

tt] TiKxoixyq 4+ S17TCDC; siaaKODasTai Kopioc;

[to] give birth. If by any means [ shall hearken to [the] LORD

0 Gsoc; aoi) 7r&amp;vxac; zovq Xoyovq Pa\j/dKOD ov

your God] all the words of Rabshakeh, whom

arcsaTSilsv auxov fiaaikzvq AaaDpicov o Kopioc; avzov

[ sent him [the] king of the Assyrians his master]

ovsi8(^siv 08ov ^cbvxa Kai sA,sy%siv sv Xoyoiq ovq

to berate [the] living God, and to reprove by words which

fjKODae Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoD Kai hf\\\nr\ 7ipoasD%f|v

[heard [the] LORD your God], that you shall take [up] a prayer

D7iep tod XsijijiaTOc; tod sdpkjkojisvod 5 + Kai r\kdov

for the remnant being found. And [ came

01 naidzq tod PaaiAicoc; E^skiod npoq Haaiav 6 + Kai

the servants of king Hezekiah] to Isaiah. And

817T8V aDTofc; Haadc; odtcoc; spsvcs itpoq

[ said to them Isaiah], Thus you shall say to

tov KDpiov djicov Ta8s Aiysi KDpioq jirj cpopr[6f|c; a7io

your master, Thus says [the] LORD, You should not fear from

tcov Xoycov cov fjKODaac; cov spA,aatpf||ir|aav sic; sjis

the words which you heard, which [ blasphemed against me

Ta 7iai5dpia tod PaaiAicoc; AaaDpicov 7+ i5od sycb

the servants of the king of [the] Assyrians]. Behold, I

8(5co|ii 7ivsD|ia ev aDTcb Kai aKODasTai ayysAiav Kai

give a spirit to him, and he shall hear a message, and

a7roaTpatpfja£Tai sic; tt|v yrjv aDTOD Kai

shall return unto his land, and

KaTaPaXco aDTOV sv pojicpaia sv tt| yr| aDTOD

I will cast him down by [the] broadsword in his land.

8 + Kai S7isaTps\j/s PayaKqc; Kai SDps tov PaaiAia

And Rabshakeh returned, and found the king

AaaDpicov 7ioXs(ioDVTa S7i( AoPvd 6ti fjKODasv 6ti

of [the] Assyrians waging war against Libnah; for he heard that

a7ifjpsv a7io Aa%\q 9+ Kai fjKODas 7isp( 0apara

he departed from Lachish. And he heard concerning Tirhakah


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

12-2 Kings

PaaiXscoc; Ai0i67icov Xsycov i5od s^skr\kvds

king of [the] Ethiopians, saying, Behold, he comes forth

tod 7roA£|xfjaa( as Kai S7isaxps\j/s Kai a7rsaxsiA,sv

to wage war against you. And he returned, and sent

ayyeXovq npoq E££Kiav Aiycov 10+ xd8s spsixs itpoq

messengers to Hezekiah, saying, Thus shall you say to

E££Kiav PaaiXsa Ioi)8a [ir\ as a7iaxdxco o Gsoc; aoD

Hezekiah king of Judah, Let not [ you deceive your God]

co &lt;xu 7TS7roi0ac; S7i' aDxcb Xsycov od jlit|

in whom you rely upon him, saying, In no way

7rapa5o9fj IspoDaaAr||i sic; %sipaq PaaiAicoc; AaaDpicov

should Jerusalem be delivered up into [the] hands of [the] king of [the] Assyrians.
11+ i8od av r\Kovaaq rcdvxa 6aa S7iovr|aav PaaiXsic;

Behold, you heard all as much as [ did [the] king

AaaDpicov 7idaaic; xaic; yaiq coc; s^coX60psDcoaav aDxdc;

of [the] Assyrians] in all the lands, as they utterly destroyed them;

Kai 7icoc; aD pDaGfjarj 12+ [ir\ s^si^avxo 01 0soi xcov

and how shall you be rescued? [Have] [ rescued the gods of the

sGvcbv ovq 5iscp0sipav 01 rcaxspsc; jiod xrjv is To^dv

nations] which [ utterly destroyed my fathers] — both Gozan,

Kai xrjv Xappdv Kai Paascp Kai xodc; diodc; ASsv

and Haran, and Rezeph, and the sons of Eden,

todc; sv 0aA,aaadp 13+ 7tod saxiv o fiaaikzvq Ai|id0

the ones in Thelasar? Where is the king of Hamath,

Kai o PaaiXsDc; Apcpd8 Kai o paai^sDc; xrjc; noXzcoq

and the king of Arpad, and the king of the city

Es7icpapoDi|i Avd Kai AoDd i 4 + Kai slapsv E^sKiac; xa

of Sepharvaim — Hena and Ivah? And Hezekiah took the

PiPAia sk X^poq xcov ayys^cov Kai avsyvco aDxd

scrolls from out of [the] hand of the messengers and read them.

Kai avsprj sic; oikov KopioD Kai avsftXD^sv aDxd

And he ascended into [the] house of [the] LORD, and [ unrolled them

E^sKiaq svavxiov KopioD 15 + Kai 7ipoar|D^axo o E££Kiac;

Hezekiah] before [the] LORD. And Hezekiah prayed

7ipoc; KDpiov Xsycov KDpis o Gsoc; IapafjX o

to [the] LORD, saying, O Lord God of Israel, the

KaGfjjisvoc; S7i( xcov xspoDpiji aD si o Gsoc; jiovoq

one sitting upon the cherubim, you are God alone

sv ftdaaic; xaic; PaaiXsiaiq xrjc; yr\q aD S7rovqaac; xov

among all the kingdoms of the earth. You made the

ODpavov Kai xrjv yrjv i 6 + kAavov KDpis xo odc; aoD Kai

heaven and the earth. Lean, O LORD, your ear, and


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12-2 Kings

dKODaov dvoi^ov icopis xodc; o(pdak\xovq aoD Kai (8s

hear! Open, O LORD, your eyes, and behold!

Kai dKODaov xodc; Xoyovq Eswa%r|p{p ovq a7isaxsiA,sv

And hear the words of Sennacherib! which he sent

ovsi8(^siv 0s6v ^cbvxa 17+ on aAr|0e(a Kopis r|pf||icoaav

to berate [the] living God. For truth, O LORD, [ made desolate

fiaaiksiq AaaDpicov xa s0vr| Kai rcdaav

[the] kings of [the] Assyrians] the nations, and all

tt|v yrjv aDxcov i8+ Kai sScorav xodc; Qsovq airccbv sic; to

their land, and put their gods into the

7Top on od 08o( eioiv aU' r| spy a %sipcbv

fire, for [not gods they are], but only [the] works of [the] hands

av0pcb7rcov tpXa Kai Ai0oi Kai a7icoXsaav aDxotic; 19 +

of men — wood and stone. And they destroyed them.

Kai vdv Kopis o 0s6c; rijicbv acbaov r\[idq sk

And now, O LORD our God, deliver us from out of

Xsipoc; avTOV Kai yvcbaovxai rcdaai ai Paai^siai xrjc;

his hand! And they shall know in all the kingdoms of the

yrjc; 6x1 &lt;xo 8i Kopioc; o 0s6c; [tovoq 20 + Kai

earth that you are [the] LORD God alone. And

arcsaxsilsv Haatac; vioq A[i(bq npoq E££Kiav Aiycov

[ sent Isaiah son of Amoz] to Hezekiah, saying,

xdSs Aiysi Kopioc; o 0s6c; IapafjX fjKODaa a

Thus says [the] LORD God of Israel, I heard what

7ipoar|D§co itpoq |is rcspi Sswaxrjpip PaaiXscoc;

you pray for to me concerning Sennacherib king

AaaDpicov 21 + odxoc; o Xoyoq ov sXdAxjas Kopioc; npoq

of [the] Assyrians. This [is] the word which [the] LORD spoke against

aDiov s^oDSsvcoas as Kai sjiDKxfjpias as 7iap0svoc;

him, [ treats you with contempt and sneers at you [The] virgin

0Dydxr|p Sicbv S7U aoi KscpaXfjv avTT\q SKivrjas

daughter ofZion]. Over you [her head shakes

0Dydxr|p IspoDaaXf||i 22+ xiva covs(8iaac; Kai

[the] daughter of Jerusalem]. Whom have you berated and

spXaacpfuirjaaq Kai S7i( xiva D\j/coaac; xrjv cpcovfjv aoD

blasphemed? And against whom have you raised up your voice,

Kai fjpaq sic; v\\foq xodc; ocp0aA,|iODc; aoD sic; xov

and lifted [ into [the] height your eyes]? [even] against the

dyiov xod IapafjA, 23 + sv xsipi ayysAxov aoD covsiSiKac;

holy [one] of Israel. By [the] hand of your messengers you have berated

xov KDpiov Kai sbiaq sv xco 7rAx|0si xcov apjidxcov jiod

the LORD, and said, By the multitude of my chariots


19 cr

ev tootco + viica

12-2 Kings
sycb avsprjv sic; v\\foq opscov jifjpoDc; tod AipdvoD

I ascended into [the] height of [the] mountains, [the] sides of Lebanon,

Kai SKO\j/a to |isys0oc; TTjcj Ks8poD avzov Ta sicXsKTd

and I felled the greatness of his cedar, [ chosen

KimapkracDV avzov Kai r\kdov sic; jisaov 8pD|ioD

cypresses his], and I came in [the] midst of [the] grove

Kap|ifjAx)D 24+ sycb s\j/D^a Kai S7iiov vdaza aAAxkpia

ofCarmel. I cooled [myself] and drank [waters alien];

Kai s^r|pfj|icDaa tcd ixvsi tcov 7io8cbv jiod 7idvTac;

and I made quite desolate with the sole of my feet all

todc; 7iOTa|ioi)c; 7ispioxric; 25+ ODKfpcoDoac; 6ti

the rivers of [the] citadel. Heard you not that

jiaKpoGsv sycb S7ioir|aa aDTfjv s^ r||ispcbv ap%f|c;

far off I made her? From [ days ancient]

S7iXaoa aDTfjv Kai vdv fjyayov avTT\v Kai sysvsTO

I formed her, and now I brought her. And she became

sic; S7idpasic; a7ioiKsaicbv |ia%(|icov 7i6A,sic; o%Dpdc; 26 +

for haughtiness [ resettlements of combative cities of fortified].

Kai 01 svoikodvtsc; sv aDTaiq rjaGsvrjaav ttj %sip(

And the ones dwelling in them weakened in the hand.

87iTr|^av Kai Karr|axDV0r|aav sysvovTO coc; xopToq

They were alarmed and were disgraced. They became as grass

aypoD Kai %Axjopd PoTdvrj coc; %A,6r| ScojidTCOv Kai

of [the] field, and [as the] green pasturage; as tender shoots [growing on] roofs,

7idTr||ia a7isvavTi sarrjKOTOc; 27+ Kai tt|v KaGsSpav gov

trampled before standing. And of your sitting-down,

Kai ttjv 8^o56v ood Kai ttjv 8ioo86v aoi) Kai

and of your exiting, and of your entering, and

TOV 0DJIOV OOD 871 ' 8|I8 SyVCOV 28 + 8id

of your rage against me I knew. On account of

to opyiaGfjvai as S7i' sjis Kai to aTpfjvoq gov avsprj

your being provoked to anger against me, that your indulgence ascended

sv Toiq com [iov Kai Gfjaco to dyKioTpov jiod sic;

to my ears, and I shall put my hook in

todc; jiDKTfjpdc; aoD Kai %aAivov sv zoiq %siA,sai aoD

your nostrils, and bits in your lips,

Kai a7ioaTps\j/co as sv tt| o8cb r| r\kdsq sv aDTfj 29 +

and I will return you in the way which you came by it.

Kai todto 001 to arjjisiov cpayf] todtov

And this [is] to you the sign. You shall eat this

tov sviaDTOV aDTOjiaTa Kai sv too stsi

year [the things grown] by themselves, and in in the [year


19 cr


12-2 Kings

tco SsDxspco xa avaxsA^ovxa Kai xoo sxsi too xpixoo

second] the [things] rising up, and [ year the third]

07i8p8iT8 Kai aixqoexs Kai cpDxsDasxs a^imXcbvaq Kai

you shall sow, and you shall reap, and you shall plant vineyards, and

cpdyeaBe xov Kaprcov aDxcbv 3 o+ Kai 7ipoa0f|Gei xov

you shall eat their fruit. And he shall add to the

8iaa8ocoo|i8vov oikod Ioi38a to D7ioA£i(p6ev pi^av

one being preserved of [the] house of Judah, the one being left behind as a root

k&amp;tgo Kai 7ioif|a8i Kap7i6v dvco 31+ Oil 8^

below. And he shall produce fruit upward. For from out of

l8poi)aaAx||i s^s^sDasxai KaxdXei|i|ia Kai

Jerusalem shall come forth a vestige, and

avaacoCp[isvoq opovq Sicbv o lj\koq KopiOD

[the] one rescuing from out of mount Zion. The zeal of [the] LORD

xcov 8i)vd|iscov 7ioif|asi xodxo 32+ 81a xodxo xd8s Aiyei

of the forces shall do this. Therefore thus says

Kopioc; 7ipoc;

[the] LORD to

3aaiXsa AaaDpioov odk eiae^sDaexai

the] king of [the] Assyrians, He shall not enter

eic; xr|v 7i6Xiv xaDxrjv Kai od xo^sdctsi SKei fiskoq

into this city, and he shall not shoot an arrow there,

Kai od 7ipo(p9dasi aDxfjv 0Dpecb od8s SK%sr|

and he shall not anticipate it with a shield, nor shall he pour out [dirt]

S7i ' aDifjv 7ip6axco|ia 33+ xrj o8cb r| fjXGev sv

against it [for a seige] mound. By the way in which he came by

aDifj a7ioaxpa(pf|aexai Kai eic; xrjv 7i6Aav xaDxrjv odk

it, he shall return; and into this city he shall not

eiasXeDasxai cprjai Kopioc; 34+ Kai D7repaG7ricb D7isp

enter, says [the] LORD. And I shall shield over

Tr\q itoXzcnq xaDxrjc; tod acbaai aDxfjv 81' ejie Kai

this city to deliver her because of myself, and

8id AaDi8 xov 8odA,6v jiod 35 + Kai eyevexo sooc;

because of David my servant. And it came to pass at

VDKioq Kai s^fjAitev dyyeloc; KopiOD Kai £7idxa^£v

night, that there came forth an angel of [the] LORD, and he struck

SV XT| 7iap£|iPoAT| TCOV AaaDpioov SKaiOV

among the camp of the Assyrians a hundred

oy8or|KovTa7rsvT8 %ikid6aq Kai cbpGpiaav to 7ipcoi Kai

eighty-five thousand. And they rose early in the morning, and

iSod 7idvT£c; acbjiaxa vsKpd 36+ Kai a7if|ps Kai

behold, all [ bodies dead]. And [ departed and

a7isaxps\j/e Kai S7ropsD0r| Sswaxrjpip fiaaikzvq

returned and went Sennacherib king


8V TOUT© + VtKd

12-2 Kings

AaaDpioov Kai cbKrjasv sv Nivsufj 37+ Kai sysvsxo

of [the] Assyrians], and he lived in Nineveh. And it came to pass [when]

avzov 7ipoaKDvowcoc; sv icq oikco Nsapdx

he did obeisance in the house of Nisroch

tod Qsov avToi) A8pa|isA,sx Kai Eapaadp 01 moi avxov

his god, Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons

S7idxa^av auxov sv |ia%a(pa Kai auxoi sacbBrjaav sic;

struck him with a sword; and they escaped into

yrjv Apapdx Kai spaai^suasv Aaop8dv o vioq avzov

[the] land of Ararat. And [ reigned Esar-haddon his son]

avx' avTOV

instead of him.
20 3

1 + sv xaic; rjjispaic; SKsivaic; rippoQaxrjasv E^sKiac; scoq

In those days Hezekiah was infirm unto

Gdvaxoi) Kai eiafjXGs npoq auxov Haaiaq vioq A[i(bq

death. And [ entered to him Isaiah son of Amoz

0 7rpo(pfjrr|c; Kai si7is itpoq avzov xd5s Xsysi Kopioc;

the prophet]. And he said to him, Thus says [the] LORD,

svxsiXai 7isp( xod oiKOD gov oxi a7io0vf|aKsi(; gv Kai

Give charge concerning your house! for you die, and

od ^fjarj 2 + Kai a7isaxps\j/sv E^sKiac;

shall not live. And Hezekiah turned

xo 7ip6aco7rov avzov npoq xov xoi%ov Kai 7ipoar|i)^axo

his face to the wall, and he prayed

7ipoc; Kupiov Xsyoov 3+ Kopis (ivf|a0r|xi 5r| 6aa

to [the] LORD, saying, O LORD, remember indeed as much as

7ispi87idxr|aa svcb7ri6v gov sv aAx|6sia Kai sv Kap8ia

1 walked before you in truth, and in [ heart

xs^sia Kai xo ayaGov sv ocpGaXjiofc; gov S7iovr|aa Kai

a perfect]! and [good in your eyes I did]. And

skAxxdctsv E^sKiaq sv Kkavd[i(b jisydAxD 4 + Kai

Hezekiah wept in [weeping a great]. And

rjv Haa'iaq sv xr| avXr\ xrj (isarj Kai pf||ia Kopiou

Isaiah was in the courtyard between, and [the] saying of [the] LORD

sysvsxo npoq avzov Xsycov 5+ S7uaxps\j/ov Kai spsfc;

came to him, saying, Return! and you shall say

7ipoc; E^sKiav xov r|yoi3|isvov xou Xaov [iov xd8s

to Hezekiah, the one leading my people, Thus

Aiysi Kopioc; o Gsoc; Aavid tov nazpoq gov fjKODoa

says [the] LORD, the God of David your father! I heard


20 3 sv tootco + vtica 12 - 2 Kings

Tr\q 7tpoG£v%r\q gov Kai e(8ov xa 5dKpud gov idov sycb

your prayer, and I beheld your tears. Behold, I

idaojiai as xt] rjjiepa xt] xpixT] Kai avapfjarj siq

shall heal you on the [ day third], and you shall ascend into

oikov KDpioi) 6+ Kai 7rpoa0fjocD 87i( xac; rijiepaq gov

[the] house of [the] LORD. And I will add to your days

7isvxsKa(5sKa exrj Kai sk %sipoc; PaaiAiooc; Aaaupioov

fifteen years; and from [the] hand of [the] king of [the] Assyrians

acbaco as Kai xrjv 7i6A.iv xatixrjv Kai U7cepaa7i;((jo D7C8p

I will deliver you and this city. And I shall shield over

xrjc; itoXzcnq TavTr\q 81 sjis Kai 8id Aam8

this city because of myself, and because of David

xov 5oi3A,6v [lov 7 + Kai S17C8V Hoa'iac; AxxPexooaav

my servant. And Isaiah said, Let them take

7caXd0r|v aDKcbv Kai 87ci68xcoaav £7U xo sfacoq Kai

a dried cluster of figs, and place [them] upon the sore! and

uyidaei g + Kai S17C8V E^eKiaq npoq Haaiav xi xo

he shall be healed. And Hezekiah said to Isaiah, What is the

&lt;xr||i£iov 6xi idasxai |is Kopioc; Kai avapfjaojiai sic;

sign that [ shall heal me [the] LORD], and I shall ascend into

OIKOV KOpiOD XT] T||I8pa XT] XpiXT] 9+ Kai

[the] house of [the] LORD [on] the [ day third]? And

S17C8V Haatac; xoijxo 001 xo gt\ jisiov 7capd Kupiou

Isaiah said, This to you [is] the sign by [the] LORD,

6x1 7coir|asi Kopioc; xov Xoyov ov sXdAxjae

that [the] LORD shall do the word which he spoke.

7cop£i3a£xai r\ aKid 8sKa avaPaGjioijq r\ avaaxpe\j/si

Shall [ go the shadow] ten stairs or shall it return

8eKa avaPaBjioijq 10+ Kai S17C8V E^eKiaq Koixpov xt]v

ten stairs. And Hezekiah said, [It is a] light [thing] for the

oKidv KAivai Sera avaPaGjiotic; ouk oijxcoq aXk r

shadow to lean ten stairs, not thus, but

a7toaxpa(pfjxcD r\ aKid 8sKa avaPaGjioijq sic; xo O7c(aco

let [ return the shadow] ten stairs to the rear.

11+ Kai sP6t]08v Haatac; o 7cpo(pfjXT]c; npoq Kopiov Kai

And [ yelled out Isaiah the prophet] to [the] LORD, and

S7C8axp8\j/sv T] oKid ev xoic; avaPaGjioic; A%a^ oiq

he returned the shadow on the stairs of Ahaz, in which

KaxepT] Tovq 8sKa avaPaGjioijq sic; xa O7ciaco 12+ sv

it went down the ten stairs, to the rear. In

xco Kaipcb SK8WC0 a7csaxsiA,s BapcaSdx BaA,a5dv vioq

that time [ sent Berodach Baladan [the] son


20 3 ev tootco + viica 12 - 2 Kings

BaXa5dv fiaaikvbq BafivXcbvoq S7iiaToXdc; Kai 5cbpa

ofBaladan king of Babylon] letters and gifts

7ipoq E^sKiav fjKODaevyap on r|ppcbaTr|asv E^sKiaq 13 +

to Hezekiah; for he heard that Hezekiah was infirm.

Kai exdprj S7i' aDTofc; E^sKiac; Kai s8si^sv odtoic;

And [ rejoiced over them Hezekiah], and showed to them

7rdvxa to oikov tod vs^coGd to apytipiov Kai to

all the house of the spices — the silver, and the

Xpucriov Ta apcbjiaTa Kai to sAmov to ayaGov Kai

gold, the aromatics, and the [ olive oil good], and

tov oikov tcdv cjksdcov avToi) Kai 7idvTa 6aa

the house [of] his weapons, and all as much as

r|Dps6r| sv Toiq BrjaaDpofc; avzov odk r|v T07roc; ov

was found in his treasuries. There was no place which

ODK s8si^SV aDTOiq E^SKiaq SV TCO OIKCO aDTOD Kai sv

[ did not show to them Hezekiah] in his house, and in

7iaVTl TTJ S^ODCJia aDTOD 14 + Kai siof|A,9sv Haaiaq o

all [under] his authority. And [ entered Isaiah the

7rpo(pfjTr|c; itpoq E^sKiav tov PaaiXsa Kai si7is aDTcb

prophet] to Hezekiah the king, and he said to him,

ti sAxxArjaav 01 dvSpsc; odtoi Kai 7i60sv fjKov

What did [ say men these], and from what place came they

7ipoc; as Kai sircsv E^sKiaq sk yrjc; 7i6ppco0sv fjKov

to you? And Hezekiah said, From a land at a distance — they came

7ipoc; |is sk BaPD^cbvoq 15+ Kai si7is ti s(5ov sv

to me from Babylon. And he said, What did they behold in

too oikco aoD Kai si7rsv E^sKiaq 7idvTa 6aa sv

your house? And Hezekiah said, All as much [is] in


my house they beheld. There was nothing in my house which

odk s5si^a aDTofc; Kai sv Toiq GrjaaDpofc; jiod 16+ Kai

I did not show to them, and in my treasuries. And

si7rsv Haatac; npoq E^sKiav dKODaov tov A,6yov

Isaiah said to Hezekiah, Hear the word

KDpioD 17+ i8od rjjispai spxovTai cprjai KDpioc; Kai

of [the] LORD! Behold, days come, says [the] LORD, and

apGfjasTai 7idvTa Ta sv too oikco aoD Kai 6aa

there shall be taken away all the [things] in your house, and as much as
sGrjaaDpiaav 01 7iaTspsc; aoD scoq tt|c; rjjispac; TaDTrjq

[ treasured up your fathers] until this day

siq BapD^cova od% D7roA,sup6f|asTai pfjjia si7is KDpioq

into Babylon. There shall not be left behind a thing, said [the] LORD.


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i8+ Kai a7io TcavmcbvaoD xcov s^sAx|Xd06xcov sk gov

And from your sons of the ones coming forth from you,

cov syswrjaac; Axj\j/ovxai Kai saovxai suvot3%oi ev

whom you procreated, they shall take [them], and they will be eunuchs in

too oikco tod PaoiXscoc; BapuAxbvoc; i 9 + Kai

the house of the king of Babylon. And

S17T8V E^sKiac; itpoq Hoaiav aya06c; o Xoyoq Kopiou

Hezekiah said to Isaiah, [ [is] good The word [of the] LORD]

ov zkakr\G£v saxco sipfjvrj Kai SiKaioawq sv

which he spoke, let there be peace and justice in

xaic; rjjispaic; fiou 20+ Kai xa Xoma xcov Xoycov E^skiod

my days! And the rest of the words of Hezekiah,

Kai 7idaa 6aa S7ro(r|as Kai 7idaa rj 8uvaaxs(a aDxcro

and all as much as he did, and all his dominations,

Kai xrjv Kpfjvrjv Kai xov u8paycoy6v Kai siofjyays xo

and the fountain and the aqueduct, and [how] he brought the

i)5cop sic; xrjv 7i6Aiv oukiSotj xatixa ysyparcxai S7U

water into the city; behold [are] not these written upon

PiPAioi) Xoycov r||ispcbv xcov PaaiAicov lovda 21+ Kai

[the] scroll of [the] words [of the] days of the kings of Judah? And

£Koi|ifj6r| E^sKiac; jisxd xcov 7iaxspcov avzov Kai

Hezekiah slept with his fathers, and

sxdcprj sv 7i6A,si Aam8 Kai sPaai^sDas Mavaaafjc;

he was entombed in [the] city of David. And [ reigned Manasseh

vioq clvtov avx' avzov

his son] instead of him.


1+ mocj sxcbv 8cb8sKa Mavaoafjq sv

[ a son years [old] [being] twelve Manasseh [was]] in

xco Paai^susiv ai)xov Kai 7rsvxfjKovxa Kai rcsvxs sxrj

his taking reign, and fifty and five years

sPaai^sDasv sv Ispoi)aaAx||i Kai ovojia

he reigned in Jerusalem. And [the] name

xrjc; jirjxpoq avzov E\j/(pa 2+ Kai S7io(r|as xo

of his mother [was] Hephzi-bah. And he did the

7iovr|p6v sv ocp0aA,|iofc; Kopiou Kai S7iopsi)0r| Kaxd

wicked [thing] in [the] eyes of [the] LORD; and he went according to

xa pSsMyjiaxa xcov s0vcbv cov s^fjps Kopioc; arco

the abominations of the nations, which [the] LORD removed from

7rpoacb7roi) xcov mcbv IapafjX 3+ Kai S7isoxps\|/s Kai

in front of the sons of Israel. And he returned and

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coKo56|ir|a8 xa v\\fr(ka a Kaxsa7iaasv E^sKiac;

built the high [places] which [ tore down Hezekiah

o 7iaTfjp clvtov Kai avsaxrjas 0Daiaaxf|piov too BdaX

his father]. And he reestablished an altar to Baal,

Kai S7io(r|as xa aXar\ KaGcbc; S7iovr|asv A%adp

and made the sacred groves as did Ahab

fiaaikvbq IapafjA, Kai 7ipoasKDvr|as 7idar| xr| axpaxid

king of Israel; and did obeisance to all the military

xod ODpavoD Kai s8odA,sdctsv aDxoiq 4 + Kai

of the heaven, and he served to them. And

coKo86|xr|a£ 0i)aiaoxfjpiov sv oikcg KopioD sv co

he built an altar in [the] house of [the] LORD, in which

817T8V sv Ispoi)aaAr||i 6f|aco xo ovojid jiod 5+ Kai

he said, In Jerusalem I will establish my name. And

C0Ko86|ir|as 0i)aiaaxfjpia 7idar| xrj axpaxid xod

he built altars to all the military of the

ODpavoD sv xaic; 8do avXaiq oikod kdpiod 6+ Kai

heaven in the two courtyards of [the] house of [the] LORD. And

Sifjys Tovq viovq avzov sv 7iDp( Kai skAx|8ovi^sxo

he led his sons through [the] fire, and he prognosticated,

Kai oicovi^sxo Kai S7iovr|as syyaaxpi|iD0ODc; Kai

and foretold. And he made ones who deliver oracles and

yvcbaxac; S7tAx|0dvs xod 7roifjoai xo 7iovr|p6v sv

diviners to multiply to do the wicked [thing] in

o(p0aA,|io(c; Kopiou xod 7iapopy(aai aDxov 7 + Kai s6t|ks

[the] eyes of [the] LORD, to provoke him to anger. And he put

xo yA,D7rx6v XOD dAxjoDc; SV XCO OIKCO CO S17TS KDpioq

the carving of the sacred grove in the house, in which [the] LORD said

7ipoc; AaDi8 Kai npoq SoXojicbvxa xov diov aDxoD sv

to David, and to Solomon his son, In

xcd oikco xodxco Kai sv IspoDaaAxjji r| s^sA,s^d|ir|v

this house, and in Jerusalem, in which I chose

sk 7iaocbv cpD^cbv xod IapafjX Kai Gfjaco

from out of all [the] tribes of Israel, that I will put

xo ovojid jiod sksi sic; xov aicbva 8 + Kai od 7ipoa9fjaco

my name there into the eon. And I will not proceed

aa^sDaai xov 7i68a IapafjX arco xrjc; yrjc; r\q s8coKa

to shake the foot of Israel from the land which I gave

xoic; 7iaxpdaiv aDxcbv nh\v sdv cpD^d^covxai xod 7ioisiv

[to] their fathers; only if they should guard to do

Kaxd 7idvxa a svsxsiA,d|ir|v aDxoiq Kaxd rcdvxa

according to all which I gave charge to them, according to every


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xov vojiov ov svstsiAoto auTOic; o dovXoq [iov

law which [ gave charge to them my servant

Moyoafjc; 9+ Kai odk fjKODaav Kai Mavaoafjc;

Moses]. And they did not hearken. And Manasseh

S7iXdvr|asv aDio^q tod 7ioifjaai to 7iovr|p6v sv

misled them to do the wicked [thing] in

o(pdak[ioiq Kopioi) amep Ta £0vr| a rjcpdviae Kopioc;

[the] eyes of [the] LORD above the nations which [the] LORD removed

goto 7ipoacb7roD tcov mcbv IapafjX 10+ Kai

in front of the sons of Israel. And

eXaAxjae Kupioc; sv %sipi 5ot3Axov avxov tcov

[the] LORD spoke by [the] hand of his servants the

7rpocpr|Tcbv Aiycov n+av0'cov 6aa 87io(r|as

prophets, saying, On account of as much as [ did

Mavaaafjc; o fiaaikzvq lovda Ta p8eAi)y|iaTa Tafoa

Manasseh king ofJudah abominations these

Ta 7iovr|pd KaTd navxa 6aa S7ro(r|asv o Ajioppaioc;

wicked] according to all as much as [ did the Amorite]

o S|i7ipoa08v avzov Kai e^qiiapTe Kai ys tov IouSav

before him, and [ into sin even indeed Judah]

sv tok; siScbAxnc; avzov n + ov% outgo Td8e Xsysi

by his idols. [Is it] not so? Thus says

Kopioc; o 0e6c; IapafjX idov sycb 87rdyco KaKd em

[the] LORD God of Israel, Behold, I bring evils upon

IspoDaaAxjji Kai Ioi)8av coots rcavTOc; aKouovTog

Jerusalem and Judah, so that all hearing,

rjxfjasi ajicpoTspa Ta area avzov u + Kai SKcevcb stii

it shall sound [in] both of his ears. And I stretch out over

Ispoi)aaAx||i to jiSTpov Sajiapsiaq Kai tov &lt;xca0|i6v

Jerusalem the measure of Samaria, and the weight

oiKOD A%adp Kai a7raXeuj/co tt|v IspouaaArni KaBcbq

of [the] house of Ahab. And I will wipe Jerusalem as

a7iaA,8icpsTai nv^iov Kai KaTacrcpscpsTai S7ri

one wipes a writing tablet, and overturns it upon

7rp6aco7iov avzov h+ Kai a7iaA,si\j/co to D7i6A,8i(i|ia

its face. And I will wipe away the vestige

Tr\q KAxjpovojjiac; [iov Kai 7iapa5cbaco auTotic; eiq

of my inheritance, and I will deliver them into

%eipac; tcov e%0pcbv auTcbv Kai saovTai sic; 5iap7iayf|v

[the] hands of their enemies. And they will be for ravaging

Kai eic; 7ipovo|xf|v 7idai zoiq e%0pofc; ai)Tcbv i5+av0'cov

and for plunder by all their enemies, because of


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12-2 Kings

6aa 87ioir|aav to 7iovr|p6v ev ocp9aA,|iofc; |iod Kai

as much as they did the wicked [thing] in my eyes, and

fjaav 7rapopy(£pvTSc; jie arco Tr\q rjiiepac; r\q e^fjyayov

they were provoking me to anger from the day which I led

todc; 7raxspac; aDTcbv Aiyi)7rTOD Kai scoc;

their fathers from out of Egypt, and until

Tr\q rjjispa TWOTr\q i6+ Kai ys a(|ia aGcbov

this day. And indeed [ blood innocent

s^sxssv Mavaaafjc; itokv acp68pa scoc; od S7iAx|ae

Manasseh poured out much exceedingly], until of which he filled

xrjv IspoDaaAx||i axojia S7ii ax6|ia sktoc;

Jerusalem [of it] mouth to mouth; outside of

xcov ajiapxicbv avzov cov e^fjjiapTS tov Ioi38av

his sins, which he led Judah into sin,

TOD 7T0lf|O(Xl TO 7TOVr|p6v SV O(p0aA,(IOl(; KDpiOD 17+ Kai

to do the wicked [thing] in [the] eyes of [the] LORD. And

Ta Xoma todv Xoycov Mavaaafj Kai 7idvTa 6aa

the rest of the words of Manasseh, and all as much as

£7rovr|0£ Kai T| ajiapTia avzov r\v fjjiapTev odk i8of)

he did, and his sin which he sinned, behold [are] not

Tawa ysypa7iTai em PipAioi) Xoycov rjjispcbv tcdv

these written upon [the] scroll of [the] words [of the] days of the

PaaiAicov lovda is + Kai 8Koi|if|0r| Mavaaafj q jiSTd

kings of Judah? And Manasseh slept with

TCDV 7iaT8pCOV aVTOV Kai 8Td(pr| SV TCO Kfj7TC0

his fathers, and they entombed [him] in the garden

tod oikod clvtov sv Kfj7ico O^d Kai sPaaiXsDasv

of his house in [the] garden ofUzza. And [reigned

Ajicov o vioq avTOV avz r avzov i 9 + vioq siKoai Kai

Amon his son] instead of him. [ a son [being] twenty and

8do 8tcov Ajicbv sv tco PaaiXeusiv awov Kai 8do

two years [old] Amon [was]] in his taking reign. And two

sttj sfiaaiksvazv sv Iepoi)aaAT||i Kai ovojia

years he reigned in Jerusalem. And [the] name

ttj jirjTpi avzov MsaoAAxxji 8i)ydTT|p Apouc; e£,

of his mother [was] Meshullemeth, daughter ofHaruz from out of

IsTspd 20+ Kai 87io(r|as to 7iovr|p6v sv ocpBaXjioiq

Jotbah. And he did the wicked [thing] in [the] eyes

Kopfcyu KaGcbq £7iovr|ae Mavaaafjc; o 7raTfjp avzov 2 \ +

of [the] LORD, as [did Manasseh his father].

Kai S7iop8D0r| sv 7idar| o8cb r| s7iopsi)9r|

And he went in every way in which [ went


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12-2 Kings

o 7iaxf|p avzov Kai s8oi3A,si)as xoic; siScbAxnc; oiq

his father], and he slaved to the idols whom

s8ot3A,sdcjsv o 7raxfjp olvtov Kai 7rpoasic6vr|a£v auxofc;

[ slaved [to] his father], and did obeisance to them.

22 + Kai syKaxsAurs xov Kupiov xov 9s6v

And he abandoned the LORD God

xcov 7iaxspcov avTOV Kai odk S7iopsi)0r| sv o8co

of his fathers, and he did not go in [the] way

Kopioi) 23+ Kai &lt;yovsaxpd(pr|aav oi 7ia(8sc; Ajicov npoq

of [the] LORD. And [ confederated the servants of Amon] against

avTOV Kai sGavdxcoaav xov PaaiAia sv

him, and they killed the king in

xco oikco avTOV 24 + Kai srcdxa^sv o Xaoq xrjc; yr\q zovq

his house. And [struck the people of the land] the ones

aixxcpacpevxac; S7ri xov PaaiXsa Ajicov Kai

confederating against king Amon. And

zfiaaikzvazv o Xaoq Tr\q yr\q xov Icocriav mov avzov

[ gave reign to the people of the land] Josiah his son

avx' avzov 25+ Kai xa Xoma xcov Xoycov Ajicbv

instead of him. And the rest of the words of Amon,

6aa S7iorr|asv oukiSod xatixa ysyparcxai S7U PipAiou

as much as he did, behold [are] not these written upon [the] scroll

A,6ycov xcov r||ispcbv xcov PaaiAicov lovda 26+ Kai

of [the] words of the days of the kings ofJudah? And

s0a\j/av avzov sv xco xdcpco avzov sv xco Kf|7rco O^d

they entombed him in his tomb in the garden ofUzza.

Kai ePaai^sDasv Icoaiaq omogauxoi) avx' avzov

And [ reigned Josiah his son] instead of him.

22 S3

1 + vioq OKxcb sxcbv Icoaiaq ev xco Paai^susiv ai)xov

[ a son [being] eight years [old] Josiah [was]] in his taking reign,

Kai xpidKovxa Kai sv sxoc; spaai^suasv sv

and thirty and one year [s] he reigned in

IspoDaaAxjji Kai ovojia xr| jxqxpi auxou Is58(8a

Jerusalem. And [the] name of his mother was Jedidah,

0i)ydxr|p E8sid sk BaaoDKcoG 2+ Kai S7io(r|as xo sdGsc;

daughter of Adaiah of Boseath. And he did upright

sv otpGa^jiofc; Kopioi) Kai S7ropsi36r| sv 7idar| o8cb

in [the] eyes of [the] LORD, and he went in every way

Aavid tov nazpoq avzov odk a7isaxr| 8s^id Kai

of David his father. He did not separate to [the] right [nor]


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apiaxspd 3+ Kai sysvsxo sv xco OKxcoKaiSsKdxco sxsi

[the] left. And it came to pass in the eighteenth year

xco paai^si IcoaiOD a7rsaxsiA,sv o fiaaikvbq

[to] king Josiah, [ sent the king]

xov Sa7i(pdv diov EasAioD diod MeaoAlaji xov

Shaphan son ofAzaliah, son of Meshullam, the

ypajijiaxsa oikod kdpiod Aiycov 4+ avdprjGi 7ipoq

scribe of [the] house of [the] LORD, saying, Ascend to

XsAxiav xov ispsa xov jisyav Kai acppdyiaov xo

Hilkiah the [ priest great], and set a seal upon the

apyopiov xo siasvsxBsv sv xco oikco kdpiod o

money! the [money] being carried into the house of [the] LORD, which

aDvfjyayov 01 trruAxxaoovxec; xov axaGjiov 7iapd xod

[ gathered together the ones guarding the money] from the

Xaox) 5+ Kai 5o0fjxco S7U %s(pa xcov 7ioiodvxcov xa

people. And let them put [it] into [the] hand of the ones doing the

spya xcov KaGsoxajisvcov sv xco oikco kdpiod Kai

works, of the ones being ordained for the house of [the] LORD! And

s8cok8v ai)xo xoiq 7ioioDai xa spya sv oikco kdpiod

he gave it to the ones doing the works in [the] house of [the] LORD,

xod Kaxia%Daai xo Ps5sk xod oikod 6 + xoic; xsKxoai

to strengthen the breach of the house, to the fabricators,

Kai xoic; oiKo86|ioic; Kai xoic; xsi%iaxa(c; Kai

and to the builders, and to the stonemasons, and

xod KxfjaaaBai ^6A,a Kai XiBodc; A,axo|ir|xoDc;

to acquire wood and [ stones quarried],

xod Kpaxaicooai xo Ps8sk xod oikod 7+ 7iAx|v odk

to fortify the breach of the house. Only they did not

s^sXoyi^ovxo aDxotic; xo apytipiov xo 8i86jisvov aDxoiq

call them to account for the money being given to them,

6x1 sv maxsi aDxoi 7ioioDai 8+ Kai si7is XsAxiac; o

for [ in trust they act]. And [ said Hilkiah the

ispsDc; o jisyac; npoq Sa7i(pdv xov ypa|i|iaxsa PipAiov

priest great] to Shaphan the scribe, [ a scroll


of the law I found] in [the] house of [the] LORD. And

s8coks Xshdaq xco Sa7i(pdv xo PipAiov Kai avsyvco

Hilkiah gave to Shaphan the scroll, and he read

aDxo 9 + Kai siafjXGs Sacpdv xco Paai^si Icoaiaq Kai

it. And Shapan entered [to] king Josiah. And

S7isoxps\j/s xco Paai^si Xoyov Kai sircsv s%covsDaav

he turned to the king for a word, and said, [ cast


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01 SotiAm cjod to apytipiov to SDps0ev sv oikco

Your servants] the silver being found in [the] house

Ki)p(oi) Kai s5coKav ai)TO S7U %e(pa tcov 7toiodvtcov

of [the] LORD, and they put it in [the] hand of the ones doing

Ta spya tcov KaBsaTajisvcov sv oikco kdpiod io+ Kai

the works being ordained in [the] house of [the] LORD. And

arcfiyyeiAs Ea7icpdv o ypajijiaTSDc; tco PaaiAei Aeycov

[ reported Shaphan the scribe] to the king, saying,

pipAiov e5coK8 jioi XeAxiac; o lepetic; Kai avsyvco

[ a scroll gave to me Hilkiah the priest]. And [ read

cxdto Sa7icpdv svco7riov tod PaaiAscoc; n+ Kai sysvsTO

it Shaphan] before the king. And it came to pass

coc; fjKODaev o fiaaiksvq zovq Xoyovq tod PipAioD

as [ heard the king] the words of the scroll

tod vojiod Kai 5ieppr|^8 Ta ijidTia aDTOD 12+ Kai

of the law, that he tore his garments. And

svsTSi^aTO o PaaiXeDc; tco XsAxia tco ispsi Kai tco

[ gave charge the king] [to] Hilkiah the priest, and [to]

A%iKd|i dico Sa7i(pdv Kai tco A%oPcop dico Mi%aioD

Ahikam son of Shaphan, and [to] Achbor son of Michaiah,

Kai tco Sa7i(pdv tco ypajijiaTei Kai tco Aoa'ta tco

and [to] Shaphan the scribe, and [to] Asahiah the

5odAxd tod PaaiAicoc; Asycov 13+ 5sdts SK^rjTfjaaTe tov

servant of the king, saying, Go, seek after the

KDpiOV 7TSp( SJIOD Kai 7T8p( 7iaVT0C; TOD XaOV |IOD Kai

LORD for me! and for all my people, and

7ispi 7ravT6c; IoD5a rcepi tcov Aoycov

for all Judah, concerning the words


of this scroll being found; for great [is] the

Opyfj KDpiOD T| SKKSKaD|I8Vr| SV T||IIV 8lOTl

anger of [the] LORD burning away against us, because

odk fjKODaav 01 7iaT8psc; rj|icbv tcov Aoycov

[ hearkened not our fathers] [concerning] the words


of this scroll, to do according to all the [things]

ysypajijisva Ka9' rijicbv h+ Kai S7iopsD0r| Xshdaq o

being written concerning us. And [ went Hilkiah the

ispsDc; Kai A%iKd|i Kai A%oPcbp Kai Sa7i(pdv Kai

priest], and Ahikam, and Achbor, and Shaphan, and

Aaatac; npoq EAMv tt|v 7ipo(pfjTr|v yDvaiKa £sAAr||i

Asahiah to Huldah the prophetess, wife of Shallum


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diod 0SKODS diod Apdc; xod i|iaxioq)DA,aKoc; Kai aDxfj

son of Tikvah, son of Harhas, the keeper of the cloaks. And she

KaxcoKsi sv IspoDoaArjji ev xr| Maasvd Kai sldAxjaav

dwelt in Jerusalem in Masena. And they spoke

7ipoc; avTT\v 15+ Kai sitcsv 7rpoc; aDxotic; xd8s Xsysi

to her. And she said to them, Thus says

Kopioc; o 0s6c; IapafjA, sircaxs xco av8p(

[the] LORD the God of Israel, Speak to the man

tcd a7roaxsiAxxvxi dji&amp;c; npoq jis 16+ xd8s Aiysi icupioq

sending you to me, Thus says [the] LORD,

i8od sycb S7idyco KaKd S7U xov xorcov xodxov Kai S7U

Behold, I bring bad [things] against this place, and against

xodc; KaxoiKotivxac; sv aDxcb rcavxac; xodc; Xoyovq xod

the ones dwelling in it — all the words of the

PiPAioi) od avsyvco o fiaaiksvq lovda 17+ av6' cov

scroll of which [ read [the] king of Judah], because

syKaxsXurov |is Kai s0D|i(aaav Gsoic; sxspoic; (va

they abandoned me, and burned incense to other gods, that

7rapopy(acooi jis sv 7idai xoic; spyoic;

they should provoke me to anger in all the works

xcov xsipcbv ai)xcbv Kai SKKai)6fja£xai Gdjioc; jiod sv

of their hands. And [ shall burn my rage] against

xco x67rco xodxco Kai odk aPsaGfjasxai i8+7ipoc;8s xov

this place, and shall not be extinguished. And to the

Pamlsa Ioi35a xov a7ioaxs(A,avxa Djidc; xod SK^rjxfjaai

king of Judah, the one sending you to inquire of

xov Kopiov odxcoc; spsixs 7ipoc; aDxov xd8s Xsysi

the LORD, thus you shall say to him, Thus says

Kopioc; o Bsoq IopafjX 01 Xoyoi ovq r\Kovaaq 19 +

[the] LORD God of Israel [concerning] the words which you heard;

av0 ' cov 6x1 r|7raXi)v6r| r| Kap8(a gov Kai svsxpd7rr|c;

for because [ was tender your heart], and you felt shame

a7io 7ipoacb7roD jiod coc; fjKODaac; 6aa skaXr\aa

in front of me, as you hear as much as I spoke

S7U XOV X07T0V XODXOV Kai S7U XODCj svoiKowcac;

concerning this place, and concerning the ones dwelling

avTOV xod sivai sic; acpaviajiov Kai sic; Kaxdpav Kai

it, to be for extinction and for a curse, and

Sispprj^aq xa ijidxid ctod Kai SK^aDaac; svcb7ii6v jiod

you tore your garments, and you wept before me —

Kai ys sycb fjKODaa Aiysi Kupioq 20+ ov%i odxcoc;

even indeed I heard, says [the] LORD. Is it not so,


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i5od sycb 7rpoax(0r||ii as izpoq xodc; rcaxspac; ctod Kai

behold, I add you to your fathers, and

&lt;yova%6f|ar| sic; xov xdcpov ood sv sipfjvrj Kai

you shall be brought into your tomb in peace. And

odk 6\j/ovxai oi 6(p0aX|io( gov 7idvxa xa Kara a

[ shall not see your eyes] all the bad [things] which

sycb 87idyco S7ri xov xorcov xodxov Kai S7tsaxps\j/av xco

I bring against this place. And they returned to the

fiaoiksi xo pfj|ia

king the word.

23 3D

i+ Kai aftsoxsiXsv o fiaaikzvq Kai aDvfjyays itpoq

And [sent the king], and brought together to

avTOV rcdvxac; xodc; 7ipsaPDxspoDc; Ioi38a Kai

him all the elders ofJudah and

IspoDaaAxjji 2 + Kai avsprj o fiaaiksvq sic; oikov

Jerusalem. And [ ascended the king] to [the] house

Kopioi) Kai itaq avfjp lovda Kai ftdvxsc; oi

of [the] LORD, and all [the] men of Judah, and all the

KaxoiKowcec; IspoDaaArjji |isx' aDxoD Kai oi ispsic;

ones dwelling Jerusalem with him, and the priests,

Kai oi 7ipo(pfjxai Kai naq o Xaoq arco jiiKpoD Kai

and the prophets, and all the people from small and

sooc; jisydXoD Kai avsyvoo sv xoic; ooaiv aDxcbv 7idvxac;

unto great. And he read in their ears all

xodc; Xoyovq xod PipAioD xrjc; 5ia0f|Kr|c; xod

the words of the scroll of the covenant of the

SDpsBsvxoc; sv oikco Kopioi) 3+ Kai saxrj o fiaaiksvq

one being found in [the] house of [the] LORD. And [ stood the king]

S7Ti xov gtvXov Kai 8is0sxo xt|v 8ia6f|Kr|v svcb7iiov

near the column, and he ordained the covenant before

KDpiOD XOD 7TOpSl)0r|Vai 07UCTCD KDpiOD Kai

[the] LORD to go after [the] LORD, and

xod (pvXdaasiv zaq zvToXaq avzov Kai

to guard his commandments, and

xa jiapxDpia aDxoD Kai xa 7ipoaxdy|iaxa aDxoD sv 6Ar|

his testimonies, and his orders, with a whole

KapSia Kai sv 6hr\ xrj yv%r\ xod avaaxfjaai xodc;

heart, and in [the] whole in life, to raise up the

Xoyovq Tr\q 5ia6fjKT|c; xaDxrjc; xodc; ysypajijisvoDc; sv

words of this covenant being written in


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icq PipMco todtco Kai saiTj Ttaq o Xaoq sv ttj

this scroll. And he established all the people in the

8ia6fjKr| 4 + Kai svsTSiAmo o fiaaiksvq tco XsAxia tco

covenant. And [ gave charge the king] [to] Hilkiah the

ispsi too jisy&amp;Axjo Kai xoic; ispstiai toic; SsDTspsDODoi

[ priest great], and to the priests being second,

Kai toic; (pvXdaaovai tov &lt;xca6|i6v tod s^ayaysiv sk

and to the ones guarding the doorpost, to bring out from

tod vaoD kdpiod rcdvTa Ta OK8DT] a S7iovr|aav tco

the temple of [the] LORD all the items which they made [to]

BdaA, Kai tco dXasi Kai 7idar| ttj aTpaTid tod

Baal, and to the sacred grove, and all the military of the

ODpavoD Kai KaTeKaDaev aDTd s^co IspoDaaArui sv

heaven. And he incinerated them outside Jerusalem in

aa8r||icb6 Ks5pcov Kai ska^s tov %odv aDTcbv sic;

[the] plain of Kidron, and he took their dust into

BaiGfjA, 5+ Kai KaTSKaDos todc; x co l ia P^I I 01) ^

Beth-el. And he incinerated the idolatrous priests, of whom

KaTsaTTjaav oi Paai^ek; IoD5a tod 0D|iidv sv toic;

[ appointed the kings of Judah] to burn incense in the

D\j/rjA,ofc; Kai sv zmq 7i6A,saiv IoD8a Kai toic;

high [places], and in the cities of Judah, and in the

7ispiKDKXco IsoDaaArj|i Kai todc; 0D|iicbvTac; tco BdaA,

surroundings of Jerusalem, and the ones burning incense to Baal,

Kai tco rjAico Kai tt| asArjvrj Kai toic; Ma^oDpcbG

and to the sun, and to the moon, and to the Mazuroth,

Kai 7idar| tt| crcpaTid tod ODpavoD 6 + Kai s^fjvsyKs

and to all the military of the heaven. And he brought forth

to akaoq s^ oikod kdpiod s^coGsv

the sacred grove [carving] from out of [the] house of [the] LORD outside

IspoDaaAxjji sic; tov xsijidppoDV Ks8pcbv Kai

of Jerusalem unto the rushing stream Kidron. And

KaTSKaDasv aDTOV sv tco %si|idppco Ks8pcbv Kai

he incinerated it at the rushing stream Kidron, and

sA,S7itdvsv sic; %odv Kai sppuj/s tov %odv aDTOD sic;

[ground] it fine as dust. And he tossed its dust into

todc; TdcpoDc; tcov dicov tod Xaov 7 + Kai KaGsiXs tov

the tombs of the sons of the people. And he demolished the


house of the male prostitutes of the [ones] in the house of [the] LORD in

co ai yDvaiKsq Dcpaivov sksi cjtoAxxc; tco dXasi 8 +

which the women wove apparel there for the sacred grove.


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Kai s^fjyays rcavxac; xodc; ispsfc; sk 7i6A,scov Ioi)8a

And he brought in all the priests from [the] cities of Judah,

Kai sjiiavs xa v\\fr(ka od s0D|iicov sksi oi ispsfc;

and he defiled the high [places] where [ were burning incense there the priests],

goto TaPad Kai scoc; BrjpaaPsai Kai Ka0s(A,s xcov

from Geba and unto Beer-sheba. And he demolished the

D\j/r|A,cbv xov 7iapd xr| 0Dpa xrjc; nx&gt;Xr[q Icoarjs

high places by the door of the gate of Joshua

dpxovxoq xrjc; noXscoq xcov s^ apiaxspcov av5p6q ev

ruler of the city, of the ones at [the] left sides of a man at

xtj nvh] xrjc; 7r6Xscoc; 9 + 7iAr|v odk avsprjoav oi

the gate of the city. Only [ did not ascend the

ispsfc; xcov dij/t^cov 7rpoc; xo 0Daiaaxf|piov KopioD sv

priests of the high [places]] to the altar of [the] LORD in

IspoDaaAxjji si |ir| scpayov d£/D|ia sv jisaco

Jerusalem; in no way they ate unleavened [breads] in [the] midst

xcov aSsAxpcov aDxcov io + Kai sjiiavs TocpsG xo sv

of their brethren. And he defiled Topheth, the one in

cpdpayyi diod Ew6|i xod jlit| 8idysiv dv5pa

[the] ravine of [the] son ofHinnom, [ to not lead [for] a man]

xov diov clvtov Kai xttv 0Dyaxspa aDxoD sv 7rop(

his son and his daughter in fire

xco MoX6% n+ Kai KaxsraDas xodc; imtovq ovq

to Molech. And he incinerated the horses which

avs6r|Kav fiaaiksiq Ioi)8a xco rjAico sv xr| sia68co

[ presented [the] kings of Judah] to the sun, in the entrance

oikod Kopioi) rcpoc; xo yatpcpD^dKiov NdGav xod

of [the] house of [the] LORD, towards the treasury room of Nathan the

sdvod%od xod Paai^scoq xod sv cpapoDpsiji Kai xo

eunuch of the king, of the one in [the] compound. And the

dpjia xod rjAioD KaxsKaDasv sv 7iDpi n+ Kai xa

chariot of the sun he incinerated by fire. And the

0Daiaaxfjpia xa S7ri xod 8cb|iaxoc; xod D7ispcboD

altars, the ones upon the roof of the upper room

A%a^ a S7rovr|aav; IoD5a Kai xa

of Ahaz, which [ made [the] kings of Judah], and the

0Daiaaxf|pia a S7iovr|as Mavaaafjc; sv xaic; 8do

altars which Manasseh made in the two

avXaiq oikod KopioD KaBsiXsv o fiaoxkzvq Kai

courtyards of [the] house of [the] LORD, [demolished the king], and

Kaxsa7raasv sksiGsv Kai sppnj/s xov %odv aDxcov sic;

tore down from there, and tossed their dust into


the rushing stream Kidron. And the house upon


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7ip6aco7roD IspODaaArjji tov sk 8e^icbv tod opovq

[the] face of Jerusalem, the one at [the] right of the mount

tod Mooo&amp;G ov coKo56|ir|as XoXojicbv fiaaiksvq

ofMosoath, which [built Solomon king

IapafjX ttj AaT&amp;prri 7cpoao%6iG|iaTi £i8covicov Kai tco

of Israel] [to] Ashtoreth [the] loathsome thing of [the] Sidonians, and [to]

Xa[i(bq 7tpoao%6(o|iaTi Mcodp Kai tco MoA,6%

Chemosh [the] loathsome thing of Moab, and [to] Molech

pSeMyjiaTi dicov Ajicov sjjiavev o fiaaiksvq u+ Kai

[the] abomination of [the] sons ofAmmon, [defiled the king]. And

aDV8Tpi\j/s zaq &lt;3Tr\kaq Kai 8^sko\j/s Ta aXar\ Kai

he broke the monuments, and cut down the sacred groves, and

S7rAr|a£ todc; totcodc; aDTcbv ocxcecov av0pcb7ccov i 5 + Kai

filled their places of bones of men. And

ye to 0DaiaaTfjpiov to sv BaiBfjA, to d\j/t|A,6v o

indeed the [ altar in Beth-el high], which

£7rorr|asv IepoPodji vioq NapdT oq

[ made Jeroboam son of Nebat], who

s^fjjiapTS tov IapafjX Kai ys to 6Daia&lt;xcf|piov sksivo

led Israel into sin, also indeed [ altar that

to d\j/t|A,6v KaTsa7iaas Kai aDVSTpnj/s

high he tore down], and he broke

todc; Xidovq aDTOD Kai sA,S7i;tdvsv sic; %ovv Kai

its stones, and made [them] fine into dust, and

KaTSKaDae to akooq i6+ Kai a7ceaTps\j/ev Icoaiac; Kai

he incinerated the sacred grove. And Josiah turned and

e(8e todc; TdcpoDc; todc; ovzaq sksi sv tt| opsi Kai

saw the tombs of the ones being there in the mount, and

a7i8aTSiXs Kai eAxxPe Ta ocxcd sk tcov Tdcpcov Kai

he sent and took the bones from out of the tombs, and

KaT8KaDCJ8V 8711 TO 0DCJiaaTfjpiOV Kai 8|l(aV8V aDTO

he incinerated [them] upon the altar, and defiled it,

KaTd to pfjjia KDpioD o sXdXrjasv o dv6pco7i;oc;

according to the saying of [the] LORD which [ spoke the man

TOD 0SOD SV TCO £&lt;XCdvai IspoPodji 8711 TO

of God] when Jeroboam stood near the

GDaiaaTTjpiov sv tt| sopTfj Kai S7noTps\j/ac; fjpe

altar in the holiday. And turning [Josiah] lifted

todc; ocpGa^jioDc; aDTOD S7U tov Tdcpov tod av6pcb7i;oD

his eyes upon the burying-place of the man

tod GsoD tod AxxArjaavTOc; todc; XoyoDc; todtodc; n+ Kai

of God, the one speaking these words; and

81718 Tig O OYLOTlzkoq SKSIVOC; OV SyCO OpCO Kai 817COV

he said, What [is] that high rock which I see? And [ said


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ai)xcb oi dvSpec; Tr\q noXscnq o xdcpoq tod dv0pco7iOD

to him the men of the city], The grave of the man

tod GsoD tod sAx|}u)06toc; 8K tod Iod8(x Kai

of God, of the one coming from out of Judah, and

£7riKaA£a&amp;|i£voc; todc; XoyoDc; todtodc; odc; S7rovr|aac;

calling these words which you did

8711 TO 0DOia&lt;XCfjpiOV TO SV B(Xl0fjX 18+ Kai S17T8V

against the altar in Beth-el. And he said,

e&amp;aorcs ocdtov jir|8eic; KivrjadTCO Ta oaTd aDTOD Kai

Allow him! no one move his bones! And

sppDa0r|aav Ta o&lt;xcd aDTOD jistoc tcov ocrcecov tod

he preserved his bones with the bones of the

7ipo(pfjTOD tod fjKovTOc; 8K Eajiapeiac; 19+ Kai ys

prophet having come from out of Samaria. And indeed

7rdvTac; todc; oikodc; tcov Dij/rj^cbv todc; sv zaiq

all the houses of the high [places], of the ones in the

7i6Xsai Sajiapsiaq odc; S7iovr|aav fiaaikziq IapafjA,

cities of Samaria which [ made [the] kings of Israel]

tod 7iapopy(aai tov KDpiov a7ieaTr|asv Icoaiac; Kai

to provoke [the] LORD to anger, Josiah removed, and

£7ro(r| asv aDTOiq KaTd rcdvTa Ta epya a 87io(r|a8v

he did to them according to all the works which he did

sv Bai0fjA, 20+ Kai s0Da(aae 7idvTac; todc; ispsfc; tcov

in Beth-el. And he sacrificed all the priests of the

D\j/r|A,cbv todc; ovzaq sksi em tcov 0Daia&lt;ycr|picov Kai

high [places] being there upon the altars. And

KaTSKaDae Ta o&lt;xcd tcov av0pcb7icov 87i' aDTd Kai

he incinerated the bones of the men upon them. And

a7T80Tps\j/sv sic; IspoDaaArjji 21+ Kai svstsiAxxto o

returned to Jerusalem. And [ gave charge the

PaaiXeDc; 7iavTi tco Axxcb Aiycov 7ioif|aaTS to nda%a

king] to all the people, saying, Observe the passover

tco KDpico tco 0scb Djicbv Ka0cbc; ysypa7rcai sv tco

to the LORD your God! as it is written in the

PlPAiC0 TTJCj 8ia0f|KT[Cj TaDTTjCj 22+ OTl odk eyeveTO KaTd

scroll of this covenant. For did not take place according to

to 7ida%a todto a7io tcov rjjispcbv tcov KpiTcbv 01

this passover from the days of the judges [that]

SKpivov tov IapafjA, Kai sv ndaaiq zaiq rjjispaic;

judged Israel, and in all the days

PaoiXscov IapafjX Kai PaoiXscov Ioi)8a 23+ 6ti aXX' r\

of [the] kings of Israel, and of [the] kings of Judah, for only


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sv too 0KT(DKai5sK&amp;TCD stsi tod PaaiAiooc; Igoctiod

in the eighteenth year of king Josiah

sysvsTO to naoya todto too Kopico sv IspoDaaAr||i 2 4 +

[ took place this passover to the LORD] in Jerusalem.

kcu ys todc; 0sAx|Tdc; Kai todc; yvcbazaq Kai Ta

And indeed the soothsayers, and the diviners, and the

Gspacpsiv Kai Ta siSooXa Kai 7idvTa Ta

teraphim, and the idols, and all the

7ipoaox0(a|iaTa TaysyovoTa sv ttj yr| IoD8a Kai sv

loathsome things taking place in the land of Judah and in

tt| IspoDaaArjji s^fjpsv o fiaaikvbq Ioaaiaq (va

Jerusalem, [ removed king Josiah], that

aTfjarj todc; A,6yoDc; tod vojiod todc;

[ should be established the words of the law], the

ysypajijisvoDc; S7ri tod PiPAaod odc; stips XsAxiac; o

ones being written upon the scroll which [ found Hilkiah the

ISpSDC; SV OIKCO KDpiOD 25+ OfiOlOC; aDTCO odk sysvsTO

priest] in [the] house of [the] LORD. [likened to him There was no

PaaiXsDc; S|i7ipoa0sv aDTOD oq S7isaTps\j/s 7ipoc;

king before him], who turned towards

KDpiov sv 6Ax| KapSia aDTOD Kai sv 6hr\ \\fv%r\

[the] LORD with [ entire heart his], and with [ entire life

aDTOD Kai sv 6Ax| tt| ia%m aDTOD KaTd 7idvTa tov

his], and with [entire strength his], according to all the

vojiov McDDafj Kai |ist' aDTOV odk avsaTTj ojioioq

law of Moses. And after him rose up not [one] like

aDTOD 26+ 7iAx|v odk a7isaTpd(pr| Kupioq a7io Gdjiod

him. Only [ did not turn [the] LORD] from [ rage

tt|c; opyfjc; aDTOD rr|c; jisydAxjc; od s6D|icb6r| opyfj

of his anger the great] of which [ was enraged anger

aDTOD sv too IoD8a S7U rcavTac; todc; 7iapopyia|ioDc;

his] against Judah, against all the provocations to anger

odc; 7iapcbpyiasv aDTOV Mavaaafjc; 2 ? + Kai si7is Kopioc;

which [ provoked him to anger Manasseh]. And [the] LORD said,

Kai ys tov IoD8av a7ioaTf|aco arco 7ipoaco7roD jiod

And indeed Judah I shall remove from my face,

KaGcbc; a7isaTr|aa tov IapafjA, Kai a7icboo|iai

as I removed Israel, and I will thrust away

ttjv 7i6A.iv TaDTTjv Tjv s^sA,s^d|ir|v TTjv IspoDaaAx||i Kai

this city which I chose — Jerusalem, and


the house of which I said, [ will be My name] there. And


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12-2 Kings

xa Xoma xcov Xoycov Icoauro Kai rcdvxa 6aa

the rest of the words of Josiah, and all as much as

£7roir|asv oi)%ixai)xa ysyparcxai S7ii

he did, [are] these not written upon

3ipAioi) A,6ycov

the] scroll of [the] words

rjjispcbv xcov PaaiAicov lovba 29+ sv xaic; rjjispaic; avxov

of [the] days of the kings of Judah? In his days

avsprj Oapacb Nsxacb fiaaiksvq AiyimxoD S7ri

ascended Pharaoh Necho king of Egypt against

PaaiXsa xcov Aacyopicov S7i( xov 7ioxa|i6v Ei)tppdxr|v

[the] king of the Assyrians at the river Euphrates.

kcxi £7iopsi)0r| Icoaiaq o fiaaikzvq sic; a7idvxr|aiv

And [ went Josiah the king] for a meeting

aDxcb Kai sGavdxcoosv auxov Ns%acb ev Mays55cb

against him. And [ killed him Necho] in Megiddo,

sv xco i8siv auxov auxov 30+ Kai S7rsp(paaav auxov

in his seeing him. And [ conducted him

01 7ia(8ec; auxou vsKpov sv Maye58cb Kai fjyayov

his servants] dead in Megiddo. And they led

auxov sic; IspouaaAx||i Kai s0a\j/av auxov sv

him into Jerusalem, and they entombed him in

xco xdcpco auxou sv 7i6Xsi Aau(5 Kai s^apsv o Xaoq

his tomb in [the] city of David. And [ took the people

xrjc; yrjc; xov Icod%a^ uiov Icoaiou Kai s%piaav auxov

of the land] Jehoahaz son of Josiah, and anointed him

Kai sPaaiXsuaav auxov avxi xou rcaxpoc; auxou 31+ vioq

and gave him reign instead of his father. [ a son

siKoai Kai xpicbv sxcbv r|v Icod%a^ sv

[being] twenty and three years [old] Jehoahaz was] in

xco PaaiXsusiv auxov Kai xpsic; jxfjvac; spaodsuasv sv

his taking reign; and three months he reigned in

Ispoi)aaAxj|i Kai ovojia xr| jirjxpi auxou AjiixdA,

Jerusalem. And [the] name of his mother [was] Hamutal,

0uydxr|p Ispsjiiou sk AoPswd 32+ Kai S7iovr|as xo

daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. And he did the

7iovr|p6v sv ocp0aA,|ioic; Kupiou Kaxd rcdvxa 60a

wicked [thing] in [the] eyes of [the] LORD according to all as much as

S7ioir|aav 01 rcaxspsc; auxou 33 + Kai jisxsaxrjasv auxov

[ did his fathers]. And [ moved him

Oapacb Nsxacb sv PsP^ad sv yr| Aijid0 xod |ir|

Pharaoh Necho] to Riblah in [the] land of Hamath, [so as to] not

PaaiXsusiv sv Ispoi)aaAxj|i Kai s8coks ^rjjjiav S7U

reign in Jerusalem. And he put a penalty against


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xrjv yrjv SKaxov xaXavxa apyDpioD Kai 5eKa x&amp;Xavxa

the land — a hundred talents of silver, and ten talents

Xpvaiov 34+ mi zfiaaiksvas Oapacb Ns%acb 87i'

of gold. And [ put to reign Pharaoh Necho] over

aDTODc; xov EAiaKiji diov Icoctiod avxi Icogiod

them Eliakim son of Josiah instead of Josiah

tod 7raxp6c; aDTOD Kai S7isaTps\j/s to ovojia avxov

his father, and he turned his name

IcoaKiji Kai xov Icod%a^ skafiz Kai a7if|yaysv ai)i6v

into Jehoiakim. And [ Jehoahaz he took], and he led him away

8iq AiyD7TTOV Kai a7T86aV8V SKSl

into Egypt, and he died there.

35 + Kai to apytipiov Kai to %pDa(ov s5coksv IcoaKiji

And the silver and the gold Jehoiakim gave

too Oapacb nh\v STijioypdcprjas tt|v yrjv tod 8oDvai to

to Pharaoh, but he assessed the land to give the

apyopiov S7Ti oTOjiaToq Oapacb avfjp KaTd

money by [the] mouth of Pharaoh; [from each] man according to

ttjv aDVTi|ir|aiv aDTOD eScorav to apytipiov Kai to

his [assessed] value; they gave the silver and the

%pDcriov (iSTd tod Xaov Tr\q yr\q tod 8oi3vai tco

gold with the people of the land to give [to]

Oapacb Nsxacb 36+ moq siKoai Kai 7tsvts stcov

Pharaoh Necho. [ a son [being] twenty and five years [old]

IcoaKiji sv tco PaaiXsDsiv aDTOV Kai svSera sttj

Jehoiakim [was]] in his taking reign, and eleven years

sPaodsDosv sv IspoDaaAxjji Kai ovojia

he reigned in Jerusalem. And [the] name

Tr\q jirjTpoq aDTOD ZaPoDSd 0DydTTjp OaSa'ia sk

of his mother [was] Zebudah, daughter ofPedaiah of

PoDjid 37+ Kai 87ioir|as to 7iovr|p6v ev ocp0aA,|iok;

Rumah. And he did the wicked [thing] in [the] eyes

KDpioD KaTd 7idvTa 6aa 87io(r|aav

of [the] LORD according to all as much as [ did

oi 7iaT8pec; aDTOD

his fathers].

24 73
i + sv zaiq rjjispaic; aDTOD aveprj NaPoDxoSovoaop o

In his days [ ascended Nebuchadnezzar the

PaaiA^Dc; BaPD^cbvoq Kai eysvsTO aDTcb IcoaKiji

king of Babylon]. And [ became his Jehoiakim]


24 73


12-2 Kings

SovXoq xpia sxrj Kai S7isaxps\j/s Kai r|0sxr|aev sv

servant three years. And he turned and annulled [allegiance] to

aDTcb 2 + Kai afteaxsiXe rcopioc; aDxcb xodc; [lovoCfbvovq

him. And [the] LORD sent [against] him the armed [bands]

xcov XaA,8a(cov Kai xodc; jiovo^covodc; Zvpiaq Kai

of the Chaldeans, and the armed [bands] of Syrians, and

xodc; [lovoCfbvovq Mcodp Kai xodc; [lovoCfbvovq dicov

the armed [bands] of Moab, and the armed [bands] of [the] sons

Ajicbv Kai 8^a7isaT8iA,sv aDxotic; S7ri xov Ioi35av

of Ammon. And he sent them against Judah

tod Kaxia%Daai aDxov Kaxd xov pfjjia KDpioD o

to prevail against it, according to the word of [the] LORD, which

eXaAxjaev sv %£ipi 8odA,cov aDxoD xcov 7ipo(pr|xcbv 3 +

he spoke by [the] hand of his servants the prophets.

7iAr|v Gdjioc; KDpioD r|v 87ii xov Ioi38av

Only a rage of [the] LORD was against Judah,

xod a7ioaxfjvai ai)xov arco 7rpoaco7roi) aDxoD 81a

to remove it from in front of him, on account of

xac; ajiapxiac; Mavaaafj Kaxd 7idvxa 60a S7roir|os

the sins of Manasseh, according to all as much as he did;

4+ Kai ys xo aijia aGcoov co e^e%ee Kai S7rAx|a£

and indeed for the [ blood innocent] which he poured out, and filled

xrjv Ispoi)aaAx||i aijiaxoc; aGcooD Kai odk f|0eAx|ae

Jerusalem [blood of innocent]. And [ did not want

Kopioc; xod iA,aa0fjvai 5 + Kai xa Xoma xcov A,6ycov

[the] LORD] to atone. And the rest of the words

IcoaKiji Kai 7idvxa 6aa S7iovr|asv odkiSod xaDxa

of Jehoiakim, and all as much as he did, behold are not these

ysyparcxai £7U PipAioD Xoycov r||i£pcbv xcov PaaiAicov

written upon [the] scroll of [the] words [of the] days of the kings

IoD8a 6 + Kai £Koi|ifj6r| IcoaKiji jisxd xcov ftaxepcov aDxoD

of Judah? And Jehoiakim slept with his fathers.

Kai £PaaiA,£Daev Icoa%iv vioq avzov avx' aDxoD 7 + Kai

And [ reigned Jehoiachin his son] instead of him. And

od 7ipoas08xo 8x1 Paai^SDq AiyirnxoD xod s^sXGeiv

[did not proceed any longer [the] king of Egypt] to come forth

8K xrjc; yr\q avzov 6x1 eXaPe fiaaiksvq BaPD^covoq

out of his land, for [ took [the] king of Babylon]

aito xod x^&amp;ppoD AiyD7ixoD ecoc; xod 7ioxa|ioD

from the rushing stream of Egypt unto the river

EDcppdxoD 7idvxa 6aa rjv xod PaaiAicoc; AiyD7ixoD

Euphrates all as much as was of the king of Egypt.


24 73
8V TOUT© + VlKa

12-2 Kings

8+ vioq OKicoKai8sKa sxcbv Icoaxiv sv

[ a son [being] eighteen years [old] Jehoiachin [was]] in

too PaaiXeueiv auxov Kai xp(|ir|vov epaaileuaev ev

his taking reign, and three months he reigned in

IspoDaaAxj |i Kai ovojia xr| jirjxpi avzov NeeaBdv

Jerusalem. And [the] name [to] his mother [was] Nehushta

0DydTT|p EXvaGdv IspoDaaAxjji 9 + Kai S7io(r|as to

daughter ofElnathan of Jerusalem. And he did the

7iovr|p6v sv ocp0aA,|iofc; Kopioi) Kaxd rcdvxa 6aa

wicked [thing] in [the] eyes of [the] LORD, according to all as much as

£7rovr|Gev o 7taxfjp avzov io+ ev xa&gt; Kaipcb £ks(vco aveprj

[did his father]. In that time [ascended

NaPoD%o8ov6aop fiaaikzvq BaP^Axbvoc; siq

Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon] to

IspoDaaAxjji Kai r\kdzv rj noXiq ev 7iepio%f| n+ Kai

Jerusalem, and [ came the city] [to be] encompassed about. And

eiafjXGe NaPou%o8ov6aop fiaaiksvq BaP^Axbvoc; sic;

[ entered Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon] unto

xrjv 7r6Xiv Kai oi 7ra(8ec; avzov S7roAi6pKouv aDxfjv n +

the city, and his servants assaulted it.

Kai s^fjXGev Icoa%(v Paai^etic; lovda npoq xov

And [ came forth Jehoiachin king of Judah] to the

PaaiAia BaPiAcbvoc; auxoc; Kai r| |if|xr|p avzov Kai

king of Babylon, he and his mother, and

oi 7iai5sc; avzov Kai oi dp%ovxsc; avzov Kai

his servants, and his rulers, and

oi si)voi)%oi olvtov Kai e^apsv auxotic; fiaaiksvq

his eunuchs. And [ took them [the] king

BaPuAxbvoc; sv xco oy86co exei xrjc; Paai^siaq auxoi) 13 +

of Babylon] in the eighth year of his kingdom.

Kai s^fjvsyKsv SKeOev rcavxac; xodc; GrjaaDpotic; xodc;

And he brought forth from there all the treasures of the ones

sv xco oikco Kopioi) Kai xodc; GrjaaDpoDc; oikod

in the house of [the] LORD, and the treasures of [the] house

xod PaaiAicoc; Kai &lt;tdvsko\j/£ rcdvxa xa aKstir)

of the king. And he cut off all the items

xa%pi)ad a £7rovr|a£ SoXojicbv o PaaiXeDc; IapafjA,

of gold which [ made Solomon the king of Israel]

sv xco vacb Kopioi) Kaxd xo pfjjia KopioD u+ Kai

for the temple of [the] LORD, according to the saying of [the] LORD. And

a7icbKias xrjv IspoDaaArjji Kai rcdvxac; xodc; dpxovxac;

he resettled Jerusalem, and all the rulers,


24 73


12-2 Kings

Kai ftavxac; xodc; Swazovq io%di ai%|iaAxjoa(ac; Sera

and all the mighty ones with strength into captivity — ten

%ikid6aq Kai rcdvxa xeKxova Kai xov aDyKA,eiovxa

thousand, and every fabricator, and the one so consigned.

od% D7isX8i(p6r|aav 7iAr|v xcov 7revo|i£vcov tod Xaov

They did not leave behind except the ones being in need of the people

Tr\q yr\q 15 + Kai a7iCGKios xov Icoa%iv sic; BafivXcbva

of the land. And he resettled Jehoiachin into Babylon,

Kai ttjv jirjxepa tod PaaiXecoc; Kai xac; yDvafcac; tod

and the mother of the king, and the wives of the

PaaiAicoc; Kai xodc; sdvodxodc; aDxoD Kai xodc;

king, and his eunuchs. And the

ia%DpoDc; Tr\q yr\q arcfiyayev siq a7ioiK£aiav

strong [ones] of the land he took away for resettlement from out of

IepoDaaAx||i sic; BaPDAxbva 16+ Kai rcavxac; todc;

Jerusalem unto Babylon. And all the

dvSpac; SDvaxoDc; S7ixd %iXid8ac; Kai xov xeKxova Kai

[ men mighty] — seven thousand, and the fabricator, and

xov aDyK^siovxa %ikiovq xodc; itavTsq SDvaxoDc;

the one so consigned ~ thousands of all the mighty

dvSpac; ia%m 7toiodvxsc; 7i6Xs(iov Kai fjyaysv aDxotic;

men in strength making war. And [ led them

PaaiXsDc; BaPDAxbvoc; jiexoiKeaiav sic; BaPDAxbva 17+

[the] king of Babylon] in a displacement unto Babylon.

Kai sPaodsDos PaaiXeDc; BaPD^cbvoc; xov MaxBaviav

And [gave reign to [the] king of Babylon] Mattaniah

a5sAxpov xod rcaxpoc; aDxoD avx' aDxoD Kai 87is0r|K8

brother of his father instead of him. And he placed

aDxcb ovojia Es8sKiav is + vioq eiKoai Kai svoc; sxcov

[ to him [the] name Zedekiah]. [ a son [being] twenty and one years [old]

£s8sKiac; sv xco PaaiXetieiv aDxov Kai ev8sKa sxrj

Zedekiah [was]] in his taking reign. And eleven years

ePaaiXsDasv sv IspoDaaAxm Kai ovojia xr|

he reigned in Jerusalem. And [the] name [to]

jxrjxpi aDxoD AjiixdA, 0Dydxr|p IspsjiioD sk AoPewd

his mother [was] Hamutal, daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah.

19+ Kai S7ioir|as xo 7iovr|p6v svcbmov kdpiod Kaxd

And he did the wicked [thing] before [the] LORD according to

7idvxa 6aa £7rorr|aev IcoaKiji 20+6x1 £7U xov 0D|i6v

all as much as Jehoiakim did. For by the rage

kdpiod rjv sv IspoDaaAxjji Kai ev xco IoD8a scoc;

of [the] LORD [the rage] was on Jerusalem and on Judah, until


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8V TOUT© + VtKCl

12-2 Kings


he threw them from his face. And

rjGexrjae Ss8sKiac; sv icq Paai^si BaPDAxbvoc;

Zedekiah annulled [allegiance] to the king of Babylon.

25 ns

i + Kai sysvsTO sv too ewdxco stsi Tr\q fiaaikziaq avzov

And it came to pass in the ninth year of his kingdom,

SV TOO (ITjVl TOO 8SK&amp;TCD SV 8SK&amp;TT| TOD [lT\v6q fjA£s

in the [ month tenth], on [the] tenth of the month, came

NaPoD%o5ov6aop fiaaikzvq BafivXcbvoq Kai 7idaa

Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and all

T| dvva[iiq avzov S7ri IspoDaaArjji Kai 7tapsvsPaA,sv

his force, against Jerusalem. And he camped

S7i' avTT\ Kai CDKo56|ir|asv S7i' avTT\v 7ispiTSi%oc;

about it, and built upon it a rampart

kdkXco 2+ Kai fjA£sv r| noXiq sic; 7ispio%r|v scoc;

round about. And [ became the city] for being encompassed about until


the eleventh year of Zedekiah the king, [the] ninth

tod jirjvoq 3+ Kai svia%Dasv o X\[ioq sv tt| 7t6A,si Kai

of the month. And [ grew in strength the hunger] in the city, and

odk Tjv dpToq too Xacb Tr\q yr\q 4 + Kai sppdyrj r|

there was no bread to the people of the land. And [ was torn [through] the

itoXiq Kai navTsq 01 dvSpsc; tod 7toXs(iod s^fjXGov

city], and all the men of war went forth

VDKToq o86v 7ivhr\q Tr\q avajisaov tcov tsixcov r\

[by] night in [the] way of [the] gate between the walls, which

sctti tod Kfj7ioD tod paailscoc; Kai oi XaX5aioi

is of the garden of the king. (And the Chaldeans

S7U ttjv nohv kdicXco Kai S7iopsD0r|Gav o86v TTJV

[were] upon the city round about;) and they went [the] way, the one

S7U 5Da|idc; 5 + Kai s8ico^sv rj SDvajiiq tcov XaA,5a(cov

unto [the] descent. And [ pursued the force of the Chaldeans]

07i(aco tod Paai^scoq Kai KaTS^aPov aDTOV KaTd

after the king, and they overtook him by

5Da|idc; Ispi%cb Kai 7idaa r| SDvajiiq aDTOD

[the] descent of Jericho; and all his force

5isa7idpr|aav arco S7idvco9sv aDTOD 6 + Kai aDvsXaPov

were dispersed from about him. And they seized

tov PaaiAia Kai fjyayov aDTOV itpoq tov PaaiAia

the king, and they led him to the king


25 TO

8V TOUT© + VlKa

12-2 Kings

BaPDAxbvoc; sic; PepAxxGd Kai eXdAxjas jist' aDTOD

of Babylon in Riblah. And he spoke against him

Kpiaiv 7+ Kai eatpa^e todc; diodc; ££5skiod Kax'

a judgment. And he slew the sons ofZedekiah before

ocpGaXjioDc; amox&gt; Kai todc; ocpGaXjioDc; EsSskiod

his eyes. And the eyes of Zedekiah

s^sTocpAxjQos Kai s5r|asv ai)i6v ev nsdaiq Kai fjyayev

he blinded, and he tied him in shackles, and led

avTOV sic; BafivXcbva 8 + Kai sv too jirjvi tod 7r8(i7iTCO

him unto Babylon. And in the [ month fifth],

sp56jLir| tod jirjvoc; avzoq svuxdtoc; sweaKai8eKaTOc;

[the] seventh of the month, this [is] [ year [the] nineteenth]

Tr\q PaoiXsiaq NaPoD%o5ov6aop PaaiAiooc; BaPD^cbvoc;

of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon,

fjXGe NaPoi)^ap8dv o apxijidyeipoc; o eaTrjKoac;

came Nabuzar-adan, the chief guard, the one standing

svcb7riov PaaiAiooc; BaPDA,covoc; siq IspoDaaAx||i 9 + Kai

in the presence of [the] king of Babylon, into Jerusalem. And


he burned the house of [the] LORD, and the house of the

PaaiAiooc; Kai rcavTac; todc; oikodc; IspoDaaArjji Kai

king, and all the houses of Jerusalem; and

7idvTa oikov jisyav evs7ipr|osv sv 7iDp( io+ Kai to

every [ house great] he burned by fire. And the

tsi%oc; IspoDaaArjji kdkX66sv KaT£07raaev r| 5Dvajiic;

wall of Jerusalem round about [ tore down the force

tcov XaXdamv n+ Kai to 7ispiaa6v tod Xaov

of the Chaldeans]. And the extra [ones] of the people

to KaTa^eupGsv sv ttj 7t6A,si Kai todc; e|i7rs7n;ooK6Tac;

being left behind in the city, and the ones falling in

oi 8V87isaov 7ipoc; tov PaaiAia BaPDAxbvoc; Kai to

who fell in with the king of Babylon, and the

Axhtcov tod &lt;xcr|piy|iaTOc; jiSTfjpe NaPoD^ap5dv o

rest of the support [ removed Nabuzar-adan the

ap%i|idysipoc; n + Kai arco tcov 7iTC0xcbv ttjc; yrjc;

chief guard]. And of the poor of the land

D7T8Ai7rsv o apxijidyeipoc; sic; ajjjrs^oDpyoDc; Kai

[ left behind the chief guard] as vine dressers and

yscopyoDc; 13+ Kai todc; cttd^odc; todc; %aAxoDc; todc;

farmers. And the columns, of the ones of brass, of the ones

sv oikco KDpioD Kai Tac; pdasic; Kai ttjv BdXaaaav

in [the] house of [the] LORD, and the bases, and the [ sea


25 TO

8V TOUT© + VlKa
12-2 Kings

xrjv %ahd\v XT|V 8V OIKCO KDpiOD CTDVSKO\j/aV 01

brass], the one in [the] house of [the] LORD, [cut up the

XaX8a(oi Kai fjpav xov %aXxov aDxcbv sic; BafivXcbva

Chaldeans], and they carried their brass unto Babylon.

14+ mi Tovq MfiKycaq Kai xa ia|i(v Kai xac; (piakaq

And the kettles, and the shovels, and the bowls,

Kai xac; GmaKac; Kai rcdvxa xa aKSDrj xaxaAxd sv

and the incense pans, and all the items of brass in

oiq eXsixotipyoDV ev aDxoic; skafis i 5 + Kai xa 7iDpsia

which they officiated with them, he took. And the censers,

Kai xac; (piakaq xac; %pvaaq Kai xac; apyDpdc;

and the bowls, the ones of gold, and the ones of silver,

slapev o apxijidysipoq i 6 + cjxdXodc; 8do Kai xrjv

[took the chief guard]. [columns [The] two], and the

dakaaoav jiiav Kai xac; pdaeic; aq 87ioir|as EoXojicov

[ sea one], and the bases which Solomon made

xco oikco KDpiOD odk Tjv axa0|ioc; XOD xoXkov

for the house of [the] LORD. There was no [measuring] [the] weight of the brass

7iaVXC0V XCOV OKSDCOV 17 + OKxcoKa(5eKa 7if|%£cov xo

of all the items. Eighteen cubits [was] the

v\\foq xod &lt;xr6Am&gt; xod evoc; Kai xo S7ii08|iaxa S7i'

height of the [ column one], and the capital upon

clvtov xo %oXkovv xpicbv 7ifj%£cov xo v\\foq xod

it of brass. Three cubits [was] the height of the

£7ii08|iaxoc; Kai 8(kxdov Kai poai S7ii xco

capital. And [the] lattice [work] and pomegranates upon the

S7ii08|iaxa kdkAxo rcdvxa %ahca Kai Kaxd xaDxa

capital roundabout [were] entirely of brass. And according to these

XCO (XCdAxO XCO 5sDX8pC0 8711 XOD 8lKXD0D is + Kai

[it was] to the [ column second] upon the lattice [work]. And

slapsv o apxijidysipoq xov Sapsa xov lepea

[ took the chief guard] Seraiah the [ priest

xov 7ipcbxov Kai xov Sacpaviav xov ispsa

foremost], and Zephaniah the [ priest

xov SsDxepcbascoq Kai xodc; xpeic; xodc; cpDAxxaaovxac;

second rank], and the three guarding

xov axaGjiov 19+ Kai 8K xrjc; 7i6A£coc; eAxxPev

the money; and from out of the city he took

sdvod%ov sva oq Tjv S7iiaxdxr|c; xcov av5pcbv

[ eunuch one] who was supervisor of the men

xcov 7ioXs|iiaxcbv Kai 7isvxs dv8paq xcov opcbvxcov

warriors, and five men of the ones appearing


25 TO

ev tootco + viKa

12-2 Kings

to 7ip6aco7rov tod PaaiAiooc; todc; SDpsGsvTac; ev tt|

in front of the king, of the ones being found in the

7i6Xsi Kai tov ypajijiaTsa tod dp%ovTOc; Tr\q

city, and the scribe of the ruler of the

8dv&amp;|iscdc; tov SKT&amp;aaovTa tov Xaov Tr\q yr\q Kai

force, the one arraying the people of the land, and

e^fjKOVTa dvdpaq tod Xaov Tr\q yr\q zovq eDpeGevTac;

sixty men of the people of the land being found

sv ttj 7i6A,si 20+ Kai elapev ocdtod^ NaPoD^ap8dv o

in the city. And [ took them Nabuzar-adan the

ap%i|idysipoc; Kai a7if|yayev aDTODc; npoq tov PaaiXea

chief guard], and he led them away to the king

BaPD^cbvoq sic; PepAxxGd 2 \+ Kai S7iaia£v aDTODc; o

of Babylon in Riblah. And [ smote them the

PaoiA^sDc; BaPD^cbvoq Kai sGavaTcaasv aDTODc; sic;

king of Babylon], and killed them in

PspiaGd ev yrj AijidG Kai a7rcoKia6r| IotiSac; arco

Riblah in [the] land ofHamath. And he resettled Judah from

rrjc; yr\q avzov 22+ Kai S7i( o Xaoq tov KaTaXsicpGsvTa

its land. And over the people being left behind

sv ttj yrj IoD8a ov KaTe^ure NaPoD%o5ov6aop

in the land of Judah, whom [ left behind Nebuchadnezzar

fiaaikvbq BaPD^cbvoq KaTsarrjasv S7i' aDTOV

king of Babylon], he placed over it

tov To5oAiav diov A%iKd|i diod Sacpdv 23 + Kai

Gedaliah son ofAhikam, son ofShaphan. And

fjKODaav 7rdvTec; 01 dp%ovTec; rr|c; SDvdjiecoc; aDTOi

[heard all the rulers of the force], they

Kai 01 dvSpsq aDTcbv 6ti KaT£&lt;xcr|ae PaoiXeDc;

and their men, that [ placed [the] king

BaPD^cbvoq tov ToSoAiav Kai r\kdov npoq ToSoXiav

of Babylon] Gedaliah [in charge]. And they came to Gedaliah

sic; Maaarjcpd Kai IajiafjX vioq NaGavioD Kai Iooavdv

in Mizpah ~ even Ishmael son of Nethaniah, and Johanan

vioq Kapie Kai Sapsaq vioq 0aveji|id0 o

son ofCareah, and Seraiah son ofTanhumeth the

NsTOcpaTiTT]^ Kai IsCpviaq vioq tod Ma%a0iTOD aDTOi

Netophathite, and Jaazaniah son of the Maachathite, they

Kai 01 dvSpsq aDTcbv 24+ Kai cbjioas To5oAiac; aDTOiq

and their men. And Gedaliah swore by an oath to them,

Kai Toiq av5pdaiv aDTcbv Kai ei7iev aDTOiq jlit|

and [to] their men, and said to them, Do not


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

12-2 Kings

cpopsiaGs 7idpo8ov xcov XaA,8a(cov KaGiaaxs sv xrj yr|

fear [the] passing by of the Chaldeans! Settle in the land,

Kai SouXsuaaxs xco PaoiXsi BaPuXcbvoc; Kai

and serve the king of Babylon! and

Kakcbq saxai djiiv 25+ Kai sysvsxo sv xco jirjvi

it will be well to you. And it came to pass in the [ month

xco sP86|icd fjABsv IajiafjX vioq NaBavioi) mou

seventh], came Ishmael son ofNethaniah, son

EAiaajidv sk tod a7isp|iaxoc; xcov PaaiA^siac; Kai 5sra

ofElishama, of the seed of the kingdom, and ten

dv5psc; jisx' auxoi) Kai S7idxa^s xov ToSoAiav Kai

men with him. And he struck Gedaliah and

arcsGavs Kai xovq lovdaiovq Kai xovq Xakdaiovq 01

he died, even the Jews, and the Chaldeans who

fjaav jisx' aircou 8V Maaorjcpd 26 + Kai avsaxrj naq o

were with him in Mizpah. And [ rose up all the

Xaoq arco jiiKpoi) scoc; jisydXoi) Kai 01 dp%ovxsc; xrjc;

people] from small unto great, and the rulers of the

8i)vd|i£CDc; Kai siafjXGov sic; Aiyirnxov 6x1

force, and they entered into Egypt; for

scpopfjGrjaav arco 7ipoaco7roD xcov XaX8a(cov 27+ Kai

they feared from [the] face of the Chaldeans. And

sysvsxo sv xco xpiaKoaxcb Kai sp86|ico sxsi xrjc;

it came to pass in the thirtieth and seventh year of the

a7roiKsa(ac; Icoa%(v PaaiXscoq lovda sv xco 8co8sKdxco

resettlement of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth

[ir\vi sp86|ir| Kai siKdSi xou jxrjvoc; inj/coasv

month, seventh and twentieth day of the month, [ raised up high

Efiik |iapo8d% fiaaiksvq BapuAxbvoc; sv xco svuroxco

Evil-merodach king of Babylon] in the first year

xrjc; PaaiXsiaq avzov xrjv KscpaArjv Icoaxiv xod

of his kingdom the head ofJehoiachin the

PaaiXscoq lovda Kai s^fjyaysv ai)xov s^ oikod

king of Judah, and he led him from out of [the] house

tpiAaKfjc; 28+ Kai sAxxArjas jisx' avzov ayaGd Kai

of [the] prison. And he spoke with him [for] good, and

s8coks xov Gpovov avTOV S7idvco xcov 0p6vcov xcov

put his throne above the thrones of the

PaoiXscov xcov jisx' avzov sv BapuXcbvi 29+ Kai

kings with him in Babylon. And

rjAAxncoas xa ijidxia xrjc; (pvXaKT\q avzov Kai fjaBisv

he changed the garments of his prison, and he ate


25 TO


12-2 Kings

apxov 5ia7iavx6c; 8vcb7iiov amox&gt; naaaq xac; ruispag

bread always in his presence all the days

Tr\q Cf^r\q avToi) 30+ Kai r| saxiaxopia avzov eaxiaxopia

of his life. And his feasting [was] a feasting

8ia7ravx6c; s566r| auxcb oikod xod PaaiXscoq

always given to him from out of [the] house of the king —

A,6yov rjjispac; sv xrj rjjispa avzov naoaq xac; rjjiepac;

[ reckoning a day's] in his day, all the days

Tr\q tfft^q avTOV

of his life.



13-1 Chronicles

1 X

1+ A8&amp;|i £r|0 Evcbq 2 + Kaivdv Mak£k£f\k Idps8 3 +

Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jered,

Evcb% Ma6oi)adA,a A&amp;|is% 4 + Nebs 2/r||i Xa|i I&amp;(ps0 5 +

Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth.

men IdcpsG Tojisp Kai Maycoy Kai Ma8ai Kai

[The] sons of Japheth — Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and

Icxdcxv Kai 0odP&amp;A, Kai Moa6% Kai ©sipdq 6 + Kai 01

Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. And the

men rcojisp Aa%avd^ Kai Pupdx Kai ©opyajid 7 + Kai

sons of Gomer ~ Ashchenaz and Riphath, and Togarmah. And

01 mot lavav EXiad Kai ©apaeic; Xixxiji Kai

the sons of Javan ~ Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim and

Aco8avs(|i 8+ Kai 01 mot Xaji Xovq Kai Meapaiji

Dodanim. And the sons of Ham — Cush, and Mizraim,

Oodt Kai Xavadv 9+ Kai men Xovq Sapd Kai

Put, and Canaan. And [the] sons of Cush — Seba, and

EmXd Kai SaPaBd Kai Psyjid Kai SePaKaBd Kai

Havilah, and Sabta, and Raamah, and Sabtecha. And

vioi Psyjid Sspd Kai Aa8dv 10+ Kai Xovq eyewrjae

[the] sons of Raama — Sheba and Dedan. And Cush procreated

xov Nsjip68 omoq fjp^axo tod sivai yiyaq sv xrj yrj

Nimrod — this one began to be a giant on the earth.

11+ Kai Msapa'tji syswrjae xodc; AodSisiji Kai xodc;

Mizraim procreated the Ludim, the

Aivojjiji Kai xodc; Aapiji Kai xodc; Ns(p0coxi|i 12 + Kai

Anamim, and the Lehabim, the Naphuhim And

xodc; OsxpoDaiji Kai xodc; XaaAxmji 60ev s^fjXGev

the Pathrusim, and the Casluhim from where [ came forth

sksiBov OdAicttisiii Kai xodc; Ka(p9copi|i 13 + Kai

from there [the] Philistines], and the Caphthorim. And

Xavadv eyewrjae xov SiScbva xov 7ipcox6xoKov aDxoD

Canaan procreated Sidon his firstborn,

Kai xov E0 14+ Kai xov IePoDai Kai xov Ajioppi Kai
and Heth. And the Jebusite, and the Amorite, and

xov Tspyeai 15+ Kai xov Edsi Kai xov ApaKi Kai xov

the Girgashite, and the Hivite, and the Archite, and the

Aaewi 16+ Kai xov ApoDa8( Kai xov Sajiapaiov Kai

Sinite, and the Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

13-1 Chronicles

xov AjiaGsi 17+ dioi Er|(i AiXdji Kai Aaotip Kai

the Hamathite. [The] sons of Shem ~ Elam, and Asshur, and

Apcpa^dS Kai Aod5 Kai Apdji Kai Ovq Kai OvX Kai

Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram, and Uz, and Hul, and

rsxrjsp Kai Moaox is+ Kai Apcpa^d5 eyswrjae

Gether, and Meshech. And Arphaxad procreated

xov Katvdv Kai Kaivdv syswrjos xov Said Kai SaAxx

Cainan, and Cainan procreated Shelah, and Shelah

eyswrjae xov'Epep i9 + Kai xco 'Epep eyevvf|6r|aav 8do

procreated Eber. And [to] Eber [ were procreated two

dioi ovojia xco evi OaAiy 6xi sv xaiq rjjiepaic; aDxoD

sons]. [The] name [to] the one [was] Peleg; for in his days

sjispiaGrj rj yrj Kai ovojia xco aSeAxpcb aDxoD IsKxdv

[ was portioned the earth]. And [the] name [to] his brother [was] Joktan.

20 + Kai IsKxdv eyevvrjae xov EA,|ico5d8 Kai xov SaXecp

And Joktan procreated Almodad, and Sheleph,

Kai xov AaepjicoG Kai xov laps 2 i + Kai xov A8copd|i

and Hazarmaveth, and Jerah, and Hadoram,

Kai xov OvCfid Kai xov AeicAxx 22 + Kai xov Hfir\k Kai

and Uzal, and Diklah, and Ebal, and

xov ApijiseiA, Kai xov £apd 23 + Kai xov Qcpeip Kai

Abimael, and Sheba, and Ophir, and

xov EDTjAxxx Kai xov loop dp rcavxec; odxoi dioi IsKxdv

Havilah, and Jobab. All these [are] sons of Joktan.

24+ 2r||i Apcpa^dS Said 25+'EPep OaAiy PayaD 26 +

Shem, Arphaxad, Shelah, Eber, Peleg, Reu,

Eepotiy Na^cbp 0dpa 27+ APpdji aDxoc; APpadji 28 +

Serug, Nahor, Terah, Abram — he [was] Abraham.

dioi APpadji IaadK Kai IajiafjA, 29+ atixai

Sons of Abraham — Isaac and Ishmael. These [are]

ai yeveaeic; auxcov 7ipcox6xoKoc; IojiafjA, NaPaicbG Kai

their genealogies. First-born of Ishmael — Nebaioth, and

Kr|8dp Kai Ap8r|f|A, Kai MaDadv 30+ Maasjid Kai

Kedar, and Adbeel and Mibsam, Mishma and

Aoi)|id Maaad A5d5 Kai 0a|id 31+ Iexotip Nacpefc;

Dumah, Massa, Hadad and Tema, Jetur, Naphish,

Kai Ke8jid odxoi eiaiv dioi IajiafjX 32+ Kai dioi

and Kedemah. These are [the] sons of Ishmael. And sons

KsxxoDpaq 7raAlaKf|c; APpadji Kai sxsks xov Zejipdv

of Keturah, concubine of Abraham— and she bore Zimran,

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

13-1 Chronicles
Kai xov Is^dv Kai Ma5dv Kai Ma8idv Kai IeaPoK

and Jokshan, and Medan and Midian, and Ishbak,

Kai Eods Kai dioi Ie^dv Sapd Kai Aa5dv 33+ Kai

and Shuah. And [the] sons of Jokshan — Sheba and Dedan. And

dioi Ma5idv Tscpd Kai Tocpsp Kai Evcb% Kai Api8d

[the] sons of Midian— Ephah, and Epher, and Henoch, and Abida,

Kai EXSad rcavxeg odxoi dioi Ksxxotipac; 34+ Kai

and Eldaah. All these [were] sons of Keturah. And

syewrjaev APpadji xov IaadK dioi IaadK HaaD Kai

Abraham procreated Isaac. [The] sons of Isaac — Esau and

IapafjA, 35+ dioi HaaD EAicpd^ Kai PayoDfjA, Kai

Israel. [The] sons of Esau— Eliphaz, and Reuel, and

IrjaoDq Kai IsyXdji Kai Kops 36+ dioi EAacpd^

Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah. [The] sons of Eliphaz ~

0ai|idv Kai Qjidp £e7rtpoDfj Kai rooGcbji Keve^ Kai

Teman, and Omar, Zephi, and Gatam, Kenaz; and

0a|ivd Kai AjiaAxjK 37+ Kai dioi PayoDfjA, Na%e6

[by] Timna, and Amalek. And [the] sons of Reuel — Nahath,

Zaps Sajijid Kai Ma^s 3 s+ Kai dioi I/qeip Acoxdv

Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah. And [the] sons of Seir — Lotan,

Kai Zovfiak Kai Espsycbv Kai Avd Kai Arjacbv Kai

and Shobal, and Zibeon, and Anah, and Dishon, and

Aadp Kai Aiadv 39+ Kai dioi Acoxdv Xoppsi Kai

Ezer, and Dishan. And [the] sons of Lotan — Hori, and

Ijidji Kai a5eAxpfj Acoxdv 0ajivd 40+ dioi Zovfiak

Honam; and [the] sister of Lotan— Timna. [The] sons of Shobal —

AAx)Ddv Kai MavadG Kai ODpdA, Sa7icps( Kai Qvdji

Alian, and Manahath, and Ebal, Shephi, and Onam.

Kai dioi SePsycbv Aia Kai Avd 4 i+ dioi Avd

And [the] sons of Zibeon— Ajah and Anah. [The] sons of Anah —
Arjacbv dioi 5s Arjacbv Kai dioi Arjacov A|ia8dv Kai

Dishon. And [the] sons of Dishon. And [the] sons of Dishon— Amram, and

Easpdv Kai IsGpdv Kai Xappdv 42+ Kai dioi Aadp

Eshban, and Ithran, and Cheran. And [the] sons of Ezer —

BaXadv Kai Zadv Kai Iarav dioi Aeacbv £lq Kai

Bilhan and Zavan and Jakan. [The] sons of Dishan— Uz and

Apdv 43+ Kai odxoi 01 PaaiXeic; 01 Paai^sDaavxsc;

Aran. And these [are] the kings, the ones reigning

sv yrj E8cb|i 7ipo xod PaaiXstiaai PaaiXea sv xoic;

in [the] land of Edom before [reigned a king] among the

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

13-1 Chronicles

vioiq IapafjA, BaXa vioq Bscbp Kai ovojia

sons of Israel. Bela son of Beor, and [the] name

xrj 7i6A,8i ai)TOi3 Aswapd 44+ Kai a7T£6ave Bald Kai

of his city [was] Dinhabah. And Bela died, and

sPacriXsDasv avx' avzov Icopdp vioq Zapd sk

reigned instead of him, Jobab son of Zerah of

Boaoppac; 45+ Kai a7ie9avev Icopdp Kai sPaai^sDasv

Bozrah. And Jobab died, and reigned

avx' avTOV Aaoji sk xrjc; yr\q 0ai|iavcbv 4 6+ Kai

instead of him Husham of the land of [the] Temanites. And

arcsGavev Aaoji Kai sPaaiXsuaev avx' avzov A8d8

Husham died, and reigned instead of him, Hadad

vioq Ba5d5 o 7raxd^a&lt;; Ma5id|i sv xco aypcb

son of Bedad, the one striking Midian in the field

Mcodp Kai ovojia xrj 7i6A,si ai)xoi3 Em6 47 + Kai

ofMoab. And [the] name of his city [was] Avith. And

arceGavev A8d8 Kai sfiaaiksvazv avx' avzov SajiXd

Hadad died, and reigned instead of him, Samlah

sk MaapeKd 48+ Kai a7re0ave £a|Ad Kai zfiaaikzvozv

of Masrekah. And Samlah died, and reigned

avx' avTOV ZaovX sk PocoPcoG xod 7roxa|icy6 49 + Kai

instead of him, Shaul of Rehoboth of the river. And

a7is6avs ZaovX Kai sPaaiXsDasv avx' auxou

Shaul died, and reigned instead of him,

BaAlswcbv vioq A%oPcbp 50+ Kai a7ie0ave BaAlswcbv

Baal-hanan son of Achbor. And Baal-hanan died,

Kai sPaadsDasv avx' auxcro A8d5 Kai ovojia

and reigned instead of him, Hadad. And [the] name

xtj 7i6Xsi avTOV cpaou Kai ovojia xrj yuvaiKi avzov

of his city [was] Pai. And [the] name of his wife

MsxaPsfjA, 0i)ydxr|p MaxpfjG 0i)ydxr|p Ms^adp 51+ Kai

[was] Mehetabel, daughter of Marred, daughter of Mezahab. And

a7is0avsv A5d8 Kai sysvovxo rjysjiovsq E8cb|i riysjicbv

Hadad died. And [were [The] governors of Edom] ~ governor

0ajivd rjyejicbv Akova riysjicbv Is0sp 52+ riysjicbv

Timnah, governor Aliah, governor Jetheth, governor

EXiPajid rjysjicbv HM rjyejicbv Oivcov 53+ r|ys|icbv

Aholibamah, governor Elah, governor Pinon, governor

Ksvs^ rjyejicov 0ai|idv rjysjicbv Ma\j/dp 54+ rjysjicbv

Kenaz, governor Teman, governor Mibzar, governor

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

13-1 Chronicles

MayeSrqA, riyejicbv Epdji odxoi rjysjiovsc; E8cb|i

Magdiel, governor Iram. These [were] [the] governors of Edom.

2 n

1+ cyoTOi oi dioi lapar\k PoDpfjv Edjiscov Asdi

These [were] of the sons of Israel ~ Reuben, Simeon, Levi,

Ioi)8a Iaad%ap Zafiovkcbv 2+ Aav Icoafjcp Beviajiiv

Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Joseph, Benjamin,

NscpGaAi Tad Kai Aafjp 3 + dioi Ioi35a Hp Kai Avvdv

Naphtali, Gad, and Asher. Sons of Judah ~ Er, and Onan,

Kai SrjAxb xpeic; odxoi exexGrjaav aDxcb sk xrjc;

and Shelah. These three were born to him from the

0Dyaxp6c; Sods xrjc; XavavixiSoc; Kai sysvsxo Hp o

daughter of Shua the Canaanitess. And [ was Er the

7rpoox6xoKoc; IoD8a 7iovr|p6c; svcbmov KopioD Kai

first-born of Judah] wicked before [the] LORD, and

eGavdxcoaev aDxov 4 + Kai 0ajidp r| vD|itpr| aDxoD

he killed him. And Tamar his daughter-in-law

sxsK8v aDxcb xov Oapec; Kai xov Zapd 7idvxsc; odxoi

bore to him Pharez, and Zerah. All these

dioi IoD8a 7TSVXS 5+ dioi Oapec; Eapcbv Kai XajioDA,

sons of Judah — five. Sons of Pharez — Hezron and Hamul.

6+ Kai dioi Zapd ZajiPpi Kai H6dv Kai Aijidv Kai

And sons of Zerah ~ Zimri, and Ethan, and Heman, and

Kak%ak Kai Aapa8e rcavxec; odxoi 7ievxs 7+ Kai dioi

Calcol, and Dara, all these — five. And sons

Xapjii A%dp o xapd^ac; xov IapafjX oq r|aDv6exr|aev

ofCarmi— Achar the disturber of Israel, who broke contract

sv xco avaGsjiaxi 8+ Kai dioi Ai6dv A^apiaq 9+ Kai

in the offering for consumption. And sons of Ethan— Azariah. And

dioi Eapcbv 01 syswfj9r|aav aDxcb o IspajiafjA, Kai

sons of Hezron, the ones who were born to him ~ Jerahmeel, and

oApdji Kai o XaAxjopi 10+ Kai Apdji syswrjas

Ram, and Chelubai. And Ram procreated

xov A|iiva5dp Kai A|iiva8dp eyewrjas xov Naoocbv

Amminadab; and Amminadab procreated Nahshon,

dpxovxa oikod IoD8a n+ Kai Naaaacov syswrjae

ruler of the house of Judah. and Nahshon procreated

xov SaXjicbv Kai Sa^jicbv eyewrjas xov Boo^ 12 + Kai

Salma; and Salma procreated Boaz; and

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

13-1 Chronicles

Boo^ syswrjas xov Qpfj8 Kai Qpfj8 syswrjas

Boaz procreated Obed; and Obed procreated

xov Isaaai 13+ Kai Isaaai syswrjas

Jesse; and Jesse procreated

xov 7tpcot6tokov olvtov EAadp Kai ApivaSdp o

his first-born Eliab, and Abinadab the

5sr)xspoc; Kai Sajiad o xpixoc; i 4 + NaBavafjX o

second, and Shimma the third, Nethaneel the

xsxapxoc; Kai Pe8ai o 7is|i7rxoc; 15+ Aadji o skxoc;

fourth, and Raddai the fifth, Ozem the sixth,

Aam8 o epSojioc; i 6 + Kai ai a8sAxpa( auxcbv Eapoma

David the seventh, and their sisters — Zeruiah,

Kai ApiyatX Kai vioi Sapoma Apsaaai Kai Icodp

and Abigail. And [the] sons of Zeruiah — Abishai, and Joab,

Kai AaaafjA, xpsic; orjxoi n + Kai ApiyaiA, sxsks

and Asahel — these three. And Abigail bore

xov Ajisaad Kai 7iaxfjp Ajisaad IsBsp o IajiarjAixrjc;

Amasa; and [the] father of Amasa [was] Jether the Ishmeelite.

18+ Kai XaAip vioq Eopcbv sAxxPs xrjv ACpvfia

And Caleb [the] son of Hezron took Azubah

yDvaiKa Kai xrjv IspsicbG Kai orjxoi vioi arjxfjc; Iaadp

[as] wife, and Jerioth; and these [are] her sons ~ Jesher,

Kai Eoi)Pdp Kai Ap8cbv 19+ Kai arcsGavs ACpvfia Kai

and Shobab, and Ardon. And Azubah died, and

sAxxpsv sarjxcb XaAip xrjv EcppdG Kai sxsksv arjxcb

[ took for himself Caleb] Ephrath, and she bore to him

xov Qp 20 + Kai Qp syswrjas xov Orjpsi Kai Orjpsi

Hur. And Hur procreated Uri. And Uri

syswrjas xov Bsas^sfjA, 21 + Kai jisxd xorjxo

procreated Bezaleel. And after this

siafjXGsv Eapcbv npoq xrjv 0uyaxspa Ma%sip rcaxpoc;

Hezron entered to the daughter of Machir father

TaXadS Kai arjxoc; sXaPsv arjxfjv Kai avzoq s^fjKovxa

of Gilead, and he took her, and he [ sixty

sxcbv rjv Kai sxsksv arjxcb xovSsyorjp 22+ Kai Ssyorjp

years [old] was]. And she bore to him Segub. And Segub

syswrjas xov Iasip Kai fjaav arjxcb siKoai Kai xpsiq

procreated Jair. And there were to him twenty and three

noXsiq sv xrj yrj TakaaS 23+ Kai sAxxPs Tsaorjp Kai

cities in the land of Gilead. And he took Geshur and

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

13-1 Chronicles

Apdji xac; Kcbjiac; Iaeip s£, aDxcbv xrjv KavdG Kai

Aram the towns of Jair from them, [with] Kenath and

xac; Kcbjiac; aDxfjc; e^fjKovxa itoXziq rcavxec; odxoi dioi

her towns — sixty cities. All these sons

Ma%e(p naxpoq TakadS 24+ Kai jisxd to a7roGave(v

ofMachir father ofGilead. And after the dying

Eapcbv fjA.08 XaAip eiq EcppaGd Kai r| yDvfj Eapcbv

ofHezron, Caleb came into Ephratah. And the wife ofHezron

Apia Kai exeKev aDxcb xov Aaocbp rcaxepa 0skcos 25 +

[was] Abiah, and she bore to him Ashur father of Tekoa.

Kai fjaav 01 dioi IspajisfjX 7ipcoxox6KOD Eapcbv

And [these] were the sons of Jerahmeel, the first-born ofHezron —

o 7ipcox6xoKoc; Paji Kai BoDvd Kai Apov Kai Aacbji

first-born Ram, and Bunah, and Oren, and Ozem

Kai A%idv 26 + Kai r|v yDvfj sxspa xco IepajiefjX Kai

and Ahijah. And [there] was [ wife another] to Jerahmeel, and

ovojia auxfj Axapd aDxrj |ifjxrjp Avdji 27+ Kai fjaav

her name [was] Atarah; she [is the] mother of Onam. And [ were

dioi Pa|i 7rpcoxox6KOD IspajiefjA, Made; Kai Iajjiv

[the] sons of Ram], [the] first-born of Jerahmeel— Maaz, and Jamin,

Kai Leap 28+ Kai fjaav dioi Iavdji Ssjissi Kai Ia5d

and Eker. And [ were [the] sons of Onam] — Shammai, and Jada.

Kai dioi Ssjissi Na8dp Kai ApiaoDp 29+ Kai ovojia

And [the] sons of Shammai — Nadab and Abishur. And [the] name

xrj yDvaiKi ApiaoDp ApifjA, Kai sxsksv aDxcb

to the wife of Abishur [was] Abihail. And she bore to him

xov Apdv Kai xov McoAi5 30 + Kai dioi Na5dp £sAi5

Ahban and Molid. And [the] sons of Nadab - Seled

Kai Qcpsiji Kai arceGavs £sA,e8 ODK £%CDV XSKVa 31 +

and Appaim. And Seled died not having children.

Kai dioi Qtpsiji IsaaoDei Kai dioi IsaaoDsi Siadv

And [the] sons of Appaim— Ishi. And [the] sons of Ishi — Sheshan.

Kai dioi Siadv OvXdi 32+ Kai dioi Ia5d a8sAxpoD

And the sons of Sheshan — Ahlai. And [the] sons of Jada brother

Esjisi IeGsp Kai IcovaGdv Kai arcsGavsv IsGep odk

of Shammai — Jether and Jonathan; and Jether died not

s%cov xsicva 33+ Kai dioi IcovaGdv Oa^dx Kai Ze^d

having children. And [the] sons of Jonathan — Peleth and Zaza.

odxoi fjaav dioi IspajiefjA, 34 + Kai odk fjaav

These were [the] sons of Jerahmeel. And there were no

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

13-1 Chronicles

too Siadv Dioi aXX r rj Grjyaxspsc; Kai xco £iad

sons to Sheshan, but only daughters. And [to] Sheshan

7iaic; Aiyfj7rxioc; Kai ovojia auxcb Ispss 35 + Kai

[there was] an Egyptian servant, and [the] name to him [was] Jarha. And

s5cgks Siodv xrjv 0uyaxspa auxofj xco Ispss 7iai5( arjxofj

Sheshan gave his daughter to Jarha his servant

sic; yuvaiKa Kai sxsksv arjxco xov E0{ 3 6 + Kai E0{

for a wife; and she bore to him Attai. And Attai

syswrjas xov NdBav Kai NdGav syswrjas xov Zapd8

procreated Nathan, and Nathan procreated Zabad,

37 + Kai Zapd8 syswrjas xov EcpasX Kai AcpasA,

and Zabad procreated Ephlal, and Ephlal

syswrjas xov Qpfj8 3 s+ Kai Qpfj8 syswrjas xov Irjoi)

procreated Obed, and Obed procreated Jehu,

Kai Irjofj syswrjas xovA^apiav 39+ Kai A^apiaq

and Jehu procreated Azariah, and Azariah

syswrjas xov AXXaq Kai AXXaq syswrjas xov EXsaad

procreated Helez, and Helez procreated Eleasah,

40+ Kai EXsaad syswrjas xovSaaajisi Kai Saaajisi

and Eleasah procreated Sisamai, and Sisamai

syswrjas xov ZaXkovii 4 i + Kai HaXXov[i syswrjas

procreated Shallum, and Shallum procreated

xov IaKSjiiav Kai IaKsjiiac; syswrjas xov EAiaajid 42 +

Jekamiah, Jekamiah procreated Elishama.

Kai moi Xa^sP aSsAxpofj IspsjiafjX Mouad

And [the] sons of Caleb brother of Jerahmeel — Mesha

o 7ipcox6xoKoc; arjxofj afjxoc; 7iaxfjp Zrjcp Kai vioi

his first-born, he [is] father of Ziph ~ and [the] sons

Mapiad nazpoq XsPpcbv 43+ Kai dioi XsPpcov Kops

ofMareshah father of Hebron. And [the] sons of Hebron— Korah,

Kai 0a7T(poud Kai PcoKfj|i Kai Sajid 44+XajidSs

and Tappua, and Rekem, and Shema. And Shema

syswrjas xov Padji rcaxspa IspsKdji Kai PcGKfj|i

procreated Raham father ofJorkoam. And Rekem

syswrjas xov Eajiai 45+ Kai vioq Sajia'i Macbv Kai

procreated Shammai. And [the] son of Shammai — Maon. And

Macbv 7iaxfjp BrjGaofjp 4 6+ Kai Tscpd rj 7iaAA,aKfj

Moan [was] father of Beth-zur. And Ephah the concubine

XaXsP sxsks xov Qpcbv Kai xov Morjafj Kai

of Caleb bore Haran, and Moza, and

8V TOt/CCp + VtKCl

13-1 Chronicles

xov ra^fj^ Kai Qpcbv syswrjas xov TaCfiq 4 ? + Kai moi

Gazez. And Haran procreated Gazez. And [the] sons

Ia5( Psiyjid Kai Ico6d|i Kai Tsiacbv Kai OaXs Kai

of Jahdai — Regem, and Jotham, and Gesham, and Pelet, and

rscpd Kai Sadcp 48+ Kai r| 7iaAlaKfj Xaksfi Maa%d

Ephah, and Shaaph. And the concubine of Caleb — Maachah

syswrjas xov Sapdp Kai xov 0apavd 49+ Kai syswrjas

bore Sheber and Tirhanah, and she bore

Sadcp 7iaxspa Ms5|irjvd Kai xov Eom rcaxspa

Shaaph father of Madmannah, and Sheva father

MaxPavd Kai rcaxspa TaPPad Kai 0r&gt;ydxrjp XaAip

of Machbenah, and [the] father ofGibea; and [the] daughter of Caleb

O^d 50+ orjxoi fjaav moi XaXsP moi Qp

was Achsa. These were [the] sons of Caleb sons Hur

7ipcoxox6Korj EcppaGd ScopdX 7iaxfjp KapiaGiapsiji 51 +

[the] first-born of Ephratah — Shobal [the] father of Kirjath-jearim,

Sajiad 7iaxf|p BrjA,ss|i Apfjcp 7iaxfjp Brj6ys58cbp 52+

Salma father of Beth-lehem, Haareph father of Beth-gader.

Kai fjaav dioi xco Ecopd 7iaxp( KapiaBiapsijr Apad

And [these] were [the] sons to Shobal father of Kirjath-jearim — Haroeh,

Kai Aiarj Kai AjiavfjG 53+ Kai Oujiaacpaai noXiq Imp

and Aisi, and Ammanith, and Oumasphae [the] city of Jair.

Ai0aAi|i Kai MupiGiji Kai HaajiaGiji Kai Hjiaaapaijr

Aithalim, and Miphithim, and Esamathim, and Emasaraim.

sk xorjxoov s^fjA£ov 01 SapaaGi Kai o EaxaoAr 54 +

From out of these came forth the Zareathitees, and the Eshtaulites.

Kai moi Sa^jid Brj6A,ss|i Kai NsxcocpaGsi AxapcbG

And [the] sons of Salma ~ Beth-lehem and [the] Netophathites, Ataroth

oiKOD Ioodp Kai fj|iiau xrjc; MavaGi o Sapa'i 55+ Kai

of [the] house of Joab, and half of the Menahethites; the Zorites. And

7iaxpia( ypajijiaxscov KaxoiKorjvxsc; sv lafiiq 0apa6siv

[the] families of [the] scribes dwelling in Jabez — [the] Tirathites,

SajiaGsiv £or&gt;%a6s(|i orjxoi 01 Kivaioi 01 s^Bovxsq

Shimeathites, Suchathites, these [are] the Kenites, the ones coming

s^ AijidG nazpoq oikod Prj%dp

from out of Hemath, [the] father of [the] house ofRechab.


13-1 Chronicles

3 *
1+ Kai otixoi fjaav moi Aam5 oi xsxGevxsc; auxcb

And these were [the] sons of David, the ones being born to him

sv Xsppcbv o 7ipcox6xoKoc; Ajivcbv tt] A%ivad|i xrj

in Hebron. The first-born [was] Amnon to Ahinoam the

Ie^par|Aixi5i o 5ei)xspoc; AavifjX xrj Apiyaia xrj

Jezreelitess. The second, Daniel, [to] Abigail the

KapjxrjAia 2 + o xpixoc; ApsaaAxbji vioq Maa%d

Carmelitess. The third, Absalom, son ofMaachah

Guyaxpoc; &amp;oX[d PaaiAiooc; rsaaoup o xsxapxoc;

daughter ofTalmai king ofGeshur. The fourth,

A8&lt;joviac; vioq AyyiG 3 + o 7i£|i7rxoc; Sacpaxiac; xr|

Adonijah son ofHaggith. The fifth, Shephatiah [to]

Apix&amp;X o SKioq Ie0pad|i tt] Eyka yuvaud avzov 4+

Abital. The sixth, Ithream [to] Eglah his wife.

syewf|6r|aav auxcb sv XePpcbv Kai ePaai^sDaev

Six were born to him in Hebron, and he reigned

SK8i 871x6 8xr| Kai 8^&amp;|ir|vov Kai xpidKovxa Kai xpia

there seven years and six months. And thirty and three

8xr| ePaai^sDasv sv lspovaakr\[i 5 + Kai otixoi

years he reigned in Jerusalem. And these

exs%6r|aav auxcb ev IepouaaAr||i Eajiad Kai Eopdp

were born to him in Jerusalem — Shimea, and Shobab,

Kai NaGdv Kai SoXojicbv xeaaapec; xrj BrjpaaPsai

and Nathan, and Solomon — four [to] Bathsheba

0i)yaxp( AjiifjA, 6 + Kai IePadp Kai EAiaajid Kai

daughter ofAmmiel. And Ibhar, and Elishama, and

EAicpaAiG 7 + Kai Noye Kai Necpsy Kai Iaqne 8 + Kai

Eliphelet, and Nogah, and Nepheg, and Japhia, and

EXeioajid Kai EAia5d Kai EXapakad swsa 9 + itavTzq

Elishama, and Eliada, and Eliphelet — nine. All

otixoi moi Aam8 7iAr|v xcov Dicbv xcov 7iaAA,aKcbv

these [are] sons of David besides the sons of the concubines,

Kai ©fjjiap a5sAxpfj auxcbv io+ dioi EoAx)|icbv PoPodji

and Tamar their sister. Sons of Solomon — Rehoboam;

Apia vioq avzov Aad vioq avzov Icooacpdx vioq avzov

Abia [was] his son, Asa his son, Jehoshaphat his son,

n+ Icopdji moq ai)xoi3 Oxo^iaq moq ai)xoi3 Ioadq

Joram his son, Ahaziah his son, Joash

vioq avzov n + Ajiacriac; vioq avzov ACfipiaq vioq avzov

his son, Amaziah his son, Azariah his son,


3 3, ev toi3tco + vtica 13-1 Chronicles

Icoa0d|i vioq avTor* 13 + A%a^ vioq avxov Etpciaq

Jotham his son, Ahaz his son, Hezekiah

moc; auxoi) Mavaaafjc; moc; auxou u+ Ajicbv moc; auxoi)

his son, Manasseh his son, Anion his son,

Ioocriac; vioq avzov i 5 + Kai moi Iooaiou 7ipcox6xoKoc;

Josiah his son. And [the] sons of Josiah — first-born

Icoavdv o Ssuxspoc; IooaKsiji o xpixoc; Es5sKiac; o

Johanan, the second Jehoiakim, the third Zedekiah, the

xexapxoc; IssXXovii i 6 + Kai moi IcoaKeiji Ie%ov(ac;

fourth Shallum. And [the] sons of Jehoiakim — Jeconiah

moq ai)xoi3 £e8eKiac; moc; auxoi) n+ Kai moi Isxoviod

his son, Zedekiah his son. And [the] sons of Jeconiah ~

Aadp EaAxxGifjX moc; auxoi) is + Kai MeX%ipd|i Kai

Assir, Salathiel his son. And [and] Melchiram, and

®a8a(a Kai Savdaap Kai IsKsjiia Kai Qaajid Kai

Pedaiah, and Shenazar, and Jecamiah, and Hoshama, and

Na8ap(a 19+ Kai moi ®a5ata ZopoPaPsX Kai Esjiei

Nedabiah. And [the] sons of Pedaiah — Zerubbabel, and Shimei.

Kai moi ZopoPaPsA, MoaoAldji Kai Avaviaq Kai

And [the] sons of Zerubbabel ~ Meshullam, and Hananiah, and

EaAxDjiiG a8eAxpf| auxcbv 20+ Kai Aaapd Kai 06X Kai

Shelomith their sister, and Hashubah, and Ohel, and

Bapa%(a Kai Aaa8id Kai IcoaaPeas8 7isvxs

Berechiah, and Hasadiah, and Jushab-hesed — five.

21 + Kai moi Avav(oi) OaXaxiaq Kai Ieaeai vioq avzov

And [the] sons of Hananiah — Pelatiah, and Jesaiah his son,

Pacpa'ia vioq avzov Apvcbv vioq avzov Ofidiaq

Rephaiah his son, Arnan his son, Obadiah

vioq avTOV Ssxeviac; vioq avzov 22 + Kai moi Esxsviod

his son, Shechaniah his son. And [the] sons of Shechaniah —

Eajiaia Kai moi Sajiaia Axotic; Kai TsyadA, Kai

Shemaiah. And [the] sons of Shemaiah — Hattush, and Igeal, and

Bepia Kai Neapia Kai Sacpdx s£, 23+ Kai moi

Bariah, and Neariah, and Shaphat — six. And [the] sons

Nsap(oi) EAicovai Kai E^sKiaq Kai E^piKdji xpsic; 24 +

of Neariah — Elioenai, and Hezekiah, and Azrikam — three.

Kai moi EXicovai Q8(a Kai EAiaaeip Kai OaAia Kai

And [the] sons of Elioenai ~ Hodaiah, and Eliashib, and Pelaiah, and

Akow Kai Icovdv Kai AaXsd Kai Avaviaq 87ixd

Aklcub, and Johanan, and Dalaiah, and Anani — seven.

4 7 ev tootg) + vlica 13-1 Chronicles

4 7

i+ dioi lovSa Oapec; Eapcbji Kai Xapjii Kai Qp

[The] sons of Judah — Pharez, Hezron, and Carmi and Hur,

SopdA, 2 + Kai Peid vioq Zofiak syewrjae xov IacbB

Shobal, and Reaiah son ofShobal procreated Jahath;

Kai IacbG syewrjae xov A%i|iaii Kai xov Aad8 arjxai

and Jahath procreated Ahumai, and Lahad. These [are]

ai yeveaeig xod Sapa0i 3 + Kai odxoi dioi Exdji

the genealogies of Zorathites. And these [were] [the] sons ofEtam —

Is^pafjX Kai Hsaajid Kai Ie5epdc; Kai ovojia

Jezreel, and Ishma, and Idbash; and [the] name

adzk(pr\q aDxcbv AasXacpcovi 4 + Kai OavoDfjA, 7iaxf|p

of their sister — Hazelelponi. And Penuel [was the] father

rs85cbp Kai E^ep 7iaxfjp Ovad odxoi dioi Qp

ofGedor, and Ezer [was the] father ofHusha. These [are] [the] sons of Hur

xod 7ipcoxox6KOD EcppaGd rcaxpoc; BeGXeeji 5 + Kai xoo

first-born ofEphratah father of Beth-lehem. And [to]

Aaocbp 7iaxp( ©skcos fjaav 8do yvvahcsq EXaa Kai

Ashur father of Tekoe were two wives — Helah and

Nospd 6 + Kai sxsK8v aDxcb Nospd xov O^dji Kai

Naarah. And [ bore to him Naarah] Ahuzam, and

xov Acpep Kai xov 0ejiavei Kai xov AeaGapei rcavxec;

Hepher, and Temeni, and Haahashtari. All

odxoi dioi Nospd 7+ Kai dioi EXsd Sapf|6 Kai

these [were] sons of Naarah. And [the] sons of Helah— Zereth, and

Scodp Kai E0vdv s+ Kai Kcoq eyevvrjoe xovAvcbp Kai

Jezoar, and Ethnan. And Cos engendered Anub, and

xov SaPrjPd aDxai ai 7iaxpia( a8eAxpoD Pr|%dX diod

Zobedah, they [are] the families of [the] brother of Aharhel, [the] son
Apiji 9+ Kai Tjv Iapfjq evSo^oc; D7iep

of Harum. And Jabez was honorable above

xodc; aSsAxpoDc; aDxoD Kai rj |if|xr|p eraXeae

his brothers. And [his] mother called

xo ovojia aDxoD Iapfjc; XeyoDaa 6x1 exeKov ev

his name Jabez, saying, For I gave birth in

8ia7rxcba£i 10 + Kai 87isKaXsaaxo Iapfjc; xov 0s6v IopafjX

a downfall. And Jabez called on the God of Israel,

Aiyoov sdv SDAx)ycbv eDXoyf|&lt;xr|c; (is Kai 7iAr|0Dvr|c;

saying, If [by] blessing you should bless me, and multiply

xa opid |iod Kai r| %eip aoD r| |iex' sjiod Kai

my borders, and [ might be hand your] with me, and


8V TOUT© + VlKa

13-1 Chronicles

7ioifjarjc; yvcbaiv tod |irj xa7isivcbaai |is Kai

you would execute knowledge to not abase me. And

S7ifjyaysv o 0s6c; rcdvxa 6aa rjxfjaaxo n+ Kai XaMfi

God brought all as much as he asked for. And Chelub

o a5sAxpoc; Zova syswrjas xov Maxip odxoc; 7iaxfjp

brother of Shuah engendered Mehir, this one [was] father

EaaaBcbv 12+ Kai EaaaBcbv syswrjas xovBrjGpacpd Kai

ofEshton. And Eshton engendered Beth-rapha and

xov Oaaas Kai xov 0sswd rcaxspa Hpvadq odxoi

Paseah, and Tehinnah father of Ir-nahash. These [were]

dv5psq Prj%d 13+ Kai dioi Ksvs^ roGovifjA, Kai

[the] men of Rechah. And [the] sons of Kenez — Othniel and

Sapa'ia Kai dioi roBovifjA, A0s6 u+ Kai Macova0si

Seraiah. And [the] sons of Othniel — Hathath. And Meonothai

syswrjas xov Ecppd Kai Sapata syswrjas xov Ioodp

engendered Ophrah. And Seraiah engendered Joab

7iaxspa rrjxapaaiji 6x1 xskxovsc; fjaav 15+ Kai dioi

father of Ge Charashim, for they were fabricators. And [the] sons

XaXsP diod Iscpovfj Iporj HM Kai Nosji Kai dioi

of Caleb [the] son of Jephunneh- Iru, Elah, and Naan. And [the] sons

HAxx Ksvs^ 16+ Kai dioi Aksksr\k Zup Kai Zicpd Kai

of Elah— Kenaz. And [the] sons of Jehaleleel — Ziph, and Ziphah, and

0scp(a Kai AaspfjA, 17+ Kai dioi Isapad IsGsp Kai

Tirah, and Asareel. And [the] sons of Ezra — Jether, and

Mapd5 Kai Ecpsp Kai IaAxbv Kai IsGsp syswrjas

Mered, and Epher, and Jalon. And Jether engendered

xrjv Mapidji Kai Sajiai Kai xov Isapd rcaxspa

Miriam, and Shammai, and Ishbah [the] father

EaGaijicbv is + Kai rj yDvfj aDxoD IoD8s(a sxsksv aDxcb

of Eshtemoa. And his wife Jehudijah bore to him

xov Idps5 7iaxspa rs85cbp Kai xov Apsp rcaxspa

Jered father ofGedor, and Heber father

£co%cb Kai xov Is%ODxifjA, rcaxspa Zavos Kai odxoi

of Socho, and Jekuthiel father of Zanoah. And these [are]

dioi OaGGoDia 0Dyaxp6q Oapacb rjv sXaPs Mapcb8

[the] sons ofBithiah daughter of Pharaoh, which Mered took.

19+ Kai dioi yDvaiKoq Q5(a a5sAxprjc; NaoDji nazpoq

And [the] sons of [his] wife— Hodiah [the] sister ofNaham, father

KssiA^d o Tapjii Kai EaGajid o MaKaGi 20+ Kai dioi

of Keila the Garmite, and Eshtemoa the Maachathite. And [the] sons
2/djicdv Ajivcov Kai Psvd dioc; Awav Kai 0iAxbv Kai

of Shimon— Amnon, and Rinnah, [the] son of Hanan, and Tilon. And


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

13-1 Chronicles

dioi Isai Zco%d0 dioi Zcd%&amp;0 21+ dioi £r|Axb diod

[the] sons oflshi— Zoheth, [the] sons ofZoheth. [The] sons ofShelah [the] son

lovda Hp 7raxf|p Aai%d Kai Aaa5d 7iaxf|p Maprjad

ofJudah [were] Er [the] father ofLecah, and Laadah [the] father of Mareshah,

Kai ysvsasic; oiksicov Ecppa5apdK xcd oikco Aaspd 22 +

and [the] generations of the families of Ephradabak to the house of Ashbea,

Kai IooaKsiji Kai dv5psc; Xo^rjPd Kai Icodq Kai

and Jokim, and [the] men of Chozeba, and Joash, and

Sapdcp 01 s^oDaidaavxsc; sv Moadp Kai

Saraph; the ones who exercised authority in Moab. And

a7isaxps\j/av sic; Assji 01 8s Xoyoi 7iaXaio( SIOIV 23 +

they returned to Lehem. And the words [old are].

odxoi 01 Kspajisic; 01 KaxoiKowcsc; sv Nsxasiji Kai

These [are] the potters, the ones dwelling in Netaim and

ra8sipd jisxd tod Paai^scoq sv xoic; spyoiq aDxoD

Gadera with the king in his works.

sv(a%Daav Kai KaxcoKr|aav sksi 24+ dioi Edjiscov

They grew in strength and dwelt there. [The] sons of Simeon ~

NajioDfjA, Kai Iajisiv Iapstp Zapd ZaovX 25+ £sAx||i

Nemuel, and Jamin, Jarib, Zerah, Shaul, Shallum

vioq aDTOD MaPadji vioq aDxoD Maajid vioq aDxoD 26 +

his son, Mibsam his son, Mishma his son,

dioi Maajid A|iodt|X vioq aDxoD Za%ODp vioq aDxoD

[The] sons of Mishma ~ Hamuel his son, Zacchur his son,

Ssjisi vioq aDTOD 27+ Kai too Ssjisi dioi SKKa(8sKa

Shimei his son. And [to] Shimei [ sons [there were] sixteen],

Kai GDyaxspsq s£, Kai xoic; aSsAxpofc; aDxoD odk fjaav

and [daughters six]; and [to] his brethren there were not

dioi noXkoi Kai 7idaai ai 7iaxpia( aDxcbv

[sons many]. And among all their families

odk s7iAx|0Dvav coq dicov IoD8a 2 s + Kai KaxcbKrjaav sv

they multiplied not as [the] sons of Judah. And they dwelt in

BrjpaaPsai Kai MoAxxSd Kai AaspaoDdA, 29+ Kai sv

Beer-sheba and Moladah, and Hazar-shual, and in

BaAxxd Kai sv Aaoji Kai sv 0oXd0 30+ Kai sv

Bilhah, and in Ezem, and in Tolad, and in

BaGoDfjA, Kai sv Apajid Kai sv EsKsAxxy 31+ Kai sv

Bethuel, and in Hormah, and in Ziklag, and in

Bs9|iapxapd)0 Kai EospaoDaiji Kai sv BsGpapsi Kai

Beth-marcaboth and Hazar-susim, and in Beth-birei, and


4 7 ev toi3tg) + viica 13-1 Chronicles

sv Sapsiji auxai ai 7i6A,sic; auxcbv scoc; tod

in Shaaraim. These [were] their cities until the [reign]

PaaiAicoc; AaviS 32 + Kai S7iauA,sic; auxcbv Exd|i Kai

of king David. And their properties [were] Etam, and

Arv Psjijicov Kai 0okk&amp; Kai Aadv noXsiq 7ISVXS 33 +

Ain, Rimmon, and Tochen, and Ashan — [ cities five].

Kai 7idaai ai S7iauA,sic; auxcbv sv kukAxo

And all their properties round about

xcov 7i6A,scov xouxcov scoc; BaAxxd5 auxrj

these cities unto Baal. This [is]

r| Kaxda%saic; auxcbv Kai o KaxaA,o%ia|i6c; auxcbv 34 + Kai

their possession, and their distribution. And

Moacopdp Kai AjiaXfjK Kai Icoaia vioq Ajiaaaiou 35 +

Meshobab, and Jamlech, and Joshah [the] son of Amaziah,

Kai IcofjX Kai Hero vioq Icoaapta uiou Sapsa uioc;

and Joel, and Jehu son ofJosibiah, son ofSeraiah, son

Aa\r\k 36+ Kai EAicovai Kai IsKspd Kai Isaou'ia Kai

ofAsiel, and Elioenai, and Jaakobah, and Jeshohaiah, and

Aaaia Kai ASr\k Kai IajiafjA, Kai Bavsac; 37+ Kai

Asaiah, and Adiel, and Jesimiel, and Benaiah, and

Zi^d vioq Xcocpsi vioq AXcbv vioq Is88(a vioq

Ziza son of Shiphi, son of Allon, son of Jedaiah, son

Eajiapsi vioq Sajiaia 38+ ouxoi 01 8isA$6vxsc; sv

of Shimri, son of Shemaiah — these [are] the ones going by

ovojiaaiv ap%6vxcov sv xaiq ysvsasaiv auxcbv Kai sv

names of [the] rulers in their generations; and in

oikok; 7iaxpicbv auxcbv S7rAx|0uv6r|aav sic; Tihf\doq 39 +

[the] houses of their families they were multiplied into a multitude.

Kai S7iopsu0r|aav xou sXGsiv sic; Tspapa scoc; Kax'

And they went to coming into to Gerara, unto according to

avaxoAxxc; xrjc; cpdpayyoc; xou ^rjxfjaai vojifjv

east of the valley, to seek pasture

Toiq 7ioi(ivioi(; auxcbv 40 + Kai supov vo|if|v mova Kai

for their flocks. And they found [ pasture fertile and

ayaGfjv Kai r| yrj supu%copoc; svcb7iiov auxcbv Kai sv

good], and the land broadly spaced before them, and in

sipfjvrj Kai r|au%(a 6x1 sk xcov uicbv Xaji xcov

peace and rest; for [ [were] of the sons of Ham the ones

KaxoiKouvxcov sksi S|i7ipoa0sv 41+ Kai r\kdoaav ouxoi

dwelling there before]. And [ came these

01 ysypajijisvoi S7i' ovojiaxoc; sv rjjispaic; E^skiou

written by name] in [the] days of Hezekiah


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

13-1 Chronicles

PaaiXscoc; lovba Kai S7idTa^av mq aKqvdc; aDTcbv Kai

king of Judah. And they struck their tents, and

todc; MivaioDc; todc; SDpsBsVcac; sksi Kai

the Minaians, the ones being found there, and

av808|idTiaav avzovq scoc; Tr\q rjjispac; TaDTTjc; Kai

they devoted them to consumption until this day. And

coKqaav avx' airccbv oil vo[ir\ zoiq 7ioi|ivioic; airccbv

they lived there instead of them, for pasture for their animals


[was] there. And [some] of them of the sons of Simeon

S7iopsD0r|aav sic; to opoq Srjsip dv5psc; 7isvTaK6aioi

went forth unto mount Seir — [ men five hundred],

Kai OaAriac; Kai Naapiac; Kai Pacpsac; Kai O^ifjA,

and Pelatiah, and Neariah, and Rephaiah, and Uzziel,

dioi Ecjods dpxovxsq aDicbv 43 + Kai S7idTa^av to

[the] sons oflshi, their rulers. And they struck the

KaTaXsijijia to 8iaaco6sv tod AjiaArjK Kai KaTCOKqaav

vestige surviving of Amalek, and they dwelt

sksi scoc; Tr\q rjjispac; TaDTrjq

there until this day.

5 n

i+ Kai dioi PoDpfjv 7tpcotot6kod IopafjX 6ti odtoc; o

And [the] sons of Reuben [the] first-born of Israel — for he [was] the

7rpcoTOTOKoc; sv 5s to PsPrjAxbaai tt|v aTpco|ivf|v

first-born, but in the profaning the strewn bed

tod 7iaTp6c; aDTOD s869r| Ta ftpcoTOTOKia aDTOD vioiq

of his father, [ was given his rights of the first-born] to [the] sons

Icoofjtp diod IopafjX Kai odk sysvsaXoyf|0r| sic;

of Joseph, son of Israel. And he did not trace descent for

7ipcoTOT6Kia 2+ 6ti Ioi)8ac; 5DvaT6c; ia%m sv

rights of the first-born. For Judah [was] mighty in strength among

TOiq a5sAxpo(c; avzov Kai sic; rjyoDjisvov s^ aDTOD

his brothers, and a leader [came] from him,

Kai Ta 7ipcoTOT6Kia tco Icooficp 3 + DIOI PODpfjV

and the rights of the firstborn [was] to Joseph. [The] sons of Reuben

7ip&lt;jotot6kod IapafjA, Evcb% Kai OaAAxyo Aapcbji Kai

first-born of Israel — Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and

Xapjii 4+ dioi IcofjX Ssjisi vioq avzov Tcoy

Carmi. [The] sons of Joel — Shemaiah his son, Gog

vioq aDTOD Sajiss vioq avzov 5 + Mi%d vioq avzov Pa'ia

his son, Shimei his son, Michah his son, Reaiah

5 n ev toi3tco + vlica 13-1 Chronicles

moq ai)TOT3 BadA, moc; auxcyo 6 + Bapd moc; auxotj ov

his son, Baal his son, Beerah his son, whom

a7rcbKia£ ©aylacpaAlaadp fiaaiksvq Aaaovp avzoq

[ resettled Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria] — he

dp%cov tod PoDpfjv ?+ Kai a8sAxpoi clvtox)

[was] ruler of Reuben. And his brethren

tt| 7iaxp(5i avTOV sv Toiq KaxaA,o%ia|io((; auxcbv Kaxd

of his fatherland in their distribution according to

ysvsasic; auxcbv o dp%cov IcofjA, Kai Za%ap(ac; 8 + Kttl

their generations ~ the ruler Jeiel, and Zechariah, and

BaXad vioq ACfi^ vioq Ssjisi vioq Icor\k avzoq

Bela son of Azaz, son of Shema, son of Joel, he

KaxcbKrjasv sv Apofjp Kai scoc; NaPcb Kai BssXjiscbv

dwelt in Aroer, even unto Nebo and Baal-meon.

9+ Kai Kaxd avaxoXdq KaxcbKrjasv scoc; xrjc; sia65oi)

And [ according to [the] east he dwelt] unto the entrance

xrjc; spfj|ioD a7io xod 7ioxa|ioi) Ei)cppdxoi) 6xi

of the wilderness of the river Euphrates; for

xaKxfjvrj auxcbv S7iAr|9i)v0r|aav sv xrj yrj raA,ad8 10 +

[ cattle their] multiplied in land of Gilead.

Kai sv xaic; rjjispaic; ZaovX S7iorr|aav 7i6A,s|iov jisxd

And in the days of Saul they made war with

xcov Ayaprjvcbv Kai S7isaov sv xr| %sip( auxcbv Kai

the Hagarites, and they fell by their hand, and

KaxcoKqaav sv xaiq aKTjvaiq auxcbv S7U 7iavx6c;

they dwelt in their tents upon all

7rpoacb7roi) avaxoAxbv xrjc; TaXaad n + Kai moi Ta8

[the] face of [the] east [parts] of Gilead. and [the] sons of Gad
KaxcoKqaav Kaxsvavxi auxcbv S7ri xrj yr| Baadv scoc;

dwelt over against them at the land of Bashan unto

Es^xd 12+ IcofjA, o dp%cov Kai Sacpdv o 5si3xspoc; Kai

Salcah. Joel the ruler, and Shapham the second, and

Icovavi o ypajijiaxstic; Kai Sacpdv sv xrj Baadv 13 +

Jaanai [was] the scribe, and Shaphat in Bashan,

Kai 01 a5sAxpo( auxcov Kax' oikouc; 7iaxpicov auxcbv

and their brethren according to [the] houses of their families —

Mvxar\k MoaoAAxxji Kai SaPsai Kai Icopsi Kai

Michael, Meshullam, and Sheba, and Jorai, and

Icod%av Kai Zia Kai 'Epsp S7ixd h+ ouxoi vioi

Jachan, and Zia, and Heber — seven. These [are] [the] sons

ApifjA, viov Ovpi viov IapoDS viov Takaad viov

of Abihail son of Huri, son of Jaroah, son of Gilead, son


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13-1 Chronicles

MixafjA, diod Sodcti diod Is88cb diod Bod^ 15+ diod

of Michael, son ofJeshishai, son ofJahdo, son of Buz, son

Ap5ifjX diod ToDvei dp%cov oikod 7iaxpicbv 16+ Kai

of Abdiel, son of Guni, ruler of [the] house of [the] families. And

KaxcoKODV ev Takaad ev Baadv Kai ev

they dwelt in Gilead in Bashan, and in

xaic; Kcbjiaic; aDxfjc; Kai ev 7idai xoic; 7T£p(%copa Sapcov

her towns, and in in all the places round about Sharon,

scoc; 8^68od 17+ 7T&amp;VTSC; o sysvsaA,oyf|6r|aav sv rjjiepaic;

unto [the] exit. All the traced descent in [the] days

IcoGdji PaaiAiooc; Ioi)8a Kai ev rjjispaic; IepoPodji

of Jotham king of Judah, and in [the] days of Jeroboam

PaaiAicoc; IopafjA, is + dioi PoDpfjv Kai Ta8 Kai to

king of Israel. [The] sons of Reuben and Gad and the

fjjiiaD (pvhf\q Mavaaofj arco dicov 8Dvd|iecov dvSpec;

half tribe of Manasseh, of [the] sons [of the] forces, men

aipovxsc; aaniSaq Kai jidxaipav Kai xeivovxsc; xo^ov

lifting shield and sword, and stretching [the] bow,

Kai 8e8i5ay|i8voi 7i6Xs|iov xsaaapdKovxa Kai

and being taught war — forty and

xeoaapec; %iA,id8ec; Kai 87ixaKoaioi Kai s^fjKovxa

four thousand and seven hundred and sixty,

SK7iop8D6|i8voi sic; 7iapdxa^iv 19+ Kai S7rorr|oav

going forth unto [the] battle array. And they made

7r6Xs|iov jisxd xcov Ayaprjvcbv Kai IxoDpaicov Kai

war with the Hagarites, and Jeturites, and

Naqnaaicov Kai Nr|8aPa(cov 20+ Kai sporjaav S7i'

Nepishites, and Nodabeans. And they were called to aid over

aDxotic; Kai 7iape866r|aav sv %£ipi aDxcov 01 Ayaprjvoi

them, and [ were delivered up into their hand the Hagarites],

Kai 7idvxa 01 |iex' aDxcbv 6x1 xco 9scb sporjaav sv

and all the ones with them; for [to] God they yelled in

xco 7roAi|ico Kai S7rfjKODaev aDxcbv 6x1 87iS7roi0r|oav

the battle, and he heeded them, for they relied

87i ' aDxcb 21+ Kai rj^|iaXcbx8Daav xaq Kxfjasiq aDxcbv

upon him. And they captured their possessions;

Ka|ifjA,cov 7ievxfjKovxa xiAidSac; Kai 7ipopdxcov

camels ~ fifty thousand, and sheep -

SiaKocriac; Kai 7i£vxfjKovxa %ikid8aq Kai ovodc;

two hundred and fifty thousand, and donkeys —

8ia%iAioDc; Kai \|/D%dc; av6pco7rcov 8Kax6v %iXid8ac; 22+

two thousand, and lives of men — a hundred thousand.



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13-1 Chronicles

xpaujiaxiai yap noXkoi stcscjov 6xi 7iapd tod Gsotj o

[ slain For many fell], because [ was of God the

7i6A,s|ioc; Kai KaxcbKqaav avx' auxcov scoc; xrjc;

war]. And they dwelt [there] instead of them until the

a7roiKiac; 23+ Kai 01 ruiiasiq xrjc; (puAxjc; Mavaoofj

resettlement. And the half of the tribe of Manasseh

coKqaav sv xr| yrj goto Baadv scoc; BadA, Epjicov Kai

lived in the land; from Bashan unto Baal Hermon, and

Xavsip Kai opoq Epjicov auxoi S7iAx|0i)v0r|aav 24+ Kai

Senir, and mount Hermon they were multiplied. And

ouxoi dpxovxsc; oiKOD 7iaxpicbv auxcbv Acpsp Kai

these [were] [the] rulers of [the] house of their families — Epher, and

Isaasi Kai E5ifjX Kai E^pvqX Kai Ispsjiiac; Kai

Ishi, and Eliel, and Azriel and Jeremiah, and

Q8oma Kai Is8if|X dvSpsc; Suvaxoi sv lo^m dvSpsc;

Hodaviah, and Jahdiel; men mighty in strength, [ men

ovojiaaxoi dpxovxsc; rax' oikov 7iaxpicbv auxcbv 25 +

famous], rulers according to [the] house of their families.

Kai r|9sxr|aav sv xco 9scb xcov 7iaxspcov auxcov Kai

And they annulled [allegiance] with the God of their fathers, and

S7r6pvsi)aav O7riaco xcov 0scov xcov Xacov xrjc; yr\q

they committed harlotry after the gods of the peoples of the land,

ovq s^fjpsv o 0s6c; arco 7rpoaco7roi) auxcov 26+ Kai

which God removed from in front of them. And

s^qysipsv o 0s6c; IopafjA, xo 7wsi)|ia OodA, PaaiAicoc;

[roused up the God of Israel] the spirit ofPul king

Aaaopicov Kai xo 7wsi)|ia 0ayXa0(paAlaaap PaaiXscoc;

of [the] Assyrians, and the spirit of Tiglath-Pileser king

Aaaopicov Kai a7icoKias xov Poi)Pf|v Kai xov ra88(

of [the] Assyrians. And he resettled Reuben, and the Gadites,

Kai xo r\[iiav (pvhf\q Mavaaafj Kai fjyaysv auxotic;

and the half tribe of Manasseh. And he led them

Eiq Aka Kai Apcop Kai Appd Kai sm 7ioxa|i6v

into Halah, and Habor, and Hara, and unto [the] river

ro^dv scoc; Tr\q rjjispac; xatixrjc;

Gozan, unto this day.

6 1

1+ moi Asm Tspacov Kad0 Kai Mspapi 2+ Kai moi

[The] sons of Levi — Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. And [the] sons

KadG AjiPpdji Kai Iaaadp XsPpcov Kai O^ifjA, 3+ Kai

of Kohath— Amram, and Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. And


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Dioi AjiPpdji Aapcbv Kai Mcorjafjc; Kai Mapidji Kai

[the] sons of Amram — Aaron, and Moses, also Miriam. And

moi Aapcbv Na8dp Kai Apior38 EA,sd^ap Kai

[the] sons of Aaron — Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and

IGdjiap 4 + Kai E^sd^ap syswrjas xov Oivssc; Kai

Ithamar. And Eleazar engendered Phinehas, and

Oivssc; syswrjas xovApiaorj 5 + Apiaorj syswrjas

Phinehas engendered Abishua, Abishua engendered

tovBoki Boki syswrjas xov O^i 6 + O^i syswrjas

Bukki, Bukki engendered Uzzi, Uzzi engendered

xov Zapsa Kai Zapsa syswrjas xov MapicbB ? + Kai

Zerahiah, and Zerahiah engendered Meraioth, and

MapicbG syswrjas xov Ajiapia Kai Ajiapia syswrjas

Maraioth engendered Amariah, and Amariah engendered

xovA%ixcbp 8+ Kai Axixcbp syswrjas xovSa5cbK Kai

Ahitub, and Ahitub engendered Zadok, and

XaScbK syswrjas xovA%i|iadc; 9 + Kai A%i|iadc; syswrjas

Zadok engendered Ahimaaz, and Ahimaaz engendered

xovA^apiav Kai A^apiaq syswrjas xov Icovdv io+ Kai

Azariah, and Azariah engendered Johanan. and

Icovdc; syswrjas xov A^apiav arjxoq saxiv A^apiaq o

Johanan engendered Azariah — he is Azariah who

ispaxsrjaaq sv xco oikco co coKo86|irjas EoXojicbv sv

officiated as priest in the house which Solomon built in

IsporjaaArjji n+ Kai syswrjasv A^apiaq xovAjiapiav

Jerusalem. And Azariah engendered Amariah,

Kai Ajiapiaq syswrjas xovA%ixcbp 12+ Kai A%ixcbp

and Amariah engendered Ahitub, and Ahitub

syswrjas xov Sa8cbK Kai Sa8coK syswrjas

engendered Zadok, and Zadok engendered

xov £sAlorj|i 13+ Kai EsAIovjji syswrjas xovXsAxiav

Shallum, and Shallum engendered Helkiah,

Kai Xs^Kiaq syswrjas xov A^apiav u + Kai A^apiaq

and Helkiah engendered Azariah, and Azariah

syswrjas xov Sapsav Kai Sapsaq syswrjas

engendered Seraiah, and Seraiah engendered

xov Icoas8sK 15 + Kai IcoasSsK S7iopsrj0rj sv xrj

Jehozadak, and Jehozadak went in the

a7ioKi^siv Kopiov xov Ior35a Kai xrjv IsporjaaArj|i sv

carrying into captivity by [the] LORD of Judah and Jerusalem by




13-1 Chronicles

%sip( NaPoD%o8ov6aop siq BafivXcbva 16+ dioi Asdi

[the] hand of Nebuchadnezzar into Babylon. [The] sons of Levi —

rspocbv Ka&amp;6 Kai Mspapi n+ Kai Tama xa ovojiaxa

Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. And these [are] the names

xcov Dicbv Tspacbv AoPswi Kai Ssjisii is+ Kai dioi

of the sons of Gershon — Libni and Shimei. And [the] sons

KadG A|ipd|i Kai Iaadap XsPpcbv Kai O^ifjX 19+ Kai

of Kohath — Amram, and Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. And

dioi Mspapi MooAi Kai Modcti atixai ai aDyysvsiai

[the] sons of Merari — Mahli, and Mushi. These [are] the kin

tod Asdi Kaxd 7iaxpidc; aDxcbv 20+ xco Tspacbv

[of] Levi according to their families. [To] Gershon —

AoPswi vioq avzov Iad0 vioq avzov Zsjijid

Libni his son, Jahath his son, Zimmah

vioq avzov 21 + load vioq avzov A85cb vioq avzov

his son, Joah his son, Iddo his son,

Zapd Dioq aDxoD Is9p( vioq avzov 22+ dioi KadG

Zerah his son, Jeaterai his son. [The] sons of Kohath —

AjiivaSdp vioq avzov Kops vioq aDxoD Aafjp

Amminadab his son, Korah his son, Assir

vioq avzov 23 + EAxavd vioq avzov Apiaadcp vioq avzov

his son, Elkanah his son, Ebiasaph his son,

Aasp Dioq aDxoD 24 + 0ad6 vioq aDxoD ODpifjX

Assir his son, Tahath his son, Uriel

vioq avzov O^iac; vioq avzov HaovX vioq avzov 25 + Kai

his son, Uzziah his son, Shaul his son. And

dioi Ehcava Ajiaad Kai A%i|icb0 2 6+ EAxavd EAxavd

[the] sons of Elkanah — Amasai, and Ahimoth. Elkanah — Elkanah

vioq avzov Socpi vioq aDxoD Kai NadG vioq avzov 27 +

his son, Zophai his son, and Nahath his son,

EAidp vioq avzov Ispodji vioq avzov EAxavd

Eliab his son, Jeroham his son, Elkanah

vioq avzov EajioDfjA, vioq avzov 28 + Kai dioi EajioDfjA,

his son, Samuel his son. And [the] sons of Samuel —

o 7ipcox6xoKo^ aDxoD IoofjA, Kai o SsDxspoq Apia 29+

his first-born Joel, and the second Abiah.

dioi Mspapi MooAi AoPswi vioq aDxoD Ssjisii

[The] sons of Merari — Mahli, Libni his son, Shimei

vioq aDxoD OQaq vioq aDxoD 30+ Sajiad vioq aDxoD

his son, Uzza his son, Shimea his son,



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13-1 Chronicles

Ay'ia dioc; aDxoD Aaa'ia dioc; aDxoD 31+ Kai odxoi ovq

Haggiah his son, Asaiah his son. And these [are] whom

Kaxsaxrjas Aai)(5 sm %s(pac; aSovxoov sv oikod

David ordained over [the] hands [of the ones] singing in [the] house

KDpioi) sv ttj Kaxa7iaDasi Tr\q kiPcdxod 32+ Kai fjoav

of [the] LORD, during the resting of the ark. And they were

XsixoDpyowcsc; arcsvavxi xrjc; aKS7ir|c; xrjc; aKr\vr\q xod

officiating before the protection of the tent of the

jiapxDpioD sv oo8fj sooc; tod oiKo5ojif|aai

testimony with ode, until the building

xov SoXojicbvTa xov oikov KDpioD sv IspoDaaAx||i Kai

by Solomon the house of [the] LORD in Jerusalem. And

saxrjaav Kaxd xr|v Kpiaiv aDxcbv sm

they stood according to their ordinance, for

xac; XsixoDpyiaq (xdtcov 33 + Kai odxoi 01 saxcbxsc; Kai

their ministrations. And these [are] [the] ones standing, and

01 dioi aDicbv arco xcov Dicbv tod KadG Aijidv o

their sons. From the sons ofKohath— Heman the

ij/aAxooSoc; dioc; IcofjA, diod Ha[iovr\k 34+ diod EAxavd

psalm singer, son of Joel, son ofShemuel, son ofElkanah,


son ofJeroham, son ofEliel, son ofToah, son ofZuph,

diod EAxavd diod MadG diod Ajiaaai 3 6+ diod

son ofElkanah, son ofMahath, son ofAmasai, son

EAxavd diod Icofjl diod A^apia diod Sacpavia 37 +

ofElkanah, son of Joel, son ofAzariah, son ofZephaniah,

diod 0ad6 diod Aasp diod Apiaadcp diod Kops 38 +

son ofTahath, son ofAssir, son ofEbiasaph, son ofKorah,

diod Iaadp diod KadG diod Asdi diod IapafjA, 39 +

son oflzhar, son ofKohath, son of Levi, son of Israel.

Kai o aSsAxpoc; aDxoD Aodcp o saxcbc; sk 8s^icbv aDxoD

And his brother Asaph, the one standing at his right.

Aadcp dioc; Bapaxia diod Sajiad 40+ diod Mi%af|X

Asaph son ofBerachiah, son ofShimea, son of Michael,

diod Baaia diod MsX%ia 4 i+ diod HGavi diod Zapai

son ofBaaseiah, son of Malchiah, son ofEthni, son ofZerah,

diod A8ia 42+ diod E0dv diod Zsjijid diod Ssjisi 43 +

son ofAdaiah, son of Ethan, son ofZimmah, son ofShimei,

diod IadG diod Tspacbv diod Asdi 4 4+ Kai dioi

son of Jahath, son of Gershon, son of Levi. And [the] sons


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Mspapi 01 a8sAxpoi aDxcbv S7i( xa apiaxspd A6dv vioq

ofMerari their brethren at the left sides — Ethan son

Kodctsi diod Ap8( diod Mak(b% 45+ diod Aaapia diod

ofKishi, son ofAbdi, son ofMalluch, son ofHashabiah, son

Ajiacria diod XsAxia 4 6+ diod Ajiaasi diod Bavi diod

ofAmaziah son ofHelkiah son ofAmzi, son ofBani, son

Esji|if|p 47+ diod MooAi diod MoDafj diod Mspapi

ofShamer, son ofMahli, son ofMushi, son ofMerari,

diod Asdi 48 + Kai oi a8sAxpo( aDxcbv 8s8o|isvoi 01

son of Levi. And their brethren [ being appointed the

AsDixai sic; 7idaav 8oDA,siav Xsuovpyiaq aKr\vr\q

Levites] for all [ of servitude ministrations] of [the] tent


of [the] house of God. And Aaron and his sons

Gdjiicovxsc; S7ri xo 0Daiaaxfjpiov xcov

[were] for burning incense upon the altar of the

oXoKaDxcojidxcov Kai S7ri xo 0Daiaaxfjpiov

whole burnt-offerings, and upon the altar

xod 0D|iid|iaxoc; sic; 7idaav spyaaiav dyia xcov ayicov

of incense, for every work of [the] holy of holies,

Kai s^iAxxaKsaGai 7ispi IapafjA, Kaxd rcdvxa 6aa

and to atone for Israel, according to all as much as

svsxsi^axo McDDafjc; nmq xod 0sod 50+ Kai odxoi 01

[ gave charge Moses [the] servant of God]. And these [are] the

dioi Aapcov E^sd^ap vioq aDXOD Oivssc; vioq aDXOD

sons of Aaron — Eleazar his son, Phinehas his son,

ApiaaoD vioq aDXOD 51 + Bokki vioq aDXOD O^i

Abishua his son, Bukki his son, Uzzi

vioq aDXOD Zapsa vioq aDXOD 52 + Mapicb0 vioq aDXOD

his son, Zerahiah his son, Meraioth his son,

Ajiapia vioq aDXOD A%ixcbp vioq aDXOD 53 + XaScbK

Amariah his son, Ahitub his son, Zadok

vioq aDXOD A%i|iadc; vioq aDXOD 54 + Kai aDxai

his son, Ahimaaz his son. And these [are]

ai KaxoiKiai aDxcbv sv xaic; S7iaDA,saiv aDxcbv Kai sv

their dwelling [places], in their properties, and in

xoic; opioic; aDxcbv xoic; vioiq Aapcov xrj aDyysvsia

their borders, to the sons of Aaron, to the kin

xod Kad0 6x1 aDxoiq sysvovxo 01 KArjpoi 55+ Kai

of Kohath, for [ to them were the lots]. And

sScoKav aDxoiq xrjv XsPpcbv sv yrj IotiSa Kai

they gave to them Hebron in [the] land of Judah, and



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13-1 Chronicles

xa 7rspur6Xia avTT\q ktjkAxd avTT\q 5 6 + Tovq 8s aypotic;

her townships round about her. But the field

Tr\q noXscoq Kai xac; snwoXsiq avTT\q sSancav xco XaXsP

of the city, and her properties they gave to Caleb

mcb Iscpovfj 57+ Kai Toiq vioiq Aapcbv sSancav xac;

son of Jephunneh. And to the sons of Aaron they gave the

7i6Xsic; xcov (pi)ya88Dxr|picov xrjv XsPpcbv Kai xrjv Aopvd

cities of places of refuge — Hebron, and Libna

Kai xa 7iepia7i6pia avTT\q Kai IaGfjp Kai xrjv Ea0ajicb

and her outskirts, and Jattir, and Eshtemoa

Kai xa 7rspio7r6pia avTT\q 5 8 + Kai xrjv XsAxbv Kai

and her outskirts, and Hilen and

xa 7i8pia7r6pia avTf\q Kai xrjv AaPsip Kai

her outskirts, and Debir and

xa 7i8pia7r6pia avTT\q 59 + Kai xrjv Aodv Kai

her outskirts, and Ashan and

xa 7iepia7i6pia avTT\q Kai xrjv BsBaajifjc; Kai

her outskirts, and Beth-shemesh and

xa 7iepia7i6pia auxfjc; 6 o + Kai arco xrjq (pvkr\q Bsviajjiv

her outskirts. And from out of the tribe of Benjamin —

xrjv TaPeai Kai xa 7ispia7r6pia auxfjc; Kai xrjv AAxxjicbG

Geba and her outskirts, and Alemeth

Kai xa 7i8pia7r6pia avTT\q Kai xrjv Eva6cb6 Kai

and her outskirts, and Anathoth and

xa 7iepia7i6pia auxfjc; 7idaai ai 7i6A,sic; auxcbv

her outskirts. All their cities —

xpiaKa(8sKa noXsiq sv xaic; auyysvsiaic; auxcbv 61 + Kai

thirteen cities with their kin. And

xoiq vioiq KadG xoiq KaxaXsA,si|i|isvoic; and xrjc;

to the sons ofKohath, to the ones remaining from the

aDyysvsiac; xrjc; (pvhf\q arco xou r||iiaoD(; xrjc; (pvhf\q

kin of the tribe, from out of the half tribe

Mavaoafj sv KXfjpco noksiq 8sKa 62+ Kai xoic; vioiq

of Manasseh, by lot — [ cities ten]. And to the sons

rspacbv Kaxd aDyysvsiac; auxcbv arco (pvkr\q Iaad%ap

ofGershon according to their kin from [the] tribe oflssachar,

Kai a7io (pvXr\q Aafjp Kai arco (pvXr\q NscpGaAi Kai

and from [the] tribe ofAsher, and from [the] tribe ofNaphtali, and

arco (pvhf\q Mavaaafj sv xr| Baadv 7i6A,sic;

from [the] tribe of Manasseh, in Bashan — [ cities

xpiaKaiSsKa 63+ Kai xoic; vioiq Mspapi Kaxd

thirteen]. And to the sons of Merari according to



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aDyyeveiac; aDxcbv arco (pvfor\q PoDpfjv Kai arco (pvkr\q

their kin from [the] tribe of Reuben, and from [the] tribe

Ta5 Kai arco (pvhf\q Zafiovkcbv ev KAxjpco 7i6A,sk;

of Gad, and from [the] tribe of Zebulun, by lot — [ cities

8sra Kai 8do 6 4 + Kai sScorav 01 moi IapafjX xoic;

ten and two]. And [gave the sons of Israel] to the

AsDixaiq xac; noXsiq Kai xa 7iepia7r6pia ai)xcbv 65 + Kai

Levites the cities and their outskirts. And

s5coKav avxaq ev KArjpco Kai and q&gt;vhr\q dicov

they gave them by lot and from [the] tribe of [the] sons

lovda Kai arco (pvfor\q dicov Xdjiscov Kai arco (pvfor\q

of Judah, and from [the] tribe of [the] sons of Simeon, and from [the] tribe

mcbv Beviajjiv xac; noXsiq xatixac; aq KaXotiaiv aDxdc;

of [the] sons of Benjamin, these cities which they call them

sv ovojiaaiv 66+ Kai xoic; ano xcov 8f||icov dicov

by name. And to the ones from the peoples of [the] sons

KadG eyevovxo nokziq opicov aDxcbv anb (pvXr\q

ofKohath came to pass [the] cities of their borders from [the] tribe

Ecppaifi 67+ Kai sScorav auxofc; xac; nokEiq xod

ofEphraim. And they gave to them the cities of the

cpDya8si)xr|pioD xrjv Sixsji Kai xa 7repia7i6pia avTT\q sv

place of refuge — Shechem and her outskirts in

opei Ecppaiji Kai xrjv Ta^ep Kai xa 7ispia7i6pia avTT\q

mount Ephraim, and Gezer and her outskirts,

68+ Kai xrjv IsKjidv Kai xa 7i8pia7i6pia avTT\q Kai

and Jokmeam and her outskirts, and

xrjv BeGcopcbv Kai xa 7repia7i6pia avTT\q 6 9 + Kai

Beth-horon and her outskirts, and

xrjv EAxbv Kai xa 7iepia7i6pia avTT\q Kai xrjv reGpejijicbv

Aijalon and her outskirts, and Gath-rimmon

Kai xa 7i8pia7r6pia avxr\q 70+ Kai and xod tjiiioodc;

and her outskirts. And from the half

(pvfor\q Mavaaafj xrjv Avfjp Kai xa 7rspia7r6pia aDxfjc;

tribe of Manasseh ~ Aner and her outskirts,

Kai xrjv IspAxxji Kai xa 7iepia7r6pia aDxfjc; xr| oDyyevsia

and Bileam and her outskirts, to the kin

xcov dicov KadG xoic; KaxaAm7ioi(; 71+ xoic; vioiq

of the sons ofKohath, to the ones remaining. To the sons

Tspacbv a7io aDyyevsiac; xod r||jiaoDc; (pvXr\q

of Gershon, [were given out] from [the] kin of the half tribe

Mavaaafj xrjv TcoAxxv sk Tr\q Baadv Kai

of Manasseh ~ Golan of Bashan and



8V TOUT© + VlKa

13-1 Chronicles

xa 7i8pia7i6pia avTT\q Kai xrjv AaxapcbG Kai

her outskirts, and Ashtaroth and

xa 7rspia7i6pia avxr\q

her outskirts.

72 + Kai arco (pvXr\q Iaod%ap xrjv Ke8ec; Kai

And from [the] tribe of Issachar — Kedesh and

xa 7iepia7i6pia avTT\q Kai xrjv AePrjpcbG Kai

her outskirts, and Daberath and

xa 7i8pia7r6pia avTT\q 73 + Kai xrjv Pa|icb6 Kai

her outskirts, and Ramoth and

xa 7i8pio7r6pia avTT\q Kai xrjv Evdji Kai

her outskirts, and Anem and

xa 7i8pio7r6pia avTT\q 74+ Kai arco (pvhf\q Aafjp

her outskirts. And from [the] tribe of Asher —

xrjv MaadA, Kai xa 7rspia7r6pia auxfjc; Kai xrjv Ap5cbv

Mashal and her outskirts, and Abdon

Kai xa 7i8pia7r6pia avTT\q 75 + Kai xrjv Odkkcok Kai

and her outskirts, and Hukok and

xa 7i8pio7r6pia avTT\q Kai xrjv Poop Kai

her outskirts, and Rehob and

xa 7i8pia7i6pia avTT\q 7 6+ Kai a7io (pvXr\q NscpGaAi

her outskirts. And from [the] tribe of Naphtali —

xrjv Ka8fjc; sv xr| TaXxkaia Kai xa 7rspia7r6pia avTT\q

Kedesh in Galilee and her outskirts,

Kai xrjv Xajicbv Kai xa 7i8pia7i6pia avTT\q Kai

and Hammon and her outskirts, and

xrjv KapiaBaiji Kai xa 7T8pia7i6pia avxr\q 77+ Kai xoic;

Kirjathaim and her outskirts. And to the

vioiq Mspapi xoic; KaxaA,oi7ioi(; a7i6 (pvhf\q

sons ofMerari, to the ones remaining — [were given out] from [the] tribe

ZaPouXcbv xrjv Psjijicbv Kai xa 7ispia7r6pia avTT\q Kai

of Zebulun — Rimmon and her outskirts, and

xrjv 0aPcbp Kai xa 7iepia7r6pia avTT\q

Tabor and her outskirts.

78+ Kai xod 7ispav xod Iop5dvoi) Ispixcb Kaxd

And of the other side of the Jordan by Jericho, according to

avaxoXdq xod Iop5dvoi) arco (pvXr\q PoDpfjv

[the] east of the Jordan, [were given out] from [the] tribe of Reuben —

xrjv Boocbp sv xt| spf||ico Kai xa 7ispia7r6pia avTT\q Kai

Bezer in the wilderness and her outskirts, and

xrjv Isaad Kai xa 7rspia7i;6pia avxr\q 79 + Kai

Jahzah and her outskirts, and


7 T ev tootco + vuca 13-1 Chronicles

xrjv Ka8r||icb0 Kai xa 7rspia7i6pia avTT\q Kai

Kedemoth and her outskirts, and

ttjv MicpadB Kai xa 7ispia7r6pia avTr\q so + Kai (X7TO

Mephaath and her outskirts. And from

(pvhf\q Tad xr|v PajidG sv Takaad Kai

[the] tribe of Gad — Ramoth in Gilead and

xa 7rspia7i6pia ax&gt;Tr\q Kai xrjv Mavaiv Kai

her outskirts, and Mahanaim and

xa 7i8pio7i6pia avTT\q 8 i + Kai xrjv EaePcbv Kai

her outskirts, and Heshbon and

xa 7i8pia7r6pia avTf\q Kai xrjv Ia^eip Kai

her outskirts, and Jazer and

xa 7i8pio7r6pia avxr\q

her outskirts.

7 T

i+ Kai xoic; vioiq Iaad%ap 0aXd Kai Ootia Iaaotip

And to the sons oflssachar— Tola, and Phua, Jashub,

Kai EojiPpdv xsaaapsg 2 + Kai dioi 0ooAxx|i O^i Kai

and Shimron — four. And [the] sons of Tola ~ Uzzi, and

Pacpea Kai Iapoi)fjX Kai Iajii Kai IaPadv Kai

Raphaiah, and Jeriel, and Jahmai, and Jibsam, and

EajioDfjA, dp%ovxsc; Kax' oikov 7iaxpicbv auxcbv xco

Shemuel, rulers according to [the] house of their families. [To]

©aid 5i)vaxoi ioxdi Kaxd yevsasic; aDxcbv

Tola [were] mighty ones in strength according to their generations;

o apiGjioq ai)xcbv sv rjjiepaic; Aai)i8 siKoai Kai 8do

their number in [the] days of David — twenty and two

Xikmdsq Kai s^aKoaioi 3+ Kai dioi O^i Ie^epia Kai

thousand and six hundred. And [the] sons of Uzzi — Izrahiah; and

dioi Is^spia Mi%af|A, Ap5(a Kai IcofjA, Kai Icoaia

[the] sons oflezraiah— Michael, Obadiah, and Joel, and Ishiah —

7TSVXS dpxovxsq 7idvxsc; aDxoi

[ five [are] rulers all these].

4+ Kai S7i ' aDxcbv Kaxd ysvsasic; aDxcbv Kax' oikov

And with them according to their generations, according to [the] house

7iaxpicbv aDxcbv jiovo^cdvoi laxDpoi 7iapaxd^aa6ai ziq

of their families, [ armed [bands] strong] to deploy for

7i6A,8(iov xpidKovxa Kai %ikmSzq 6x1 S7rAxj9Dvav

war — thirty and six thousand; for they multiplied

yDvaucec; Kai diodc; 5 + Kai 01 a5sAxpoi aDxcbv siq

wives and sons. And their brethren among


7 T ev tootco + vtica 13-1 Chronicles

naaaq aDyysvsiac; Iaadxap 8Dvaxo( 8uvd|i8i

all [the] kin oflssachar [were] mighty in power —

oy8ofjKovTa Kai S7ixd xikmSsq r\ y£vsaA,oy(a auxcbv

eighty and seven thousand [ their genealogy

71&amp;VTCDV 6 + dioi Bsviajiw BaAxxe Kai Boxcbp Kai

of all]. [The] sons of Benjamin— Bela, and Becher, and

I5iefjX xpsic; 7+ Kai dioi BaXas AaaePcov Kai O^i

Jediael — three. And [the] sons of Bela— Ezbon, and Uzzi,

Kai Ofyr\k Kai IepejioDB Kai Ovpi 7ievxs dpxovxsc;

and Uzziel, and Jerimoth, and Iri — five rulers

oiKcov 7raxpicov auxcbv la^upoi 5uvd|i8i Kai

of [the] houses of their families, strong ones in power; and

T| yevsaAx)yia auxcbv eixoai 5do %ikiddsq Kai

their genealogy — twenty two thousand and

xpiaKovxaxsaaapsq s+ Kai dioi Boxcbp Zajiapia Kai

thirty-four. And [the] sons of Becher— Zemira, and

Icodc; Kai EAie^ep Kai EAicove Kai Ajiapi Kai IepjicbB

Joash, and Eliezer, and Elioenai, and Omri, and Jerimoth,

Kai Apia Kai Ava0cb6 Kai A^ajicbG 7idvxec; odxoi

and Abiah, and Anathoth, and Alameth — all these

moi Boxcbp 9+ Kai r| ysvsaXoyia aDxcbv Kaxd

[were] sons of Becher. And their genealogy according to

yevsaeic; aDxcov dpxovxec; oikcov 7iaxpicov aDxcbv

their generations, rulers of [the] houses of their families,

8Dvaxo( laxm sikooi %ikm6sq Kai SiaKooioi 10+ Kai

mighty ones of strength — twenty thousand and two hundred. And

dioi Is8if|A, BaAxxdv Kai dioi BaAxxdv IrjaoDc; Kai

[the] sons of Jediael — Bilhan, and [the] sons of Bilhan — Jeush, and

Beviajjiv Kai AcbG Kai Xavad Kai ZrjGdv Kai

Benjamin, and Ehud, and Chenaanah, and Zethan, and

©apaeic; Kai Aaaaeip n+ 7rdvxec; odxoi dioi IeSifjA,

Tharshish, and Ahishahar. All these [were] sons of Jediael,

dpxovxsc; xcov 7iaxpicbv 8Dvaxo( iaxm S7ixaKa(8sKa

rulers of the families, mighty ones of strength — seventeen

XiAidSec; Kai SiaKooioi SK7iop8D6|i8voi 8Dvd|isi

thousand and two hundred going forth in power

xod 7ioA,s|i8iv 12 + Kai £a7id|i Kai Hcpdji Kai dioi Ip

to wage war. And Shuppim, and Huppim, and [the] sons oflr

Kai Aoiji dioi Axsp 13+ dioi NecpGaAi IeaavfjX Todvi

and Hushim, sons Aher. [The] sons of Naphtali — Jahziel, Guni,

Kai Ieaasp Kai £sAArj|i dioi BaAxxd i 4 + dioi

and Jezer, and Shallum, [the] sons of Bilhah. [The] sons



13-1 Chronicles

Mavaaafj EapifjX ov sxsksv r\ naXkaxr\ avxov

of Manasseh ~ Ashriel whom [bore concubine his

r| I/6pa xovMa%e(p rcaxepa TakaaS 15 + Kai Ma%e(p

Syrian] Machir father of Gilead. And Machir

sAxxPe yovaixa xco Ocpsji Kai too Sacpiji Kai ovojia xr|

took a wife for Huppim and for Shuppim. And [the] name [to]

a8eAxpf| auxcbv Maa%d Kai ovojia xco 8si)xspco

their sister [was] Maachah. And [the] name to the second

EaAjradS Kai syewfj6r|aav xco SaAjradS Guyaxepsc; 16+

[was] Zelophehad. And [ were born to Zelophehad daughters].

Kai sxsK8 Maaxa r| yovfj Ma^sip mov Kai SKd^eas

And [ bore Maachah the wife of Machir] a son, and she called

xo ovojia avTOV Odpec; Kai ovojia xco aSsAxpcb ai)xoi3

his name Peresh; and [the] name [given to] his brother

Edpoq Kai mot avTOV HXdji Kai PaKdji 17+ Kai moi

[was] Sheresh; and his sons — Ulam and Rakem. And [the] sons

HMji Ba8dv croxoi moi raA,ad8 mov Maxfjp mov

of Ulam — Bedan. These [are] [the] sons of Gilead, son of Machir, son

Mavaaafj i 8 + Kai rj a8sAxpf| avxov rj MsA,%d6 exsKs

of Manasseh. And his sister Hammoleketh bore

xov IsaaovS Kai xov Apie^sp Kai xov MaaXd 19+ Kai

Ishod, and Abiezer, and Mahalah. And

eyevovxo moi Sa|is(5a Hs(|i Kai £v%e|i Kai Ao%e'i

[ were [the] sons of Shemida] Ahian, and Shechem, and Likhi,

Kai Evidji 20+ Kai dioi Ecppaiji £ov0aXad Kai Bapd8

and Aniam. And [the] sons ofEphraim— Shuthelah, and Bered

vioc; avxov Kai 0ad0 vioc; avxov EXada vioc; avxov

his son, and Tahath his son, Eladah his son,

Kai 0ad0 vioc; avxov 21 + Kai Zapdp vioc; avxov Kai

and Tahath his son, and Zabad his son, and

EovGdAxx vioc; avxov Kai 'E^sp Kai EA,ad8 Kai

Shuthelah his son, and Ezer, and Elead. And

a7i8KX8ivav avxovc; 01 dvSpsc; TsG oixe%0evxsc; sv xrj

[ killed them the men of Gath born in the

yrj 6x1 KaxsPrjaav AxxPeiv xa Kxfjvrj avxcbv 22 + Kai

land], because they went down to take their cattle. And

S7T8v0r|asv Ecppaiji o 7iaxf|p avxcbv rjjispac; itoXkaq Kai

[ mourned Ephraim their father days many], and

r\kdov 01 aSsAxpoi avxov xov rcapaKaAiaai avxov 23 + Kai

[ came his brethren] to comfort him. And

eiafjXGe eic; xrjv yvvauca avxov Kai avvsA,aPev Kai

he entered unto his wife, and she conceived and


7 T sv toi3tco + vtica 13-1 Chronicles


bore a son, and called his name Beriah, for

sv kmcoic; eyevexo sv too oikco avzov 24 + Kai

bad [things] happened in his house, And

r| 0Dydxr|p avTOV Sapd Kai coKo56|ir|as xrjv BsGcopcbv

his daughter [was] Sherah. And she built Beth-horon —

tt|v k&amp;tcd Kai xrjv dvco Kai E^evaaapd 25+ Kai

the lower [part], and the upper [part], and Uzzen- sherah, and
Pacpd vioq avzov Kai Paafjcp vioq avzov Kai 0aAxx

Rephah his son, and Resheph his son, and Telah

vioq avTOV 0adv vioq avzov 26 + Kai Aa5dv vioq avzov

his son, Tahan his son, and Laadan his son,

Ajiiod5 dux; aDXOD EAiaajid dioc; aDXOD 2 ?+ Nod|i

Ammihud his son, Elishama his son, Non

dioc; avTOV Icoarjs dioc; aDXOD 28 + Kai Kaxdaxsaiq aDxcbv

his son, Jehoshuah his son. And their possession

Kai KaxoiKia BaiGfjA, Kai ai Kcbjiai avTT\q Kai ziq

and dwelling [was] Beth-el and her towns, and to

avaxoAxxc; Noapdv Kai eic; SDajidc; Ta^sp Kai

[the] east Naaran, and to [the] west Gezer and

ai Kcbjiai avTT\q Kai 2d%s|i Kai ai Kcbjiai avTr\q ecoc;

her towns, and Shechem and her towns unto

rd^rjc; Kai ai Kcbjiai avTT\q 29+ Kai ecoc; opicov mcbv

Gaza and her towns. And unto [the] borders of [the] sons

Mavaaafj BaiGadv Kai ai Kcbjiai avTT\q 0aavd Kai

of Manasseh ~ Beth-shean and her towns, Taanach and

ai Kcbjiai avTT\q May885cb Kai ai Kcbjiai avTT\q Acop Kai

her towns, Magiddo and her towns, Dor and

ai Kcbjiai avTT\q sv xatixaic; KaxcbKrjaav 01 dioi Icoofjcp

her towns. In these dwelt the sons of Joseph,

diod IapafjA, 30+ dioi Aafjp Iajivd Kai IaaoDd Kai

son of Israel. [The] sons ofAsher— Imnah, and Ishuah, and

IsaaoDS Kai Bapia Kai Sapad aSe^cpfj ai)xcbv 31+ Kai

Ishuai, and Beriah, and Serah their sister. And

dioi Bspia XoPsp Kai Ms)qiT\k avzoq 7iaxf|p

[the] sons of Beriah — Heber and Malchiel — he [is] father

Bap^sG 32 + Kai XoPsp syswrjas xov IacpAix Kai

ofBirzavith. And Heber engendered Japhlet, and

xov £oo|xfjp Kai xov Q6d|i Kai xrjv EoDd

Shomer, and Hotham, and Shua

a5sAxpf|v aDxcbv 33 + Kai dioi IacpAix ®aae% Kai

their sister. And [the] sons of Japhlet ~ Pasach, and


8V TOUT© + VlKa

13-1 Chronicles

BaajidG Kai AaoDdG odtoi dioi IatpXsT 34 + Kai dioi

Bimhal, and Ashvath. These [are] [the] sons of Japhlet. And [the] sons

Xcojifjp A%i Kai Paayd Kai Iapd Kai Apdji 35+ Kai

of Shamer — Ahi, and Rohgah, and Jehubbah, and Aram. And

dioi EXsji aSsAxpoD avzov EoDtpd Kai Iajivd Kai

[the] sons ofHelem his brother— Zophah, and Imna, and

SsAic; Kai AjidA, 3 6+ dioi SoDtpd Sods Kai Apvatpei

Shelesh, and Amal. [The] sons of Zophah — Suah, and Harnepher,

Kai Isovak Kai Brjpei Kai Isjippd 37+ Baadp Kai

and Shual, and Beri, and Imrah, Bezer, and

It|od5 Kai Es|i|id Kai SsXad Kai IsGpdv Kai Brjepd

Hod, and Shamma, and Shilshah, and Ithran, and Beera.

38+ Kai dioi IsGep Iecpovfj Kai Oaacpd Kai Apat 39+

And [the] sons of Jether — Jephunneh, and Pispah, and Ara.

Kai dioi OXXa Apes AvifjA, Kai Paaia 40+ 7idvTec;

And [the] sons ofUlla— Arah, Haniel, and Rizia. All

odtoi dioi Aafjp dpxovxsq oikod tcov 7iaTpicbv

these [were] sons of Asher, rulers of [the] house of the families,

skA£kto( ia%Dpo( 5Dvd|isi ap%r|yo( ap%6vT&lt;jov tcdv

choice [men], strong [men] in power, heads of [the] rulers of the

yevsaA,oyr|0svTCOv sv tt| axdaei ev too 7ioX8|ico

ones tracing descent among the position in the battle,

o apiGjioq aDicbv dvSpsc; eixoaie^ %iXid5ec;

their number [men [was] twenty-six thousand].

8 n

1 + Kai Beviajiiv eyswrjas tov Bakz 7tpcot6tokov aDTOD

And Benjamin engendered Bela his first-born,

Kai AopfjA, o 8eDTspoc; Aapd o xpuoq 2+ NoDd o

and Ashbel the second, Aharah the third, Nohah the

Tsxapioq Kai Pacpd o 7is|i7n;oc; 3+ Kai sysvovTO dioi

fourth, and Rapha the fifth. And [ were [the] sons

xco BaAi A5ap Kai Tripd Kai APiod8 4 + Kai

[to] Bela] — Addar, and Gera, and Abihud, and

ApiaoDS Kai Naajidv Kai Acb8 5+ Kai Ftpd Kai

Abishua, and Naaman, and Ahoah, and Gera, and

Ss7i(pd|i Kai AoDpdji 6 + odtoi dioi Acb8 odtoi eiaiv

Shephuphan, and Huram. These [are] [the] sons of Ehud. These are

dpxovTsq 7iaTpicbv Toiq KaTOiKODoi TaPad Kai

rulers of [the] families to the ones dwelling in Geba, and


8 n ev tootco + vtica 13-1 Chronicles

a7icoKiaav arjxofjc; sic; Mavor&gt;d9 ? + Kai Naajrdv Kai

they resettled them to Manahath. And Naaman, and

A%id Kai Tripd arjxoc; a7icoKiasv arjxofjc; Kai syswrjas

Ahiah, and Gera, he resettled them. And he engendered

xovA^d Kai xov I%ior&gt;8 8 + Kai Sscopsijr syswrjasv sv

Uzza and Ahihud. And Shaharaim engendered in

too 7rs8(co Mcodp jrsxd to s^a7ioaxs(Am avzovq ar&gt;xov

the plain ofMoab, after the ejecting them by him.

Qasiji Kai TTjvBaapd ywafcsq ar&gt;xor&gt; 9 + Kai

Hushim and Baara [were] his wives. And

syswrjasv arco xrjc; X68sc; yrjvaiKoc; arjxorj xov Icopdp

he engendered from Hodesh his wife ~ Jobab,

Kai xovSapia Kai xov Miad Kai xov MsA,%cb|i 10+ Kai

and Zibia, and Mesha, and Malcham, and

xov Icodc; Kai xov Ssxia Kai xov Mapjiia orjxoi

Jeuz, and Shachia, and Mirma. These [were]

moi arjxorj dp%ovxsc; xcov 7iaxpicbv n+ Kai Mscoasiji

his sons, rulers of the families. And by Hushim

syswrjas xov Aprxcbp Kai xov EA^sicpadA, 12+ Kai moi

he engendered Abitub, and Elpaal. And [the] sons

EXsicpadA, Apsp Kai Msoodji Kai £d|xr|8 orjxoc;

of Elpaal ~ Eber, and Misham, and Shamed who

coKo56|ir|as xrjv Qvcb Kai xrjv Aco5 Kai

built Ono, and Lod and

xaq Kcbjiaq arjxfjq 13+ Kai Bapia Kai Sajiad orjxoi

her towns; and Beriah and Shema, these [are]

dpxovxsq 7iaxpicbv xcov KaxoiKorjvxcov AiXcbji orjxoi

rulers of [the] families of the ones dwelling inAijalon; these

s^sSico^av Tovq KaxoiKorjvxaq Ts9 u+ Kai

drove out the ones dwelling Gath. And

01 a8sAxpo( arjxcbv £iad% Kai IspijrcbG 15 + Kai ZaPa8(a

their brothers Shashak and Jeremoth, and Zebadiah,

Kai Apd8 Kai A8ap 16+ Kai Mvxar\k Kai Isacpd Kai

and Arad, and Ader, and Michael, and Ispah, and

Ioxd moi Bapsia 17+ Kai ZaPaSia Kai MoaoAAxxjr Kai

Joha, sons of Beriah. And Zebadiah, and Meshullam, and

E^ski Kai Apsp 18+ Kai Iaaarjjrapi Kai Is^Ara Kai

Hezeki, and Heber, and Ishmerai, and Jezliah, and

Icopdp moi Akupak 19+ Kai IaKsiji Kai Zs%pi Kai

Jobab, sons of Elpaal. And Jakim, and Zichri, and


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

13-1 Chronicles

Zep5i 20+ Kai HAicove Kai ZskaQi Kai Ehx\k 21+ Kai

Zabdi, and Elienai, and Zilthai, and Eliel, and

A5ata Kai Bapa'ia Kai EajiapdB dioi Sejiei 22+ Kai

Adaiah, and Beraiah, and Shimrath, sons ofShimhi. And

Ieocpdv Kai A5sp Kai Ehx\k 23+ Kai Ap8cbv Kai

Ishpan, and Heber, and Eliel, and Abdon, and

Ze%pi Kai Avav 24+ Kai Avavia Kai HMji Kai

Zichri, and Hanan, and Hananiah, and Elam, and

AvaGcoGd 25+ Kai Iscpa8(a Kai OavoDfjA, dioi EiadK 26 +

Antothijah, and Iphdeiah, and Penuel sons ofShashak.

Kai Saji\j/api Kai Sapa'ia Kai OGoAia 27+ Kai Iepaia

And Shamsherai, and Shehariah, and Athaliah, and Jaresiah,

Kai EAia Kai Ze%p( dioi Iepedji 28+ odxoi dp%ovxec;

and Eliah, and Zichri, sons of Jeroham. These [were] rulers

7iaxpicbv Kaxd yeveaeic; aDxcbv ap%r|yo( odxoi

of [the] families according to their generations — chiefs; these

KaxcoKqaav sv IspoDaaArjji 29+ Kai sv TaPacbv

dwelt in Jerusalem. And in Gibeon

KaxcbKrjas 7iaxf|p TaPacbv Kai ovojia xrj yDvaud aDxoD

dwelt [the] father of Gibeon, and [the] name of his wife

Ma%d 30 + Kai o vioq aDxoD o 7ipcox6xoKoc; Ap5cbv

[was] Maachah. And his son the first-born [was] Abdon,

Kai EoDp Kai Kiq Kai BasX Kai Na5dp 31+ Kai

and Zur, and Kish, and Baal, and Nadab, and

rs85cbp Kai 01 a8eAxpo( aDxoD Kai Zsxpi 32 + Kai

Gedor, and his brethren, and Zacher. And

MaKe58cb9 eyswrjas xov Sajiad Kai yap odxoi

Mikloth engendered Shimeah. For also these

Kaxsvavxi xcov a5eXcpcbv aDxcbv KaxcbKrjaav sv

[ over against their brethren dwelt] in

IspoDaaAxjji jiexd xcov a8sAxpcbv aDxcbv 33+ Kai Nrjp

Jerusalem, with their brethren. And Ner

syswrjas xov Kiq Kai Kiq syewrjae xov ZaovX Kai

engendered Kish, and Kish engendered Saul, and

ZaovX syswrjas xov IcovaGdv Kai xov MsA,%iaoDe Kai

Saul engendered Jonathan, and Malchishua, and

xov Apiva5dp Kai xov IaPadA, 34 + Kai vioq IcovaGdv

Abinadab, and Esh-baal. And [the] son of Jonathan

MspiPadX Kai o MspiPadA, syewrjae xov Mi%d 35 + Kai

[was] Merib-baal; and Merib-baal engendered Micah. And


8V TOUT© + VlKa
13-1 Chronicles

dioi Mi%d ®i0cbv Kai M£kz% Kai 0apad Kai A%d^

[the] sons ofMichah— Pithon, and Melech, and Tarea, and Ahaz.

36 + Kai A%a^ eyewrjoe xov Ico8d Kai Ico8d eyewrjae

And Ahaz engendered Jehoadah; and Jehoadah engendered

xov AXs|i80 Kai xov AajicbG Kai xov ZajiPpi Kai

Alemeth, and Azmaveth, and Zimri; and

ZajiPpi eyswrjas xovMoaad 37+ Kai Mcoad syswrjae

Zimri engendered Moza; and Moza engendered

xov Baavd Pacpd vioq avzov EXzaaa vioq avzov Aar\k

Binea, Rapha his son, Eleasah his son, [and] Azel

vioq avTOV 3 s + Kai icq Aar\X dioi Kai xatixa

his son. And to Azel [were] six sons, and these are

xa ovojiaxa auxcbv E^spiKdji 7rpcox6xoKoc; aDxoD Kai

their names ~ Azrikam his first-born, and

IajiafjA, Kai Sapia Kai ApSia Kai Awdv Kai Aad

Ishmael, and Shearaiah, and Obadiah, and Hanan and Asa;

7idvxsc; odxoi dioi Aar\k 39+ Kai dioi Acjsk

all these [were] sons of Azel. And [the] sons ofEshek

xod aSeAxpoD aDxoD OdAxxji 7ipcox6xoKoc; aDxoD Kai

his brother ~ Ulam his first-born, and

lr\ovq o 8eDxepoc; Kai EAacpaAix o xpixoq 40+ Kai

Jeush the second, and Eliphelet the third. And

eyevovxo dioi Ovkd[i dvSpsc; 5Dvaxo( ia%m

[were [the] sons of Ulam men mighty] in strength,

xsivovxsc; xo^ov Kai 7iAr|0Dvovxsc; diodc; Kai diodc;

stretching [the] bow, and multiplying sons, and sons

xcov Dicbv 8Kax6v Kai 7ievxf|Kovxa 7idvxec; odxoi dicov

of the sons — a hundred and fifty; all these [the] sons


of Benjamin.

9 13

1+ Kai itaq IapafjA, sysvsaXoyfjGrjaav Kai i8od eiai

And all Israel traced descent; and behold, they are

ysypajijievoi sm PipAioD PaoiXscov IapafjA, Kai IoD8a

written upon [the] scroll [of the] kings of Israel and Judah,

Kai a7roiKia0r|aav sic; BaPDAxbva 8id

and they were resettled in Babylon because

xrjv aaDvBecriav aDxcbv r|v r|8iKr|aav 2 + Kai 01

of their breach-of-contract which they transgressed. And the ones

KaxoiKODVxec; 7ip6xspov sv xaic; Kaxaa%8aeoiv aDxcbv sv

dwelling prior in their possessions in


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13-1 Chronicles

xaic; 7i6A,saiv auxcbv IapafjA, 01 ispsfc; 01 Aemxai Kai

their cities — Israel, the priests, the Levites, and

01 8e8o|i8voi 3+ mi sv Iepoi)aaAx||i raxcbKTjoav 8K

the ones appointed. And in Jerusalem dwelt of

xcov mcbv lovda rai 8K xcov mcbv Beviajiiv Kai sk

the sons ofJudah, and of the sons of Benjamin, and of

xcov mcbv Ecppaiji Kai Mavaaafj 4 + Od0( vioq

the sons ofEphraim, and Manasseh; Uthai son

£a|iicy68 viov Ajippi viov EjiPpi viov Bsviajjiv arco

ofAmmihud, son of Omri, son oflmri, son ofBani, of

xcov mcbv Odpec; viov lovda 5 + Kai anb xov SrjAxovsi

the sons ofPharez son ofJudah. And of the Shilonites —

Aaata o 7ipcox6xoKoc; avxov Kai oi moi avxov 6 + Kai sk

Asaiah his first-born, and his sons. And of

xcov mcbv Zrjpd IefjA, Kai oi aSsAxpoi auxcbv s^aKoaioi

the sons of Zerah ~ Jeuel, and their brethren ~ six hundred

Kai swsvfjKovxa ? + Kai ano xcov mcbv Bsviajiiv

and ninety. And of the sons of Benjamin —

EaAxb vioq MoooAAxxji viov Q8oma viov Savad 8 +

Sallu son of Meshullam, son ofHodaviah, son ofHasenuah,

Kai IePvad vioq Ispodji Kai HAxb vioq O^i viov

and Ibneiah son ofJeroham, and Elah son ofUzzi, son

Maxsipi Kai MoaoAldji viov Sacpaxia viov PayoDfjA,

ofMichri, and Meshullam son of Shephatiah, son ofReuel,

viov Iejivai 9 + Kai oi aSeAxpoi auxcbv Kaxd

son oflbnijah; and their brethren according to

yevsaeic; auxcbv ewaKooioi 7i8vxr|Kovxas^ itavxsq oi

their generations — nine hundred fifty-six. All the

dv8psc; dpxovxsq 7iaxpicbv Kax' oikov 7iaxpicbv auxcbv

men, rulers of families, according to [the] house of their families.

io+ rai a7io xcov ispecov IcoSae rai Icopetp rai

And of the priests ~ Jedaiah, and Jehoiarib, and

Icoa%s(|i n+ rai A^apiaq vioq Ehdov viov

Jachin, and Azariah son ofHilkiah, son

MoaaoAldji viov Sa8cbK viov MspaicoB viov A%ixcbp

of Meshullam, son ofZadok, son ofMeraioth, son ofAhitub,

T|ycy6|ievoc; oikod xod 0sot3 12+ rai A8aia vioq

[the] ruler of [the] house of God. And Adaiah son

Ispodji viov Oaascrop viov MsA,%(oi rai Maaaei

ofJeroham, son ofPashur, son ofMalchijah, and Massai

vioq A8ifjX viov E^epd viov MoaoAAxxji viov

son of Adiel, son ofJahzerah, son of Meshullam, son


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MaaeAajicbG diod E|i|if|p 13 + Kai 01 aSsAxpoi aDTcbv

of Meshillemith, son oflmmer. And their brethren,

Tjyoi)|i8voi Kax' oikov 7iaxpicbv aDicbv %ikioi Kai

leaders according to [the] house of their families — a thousand and

S7iTaK6aioi Kai e^fjKovxa SDvaTOi ia%m ev epyco

seven hundred and sixty; mighty in strength in work


of [the] service of [the] house of God. And of the Levites —

Sajisac; vioq Aaovfi diod E^piKdji diod Aaapia sk

Shemaiah son ofHashub, son ofAzrikam, son ofHashabiah, of

xcov Dicbv Mspapi 15+ Kai BaKparap Kai Apr\q Kai

the sons ofMerari; and Bakbakkar, and Heresh, and

Takak Kai MaTGaviaq vioq Mi%d diod Zs^pi diod

Galal, and Mattaniah son ofMicah, son ofZichri, son

Aadcp 16+ Kai Ap8(a vioq Sajiaia diod TaXaX diod

of Asaph; and Obadiah son of Shemiah, son of Galal, son

I8od0odv Kai Bapa%(ac; vioq Aad diod EAxavd o

ofJeduthun, and Berechiah son of Asa, son ofElkanah, the

KaTOiKcbv sv zaiq avXaiq tod NeTCOcpaTi n+ Kai 01

one dwelling in the courtyards of [the] Netophathites. And the

7tdAxdpo( EsAIodji Kai AkkodP Kai TsXjicbv Kai

gatekeepers — Shallum, and Akkub, and Talmon, and

A^ijidv Kai 01 a8sAxpo( aDTcbv £sAAx)D|i o dpxcov is +

Ahiman, and their brethren. Shallum [was] the ruler.

Kai ecoc; cb8s ev tt| ivbhr\ tod PaaiAicoc; KaTd

And unto here in the gate of the king according to

avaToAxxc; odtoi 01 7iDA,copo( sic; Tag 7iaps|iPoAx)u;

[the] east, these [are] the gatekeepers for the camps

Dicbv Asdi 19+ Kai £sAAxdd|i vioq Kops diod

of [the] sons of Levi. And Shallum son ofKore, son

Apidoax diod Kops Kai 01 aSeAxpoi aDTOD KaT'

ofEbiasaph, son ofKorah, and his brethren according to

oikov 7iaTpicbv aDTcbv 01 Kopivoi 8711 Ta epya Tr\q

[the] house of their fathers, the Korahites, over the works of the

SoD^siaq cpD^daaovTSc; Ta 7ip66Dpa ttjc^ aKr\vr\q Kai

service, guarding the thresholds of the tent, and

01 7iaT8pSC; aDTCOV S7U TTJV 7iap8|lPoA,flV KDpiOD

their fathers over the camp of [the] LORD

cpD^daaovTsq tt|v s(ao8ov 20+ Kai Oiveec; vioq

guarding the entrance. And Phinehas son

EXed^ap rjyoDjievoc; r|v 87i' aDTcbv S|i7rpoa0sv KDpiOD

of Eleazar being [the] leader was over them before [the] LORD.


9 Q ev tootco + vtica 13-1 Chronicles

21+ Kai jisxd xatixa Za%ap(ac; dioc; MsaoAAxxjjia

And with these Zachariah son of Meshellemiah

7ruAxjop6c; Tr\q Qvpaq xrjc; aKTrvfjc; xod |iapxDpfc&gt;D 22 +

[was] gatekeeper of the door of the tent of the testimony.

7r&amp;vxsc; odxoi SK^sXsyiisvoi sic; 7iDAxopoDc; sv xoic;

All these being chosen for gatekeepers at the

axaGjioiq SiaKoaioi Kai 8sKa8DO odxoi sv

doorposts ~ two hundred and twelve. These with

xaic; £7rm3A£aiv aoxcbv rj ysvsaloyia aDxcbv Kai

their properties of their genealogy and

0 KaxaAx)%ia|i6c; aoxcbv xodxodc; r|p(6|ir|as Kai

their distribution, these were counted. And

saxrjas AaviS Kai Sa|ioi)f|A, o opcbv sv

[ established [them] David and Samuel the seer] in

xtj 7i(axsi aDxcbv 23 + Kai odxoi 01 moi aDxcbv S7U xcov

their trust. And these their sons [were] over the


gates of [the] house of [the] LORD, and the house of the tent

xod (pvXaaasiv 24 + Kaxd xodc; xsaaapaq avsjioDc;

to [keep] watch. [ according to the four winds

fjaav 7n)Axjopoi Kax' avaxoAxxc; Kai Kaxd

were [stationed] [The] gatekeepers] — according to [the] east, and according to

0dXaaoav Kai Poppdv Kai voxov 25+ Kai

[the] west, and north, and south. And

01 a8sAxpo( aDxcbv sv xaic; S7iaDA,saiv aDxcbv sp%sa0ai

their brethren in their properties [were] to come

siq xa sp8ojia xcov Kaipcov xod sia7iopsDsa6ai Kaxd

for the sevenths of the times to enter for

S7ixd rjjispac; arco KaipoD sic; Kaipov jisxd xodxcov 26+

seven days from time to time after these.

6x1 sv maxsi siaiv 01 xsaaapsc; SDvaxoi xcov

For in trust [of office] are the four mighty ones of the

7iDAxjQpcbv aDxoi 01 AsDixai Kai fjaav S7U xcov

gatekeepers — they the Levites. And they were over the

7raaxocpopicov Kai S7ii xcov BrjaaDpcbv oikod

cubicles, and over the treasures of [the] house


of God. And [ surrounding the house of God

aD?aa0f|aovxai 6x1 S7i' aDxotic; r| cpDA,aKq aDxcbv Kai

they shall lodge], for upon them [was] their watch [responsibility], and

aDxoi em xcov kA,si8cov xo7ipcoi 7ipcoi avoiysiv

they [were] over the keys morning [by] morning, to open


9 Q ev tootco + vlica 13-1 Chronicles

mq dvpaq xod ispoD 28+ Kai s£, aDxcov S7U xa

the doors of the temple. And [some] of them [were] over the

oKstirj Tr\q XsixoDpyiac; 6xi sv apiGjicb

equipment of the ministration, for by count

siaoiaoDai aDxd Kai sv apiGjicb s^oioodcji aDxd 29 + Kai

they carry them in, and by count they bring them forth. And

s^ aDxcov KaGsax&amp;jisvoi S7U xa oksdt| Kai S7U

[some] of them [were] placed over the equipment, and over

7idvxa xa aKSDrj xa dyia Kai S7i( xrjq asjiiSdlscoc; Kai

all [ items the holy], and over the fine flour, and

xod oivod Kai xod sAmoD Kai xod Xifiavov Kai xcov
the wine, and the oil, and the frankincense, and the

apcojidxcov 30+ Kai ano xcov dicov xcov ispscov fjaav

aromatics. And [some] of the sons of the priests were

|xops\j/o( xod |x6poi) sv xoic; apcojiaai 31+ Kai

perfumers of the perfume with the aromatics. And

Max6a0(ac; sk xcov Asdixcov odxoc; o 7ipcox6xoKoc;

Mattithiah of the Levites ~ this one [was] the first-born

xco £sAAx)D|i xco Kopivcb sv xr| 7i(axsi S7U xa spya

to Shallum the Korahthite — [he was] in trust over the works

xrjc; 0i)criac; xod xrjydvoD 32+ Kai Bavsaq o KaaGfjxrjq

of the sacrifice of the pan. And Benaiah the Kohathite

sk xcov a8sAxpcbv aDxcbv S7ri xcov dpxcov xrjc;

from their brethren [was] over the bread loaves of the

7rpo0sascoc; xod sxoijidaai adppaxov Kaxd adppaxov

place setting, of the one [being] prepared Sabbath by Sabbath.

33+ Kai odxoi \j/aAxco5oi dpxovxsq xcov 7iaxpicov xcov

And these [are] [the] psalm singers, rulers of the families of the

Asdixcov sv xco 7iaaxo(pop(co 8iaxsxayjisvoi sic;

Levites, in the cubicle being set in order for

stprjiispiac; 6x1 rjjispac; Kai vdkxoc; S7i' aDxotic; sv

daily rotations, for day and night, for them to [do]

xoic; spyoiq 34+ odxoi dpxovxsq 7iaxpicbv xcov Asdixcov

the works. These [are] rulers of [the] families of the Levites,

Kaxd ysvsasic; aDxcov dp%ovxsc; odxoi KaxcoKqaav sv

according to their generations; these rulers dwelt in

IspoDaaAx||i 35+ Kai sv TaPacov KaxcoKqas 7iaxf|p

Jerusalem. And in Gibeon dwelt [ father

TaPacov IsirjA, Kai ovojia xrj yovaiKi aDxoD Maa%d

of Gibeon Jehiel], and [the] name [to] his wife [was] Maachah.
36 + Kai Dioq aDxoD o 7ipcox6xoKoc; Apa5cbv Kai SoDp

And his son, the first-born, [was] Abadon, and Zur,


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Kai Kxq Kai Bask Kai Nrjp Kai Na8dp 37+ Kai

and Kish, and Baal, and Ner, and Nadab, and

rs58cbp Kai 01 a8sAxpo( auxofj Kai Zs%p( Kai

Gedor, and [his] brethren, and Zechariah, and

MaKsAxbG 38 + Kai MaKsAxb0 syswrjas xov Sajiadv Kai

Mikloth. And Mikloth engendered Shimeam. And

otixoi sv jisaco xcov a5sAxpcbv auxcbv KaxcbKqaav sv

these [ in [the] midst of their brethren dwelt] in

IspoDaaAxjji jisxa tcov a8sAxpcov auxcbv 39+ Kai Nrjp

Jerusalem, with their brethren. And Ner

syswrjas xov Kiq Kai Kiq syswrjas xov ZaovX Kai

engendered Kish, and Kish engendered Saul, and

ZaovX syswrjas xov IcovaGdv Kai xov MsA,%iaous Kai

Saul engendered Jonathan, and Malchishua, and

xovApivaSdp Kai xov IaaPadA, 40+ Kai vioq IcovaGdv

Abinadab, and Esh-baal. And [the] son of Jonathan

MspiPadX Kai MspiPadA, syswrjas xov Mi%d 41 + Kai

[was] Merib-baal, and Merib-baal engendered Micah. And

Dioi Mi%d ®i0cbv Kai Msk%\r\k Kai 0apad Kai

[the] sons of Micah— Pithon, and Melech, and Tahrea, and

ACfi^ 42 + Kai ACfi^ syswrjas xov Ico8d Kai Ico8d

Ahaz. And Ahaz engendered Jarah; and Jarah

syswrjas xov A^sjisG Kai xov A^jicbG Kai xov ZijiPpi

engendered Alemeth, and Azmaveth, and Zimri;

Kai ZijiPpi syswrjas xov Mcoad 43 + Kai Maad

and Zimri engendered Moza; and Moza

syswrjas xov Bavad Pacpd vioq auxofj EXsaad

engendered Baana, Raphaiah his son, Eleasah

vioq auxofj AafjA, vioq auxofj 4 4 + Kai xco AafjX s^

his son, Azel his son. And to Azel [were] six

moi Kai xafjxa xa ovojiaxa auxcbv E^piKdji

sons, and these [are] their names — Azrikam

7ipcox6xoKoc; auxou Kai IajiafjA, Kai Saapia Kai Ap8(a

his first-born, and Ishmael, and Sheariah, and Obadiah,

Kai Avdv ouxoi dioi AafjA,

and Hanan. These [are the] sons of Azel.




13-1 Chronicles

10 ■»

i + Kai oXkoipvXoi 87ioXs(ir|aav npoq xov IapafjA, Kai

And [the] Philistines waged war against Israel; and

scpuysv avfjp IapafjX arco 7ipoacb7roD aAlocpuXcov koi

[ fled [every] man of Israel] from [the] face of [the] Philistines, and
S7T8O0V xpaujiaxiai sv opsi TsipoDS 2 + Kai

they fell slain in mount Gilboa. And

Kaxe5(co^av oi aAlocpuAxn O7uaco ZoovX Kai O7riaco

[ pursued the Philistines] after Saul, and after

xcov mcbv ovtov Kai S7idxa^av oi oXkoyvkoi

his sons; and [ struck the Philistines]

xov IcovaBdv Kai xov Apiva5dp Kai xov MeA,%iaoDS

Jonathan, and Abinadab, and Malchi-shua,

viovq ZoovX 3+ Kai ePapwBrj o n6Xs[ioq £7U ZoovX

sons of Saul. And [ pressed the battle] against Saul,

Kai stipov ovtov oi xo^oxai sv xo^oiq Kai 7i6voic;

and [ found him the bowmen] with [the] bows, and [he was in] miseries

Kai S7i6vsa8v arco xcov xo^cov 4 + Kai sirae ZoovX xco

and suffering pain from the bows. And Saul said to the

aipovxi xa aKetirj olvtov a7idaai xrjv pojicpaiav gov Kai

one carrying his weapons, Unsheathe your broadsword, and

SKKsvxrjaov |i8 sv ovtt\ [it\kote eXGcoaiv

stab me with it! lest at any time [ come

oi a7ispix|ir|xoi otixoi Kai s|i7ra(^coai |ioi Kai

uncircumcised these] and mock me. But

odk ePotiXsxo o aipcov xa aKetirj olvtov 6xi scpopeixo

[ would not the one carrying his weapons], for he feared

ocp68pa Kai eAxxPe ZoovX xrjv pojicpaiav Kai 87rs7T8asv

exceedingly. And Saul took the broadsword, and fell

S7i ' auxfjv 5+ Kai £i8ev o aipcov xa aKsirq ovtov 6xi

upon it. And [ beheld the one carrying his weapons] that

a7i80av8 ZoovX Kai S7r87i8a8v Kai ovToq S7ri

Saul died, and he fell also himself upon

xrjv pojitpaiav ovtov koi a7ie0avs 6 + Kai a7ie6avs ZoovX

his broadsword, and died. And Saul died,

Kai oi xpsic; dioi ovtov koi oXoq O OIKOq OVTOV

and [ three sons his]; and all his house

ojio0D|ia56v a7i80av8 7 + Kai e(8e noq avfjp lapof\k

[in one accord died]. And [beheld every man of Israel

o sv xco KoiA,d5i 6xi sqroysv IopafjX Kai 6xi

in the valley] that Israel fled, and that



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arcsGavs HaovX Kai 01 moi aDxoD Kai KaxsAurov

Saul died and his sons, and they left

xac; noXziq aDxcbv Kai scpDyov Kai f|X0ov 01 aAlocpuloi

their cities and fled. And [ came the Philistines]

Kai KaxcbKqaav sv avzaiq $+ Kai sysvsxo xrj

and dwelt in them. And it came to pass in the

srcaDpiov r\kdov 01 aAlocpuAxn tod aKD^SDaai xodc;

next day [ came [the] Philistines] to despoil the

xpaDjiaxiac; Kai stipov xov ZaovX Kai

slain, and they found Saul and

xodc; viovq avzov 7iS7ixcoK6xacj sv xco opsi TsA^Pods 9 +

his sons having fallen on mount Gilboa.

Kai s^s5i)aav aDxov Kai fjpav xrjv KscpaAxjv aDxoD

And they stripped him, and they carried away his head,
Kai xa oksdtj clvtov Kai s^a7isaxsiA,av 01 aAXocpvAm

and his weapons. And [ sent the Philistines]

siq yrjv kdk^co tod SDayysAiaaa9ai sv xoic; oikok;

to [the] land round about to announce good news in the houses

xcov si5cbAxov aDxcov Kai xco Axxcb aDxcbv 10+ Kai sGrjKav

of their idols, and [to] their people. And they put

xa aKSDTj auxoD sv oikco tod 6sod aDxcov Kai

his weapons in [the] house of their god, and

xrjv KecpaAxjv aDTOD S7ir|^av sv xco oikco Aaycbv 1 1 + Kai

his head they pinned in the house of Dagon. And

fjKODaav 7idvTSc; 01 KaxoiKODVxsq Iapfjq Takadd

[ heard all the ones dwelling in Jabesh Gilead]

7idvxa a S7iovr|aav 01 aAlocpDAm xco ZaovX Kai xoic;

all what [ did the Philistines] to Saul and [to]

vioiq aDxoD Kai xco IapafjX 12+ Kai avsaxrjaav sk

his sons, and to Israel. And [ rose up from out of

Takadd naq avfjp 8Dvax6q Kai r\kdov Kai zkafiov xo

Gilead every man mighty], and they came and took the

acbjia ZaovX Kai xa acbjiaxa xcov dicov aDxoD Kai

body of Saul, and the bodies of his sons, and

fjvsyrav aDxd sic; Iapfjc; Kai s6a\j/av xa oaxd aDxcbv

they brought them into Jabesh, and they entombed their bones

D7i6 xrjv 5pDV sv Iapfjc; Kai svfjoxsDaav S7ixd

under the oak in Jabesh, and they fasted seven

rjiispaq 13 + Kai arcsGavs ZaovX sv xaic; avojiiaic; aDxoD

days. And Saul died in his lawless deeds

mq r|v6|xr|as sv Kopico Kaxd xov Xoyov KopioD

which he acted lawlessly against [the] LORD, against the word of [the] LORD,

11 X'

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8i6xi odk scpD^a^ev aDxov Kai 6x1 S7iripcbxr|as sv

because he did not keep it, and because he asked [ by

tt] eyyaaxpi|x66cD tod SK^iycfjaai i 4 + Kai odk

the one who delivers oracles to inquire]. And he did not

S^S^fjTrjaSV SV KDpiCO Kai a7T£KX£lVeV aDTOV Kai

inquire in [the] LORD; and he killed him, and

S7isaxps\j/s tt|v Paai^eiav tcd AaDi5 duo Ieaaai

he turned the kingdom to David son of Jesse.

11 «■»

1+ Kai aDvr|6po(a6r|aav itaq avfjp IapafjX npoq AaviS

And [ gathered together every man of Israel] to David

sv XePpcbv Aiyovxsc; i8od octxodv aoD Kai aap^ aoD

in Hebron, saying, Behold, [ of your bones and of your flesh

r\[isiq 2+ Kai ys e%6sc; Kai ys xpixrjc;

we [are]]. And indeed yesterday and indeed [the] third [day before]

ovxoqSaoDA, PaaiAiooc; ctd fjaBa o siadyoov Kai

in Saul being king, you were the one bringing in and

s^dycov xov IapafjA, Kai si7isv Kopioc; o Gsoc; aoD aoi

leading out Israel. And [ said [the] LORD your God] to you,

od 7ioi|iavefc; xov Xaov jiod tov IapafjX Kai cjd sarj

You tend my people Israel, and you shall be

sic; rjyoDjisvov 87U tov A,a6v |iod IapafjA, 3 + Kai r\kdov

for leader over my people Israel. And [ came

7tdvx£c; 01 7rpeaPDT£poi IapafjX 7ipoq xov PaaiAia sic;

all [the] elders of Israel] to the king in

XsPpcbv Kai 8is0sxo aDioiq o PaaiXsDq AaDi8

Hebron. And [ ordained with them king David]

8ia0f|Kr|v sv Xeppcbv evavxi KDpioD Kai s%piaav

a covenant in Hebron before [the] LORD. And they anointed

tov AaDi8 sic; PaaiXsa em IapafjA, Kaxd xov Xoyov

David for king over Israel, according to the word

KDpioD 8id X^ipoq XajioDfjA, 4 + Kai 87iop8D6r|

of [the] LORD through [the] hand of Samuel. And [went

o PaoiXeDc; AaDi8 Kai rcac; IopafjA, sic; IspoDaaAr||i

king David and all Israel] into Jerusalem —

aDTTj IsPodc; Kai 8Ks( oi IePoDaakn 01

this is Jebus. And [ [were] there the Jebusites], the ones

KaxoiKODViec; xrjv yrjv 5 + Kai eircov oi KaxoiKowcec;

dwelling the land And [ said the ones dwelling

IsPodc; xco AaDi8 odk £iaeA,SDor| cbSe Kai

Jebus] to David, You shall not enter here. And


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VlKa

13-1 Chronicles

7ipoKaxsAxxPsxo Aam8 xrjv 7ispio%f|v Sicbv auxrj r|

[ was first to take David] the citadel of Zion ~ this [is] the
noXiq AaviS e + Kai si7i;s Aam8 naq ximxcov

city of David. And David said, Anyone beating

IePcmaaiov sv 7ipcbxoic; saxai sic; dpxovxa Kai sic;

[the] Jebusites at first, he will be as a ruler and as

oxpaxrjyov Kai avsprj S7r' auxfjv Icodp vioq Eapoma

commandant. And [ ascended against them Joab son of Zeruiah]

sv 7ipcbxoic; Kai sysvsxo sic; dp%ovxa ?+ Kai

at first, and he became as a ruler. And

8Kd6ias Aavid sv xr| 7ispio%f| 8id xcroxo SKdXsasv

David stayed in the citadel; because of this he called

auxfjv 7r6Aav AaviS 8 + Kai coKo86|ir|as xrjv 7i6Aav

it, City of David. And he built the city

kdkX66sv arco Tr\q OKpaq Kai scoc; xou kdkXod Kai

round about from the Akra and unto the circuit. And

Icodp 7rspie7roifjaaxo xo Xomov Tr\q TioXsozq 9 + Kai

Joab procured the rest of the city. And

£7iopsi)sxo Aavid 7iopsi)6|isvoc; Kai |isya?u)v6|isvoc; Kai

David went going and being magnified. And

Kopioc; 7iavxoKpdxcop jisx' avzov 10+ Kai ouxoi 01

[the] LORD almighty [was] with him. And these [are] the

dpxovxsq xcov Suvaxcbv 01 fjaav xco Aavid 01

rulers of the mighty [ones], the ones [who] were [with] David, the ones

Kaxio%i)ovxsc; jisx' avzov sv xrj Paai^sia avzov jisxd

growing strong with him in his kingdom with

7ravx6c; IapafjA, xod PaaiXsuaai ai)xov Kaxd xov

all Israel, to give him reign, according to the

Xoyov Kopioi) 8711 IapafjA, 11+ Kai omoq o apiGjioq

word of [the] LORD over Israel. And this [is] the number

xcov 8i)vaxcbv Aam8 IsaPadv vioq Aks|iovi 7cpcbxoc;

of the mighty ones of David— Jashobeam son of a Hachmonite, first

xcov xpidKovxa omoq sa7idoaxo xrjv pojicpaiav avzov

of the thirty; this one unsheathed his broadsword

S7Ti xpiaKocrioDc; xpaujiaxiac; sv Kaipco svi 12+ Kai jisx'

upon three hundred slain at [ time one]. And after

ai)xov E^sd^ap vioq AcoSa'i o A%co%{ omoq r\v sv

him — Eleazar son of Dodo the Ahohite — this one was among

xoic; xpicri Suvaxofc; 13+ omoq r\v jisxd Aam8 sv

the three mighty ones. This one was with David in

Oaa8ajii|i Kai 01 aAlocpuAxn awq%9r|aav sksi siq

Pas-dammin, and the Philistines were gathered together there for


11 X'

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13-1 Chronicles

7i6Xs|iov Kai r|v (ispiq tod aypoD 7rArjpr|c; KpiGcbv

war, and [there] was a portion of a field full of barley,

Kai o Xaoq scpDysv ano 7ipoaco7roD tcov aAlocpD^cov

and the people fled from [the] face of the Philistines.

14+ Kai saxrj sv jisoco tt|c; |isp(8oc; Kai sacoasv aDifjv

And he stood in [the] midst of the portion and, delivered it,

Kai S7iaTa^s todc; aAAxxpD^ODc; Kai S7iovr|as Kupioq

and he struck the Philistines. And [the] LORD performed

acorrjpiav (isydAxjv i 5 + Kai KaxsPrjaav xpsiq sk tcov

[ deliverance a great]. And [there] went down three of the

xpidKovxa ap%6vT&lt;jov sic; rqv rcsTpav npoq Aai)(8 sic;

thirty rulers to the rock to David, into

to G7rfjAmov 08oAxxd|i Kai r| 7raps|iPoAr| xcov

the cave of Adullam; and the camp of the

aXXoipvkcov 7taps|iPspATjK£i sv tt| KoiXdSi xcov

Philistines pitched in the valley of the

yiydvxcov i 6 + Kai Aam8 tots sv tt| 7ispioxfl Kai to

giants. And David [was] then in the citadel, and the

&lt;y6aTT||ia tcdv aXXo(pvX(DV tots sv BrjGXssji n+ Kai

garrison of the Philistines [was] then in Beth-lehem. And

S7is0i)|ir|as Aai)i8 Kai si7is tic; 7totis( (is i38cop sk

David desired, and he said, Who will give me a drink of water from

TOD XdKKOD Br|0A,SS|I TOD SV TTJ Tivh] i 8 + Kai

the well at Beth-lehem, the one at the gate? And

8isppr|^av oi Tpsic; tt|v 7iaps|iPoAr|v tcov aAA,otpDA,cov

[ tore up the three] the camp of the Philistines,

Kai DSpsDaavTO D8cop sk tod Axxkkod tod BrjGXssji

and they drew water from the well [of] Beth-lehem,

oq Tjv sv ttj 7r6Ax| Kai slapov Kai r\kdov itpoq

which was at the gate, and they took it, and came to

AaDi5 Kai odk r|9sAr|as AaDi5 tod 7iis(v aDTO Kai

David. And [ did not want David] to drink it. And

so7rsiosv aDTO tco KDpico 19+ Kai si7rsv ikscbq |IOl o

he gave it as a libation to the LORD, and he said, Kindness to me, O

Gsoc; tod 7rorfjaai to pfjjia todto si aijia

God, to do this thing. Shall [ blood

tcov av8pcbv todtcov 7i(o|iai sv \\fv%aiq aDTcbv 6ti sv

of these men I drink] with their lives, [no]. For with

Taiq \\fv%aiq aDTcbv fjvsyrav aDTO Kai odk sPodXsto

their lives they brought it, and I do not want

7iis(v aDTO TaDTa S7rovr|aav oi Tpsic; SDvaTOi 20+ Kai

to drink it. These [things] [did the three mighty men]. And


11 K&gt;

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13-1 Chronicles

Apsaaa'i o aSsAxpoc; Icodp omoq r\v dp%cov xcov

Abishai the brother of Joab, this one was ruler of the

xpicbv omoq so7idaaxo xrjv pojicpaiav avzov ziti

three. This one unsheathed his broadsword against

xpiaKocrioDc; xpaDjiaxiac; sv Kaipcb svi omoq r\v

three hundred slain at [time one]; this one was

ovojiaaxoc; sv xoic; xpiaiv 21+ arco xcov xpicbv imsp

famous among the [other] three. Of the three [ above

xodc; 8do svSo^oc; Kai sysvsxo aDxoic; sic;

the two [he was more] honorable], and he became to them as

dpxovxa Kai scoc; xcov xpicbv odkt|p%sxo 22+ Kai

a ruler, but unto the [first] three he arrived not at. And

Bavsac; vioq IcoSas vioq avdpoq SDvaxoD noXXd

Benaiah, son of Jehoiada son [ man of a mighty] (many

spya avTOV arco KaPaafjA, aDxoc; S7idxa^s xodc; 8do

[were] his works) from Kabzeel; he struck the two

apifjA, Mcodp Kai odxoc; KaxsPrj Kai S7idxa^s xov

lion-like ones ofMoab; also this one went down and struck the
Aiovxa sv xco XdKKco sv rjjispa %iovoq 23+ Kai odxoc;

lion in the pit in [the] day of snow. And this one

S7idxa^s xov dv8pa xov Aiyimxiov dv8pa SD|if|Kr|

struck the Egyptian man, a man [ tall

7isvxa7rf|%r| Kai sv xr| %sip( xod AiyD7ix(oD 56pi) coc;

five cubits]; and in the hand of the Egyptian was a spear as

avxiov Dcpaivovxcov Kai KaxsPrj S7i' ai)xov

[the] beam of a loom of one weaving. And [ went against him

Bavsac; sv pdp8co Kai acpsi^sxo xo 86pD sk xrjc;

Benaiah] with a rod, and removed the spear from the

Xsipoq xod AiyD7ix(oD Kai a7isKxsivsv ai)xov sv

hand of the Egyptian, and he killed him by

xco 86paxi aDxoD 24+ xatixa S7iovr|as Bavsac; vioq

his spear. These [things] [ did Benaiah son

Ico8as Kai xodxco ovojia sv xoic; xpiai SDvaxoic; 25 +

of Jehoiada]. And to this one [was] a name among the three mighty ones.

D7isp xodc; xpidKovxa Tjv svSo^oc; odxoc; Kai npoq

[ above the thirty was honored He], but to

xodc; xpsic; odk fjpxsxo Kai Kaxsaxrjasv aDxov

the [first] three he did not arrive. And [ placed him

Aavid S7U xrjv rcaxpidv aDxoD 26 + Kai 5i)vaxo(

David] over his family. And [the] mighty ones

xcov 8i)vd|iscov AoafjX aSsAxpoc; Icodp EXsavd vioq

of power — Asahel brother of Joab, Elhanan son


11 &gt;r
8V TOUT© + VlKa

13-1 Chronicles

Aco5( a7io Brj0Xss|i 27 + SajijicbG o Apcopsi XsXkr\q o

of Dodo from Beth-lehem, Shammoth the Harorite, Helez the

OsAAxdvsi 28+ Eipdc; vioq Ekkic; o ©SKCoixriq Apie^ep

Pelonite, Ira son oflkkesh the Tekoite, Abi-ezer

o Ava0&lt;jo6vcr|c; 29+ EoPo%ai o Ovaadi UXa o A%a%( 30 +

the Antothite, Sibbecai the Hushathite, Ilai the Ahohite,

Mapi o NsxoocpaGi AkaS vioq Bavd o NsxoocpaBi 31 +

Maharai the Netophathite, Heled son ofBaanah the Netophathite,

I0ai vioq PePai arco TaPadG mcbv Beviajjiv Bavaia

Ithai son ofRibai of Gibeah of [the] sons of Benjamin, Benaiah

o OapaBcovi 32+ Ovpi arco Na%aAi Taaq ApifjA, o

the Pirathonite, Hurai from Nachali Gaash, Abiel the

ApaPaGi 33+ AajicbG o Ba%apoD|ji EAapd o SaXaPcovi

Arbathite, Azmaveth the Baharumite, Eliahba the Shaalbonite,

34+ dioi Aaoji tod Tovvi IoovdGav vioq Sayai o

sons ofHashem the Gizonite, Jonathan son ofShage the

Apcopi 35+ A%id|i vioq Za%dp o Apapi EXupaX vioq

Hararite, Ahiam son ofSacar the Hararite, Eliphal son

Ovp 36+ Acpdp o MexcopaGi A%ia o OeAlcovi 37+ Eapi

ofUr, Hepher the Mecherathite, Ahijah the Pelonite, Hezro

o XepjisAi Napai o vioq AaPat 3 s+ IcofjA, a5sAxpoc;

the Carmelite, Naarai the son ofEzbai, Joel brother

NdGav Maapdp vioq Ayrjpi 39+ SsAAxjK o Ajijiavi

of Nathan, Mibhar son ofHaggeri, Zelek the Ammonite,

Noapa't o Br|pco0i aipcov aKSDrj Icodp diod Sapoma

Naarai the Berothite, one carrying [the] weapons of Joab son of Zeruiah,
40+ Ipd o Is0pi TapsP o IsGpi

Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the Ithrite,

41+ Oopiac; o XsxGi Eapd5 vioq Akai 42+ A5sivd vioq

Uriah the Hittite, Zabad son ofAhlai, Adina son

El^d TOD PODPrjVl dpXCOV XCD PODpfjV Kai 871 ' aDTCO

ofShiza the Reubenite, ruler [to] Reuben, and with him

Tpi(XKOVT(X 43 + Avdv vioq Maaxd Kai Iooaacpdx o

thirty. Hanan son ofMaachah, and Joshaphat the

MaxBavi 4 4+ O^iaq o EoGapcoGi Sd|i|ia Kai IeirjA, dioi

Mithnite, Uzzia the Asterathite, Shama and Jehiel sons

Xco0d|i xod Apapi 45+ IsSifjA, dioc; Sajiapi Kai Ioo%d

of Hothan the Aroerite, Jediael son of Shimri, and Joha


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o a5sAxpoc; aDTOD o 0coai 46 + Ehx\k o MacooDiji Kai

his brother, the Tizite, Eliel the Mahavite, and

IapiPat Kai Icoacoia oi dioi EA,vad|i Kai IsGdji o

Jeribai and Joshaviah the sons ofElnaam, and Ithma the

Mcoapixriq 4 ?+ Ehx\k Kai Qpf|5 Kai EsoaifjX o

Moabite, Eliel, and Obed, and Jasiel the


12 V

i+ Kai odtoi oi sABovxeg 7ipoc; Aavid ziq SsKs^dy sti

And these [are] the ones coming to David in Ziglag, while

ctdvs%o|isvod a7io 7ipoaco7roD ZaovX diod Kiq Kai

banding together from [the] face of Saul son ofKish. And

aDioi sv Toiq 5Dvaxoi(; Pot|0odvtsc; ev too 7roAi|ico 2 +

they [are] among the mighty ones helping in war,

Kai xo^co sk 8s^icbv Kai s^ apiaxspcbv Kai

and [using the] bow with [the] right [hands] and with [the] left [hands], and

a(psv8ovf|Tai sv Xidoiq Kai sv Ps^sai Kai xo^co sk

slingers with stones, and with arrows, and with a bow from

xcov aSsAxpcbv ZaovX sk tod Bsviajiiv 3 + o dp%cov

the brethren of Saul of Benjamin. The ruler

A^is^sp Kai Icodq dioi Aajid tod TaPaaGi Kai

[was] Ahiezer, and Joash, [the] sons of Shemaah the Gibeathite, and

EQx\k Kai OaXsT dioi AajicoG Kai Bapa%(a Kai IrjOD

Jeziel and Pelet sons ofAzmaveth, and Berachah, and Jehu

o Ava9co0i 4+ Kai Sajisaq o TaPacoviTriq SDvaTOc; sv

the Antothite, and Ishmaiah the Gibeonite, mighty among

Toiq TpidKovTa Kai S7U tcov TpidKovTa Ispsjiiaq Kai

the thirty, and over the thirty; Jeremiah, and

Is^ifjA, Kai Icovdv Kai Ico^apdS o ra8r|pco0i 5+ EAio^i

Jahaziel, and Johanan, and Josabad the Gederathite; Eluzai,

Kai IapijioDB Kai BaaX'ia Kai Sajiapsiaq Kai

and Jerimoth, and Baaliah, and Shemariah, and

SacpaTiaq o Xapacpi 6 + HAxavd Kai Isaia Kai

Shephatiah the Haruphite; Elkanah, and Jessiah, and

A^apfjX Kai Ios^sp Kai IsaPadji 01 Kopvcai 7+ Kai

Azareel, and Joezer, and Jashobeam, the Korhites, and

IcorjAxx Kai ZaPaSia dioi Ispodji dioi tod TsSScbp 8 +

Joelah, and Zebadiah sons of Jeroham, sons of Gedor.


12 T

ev tootco + viKa

13-1 Chronicles

Kai a7io tod Taddi excopiaGrjaav itpoq Aavid S7U xrjc;

And of the Gadites [these] separated to David into the

spfjjioD Swaxoi ia%m dvSpec; 7i6Xs|iov 7iapaxa^6|i£voi

wilderness, mighty strong men for war, deploying

Gupscb Kai 86paxi Kai 7ip6aco7ra Xeovxcov

shield and spear, and [ [were as] faces of lions

xa 7ip6aco7ra auxcbv Kai Koutpoi coc; 8opKd8e&lt;; em xcov

their faces], and [they were] light as does upon the

opscov xco xd%si 9 + E^sp o dpxcov Ap8(a o Ssuxspoc;

mountains [going] quickly. Ezer the ruler, Obadiah the second,

EAi&amp;p o xpixoc; io+ Maojiavd o xsxapxoc; Ispsjiiac; o

Eliab the third, Mishmannah the fourth, Jeremiah the

7is|i7ixo(; n+ E06( o skxoc; EXif\k o ep8o|ioc; 12+

fifth, Attai the sixth, Eliel the seventh,

Icoavdv o 67800c; EAxraP&amp;8 o ewaxoc; 13+ Iepejiiac; o

Johanan the eighth, Elzabad the ninth, Jeremiah the

Ssraxoc; Ma%aPav( o svSsKaxoq 14+ ouxoi sk xcov

tenth, Machbanai the eleventh. These [were] of the

mcbv Ta8 dp%ovxsc; xrjc; axpaxidc; sic; xoic; eraxov

sons of Gad, rulers of the military, one to a hundred —

jiiKpoq Kai jisyaq xoic; %iAioicj 15+ otixoi 01 Siapdvxec;

[the] small, and [the] great a thousand. These [are] the ones passing over

xov Iop8dvr|v sv xco [ir\vi xco 7ipcbxco Kai avzoq r\v

the Jordan in the [ month first], and it was

7tS7rXr|pcoKcbc; £7U 7idoav xrjv Kpr|7tt8a auxoi) Kai

filled over all its bank. And

s^s8(co^av navxaq xovq KaxoiKowxac; avXcbvaq sic;

they drove out all the ones dwelling [in the] canyons to

avaxoXdq Kai sic; SDajidq i 6 + Kai fjABov arco xcov

[the] east, and to [the] west. And [there] came of the

Dicbv Bsviajiw Kai lovda eic; PofjGeiav xod Aam5 17 +

sons of Benjamin and Judah to help David.

Kai Aavid s^fjXGev eic; a7idvxr|aiv auxcbv Kai

And David came forth to meet them, and

a7i8Kpi9r| Kai eircev auxoic; si eic; eipfjvrjv fjKaxs

he answered and said to them, If in peace you have come

7ipoc; |i8 PorjGfjaai jioi sir) jioi Kap8(a ecp' Djidc;

to me to help me, may it be to me a heart with you

sic; evcoaic; Kai ei xod 7iapa8oi)vai jis xoic; e%0pok; |iod

for uniting. But if to deliver me up [to] my enemies,

odk ev aAxjGeia %eipoc; 1801 o 6e6c;

not in truth of hand, may [ see it the God


12 T

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xcov 7iaxspcov rjjicbv Kai sXsy^ai i 8 + Kai 7rvsf)|ia svs8t&gt;as

of our fathers] and reprove. And spirit clothed

xov Ajiaaai dp%ovxa xcov xpidKovxa Kai si7is

Amasai ruler of the thirty, and he said,

7ropei)OD Aavid vioq Isaaai av Kai o Xaoq aoi) sv

Go, David son of Jesse, you and your people, in

eipfjvrj eipfjvrj aoi Kai sipfjvrj xoic; PorjGoic; aou 6xi

peace! Peace to you, and peace [to] your helpers; for

sPofjGrjas aoi o Gsoc; aoi) Kai 7ipoas8s^axo auxotic;

[ helped you your God]. And [ favorably received them

Aavid Kai Kaxsaxrjasv avzovq dp%ovxac; xcov

David], and he placed them [as] rulers of the

5i)vd|i8C0V 19+ Kai a7io Mavaaafj 7ipoasxcbprjaav

forces. And [some] from Manasseh joined

7ipoc; AaviS sv xco sABsiv zovq akXoipvXovq S7ii

with David in the coming of the Philistines against

ZaovX sic; 7i6A,s|iov Kai odk sPofjGrjasv auxofc;

Saul for war. And [ did not help them

Aavid 6xi sv PouAxj sysvsxo 7iapd xcov axpaxrjycbv

David], for in counsel it came to pass from the commandants

xcov aXXo(pvX(DV Xsyovxcov sv xaic; KscpaAmc; rjjicbv

of the Philistines, saying, With our heads

S7iiaxps(psi 7rpocj Kopiov avzov Zaovk 20 + Kai

he will return to his master Saul. And

s^a7isaxsiA,av ai)xov Kai sv xco 7iopsf)sa6ai xov Aam8

they sent him away. And in [ going David]

sic; SsKsAxxy 7ipoasxcbprjaav ai)xcb arco Mavaaafj

to Ziklag, some joined with him from Manasseh —

E8vd Kai Ico^apdS Kai IaSifjA, Kai Mi%afjA, Kai

Adnah, and Jozabad, and Jediael, and Michael, and

Ico^apdS Kai EXiov Kai £sA,a0( ap%rjyo( %\kmS(tiv

Jozabad, and Elihu, and Zilthai ~ chiefs of thousands

xod Mavaaafj 21+ Kai auxoi auvs|id%rjaav xco Aam5

of Manasseh. And they fought along with David

S7U xov ys58of&gt;p 6x1 Suvaxoi ia%m 7idvxsc; auxoi Kai

against the troop, for [ mighty in strength [were] all they], and

fjaav rjyof)|isvoi sv xrj axpaxid sv xrj 8i)vd|isi 22+ 6x1

they were leaders in the military in the force. For

Kaxd Kaipov rjjispac; s^ rjjispav fjp%ovxo 7ipoc; Aam8

at a time day by day they came to David

xod PorjBfjaai auxco coc; sic; 7iaps|iPoXfjv jisydAxjv coc;

to help him, as for [ camp a great], as


12 T

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

13-1 Chronicles

7iape|iPoAx|v Gsod 23 + Kai xawa xa ovojiaxa xcov

[the] camp of God. And these [are] the names of the

ap%6vxcov xrjc; axpaxidc; xcov sABovxcov npoq Aavid

rulers of the military, of the ones coming to David

sic; XePpcov xod a7iooxp£\j/ai xrjv PaaiXeiav ZaovX

in Hebron, to turn the kingdom of Saul

7ipoc; ooxov kcxx&amp; xov Xoyov Ki)p(oi) 24+ men lovda

to him, according to the word of [the] LORD. Sons of Judah,

aipovxsc; Gupeov Kai 86pD e£, %iAid8ec; Kai

bearing an oblong shield and spear ~ six thousand and

okxcxkocjioi 8i)vaxo( 7iapaxd^ecoc; 25+ xcov mcbv I/djiscov

eight hundred mighty ones for battle array. Of the sons of Simeon,

8i)vaxo( ia%m eic; 7iapdxa^iv ercxa %ikiddsq Kai

mighty ones in strength for battle array — seven thousand and

skcxxov 26+ xcov mcbv Asm xsxpaKiaxdioi Kai

a hundred. Of the sons of Levi — four thousand and

s^aKoaioi 27+ Kai Ico8ae o rjyoDjisvoc; xco Aapcbv Kai

six hundred. And Jehoiada the leader [to] Aaron, and

jisx' aDxoD xpeic; %ikm3sq Kai S7ixaK6aioi 28+ Kai

with him — three thousand and seven hundred. And

Sa8coK vsoc; Suvaxoc; ia%m Kai xod oikod

Zadok, a young man, mighty in strength, and of the house

xod rcaxpoc; aDxoD eucoai Kai 8do dp%ovxec; 29 + Kai sk

of his father [were] twenty and two rulers. And from

xcov Dicbv Bsviajiiv xcov aSeAxpcbv ZaovX xpeic;

the sons of Benjamin, of the brethren of Saul— three

XiAidSec; Kai sxi xo 7iA£ioxov aDxcov scpD^aaaov xrjv

thousand. And yet most of them kept the

(pvXaKx\v oikod ZaovX 30+ Kai a7io XCOV DICOV

guard of [the] house of Saul. And of the sons

Ecppaiji siKoai %ikiadzq Kai OKxaKoaioi 8Dvaxo( ia%m

ofEphraim— twenty thousand and eight hundred mighty in strength,

dvSpec; ovojiaaxoi Kax' oikodc; 7iaxpicbv aDxcov 31 +

[men famous], according to [the] houses of their families.

Kai arco xod r||iiaoD(; (pvhf\q Mavaoafj OKxcora(8£ra

And of the half tribe of Manasseh — eighteen

Xikiadsq 01 ovojiaoGevxsc; ev ovojiaxi

thousand, the ones being named by name

xod 7iapaysvsa6ai xod Paai^sDaai xov AaDi8 32+ Kai

to come to give reign to David. And

arco xcov Dicbv Iaad%ap yivcoaKovxec; cjdvscjiv eic;

of the sons of Issachar, ones perceiving with understanding concerning


12 T


13-1 Chronicles

xodc; Kaipotic; yivcbaKovisq xi 7ioifjasi IapafjA, sic;

the times, knowing what Israel shall do in

xac; ap%ac; aDxcbv 8iaKoaioi Kai 7idvxsc; aSsAxpoi aDxcbv

their companies ~ two hundred; and all their brethren

jisx' (xdxcov 33+ Kai arco ZafiovXcbv SK7iopsD6|isvoi sic;

with them. And of Zebulun going forth into

7iapdxa^iv 7roA,s|ioD sv 7idai cjksdscji ttoXsjiikoic;

battle array for war with all [the] weapons for warfare —

7T£vxfjKovxa xikmdsq PorjGfjaai xca Aam5 od8s jisxd

fifty thousand, to help David, nor with

KapSiaq Kai KapSiac; 34+ Kai arco NscpGaAi dpxovxsc;

heart and heart. And of Naphtali [ rulers

%{Aioi Kai |isx' ai)xcbv sv Gupeoic; Kai 86paai

a thousand], and with them with shields and spears ~

xpidKovxa Kai srcxd %iAid8sc; 35+ Kai and xcov

thirty and seven thousand. And of the

Aavixcbv 7iapaxaaa6|isvoi sic; 7i6A,s|iov sikocjiokxcd

Danites being deployed for war — twenty-eight

XiAidSeq Kai s^xkocjioi 36+ Kai arco xod Aafjp

thousand and six hundred. And of Asher

SK7rop8i)6|i8voi PorjGfjaai sic; 7i6Xs|iov xsaaapdKovxa

ones going forth to help in war — forty

XiAidSsc; 37+ Kai arco xod rcspav xod IopSdvoD arco

thousand. And of the other side of the Jordan of

PoDpfjv Kai TaSSi Kai and xod rjjjiaoDc; (pvhr\q

Reuben, and [the] Gadites, and of the half tribe

Mavaaafj sv 7idai ctksdscji 7ioXs|iikoic; sv 8Dvd|isi

of Manasseh, all with weapons for warfare in [the] force —

SKaxov siKoai %iXmdsq 38+ ftdvxsc; odxoi dv8psq

a hundred twenty thousand. All these men

7ioXs|iiaxai 7iapaxaaa6|isvoi sv rcapaxa^iv sv \|/D%fj

[were] warriors being deployed in battle array. [ with soul

siprjviKfj fjXGov sic; XsPpcbv xod PaoiXsDaai xov AaDi8

a peaceful they came] unto Hebron to give reign to David

S7U 7idvxa IapafjX Kai o KaxdAxDuroc; IapafjX \|/D%fj

over all Israel. And the rest of Israel [ soul

|i(a xod PaoiXsDaai xov AaDi8 39+ Kai fjaav sksi

[was] one] to give reign to David. And they were there

jisxd AaDi8 rjjispac; xpsic; saBiovxsc; Kai 7rivovxsc; 6x1

with David [ days three], eating and drinking, for

rjxoijiaoav aDxoic; 01 aSsAxpoi aDxcbv 40 + Kai 01

[ made preparations for them their brethren]. And the


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ojiopowcec; aDxoic; ecoc; Iaod%ap Kai ZafiovXcbv Kai

ones adjoining them, near Issachar and Zebulun and

NecpGaAi ecpepov aDxofc; S7U xcov ovcov Kai S7il xcov

Naphtali, brought to them upon the donkeys, and upon the

Ka[lT\kC0V Kai 8711 XCOV T||Il6vC0V Kai 8711 xcov |i6a%cov

camels, and upon the mules, and upon the calves,

Ppcojiaxa d^sDpov itakadaq axacpiSaq oivov Kai

foods — flour, dried clusters of figs, dried grapes, wine, and

sAmov [ioa%ovq Kai 7cp6paxa eic; 7cArj9oc; 6xi

olive oil, calves, and sheep in multitude, for

SDcppoawq sv IapafjA,

gladness [was] in Israel.

13 v

i + Kai ePoD^SDaaxo Aavid jisxd xcov ap%6vxcov Kai

And David consulted with the rulers and

xcov %iAidp%cov Kai xcov £Kaxovxdp%cov 7cavx(

the commanders of thousands, and the commanders of hundreds — with every

Tjyoi)|i8vco 2 + Kai 81718 Aam8 7cdar| xr| sKKArjaia

leader. And David said to all the assembly

IapafjX si 8(p' djiiv ayaGov Kai 7capd KopioD

of Israel, If it seems good to you, and by [the] LORD

Gsod r||icbv 8i)o5co6fj a7coaxsiAxo|isv 7tpoc;

our God, that he should prosper the way, [then] we should send to

Tovq a8sAxpoDc; r||icbv xodc; vnoXsksi[i[isvovq sv 7cdar|

our brethren being left in all

yr| IopafjX Kai jisx' aDxcov oi ispsiq oi AeDixai

[the] land of Israel, and [ with them the priests the Levites]

sv 7c6A,sai Kaxaa%sascoc; aDxcov Kai

[which are] in [the] cities of their possession, that

&lt;yovax6fjaovxai npoq r\[iaq 3+ Kai S7i;iaxps\j/co|isv xrjv

they shall be gathered together to us. And we should turn the

kiPcoxov xod 0soi) r||icbv 7cpoc; r\[idq 0X1 ODK

ark of our God to us, for [ not

e^r|xfjaa|i8v auxfjv acp' r||ispcbv HaovX 4 + Kai 817C8

we sought it] from [the] days of Saul. And [ said

7cdaa T| 8KKAr|a(a xod 7covf|aai odxcoc; 6x1 sdGdc; o

all the assembly] to do so, for [ [was] upright the

Xoyoq sv otp0aA,|iofc; 7cavx6c; xod Xaov 5+ Kai

word] in [the] eyes of all the people. And

8^8KKAx|a(aa8 AaDi5 xov 7cdvxa IapafjX a7co opicov

David assembled all Israel, from [the] borders


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AiyD7iTOD Kai sock; sict68od Hji&amp;6 tod siasvsyKai rqv

of Egypt and unto [the] entrance of Hamath, to carry in the

KlPcOTOV TOD 0SOD 8K 7l6A,SCDC; IapSljl 6 + K(Xl

ark of God from [the] city of Jearim. And

avsprj AaDi8 Kai naq IapafjA, sic; KapiaGiapsiji r|

David ascended, and all Israel into Kirjath-jearim, which

sctti tod Iod5(x tod avayaysiv sks(0sv tt|v kiPcotov

is of Judah, to lead up from there the ark

TOD 0SOD KDpiOD TOD Ka0T||ISVOD 8711 X 8 P 01) P^ 01)

of the LORD God, of the one sitting upon [the] cherubim, of which

87i8KAr|6r| to ovojia odtod sksi ? + Kai S7is0r|Kav Trjv

[ is called upon his name] there. And they placed the

kiPcotov tod 08OD scp' djia^av Kaivfiv 8^ OIKOD

ark of God upon [wagon anew], from out of [the] house

Apiva5&amp;p Kai O^d Kai 01 aSsAxpoi aDTOD fjyov tt|v

of Abinadab. And Uzza and his brethren led the

djia^av 8+ Kai AaDi5 Kai naq lapar\k TiaiCpvTEq

wagon. And David and all Israel were playing

svavriov tod 08OD sv 7idar| 5Dvd|isi Kai 8V (tidaiq

before God with all their ability, and with songs,

Kai sv KivDpaiq Kai sv vdpAmc; Kai sv TD|i7idvoic;

and with lutes, and with stringed instruments, and with tambourines,

Kai sv KDjipdAxHc; Kai sv odAmy^i 9 + Kai fjA,0ov scoq

and with cymbals, and with trumpets. And they came unto

Tr\q akcnvoq Xai8cbv Kai s^stsivsv O^d

the threshing-floor of Chidon. And Uzza stretched out


his hand to hold down the ark, for

s^skAivsv aDTTjv o [ioa%oq 10 + Kai s0D|icb0r| KDpioq

[turned it the calf]. And [the] LORD was enraged

opyfj S7i( O^d Kai S7idTa^sv aDTOV sksi 5id to

in anger against Uzza, and he struck him there, on account of the

SKTSivai ttjv %sipa aDTOD S7U ttjv kiPcotov Kai

stretching out of his hand upon the ark. And

a7is0avsv sksi arcsvavTi tod 0sod n+ Kai

he died there before God. And

r|0D|ir|os AaDi8 6ti 5isko\j/s Kopioc; 8iaK07if|v sv O^d

David was depressed, that [the] LORD cut a severance with Uzza.

Kai SKdXsas tov totcov sksivov 8iaK07if|v O^d scoq

And he called that place — Severance of Oza until

Trjq rjiispaq TaDTTjq 12+ Kai s(popfj0r| AaDi8 TOV 0SOV sv

this day. And David feared God in


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tt] rjjispa SKsivrj Xsyoov 7icoc; siaoiaoo 7ipoc; sjiaDTOV

that day, saying, How shall I carry in to myself

TTJV KlPcOTOV TOD 6sOD 13 + K(Xl ODK a7TSaTpS\j/S A(XDl8

the ark of God? And [ did not return David]

ttjv kiPcotov 7ipoc; saDTOV sic; rqv 7i6Aav Aai)(8 Kai

the ark to himself into the city of David, but

s^skAivsv aDifjv sic; oikov Opf|5 E8cb|i tod TsBGaioD

he turned it aside into [the] house ofObed Edom the Gittite.

14 + K(Xl SK&amp;01CTSV T| KlPcOTOCj TOD 9sOD SV OIKCO

And [ stayed the ark of God] in [the] household

Opfj8 E8cb(i sv tod oiKco aDTOD [ir\vaq Tpsiq Kai

of Obed Edom in his house [ months three]. And

SD^oyrjas Kopioc; tov oikov Opfj8 E5cb|i Kai rcdvTa

[the] LORD blessed the house of Obed Edom, and all


of his.

14 7^

1+ Kai arcsaTSiXs Xsipdji PaaiXsDc; TtipoD ayysXoDc;

And [ sent Hiram king of Tyre] messengers

7ipoc; AaDi8 Kai ^6A,a KsSpiva Kai TSKTOvaq to(%cdv

to David, and timber of cedars, and fabricators of walls,

Kai TSKTOvaq ^dAxdv tod oiKo5o|if|aai aDTCO OIKOV 2 +

and fabricators of woods, to build for him a house.

Kai syvco AaDi8 6ti rjTOijiaasv aDTOV Kopioc; sic;

And David knew that [ prepared him [the] LORD] for

Pamlsa S7U IapafjX 6ti r|D^f|6r| sic; v\\foq

king over Israel, for [ grew in stature

T| PaoiXsia aDTOD 5id tov A,a6v aDTOD tov IopafjA, 3 +

his kingdom] because of his people Israel.

Kai slaps AaDi8 sti yovaiKac; sv IspoDaaXf||i Kai

And David took still [more] wives in Jerusalem. And

STSx6r|aav AaDi5 sti dioi Kai 0DyaTspsq 4 + Kai TaDTa

were born to David again sons and daughters. And these [are]

Ta ovojiaTa aDTcbv tcov ts%0svtcov aDTcb sv

their names of the ones being born to him in

IspoDaaAx||i Sajiad Kai Scopdp Na6dv Kai £oAx)|icbv

Jerusalem — Shammua and Shobab, Nathan, and Solomon,

5+ Kai IsPadp Kai EAicjods Kai EAicpaXsT 6 + Kai Noys

and Ibhar, and Elishua, and Elpalet, and Nogah,

14 v

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Kai NacpsK Kai Iacpia ?+ Kai EAiaajid Kai BaaAiaSd

and Nepheg, and Japhia, and Elishama, and Beeliada,

Kai EAacpaAm 8 + Kai fjKouaav 01 aAlocpuAm 6xi

and Eliphalet. And [ heard the Philistines] that

s%p(a6r| Aavid fiaaiksvq S7ri rcdvxa IapafjA, Kai

David was anointed king over all Israel, and

avsprjaav 7idvxsc; 01 aAA,6cpi)Ax)i ^rjxfjaai xov Aam5

[ ascended all the Philistines] to seek David.

Kai fjKODae Aavid Kai s^fjABsv sic; a7idvxr|aiv auxoic;

And David heard, and came forth to meet them.

9+ Kai oi aAlocpuAxn fjXGov Kai &lt;yovs7rsoov sv xr|

And the Philistines came and assembled for battle in the

koiAxx8i xcov yiydvicov io+ Kai S7iripcbxr|as Aavid 8id

valley of the giants. And David asked through

tod 0sot3 Xsycov si avapcb S7ri zovq aXXoipvXovq Kai

God, saying, Shall I ascend against the Philistines? and

8cbasic; auxotic; sic; xac; %sipdq [iov Kai sircsv auxcb

will you give them into my hands? And [ said to him

Kopioc; avdpr|6i Kai 8cbaco auxotic; sic; xac; %sipdc; aoi)

[the] LORD], Ascend! and I will give them into your hands.

n+ Kai aveprj sic; BdaX Oapaaiv Kai srcdxa^sv

And he ascended into Baal Perazim. And [ struck

aDxoDq Aam8 sksi Kai si7is Aavid 8isko\j/sv o Gsoc;

them David] there. And David said, God cut through

Tovq £.%Qpovq jiou sv %sip( jiod coc; 8iaK07if|v i)8axoc;

my enemies by my hand as a severance of water.

8id X0T3X0 SKdXsOS xo ovojia XOD x67TOD sksivod

On account of this he called the name of that place —

8iaK07rfj BaaX Oapaaiv n+ Kai syKaxsAarcov sksi oi

Severance of Baal Perazim. And [ abandoned there the

aAA,6(pi)A,oi xodc; Gsouc; auxcbv Kai si7ts Aavid Kai

Philistines] their gods. And David spoke, and

£V£7ipfj0r|aaV SV 7TDp( 13 + Kai 7ipoas98VXO 8X1 01

they were set on fire with fire. And [ proceeded yet again the

aXkoipvkoi Kai &lt;yovs7isaav sxi sv xr| KoiXd8i xcov

Philistines], and assembled for battle again in the valley of the

yiydvxcov i 4 + Kai rjpcbxrjas Aam8 sxi sv 0scb Kai si7isv

giants. And David asked again to God. And [ said

ai)xco o Gsoc; od 7iopsi)ar| 07uaco auxcbv a7ioaxpscpoi)

to him God], Do not go after them! turn

an ai)xcov Kai fj^siq auxoic; 7iAr|aiov xcov a7i(cov i 5 +

from them, and come to them near the pear trees!


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Kai saxai ev tco aKODoai as tt|c; cpcovfiq tod

And it will be in your hearing the sound of the

&lt;yoaasia|ioD aDTcbv dKpcov tcov a7ricov tots sias^sDarj

rumbling of them [in the] tips of the pear trees, then you shall enter

sic; tov 7i6A,8|iov 6ti s^fjABsv o 0s6c; S|i7ipoa0sv gov

into the battle, for [ went forth God] before you

tod 7raT&amp;^ai ttjv 7iaps|iPoA,f|v tcov aAlocpDAxov 16+ Kai

to strike the camp of the Philistines. And

£7rorr|a£ AaDi8 Ka0coc; svsTsdaTO aDTcb o 0s6c; Kai

David did as [ gave charge to him God]. And

£7T&amp;Ta^s ttjv 7iaps|iPoAr|v tcov aAlotpDA,cov a7io

he struck the camp of the Philistines from

rapacbv scoc; Ta^ripd n+ Kai s^fjAite to ovojia AaDi5

Gibeon unto Gezer. And [ went out the name of David]

sv 7idaaic; zmq yaiaic; Kai Kopioc; s8coks tov cpopov

in all the lands; and [the] LORD put the fear

aDTOD 8711 7idvTa Ta S0VT|

of him upon all the nations.

15 1t3

i+ Kai S7roir|asv saDTcb oikodc; sv 7i6A,si AaDi8 Kai

And he made for himself houses in [the] city of David. And


he prepared a place for the ark of God, and pitched

aDTTj aKrjvfjv 2 + tots si7is AaDi8 odk screw aipsiv

for it a tent. Then said David, No one is to lift

ttjv kiPcotov tod 0soD aXX' T| todc; AsDvcac; OTl

the ark of God except the Levites; for

aDTODc; s^sXs^xto o Kopioc; aipsiv tt|v kiPcotov

[ chose them the LORD] to lift the ark

KDpioD Kai XsiTODpysiv aDTcb scoc; aicovoc; 3+ Kai

of [the] LORD, and to officiate to him unto [the] eon. And

oDvfjyays AaDi8 tov rcdvTa IapafjA, sic; IspoDaaArui

David gathered all Israel to Jerusalem,

tod avsvsyKsiv tt|v kiPcotov kdpiod sic; tov totcov

to bear the ark of [the] LORD into the place

ov rjTOijiaasv aDTfj 4 + Kai aDvfjyays AaDi8 todc; diodc;

which he prepared for it. And David gathered the sons

Aapcbv Kai todc; AsDvcac; 5 + tcov dicov Kad0 ODprqA,

of Aaron, and the Levites. Of the sons ofKohath; Uriel


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13-1 Chronicles

0 dpxcov Kai 01 a5sAxpo( (XUTOD SKOCTOV K(Xl SIKOOl 6 +

the ruler, and his brethren — a hundred and twenty.

xcov mcbv Mspapi Aaaia o dp%cov Kai

Of the sons ofMerari; Asiah the ruler, and

01 a5sAxpo( olvtov 5iaKoaioi siKoai 7 + toov mcbv

his brethren — two hundred [and] twenty. Of the sons

rspocbji IcofjX o dp%cov Kai 01 a8sAxpo( olvtov skcxtov

of Gershon; Joel the ruler, and his brethren — a hundred

xpi&amp;Kovxa 8+ xcov mcbv EAaaacpdv Sejisi o dp%cov Kai

[and] thirty. Of the sons of Elizaphan; Shemaiah the ruler, and

01 aSeAxpoi olvtov SiaKoaioi 9 + xcov mcbv Xsppcbv

his brethren— two hundred. Of the sons of Hebron;

Ehx\k o dpxcov Kai 01 aSeAxpoi ovtov oy8of|KovTa 10 +

Eliel the ruler, and his brethren ~ eighty.

xcov mcbv O^ifjA, A|iiva5dp o dp%cov Kai

Of the sons of Uzziel; Amminadab the ruler, and

01 aSeAxpoi ovtov SKaxov Kai SeraStio n+ Kai

his brethren — a hundred and twelve. And

SKd^sas AaDiS xov SaScbK Kai xov ApidGap Tovq

David called Zadok and Abiathar the

lepek; Kai xodc; Asvhoq xov Ovpxf\k Aaaia Kai IcofjA,

priests, and the Levites — Uriel, Asiah, and Joel,

Kai Sajiea Kai EX\r\k Kai AjijiivaSdp 12+ Kai eircev

and Shemaiah, and Eliel, and Amminadab. And he said

aDxoiq Djiefc; 01 dpxovxsc; xcov 7iaxpicbv xcov

to them, You [are] the rulers of the families of the

Asmxcbv ayv(a6r|xs Djiefo; Kai 01 aSeAxpoi djicov Kai

Levites. Purify yourselves and your brethren! even

avoiaexe xrjv Kipcoxov xod KopioD xod GeoD IapafjA,

to bear the ark of the LORD God of Israel,

od rjxoijiaaa auxfj 13+6x1 omc ev xco rcpoxepov

of which I prepared for it. For [ [were] not prior

v[ioq eivai exoijioDc; SieKO\j/ev Kopioc; o 0e6c; rj|icbv

you being ready], [ cut through [and the] LORD our God]

sv r\[dv 6x1 omc e^r|xf|Ga|iev ovtov ev Kpijiaxi u+

among us, for we did not seek him in practice.

Kai r|yv(a6r|aav 01 lepefc; Kai 01 Aeinxai xod sveyKsiv

And [ purified [themselves] the priests and the Levites] to bring

xrjv Kipcoxov KDpioi) 0eoD IapafjA, 15+ Kai fjpav 01

the ark of [the] LORD God of Israel. And [lifted the

moi xcov Asmxcbv xrjv Kipcoxov xod 0sod coc;

sons of the Levites] the ark of God (as


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13-1 Chronicles

svsxsi^axo McoDafjq sv A,6yco KDpioD Kaxd xrjv

Moses gave charge by [the] word of [the] LORD according to the

ypacpfjv ev avacpopsDoiv sv cbjioic; aDxcbv 16+ Kai

writing) with [the] bearing poles on their shoulders. And

S17T8 Aavid xoic; dp%ODoi xcov Asdixcov oxfjasxs

David said to the rulers of the Levites, You shall station

Tovq aSsAxpoDc; aDxcbv xodc; \j/aAxco5oDc; sv opydvoiq

their brethren the psalm singers with instruments

oo8cbv ev vafiXaiq Kivtipaic; Kai KDjipd^oic;

for odes, with stringed instruments, lutes, and cymbals,

xod cpcovfjaai sic; v\\foq sv cpcovfj SDcppoawrjv i?+ Kai

to sound out loud on high with [the] voice [of] gladness. And

saxrjoav 01 AsDixai Aiji&amp;v vioq IcofjX Kai sk

[ stationed the Levites] Heman son of Joel, and of

xcov a8sAxpcbv aDxoD Aadcp vioq Bapa%(a Kai 8K xcov

his brethren, Asaph son Berechiah; and of the

mcbv Mspapi a5sAxpcbv aDxoD AiGdv vioq KiaaioD ig+

sons of Merari his brethren, Ethan son of Kushaiah.

Kai jisx' ai)xcbv 01 a8sAxpo( aDxcbv 01 SsDxspoi

And with them their brethren the ones second [ranked] —

Zaxapiaq vioq IsifjA, Kai £s|iipa|icb6 Kai IavfjA, Kai

Zechariah son of Jaaziel, and Shemiramoth, and Jehiel, and

Avi Kai EXidp Kai Bavaia Kai Maaaia Kai

Unni, and Eliab, and Benaiah, and Maaseiah, and

MaxxaGiaq Kai EXicpdA, Kai MaKKavia Kai Qpfj8

Mattithiah, and Elipheleh, and Mikneiah, and Obed

E8cb|i Kai IsfjA, 01 7roAxopoi 19+ Kai 01 co8o( Aijidv

Edom, and Jeiel, the gatekeepers. And the singers, Heman,

Aadcp Kai AiGdv sv KU[ifiakoiq x a ^ K0 ^

Asaph, and Ethan, [ with cymbals of brass

xod aKODxiaai 20+ Kai Zaxapiaq Kai O^ifjA, Kai

to cause to be heard]. And Zachariah, and Aziel, and

£s|iipa|icb6 Kai IsifjX Kai Avi Kai EXidp Kai

Shimiramoth and Jehiel, and Unni, and Eliab, and

Maamaq Kai Bavaiaq sv vdpAmq S7U aAmjicbB 21 +

Masseiah, and Benaiah, with stringed instruments upon Alamoth.

Kai MaxxaGiaq Kai EXupaXov Kai MaKKaviaq Kai

And Mattithiah, and Elipheleh, and Mikneiah, and

Qpf)8 E8cb|i Kai IsrqX Kai O^iaq sv Kivtipaic;

Obed Edom, and Jeiel, and Azaziah, with lutes

ajiaasviG xod svia%Daai 22 + Kai Xovsviac; dp%cov xcov

[with] octaves growing in strength. And Chenaniah ruler of the


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Asditcov dpxcov xcov co8cbv oil ctdvstoc; rjv 23 + Kai

Levites [was] ruler of the odes, for he was discerning. And

Bapa%(ac; Kai EAxavd 7ri)A,copoi Tr\q kiPcotod 2 4 + Kai

Berechiah and Elkanah [were] gatekeepers of the ark. And

XaPavsa Kai Icooacpdx Kai NaGavafjX Kai Ajiaaai

Shebaniah, and Jehoshaphat, and Nethaneel, and Amasai,

Kai Za%ap(ac; Kai Bavaiac; Kai EXis^sp 01 ispsfc;

and Zechariah, and Benaiah, and Eliezer the priests,

aahtiCpvTsq sv xaiq adAmy^iv s|i7ipoa9sv Tr\q

[were] trumpeting with the trumpets before the

kiPcotod tod 0soi) Kai Qpf|8 E8coji Kai Isxia

ark of God. And Obed Edom and Jehiah

7iDAxopo( Tr\q kiPcotod 25+ Kai Tjv Aam5 Ka 01

[were] gatekeepers of the ark. And David was, and the

7rpeaPi3Tepoi IapafjX Kai 01 x i ^ a PX 01 01

elders of Israel, and the commanders of thousands, the ones

7ropsi)6|i£voi tod avsvsyKsiv tt|v kiPcotov Tr\q

going to bring the ark of the

8ia6fjKr|c; KopioD s^ oikod Qpfj8 E5cb|i sv

covenant of [the] LORD from out of [the] house of Obed Edom in

SDcppoawq 26+ Kai sysvsTO sv tod KaTia%Daai tov

gladness. And it came to pass in the strengthening by

6s6v Tovq AsDiTaq aipovTaq ttjv kiPcotov Tr\q

God, of the Levites lifting the ark of the

8ia6fjKr|c; KopioD Kai s0Daav S7iTd [ioa%ovq Kai

covenant of [the] LORD, that they sacrificed seven calves and

S7iTd Kpiotic; 27+ Kai AaDi8 7ispis^coa|isvoc; sv &lt;xcoAx|

seven rams. And David [was] being girded in a robe

PDaoivrj Kai rcavTSc; oi AsDvcai aipovTsq tt|v

of fine linen, and all the Levites lifting the

kiPcotov 8ia6f|Kr|c; kdpiod Kai oi \j/aArco8o( Kai

ark of [the] covenant of [the] LORD, and the psalm singers, and

Xcovsviac; o dpxcov tcdv co5cbv tcdv aSovTcav Kai

Chenaniah the ruler of the odes of the ones singing. And

S7U AaDi5 scpoD8 Pdctctivov 28+ Kai naq IapafjX

upon David [was] an ephod of fine linen. And all Israel

avdyovTsq tt|v kiPcotov 8ia0fjKT|c; kdpiod sv or||iao(a

[was] leading the ark of [the] covenant of [the] LORD with a cheer,

Kai sv cpcovfj acocpdp Kai sv adAmy^i Kai sv

and with a sound of [the] ram's horn, and with trumpets, and with

KDjipdAxnc; avacpcovowcsc; sv vdpAmc; Kai sv

cymbals, sounding out loud with stringed instruments, and with


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Kivtipaiq 29+ Kai sysvsxo Kai fjABev r| kiPcoxoc;

lutes. And it came to pass, and [ came the ark

8ia0fjKT|c; KopioD ecoc; itokscnq Aavid Kai MskxoX r\

of [the] covenant [of the] LORD] unto [the] city of David, and Michal the

0Dydxr|p ZaovX 7iapsKD\j/s 8id Tr\q dvpidoq Kai

daughter of Saul leaned over through the window, and

e(8e xov PaoiXea Aavid op%OD|ievov Kai 7iai£pvxa

she beheld king David dancing and playing;

Kai e^oDSevcoaev aDxov sv xrj \|/D%f| avTT\q

and she treated him with contempt in her soul.

16 tta

i + Kai siafjvsyKav xrjv kiPcoxov tod 0£od Kai

And they carried in the ark of God, and

a7ir|psiaavTO aDxfjv sv jisaco xrjc; aKr\vr\q r\q S7ir|^ev

fastened it in [the] midst of the tent, which [ pitched

avTT\ Aavid Kai 7ipoafjvsyKav oXoKaDxcojiaxa Kai

for it David]. And they offered whole burnt-offerings and

eiprjviKdq evavxiov tod 0sod 2 + Kai oDvsxs^sae AaDi5

peace [offerings] before God. And David completed

avacpspcov oloKaDxcojiaxa Kai xac; siprjviKaq Kai

offering [the] whole burnt-offerings and [the] peace [offerings], and

SD^oyrjas xov Xaov ev ovojiaxi KopioD 3 + Kai

he blessed the people by [the] name of [the] LORD. And

8i8|i8pias 7iavx( av8p( IapafjX anb av5p6q Kai ecoc;

he divided unto every man of Israel, from man unto

yDvaiKoq xco av8pi dpxov sva apxoK07iiK6v Kai

woman, [to every] man [ bread loaf one] of a baker, and

ajiopixrjv 4+ Kai exa^s Kaxd 7rp6aco7iov xrjc; kiPcoxod

honey-bread. And he arranged in front of the ark

8ia0fjKT|c; KDpioD 8K xcov AeDixcov A^sixoDpyoDvxaq

of [the] covenant of [the] LORD certain of the Levites officiating,

Kai avacpcovoDvxaq Kai 8^o|ioXoys(a0ai Kai aiveiv

and sounding out loud, even to acknowledge and to give praise

KDpico xco 0eco lapar\k 5+ Aadcp o rjyoDjisvoc; Kai

[to the] LORD God of Israel. Asaph the ruler, and

SeDxspoc; aDxoD Za%ap(a&lt;; Kai IsifjX Kai £e|iipa|icb0

his second Zachariah, and Jeiel, and Shemiramoth,

Kai IafjA, Kai Max00(ac; Kai EAidp Kai Bavsaq Kai

and Jehiel, and Mattithiah, and Eliab, and Benaiah, and

Qpfj8 E8cb|i Kai IeifjA, ev opydvoic; sv vafiXaiq Kai

Obed Edom, and Jeiel with instruments, with stringed instruments and


16 TO

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Kivtipaic; Kai Aadcp sv KDjipdAxnc; avacpcovcbv 6 + Kai

lutes; and Asaph with cymbals sounding out loud. And

Bavsac; Kai Is^ifjA, 01 ispsk; sv xaic; odAjuy^i

Benaiah and Jahaziel the priests with the trumpets [sounding]

SiarcavTOc; svcb7riov Tr\q kiPcdtod Tr\q 8ia0f|Kr|c;

continually before the ark of the covenant


of God. In that day then David arranged

sv ap%rj tod aivsiv TOV KDpiOV sv %sip(

[this psalm] in [the] beginning of the praising [the] LORD by [the] hand

Aadcp Kai tcov aSsAxpcbv aDTOD 8 + s^o|ioAx)ysia6s tcd

of Asaph and his brethren. Acknowledge the

KDpico S7iiKaXs(a0s aDTOV sv ovojiaTi aDTOD yvcopiaaTS

LORD! Call upon him by his name! Make known

sv xoiq Xaoiq tcl S7iiTT]8sDjiaTa aDTOD 9+ daaTS aDTcb

to the peoples his practices! Sing to him,

Kai DjivfjaaTS aDTcb 8ir|yf|aaa0s 7idai

even sing praise to him! Describe all

Ta GaDjidaia aDTOD a S7iovr|as Kopioc; 10+ aivsvcs sv

his wonders! what [the] LORD did. [Give] praise in

ovojiaTi ayico aDTOD SD(ppav9fjasTai Kap5(a ^rjTODaa

[ name his holy] ! You shall be glad in heart seeking

TTJV SDSoKiav aDTOD 1 1 + ^TjTfjaaTS TOV KDpiOV Kai

his good-pleasure. Seek the LORD, and

ia%DaaTS ^rjTfjaaTS to 7ip6aco7rov aDTOD 5ia7iavT6c; 12 +

be strong! Seek his face always!

|ivt||iovsdsts Ta 0aD|idaia aDTOD a S7iovr|as

Remember his wonders! what he did;

Ta TspaTa aDTOD Kai KpijiaTa tod &lt;xc6|iaTOc; aDTOD 13 +

his miracles and [the] judgments of his mouth.

o7isp|ia IapafjA, naidsq avzov vioi IaKcibp

Seed of Israel his servants; sons of Jacob

skXsktoi aDTOD 14+ avToq Kopioc; o Bsoq r||icbv sv

his chosen. He [is] [the] LORD our God; [ [are] in

7idar| ttj yr| Ta KpijiaTa aDTOD 15+ |ivt|(iovsdsts siq

all the earth his judgments]. Remember [into

aicbva 8ia0fjKr|(; aDTOD XoyoD aDTOD ov svsTSiAmo siq

[the] eon his covenant] ! his word which he gave charge to

%ikiaq ysvsdq i 6 + ov 8is0sto too APpadji Kai

a thousand generations; which he ordained with Abraham, and


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

13-1 Chronicles

xov opKov avxov icq IaadK 17 + Kai saxrjasv auxov xco

his oath to Isaac. And he established it [to]

IaKcbp sic; 7rp6axay|ia Kai xco IapafjA, 8ia6fiKr|v

Jacob for an order, and [to] Israel [ covenant

aicoviov i8+ ^sycov aoi 8cbaco xrjv yrjv Xavadv

[for] an eternal]. Saying, To you I shall give the land of Canaan,

a%o(via|ia KXrjpovojjiac; ujicbv i 9 + sv xco

a piece of measured out land for your inheritance, in the

sivai auxcroc; oXiyoaxcroc; apiGjico coc; |iiKpcy6c; Kai

being of them very few in number, as few and

7rapoiKouc; sv auxfj 20+ Kai S7iopsi)9r|aav s^ sGvodc;

sojourners in it. And they went from nation

sic; s0voc; Kai arco PaaiXsiac; sic; Xaov sxspov 21 +

to nation, and from kingdom to [ people another].

ouk acpfjKsv dv5pa xou 5uvaaxsi)aai auxouc; Kai

He did not allow a man to overpower them, and

fjlsy^s 7isp( auxcov PaoiXsic; 22 + jlit| d7ixso0s

he reproved [ on account of them kings], [Saying], Touch not

xcov xpiaxcbv (iou Kai sv xoic; 7ipocpf|xaicj jiod jlit|

my anointed ones! and among my prophets do not

7iovr|psi)sa0s 23+ daaxs xco Kopico 7idaa r| yr|

do wickedly. Sing to the LORD all the earth!

avayysiAxxxs s^ rjjispac; sic; rjjispav acoxfjpiav clvtov ia

announce from day to day his deliverance!

s^rjysiaBs sv xoic; sBvsai xrjv 56^av avxov sv 7idoi

Describe among the nations his glory; to all

xoic; Xaoiq xa 0au|idaia avxov 25+6x1 jisyac; Kopioc;

the peoples his wonders! For great [is the] LORD,

Kai aivsxoq acp68pa cpopspoq saxiv S7i( rcdvxac; xouq

and praiseworthy exceedingly. He is fearful above all the

Gsoticj 26+ 6x1 ftdvxsc; 01 0so( xcov sGvcov s(5cola Kai

gods. For all the gods of the nations [are] idols; and

o Kopioc; xouq oupavcroc; S7ioir|as 27+ 56^a Kai

the LORD [ the heavens made]. Glory and

S7raivoc; Kaxd 7ip6aco7iov avxov ia%vq Kai Kai)%r||ia

high praise [are] before his face; strength and boasting

sv x67rco ayico avxov 28 + 86xs xco Kopico ai 7iaxpia(

[are] in [place his holy]. Give to the LORD, O families

xcov sGvcov 56xs xco Kupico 56^av Kai ia%vv 29+ 56xs

of the nations! Give to the LORD glory and strength! Give


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tco KDpico 56^av ovojiaxi aDxoD dpaxs dvaiaq Kai

to the LORD glory [due] his name! Take sacrifices, and

sia7iop8T3sa0s svcbmov aDxoD Kai 7ipoaKDvf|aaxs tco

enter before him! And do obeisance to the

KDpico sv avkaiq ayiaic; aDxoD 30 + (poPrjGfjxco arco

LORD in [ courtyards his holy] ! Fear before

7ipoacb7rou aDxoD 7idaa r| yr| Kai yap KaxopGcoae r|

his face, all the earth! for even [ is set up the

oikod|I8vt|v ryciq od aaXsD0f|a£xai 31+ SD(ppav0f|xco

inhabitable world], which shall not be shaken. Be glad

o oupavoq Kai ayaAAidaBco r| yrj Kai eurdxcoaav sv

O heaven, and exult O earth! And let them say among

xoic; sGveaiv o Kopioc; PaaiXeDcov 32+ Pojipfjaei r|

the nations! the LORD [is] reigning. [ shall resonate The

dakaooa aw xco 7iAx|pcb|iaxi avxr\q ayaAAidaGco o

sea] with the fullness of it; let [ exult the

aypoq Kai rcdvxa xa sv auxcb 33+ xoxs

field], and all the [things] in it! Then

SDcppavOfjasxai xa ^vka xod 8pD|ioD anb 7ipoaco7ioD

[ shall be glad the trees of the grove] before [the] face

Kopioi) 6x1 fjKsi Kpivai xrjv yrjv 34+ s^o|ioAx)yskj0£

of [the] LORD, for he comes to judge the earth. Make acknowledgment

xco KDpico 6x1 ayaGov 6x1 sic; xov aicbva

to the LORD for good! for [ into the eon

xo sksoq avzov 35+ Kai si7iaxs acoaov r\[idq o 0e6c;

his mercy]. And say, Deliver us, O God

xcov acoxrjpicov rjjicov Kai dGpoioov r\[iaq Kai s^sXod

of our deliverance! And gather us, and rescue

r|jLxdq sk xcov sGvcov xod aivsiv xo ovojid ood xo

us from out of the nations! to praise your name, the

dyiov xod Kau%da6ai gv xaiq aiveaeai cjod 36 +

holy one; to boast in your praises.

eiAoyrjxoc; Kupioc; o Gsoc; IapafjX arco xod aicbvoc; Kai

Blessed [be] [the] LORD God of Israel from the eon and
ecoc; xod aicbvoc; Kai epsi naq o Xaoq a[ir\v Kai

unto the eon. And [ shall say all the people], Amen. And

fjveaav xco KDpico 37+ Kai Kaxe^urev 8ks( svavxiov

they gave praise to the LORD. And [was] left behind there before

Tr\q kiPcoxod 8ia6f|Kr|c; kdpiod xov Aadcp Kai

the ark of [the] covenant of [the] LORD Asaph and

xodc; a8eAxpoDc; aDxoD xod XsixoDpysiv svavxiov xrjc;

his brethren, to officiate before the


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kiPcotod SiarcavTOc; sic; Xoyov to Tr\q r||ispac; sic;

ark continually to [the] matter, that of the day to

rjjispav olvtox) 38+ Kai Qpfj5 E8cb|i Kai

its day. And Obed Edom and

oi a8sAxpo( olvtov s^fjKovxa Kai oktco Kai Qpfj5 E8cb|i

his brethren — sixty and eight. And Obed Edom

moc; I8i0odv Kai Ood sic; 7tdAxjopodc; 39+ Kai

son of Jeduthun and Hosah [were] as gatekeepers. And

xov Sa8cbK xov ispsa Kai todc; aSsAxpoDc; avzov todc;

Zadok the priest, and his brethren of the

ispsic; svcb7iiov Tr\q aKr\vr\q tod KopiOD sv xr| Bajidv

priests [were] before the tent of the LORD in Bama,

ttj sv TaPacbv 4 o + tod avacpspsiv oXoKaDTcbjiaTa tco

the one in Gibeon, to offer whole burnt-offerings to the


LORD upon the altar of the whole burnt-offerings

8ia7ravT6c; T07rpcoi Kai to so7ispac; Kai KaTd navxa

continually in the morning and the evening, and according to all

Ta ysypajijisva sv vojicg KopioD 6aa svsTSiAmo

the [things] being written in [the] law of [the] LORD, as much as he gave charge

sir/ vioiq IapafjA, 41+ Kai jist' aDTOD Aijidv Kai

unto [the] sons of Israel. And with them Heman and

I5l0OD|I Kai 01 XOUTOI 01 SKXsySVTSq S7l' OVOjiaTOCj

Jeduthun, and the rest, the ones being chosen by name

tod aivsiv tov KDpiov 6ti sic; tov aicbva

to praise the LORD, for [ [is] into the eon

to sA^soc; aDTOD 42+ Kai jist' aDTcbv Aijidv Kai ISiGodji

his mercy]. And with them Heman and Jeduthun

adAjny^i Kai KDjipdXoic; tod avacpcovsiv Kai opydvoic;

[with] trumpets and cymbals to sound out loud, and instruments

tcov coScov tod 9soD Kai 01 dioi I8i0od|i sic; TTJV

for the odes of God. And the sons of Jeduthun [were] at the

7r6Ar|v 43+ Kai S7iopsD0r| rcac; o Xaoq SKacrcoc; sic;

gate. And [ went all the people each] to

tov oikov aDTOD Kai S7rs&lt;ycps\j/s AaDi5 tod SD^oyfjaai

his house; and David returned to bless


his house.


17 P sv tootg) + viica 13-1 Chronicles

17 n

i + Kai sysvsxo coc; KaxcbKqas Aavid sv xco oikco aDxoD

And it came to pass as David dwelt in his house,

Kai 81718 Aai)(8 7rpoc; NdGav xov 7cpocpf|xr|v i8od eycb

and David said to Nathan the prophet, Behold, I

KaxoiKcb sv oikco Ks8p(vco Kai r| kiPcoxoc; SiaGfjKqc;

dwell in a house of cedar, and the ark of [the] covenant

KopioD D7TOKCXTC0 Ssppscov 2 + Kai si7cs NdGav 7tpoc;

of [the] LORD [is] underneath hide coverings. And Nathan said to

Aavid itav to sv tt| \\fv%r\ gov 7coisi 6xi o Gsoc; jisxd

David, All in your soul do! for God [is] with

ood 3 + Kai sysvsxo sv xrj vdkxi sksivt] Kai sysvsxo

you. And it came to pass in that night, and [ came

Xoyoq 0soi) 7tpoc; xov NdGav 4 + 7copsDOD Kai sitcov

[the] word of God] to Nathan, You go, and say

7tpoc; Aavid xov 8odA,6v jiod odxcoc; si7cs Kopioc;

to David my servant! Thus said [the] LORD,

od &lt;td oiKoSojifjasic; jioi oikov xod KaxoiKqaai (is sv

You shall not build for me a house for me to dwell in

ai)xcb 5+ 6x1 od KaxcoKqaa sv oikco a7co xrjc; rjjispac;

it. for I did not dwell in a house from the day

r\q avfjyayov xov IapafjA, scoq xrjc; rjjispac; xaDxrjc; Kai

which I led up Israel until this day; for

r\\n\v sv aKrjvfj sic; oks7ct|v Kai sv KaAtijijiaxi 6 + sv

I was in a tent for protection and [inside] [the] covering. In

7cdaiv 01c; 8vf\kdov sv 7cavx( IapafjA, si XaXcbv

all [the places] in which I went with all Israel, did in speaking

sldAxjaa 7cpoc; jjiav (pvhf\v IapafjA, oiq

I say to [ an y] one tribe of Israel, to the ones whom

svsxsiA,d|ir|v xod 7coi|iaivsiv xov Axxov jiod Aiycov 5iax(

I gave charge to tend my people, saying, Why

odk coKo5o|ifjaaxs jioi oikov KsSpivov ?+ Kai vdv

did you not build for me a house of cedar? And now,

odxcoc; spsk; xco 8odAxo jiod AaDi8 xd8s Xsysi

thus you shall say [to] my servant David, Thus says

KDpioq xcov 8Dvd|iscov sycb skafiov as sk xrjc;

[the] LORD of the forces, I took you from out of the

jidvSpac; s^omaGsv xcov 7coi|ivicov xod sivai sic;

haven, from following the flocks, to be as

rjyoDjisvov S7U xov A,a6v jiod IopafjX 8 + Kai r\[ir\v jisxd

one leading over my people Israel. And I was with


17 P sv tootco + viica 13-1 Chronicles

aoi) sv 7idaiv oiq S7iopsD9r|c; Kai s^coX60psDaa

you in all [the places] in which you went, and I utterly destroyed

rcavxac; Tovq s%0pODc; aoD anb 7ipoacb7ioi) gov Kai

all your enemies from in front of you, and

S7ioir|od aoi ovojia Kaxd to ovojia xcov |isydA,cov

I made to you a name according to the name of the great [ones],

xcov 87i( Tr\q yr\q 9 + Kai Gfjaojiai xorcov too Axxcb |iod

of the ones upon the earth. And I shall establish a place for my people

IapafjA, Kai KaxacpDxsDaco aDxov Kai KaxaaKTjvcbasi

Israel, and I will plant him, and he shall encamp

Ka0' saDxov Kai od xapax6rjasxai sxi Kai

by himself, and he shall not be disturbed any longer; and

od 7ipoa6fjaei vioq aSiKiaq xod xa7isivcbaai aDxov

[ shall not proceed [the] son of iniquity] to humble him

KaGcbq an ap%r\q 10+ Kai acp' rjjispcbv cov sxa^a

as from [the] beginning. And from days which I arranged

Kpixdq S7Ti xov Xaov |iod IapafjX Kai sxa7is(vcoaa

judges over my people Israel, and I humbled

ftavxaq xodc; s%dpovq aoi) Kai aD^fjaco as Kai

all your enemies, even I will increase you, and

oiKo8o|xfja&lt;jo aoi oikov si7is Kopioc; n+ Kai saxai

I will build to you a house, says [the] LORD. And it will be

oxav 7rAx|pco6cbaiv 01 rjjispai aoi) xod 7iop£D0fjvai jisxd

whenever [ should be filled your days] to go with

xcov 7iaxspcov aoD Kai avaaxfjaco xo a7isp|ia aoD jisxd

your fathers, that I will raise up your seed after

as oq saxai sk xrjc; KoiAiac; aoD Kai sxoijidaco

you, who will be from your belly, and I will prepare

xrjv Paai^siav aDxoD 12 + aDxoq oiKo5o|if|asi jioi oikov

his kingdom. He shall build for me a house,

Kai avopGcbaco xov Gpovov aDxoD scoc; aicbvoc; 13+ sycb

and I shall re-erect his throne unto [the] eon. I

saojiai aDxcb sic; rcaxspa Kai aDxoq saxai jioi sic;

will be to him as father, and he will be to me as

Diov Kai xo sksoq jiod odk a7ioaxf|aco an aDxoD coc;

son. And my mercy I will not remove from him, as

a7T8axr|aa and xcov S|i7ipoa0sv aoD h+ Kai axfjaco

I removed from the ones before you. And I will stand

aDxov sv xco oikco jiod Kai sv xtj Paai^sia aDxoD scoc;

him in my house, and with his kingdom unto

aicbvoc; Kai o Gpovoc; aDxoD saxai avcopGcojisvoc; scoc;

[the] eon. And his throne will be re-erected unto

17 P ev toi3tco + viica 13-1 Chronicles

aicbvoc; 15+ Kaxd navmq xodc; AxfyoDc; xodxodc; Kai

[the] eon. According to all these words, and

Kaxd rcdaav xrjv opaaiv xatixrjv odxcdc; sAxxArjas

according to all this vision, so spoke

NdGav 7rpoc; Aavid i 6 + Kai fjXGsv o fiaoikvbq Aavid

Nathan to David. And [ came king David]

Kai 8Kd6iasv svamiov KDpioD Kai si7is xic; sijii sycb

and sat before [the] LORD, and said, Who am I,

Kopie o Gsoc; Kai tic; o oikoc; |iod 6ti r|yd7rr|adc; |is

O LORD God, and what [is] my house, that you loved me

sooc; aicbvoc; l? + Kai sajiiKptivGrj xatixa svcb7ii6v aoD

unto [the] eon? And these [things] were diminished before you,

o Gsoc; Kai skahr\aaq S7U xov oikov xod 7iai56c; aoD

O God; and you spoke about the house of your servant

a7io jiaKpcbv Kai S7isi8sc; jis coc; opaaic; avGpcb7roD

from a long [time], and looked upon me as [ vision man's],

Kai D\j/coadc; |is Kupis o Gsoc; i 8 + xi 7ipoaGfjasi sxi

and raised me up high, O LORD God. How shall [ proceed yet

Aavid itpoq as xod 5o^daai as xov dovXov aoi) Kai

David] to you, to glorify you ~ your servant? and

ai) xov SovXov aoi) oidaq 19+ Kopis 8id

you [ your servant know]. O LORD, on account of

xov 5odX6v aoi) Kai Kaxd xrjv Kap5(av aoi) S7iorr|aac;

your servant, and according to your heart, you did

xrjv 7idaav |isyaA,&lt;joaDvr|v xatixrjv xod yvcopiaai 7idvxa

all this greatness, to make known all

xa (isydAxx 20+ Kopis ODKsaxiv ojioioq aoi Kai

the great [things]. O LORD, there is none likened to you, and

odk saxi Gsoc; ith\v aoi) Kaxd 7idvxa 6aa

there is no God besides you, according to all as much as

rjKouaajisv sv xoic; coaiv r||icbv 21 + Kai odk saxiv coc;

we heard with our ears. And there is no [ as

o Xaoq gov IapafjA, sGvoc; sxi S7i( xrjc; yrjc; coc;

your people Israel nation] yet upon the earth, as

co8r|yr|asv auxov o Gsoc; xod AmpcbaaaGai Xaov

[ guided him God] [for] the ransoming a people

saDxcb xod GsaGai saDxcb ovojia jisya Kai S7iicpavsc;

to himself, to establish to himself [ name a great and apparent],

xod SKpaXsiv arco 7ipoacb7roD xod Xaov aoD od

to cast out [ from in front of your people of whom

sAmpcbaco s^ AiyD7ixoD sGvrj 22+ Kai s5coKac;

you ransomed out of Egypt nations]. And you appointed


18 rr

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

13-1 Chronicles

xov Xaov aoD IapafjX aeaDxcb Xaov eooc; aicbvoq Kai

your people Israel for yourself ~ a people unto [the] eon. And

&lt;xu icopie eyevoD aDxofc; sic; 0s6v 23+ Kai vdv Kopie

you, O LORD, became to them for God. And now, O LORD,

o Xoyoq aov ov Ekakr\aaq npoq xov 7ia(5d aoD Kai

your word which you spoke to your servant, and

87i( xov oikov avTOV 7naxco0f|xoo eooc; aicbvoc; Kai

concerning his house, let it be trusted unto [the] eon, and

7co(r|aov KaGcbq skaXr\aaq 2 4+ Kai 7uaxoo0f|xoo Kai

you do as you spoke! And let [ be trusted and

(i8yaXi)v0f|xoa xo ovojid aoi) eooc; aioavoq Xeyovxoov

be magnified your name] unto [the] eon! saying,

Kopioc; 7cavxoKpdxoop o 0e6c; IapafjA, 0e6c; xoo IopafjX

[The] LORD almighty, the God of Israel, God [to] Israel;

Kai o oiKoq Aavid xod 7cai86c; aoi) avoop0oojievoc;

and the house of David your servant being erected

svcb7ci6v aoi) 25 + 6x1 ai) Kopie o 0e6c; |iod a7ceKd}u)\j/ac;

before you. For you, O LORD my God, uncovered

xo ovq xod 8odA,od aoi) xod oiKoSojxqaai aDxob oikov

the ear of your servant, to build him a house.

8id xodxo SDpsv o 5odA,6c; aoD xod 7cpoasD^aa0ai

Because of this [ found [need] your servant] to pray

Kaxd 7cp6aoo7c6v aoD 26 + Kai vdv Kopie aD 8i aDxoq

before your face. And now, O LORD, You are he ~

o 0e6c; Kai skakr\aaq £7U xov 8odA,6v aoD

God, and you spoke [ concerning your servant

xa aya0d xaDxa 27 + Kai vdv fjp^oo xod SDA,oyf|aai xov

these good [things]]. And now you began to bless the

oikov xod 8odA,od aoD xod eivai sic; xov aiobva

house of your servant, [for it] to be in the eon

evavxiov aoD 6x1 aD Kopie SD^oyrjaac; Kai £DA,6yr|xai

before you. For you, O LORD, blessed; and it is blessed

eic; xov aiobva

into the eon.

18 rr

1 + Kai eyevexo jiexd xaDxa Kai S7cdxa^8 AaDi8 xodc;

And it came to pass after these [things], that David struck the

aXXoipvXovq Kai expo7cobaaxo aDxotic; Kai skafis

Philistines, and put them to flight. And he took

xrjv Te0 Kai xac; Kobjiac; aDxfjc; 8K %eipoc; aAloq)DA,oov 2 +

Gath and her towns from [the] hand of [the] Philistines.


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13-1 Chronicles

Kai S7idxa^s xov Mcodp Kai sysvfj6r| Mcodp SovXoq

And he struck Moab; and Moab became bondservant

too Aavid cpspovxsc; 8cbpa 3 + Kai S7idxa^s Aavid

to David, bringing gifts. And David struck

xov A5a5e^sp PaaiAia Soupd sv AijidG sv

Hadarezer king ofZobah at Hamath, in

too 7iopi)O£a0ai auxov tod axfjaai %zipa avzov S7i(

his going to establish his hand over

7ioxa|icb EDcppdirj 4+ Kai 7ipoKaxsAxxpsxo Aam8 an

[the] river Euphrates. And David first took from

ai)TOD yikia dpjiaxa Kai srcxd x i ^ ia $ ac j farccov Kai

him a thousand chariots, and seven thousand horses, and

eiKoai %ikiadaq av8pcbv 7is^cbv Kai napskvas Aam5

twenty thousand men footmen. And David disabled

rcdvxa xa apjiaxa Kai D7isAi7rsxo s^ auxcbv sraxov

all the chariots, and left of them a hundred

dpjiaxa 5+ Kai fjXGs I/opoc; sk AajiaaKOD Por|6f|aai

chariots. And Syria came from out of Damascus to help

A8a5e^8p PaaiXsi EovPa Kai S7idxa^s Aavid sv xco

Hadarezer king of Zobah. And David struck among the

I/opco siKoai Kai dvo %ikmdaq av5pcbv 6 + Kai

Syrian ~ twenty and two thousand men. And

S0SXO Aavid cppoupdv sv 2/opia xr| Kaxd AajiaaKov

David placed a detachment in Syria near Damascus.

Kai fjaav xco Aavid sic; SouAxjdc; cpspovxsc; 8cbpa Kai

And they were to David as servants bringing gifts. And

sacoas Kopioc; Aam8 sv 7idaiv oiq S7iopsi)sxo 7+ Kai

[the] LORD preserved David in all wherever he went. And

sAxxps Aavid zovq Kkoiovq xodc; %pvaovq 01 fjaav S7ri

David took the collars of gold [things] which were upon

xodc; 7ia(8ac; A8a8s^sp Kai fjvsyKsv auxotic; sic;

the servants of Hadarezer, and brought them into

Ispoi)aaAx||i 8 + Kai sk xrjc; TapdG Kai sk xcov

Jerusalem. And from Tibhath, and from the

skXskxcov 7i6Xscov xcov A8a8s^sp slaps Aavid %aAxov

chosen cities of Hadarezer, David took [ brass

noXvv acp68pa s^ avzov S7iovr|as SoAxDjicbv xrjv

much exceedingly]. Of it Solomon made the

GdXaaoav xrjv %ahd\v Kai xouc; aivkovq Kai xa

[ sea brass], and the columns, and the

aKstirj xaxaAxd 9+ Kai fjKouas 0coot3 fiaaikvbq AijidG

items of brass. And [heard Tou king of Hamath]


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13-1 Chronicles

on 87rdxa^8 Aai)(5 xr|v 7idaav SDvajiiv A8a5e^sp

that David struck all [the] force of Hadarezer

PaaiAicoc; EoDpd io+ Kai aTieaxeile xovA8copd|i

king of Zobah. And he sent Hadoram

diov avTOV npoq xov PaaiXea AaviS xod epcoxfjaai

his son to king David to ask

avTOV xa ziq eipfjvrjv Kai xod SD^oyfjaai aDxov

him the [things] for peace, and to congratulate him

D7i8p od S7ioA,s|ir|as xov A8a5s^ep Kai S7idxa^sv

for of which he waged war against Hadarezer, and for striking

avTOV 6xi avfjp iioXs[aoq ©good r|v o A5a5s^ep

him; because [ man a warlike Tou was] with Hadarezer —

Kai 7idvxa xa aKetirj xa%pi)ad Kai apyDpd Kai

and all the items of gold, and of silver, and

Xahca n+ Kai xatixa rjyiaaev o fiaaikzvq Aavid xco

of brass. And these [ sanctified king David] to the

Kopico |i8xd xod apyDpioD Kai XOD XpDCTlOD OD

LORD, with the silver and the gold which

sAxxpsv sk 7idvxcov xcov sBvcbv 8^ I8oD|ia(ac; Kai

he took from all the nations — from Edom, and

Mcodp Kai e£, Dicbv Ajijicbv Kai sk xcov aXkoyvXcw

Moab, and from [the] sons of Ammon, and from the Philistines,

Kai 8^ A|iaAx|K n+ Kai Apsaai vioq EapoDia S7idxa^s

and from Amalek. And Abishai son ofZeruiah struck

xrjv I8oD|ia(av sv KoiA,d8i xcov akcbv OKxcoKa(8sKa

the Edomite in [the] valley of salts ~ eighteen

%iXxa6aq n+ Kai sGsxo sv xrj I8oD|ia(a cppoDpdv

thousand. And he placed in Edom a detachment of soldiers.

Kai fjaav rcavxec; oi I8oD|ia(oi naidsq xco AaDi5 Kai

And [ were all the Edomites] servants [to] David. And

sacoae Kopioc; xov AaDi5 sv 7idaiv oiq S7iopsDsxo u +

[the] LORD preserved David in all wherever he went.

Kai sPaadsDas AaDi8 £7U rcdvxa IapafjA, Kai rjv

And David reigned over all Israel, and he was

7ioicbv Kpijia Kai 5iKaio&lt;y6vr|v 7iavxi xco Xacb aDXOD 15 +

executing judgment and righteousness to all his people.

Kai Icodp vioq SapoDia em xrjq axpaxidq Kai

And Joab son of Zeruiah [was] over the military; and

Icoaacpdx vioq Ayikovd D7io|ivr||iaxoypd(poc; i 6 + Kai

Jehoshaphat son of Ahilud [was the] recorder; and

Sa8coK vioq A%ixcbp Kai A%i[i£k£% vioq ApidGap

Zadok son ofAhitub, and Abimelech son of Abiathar,


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13-1 Chronicles
ispsiq Kai Eotiaa ypajijiaTSDc; n+ Kai Bavsaq vioq

[were] priests; and Shavsha [was] scribe; and Benaiah son

Ico8a8 87i( tod KepeBi Kai tod ®sA,s6( Kai oi dioi

of Jehoiada [was] over the Cherethite and the Phelethite; and the sons

AaDi5 oi 7ipcbT0i 5id8oxoi tod PaaiAicoc;

of David [were] the first successors of the king.


i+ Kai syevsTO jistoc TaDTa Kai a7is0avs Nadc;

And it came to pass after these [things], that [ died Nahash

fiaoikvbq Dicbv A|i|icbv Kai zfiaaiksvazv Avdv

king of [the] sons of Amnion], and [ reigned Hanun

vioq aDTOD avT' aDTOD 2+ Kai si7is AaDi8 7ioif|a(jo

his son] instead of him. And David said, I will do

sksoq |i£Td Avdv diod Nadc; coq 87io(r|asv

an act of kindness with Hanun son of Nahash, as [performed

O 7iaTfjp aDTOD |IST' SJIOD S^SOq Kai a7T8aTSlX8V AaDi8

his father with me kindness]. And David sent

ajjskovq tod 7rapaKaAiaai aDTOV 7isp(

messengers to comfort him because of

tod 7raTp6c; aDTOD Kai fjXGov 01 naidzq Aavid siq

his father. And [ came the servants of David] into

yrjv Dicbv Ajijicbv npoq Avdv tod 7rapaKaAiaai

[the] land of [the] sons of Ammon to Hanun, to comfort

aDTOV 3+ Kai S17T0V 01 dpxovTsq dicov A|i|icbv 7ipoc;

him. And said the rulers of [the] sons of Ammon to

Avdv |ir| So^d^cov AaDi5 tov 7iaTspa aoD sv

Hanun, Is David glorifying your father in

ocpGaXjioiq cod aftsaTSiAi 001 7tapaKaXoDVTac; od%(

your eyes, to send to you comforters? Is it not

67tcoc; s^spsDvfjacoai tt|v 7i6Aav Kai tod KaTaaK07if|Gai

that they may search out the city, and to spy out

ttjv yrjv fjXGov 01 itaiSzq avzov npoq as 4 + Kai

the land [ came his servants] to you? And

sXaPsv Avdv todc; naidaq Aavid Kai e^6pr|asv aDTODc;

Hanun took the servants of David, and he shaved them,

Kai acpsi^s tcov jiavSticov aDTcbv to r\[iiav scoc; Tr\q

and removed their uniforms half [way] unto the

avaPoArjc; Kai a7isaT8iA,sv aDTODc; 5+ Kai r\kdov Kai

wrapping. And he sent them [away]. And [others] came, and

a7if|yy8iA,av tco AaDi5 mpi tcov avSpcbv Kai

they reported to David for the men. And


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13-1 Chronicles

arcsaxsiXsv sic; a7idvxr|aiv aDxcbv 6xi fjaav 01 dv5psc;

he sent to meet them, for [ were the men]

r|Ti|ico|isvoi ocp68pa Kai sircsv o fiaaiksvq KaGiaaxs

disgraced exceedingly. And [ said the king], Stay

sv Iepixcb scoc; tod avaxsiAm xodc; 7rcbycovac; djicov Kai

in Jericho until [rise up your beards], and

S7iiaxps\j/axs 6+ Kai s(8ov oi dioi Ajijicov 6xi

return! And [ knew the sons of Ammon] that

Kaxr|a%DV0r| o Xaoq Aavid Kai arcsaxsiXsv Avdv Kai

[ were put to shame the people of David]. And [sent Hanun and

dioi Ajijicov %ikia xdXavxa apyDpioD

[the] sons of Ammon] a thousand talents of silver

xod |iia0cbaaa0ai sauxofc; sk I/opiac; Msao7roxa|jiac;

to hire for themselves of Syria of Mesopotamia,

Kai sk 2/opiac; Maa%d Kai rcapd SoDpd dpjiaxa Kai

and from Syria ofMaachah, and from Zobah, chariots and

mmiq ?+ Kai sjiiaGcbaavxo saDxok; 8do Kai xpidKovxa

horsemen. And they hired for themselves two and thirty

%\kw8aq apjidxcov Kai xov PaaiAia Maaxd Kai

thousand chariots, and the king ofMaachah and

xov A,a6v avTOV Kai fjABov Kai 7iapsvsPaAx&gt;v

his people. And they came and camped

S|i7rpoo0sv Mr|5apd Kai oi dioi Ajijicbv aDvf|%0r|aav

before Medeba. And the sons of Ammon gathered together

sk xcov 7r6A,scov aDxcbv Kai fjXGov sic; xo 7ioA,s|xf|aai

from out of their cities, and they came to wage war.

8 + Kai fjKODas Aam5 Kai a7rsaxsiA,s xov Ioodp Kai

And David heard, and he sent Joab, and

7idaav xrjv axpaxidv xcov 8Dvaxcbv 9 + Kai s^fjXGov oi

all the military of the forces. And [ went forth the

dioi Ajijicbv Kai 7iapsxd^avxo sic; 7i6A,s|iov 7iapd xov

sons of Ammon], and deployed for war by the

7iDXcova xrjc; noXscoq Kai oi PaaiXsic; oi sABovxsc;

gatehouse of the city. And the kings, the ones coming,

7tapsvsPaA,ov Ka6' saDxotic; sv xco 7is5ico io+ Kai

camped by themselves in the plain. And

s(8sv Icodp 6xi ysyovaoiv avxi7rp6aco7ioi aDxcbv

Joab beheld that it happened in their facing off

xod 7roA,s|isiv 7ipoc; aDxov Kaxd 7ip6aco7iov Kai

to wage war before him from in front and

s^O7iia0sv Kai s^sXs^axo sk 7iavx6c; vsavioD s£,

from behind, that he chose of every young man of


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13-1 Chronicles

IapafjX Kai 7iapsTd^aTO svavTiov tod I/6poD u+ Kai

Israel, and he deployed before Syria. And

to KaT&amp;Xourov tod A,aoD s8coksv sv %sipi Apsaa'i

the rest of the people he put into [the] hand ofAbishai

tod a8eAxpoD aDTOD Kai 7iapsTd^avTO s^svavTiac; dicov

his brother, and they deployed right opposite [the] sons

Ajijicov 12+ Kai S17T8V sdv KpaTaicoGfj SDpia D7isp sjis

of Amnion. And he said, If Syria should strengthen over me,

Kai ear) jioi sic; acorn ptav Kai sdv oi dioi Ajijicov

then you will be to me for deliverance; and if the sons of Ammon

KpaTaicoBcbaiv D7isp as Kai acbaco as n+ av8p(^OD

should strengthen over you, then I will deliver you. Be manly!

Kai svia%Daco|isv 7ispi tod Axxod rj|icbv Kai 7isp( tcov

and we shall grow in strength for our people, and for the

7i6Xscov tod 0sod r||icbv Kai Kopioc; to ayaGov sv

cities of our God; and [the] LORD [ good in

o(pdak[ioiq avzov 7ioifjasi h + Kai 7iapsTd^aTO Icodp Kai

his eyes shall do]. And Joab deployed and

o Xaoq o jist' aDTOD s^avavTiac; I/opiac; sic; 7i6A,s|iov

the people with him right opposite Syria for war;

Kai scpDyov ari aDTcbv i 5 + Kai oi dioi Ajijicbv s(5ov

and they fled from them. And the sons of Ammon beheld

6ti scpDyov oi SDpoi Kai scpDyov Kai aDTOi arco

that [ fled the Syrians], and they fled even themselves from

7ipoacb7ioD Apsaa'i Kai arco 7ipoaco7roD Icodp

in front of Abishai, and from in front of Joab

tod a8sAxpoD aDTOD Kai r\kdov sic; tt|v 7i6A.iv Kai

his brother. And they came into the city. And

fj^Gsv Icodp sic; IspoDaaArj|i i 6 + Kai s(8sv o I/opoc; 6ti

Joab went to Jerusalem. And [ saw the Syrian] that

STpo7icbaaTO aDTOV IapafjA, Kai a7isaTSiA,sv ayys^oDc;

[ put him to flight Israel], and he sent messengers,

Kai s^qyays tov 2/6pov sk tod rcspav tod 7iOTa|ioD

and they brought the Syrian from the other side of the river.

Kai Scocpdx o apxiaTpdrrjyoc; SDvajiscoq A5a5s^sp

And Shophach the commander-in-chief of [the] force of Hadarezer

s|i7ipoa9sv aDTcbv n+ Kai a7ir|yysAr| tco AaDi5 Kai

[was] in front of them. And it was reported to David. And

aDvfjyays tov 7idvTa IapafjA, Kai 8isPr| tov Iop8dvr|v

he gathered together all Israel, and passed over the Jordan,

Kai fjX0SV S7T aDTOD Kai 7iapSTd^aT0 S7l' aDTODCJ

and came unto them, and deployed against them.

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13-1 Chronicles

Kai 7iapaxdaaexai I/opoc; s^svavxiac; Aam8 sic;

And Syria deployed right opposite David for

7i6A,s|iov Kai 87ioA,8|ir|oav |iex' auxov is+ Kai

war, and they waged war with him. And

stpuyev o I/6poc; anb 7rpoacG7ioD IapafjA, Kai

Syria fled from in front of Israel. And

a7i8KT8ivs Aam8 anb xod I/6poD znxa %ikid6aq

David killed of the Syrian seven thousand

apjidxcov Kai xsaaapdKovxa %ikwdaq avSpcbv 7is^cbv

[of the] chariots, and forty thousand men on foot;

Kai xov Scotpd^ ap%iaxpdxr|yov xrjc; 8i)vd|iecoc;

and Shophach [the] commander-in-chief of the force

a7i8KT8ivs 19+ Kai s(5ov 01 7iai8£c; A8a5s^ep 6xi

he killed. And [ beheld the servants of Hadarezer] that

S7iTaiKaaiv anb 7ipoaco7roD lapaf\k Kai 8is0svxo jiexd

they failed from in front of Israel, and they ordained with

Aavid sipfjvrjv Kai eSou^sDaav auxcb Kai

David a peace, and they served him. And

odk rjBsAxjaev o Zvpoq xod por|6f|aai xoic; vioiq

[ wanted not Syria] to help the sons

Ajijicbv sxi

of Ammon any longer.

20 D

1+ Kai eyevexo sv xco erciovxi exei sv xr| e^68co xcov

And it came to pass in the [ going out year], in the exiting of the

PaaiAicov Kai a7rfjyaysv Icodp 7idaav xrjv SDvajiiv xrjq

kings [for war], that Joab led all the force of the

axpaxidq Kai ecpGeips xrjv %cbpav dicov Ajijicbv Kai

military, and ruined the place of [the] sons of Ammon, and

fjXGe Kai 7ispi£Kd0ias xrjv Pappd Kai Aai)(8 eKdGrjxo

came and besieged Rabbah. And David settled

sv IepoDoaArj|i Kai S7idxa^sv Icodp xrjv Pappd Kai

in Jerusalem. And Joab struck Rabbah, and

KaxsaKaysv auxfjv 2 + Kai shafts Aavid xov axecpavov

razed it. And David took the crown

xod paaiXscoq auxcov anb xrjc; KecpaAxjc; aDxoD Kai

of their king from his head, and

SDpeGrj o axaGjioc; avxov xd^avxov %pvaiov Kai ev

found the weight of it [to be] a talent of gold. And on

ai)xco Xidoq xijiioc; Kai r|v sni xrjc; KscpaAr|c; Aavid

it [stone a valuable], and it was upon the head of David.


20 3 ev toi3tco + vtica 13-1 Chronicles

Kai xa GKvXa xrjc; 7r6A,scoc; s^fjvsyKs noXka acp68pa 3 +

And [spoils from the city he brought forth much exceedingly].

Kai xov Xaov xov sv auxfj s^fjyays Kai 8iS7ipias sv

And the people in it he led out, and he sawed through with

7ip(oai Kai ev aK£7r&amp;pvoic; aiSrjpofc; Kai sv xpiPoXoic;

saws, and with adz of iron, and with threshing machines.

Kai otixcoc; £7rorr|a£ Aam8 7idai xoiq noXsaiv mcov

And thus David did to all the cities [of the] sons
Ajijicbv Kai avsaxps\j/s Aam5 Kai naq o Xaoq avzov

of Ammon. And David returned and all his people

sic; IepouaaAx||i 4 + Kai sysvsxo jisxd xatixa Kai

unto Jerusalem. And it came to pass after these [things], that

sysvsxo sxi 7i6A,s|ioc; sv Ta^sp |isxd xcov aAlocpuAxov

there was still war in Gezer with the Philistines.

xoxs S7idxa^s £oPaK%{ o OoaaGi xov £a7icpi and xcov

Then [ struck Sibbechai the Hushathite] Sippai of the

mcbv xcov yiydvxcov Kai sxa7is(vcoasv ai)xov

sons of the giants, and abased him.

5 + Kai sysvsxo sxi 7i6Xs[ioq jisxd xcov aAA,ocpi)A,cov

And came to pass yet again war with the Philistines.

Kai S7idxa^sv EAiavav vioq Iasip xov Aa%|i( aSsAxpov

And [ struck Elhanan son of Jair] Lahmi brother

ToXidG xod TsGGaioi) Kai tpkov 56paxoq avzov coc;

of Goliath the Gittite; and [the] wood of his spear [was] as

avxiov Dcpaivovxcov 6 + Kai sysvsxo exi 7i6Xs|ioc;

[the] beam of a loom of one weaving. And came to pass yet again a war

sv TeB Kai Tjv avfjp D7isp|isys0r|c; Kai

in Gath, and [there] was [ man an immense], and

01 8dKxi)Ax)i avTOV s£, Kai s^ siKoai Kai xsaaapsc;

his fingers and toes [were] six by six ~ twenty and four;

Kai otixoc; rjv aftoyovoc; xcov yiydvxcov 7+ Kai covs(5ias

and this one was a descendant of the giants. And he berated

xov IapafjA, Kai srcdxa^sv auxov IcovaGdv vioq Sajiad

Israel, and [ struck him Jonathan [the] son of Shimea

a8sAxpoi) Aam8 8+ otixoi syswfjGrjaav Pacpd sv TsG

brother of David]. These were born to Rap ha in Gath;

7idvxsc; fjaav xsaaapsc; yiyavxsc; Kai srcsaov sv xsipi

all four were giants, and they fell by [the] hand

Aavid Kai sv xsipi 7ia(8cov avzov

of David, and by [the] hand of his servants.


21 SD


13-1 Chronicles


i+ Kai avsaxrj aaxdv ski IapafjX Kai S7isasiae

And [ rose up Satan] against Israel, and stirred up

xov Aavid tod apiGjifjaai xov IopafjA, 2 + Kai si7iev

David to count Israel. And [ said

o fiaoiksvq Aavid npoq Icodp Kai npoq xodc;

king David] to Joab, and to the

dpxovxaq Tr\q SDvdjiecoc; 7iopsD6r|xe apiBjifjaaxe

rulers of the force, Go, count

xov IapafjA, arco BrjpaaPsai scoc; Aav Kai eveyraxe

Israel from Beer-sheba unto Dan, and bring [it]

7rpoc; |i8 Kai yvcbaojiai xov apiGjiov aDxcbv 3 + Kai

to me! and I shall know their number. And

S17T8V Icodp 7ipoa6s(r| Kupioq sni xov Xaov aDxoD coc;

Joab said, May [the] LORD add unto his people as

eicriv SKaxovxa7iXaa(coc; Kai 01 ocpGaXjioi

they are a hundred foldly, and the eyes

xod Kupioi) jiod xod paaiAicoc; pA£7iovxsc; odxi

of my master the king seeing [it]. Are not,

Kopie jiod fiaaiksv rcavxac; xco Kupico |iod eic; dovXovq

O my master, O king, all [ [to] my master for bondservants]?

Kai ivaxi 0eA,si xodxo o Kopioc; |iod oncoq (irj yevfjxai

And why [does] [want this my master]? so as to not become

Eiq 7iXr||i|i8A,siav xco IapafjX 4 +xo8s pfj|ia xod

for a trespass [to] Israel. But the saying of the

PaaiAicoc; ia%vasv S7ri Icodp Kai e^fjXGsv Icodp Kai

king prevailed over Joab. And Joab went forth, and

SvqXGsv sv 7iavxi IapafjA, Kai avfjXGev sic;

went unto all Israel, and went up unto

IspoDaaAxj|i 5 + Kai eSocncev Icodp xov apiGjiov xtjc;

Jerusalem. And Joab gave the number of the

£7riaKs\j/£coc; xod XaoD xco AaDi5 Kai r|v naq IapafjA,

numbering of the people to David. And [ was all Israel]

%ikwi xikmdEq Kai eraxov xikwdEq av8pcov

a thousand thousand and a hundred thousand men

a7raa|i8vcov pojicpaiav Kai IotiSac; xsxpaKoaiai Kai

unsheathing [the] broadsword. And of Judah ~ four hundred and

spSojxfjKovxa xikmdzq avSpcbv a7iaa|isvcov pojicpaiav

seventy thousand men unsheathing [the] broadsword.

6+ Kai xovAsdi Kai xovBsviajiiv odk r|p(G|xr|aev sv

And Levi and Benjamin were not counted in

jieaco aDxcov 6x1 KaxfjaxDvsv o Xoyoq xod paaiAicoc;

[the] midst of them, for [ [was] disgraceful the word of the king]


21 SD
ev tootco + viica

13-1 Chronicles

7ipoc; Icodp ?+ Kai 7iovr|p6v svavriov tod 0sod 7isp(

to Joab. And it [was] wicked before God concerning

tod 7ipdy [laxoq todtod Kai S7tdTa^s tov IapafjA, 8 + Kai

this thing, and he struck Israel. And

S17T8 A(xd(5 7ipoc; tov 0s6v r||idpTr|Ka acp68pa 6ti

David said to God, I have sinned exceedingly, that

£7rovr|aa to 7ipdy|ia todto Kai vdv 7rspisA,s 5r| tt|v

I did this thing. And now, remove indeed the

aSiKiav tod 8odAxdd cjod 6ti s|iaTaicb6r|v acp65pa 9+

iniquity of your servant! for I acted in folly exceedingly.

Kai sAxxAxjas Kupioq itpoq Tad tov opcbvTa tco AaDi8

And [the] LORD spoke to Gad, David's seer,

Aiycov 10+ rcopsDOD Kai Xah^GOV npoq Aavid Aiycov

saying, Go and speak to David! saying,

odtcoc; Aiysi Kopioc; Tpia aipco syco S7ri as skAs^xi

Thus says [the] LORD, Three [things] I will take up upon you; choose

aeaDTcb ev s^ aDTcbv Kai 7ioif|aco aoi 11+ Kai

for yourself one of them! and I will do [it] unto you. And

r\kds Ta5 itpoq AaDi8 Kai sircsv aDTcb odtcoc; Aiysi

Gad came to David, and said to him, Thus says

KDpioq SK^e^ai asaDTcb 12+ r| Tpia srrj Aijiod rj

[the] LORD, Choose for yourself! Either three years of famine; or

Tpsic; (ifjvaq cpsDysiv as sk 7ipoacb7roD tcov s^Gpcbv aoD

three months fleeing from [the] face of your enemies,

Kai |id%aipav s%6pcbv aoD KaTa5icbKsiv as rj Tpsic;

with [the] sword of your enemies pursuing you; or three

rjjispac; pojicpaiav kdpiod Kai GdvaTOV sv tt| yr|

days of [the] broadsword of [the] LORD, and plague in the land,

Kai dyys^oc; kdpiod s^oXoGpsDcov sv 7idar|

and [the] angel of [the] LORD utterly destroying among all

KArjpovojjia IapafjA, Kai vdv (8s ti a7TOKpi9cb tco

[the] inheritance of Israel. And now, behold, what [ should I answer to the one

a7roaTSiAxxvTi |is Xoyov 13+ Kai si7is AaDi5 npoq Ta8

sending me word]? And David said to Gad,

aTSvd jioi acp68pa s|i7isaoD|iai 8rj sic; %sipac;

[It is] narrow exceedingly, I shall fall indeed into [the] hands

kdpiod 6ti noXkoi oi oiKTipjioi aDTOD acp68pa Kai

of [the] LORD, for [great his compassions [are] exceedingly]; but

ziq xsipaq av9pcb7rcov od jlit| sjursaco h+ Kai

into [the] hands of men in no way should I fall. And

s8coks KDpioq GdvaTOV sv IapafjX Kai srcsaov s^

[the] LORD appointed plague in Israel. And there fell of


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IapafjX spSojifjKovTa %iXid5sc; av8pcbv 15+ Kai

Israel seventy thousand men. And

arcsaTSiXsv o Gsoc; dyysXov sic; IspoDaaAr||i

God sent an angel into Jerusalem

tod s^oXoGpsDaai aDifjv Kai 00c; 5iscp0sipsv

to utterly destroy it. And as he was utterly destroying,

si5s Kopioc; Kai |iSTS|isArj0r| S7U tt| KaKia Kai si7is

[the] LORD beheld and repented concerning the evil. And he said

too ayysXoo too 8ia(p0sipavTi iKavotiaGoo aoi dvsc;

to the angel, to the one utterly destroying, Let it be enough to you, spare

Tr\q %s(pd aoi) Kai o dyysXoc; KDpioD scjtooc; sv tod

your hand! And the angel of [the] LORD stood at the

dloo Opdv tod IsPouaaioi) 16+ Kai £7rfjp£ Aam5

threshing-floor of Oman the Jebusite. And David lifted up

todc; ocpGaAjioDc; avzov Kai s(8s tov dyysA,ov KDpioD

his eyes, and he beheld the angel of [the] LORD

saToVca avajisaov Tr\q yrjc; Kai avajieaov tod

standing between the earth and between the

ODpavoD Kai r| pojicpaia aDTOD sa7iaa|isvr| sv

heaven, and his broadsword being unsheathed in

ttj %sip( aDTOD 8KT8Ta|i8vr| S7TI IspoDaaAx||i Kai 87isas

his hand, being stretched out over Jerusalem. And [ fell

AaDi8 Kai 01 7ipsaPDTspoi 7TSpiPsPAx||lSVOl adKKODq

David and the elders wearing sackcloths]

87i( 7ip6aco7rov aDTcbv 17 + Kai si7is AaDi8 npoq tov 0s6v

upon their face. And David said to God,

odk sycb si7ia tod apiGjifjaai sv too Xaob Kai syob

Did I not say to count among the people? Then I

sijii o ajiapTcbv KaK07ioiobv SKaK07rorr|oa Kai TaDTa

am the one sinning — in doing evil I did evil. And these

Ta 7ip6paTa ti S7iorr|aav Kopis o 0s6c; ysvr|0f|TOO

sheep, what did they do, O LORD God? Let [ come

T| %sip aOD 8V SJIOl Kai SV TOO OIK00 TOD 7iaTp6c; |IOD

your hand] against me, and against the house of my father,

Kai |xr| sv too Xaob aoD sic; a7iobXsiav is + Kai dyysXoq

and not against your people for destruction! And [the] angel

KDpioD si7is too Ta5 tod smsiv 7ipoc; AaDi8 (va

of [the] LORD told Gad to say to David that

avapfj tod crcfjaai 0DaiaaTfjpiov too Kopioo sv

he should ascend to establish an altar to the LORD at

dAxo Opvdv tod IspoDaaioD 19+ Kai avsprj AaDi8

[the] threshing-floor of Oman the Jebusite. And David ascended


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Kaxd xov Xoyov Tad ov sXdAxjasv sv ovojiaxi

according to the word of Gad, which he spoke in [the] name

KDpioi) 20 + Kai S7i8aTp8\j/sv Opvdv Kai s(8e TOV

of [the] LORD. And Oman turned, and he beheld the

fiaaitea Kai xsaaapaq moi aDxoD jiex' aDxoD

king. And [ four sons his] with him

Kpi)P6|isvoi Kai Opvdv r|v a^ocbv nvpovq 21 + Kai

were being hidden. And Oman was threshing wheat. And

fjXGe AaviS npoq Opvdv Kai Opvdv e^f|X0sv sk xrjc;

David came to Oman, and Oman came forth from the

dXco Kai S7r(pXs\j/sv Opvav Kai e(8e xov Aam8 Kai

threshing-floor. And Oman looked up, and he saw David, and

7tpoa£K6vr|a£ too Aam8 em 7ip6aco7rov S7U xrjv yrjv 22 +

he did obeisance to David with [the] face upon the ground.

Kai 81718 Aai)i8 npoq Opvdv 80c; jioi xov xo7iov xrjc;

And David said to Oman, Give to me the place of the

ok® Kai oiKo8o|xfja&lt;D 87i' aDxcb 6Daiaaxf|piov xco

threshing-floor! for I shall build upon it an altar to the

Kopico sv apyDpico a^ico 80c; jioi ai)xov Kai 7iaDaexai

LORD. [ for [its] money's worth Give it to me] ! and [ shall cease

T| 7rAr|yf| 8K xod Xaov 23 + Kai si7i8v Opvdv npoq

the calamity] from [among] the people. And Oman said to

Aavid Xafis aeaDxcb Kai 7ioir|adxco o Kopioc; |iod o

David, Take it for yourself, and let [ do my master the

fiaaiksvq xo aya06v svcb7riov aDxoD i8od 8s8coKa

king] [what is] good before him! Behold, I have given

Tovq fioaq siq oXoKaDxcoaiv Kai xo dpoxpov sic;

the oxen for a whole burnt-offering, and the plow for

£pXa Kai xov 7rop6v sic; dvaiaq xa 7idvxa SeScora 24 +

wood, and the grain for a sacrifice ~ the whole I have given.

Kai S17T8V o fiaaiksvq Aavid xco Opvdv od%( aXk r r\

And [ said king David] to Oman, Not so, but only

ayopd^cov ayopdaco apyDpioD a^ioD 6x1 od |ir| A,dpco

by buying shall I buy of [its] money's worth; for in no way shall I take

xa aa xco Kopico xod aveveyKsiv o^oKaDxcoaiv

the [things] of yours to the LORD, to offer a whole burnt-offering

Scopedv xco Kopico 25 + Kai sScoks Aavid xco Opvdv

without charge [to me] to the LORD. And David gave [to] Oman

7ispi xod X07TOD aDxoD adcXoDc; xpvaiov ohd\q

for his place [ shekels of gold in scale-weight

s^aKoaioDc; 26+ Kai coKo86|ir|asv sksi AaDi8

six hundred]. And [ built there David]


22 3D

ev tootco + viica

13-1 Chronicles

GDaiaaxfjpiov Kopioo Kai avfjvsyKsv oXoKaDTcbjiaTa

an altar [to the] LORD. And he offered whole burnt-offerings,

Kai ocoxripioD Kai eporjas itpoq Kopiov Kai

and a deliverance [offering], and he yelled to [the] LORD. And

£7lf|KODaeV OLVTOV SV 7CDp( 8K TOD ODpaVOD 8711 TO

he heeded him by fire from out of the heaven on the

0Daia&lt;xcfjpiov rr|c; oAxDKaDTcbaecoc; 2 ?+ Kai sirae icopioc;

altar of the whole burnt-offering. And [the] LORD spoke

7ipoc; tov dyye^ov Kai KaTsGrjKs tt|v pojicpaiav avzov

to the angel; and he put away his broadsword

Siq TOV KOD^SOV aVTT\q 28 + SV TOO KaipCO SK81VC0 8V

into its sheath. In that time when

too i5e(v tov Aai)(5 6ti £7tfjKoi)asv avxov Kopioc; ev tt|

David beheld that [ heeded him [the] LORD] at the

akco Opvdv tod IsPoDaaioD Kai sBDaiaasv SKSl 29 +

threshing-floor of Oman the Jebusite, then he sacrificed there.

Kai T| aKqvfj KDpiOD Tjv S7covr|a£ McoDafiq SV TTJ

And the tent of [the] LORD which Moses made in the

spfj|icD Kai to 0Daia&lt;ycf|piov tcov o^oKaDTCOjidTCOv sv

wilderness, and the altar of the whole burnt-offerings, in

too Kaipcb SK81VC0 ev Bajid ev TaPacbv 30+ Kai odk

that time [were] in Bama in Gibeon. And [ [was] not

s8DvaTO AaDi8 tod 7copsD6f|vai 8|i7cpoa6ev aDTOD

able David] to go before it

^rjTfjaai tov 08ov 6ti KaT8a7i8DCJ8v a7io 7ipoacb7roD

to seek God, for he hastened from [the] face

Tr\q pojicpaiaq tod ayyeXoD KDpiOD

of the broadsword of the angel of [the] LORD.

22 ID

1 + Kai 8i7i8 AaDi5 odtoc; scttiv o oikoc; KDpiOD

And David said, This is the house of [the] LORD

tod GsoD Kai todto to 0Daia&lt;xcf|piov eic;

God, and this [is] the altar for

oXoKaDTCoaiv tco IapafjA, 2 + Kai si7ce AaDi8

[the] whole burnt-offering [to] Israel. And David said

tod (TDvayaysiv 7cdvTac; todc; 7cpoar|A,DTODc; sv yr|

to gather together all the foreigners in [the] land

IopafjX Kai KaTsarqas Axxtoiiodc; AxxTOjifjoai AiGoDc;

of Israel. And he placed quarriers to quarry [stones

^dcitodc; TOD oiKo8o|if|aai OIKOV TOO KDpiCO 3 + Kai

planed] to build a house to the LORD. And


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13-1 Chronicles

aiSrjpov izofobv sic; todc; r\kovq xcov 0Dpoo|idToav Kai

[ iron much] for the nails of the doorways, and

xcov TivXcbv Kai todc; crcpocpsic; rjioijiaas Aavid Kai

of the gates, and of the hinges, David prepared; and

XoXkov sic; iihf\doq odkt|v &lt;xca0|i6c; 4+ Kai ZpXa

brass in multitude — there was no [counting its] weight. And [ [for the] wood

Ks5piva oDKTjv apiGjioc; on fjvsyrav 01 Ei8cbvioi Kai

of cedars there was no number]; for [brought the Sidonians and

01 Ttipioi £pXa KsSpiva sic; nhr\Qoq too Aam5 5+ Kai

the Tyrians] wood of cedars in multitude [to] David. And

si7is Aavid SoAxdjioqv o vioq jiod 7iai5dpiov a7iaA,6v Kai

David said, Solomon my son [ boy [is] a tender], and

0 oikoc; tod oiKo8o|ifjGai too Kupico tod jisyaMvai

the house to be built to the LORD [must be] to magnify

dvoo sic; ovojia Kai sic; 86^av sic; 7idaav tt|v yrjv

upward, for a name and for glory in all the earth.

STOijidaco aDTcb Kai rjTOijiaas AaDi5 sic; 7rA,f|6oc;

1 shall prepare for it. And David prepared [for it] in multitude

S|i7ipoo0sv TTjcj TsA.SDTTjcj aDTOD 6 + Kai SKd^sas

before his decease. And he called


Solomon his son, and gave charge to him

tod oiKoSojifjaai tov oikov tco Kopioo 0scb IapafjA, 7 +

to build the house to the LORD God of Israel.

Kai si7is AaDi8 SoAxdjicdv tskvov sjioi sysvsTO S7U

And David said, Solomon, My child, it was upon

\J/D%fj (IOD TOD OlKoSojlfjaai OIKOV TOO OVOJiaTl KDpiOD

my soul to build a house to the name of [the] LORD


my God. And [ came unto me [the] word [of the] LORD],

Aiyoov aijia sic; 7iAxj0oc; s^s%sac; Kai 7ioA,s|iodc;

saying, [blood in multitude You poured out], and [wars

jisydXoDc; S7iorr|aa(; odk oiKo5ojifjasic; oikov tod

great you made]; you shall not build a house [to]

ovojiaTi jiod 6ti aijiaTa noXka s^s%sac; S7i( tt|c; yrjq

my name, for [ blood much you poured out] upon the earth

svavTiov |iod 9+ i8od vioq TiKxexai aoi odxoc; soxai

before me. Behold, a son is born to you, this one will be

avfjp ava7iaDasooc; Kai ava7iaDaoa aDxov arco 7idvxoov

a man of rest; and I will rest him from all

todv s%0pobv aDTOD kdkA,60sv 6ti SoXojioqv

his enemies round about. For Solomon


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ovojia olvtov Kai eipfjvrjv Kai rjaDxiav 5cbaco £7U

[is] his name, and peace and rest I shall appoint over

IapafjX sv xaic; rjjispaic; aDxoD 10+ odxoc; oiKo5o|xqasi

Israel in his days. This one shall build

oikov too ovojiaxi jiod Kai odxoc; saxai jioi sic; diov

a house [to] my name, and this one shall be to me as a son,

Kaycb saojiai aDxcb sic; 7caxspa Kai sxoijidaco xov

and I will be to him for father, and I will prepare the

Bpovov Tr\q PaaiXeiac; aDxoD sv IopafjX scoc; aicbvoc; 11 +

throne of his kingdom in Israel unto [the] eon.

Kai VDV DIS |IOD sir) jisxd aoi) Kopioc; Kai

And now, O my son, may [ be with you [the] LORD]; and

KaxsDGDVsic; Kai oiKo8o|if|asic; oikov Kopico

you shall prosper, and shall build a house [to the] LORD

xco Gscb aoi) coc; s^dAxjas 7cspi ood 12 + 7cAx|v 5cor|

your God, as he said concerning you. Only may [ give

aoi Kupioq aocpiav Kai cjdvscjiv Kai Kaxia%Daai as

to you [the] LORD] wisdom and understanding, and strengthen you

S7Ti IapafjX xod (fjuXdaoeaBai Kai xod 7coisiv xov

over Israel, to guard and to observe the

vojiov Kopioi) xod 0sod ctod n + xoxs SDo5co0f|or| sdv

law of [the] LORD your God. Then the way shall prosper, if

(pvXat^q xod 7iois(v xa 7ipooxdy|iaxa Kai xa Kpijiaxa

you should guard to observe the orders and the judgments

a svsxsi^axo Kopioc; xco Moyoafj em xov lapar\k

which [the] LORD gave charge [to] Moses for Israel.

av8p(^OD Kai (ct%ds |ir| 90P0D |ir|8s 8siAia u+ Kai

Be manly and be strong! Fear not nor be timid! And

i8od eycb Kaxd xrjv 7cxco%siav jiod rjxoijiaaa sic; xov

behold, I according to my poorness prepared for the

oikov KDpioD xpDcrioD xa^dvxcov SKaxov %iAid8ac;

house of [the] LORD — gold [ talents of a hundred thousand],

Kai apyopioD xaXdvxcov %ikiaq %ikid6aq Kai %aA,Kov

and silver [ of talents of a thousand thousand], and brass,

Kai aiSrjpov od odk saxi axaGjioq 6xi sic;

and iron of which there is no [counting the] weight, for [ in

7iAx|0oc; saxi Kai ^6A,a Kai XiGodc; rjxoijiaaa Kai

multitude it is]. And wood and stones I prepared. And

npoadsq S7i xaDxa 15+ Kai jisxd aoD sic; nkr\doq

you add unto these [things] ! And with you in multitude

7coioDvxcov spy a xs%v(xai Xaxojioi Ai0cov Kai

doing [the] works] [are] craftsmen, quarriers of stones, and


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xskxovsc; ^dXcov Kai itaq aocpoq sv 7iavTi spyco i 6 + sv

fabricators of wood, and every wise one for every work; in

Xpvam Kai apyopico sv xaAxcb Kai sv aiSfjpco oiq

gold and silver, in brass and in iron in which

odk saxiv apiGjioc; avdaxrjGi Kai 7io(si Kai Kopioc;

[there] is no number. Rise up and act and [the] LORD

jisxd aoi) 17+ Kai svsxsiXaxo AaDi8 7idoi xoic;

[be] with you! And David gave charge to all the

dp%oi)aiv IapafjA, avxiA^PsaGai xco SoXojicbvxi

rulers of Israel to assist Solomon

dico avTOV Aiycov i 8 + ov%i Kupioq |is0' djicov Kai

his son, saying, Is not [the] LORD with you? And

avs7iai)asv Djidc; kdkX60sv 6xi 7iaps8coKsv sv %£ipi jiod

he will give you rest round about, for he delivered up into my hand
Tovq KaxoiKODVxac; xrjv yrjv Kai D7isxdyr| r| yr|

the ones dwelling the land, and [ [is] submitted the land]

svavxiov Kopioi) Kai svavxiov Xaov aDxoD 19+ vdv

before [the] LORD, and before his people. Now

86xs xac; KapSiaq djicov Kai xac; \|/D%dc; Djicbv

give your hearts and your souls

xod ^rjxfjaai KDpico xco 0scb djicov Kai avdaxrjxs Kai

to seek [the] LORD your God! And arise and

oiKoSojxfjaaxs xo ayiaajia xco KDpico xco 6scb djicov

build the sanctuary to the LORD, [to] your God!

xod siasvsyKsiv xrjv kiPcoxov Sia6f|Kr|c; KDpioD Kai

to carry in the ark of [the] covenant of [the] LORD, and

xa oksdt] xa dyia xod 6sod sic; xov oikov

[ items the holy] of God, into the house


being built to the name of [the] LORD.

23 3D

1+ Kai AaDi8 7ipsoPDxspoc; Kai 7rAr|pr|c; r||ispcbv Kai

And David [was] older and full of days. And

sPaoiXsDas EoA,o(icovxa xovDiovaDxoD av0' aDxoD

[ took reign Solomon his son] instead of him

S7U IapafjA, 2+ Kai aDvfjyays rcdvxac; xodc; dpxovxac;

over Israel. And he brought together all the rulers

IapafjA, Kai xodc; ispsiq Kai xodc; AsDixac; 3+ Kai

of Israel, and the priests, and the Levites. And

r|pi6|ir|aav 01 AsDixai arco xpiaKovxasxotic; Kai S7idvco

[ were counted the Levites] from thirty years old and up.

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Kai sysvsxo o apiBjioc; aDxcbv Kaxd KscpaAxjv aDxcbv

And [ was the number of them] according to their head [count]

sic; dvSpac; xpidKovxa Kai okxco %ikid6aq 4 + goto

of males ~ thirty and eight thousand. Of

xodxcov spyo8icbKxai sm xa spya xod oikod KopioD

these [were] foremen over the works of the house of [the] LORD —

sixoaixsaaapsc; %iAid8sc; Kai ypajijiaxsic; Kai Kpixai

twenty-four thousand; and scribes and judges ~

s^aKia%iAioi 5 + Kai xsoaapsc; %ikiadEq nvXcnpoi Kai

six thousand; and four thousand gatekeepers; and

xsoaapsc; %ikiadsq aivowcsc; xco KDpico sv

four thousand praising the LORD with

xoic; opydvoiq oiq S7iovr|as xod aivsiv xco Kupico 6 + Kai

instruments, which made praise to the LORD. And

8is(A,sv avTOvq Aavid scpr||isp(ac; xoic; vioiq Asdi xco

[ divided them David] into daily rotations to the sons of Levi ~ [to]

rspacbv KdaG Kai Mspapi ?+ Kai xco Tspacbv

Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. And to the [family] of Gershon ~

Aaa8dv Kai Ssjissi 8+ dioi xco Aaa8d|i o dp%cov

Ladan and Shimei. [The] sons [to] Ladan ~ the ruler

IsifjA, Kai ZrjGdv Kai IcofjX xpsic; 9 + dioi Xsjissi

Jehiel, and Zetham, and Joel — three. [The] sons of Shimei —

EaAxojiiG Kai Ofyr\k Kai Apdv xpsic; odxoi dp%ovxsc;

Shelomith, and Haziel, and Haran ~ three. These [were] rulers

xcov 7iaxpicbv xcovAaa8dv io+ Kai vioiq Ssjissi Iss0

of the families of Ladan. And sons of Shimei— Jahath,

Kai Zi^d Kai Icodc; Kai Bspia odxoi dioi Ssjisei

and Zizah, and Jeush, and Beriah. These [are] sons of Shimei —

xsaaapsc; n+ Kai try IssG o dp%cov Kai Zi^d o

four. And Jahath was the ruler, and Zizah the

SsDxspoc; Kai Icodq Kai Bspia odk s7iAx|0Dvav viovq

second. And Jeush and Beriah did not multiply sons;

Kai sysvf|6r|aav sic; oikov 7iaxpidc; sic; S7riaKs\j/iv

and they were [assigned] for [the] house of [the] family for numbering

jiiav 12+ moi Kad6 A|ipd|i Ioadp XsPpcbv O^vqX

[as] one. [The] sons of Kohath — Amram, Izhar, Hebron, Uzziel ~

xsoaapsc; u+ moi Ajipdji Aapcbv Kai McoDafjc; Kai

four. [The] sons of Amram ~ Aaron and Moses. And

8isaxdAr| Aapcbv xod ayiaa0f|vai dyiov ayicov avzoq

Aaron was separated to sanctify [the] holy of holies, he

Kai moi aDxoD scoc; aicovoc; xod GDjiidv svavxiov xod

and his sons unto [the] eon, to burn incense before the


23 30


13-1 Chronicles
KDpiOD TOD XsiTODpySlV aDTCO Kai S7T8T3x8a0ai 8711

LORD, to officiate to him, and to invoke upon

to ovojiocxi (xdtoi) ecoc; aicovoc; 14+ Kai MoQDafjc;

his name unto [the] eon. And [as far as] Moses

&amp;V0p&lt;D7lOC; TOD 0SOD DIOI (XDTOD SKXfjGrjaaV 8711 TT\q

[the] man of God, his sons [were] called unto the

(pDAxjv tod Asdi 15+ dioi McDDafj rr|pad|i Kai

tribe of Levi. [The] sons of Moses — Gershom and

EAis^sp i6+ dioi rr|pad|i EoDPvfjX o dp%cov n+ Kai

Eliezer. [The] sons of Gershom — Shebuel the ruler. And

fjaav dioi to EAae^ep Papia o dp%cov Kai odk fjaav

there were sons to Eliezer — Rehabiah the ruler. But there were no

too EXis^sp dioi STspoi Kai oi dioi Papia r|D^f|6r|aav

[ sons to Eliezer other]. And the sons of Rehabiah increased

eic; v\\foq is+ dioi Iaadap £aAxja|ifj9 o dp%cov 19 +

in stature. [The] sons oflzhar— Shelomith the ruler.

dioi XePpcov Ispid o dp%cov Ajiapia o SeDTepoc;

[The] sons of Hebron ~ Jeriah the ruler, Amariah the second,

IaQr\k o TpiToq IaKajiiaq o TSTapTog 20+ dioi OQx\k

Jahaziel the third, Jekameam the fourth. [The] sons of Uzziel ~

Mi%dc; o dp%cov Kai Icoaeiac; o 8eDTepoc; 21+ dioi

Michah the ruler, and Jesiah the second. [The] sons

Mspapi MooAi Kai Modcjsi dioi MooAi EXed^ap

of Merari ~ Mahli and Mushi. [The] sons of Mahli ~ Eleazar

Kai Kiq 22+ Kai a7i86av8v E^ed^ap Kai odk fjaav

and Kish. And Eleazar died, and there were no

aDTcb dioi aXk' r| GDyaTspsq Kai zkafiov avzaq dioi

sons to him, but only daughters. And [ took them [the] sons

Kiq a8eAxpoi aDTcbv 23 + dioi Modcjsi MooAi Kai E8sp

of Kish their brethren]. [The] sons of Mushi— Mahli, and Eder,

Kai IapsijicbG Tpsiq 24+ odtoi dioi Asvi kolt'

and Jeremoth — three. These [were] [the] sons of Levi according to

oikodc; 7iaTpicbv aDTcbv dpxovTsq tcov 7iaTpicbv aDTCOV

[the] houses of their families; rulers of their families

KaTd ttjv S7i(aK8\j/iv aDTcbv KaTd tov apiGjiov

according to their numbering, according to the number

ovojidTCOv aDTcbv KaTd KscpaAxjv aDTcbv ttoiodvtsc; Ta

of their names, according to their head [count], [the] ones doing the

spya Tr\q Xsuovpyiaq oikod kdpiod anb

works of the ministration of [the] house of [the] LORD, from

eiKoaaeTODc; Kai 87idvco 25 + 6ti 8i7is AaDi8 KaTS7iaDas

twenty years and up. For David said, [ rested


23 30

8V TOUT© + VlKa

13-1 Chronicles

Kopioc; o Gsoq IapafjX xco Xaco aDxoD Kai

[The] LORD God of Israel] his people, and

KaxsaKqvcoasv ev IspoDaaAx||i scoc; aicbvoc; 2 6 + Kai ys

encamped in Jerusalem unto [the] eon. And also

xoic; AsDixai odk saxiv aipsiv xrjv aKTjvfjv Kai rcdvxa

to the Levites it is not to lift the tent, nor any

xa aKstirj auxfjc; sic; xrjv XsixoDpyiav avir\q n + 0X1 sv

of its items for its ministration. For in

xoic; Xoyoig Aai)(8 xoic; sa%dxoic; saxiv o apiGjioq xcov

the [words of David last] [was] the number of the

mcbv Asdi anb siKoaasxoDc; Kai S7idvco 28+ 6xi

sons of Levi from twenty years and up. For

saxrjasv auxotic; sm %sipa xcov dicov Aapcbv

he established them for [the] hand of the sons of Aaron,

xod A,sixoDpys(v sv oikco Kupioi) 87ii xac; avXdq Kai

to officiate in [the] house of [the] LORD, over the courtyards, and

87i( xa 7iaaxocp6pia Kai S7i( xov KaGapiajiov 7idvxcov

over the cubicles, and over the cleansing of all

xcov ayicov Kai S7ii xa spya xrjc; XsixoDpyiac; oikod

the holy [things], and over the works of the ministration of [the] house

xod 08OD 29+ Kai sic; xodc; dpxoDc; xrjc; 7rpo6soscoc; Kai

of God; and for the bread loaves of the place setting, and

sic; xrjv as[ddahv xrjc; dvaiaq Kai sic; xa Axxyava

for the fine flour of the sacrifice [offering], and for the [cakes

xa d^Djia Kai sic; xfjyavov Kai sic; xrjv 7rscpi)pa(isvr|v

unleavened], and for [the] frying pan, and for the mixture,

Kai sic; 7iav jisxpov 3 o + Kai xod axfjvai 7ipcoi

and for every measure; and to stand [in the] morning

xod aivsiv Kai s^ojioXoysiaGai xco Kopico Kai odxco

to praise and to make acknowledgement to the LORD, and so

xo sa7rspac; 31+ Kai S7U 7idvxcov xcov avacpspojisvcov

the evening; and upon all the offerings

oXoKaDxcojidxcov xco Kopico sv xoic; aappdxoiq Kai sv

of whole burnt-offerings to the LORD on the Sabbaths, and on

xaic; voDjirjviaic; Kai sv xaic; sopxak; Kaxd apiGjiov

the new moons, and on the holidays, according to number,

Kaxd xrjv Kpioiv S7i' aDxoiq 5ia7iavx6c; svcb7iiov

according to the ordinance upon them, always before

KDpico 32+ Kai tpDAxx^oDai xac; cpDlaKdc; xrjc; aKTjvfjc;

[the] LORD; and they shall guard the watches of the tent

xod jiapxDpioD Kai xrjv (pvXaKr\v xod ayioD Kai xac;

of the testimony, and the watch of the holy [place], and the


24 73

8V TOUT© + VlKa

13-1 Chronicles

(pvXaKaq tcov mcbv Aapcbv tcov aSsAxpcbv aDTcbv

watches of the sons of Aaron their brethren,

tod XsvcoDpysiv SV OIKCO KDpiOD

to officiate in [the] house of [the] LORD.

24 73

i+ rai xcov mcbv Aapcbv Siaipsasic; dioi Aapcbv

And [ of the sons of Aaron [the] divisions]. [The] sons of Aaron —

Na5dp Kai APiod E^sd^ap Kai IGdjiap 2 + Kai

Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. And

a7i80av8 Na8dp Kai APiod svavriov tod nazpoq aDTcbv

[ died Nadab and Abihu] before their father,

Kai dioi ODKfjoav aDTOiq Kai ispdTSDasv EXsd^ap

and [ sons there were no] to them. And [ officiated as priest Eleazar

Kai IGdjiap dioi Aapcbv 3+ Kai 8is(A,sv aDTODc; AaDi8

and Ithamar [the] sons of Aaron]. And [divided them David],

Kai Ea8cbK sk tcov dicov E^sd^ap Kai A%i|isA,s% 8k

even Zadok of the sons of Eleazar, and Ahimelech of

tcov dicov IGdjiap KaTd tt|v S7uaKs\j/iv aDTcbv KaTd

the sons of Ithamar according to their numbering, according to

ttjv A^siTODpyiav aDTcbv 4 + Kai SDpsGrjaav dioi EA,sd^ap

their ministration. And [ were found sons of Eleazar

7tA£iodc; sic; dp%ovTac; tcov 5DvaTcbv 7iapd todc; diodc;

more] as rulers of the mighty ones than of the sons

I0d|iap Kai Sisi^sv aDTODc; toic; vioiq E^sd^ap sic;

of Ithamar. And he divided them to the sons of Eleazar for

dpxovTaq sic; oikodc; 7iaTpicbv SKKaiSsra Kai toic;

rulers for [the] houses of [the] families — sixteen. And to the

vioiq IGdjiap KaT' oikodc; 7iaTpicbv aDTcbv oktco 5 +

sons of Ithamar according to [the] houses of their families — eight.

Kai Sisi^sv aDTODCj sv KAxjpoic; todtodc; 7ipoc; todtodc;

And he divided them by lots, these with these.

6ti fjaav dpxovTsq tcov ayicov Kai dpxovTSc; tod 0sod

For they were rulers of the holies, and rulers of God

sv toic; vioiq EXsd^ap Kai sv toic; dioic; IGdjiap 6 +

among the sons of Eleazar, and among the sons of Ithamar.

Kai sypa\j/sv aDTODc; Sajisac; vioq NaBavafjA, o

And [ wrote them Shemaiah son of Nethaneel the

ypajijiaTSDc; sk tod Asdi KaTSvavnov tod PaaiXscoc;

scribe from Levi] before the king,

Kai tcov apxovTCOv Kai £a8coK tod ispsscoc; Kai

and the rulers, and Zadok ofthe priest, and


24 73
8V TOUT© + VtKCl

13-1 Chronicles

A%i|isA,sk vioq Api&amp;Gap Kai xcov ap%6vxcov xcov

Ahimelech son ofAbiathar, and the rulers of the

7iaxpicov xcov ispscov Kai xcov Aemxcov oikoc;

families of the priests and the Levites. [The] house

7taxpi&amp;c; sic; eic; xco EXed^ap Kai oikoc; 7iaxpidc; eic;

of [the] [ family one], one [to] Eleazar; and [the] house of [the] [ family one],

sic; xco IG&amp;jiap ?+ Kai e^fjAitev o KArjpoc; o 7tpcoxoc;

one [to] Ithamar. And [ came forth lot the first]

xco Icoapsip xco Is8e(a o 8ei3xepoc; s+xcoXapiji o

to Jehoiarib; to Jedaiah the second, to Harim the

xpixoc; xco Eecopeiji o xsxapxoq 9 + xco MsX%(a o

third, to Seorim the fourth, to Malchijah the

7is|i7rxoc; xco Mia|is(|i o SKxoq io+ xco Akkcoc; o epSojioc;

fifth, to Mijamin the sixth, to Hakkoz the seventh,

xco Apia o 6y8ooc; n+xcolaaoi) o ewaxoc; xco £s%ev(a

to Abijah the eighth, to Jeshua the ninth, to Shechaniah

o 8sKaxoq 12+ xco EAaaaotip o svSeraxoc; xco IaKsiji o

the tenth, to Eliashib the eleventh, to Jakim the

5co58Kaxoq n + xco Ocpcpd o xpiaKai8eKaxo&lt;; xco IoPadp

twelfth, to Huppah the thirteenth, to Jeshabeab

o xsaaapeaKaiSsKaxoq u + xco Bskya o 7revxsKai8eKaxoc;

the fourteenth, to Bilgah the fifteenth,

xco E|i(if|p o SKKaiSsKaxoc; i 5 + xco Xrj^sip o

to Immer the sixteenth, to Hezir the

£7rxaKai58Kaxoc; xco Acpsasi o OKxcoKaiSeraxoc; i6+

seventeenth, to Apses the eighteenth,

xco OaGia o sweaKaiSsKaxoc; xco I^SKifjX o sikocjxoc;

to Pethahiah the nineteenth, to Jehezekel the twentieth,

17+ xco Ia%s(|i o 7rpcbxoc; Kai eixoaxoc; xco rajioi)A, o

to Jachin the first and twentieth, to Gamul the

Setixspoc; Kai sikoctxoc; ls+xcoAaXa'ia o xpixoc; Kai

second and twentieth, to Delaiah the third and

eiKoaxoc; xco Moo^ia o xexapxoc; Kai eiKooxoc; 19+ ai3xr|

twentieth, to Maaziah the fourth and twentieth. This [is]

T| s7uaKe\j/ic; auxcbv Kaxd xrjv XeixoDpyiav auxcov

their numbering according to their ministration,

xod 8ia7iop8T38a0ai eic; oikov Kopioi) Kaxd

to enter into [the] house of [the] LORD, according to

xrjv Kpioiv auxcbv 8id %sipoc; Aapcbv xod rcaxpoc; auxcov

their ordinance, by [the] hand of Aaron their father,


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13-1 Chronicles

KaGcbq evsTSiAmo Kopioc; o Bsoq IopafjX 20 + Kai xoiq

as [ gave charge [the] LORD God of Israel]. And to the

vioiq Aem TOiq KaTaXoi7roic; toic; vioiq Ajipdji

sons of Levi remaining; to the sons ofAmram —

EoDPafjA, toic; vioiq SoDPafjX Ia8aia 21 + too Papia toic;

Shubael; to the sons of Shubael — Jehdeiah; to Rehabiah, to the

vioq Papia o dp%oov Isaia 22 + Kai too Iadap Sa^ojiiG

sons of Rehabiah the ruler Iesshiah; and tolzhar— Shelomoth;

toic; vioiq £aAx)|ii0 Iad6 23+ toic; dioi Is58iod Ajiapia

to the sons of Shelomoth ~ Jahath; to the sons of Jeriah ~ Amariah

0 5si)T£poc; Ia^ifjX o xpvcoc; IaKajiiac; o Tsxapioq 24 +

the second, Jahaziel the third, Jekameam the fourth;

toic; vioiq Ofyf\k Mi%d toic; dioi Mi%d £e|i|if|p

to the sons of Uzziel — Michah; to the sons ofMichah— Shamir.

25+0 adzkipoq Mi%d laiaq toic; vioiq laiov

The brother ofMichah— Isshiah; to the son oflsshiah —

Zaxapiaq 26+ toic; dioi Mspapi MooAi Kai Modcti

Zechariah. To the sons of Merari ~ Mahli and Mushi;

dioi O^ia Bowi 2 ?+ dioi Mspapi too Io^iac;

[the] sons ofJaaziah— ofBeno. [The] sons of Merari to Jaaziah —

vioq avTOV Sodji Kai £aK%0Dp Kai Apapi 28 + too

his son, Shoham, and Zaccur, and Ibri. [To]

MooAi EXed^ap Kai odk fjaav aDTob dioi 29 + too Kic;

Mahli — Eleazar, and there were no sons to him. [To] Kish —

dioi tod Kic; IspajiefjA, 30+ dioi Modcji MooAi Kai

[the] sons of Kish— Jerahmeel. [The] sons of Mushi ~ Mahli, and

'E8ep Kai IipeijiobG odtoi dioi toov Asditoov KaT'

Eder, and Jerimoth. These [were] [the] sons of the Levites according to

oikodc; toov 7iaTpiobv aDTobv 31+ Kai sXaPov Kai aDTOi

[the] houses of their families. And they took also for themselves

KAxjpoDc; KaBobq 01 a8sAxpo( aDTobv dioi Aapobv

lots as their brethren [the] sons of Aaron

svavTiov tod AaDi8 tod PaaiAiooc; Kai SaSobK Kai

before David the king — even Zadok, and

A%i|isA£% Kai 01 dp%ovTSc; toov 7iaTpicbv toov ispsoov

Ahimelech, and the rulers of the families of the priests,

Kai toov Asditoov 7iaTpidpxai Apadp KaGobc;

and the Levites, patriarchs Araab as

01 a8eAxpo( aDTOD 01 vsobTspoi

[ brethren his younger].


25 TO


13-1 Chronicles

25 ns

i+ Kai saxrjas AaDiS o fiaaiksvq Kai oi dpxovxsc; xrjc;

And [ established David the king and the rulers of the

SDvdjiscoc; sic; xa spya xodc; viovq Aadcp Kai

force] for the works [some] of the sons of Asaph, and

Aijidv Kai I8i6odv xodc; a7iocp0syyo|isvoDc; sv

Heman, and Jeduthun, the ones declaring with

Kivtipaic; Kai sv vafiXaiq Kai sv KDjipdAmc; Kai

lutes, and with stringed instruments, and with cymbals. And

sysvsxo o apiBjioc; aDxcbv Kaxd KscpaArjv avSpcbv

[ was their number] according to [the] head [count] of men

xoov spya^ojisvcov sv xrj 8oi)Xsia ai)xcbv 2+ dioi

of the ones working in their service. [The] sons

Aadcp £aK%cn3p Kai Icoafjcp Kai NaGaviaq Kai EiprjAxx

of Asaph ~ Zaccur and Joseph, and Nethaniah, and Asarelah;

dioi Aadcp sxojisvoi Aadcp xod 7ipocpf|xoD sxojisvoi

[the] sons of Asaph being next to Asaph the prophet, being next to

xod PaaiAicoc; 3 + xco I5i0otjjli moi I5i0oi3ja ToSoMac;

the king. To Jeduthun - [the] sons of Jeduthun [were] Gedaliah,

Kai XoDpi Kai Iaata Kai Aaapia Kai MaxxaBiac; s^

and Zeri, and Jeshaiah, and Hashabiah, and Mattithiah — six,

jisxd xov 7iaxspa aDxcbv I5i0od|i sv Kivtipa

[along] with their father Jeduthun, [ with [the] lute

7ipocpr|xsDovxoc; s^ojioXoyrjaiv Kai aivsaiv xco Kopico 4 +

prophesying], in acknowledgment and praise to the LORD.

xco Aijidv moi Aijidv BoK%(ac; Kai MaxBaviaq Kai

To Heman — [the] sons of Heman ~ Bukkiah, and Mattaniah, and

Ofyf\k Kai EouPafjA, Kai IspijicbG Kai Avaviac; Kai

Uzziel, and Shebuel, and Jerimoth, and Hananiah, and

Avavi Kai Hkida Kai ro55oA,a0( Kai Pcoji|id0sis^sp

Hanani, and Eliathah, and Giddalti, and Romamti-ezer,

Kai IsaPoKaad Kai MaAMK Kai QGsip Kai Ma^icb0

and Joshbekashah, and Mallothi, and Hothir, and Mahazioth.

5+ 7idvxsc; odxoi moi xco Aijidv xod opcbvxoc; xco

All these [were] sons [to] Heman the seer to the

Paai^si sv Xoyoiq 0sod xod D\j/cbaai Kspac; Kai

king in words of God, to raise up high [the] horn. And

s8coksv o 0s6c; xco Aijidv diodc; xsaaapsaKa(8sKa Kai

God gave [to] Heman [ sons fourteen] and

0Dyaxspaq xpsic; 6+ ftdvxsc; odxoi jisxd

[daughters three]. All these with

xod rcaxpoc; aDxcbv d|ivco8odvxsc; sv oikco KopioD sv

their father singing hymns in [the] house of [the] LORD, with

25 TO

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

13-1 Chronicles

KDjipdAxnc; Kai ev vdpAxng Kai sv Kivtipaiq etc;

cymbals, and with stringed instruments, and with lutes, for

xrjv 8oi)A,8iav oikod tod GeoD s%6|i£va tod PaaiAiooc;

the service of [the] house of God, being next to the king,

Kai Aodcp Kai I8i6odji Kai Aijidv ? + Kai eyeveTO

even Asaph and Jeduthun and Heman. And [ was

0 apiGjioq aDTcbv jiSTd tcov aSsAxpcbv aDTcbv

number their] with their brethren,

8e8i5ay|i8voi d8eiv Kopico naq avvmv

[the] ones being taught to sing [to the] LORD, every one perceiving [singing] ~

SiaKoaioi oySofjKovTa Kai oktco 8 + Kai sfiakov

two hundred eighty and eight. And they threw

aDTOiq KAxjpoDc; scprjjiepicbv KaTd tov jiiKpov Kai

for themselves lots for [the] daily rotations, according to the small and

KaTd tov jieyav tsA,s(cdv Kai jiavGdvovToq 9 + Kai

according to the great, [the] ones perfected and [the] one learning. And

s^fjXGev o KArjpoc; o 7ipcbTOc; too Aadcp tod Icoafjcp

[ came forth lot the first] to Asaph of Joseph;

roSoAia o SeDTspoc; avzoq Kai oi a5eAxpoi aDTOD Kai

Gedeliah the second, he and his brethren and

dioi aDTOD 5cb5sKa io + o TpiToq ZaK^oDp avToq Kai

his sons — twelve. The third to Zaccur, he, and

01 a8sAxpo( aDTOD Kai dioi aDTOD 8cb8sKa n+ o

his brethren, and his sons — twelve. The

TSTapToq Isapi dioi aDTOD Kai oi aSeAxpoi aDTOD

fourth to Izri, his sons and his brethren ~

8cb88Ka 12+0 7ts|I7i;toc; NaGaviac; dioi aDTOD Kai

twelve. The fifth to Nethaniah, his sons and

oi aSeAxpoi aDTOD 8cb8eKa u + o sktoc; BoK%iac;

his brethren — twelve. The sixth to Bukkiah

dioi aDTOD Kai oi aSsAxpoi aDTOD 8cb8sKa w + o

his sons and his brethren ~ twelve. The

spSojioq IaaapeAxx dioi aDTOD Kai oi a8sAxpoi aDTOD

seventh to Jesharelah, his sons and his brethren —

5cb8sKa i5+o 6y8ooc; Iaaia dioi aDTOD Kai

twelve. The eighth to Jeshaiah, his sons and

oi aSsAxpoi aDTOD 8cb8eKa i 6 + o ewaTOc; MaT0av(ac;

his brethren — twelve. The ninth to Mattaniah,

dioi aDTOD Kai oi a8sAxpo( aDTOD 5cb8sKa n+ o SeraTOc;

his sons and his brethren — twelve. The tenth


25 TO

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

13-1 Chronicles

Eejiaiei moi outou Kai oi aSsAxpoi auxou 8cb8sKa is+ o

Shimei, his sons and his brethren — twelve. The

evSeraxoc; AapifjX moi auxoi) Kai oi aSeAxpoi auxou

eleventh to Azareel, his sons and his brethren —

8cb88Ka i9 +o ScoSeKaxoq Aaapia moi outou Kai

twelve. The twelfth to Hashabiah his sons and

oi a8eAxpo( auxoi) 8cb8eKa 20 +0 xpiaKaiSeraxoc;

his brethren — twelve. The thirteenth

EoDPifjX moi auxoi) Kai 01 aSeAxpoi auxoi) 8cb8sKa 21 +

to Shubael, his sons and his brethren ~ twelve.

0 xsaoapsaKaiSeKaxog MaxBiaq dioi auxou Kai

The fourteenth to Mattithiah, his sons and

01 a8sAxpo( auxoi3 8cb88Ka 22+0 7isvxsKai88Kaxoc;

his brethren — twelve. The fifteenth

lspi|ioi)0 moi auxou Kai 01 aSsAxpoi auxou 8cb8sKa 23 +

to Jeremoth, his sons and his brethren ~ twelve.

0 eKKaiSsKaxoc; Avaviac; moi auxoi) Kai

The sixteenth to Hananiah, his sons and

01 aSeAxpoi auxoi) 8cb88Ka 24 +0 S7rxaKai5sKaxoc;

his brethren — twelve. The seventeenth

IsaPoKaad moi auxou Kai 01 aSsAxpoi auxoi) 5cb5eKa 25 +

to Joshbekashah, his sons and his brethren — twelve.

0 OKxcoKaiSeKaxoq Avavi moi auxou Kai

The eighteenth to Hanani, his sons and

01 a8eAxpo( auxoi3 8cb88Ka 2 6 + o swsaKaiSeKaxoq

his brethren — twelve. The nineteenth

MaAAx|0i moi auxoi) Kai 01 aSsAxpoi auxoi) 8cb5sKa 27 +

to Mallothi, his sons and his brethren — twelve.

0 eiKoaxoc; HAia0a moi auxoi) Kai 01 a8sAxpo( auxoi)

The twentieth to Eliatha, his sons and his brethren —

ScbSeKa 28+0 siKoaxoq 7ipcbxoc; QGsip moi auxoi) Kai

twelve. The twentieth [and] first to Hothir, his sons and

01 aSeAxpoi auxoi3 8cb8eKa 29+0 siKoaxoq Ss^xepoq

his brethren — twelve. The twentieth [and] second

ro8oAxx0( moi amox&gt; Kai 01 aSsAxpoi auxou 8cb8eKa 30 +

to Giddalti, his sons and his brethren — twelve.

0 sikocjxoc; xpixoq Ma^icbG moi auxou Kai

The twentieth [and] third to Mahazioth, his sons and

01 aSeAxpoi auxoi3 8cb8eKa 31+0 siKoaxoq xsxapxoc;

his brethren — twelve. The twentieth [and] fourth


26 ID


13-1 Chronicles

PajiaGie^sp dioi aDxoD Kai 01 aSsAxpoi aDxoD 8cb8eKa

to Romamti-ezer, his sons and his brethren ~ twelve.

26 12

i+ etc; Siaipeoeic; xoov itvXcbv xoic; Kopioiq Msas^sjiiaq

For [the] divisions of the gates to the of Korhites — Meshelemiah

vioq Kcops 8K xoov Dicbv Aadcp 2 + Kai xco Msas^sjiia

son ofKore of the sons of Asaph. And to Meshelemiah

dioi Zaxapiaq o 7ipoox6xoKoc; Ia8if|A, o 8sDxepoc;

sons Zechariah the first-born, Jediael the second,

ZaPaSiac; o xpixoc; IaBavafjA, o xsxapxoc; 3+ AiAxxji o

Zebadiah the third, Jathniel the fourth, Elam the

7ie|i7rxoc; IoovaGdv o skxoc; EAioova'i o epSojioc; 4 + Kai

fifth, Jehohanan the sixth, Elioenai the seventh. And

too QpfjS E8cb|i dioi Eajieac; o 7ipoox6xoKoc; Ico^apdS

to Obed Edom sons — Shemaiah the first-born, Jehozabad

o 8sDxspoc; Icod o xpixoc; £d%ap o xsxapxoc;

the second, Joah the third, Sacar the fourth,

NaGavafjX o 7i£|i7rxoc; 5+ A|iif|X o skxoc; Iaad%ap o

Nethaneel the fifth, Ammiel the sixth, Issachar the

spSojioq OeAAxxGi o 6y8ooc; 6x1 eDA,6yr|aev aDxov

seventh, Peulthai the eighth; for [ blessed him

0 Geoc; 6 + Kai tod Eajiea dicd aDxoD sxs%6r|aav dioi

God]. And to Shemaiah his son were born sons,

KaGsaxdjisvoi sv too oikoo tod rcaxpoc; aDxcbv 6x1

ones being ordained in the house of their father, for

SDvaxoi fjaav ia%Di 7 + dioi Sajisa O0v( Kai

they were mighty in strength. [The] sons of Shemaiah — Othni, and

PacpafjA, Kai Qpfj8 Kai E^apdS Kai aSsAxpoi aDxoD

Raphael, and Obed, and Elzabad, and his brothers [were]

dioi 5Dvaxoi EAiod Kai £a|ia%(a 8 + ftdvxsc; odxoi

[ sons mighty], Elihu, and Semachiah. All these

dioi Qpfj8 E8ob|i aDxoi Kai 01 dioi aDxcbv Kai

[were] sons of Obed Edom, they and their sons, and

01 aSeAxpoi aDxcbv 7ioiodvxsc; 5Dvaxcbc; sv xr| spyaaia

their brethren doing mightily in the work —

s^fjKovxa 8do xoo Qpfj8 E8ob|i 9+ Kai xoo Meoe^sjiia

sixty two [to] Obed Edom. And [to] Meshelemiah

dioi Kai aSeAxpoi SDvaxoi OKxooKai 8 8Ka 10+ Kai xoo

sons and brethren, mighty [men] — eighteen. And [to]


26 ID
8V TOUT© + VtKCl

13-1 Chronicles

Oad xcov mcbv Mepapi moi qroAxxaaovxec; xrjv

Hosah of the sons of Merari, [the] sons guarding the

ap%r\v on odkt|v 7ipcox6xoKoc; Kai S7io(r|asv auxov

office, but he was not [the] first-born, but [ made him

o 7iaTfjp olvtov dp%ovxa u+ Xshdaq o Setixepoc;

his father] ruler. Hilkiah the second,

TaPeAia o xpixoc; Za%ap(ac; o xsxapxoc; ndvTsq otixoi

Tebaliah the third, Zechariah the fourth. All these

moi Kai aSsAxpoi xco Oad xpiaKa(5sKa u + xouxoic; ai

sons and brethren to Hosah — thirteen. Among these were the

8iaipeaeic; xcov TivXfov xoic; dp%ouai xcov 8i)vaxcov

divisions of the gates, to the rulers of the mighty [men],

scprjjispiai KaGcoc; oi aSeAxpoi auxcov A,eixoDpye(v sv

in daily rotations as their brethren, to officiate in

oikco KDpioi) 13+ Kai sfioXov kAxipodc; Kaxd xov

[the] house of [the] LORD. And they threw lots for the

jiiKpov Kai Kaxd xov jisyav Kax' oikouc;

small and for the great, according to [the] houses

7iaxpicbv auxcbv sic; nvh]v Kai Ttvh\v u + Kai S7isasv o

of their families, for gate by gate. And [ fell the

KAxjpoc; xcov rcpoc; avaxoAxxc; xco SsXsjjia Kai

lot of the [gates] towards [the] east] to Shelemiah. And

Za%ap(a mco auxou PoiAsuxfjc; sv oDveaei sfiaXov

Zechariah his son, a counselor with skillfulness ~ they threw

kAxipodc; Kai e^qXGev olvtov o KArjpoc; Poppa i 5 +

lots; and [ came forth of his the lot] [for the] north [gate].

xco Qpfj5 E5cb|i Kaxd voxov Kai xoic; vioiq olvtov

[To] Obed Edom according to [the] south, and [to] his sons

Kaxevavxi oikod aaaqnji i6+ xco Qad npoq 8Da|ia(c;

over against [the] house of collections. [To] Hosah to [the] west

jisxd xrjc; Tivhr\q 7iaaxo(pop(oD sv xco xptpco xrjc;

with the gate [of the] cubicle by the road of the

avapdaecoc; (pvXoKr) Kaxevavxi (pvXoKT\q m+ npoq

ascent, watch against watch. Towards

avaxoldc; oi Xemxai xrjv rjjiepav 7ipoq poppdv

[the] east, the six Levites for the day, towards [the] north —

xsaaapec; xrjv rjjispav npoq voxov Kai xoic; aaaqnji

four for the day; towards [the] south and to the collections

dvo dvo sic; Sia8e%o|ievou(; 18+ Kai 7ipoc; 5i)a|iak;

two [by] two for relieving; and towards [the] west —

xeoaapsc; Kai eic; xov xptpov 8t3o 6vo 8ia8s%6|isvouc;

four; and at the road two [by] two relieving.


26 ID

8V TOUT© + VlKa

13-1 Chronicles

19+ ai3xai ai Siaipeaeic; tcov 7CDAxx&gt;pcbv xoxq vioiq Kops

These [are] the divisions of the gatekeepers for the sons of Kore,

Kai Toiq vioiq Mepapi 20 + Kai oi Aemxai

and the sons ofMerari. And the Levites

oi a8sAxpo( aDxcbv sni tcov GrjaaDpcbv oikod

of their brethren [were] over the treasures of [the] house

Ki)p(oi) Kai S7Ti xcov GrjaaDpcbv tcdv ayicov 21+ DIOl

of [the] LORD, and over the treasures of the holy [things]. [The] sons

Aaa5dv men rrjpacbv tco Aaa8dv dp%ovTSc; tcov

ofLaadan, [the] sons to Gershon — to Laadan, rulers of the

7iaTpicbv tcov Aaa8dv tco rrjpacbv Isir\k 22 + dioi

families of Ladan — [to] Gershon ~ Jehieli. [The] sons

IsifjA, ZrjGdv Kai IcofjA, 01 aSeAxpoi avzov S7i(

of Jehieli — Zetham, and Joel his brother, [who were] over

tcov GrjaaDpcbv oikod KopioD 23+ tco Ajipdv Kai

the treasures of [the] house of [the] LORD. [To] Amram, and

Iaad Kai XsPpcbv Kai Ofyr\k 24+ Kai ScoPifjA, o tod

Izhar, and Hebron, and Uzziel. And Shebuel the [son of]

rr|pad|i o tod McoDafj rjyoDjisvoc; S7i( tcov

Gershom, the [son] of Moses, [was] leading over the

GrjaaDpcbv 25 + Kai tco a8sAxpcb aDTOD EAas^sp Paapta

treasures. And [to] his brother Eliezer — Rehabiah

vioq aDTOD Kai Icoarjs vioq avzov Kai Icopdji

his son, and Jeshaiah his son, and Joram

vioq aDTOD Kai Zs%pi dioc; aDTOD Kai SaXajiiG

his son, and Zichri his son, and Shelomith

dioc; aDTOD 26 + aDToq SaXcojiiB Kai 01 aSsAxpoi aDTOD

his son. He, Shelomith and his brethren

87i( 7idvTC0v tcov GrjaaDpcbv tcov ayicov odc; rjyiaae

[were] over all the treasures of the holies, which [ sanctified

AaDi5 o PaaiA^Dc; Kai 01 dp%ovTSc; tcov 7iaTpicbv

David the king], and the rulers of the families —

XiAiapxoi Kai sraTOVTapxoi Kai ap%r|yoi ttjc^

commanders of thousands, and commanders of hundreds, and chiefs of the

8Dvd|i£coc; 27+ a skafiov sk 7t6A,scov Kai sk tcov

force, which they took from out of [the] cities, and from the

AxxcpDpcov Kai rjyiaasv an aDTcbv tod jirj

bounty. And he sanctified of them, [so as] to not

Ka0D&lt;xc£pf|aai tt|v oiko8o|it|v tod oikod KopioD 28 +

be late in the construction of the house of [the] LORD;

Kai S7i( 7cdvTC0v tcov ayicov tod 0sod 60a rjyiaae

and upon all the holy [things] of God as much as was sanctified


26 ID

8V TOUT© + VtKd

13-1 Chronicles

SajioDfjA, o opcbv Kai Zaovk o tod Kk; Kai

by Samuel the seer, and Saul the [son of] Kish, and

Apswfjp o tod Nrjp Kai Icodp o tod SapoDia Kai

Abner the [son of] Ner, and Joab the [son of] Zeruiah, and

itaq o ayid^cov 5id x^ipoq EaAxDjiiG Kai

all being sanctified through [the] hand of Shelomith and

tcov a8sAxpcbv aDTOD 29 + too Iaaaapi Xovovia Kai

his brethren. To the Izharites — Chenaniah and

dioi aDTOD siq to spyov rr|c; spyaoiac; tt|c; s^co S7U

his sons [were] for the work of the effort of the outside over

tov IopafjA, tod ypajijiaTSDSiv Kai 8iaKp(vsiv 30 + too

Israel, to act as scribe and to litigate. To the

XsPpcovi Aaaptaq Kai 01 a8sAxpo( aDTOD dioi

Hebronites — Hashabiah and his brethren, sons

8Dvd|i£coc; %ikioi Kai S7iTaK6aioi 01 S7U Tr\q

of power, a thousand and seven hundred, [were] the ones over the

S7iiaKs\j/scoc; tod IapafjX rcspav tod IopSdvoD npoq

reviewing of Israel on the other side of the Jordan to

5Da|ia(c; sic; 7idaav XsrcoDpyiav KopioD Kai spyaaiav

[the] west, for every ministration of [the] LORD, and work

tod PaaiAiooc; 31+ tod XsPpcovi Icopiac; o dp%cov

of the king. Of the Hebronites, Jerijah [was] the ruler

tcov Xsppcovi KaTd ysvsasic; aDTcbv Kai KaTd

of the Hebronites according to their generations, and according to

7iaTpidc; aDTCOv sv tco stsi tco TSoaapaKoaTcb Trjq

their families. In the [ year fortieth] of the

PaaiXeiac; AaDi8 S7isaKS7rr|aav Kai SDpsGrj avfjp

kingship of David they were numbered, and [ was found man

SDvaToq sv aDTOiq sv Ia^fjp rr|c; raXaa8m8oc; 32 +

[the] mighty] among them in Jazer of the Gileadite.

Kai 01 a8sAxpo( aDTOD dioi SDvaTOi 8ia%(Aioi

And his brethren [ sons [were] mighty] ~ two thousand


seven hundred rulers of the families. And [ placed

aDTODc; AaDi5 o fiaaikzvq S7i( tod PoDprjvi Kai

them David the king] over the Reubenites, and

ra85( Kai rijiiaoDq (pvXr\q Mavaaafj sic; 7idvTa Xoyov

Gadites, and [the] half tribe of Manasseh, for every matter

tod Gsod Kai Xoyov tod PaaiXscoq

of God, and matter of the king.


27 TD

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

13-1 Chronicles

27 T3

i + Kai oi Dioi IapafjX Kaxd apiGjiov aDxcov dpxovxsg

And the sons of Israel according to their number, rulers

xcov 7caxpicbv x i ^ a PX 01 Kai £Kax6vxap%oi Kai

of the families, commanders of thousands, and commanders of hundreds, and

ypajijiaxeiq oi XeixoDpyoDvxeq xco Paai^ei Kai siq

scribes, the ones officiating to the king, and in

7idvxa Xoyov xod PaaiAicoc; Kaxd Siaipeaeic; sic;

every matter of the king according to [their] divisions for


every matter entering and going forth

[ir\va sk ixqvoc; sic; 7idvxac; xodc; [ir\vaq xod sviaDxoD

month by month for all the months of the year —

Siaipeaic; (iia siKoai Kai xsaaapec; %ikiaSzq 2 + Kai

[ division one] [were] twenty and four thousand. And

8711 xrjc; Siaipeaecoc; xrjc; 7ipcoxr|c; xod jirjvoc;

over the [ division first] of the [ month

xod 7ipcoxoD IsaPodji o xod Zap5ifjA, Kai £7U

first] [was] Jashobeam the [son of] Zabdiel; and in

xrjc; 8iaipeaecoc; aDxoD siKoai Kai xsaaapsc; %ikiadsq

his division [were] twenty and four thousand.

3+ arco xcov dicov Odpec; dp%cov 7idvxcov xcov

From the sons of Perez ruler of all the

apxovxcov xrjc; 8Dvd|iecoc; xod jxrjvoc; xod 7ipcoxoD 4 + Kai

rulers of the force of the [month first]. And

87i( xrjc; Siaipeaecoc; xod [ir\voq xod SeDxspoD Aco5ai o

over the division of the [ month second] [was] Dodai the

A%co%s( Kai T| 8iaipsaic; aDxoD Kai MaKsAlcoG o

Ahohite, and of his division, and Mikloth [was] the

rjyoDjievoc; Kai em xrjc; Siaipeoecoc; aDxoD siKoai Kai

ruler; and in his division [were] twenty and

xsoaapec; %ikiadzq 5 + o dp%cov xrjc; SDvdjiscoq o xpixoq

four thousand. The [ ruler of the force third]

xco |ir|vi xco xpixco Baveac; o xod Ico8ae o ispsDc;

for the [ month third] [was] Benaiah the [son of] Jehoiada, the [ priest

o dpxcov Kai 87ii xrjc; Siaipsascoq aDxoD siKoai Kai

ruling]; and in his division [were] twenty and

xsaaapec; %\kiadzq 6 + aDxoq Baveac; o SDvaxcoxepoc;

four thousand. This Benaiah [was] mightier than

xcov xpidKovxa Kai em xcov xpidKovxa Kai S7ci

the thirty, and over the thirty; and over


27 TD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

13-1 Chronicles
Tr\q Siaipsascoc; avzov Ajisi^apdA, moc; auxoi) ? + o

his division [was] Ammizabad his son. The

xsxapxoc; sic; xov jifjva too xsxdpxco AoafjX o aSsAxpoc;

fourth for the [ month fourth] [was] Asahel the brother

Icodp Kai Zap5a(aq vioq ovtov Kai 01 a8sAxpo( ovtov

of Joab, and Zebadiah his son, and his brethren

O7i(aco ovtov Kai S7U Tr\q Siaipsascoc; ovtov siKoai Kai

after him; and in his division [were] twenty and

xsaaapsc; %iAad8sc; s + o ns^imoq xco |xqvi icq 7is|i7rxco

four thousand. The fifth for the [month fifth],

o dp%cov EajiacbG o Istpd Kai S7U

the ruler [was] Shamhuth the Izrahite; and in

Tr\q Siaipsascog olvtov siKoai Kai xsaaapsg %iAid8sc; 9 +

his division [were] twenty and four thousand.


The sixth for the [ month sixth] [was] Ira son of Ikkesh the

0skoitt|(; Kai 87ii xrjc; Siaipsascoc; olvtov siKoai Kai

Tekoite; and in his division [were] twenty and

xsoaapsc; xikiodsq 10+0 sPSojioc; xco |ir|vi xco sp56|ico

four thousand. The seventh [ruler] for the [ month seventh]

XeAAxjc; o OaAlcovi arco xcov mcov Ecppaiji Kai S7it

[was] Helez the Pelonite, from the sons of Ephraim; and in

xrjc; Siaipsascoc; ovtov siKoai Kai xsaaapsg %iAid5sc; n +

his division [were] twenty and four thousand.

o 67800c; xco |ir|v( xco oy86co £apa%ai o OvaoQi xco

The eighth [ruler] for the [ month eighth] [was] Sibbecai the Hushathite to the

ZapaiGrj Kai S7ri xrjc; Siaipsascoc; ovtov siKoai Kai

Zarhites; and in his division [were] twenty and

xsaaapsc; %iAad8sc; 12 +0 swaxoc; xco [ir\vi xco swdxco

four thousand. The ninth [ruler] for the [ month ninth]

Apis^sp o s^ Ava0co0 8K xrjc; Bsviajiiv Kai S7U

[was] Abiezer the one of Anathoth of the Benjamites; and in

xrjc; Siaipsascoc; ovtov eucoai Kai xsaaapsc; xiXidSsq 13 +

his division [were] twenty and four thousand.

o 5sKaxoq xco [ir\vi xco 5sKdxco Maapi o sk

The tenth [ruler] for the [ month tenth] [was] Maharai the one of

Nsxcotpa0i xco Zapdi Kai S7U xrjc; Siaipsascoc; ovtov

Netopha to the Zarhites; and in his division

siKoai Kai xsaaapsc; %iAid5sc; h+ o sv8sKaxoc; xco

[were] twenty and four thousand. The eleventh [ruler] for the

[ir\vi xco svSsKdxco Bavaiaq o sk OapaBcov sk xcov

[ month eleventh] [was] Benaiah the [one] of Piarathon, of the


27 TD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

13-1 Chronicles

dicov Etppaiji Kai em Tr\q Siaipsaecog aDxoD sikocti

sons of Ephraim; and in his division [were] twenty

Kai xeoaapec; xikiadzq i 5 + o 8co8eKaxoc; eic; xco |ir|v(

and four thousand. The twelfth [ruler] for the [ month

too 8oa5sK&amp;T&lt;D OAMu o NscpaGi xco Todovir\k Kai em

twelfth] [was] Heldai the Netophathite [to] Othniel; and in

Tr\q Siaipeaecoc; aDxoD sikocji Kai xsaaapsg %ikiddsq ie +

his division [were] twenty and four thousand.

Kai 87i( tcov cpD^cov IapafjX xco PoDpfjv rjyoDjievoc;

And over the tribes of Israel ~ [to] Reuben leading

EAae^sp vioq Zs%p( xco Sdjiscov Sacpaxiac; o tod

[was] Eliezer son of Zichri; [to] Simeon [was] Shephatiah the [son of]

Maa%d 17 + xco Aem Aaapia vioq Ka[iovr\k xco

Maachah; [to] Levi [was] Hashabiah son Kamuel; to

Aapcbv Ea8coK i 8 + xco IoD5a EAia xcov a5sAxpcov

Aaron [was] Zadok; [to] Judah [was] Elihu of the brethren

AamS xco Iaad%ap AjiPpi o xod Mi%afjA, 19+ xco

of David; [to] Issachar [was] Omri the [son of] Michael; [to]

ZaPouXcov Eajiaiaq o xod A(38iod xco NecpGaAi

Zebulun [was] Ishmaiah the [son of] Obadiah; [to] Naphtali

Ispi|ioD0 o xod E^rqA, 20+ xco Ecppaiji Qarjs o xod

[was] Jerimoth the [son of] Azriel; [to] Ephraim [was] Hoshea the [son of]

O^iod xco rjjjiaei (pvXr\q Mavaaofj IcofjA, vioq

Azaziah; to the half tribe ofManasseh [was] Joel son

OaSa'ioD 21+ xco rjjjioei (pvhf\q Mavaaofj xcov sv

ofPedaiah; to the half tribe ofManasseh of the ones in

yrj Takaad Ia88ai o xod Za%apfc&gt;D xoic; vioiq

[the] land of Gilead [was] Iddo the [son of] Zechariah; to the sons

Beviajjiv IaoifjA, o xod Apewfjp 22+ xco Aav AtpvqA,

of Benjamin [was] Jaasiel the [son] of Abner; [to] Dan [was] Azareel

o xod Iepodji odxoi 01 7iaxpidp%ai xcov cpDlcov

the [son of] Jeroham. These [were] the patriarchs of the tribes

IapafjX 23 + Kai odk eAxxPe AaDi8 xov api0|iov aDxcov

of Israel. And [ did not take David] their number

a7io siKoaaexoDc; Kai Kdxco 6x1 si7is Kupioq 7iAx|0Dvai

from twenty years and below, for [the] LORD spoke to multiply

xov IapafjA, coc; xodc; aaxepac; xod ODpavoD 24 + Kai

Israel as the stars of the heaven. And

Icodp o xod SapoDia fjp^axo apiBjisiv sv xco Xacb

Joab the [son of] Zeruiah began to count among the people,

Kai od aDvsxsXeos Kai eyevexo sv xodxco opyfj

and he did not complete it. And [ happened because of this anger


27 TD


13-1 Chronicles

8711 IapafjA, Kai od KaisxcopiaGrj o apiGjioq sv

against Israel]. And [ [was] not set down in writing the number] in

PiPAico Xoycov xcov r||ispcbv tod PaaiXscoc; Aam5 25 +

a scroll of [the] matters of the days of king David.

Kai S7Ti xcov BrjaaDpcov tod PaoiXscoc; Aa|ico6 o

And over the storehouses of the king [was] Azmaveth the

tod Q8ifjX Kai S7Ti tcov 0r|aaDpcbv tcov sv aypcb

[son] of Adiel. And over the storehouses in [the] country,

Kai sv Tmq 7c6A,sai Kai sv zaiq Kcojiaic; Kai sv toic;

and in the cities, and in the towns, and in the

S7coikiok; Kai sv toic; 7r6pyoic; IcoavdGav o tod

estates, and in the towers, [was] Jehonathan the son of

O^iod 26+ Kai S7U tcov yscopyoDVTCOv ttjv yrjv tcov

Uzziah. And over the ones cultivating the ground of the ones

spya^ojisvcov Etpai o tod XaAxroP 2 ? + Kai S7ri tcov

being worked [was] Ezri the [son of] Chelub. And over the
a|i7csXcbvcov Esjissi o PajiaGaioq Kai S7ri tcov

vineyards [was] Shimei the Ramathite. And over the

GrjaaDpcov tcov sv toic; %cop(oic; tod oivod Zap8( o

storehouses in the fields for the wine [was] Zabdi the

tod Sacpajii 28+ Kai S7ri tcov sAmcbvcov Kai S7t( tcov

one of Shiphmi. And over the olive groves and over the

oDKajiivcov sv TTj 7cs8ivf| BaAxxavdv o rsScopvcrjc; Kai

sycamine trees in the plain [was] Baal-hanan the Gederite. And

S7ci tcov GrjaaDpcov tod sAxxiod Icodc; 29+ Kai S7U

over the storehouses of the olive oil [was] Joash. And over

tcov Pocbv tcov vojidScov tcov sv tco Sapcbv SaTpai o

the oxen grazing in Sharon [was] Shitrai the

SapcoviTrjq Kai S7U tcov Pocbv tcov sv toic; aD^coai

Sharonite. And over the oxen in the canyons

EcocpdT vioq ASXai 30+ Kai S7ri tcov KajifjAxov QpiA, o

[was] Shaphat son Adlai. And over the camels [was] Obil the

Iajiar|AiTr|c; Kai S7U tcov ovcov IaS'iac; o sk

Ishmaelite. And over the donkeys [was] Jehdeiah the one of

MspaGcov 31+ Kai S7U tcov 7cpopdTC0v Ia^ o Ayapi

Merathon. And over the sheep [was] Jaziz the Hagerite.

7tdvTSc; odtoi dpxovTsq tcov D7capx6vTCOv AaDi8 tod

All these [were] rulers of the possessions of David the

PaaiXscoq 32+ Kai IcovdGav o 7caTpd8sAxpoc; AaDi8

king. And Jonathan the uncle of David

cjdiiPodXoc; dv6pco7i;oc; ctdvstoc; Kai ypajijiaTSDc; avzoq

[was] a counselor, [man a discerning], and ascribe himself;


28 rra
8V TOUT© + VtKCl

13-1 Chronicles

Kai IcofjX o tod A%a|iav( jisxd tcov mcbv tod

and Jehiel the one of the Hachmoni [was] with the sons of the

PaaiAicoc; 33+ Kai A%ix6(psX odjiPodXoc; tod fiaaikzcoq

king. And Ahithophel [was] counselor of the king.

Kai XoDai o 7ipcbTOc; (pikoq tod PaaiAicoc; 34+ Kai

And Hushai was [the] foremost friend of the king. And

jiSTd A%iTO(psA, s^ojisvoc; Icoa5e o tod BavsoD Kai

after Ahithophel next [was] Jehoiada the [son] of Benaiah, and

ApidGap Kai Icodp ap%iGTpdTr|yoc; tod PaaiAicoc;

Abiathar. And Joab [was] commander-in-chief for the king.

28 no

1 + Kai s^sKKAxjaiaas AaDi5 rcavTac; todc; dp%ovTac;

And David held an assembly of all the rulers

IapafjX dpxovTaq tcov cpDAxbv Kai todc; dpxovTac; tcov

of Israel, rulers of the tribes, and the rulers of the

5iaipeaecov tcov 8(pr||i8picbv tcov XsiTODpyowcac; tco

divisions of the daily rotations of the ones ministering to the

PaaiXei Kai todc; dp%ovTac; tcov %iAid5cov Kai tcov

king, and the rulers of the thousands, and of the

SKaTOVTd8cov Kai todc; yaCpcpvXaKaq Kai todc; em

hundreds, and of the keepers of the treasury, and of the ones over

tcov D7rap%6vTCOv aDTOD Kai 7idar|c; rr|c; Kcrjoecoc; tod

his possessions, and all the property of the

PaaiAicoc; Kai tcov dicov aDTOD aDV Toiq sdvodxoic; Kai

king, and of his sons, with the eunuchs, and

todc; 5DvdaTaq Kai todc; jia%r|Tdc; tt|c; crcpaTidc; sv

the mighty ones, and the warriors of the military in

IspoDaaAxjji 2+ Kai sarr| AaDi5 o Paai^sDc; sv jieaco

Jerusalem. And [ stood David the king] in [the] midst

Tr\q eKKAxjcriac; Kai sbisv aKODaaTS jiod a8sAxpo( jiod

of the assembly, and he said, Hear me my brethren,

Kai Xaoq jiod ejioi eysveTO 87ii KapSiav oiKo8o|if|oai

and my people! It came to me in heart to build

oikov ava7iaDaecoc; tt|c; kiPcotod SiaGfjKqc; KopioD

a house for a rest for the ark of [the] covenant of [the] LORD,

Kai oTdaiv tco D7ro7ro8ico tcov 7ro8cbv tod 0sod Kai

and a station to [be] the footstool of the feet of God. And

r|To(|iaaa Ta sic; tt|v oiKoSojifjv S7iiTf|5eia 3+ Kai

I prepared the [things] [ for the construction needful]. And

o Beoc; S17T8V odk oiKoSojxfjasic; ejioi oikov

God said, You shall not build to me a house


28 rra

8V TOUT© + VlKa

13-1 Chronicles

tod 87iovo|idaai to ovojid |iod S7i' aDTcb 6ti dvGpcoTroq

to name my name upon it, for [ a man

7ioXs|iiaTfjc; 8i &lt;xo Kai aijiaTa s^s%eac; 4 + Kai

of war you are], and [blood you poured out]. And

s^sA^aTO Kopioc; o Geoc; IapafjA, ev sjioi arco

[chose [the] LORD God of Israel] by me from out of

7iavTOc; tod oikod tod 7iaTp6c; jiod sivai PaaiAia S7i(

all the house of my father to be king over

IapafjA, sic; tov aicbva Kai ev Iod5(x rjpeTiKs to

Israel into the eon, and for Judah to take up the

Pacri^siov Kai oikod IoD8a tov oikov

crown; and of [the] house of Judah, the house

tod 7raTp6c; jiod Kai sv toic; vioiq tod nazpoq jiod sv

of my father. And among the sons of my father, in

sjioi rjGeAxjas tod yevsaGai |is PaaiAia em 7iavTi

me he wanted me to become king over all

too IapafjX


5 + Kai arco 7rdvTC0V tcov dicov |iod 6ti noXXovq viovq

And of all my sons, for [ many sons


gave to me [the] LORD], he chose Solomon my son

KaGiaai S7U BpovoD PaoiXeiac; KopioD £7U tov IapafjA,

to sit upon [the] throne of [the] kingdom of [the] LORD over Israel.

6+ Kai 81718 |IOl O08OC; XoAojiarv ODioqaoD

And [said tome God], Solomon your son

oiKo8o|ifja8i tov oikov jiod Kai Tag aDA.dc; jiod 6ti

shall build my house, and my courtyards; for

e^eA,8^d|ir|v sv aDTcb sivai jioi eic; diov Kaycb eaojiai

I chose in him to be to me for a son, and I will be

aDTcb eic; 7iaT8pa ?+ Kai KaTopGcbaco

to him for a father. And I will set up

ttjv Paai^siav aDTOD eooc; aicbvoq edv ia%Dar|

his kingdom unto [the] eon, if he should be strong

tod 7roi8iv Kai cpDAxxaaeaGai Tag svToA.dc; jiod Kai

to do and to guard my commandments, and

Ta KpijiaTd |iod coq r| rijispa aircr) 8 + Kai vdv

my judgments as [in] this day. And now

KaT' ocpBaXjioDc; rcavTOc; IapafjA, 7idar|c; eKKAxjaiac;

according to [the] eyes of all Israel of every assembly

KDpioD Kai sv coaiv 6sod r||icbv (pvXatpiTZ Kai

of [the] LORD, and in [the] ears of our God, guard and


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^rjxfjaaxs 7idaac; xac; svioXaq KopioD tod 0sod rjjicbv

seek all the commandments of [the] LORD our God!

iva KAx|povo|if|ar|xs xrjv yrjv xrjv ayaGfjv Kai

that you should inherit the [ land good], and

KaxaKXr|povo|ifiar|T8 aDxfjv xoic; DioigDjicbv |is9' Djidc;

should inherit it [to] your sons after you

scoc; aicbvoc; 9+ Kai vdv SoAxdjicov dis jiod yvco0i xov

unto [the] eon. And now, Solomon O my son, know the

6s6v xcov 7iaxspcov aoi) Kai 5odA,sdcjov aDxco ev

God of your fathers, and serve to him with

Kap5(a xs^sia Kai \|A)%fj 0sXoDar| 6xi naaaq Kap8(ac;

[ heart a perfect] and [ soul a willing] ! For [ of all hearts

s^sxd^si Kopioc; Kai 7iav sv0D|ir||ia 5iavoicbv

inquires diligently [the] LORD], and every idea of thoughts

yivcbcTKsi sdv ^rjxfjariq ai)xov SDps9fjasxai aoi Kai

he knows. If you should seek him, he will be found by you. And

sdv Kaxa^snj/rjc; ai)xov Kaxa^snj/si os sic; zskoq io +

if you should leave him, he shall leave you to [the] end.

(8s vdv oxi KDpioq rjpsxiKs as oiKo5o|if|aai aDxcb

Behold now! for [the] LORD has taken you to build for him

oikov sic; ayiaajia (cj%ds Kai 7io(si n+ Kai

a house for a sanctuary. Be strong and act! And

s8coks AaDi8 £oAx)|icbvxi xco dico aDxoD xo 7iapd8siy|ia

David gave to Solomon his son the plan

xod vaoD Kai xcov oikcov aDxoD Kai

of the temple, and its houses, and

xcov a7io0r|Kcbv aDxoD Kai xcov D7rspcbcov Kai xcov

its treasuries, and the upper rooms, and the

xajisicov xcov socoxspcov Kai xod oikod xod iXaaxrjpioD

[ storerooms inner], and the house of the atonement-seat,

12+ Kai xo 7iapd8siy|ia rcavxcov cov r|v sv

and the plan of all which was in


his spirit, and of the courtyards of [the] house of [the] LORD, and

7idvxcov xcov 7iaaxo(pop(cov xcov kdkAxd xcov sic; xac;

all of the cubicles round about of the [places] for the

a7io9f|Kac; oikod kdpiod Kai xcov a7io9r|Kcbv xcov

storehouses of [the] house of [the] LORD, and of the storehouses of the

ayicov 13+ Kai sic; xac; Siaipsasic; s^rjjispicbv xcov

holy [things]; and for the divisions of daily rotations of the

ispscov Kai xcov Asdixcov Kai sic; 7idaav spyaaiav

priests and the Levites, and for every work


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XsixoDpyiac; oikod KopioD Kai xcov a7io9r|Kcbv xcov

of ministration of [the] house of [the] LORD, and of the storehouses of the

A,sixoDpyr|ai|icov ctksdcov xrjc; Axxxpsiac; oikod KopioD

[ of ministrations items] of the service of [the] house of [the] LORD;

14+ sic; to xpucriov Kai xov axa0|i6v xrjc; oAxfjc; aDxoD

[and] for the gold and the weight of its scale-weight

7idai Toiq ctksdsoi SovXziaq Kai SoD^siac; Kai 7idai

for all the items service by service, and to all

Toiq ctksdscti tod apyDpioD sv axaBjico rcavxi ctksdsi

the items of silver in weight to every item

5oDA,s(ac; Kai SoD^siaq i 5 + Kai axaBjiov xaic; h)%viaiq

service by service; and [the] weight to the lamp-stands,

xaic; xpDaaiq Kai TOiq Xv%vo\q aDxcbv %pDa(ov sv

to the ones in gold, and [to] their lamps, gold in

axaGjico Xv%viaq Kai Xv%viaq Kai xoic; Xvyyoiq avTT\q

weight ~ of lamp-stand by lamp-stand, and [to] its lamps,

Kai xaic; XDXviaic; xcov xs %pDacbv Kai apyDpcov

and to the lamp-stands. But of the gold and silver

A,D%vicbv xrjv ohd\v s8coksv aDxcb Kai xcov

lamp-stands [ of the scale-weight [of money] he gave to him], and the

A,D%VIC0V sScOKSV aDXCO XT|V 0A,KT|V 16+ ojioicoc;

lamp-stands he gave to him the scale-weight. In like manner [he gave]

xov axaGjiov xcov xpa7is^cbv xrjc; 7ipo6sascoc; SKdaxrjc;

the weight for the tables of the place setting, each [one]

xpa7rs^r|c; %pvar\q Kai coaaDxcoc; xcov apyDpcov n+ Kai

a table of gold; and likewise the [tables] made of silver, and

xcov Kpsaypcbv Kai a7iov5sicov Kai (piakcbv

the meat hooks and libation bowls, and bowls

xcov xpDacov Kai xa KscpcpoDps xa %pDad sv axa0|ico

of gold; and the basins of gold in weight

sic; Kscpcpcop Kai Kscpcpcop Kai xov axaGjiov xcov

for basin and basin; and the weight of the [things]

XPDcicov Kai xcov apyDpcov skcxcjxod axa0|ioD is + Kai

of gold and of silver of each weight; and

xov xod 0Daiaaxr|p(oD xcov GDjiiajidxcov axaGjiov sk

the [thing] for the altar of the incenses [the] weight of


[ gold [the] unadulterated]. And he plainly showed to him the

7iapd8siy|ia xod dpjiaxoc; xcov %spoDp(|i xcov

plan of the chariot of the cherubim, of the ones

8ia7iS7isxaa|isvcov xaic; 7ixspD^i Kai oKiatpvxcov em

opening and spreading out the wings, and shadowing over


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13-1 Chronicles

Tr\q kiPcotod SiaGfjKTjq KDpioD 19+ 7rdvxa sv ypatpf|

the ark of [the] covenant of [the] LORD. All in [the] writing

sk %sipoc; KDpioi) s5cgks Aavid too SoA,o|icovti raid

by [the] hand of [the] LORD David gave [to] Solomon, according to

xrjv 7i8piy8vr|0sioav aDTcb ctdvscjiv Tr\q Kaxspyaaiaq

the advantage to him for understanding of the working out

tod 7rapa8£iy|iaTOc; 20+ Kai si7is AaDi8 SoAx)|icbvTi

of the plan. And David said to Solomon


his son, Be strong and manly, and act! Do not

cpopoD |ir|8s 7rcor|6f|c; 6ti Kopioc; o Gsoc; jiod jistoc

fear nor be terrified! for [the] LORD my God [is] with

ood odk avfjasi as Kai od jirj as syKaTaA£i7rr|

you. He will not send you [away], and in no way will he abandon you

scoq tod aDVTeAiaal as rcdaav A,srcoDpyiav spyaaiac;

until you complete every ministration of work

oikod KDpioD 21+ Kai i8od ai ecprjjispiai tcov ispscov

of [the] house of [the] LORD. And behold, the daily rotations of the priests

Kai tcov AsDiTcbv sic; 7idaav tt|v XsvcoDpyiav tod

and the Levites, [are] for all the ministration of the

oikod tod 0sod Kai jistoc ctod sv 7iavTi spyco rcac;

house of God, and with you in every work all

7ip60D|ioc; sv 7iavTi skodcticg sv aoqna KaTd rcdaav

eager in every voluntary [thing], in wisdom according to every

TS%vr|v Kai 01 dpxovTsq Kai naq o Xaoq sic; 7rdvTac;

craft, and the rulers, and all the people for all

todc; XoyoDc; aoD

your words.

29 t3D

1+ Kai si7is AaDi8 o fiaaiksvq 7idar| tt| SKKAxjaia

And [ said David the king] to all the assembly,

£oAx)|IG)V O Dl6q |IOD Siq OV TjpSTlKSV SV aDTCO

Solomon my son, in whom [ has taken for himself

KDpioq vsoc; Kai anakoq Kai to spyov jisya 6ti

[the] LORD], [is] young and tender, and the work [is] great; for

odk av0pco7ico T| oiKTjai aXX' r\ KDpico Gscb 2+ Kai

[ [is] not to man the place of abode], but only to [the] LORD God. And

sycb KaTd rcdaav tt|v Swajiiv |iod rjTOijiaKa sic; tov

I according to all my power have prepared for the


house of my God — the gold for a gold [thing], and the


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apyopiov sic; apytipiov Kai tov xaAxov sic; xoXkov

silver for a silver [thing], and the brass for a brass [thing],

Kai xov a(8r|pov sic; a(8r|pov Kai tpXa sic; ZpXa

and the iron for an iron [thing], and wood for a wood [thing],
Kai Xidovq 6vv%oq Kai 7iXripcbascoc; AJBodc; noXvTsksiq

and [ stones onyx], and fullness [ stones of very costly],

Kai 7toikiAx)dc; Kai rcdvTa AiGov xijiiov Kai AiGoDc;

and colored, and every [ stone valuable], and stones

IlapioDc; sic; 7rA,fjGoc; 3 + Kai sti sv tco SDSoKqaai |is

ofParos in multitude. And still, because of my favoring

sic; oikov 9sod jiod sail jioi o 7rspi7rs7io(r||iai

to [the] house of my God, there is to me [ which I procured

Xpuaiov Kai apytipiov Kai i5od 8s5coKa sic; xov

gold and silver]; and behold, I give [it] for the

oikov 6sod jiod sic; d\j/oc; sktoc; gov rjioijiaaa sic;

house of my God, for above [and] outside what I prepared for

xov oikov xov dyiov 4+ Tpia%(Aia xdXavxa %pvaiov

the house of the holy place — three thousand talents of gold

tod s^ Ocpsip Kai S7iTaKiaxiA,ia xdXavxa apyi)p(oi)

from Ophir, and seven thousand talents [ silver

5ok(|iod tod s^aXsupfjvai sv aDioiq todc; toixodc; tod

of unadulterated], to overlay by them the walls of the

ispoD 5+ sic; to xpDcriov TOO XpDCTlCD Kai sic; TO

temple; for the gold for the gold [things], and for the

apyopiov to apyDpico Kai sic; 7iav spyov 5id xzipoq

silver for the silver [things], and for every work by [the] hand

ts%vitcov Kai tk; o 7rpo0D|ioD|isvoc; 7iAr|pcbaai

of craftsmen. And who [is] feeling eager to fill

Taq xsipaq aDTOD af|(ispov tcd Kopico 6+ Kai

his hands today to the LORD? And

7ipos0D|if|6r|aav 01 dpxovTSc; tcov 7iaTpicbv Kai 01

[ were eager the rulers of the families], and the

dpxovTsq tcov Dicbv lapar\k Kai 01 %iAiapxoi Kai

rulers of the sons of Israel, and the commanders of thousands, and

SKaTOVTapxoi Kai 01 7ipoaTdTai tcov spycov Kai 01

commanders of hundreds, and the superintendents of the works, and the

oikovojioi tod paaiXscoq 7+ Kai s5coKav sic; Ta spya

managers of the king. And they gave for the works

tod oikod KDpioD %pDcrioD TdXavTa 7rsvTaKia%iXia

of the house of [the] LORD [ of gold talents five thousand],

Kai 8pa%|idc; jiDpiac; Kai apyopioD TaXdvTCOv 8sKa

and [ dracmas ten thousand], and [ of silver talents ten


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%\kw8aq Kai %oXkov xdXavxa jiDpia OKxaKiaxiAia

thousand], and [ of brass talents ten thousand eight thousand],

Kai oi5fjpoi) SKaxov %ikiddaq xaXdvxcov 8 + Kai oiq

and of iron a hundred thousand talents. And the ones who

SDpeGrjaav 7iap' aDxofc; AiGoi sScokov sic; xaq

were found with stones for themselves gave to the

a7io9f|Kac; oikod KopioD 5id x^ipoq lsif\k xod

storehouses of [the] house of [the] LORD, through [the] hand of Jehiel the

rspacovi 9+ Kai £Dtppdv0r| o Xaoq £7U xco £KODaiaa|icb

Gershonite. And [ were glad the people] over the voluntary offering,

oxi sk Kap8(ac; nh^povq SKODaidaavxo xco Kopico Kai

for from [ heart a full] they were volunteering to the LORD. And
Aavid o fiaaiksvq si)(ppdv0r| SDcppoawrj |ieydAx| io +

David the king was glad [gladness with great].

Kai si)A,6yr|asv o fiaaikvbq AaviS xov Kopiov 8vcb7iiov

And [ blessed king David] the LORD before

xrjc; eKKAxjcriac; Aiycov SDXoyrjxoc; si Kopis o Geoc;

the assembly, saying, Blessed are you, O LORD God

IapafjX o 7iaxfjp r||icov arco xod aicbvoq Kai ecoc; xod

of Israel, our father from the eon and unto the

aicbvoq n+ aoi KDpis r| |i8yaA,coaDvr| Kai r| 5Dvajiic;

eon. To you, O LORD, [is] the greatness, and the power,

Kai T| |i8yaA,07ip87isia Kai r| vikt) Kai r|

and the majesty, and the victory, and the

s^ojioXoyrjaic; oxi ctd 7idvxcov xcov sv ODpavcb Kai

acknowledgment. For you [ of all the [things] in heaven and

87i( xrjc; yrjc; Szano^ziq aoi Kopie r| Paai^eia Kai

upon the earth [are] master]. To you, O LORD, [is] the kingdom, and

rj snapaiq siq navxa Kai siq naaav ap%r\v u+ rcapd

the raising in all, and in all rule. From

ood o nkomoq Kai rj 56^a ctd 7idvxcov dp%eic; Kopie

you [are] the riches and the glory. You rule all, O LORD,

o dpxcov 7rdar|c; ap%r\q Kai sv xr| %eipi god ict%dc; Kai

ruler of all sovereignty. And in your hand [is] strength and

8Dvaax8ia Kai ev %eipiooD jieyaMvai Kai Kaxia%Daai

dominion; and in your hand to magnify, and to strengthen

xa 7idvxa 13 + Kai vdv KDpis s^ojioA,oyoD|i86d aoi Kai

all. And now, O LORD, we make acknowledgment to you, and

aivoDjisv xo ovojia xrjc; 86^r|c; aoD i 4 + Kai xic; sijjI

we praise the name of your glory. And who am

sycb Kai Tiq o Xaoq jiod 6x1 laxDaajiev

I, and what [is] my people, that we were strong


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13-1 Chronicles

tod SKODaidaaaGai aoi odxcoc; 6xi a a xa rcdvxa

to volunteer to you thus? For [ [are] yours all [things]],

Kai sk xcov acov 8s8cbKa|isv aoi 15+ 6x1

and of your [things] we give to you. For

7idpoiKoi £d|i8v svavxiov aoD Kai 7idpoiKoi Kadcbq

we are sojourners before you, and sojourners as

7tdvxsc; 01 ftaxspsc; r||icov Kai coq aKiai ai rjjiepai rijicov

all our fathers, and [ are as shadows our days]

87i( xrjc; yrjc; Kai odk eaxiv D7io|iovf| 16+ Kopie

upon the earth, and there is no waiting. O LORD

o Gsoq r\[i(bv npoq 7iav xo iihf\doq xodxo o

our God, to all this abundance which

r|xoi|idaa|i8v aoi xod oiKoSojxfjaai oikov xco

we prepared for you to build a house [to]

ovojiaxi aoD xco ayico sk %eipoc; yap eaxi Kai aa

your name— to the holy [name], [from your hand for it is], and [yours

saxi xa rcdvxa 17+ Kai syvcov Kopie 6x1 ai) si o

are all [things]]. And I know, O LORD, that you are the one

exd^cov KapSiaq Kai aya7icov 8iKaioawr|v Kai eyco sv

examining hearts, and loving righteousness. And I in

a7iX6xr|xi KapSiaq £KODaida6r|v xatixa rcdvxa Kai vdv

singleness of heart volunteered all these [things]. And now,

xov Xaov aov xov SDpeBevxa cb8e eiSov sv eDcppoawq

your people, being found here, see with gladness,

SKODaiaaGsvxa aoi 18+ Kopie o 0e6c; APpadji Kai

volunteering to you. O LORD, God of Abraham, and

IaadK Kai IapafjA, xcov rcaxspcov r||icbv (pvXatpv

Isaac, and Israel, of the one of our fathers, keep

ai)xcbv xo rc^dajia Siavoicov KapSiac; Xaov aoi) sic;

of them the thing shaped [of the] thoughts of [the] heart of your people into

xov aicova Kai KaxsD0Dvov xac; KapSiac; aDxcov rcpoc;

the eon! and straighten out their hearts to

as 19+ Kai £oA,o|icbvxi xco dico jiod doq KapSiav

you! And [ Solomon [to] my son give heart

ayaBfjv xod rcoieiv xaq zvioXaq aoi) Kai

a good] ! to observe your commandments, and

xa jiapxtipid aoi) Kai xa rcpoaxdyjiaxd aoi) Kai xod erci

your testimonies, and your orders, and [ unto

Tzkovq ayaysiv rcdvxa Kai xod oiKoSojxfjaai xrjv

completion to lead all], and to build the

KaxaaKSDfjv xod oikod aoD rjv rjxoijiaaa 20+ Kai

furnishing of your house which I prepared. And


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81718 Aavid 7idar| xrj sKKArjaia SD^oyfjaaxs 8r| icopiov

David said to all the assembly, Bless indeed [the] LORD

xov 08ov r||icbv Kai si)A,6yr|a8 7idoa r| sKKAxjaia

our God! And [ blessed all the assembly]


[the] LORD, the God of their fathers, and bent

xa yovaxa 7ipoasKDvr|aav tod Kupico Kai xcd Paai^ei

the knees to do obeisance to the LORD, and to the king.

21 + Kai sGdcjs Aavid xcd Kupico dvaiaq Kai avfjveyKev

And David sacrificed to the LORD a sacrifice, and offered

oAx)KaDxco|iaxa too Kupico xr| s7iaDpiov xrjc; 7cpcbxr|c;

whole burnt-offerings to the LORD on the next day of the first

rjjispac; [ioa%ovq %ikiovq Kpiotic; %\kiovq apvaq

day — [ calves of a thousand], [ rams a thousand], [ lambs

Xikiovq Kai xac; anovdaq aDxcbv Kai Qvaiaq ziq 7tAt|6oc;

a thousand], and their libations, and sacrifices in multitude

7iavTi too IopafjA, 22 + Kai scpayov Kai £7riov evavxi

for all Israel. And they ate and drank before

Kopioi) sv SKsivrj TTj rjjiepa jisxd %apdc; jieydAxjc; Kai

[the] LORD in that day with [joy great]. And

sPacriXsDaav sk SeDxepoD xov EoXojicbvxa diov Aavid

they gave reign for a second [time] for Solomon son of David.

Kai sxpiaav ai)xov xco KDpico sic; PaaiAia Kai

And they anointed him to the LORD as king, and

xov Sa5cbK siq ispsa 23 + Kai SKdGias £oA,o|icbv S7ii

Zadok for priest. And Solomon sat upon

GpovoD Kupuro eic; PaoiXsa avxi Aam8

[the] throne of [the] LORD as king instead of David

xod 7raxp6c; aDxoD Kai £Do8co6r| Kai D7if|K0Daav aDxoD

his father, and he prospered. And [ obeyed him

iiaq IapafjA, 24+ Kai 01 dpxovxsc; Kai 01 SDvdaxai Kai

all Israel]. And the rulers, and the mighty ones, and

ys 7idvxsc; 01 moi xod PaaiAicoc; Aavid D7iexdyr|aav

also all the sons of king David submitted

aDxcb 25+ Kai s|isydXi)vs KDpioq xov SoAxDjicbvxa

to him. And [the] LORD magnified Solomon

svavxiov 7ravx6c; IapafjX Kai sScoksv S7i' ai)xov

before all Israel, and put upon him

86^av PaaiXsiaq coc; odk eysvexo S7ii 7iavx6c;

glory of [the] kingdom of which did not happen unto any

PaaiXscoq s|i7ipoa9sv aDxoD S7idvco xod IapafjA, 26 + Kai

king before him over Israel. And


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13-1 Chronicles

Aavid vioq Isaaai zfiaaikzvazv S7ii 7rdvxa IapafjX 27 +

David son of Jesse reigned over all Israel.

Kai ai rjjiepai aq ePaoiXsDaev sm IapafjA,

And the days which he reigned over Israel ~

xeaaap&amp;Kovxa £tt| ev Xeppcbv ePaai^sDoev S7iTd exrj

forty years. In Hebron he reigned seven years,

Kai ev IspoDaaAx||i TpiaKovxaxpia sxr| 2 s+ Kai a7is0avs

and in Jerusalem thirty-three years. And he died

sv yfjpa KaAxb 7cAx|pr|c; r||iepcbv 7cA,odtco Kai 86^r| Kai

in [ old age a good], full of days, in wealth, and glory. And

sPaai^sDas £oAx)|icbv dioc; aDTOD avx' avzov 29+oi5e

[ reigned Solomon his son] instead of him. And the

Xomoi Xoyoi Aavid tod PaaiAicoc; 01 7ip6Tspoi

rest of [the] words of David the king, the ones former

Kai 01 Dcrcepoi i8od yeypa|i|isvoi eiaiv ev Xoyoiq

and the ones latter, behold, they are written in [the] words

EajioDfjA, tod opcbvToq Kai S7Ti Xoycov NdGav tod

of Samuel the seer, and by [the] words of Nathan the

7ipO(pf|TOD Kai 8711 X6yC0V Tad TOD OpCOVTOq 30+ 7CSp(

prophet, and by [the] words of Gad the seer, concerning

7rdar|c; Tr\q fiaaiksiaq avzov Kai iiaar\q

all his kingship, and all

Tr\q 5DvaaT8iac; aDTOD Kai tcov Kaipcbv tcov

his dominion, and of the [events of the] times of the ones

8l8A,06VTCOV 871 ' aDTCO Kai 87U TOV IapafjA, Kai S7U

spreading unto him, and unto Israel, and unto

7tdaac; zaq Paai^eiac; tcov yaicbv

all the kingdoms of the lands.


1 x ev tootg) + viica 14-2 Chronicles

1 X

i+ Kai svia%i)as SoXojicbv vioq AaviS S7ri

And [ grew in strength Solomon son of David] over

xrjv Paai^eiav avzov Kai Kopioc; o Gsoc; auxou jisx'

his kingdom, and [the] LORD his God [was] with

avzov Kai sjisydA^vsv auxov sic; v\\foq 2 + Kai

him, and magnified him in stature. And

81718 £oA,o|icbv 7ipoc; 7idvxa IapafjA, xoic; %iAidp%oic;

Solomon spoke to all Israel, to the commanders of thousands,

Kai xoic; SKaxovxdp%oic; Kai xoic; Kpixaic; Kai 7idai

and to the commanders of hundreds, and to the judges, and to all

xoic; dp%oi)aiv svavxiov 7iavx6c; IopafjA, xoic; dp%ouai

the rulers before all Israel, to the rulers

xcov 7iaxpicbv 3 + Kai S7iopsi)0r| SoXojicbv Kai 7idaa r|

of the families. And Solomon went out and all the

SKKAxjcria jisx' avzov sic; xrjv i)\j/t]At|v xrjv ev TaPacbv

assembly with him unto the high [place] in Gibeon,

01) SKSl T|V T| aKTjVfj XOD JiapXUpiOD XOD 0SOTJ T|V

of which [ was located the tent of the testimony of God], which

£7iorr|ae Maroafjc; itaiq Kupioi) sv xrj spfjjaco 4 + xrjv

[ made Moses [the] servant [of the] LORD] in the wilderness. [ the

8s kiPcoxov xod 0sot3 avfjvsyKs Aavid 8K noXscnq

But ark of God David brought] from out of [the] city

Kapia6iaps(|i 6xi rjxoijiaasv avTr\ Aavid 6xi S7ir|^sv

of Kirjath Jearim, for [prepared for it David]; for he pitched

ai)xfj aKTjvfjv sv Ispoi)aaAr||i 5 + Kai xo 9i)aiaaxf|piov

a tent for it in Jerusalem. And the altar

xo xahcovv o S7iovr|as BsosXsfjA, vioq Oopsi viov

of brass which [made Bezaleel son ofUri son

Qp sksittv svavxi xrjc; OKTTVf|C; KDpiOD Kai

ofHur] was there before the tent of [the] LORD. And

s^s^fjxrjaev ai)xo £oAx)|icbv Kai r| sKKArjaia 6 + Kai

[sought by it Solomon and the assembly]. And

avfjvsyKe £oA,o|icbv sksi S7il xo Guaiaaxfjpiov xo

Solomon offered there upon the altar, the one


of brass, the one before [the] LORD, the one in the tent of the

jiapxDpioi) Kai avfjvsyKsv S7i' ai)xo oloKatixcoaiv

testimony. And he offered upon it [ whole burnt-offerings

%iAiav ?+ sv xrj vdkxi SKsivrj cbcpGrj 6s6c; xco SoAxdjicdvxi

a thousand]. In that night God appeared [to] Solomon,

1 x ev toutco + viica 14-2 Chronicles

Kai S17T8V ai)xcb aixrjaai xi aoi 5cbaco 8 + Kai

and he said to him, Ask what I shall give to you! And

S17T8 £oA,o|icbv 7ipoc; xov 6s6v av S7tovr|aac; |isxd

Solomon said to God, You performed with

Aavid xod 7iaxp6c; jiod Zksoq jisya Kai

David my father [ act of kindness a great], and

sPaodsDodq |is avx' aDxoD 9 + Kai vdv Kopis o Gsoc;

gave me reign instead of him. And now, O LORD God,

7iiaTCo9f|Tco to pfj|id aoD jisxd Aai)(8 tod naxpoq jiod

let [ be trustworthy your word] with David my father!

on cjd EfiaaikEvaaq jis S7ri Xaov noXvv cdc; xov %odv

For you gave me reign over a people vast as the dust

xrjc; yr\q 10+ vdv aocpiav Kai ativsaiv doq |ioi Kai

of the earth. Now [ wisdom and understanding give to me] ! and

s^sA,SDao|iai svcb7iiov xod Xaov xodxod Kai

I shall go forth before this people and

eiasA^Daojiai 6x1 xic; Kpivsi xov Xaov aoD xov jisyav

enter in. For who shall judge [ people your great

xodxov 11+ Kai sircsv o 0s6c; 7ipoc; SoA,o(icbvxa av0' gov

this]? And God said to Solomon, Because

sysvsxo xodxo sv xrj Kap5(a ood Kai odk rjxfjooo

this happened in your heart, and you did not ask

7iAx)Dxov xpr||idxcov od5s 86^av od5s xrjv \\fv%r\v

wealth of things, nor glory, nor the life

xcov jiiaoDVxcov as Kai odk rjxfjaco r||ispac;

of the ones detesting you, and you did not ask [for] [ days

noXXaq Kai fjxrjaac; asaDxcb aocpiav Kai awsaiv

many]; but you asked for yourself wisdom and understanding,

07TCDC; Kpivrjc; xovAxxovjiod scp' ov spaai^sDad as S7i'

so as to judge my people, over whom I gave you to reign over

aDxov 12+ xrjv aocpiav Kai xrjv awsaiv 5(5co|ii aoi

it ~ the wisdom and the understanding I give to you;

Kai 7tAx)dxov Kai %pfj|iaxa Kai 86§av 5cbaco aoi coq

and wealth, and possessions, and glory I shall give to you, as

odk sysvsxo ojioioc; aoi sv xoic; PaaiXstiai

did not happen likened unto you among the kings

xoic; S|i7ipoa0sv aoD Kai jisxd as odk saxai odxcdc; 13 +

before you, and [after you it will not be thus].

Kai fjA£s SoXojicbv sk Bajid xrjq sv TaPacbv sic;

And Solomon came from Bama, of the one in Gibeon, unto

IspoDaaAxj|i arco 7ipoaco7roD xrjc; aKr\vr\q xod

Jerusalem, from [the] face of the tent of the

8V TOUT© + VlKa
14-2 Chronicles

jiapiDpioD Kai spaai^suasv sm IapafjX h+ Kai

testimony; and he reigned over Israel. And

awqyays SoXojicbv dpjiaxa Kai mmiq Kai sysvsxo

Solomon brought together chariots and horsemen; and there were

auxco %ik\a Kai xsxpaKoaia apjiaxa Kai 8co8sKa

to him a thousand and four hundred chariots, and twelve

%iAid8sc; ur7rscov Kai KaxsAursv auxd sv xaic; 7i6A,sai

thousand horsemen. And he left them in the cities

xcov apjidxcov Kai jisxd xou PaaiAicoc; sv IspcyooaArui

of the chariots, and with the king in Jerusalem.

15+ Kai sGtiksv o fiaaiksvq xo apyopiov Kai xo %pua(ov

And [ established the king] silver and gold

sv IspoDaaArjji coc; Xidovq Kai xaq KsSpouc; sv

in Jerusalem as [the] stones; and the cedars in

xtj Ioi)8aia coc; aDKajiivoDq xac; sv xrj 7is8ivf| siq

Judea as sycamine trees, the ones in the plains in

7iAx|0oc; i6+ Kai r| s^oSoc; xcov i7urcov xco

multitude. And [there was an] exodus of the horses [to]

EoA,o|icbvxi s£, AiyimxoD Kai r| xijifj xcov s|i7i6pcov

Solomon from Egypt, and [ by the value of the merchants

xod PaaiXscoq xou SK7iopsi3sa0ai rjyopa^ov i?+ Kai

of the king to go forth they were bought]. And

avspaivov Kai s^fjyov s£, AryimxoD dpjia sv

they ascended and brought from out of Egypt [ chariot one]

s^aKoaicov apyupiou Kai i7i7iov 7isvxfjKovxa Kai

for six hundred [pieces] of silver, and a horse [for] fifty and

SKaxov Kai cyoxco 7idai xoic; Paai^suai xcov Xsxxaicov

a hundred. And thus to all the kings of the Hittites,

Kai xoic; Paai^stiai xrjc; Zvpiaq sv xspaiv auxcbv

and to the kings of Syria, [ by their hands


they brought them forth].

2 n

l + Kai S17TS £oAx)|Icbv XOD oiKo5o|ifjoai OIKOV xco

And Solomon spoke to build [the] house to the

ovojiaxi Kopioi) Kai oikov xrj Paai^sia avzov 2 + Kai

name of [the] LORD, and a house [for] his kingdom. And

awqyays £oA,o|icbv sp8o|ifjKovxa %iAid5ac; av5pcbv

Solomon brought together seventy thousand men

vcoxocpopcov Kai oy8of|Kovxa %ikiddaq av8pcbv

load carriers, and eighty thousand men

2 2 ev tootg) + viica 14 - 2 Chronicles

Axxtojicov sv xco opsi Kai 01 87riaTdxai S7i' aDTcbv

quarrying in the mountain. And the supervisors over them ~

Tpia%(Xioi Kai e^aKoaioi

three thousand and six hundred.

3 + Kai a7i8aTSiA,8 SoXojicbv npoq Xsipdji PaaiAia

And Solomon sent to Hiram king

TtipoD Aiycov coc; S7iovr|aac; jisxd Aavid

of Tyre, saying, As you did with David

tod 7raxp6c; jiod Kai ansaTSikaq avzcb KsSpoDc;

my father, and sent to him cedars

tod oiKo8o|if|aai saDTcb oikov tod KaTOiKfjoai ev

to build for himself a house to dwell in

aDTcb 4 + Kai i5od sycb o vioq avzov oikoSojico oikov

it, then behold, I his son am building a house

too ovojiaTi KDpioD tod 08OD |iod ayidaai aDTOV

to the name of [the] LORD my God, to sanctify it

aDTcb tod 0D|iidv arcsvavTi aDTOD 0D|i(a|ia apco|idTCOv

to him, to burn before him incense of aromatics,

Kai 7ip69saiv 8ia7iavT6c; Kai tod avacpspsiv

and [for] a place setting [to be] continually [before him], and to offer

oXoKaDTcbjiaTa SiarcavTOc; T07ipcoi Kai to SsiAxjc; Kai

whole burnt-offerings continually in the morning and the evening, and

sv Toiq aaPPdTOiq Kai sv zmq voDjxrjviaic; Kai sv

on the Sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on

Taiq sopTaiq tod kdpiod tod 0sod r||icbv sic; tov

the holidays of the LORD our God. Into the

aicbva todto S7U tov IapafjA, 5 + Kai o oikoc; ov sycb

eon this [is] for Israel. And the house which I

oikoSojico (isyaq 6ti jisyac; Kopioq o 0s6c; r||icbv

build [is to be] great, for great [is the] LORD our God

7iapd rcavTac; todc; 0sodc; 6 + Kai tic; ia%Dasi

beyond all the gods. And who is strong

oiKoSojxqaai aDTcb oikov 6ti o ODpavoc; Kai o

to build to him a house? For the heaven and the

ODpavoq tod ODpavoD od cpspoDai aDTOV Kai tic; sijii

heaven of the heaven does not bear him. And who am

sycb oiKo8o|icbv aDTcb oikov aXk" r\ tod 0D|iidv

I building to him a house, except to burn incense

KaTSvavTi aDTOD 7+ Kai vdv a7i6aTSiA,6v |ioi dv8pa

in front of him? And now, send to me [ man

aocpov Kai si86Ta tod 7ioifjaai sv too xpDaico Kai sv

a wise], and one knowing how to prepare in gold, and in

tco apyDpico Kai sv %aA,Kcb Kai sv ai8f|pco Kai sv

silver, and in brass, and in iron, and in

2 2 ev tootg) + vtica 14 - 2 Chronicles

tt| 7iopq)T3pa Kai ev too kokkivco Kai sv xrj DaKivGrj

purple, and in scarlet, and in blue,

Kai S7iiaxd|isvov yMcpsiv ykvqaq |isxd xcov aocpcov

and having knowledge to carve carved works with the wise ones,

xcov |isx' sjiod sv Ioi35a Kai ev IspoDaaAx||i cov

of the ones with me in Judah and in Jerusalem, which

rjxoijiaas Aam8 o 7iaxf|p jiod s+ Kai a7i6axsiA,6v jioi

[ prepared David my father] ! And send to me

^vXa KsSpiva Kai apKSD0iva Kai 7isDKiva 8K

timbers of cedars, and of junipers, and of pines, from out of

tod Aipdvoi) sycb yap o(8a 6xi 01 8odAx)( cjod o(8aai

Lebanon! for I know that your servants know how

K07TT81V ZpXa 8K tod AipdvoD Kai i8od 01 7ta(8sc; |IOD

to fell timbers from Lebanon. And behold, my servants

7iop8Daovxai |isxd xcov 7ia(8cov aoD 9 + sxoijidaai |ioi

shall go with your servants, to prepare for me

^d/Ux sic; 7iAx|0oc; 6x1 o oikoc; ov sycb oikoSojico

timbers in multitude, for the house which I build

jisyaq Kai sv5o^oq 10+ Kai i8od xoiq spyatpjisvoic;

[is] great and glorious. And behold, to the ones working

xoic; K07ixoDai ^6A,a sic; Ppcbjiaxa 5s8coKa aixov sic;

in the felling timbers, [ for foods I have given grain] as

86|iaxa xoic; 7iaia( aoD Kopcov 7ropoD sikooi %iAid8ac;

gifts [to] your servants of cors of wheat — twenty thousand,

Kai KpiGcbv Kopcov siKoai %iAid8ac; Kai oivod jisxpcov

and barley cors — twenty thousand, and wine measures —

siKoai xikiddaq Kai skaiov jisxpcov siKoai %ikiddaq n +

twenty thousand, and olive oil measures - twenty thousand.

Kai si7is Xsipdji Paai^sDc; TtipoD sv ypacpfj Kai

And [ spoke Hiram king of Tyre] by writing, and

a7isaxsiA,s 7ipoc; Eo^ojicovxa sv xco aya7if|aai KDpiov

sent to Solomon, [saying], In the LORD loving

xov A,a6v aDxoD s5coks as S7i' aDxotic; sic; PaaiAia 12 +

his people, he put you over them for king.

Kai si7is Xipdji SDloyrjxoc; Kopioc; o 6s6c; IapafjA, oq

And Hiram said, Blessed be [the] LORD God of Israel, who

S7io(r|as xov ODpavov Kai xrjv yrjv oq s8coks xco

made the heaven and the earth, who gave [to]

AaDi8 xco Paai^si diov aocpov Kai si86xa awsaiv

[David king son a wise], and knowing understanding

Kai S7iiaxf||ir|v oq oiKoSojxfjosi oikov xco Kopico Kai

and higher knowledge, who shall build a house to the LORD, and

2 3 ev toutco + vdca 14 - 2 Chronicles

oikov tt[ PaaiA,8ia aDxoD n + Kai vdv a7isaxaA,Kd aoi

a house for his kingdom. And now, I have sent to you

dv5pa aocpov Kai si56xa ctdvsoiv xov Xsipdji

a man wise and knowing understanding — Hiram

xov 7iai5d |iod H + diov yDvaucoc; anb 6i)yaxspcov Aav

my servant, a son of a woman from [the] daughters of Dan,

Kai o 7iaxfjp aDxoD avfjp Ttipioc; si56xa 7iois(v sv

and his father [is] a Tyrian man, knowing [how] to prepare in

XPDCJico Kai sv apyDpico Kai sv %okK(b Kai sv

gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in

ai8fjpco Kai sv Tddoiq Kai ^bkoiq Kai Dcpaivsiv sv

iron, and in stones, and woods, and to weave in

xtj 7iopq)T3pa Kai sv xr| DaKivGco Kai sv xr| Pdctgcd Kai

purple, and in blue, and in linen, and

sv xco kokkivco Kai yXDcpsiv yXvyaq Kai 8iavos(a6ai

in scarlet, and to carve carvings, and to consider

7idaav 8iav6r|aiv oiq av 5ooc; aDxcb jisxd

every device in which ever you should give to him with

xcov oocpcbv aoi) Kai xcov aocpcbv xod kdpiod jiod Aavid

your wise men, and the wise ones of my master David

xod rcaxpoc; aoi) 15+ Kai vdv xov aixov Kai xttv KpiBfjv

your father. And now the grain, and the barley,

Kai xo sAmov Kai xov oivov a sircsv o Kopioq jiod

and the olive oil, and the wine, which [ spoke my master],

a7ioaxsiA,dxco xoic; 7iaia(v aDxoD i 6 + Kai r\[isiq ko\j/o|isv

let him send [it] [to] his servants! And we will fell

^6A,a sk xod AipdvoD Kaxd 7idaav xttv xpsiav aoD

trees from out of Lebanon, according to all your need.

Kai d^ojisv aDxd a%s5iaic; S7U xt|v GdXaaaav I67i7rr|c;

And we will bring them [by] barge upon the sea to Joppa;

Kai od avoiasiq aDxd sic; IspoDaaArj|i 17+ Kai

and you shall bring them up unto Jerusalem. And

oDvfjyays EoXojicbv rcavxac; xodc; dv5paq xodc;

Solomon gathered all the men of the

7rpoar|A,DxoDc; xodc; sv xr| yr| lapar\k (isxd xov

foreigners of the ones in the land of Israel, after the

api0|iov ov T]pi9|xr|asv aDxotic; AaDi8 o 7iaxfjp aDxoD

count which [counted them David his father].

Kai SDpsBnaav sraxov 7isvxf|Kovxa %iAid5sc; Kai

And were found a hundred fifty thousand and

xpia%(Aioi s^aKoaioi i 8 + Kai S7iovr|asv s^ aDxcbv

three thousand six hundred. And he made of them

3} ev tootco + vtica 14 - 2 Chronicles

sP8o|xfjKovTa %ikiadaq vcoxocpopcov Kai oy5ofjKovxa

seventy thousand load carriers, and eighty

%iAid8ac; Xax6|icov ev tod opsi Kai xpio%iAioDc;

thousand quarriers in the mountain, and three thousand

s^aKoaioDc; spyo5icoKxac; S7U xov Xaov

six hundred foremen over the people.

3 a

i + Kai fjp^axo SoAxdjicov xod oiko5ojisiv xov oikov

And Solomon began to build the house

Ki)p(oi) sv lspovaakr\[i sv opsi xod Ajiopia od

of [the] LORD in Jerusalem on mount Moriah, of which

cbcpGrj Kopioc; xco Aavid xco 7iaxpi aDxoD sv xco x67ico

[the] LORD appeared to David his father, in the place

co rjxoijiaas Aavid sv xrj d^co Opvdv xod

which David prepared on the threshing-floor of Oman the

IsPouaa(oi) 2+ Kai fjp^axo oiKo8o|ifjaai sv xco jirjvi

Jebusite. And he began to build in the [ month

xco 5si)xspco sv xco sxsi xco xsxdpxco

second], in the [ year fourth]

xrjc; PaaiXsiaq aDxoD 3+ Kai xatixa fjp^axo EoA,o|icbv

of his kingdom. And these Solomon began

xod oiKo5o|ifjaai xov oikov xod 0sod |jt|koc; xrjc;

to build: the house of God - [the] length of the

Siajisxpfjascoq xrjc; 7tpcbxr|c; 7ir|%scbv s^fjKovxa Kai

[ measurement first] [ cubits [was] sixty], and

SDpoq 7rr|%scbv siKoai 4 + Kai xo aiXdji Kaxd

[the] breadth [cubits twenty]. And the columned porch before

7rp6aco7iov xod oikod jifjKoc; S7U 7rp6aco7iov xod

[the] face of the house ~ [its] length upon [the] face of the

7iA,dxoDc; xod oikod 7tr|%scbv sikogi Kai xo v\\foq

width of the house [cubits [was] twenty], and the height

7rr|%scbv SKaxov Kai siKoai Kai Kaxs%pDacoasv aDxov

[ cubits [was] a hundred and twenty]. And he gilded it

sacoGsv xpDaico KaGapcb 5 + Kai xov oikov xov jisyav

inside [gold in pure]. And the [house great]

s^dAxoos ZpXoiq Ks5p(voic; Kai KaxsxpDacoas xpDaico

he boarded [with] woods of cedars, and he gilded [it] [ gold

KaGapcb Kai syA,D\j/sv S7i' aDxoD cpoiviKaq Kai

in pure]. And he carved upon it palms and

Xakaaza 6 + Kai SKoajxrjas xov oikov AiGoic; xijjIoic;

chainwork. And he adorned the house [ stones with valuable]

3} ev toi3tco + vuca 14 - 2 Chronicles

eic; 86^av Kai %pDa(co ypvaiov xod sk ® apoDeiji 7 +

for glory; and [the] gold [was] gold from Parvaim.

Kai e%pDacoae xov oikov Kai xodc; xo(%odc; aDxoD Kai

And he gilded the house, and its walls, and

xodc; 7ivX(bvaq Kai xa opocpcojiaxa Kai xa GDpcbjiaxa

the gatehouses, and the roofing, and the doorways

Xpvam Kai eyXuij/e %spoDp(|i S7il xcov xoi%cov 8 + Kai

with gold; and he carved cherubim upon the walls. And

£7iorr|as xov oikov xod ayioD xcov ayicov

he made the house of the holy of the holies.

jxfjKoc; avTOV S7U 7ip6aco7iov xod 7iA,dxoDc; xod oikod

Its length upon [the] face of the width of the house

7rr|%£cbv siKoai Kai xo svpoq 7ir|%ecbv sikocti Kai

[cubits [was] twenty], and the breadth [cubits [was] twenty]. And

KaxsxpDacoasv aDxov %pDa(co KaBapcb sv

he gilded it [ gold in pure] [amounting] to

xaXdvxoic; e^aKoaioic; 9+ Kai ohd\ xcov fjlcov

[ talents six hundred]. And [the] scale-weight of the nails —

oAxfj xod evoc; 7T£vxfjKovxa gIkXoi xod %pDa(oD

[the] scale-weight of the one [was] fifty shekels of gold.

Kai xa D7ispcba exptiacoae %pDcrico 10+ Kai S7iovr|asv sv

And the upper room he gilded in gold. And he made in

xco oikco xco ayico xcov ayicov x 8 P 01) P^ ^do spyov

the house, in the holy of the holies, [ cherubim two], a work

8K ^dAxov aafj7ixcov Kai sxptiacoaev aDxd %pvam n +

of [ wood incorruptible], and he gilded them in gold.

Kai ai 7rxspDysc; xcov %epoDp(|i xo jifjKoc; 7ir|%£cbv

And the wings of the cherubim — the length [ cubits

SlKOai Kai T| 7TX8pD^ T| |Iia 7ir|%£Cbv 7TSVXS a7ixo|isvr|

[was] twenty], and to the [ wing one cubits [was] five] touching
XOD XOl%OD XOD OIKOD 12 + Kai T| 7TX8pD^ T| SXSpa

the wall of the house. And the [ wing other

7rr|%£cbv 7T8VXS a7ixo|i8vr| xrjc; 7ixepDyoc; xod %spovfi

cubits [was] five], touching the wing of the [ cherub

xod sxspoD 13 + Kai ai 7ixspDysc; xcov %spoDp(|i xodxcov

other]. And the wings of these cherubim

8ia7r87i8xaa|isvai 7ir|%sic; eiKoai Kai aDxd eaxrjKoxa

being open and spread out [cubits [was] twenty]. And these stood

87i( xodc; 7r65ac; aDxcbv Kai xa 7rp6aco7ia aDxcbv eic;

upon their feet, and their faces [were] towards

xov oikov 14+ Kai 87ro(r|ae xo Kaxa7isxaa|ia s£,

the house. And he made the veil out of

ev tootco + vtica

14-2 Chronicles

DoudvGoD Kai nopipvpaq Kai kokkivod Kai Pdctcjod

blue, and purple, and scarlet, and of linen.

Kai Dtpavsv ev (totco %epoDp{|i 15+ Kai S7iorr|aev

And he wove [ in it cherubim]. And he made

8|i7ipoa0sv tod oikod GTvXovq 5do 7ir|%ecbv

in front of the house [ columns two] ~ [ cubits

TpiaK0VTa7isvTS to v\\foq Kai Tac; KscpaAiSac; aDTCOv

thirty-five] in height, and their capitals

7rr|%scbv 7TSVTS i6+ Kai S7rovr|ae aXi)ai8coTd sv too

[cubits [were] five]. And he made chain- work in the

8ap(p Kai 87is9r|Ksv S7ri tcov Kscpa^cbv tcov cjtdXcov

dabir, and he put them upon the tops of the columns.

Kai S7ro(r|as poiaKODc; SKaTOV Kai eGrjKev em

And he made [ figures of pomegranates a hundred], and put [them] upon

tcov xaXaaTcbv 17+ Kai earners todc; cttdXodc; Kazd

the chainwork. And he set the columns at

7ip6aco7iov tod vaoD eva sk 8e^icbv Kai tov sva

[the] front of the temple, one at [the] right and one at

8DcovD|icov Kai £KdA,sas to ovojia tod sk 5s^icbv

[the] left. And he called the name of the [one at the] right ~

KaTopGcoaiq Kai to ovojia tod api&lt;xcspcbv

Success, and the name of the [one at the] left —



4 7

i+ Kai S7roir|as 0Daia&lt;xcfipiov %aAxoDV sikocti 7rr|%£cbv

And he made an altar of brass — twenty cubits

to (ifjKoq Kai siKoai 7rr|%£cbv to stipoc; Kai 5sKa

[was] the length, and twenty cubits the breadth, and ten

7rr|%£cbv to v\\foq 2 + Kai S7iorr|as ttjv daXaaaav %vtt\v

cubits the height. And he made the [ sea cast] —

8sKa 7ir|%£cbv ttjv 8ia|iSTpr|aiv arco tod %s\kovq avTT\q

ten cubits the diameter, from its lip

sic; to xzikoq avTT\q aTpoyyDAx|v kdkA,66sv Kai 7i8VT8

to its lip, globular round about, and five

7rr|%scbv to d\j/oc; Kai to KOKAxDjia TpidKovTa

cubits [was] the height. And the circumference — thirty

7Tr|%£Cbv SKDK^ODV aDTTJV kdkA,co 3+ Kai O|IOlC0|ia

cubits encircled it round about. And a representation

|ioo%cov D7roKdTCo6ev aDTfjc; KDKAxbGev kdkXodvtsc;

of calves [was] underneath it, round about encircling

4 7 ev tootg) + viica 14 - 2 Chronicles

auxfjv 5sra sv 7if|%si kdkAx)i3vtsc; xrjv GdXaaaav

it; ten in a cubit encircling the sea

kdkXoGsv 5i3o axi%oi Pose; %cgvsdxo( sv

round about; [with] two rows [of] [ oxen cast] in

tt] %covsi3asi auxcbv 4 + r| S7iovr|aav avzovq saxcbaa

their being cast in a furnace, in which they made them. [And] standing

87i( 8cb5sKa [ioa%ovq r\ daXaaaa 01 xpsic;

upon twelve calves [was] the sea. The three

PA£7tovt£c; Poppdv Kai oixpsic; pXs7iovxsc; 5ua|idc; Kai

[were] looking north, and three [were] looking west, and

oixpsic; PA,87tovt£c; voxov Kai oixpsic; pXs7iovxsc; npoq

three [were] looking south, and three [were] looking towards

avaxoXdc; Kai r| GdXaaaa S7i' auxcbv dvco Kai

[the] east. And the sea [was] upon them upward. And

fjaav xa 07i(a6ia auxcbv saco 5 + Kai

[ were posteriors their] [towards the] inside. And

xo 7rdxoc; avTT\q 7iaAmaxfjc; Kai xo %sikoq avTT\q coc;

its thickness [was] a palm, and its lip [was] as

Xzikoq 7ioxr|pioD 5iaysy}u)|i|isvoD fiXacTOvq Kpivou

a lip of a cup, having been carved of buds of a lily,

%copoi)oa jiexprjxdc; xpia%iAiouc; Kai s^sxs^sas aDxfjv 6 +

having a capacity [measures of three thousand]. And he completed it.

Kai £7rovr|as Axyoxfjpac; 8sKa Kai sGtjks xodc;7i;svxs sk

And he made [ bathing tubs ten], and put five on

Ss^icbv Kai Tovq 7isvxs s£, apiaxspcbv xou itXvvsiv sv

[the] right, and five on [the] left, to wash in

aDxoiq xa spy a xcov oAx)KaDxco|idxcov Kai aftOKA^siv

them the works of the whole burnt-offerings, and to rinse off

sv aDxoiq Kai r| BdXaaaa sic; xo vi7ixsa0ai xodc;

in them. But the sea [was] for the washing of the

ispsic; sv auxfj i + Kai S7iorr|as xac; Xuxviac; xac; %pvadq

priests in it. And he made the lamp-stands of gold —

8sKa Kaxd xo Kpijia auxcbv Kai s6t|ksv sv xco vacb

ten, according to their distinguishing [manner]. And he put in the temple,

7rsvxs sk Ss^icbv Kai 7rsvxs s£, apiaxspcbv 8+ Kai

five on [the] right, and five on [the] left. And

S7iovr|as xparcs^ac; 5sKa Kai s0t|ksv sv xoo vacb 7isvxs

he made [ tables ten], and he put [them] in the temple, five

sk 8s^icbv Kai 7rsvxs s^ apiaxspcbv Kai S7iovr|as

on [the] right, and five on [the] left. And he made

(piakaq %pvadq SKaxov 9 + Kai S7iovr|as xrjv auXfjv xcov

[bowls of gold a hundred]. And he made the courtyard of the


8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

ispscov Kai xrjv avXr\v rqv jisydAxjv Kai dvpaq ttj

priests, and the [ courtyard great], and doors for the

avhf\ Kai 0i)pcb|iaTa aDTcbv KaTaKs%aA,Kco|isva xaAxcb

courtyard; and their doorways were being brazed in brass.

10+ Kai ttjv dakaoaav s0t|ksv arco ycoviac; tod oikod

And the sea he put at [the] corner of the house

sk Ss^icbv 7ipoq avaxoAxxc; tod jispoDc; tod npoq

at [the] right towards [the] east of the part towards

votov 11+ Kai S7iovr|as Xipdji zovq AiprjTac; Kai Tag

[the] south. And Hiram made the kettles, and the

Kpsdypac; Kai Ta 7iDpsia Kai aDVSTS^sas Xipdji

meat hooks, and the censers. And Hiram completed

7rovfjaai 7idaav tt|v spyaaiav rjv S7iovr|as SoXojicbv o

doing all the work which he did for Solomon the

PaaiXsi sv too oikco tod 0sod n + aTvXovq 8do Kai

king in the house of God- [making] [ columns two], and

zaq fiaasiq Kai zaq xa&gt;0apcb0 S7i( tcov KscpaXcbv tcov

the pommels, and the capitals upon the tops of the

cjtdAxdv 8do Kai 5iKTDa 8do aDyKaA,D\j/ai zaq 8do

[columns two], and [ latticed [works] two] to cover up the two

pdasic; tcov %co0apco0 a screw S7ri tcov KscpaAxbv

pommels of the capitals, which [are] upon the tops

tcov cjtd^cov 13 + Kai poa^ ^CpDooD^ TSTpaKooioD^ s\q

of the columns; and pomegranates of gold — four hundred for

Ta Sdo SiKToa Sdo ysvrj pocbv sv tco Siktdco

the two latticed [works]; two kinds of pomegranates on the [ latticed work

tco svi tod &lt;yoyKaA,D\j/ai zaq 8do pdasic; tcov %($dap(bd

one], to cover the two bases of the capitals,

a saTiv S7idvco tcov cttdXcov u+ Kai %ox&gt;q |is%covcb0

which [are] upon the columns. And [ the bases

S7ioir|as 8sKa Kai todc; XoDTfjpac; S7ioir|asv S7U tcov

he made] — ten; and the bathing tubs he made upon the

|isxcovcb0 15+ Kai ttjv 0dA,aaaav jiiav Kai todc;

bases, and the [ sea one], and the

[ioa%ovq todc; 5cb5sKa D7ioKdTCO aDTfjc; i 6 + Kai todc;

[ calves twelve] underneath it, and the

AiprjTac; Kai xaq Kpsdypac; Kai cpid^aq Kai 7idvTa

kettles, and the meat hooks and bowls. And all

Ta oksdtj aDTcbv a S7ioir|as Xipaji Kai avfjvsyKs

their items which Hiram made, he brought

tco Paai^si SoA,o|icbvTi sv oikco KopioD xahcov

to king Solomon in [the] house of [the] LORD ~ [ brass


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14-2 Chronicles

KaGapoD 17+ sv too 7ispixcbpcD tod Iop8dvoD

[all] of pure]. In the place round about the Jordan

s%cbv£Dasv (xdt&amp; o fiaaikzvq SV TO 7ld%Sl TT\q JT\q

[ cast them the king] in the thick earth,

avajieaov £o%%cb0 Kai avajisaov Eapi5a0d is+ Kai

between Succoth and between Zeredathah. And

£7io(r|ae £oAx)|icbv 7idvTa Ta aKSDrj Tawa sic; nkr\doq

Solomon made all these items in multitude,

acp68pa 6ti odk e^sXurev ohd\ tod %aAxoD 19 +

exceedingly; for [ [was] not wanting [the] scale-weight of the brass].

Kai S7ro(r|os Eo^ojicbv 7idvTa Ta oksdt] tod oikod

And Solomon made all the items of the house

KDpiOD Kai to 0Daia&lt;ycfjpiov to %pdcjodv Kai xaq

of [the] LORD, and the altar of gold, and the

TpansCfiq Kai S7i' aDTcbv dpTODc; TipoGeaecoq 20+ Kai

tables, and upon them bread loaves of [the] place setting. And

Tag iDxviaq Kai todc; Xvyyovq tod cpcoToq KaTd to

the lamp-stands, and the lamps for the light according to the

Kpijia KaTd 7ip6oco7rov tod 5a(3(p %pDa(oD

distinguishing [manner] in front of the dabir, [ gold

KaGapoD 21 + Kai 01 Xv%voi aDTcbv Kai 01 Xafiidzq aDTcbv

of pure]. And their lamps, and their tongs,

Kai ai qndAm Kai ai GDiarai Kai Ta 7iDpe(a

and the bowls, and the incense pans, and the censers

XPDcrioD KaBapoD 22+ Kai r| Gtipa tod oikod

[gold [were] of pure]. And the [door of the house

T| sacoTSpa r| sic; Ta dyia tcov ayicov Kai ai 0Dpai

inner], which [is] in the holies of the holies, and the doors


of the house of the temple, [were] in gold.

5 n

1+ Kai aDVSTsAiaGrj 7idaa r| epyaoia r|v

And [ was completed all the work] which

£7rorr|as Eo^ojicbv ev oikco kdpiod Kai

Solomon did in [the] house of [the] LORD; and

siafjveyKs SoXojicbv Ta dyia AaDi8 tod nazpoq avzov

Solomon carried in the holy [things] of David his father,

Kai to apyopiov Kai to xpDaiov Kai 7idvTa Ta

and the silver, and the gold, and all the

oksdtj Kai eSooKsv sic; 0r|aaDp6v oikov kdpiod 2+

items; and he put [them] in a treasury house of [the] LORD.


8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

tots s^SKKAxjaiaas SoXojicov navTaq zovq

Then Solomon held an assembly of all the

7rpeaPDT8poDc; IopafjX Kai 7idvTac; todc; dp%ovTac; tcov

elders of Israel, and all the rulers of the

(puAxbv rjyoDjievoDc; tcov 7iaTpicbv dicov IopafjX sic;

tribes, rulers of the families of [the] sons of Israel in

IspoDaaAxjji tod aveveyKsiv tt|v kiPcotov SiaGfjKrjq

Jerusalem, to bring the ark of [the] covenant

KDpioi) sk noXzcoq AaDi5 aDTTj Sicov 3+ Kai

of [the] LORD from out of [the] city of David — [this is] Zion. And

s^£KKAx|ai&amp;o6r| npoq tov PaaiXsa naq avfjp IapafjX

[ was assembled unto the king every man of Israel]

sv ttj eopTfj omoq o |xr|v o sp8o|ioc; 4 + Kai r\kdov

in the holiday— this the [month seventh]. And [came

7T&amp;VTSC; 01 7ipsapi)Tspoi IapafjA, Kai zkafiov itavTsq 01

all the elders of Israel], and [took all the

AsDvcai ttjv kiPcotov 5+ Kai avfjvsyKav tt|v kiPcotov

Levites] the ark. And they brought the ark,

Kai TTJV aKTjVfjV TOD jiapTDpioD Kai 7idvTa Ta OKSDT]

and the tent of the testimony, and all the [ items

Ta dyia Ta sv tt| aKrjvfj Kai avfjveyrav aDTfjv 01

holy], the ones in the tent; and [ brought it the

ispek; Kai 01 AsDrcai 6 + Kai o PaaiXsDc; EoA,o|icbv Kai

priests and the Levites]. And king Solomon, and

7idaa T| aDvaycoyfj IapafjA, Kai 01 S7iiaDvr|y|isvoi

all the gathering of Israel, and the ones being assembled

S7i ' aDTOV 8|i7rpoa0sv Tr\q kiPcotod 0dovtsc; [ioa%ovq

unto him before the ark were sacrificing calves

Kai 7ip6paTa a odk api0|ir|9fja£Tai od5s

and sheep, which shall not be counted nor

A,oyia0f|a8Tai arco tod 7tAt|0odc; 7+ Kai siafjvsyKav 01

considered because of the multitude. And [ carried in the

ispsic; ttjv kiPcotov 5ia6f|Kr|c; KopioD sic;

priests] the ark of [the] covenant of [the] LORD into

tov T07rov avTT\q eicj to 5aptp tod oikod sic; Ta dyia

its place, into the dabir of the house, into the holies

TCOV ayiCOV D7lOKdTC0 TCOV 7iTspDycov TCOV x 8 P 01) P^ 8 +

of the holies, underneath the wings of the cherubim.

Kai Tjv Ta %spoDp(|i 5ia7rs7T8TaK6Ta

And [ were the cherubim] being opened and spread out

Tag 7n;spDyac; aDTcbv S7U tov totcov Tr\q kiPcotod Kai

of their wings over the place of the ark. And


ev tootco + viKa

14-2 Chronicles

aDV8KdA,D7lT8 ia X 8 P 01) P^ TT 1 V KlPcOTOV Kai 8711

[ covered the cherubim] the ark, and over

Tovq avacpopsk; avTT\q 87rdvco08v 9+ Kai D7rsps(%ov 01

its bearing poles on top. And [ projected the

avacpopsk; Kai spAircovTO ai KscpaAm toov avacpopsoov

bearing poles], and [ were seen the tips of the bearing poles]

goto Tr\q kiPootod sk toov ayioov sic; 7ip6aco7rov TOD

from the ark of the holies in front of the

8ap(p Kai odk spX87iovTO s^oo Kai fjaav sksi

dabir, and [they were] not seen outside. And they were there

sooc; Tr\q r\[ispaq TavTr\q 10+ odk rjv sv xr| kiPootoo

until this day. Nothing was in the ark

7rAr|v 8do TtXoKEq aq s0t|ks MooDafjc; sv XoopfjP a

except [the] two tablets which Moses stationed at Horeb, which

8is6sto KDpioq |i8id xcov Dicbv IopafjX sv

[the] LORD ordained with the sons of Israel in

too s^sX0siv aDTODc; sk yr\q AiyD7iTOD 1 1 + Kai

their coming forth from out of [the] land of Egypt. And

sysvsxo sv too s^sABsiv todc; ispsk; SK T00V

it came to pass in the coming forth of the priests from out of the

ayioov 6ti rcdvTSc; 01 ispsiq 01 SDps9svTsq rjyidaGrjaav

holy [places], (for all the priests being found were sanctified,

odk fjaav 5iaTSTayjisvoi KaT' scprjjispiav 12+ Kai 01

for they were not [then] set in order according to daily rotation) and the

AsDvcai 01 \j/aAroo5o( rcavTsq ctdv toic; vioiq Aadcp

Levites, the psalm singers, all with the sons of Asaph,

tod Aijidv too I5i9od|i Kai toic; vioiq aDTobv Kai toic;

ofHeman, [to] Jeduthun, and [to] their sons, and [to]

a5sAxpoic; aDTobv toov sv5s5d|isvoov azoXaq pDaaivac;

their brethren of the ones putting on apparels of fine linen,

sv KDjipd^oic; Kai sv vdpAmc; Kai sv Kivtipaic;

with cymbals, and with stringed instruments, and with lutes,

saTTjKOTSc; KaTSvavTi tod 0Daia&lt;ycr|pioD Kai jist'

[were] standing over against the altar, and with

aDTobv onspsiq SKaTOV Kai siKoai aakniCpvTsq sv

them [ priests a hundred and twenty] trumpeting with

Taiq adAmy^i 13+ Kai sysvsTO [da cpoovfj sv too

the trumpets. And there was one sound in the

oaAjri^siv Kai sv too \j/aAroo5siv Kai sv too

trumpeting, and in the singing along with stringed instruments, and in the

avacpoovsiv cpoovfj |i(a tod aivsiv Kai s^ojioXoysiaGai

sounding out loud [ voice with one] to praise and to make acknowledgement



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

too Kopico Kai coc; D\j/coaav xrjv (pcovrjv sv xaic;

to the LORD. And as they raised up high the voice with the

a&amp;Ajny^i Kai sv kdjiP&amp;Axkc; Kai sv opydvoiq xcov

trumpets, and with cymbals, and with instruments for the

oo8cbv Kai s^syov s^ojioXoysiaBs xco Kopico 6xi

odes, that they said, Make acknowledgment to the LORD for

aya66v 6xi sic; xov aicbva xo sXsoc; aDxoD Kai o

[he is] good, for into the eon [is] his mercy! And the

oiKoq svs7rArja6r| vscpsAxjc; Kai do^r\q KopiOD u+ Kai

house was filled up of [the] cloud and of [the] glory of [the] LORD. And

odk r|5i)vaxo 01 ispsic; xod axfjvai XsixoDpysiv anb

[ were not able the priests] to stand to officiate before

7ipoacb7roD xrjq vscpsAxjc; 6xi svs7iAx|as 86^a KopiOD

[the] face of the cloud, for [filled up [the] glory [of the] LORD]


the house of God.

6 1

i + xoxs si7is £oAx)|icbv Kupioq si7is xod KaxaaKqvcooai

Then Solomon said, [The] LORD spoke to encamp

sv yvocpco 2 + Kai sycb coKo56|ir|Ka oikov xco

in dimness. And I have built a house [to]

ovojiaxi aoD dyiov aoi Kai sxoijiov xod KaxaaKTjvcbaai

your name holy to you, and prepared to encamp

sic; xodc; aicbvac; 3 + Kai S7isaxps\j/sv o PaaiA^Dc;

into the eons. And [ turned the king]

xo 7rp6oco7iov aDxoD Kai SDA,6yr|os 7idaav xrjv

his face, and he blessed all the

SKKAxjcriav IapafjX Kai 7idaa r| sKKAxjaia IapafjX

assembly of Israel. And all the assembly of Israel

7iapsiaxf|Ksi 4 + Kai si7isv SDXoyrjxoc; Kopioc; o Gsoc;

stood by. And he said, Blessed be [the] LORD God

IapafjX oq sAxxArjasv sv oxojiaxi aDxoD npoq Aavid

of Israel, who spoke by his mouth to David

xov 7iaxspa jiod Kai sv %spa(v aDxoD S7iAr|pcoas Aiycov

my father, and by his hands he fulfilled, saying,

5 + arco xrjc; rjjispac; r\q avfjyayov xovAxxovjiod sk

From the day which I led my people from out of

yrjc; AiyD7ixoD odk s^sA,s^d|ir|v sv 7i6Xsi arco 7iaacbv

[the] land of Egypt, I did not choose a city from all

cpD^cbv IopafjX xod oiKo8o|ifjaai oikov xod sivai

[the] tribes of Israel to build a house [ to be



8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

to ovojid jiod sksi Kai odk e^sA,s^d|ir|v av5p( tod sivai

for my name] there, and I did not choose a man to be

sic; rjyoDjisvov S7U tov Xaov |iod lapar\k 6 + Kai

for leader over my people Israel. And

s^sXe^&amp;lirjv ttjv IepoDaaAr||i tod yevsaGai to ovojid |iod

I chose Jerusalem [ to be for my name]

SK8i Kai e^eXs^&amp;ixrjv tov AaDi5 tod sivai e7idvco

there, and I chose David to be above

tod Xaov jiod IapafjX ? + Kai eysveTO em Kap8(av

my people Israel. And it came upon [the] heart

AaDi5 tod 7raTp6c; jiod tod oiKo5ojif|aai oikov too

of David my father to build a house to the

OVOJiaTl KDpiOD TOD 08OD IapafjA, 8+ Kai 81718 KDpiOq

name of [the] LORD God of Israel. And [the] LORD said

7tpoc; AaDi8 tov 7iaTepa jiod 8i6ti sysvsTO S7ri

to David my father, Because it was upon

Kap8(av aoD tod oiKo8o|ifjaai oikov tcd ovojiaTi jiod

your heart to build a house [to] my name,

Kokcbq £7iovr|aac; 6ti syeveTO em Kap8(av aoD 9 + ith\v

[well you do], for it was upon your heart. Except

&lt;xu odk oiKoSojxfjasic; |ioi oikov 6ti o vioq aoD oq

you shall not build to me a house, for your son who

s^sXeDaeTai sk Tr\q oatpDOc; aoD avzoq oiKoSojifjasi

comes forth from out of your loin, he shall build

tov oikov tcd ovojiaTi jiod io+ Kai avearrjas KDpioq

the house [to] my name. And [the] LORD established

tov Xoyov ov sXdArjas Kai eyev6|ir|v avTi AaDi5

the word which he spoke. And I became instead of David

tod 7raTp6c; jiod Kai SKdGiaa em tov Gpovov IapafjX

my father, and I sit upon the throne of Israel,

KaGcbq sAxxAxjae Kopioc; Kai coKo86|ir|aa tov oikov tcd

as [the] LORD said, and I built the house to the

ovojiaTi KDpiOD tod 08OD lapar\k n + Kai eGrjKa sksi

name of [the] LORD God of Israel. And I put there


the ark, in which [ [is] located the covenant [of the] LORD], which

5i86sto too IapafjA, u + Kai saTrj svavTiov tod

he ordained with Israel. And he stood before the

0DoiaoTTj pioD KDpiOD svavTi 7idar|c; SKKAxjaiac;

altar of [the] LORD, before all [the] assembly

IapafjX Kai 8i87iSTaos Tag %sipac; aDTOD n + 6ti

of Israel, and he opened and spread out his hands. For



ev tootco + viKa
14-2 Chronicles

£7iovr|as XoAojiarv pdaiv xaAxqv Kai s9t|ksv aDxfjv sv

Solomon made [ platform a brass], and he put it in

jisaco Tr\q avhf\q tod ispoD 7csvts 7cr|%scbv

[the] midst of the courtyard of the temple — five cubits

to jifjKoc; m)TT\q Kai 7csvts 7cr|%scbv to svpoq avTT\q Kai

[was] its length, and five cubits [was] its breadth, and

Tpicbv 7ir|%8cbv to v\\foq avTT\q Kai sorr| 87i' avTT\q Kai

three cubits [was] its height. And he stood upon it, and

SKaji\j/sv 87ii Ta yovaTa avzov svavriov 7cdar|c;

he bent upon his knees before all

SKKAxjcriac; lapar\k Kai 8iS7i;sTaas xaq xsipaq avzov

[the] assembly of Israel, and he opened and spread out his hands

sic; tov ODpavov u + Kai 8i7i8 Ki3pi8 o Gsoc; tod IapafjA,

into the heaven. And he said, O LORD God of Israel,

ODK SCTTIV OJIOIOC; OOl 6s6c; 8V ODpaVCO Kai 8711 TT\q

there is no [ likened to you God] in heaven, nor upon the

yrjc; tpDldaacov tt|v 8ia6fiKr|v Kai to sksoq TOiq

earth, keeping the covenant, and [showing] mercy [to]

7caia( aoD tok; 7copsDO|isvoic; svavTiov aoD sv 6hr\

your children, to the ones going before you with all

Kap5(a aDTcav is + a scpvXa^aq tco 7cai8( aoD AaDi8

their heart, which you kept [with] your servant David

tco 7caTp( |iod a £kah\Gaq aDTCO Kai skakr[aaq sv

my father, which you spoke to him; and you spoke by

&lt;xc6|iaTi ood Kai sv %spa( oao sftArjpcoaac; coc;

your mouth, and by your hands you fulfilled [it], as

Tj Tj|ispa aDTTj i6+ Kai vdv KDpis o Gsoc; IapafjX

this day. And now, O LORD the God of Israel,

(pvXatpv tco 7cai8i aoD AaDi8 tco 7caTp( jiod a

keep [with] your servant David, my father, what

sXdAxjaac; aDTcb Xsycov odk skA,suj/si aoi avfjp

you spoke to him, saying, There shall not fail to you a man

a7co 7cpoacb7coD jiod KaGfjjisvoc; S7U BpovoD IopafjA,

from [before] my face sitting upon [the] throne of Israel,

7tAr|v sdv cpDAxx^cooiv oi dioi aoD tt|v o86v aDTcbv

if only [ should guard your sons] their way

tod 7copsDso6ai sv tco vojico (iod coc; S7i;opsD6r|c;

to go by my law, as you went

svavnov jiod 17+ Kai vdv KDpis o Gsoc; IapafjA,

before me. And now, O LORD God of Israel,

7ciaTCo9f|TCO 8r| to pfj|id aoD o skaXr\aaq tco

let be trustworthy indeed your saying, which you spoke [to]



8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

5odAxd aoi) Aam5 i 8 + on si aXr\d(bq KaxoiKfjasi 0s6c;

your manservant David. For shall [ truly dwells God]

|ist&amp; av6pcb7rcov S7ri Tr\q yr\q si o ODpavoc; Kai o

with men upon the earth? If the heaven and the

ODpavoc; tod ODpavoD odk apKsaoDai aoi Kai nq

heaven of the heaven [is] not sufficient to you; then what

o oiKoq omoq ov coKo56|ir|aa 19+ Kai S7ripXs\j/r| sm

[is] this house which I built? And should you look upon

TTJV 7rpoaSD%fjV TOD 8odA,OD aOD Kai S7U

the prayer of your manservant, and upon

ttjv 5sr|aiv aDTOD KDpis o 0s6c; |IOD TOD 87iaKODaai TT\q

his supplication, O LORD my God, to heed the

Ssfjasooc; Kai Tr\q 7ipoasDxf|c; r\q o dovXoq aoD

supplication and the prayer, which your manservant

7ipoasDXSTai svavTiov aoD af||ispov 20+TODSivai

prayed before you today; [ to be

todc; ocpGa^jioDc; aoD avscoyjisvoDq S7ri tov oikov todtov

for your eyes] open unto this house

rjjispac; Kai vdktoc; sic; tov totcov todtov ov si7iac;

day and night, in this place which you said

S7riKAr|6fjvai to ovojid ood sksi tod aKODaai TT\q

to call upon your name there; to hear the

7ipoasD%fj(; r\q 7ipoasD%STai o dovXoq ood sic;

prayer which [ prayed your manservant] in

tov T07rov todtov 21+ Kai aKODarj TTjcj 5sfjascoc;

this place. Then shall you hear the supplication

tod 8odA,od ood Kai tod Axxod aoD IapafjX a dv

of your manservant, and of your people Israel, in what ever

7ipoasD^covTai sic; tov totcov todtov Kai &lt;xu aKODarj

they should pray to this place. And you shall hear


from the place of your dwelling — from the heaven;

Kai aKODarj Kai iXscoq sarj 22+ sdv a|idpTT| avfjp tcd

and you shall hear and shall be propitious. If [ should sin a man] [against]

7rAr|a(ov aDTOD Kai A,dpr| S7i' aDTOV apdv

his neighbor, and he takes upon him an oath

tod apdaaaBai aDTOV Kai sA£r| Kai apdorjTai

to cause him to make an oath, and he should come and make an oath


against the altar in this house; then

&lt;td siaaKODorj sk tod ODpavoD Kai 7ioif|asic; Kai

you shall listen from out of the heaven, and shall act, and



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

Kpivefc; Tovq SovXovq gov tod a7io8oDvai too avojico

shall judge your servants, to recompense to the lawless one,

Kai arcoSoDvai odovq avzov sic; KstpaAxjv avzov Kai

and to recompense his ways upon his head; and

tod SiKaicoaai Sfcaiov tod arcoSoDvai aDTcb KaTd

to do justice [to the] just, to recompense to him according to

ttjv 5iKaio&lt;y6vr|v aDTOD 24 + Kai e&amp;v 6paDa6fj

his righteousness. And if [ should be devastated

o Xaoq aoD IapafjA, svcb7iiov s%6poD sdv ajidpTCoai

your people Israel] before an enemy, if they should sin

aoi Kai smoTpsij/coai Kai s^ojioXoyfjacovTai

against you, and should turn, and should acknowledge

too ovojiaTi aoD Kai 7ipoosD^covTai Kai 5sr|6cboiv

your name, and should pray, and should beseech

svavTiov aoD ev too oikco todtco 2 s + Kai &lt;xo sioaKODarj

before you in this house; then you shall listen

sk tod ODpavoD Kai (Xscoc; ear) zaiq ajiapTiaic;

from the heaven, and you should be propitious to the sins

tod Axxod aoD IapafjA, Kai a7ioaTps\j/sic; aDTODc; sic;

of your people Israel, and shall return them into

ttjv yrjv rjv s8coKac; aDTOiq Kai toic; 7iaTpdaiv aDTcbv

the land which you gave to them and [to] their fathers.

26+ sv too GVG%sdr\vai tov ODpavov Kai jlit| ysvsaGai

[And] in the holding together the heaven, and there is no

d8tov 6ti ajiapTfjaovTai aoi Kai rcpoasD^ovTai sic;

rain, because they sinned against you, and they pray to

tov T07rov todtov Kai s^ojioXoyfjaovTai TOO

this place, and confess [to]

ovojiaTi aoD Kai arco tcov ajiapTicbv aDTcbv

your name, and from their sins

87iiaTps\j/ODaiv 6ti Ta7isivcbasic; aDTODC; 27 + Kai GV

they shall turn, because you shall humble them; then you

eiaaKODarj sk tod ODpavoD Kai (Xscoc; sarj zmq

shall listen from heaven, and shall be propitious to the

ajiapTiaiq tcov 7ia(5cov aoD Kai tod Axxod aoD IapafjX

sins of your servants, and your people Israel,

6ti SrjXcoasic; aDTOic; tt|v o86v tt|v ayaBfjv sv r|

that you shall make manifest to them the [ way good], in which

7iopsDaovTai sv aDTfj Kai Scbasiq dstov S7i(

they shall go by it. And you shall put rain upon

ttjv yrjv aoD rjv sScoKaq tco Xacb gov sic; KAxjpovojjiav

your land, which you gave [to] your people for an inheritance.


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

28 + Aijioc; sdv ysvrjxai sm xrjc; yr\q 0dvaxoc; sdv ysvrjxai

If famine happens upon the land, if plague happens —

avs|iocp0op(a vxxspoc; oucpfc; Kai PpoD%oc; sdv ysvrjxai

wind-blown [blight], jaundice; [ locust and grasshopper if there should be];

Kai sdv 0Ai\j/coaiv aDxov oi s%0poi aDxoD sv xrj yr|

and if [ should afflict it its enemies] in the land

Kaxsvavxi xcov 7i6A,scov aDxoD Kaxd rcdaav 7rArjyfjv

against its cities, according to every calamity

Kai 7idvxa 7i6vov 29+ Kai rcdaav 7rpoasD%fjv Kai

and every misery; then every prayer, and

ftdaav Ssrjaiv rj sdv ysvrjxai rcavxi av0pcb7rco Kai

all supplication, whichever should be by any man, and

7iavxi xco Axxcb aoD IapafjA, sdv yvco dv0pco7ioc;

all your people Israel, if [ should know a man]

acpfjv avTOV Kai xrjv jiaXaKiav aDxoD Kai 8ia7isxdarj

his infection and his infirmity, and should open and spread out

xac; %s(pac; aDxoD sic; xov oikov xodxov 30 + Kai au

his hands to this house; then you

siaaKODarj sk xod ODpavoD s£, sxoijiod

shall listen from the heaven, from [ prepared

KaxoiKTjxrjpioD aoD Kai iXdarj Kai Scbasic; av5p(

home your], and you shall atone, and shall give to a man
Kaxd xac; odovq avzov coc; av yvcbc;

according to his ways, as you should know

xrjv Kap8(av aDxoD 6x1 av jiovcbxaxoc; yivcbaKsic; xrjv

his heart; (for you most only know the

Kap5(av xcov mcbv av0pco7icov 31+ oitodq cpopcbvxai as

heart of the sons of men.) So that they should fear you,

xod 7iopsDsa0ai sv naaaiq xaiq 080k; aoi) naaaq xac;

to go in all your ways, all the

rjjispac; aq aDxoi ^cbaiv S7U 7rpoacb7roD xrjc; yr\q r\q

days which they should live upon [the] face of the land, of which

sScoKaq xoic; rcaxpaaiv rj|icbv 32+ Kai ys rcac; aMtoxpioc;

you gave to our fathers. And also every alien

oq odk saxiv sk xod Xaov aoD IapafjA, Kai sA,0rj

who is not of your people Israel, and he should come

sk yrjc; jiaKp60sv 8id xo ovojid aoD xo jisya Kai

from out of a land far off because of [ name your great], and

xrjv %zipa aoD xrjv Kpaxaidv Kai xov Ppaxiovd aoD

[ hand your fortified], and [ arm your

xovD\j/rjX6v Kai sA,0coai Kai 7ipoasD^covxai sic;

high]; and should come and should pray in



8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles


this place; then you shall listen from out of the


heaven, from [ prepared home your], and you shall do

raid navxa 6aa av S7iiKaA,sar|Tai as o

according to all as much as [ should have called upon you the

aAloxpioc; oitodq yvcoai ftdvTSc; 01 Xaoi Tr\q yr\q

alien]; so that [should know all the peoples of the earth]

to ovojid gov Kai tod cpoPsiaGai as coc; o Xaoq gov

your name, and to fear you, as your people

IapafjA, Kai tod yvcbvai 6ti to ovojid aoD S7iiKSKAx|Tai

Israel, and to know that your name is called

S7U tov oikov todtov ov coKo86|ir|aa 34 +sdv8s

upon [in] this house which I built. And if

s^sXGrj o Xaoq gov sic; 7r6A,s|iov zni

[ should go forth your people] for war against

todc; s^GpoDc; (xdtod sv o8co r| a7roaTsXsk; ocdtodc^

its enemies, in [the] way which you shall send them,

Kai 7ipoasD^covTai 7ipoc; as KaTd ttjv o86v

and they should pray to you towards the way

Tr\q TtoXzwq TaDTTjc; r|v s^sAi^co sv aDTfj Kai tod

of this city which you chose, towards it and the

oikod od coKo86|ir|aa too ovojiaTiaoD 35+ Kai aKODarj

house which I built [to] your name; then you shall hear

sk tod ODpavoD TT\q 7ipoasD%fjc; aDTCOV Kai

[ from out of the heaven their prayer and

Tr\q Ssfjascoc; aDTcbv Kai 7ioifjasic; to 5iKa(co|ia aDTCOV 36 +

their supplication], and shall do them justice.

6ti ajiapTfjaovTai aoi 6ti odk saTiv dv0pco7ioc; oq

For they shall sin against you, (for there is not a man who
od% ajiapTfjasTai Kai sdv 0D|ico0fjc; S7i' aDTODc; Kai

shall not sin,) and if enraged over them, and

7iapa5cbc; aDTODc; KaTd 7ip6aco7rov s%0pcbv Kai

you should deliver them before [the] face of [the] enemies, and

aixjia^coTSDaoDaiv aDTODc; 01 aixjiaXcoTSDaavTsq sic;

[ shall take them captive the ones capturing] into

yrjv jiaKpdv r| syyvq 37+ Kai S7iiaTps\j/coai

a land far or near; and they should turn

Kap8(av aDTcbv sv tt| yr| od r|%|iaAxjOTSD0r|aav sksi

their heart in the land of which they were taken captive there,

Kai S7iiaTps\j/coai Kai 8sr|0coai aoD sv tt| yr|

and they shall turn and should beseech you in the land



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

aixiiaAxoaiaq aDTcbv AiyovTSc; r||idpTO|isv r|vo|if|aa|iev

of their captivity, saying, We sinned, we acted lawlessly,

Kai r|aepfjaa|i£V 38+ Kai S7riaTpe\j/&lt;joai npoq as sv 6Ax|

and we acted impiously; and they should turn towards you with all

Kap8(a aDxcbv Kai sv 6Ax| \\fv%r\ aDTcbv sv yr|

their heart, and with all their soul in [the] land

aix|iaA,coT8DadvTCOv avzovq od ri%|iaAxbTSDaav aDTODc;

of their being taken captive, of which they took them captive

SK8i Kai 7ipoasi)^CDVTai o86v yr\q aDTcbv r\q eSooKac;

there, and they should pray [in the] way of their land, of which you gave

TOiq 7raxpdaiv aDTcbv Kai Tr\q 7r6A£coc; r\q s^sXe^co

[to] their fathers, and of the city of which you chose,

Kai tod oikod od CDKo86|ir|Ga too ovojiaxi ctod 39+

and the house of which I built [to] your name;

Kai aKotxxrj 8K tod ODpavoD s£, stoijiod

then you shall hear from the heaven, from [ prepared

KaxoiKT|TT| piOD aoD TT\q 7ipoa£D%f|c; aDxcbv Kai

home your], of their prayer and

Tr\q Ssfjasooc; aDxcbv Kai 7roifjasic; to Kpijia aDTcbv Kai

their supplication, and you shall make their case, and

iksodq s&lt;xr| too Axxcb tcd ajiapTOVTi aoi 40+ Kai vdv

you shall be propitious to the people sinning against you. And now,

Kopie o Geoc; eaTCoaav 5r| oi ocpGa^jioi aoD

O LORD God, let [ be indeed your eyes]

aveooyjievoi Kai Ta cotoc aoD £7rf|Koa eic; tt|v 5er|aiv

open, and your ears attentive to the supplication

TOD T07T0D TODTOD 41 + Kai VDV avdaTT|0l KDpiS O Gsoq

of this place! And now, rise up O LORD God

eic; ttjv KaTd7iaDa(v aoD cjd Kai rj kiPcdtoc;

in your rest, you and the ark

Tr\q io%voq god oi lepefc; aoD Kopis o Geoc; ev5i)aovTai

of your strength! Your priests, O LORD God, shall clothe themselves

acoTrjpiav Kai oi oaioi aoD SDcppavGfjaovTai ev

in deliverance, and your sacred ones shall be glad in

ayaGoiq 4 2+ Kopie o Geoc; |ir| a7ioaTp£\j/r|c; to

good [things]. O LORD God, you should not turn the

7ip6aco7rov tod %pi&lt;xcoD aoD |ivf|aGr|Ti Ta eXsrj AaDi5

face of your anointed one. Remember the mercies of David

tod 8odA,od aoD

your servant!



8V TOOTCp + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

7 T

i + Kai coc; awsxeXeae XoAojicbv 7rpoaei)%6|isvoc; Kai

And as Solomon completed praying, and

to itvp KaxsPrj sk tod oupavoi) Kai Kaxecpaye xa

fire came down from out of the heaven, and it devoured the

oAx)Kai)xcb|iaxa Kai xac; Qvaiaq Kai 86^a Kupfcyu

whole burnt-offerings and the sacrifices; and [the] glory of [the] LORD

S7iXr|os xov oikov 2+ Kai odk T|8t)vavTO oi lepsic;

filled the house. And [ were not able the priests]

eiaeXGeiv eic; xov oikov Kupioi) sv too Kaipcb sksivco

to enter into the house of [the] LORD at that time,

on S7iXr|a8 86^a Kupioi) xov oikov Kupioi) 3+ Kai

for [filled [the] glory [of the] LORD] the house of [the] LORD. And

rcavxec; 01 moi IapafjX scbpcov KaxaPaivov to nvp

all the sons of Israel seeing [comedown the fire],

Kai T| 86^a Kupioi) S7ri xov oikov Kai S7isaov em

and the glory of [the] LORD upon the house, and they fell upon

7ip6aco7rov £7U xr|v yrjv S7ri to Ai06axpcoxov Kai

[their] face upon the ground, upon the stone pavement, and
7rpoasK6vr|aav Kai fjvsaav too Kopico 6x1 ayaGov

they did obeisance and gave praise to the LORD, [saying], For [he is] good,

on sic; xov aicbva to eXeoc; auxou 4 + Kai o fiaoiksvq

for [ [is] into the eon his mercy]. And the king

Kai 7iac; o Xaoq Guovxec; 9i)|iaxa svcb7riov

and all the people [were] sacrificing the things offered for sacrifices before

Kupioi) 5 + Kai eGuaev o fiaaiksvq £oA,o|icbv TTJV

[the] LORD. And [ sacrificed king Solomon] the

dvaiav |i6a%cov sikocji Kai 8t3o %ikwdaq Kai

sacrifice of calves — twenty and two thousand, and

PoaKTuidxcov SKaxov Kai sikocji xiAidSac; Kai

pastured [sheep] ~ a hundred and twenty thousand. And

svsKaiviae xov oikov xod 0sot3 o fiaaiksvq Kai naq

[dedicated the house of God the king and all

o Xaoq 6 + Kai 01 ispefc; £7U xac; (pvXaKaq auxcbv

the people]. And the priests [at their watches

saxrjKoxec; Kai 01 Aemxai ev opydvoic; co8cgv Kupuru

were standing], and the Levites with instruments of odes of [the] LORD,

cov £7iorr|ae AaviS o fiaaiksvq xou s^ojioXoyeiaGai

which [ made David the king], to acknowledge

svavxi Kupioi) 6x1 siq xov aicbva xo ZXsoq avzov

before [the] LORD, that [ [is] into the eon his mercy],


7T sv toi3tco + vdca 14 - 2 Chronicles

sv Djivoic; AaviS 5id %sipoc; aDxcov Kai 01 ispsk;

[along] with [the] hymns of David by their hand. And the priests

aahtiCpvTsq adAmy^iv svavxiov aDxcov Kai naq

were trumpeting trumpets opposite them, and all

IapafjX soxrjKcoc; ? + Kai rjyiaas SoXojicbv to jisaov xrjc;

Israel [was] standing. And Solomon sanctified the middle of the

avXr\q xrjc; sv oikco KopiOD 6xi S7iovr|asv sksi xa

courtyard, of the one in [the] house of [the] LORD; for he offered there the

oXoKaDxcbjiaxa Kai xa axsaxa xoov acoxrjpicov 6xi

whole burnt-offerings, and the fat of the deliverance [offerings]; for

xo 0i)aiaaxf|piov xo xo^kodv o S7iovr|as SoXojicbv

the altar of brass which Solomon made

odk 8^87roi8i 8s^aa6ai xa oAx)KaDxcb|iaxa Kai xa

did not suffice to take the whole burnt-offerings, and the

jiavad Kai xa axsaxa

gift offerings, and the fat.

8 + Kai S7roir|as EoA,o|icbv xrjv sopxryv sv

And Solomon observed the holiday at

xco Kaipcb sksivco S7ixd rjjispac; Kai naq IapafjA, jisx'

that time for seven days, and all Israel with

avTOV SKKArjcria |isydAr| acp68pa arco sicj65od AijidG

him; [assembly great an exceedingly], from [the] entrance ofHamath,

Kai scoc; xsijidppoi) AiyD7ixoD 9+ Kai S7iovr|asv sv xr|

and unto [the] rushing stream of Egypt. And he made on the

rjjispa xt| oy86r| s^65iov 6x1 syKaiviajiov xod

[ day eighth] a holiday recess; for dedication of the

0i)aiaaxr|pioD S7ioir|asv S7ixd rjjispac; Kai xrjv sopxfjv

altar he observed seven days, and the holiday

S7ixd rjjispac; 10+ Kai sv xrj r||ispa xrj xpixrj Kai

seven days. And on the [ day third and

siKoaxfj xod (irjvoc; xod sP56jiod a7isaxsiXs xov Xaov

twentieth] of the [ month seventh] he sent the people

sic; xa aKT|vcb|iaxa aDxcov SDcppaivojisvoDc; Kai aya0fj

to their tents being glad and [with] a good

Kap8(a S7U xoic; ayaGoic; oiq S7iorr|as Kopioc; xco AaDi5

heart over the good [things] which [the] LORD did to David,

Kai xco SoA,o|icbvxi Kai xco IapafjX xco Xaco aDxoD n +

and to Solomon, and [to] Israel his people.

Kai aDvsxs^sas EoXojicbv xov oikov KopiOD Kai xov

And Solomon completed the house of [the] LORD, and the

oikov xod PaaiXscoc; Kai 7idvxa 6aa

house of the king. And all as much as


7T ev toi3tco + vdca 14 - 2 Chronicles

rjGsArjas SoXojicbv sv xrj \\fv%r\ aDxoD 7ioifjaai sv oikco

Solomon wanted in his soul to do with [the] house


of [the] LORD, and in his house, he was prospered. And

cbcpBrj Kopioc; xco SoXojicbvxi sv xrj vdkxi kcxi si7isv

[the] LORD appeared [to] Solomon in the night, and said

aDTcb fjKODaa Tr\q 7rpoasD%f|c; cjod Kai s^sA,s^d|ir|v sv

to him, I heard your prayer, and I chose in

TOO 107103 XODXCO SJiaDXCO SICJ OIKOV 0DGiac; 13 + sdv

this place to myself for a house of sacrifice. If

&lt;yoa%cb xov ODpavov Kai (ir| ysvrjxai dsxoc; Kai

I should hold up the heaven, and [ does not happen rain], and

sdv svxsiAxojiai xrj aKp(5i tod Kaxacpaysiv xrjv yrjv

if [ should be given charge the locust] to eat up the land,

Kai sdv a7ioaTSiXco Gdvaxov sv xco Xacb jiod u + Kai

and if I send a plague among my people, and

svxpa7ifi o Xaoq jiod scp' ovq S7UKSKAx|xai

they should have shame (my people upon whom call upon

xo ovojid jiod S7i' avTOvq Kai 7ipoasD^covxai Kai

my name) upon them, and should pray, and

^rjxfjacoai xo 7rp6aco7i6v jiod Kai a7roaxps\j/coaiv arco

should seek my face, and should turn from

xcov o8cbv ai)xcbv xcov 7iovr|pcbv Kai sycb siaaKODaojiai

[ ways their wicked], then I shall listen

sk xod ODpavoD Kai (Xscoc; saojiai xaic;

from the heaven, and [ propitious I will be] to

ajiapxiaiq auxcbv Kai idaojiai xrjv yrjv auxcbv 15+ Kai

their sins, and I will heal their land. And

vdv 01 ocp0aA,|ioi jiod saovxai avscoyjisvoi Kai

now, my eyes will be open, and

xa coxa jiod S7if|Koa xrj 7rpoasi)%fj xod xotcod xodxod 16+

my ears attentive to the prayer of this people.

Kai vdv s^sA,s^d|ir|v Kai rjyiaKa xov oikov xodxov

And now, I chose and I have sanctified this house,

xod sivai ovojid jiod sksi scoc; aicovoc; Kai saovxai

[ to be for my name] there unto [the] eon. And [ will be

01 ocp6aX|io( jiod Kai r| Kap5(a jiod sksi naoaq xac;

my eyes and my heart] there all the

rjjispac; 17+ Kai aD sdv 7iopsD0f|c; svavxiov jiod coc;

days. And if you should go before me as

S7iopsD0r| AaDi5 o 7iaxf|p aoD Kai 7ioifjor|c; Kaxd

[ went David your father], and should do according to


7T sv toi3tco + vdca 14 - 2 Chronicles

rcdvxa a 8V8xsiXd|ir|v aoi Kai xa 7ipoaxdy|iaxd jiod

all what I gave charge to you, and [ my orders

Kai xa Kpijiaxd jiou cpuXd^rjq i 8 + Kai avaaxfjaco xov

and my judgments keep]; then I will raise up the

Bpovov xrjc; ^aaiksiaq aov coc; 8ie0s|ir|v Aavid

throne of your kingdom as I ordained to David

xco 7iaxp( aoi) Aiycov odk s^apGfjasxai aoi avfjp

your father, saying, There shall not be removed to you a man

rjyoujisvoc; ev IopafjX 19+ Kai sdv a7ioaxps\j/r|xs djisic;

ruling in Israel. But if you should turn,

Kai 8yKaxaA,8i7ir|X8 xa 7ipoaxdy|iaxd jiod Kai

and should abandon my orders, and

xac; zvTokaq jiod aq eScora evavxiov ujicbv Kai

my commandments, which I put before you, and

7iop8D0f|X8 Kai Xaxpeuarjxs Gsoiq exepoic; Kai

you should go and should serve other gods, and

7ipoaKi)vf|ar|X8 auxoic; 20+ Kai e^dpco v[iaq anb xrjc;

should do obeisance to them, then I will remove you from the

yrjc; r\q eScora djiiv Kai xov oikov xouxov ov

land of which I gave to you; and this house which

rjyiaoa xco ovojiaxi jiod a7roppuj/co auxov anb

I sanctified [to] my name I will disown it from

7rpoacb7roi) |iod Kai 8cbaco auxov sic; 7iapaPoAr|v Kai

my face, and I will appoint it for a parable, and

siq 8ifjyr||ia sv 7idai xoic; sGveai 21 + Kai

for a tale among all the nations. And

o oiKoq ouxoc; oq rjv D\j/r|A,6c; itaq o 8ia7iopei)0|isvoc;

this house, which was exalted ~ everyone traveling by

auxov SKaxfjaexai Kai epei svsksv xivoq

it shall be amazed, and shall say, For why

£7iorr|aev o Kopioc; xr| yrj xatixrj Kai xco oikco xouxco 22 +

did [the] LORD do [thus] [to] this land, and [to] this house?

Kai epotiai 816x1 syKaxsAurov Kopiov xov 0e6v

And they shall say, Because they abandoned [the] LORD, the God

xcov 7iax8pcov auxcbv xov s^ayayovxa auxouc; sk

of their fathers, the one leading them from out of

yrjc; AiyimxoD Kai avxsAxxPovxo Gscbv sxspcov Kai

[the] land of Egypt; and they took hold of other gods, and

7ipoa£K6vr|aav auxofc; Kai sSou^euaav auxofc; 8id

they did obeisance to them, and they served to them. On account of

xotixo £7if|yaysv S7i' avzovq 7idaav xrjv KaKiav xatixrjv

this he brought upon them all this evil.


8n ev tootco + viica 14 - 2 Chronicles

8 n

i+ Kai sysvsxo jisxd sixoaiv sxrj sv oiq

And it came to pass after twenty years, in which

coKo56|ir|as £oA,o|icbv xov oikov KopioD Kai

Solomon built the house of [the] LORD, and

xov oikov olvtov 2 + Kai xac; 7i6A,sic; aq s8coks Xipdji

his house, and the cities which Hiram gave

too SoA,o|icovti ooKo56|ir|aev avzaq EoAxdjicov Kai

to Solomon, [built them [up] Solomon], and

KaxcoKiasv sksi xodc; viovq IapafjA, 3 + Kai

settled there the sons of Israel. And

fjX0s EoXojicbv sic; AijidG Hovfia Kai Kax(a%Dasv

Solomon came into Hamath Zobah, and prevailed over

aircfjv 4+ Kai coko56|jt|os xrjv 0s5|i6p sv xrj spfjjLico

it. And he built Tadmor in the wilderness,

Kai 7idaac; xac; noXsiq xac; o%vpaq aq C0Ko86|ir|asv sv

and all the [ cities fortified] which he built in

AijidG 5 + Kai coKo86|ir|as xrjv BaiBcopcbv xrjv dvco Kai

Hamath. And he built [ Beth-horon upper], and

ttjv Bai9copcbv ttjv Kdxco itoXsiq o%vpaq Tzi%r\ nvXm

[ Beth-horon lower], [ cities fortified] [with] walls, gates,

Kai |io%Axn 6+ Kai xrjvBaXad0 Kai naaaq xac; noXsiq

and bars; and Baalath, and all the [ cities

xac; o%vpaq ai fjaav xco SoXojicbvxi Kai itaaaq xac;

fortified] which were [unto] Solomon, and all the

7i6Xsic; xcov apjidxcov Kai xac; 7i6A,sic; xcov unreoov Kai

cities of the chariots, and the cities of the horsemen, and

6aa S7is0D|ir|as £oAx)|icov Kaxd xrjv S7ii0D|iiav

as much as Solomon desired according to the desire

xod oiKo5o|if|aai sv IspoDaaAx||i Kai sv xco Aipdvco

to build in Jerusalem, and in Lebanon,

Kai sv 7idar| xrj yrj xrjc; s^ODaiac; aDxoD i + naq o

and in all the land of his authority. All the

Xaoq o KaxaXsup0s(c; ano xod XsxxaioD Kai xod

people left behind from the Hittite, and the

AjioppaioD Kai xod Osps^aioD Kai xod EDaioD Kai

Amorite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and

xod IsPoDaaioD 01 odk siaiv sk xod IapafjA, s+ aXX r

the Jebusite, who are not of Israel, but

fjaav sk xcov dicov aDxcbv xcov KaxaA,sicp0svxcov jisx'

were of their sons being left behind after


8n ev tootco + viica 14 - 2 Chronicles

avTOvq sv xr| yrj ovq odk s^coA,66psDaav 01 dioi

them in the land of which [ did not utterly destroy the sons

IapafjX Kai avfjyaysv aDxotic; EoAx)|icbv sic; cpopov

of Israel], and [ led them Solomon] into tribute

scoc; TTjq rjjiepaq Ta^xriq 9 + Kai sk xcov dicov IapafjA,

until this day. And [ any of the sons of Israel

odk s5coks SoXojicbv sic; 7ia(8a(; sic; rcdvxa

did not appoint Solomon] as servants for all

xa spya aDxoD sv xr| Paai^sia aDxoD 6xi aDxoi dvSpsc;

his works in his kingdom, for they [were] men

7ioXs|iiaxai Kai dp%ovxsc; Kai 5i)vaxo( Kai dp%ovxsc;

warriors, and rulers, and mighty [men], and rulers

apjidxcov avTOV Kai i7r7rscov aDxoD 10+ Kai odxoi

of his chariots, and of his horsemen. And these

dpxovxsq xcov 7ipoaxaxcbv paaiAicoc; £oAx)|icbvxoc;

rulers of the superintendents of king Solomon

7T£vxfjKovxa Kai 8iaKoaioi spyo8icoKxoDvxsc; sv xco

[were] fifty and two hundred directing works among the

Axxco 11+ Kai xrjv 0Dyaxspa Oapaco avfjyays £oA,ojicbv

people. And [the daughter of Pharaoh Solomon led]

sk 7r6A,scoc; Aavid sic; xov oikov ov C0Ko56|ir|asv

from [the] city of David into the house which he built


for her. For he said, [ shall not dwell My wife] in [the] city

Aavid xod PaaiAicoc; IapafjA, 6x1 ayia saxiv od

of David the king of Israel, for it is holy, because


[entered there the ark of the LORD]. Then

avfjvsyKs SoA,o|icbv oXoKauxcbjiaxa xco Kopico S7U xo

Solomon offered whole burnt-offerings to the LORD upon the

9i)aiaaxf|piov Kopioi) o coKo86|ir|as arcsvavxi xod

altar of [the] LORD, which he built before the

vaoD 13+ Kaxd xov Xoyov rjjispac; sv rjjispa

temple, according to the reckoning, day by day,

xod avacpspsiv Kaxd xac; svxo^dq McoDafj sv xoic;

to offer according to the commandments of Moses, on the

aappdxoiq Kai sv xoic; jirjai Kai sv xaic; sopxaiq

Sabbaths, and at the months, and in the holidays,

xpsic; Kaipotic; xod sviaDxoD sv xr| sopxfj xcov

three times [during] the year — in the holiday of the

a^Djicov Kai sv xr| sopxfj xcov sp5o|id8cov Kai sv

unleavened [breads], and in the holiday of the period of sevens, and in


8n ev toi3tco + vtica 14 - 2 Chronicles

tt] sopxrj xcov aKTjvcov h+ Kai saxrjas Kaxa xrjv

the holiday of the tents. And he established, according to the

Kpiaiv Aam5 xod rcaxpoc; aDxoD xac; 5iaipsasic; xcov

ordinance of David his father, the divisions of the

ispscov Kaxd xac; A^sixoDpyiac; aDxcbv Kai xodc; AsDixai

priests according to their ministrations, and of the Levites

8711 xac; (pvXaKaq aDxcbv xod aivsiv Kai XsixoDpysiv

over their watches, to praise and to officiate

Kaxsvavxi xcov ispscov Kaxd xov Xoyov r||ispac; sv

before the priests, according to the reckoning ~ day by

xtj rjjispa Kai xodc; 7ruXcopoDc; sv

day; and of the gatekeepers in

xaic; 5iaipsasaiv ai)xcbv sic; 7tdAx|v Kai 7tdAx|v 6xi

their divisions — for gate by gate; for

odxcoc; svxoAxj Aavid av6pcb7roi) xod Gsod 15+

thus [was the] commandment of David [the] man of God.

od 7iapfjA,0ov xac; svxoA.dc; xod PaaiAicoc; 7isp(

They did not go by [without heeding] the commandments of the king, concerning

xcov ispscov Kai xcov Asdixcov sic; rcdvxa Xoyov Kai

the priests and the Levites, in any matter, and

sic; xodc; GrjcraDpoDc; ie+ Kai r|xoi|ida6r| rcdvxa xa

in the treasures. And [ was prepared all the

spy a SoXojicbvxoq acp' r\q rjjispac; sGsjisXicbGrj o

work of Solomon] from which day [ foundation was laid the

oikoc; Kop(oi) Kai scoc; ou sxsA,sicb6r| scoc;

house] of [the] LORD, and until of which [time] it was finished, until


of which [time] Solomon finished the house of [the] LORD.

xoxs cbxsxo £oAx)|icbv sic; Taaicbv Tapsp Kai sic;

Then Solomon set out unto Ezion-geber, and unto

xTjvAiXdG xttv 7iapa0aA,aaa(av sv yr| I8oD|ia(a is+

Eloth, the one by the sea in [the] land of Edom.

Kai arcsaxsiXs Xipdji sv %sipi 7rai5cov aDxoD 7iAma

And Hiram sent by [the] hand of his servants boats,

Kai 7ia(8ac; si56xac; dakaaaav Kai cb%ovxo jisxd xcov

and servants knowing [the] sea. And they set out with the

7iai8cov EoA,o|icbvxo(; sic; Socpsipa Kai zkafiov sksiGsv

servants of Solomon to Ophir, and they took from there

xsxpaKoaia Kai 7isvxf|Kovxa xd^avxa %pvaiov Kai

four hundred and fifty talents of gold, and

fjvsyKav 7ipoc; xco Paai^si SoA,o|icovxi

they brought [them] to king Solomon.


9d ev tootco + viica 14 - 2 Chronicles

9 13

i+ Kai PaaiAaaaa £apd fjKODas to ovojia

And [the] queen of Sheba heard the name

So^ojicovToq Kai fjABs tod 7isipdaai aDTOV sv

Solomon, and she came to test him with

aiviyjiaaiv sic; IspoDaaArjji sv 8Dvd|isi Papsia

enigmas, unto Jerusalem, with [ force heavy

ocp68pa Kai Kd|ir|Xoi aipoDaai apcbjiaTa Kai %pDa(ov

an exceedingly], and camels carrying aromatics, and gold

sic; 7iAxj6oc; Kai AiGov tijiiov Kai fjABs 7ipoc;

in multitude, and [ stone valuable]. And she came to

EoA,o|icbvTa Kai sldAxjas 7ipoc; avzov rcdvTa 6aa rjv

Solomon, and she spoke to him all as much as was

sv tt[ \\fv%r\ avTT\q 2+ Kai avfjyysilsv aircfj SoAojicbv

in her soul. And [ announced to her Solomon]

ftdvTac; todc; Xoyovq avTT\q Kai od 7iapf|A,0s Xoyoq arco

all her words, and not [ went by a word] from

EoAx)|icbvTOc; ov odk avfjyysilsv avTr\ 3+ Kai s(8s

Solomon which he did not report to her. And [ beheld

PaaiXiaaa Sapd tt|v aocpiav EoAxdjicovtoc; Kai tov

[the] queen of Sheba] the wisdom of Solomon, and the

oikov ov C0Ko56|ir|as 4+ Kai Ta PpcbjiaTa tcov

house which he built, and the foods [of]

Tpa7is^cbv avTOV Kai Ka0s8pav 7ia(8cov avzov Kai

his tables, and [the] form of his servants, and

aTdaiv XsiTODpycbv avzov Kai Ta sv8D|iaTa aDTcbv Kai

[the] station of his ministers, and their garments, and

todc; oivoxoodc; aDTOD Kai tov aToAaajiov aDTcbv Kai Ta

his wine servers, and their uniform, and the

oAx)KauTcb|iaTa a avscpspsv sv oikcg kdpiod Kai

whole burnt-offerings which he offered in [the] house of [the] LORD; and

ODKTjv sv auTfj sti 7rvsD|ia 5+ Kai si7is 7ipoc; TOV

there was no [in her any longer breath]. And she said to the

Pamlsa aArjGivoc; o Xoyoq ov fjKODaa sv tt| yr| |iod

king, [ [is] true The word] which I heard in my land

7ispi tcov Xoycov aoi) Kai 7ispi tt|c; aocpiaq cjod 6 + Kai

concerning your words, and concerning your wisdom. And

odk s7i(aTSDaa toic; Xoyoiq scoq od r\kdov Kai

I did not trust in the words until of which [time] I came and

s(8ov 01 otpGaXjioi jiod Kai i8od odk a7ir|yysAx| jioi

beheld [with] my eyes. And behold, [ was not reported to me


9d ev xoi3xcp + viica 14 - 2 Chronicles

to r\[iiav tod TiXr\dovq Tr\q aocpiaq aoD 7ipoas0r|Kac;

the half] of the magnitude of your wisdom being added

S7Ti ttjv aKofjv Tjv fjKODaa ?+ jiaKdpioi 01 dvSpsc; aoD

over the hearing which I heard. Blessed [are] your men,

jiaK&amp;pioi oi 7ia(5sc; aoD odtoi 01 TrapsarrjKOTSc; aoi

blessed [are] [ your servants these], the ones standing beside you

8ia7ravT6c; Kai aKODOVTsq tt|v aoqnav aoi) 8 + sir)

always, and hearing your wisdom. May [ be

Kopioc; o 0s6c; aoD SDAx)yr||isvoc; oq r|0sAx|asv sv aoi

[the] LORD your God] for a blessing, who wanted by you

tod 8oDva( as S7ri 0p6voD avzov sic; PaaiAia tco

to put you upon his throne for a king [to]

0scb aoD sv tco aya7ifjaai Kopiov tov 0s6v aoi)

your God; in that [ loved [the] LORD your God]

tov IapafjA, tod aTfjaai cxdtov siq tov aicbva Kai

Israel, to establish it into the eon, and

s8coks as S7i' aDTODq sic; PaaiAia tod 7ioifjaai Kpiaiv

he put you over them as king, to execute equity

Kai 8iKcuoaDvr|v 9 + Kai s8coks tco paaiXsi skcxtov

and righteousness. And she gave to the king a hundred

siKoai T&amp;XavTa %pvaiov Kai apcbjiaTa sic; 7iAx|0oc;

twenty talents of gold, and aromatics in [ multitude

acp68pa Kai Ai0ov tijiiov Kai odkt|v KaTd

very great], and [ stone valuable]. And there was not [any] according to

Ta apcbjiaTa SKsiva a s8coks PaaiAiaaa Sapd tco

those aromatics which [ gave [the] queen of Sheba] [to]

PaaiA^si SoA,o|icbvTi 10+ Kai 01 7iai8sc; Xsipdji Kai 01

king Solomon. And the servants of Hiram, and the

7ia(8sc; SoXojicovtoc; scpspov xpDaiov tco £oAx)jicovti

servants of Solomon brought gold to Solomon

sk Socpsip Kai ^6A,a 7isDKiva Kai Ai0ov tijiiov u +

from out of Ophir, and wood of pines, and [stone valuable].

Kai S7ro(r|asv o PaaiXstic; Ta tqvXa Ta7isDKiva

And [ made the king] [ [from] the wood of pines

avapdasiq tco oikco KopioD Kai tco oikco tod

ascents] for the house of [the] LORD, and for the house of the
PaaiAicoc; Kai Ki0dpaq Kai vafiXaq Toiq coSoiq Kai

king, and harps and stringed instruments for the singers. And

odk cbcp0T|aav TOiaDTa sji7ipoa0sv sv yr\ lovda n +

there was not seen such [as these] before in [the] land of Judah.

Kai o PaaiXstic; DoXojicbv s8coks ttj (3aaiAiaar| Sapd

And king Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba


9d ev tootco + viica 14 - 2 Chronicles

7rdvxa xa 9sAx||iaTa avTT\q a fjirjasv sktoc; 7idvTC0v

all her wants, which she asked for, outside of all

cov fjvsyKe too PaaiXei SoA,o|icovti Kai a7isaTps\j/sv sig

what she brought to king Solomon. And she returned unto

xrjv yrjv avTT\q 13+ Kai r|v o axaGjioq tod %pvaiov

her land. And was the weight of the gold


being brought to Solomon in [ year one] —

s^aKoaia Kai s^rjKovTas^ T&amp;AxxvTa xpDaioD h+ 7iAx|v

six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold, besides


[ the men arranging and

tcov s|i7iopsDO|isvcov cov scpspov Kai 7ldVTSC; 01

trading what] brought. And all the

fiaaiksiq Tr\q Apapiaq Kai aaTpa7iai Tr\q yrjq scpspov

kings of Arabia, and [the] satraps of the land brought

XPDcriov Kai apyDpiov tco Paai^si EoA,o|icovti 15+ Kai

gold and silver to king Solomon. And

S7ioir|asv o PaaiXsDc; SoAxdjicov 5iaKoa(oDc; Gdpsodc;

[ made king Solomon] two hundred shields

XPDcjodc; sAxxtodc; s^xkocjioi %pDaoi KaGapoi

[gold hammered out], [with] six hundred [weights] [gold of pure]

S7ifjaav S7ii tov GDpsov tov sva 16+ Kai TpiaKoaiaq

being used upon [ shield the one]. And three hundred

aanidaq skazaq %pvadq TpiaKoaicov XP^ 0 ^

shields of hammered out gold [of] three hundred [weights] of gold

avscpspsTO S7i( ttjv aa7i(5a SKdarrjv Kai s5coksv aDTdq

bore upon [ shield each]. And [ put them

o PaaiXsDc; sv oikco 8pD|ioD tod AipdvoD 17+ Kai

the king] in [the] house of [the] forest of Lebanon. And

S7rovr|asv o PaoiXsDc; Gpovov sXscpdvTivcov o86vtcov

[ made the king throne ivory of tusks

jisyav Kai KaTSXPDacoasv aDTOV %pDa(co 8ok(|ico 18 +

a great], and he gilded it [gold in unadulterated].

Kai s^ avapa0|ioi tco Gpovco sv8s8sjisvoi

And [there were] six stairs to the throne being bonded with

XPDdlCO Kai D7l07l6SlOV D7ls6r|KSV SV %pVG(b TCO

gold, and [ a footstool he placed under in gold] the

Gpovco Kai ayKcbvsq sv0sv Kai svGsv S7U tod BpovoD

throne, and [armrest] angles on this side and on that side upon [ of the throne

Tr\q KaGsSpac; Kai 5do AiovTac; sottjkots^ 7iapd todc;

the chair], and two lions standing by the


9 Q ev toutco + vdca 14 - 2 Chronicles

ayKcbvac; 19+ Kai 8cb88Ka Aiovxsc; eaxrjKoxsc; sksi S7U

[armrest] angles. And twelve lions standing there upon

xcov avaPaGjicbv ev6ev Kai evGev odk eyevexo odxcoc;

the six stairs on this side and on that side; there was not such

7idar| PaaiXeia 20+ Kai 7udvxa xa aKSDrj tod PaaiXecoc;

in any kingdom. And all the items of king

Eo^ojicovToq xpuad Kai 7cdvxa xa aKSDrj oikod

Solomon [were] gold, and all the items [of the] house

8pD|IOD TOD AlPaVOD %pDaiCO KaXSlAr||I|ieva ODK T|V

of [the] forest of Lebanon [with gold [were] overtaken]. [ was not

apyopiov A,oyi^6|isvov sv rjjispaic; So^ojicovToq sic;

Silver] considered [ in [the] days of Solomon as

od0sv 21+ on vaDc; too PaaiXei £7iopsD£TO sic;

anything]. For ships [belonging to] [the] king went to

©apaeic; jiexd xcov 7cai8cov Xsipdji arca^ 8id xpicbv

Tarshish with the servants of Hiram. Once in three

sxcbv f|p%exo nXoia sk ©apaefc; xco PaaiXsi ysjiovxa

years [ came boats] from Tarshish to the king being full

XPDcrioD Kai apyopioD Kai o56vxcov eXecpavxivcov Kai

of gold, and silver, and tusks of ivory, and

7u6f|Kcov 22 + Kai 8|isyaXDV0r| £oAx&gt;|icbv D7csp 7cdvxac;

apes. And Solomon was magnified above all

xodc; fiaaiksiq xrjc; yr\q Kai 7cAx)dxco Kai aocpia 23+ Kai

the kings of the earth, even in riches and wisdom. And

7idvxsc; 01 fiaaiksiq xrjc; yrjc; s^fjxoDV xo 7ip6aco7rov

all the kings of the earth sought the face

EoA,o|icbvxo(; aKODaai xrjc; aocpiac; aDxoD r\q

of Solomon to hear his wisdom, of which

sScoksv o 6e6c; sv Kap5ia aDxoD 24 + Kai aDxoi ecpepov

God put in his heart. And they brought,

eraaxoc; xa 8cbpa aDxoD oksdt] apyDpd Kai oksdtj

each one his gifts — items made of silver, and items

XPDad Kai i|iaxia|iov onka axaKxfjv Kai r|8Da|iaxa

of gold, and clothes, weapons, balsam, and spices,

bniovq Kai t||ii6vodc; xoD^Kax' sviaDxov sviaDxov 25 +

horses, and mules, accordingly year by year.

Kai fjaav xco SoXojicbvxi xsaaapsc; %ikiadsq 0f|A,eiai

And there were to Solomon four thousand female

1717101 sic; dpjiaxa Kai 8cb88Ka %i)addsq i7C7cscov Kai

horses for chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen. And

808X0 aDxotic; sv 7c6Xsai xcov apjidxcov Kai |iexd xod

he stationed them in [the] cities of the chariots, and with the



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

PaaiAicoc; sv IspoDaaArjji 2 6+ Kai r|v rjyoDjisvoc;

king in Jerusalem. And he was leader

7T&amp;VTCDV tcov PaaiAicov a7io tod 7iOTa|ioi) Kai ecoc;

of all the kings from the river and unto

yrjc; aXkoqvXcov Kai ecoc; Tr\q opfc&gt;D AiyD7iTOD 27 + Kai

[the] land of [the] Philistines, and unto the border of Egypt. And

s5coksv o fiaoiksvq to apyopiov ev IspoDaaAr||i coc;

[ made the king] silver in Jerusalem as

Tddovq Kai e8coKsv Tag Ks5poDc; coc; aDKajjivoDc; zaq

stones, and he made the cedars as [the] sycamine trees, the ones
sv TTj 7rs8ivfj sic; 7rArj0oc; 28+ Kai rj ztpdoq tcdv (7i7rcov

in the plain in multitude. And the delivery of the horses

AiyimTOD too £oAx)|icovti Kai sk 7iaacbv tcov

from out of Egypt to Solomon even [was] from all the

yaicbv 29+ Kai 01 KaTdXouroi tcov Xoycov EoA^ojicovtoc;

lands. And the rest of the words of Solomon,

01 7ipcoTOi Kai 01 sa%aTOi odk i5od odtoi

the first and the last, behold [are] not these

yeypajijisvoi sm tcov A,6ycov NaGdv tod 7rpotpfjTOD

written by the words of Nathan the prophet,

Kai 87i( tcov A,6ycov A%ia tod £t|A,cov(tod Kai sv zaiq

and by the words ofAhijah the Shilonite, and in the

opdoeaiv Icof|5 tod opcovToq 7isp( IepoPodji diod

visions of Iddo the seer concerning Jeroboam [the] son

NapdT 30+ Kai spaoiXsDas SoXojicbv sv IspoDaaArjji

of Nebat? And Solomon reigned in Jerusalem

8711 7idvTa IapafjX TsaaapdKovTa sttj 31+ Kai

over all Israel forty years. And

SKoi|if|9r| £oA,o|icov jiSTd tcov 7iaTspcov aDTOD Kai

Solomon slept with his fathers, and

e0a\j/av aDTOV sv tioXsi Aavid tod nazpoq avzov Kai

they entombed him in [the] city of David his father. And

sPaodsDos PoPodji vioq avzov avT' aDTOD

[ reigned Rehoboam his son] instead of him.

10 1

1 + Kai fjA,0e PoPodji sic; 6ti sic; Sdxsji fjp%STO

And Rehoboam came unto Shechem, for unto Shechem came

iiaq IapafjA, Paai^sDaai aDTOV 2+ Kai sysvsTO coc;

all Israel to give reign to him. And it came to pass when



8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

fjKODaev IspoPodji vioq NaP&amp;x Kai avzoq sv

[heard Jeroboam son ofNebat], ([for] he [was] in

AiyD7iTC0 coc; ecpDysv anb 7ipoaco7roD SoXojicbvToq tod

Egypt, as he fled from [the] face of Solomon the

PaaiXecoc; Kai KaTCOKqasv IepoPodji sv AiyD7iTC0 Kai

king, and Jeroboam dwelt in Egypt,) that

a7i8aTps\j/8V IspoPo&amp;ji 8^ AiyD7iTOD 3 + Kai

Jeroboam returned from out of Egypt. And

a7i8aTSiXav Kai SKd^eaav ai)i6v Kai r\kdzv IspoPodji

they sent and called him. And Jeroboam came,

Kai 7idaa rj eKKArjaia IapafjA, Kai sA,dAx|aav npoq

and all the assembly of Israel, and they spoke to

PoPodji Aiyovxsc; 4 + o 7iaTf|p gov sctkAtipdvs

Rehoboam, saying, Your father hardened

xov Cpyov rjjicbv Kai vdv KODtpioov ctd arco Tr\q

our yoke; and now, you lighten from the

SoiAsiac; tod 7raxp6c; aoD Tr\q aKkr\paq Kai arco

[ servitude of your father hard], and from

tod £/oyoD aDTOD tod Papsoc; od s8coksv scp' r\[idq

[yoke his heavy] which he put upon us!

Kai 80DA,SDa0|I8V aOl 5+ Kai 81718V aDTOiq 7iopsDsa6e

and we will serve to you. And he said to them, Go

ecoc; Tpicov rjjiepcbv Kai £p%ea6e npoq |is Kai

until three days, and [then] come to me! And

a7rfjX0sv o Xaoq 6 + Kai oDvfjyaysv o fiaaiksvq PoPodji

[ went forth the people]. And [ brought together king Rehoboam]

todc; 7ipeoPDT8poDc; todc; eoTCOTac; evavTiov

the elders of the ones standing before

Eo^ojicovToq tod 7raTp6c; aDTOD sv tco ^t|v aDTOV Aiycov

Solomon his father during his life, saying,

Ttcnq v[isiq Pod^sdsctGs tod a7ioKpi9fjvai tco Axxcb todtco

How do you counsel to answer [ to this people

A,6yov 7+ Kai sXdXrjaav aDTcb AiyovTSc; edv sv

a word]? And they spoke to him, saying, If in

tt| afjjispov ysvrj sic; ayaBov tco Xacb todtco Kai

today you should be for good [to] this people, and

apeorj aDTOic; Kai XaArjarjc; aDTOic; Xoyovq ayadovq

you should please them, and should speak to them [ words good],

Kai saovTai aoi naidsq naoaq xaq rjjispac; s+ Kai

then they will be to you [for] servants all the days. And

KaT8Xl7TS TTJV PoDAjjV TCOV 7ipsaPDTepC0V 01

he forsook the counsel of the elders, the ones



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles
aDvePoD^stiaavTO aDxco Kai aDvsPoD^SDaaxo jisxd

advising to him, and he was advised by

xcov 7iai8ap(cov xcov aDVSKxpacpevxcov jisx' aDxoD

the young men of the ones being brought up with him,

xcov saxrjKoxcov evavxiov aDxoD 9 + Kai si7i8v aDxofc;

of the ones standing before him. And he said to them,

xi Djisiq PoDlsDsaGe Kai a7ioKpi0f|ao|iai Xoyov xco

What [ [do] you counsel that I shall answer word] [to]

Axxcb xodxco 01 skaXr\aav npoq |is Aiyovxsc; dvec; arco

this people who spoke to me, saying, Spare [us] from

xod Cpyov od sScoksv o 7iaxf|p aoi) stp' r\[iaq io + KCXl

the yoke of which [ put your father] upon us? And

elaAxjaav aDxco xa 7iai5dpia xa aDVSKxpacpevxa jisx'

[ said to him the young men having been brought up with

avTOV Xsyovxa odxcoc; Xakr\asiq xco Xacb xco

him], saying, Thus shall you speak to the people, to the one

AxxAxjaavxi npoq as Aiyovxi o 7iaxf|p gov epdpDve

speaking to you, saying, Your father oppressed

xov Cpyov rjjicbv Kai cjd vdv KODtpiaov arco

our yoke, and you now lighten from

xod Cpyov r||icbv odxcoc; epeic; npoq avzovq o jiiKpoc;

our yoke! Thus you shall say to them, [small

daKTvXoq jiod 7ra%Dxexoc; Tr\q oaqyooc; xod rcaxpoc; jiod

finger My] [is] thicker than the loin of my father.

n+ Kai vdv o 7raxfjp jiod svsGrpcsv djiiv Cpyov Papw

And now my father inserted to you [ yoke a heavy],

Kaycb 7ipoa6fjaco em xov Cpyov djicov o 7iaxf|p jiod

but I will add upon your yoke. My father

S7ia(5sDasv Djidq sv jidaxi^i Kaycb 7rai8sDaco v[iaq sv

corrected you with whips, but I will correct you with

aKopmoiq 12+ Kai T]A$sv IspoPodji Kai naq o Xaoq

scorpions. And Jeroboam came and all the people

7ipoq PoPodji xtj rjjispa xr| xpixrj coc; eXdAxjasv o

to Rehoboam on the [ day third], as [ said the

PaaiXeDc; Aiycov S7iiaxps\j/axs npoq jie sv xr| rjjispa

king], saying, Return to me on the [ day

xtj xpixT] n + Kai a7i8Kpi9r| aDxoiq o fiaaikvbq aKAxjpd

third] ! And [ answered them the king] hard;

Kai eyKaxeXurev o Paai^sDc; PoPodji xt]v PodAtiv xcov

and [ abandoned king Rehoboam] the counsel of the

7rpeaPDX8pcov u+ Kai eldAxjae npoq aDxotic; Kaxd xttv

elders. And he spoke to them according to the



8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

PoDAxjv tcov veooxspoov Aiyoov o 7iaxfjp jiod spdpDvs

counsel of the younger men, saying, My father oppressed

xov t/oyov djicdv Kai eycb 7ipoa6f|a(jo S7i' aDxov

your yoke, and I will add upon it.

0 7iaTfjp jiod S7ra(5si)a8v Djidc; ev jidoxi^i Kai eycb

My father corrected you with whips, and I

7iai8eDaco v[iaq ev aKop7rioic; 15+ Kai odk fjKODaev o

will correct you with scorpions. And [ did not hearken to the

fiaaiksvq xod Xaov 6x1 r|v jiexaaxpotpfj arco

king] the people. For he was converted from

tod 0sod iva avaaxfjarj Kopioc; xov Xoyov ocdtod ov

God, that [the] LORD should establish his word, which

eldAxjaev sv %eipi A%ia tod EdAxdvitod 7iep(

he spoke by [the] hand ofAhijah the Shilonite concerning

IspoPodji diod Napdx i 6 + Kai itaq IapafjA, e(8ev 6x1

Jeroboam son ofNebat. And all Israel saw that

odk fjKODasv o PaaiXeDc; aDicbv Kai a7T8Kp(6r| o

[ did not hearken the king] to them. And [ answered the

Xaoq npoq xov PaaiAia Xeycov xic; r\[iiv [ispiq ev

people] to the king, saying, What [is] our portion with

AaDi8 Kai KAxjpovojjia sv dico Ieaaai arcoxpexe eic;

David, and [the] inheritance with [the] son of Jesse? Run to

xa aKT|vcb|iaxd aoD IapafjA, vdv pierce xov oikov aoD

your tents, O Israel! Now look to your [own] house,

AaDi5 Kai S7ropsD6r| naq IapafjA, eic;

David! And [ went all Israel] to

xa aKT|vcb|iaxa aDxoD n + Kai dvSpec; IapafjX

its tents. And [as far as the] men of Israel

01 KaxoiKODVxsq sv 7i6A,eaiv IoD8a ePaoiXeDaav S7i'

dwelling in [the] cities of Judah, [ reigned over

aDxcbv xovPoPodji is + Kai arceaxeiXev PoPodji o

them Rehoboam]. And [ sent Rehoboam the

fiaciksvq xov A8opd|i xov S7i( xod cpopoD Kai

king] Hadoram, the one over the tribute. And

sAi6op6Ax|aav aDxov 01 dioi IapafjA, sv Xidoiq Kai

[ stoned him the sons of Israel] with stones, and

arceGave Kai o PaaiA^Dc; PoPodji ea7ieDae

he died. And king Rehoboam hastened

xod avapfjvai eic; xo dpjia xod cpDyeiv eic; IepoDoaAT||i

to ascend into the chariot to flee unto Jerusalem.

19+ Kai r|08xr|asv IapafjA, sv xco oikco AaDi8 ecoc;

And Israel annulled [allegiance] to the house of David until

xrjc; rjjispac; xaDxrjc;

this day.


11 &gt;r


14-2 Chronicles

11 «■»

i + Kai fjXGs PoPodji sic; IspoDaaAxjji Kai s^sKKAxjaiaae

And Rehoboam came into Jerusalem, and he held an assembly

xov I&lt;y68av Kai Bsviajjiv sKaxov oy8of|KovTa xiAidSag

ofJudah and Benjamin— a hundred eighty thousand

vsaviaKCDv 7ioiodvtcdv 7i6A,8|iov tod 7ioA,s|if|aai jiexd

young men for making war, to wage war against

IapafjX tod S7iiaTp8\j/ai xr|v PaaiXeiav tod PoPodji 2 +

Israel, to return the kingdom [to] Rehoboam.

Kai syevsTO Xoyoq kdpiod 7ipoc; Xajiea dv0pco7rov

And came to pass [the] word of [the] LORD to Shemaiah [the] man

tod 0sod Aiycov 3+ 81718 7ipoc; PoPodji TOV TOD

of God, saying, Say to Rehoboam the [son of]

£oA,o|icovtoc; PaaiAia IoD8a Kai 7ipoc; 7idvTa IapafjX

Solomon, king of Judah, and to all Israel,

tov |i8Td IoD5a Kai Beviajjiv Aiyoov 4 + Td5s Aiysi

the one with Judah and Benjamin, saying! Thus says

KDpioq odk avapfjasaGe Kai od 7roA£|ifja£T£ jiSTd

[the] LORD, You shall not ascend, and you shall not wage war against

tcov a8eAxpcbv djicov a7rooTps(psTS SKaaToq eic;

your brethren. Let [ return each] to

tov oikov aDTOD 6ti 7iap' sjioD sysvsTO to pfjjia TODTO

his house! for [from me took place this thing].

Kai £7rfjKODaav tod Xojov kdpiod Kai

And they heeded the word of [the] LORD, and

a7ieaTpd(pr|aav tod jlit| 7ropsD9f|vai em IspoPodji 5 +

they turned to not go against Jeroboam.

Kai KaTCOKqas PoPodji sic; IepoDaaAxjji Kai

And Rehoboam dwelt in Jerusalem, and

&lt;»Ko56|ir|as noXsiq Tsi%f|peic; sv ttj IoD5a(a 6 + Kai

he built [ cities walled] in Judea. And

&lt;DK086|JT|aS TTJV Br|9A,88(I Kai TTJV ETd|I Kai TTJV 08KCO8

he rebuilt Beth-lehem and Etam and Tekoa,

7 + Kai BsGaotip Kai ttjv £ok%cd Kai ttjv 08oAA,d|i 8 +

and Beth-zur, and Shoco, and Adullam,

Kai ttjv TeB Kai tt|v Mapiad Kai tt|v Zicp 9 + Kai

and Gath, and Mareshah, and Ziph, and

TT|vA8copd|i Kai Aa%siq Kai TirvA^rjKd 10+ Kai

Adoraim, and Lachish, and Azekah, and

ttjv Sapad Kai tt|v AiaAxbji Kai tt|v XsPpcbv r| saTi

Zorah, and Aijalon, and Hebron, which [are]


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

tod Iof)8a Kai Bsviajiw 7c6A,sic; xsi%f|peic; n+ Kai

[ofJudah and Benjamin cities walled]. And

co%f)pcoo£v auxdc; xeixeaiv Kai £8coksv ev auxafc;

he fortified them with walls, and he appointed in them

riyoDjievoDc; Kai 7tapa6saeic; Ppcojidxcov Kai eAmov

leaders, and provisions of foods, and olive oil

Kai oivov 12+ Kaxd 7i6A.iv Kai 7i6A.iv Gupeouc; Kai

and wine; accordingly city by city [with] shields and

86paxa Kai Kax(a%i)aev avzaq eic; 7iA,f|6o(; acp65pa

spears. And he strengthened them in magnitude exceedingly,

Kai fjaav auxcb Iof)5ac; Kai Beviajiiv n + Kai oi lepeiq

and [were his Judah and Benjamin]. And the priests

Kai oi Aemxai oi fjaav sv 7cavxi IapafjA,

and the Levites who were in all Israel,

awf|%0r|aav npoq ai)xov sk 7cdvxcov xcov opicov u +

came together to him from out of all the borders.

oxi syKaxsA,i7cov oi Aemxai xa aKrjvcbjiaxa auxcbv xa

For [ left behind the Levites] their tents, the ones

xrjc; Kaxaa%8aecoc; auxcbv Kai £7copef)6r|aav npoq lovdav

of their possession, and they went to Judah

sic; IepoDaaAxjji oxi e^epalev auxotic; IepoPodji Kai

unto Jerusalem, for [ cast them out Jeroboam and

OlDlOiaDXOl) XOD (IT) XsiXODpySlV KDpiCO 15+ Kai

his sons] to not officiate [to the] LORD. And

Kaxsaxrjaev eai)xcb lepefc; xcov uij/rjAxov Kai xoic;

he placed for himself priests of the high [places], and for the

zidfoXoiq Kai xoic; jiaxaioic; Kai xoic; jioaxoiq aq

idols, and for the vain [things], and for the calves which

S7co(r|asv IspoPodji i6+ Kai s^spaA,sv auxotic; a7co

Jeroboam made. And he cast them out from

(puAxbv IapafjA, oi e5coKav Kap5iav auxcbv

[the] tribes of Israel, [the ones] who gave their heart

xod ^rjxfjaai Kopiov xov 0s6v IopafjA, Kai fjA.Gov eic;

to seek [the] LORD God of Israel. And they came into

IspoDaaAxjji Gtiaai Kop(co xco 0scb

Jerusalem to sacrifice [to the] LORD, to the God

xcov 7cax8pcov auxcbv n+ Kai Kax(a%i)oav xrjv PaaiA,s(av

of their fathers. And they strengthened the kingdom

lovda Kai Kaxiaxuae PoPodji vioq SoA,o(icbvxo(; sic;

of Judah, and they strengthened Rehoboam son of Solomon for

sxrj xpia oxi S7copsT36r| o8cb Aavid Kai £oAx)|icbvxoc;

[years three]; for he went byway of David and Solomon


12 T

8V TOVjlCp + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles
Eiq exrj xpia i8+ Kai eXaPev eauxcb PoPodji yovaixa

for [years three]. And [took to himself Rehoboam] for a wife

ttjv MasAAiG 0i)yaxepa lepi|ioi)0 viov Aavid Kai

Mahalath daughter ofJerimoth son of David, and

Api%aiX 0uyaxepa EAidp viov Isaaai i 9 + Kai sxsksv

Abihail daughter ofEliab son of Jesse. And she bore

aDTcb viovq xov Isovq Kai xov Eajiapiav Kai xov Zadji

to him sons ~ Jeush, and Shamariah, and Zaham.

20 + Kai jisxd xatixa skafizv xrjv Maa%d eauxcb xrjv

And after these he took Maachah to himself, the

6i)yaxspa ApsaaAxbji Kai sxsksv auxcb xov Apia Kai

daughter of Absalom; and she bore to him Abijah, and

xov I00i Kai xov ZiCfi Kai xov £aAx)|ii0 21 + Kai

Attai, and Ziza, and Shelomith. And

r|yd7rr|as PoPodji xrjv Maa%d 0uyaxspa ApsaaXcbji

Rehoboam loved Maacha daughter of Absalom

D7i8p naaaq xac; yvvahcaq avzov Kai xac; 7iaAlaKdc;

above all his wives and the concubines;

oxi ywaiKaq 8sKaoKxcb s(%s Kai 7iaAA,aKdc; s^fjKovxa

for [wives eighteen he had], and [concubines sixty].

Kai sysvvrjasv sikocji Kai okxcd move; Kai 0i)yaxspa&lt;;

And he engendered twenty and eight sons, and [ daughters

s^fjKovxa 22 + Kai Kaxsaxrjasv PoPodji xov Apia xov

sixty]. And Rehoboam ordained Abijah the

Tr\q Maaxd sic; dp%ovxa Kai sic; rjyovjisvov sv

[son of] Maacha as ruler, and for leader among

xoic; aSsAxpoic; avzov oxi 8isvos(xo Paai^svaai ai)xov 23 +

his brethren, for he considered to give him reign.

Kai r|D^f|0r| 7iapd rcavxac; zovq viovq avzov sv 7idai

And he grew above all his sons, in all

xoic; opioic; lovda Kai Beviajiiv Kai sv xaic; noXsai

the borders ofJudah and Benjamin, and in the [cities

xaic; o%i)pa(c; Kai s8coksv auxofc; xpocpdc; iihf\doq noXv

fortified]; and he gave to them [ of provisions multitude avast];

Kai rjxfjaaxo 7iAx|0oc; yovaiKcbv

and he asked for a multitude of wives.

12 V

1+ Kai sysvsxo coc; r|xoi|ida0r| r| Paai^sia PoPodji Kai

And it came to pass as [ was prepared the kingdom of Rehoboam], and

coq KaxsKpaxfj0r| syKaxsXurs xov vojiov Kopiou Kai

as he was secure, he abandoned the law of [the] LORD, and


12 T

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

7iaq IapafjA, jist' avzov 2 + Kai sysvsTO sv too stsi

all Israel with him. And it came to pass in the [ year

too 7rs|i7rTCO Tr\q Paai^siac; PoPodji avsprj Sodoock

fifth] of the kingdom ofRehoboam, [ascended Shishak

fiaaiksvq AiyD7CTOD S7U IspODaa^fj |i oil fjjiapTOV

king of Egypt] up against Jerusalem, (for they sinned

svavxiov KDpioi) 3 + sv %iAioic; Kai SiaKooioic; dpjiaoi

before [the] LORD), with a thousand and two hundred chariots,

Kai s^fjKovxa %iAidaiv unteoav Kai odkt|v apiGjioq

and sixty thousand horsemen, and there was no count


of the multitude coming with him out of Egypt ~

AtpDsq £od%is(|i Kai Ai0io7csc; 4+ Kai KaTSKpdTTjoav

Lubim, Sukkiim, and Ethiopians. And they secured

tcov 7c6A,scov tcov o%Dpcbv ai fjaav sv IoD8a Kai

the [ cities fortified] which were in Judah, and

r\kdov sic; IspoDaaXfjii 5 + Kai Sajiaiaq o 7cpo(pfjTr|(;

they came to Jerusalem. And Shemaiah the prophet

fjXGe 7tpoc; PoPodji Kai itpoq zovq dpxovTac; IoD5a

came to Rehoboam, and to the rulers of Judah,

todc; &lt;TDva%0£VTac; sic; IepoDaaAxj|i a7co 7cpoacb7coD

the ones gathering together in Jerusalem from [the] face

EoDadK Kai si7csv aDTofc; odtcdc; si7C8 KDpioq Djiek;

of Shishak. And he said to them, Thus said [the] LORD, You

syKaTsAi7tST8 |is Kai sycb syKaTa^snj/co Djidq sv xsipi

abandoned me, and I shall abandon you into [the] hand

SoDadK 6+ Kai rjaxDvGrjaav 01 dpxovTSc; IapafjX Kai

of Shishak. And [ were shamed the rulers of Israel and

0 PaaiXsDq Kai si7rov 8iKaioc; o KDpioq ?+ Kai sv

the king], and they said, [[is] just the LORD]. And when

too i8s(v tov KDpiov OTi svsTpa7i;r|aav sysvsTO Xoyoq

the LORD saw that they were ashamed, [ came [the] word

KDpioD 7tpoc; Sajiaiav Xsycov svsTpd7rr|aav

[of the] LORD] to Shemaiah, saying, They felt shame,

od KaTacpGspcb aDTODc; Kai 8cbaco aDTODc; coc; jiiKpov

1 shall not utterly ruin them, but I will appoint them as small

sic; acoTrjpiav Kai od jjt| aTd^rj o Bdjioc; jiod S7U

for deliverance, and in no way shall [ be dripped my rage] over

IspoDaaAx||i sv %sip( SoDodK 8 + 6ti soovTai aDTcb sic;

Jerusalem by [the] hand of Shishak, for they will be to him for

naidaq Kai yvcoaovTai tt|v SoD^siav jiod Kai tt|v

servants, and they shall know my servitude, and the


12 T

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

5ouA,s(av xrjc; fiaaiksiaq xrjc; yrjc; 9 + Kai avsprj

servitude of the kingdom of the land. And [ ascended

SoDadK fiaaiksvq AiyirnxoD S7U IspouaaAr||i Kai

Shishak king of Egypt] against Jerusalem, and

slaps Tovq Brjaaupouc; xodc; sv oikco Kupfov Kai

he took the treasures of the ones in [the] house of [the] LORD, and

Tovq GrjaaDpotic; xodc; sv oikco tod PaaiAicoc;

the treasures of the ones in [the] house of the king —

tcx 7idvxa slaps Kai slaps xouc; Qvpsovq xodc; %pvaovq

he took all, and he took the shields of gold

ovq S7ro(r|a8 SoA,o|icbv 10+ Kai S7iorr|asv o fiaaiksvq

which Solomon made. And [ made king

PoPodji Gupsouc; xahcovq avx' auxcbv Kai

Rehoboam] shields of brass instead of them, and

Kaxsaxrjasv S7U xsipaq ap%6vxcov xcov

placed [them] unto [the] hands [of the] rulers, of the ones
7iapaxpsx6vxcov xcov cpuXaaaovxcov xov myfabva xod

being bodyguards, of the ones guarding the gatehouse of the

PaaiAicoc; n+ Kai sysvsxo arco iKavou sv xco

king. And it came to pass when [it was] fit in the

sia7iopsi)sa6ai xov paailsa sic; oikov Kopiou

entering by the king into [the] house of [the] LORD,

eias7ropsi)ovxo Kai 01 7iapaxps%ovxsc; Kai sAxxjiPavov

there went in also the bodyguards and they took

xodc; 0i)psoi)c; Kai a7ioKa9iaxcov sic; xrjv xd^iv xcov

the shields, and [then] restored them unto the place of the



12+ Kai ev xco svxpa7rfjvai ai)xov a7isaxpd(pr| ait' avzov

And in his feeling ashamed, [ was turned from him

opyfj Kopioi) Kai odk sic; KaxacpGopdv sic; zskoq

[the] anger [of the] LORD], and not unto corruption unto [the] end,

Kai yap sv lovda fjaav Xoyoi ayaGoi 13+ Kai

for in Judah there were [matters good]. And

Kax(a%i)asv o fiaaikzvq PoPodji sv IspoDoaAr||i Kai

[ grew strong king Rehoboam] in Jerusalem, and

sPaaiXsDcrs moc; xsaoapdKovxa Kai svoc; sxodc; rjv

reigned. [ a son of forty and one years [old] was

PoPodji sv xco PaaiXstisiv ai)xov Kai S7ixaKa(8sKa sxrj

Rehoboam] in his taking reign. And seventeen years

sPacriXsDasv sv Ispoi)aaAx||i sv xr| 7i6Xsi r|v

he reigned in Jerusalem, in the city which


8V TOUT© + VlKa
14-2 Chronicles

s^sAi^axo icupioq S7iovo|idaai to ovojia avxov sksi

[the] LORD chose to name his name there,

sk 7iaocbv (pvXcbv tcov dicov IapafjA, Kai to ovojia

from out of all [the] tribes of the sons of Israel. And the name

ttj jirjTpi clvtov Naajid r| AjijiaviTK; u + Kai £7iovr|a£

[to] his mother [was] Naammah the Ammonitess. And he acted

to 7iovr|p6v 6ti od KaT£i30Dvs ttjv Kap8(av clvtov

wickedly, for he did not straighten out his heart

SK^rjTfjaai tov Kopiov 15+ Kai 01 Xoyoi PoPodji 01

to seek after the LORD. And the words ofRehoboam, the

7ipcbT0i Kai sa%aTOi odk i8od eiai yeypajijievoi sv

first and last, [ not behold are they] written in

Toiq Xoyoic; Sajiaioi) tod 7ipo(pfjTOD Kai A85cb tod

the words ofShemaiah the prophet, and Iddo the

opebvToe; tod yevsaXoyfjaai Kai ai 7ipd^sic; aDTOD Kai

seer to trace descent and his actions. And

S7roAi|isi PoPodji Kai Ispopodji naaaq xaq rjiispaq 16 +

Rehoboam waged war and Jeroboam all the days.

Kai £Koi|xfj0r| PoPodji |i8Td tcov 7iaTspcov aDTOD Kai

And Rehoboam slept with his fathers, and

STdcprj sv 7i6A,si AaDi5 Kai ePaaiA^Daev Apia

was entombed in [the] city of David. And [reigned Abijah

vioq aDTOD avT' aDTOD

his son] instead of him.

13 r
1+ sv too OKTC0Kai5sKdTC0 ST8i TTjq PaaiXeiac; IspoPodji

In the eighteenth year of the kingdom of Jeroboam,

sPaoiXsDosv Apia S7U IoD5av 2 + Tpia £tt| sPaadsDasv

Abijah took reign over Judah. Three years he reigned

sv IepoDoaAT||i Kai ovojia tt| jirjTpi aDTOD Maaxd

in Jerusalem. And [the] name of his mother [was] Michaiah

0DydTT|p ODpifjA, a7io TaPacov Kai 7i6Xe|ioc; r|v

daughter of Uriel of Gibeah. And there was war

avajieaov Apia Kai avajisaov IspoPodji 3+ Kai

between Abijah and between Jeroboam. And

7iap8Td^aTO Apia tov 7i6A,8|iov sv 8Dvd|iei

Abijah deployed for the war with a force

7ioA,s|iiaTa(c; SDvdjiscoq TSTpaKoaiaiq %iAidaiv av5pcbv

of warriors of power — four hundred thousand [ men

skXsktcov Kai IspoPodji 7iapsTd^aT0 itpoq clvtov

chosen]. And Jeroboam deployed against him


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

7r6Xs|iov sv OKTaKoaiaiq x i ^ iaalv av8pcbv sk^skxcdv

for war with eight hundred thousand [ men chosen],

8Dvaxoi 7roA£|iioTa( SDvdjieooc; 4 + Kai aveoxrj Apia arco

mighty warriors of power. And Abijah rose up from

tod opovq Eojiopiji o eaxiv sv icq opsi Ecppaiji Kai

mount Zemaraim, which is in mount Ephraim, and

817T8V aKODaaxe jiod IepoPodji Kai naq IapafjA, 5 +

said, Hear me, Jeroboam and all Israel!

ov%i v[iiv yvcbvai 6xi Kopioc; o Geoc; IapafjX s5cok8

[Is it] not to you to know that [the] LORD God of Israel appointed

PaaiXsiav too AaviS S7ri lapar\k sic; xov aicbva Kai

[the] kingdom [to] David over Israel into the eon, and

tok; mofc; olvtov sic; 8ia6f|Kr|v aXoq e + Kai avsaxrj

[to] his sons for a covenant of salt? And [ rose up

IspoPodji o tod Napdx o naiq SoXojicbvToq diod

Jeroboam [son of] Nebat], the servant of Solomon son

AaDi8 Kai a7isaxr| arco tod KopioD aDxoD ? + Kai

of David, and revolted from his master. And

aDvf|%0r|aav npoq aDxov dv8psc; Axhjioi dioi

there gathered together with him [ men mischievous], sons

7iapdvo|ioi Kai sv(a%Daav S7il PoPodji diov

of lawbreakers, and they grew in strength against Rehoboam son

Eo^ojicovToq Kai PoPodji r|v vscbxspoc; Kai dsikoq

of Solomon, and Rehoboam was younger and timid

ttj Kap5ia Kai odk sKpaxaicbGrj Kaxd

in heart, and he did not fortify against

7ipoaco7rov aDxcbv 8 + Kai vdv djisic; Aiysxs avxiaxfjvai

their face. And now you speak to oppose

Kaxd 7ipoacb7roD PaaiXsiac; kdpiod 8id xzipoq Diarv

against [the] face of [the] kingdom of [the] LORD in [the] hand of [the] sons

AaDi5 Kai djisic; 7rA,f|6o(; noXv Kai |is0' djicov |ioa%oi

of David, and you [are] [multitude avast], and with you calves

XPDcroi odc; 87io(r|asv djiiv IspoPodji sic; Gsodc; 9 + r|

of gold which [made for you Jeroboam] as gods. Or

odk s^spdXsxs xodc; ispsic; kdpiod xodc; viovq

did you not cast out the priests of [the] LORD, the sons
Aapcbv Kai xodc; AsDixac; Kai £7roifjaaxs saDxoic;

of Aaron, and the Levites; and you made to yourselves

ispsic; sk xod Xaov xrjc; yr\q 7idar|(;

priests from the people of the land? Even every one

o 7ipoa7iopsD6|isvo(; xod 7iAr|pcbaai xac; %s(pac; aDxoD sv

approaching filling his hand with


13 v ev toi3tco + vlica 14 - 2 Chronicles


a calf, [an offspring] of [the] herd, and [rams seven], and

syivsxo sic; ispsa xco jir| ovxi 0scb 10+ Kai r\[isiq

he becomes as a priest to the [one] not being God. And we

Kopiov xov 0s6v rjjicbv odk syKaxsAi7io|isv Kai

[ [the] LORD our God did not abandon]. And

01 ispsfc; clvtov XsixoDpyoDai xco Kopico 01 dioi

his priests officiate to the LORD, the sons

Aapcbv Kai 01 AsDixai ev xaic; stpr||ispiaic; aDxcbv u +

of Aaron and the Levites in their daily rotations.

Kai 0D|iicbai xco Kopico oXoKaDxcbasic; xo7ipcoi 7ipcoi

And they burn [to] [the] LORD whole burnt-offerings morning [by] morning,

Kai xo sa7ispac; sa7ispac; Kai 0D|i(a|ia aDV0sascoc;

and evening to evening, and [they have the] incense composition,

Kai 7ip60saiv dpxcov sm xrjq Tpa7isfy\q Tr\q Ka0apdc;

and place settings of bread [loaves] upon the [table pure],

Kai T| Xvyyia r\ %pvar\ Kai 01 Xvyyoi avTT\q

and the [ lamp-stand gold], and its lamps

xod avd7ixsiv xo sanspaq sanspaq 6x1 cpi)Xdaao|isv

to light evening [by] evening. For we guard

XT|V (pvXaKT\V KDpiOD XOD 08OD XCOV 7TaXSpC0V T||icbv

the watch of [the] LORD, the God of our fathers;

djisic; 5s syKaxsAi7rsx£ ai)xov 12+ Kai i5ot3 |ie0' r||icbv

but you abandoned him. And behold, with us

sv ap%fj Kopioc; Kai 01 ispsiq clvtov Kai ai aahnyjEq

as head [is the] LORD, and his priests, and the [ trumpets

xrjc; aruiaaiaq xod ar||ia(vsiv scp' Djidc; dioi lapar\k

signal] to signify against you. Sons of Israel,

|IT| 7T0A£|Xfjar|X£ 7ipo(; KDpiOV XOV 0SOV

you should not wage war against [the] LORD God

xcov 7iax8pcov djicov 6x1 odk £Do8co0fjaea0s 13 + Kai

of your fathers; for your ways shall not be prospered. And

IspoPodji 7i£pi£KDKAxjoas xo svs8pov SX0SIV

Jeroboam circled an ambush to come

Kax67iio0sv aDxcbv Kai fjaav S|i7ipoa08v IoD8a Kai xo

from behind them. And they were in front of Judah, and the

svs8pov sk xcov 07rioco h + Kai a7isaxps\j/8v IoD8aq

ambush [was] from the [places] behind. And Judah turned,

Kai i8od o 7r6A,s|ioc; aDxok; sk xcov S|i7ipoa0sv

and behold, the battle [was] against them from the [places] in front

Kai sk xcov O7ria0sv Kai sporjaav npoq KDpiov Kai

and from the [places] posterior. And they yelled to [the] LORD, and


13 r ev tootcq + vtica 14 - 2 Chronicles

oi lepsfc; eadAmaav xaiq adAjny^i 15+ Kai rj^d^a^sv

the priests trumped the trumpets. And [ shouted

dvSpsc; lovda Kai eyevexo 6x8 r(kaXa^av dvSpac;

[the] men ofJudah]. And it happened when [shouted [the] men

lovda Kai Kupioc; S7idxa^s xov IspoPodji Kai

of Judah], that [the] LORD struck Jeroboam and

xov lapar\k evavxiov Apia Kai lovda i 6 + Kai ecpuyov

Israel before Abijah and Judah. And [ fled

01 moi IapafjA, arco 7ipoaco7roD lovda Kai 7iap£8coKev

the sons of Israel] from [the] face of Judah, and [delivered

avTOvq Kopioc; sic; xac; %s(pac; auxcbv 17 + Kai S7idxa^sv

them [the] LORD] into their hands. And [ struck

sv auxoic; Apia Kai o Xaoq avzov 7iAr|yf|v |isydAr|v

them Abijah and his people calamity [with] a great].

Kai S7i8aov xpaujiaxiai and lapaf\k 7ievxaK6aiai

And there fell slain of Israel — five hundred

%iAid8ec; dvSpec; Swaxoi i 8 + Kai 8xa7i8ivcb6r|aav 01

thousand [men mighty]. And [ were abased the

moi IapafjX sv xrj rjjiepa SKeivrj Kai Kax(a%i)oav 01

sons of Israel] in that day, and [ grew strong the

moi lovda 6x1 fjAmaav em Kopiov xov 0e6v

sons of Judah], for they hoped upon [the] LORD the God

xcov 7iaxspcov auxcbv 19+ Kai Kaxe8(co^ev Apia 07uaco

of their fathers. And Abijah pursued after

IspoPodji Kai 7ipoKax8Xdp8xo 7iap' avzov itoXziq

Jeroboam, and first took from him [the] cities

xrjv BaiGfjX Kai xac; Kcbjiac; avTT\q Kai xrjv Isarjvd Kai

of Beth-el and her towns, and Jeshanah and

xac; Kcbjiac; avTT\q Kai xrjv Etppcbv Kai xac; KCGjiac; auxfjc;

her towns, and Ephrain and her towns.

20+ Kai omc ea%sv ia%vv IspoPodji 8x1 7idaac; xac;

And [ did not have strength Jeroboam] any more [during] all the
rjjispac; Apia Kai S7idxa^sv ai)xov Kopioc; Kai

days of Abijah. And [ struck him [the] LORD], and

arceGavs 21 + Kai Kax(a%i)asv Apia Kai elapev eai)xcb

he died. And Abijah grew strong, and took for himself

yuvaiKac; SeKaxeaaapac; Kai syewrjaev eixoai Kai

[ wives fourteen], and engendered twenty and

dvo viovq Kai SKKa(88Ka Guyaxepac; 22+ Kai xa Xourd

two sons, and sixteen daughters. And the rest

xcov A,6ycov Apia Kai ai 7rpd^eic; avzov Kai

of the words of Abijah, and his actions, and


14 V


14-2 Chronicles

01 Xoyoi avTOV ysypajijisvoi S7il PipAioD sv xrj

his words, are written upon [the] scroll in the

SK^rjxfjaei A58cb tod 7rpotpf|xoD

inquiry oflddo the prophet.

14 7^

i + Kai SKoi|if|6r| Apia jisxd xcov 7iaxspcov aDxoD Kai

And Abijah slept with his fathers, and

s9a\j/av aDxov sv 7i6A,si AaviS Kai sPaai^sDasv Aad

they entombed him in [the] city of David. And [took reign Asa

vioq avTOV avx' aDxoD sv xaic; rjjispaic; Aad

his son] instead of him. In the days of Asa

r\GV%a&lt;3£V r| yrj lovda 8sra sxrj 2 + Kai S7iovr|as xo

[ was quiet the land of Judah] [for] ten years. And he did the

KaXov Kai xo sdGsc; svcb7iiov Kupioi) xod 6sot3 avzov

good and the upright [thing] before [the] LORD his God.

3+ Kai a7isaxr|as xa 9i)aiaaxfjpia xcov aAA,6xpia Kai

And he removed the altars of the aliens, and

xa v\\fr(ka Kai ai)vsxpi\j/s xac; axfj^aq Kai s^sko\|/s

the high [places], and he broke the monuments, and cut down

xa aXar\ 4 + Kai si7is xco Ioi35a xod SK^rjxfjaai xov

the sacred groves. And he spoke [to] Judah, to seek after the

KDpiov xov 0s6v xcov 7iaxspcov aDXCOV Kai 7T0lfjGai xov

LORD God of their fathers, and to observe the

vojiov Kai xac; svxoXdq 5+ Kai a7isaxr|asv a7io 7iaocbv

law and the commandments. And he removed from all

xcov 7i6A,scov IoD5a xa 0Daiaaxf|pia Kai xa s(5coXa

of the cities of Judah the altars and the idols;

Kai sipfjvsDas r| PaaiXsia svcb7iiov aDxoD 6 + Kai

and [ was at peace the kingdom] before him. And

coKo86|ir|as 7r6A,sic; xsi%fjpsic; sv yrj IoD5a 6x1

he built [ cities walled] in [the] land of Judah; for

sipfjvsDasv T| yrj Kai odk r|v aDxcb 7i6A,s|ioc; sv

there was peace in the land, and there was no war to him in

xoiq sxsai xodxok; 6x1 Kaxs7iaDas aDxco Kopioc; 7+ Kai

these years, for [ gave rest to him [the] LORD]. And

si7is xco IoD8a oiKo5o|xfjaco|isv xac; 7r6A,sic; xaDxaq Kai

he said [to] Judah, We should build these cities, and

7roifjaco|isv xsixtj Kai 7r6pyoDc; Kai itvXaq Kai

we should make walls, and towers, and gates, and

[io%Xovq sv co xrjcjyrjc; KopisDojisv 6x1 KaGcbc;

bars, in which land we dominate, for as


14 v

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

8^S^T|Tf|aa|I8V KDpiOV TOV 08OV T||icbv 8^8^fjTT|aSV rjjLidq

we sought [the] LORD our God, he sought us,

Kai KaT87rai)asv r\[iaq kdkX60sv Kai G0Ko86|ir|aav Kai

and rested us round about. And they built and

Kaxr|i)0Dvav 8 + Kai sysvsTO too Aad Suvajiic;

prospered. And there was to Asa a force

07iXo(p6pcov aipovxcov 0i)psoi&gt;c; Kai 56paxa sv lovda

of armor-bearers lifting shields and spears in Judah —

xpiaKoaiai %ikiadsq Kai sv Bsviajiiv 7rsAraaTa(

three hundred thousand. And in Benjamin men armed with small shields,

Kai xo^oxai 8iaKoaiai Kai oySofjKovxa %iAad5sc;

and bowmen — two hundred and eighty thousand,

7idvT£c; ot3toi 7ioA,8|iiaTai 8i)vd|i£CDc; 9 + Kai s^fj^Gsv

all these [were] warriors of power. And [ came forth

S7i ' aDTotic; Zapa'i o Ai0io\j/ sv 5uvdjisi sv %ikiaiq

against them Zarai the Ethiopian] in a force with a thousand

%ikidai Kai sv dpjiaoi xpiaKoaioic; Kai f|A,0sv scoq

thousand, and with [chariots three hundred]; and he came unto

Maprjad io+ Kai s^f|A,0svAad sic; auvavrqaiv avzcb

Mareshah. And Asa came forth to meet against him,

Kai 7iapsTd^aT0 7i6A,s|iov sv ttj cpdpayyi Kaxd

and he deployed for war in the ravine to

Poppdv Maprjad n+ Kai sPorjosvAad 7ipoc; Krjpiov

[the] north of Mareshah. And Asa yelled to [the] LORD

0s6v arjxorj Kai si7is Kupis odk aSrjvaxsi 7iapd aoi

his God, and said, O LORD, it is not impossible for you

acb^siv sv 7ioAA,ofc; rj sv oAiyoic; Pofj0r|aov r\[dv

to deliver by many or by few. Help us,

Krjpis o 0s6c; r||icbv on S7ii aoi 7rs7io(0a|isv Kai sv

O LORD our God, for upon you we yield, and in

too ovojiaxi aou fjX0o|isv S7U to ith^doq to tioXv tovjto

your name we came against [multitude this vast].

Kopis o 0s6c; r||icbv au si o 0s6c; |ir| KaTia%uadT&lt;jo

O LORD our God. You are the God. Let not [ prevail

7tpoc; as dv0pcD7roc; 12+ Kai S7idTa^s Kopioc; todc;

against you man]! And [the] LORD struck the

Ai0k&gt;7i;ac; svavTiov Aad Kai svavTiov lovda Kai

Ethiopians before Asa, and before Judah, and

scpuyov Ai0k&gt;7isc; 13 + Kai KaTs8(co^sv aDTotic; Aad Kai

[the] Ethiopians fled. And [ pursued them Asa] and

o Xaoq avTOV sooc; Tspapa Kai S7isaov 01 Ai0fc&gt;7i;sc;

his people unto Gerar. And [ fell the Ethiopians]


15 "ID

8V TOUT© + VtKd
14-2 Chronicles

cbaxe |ir| eivai sv auxoic; 7T£pi7rovr|aiv 6xi

so as to not be in procurement of [safety] for themselves; for

aDvexpiPrjaav evGmiov KupioD Kai 8vcb7iiov

they were defeated before [the] LORD, and before

xrjc; Sdv&amp;jiscdc; avzov Kai eaKoXeDaav GKvXa TtoXka 14 +

his force. And they despoiled [spoils many].

Kai s^sKoyav xac; Kcojiac; auxcov kdkA,co rs8cbp 6x1

And they knocked down their towns round about Gerar; for

eyevsxo SKaxaaiq Kupiou era' avzovq Kai 5rqp7raaav

there became a change of state of [the] LORD upon them. And they plundered

naaaq xac; noXsiq auxcov 6x1 TioXXa GKvXa sysvf|6r|

all their cities; for many spoils came

aDxoiq 15+ Kai ys aKqvdc; Kxrjvcbv s^sKo\j/av Kai

to them. And indeed [the] tents of [the] cattle they cut down, and

zkafiov 7ip6paxa noXka Kai Ka\if\kox&gt;q Kai

they took [ sheep many] and camels, and

£7T8axps\j/av sic; IspoDaaArjji

returned to Jerusalem.

15 1t3

1+ Kai A^apiac; vioq Q5f|8 sysvsxo S7i' auxov izvsv[ia

And Azariah son of Oded — [ came upon him spirit

6sot3 2+ Kai s^fjABev siq a7idvxr|aiv xco Aad Kai

of God]. And he went forth for meeting [with] Asa. And

S17T8V auxco dKODaov |iod Aad Kai 7iac; Ioi35a Kai

he said to him, Hear me Asa, and all Judah and

Beviajjiv Kopioc; |ie6' ujicbv ev xco sivai v[idq jisx'

Benjamin! [The] LORD [is] with you in your being with

olvtov Kai edv SK^r|xf|ar|xs auxov eupeGfjaexai v[iiv

him. And if you seek after him, he shall be found by you.

Kai sdv 8yKaxaA,si7ir|xs auxov syKaxa^snj/si Djidq 3 +

And if you should abandon him, he will abandon you.

Kai rjjispai noXkai xco lapar\k dvsi) 0scr6 aArjGivcru

For [ days [passed] many] [to] Israel without [the] true God,

Kai ov% lepecoc; D7to5sikvi3vxoc; Kai ev ou v6|ico 4 +

and no priest to plainly show [things], and with no law.

Kai 87iiaxps\j/8i aDxcroc; sv 0Ai\j/ei S7ri Kupiov xov

And he shall turn them in affliction unto [the] LORD the

6s6v IapafjX Kai ^rjxfjaoDaiv auxov Kai SDpeBfjaexai

God of Israel, and they shall seek him, and he shall be found

auxoiq 5 + Kai sv Kaipoic; sksivoic; odk eaxiv sipfjvrj

by them. And in [ times those] there is no peace


15 "ID

8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

TCO SK7TOpSl)O|ISVC0 Kai TCO Sia7lOpSl)O|ISVC0 Oil 7T0AAt|

to the one going forth, and to the one entering, for much

SKaxaaic; S7U rcavxac; xodc; KaxoiKowcac; %copac; 6 +

astonishment [was] upon all the ones dwelling places.

Kai 7ioX8|ifja8i sBvoc; npoq sBvoc; Kai noXiq npoq

And [ shall wage war nation] against nation, and city against
7i6Xiv oxi o Gsoc; s^soxrjasv auxotic; sv 7idar| 6Ai\j/si

city, for God startled them in every affliction.

?+ Kai djisic; ia%i&gt;aaxs Kai jitj sK?u)sa9coaav

And you, be strong and do not loosen

ai xsipsq Djicbv oxi saxi jiiaGoq xrj spyaaia djicov 8 + Kai

your hands! for there is a wage for your work. And

sv xco aKotiaai xov Aad xouc; Xoyovq Tomovq Kai xrjv

in Asa hearing of these words, and the

7ipo(pr|X8iav Q8fj5 xou 7rpotpf|xoD Kai Kax(a%uas Kai

prophecy of Oded the prophet, that he prevailed, and

s^sPa^s xa 7ipoao%0ia|iaxa and 7idar|c; xrjc; yrjc;

cast out the loathsome things of all the land

lovSa Kai Bsviajjiv Kai arco xcov 7i6A,scov cov

of Judah and Benjamin, and from the cities which

Kaxsaxsv arco IspoPodji s£, opovq Ecppaiji Kai

he took control of from Jeroboam, from [the] mountains of Ephraim. And

svsKaivios xo 0i)aiaoxfjpiov Kopioi) o r|v

he dedicated the altar of [the] LORD, which was

S|i7ipoa0sv xod vaov Kopioi) 9+ Kai s^sKKAxjaiaas

in front of the temple of [the] LORD. And he assembled

xov I(y68av Kai Bsviajjiv Kai xodc; 7ipoar|}a)xoi)c;

Judah and Benjamin, and the foreigners

xodc; 7rapoiKowcac; jisx' aDxoD arco Ecppaiji Kai

sojourning with him from out of Ephraim, and

arco Mavaaafj Kai arco Ed|iscov oxi

from out of Manasseh, and from out of Simeon; for

7rpoaexs6r|aav itpoq ai)xov s£, lapar\k noXkoi sv

[ were added to him from Israel many] in

xco i8s(v aDxotic; oxi Kopioc; o 0s6c; avzov jisx' aDxoD

their seeing that [the] LORD God himself [was] with him.

io+ Kai awfj%0r|aav sic; IspoDaaAxjji sv xco |ir|v(

And they gathered in Jerusalem in the [ month

xco xpixco sv xco sxsi xco 7isvxsKai5sKdxco TT\q

third], in the [ year fifteenth] of the

PaaiXsiac; Aad n+ Kai sGDaiaaav xco Kopico sv

kingdom of Asa. And they sacrificed to the LORD in


15 "ID

ev toi3tco + viica

14-2 Chronicles

tt] r||i8pa SKsivrj arco xcov cjkdXcov cov fjvsyKav

that day from the spoils which they brought

[ioa%ovq S7ixaKoaioDc; Kai 7ip6paxa S7ixaKia%iA,ia 12 +

[calves of seven hundred] and [sheep seven thousand].

Kai 8ifjX0ov sv 8ia0fiKr| ^rjxfjaai rcopiov xov 0s6v

And they went into a covenant to seek [the] LORD God

xcov 7iaxspcov aDxcbv s£, oAxjc; Tr\q KapSiaq aDxcbv Kai

of their fathers with [ entire heart their], and

s^ oAxjc; Tr\q yv%T\q aDxcbv 13 + Kai naq oq av |ir|

with [ entire soul their]. And all who ever did not

SK^rjifjari xov Kopiov xov 9s6v xod IapafjA,

seek after the LORD God of Israel

a7io0av8ixai and vscoxspoD scoc; 7ipsaPDxspoD and

shall die, from younger unto older, from

av5p6q scoc; yDvaucoc; 14+ Kai cbjioaav sv Kopico sv

man unto woman. And they swore by an oath to [the] LORD with

(poovfj |isydAr| Kai sv aA,aA,ayjicb Kai sv adAjuy^i Kai

[ voice a great], and with shouting, and with trumpets, and

sv Kspaxivaiq 15+ Kai r|Dcppdv0r|aav 7ispi xod opKOD

with horns. And [ was glad on account of the oath

naq lovda 6x1 s^ 6Xr\q Tr\q\\fv%r\q aDxcbv cbjioaav

all Judah]; for from [entire soul their] they swore by an oath,

Kai sv 7idar| 0sArjasi aDxcbv s^fjxrjaav ai)xov Kai

and with all their volition they sought him; and

si)ps0r| aDxofc; Kai Kaxs7iai)as Kopioc; aDxofc; kdkA,60sv

he was found by them. And [the] LORD gave rest to them round about.

16+ Kai xrjv Maa%d xrjv jir|xspa Aad xod PaaiXscoc;

And [ Maachah the mother Asa of the king

jisxsaxrjas xod (irj sivai xr| Aaxdpxrj XsixoDpyoDaav

removed] [to] not be officiating to Ashtoreth;

Kai KaxsKoys xo s(8coA,ov Kai KaxsKaDasv aDxo sv

and he cut in pieces the idol, and incinerated it at

xco xsijidppco Ks8pcbv n+ 7iXr|v xa d\j/t|Axx odk s^fjpsv

the rushing stream Kidron. Except the high [places] were not removed,

6x1 D7rfjp%sv sv xco IapafjX 7iAx|v r| Kap8(a Aad

for [they] existed in Israel. Only the heart of Asa

xs^siarjv naoaq xaq rjiispaq aDxoD is + Kai siafjvsyKs

was perfect all his days. And he carried in

xa dyia xod noxpoq aDxoD Kai xa dyia aDxoD sic;

the holy [things] of his father, and his [own] holy [things] into

xov oikov xod 0sod apyopiov Kai %pDa(ov Kai aKSDrj

the house of God — silver and gold and vessels.


16 TO

8V TOl3xCp + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

19+ Kai 7r6A,8(iO(; oi)Kr|v |i8i' avTOV scoq TOD

And war was not with him until the

xpiaKoaxoD Kai 7ts|I7i;tod stodc; xrjq fiaaiksiaq Aad

thirtieth and fifth year of the kingdom of Asa.

16 tta

i+ Kai sv xco sxsi xpiaKoaxcb oktco Tr\q Paai^eiac;

And in the [ year thirtieth [and] sixth] of the kingdom

Aad avsprj Baaad fiaaikzvq IapafjA, em Ioi35av Kai

of Asa, [ascended Baasha king of Israel] against Judah. And

coKo56|ir|a8 xrjv Pajid tod jitj 8oDvai e^o5ov Kai

he built Raman to not give an exit nor

e(ao8ov too Aad PaaiXsi Ioi35a i + Kai skafizv Aad

entrance to Asa king of Judah. And Asa took

apyopiov Kai xpDaiov sk GrjaaDpcbv oikod

silver and gold from out of [the] treasuries of [the] house

KDpioD Kai oikod tod PaaiXeooc; Kai a7isaT8iA,s

of [the] LORD, and from [the] house of the king, and he sent

7ipoq tov diov tod A8sp PaaiXecoc; Zvpiaq tov

to the son ofHadad king of Syria, the

KaTOiKODVTa sv AajiaaKcb Xeyoov 3 + 8id0OD SiaGfjKqv

one dwelling in Damascus, saying, Ordain a covenant

avajieaov sjiod Kai avajisaov aoD Kai avajisaov

between me and between you, and between

tod 7raTp6c; jiod Kai avajieaov tod nazpoq aoD i5od

my father and between your father! Behold,

a7i8aTaA,Kd aoi xpDaiov Kai apyDpiov 8sDpo Kai

I have sent to you gold and silver. Come, and

SiaaKeSaaov tt|v 8ia0f|Kr|v aoD jiSTd Baaad PaaiAia

efface your covenant with Baasha king

IapafjX Kai a7isA£DaeTai an sjiod 4 + Kai fjKODaev

of Israel! and he shall go forth from me. And [ hearkened to

vioq A8ep tod PaaiXeooc; Aad Kai a7T8aTSiXs todc;

[the] son ofHadad] king Asa, and sent the

dpxovTaq Tr\q SDvdjiecoq aDTOD S7U zaq 7t6Xeic; IapafjX

rulers of his force against the cities of Israel.

Kai S7idTa^s tt|v Aicov Kai rqv Aav Kai

And he struck Ijon, and Dan, and

tt|v ApeA,|ias(|i Kai naaaq zaq 7iepi%cbpoDc; NscpBaAi 5 +

Abel-maim, and all the places round about Naphtali.

Kai eysvsTO sv tcd aKODaai Baaad Kai anskms

And it happened when Baasha heard, that he left off


16 TO

8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles
tod |it|ksti oiKo8o|is(v TTjv Pajid Kai KaT87iai)a8

to no longer build Ramah, and he rested

to epyov avzov 6 + Kai Aad fiaaiksvq shafts 7tdvTa

his work. And king Asa took all

tov Iot35(xv Kai aipeiv 7cdvTac; zovq XiQovq Tr\q Pajid

Judah; and he lifted away all the stones of Ramah,

Kai Ta tpXa avTT\q a ooKoSojxrjae Baaod Kai

and its timbers which Baasha built with; and

CDKo56|ir|asv sv aircok; TaPas Kai ttjv Maaarjcpd ? +

he built with them Geba and Mizpah.

Kai sv too Kaipcb eKsivoo f|A,6sv Avavi o 7ipo(pfjTr|c;

And in that time [ came Hanani the prophet]

7ipoq Aad PaaiAia Ioi38a Kai si7i8v auTcb sv

to Asa king of Judah, and said to him; Because

TCD 71871010 8Vai CIS 87U

you relied upon

3aaiXea I/opiac; Kai |ir|

the] king of Syria, and [ did not

7C87coi6svai as S7U Kopiov 0e6v gov 8id totjto

rely you] upon [the] LORD your God, on account of this

8ieaob0r| rj 8tiva|iic; PaaiAiooc; I/opiac; 8K

[ came through safe the force of [the] king of Syria] from

Tr\q %sipoq gov ov%\ oi Ai0(o7cec; Kai Aipuec; fjaav

your hand. [ not the Ethiopians and Lubim Were

eic; 8i3va|iiv 7coAAx|v Kai ddpaoq eic; dpjiaTa Kai

force a vast], and of courage for chariots and

mmiq eic; 7cAt|0oc; acp68pa Kai sv too 7ce7i;oi0evai ae

horsemen in multitude, exceedingly? And in your relying

87U Kopiov 7cap88ooKsv aDTotic; eic; zaq %sipdq gov 9 +

upon [the] LORD, he delivered them into your hands.

6ti 01 ocpGaXjioi Kopioi) 87cipA,S7coi)aiv sv 7cdar| ttj

For the eyes of [the] LORD look in all the

yrj KaTia%i3aai jiSTd naar[q Kap8(a Tsksiaq npoq

earth to strengthen with every heart perfect towards

avTOV rjyvorjKaq 87U toutoo a7co todvdv eaTai jiSTd

him. You have known about this; from now [on] [ will be with

aov 7r6A£|ioc; 10 + Kai e0i)|iob0r| Aad npoq tov

you war]. And Asa was enraged with the

7tpo(pfjTr|v Kai 7caps08TO avzov eic; oikov (pvXaKT\q

prophet, and he placed him in [the] house of [the] prison,

6ti oopy(a0r| £7U toutoo Kai eAujifjvaTO Aad ev too

for he was angry over this. And Asa laid waste among the

Axxob sv too Kaipob eKsivoo n+ Kai 18013 01 Xoyoi Aad

people at that time. And behold, the words of Asa,


17 V ev xoiJTCp + vdca 14 - 2 Chronicles

oi 7ipcbT0i Kai oi sa%axoi ysypajijisvoi S7ri PipAioi)

the first and the last, [are] written upon [the] scroll

PaaiXscov lovda Kai IapafjA, n + Kai sjiaXaKiaGrj Aad

of [the] kings of Judah and Israel. And Asa was infirm

sv too sxsi tod xpiaKoaxcb Kai swdxco

in the [ year thirtieth and ninth]

Tr\q PaaiXsiac; avzov sv xoic; 7ioa(v avzov scoc; dvco

of his kingdom in his feet, until [ [was] higher

T| appcoaxia avzov Kai sv xr| jia^aKia avzov odk

his infirmity]. And in his infirmity he did not

s^fjirjae xov Kopiov aXka xouc; laxpouc; 13+ Kai

seek the LORD, but the physicians. And

SKoi|if|9r| Aad jisxd xcov 7iaxspcov avzov Kai

Asa slept with his fathers, and

sxsXsuxrjasv sv xco xsaaapaKoaxcb Kai 7ipcbxco sxsi

he came to an end in the fortieth and first year

xrjq PaaiXeiaq ai)xoi3 14+ Kai s0a\j/av auxov sv xco

of his kingdom. And they entombed him in the

jivfjjiaxi co cbpD^ev sauxcb sv 7r6A,si Aavid Kai

tomb in which he dug for himself in [the] city of David. And

SKoijiiaav ai)xov S7U xrjq Kkivr\q Kai S7iAr|aav ai)xov

they rested him upon the bed, and they filled it

apcojidxcov Kai ysvrj jxopcov |ii)ps\j/iKcbv Kai S7iorr|aav

of aromatics, and types [perfumes of scented]. And they made

auxcb SKcpopdv jisydArjv Kai srauaav ai)xov Katiaiv

for him [ funeral a great], and they kindled him [ burning

jiaydAxjv scoc; acp68pa

a great] ~ unto exceedingly.

17 V

1+ Kai spaadsuasv Icoaacpdx moc; auxou avx' avzov

And [ reigned Jehoshaphat his son] instead of him.

Kai Kax(a%uasv Icoaacpdx S7U xov IapafjA, 2 + Kai s8coks

And Jehoshaphat strengthened against Israel. And he put

Suvajiiv sv 7idaaic; xaic; 7i6A,saiv lovda xaiq ox^paiq

a force in all the [cities of Judah fortified],

Kai Kaxsaxrjaev rjyoujisvoDc; sv xrj yr| lovda Kai sv

and he put leaders in the land of Judah, and in

xaic; 7r6A,saiv Ecppaiji aq 7ipoKaxsAxxPsxo Aad

the cities ofEphraim, which [ first took Asa

o 7iaxfjp avTOV 3 + Kai sysvsxo Kopioc; jisxd Icoaacpdx

his father]. And [the] LORD was with Jehoshaphat,



14-2 Chronicles

6xi £7iopsi)9r| sv oSoiq Aam5 tod rcaxpoc; ovtov miq

for he went in [ ways of David his father the

7ipcbxaic; Kai odk s^f|xr|as xa s(5coA,a 4 + aXka

first]; and he did not seek after the idols, but

Kopiov xov 0s6v tod rcaxpoc; ovtov s^s^fjTrjas Kai sv

[ [the] LORD God of his father he sought after], and by

xaic; svxoAmc; ovtov S7iopsi)6r| Kai od Kaxd xa spya

his commandments he went, and not according to the works

IapafjA, 5 + Kai KaxstiBuvs Kopioc; xrjv Paai^siav sv

of Israel. And [the] LORD straightened the kingdom in

%sip( ovtov Kai s5coks noq lovdo 5cbpa xco Icoaacpdx

his hand; and [ gave all Judah] gifts [to] Jehoshaphat,

Kai sysvsxo auxcb nXomoq Kai 86^a noXkr\ 6 + Kai

and there became to him [ riches and glory much]. And

D\j/cb6r| T| Kap8(a olvtov sv o5o(q KDpioi) Kai sxi

[ was raised up high his heart] in [the] ways of [the] LORD. And again

s^fjps xa v\\fr\ka Kai xa 6Xar\ arco xrjc; yrjc; lovdo

he removed the high [places] and the sacred groves from the land of Judah.

? + Kai sv xco sxsi xco xpixco xrjc; Paai^siac; olvtov

And in the [year third] of his kingship,

arcsoxsiXs xodc; rjyoujisvouc; ovtov Kai xodc; viovq xcov

he sent his leaders, and the sons of the

8i)vaxcbv xov Ap5iav Kai xov Za%ap(av Kai

mighty [ones] — Obadiah, and Zechariah, and

xov NaGavafjA, Kai xov Mvxaiav xod 5i8daKsiv sv

Nethaneel, and Michaiah to teach in

7i6Xsaiv lovdo 8 + Kai jisx' auxcbv oi Asmxai Sajiaiaq

[the] cities of Judah. And with them the Levites — Shemaiah,

Kai NaGaviac; Kai Zap8(ac; Kai Aaif\k Kai

and Nethaniah, and Zebadiah, and Asahel, and

SsjiipajicbG Kai IcovdGav Kai A8coviac; Kai Tcoptaq

Shemiramoth, and Jehonathan, and Adonijah, and Tobijah,

Kai TcoPa8cov(a oi Asmxai Kai jisx' auxcbv EAiaajid

and Tob-adonijah the Levites; and with them Elishama

Kai Icopdji oi ispsiq 9+ Kai s8(5aaKov sv xco lovdo

and Jehoram, the priests. And they taught in Judah,

Kai jisx' auxcbv ptpAxDc; vojiod Kopioi) Kai 5ifjA,6ov

and with them [was the] book of [the] law of [the] LORD. And they went through

sv xaic; 7i6A,saiv lovdo Kai s5(8aaKov xov A,a6v io+

in the cities of Judah and taught the people.

Kai sysvsxo SKoxaaic; Kupioi) S7U noaoiq miq

And there came to pass a change of state of [the] LORD upon all the


17 V ev tootco + viica 14 - 2 Chronicles

PaaiXeiaic; Tr\q yr\q kdkXcd lovda Kai odk

kingdoms of the land round about Judah, and they did not

£7roAi|iODV npoq Icooacpdx

wage war against Jehoshaphat.

n+ Kai goto todv aXkotyvXcov scpspov too Icoaacpdx

And from the Philistines they brought to Jehoshaphat

8cbpa Kai apytipiov Kai ys 01 Apafisq scpspov aDTcb

gifts and silver. And also the Arabians brought to him

Kpiotic; 7ipopdTCDV 87iTaKia%iAioDc; s7iTaKoa(oDc; TpdyoDc;

rams of [the] flocks ~ seven thousand seven hundred; he-goats ~

£7rTaKia%iAioi)c; s7iTaKoa(oDc; 12 + Kai r|v Icoaacpdx

seven thousand seven hundred. And Jehoshaphat was

7iop£i)6|isvoc; jiei^cov scoc; v\\foq Kai CDKo86|xr|asv sv

going in greatness unto height, and he built [ in

too Ioi35a oiKfjasiq Kai noXsiq o%vpaq 13 + Kai spya

Judah places of abode], and [ cities fortified]. And [ works

noXXa sysvsTO auxcb sv too lovda Kai dv5psc;

many] were taking place by him in Judah. And [ men

7ioXs|iiaTai 5Dvaxo( icj%dovtsc; sv IspoDaaAxjji 14+

warriors mighty] being strong [were] in Jerusalem.

Kai omoq o apiGjioq ai)icbv Kax' oikodc;

And this [is] the number of them according to [the] houses

7raxpicbv aDTcbv Kai too Ioi35a %iAiap%oi Ai8vdq

of their families. And to Judah [as] commanders of thousands — Adnah

o dpxcov Kai jist' avzov viol 8Dvaxoi 8Dvd|iscoc;

the ruler, and with him [ sons mighty] of power —

xpiaKoaiai xikwdEq 15+ Kai jist' aDiov Icoavdv o

three hundred thousand. And after him Johahnan the

dpxcov Kai |isx' aDTOD 8iaKooiai oy8ofjKovTa yikiadsq

ruler, and with him two hundred eighty thousand.

16+ Kai (1st avzov Ajiaaiaq o tod Zs%p( o

And after him, Amasiah the [son of] Zichri, the one

7ipo0D|icy6|isvoc; too Kupico Kai jist' aDTOD SiaKooiai

feeling eager to the LORD; and with him two hundred

XiXidSsq 8i)vaTo( SDvdjiscoq 17+ Kai sk tod Bsviajiiv

thousand mighty [men] of power. And from Benjamin

SDvaToq SDvdjiscoq EAia5d Kai |ist' aDTOD TO^OTai

[the] mighty [man] of power Eliada, and with him bowmen

Kai 7rsAraaTa( 8iaKoaiai %iAid8sc; is+ Kai jist'

and men armed with small shields ~ two hundred thousand. And after

aDTOV Ico^apdS Kai jist' aDTOD SKaTOV oySofjKovTa

him [was] Jehozabad, and with him a hundred eighty


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14-2 Chronicles

Xikmbsq 8i)vaxo( 7ioA,8(iOD 19+ croxoi 01

thousand mighty [men] of war. These [were] the

XsiTODpyowcec; tod PaaiA,s( skxoc; gov sScoksv

ones officiating to the king, outside of [the] ones whom [ put

o fiaoikzvq sv xaic; noXsai xaic; o%i)pak; sv 7idar|

the king] in the [ cities fortified] in all

tt] Ioi)8a(a


18 rr

1 + Kai sysvsxo xco Icoaacpdx sxi nXomoq Kai 86^a

And there came to Jehoshaphat still [ riches and glory

7ioAAxj Kai 87iiya|iPp8T3aaxo ev xco oikco A%adp 2+ Kai

much]. And he was allied by marriage with the house of Ahab. And

KaxsPrj sic; xsloc; sxcbv npoq A%adp sic; Sajidpsiav

he went down at [the] end of years to Ahab in Samaria.

Kai sGdcjsv auxcb A%adp 7ip6paxa Kai [ioa%ovq sic;

And [ sacrificed to him Ahab] sheep and calves in

7rAx|9oc; Kai xco Xacb xco jisx' auxou Kai S7isios auxov

abundance, and to the people with him; and he persuaded him

xod aDvavapfjvai jisx' avzov sic; PajicoG TakaaS 3 +

to go up with him unto Ramoth Gilead.

Kai S17T8V A%adp fiaaiksvq IapafjX npoq Icoaacpdx

And [ said Ahab king of Israel] to Jehoshaphat

PaoiXsa IouSa si 7iopsi)ar| |isx' s[iov sic; PajicbG

king of Judah, Will you go with me to Ramoth

xrjc; TaXaaS Kai sircsv auxcb coc; ai) otixco Kai sycb

of Gilead? And he said to him, As you, so also I;

Kai coc; o Xaoq gov Kai o Xaoq jiod Kai jisxd aoi) ziq

and as your people, also my people; even with you for

7i6Xs|iov 4 + Kai sircsv Icoaacpdx xco PaaiXei IapafjA,

war. And Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel,

^fjxrjaov 8rj afjjispov xov A,6yov Kupiov 5+ Kai

Let us seek indeed today the word of [the] LORD! And

aDvfjyaysv o fiaoiksvq IapafjA, xouc; 7ipocpf|xac;

[ gathered the king of Israel] the prophets —

xsxpaKocrioDc; dvSpaq Kai sircsv auxofc; si rcopsi)6cb

four hundred men. And he said to them, Shall I go

sic; PajicbG TaXaad sic; rco^sjiov r| srciaxco Kai sircov

to Ramoth Gilead for war, or should I wait? And they said,

avdpaivs Kai 8cbasi o 0s6c; sic; xac; %zipaq xod

Ascend! and God shall give [them] into the hands of the


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14-2 Chronicles

aVTOV 7+ Kai 81718 o

him? And [ said the

PaaiAicoc; 6 + Kai si7isv Icoaacpdx odk saxiv cb8e

king. And Jehoshaphat said, Is there not here

7tpo(pfjTr|c; tod Kupuro sti Kai £7ti^r|Tfjoo|isv 7iap'

a prophet of the LORD yet, that we shall seek anxiously by

laaiksvq lapar\k npoq Icoaacpdx

the] king of Israel] to Jehoshaphat,

saxiv avfjp etc; tod ^rjxfjaai xov Kopiov 8i aDxoD

There is [ man one] to seek the LORD through him,

Kai sycb ejjiorjaa aDxov 6xi odk eaxi 7ipocpr|X£Dcov

and I detest him; for he is not prophesying

7ispi sjiod sic; ayaGd 6xi 7idaai ai rjjiepai aDxoD

[ concerning me for good [things]], for all his days

sic; Kara avzoq Mi%a(ac; vioq IsjAd Kai

[are] for bad [things]. He is Michaiah son oflmla. And

S17T8V Icoaacpdx |ir| Xaksuod o paaiksvq ODxcoq 8 + Kai

Jehoshaphat said, Let not [speak the king] thus! And

eraleaev o Paai^sDc; IapafjX sdvod%ov eva Kai si7i8

[called the king of Israel eunuch one], and said,

xa%scoc; raXeaov Mi%a(av diov IejAd 9 + Kai o

Quickly call Michaiah son oflmla! And the

PaoiXeDc; IapafjX rai Icoaacpdx PaaiXeDc; Ioi)8a

king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king ofJudah

ra6f||i8voi eraaxoq em 0p6voD aDxoD sv8s8djisvoi

[were] sitting each upon his throne, being clothed

axoXdq eraGrjvxo sv xco SDpD%cbpco xrjc; dvpaq

with robes; they sat down in the broad space at the door

Sajiapeiac; rai 7idvxec; oi 7rpocpfjxai 7ipoecpf|xsDov

of Samaria, and all the prophets were prophesying

svavxiov aDxcbv io+ rai S7io(r|a8v saDxcb SsSsKiaq vioq

before them. And [ made for himself Zedekiah son

Xavaavd Kspaxa ai8r|pd rai si7i;s xd8e Aiysi Kopioc;

ofChenaanah] horns of iron, and he said, Thus says [the] LORD;

sv xodxok; Kspaxiefc; xrjv Zvpiav ecoc; av

With these you shall gore the Syrian until whenever

aDvxeXsaGfj u+ rai navTsq oi 7ipocpf|xai

he should be finished off entirely. And all the prophets

7ipo8cpf|xsDov odxco Aiyovxec; avdprjGi sic; PajicbG

prophesied thus, saying, Ascend unto Ramoth

raladS rai SDo5co9fjar| rai 8coaei Kopioc; sic;

Gilead! and you shall prosper in the way, and [the] LORD will give [it] into

Xsipac; xod paaiAicoc; n+ rai o dyysXoc; o 7ropeD9eic;

[the] hands of the king. And the messenger, the one going


18 rr
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14-2 Chronicles

tod KaXeaai xov Mi%a(av sldAxjasv aDxcb Aiycov i5od

to call Michaiah, spoke to him, saying, Behold,

eldAxjaav 01 7rpcxpfjTai ev axojiaxi evi ayaGd mpi

[ spoke the prophets with mouth one good [things]] concerning

tod PaaiAiooc; Kai ysveoGooaav 5r| 01 A,6yoi aoD coq

the king. And let [ be indeed your words] as

svoc; aDTcbv Kai Xah^aziq ayaGd 13+ Kai 8i7is Mi%a(ac;

one of them! and you shall speak good [things]. And Michaiah said,

KDpioq on o av 8i7ir| o Geoc; itpoq |is aDxo

As [the] LORD lives, that what ever God should say to me, it

XaXr\a(D 14+ Kai f|A,Ge itpoq xov PaaiXea Kai si7isv

I shall speak. And he came to the king. And [ said

aDicb o fiaaiksvq Mi%a(a si 7iopsDGcb sic; PajicbG

to him the king], Michaiah, Shall I go to Ramoth

raXad5 siq 7i6A,8|iov r| £7ria%co Kai si7i8v avdpaive

Gilead for war, or should I wait? And he said, Ascend!

Kai £Do5(D0fjar| Kai 8o0fjoovxai sic; %sipaqv[i(bv 15 +

and your way shall prosper, and they shall be given into your hands.

Kai 817T8V aDicb o Paai^sDc; 7ioadKic; opKi^co as

And [ said to him the king], How often shall I bind you by an oath

(va |iT| XaXr\ar\q npoq |is Ttkr\v xrjv aAxjGeiav sv

that you should not speak to me except the truth in

ovojiaxi KDpioD 16+ Kai S17T8 Mixaiaq e(8ov

[the] name of [the] LORD? And Michaiah said, I see

xov IapafjA, rcdvxa 5iea7iap|isvov sv xoic; opeaiv 00c;

Israel all being scattered in the mountains, as

7rp6paxa oiq odk sail 7ioi|if|v Kai si7ie Kupioq

sheep in which there is no shepherd. And [the] LORD said,

odk 8%odcjiv rjyoDjisvov ODioi avaaxpscpsxcoaav

[ have no leader These]. Let them [ return

SKaaxoq siq xov oikov aDxoD sv eipfjvrj 17+ Kai si7isv

each] to his house in peace. And [ said

o PaaiXsDc; IapafjA, itpoq Icoaacpdx odk si7i6v aoi

the king of Israel] to Jehoshaphat, Did I not say to you

6x1 od 7ipo(pr|X8D8i 7i8pi sjiod ayaGd aXX r r\

that he would not prophesy for my good [things], but only

Kara 18 + Kai ei7ie Mi%a(ac; od% ODxcoq aKODaaxe

bad [things]? And Michaiah said, It is not so. Hear

X6jOV KDpiOD 8l50V XOV KDpiOV KaGf||ISVOV 8711

[the] word of [the] LORD! I beheld the LORD sitting upon

GpovoD aDxoD Kai 7idoa 5Dvajiic; xod ODpavoD

his throne, and all [the] force of the heaven


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14-2 Chronicles

7iapsiaxf|Ksi sk Ss^icbv avzov Kai s^ apiaxspcbv avzov

stood beside at his right and at his left.

19+ Kai S17T8 Kopioc; xic; a7iaxf|asi xovA%adp PaaiXsa

And [the] LORD said, Who shall deceive Ahab king

IopafjX Kai avapfjosxai Kai rcsasixai sic; Pa|icb6

of Israel, that he shall ascend, and shall fall in Ramoth

TakadS Kai sircsv omoq odxcoc; Kai odxoc; sircsv

Gilead? And this one spoke thus, and this [other] one spoke

odxcoc; 20+ Kai s^fjXGe xo 7WSD|ia Kai saxrj svcb7iiov

thus. And came forth the spirit, and stood in the presence of

Kopioi) Kai sircsv sycb a7iaxf|aco auxov Kai

[the] LORD, and said, I shall deceive him. And

81718 KDpiOq 8V XlVl 21 + Kai S17TSV S^sA,SDaO|iai Kai

[the] LORD said, By what [means]? And he said, I shall go forth, and

saojiai 7rv£i)|ia \j/sd8sc; sv axojiaxi 7idvxcov

I will be [ spirit a lying] in [the] mouth of all

xcov 7ipo(pr|xcbv avTOV Kai sircsv arcaxfjasic; Kai 8wf|ar|

his prophets. And he said, You shall deceive, and shall prevail.

s^sABs Kai rcovqaov odxco 22+ Kai vdv i8od

Go forth, and do so! And now, behold,

s8coks Kopioc; rcvsDjia \j/sd8sc; sv axojiaxi 7rdvxcov

[the] LORD put [ spirit a lying] in [the] mouths of all

xcov 7ipocpr|xcbv aov xodxcov Kai Kopioc; s^dArjasv S7il

[ your prophets these], and [the] LORD spoke against

as KaKd 23+ Kai fjyyias SsSsKiaq vioq Xavaavd

you [for] bad [things]. And [ approached Zedekiah son of Chenaanah]

Kai srcdxa^s xov Mi%a(av srci xrjv aiayova Kai sircsv

and struck Michaiah upon the jaw, and said

auxcb rcoia xt| o8cb rcapfjXGs rcvstijia Kupioi) arc'

to him, By what way passed [the] spirit of [the] LORD from

s|ioi3 xod Xakr\am rcpoc; as 24 + Kai sircs Mi%a(ac; i8od

me to speak to you? And Michaiah said, Behold,

ai) 6\j/si sv XT] rjjispa sks(vt| sv r| siasA,SDar|

you shall see in that day in which you shall enter

xajiisiov sk xajiisioi) xod KaxaKpupfjvai 25 + Kai sircs

closet by closet to hide. And [ said

fiaaikvbq IapafjX Xdpsxs xov Mi%a(av Kai

[the] king of Israel], Take Michaiah and

arcoaxps\j/axs rcpoc; Ajijicbv xov dp%ovxa Tr\q rco^scoc;

return [him] to Amon the ruler of the city,

Kai rcpoc; Icodc; diov xod PaaiAicoc; 26+ Kai spsixs

and to Joash [the] son of the king. And you shall say,


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14-2 Chronicles

otixcoc; S17T8V o fiaaikvbq 0sa0s xouxov sic; oikov

Thus says the king, Put this [one] into [ house

cpuXaKqc; Kai sa0isxco dpxov 0Ai\j/scoc; Kai i)8cop

a prison], and let him eat bread of affliction and water

0Ai\j/scoc; scoc; tod S7iiaxps\j/ai |is sv sipf|vr| 27 + Kai

of affliction! until my return in peace. And

81718 Mi%a(ac; sdv S7riaxpscpcov S7riaxps\j/r|c; sv sipfjvrj

Michaiah said, If by returning, you should return in peace,

odk sXaAxjas Kupioq sv sjioi Kai si7isv aKouaaxs

[ did not speak [the] LORD] by me. And he said, Hearken

Xaoi 7iavTSc; 2 s + Kai avsprj fiaaikzvq IopafjX Kai

all peoples! And [ascended [the] king of Israel and

Icoaacpdx fiaaiksvq lov&amp;a sic; Pa|icb0 Takaad 29 + Kai

Jehoshaphat king ofJudah] to Ramoth Gilead. And

si7is fiaaikzvq lapar\k itpoq Icoaacpdi KaxaKaM\j/o|iai

[said [the] king of Israel] to Jehoshaphat, I shall cover up

Kai sias^suaojiai sic; xov 7i6A,s|iov Kai au sv5uaai

and enter into the battle; but you put on

xov ijiaxiajiov jiou Kai awsKaMij/axo fiaaiksvq IapafjX

my clothes! And [covered up [the] king of Israel],

Kai siafjXGsv sic; xov 7i6A,s|iov 30+ Kai fiaaikvbq

and entered into the battle. And [the] king

Zvpiaq svsxsi^axo xoic; dpxouai xcov apjidxcov xoic;

of Syria gave charge to the heads of the chariots, to the ones

jisx' avTOV Xsycov jjt| 7ioXs(is(xs xov jiiKpov Kai

with him, saying, Do not wage war with the small and

xov jisyav aXX' r\ xov PaaiAia IapafjA, jiovcbxaxov 31 +

the great, but the king of Israel only.

Kai sysvsxo coc; s(5ov 01 dp%ovxsc; xcov apjidxcov

And it came to pass as [ saw the ones in charge of the chariots]

xov Icoaacpdx Kai auxoi sbiav fiaaiksvq IapafjA, saxi

Jehoshaphat, that they said, [ [the] king of Israel It is].

Kai SKuicXcoaav ai)xov xou 7roXs(is(v Kai

And they encircled him to do battle. And

sporjasv Icoaacpdx Kai Kopioc; sacoasv ai)xov Kai

Jehoshaphat yelled, and [the] LORD delivered him, and

a7isaxps\j/sv avzovq o 0s6c; an avzov 32+ Kai sysvsxo

[ turned them God] from him. And it came to pass

coc; s(8ov 01 dpxovxsq xcov apjidxcov 6x1 odkt|v o

as [ saw the ones in charge of the chariots] that it was not the

PaaiA^suc; IapafjX Kai arcsaxpsyav an ovtov 33+ Kai

king of Israel, that they turned from him. And


19 cr

8V TOT/CCp + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

avfjp SVSTSIVS TO^OV SDaTO%CO(; Kai 87ldTa§8 TOV

a man stretched tight a bow skillfully and struck the

PaaiXsa IopafjX avajisaov tod 7uvsd|iovoc; Kai

king of Israel between the lungs, and

avajisaov tod GcbpaKoc; Kai si7is too r|vi6%co

between the chest [plate]. And he said to the charioteer,

£7uaTps(ps ttjv %sipa aoD Kai s^dyays (is sk tod

Turn your hand, and lead me from the

7T0A,S(I0D OTl TSTpaD(idTia|iai 34+ Kai 8Tpo7icb9r| o

battle! for I am wounded. And [ turned the

7i6A,s|ioc; sv ttj rjjispa sks(vt| Kai o fiaciksvq IapafjX

battle] in that day. And the king of Israel

Tjv sarrjKcbc; em tod dpjiaTOc; s^svavriac; I/opiac; scoc;

was set upon the chariot right opposite Syria until

sa7ispac; Kai arcsGavs 5dvovtoc; tod rjAioD

evening, and he died in the going down of the sun.

19 w

i+ Kai £7rsaTps\j/ev IcoaacpdT fiaaikzvq lovda sic;

And [ returned Jehoshaphat king of Judah] to

tov oikov aDTOD sv 8ipf|vr| sic; IspoDaaAr||i 2+ Kai

his house in peace into Jerusalem. And

s^qXGsv sic; a7idvTr|aiv aDTOD Itjod o tod Avavi o

came forth to meet him Jehu the [son of] Hanani the

7ipo(pf|Tr|c; Kai si7isv 7ipoc; tov PaaiXsa IcoaacpdT si

prophet. And he said to king Jehoshaphat, Shall

ajiapTCoAxb ctd PorjGsic; r| jiiaoDjisvco D7i6 kdpiod

[ a sinner you help], or [ one being detested by [the] LORD

gd cpiAid^sic; 8id todto sysvsTO S7U as opyfj

[do] you befriend], [no]. Because of this [took place against you [the] anger

kdpiod 3+ dXX' T| Xoyoi ayaBoi SDpsGrjaav sv aoi

of [the] LORD]. But [words good] were found in you,

6ti s^fjpac; Ta akor\ arco tt|c; yr\q lovda Kai

for you removed the sacred groves from the land of Judah, and

KaTTjD 0dv acj ttjv Kap5(av aoD SK^rjTfjaai tov Kopiov 4 +

straightened out your heart to seek after the LORD.

Kai KaTcbKTjasv IcoaacpdT sv IspoDaaArui Kai 7idA.iv

And Jehoshaphat dwelt in Jerusalem. And again

s^fjABsv sic; tov Xaov arco BrjpaaPsai scoc; opoDc;

he went forth to the people from Beer-sheba unto mount

Ecppaiji Kai S7isaTps\j/sv aDTODc; S7U Kopiov tov 0s6v

Ephraim, and turned them unto [the] LORD the God


19 cr

8V TOOTCp + VlKa
14-2 Chronicles

xcov 7caxspcov auxcov 5 + Kai Kaxsaxrjas Kpuaq sv

of their fathers. And he placed judges in

7r&amp;aaic; xaic; 7c6A,saiv lovda xaic; o%upa(c; sv 7c6Xsi

all the cities of Judah, the fortified ones, in city

Kai 7i6A,£i 6+ Kai si7cs xoic; Kpixafc; (8sxs xi ujisfc;

by city. And he said to the judges, Know what you

7TOISIXS 6x1 odk av0pco7ico ujisic; Kpivsxs CtXk' T| xco

do, for not unto man do you judge, but to the

Kopico Kai |is0' Djicbv Xoyoi Kpiascoc; 7+ Kai VDV

LORD, and with you [are] [the] words of judgment. And now,

ysvsa0co o cpopoc; Kop(oi) scp' v[idq Kai cpiAdaasxs

let [ be the fear of [the] LORD] upon you, and guard

Kai 7TOISIX8 OXl ODK SCJXl |ISXd KDpiOD 08OT3 T||icbv

and act! for [ is not with [the] LORD our God

a8raa od88 0ai)|idaai 7cp6aco7cov od8s Xafiziv 8cbpa

injustice], nor admiring a face, nor taking bribes.

8+ Kai ys sv IspoDaaAx||i Kaxsaxrjasv Icoaacpdx sk

And indeed in Jerusalem Jehoshaphat placed of

xcov Asmxcbv Kai xcov ispscov Kai xcov 7caxpiap%cbv

the Levites, and of the priests, and of the patriarchs

IapafjA, sic; Kpiaiv Kopioi) Kai Kpivsiv zovq

of Israel, for [the] judgment [of the] LORD, and to judge the ones

KaxoiKotivxac; sv IepoDaaArj|i 9 + Kai svsxsi^axo auxofc;

dwelling in Jerusalem. And he gave charge to them,

Aiycov otixcoc; 7coif|Gaxs sv cpopco Kopiou sv aAr|0s(a

saying, Thus you shall do in [the] fear of [the] LORD, in truth,

Kai sv 7cAr|pei Kap8(a 10+ 7cac; avfjp Kpiaiv

and with a full heart. Every man [with] a judgment

xrjv sA,0oi3aav scp' ujidc; xcov aSsAxpcbv djicov

coming unto you of your brethren

xcov KaxoiKowxcov sv xaic; 7c6A,saiv auxcbv avajisaov

dwelling in their cities, [whether] between

aijiaxoc; Kai aijiaxoc; Kai avajisaov xod

blood for blood, and between the

7tpoaxdy|iaxoc; Kai svxoAxjc; Kai sic; 8iKaicb|iaxa Kai

order and commandment, and for ordinances and

Kpijiaxa Kai 5iaaxsXs(xs auxoic; Kai ov%

judgments, that you shall warn them, that they shall not

ajiapxfjaovxai xco Kopico Kai odk saxai opyfj

sin against the LORD, that there will not be anger

scp' v[iaq Kai S7U xodc; a8sAxpoi&gt;c; djicov otjxco

against you, and against your brethren — thus


8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

7ioifjaaxs Kai od% ajiapxf|asa0s n+ Kai i8od Ajiapiac;

you shall do, and you shall not sin. And behold, Amariah

0 ispstic; rjyoDjisvoc; scp' v[iaq sic; rcdvxa Xoyov

the [ priest leading] over you [is] for every matter

KDpioi) Kai ZaPaSiac; vioq IajiafjA, o rjyoDjisvoc;

of [the] LORD; and Zebadiah son oflshmael [is] the leader

too oikov Ioi38a sic; rcdvxa Xoyov tod PaaiAicoc; Kai

in the house of Judah for every word of the king. And

01 ypajijiaxsic; 01 AsDixai svdmiov djicov ia%Daaxs Kai

the scribes, the Levites, [are] before you. Be strong and

7ioifjaaxs Kai saxaiKopioc; jisxd xod ayaGoD

act! and [the] LORD will be with the good.

20 D

i+ Kai jisxd xatixa fjXGov oi dioi Mcodp Kai dioi

And after these [things] came the sons of Moab, and [the] sons

Ajijicov Kai jisx' aDxcbv sk xcov A|i|iavixcbv S7U

of Ammon, and with them [ones] of the Ammonites against

Icoaacpdx sic; 7i6A,s|iov 2 + Kai r\kdov Kai a7if|yysiXav

Jehoshaphat for war. And they came and reported

xco Icoaacpdx Xsyovxsc; fjKsi S7ri as itkr\doq noXv sk

[to] Jehoshaphat, saying, [ comes against you multitude a vast] from

xod 7ispav xrjcj BaAxxaarjc; arco I/opiac; Kai i5od siaiv

the other side of the sea, from Syria; and behold, they are

sv AaaaavGajidp aDxrj saxiv Evya8i 3+ Kai

in Hazazon-tamar — this is En-gedi. And

scpoPrjGf| Icoaacpdx Kai sScoksv xo 7ip6aco7rov aDxoD

Jehoshaphat feared and put his face

SK^rjxfjaai xov Kopiov Kai SKqpD^s vrjaxsiav sv

to seek after the LORD. And he proclaimed a fast in

7iavxi IoD8a 4 + Kai aDvfj%9r| IotiSac; SK^rjxfjaai xov

all Judah. And Judah gathered to seek after the

KDpiov Kai r\kdov sk 7iaacbv xcov 7i6Xscov IoD8a

LORD; and they came from all the cities of Judah

^rjxfjaai xov Kopiov 5 + Kai avsaxrj Icoaacpdx sv xr|

to seek the LORD. And Jehoshaphat rose up in the

SKKAxjaia k&gt;D5a sv IspoDaaAxjji sv oikco kdpiod

assembly of Judah in Jerusalem, in [the] house of [the] LORD,

Kaxd 7ip6aco7iov xrjc; aDArjc; xrjc; Kaivfjc; 6 + Kai si7is

in front of the [ courtyard new], and he said,

KDpis o Gsoc; xcov rcaxspcov rj|icbv od^i aD si 0s6c; sv

O LORD God of our fathers, [ you not are] God in


20 3 ev tootg) + viica 14 - 2 Chronicles

ODpavcb Kai ai) KopisDsic; 7iaacbv xcov PaaiXsicbv

heaven? And [do] you [not] dominate all the kingdoms

xcov sGvcbv Kai ev tt] %sip( aoD ia%vq Kai

of the nations? And [is not] in your hand strength and

8Dvaaxs(a Kai odk sail 7iapd aoi tod avxiaxfjvai ? +

dominion, and there is no one [ against you to oppose]?

od%( &lt;td 8i o Gsoc; r||icbv o s^oloGpsDaac; xodc;

[ you not Are] our God, the one utterly destroying the ones

KaxoiKotivxac; xrjv yrjv xaDxrjv arco 7rpoacb7TOD

dwelling this land from in front

xod Xaov aov IopafjA, Kai s5coKac; aDxfjv a7isp|iaxi

of your people Israel, and gave it to [the] seed

APpadji xco qnAxjo aoi) sic; xov aicbva 8 + Kai

of Abraham, [to] your friend into the eon? And

KaxcbKTjaav sv auxfj Kai coKo56|ir|adv aoi sv auxfj

they dwell in it, and built to you in it

ayiaajia xco ovojiaxiaoD Aiyovxsc; 9+ sdv S7isA,0r| scp'

a sanctuary [to] your name, saying, If [ should come against

ruidg Kara pojicpaia Kpiaic; Bdvaxoc; Xijioc;

us evils] — [the] broadsword, judgment, plague, famine,

axr|a6|is0a svavxiov xod oikod xodxod Kai svavxiov

we will stand before this house, and before

aoi) 6x1 xo ovojid aoi) S7iiKSKAx|xai sv xco oikco xodxco

you, (for your name is called upon in this house,)

Kai PorjaojisGa npoq as arco xrjc; 0Ai\j/scoc; rijicbv Kai

and we will yell to you from our affliction, and

aKotiarj Kai acbasiq 10+ Kai vdv i5od 01 dioi A|i|icbv

you shall hear and shall deliver. And now, behold, the sons of Ammon,

Kai Mcodp Kai opoq Srjsip sic; ovq odk s8coKac;

and Moab, and mount Seir, in which you did not grant

xco IapafjX SisXGsiv 81' auxcbv s^sABovxcov aDxcbv

Israel to go through them, in their coming forth

sk yr\q Aiytmxoi) 6x1 s^sicAavav an ai)xcbv Kai

from out of [the] land of Egypt, for they turned aside from them, and

odk s^coX60psi)aav aDxotic; n+ Kai i8od aDxoi

they did not utterly destroy them — and behold, they

S7U%sipoDaiv scp' rjjLidc; xod sXGsiv Kai SKpa^siv r\[idq

make an attempt against us, to come and to cast us

arco xrjc; KAxjpovojjiac; rjjicbv r\q SsScoKaq r\[iiv 12 +

from our inheritance, of which you have given to us.

KDpis o Gsoc; r||icbv od Kpivsiq sv aDxoiq 6x1

O LORD our God, will you not judge them? For


20 3 ev tootg) + vtica 14 - 2 Chronicles

odk sanv r\[iiv ia%vq tod avxiaxfjvai npoq to 7iAx|9oc;

there is not to us strength to oppose against [ multitude

TO TloTd) TODTO TO sA,0OV S(p' T[[ldq Kai ODKOl5a|ISV Tl

this vast] coming against us. And we do not know what

7tOlfjaCD|I£V OTl 8711 CTOl 01 O(p0aX|IOl T||icbv 13+Kai

we should do, but [ [are] unto you our eyes]. And

iiaq lovdaq SKxcfjKei evavTi KDpiOD Kai

all Judah stood before [the] LORD, and

Ta 7iai5(a aDTcbv Kai ai yvvahcsq (xdtcov Kai

their children, and their wives, and

01 dioi aDTcbv 14 + Kai Ie^ifjA, o tod Za%apfc&gt;D diod

their sons. And Jahaziel the [son of] Zechariah, son

Bava'ioD diod IsirjX diod MaGGavioD o AsDiTfjq arco

ofBenaiah, son ofJeiel, son of Mattaniah the Levite of


the sons of Asaph ~ came upon him spirit of [the] LORD

sv ttj eKKArjcria 15+ Kai ei7isv aKODaaTS itaq lovda

in the assembly. And he said, Hearken all Judah,

Kai 01 KaTOiKowcec; sv IspoDaaAx||i Kai o fiaaiksvq

and the ones dwelling in Jerusalem, and king

IcoaacpdT Td5s Aiysi Kopioc; djiiv jlit| (poPr|0f|Te |ir|88

Jehoshaphat! Thus says [the] LORD to you, Do not fear nor

7rcor|6fjTS a7io 7ipoaco7roD tod 6%Xov tod itoXkov

be terrified from [the] face [ multitude vast

todtod 6ti od% Djiiv saTiv T| 7rapdTa^ic; aXk r r\

of this]! for [not to you is the battle array], but

TCO GSCO 16+ aDpiOV KaTdPr|T8 £71 ' aDTODq i5od

to God. Tomorrow go down against them! Behold,

avaPaivoDoi KaTd tt|v avdpaaiv Aaiq Kai eDpfjasTS

they ascend according to the ascent of Ziz; and you shall find

aDTODC; S7l' dKpOD 7T0Ta|I0D TT\q 8pf|(I0D IspifjA, 17 +

them at [the] tip of [the] river of the wilderness of Jeruel.


[ not for you It is] to wage war in this. Stand, and perceive,
Kai (88T8 ttjv acoTrjpiav KDpiOD |is0' djicov Ioi)5a

and see the deliverance of [the] LORD with you, O Judah,

Kai IepoDaaAT||i |ir| (poPr|6f|T£ jar|5s 7iTor|0f|T8 atipiov

and Jerusalem! Do not fear nor be terrified tomorrow

s^sABsiv sic; a7idvTr|aiv aDTOiq Kai Kopioc; |is0' djicov

coming forth for meeting them! for [the] LORD [is] with you.

18+ Kai KDlj/aCj ICOOacpdT S7U 7ip6oC07rOV aDTOD £7U TTJV

And Jehoshaphat bowed upon his face upon the


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

yrjv Kai izaq Ioi35a Kai 01 KaxoiKODVxsg IspoDaaAxjji

earth; and all Judah and the ones dwelling Jerusalem


fell before [the] LORD, to do obeisance to [the] LORD. And

avsaxrjaav 01 AsDixai arco xcov dicov Kad0 Kai arco

[ rose up the Levites] from the sons of Kohath, and from

xcov dicov xcov Koprjvcbv tod aivsiv KDpico xco 0scb

the sons of the ofKorahites, to give praise [to the] LORD, to the God

IapafjX sv cpcovfj |isydAx| sic; v\\foq 20 + Kai cbp0piaav

of Israel with [voice a great] unto [the] height. And they rose early

T07ipcoi Kai s^fjXGov sic; xrjv sprjjiov 0skcos sv 8s

in the morning, and they went forth into the wilderness ofTekoa. But in

too s^sX0siv aDTODc; sairj Icoaacpdx Kai sporjas Kai

their going forth, Jehoshaphat stood and yelled, and

si7isv aKODaaxs jiod IoD5a Kai 01 KaxoiKowcsc; sv

said, Hear me, O Judah, and O ones dwelling in

IspoDaaAxjji sjjmaxsDaaxs Kopico xco 0scb djicov Kai

Jerusalem! Entrust in [the] LORD your God! and

s|i7iiaxsD0f|asa0s s|i7iiaxsDaaxs sv 7rpotpf|xaic; aDxoD

you will be entrusted. Entrust in his prophet!

Kai SDo5co0fjasa0s 21+ Kai &lt;XD|iPoDXsDad|isvoc; jisxd

and your way will be prosperous. And being advised with

xod Xaov Kai saxrjos \j/aAxco8oDc; Kai aivowcac; xov

the people, and he stationed psalm singers and ones praising the

KDpiov xod s^o|ioXoys(a0ai Kai aivsiv xco ayico sv xco

LORD, to acknowledge and to praise in the holy, in the

s^sABsiv sji7ipoa0sv xrjc; 8Dvd|iscoc; Kai sXsyov

going forth before the force. And they said,

s^o|ioAx)ysia0s xco Kopico 6x1 sic; xov aicbva

Give acknowledgment to the LORD, for into the eon

xo sksoq aDXOD 22 + Kai sv xco dp^aa0ai aDxotic; xrjc;

[is] his mercy! And when they began the

aivsascoc; Kai xrjc; s^ojioA,oyf|ascoc; s8coks Kopioc;

praise and the acknowledgment, [the] LORD appointed

svsSpov xod 7ioA,s|isiv xodc; diodc; Ajijicbv S7i( Mcodp

an ambush [ to wage war for the sons of Ammon] against Moab

Kai opoq I/qsip xodc; s^sA,06vxac; S7ri IoD8av Kai

and mount Seir of the ones coming forth against Judah; and

sxpo7icb0r|aav 23+ Kai avsaxrjaav 01 dioi A(i(icbv Kai

they put [them] to flight. And there rose up the sons of Ammon and

Mcodp S7ti xodc; KaxoiKODVxaq opoq Srjsip

Moab against the ones dwelling in mount Seir,

20 3 ev tootg) + viica 14 - 2 Chronicles

s^oAx)9psi)aai Kai SKxpnj/ai ai)xot)Cj Kai coc;

to utterly destroy and to obliterate them. And as

oDvsxs^saav xodc; KaxoiKowxac; I/qsip avsaxrjaav S7i'

they finished off the ones dwelling in Seir, they rose up against

akhf\kovq Kai sAxxPsxo avfjp xou 7iAr|aiov avzov sic;

one another, and [ took a man] his neighbor for

8iaq)0opdv 24+ Kai Icr65ac; f|X0sv S7U xrjv aK07iidv sic;

hurt. And Judah came upon the height in

xrjc; epf||ioD Kai S7ispA,s\j/s Kai s(5s xo 7iAx|6oc; Kai

the wilderness, and looked. And they beheld the multitude, and

i5cn3 7idvxsc; vsKpoi 7is7txcdk6xsc; S7U xrjc; yrjc; odkt|v

behold, all [were] dead having fallen upon the ground; there was not

avaacotpjisvoc; 25+ Kai fjXGsv Icoaacpdx Kai o Xaoq avzov

one surviving. And Jehoshaphat came forth, and his people,

oKiAstiaai xa gkvXcl auxcbv Kai stipov Kxfjvrj noXXa

to despoil their spoils. And they found [ cattle much],

Kai a7roaK£i)fjv Kai aicula Kai aKstirj s7U0D|xr|xd Kai

and belongings, and spoils, and [ items desirable]. And

saKD^eDcrav eauxok; Kai sysvovxo rjjispai xpeic;

they despoiled for themselves. And they were [ days three]

7rpovo|isi)6vxcov xa ctkdAxx 816x1 7ioAldr|v 26+ Kai xrj

plundering the spoils, for there was much. And on the

rjjispa xrj xsxdpxrj S7iiawf|%0r|aav sic; xrjv KoiXd8a

[ day fourth] they assembled in the Valley

xrjc; svXoyiaq SKsiyap r\vXoyr\aav xov Kopiov 5id

of the Blessing; for there they blessed the LORD. On account

xotixo SKdXsaav xo ovojia xod x67tod sksivod KoiXdc;

of this they call the name of that place, Valley

svXoyiaq sox; xrjc; ruispaq xai3xr|c; 27+ Kai S7isaxps\j/s

of Blessing, until this day. And [returned

itaq avfjp Ioi35a sic; IspcyoaaArni Kai Icoaacpdx o

every man of Judah] to Jerusalem, and Jehoshaphat the one

rjyoi)|isvoc; auxcbv D7isaxps\j/sv sic; IspouaaAx||i sv

leading them returned to Jerusalem in

SDcppoawq |ieydAr| 6x1 sucppavsv aDxotic; Kopioc; anb

[ gladness great], for [ gladdened them [the] LORD] from

xcov s%6pcbv auxcbv 2 s+ Kai siar\kdov sic; IspouaaArui sv

their enemies. And they entered into Jerusalem with

vdpAmc; Kai Kivtipaic; Kai sv adAjuy^iv sic; oikov

stringed instruments, and lutes, and with trumpets into [the] house

Kopioi) 29+ Kai sysvsxo SKaxaaic; Kopiou S7ri itaaaq

of [the] LORD. And came to pass a change of state of [the] LORD upon all


20 3 ev tootg) + vtica 14 - 2 Chronicles

zaq PaaiXsiaq Tr\q yr\q ev too aKODaai avzovq on

the kingdoms of the earth, in their hearing that

Kopioc; S7ioA,s|ir|as jisxd tcov D7isvavTicov IapafjX 30 +

[the] LORD waged war with the ones being opponents of Israel.

Kai sipfjveDasv r| PaaiXeia IcoaacpdT Kai KaT87iai)08v

And [had peace the kingdom of Jehoshaphat], and [rested

aDTcb o 0e6c; aDTOD kdkA,608v 31+ Kai

him his God] round about. And

zfiaaikzvazv IcoaacpdT S7ri tov Ioi)8a oov

Jehoshaphat reigned over Judah, being


thirty-five years [old] in his taking reign, and

eiKoai Kai 7tsvts sxrj sfiaaiksvozv ev IepoDaaAT||i

twenty and five years he reigned in Jerusalem.

Kai ovojia tt| jirjipi avzov ACpvfia ©Dydrqp SsXs'i 32 +

And [the] name of his mother [was] Azubah daughter ofShilhi.

Kai £7iopsi)0r| ev xaiq 0801c; Aad tod nazpoq avzov

And he went in the ways of Asa his father.

Kai odk s^skAivs an aDTcbv tod 7ioif|aai to sd0sc;

And he did not turn aside from them, to do upright

SVC07TIOV KDpiOD 33+7lAx|V Ta D\j/T|Xd ODK S^fjp0T| Kai

before [the] LORD. Only the high [places] he did not remove, and

sti o Xaoq od KaT8D0Dvs ttjv Kap8(av aDTcbv 7ipoc;

still the people did not straighten out their heart to

KDpiOV TOV 08OV TCOV 7iaTSpC0V aDTCOV 34 + Kai 01 A.017101

[the] LORD God of their fathers. And the rest

A,6yoi IcoaacpdT 01 7ipcoTOi Kai 01 ea%aTOi i5od

of [the] words of Jehoshaphat, the first and the last, behold,

yeypajijisvoi sv Xoyoic; IrjOD tod Avavei odc;

they are written in [the] words of Jehu the [son of] Hanani, which

KaTsypays S7U PipAioD PaaiAioov IapafjX 35+ Kai jiSTd

he wrote down upon a scroll of [the] kings of Israel. And after

TaDTa SKoivcbvrjasv IcoaacpdT PaaiXstic; IoD5a jiSTd

these [things], [participated Jehoshaphat king of Judah] with

0%o^(od PaaiXscoq IapafjX Kai aDToq r|v6|ir|ae

Ahaziah king of Israel. And he acted lawlessly

TOD 7T0lf|Oai 36+ Kai 8K0lVCbVT|a8 |IST' aDTOD

to do. And he participated with him

tod 7rorfjaai 7iXo(a Kai 7iopsD0f|vai sic; ©apaeic; Kai

to make boats even to go to Tarshish. And

S7ro(r|08 7iA,oia ev Taoicbv Tdpsp 37+ Kai

he made boats in Ezion Gaber. And


21 SD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

7ipo8(pf|TSDa8v EAie^ep o tod Aco8(od sk Maipiad

[ prophesied Eliezer the [son of] Dodavah from Mareshah]

S7Ti Icoaacpdx Aiycov coc; eKoivcbvrjaac; xco 0%o^ia

against Jehoshaphat, saying, As you participated with Ahaziah,

8i8K0\j/s rcopioc; xa epya gov Kai aDvexpipaav

[the] LORD cut through your works, and [ were broken

xa 7iA,o(a aoD Kai odk r|5Dvfj6r|aav xod 7iopsD9f|vai eic;

your boats], and they were not able to go into




i + Kai 8Koi(if|6r| Icoaacpdx jisxd xcov 7iaxepcov aDxoD Kai

And Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers, and

sxdcprj jisxd xcov 7iaxspcov aDxoD sv 7r6Xsi Aavid

he was entombed with his fathers in [the] city of David.

Kai ePaailsDasv Icopdji dux; aDxoD avx' aDxoD 2 + Kai

And [ reigned Jehoram his son] instead of him. And

ai)xco a5sAxpoi dioi Icoaacpdx A^apiaq Kai IsirjX Kai

to him [were] brothers, sons of Jehoshaphat — Azariah, and Jehiel, and

Zaxapiaq Kai Mi%afjX Kai Sacpaxiaq rcavxec; odxoi

Zechariah, and Michael, and Shephatiah; all these

dioi Icoaacpdx PaaiXecoc; Ioi38a 3 + Kai s8coksv aDxoic;

[were] sons of Jehoshaphat king of Judah. And [ gave to them

o 7iaxf|p ai)xcbv 56|iaxa noXka apytipiov Kai %pDa(ov

their father gifts many] — silver, and gold,

Kai 07rAxx jisxd xcov 7r6A,ecov xsxei%ia|isvcov sv lovda

and shields, with cities being walled in Judah.

Kai xrjv Paai^siav s8coks xco Icopdji 6xi avzoq o

But the kingdom he gave to Jehoram, for he [was] the

7rpcox6xoKoc; 4 + Kai aveaxrj Icopdji S7ri xrjv PaaiXsiav

first-born. And Jehoram rose over the kingdom

xod rcaxpoc; aDxoD Kai SKpaxaicbGrj Kai a7isKX8ivs

of his father, and was strengthened, and he killed

rcdvxaq xodc; a5sAxpoDc; aDxoD sv pojicpaia Kai ys

all his brothers by [the] broadsword, and indeed

arco xcov apxovxcov IapafjX 5 + ovxoc; aDxoD xpidKovxa

[some] of the rulers of Israel. His being thirty

Kai 8do excbv Icopdji sv xco PaaiXeDeiv aDxov Kai

and two years [old] [was] Jehoram in his reigning, and

OKxcb sxrj ePaai^sDasv sv IepoDaaAx||i 6 + Kai

eight years he reigned in Jerusalem. And


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S7iopsi)sxo sv tt[ o8co PaaiAicov IapafjX coc; 87io(r|asv

he went in the way of [the] kings of Israel, as did

oiKoq A%a&amp;p on 0uydxr|p A%adp r|v auxco yuvfj Kai

[the] house of Ahab, for a daughter of Ahab was to him for a wife. And

S7ro(r|as xo 7iovr|p6v svcb7riov Kopioi) ?+ Kai odk

he did the wicked [thing] before [the] LORD. And [ did not

sPot3A,sxo Kopioc; s^oXo0psi3aai xov oikov Aam8

want [the] LORD] to utterly destroy the house of David

8id xrjv 8ia6f|Kr|v r|v 8is0sxo xco Aam8 Kai coc;

on account of the covenant which he ordained with David, and as

S17T8V oroxcb 8oi3vai ai)xov Xvyyov Kai xoic;

he said to him, to give him a lamp and [to]

moiq ai)xoi3 ndaaq xac; rjjispac; 8 + sv

his sons all the days. In

xaic; rjjiepaic; SKsivaic; a7isaxr| E8coji arco D7ioKdxco0sv

those days Edom revolted from under

%sipoc; Ioi38a Kai zfiaaiksvaav scp' sauxouc; PaaiAia

[the] hand ofJudah, and they gave [ reign over themselves a king].

9 + Kai cb%sxo Icopdji jisxd xcov apxovxcov avzov Kai

And Jehoram set out with his rulers, and

7idvxa xa dpjiaxa ai)xoi3 Kai 7idaa rj innoq rj jisx'

all his chariots, and all the cavalry, the one with

avzov Kai sysvsxo Kai rjyspGrj vdkxoc; Kai S7idxa^sv

him. And it came to pass that he arose [by] night and struck

xov E8coji xov KDKAxrovxa ai)xov Kai xodc; dpxovxaq

Edom, the one encircling him, and the rulers

xcov apjidxcov io+ Kai a7isaxr| E8co|i ano %sipoc; Ioi38a

of the chariots. And Edom revolted from [the] hand of Judah

scoc; xrjc; rjjispac; xa^xrjq xoxs a7isaxr| AoPvd sv

until this day. Then Libnah revolted in

xco Kaipcb sksivco anb D7roKdxco0sv xzipoq avzov 6xi

that time from under his hand, for

syKaxsXurs Kopiov xov 0s6v xcov 7iax8pcov ai)xot3 u +

he abandoned [the] LORD God of his fathers.

Kai yap auxoc; S7iovr|asv v\\fr(ka sv xaic; 7i6A,saiv

Moreover he made [the] high [places] in the cities

Ioi38a Kai s^S7i6pvsi)as xodc; KaxoiKotjvxaq sv

of Judah, and fornicated the ones dwelling in

Ispoi)aaAx||i Kai a7iS7rXdvr|as xov Ioi38av n+ Kai f|X0sv

Jerusalem, and led Judah astray. And there came

ai)xcb sv ypacpfj 7iapd HAioi) xod 7ipo(pf|xou Aiycov

to him in writing [words] by Elijah the prophet, saying,


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xd8s Aiysi Kopioc; o 0s6c; AaviS tod 7iaxp6c; ctod

Thus says [the] LORD, the God of David your father,

av0' gov odk s7iopsD0r|c; sv o8cb Icoaacpdx

Because you did not go in [the] way of Jehoshaphat

tod 7raxp6c; aoD Kai sv 080k; Aod PaaiAicoc; IoD5a 13 +

your father, and in [the] ways of Asa king of Judah,

Kai £7rop£D0r|c; sv 0801c; PaaiXscoc; IapafjX Kai

and went in [the] ways of [the] king of Israel, and

£^£7r6pveDoac; xov Iod5(xv Kai todc; KaxoiKODViaq sv

fornicated Judah, and the ones dwelling in

IspoDaaAx||i coc; s^S7iopvsDasv oikoc; A%adp Kai

Jerusalem, as [ fornicated [the] house of Ahab], and also

todc; aSsAxpoDc; aoD diodc; tod nazpoq aoD todc;

your brothers, sons of your father, the

aya0ODc; D7isp as a7isKTSivac; h+ i8od Kopioc; 7iaTd^si

good ones over you, you killed. Behold, [the] LORD shall strike

os 7iAx|yfjv |isydAx|v sv too Axxcb gov Kai sv

you [ calamity [with] a great] among your people, and among

TOiq vioiq aoD Kai sv zaiq yovai^i ood Kai sv 7idar|

your sons, and among your wives, and among all

ttj a7iooKSDf| ood 15+ Kai aD sotj sv appcocmaic;

your belongings; and you shall be in [ sicknesses

7iovr|paic; sv voaco KoiAiac; aoD scoc; od

severe] in disease of your bellies, until of which [time]

s^sXGrj Ta sVcspd aoD arco xrjc; appcocmac; s^

[ should come forth your innards] from the sickness of

rjjispcbv sic; rjjispac; i 6 + Kai S7rfjysips Kopioc; S7ri

days by days. And [the] LORD roused [ against

Icopdji todc; aAlocpD^ODc; Kai todc; ApaPac; Kai todc;

Jehoram the Philistines], and the Arabians, and the ones

ojiopoDc; tcov Ai0i67icov 17+ Kai avsprjaav S7U Ioi)8av

adjoining the Ethiopians. And they ascended against Judah,

Kai KaTsSDvdaTSDaav aDTOV Kai r|%|iaAxbTSDaav 7idaav

and overpowered it, and captured all

tttv D7iap^iv try stipov sv oikco tod PaaiXscoc; Kai

the possessions which they found in [the] house of the king, and

todc; diodc; aDTOD Kai Tac; 0DyaTspac; aDTOD Kai

the [houses] of his sons, and his daughters. And

od KaTsA,s((p0r| aDTcb dioc; aXk r r\ Ioa%d^ o vscoTspoc;

there was not left to him a son except Jehoahaz the youngest

tcov Dicbv aDTOD 18+ Kai jiSTd TaDTa7idvTa S7idTa^sv

of his sons. And after all these [things] [struck


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ai)i6v Kopioc; sv xrj KoiAia aDxoD sv appcoaxia sv r|

him [the] LORD] in his belly with a sickness in which

odk sgxiv uxxpsia 19+ Kai sysvsxo s^ r||ispcbv sic;

there is no healing. And it happened from days unto

rjjispac; Kai coc; fjXGs o Kaipoc; aDxoD sic; rjjiepac; 5do

days, and as [ came his time] in [ days two],

s^fjABs xa svxspa aDxoD jisxd xrjc; Koikiaq avzov sv

there came forth his innards with his belly in

appcoaxia aDxoD Kai arcsGavsv sv appcoaxiaiq

his sickness. And he died in [ sicknesses

7tovr|pa(c; Kai odk s7iorr|asv auxcb o Xaoq avzov

severe], and [ did not make to him his people

SKcpopdv Kai Katiaiv Kaxd xrjv Katiaiv

a funeral], nor a burning according to the burning

xcov 7iaxspcov aDxoD 20 + r|v xpidKovxa Kai 8do sxcbv

of his fathers. He was thirty and two years [old]

sv xco sPaai^sDsiv ai)xov Kai okxco sxrj sPaadsDosv

in his reigning, and eight years he reigned

sv IspoDaaArjji Kai S7iopsD6r| sv odk s7ia(vco Kai

in Jerusalem. And he went in not high praise. And

sxdcprj sv 7i6Xsi Aam5 Kai odk sv xdcpoic; xcov

they entombed [him] in [the] city of David, and not in [the] tombs of the



22 M

1+ Kai sPaadsDaav 01 KaxoiKODVxsc; sv IspoDaaAr||i

And [ gave reign the ones dwelling in Jerusalem]

xov 0%o^(av Diov aDxoD xov jiiKpov avx' aDxoD 6x1

to Ahaziah his son, the youngest, instead of him; for

ftdvxac; xodc; 7ipsaPDxspoDc; arcsKcsivs xo S7isX96v S7i'

all the elder [sons] were killed by the ones coming upon

aDxoDq Axjaxfjpiov 01 ApaPsc; Kai sPaai^sDasv

them ~ the band of robbers, the Arabians. And [ reigned

Oxo^iaq vioq Icopdji PaaiAicoc; IoD8a 2 + vioq cov

Ahaziah son ofJehoram king ofJudah]. [ [was] a son being

xsaaapdKovxa Kai 5do sxcbv 0%o^(ac; sv

forty and two years [old] Ahaziah] in

xco Paai^sDsiv aDxov Kai sviaDxov sva sPaai^sDasv sv

his reigning, and [ year one he reigned] in

IspoDaaAxjji Kai ovojia xrj |xqxp( aDxoD roBoAia

Jerusalem. And [the] name of his mother [was] Athaliah


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0DydTT|p Ajippi 3 + Kai ys avxoq S7ropsD0r| sv oboiq

daughter of Omri. And also he went in [the] ways

OIKOD A%(X&amp;P Oil T| |lfjTT|p CLVTOV T|V

of [the] house of Ahab, for his mother was

&lt;y6|ipoDAx)c; avzov ajiapx&amp;vsiv 4+ Kai S7rovr|as to

his counselor to sin. And he did the

7iovr|p6v ev oq)0aA,|ioic; KopioD coq ohcoq A%adp on

wicked [thing] in [the] eyes of [the] LORD, as [the] house of Ahab; for

(xdtoi fjoav ai)Tcb ctd|iPodA,oi (isxd to a7ro6av£iv

they were to him counselors after the dying

xov 7iaTspa olvtov tod s^oAx&gt;9psDaai avzov 5 + Kai sv

of his father to utterly destroy him. And [by

Taiq PoD^aiq aDTcbv S7iopsT36r| Kai S7ropsD0r| jistoc

their counsels he went]. And he went with

Icopdji diod A^adp paaiAiooc; IapafjA, eic; 7i6A,s|iov

Jehoram son of Ahab king of Israel for war

87i( ACpj\k PaaiXsa I/opiac; sic; PajicbG TaXad5 Kai

against Hazael king of Syria in Ramoth Gilead. And

S7idTa^av oi TO^OTai tov Icopdji 6 + Kai

[ struck the bowmen] Jehoram. And

S7i8aTp8\j/sv Icopdji tod iaTp£D0f|vai eic; IetpdeA, arco

Jehoram returned to be treated medically in Jezreel from

tcov 7iAx|ycbv cov 87idTa^av aDTOV oi I/6poi ev PajicbG

the wounds which [ struck him the Syrians] in Ramoth,

sv too 7ioXs|i8iv avzov itpoq ACfxr\k PaaiXea Zvpiaq

in his warring against Hazael king of Syria.

Kai Oxo^iaq vioq Icopdji fiaaikvbq lovda KaTsPrj

And Ahaziah son of Jehoram, king of Judah went down

GsdaaaGai tov Icopdji diov A%adp eic; IetpdeA, 6ti

to see Jehoram son of Ahab in Jezreel, for

r|ppcbaT8i ?+ Kai 7iapd tod 0eoD eyeveTO KaTa&lt;xcpo(pf|

he was infirm. And by God came [the] final event

0%o^(od tod eABeiv 7ipoc; Icopdji Kai 8V

of Ahaziah [in] his coming to Jehoram. And in

too eX0eiv aDTOV s^fjAite Icopdji jist' aDTOD 7ipoc; Iod

his coming, Jehoram went forth with him against Jehu

diov Najieaei %pi&lt;xc6v kdpiod ov e%piaev aDTOV

son ofNimshi, [the] anointed of [the] LORD, whom [anointed him

KDpioq tod s^oXoGpsDaai tov oikov A%adp 8 + Kai

[the] LORD] to utterly destroy the house of Ahab. And

syevsTO sv too SKSiKqaai tov Iod tov oikov A%adp

it came to pass in [ taking vengeance Jehu] on the house of Ahab,


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Kai stips xodc; dp%ovxac; Ioi)8a Kai xodc; aSsAxpoDc;

that he found the rulers of Judah, and the brothers

0%o^(od XsixoDpyoDvxac; xco 0%o^ia Kai aftSKxsivsv

of Ahaziah, [the] ones officiating [to] Ahaziah, and he killed

aDxotic; 9 + Kai S17TSV Iod tod ^rjifjaai xov 0%o^(av Kai

them. And Jehu told [them] to seek Ahaziah. And

KaxsXaPov aDxov laxpsDojisvov sv Eajiapsia Kai

they overtook him [in his] being treated medically in Samaria, and

fjyayov ai)xov itpoq Iod Kai aftSKxsivsv aDxov Kai

they led him to Jehu, and he killed him. And

s9a\j/av aDxov 6xi sircav vioq soxiv Icoaacpdx oaxiq

they entombed him, for they said, He is a son of Jehoshaphat who

s^fjxrjae xov Kopiov sv 6Ax| Kap5(a aDxoD Kai

sought the LORD with [ entire heart his]. And

ODKTjv sv xco oikco 0%o^(od Kaxia%Daai 5wa|iiv

there was not [anyone] in the house of Ahaziah prevailing with power

7isp( xrjc; PaaiXsiaq io+ Kai roGoAia r| |if|xr|p 0%o^(od

over the kingdom. And Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah

s(8sv 6xi xs6vt|ksv o vioq avTT\q Kai avsaxrj Kai

saw that [died her son], and she rose up and

a7icbA,sas 7iav xo a7isp|ia xrjc; PaaiXsiac; sv xco oikco

destroyed all the seed of the kingdom in the house

lovda n+ Kai slapsv IcooaPsaiG r| GDydxrjp xod

of Judah. But [ took Jehoshabeath the daughter of the

PaaiXscoq xov Icodc; diov 0%o^(od Kai skA,s\j/sv ai)xov

king] Joash son of Ahaziah, and stole him

sk jisaoi) xcov dicov xod PaaiAicoc; xcov

from [the] midst of the sons of the king, of the

GavaxoDjisvcov Kai s8coksv ai)xov Kai

ones being put to death. And she put him and

xrjv xpocpfjv avzov sv xco xajiisico xcov kAivcov Kai

his nourishment in the storeroom of the beds. And

SKpi)\j/sv ai)xov T| GDydxrjp xod PaaiAicoc; Icopdji

[hid him the daughter of king Jehoram],

IcoaaPsaO rj a5sAxpfj Oxo^iod rj yDvfj Ico8as xod

Jehoshabeath the sister of Ahaziah the wife ofJehoiada the

ispscoq Kai SKpD\j/sv aDxov and 7rpoacb7ioD

priest. And she hid him from [the] face

xrjc; ToGoAiac; Kai odk a7isKxsivsv aDxov 12+ Kai rjv

of Athaliah, and she did not kill him. And he was

KaxaKSKpDjijisvoq |isx' aDxfjc; sv xco oikco xod Gsod

being hid with her in the house of God

s£, sxrj Kai roGoAia sPaailsDasv S7ri xrjc; yr\q

six years. And Athaliah reigned over the land.


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23 »

1 + sv 8s too sxsi too sp86|ico SKpaxaicoasv Ico8as Kai

And in the [ year seventh] Jehoiada determined, and

sXaPe xodc; SKaxovxdp%OD&lt;; xov A^apiav diov Icopdji

[ took the commanders of hundreds] Azariah son of Jehoram,

Kai xov IajiafjA, diov Icoavdv Kai xov A^apiav diov

and Ishmael son of Jehohanan, and Azariah son

Qpfj8 Kai xov Maaaiav diov ASa'ioD Kai

of Obed, and Maaseiah son of Adaiah, and

xov EAiaacpdcp diov Za%apfc&gt;D |is6 aDxoD sv 5ia0fjKT|

Elishaphat son ofZichri, with him in covenant.

2 + Kai SKDKlcoaav xov IoD8av Kai aDvfjyayov xodc;

And they encircled Judah, and gathered the

AsDixaq 8K 7iaacbv xcov 7r6A,scov IoD8a Kai xodc;

Levites from out of all the cities of Judah, and the

dpxovxaq xcov 7iaxpicbv xod IapafjX Kai r\kdov siq

rulers of the families of Israel, and they came to

IspoDaaAxjji 3 + Kai 8is0sxo 7idaa r| sKKAxjaia

Jerusalem. And [ ordained all the assembly]

SiaGfjKqv sv oikco xod GsoD jisxd xod PaaiAicoc; Kai

a covenant in [the] house of God with the king. And

si7rsv aDxoiq i8od o vioq xod PaaiAicoc; Paai^sDadxco

he said to them, Behold, the son of the king, let him reign!

KaGcbq e^dAxjae Kopioc; S7ii xov oikov AaDi8 4 + Kai

as [the] LORD spoke concerning the house of David. And

vdv ODxoq o Xoyoq ov 7ioifjasxs xo xpixov S^ DJICOV

now this [is] the word what you shall do. The third of you

sia7iopsDsa9coaav xo adppaxov xcov ispscov Kai xcov

[ enter on the Sabbath of the priests and of the

Asdixcov Kai sic; xac; nvXaq xcov sia68cov 5 + Kai xo

Levites], and [go] unto the gates of the entrances; and the

xpixov sv oikco xod PaaiXscoc; Kai xo xpixov sv xrj

third unto [the] house of the king; and the third unto the

7ivhr\ xrj jisorj Kai naq o Xaoq sv aDAmc;

gate the one in the middle! And all the people [will be] in [the] courtyards
oikod KDpioD 6+ Kai jxrjSsk; siasX9sxco sic; OIKOV

of [the] house of [the] LORD. And let no one enter into [the] house

KDpioD sijifj oi ispsic; Kai oi AsDixai Kai oi

of [the] LORD, except the priests and the Levites, and the ones

XsixoDpyoDvxsq xoic; AsDixaic; aDxoi sioslsDaovxai 6xi

officiating to the Levites! They shall enter, for

dyioi sioi Kai naq o Xaoq cpDAxxoasxco xrjc; cpD^aKdc;

they are holy. And all the people let guard the watches


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Ki)p(oi) 7+ Kai kdkAxdoodoiv oi AsDixai xov PaaiAia

of [the] LORD! And [ shall encircle the Levites] the king

kdkXcd avfjp Kai to ctksdoc; aDxoD sv %sip( aDxoD Kai

round about, [each] man and his weapon in his hand, and

o sia7iopsD6|isvoc; sic; xov oikov a7ro6avs(xai Kai

the one entering into the house shall die. And

saovxai jisxd xod PaaiXsooc; sic; sia7iopsDO|isvoD aDxoD

they will be with the king for his entering

Kai £K7ropsi)0|i8VOD s+ Kai S7iorr|aav oi AsDixai Kai

and exiting. And [ did the Levites and

naq Ioi)8a Kaxd rcdvxa 6aa svsxsi^axo IoaSas o

all Judah] according to all as much as [ gave charge Jehoiada the

ispstic; Kai slapsv sraaxoc; xodc; avSpac; aDxoD

priest]. And [took each man] his men

sia7iopsDO|isvoD xod aaPPdxoD sooc; s^68od xod

entering on the Sabbath, unto exiting of the

oaPPdxoD 6xi od KaxsAuasv IooSas o ispstic; xac;

Sabbath, for [ did not rest up Jehoiada the priest] the

scprjjispiac; 9 + Kai s8cdksv Ioo8as o ispstic; xodc;

daily rotations. And [ gave Jehoiada the priest] the

SKaxovxdpxoDq xsxayjisvoDc; Kai xac; jiaxaipaq Kai

commanders of hundreds orders, and the swords, and

xodc; 0DpsoDc; Kai xa 07iA,a a r|v xod PaaiXsooc;

the [large] shields, and the [small] shields which was of king

AaDi8 sv oikco xod 0sod 10+ Kai soxrjas rcdvxa xov

David in [the] house of God. And he stationed all the

Xaov SKaaxov sv xoic; oitXoiq aDxoD ano Tr\q cojiiac;

people, each with his weapons, from the protrusion

xod oikod xrjc; Ss^idc; scoq xrjc; cojiiac; xod oikod xrjc;

of the house at the right, unto the protrusion of the house at the

apiaxspdq S7ri xod 0Daiaaxr|p(oD Kai xod oikod S7i(

left by the altar, and at the house by

xov PaaiAia kdkAxd n+ Kai s^fjyays xov diov xod

the king round about. And he led out the son of the

PaaiAiooc; Kai sScoksv S7i' aDxov xo Paai^siov Kai

king, and put upon him the crown, and

xo jiapxDpiov Kai spaoiXsDaav aDxov Kai s%piaav

the testimony, and they made him to reign. And [ anointed

aDxov Ioo5as o ispstic; Kai oi dioi aDxoD Kai si7iov

him Jehoiada the priest and his sons], and they said,

^fjxco o PaaiXsDc; 12 + Kai fjKODas To0oAia xrjv (poovfjv

Let [ live the king] ! And Athaliah heard the sound


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tod Xaov xoov xpsxovxcov Kai S^O|IoA,OyOD|I8VC0V Kai

of the people, of the ones running, and acknowledging, and

aivowccDV xov fiaaiksa Kai eiafjXGe npoq xov

praising the king. And she entered to the

PaaiAia sic; xov oikov Kopioi) 13+ Kai £i8e Kai

king, into the house of [the] LORD. And she beheld, and

i8od o fiaaiksvq eiaxfjKei £7U xrjc; axdascoq auxou Kai

behold, the king stood at his station, and

8711 xrjc; eia68oi) 01 dpxovxsq Kai ai aaXmjysq Kai

at the entrance were the rulers and the trumpets. And

01 dp%ovxsc; 7isp( xov PaaiAia Kai naq o Xaoq Tr\q

the rulers were around the king. And all the people of the

yr\q r|D(ppaiv6|i8voi Kai aakniCpvTsq sv xaic; adAmy^i

land were being glad and trumpeting with the trumpets,

Kai 01 dSovxsc; sv xoic; opydvoic; xrjc; codr\q 01

and the ones singing with the instruments of the odes, the

00801 Kai Djivowcec; aivov Kai 5isppr|^s ToGoAia

singers and ones singing praise. And Athaliah tore

xrjv axoArjv avTT\q Kai eporjasv Kai si7ie &lt;yov8ea|ioc;

her robe, and yelled and said, Conspiracy,

&lt;y6v8sa|ioc; 14+ Kai s^fjABev Ioo8as o lepetic; Kai

conspiracy. And came forth Jehoiada the priest, and

svsxsi^axo xoic; SKaxovxdp%oic; Kai xoic; apxrjyoic; xrjc;

he gave charge to the commanders of hundreds, and to the chiefs of the

8i)vd|i£CDc; Kai 8i7isv auxoic; e^dysxs auxfjv skxoc; xod

force. And said to them, Lead her outside of the

oiKOD Kai s^sA,9exe 07i(aco avTT\q Kai a7io9av8xco sv

house, and go forth after her, and let [her] die by

pojicpaia 6x1 S17T8V o ispsuc; |ir| a7io6avsxco sv

[the] sword! For [said the priest], Let her not die in

oikco Kopioi) 15+ Kai S7is6r|Kav aDxfj %£ipaq Kai

[the] house of [the] LORD! And they placed [ upon her hands], and

8ifjX0e 8id xrjc; 7ivhr\q xcov ur7recov xod oikod xod

she went through the gate of the horsemen of the house of the

PaaiAiox; Kai sGavdxcoaav auxfjv sksi i 6 + Kai

king, and they put her to death there. And

SieGsxo Ico8ae 8ia6fjKT|v avajisaov avzov Kai

Jehoiada ordained a covenant between he and

avajieoov xod Xaov Kai avajieaov xod PaaiAiooc;

between the people, and between the king,

xod dvai ziq Xaov xco Kupioo 17+ Kai sior\kds naq o

to be for a people to the LORD. And [ entered all the


23 30

8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles
Xaoq xrjc; yrjc; sic; xov oikov tod Baak Kai

people of the land] into the house of Baal, and

Kaxsa7raaav aDxov Kai xa 0Daiaoxf|pia aDxoD Kai

tore it down, and his altars; and

xa eucovac; aDxoD sXsftXDvav Kai xov MaxGdv xov

his images they [ground] fine; and [ Mattan the

ispsa BadA, sGavdxcoaav svavxiov

priest of Baal they put to death] before

xcov 0Daiaaxr|picov aDxoD is + Kai svs%s(piasv Ico8as o

his altars. And [ committed Jehoiada the

ispstic; xa spya oikod KupioD sv %£ipi xcov ispscov

priest] the works of [the] house of [the] LORD in [the] hand of the priests

Kai Asdixcov Kai avsaxrjae xac; scpr||isp(ac; xcov

and Levites. And he reestablished the daily rotations of the

ispscov Kai xcov Asdixcov KaBcbq 8isaxsiA,s Aam5 S7i(

priests and the Levites, as David separated for

xov oikov Kopioi) xod avacpspsiv Kupico

the house of [the] LORD, to offer [to the] LORD

oXoKai)xcb|iaxa KaGcbc; ysyparcxai sv vojico McoDafj sv

whole burnt-offerings, as is written in [the] law of Moses, with

SDcppoawq Kai sv coSaic; 8id x 8l Poc; Aai)(5 19+ Kai

gladness and with odes by [the] hand of David. And

saxrjaav 01 7rDAxopoi S7i( xac; nvXaq oikod KopioD

[ stood the gatekeepers] at the gates of [the] house of [the] LORD,

Kai odk siosA^SDasxai aKdGapxoq sic; 7iav 7ipdy|ia 20 +

that there shall not enter [unclean in anything].

Kai slaps xodc; 7iaxpidp%ac; Kai xodc; SDvaxoDc; Kai

And he took the patriarchs, and the mighty ones, and

xodc; dpxovxaq xod Xaov Kai rcdvxa xov Xaov xrjc;

the rulers of the people, and all the people of the

yrjc; Kai S7isp(paaav xov PaaiAia sic; xov oikov

land, and they conducted the king into the [the] house

KDpiOD Kai siafjABs 8id xrjc; sacoxspac; 7ivhr\q sic;

of [the] LORD; and he entered through the inner gate into

xov oikov xod PaaiXscoq Kai SKdGiaav xov PaaiXsa

the house of the king. And they sat the king

S7U xov Gpovov xrjc; PaaiXsiaq 21+ Kai r|D(ppdv6r| rcac;

upon the throne of the kingdom. And [ were glad all

o Xaoq xrjc; yrjc; Kai r| noXiq rj&lt;y6%aas Kai

the people of the land], and the city was still. And

xrjv ToGoAiav sGavdxcoaav |ia%a(pa

Athaliah they put to death by [the] sword.


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8V TOOTCp + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

24 73

i + ov sxcbv S7iTd Ioodc; 8V TCO PaaiXsDSlV aVTOV Kai

[ [was] years [old] seven Joash] in his taking reign, and

xeaaap&amp;Kovxa £tt| sfiaaiksvazv ev Ispoi)aaXfi|i Kai

forty years he reigned in Jerusalem. And

ovojia tt| jirjipi olvtov Sapia 8K BrjpaaPeai 2 + Kai

[the] name of his mother [was] Zibeah from Beer-sheba. And

£7io(r|aev Ioodc; to sdGsc; svcb7iiov KopiOD itaaaq zaq

Joash did the upright [thing] before [the] LORD all the

rjjispac; IooSae tod lepecoc; 3+ Kai skafizv Ico8ae 8do

days of Jehoiada the priest. And Jehoiada took two

yvvahcaq eaDTcb Kai eyewrjaev diodc; Kai dvyazspsq

wives to himself, and he engendered sons and daughters.

4+ Kai syevsTO jiSTd TaDTa Kai eyeveTO em KapSiav

And it came to pass after these [things], that it came upon [the] heart

Ioodc; S7riaK8i)daai tov oikov KopiOD 5+ Kai ai)vf|yays

of Joash to repair the house of [the] LORD. And he gathered

todc; ispsic; Kai todc; Asvuaq Kai si7i8v aDTOic;

the priests and the Levites, and he said to them,

s^sXGaTS sic; Tag 7i6A,sic; k&gt;D5a Kai aDvaydysTS anb

Go forth into the cities of Judah, and gather from

7iavTOc; IapafjA, apytipiov tod KpaTaiobaai tov oikov

all Israel money to repair the house


of [the] LORD your God until fit, year by

sviaDTOV Kai 07i8DaaTS XaArjaai Kai odk ea7ieDaav 01

year! And hasten to speak! And [ hastened not the

AeDvcai 6 + Kai SKd^sasv o fiaaiksvq tov Ioo8ae tov

Levites]. And [ called the king] Jehoiada the

dpxovTa Kai si7iev aDTcb 8iaTi odk s^s^fjTrjaac; 7ispi

ruler, and he said to him, Why did you not require concerning

tcov Asditcov TOD eiaeveyKsiv arco IoD8a Kai

the Levites, so as to carry in from Judah and

IspoDaaAxjji to KeKpijievov Ax||i|ia D7i6 MooDafj

Jerusalem the adjudged concern by Moses

av0pcb7ioD tod 08od 6ti e^eKKAxjaiaae tov IopafjX sic;

[the] man of God, for [the] assembly of Israel in

TTJV aKTjVfjV TOD JiapTDpiOD 7+ OTl ToBoXia T|V

the tent of the testimony? For Athaliah was

dvojioc; Kai 01 dioi aDTfjc; KaTsa7iaaav tov oikov

lawless, and her sons tore down the house


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

tod 0sod Kai ys 7rdvxa xa dyia oikod kdpiod

of God; and also all the holy [things] of [the] house of [the] LORD

S7ro(r|aav toic; BaaXsiji 8 + Kai sircsv o fiaaiksvq

they appointed to the Baals. And [ said the king],

ysvr|0f|TCD yAxDaaoKojiov Kai xeGfjTCD sv tt| 7r6Ar| tod

Let there be a container, and let it be put at the gate of the

oikod KDpioD 8^cd 9+ Kai KTj pD^dxcooav sv k&gt;D8a Kai

house of [the] LORD outside! And let them proclaim in Judah and

sv IspoDaaArjji siasvsyKsiv too Kopioo KaGcbq si7is

in Jerusalem, to carry in to the LORD as [ said

McDDafjc; 7iaic; tod 0sod S7ri tov IapafjX sv xr|

Moses [the] servant of God] unto Israel in the

spfj|ico io+ Kai SDcppdvGrjaav rcavTSc; dp%ovTSc; Kai naq

wilderness. And [ were glad all [the] rulers] and all

o Xaoq Kai siascpspov Kai svsPaAlov sic; to

the people; and they carried in, and cast into the
yAxjoaaoKojiov scoq od S7iAx|pcb9r| n+ Kai sysvsxo sv

container, until of which it was filled. And it came to pass in

xco Kaipcb tod svsyKsiv to yXcoaaoKOjiov 7ipoc; todc;

the time to bring in the container to the

7tpo&lt;ycdTac; tod PaoiXsooc; 8id x 8l P°^ ta&gt;v Asditcov

superintendents of the king by [the] hand of the Levites,

Kai rjviKa s(8ov 6ti S7iA,s6vaas to apyopiov Kai

that when they beheld that [ was superabundant the money], that

fjA,0sv o ypajijiaTSDc; tod paaiAiooc; Kai o 7ipoaTdTr|c;

[ came the scribe of the king], and the superintendent

tod jisyd^oD ispsooc; Kai s^sKsvcoaav to

of the great priest; and they emptied out the

yAxjoaooKojiov Kai fjpav Kai KaTsarrjaav aDTOV S7t(

container, and they lifted and placed it upon


its place. Thus they did day by day,

Kai GDvfjyayov apyDpiov 7toA,d 12+ Kai sScdksv aDTO o

and they gathered [money much]. And [gave it the

PaaiXsDc; Kai Ico5as o ispstic; toic; 7ioioDai Ta spya

king and Jehoiada the priest] to the ones doing the works

sic; spyacriav oikod kdpiod Kai sjiictGodvto

for [the] work of [the] house of [the] LORD. And they hired

Axxtojiodc; Kai TSKTOvaq S7iiaKSDdaai tov oikov

quarriers and fabricators to repair the house

kdpiod Kai xahcziq ai8f|poD Kai xoXkov

of [the] LORD, and braziers of iron and of brass


24 73
8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

tod Kpaxaicoaai xov oikov KopioD 13 + Kai stcoiodv 01

to strengthen the house of [the] LORD. And [ did so the

7toiodvxsc; xa spya Kai avsprj jifjKoc; xcov spycov sv

ones doing the works], and there ascended [the] length of the works by

Xspcriv aDxcbv Kai avsaxrjaav xov oikov KopioD S7i(

their hands. And they reestablished the house of [the] LORD in

xrjv ax&amp;aiv aDxoD Kai sv(a%Daav h + Kai coc;

its position, and they strengthened it. And as

aDvsxs^saav fjveyrav npoq xov PaaiAia Kai 7ipoq

they completed, they brought to the king and to

Ico8as xo KaxaXouiov xod apyopioD Kai S7iovr|oav

Jehoiada the rest of the money, and they made

ai)xo oksdt| sic; oikov KopioD aKSDrj XsixoDpyiKd

[with] it items for [the] house of [the] LORD, items for [the] ministry,

Kai xcov oA,OKai)xco|idxcov Kai GmaKaq Kai aKSDrj

and of the whole burnt-offerings, and incense pans, and [ vessels

%pi)ad Kai apyopd Kai avfjveyrav oAx)KaDxcbasic; sv

gold and silver]. And they offered whole burnt-offerings in

xco oikco Kopioi) 8ia7iavx6c; naaaq xac; rjjiepac; Ico8as

the house of [the] LORD continually all the days of Jehoiada.

15+ Kai syfjpaasv Ico8as Kai rjv Tihf\pr\q r||ispcbv Kai

And Jehoiada grew old, and was full of days. And

sxsXsDxrjasv vioq ov sraxov Kai xpidKovxa sxcov sv

he came to an end [ a son being] a hundred and thirty years at

xco xsXsDxdv ai)xov i 6 + Kai s6a\|/av ai)xov sv 7i6A,si

his coming to an end. And they entombed him in [the] city

Aavid jisxd xcov paaiXscov 6x1 S7iovr|asv ayaGoawrjv

of David with the kings, for he did goodness

jisxd IapafjA, Kai jisxd xod Gsod Kai xod oikod aDxoD

with Israel, and with God, and his house.

17+ Kai sysvsxo jisxd xrjv xsA,SDxf|v Ico8as siafjXBov 01

And it came to pass after the decease of Jehoiada, [ entered the

dpxovxsq IoD8a Kai 7ipoasKDvr|aav xov PaaiAia xoxs

rulers of Judah] and did obeisance to the king. Then

S7if|KODasv o PaaiA^Dc; aDxcbv 18+ Kai syKaxsXurov xov

[ heeded the king] them. And they abandoned the

oikov KDpioD xod Gsod xcov 7iaxspcov aDxcbv Kai

house of [the] LORD the God of their fathers, and

sAxxxpsDaav xr| Aaxdpxrj Kai xoic; siScbAxnc; Kai

they served [to] Ashtoreth and the idols. And

sysvsxo opyfj S7i( IoD5av Kai S7ri IspoDaaAxjji sv

there came anger against Judah and against Jerusalem in


24 73

8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

xrj 7iAx||i|isA£ia aDxcbv 19 + Kai a7isaT8iA,s npoq avzovq

their trespass. And he sent to them

Ttpoiprycaq emaxpeij/ai aDxotic; npoq Kopiov Kai

prophets to turn them to [the] LORD. And

8ie|iapxDpaxo aDxofc; Kai ODxfjKODaav 20+ Kai 7rveD|ia

they testified to them, and they hearkened not. And spirit

0sod svsSdcts xov Za%ap(av xov xod Ico8as xod

of God was put on Zechariah the [son of] Jehoiada the

ispeooc; Kai aveoxrj s7idvco xod Xaov Kai si7i8v

priest, and he rose above the people, and said

auxok; xd5e Xeysi Kopioc; ivaxi v[isiq 7iapa7ropsDsa0s

to them, Thus says [the] LORD, Why do you pass by

zaq evxoAxxc; KopiOD Kai odk SDo5co0f|aea0s 6x1

the commandments of [the] LORD, and your way shall not prosper? For

syKaxsAijrsxs xov Kopiov Kai syraxaXeuj/si v[iaq 21 +

you abandoned the LORD, and he shall abandon you.

Kai S7T808VXO aDxcb Kai sXi0op6Ax|aav ai)xov Xidoiq

And they assailed against him, and stoned him with stones

81' zvTohr\q Ioodc; xod PaaiXeooc; ev aDAxj oikod

by command of Joash the king in [the] courtyard of [the] house

KDpioD 22+ Kai odk s|ivfja0r| Ioodc; o PaaiA^SDc; xod

of [the] LORD. And [ did not remember Joash the king] the

sksovq od S7ioir|asv Ico5ae o 7iaxfjp aDxoD jisx'

mercy of which [ performed Jehoiada his father] with

aDxoD Kai s0avdxcoas xov diov aDxoD Kai cdc;

him, and he put [ to death his son]. And as

a7i80vr|aK8v 8i7isv (5oi KDpioq Kai Kpivai 23 + Kai

he died, he said, [The] LORD behold even to judge! And

eyevexo siq xrjv aDvxe^siav xod £vuxdxod avsprj 87i'

it came to pass at the completion of the year, [ ascended against

aDxov SDvajiiq I/opiac; Kai f|A,0sv S7ri IoD8av Kai

him [the] force of Syria], and came against Judah, and

8711 IspoDaaAxjji Kai Kaxscp0eipav rcavxac; zovq

against Jerusalem, and they utterly destroyed all the

dpxovxaq xod Xaov sk xod Xaov Kai 7idvxa

rulers of the people from among the people; and all

xa aK6Xa aDxcbv a7isaxsiA,av xco PaaiXei AajiaaKOD 24+

their spoils they sent to the king of Damascus.

6x1 sv oAiyoic; av8pdoi ftapeysvexo 8Dva|iic; Zvpiaq

For [with a few men came [the] force of Syria],

Kai o dzoq 7iap88coK8v siq zaq %e(pac; aDxcbv Swajiiv

but God delivered up into their hands [ force


25 TO

8V TOT/CCp + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

nohXf[V acp68pa on syKaTsAircov Kupiov tov 0s6v

vast an exceedingly], for they abandoned [the] LORD the God

xcov 7iaTspcov aDTcbv Kai jiSTd Icodq S7io(r|aav Kpijiaxa

of their fathers. And with Joash they executed judgments.


And after their going forth from him, in

too syKaTaAi7isiv odtov sv jiaXaidaic; jisydAmc; Kai

abandoning him with [ infirmities great], that

S7T808VTO aDTcb oi 7ia(8sc; avxov sv aijiaaiv TCOV

[ assailed against him his servants] because of [the] blood of the

mcbv Ico8as tod ispscoc; Kai sGavdTCoaav aDTOV S7i(

sons of Jehoiada the priest; and they killed him upon

Tr\q Kkivr\q avzov Kai arcsGavs Kai s6a\j/av avzov sv

his bed, and he died. And they entombed him in

7i6Xsi Aavid Kai odk s9a\j/av avzov sv tod Tdcpco

[the] city of David, but they did not entomb him in the tomb

TCOV PaOlXsCOV 26+ Kai 01 S7ll0S|ISVOl 871 ' aDTOV

of the kings. And the ones assailing against him —

ZaPa8 vioq SajiadG Tr\q A|i|iavm5oc; Kai Ico^aPsS

Zabad son ofShimeath the Ammonitess, and Jehozabad

vioq SajiapiB Tr\q McoaPm8oc; 27 + Kai moi avzov Kai

son of Shimrith the Moabitess. And his sons, and

7iA,s(aTa A,f||i|iaTa KaT' avzov Kai rj 9s|isAicoai(;

[the] greatest concerns about him, and the groundwork

oikod tod 08OD Kai Ta Xomd i5od scm ysypajijisva

of [the] house of God, and the rest, behold, it is written

87U ttjv ypacpfjv PipiioD tcov PaaiXecov Kai

upon the writing of [the] scroll of the kings. And

sPaaiXsDasv Ajiaaiac; vioq avzov avT' aDTOD

[ reigned Amaziah his son] instead of him.

25 ns

1+ vioq cov sikooi Kai 7tsvts stcov Ajiaaiaq sv

A son being twenty and five years [old] [was] Amaziah in

tco PaaiXsDasiv aDTOV Kai sixoai Kai swsa sttj

his taking reign. And twenty and nine years

sPaai^sDasv sv IspoDaaAx||i Kai ovojia

he reigned in Jerusalem. And [the] name

ttj jirjTpi aDTOD IcoSasiv s^ IspoDaaAr||i 2 + Kai

of his mother [was] Jehoaddan of Jerusalem. And

S7ioir|as to sdBsc; svcb7iiov KopioD aXka odk sv

he did the upright [thing] before [the] LORD, but not with


25 TO


14-2 Chronicles

Kap8(a 7iAx|pei 3 + Kai eysvsxo coc; Kaxeaxrj rj Paai^eia

[heart a full]. And it came to pass as [ was placed the kingdom]

sv %sip( aDxoD Kai eGavdxoooe xodc; 7ia(8ac; aDxoD xodc;

in his hand, that he killed his servants ~ the

(povetiaavxac; xov PaaiXea xov rcaxepa aDxoD 4 + Kai

ones murdering [the king his father]. And

xodc; viovq aDxcbv odk a7iSKxeive Kaxd xrjv

their sons [were] not killed according to the

8ia6fjKr|v xod vojiod KopioD KaGcbc; yeyparcxai sv

covenant of the law of [the] LORD, as is written in

vojico MooDafj cdc; evsxsi^axo Kopioc; Aiycov

[the] law of Moses, as [the] LORD gave charge, saying,

odk a7io0avoDvxai 7raxepec; amep xskvcov Kai oi moi

[ shall not die fathers] for [the] children, and the sons

odk a7io6avoDvxai D7isp 7iaxspcov aXX r r\ sKaaxoq

shall not die for [the] fathers, but only each

xtj saDxoD ajiapxia a7io0avoDvxai 5 + Kai

for his own sin shall die. And

aDvfjyaysv Ajiaaiac; xov oikov IoD5a Kai aveaxrjoev

Amaziah gathered the house of Judah, and he established

aDxotic; Kax' oikodc; 7iaxpicbv aDxcbv sic;

them according to [the] houses of their families for

%iAidp%ODc; Kai £Kaxovxdp%ODc; ev 7iavxi Ioi)8a Kai

commanders of thousands, and commanders of hundreds, in all Judah and

Bsviajiiv Kai £7i£OK£\j/axo aDxotic; arco eiKoaasxoDq

Benjamin. And he numbered them from twenty years [old]

Kai S7rdvco Kai stipsv aDxotic; xpiaKoaiac; %iAid5ac;

and up. And he found of them three hundred thousand

5Dvaxcbv s^spxojisvcov siq 7i6A,£|iov SDvaxoDc;

mighty ones going forth for war, mighty ones

KpaxoDvxcov 86pD Kai 0Dps6v 6+ Kai sjiiaGcbaaxo arco

holding spear and shield. And he hired from

IapafjX sKaxov %ikiadaq 5DvaxoDc; io%di SKaxov

Israel a hundred thousand mighty ones in strength for a hundred

xaAxxvxoov apyDpioD 7+ Kai dv0poo7roc; xod 6sod r\kds

talents of silver. And [the] man of God came

7ipoc; aDxov Aiyoav fiaaiksv |ir| 7iop8D8a0co jisxd aoD

to him, saying, O king, let not [ go with you

8Dva|iic; IapafjA, 6x1 odk soxi Kopioc; jisxd IopafjX

[the] force of Israel]! for [is not [the] LORD] with Israel —

7idvxcov xcov Dicbv Ecppaiji 8 + 6x1 sdv vnoXa^q

of any of the sons of Ephraim. For if you should undertake


25 TO

8V TOUT© + VtKCl
14-2 Chronicles

tod Kaxia%Daai sv xodxoic; sv tod 7ioAi|ico

to grow strong by these in the battle,

xpo7icba£xai Kopioc; evavxiov xcov e%0pcov 6xi saxiv

[the] LORD will put [you] to flight before the enemies, for there is

ia%vq xco KDpico xod PorjGfjaai Kai xpO7icoaaa0ai 9 +

strength to the LORD to help, and to put to flight.

Kai S17T8V Ajiaaiaq xco av0pcb7ico xod 0£od Kai xi

And Amaziah said to the man of God, And what

7ioifjaco xoic; eKaxov xaXdvxoic; oiq sScora xr|

shall I do with the hundred talents which I gave to the

5i)vd|i8i lapar\k Kai si7iev o dv0pco7ioc; xod 0sod saxi

force of Israel? And [said the man of God], It is

xco KDpico 8oDva( aoi 7iX8iaxa xodxcov 10+ Kai

with the LORD to give to you more of these. And

5i8xcbpiasv Ajiaaiaq xrjv SDvajiiv xrjv eA,0ODaav itpoq

Amaziah parted the force coming to

auxov a7io Ecppaiji aitskdsiv sic; xov xo7iov auxcbv Kai

him from Ephraim, to go forth to their place. And

s0D|ico0r|aav xr| opyfj aDxcov acp65pa em IoD8av Kai

they were enraged [in] their anger exceedingly over Judah, and

S7i8axp8\j/av sic; xov xorcov aDxcov ev opyfj 0djiod 11 +

returned to their places in an anger of rage.

Kai Ajiaoiac; Kaxia%Dae Kai rcapsXaPe xov Xaov avzov

And Amaziah grew strong, and took to himself his people,

Kai £7iopsi)0r| sic; xrjv KoiA,d8a xcov aXcbv Kai

and went into the valley of salts, and

87idxa^sv sksi xodc; viovq I/qeip 8sKa %iXxd6aq 12 +

struck there the sons ofSeir— ten thousand.

Kai 8eKa %ikiddaq e^cbyprjaav 01 moi Ioi38a Kai

And [ten thousand took alive the sons of Judah], and


they brought them upon the tip of the precipice, and

KaxsKpf||ivi^ov aDxotic; arco xod dKpoD xod KprjjivoD

flung them from the tip of the precipice,

Kai Trdvxsc; SisppfjyvDvxo 13+ Kai 01 dioi xrjc;

and all were torn to pieces. And the sons of the

SDvdjiscoc; odc; a7i£axp£\j/ev Ajiaaiaq xod |ir|

force, whom Amaziah returned [so as] to not

7TOpSD0fjVai |I8X' aDXOD 8iq 7l6A,S|IOV 87TS08VXO 8711

go with him to war, assailed against

xac; 7i6A,8ic; IoD8a arco Sajiapeiaq Kai ecoc; Bai0copcbv

the cities of Judah from Samaria and unto Beth-horon.

Kai S7idxa^av sv aDxoiq xpsiq %ikiaSaq Kai

And they struck among them three thousand, and


25 TO

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14-2 Chronicles

saKo^suaav gkvXcl TtoXka u+ Kai sysvsxo jisxd to

despoiled [ spoils many]. And it came to pass after the

sXGsiv Ajiacriav rcaxa^avxa xrjv I8oi)|iaiav Kai fjvsyKs

coming ofAmaziah, having struck the Edomite, that he brought

7ipoc; auxotic; Tovq Qzovq mcbv Srjsip Kai saxrjasv

to them the gods of [the] sons ofSeir, and he set

auxotic; sauxcb sic; dsovq Kai svavxiov auxcbv

them [up] to himself as gods; and [ before them

7rpoasK6vei Kai aDiofc; s0ds i 5 + Kai sysvsxo opyfj

he did obeisance], and sacrificed to them. And [ came [the] anger

Kopioi) 8711 Ajiaaiav Kai a7isaxsiA,sv auxcb

[of the] LORD] against Amaziah, and he sent to him

7rpo(pfjxr|v Kai sitcsv auxcb xi s^fjxrjaac; Tovq dsovq

a prophet, and he said to him, Why did you seek the gods

xod Xaov oi odk s^siXavxo xov Xaov sauxcbv sk

of the people, the ones which did not rescue their own people from

%sipoc; aoi) i6+ Kai sysvsxo sv xco XaArjaai auxcb npoq

your hand? And it came to pass in the speaking to him by

avTOV Kai 817T8V ai)xcb |ir| aT3(iPoi)A,ov xod PaaiAicoc;

him, that he said to him, Have [ counselor of the king

8s8coKd as 7ip6as%s auxcb iva jirj 7iaxd^coai as Kai

I appointed you]? Take heed to it! that they should not strike you. And

saicb7rr|asv o 7ipocpf|xr|c; Kai sitcsv syvcov 6xi

[kept silent the prophet], and said, I know that

sPoiAstiaavxo Kopioc; xod 5iatp0sipa( as 6xi STioirjaaq

[ consulted [the] LORD] to utterly destroy you, for he did

xodxo Kai odk s7rfjKouaac; xrjc; aujiPouAiac; jiou n +

this, and you did not heed my advice.

Kai spoulsuaaxo Ajiaaiaq PaaiXsuc; lovda Kai

And [consulted Amaziah king ofJudah], and

arcsaxsiXs npoq Icodc; mov Icod%a^ mov lr\ov PaaiXsa

sent to Joash son of Jehoahaz, son of Jehu, king

IapafjA, Aiycov 8si3po Kai ocpGcbjisv 7ipoacb7roic; ig+

of Israel, saying, Come, for we should see [each other's] faces.

Kai arcsaxsiXsv Icoac; fiaaiksvq IapafjA, npoq Ajiaaiav

And [ sent Joash king of Israel] to Amaziah

PaaiXsa lovda Aiycov o a%ov% o sv xco Aipdvco

king of Judah, saying, The thorn-bush in Lebanon

arcsaxsiXs npoq xrjv Ks8pov xrjv sv xco Aipdvco Aiycov

sent to the cedar in Lebanon, saying,

8oc; xrjv Guyaxspa gov xco mcb |iod sic; yuvauca Kai

Give your daughter [to] my son for a wife; but,


25 TO


14-2 Chronicles

i8od eXstiasxai xa 6r|p(a tod aypoD xa sv too Aipdvco

behold, [ shall come the wild beasts of the field in Lebanon],

Kai fjXGov xa Grjpia Kai Kaxs7idxr|aav xov a%ov% 19 +

and [ came the wild beasts], and they trampled the thorn-bush.

sbiaq i8od S7idxa^a xrjv I8oD|ia(av Kai ercaipei as

You said, Behold, I struck Edom; and [ lifts you up

T| Kap5(a aoi) r| Papeia vdv KdGiaov sv oikco cjod Kai

heart your heavy]. Now be seated in your house, for

ivaxi aDjipaAleic; ev KaKia Kai 7isar| cjd Kai Ioi)8ac;

why do you unite in evil, and you shall fall, and Judah

jiexd aoi) 20 + Kai odk fjKODaev Ajiaaiaq 6x1 rcapd

with you? But [ hearkened not Amaziah], for by

Kopioi) syevsxo xod 7iapa8oDvai ai)xov sic; %£ipac;

[the] LORD it was to deliver him into [the] hands

Icodc; 6x1 s^fjxrjas xodc; GeoDc; xcov I8oD|ia(cov 21 +

of Joash, for he inquired of the gods of the Edomites.

Kai aveprj Icoac; o PaoiXeDc; IapafjA, Kai cbcpBrjaav

And [ascended Joash the king of Israel]. And they saw

akhf\koiq avToq Kai Ajiaaiaq fiaoiksvq lovda sv

one another, he and Amaziah king of Judah, in

BsGoajxfjc; r| eaxi xod Icr68a 22+ Kai sxpo7icb6r| IoD8aq

Beth-shemesh, which is of Judah. And Judah was put to flight

Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov IapafjA, Kai scpDysv SKaaxoc; sic;

before [the] face of Israel; and [ fled each] unto

xo oKTjvcojia aDxoD 23 + Kai xovAjiaaiav PaaiAia IoD8a

his tent. And Amaziah king of Judah

KaxsXaPev Icodc; fiaaiksvq IapafjX sv BaiGaajxfjc; Kai

was overtaken by Joash king of Israel in Beth-shemesh, and

eiafjyayev aDxov sic; IspoDaaAx||i Kai Kaxsa7iaasv

he brought him to Jerusalem, and he tore down

a7io xod xsixodc; IspoDaaArni arco Trbhr\q Ecppaiji scoc;

from of the wall of Jerusalem, from [the] gate of Ephraim unto

7ivhr\q ycoviac; xsxpaKooiODc; 7if|%ei(; 2 4+ Kai 7iav xo

[the] gate of [the] corner — four hundred cubits. And all the

XPDaiov Kai xo apytipiov Kai 7idvxa xa oksdtj

gold, and the silver, and all the items

xa eDpeBevxa sv oikco KopioD Kai xa 7iapd

being found in [the] house of [the] LORD, and the [things] with

xco Qpf)8 E8cb|i Kai xodc; GrjaaDpoDc; oikod xod

Obed Edom, and the treasures of [the] house of the

PaaiAicoq Kai xodc; diodc; xcov aDjijii^scov eXaPsv

king, and of the [things] of [the] sons of the alliances he took,


26 ID

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14-2 Chronicles

Kai S7i8aTp8\j/sv sic; Saji&amp;psiav 25+ Kai s^rjasv

and he returned to Samaria. And [ lived

Ajiaoiac; o tod Icodc; fiaaikzvq lovda jisxd to

Amaziah the [son of] Joash king of Judah] after the

a7io9av8iv Icoac; tov tod Icod%a^ paailsa IapafjX

dying of Joash the [son of] Jehoahaz king of Israel

STTj 8sKa7T8VT8 26+ Kai oi Xomoi Xoyoi AfiaaiOD 01

[years for fifteen]. And the rest of [the] words of Amaziah, the

7ipcbT0i Kai oi 8o%aT0i odki8od ysypajijisvoi S7U

first and the last, behold [are they] not written upon

PiPAioD PaaiAicov IoD5a Kai IapafjA, 2 ? + Kai sv tco

[the] scroll of [the] kings of Judah and Israel? And at the

Kaipcb co a7i8aTr| Ajiaaiaq arco tod KopioD

time when Amaziah departed from the LORD,

Kai S7TS08VTO aDTcb S7U0saiv sv IspoDaaXfjii Kai

they made an attempt against him in a conspiracy in Jerusalem, and

stpDyev sic; Aa%(c; Kai arcsaTSiXav KaT67ua0sv aDTOD

he fled unto Lachish; but they sent after him

sic; Aa%ic; Kai s0avdTCoaav aDTOV sksi 28+ Kai

unto Lachish, and they killed him there. And

avsAxxPov aDTOV S7ri tcov 1717icdv Kai s0a\j/av aDTOV

they took him upon the horses, and entombed him

(ISTd TCOV 7iaTSpC0V aDTOD 8V 7l6A,Sl AaDi5

with his fathers in [the] city of David.

26 13

i+ Kai sXaPs rcac; o Xaoq rr|c; yr\q O^iav Kai aDToq

And [ took all the people of the land] Uzziah, and he [was]

Dioq 8KKa(8sKa stcov Kai sPaaiXsDaav aDTOV avri

a son sixteen years old, and they gave him reign in place of

tod 7iaTp6c; aDTOD AjiaaioD

his father Amaziah.

2+ avToq coKo56|ir|as tt|v AiXdG avzoq S7isaTps(psv

He built Eloth; he returned

aDTTjv tco IoD8a jiSTd to Koi|ir|0f|vai tov PaaiAia

it to Judah after [ slept the king]

JISTd TCOV 7iaTSpC0V aDTOD 3 + Dl6q 8KKa(58Ka STCOV

with his fathers. [ [was] a son [being] sixteen years [old]

o O^iaq sv tco PaaiXsDsiv aDTOV Kai 7rsvTfjK0VTa Kai

Uzziah] in his taking reign. And fifty and

5do 8tt| sPaaiXsDasv sv IspoDaaArj|i Kai ovojia

two years he reigned in Jerusalem. And [the] name


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14-2 Chronicles

tt| jmxpi avTOV IsxsAia arco Ispoi)aaAr||i 4 + Kai

of his mother [was] Jecoliah, from Jerusalem. And

£7rovr|a£ to sdGsc; svcb7riov Kupiou Kaxd rcdvxa 6aa

he did upright before [the] LORD, according to all as much as

£7iorr|aev Ajiaaiac; o 7iaxf|p avzov 5 + Kai r|v sk^ttxcdv

[did Amaziah his father]. And he was seeking after

xov rcopiov sv xaic; rjjispaic; Za%ap(ou xod auvisvxoc;

the LORD in the days of Zechariah, the one perceiving

sv opdasi 0sot3 Kai sv xaic; ruispaig aiq s^s^fjxrjas

in a vision of God. And in the days in which he sought after

xov Kopiov Kax£i30Dvsv ai)xov Kopioc; o 0s6q 6+ Kai

the LORD, [ prospered him [the] LORD God]. And

s^fjXGe Kai 87ioA,8|ir|a8 npoq zovq aXXoipvXovq Kai

he went forth and waged war against the Philistines, and

Kaxsa7iaas xa xs(%r| TeB Kai xa xs(%r| IaPvd Kai xa

tore down the walls of Gath, and the walls of Jabneh, and the

x£i%r| A^cbxoi) Kai CDKo86|ir|as noXsiq sv A^cbxoco Kai

walls of Ashdod. And he built cities in Ashdod, and

sv TOiq aXkoipvXoiq ?+ Kai Kaxiax^asv ai)xov Kopioc;

among the Philistines. And [ strengthened him [the] LORD]

S7U xodc; aXkoipvXovq Kai S7i( zovq ApaPac; zovq

against the Philistines, and against the Arabians, the ones

KaxoiKowcac; S7i( xrjc; 7isxpac; Kai S7i( zovq Mivauroc;

dwelling upon the rock, and against the Mehunim.

8 + Kai s8coKav oi Mivaioi 5cbpa xco O^ia Kai rjv

And [ gave the Mehunim] gifts to Uzziah. And [ was

xo ovojia clvtov zcoq sia68ou Aiy67ixoi) 6xi

his name] [famous] unto [the] entrance of Egypt, for

Kax(a%i)asv sooc; dvco 9 + Kai ooKo56|ir|asv O^iaq

he strengthened himself even higher. And Uzziah built

7r6pyoi)c; sv IspoDaaArjji Kai sm xrjv 7n3Ax|v xrjc;

towers in Jerusalem, both at the gate of the

ycoviaq Kai S7U xrjv Ttvh\v Tr\q cpdpayyoc; Kai S7U

corner, and at the gate of the ravine, and at

xcov ycovicbv Kai Kax(a%i)asv auxdc; w+ Kai CDKo86|ir|as

the corners; and he strengthened them. And he built

iivpyovq sv xt| spfj|i&lt;jo Kai sXaxojxnas XdKKODc;

towers in the wilderness, and quarried [ wells

noXXovq 6xi Kxfjvrj noXka D7if|p%sv auxcb sv Escprj^d

many]; for [cattle much] existed to him in Sephela

Kai sv xt| 7is8ivf| yscopyoi Kai a|i7isXoDpyoi sv xoic;

and in the plain — farmers and vine dressers in the


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14-2 Chronicles

opeaiv Kai sv icq KapjifjXco on tpiXoyecopyoc; rjv n +

mountains and in Carmel; for he was fond of husbandry.

Kai syevsxo tco O^ia 8Dva|iic; 7ioioDoai 7i6A,8|iov Kai

And there existed to Uzziah a force to make war, and

SK7rop8i)6|i8vai sic; 7rapdxa^iv Kai o apiGjioc; tt|c;

[for] going forth into battle array. And the count of the
87riaKs\j/£CDc; aDTcbv 8id xsipoq iEitfjA, tod

numbering of them [was] through [the] hand of Jeiel the

ypajijiaTecoc; Kai MaaaioD tod KprcoD Kai 8id

scribe, and Maaseiah the judge, and through

Xsipoc; AvavioD tod 8ux86%od tod PaaiAicoc; 12 + naq o

[the] hand of Hananiah, the substitute for the king. All the

apiGjioq tcov apxovToav tcov 7iaTpicbv tcov SDvaTcbv

number of the rulers of the families of the mighty ones

sic; 7r6A,£|iov 8ia%(Xioi s^aKoaioi 13+ Kai |ist' aDTcbv

for war — two thousand six hundred. And with them

SDvajiiq 7ioA,8|iiKf| TpiaKoaiai %iA,id8ec; Kai

a force for warfare ~ three hundred thousand and

£7rTaKia%(Xioi Kai 7ievTaK6aioi odtoi 01 7toiodvtsc;

seven thousand and five hundred. These are the ones preparing

7i6Xs|iov sv 8Dvd|iei laxDoq PorjGfjaai tco Paai^ei em

for war in a force of strength, to help the king over

todc; D7rsvavTk&gt;Dc; 14+ Kai rjTOijiaaev aDTOic; O^iaq

the opponents. And [ made preparations for them Uzziah],

7idar| ttj 8Dvd|i8i 0DpeoDc; Kai 86paTa Kai

[giving to] all the force shields, and spears, and

7rspiK£(paAmac; Kai GcbpaKac; Kai TO^a Kai acpevSovac;

helmets, and chest [plates], and bows, and slings

sic; Ai6oD&lt;; 15+ Kai 87io(r|asv sv IspoDaaXf||i |ir|%avdc;

for stones. And he made in Jerusalem machines

|i£|ir|%aveD|isvac; ^oyiajioiq tod eivai sni tcov 7r6pycov

being constructed for devices to be upon the towers,

Kai 87i( tcov ycovicbv tod PaAleiv Pe^sai Kai Xidoiq

and upon the corners, to throw arrows and [ stones

jieydXoic; Kai r|KODa6r| r| KaTaaK8Df| aDTcbv ecoc;

great]. And [ was heard about apparatus their] unto

7i6ppco 6ti 80aD|iaaTcb0r| tod Por|6r|9fjvai scoc; od

a distance, for he was wonderfully helped until of which [time]

KaTiaxDas 16+ Kai coc; KariaxDaev D\j/cb6r|

he grew strong. And as he grew strong [ was raised up

T| Kap8(a aDTOD tod KaTacpGeipai Kai rjSiKrjaev sv

his heart] to corrupt. And he transgressed against


26 ID

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14-2 Chronicles

KDpico tco 0sco avToi) Kai siafjX0sv sic; xov vaov

[the] LORD his God, and he entered into the temple

KDpioi) tod 0D|i(aaai sm to 0Doia&lt;xcf|piov tcov

of [the] LORD to burn incense upon the altar of the

6i)|iia|idTC0v 17+ Kai eiafjXGsv O7uaco avzov A^apiac; o

of incenses. And [ entered after him Azariah the

ispstic; Kai jist' ovtov oy8ofjKovTa ispsk; kdpiod

priest], and with him eighty priests of [the] LORD —

moi 8dv&amp;|iscdc; ig+ Kai S7isaTr|aav S7il O^iav tov

sons of power. And they stood by against Uzziah the

PaoiXsa Kai si7iov aDTcb od aoi O^ia to 0D|iidaai

king, and they said to him, [It is] not for you, Uzziah, to burn incense

tco KDpico aXX r T| TOiq ispsDaiv TOiq vioiq Aapcbv

to the LORD, but only to the priests, to the sons of Aaron,

Toiq rjyiaajisvoic; to 0D|iidaai s^sA$s arco tod

to the ones having been sanctified to burn incense. Go forth from the

ayidajiaTOc; 6ti a7isaTr|c; arco tod kdpiod Kai odk

sanctuary! for you departed from the LORD, for [ will not

scrcai aoi todto sic; 56^av 7iapd kdpiod tod 0sod 19 +

be to you this] for glory from [the] LORD God.

Kai s0D|ico9r| O^iaq Kai sv tt| %£ipi avzov to

And Uzziah was enraged. And in his hand [was] the

0D|iiaTfjpiov tod 0D|iidaai sv tco vacb Kai sv

incense pan to burn incense in the temple. And in

tco 0D|ico6fjvai aDTOV npoq todc; ispsic; Kai r| A,S7ipa

his being enraged against the priests, that leprosy

avsTSiA^sv sv tco |istco7tco aDTOD svavTiov tcov ispscov

rose on his forehead before the priests


in the house of [the] LORD upon the altar of the

0D|iia|idTCOv 20+ Kai S7rs&lt;ycps\j/s S7i' aDTOV A^apidc; o

incenses. And [ turned unto him Azariah the

ispsDc; o 7rpcoTOc; Kai 01 ispsk; Kai i5od avzoq

priest foremost], and the priests, and behold, he

A,S7ip6c; sv tco (istcottco Kai KaTsa7isDaav aDTOV

[was] leprous in the forehead. And they hastened him

sks(0sv Kai yap avzoq scmsDasv s^sA$s(v 6ti fj^sy^sv

from there, for even he himself hastened to come forth, for [ reproved

aDTOV o KDpioq 21+ Kai O^iaq o PaaiA^Dc; rjv Xznpoq

him the LORD]. And Uzziah the king was leprous

scoc; rjjispac; Tr\q tsA.sdttj^ aDTOD Kai sv oikco

until [the] day of his decease. And [in a house


27 TD

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a7i(poi)acb0 SKdGrjio Xsizpoq 6xi a7rsa%(a9r| arco

for [the] sick he settled], [being] leprous, for he was severed from


[the] house of [the] LORD. And Jotham his son [was] over

Tr\q Pamleiac; avzov Kpivcov xov Xaov xrjc; yr\q 22+ Kai

his kingdom, to judge the people of the land. And

01 Xomoi Xoyoi O^iod 01 7ipcbxoi Kai 01 sa%axoi

the rest of [the] words ofUzziah, the first and the last,

ysypajijisvoi imo HaatoD viov Ajicbc; tod 7rpocpf|xoD

[are] written by Isaiah son of Amoz the prophet.

23 + Kai SKoi|ifj0r| O^iaq jisxd xcov 7iaxspcov avzov Kai

And Uzziah slept with his fathers, and

s0a\j/av avzov jisxd xcov 7iaxspcov avzov sv xco 7rs8ico

they entombed him with his fathers in the field

xrjc; xacpfjc; xcov PaaiAicov 6x1 si7iav Xsitpoq saxi Kai

of the burial [place] of the kings, for they said, He is leprous. And

zfiaaikzvazv IcoaGdji vioq avzov avx' avzov

[ reigned Jotham his son] instead of him.

27 T3

1+ vioq sikocti Kai 7isvxs sxcbv Icoa6d|i sv

[ [was] a son twenty and five years [old] Jotham] in

xco PaaiXstisiv auxov Kai SKKa(8sKa sxrj spaai^suasv

his taking reign, and sixteen years he reigned

sv IspoDaaArjji Kai ovojia xr| |xqxp( avzov Ispouad

in Jerusalem. And [the] name [to] his mother [was] Jerousha,

0Dydxr|p Ea8cbK 2 + Kai S7iorr|as xo sdGsc; svcb7riov

daughter of Zadok. And he did the upright [thing] before

Ki)p(oi) Kaxd 7idvxa 6aa S7iovr|asv O^iaq

[the] LORD, according to all which [ did Uzziah

o 7iaxf|p clvtov 7th\v sic; xov vaov Kupuyo odk

his father]. Only into the temple of [the] LORD he did not

eiafjXGev Kai sxi o Xaoq KaxscpGsipsxo 3+ auxoc;

enter, and yet the people corrupted [themselves]. He


built the gate of [the] house of [the] LORD, the high [one].

Kai SV XCO XSl%Sl XOD QcpsX COKo86|XT|aS 7T0Ald 4+ Kai

And in the wall of Ophel he built much. And

7i6Xsi(; coKo86|ir|a8 sv xoic; opsaiv Ioi38a Kai sv xoic;

[ cities he built] in the mountains of Judah; and in the

8pi)|iok; coKo86|ir|asv pdpsiq Kai nvpyovq 5+ Kai

forests he built palaces and towers. And


28 rra

8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles
avToq s|ia%saaxo itpoq PaaiXsa mcbv Afijicbv Kai

he did combat against [the] king of [the] sons of Ammon, and

KaxiaxDcrsv S7i' auxov Kai s8(8odv auxcb 01 moi

he prevailed against him. And [ gave to him the sons

Ajijicbv rax' sviauxov sraxov xdXavxa apyi)p(oi) Kai

of Ammon] each year a hundred talents of silver, and

8sra %ikid6aq Kopcov nvpov Kai KpiGcbv 8sra

ten thousand cors of wheat, and [of barley ten

%ikiadaq Tama scpspsv auxcb o fiaaikzvq dicov

thousand]. These [brought to him the king of [the] sons

Ajijicov rax' sviauxov Kai sv xco sxsi xco 8si)xspco

of Ammon] each year, and in the [year second],

Kai xco xpixco 6 + Kai Kax(a%uasv IcoaGdji 6xi rjxoijiaas

and the third. And Jotham grew strong, for he prepared

xac; odovq auxov svavxiov Kopioi) xod Gscro avzov ? +

his ways before [the] LORD his God.

Kai oi Xouroi Xoyoi IcoaGdji Kai o TioXs^ioq Kai

And the rest of [the] words of Jotham, and the war, and

ai 7ipd^£ic; avzov idov ysypajijisvai S7ri PipAioi)

his actions, behold [they are] written upon [the] scroll

PaaiXscov Icr65a Kai IapafjX 8 + vioq sikooi Kai 7tsvxs

of [the] kings of Judah and Israel. [ a son twenty and five

sxcov Tjv IcoaGdji sv xco PaoiXsusiv auxov Kai

years [old] was Jotham] in his taking reign, and

socaiSsKa 8xt| spaadsuasv ev IspouaaArni 9 + Kai

sixteen years he reigned in Jerusalem. And

8Koi|ifj6r| IcoaGdji jisxd xcov 7iaxspcov auxou Kai

Jotham slept with his fathers, and

sxacprj sv 7i6Xsi Aavid Kai spacnlsuasv A%a^

they entombed [him] in [the] city of David. And [reigned Ahaz

vioq avzov avx' auxou

his son] instead of him.

28 rp

i + vioq siKoai Kai 7isvxs sxcov r|v A%a^ sv

[ a son twenty and five years [old] Ahaz was] in

xco PaaiXstisiv auxov Kai SKKa(8sKa sxrj spaai^suasv

his taking reign, and sixteen years he reigned

sv Ispoi)aaAr||i Kai ouk s7iovr|as xo su0sc; svcbmov

in Jerusalem. And He did not do the upright [thing] before

Kupiou coc; Aau(8 o 7iaxf|p auxou 2 + Kai S7iopsu0r|

[the] LORD as David his father. And he went


28 rra

8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

Kaxd xac; odovq PaaiXecov lapaf\k Kaiyap yA,D7ixd

according to the ways of [the] kings of Israel, for [ carved [images]

S7io(r|08 Toiq Baa^siji 3+ Kai sGdsv sv cpdpayyi

he made] to the Baals. And he sacrificed in [the] ravine

Bsvewoji mi Sifjys xa xsicva aDxoD itvpi Kaxd xa

[of the] Son of Hinnom, and led through his children in fire, according to the

P8eA,Dy|iaxa xcov e0vcbv gov e^fjpe icupioq arco

abominations of the nations which [the] LORD removed from

7ipoacb7roD mcbv IapafjA, 4+ Kai e0D|iia S7ri xcov

[the] face of [the] sons of Israel. And he burned incense upon the

D\j/r|A,cbv Kai 8711 xcov 5co|idxcov Kai D7ioKdxco 7iavx6c;

high [places], and upon the roofs, and underneath every

^vXov aka(b6ovq 5+ Kai 7iape5coKev ai)xov Kupioq

tree of [the] woods. And [ delivered him [the] LORD

o Bsoq olvtov ev %eip( PaaiXscoc; Zvpiaq Kai £7idxa^ev

his God] into [the] hand of [the] king of Syria. And he struck

sv ai)xco Kai rj%|iaAxbxeDaev aixjiaAxoaiav noXkr\v

among him, and he captured [for] captivity many of

ai)xcbv Kai fjyaysv eic; AajiaaKov Kaiyap sic; xac;

them, and led [them] unto Damascus. And also into the

Xsipac; PaaiXscoq IapafjA, 7iaps5coKsv ai)xov Kai

hands of [the] king of Israel he delivered him, and

S7idxa^sv ev ai)xcb 7iAx|yf|v jieydAxjv 6 + Kai a7isKxsivs

he struck in him [ calamity a great]. And [ killed

OaKsai vioq PcojieAioD fiaaiksvq IapafjA, ev lovda sv

Pekah son ofRemaliah king of Israel] in Judah in

jiia rjjiepa SKaxov Kai eiKoai %iAad5ac; av5pcbv

one day a hundred and twenty thousand [ men

5i)vaxcbv i&lt;3%m sv xco KaxaAi7ie(v aDxotic; Kopiov xov

mighty] of strength, because they left [the] LORD the

6s6v xcov 7iax8pcov ai)xcbv 7 + Kai a7isKxsivs Ze%p( o

God of their fathers. And [ killed Zechri the

8i)vax6c; xod Ecppaiji xov Maaaiav xov diov xod

mighty [man] ofEphraim] Maaseiah the son of the

PaaiAicoc; Kai xov EapiKdji rjyoDjisvov xod oikod olvtov

king, and Azrikam [the] leader of his house,

Kai xov EAxavdv xov 8eDxspov xod PaaiXecoq s + Kai

and Elkanah the second of the king. And

r|%|iaAxbxiaav 01 dioi IapafjX arco xcov a5sAxpcbv aDxcbv

[ took captive the sons of Israel] of their brethren

SiaKooiaq %iAid5ac; yDvaucac; Kai diodc; Kai 0Dyaxepac;

two hundred thousand women, and sons, and daughters;


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14-2 Chronicles

Kai gkuXol itoXka saKoXsDaav aDxcbv Kai fjvsyrav

and [ spoils many they despoiled] of them, and they brought

xa aKi3Xa sic; Sajidpeiav 9 + Kai 8ks( r|v o 7ipocpf|xr|c;

the spoils to Samaria. And [ was there the prophet

tod Ki)p(oi) Q5f|5 ovojia aDxco Kai s^fjXGev sic;

of the LORD] — Oded [was the] name to him. And he came forth to

a7idvTr|aiv xrjc; 8Dvd(iscoc; xcov epxojisvcov sic;

meet the force of the ones coming to

Sajidpeiav Kai sbisv aDxoic; i8od opyfj KopioD tod

Samaria. And he said to them, Behold, [the] anger of [the] LORD the

0SOD TCOV 7iai8pCOV DjlCOV 8711 Iof)8aV Kai 7iap85(JDK8V

God of your fathers [is] upon Judah, and he delivered

aDTODc; siq xaq %e(pac; djicgv Kai a7isKxe(vaxe sv

them into your hands. But you killed among

aDxoic; sv opyfj Kai ecoc; xcov ODpavcov ecpGaae io +

them in anger, and [unto the heavens it came].

Kai vdv xodc; diodc; IoD5a Kai IepoDaaXfjji Djiefc;

And now [ the sons of Judah and Jerusalem you

Aiysxs KaxaKifjaaaGai sic; SodXodc; Kai 8odAxxc; odk

speak to acquire] for menservants and maidservants! [not

i5od 8i(i( (is0' djicov jiapxDpfjaai KDpico

Behold I am] with you to testify [to the] LORD


your God, [the] trespasses [are] with you against [the] LORD

too 0ecb D(icbv n+ Kai vdv aKODaaxs jiod Kai

your God. And now hear me and

a7ioaxps\j/axe xrjv ai%jiaAxjoa(av r|v rj%jiaAxjoxsDaaxe

return the captivity which you captured

a7io xcov aSsAxpcbv djicov 6ti opyfj 0d(iod KopioD

from your brethren! for [the] anger of [the] rage of [the] LORD

ecp' Djjiv 12+ Kai aveaxrjaav dpxovxsc; arco xcov dicov

[is] upon you. And [ rose up [the] rulers of the sons

Etppatji A^apiac; o xod Icovdv Kai Bapa%(ac; o xod

ofEphraim] (Azariah the [son of] Johanan, and Berechiah the [son of]

McoaoAxxjicb0 Kai E^eKiac; o xod SsAIsiji Kai

Meshillemoth, and Jehizkiah the son of Shallum, and

Ajiaaiac; o xod A88i S7ri xodc; spxo(isvodc; arco xod

Amasa the [son of] Hadlai) unto the ones coming from the

7toXs(iod 13 + Kai S17TOV aDxoic; od jirj siaaydyrjxs xrjv

war. And they said to them, In no way should you bring the

ai%jiaA,coaiav cb8e npoq rjjidc; 6xi sic; xo 7iArjji(isATjaai

captivity here to us, for in trespassing


28 rra
8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

TCO KDpiCO S(p' rjJLldq DjlSiq AiySXS 7ipoa9siVai 8711

[ against the LORD upon us you speak] to add upon

xaic; ajiapxiaic; rjjicbv Kai S7ri xrjv dyvoiav rj|icbv 6xi

our sins, and upon our ignorance, for

7ioAAx| T| ajiapxia rjjicbv Kai opyfj Gdjiod Kopuyo S7i(

[ [is] great our sin], and [the] anger of [the] rage of [the] LORD [is] upon

xov IapafjA, u + Kai acpfjKav oi 7coA£|iiaxai xrjv

Israel. And [ released the warriors] the

aix|iaA,coaiav Kai xa gkvXol evavxiov xcov apxovxcov

captivity and the spoils before the rulers

Kai 7idar|(; xrjc; SKKAxjaiac; i 5 + Kai avsaxrjaav dv5psc;

and all the assembly. And [ rose up men]

oi £7T£KATj6r|aav ev ovojiaxi Kai avxe^dpovxo xrjc;

who were called by name, and they took hold of the

ai%[Lakcoaiaq Kai 7idvxac; zovq yv^ivovq 7cspiePaAx)v

captivity. And all the naked they covered

arco xcov ctkdAxjov Kai £ve8i)aav auxouc; Kai

from the spoils, and clothed them, and

D7i85r|aav auxotic; Kai sScorav auxofc; xod cpaysiv Kai

tied [sandals] upon them, and gave to them to eat and

7TISIV Kai a^enj/aaGai Kai avxe^dpovxo auxcbv sv

to drink, and to anoint. And they assisted them by

imo^Dyioic; 7iavx6c; aodzvovq Kai Kaxeoxrjaav auxotic;

beasts of burden for all [the] infirm. And they placed them
sic; Iepi%cb xrjv 7i6A.iv cpoiviKcov npoq aSsAxpouc; auxcbv

in Jericho, the city of palms, with their brethren.

Kai S7C8axp8\j/av sic; Sajidpeiav i 6 + ev xco Kaipcb sksivco

And they returned to Samaria. In that time

a7C8axsiXsv o fiaaikzvq A%a^ itpoq xov PaaiAia

[ sent king Ahaz] to the king

Aaaotip xod Por|0fjaai auxcb n+ Kai sv xouxco oi

of Assyria to give help to him. And in this the

I5oi)|ia(oi S7C808vxo Kai S7cdxa^av sv lovda Kai

Edomites attacked and struck in Judah, and

r|%|iaAxbx£Daav ai%|iaXcoo(av is+ Kai oi aAA,6cpi)Ax)i

they took captive a captivity. And the Philistines

S7C808VXO £7U xac; itoXsiq xrjc; 7isdivr\q Kai a7co Xifioq

attacked against the cities of the plain, and of [the] south

xod lovda Kai sXaPov xrjv BaiGaajifjc; Kai xrjv Ai^cbv

of Judah, and they took Beth-shemesh, and Ajalon,

Kai ra8r|pcb9 Kai xrjv aoK%cb0 Kai xac; Kcbjiaq avTT\q

and Gederoth, and Shocho and her towns,


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ev tootco + viKa

14-2 Chronicles

Kai xrjv 0d|ivav Kai xac; Kcbjiaq avTT\q Kai xrjv raji^cb

and Timnah and her towns, and Gimzo

Kai xac; Kcbjiac; avTT\q Kai KaxcoKrjaav sksi 19+6x1

and her towns. And they dwelt there. For

sxa7isivcoas Kopioc; xov Ioi38av 5id xov A%a^ PaaiXsa

[the] LORD humbled Judah because of Ahaz king

Ioi38a av0' cov a7isKdA,D\j/sv sv too lovda Kai a7isoxr|

of Judah, because he uncovered [nakedness] in Judah, and he revolted

a7ro&lt;ycda£i arco Kopioi) 20+ Kai fjXGsv sm auxov

in a defection from [the] LORD. And [ came against him

0syXd0 cpaAxrdp fiaaiksvq Aaaovp Kai s6Xi\j/sv auxov

Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria], and afflicted him.

21 + Kai s^apev A%a^ xa sv xoo oikco Kopiou Kai

And Ahaz took the [things] in the house of [the] LORD, and

xa sv xoo oikco xou PaaiAicoc; Kai xcov apxovxcov

the [things] in the house of the king, and of the rulers,

Kai s8coks xco PaaiXsi Aaaotip Kai odk sic;

and gave to the king of Assyria; but [ not for

PofjGsiav auxcb rjv 22+ aXX r r\ xa&gt; 6Aipf|vai auxov Kai

a help to him he was], but only to afflict him. And

7ipoas6r|Ks xod a7rooxfjvai arco Kupiou Kai sircsv

he proceeded to leave from [the] LORD, and [ said

o Paai^suc; A%a^ 23 + SK^fjxrjaco xouc; Gsouc; AajiaaKou

king Ahaz], I will inquire of the gods of Damascus,

xouc; xu7ixovxdc; |is Kai si7isv 6x1 01 0soi PaaiAicoc;

the ones beating me. And he said, Because the gods of [the] king

Zvpiaq Kaxiaxuaouaiv auxouc; xoivuv Guaco auxoic;

of Syria strengthens them, therefore I shall sacrifice to them,

Kai avxiArj\j/ovxa( jiou Kai auxoi sysvovxo auxcb sic;

and they will assist me. And they became to him as an

aKcbA,ov Kai 7iavx( IapafjX 24 + Kai a7isaxr|asv A%a^ xa

impediment, and to all Israel. And Ahaz removed the

oksut| oikou Kupiou Kai KaxsKO\j/sv auxd Kai

items of [the] house of [the] LORD, and he cut them in pieces, and

skXsicjs xac; Gupac; oikou Kupiou Kai S7io(r|asv

locked the doors of [the] house of [the] LORD. And he made

sauxcb Ouaiaaxfjpia sv 7idar| ycovia sv IspouaaAxjji 25 +

for himself altars in every corner in Jerusalem,

Kai sv 7idar| 7i6A,si Kai sv 7i6A,si Iou5a S7io(r|asv

and in every city; and in a city of Judah he made

v\\fr(ka xod 0D|iidv 6sok; aAloxpioic; Kai 7iapcbpyias

high [places] to burn incense to alien gods. And he provoked to anger


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KDpiOV TOV 08OV TCDV 7iaT8pCOV ai)T0T3 26 + Kai 01 A.017T01

[the] LORD God of his fathers. And the rest

A,6yoi ovtov Kai ai npa^ziq ovtov ai 7ipcbxai Kai

of his words, and his actions, the first and

saxaxai idov yeypajijievoi S7it PipAiou PaaiAicov

last, behold, [they are] written upon [the] scroll of [the] kings

lovdo Kai Iapaf|A, 27+ Kai 8Koi|xfj0r| A%a^ |iexd

of Judah and Israel. And Ahaz slept with

xcov 7iaxepcov ovtov Kai exdcprj sv tioXsi Aovid

his fathers, and they entombed [him] in [the] city of David;

on odk fjvsyKov ovtov sic; Tovq xdcpouc; xcov

for they did not bring him into the tombs of the

PaaiAicov IapafjX Kai ePaaiA^Daev E^eKiaq

kings of Israel. And [reigned Hezekiah

vioq ovtov avx' olvtov

his son] instead of him.

29 toD

1+ V\6q CDV SIKOOl Kai 7TSVXS SXCOV E^sKiaq sv

[[ was] a son being twenty and five years [old] Hezekiah] in

xco PaaiA,8T38iv ovtov Kai sikocjiv swsa sxrj

his taking reign, and twenty nine years

zfioaikzvazv sv IspouoaAxui Kai ovojia xr|

he reigned in Jerusalem. And [the] name [to]

jxrjxpi ovtov Apia 0uydxr|p Za%ap(oi) 2 + Kai £7iovr|G£

his mother [was] Abijah, daughter ofZechariah. And he did

xo ei)0£c; svcb7iiov Kopioi) Kaxd 7idvxa 60a

the upright [thing] before [the] LORD according to all as much as

£7ro(r|a£ Aam5 o 7raxfjp olvtov 3 + Kai eysvexo coc;

[did David his father]. And it came to pass as

saxrj 87ii Tr\q Paai^siaq ovtov sv xco jirjvi

he was established over his kingdom, in the [ month

xco 7ipcbxco avsco^e xac; dvpoq oikod Kupioi) Kai

first], he opened the doors of [the] house of [the] LORD, and

£7T£OK£i)aasv ovToq 4+ Kai eiafjyaye Tovq ispsiq Kai

he repaired them. And he brought in the priests and

xodc; AsDixaq Kai Kaxeaxrjaev auxotic; siq to kAJxoc;

the Levites, and he stood them in the side,

xo 7ipoc; avaxoXdq 5+ Kai ei7isv auxofc; aKouaaxe

the one towards [the] east. And he said to them, Hear

[iov 01 Aemxai vdv ayida0r|xs Kai ayidaaxe xov

me, O Levites! Now sanctify yourselves, and sanctify the


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14-2 Chronicles


house of [the] LORD the God of your fathers, and

skP&amp;A,£ts ttjv aKaGapoiav sk tcov ayicov 6 + oil

cast out the uncleanness from the holies! For

a7T80Tr|aav 01 naxspsq rjjicbv Kai S7iovr|aav to 7iovr|p6v

[ revolted our fathers], and they did the evil [thing]

SVaVTlOV KDpiOD TOD 0SOD T[[L(bv Kai SyKaTSlutaV

before [the] LORD our God; and they abandoned

(xdtov Kai a7isaTps\j/av to 7ip6aco7rov aDTcbv arco Tr\q

him, and turned their face from the

aKTjvfjc; KDpiOD Kai s8coKav aD%8va ?+ Kai

tent of [the] LORD; and they gave [him] the back of the neck. And

a7i8KA,8iaav Tag Qvpaq tod vaoD Kai saPsaav zovq

they locked the doors of the temple, and they extinguished the

Xdxvodc; Kai 0D|i(a|ia odk 80D|i(aaav Kai

lamps, and [ incense they did not burn], and

oA,oKaDTcb|iaTa od 7rpoafjV£yKav sv tco ayico too

[the] whole burnt-offerings they did not offer in the holy [place] to the

Gscb IapafjX 8 + Kai copyiaGrj opyfj KDpioq S7ii

God of Israel. And [ was provoked to anger [the] LORD] over

tov IoD5av Kai tt|v IspoDaaAx||i Kai s5coksv aDTODq

Judah and Jerusalem. And he appointed them

sic; 8KdTaaiv Kai eic; acpaviajiov Kai sic; aDpiajiov

for an astonishment, and for extinction, and for a hissing,

cdc; Djisfc; opdrcs Toiq o(pdak[ioiq djicov 9 + Kai i8od

as you see [with] your eyes. And behold,

S7T8O0V 01 7raTspsc; r\[i(bv ev jiaxaipa Kai oi dioi r||icbv

[ fell our fathers] by [the] sword, and our sons,

Kai ai GDyaTspsc; rjjicbv Kai ai yDvaixsc; r||icbv sv

and our daughters, and our wives [went] into

aixjia^coaia sv yr| odk saDTcbv io + SVSKSV TODTOD

captivity in a land not of their own. Because of this

sysvsTO S7U Kap8(ac; jiod tod 8ia6sa6ai 5ia9f|Kr|v tco

it became upon my heart to ordain a covenant to the

KDpico Gscb IopafjX Kai a7ro&lt;xcps\j/si acp' r||icbv tt|v

LORD God of Israel, and he shall turn from us the

OpyfjV TOD 0D|IOD aDTOD n+Kai VDV |IT| 5iaA,l7ir|TS

anger of his rage. And now, you should not stop


to act, for by you [the] LORD has taken [you] up to stand

svavTiov aDTOD XsiTODpysiv aDTcb Kai sivai aDTOD

before him to officiate to him, and to be his


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14-2 Chronicles

XevcoDpyoDc; Kai dv\x\(bvmq 12+ Kai avsaxrjaav 01

ministers, and ones burning incense. And [ rose up the

AsDixai Ma&amp;0 o tod Ajisoi Kai IcofjA, o tod

Levites], Mahath the [son of] Amasai, and Joel the [son of]

A^apioD sk tcov dicov KdaG Kai 8K tcdv dicov

Azariah, of the sons ofKohath; and from the sons

Mspapi Kic; o tod Ap8( Kai A^apiac; o tod

ofMerari, Kish the [son of] Abdi, and Azariah the [son of]

lakair\k Kai anb tcov dicov Tspacbv Icod% o tod

Jehalelel; and from the sons of Gershon — Joah the [son of]

Ze|i|id Kai Q8adv o tod Icodx 13+ Kai tcov dicov

Zimmah, and Eden the [son of] Joah; and of the sons

EAiaacpdv EajiPpi Kai IsifjA, Kai tcov dicov Aodcp

ofElizaphan— Shimri and Jeiel; and of the sons of Asaph —

Za%ap(ac; Kai MaT0av(ac; i 4 + Kai tcov dicov Aijidv

Zechariah and Mattaniah; and of the sons of Heman ~

IsrfjA, Kai Sejisi Kai tcov dicov I8i0odv Eajieac; Kai

Jehiel and Shimei; and of the sons of Jeduthun — Shemaiah and

O^vrjA, 15+ Kai aDvfjyayov todc; a5sAxpoDc; aDTcbv Kai

Uzziel. And they gathered their brethren, and

rjyviaGrjaav KaTd tt|v svtoAx|v tod PaaiAicoc; 8id

purified themselves according to the commandment of the king, by

7rpoaTdy|iaTOc; KDpioD tod KaGapiaai tov oikov

order of [the] LORD, to cleanse the house

KDpioD 16+ Kai siafjXGov 01 ispsic; eaco sic; tov oikov

of [the] LORD. And [ entered the priests] inside, into the house

KDpioD ayviaai Kai e^sPaXov 7idaav tt|v araGapaiav

of [the] LORD to purify [it], and they cast out all the uncleanness


they found in the house of [the] LORD in the courtyard


of [the] house of [the] LORD. And [ received the Levites]

tod e^sveyKsiv sic; tov %si|idppoDV Ks5pcov s^co n +

to bring [it] forth unto the rushing stream Kidron outside.

Kai fjp^avTO sv |i(a tod jirjvoc; tod 7ipcoTOD

And they began on [day] one of the [ month first]

tod ayidaai Kai rq r||ispa ttj oy56r| tod jxrjvoc;

to sanctify, and on the [ day eighth] of the month

eiafjXGov eic; tov vaov KDpiOD Kai rjyiaaav tov

they entered into the temple of [the] LORD; and they sanctified the

oikov KDpiOD sv rjjispaic; OKTcb Kai ttj rjjispa

house of [the] LORD in [days eight], and on the [day


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14-2 Chronicles

TT| 8KKai88KdTT| TOD jJTjVOC; TOD 7ipC0TOD CJDVSTsXsaaV 18 +

sixteenth] of the [ month first] they completed.

Kai eiafjXGov eoco rcpoc; E^sKiav tov PaoiXea Kai

And they entered inside to Hezekiah the king. And

S17TOV rjyviaajiev 7idvTa Ta cv tcd oikco KDpiOD

they said, We purified all the [things] in the house of [the] LORD,

Kai to 6Daia&lt;xcfjpiov tt|c; o^oKaDTcbascoq Kai

and the altar of the whole burnt-offering, and

Ta OK8DT] aDTOD Kai ttjv Tpd7T£^av Tr\q 7ipo6sasco(; Kai

its utensils, and the table of the place setting, and

7idvTa Ta ok8dt| aDTfjq 19+ Kai 7idvTa Ta oksdtj a

all its utensils. And all the utensils which

sjjiavsv o fiaoiksvq A%a^ ev tt| PaoiA,eia aDTOD sv

[ defiled king Ahaz] during his kingdom, in

ttj a7ioaTaa(a aDTOD rjTOi|idaa|isv Kai rjyidaajiev Kai

his defection, we prepared and sanctified. And


behold, it is before the altar of [the] LORD. And

cbpGpiasv E^eKiaq o fiaaiksvq Kai aDvfjyays todc;

[ rose early Hezekiah the king], and he brought together the

dpxovTaq Trjq TioXzcnq Kai aveprj sic; oikov KDpiOD

rulers of the city. And he ascended into [the] house of [the] LORD.

21+ Kai avfjyaysv S7rcd [ioa%ovq Kai S7rcd Kpiotic; Kai

And he led up seven calves, and seven rams, and

S7iTd ajivoDc; Kai S7rcd %i|idpoDc; aiycbv nspi ajiapTiac;

seven lambs, and seven winter yearlings of goats for a sin [offering],

7isp( Tr\q Paaiksiaq Kai 7i8pi tcov ayicov Kai 7rsp(

for the kingdom, and for the holy [things], and for

IoD8a Kai S17T8 TOiq vioiq Aapcbv toic; ispsDoiv

Judah. And he told the sons of Aaron the priests,

TOD aVSVSyKSW 8711 TO 0DGiaGTfjpiOV KDpiOD 22+ Kai

to offer unto the altar of [the] LORD. And

s0Daav todc; [ioa%ovq Kai s5s^avTO oi ispek; to

they sacrificed the calves, and [ took the priests] the

aijia Kai 7ipoa8%£ov S7ri to 0Daia&lt;xcf|piov Kai e0Doav

blood, and poured upon the altar. And they sacrificed

TODC; KpiODC; Kai 7CpOO£%£OV 8711 to 0Doia&lt;xcfjpiov TO

the rams, and poured upon the altar the

aijia Kai e0Daav todc; ajivoDc; Kai 7cpoaexsov to

blood. And they sacrificed the lambs, and they poured the

aijia 87i( to 0Daia&lt;ycfjpiov 23+ Kai 7rpoafjyayov todc;

blood upon the altar. And they brought the


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XijiapoDq Tovq 7isp( ajiapxiac; svavxiov tod PaaiAicoc;

winter yearlings of the ones for a sin [offering] before the king

Kai Tr\q eKKAxjaiac; Kai S7rs6r|Kav xac; %sipac; aDxcbv

and the assembly; and they placed their hands

S7i ' aDxotic; 24+ Kai s0Daav avzovq oi ispsic; Kai

upon them. And [ sacrificed them the priests], and

s^iAxxaavxo to aijia aDxcbv npoq to GDaiaoxfjpiov Kai

atoned of their blood against the altar, and

s^iAxxaavxo 7isp( 7iavx6c; IapafjA, 6xi sircsv o

they atoned for all Israel; for [ said the

fiaaiksvq 7isp( 7iavx6c; IapafjA, r| oXoKaDxcoaic; Kai

king], for all Israel [is] the whole burnt-offering, and

xa 7isp( ajiapxiac; 25+ Kai saxrjas xodc; AsDixac; sv

the ones for a sin [offering]. And he stationed the Levites in

oikco Kopioi) ev KD|ipdXoi(; Kai sv vdpAmc; Kai

[the] house of [the] LORD with cymbals, and with stringed instruments, and

sv Kivtipaic; Kaxd xrjv svxoAxjv Aavid xod PaaiAicoc;

with lutes, according to the commandment of David the king,

Kai Ta8 xod opcbvxoc; xco PaaiXsi Kai NdGav xod

and Gad the seer to the king, and Nathan the

7ipo(pf|xoD 6x1 81' svTokr\q KopioD xo 7ip6axay|ia

prophet. For by [the] commandment of [the] LORD the order

sv %sip( xcov 7ipo(pr|xcbv aDxoD 26 + Kai saxrjaav 01

[was] in [the] hand of his prophets. And [stood the

AsDixai sv opydvoic; AaDi5 Kai 01 ispsic; sv adAjuy^i

Levites] with instruments of David, and the priests with trumpets.

27 + Kai sircsv E^sKiaq xod avsvsyKsiv xrjv oXoKaDxcoaiv

And Hezekiah spoke to offer the whole burnt-offering

S7U xo 0Daiaaxf|piov Kai sv xco dp^aaGai avacpspsiv

upon the altar. And in the beginning of offering

xrjv oXoKaDxcoaiv fjp^avxo d8siv xco Kopico Kai ai

the whole burnt-offering, they began to sing to the LORD, and the

adAjuyysc; npoq xa opyava AaDi8 PaaiAicoc; IapafjA,

trumpets with the instruments of David [the] king of Israel.

28+ Kai 7idaa r| sKKAxjaia 7ipoasKDVsi Kai 01

And all the assembly did obeisance, and the

\j/aAxco8o( dSovxsq Kai ai adAjuyysc; aaAm^oDaai scoq

psalm singers [were] singing, and the trumpets trumpeting, until

od aDvsxsAiaGrj r| o^oKaDxcoaiq 29+ Kai coc;

of which [time] [ was completed the whole burnt-offering]. And as

aDvsxs^saav avacpspovxsq SKaji\j/sv o fiaaikvbq Kai

they completed offering, [ bent the king], and


29 DD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

rcavxec; 01 SDpsBsvxsg ai)v auxcb Kai 7ipoasKwr|aav 30 +

all the ones being found with him, and they did obeisance.

Kai S17T8V E^eidac; o fiaoiksvq Kai 01 dp%ovxec; xoic;

And [ spoke Hezekiah the king and the rulers] to the

Aemxaic; xod djivsiv xov Kupiov sv Xoyoiq Aavid

Levites [for them] to praise the LORD by [the] words of David,

Kai Aadcp xod 7ipo(pfjxoD Kai tjjivodv sv sucppoawq

and of Asaph the prophet. And they sang praise with gladness,

Kai S7i8aov Kai 7ipoasK6vr|oav 31+ Kai

and they fell and did obeisance. And

a7T8Kpi6r| E^eKiac; Kai si7ie vdv £7iAr|pcbaaxe

Hezekiah answered and said, Now you filled

xaq xeipaq djicov Kopioo 7ipoaaydysxe Kai cpspsxs

your hands [to the] LORD, come forward and bring

dvaiaq aivsascoq siq oikov Kupiou Kai avfjveyKev r|

sacrifices of praise into [the] house of [the] LORD! And [brought the

SKKAxjcria 6i)a(ac; Kai aivsasic; sic; oikov Kopioi) Kai

assembly] sacrifices and praise into [the] house of [the] LORD, and

naq 7ip60D|ioc; xrj Kap8(a oAx)Kai)xcbaeic; 32+ Kai

all eager in heart [brought] whole burnt-offerings. And

sysvsxo o apiGjioq xrjc; o^oKaDxcbascoq r\q avfjveyKsv

[ was the number of the whole burnt-offerings which offered

T| £KKAx|Gia |ioo%oi sp5ojifiKovxa Kpioi 8Kax6v ajivoi

the assembly]— [calves seventy], [rams a hundred], [lambs

5iaKoaioi sic; oXoKatixooaiv Kupico 7idvxa xatixa 33 +

two hundred]; [for a whole burnt-offering [to the] LORD all these].

Kai 01 rjyiaajisvoi fioaxoi s^aKoaioi 7ip6paxa

And the ones having been sanctified — [ calves six hundred], [ sheep

xpia%(Aia 34+aAA/rj 01 ispsfc; fjaav oAiyoi Kai odk

three thousand]. But the priests were few, and not

r|8i)vavxo 5s(pai xrjv oXoKatixooaiv Kai avxsXaPovxo

able to flay the whole burnt-offering; and assisting

auxcbv 01 Aemxai eooc; ov aDvsxsAioGrj xo

them [were] the Levites, until of which [time] [ was completed the

spyov Kai eooc; od r|yida0r|aav 01 ispefc; 6x1

work], and until of which [time] [ sanctified [themselves] the [other] priests];

01 Asinxai 7rpo0i)|i(joc; rjyidaGrjaav 7iapd zovq lepeiq

the Levites more eagerly sanctified [themselves] than the priests.

35+ Kai r| o^oKauxooaic; 7ioAAx| sv xoic; axeaai xrjc;

And the whole burnt-offering was abundant with the fats of the one

xs^sicbascDc; xod acoxrjpioi) Kai ai a7iov8a( Tr\q

consecrated of the deliverance [offering], and the libations of the



8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles
oXoKaDTcbascoc; Kai Kaxcop0cb9r| to spyov sv oikcd

whole burnt-offering. And [ was set up the work in [the] house

KopiOD 36+ Kai r|D(ppdv6r| E^SKiac; Kai naq o Xaoq

[of the] LORD]. And [ were glad Hezekiah and all the people],

8id to rjTOijiaKsvai tov 0s6v too Xacb 6ti s^dftiva

because God prepared the people; for [ suddenly

sysvsTO o Xoyoq

happened the matter].


i + Kai a7isoTSiXsv E^sKiac; S7U 7idvTa IapafjX Kai

And Hezekiah sent unto all Israel and

Ioi35a Kai S7iiaToA,dc; sypa\j/sv sni tov Ecppaiji Kai

Judah, and [ letters he wrote] unto Ephraim and

Mavaaafj sABsiv sic; oikov kdpiod sic; IspoDaaAx||i

Manasseh to come into [the] house of [the] LORD in Jerusalem,

tod 7ioif|oai to cpaasK to Kupico 0scb IapafjA, 2 + Kai

to observe the passover to the LORD God of Israel. And

sPoiAstiaaTO o fiaaikvbq Kai 01 dp%ovTSc; Kai 7idaa

[ planned the king], and the rulers, and all

T| sKKAxjcria sv IspoDaaAx||i 7ioifjaai to cpaasK tcd

the assembly in Jerusalem to observe the passover in the

jirjvi tcd 5si)Tspco 3+ od yap s8wfj0r|aav 7roifjaai airco

[ month second], [ not for they were] able to observe it

sv tcd Kaipcb sksivcd 6ti oi ispsic; od% r|yida0r|aav

in that time, for the priests were not sanctified

iKavoi Kai o Xaoq od aDvfj%0r| sv IspoDaaAx||i 4 +

enough, and the people were not gathered in Jerusalem.

Kai fjpsasv o Xoyoq svavTiov tod PaaiXscDc; Kai

And [ was pleasing the matter] before the king, and

svavTiov Tr\q SKKAxjaiac; 5+ Kai sarrjaav Xoyov

before the assembly. And they established a communication

tod 5isA,0siv KTjpDyjia sv rcavTi IapafjX arco

to go through by proclamation in all Israel, from

BrjpoaPsai scdc; Aav tod sA,0s(v Kai 7ioif|aai to

Beer-sheba unto Dan, to come and to observe the

cpaasK tcd KDpicD 0scb IapafjX sic; IspoDaaArj|i 6ti to

passover to the LORD God of Israel in Jerusalem. For the

7rAx|0oc; odk s7iovr|as KaTd ttjv ypacpfjv 6 + Kai

multitude did not do according to the scripture. And

S7iopsD0r|aav 01 Tps%ovTSc; aDV zaiq STuaToAmq

[ went the ones running] with the letters


30 "7 sv tootco + vtica 14 - 2 Chronicles

7iapd tod PaaiAicoc; Kai xcov ap%6vxcov sic; rcdvxa

from the king and from the rulers, into all

IapafjX Kai Icn38av Kaxd xo 7ip6axay|ia xod

Israel and Judah, according to the order of the

PaaiXscoc; Aiyovxsc; oimoi lapar\k smaxpsij/axs npoq

king, saying, Sons of Israel, return to

Kopiov 0s6v APpadji Kai IaadK Kai IaKcbp Kai

[the] LORD God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob! and

87iiaxps\j/8i Tovq avaasacoajisvouc; xodc; KaxaXsupGsvxac;

he will return to the ones having escaped, surviving

arco %sipoc; PaaiXscoq Aaaotip 7+ Kai |ir| yivsaGs

from [the] hand of [the] king of Assyria. And do not be

KaGcbq 01 rcaxspsc; djicov Kai 01 a5sAxpo( djicov 01

as your fathers and your brethren! the ones who

a7i8axr|aav arco Kop(oi) 9sot3 xcov 7iaxspcov auxcbv Kai

revolted from [the] LORD God of their fathers, and

7iaps8coKsv auxotic; sic; spfjjicoaiv KaGcbc; djisic; opdxs

he delivered them into desolation, as you see.

8+ Kai jLiri aKAxjpwrjxs xodc; xpa%f|Ax)Dc; ujicbv cog

And do not harden your necks as

01 rcaxspsc; djicov 86x8 So^av Kopico xco 0scb Kai

your fathers! Give glory [to the] LORD God, and

siasABsxs sic; xo ayiaajia avzov o rjyiaasv sic; xov

enter into his sanctuary! which he sanctified into the

aicova Kai 8oi)A,si3aaxs xco Kopico 9scb djicov Kai

eon. And serve to the LORD your God! and

a7ioaxps\j/8i acp' djicov xov Gdjiov xrjc; opyfjc; avzov 9 +

he will turn from you the rage of his anger.

6x1 sv xco £7iiaxp8cpsiv v[iaq itpoq Kopiov

For in your turning to [the] LORD,

01 a8sAxpo( djicov Kai xa xsKva djicov saovxai

your brethren and your children will be

sv oiKxipjiofc; svavxiov 7idvxcov xcov

[shown] compassions before all the ones

aixjiaXcoxiaavxcov avzovq Kai a7ioaxps\j/si avzovq sic;

taking them captive, and he will return them to

xtjv yrjv xatixrjv 6x1 sA,sf||icov Kai oiKxipjicov Kopioc;

this land; for merciful and pitying [is the] LORD

o Bsoc; r||icbv Kai odk a7ioaxps\j/si xo 7ip6aco7rov avzov

our God, and he will not turn his face

acp' rjjicbv sdv S7riaxps\j/co|isv 7ipoc; ai)xov 10+ Kai

from us, if we should return to him. And

fjaav 01 xps%ovxsc; 5ia7ropsi)6|isvoi 7i6Xiv sk noXzcoq

[ were the runners] traveling city by city



8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

sv too opsi Ecppaiji Kai Mavaaafj Kai scoq ZaPouAxov

in mount Ephraim and Manasseh, and unto Zebulun.

Kai sysvovxo ooc; KaxaysAxbvxsc; aDxcbv Kai

And they became as [victims] of ones ridiculing them and

Kaxa|icoKcb|i8voi avzovq n + aXka dv6pco7roi anb Aafjp

deriding them. But men from Asher,

Kai Mavaaafj Kai anb ZaPouAxov svsxpd7ir|aav Kai

and Manasseh, and from Zebulun felt shame, and

fjXGov sic; IspoDaaArjji 12+ Kai sv lovda sysvsxo x 8l P

they came unto Jerusalem. And in Judah [ came [the] hand

6sod 8of)vai amok; Kap5(av jiiav sABsiv Kai 7roifjaai

of God] to give them [ heart one] to come and to do

Kaxd xo 7ip6axay|ia xod PaaiAicoc; Kai xcov

according to the order of the king and of the

apxovxcov sv Xoyco KDpioD 13+ Kai awfj%6r|aav sv

rulers, by [the] word of [the] LORD. And [ gathered in

IspoDaaAxjji Xabq nokbc, xod 7ioif|aai xttv sopxfjv xcov

Jerusalem people many] to observe the holiday of the

a£/6|icov sv xco jittvi xco 8si)xspco SKKArjaia n6Kki\

unleavened [breads] in the [ month second] ~ [ assembly vast

acp65pa u+ Kai avsaxrjaav Kai KaGsi^ov xa

an exceedingly]. And they rose up and demolished the

Guaiaaxfjpia sv IspoDaaArjji Kai rcdvxa sv oiq

altars in Jerusalem; and all in which

sGdjiicov xoic; \j/si)8sai Kaxsarcaaav Kai sppnj/av sic;

they burned incense to the lying [idols] they tore down and tossed into

xov x 8l H^PPao v Ks5pcbv 15+ Kai s6i)aav xo cpaasK

the rushing stream Kidron. And they sacrificed the passover

xtj xsaaapsaKai5sKdxr| xod jittvoc; xod 8sdxspod Kai

on the fourteenth of the [month second]. And

01 ispsic; Kai 01 AsDixai svsxpd7ir|aav Kai

the priests and the Levites felt shame, and

r|yida0r|aav Kai siafjvsyrav oAx)KaDxcb|iaxa sic; xov

they sanctified [themselves], and they offered whole burnt-offerings in the

oikov KDpiOD 16 + Kai saxrjaav S7i( xrjv axdaiv aDxcbv

house of [the] LORD. And they stood at their station

Kaxd xo Kpijia aDxcbv Kaxd xttv svxoXfjv MooDafj

according to their responsibility, according to the commandment of Moses

av6pcb7ioD xod 6sod Kai 01 ispsic; s5s%ovxo xa aijiaxa

[the] man of God. And the priests received the blood

sk X 8l P°^ TC0V Asdixcov 17+ 6x1 7rA,f|6o(; xrjc;

from out of [the] hand of the Levites. For a multitude of the



8V TOUT© + VtKCl
14-2 Chronicles

eKKAxjaiac; od% rjyviaGrj Kai 01 AsDvcai fjaav

assembly was not purified. And the Levites were

TOD 0D81V TO (paaSK 7iaVTl TCO |XT| 8l)Va|I8VC0

to sacrifice the passover to all not able

ayvioGfjvai too KDpico i 8 + 6ti to 7iA,s(aTOV tod Axxod

to be purified to the LORD. For the vast [part] of the people

goto Ecppaiji Kai Mavaaofj Kai Iaad%ap Kai

from Ephraim, and Manasseh, and Issachar, and

ZocPodAxov od% r|yv(a6r|aav aXka Kai scpayov to

Zebulun, were not purified; but even they ate the

cpaasK od 7iapd tt|v ypacpfjv Kai

passover not according to the scripture. And

7ipoar|D^aTO E££Kiac; 7isp( aDTcbv Aiycov KDpioc; o

Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, [The] LORD, the

Gsoq o ayaGoq s^iXaaai D7isp 7idar|c; 19+ Kap8(a&lt;;

good God atone for all! [ [the] heart

KaTSDGDVODarjq sK^rjTfjaai tov KDpiov tov 0s6v

[even] straightening out] [for them] to inquire of the LORD God

tcov 7iaT8pcov aDTcbv Kai odk coc; KaTa TTJV

of their fathers, even not [purified] as according to the

ayvsiav tcov ayicov 20 + Kai £7if|KODas KDpioq

purity of the holy [things]. And [the] LORD heeded

tod E^skiod Kai idaaTO tov Xaov 21 + Kai 87io(r|aav 01

Hezekiah, and healed the people. And [ observed the

Dioi IopafjX 01 £Dps6svT£c; sv IspoDaaXfjii TTTV SOpTTjV

sons of Israel being found in Jerusalem] the holiday

tcov a^Djicov S7iTd rjjiepac; sv eDcppoawq |isydAr|

of the unleavened [breads] seven days with [gladness great].

Kai Ka0D|ivoDV tco KDpico rjjiepav Ka9' rjjiepav Kai

And they sang praise to the LORD day by day, even

01 lepeic; Kai 01 AeDirai sv opydvoiq ig%doc; tco

the priests and the Levites with instruments of strength to the

KDpico 22 + Kai eXdAxjaev E^sKiaq em Kap5(av 7idvTC0v

LORD. And Hezekiah spoke unto [the] heart of all

tcov Asditcov Kai tcov cjdviovtcov cjdvscjiv ayaGfjv

of the Levites, and of the ones perceiving [ understanding with good]

tco KDpico Kai aDVSTS^saav rqv sopTfjv tcov

in the LORD. And they completed the holiday of the

a^Djicov 87iTd rjjiepaic; Gdovtsc; 0Da(ac; acorrjpioD

unleavened [breads] in seven days, sacrificing a sacrifice of deliverance,

Kai s^o|ioAx)yoD|i£voi KDpico tco 6scb

and making acknowledgment [to the] LORD God


31 &amp;

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

xcov 7iai8pcov auxcbv 23 + Kai sPoiAeuaaxo 7idaa r|

of their fathers. And [ counseled all the

SKKAxjcria 7roifjoai 87ixd rjjispaq aXkaq Kai £7iovr|aav

assembly] to observe [ seven days another]. And they observed

aXXaq S7rcd rjjispac; ev SDcppoawq 2 4+ 6xi E££Kiac; o

another seven days with gladness. For Hezekiah the

fiaaikvbq lovda a7if|p^axo 7idar| xr| SKKArjaia %ikiovq

king of Judah dedicated to all the assembly a thousand

[ioa%ovq Kai S7rxaKia%(Aia 7ip6paxa Kai 01 dp%ovxec;

calves, and seven thousand sheep. And the rulers

a7rqp^avxo too Xacb [ioa%ovq xikiovq Kai 7rpopdxcov

dedicated for the people [ calves a thousand], and [ sheep

8eKa %ikiadaq Kai rjyidaGrjaav xcov lepecov sic;

ten thousand], and were sanctified of the priests in

7iAx|0oc; 25+ Kai ei)(ppdv0r| 7idaa rj eKKArjaia Ioi35a

multitude. And [ was glad all the assembly of Judah],

Kai 01 lepsfc; Kai 01 Aemxai Kai 7idaa r| SKKArjaia

and the priests, and the Levites, and all the assembly

01 eXGovxec; IapafjX Kai 01 7ipoaf|}u)xoi 01 e^Govxsc;

coming from Israel, and the foreigners coming

arco yrjc; IopafjX Kai 01 KaxoiKouvxsc; lovda 2 6+ Kai

from [the] land of Israel, and the ones dwelling Judah. And

sysvsxo SDcppoawq |ieydAx| sv IspoDaaArjji 6xi arco

there was [ gladness great] in Jerusalem, for from

r||ispcbv SoXojicavxoc; viov AaviS PaaiAiooc; lapar\k

[the] days of Solomon son of David king of Israel

odk sysvsxo xoiauxr) sopxfj sv IspoDaaAxjji 27+ Kai

there was not such a holiday in Jerusalem. And

avsaxrjaav 01 ispsic; 01 Asmxai Kai siAoyrjaav xov

[ rose up the priests the Levites] and blessed the

Xaov Kai S7ir|KOT3a0r| r| (pcovfj auxcbv Kai r\kdsv

people, and [ was heeded their voice], and [came

T| 7ipoasD%fj auxcbv sic; xo KaxoiKTjxfipiov xo dyiov avzov

their prayer] into [ home his sacred]

sic; xov ODpavov

in the heaven.

31 &amp;

1+ Kai cdc; m)vsxsXsa6r| rcdvxa xatixa s^fjXGs 7iac;

And as [ were completed all these [things]], [ went forth all

IapafjX 01 supsBsvxsc; sv 7i6A,saiv lovda Kai

Israel], the ones being found in [the] cities of Judah, and


31 &amp;

ev tootco + vtica

14-2 Chronicles

aDvsxpuj/av zaq aTT\kaq Kai s§SKO\j/av xa 6Xar\ Kai

they broke the monuments, and knocked down the sacred groves, and

Kaxsa7iaaav xa d\j/t|Axx Kai KaGsi^ov xa 0Daiaaxf|pia

tore down the high [places], and demolished the altars

arco 7idar|c; xrjc; IoDSaiac; Kai Bsviajjiv Kai s^ Ecppaiji

from all Judea, and Benjamin, and from Ephraim,

Kai arco Mavaoafj scoc; &lt;yovxsA,siav Kai S7isaxps\j/av

and from Manasseh, unto completion. And [ returned

naq IapafjA, sraaxoc; sic; xrjv KArjpovojjiav aDxoD Kai

all Israel] each unto his inheritance, and

sic; xac; 7i6A,sic; aDxcov 2 + Kai sxa^sv E^sKiac; xac;

unto their cities. And Hezekiah ordered the

scprjiispiac; xcdv ispscov Kai xcov Asdixcov Kai xac;

daily rotations of the priests and of the Levites, and the

scprjjispiac; sraaxoD Kaxd xrjv XsixoDpyiav aDxoD xoic;

daily rotations of each according to his ministration, to the

ispstiai Kai Toiq AsDixaic; sic; xrjv oAxDKaDxcoaiv Kai

priests and to the Levites, for the whole burnt-offering, and

sic; xrjv dvaiav xod acoxrjpioD Kai xod aivsiv Kai

for the sacrifice of deliverance, and to praise, and

s^ojioAx)ysia0ai Kai XsixoDpysiv ev xaic; itvkaiq sv

to acknowledge, and to officiate at the gates in

xaic; avXaiq oikod KopioD 3+ Kai r| jispic; xod

the courtyards of [the] house of [the] LORD. And the portion of the

PaaiXscoc; sk xcov D7iap%6vxcov aDxoD sic; xac;

king from his possessions [were appointed] for the

oXoKaDxcoasic; xrjv 7ipcoivf|v Kai xrjv 8siAivfjv Kai sic;

whole burnt-offerings ~ the early morning and the dusk, and for

xa oXoKauxcoaeic; xcov aappdxcov Kai sic; xac;

the whole burnt-offerings of the Sabbaths, and for the

voD|ir|viac; Kai sic; xac; sopxdc; zaq ysypajijisvac; sv

new moons, and for the holidays, the ones being written in

xco vojico Kopioi) 4+ Kai S17T8V xco Xacb XOlCj

the law of [the] LORD. And he spoke to the people, to the ones

KaxoiKcroaiv sv Iepoi)oaAxj|i 8oDvai xrjv |isp(8a xcov

dwelling in Jerusalem, to give the portion of the

ispscov Kai xcov Asdixcov O7rcoc; Kaxia%Dacooiv sv xr|

priests and the Levites, so that they should grow strong in the

XsixoDpyia oikod KDpioD 5+ Kai coc; 7ipoosxa^s xov

ministry of [the] house of [the] LORD. And as he assigned the

Xoyov S7iA,s6vaaav 01 dioi IapafjA, a7iap%f|v aixoD

word, [ were superabundant the sons of Israel] in first-fruit of grain,

Kai oivod Kai sAmoD Kai [iskuoq Kai 7iav yswr||ia

and wine, and olive oil, and honey, and every offspring


31 &amp;

8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

aypoi) Kai S7ii8sKaxa rcdvxa siq 7iA,f|6o(; fjvsyrav 01

of [the] field. And [ a tenth of all in multitude brought the

moi IopafjX Kai lovda 6 + Kai 01 KaxoiKowcsc; sv

sons of Israel and Judah]. And the ones dwelling in

xaic; noksaiv lovda Kai auxoi fjveyrav S7ri8eKaxa

the cities of Judah also themselves brought a tenth

|i6a%cov Kai 7rpopdxcov Kai S7ri8sKaxa aiycbv Kai

of [the] calves, and sheep, and a tenth of [the] goats. And

rjyiaaav icq Kopioa Gscb auxcbv Kai siafjvsyKav Kai

they sanctified to the LORD their God. And they carried in and

sGrjKav acopoix; aoopouc; ? + sv too (irjvi too xpixoo

put heaps [upon] heaps. In the [ month third]

fjp^avxo 01 acopoi 9s|isAioi)a0ai Kai ev icq |ir|v(

[ began the heaps] to be founded; and in the [ month

too epSojico aDVSTsXeaBrjaav 8 + Kai r\kdzv E££Kiac; Kai

seventh] they were completed. And [ came Hezekiah and

oi dpxovxsc; Kai s(5ov xodc; ocopouc; Kai siAoyrjoav

the rulers] and saw the heaps, and they blessed

xov Kopiov Kai xov Xaov avzov IopafjA, 9 + Kai

the LORD, and his people Israel. And

87iDV0dvsTO E^sKiac; xcov ispsoov Kai xcov Asmxcbv

Hezekiah inquired of the priests and of the Levites

D7i8p xcov ocopcbv io+ Kai S17T8 7ipoc; auxov ACfipiaq

concerning the heaps. And [ spoke to him Azariah

o lepetic; o dp%cov tod oikod Sa8cbK Kai £i7isv

the priest the ruler of the house ofZadok], and he said, From

od fjpKiai T| a7rap%fj cpspeoGai eic; xov oikov

of which [time] [ began the first-fruit] to be brought into the house

Kop(oi) scpdyojisv Kai S7ik&gt;|iev Kai KaxsAi7io|isv sooc;

of [the] LORD, we ate and drank, and we left behind unto

eic; iihf\doq 6xi Kopioc; euloyrjae xov Xaov avzov Kai

in abundance. For [the] LORD blessed his people, and

KaXSXl7TO|I8V SXl XO 7lhf\doq XODXO n+ Kai £171SV E^sKiaq

we left behind still this multitude. And Hezekiah spoke

sxoijidaai rcaaxocpopia sic; xov oikov Kopiou Kai

to prepare cubicles in the house of [the] LORD; and

rjxoijiaaav u+ Kai siafjvsyKav sksi xaq anapyaq Kai

they prepared. And they carried in there the first-fruits, and

xa 87ii8sKaxa sv maxsi Kai S7i' auxcbv S7iiaxdxr|c;

the tenth parts in trust. And over them for supervisor

Xcovsviaq o Asmxrjc; Kai Ssjissi o a8sAxpoc; auxou

[was] Cononiah the Levite, and Shimei his brother


31 &amp;

8V TOUT© + VlKa
14-2 Chronicles

8ia8sx6|isvoc; n + Kai IsifjX Kai O^iaq Kai Na&amp;6 Kai

relieving, and Jehiel, and Azaziah, and Nahath, and

AoafjX Kai Ispi|icb6 Kai Ico^apdS Kai Ehx\k Kai

Asahel, and Jerimoth, and Jozabad, and Eliel, and

£a|ia%(a Kai MadG Kai Bavsac; KaBeaxdjisvoi 5id

Ismachiah, and Mahath, and Benaiah being placed by

Xcovsviod Kai Ssjissi tod aSsAxpoD aDTOD KaGcbc;

Cononiah and Shimei his brother, as

rcpoasTa^sv E^SKiaq o fiaaikvbq Kai A^apiaq o

[ assigned Hezekiah the king], and Azariah the

rjyoDjisvoc; oikod KopioD i 4 + Kai Kopfj o tod Isjivd

leader of [the] house of [the] LORD. And Kore the [son of] Imnah

o AsDiTTjq o TivXcDpoq KaTd avaToXdq S7U tcov

the Levite, the gatekeeper according to [the] east, [was] over the

5o|idTC0v 8oDvai Tag a7iapxdc; tod KopioD Kai Ta

gifts, to give the first-fruits of the LORD, and the

dyia tcov ayicov 15+ 5id %£ipoq A5dv Kai Bsviajiiv

holy [things] of the holies, through [the] hand of Eden and Miniamin,

Kai IrjaoDc; Kai Ssjissi Kai Ajiapsiaq Kai Ssxsviac;

and Jeshua, and Shemaiah, and Amariah, and Shecaniah,

sv Taiq 7i6A,sai 8id x 8l P°^ tcov ispscov sv maTSi

in the cities through [the] hand of the priests in trust,

8oDvai tok; aSsAxpofc; aDTcbv KaTd Tag stpr||ispiac;

to give [to] their brethren according to the daily rotations,

KaTd tov jisyav Kai tov jiiKpov 16+ sktoc; Tr\q

according to the great and the small; outside of the

87riyovf|c; tcov apasviKcbv arco tpistodc; Kai S7rdvco

genealogy of the males from three years and up,


to all entering into [the] house of [the] LORD, for a reckoning

r||ispcbv sv rjjispa aDTOD sic; XsiTODpyiav scprjiispiaq

of days in its day, for ministration of daily rotation

8iaTd^ecoc; aDTCOV 17 + ODToq o KaTa^oxiajioq tcov

of their arrangement. This [is] the distribution of the

ispscov KaT' oikodc; 7iaTpicbv Kai 01 AsDvcai sv

priests according to [the] houses of [their] families; and the Levites in

Taiq stpr||ispiaic; aDTcbv arco sucoaasTODc; Kai S7idvco sv

their daily rotations from twenty years and up, in

8iaTd^si 18+ sv KaTaXoxiaiq sv 7idar| s7iiyovfj

arrangement, in classification, in all genealogy

Dicbv aDTcbv Kai 0DyaTspcov aDTcbv sic; 7iav 7iAr|0oc;

of their sons, and their daughters, in [the] entire multitude,


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14-2 Chronicles

on sv maxsi rjyiaaav to dyiov 19+ Kai xoic; vioiq

(for in trust they sanctified the holy,) and to the sons

Aapcbv xoic; ispaxsDODaiv sv xoic; aypofc; Kai sv

of Aaron, to the ones officiating as priests in the country [areas], and in

xaic; 7i6A,saiv aDxcbv sv 7idar| 7i6A,si Kai 7i6A,si dv5psq

their cities, in every city, and a city [where] men

01 covo|ida0r|aav sv ovojiaxi 5oDvai |isp(8a rcavxi

who were named by name to give a portion to every

apasviKcb sv xoic; ispstiai Kai 7iavx(

male among the priests, and to every one

Kaxapi0|ioi)|isvco sv xoic; AsDixaic; 20+ Kai S7iovr|asv

being counted among the Levites. And [ did

odxcdc; E^sKiaq sv rcavxi Ioi35a Kai S7io(r|as xo

thus Hezekiah] in all Judah, and he did the

koXov Kai xo sd0sc; Kai xo aAx|0sc; svavxiov xod

good and the upright, and the true before the

Kopioi) xod 0sod avTOV 21 + Kai sv rcavxi spyco sv co

LORD his God. And in every work in which

fjp^axo sv xt| spyaaia sv oikco kdpiod Kai sv xco

he began in the work in [the] house of [the] LORD, and in the

v6|ico Kai sv TOiq rcpoaxdyjiaaiv s^s^fjxr|as

law, and in the orders, he sought after

xov 0s6v avTOV s£, 6hr\q yv%r\q avzov Kai srcorrjas

his God from [ entire soul his]. And he acted,

Kai si)o5cb0r|

and his way prospered.


1 + Kai jisxd xodc; Xoyovq xodxodc; Kai

And after these words, and

xrjv aArj0siav xatixrjv r\kds £swa%r|p{p fiaaiksvq

this truth, came Sennacherib king

AacjDpioov Kai fjX0sv srci IoD8av Kai rcapsvspalsv

of [the] Assyrians. And he came unto Judah, and he camped

srci xac; rco^sic; xac; xsi%f|psic; Kai sircs

about the [ cities walled], and he spoke

7ipoKaxaA,aPsa0ai avzaq 2 + Kai s(5sv E^sKiac; 6x1

at first to take them. And Hezekiah beheld that

fjKsi £swa%r|pip Kai xo rcpoocorcov aDxoD

Sennacherib comes, and his face

xod rcoA,s|xf|aai srci IspoDoaArj|i 3 + Kai sPoD^SDaaxo

[was] to wage war against Jerusalem. And he consulted


32 ±


14-2 Chronicles

jisxd xcov 7ipsapDxspcov avTOV Kai xcov 5i)vaxcbv

with his elders, and the mighty ones

sjicppd^ai xa i)8axa xcov 7ir|ycbv a r|v e^co xrjc;

to obstruct the waters of the springs which was outside the

7t6Xscdc; Kai &lt;yDVS7ua%i)oav auxcb 4 + Kai awqyaye

city, and they vigorously assisted him. And he brought together

Xaov noXvv Kai evetppa^e xa i35axa xcov 7ir|ycov Kai

[ people many], and [they] obstructed the waters of the springs, and

xov %ei|idppoi)v xov 5iop(^ovxa 8id xrjc; 7i6A,scoc;

the rushing stream separating through the city,

Aiycov |ir| sA,9r| fiaaikzvq Aa&lt;yopicov Kai stiprj i)8cop

saying, Should [ come [the] king of [the] Assyrians] and find [ water

tioXv Kai Kaxia%i&gt;ar| 5 + Kai Kaxia%ua£v Etpciac; Kai

much], and grow strong? And Hezekiah strengthened himself, and

coKo56|ir|a8 7iav xo xe(%oc; xo KaxeaKajijisvov Kai

built up every wall having been razed, and

nvpyovq Kai e^co 7rpox£i%ia|ia aXko Kai Kax(a%Dae

towers, and [ outside wall around another]. And he strengthened

xo avdAx||i|ia xrjc; noXswq Aavid Kai KaxeaKsuaaev

the elevation of the city of David, and carefully prepared

onXa KoXka 6+ Kai sGexo dp%ovxac; 7toA,s|iod sni xov

[weapons many]. And he put rulers of war over the

Xaov Kai awf|%9r|aav npoq ai)xov S7ri xrjv 7iA,axs(av

people. And they were brought together to him upon the square

xrjc; irohr\q Tr\q noXscoq Kai eXdAxjasv S7ri

of the gate of the city. And he spoke unto

xrjv Kap5(av auxcov Xsycov i + io%i&gt;aaxs Kai av5p(^sa68

their heart, saying, Be strong and be manly!

|ir| cpoPr|9f|xs |ir|8e 7ixor|9f|X8 arco 7rpoaco7roi) PaaiAicoc;

fear not, nor be terrified from [the] face of [the] king

Aaaotip Kai arco 7ipoacb7roD 7iavx6c; zovq 80vodc;

of Assyria, nor from [the] face of any of the nations

XOD |I8X' OLVTOV OXl |I80' T||icbv 7lA,8lOT3(; D7T8p XODC;

with him! for with us [are] more over the ones

jisx' olvtox) 8+ fisx' avTOV Ppaxiovec; aapKiKoi |is0'

with him. With him [are] arms of flesh, [ with

rjjicov 5s Kopioc; o dzoq r||icov xou aco^eiv Kai

us but] [is the] LORD our God, to deliver and

xod 7ioA,8|i8iv xov 7i6A,8|iov rjjicbv Kai KaxsBdparjasv o

to wage our war. And [ relied with confidence the

Xaoq 87ii xoic; Xoyoiq E^skiod PaaiAicoc; lovda 9 + Kai

people] upon the words of Hezekiah king of Judah. And


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14-2 Chronicles

jisxd xatixa a7isaxsiA,s £swaxr|p(p fiaaiksvq

after these [things] [ sent Sennacherib king

Aoaopicov Tovq 7ra(8ac; avzov S7i( IspoDaaAxjji Kai

of [the] Assyrians] his servants unto Jerusalem. And

avzoq ski Ad%sic; Kai 7idaa rj axpaxid avxov jisx'

he [was] by Lachish, and all his military with

avTOV Kai a7isaxsiXs npoq E^sKiav PaaiAia Ioi35a

him. And he sent to Hezekiah king of Judah,

Kai 7ipoc; 7idvxa Ioi35av xov sv IspouaaAx||i Aiycov 10 +

and to all Judah in Jerusalem, saying,

otixcoc; Aiysi £swa%r|p(p fiaaikvbq Aaaupicov sm xivi

Thus says Sennacherib king of [the] Assyrians, Upon whom

Djiek; 7iS7ro(0axs Kai Ka6f|asa0s sv xr| 7ispio%ri sv

do you rely, that you settle in the stronghold in

IspoDaaAxjji n+ ov%i E^sKiac; arcaxd v[idq

Jerusalem? Has not Hezekiah deceived you

xod 7rapa5owai v[iaq siq Gdvaxov Kai sic; Xijiov Kai

to deliver you into death, and into hunger, and

sic; 5uj/av Aiycov Kopioc; o Gsoc; rjjicbv ocbasi r\[iaq sk

into thirst, saying, [The] LORD our God shall deliver us from

Xsipoq PaoiXscoc; Aaaotip

[the] hand of [the] king of Assyria?

12+ odx omoq saxiv E^SKiac; oq 7ispis(A,s

[ not this Is] Hezekiah who removed

xa 0DGiaaxf|pia avzov Kai xa v\\fr(ka avzov Kai si7is

his altars, and his high [places], and said

xco lovda Kai xoic; KaxoiKotiaiv sv IspouaaArui

to Judah, and to the ones dwelling in Jerusalem,

Aiycov svco7iiov xod 0i)aiaaxr|pioD xodxod 7rpoaKwqasxs

saying, Before this altar you shall do obeisance,

Kai S7i' auxcb 9i)|iidaaxs 13+ ou yvcbasaGs xi

and upon it you shall burn incense? Do you not know what

S7io(r|aa sycb Kai 01 rcaxspsc; jiod 7idai xoic; Xaoiq xcov

[ did I and my fathers] to all the peoples of the

%copcbv |ir| 5i)vd|isvoi s5wq6r|aav 01 6soi xcov sGvcov

places. In being able, were [ able the gods of the nations

7rdar|c; xrjc; yrjc; ocoaai xov A,a6v auxcbv sk %sipoc; jiod

of all the earth] to deliver their people from my hand?

14+ xiq sv 7idai xoic; Gsoic; xcov sGvcov xouxcov ovq

Who among all the gods of these nations, which

s^coA,60psi)aav 01 rcaxspsc; jiod oq s8wq6r| acbaai

[ utterly destroyed my fathers], [is the one] who is able to rescue


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14-2 Chronicles
xov Xoov ovtov sk xsipog jiod 6ti 5DvfjasTai

his people from my hand, that [ shall be able

oGsoqDjicbv acbaai Djidc; sk %sipoc; |iod i 5 + Kai vdv

your God] to deliver you from out of my hand? And now,

jLiri a7iaTdTC0 Djidc; E^sKiac; Kai |ir| 7i87ioi6svai Djidc;

let not [ deceive you Hezekiah], and not persuade you

7roisiTC0 raid Tm3xa Kai jirj tckttsdsts aDTcb on

to do according to these [things], and do not trust him; for

od (iT| s5wfj6r| 0s6c; 7cavT6c; s0vodc; Kai PaaiXsiac;

in no way was [ able a god of any nation and kingdom]

tod acbaai xov Xaov olvtov 8k X^poq [iov Kai

to deliver his people from out of my hand, and

8K X 8l P°^ tcov 7iaTspcov jiod on o 0s6c; djicov od \ir\

from out of [the] hand of my fathers. For [ your God in no way

acbasi v[iaq sk %sipoc; jiod i 6 + Kai sti sXdAxjaav

shall] deliver you from out of my hand. And still [ spoke

01 7ia(8£C; OLVTOV S7U XOV KDpiOV TOV 080V Kai 8711

his servants] against the LORD God, and against

E^sKiav 7ia(8a ovtov n+ Kai PipAiov sypa\j/sv

Hezekiah his servant. And [ a scroll he wrote]

TOD 0VSl8l^SlV KDpiOV TOV 080V IapafjX Kai 81718 7C8p(

to berate [the] LORD God of Israel. And he said concerning

aDTOD Xsycov Ka0cbc; 01 0soi tcov 80vcbv Tr\q yr\q odk

him, saying, As the gods of the nations of the earth did not

s^sdavTO todc; Xoovq aDTcbv sk %sipoc; jiod odtcoc;

rescue their people from my hand, so

od |ir| s^sArjTai o 0s6c; E^skiod tov Xaov aDTOD sk

in no way shall [ rescue the God of Hezekiah] his people from out of

Xsipoq jiod i8+ Kai sporjaav sv tpcovfj |isydAx|

my hand. And they yelled with [ voice a great]

IoD5a'iaTi S7U tov Xoov IspoDaaAr||i tov S7ri tod

in Jewish unto the people of Jerusalem upon the

tsi^odc; tod cpopfjaai aDTODc; Kai

wall, to make them afraid of them, and

tod KaTaa7cdaai aDTOD onaq 7cpoKaTaXdpcovTai ttjv

to tear them down, so as to first take the

tioXiv 19+ Kai sAxxArjasv S7U tov 0s6v IspoDaaAr||i coc;

city. And he spoke against the God of Jerusalem, as

Kai S7t( todc; 0sodc; tcov Xacov Tr\q yr\q spya

also against the gods of the peoples of the land ~ [the] works

Xsipcbv av0pcb7ccov 20+ Kai 7cpoar|D^aTO E^sKiac; o

of [the] hands of men. And [ prayed Hezekiah the


32 ±

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

fiaaikvbq Kai Hadiaq vioq Ajicbg o 7ipocpf|xr|c; 7ispi

king], and Isaiah son of Amoz the prophet concerning

xotjxcov Kai eporjaav eic; xov oupavov 21+ Kai

these [things], and they yelled unto the heaven. And

a7T80TSiXs rcopioc; dyyelov Kai e^expuj/e rcdvxa

[the] LORD sent an angel, and he obliterated every

8i)vax6v 7ioA£|iioxf|v Kai dp%ovxa Kai oxpaxrjyov sv

mighty warrior, and ruler, and commandant in

xtj 7iaps|iPoAT| xod PaaiAicoc; Aaaotip Kai a7ieaxps\j/s

the camp of the king of Assyria. And he returned

jiexd aia%vvr\q 7ipoaco7rou sic; xrjv yrjv auxoij Kai

with shame of face into his land. And

eiafjXGev eiq oikov xod 0eoi3 avxov Kai xcov

he entered into [the] house of his god, and some of the ones

s^sXGovxcov sk KoiAiac; avzov KaxePaXov auxov ev

coming forth from his belly overthrew him by

pojicpaia 22+ Kai eacooe Kopioc; xov E££Kiav Kai xouc;

[the] broadsword. And [the] LORD delivered Hezekiah and the

KaxoiKowxaq sv IepoDaaArjji 8K %£ipoc; £ewa%r|p(p

ones dwelling in Jerusalem from [the] hand of Sennacherib

PaoiAicoc; Aaaotip Kai 8K %eipoc; rcavxcov Kai

king of Assyria, and from [the] hand of all, and

Kaxs7rauasv auxotic; kdkA,60sv 23+ Kai 7ioAA,oi ecpepov

rested them round about. And many brought

8cbpa xco Kopico sic; IepoDaaArui Kai 56|iaxa

gifts to the LORD in Jerusalem, and presents

xco E^sKia Paai^si Ioi35a Kai D7ispf|p9r| Kax'

to Hezekiah king of Judah. And he was elevated in

o(pdak[iovq 7idvxcov xcov s0vcbv jisxd xaijxa 24+ sv

[the] eyes of all the nations after these [things]. In

xaic; rjjiepaic; SKeivaic; rjppcbaxrjasv E^eKiac; ecoc; Gavdxou

those days Hezekiah became ill unto death,

Kai 7ipoar|i3^axo npoq Kopiov Kai 87rf|Kouaev auxoij

and he prayed to [the] LORD. And he heeded him,

Kai arjjisiov sScoksv auxcb 25+ Kai od Kaxd xo

and [ a sign gave to him]. And [ [rendered] not according to the

avxa7i68o|ia o avxa7is8coKsv auxcb E^eKiac; aXXa

recompense which he recompensed to him Hezekiah]; but

D\j/cb6r| T| Kap5(a avzov Kai sysvsxo S7i' ai)xov opyfj

he exalted his heart. And [ came upon him wrath],

Kai 87i( Ioi38av Kai IepouaaAxjii 2 6+ Kai

and upon Judah, and Jerusalem. And


32 ±

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

sxa7isivcb0r| E^sKiaq goto tod d\j/odc; xrjc; KapSiac; aDxoD

Hezekiah was humbled from the haughtiness of his heart,

avToq mi 01 KaxoiKODVxsc; IspoDoaAr||i Kai odk

he and the ones dwelling in Jerusalem. And [ did not

£7rfjAi)£V 87i ' aDxotic; opyfj KopiOD sv xaic; rjjispaic;

come upon them [the] wrath [of the] LORD] in the days

E^skiod 27+ Kai sysvsxo xoo E^sKia nXomoq Kai 56^a

of Hezekiah. And there came [to] Hezekiah riches and glory —

7roAAx| acp65pa Kai 0r|aaDpoDc; S7iorr|asv aDxda

[much exceedingly]. And [treasuries he made himself]

apyopioD Kai %pvaiov Kai Xidov xijiiod Kai sic;

of silver, and of gold, and [stone of valuable], and for

xa apcbjiaxa Kai 07iAx)6fjKac; S7ioir|asv Kai 7idai xoic;

aromatics; and [ armories he made], and [ for all the

cjksdscti xrjc; S7ii0D|iia(; a7io0f|Kac; 28+ Kai noXsiq siq

items of the desirable [things] storehouses]; and cities for

xa yswfj|iaxa xod ctixod Kai oivod Kai sAmoD Kai

the produce of the grain, and wine, and olive oil; and

cpdxvaq 7ravx6c; kxt|vodc; Kai |idv8pac; sic; xa 7io(|ivia

stables for every beast, and havens for the flocks.

29+ Kai 7i6A,sic; S7rorr|asv saDxcb Kai Kxfjasic; 7rpopdxcov

And [ cities he made] for himself, and possessions of sheep

Kai Pocbv sic; 7rAx|0oc; 6xi sScdksv auxcb Kopioc;

and oxen in abundance; for [ gave to him [the] LORD

a7roaK8i)f|v 7roAArjv acp68pa 3 o + aDxoc; E^sKiac; svscppa^s

belongings vast exceedingly]. Hezekiah himself obstructed

xrjv s^o8ov xod DSaxoc; Tsicbv xo dvco Kai

the delivery of the water ofGihon— the upper [part], and

Kax£D0Dvsv aDxd Kdxco 7ipoc; SDajidq xrjc; noXsctiq

he straightened it below to [the] west of the city

Aam8 Kai si)o8cb0r| E^sKiac; sv 7idai

of David. And the way of Hezekiah was prospered in all

xoic; spyoic; aDxoD 3 i+ Kai odxcoc; sv xoic;

his works. And thus in the [matters concerning]

7rpsaPsi)xafc; xcov apxovxcov xcov arco BaPDAxbvoc;

[the] ambassadors of the rulers of the ones from Babylon

xoic; aKoaxaksiai npoq aDxov 7iD0sa0ai 7iap' aDxoD

being sent to him, to inquire of him

xo xspaq o sysvsxo S7U xrjc; yr\q Kai syKaxsXursv

of the miracle which took place in the land, that [ abandoned

auxov Kopioc; xod 7isipdaai aDxov siSsvai xa sv

him [the] LORD], to test him, to know the [things] in

33 3fr

8V lOV/CCp + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

tt] Kap8(a olvtov 32 + Kai xa Xoma xcov Xoycov E^skiod

his heart. And the rest of the words ofHezekiah,

Kai xa 8A,sr| avzov idov yeyparcxai ev xr| 7rpotpr|xeia

and his mercies, behold, they are written in the prophecy

Hoaioi) viov A[i(bq xod 7rpotpf|xoD Kai em PipAioD

of Isaiah son ofAmoz the prophet, and upon [the] scroll

PaaiAicov Ioi38a Kai IapafjA, 33 + Kai £Koi|if|0r| Etpciac;

of [the] kings of Judah and Israel. And Hezekiah slept

jiexd xcov 7iaxspcov aDxoD Kai e0a\j/av ai)xov sv xrj

with his fathers. And they entombed him in the

avapdaei xcov xdcpcov mcbv Aavid Kai 56§av Kai

ascent of the burying-places of [the] sons of David. And glory and

xi|if|v s5coKav aDxcb sv xco Gavdxco avzov naq lovda

honor they gave to him in his death, [even] all Judah,

Kai 01 KaxoiKowcec; ev IspoDaaArj|i Kai ePaoiXeDae

and the ones dwelling in Jerusalem. And [ reigned

Mavaaafjc; vioq avzov avx' aDxoD

Manasseh his son] instead of him.

33 jfc

1+ vioq cov 8sKa5i3o sxcbv Mavaaafjc; sv

[ [was] a son being twelve years [old] Manasseh] in

xco PaaiXsDsiv ai)xov Kai 7isvxr|Kovxa7i;svxs sxrj

his taking reign, and fifty-five years

sPaodsDosv sv IspouaaAx||i 2 + Kai 87rovr|G£

he reigned in Jerusalem. And he acted

xo 7iovr|p6v 8vcb7riov KDpioi) Kaxd 7idvxa xa

wickedly before [the] LORD according to all the

P8e)a)y|iaxa xcov 80vcbv cov s^fjpe Kupioq arco

abominations of the nations which [the] LORD removed from

7rpoacb7roi) xcov mcbv IapafjX 3+ Kai S7rsaxps\|/e Kai

in front of the sons of Israel. And he returned and

coko86|it|08 xa D\j/r|Xd a Kaxsa7iaasv E^eKiac;

built the high [places] which [ tore down Hezekiah

o 7iaxfjp avToi) Kai eaxrjae 0Daiaoxf|pia xoic; BaaXeiji

his father]. And he set up altars to the Baals,

Kai S7io(r|asv aXar\ Kai 7ipoasKDvr|as 7idar| xrj

and he made sacred groves, and he did obeisance to all the

axpaxid xod ODpavoD Kai sScyoXsDasv aDxofc; 4 + Kai

military of the heaven, and he served to them. And

coko56|it|08 0i)aiaaxfjpia sv oikco kdpiod ev co

he built altars in [the] house of [the] LORD, in which


33 3fr

8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

81718 icupioq sv IspoDaaAxjji saxai to ovojid jiod sic;

[the] LORD said, [ in Jerusalem will be My name] into

xov aicbva 5 + Kai coKo86|ir|as 0Daiaaxf|pia 7idar| xr|

the eon. And he built altars to all the

axpaxid tod ODpavoD sv xaic; 8dctiv avXaiq oikod

military of the heaven in the two courtyards of the house

Ki)p(oi) 6 + Kai avToq 8if|ys xa xsKva aDxoD sv 7iDpi

of [the] LORD. And he led his children in fire

sv yr| Bsvsvcbji Kai skAt|8ovi^sxo Kai

in [the] ground of [the] Son of Hinnom. And he prognosticated, and

oicovi^sxo Kai scpapjiaKSDSxo Kai S7iovr|asv

foretold, and administered potions, and established

syyaaxpi|x60ODc; Kai S7iaoi8oDc; Kai S7tAt|0dvs

ones who deliver oracles, and enchanters. And he multiplied

xod 7roifjaai xo 7iovr|p6v svcb7iiov kdpiod

to act wickedly before [the] LORD,

xod 7iapopy(aai auxov ? + Kai s0t|ks xo yA,D7ix6v Kai xo

to provoke him to anger. And he put the carved and the

%covsdxov siKova rjv S7ioir|asv sv xco oikco 0sod sv

molten image, which he made, in the house of God, in

co si7TS 0s6c; 7rpoc; Aam8 Kai 7ipoc; SoA,ojicbvxa

which God said to David and to Solomon

xov diov aDxoD sv xco oikco xodxco Kai sv IspoDaaAxjji

his son, In this house, and in Jerusalem,

Tjv s^sXs^d|ir|v sk 7iaacbv cpuXcbv IopafjX 0fjaco

which I chose from out of all [the] tribes of Israel, I will put

xo ovojid jioi) sksi sic; xov aicbva s+ Kai od 7rpoa0fjaco

my name there into the eon; and I shall not proceed

xod aaXsDaai xov 7i68a IapafjX arco xrjc; yrjc; r\q

to shake the foot of Israel from the land of which

sScora xoic; 7iaxpdaiv aDxcbv nhr[v sdv cpD^daacovxai

I gave [to] their fathers, if only they guard

xod 7roifjaai 7idvxa a svsxsiAxx|xqv avxoiq Kaxd

to do all [things] which I gave charge to them, according to

7idvxa xov vojiov Kai xa 7ipooxdy|iaxa Kai xa

all the law, and the orders, and the

Kpijiaxa sv X^ipi McoDafj 9 + Kai

judgments [given] by [the] hand of Moses. And

S7iA,dvr|as Mavaaafjc; xov IoD8av Kai xodc;

Manasseh misled Judah and the

KaxoiKODVxaq sv IspoDaaAr||i xod 7roif|Gai xo 7iovr|p6v

ones dwelling in Jerusalem, to act wickedly

D7isp 7idvxa xa s0vr| a s^fjps Kopioc; arco 7rpoacb7ioD

above all the nations which [the] LORD removed from in front


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xcov mcbv IapafjA, 10+ Kai eXdAxjas Kopioc; jisxd

of the sons of Israel. And [the] LORD spoke with

Mavaoafj Kai em xov Xaov avzov Kai odk fjKODaav

Manasseh, and unto his people, and they did not listen.

11+ Kai fjyaye Kopioc; S7i' aDxotic; xodc; dp%ovxac; xrjc;

And [the] LORD led upon them the rulers of the

SDvdjiecoc; xod PaaiAiooc; Aaaotip Kai KaxeAxxPov

force of the king of Assyria. And they overtook

xov Mavaaafj sv Seajiofc; Kai eSrjaav aDxov sv

Manasseh in bonds, and they tied him in

7rs8aic; Kai fjyayov aDxov sic; BafivXcbva n+ Kai coq

shackles, and they led him into Babylon. And as

s0Aipr| e^fjxrjae xo 7ip6aco7rov KopioD

he was afflicted, he sought the face of [the] LORD

xod 0sod avTOV Kai exa7i£ivcb0r| acp65pa anb

his God, and was humbled exceedingly from

7ipoaco7roD xod 0sod 7iax8pcov aDxoD 13 + Kai

in front of the God of his fathers. And

7ipoar|D^axo 7ipoc; aDxov Kai S7if|KODa£v aDxoD Kai

he prayed to him, and he heeded him, and

£7rfjKODae xrjc; pofjc; aDxoD Kai S7ieaxps\j/£v aDxov sic;

he heeded his yelling, and he returned him unto

IspoDaaAxj|i S7ri xrjv PaaiXeiav aDxoD Kai

Jerusalem over his kingdom. And

syvoo Mavaaafjc; 6x1 KDpioq aDxoq eaxi o 0s6c; 14 + Kai

Manasseh knew that [the] LORD ~ he is God. And

jiexd xaDxa CDKo56|ir|ae xei%oc; e^oo xrjc; nokzcoq

after these [things], he built a wall outside the city

AaDi5 a7io Xifioq xod Rcbv sv xco %£i|idpp&lt;jo

of David, from [the] southwest of Gihon, by the rushing stream


going forth by the [ gate fishing] — a circuit to the

OcpsX Kai D\j/coas aDxfjv acp68pa Kai Kaxsaxrjasv

Ophel, and he raised it high exceedingly. And he placed

dpxovxaq 8Dvd|iecDc; sv 7idaaic; xaic; 7i6A,eai

rulers of [the] force in all the [ cities

xaiq xei%f|psaiv sv IoD8a 15 + Kai mpizikz xodc; dsovq

walled] in Judah. And he removed the gods

xodc; aAloxpioDc; Kai xo yA,D7ix6v s£, oikod

of the aliens, and the carved [image] from out of [the] house

KDpioD Kai 7idvxa xa 0Daiaaxfjpia a CDKo86|ir|asv

of [the] LORD, and all the altars which he built


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14-2 Chronicles

sv opsi oikod Ki)p(oi) Kai sv IspoDaaAxjji Kai

on [the] mountain of [the] house of [the] LORD, and in Jerusalem; and

s^spa^sv s^co Tr\q 7i6Xscoc; i6+ Kai KaTcbpGcoas to

he cast [them] outside the city. And he set up the

0Daia&lt;xcf|piov KopioD Kai s0Do(aasv S7i' aDTcb

altar of [the] LORD, and he sacrificed upon it

dvaiaq acorrjpioD Kai aivsascoc; Kai si7is too Ioi)8a

a sacrifice of deliverance [offering] and a praise [offering], and he told Judah

tod 8odA,sdsiv Kopico too Gscb IapafjA, n+ Tihr\v sti o

to serve [to the] LORD, to the God of Israel. Only still the

Xaoq 87i( xcov D\j/r|A,cbv s0Daia££ 7rAx|v Kopico

people [ upon the high [places] sacrificed], except [to the] LORD

Gscb aDxcbv i8+ Kai to A,ourd tcov Xoycov Mavaaafj

their God. And the rest of the words of Manasseh,

Kai T| 7rpoasi)xfj avzov rj npoq tov 0s6v Kai Xoyoi tcov

and his prayer to God, and [the] words of the

opcbvTCOv tcov XaAxjovTCOv 7rpoq avTOV S7i' ovojiaTi

seers, of the ones speaking to him in [the] name

Kopioi) tod 0sod IapafjX i8od 87i( A,6ycov

of [the] LORD God of Israel, behold, [they are] upon [the] words

PaaiXscov IapafjA, 19+ Kai r| 7ipoasD%fj aDTOD Kai coc;

of the kings of Israel. And his prayer, and as

£7rfjKoua£v clvtov Kai 7idaai ai ajiapTiai avzov Kai

[God] heeded him, and all his sins, and

ai a7ioaTaa(ai aDTOD Kai 01 to7toi stp' oiq

his defections, and the places upon which

coKo56|ir|a8v sv aDTOic; Ta d\j/t|Axx Kai sarrjasv sksi

he built on them the high [places], and established there

aXar\ Kai yA,D7iTd 7ipo tod S7naTps\j/ai i5od

sacred groves, and carved [images], before he returned, behold,

ysypa7iTai S7ri tcov A,6ycov tcov opcbvTCOv 20+ Kai

they are written by the words of the seers. And

SKoi|if|0r| Mavaaafjc; jiSTd tcov 7iaTSpcov aDTOD Kai

Manasseh slept with his fathers, and

s0a\j/av aDTOV sv 7rapa8s(oco oikod aDTOD Kai

they entombed him in [the] garden of his house. And

sPaoiXsDasv Ajicov vioq aDTOD avT' aDTOD 21+ moq

[ reigned Amon his son] instead of him. [ [was] a son

cov siKoai Kai 8do stcov Ajicov sv

being twenty and two years [old] Amon] in

too Paai^sDsiv aDTOV Kai 8do sttj sPaai^sDasv sv

his taking reign, and two years he reigned in


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14-2 Chronicles

IspoDaaAxjji 22+ Kai S7iovr|as to 7iovr|p6v svob7nov

Jerusalem. And he did the wicked [thing] before

KDpioi) Kadcbq £7iovr|as Movoaar\q o 7iaTf|p avzov koi

[the] LORD as did Manasseh his father. And

7idai tok; siSobAxnc; oiq S7io(r|as Mavaaafjc;

to all the idols which [ made Manasseh

0 7iaTfjp olvtov sGdsv Ajiobv Kai s5odXsdcjsv OVTO\q 23 +

his father], Amon sacrificed and served to them.

Kai odk STa7isivcb9r| svob7riov KDpioD ooc; 8Ta7T8lVCb9r|

And he was not humbled before [the] LORD as [ was humbled

Mavaaafjc; o 7iaTfjp olvtov 6ti vioq olvtov Ajiobv

Manasseh his father]; for his son Amon

S7tAx|0dvs 7iAr||i|isA,£iav 2 4+ Kai stcsGsvto aDTob

multiplied in trespassing. And [ attacked him

01 7iai8sc; ovtov Kai S7idTa^av ovtov sv oikgo ovtov 25 +

his servants], and struck him in his house.

Kai S7rdTa^sv o Xooq Tr\q yr\q Tovq S7u6s|isvodc; S7ii

But [ struck the people of the land] the ones attacking against

xov PaaiAia Ajiobv Kai sfioaiXsvazv o Xooq Tr\q yr\q

king Amon. And [ gave reign to the people of the land]

xov Iooaiav diov aDTOD avT' ovtov

Josiah his son instead of him.

34 7b
1+ vioq gov OKxob sxcbv Iooaiac; sv

[ [was] a son being eight years [old] Josiah] in

too PaaiXstisiv ovtov koi xpidKovxa Kai sv sxoq

his taking reign, and thirty and one year

sPaoiXsDasv sv IspouaaAx||i 2 + Kai S7io(r|os to

he reigned in Jerusalem. And he did the

sdGsc; svcb7riov KDpioD Kai S7iopsD0r| sv 0801c;

upright [thing] before [the] LORD, and he went in [the] ways

Aovid tod 7iaTp6c; ovtov koi odk s^skAivs 8s^idv

of David his father, and he did not turn aside right

Kai apiaTspdv 3+ Kai sv too 078600 stsi

[nor] left. And in the eighth year

Tr\q PaaiXsiaq aDTOD Kai ovToq sti 7iai8dpiov fjp^aTO

of his kingdom (and he was still a boy) he began

TOD ^TjTfjOai KDpiOV TOV 0SOV AaDl8 TOD 7iaTp6(; aDTOD

to seek [the] LORD God of David his father.

Kai sv too 8oo8sKdTOO stsi Tr\q PaaiXsiaq aDTOD fjp^aTO

And in the twelfth year of his kingdom he began


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14-2 Chronicles

tod KaGapiaai Ioi)8av Kai xrjv IspoDaaArjji arco xcov

to cleanse Judah and Jerusalem of the

D\j/r|A,cbv Kai xcov dAxrscov Kai xcov Pcojicbv Kai xcov

high [places], and of the sacred groves, and of the shrines, and of the

yA,D7ixcbv Kai xcov xgdvsdxcov 4+ Kai KaxsaKays xa

carved [images], and of the molten [images]. And he razed the [things]

Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov aDxoD 6i)aiaaxf|pia xa xoo Baa^siji

before his face ~ altars, the ones to the Baals;

Kai xa v\\fr(ka xa S7i' aDxcbv Kai s^sko\j/s xa

and the high [places], the ones above them. And he cut down the

aXar\ Kai xa yA,D7ixd Kai xa %covsDxd aDvsxpuj/s

sacred groves, and the carved [images]. And the molten [images] he broke

Kai sA,S7TXDVS Kai Sppi\j/SV 8711 7rp6a&lt;D7iov xcov

and [ground] fine, and tossed [their dust] upon [the] face of the

|ivr||idxcov xcov 6i)aia^6vxcov aDxofc; 5 + Kai oaxd

tombs of the ones sacrificing to them. And [the] bones

ispscov KaxeKaDasv 87ii xa 9i)aiaaxfjpia ai)xcbv Kai

of [the] priests he incinerated upon their altars, and

SKaGdpias xov Icr68av Kai xrjv IspoDaaAx||i 6 + Kai sv

he cleansed Judah and Jerusalem, and among

7i6Xsai Mavaaafj Kai Ecppaiji Kai 2/D|iscbv Kai

[the] cities of Manasseh, and Ephraim, and Simeon, and

NscpGaAi Kai xoic; xottok; aDxcbv kdk^co ? + Kai

Naphtali, and the places round about them. And

Kaxsa7iaas xa 9i)aiaaxf|pia Kai xa dXarj Kai xa

he tore down the altars, and the sacred groves; and the

s(8coXa Kax8K0\j/s Xs7ixd Kai rcdvxa xa d\j/t|Axx

idols he cut in fine pieces, and all the high [places]

KaxsKoysv arco 7idar|c; xrjc; yr\q IapafjA, Kai

he cut in pieces from all the land of Israel, and

a7isaxps\j/sv sic; IspoDaaATjji 8 + Kai sv xco

he returned to Jerusalem. And in the

OKxcoKai8sKdxco sxsi xrjc; PaaiXsiaq aDxoD 6xs sksXsdcts

eighteenth year of his kingdom, when he urged

xod KaGapioai xrjv yrjv Kai xov oikov a7isaxsiA,s

[ to be cleansed the land and the house], he sent

xov Sacpdv diov EasAioD Kai xov Maaaiav dp%ovxa

Shaphan son of Azaliah, and Maaseiah ruler

xrjc; 7r6A,scoc; Kai xov Icq a diov I&lt;jod%a^ xov

of the city, and Joah son of Joahaz the

D7io|ivr||iaxoypd(pov xod Kpaxaicbaai xov oikov KopioD

recorder, to fortify the house of [the] LORD


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14-2 Chronicles

tod 0sod aDTOD 9 + Kai x\kdov npoq XsAxiav xov ispsa

his God. And they came to Helkiah the [ priest

xov jisyav Kai sScorav to apytipiov to siasvs%6sv

great], and they gave the money [that was] carried

sic; oikov 6sod o aDvfjyayov 01 AsDvcai

into [the] house of God, which [ gathered the Levites

01 (puXaaaovTSc; tt|v 7r6Ar|v sk xzipoq Mavaaafj Kai

guarding the gate] by [the] hand of Manasseh and

Ecppaiji Kai tcov ap%6vTC0v Kai arco rcavTOc;

Ephraim, and of the rulers, and of all

KaTaXoi7roi) ev IapafjX Kai sk rcavTOc; Ioi)5a Kai

[the] rest in Israel, and of all Judah and

Beviajjiv Kai tcov oikodvtcov sv IspoDoaArjji 10+ Kai

Benjamin, and of the ones living in Jerusalem. And

s5coKav ai)TO S7U %s(pa tcov 7toiodvtcov Ta spya

they put it into [the] hand of the ones doing the works,

tcov KaGsaTajisvcov sv oikco KopioD Kai s8coKav

of the ones placed in [the] house of [the] LORD. And they gave

avid Toiq 7roioDoi Ta spya sv oikco KopioD

it to the ones doing the works in [the] house of [the] LORD

tod S7riaKsi)daai Kai KaTia%Daai tov oikov n+ Kai

to repair and to strengthen the house. And

sScorav Toiq tsktooi Kai toic; oiko56jioic; ayopdaai

they gave [it] to the fabricators and to the builders to buy

AiGoDc; TSTpa7rs8oDc; Kai ^vXa sic; 8okodc; aTsydaai

[ stones quadrangular], and wood for beams to roof

todc; oikodc; odc; s^coX60psDaav PaaiXsic; IoD8a 12 +

the houses which [ utterly destroyed [the] kings of Judah].

Kai 01 dvSpsq S7T010DV SV 7l(aTSl 01 S7U TCOV

And the men were doing in trust the [things] over the

spycov Kai S7i' aDTcbv S7i(aK07ioi Ka0s&lt;xcd|isvoi IdsG

works. And over them overseers were established — Jahath

Kai ADSiac; 01 AsDvcai s^ dicov Mspapi Kai

and Obadiah the Levites, of [the] sons of Merari; and

Za%ap(ac; Kai Msaa^dji sk tcov dicov Kad6

Zechariah and Meshullam, of the sons of Kohath —

S7TiaK07rs(v Kai naq AsDiTTjq Kai naq ctdvicov sv

to oversee; and all [other] Levites, and all perceiving [to play] with

opydvoiq co8cov 13+ Kai sm tcov vcoTOcpopcov Kai

instruments of odes, and over the load carriers, and

S7iiaTdTai S7U 7idvTC0v tcov 7roioDVTC0v Ta spya

knowers concerning all of the ones doing the works

sic; spyaaiav Kai arco tcov Asditcov ypajijiaTSic; Kai

in effort; and [others] of the Levites — scribes and


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Kpixai Kai 7TDAxjopoi 14 + Kai sv too SKcpspsiv aDTODC; TO

judges and gatekeepers. And in their bringing forth the

apyopiov to eiao5iaa0sv siq tov oikov KopioD etips

money coming in as income into the house of [the] LORD, [ found

Xshdaq o lepetic; to PipAiov tod vojiod KopioD

Helkiah the priest] the scroll of the law of [the] LORD,

tov 5id xzipoq McoDafj is + Kai a7T8Kpi6r| Xshdaq Kai

the one by [the] hand of Moses. And Helkiah responded and

81718 7ipoc; Sacpdv tov ypajijiaTea PipAiov vojiod

said to Shaphan the scribe, [ [the] scroll of [the] law

stipov sv tcd oikco KopioD Kai e8coKe Xzhdaq TO

I found] in the house of [the] LORD. And Helkiah gave the

PiPAiov too Eacpdv i 6 + Kai 8iafjveyK8 Sacpdv to PipAiov

scroll to Shaphan. And Shaphan carried the scroll

7ipoc; tov PaoiAia Kai a7is8coKsv 8ti tcd PaaiXsi

to the king, and he gave yet to the king

Xoyov Aiycov 7iav to apytipiov a7T£866r| sv %eip(

a word, saying, All the money was rendered into [the] hand

tcdv 7ia(5cov aoi) tcov 7toiodvtcov to spyov n + Kai

of your servants of the ones doing the work. And

sxcbvsDaav to apytipiov to SDps0sv sv oikco KopioD

they cast in a furnace the silver found in [the] house of [the] LORD,

Kai s5coKav em %e(pa tcov S7riaK67rcov Kai S7i( %e(pa

and they put [it] into [the] hand of the overseers, and into [the] hand

tcov 7roiowccov TTjv epyacriav i 8 + Kai a7ifiyysiXs Sacpdv

of the ones doing the work. And [ reported Shaphan

o ypajijiaTSDc; tco Paai^ei Xeycov PipAiov s8cok£ |ioi

the scribe] to the king, saying, [ a scroll gave to me

Xzhdaq o ispstic; Kai avsyvco avzo Sacpdv svcb7iiov

Helkiah the priest]. And [ read it Shaphan] before

tod PaaiAicoc; 19+ Kai eysvsTO coc; fjKODaev o

the king. And it came to pass as [ heard the

fiaoiksvq Tovq Xoyovq tod vojiod Kai Siepprj^e

king] the words of the law, that he tore

Ta ijidTia ai)TOD 20 + Kai eveTSiAmo o PaoiXeDc; tco

his garments. And [ gave charge the king] [to]

Xshda Kai tco A%iKd|i dico Sacpdv Kai tco ApScov

Helkiah, and to Ahikam son of Shaphan, and to Abdon

mco Mvxa(oi) Kai tco Sacpdv tco ypajijiaTSi Kai tco

son ofMicah, and [to] Shaphan the scribe, and [to]

Aaaia 7iai5i tod PaoiXscoc; Aiycov 21+ 7ropsD6r|TS

Asaiah servant of the king, saying, Go,


34 lb
ev tootco + viKa

14-2 Chronicles

^rjifjaaTS Kupiov 7csp( sjiod Kai 7cspi navToq tod

seek [the] LORD for me, and for all the

KaTaXsupBsvTOc; sv IapafjA, Kai k&gt;D8a 7ispi tcov

ones left in Israel and Judah, concerning the

Xoycov tod PipAioD tod SDpsGsvToq 6ti jisyac; o

words of the scroll of the one being found! for great [is] the

Gdjioc; KDpiOD oq skkskocdtoci sv rjjiiv 5i6ti odk

rage of [the] LORD which burns away against us, because [ did not

eiafjKODoav 01 7caTspsc; rjjicbv tcdv Xoyov KDpiOD

listen our fathers] [concerning] the word of [the] LORD,

tod 7roifjaai Korea 7idvTa Ta ysypajijisva sv

to do according to all the [things] being written in

too PipXico todtco 22 + Kai S7copsD0r| XsAxiac; Kai oiq

this scroll. And Helkiah went, and [the ones] who

S17T8V o paai^sDc; itpoq OXSav tt|v 7cpocpfjTiv yDvaiKa

told the king, to Huldah the prophetess, wife

£sAAt||i diod 08KCO8 DioD Aasp tod ijiaTiocpD^aKoq

ofShallum, son ofTikvath, son ofHazrah the keeper of the cloaks;

Kai aDTTj KaTCOKsi sv IspoDaaAxjji ev jiaaavai Kai

and she dwelt in Jerusalem in [the] second section. And

eAxxAxjaav aDTfj KaTd TaDTa 23+ Kai 8i7i8v aDTofc;

they spoke to her according to these [things]. And she said to them,

odtcgc; 81718 KDpioq o dsoq lapar\k 8i7iaT8 tcd av5p(

Thus said [the] LORD God of Israel, Say to the man,

too a7roaT8iA,avTi Djidc; npoq (is 24+ odtcoc; Aiysi

to the one sending you to me, Thus says

KDpioq i8od syco S7rdyco Kara S7U tov to7tov todtov

[the] LORD, Behold, I bring evils upon this place,

Kai 87i( todc; KaTOiKODVTaq sv aDTcb todc; 7cdvTac;

and upon the ones dwelling in it, of all the

Xoyovq Tovq ysypajijisvoDc; sv tcd PipAico

words being written in the scroll

tco avsyvcoajisvco svavnov tod PaaiXscoq IoD5a 25 +

being read before the king of Judah.

av0' cov syKaTsXurov (is Kai sGDjiiaaav Gsoiq

Because they abandoned me, and burnt incense [ gods

aAAxrcpioic; iva 7capopy(acoai (is sv 7cdoi toic; spyoic;

to alien], that they should provoke me to anger by all the works

tcov xsipcbv aDTcbv Kai s^sKaDGrj o 6d jioc; jiod sv

of their hands. And [ was burned my rage] against

TCO TO7CC0 TODTCO Kai OD aPsaBfjCJSTai 26+ Kai S7U

this place, and it will not be extinguished. And concerning


34 lb


14-2 Chronicles

PaaiXsa Ioi35a xov a7ioaxs(A,avxa Djidc; tod ^rjxfjaai

[the] king of Judah, the one sending you to seek

xov rcopiov odxcoc; spsixs 7ipoc; auxov otixcoc; Xsysi

the LORD, Thus shall you say to him, Thus says

Kopioc; o 6s6c; IapafjX xodc; XoyoDc; odc; fjKODaac; 27 +

[the] LORD God of Israel, Of the words which you heard,

Kai £V£Tp&amp;7rr| r| Kap5(a gov Kai sxa7rsivcb6r|

and [because] [ feels shame your heart], and you humbled [yourself]

goto 7ipoacb7roD jiod sv xco araoaai as xodc; Xoyovq jiod

in front of me in your hearing my words


against this place, and against the ones dwelling in

avTOV Kai sxa7isivcb0r|c; svavxiov jiod Kai 8isppr|^ac;

it; and you were humbled before me, and tore

xa ijidxid aoD Kai SK^aDaac; svavxiov jiod Kai sycb

your garments, and wept before me; even I

fjKODaa cprjai Kopioc; 2 s + i8od 7rpoaxi0r||ii as 7ipoc;

heard, says [the] LORD. Behold, I add you to

xodc; rcaxspac; gov Kai 7rpoa6fjar| npoq xa xdcpoDc; gov

your fathers, and you shall be added to your grave

sv sipfjvrj Kai odk 6\j/ovxai 01 ocpGa^jioi gov rcdvxa xa

in peace. And [ shall not see your eyes] all the

Kara a sycb S7idyco S7U xov xorcov xodxov Kai S7U

evils which I bring upon this place, and upon

xodc; KaxoiKowxaq avzov Kai a7rs8coKav xco PaaiXsi

the ones dwelling it. And they brought back [ to the king

Xoyov 29+ Kai arcsaxsiXsv o fiaGikzvq Kai auvfjyays

[the] word]. And [ sent the king] and brought together

xodc; 7rpsaPi)xspoDc; Ioi35a Kai IspoDaaArjji 3 o+ Kai

the elders of Judah and Jerusalem. And

avsprj o fiaGiksvq sic; oikov KopioD Kai 7iac; lovba

[ ascended the king] into [the] house of [the] LORD, and all Judah,

Kai oi KaxoiKowxsq IspoDaaArjji Kai 01 ispsiq Kai 01

and the ones dwelling in Jerusalem, and the priests, and the

AsDixai Kai rcac; o Xaoq arco jiiKpoD scoq jisydAx)D

Levites, and all the people from small unto great.

Kai avsyvco sv coaiv auxcbv rcdvxac; xodc; Xoyovq tov

And he read in their ears all the words of the

PiPAioi) xrjc; SiaGfjKqc; xod SDpsGsvxoc; sv oikco

scroll of the covenant being found in [the] house

Kopfcyo 31+ Kai saxrj o PaaiXstic; S7ri xov axD^ov Kai

of [the] LORD. And [ stood the king] upon the column, and



8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

8is6sto 8ia0f|Kr|v svavriov KopioD tod 7iopsD0f|vai

he ordained a covenant before [the] LORD, to go

svcb7riov KDpioi) tod cpDldaasiv TQLq svToXdc; aDTOD Kai

before [the] LORD, to guard his commandments, and

Ta jiapTopia aDTOD Kai Ta 7ipoaTdy|iaTa oidtod ev 6h\

his testimonies, and his orders, with [the] entire

Kap8(a Kai sv 6hr\ coctts 7iois(v todc; Xoyovq

heart, and with [the] entire soul, so as to observe the words

Tr\q 5ia0fjKr|c; todc; ysypajijisvoDc; S7U tco PipAico todtco

of the covenant having been written upon this scroll.

32+ Kai sarqas rcavTac; todc; SDpsGsVcac; sv

And he established all the ones being found in

IspoDaaAxjji Kai sv IoD5a Kai Bsviajiiv Kai S7iovr|aav

Jerusalem, and in Judah, and Benjamin. And [ did

oi KaTOiKODVTsq sv IspoDaaAxjji KaTa tt|v 8ia9fiKr|v

the ones dwelling in Jerusalem] according to the covenant

KDpioD 0sod 7iaTspcov aDTcbv 33 + Kai 7ispis(A,sv Icoaiac;

of [the] LORD God of their fathers. And Josiah removed

7idvTa Ta pSsAtiyjiaTa sk 7idar|c; ttjc; yrjc; r| rjv

all the abominations from out of all the land, which was

tcov Dicbv IapafjA, Kai S7iovr|as rcavTac; todc;

of the sons of Israel. And he made all the ones

SDps9svTaq sv IspoDaaAxj|i Kai sv IapafjX

being found in Jerusalem and in Israel

tod 8odA,sdsiv Kopioo tco 6sco aDTcbv Tidaac;

serve [to the] LORD their God all

Tac; ruispaq aDTOD odk s^skAivsv anb 67iia6sv

his days. He did not turn aside from [following] after


[the] LORD God of his fathers.


1+ Kai S7ioir|asv Icoaiac; to cpaasK sv IspoDoaAx||i tco

And Josiah observed the passover in Jerusalem to the

KDpico 6sco aDTOD Kai s0dcjs to cpaosK TTJ

LORD his God. And he sacrificed the passover on the

TsaaapsaKai8sKdTT| tod jirjvoc; tod 7ipcbT0D 2 + Kai

fourteenth of the [month first]. And

sarrjas todc; ispsic; S7U Tac; cpD^aKdc; aDTcbv Kai

he stationed the priests at their watches, and

KaTia%Dasv aDTODc; sic; Ta spya oikod KopioD 3 +

he strengthened them for the works of [the] house of [the] LORD.



8V TOUT© + VtKd

14-2 Chronicles

Kai 81718 tok; AsDvcaic; tok; 8Dvaxoi(; sv 7iavTi

And he spoke to the Levites, to the mighty ones in all

IopafjX tod ayiaoGfjvai avzovq too KDpico Kai

Israel, to sanctify themselves to the LORD, and


to put the [ ark holy] in [the] house of [the] LORD.

Kai sGrjKav tt|v kiPcotov tt|v ayiav sic; tov oikov ov

And they put the [ ark holy] in the house which

&lt;DKo56|xr|as SoXojicbv vioq AaviS tod PaaiAicoc;

[built Solomon son of David the king

IapafjA, Kai si7isv o PaaiA,SD&lt;; odk scjtiv djjav dpai

of Israel]. And [said the king], It is not for you to lift


[upon [your] shoulders anything]. Now then, you officiate to the LORD

too 0scb djicov Kai tco Xaco aDTOD IapafjX 4 + Kai

your God, and [to] his people Israel! And

STOi|ida0r|TS KaT' oikodc; 7iaTpicbv djicov Kai KaTa

be prepared according to [the] houses of your families, and according to

zaq scprjiispiac; Djicbv KaTa tt|v ypacpfjv AaDi8

your daily rotations, according to the writing of David

PaaiXscoq IapafjX Kai 5id %sipoc; IIo^ojicovtoc;

king of Israel, and by [the] hand of Solomon

diod aDTOD 5 + Kai aTfjTS sv tco oiKco KaTa Tag

his son! And stand in the house according to the

5iaipsasiq oikcov 7iaTpicbv djicov toic; a5sAxpok; Djicov

divisions of [the] houses of your families, of your brethren,

vioiq tod A,aoD Kai jispfc; oikod 7iaTpidc; toic;

[the] sons of the people, and [the] portion of the house of [the] family to the

AsDiTaiq 6+ Kai 0DaaTS to cpaasK Kai Ta dyia

Levites! And sacrifice the passover, and [ the holy [things]

STOijidaaTS toic; a8sAxpok; djicov tod 7ioif|aai KaTa

prepare] for your brethren! to observe according to

tov Xoyov KDpiOD tod 5id xsipoq McoDafj 7 + Kai

the word of [the] LORD by [the] hand of Moses. And

a7rfjp^aTO Icoaiac; toic; vioiq tod Xaov 7ip6paTa Kai

Josiah dedicated [for] the sons of the people ~ sheep, and

ajivoDc; Kai spicpoDc; arco tcov dicov tcov aiycbv 7idvTa

lambs, and kids from the sons of the goats, all

sic; to cpaasK 7iavTi tco SDpsBsVcac; sic; apiG |iov

for the passover, to everyone being found — in number

TpidKovTa %ikiadaq Kai |ioo%cov Tpsic; %iAid5ac; TaDTa

thirty thousand, and [ calves three thousand]. These [were]



8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles
a7io zr\q D7i&amp;p§e&lt;joc; tod PaaiAiooc; 8 + Kai

of the substance of the king. And

01 dpxovxsc; olvtov a7ifjp^avT0 too Xacb Kai toic;

his rulers dedicated to the people, and to the

ispsDai Kai toic; Asmxaic; Kai Xshdaq Kai Zaxapiac;

priests, and to the Levites; and Helkiah and Zechariah

Kai IeifjA, oi dpxovxsq oikod tod 0sod s8&lt;£Kav toic;

and Jeiel the rulers of [the] house of God gave to the

ispsDaiv sic; to cpaasK 7ip6paTa Kai ajivoDc; Kai

priests for the passover ~ sheeps and lambs and

spicpoDc; 8iaxiAia Kai s^aKoaia Kai [ioa%ovq

kids — two thousand and six hundred, and [ calves

TpiaKocrioDc; 9+ Kai Xcovsviaq Kai Zajisac; Kai

three hundred]. And Conaniah, and Shemaiah, and

NaGavafjX a8sAxpoc; olvtov Kai Aaapiac; Kai IsifjA, Kai

Nethaneel his brother, and Hashabiah, and Jehiel, and

Ico^apdS dp%ovT£c; tcov Asditcov a7if|p^avT0 toic;

Jozabad, rulers of the Levites, dedicated to the

AsDiTaiq sic; to cpaasK 7ip6paTa 7isvTaKiaxiA,ia Kai

Levites for the passover ~ [ sheep five thousand], and

[ioa%ovq 7isvTaKoa(oDc; io+ Kai KaTCopGcbGrj r|

[calves five hundred]. And [was set up the

XsiTODpyia Kai sarrjaav oi ispsk; S7ri

ministration], and [ stood the priests] at

ttjv aTdaiv aDTcbv Kai oi AsDvcai S7i(

their station, and the Levites in

Tac; Siaipsasic; aDTcbv KaTd tt|v svtoAx|v tod

their divisions, according to the commandment of the

PaoiXsooc; n+ Kai s0Daav to cpaasK Kai 7ipoas%sov oi

king. And they sacrificed the passover. And [ poured the

ispsic; to aijia sk X^poq aDTcbv Kai oi AsDirai

priests] the blood from out of their hand, and the Levites

s^sSsipav 12+ Kai rjTOijiaaav tt|v oXoKaDTcaaiv

flayed. And they prepared the whole burnt-offering,

7iapa5oDvai aDTok; KaTd tt|v Siaipsaiv KaT'

to deliver them according to the division, according to

oikodc; 7iaTpicbv toic; vioiq tod Xaov tod 7ipoasvsyKs(v

[the] houses of [the] families to the sons of the people, to offer

too KDpico cdc; ysypa7rcai sv PipAioo MooDafj Kai

to the LORD, as it is written in [the] book of Moses. And

odtcoc; sic; T07ipcoi n+ Kai cb7iTr|aav to cpaosK sv 7iDp(

so [it was] into the morning. And they roasted the passover in fire



8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

Kaxa xrjv Kpiaiv Kai xa ayia f|\j/r|aav sv xoic;

according to the ordinance. And the holy [pieces] they boiled in the

Xahczioiq Kai sv xoic; Aiprjai Kai SDCo5cb6r| Kai

brass cauldrons, and in the kettles. And [the] way prospered, and

s8pajiov 7ipoc; rcdvxac; xodc; viovq xod Xaov u+ Kai

they ran [it] to all the sons of the people. And

jisxd xodxo rjxoijiaaav saDxok; Kai xoic; ispstiaiv 6xi

after this they prepared for themselves, and for the priests (for

01 ispsic; dioi Aapcbv ev avacpopd xcov

the priests, [the] sons of Aaron, in offering of the

oXoKaDxcbjiaxcov Kai xcov axsdxcov scoc; vdkxoc; Kai oi

whole burnt-offerings and of the fat,) until night. And the

AsDixai rjxoijiaaav sauxofc; Kai xoic; a8sAxpok; aDxcbv

Levites prepared for themselves, and [for] their brethren

vioiq Aapcbv i 5 + Kai oi \j/aAxco8o( dioi Aadcp S7il

[the] sons of Aaron. And the psalm singers, [the] sons of Asaph were at

xrjc; axdascoc; aDxcbv Kaxa xac; svxoXdc; Aavid Aadcp

their station, according to the commands of David, [and] Asaph,

Kai Aijidv Kai I5i6oi3ja xcov 7ipocpr|xcbv xcov PaaiAicoc;

and Heman, and Jeduthun of the prophets of the king;

Kai oi dp%ovxsc; Kai oi 7n)Xcopoi 7ivXr\q Kai

and the rulers, and the gatekeepers, [were stationed] gate by

7ivhr\q oi)Kr|v auxofc; KivsiaBai arco

gate; it was not for them to move from

Tr\q XsixoDpyiac; auxcbv 6xi oi a8sAxpo( auxcbv oi AsDixai

their ministration, for their brethren the Levites

rjxoijiaaav aDxoic; i 6 + Kai Kaxcop6cb0r| 7idoa r|

prepared for them. And [ was set up all the

XsixoDpyia Kopiou sv xr| r||ispa SKsivrj xod 7ioif|aai

ministration [of the] LORD] in that day, to observe

xo cpaasK Kai svsyKsiv xa oA,OKaDxcb|iaxa S7ri xo

the passover, and to offer the whole burnt-offerings upon the

9i)aiaaxfjpiov KopioD Kaxa xrjv svxoArjv

altar of [the] LORD, according to the command

xod PaaiXscoq IcoaioD n+ Kai S7rovr|aav oi dioi IapafjA,

of king Josiah. And [observed the sons of Israel

oi SDpsGsvxsc; xo cpaasK sk xco Kaipcb sksivco Kai xrjv

being found [present]] the passover at that time, and the

sopxfjv xcov a^Djicov srcxd r||ispac; i 8 + Kai

holiday of the unleavened [breads] seven days. And

odk sysvsxo cpaasK ojioiov aDxcb sv IapafjX arco

there was not a passover likened to it in Israel from



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

T||ISpcbv Ha[lOVT\k TOD 7ipO(pfjTOD Kai TlQLVTSq fiOLGlkzlq

[the] days of Samuel the prophet; for all kings

IopafjX odk 87io(r|aav to cpaasK o S7rorr|aev Iooaiac;

of Israel did not do the passover which Josiah did,

Kai 01 lepefc; Kai oi AeDvcai Kai naq lovda Kai

and the priests, and the Levites, and all Judah and

IapafjA, oi £Dps9svTSc; Kai oi KaTOiKowcsc; sv

Israel, the ones being found, and the ones dwelling in

IspoDaaAxjji too Kopioo 19+ sv too oktookm^sk&amp;too stsi

Jerusalem, to the LORD. In the eighteenth year

Tr\q Pamleiac; IooaioD S7ioif|9r| to cpaaeK todto 20+ Kai

of the kingdom of Josiah [ was observed this passover]. And

jiSTd Tafoa 7idvTa a rjTOijiaasv Iooaiac; tov oikov

after all these things which Josiah prepared for the house,

avsprj cpapaob Ne%aob fiaaikzvq AiyD7iT0D S7U tov

[ ascended up Pharaoh Necho king of Egypt] against the

PaaiAia Aoaopfcov £7U tov 7iOTa|i6v EDcpparrj

king of [the] Assyrians at the river Euphrates,

tod 7roA£|ifjaai auTOV sv Xapxajisk; Kai S7ropeD6r|

to wage war against him at Carchemish. And [ went

fiaaiksvq Iooaiac; eic; aDvavrqaiv aDTob 21+ Kai

king Josiah] to meet against him. And

a7i8aTSiXs 7ipoc; avzov ayyskovq Aiyoov ti sjioi Kai

he sent to him messengers, saying, What [is it] to me and

aoi fiaaikzx) lovda odk em as fjKoo afjjispov

to you, Oking of Judah? [not against you I come] today

7roifjaai 7i6A,s|iov aXX r rj em tov totcov

to make war, but only against the place

TOD 7T0A,S|I0D |IOD Kai O 0SO(; 81718 TOD KaTao7i8Daa( |IS

of my war; and God told me to hasten.

7ipoa8%8 CTD aftO TOD 0SOD TOD |I8T' S|IOD |IT|

You take heed of the God, of the one with me, lest

KaTacpGsiprj as 22+ Kai odk a7ieaTpe\j/ev Iooaiac;

he ruin you. And [ did not turn Josiah]

to 7rp6aoo7iov aDTOD ait' avzov aXk' SKpaTaiobGrj

his face from him, but he fortified himself

tod 7ioA,s|i8iv aDTOV Kai odk fjKODas toov A,6yoov

to wage war against him. And he did not hearken concerning the words

cpapaob Nsxaob 8K aTOjiaTOc; Gsod Kai r\kds

of Pharaoh Necho by [the] mouth of God. And he came

tod 7ioA,s|if|aai sv too 7is5(oo Mays88obv 23 + Kai

to wage war in the plain of Megiddo. And

36 V?

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

14-2 Chronicles

STO^suaav 01 xo^oxai S7i( PaaiXsa Icoaiav Kai sircsv

[ shot the bowmen] unto king Josiah. And [ said

0 fiaaikzvq zoiq 7iaio(v avzov s^aydysTS |is oil

the king] [to] his servants, Lead me out! for

srcovsaa acp68pa 2 4+ Kai s^fjyayov auTOV

1 am in pain exceedingly. And [ led him

01 7ia(8sc; avzov arco tod dpjiaxoq Kai avspipaaav

his servants] from the chariot, and hauled


him upon the [ chariot second] which was his; and

fjyayov auTOV sic; IspouaaAx||i Kai arcsBavs Kai

they led him to Jerusalem, and he died, and

STdcprj jisTd tcov 7iaTspcov olvtov Kai naq lovda Kai

he was entombed with his fathers. And all Judah and

Iepoi)GaAxj|i 87isv6r|aav S7U Icoaiav 25+ Kai

Jerusalem mourned over Josiah. And

sGpfjvrjasv Ispsjiiac; sni Icoaiav Kai si7iov navTsq 01

Jeremiah lamented over Josiah. And [ spoke all the

dpxovTsq Kai ai dpxouaai 0pf|vov sm Icoaiav scoc;

rulers and the ones in control] a lamentation over Josiah [spoken] until

Tr\q afjjiepov Kai sScorav auTOV sic; 7ip6aTay|ia S7U

today. And they appointed it as an order unto

IapafjX Kai idov ysypa7rcai S7U tcov Bpfjvcov 26 + Kai

Israel, and behold, it is written in the lamentations. And

fjaav 01 AxDuroi Xoyoi Icoaioi) Kai rj sAmc; avzov

[ were the rest of [the] words of Josiah and his hope]

ysypajijisva sv vojico Kop(oi) 27+ Kai 01 Xoyoi avzov

being written in [the] law of [the] LORD. And his words,

01 7rpcbT0i Kai 01 sa%aTOi idov siai ysypajijisvoi stti

the first and the last, behold, they are written upon

3ipAioi) PaaiAicov IapafjA, Kai lovda

the] scroll of [the] kings of Israel and Judah.

36 lV

1 + Kai sXaPsv o Xaoq Tr\q yr\q tov Icodxa^ mov

And [ took the people of the land] Jehoahaz son

Icoa(oi) Kai 8%piaav avzov Kai KaTsarqaav avzov sic;

of Josiah, and they anointed him, and placed him as

PaaiAia avn tod nazpoq avzov sv IspoDaaAr||a 2 +

king instead of his father in Jerusalem.

vioq cov siKoai Kai Tpicbv stcov Icod%a^ sv

[ [was] a son being twenty and three years [old] Jehoahaz] in


36 f7 sv xoiJTCp + vdca 14 - 2 Chronicles

tod PaaiXstisiv auxov Kai xpijxrjvov spaaiXsuasv sv

his taking reign, and three months he reigned in

IspODaaAxjji 3 + Kai |isxsoxr|asv auxov o fiaaiksvq

Jerusalem. And [ removed him the king

AiyimxoD tod |ir| Paai^susiv auxov ev IepoDaaArjji Kai

of Egypt] to not give reign to him in Jerusalem, and

sepals cpopov S7Ti tt|v yrjv SKaxov xdAxxvxa

put a tribute upon the land of a hundred talents

apyopioi) Kai xd^avxov %pvaiov 4 + Kai Kaxsoxrjas

of silver, and a talent of gold. And [ placed

fiaaikvbq AiyimxoD xov EAaaKsiji mov Icoaioi) PaaiAia

[the] king of Egypt] Eliakim son ofJosiah [as] king

87i( lovda Kai lspovaakr\[i Kai |isxsoxps\j/s

over Judah and Jerusalem, and converted

to ovojia olvtov IcoaKsiji Kai xov IcGd%a^

his name to Jehoiakim. And [ Jehoahaz

a8sAxpov olvtov sAxxPs Oapacb Ns%acb Kai siafjyaysv

his brother took Pharaoh Necho], and brought

auxov sic; Aiyu7ixov 5 + moq gov sikooi Kai 7isvxs

him to Egypt. [ [was] a son being twenty and five

sxcbv IcoaKsiji sv too PaaiA^sDsiv auxov Kai sv8sra

years [old] Jehoiakim] in his taking reign. And eleven

stt] spacri^suasv sv IspouaaArjji Kai S7iovr|as

years he reigned in Jerusalem. And he acted

TO 7lOVT|p6v SVCb7llOV KDpiOU 6 + Kai aVSPrj S7l' aVTOV

wickedly before [the] LORD. And [ ascended against him

NaPoi)%o8ov6aop fiaaikzvq BafivXowoq Kai s5r|asv

Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon], and bound

auxov sv xakxaiq 7is8aic; Kai a7if|yaysv auxov sic;

him in brass shackles, and took him into

BafivXcbva ?+ Kai jispoc; xcov ctksucov oikou Kupiou

Babylon. And part of the items of [the] house of [the] LORD

a7ifjvsyKsv sic; BaPuAxbva Kai s9t|ksv auxd sv

he carried away unto Babylon, and he put them in

too vacb auxou sv BaPuAxbvi 8+ Kai xa Xomd xcov

his temple in Babylon. And the rest of the

Xoycov IcoaKsiji Kai 7idvxa a S7iovr|asv i8ou xauxa

words of Jehoiakim, and all which he did, behold, these

ysyparcxai sv PipAico A,6ycov xcov r||ispcbv xcov

are written in [the] scroll of [the] words of the days of the

PaaiAicov IapafjX Kai IouSa Kai spaai^suasv

kings of Israel and of Judah. And [reigned


36 f? ev tootco + vuca 14 - 2 Chronicles

Is^oviac; dioc; aDTOD avx' avTor* 9 + dioc; oktco

Jehoiachin his son] instead of him. [ [was] a son [being] eight

sxcbv Ie%oviac; sv tod Paoi^etieiv auxov Kai Tp(|ir|vov

years [old] Jehoiachin] in his taking reign. And three months

Kai Sera rjjiepac; sfiaaiksvazv sv IspoDaaAx||i Kai

and ten days he reigned in Jerusalem. And

S7T0ir|O8 TO 7lOVT|p6v SVC07riOV KDpiOD io+ Kai

he acted wickedly in the presence of [the] LORD. And

£7iiaTps(povTOc; tod sviaDTOD cutsotsiIsv o fiaaiksvq

at [the] turn of the year [ sent king

NaPoD^oSovoaop Kai eiafjyayev avzov eic; BafivXcbva

Nebuchadnezzar] and brought him unto Babylon,


with the [ items desirable] of [the] house of [the] LORD.

Kai ePaaiXsDas £e8eKiav aSeAxpov tod nazpoq avzov

And [ reigned Zedekiah [the] brother of his father]

87i( IoD8av Kai IspoDaaAx||i n+ stcov siKoai evoc;

over Judah and Jerusalem. [ years [old] twenty one

dioc; SsSsKiaq sv too PaaiXsDsiv aDTOV Kai

[was] a son [being] Zedekiah] in his taking reign, and

sv8eKa stt| ePaai^sDoev sv IepoDaaAr||i u+ Kai

eleven years he reigned in Jerusalem. And

£7rorr|a£ to 7iovr|p6v svcb7riov KDpiOD 08od aDTOD Kai

he did the wicked [thing] before [the] LORD his God. And

odk sv8Tpd7ir| anb 7ipoacb7roD IepejiioD tod

he did not feel shame from in front of Jeremiah the

7ipO(pf|TOD Kai 8K CJTOjiaTOC; KDpiOD 13+ SV TOO Ta

prophet, and from [the] mouth of [the] LORD, in the [ the [things]

7ipoc; tov PaaiAia NaPoD%o8ov6aop aBsTfjaai a

with king Nebuchadnezzar annulling], in which

cbpKioev aDTOV KaTa tod 08od Kai eaKlfjpDvs

he bound him by an oath according to God. And he hardened

tov TpdxrjXov aDTOD Kai ttjv Kap8(av aDTOD KaTia^Das

his neck, and [ his heart he strengthened]

tod |ir| 87iiaTps\j/ai 7ipoc; KDpiov 6e6v IapafjA, h+ Kai

to not return to [the] LORD God of Israel. And

7rdvT£c; 01 svSo^oi k&gt;D5a Kai 01 ispsfc; Kai o Xaoq

all the honorable [men] of Judah, and the priests, and the people

Tr\q yr\q £7rArj0Dvav tod aBsTfjaai a0£Tf||iaTa KaTa

of the land multiplied to disregard [good], [to do] wickedness according to

Ta pSsA^DyjiaTa sGvcbv Kai ejiiavav tov oikov

the abominations of [the] nations; and they defiled the house


36 l 1 ? ev tootco + vtica 14 - 2 Chronicles

Ki)p(oi) xov sv IspoDaaAxjji 15+ Kai s^ansaTEiks Kopiog

of [the] LORD in Jerusalem. And [ sent [the] LORD

o Bsoq xcov 7iaT8pcov aDTcbv 7ipoc; aDTODc; sv %eip(

God of their fathers] to them by [the] hand

xcov 7ipo(pr|Tcbv olvtov opGpi^cov Kai a7ioaTeAA,cov

of his prophets, ones rising up early, even sending

todc; ayyskovq olvtov 6ti r|v tpsi86|isvoc;

his messengers, for he [was] sparing

tod Xaov avTOV Kai tod ayidajiaTOc; oidtod i6+ Kai fjaav

his people, and his sanctuary. And they were

|iDKTT|pi£pvTec; todc; ajy^kovq avzov Kai s^odGsvodvtsc;

sneering at his messengers, and treating with contempt

todc; A^oyoDc; aDTOD Kai e|i7rai£pvTec; ev

his words, and mocking among

tok; 7ipo(pf|Tai(; aDTOD scoc; avsprj o dv[ioq kdpiod

his prophets, until [ ascended the rage [of the] LORD]

sv too Axxcb aDTOD scoc; oDKTjv ia|ia 17+ Kai fjyaysv

among his people until there was no cure. And he led

S7i ' aDTOD cj PaaiAia XaX8a(cov Kai a7isKTSivs

against them [the] king of [the] Chaldeans, and he killed

todc; veaviaKODc; aDTcbv ev pojicpaia sv oikco

their young men by [the] broadsword in [the] house

ayidajiaToq aDTOD Kai odk ecpsiaaTO tcdv veaviaKcov

of his sanctuary. And he did not spare the young men.

Kai Tag 7iap9svoDc; aDTcbv odk rjAirjas Kai

And their virgins he did not show mercy [on], and

todc; 7ipsaPDT8poDc; aDTcbv a7rfjyaysv Ta 7idvTa

their elders he took away — whole

7iap88coK8v sv %epaiv aDTcbv is + Kai 7idvTa Ta oksdt]

he delivered up into their hands. And all the items

oikod tod 08OD Ta jisydla Kai Ta jiiKpd Kai todc;

of [the] house of God, the great and the small, and the

GrjaaDpoDc; oikod kdpiod Kai rcavTac; todc;

treasures of [the] house of [the] LORD, and all the

GrjaaDpoDc; tod PaaiAicoc; Kai tcdv jisyiaTdvcov rcdvTa

treasures of the king, and of the great men. The whole

eiafjveyKsv sic; BaPD^cbva 19+ Kai ev£7ipr|ae tov oikov

he carried unto Babylon. And he burnt the house

kdpiod Kai KaTsaKa\j/£ to tsi%oc; IepoDaaXfjii Kai

of [the] LORD, and razed the wall of Jerusalem. And

Tac; pdpsic; aDTfjc; 8VS7ipr|asv ev 7iDp( Kai 7iav oksdoc;

its palaces he burnt by fire, and every [ item


36 V?

8V TOUT© + VlKa

14-2 Chronicles

copaiov sic; acpaviajiov 20+ Kai a7icoKias xodc;

beautiful] he [appointed] for extinction. And he resettled the

KaxaXoiTTODc; sic; BafivXcbva Kai fjaav aDxco Kai

remaining ones in Babylon. And they were for him and

TOiq vioiq avzov sic; dovXovq scoc; ^aaiksiaq Mf|8cov

his sons for manservants until [the] kingdom of [the] Medes,

21 + tod 7iAx|pcD0f|vai Xoyov KopioD 5id axojiaxoc;

to fulfill [the] word of [the] LORD through [the] mouth

IspsjiioD scoc; tod 7ipoa8s§aa0ai xr|v yrjv

of Jeremiah, until [ favorably receives the land]

xa a&amp;PPaxa avxr\q aaPPaxiaai naaaq xaq rjiispac;

its Sabbaths; by observing the Sabbath all the days

xrjc; sprjjicbascoc; avTT\q saappdxiasv sic; av[mhf\po^aiv

of its desolation, to observe the Sabbath in [the] fulfillment

sxcbv 8p8o|if|Kovxa 22+ sxodc; 7ipcbxoD Kdpod PaaiAicoc;

[years of seventy]. [year [In the] first] of Cyrus king

rispacbv jisxd xo 7iA,r|pco0f|vai pfj|ia KopioD 8id

of [the] Persians, after the fulfillment of [the] saying of [the] LORD through

axojiaxoq IspsjiioD s^qysips Kopioc; xo 7WSD|ia Kdpod

[the] mouth of Jeremiah, [the] LORD awakened the spirit of Cyrus

PaaiXscoc; Ilspacbv Kai 7iapf|yysiA,s KqpD^ai sv 7idor|

king of [the] Persians. And he exhorted to proclaim in all

xtj Paai^sia ocdxod ev ypa7ixcb Xsycov 23 + xd8s Xsysi

his kingdom in writing, saying, Thus says

Kopoc; Paai^sDc; Ilspacbv 7idaaic; xaic; PaaiXsiaiq xrjc;

Cyrus king of [the] Persians, to all the kingdoms of the

yrjc; s8coks jioi Kopioc; o Gsoc; xod ODpavoD Kai

earth, [ gave to me [The] LORD God of the heaven]; and

aDxoq svsxsi^axo jioi oiKoSojifjaai aDxcb oikov sv

he gave charge to me to build to him a house in

IspoDaaAxj|i xr| sv xrj IoD5aia xic; s^ Djicbv sk

Jerusalem in Judea. Who [is there] of you of

7iavx6c; xod Axxod aDxoD KDpioq o Geoc; aDxoD saxai

all his people? [The] LORD his God will be

jisx' aDxoD avapfjxco

with him — let him ascend!

1 x ev tootco + vuca 1 5 - Ezra

1 X

i+ Kai sv too stsi 7ipcoTCO KopoD PaaiAicoc; Ilspacov

And in the [ year first] of Cyrus king of [the] Persians,

tod TsXsoGfjvcu Xoyov KopioD arco aTOjiaToq IspsjiioD

to initiate [the] word of [the] LORD by [the] mouth of Jeremiah,

s^qysips Kupioq to 7rvsD|ia KopoD PaaiXscoc; Ilspacbv

[the] LORD awakened the spirit of Cyrus king of [the] Persians.

Kai 7iapf|yysiXs (pcovfjv ev 7idar| Paai^sia avzov Kai

And he exhorted by a report in all his kingdom, and

ys sv ypa7iTcb Aiycov 2 + odtcoc; si7i;s Kopoc; o

indeed in writing, saying, Thus said Cyrus the

fiaaikvbq Ilspacbv itaaaq zaq PaaiXsiag Tr\q yr\q

king of [the] Persians, All the kingdoms of the earth

s8coks |ioi Kopioc; o 0s6c; TOD ODpavoD Kai aDToq

[gave tome [the] LORD God of heaven]. And he

S7i8OKs\j/aT0 S7i' sjis tod oiKo8o|if|aai aDTCO OIKOV sv

looked upon me to build to him a house in

IspoDaaAxjji tt| sv ttj IoD8a(a 3 + tic; sv djiiv

Jerusalem, the one in Judea. Who [is there] among you

goto 7iavT6c; tod Xaov oidtod Kai s&lt;xcai o Gsocj aDTOD

of all his people, and [ will be his God]

jist' aDTOD Kai avapfjToa sic; IspoDaaArj|i tt|v sv

with him? Then let him ascend unto Jerusalem in

ttj IoD8a(a Kai oiKo8o|ir|adTC0 tov oikov Gsod

Judea! And let him build the house of the God

IopafjA, avToq o 0s6c; o sv IspoDaaArm 4 + Kai 7iac;

of Israel! He [is] the God in Jerusalem. And every [Jew]

0 KaTaAi7r6|isvoc; arco 7idvTC0v tcov tottcov od avzoq

being left from all the places of which he

7iapoiKs( sksi A,f|\j/ovTai aDTOD dvSpsc;

sojourned there, [ shall take up for him [the] men

tod T07T0D aDTOD sv apyDpico Kai XpDCTlCD Kai sv

of his place] silver and gold, and with

a7ioaKSDf| Kai Kcfjvsai jiSTd tod skodcjiod sic; oikov

belongings, and cattle, with the voluntary [offering] for [the] house

tod Gsod tod sv IspoDaaAxni 5+ Kai avsarrjaav

of God, the one in Jerusalem. And rose up

dpxovTsq tcov 7iaTpicov tcov IoD8a Kai Bsviajiiv Kai

[the] rulers of the families ofJudah, and Benjamin, and

01 ispsfo; Kai oi AsDiTai rcavTSc; cov s^qysipsv o Gsoc;

the priests, and the Levites — all which God awakened

to 7ivsD|ia aDTcbv tod avapfjvai oiKoSojifjaai tov oikov

their spirit to ascend to build the house

2 3 ev toi3tco + vtica 1 5 - Ezra

KDpiOD TOV 8V Isp01)aaXf|(I 6+ Kai 7ldVT8(; 01

of [the] LORD, the one in Jerusalem. And all the ones

kdkXoGsv aDTcbv sv(a%i)oav sv %spa(v auxcbv ev

round about them strengthened their hands with

oKstisaiv apyopioi) ev %puacb Kai sv a7roaK£Dfj Kai

items of silver, with gold, and with belongings, and

sv Kifjvsai Kai sv ^svioic; 7idps^ xcdv sv skouctioic;

with cattle, and with gifts, besides the ones with voluntary offerings.

?+ Kai o fiaaiksvq Kvpoq s^fjvsyKS xa aKsurj oikod

And king Cyrus brought forth the items of [the] house

Ki)p(oi) a sXapsv NaPoi)xo5ov6aop arco IspoDaaArm

of [the] LORD which Nebuchadnezzar took from Jerusalem,

Kai s5coksv ai)xd sv oikco 6sot3 avzov g + Kai

and [had] put them in [the] house of his god. And

s^fjvsyKsv ai)xd Kopoc; o fiaaikvbq Ilspacbv S7U %zipa

[ brought them out Cyrus the king of [the] Persians] by [the] hand

Mi0pi8dxoD yaapapfjvoi) Kai r|p(6|ir|asv ai)xd

of Mithredath [the] treasurer, and he counted them [out]

xco SaaaPaadp xco dp%ovxi xou lovda 9 + Kai omoq

to Sheshbazzar the ruler of Judah. And this [is]

o apiGjioq auxcbv \jn)Kxf|psc; %pvaoi xpidKovxa Kai

their number — wine-coolers of gold — thirty, and

\j/DKxfjpsc; apyupoi %iAaoi 7iapr|XA,ay|isva swsa Kai

wine-coolers of silver ~ a thousand, [knives] for altering ~ nine and

siKoai Kscpoupoi xpvaoi xpidKovxa 10+ Kai apyopoi

twenty, basins of gold — thirty, and [ [items] made of silver

dmXai xsxpaKoaiai Kai 8sKa Kai aKstirj sxspa %ikm

double] — four hundred and ten, and [ items other] — a thousand.

11+ 7idvxa xa aKstirj xou %pvaiov Kai xod apyupiou

All the items of gold and of silver —

7isvxaKia%(Aia xsxpaKoaia xa 7idvxa

five thousand four hundred. The whole [amount]

avfjyays SaaaPaadp jisxd avapdascoq xrjc; a7roiKiac;

Sheshbazzar led up with [ ascending the resettlement]

sk BafivX&amp;iVoq eiq IspoDaaArjji

out of Babylon into Jerusalem.

2 n

1+ Kai ot3xoi 01 vioi Tr\q xcbpaq 01 avapaivovxsc;

And these [are] the sons of the places, the ones ascending
and xrjc; ai%|iaAx»a(ac; xrjc; a7roiKiac; r\q a7icoKias

from the captivity of the resettlement of which [ resettled

2 2 ev tootco + vuca 1 5 - Ezra

NaPoi)xo8ov6aop o fiaaikvbq Ba^vX(bvoq ziq

Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon] in

BafivXcbva Kai £7ieaxps\j/av sic; IepoDaaArjji Kai

Babylon, and they returned unto Jerusalem and

IodSoiv avfjp eic; xrjv 7i6A.iv avzov 2+01 fjXGov jiexd

Judah, every man into his city. The ones [that] came with

ZopoPaPeA, IrjaoDc; Nesjjiac; Sapaiaq PeeAiac;

Zerubbabel — Jeshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah,

Map8oxa(oc; BaAxxadv Mdacpap BayoDS Psodji Baavd

Mordecai, Bilshan, Mizpar, Bigvai, Rehum, Baanah.

apiGjioq av5pcbv Xaov IopafjA, 3+ dioi Oopoq

[The] number of men of [the] people of Israel. Sons ofParosh —

8ia%(Aioi SKaxov ep8o|ir|Kovxa8DO 4 + dioi Sacpaxia

two thousand a hundred seventy-two. Sons of Shephatiah —

xpioucoaioi sp8o|ir|Kovxa8i)o 5+ dioi Apec; s7ixaK6aioi

three hundred seventy-two. Sons of Arah — seven hundred

sP8o|ir|Kovxa7r8vx8 6+ dioi Oad6-|icodp xoic; vioiq

seventy-five. Sons of Pahath-moab to the sons

IrjaoDS Icodp 8ia%iAioi OKxaKoaioi Kai8cb8sKa 7+ dioi

of Jeshua [and] Joab ~ two thousand eight hundred twelve. Sons

EAxxji x^ 101 SiaKoaioi 7isvxr|Kovxaxeaaapsc; 8+ dioi

ofElam— a thousand two hundred fifty-four. Sons

ZaGoDd ewaKoaioi xsoaapaKovxa7T£vxe 9+ dioi

of Zattu — nine hundred forty-five. Sons

ZaK%aia 87ixaKoaioi e^fjKovxa 10+ dioi Bavsa

of Zaccai — seven hundred sixty. Sons of Bani —

s^aKoaioi xeaaapaKovxa5DO 11+ dioi BaPa'i e^oucoaioi

six hundred forty-two. Sons ofBebai— six hundred

eiKoaixpeiq 12+ dioi A^iyd8 %ikioi SiaKoaioi sikocji8do

twenty-three. Sons of Azgad ~ a thousand two hundred twenty-two.

13+ dioi A8oviKd|i s^aKoaioi e^rjKovxas^ h+ dioi

Sons of Adonikam ~ six hundred sixty-six. Sons

BayoDS Sia%(Aaoi 7isvxr|Kovxas^ 15+ dioi A88(v

of Bigvai ~ two thousand fifty-six. Sons ofAdin —

xexpoucooioi 7isvxr|Kovxaxsaaap8(; i 6 + dioi Axfjp xco

four hundred fifty-four. Sons of Ater [to]

E^sKia swsvrjKovxaoKxcb n+ dioi BaaooD xpioucooioi

Hezekiah — ninety-eight. Sons of Bezai — three hundred

2 2 ev tootco + vtica 1 5 - Ezra

eiKoaixpsk; is + dioi Icopd sraxov 8cb8eKa 19+ DIOI

twenty-three. Sons of Jorah — a hundred twelve. Sons

Aood|i 5iaKoaioi eiKoaixpeic; 20+ dioi TaPsp

ofHashum— two hundred twenty-three. Sons ofGibbar —

swsvr|K0VTa7r8VT8 21+ dioi BsGXesji SKaxov eiKoaupefc;

ninety- five. Sons of Beth-lehem — a hundred twenty-three.

22+ dioi NsTCoepdG 7i8VTr|K0VTas^ 23+ dioi AvaGcbG

Sons of Netophah — fifty-six. Sons Anathoth ~

SKaxov eiKoaioKicb 2 4+ dioi Aajicb0 xsaaapaKovxaSDO

a hundred twenty-eight. Sons of Azmaveth — forty-two.

25+ dioi Kapia0iapi|i Xacprjpd Kai BrjpcbB S7ixaK6aioi

Sons of Kirjath-arim, Chephirah, and Beeroth ~ seven hundred

xsoaapaKovxaxpek; 26 + dioi xrjc; Pajid Kai TaPad

forty-three. Sons of Ramah and Gaba —

s^aKooioi siKoaieiq 2 ?+ dv5pec; Ma%|idc; SKaxov

six hundred twenty-one. [The] men of Michmas — a hundred

81kocji8do 28+ dv5pec; BaiGfjX Kai Ai 5iaKoaioi

twenty-two. [The] men of Beth-el, and Ai — two hundred

eiKoaixpeiq 29+ dioi NaPcb 7ievxr|Kovxa5DO 30+ dioi

twenty-three. [The] sons of Nebo — fifty-two. [The] sons

MayPsiq eraxov TrevxrjKovxae^ 31+ dioi HMji exepoD

of Magbish — a hundred fifty-six. Sons of [the] other Elam —

%ikio\ 8iaKoaioi 7ievxr|Kovxaxsaaapsc; 32+ dioi Hpdji

a thousand two hundred fifty-four. Sons of Harim —

xpiaKoaioi eiKoaiv 33+ dioi A08 A818 Kai Qvcb

three hundred twenty. Sons ofLod, Hadid, and Ono —

S7iTaK6aioi eiKoaurevxe 34+ dioi Iepi%cb xpiaKoaioi

seven hundred twenty-five. Sons of Jericho — three hundred

T8oaapaK0VTa7isvT8 35+ dioi Sevad xpia%(Xioi e^aKoaioi

forty-five. Sons of Senaah — three thousand six hundred

xpidKovxa 36+ Kai 01 ispek; dioi Is5oDa icq oikco

thirty. And the priests — sons of Jedaiah, to the house

IrjaoD swaKoaioi ep8o|ir|Kovxaxpefc; 37+ dioi E|i|if|p

ofJeshua— nine hundred seventy-three. Sons oflmmer —

%ik\oi 7rsvxr|K0VTa8D0 38+ dioi OaaoDp %(Aioi SiaKoaioi

a thousand fifty-two. Sons ofPashur— a thousand two hundred

T8aaapaK0VTas7iTd 39+ dioi Xapiji %(Aioi 88Ka87txd 40 +

forty-seven. Sons of Harim — a thousand seventeen.

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

1 5 - Ezra

Kai 01 AsDixai dioi IrjaoD Kai Ka8\x\r\k xoic; vioiq

And the Levites — sons of Jeshua and Kadmiel, to the sons

Q8odux spSoixrjKovTaxeaaapec; 41+ 01 dSovxsg dioi

of Hodaviah — seventy-four. The singers — sons

Aadcp eKaxov sikooioktco 42+ dioi tcov 7iDA,copcbv dioi

of Asaph — a hundred twenty-eight. [The] sons of the gatekeepers — sons

EsAIodji dioi Axfjp dioi TsXjicbv DIOI AkodP dioi

ofShallum, sons ofAter, sons ofTelmon, sons ofAkkub, sons

Amd dioi EcoPai ouravTSc; eraxov xpiaKovxaewea 43 +

of Hatha, sons ofShobai, in all— a hundred thirty-nine.

01 NaGivaioi dioi XoDad dioi AaoDtpdx dioi TaPacb0

The Nethinim ~ sons Ziha, sons Hasupha, sons ofTabaoth,

44+ dioi Kopec; dioi Siad dioi ®a8cbv 45+ dioi BaAxxvd

sons ofKeros, sons ofSiaha, sons ofPadon, sons ofLebanah,

dioi Ayapd dioi AkodP 46+ dioi Aydp dioi SsAAxxjji

sons ofHaggabah, sons ofAkkub, sons ofHagab, sons ofShalmai,

dioi Awdv 47+ dioi rs58fjX dioi rafjp dioi Paia 48 +

sons of Hanan, sons of Giddel, sons of Gahar, sons of Reaiah,

dioi Paacbv dioi NsKcoSd dioi Ta^dji 49+ dioi A^d

sons ofRezin, sons ofNekoda, sons ofGazzam, sons ofUzza,

dioi Oaai dioi Baai 50+ dioi Aasvd dioi Moodv(|i

sons ofPaseah, sons ofBesai, sons ofAsnah sons ofMehunim,

dioi NscpoDasiji 51+ dioi BayPoDK dioi AKODcpd dioi

sons ofNephusim, sons ofBakbuk, sons ofHakupha, sons

ApoDp 52+ dioi BaaaAxbG dioi Msi8d dioi Apad 53 +

ofHarhur, sons ofBazluth, sons ofMehida, sons ofHarsha,

dioi BapKoq dioi Siadpa dioi 0ai|id 54+ dioi Nsaia

sons ofBarkos, sons ofSisera, sons ofThamah, sons ofNeziah,

dioi Axupd 55+ dioi tcov SodAxdv EoA,o|icbv dioi Scoxai

sons of Hatipha, sons of the servants of Solomon — sons of Sotai,

dioi Sscprjpd dioi OapoDSd 5 6+ dioi Iskd dioi AepKcbv

sons ofSophereth, sons ofPeruda, sons ofJaalah, sons ofDarkon,

dioi rs85fjX 57+ dioi Sacpaxia dioi AxxfjX dioi

sons of Giddel, sons of Shephatiah, sons of Hattil, sons

®a%spd9 dioi AasPcosiji dioi Hjisi 5 8+ 7idvxsc; 01

ofPochereth, sons ofZebaim, sons of Ami. All the

NaGaviji Kai dioi SodAxdv SoXojicbvToq xpiaKoaioi

Nethinim, and [the] sons of servants of Solomon — three hundred

8wsvr|K0VTa8D0 59+ Kai odtoi 01 avapdvxsq arco

ninety-two. And these [were] the ones ascending from

2 2 ev tootco + vuca 1 5 - Ezra

©eXjisAix ©e^aprjad XepoDp H8dv E|i|ifjp Kai

Tel-melah, Tel-harsa, Cherub, Addan, Immer, and

odk rj5i)vfj6r|aav tod avayyeiAm oikov

they were not able to report [the] house

7raxpi&amp;c; aDTcbv Kai a7C£p|ia aDTcbv 8i e£, IopafjX eiaiv

of their family, and their seed, if [ of Israel they are].

60+ dioi Aakdia dioi TcoPiod diov NsKcoSd e^aKoaioi

[The] sons ofDelaiah, sons ofTobiah, sons of Nekoda — six hundred


fifty-two. And of the sons of the priests — sons

Opaia dioi Akkodc; dioi Bsp^sAAm oq eXapev a7io

ofHabaiah, sons ofKoz, sons ofBarzillai who took from

xcov 0DyaTspcov Bsp^sAAm tod Takaadhov yDvauca

the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite a wife,

Kai 8KAr|6r| S7ii tco ovojiaTi aDTcbv 6 2+ odtoi cov

and [was] called by their record. These [are] which

s^fjTTjaav tt|v ypacpfjv aDTcbv 01 ysvsaXoyowcec; Kai

sought their record, the ones seeking descent, and

od% SDpsGrjoav Kai e^coaBrjaav a7co Tr\q lepamac;

they did not find [it], and they were thrust out from the priesthood.

63 + Kai S17T8V A08paao0d aDTofc; tod jlit| cpaysiv a7io

And Tirshatha spoke to them to not eat from

tod ayioD tcov ayicov ecoc; avaaTfj ispsvq zoiq

the holy of the holies until [ should rise up a priest] with the

cpcoTi^oDai Kai toic; TsXeioiq 6 4 + 7idaa 8e r| sKKAxjaia

lights and the perfections. And all the assembly

ojiod coast Tsaaapsq |iDpid8ec; 6ia%ikioi TpiaKoaioi

together [were] as four ten thousand, two thousand, three hundred,

s^fjKovTa 65 + xcopiq SodAxov aDTcbv Kai

sixty; separate from their menservants and

7iaiSiaKcbv aDTcbv odtoi S7CTaKiax(Aaoi TpiaKoaioi

their maidservants; these [were] — seven thousand three hundred

TpiaK0VTas7iTd Kai aDTofc; dSovTec; Kai d5oDaai

thirty-seven; and with them [male] singers and [female] singers ~

8iaKoaioi 66 + (717101 aDTcbv S7CTaK6aioi TpiaKovTae^

two hundred; their horses ~ seven hundred thirty-six;

rjjjiovoi aDTcbv 8iaKoaioi TsaaapaK0VTa7C8VT8 67 +

their mules — two hundred forty-five;


their camels — four hundred thirty-five; their donkeys —

s^aKia%iAioi 87CTaKoaioi eiKoai 6 s+ Kai a7co tcov

six thousand seven hundred twenty. And from the

8V TOUT© + VlKd

1 5 - Ezra

apxovxcov xcov 7raxpicbv sv icq siasA£s(v avzovq sic;

rulers of the families in their entering into


the house of [the] LORD, the one in Jerusalem, [ they were willing


concerning [the] house of God] to establish it for

ttjv STOijiacriav oidtod 69 + ox; r| 8Dva|iic; aDTcbv

its preparation. According to their power

sSoorav sic; GrjaaDpov tod spyoD %pDak&gt;D 8pa%[i(bv

they gave for [the] treasury for the work; gold drachmas —

s^ |iDpid5sc; Kai %ikiaq Kai apyDpioD [ivaq

six ten thousands and a thousand; and silver minas —

7i£VTaKia%iAiac; Kai %u(bvaq tcov ispscov skoitov ?o +

five thousand; and garments for the priests — a hundred.

Kai SKdGiaav 01 lepeic; Kai 01 AeDrcai Kai 01 anb

And [these] stayed (the priests, and the Levites, and the ones from

tod Axxod Kai 01 d8ovT£c; Kai 01 7tdAxdpo( Kai 01

the people, and the singers, and the gatekeepers, and the

NaGaviji sv Taiq 7i6lsaiv aDTcbv Kai 7iac; IapafjA, sv

Nethinim) in their cities, and all Israel in

7i6A,saiv aDTcbv

their cities.

3 *

i + Kai scpGaasv o |ir|v o spSojioq Kai oi dioi IopafjA,

And [came the month seventh], and the sons of Israel

sv 7i6A,saiv aDTcbv Kai Gwr\%Qr\ o Xaoq coq

[were] in their cities, and [ were brought together the people] as

avfjp sic; sic; IspoDaaArj|i 2 + Kai avsaTTj IrjaoDc; o

[ man one] unto Jerusalem. And [ rose up Jeshua the

tod Icoas8sK Kai oi a8sAxpo( aDTOD oi ispsic; Kai

[son] of Jozadak], and his brethren the priests, and

ZopoPaPsA, o tod Sa^aGifjA, Kai oi a8sAxpoi aDTOD Kai

Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and his brethren, and

coKo86|ir|aav to 0Daia&lt;ycfjpiov tod 0sod IopafjX

they built the altar of the God of Israel,

tod avsvsyKai S7i' aDTO oAxDKaDTcbasic; KaGcbq

to offer upon it whole burnt-offerings according

ysypa7iTai sv vojico McoDafj av0pcb7ioD tod 0sod 3 +

as written in [the] law of Moses, [the] man of God.

Kai rjTOijiaaav to 0Daia&lt;xcfjpiov S7ri

And they prepared the altar upon

3 3, ev tootco + vuca 15 - Ezra

xrjv sxoijiacriav aDxoD 6xi sv Kaxa7iAx|^si S7i' aDxotic;

its preparation [place], but terror [was] upon them,

goto xcov A,acbv xcov yaicbv Kai avspipaaav S7i' aDxo

because of the peoples of the lands. And they brought unto it

oA,oKai)Tcba£ic; too Kopico T07ipcoi Kai sic; sarcspav 4 +

[the] whole burnt-offerings, to the LORD in the morning, and in [the] evening.

Kai S7io(r|aav xrjv sopxfjv xcov aKqvcov Kaxd xo

And they observed the holiday of the tents, according to the [thing]

ysypajijisvov Kai o^oKaDxcoasic; rjjiepav sv rjjispa sv

being written, and [the] whole burnt-offerings day by day in

apiGjicb coc; r| Kpiaic; ^oyov r||ispac; sv

number, according to the distinguishing manner of [the] reckoning day by

rjjispa avTOV 5 + Kai jisxd xodxo xrjv oAxDKaDxcoaiv xod

day for it. And after this [ whole burnt-offering the

sv5sA,sxicj|i6d Kai sic; xaq voDjirjviac; Kai sic; naaaq

perpetual], and for the new moons, and for all

sopxdc; xco Kopico xac; rjyiaajisvac; Kai 7iavxi

holidays to the LORD were sanctified, and for every

SKODaia^ojisvco skodcjiov xco Kopico 6+ sv rjjispa [da

willing voluntary [offering] to the LORD. On day one

xod jxrjvoc; xod sP56jiod fjp^avxo avacpspsiv

of the [ month seventh] they began to offer

oXoKaDxcbasic; xco Kopico Kai o oikoc; xod KopioD

whole burnt-offerings to the LORD. But the house of the LORD

odk s0s|isAacb0r| ?+ Kai s8coKav apyopiov xoic;

was not laid of a foundation. And they gave money to the

Axxxojioic; Kai xoiq xsKxoai Kai Ppcoaiv Kai 7i6aiv Kai

quarriers, and to the fabricators; and food, and drink, and

sAmov xoic; £i8covk&gt;ic; Kai xoic; TDpioiq xod s^svsyrai

olive oil to the Sidonians, and to the Tyrians, to bring forth

^6Axx Ks5piva a7io xod AipdvoD 7ipoc; GdAxxaoav

wood of cedars from Lebanon by sea

I67urr|c; 8id yvcojirjc; KopoD PaaiXscoc; Ilspacbv S7i'

to Joppa, by [the] decree of Cyrus king of [the] Persians, concerning

aDxotic; s + Kai sv xco sxsi xco 5sDxspco

this. And in the [ year second]

xod sX0sw aDxotic; sic; OIKOV KDpiOD XOD 0SOD xov sv

of their coming into [the] house of [the] LORD God, the one in

IspoDaaAxjji sv jirjvi xco 5sDxspco fjp^axo ZopoPaPsA,

Jerusalem, in [ month the second], [ began Zerubbabel

o xod SaXaGifjX Kai IrjaoDc; o xod Icoos5sk Kai 01

the [son of] Shealtiel], and Jeshua the son of Jozadek, and the

8V TOUT© + VlKa

1 5 - Ezra

KaxdXomoi xcov aSsAxpcbv aDxcbv 01 ispsfc; Kai 01

rest of their brethren, the priests, and the

AsDixai Kai 7idvxsc; 01 sp^ojisvoi arco xr|c;

Levites, and all the ones coming from the

ai%[iak(Daiaq sic; Ispoi)aaXf||i Kai saxrjaav xodc;

captivity into Jerusalem, and they established the

AsDixac; a7io svxoaasxoDc; Kai S7idvco xod viK07ioisrv

Levites from twenty years and up, to bring success

87i( xodc; 7ioioDvxac; xa spya sv oikco KopioD 9 + Kai

upon the ones doing the works in [the] house of [the] LORD. And

saxrj IrjaoDc; Kai oi moi aDxoD Kai oi aSsAxpoi aDxoD

Jeshua stood and his sons, and his brethren,

Ka5|irfjA, Kai oi moi aDxoD vioi lovda S7ri xodc;

Kadmiel and his sons, [the] sons of Judah over the

7ioioDvxac; xa spya sv oikco xod 0sod dioi Hva8d8

ones doing the works in [the] house of God; [the] sons ofHenadad,

dioi aDxcbv Kai oi aSsAxpoi auxcbv oi AsDixai io+ Kai

their sons and their brethren the Levites. And

s0s|isAicoaav oi oikoSojiodvxsc; xod oiKo5o|if|aai xov

[ laid a foundation the ones building] to build the

oikov Kopioi) Kai saxrjaav oi ispsfc; saxoAaajisvoi sv

house of [the] LORD. And [ stood the priests] being robed with

adAjuy^i Kai oi Asmxai dioi Aadcp sv KDjipdAmc;

trumpets, and the Levites, [the] sons of Asaph with cymbals,

xod aivsiv xov KDpiov S7ri xsipaq AaDi5 PaaiAicoc;

to praise the LORD by [the] hands of David king

IapafjX n+ Kai a7TSKpi0r|aav sv awco Kai

of Israel. And they answered in praise and

avGojio^oyfjasi xco KDpico 6xi ayaGov 6xi sic; xov

confession to the LORD, [saying] That [he is] good, that into the

aicbva xo sksoq aDxoD S7U xov IapafjA, Kai 7iac; o

eon [is] his mercy upon Israel. And all the

Xaoq r(kaXa^av cpcovfj |isydAr| sv xco aivsiv xco

people shouted [ voice a great] in the praising the

KDpiCO S7U XT] BsjIsAlcbaSl XOD OIKOD KDpiOD 12 + Kai

LORD at the groundwork of the house of [the] LORD. And

noXkoi a7io xcov ispscov Kai xcov Asdixcov Kai

many from the priests, and the Levites, and

dpxovxsq xcov 7iaxpicbv oi rcpsaptixspoi oi s(8ov

rulers of the families ~ the elders, the ones [who] beheld

xov oikov xov 7ipcbxov sv GsjisAicbasi aDxoD Kai

the [ house first] on its groundwork, and

xodxov xov oikov sv ocp0aA,|iok; aDxcbv SK^aiov cpcovfj

this house with their eyes, wept [ sound

4 7 ev tootco + vtica 1 5 - Ezra

|isy&amp;Ax| Kai noXkoi sv aXa^ayjicb jist' SD^poawrjg

a great], and many with a shout with gladness

tod D\j/cbaai cpcovfjv 13+ Kai odk r|v o Xaoq

to raise up high a sound. And [ not were the people]

S7iiyivcbaKcov rqv cpcovfiv Tr\q arjiiaaiaq

recognizing the sound of the cheering

Tr\q SDcppoaDvrjq ano Tr\q cpcovfjc; tod kAxxd0|iod tod

of gladness from the sound of the weeping of the

Xaov 6ti o Xaoq eKpatiyaae cpcovfj |ieydAx| Kai r|

people; for the people cried out [ sound with a great], and the

CpCOVfj TJKODSTO 8C0C; CX7t6 |iaKp60sv

voice was heard even from far off.

4 7

1+ Kai fjKODoav 01 QXifiovTsq lovda Kai Bsviajiw 6ti

And [ heard the ones afflicting Judah and Benjamin] that

01 dioi Trig a7roiKiac; oikoSojiodctiv oikov tco KDpico

the sons of the resettlement were building a house to the LORD

tco 0scb IopafjX 2+ Kai fjyyiaav itpoq ZopoPaPeA, Kai

God of Israel. And they approached to Zerubbabel, and

7ipoc; Tovq dp%ovTac; tcov 7iaTpicbv Kai eircov aDTOiq

to the rulers of the families, and said to them,

oiKo8o|ifjaco|isv |is0' djicov 6ti coc; djisic; sk^tjtodjisv

We should build with you, for as you, we [also] inquire

tco 0scb Djicbv Kai aDTcb r\[iEiq 0Daid£p|isv arco

[to] your God; and to him we sacrifice from

r||ispcbv Aaapa8dv PaaiAicoc; AaaoDp tod svsyravTOc;

[the] days of Esar-haddon king of Assyria, the one bringing

rjjLidq cb8e 3+ Kai 8i7is npoq aDTODc; ZopoPaPeA, Kai

us here. And [ said to them Zerubbabel], and

IrjaoDc; Kai 01 KaTdXouroi tcov ap%6vT&lt;jov tcov

Jeshua, and the rest of the rulers of the

7iaTpicbv tod IapafjX 0D%r||jiv Kai Djiiv

families of Israel, [It is] not for us and you

tod oiKo8o|ifjGai oikov tco 0scb r||icbv 6ti r\[isiq aDTOl

to build a house [to] our God, for we ourselves

87i( to aDTO oiKo8o|ifjao|isv tco KDpico 08cb IapafjA, coc;

together shall build to the LORD God of Israel, as

svstsiAxxto r\[dv Kopoc; o fiaaiksvq Ilspacbv 4 + Kai

[ gave charge to us Cyrus the king of [the] Persians]. And

r|v o Xaoq Tr\q yr\q skXdcov zaq %e(pac; tod Xaov

[ [were] the people of the land] enfeebling the hands of the people


4 7 ev toi3tco + vtica 1 5 - Ezra

Ioi35a Kai eve7c65i£pv aDTODc; tod oiko8o|is(v 5 + Kai

of Judah, and they impeded them to build. And

jiioGodjisvoi 87i ' aDTODc; &lt;xd|iPodAx)dc; tod 5iaaKe8daai

they were hiring against them counselors to efface

ttjv PodAx|v aDTcbv 7cdaac; zaq r||iepac; KopoD

their counsel all the days of Cyrus

PaoiAicoc; Ilspocbv Kai ecoc; PaaiXeiac; AapeioD tod

king of [the] Persians, and unto [the] kingdom of Darius, the

PaaiAiooc; Ilepacbv 6 + Kai ev ttj PaaiXsia AaoDfjpoD

king of [the] Persians. And in the kingdom ofAhasuerus,

Kai ev apxfj Paai^eiaq aDTOD eypa\j/ev emaToAriv

and in [the] beginning of his kingdom, they wrote a letter

8711 oiKODVTaq IoD5av Kai IepoDaaAxjji 7+ Kai sv zaiq

against the ones living in Judah and Jerusalem. And in the

rjjispaic; ApGaoaoGd eypa\j/sv ev eipfjvrj MiBpaSdrrjc;

days of Artaxerxes [ wrote in peace Mithridath],

Kai TaPefjX ctdv toic; A,ouro(c; ctdvSodAxhc; aDTOD npoq

and Tabeel, with the rest of his fellow-servants to

Ap0aaaa9d PaaiAia Ilspacbv sypa\j/sv o tpopo^oyoc;

Artaxerxes king of [the] Persians. [ wrote The tribute-gatherer]

ttjv ypacpfjv ^DpiaTi Kai r|p|ir|V8DO|i8vr|v 8+ Psodji

the writing in Syrian and being translated. Rehum

PaaArdji Kai £aji\j/d o ypajijiaTSDc; sypa\j/av

[the] master and Shimshai the scribe wrote

£7i;iaToAxjv jiiav KaTd IspoDaaAx||i tco ApGaaaaGd

[ letter one] against Jerusalem to Artaxerxes

PaaiXsi 9+ Td5e eKpivs Psodji PaaArdji Kai Saji\j/d

[the] king, [saying], Thus [judges Rehum [the] master], and Shimshai

o ypajijiaTSDq Kai 01 KaTd^ouroi &lt;tdv5odAx)i r||icbv

the scribe, and the rest of our fellow-servants,

Aeivdioi Aptpaaa0a%a(oi TapcpaAAmoi Acpapaaioi

[the] Dinaites, Apharsathchites, Tarpelites, Apharsites,

Ap^Daioi BaPD^cbvioi £oDaava%aioi AaDaioi EA,a|ircai

Archevites, Babylonians, Susanchites, Dehavites, Elamites,

10+ Kai 01 KaTdXouroi tcov 80vcbv cov a7ccbKiasv

and the rest of the of [the] nations whom [ resettled

Aaaevacpdp o jisyaq Kai o Tijiioq Kai KaTCOKiasv

Asnapper the great and the esteemed], and settled

aDTODc; sv tioXsoi Tr\q Sajiapsiaq Kai to KaTdXourov

them in [the] cities of Samaria, and the rest

7cspav tod 7C0Ta|i0D 11+ aDTTj T| 8iaTayf| Tr\q

on the other side of the river. This [is] the disposition of the


4 7 ev tootco + vuca 1 5 - Ezra

S7uaxoAxjc; r\q arcsaxsiXav npoq aDxov itpoq

letter which they sent to him ~ To

ApGaoaaGd PaaiAia 01 7ia(8sc; ciod dvSpsc; rcspav

Artaxerxes [the] king. [By] your servants, [the] men on the other side

tod 7ioxa|ioD 12+ Kai vdv yvcoaxov saxco tco PaoiXsi

of the river. And now [ be made known let it] to the king,

on oi Ioi)5a(oi avap&amp;vxsc; goto ood npoq r\[iaq

that the Jews ascending from you to us

r\kdov sic; lspovaakr\[i xrjv 7i6A.iv a7ioaxdxiv Kai

came into Jerusalem the [ city defecting and

7iovr|pdv r|v oikoSojiodcji Kai xa xs(xr| aDxfjc;

wicked], which they are building; and the walls of it

Kaxr|pTia|isva siai Kai GsjisAioDc; avTT\q avD\j/coaav 13 +

are being readied, and [the] foundations of it they elevated.

vdv odv yvcoaxov saxco xco Paai^si 6x1 sdv

Now then let it be made known to the king, that if

T| noXiq sKeivrj avoiKo8o|ir|6f| Kai xa xs(%r| avTT\q

that city should be rebuilt, and the walls of it

KaxapxiaGcbai cpopcov 7ipd^iv Kai aDvxsXsajia

should be readied, [that] tributes, tolls, and customs

od 8cbaoi)ai Kai xodxo PaaiXefc; KaKorcoisi 14 + Kai vdv

they shall not give, and this [ to kings does evil] ! And now

odk KaGcoc; akaq xod vaoD rjAiadjisGa Kai

[not as salt of the temple we salted], and

aaxr||ioaDvr|v PaaiAicoc; odk s^saxiv r||iiv i8siv

[an indecency [concerning the] king it is not allowed for us to behold].

8id xodxo 87i8|i\j/a|i8v Kai syvcopiaajisv xco

On account of this we sent forth and made known to the

PaaiXsi 15+ (va S7iiaKs\j/r| sv ptpAxjo

king; that it should be examined in [the] book

D7io(ivr||iaxia|idxcov xcov 7iaxspcov aoD Kai SDpfjasic; sv

of memoirs of your fathers; and you shall find in

xco pip^co xcov |ivr||ioaDvcov Kai yvcoarj 6x1

the book of the memorial, and shall know that

r| 7i6Aic; SKsivrj nokiq arcoaxaxic; Kai KaK07ioioDaa

that city [ city [is] a defecting], and one doing evil

PaaiXsfc; Kai %cbpac; Kai cpDya8s(ai SodAxdv

to kings; and [ for places and flights for your [runaway] servants

yivovxai sv jisaco aDxfjc; arco %povcov aicbvoc; 8id

it is in [the] midst of it from [the] time of [the] eon]. On account of

xodxo r| 7r6Aac; aDxrj r|pf||icoxai 16+ yvcopi^ojisv odv

this, this city was made desolate. We make known then


4 7 ev tootco + vtica 1 5 - Ezra

rijisiq xco fiaaikzi 6xi sdv r| nokiq 8ks(vt| oiKo5ojir|0f|

ourselves to the king, that if that city should be built,

Kai xa Tsi%r\ avTT\q KaxapxiaGfj npoq xatixa jiepoc; ev

and its walls should be readied for these [things], [ a part on

xco 7i8pav xod 7coxa|ioD ODKeaxai aoi n+ xov

the other side of the river there shall not be to you]. [And this then is] the

A,6yov ov a7tsaxsiA£V o fiaaiksvq npoq Psod|i

word which [ sent the king] to Rehum

PaaAx&amp;ji Kai £a|i\j/d ypajijiaxea Kai xodc;

[the] master, and Shimshai [the] scribe, and to the

KaxaXoi7TODc; &lt;xdv5odAx)dc; aoxcbv xodc; oiKotivxac; sv

rest of their fellow-servants of the ones living in

Eajiapeia Kai xodc; KaxaAxn7ioDc; 7ispav xod

Samaria, and the rest on the other side of the

7roxa|i(y6 sipfjvrjv Kai cprjaiv 18+ o cpopoXoyoc; ov

river, [saying], Peace. And says [the king], The tribute-gatherer whom

a7ieax£iAxxx£ npoq r\[idq SKAx|6r| S|i7ipoa0sv sjiod 19 +

you sent to us was called before me.

Kai 7iap' 8(iot3 sxsGrj yvcb|ir| Kai 87isaK8\j/avxo Kai

And by me was rendered a decree, and they examined and

SDpeBrj 6x1 T| itoXiq 8ks(vt| acp' r||i8pcbv aicbvoc; S7ii

it was found that that city from days of [the] eon [ against

fiaaiksiq S7caipexai Kai a7cooxdaeic; Kai (pvyabsq

kings lifts itself up], and defections and exiles

yivovxai sv aDxfj 20+ Kai fiaaikziq ia%Dpo( sysvovxo

take place in it. And [ kings strong] were

8711 xrjc; IspoDaaArjji S7nKpaxoDvxsc; 7cavx6c; xod 7cspav

over Jerusalem prevailing over all of the other side

xod 7ioxa|ioD Kai cpopoi 7cpd^eic; xe Kai

of the river. And [ tribute [and] tolls both] and

aDvxsXsajiaxa 8(5ovxai aDxofc; 21+ Kai vdv 08X8

customs were given to them. And now establish

yvcb|ir|v Kaxapyfjaai xodc; avdpaq sksivodc; Kai

a decree [ to cease work men for those], so that

T| 7l6XlC; SK81VT| ODK OlKo8o|JT|6f|G£Xai SXl 22 + 07CCOC;

that city shall not be built up anymore! So that

a7io xrjc; yvcbjirjc; 7cstpDAxxy|isvoi fjxs dvsaiv

of the decree [ guarding you were] [you not be] remiss

7T0lfjaai 7TSp( XODXOD |lfj 710X8 7cAx|9Dv6f|

to do concerning this, lest at any time [ should be multiplied

acpaviajioq sic; KaK07covqaiv PaaiXstiai 23+ xoxs o

an extinction [of power]] for an evil deed [to happen to] kings. Then the


8V TOUT© + VlKa

1 5 - Ezra

cpopoXoyoq tod ApGaaaaGd PaaiXscoc; avsyvco svco7iiov

tribute-gatherer of king Artaxerxes read in the presence of

Psod|i PaaArdji Kai £a|i\j/d ypa|i|iaTSCoc; Kai

Rehum [the] master, and Shimshai [the] scribe, and

avvSovXctiv avzov Kai S7iopsD6r|aav a7roi)5f| sic;

his fellow-servants. And they went [with] diligence unto

Ispoi)aaAx||i Kai sv Ioi)8a Kai KaTfjpyrjaav aDTODc; sv

Jerusalem and to Judah, and they caused them to cease work with

i7uroic; Kai 8i)vd|i8i 2 4+ tots fjpyrjas to spyov oikod

horses and a force. Then [ was idle the work of [the] house

tod Gsod to sv IspoDaaAxjji Kai rjv apyotiv scoc;

of God], the one in Jerusalem. And it was idle until

8sdtspod stodc; TTjCj PaaiA^siaq AapsioD PaaiXscoc;

[the] second year of the kingdom of Darius king

of Persia.

5 n

i+ Kai 7ipos(pf|TSDasv Ayyaioc; o 7ipo(pfjTr|c; Kai

And [ prophesied Haggai the prophet], and

Zaxapiaq o tod A85cb 7ipo(pr|TSiav S7ri todc;

Zechariah the [son of] Iddo, a prophecy over the

Ioi)5au)Dc; todc; sv Ioi35a Kai sv IspoDaaArjji sv

Jews, of the ones in Judah and in Jerusalem in

ovojiaTi Gsod IapafjX S7i' aDTODCj 2 + tots avsaTTjaav

[the] name of [the] God of Israel, over them. Then rose up

ZopoPaPsA, o tod EaA,a6rf|X Kai IrjaoDc; vioq

Zerubbabel the [son of] Shealtiel, and Jeshua son

Icoas5sK Kai fjp^avTO oiKo8o|if|aai tov oikov

of Jozadak, and they began to build the house

tod Gsod tov sv IspoDaaAxj|i Kai |IST' aDTCOV 01

of God, the one in Jerusalem; and with them [were] the

7ipO(pf|Tai TOD GSOD PoTjGoDVTSCj aDTOlCj 3 + SV aDTCO

prophets of God to help them. At that same

tco Kaipcb f|A,6sv S7i' aDTODCj 0a66avai S7iapxoc;

time [there] came upon them Tatnai chief ruler

7ispav tod 7iOTa|ioD Kai SaGpaPoD^dvrjq Kai

on the other side of the river, and Shethar-boznai, and

01 ctdv8odXoi aDTcbv Kai T0id8s si7isv aDTOic; tic;

their fellow-servants, and of such he said to them, Who

s0t|ksv djiiv yvcb|ir|v tod oiKoSojifjaai tov oikov todtov

ordained to you a decree to build this house,

5 n ev toi3tco + vuca 15 - Ezra

Kai xrjv xoprjyiav mmr[v KaxapxiaaaGai 4 + tots xawa

and [ this expense to ready]? Then they

S17TOV odtoic; Tiva scm Ta ov6|iaTa tcov av8pcbv

said to them, What are the names of the men

TCOV OlKo8o|IODVTC0V TTJV 7l6A.IV T(Xt3tT|V 5 + KCU 01

building this city? But the

otp6aA,|ioi tod 08ot3 sysvovTO S7ri ttjv aixjiaAxjaaiav

eyes of God became upon the captivity

lovda Kai od KaTfjpyrjaav aDTODc; scoc; yvcb|ir|

of Judah, and they did not cause them to cease work until [the] decree

too Aapsico a7ir|vs%9r| Kai tots 8(8coai tco cpopoXoyco

[was] carried to Darius. And then it was given to the tribute-gatherer

7isp( todtod 6+ Siaadcprjaic; S7riaToAr|c; r\q a7rsaTSiXs

concerning this. [The] explanation by letter which was sent

0a00avai o 87iap%oc; tod rcspav tod 7iOTa|ioD Kai

[by] Tatnai the chief ruler on the other side of the river, and

Ea0paPoD^dvr|c; Kai 01 ctdv8odAx)i aDTcbv A(paaaT%aioi

Shethar-boznai, and their fellow-servants — Apharsachites,

oi sv tco 7ispav tod 7iOTa|ioD Aapsico tco Paai^ei

the ones on the other side of the river, to Darius the king.

7+ pfjjiaaiv a7T80TSiA,av npoq aDTOV Kai Td8s

[ a word They sent] to him, and thus

ysypa7rcai sv aDTcb Aapeico tco Pamlsi eipfjvrj 7idaa

was written in it, To Darius the king, all peace.

8 + yvcocrcov scttco tco PaaiXsi 6ti S7ropsD0r||isv sic;

Let it be known to the king! that we went into

ttjv IoDSaiav %copav sic; ovkov tod 0sod tod jisyaAx)D

Judea, [the] place for [the] house of the great God,

Kai avToq oiKo5o|isvrai sv toic; Xidoiq sk^sktoic; Kai

and it is being built with the [stones choice]; and

^6A,a 8VTi0STai sv toic; toixoic; Kai to spyov sksivo

timber is inserted in the walls, and that work

87ii8s^iov yivsTai Kai SDoSoDTai sv Taiq %spaiv ocdtcov

[is] fittingly done, and the way is prospering in their hands.


Then we asked those elders, and

ODTCoq si7ra|isv aDTOic; Tiq s0t|ksv D|i(v yvcb|ir|v

thus we said to them, Who rendered to you a decree

tov oikov todtov oiKo8o|ifjaai Kai TTJV

[ this house to build], and the

Xoprjyiav TaDTTjv KaTapTiaaa0ai 10+ Kai

bestowing of this expense to ready it? And


5 n ev toi3tco + vtica 15 - Ezra

xa ovojiaxa aDxcov rjpcoxrjaaiiev aDxoDc; xod yvcopiaai

[ their names we asked of them], to make known

aoi cbaxs ypd\j/ai aoi xa ovojiaxa xcov av5pcbv xcov

to you, so as to write to you the names of the men of

ap%6vxcov aoxcbv n+ Kai xoiodxo pfj|ia a7i8Kp{0r|oav

their rulers. And such a word they answered

r\[iiv Aiyovxec; r||iefc; eajiev 8odA,oi xod 0£od xod

to us, saying to us, We are menservants of the God of the

ODpavoD Kai Tr\q yr\q Kai oikoSojiodjisv xov oikov

heaven and of the earth, and we are building the house

oq rjv coKo5o|ir||i8VO(; 7ipo xodxod sxrj noXka Kai

which was built [ before this years many], and

fiaaikvbq xod IapafjA, jieyac; coKo86|ir|aev aDxov Kai

[king of Israel a great] built it, and

Kaxrjpxioaxo aDxov aDxofo; 12+ acp' 6xs 8e 7iapcopyiaav

readied it for them. [ from when But provoked to anger

01 7iax8pec; r||icbv xov 0e6v xod ODpavoD sScoksv

our fathers] the God of heaven, he gave

aDxotic; sic; %£ipaq NaPoDxoSovoaop PaaiAicoc;

them into [the] hands of Nebuchadnezzar king

BaPDAxbvog xod XaA,8a(oD Kai xov oikov xodxov

of Babylon, the Chaldean, and this house

KaxsAuae Kai xov Xaov a7icbKiaev sic; BaPD^cbva 13 +

he caused to rest, and the people he resettled in Babylon.

aXk r sv sxsi xco 7ipcbxco KopoD xod PaaiAicoc; xcov

But in [ year [the] first] of Cyrus the king of the

BaPD^covicov KDpoq o PaaiXeDc; £0exo yvcb|ir|v

Babylonians, Cyrus the king rendered a decree

xov oikov xod 08OD xodxov oiKo8o|ir|0f|vai 14+ Kai xa

[house of God this to build]. And the

oKSDTj xod oikod xod 0sod xa %pDad Kai apyDpd

items of the house of God, the ones of gold and silver,

a NaPoD%o8ov6oop s^fjvsyKev arco xod oikod xod

which Nebuchadnezzar brought forth from the house, of the one

sv IepoDaaArj|i Kai a7tfjveyK£v aDxd sic; xov vaov

in Jerusalem, and carried them into the temple

xod PaaiAicoc; xov sv BaPiAxbvi e^fjveyKev aDxd

of the king, the one in Babylon — [ brought them forth

Kopoc; o PaaiA^Dc; arco xod vaoD xod sv BaPiAxbvi

Cyrus the king] from the temple, of the one in Babylon,

Kai sScoksv aDxd xco SaaaPaadp xco 0rjoaDpocpDXaKi

and gave them [to] Sheshbazzar, to the treasurer,



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too 8711 tod Grjaaopoi) i 5 + Kai si7isv aDxcb xatixa

to the one over the treasury. And he said to him, These

xa oksdt} Xdps Kai 7iopsDOD Bsc; ai)xd sv xco oikco

items take and go! Put them in the house

xco sv IspoDoaAxjji Kai o oikoc; xod 6sod

in Jerusalem! And the house of God —


let it be built in its place! Then

EaoaPaadp sksivoc; r\kds Kai s5coks xodc; BsjisAioDc;

that Sheshbazzar came and put [down] the foundations

xod oikod xod Gsod xod sv IspoDaaAr||i Kai a7io

of the house of God, the one in Jerusalem. And from

xoxs scoc; xodvdv oiKo5ojisixai Kai odk sxsXsaGrj 17 +

then until now it is being built, and was not finished.

Kai vdv ei 87ii xov PaaiAia aya66v S7riaK07isixco sv

And now if for the king [it seems] good, let it be overseen in

xco oikco xrjc; yd^rjc; xod PaaiAicoc; sksi sv BaPDAxovi

the house of the treasury of the king there in Babylon!

67TCOC; yvcoc; 6xi arco xod PaaiAicoc; Kdpod sxs0r|

so as to know that [if] from king Cyrus [ was rendered

yvcb|ir| oiKo5ojifjaai xov oikov xod Gsod sksivov

a decree] to build the house of God, that one

xov sv IspoDaaArjji Kai yvoDc; o PaaiXstic; 7ispi

in Jerusalem. And [ knowing the king] concerning

xodxod 7TS|i\j/dxco npoq r\[idq

this, let him send forth [a reply] to us!

6 1

i+ xoxs Aapsioc; o Paai^sDc; sGttks yvcb|ir|v Kai

Then Darius the king rendered a decree, and

S7isaKs\j/axo sv xaic; PipiioGfjKaic; od ai yd^ai

examined in the libraries, of which the treasuries

sksivxo sksi sv BaPD^cbvi 2+ Kai SDpsGrj sv AjiaGd

were situated there in Babylon. And there was found in Achmetha

7i6Xsi sv xtj pdpsi xrjc; Mf|5cov itoXsodq KscpaAic;

[the] city, in the palace of the Mede city, [ chapter [of a scroll]

jiia Kai xodxo rjv ysypajijisvov sv aDxfj xo

one], and this was [written in it the

D7i6|ivr||ia 3 + sv sxsi 7ipcbxco Kdpod PaaiXscoq Kopoc;

record]. In [year [the] first] of king Cyrus, Cyrus

o PaaiXsDc; s6t|ks yvcb|ir|v 7isp( oikod xod 6sod xod

the king rendered a decree concerning [the] house of God, the one



1 5 - Ezra

sv IspoDoaArjji o oikoc; oiKo8o|ir|0f|xco Kai xorcoc;

in Jerusalem, [saying], [ the house Let] be built, and [the] place

od dvamCpvai xa 0Daida|iaxa Kai xa 0s|isAaa

of which they sacrifice the sacrifices! And [the foundations

xs0fjxco v\\foq 7if|xsi^ s^fjKovxa 7iA,dxoc; aDxoD

set], [the] height [cubits of sixty], [and the] width of it

7ir|%scov s^fjKovxa 4+ Kai 86|ioi Ai0ivoi Kpaxaioi xpsic;

[ cubits sixty], and [ layers stones of fortified three],

Kai 56|iov ^dXcov Kaivcbv sva Kai r| 8a7idvr| s^

and [layer timbers of new one]! And the expense [out of

oikod xod PaaiXscoc; 8o6f|a8xai 5+ Kai xa aKSDrj

[the] house of the king shall be granted]. And the items

oikod xod 08OD xa %pDad Kai xa apyDpd a

of [the] house of God, the ones of gold, and the ones of silver, which

NaPoD%oSov6oop s^fjvsyKsv anb xod oikod xod sv

Nebuchadnezzar brought forth from the house, of the one in

IspoDaaAxj|i Kai SKOjiiasv sic; BaPD^cbva Kai

Jerusalem, and carried into Babylon; even

8o6fjxa&gt; Kai a7isA,0sxco sic; xov vaov xov sv

let them be given, and brought forth into the temple, of the one in

IspoDaaAxjji S7ri xotcod aDxcbv Kai xs0fjxco sv oikco

Jerusalem, unto their place, and put [them] in [the] house

xod Gsod 6+ vdv odv 0a0ava(s axpaxrjys xod 7ispav

of God! Now then Tatnai commandant of the other side

xod 7ioxa|ioD £a0paPoD^avr|c; Kai 01 (tovSodAxdi aDxoD

of the river, Shethar-boznai, and his fellow-servants

A(papaa%a(oi 01 sv xco 7ispav xod 7ioxa|ioD jiaKpdv

[the] Apharsachites, the ones on the other side of the river, [ far

ovxsc; sksiGsv 7+ Kai vdv dcpsxs xo spyov oikod

be being from there]. And now leave alone the work of [the] house

xod Gsod 01 acprjyoDjisvoi xcov IoDSaicov Kai 01

of God, [and] the ones guiding of the Jews, and the

7ipsaPDxspoi xcov IoD8aicov OIKOV xod 0sod sksivov

elders of the Jews! [house of God that

oiKo8o|ir|adxcoaav S7i( xod xotcod aDxoD 8+ Kai 81'

Let them build] upon its place! And by

sjiod sxs0r| 86yjia xod 7rovfjaai 8id xcov

me was rendered a decree to do through the

7ipsaPDxspcov xcov IoDSaicov sksivcov xod oiKo8o|ir|9f|vai

elders of those Jews to build

oiKov xod 0sod sksivov Kai ano xcov D7iap%6vxcov

[house of God that], and from the subsistence

xod PaaiAicoc; xcov cpopcov rcspav xod 7ioxa|ioD

of the king, of the tribute on the other side of the river,



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87ii|ieA,cbc; 8a7idvr| sotco 8i8ojisvr|

[that] carefully an expense be given

Toiq av8pdaiv sksivoic; tod jit) Kaxapyr|0f|vai 9 + K(Xl O

to those men to not cease work! And what

av D&lt;xc8pr||ia Kai viovq Pocbv Kai Kpicbv Kai

ever deficiency ~ both male offspring of oxen, and rams, and

ajivoDc; sic; o^oKaDTcbasic; too 0scb tod ODpavoD

lambs for whole burnt-offerings to the God of the heaven,

7iDpoDc; akaq oivov £kmov Kaxd to pfj|ia tcov

[and] wheat, salt, wine, olive oil, according to the word of the

ispscov tcov sv IspoDaaArjji scttco 8iS6|isvov aDTOic;

priests, the ones in Jerusalem, let it be given to them

rjjispav sv rjjispa a7iapaAA,&amp;KTC0c; o av arcfjacoaiv io +

day by day, unalterable, what ever they should ask!

(va cbaiv SDCoSiac; 7ipoacpspovTSc; tco 0scb tod

That there might be a pleasant aroma offering to the God of the

ODpavoD Kai 7rpoasD%covTai sic; ^cofjv tod PaaiAicoc;

heaven, and they might pray for [the] life of the king,

Kai tcov Dicbv aDTOD n+ Kai an jiod sts0t| yvcb|ir|

and his sons. And from me was rendered a decree,

6ti 7iac; dv0pco7ioc; oq av aXkatqsi to pfj|ia todto

that every man who ever changes this word

Ka0aips0fjasTai ^dXov sk iv\q oiKiaq aDTOD Kai

[ shall be demolished [the] timber of his house], and

cop0cb|isvoc; 7iayfjosTai S7i' aDTOD Kai o oikoc; aDTOD

[a stake] being straight up he shall be pitched upon it, and his house

scrcai sic; 5iap7rayfjv n+ Kai o 0s6c; od KaTaaKqvoi

will be for ravaging. And the God of whom encamps

to ovojia sksi KaTa&lt;xcps\j/si 7idvTa PaaiAia Kai

[with his] name there, he shall eradicate every king and

Xaov oq sktsivt) ttjv %sipa avzov aAld^ai Kai

people who should stretch out his hand to change and

acpaviaai tov oikov tod 0sod sksivov tov sv

remove from view the house of God, that one in

IspoDaaAxj|i sycb Aapsioc; s0r|Ka yvcb|ir|v S7ii|isA,cbc;

Jerusalem. I Darius rendered [the] decree. Carefully

yivsa0co 13+ tots 0a0awat o S7iap%oc; 7ispav tod

let it become! Then Tatnai the chief ruler on the other side of the

7iOTa|ioD Kai £a0paPoD^dvr|c; Kai 01 cjdvSodAxh aDTOD

river, and Shethar-boznai, and his fellow-servants,

Ka0OTi a7tsaTSiA,s Aapsioc; o PaaiA^Dc; odtcoc;

in so far as [ sent Darius the king], thus



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S7io(r|aav S7ii|isA,cbc; u+ Kai oi 7ipsaPDTspoi tcdv

they did carefully. And the elders of the

Ioi)8aicov coko86|iodv Kai KaTSD0Dvov sv 7ipo(pr|TSia

Jews built, and prospered at [the] prophecy

AyyaioD tod 7ipo(pfjTOD Kai Za%apfc&gt;D diod A55cb Kai

ofHaggai the prophet, and Zechariah son oflddo. And

avcoKo56|ir|aav Kai KaxripxiaavTO ano yvcb|ir|c; 6sod

they rebuilt, and made ready by [the] decree of [the] God

IapafjA, Kai arco yv(b[ir\q KopoD Kai AapsioD Kai

of Israel, and by [the] decree of Cyrus, and Darius, and

ApGaaaaGd PaaiAioov Ilspacbv i 5 + Kai STS^saav

Artaxerxes kings of Persia. And they finished

xov oikov todtov sooc; r||ispac; xpixriq jirjvoc; A8dp

this house by [ day [the] third] of [the] month Adar,

o saxiv stoc; sktov Tr\q PaaiXsiac; AapsioD tod

which is [in] [year [the] sixth] of the kingship of Darius the

PaaiAiooc; i 6 + Kai S7rovr|aav oi dioi IapafjA, oi ispsic;

king. And they made (the sons of Israel, the priests

Kai oi AsDixai Kai oi KaxdXouroi dicov a7ioiKsa(ac;

and the Levites, and the rest of [the] sons of [the] resettlement)

syKaivia tod oikod tod 0sod jist' SDcppoaDvrjq n +

a holiday of rededication of the house of God with gladness.

Kai 7ipoaf|vsyKav sic; Ta syKaivia tod oikod

And they offered for the holiday of rededication [ house

TOD 0SOD TODTOD [l6&lt;J%0Vq SKaTOV Kpiotic; 8iaKoak&gt;Dc;

of God of this]; calves— a hundred; rams- two hundred;

ajivoDc; TSTpaKoaioDc; xijidpoDc; aiycbv 7isp( ajiapTiac;

lambs — four hundred; winter yearlings of [the] goats for a sin [offering]

D7i8p 7iavT0c; IapafjA, 8cb5sKa sic; apiG |iov cpD^cbv

for all Israel — twelve, for [the] number of [the] tribes

IapafjX i8+ Kai sarrjaav todc; ispsic; sv

of Israel. And they established the priests in

8iaipsasaiv aDTcbv Kai todc; AsDvcac; sv

their divisions, and the Levites in

(ispiajioic; aDTcbv S7U 5oDA,s(ac; oikod tod 6sod tod

their distributions, for service of [the] house of God, of the one

sv IspoDaaArjji KaTd tt|v ypacpfjv ptpioD McoDafj i 9 +

in Jerusalem, according to the writing of [the] book of Moses.

Kai S7io(r|aav oi dioi tt|c; a7ioiKsa(ac; to 7ida%a tt|

And [ observed the sons of the resettlement] the passover on the

TsaaapsaKai8sKdTT| tod jirjvoc; tod 7ipcoTOD 20 + OTl

fourteenth of the [month first]. For



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8Ka6apia0r|aav 01 ispsiq Kai 01 AeDixai coq sic;

[ were purified the priests and the Levites], [ as one [man]

navTsq KaGapoi Kai eocpa^av to 7ida%a xoicj naaiv

all [were] clean]. And they slew the passover [for] all

vioiq xrjcj a7roiKsa(ac; Kai xoicj a8sAxpok; aDxcbv xoicj

[the] sons of the resettlement, and [for] their brethren the

ispsDai Kai saDioiq 21+ Kai scpayov 01 moi IapafjA,

priests, and for themselves. And [ate the sons of Israel]

to naoya 01 e^sABovxecj arco xrjcj a7roiK£aiac; Kai

the passover ~ the ones coming forth from the resettlement, and

iiaq o %oopi£p|i£voc; xrjcj aKaGapcriacj s6vcbv xrjcj yr\q

every one separating themself of the uncleanness of [the] nations of the land

7ipoc; aDxoDcj tod SK^rjifjaai Kupiov 6s6v IopafjX 22+

[that was] theirs to inquire of [the] LORD God of Israel.

Kai S7io(r|aav xrjv eopxfjv xoov a£/6|icov S7ixd

And they observed the holiday of the unleavened [breads] seven

rjjispaq jisx' SD^poawqc; 6x1 SDcppavev avzovq

days with gladness; for [ gladdened them

Kopiocj Kai a7isaxps\j/e Kap5(av PaaiAioocj Aaaotip

[the] LORD], and turned [the] heart of [the] king of Assyria

S7i ' aDxoDc; Kpaxaicbaai xacj %e(pacj aDxcbv sv spyoicj

to them, to fortify their hands in [the] works

OIKOD TOD 08OD lapaT\k

of [the] house of the God of Israel.

7 T

1 + Kai jisxd xa pfjjiaxa xaDxa sv xrj PaaiA^ia

And after these things, in the kingdom

Ap0aaaa0d Paailsooc; Ilspacbv avsprj 'Eadpaq diocj

of Artaxerxes king of [the] Persians, there ascended Ezra [the] son

Sapa'ioD diod A^apioD diod XsXkiod 2+ diod SsAIodji

ofSeraiah, son ofAzariah, son ofHilkiah, son ofShallum,

diod Sa5cbK diod A%ixcbp 3+ DIOD A|iapfc&gt;D DIOD

son ofZadok, son ofAhitub, son ofAmariah, son

A^apioD diod MapicbG 4 + diod ZapatoD diod O^i

ofAzariah, son of Meraioth, son ofZerahiah, son ofUzzi,


son ofBulclci, son ofAbishua, son ofPhinehas, son

EXed^ap diod Aapcbv xod ispsooc; xod 7ipcbxoD 6+

ofEleazar, son of Aaron the [priest foremost].

aDxoq 'Eadpaq avsprj sk BapDAxbvocj Kai aDxocj

This Ezra ascended from out of Babylon; and he


7 T ev tootco + viica 15 - Ezra

ypajijiaxsDc; Ta%vq sv vojico McoDafj ov s8coks

[scribe [was] a quick] in [the] law of Moses, which [gave

Kopioc; o Gsoc; IapafjX Kai sScoksv aDxcb o fiaoiksvq

[the] LORD God of Israel]. And [gave to him the king];

Oil %£ip KDpiOD GsOD aDXOD 871 ' ODTOV SV 7ldaiV

for [the] hand of [the] LORD his God [was] upon him in all [things]

oiq e^fjxei avzoq ? + Kai avsprjaav anb xcov dicov

which he sought. And there ascended [some] from the sons

IapafjX Kai anb xcov ispscov Kai anb xcov Asmxcbv

of Israel, and from the priests, and from the Levites,

Kai oi dSovxsc; Kai 01 7iDAxopoi Kai 01 NaGivaun sic;

and the singers, and the gatekeepers, and the Nethinim, to

IspoDaaAxjji sv sxsi sp86|ico xco Ap6aaaa0d xco

Jerusalem, in [ year [the] seventh] of Artaxerxes the

PaaiXsi 8+ Kai r\kdov sic; IspoDaaAx||i xco |ir|v(

king. And they came to Jerusalem in the [ month

xco 7is|i7i;xco xodxo xo sxoc; sp8o|iov xco PaoiXsi 9 + 0X1

fifth], this [was] the [ year seventh] of the king. For

sv jiia xod jirjvoc; xod 7ipcbxoD avTbq sGsjisAicoas

on [day] one of the [ month first] he founded

xrjv avdpaaiv xrjv arco BaPDAxbvoc; sv 8s xr| 7ipcoxr|

the expedition from Babylon. And during the first [day]

xod jxrjvoc; xod 7is|i7rxoD f|A,Gsv sic; IspoDaaAx||i 6xi

of the [ month fifth] he came into Jerusalem, for

%sip Gsod aDxoD Tjv ayaGfj S7i' aDxov 10+ 6x1 'EaSpaq

[the] hand of his God was good upon him. For Ezra

sxoijiaas xrjv Kap8(av aDxoD ^rjxfjaai xov vojiov xod

prepared his heart to seek the law of the

KDpioD Kai 7roisiv Kai 8i8daKsiv sv IapafjA,

LORD, and to do and to teach in Israel

7ipoaxdy|iaxa Kai Kpijiaxa 11+ Kai xodxo xo

[the] orders and judgments. And this [is] the

avxiypacpov xod Siaxdyjiaxoc; od sScoksv ApGaaaaGd

copy of the edict which [ gave Artaxerxes

o PaaiXsDc; 'Ea8pa xco ispsi xco ypa|i|iaxs( PiPAaod

the king] to Ezra the priest, to the scribe of [the] scroll

Xoycov svxoAxbv KDpioD Kai 7ipoaxay|idxcov aDxoD

of [the] words of [the] commandments of [the] LORD, and his orders

S7U xov IapafjA, 12+ ApGaaaaGd PaaiXstic; PaaiAicov

unto Israel. Artaxerxes king of kings,

'Ea8pa xco ispsi ypajijiaxsi vojiod xod Gsod

to Ezra the priest, scribe of [the] law of the God


7 T ev toutco + vtica 15 - Ezra

tod ODpavoD xsTS^soxai Xoyoq Kai r| aftOKpiaic; 13 +

of heaven. Let [ be initiated, [the] matter and the answer].

an s|iod sts0t| yvcb|ir| on naq o SKODaiatpjisvoc;

From me was rendered a decree, that all the ones willing

sv Paai^eia jiod goto Xaov IapafjA, Kai ispsoov Kai

in my kingdom from [the] people of Israel, and priests, and

Asditcdv 7ropsi)6f|vai sic; IspoDaaAxjji jisxd cjod

Levites, to go to Jerusalem ~ with you

7TOpSD0fjTCD 14+ K(X0 Oil a7TO 7ipOaCD7i;OD TOD fiOLGlkECtiq

let [them] go! In so far as from in front of the king,

Kai xcov S7rTd ctd|iPodAxdv (xdtod a7isaTdAx|c;

and [ seven counselors of his], [one] should be sent

aKs\j/aa6ai S7U rqv IoD8a(av Kai IspoDaaAxjji Kai sv

to look about over Judea and Jerusalem, and in

v6|ico 08OD aDicbv sv xsipiaoD 15 + a7rsvsyKsiv Kai sic;

[the] law of their God in your hand, to carry away even [ for

xov oikov KDpioD apyopiov Kai xpvaiov o o

the house [of the] LORD silver and gold], which the

PaaiXsDc; Kai 01 ctd|iPodAx)i SKODaidaGrjaav too 6scb

king and the counselors were willing [to give] to the God

tod IapafjX too sv IspoDaaArj|i KaxoiKODvn i 6 + Kai

of Israel, to the one [in Jerusalem inhabiting]. And

7iav apyDpiov Kai %pDak&gt;v on av stiprjc; sv 7idar|

all [the] silver and gold, whatever you should find in every

%cbpa BaPDAxbvoc; jisxd SKODoiaajioD tod Xaov

place of Babylon, [let it be offered] with a voluntary offering of the people,

Kai ispsoov xcov SKODaia^ojisvcov sic; oikov Gsod

and [the] priests, of the ones willing [to give] for [the] house of God,

xov sv IspoDaaAxjji 17+ Kai 7idvTa 7ipoa7iopsD6|isvov

the one in Jerusalem. And every one going

todtov stoijicdc; svxa^ov sv PipAioo todtco jioaxoDc;

[ this readily you arrange] by this scroll — calves,

Kpiotic; ajivoDc; Kai GDaiac; aDicbv Kai aitovdaq aDicbv

rams, lambs, and their [sacrifice] offerings, and their libation [offerings] !

Kai 7ipoao(asic; aDid S7ii tod 0Daiaoxr|pioD tod

And you shall offer them upon the altar of the


house of your God, of the one in Jerusalem. And

si ti S7U os Kai todc; a8sAxpoD&lt;; cod aya0Dv6fj sv

if anything [ with you and your brethren should seem good] with

KaTaioi7rco tod apyopioD Kai %pDak&gt;D 7ioif|aai coc;

[the] rest of the silver and gold to do, as



8V TOUT© + VlKa

1 5 - Ezra

apsaxov xoa 0sd) djicov 7ioif|aaxs 19+ Kai xa aKSDrj xa

it pleases your God, you do it! And the items, the ones

8i56|isvd aoi sic; XsixoDpyiav oikod 6sod 7iapd8oc;

given to you for [the] ministration of [the] house of God, you deliver

svcG7iiov Gsoi) ev IspoDaaArjji 20+ Kai xo Kaxd^ourov

before God in Jerusalem! And for the rest

Xpsiac; oikod 0sod cjod o av cpavfj aoi 8oDvai

of [the] need of [the] house of your God, what ever should be apparent to you to

Scbasic; goto oiKcov yd^rjc; paaiAicoc; 21+ sycb

you shall give from [ houses treasury [the] king's]. I

ApGaaaaGd fiaaiksvq s0r|Ka yvcb|ir|v naaaiq xaic;

Artaxerxes [the] king established a decree to all the

yaCfiiq xaic; sv rcspav xod 7ioxa|ioD 6x1 7iav o av

treasuries, to the ones on the other side of the river, that all what ever

aixfjarj v[idq 'EaSpac; o ispstic; Kai ypajijiaxsDc; xod

he should ask of you (Ezra the priest and scribe of the

vojiod xod 9sod xod ODpavoD sxoijicoc; yivsaGco 22 +

law of the God of heaven) readily let it become so!

scoc; apyDpioD xa^dvxcov SKaxov Kai scoc; 7ropoD

Unto [ of silver talents a hundred], and unto [ of wheat

Kopcov SKaxov Kai scoc; oivod Paxcbv sraxov Kai scoc;

cors a hundred], and unto [ of wine baths a hundred], and unto

slaioD Paxcbv sraxov Kai akaq od odk saxi

[ of olive oil baths a hundred], and salt of which [the amount] is not

ypacpfj 23+ 7iav o saxiv sv yvcb|ir| xod 0sod xod

recorded. All what is in [the] decree of the God of the

ODpavoD yivsaGco sv xco oikco xod 0sod xod

heaven, let it become in the house of the God of the

ODpavoD 7ipoas%sxs |ir| xic; S7iixsipf|ar| sic; xov oikov

heaven! Take heed lest any make an attempt against the house

XOD 0SOD XOD ODpaVOD |lfj7T0XS ySVTjXai Opyfj S7U

of the God of the heaven! lest at any time [ should happen anger] upon

xrjv Paai^siav xod PaaiXscoc; Kai XCOV DICOV aDXOD 24 +

the kingdom of the king, and his sons.

Kai D|i(v syvcbpioxai sv 7idai xoic; ispstiai Kai

And to you, let it be made known in [respect] to all the priests, and

xoic; AsDixaiq d5oDai TtvXcnpoiq NaGiviji Kai

to the Levites, singers, gatekeepers, Nethinim, and

XsixoDpyoiq oikod 0sod xodxo xov cpopov Kai 7ipd^iv

ministers of [the] house of God! [that] this tribute, and toll,

Kai a7rocpopdv odks%siv Djidc; s^oDaiav S7iiPaA,s(v S7i'

and impost, [ do not have you] authority to assign upon


8 n ev toutco + vtica 15 - Ezra

avzovq 25+ Kai cjd 'Ea8pa Kaxd rqv aoqnav

them. And you, Ezra, according to the wisdom

tod 0soi) ttjv sv %sip( cjod KaTdaTrjaov ypajijiaTsfo;

of God, the [wisdom] in your hand, ordain scribes

Kai Kpix&amp;c; (va cbai KpivovTsq 7iavTi tco Xaco too

and judges! that they might judge all the people, the [people]

sv 7i8pav tod 7iOTa|ioD 7idai toic; si86ai xa

on [the] other side of the river, to all the ones knowing the

v6|ir||ia tod 6sod aoD Kai tco |ir| si86ti

laws of your God. And to the [ones] not knowing

yvcopisirs 26+ Kai naq oq av |ir| r| 7ioicbv tov

you shall make [it] known. And all who ever might not be observing the

vojiov tod 0soD Kai tov vojiov tod PaaiXscoq

law of God and the law of the king

87ri|ieA,cbc; to Kpijia scrcai yivojisvov s^ aDTOD sdv ts

diligently, judgment will be taken upon him, whether

sic; GdvaTOV sdv ts r\ sKpi^cbaai aDTOV r| 7iai8sDaai r|

for death, whether to root him out, or to instruct, or

^rjjiicbaai Ta D7idp%ovTa r| sic; cpDXaKqv syK^siaai 27 +

to penalize the subsistence, or for prison to lock up.

SD^oyrjTOc; Kopioc; o 0s6c; tcov 7iaTspcov r||icbv oq

Blessed [be] [the] LORD God of our fathers, who

sScoksv sv KapSia tod PaaiXscoc; odtcoc; tod So^daai

put [it] in [the] heart of the king thus, to glorify

TOV OIKOV KDpiOD TOV 8V IspODaaAxjJl 28+ Kai 871 '

the house of [the] LORD, the one in Jerusalem. And upon

sjis skAivsv sXsoc; sv ocpGaXjiofc; tod PaaiAicoc; Kai

me [ leaned mercy] in [the] eyes of the king, and


his counselors, and all the rulers of the

PaaiXscoc; tcov SDvaTcbv Kai sycb SKpaTaicbGrjv sv ttj

king of the mighty ones. And I was strengthened by the

Xsipi KDpiOD 9sod jiod TTj ayaGfj S7i' sjis Kai aDvfj^a
[ hand of [the] LORD my God good] upon me, and I gathered

a7io IapafjA, dpxovTaq tod avapfjvai jist' sjiod

from Israel rulers to ascend with me.

8 n

1 + Kai odtoi 01 dpxovTsq 7iaTpicbv aDTcbv Kai r|

And these [are] the rulers of their families, and the

ysvsa^oyia tcov avapdvTCOv jist' sjiod sv ttj

genealogy of the ones ascending with me, in the


8 n ev toutco + vtica 15 - Ezra

PaaiXsia ApGaaaaGd tod PaaiAicoc; BaPiAcbvog 2 +

kingdom of Artaxerxes the king of Babylon.

goto xcov mcbv Oiveec; rr|pacb|i arco mcbv IGdjiap

Of the sons of Phinehas ~ Gershom; of [the] sons oflthamar —

AavifjA, a7io mcbv Aam5 Axxouc; 3+ arco mcbv

Daniel; of [the] sons of David ~ Hattush; of [the] sons

£a%avia arco mcbv Oopoq Za%ap(ac; Kai jisx' ovtov

of Shechaniah of [the] sons of Pharosh — Zechariah, and [ with him

sysvsaXoyfjGriaav 01 dpaevec; SKaxov Kai 7isvxf|Kovxa

having traced descent the males] — a hundred and fifty.

4 + goto mcbv OadG-Mcodp EAiavai vioq Sapa'ia Kai

Of [the] sons Pahath-moab ~ Elihoenai son of Zerahiah, and

jist' ovtov 5iaKoaioi xa apaeviKd 5+ goto mcbv

with him two hundred males. Of [the] sons

Ssxsviod vioq A^ifjA, Kai jisx' olvtov xpiaKoaia

Shechaniah — son Jahaziel, and with him three hundred

xa apaeviKd 6 + arco xcov mcbv A5(v Qpfj5 vioq

males. Of the sons of Adin ~ Ebed son

IcovdGav Kai jj,8x auxou 7rsvxT|Kovxa xa apasviKa 7 +

of Jonathan, and with him fifty males.

a7io xcov mcbv HMv ladiaq vioq AGeAia Kai jisx'

Of the sons ofElam— Jeshaiaih son ofAthaliah, and with

ovtov sp5o|ifjKovxa xa apaeviKd s + arco xcov mcbv

him seventy males. Of the sons

Eacpaxia Zofidioq vioq Mi%afjA, Kai jisx' ai)xoi3

of Shephatiah — Zebadiah son of Michael, and with him

oy8ofjKovxa xa apasviKd 9 + ano xcov mcbv Icodp

eighty males. Of the sons of Joab —

Ap5(aq vioq Isir\k Kai jisx' auxou 5iaKoaioi

Obadiah son of Jehiel, and with him two hundred

SeraoKxcb xa apasviKd 10+ arco xcov mcbv SsAijiouG

eighteen males. From the sons of Shelomith —

vioq Icoaeqna Kai jisx' olvtov SKaxov e^fjKovxa

son of Josiphiah, and with him a hundred sixty

xa apaeviKd u+ arco xcov mcbv Bapi Za%ap(ac; vioq

males. From the sons of Bebai — Zechariah son

Bspt Kai jisx' auxou siKoaioKxcb xa apasviKd 12+ arco

of Bebai, and with him twenty-eight males. From

xcov mcbv Aayd8 Icoavdv vioq AKaxdv Kai jisx'

the sons of Azgad— Johanan son of Hakkatan, and with


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

1 5 - Ezra
avTOV sraxov 5sKa xa apasviKd 13 + arco xcov dicov

him, a hundred ten males. Of the sons

A5cgvik&amp;|i ea%axoi Kai xatixa xa ovojiaxa aDxcbv

of Adonikam last, and these are the names of them —

EAi(paA,&amp;x Isir\k Kai Sajiaia Kai |isx' aDxcbv

Eliphelet, Jeiel, and Shemaiah, and with them

s^fjKovxa xa apaeviKd h+ arco xcov mcbv Bayous

sixty males. Of the sons of Bigvai ~

Oi)0ai Kai ZaPoi35 Kai jisx' aDxcbv sp5ojif|Kovxa

Uthai and Zabbud, and with them seventy

xa apaeviKd 15+ Kai awfj^a aDxotic; 7ipoc; xov 7ioxa|i6v

males. And I gathered them to the river,

xov ep%6|isvov 7ipoc; xo Em Kai 7iapev£pdXo|iev 8ksi

the one coming to Ahava; and we camped there

rjjispac; xpeic; Kai aDvfjKa sv xco Xacb Kai sv xoiq

[days three]. And I perceived among the people, and among the

ispstiai Kai a7io mcbv Asm od% stipov sksi u&gt;+

priests, [ [any] from [the] sons of Levi [there were] not] found there.

Kai a7i8axsiXa xco E^sd^ap xco ApifjX xco Ssjisia Kai

And I sent [to] Eleazar, [to] Ariel, [to] Shemaiah, and

xco EAivdBav Kai xco IapfjP xco EAvaGdv xco NdGav

[to] Elnathan, and [to] Jarib [to] Elnatham, [to] Nathan,

xco Za%ap(a xco MsaoAxxji dpxovxaq xco Icoapeip Kai

[to] Zechariah, [to] Meshullam, rulers; [to] Joiarib, and

xco EAvaGdv auvisvxaq 17+ Kai £vexsiA,d|ir|v aDxoic;

[to] Elnathan, ones perceiving. And I gave charge to them

7ipoc; A5at xov dpxovxa sk Kaaqne xod xotcod Kai

to Iddo the ruler of Casiphia of the place. And

sGrjKa ev axojiaxi aDxcbv Xoyovq A^aArjaai npoq

I put in their mouths words to speak to

A85ae( Kai npoq xodc; a5sAxpoDc; aDxcbv xcov NaBiviji

Iddo, and to their brethren of the Nethinim,

xodc; sv apyopico xod xotcod Kaoqns xod sveyrai

of the ones with [the] money of the place Casiphia, to bring

r\[iiv A^eixoDpyoDc; Kai d8ovxaq eic; oikov Gsod r||icbv

to us ministers and singers into [the] house of our God.

18+ Kai fjXGov r||iiv coc; r| %eip xod 0sod rjjicbv r| ayaGfj

And they came to us as the [ hand of our God good]

scp' r\[idq avfjp aDvexoq arco dicov MooXsi xod

[was] upon us, [man [with] a discerning] from [the] sons ofMahli, the [son]

Asdi xod IapafjA, Kai SapoDia Kai 01 dioi aDxoD Kai

of Levi of Israel. And Sherebiah, and his sons, and


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

1 5 - Ezra

aSeAxpoi avTOV 8sKaoKxcb 19 + Kai xovAaspia Kai

his brethren — eighteen. And Hashabiah and

xov Iaa'ia arco xcov dicov Mspapi aSeAxpoi aDxoD Kai

Jeshaiah from the sons of Merari, his brethren and

moi avTOV eucoai 20 + Kai anb xcov NaGiviji cov

his sons — twenty. And from the Nethinim, whom

s8coks Aai)(8 Kai 01 dp%ovxsc; sic; SoD^siav xcov

David appointed and the rulers for service of the

Asdixcov NaGiviji SiaKoaioi siKoai 7idvxsc; odxoi

Levites — [Nethinim two hundred twenty]; all these

covo|ida9r|aav 21+ Kai SKdXeaa 8ks( vrjaxsiav em xov

were named. And I called there a fast at the

7ioxa|i6v A0OD8 xod xa7isivco9f|vai svcb7iiov

river Ahava, to humble [ourselves] before

xod Gsod rjjicbv ^rjxfjaai 7iap' aDxoD o86v SDGeiav

our God, to seek by him [ way a straight]

r\[iiv Kai xoiq xeKvoic; r||icbv Kai 7idar| xr| Kxfjaei r||icbv

for us, and for our children, and [for] all our property.

22+ 6x1 r|a%i)v0r|v aixfjaaaGai 7iapd xod PaaiAicoc;

For I was ashamed to ask from the king

SDvajiiv Kai ur7rek; acoaai r\[idq anb £%0poD sv xr|

for a force and horsemen to deliver us from [the] enemy in the

o5co 6x1 si7ia|i8v xco PaaiXsi Aiyovxsc; %eip

way; for we said to the king, saying, [The] hand

xod GsoD r||icbv 87ii rcavxac; XODq ^TjXODVXaq aDxov sic;

of our God [is] upon all the ones seeking him for

aya66v Kai Kpdxoq aDxoD Kai dv[ibq aDxoD S7ri

good, and his might and his rage [is] upon

ftdvxac; xodc; £yKaxaA£i7iovxac; aDxov 23+ Kai

all the ones abandoning him. And

svrjaxsDoajisv Kai s^rjxfjaajisv 7iapd xod 0sod r||icbv

we fasted and sought from our God

7ispi xodxod Kai £7rfjKODasv r||icbv 24+ Kai 8ieaxeiXa

concerning this; and he heeded us. And I separated

anb apxovxcov xcov ispscov 5cb5sKa xco Sapata xco

[ of [the] rulers of the priests twelve], [to] Sherebiah, [to]

Aaapta Kai jisx' aDxcbv &lt;mb a8eAxpcbv aDxcbv 8sra 25 +

Hashabiah, and with them from their brethren ~ ten.

Kai saxrjaa aDxoiq xo apyopiov Kai xo xpDoiov Kai

And I set [before] them the silver and the gold, and

xa 0K8DT] Tr\q a7iap%fjc; oikod Gsod r||icbv a

the items of the first-fruit of [the] house of our God, which


8 n ev tootco + vuca 15 - Ezra

acpcbpiaev o fiaaikvbq Kai 01 &lt;t6|iPodAx)i aDxoD Kai

[ separated [in dedication] the king], and his counselors, and

01 dp%ovxec; qlvtov Kai naq IapafjA, 01 supiaKojisvoi

his rulers, and all [of Israel the ones being found].

26+ Kai saxrjaa £7U x s ^P ac ^ ocdtcov apyopioD xdXavxa

And I set in their hands silver — [ talents

s^aKoaia 7isvTf|K0VTa Kai aKstirj apyopd eraxov Kai

six hundred fifty], and vessels made of silver ~ a hundred, and

xdXavxa %pvaiov sraxov 2 ? + Kai %atpoDpf| xpdoodc;

talents of gold ~ a hundred; and [ bowls of gold

eiKoai 5pa%|icbv %iAicov Kai aKSDrj xahcov

twenty drachmas of a thousand], and vessels of brass,

aTik^ovToq ayaBoD 8idcpopa S7ii0D|ir|xd coc; %pDaiov 28 +

shining, good [quality], diverse, desirable as gold.

Kai 8i7ia 7ipoc; avzovq v[isiq dyioi Kopico xca 0scb

And I said to them, You [are] holy [to the] LORD God,

Kai xa aKstirj dyia Kai xo apytipiov Kai xo %pDa(ov

and the [ vessels holy], and the silver, and the gold

eKcmaia xca Kopico 0sco xcov 7iax8pcov r||icbv 29+

[are] a voluntary [offering] to the LORD God of our fathers.

aypD7rvs(xs Kai xrjpsixe ecoc; axfjxe evco7riov xcov

Be awake and give heed until you set [them] before the
ap%6vxcov xcov ispscov Kai xcov Aemxcbv Kai

rulers of the priests and the Levites, and

apxovxcov xcov 7iaxpicbv xod lapar\k sv IepoDaaAxui

rulers of the families of Israel in Jerusalem,

eic; 7iaaxocp6pia oikod KopioD 30+ Kai s8s^avxo 01

in [the] cubicles of [the] house of [the] LORD! And [took the

ispeic; Kai 01 Aemxai xov axa0|iov xod apyDpioD Kai

priests and the Levites] the weight of the silver, and

xod xpvaiov Kai xcov ctksdcov xod evsyKsiv siq

the gold, and the vessels, to bring them into

IspoDaaAxjji eic; oikov xod 08od r||icbv 31+ Kai e^qpajiev

Jerusalem into [the] house of our God. And we lifted away

arco xod 7ioxa|ioD xod A%0Dd sv xtj 5co5sKdxr| XOD

from the river Ahava on the twelfth of the

jirjvoq xod 7ipcoxoD xod sXQexv eic; IspoDaaXfjii Kai

[ month first], to come unto Jerusalem. And

%sip 6sod r||icbv try ecp' r||iiv Kai epptiaaxo rjjLidq sk

[the] hand of our God was upon us, and he rescued us from

%sipoc; s%0poD Kai 7toA,8|i(od sv xr| o8co 32+ Kai

[the] hand of [the] enemy, and [the] warlike [people] along the way. And


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

1 5 - Ezra

fjXGojisv sic; lspovaakr\[i Kai SKa6(aa|isv sksi rjjispac;

we came into Jerusalem, and we stayed there [ days

xpeiq 33+ mi tt] rjjispa ttj TSTdprq eaxfjaajisv to

three]. And on the [day fourth] we set the

apyopiov Kai to %pDak&gt;v Kai Ta aKSDTj sv oikco

silver, and the gold, and the vessels in [the] house

tod Gsod r\[i(bv 87ii %s(pa MapijicbG diod Oupia tod

of our God into [the] hand ofMeremoth son of Uriah the

ispscoq Kai (ist' aDTOD EXsd^ap vioq Oivssc; Kai

priest; and with him [was] Eleazar son of Phinehas; and

|I8t' aDTcbv Icoaapd8 vioq lr\aov Kai Nooa8(a vioq

with them [was] Jozabad son of Jeshua, and Noadiah son

Baavia oi AsDrcai 3 4+ sv api0|icb Kai sv &lt;xca0|icb

of Binnui — the Levites. By number and by weight

Ta 7idvTa Kai sypdcprj naq o &lt;xca0|i6c; sv

all [were measured]; and [ was written down all the weight] at

too Kaipcb sksivco 35 +01 sABovtsc; a7io Tr\q

that time. [And] the ones coming out of the

ai%[Lakcoaiaq vioi Tr\q 7iapoiKiac; 7ipoaf|vsyKav

captivity, sons of the sojourn, brought

oXoKaDTcbasiq too 6scb IapafjX [ioa%ovq 5cb8sKa 7ispi

whole burnt-offerings to the God of Israel; calves — twelve for

rcavTOc; IapafjA, Kpiotic; swsvrjKovTas^ ajivoDc;

all Israel, rams — ninety-six, lambs —

sp8o|ir|KovTas7rTd %i|idpoDc; 7isp( ajiapTiaq

seventy-seven, winter yearlings [of the goats] for [the] sin [offering] —

5cb5sKa Ta 7idvTa oA,OKai)Tcb|iaTa tco Kopico 3 6+ Kai

twelve; the whole [amount] [for] whole burnt-offerings to the LORD. And

s8coKav to vojiiajia tod PaaiXsooc; toic; SioiKTjTaiq

they gave the mandate of the king to the administrators

tod Paai^scoq Kai S7tdp%oic; rcspav tod 7iOTa|ioD

of the king, and chief rulers on the other side of the river;
Kai s56^aaav tov Axxov Kai tov oikov tod 6sod

and they glorified the people, and the house of God.

9 ta

i + Kai cdc; STsXsaGrj TaDTa fjyyiaav itpoq |is oi

And as these [things] were finished, [ approached to me the

dpxovTsq XsyovTsq odk s%copia6r|aav o Xaoq IopafjX

rulers], saying, [ did not separate The people of Israel],

Kai oi ispsfc; Kai oi AsDvcai anb Xacbv tcov yaicbv

and the priests and the Levites, from [the] peoples of the lands


9 0 ev tootco + vtica 1 5 - Ezra

sv Toiq pSsMyjiaaiv aDxcbv tod XavavaioD o E00{ o

in their abominations — of the Canaanite, the Hittite, the

Osps^i o IsPodcti o Ajijicovi o Mcoapi Kai o Moapi

Perizzite, the Jebusite, the Ammonite, the Moabite, and the Moserite,

Kai o Ajiopi 2 + on skafiov anb GDyaxspcov aDxcbv

and the Amorite. For they took of their daughters

saDxofc; Kai xoic; dioic; aDxcbv Kai aDvsjjiyrj a7isp|ia

to themselves, and [to] their sons, and [ mixed together seed

xo dyiov sv Xaoiq xcov yaicbv Kai %sip xcov

the holy] among [the] peoples of the lands; even [by the] hand of the

apxovxcov Kai xcov oxpaxrjycbv sv xr| aaDvGsaia xaDxrj

rulers and of the commandants in this breach-of-contract

sv ap%fj 3 + Kai coc; fjKODoa xov Xoyov xodxov 5isppr|^a

in rule. And as I heard this word, I tore

xa ijidxid jiod Kai xov D7io5t3xt|v jiod Kai S7iaAA,6|ir|v

my garments and my undergarment, and was agitated,

Kai sxiAlov xac; xpixaq xrjc; KstpaArjc; jiod Kai arco

and plucked the hair of my head, and of

xod 7icbycov6c; jiod Kai SKaGfjixqv rjpsjid^cov 4 + Kai

my beard, and sat down for calming. And

&lt;yovfi%6r|aav itpoq |is naq o svxpojioq Xoyov 0sod

there gathered to me everyone trembling [at the] word of [the] God

IapafjX S7U aaDvGsaia Tr\q a7roiKiac; Kayco

of Israel concerning [the] breach-of-contract of the resettlement. And I

KaGfjjisvoc; rjpsjia^cov scoq xrjc; dvaiaq xrjc; sa7ispivf|(; 5 +

was sitting calming myself until the [ sacrifice evening].

Kai sv dvaia xr| sa7ispivf| avsaxrjv arco

And during [ sacrifice the evening] I rose up from

Tr\q xa7isivcbascbc; jiod Kai sv xco 8iappfj^a( |is

my humiliation, and in my tearing

xa ijidxid jiod Kai xov D7io5t3xt|v jiod Kai KAivco sm

my garments, and my undergarment, and I leaned upon

xa yovaxd jiod Kai SK7rsxd^co xac; %s(pdc; jiod npoq

my knees, and I spread forth my hands to

Kopiov xov 0s6v jiod 6 + Kai si7ia Kopis r|a%DV0r|v Kai

[the] LORD my God. And I said, O LORD, I am ashamed and

svsxpd7ir|v xod D\j/cbaai 9ss jiod xo 7rp6aco7i6v jiod npoq

feel shame to raise up, O my God, my face to

os oxi ai avojiiai r||icbv S7iAr|0Dv6r|aav D7isp

you; for our lawlessnesses multiplied over

KscpaAxjc; r||icov Kai ai 7iAr||i|isA,siai r||icov s|isyaA,Dv6r|aav

our head, and our trespasses are magnified

9 Q ev toi3tco + vuca 1 5 - Ezra

scoc; xov ODpavov 7+ a7io r||ispcov 7iaxspcov rjjicov

unto the heaven. From [the] days of our fathers

sajisv ev 7rAr||i|ieX£ia |isydAr| scoc; xrjq rjjiepaq xa^xriq

we are in [ trespass great] until this day.

Kai xaic; avojiiaic; r\[i(bv 7iaps860r||isv r||isic; Kai

And in our lawless deeds we were delivered up, and

oi Paailsfc; tijicov Kai 01 ispsic; rjjicbv sv x 8l P^

our kings, and our priests, into [the] hand

PaaiAicov xcov e0vcbv sv pojicpaia Kai sv aix|iaA,coa(a

of [the] kings of the nations, by broadsword, and into captivity,

Kai sv ap7rayfj Kai sv aia%Dvr| 7ipoaco7i;oD r\[i(bv coc;

and in seizure, and in shame of our face, as

T| rjjispa aDxrj 8 + Kai vdv coc; Ppa%D S7iisiKSDaaxo r\[iiv

this day. And now as [ a little was lenient to us

Kopioc; o Gsoc; r\[i(bv xod KaxaAi7is(v r\[idq sic; acoxrjpiav

[the] LORD our God], to leave us for deliverance,

Kai 8oDvai r\[iiv axfjpiyjia sv x67ico ayidajiaxoc; aDxoD

and to give to us reliance in [the] place of his sanctuary,

xod cpcoxiaai ocpGaXjioDc; rjjicov Kai 8oDvai ^coo7iovr|aiv

to enlighten our eyes, and to give [ restoration to life

jiiKpdv sv xt| 8oi)A,sia r||icbv 9+6x1 SodAxdi sajisv Kai

a little] in our servitude, for we are servants, and

sv xtj 8oi)A,s(a rjjicov odk syraxslursv r|jLxdq Kopioc;

in our servitude [ did not abandon us [the] LORD

o Gsoc; rjjicov Kai skAivsv scp' r\[iaq sXsoc; svco7uov

our God]; and he leaned [ towards us mercy] before

PaaiXscov Ilspacbv xod 5oDvai r\[iiv ^coo7rorr|aiv

[the] kings of [the] Persians, to give us a restoring to life,

xod D\j/coaai aDxotic; xov oikov xod 0sod r\[i(bv Kai

for them to exalt the house of our God, and

avaaxfjaai xa spr||ia aDxfjq Kai xod 8oDvai rjjjiv

to reestablish its deserted places, and to give to us

cppayjiov sv IoD8a Kai IspoDaaAx||i 10+ Kai vdv xi

a fence in Judah and Jerusalem. And now, what

si7rco|isv o Gsoc; r\[i(bv jisxd xodxo 6x1 syKaxsAi7io|isv

should we say, O our God, after this? For we abandoned

xac; svxoAxxc; aoD n+ aq sScorac; r\[dv sv %sip(

your commandments, [the] ones which you gave to us by [the] hand

xcov SodAxdv aoD xcov 7ipocpr|xcbv Aiycov r| yr| sic; r|v

of your servants the prophets, saying, The land into which

sia7iopsDsa6s sksi KAx|povo|if|aai aDxfjv yr|

you enter there, to be an heir to it, [ a land


9 0 ev tootco + vuca 1 5 - Ezra

(i8iaKivoD|i8vr| saxiv sv jisxaKivfjasi Xacbv xcov

in motion is] by [the] removal of [the] peoples of the

yaicbv p8s?a)Y|iaoiv auxcbv cov S7iAx|aav aDxfjv arco

lands of their abominations, which they filled it from

axojiaxoc; S7U oxojia ev aKaBapaiaiq auxcbv 12+ Kai

mouth to mouth in their uncleannesses. And

vdv mq Guyaxspac; djicov jlit| 56xs xoic; vioiq auxcbv

now, [ your daughters do not give] [to] their sons,

Kai goto xcov Guyaxspcov auxcbv |ir| A,dpr|xs xoic;

and of their daughters do not take [to]

vioiq djicov Kai odk sK^rjxfjasxs sipfjvrjv auxcbv Kai

your sons, and do not require their peace and

ayaGov auxcbv scoc; aicbvoq OTtcnq svia%i3ar|xs Kai

their good [will] into [the] eon! for you should grow in strength, and

tpdyrjxs xa ayaGd xrjc; yr\q Kai KAr|po5oxfjar|xs xoic;

should eat the good of the land, and allot it to

Dioiq djicov scoc; aicbvoc; 13 + Kai jisxd 7iav xo

your sons unto [the] eon. And after all the [things]

sp%6|isvov stp' r\[iaq sv 7ioif||iaaiv r||icbv xoic;

coming upon us by our actions in the

7rovr|pok; Kai sv 7iAx||i|isA£ia r||icbv xr| |isydAx| 6x1 av

wicked [things], and by [trespasses our great], that you

o Gsoc; r||icbv SKcrotpiaac; r||icbv xac; avojiiaq Kai

our God lightened of us the lawless deeds, and

s5coKac; r\[iiv ocoxrjpiav 14+ 6x1 S7isaxps\j/a|isv

gave to us deliverance; for we turned

8iaaKs8daai xac; svxoAxxc; aoi) Kai S7iiya|iPpsi)aai xoic;

to efface your commandments, and allied by marriage to the

Xaoiq xcov yaicbv xouxcov |ir| 7rapo^ovGfjc; sv r\[iiv

peoples of the these lands. You should not be provoked by us

scoc; aDvxsXsiac; xod [ir\ sivai syKaxdXsijijia Kai

unto consumption, [so that] there should not be [one] left over and

8iaaco£p|isvov 15+ Kupis o Gsoc; IapafjX SiKaioq au 6x1

preserved [to us]. O LORD God of Israel, you are just, for

KaxsXs(cp9r||isv 8iaaco£p|isvoi coc; r| rjjispa ai3xr| idov

we were left being preserved as in this day. Behold,

r||is(c; rcdvxac; svavxiov aoi) sv 7iAx||i|isA£iai(; r||icbv 6x1

we all [are] before you in our trespasses; for

odk saxi axfjvai svco7ii6v oou S7U xotjxco

there is no standing before you in this.



8V TOOTCp + VlKa

1 5 - Ezra

10 ■»

i+ Kai coc; TipoarjD^axo 'EaSpac; Kai coc; s^rjyopeDos

And as Ezra prayed, and as he confessed

KAmcov Kai 7ipoa7ri7rxcov svcb7nov oikod tod 0sod

weeping and falling before [the] house of God,

avvT\%dr\aav npoq avzov ano IapafjA, sKKArjaia 7ioAAxj

[there] came together to him from Israel [ assembly vast

aq)68pa dv8pec; Kai yovaiKsc; Kai veaviaKoi 6xi

an exceedingly], men and women and young [people]; for

kAxtdGjicd jisydAxo ZKkavazv o Xaoq 2 + Kai a7isKp(0r|

[ weeping a great wept the people]. And answered one

Ssxsviaq vioq IsifjX arco dicov HMji Kai ei7is

Shechaniah son ofJehiel, from [the] sons ofElam, and said

xco 'Ea5pa r\[isiq rjaDV0exf|aa|i£V xco 0scb rijicov Kai

to Ezra, We broke contract [with] our God, and

8Ka6(aa|i8v yDvafcac; aAloxpiac; arco xcov Xacbv xrjc;

settled with [ wives alien] from the peoples of the

yrjc; Kai vdv eaxiv skniq xco IapafjX 8711 XODXCO 3 +

land. And now there is hope to Israel for this [thing].

Kai vdv 5ia0cb|i80a 8ia0fjKr|v xco 0sco r||icbv s^ayaysiv

And now we should ordain a covenant [with] our God, to lead out
naaaq xac; yDvaiKaq Kai xa yswcbjisva aDxcbv

all the wives and the ones being born from them,

sv PodAx| KDpioD Kai xcov xpsjiovxcov ev

according to counsel of [the] LORD, and of the ones trembling in

svxoAmc; 0sod r||icbv Kai coc; o vojioc; ysvr|0f|xco

[the] commandments of our God. And [ according to the law let it be] !

4+ avdaxr|0i 6xi sni as xo pfjjia Kai r\[isiq jiexd

Rise up, for [ concerns you the matter], and we [are] with

aoD KpaxaioD Kai 7iovr|aov 5 + Kai aveaxrj 'EaSpac; Kai

you— strengthen and do! And Ezra rose up, and

copKioe xodc; dp%ovxac; xcov ispek; Kai AsDixaq Kai

bound by an oath the rulers of the priests, and Levites, and

7idvxa IapafjA, xod 7ioif|aai Kaxd xo pfjjia xodxo Kai

all Israel, to do according to this word. And

cojioaav 6+ Kai aveaxrj 'EaSpaq and 7rpoacb7ioD

they swore by an oath. And Ezra rose up from in front

oikod xod 08OD Kai S7ropsD0r| sic; ya^ocpD^dKiov

[of the] house of God, and went into [the] treasury

Icoavdv diod EXiaoDp Kai r|DAia0r| 8K8i dpxov odk

of Johanan son of Eliashib, and he lodged there; [ bread he did not



8V TOUT© + VlKa

1 5 - Ezra
SCpaySV Kai l35cop ODK S7TISV OXl S7TSV0SI S7U XT]

eat], and [ water did not drink], for he mourned over the

aaDvGsaia Tr\q a7ioiKiac; i+ Kai 7iapf|veyKav cpcovfiv sv

breach-of-contract by the resettlement. And they carried about a report in

Ioi35a Kai sv IepoDaaAx||i 7idai xoic; Diok; xrjc;

Judah and in Jerusalem to all the sons of the

a7roiKiac; xod aDva6poia6f|vai eic; IspoDaaAx||i 8 + naq

resettlement, to gather together in Jerusalem, [saying], Every one

oq av |ir| £kdr\ ziq xpeic; rjjiepac; coq av r| PodAt|

who ever should not come for three days, according to the counsel

xcov apxovxcov Kai xcov 7ipeaPDxepcov

of the rulers and of the elders,

avaGejiaxiaGfjaexai 7idaa r| vnapfyq aDxoD Kai avzoq

[ shall be devoted to consumption all his substance], and he

8iaaxaArjasxai and eKKAxjaiac; xrjq aTioiKiaq 9+ Kai

shall be separated from [the] assembly of the resettlement. And

owf|%0r|aav rcavxec; dv5pec; Ioi35a Kai Bsviajiiv eic;

[ gathered together all [the] men of Judah and Benjamin] in

IspoDaaAxjji eic; xac; xpeic; rjjiepac; odxoc; o jirjv

Jerusalem for the three days. [And] this [was] the [ month

o ewaxoc; sv xrj siKd8i xod jirjvoq eraGiae naq o

ninth]. On the twentieth of the month [sat all the

Xaoq ev 7iA,axe(a oikod xod 6eoD sv xp6|ico 7iepi

people] in [the] square of [the] house of God in trembling concerning

xod pfjjiaxoc; Kai arco xod xeijicbvoq 10+ Kai aveaxrj

the matter, and because of the distress. And [ rose up

'Eadpaq o ispsDc; Kai eirce itpoq aDxotic; Djiek;

Ezra the priest], and said to them, You

r|aDV0sxf|Kaxs Kai eraGiaaxe yDvaucaq aAloxpiaq

have broken the contract, and settled [with] [wives alien],

xod 7rpoa6s(vai £7U 7iXr||i|ieA£iav IapafjA, u+ Kai vdv

to add to [the] trespass of Israel. And now,

56xs aiveaiv Kopico xco Gecb xcov 7iaxepcov rijicbv Kai

give praise [to the] LORD God of our fathers, and

7rovfjaaxs xo apeaxov svcb7iiov aDxoD Kai 8iaaxdAx|xe

do the pleasing [thing] before him, and draw apart

arco Xacbv Tr\q yr\q Kai arco xcov yDvaiKcbv

from [the] peoples of the land, and from the [ wives

xcov aAloxpicov 12+ Kai a7T8Kpi6r|aav 7idaa r| sKKArjoia

alien]! And answered all the assembly

cpcovfj |ieydAr| Kai eircov Kaxd zovq Xoyovq aoD odc;

[voice [with] a great], and said, According to your words which



8V TOOTCp + VlKa

1 5 - Ezra

stprjc; odtcoc; 7ioifjao|isv 13+ aXka o Xaoq itoXvq Kai

you said, thus we will do. But the people [are] vast, and

o Kaipoq xsijiepivoq Kai odk sail 8Dva|iic; aTfjvai

[it is] the time of winter, and there is no ability to stand

s^co Kai to spyov odk sic; rjjispav jiiav od8s 8do

outside, and the work [is] not for [ day one], nor two;

on S7iAr|0Dva|isv tod a8iKf|aai sv too pfjiiaxi todtco h+

for we multiplied the wrong in this matter.

axfjicoaav 5r| 01 dp%ovTSc; r)|icbv xr| 7idar| SKKArjaia

Let [ stand indeed our rulers] in every assembly!

Kai 7idai TOiq sv 7i6A,saiv rj|icbv oq SKdGias yvvahcaq

and to all the ones in our cities who settled with [ wives

aX^oxpiaq sA^STCoaav sic; Kaipotic; anb aDVTaycbv Kai

alien], let them come at [ times arranged], and

jist' aDxcbv 01 7ipsaPDTspoi 7r6Xscoc; Kai nokz&amp;q Kai

with them the elders city by city, and

Kpvcai tod a7ioaTps\j/ai opyfjv 0djiod Gsod rj|icbv s^

judges! to turn [the] anger of [the] rage of our God from

r||icbv 7rsp( tod pfjjiaxocj xoDTOD 15+ nkr[V IcovdGav

us, on account of this matter. Only Jonathan

Dioq Aaar\k Kai Ia^iac; vioq 0skods jist' sjiod Kai

son of Asahel and Jahaziah son of Tikvah [were] with me; and

MsaoXdji Kai SaPaGa'i o AsDvcr|c; avTslajipdvovTO

Meshullam and Shabbethai the Levite assisted

aDioiq 16+ Kai £7iovr|aav odtcoc; 01 dioi tt|c; a7roiKiac;

them. And [ did thus the sons of the resettlement].

Kai 5ieaxdAr|aav 'EaSpac; o ispstic; Kai dvSpsc;

And [ drew apart Ezra the priest], and [the] men

dpxovxsc; 7raxpicbv tcov oikcov Kai itavTsq sv

rulers of [the] families of the households, and all by

ovojiaaiv on S7isaTps\j/av sv rjjispa [da tod jirjvoc;

names, for they returned on day one of the [month

tod SsKdxoD SK^rjTfjaai to pf||ia i?+ Kai STS^saav

tenth] to inquire of the matter. And they finished

sv 7idaiv av5pdaiv 01 SKdGiaav yDvaiKsq

with [questioning] all [the] men settling with [ wives

aXkoxpiaq scoc; rjjispac; juidq tod [ir\voq tod 7ipcoTOD ig+

alien] until day one of the [month first].

Kai SDpsGrjaav ano dicov tcdv ispscov 01 SKdGioav

And there were found of [the] sons of the priests, the ones settling with

yDvaucac; aAloTpiac; anb dicov IrjaoD diod Icocts8sk

[ wives alien], [some] of [the] sons of Jeshua son of Jozadak,



8V TOUT© + VlKa

1 5 - Ezra

Kai aSeAxpoi avzov Maaaia Kai EAie^sp Kai Iapip

and of his brethren Maaseiah, and Eliezer, and Jarib,

Kai TadaXxaq i 9 + Kai eScorav %zipa auxcbv

and Gedaliah. And they gave their hand [in pledge]

tod e^eveyrai yvvahcaq eauxcbv Kai 7ihr\[i[iEksiaq

to bring forth their own wives; and [they gave] trespass [offerings] —

Kpiov sk 7ipopdxcov 7iep( 7iAr||i|ieATjaecoc; auxcbv 20+ Kai

a ram of [the] sheep for their trespass [offering]. And

a7io mcbv Ejijifip Avavia Kai Zap8(a 21 + Kai a7io

of [the] sons of Immer — Hanani and Zebadiah. And of

mcbv Hpdji Maaaia Kai EAia Kai Sajiapia Kai Ie'isX

[the] sons ofHarim— Maaseiah, and Elijah, and Shemaiah, and Jehiel,

Kai O^iaq 22+ Kai arco mcbv Oaacrop EXicovai

and Uzziah. And of [the] sons of Phasur — Elioenai,

Maaaia la[Lar\k Kai NaBavafjA, Kai Ico^apdS Kai

Maaseiah, Ishmael, and Nathaneel, and Jozabad and

HAxxad 23+ Kai arco xcov Aemxcbv Icoaapd5 Kai Sejieei

Elasah. And of the Levites — Jozabad, and Shemei,

Kai KcoAia avzoq KcoAixac; Kai Os08ia Kai IouSaq

and Kelaiah — he [is] Kelita, and Pethahiah, and Judah,

Kai EAas^ep 24+ Kai ano xcov a86vxcov EXiaadp Kai

and Eliezer. And of the singers — Eliashib. And

anb xcov 7n)A,copcbv SoArjv Kai TeAAxjv Kai Oopiac; 25 +

of the gatekeepers — Shallum, and Telem, and Uri.

Kai a7io IapafjA, ano mcbv Oopoq Pajiia Kai A^ia

And of Israel, of [the] sons of Parosh — Ramiah, and Jeziah,

Kai MsA,%ia Kai Msijiiv Kai EXed^ap Kai MsX%iac;

and Malchiah, and Miamin, and Eleazar, and Malchijah,

Kai Bavsaq 26+ Kai arco mcbv HXdji MaxBaviaq Kai

and Benaiah. And of [the] sons of Elam — Mattaniah, and

Zaxapiaq Kai laxr\k Kai Afidiaq Kai IspijicbG Kai

Zechariah, and Jehiel, and Abdi, and Jeremoth, and

HAia 27+ Kai arco xcov mcbv ZaGcroa EAicovai Ekiaovfi

Eliah. And of the sons of Zattu — Elioenai, Eliashib,

MaxGava'i Kai IapjicbG Kai Zapd8 Kai O^d 28+ Kai

Mattaniah, and Jeremoth, and Zabad, and Aziza. And

a7io xcov mcbv Bapt Iavdv Kai Avavi Kai ZaPcro

of the sons of Bebai ~ Jehohanan, and Hananiah, and Zabbai,

Kai 0aAi 29+ Kai arco xcov mcbv Baavi MoaaoAxxji

and Athlai. And of the sons of Bani ~ Meshullam,



1 5 - Ezra

Kai Makov% Kai ASaiac; Kai Iaaotip Kai Haak Kai

and Malluch, and Adaiah, and Jashub, and Sheal, and

PajicbG 30 + Kai a7io xcov mcbv ® ad6 Mcodp E8vs Kai

Ramoth. And of the sons Pahath-moab — Adna, and

Xakr\k Kai Bavai Kai Maaaiac; Kai MaxBaviac; Kai

Chelal, and Benaiah, and Maaseiah, and Matthaniah, and

BsaasXsfjX Kai Bavom Kai Mavaaafj 31+ Kai anb

Bezaleel, and Binnui, and Manasseh. And of

xcov mcbv Hpdji EAae^sp Isas'ia MsA,%(ac; Sajiai

the sons ofHarim— Eliezer, Ishijah, Malchiah, Shemaiah,

Esjiecbv 32+ Beviajiiv Mzkov% Kai Sajiapi 33+ Kai anb

Shimeon, Benjamin, Malluch, and Shemariah. And of

xcov mcbv Aar\[i MaxBavai Max0a6d Zapd8

the sons ofHashum— Mattenai, Mattathah, Zabad,

EAicpaAix Ispsjii Mavaaafjq Kai Ssjisii 34+ Kai anb

Eliphelet, Jeremai, Manasseh, and Shimei. And of

xcov mcbv Bavi MooSiac; Ajipdji Kai Ovr\k 35+ Bava'i

the sons of Bani ~ Maadai, Amram, and Uel, Benaiah,

BaSatac; Xskiaq 36+ Ooavia MapijicbB EAiaaip 37 +

Bedeiah, Chelluh, Vaniah, Meremoth, Eliashib,

MaxBaviac; Kai MaxGavi 3 s+ Kai S7iovr|aav 01 moi

Mattaniah, and Mattenai. And [so] did the sons

BaoDvi Kai 01 moi Ssjisi 39+ Kai Ee^sjiiac; Kai

of Bani and the sons of Shimei, and Shelemiah, and

NdGav Kai A5aiaq 40+ Kai Maxva5d Kai Sapoud Kai

Nathan, and Adaiah, and Machnadebai, and Sharai, and

Xsas't 41+ E^pifjA, Kai Ss^sjiiaq Kai Sajiapiaq 42+ Kai

Shashai Azareel, and Shelemiah, and Shemariah, and

EsAIodji Kai Ajiapiaq Kai Icoafjcp 43+ arco mcbv

Shallum, and Amariah, and Joseph. From [the] sons

NaPcru IsifjX MaxGaGiaq Zapd8 ZePewd Ia8ai IcofjA,

of Nebo ~ Jeiel, Mattithiah, Zabad, Zebina, Jadau, Joel,

Kai Bavaiaq 44+ rcavxec; ouxoi skafiov yvvaUcaq

and Benaiah. All these took [ wives

aAloxpiaq Kai eiai 8s auxcbv xcov yDvaiKcbv ai

alien]; and also there are of them [of the wives in which

syswrjaav auxcbv viovq

they engendered of them sons].


1 x ev tootco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

1 X

i+ Xbyoi Nssjjaod diod XaAxioD Kai sysvsTO sv

[The] words of Nehemiah son ofHachaliah. And it came to pass in

jirjvi Xaaskvb stodc; sikootod Kai sycb r\[ir\v sv

[the] month ofChislev, [year [in the] twentieth], that I was in

Eodct&amp;v Apipd 2+ Kai fjXGev Avavi sic; arco

Susa Abira. And there came Hanani one of

aSsAxpcbv jiod avxoq Kai dv8psc; lovda Kai ripcbxriaa

my brethren, he and [the] men of Judah. And I asked

avTOvq 7ispi tcov IoD8a(cov tcov 5iaa&lt;x&gt;0svTCOv 01

them concerning the Jews, of the ones having survived, the ones

KaxsXeicpGrjaav anb Tr\q ai%|iaAxooiac; Kai 7ispi

left behind from the captivity, and concerning

Ispoi)aaAxi|i 3+ Kai si7iov 7ipoc; |is 01

Jerusalem. And they said to me, The ones

D7roA,eXsi|i|isvoi 01 KaTaA,sup0svTSc; anb xrjq

remaining behind surviving from the

ai%|iaA,CDcriac; sksi sv tt| %ti&gt;pa 8V 7iovr|pia

captivity there in the place [are] among [ wickedness

|ieyaAx| Kai sv ovsi8ia|icb Kai xa xsixrj IspoDaaArni

great], and in scorning; and the walls of Jerusalem

Ka0r|pr||isva Kai mb'Xm avTT\q svs7ipf|a0r|aav sv 7iDp(

are being demolished, and its gates were burnt by fire.

4 + Kai sysvsxo sv too aKODaai |is todc; Xbyovq todtodc;

And it came to pass in my hearing these words,

SKdGiaa Kai SK^aDaa Kai S7isv0r|aa rjjispaq Kai

I sat and wept and mourned [for] days, and

t\[lt\v vrjcrcsDcov Kai 7ipoasD%6|isvoc; SVC07UOV TOD

I was fasting and praying before the

0sod tod ODpavoD 5 + Kai si7ia co 8rj Kopis o 0s6c;

God of heaven. And I said, O indeed, O LORD God

tod ODpavoD o \a%vpbq Kai jisyaq Kai cpopspoq

of heaven, the strong and great and fearful [one],

cpD^daacov tt|v 8ia0f|Kr|v Kai to sksoq TOiq

guarding the covenant and the mercy to the ones

aya7icbaiv aDTOV Kai toic; cpDA,daaoDai

loving him and to the ones guarding

Tag svtoAxxc; aDTOD 6 + scttco 8r| to odcj aoD 7ipoas%ov

his commandments. Let it be indeed your ear heeds,

Kai 01 otp0aA,|io( ood avscoyjisvoi tod aKODaai

and your eyes open to hear

7rpoasDxfjv tod 8odA,od aoD r|v sycb 7ipoasDxo|iai

[the] prayer of your servant! which I pray


1 x ev toi3tco + viica 1 6 - Nehemiah

svco7riov aoD af||ispov rjjispav Kai VDKxa rcspi dicov

before you today's day and night, for [the] sons

IapafjA, 5odXcov aoD Kai s^ayopsDco S7ii ajiapxiaic;

of Israel your servants. And I declare openly concerning [the] sins

mcbv IopafjX aiq T]|idpxo|isv aoi Kai sycb Kai o

of [the] sons of Israel, in which we sinned against you; both I and the

OIKOq TOD 7iaxpOCj JIOD T||ldpXO|ISV i+diakVGZl

house of my father sinned. In parting,

8isA,Daa|isv npoq as Kai odk s(pi)A,a^d|isv xac;

we parted from you, and we guarded not the

svxoldc; Kai xa 7ipoaxdy|iaxa Kai xa Kpijiaxa a

commandments, and the orders, and the judgments, which

svsxsiAxo xco McoDafj 7iai8i aoi) 8 + jivfjaGrjxi 8r| xov

you gave charge [to] Moses your servant. Remember indeed! the

Xoyov ov svsxsi^co McoDafj xco 7iai5i aoi) Aiycov sdv

word which you gave charge to Moses, [to] your servant, saying, If

aai)v0sxfjar|xe djisic; sycb 8iaaKop7iicb Djidc; sv xoic;

[ should break contract You], I shall disperse you among the

Xaoiq 9+ Kai sdv S7uaxps\j/r|xs npoq |is Kai cpDAxx^nxs

peoples. But if you should return to me, and should guard

xac; svxoAxxc; jiod Kai 7ioif|ar|xs avzaq Kai sdv r|

my commandments, and observe them; and if [ might be

T| 8iaa7iopd Djicbv scoc; dKpoi) xod ODpavoD sksOsv

your dispersion] unto [the] tip of the heaven, from there

aDvd^co aDxotic; Kai siad^co avzovq sic; xov xorcov ov

I will gather them, and I will bring them into the place which

s^sXs^d|ir|v KaxaaKTjvcbaai xo ovojid jiod sksi 10+ Kai

I chose to encamp my name there. And

ai)xo( 7rai8sc; aoi) Kai Xaoq aoi) ovq sAmpcbaco sv

they [are] your children and your people, whom you ransomed by

xt[ 8i)vd|isi aoi) xt| |isydAx| Kai sv xrj %£ipi aoi)

[ power your great], and by [ hand your

xtj Kpaxaid n+ 8r| Kopis saxco xo ovq aoi) 7ipoasxov

fortified]. Indeed, O LORD, let be your ear heeding

sic; xrjv 7rpoasi)%fjv xod 8odXod aoD Kai sic; xttv

to the prayer of your servant, and to the

7rpoasDxfjv 7iai8cov aoD xcov GsXovxcov cpoPsiaGai

prayer of your children! of the ones wanting to fear

xo ovojid aoD Kai SDoScoaov 5r| xco 7iai5i aoD

your name. And prosper the way indeed of your servant

afjjispov Kai doq aDxov sic; oiKxipjiODc; svcb7iiov

today, and give him for compassions before

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

1 6 - Nehemiah

tod av5p6q todtod Kai sycb r\[ir\v oivoxoog too

this man! And I was a wine server to the


2 n
i+ Kai sysvsTO sv (irjvi Niadv stodc; sikocjtod

And it came to pass in [the] month ofNisan, [year [the] twentieth]

ApGaaaaGd Paai^si Kai r|v o oivoq svcb7nov avzov

of Artaxerxes [the] king, that [ was the wine] before him.

Kai sXaPov xov oivov Kai s5coKa xco Paai^si Kai

And I took the wine and gave it to the king, and

ODK T|V STSpOC; 8VC07riOV aDTOD 2 + Kai 81718 |IOl O

there was no other before him. And [ said to me the

fiaaikvbq 8iax( to 7cp6aco7c6v cjod 7iovr|p6v Kai odk 8i

king], Why is your face in a sorry state, and you are not

jiSTpid^cov Kai odk sail todto 8i (ir| 7iovr|pia

content? For [ not is this] unless [there is] a sorrowful

KapSiaq Kai 8(popfj9r|v itoXv ocp65pa 3 + Kai 8171 a TOO

heart. And I was afraid [ much exceedingly]. And I said to the

PaaiXsi o paaiA,8Dc; sic; xov aicbva ^fjioo 8iax( od jlit|

king, O king, [ into the eon Live] ! Why should not

yevrjiai 7covr|p6v to 7cp6oco7i;6v jiod 5i6ti r\ noXiq

[ be sorry face my], for the city,

oikoc; |ivr||i8icov 7caxspcDV (iod r|pr||icb6r| Kai

[the] house of [the] sepulchres of my fathers, was made desolate, and

ai 7r6Am avTT\q KaTsPpcbGrjaav sv 7CDpi 4 + Kai si7cs jioi

its gates were devoured by fire? And [ said to me

0 PaaiXsDc; 7csp( xwoc; todto &lt;xd ^rjTSiq Kai

the king], For what [is] this you seek? And

7cpoar|D^d|ir|v 7tpoc; Kopiov Gsov tod ODpavoD 5 + Kai

1 prayed to [the] LORD God of heaven. And

si7ca too Paai^si si S7t( tov PaaiAia ayaGov Kai

I said to the king, If [it be] upon the king [for] good, and

si aya0Dv6fjasTai o naiq aoD svcb7ci6v ood coots

if [ shall seem good your servant] before you, so as

7cs|i\j/ai aDTOV sv IoD5a sic; nohv |ivr||isicov

to send him to Judah, to [the] city of [the] sepulchres

7caTspcov jiod Kai avoiKo8o|if|aco aDTfjv 6+ Kai S17CS

of my fathers, then I will rebuild it. And [ said

jioi o PaaiXstic; Kai r| 7caAA,aKf| r| KaGr||isvr| s^ojisva

to me the king], and [his] concubine sitting next to

2 3 ev toi3tco + vtica 1 6 - Nehemiah

(XDTOD 8C0(; 7TOTS 80T(Xl T| 7TOpSia CTOD Kai 7TOTS

him, For how long will [ be going you], and when

£7iiaTps\j/sic; Kai r|ya0Dv6r| svcb7riov tod PaaiXecoc; Kai

will you return? And it was good before the king. And

a7T8aTSiA,s |is Kai e8coKa aDTcb opov 7+ Kai ei7ia

he sent me, and I gave to him a confirmation. And I said

too Paai^ei si S7ri tov PaoiAia aya66v 86tco jioi

to the king, If [it be] upon the king [for] good, let him give to me

EKiGToXaq npoq xovq sndp%ovq 7ispav tod 7roxa|iOD

letters to the chief rulers on the other side of the river!

coctts 7iapayaye(v |is scoc; sA£co S7ii IoD5av 8 + Kai

so as to allow me to pass until I come unto Judah; and

£7uaToAx|v S7Ti Aodtp qyoAxxKa tod 7tapa8s(aoD oq

a letter to Asaph [the] keeper of the garden, which

sail too PaoiXei coots 8oDvai jioi ^6Xa aTsydaai

is to the king, so as to give to me wood to roof

Tag nvXaq Tr\q pdpecoc; tod oikod Kai sic; to ts(%oc;

the gates of the palace of the house, and for the wall
Tr\q Ttokzodq Kai sic; oikov sic; ov siasA^SDaojiai 7ipoc;

of the city, and for [the] house, for which I shall enter unto

aDTOV Kai s8coks (ioi o PaaiXeDc; coc; %sip 6sod rj

it. And [ gave to me the king] by [ hand of God the

ayaBfj S7i' sjis 9+ Kai fjXBov 7ipoc; todc; e7idp%ODc;

good] upon me. And I came to the chief rulers

7ispav tod 7iOTa|ioD Kai s8coKa aDTOiq zaq

on the other side of the river, and I gave to them the

EKiaxoXaq tod PaaiAicoc; Kai a7isaTSiA,s jist' s|iod o

letters of the king. And [ sent with me the

PaaiXsDc; ap%r|yoDc; SDvdjiscoc; Kai ur7iefc; 10 + Kai

king] chiefs of [the] force, and horsemen. And

fjKODas SavaPaAxrc o Apcovi Kai Tcoptaq o dovXoq

[heard [of it] Sanballat the Horonite], and Tobiah the servant,

o Ajijicovi Kai 7iovr|p6v aDTOiq eysvsTO Kai

the Ammonite, and it was a bad [thing] to them [that it] happened. And

sXD7rfj6r|aav 6ti fjKei dv6pco7roc; ^Tfjaai aya66v toic;

they were grieved that [ comes a man] to seek good to the

vioiq IapafjA, n+ Kai fjA.Gov sic; IepoDaaArj|i Kai r\[ir\v

sons of Israel. And I came unto Jerusalem, and I was

sksi rjjispac; Tpsiq 12+ Kai avsorrjv vdktoc; sycb Kai

there [ days three]. And I rose up at night, I and

dvSpec; oAiyoi jist' sjiod Kai odk a7if|yyeiA,a

[ men a few] with me. And I did not report

2 2 ev tootco + vtica 1 6 - Nehemiah

av9pcb7rco on o Gsoc; 8(8coai sic; Kap8(av jiod

to a man, for God put it into my heart

tod 7roifjaai |ist&amp; tod IspoDaaAx||i Kai KTTjVOC; ODK

to do [this] with Jerusalem. And [ beast no

sctti jist' sjiod sijifj to kttjvo^ o sycb S7iiPaivco

there is] with me, except the beast which I mounted

87i ' aDTcb 13+ Kai e^fjXGov 5id Tr\q 7ivhr\q tod Tail

upon it. And I went forth through the gate of Gai

VDKToq 7rpoc; &lt;xc6|ia 7ir\yr\q tod 5pdK0VT0c; Kai sic;

at night to [the] mouth of [the] spring of the serpent, and to

7r6Ar|v tt|c; K07ipiac; Kai r\[ir\v KaTavocbv toic; ts(%soiv

[ gate the dung]. And I was studying the walls

IspoDaaAxj|i toic; KaTsa7iaa|isvoic; Kai

of Jerusalem, the ones being torn down, and

Taiq nvXaiq aDTfjc; zaiq avriAxjojisvaic; 7iDpi i 4 + Kai

her gates, the ones having been consumed by fire. And

7iapfjAi)ov £7U 7r6Ax|v tod nr\yr\q Kai sic; KoXDjipfjOpav

I went by [the] gate of the fountain, and into [the] pool

tod fiaaikzcoq Kai odkt|v T67roc; too KTfjvei

of the king. And there was no place for the beast

napskdsiv D7ioKdTC0 |iod 15+ Kai r\[ir\v avapaivcov 8id

[ to pass underneath me]. And I was ascending by

tod xsijidppoD vdktoc; Kai f\\n\v KaTavocbv tco ts(%si

the rushing stream at night. And I was studying the wall,

Kai fj|ir|v sv ttj 7r6Ar| Tr\q cpdpayyoc; Kai S7isaTps\j/a

and I was at the gate of the ravine, and I returned.

i6+ Kai oi (pD^daaovTsq odk syvcooav ti S7iopsD0r|v

And the ones guarding did not know why I went,

Kai ti sycb 7ioicb Kai toic; IoD8a(oic; Kai tok;

and what I was doing. And to the Jews, and to the

ispsDai Kai toic; evTijioic; Kai toic; aTparrjyoic; Kai

priests, and to the important [ones], and to the commandants, and

toic; KaTaAxn7roic; toic; 7ioioDai Ta spya scoc; tots

to the rest of the ones doing the works until then,

odk a7if|yysiXa n+ Kai si7ia npoq aDTODc; Djisiq

I did not report. Then I said to them, You


see this wickedness in which we are in it,

7tcgc; IspoDaaAr||i spr||ioc; Kai ai 7r6Am aDTfjc; s566r|aav

how Jerusalem [is] desolate, and its gates were given

7iDpi 5sdts Kai 8ioiKo8o|ifjaco|isv to tsi%oc;

to fire. Come, and let us build throughout the wall

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

1 6 - Nehemiah

IepoDaaAx||i Kai odk eaojieBa exi ovsiSog ig+ Kai

of Jerusalem! and we shall not be any longer for scorn. And

a7rfjyysiA,a auxofc; xrjv %zipa Tao ^ 80 ^ r \ scjtiv

I reported to them the hand of God which is

ayaBfj S7i' sjis Kai xodc; Xoyovq xod PaaiAiooc; ovq

good upon me, and the words of the king which

S17T8 (ioi Kai S17TOV avaoxcb|iev Kai oiKo8o|ifiaco|isv

he spoke to me. And they said, Let us arise and build!

Kai 8Kpaxaicb9r|aav ai x^ipsq ai)icbv sic; xo ayaGov 19 +

And [ were fortified their hands] for good.

Kai fjKODos EavaPa^dx o Apcovi Kai Toapiac; o

And [heard Sanaballat the Horonite], and Tobiah the

SovXoq o Ajijicovi Kai rrjadji o Apapi Kai

servant, the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arab. And

e^eyeAxxaav r\[iaq Kai KaxecppovoDV r||icbv Kai ei7iov

they laughed out loud at us, and they disdained us, and they said,

Tl TO pfjjia XODXO O Djisfo; 7TOISIXS T| 8711 TOV

What [is] this thing which you are doing? or [is it] [ against the

PaaiAia djisic; a7ioaxaxe(xs 20+ Kai S7rsoxps\j/a

king [that] you [are] defecting]? And I returned

aDTOiq Xoyov Kai ei7iov aDioiq o Bsoq TOD ODpaVOD

to them a word, and I said to them, The God of heaven,

avToq £Do5cbaei r\[iiv Kai r\[isiq 5odXoi aDxoD

he shall prosper the way for us. And we his servants

KaGapoi Kai avaoxr|a6|is0a Kai oiKo5ojif|ao|isv Kai

are pure, and we shall arise and build, and

DJIIV ODK SOXl jlSpiq Kai 8lKaiOaDVT| Kai |IVT||l6aDVOV

to you there is no portion, [nor] judicial right, [nor] a memorial

sv IspoDaaAT||i

in Jerusalem.

3 a

1 + Kai aveaxrj EXiaaoDp o ispstic; o jisyaq Kai

And [ rose up Eliashib the priest great], and

01 a5eAxpo( aDxoD 01 lepeic; Kai &lt;£Ko56|ir|aav xr|v

his brethren the priests, and they constructed the

7tvh\v ttjv 7rpoPaxiKf|v aDxoi rjyiaaav aDxfjv Kai

[gate sheep]; they sanctified it, and

eaxrjaav dvpaq avTT\q Kai sooc; 7r6pyoD xoov eraxov

they set its doors; even unto [the] tower of the hundred

rjyiaaav aDxov sooc; 7r6pyoD AvavefjX 2 + Kai S7II

they sanctified it, unto [the] tower of Hananeel. And near

3 } ev toi3tco + vtica 1 6 - Nehemiah

Xsipag clvtov coKo56|ir|aav dv5psc; Ispixcb Kai em

his hands [constructed men of Jericho]; and near

%eipac; olvtov coKo86|ir|aev ZaK%cn3p viov Ajiapi 3 + Kai

his hands [constructed Zaccur son oflmri]. And

xrjv 7n3Ax|v xrjv i%6i)r|pdv coKo86(ir|aav moi Aaavd

[the gate fish constructed [the] sons of Hassenaah];

(xdtoi eaxeyaaav ai)xf|v Kai eaxrjaav dvpaq avTT\q Kai

they roofed it, and they set its doors, and

K^siGpa avTT\q Kai [io%Xovq auxfjc; 4 + Kai S7II

its bolts, and its bars. And near

Xsipac; auxcbv Kaxsaxsv MapijicbG vioq Oopia diod

their hands Maremoth took control, [the] son ofUrijah, son

Akkcoc; Kai S7ri %zipa auxcbv Kaxeaxe Moao^dji vioq

ofKos; and near their hand Meshullam took control, son

Bapa%fcn) diod Maa£ipvfir\k Kai em %e(pa auxcbv

ofBarechiah, son of Meshezabeel; and near their hand

Kaxsa%s Sa8cbK vioq Baavd 5 + Kai em %e(pa auxcbv

Zadok took control, son ofBaana. And near their hand

Kaxsa%ov 01 08kcos(|i Kai ia%upo( auxcbv odk

[took control the Tekoites]; but their strong ones did not

eiafjveyKav xpd%r|Ax)v auxcbv sic; SouXeiav

insert their neck into a service

xod Kupioi) ai)xcbv 6 + Kai xrjv ivbhr\v xou Iaaavd

of their Lord. And the gate of Jasanah

SKpdxrjoav coi8a vioq OaaeK Kai MsaoiAdji vioq

[repaired Jehoiada son ofPaseah], and Meshullam son

Baaco8(a auxoi eaxsyaaav aDxfjv Kai eaxrjaav

ofBosodeiah. They roofed it, and set

dvpaq avTT\q Kai K^eiGpa avTT\q Kai [io%Xovq avTT\q 7 +

its doors, and its bolts, and its bars.

Kai 87i( xsipa arjxcbv SKpdxrjas MaAxiac; o TaPacovixriq

And near their hand Melatiah repaired, the Gibeonite,

Kai Evapcbv o MrjpcovcoGixriq dv5pec; Tr\q TaPacbv Kai

and Jadon the Meronothite, [the] men of Gibeon, and

xrjq Maaarjcpd ecoc; 0p6voi) xod dp%ovxoc; xod rcspav

ofMizpah, unto [the] throne of the ruler of the other side

xod 7ioxa|ioD 8 + Kai 87ii %£ipa ai)xcbv

of the river. And near their hand

SKpaxaicoaav O^ifjA, vxoq Apa%(oD 7iDpoaxcbv Kai sni

Uzziel repaired, son ofHarhaiah of [the] refiners, and near

%e(pa olvtov 8Kpaxa(coa8v Avaviac; vioq xcov |iDpe\j/cbv

his hand Hananiah repaired, son of the perfumers,

3 } ev tootco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

Kai sGrjKav IspoDaaAxjji eooc; tod ts(%odc;

and they established Jerusalem unto the [ wall

tod 7rAmsoc; 9 + Kai £7U %s(pa aDTcbv

broad]. And near their hand

SKpaTaicoasv Pacpaiac; vioq SoDp dp%cov ruiiaoDq

Rephaiah repaired, son ofHur, ruler of half

7ispi%cbpoD IspoDaaXfjii 10+ Kai em %zipa aDTcbv

of [the] place round about Jerusalem. And near their hand

SKp&amp;TTjasv Is5atac; vioq Epcojidcp Kai KaTSvavn

Jedaiah repaired, son of Harumaph, even against

oiKiaq aDTOD Kai em %e(pa aDTOD SKpaTTjasv Attodc;

his house. And near his hand Hattush repaired,

vioq AaaPavia n+ Kai jiSTpov 8eDTepov eKparrjae

son of Hashabniah. And [ measured [section] a second repaired

Msk%iaq vioq Hpdji Kai AcjodP vioq OadT Moadp

Malchijah son ofHarim and Hashub son of Pahath-moab],

Kai eooc; 7iDpyoD tcov 6avaps(|i 12+ Kai em

even unto [the] tower of the furnaces. And near

Xsipa aDTOD SKpaTTjas SaAloDji vioq Akfabr\q dp%cov

his hand Shallum repaired, son of Halohesh, ruler

rjjjiaoDc; 7ispi%cbpoD IspoDaaAx||i avzoq Kai

of half [the] place round about Jerusalem, he and

ai dvycuTspsq avzov 13 + tt|v 7r6Ar|v Tr\q cpdpayyoc;

his daughters. The gate of the ravine

SKpdTTjaav Avodv Kai 01 KaTOiKODVTSc; Zavcb aDTOi

Hanun repaired, and the ones dwelling at Zanoah; they

coKo86|ir|aav aDTfjv Kai earrjaav dvpaq avTT\q Kai

constructed it, and set its doors, and

K^eiGpa aDTfjc; Kai [io%Xovq avTT\q Kai %ikioi nt[y]z\q

its bolts, and its bars, and a thousand cubits

sv too tsixsi eooc; Tr\q 7ivhr\q Tr\q K07ip(ac; i 4 + Kai tt|v

of the wall unto the [gate dung]. And the

7tvh\v Tr\q K07rp(ac; SKpdrr|ae MsTqiaq vioq Pr|%dp

[gate dung] Mai chiah repaired, son ofRechab,

dpxcov 7i8pixcbpoD Pr|6a%%apd|i avzoq Kai

ruler of a place round about [the] house of Beth-heccerem, he and

01 Dioi aDTOD Kai saK87iaaav aDTfjv Kai sarrjaav

his sons; and they sheltered it, and set

dvpaq avTr\q Kai KA,ei6pa avTT\q Kai [io%Xovq avTr\q 15 +

its doors, and its bolts, and its bars.

ttjv 5s 7ivh\v Tr\q nr\yr\q TjacpaAiaaTO £oA,cbv vioq

And the gate of the spring was safeguarded by Shallum son

3 } ev tootco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

XoXs^s dpxcov jispoDc; xrjc; Maaarjcpd aDxog

ofCol-hozeh, ruler of part ofMizpah; he

s^c0Ko86|ir|O8v aDxfjv Kai eaxsyaaev aDxfjv Kai

built it, and roofed it, and

saxrjae xac; Qvpaq avTT\q Kai [io%kovq avTT\q Kai xo

set its doors, and its bars, and the

Tsi%oq Tr\q KoXDjipfjGpaq xod Ei^cod ziq xov Kfj7iov

wall of the pool of Siloah to the garden

xod PaaiAicoc; Kai scoq xcov KAijidKcov xcov

of the king, and unto the stairways of the ones

KaxaPaivovxcov ano nokz&amp;q Aam5 i 6 + O7uaco aDxoD

going down from [the] city of David. After him

SKpdxrjae Nsejiiac; moc; E^Podx dpxcov rjjiiaoDc;

Nehemiah repaired, son ofAzabuk, ruler of half

7ispi%cbpoD BrjGaoDp ecoc; Kfj7roD xdcpoD Aai)(5

[the] place round about Beth-zur, unto [the] garden of [the] burying-place of

Kai scoc; xrjc; KoA,D|ipfj9pac; xrjc; ysyovDiac; Kai scoc;

and unto the pool being [built by man], and unto

ovkod xcov 5i)vaxcbv n + O7uaco aDxoD SKpdxrjaav 01

[the] house of the mighty ones. After him [ repaired the

AsDixai PaoDji moc; Bavea S7il %zipa aDxoD

Levites] ~ Rehum son of Bani; near his hand

SKpdxrjaev Aaapiac; dpxcov rjjjiaoDc; 7iepixcbpoD KsiAxx

Hashabiah repaired, ruler of half [the] place round about Keilah,

xco 7ispixcbpco clvtov i8+ Kai jisx' aDxov 8Kpdxr|aav

to the place round about him. And after him [ repaired

a8sAxpo( aDxcbv BsPa'i vioq H8avd5 dpxcov rjjjiaoDc;

their brethren] ~ Bavai son ofHenadad, ruler of half

7ispixcbpoi) KsiAxx i9+ Kai SKpdxrjaev em x 8 ^P a ai) TOD

[the] place round about Keilah. And repaired near his hand

ACpvp vioq IrjaoD dpxcov xod Maaarjcpd jiexpov

Ezer son of Jeshua ruler of Mizpah [ measured [section]

5sDxspov s^svavxiac; avapdascoc; xcov oizXcdv Tr\q

a second] right opposite [the] ascending [unto] the weapons [site], of the one

aDva7rxoD&lt;xr|c; sic; xrjv ycoviav 20+ fisx' aDxov

joining together at the corner. After him

SKpdxrjae BapoDX dioc; ZaPoD jisxpov 8sDxspov

Baruch repaired, son of Zabbai [ measured [section] a second]

arco xrjc; ycoviac; scoc; dvpaq oikod EAiaaotip xod

from the corner unto [the] door of [the] house of Eliashib the

ispecoc; xod |isydAx)D 21+ Kai jisx' aDxov

[priest great]. And after him

8V TOUT© + VlKa

1 6 - Nehemiah

SKp&amp;xrjae MspajicbG vioq Oi)p(a diod Akkgk;

Meramoth repaired, son of Uriah son ofKos

jisxpov 5sDxepov arco Qvpaq oikod Ekmaovfi

[ measured [section] a second], from [the] door of [the] house ofEliashib

eooc; avvTzkEiaq oikod EAiaaotip 22 + Kai jisx' aDxov

unto [the] completion of [the] house ofEliashib. And after him

eKparqaav 01 ispsiq dvSpeg A%e%dp 23+ Kai |isx'

[repaired the priests], [the] men ofEkchechar. And after

avTOV SKp&amp;xrjae Bsviajiiv Kai Aaorjp Kaxevavxi

him Benjamin repaired and Hashub over against

oikod arjxcbv Kai jisx' aDxotic; SKpaxTjasv ACfipiaq vioq

their house. And after them Azariah repaired, son

MaaaeoD diod AvavioD s^ojieva oikod aDxoD 24+ Kai

of Maaseiah, son ofAnaniah, next to his house. And

jisx' aDxov SKpaxTjas Baavi vioq Hwa5&amp;8 jiexpov

after him Binnui repaired, son ofHenadad [ measured [section]

8sDxspov a7io oikod A^apioD eooc; xrjc; ycoviac; Kai

a second], from [the] house of Azariah unto the corner, and

Oa^dAi diod OD^ai s^svavxiaq

unto the curve. Palal son ofUzai, right opposite

xrjc; ycoviac; Kai xod 7r6pyoD o e^sxovxoc; sk

the corner, and the tower, the one protruding from out of

xod oikod xod PaaiAicoc; avcbxspoc; xrjc; avhf\q xrjc;

the house of the king, higher than the courtyard of the

(pD^aKfjc; Kai jisx' aDxov Oa5aia vioq Oopoq 2 6+ Kai

prison. And after him Pedaiah son ofParosh. And

01 NaGrjviji fjaav oikodvxsc; ev xco QtpdA, scoc;

the Nethinim were living in Ophel unto

a7i8vavxi Kfj7ioD 7ivXr\q xod D5axoq sic; avaxoXdc; Kai

before [the] garden [ gate of the water] to [the] east, and

0 itvpyoq o s^s%cov 27 + Kai jisx' aDxov eKpdxrjaav 01

the [tower protruding]. And after [them] [repaired the

08Kcosi|i jisxpov 8sDxspov e^svavxiac; XOD 7TDpyOD

Tekoites] [ measured [section] a second], right opposite the [ tower

xod |ieydAx)D xod s^e%ovxoc; Kai scoc; xod x£i%odc;

great protruding], and unto the wall

xod AcpXa 28 + avcbxspov 7ivXr\q xcov i7urcov SKpdxrjaav

of Ophel. Upward of [the] gate of the horses [ repaired

01 lepsic; avfjp s^svavxiaq oikod saDxoD 29+ Kai jisx'

the priests], [every] man right opposite his own house. And after

aDxov SKpdxrjas £a5cbK vioq E(i|if|p s^svavxiaq

[them] Zadok repaired, son of Immer, right opposite


4 7 ev tootco + vtica 1 6 - Nehemiah

ovkod eaDxoD Kai |iex' aDxov eKpdxrjae Sajiaia vioq

his own house. And after him Shemaiah repaired, son

Ssxsvia (pvkatq Tr\q nvh^q Tr\q avaxoArjc; 30+ Kai |iex'

of Shechaniah, keeper of the [gate east]. And after

avTOV SKp&amp;xrjaev Avaviac; vioq SeAlejiia Kai Avcbv

him Hananiah repaired, son of Shelemiah, and Hanun

vioq SeAicp o eKxoc; jiexpov 8eDxepov Kai |iex'

son ofZalaph the sixth [son], [ measured [section] a second]. And after

avTOV eKpdxrjae MeaoAldji vioq Bapa%fc&gt;D e^evavxiaq

him Meshullam repaired, son of Barechiah right opposite

ya^ocpDAxxKioi) aDxoD 31+ Kai jiex' aDxov

his treasury. And after him

eKpdxrjae MzTqiaq vioq xod Sapecpi ecoc; oikod xcov

Malchiah repaired, son of Sarefi, unto [the] house of the

NaGrjvacbv Kai xcov jiexaPoAxov arcevavxi ivbhf\q

Nethinim, and of the traders, before [the] gate

xod MacpeKd5 Kai ecoc; avapdaecoc; xrjc; Kaiurfjc; 32 + Kai

of Miphkad, and unto [the] ascending of the curve. And

avajieaov xrjq avapdaecoc; xrjc; 7ivhr\q xrjc; 7ipoPaxiKfjc;

between the ascending of the [ gate sheep]

eKpdxrjaav 01 %akKziq Kai 01 jiexdpoAxn

[ repaired the braziers and the traders].

4 7

1 + Kai eyevexo rjviKa fjKODae SavaPaAxxx 6x1 r\[isiq

And it came to pass when Sanballat heard that we

oiKo8o(ioD|iev xo Tzi%oq Kai 7iovrjp6v r|v aDxcb Kai

were building the wall, that it was evil to him, and

copyiaGrj e7U7ioA,D Kai e^eye^a em xoic; IoDSaioic;

he was angry very much, and he was laughing out loud over the Jews.

2 + Kai ei7iev evcb7iiov xcov a8eAxpcbv aDxoD Kai xrjc;

And he spoke before his brethren, and the

SDvdjiecoq Sajiapeiac; Kai ei7iev xi 01 OD8a|iivo( odxoi

force of [the] Samaritans, and he said, What [do] these Judahmen

7ioioDaiv 01 IoD8a(oi jlit] Kaxa^enj/ojiev aDxotic; dpa

do — the Jews? Shall we not abandon them? Is it

0Daid^oDaiv dpa 8Dvfjaovxai Kai afjjiepov idaovxai

to sacrifice? Is it that they will be able to? And today, will they repair

xodc; AiBoDc; jiexd xo %cb|ia yeveaBai KaDBevxac;

the stones with the embankment [rubbish] for being burnt?

3+ Kai Tcopiaq o Ajijiavixrjc; exojieva aDxoD Kai ei7ie

And Tobiah the Ammonite [was] next to him, and he said

4 7 ev tootco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

7rpoc; aDTODc; Kaiys aDTOi oikoSojiodcjiv ov%i

to them, And even if they shall build, shall not

avapfjaexai aAxb7rr|^ Kai KaGs^ei to Tsi%oq AiGcov

[ ascend a fox] and demolish [ wall of stones

aDTcbv 4+ (xkodctov o 0s6c; r||icbv on sysvf|6r||iev eiq

their]? Hear, O our God! for we became for

|IDKTT|piO|l6v K(Xl 87llOip8\j/OV OV£l8ia|IOV aDTcbv eic;

sneering. And return their scorning upon

KscpaAxjv aDTcbv Kai doq avzovq eic; jiDKiripiajiov ev

their head, and give them for sneering in

yrj ai%|iaAx»a(ac; 5 + Kai |ir| KaMyrjc; em

a land of captivity! And you should not cover over

avojiiav aDTcbv Kai r| ajiapxia aDTcbv sk

their lawlessness; and their sin — [ from

7ipoaco7roD cjod jjt| e^aA,ei(p9err| on 7iapcbpyiaav

your face may it not be wiped away]. For they provoked [you] to anger

svavxiov tcov oikoSo|iodvtcov 6+ Kai (jQKo8o|ifjaa|i£v to

before the ones building. And we built the

Tsi%oq Kai &lt;yovfj(p0r| 7iav to ts(%oc; ecoc; tod

wall, and [ was joined together all the wall] unto the

ruiiaoDq olvtov Kai sysveTO rj Kap8(a tod A,aoD

half of it. And [ became the heart of the people]

coots oiKo8o(if|oai ?+ Kai sysvsTO coc;

so as to construct. And it came to pass as

fjKODae SavaPaAxrc Kai Tcopiac; Kai 01 ApaPsc; Kai 01

Sanballat heard, (and Tobiah, and the Arabians, and the

AjijiaviTai Kai 01 A^cotioi 6ti aveprj rj (pvr\ zoiq

Ammonites, and the Ashdodites, that [ ascended the development of the

Ts{%eaiv IepoDaaAT||i 6ti fjp^avTO ai Siaocpayai

walls of Jerusalem],) that they began [the gaps

avacppdaaeaGai Kai 7iovr|p6v aDTofc; scpavrj acp68pa 8 +

to block up], that [wicked to them it appeared exceedingly].

Kai aDvfjxGrjaav 7iavTec; em to aDTO sABsiv Kai

And they gathered all together to come and

7iapaTd^aa0ai ev IspoDaaAx||i Kai 7ioif|aai aDTfjv

to deploy against Jerusalem, and to do it

7iA,avfjoi 9+ Kai 7ipoar|D^d|i86a npoq tov 0e6v rijicbv Kai

for a delusion. And we prayed to our God, and

saTfjaajiev 7ipotpDA,aKac; S7i' aDTODc; rijispaq Kai

we set an advance guard against them day and

VDKTOq a7TO 7rpoacb7TOD aDTCOV 10+ Kai si7isv IotiSaq

night, in front of them. And Judah said,


4 7 ev tootco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

aDvexpiprj r| ia%vq xcov ex0pcbv Kai o %ovq noXvq

[ is broken The strength of the enemies], and the dust [is] vast,

Kai r\[isiq od 8i)vr|a6|i80a oiKo8o|isrv sv icq xs(%co

and we shall not be able to build on the wall.

n+ Kai 8i7iov oi dXifiovTsq rjjiac; od yvcbaovxai Kai

And [said the ones afflicting us], They shall not know, and

odk 6\j/ovxai ecoc; oxod sX0co|iev sic; jreaov aDxcbv Kai

they shall not see until whenever we should come into [the] midst of them, and

cpoveDacojisv aDxoDc; Kai Kaxa7iaDacb|iev to spyov 12 +

should murder them, and should cause [ to cease the work].

Kai eysvsxo coc; r\kdov 01 IoD8a(oi oioikodvxsc;

And it came to pass as [ came the Jews living

sxojisva aDxcbv Kai si7iov r\[iiv avaPaivoDarv sk

next to them], that they said to us, They ascend from out of

7idvxcov xcov x67icov 6ti S7isaxps\j/axs scp' rjjLidq 13+ Kai

all the places that you returned from us. And

saxrjaa siq xa Kaxcoxaxa xod xotcod Kaxo7iio08v xod

I stood [men] in the lowermost place from behind the

xsi%odc; sv xoic; ok£7tsivoic; Kai saxrjaa xov Axxov

wall, in the protected [places]. And I stood the people

Kaxd 8fj|ioDc; jisxd pojicpaicbv aDxcbv Kai

according to peoples, with their broadswords, and

xcov Sopdxcov arjxcbv Kai xo^cov arjxcbv u + Kai e(8ov Kai

their wooden spears, and their bows. And I beheld, and

avsaxrjv Kai si7iov npoq xox&gt;q evxijiODc; Kai itpoq

I rose up, and I spoke to the important ones, and to

zovq axpaxrjyorjq Kai itpoq zovq KaxaA,oi7iODc; xod

the commandants, and to the rest of the

Xaov jlit] tpopr|0f|xe arco 7rpoacb7TOD arjxcbv

people, [saying], You should not fear from their face.

|ivfja0rjxs xod 0£od rjjicbv xod jieydAm) Kai cpoPepoD

You should remember [ God our great and fearful],

Kai 7iapaxd^aa08 7isp( xcov aSsAxpcbv djicov dicov djicov

and deploy for your brethren, your sons,

Kai 0Dyaxspcov djicov Kai yDvaiKcbv djicov Kai

and your daughters, and your wives, and

oikicov Djrcbv 15+ Kai syevsxo rjviKa fjKODaav

your residences! And it came to pass when [heard

oi s%0po( rjjicbv 6xi syvcoa0r| r||riv Kai SieaKeSaaev

our enemies] that it was made known to us, that [ effaced

o 0s6q xrjv PodAt|v aDxcbv Kai S7isaxps\j/a|iev

God] their counsel, that [ returned


4 7 ev toi3tco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

rcavTSc; r\[LEiq sic; to tsi%oc; avf]p sic; to spyov odtou

we all] to the wall, [every] man to his work.

i6+ Kai sysvsTO arco rr|c; r||ispac; sks(vt|c; fjiiiai) tcdv

And it came to pass from that day, [that] half of the ones

SKTSTayjisvcov stcoiodv to spyov Kai r\[iiav ocdtcov

being arrayed did the work, and half of them

(xvtsixovto Kai A,6y%ai Kai GDpsoi Kai TO^a Kai

resisted [with] lances, and shields, and bows, and

GcopaKsc; Kai 01 dp%ovTSc; O7uaco rcavTOc; oikod

chest [plates]; and the rulers [were] behind [the] whole house

lovda 17+ tcdv oikoSojiodvtcov ev too ts(%si Kai 01

of Judah. The ones building on the wall, and the ones

aipovTsg sv toic; apTfjpaiv svo7iAxn sv |i(a yp.pi

lifting [things] on their shoulders, [ armed in one hand

S7TOISI olvtov to spyov Kai sv [da SKpdTSi tt|v

did his work], and with one [hand] held the

PoAi8a i8+ Kai 01 oiko86|ioi avfjp pojicpaiav olvtov

arrow. And the builders ~ a man [had] his broadsword

s^coajisvoc; sm tt|v oocpDV olvtov Kai coKo56|ioDaav

tied upon his loin, and they built.

Kai o aaAm^cov sv tt| KspaTivrj s%6jisvd jiod 19 +

And the one trumpeting by the horn was next to me.

Kai si7ia 7ipoc; todc; svtijiodc; Kai npoq Tovq

And I said to the important ones, and to the

dpxovTaq Kai npoq Tovq KaTaA,oi7ioDc; tod Xaov to

rulers, and to the rest of the people, The

spyov 7rXar6 Kai noXv Kai r\[isiq aKop7ii^6|is0a S7ii

work [is] spacious and vast, and we are dispersed upon

tod ts(%odc; jiaKpdv avfjp arco tod a8sAxpoD aDTOD

the wall, [ far [with each] man] from his brother.

20+ sv t67tco od av aKODarjTS tt|v cpcovfjv Tr\q

In [the] place where ever you should hear the sound of the

KspaTivrjc; sksi aDva%6f|asa0s npoq r\[iaq Kai

horn, gather together there to us, and

o dsoq rijicbv 7ioA,s|if|asi 7ispi r||icbv 21+ Kai r\[isiq

our God shall wage war for us. And we

S7IOIODJ1SV TO SpyOV Kai TO T\[liaV T||icbv KpaTODVTSq

were doing the work, and the half of us were holding

Taq X6j%aq arco avapdascoc; tod 6p0poD scoc;

the lances from [the] ascending of the dawn until

s^68od tcov daTpcov 22 + Kai sv too Kaipco sksivco si7ia

[the] coming out of the stars. And in that time I said


5 n ev tootco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

too Xacb sraaxoc; jisxd tod vsaviaKOD aDxoD

to the people, Each one with his young one

cuAiaGfjaeTai sv jieaco IspoDoaAx||i Kai saxoo r\[iiv

shall lodge in [the] midst of Jerusalem, and let [ be to us

T| Vd£, 7lpO(pi)A,aKf| KCU T| T||lSpa SpyOV 23

in the night an advance guard], and [let] the day [be for] work! And

fj|ir|v sycb rat 01 aSsAxpoi |iod Kai xa 7iai5dpia Kai 01

I was [there], and my brethren, and the young men, and the

dv8psc; xrjc; 7ipo(pDA,aKf|c; O7i(aco jiod Kai odkt|v s^

men of the advance guard [were] behind me; and there was not of

r||icbv skSiSdcjkojisvoc; avfjp xa iji&amp;xia saDxoD avfjp

us [ being stripped a man] of his own garments; a man

Kai 07rXov clvtov sic; xo D8oop

and his weapons into the water.

5 n

i+ Kai sysvsxo r| KpaDyfj xod Axxod Kai

And [ was the cry of the people and

yDvaiKcbv ai)xcbv (isydAxj npoq xodc; aSsAxpoDc; ai)xcbv

their wives] great against their brethren

xodc; lovdaiovq 2 + Kai fjadv xivsc; Aiyovxsc; sv

of the Jews. And there were some saying, With

vioiq r\[i(bv Kai sv 0Dyaxpdaiv rjjicbv r\[iEiq noXXoi Kai

our sons and with our daughters we [are] many; and

Ar|\j/6|is6a oixov Kai cpayojisGa Kai ^rjoojisGa 3 + Kai

we shall take grain, and shall eat and shall live. And

siai xivsc; Xsyovxsq aypoirijicbv Kai aji7rsAxbvsc; rj|icbv

there are some saying, Our fields, and our vineyards,

Kai oiKiai r||icbv r\[isiq 5isyyi)cb|isv Kai Ax|\j/6|is0a

and our houses we mortgaged, and we shall take

crixov Kai (payojisGa 4 + Kai siai xivsc; Aiyovxsc;

grain and we shall eat. And there are some saying,

s5avsiad|is0a apyopiov sic; cpopoDc; xod PaaiAiooc;

We borrowed money for tribute of the king

aypoirjjicbv Kai aji7rsAxbvsc; r\[i(bv Kai oiKiai r||icbv 5 +

of our fields, and our vineyards, and our houses.

Kai vdv cdc; aap^ a8sAxpcbv r||icbv aap^ rjjicbv coq

And now [ [is] as [the] flesh of our brethren our flesh]; as

DIOl aDXCOV DIOl r||icbv Kai i8od T||isk;

their sons our sons; and behold, we [are]

Kaxa8DvaaxsDO(isv xodc; diodc; r||icbv Kai

tyrannizing over our sons and


5 n ev tootco + vtica 1 6 - Nehemiah

xac; 0DyaTspac; r||icbv sic; Sod^odc; Kai sioiv arco

our daughters [selling them] for servants, and there are [some] of

0i)yaTspcov rjjicbv KaTa8DvaaT£DO|i£vai Kai odk eaxi

our daughters being tyrannized already; and there is no

6vva[iiq %eipcbv "n|id)v Kai aypo(r||icbv Kai

power [to redeem them] by our hands, for our fields and

a|i7isAxbvec; rjjicbv xoic; evTijioic; 6+ Kai eA,D7rf|0r|v

our vineyards [belong] to the important ones. And I fretted

acp65pa KaGcbc; fjKODaa xrjv KpaDyfjv aDTcbv Kai

very much as I heard their cry and

todc; XoyoDc; todtodc; 7+ Kai spoD^SDaaTO Kap8(a jiod

these words. And [ took counsel my heart]

S7i ' 8(18 Kai 8|ia%8ad|ir|v 7rpoc; todc; svtijiodc; Kai

with me, and I did combat against the important ones, and

todc; dp%ovxac; Kai 8i7rov aDTofc; a7iaiTf|aei avfjp

the rulers. And I said to them, Shall [ exact a man]

xov aSsAxpov avzov a Djieic; 7roierce Kai eSocnca S7i'

from his brother what you do? And I put upon

aDTODc; sKKArjoiav jieyaAxjv 8 + Kai 8i7iov aDTofc; r\[isiq

them [ assembly a great]. And I said to them, We

K8Kcfj|i86a todc; aSeAxpoDc; r||icbv todc; IoD8afc&gt;Dc; todc;

have acquired our brethren of the Jews, of the ones


having been sold to the nations, by our voluntary [offerings]; and

Djisfc; 7icoX8iT8 todc; a8eAxpoDc; djicov Kai 7ipa6fiaovTai

do you sell your brethren? Or shall they be sold

r\[iiv Kai rj&lt;y6%aaav Kai od% stipov Xoyov 9+ Kai

to us? And they were quiet, and they did not find a word. And

si7ia odk ayaBoc; o Xoyoq ov djisic; 7ioi8iT8 od%

I said, [ [is] not good The matter] which you do. [ not

ODTCOq SV (p6P&lt;» 08OD T[[L(bv ail£k£VO£Gd£ OJIO

thus in [the] fear of our God Should you go forth] because of

ovsi5icj|iod tcdv 80vcbv tcov ex0pcbv rjjicbv io+Kaiys

[the] scorn of the nations of our enemies? And also

sycb Kai 01 aSeAxpoi |iod Kai 01 yvcoaTOi |iod s6f|Ka|i8v

I, and my brethren, and my acquaintances, put up

aDTOic; apyDpiov Kai avcov syKaTsXi7ro|i8v 8r|

for them money and grain; we abandoned indeed

tt|v a7iaiTr|aiv TaDTTjv u+ 87iiaTps\j/aTS 8r| aDTofc; coq

this exaction. Return indeed to them, even

afjjispov aypotic; aDTcbv Kai a|i7isAxbvac; aDTcbv Kai

today, their fields, and their vineyards, and


5 n ev tootco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

zkamvaq aDxcbv Kai oudaq aDxcbv Kai arco tod

their olive groves, and their houses, and of the

apyopioD xov aixov Kai xov oivov Kai to sAmov

money for the grain, and [ the wine and the olive oil

s^svsyraxs aDxoic; 12+ Kai si7iov a7io8cbao|isv Kai 7iap'

bring forth to them] ! And they said, We will give it back, and [ from

aDxcbv od ^rjxf|ao|i£V odxcdc; 7roifjoo|isv Kadcbq av

them we will not seek], we shall do thus as you

Aiysic; Kai SKd^saa xodc; ispsfc; Kai cbpKiaa aDxotic;

say. And I called the priests, and bound them by an oath

7rovfjaai ox; to pfjjia xodxo 13+ Kai xrjv avaPoAxjv jiod

to do as this saying. And [ my wrap

s^sxiva^a Kai sitcov odxcdc; SKxivd^ai o Gsoc; rcdvxa

I shook off], and said, Thus shall [ shake off God] every

dv5pa oq od axfjasi xov A,6yov xodxov 8K

man who does not stand by this word, of

xod oikod avTOV Kai 8K ko7iod aDxoD Kai saxai odxcdc;

his house, and of his toil; and he will be thus

SKxsxivayjisvoc; Kai ksvoc; Kai si7is 7idoa r| sKKAxjaia

shaken and empty. And [ said all the assembly],

ajifjv Kai fjveaav xov Kupiov Kai S7iorr|asv o Xaoq

Amen. And they praised the LORD. And [ did the people]

xopfjjia xodxo 14+ Kaiys arco xrjc; r||ispac; r\q

this thing. And also from the day which

svsxsi^axo jioi sivai sic; dp%ovxa aDxcbv sv yr|

he gave charge to me to be as their ruler in [the] land

lovda arco sxodc; sikoctxod Kai scdc; sxodc; xpiaKoaxoD

ofJudah, from [year [the] twentieth], and until [year [the] thirtieth

Kai SsDxspoD xco Ap6aaaa6d xco Paai^si sxrj 5cb5sKa

and second] of Artaxerxes the king, [ years twelve],

Kai sycb Kai 01 aSsAxpoi jiod dpxov

[that] even I and my brethren [ bread

Tr\q rjysjioviaq jiod odk scpdyojisv 15+ 01 8s dpxovxsq

of my governing did not eat]. But the rulers,

01 8|i7ipoa0sv jiod spdpDvav S7U xov Xaov Kai

the ones before me, oppressed upon the people, and

slapov 7iap' aDxcbv sv dpxoiq Kai sv oivco sa%axov

took from them in bread [loaves] and in wine; [and] last

apyopiov cjikAxddc; xsoaapdKovxa Kaiys

money [shekels of forty]. And also

xa 7iai8dpia aDxcbv SKDpisDoav S7ri xov Xaov Kaycb

their servants dominated over the people. But I

ODK S7T0Vr|aa ODXCOq a7l6 7lpOaC07rOD 96P0D KDpiOD

did not do so because of [the] countenance of [the] fear of [the] LORD.



ev tootco + vtica

1 6 - Nehemiah

i6+ Kai sv spyco tod TEi%ovq xodxcov SKpaxrjaa

And in [the] work of the wall [ these [things] I repaired].

aypov odk 8Kxr|od|ir|v Kai xa 7iai8dpid [iov Kai

[ fields [of land] I did not acquire], and my servants and

7T&amp;VTSC; oi awqyiisvoi sksi 5id xo spyov n+ Kai oi

all the ones gathering [were] there for work. And the

Ioi)8a(oi Kai oi dp%ovxsc; sraxov 7isvxf|Kovxa dvSpsc;

Jews, and the rulers [were] a hundred fifty men,

Kai spxojievoi rcpoc; rjjLidq anb xcov sGvcbv xcov kdk^co

and [the ones] coming to us from the nations round about

rjJICOV 8711 Tpd7T8^dv (IOD 18+ Kai T|V yiVOJISVOV sic;

us [were] at my table. And there was coming in

rjjispav jjiav [ioa%oq sic; Kai 7ip6paxa s£, SK^SKxd

[ day one] - [ calf one], and [ sheep six choice],

Kai xijiapoq syivovxo jioi Kai avajisaov 8sra

and a winter yearling; [there] came to me also in the midst of ten

r||ispcbv ev 7idaiv oivoq xco 7iA,f|0si Kai auv xotixoic;

days all wine in multitude. And with these

dpxov Tr\q rjysjioviac; jiod odk s^fjirjaa 6xi Papsia r|

[ bread of my governing I did not seek], for [ [was] heavy the

SoiAsia 87ii xov Xaov xodxov i 9 + |ivf|a9r|x( jiod o 0s6c;

slavery] upon this people. Remember me, O God!

sic; ayaGov rcavxa 6aa S7iorr|aa xco Xacb xodxco

for all good as much as I did to this people.

6 1

i + Kai sysvsxo KaGcbc; r\Kovadr\ xco EavaPaXdx Kai

And it came to pass as Sanballat heard, and

too Tcopta Kai xco rrjadji xco Apapi Kai xoic;

Tobiah, and Geshem the Arabian, and the

KaxaXoi7roic; xcov s%0pcov rjjicbv 6xi coKo86|ir|aa xo

rest of our enemies, that I built the

xsi%oc; Kai od Kaxs^sicpGrj sv auxcb 8iaK07if| Kai

wall, that there was no [left in it breach]; (and

ys scoc; xod Kaipoi3 sksivod 0i&gt;pac; odk S7isaxr|aa sv

indeed until that time [ [the] doors I did not set up] in

xaic; nvXaiq 2+ Kai a7isaxsiXs EavaPaAxxx Kai rqad|i

the gates) that [ sent Sanballat and Geshem]

7tpoc; |is Xsyovxsq 8supo Kai &lt;7ovax0cb|isv S7ii xo ai)xo

to me, saying, Come, for we should come together

sv xaic; Kcbjiaic; sv 7is8(co Qvcb Kai auxoi Xoyitpjisvoi

in the towns in [the] plain ofOno! But they were considering



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

1 6 - Nehemiah

jioi 7ioif|aai 7iovrjp(av 3+ Kai a7isaxsiXa S7i' auxotic;

[ against me to do harm]. And I sent [ unto them

ayyskovq Aiycov spyov jisya sycb 7ioicb Kai

messengers], saying, [The] work [is] great [that] I do, and

od 5wfjoo|iai Kaxapfjvai jifj 7ioxs Kaxa7iai&gt;ar| to

I am not able to go down, lest at any time [ should rest the

spyov cdc; av xs^sicbaoo auxo Kaxapfjaojiai npoq

work]; when ever I shall perfect it, I shall go down to

Djidq 4+ Kai a7isaxsiA,av npoq |is coq xo pf||ia xotixo

you. And they sent to me as this saying

xsaaapai Ka668oic; Kai a7isaxsiA,a auxok; Kaxd

four returns; and I sent to them according to

xov Xoyov xotixov 5 + Kai arcsaxsiXs npoq |is SavaPaAxxx

this word. And [ sent to me Sanballat]

Kaxd xov Xoyov xotixov xov 7is|i7rxov 7ia(8a avzov Kai

according to this word the fifth [time] [by] his servant, and

£7iiaxoAxjv avscoy jisvrjv sv X 8l P^ auxau 6 + Kai rjv

a letter being open [was] in his hand. And was

ysypajijisvov sv auxfj sv s0vsaiv r|Koi)a6r| Kai

written on it, Among [the] nations it was heard, and

rrjadji si7isv 6x1 av Kai 01 Iou8a(oi Xoyi^saGs

Geshem said that you and the Jews are considering

a7roaxaxfjaai 8id xotixo av oikoSojisic; xo xsi%oc;

to defect. On account of this you are building the wall,

Kai av yivrj auxok; siq PaaiAia 7+ Kai itpoq xouxoig

and you should be to them for king. And to these [things]

7ipo(pfjxac; saxrjaaq asauxcb Kqptiaasiv 7isp( aov sv

[ prophets you established to yourself] to proclaim for you in

Ispoi)oaAx||i Aiyovxac; 6x1 sfiaaiksvaaq sv Ioi)8a(a

Jerusalem, saying that you reigned in Judea.

Kai vdv a7rayysAxjaovxai xco (3aaiA,s( 01 Xoyoi otixoi

And now [ will be reported to the king these words].

Kai vdv 8si3po Poi)Xsi)acb|is0a smxoaDxo 8 + Kai

And now come we should consult together. And

a7isoxsiXa npoq auxov Aiycov odk sysvfjGrj coq

I sent to him, saying, It happened not as

01 A,6yoi otixoi ovq av Xsysiq 6x1 arco Kap8(aq av

these words which you say, for [ from [the] heart you

\j/si)8r| aDxoDq 9+6x1 7idvxsc; cpopspitpuaiv r|jLxdq

lie] about them. For all were throwing us into fear,

Aiyovxsc; SK?u)6f|aovxai ai xstpsq auxcbv arco

saying, [ shall be made faint Their hands] from



8V TOUT© + VlKa
1 6 - Nehemiah

TOD 8pyOD XODXOD K(Xl OD 7lOlT|0f|a8Tai Kai VDV

this work, and it shall not be done. And now

SKpaxaicoaa xac; %e(pdc; |iod 10+ Kaycb eiafjXGov eic;

I strengthened my hands. And I entered into

oikov £e|iei diod AeAma diod MexaPefjX Kai aDxoc;

[the] house of Shemaiah son of Dalaiah, son of Mehetabeel, and he

&lt;yovs%6|isvoc; Kai si7ie aDva%0cb|isv sic; oikov

was constrained; and he said, We should gather together in [the] house

tod GsoD ev jieaco (XDTOD Kai KA,SiaCO|ISV

of God, in [the] midst of it, and we should lock

xac; dvpaq aDxoD 6xi sp%ovxai vdkxoc; cpoveDaai as u +

its doors, for they are coming by night to murder you.

Kai 8i7ia xic; saxiv o avfjp oioq sycb cpsD^sxai r| xic;

And I said, Who is the man such as I that shall flee? Or who

oioq sycb siasXeDasxai eic; xov oikov Kai ^fjasxai 12 +

such as I shall enter into the house and shall live?

odk siosA^Daojiai Kai S7isyvcov Kai i5od o 0s6c; odk

I shall not enter. And I realized, and behold, God did not

a7T8oxsiXsv aDxov 6x1 r| 7ipocpr|xsia Xoyoq Kax' sjiod

send him, for the prophesy [was] a word against me.

Kai Tcopiaq Kai SavaPaXdx sjiiaBcboavxo aDxov 13 +

And Tobiah and Sanballat hired him,

07TCDC; (poPrjGcb Kai 7ioif|aco odxcoc; Kai ajidpxco Kai

so that I should fear, and should do thus, and should sin, and

ysvcojiai aDxoic; eic; ovojia 7iovr|p6v 67icoc;

[that] I should become to them for [name a bad], so as

ovei5(acoa( |is u + |ivf|a0r|xi o 0s6c; jiod xco Tcopia Kai

to berate me. Remember, O my God, Tobiah and

xco SavaPaXdx coc; xa 7ioif||iaxa aDxcov xaDxa Kai

Sanballat! according to [ their actions these], and

xco Ncoa5(a xco 7ipocpf|xr| Kai xoic; KaxaAx)i7i;oic; xcov

Noadiah the prophet, and to the rest of the

7ipocpr|xcbv 01 fjaav cpopspi^ovxsq jis 15+ Kai sxsAiaGrj

prophets who were throwing me into fear. And [ was finished

xo xsi%oc; 7i8|i7rxr| Kai siKd8i xod EXovX jirjvoc; siq

the wall] [the] fifth and twentieth of the [ Elul month], in

7isvxf|Kovxa 5do rjjispaq 16+ Kai syevexo rjviKa

fifty two days. And it came to pass when

fjKODaav rcavxec; 01 e%0po( rjjicov Kai scpopf|6r|aav

[ heard all our enemies], that [ feared

7idvxa xa £0vr| xa kdkXco r||icbv Kai S7T£7rea£ cpopoc;

all the nations round about us], and [ fell upon fear



ev tootco + vtica

1 6 - Nehemiah

jisyaq acp68pa sv ocpGaXjioiq aDTcbv Kai eyvooaav on

great an exceedingly] their eyes. And they knew that

7iapd tod 0sod rjjicbv £yevf|0r| TsA£ico0f|vai to epyov

by God [ of ours was perfected work

todto 17+ Kai ev Taic; rjjiepaic; eKsivaic; arco noXXcbv

this]. And in those days [from many

svtijicov Iot35(x 87iiaToXa( S7ropsDOVTO 7ipoc; Tcopiav

important [men] of Judah letters went] to Tobiah,

Kai ai Tcopta f|p%ovTO itpoq aDTODc; i 8 + 6ti noXkoi

and [those] of Tobiah came to them. For many

sv lovda svopKoi fjaav ax&gt;T(b 6ti yajiPpoc; r|v

in Judah [ bound by an oath were] to him, for [ son-in-law he was]

tod ££%sv(a diod Hpai Kai Icovdv vioq avzov zkafis

of Shechaniah son of Arah. And Johanan his son took

ttjv 0DyaTspa MscjodAxxii diod Bapa%fc&gt;D sic; yDvauca

the daughter of Meshullam, son ofBerechiah for wife.

19+ raiys Ta aDjicpspovTa aDTcb s^sysv svcb7n6v

And indeed the [things] being advantageous to him he spoke before

jiod Kai Xoyovq jiod fjaav SKcpspovTec; aDTcb Kai

me; and [ my words they were bringing] to him. And

EKiaxoXaq a7i80TSiA,s Tcopia cpopspiaai |is

[ letters sent Tobiah] to throw me into fear.

7 T

i+ Kai sysvsTO rjviKa CDKo8o|ifj0r| to tsi%oc; Kai

And it came to pass when [ was built the wall], and

sarrjoa Tac; dvpaq Kai S7isaKS7rr|oav oi 7iDA,copoi Kai

I set the doors, and numbered [out] the gatekeepers, and

oi dSovTec; Kai oi AeDrcai 2 + Kai evsTSiXd|ir|v too

the singers, and the Levites, and gave charge [to]

Avavia too aSeAxpcb |iod Kai tco Avavia dp%ovTi Tr\q

Hanani my brother, and [to] Hananiah [the] ruler of the

Pipd sv IspoDaaArjji 6ti aDToq rjv coc; avfjp akr\dr\q

palace in Jerusalem, (for he was as [ man a true],

Kai (poPoDJISVOq TOV 080V D7T8p 7loAAx)DC; 3 + Kai S17T0V

and one fearing God more than many,) that I said

aDTok; odk avoiyfjaovTai 7r6Am IspoDaaXf||i eooc;

to them, [ shall not be opened [The] gates of Jerusalem] until

d|ia to r(km Kai 8ti aDTcbv yprjyopoDVTcav

at the same time the sun [rises]; and while they are still vigilant

KA,si8a0coaav ai 0Dpai Kai aacpaXi^8a0coaav Kai

let [ be locked the doors] and be safeguarded! And


7 T ev tootco + vtica 1 6 - Nehemiah

axfjaov 7ipo(pDA,aKac; oikodvxcdv sv IspoDaaAr||i avfjp

you set advance guards of ones living in Jerusalem, [every] man

sv 7rpo(pi)XaKf| eaDxof) Kai avfjp a7ievavxi

at his own post, and [every] man before

oiKiaq eaDxof) 4 + Kai r| nokiq 7rA,axe(a Kai jieydArj Kai

his own house! And the city was spacious and great, and

o Xaoq oXiyoq sv aDxfj Kai ODKfjaav oiKiai

the people [were] few in it, and there were no houses

&lt;DKo5o|ir||i8vai 5+ Kai sScdksv o Geoc; eic;

having been built. And [ put [it] God] into

tt|v Kap8(av jiod Kai aDvfj^a xodc; evxijioDc; Kai xodc;

my heart, and I gathered the important ones, and the

dp%ovxac; Kai xov Xaov eic; &lt;yovo8(ac; Kai etipov

rulers, and the people into groups. And I found

PiPAiov Tr\q avvodiaq 01 aveprjaav ev 7ipcbxoic;

a scroll of the group, to the ones which ascended at first,

Kai etipov yeypajijievov ev aDxcb 6+ odxoi 01 dioi xrjc;

and I found [things] being written in it. These [are] the sons of the
Xcbpaq 01 avapdvxsc; arco xrjc; aixjialcoaiaq xrjc;

place, the ones ascending from the captivity of the

a7ioiKiac; r\q a7icoKias NaPoD%o5ov6aop o fiaaikzvq

resettlement of whom [ resettled Nebuchadnezzar the king

BaPuAxovoc; Kai e7reaxpe\j/av eic; IepoDaaArj|i Kai eic;

of Babylon], and they returned to Jerusalem, and to

Iof)8av avfjp eic; 7i6A.iv eaDxof) ?+ 01 sXGovxsq jiexd

Judah, [every] man to his own city; the ones coming with

ZopoPaPeA, Kai IrjooD Kai Neejiia A^apia Kai

Zerubbabel, and Jeshua, and Nehemiah, Azariah, and

PeeXjiai Naijiavi Map8o%a(oc; BaAxrdv MaaocpapdG

Raamiah, Nahamani, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispereth

BoyoDia NaoDji Baavd Kai Maaacpdp dvSpec;

Bigvai, Nehum, Baana and Masphar; [the] men

Xaox) IapafjA, s+ dioi Oopoq 8ia%(Xioi eraxov

of [the] people of Israel- sons ofParosh, two thousand [one] hundred

sP8o|ir|Kovxa8i)o 9 + dioi Sacpaxia xpiaKoaioi

seventy-two; sons of Shephatiah, three hundred

sp8o|ir|Kovxa8DO 10+ dioi Hpd s^aKoaioi

seventy-two; sons of Arah, six hundred

7isvxr|Kovxa8DO u+ dioi Oad0 Mcodp xoiq vioiq IrjaoD

fifty-two; sons of Pahath-moab, [with] the sons of Jeshua,

Kai Icodp 8iaxiA,ioi OKxaKoaioi SeraoKxcb 12+ dioi

and Joab, two thousand eight hundred eighteen; sons



8V TOUT© + VtKCl
1 6 - Nehemiah

HMji xiAioi 8iaKoaioi 7ievxr|Kovxaxsaaapec; 13+ dioi

ofElam, a thousand two hundred fifty-four; sons

ZaGotia OKxaKoaioi xeaaapaKovxa7isvxs i 4 + dioi

of Zattu, eight hundred forty-five; sons

ZaK%0D S7ixaK6aioi e^fjKovxa 15+ dioi BavoDi

of Zaccai, seven hundred sixty; sons of Binnui,

s^aKoaioi xeoaapaKovxaoKTcb i 6 + dioi BrjPai e^aKoaioi

six hundred forty-eight; sons of Bebai, six hundred

eiKoaioKxcb 17+ dioi Aay&amp;8 8ia%(Aioi xpiaKoaioi

twenty-eight; sons of Azgad, two thousand three hundred

sikoctiSdo 18+ dioi A8coviKd|i s^aKoaioi s^r|Kovxae7rxd

twenty-two; sons of Adonikam, six hundred sixty-seven;

19+ dioi BayoD'i 6ia%ikioi s^r|Kovxae7rxd 20+ dioi H5dv

sons ofBigvai, two thousand sixty-seven; sons ofAdin,

S^aKOaiOl 7T8VTr|KOVTa7lSVTS 21 + DIOI Axfjp TCO E^8Kia

six hundred fifty-five; sons ofAter ofHezekiah,

swsvrjKovxaoKTcb 22+ dioi Hadji xpiaKoaioi sikoctiokxcd

ninety-eight; sons of Hashum, three hundred twenty-eight;

23+ dioi Beae'i xpiaKoaioi eiKoaixsoaapeq 24+ dioi ApfjP

sons of Bezai, three hundred twenty-four; sons of Hariph,

eraxov 8sKa8DO dioi Aaev SiaKoaioi 8lKOOlXp8l(^ 25 +

a hundred twelve; sons of Asen ~ two hundred twenty-three;

dioi TaPacbv 8V8vrjKovxa7isvxs 26+ dioi BaiGaAiji Kai

sons ofGibeon, ninety-five; sons ofBeth-lehem and

NsxcocpaGi 8Kax6v siKoaixpsiq 27+ dioi Ava6cb6 8Kax6v

Netophah, a hundred twenty-three.; sons of Anathoth, a hundred

eiKoaioKxcb 28+ dioi ACfi[L(bd dvSpsq xeaoapaKovxaSDO

twenty-eight; sons of Beth-azmaveth, [men forty-two];

29+ dvSpec; KapiaGiapeiji Kacprjpd Kai BrjpcbG

men of Kirjath-jearim, Chephirah and Beeroth,

87ixaKoaioi xsaaapaKovxaxpsfc; 30+ dvSpec; Apajid Kai

seven hundred forty-three; men of Raman and

TaPad s^aKoaioi sikocjisic; 31+ dvSpsc; Maxsiidq

Gaba, six hundred twenty-one; men ofMichmas,

SKaxov 8iKoai5DO 32+ dv5pec; BaiGfjA, Kai Ai sKaxov

a hundred twenty -two; men of Beth-el and Ai, a hundred

eiKoaixpeic; 33 + dv8psc; Napdp exspoD 7i8vxr|Kovxa5DO 34 +

twenty-three; men of [the] other Nebo, fifty-two;



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

1 6 - Nehemiah

dioi Aikd\x exspoD xiAaoi Skxkocjioi

sons of [the] other Elam, a thousand two hundred

7revxr|K0VTaTsaoapec; 35+ dioi Hpdji xpiaKoaioi siKoai

fifty-four; sons of Harim, three hundred twenty;

36+ dioi Ispi%cb xpiaKoaioi TsaaapaK0VTa7isvTS 37+ dioi

sons of Jericho, three hundred forty-five; sons

Aa8a8( Kai Qvcb S7rcaK6aioi siKoaisiq 3 8+ dioi Esvad

ofLodHadid and Ono, seven hundred twenty-one; sons ofSenaah,

Tpia%(Aioi svaKoaioi xpidKovxa 39+ 01 ispsic; dioi

three thousand nine hundred thirty. The priests; [the] sons

Ico8a8 etc; oikov It|ood swaKoaioi epSoiirjKovTaxpeiq

of Jedaiah in [the] house of Jeshua, nine hundred seventy-three;

40+ dioi E|i|if|p %{Aioi 7i8VTr|K0VTa8D0 41+ dioi OaaeoDp

sons oflmmer, a thousand fifty-two; sons ofPashur,

%(Aioi SiaKoaioi TsaaapaK0VTas7rc&amp; 42 + dioi Hpdji

a thousand two hundred forty-seven; sons of Harim,

%(Aioi 8sKa£7rc&amp; 43+ 01 AeDvcai dioi IrjaoD tod

a thousand seventeen. The Levites; sons of Jeshua the [son]

Ka8|iif|A, Toiq vioiq tod Q5oDia epSoiirjKovTaTsaoapeq

of Kadmiel, [with] the sons of Hodevah, seventy-four.

44+ 01 &amp;8ovtsc; dioi Aodcp eKorcov TsaaapaKovTaoKTcb

The singers; sons of Asaph, a hundred forty-eight.


The gatekeepers; sons ofShallum, sons ofAter, sons ofTalmon,

dioi AkodP dioi Amd dioi £apt 8K(xt6v

sons of Akkub, sons of Hatita, sons of Shobai, a hundred

TpiocKovTOioKTcb 46+ oi NaGrjvsiji dioi orjd dioi Aarjcpd

thirty-eight. The Nethinim; sons ofZiha, sons ofHashupha,

dioi TaPacbG 47+ dioi Krjpdc; dioi Siata dioi Oa8cbv

sons ofTabbaoth, sons ofKeros, sons ofSia, sons ofPadon,

48+ dioi AaPavd dioi Ayyapd dioi EsXjisi 49+ dioi

sons ofLebana, sons ofHagaba, sons ofShalmai, sons

Avdv dioi TaSfjA, dioi Tafjp 50+ dioi Paata dioi

ofHanan, sons ofGiddel, sons ofGahar, sons ofReaiah, sons

Paaacbv dioi NsKco8d 51+ dioi Ta^fjii dioi O^d dioi

ofRezin, sons ofNekoda, sons ofGazzam, sons ofUzza, sons

Oecri 52+ dioi Brjai dioi Msivcbv dioi Nscpcooai 53 +

ofPhaseah, sons ofBesai, sons ofMeunim, sons of Nephishesim,

dioi BaKpoDK dioi A%upd DIOI ApoDp 54+ DIOI

sons of Bakbuk, sons ofHakupha, sons of Harhur, sons



8V TOUT© + VlKa

1 6 - Nehemiah

BaaaXcbG dioi Msi5d dioi A8aad 55+ dioi BapKODS

ofBazlith, sons ofMehida, sons ofHarsha, sons ofBarkos,

dioi Siaapd dioi 0r||i&amp; 5 6+ dioi Nioid dioi Axupd

sons ofSisera, sons ofTamah, sons ofNeziah, sons ofHatipha.

56+ dioi Niaid dioi Axicpd 57+ dioi 5odAxdv

sons ofNeziah, sons ofHatipha. [The] sons of [the] servants

Eo^ojicovToq dioi Sodtsi dioi Sacpapdx DIOI

of Solomon [were the] sons of Sotai, sons ofSophereth, sons

®epi8d 58+ dioi Izka dioi AopKcbv dioi ra5af|A, 59 +

ofPerida, sons ofJaala, sons ofDarkon, sons ofGiddel,

dioi Sacpaxia dioi AxiX dioi ®a%apd6 dioi SaPa'iv

sons of Shephatiah, sons ofHattil, sons ofPochereth, sons ofZebaim,

dioi Ajicbv 60+ 7idvT£c; 01 NaGrjveiji Kai 01 dioi

sons of Amon. All the Nethinim, and [the] sons


of [the] servants of Solomon [were] three hundred ninety-two.

kcxi odtoi avsprjacxv arco 0sX|isA£% 0eXaadp Xapotip

And these ascended from Tel-melah, Tel-haresha, Cherub,

H5dv E|i|if|p Kai odk r|5Dvf|6r|aav a7iayyeiAm

Addon, Immer. And they were not able to identify

oikodc; 7iaxpicbv aDxcbv Kai amp[ia aDxcbv 8i arco

[the] houses of their families, and their seed, if [ of

IapafjA, siaiv 6 2+ dioi AaAma dioi Toopia dioi

Israel they are]. [The] sons ofDalaiah, sons ofTobiah, sons

NsKco5d s^aKoaioi xsaaapaKovxa8DO 63+ Kai arco xcov

of Nekoda, [were] six hundred forty -two. And from the

ispscov dioi Epid dioi Akkcoc; dioi Bep^e^ei oq

priests; sons ofHabaiah, sons ofKoz, sons ofBarzillai, which

slapev a7io 0Dyaxspcov Bep^s^ei xod TaXaaSixoD

took of [the] daughters ofBarzillai the Gileadite

yDvaiKa Kai sKXf|6r| S7i' ovojiaxi aDxcbv 64 + ODXOl

[for] wife, and was called by their name. These

s^fjxrjaav ypacpfjv saDxcbv Tr\q avvodiaq Kai ov%

sought [the] record of their own group, and it was not

SDpsGrj Kai a7icba9r|aav arco xrjc; ispaxsiaq 65 + Kai

found, and they were thrust away of the priesthood. And

S17T8V ApGaaaaGd aDxoiq (va |ir| (pdycooiv arco

Arthasastha said to them, that they should not eat from

xod ayioD xcov ayicov scoc; avaaxfj lepetic; xoic;

the holy of holies until [ should rise up a priest] to the


7 T ev toi3tco + viica 1 6 - Nehemiah

tpcoxiajioic; Kai xaiq xs^sicbaeai 66+ Kai sysvsxo 7cdaa

lights and the perfections. And [ was all

T| eKKAxjcria O|io0i)|ia86v coc; xeaaapec; |iDpid5ec; Kai

the assembly] in one accord, as four ten thousands and

8ia%(Xioi xpiaKoaioi e^fjKovxa 67 + 7cdpe^ 5odA,cov aDxcbv

two thousand three hundred sixty, besides their menservants

Kai 7iai5iaKcbv aDxcbv odxoi S7i;xaKia%iAaoi xpiaKoaioi

and their maidservants — these [were] seven thousand three hundred

xpiaKovxas7ixd Kai dSovxsq Kai d5oDaai 5iaKoaioi

thirty-seven; and male singers and female singers ~ two hundred

x8oaapaKovxa7isvxs 68+ (717101 87cxaKoaioi

forty-five. [Their] horses — seven hundred

xpiaKovxas^ rjjiiovoi 5iaKoaioi xeaaapaKovxa7C£vxe

thirty-six; mules — two hundred forty-five;

Kd|ir|A,oi xsxpaKoaioi xpiaKovxa7csvxs 6 9+ ovoi

camels — four hundred thirty five; donkeys -

8^aKia%(Aioi 87cxaKoaioi siKoai 70+ Kai a7co jispoDc;

six thousand seven hundred twenty. And from a portion

ap%rjycbv xcov 7caxpicbv sScorav sic; xov spyov xco

[of the] heads of the families gave for the work, to the

ApGaoaaGd sic; GrjoaDpov %pvaiov 8pa%|idc; %ikiaq

Arthasastha for a treasure — [ of gold drachmas a thousand],

(piakaq 7C8vxf|Kovxa axoXdc; xcov lepecov 7C£vxr|Koaiac;

[ bowls fifty], [ robes for the priests five hundred

xpidKovxa 71+ Kai a7c6 ap%r|ycbv xcov 7caxpicbv s5coKav

thirty]. And from [the] heads of the families they gave

eic; GrjaaDpoDc; xod spyoD %pvaov vojiiajia |iDpid8ac;

into [the] treasuries of the work [ of gold money] ~ [ ten thousands

8do Kai apyopioi) jivac; dia%ikiaq SiaKoaiac; 72+ Kai

two], and [silver minas two thousand two hundred]. And

s5coKav 01 KaxdAx)i7i;oi xod Xaov %pvaiov 8pa%|idc;

[ gave the rest of the people] [ of gold drachmas

8do jiDpidSac; Kai apyopioD jivac; 6ia%ikiaq Kai

two ten thousands], and [silver minas two thousand], and

aToXaq xcov lepscov e^r|Kovxa£7i;xd 73+ Kai eraGiaav 01

[garments for the priests sixty-seven]. And [settled the

ispsic; Kai 01 AsDixai Kai 01 7ruAxopoi Kai 01

priests], and the Levites, and the gatekeepers, and the

d8ovxsc; Kai 01 a7co xod Xaov Kai 01 Na6r|ve(|i

singers, and the ones from the people, and the Nethinim,

Kai 7tac; IapafjA, sv 7c6A,saiv aDxcbv

and all Israel in their cities.


8 n ev tootco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

8 n

i + Kai scpGaaev o |ir|v o sp8o|ioc; Kai 01 dioi IapafjA,

And [ arrived month the seventh], and the sons of Israel

sv 7i6A,saiv aoTcbv Kai avvT\%Qr\aav naq o Xaoq ooc;

[were] in their cities. And [ gathered together all the people] as

avfjp eic; sic; to 7tX&amp;toc; to £|i7ipoa0£v mbhr\q tod

[ man one] into the wide [place] in front of [ gate the

t38(xtoc; Kai ei7iov Toa'EaSpa too ypajijiaTSi evsyrai

water]. And they told Ezra the scribe to bring

to PipAiov vojiod McoDafj ov svstsiAxxto Kopioc; T(D

the scroll of [the] law of Moses, which [the] LORD gave charge to []

IapafjA, 2+ Kai fjvsyKsv 'EaSpac; o ispeDc; tov v6|iov

Israel. And [ brought Ezra the priest] the law

svcb7iiov Tr\q SKKAxjcriac; anb avSpoc; eooc; yovaiKoc;

before the assembly, from man unto woman,

Kai rcac; o ctdvicdv aKODSiv ev rjjispa |i(a tod

and all the ones perceiving to hear, on day one of the

jxrjvoc; tod ep86|ioD 3 + Kai avsyvco sv aDTcb arcevavTi

[month seventh]. And he read in it before

Tr\q TiAmeiac; tt|c; S|i7ipoa0ev ttjc; iubh\q tcov

the square of the one before the gate of the

D8dTcav a7io tt|c; cbpac; tod Siacpocrriaai tov fjAiov

waters, from the hour of the illuminating by the sun

eooc; jisaoDarjc; rr|c; rjjispac; arcevavTi avSpcbv Kai

until [the] middle of the day, before men and

yDvaiKcbv Kai aDTOi cjdvisvtsc; Kai cbTa7iavT6c; tod

women. And they were perceiving, even all [the] ears of the

Xaov sic; to PipAiov tod vojiod 4+ Kai earn 'EoSpaq

people, to the scroll of the law. And [ stood Ezra

o ypajijiaTSDc; S7U pfjjiaTOc; ^dMvod o £7iovr|a£v eic;

the scribe] upon [ rostrum [the] wooden], the one he made for

to 8r||ir|yopf|aai Kai sarrjaav s%6|isva aDTOD

delivering a public address. And stood next to him,

MaTGaGiac; Kai Sajieiaq Kai Avaviac; Kai ODpiaq Kai

Mattithiah, and Shema, and Anaiah, and Uriah, and

Xshdaq Kai Maaoiac; 8K Se^icbv aDTOD Kai

Hilkiah, and Maaseiah at his right. And at

sdcovd|icov OaSaiaq Kai MiaafjX Kai MsA^iac; Kai

[the] left, Pedaiah, and Mishael, and Malchiah, and

Aacbji Kai Aaap8avd Kai Zaxapiaq Kai MsaoAAxxji 5 +

Hashum, and Hashbadana, and Zechariah, and Meshullam.

Kai fjvoi^sv 'EaSpaq to PipAiov svcb7iiov rcavTOc; tod

And Ezra opened the scroll before all the

8 n ev tootg) + vtica 1 6 - Nehemiah

Xaov on avToq r\v S7idvco tod Xaov Kai syevsxo

people, for he was above the people. And it came to pass

rjviKa fjvoi^sv avTO saxrj naq o Xaoq 6 + Kai

when he opened it, [stood all the people]. And

SD^oyrjasv 'Eadpaq Kupiov xov 0s6v xov jisyav Kai

Ezra blessed [the] LORD, the [God great]. And

a7i8Kpi6r| naq o Xaoq Kai 8i7iov ajifjv ajifjv

[ answered all the people], and said, Amen, amen,

87rdpavxsc; xac; %£ipaq auxcbv Kai SKD\j/av Kai

lifting up their hands; and they bowed and

7ipoa£K6vr|oav xco Kupico 87i( 7rp6aco7rov S7ri xrjv yrjv

did obeisance to the LORD with [their] face upon the ground.

?+ Kai Irjaotic; Kai Baveac; Kai Sapapiac; Kailajisiv

And Joshua, and Bani, and Sherebiah, Jamin,

Kai AkodP Kai SaPaGBaioq Kai Q8omac; Kai

and Akkub, Shabbethai, and Hodijah, and

Maaaiaq Kai KakXhaq Kai Aaapiaq Kai IcoaaPeS

Maaseiah, and Kelita, and Azariah, and Jozabad

Kai Avav Kai OaAmac; Kai 01 Aemxai fjaav

and Hanan, and Pelaiah, and the Levites, were

oDvexitpvxec; xov Xaov siq xov vojiov Kai o Xaoq

bringing understanding to the people in the law. And the people

sv xtj axdasi avzov 8 + Kai aveyvcoaav sv xco PipAico

[were] at [their] station. And they read in the scroll

xod vojiod xod 0sod Kai s8(8aaKev 'Ea8paq Kai

of [the] law of God; and Ezra taught and

Sieaxei^ev ev S7iiaxfj|ir| KopioD Kai aDvfjKev o

gave orders in a higher knowledge of [the] LORD, and [ perceived the

Xaoq ev xr| avayvcbasi 9 + Kai si7i8 Neejjiac; oq saxiv

people] in the reading. And Nehemiah spoke, who is

AxapaaBd Kai 'EaSpac; o ispsDc; Kai ypajijiaxeijc; Kai

[the] Artasastha, and Ezra the priest and scribe, and

01 AsDixai 01 aDvsxtfpvxsc; xov Xaov Kai ei7iov

the Levites, the ones bringing understanding to the people. And they said

7iavxi xco Axxcb rjjispa ayia saxi xco Kupico 08cb rjjicbv

to all the people, [ day a holy It is] to the LORD our God,

|iT| 7rsv6s(xs |ir|58 KAmexs oxi SKAme naq o Xaoq

do not mourn nor weep! for [ wept all the people]

coc; fjKODas xodc; Xoyovq xod vojiod io + Kai 817T8V

as they heard the words of the law. And he said

aDxoic; 7iopsi3sa08 Kai cpdysxs Ai7ida|iaxa Kai 7U8xs

to them, Go and eat fatness, and drink


8 n ev tootco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

y^DKaajiaxa Kai a7ioax8iA,ax8 |isp(8a(; xoic; |xq

sweetness, and send portions to the ones not

s%ODaiv on ayia saxiv r| rj|i8pa tod Kopico 0scb r||icbv

having! for [ holy is the day] to the LORD our God.

Kai jLiri 8ia7i8ar|T8 6xi r| %apd Kopiou ami] soxiv

And do not faint! for the joy of [the] LORD, this is

ia%vq rjjicbv n+ Kai 01 Asmxai Kax8aicb7icov rcdvxa xov

our strength. And the Levites quelled all the

Xaov Aiyovxsc; aico7idx8 6xi r||i8pa ayia Kai jjt|

people, saying, Keep silent, for [the] day [is] holy, and do not

Kaxa7ii7ix8X8 12+ Kai a7rfjA,08 naq o Xaoq cpaysiv Kai

fall down! And [ went forth all the people] to eat, and
7ii8iv Kai a7roax8AA,eiv jispiSaq Kai 7roifjaai

to drink, and to send portions, and to make

£D(ppo&lt;76vr|v jisydAxjv 6xi awfjKav ev xoic; Xoyoiq oiq

[gladness great]; for they perceived the words which

syvcbpiasv auxofc; 13+ Kai sv xr| r||ispa xrj 5sDxspa

he made known to them. And on the [ day second]

avvT\%Qr\aav 01 dpxovxsq xcov 7iaxpicbv xco rcavxi Xacb

[ gathered together the rulers of the families] [with] all the people,

01 ispsk; Kai 01 Asinxai rcpoc; 'Ea5pav xov

[and] the priests, and the Levites, to Ezra the

ypajijiaxea 87riaxfjaai npoq navxaq xovq Xoyovq xod

scribe, to attend to all the words of the

vojiod 14+ Kai etipov yeypajijievov ev xco vojico co

law. And they found written in the law which

svsxsiAxxxo Kopioc; xco Mcouafj 07rcoc; KaxoiKqacoaiv 01

[the] LORD gave charge [to] Moses, that [ should dwell the

moi IapafjX sv aKrjvaiq ev sopxfj sv |ir|vi xco

sons of Israel] in tents in [the] holiday in [ month the

sP56|ico 15+ Kai 07rcoc; ar||idvcoaiv ev odAmy^iv sv

seventh]; and that they should signify with trumpets in

7tdaaic; xaic; noXsaiv auxcov Kai ev IepoDaaAr||i Kai

all their cities, and in Jerusalem. And

817T8V 'Eadpaq e^sABsxs sic; xo opoq Kai sveyraxe

Ezra said, Go forth unto the mountain, and bring

(pvXka zkaiaq Kai (pvXka ^6A,cov KD7iapiaaivcov Kai

[ leaves olive], and leaves [ trees of cypress], and

(pvXka (iDpaivrjq Kai (pvXka cpoiviKcov Kai (pvXka

leaves of a myrtle tree, and leaves of palms, and leaves

ZpXov Saosoq 7ioifjaai oKTjvdq Kaxd xo

[ tree of [the] bushy] ! to make tents according to the


8V TOUT© + VlKa

1 6 - Nehemiah

ysypajijisvov i6 + Kai s^fjA,0sv o Xaoq Kai fjvsyrav Kai

writing. And [ went forth the people], and brought, and

S7io(r|aav saDioic; aKqvdc; avfjp S7ri

they made for themselves tents, [each] man upon

tod 8cb|iaTOc; avzov Kai sv xaic; avXaiq aDicbv Kai sv

his roof, and in their courtyards, and in

xaic; avXaiq oikod tod 0sod Kai sv 7iA,aTSiaic; Tr\q

the courtyards of [the] house of God, and in [the] squares of the

7ivhr\q xcov DSdxoov Kai sv xaic; 7iXaTSiaic; Tr\q 7ivXr\q

gate of the waters, and in the squares of the gate

Ecppaiji 17+ Kai S7iovr|aav 7idaa r| sKKAxjaia oi

ofEphraim. And [made all the assembly of the

S7ri&lt;ycps\j/avTSc; arco Tr\q ai%[iak(Daiaq aKTjvdq Kai

ones returning from the captivity] tents, and

8Kd0iaav sv aKqvaic; on odk S7iovr|aav arco r||ispcbv

they stayed in tents; for [ did not do from [the] days

IrjaoD diod NaDfj ODicoq oi dioi IopafjX scoq

of Joshua son of Nun thus the sons of Israel] until

Tr\q rjjispac; sks(vt|c; Kai sysvsxo SDcppoawq |isydAx|

that day. And there became [ gladness a great] ~

ocp65pa i8+ Kai avsyvco sv Pipiico vojiod tod 0sod

exceedingly much. And he read in [the] scroll of [the] law of God

rjjispav sv rjjispa arco Tr\q rjiispaq Tr\q 7ip(bTr\q scoq

day by day; from the [ day first] until

Tr\q rijispaq Tr\q sa%aTr\q Kai S7iovr|aav sopxfjv S7rxd

the [ day last]. And they observed [the] holiday seven

rjiispaq Kai xr| rjjispa xr| oy86r| s^68iov raid

days, and the [ day eighth] [was] a holiday recess, according to

to Kpijia

the distinguishing manner.

9 13

i+ Kai sv rjjispa siKoaxfj Kai TSTdpirj

And on [ day [the] twentieth and fourth]

tod [Lr\v6q todtod aDvf|%0r|aav oi dioi IopafjX sv

of this month, [ gathered together the sons of Israel] for

vrjaxsia Kai sv adKKoic; Kai a7io8cb S7U

fasting, and with sackcloths and ashes upon

KscpaAxjc; aDTGOV 2 + Kai sxcop(a0r|aav oi dioi IapafjA,

their head. And [separated the sons of Israel]

a7io 7ravx6c; diod aAloxpioD Kai sarqaav Kai

from every [ son alien]; and they stood and


9 0 ev toi3tco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

s^rjyopsDaav xac; ajiapxiac; aDxcbv Kai xag avojiiaq

declared openly their sins, and the lawless deeds

xcov 7iaxspcov aDxcbv 3 + Kai saxrjaav sm

of their fathers. And they stood in

xt| axdasi aDxcbv Kai avsyvcoaav sv PipAico vojiod

their position, and they read in [the] scroll of [the] law

KDpioi) 0sod aDxcbv xo xsxapxov Tr\q rjjispac; Kai

of [the] LORD their God the fourth of the day. And

fjaav s^ayopstiovxsc; xco KDpico xo xsxapxov xrjc;

they were declaring openly to the LORD the fourth of the

rjjispac; Kai 7ipoaKDVODVxsc; xco Kupico 0scb aDxcbv 4+

day, and doing obeisance to the LORD their God.

Kai saxrj 87i( avapdaei xcov Asdixcov IrjaoDc; Kai 01

And [ stood upon [the] ascent of the Levites Jeshua], and the

moi Ka8|irfjA, £a%av(ac; vioq Sapapta diod Xavavi

sons ofKadmiel, Secheniah son ofSherebiah, son ofChenani.

Kai sporjaav cpcovfj |isydAx| npoq Kopiov

And they yelled [ voice [with] a great] to [the] LORD

xov 0s6v aDxcbv 5 + Kai si7iov 01 AsDixai IrjaoDc; Kai

their God. And [ said the Levites], Jeshua and

Ka8|irfjA, Bowsiac; Sapapiaq Q5oDiac; SoPaviaq

Kadmiel, Bani, Sherebiah, Hodijah Shebaniah,

Osacriac; avdaxrjxs SDA,oysixs xov Kopiov 0e6vr||icbv

Pethahiah, Rise up, bless the LORD our God

arco xod aicbvoc; Kai scoc; xod aicbvoc; Kai

from the eon and unto the eon! And

SD^oyfjaoDaiv ovojia 56^r|q cjod Kai D\j/cbaoDoiv S7i(

they shall bless [ name glorious your], and shall raise [it] up high with

7idar| sD^oyia Kai aivsasi 6 + Kai sircsv 'Ea5pac; ctd 8i

all blessing and praise. And Ezra said, You are

avToq Kopioc; jiovoq cjd S7iovr|aac; xov ODpavov Kai

he, [the] LORD alone. You made the heaven and

xov ODpavov xod ODpavoD Kai rcdvxac;

the heaven of the heaven, and all

xac; 8Dvd|isic; aDxcbv xr|v yrjv Kai rcdvxa 60a saxiv

their positions; the earth and all as much as is

sv aDxfj xac; 0aAxxaaac; Kai 7idvxa xa sv avxaiq

in it; the seas and all the [things] in them.

Kai cjd ^coo7rois(c; xarcdvxa Kai aoi 7ipoaKDVODaiv ai

And you restore to life all [things]; and to you [ do obeisance the

axpaxiai xcov ODpavcbv

militaries of the heavens].

7+ cjd si KDpis o 0s6c; od s^sAi^co APpa|i Kai

You are, O LORD, the God. You chose Abram, and


9 0 ev tootco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

s^fjyaysc; auxov sk xrjc; xfopaq TC0V XaA,8a(cov Kai

you led him from the place of the Chaldeans, and

£7T86r|Kac; auxcb ovojia APpadji 8 + Kai stipsc;

placed unto him [the] name Abraham. And you found

ttjv Kap5(av avzov 7ri&lt;xcf|v svcb7u6v aoi) Kai 5is0od

his heart trustworthy before you, and you ordained

7rpoc; auxov 5ia0fjKT|v 8owai auxcb xrjv yrjv xcov

with him a covenant, [so as] to give to him the land of the

Xavavaicov Kai Xsxxaicov Kai Ajioppaioov Kai

Canaanites, and Hittites, and Amorites, and

Osps^aicov Kai IsPouaaicov Kai rspysaaicov Kai

Perizzites, and Jebusites, and Girgashites, and

8cr6vai auxfjv xco a7isp|iaxi auxcro Kai saxrjaaq

to give it [to] his seed. And you established

Tovq Xoyovq gov 6xi SiKaioq od 9 + Kai e(5ec; xrjv

your words, for you [are] just. And you beheld the
xa7is(vcoaiv xcov rcaxspcov rijicbv sv AiyimxcD Kai

humiliation of our fathers in Egypt, and

xrjv Kpauyfjv auxcbv fjKouaac; S7i( GdXaaaav spu0pdv 10 +

[their cry you heard] at [sea [the] red].

Kai s5coKac; arjjieia Kai xspaxa sv AiyimxcG sv

And you gave signs and miracles in Egypt to

Oapacb Kai sv 7idai xoiq 7iaia(v auxcro Kai sv 7iavxi

Pharaoh, and among all his servants, and among all

xco Xacb xrjc; yr\q auxou 6x1 syvcoq 6x1 U7ispr|cpdvr|aav

the people of his land, for you knew that they extolled themselves

S7i' auxouc; Kai S7io(r|aac; asauxcb ovojia coc; r|

above them; and you made for yourself a name as [it is]

rj|ispa auxrj n+ Kai xrjv GdXaaoav 8isppr|^ac; svco7iiov

this day. And [ the sea you tore up] before

auxcbv Kai 7rapfjX0ov sv jisaco Tr\q dakaaar\q sv

them, and they went in [the] midst of the sea in

^rjpaaia Kai xouc; KaxaSicbKovxac; auxouc; sppnj/ac; sic;

dryness; and the ones pursuing them you tossed into

Pu06v coasi AiGov sv u8axi acpo5pcb 12+ Kai sv

[the] bottom of the sea, as a stone in [ water vehement]. And in

axulco vscpsAxjc; coSfjyrjaac; auxouc; r||ispac; Kai sv

a column of cloud you guided them by day; and by

axuAxo 7iup6c; xrjv vuKxa xou cpcoxiaai auxoic; xrjv o86v

a column of fire at night, to give light to them for the way

sv T| rcopsuaovxai sv auxfj 13+ Kai S7ri opoq Siva

in which they went by it. And upon mount Sinai


9 0 ev toi3tco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

KaxsPrjq Kai skaXr\aaq itpoq avzovq ODpavoD

you went down and spoke to them from out of heaven,

Kai sScoKaq aDxofc; Kpijiaxa SDGea Kai vojiodc;

and you gave to them [judgments right], and laws

aAxjGsiac; 7ipoaxdy|iaxa Kai evxoA^dc; ayaGdc; h+ Kai

of truth, orders, and [commandments good]. And

to adppaxov ctod to dyiov eyvcbpiaac; aDxofc; evxoAxxc;

[ Sabbath your holy] you made known to them; commandments,

Kai 7ipoaxdy|iaxa Kai vojiov svsxsiAxd aDxofc; sv

and orders, and law, you gave charge to them by

%sipi McDDafj tod 8odAx&gt;d ood 15+ Kai dpxov 8^

[the] hand of Moses your servant. And bread from

ODpavoD eSooKac; aDxofc; eic; aixo8oa(av aDxcbv Kai

heaven you gave to them for their provision, and

i35cop 8K 7isxpac; e^fjveyKac; aDxofc; eic;

water from out of [the] rock you brought forth for them for

8uj/av aDxcbv Kai sbiaq aDxofc; eiaeXGeiv

their thirst. And you spoke to them to enter

KAr|povo|if|aai xr|v yrjv sic; r|v s^sxsivac;

to inherit the land into which you stretched out

rrjvxsipdaoD 8oDvai aDxoiq i 6 + Kai aDxoi Kai

your hand to give to them. But they and

oi ftaxepec; rjjicbv D7ispr|(paveDaavxo Kai eaKArjpDvav

our fathers were prideful, and they hardened

xov xpd%r|Xov aDxcbv Kai odk fjKODaav

their neck, and they did not hearken

xcov svxoXcbv aoi) 17+ Kai aveveDoav

unto your commandments. And they shook their heads in dissent

tod eiaaKODaai Kai odk S|ivfja6r|aav

to listen, and did not remember

xcov 0aD|iaa(cov aoD cov 87ro(r|aac; sv aDxofc; Kai

your wonders which you performed among them. And

saKAjjpDvav xov xpd%r|Ax)v aDxcbv Kai eSancav ap%f|v

they hardened their neck, and they granted a sovereign

S7riaxpe\j/ai sic; 5oDA,siav aDxcbv sv AiyD7ixco Kai &lt;xo

to return [ to slavery them] in Egypt. But you,

o Bsoq acpicov ajiapxiac; sksr\[i(m Kai oiKiipjicov

O God, in forgiving sins [are] merciful and pitying,

jiaKpoBDjioq Kai itoXvzksoq Kai odk syKaxsAursc;

lenient and full of mercy, and did not abandon

aDxotic; i8+ 8xi 8s Kai S7io(r|aav eaDxofc; jioaxov

them. And still also they made for themselves [ calf


9 0 ev toi3tco + viica 1 6 - Nehemiah

Xcovsdtov Kai si7iav odtoi oi 08oi oi s^ayayovTSc;

a molten]. And they said, These [are] the gods, the ones leading

rjjLidq s^ AiyD7iT0D Kai S7iovr|aav 7iapopyia|ioDc;

us from Egypt. And they committed [ provocations to anger

jisydloDc; 19+ Kai od sv oiKiipjioiq cjod zoiq jisydloic;

great]. And you in [compassions your great]

odk syKaTsXursc; aDTODc; sv tt] spfjjLico xov cttdXov

did not abandon them in the wilderness. The column

TTjq vscpeAxjc; odk E^sKkxvaq an avxcbv r||ispac;

of cloud did not turn aside from them by day

o5r|yf|aai aDTODc; sv tt| o8cb Kai xov gtvXov

to guide them in the way; and the column

tod nvpoq ttjv VDKia cpcoTi^siv aDTOic; tt|v o86v sv

of fire by night to give light to them in the way in

r| 7iopsDaovxai sv aDifj 20+ Kai to 7rvsD|id aoD

which they went by it. And [ spirit your

to ayaGov sScoKaq aDVSTiaai aDTODc; Kai

good] gave a bringing of understanding to them, and

to (idwa aoD odk acpDCJTsprjaaq arco

your manna you did not withhold from

oTOjiaToq aDTcbv Kai D8cop s8coKa(; aDTOiq sv

their mouth, and [ water you gave] to them in

ttj 8(\j/r| aDTcbv 21 + Kai TsaaapaKovTa stt| 5is0ps\j/ac;

their thirst. And forty years you nourished

aDTODc; sv tt| spf||ico od% D&lt;xcspr|aac; aDTOiq od5sv

them in the wilderness, [and] [ lacked not they] one [thing];

ijidTia aDTcbv odk s7iaXaicb0r|aav Kai

their garments did not become old, and

D7io8f||iaTa aDTcbv od Sisppdyrjaav 22+ Kai sScoKaq

their sandals were not torn up. And you gave

aDTODc; PaaiXsiaq Kai Xaovq Sisjispiaaq aDTOiq Kai

them kingdoms, and [ peoples you divided] to them. And

SKAr|pov6|ir|aav tt|v yrjv I/qcbv PaaiXsooc; EasPcbv Kai

they inherited the land ofSihon king ofHeshbon, and

ttjv yrjv Qy fiaaikzcoq tod Baadv 23+ Kai

the land ofOg king ofBashan. And

todc; diodc; aDTcbv S7iAx|6Dvac; coq zovq acrcspac; tod

their sons you multiplied as the stars of the

ODpavoD Kai siafjyaysq aDTODc; sic; tt|v yrjv r|v sinaq

heaven, and brought them into the land which you spoke

Toiq 7iaTpdaiv aDTcbv tod sios^Gsiv Kai SKAx|povo|if|aai

[to] their fathers, to enter and to inherit.


9 Q ev toi3tco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

24+ Kai siafjXGov moi auxcbv Kai SKAx|pov6|ir|aav xrjv

And [ entered their sons] and inherited the

yrjv Kai s^sxpuj/ac; svamiov auxcbv zovq KaxoiKowcac;

land. And you obliterated before them the ones dwelling

xtjv yrjv xcov Xavavaicov Kai s8ooKac; avzovq ziq

the land of the Canaanites, and you gave them into

xac; %sipaq auxcbv Kai zovq fiaaikziq auxcbv Kai zovq

their hands, even their kings, and the

Xaovq xrjc; yr\q 7ioif|aai auxofc; coq apsaxov svcb7nov

peoples of the land, to do to them as was pleasing before

auxcbv 25+ Kai KaxeXdpovxo 7i6A,sic; v\\fr(kaq Kai yrjv

them. And they overtook [ cities high], and [ land

7iiova Kai £KAx|pov6|ir|aav oiKiaq nhf\psiq 7idvxcov

a fertile]. And they inherited houses full of all

aya0cbv X&amp;kkodc; A,sAmo|iri|isvoi)c; a|i7isAxbvac; Kai

good [things], [and] pits for quarrying, vineyards and

zkamvaq Kai 7iav tqvXov Ppcbaijiov sic; 7iAr|9oc; Kai

olive groves, and every tree of eatable [things] in multitude. And

scpayov Kai svs7iAx| aGrjaav Kai sAi7iav6r|aav Kai

they ate, and were filled up, and were fattened, and

sxpixprjaav sv ayaGooawrj gov xr| |isyaAx| 2 6+ Kai

indulged in [ goodness your great]. And

r\XXa^av Kai a7isaxr|aav arco gov Kai sppuj/av

they changed and revolted from you. And they tossed

xov vojiov gov O7rioco acbjiaxoc; auxcbv Kai

your law behind their body, and

Tovq npoipryzaq gov aftSKxsivav 01 8is|iapxi)pavxo sv

[ your prophets they killed], the ones testifying to

auxoic; S7iiaxps\j/ai aDxouc; npoq as Kai S7iovr|aav

them to turn them towards you. And they made

7tapopyia|ioi)c; [isyaXovq n+ Kai s5ooKac; aDxotic; sv

[ provocations to anger great]. And you gave them into

%sip( 6Aip6vxoov aDxotic; Kai s6Ai\j/av aDxouc; Kai

[the] hand of ones afflicting them, and they afflicted them. And

avsporjaav npoq as sv Kaipcb GAiysooc; auxcbv Kai gv

they yelled out to you in [the] time of their affliction, and you

s^ oupavoi) gov fjKODaaq Kai sv oiKxipjioiq gov

[from out of your heaven heard], and in [compassions your

xoic; [isyaXoiq s5ooKac; auxoic; aooxfjpac; Kai sacoaaq

great] you gave deliverers to them, and they delivered

aDxotic; sk %sipoc; GA^Povxcdv avzovq 2 8+ Kai coc;

them from [the] hand of ones afflicting them. And as


9 Q ev toi3tco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

av87iai)aavTO S7isaxps\j/av 7ioif]aai to 7iovr|pov 8vco7iiov

they were caused to rest, they turned to act wickedly before

aoi) Kai syKaxs^uisc; aDxotic; sic; %s(pac; s%6pcbv aDxcbv

you. And you abandoned them into [the] hands of their enemies,

Kai Kaxfjp^av sv auxofc; Kai 7idA.iv avsporjaav npoq

and they ruled among them. And again they yelled out to

as Kai av s^ ODpavoD siafjKODoac; Kai sppDaoo

you. And you from out of heaven listened and rescued

aDxotic; sv oiKxipjioic; cjod noXkoiq

them by [compassions your abundant].

29+ Kai S7is|iapxT3pco aDxoic; S7iiaxps\j/ai aDxotic; sic;

And you attested to them, to turn them to

xov vojiov ood ai)xoi 8s D7ispr|(pavsDaavxo Kai

your law. But they acted superior, and

odk fjKODaav xcov svxoXcbv ood Kai sv xoic; Kpijiaai aoi)

hearkened not of your commandments. And in your judgments

fjjiapxov a 7roifjaac; aDxd dv0p&lt;jO7roc; ^fjasxai sv

they sinned, (which [ doing them a man] shall live by

aDxoic; Kai s8coKav vcbxov a7isi0ODVxa Kai

them;) and they gave [their] back [unto] resisting persuasion, and

xpd%r|Ax)v ai)xcbv saKAxjpDvav Kai odk fjKODaav 30+

[their neck they hardened], and they did not hearken.

Kai s|iaKpo9D|ir|aac; S7i' aDxotic; sxrj noXka Kai

And you were long-suffering unto them [ years many], and

siA^KDaaq S7i' aDxotic; sxrj noXXa Kai S7is(iapxDpco

drew out [patience] unto them [years many], and attested

aDxok; sv 7WSD|iaxi aoD sv xsipi 7ipo(pr|xcbv aoD Kai

to them by your spirit, by [the] hand of your prophets. But

odk rjvcoxiaavxo Kai sScoKaq aDxotic; sv %sip(

they did not give ear, and you gave them into [the] hand

Axxcbv xrjc; yr\q 31+ Kai cjd sv oiKxipjioiq aoD

of [the] peoples of the land. And you, in [ compassions your

xoic; 7roAA,ofc; odk s7iorr|aac; aDxotic; sic; &lt;yovxsA,siav Kai

abundant] did not appoint them to consummation, and

odk syKaxslursc; aDxotic; 6x1 ia%vpoq si Kai sA,sf||icov

you did not abandon them; for you are strong, and merciful,

Kai oiKxipjicov 32+ Kai vdv o 0s6qr||icbv o ia%Dpoc; o

and pitying. And now, O our God, the strong, the

jisyac; o Kpaxaioq Kai cpopspoq cpDldaacov

great, the fortified and fearsome; guarding

xrjv 5ia6fiKr|v aoD Kai xo s^soq aoD |ir| oAayco0f|xcD

your covenant, and your mercy; do not let [your attention] be lessened

svcb7ri6v aoD naq o [io%Qoq oq SDpsv r\[iaq Kai

before you [concerning] all the trouble which found us, and


9 0 ev tootco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

Tovq fiaaikziq r\[i(bv Kai xodc; dp%ovxac; r||icbv Kai

our kings, and our rulers, and

xodc; ispsic; r|(icbv Kai xodc; 7ipo(pfjTac; r||icbv Kai

our priests, and our prophets, and

todc; rcaxspac; rjjicbv Kai sv rcavxi icq Xacb aoD arco

our fathers, and among all your people from

rjjispcbv PaaiAioov Aaaotip Kai sooc; xrjc; r||ispac; xaDxrjc;

[the] days of [the] kings of Assyria, and until this day!

33+ Kai &lt;xd 8iKaioc; si S7U 7idai xoic; sp%o|isvoic; scp'

For you are just concerning all the [things] coming upon

rjjLidq oil aAxjBsiav S7iovr|aac; Kai r\[isiq s^r||idpxo|isv

us, for truth you acted, but we were led into sin.

34+ Kai oi PaaiXsic; rjjicbv Kai oi dp%ovxsg rjjicbv Kai

And our kings, and our rulers, and

oi ispsic; r\[i(bv Kai oi rcaxspsc; rjjicbv odk s7iovr|aav

our priests, and our fathers observed not

xov vojiov aoD Kai od 7ipoasa%ov xac; svxoA.dc; gov Kai

your law, and heeded not your commandments, and

xa jiapxtipid aoi) a Siejiapxtipco aDxoic; 35 + Kai aDxoi

your testimonies which you testified to them. And they

sv Paai^sia aoi) Kai sv ayaGcoawri aoi) xrj 7toAAt|

in your kingdom, and in [ goodness your abundant]

T| s5coKac; aDxoic; Kai sv xr| yr| xrj 7iXaxs(a Kai

which you gave to them, and in the [ land spacious and

Xurapd T| s8cDKac; svcb7riov ai)xcbv odk s5oDA,SDadv

lustrous] which you put before them, did not serve

aoi Kai odk a7isaxps\j/av arco S7iixr|5sD|idxcov

you, and they did not turn from [ practices

aDxcbv xcov 7iovr|pcbv 3 6+ i5od sajisv afjjispov 8odAxdi

their wicked]. Behold, we are today servants,

Kai T| yr| r|v sScoKac; xoic; rcaxpdaiv r||icbv cpaysiv xov

and the land which you gave [to] our fathers, to eat the

Kap7i6v aDxfjc; Kai xa aya6d aDxfjc; Kai i8od sajisv

fruit of it, and the good [things] of it, even behold, we are

8odA,oi S7i' aDxfjc; 37+ Kai oiKap7io( aDxfjc; oxnoXkoi

servants upon it. And [ fruits its many]

sysvovxo xoic; Paai^stiaiv odc; sScoKac; scp' r||idc;

became to the kings which you put over us

sv ajiapxiaic; rjjicbv Kai S7U xa acbjiaxa rj|icbv

because of our sins; and [ over our bodies

s^oDaid^oDai Kai sv Kxfjvsaiv r||icbv coc; apsaxov

they exercise authority], and over our cattle as is pleasing



8V TOUT© + VtKCl
1 6 - Nehemiah

aDioiq Kai sv 0Ai\j/si |ieydAr| sajiev 38 + K(Xl SV 7T(XOl

to them, and [ in affliction great we are]. And in all

todtoic; r||iefc; SiaxiGejieGa 7i(aTiv Kai ypdcpojiev Kai

these [things] we are ordained a trust, and we write [it]; and

S7ria(ppay(^oi)aiv apxovxec; r||icbv AeDixai r||icbv

[ put a seal upon it our rulers] — our Levites,

ispeic; rjjicbv

our priests.

10 ■»

i+ Kai em todv acppayi^ovxcov Nssjiiac; ApxaaaaGd

And over the ones setting the seal [were] Nehemiah [the] Artasastha,

vioq A%aAia Kai SsSsKiac; 2 + moq Apaia Kai A^apiaq

son ofHachaliah, and Zidkijah, son ofSeraiah, and Azariah,

Kai Iepsjiiaq 3+ Oaaotip Ajiapiaq MsTqiaq 4 + Attodc;

and Jeremiah, Pashur, Amariah, Malchijah, Hattush,

Espavi Hpdji Makov% 5+ MepajicbG Ap5ia 6+ AavifjX

Shebaniah Harim, Malluch, Meremoth, Obadiah, Daniel,

TaawaGcbv Bapcn3% 7+ MsaouAxxji Apia Miajiiv 8 +

Ginnethon, Baruch, Meshullam, Abijah, Mijamin,

Maa^iaq BsXyai Kai Sajiaiaq otixoi ispsfc; 9+ Kai 01

Maaziah, Bilgai, and Shemaiah; these [were] [the] priests. And the

AsDixai Irjaotic; vioq A^avioi) Baveac; ano mcov

Levites; Jeshua son of Azaniah, Binnui of [the] sons

Hva8d8 KaSjiifjA, 10+ Kai 01 a8sAxpo( amox&gt; Sapaviaq

of Henadad, Kadmiel; and his brethren, Shebaniah,

ASomaq KaXixdv OeAid Avdv n+ Mi%d Pocbp

Hodijah, Kelita, Pelaiah, Hanan. Micha, Rehob,

Haeptaq 12+ ZaK%cn3p Sapapiaq SsPaviaq Kai Q5oud

Hashabiah, Zaccur, Sherebiah, Shebaniah, and Hodijah,

13+ moi BavoDvs u+ dpxovxsc; tod Xaov Oopoq

[the] sons of Beninu. [The] rulers of the people; Parosh,

OadG Mcodp HXdji Kai Ea06oma moi Baavi 15 +

Pahath-moab, Elam, and Zatthu, sons ofBunni,

Aayay BrjPai i 6 + ASoviaq Bayo'i A8(v 17+ Axf|p

Azgad, Bebai, Adonijah, Bigvai, Adin, Ater,

E^sKiac; AaCpvp is+ Q8oma Aaaoji Brjai 19+ Apicp

Hizkijah, Azzur, Hodijah, Hashum, Bezai, Hariph,



8V TOUT© + VlKa

1 6 - Nehemiah

AvaGcbG NcoPai 20 + Msydp MsaoDXdji H^fjp 2 i +

Anathoth, Nebai, Magpiash, Meshullam, Hezir,

MsacD^spfjX SaSoDK Is88oDac; 22 + OaAxiac; Avdv Avata

Meshezabeel, Zadok, Jaddua, Pelatiah, Hanan, Anaiah,

23+ Qarjs Avaviac; AaoDp 24+ AAxofjc; OaAm Ikopfpc 25 +

Hoshea, Hananiah, Hashub, Hallohesh, Pileha, Shobek,

Psodji EasPavd Maaaiac; 26+ Aia Aivdv Hvdv 27+

Re hum, Hashabnah, Maaseiah, Ahijah, Hanan, Anan,

MaXov% Apf||i Baavd 28+ Kai 01 Kaxd^ouroi tod

Malluch, Harim, Baanah. And the rest of the

Xaov 01 ispsic; 01 AsDixai 01 7ruAxjopo( 01 dSovxsc; 01

people, the priests, the Levites, the gatekeepers, the singers, the

Na0r|vs(|i Kai ftdvxsc; 5ia%G&gt;piaGsvxsc; arco xoov Xacbv

Nethinim, and all [the] ones being parted from the peoples

Tr\q yr\q npoq vojiov tod Gsod yovafrcsc; aDxcbv

of the land to [the] law of God — their wives,

Dioi aDicbv GDyaxspsc; aDxcbv naq o zidchq Kai cjdvicdv

their sons, their daughters, every one knowing and perceiving,

29 + svia%Dov S7Ti xodc; a5sAxpoDc; aDxcbv Kai

growing in strength with their brethren, and

Kaxrjpdaavxo aDxotic; Kai siafjXGov ev apd Kai sv

imprecating maledictions upon themselves, and entering into a curse, and into

opKco xod 7iopsDsa0ai sv vojico xod Gsod oq 8866r|

an oath, to go by [the] law of God, which was given

sv %£ipi McoDafj 5odA,od xod Gsod cpDAxxaasaGai Kai

by [the] hand of Moses [the] servant of God, to guard and

7roisiv 7idaac; xac; svxoldc; KopioD xod Gsod r||icbv Kai

to observe all the commandments of [the] LORD our God, and

xa Kpijiaxa aDxoD Kai xa 7ipoaxdy|iaxa aDxoD 30 + Kai

his judgments, and his orders; and

xod |iT| 8oDvai GDyaxspac; r||icbv xoic; Xaoiq xrjc; yrjc;

to not give our daughters to the peoples of the land,

Kai xac; GDyaxspac; aDxcbv od Ar|\j/6|isGa xoic; vioiq r\[i(bv

and [ their daughters to not take] for our sons.

31+ Kai Xaoi Tr\q yr\q 01 cpspovxsc;

And [concerning the] peoples of the land bringing

xodc; ayopaajioDc; Kai 7idaav 7ipdaiv sv rjjispa xod

[things] for purchase, and all [things] for sale during [ day the
oaPPdxoD a7io86oGai odk ayopdaojisv 7iap'

Sabbath], to deliver [up for sale] — we shall not buy from

aDxcbv sv aappdxco Kai sv rjjispa ayia Kai

them during [the] Sabbath, nor during [ days [the] holy]. And



8V TOUT© + VlKa

1 6 - Nehemiah

avapfjaojisv to sxoc; to spSojiov Kai a7ia(xr|aiv 7idar|c;

we shall ascend the [year seventh], and [the] exaction of every

%sipoc; 32+ Kai axfjaojisv scp' r\[iaq svxoldc; 8oDvai

[debt of] hand. And we shall establish for us commandments to yield up

scp' r\[idq xpixov xod 8i8pd%|ioD Kax' sviaDxov sic;

for us a third of the double-drachma per year for

8oi)A,s(av oikod xod 6sod rjjicbv 33+ sic; dpxoDc;

[the] service of [the] house of our God, for [the] bread loaves

xod 7ipoaco7roD Kai dvaiav xod sv8sXs%ia|ioD Kai

in front, and [ sacrifice [offering] the perpetual], and

sic; oA,OKai)xcD|ia xod sv8sA,s%ia|ioD xcov aappdxcov

for [ whole burnt-offering the perpetual], of the Sabbaths,

xcov voi)(ir|vicbv sic; xac; sopxdc; Kai sic; xa dyia

of the new moons, for the holidays, and for the holy [things],

Kai xa 7isp( ajiapxiac; s^iXdaaaBai 7isp( IapafjX

and the [things] for a sin [offering], to atone for Israel,

Kai sic; spya oikod xod 6sod r)|icbv 34+ Kai KArjpoDc;
and for [the] works of [the] house of our God. And [ lots

spdXojisv 7isp( xcov Scbpcov ^oAxxpopiac; 01 ispsic; Kai

we cast] for the gifts of bearing wood (the priests, and

01 AsDixai Kai o Xaoq svsyrai sic; oikov Gsod rjjicbv

the Levites, and the people), to bring into [the] house of our God,

sic; oikodc; 7iaxpicbv r||icbv sic; Kaipotic; arco xpovcov

according to houses of our families, at seasons, from times,

sviaDxov Kax' sviaDxov SKKatiaai S7ri xo

year by year, to burn upon the

GDaiaaxfjpiov KopioD xod Gsod r||icbv coc; ysyparcxai sv

altar of [the] LORD our God, as is written in

xco vojico 35+ Kai svsyrai xa 7ip&lt;jQxoysvvf||iaxa

the law; and to bring the first produce

xrjc; yrjc; r||icbv Kai 7rpcoxoyswf||iaxa Kap7ioD 7iavx6c;

of our land, and [the] first produce of [the] fruit of every

tfiXov sviaDxov Kax' sviaDxov sic; oikov kdpiod 36 +

tree, year by year, into [the] house of [the] LORD;

Kai xa 7ipcox6xoKa Dicbvr||icbv Kai Kxrjvcbv rjjicbv cog

and the first-born of our sons, and of our cattle, as

ysyparcxai sv xco vojico Kai xa 7ipcox6xoKa

[is] written in the law, and the first-born

xcov Pocbv rjjicov Kai 7ioi|ivicov rj|icbv svsyrai sic; oikov

of our oxen, and of our flocks, to bring into [the] house

Gsod r||icbv xoic; ispsDai xoic; XsixoDpyoDaiv sv oikco

of our God, for the priests, to the ones officiating in [the] house


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8V TOUT© + VtKCl

1 6 - Nehemiah

6sot3 r||icbv 37+ Kai xrjv a7iap%f|v adcov r||icbv Kai

of our God. And the first-fruit of our grain, and

xac; anapyaq rjjicbv Kai xov Kaprcov 7iavx6c; tpXov

our first-fruit [offerings], and the fruit of every tree,

oivod Kai skaiov oiaojisv xoic; ispstiaiv sic; xo

of wine and olive oil, we shall bring to the priests, into the

ya^o(pi)A,dKia oikod xod Gsod rjjicbv Kai 8sKdxac;

treasuries of [the] house of our God. And tenths

yr\q r||icbv xoic; AsDixaic; Kai aDxoi oi AsDixai

of our land to the Levites. And they themselves, the Levites,

SsraxoDVxsc; sv naaaiq noXsai dovXsiaq r\[i(bv 38 + Kai

[are] receiving a tenth in all [the] cities of our servitude. And

saxai o ispstic; vioq Aapcbv jisxd xcov Asdixcov sv

[ will be the priest [the] son of Aaron] with the Levites in

xtj 5eKdxr| xcov Asdixcov Kai oi AsDixai avoiaoDai

the tenth of the Levites. And the Levites shall offer

xrjv 5sKdxTTV xrjc; SsKdxrjc; sic; oikov Gsod rjjicov sic;

the tenth of the tenth for [the] house of our God, into

ya^o(pi)A,dKiov oikod xod GrjaaDpoD 39 + 6x1 sic; xodc;

a treasury of [the] house of [the] treasury. For into the

GrjaaDpoDc; siaokroDaiv 01 dioi IapafjA, Kai dioi xod

treasuries [ shall carry in the sons of Israel and sons of the

Asdi zaq anapyaq xod aixoD Kai xod oivod Kai xod

Levites] the first-fruits of the grain, and of the wine, and of the

slaioD Kai sksi oksdtj xa dyia Kai 01 ispsic; 01

olive oil. And [ [are] there vessels the holy], and the priests, the

A,sixoDpyo( Kai 01 7iDAxjopoi Kai 01 d5ovxsc; Kai

ministers, and the gatekeepers, and the singers. And

odk syKaxa^suj/ojisv xov oikov xod 9sod rjjicbv

we shall not abandon the house of our God.

11 «■»

1+ Kai SKdGiaav 01 dp%ovxsc; xod XaoD sv

And [ were settled the rulers of the people] in

IspoDaaAxj|i Kai 01 KaxdXouroi xod XaoD spalov

Jerusalem. And the rest of the people cast

kAxjpodc; svsyrai sva anb xcov 8sKa KaGiaai sv

lots to bring one from [every] ten to settle in

IspoDaaAxjji xr| 7i6A,si xtj ayia Kai swsa (isprj sv

Jerusalem [ city the holy], and nine parts in

xaiq 7i6A,sai 2+ Kai SD^oyrjasv o Xaoq rcavxac; xodc;

the [other] cities. And [ blessed the people] all the


11 &gt;r

ev tootco + vtica

1 6 - Nehemiah

dvSpac; Tovq SKODaia^ojisvoDc; KaGiaai sv

men of the ones willing to settle in

IspoDaaAxjji 3 + Kai otixoi oi dp%ovxsc; xrjc; %cbpac; oi

Jerusalem. And these [are] the rulers of the place, the ones

8K&amp;6iaav sv IepoDoaArjji Kai sv noXsaiv lovda

they settled in Jerusalem, and in [the] cities of Judah.

SKdGiaav avfjp sv Kaxaa%sasi avzov sv

[ settled [Every] man] in his possession in

7i6Xsaiv auxcbv IopafjX oi ispsiq Kai oi Asmxai Kai

their cities — Israelites, the priests, and the Levites, and

oi NaGivaioi Kai oi moi SovXcdv SoXojicbvToq 4 + Kai

the Nethinim, and the sons of [the] servants of Solomon. And

sv IspoDoaArj |i SKdGiaav anb mcbv lovda Kai arco

in Jerusalem were settled some from [the] sons of Judah, and from

mcbv Bsviajiiv anb mcbv lovha A6ss vioq O^ia

[the] sons of Benjamin. From [the] sons of Judah; Athaiah son ofUzziah,

vioq Za%ap(ac; vioq Sajiapia vioq Sacpaxia vioq

son ofZechariah, son ofAmariah, son of Shephatiah, son

MaXshx\k Kai anb xcov mcbv Oapsq 5 + Maaaia vibq

of Mahalaleel, and of the sons of Perez; Maaseiah son

Bapcr6% vibq XakaCfi vibq O^id vibq A5ata vibq

ofBaruch, son of Col-hozeh, son ofHazaiah, son ofAdaiah, son

Icoapstp vibq Zaxap(oi) vibq tod 2/r|iAx)v( 6 + ftdvxsc;

of Joiarib, son of Zechariah, son of the Shiloni. All

moi Oapsq oi KaGfjjisvoi sv IspouaaAr||i

[the] sons of Perez, the ones settling down in Jerusalem

xsxpaKoaioi s^rjKovxaoKxcb dv8psq 5uvd|iscoc; ?+ Kai

[were] four hundred sixty-eight men of power. And

ouxoi oi moi Bsviajjiv £rjAxb|i vibq MsoodAxxji vibq

these [are] the sons of Benjamin; Sallu son of Meshullam, son

Icod8 vibq Oa5aia vibq Kco^sia vibq Maaaioi) vibq

of Joed, son ofPedaiah, son ofKolaiah, son of Masseiah, son

EGifjA, vibq Isaasia s+ Kai 07i(aco avzov TspoDS

oflthiel, son ofJesaiah. And after him Gabbai,

Srj^ssi swaKoaioi sikocjiokxco 9 + Kai IcofjX vibq Zs%p(

Sallai, nine hundred twenty-eight. And Joel son of Zichri

S7uaK07roc; S7i' auxotic; Kai lovda vibq Aadji S7U Tr\q

[was] overseer over them; and Judah son of Senuah over the

7r6Xscoc; SsDispoq io+ arco xcov ispscov Kai Ia8s(a vibq

city [was] second. Of the priests; even Jadaiah son

Icopstp Iaxiv n+ Sapsaq vibq ETqia vibq Msaoi)A,d|i

of Joiarib, Jachin. Seraiah son ofHilkiah, son of Meshullam,


11 &gt;r


1 6 - Nehemiah

vioq Sa88oDK vioq MapicbG vioq Aaxvccbp rjyoDjisvoc;

son ofZadok, son of Maraioth, son ofAhitub ruling


[the] house of God. And their brethren doing the

spyov tod oikod OKTOUcoaioi £ikocji8do Kai A5aia

work of the house — eight hundred twenty-two; and Adaiah,

vioq Ispodji diod ®aA,aAia diod vajiaai diod

son ofJeroham, son ofPelaliah, of [the] son ofAmzi, son

Za%apia diod OaaoDp diod Mskyia 13 + Kai

ofZechariah, son ofPashur, son of Malchiah. And

aSeAxpoi (xdtod dpxovTsq 7iaTpicbv SiaKoaioi

his brethren [the] rulers of families — two hundred

TsaaapaK0VTa5D0 Kai Ajiaaai vioq EapvqA, diod

forty-two; even Amashai son of Azareel, son

£aK%fa&gt;D diod MaaaAajicbG diod Ejijif|p u+ Kai

ofSikiah, son of Meshillemoth, son oflmmer, and

a5sAxpo( aDTOD 8DvaTo( 7iapaTd^£coc; SKaTOV

his brethren, mighty [men] of battle array — a hundred

sikoctioktco Kai £7uaK07ioc; S7i ' avTOvq Zs%pifjA, vioq

twenty-eight. And overseer over them [was] Zabdiel, son

tcov (isydAxjov 15+ Kai arco tcdv Asditcov Eajiaia vioq

of the great ones. And from the Levites; Shemaiah son

AcjodP diod EapiKdji diod Aaapta diod Bowd 16+

ofHashub, son ofAzrikam, son ofHashabiah son ofBunni,

Kai SaPPaGaioq Kai Icoaapd8 £7U Ta epya tod

and Shabbethai and Jozabad [were] over the works of the

OIKOD TOD GSOD S^COTaTOD Kai arco tcov apxovTcav

house of God, [the] outermost; and of the rulers

tcov AsDiTcbv 17+ Kai MaTBaviaq vioq Mi%d vioq

of the Levites. And Mattaniah son ofMicha, son

Zexpsi diod Aadp dpxcov tod aivoD Kai IotiSaq

Zechri son of Asaph [was] one in charge of the praise, and Juda

Tr\q 7ipoasDxric; Kai BoK%siac; 5sDTspoc; sk

of the prayer, and Bakbukiah second of

tcov a5eAxpcbv aDTOD Kai ApSiaq vioq SajiaioD diod

of his brethren, and Abda son ofShammua, son

TaMX diod I8i6odv 18+ 7rdvTec; 01 AsDrcai sv tt|

ofGalal, son ofJeduthun. All the Levites in the

7i6A,si ttj ayia SiaKoaioi oySorjKovTaTsaaapeq 19+ Kai

[ city holy] — two hundred eighty-four. And

01 7iDAxjopo( AkodP Ts^ajiiv Kai 01 a8sAxpo( aDTcbv

the gatekeepers; Akkub, Talmon, and their brethren,


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VlKa

1 6 - Nehemiah

oi (pvXdaaovTEq sv xaiq TtvXaiq SKaxov

the ones guarding at the gates ~ a hundred

sp5o|ir|KovTa5i)o 20+ to 5s Xombv tod IapafjX Kai 01

seventy-two. And the rest of Israel, and the

ispsk; Kai 01 AsDrcai sv 7idaaic; zaiq nbXzai

priests, and the Levites [were] in all the cities

Tr\q lovdaiaq avfjp sv tt) KAxjpovojjia aDTOD 21+ Kai 01

of Judah, [every] man in his inheritance. And the

NaGivaun 01 KaTCOKqaav sv OcpAxx Kai Siad Kai

Nethinim dwelt in Ophel; and Ziha and

rsacpdq a7io tcov Na0va(cov 22+ Kai S7rioK07ioc;

Gispa [were] of the Nethinim. And [the] overseer

Asditcov sv IspoDaaAxjji O^s'i vioq Bavi diod

of [the] Levites in Jerusalem [was] Uzzi son of Bani, son

Sapta diod MaGBavioi) diod Mi%d anb dicov Aadcp

ofHashabiah, son of Mattaniah, son ofMicha, from [the] sons of Asaph

tcov a56vTCOv arcsvavTi spyoD oikod tod 0sod 23 + 6ti

the singers before [the] work of [the] house of God. For

svtoAtj tod PaaiAicoc; S7i' aDTODc; Kai 8is|isvsv sv

a commandment of the king [was] upon them, and it continued in

7110TSI S7U xoxq co8o(c; Xbyoq SKdarrjc; rjjispac; sv

trust unto the singers a reckoning each day in

ttj Tjjispa aDTOD 24+ Kai OaGaia dioc; Maaai^apfjA, anb

its day. And Pethahiah son of Meshezabeel of

tcov Dicbv Zdpa diod IoD8a npoq %sipa Tai)

the sons of Zerah, son of Judah, [was] by [the] hand of the

Paai^scoq sic; 7idvTa Xoyov tco Xa&amp;&gt; 25+ Kai 7ipoc;

king for all matters [concerning] the people. And for

Tag S7raDA,sic; sv aypcb aDTcbv Kai anb dicov IoD5a

the properties in their fields, [some] from [the] sons of Judah

SKdGiaav sv KapiaGapPcoy Kai sv

settled in Kirjath-arba, and in

xaiq 0DyaTpdaiv aDTfjc; Kai sv AaiPcbv Kai sv

her daughter [towns], and in Dibon, and in

xaiq GDyaTpdaiv aDTfjc; Kai sv KaPasfjX Kai sv

her daughter [towns], and in Jekabseel, and in

xaiq mAaiq amx\q 2 6 + Kai sv IrjaoD Kai sv McoA,a5d

her courtyards, and in Jeshua, and in Moladah,

Kai sv BrjGcpaAxrc 2 ?+ Kai sv AaspacodA, Kai sv

and in Beth-phelet, and in Hazar-shual and in

BrjpaaPsai Kai xaiq 0DyaTpdoiv aDTfjc; 2 s+ Kai sv

Beer-sheba, and her daughter [towns], and in


12 T

1 6 - Nehemiah

SsKs^dy Kai sv MaPvfj Kai sv miq 9uyaxpdaiv avxr\q

Ziklag, and in Mabne, and in her daughter [towns],

29+ Kai sv Psjiacov Kai sv Eapd Kai sv IspijiouG 30 +

and in Rimmon, and in Zereah, and in Jarmuth,

Kai sv Zawod Kai 08oAld|i Kai

and in Zanoah, and Adullam, and

xaic; S7iaT3A,saiv auxcbv Kai sv Aa%s(c; Kai

her properties, and in Lachish, and

xoic; aypofc; avTT\q Kai sv A^rjKd Kai sv

her fields, and in Azekah, and in

xaic; Guyaxpdoiv avTT\q Kai 7iapsvspdAx)oav sv

her daughter [towns]. And they camped in

BrjpaaPsai scoc; cpdpayyoc; Ewoji 31+ Kai 01 moi

Beer-sheba unto [the] ravine of Hinnom. And the sons

Bsviajiiv a7io TaPad Kai Maxi^ac; Kai Ts Kai

of Benjamin [dwelt] from Geba and [unto] Michmash, and Aija, and

BaiGfjA, Kai xcov 0i)yaxspcov avTT\q 32+ Kai sv AvaGcoG

Beth-el, and her daughter [towns]; and in Anathoth,

Nop Avia 33+ Aacbp Pajid rs00at|i 34+ A5cb8 EsPcosiji

Nob, Ananiah, Hazor, Ramah, Gittaim, Hadid, Zeboim,

NaPa^dx 35+ Au58a Kai OvcoyKapaasija 35+ Kai sk xcov

Neballat, Lod, and Ono-kareseim. And of the

Asdixcov jispiSsc; sv xco Ioi38a Kai Bsviajiiv

Levites there were portions in Judah and Benjamin.

12 V

1+ Kai ot3xoi 01 ispsiq Kai 01 Asmxai 01 avapdvxsq

And these [are] the priests and the Levites, the ones ascending

jisxd ZopopdpsX moi) SaXaGifjA, Kai lr\aov Sapaia

with Zerubbabel son ofShealtiel, and Jeshua; Saraiah,

Ispsjiiaq 'EoSpac; 2+ Ajiapiac; Makov% Axxotic; 3 +

Jeremiah, Ezra, Amariah, Malluch, Hattush,

Esxsviaq Psot3|i Mapsi|icb9 4 + A5aiaq rsva0cbv Afiiaq

Shechaniah, Rehum, Meremoth, Iddo, Ginnetho, Abijah,

5+ Miajisiv MaaSiac; BsXydq 6 + Ssjisiaq Icoiapsip

Miamin, Maadiah, Bilgah, Shemaiah, Joiarib,

I5siaq 7+ ZaXov Ajiouk XsAxsiac; QSomaq otixoi 01

Jedaiah, Sallu, Amok, Hilkiah, Jedaiah. These [were] the

dpxovxsq xcov ispscov Kai a8sAxpo( auxcbv sv rjjispaK;

rulers of the priests, and their brethren in [the] days


12 T

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

1 6 - Nehemiah

lr\ao\) 8+ Kai oi Asmxai Irjaouc; Bavom KaS\iir\k

ofJeshua. And the Levites; Jeshua, Binnui, Kadmiel,

Eapapiaq IcoSae MaxGaviac; S7U xcov

Sherebiah, Joiada, Mattaniah, [which was] over the

e^o|ioAx)yf|aecov auxoc; Kai oi a8eAxpo( auxou 9 + Kai

acknowledgments, he and his brethren. And

BaKpoudaq Kai Aval oi a8sAxpo( auxcbv arcevavxi

Bakbukiah and Unni, their brethren [were] over against

(xdxcov eic; xac; ecprjiiepiac; io+ Kai Irjaotic; syswrjae

them in the daily rotations. And Jeshua engendered

xov IcoaKsiji Kai IcoaKeiji eyewrjae xov EAaaafjP Kai

Joiakim, and Joiakim engendered Eliashib, and

EXiaafjP xov Ico8ae n+ Kai Ico8as syswrjae

Eliashib [engendered] Joiada, and Joiada engendered

xov IcovdGav Kai IcovdGav eyswrjas xovASSorj 12+ Kai

Jonathan, and Jonathan engendered Jaddua. And

sv rjiiepaiq IcoaKeiji fjaav 01 lepefc; Kai 01 dp%ovxec;

in [the] days of Joiakim were the priests, and the rulers

xcov 7iaxpicbv xco Sapa'ta Ajiapiaq xco Ispsjiia

of the families — [to] Seraiah, Meraiah; [to] Jeremiah,

Avaviaq 13+ xco 'Ea8pa Msaoi)Axx|i xco Ajiapia Icovdv

Hananiah; [to] Ezra, Meshullam; [to] Amariah, Jehohanan;

14+ xco A[Lakov% IcovdGav xco £e%ev(a Icoafjtp 15+ xco

[to] Melicu, Jonathan; [to] Secheniah, Joseph; [to]

Apse; E8vdc; xco MapicbG EAxs i 6 + xco A58a'i Za%ap(ac;

Harim, Adna; to Maraioth, Helkai; [to] Iddo, Zechariah;

xco TavaGcbv MsaoXdji 17 + xco Apia Ze%p{ xco Miajjiv

[to] Ginnethon, Meshullam; [to] Abijah, Zichri; [to] Miniamin,

MaaSai xco ®sA,ex( i 8 + xco BaAydc; Sajioue xco Eejieia

Moadiah, [to] Piltai, [to] Bilgah, Shammua; [to] Shemaiah,

IcovdGav 19+ xco Icoapetp MaGavai xco I5(co O^i 20+ xco

Jehonathan; [to] Joiarib, Mattenai; [to] Jedaiah, Uzzi; [to]

EaAm KaXkax xco AjiorjK Ape8 21+ xco EAxia Aaapta

Sallai, Kallai; [to] Amok, Eber; [to] Hilkiah, Hashabiah;

xco 08oma NaGavafjA, 22+ 01 Asmxai sv r||ispai(;

[to] Jedaiah, Nethaneel. The Levites in [the] days

EAiaatp IcodSa Kai Icod Kai Icoavdv Kai ISova

of Eliashib, [were] Joiada, and Joa, and Johanan, and Jaddua

ysypajijisvoi dpxovxsc; xcov 7iaxpicbv Kai 01 ispsk; sv

[they were] written down [as] rulers of the families; and the priests in


12 T

8V TOUT© + VlKa

1 6 - Nehemiah

PaaiXsia AapsioD tod IIspaoD 23 + dioi 8s Asdi

[the] kingdom of Darius the Persian. And [the] sons of Levi,

dp%ovxsc; xcov 7iaxpicbv ysypa|i|isvoi em PipAioD

rulers of the families were written upon [the] scroll

Xoycov xcov r||ispcov Kai scoc; rjjispcbv Icovdv diod

of [the] words of the days, even until [the] days of Johanan son

EAiaaotip 24 + Kai 01 dp%ovxsc; xcov Asdixcov Aaapiac;

ofEliashib. And the rulers ofthe Levites— Hashabiah,

Kai Sapapiaq Kai IrjaoD Kai 01 dioi Ka8|iifjA, Kai

and Sherebiah, and Jeshua. And the sons of Kadmiel, and

aSsAxpoi aDicbv Kaxsvavxi aDxcbv sic; xo aivsiv Kai

their brethren over against them, for praising and

s^ojioAx)ysia0ai sv svxoArj AaDi5 av9pcb7roD xod 0sod

making acknowledgment, by [the] command of David [the] man of God,

scprjjispia 7ipoc; stpr||ispiav 25+ Ma60av(ac; Kai

in daily rotation by daily rotation. Mattaniah and

BaKpaKiaq ApSsiac; MoaoAxxji TsA^cbv AkkodP

Bakbukiah, Obadiah, Meshullam, Talmon, Akkub,

cpDXdaaovxsq itvXcnpoi (pvXaKT\q sv xco aDvayaysiv (is

[were] guarding gatekeepers of [the] watch in my gathering

xodc; 7ruAxjopoDc; 2 6+ odxoi sv rjjispaic; IcoaKsiji diod

the gatekeepers. These [were] in [the] days of Joiakim son

IrjaoD diod IcoctsSsk Kai sv rjjispaic; Nssjiia xod

of Jeshua, son ofJozadak, and in [the] days of Nehemiah the

dpxovxoq Kai 'EaSpac; xod ispscoc; Kai ypajijiaxscoc; 27 +

ruler, and Ezra the priest and scribe.

Kai sv syKaivioiq xsi^odc; IspoDaaAr||i s^fjxrjaav

And in [the] festival of dedication of [the] wall of Jerusalem they sought out

xodc; AsDixaq sv xoic; xorcoic; aDxcbv xod svsyrai aDxotic;

the Levites in their places, to bring them

sic; IspoDaaAx||i 7ioifjaai syraivia Kai

into Jerusalem, to observe [the] holiday of rededication with

SDcppoaDvrjv Kai sv aivsasi Kai sv coSaiq

gladness, and in praise, and in odes,

KDjiPaMtpvxsc; Kai \j/aAxf|pia Kai Kivtipaic; 2 s+ Kai

playing cymbals, and psalteries, and lutes. And

aDvf|%0r|aav 01 dioi xcov a56vxcov Kai arco xrjc;

[ gathered the sons of the singers] even from the

7ispi%cbpoD kdkA,60sv IspoDaaArui Kai arco S7iaDXscov

place round about Jerusalem, and from [the] properties

xod Nsxcocpaxi 29+ Kai sv BaiBya^ydA, Kai arco aypcbv

of the Netophathi. And in Beth-gilgal and from [the] fields


12 T
8V TOUT© + VlKa

1 6 - Nehemiah

TaPeai Kai AajicbG on EiiavXsiq CDKo86|ir|aav

of Geba and Azmaveth; for [ [nearby] properties built

sodtoic; oi dSovTSc; 7T£piic6kAxjq lspovaakr\[L 30+ Kai

for themselves the singers] surrounding Jerusalem. And

SKaGapiaGrjaav 01 ispsiq Kai 01 AeDvcai Kai

[ cleansed themselves the priests and the Levites], and

SKaGdpioav tov Xaov Kai zaq nvXaq Kai to ts(%oc;

they cleansed the people, and the gates, and the wall.

31+ Kai avfjvsyKav todc; dpxovxaq Ioi35a 87idvco tod

And they brought the rulers of Judah upon the

tsi%odc; Kai saxrjaav 8do 7ispi aivsascoq [isyaXovq

wall, and I stationed two [ for praise great [companies]],

Kai 5ifjX0ov 8K Se^icbv tod tsi%odc; Tr\q 7ivh\q Tr\q

and they went at [the] right the wall of the gate of the

K07rp(ac; 32+ Kai S7ropsD6r| 07i(aco aDTcbv Aadiaq Kai

dung. And [ went behind them Hoshaiah and

r\[iiav apxovTcav IoD5a 33+ Kai A^apiac; Kai 'Eadpaq

half [of the] rulers of Judah], and Azariah, and Ezra,

Kai MsaoXdji 34+ Kai IoD5aq Kai Bsviajiiv Kai

and Meshullam, and Judah, and Benjamin, and

Sajiaiaq Kai Iepejjiac; 35+ Kai anb tcov dicov tcov

Shemaiah, and Jeremiah. And [some] from the sons of the

ispscov sv adAmy^i Za%ap(ac; dioc; IcovdGav diod

priests with trumpets; Zechariah son of Jonathan, son

Sajiaia diod MaTGavia diod Ma%aia diod ZaK^oDp

of Shemaiah, son of Mathaniah son of Michaiah, son ofZaccur,

diod Aadcp 36 + Kai a8sAxpo( aDTOD Sajiaiac; Kai

son of Asaph. And his brethren, Shemaiah, and

E^pifjA, TeAxjoAm Maia NaGavafjX Kai IoD8aq Kai

Azarael, Gilalai, Maai, Nethaneel, and Judah and

Avavi tod aivsiv sv ctksdscjiv coSaiq AaDi5 av9pcb7roD

Hanani, to praise by instruments in odes of David [the] man

0soD Kai 'EaSpac; o ypajijiaTSDc; S|i7ipoa0sv aDTGOV 37 +

of God; and Ezra the scribe [was] in front of them.

S7Ti 7ivhr\q Tr\q 7rr|yf|c; KaTSvavTi aDTcbv avsprjaav em

At [the] gate of the spring, over by them, they ascended upon

tok; KAijiaKaq noXso^q AaviS ev avapdasi tod

the stairways of [the] city of David, by ascending the

tsi%odc; S7idvco6sv tod oikod AaDiS Kai scoq Tr\q

wall on top of the house of David, and unto the

7ivhr\q tod D8aToq KaT' avaToXdq 3 8+ Kai 7isp(

[ gate water] according to [the] east. And for


12 T


1 6 - Nehemiah

aivsascoc; r| 8sDTSpa s^S7iopsDSTO oDvavTcbaa aDTOic;

praise, the second [group] went forth to meet them,

Kai sycb O7i(aco avTT\q Kai to r\[iiov tod Xaov S7idvco

and I was behind them. And half of the people [were] above
tod ts(%odc; D7ispdvco TOD 7TDpyOD TCOV 0SWODpi|I Kai

the wall, up above the tower of the furnaces, and

scoc; tod tsi%odc; TOD ftAxXTSOC; 39 + Kai D7rspdv&lt;D TT\q

unto the [ wall broad], and up above the

7ivhr\q Ecppaiji Kai S7ri tt|v 7tdAx|v tt|v Eiaiavd Kai

gate ofEphraim, and upon the gate, the one ofEisiana, and

S7Ti ttjv 7tdAx|v ttjv i%0DT|pdv Kai 7r6pyov AvajisfjA,

upon the [gate fish], and [by the] tower ofHananeel,

Kai arco tod 7iDpyoD tod Msd Kai scoc; Tr\q ivbhr\q

and from the tower ofMeah, and unto the gate

Tr\q 7ipoPaTiKf|(; Kai sarrjoav sm ivbhr\v Tr\q (pvXaKT\q

of the sheep; and they stopped upon [the] gate of the prison.

40+ Kai sarqaav ai 8do Tr\q aivsascoc; sv oikco

And [ stood the two [groups]] for praise in [the] house

tod Gsod Kai eycb Kai to r\[iiav tcov aTpaTTjycbv jist'

of God, and I, and the half of the commandants with

sjiod 41+ Kai oi ispsic; EAiaKsiji Maaaiac; Miajiiv

me. And the priests, Eliakim, Maaseiah, Miniamin,

Mi%aiac; EAicorjvai Za%ap(ac; Avaviac; sv adAmy^iv

Michaiah, Elioenai, Zechariah, Hananiah, [were] with trumpets;

42+ Kai Maaaiac; Kai Ssjisiac; EXsd^ap O^i Icoavdv

and Maaseiah, and Shemaiah, Eleazar, Uzzi, Jehohanan,

Msk%iaq Kai Ai^dji Kai IsCpvp Kai r|KODa0r|aav oi

Melchijah, and Elam, and Ezer. And [ were heard the

adovTsq Kai Isapiac; S7uaK07roc; 43+ Kai s0Daav sv

singers], and Jezrahiah [the] overseer. And they sacrificed in

ttj rjjispa SKsivrj 0Daida|iaTa jisydla Kai r|Dcppdv0r|aav

that day [ sacrifices great], and they were glad.

6ti o 0s6c; sticppavsv aDTODc; SDcppoawrj |isydAx| Kai

For God gladdened them [gladness with great]; and

ai yDvaiKsq aDTcbv Kai Ta TSKva aDTcbv r|Dcppdv0r|aav

their wives and their children were glad;

Kai tjkodoGt] T| SDcppoawrj sv IspoDaaAxjji |iaKp60sv

and [ was heard the gladness in Jerusalem] from far off.

44+ Kai KaTsarrjaav sv ttj rj|ispa sks(vt| dv5paq S7ii

And they ordained in that day men over

tcov ya^ocpD^aKicov toic; 0rjaaDpo(c; zaiq a7iap%a(c; Kai

the treasuries, for the treasures, for the first-fruits, and


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

1 6 - Nehemiah

xaic; Ssraxaic; tod aDvayaysiv sv avioiq and xcov

for the tenths, to gather in to them from the

aypcbv xcov 7r6A,scov |isp(8ac; xoic; ispsDai Kai xoic;

fields of the cities portions to the priests and to the

AsDixaic; on SDcppoawq r|v sv lovda Kai sm xodc;

Levites; for there was gladness in Judah, and upon the

ispsic; Kai xodc; AsDixac; xodc; saxcbxac;

priests, and the Levites, of the ones standing.

45 + Kai scptiXa^av (pvXaKx\v tod 6sod aDxcbv Kai

And they guarded [the] watch of their God, and

(pvXaKdq tod KaGapiajioD Kai xodc; dSovxac; Kai xodc;

[the] watches of the cleansing, even the singers and the

7tdAxdpodc; coc; svxoAm AaDi8 Kai SoXojicbvToq

gatekeepers, according to [the] commands of David, and Solomon

diod aDTOD 46+ on sv rjjispaic; AaDi8 Kai Aadcp ait'

his son. For in [the] days of David and Asaph from

ap%r\q 7ipcbTOc; xcov a86vxcov Kai djivov Kai

[the] beginning [there was] a first of the singers, and a hymn and

aivsaiv too 9scb 4 ?+ Kai naq IapafjA, sv rjjispaic;

praise to God. And all Israel in [the] days

ZopopdpsA, Kai sv xaic; rjjispaic; Nssjiiod 8i86vxsc;

of Zerubbabel, and in the days of Nehemiah, [were] giving

|isp(8ac; xcov a86vxcov Kai xcov 7iDXcopcbv Xoyov

portions of the singers and of the gatekeepers — an account

rjjispac; sv rjjispa aDxoD Kai ayid^ovxsq xoiq

[day by day of it]. And they sanctified [them] to the

AsDixaiq Kai oi AsDixai ayid^ovxsq xoic; vioiq Aapcbv

Levites; and the Levites sanctified [them] to the sons of Aaron.

13 v

sv xtj rjjispa sks(vt| avsyvcbaGrj sv PipAico McoDafj

scroll of Moses

In that day [they] read in [the^

sv coai xod A,aoD Kai SDpsGrj ysypajijisvov sv aDxcb

into [the] ears of the people. And it was found written in it

O7rcoc; |ir| siasXGcoaiv Ajijiavixai Kai Mcoaptxai sv

how that [ should not enter [the] Ammonite and Moabite] into

SKKAxjcria 0sod scoc; aicovoq 2+ 6x1 od aDvfjvxrjaav

[the] assembly of God unto [the] eon. For they did not meet
xoic; dioic; lapar\k sv dpxco Kai i35axi Kai

the sons of Israel with bread and water, and

sjiiaGcoaavxo S7i' aDxotic; xovBa^adji KaxapdaaaGai

they hired against them Balaam to curse


1 3 v ev tootco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

avTOvq Kai S7isaxps\j/sv o Gsoc; rj|icbv xrjv Kaxdpav sic;

them. And [ turned our God] the curse into

si)A,oyiav 3+ Kai sysvsxo coc; fjKODaav xov vojiov Kai

a blessing. And it came to pass as they heard the law, that

sxcopiaGrjaav naq S7U|iikxoc; sv IapafjA, 4 + Kai 7ipo

they separated all [the] intermixed in Israel. And before

xodxod EXiacrip o ispstic; oikcov sv ya£pcpDA,aKico

this Eliashib the priest lived in [the] treasury

oikod Gsod rjjicov syyicbv Tcopia 5+ Kai S7iovr|asv

of [the] house of our God, near Tobiah. And he made

ai)xcb ya^ocpiAdKiov jisya Kai sksi fjaav rcpoxspov

for him [ treasury a great], and there they were formerly

5i86vxsc; xrjv dvaiav Kai xov Aipavov Kai xa

giving the sacrifice [offering], and the frankincense, and the

aKSDrj Kai xrjv 8sKdxr|v xod ctixod Kai xod oivod

vessels, and the tenth of the grain, and of the wine,

Kai xod sAmoD evxoArjv xcov Asdixcov Kai xcov

and of the olive oil, a commandment of the Levites, and of the

a56vxcov Kai xcov nvXcnpcbv Kai a7iap%dc; xcov ispscov

singers, and of the gatekeepers, and [the] first-fruits of the priests.

6+ Kai sv 7iavxi xodxco ODKfuirjv sv IspoDaaAxjji 6x1

And during all this I was not in Jerusalem. For

sv sxsi xpiaKoaxcb Kai 8sDxspco xod ApGaaaaBd

in [ year [the] thirtieth and second] of Artaxerxes

PaaiXscoq BaPD^cbvoq r\kdov npoq xov PaaiAia Kai

king of Babylon I went to the king, and

jisxd xo xsAxdc; xcov r||ispcbv r|xr|ad|xr|v 7iapd xod

after the end of the days I asked [things] of the

PaaiXscoq 7+ Kai fjXGov sic; IspoDaaArj|i Kai aDvfjKa

king. And I came into Jerusalem, and I perceived

sv xrj 7iovr|pia r| s7iovr|asv EAiaotp xco Tcopta

the wickedness which Eliashib did for Tobiah,

7ioif|aai aDxcb ya^ocpD^dKiov sv avXr\ oikod

to make for him a treasury in [the] courtyard of [the] house

xod Gsod 8+ Kai 7iovr|p6v jioi scpavrj acp68pa Kai

of God. And [wicked tome it appeared exceedingly], and

sppnj/a 7idvxa xa oksdtj oikod Tcopta s^co anb xod

I tossed all the items of [the] house of Tobiah outside of the

yatpcpDAxxKioD 9+ Kai si7ia Kai SKaGdpiaav xa

treasury. And I spoke, and they cleansed the

ya^ocpD^dKia Kai S7isaxps\j/a sksi aKSDrj oikod

treasuries. And I returned there [the] vessels of [the] house


1 3 r ev toi3tco + vtica 1 6 - Nehemiah

tod 0sot) xr|v dvaiav Kai xov Xifiavov 10+ Kai

of God for the sacrifice [offering] and the frankincense. And

syvcov on |isp(8sc; xcov Asdixcov odk s560r|aav Kai

I knew that [the] portions of the Levites were not given [them]; and
scpDyov avf|p sic; aypov saDxoD 01 AsDixai Kai 01

[ fled [every] man] unto his own field, the Levites and the

dSovxsc; Kai 7toiodvxsc; xo spyov u+ Kai sjia%sad|ir|v

singers, and ones doing the work. And I quarreled

xoic; axpaxrjyoic; Kai sitcov 5iax( syKaxsA,s(tp0r| o

with the commandants, and said, Why did it abandon the

oikoc; xod 0soi) Kai aDvfjyayov aDxotic; Kai soxrjaav

house of God? And I gathered them, and set

aDxotic; S7i( xrj axdasi aDxcbv 12 + Kai 7iac; Ioi38a

them at their station. And all Judah

fjveyKav 5sKdxr|v xod nvpov Kai xod oivod Kai xod

brought a tenth of the wheat and of the wine and of the

slaioD sic; xodc; 0rjaaDpoDc; 13+ Kai svsxsiXd|ir|v S7U

olive oil into the treasuries. And I gave charge unto

%s(pa SsXsjjia xod ispscoc; Kai SaScoK xod

[the] hand of Shelemiah the priest, and Zadok the

ypajijiaxscoc; Kai ®a8aia arco xcov Asdixcov Kai S7ri

scribe, and Pedaiah of the Levites; and near

%s(pa aDxcbv Avdv moq ZaK%0Dp diod Max0av(oD

their hand [was] Hanan son of Zaccur, son of Mattaniah.

6x1 7iiaxoi sAx)y(a0r|aav S7i' aDxotic; jispi^siv xoic;

For [trustworthy they were considered], [as it was] upon them to portion [out] [to]

aSzkqoiq aDxcbv h + |ivfja0r|xi jiod o 0s6c; sv xaDxrj

their brethren. Remember me, O God, in this!

Kai |ir| s^aX£icp0fj xo sA^soc; |iod o S7iovr|aa sv oikco

that [ should not be wiped away my [acts of] mercy], which I did in [the] house

KDpiOD XOD 0SOD |IOD Kai SV XaiCj CpD^aKaiCj aDXOD 15 +

of [the] LORD my God, and in his watches.

sv xaic; rjjispaic; SKsivaic; s(8ov sv IoD8a rcaxoDvxac;

In those days I beheld in Judah ones treading

h\vovq sv xco aappdxco Kai cpspovxaq 8pdy|iaxa Kai

[the] wine vats on the Sabbath, and bringing sheaves, and

S7riys|ii£pvxac; S7ri xodc; ovovq Kai oivov Kai

loading upon the donkeys; even wine, and

axatpDArjv Kai aDKa Kai 7iav pdaxayjia Kai cpspovxaq

[the] grape cluster, and figs, and every burden, and bringing [them]

sic; IspoDaaAxjji sv rjjispa xod aaPPdxoD Kai

into Jerusalem on [the] day of the Sabbath. And


1 3 r ev toi3tco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

S7i8|iapTDpa|ir|v sv rjjispa 7cpaascoc; auxcov

I attested to them in [the] day of their sale.

i6+ on £7icbAx)DV 87iiama|i6v Kai 01 Ttipioi Kai

For [sold provision even the ones of Tyre], and

SKdGiaav sv aDifj cpspovxsc; i%0t3v Kai 7cdaav 7cpdaiv

sat by it bringing fish, and [ every [item] for sale

7ccoA,oi3vxsc; ev too aa(3pdxco xoic; vioiq lovda Kai sv

selling] on the Sabbath to the sons of Judah, and in

Ispoi)aaAx||i n+ Kai SKpiGrjv |isxd xcov sXsuGspcov

Jerusalem. And I quarreled with the free [men]

lovda Kai si7ca auxoic; xic; o Xoyoq omoq o 7covr|p6c;

of Judah, and I said to them, What [is] [ matter this wicked]

ov Djisiq 7roi8ix8 Kai PsPrjAxyoxs XT|V T||I8paV XOU

which you do, and profane the day of the

aappdxoi) i8+ ov%i ouxcoc; S7co(r|aav 01 7caxspsc; ujicov

Sabbath? Did not [thus do your fathers],

Kai fjveyKsv S7t' auxotic; o Gsoc; rjjicbv Kai scp' r\[iaq

and [ brought upon them our God] and upon us

7idvxa xa Kara xauxa Kai S7ri xrjv 7i6A.iv xauxrjv Kai

all these evils, even upon this city? And

ujisfc; 7cpoax(6sxs opyfjv S7ri IapafjA, PsPrjAxbaai xo

you add to [the] anger upon Israel to profane the

adppaxov 19+ Kai sysvsxo rjviKa Kaxsaxrjaav irbXai sv

Sabbath. And it came to pass when [ were stood [the] gates] in

Ispoi)aaAx||i 7cpo xou aappdxoi) Kai si7ca Kai

Jerusalem before the Sabbath, that I spoke, and

SKA,£iaav xac; nvXaq Kai si7ca cbaxs |ir| avoiyfjvai

they locked the gates. And I spoke so as to not open

auxdc; scoc; 07uaco xou aappdxoi) Kai sk

them until after the Sabbath. And [ some of

xcov 7cai8ap(cov jiod saxrjaa S7U xac; nvXaq cbaxs jitj

my young men I stood] at the gates, so as to not

aipsiv Paaxdyjiaxa sv rj|ispa xod aappdxoi) 20+ Kai

lift burdens on [the] day of the Sabbath. And

r|DAia6r|aav 7cdvxsc; 01 jisxdpoloi Kai S7co(r|aav

[ lodged all the traders] and did

7cpdaiv s^co Ispoi)aaA,fi|i d7ca^ Kai diq 21+ Kai

business outside of Jerusalem once or twice. And

8is|iapxi)pd|ir|v auxofc; Kai sitcov npoq avxovq 5iax(

I testified to them, and I said to them, Why

ujisk; auAi^saBs a7csvavxi xod xsi^odc; sdv

do you lodge before the wall? If

1 3 v ev tootco + vuca 1 6 - Nehemiah

5sDTSpCD&lt;Xr|TS 8KT8VC0 TT|V %zlpa M-OV SV DJIIV a7TO

you repeat it a second time, I will stretch out my hand against you. From

TOD KaipOD SK81VOD ODK T\kdoV 8V OaPPdlCO 22 + Kai

that time they did not come on [the] Sabbath. And

8i7ia Toiq AsDixaiq 01 fjoav Ka6api£p|ievoi Kai

I spoke to the Levites who were being cleansed, and

spXOjisvoi (pvXdaaovTsq zaq nvXaq ayid^eiv tt|v

[the] ones coming guarding the gates to sanctify the

rjjispav tod aaPP&amp;TOD itpoq xaDia |ivf|a0r|Ti (iod o

day of the Sabbath. For these [things] remember me, O

Geoc; jiod Kai cpsiaai jiod Kaxd to nh^Qoq

my God, and spare me according to the magnitude

tod eXeoDc; aoD 23+ Kai sv zaiq rjjiepaic; SKeivaic; ei8ov

of your mercy! And in those days I saw

todc; IoD5afc&gt;Dc; 01 SKdGiaav yvvahcaq A^coTiaq

the Jews who settled with wives of Ashdod,

A|i|iavm8ac; McoaPmSac; 24+ Kai oiDioiaDTcbv r\[iiav

of Ammon, [and] Moab. And their sons [ half

XaXovaw A^cDTicm Kai odk eiaiv S7iiyivcbaK0VTSc;

[were] speaking] Ashdodish, and are not knowing

A,aA,e(v IoD8aiaTi aXka KaTd yAxbaaav Xaov Kai

to speak Jewish, but [spoke] according to [the] language of [this] people and

Xaov 25+ Kai e|ia%£Gd|ir|v jist' aDTcbv Kai

[that] people. And I quarreled with them, and

KaTT|paad|ir|v aDTODc; Kai S7idTa^a ev aDTOiq dv8paq

cursed them, and I struck some of their men,

Kai sjiaSapooaa aDTODc; Kai cbpKiaa aDTODc; sv too 6ecb

and I plucked their hair, and I bound them to an oath by God,

av Scots Tag 0DyaTspac; Djicov zoiq vioiq aDTcbv Kai

You shall not give your daughters [to] their sons, and

av Ax|\j/£a6e tcov 0DyaTspcov aDTcbv zoiq vioiq Djicov

you shall not indeed take of their daughters [for] your sons,

Kai saDTOiq 26+ od% odtcoc; fjjiapTS EoA,o|icbv Paai^sDq

and to yourselves. Did not [ thus sin Solomon king

IapafjX Kai sv sGvsai itoXkoiq odkt|v fiaaiksvq

of Israel]? and among [nations many] there was not a king

ojioioq aDTcb Kai aya7icb|ievoc; tco Geco rjv Kai

likened to him, and [ one being loved by God he was], and

s5coksv aDTOV o 6e6c; sic; PaaiAia £7ri rcdvTa IapafjX

[ appointed him God] as king over all Israel,

Kai todtov e^eKXivav ai yDvaiKsq ai aAAxkpiai 27 + Kai

and in this [ turned [him] aside the wives alien]. So


1 3 v ev tootco + vtica 1 6 - Nehemiah

djicov |ir| aKODacoev 7ioifjaai xrjv 7iovr|piav TaDrrjv

[ with you should we not hearken] to do this wickedness,

aaDvGsxfjaai ev too 0ecb rijicbv Kai KaGiaai yvvahcaq

to break contract with our God, and to settle with [ wives

aAAxrcpiag 28+ Kai arco mcbv Icoa8d tod EXuxoodP tod

alien]? And from [the] sons ofJoiada, Eliashib the

ispscoc; tod |isy&amp;Ax)D yajiPpoq tod EavaPaAm tod

[ priest great], in-law to Sanballat the

ODpaviTOD Kai s^sPpaaa ocdtov an sjiod 29 +

Horonite — even I threw him from me.

|ivfja6r|Ti aDTok; o Geoc; jiod em ayxiGTSia

Remember them, O my God, [for they were] against [the] right of inheritance
Tr\q lepaTSiaq Kai tt|v 5ia0fjKr| Trjq ispaTeiac; Kai

of the priesthood, and the covenant of the priesthood, and

tcov Asditcov 30+ Kai 8Ka6dpiaa aDTODc; arco 7iaor|c;

of the Levites! And I cleansed them from all

aAAxrcpicbascDc; Kai sarrjaa stpruispiaq toic; ispeDai

alien [connection], and I set [the] daily rotations for the priests

Kai toic; AeDvcaic; avfjp cog to spyov aDTOD 31+ Kai

and for the Levites, every man according to his work; even

sic; to 8cbpov tcov ^dXcov ev Kaipoiq a7io XP OVCOV

for the gift of the wood offerings in seasons, from times,

Kai sv toic; 7ipoToyewfj|iaai |ivfja0r|Ti jiod o

and in the first produce. Remember me, O

Geoc; r||icbv eic; ayaGcooDvrjv

our God, for goodness!



17 -Esther

1 X

1+ Kai sysvsxo sv xaic; r||iepaic; Apxa^ep^oD odxoc;

And it came to pass in the days of Artaxerxes. This

o Apxa^ep^rjc; goto xrjc; lv6ud\q SKaxov siKoaiS7ixd

Artaxerxes [ from India a hundred twenty-seven

%&lt;jopcbv SKp&amp;xrjaev 2 +ev8e xatixaic; xaic; rjjispaic; 6xe

regions held]. And in those days when

svs0pov(a6r| fiaaiksvq Apxa^ep^rjc; ev Eodctoic; xr|

[ was enthroned king Artaxerxes] in Shushan the

7r6Xsi 3 + ev xco xpixco sxsi fiaaikvbovToq avzov 8o%r\v

city, in the third year of his reign, [ banquet

£7rovr|as TOiq (pikoiq Kai xoic; Xomoiq sGvsai Kai

he made a] [to his] friends, and to the rest of [the] nations, and

xoic; riepacbv Kai Mf|8cov svSo^oic; Kai xoic;

to the Persians and Medes — [the] honorable ones, and to the

dp%oi)ai xcov aaxpa7icbv 4+ Kai jisxd xatixa jisxd xo

rulers of the satrapies. And after these [things], after the

8eft;ai aDxoic; xov 7cAx)dxov xrjc; PaaiXeiac; aDxoD Kai

showing to them the riches of his kingdom, and

xrjv So^av Tr\q SDcppoawrjq aDxoD £7U r||iepac; SKaxov

the glory of his gladness for [days a hundred

oy8of|Kovxa 5+6xs5s av87iA,r|pcb0r|aav ai rjjiepai xod

eighty], and when [ were fulfilled the days] of the

ydjioD S7rovr|osv o fiaaikzvq 7i6xov xoic; s0veai xoic;

wedding, [ made the king] a banquet for the nations, to the ones

SDpsGeiaiv eic; xrjv 7i6A.iv £7U rjiispaq sv aDAxj

found in the city, for [ days six], in [the] courtyard

xod oikod xod PaaiAiooc; 6+ K8Koa|ir||i8vr| pDaaivoiq

of the house of the king, being adorned in fine linen,

Kai Kap7iaa(voic; xexajievoic; £7U a%oiv(oic; pDaaivoic;

and cotton being stretched upon lines of fine linen

Kai 7top(pDpo(c; em kdPoic; %pDaok; Kai apyDpoic; £7U

and of purple, upon cube [studs] of gold and silver, upon

cjxdXoic; Ilapivoic; Kai AiGivoic; KAivai %pDaa( Kai

columns of Parian [marble], and stones, with beds of gold and

apyopai 87U AiGoaxpcbxoD ajiapaySixoD Xidov Kai

silver upon a stone pavement of emerald stone, and

7nvivoD Kai IlapivoD AiGoD Kai axpoojivai Siacpavsiq

mother of pearl, and Parian [marble] stone, and [ strewn beds transparent

7coikiAxjoc; 8ir|v0ia|isvai ?+ 7coxf|pia %pvaa Kai apyDpd

variously being decorated], with cups of gold and silver,

In sv tootco + vtica 17 -Esther

oivoq noXvq Kai r\6vq ov auxoc; o fiaaiksvq S7iivsv

wine abundant and agreeable, which [ himself the king] drank.

8 + o 8s 7t6toc; omoq ov raid 7ipoK£i|ievov vojiov

But this banquet [ not according to being situated [the] law

syevsxo ovT($q 5s rjGeArjaev o fiaaikzvq Kai S7r£xa^£

took place]; but thus [wanted the king], and he gave orders

Toiq oikov6|iok; 7roifjaai to 6eAx||ia avzov Kai xcov

to the managers to do his will, and for the

av0pcb7icov 9 + Kai Aaxi r| PaaiAaaaa S7ioir|a8 7i6xov

men. And Vashti the queen made a banquet

xaic; yi)vai^(v sv Toiq ^aaiksioiq 67101) o fiaaikzvq

for the women in the palace where king

Apxa^ep^qq io+ev8s xr| rjjiepa xr| sp56jnr| rjSeooc;

Artaxerxes [was]. And on the [ day seventh] [ with pleasure

yevojievoc; o fiaoiksvq 8i7is too Ajidv Kai Ba^aGd

being the king], said [to] Mehuman, and Biztha,

Kai XapPcovd Kai BayaBd Kai Apaya0d Kai Zr|6dp

and Harbona, and Bigtha, and Abagtha, and Zethar,

Kai Xapapdq xoic; S7rcd svvov%o\q tod PaaiAiooc;

and Carcas, the seven eunuchs of king

Apxa^sp^oi) 11+ sioayayeiv xrjv PaaiXiaaav itpoq

Artaxerxes, to bring in the queen to

avzov PaaiXsusiv avTr\v Kai 7ispi9s(vai avTr\ to

him, to give her reign, and to put on her the

8id5r||ia Kai dsitpn avTr\v 7idai Toiq dp%oi)oi Kai

diadem, and to show her to all the rulers and

Toiq 80vsai to KaXkoq ax&gt;TT\q 6x1 KaXr\ rjv 12 + Kai odk

to the nations of her beauty, for she was beautiful. And [did not

siafjKODosv avzov Aaxi r| PaaiAiaaa sABeiv jisxd xcov

listen to him Vashti queen] to come with the

£dvoi3%cdv Kai zkvnr\dr\ o fiaaikzvq Kai copyiaGrj

eunuchs. And [ fretted the king], and he was provoked to anger.

13 + Kai S17T8 xoic; (pikoiq avxov Kaxd xatixa

And he said [to] his friends, Thus these [things]

eXdAxjaev Aaxi 7ioif|aax8 ouv mpi xouxod vojiov Kai

Vashti spoke, you deal then concerning this law and

Kpiaiv 14+ Kai 7ipoaf|A,6sv auxcb Kapoevd Kai SrjGdp

judgment! And came forward to him Carshena, and Shethar

Kai A8|ia0d Kai ©apaiq Kai Mspsc; Kai Mapaevd

and Admatha, and Tarshish, and Meres and Marsena

Kai MsjioDxdv S7ixd dp%ovxsc; Ilspacbv Kai Mf|8cov

and Memucan seven rulers of [the] Persians and Medes,

In sv tootco + vuca 17 -Esther

01 eyytic; tod PaaiAicoc; 01 7ipcbxoi 7iapaKa0f||i8voi

the ones near the king, the ones foremost being seated near

xco paai^si 15+ Kai a7if|yyeiA,av aDxco raid xodc;

the king. And they reported to him according to the

vojiodc; coc; 5si 7roifjoai Aaxi xr| PaoiXiaarj 6xi

laws as [what] [ must do Vashti the queen], for

odk 87io(r|a8 xa dtco tod PaaiAicoc;

she had not done the [things] [ by the king,

7ipoaxa%9evxa 8id xcov sdvodxcov 16+ Kai

having been assigned] through the eunuchs. And

S17T8V O MS|I0D%&amp;V 7ipoc; xov PaaiAia Kai Trpoq xodc;

Memucan said to the king and to the

dp%ovxac; od xov PaaiXea jiovov r|8iKr|aev Aaxi

rulers, Not [ the king only wronged Vashti

T| PaaiAioaa aXka Kai rcavxac; xodc; dp%ovxac; Kai

queen], but also all the rulers, and

xodc; rjyoDjievoDc; xod PaaiXecoc; i? + Kai yap 5ir|yf|aaxo

the leaders of the king, (for he described

aDxok; xa pfjjiaxa xrjc; (3aaiAiaar|c; Kai coc; av

to them the sayings of the queen) and how ever

avxsi7i8 xco PaaiXsi coc; odv avxsi7ie xco Paai^si

she contradicted the king, as then she did contradict [to] king

Apxa^ep^rj i8+ odxco afj|iepov ai xDpawiSec; ai

Artaxerxes, so today, the wives of the sovereigns of the

Xomai xcov ap%6vxcov Ilspacbv Kai Mf|8cov

rest of the rulers of [the] Persians and Medes

aKODaaaai xa xco Paai^ei A£%6evxa D7i' aDxfjc;

hearing the [things] [ against the king having been said] by her,

xoX|if|aoDaiv ojioicoc; axijidaai xodc; avdpaq aDxcov 19+

they shall dare in like manner to dishonor their husbands.

si odv 5oks( xco PaaiXei 7ipoaxa^dxco PaaiAiKov

If then it seems [good] to the king, let him assign a royal [decree],

Kai ypacpfjxco Kaxd xodc; vojiodc; Mf|5cov Kai

and let him write [it] according to the laws of [the] Medes and

Ilspacbv Kai jLiri dAAxoc; xprjadaBco |ir|8s siaeABsxco

Persians! and not otherwise treat nor let [ enter

sxi T| PamAioaa 7ipoc; aDxov Kai

any longer the queen] to him, and

xrjv Paai^siav aDxfjc; 86xco o PaaiXetic; yDvaiKi

[ her royalty let give the king] to a woman

Kpeixxovi aDxfjc; 20+ Kai aKODaGfjxco o vojioc; OD7i6

better than her! And let [ be heard the law by

2 2 sv tootco + vuca 17 -Esther

tod PaaiAicoc; ov av 7ioif| sv xr| paaiXsia aDxoD

the king] ! which ever he should make for his kingdom.

Kai odxcoc; 7idoai ai yDvaucsc; 7ispi0f|aoDoi xi|if|v xoic;

And thus all the women shall invest honor to

av8pdaiv saDxcbv goto 7txco%od scoc; 7iAx)Da(oD 21 + Kai

their own husbands, from poor unto rich. And

fjpeaev o Xoyoq xco PaaiA,s( Kai xoic; dpxoDai Kai

[ pleased the word] the king and the rulers. And

£7rorr|asv o PaaiXsDc; Ka6d sAxxArjasv o Ms|ioD%d 22 +

[ did the king] as Memucan said.

Kai a7isaxsiA,sv sic; 7idaav xrjv PaaiA,s(av Kaxd

And he sent [letters] into all the kingdom, according to

%cbpav Kaxd xrjv Ai^iv aDxcbv cbaxs sivai cpopov

place, according to their form of speech, so as to be fearing

aDxoic; sv xaic; oiKiaiq aDxcbv

them in their households.

2 n

1 + Kai jisxd Tovq Xoyovq xodxodc; SK07iaasv o fiaaiksvq

And after these matters [ was abated the king's

xod Gdjiod Kai odksxi S|ivfja9r| Tr\q Aaxi |ivr||iovsDCOV

rage], and no longer was [ mentioned Vashti], remembering

6aa sAxxAxjas Kai coc; KaxsKpivsv aDxfjv 2+ Kai si7iov

as much as she spoke, and how he condemned her. And [ said

01 8idKovoi xod PaaiXscoq ^rjxrjGfjxco xco PaaiXsi

the servants of the king], Let there be sought to the king

Kopdoia dcpGopa KaXd xco s(5si 3 + Kai Kaxaoxfjasi o

young women uncorrupted, beautiful in appearance! And [shall place the

PaaiXsDc; Kco|idp%ac; sv 7idaaic; xaic; %cbpaic;

king] magistrates in all the places

xrjc; PaaiXsiaq aDxoD Kai S7iiA,s^dxcoaav Kopdaia

of his kingdom, and let them choose young women,

7iap6sviKd KaXd xco s(5si sic; EoDaav xrjv 7i6A.iv

virgins, beautiful in appearance [to be brought] to Shushan the city,

siq xov yDvaiKcbva Kai 7iapa8o9f|xcoaav xco sdvod%co

into the chamber of the women! And let them be delivered to the eunuch

xod PaaiAicoc; xco cptiAxxKi xcov yDvaiKcbv Kai

of the king, the keeper of the women! And

5o6fjxco a|ifjy|ia Kai r| A,oi7if| s7ii|isA,sia 4 + Kai

let there be given [to them] a beauty treatment, and the remaining care! And

T| yDvfj T| av apsarj xco PaaiXsi PaaiA,si3asi avxi

the woman who ever should be pleasing to the king shall reign instead of

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

17 -Esther
Aaxi Kai fjpsas tco PaaiXsi to 7ipdy|ia Kai S7iorrjasv

Vashti. And [pleased the king the thing], and he did

odtcoc; 5 + Kai dv0pco7ioc; r|v IoD8a(oc; sv EoDaoic; xr|

so. And there was a man, a Jew, in Shushan the

7i6A,si Kai ovojia avzov Map8o%aioc; o tod IasipoD

city. And his name [was] Mordecai, the son of Jair,

tod Esjisi tod KiaaiOD sk (pvfor\q Bsviajiiv 6 + oq

the [son] ofShimei, the [son] ofKish, of [the] tribe of Benjamin; who

Tjv aixjiaAxoTOc; s^ IspoDaaArj|i r|v rj%|iaAxbTSDas

was a captive from Jerusalem, which [ captured

NaPoD%o8ov6aop o fiaaikvbq BaPDAxbvog ?+ Kai rjv

Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon]. And there was

todtco 7iaic; 6ps7iTfj 0DydTT|p aSsAxpof)

to this man a child [that] he brought up, [the] daughter of [the] brother

7iaTp6c; aDTOD Kai ovojia aDTfj EaGfjp sv 5s tco

of his father, and her name [was] Esther. And at the

jiSTaAld^ai aDTfjc; TODqyovsiq S7ia(8sDasv aDTfjv

changeover of her parents, he instructed her

saDTcb sic; yDvauca Kai rjv to Kopdaiov KaXov

to himself for a woman. And [ was the young woman] good

to s(5si 8 + Kai 6ts tjkodoGtj to tod PaaiAicoc;

in appearance. And when [ was heard the king's

7ip6aTay|ia aDvfj%0rjaav noXka Kopdaia sic; SoDaav

order], [ were gathered together many young women] in Shushan

ttjv 7i6Aiv D7i6 xsipa Tat Kai r\%Qr\ EaGfjp rcpoc; Tai

the city, by [the] hand ofHegai; and Esther was led to Hegai

tov (pvXaKa tcov yDvaiKcbv 9+ Kai fjpsasv aDTcb to

the keeper of the women. And [ pleased him the

Kopdaiov Kai SDps %dpiv svcb7iiov aDTOD Kai

young woman], and she found favor before him. And

saftSDas 5oDvai aDTfj to ajifjyjia Kai ttjv jispiSa

he hastened to give her the beauty treatment, and [her] portion,

Kai Ta S7iTd Kopdaia Ta a7io8s8siy|isva aDTfj sk

and the seven young women being exhibited to her from

PaaiAiKOD Kai s%pfjoaTO aDTfj Kokcbq Kai

[the] royal [palace]. And he treated her well, and

Taiq aPpaiq aDTfjq sv tco yovaiKcbvi 10+ Kai od%

her handmaidens in the chamber of the women. But [ did not

D7tsSsi^sv EaGfjp to ysvoc; aDTfjc; od5s rqv 7iaTp(5a

plainly show Esther] her race, nor [her] fatherland.

oyap Map5o%a(oc; svsTSi^aTO aDTfj jirj a7iayys(Xai 11 +

For Mordecai gave charge to her not to report [it].

2 2 sv tootco + vtica 17 -Esther

Ka9' SKdaxrjv 8s rjjispav 7rspiS7idxsi o Map8oxa(oc; raxd

And each day Mordecai walked by

xrjv avhf\v xrjv yi)vaiK8iav S7riaK07rcbv xi

the [ courtyard feminine], overseeing what

EaGfjp aujipfjasxai n+ omoqyap rjv Kaipoq Kopaaiou

would come to pass with Esther. For this was [the] time for a young woman

siasXGsiv npoq xov PaaiXsa oxav ava7rArjpcoarj jifjvac;

to enter to the king, whenever she should have fulfilled [ months

5sKa5i)o ouxcogyap ava7rAxjpowcai ai rjjispai xrjc;

twelve], for thus [are] fulfilled the days of the

GspaTreiaq |ifjvac; s^ sv xoic; apcbjiaai Kai sv xoic;

treatment, [ months six] with the aromatics and with the

o|if|Y|iaai xcov yovaiKcbv u+ Kai [ir\vaq s^

beauty treatments for the women, and [ months six]

aXsupojisvaic; ajxopvivco sAmco Kai xoxs sia7iopsf)sxai

being anointed with myrrh oil, and then she enters

7rpoc; xov PaaiXsa Kai co av si7irj 7iapa8cbasi

to the king. And to whom ever he should tell, he delivers

auxfjv aDvsiaspxsaGai auxcb arco xou yuvaiKcbvoc; scoc;

her to enter together with him, from the chamber of the women unto

xcov PaoiXsicov h+ 5s(Ar|c; sia7iopsf)sxai Kai npoq

the palaces. In the evening she enters, and by

rjjispav a7toxps%si sic; xov ywaiKcova xov 8sf&gt;xspov

day she runs to the [ chamber of the women second],

od Tea o svvov%oq xod PaaiAicoc; o cpuXa^ xcov

where Hegai the eunuch of the king the keeper of the

yDvaiKcbv Kai odksxi sia7iopsf)sxai 7ipoc; xov PaaiAia

women [is]. And no longer does she enter to the king

sdv |ir| KAxjGfj ovojiaxi i 5 +sv5s xco

if she should not be called by name. And in the

ava7iAx|poi)a6ai xov %povov EaGfjp xrjc; Guyaxpoc;

fulfilling the time, Esther the daughter

A^vxaik aSsAxpof) rcaxpoc; Map8o%aun) sias^Gsiv siq

ofAbihail, brother of [the] father of Mordecai, entered to

xov PaaiAia od5sv rjGsxrjasv cov svsxsi^axo auxfjv

the king. Not one [thing] she disregarded which [ gave charge to her

o svvov%oq o (pvXa^ xcov ywaiKcbv rjv yap EaGfjp

the eunuch keeper of the women]. [was For Esther]

SDpioKODaa %dpiv 7iapd rcavxcov xcov pA,S7i6vxcov

found in favor by all the ones seeing

auxfjv i6+ Kai siafjXGsv EaGfjp 7ipoc; Apxa^sp^rjv xov

her. And Esther entered to Artaxerxes the


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

17 -Esther

PaaiAia icq Ssraxco jittvi oq saxiv TrjPfjG xco

king in the tenth month, which is Tebeth, in the

sp86|ico sxei TTjq PaoiXeiaq ai)TOT3 n+ Kai r|pda6r| o

seventh year of his kingship. And [ loved passionately the

PaoiXetic; EaGfjp Kai stipe %dpiv rcapd 7idaac; xaq

king Esther], and she found favor above all the

7rap0svoi)c; Kai £7ieGrjKev arjxfj to 8id8rj|ia

virgins; and he placed upon her the [ diadem

xoyDvaiKsiov is + Kai S7iovrjaev o fiaaikvbq 7i6xov

feminine]. And [made the king] a banquet

7idai TOiq (pikoiq arjxofj Kai xaic; 8rjvd|ieaiv S7U

for all his friends, and the powerful ones, for

rjjispaq ercxa Kai fj\j/coae xodc; ya^iovq EaGfjp Kai

[days seven]. And he exalted the wedding [feasts] of Esther; and

dcpeaiv S7ioir|as xoic; vno xrjv Paai^eiav auxou 19 +

[ a release he made] to the ones under his kingdom.

o 8e Map8o%a(oc; eGepajreusv sv xrj avhf\ 20 + r| 5s

But Mordecai attended to [affairs] in the courtyard. Now

EaGfjp odx D7is8si^s xttv 7iaxp(8a arjxfjc; ofjxcoc; yap

Esther did not plainly tell of her fatherland, for thus

svstsiAxxto arjxfj MapSoxaioq cpoPeiaGai xov 0s6v Kai

[ gave charge to her Mordecai], to fear God, and

7TOISIV xa 7ipoaxdy|iaxa arjxofj KaGcbc; rjv jisx' arjxofj

to observe his orders, as she was with him.

Kai EaGfjp ov jiexfjAla^e xrjv aycoyfjv arjxfjc; 21 + Kai

And Esther did not change her conduct. And

sA,D7ifjGr|aav 01 8f3o sdvoi)%oi xou PaaiXecoc; Kai 01

[ fretted the two eunuchs of the king], and the

apxiawjiaxocpfjAxxKec; 6x1 7ipofj%Grj MapSoxaioc; Kai

chiefs of the body guards, for Mordecai advanced. And

s^fjxoDV a7ioKxs(vai Apxa^ep^rjv xov PaaiAia 22+ Kai

they sought to kill Artaxerxes the king. And

sSrjAxbGrj Map8o%a(co o Xoyoq Kai eafjjiavsv arjxov

[ was made manifest to Mordecai the matter], and he signaled it

xtj EaGfjp Kai arjxfj evscpdvias xco Paai^ei xa xrjc;

[to] Esther, and she revealed to the king the [things] of the

£7riPoi)Afjc; 23 + o 8s fiaaikzvq fjxaae xouc; 8t3o

plot. And the king examined the two

£vvov%ovq Kai SKpsjiaasv avzovq Kai S7isxa^sv o

eunuchs, and he hanged them. And [ gave order the

fiaaiksvq Kaxaxcopiaai sic; iivrjjioarjvov sv xrj

king] to write for a memorial in the

8V TOVjlCp + VtKCl

17 -Esther

PaaiAncfj PipXioBfjKri D7isp Tr\q SDVoiac; Map8o%a(oD

royal library about the good-will ofMordecai

sv eyKcojiico
with commendation.

3 a

1 + jisxd xatixa s86^aasv o fiaoiksvq Apxa^sp^rjc;

After these [things] [ extolled king Artaxerxes]

Ajidv xov A|iaSa6oD ODyaiov Kai D\j/ooasv aDxov

Haman the [son of] Hammedatha [the] Agagite, and exalted him,

Kai S7ipcoTopd9psi 7ldvXCDV xcov cpi^cov avzov 2+ Kai

and seated him first [above] all his friends. And

7tdvx£c; oi sv tt] avhf\ 7ipoasK6voDV aDxcb

all the ones in the courtyard did obeisance to him,

odxcoc; yap 7ipoasxa^sv o fiaaikvbq 7ioifjaai o 8s

for so [ assigned [it] the king] to do. But

Map8a%a(oc; od 7rpoasic6vsi aDxcb 3 + Kai sA,dAx|aav

Mordecai did not do obeisance to him. And [ said

oi sv xtj avkr\ xod PaaiXscoq Map5o%a(cG

the ones in the courtyard of the king] to Mordecai,

Map5o%a(s xi 7iapaK0Dsic; xa D7i6 xod PaaiXscoq

O Mordecai, why do you disregard the [things] [ by the king

Xsyojisva 4 + Ka9' SKdaxrjv rjjispav zkakovv aDxcb

being said]? Accordingly each day they spoke to him,

Kai ov% D7if|K0Dasv aDxoiq Kai D7is8si^av xco Ajidv

and he did not hearken to them; and they indicated to Haman

Map8oxa(ov xoic; xod paaiAiooc; Xoyoiq

[that] Mordecai [ against of the king [the] words

avxixaaaojisvov Kai dtcsSsi^sv aDxofc; Map8o%a(oc; 6xi

was rebelling]; and [ indicated to them Mordecai] that

IoDSaioq saxi 5 + Kai zmyvovq Ajidv 6xi od

he is a Jew. And Haman, realizing that [ did not

7ipoaKDVs( aDxcb Map8o%a(oc; s0D|icb6r| acp68pa 6 + Kai

do obeisance to him Mordecai], was enraged exceedingly. And

sPoD^SDaaxo acpaviaai rcdvxac; xodc;d7t6 xr|v

he took counsel to remove all [ under the

Apxa^sp^oD Paai^siav IoD8afc&gt;Dc; ?+ Kai S7iovr|as

of Artaxerxes kingdom [the] Jews]. And he made

yfjcpiajia sv sxsi 8co8sKdxco xrjc; PaaiXsiac;

a referendum in [year [the] twelfth] of the kingdom

Apxa^sp^oD Kai sPaXs kAtipodc; rjjispav s^ rjjispag

of Artaxerxes. And he cast lots day by day,

3} ev tootco + vtica 17 -Esther

Kai iifjva sk jirjvoq cbcrcs a7ioA,saai sv (iia rjjiepa

and month by month, so as to destroy in one day

to ysvoc; Map5o%a(oD Kai S7rsasv o Kkr\poq sic; tt|v

the race of Mordecai. And [ fell the lot] on the

T8oaapsaKai8sKdTT|v tod jirjvoc; oq screw A5dp 8 +

fourteenth of the month, which is Adar.

Kai eAxxAxjae itpoq tov paaiAia ApTa^sp^rjv Aiycov

And he spoke to king Artaxerxes, saying,

D7idpx8i £0voc; 8isa7iap|isvov ev zoiq sGveaiv ev

[There] exists a nation having been disseminated among the nations in

7idar| ttj Paai^sia ood 01 5s v6|ioi aDTcbv z^aXkoi

all your kingdom, but their laws are special

7iapd 7idvTa Ta sGvrj tcov 8e vojicov tod PaaiAicoc;

from all the nations; and of the laws of the king

7iapaKODODai Kai od aDjicpspsi tcd Paai^ei edaai

they disregard, and it is not advantageous to the king to allow

aDTODc; 9+ si Soksi too Paai^si SoyjiaTiadTCO

them. If it seems [good] to the king, let him decree

a7roA£aai aDTODc; Kaycb 5iaypd\j/co eic; to

to destroy them, and I will circumscribe for the

ya^ocpD^dKiov tod paailecoc; apyopioD TdAmaa

treasury of the king [ of silver talents

jiDpia io+ Kai 7T£pi£A,6|i£voc; o fiaaiksvq to

ten thousand]. And [removing the king] the

8aKTD^iov s8cok8v sic; %sipaq tco Ajidv acppayiaai

ring, gave it into [the] hands ofHaman, to set a seal

KaTd Ta yeypajijieva KaTd tcov IoD8a(cov 1 1 + Kai

on the [things] being written against the Jews. And

817T8V o PaaiA^Dc; tco Ajidv to jisv apytipiov s%s

[ said the king] to Haman, As for the silver, you have [it] !

tco 5s s6vsi xpeo coc; GeXsic; 12+ Kai SKXfjGrjaav 01

and for the nation, you treat [it] as you want! And [ were called the

ypajijiaTSic; tod PaaiAicoc; jxrjvi 7ipcoTCO tt|

scribes] by the king [ month [in the] first], the

TpiaKai8sKdTr| Kai eypa\j/av coc; S7iSTa^8v Ajidv Toiq

thirteenth [day], and they wrote as Haman gave orders to the

crcpaTriyofc; Kai toic; dp%ODai KaTd 7idaav %cbpav arco

commandants, and to the rulers in every place from

IvSiKfjq ecoc; Tr\q Ai9i07uac; zaiq eraTOV siKoaiS7iTd

India unto Ethiopia, to a hundred twenty-seven

Xcbpaiq Toiq T8 dpxoDai tcov s0vcbv KaTd tt|v aDTcbv

places, to the rulers of the nations according to their

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

17 -Esther

Ai^iv 81' Apxa^sp^oi) tod PaaiXeooc; 13+ Kai

form of speech, through Artaxerxes the king. And

a7r£&lt;xc&amp;Ar| 8id PipAaocpopoov eic; xrjv

it was sent by couriers unto the

Apxa^ep^oi) PaaiXeiav acpaviaai to yevoc; xcov

kingdom of Artaxerxes, to remove the race of the

Ioi)8aicov sv rjjiepa |i(a [ir\v6q SooSeKdxoi) oq eaxiv

Jews on day one [month of [the] twelfth], which is

A8&amp;p Kai 8iap7idaai xa D7idp%ovxa auxcbv u + xa 8s

Adar, and to plunder their possessions. And the

avxiypacpa xcov S7iiaxoAxDV e^exOexo Kaxd xcbpav Kai

copies of the letters were displayed [in each] place. And

7ipoasxdyr| 7idaiv sxoijiodc; sivai sic; xrjv rjjiepav xatixrjv

it was assigned to all to be prepared for that day.

15+ sa7rsi)8sxo 8s xo 7ipdy|ia Kai eiq Sotiaav o 8s

[ was hastened And the thing], even in Shushan. And the

fiaaiksvq Kai Ajidv skcoBcovi^ovxo sxapdoasxo 8s rj

king and Haman toasted, [ was disturbed but the


4 7

1 + o 8s Map8o%a(oc; zmyvovq xo awcsA,oi)|ievov

But Mordecai realizing the end,

Sieppr^e xa ijidxia avzov Kai eveSuaaxo odKKov Kai

tore his garments, and put on sackcloth, and

Kaxs7idaaxo O7io86v Kai 8K7rr|8fjoac; 8id xrjc; Kkaxsiaq

strewed ashes; and rushing through the square

xrjc; noXscoq spoa (poovfj |ieydAx| aipsxai sdvoq

of the city, he yelled [ voice with a great], [ [is going] to be taken away A

|ir|8sv rjSiKrjKoq 2+ Kai fjABsv sooc; xrjc; 7ivXr\q xod

no one having wronged]. And he came unto the gate of the

PaaiAiooc; Kai eaxrj od yap r|v auxcb s^ov siasA,9siv

king, and stood; [ not for it was for him allowed] to enter

sic; xrjv auAxjv odKKov s%ovxi Kai O7io86v 3 + Kai ev

into the courtyard [ sackcloth having on] and ashes. And in

7idar| %cbpa od s^sxiGsxo xa ypd|i|iaxa Kpauyfj Kai

every place where [ were displayed the letters] [there was] a cry, and

K07rsx6c; Kai 7iev0oc; jisya xoic; IouSaioic; Kai

beating of the breast, and [ mourning great] among the Jews; and [with]

adKKov Kai a7io86v saxpooaav sauxofc; 4 + Kai

sackcloth and ashes they made beds for themselves. And


4 7 ev tootco + vtica 17 -Esther

eiafjABov ai dPpai Kai 01 sdvodxoi xrjc; PaaiAiaarjc;

[ entered the handmaidens and the eunuchs of the queen],

Kai avfjyysiXav aDifj Kai sxapd%0r| aKotiaaaa to

and they announced to her. And she was disturbed hearing the [thing]

ysyovoc; Kai a7isaxsiA,s oxoAioai xov Map8o%a(ov Kai

taking place. And she sent to robe Mordecai, and

acpsAiaBai avzov xov adKKov o 8s odk S7is(a6r| 5 +

to remove from him the sackcloth; but he did not yield.

T| 8s EaBfjp 7ipoasKaA,saaxo A6d% xov sdvodxov auxfjc;

And then Esther called on Hatach her eunuch

oq 7rapsiaxfjK£i auxfj Kai a7isaxsiA,s jiaGsiv auxfj

who stood beside her. And she sent to learn for herself

7iapd xod Map5oxa(oi) xo aKpiPsc; 6+

from Mordecai the exact [situation]. @

7 + o 8s Map8o%a(oc; imsSsi^sv auxcb xo ysyovoc;

And Mordecai indicated to him the [thing] taking place,

Kai xrjv S7iayysAiav rjv S7ir|yysiA,axo Ajidv xco Paai^si

and the promise which Haman promised to the king,

sic; xrjv yd^av xa^dvxcov jiDpicov iva a7ioA,sar| xouc;

for [to the treasury talents [to be paid] ten thousand], that he should destroy the

Ioi)8aioDc; 8 + Kai xo avxiypacpov xo sv Souaoic;

Jews. And the copy, the one in Shushan

SKXS08V D7isp xod a7ioXsa0ai auxouc; sScoksv auxcb

being displayed for [purpose of] destroying them, he gave to him

5e(^ai xt| Ea0fjp Kai sitcsv auxcb svxs(A,aa0ai avTT\

to show to Esther. And he told him to give charge to her

siasXGoixyri 7rapaixfjaaa0ai xov paaiXsa Kai

to enter to ask pardon of the king, and

a^icbaai ai)xov 7ispi xod Xaov jivrjaGeiaa rjjispcbv

to be found worthy by him for the people, remembering, [said he,] [The] days

xa7isivcboscbc; aoi) coc; sxpdcprjc; sv xsipi jiod 816x1

of your low estate, how you were maintained by my hand; because

Ajidv o SsDxspsDcov xco PaaiXsi sldAxjas Ka0'

Haman the one being second to the king speaks against

rjjicov sic; Gdvaxov S7iiKdXsoai xov KDpiov Kai

us for death. You call upon the LORD, and

XaXr\aov xco Paai^si 7ispi r||icbv Kai ptiaai r\[idq sk

speak to the king concerning us! even to rescue us from

Gavdxoi) 9+ siasABcbv 8s o A0d% sAxxArjasv Ea0fjp

death. [ entered And Hatach] [and] spoke to Esther

rcdvxac; xodc; Xoyovq xouxouc; io+ si7is 8s EaGfjp 7ipoc;

all these words. [ said And Esther] to


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

17 -Esther

AG&amp;x 7iopsT30r|Ti izpoq Map8oxa(ov Kai ei7iov n+ 6xi

Hatach, You go to Mordecai, and say! that,

xa sGvrj rcdvxa xrjc; Paai^dac; yivcoaKei 6xi naq

[ the nations All] of the kingdom know that every

dv0pcG7ioc; r| ywfj oq eiae^suaexai npoq xov PaoiXea

man or woman, who shall enter to the king,

sic; xrjv auAxjv xrjv eacoxepav dKAxjxoc; odk eoxiv

into the [ courtyard inner] uncalled, there is no

aDxcb acoxrjpia 7iAx|v co sdv SKxeivrj o fiaaikvbq xrjv

deliverance to him, except to whomever [ stretches out the king] the

%pvar\v p&amp;p8ov omoq acoGfjasxai Kaycb ou

golden rod, this one shall be delivered; and I have not

KSKAxjjiai eiaeXGeiv npoq xov PaaiAia siaiv auxai

been called to enter to the king — they are these

rjjispai xpi&amp;Kovxa 12+ Kai a7ir\jysiksv A0d% xcg

[days thirty]. And Hatach reported [to]

Map5o%a(co rcavxac; zovq Xoyovq EaGfjp 13+ Kai

Mordecai all the words of Esther. And

S17T8 Map5o%a(oc; npoq AGd% 7iopsf)Gr|xi Kai si7iov

Mordecai said to Hatach, Go and say

avTT\ EaGfjp [ir\ £i7rr|c; aeauxfj 6x1 acoGfjarj

to her! Esther, you should not say to yourself that you shall be delivered

|i6vr| sv xtj Paai^sia 7iapd rcavxac; zovq Ioi)8aioDc; 14 +

alone in the kingdom of all the Jews.

coc; 6x1 edv 7iapaKof)ar|c; ev xotixco xoa Kaipcb

So that if you should disregard at this time,

aXka%6d£v PofjGeia Kai aKS7ir| eaxai xoic; Ioi)8a(oic;

from elsewhere help and protection will be to the Jews,

&lt;td 8s Kai o oiKoq xod rcaxpoc; aoi) a7ioA,s(aGe Kai nq

but you and the house of your father will be destroyed; and who

o(8ev si siq xov Kaipov xotixov zfiaaikzvaaq 15+ Kai

knows if [it be] for this occasion you reigned. And

8^a7isax8iA,sv EoGfjp xov fjKovxa npoq ai)xf|v npoq

Esther sent the one having come to her to

Map8o%a(ov Aiyouaa i 6 + PaSiaaq SKKArjaiaaov zovq

Mordecai, saying, In proceeding, you hold an assembly of the

Ioi)8a(oi)c; xouc; ev Eouaoic; Kai vrjoxeuaaxe S7i' sjioi

Jews in Shushan, and you all fast for me!

Kai |ir| (pdyrjxe |ir|8s 7iifjxs em rjiispaq xpsic; vf)Kxa

And you should not eat nor drink for [ days three] — night

Kai rjjiepav Kaycb Kai ai dPpai jiod aaixfjaojiev Kai

and day. And I and the handmaidens of mine shall go without food; and


8V TOUT© + VlKa

17 -Esther
tots siasXsDaojiai izpoq tov PaaiXsa 7iapd tov

then I shall enter to the king contrary to the

vojiov sdvrai arcoXsaGai |is 5srj n+ Kai fiadiaaq

law, even if [to perish forme it is necessary]. And proceeding,

Map5o%aioc; S7iorrjasv 6aa svsTSiAmo aDTcb EaGfjp

Mordecai did as much as [ gave charge to him Esther].

5 n

1+ Kai sysvsTO sv tt| rjjispa rq Tpirrj

And it came to pass in the [ day third],

svs5f&gt;aaTO rj EaGfjp PaaiAiKofc; Kai sarrj sv avhf\

Esther put on royal [apparel], and she stood in [the] courtyard

tod oikod PaaiXscoc; tt| saocrcspa s^svavriac; rrjc;

of the house of [the] king, in the inner [courtyard], right opposite the

PaaiAiKfjc; tod PaaiXscoc; o 5s fiaaiksvq sk&amp;6t|to sv

royal [house] of the king. And the king sat down on

Gpovco Tr\q socdtod PaaiXeiaq sv tco oikco tco PaaiAiKcb

[the] throne of his own kingdom in the [ house royal],

s^avavTiaq rrjc; dvpaq tod oikod 2 + coc; 5s s(5sv o

right opposite the door of the house. And as [ saw the

fiaaiksvq Ea0fjp tt|v PaaiAiaaav laTajisvrjv sv ttj

king] Esther the queen standing in the

aDArj stips 5s %dpiv sv ocpGaXjiofc; aDTOD Kai SKTSivac;

courtyard, that she found favor in his eyes; and [ stretching out

o paaiXsDc; tt| EaGfjp tt|v pdpSov tt|v %pDafjv tt|v

the king] [to] Esther the [ rod golden], the one

sv ttj %£ipi aDTOD Kai 7ipoafjA,Gsv r| EaGfjp Kai fj\j/aTO

in his hand, that Esther approached and touched

Tr\q dKpaq Tr\q pdp5oD 3 + Kai si7isv o PaaiXstic; ti

the tip of the rod. And [ said the king], What; EaGfjp Kai ti aoD sari to a^icojia scoc;

do you want, Esther, and what is your [request]? The worth unto

rjjiiaoDq TTjq Paai^siaq |iod soTai aoi 4+ si7is 5s EaGfjp

half of my kingdom will be to you. And Esther said,

rjjispa |iod S7uarj|ioc; afjjispov saTiv si odv 5oksi

[day forme a notable Today is]. If then it seems [good]

tco Paai^si sABstco Kai o PaaiXstic; Kai Ajidv sic;

to the king, let [ come both the king and Hainan] to

TTjv 5o%fjv rjv 7ioifjaco afjjispov 5 + Kai sircsv o

the banquet which I shall prepare today! And [ said the

PaaiXstic; KaTaarcsDaaTS Ajidv 67icoc; 7ioifjaco|isv tov

king], Hasten Haman, so that we should do the


5 n sv tootco + vtica 17 - Esther

Xoyov EaBfjp Kai 7iapay(vovTai ajicpoTspoi sic; rqv

word of Esther! And they came both to the

8o%f|v r|v S7io(r|asv EaGfjp 6 +svSs too 7t6tco sitcsv o

banquet which Esther made. And at the banquet [ said the

fiaaiksvq npoq EaGfjp xi sail aoi PaaiAaaaa EaGfjp

king] to Esther, What is it to you, queen Esther,

Kai saxai aoi 6aa a^ioic; 7+ Kai si7is to arcr||id

and it will be to you as much as is worthy? And she said, The request

jiod Kai to a^icojid jiod 8 + si stipov %apiv svcb7iiov

of mine and my petition, if I found favor before

tod PaaiAiooc; s^Gstco o fiaaikzvq Kai Ajidv S7ri tt|v

the king, let [ come the king and Haman] upon the

atipiov sic; tt|v 5o%fjv r|v 7ioif|aco aDTok; Kai atipiov

morrow to the banquet which I shall prepare for them, and tomorrow

7toifjaco Ta ai)Td 9+ Kai s^fjXGsv Ajidv anb tod

I will do the same! And [ went forth Haman] from the

PaaiXscoq D7rspxapr|c; Kai SDcppaivojisvoc; sv 8s

king overjoyed and being glad. But in

too i5s(v Ajidv Map8o%a(ov tov IoD8ak&gt;v sv tt| aD^fj

Haman seeing Mordecai the Jew in the courtyard,

sGD|icbGr| acp65pa 10+ Kai siasXGcbv sic; Ta(8ia

he was enraged exceedingly. And entering into [his] own [place]

SKdXsas todc; (pikovq Kai Zcoadpav tt|v yDvauca aDTOD

he called [his] friends, and Zeresh his wife.

11+ Kai D7is8si^sv aDTofc; tov 7iAx&gt;dtov aDTOD Kai ttjv

And he showed to them his riches, and the

86^av Tjv o PaaiA^Dc; aDTcb 7ispisGr|Ks Kai cog

glory which the king invested in him, and how

S7rovr|asv aDTOV 7ipcoTSDSiv Kai rjysiaGai Tr\q

he made him to be preeminent, and to take the lead of the

PaaiXsiaq 12 + Kai si7isv Ajidv od kskAt|ksv r\

kingdom. And Haman said, [ no one has called The

PaaiAiaaa jiSTd tod paaiAicoc; 0D8sva sic; tt|v So^fjv

queen] with the king, not one to the banquet

aXk r T| s|is Kai sic; tt|v atipiov kskAt|ks |is 13+ Kai

but me, and for tomorrow she has invited me. And

TaDTd (ioi odk apsaKsi OTav i5co Map8o%a(ov tov

these [things] [ me do not please], whenever I behold Mordecai the

IoD8a(ov sv ttj aD^fj h+ Kai si7is 7ipoc; aDTOV

Jew in the courtyard. And [ said to him

Zcoadpa r| yDvfj aDTOD Kai 01 (pikoi K07rfjTCO aoi

Zeresh his wife], and [his] friends, Fell for yourself



8V TOT/CCp + VlKa

17 -Esther

ZfiXoV 7Zr\%(bv 7TSVTf|K0VTa 6p6pOD 8s S17TOV TCO

a tree [ cubits of fifty], and at dawn speak to the

PaoiXsi Kai KpsjiaaGfjico Map8o%aioc; S7U tod tpkov

king, and hang Mordecai upon the tree;

&lt;td 8s siasA,6s sic; ttjv 8o%f|v &lt;XDV xco Paai^si Kai

and you enter into the banquet with the king, and

SDcppaivoi) Kai fjpeas to pfjiia tco Ajidv Kai

be glad! And [ pleased the saying] Haman, and

rjTOijiaae to ^dAxdv

[ was prepared the tree].

6 1

i + o 8s Kopioc; a7rsaTr|as tov D7rvov arco tod

But the LORD removed the sleep from the

PaaiXscoc; tt|v VDKTa sks(vt|v Kai si7is

king that night; and he told

tco SiaKovco aDTOD siacpspsiv ypd|i|iaTa |ivr||i6aDva

his servant to carry in [ letters [the] memorandum]

tcov rjjispcbv avayivcbcTKsiv aDTcb 2+SDps8s ypdjijiaTa

of the days to read to him. And he found letters

TaypacpevTa 7isp( Map8o%a(oD coc; a7ifjyysiA,s tco

having been written concerning Mordecai, as was reported to the

Pamlsi 7isp( tcov 8do sdvod%cov tod PaaiAicoc; sv

king concerning the two eunuchs of the king, during

tco cpDAxxaaeiv aDTODc; Kai ^rjTfjaai S7riPaA,s(v Tac; %s(pac;

their watching and their seeking to put hands

ApTa^ep^rj 3 + si7ts 8s o fiaaiksvq Tiva 86^av r|

on Artaxerxes. [said And the king], What glory or

%dpiv £7ioifjaa|i£v tco Map8o%a(co Kai sircav oi

favor did we do for Mordecai? And [ said the

8idKovoi tod PaaiAicoc; odk s7io(r|aac; aDTcb od8sv 4 +

servants of the king], We did not do for him one [thing].

sv 8s tco 7iDV0dvsa0ai tov PaaiAia 7isp( Tr\q

And during the inquiring by the king concerning the

SDVoiaq Map8o%a(oD i8od Ajidv sv tt| aD^fj si7is

good-will of Mordecai, behold, Haman [was] in the courtyard. [ said

8s o PaaiXsDc; tic; sv ttj aDArj o 8s siafjABsv sursiv

And the king], Who [is] in the courtyard? And he entered to speak

tco Paai^si Kpsjiaaai tov Map8o%a(ov S7ri tco ^dXco

to the king to hang Mordecai upon the tree

co rjTOijiaas 5+ Kai si7iov 01 SidKovoi tod PaaiXscoq

which he prepared. And [ said the servants of the king],



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

17 -Esther
i8ou Ajidv saxrjKsv sv xrj avXr\ Kai si7csv o

Behold, Haman stands in the courtyard. And [ said the

fiaoiksvq KaXsaaxs auxov 6 + si7cs 8s o fiaoiksvq

king], Call him! [ said And the king]

too Ajidv Ti 7roifjo&lt;jo to av0pcb7cco ov syco GsAxo

to Haman, What shall I do to the man whom I want

So^daai si7cs 8s sv sauxcb Ajidv xiva GsXsi o

to extol? [ said And to himself Haman], Who [does] [ want the

fiaciksvq So^daai si jirj sjis i + si7is 8s 7cpoc; xov

king] to extol unless me? And he said to the

PaaiXsa dv0pco7rov ov o fiaaiksvq Gs^si So^daai 8 +

king, [As for the] man whom the king wants to extol,

svsyKdxcooav oi 7ia(8sc; xou PaoiXscoc; axoArjv

let [ bring the servants of the king apparel

Pi)aa(vr|v rjv o fiaaikzvq 7cspipdAlsxai Kai i7urov scp'

fine linen] which the king puts on, and [the] horse upon

ov o fiaaikvbq smpaivsi 9 + Kai 86xco svi xcov cpi^cov

which the king mounts, and give it to one of the friends

xod Paai^scoq xcov sv86^ov Kai axoAaodxco xov

of the king of the honorable ones; and robe the

dv0pco7iov ov o fiaaiksvq ayand Kai avapipaadxco

man whom the king loves, and mount

ai)xov S7U xov i7i7iov Kai Kqpuaasxco 8id xrjc;

him upon the horse, and let him proclaim through the

nkaxziaq Tr\q 7c6Xscoc; Xsycov ouxcoc; saxai 7iavxi

square of the city! saying, So shall [it] be [done] to every

av9pco7cco ov o fiaaiksvq So^d^si io+ si7is 8s o

man whom the king extols. [ said And the

fiaaiksvq xco Ajidv KaXfoq skaXr\aaq ouxcoc; 7covr|aov

king] to Haman, [well You spoke], you do thus

xco Map8o%aico xco IouSaico xco 6spd7csi)ovxi sv xrj

to Mordecai the Jew, to the one attending in the

avhf\ Kai jirj 7iapa7rsadxco gov Xoyoq ov skdhr\aaq

courtyard, and do not let fall from you a word which you spoke!

n+ sAxxPs 8s Ajidv xrjv axoArjv Kai xov i7urov Kai

And Haman took the robe, and the horse, and

saxoAias xov Map8oxa(ov Kai avsptpaasv auxov S7U

he robed Mordecai, and mounted him upon

xov 171710V Kai SifjABs Sid xrjc; 7cA,axsiac; Tr\q noXzcoq

the horse, and went through the square of the city,

Kai SKfjpDaas Aiycov otixcoc; saxai 7cavx( av0pcb7cco o

and proclaimed, saying, So it will be to every man the



8V TOUT© + VlKa

17 -Esther

fiaaiksvq GsXsi So^daai 12+ £7i£axp£\j/£ 8s

king wants to extol. [ returned And

o Map5o%aioc; sic; xrjv avhf\v Ajidv 8e £7i£axp£\j/£v siq

Mordecai] to the courtyard. And Haman returned to

xa 181a ^D7tot3|I8VO(; Kaxd KecpaArjc; 13 + Kai

[his] own [place] fretting [with] a down [cast] head. And

5irjyf|aaTO Ajidv xa aDjiPePrjKoxa auxco Zcoadpa

Haman described the [things] coming to pass to him to Zeresh

xtj yDvaiKi clvtov Kai xoic; (pikoiq Kai £i7iov 7ipoc;

his wife, and [to his] friends. And [ said to

avTOV 01 (pilot Kai r| ywq si sk ysvouc; Ioi)8aicov

him the friends and wife], Since [ of [the] race of [the] Jews

MapSoxaioc; Kai fjp^co xa7isivoi3a0ai 8|i7ipoa9sv avzov

Mordecai [is]], and you began to be humbled before him,

7isacbv 7isar| od jlit| 5i3vr| ai)xov ajii3vaa0ai 6x1

in falling you shall fall, in no way should you be able to defend against him, for

dsoqiftiv |i8x' ai)xoi3 n+exiaDxcbv A,aA,oi3vxcov

[the] living God [is] with him. While they were yet speaking,

7iapay(vovxai 01 £uvoi3%oi £7rio7i£i)8ovx£c; xov Ajidv £7U

[ came the eunuchs] to hurry Haman unto

xov 7i6xov ov r|xoi|iaa£V Ea0fjp

the banquet which Esther prepared.

7 T

1 + £iafjX0£ 5£ o PaoiA,£i3c; Kai Ajidv au|i7ii£iv xr|

And they entered, the king and Haman, to drink together with the

PaGiAiaarj 2+ £i7i£ 8£ o fiaaikzvq xr| Ea0fjp xr|

queen. [ said And the king] [to] Esther on the

8£ux£pa r||i£pa £v xco 7i6xco xi £axiv

second day at the banquet, What is it

Ea0fjp PaaiXiaaa Kai xi xo a(xr||id aoi) Kai xi

queen Esther? And what [is] your request? And what [is]

xo a^icojid aoi) Kai £axai aoi £coc; ruiiaoDq

your petition? And it will be yours unto half

xrjc; PaoiXdaq jiod 3+ Kai a7ioKpi0£iaa £i7i£v £i £i3pov

of my kingdom! And answering she said, If I found

%dpiv £Vcb7iiov xod fiaaikscoq 5o0f|xco r| yv%r\ xco

favor before the king, let him give life [to]

aixfjjiaxi |iod Kai o Xaoq jiou xco a^icojiaxi |iod 4+

my request, and my people [to] my petition.

£7ipd0r||i£v yap £yco x£ Kai o Xaoq jiod ziq a7icoA,£iav

[ were sold For both I and my people] into destruction,



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

17 -Esther

Kai 8iap7iayfjv Kai 5oi)A,s(av r\[iEiq ts Kai

and ravaging, and slavery; we, and both

toc T8KV0C Tjjicbv sic; 7ia(8ac; Kai 7rai8(oKac; Kai

our children for manservants and maidservants, and

7iapfjKcn)aac; od yap d^ioc; o SidpoXoc; Tr\q avhf\q

I neglected [to speak]; [ [is] not for worthy the slanderer] of the courtyard

tod PaaiAicoc; 5 + si7is 8s o fiaaikvbq Tiq omoq oq

of the king. [ said And the king], Who [is] this who

sx6A,|ir|as 7iorfjaai to 7ipdy|ia todto 6+ si7is 8s EaGfjp

dared to do this thing? And Esther said,

dv9pco7ro(; sxBpoc; Ajidv o 7iovr|p6c; odtoc; Ajidv 8s

A man, an enemy, Haman, this wicked [man]. And Haman

£Tapd%0r| arco tod PaaiXscoc; Kai Tr\q PaaiAioarjc; 7 +

was disturbed before the king and the queen.

o 8s PaaiXsDc; s^avsarrj sk tod aD|i7ioa(oD sic; tov

And the king rose up from the party [to go] into the

Kf|7rov o 8s Ajidv 7iapaKdA,si tt|v PaaiAiaoav

garden. And Haman appealed to the queen,

scbpayap saDTOV sv KaKoic; 6vTa 8 + S7isaTps\j/s 8s o

for he saw himself [in evils being]. [returned And the

PaaiXsDc; sk tod Kfj7ioD Ajidv 8s S7ii7iS7rTcbKsi sm

king] from out of the garden; and Haman had fallen upon

ttjv kXivt|v a^icbv ttjv PaaiXiaaav si7is 8s o

the bed petitioning the queen. [ said And the

PaoiXsDc; cbaTS Kai ttjv yDvauca Pid^rj sv

king], So as even [with my] wife you use force in

ttj oiKia jiod Ajidv 8s aKODaac; 8iSTpd7ir| tco 7ipoacb7ico

my house. And Haman, hearing, was overawed in front [of him].

9+ si7is 8s XapPcovd sic; tcdv sdvod%cov 7ipoc; tov

[ said And Harbonah one of the eunuchs] to the

PaaiXsa i8od Kai ^dXov r|To(|iaosv Ajidv Map8o%a(cG

king, Behold, [ even a tree Haman prepared] [for] Mordecai,

tco AxxArjoavTi 7isp( tod PaaiAicoc; Kai cbpGcoTai sv

to the one speaking for the king, and it was set straight up in

Toiq Ajidv 7rr|%cov 7isvTf|K0VTa si7is 8s o Paai^sDc;

the [places] of Haman— [cubits of fifty]. [said And the king],

aTaDpcoGfjTCO S7i' aDTO io+ Kai SKpsjidaGrj Ajiav S7i(

Let him be crucified upon it! And Haman was hung upon

tod ^dAxdd o r|To(|iaas Map8oxa(co Kai tots o

the tree which he prepared for Mordecai. And then the

PaaiXsDc; SKorcaas arco tod 0djiod

king slackened from the rage.


17 -Esther

8 n

i + Kai sv arjxfj xrj rjjispa o fiaaikvbq Apxa^sp^rjg

And in that day king Artaxerxes

s8copfiaaxo xrj Ea0fjp 6aa D7rfjpxsv Ajidv xco

presented to Esther as much as existed to Haman the

8iap6AxD Kai MapSo%a(oc; 7tpoasKArjGrj 7iapd xod

slanderer. And Mordecai was called on by the

PaaiXscoc; D7is8si^s yap EaGfjp 6xi svoiKsicoxai aDxfj 2 +

king, for Esther indicated how he was related to her.

sAxxPs 8s o fiaaiksvq xov 8aKxf)Aaov ov acpsi^sxo

[ took And the king] the ring which he removed

Ajidv Kai s8coks MapSoxaico Kai Kaxsaxrjasv EaGfjp

[from] Haman, and he gave [it] to Mordecai. And Esther placed

Map8oxa(ov S7i( 7idvxcov xcov xod Ajidv 3 + Kai

Mordecai over all the [things] ofHaman. And

7ipoa08ioa e^dAxjae npoq xov PaaiAia Kai

proceeding, she spoke to the king, and

7rpoas7tsasv S7ri xodc; nodaq aDxof) Kai rj^ioD acpsA,siv

fell unto his feet, and petitioned him to remove

xrjv Ajidv KaKiav Kai 6aa S7iovrjas xoic; IoDSaioic; 4 +

the evil ofHaman, and as much as he did to the Jews.

s^sxsivs 8s o PaaiXstic; EaGfjp xrjv pdpSov

[ stretched out And the king] to Esther the [ rod

xrjv xpixxqv Kai s^rjyspGrj EaGfjp 7iapsaxrjKsvai xco

gold], and Esther arose to stand beside the

PaaiA,si 5+ Kai sircsv EaGfjp si 8oksi aoi Kai stipov

king. And Esther said, If it seems [good] to you, and I found

%dpiv 7i8|i(pGfjxco a7ioaxpa(pfjvai xa ypdjijiaxa

favor, let it be sent forth to return the letters

xa a7ieaxaA,|isva and Ajidv xa ypacpsvxa aftoXsaGai

being sent from Haman, the ones having been written to destroy

xodc; IoD8afc&gt;Dc; 01 siaiv sv xrj Paai^sia aorj

the Jews who are in your kingdom.

6+7icoc;yap Suvfjaojiai i8s(v xrjv KdKcoaiv

For how shall I be able to behold the ill treatment

xod Xaov |iod Kai naq Srjvfjaojiai acoGfjvai sv xrj

of my people? And how shall I be able to be delivered in the

a7icoA,s(a xrjc; 7iaxp(8oc; jiod 7+ Kai si7isv o fiaaiksvq

destruction of my fatherland? And [ said the king]

7ipoc; EaGfjp si 7idvxa xa D7idp%ovxa Ajidv s8coKa

to Esther, If all the possessions ofHaman I gave


8n sv xoiJTCp + vdca 17 -Esther

Kai s%apiad|ir|v aoi Kai aDxov SKpsjiaaa S7i( tqvkov

and granted to you, and he I hanged upon [the] tree

6xi xac; xzipaq S7if|vsyKs xoic; IoDSaioic; xi sxi

for the hands he bore against the Jews, what yet

£7ri^r|X£fc; 8+ ypd\j/axs KaiDjisfc; 8K xod ovojiaxoc; jiod

do you anxiously seek? [ write And you] in my name

coc; 8oks( djiiv Kai acppayiaaxs xco SaKXDAico jiod

as it seems good to you, and set a seal with my ring!

oaayap ypdcpsxai xod PaaiXscoc; S7iixd^avxoc; Kai

For as much as [is] written of the king in giving an order, and

acppayiaGfj xco SaKXDAico jiod odk saxiv aDxoic;

[the] seal should be set by my ring, it is not to them

avxsursiv 9 + SKAx|6r|aav 8s 01 ypajijiaxsic; sv xco

to contradict. [ were called And the scribes] in the

7ipcoxco jirjvi oq saxi Niadv xrj xpixrj Kai 8iKd8i

first month, which is Nisan, on the third and twentieth day

xod avTOV zzovq Kai sypdcprj xoic; IoDSaioic; 6aa

of the same year. And it was written to the Jews, as much as

svsxsi^axo xoic; oikovojioic; Kai xoic; dp%ODai xcov

was given charge to the [local] managers, and to the rulers of the

oaxpa7icbv arco xrjc; IvSiKqc; scoc; xrjc; Ai6i07uac; sraxov

satrapies from India unto Ethiopia — a hundred

siKoaiS7ixd aaxpd7iai(; Kaxd %cbpav Kai %cbpav

twenty-seven satrapies, according to place by place,

Kaxd xrjv ai)xcbv Xs^iv 10+ sypdcprj 8s 8id xod

according to their form of speech. And it was written through the

PaaiXscoc; Kai sacppayiaGrj xco SaKXDAico aDxoD Kai

king, and the seal was set by his ring, and

s^a7isax8iA,av xa ypdjijiaxa Sid PipAaocpopcov n+ coc;

they sent out the letters by couriers, as

S7i8xa^8v aDxofc; %pfjaaa6ai xoic; vojioiq aDxcbv sv

he gave orders to them to deal with their laws in

7idar| 7i6A,si porjGfjaaixe aDxoic; Kai xpfjaaaGai

every city, both to help them and to deal with

xoic; avxiSiKoiq aDxcbv Kai xoic; avxiKsijisvoic; aDxoic; coc;

their opponents, and with their adversaries as

PoD^ovxai 12+ sv rjjispa [da sv 7idor| xrj Paai^sia

they wanted, on [ day one] in all the kingdom

Apxa^sp^oD xrj xpiaKai8sKdxr| xod 8co8sKdxoD jirjvoc;

of Artaxerxes, on the thirteenth [day] of the twelfth month,

oq saxiv A8dp 13 + xa 8s avxiypacpa SKxiGsaGcoaav

which is Adar. And the copies, let them be displayed


8V TOVjlCp + VlKa

17 -Esther

ocpGaXjiocpavcbq sv 7idar| xr| Paai^sia sxoijiodc; is

clear to the eyes in all the kingdom, [ prepared and for

sivai 7idvxac; xouc; IouSakroc; sic; xaiJXTrv xrjv rjjispav

to be all the Jews] for this day,

7T0Xs|lfjGai (XDXCOV TOVq D7T8VaVXlOD(; i4+Ol|I8VODV

for them to wage war against their opponents. Then the

irniziq e^fjXGov a7isi3Sovxsc; xa D7i6 xod PaaiAicoc;

horsemen went forth hastening [ the [things] by the king

Xsyojisva S7rixsA,siv s^sxs0r| 8s xo 7ip6axay|ia Kai sv

being spoken to complete]. [ was displayed And the order] also in

Eouaoic; 15+0 8s MapSoxaioq s^fjXGsv saxoAaajisvoc;

Shushan. And Mordecai went forth robed

xrjv PaaiAiKqv axoAxjv Kai oxscpavov s%cov jpvaovv

in the royal apparel, and [ a crown having] of gold,

Kai Sid8r||ia ptiaaivov 7ropcpi)poi3v iSovxsq 5s oi

and a diadem [ fine line of purple]. [beholding And the [ones]

sv Sotiaoic; sxaprjaav i6+xoic;8s IoDSaioiq sysvsxo

in Shushan] rejoiced. And to the Jews there became

cpcoc; Kai SDcppoawrj n+ Kaxd 7i6A.iv Kai xcbpav ou

light and gladness. [In each] city and place of which

av s^sxsGrj xo SK0s|ia %apd Kai SDcppoowrj xoic;

ever [ was displayed the public notice], [there was] joy and gladness [among] the

Ioi)8a(oic; kcoBcov Kai SDcppoawq Kai 7roAAxn xcov

Jews, [with] toasting and gladness. And many of the

s0vcov 7ispisxs|iovxo Kai Ioi)8di^ov 8id xov cpopov

nations were circumcised, and [were] Jewish-like because of the fear

xcov Iou5a(cov

of the Jews.

9 13

i+ svyap xco 8co8sKdxco |ir|vi xrj xpiaKai8sKdxr| xod

For in the twelfth month, on the thirteenth of the

\xr\voq oq saxiv A8dp 7iapf|v xa ypd|i|iaxa

month, which is Adar, [ were at hand the letters

xaypacpsvxa 7iapd xou PaaiAicoc; 2 + Kai sv auxf|

written by the king]. And in [that]

xtj rjjispa a7icbAx)vxo oi avxiKsijisvoi xoic; IouSaioiq

day [ were destroyed the adversaries of the Jews],

odSsic; yap avxsaxrj cpopoujisvoc; auxouc; 3+ 01 yap

[no one for opposed fearing them]. For the

dpxovxsq xcov aaxpa7icbv Kai 01 xupawoi Kai 01

rulers of the satraps, and the sovereigns, and the


8V TOVjlCp + VtKCl

17 -Esther
PaaiAiKoi ypajijiaTSiq stijicov todc; IoDSaioDc; on o

royal scribes esteemed the Jews, for the

cpopoq Map8o%a(oD S7tsksito aDTOic; 4 + 7ipoas7rsas yap

fear ofMordecai rested upon them. [fell For

to 7ip6aTay|ia tod PaaiXscoc; ovo|iaa9f|vai sv 7idar|

the order of the king] for him to be named in all

tt| Paaiksia 5 +

the kingdom. @

6 + Kai sv Sodcjoic; ttj 7i6A,si arcsKTSivav 01 Ioi)5a(oi

And in Shushan the city the Jews killed

dvSpac; 7isvTaKoa(oDc; 7 + tov ts ® apaav8a6d Kai

[ men five hundred] — both Parshandatha, and

AsAxpcbv Kai AacpaGd 8 + Kai Oopa8a0d Kai A8aAia

Dalphon, and Aspatha, and Poratha, and Adalia,

Kai Api8a0d Kai OapjiaaGd Kai Apiaat 9+ Kai

and Aridatha and Parmashta, and Arisai, and

Api5ai Kai Baii^aGa 10+ Kai todc; 8sra viovq Ajidv

Aridai, and Vajezatha, even the ten sons ofHaman,

A|ia8a6oD BoDyaioD tod s%6poD tcov IoDSaicov Kai

[son of] Hammedatha [the] Bougean, the enemy of the Jews; but

od 8ifjp7iaaav sv aDrq rr| rjjispa u+ S7is860r| 8s

they plundered not in [that] day. And was given

apiGjioq tco PaaiXsi tcov a7ioXcoA,6TCOv sv Sodctoic; 12+

[the] number to the king of the ones being destroyed in Shushan.

si7is 8s o PaaiXsDc; npoq EaGfjp a7icbA,saav 01 IoD8a(oi

[ said And the king] to Esther, The Jews destroyed

sv SoDaoiq dvSpac; 7rsvTaKoa(oDc; sv ttj 7i6A,si sv 8s

in Shushan [ men five hundred] in the city; and in

ttj 7rspi%cbpco nctiq oisi s%pf|aavTO ti odv

the place round about, how do you imagine they were treated? What then
a^ioiq sti Kai scrcai aoi 13+ Kai sircsv EaGfjp tco

do you still petition, for it will be yours? And Esther said to the

Pamlsi 8o6f|TCO tok; IoDSaioiq xP 1 1 a ^ ai coaaDTCoq

king, Let it be given for the Jews to deal likewise

ttjv aDpiov coots todc; 8sKa diodc; Ajidv Kpsjidaai u +

tomorrow, so as far the ten sons ofHaman to hang.

Kai S7iSTps\j/sv o Paai^sDc; ODTCoq ysvsaGai Kai

And [ committed it the king] so to be. And

s^s0t|ks tok; IoDSaioiq tt|c; 7i6A,scoc; Ta acbjiaTa tcov

he displayed to the Jews of the city the bodies of the


9d ev toi3tco + vdca 17 -Esther

mcbv Ajidv Kpsjidaai 15+ Kai avvT\%dr\aav 01 IoD8a(oi

sons of Haman to hang. And [ gathered together the Jews]

sv Sodctoic; xrj xeaaapeaKai8eKdxr| tod A8dp Kai

in Shushan on the fourteenth [day] of Adar, and

arcsKxeivav dvSpac; xpiaKoaioDc; Kai od8sv 5ifjp7iaaav

they killed [ men three hundred], but nothing they plundered.

i6+oi8s Xouroi xcov Ioi)5a(cov xcov sv xrj Paai^sia

And the rest of the Jews, of the ones in the kingdom,

awf|%9r|aav Kai eaDxok; epofj0oi)v Kai ave7iaDaavxo

gathered together and helped themselves, and gained rest

a7io xcov 7toA,s|iicdv a7rcbA,eaav yap aDxcbv jiDpidSaq

from the warlike men; for they destroyed of them, [ ten thousands

S7ixd 7r£vxaKiG%iAioi)c; xtj xpiaKai8sKdxr| xod A8dp Kai

seven], [and] five thousand men on the thirteenth of Adar, but

od8sv 8ifjp7iaaav 17+ Kai avs7iaDaavxo xrj

[nothing they plundered]. And they rested on the

xsaaapsaKaiSsKdxrj xod aDxoD [ir\voq Kai fjyov

fourteenth of the same month, and they celebrated

ai)xfjv rjjiepav ava7iaDascoc; jisxd %apaq Kai

it as a day of rest with joy and

SDcppoawrjq is +01 8s Ioi)8a(oi sv Sodcjoic; xrj 7i6A,si

gladness. And the Jews in Shushan the city

ai)vf|%9r|aav Kai xrj xsaaapeaKaiSeKdxrj Kai

gathered together also on the fourteenth and

av£7iai)aavxo fjyov 8e Kai xrjv 7i8vxsKai88Kdxr|v

rested. But they celebrated even on the fifteenth

jisxd xapdq Kai SDcppoaDvrjq 19+ 8id xodxo odv 01

with joy and gladness. Because of this then the

Ioi)8a(oi 01 8isa7iap|i8voi sv 7idar| %copa xrj e^co

Jews, the ones being disseminated in every place outside,

dyoDai xr|v xsoaapsaKaiSeKdxTTV xod A8dp rjjispav

celebrate on the fourteenth of Adar, [ day

ayaGfjv jisx' SDcppoaDvrjq a7ioaxsAAx)vxec; jispiSaq

a good] with gladness, [ sending portions

SKaaxoq xco 7rAx|a(ov 20+ eypa\j/s 8s Map8o%a(oc;

each] [to his] neighbor. [ wrote And Mordecai]

xodc; Xoyovq xodxodc; sic; PipAiov Kai s^a7isax8iA,s xoic;

these words in a scroll and sent [them] to the

IoDSaioiq oaoi fjaav sv xrj Apxa^sp^oD Paai^sia

Jews, as many as were in the kingdom of Artaxerxes,

xoic; syyDc; Kai xoic; jiaKpdv 21+ axfjaai

to the ones near and to the ones far; to establish

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

17 -Esther

Tag rjjispac; xatixac; ayaGdc; dysiv xs xrjv

these days [as] good [days], and to celebrate both the

TSoaapsaKai5sK&amp;Tr|v Kai xrjv 7ievx£rai8eKdxr|v

fourteenth and the fifteenth

tod A8&amp;p 22+ svyap xauxaic; xaic; rjjiepaic; ave7iai)aavxo

of Adar. For in these days [ gained rest

oi Iou8a(oi goto xcov e%6pcbv aDTCOV Kai xov jifjva sv

the Jews] from their enemies. And the month in

co saxpdcprj auxofc; oq r\v A8&amp;p arco nzvdovq siq

which [things] turned for them, which was Adar, from mourning to

Xcxp&amp;v Kai a7io oSwqc; sic; ayaGfjv rjjiepav dysiv

joy, and from grief to good days, [was] to celebrate

6Xov sic; ayaGdc; r||ispac; ydjicov Kai su^poawqc;

entirely for good days of wedding [feasts] and gladness,

e^a7ioaxsAAx)vxac; |isp(8ac; xoic; (pikoiq Kai xoic;

sending [gift] portions to their friends and to the

7ttcd%oi(; 23+ Kai 7ipoas8s^avTO oi Ioi)8a(oi raGcbc;

poor. And [ favorably received it the Jews] as

eypa\j/sv aDTOiq o Map8o%a(oc; 2 4 + 7icoc; Ajidv

[wrote to them Mordecai], of how Hainan

AjiaSaGou o MaKe8cbv S7ioA,s|isi avzovq raGcbc;

[son of] Hammedatha the Macedonian waged war against them; as

eGexo yfjtpiajia Kai KAx|pov acpaviaai avzovq 25 + Kai

he ordained a referendum and [the] lot, to obliterate them; and

cog eiafj^Gs 7ipoc; xov paaiAia Aiycov Kpsjidaai

how he entered to the king, telling [him] to hang

xov Map5o%aiov 6aa 8s S7isxsipr|aev 87id^ai em xodc;

Mordecai. But as much as he attempted to bring [ upon the

Ioi)8afcn)c; Kara 87i' auxov syevovxo rai £Kpe|idaGr|

Jews bad [things]], upon himself it came to pass; and he was hanged,

avToq rai xa xeKva avzov 26 + 8id xotixo

he and his children. On account of this

£7i8KAT|9r|aav ai rjjispai atixai cpoDpiji 8id xodc;

they call these days Purim because of the

KAxjpoDc; 6x1 xt| SiaXsKxco auxcbv raAxrovxai cpoi)pi|i

lots, (for [in] their dialect they [are] called purim),

8id xouc; Xoyovq xrjc; S7riaxoAx|c; xai&gt;xr|c; rai 6aa

because of the words of this letter, and as much as

7iS7r6v6aai 81' auxfjv rai 60a auxoic; eyevexo

they suffered on account of it, and as much as happened to them

rai saxrjas 27+ rai 7ipoas8sxovxo 01 IouSaioi scp'

and was stopped. And [ favorably received [it] the Jews] for



8V TOVjlCp + VlKa

17 -Esther

eauxoic; Kai S7U to a7i8p|iaxi auxcbv Kai S7U xoic;

themselves, and for their seed, and for the ones

7rpoTS0si|isvoic; S7i' auxcbv od5s jirjv aXkcnq

purposed unto them [to observe it] — nor in fact [ otherwise

Xpfjaovxai ai 5e rjjiepai auxai jivr||i6aDvov

shall they treat [it]]. And these days [were] a memorial

S7titsXod|isvov Kaxd yevsav Kai yevsav Kai 7i6A.iv

being completed according to generation and generation, and city,

Kai 7iaxpiav Kai %copav 28+ai8s rjjiepai auxai

and family, and place. And these days

a%6f|aovxai eic; xov dftavxa XP 0V0V Kai

were celebrated for all time, and

xo |ivr||i6aDvov auxcbv od |ir| sKAi7rr| scoq ysvscbv 29 +

their memorial in no way should fail unto generations.

Kai eypa\j/ev EaGfjp r| PaaiAiaaa Gi)ydxr|p Api%diiX

And [ wrote Esther the queen daughter of Abihail],

Kai Map8o%a(oc; o Ioi)8a(oc; 6aa S7rorr|aav xo xs

and Mordecai the Jew, as much as they did, and

axspscojia xrjc; e7naxoAx|c; xcov (poi)p(|i 30 +

[the] confirmation of the letter of the purim. @

31+ Kai Map8o%a(oc; Kai EaGfjp r| PaaiAaaaa eaxrjaav

And [ Mordecai and Esther the queen they established

eauxofc; KaG' eauxcbv Kai xoxs axfjaavxsq Kaxd

to themselves] for themselves; and then establishing according to

xrjc; vrjaxeiav auxcbv Kai xrjv PoDXfjv ai)xcbv 32+ Kai

their fasting and their counsel. And

EaGfjp A,6yco eaxrjasv sic; xov aicbva Kai sypacprj

Esther [ [the] matter established] for the eon, and it was written

sic; |ivr||i6aDvov

for a memorial.

10 1

1+ eypa\j/e 8e o Paai^euc; S7il xrjv Paai^eiav xrjqxs

[ wrote And the king] unto the kingdom by both

yrjc; Kai xrjc; GaXdaar|c; 2+ Kai xrjv ia%f&gt;v avzov Kai xrjv

land and sea. And his strength, and the

av8payaG(av 7rAxy6x6v xs Kai 86^av

valor, riches, and also [the] glory

xrjc; PaaiXeiac; auxof) i8of) ysyparcxai sv PipAioo

of his kingdom, behold, they are written in [the] scroll

Ilspacbv Kai Mfi8cov sic; |ivr||i6aDvov

of [the] Persians and Medes for a memorial.



8V TOOTCp + VlKa

17 -Esther

3 + 6x8 Map8o%a(oc; 8is8sxsto tov PaaiXea Apxa^sp^rjv

For Mordecai relieved king Artaxerxes,

Kai jisyac; r|v sv xrj PaoiXeia Kai 5e8o^ao|ievoc; D7i6

and was great in the kingdom, and being extolled by

xcov Ioi)5a(cov Kai (piAxyojisvoc; 8irjyevco xrjv aycoyfiv

the Jews, and being fond to describe the welfare


to all their nation.


1 N sv tootco + vtica 1 8 - Job

1 N

i+ av0peo7i6c; xic; r\v sv yrj Ovq IeoP ovojia

[ a certain man There was] in [the] land of Uz, Job [was the] name

auxeb Kai r|v o dv0peo7roc; sksivoc; aAxjGivoc; d|ieo|ioc;

to him. And [ was that man] true, unblemished,

avfjp aitXovq Kai eu0uc; Kai cpopoujisvoc; xov 0s6v

[ man a sincere], and upright, and fearing God,

a7T8%6|i8voc; goto navxoq 7iovr|pou 7ipdy|iaxoc; 2+

at a distance from every wicked thing.

syevovxo 8s auxcb uioi S7ixd Kai 0uyaxepec; xpsiq 3 +

And there were to him [sons seven] and [daughters three].

Kai Tjv xa Kxf)vr| auxou 7ip6paxa S7rxaKio%(Aia

And [ [were] his animals] — [ sheep seven thousand],

Kd|ir|A,oi xpiaxiAiai ^suyrj Pocbv 7i8vxaKoaia Kai ovoi

[camels three thousand], [teams of oxen five hundred], and [donkeys

Gfj^eia vojidSec; 7ievxaK6oiai Kai U7ir|peaia noXkr\

female grazing five hundred], and for service [ many

ocp68pa Kai epya jieydAxx r|v auxcb em xrjc; yr\q

exceedingly], and [works great there [were]] of his upon the land.

Kai Tjv dv6pco7roc; sksivoc; jisyac; xcov acp' rjAiou

And [ was that man] great of the ones from [ sun

avaxoAxbv 4 + au|i7ropsu6|isvoi 5s 01 uioi auxou npoq

[the] east]. [ going And his sons] to

aXkr\kovq S7io(ouv 7i6xov SKaaxoq xrjv sauxou rjjispav

one another prepared a banquet, each of his own day,

au|i7iapaA,a|ipdvovx£c; djia Kai xaq xpsiq aSsAxpdc;

taking along together also [ three sisters

auxebv sa0(siv Kai 7uvsiv jisx' auxebv 5 + Kai eoc; av

their] to eat and to drink with them. And whenever

auvsxsAiaGrjaav ai rjjiepai xou tcoxou a7isaxsAA,sv leap

they completed the days of the banquet, Job sent

Kai SKaGdpi^sv auxouc; aviaxdjisvoc; xo7ipeoi Kai

and purified them, rising up in the morning, and

7ipoascpspeov 7ispi auxebv dvaiaq Kaxd

offering for them a sacrifice according to

xov api6|iov auxebv s^sys yap IeoP |if|7i;oxs f||iapxov

their number. [ said For Job], Lest at any time [ sinned

Kai suXoyrjoav 0s6v S7U KapSiac; auxebv 01 uioi jiou

and raved against God with their heart my sons].

ouxeoq ouv 87roi8i IeoP naaaq zaq rjjispac; 6 + Kai

Thus then Job did all the days. And

1 N sv tootco + vuca 1 8 - Job

sysvsxo r| rjjispa aDxrj Kai i8od fjA,0ov oi moi

it came to pass this day, and behold, [ came the sons

tod 0sod 7rapaaxfjvai svcb7riov tod KopioD Kai o

of God] to stand before the LORD, and the

8i&amp;PoA,oc; fjXGs sv jisaco aDxcov ?+ Kai si7isv o Kopioc;

devil came in [the] midst of them. And [ said the LORD]

too 8iap6A,co 7i60sv 7tapaysyovac; Kai a7roKpi0s(c; o

to the devil, From what place have you come? And [ answered the

Sidpo^oc; too Kopico si7is 7rspisA,0cov ttjv yrjv Kai

devil] [to the] LORD, [and] said, Going around the earth, and

s|i7rspi7iaTfjaac; xrjv D7i' ODpavov 7idpsi|ii 8 + Kai si7isv

walking about the [ under heaven place at hand]. And [ said

aDicb o KDpioq 7ipoaeaxec; odv xr| 8iavo(a aoD

to him the LORD], [Have] you been attentive then [in] your consideration
Kaxd tod 0spd7iovx6c; jiod leap 6xi odk saxiv

to my attendant Job, that there is none

aDicb ojioioq xcov em xrjc; yr\q dv0pco7roc; d|is|i7i;xoc;

likened to him of the ones upon the earth, [man a blameless],

avfjp anXovq Kai sd0dc; Kai cpopoDjisvoc; xov 0s6v

a man sincere and upright and fearing God,

a7ie%6|isvoc; and navxoq 7iovr|poD 7ipdy|iaxoc; 9+

at a distance from every wicked thing?

a7i8Kp{0r| 8s o Sidpo^oq Kai si7isv svavxi tod

[ answered And the devil], and said, Before the

KDpiOD |IT| Scopsdv ICOP CpoPsiXai XOV 0SOV io+OD%(aD

LORD, does Job freely fear God? [Have] you not

rcspiscppa^ac; aDxoD Kai xa saco xrjc; ovdaq aDxoD

enclosed him, and the [things] inside his household,

Kai xa s^co Kai 7idvxcov xcov ovxcov aDxcb

and the [things] outside? And all of the [things] being to him

kdkAxd xa spy a xcov %z\p(bv aDxoD SD^oyrjaac; Kai

roundabout— the works of his hands you blessed, and

xa Kxfjvrj aDxoD noXka 87TOlT|Oa(^ 8711 XT|(^ y^l^ 11 +

[ his cattle many you made] upon the earth. But

a7roaxsiAx)v xrjv %s(pd aoD Kai d\j/ai 7idvxcov cov s%si

send your hand, and touch all which he has,

r\[LT\v sic; 7ip6oco7r6v aoD eD^oyfjaei as 12+ xoxs

[and] assuredly [ in your face he will rave] against you. Then

si7rsv o KDpioq xco 8iap6A,co i8od 7idvxa 6aa saxiv

[ said the LORD] to the devil, Behold, all as much as is

aDxcb 8(8co|ii sv xr| %zipi god aXk r aDxoD |ir| d\j/r|

his I put into your hand; but he himself you shall not touch.

1 N ev toutco + vuca 1 8 - Job

Kai s^fjXGsv o 8i&amp;PoAx)c; 7iapd tod kdpiod 13+ Kai r|v

And [ went forth the devil] from the LORD. And it was

coc; T| rjjispa ami] 01 moi IcoP Kai ai 0DyaTspsc; avzov

on this day the sons of Job and his daughters


were drinking wine in the house [ brother of their

tod 7ipsaPDTspoD h+ Kai i8od dyyskoq r\kQs itpoq IcoP

elder]. And behold, a messenger came to Job,

Kai 817T8V aDTcb Ta ^SDyrj tcdv Pocbv rjpoTpia Kai ai

and said to him, The teams of oxen were plowing, and the

GfjXeiai ovoi sPocikovto s%6|isvai aDTcbv 15+ Kai

female donkeys were grazing next to them. And

S7T87i8a8 Sap a Kai r|%|iaXcbTSDaav avzaq Kai todc;

Sabeans fell upon and captured them, and the

naidaq arcsKTSivav sv jiaxaipaiq acoGsfc; 8s sycb

servants they killed by swords. [ escaped And I

[iovoq r\kdov tod a7iayys(Am aoi 16+ sti

alone], [and] I came to report to you. Yet

todtod XakovvToq f|X0sv STspoc; Kai si7is npoq leap

speaking this, there came another, and said to Job,


Fire from God fell from out of the heaven, and

KaTSKaDae Ta 7ip6paTa Kai todc; 7ioi|isvac; KaTStpaysv

it incinerated the sheep; and the shepherds were devoured up

ojioicoc; Kai acoGsfc; sycb jiovoc; r\kdov

in like manner; and having escaped, I alone came

tod a7iayysiAm aoi 17+ sti todtod Xakovvzoq r\kdsv

to report to you. While speaking this, there came

STspoq djyskoq Kai si7is npoq Icop 01 XaXSaioi

another messenger, and said to Job, The Chaldeans

S7is6r|Kav Tpsic; ap%dc; Kai SKDKAxoaav zaq KajifjXoDc;

put three companies, and encircled the camels,

Kai T|%|iaAxbTSDoav avzaq Kai todc; 7ia(8ac; arcsKTSivav

and captured them; and the servants they killed

sv |ia%a(paic; sacbBrjv 8s sycb jiovoq Kai r\kdov

by swords, [ escaped and I alone], and I came

tod a7rayysiAm aoi 18+ sti todtod Xakovvxoq akXoq

to report to you. While this one [was] speaking, another

dyysXoq sp%STai Aiycov tco IcoP tcov dicov aoD Kai

messenger came, saying to Job, Your sons and

tcov 0DyaTspcov aoD saGiovTCOv Kai 7tiv6vtcov 7iapd

your daughters [were] eating and drinlcing with

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

18 - Job

too aSsAxpcb aDxcbv xoa 7ipsapDxspco 19+ s^a(cpvr|c; 7WSD|ia

[brother their elder]. Suddenly [wind

jisyac; 87ifjX08v 8K Tr\q spfjjioD Kai fj\j/axo xcov

a great] came upon [them] from out of the wilderness, and it touched the

xsaadpcov yoovicbv xrjc; omxaq Kai stcsctsv r| oiKia

four corners of their house, and [ fell the house]

S7Ti xa 7iai5(a ctod Kai exsA£Dxr|aav eacbBrjv 8e eycb

upon your children, and they came to an end; [ escaped and I

jiovoq Kai r\kdov tod a7iayysiAm 001 20+ ODxcog

alone], and I came to report to you. Thus

avaaxdc; loop 8isppr|£;s xa ijidxia aDxoD Kai SKeipaxo

rising up, Job tore up his garments, and sheared

xrjv k6|xt|v Tr\q KecpaArjc; aDxoD Kai nsacbv %a|ia(

the hair of his head, and falling to the ground

7ipoa£K6vr|oe 21+ Kai si7i8v auxoc; yDjivoc; e^f|Ai)ov

he did obeisance. And said, I myself [ naked came forth]

sk KoiAiac; jirjxpoc; jiod yDjivoc; Kai a7rsA,£Dao|iai

from out of [belly my mother's], and naked I shall go forth

sksi o Kopioc; sScoksv o Kupioq acpei^axo coc; xco

there. The LORD gave, the LORD removed, as to the

Kopico s8o^sv odxcoc; Kai eysvsxo sir) xov ovojia

LORD it seemed good, so also it came to pass. May [ be the name

Kopioi) si)A,oyr|(i8vov 22+ sv xodxoic; 7idai

[of the] LORD] blessed. In all these [things]

xoic; aDjiPePrjKoaiv aDxcb od5sv fjjiapxev leap svavxiov

coming to pass against him, in nothing Job sinned before

xod Kopioi) Kai odks5coksv a^poawrjv xco 6ecb

the LORD, and he imputed not folly [to] God.

2 1

1 + eysvsxo 8s coc; r| rjjispa aDxrj Kai r\kQov 01 dioi

And it came to pass as this day [occurred], and [ came the sons

xod 0sod 7iapaaxf|vai svavxiov xod KopioD Kai o

of God] to stand before the LORD. And the

Sid(3oAx)c; r\kdzv sv jisaco aDxcbv 7iapaaxf|vai svavxiov

devil came in [the] midst of them to stand before

xod KDpioD 2+ Kai 8i7isv o Kopioc; xco 8iap6Axo

the LORD. And [said the LORD] to the devil,


From what place come you? Then [ said the devil] before

xod KDpioD 8ia7iop£D0s(c; xrjv D7i' ODpavov Kai

the LORD, Traveling over the [place] under heaven, and

2 3 ev tootco + vtica 1 8 - Job

e|i7iepi7iaTfjaac; rqv &lt;76|i7iaaav 7idpsi|ii 3+ si7is 8s o

walking about the whole [the place] at hand. [ said And the

Kopioc; 7ipoc; tov 8idpoA,ov 7ipoasa%sc; odv tco

LORD] to the devil, [Have] you taken heed then [to]


my attendant Job, that there is not according to him of the [ones]

S7Ti Tr\q yr\q dv6pco7roc; draKoc; aAxjGivoc; d|is|i7n;oc;

upon the earth, a man not wicked, true, blameless,

Bsoaepfjc; a7isx6|isvoc; arco itavToq KaKoi) sti 8s

godly, [and] at a distance from all evil? But still

sxsxai aKoudac; ai) 8s zinaq xa D7idpxovTa avzov

he has innocence, but you spoke [ his substance

SiaKsvfjc; a7iolsaai 4 + imoAxxPcbv 8s o Sidpo^oc; si7is

without cause to destroy]. [undertaking But the devil], said

tco Kopico 8sp|ia D7isp SspjiaTOc; Kai 7rdvxa 6aa

to the LORD, Skin for skin, and all as much as

D7rdp%si av0pcb7rco imsp Tr\q \\fv%r\q avTO\) Scbasi 5 +

exists to a man [ for his life he will give].

od jirjv 8s aXXa a7r6axsiXov rqv %zipa aoi) d\j/ai

But in fact, but you send your hand to touch

tcov octtcov avTOV Kai tcov aapKcbv avzov r\[ir\v sic;

his bones and his flesh, assuredly [ in

7rp6aco7i6v os siAoyfjasi 6 + si7is 8s o Kopioc; tco

your face he will rave]. [said And the LORD] to the

8iap6A,co idov 7iapa8(8co|ii aoi ai)i6v jiovov

devil, Behold, I deliver him to you, only

ttjv \\fv%r\v avTOV (pvXatpv 7 + Kai s^fjX0sv o Sidpo^oq

[ his life you guard] ! And [ went forth the devil]

GOTO TOD KDpiOD Kai S7iaiCJS TOV IcOp sA,KSl 7T0Vr|pcb

from the LORD, and smote Job [ sore with a severe]

a7io 7io8cbv scoq KscpaAxjc; 8 + Kai sAxxPsv saDTcb

from feet unto head. And he took to himself

oaTpaKov iva tov ixcbpa ^6r| Kai avxoq SKdGrjTO

a potsherd so as [the pus to scrape]; and he sat down

svToq Tr\q aitodov 9+ Kai sircsv ai)Tcb rj yvvr\ avzov

within the ashes. And [ said to him his wife],

jisxpi zivoq KapTspfjasiq aXka si7iov ti pfj|ia npoq

Until how long will you persevere? But speak any word to

6s6v Kai TsXsirca 10+ 08s sjipAiyac; aircfj sircsv ivari

God, and come to an end! And he, looking to her said, Why

cba7isp |i(a tcov acppovcov ywaiKcbv sAxxAxjaac; si Ta

as one of the foolish women did you speak? If [ the

8V TOUT© + VlKa
18 - Job

ayaGd SK8s^d|is0a sk x 8l P°^ Kupiau xa KaKd

good [things] we looked [for]] from [the] hand of [the] LORD, [ the bad

ov% D7io(ao|isv sv 7r&amp;oi xouxoic; xoic; ai)|iPsPr|K6aiv

shall we not endure]? In all these [things], the ones coming to pass

aDTcb od8sv fjjiapxsv loop Toiq %siksaiv svavxiov

to him, not one [thing] Job sinned [with his] lips before

tod rcopiov 11+ aKouaavxsc; 5s oixpsic; (pilot avzov

the LORD. [ hearing And three friends his

xa KaKd 7idvxa xa S7isA,06vxa auxcb 7iapsysvovxo

the bad [things] all] coming upon him, came

sraaxoc; sk xrjc; iSiaq %(bpaq npoq auxov EAicpd^ o

each from their own place to him. Eliphaz the

©aijiavcbv fiaoiksvq BaAM5 o £aD%a(&lt;jov xupawoc;

Temanite ~ a king, Baldad the Shuhite ~ a sovereign,

Ecocpdp o Mivaicov fiaoiksvq Kai 7iapsysvovxo npoq

Zophar the Minaean — a king. And they came to

auxov O|io0i)|ia86v xou 7iapaKaA,saai Kai

him with one accord to comfort and

S7riaKs\j/ao6ai auxov u + i56vxsc; 5s auxov 7i6ppco0sv

visit him. And seeing him at a distance,

odk 87isyvcoaav Kai Pofjaavxsc; (pcovfj |isydAr|

they did not recognize [him]. And they yelled [voice [with] a great],

SK^auaav pfj^avxec; sraaxoc; xrjv sauxoi) axoAxjv Kai

[and] wept, [ tearing each] his own apparel, and

Kaxa7iaad|i8voi yrjv o+ 7iapsra0iaav auxcb srcxd

strewing earth. And they sat beside him seven

rjjispag Kai srcxd vuKxac; Kai oi)8sk; auxcbv sXdAxjasv

days and seven nights, and not one of them spoke

7rpoc; auxov Xoyov scbpcov yap xrjv 7iA,r|yf|v Ssivfjv

to him a word; for they saw the [ calamity awful]

ovaav Kai jisydArjv acp65pa

being, and [great [it was] exceedingly].

3 a

i + Kai jisxd xot3xo fjvoi^s Icop xo axojia avzov Kai

And after this Job opened his mouth and

Kaxrjpdaaxo xrjv rjjispav avzov 2 + Aiyoov 3+ a7i6Ax)ixo r|

cursed his day, saying, May [ be destroyed the

rjjispa sv T| syswfjGrjv Kai r| vd^ sv r\ sircav

day in which I was born], and the night in which they said,

i5ot3 dpasv 4 + r| vd^ sksivt| sir) ctkoxoc; Kai [ir\

Behold, a male. [ that night May be] darkness, and [ not

3 3, sv tootco + vuca 1 8 - Job

ava^rjxfjaai aDxfjv o Kopioc; dvooGsv jir|8s sABoi sic;

may search out it the LORD] from above, nor may [ come into

avTT\v cpsyyog 5 + sxMpoi 8s ai)xf|v ctkoxoc; Kai

it brightness]. [ may take But it darkness and

oKid Gavdxou S7rsX6oi S7i' aDTfjv yvocpoc; Kai

[the] shadow of death]. May [ come upon it dimness]. And

xapa%6svr| r| rjjispa sksivt| 6 + Kai rjvu^sKsivrj

may [ be disturbed day that], and that night.

a7T8vsyKaiTO auxfjv ctkoxoc; jlit| svrj sic; r||ispac;

May [ have carried away it darkness]. May it not be for [the] days

sviauxoi) |ir|8s api6|ir|6srr| sic; r||ispac; jxrjvcbv 7 +

[of the] year, nor may it be counted for [the] days of [the] months.

aXka rjVD^SKswrj svrj o8wq Kai |ir| sABoi S7i'

But [ that night may] be grief, and may [ not come upon

auxfjv SDcppoawq jjt|8s xapjiovfj 8 + aXka Kaxapdaaixo

it gladness], nor a cause for joy. But may [ curse

aDTfjv o Kaxapcbjisvoc; xrjv rjjispav sks(vt|v 01

it the one cursing day that], the ones

jisAlovxsc; 8isys(psiv xov AsPiaGdv 9 + aKoxoo0svq

being about to awaken Leviathan. May [ be enveloped in darkness

xa daxpa xrjc; vdkxoc; sksivt|c; Kai |ir| D7io|is(vai Kai

the stars of that night], and not remain, and

sic; (pcoxiajiov (irj sABoi Kai |ir| 1801 Eooacpopov

[for illumination not come]. And may [ not [be] seen morning star

avaxsAlovxa 10+ 6x1 ou auvsK^sias 7r6A,ac; yaoxpoq

[the] arising]. For it did not close up [the] gates [ womb

jxrjxpoc; jiou a7iT\XXa^s yap av 7i6vov arco

of my mother's], [ dismissed for it would have] misery from

ocp0aA,|icbv |iod 11+ Siaxiyap sv KoiAia odk sxsA,si&gt;xr|aa

my eyes. For why in [the] belly did I not come to an end?

sk yaaxpoq 8s s^fjABov Kai odk sdGuc; a7icoX6|ir|v

[ from [the] womb But instead I came forth], and was not straightway destroyed?

12 + ivaxi 8s aDvfjvxrjadv jioi xa yovaxa ivaxi 8s

And why did [ meet me the knees]? And why did

jiaaxouc; s6f|A,aaa nvuvav Koi|ir|6s(c; r\av%aaa

[ [on the] breasts I nurse]. Now going to bed I should be stilled;

vizvcbaaq 8s avs7iai)ad|ir|v i 4 + jisxd PaaiAicov

and having slept rested; with [the] kings,

PoiAsdxcov yrjc; 01 syat&gt;picbvxo S7U ^icpsaiv 15+ r|

[the] counselors of [the] earth, who prance with swords; or


3 3, sv tootco + vuca 1 8 - Job

jisxd apxovxcov cov TtoXvq o %pvaoq 01 S7iAx|aav

with rulers, whose [ [was] abundant gold], who filled

Tovq oikodc; auxcbv apyupioi) 16+ r| cba7isp SKxpoojia

their houses with silver. Or as if a miscarriage

SK7lOpSl)6|ISVOV 8K jlfjipaq jlTjipoq T| cba7TSp Vfj7ll0l

going forth from out of [womb a mother's], or as infants

oi odk s(8ov (pox; 17+ SK8i aaspsfc; S7iauaav Gdjiov

who beheld not light. There [the] impious ceased [the] rage

opyfjc; sksi av87rm3aavTO KaxaKorcoi xoo acb|iaxi ig+

of anger; there [ [are] rested [the] exhausted in body].

O|io0i)|ia86v 5s oi 8s8s|isvoi odk fjKouaav (pcovfjv

But with one accord the ones being bound do not hear [the] voice

(popoXoyoi) 19+ jiiKpoq Kai jisyac; sksiscjxi Kai

of [the] tribute-gatherer. Small and great are there, even

6spd7icov 8s5oikcoc; xov Kopiov auxoi) 20+ ivaxiyap

[the] attendant being in awe of his master. For why

8s8oxai Toiq sv 7iiKpia cpcoq ^oofj 5s xaiq sv

has [ been given to the ones in bitterness light], and life to the [in

o5i)vaic; \\fv%aiq 21+01 ijisipovxai xod Bavdxoi) Kai

griefs souls]? the ones who long for death, and

od xDy%dvoi)oiv avopuaaovxsc; cba7isp Grjaaupouc; 22 +

do not attain; rooting it up as if for treasures;

7rspixapsfc; 8s sysvovxo sdv Kaxorroxcoai Gdvaxoq

[ overjoyed and they become] if they should attain it. Death

av8p( avd7rai)ai(; 23+ od rj odoq a7isKpi3pr| auvsK^sias

to a man [is] rest. [ not The way was] concealed, [ hemmed in

yap o 0s6q Kax' auxou 24+ 7ipo yap xcov aixcov jiod

for God] against him. [ before For my grain

axsvayjioc; fjKsi jioi Kai %u0f|asxai coc; i38axa

moaning comes to me], and shall be poured as waters

PpD%ruiaxa 2 s+ cpopoqyap ov scppovxiaa r\kds |ioi Kai

roaring. For [the] fear which I thought about, came to me; and

ov s8s8o(ksiv ai)vf|vxr|as jioi 26+ otixs sipfjvsuaa

which I had in awe, met with me. Neither was I at peace,

ot3xs r|&lt;y6%aaa otixs avs7rauad|ir|v f|X0s 8s jioi opyfj

nor still, nor I rested; [came but tome wrath].

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

18 - Job

4 7

i + D7roA,aPcbv 8s EXicpd^ o ©aijiavixriq Aiysi 2 + si

And undertaking, Eliphaz the Temanite says, If

Ar|\j/6|is6a AxxAxjaai 7ipoc; as K07iidasic; io%vv 5s

we take to speak to you, will you tire? But [the] strength

prjji&amp;TCDV aoi) tic; imoiasi 3 + si yap ai) svoi)6sxr|aac;

of your words, who shall endure? For since you admonished

noXkovq Kai %sipac; aaGsvouc; 7iapsKdA,saac; 4 +

many, and [ [the] hands of [the] weak comforted],

aaGsvowcdc; is s^avsaxrjaac; pfjjiaai yovaai is

[ [the] ones being weak [and] also raised up] with words, [ in knees and

aSirvaxouai Gdpaoc; 7ispis6r|Kac; 5 + vdv 8s t|ksi S7ri as

[to the ones] powerless courage you invested], but now [ comes upon you

7r6voc; Kai fj\j/ax6 aoi) ai) sa7ioi)8aaac; 6+ rcoxspov

misery], and touched you; [and now] you are hurried. Is it

od% o (popoq aoi) saxiv sv acppoawq Kai

not that your fear is in folly, and

T| zhiiq aoi) Kai r| KaKia xrjc; o8ot3 aoi) i+ |ivf|a6r|xi

your hope, and the evil of your way? [Do you] remember

odv xic; gov KaBapoq a7icbA,sxo r| 7i6xs aArjGivoi

then who being pure was destroyed? or when [the] true ones

okbppxCpx a7rcbA,ovxo 8 + Ka9' ov xporcov s(8ov

[ entirely from the root were destroyed]? As in which manner I beheld

xodc; apoxpicovxaq xa axorca oi 8s a7is(povxsc; ai)xd

the ones plowing the unnatural places, then the ones sowing them

oStivac; Gspiotiaiv saDxoiq 9+ arco 7ipoaxdy|iaxoc;

[ griefs shall harvest] for themselves. By [the] order

Kopioi) a7roA,owxai anb 8s 7rvsi)|iaxoc; opyfjc; avzov

of [the] LORD they shall perish, and by [the] breath of his anger

acpaviaGfjaovxai 10+ aGsvoc; Xsovxoc; (pcovfj 8s Xsaivrjc;

they shall be obliterated. [The] strength of [the] lion, and [the] voice of [the]

yaDpiajia 8s SpaKovxcov saPsaGrj n+ |ii)p(ir|KoA,scov

and [the] prancing of dragons shall be extinguished. [The] small lion

cbXsxo 7iapd xo (iT| s^siv Gfjpav aKDjivoi 8s Xsovxoov

is destroyed by not having game; and [the] cubs of lions

ZXiitov aXXr\kovq 12+ 7ipocj sjis 8s £kaXr\dr\ Xadpamq

forsook one another. [ to me And] it was spoken clandestinely

sv KXo7rfj rcoxspov od Ss^sxai |iod xo odc; s^aiaia

in stealth; shall not [ receive my ear] extraordinary [things]

4 7 ev tootco + vtica 1 8 - Job

7iap' ai)TOT3 13+ ev SK7iAxj^si an opdjiaxoc; |IOD

by him, in amazement from [ vision my

VDKTSpiVOl) 87ll7ll7rTCOV (p6Poc; 871 ' av6pCD7i;ODC; 14 +

nightly] falling fear upon men?

(ppiKTj 5s jioi awfjvxrjae Kai xpojioc; Kai jisydAxoc;

But a shuddering awe met with me, and trembling, and [ greatly

(iod xa oaxd auveaeiae 15 + Kai 7TV8i)|ia mi

my bones quaked]. And a spirit [upon

7ip6aco7r6v (iod znr\kdzv scppi^av 5s (iod xpixsc; Kai

my face came], [ shuddered and my hair and

adpKsq 16 + aveaxrjv Kai odk s7rsyvcDV e(8ov Kai odk

flesh]. I rose up, and knew not; I saw and [no

Tjv jLiopcpfj 7ipo 0(p9aA,|icbv jiod aXX r r\ atipav Kai

was there] appearance before my eyes, but only a breeze; and

(pcovfjv fjKODOv 17+ xi yap |ir| KaGapoq eaxai Ppoxoc;

[ a voice I heard], [saying], For what, Shall [pure be a mortal]

svavxiov xod Ki)p(oi) T| arco xcov epyoov aDxoD

before the LORD? or [ from his works

d|ie|i7rxoc; avfjp 18+ si Kaxd 7iai8cDV aDxoD od

[be] blameless [shall] a man]? If [ even his servants he does not

7naxeDsi Kaxd 8e ayysAxjov aDxoD okoAiov xi

trust], and even [considers] his angels as crooked in what

S7i8v6r|a8 i 9 +xodc;8£ KaxoiKotivxac; oiKiaq 7rr|Aivac;

he thinks about, then the ones dwelling in houses of clay, of

cov Kai ai)xoi sk xod aDxoD iir(kov sajisv

whom also we [ from out of the same mortar are] —

87raiaev avTOvq arjxoq xpo7i;ov 20+ Kai anb 7ipcoi0sv

he smites them [ of a moth in [the] manner]. And from morning

eooc; £a7T8pac; odk exi eioi 7iapd xo \n\ 8waa0ai

until evening [ no longer they are]; by [their] not being able

aDxotic; saDxoiq PorjGfjaai a7icbA,ovxo 21 + cDve^fjpe

[ themselves to help themselves they] perish. You raised up together

xo D7i6A,si|i|ia ai)xcbv ev aDxoic; a7icbA,ovxo 7iapd xo (irj

their vestige in them; they perished by [ not

e%eiv aDxotic; aocpiav

having their] wisdom.


5 n sv toi3tco + vtica 1 8 - Job

5 n

i + £7iiK&amp;A,eaai 8s si tic; aoi D7iaKoi)asxai r| si xiva

But call, if any one will hearken to you; or if [ any

ayysAxDV ayioov 6\j/si 2 + Kaiyap dcppova avaipsi

angels holy you shall see]. For even [ a fool does away with

opyfj 7iS7rXavr||isvov 8s Gavaxoi ^r\koq 3 +sycb8s

anger], [ one having wandered and puts to death zeal]. And I

scbpaKa dcppovac; piCfiq pdAlovxac; Kai Kaxr|paad|ir|v

have seen fools [ root laying]; and I cursed

xrjv 8D7rps7T8iav ai)xcbv 7rapa%pfj|ia 4+ 7i6ppco ysvoivxo

their attractiveness immediately. [ at a distance May be

01 Dioi aDxcbv a7io aooxrjpiac; Kai S7iixpipf|aovxai S7i(

their sons] from safety, and they shall be crushed at

dvpaiq rjaaovoov Kai odk saxai o s^aipoujisvoc; 5 + a

[the] doors of lesser [men], and there shall not be one rescuing. [which

yap sksivoi sGspiaav 7isivcbv cpdysxai auxoi 8s 7ipoc;

For those [things]] they harvested, one hungering shall eat; but they [ to

sv67tAxjov apGfjaovxai SKoicpcDviaBsrrj auxcbv r| ia%vq e +

ones armed shall be carried]; may [ be siphoned off their strength].

od yap |ir| s^sM)r| sk xrjc; yrjc; kottoc; ou8s s^

[ not For can come forth out of the earth toil], nor [ from

opscov avapXaaxfjasi itovoq 1+ aXXa dv0pco7io(;

[the] mountains sprout up [shall] misery]. But a man

yswdxai k67nd vsoaaoi 8s asxcbv xa d\j/t|Axx 7isxovxai

is born to toil, and [the] young eagles [the high [places] to fly];

8+oi)|ir|v88 aXXd sycb 8sr|0f|ao|iai Kupuru Kopiov 8s

[nevertheless but] I shall beseech of [the] LORD, [ [the] LORD and

xcov 7idvx(DV 8sa7r6xr|v S7iiKaA,sao|iai 9 + XOV 7TOlODVXa

the master of all I shall call upon], the one doing

jisydla Kai av8^i%v(aaxa sv8o^d xe Kai s^aiaia

great [things], and untraceable, honorable [things] also, and extraordinary,

cov odksoxiv api0|ioc; 10+ xov 8i86vxa usxov S7U xrjv

which there is no number; the one giving rain upon the

yrjv a7ioaxsAAx)vxa tiSoop S7ri xrjv viz' oupavov 11 +

earth, sending water upon the [places] under heaven;

xov 7roioi)vxa xa7isivoi)c; sic; v\\foq Kai a7roX&lt;joA,6xac;

the one appointing [the] humble unto [the] height, and [ [the] ones perishing

s^sysipovxa 12+ 8iaaKs8d£pvxa fiovXaq 7iavoT3pycov Kai

raising up], effacing counsels of clever ones, that


ev tootco + viKa

18 - Job
od (ir| 7iorfjacoaiv ai yzipzc, ocdtcov aAxjGsc; 13+0

in no way should [ perform their hands] true; the one

KaxaXajipdvcov aotpotic; sv xr| tppovfjasi PodAx|v 8s

overtaking [the] wise with the intellect; and [the] counsel

7ioXd7tX6kcov s^saxrjasv h+ rjjiepaq aDvavxfjasxai

of [the] crafty ones he amazes. By day [ shall meet

aDTok; ctkotoc; to 8s |i£ar||iPpiv6v \j/r|A,a(pf|aaiaav (aa

them darkness], and at midday may they grope equally

VDKXl 15 + a7i6A,oiVTO 8s sv 7ioXs|ico aStivaxoc; 8s

as at night. And may they perish in war; and may [the] powerless

s^sABoi sk X^ipoq 8DV&amp;CJT0D i 6 + SIT) 8s 7rxco%cb

come forth from out of [the] hand of [the] mighty one. And may there be [ to [the]

sAmq a8iK0D 8s axojia sjicppaxOsirj 17+ jiaK&amp;pioc; 8s

hope]; [ of [the] unjust but [the] mouth may] be obstructed. And blessed

dv0pco7roc; ov fj^sy^sv o rcopioc; voD0sxr||ia 8s

[is the] man whom [ reproved the LORD], [ [the] admonition and

7ravTOKp&amp;xopoc; |xq a7iavaivoD ig+ aDxocjyap a^ysiv

of [the] almighty does not refuse]. For he [ one to ache

7ioisi Kai 7idAav a7ioKa0(axr|aiv S7iaias Kai

causes], and again he restores; he smites, and

ai xsipsq avTOV idaavxo 19+ s^xkic; s£, avayKcbv as

his hands heal. Six times [ from out of your distresses

s^sXsixai sv 8s too sp86|ico od jjt| d\j/r|xa( gov kockov

he rescues [you]], and in the seventh [time] in no way will he touch you forbad.

20+ sv Aijicb ptiasxai as sk 0avdxoD sv 7ioA,s|ico 8s

In famine, he will rescue you from death, [ in war and

sk xsipoc; aiSfjpoi) Mast as 21+ anb jidaxiyoc;

from out of [the] hand of iron he will untie you]. [from [the] whip

yX(baar\q as KpD\j/si Kai od jlit| (poPr|6fiar| anb kockcov

of [the] tongue He shall hide you], and in no way shall you be fearful from [ evils

spxojisvcov 22+ aSixcov Kai av6|icov KaxaysA,dar| anb 8s

[the] coming]. [The] unjust and lawless you shall ridicule, and from

Grjpicov aypicov od (irj (poPr|6fiar| 23 + Bfjpsq yap dypioi

[ beasts wild] in no way shall you be fearful; for [the] beasts of [the] wild

siprjvsDaoDai aoi 24+ sixa yvcbarj 6x1 sipirvsDasi

shall make peace with you. Then you shall know that [ shall be at peace

aoD o oiKoq Kai S7iiaKs\j/si copaioxrjxd aoD Kai od |ir|

your house]; and he shall visit your beauty, and in no way

a|iapxfjar| 25+ yvcbarj 8s 6x1 noko xo a7isp|ia aoD

should it have sinned. And you shall know that [ [shall be] many your seed],



8V TOUT© + VlKa

18 - Job

xa 5s SKyovd gov saxai cba7isp to 7ia|ip6Tavov tod

and your progeny will be as the abundant herbage of the

aypoD 26+ sA,si)or| 5s sv T&amp;cpoo cba7rsp ahoq cbpijioq

field. And you shall come unto [the] grave as grain in season,

Korea Kaipov Gspitpjisvoc; r| cbo7isp Gijicovia

according to [the] time of harvesting; or as a heap

dXcovoq Ka6' cbpav &lt;yoyKO|iia0siaa n+ i$ov

of [the] threshing-floor according to [the] hour of its being collected. Behold,

ToroTa ODTcaq s^vxvidaajisv Tafoa sanv a

these [things] thus we tracked out, these [things] are what

aKrjKoajisv &lt;td 5s yvcbGi asaDTcb si ti S7ipa^ac;

we have heard; but you, know in yourself if you acted in anything!

6 1

i + D7roA,aPcbv 5s leap Aiysi 2 + si yap tic; iotcov

And undertaking, Job says, For if anyone stationing [weight]

cxcfjaai |iod ttjv opyfjv Tag 5s odvvaq jiod dpai sv

would set my wrath, and [ griefs my lift] onto

£/oycb o|io9i)|ia56v 3+ Kai 5r| d|i(ioi)

a yoke [balance scale], [they would be] in one accord. For indeed of [the] sand

7iapaAiac; Paptrcspa s&lt;xcai sm totjtcd Ta pfj|iaTd jiou

of [the] coast it will be heavier; upon this my sayings

KaTS7raTfj6r|aav 4+ PsArj yap tod ucavou sv

were trampled. For arrows of the worthy one [in

too acbjiaTi jiou screw cov o Gujioc; auTcbv SK7i(vsi jiod

my body are], which their rage drinks up my

to aijia OTav dp^cojiai Xaksiv ksvtodcji jis 5+ Tiyap

blood. Whenever I begin to speak, they sting me. For what —

|ir| SiaKsvfjc; KSKpd^STai ovoq dypioq aXX' r\ Ta area

will [ineffectually cry out donkey [the] wild] ifheisnot [grain

^TjTCOV SI 5s Kai pfj^Sl (pCDVflV PoDCj S7U cpdwrjc;

seeking], [no]. And shall then [tear [loose] [the] voice of [the] ox] at [the]

s%cov Ta PpcbjiaTa 6 + si ppooGfjasTai dpToq dvsi)

[while] having foods, [no]. Shall [be eaten bread] without

akoq si 5s Kai sciti ysi3|ia sv pfjjiaGi Ksvoiq 7+ od

salt, [no], and is there taste in [words empty], [no]. [is not

SwaTai yap jiou 7iai&gt;aaa0ai r| yv%r\ Pp6|iov yap opcb

able For my to cease soul]; for groaning I see

Ta area [iov oaa7isp oajifjv Xsovzoq 8 + si yap 5cbr|

my grain as [the] scent of a lion. For if [only] he might give



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

18 - Job

Kai sABoi jiod r| arcrjaic; Kai xr|v sAm5a jiod 5cbr|

and [ might come my requests], and [that] [ my hope might grant

o Kopioc; 9 + ap^djisvoc; o Kopioc; Tpcoadxco sic; xsloc;

the LORD]. Beginning, [the LORD let] pierce; [unto [the] end

5s |ir| |is avsAixoo io+ s(r| 5s |iod nokiq xdcpoc;

but me not let be done away with] ! [maybe But my city [the] grave],

scp' r\q 87i( xsi%scdv r|AA,6|ir|v S7i' avTT\q od

upon [ of which upon [the] walls I leaped]; upon it I shall not

cpsiaojiai od yap s\j/SDad|ir|v pfjjiaxa dyia 6sod jiod

spare; [ not for I lied] about [ sayings [the] holy] of my God.

n+ tic; yap jiod rj ia%vq 6xi D7C0|isvcb r| tic; jiod

For what [is] my strength, that I remain? or what [is] my

o ypovoq 0Tl avs%sxa( [iov r\ \\fv%r\ u + \n\ ia%vq

time, that [ endures my soul]? Is [ [the] strength

AiBoov T| ia%vq jiod r\ ai odpKsc; jiod sicri %dA,Ksiai u+ r\

of stones my strength]? or [ my flesh [members] are] of brass? Or

odk 87i ' auxcb S7C87co(68iv PofjGsia 5s an s|iod

not upon him to yield? but help [ from me

a7csaxr| h+ a7csi7cax6 |is sksoq S7noK07rfj 5s KopioD

was departed]; [ [is] forbidden me mercy]; and [the] visit of [the] LORD

D7cspsi5s |is 15+ od 7cpoas(56v jis oi aSsAxpoi jiod

overlooked me. [ looked not at me My brothers];

cba7csp xsijidppoDc; skA,s(7ccdv r\ cba7csp KDjia

[ as if a rushing stream dissipating or as if a wave

7tapfjAi)6v |is i6+ oixivsc; |is SisdAxxPowco vdv

they went by me]. The ones who revered me, now

S7ci7CS7i;TcbKaa( jiod cba7i;sp %icbv r| KptiaxaAAxx;

fall upon me as if snow or ice

7tS7rr|ycbc; i? + KaGcbq xaKsiaa Gspjirjc; ysvojisvrjc;

banked up, [and] as [the] melting away [of heat by [the] coming],

odk 87csyvcbo6r| 07cod r|v i8+ odxcdc; Kaycb KaxsXsicpGrjv

it was not recognized of where it was. So I also was left

D7c6 7cdvTCDV a7ccoA,6|ir|v 5s Kai s^oikoc; sysvojirjv 19+

by all; and I am destroyed, and [ homeless I became].

(5sxs odovq 0ai|iavcbv axpa7C0Dc; SaPcbv 01

Behold [the] ways of the Temanites, [ [the] short cuts of [the] Sabaeans O ones

Siopcbvxsc; 20+ Kai aia%Dvr|v ocpsiArjaoDaiv 01 S7U

seeing clearly]. And for shame they shall owe — the ones in

7c6Xsai Kai %pf||iaai 7cs7i;oi96xsc; 2 i+axdp5s Kai djisic;

cities and [the] things relied upon [there]. But nevertheless, even you



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

18 - Job
S7i8pr|T8 (ioi av8A,sr||i6vco(; cbaxs iSovxsc; to sjiov

mounted against me mercilessly; so that beholding my

xpm3|ia (popfjGrjxs 22 + xiyap jifjii ujidc; fjxrjaa r|

wound you are fearful. For what— [anything of you did I ask], or

xrjc;7cap' djicov io%x&gt;oq emSeojiai 23+ cbaxs acoaai |is

[ from you strength do I want], so as to deliver me

e%6pcov T| 8K X 8l Poc; 5i)vaaxcov ptiaaaGai |is

from enemies, or [ from out of [the] hand of mighty ones to rescue me]?

24+ 5i8d^ai8 (is sycb 8s Kcocpsuaco 8ixi 7ce7cA,dvr||iai

Teach me, and I will be silent! If in anything I have wandered,

cppdaaxe jioi 25+ akX' coc; soiks (pavXa aAx|0ivoi)

expound tome! But as it seems, [ [are] vile of a true [man]

pfjjiaxa od yap 7cap' u|icbv ia%vv aixoujiai 2 6+ oi)8e

[the] words]; [not for from you strength I do ask]. Nor

o zksyxoq djicov pfjiiaoi |is navasi ou5e yap

will your reproof [ my words cause me to cease]; for neither

djicov (pBsyjia pfjjiaxoc; ave^ojiai 27+ 7cAx|v 6x1 S7i'

your utterance of a word will I endure. Besides that, [ upon

OpcpaVCO 871171171X8X8 SVdAlsaBs 88 S7U (piXcO DJICOV 28 +

an orphan you fall], and you assail against your friend.

vdvi 8s siap^syac; etc; 7cp6aco7ca djicov od \j/si&gt;ao|iai

But now, having looked into your faces, I will not lie.

29+ raGiaaxe 8r| Kai jnr| evrj dSiKov Kai nakiv

Sit indeed, and may there not be [anything] unjust, and again

xco SiKaico &lt;yovsp%£a0£ 30+ od yap saxiv sv

[ with the just come together] ! [ no For there is on

yAxoaorj jiod d8iKov r| ov%i o Xdpvy^ jiou jie^sxd

my tongue unjust [thing]]; or, does not my throat meditate on


7 T

1+ 7t6xspov ov%i 7C8ipaxf|pi6v saxiv o fiioq av6pcb7C0D

In either way [ not a trial is the existence of man

£7U xrjc; yr\q Kai cba7cep jiiaGioi) ai)9r||iepivoi)

upon the earth], and [ as hireling [the] daily

T| ^cofj avTOV 2+ T| cba7C8p 6spd7i;cov 5s5oikcoc;

his life], or as an attendant in awe

xov Kopiov avTOV Kai xsxsd%coc; aKidq r\ champ

of his master, and attaining for shade; or as if


7 T ev tootco + vuca 1 8 - Job

jiiaGcoToq avajisvoav xov jiioGov oidxod 3 + odxooc; Kaycb

a hireling awaiting his wage? So I also

D7i8|isiva [ir\vaq ksvodc; vdkxsc; 8s oSdvcdv 8s8o|isvai

waited months in vain; and nights of griefs [ given

jioi siaiv 4+ sdv Koi|ir|6cb Aiyco rcoxs r\ rjjispa

tome are]. When I should go to bed, I say, When [will it be] the day?

coc;8' av avaaxcb 7tdAav rcoxs sa7ispa 7iArjpr|c;

and whenever I rise up, again [I say], When [will it be] evening? [ full

8s yivojiai oSdvoqv ait' saitzpaq scoc; 7ipcoi 5+ qropsxai

And I am] of griefs, from evening unto morning. [ is befouled

5s jiod to acbjia sv aa7ip(a aKcoXfjKcov xfjKco 8s

And my body] in rottenness of worms, and I melt away

PcoXaKac; yrjc; arco i%(bpoq ^dcdv 6+ 08s ptoc; jiod

[with] clods of earth [of pus scraping]. And my existence

saxiv sAxxcppoxspoc; XaXiaq anoXcoXz 8s sv Ksvfj sAm8i

is lighter than speech, and has perished in vain hope.

7+ |ivfja6r|Ti odv 6x1 7rvsD|id jiod r\ Cf$r\ Kai odk sxi

Remember then that my breath is life; and no longer

S7iavsA,SDasxai ocpBaXjioq jiod i8s(v ayaBov 8 +

shall [ return back my eye] to behold good.

od 7ispipA,s\j/STai 0(pdak[i6q opcbvxoq |is

[ shall not look round about [The] eye of [the] one seeing me];

01 oq)0aX|ioi aoi) sv sjioi Kai odk sti sijii 9 + cba7isp

your eyes [are] on me, and I am not. [I am] as

vscpoc; a7ioKa0ap0sv an ODpavoD sdv yap dv6p(j07roc;

a cloud being cleared away from [the] heaven; for if a man

Kaxapfj sic; d8r|v odk sti od |ir| avapfj 10+ od8'

should go down into Hades, no longer in any way should he ascend; [and] neither

od jiTj S7riaxps\j/r| sic; xov (8iov oikov od8' od [ir\

in any way shall he return unto [his] own house, nor [ in any way


shall recognize him any more his place]. Nevertheless then,

od8s sycb cpsiaojiai xoo axojiaxi |iod AxxAxjaoo sv

nor will I spare my mouth; I will speak [ in

avdyKTj gov tod 7rvsD|iax6c; jiod avoi^co 7iiKpia

distress being] of my spirit; I will open [the] bitterness

\\fv%r\q [iov ctdvs%6|isvoc; 12+ rcoxspov daXaaaa sijii r|

of my soul being held in. Is it that I am a sea or

SpdKoov on Kaxsxa^ac; S7i' sjis (pDlaKfjv 13+ si7ia 6x1

a dragon, that you delegated [ over me a guard]? I said that

8 n sv tootco + vtica 1 8 - Job

7iapaKaAiasi |is r| KAivrj jiod avoiaco 8e npoq ejiaDxov

[ shall comfort me my bed], and I shall offer to myself

181a Xoyov tt] koittj jiod i4+ SKcpoPefc; |is svvizvioiq Kai

my own word in my bed. You frighten me [with] dreams, and

sv opdjiaai jis Kaxa7rAr|aa8ic; 15+ anaXXd^siq and

with visions you strike terror in me. You will dismiss [ from

7W£D|iax6c; jiod xrjv \\fv%r\v jiod anb 8e GavdxoD

my spirit my soul], [ from and death

xa oaxd jiod 16+ od yap sic; xov aicbva ^fjaojiai (va

my bones]. [not For into the eon I shall live], that

|iaKpo6D|ifja&lt;D a7i6axa an sjiod Ksvoq yap |iod

I should patiently wait. Depart from me, [ [is] empty for my

0 fiioq 17+ xi yap eaxiv dv0pcD7roc; 6x1 sjisyd^Dvac;

livelihood] ! For what is man that you magnified

avTOV T| 6x1 7ipoae%sic; xov vodv eic; ai)xov is+ r|

him? or that you heed the mind in him? Or

87riaK07rfjv aDxoD 7ioif|&lt;xr| scoq xo7ipcoi Kai sic;

[ him a visit will you make] until the morning; and [ for

avd7iai)aiv aDxov Kpivefc; 19 + scoq xivoq odk edc; jie

rest shall you judge him]? For how long do you not allow me,

od8s 7ipoir| |i8 eooc; av Kaxa7i(co xov 7txdsX6v |iod

nor let me go, until whenever I should swallow down my spittle

sv o8dvt| 20+ si sycb fjjiapxov xi Stivajiai aoi

in grief? If I sinned, how am I able [ against you

7ipd^ai o S7uaxd|i£voc; xov vodv xcov av6pcb7rcDV

to act out], O one having knowledge of the mind of men?

8iax( s9od |i8 KaxsvxsDKxfjv aoi) eijii 8s 87ii aoi

Why did you establish me as your accuser, and I am [ unto you

cpopxiov 21 + Kai 8iaxi odk 87ioifjaco xrjc; avojiiaq jiod

a load]? And why did you not appoint of my lawlessness

AxjGrjv Kai KaGapiajiov xrjc; ajiapxiac; |iod vdvi 8s

to forgetfulness, and [for] a cleansing of my sin? But now

sic; yrjv a7i8A,SDao|iai opBpi^cov 8e odksxi sijii

into [the] earth I shall go forth, [ for rising early and no longer lam].

8 n

1 + D7roA,aPcbv 8s BaX8d8 o £aD%(xr|c; Xeyei 2+

And undertaking, Baldad the Shuhite, says,

jisxpixivoq Xah^aziq xaDxa 7W8D|ia 7ioA,Dpr||iov

Till when shall you speak these [things] [ spirit by a talkative]


8 n ev tootco + vtica 1 8 - Job

tod axojiaxoc; aoD 3+ jnr| o Kopioc; aSucqasi Kpivcov r|

of your mouth? Will the LORD transgress judging? or

0 xa 7idvxa noir\aaq xapd^si to Sfcaiov 4 + si

the one making all [things] disturb the just? If

01 dioi ood fjiiapTOV svavxiov avzov a7rsaxsiXsv sv

your sons sin before him, he sent [them away] in

%sip( avojiiaq aoTcbv 5 + aD 8s opGpi^s npoq rcopiov

hand [because] of their lawlessness. But you, rise early to [the] LORD

7iavTOKp&amp;Topa Ssojisvoc; 6 + si KaGapoq si Kai aAxjGivoc;

almighty beseeching [him] ! If you are pure and true,

Ssfjasooc; S7iaK0Dasxa( aoi) a7ioKaxaaxf|asi 8s aoi

[ supplication he will heed your], and he will restore to you

8(aixav 5iKaioawr|c; 7 + saxai odv xa jisv 7ipcbxd aoi)

[the] habitation of righteousness. It will be then that as your first

oAiya xa 8s sa%ax&amp; aoi) a|x60rjxa 8 +

[shall be] little, yet your last [will be] an untold [amount].

S7ispcbxr|aov yap ysvsdv 7ipcbxr|v s^i%v(aaov 8s Kaxd

For ask [ generation [the] first], and trace according to

ysvoq 7iaxspcov 9+ xGi^oi yap sajisv Kai odk

[the] race of [the] fathers! [of yesterday For we are], and have not

o(8a|isv aKid yap r||icbv saxiv o fiioq sm xrjc; yr\q 10 +

known; [ a shadow for our is existence upon the earth];

T| odx odxoi as 8i8d^oi)ai Kai avayysXoDai Kai sk

shall these not teach you, and announce [to you], and from out of

Kap8(aq s^d^oDai pfjjiaxa 11+ (irj 0dAA,si nanvpoq

[the] heart lead forth sayings? Does [ flourish papyrus]

dvsi) i)8axoc; r| D\j/co0f|asxai Podxo|iov aVSD 710X01) 12 +

without water? or shall [ rise up high [the] flowering rush] without drinking?

sxi ov S7U pi^rjc; Kai od jlit| GspiaGfj 7ipo xod 7iis(v

Yet being upon [the] root, and in no way harvested, [ before the drinking

7idaa Poxdvrj od%( ^r|pav0f|asxai 13+ odxcdc; xoivdv

of all pasturage shall it not be dried]? So therefore

saxai xa sa%axa 7idvxcov xcov S7iiA,av6avo(isvcov xod

will it be for the last of all the ones forgetting the

KDpioD sAmcjyap aaspotic; a7ioA,s(xai u+ aoiKqxoc; yap

LORD; for [the] hope of [the] impious shall perish. [ uninhabited For

aDxoD saxai o oikoc; cdc; apdxvrj 8s aDxoD

his will be house], [ as for a spider and his

a7iopfjasxai r| aKTjvfi 15 + sdv D7isps(ar|

will turn out to be tent]. If one should overlook

8V TOUT© + VtKd

18 - Job

xrjv oiKiav aDxoD od |ir| axrj 7i8pi5pa^a|i8voi) 8s

his house, in no way shall it stand; and grasping

avTOV od |ir| D7io|isivr| i6+ vypoq yap saxiv D7i6 rjAioD

it, in no way shall it remain. [ wet For it is] under [the] sun,

Kai sk aoOTpiac; aDxoD o pdSajivoc; aDxoD s^sXstiasxai

and [out of his rottenness his tender branch shall come forth].

17+8711 aDvaycoyfiv AiGoov Koijidxai sv 8s jisaco

Upon a gathering of stones he goes to bed, and in [the] midst

XaAiKcov ^fjasxai i8+s&amp;v8e Kaxa7i(r| o Tonoq

of gravel he shall live. And if [ should swallow him the place],

\j/SDasxai ai)xov OD%scbpaKac; xoiatixa 19+ 6x1

it shall lie to him, [saying], [Have] you not seen such [a thing]? For

Kaxaaxpocpfj aaspotic; xoiaDxrj sk 8s yrjc; aXkov

[the] undoing of [the] impious [is] such, and from out of [the] earth another

avapXaaxfjasi 20+ o yap Kopioc; od jjt| a7i07roifjar|xai

shall sprout up. For [the] LORD in no way will undo

xov dKaKov 7iav 8s 8cbpov aaspotic; od Ss^sxai 21 +

the guileless, and every gift of [the] impious he will not receive.

aAxjGivcbv 8s axojia s|i7iAxjasi ysAxoxoc; xa 8s

[ of [the] true ones But [the] mouth] he will fill [with] laughter, and

%s(Ar| aDxcbv s^oiioXoyfjascoq 22+ 01 8s sxOpoi aDxcbv

their lips with acknowledgment. But their enemies

svSDoovxai aioxDvrjv 8(aixa 8s aaspotic; odk soxai

shall put on shame; and [the] habitation of [the] impious will not be.

9 13
1 + D7ioA,aPcbv 8s IcoP Xsysi 2+ S7i' aArjGsiac; o(8a 6x1

And undertaking, Job says, In truth I know that

ODxcoq saxi K(£*q yap soxai Sucaioc; Ppoxoq 7iapd

it is so; for how shall there be a just mortal before

KDpico 3 + sdv yap PoDAxjxai Kpi6f|vai aDxcb od |ir|

[the] LORD? For if he should want to enter into judgment with him, in no way

D7iaK0Dar| aDxcb (va |ir| avxsi7ir| npoq sva A,6yov

shall [God] obey him, [so] that he shall not contradict with one word

aDxoD sk %\kmv 4 + aocpoq yap saxi Siavoia

of his from out of a thousand. [ wise For he is] in thought,

Kpaxaioq xs Kai jisyac; xic; aKAxjpoc; ysvojisvoq

fortified also, and great. Who [ hard being]

svavxiov aDxoD Kai sipfjvsDasv 5+ o 7iaAmcbv 6pr|

before him even made peace? The [ of old mountains]


9 Q ev tootco + vuca 1 8 - Job

Kai odk o(8aaiv o Kaxaaxpscpoov aDxd opyfj 6 + o

even do not know the one eradicating them in anger. The one

osicov TTjv vit r ODpavov 8K GsjisAicov oi 8s ctvXoi

shaking the [thing] under heaven from [its] foundations, and the columns

avTT\q aalsDovxai ?+ o Aiycov too r(km Kai odk

of it shake. The one speaking to the sun, and it does not

avaxsUsi Kaxd 8s daxpcov Kaxaacppayi^si s + o

rise; and accordingly [ [the] stars he seals up]. The one

Tavvaaq xov ODpavov jiovoc; Kai 7rspuraxcbv coq S7i'

stretching the heaven alone, and walking [ as upon

sS&amp;cpoDc; S7U dakaaar\q 9 + o 7ioicbv IRsidSa Kai

a floor upon [the] sea]. The one making Pleiades and

'Ea7ispov Kai ApKxoDpov Kai xajisia voxod 10+ o

Hesperus and Arcturus, and [the] chambers of [the] south. The one

7roicbv jisyd^a Kai avs^i%viaaxa svSo^d xs Kai

doing great and untraceable [things]; honorable also, and

s^aiaia gov odk saxiv apiGjioq n+ sdv D7ispPf|

extraordinary [things] which there is no number. If he should pass over

|is od (ir| i8co Kai sdv 7iapsX0r| jis od8' cdc;

me, in no way shall I behold [it]; and if he should go by me, neither [thus]

syvcov 12+ sdv a7iaAAxx^r| xic; a7ioaxps\j/si r| xic; spsi

I knew [it]. If he dismisses, who returns? or who shall say

ai)xcb xi S7iorr|aac; 13+0 Gsoc; od ava7i6axps7ixoc; r|

to him, What did you do? God [will] not turn away the

opyfj U7i' avTOV 8s SKd|i(p6r|aav Kfjxrj xai)7i'

anger, [ under him but were bent [the] whales under

ODpavov 14 + sdv 8s jiod D7iaK0Dasxai r| SiaKpivsi

heaven]. But then should he obey me, or shall he litigate

xa pfjjiaxd jiod 15+sdvxs yap Sucaioc; co

my things? [ even if For just I should be]

odk siaaKODasxai jiod xod Kpijiaxoc; aDxoD 8sr|6f|ao|iai

shall he listen not to me? his equity I will beseech.

i6+sdv8s Ka^saco Kai D7iaK0Dar| od 7iiaxsDco 6x1

And if I should call and he should hearken, I do not trust that

SiaaKTjKOS (IOD XTjq (pCDVfiq 17+ |IT| yVOCpOO |IS SKXp(\j/T|

he has listened to my voice. [not by dimness He should obliterate me];

KoXka 8s jiod xa aDvxpijijiaxa 7iS7ro(r|Ks SiaKsvfjc; 18 +

but many of my bruises he has made without cause.

odk sd yap (is ava7ivsDaai svs7iAr|as 8s |is

[ not he allows For me] to breathe, and he filled me


9 Q ev tootco + vuca 1 8 - Job

7iiKpiac; 19+ on jisv yap ia%m Kpaxei tic; odv

[with] bitterness. For indeed by strength he prevails; who then

Kpijiaxi avTOV avTiaTfjasTai 20 + sdv 5s co Sdcaioc;

[his judgment shall oppose]? For if I might be just,

to &lt;xc6|ia jiod aaspfjoei e&amp;v 5s co d|is|i7n;oc;

my mouth will be impious; and though I might be blameless,

okoAioc; a7iopfjao|iai 21 + sits yap rjasprjaa odk o(5a tt|

[perverse I shall turn out]. For whether I was impious, I do not know [in]

\jn)%f| 7iAx|v acpaipsiTai jiod rj ^cofj 2+ rcoTspov od%( o

soul; besides, [ is removed from me life]. Is it not the


LORD [that] is the one teaching understanding and higher knowledge?

ti yap jis^si tco KDpico sdv ai) fjoBa toic; spyoic;

For what does it concern the LORD if you were [ in works

d|is|i7iTO(; r| cocpsXsia 6ti a7iA,cbar|c; tt|v o56v aoi) 4 + r|

blameless], or [what] benefit that you simplify your way? or

Xoyov aoi) 7toiot3|isvo(; sAiy^si as Kai

[ your word making] will he reprove you? and

&lt;yovsiosA,si)asTai aoi sic; Kpiaiv 5+ rcoTspov ov% r\

will he enter together with you for judgment? Is it not [that]

KaKia aoi) sari noXkr] avap(6|xr|TOi 5s aoi) siaiv

your evil is much, [ innumerable and your are

ai ajiapTiai

6 + rjvsxtipa^sc; 5s todc; aSsAxpouc; aoi) SiaKsvfjc; ajicpiaaiv

And you took security of your brethren without cause, [clothing

5s yDjivcbv acpsi^oi) 7+ od5s i35cop 5i\j/cbvTac;

and of [the] naked you removed]. Nor [water for [the] thirsting

S7iOTiaac; aXka 7isivcbvTC0v saTsprjaac; \j/co|i6v 8 +

did you give to drink], and [ of ones hungering you deprived a morsel].

s6ai3|iaaac; 5s tivcov 7ip6aco7ia coKiaaq 5s 7rcco%oi3c; S7U

And you admired [the] faces of some; you resettled [the] poor upon

Tr\q yr\q 9+ %rjpac; 5s s^arcsaTSiXac; Ksvdc; optpavotic;

the earth; [ widows and you sent out] empty, [ on orphans

5s SKdKcoaaq 10+ Toiyapow sicoKXcoadv as 7iay(5sc;

and you inflicted evil]. Accordingly [encircled you snares],

Kai sa7ioi)5aas as noXs^ioq s^aiaioc; n+ to tpcoc; aoi

and [hurried you war an extraordinary]. The light [for you

aKOToq a7ispr| Koi|ir|0svTa 5s i)5cop as SKdA,i)\j/s 12 +

darkness resulted in]; and in going to sleep water covered you.


9 0 sv tootco + vuca 1 8 - Job

(ir| ov%i o xa v\\fr\ko vaicov scpopd Tovq 8s i&gt;Ppsi

Is it not that the one [ the high [places] inhabiting] inspects? [ the ones and

cpspojisvouq 8Ta7rs(vcoas 13+ Kai sbiaq xi syvoo o

bearing he humbled]? And you said, What [does] [ know the

ia%vpoq T| Kaxd xod yvocpou Kpivsi h+ vscpsAxj

mighty one]? or [in the dark does he judge]? A cloud

a7ioKpu(pf| ovtov Kai ov% opaGfjasxai Kai yopov

[is] his concealment, and he shall not be seen; and [the] curve

ODpavcm 5ia7ropsi)sxai 15+ jitj xptpov aicbviov (pvkd^siq

of heaven he travels over. [not road [the] eternal Will you guard]

Tjv S7idxr|aav dvSpsc; d5iK0i 16+ 01 ai)vsAx|(p6r|aav

which [ trod men unjust]? The ones who were seized

dcopoi 7ioxa|i6c; S7rippscov 01 GsjisXioi ai)xcbv 17+01

untimely [are as] a river overflowing their foundations. The ones

Aiyovxsc; Kopioc; xi 7iorfjasi r\[iiv r\ xi S7id^sxai

saying, [The] LORD, what will he do to us? or what will [ bring upon

r\[iiv o 7iavxoKpdxcop i 8 +oc;8s svs7iAx|as

us the almighty]? And [he is the one] who filled up

Tovq oikodc; auxcbv ayaGcbv PodAt| 8s aaspcbv

their houses with good [things]; but [the] counsel of [the] impious

7i6ppco olvtov 19+ iSovxsc; Sfxaioi syslaaav

is at a distance from him. In beholding, [the] just laugh;

d|is|i7rxoc; 5s sjiDKxfjpiasv auxotic; 20 + si jlit| rjcpaviaGrj

and the blameless one sneers at them. Except [ vanished

T| vnoGTOGiq auxcbv Kai xo KaxdA,si|i|ia auxcbv

their support], and [ their vestige

Kaxacpdysxai nvp 21 + ysvou 8r| oKAxjpoc; sdv i)7io|is(vr|(;

shall devour fire]. Become firm indeed! if you should remain,

sixa o Kap7i6c; gov saxai sv ayaGoiq 22 + skAxxPs 8s

so that your fruit will be for good [things]. And take

sk axojiaxoc; olvtov s^qyopiav Kai avdXaPs

[ from out of his mouth an utterance] ! and take up

xa pfjjiaxa olvtov sv Kap8ia gov 23+sdv8s S7uaxpa(pfjc;

his sayings in your heart! And if you should turn

Kai xa7rsivd)Gr|c; asauxov svavxi Kopioi) 7i6ppco

and humble yourself before [the] LORD, [ to be a distance

S7rovr|aac; onb 8ia(xr|c; gov d8iKov 24+ Gfjarj S7U

[then] you made from your habitation wrongdoing]. You shall put upon

Xcbjiaxi sv 7isxpa Kai coq rcsxpa %si|idppoi) ^cpsip

an embankment in rock, even as a rock of a rushing stream of Ophir.


10 30

8V TOUT© + VlKa

18 - Job

25+ saxai odv aoi) o 7ravxoKpaxcop PorjGoc; arco

[ will be Then your the almighty] helper from

s%6pcbv KaGapov 5s a7io8cbasi as cba7isp apyupiov

[the] enemies, [ clean and he will render you] as [ silver

7rs7ri)pco|isvov 2 6+ sixa 7iappr|aiaa6f|ar| svavxi Kopioi)

purified]. So then, you shall speak openly before [the] LORD,

avapXsyac; sic; xov oupavov ikapcbq n+ si)^a|isvou 8s

looking up into the heaven happily. [ vowing And

aoi) 7ipoc; auxov siaaKouasxai aoi) 8cbasi 8s aoi

of your] to him, he will listen to you; and he will give to you

a7io8oi)vai xac; si)%ac; 28 + a7ioKaxaaxf|asi 8s aoi 8(aixav

[power] to render the vows. And he will restore to you a habitation

SiKaioawqq S7i( 8s 0801c; aoi) saxai cpsyyoq 29 + oxi

of righteousness, and upon your ways will be brightness. For

sxa7T8ivcoa8v sauxov Kai spsic; D7ispr|(pavsi)aaxo Kai

one humbled himself; and you shall say, He is prideful, but

Kocpovxa xoic; ocpGa^jiofc; acbasi 30 + puasxai

[the] one having downcast eyes, he shall deliver. He shall rescue

aGcbov Kai 8iaacb6r|xi sv KaBapaic; %spa( aoi)

[the] innocent; but be delivered in [cleanness of hands your]!

10 3D

1 + D7ioA,aPcbv 8s IcoP Xsysi 2+ Kai 8r| o(8a 6x1 sk

And undertaking Job says, For indeed I know that [ out of

Xsipoc; (iod r| sXsy^ic; jiod saxi Kai rj %sip auxou Papsia

my hand my rebuke is]; and his hand [heavy

ysyovsv S7i' sjicb axevayjicb 3+xiq8' dpa yvovq 6x1

has become] over my moaning. But who is it that may know that

stipoijii auxov Kai sA£oi|ii sic; zskoq 4 +

I might find him, and [that] I might come to [the] end [of the matter]?

8i7ioi|ii 8s sjiauxoi) Kpijia xo 8s axojia jiod s|i7iAx|acD

And I might speak [ for myself judgment], and [with] my mouth I shall fill up

sXsyxoov 5 + yvovqv 8s (ajia a jioi spsi

reproofs. And [then] I may know [the] cure which he shall speak to me,

aia9o(|ir|v 8e xiva jioi a7iayysXs( 6 + Kai si sv nohXf[

and [then] I may perceive what he shall report to me. And if in much

ia%m S7rsA,si)asxai jioi sixa sv a7isiXf| jioi ou

strength he shall come upon me, so then [ with intimidation me he shall not

Xpfjasxai 7+ aAxjGsiayap Kai sA,sy%oc; 7iap' ai)xoi3

treat]. For truth and reproof are from him;


11 73


18 - Job
s^ayayoi 8s sic; zskoq jiou to Kpijia s + sic; yap 7ipcbxa

and may he bring [unto my end equity]. For at first

7iop8T3ao|iai Kai ouksxi si|i( xa 8s S7i' sa%dxoic; xi

I shall go, and no longer am I; and the [things] of [the] latter end, what

o(8a 9+ apiaxspd 7roifjaavxoc; avzov ov Kaxso%ov

do I know? [ [with the] left hand In his acting], I cannot hold back;

7ispiPaA,s( 8s^i&amp; Kai ouKo\j/o|iai io+ o(8syap fj8r|

he covers [the] right [hand], and I shall not see it. For he knows [ already

o86v (iod SisKpivs (is cbo7isp xo %pvaiov n +

my way]; he examined me as the gold.

s^sXsuaojiai 8s sv svxd^jiaaiv avzov odovq yap avzov

And I shall go forth in his precepts, [ ways for his]

EipvXa^a Kai od |ir| skk^ivco anb svxaXjidxcov amox&gt;

I kept; and in no way shall I turn aside from his precepts;

12 + Kai od |ir| 7iapsX6co sv 8s koAjtcd jiod SKpi)\j/a

and in no way shall I pass [by them]; and in my bosom I hid

xa pfjjiaxa ai)xoi3 n + si 8s Kai avzoq SKpivsv otixcoc; xic;

his sayings. But if even he judged thus, who

saxiv o avxsurcbv auxcb o yap auxoc; r|9sAr|as Kai

is the one contradicting him; for he wanted and

S7io(r|as H+ 8id xotixo S7i' auxcb sa7ioi38aKa

did. On account of this, [ unto him I have hastened];

vodGsxoujisvoc; 8s scppovxioa avzov 15+ S7II XODXCO

and being admonished, I thought of him. Over this

arco 7ipoaco7roD avzov Kaxaa7iou8aa6cb Kaxavofjaco Kai

[ his face I should take] seriously; I shall contemplate and

7rxor|6fjao|iai s§ avzov i6+Kopioc;8s sjiaAxxKovs

shall be terrified of him. But [the] LORD softened

xrjv KapSiav jiod o 8s 7ravxoKpdxcop sa7ioi)8aas |is n +

my heart, and the almighty hastened me.

od yap fj8siv 6xi S7isA,si)asxai jioi ctkoxoc; 7ipo

[ not For I knew] that [ shall come upon me darkness]; [ before

7ipoaco7roD 8s jiod SKd?u)\j/s yvocpoq

face and my covered dimness].

II 73

i+8iax(8s Kopiov odk sla0ov copai 2+aosPs(c;8s

And why did [ [by the] LORD not escape notice [the] seasons]? And [the] impious

opiov D7ispsPr|aav 7io(|iviov auv 7ioi|isvi ap7idaavxsc;

[ [the] border passed over], [ a flock with shepherd seizing].


11 73

ev tootco + viKa

18 - Job

3+ D7io£6yiov 8s opcpavcbv a7ifjyayov Kai Podv %T\paq

[ a beast of burden And] of orphans they took away, and oxen of widows

r|vs%Dpaoav 4 + s^sicAivav aSDvaxoDc; s^ o8od SiKaiac;

for security. They turned aside [the] disabled from [way [the] just];

O|io0i)|ia86v £Kpi&gt;Pr|oav 7ipas(c; yr\q 5 + a7ispr|aav 8s

with one accord [ was hidden [the] gentle of [the] earth]. And they resulted

cba7i8p ovoi sv aypcb D7isp sjiod s^sAi)6vxsc; xrjv

as if donkeys in [the] field [ for me going forth] on

eauxcbv 7ipd^iv rjSwGrj aDxcbv apxoc; sic; vsooxspoDc; 6 +

their own action; [ is delicious their bread for [the] young].

aypov 7ipo cbpaq odk aDxcbv ovxa sGspiaav

[ a field before [its] season not being their own They harvested];

aStivaxoi 8e a|i7isAxbvac; aaspcbv ajiiaGi Kai aaixoi

and [the] disabled [ [the] vineyards of [the] impious without pay and without

eipy&amp;aavxo ?+ yv^ivovq noXXovq SKoijiioav &amp;vsd

worked]. [naked many They rested] without

ijiaxicov ajiqnaaiv 8s \\fv%r\q auxcbv acpsi^avxo 8 + goto

clothes; [clothing and [necessary for] their life they removed]. From

\j/sk&amp;8cdv opsoov Dypaivovxai 7iapa xo jirj s^siv

[the] mists of [the] mountains they are wetted; from [ not holding

auxok; aKS7ir|v rcsxpav 7ispisPaXovxo 9 + fjp7iaaav

to them protection] [ [with] rock they covered themselves]. They seized

opcpavov goto jiaaxoD SK7iS7ixcDK6xa 8s 8xa7isivcoaav

[the] orphan from [the] breast, [ the one falling off and they humbled].

io+ yv[ivovq 8s 8Ko(|iioav aSiKcoq 7tsivg)vx&lt;jqv 8s xov

And of naked ones they rested wrongfully, and of ones hungering [ the

\j/co|i6v acpsiAxxvxo n+ ev axsvofc; aSiKcoq evfjSpeuaav

morsel they removed]. In narrows they wrongly lie in wait;

o86v 8s 8iKa(av odk fjSeiaav n + oi 8K noXzcoq Kai

and [the] way of [the] just they knew not. [The] ones from [the] city and

oikcov i8(cov s^eP&amp;Ax)vxo \\fv%r\ 8s vr|7ricov

[ houses [the] ones of their own] they cast out; and [the] soul of [the] infants

saxsva^s jisya 13+ auxoc; 8s 8iaxi xodxcdv S7iiaK07if|v

moaned greatly. [ did he But why these in overseeing]

ou 7iS7rovr|xai S7U yr\q ovxcov auxcbv Kai odk

not act [ upon [the] earth in their being]? and they did not

S7isyvcoaav o86v 8s SiKaioawqc; odk fjSsiaav od8s

recognize, and [the] way of righteousness they knew not, nor

axparcoDc; aDxcbv S7iopsD9r|aav u + yvoDc; 8s aDxcbv

[ by their short-cuts were gone]. But knowing their


11 73


18 - Job

xa spya 7iaps5coKsv aDxotic; sic; ctkoxoc; Kai vdkxoc;

works he delivered them unto darkness; and night

saxai cdc; Kks7iTr\q 15+ Kai ocpGaXjioc; jioi%od sqroAxx^s

will be as a thief. And [the] eye of [the] adulterer watched

ctkoxoc; Aiycov od 7ipovofjasi |is ocpGa^jioq Kai

for [the] darkness, saying, [ will not think of me beforehand [The] eye]; and

a7TOKpi)Pf|v 7ipoacb7roD sGsxo i 6 + SicbpD^sv ev ctkoxsi

[ a concealment [for his] face he put]. [ he dug through In darkness]

oiKiaq rjjiepac; sacppdyiaav saDxotic; odk s7csyvcDaav

houses; by day they seal up themselves. they do not know

cpcoc; 17+ 6x1 O|io0i)|ia86v aoxok; xo7rpcoi aKid

[the] light. For with one accord to them in the morning [is the] shadow

GavdxoD 6x1 87iiyvcbasxai xapa%dc; aKidc; GavdxoD

of death; for [each] shall realize [the] disturbances of [the] shadow of death.

18+ slacppoc; saxiv S7U 7ip6aco7rov DSaxoc; KaxapaGsvq

He is light upon [the] face of [the] water; may [ be cursed

T| jispic; oDxcbv em yrjc; avacpavsvrj 5s xa cpDxd aDxcbv

their portion] upon [the] earth; [ may appear and their plants

19+ em yrjc; ^rjpd ayraAiSayap opcpavcbv fjp7taaav

upon [the] earth dry]; for armfuls of orphans they seized by force.
20+ six' av8|ivf|a0r| aDxoD r\ ajiapxia cba7csp 8s o[d%hr[

So then [ is called to mind his sin], and as fog

5p6aoi) acpavfjc; sysvsxo a7co8o6svr| 8s aDxcb a

of dew [vanishes he]; and may it be recompensed to him what

S7cpa^s ai)vxpips(r| 8s naq dSiKoc; (aa ^dXcd

he acted; [ may be destroyed and every unjust one] equally [ wood

avidxco 21+ axsipavyap odk sd S7covr|as Kai

as incurable [rotten]]. For [the] sterile woman [ not well he did do], and

ytivaiov odk rjAirjas 22+9d(ico8s Kaxsaxps\j/sv

[on the] helpless woman he did not show mercy. And in rage he overturned

aSDvdxoDc; avaaxdc; xoiyapoDV od jlit| 7ciaxsDar| Kaxd

[the] disabled; [in rising up accordingly], in no way shall he trust in

xrjc; saDxoD Cfti^q 23 + jia^aKiaBsic; |ir| sAjti^sxcd

his own life. In being infirm, let him not hope

DyiaaGfjvai akXa 7tsosixai vooco 24 + noXkovq yap

to be healed! but he shall fall in disease. [ many For

SKdKcoas xo D\j/oo|ia aDxoD sjiapdvGrj 8s cba7csp |ioX6%r|

afflicted his arrogance]; but he withered as a mallow plant

sv KaDjiaxi T| cba7csp axd%Dc; a7co KaA,d|ir|c;

in sweltering heat, and as an ear of corn [ from [the] stubble


12 HD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

18 - Job

aDTOjiaioq a7i07rsacbv 25 + si 8s jjt| xic; saxiv o

by itself falling off]. But if not, who is the one

cpdjisvoq \j/si)5fj |is Aiysiv Kai Gfjasi sic; ouGsv

saying [falsely forme to speak], and he renders [as nothing

xa pfjjiaxd jiod

my words]?

12 ns

1 + D7roA,aPcbv 8s BaAM8 o Sauxixrjc; Xsysi 2+ xiyap

And undertaking, Baldad the Shuhite says, For what

7ipooi|iiov rj cpopoq 7iap' avzov o 7ioicbv

retort or fear is his ~ the one making

xrjv &lt;y6|jjraaav sv Dijnaxco 3 + firj yap xic; D7ioAxxpoi

all things in [the] highest? For let not any undertake [the thought]

6x1 saxi 7iapsA,Ki)aic; 7isipaxafo; S7U xivaq 8s

that there is deferment for marauders. [ upon whom And]

odk s7isA,sT3asxai svs8pa nap' auxcro 4+ 7rcoc; yap saxai

will there not come an ambush from him? For how shall [ be

SiKaioc; Ppoxoq svavxi Kopioi) rj xiq av a7ioKa6ap(aai

just a mortal] before [the] LORD? or who may cleanse

sauxov yswrjxoq ywaiKoq 5+ si asAxjvrj awcdaasi

himself born of a woman? If [ [the] moon he should order],

Kai odk s7rupai)aKsi daxpa 8s od KaGapd svavxiov

then it does not shine; and [the] stars [are] not pure before

avzov 6+sa8s dv9pco7ioc; aa7ip(a Kai vioq av0pcb7roi)

him. But alas, man [is] rottenness, and [the] son of man


a worm.

13 13
1 + imoAxxpcbv 8s loop Xsysi 2 + xwi 7ip6aKsiaai r| xivi

And undertaking, Job says, To whom do you lie near to, or to whom

jisAlsic; PorjGsiv rcoxspov ou% co noXkr] ia%vq

are you about to help? Is it not [the] one who [has] much strength,

Kai co Ppa%(cov Kpaxaioc; soxi 3 + xivi

and whose arm is fortified? By whom

oi)|ipsPcy6A£Daai ov% co 7idaa aocpia r| xivi

have you been advised, is it not to [the] one who [has] all wisdom? or to whom

S7raKoAx)i)6fjasic; ov% co jisyiaxrj Stivajiic; 4 +

will you follow after, [is it] not [the one] who [has] greatest power?


13 ID

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

18 - Job

xivi avfjyysi^ac; pfjjiaxa 7ivof| 8s xivoc; saxiv r|

To whom did you announce words? [ breath and whose] is it that

s^skQovaa sk gov 5 + [ir\ yiyavxsq |iaico0f|aovxai

comes forth from you? Shall giants act as midwife

D7TOK&amp;TCD0SV tiSaxoc; Kai xcov ysixovcov olvtov 6+ yujivoc;

from beneath [the] water, and for his neighbors? [ is naked

o a6r\q svcb7iiov auxoi) Kai odk sail 7ispip6Amov

Hades] before him, and there is no wrap-around [garment]

tt] a7icoA,sia ?+ skxsivgov Popsav S7i' ou8sv Kpsjid^cov

for destruction. He stretches out [the] north [wind] upon nothing, and hangs

yrjv S7U odSsvoc; s+ Ssojisucdv t)8oop sv

[the] earth upon nothing; binding water in

vscpsAmc; olvtov Kai odk sppdyrj vscpoq D7tok&amp;tcd

his clouds, and [ is not torn [the] cloud] underneath

ovtov 9+OKpaxcbv 7ip6aco7rov Gpovou sk7tst&amp;^cdv S7i'

it; holding back [the] front of [his] throne, spreading [ over

ovtov vscpoq ovtov io+ 7ip6axay|ia syupooasv S7U

it his cloud]. By order he made the curvature upon

7ip6aco7rov uSaxcx; jisxpi auvxsXsiac; cpcoioq jisxd

[the] face of [the] water till [the] completion of light with

gtvXoi ODpavoi) S7iSTda6r|aav Kai

darkness. [The] columns of heaven are spread out, and

s^saxrjoav arco xrjc; S7rixi|xf|as&lt;jac; ovtov n+ ia%m

are startled at his reproach. By strength

KaTS7iai)as xrjv dokoaaov S7iiaxf||ir| 8s saxpoaas to

he rested the sea, and by higher knowledge he spread forth for the

Kfjioq n + K^siGpa 8s oupavoi) 8s8oiKaaiv ovtov

whale. And [the] bolts of heaven are in awe of him;

7tpo&lt;ycdy|iaTi 8s auxoi) sGavdxcoas SpdKovxa

[ order and by his] he put to death [the] dragon

a7roaTdrr|v 14+ i8ot3 xatixa jisprj o8ot3 olvtov Kai S7U

defector. Behold, these are [the] parts of his way; and at

iKjidSa Xoyov aKODaojisGa sv auxcb aGsvoq 8s

[the] exhalation of [his] word we hearken to him; [ [the] strength and

Ppovxfjc; ovtov Tiq o(8sv 07i6xs 7ioifjasi

of his thunder who knows when he will execute]?


14 TD
8V TOOTCp + VlKa

18 - Job

14 T3

l + STl 8e 7ipoa08l(; IODp S17TS TOO 7ipOOl|IlCO 2 +

And still Job proceeded [and] said in the retort. [ lives

O Bsoq Oq OUTGO |IS K£KpiK£ Kai O 7iaVTOKpdT(J0p o

God] who thus has judged me, even the almighty, the one

7riKp&amp;V(XC; |IOD TT|V \|A)%f|V 3+Sl|iT|V 8TI TT\q 7ZVOT\q |IOD

embittering my soul; is it not yet of my breath

svcn3ar|c; izvsviia 5s 0s(ov to 7ispi6v |ioi sv pioi 4+

to be in [me], [ breath and [the] divine] remains to me in my nostrils?

|ir| Xakr\G£i Ta %zikr\ jiod dvojia oi)8e r| yv%r\ jiod

[ shall not speak My lips] lawless [things], nor [ my soul

jisXsTfjasi &amp;8iKa 5+ jjt| |K)isrr| 8iKaioi)c; v[idq

shall] meditate upon wrongdoing. May it not be to me [ as just ones you

curocpfjvai sooc; av a7ro6dv&lt;jo od yap a7iaAA,d^(jo jiod

to sentence]. Until whenever I die [ not for I will] dismiss from me

ttjv aKondav jiod 6 + 8iKaio&lt;y6vr| 8e 7ipoas%(jov od (ir|

my innocence, [ to my righteousness and taking heed] in no way

7rp6co|iai od yap crovoiSa sjiaDTcb dT07ia 7ipd^ac; 7 +

will I let it go; [not for I am fully conscious myself] [out of place of acting].

od jirjv 8s aXXa svqaav 01 exOpoi |iod cba7r8p r|

No rather, but may [ be my enemies] as the

KaTacxcpocpfj tcov aaepcbv Kai 01 87i' s|is

undoing of the impious, and the ones [ against me

S7iavioTd|isvoi cbo7isp rj a7icbA,8ia tcov 7rapavojj,oov 8 +

rising up] as the destruction of the lawbreakers.

KaiTiqyap screw shtiq aaepsi 6ti S7re%ei 7re7roi6cbc;

For what is [the] hope of [the] impious that he waits for? [ in yielding

8711 KDpiov dpa acoGfjasTai 9 + r| tt|v 8sr|aiv avzov

upon [the] LORD Is it] [that] he shall be delivered? or [ his supplication

siaaKotiaeTai o Geoc; rj s7isAi)oDar|c; avzeb avdyicqc;

will listen to God]? or [when] [ comes upon him necessity],

10+ |ir| 8%si Tivd 7iappr|aiav evavTiov avzov r\ ooc;

shall he hold any confidence before him? or as

87riKaA,8aa|i8voi) ai)TOi3 eiaaKODasTai aDTOD 11+ akXa

one calling upon him, shall he listen to him? But

8r| avayysAxb djiiv ti screw sv %eip( KDpioi)

indeed, I will announce to you what is in [the] hand of [the] LORD;

a sctti 7iapd 7iavTOKpdTopi od \j/SDoo|iai 12 +

[the things] which are by [the] almighty I shall not lie about.


14 TD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

18 - Job

i8od 7idvxsc; o(8axs 6xi Ksvd Ksvoig S7iipdAlsxs 13 +

Behold, you all know that [vanity upon vanity you put].

ami] r| jispfc; av0pco7roD aaspotic; 7iapd KopioD

This is the portion [ man of an impious] from [the] LORD,

Kxfjjia 5s 5i)vaoTcbv sA,SDasxai 7iapd 7iavxoKpdxopoc;

and the possession of mighty ones shall come from [the] almighty
S7i ' aDxotic; i4+£dv8e noXkoi ysvcovxai oiDioiaDxoD

upon them. And if [ many become his sons],

sic; acpayfjv saovxai sdv 8s Kai avSpcoBcbai

[for slaughter they will be]; and if even they should arrive at manhood

7rpoaaixf|aoDaiv 15+ 01 8s 7ispi6vxsc; aDxoD Gavdxoo

they shall beg. And the ones remaining of his [ in plague

xsA,SDxfjaoDai %r|pac; 8s aoxcbv odSsic; slsfjasi 16 +

shall come to an end]; [widows and on their no one shall show mercy].

sdv ai)vaydyr| cba7isp yrjv apytipiov (aa 8s

If he should have gathered together [ as earth silver], and equally

nr(k(b sxoi|idarj ypvaiov n + xatixa 7idvxa SiKaioi

[as mortar shall prepare gold], all these [things] [the] just

7rspuroifjaovxai xa 8s %pfj|iaxa aDxoD aAxjGivoi

shall procure, and of his [things] [the] true ones

Ka9s^oi)aiv i 8 + a7ispr| 8s o ohcoq aDxoD cba7isp

will control. [ turned out to be And his house] as if [for]

ofjxsc; Kai cba7isp apd%vr| 19+ itXovoioq KoijirjGfjasxai

a moth, and as if [for] a spider. [The] rich [man] shall sleep,

Kai od 7ipoa6fjasi ocpGaXjioDc; avzov Svqvoi^s Kai

and shall not proceed; his eyes are opened wide, and

odk saxi 20+ ai)vf|vxr|aav auxcb cba7isp i38cop aio8i3vai

he is no [longer]. [meet up with him as if water Griefs];

vdkxi 8s Dcpsi^sxo aDxov yvocpoq 21 + avaAx|\j/sxai ai)xov

and by night [takes him [the] dark]. [takes him

Katiaoov Kai a7isA,SDasxai Kai XiKjifjasi aDxov sk

A burning wind], and he shall go forth; and it shall winnow him from out of

XOD X07TOD CLVTOV 22 + Kai S7Tippi\j/Sl S7l' aDxov Kai

his place. And he shall cast upon him, and

od cpsiosxai sk X^poq avzov cpDyfj cpsD^sxai 23 +

shall not spare; [from out of his hand exile he shall flee into].
Kpoxfjasi S7i' aDxov xsipaq avzov Kai aupisi

He shall [cause man] to clap [ against him his hands], and he shall whistle at


him from out of his place.


15 rra

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

18 - Job

15 HD

i + sail yap apyi)p(co Tonoq 60sv ytvsxai x67ioc; 5s

For there is [ for silver a place] from where it exists, and a place

Xpvam 608V 5ir|0s(xai 2 + oiSrjpoc; jisvyap sk

for gold from where it is refined. [ iron For from out of

yrjc; yivsxai xahcoq 5s (aa Ai0oo Xaxojisixai 3 +

[the] earth comes], and brass equally [ [like] stone is quarried].

xd^iv s0sxo ctkoxsi Kai 7iav 7ispac; avToq

[ an order He established] for darkness, and every limit he

s^aKpiP&amp;^sxai Xidoq aKoxia Kai aKid 0avdxou 4 +

determines exactly; [ [is as] a stone darkness and [the] shadow of death].

8iaK07ifj xsijidppoi) a7io Koviac; 01 8s

[There is] a breach of [the] rushing stream from powder; and the ones

£7iiA,av0av6|isvoi o86v SiKaiav r|a0svr|aav 8K Ppoxcbv

forgetting [ way [the] just] are weakened; of mortals ~

eaaA,ei30r|aav 5+ yrj s£, auxfjc; s^s^suasxai

they are shaken. [As for the] earth, out of it shall come forth

dpxoc; D7TOKdxco avxr\q saxpdcprj coast 7rop 6+ xonoq

bread; underneath it, it was turned as fire. [ [are the] place

aa7i(p8ipoD 01 Ai0oi avTT\q Kai %cb|ia %puaiov avTT\q

of [the] sapphire Her stones]; and [ an embanlcment her gold].

7+ XpiPoq ODK 8yVC0 aVTT\V 7TSXSIVOV Kai

[There is] a road [ not knows it [the] bird]; and

od 7iapspXs\j/sv auxfjv 0(pdak[i6q yvnoq 8 + ODK

[ looked not over it [the] eye of [the] vulture], [not

S7idxr|aav auxfjv vioi akaCpvow ov 7rapf|A,0sv S7i'

trod it [the] sons of ostentatious ones]; [not went upon

avTT\q Aicov

it a lion].

9 + sv aKpoxojico s^sxsivs %s(pa avzov Kaxsaxps\j/s 5s

[ in a chiseled place He stretched forth his hand], and overturned

sk pi^cbv 6pr| io+0(vac;5s 7ioxa|icbv Sispprj^s 7iav

[by [the] roots mountains]; and [the] hill of rivers he tore up; [every

5s svxijiov s(5s |iod o o(pdak[ioq n+pd0r|5s

and valuable [thing] beheld my eye]. And [the] depths

7ioxa|icbv avsKd?u)\j/sv sSsi^s 5s avzov 5i3va|iiv sic;

of [the] rivers he uncovered, and he shows his power in

tpcoc; 12+ r| 5s aocpia 7i60sv sups0r| 71010c; 5s xotcoc;

light. But [ [is] wisdom from what place] found? and of what place


15 rra

18 - Job

sail Tr\q £7ziGTr\\ir\q i 3 +odko(5s Ppoxoc; o56v aDxfjc;

is higher knowledge? [ knows not A mortal] her way,

od5s |ir| supeGfj sv av6pcb7i;oic; u + afivaooq si7isv

in no way is she found among men. [The] abyss said,

odk saxiv sv s|io( Kai T] GdAxxoaa si7isv odk saxi

She is not in me; and the sea said, She is not

jisx' 8(iot3 i5+oi)8cba8i aDyK^siajiov avx' avTT\q Kai

with me. One shall not give an investment for her, and

od axaGfjasxai apytipiov avxaAlayjia avTT\q i 6 + Kai

shall not set silver as a bargain for her. And

od aD|iPaaxa%6fjasxai xpi)a(co Qcpsip sv 6vd%i

she shall not be compared with [the] gold of Ophir, with [ onyx

xijiico Kai aa7i(ps(pco n + odk laooGfjaexai aDxfj

valuable] and sapphire. [ shall not be equal to her

XPDcriov Kai vakoq Kai xo dAlayjia avTT\q aKSDT}

Gold and glass], nor [ [as] barter for her items

%pi)ad i8+ jisxsoopa Kai yafiiq od (ivrjaGfjasxai Kai

of gold]. Meteorites and crystal shall not be mentioned; but

sAkdctov aocpiav D7isp xa sacbxaxa i 9 + odk

draw on wisdom above the innermost [things]. [ shall not

lacoGfjasxai aDxfj xo7id^iov Ai0io7riac; xpDaioo KaGapcb

be equal to her [The] topaz of Ethiopia]; [gold pure

od aD|iPaaxa%6f|a£xai 20+ r| 5s aocpia 7i60sv

she shall not be compared with]. But concerning wisdom, from what place

SDpeBrj noioq 5s xorcoc; saxi xrjc; aDVsasooc; 21 +

shall she be found? and of what kind of place is understanding?

AiAxjGs 7idvxa dv0pco7rov Kai arco 7isxsivcbv xod

She has escaped notice of every man; and from [the] birds of the

ODpavoD SKpDprj 22+ T| a7icbA,sia Kai o Bdvaxoq si7iav

heaven she was hid. Destruction and death said,

aKrjKoajisv aDxfjc; xo Kkzoq 23+0 Gsoc; sd aDVsaxrjasv

We have heard of her fame. God [well commended

aDxfjc; xrjv o56v avzoq 5s o(5s xov xorcov aDxfjc; 24 +

her way]; and he knows her place.

aDxoqyap xr|VD7r' ODpavov 7idaav scpopd siScbq xa

For he [ under heaven inspects all [things]], knowing the [things]

sv XT] yrj 25+ 7idvxa a S7iovr|asv avsjicov axaGjiov

in the earth; all which he made, [ of [the] winds [even the] weight],

DSaxoq jisxpa 26+ 6xs S7iorr|asv odxooc; i5cbv

[ of water [and the] measures]. When he made [them], thus seeing


16 DD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

18 - Job

rjpiGjirjas Kai o56v sv TivayjiaTi cpcovfiq 2 ?+ tots

he counted [them], and [made] a way for [the] vibration of sound. Then

s(8sv ocdttjv e^rjyfjaaTO auTfjv STOijiaoac; s^i%v(aasv

he beheld it, he described it; preparing he tracked it out.

28+ 81718 88 av6pcb7icD i8ot3 r| GsoasPsia scm oocpia

And he said to man, Behold, godliness is wisdom;

to 8s a7rs%sa0ai anb KaKcbv screw S7iiaTf|jir|

and being at a distance from evils is higher knowledge.

16 133

i + sti 8s 7ipoa6sfc; leap si7is tco 7ipooi|iico 2 + tic; av

But still Job proceeding spoke the retort. O that

(is Gsvrj Kara jifjva sjurpoaGsv rjjispcbv cov (is

he might have put me according to [the] month before [the] days of which [ me

o Bsocj sqroAxx^sv 3 + coq 6ts r|i3ysi o Xvyyoq avzov wisp

God guarded]; as when [ shone his lamp] over

KscpaAxjc; jiod 6ts too cpcoTi avzov S7iopsD6jir|v sv

my head; when [ by his light I went through

cjkotsi 4+ 6t8 fjjirjv sv rjjispaic; VSOTTjTOC; JIOD OTS

darkness]; when I was in [the] days of my youth; when

O GsOCj S7liaK07rfjV S7TOISITO TOD OIKOD (101) 5+ OTS T\[IT[V

God overseeing dealt with my house; when I was

uAxbSrjc; Xiav kukAxd 8s jiou oi naidsq jiou 6 + OTS

[ flush exceedingly], and round about me [were] my children; when

s%sovto ai 0801 jiod poDTopoo Ta 8s 6pr| jiod s%sovto

[ poured forth my ways] butter, and my mountains poured forth

Y&amp;Axxkti 7+ 6ts s^S7iopsi)6|ir|v opGpioq sv 7i6Xsi sv 8s

milk; when I went forth at daybreak into [the] city, [ in and

7rA,aTs(aic; st(0st6 jiod o Sicppoc; g + iSovtsc; (is

[the] squares they placed my chair]. In beholding me,

vsaviaKoi SKptiprjaav 7ipsaPi)rai 8s 7iavTSc; sarrjaav 9 +

[the] young men hid, [ [the] old men and all] stood.

a8po( 8s S7rm3aavTO XakovvTsq SoktvXov S7ti0svtsc;

And [the] stout [men] ceased speaking, [ [their] finger placing]

S7U crcojiaTi 10+ 01 8s amocavTSc; sjiarapiaav (is Kai

to [their] mouth. And the ones hearing declared me blessed; and

yX(baaa ocdtcov too Xapuyyi avzcbv sKoHfjGrj 1 1 + OTl

their tongue [[to] their throat cleaved]. For

cotiov fjKODas Kai sji&amp;Kapias (is ocpGaXjioq 8s i8cbv

[the] ear heard, and blessed me; and [the] eye beholding


16 DD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

18 - Job

(is s^skAivs 12+ Sisaoaaayap 7ttcox6v sk X 8l P°^

me, turned aside. For I delivered [the] poor from out of [the] hand

8dv&amp;&lt;xcod Kai opcpavcb co odkt|v Por|06c;

of [the] mighty one; and [the] orphan in whom there was no helper,

sPofj0r|aa n + SD^oyia a7ioAA,D|isvoD S7i' s|is sA£oi

I helped. [ [the] blessing of the one perishing upon me May come];

oxojia 8s x^paq |is SD^oyrjos u + SiKaioawqv 8s

for [the] mouth of [the] widow blessed me. And righteousness

svs8s8dksiv r||i(piaad|ir|v 8s Kpijia (aa SmAxriSi i 5 +

I had put on, and I clothed on judgment equal to a double garment.

ocpGaA^ioc; r\[ir\v xDcptabv itovq 8s xco^cbv i 6 + sycb r\[ir\v

I was [the] eye of [the] blind, and [the] foot for [the] lame. I was

7iaTfjp (xSdv&amp;tcdv 8(kt|v 8s r|v odkt|8siv s^i%viaaa

[the] father of the disabled; [ [the] cause and which I knew not I tracked out].

17+ aDvsxpuj/a 8s [ivXaq aSiKoov sk 8s (isocov

And I broke [the] molars of unjust ones; and from out of [the] midst

xcov o86vtcov aDTcbv dp7iay|ia s^sa7iaaa i8+si7ia8s

of their teeth [ [the] prey I pulled out]. And I said,

r| rjXiKia jiod yrjpdasi cbo7isp aTsks%oq cpoiviKoq itoXvv

My stature shall grow old as [the] trunk of a palm; [ with much

Xpovov Picbaco 19+ r| pi^a SifjvoiKiai S7i( DSaxoc;

time I shall spend life]. The root was widened upon [the] water,

Kai Spoaoq aDAaoGfjosxai sv tod Gspiajicb jiod 20+

and [the] dew lodged among my harvest.

T| 86^a jiod Kaivfj jist' sjiod Kai to to^ov jiod sv

My glory [was] new with me, and my bow [ in

Xsipi clvtov 7ropsDsxai 21 + sjiod aKODaavxsc; 7ipoasa%ov

his hand went forth]. Men hearing of me took heed,

saiamrjaav 8s S7ri xr| sjifj PodAt| 22+ S7ii too sjico

and kept silent over my counsel. At my

pfjjiaxi od 7ipoas0svTO 7rspi%apsfc; 8s syivovxo orcoxav

word they proceeded not; [ overjoyed but they became] when

(xdtoic; skakovv 23 + cba7isp yr| 8uj/cbaa 7ipoo8s%o|isvr|

I spoke to them. As [the] earth thirsting, favorably receiving


the rain, so [were] these at my speech. If

ysAxxaoo npoq avzovq od jlit| 7iiaxsDacDai Kai

I should have laughed on them, in no way should they have trusted [the thing]; and

(pCDq TOD 7ipoaC07rOD |IOD ODK a7rS7ll7lTSV 25 + s^sXs^d|ir|v

[the] light of my face was not fallen away. I chose


17 "7

8V TOUT© + VtKCl
18 - Job

o86v auxcbv Kai 8K&amp;0iaa dp%&lt;jov Kai KaxsaKqvoDV

their way, and I sat [as] ruler; and I encamped

ooaei fiaaikzvq sv jiovo^cbvoic; ov xp67iov

as king among armed ones, in which manner

7ia0sivoi)c; 7iap£K&amp;Am&gt;v

[ mourners comforting].

17 7

i + vdvi 8e Kaxeys^aadv jiod eA,d%iaxoi vdv vodGsxodcti

And now [ridicule me [the] least of them]; now they admonish

|is sv jispsi cov e^ouSevouv Tovq nazspaq auxcbv ovq

me in turn ~ whom I treated [ with contempt their fathers], whom

od% r|yr|ad|ir|v sivai a^iovq kdvcov xcov ejicbv

I did not esteem to be worthy of dogs of my

vo|id5cov 2 + Kai ys ig%t3c; %eipcbv auxcbv ivaxi

grazing [flocks]. And indeed, [ [is the] strength of their hands what [profit]]

(ioi 87i ' avTOvq a7ccbA,sxo auvxsXsia 3 + sv ev8e(a Kai

to me? [ of them It was destroyed] to completion. In lack and

Aijicb dyovoq oi cpeuyovxsc; dvi)8pov sx0sc;

hunger one [is] barren, [as] the ones fleeing waterless yesterday

ovvo%r\v Kai xaA,ai7icopiav 4 + oi 7cepiKi)KAx)i)vxec;

in conflict and misery. The ones breaking off

dXijia 87ii Tj^owxi oixivec; dAijia r|v auxcbv

[the] marine plant upon [the] sounding [shore], whose marine plants were for their

xa aixa dxijioi 8s Kai 7ce(pai)A,ia|ievoi svSsek;

grain; and [were] without honor, and being treated as worthless, lacking

7tavx6c; ayaGoi) Kai oi piCfxq £pX($v sjiaaacbvxo D7c6

of every good [thing]; and the roots of trees gnawed because of

X\[iox&gt; jisydAxDD 5+ S7cavsaxr|adv jioi KXe7cxai 6+ cov

[hunger great]. [ rose up against me Thieves], whom

01 oikoi auxcbv fjaav xpcby^ai 7csxpcbv 7+ avajisaov

their houses were burrows of rocks. [ in [the] midst

si)fj%&lt;jov Pofjaovxai 01 D7c6 cppuyava dypia

of distinct [places] shall yell [the] ones who under stick [dwellings] wild

Svrjxcbvxo 8+ acppovoov moi Kai axijicov ovojia

pass life]. [ of fools [They are] sons] and [ without honor [have] a name],

Kai Kkzoq saPsajisvov a7c6 yr\q 9+ vdvi 8s KiGdpa

and fame extinguished from [the] earth. And now [ harp

sycb eijii auxcbv Kai ejis dpvXkr\[ia e%oi)aiv 10+

I am their], and [ me for a common topic they have].


1 7 b sv toi3tco + vuca 1 8 - Job

spSsAri^avxo 8s |is a7ioaxdvxsc; jiaKpdv and 8s

And they abhorred me, separating far [from me]; and from

7ipoacb7ioi) |iod odk scpskravxo 7ra3sAx)v 11+ avoi^aqyap

my face they spared not spittle. For having opened

cpapsxpav olvtov SKdKcoas |is Kai x a ^ lV0V

his quiver he afflicted me; and [ [the] bridle

tod 7ipoacb7roD jiod s^a7isaxsiA,sv 12+ S7i( Ss^icbv

of my presence sent away]. [on [the] right [hand]

P^aaxoD S7iavsaxr|aav nodaq olvtov s^sxsivsv Kai

of [their] offspring They rose up against [me]]. [ his feet He stretched out] and

co8o7ro(r|asv S7i' sjis xpipoDc; a7icoA,siac; (XDTGOV 13 +

opened against me; [with] paths of their destruction

s^sxpiprjaav xpipoi jiod s^sSdcjs yap [iov xr|v axoArjv

they obliterated my paths; for he took off my apparel;

PsXsaiv avTOV KaxrjKovxias |is i 4 + KSKpixai 8s jiod odc;

with his spear he ran me through; and he has judged me as

PotiXsxai sv oStivaic; 7is(pi)p|iai 15+ S7iiaxps(povxa( [iov

he wills; in griefs I am befouled. [ return My

ai o8i3vai (d%zto jiod r\ sAmc; caa7isp 7WSD|ia Kai

griefs]; [ was set out my hope] as if [the] wind, and

cba7isp vscpoq r| acoxrjpia [iov i 6 + Kai vdv S7i' sjis

[ as if a cloud deliverance my]. And now [upon me

SK%i)9fjasxai rj \\fv%r\ jiod s^odcji 8s jis rjjispai

shall be poured out my soul]; [suffice and me days

oSdvcdv i7 +vdkxi8s xa oaxd |iod aDyKSKaDxai xa 8s

of griefs]. And at night my bones burn, and

vstipd [iov SiaAiAmai 18+ sv noXkr] ia%vi S7isXdpsx6

my nerves are parted. With great strength it took hold

jiod xrjc; oxoAxjc; cba7isp xo 7ispiax6|iiov

of my robe; as the cleft

xod xixcbvoq (iod 7ispisaxs |is 19+ fjyrjaai 8s (is (aa

of my garment it compassed me. And you have esteemed me equal

7rr|Axb sv yr| Kai aitodcb jiod r\ jispfo; 20 + KSKpaya 8s

to clay; in earth and ashes [is] my portion. And I have cried out

7ipoc; as Kai odk aKODSiq |is saxrjaav Kai

to you, and [not you hear me]; they stood and

Kaxsvofjadv |is 21 + S7isPr|c; 8s jioi avsXsrjiiovcoq xsipi

contemplated me. And you mounted against me mercilessly; [ hand

Kpaxaid jis sjiaaxiycoaac; 22 + sxa^ac; 8s |ioi sv

with a strong you whipped me]. And you arranged against me with



18 - Job

oStivaic; Kai a7isppi\j/dc; |is arco acoxrjpiac; 23 + o(5a yap

griefs; and you threw me away from deliverance. For I know

on Gdvaxoc; |is SKxpuj/si oiKia yap 7iavx( Gvrjxcb yr|

that death [will] obliterate me; for [the] house of every mortal [is] ground.

24+ si yap ocpsAxw 5i)vai|ir|v sjiauxov 5ia%sipcoaao6ai

For ought [that] I should be able [ myself to lay hands upon],

T| 5sr|6s(c; ys sxspoi) Kai 7ioif|asi jioi xcroxo 25 + sycb 5s

or indeed beseech another and he should do this to me. And I

87i( 7iavx( aSuvdxco SKAxroaa saxsva^a 5s i5cgv dv5pa

[over every disabled [man] wept]; and I moaned beholding man

sv avdyKaiq 26+ sycb S7rs%cov ayaGoic; idov

in necessities. I waited for good [things], [and] behold

aDvfjvxrjadv jioi [ictXkov rjjispai KaKcbv 27 +

[met with me instead days bad].

r| KoiAia |iod s^s^sas Kai od aico7rfjasxai

My belly erupted, and would not keep silent;

7rposcp0aadv |is rjjispai Ki&amp;yzia^ 28+ axsvcov

[anticipated me days of poorness]. [moaning

7iopsDO|iai dvsi) tpijioD saxrjKa 5s sv SKKAxjaia

I went] without a rein; and I have stood in [the] assembly

KSKpaycbq 29 + aSsAxpoc; ysyova asipfjvcov sxaipoc; 5s

crying out. [ a brother I have become] of sirens, and companion

&lt;xcpoD0cbv 30 + xo 5sp|ia jiod saKoxcoxai jisydXcoc; xa 5s

of ostriches. My skin is darkened greatly, and

oaxd jiod a7io KaDjiaxoc; 31+ a7ispr| 5s sic; nzvdoq |iod

my bones from sweltering heat. [ turned And into mourning my

T| KiGdpa o 5s \\fak[ioq jiod sic; KXai)9|i6v sjioi

harp], and my psalm into weeping forme.

18 vto

1 + 5ia0fjKT|v s6s|ir|v xoic; otp0aA,|ioic; jiod Kai od

[ a covenant I made] with my eyes, and I will not

aDvfjaco S7U 7iap6svco 2+ Kai xi sjispiasv o 6s6c;

take notice upon a virgin. And what portion [is from] God

dvcoGsv Kai KAxjpovojjia iKavoD s^ D\jnaxcov 3 + ouai

above, and [ inheritance [what] fit] [is] from [the] highest? Woe,

a7icbA,sia xco aSiKco Kai a7iaAAx)xpicDaic; xoic; 7toiodoiv

destruction to the unjust, and alienation to the one committing

avojiiav 4 + ov%i avzoq 6\j/sxai o56v jiod Kai rcdvxa

lawlessness. Will he not see my way, and [ all



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

18 - Job

xa 8iapf||iaTd |iod s^api9|ifjasi 5 + si 8s r\[ir\v

my footsteps count out]? But if I was

7t£7rop£D|isvoc; jisxd ysAmaaxcbv si 5s Kai sa7ioi38aKsv

going with jokesters, or even hurrying

o novq [iov sic; 56A,ov 6 + saxajiai yap sv £/oycb

my foot for treachery; (for I stand in [ yoke [balance scale]

8iKa(co si5s 8s o Kopioc; xr|v araKiav [iov 7+ si

a just], [knew and the LORD] my innocence); if

s^skAivsv o 7todc; |iod sk xrjc; odov si 8s Kai

[ turned aside my foot] from out of the way, or if even

too oq)6aA,|icb S7ir|KoA,OT36r|asv r| Kap8ia jiod si 8s Kai

[my eye follows after my heart], and if even

xaic; x 8 P a ^ ^ 01) W&amp;H^nv Scbpcov 8 + a7isipai(ii dpa Kai

my hands touched bribes; [may I sow then], and

aXkoi cpdyoiaav dppi^oq 8s ysvo(|ir|v S7i( yr|c; 9 + si

others eat; [ rootless and may I become] upon [the] earth. If

s^r|KoAm)0r|asv r| Kap8ia jiou ywaiKi avSpoq sxspoi)

[ followed after my heart] [the] wife [ man of another],

si Kai syKdBsxoq sysvojxrjv S7ri Btipaic; auxfjc; 10+ apsaai

and if [ laid in wait I had] at her doors; [ may please

dpa Kai T| yuvfj jiod sxspoo xa 8s vfj7iid jiod

then even my wife] another; and [ my infants

xa7isivco6sir| n+ 0D|i6c;yap opyfjc; aKaxdaxsxoq xo

may be humbled]. For [the] rage of anger is unrestrained [in] the

jiidvai avSpoq yuvauca 12+ nvp yap saxi Kaiojisvov

defiling of a man's wife. [ a fire For it is] burning

S7U 7idvxcov xcov jispcbv od8' av S7isA,0oi sk pi^cbv

upon all the parts; [and] whomever it may come upon [ from [the] roots

a7icbA,sasv 13 + si 8s Kai scpauAaaa Kpijia

it destroyed]. And if even I treated as worthless [the] equity [due]

6spd7iovx6c; jiod r\ 0spa7ia(vr|c; Kpivojisvcov auxcbv itpoq

my male attendant or female attendant, in their pleading with

|is 14+ xi yap 7ioif|aco sdv sxaaiv jiod 7rorfjar|xai o

me, what then shall I do if [ chastisement for me shall appoint the

Kopioc; sdv 8s Kai S7naK07rfjv xiva a7ioKpioiv

LORD]? and if also he should visit, what answer

7roifjao|iai 15+ 7i6xspov odk ox; Kai sycb sysvojirjv sv

shall I make? Were they not even as I, born in

yaaxpi Kai sksivoi ysyovaai ysyovajisv 8s sv xr|

a womb? and these were born, and we were born in the



8V TOUT© + VlKa

18 - Job

auxfj KoiAia i6+ aStivaxoi 8s xpsiavrjv 7ioxs

same belly. But [the] disabled [ whatever need at some time or other

Sl%OV ODK a7T8TD%OV %T\paq $S T0V 0(pdak[LOV

they had missed not]; [ of [the] widow and the eye

odk s^sxr^a i7+8i8sKai xov \j/co|i6v |ioi) scpayov [iovoq

I wasted not]. And even if [ my morsel late] alone,

Kai ov%i opcpavcb jisxsScoKa s^ olvtov is+ 6xi sk

and [ not with an orphan I shared of it], (for from

vsoxrjxoc; |iod s^sxpscpov coc; 7iaxf|p Kai sk yaaxpoc;

my youth I nourished [them] as a father, and from [the] womb

jirjipoq |iod co8f|yr|aa 19+ si 8s Kai imspsiSov yojivov

of my mother I guided); and even if I overlooked [the] naked

a7roAAi)|ievov Kai odk r||icpiaaa 20+ aStivaxoi 8s ei |ir|

perishing, and clothed [him] not; and the disabled, unless

siAoyrjaav |is arco 8s Koupdc; ajivcbv jiou

they blessed me, and of [the] shearing [wool] of my lambs

s0sp|idv6r|aav 01 cbjioi auxcbv 21 + si S7if|pa opcpavcb

[ [were not] heated their shoulders]; [and] if I lifted up [ against an orphan

Xsipa 7rs7ioi9cb(; 6x1 7roAArj jioi PofjGsia 7isp(saxiv 22 +

a hand], (relying that much [ to me help remained]);

a7ioaxa(r| dpa o cbjioq jiod and xrjc; kXsiSoc; o 8s

[ may separate then my shoulder] from the collar-bone, and

Ppaxicov |iod a7io xod ayKcbvoc; cyovxpipsirj 23 +

[ my arm from the elbow may be broken].

cpopoqyap Kopioi) &lt;yovsa%s |is arco

For [the] fear of [the] LORD constrained me; from

xod Axj|i|iaxo^ ai)xoi3 ov% D7io(aco 24 + si sxa^a

his concern I shall not endure. If I ordered up

Xpucriov sic; ia%vv [iov si 8s Kai AiBco 7toA,dxsXsi

gold for my strength; and if even [ stone very costly

S7TS7io(6r|aa 25 + si 8s Kai si)cppdv6r|v noXXov 7tXot3xod

I relied upon]; and even if [gladness great] in riches

(ioi ysvojisvoi) si 8s Kai S7i' avapiGjxfjxoic; s6s|ir|v

was coming to me; and if also [ upon innumerable [things] I put

%sipd |iod 26 + T| odx opcbjisv fjAlOV xov

my hand]; (or do we not see [sun the

S7iicpai)aKovxa SKA,si7iovxa asArjvrjv 8s cp9ivoi)aav

shining] subsiding, and [the] moon waning?

od yap S7i' auxok; saxi 27+ Kai si r|7raxfj6r|

[ no [power] For to them there is]). And if [ was deceived


8V TOUT© + VlKa

18 - Job

Axx0pa r| Kap8(a jiod si 8s xsipd |iod S7ii0sk; S7ri

in private my heart]; and if [hand placing my upon

oTOjiaxi |iod scpdrjaa 28+ Kai xotixo jioi dpa avojiia

my mouth I was fond of]; then let this [be] [so to me lawlessness

r| iisyiairj A,oyia0svr| 6xi s\j/si)ad|xr|v svavxi Kopiou

[as] the greatest imputed]; for I lied before [the] LORD

tod D\j/(axoD 29 + si 5e Kai S7ri%apf|c; sysvojirjv

of the highest. And even if [ gratified I became]

7iTcb|iaTi sxOpcbv |iod Kai 817TSV r| Kap8(a |IOD

at [the] calamitous downfall of my enemies; and said [in] my heart,

suys 30 + aKotiaai dpa to ovq jiod xrjv Kaxdpav jiod

Well done! Let [ hear then my ear] my curse,

0pi)AAx|0s(r|v 8s dpai)7i6 Xaov jiod KaKotijisvoc; 31 +

and may I then be a common topic by my people [for my] inflicting evil.

si 8s Kai 7ioAA,dKic; si7iov ai 0spd7iaiva( jiou xic; av

And if even often [ said my female attendants], Who ever

8cbr| r\[iiv xcov aapKcbv avzov s|i7iAr|a0f|vai Aiav

might give to us his flesh to satisfy? exceedingly

|iod xprjaxoi) ovxoc; 32+ s^co 8s ODKTjDAi^sxo ^svoc;

of my being gracious. [ outside for lodged not [the] stranger],

r| 8e 0i3pa jiod 7iavxi sABovxi avsooKxo 33 + si 8s Kai

and my door [ to all that came was open]. And if even

ajiapxcbv aKODaiooc; SKpi)\j/a xrjv ajiapxiav (iod 34+

of sins, unintentionally I hid my sin,

od yap 8isxpd7ir|v 7io}u)o%iAiav ith^dovq xod [ir\

(for I was not diverted [ multitude by a great] to not

s^ayopstioai svcb7iiov auxcbv si 8s Kai siaaa aSuvaxov

openly declare before them); and if even I allowed a disabled [man]

s^sA,0s(v xrjv 0upav jiod koAjtcd ksvco 35 + xic;

to go forth [from] my door [ bosom with an empty], (oh that

8cbr| aKotiovxd jiod %zipa 8s Kopkro si (irj

there might be given one to hear me), [ of [the] hand but [of the] LORD unless

s8s8o(ksiv aDyypacpfjv 8s r|v s(%ov Kaxd xivoc; 3 6+ S7i'

I was in awe]; and as to a writ which I had against anyone, [upon

cbjioic; av 7ispi0s|isvoc; axscpavov avsyivcoaKov 37+ Kai

even my shoulders putting [it] on a crown] I read it. And

si jLiri pfj^aq auxfjv a7is8coKa ou0sv Xaficbv 7iapd

unless tearing it I gave it back [ nothing having received] from

XpsoocpsiAixoD 38+ si S7i' sjioi 7ioxs T| yr| saxsva^sv

a debtor. If [ against me perhaps the earth moaned],


19 ^

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

18 - Job

si8sKai 01 avXoKsq avTT\q EKkavaav ojioGD|ia86v 39 +

and even if her furrows wept with one accord;

si 8s Kai xrjv ia%DV avTT\q scpayov [lovoq &amp;vsd xijifjc;

and even if of its strength I ate alone without value;

si 8s Kai \|/D%fjv KupiOD xrjc; yr\q SK^aPcbv sA,D7rrjaa

and if even [ [of the] life of [the] master of the land in taking [anything]] I
fretted [him];

40 + avxi 7ropoD dpa s^s^Goi jioi Kv(8rj avxi 8s

instead of wheat then may there come forth to me nettles; and instead

KpiGfjc; p&amp;xoc; Kai srcaDaaxo loop pfjjiaaiv

of barley a bush. And Job ceased words.

19 lb

1 + r|&lt;y6%aaav 8s Kai 01 xpsic; 91X01 aDxoD sxi

And they were quiet, and [ three friends his] no longer

avxsursiv loop r|v yap leap SiKaioq svavxiov aDxcov 2 +

contradicted Job, [ was for Job] righteous before them.

copyiaGrj 8s EXiov o tod Bapa%ifjX o BoD^ixrjc;

[ was provoked to anger And Elihu], the [son of] Barachel, the Buzite,

sk Tr\q (yoyysvsiac; Apaji xrjc; Avahidoq %(bpaq

of the kin of Ram, of the place of Ausis;

copyiaGrj 8s xco loop acp68pa 816x1 a7is(prjvsv

and he was provoked to anger against Job exceedingly, because he sentenced

sarjxov SiKaiov svavxiov tod KDpioD 3 + Kai raid xcov

himself as righteous before the LORD. [ even against the

xpicbv 8s cpiXcov copyiaGrj acp68pa 6x1 odk

three But] friends he was provoked to anger exceedingly, for they were not

rjSDvfjGrjaav a7ioKpiGfjvai avxiGsxa loop Kai sGsvxo

able to answer contrary to Job; and they established

aDxov sivai aaspfj 4 + EAiod 8s D7is|isivs 8oDvai

him to be an impious man. And Elihu waited to give

a7ioKpiaiv IcoP 6x1 rcpsaptixspoi aDxoD siaiv rjjispaic;

an answer to Job, for [ older than he they were] in days.

5 + Kai s(8sv EXiod 6x1 odk saxiv aftOKpiaic; sv axojiaxi

And Elihu saw that there is no answer in [the] mouths

xcov xpicbv avSpcbv Kai sGDjicbGrj opyrj aDxoD 6 +

of the three men, and [ was enraged his anger].

D7ioA,aPcbv 8s EAiod o xod Bapa%ifjA, o BoD^ixrjc;

And undertaking, Elihu the [son of] Barachel the Buzite,

si7is vscbxspoq |isv sijii xco %povco Djisiq 8s saxs

said, [ younger Forasmuch as I am] in time, and you are


19 ^

ev tootco + vtica

18 - Job

7rpeaPi)Tspoi 816 r\av%aaa cpoPrjBsk;

older; therefore I was still, fearing

tod djiiv avayysiAxxi xrjv ejiaDxoD £7iiaxf||iTTv 7+si7ra8e

to announce to you the [of myself higher knowledge]. And I said,

od% o xpovoq soxiv o Xakcbv sv noXkoiq 5s exeaiv

[ not time It is] for speaking; [ in many but] years

odk o(8aai oocpiav 8 + aXXa 7rv8D|id eaxiv ev Ppoxofo;

[men] have not known wisdom. But there is a spirit in mortals,

7rvof| 8e 7ravTOKpdxop6c; screw rj 8i8daKODaa 9 + od%

and [the] breath of [the] almighty is the one teaching. [ not

oi 7ioA,DXp6vio( eiai aocpoi od8' oi yspovxsc;

The long-lived are] wise [as such]; and neither [do] the aged

oiSaai Kpijia io+ 816 8i7ia aKODaaxe jiod Kai

know equity. Therefore I said, Hear me! and

avayyeXcb djiiv a o(8a n+ svcoxi^saBs jiod xa pfjjiaxa

I will announce to you what I know. Give ear to my sayings!

epeb yap djicov aKODOvxoov &amp;%pi od exdcrqxs

for I will speak in your hearing, as far as of which [time] you should examine

A^oyoDc; n+ Kai |ie%pi djicdv awfjaoo Kai i8od odkttv

[the] words; and until you shall perceive; and behold, there was no one

xco loop sleyxcov avxa7ioKpiv6|ievoc; pfjjiaxa aDxoD

reproving Job, in answering his words from

djicov 13+ (va |iT| s(7ir|xs stipojisv aocpiav

you, that you should not say, We found wisdom

Kupico 7ipoa98|isvoi 14+ av6pcb7rcD 8e S7isxps\j/axe

being added by [the] LORD. [ man And you commissioned]

Xakf\aa\ xoiatixa pfjjiaxa 15+ S7ixof|9r|aav

to speak such words. [And] they were terrified.

odk a7isKp{0r|aav exi S7raAmcoaav auxebv

They answered not any longer; [ were old [coming] from them

A^oyoDc; i 6 + D7i£|i£iva od yap eXdAxjaa 6x1 eaxrjaav

words]. I waited, for I did not speak, for they stood,

odk a7isKp(0T]oav 17+ D7ioXaPcbv 8s EXiod Aiyei 7idAiv

they answered not. And undertaking, Elihu says, Again

XaXr\a(£&gt; 18+ 7rAxjpr|c; yap sijii pr||idxcov o^sksi yap jis

I shall speak, [ full for I am] of words, [ destroys for me

xo 7W8D|ia xrjq yaaxpoq 19+ rj 8s yaaxfjp |iod cba7isp

the wind of the belly]; and my belly [is] as if

aaKoc; yA,£DKODc; ^ecov SeSejievoc; Kai champ cpDarjxfip

a leather bag of sweet new wine bubbling, being tied up; and as if [the] bellows

20 jfr

8V TOUT© + VlKa

18 - Job

Xa^Kscoq spprjycbc; 20+ XaAxjaco iva ava7iai)acD|iai

of a brazier tearing [forth]. I will speak that I shall rest myself

avoi^ac; xa %s(Ar| 21 + dv6pco7iov yap oi) [ir\ a(a%i)v6cD

in opening [my] lips. [ [by] man For in no way shall I be shamed],

oXXd |ir|v oi)8s Ppoxov oi) |ir| svxpa7icb 22+ ou yap

and in fact, nor [ from a mortal shall I in any way feel shame]. [ not For

£7U&lt;xca|iai Gaujidoai 7ip6oco7iov si 8s jirj Kai sjis

I know] to admire a person; but if not, even [ me

afjisq sSovxai

moths shall devour].

20 &amp;

1 + od |ir|v 5s oXka dKODaov loop xa pfjjiaxd (ioi) Kai

But in fact, hear, O Job, my words, and

XaXxav svcoxi^od |iod 2 + 1801) yap fjvoi^a xo axojia jiod

[ speech give ear to my] ! For behold, I opened my mouth,

Kai eAxxAxjaev r| yAxbaad jiou 3 + KaGapd |iod r| Kap8(a

and [spoke my tongue]. [ [is] pure My heart]

pfjjiaai avvEGiq 8s %siA,scdv (ioi) KaGapd vofjasi 4 +

in words, and [the] understanding of my lips [pure shall purpose].

7W8i)|ia 6s(ov xo 7ioif|adv |is 7rvofj 5s 7iavxoKpdxop6c;

[ spirit divine The] made me, and [the] breath of [the] almighty

saxiv T| 8i5daKoi)ad |is 5+ sdv 8i)vr| 80c; jioi

is what [is] teaching me. If you should be able, give to me

a7TOKpioiv 7ipoc; xai3xa i)7i6|isivov axfjBi Kax' s|is

an answer for these [things] ! Wait, stand against me,

Kai eycb Kaxd as 6 + sk 7ir|Ax)i) 8if|pxiaai ai) coq

and I against you! From out of clay you were molded as

Kai sycb sk xod auxoi) 8ir|px(a|is6a 7+ oi)%

also I; [from out of the same [clay] we were molded]. [not

o cpopoq jioi) as SKGajipfjasi oi)8s rj %sip jiod Papsia

in [the] fear of me You shall whirl about], nor [ my hand heavy

saxai S7Ti aoi 8 + ith\v si7iac; sv coai jioi) cpcovfjv

shall be] upon you. Except you said in my ears, [ [the] voice

pr||idxcov aoi) aKfjKoa 816x1 Aiysic; 9+ KaGapoq sijii oi)%

of your words I have heard], for you say, I am pure, not

ajiapxcbv d|ie|i7rxoc; yap sijii 01) yap rjv6|ir|aa 10 +

having sinned; [ blameless for I am], for I did not act lawlessly.

|is|i\j/iv 8s Kax' sjioi) supsv fjyrjxai 8s (is cba7isp

[ a complaint But against me he found], and he has esteemed me as if


20 jfr

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

18 - Job

D7T8VaVTlOV n+S0SXo8s 8V ^6XcD XOV 7l68a |IOD

an opponent. And he put [ in [stocks] of wood my foot],

sqroAxx^s 8s jiod naaaq xac; odovq u + ncoq yap Aiysic;

and guarded all my ways. For how say you,

SiKaioq eijji Kai odk 87iaKf|Kos jiou aicbvioc; yap

I am righteous, and he has not heeded me? [ eternal For

saxiv o 87idvco Ppoxcbv i 3 +Xsysic;8s 8iax(

is the one above mortals]. But you say, Why

Tr\q SiKaioawqc; jiod odk s7iaKf|Kos 7iav pfjjia u+

of my righteousness has he not heeded every word?

sv yap too cura^ AxxAxjaai o Kopioc; sv 8s too SsDxspoo

For when [once speaks the LORD], or a second [time],

15+ £Vl)7rVlOV T| SV |ISA,SXT| VDKTSpivfj T| (DC, OXaV

[sending] a dream or in [ meditation a nightly], or as whenever

S7ri7ri7TTr| Ssivoq cpopoc; S7i' av0pcb7roi)c; S7ri

[ falls an awful fear] upon men, in

vi)oxay|idxcov S7ri ko(xt|c; i 6 + xoxs avaKaAimxsi vodv

slumberings upon a bed; then he uncovers [the] mind

av9pcb7rcov sv s(8sai cpopoi) xouroxoic;

of men in sights of fear; with such

aDxoiq s^scpoprjasv n+ a7ioaxps\j/ai dv6pco7iov s^

he frightens them, to turn a man from

aSiKiaq xo 8s acbjia ai)xoi3 and 7ixcb|iaxoc; sppuaaxo

iniquity, and [ his body from a calamitous downfall he rescues].

i8+ scpsioaxo 8s xrjc; \\fv%r\q avzov arco 0avdxou Kai

And he spares his soul from death, and [spares]

|ir| 7isas(v ai)xov sv 7ioA,s|ico i9+7rdAav8s fjlsy^sv

[ [so as] to not fall him] in war. And again he reproves

avzov S7U jiaXaida S7i( Koixrjc; Kai 7iAxj0oc;

him by infirmity upon [his] bed, and [ a multitude

oaxcbv avTOV svapicqas 20+ 7iav 8s Ppcoxov aixoi)

of his bones he paralyzed]. [ any And eatable grain

od jLir| Swqxai 7ipoa8s^aa6ai Kai r| yv%r\ avzov

in no way shall he be able to favorably receive], [even though] his soul

3pcbaiv S7ri0D|ifjasi 21+ sooc; av aa7icbaiv avzov

' food desires]; until whenever [ should fester his

ai adpKsq Kai a7io8s(^r| xa ooxa auxou Ksva 22 +

flesh], and [ should be exposed his bones] bare;

fjyyias 8s sic; Gdvaxov rj \\fv%r\ avzov r\ 8s ^oofj avzov

[ approached and unto death his soul], and his life


20 jfr

8V TOUT© + VlKa

18 - Job

sv d8r| 23+ sdv cbai %ik\oi dyysAm Gavaxrjcpopoi

unto Hades. If there might be a thousand messengers causing death,

sic; auxcbv od |ir| xpcbasi auxov sdv vofjarj xr|

one of them in no way shall pierce him, if he should purpose [in his]

Kap5(a 87iiaTpa(pfjvai npoq icopiov avayysiAxj 8s

heart to turn towards [the] LORD, and announce

av0pcb7rco xrjv sauxou (isjjaj/iv xrjv 5s avojiiav avzov

to man his own complaint, and [ his lawlessness

8si^r| 24+ avGs^sxai tod (irj 7isas(v sic; Gdvaxov

should show]; he shall hold [him] to not fall into death;

avavscbasi 8s avzov to acbjia cba7isp a^oupfjv S7U

and he shall renew his body as [new] plaster upon

xo(%ou xa 8s oaxd ai)TOi3 sji7iAx|asi jxdsAxdi) 25 +

a wall; and [ his bones he will fill up] with marrow.

a7iaAm&gt;s( avzov xac; adprac; cba7isp vrj7rioi)

He will make tender his flesh as an infant,

a7ioKaxaaxfjasi 8s auxov av8pco0svxa sv av0pcb7ioic;

and he shall restore him to manhood among men.

26 + SD^djisvoq 8s 7ipoq Kupiov Kai 8sKxd auxcb saxai

And one vowing to [the] LORD, and [accepted for him it will be];

siaslsuasxai 8s 7ipoocb7rco KaGapcb ouv s^qyopia

and he shall enter [face with a clean], with an utterance [of praise];

a7io8cbasi8s av9pcb7roic; SiKaioawqv 27+ sixa xoxs

and he will recompense [ to men righteousness]. Even then

a7io|is(i\j/sxai dv6p&lt;D7ioc; auxoc; sauxcb Xsycov 01a

shall [ blame a man] himself, saying, What [things]

&lt;xdvsxsAx)dv Kai odk d^ia fjxaas (is gov fjjiapxov 28 +

have I completed? and [ not worth he chastised me] what I sinned.

acbaov \\fv%r\v jiod xod jir| sA£s(v sic; 8iacp0opdv Kai

Deliver my soul! to not come unto corruption, that

T| ^cofj (10D cpcoc; 6\j/sxai 29 + i8ot3 xatixa rcdvxa spydxai

my life [light shall see]. Behold, all these [things] [works

o \a%vpoq odovq xpsic; jisxd avSpoc; 30+ Kai spptiaaxo

the strong one ways three] with a man. And he rescued

xrjv \\fv%r\v (iod sk 0avdxoi) (va rj Cf$r\ jiod sv cpcoxi

my soul from death, that my life in light

aivf] ai)xov 31+ svcoxi^od loop Kai dKODS (iod

should praise him. Give ear, O Job, and hear me!

KcbcpsDaov Kai sycb sijii XaAxjaoo 32+ si siai aoi^oyoi

Be silent! for I [myself] shall speak. If there are words in you,

a7TOKp(6r|xi jioi XdAxjoov GsXco yap 8iKaico6f|vai as

answer me! Speak! for I want justice to be done for you.


21 lb

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

18 - Job

33 + si (ir| ai) dKODaov jiod KcbcpsDaov Kai SiSd^oo as

If not, you hear me! Be silent! and I will teach you



21 f?

i + D7roA,aPcbv 5s EAioi) Aiysi 2 + aKotiaaxs jiod aocpoi

And undertaking, Elihu says, Hear me! O wise men.

S7iiaxd|isvoi svooxi^sa0s to koKov 3 + 6xi ovq Xoyouc;

O ones having knowledge, give ear to the good! For [the] ear [words

5oKi|id^si Kai Xapuy^ ystisxai Ppcoaiv 4 + Kpiaiv

tries], and [the] throat tastes food. Judgment

sAxbjisGa saDioiq yvcbjisv avajisaov sauxcbv o xi

we should take up for ourselves; we should know between ourselves what

KaXov 5 + 6xi siprjKsv leap Sixaioc; sijii o Kopioc;

[is] good. For Job has said, I am righteous; the LORD

a7if|AA,a^s jiod xo Kpi|ia 6 + s\j/si&gt;oaxo 8s xco Kpijiaxi jiod

has dismissed my judgment. And he lied in my judgment;

ptaiov xo psXoc; jiod dvsi) aSudac; ?+ xic; avfjp cba7isp

[ [is] violent my spear] without injustice. What man [is] as

IcoP 7r(vcov (ii)Kxr|pia|i6v cba7isp i38cop 8 + odk ajiapxcbv

Job, drinking sneering as if water? Not sinning,

od5s aaspfjaaq od8' oAxdc; Koivoavfjaai jisxd

nor being impious, nor wholly participating with

7roiowxcov xa dvojia xoi) 7iopsi)6f|vai jisxd aaspcbv 9+

ones committing lawless deeds, to go with [the] impious.

|ir| yap si7rr|c; 6x1 odk soxai S7noK07if| avSpoc; Kai

[ not For you should] say that there will not be an overseeing of a man — and

S7uaK07rfj ai)xcb 7iapd Kopiou 10+ 816 ctdvsxoi

[there is] an overseeing of him by [the] LORD. Therefore, O discerning

KapSiaq aKo^aaxs jiod jlit| jioi sir) svavxi Kopiou

of heart, hear me! [not tome May it be] before [the] LORD

aaspfjaai Kai svavxi 7iavxoKpdxopoc; xapd^ai

to be impious, and before [the] almighty to disturb

xo SiKaiov 11+ aKka a7io8i8o( av6pcb7rco Ka6d 7iois(

justice. But he gives back to man as [ does

SKaaxoq auxebv Kai sv xptpoo avSpoc; supfjasi ai)xov

each of them], and by a path man will find him.

12 + oisi 8s xov Kopiov dxo7ia 7ioif|asiv r|

And do you imagine the LORD [ something out of place doing], or [that]


21 lb

8V TOUT© + VlKa

18 - Job

o 7iavTOKpdTCop xapd^ei Kpiaiv oq S7iovr|ae xrjv

the almighty will disturb a judgment ~ the one who made the
yrjv i3+xic;5e eaxiv o 7ioicbv xrjVD7i' oupavov Kai

earth? And who is the one acting under heaven, and

xa evovxa rcdvxa 14+ si yap fiovkorco &lt;yoa%eiv Kai

[ the [things] being [in it] all]? For if he might want to constrain, and

xo 7W8T3|ia 7iap' aDxcb Kaxaa%s(v 15+ xsA,SDxf|08i

[ the spirit by himself to hold down], [ would come to an end

7idaa aap£, o|io9i)|ia56v naq Ppoxoc; sic; yrjv

all flesh] with one accord. Every mortal [ into [the] earth

a7ieA£i)aexai 60sv KCU S7lAxXo9T| 16+ 81

shall go forth] from where even he was shaped. But if he should not admonish,

dKODS xatixa svcoxi^od (pcovfjv pr||idxcov n+idsav

[then] hear these [things]! Give ear to [the] sound of words! Behold then

xov jiioowxa dvojia Kai xov oAAwca xodc;

the one detesting lawless deeds, and the one destroying the

7iovr|poi)c; ovxa aicoviov Sixaiov is + aaepfjc; o Aiycov

wicked, being eternally righteous. Impious [is] the one saying

PaaiXsi 7iapavo|isfc; aaepsaxaxoc; xoiq dp%oi)aiv

to a king, You act unlawfully, [and saying], O impious one, to the rulers,

19+ oq odk S7raiaxi3v6r| 7ip6aco7rov svxijiod od8s o(8e

who was not feeling of respect for [the] person of honor, nor knows

xijxfjv BeaGai aSpoic; 6ai)|iaa9f|vai 7ip6aco7ra auxcbv

[ honor to appoint] to [the] stout men, to admire their persons.

20 + Kevd 8s aDxoig aTiopfjaexai xo KeKpayevai Kai

[ in vanity But to them it shall result], to cry out and

8e(o0ai avSpoq exprjaavxo yap 7iapav6|i(joc;

to beseech a man; for they dealt unlawfully,

skkA,81vo|I8vcdv aSDvdxoov 21 + avzoq yap opaxfjc; saxiv

turning aside [the] disabled. For he is an observer

spycov av9pcb7rcov AiAxjGs 8s ai)xov od8sv cov

of [the] works of men, [ has escaped and him nothing of how

7rpdaaoi)aiv 22+ od8s saxi TOiioq xod Kpi)Pf|vai xodc;

they act]; nor is there a place to hide for the ones

7ioiowcac; xa dvojia 23+6x1 odk era' dv8pa Gfjaei

doing lawless deeds. For [ not upon a man he will put]

sxi 24+0 yap Kopioc; rcavxac; ecpopd o

any longer. For [the] LORD inspects all; [He is] the one

KaxaXajipdvcov av8^i%v(aaxa ev8o^d xs Kai

perceiving untraceable [things], honorable [things] also, and


21 lb

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

18 - Job

s^aiaia cov odk saxiv apiGjiog 25+0 yvcopi^cov

extraordinary [things] which there is no number; the one knowing

aDTcbv xa spya Kai axps\j/si VDKxa Kai

their works, and he shall turn night [upon them], and

xa7reivco9fjaovxai 26 + saPsas 8s aaspsfc; opaxoi 8s

they shall be humbled. And he extinguishes [the] impious, for they are visible

svavxiov aDxoD 27+ 6x1 s^sKAavav sk vojiod Gsod

before him. For they turned aside from [the] law of God;

8iKaicb|iaxa aDxoD odk s7rsyvcoaav 28+ xod S7iayays(v

[ ordinances his they did not recognize], [so as] to bring

S7i ' avTOV KpaDyfjv 7tsvf|xcDV Kai Kpaoyfjv 7ix&lt;i&gt;%cbv

unto him [the] cry of [the] needy; for [ [the] cry of [the] poor
siaaKODosxai 29+ Kai avzoq r|&lt;xu%(av rcaps^sxai Kai xic;

he will listen to]; and he [rest will furnish], and who

Kaxa8iKdasxai Kai KpD\j/si 7ip6aco7rov Kai xic; 6\j/sxai

will condemn? and he will hide [his] face, and who shall see

avTOV Kai Kaxd sGvodc; Kai Kaxd av6pcb7roD o|iod 30 +

him? even against a nation and against a man together;

PaaiXsDcov dv0pco7rov D7roKpixfjv ano SDaKoAiac;

giving reign to a man who is a hypocrite, because of [the] discontent


of people,

31+6x1 7ipoc; xov ioxi)p6v o Xsyoov siArjcpa odk

that to the mighty one saying, I have received [blessings]; I will not

svs%upda&lt;jo 32+ dvsD sjiaDxoD 6\j/ojiai ctd 8sft;6v

take anything for security. [ apart from myself I will see]; you show

jioi si a5iKiav sipyaad|ir|v od |ir| 7ipoo0f|acD 33 + firj

to me, if [ iniquity I practiced] ! [then] in no way shall I proceed. Will

7iapd aoi) a7ioxio8i auxfjv 6x1 ctd a7icbar| 6x1

[on you he pay it], in that you should have thrust [it] away; for

ctd 8kA,s^t| Kai odk sycb Kai xi syvcoc; Xdhr\aov 34 +

you shall choose, and not I, and what you know — speak!

816 cjdvsxoi KapSiac; spotiai xatixa avfjp 8s aocpoc;

Therefore [the] discerning in heart shall say these [things], [ man and a wise]

aKTjKos jiod xo pf||ia 35+ loop 8s ODK sv CJDVSOSl

hears my word. But Job [ not with understanding

sAxxAxjas xa 8s pfjjiaxa aDxoD odk sv S7riaxf||ir| 36 +

spoke]; and his words are not with higher knowledge.

od |ir|v 8s aXXd |id0s Icop |ir| Scoq sxi avxa7ioKpiaiv

But in fact, learn Job! No [give longer] an answer




18 - Job

oaa7isp 01 acppovsc; 37+ (va |ir| 7ipoa9cb|isv scp'

as the fools, that we should not add upon

cxjiapxicxic; rjjicbv avojjicx Ss scp' r\[iiv XoyioBsvrj noXXa

our sins; for lawlessness [ against us may be imputed many

Xa^owxcov pfjiiaxa svavxiov tod Kopioi)

in speaking] words before the LORD.

22 7h

1 + imoAxxpcbv 5s EXiov Aiysi 2 + xi xotixo rjyfjaco sv

And undertaking, Elihu says, What [is] this you esteem in

Kpiasi &lt;xd tic; si 6x1 smaq Sikcxioc; sijii svavxiov

equity? You, who are you, that you said, I am righteous before

Ki)p(oi) 3+ on spsic; ti 7roifjacD cxjiapxcbv 4 + sycb

[the] LORD? For you shall say, How should I have committed sinning? I

001 8cbaco a7iOKpiaiv kcxi xoic; xpiai (pikoiq OOU 5 +

shall give to you an answer, and to [ three friends your].

av&amp;pA,s\j/ov sic; xov oupcxvov kcxi (8s KaxdjiaGs

Lookup into the heaven, and behold! Study

vscprj coc; v\\fr(ka arco aoi) 6 + si fjjiapxsc; xi

[the] clouds, how high [they are] from you! If you sinned, what

7ip&amp;^sic; si 5s kcxi 7roAAxx r\v6[ir{aaq xi 8t3vcxgcxi

will you do? And even if in many [things] you acted lawlessly, what are you able

7ioifjacxi 7+ S7isi odv SiKcxiocj si xi Scbasic; CXDXCD T| XI

to do? Since then you are righteous, what shall you give to him, or what

sk xsipoq aoi) Arj\j/sxcxi 8+ avSpi xco ojioico aou

[from out of your hand shall he take]? To a man likened to you —

T| aaspsid aoi) kcxi mcb av0pcb7ioD r| 8iKcxio&lt;y6vr| OOD 9 +

of your impiety; and to a son of man ~ of your righteousness.

cx7r6 TiXr\dovq &lt;yoKocpcxvxoi)|isvoi KSKpd^ovxai

[ by a multitude The ones being extorted] shall cry out;

Pofjaovxcxi cx7r6 Ppcx%(ovoc; 7ioAA,cbv 10+ Kai odk si7is

they shall yell because of [the] arm of many. And [one] said not,

7iOD saxiv o 6s6c; o KO\r\aaq |is o Kaxaxcxaacov

Where is the God who made me, the one delegating

(pvXaKdq vuKxspivcxc; 11+ o Siopi^cov |is arco

[ watches [the] nightly]; the one separating me from

xsxpa7i65cov yr\q arco 8s 7isxsivcbv ODpcxvou 12+ sksi

[the] four-footed [beasts] of [the] earth, and from [the] birds of heaven. There

KSKp&amp;^ovxcxi kcxi oi) [iT\ siocxKoi)Gr| Kai cx7r6 uPpscoc;

they shall cry out, and in no way shall one listen, even because of [the] insolence



18 - Job

7iovr|pcbv 13 + dxo7ra yap PoD^sxai od i8siv o icupioq

of wicked men. For things out of place [ does not want to behold the LORD],

aDxocjyap o 7iavTOKpdTCop u+ opaxfjc; sail xcov

for he [is] the almighty. He is an observer of the ones

ctdvtsXodvtcdv xa dvojia Kai acbasi jis KpiGrjii 5s

completing lawless deeds, and he will deliver me; and you plead

svavxiov avTOV si 5i3vaoai (XlVSOdl (XDTOV CDCj SOTl 15 +

before him! if you are able to praise him, as he is.

Kai vdv on odk saxiv S7riaKS7iT6|isvoc; opyfjv avzov

And now that he is not numbering his anger,

Kai odk syvco 7iapa7iTcb|iaTi ocp68pa i 6 + Kai loop

and he knows not [ transgressions exceeding], even Job

[laxamq avoiysi to ax6|ia aDTOD sv ayvcoaia pfniaxa

acting in folly opens his mouth; in ignorance [ words


he weighs down].

23 a

1 + 7rpoa0sfc; 8s sxi EAiod Aiysi 2 + fisivov |is jiucpov

And proceeding still, Elihu says, Wait for me a little

sxi (va 5i5d^co as sxi yap sv sjioi sail Xs^ic; 3 +

more! that I shall teach you. [still For in me there is speech].

avaAxxPcbv xrjv S7iiaxf||ir|v jiod jiaKpdv spyoiq 5s jiod 4 +

Having taken up my higher knowledge from afar, and to works of mine,

SiKaia spcb S7i' aAxjGsiac; Kai odk d5iKa

[ righteous [things] I will speak] in truth, and [ not unjust

pfjjiaxa a8iKox; ctdvisic; 5 +y(vcoaKs8s 6x1 o Kopioc;

words unjustly you shall perceive]. But know! that the LORD

od |ir| a7i07ioif|ar|Tai xov dKaKov SDvaxoc; ia%vi

in no way shall undo the guileless [man]; [the] mighty in strength

Kap8(av 6 + aaspfj od jlit| ^&lt;jQ07roifjar| Kai Kpijia

of heart. [The] impious in no way will he restore to life; and [equity

7iTCD%cbv 8cogsi 7+ odk acps^si a7TO SlKaiOD

for [the] poor he shall impute]. He will not remove [ from [the] righteous

o(pdak[iovq aDTOD Kai jisxd PaaiAicov sic; Gpovov

his eyes], and [they shall be] with kings on a throne;

KaGisi aDTOD cj sic; vikoc; Kai D\j/co6f|aovxai 8 + Kai 01

he shall seat them into victory, and they shall be exalted. And the ones

7iS7rs8r||isvoi sv xsiporcsSaic; aDaxsGfjaovxai sv

being shackled in manacles shall be held together by


23 l 1 ? ev tootco + vtica 1 8 - Job

axoivioiq K£viaq 9 + Kai avayys^si avxoiq

rough cords of poverty. And he shall announce to them

xa spya auxcbv Kai xa 7iapa7ixcb|iaxa auxcbv 6xi

their works, and their transgressions, for

aXka xod SiKaiou siaaKouasxai Kai

they are prevalent. But [the righteous he will listen to]; and

817T8V oxi 87riaxpa(pfjaovxai aSudac; u+ sdv

he spoke that they shall turn from unrighteousness. If

aKotiaooai Kai SouXsuacoai ai)vxsA,saoi)ai

they shall hear and serve, they shall complete

xac; rjjispac; auxcbv sv ayaGoiq Kai xa sxrj auxcbv sv

their days among good [things], and their years among

£D7rps7i£iaic; 12+ aaspsiq 8s od Siaacb^si 7iapd xo jirj

beautiful [things]. But [the] impious are not preserved— by [not

pouXsaGai aDxouc; siSsvai xov Kopiov Kai 816x1

willing their] to behold the LORD, and because

vod0sxot3(I8voi avfjKooi fjoav n + Kai D7ioKpixa( Kap8(a

being admonished they were unhearing. And hypocrites in heart

xd^oDai 0D|i6v od Pofjaovxai 6x1 s8r|osv auxotic; 14 +

shall order rage; they shall not yell, for he bound them.

a7io0dvoi xoivdv ev vsoxrjxi r| \\fv%r\ auxcbv r| 8s

[ may die Therefore in youth their soul], and

^oofj auxcbv xixpcoaKO(i8vr| D7i6 ayysXoov 15+ av0' gov

their life being pierced by messengers, because

s0A,uj/av aa0svfj Kai aSuvaxov Kpijia 8s 7ipascov

they afflicted [the] weak and disabled; [judgment and for [the] gentle

£K0fjasi 16+ Kai 7ipoc; S7is( r|7rdxr|asv 8K axojiaxoq

he will expound]. And from when he beguiled from out of [the] mouth

s%0poi) dpDaaoq Kaxd%Daic; D7TOKdxco avTT\q Kai

of [the] enemy, an abyss [for] throwing down underneath it, that

KaxsPrj xparcs^d aou 7iAr|pr|c; 7ii6xr|xoc; 17 +

[ went down your table] full of fatness.

ov% Daxepfjasi 8s arco 8iKa(cov Kpijia i8+0i)|i6c;8s S7i'

[ shall not fail but from [the] righteous judgment]; and rage [upon

aaspsfc; saxai 81' aaspsiac; Scbpcov cov s8s%ovxo

[the] impious will be], because of [the] impiety of bribes which they received

S7i ' aSiKiaiq 19+ firj as SKKAivdxoo skcov o vovq

for iniquities. [ not you Let turn aside willingly the mind]

SsfjascDc; sv avdyKq ovxcov aSuvaxcov Kai rcdvxaq

[of the] supplication [in necessity of the ones being disabled]! And all


23 l 1 ? ev tootco + vuca 1 8 - Job

xovq Kpaxaiouvxac; \a%vv 20 + |ir| e^eA,K6ar|c; xrjv vi)Kxa

the ones fortifying strength. You shall not drag away by night,

tod avapfjvai aXkovq OVX (XDTCOV 21 +

[ should ascend [so that] others] instead of them. But guard

(iT| npat^q axona ano xotjxcdv yap s^sikov and

lest you act out of place! [of these [things] for] you took up because of

7rc&lt;jo%£iac; 22+ idov o ia%vpoq Kpaxaicbasi sv

poorness. Behold, the strong one shall conquer by

i&lt;3%vi avTOV tic; yap eaxi Kax' auxov 8uvdaxr|c; 23 +

his strength, for who is as he ~ [the] mighty one.

nq 8s saxiv o sxd^oov auxou xa epya r| xic; o

And who is the one examining his works? or who [is] the one

Einaq S7ipa^sv &amp;8iKa 24+ |ivf|a0r|xi 6x1 |isydA,a

having said, He acted unjustly. Remember that [ great

xa epya avzov saxiv cov fjp^av dvSpec; 25+ rcac;

works his are], which [command men]! Every

dv0pcD7roc; e(8ev sv eauxcb oaoi xixpcoaKOjisvoi eiai

man beholds in himself how many [ being pierced are

Ppoxoi 26+ i8cn3 o \a%vpoq itoXvq Kai ou

mortals]. Behold, the strong one [is] great, and we shall not

yvcoaojieBa apiBjioq sxcbv avzov Kai a7ispavxoc; 27 +

know [him]; [ [the] number of his years and] [are] unlimited.

api0|ir|xai 8s auxcb axayovsc; usxoi) Kai

[ shall be counted And by him [the] drops of rain], and

S7rixi)0flcTOVxai D8xcb sic; vscpsArjv 28+ pufjaovxai

shall they be poured for rain in [the] cloud. [ shall flow

7iaXaicb|iaxa saKiaas 8e vscprj em a|iu0f|xcDV Ppoxcbv

Things grown old], [shadow and clouds] over untold mortals.

29+ Kai sdv auvfj £7rsKxdo£ic; vscpsArjc; laoxrjxa

And should one have perceived [the] spreading out of [the] clouds, as equal

aKirvfjc; avzov 30+ i8ot3 skxsvsi S7i' auxfjv r|8cb Kai

of his tent? Behold, he stretches out [ upon it light], and

pi^cbjiaxa xr|c; 0aA,daar|c; eraXuij/sv 31+ svyap auxofc;

[ [the] root of the sea he covers]. For in them

Kpivei Xaovq Scbaei xpocpfjv xco ia%i&gt;ovxi 32 + 8711

he shall judge peoples; he shall give nourishment to the one being strong. With

Xsipcbv eraXuij/s (pcoq Kai evexeiXaxo 7isp( avTT\q sv

[the] hands he covers light, and he gave charge concerning it with

a7iavxcbvxi 33 + avayysA,e( 7isp( avzov (pikov avzov

[the] encountering [clouds]. He will announce [concerning him his friend] ~



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

18 - Job

Kifjaiq Kai 7isp( adudaq

[for] possession and for injustice.

24 TV

i + mi goto TavTr\q STapd%9r| r| Kap8(a jiod Kai

And from this [ is disturbed my heart], and

a7ieppi)r| sk tod t67tod avTT\q 2 + dKODS aKof|v sv

was dropped down from out of its place. Hear a report in

opyfj 0d|iod KDpioi) Kai |isA,STr| 8K

anger of rage of [the] LORD! And a meditation from out of

oTOjiaxoc; aDTOD s^sXstiasTai 3 + D7roKdTC0 navzoq tod

his mouth shall come forth. Underneath all the

ODpaVOD T| ap%fj aDTOD Kai TO (pCOq aDTOD 8711

heaven [is] his sovereignty, and his light [is] upon

7iT8pDycov Tr\q yr\q 4+ O7uaco aDTOD PofjasTai cpcovfj

[the] wings of the earth. After him [ shall yell out a voice];

PpovTfjasi sv (pcovfj Dppscoq aDTOD Kai odk avTaAld^si

he shall thunder with [the] sound of his insult; and he shall not bargain

aDTODc; 6ti aKODasi cpcovfjv aDTOD 5+ ppovTfjasi o

them, that one shall hear his voice. [ will thunder The

ia%vpoq sv (pcovfj aDTOD GaDjiaoia cbpav sGsto

strong one with his voice wonders]. [ a season Reestablished]

KTfjvsaiv o(8aai 8s koittj^ Td^iv S7U todtoic; 7idaiv

for animals, and they know [of [the] fold [the] order]. Upon all these [things]

odk s^icrcaTai aoD rj Sidvoia od8s 8iaAldaasTa( aoD

[is not receded your thought], nor [is] [reconciled your

rj Kap8(a and ocojiaTOc; S7ro(r|os yap jisyd^a a

heart] with [your] body. For he did great [things] which

ODKf|8si|isv 6 + aDVTdaacov %iovi yivoD S7U yr\q

we knew not; ordering [the] snow, [saying], Be upon [the] earth;

Kai xsijicov dstov SDvaaTSiaq aDTOD 7+ sv %sip(

and [the] winter rain of his command. In [the] hand

7iavT6c; av9pcb7ioD KaTaacppayi^si iva yvcb naq

of every man he seals up, that [ should know every

dv0pco7roc; tt|v saDTOD aaGsvsiav 8 + siafj^Bs 8s

man] his own weakness. [ entered And

Grjpia D7i6 ttjv aKS7ir|v rj&lt;y6%aaav 8s S7U koittj^ 9 +

[the] wild beasts] under the protection, and are tranquil in [their] lair.

sk Tajiisicov S7ispxovTai o8f)vai arco 8s

From out of inner chambers come griefs, and from


8V TOUT© + VlKa

18 - Job

aKpcoxripicov yro%oq 10+ Kai goto 7tvor\q \a%vpov

extremities chilliness. And from [the] breath of [the] strong one

8cbasi 7rayoc; oiaKi^si 8s to tiScop coc; sdv pcyoArjxai

he appoints ice; and he steers the water where ever he wants.

11+ Kai skXskxov Kaxa7iAxxoa£i vscpsAxj 8iaaKop7ris(

And [if] a chosen [ plasters over cloud], [ disperses

vscpoc; (pox; avTOV 12+ Kai avzoq KDKAxbjiaxa 8iaaxps\j/si

[the] cloud [then] his light], and he [ [the] swirls shall turn aside]

sv 08sPoi)A,a9cb6 sic; spya auxcbv rcdvxa 6aa av

by [his] rule for [performing] their works ~ all as much as

svxsiArjxai avxoiq 13+ xatixa awcsxaKxai 7iap' avzov

he should give charge to them. These [things] were ordered by him

87i( xrjc; yrjc; sdv sic; 7iai8s(av sdv sic; xrjv yrjv avzov

upon the earth. Whether for instruction, whether for his land,

sdv sic; sA^soc; supfjasi auxov i 4 + svcoxi^ou

whether for [an object of his] mercy, he shall find it. Give ear

xm3xa leap oxf|0i vod0sxoi3 8i3va|iiv Kupfov 15 +

to these [things], OJob! Stand admonished by [the] power of [the] LORD!

oiSajisv 6x1 o Gsoq sGsxo xa spya avzov epeoc; Trorqaac;

We know that God established his works, [ light making]

sk ctkoxodc; 16 + S7uaxaxai 8s SidKpiaiv vscpcbv

out of darkness. And he knows [the] distinction of clouds,

s^aiaia 8s 7ixcb|iaxa 7iovr|pcbv i7+aoi)8s rj axoAxj

and [the] extraordinary calamitous downfalls of [the] wicked. And your apparel

6sp|if| rj&lt;yi)%d^sxai 8s S7U xrjc; yrjc; arco voxod ig+

[is] hot, but there is tranquility upon the earth from [the] south.

axspscbasic; jisx' auxoi) sic; 7iaAmcb|iaxa ia%i)pa(

Will you solidify with him for things grown old; [things which are] strong

coc; opdaic; S7ii%i)ascDc; 19+ 8iax( 8(8a^6v |is xi

as [the] vision of a vessel? Why teach me, what

spoi3|isv auxcb Kai 7rai)acb|is0a noXXa Aiyovxsc; 20 +

shall we say to him? then let [us] cease [ much [from] saying].

jLiri ptpAxx; r| ypajijiaxsijc; |ioi 7iapsaxr|Ksv (va

Is there a book or scribe standing beside me, that

dv9pco7rov saxrjKcbc; Kaxaaico7if|aco 21+ 7idai 8s ov%

[ a man standing I should quell]? [ to all But [is] not

opaxov xo epeoc; xrjXauysc; saxiv sv xoic;

visible the light]; it is radiant among the [things]

7iaAmcb|iaaiv cba7isp xo7iap' ai)xot3 S7i( vscpcbv 22+ and

grown old, as if from him upon [the] clouds. From




18 - Job

Poppa vscprj %puaai)yowca S7ri xouxoic; jisydArj r\

[the] north [are] clouds shining like gold; in these [ [is] great the

86^a Kai xijifj rcapd 7iavxoKpdxopoc; 23+ Kai ou%

glory and honor from [the] almighty]; and we do not

supioKojisv aXkov ojioiov tt] ia%m avzov o

find another likened [to] his strength. The one

xa 5iKaia KpiVCOV ODK 0181 SlOaKODSlV (XDXOV 24 + 8lO

[justly judging], do you not imagine that he listens? Therefore

(poPrjGfjaovxai auxov 01 dv6pco7ioi (poPrjGfjaovxai 5s

[ shall fear him men]; [ shall fear and

(xdxov Kai 01 aotpoi Kap5(a

him even the wise in heart].

25 rb

i + (isxd 8s xo 7iai3aaa9ai EAiofj xrjc; Ai^scoc; sircsv o

And after the ceasing [ of Elihu of the speech], [said the

Kfjpioc; xco IcoP 8id Xaikanoq Kai vstpsArjc; 2+ xic;

LORD] to Job through a tempest and cloud, [saying], Who

ofjxoc; o Kprmxcov PouAfjv arjvs%CGV 8s pfjjiaxa sv

[is] this hiding counsel, and constraining matters in

Kap8(a s(is 8s oisxai Kpfrnxsw 3+ ^coaai cba7isp

heart, [ from me and imagines to hide]? Tie up [ as

avfjp xrjv oatpfjv aoi) spcoxfjaco 8s as arj 8s

a man your loin] ! And I will ask you, and you

(101 a7iOKp(0r|xi 4 + 7iorj r\q sv xco 9s(isAiofjv (is xrjv

answer me! Where were you in my laying the foundation for the

yrjv a7idyysA,ov 8s jioi si S7uaxrj afjvsaiv 5 +

earth? And report tome! if you should have knowledge of understanding.

xic; s6sxo xa jisxpa arjxfjc; si oidaq r\ Tiq o

Who established the measures of it, if you know? Or who [is] the one

S7iayaycbv a7iapxiov S7i' auxfjc; 6 + sm xivoc;

bringing a measuring cord upon it? Upon what

01 KpiKoi avTT\q 7rs7rfjyaai xic; 8s saxiv o PaAxbv

are its hooks pitched on? And who is [the] one laying [ foundation

Ai0ov ycoviaiov S7i' arjxfjc; 7 + 6xs sysvfjBrjaav daxpa

stone an angular] upon it? When [ came to pass [the] stars],

fjvsadv (is cpcovfj jisydAxj navTzq dyys^oi jiod 8 +

[ praised me a great voice with all my angels].

scppa^a 8s GdAxxaaav nvXaxq 6xs sjiaijiaaasv sk

And I shut up [the] sea with gates, when it was led irresistibly [ out of



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

18 - Job

KoiAiac; jirjxpoc; amr\q SK7iopsi)0|isvr| 9 +s6s|xr|v8s

belly its mother's going forth]. And I established

avTT\ vscpoc; ajicpiaaiv o[ii%hr\ 5s ai)xf|v sa7iapydvcoaa

[the] cloud for its clothing, and fog for its being swaddled.

io+ s0s|ir|v 5s auxfj opia 7ispi6s(c; K^siBpa Kai nvXaq n +

And I established limits for it, I put [in place] bolts and gates.

si7ia 5s auxfj |is%pi xouxou slsuarj Kai ou%

And I said to it, Unto this [far] you shall come, and shall not

D7rspPf|ar| aXk' sv asauxfj auvxpipfjaovxai aou

pass over; and within yourself [ shall break your

xaKDjiaxa n+ r\ S7i( aou auvxsxa%a cpsyyoq

waves]. Or by you have I ordered [brightness

7ipcoiv6v Ecoacpopoq 8s s(8s xr|v sauxou xd^iv 13 +

[the] early morning]? And [did the] morning star behold his own order;

S7iiXaPsa0ai 7ixspuy&lt;jov yr|c; SKxivd^ai aaspsfo; s^

to take hold of [the] wings of [the] earth, to shake off [the] impious from

avTT\q 14+ rj au Xaficbv yr\q 7ir|A,6v siikaaaq Cfbov

it. Or did you, having taken earth's clay, shape a living creature,

Kai AxxAxjxov auxov sGou S7i( yr\q 15+ acpsiXsc; 8s

and [ [the] power of speech to it establish] upon [the] earth? And have you removed

goto aaspcbv to cpcoq Ppa%(ova 8e U7ispr|(pdvcDV

[from [the] impious the light], [ [the] arm and of [the] proud

auvsxpuj/ac; 16+ r\kdsq S7i( 7ir|yf|v GaAxxaarjc; sv 8s

broke]? Did you come unto [the] spring of [the] sea, [ in and

{%vsaiv apuaaou 7rspiS7idxr|aa(; 17+ avoiyovxai 8s aoi

[the] tracks of [the] deep walk]? [open And to you

(p6p&lt;jo 7iuAm Gavdxou 7iuAxjopo( 8s d8ou iSovxsc; as

in fear [do the] gates of death]; and did gatekeepers of Hades, in beholding you,

S7ixr|^av 18+ vsvoi)0sxr|aai 8s xo supoc; xr|c;u7r'

become alarmed? And have you been admonished about the breadth under

oupavov avdyysi^ov 8r| jioi 7i6ar| xic; saxi 19 +

heaven? Announce it indeed to me! how great it is.

7io(a 8s yr| auAi^sxai xo cpcoq aKoxouq 8s 71010c;

And of what kind of land lodges the light? And darkness, what kind

o xorcoc; 20 + si aydyoic; |is sic; opia auxcbv si 8s Kai

of place? If you could lead me into their limits, and even if

S7i(axaaai xpipouc; auxcbv 21 + o(8ac; dpa 6x1 xoxs

you know their paths. Have you known that it is so then

ysyswrjaai apiGjioc; 8s sxcbv aoi) itokvq 22 + r\kQsq 8s

[because] you were born, and [the] number of your years great? But did you come


8V TOUT© + VlKa

18 - Job

87i( GrjaaDpoDc; %iovoq GrjaaDpoDc; 8s %aka^r\q

unto [the] treasuries of snow? [ [the] treasuries and of hail

scbpaKaq 23 + a7i6K8ixai 8s aoi sic; cbpav s%0pcbv sic;

have you seen]? And [is] it reserved to you for [the] hour of [the] enemies, for

rjjispav 7toXs|iod Kai [icax^q 2 4+7r60sv8s

[the] day of war and battle? And from what place

SK7iopsDsxai 7r&amp;xvr| r| 8iaaKs8dwi)iai voxoc; sic;

goes forth [the] frost, or [ is dispersed [the] south [wind]] into

tt|v D7i' ODpavov is+Tiqds r|xo(|iaasv dsxcd XdPpco

the [place] under heaven? And who prepared [ rain [of the] fierce

pvaiv o86v 8s kdSoijico 26 + tod Dsxkiai S7i( yrjv od

[the] flow], and a way in uproar; to rain upon [the] land of which

odk avfjp sprjjiov od od% D7idp%si dv6p&lt;j07roc;

[there is] no man, [the] wilderness of which [there is] no [ existing man]

sv aDifj 27+ tod xopxdaai dpaxov Kai aoiKTjxov Kai

in it; [so as] to fill [the] untrodden and uninhabited [land], and

tod SKpAxxaxfjaai s^o8ov %^6r\q 2 8+ xic; screw dsxod

the causing to sprout forth [the] issue of tender shoots? Who is [the] rain's

7taxfjp tk; 8s screw o tstokcoc; PcdXodc; 8p6aoD 29+

father, and who is the one giving birth to droplets of dew?

sk yaaxpoc; 8s xwoc; SK7iopsDsxai o KptiaxaAloc;

[ from out of womb And whose] comes forth the ice;

7idxvr|v 8s sv ODpavcb tic; xsxoksv 30+ r| KaxaPawsi

[ [the] frost and in [the] heaven who gave birth to], which comes down

cba7rsp D8cop psov 7ip6aco7rov 8s aptiaaoD xic; S7ixr|^s

as if water flowing? [ [the] face And of [the] abyss who alarmed]?

31+ crovfjKac; 8s Ssajiov IRsidSoc; Kai cppayjiov

And do you perceive [the] bond of Pleiades; and [ [the] barrier

Qpioovoc; fjvoi^aq 32+ ri Siavoi^sic; Ma^oDpcb0 sv

of Orion did you open]? Or will you open Mazuroth in

Kaipcb (xdtod Kai 'Earcspov S7ri Kojirjc; aDxoD d^sic;

its time? And Hesperus with its tail — will you lead

aDiov 33 + S7iiaTaaai 8s xporcdc; ODpavoD rj xa D7i'

it? And do you know [the] circuits of heaven, or the [things] [under

ODpavov ojio0D|ia86v ywojisva 34 + KaAiasic; 8s vscpoq

heaven with one accord taking place]? And will you call a cloud

epeovfj Kai xpojico DSaxoc; XdPpoD D7iaKODasxa( aoi

by voice, and in trembling [ water [of rain] [the] fierce will] obey you?

35 + a7ioaxsA,s(c; 8s KapaDVODq Kai rcopsDaovxai

And will you send thunderbolts? and will they go forth?


26 ^

8V TOUT© + VlKa

18 - Job

epouaiSe aoi xi sail 3 6+xk;8s s8cdks yi)vai^(v

and shall they say to you, What is it? And who gave women

Dcpaajiaxoc; aocpiav r| 7ioiKiAxiKf|v S7iiaxf||ir|v 37 +

[ [for] a woven work wisdom], or [ for embroidery skill]?

tic; 5s o apiGjicbv vecprj aocpia oupavov 8e siq

And who [is] the one counting clouds in wisdom, [ [the] heaven and unto
yrjv skXivs 3 s + K8%Dxai 8s cbo7isp yr| Kovia

[the] earth leaned], and it is poured as earth's powder,

KSKoAAxjKa 8e auxov cba7isp M0co kuPov 39 +

and I have cleaved it as a stone cube?

Grjpstiaeic; 8s Xsovai Popdv yo%aq 8s SpaKovxcov

And will you hunt [ for [the] lions a prey]? [ [the] souls and of dragons

E[mhf\asiq 40+ 8e8oiKaaiyap ev Koixaic; auxcbv

fill up]? for they are in awe in their lairs,

K&amp;Grjvxai 8s ev vkmq eveSpeuovxsc; 41 + xic; 8s rjxoijiaae

and they sit in [the] woods lying in wait. And who prepared

KopaKi Popdv vsoaaoi yap avzov npoq icopiov

[ for [the] crow carrion]? [ young for its to [the] LORD

KSKpdyaai 7iAxxvcb|ievoi xa oixa ^rjxowcec;

cry out in wandering grain seeking].

26 taV

1 + si syvcoq Kaipov xoksxou xpaysXdcpoov 7isxpac;

Do you know [the] time of [the] birthing of [the] antelopes of [the] rock?

Eipvka^aq 8s coSivaq s^dcpcov 2+ r|pi6|ir|aac; 8s [ir\vaq

And did you watch [the birth] pangs of hinds? And did you count [ months

(xdxcdv 7iAx|peic; xoKexou ooSivac; 8e auxcbv ZXvaaq 3 +

their full] of birthing? [ [birth] pangs and their did you untie]?

s^sGpsyac; 8e auxcbv xa 7iai8(a e^co cpopoi) ooSivac; 8s

And did you nourish their offspring outside of fear? [ [birth] pangs and

auxcbv 8^a7roax8A,sic; 4+ a7ioppfj^oDai xa xeKva auxcbv

their will you send away]? [ shall rip forth Their young];

7rAr|9DV0fjaovxai sv yswf||iaxi s^sXeuaovxai Kai od jitj

they shall be multiplied in offspring; [their young] will go forth and in no way

avaKdjjAj/ODaiv auxofc; 5 + xic; 8s soxiv o acpsiq ovov

shall return to them. And who is the one letting [ donkey

dypiov sXsuGspov Seajiouc; 8s auxou xic; sXuasv 6 +

[the] wild] free? [ bonds and his who untied]?

s0s|ir|v 8e xrjv 8(aixav avzov eprjjiov Kai

For I established for his habitation a wilderness, and


26 ^

8V TOUT© + VlKa

18 - Job

xa aKT|vcb|iaTa ai)TOT3 aA,jiDpi8a ? + Kaxaye^cbv

[ for his tents [the] salt- flats]. He ridicules

7io}u)o%Aiac; noXswq |ie|i\j/iv 8e cpopoXoyoi)

[the] great multitude of [the] city, [ [the] complaint and of [the] tribute-

odk aKoucov 8 + KaxaaKsysxai 6pr| vo(if|v avzov Kai

hears not]. He shall survey [the] mountains [as] his pasture, and

O7uaco 7cavx6c; %Xodpov ^rjxsi 9 + poi)Arjasxai 8s aoi

[after every green [thing] he seeks]. [ shall be willing And to you

jiovoKspoc; 8oi)A,ei)aai rj Koi|ir|9f|vai 87U (pdxvrjc; aoi)

[the] unicorn to serve], or to sleep at your stable?

io+ Sfjaeic; 8s ev ijidai Cpyov avzov r\ eAxoaeiaoi)

And will you tie [ with straps his yoke], or will he draw

atiAxxKac; ev 7ce8ico n+ nsnoxdaq 8s S7i' ai)xco 6xi

furrows in [the] plain? And do you rely upon him, because

7roAAx| ia%vq avzov 87ca(pf|aeic; 8s ai)xcb xa epya aoi) u +

[ [is] great his strength]? and will you slacken [ for him your works]?

7uax£i)aeic; 8s 6xi a7co8cba8i aoi xov arcopov

And do you trust that he will give back to you the seed,

eiaoiaei 8e aoi) xov d^cova u + 7rxspi)^ xsp7co|isvcDV

and carry it into your threshing-floor? [The] wing delighting

vesAxxaaa edv avlXd^n] aa(8a Kai veaaa u+ 6xi

ostriches; but should [ conceive [the] stork and feathers]? for

acpfjaei sic; yrjv xa cod auxfjc; Kai £7U %ouv

she shall let [ go unto [the] earth her eggs], and [ upon [the] dust

6dAAj/ei 15+ Kai 87isXd6sxo 6xi itovq aKop7nsi Kai

she shall incubate]; and she forgot that [the] foot will disperse [them], and

Grjpia aypoi) Kaxa7taxf|asi i 6 + pi)vs

[the] wild beasts of [the] field will trample [them]. She hardened against

xa xeicva avTT\q cbaxe |ir| eaDxfjv sic; ksvov

her offspring, so as to not [bereave] herself; in vain

eK07riaaev dvsi) cpopoi) i?+ 6xi Kaxeaicb7rr|aev ai)xf|

she tired without fear. For [ quelled her

o Geoc; aocpiav Kai odk sjispiaev ai)xf| sv xrj awsasi

God] wisdom, and portioned not to her with understanding.

i8+ Kaxd Kaipov sv t3\j/si D\j/cbaei KaxaysXdasxai

In time [ in height she will raise up high]; she will ridicule

1717101) Kai XOD S7ClPdX0D auxou 19+ T| ai) 7C£pis6r|Kac;

[the] horse and his rider. Or did you invest

i7C7cco 8wa|iiv eveSuaac; 8s xpa%fjAxjo avzov cp6pov 20 +

[the] horse with power, or clothe his neck in fear?


ev tootco + viKa
18 - Job

7rspis0r|Kac; 5s ai)xcb 7ravo7iAiav 86§a Ss axfjGscov avzov

And did you invest in him full armor, and [the] glory of his breast

t6X[lt\ 21 + avopuaacov ev 7re8ico yaupid SK7iop£i)£xai 8e

in daring? [ rooting up in [the] plain He prances], and he goes forth

sic; 7T88(ov ev ia%m 22 + awavxcbv peAxj Kaxaye^d Kai

into [the] plain in strength. [ meeting up with spears He ridicules], and

od |irj a7toaxpacpf| and aiSfjpoi) 23+ S7i' ai)xcb yaupid

in no way turns from an iron [weapon]. Against him prance

xo^ov Kai |id%aipa 2 4+ Kai opyfj acpaviei xrjv yrjv

[the] bow and sword; and in anger he shall obliterate the ground.

od |ir| 7iiaxsT3ar| ecoc; av ar||idvr| adAmy^ 25 +

In no way shall he trust until whenever [signifies [the] trumpet];

a&amp;Amyyoc; 8s ar||iaivoi)ar|c; Aiysi suys 7i6ppco0ev 8e

and [with the] trumpet signifying, he says, Well done! And at a distance

oacppaivexai tioXs^iov ctdv d^jiaxi Kai Kpai)yf| 2 6+

he smells war with leaping and crying out.

sk 8s xrjc; ar\q £7iioxf||ir|c; eaxrjKev iepa^

And from your higher knowledge [ set [does the] hawk]

avoOTSxaaac; xac; 7ixspi)yac; aKivrjxoq KaGopcbv

having the look of effrontery with wings fixed looking down

xa npoq voxov 27 + S7ri 8s xco aco 7ipoaxdy jiaxi D\j/oi3xai

towards [the] south? And at your order [ rise up high

asxoc; yi)\j/ 8s em voaaidq avzov KaGeaGeic;

[does the] eagle], and [does the] vulture [upon its nest sit

ai)Ai^exai 2 s+ S7i' s^o%f| 7iexpac; Kai a7ioKpi)cpco 29 +

lodged], upon [the] prominence of [the] rock and [is] concealed?

SKeias cov ^rjxei xa aixa 7i6ppco6ev 01 ocpGaljioi avzov

Being at that place he seeks grain; [ at a distance his eyes

oK07isi)0Dai 30+ vsoaaoi 8s avzov qropovxai sv aijiaxi

watch], [ young and his] befoul themselves in blood;

01)8' av cbai xeBvecbxsc; 7iapaxpfl|ia supiaKovxai

and where ever ones dying might be, immediately they are found.

27 a

1+ Kai a7T8Kpi6r| Kupioc; o Geoc; xco leap Kai si7rs 2+ [ir\

And [responded [the] LORD God] to Job, and said, [Shall]

Kpiaiv jisxd ucavoti Kpiveic; eAiy%cov 0s6v

[a judgment with [the] fit one you judge]? One reproving God-

a7ioKpi0f|asxai ai)xcb 3 + imoAxxPcbv 8s leap Aiyei xco

shall he answer to him? And undertaking, Job says to the


8V TOUT© + VlKa

18 - Job

KDpico 4 + Ti sti sycb Kpivojiai vodGstodjisvoc; Kai

LORD, Why still do I plead, being admonished and

sXsy%cov KDpiov cxkodcov toicxdtcx odGsv cov sycb 5s

reproved by [the] LORD? Hearing such [things], [and] being nothing; and I,

xivcx curoKpioiv 8co 7ipoc; tcxdtcx %s(pcx Bfjaco S7i(

what answer shall I give to these [things]? [ a hand I shall put] upon

&lt;xc6|iaTi |iod 5 + cx7ia^ A,sAxxAx|kcx ski 8s tco SsDTspco

my mouth. Once I have spoken, but for a second [time]

od 7ipoa6f|aco 6 + sti 8s D7roXapcbv o KDpioc; si7is

I will not proceed. And again undertaking, the LORD spoke

to loo (3 sk tod vscpoDc; ?+ |xr| aXka Cfbaai cba7isp

to Job from out of the cloud, [saying], But no, tie up [ as

cxvfjp ttjv oaqrov cjod spcoTfjaco 8s as ctd 8s

a man your loin] ! and I will ask you, then you

(ioi a7ioKp{0r|Ti s + T| a7ro7io(r| |iod to Kpijia oisi 8s

answer me! Or should you undo my judgment? And do you imagine

|is aXkcnq aoi Ksxpr||iaTiKsvai r| iva avacpavfjq

me otherwise executing things with you? or that you should appear

Sikcuoc; 9+ T| Ppcxxicov aoi san Kara tod kdpiod rj

just? or [ your arm is] as [the arm] of the LORD? or

cpcovfj k(xt' cxdtov PpovTexq 10+ avokafiz 8s v\\foq kcxi

[ with a voice as his do you thunder]? Then lift yourself up in stature and

Sdvcxjiiv 86^cxv 8s kcxi Tijifjv ajicpiaaai n +

power, [ [with] glory and and honor clothe yourself] !

curoaTSiAxrv 8s ayysXoDc; opyfj 7idvTa 8s dPpiott|v

And send angels in anger, [ all and [the] arrogant

Ta7rs(vcooov 12+ D7ispf|(pavov 8s aPsaov af|\j/ov 8s

humble] ! [ [the] proud man And extinguish] ! [ cause to rot and

cxaspsfc; 7iapa%pf||ia u+ KpD\j/ov 8s siq yrjv

[the] impious] immediately! And hide [them] in [the] earth

ojio0D|ia86v ra 8s 7ip6aco7ia aDTcbv aTijiiaq

with one accord! and the [things] of their faces [ with dishonor

s|i7rAx|aov u+ Kai ys sycb ojioXoyfjaco dpa 6ti

fill] ! And indeed, I shall acknowledge surely that

Sdvcxtcu t| 8s^id aoD acbaai i 5 + aXka 8r| i8od Grjpia

[ is able your right hand] to deliver. But indeed, behold, [the] wild beast

7icxp&amp; aoi xoprav (aa PoDaiv saGisi i 6 + i8od 8r|

by you; [ grass equal to oxen it eats]. Behold indeed,

T| ia%Vq CXDTOD S7l' OacpDl T| 8s SDVajIiq aDTOD S7l'

his strength [is] in [his] loin, and his power [is] in


28 KB

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

18 - Job

ojicpaAxyo yaaxpoc; 17+ saxrjasv cropdv coc; KD7idpiaaov

[the] navel of [his] belly. He sets [his] tail as a cypress;

xa 5s vsupa ai)xoi3 aD|i7T87rA,SKxai ig+ ai 7rXsupai ai)xcr6

and his nerves are closely joined. His sides

7iA,SDpa( %dA,Ksiai rj 8s pd%iq avzov o(5r|poc; %dxoc; 19+

[are] sides of brass; and his spine [ iron [is as] cast].

xodx' saxiv ap%fj 7iXda|iaxoc; Kupiou 7rs7ioir||isvov

This is [the] beginning of [the] thing shaped by [the] LORD; being made

syKaxa7ia(^sa6ai D7i6 xcov ayysAxov ai)xoi3 20 +

to be mocked by his angels.

S7rsA,0cbv 5s 87i ' opoq aKpoxojiov S7io(r|a8 %ap|iovf|v

And coming upon [mountain a chiseled], he produces a cause for joy

x8xpd7ioaiv sv xco xapxdpco 21+ vno 7ravxo5a7id 5sv5pa

to [the] four-footed in the infernal region. Under all kinds of trees

Koijidxai 7iapd 7rd7ropov Kai KdXajiov Kai Pcr6xo|iov

he sleeps; by [the] papyrus, and reed and flowering rush.

22+ aKid£pvxai 5s auxco 5sv5pa auv opo5d|ivoic; Kai

[ shadow And in him trees] with scions and

kAxovsc; dyvoi) 23+ sdv ysvrjxai 7iAr||i|x6pa od jliti

branches of [the] chaste tree. If there becomes an inundation, in no way

aio6r|6f| 7iS7i;oi0sv 6x1 7rpoaKpcn3asi o IopSdvrjc; sic;

shall it be perceived; he relies that [ will rush up the Jordan] into

xo axojia aDxcru 24 + sv xco ocp0aA,|icb ai)xoi3 Ss^sxai

his mouth. In his eye will one take

avzov svaKo^isDojisvoq xpfjasi piva

him? Being caught in a snare will you drill his nose?

28 Kfe

1 + d^sic; 5s 5pdKovxa sv ayKiaxpco 7ispi0f|asic; 5s

And shall you lead [the] dragon by a hook, and put

cpopPsav 7ispi piva auxcru 2+ r| Sfjasiq KpiKov sv

a halter around his nose? Or will you tie a hook in

xco jiDKxfjpi clvtov \\fzXkm 5s xpimfjasK;

his nose, [ for a clasp and will you make a hole

xo xzikoq clvtov

in his lip]?

3 + AxxAxjasi 5s aoi Ssfjasiq iKsxrjpiaq jiaXaKcbq 4 +

And will he speak to you [ supplications earnest] softly?

Gfjasxai 5s jisxd gov 5ia0f|Kr|v Xr\\\fr\ 5s ai)xov

[ will he establish And with you a covenant]? And will you take him


28 KB

8V TOUT© + VlKa

18 - Job

(XICOVIOV 5 + 7ia(^r| 5s sv aDxcb cba7isp opvsoo

[servant for an everlasting]? And will you play with him as a bird?

r| Sfjasic; aDxov cbo7isp axpoDGiov 7iai5(co 6+

Or will you bind him as a sparrow for a child?

svaixoDvxai 5s sv aDxcb sGvrj jispixsDovxai 8s

[ feed And [do] in him nations]? [ partition And do

avTOV Ooivikcov sGvrj 7 + 7iav 8s tcAxjoxov ctdvsABov

him [of the] Phoenicians [the] nations]? And everything afloat coming together

od |ir| svsyKooai ptipaav jiiav ovpaq aDxoD Kai sv

in no way shall bear [the] hide [one tail of his]; nor in

7iAxnoic; aAasoov KscpaAxjv aDXOD 8 + S7n0f|asic; 8s

[the] boats of fishermen [shall they bear] his head. But shall you place

aDTcb %zipa jivrjaGsfc; 7i6A,s|iov xov yivojisvov sv

a hand on him, remembering [the] war taking place in

acbjiaxi avTOV Kai |jt|ksxi yivsaGco 9 + od% scbpaKac;

his body, and let it no longer take place? Have you not seen

avzov od8s S7i( xoic; ^syojisvoiq xsGaDjiarac; io+ od

him, nor [ over the ones speaking wondered]? Are you not

8s8oiKaq on rjxoijiaaxai jioi tic; yap soxiv o

in awe that it has been prepared by me? For who is the one

sjioi avxiaxac; n+ rj tic; avxiaxfjasxai jioi Kai D7io|isvsi

opposing me? Or who shall oppose me and remain,

si 7idaa T] D7i ODpavov sjifj saxiv 12+ od

since all under heaven is mine? I will not

ai(D7rf|ao|iai 81' aDxov Kai Xoyov SDvajisooc;

keep silent because of him; and [the] word of power

sXsfjasi xov (aov aDxcb 13 + xic; a7ioKaA,D\j/si 7ip6aco7rov

shall show mercy equal to him. Who will uncover [the] front

svSdcjscdc; aDxoD sic; 8s 7txd^iv GcbpaKoc; aDxoD Tiq av

of his clothing? and into [the] fold of his chest [plate] who can

siasXGoi 14+ 7r6A,ac; 7ipoacb7roD aDxoD xic; avoi^si kdkXco

enter? [ [the] gates of his face Who will open]? Roundabout

o86vxcov aDxoD cpopoc; 15+ xa syicaxa aDxoD aanidsq

his teeth [is] fear; His insides are [as] shields

XaAxai odv8scj|ioc; 8s aDxoD cba7isp a|xop(xr|c; XiQoq

of brass, [ sinews and his] [are] as emery stone.

16+ sic; xod svoq KoAlcbvxai 7rvsD|ia 8s od |ir| 8isX0r|

One of one cleaves together, and wind in no way goes through

aDxov 17+ 00c; avfjp xco aSsAxpcb aDxoD

it; as a man [to] his brother


28 KB

8V TOUT© + VlKa

18 - Job

7ipoaKoAAx|9fjaovxai aDvsxovxai Kai od |ir|

they shall be cleaved; they are held together, and in no way

a7roa7raa6cbaiv 18+ SV 7TT(Xp|JXD aDXOD S7Il(paDOKSXai

draw apart. In his sneezing [ shines forth

cpsyyoc; oi 5s ocpBaXjioi aDXOD zidoq EooacpopoD

brightness], and his eyes [are as the] appearance of [the] morning star.

19+ sk oxojiaxoc; avxov SK7iopsDovxai A,a|i7id5sc;

From out of his mouth [ shall go forth lamps

Kaiojisvai Kai SiappurxoDvxai saxdpai nvpoq 20 + 8K

burning], and scattered grates of fire. From out of


his nostrils comes forth smoke of a furnace

Kaiojievrjc; 7iDpi avGpdKcov 21+ r\ v|/Dxn aDXOD dvBpaKsc;

burning [of fire with coals]. His soul [is as] [live] coals;

cpAx)^ 5s sk axojiaxoc; aDXOD SK7iopsDsxai 22 + sv 5s

and a flame [from out of his mouth goes forth]. And in

Tpa%fjA,co avTOV aDAi^sxai Swajiiq S|i7ipoa0sv aDXOD

his neck lodges power. [ before him

xps%si a7rcbA,sia 23 + adpKsq 5s acbjiaxoc; aDXOD

runs Destruction]. And [the] flesh of his body

KSKoAAxjvxai Kaxa%ssi S7i' aDxov od aaXsDGfjasxai 24+

cleaves [tightly]. If one pours down upon him, he will not be shaken.

r| KapSia avTOV 7iS7rr|ysv cba7isp Xidoq saxrjKS 5s

His heart [is] fixed as stone, and he stands

cba7rsp &amp;k|icdv avfjAxxxoc; 25+ axpacpsvxoc; 5s aDXOD

as an anvil, not malleable. [ turning And his]

cpopoq Grjpioic; xsxp&amp;7ioaiv S7ri yr\q aAlojisvoic;

[gives] fear [wild beasts to [the] four-footed upon [the] earth leaping].

26+ sdv aDvavxfjacDaiv auxcb X6y%ai odGsv od (ir|

If [ should meet up with him lances], nothing in any way

7ixofjocoai 56pi) Kai GcbpaKa 2 ? + fjyrjxai |isv yap

shall terrify by spear and chest [plate]. For he esteems

o(5r|pov d%i)pa xaAxov 5s cba7isp tqvXov oaGpov 28 +

iron as straw, and brass as [wood rotten].

od |iT| xpcbasi aDxov xo^ov xdAxsiov fjyrjxai

In no way shall [pierce him [the] bow of brass]. He esteems

7isxp6poAx)v jisv %6pxov 29+ coc; KaAxxjxri s^oyiaGrjaav

a slinger indeed as grass; [ as stubble are considered

oqropai KaxaysXd 5s asiajioD 7iDp(p6poD 30 +

hammers]; and he ridicules [the] quaking of a fire-bearer.


29 30

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

18 - Job

r| axpcojivfi amov oPsAiaKoi o^siq naq 8s %pi)aoc;

His strewn bed [points [is] of sharp]; and all [the] gold

dakdaar\q S7i' auxov cba7isp 7ir(k6q ajitiGrjxoc; 31 +

of [the] sea under him [is] as [mud untold].

dva^si xr|v dpuaaov cba7isp x a ^ K8 ^ 0V ^lyn^ai 8s xrjv

[ breaks out The abyss] as a brazen cauldron; and he esteems the

dakaaaav cba7isp s^dXsurxpov 32+TOvSs xdpxapov xrjc;

sea as an ointment jar. And the infernal region of the

aptiaaoD cba7isp aixjidAxoTOV s^oyiaaxo dpuaaov sic;

abyss [is] as if a captive; he considers [the] abyss for

7lSpi7iaTOV 33 + ODK SCTTIV 01)8sV S7U TT\q JT\q 6|IOlOV

a promenade. There is not anything upon the earth likened

aDTcb 7rs7ioir||isvov syKaxa7iai^sa0ai D7i6

to him, being made, to be mocked at by

xoov ayysAxjov jiod 34 + 7iav D\j/r|A,6v opd auxoc; 8s

my angels. Every lofty [thing] he sees; and he

fiaaiksvq 7rdvxcov xoov sv xoic; tiSaaiv

[is] king of all the [things] in the waters.


1 + vitoXaficbv 8s loop too KDpico Aiysi 2 + o(8a 6x1

And undertaking, Job [ to the LORD says], I know that

7idvxa Suvaaai aSuvaxsi 8s aoi od8sv 3 + xic; yap

in all [things] you are able, [is powerless and to you nothing]. For who

saxiv o Kptmxoov as PouAxjv cpsiSojisvoc; 8s

is the one hiding you counsel, and sparing

prjjidxcDV Kai as oisxai Kpimxsiv xic; 8s avayys^si jioi

words, and [ you imagines to hide]? And who announces to me

a oi)Kf|8siv jisydAxx Kai Gaujiaaxd a

[things] which I knew not, great and wonderful, [things] which

odk S7iiaxd|xr|v 4 + dKODaov 8s jiod Kopis (va Kaycb

I had no knowledge? But hear me, O LORD! for I also

AxxAxjaoo spcoxfjaco 8s as ai) 8s |is didatpv 5+ aKofjv

shall speak. And I will ask you, and you teach me! Hearing

jisv 00x6c; fjKODOv aoi) xo 7ip6xspov vim 8s

indeed [in my] ear, I heard of you formerly; but now

o ocpGaXjioq (10D scbpaKs as 6 + 816 scpauAiaa

my eye sees you. Therefore I treated [ as worthless

sjioroxov Kai sxdKqv f|yr||iai 8s sjiauxov yrjv Kai

myself], and I was melted away; and I esteem myself earth and


29 30

ev tootco + viica

18 - Job

a7io56v ? + syevsxo 8s jisxd to XaXfjaai xov Kopiov

ashes. And it came to pass after the [ speaking LORD]

rcdvxa xa pfjjiaxa xatixa xco Icop si7iev o Kupioc;

all these words to Job, [ said the LORD]

EAitpd^ xco 0ai|iav(xr| fjiiapxsq &lt;td Kai oi 8t3o qnAxn

to Eliphaz the Temanite, You sinned and [ two friends

aoi) od yap sA,aAr|aaxe svcb7n6v jiod aAx|0ec; od8sv

your], [ not for you spoke before me true anything],

champ o 0sp&amp;7icov jioi) Icop 8 + vuv 5s AxxPexe S7TXd

as my attendant Job. And now, take seven

[ioa%ovq Kai S7ixd Kpiotic; Kai 7ropei)0r|xe npoq

calves, and seven rams, and go to

xov 0epd7tovxd jiou Icop Kai 7rorqaei Kdp7icoaiv 7isp(

my attendant Job! and he shall offer a yield [offering] for

djicov oxi 8i |xq 7rp6aco7iov avzov Ax|\j/o|iai 8i (irj yap

you, for in no way [of his face shall I receive], for but

8i' avzov a7icbXsaa avDjidq od yap

on account of him I [would] have destroyed you. [ not For

sXaArjaaxe aAxjGsc; Kaxd xou 0epd7iovx6c; jiod Icop 9 +

you did] speak true concerning my attendant Job.

S7iopsT30r| 8s EXicpd^ o 0ai|iav(xr|c; Kai BaX8d8 o

And they went — Eliphaz the Temanite, and Baldad the

£ai)%(xr|c; Kai Scocpdp o Mivaioc; Kai 87io(r|aav Ka0coc;

Shuhite, and Sophar the Minean. And they went as

awsxa^ev aDxoiq o Kupioq Kai e?u)ae

[ ordered them the LORD], and he dismissed

xrjv ajiapxiav aDxoiq 8id Icop 10 +088 Kupioc; rp3^r|a8

their sin because of Job. And the LORD increased

xov Icop SD^ajievou 8s ai)xoi3 Kai nspi

Job. [ making a vow And of his] and because of [being]

xcov qn^cov avTOV acpfjKsv auxoic; xrjv ajiapxiav sScoks

his friends he forgave to them the sin. [ gave

8s o Kupioq 8i7iXd 6aa r|v e|i7ipoa0ev Icop sic;

And the LORD] double, as much as was Job's before, by

SurXaaiaajiov n+ fjKouaav 8s 7idvxec; 01 aSeAxpoi avzov

doubling. [ heard And all his brothers

Kai ai a8sAxpa( avzov rcdvxa xa aDjiPepfjKoxa auxcb

and his sisters] all the [things] coming to pass to him.

Kai fjABov 7ipoc; ai)xov Kai rcavxec; oaoi fjSeiaav

And came to him even all as many as knew

avzov sk 7rpcbxoi) cpayovxsc; 8s Kai 7ii6vxsc; 7iap'

him at first. And eating and drinking with


29 30

8V TOUT© + VlKa

18 - Job

auxcb 7iapsKdA,saav auxov Kai s9ai3|iaaav S7ri 7idaiv

him, they comforted him. And they wondered upon all

oiq £7rfjyay£v S7i' auxcb o Kopioc; s8cdks 5s auxcb

which [brought upon him the LORD]. [ they gave And to him

SKaaxoq ajiv&amp;8a |i(av Kai xsxpd8pa%|iov %pvaovv

each ewe-lamb one], and a four-drachma [ gold

dar||iov 12+0 5s Kopioc; siAoyrjas xa sa%axa loop

[piece] of unmarked]. And the LORD blessed the latter end of Job

T| xa 8|i7ipoa08v r|v 8s xaKxfjvrj avzov 7ip6paxa

than the former. [ was And cattle his] — [ sheep

jitipia xsxpaKia%iAia Kdjirjloi s^aKiaxiAiai ^si3yr|

ten thousand four thousand], [camels six thousand], [teams

Pocbv %ikm ovoi GfjXsiai vo|id8sc; %ikmi 13 +

of oxen a thousand], [ donkeys female grazing a thousand].

yswcbvxai 8s auxcb moi srcxd Kai Buyaxspsc; xpsiq u +

And there were born to him [sons seven] and [daughters three].

Kai SKdXsas xrjv jisv 7ipcbxr|v rjjispav xrjv 8s 8si)xspav

And he called the first, Day, and the second,

Kaoiav xrjv 8s xpixrjv AjiaXGaiaq Kspac; 15 + Kai

Keziah, and the third, Amalthaia's Horn. And

od% si)ps9r|aav Kaxd xac; Guyaxspac; leap

there were not found according to the daughters of Job

PsAxiodc; auxcbv sv xr| vit r oupavov s8coks 8s

better than they among [the places] under heaven. [ gave And

auxak; o 7iaxf|p KArjpovojjiav sv xoiq aSsAxpoic; 16 +

to them [their] father] an inheritance among the brethren.

s^rjas 8s loop jisxd xrjv 7rAr|yfjv sxrj SKaxov

[ lived And Job] after the calamity [ years a hundred

xsoaapdKovxa Kai s(8sv loop zovq viovq avzov Kai

forty]. And Job saw his sons, and

Tovq viovq xcov mcbv avzov xsxdpxrjv ysvsdv 17+ Kai

the sons of his sons, [to the] fourth generation. And

sxsA,st3xt|osv IcoP 7ipsaPi)xspoc; Kai 7iAr|pr|c; r||ispcbv

Job came to an end an old man and full of days.


8V TOOTCp + VlKa
19- Psalms

1 X

1 + jiaK&amp;pioc; avfjp oq odk s7iopsD0r| sv PodAx| aaspcbv

Blessed [is] a man who went not in counsel of impious ones,

Kai sv o5cb a|iapxcoA,cbv odk saxrj Kai S7U Ka0s5pa

and [in [the] way of sinners stood not], and [upon a chair


of mischievous ones sat not]. But [ [is] in the law

KDpioD to 0sAr||ia ocdtod Kai sv too vojico ocdtod

[of the] LORD his will]; and in his law

|isA,sxfiasi rjjispaq Kai vdktoc; 3+ Kai saxai cgc; to

he shall meditate day and night. And he will be as the

^6Ax)v to 7isq)DTSD|isvov 7iapd Tac; 8is^65odc; tcov

tree being planted by the outlet of the

D8dTC0v o tov Kap7i6v aDTOD 8cbasi sv Kaipcb aDTOD

waters, which [ his fruit gives] in his season,

Kai to (pvXkov aDTOD odk a7roppDfjasTai Kai 7idvTa

and his leaf shall not drop down; and all

6aa av 7toifj KaTSDo5oo0fjasTai 4+ od% odtcoc; 01

as much as he should do will greatly prosper. Not so the

aaspsiq od% odtcoc; aXX r r\ coast yyovq ov SKpi7iTSi

impious, not so; but [is] as dust which [ casts forth

o dvsjioq a7io 7ipoaco7roD Tr\q yr\q 5+ 5id todto

the wind] from [the] face of the earth. On account of this

odk avacrcfjoovTai 01 aaspsiq sv Kpiasi od8s

[ shall not rise up the impious] in judgment, nor

ajiapTCoXoi sv PodAt| 8iKa(cov 6 + 6ti yivcbaKsi KDpioq

[the] sinners in [the] counsel of [the] just. For [the] LORD knows

o56v 8iKa(cov Kai odoq aaspcbv a7ioA,siTai

[the] way of [the] just, but [the] way of impious ones shall perish.

2 n

1+ ivan scpptia^av s0vr| Kai Xaoi sjis^STrjaav Ksvd

Why did [ neigh nations], and peoples meditate upon vain [things]?

2+ 7raps&lt;xrr|oav 01 PaaiXsiq Tr\q yr\q Kai 01 dpxovTsq

[ stood by The kings of the earth], and the rulers

aDvf|%0r|aav S7iiToaDT6 KaTd tod KopioD Kai KaTd

gathered together against the LORD and against

tod %pi&lt;xcoD aDTOD 3 + 8iappf|^co|isv todc; Ssctjiodc; aDTCOV

his anointed [one], We should tear up their bonds,

2 2 ev tootco + vtica 19- Psalms

Kai a7iopp(\j/co(i8v acp' rjjicbv xov ^uyov auxcbv 4 + o

and we should throw away from us their yoke. The

KaxoiKcbv sv ODpavoiq SKysXdasxai auxotic; Kai o

one dwelling in heavens derides them, and the

Kopioc; SK|XDKxr|pie( auxotic; 5 + xoxs XaAxjasi npoq

LORD ridicules them. Then he shall speak to

aDxotic; sv opyfj avzov Kai ev xco Gdjico ai)xoi3 xapd^si

them in his anger; and in his rage he will disturb

avTOvq 6+sycb8s KaxsaxdGrjv fiaaiksvq vit' avzov sm

them. But I was placed king by him over

Eicbv opoq to dyiov avzov ? + SiayysAloov xo 7ip6axay|ia

mount Zion, his holy [place]; declaring the order

KDpiOD KtjpiOq 81718 7ipOC; (18 Vl6q [IOV 81 (TO SyCO

of [the] LORD. [The] LORD said to me, [ my son you are], I

afjjispov ysyswrjKd as 8 + aixrjaai 7iap' S|icr6 Kai

today engendered you. Ask from me! and

8cbaco aoi sGvrj xrjv KArjpovojjiav oou Kai

I will give to you nations for your inheritance; and

xrjv Kaxdo%sa(v gov xa rcspaxa xrjc; yr\q 9 + 7ioi|iavsfc;

for your possession the ends of the earth. You shall tend

aDxotic; sv pdp5co ai8r|pd coq aKstirj Kspajiscoc;

them with a rod of iron; as vessels of a potter

awcpnj/sic; auxotic; 10+ Kai vdv Paai^siq ctdvsxs

you shall break them. And now, O kings, perceive!

7raiSei)6r|xs itavTsq 01 Kpivovxsc; xrjv yrjv u +

Let [ be instructed all the ones judging the earth]!

SoiAsuaaxs xco Kopico sv cpopco Kai ayaAAidaGs

Serve to the LORD in fear, and exult

ai)xcb sv xpojico 12+ 8pd^ao0s 7rai8siac; |if|7i;oxs

to him with trembling! Grab instruction! lest at any time

opyia0f| Kopioc; Kai a7roA,s(a6s s^ o8oi3 Sucaiac;

you should provoke [the] LORD to anger, and you shall perish from [ way [the]

oxav sKKai)6f| sv xd%si o dv[ioq avzov jiaKdpioi

whenever [ should be kindled quickly his rage]. Blessed [are]

7idvxsc; 01 7iS7ioi66xs(; sn ai)xoa

all the ones yielding upon him.

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

19- Psalms
3 a

1+ Kopis ti £7rAr|0i)v9r|aav oi GAipovxsc; (is 7ioAA,o(

O LORD, why were [ multiplied the ones afflicting me]? Many

S7iav(axavxai S7i' sjis 2 + noXkoi Myovai xrj

rise up against me. Many say [concerning]

\j/D%fj jiod odk eaxi acoxrjpia ai)xco ev xco Gscb avzov

my soul, There is no deliverance to him by his God.

8ia\j/aA,jia 3 + gd 8e Kopie avxiAr|7rxcop jiod si 86^a jiod

PAUSE. But you, O LORD, [ my shielder are], my glory,

Kai D\j/cbv ttjv KecpaAxjv jiod 4 + cpcovfj JIOD 7ipoc;

and [the] one raising up my head. [ my voice to

Kopiov SKSKpa^a Kai S7rfjKoi)os (10D opoix;

[the] LORD I cried out], and he heeded me from out of [ mountain

ayioi) avTOV 5 + eycb 8s £Koi|ifj0r|v Kai wrvcooa

his holy]. And I went to bed and slept.

s^r|ysp6r|v 6x1 Kopioc; avxiAx|\j/£xa( jiod 6 +

I woke up, for [the] LORD shall assist me.

od cpoPrjBfjaojiai ditto jii)pia8cov Xaov xcov kdkXco

I shall not fear from ten thousands of people of the ones round about

ai)V87riTi08|i8vcov jioi 7+ avaaxa Ki3pie acbaov (is o

joining in attacking me. Rise up, OLORD! Deliver me, O

Geoc; jiod on ai) £7r&amp;xa^ac; 7iavxac; xodc; e%6pa(vovxac;

my God! For you struck all the ones hating

jioi jiaxaicoc; oSovxaq ajiapxwAxbv airvexpuj/ac; 8 + xod

me for no cause; [ [the] teeth of sinners you broke]. [ [is] of the

Ki)p(oi) T| acoxrjpia Kai S7ii xov Xaov aoi)

LORD Deliverance], and [ [is] upon your people

T| erAoyia aoi)

your blessing].
4 7

1 + sv xco S7riKaA,s(a6a( (is eiafjKODae jiod o Geoc;

In my calling, [ heard me the God

xrjc; SiKaioawqc; (iod sv 0Ai\j/ei S7iXaxi)vac; (is

of my righteousness]; in affliction he widened me.

oiKxsiprjaov (is Kai eiaaKODaov xrjc; 7ipoaei)%f|c; jiod 2 +

Pity me, and hear my prayer!

Dioi av9pcb7icov ecoc; 7i6xs Papi)Kap8ioi ivaxi

O sons of men, until when [will you ease being] heavy hearted? Why


19- Psalms

ayaftdxe jiaxaioxrjxa Kai ^rjxsixe \|/si35oq 3+ Kai yvcbxs

do you love folly, and you seek a lie? And know!

on s0au|idax&lt;joas Kopioc; xov oaiov avzov Kopioc;

that [the] LORD did a wonder [for] his sacred one. [The] LORD

siaaKotiaexai jiod ev icq KSKpayevai |is itpoq auxov 4+

shall hear me in my crying out to him.

opyi^saGe Kai |ir| ajiapxdvsxs a Aiysxs sv

Be angry, and do not sin! What you say in

xaiq Kap8(aic; djicdv em xaic; Koixaiq djicov Kaxavuyrjxe

your hearts, [ upon your beds Let be vexed] !

5id\j/aA,|ia 5+ Gtioaxs dvaiav SiKaioawqc; Kai sAmaaxs

PAUSE. Sacrifice a sacrifice of righteousness, and hope

8711 Kopiov 6 + noXkoi Aiyouai xic; 5s(^si r\[iiv

on [the] LORD! Many say, Who shall show to us

xa ayaGd sar||isicb0r| scp' rjjLidq xo cpcoq

good [things]? [ was signified to us The light

xod 7ipoacb7roD aoi) Kopis 7+ s8cDKac; SDcppoativrrv sic;

of your face], O LORD. You put gladness into

xrjv Kap8(av jiou arco Kap7ioi) auov oivov Kai

my heart. Of [the] fruit of [the] grain, wine and

elaiou auxcbv S7iAx|0i)v0r|aav 8 + sv eipfjvrj £7ri xo

olive oil — [of them they were filled]. In peace [at the

ai)xo Koi|ir|0f|oo|iai Kai wrvcbacD 6x1 &lt;xo Kopie

same [place] I will go to bed] and sleep. For you, O LORD,

Kaxd [iovaq sk sAju8i KaxcbKiadq |ie

alone [with hope settled me].

5 n

1 + xa pf|(iaxd jiou svcbxiaai Kopis avvsq

[ my words Give ear to], OLORD! Take notice

Tr\q KpaDyfjc; jiou 2+ 7ip6a%ec; xr| (pcovfj xrjc; Sefjaecbc; jiou

of my cry! Take heed to the voice of my supplication,

o fiaoiksvq [iov Kai o 0e6c; jiod 6x1 npoq as

0 my king and my God! for to you

7rpoasi)^o|iai Kopis 3+ xo7ipcoi eiaaKouarj

1 shall pray, O LORD. In the morning you shall hear

Tr\q (pcovfjq |iod xo7ipcoi 7iapaaxf|ao|iai aoi Kai S7i6\j/ei

my voice. In the morning I shall stand beside you, and he shall watch

|is 4+ 6x1 ov%i 0s6c; 0eAx£v avojiiav av si oi)Se

me. For [ not a God wanting lawlessness you are], nor

5 n ev toi3tco + vtica 19 - Psalms

7iapoiKfiasi aoi 7iovr|psD6|isvoc; 5+ od8s 8ia|isvoi&gt;ai

shall [ sojourn with you the one being wicked]; nor shall [ abide

7iapdvo|ioi Kaxsvavxi tcov ocpBaXjicbv gov sjjiarjaac;

lawbreakers] in front of your eyes. You detested

7r&amp;vxac; Tovq spya£p|isvoi)c; xrjv avojiiav 6 + a7roA,s(c;

all the ones working lawlessness. You shall destroy

7t&amp;vxac; Tovq Xakovvzaq to \|/8i35oc; dv5pa aijidxcov

all the ones speaking the lie. A man of blood

Kai 56A,iov pSsAriaasTai Kopioc; 7 + sycb 8s sv too

and deceitful [the] LORD abhors. But I, in the

7iAx|0£i tod sksovq gov siasA,si&gt;ao|iai sic; tov oikov gov

multitude of your mercy shall enter into your house.

7ipoaKDvfjacD 7ipoc; vaov dyiov gov sv (pop© gov $ +

I shall do obeisance towards [ temple your holy] in [the] fear of you.

Kopis o8fjyr|a6v |is sv ttj SiKaioawq gov svsra

O LORD, guide me in your righteousness, because of

TCOV S%9pC0V [IOV KaTSl30DVOV svcb7ii6v GOV

my enemies! Straighten out [before you


my way] ! For there is no [ in their mouth

aArjGsia r| Kap8(a ai)Tcbv jiaTaia Tdcpoc; avscoyjisvoc;

truth]; their heart is vain; [[is] a tomb having been opened

o Xapvy^ auTcbv zaiq ylcbaaaic; auTcbv s5oAioi)oav 10 +

their throat]; [with] their tongues they used deceit.

Kpivov auTotic; o Gsoc; a7T07rsadTCoaav arco

Judge them, O God! let them fall away from

tcov SiaPoDAicbv auTcbv Korea to nXr\doq

their deliberations! According to the multitude

tcov aaspsicbv ai)Tcbv s^coaov avzovq 6ti 7raps7iiKpavdv

of their impieties banish them! For they rebelled against

as Kopis 11+ Kai SDcppavGsirjoav rcavTSc; shtiiCpvzsq sm

you, O LORD. And may [ be glad all hoping upon

os sic; aicbva ayaAlidaovTai Kai KaTaaKqvcbasic; sv

you]. [ into [the] eon They shall exult], and you shall encamp with

aDTOic; Kai Kau%f|aovTai sv aoi 01 ayarccovTSc;

them; and [ shall boast in you the ones loving

TO ovojid GOV

your name].

12+ 6ti gv siAoyfjasic; 8iKaiov Kopis coc; 671X00

For you shall bless [the] just, O LORD. As a shield

si)8oKiac; saTStpdveoaac; r\[iaq

of benevolence you crowned us.



19- Psalms

6 1

i + Kopis (ir| xco Gdjico aoi) sAiy^rjc; (IS jIT|8s

O LORD, you should not [in your rage reprove me], nor

tt] opyfj aoi) 7rai8si3ar|c; (is 2 + sAirjaov (is Kopis 6xi

[in your anger correct me]. Show mercy on me, O LORD! for

aaBevfjc; sijii (aaai (is icopis 6xi sxapa%6r|

I am weak. Heal me, OLORD! for [ [are] disturbed

xa oaxd jiod 3 + Kai r| yv%r\ jiod sxapax6r| acp68pa Kai

my bones], and my soul is disturbed exceedingly. But

ai) Kopis scoc; 7i6xs 4 + S7riaxps\j/ov Kopis puaai

you, O LORD, until when? Return, O LORD, rescue

xrjv \\fv%r\v (iod acoaov (is svsksv xod sksovq aoi) 5 + 6xi

my soul! Deliver me because of your mercy! For

ODK SOXIV SV XCO 0CXV&amp;XCO o (ivt|(iovst3cov aoi) sv 8s

there is no [ in death remembering you]; and in

xco &amp;8rj xiq s^ojioloyfjasxai aoi 6+ SK07iiaoa sv

Hades, who shall make acknowledgement to you? I tired in

xco axsvay (ico jiod Axroaco kcxG ' SK&amp;axr|v vi)Kxa

my moaning. I shall bathe [ each night

xrjv kAivt| jiod sv 8dKpi)ai jiod xrjv axpco(ivfjv (iod

my bed]; with my tears [ my strewn bed

Pps^co ?+ sxap&amp;x0r| a7io Gdjioi) o ocpGa^jioq (iod

I shall rain]. [ is disturbed from rage My eye].

S7raAmcb0r|v sv 7iaai xoic; s%6po(c; jiod

I grow old in all my enemies.

8+ a7roaxr|xs an sjictd navTsq oi spyatpjisvoi

Remove from me all the ones working

xrjv avojiiav 6xi siafjKODas Kopioc; xrjc; (pcovfjq

lawlessness! For [the] LORD heard the sound

xod kAxxdGjiod jiod 9+ fjKODas Kopioc; xrjc; Ssfjascoq jiod

of my weeping. [The] LORD listened to my supplication.

Kopioc; xtjv 7ipoosi)^T]v (iod 7ipoas8s^axo io +

[The] LORD [my prayer favorably received].

aia%Dv6svr|aav Kai xapa%0sir|aav 7iavxsc; oi s%0po( jiod

May they be put to shame and may they be disturbed — all my enemies;
a7ioaxpa(ps(r|aav Kai Kaxaia%DV0srr|aav acp68pa 8id

may they be turned back and put to shame exceedingly, [even]



7T ev xoi3xcp + vdca 19 -Psalms

7 T

i + Kopis o Gsoq jiod 8711 aoi fjAmaa acbaov |is sk

O LORD my God, upon you I hope. Deliver me from

71&amp;VT00V tcov 8icok6vtcov jis Kai pvaai |is 2 + |ifj7roTS

all the ones pursuing me, and rescue me! Lest at any time

ap7idar| coq Aicov xrjv \|/D%f|v jiod |ir|

[ should be snatched away as [by] a lion my soul], [while there is] none

ovToq AmpoDjisvoD |ir|5s ocbtpvTOc; 3+ Kopis

being for ransoming nor delivering. O LORD

o Bsoq jiod si S7ro(r|aa todto si sanv a8uda sv

my God, if I did this, if there is injustice in

%spai jiod 4 + si avTa7is8coKa xoiq avTa7ro8i8oDa( |ioi

my hands, if I recompensed to the ones recompensing to me

k(xk&amp; a7i07rsaoi|ii dpa arco tcov s%6pcbv jiod ksvoc;

with bad [things], may I fall away thus from my enemies empty ~

5 + KaxaSicb^ai dpa o s%6poc; xrjv \\fv%r\v |iod Kai

may [ pursue then the enemy] my soul, and

KaxaX&amp;Poi Kai KaTa7raxfjaai sic; yrjv xr|v ^cofjv jiod

may he overtake [it]; and may he trample [into [the] ground my life];

Kai ttjv 86^av |iod sk; %odv KaxaaKrjvcbaai 6 +

and [ my glory in [the] dust may be encamped].

avdaxr|9i Kopis sv opyfj gov D\j/cb0r|Ti sv xoiq

Rise up, O LORD, in your anger! Be raised up high in the

7ispaai tcov sxOpcbv ctod Kai s^syspGrjii Kopis

limits of your enemies! And awaken, O LORD

o Bsoq jiod sv 7ipoaTdy|iaTi co svstsiAxo 7 + Kai

my God! in [the] order in which you gave charge. And

aDvaycoyfj Xacbv kdkAxocisi os Kai D7isp TaDTTjc; sic;

a gathering of peoples shall encircle you; and for this [ unto

v\\foq S7U&lt;xcps\j/ov 8 + Kopioc; Kpivsi Xaovq Kpivov (is

[the] height return]! [The] LORD judges peoples. Judge me,

Kopis Kaxd ttjv SiKaioawqv jiod Kai raid

O LORD, according to my righteousness! and according to

xrjv araKiav jiod S7i' sjioi 9+ aDVTsA^aBrycoo 8r|

my innocence [judge] for me! Finish off entirely indeed

7iovr|pia ajiapxcolcov Kai KaxsDGDVsiq Sucaiov sxd^cov

[the] wickedness of sinners! And you shall straighten [the] just, examining

KapSiac; Kai vscppotic; o Gsoc; SiKaicbq 10 +

hearts and kidneys, O God, justly.

T] PofjGsid |iod 7iapd tod 0sod tod aco^ovToq todc;

My help [is] from God, the one delivering the

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

SD0s(c; tt] Kap5(a n+oGsoq Kpixfjq SiKaiog Kai

straight in the heart. God [judge [is] a just], and

ia%vpoq Kai |iaKp60u|ioc; [ir\ opyfjv £7tdycov

strong, and lenient, not [ anger bringing on]

Ka0' £K&amp;&lt;ycr|v rjjiepav 12+ sdv [ir\ S7riaxpacpf|X£

each day. If you should not turn,

xrjv pojicpaiav olvtov axiXpcbaei to xo^ov ovtov

[ his broadsword he will brighten]. His bow

svsxeivs Kai rjxoijiaasv auxo 13+ Kai sv auxcb

he stretched tight, and he prepared it; And by it

r|xo(|iaas aKstirj Gavdxoi) xa PsArj auxou xoic;

he prepared weapons of death; [ his arrows for the ones

Kaiojievoiq e^eipydaaxo u+ iSov co8(vr|aev aSudav

for burning he brought to completion]. Behold, [the wicked] travails with iniquity;


he conceived misery, and gave birth to lawlessness. [ a pit

copies Kai av8aKa\j/£v auxov Kai e|i7reaeixai eic;

He dug up], even he dug it, and he shall fall into

PoGpov ov sipydaaxo i 6 + S7riaxpe\j/si o itovoq ovtov

a cesspool which he worked. [ shall return His misery]

sic; KscpaArjv ovtov Kai em KopDtpfjv ovtov

unto his [own] head; and [ upon his head

T| a8iKia ovtov Kaxapfjaexai 17+ s^o|ioA,oyf|ao|iai xco

his injustice shall come down]. I shall make acknowledgment to the

Kopico Kaxd xrjv 8iKaioowr|v olvtov Kai \j/dAxjo xco

LORD according to his righteousness; and I shall strum to the

ovojiaxi KDpiOD XOD D\j/(aXOD

name of [the] LORD the highest.

8 n

1+ Kopie o KDpioq r||icbv coc; 9ai)|iaax6v xo ovojid gov

O LORD, our Lord, how wonderful [is] your name

sv 7idar| xr| yrj 6x1 S7rfjp0r| r| |ieyaA,07rps7isid gov

in all the earth. For [ was lifted your majesty]

D7rspdvco xcov oupavcbv 2+ sk axojiaxoc; vr|7Ucov

up above the heavens. From out of [the] mouths of infants

Kai GrjXa^ovxcov Kaxrjpxiaco aivov evera

and ones nursing you ready praise because of

xcov s%6pcbv gov xod KaxaAriaai £%0p6v Kai sK8iKT|xfiv

your enemies, to depose [the] enemy and [the] avenger.

9 Q ev tootco + vuca 1 9 - Psalms

3 + on 6\j/o(iai xovq ODpavotic; spya xcov 5aKxi3A,cov aoi)

For I shall see the heavens, [the] works of your fingers;

aeArjvrjv Kai aaxepac; a au sGsjisAicoaac;

[the] moon and stars which you founded.

4+ Ti eaxiv dv0pco7ioc; 6xi |ii|ivf|aKr| auxoi) r\ vioq

What is man that you remember him? or a son

av0pco7iou 6xi S7riaKS7rxr| auxov 5+ rjAxxxxcoaac; auxov

of man that you visit him? You lessened him

Ppa%i3 ti 7iap' ayye^ouc; 56^r| Kai xi|ifj

short of any of [the] angels; [with] glory and honor

eaxecpdvcoaac; auxov 6+ Kai Kaxeaxrjaaq auxov S7ri xa

you crowned him; and you placed him over the

spya xcov %eipcbv aou rcdvxa U7iexa^ac; U7ioKdxco

works of your hands. All [things] you submitted underneath

xcov 7io5cbv auxou 7 + 7ip6paxa Kai Poac; a7idaac; exi 8e

his feet - sheep and oxen all together, and still

Kai xa Kxfjvrj xou 7T£8(ou 8 + xa 7isx8ivd xou

also the cattle of the plain, the winged creatures of the

oupavou Kai Tovq i%dvaq xrjc; dakaaar\q xa

heaven, and the fishes of the sea — the

8ia7iopsuo|isva xpipouc; 0aA,aaacbv 9+ Kupis

ones traveling over [the] paths of [the] seas. O LORD,

0 Kupioc; rjjicbv coc; 0au|iaax6v xo ovojid aou ev 7idar|

our Lord, how wonderful [is] your name in all

xtj yrj

the earth.
9 13

1+ s^o|ioAx)yfjao|iai aoi Kupie ev 6hr\ Kap8(a |iou

I shall make acknowledgment to you, O LORD, with [entire heart my].

8ir|yf|ao|iai rcdvxa xa 0au|idaid aou 2+ SDcppavGrjaojiai

1 shall describe all your wonders. I will be glad

Kai ayaAAidaojiai sv aoi \j/dAxo xco ovojiaxi aoi)

and exult in you. I shall strum [to] your name,

u\j/iaxe 3 + sv xco a7ioaxpacpfjvai xov e%0pov jiou eic; xa

O highest one. In the turning of my enemy unto the

O7r(aco aaBsvfjaouai Kai a7toAx)uvxai anb

rear, they shall weaken and be destroyed from

7ipoacb7ioD aoi) 4+6x1 S7iorr|aac; xttv Kpiaiv \iov Kai

your face. For you made my case and

9 0 ev tootco + vtica 1 9 - Psalms

TT|V 8lKT|V |IOD SKdGiaaq S7U Gpovoi) o Kpivcov

my cause. You sat upon [the] throne ~ the one judging

8iKaioawr|v 5 + S7iSTi|ir|oac; sGvsai Kai a7rcbXsTO o

righteousness. You reproached nations, and [ perished the

aaspfjc; to ovojia avzov s^f^suj/ac; sic; tov aicbva Kai

impious]. [ his name You wiped away] into the eon, and

siq xov aicbva tod aicbvoc; 6 + tod s%6poD s^sAmov ai

into the eon of the eon. [ of the enemy failed The

pojicpaiai sic; tsAxdc; Kai 7i6A,sic; KaGsiXsc; a7icbA,STO

broadswords] unto [the] end; and [ cities you demolished]; [ was destroyed


his memorial] with noise. And the LORD [ into

tov aicbva jisvei rjTOijiaasv sv Kpiasi

the eon abides]. He prepared [ for judgment


his throne]. And he will judge the inhabitable world

sv 5iKaio&lt;y6vr| Kpivsi Axxodc; ev sd0dtt|ti 9 + Kai

in righteousness. He shall judge peoples with uprightness. And

sysvsTO KDpioq KaTacpDyfj tco 7isvr|Ti PorjGoq sv

[the] LORD became a refuge to the needy; a helper at

SDKaipiaiq sv 6Ai\j/sai 10+ Kai sAmadTCoaav S7i( aoi

an opportune time in afflictions. And [ hope upon you

01 yivcbcTKovTSc; to ovojid ood 6ti odk syKaTsA,ursc;

the ones knowing your name], for you abandoned not


the ones seeking after you, O LORD. Strum to the LORD!

tco KaTOiKODVTi sv Eicbv avayysdaTS sv toic;

to the one dwelling in Zion. Announce among the

sGvsai Ta S7iiTr|5sD|iaTa aDTOD 12 + 6ti o sk^tcov

nations his practices! For the one requiring

Ta aijiaTa aDTcbv sjivfjaGrj odk s7tsAxx0sto Tr\q KpaDyfjq

their blood he remembered. He did not forget the cry

TCOV 7TSVf|TC0V 13+ sXsTjOOV |IS KDpiS (5s

of the needy. Show mercy on me, OLORD! Behold

ttjv Ta7isivcoaiv jiod sk tcov s%6pcbv |IOD O D\j/COV |IS

my humiliation from my enemies! O one raising me

sk tcov 7iDAxbv tod GavdTOD 14+ 07rcoc; av s^ayysiAxo

from the gates of death. so that I should publish

7tdaac; Tac; aivsasic; aoD sv zmq nvXaiq Tr\q 0DyaTp6c;

all your praise at the gates of the daughter



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

Eicbv ayaAAiaaojisGa S7i( icq acoirj pica aoi) 15 +

of Zion. We will exult over your deliverance.

sv£7r&amp;yr|aav s0vr| sv 5iacp0opd r| s7iorr|aav sv

[ were stuck [The] nations] in corruption which they produced; by

7iay(8i xm3xr| r| sKpu\j/av ai)vsAx|(p0r| o novq auxcbv 16 +

this snare which they hid [ was seized their own foot].

yivcoaKsxcu icopioc; Kpijiaxa 7ioicbv sv xoic; spyoic;

[The] LORD is known [judgments by executing]; [by the works

xcov %sipcbv ovtov avvskr\(pQr\ o ajiapxco^oc; cg5t} n +

of his hands is seized the sinner]. ANODE.

a7ioaTpa(pfjTCDaav 01 ajiapxcoAxn sic; xov &amp;8rrv 7idvxa

Let [ be turned the sinners] to Hades! [even] all

xa sGvrj xa S7iiXav6av6|i8va xod 6soi3 i 8 + 6xi odk sic;

the nations forgetting God. For [ not at

Tskoq smArjaGfjaexai o 7ixco%6c; rj D7io|iovf| xcov

[the] end shall be forgotten the poor]; the patience of the

7T£vfjxcov odk curoXsixai sic; Tskoq 19+ avdaxrjGi Kopis

needy ones shall not perish to [the] end. Rise up, O LORD,

|ir| KpaxaicroaGco dv9pco7ioc; KpiGfjxcoaav s0vr|

do not let [ overpower man]! Let [be judged [the] nations]

svcb7ii6v gov 20+ Kaxdaxrjaov Kopis vojioGsxttv S7i'

before you! Place, O LORD, a lawgiver over

ovTOvq yvcbxcoaav sGvrj 6x1 dv0pco7io( siai

them! Let [ know [the] nations] that they are men!

10 ■»

1+ ivaxi Kopis acpsaxrjKaq jioucpoGsv imspopdc; sv

Why, O LORD, have you abstained far off? neglected at

SDKaipicuc; sv 6Ai\j/saiv 2+ sv xco wrsprjcpavstisaGcu

opportune times in afflictions? In the being prideful

xov aaspf) S|i7n)p(^sxai o 7ixco%6c; &lt;xoAA,a|ipdvovxai sv

by the impious one, [is burnt the poor one]; they are seized by

8iaPoi)Aioic; oiq 8iaXoy(£pvxai 3+ 6x1 S7iaivs(xai o

[the] deliberations which they argue. For [ applauds the

ajiapxco^oc; sv xcuc; smGDjiiaK; xrjc; yv%r)q olvtov kcu o

sinner] in the desires of his soul; and the

a5iKcbv siAoysixcu 4 + 7iapcb^i)vs xov Kopiov o

one doing wrong blesses [himself]. [provoked the LORD The

ajiapxcoloc; Kaxd xo ith^doq xrjc; opyfjc; olvtov odk

sinner] according to the magnitude of his anger; he shall not


8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

SK^rjxfjasi odk saxiv o 0s6c; svcb7iiov aDxoD 5 +

seek after [God]; [ is not God] before him;

PePrjXowcai ai 0801 aDxoD sv rcavxi Kaipcb

[ are profane his ways] at all time;

avxavaipsixai xa Kpijiaxd gov and 7rpoacb7TOD avzov

[ are taken away your judgments] from in front of him;

7t&amp;vxcDV xcov s%0pcbv avzov KaxaKopisDasi 6 + si7is yap

[ all his enemies he shall dominate]. For he said

sv Kap8(a avzov ov jit] aaXsD0cb arco ysvsdc; sic;

in his heart, In no way should I be shaken from generation to

ysvsdv dvsD KaKOD 7+ ov apaq

generation; [I shall exist] without bad [happening]; whose curse

xo axojia avzov ysjiei Kai 7UKp(ac; Kai 86A,od vtio

his mouth [is] full of, and bitterness, and treachery; under

xrjv yAxbaaav avzov K07roc; Kai 7i6voc; s + syKaGrjxai

his tongue [is] toil and misery; he lies in wait

svs8pa jisxd 7iAx)Daicov sv a7ioKpDcpoic; xod a7ioKxsivai

to ambush with [the] rich in concealment, to kill

a0cbov 01 ocpGaXjioi avzov sic; xov 7isvr|xa

[the] innocent; his eyes [ against the needy

a7ropA,S7roi)aiv 9+ svsSpsDsi sv a7ioKpDcpco coc; Aicov sv

look]. He lies in wait in concealment as a lion in

xtj |idv5pa avzov svsSpsDsi xod ap7idoai 7ixco%6v

his lair; he lies in wait to snatch away [the] poor;

ap7idaai 7ixco%6v sv xco sAxoaai avzov sv

to snatch away [the] poor when he draws him. In

xtj 7iay(8i aDxoD xa7isivcbasi avzov 10+ kd\j/si Kai

his snare he humbles him. He shall bow and

7isas(xai sv xco auxov KaxaKopistiaai xcov 7tsvt]xcov n +

fall in his dominating the needy.

si7is yap sv xt] Kap8(a avzov S7iiA,sAx|axai o 0s6c;

For he said in his heart, God has been forgotten,

a7isaxps\j/s xo 7rp6aco7iov avzov xod jit] pXs7isiv siq

he turned his face to not see into

Tzkoq 12 + avdoxT]0i Kopis o 0s6c; |iod d\j/co0t]xco

[the] end. Rise up, O LORD my God! Raise up high

T] %sip ctod |iT] s7iiA,d6r| xcov 7isvf|xcov ctod sic; xsloc; 13 +

your hand to not forget your needy unto [the] end!

svsksv xivoc; 7iapcbpyiasv o aaspfjc; xov 0s6v

For what [reason] did [ provoke to anger the impious God]?

si7is yap sv Kap8(a aDxoD odk sK^nxfjasi u +

For he said in his heart, He shall not require [an account].


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

fiXzmiq on cjd 7i6vov Kai 0dji6v Kaxavosk;

For you see. You [ misery and rage contemplate]

tod 7tapa5oDvai auxov sic; %e(pac; gov

to deliver him into your hands.

aoi eyKaxaAileurxai o 7rcco%6c; opcpavcb &lt;xo r\ada

[ have been abandoned to you The poor], to [the] orphan you were

PorjGoq 15+ awcpnj/ov xov Ppaxiova tod ajiapxcoloD

a helper. Break the arm of the sinner

Kai 7iovr|poD ^xr|0f|aexai r| ajiapxia aDxoD Kai od jlit|

and wicked one! [ shall be sought for His sin], and in no way

si)ps6f| i6+ KDpioq fiaaikvbq eic; xov aicbva Kai sic;

shall he be found. [The] LORD [is] king into the eon, and into

xov aicbva xod aicbvoc; anoXsiods sGvrj sk

the eon of the eon. You shall be destroyed, O nations, from out of

xrjc; yrjc; aDxoD n+ xttv S7ii0D|iiav xcov 7i8vf|xcov

his land. [ the desire of the needy

eiafjKODaac; Kopie xrjv sxoijiaoia xrjc; Kap5(ac; aDxcbv

You heard], O LORD, [ the preparation of their heart

ftpoasaxs xo ovq cod is+ Kpivai opcpavcb Kai xa7isivcb

took heed to your ear], to judge orphans, and [the] humble;

(va jirj 7ipoa0fi sxi xod [isyakav%siv av0pco7coc; S7ri

that [ should not proceed still to brag man] upon

xrjc; yrjc;

the earth.

11 «•»

l + S7U XCO KDpiCO 71871010a 7CCGC; SpSlXS XT] \\fV%T\ |IOD

Upon the LORD I have yielded. How shall you say [to] my soul,

jisxavaaxsDOD £7U xa 6pr| cgc; axpoD0(ov 2 + 6xi i5od

Migrate unto the mountains as a sparrow? For behold,

oi ajiapxco^oi evexsivav xo^ov rjxoijiaaav PeArj siq

the sinners stretch tight [the] bow; they prepare arrows for
cpapsxpav xod Kaxaxo^sDaai sv aKoxo|xqvr| xodc;

[the] quiver, to shoot in moonlight the

SD0e(c; xt| Kap8(a 3+6x1 a cjd Kaxrjpxiaco aDxoi

straight in heart. That which you readied, they

Ka0s(Xov o 8s SiKaioq xi 87rofr|oe 4 + Kopioc; sv vacb

demolished; but the just, what did they do? [The] LORD [is] in [ temple

ayico aDxoD Kopioc; ev ODpavcb o 0p6voq aDxoD

his holy]; [the] LORD [is] in heaven his throne;

01 ocp0aX|io( aDxoD sic; xov 7csvr|xa S7cipXs7C0Dai

his eyes [ unto the needy pay attention];


12 T

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

xa p^scpapa avzov s^sxd^si zovq viovq tcdv av6pcb7icov

his eyelids inquire diligently of the sons of men.

5 + Kopioc; s^sxd^si xov 5iKaiov Kai xov aaspfj

[The] LORD inquires diligently to the just and the impious;

o 8s ayoLTrcbv a8udav

but the one loving injustice detests his own soul.

S7iiPp8^si 87ii ajiapxcoXo^q 7iayi5ac; nvp Kai 0s(ov Kai

He shall rain [ upon sinners snares]; fire and sulphur and

7rvsi)|ia Kaxaiy(8oc; rj jispfc; tod 7ioxr|pu)D auxcbv ? +

[wind a gale] [shall be] the portion of their cup.

on SiKaioq Kopioc; Kai SiKaioaovac; r|yd7rr|asv

For [the] LORD [is] just, and [righteousness he loves];

sd0t3tt]t(x^ s(5s to 7ip6aco7rov olvtox)

[ straightness perceived his face].

12 v

i+ acbaov |is Kopis 6xi SKAiXoursv oaioc; 6xi

Deliver me, OLORD! for [ has failed [the] sacred one]; for

coAiycb9r|aav ai aAxjGeiai goto tcov mcbv

[ were lessened the ones in truths] from the sons

tcov av0pcb7rcov 2 + jidxaia sAxxArjasv sraaxoc; npoq

of men. [ vanity spoke Each] to

xov 7tAt|giov clvtov %eiAx| 86Aia sv Kap5(a Kai sv

his neighbor. [ lips Deceitful] [are] in [the] heart, and by

KapSia eXaAxjae KaKa 3 + s^oXoBpsuaai Kopioc; rcdvxa

[the] heart he spoke evils. Let [the] LORD utterly destroy all

xa %zikr\ xa 86Aia Kai yAxbaaav |ieyaAx)ppfj|iova 4 +

the [hps deceitful], and [tongues lofty speaking] !

xodc; surovxac; xrjv yAxbaaav rjjicbv |isyaAm&gt;oi)|isv

the ones having said, [our tongues We will magnify];

xa %zikr\ r)|icbv 7iap' r\[dv saxi xic; r||icov Kopioc; saxiv

our lips [ for us are]; who [ our lord is]?

5+ svsksv xrjc; xaAm7icGpiac; xcov 7ixcoxcbv Kai xou

Because of the misery of the poor, and the

axsvayjioi) xcov 7isvf|xcov vdv avaaxfjaojiai Aiysi

moaning of the needy, now I will arise, says

Kopioc; Gfjaojiai sv acoxrjpico 7iappr|aidao|iai sv auxcb

[the] LORD, I will establish by deliverance, I will speak openly by him.

6+ xa Xoyia Kopioi) Xoyia ayvd apyupiov

The oracles of [the] LORD [oracles [are] pure]; [as] silver


1 3 v ev tootco + vuca 19- Psalms

7rs7iDpco|isvov Sokijiiov tt] yrj KSKaGapiajisvov

tried in fire, proved in the earth, being purified

£7rTa7rXaaiCDc; ?+ od Kopis (pvXatqsiq rjjiac; Kai

seven-fold. You, O LORD, shall guard us, and

8iaxr|pf|a£ic; rjjiac; anb Tr\q ysvsac; Ta^xriq Kai sic; tov

you shall carefully keep us from this generation, and into the

aicova 8+ kdkXco 01 aaspsic; 7cspuraTOi)oi Kara

eon. [ round about The impious walk]. According to

to v\\foq aoi) S7coAi)cbpr|aac; zovq viovq tcov av9pcb7ccov

your stature you took great care of the sons of men.

13 X*

i+ scoc; 7t6ts Kupis S7iiXf|ar| jiod sic; zskoq scoc; 7c6ts

For how long, O LORD, will you forget me — unto [the] end? For how long

aTToaxpscpsic; to 7ip6oco7r6v aoi) an sjioi) 2+ scoc; xivoq

do you turn your face from me? Until what [time]

Gfjaojiai fiovXaq sv \\fv%r\ |ioi) odvvaq sv KapSia |ioi)

shall I set plans in my soul, [with] griefs in my heart

rjjispac; Kai vdktoc; scoc; 7c6ts D\j/co0f|asrai

day and night? For how long shall [ be exalted

O SX0p6(; (101) 871 ' 8(18 3 + 87llPA,8\j/OV SKJ&amp;KODCTOV (101)

my enemy] over me? Look upon, hear me,

icupie o Gsoc; jiod cpcoTiaov todc; o(pdak[iovq jiod

O LORD my God! Enlighten my eyes!

(if|7roT£ i)7rvcoaco sic; GdvaTOV 4 + |IT|7C0TS 817TOI

lest at any time I should sleep in death; lest at any time [ might say

o 8X0p6q jiod ia%vaa npoq oidtov 01 BAipovTSc; (is

my enemy], I prevailed against him. The ones afflicting me

ayaAAiaaovrai 8&amp;v aaXzvdcb 5 + sycb 8s S7U

shall exult if I should be shaken. But I [ upon

too sXssi aoi) fjAjnaa ayaAAiaasrai rj Kap8(a jiod S7U

your mercy hoped]. [ shall exult My heart] over


your deliverance. I shall sing to the LORD, to the one benefiting


me; and I will strum to the name of [the] LORD the highest.


14 V


19- Psalms

14 7^

i + S17T8V dcppcov sv Kap8(a oidtod odk sail Gsoc;

[ said [The] fool] in his heart, There is no God.

8i8(p6dpr|aav Kai sp8sA,D%0r|aav sv S7iiTr|8sD|iaoiv

They were corrupted and abhorrent in their practices.

odk sail 7ioicbv xprjaTOTTjTa 2+ Kopioc; sk

There is not one doing that which is good. [The] LORD from out of

tod ODpavoD 8iskd\j/sv 87ii todc; diodc; xcov avOpamcDV

heaven looked upon the sons of men,


to see if there is one perceiving or inquiring of God.

7t&amp;VTec; 8^8K?avav ajia r|Xp8icb6r|oav odk sctti 7ioicbv

All turned aside together; they were made useless; there is not one doing

XprjaTOTrjTa odk s&lt;xciv sooc; svoc; 4 + od%( yvcbaovTai

that which is good; there is not even one. Do [ not know

7T&amp;VT8C; 01 spyatpjisvoi tttv avopiav 01 sctBiovtsc;

all the ones working lawlessness], the ones devouring

tov Xaov jiod Ppcbasi apTOD tov Kopiov

my people [as the] food of bread? [the LORD

odk sftSKaAiaavTO 5 + sksi sSsiAiaaav 96 pea od

They called not upon]. There they were timid with fear, of which

odk Tjv cpopoq 6ti o Gsoc; sv ysvsd 5iKaia 6 +

there was no fear; for God [is] with [the] generation of [the] just.

PoDAxjV 7TTCD%0D KCtTT|0%DV(XTS 0Tl KDpiOCJ sfalV;

[The] counsel of [the] poor you disgraced, for [the] LORD [ hope


is his]. Who will grant from Zion the deliverance

tod IapafjA, sv too S7iiaTps\j/cu Kopiov tt|v ai%|iaAxDa(av

of Israel? In the LORD turning the captivity

tod Xaov aDTOD ayaAAi&amp;asTca IaKcbp Kai

of his people, Jacob shall exult, and

SDcppavBfjasTca IopafjX

Israel shall be glad.

15 1t3

1 + KDpis tic; 7rapoiKfjasi sv too aKT|vcb|iaTi aoD r| tic;

O LORD, who shall sojourn in your tent, or who

KaTaaKTjvcbasi sv opsi ayico aoD 2 + 7iopsDO|isvo(;

shall encamp in [mountain your holy]? The one going

&amp;|icd|ioc; Kai spyatpjisvoc; 8iKaioaDvr|v XaX&amp;w

unblemished, and working righteousness, speaking


16 TO

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

aXfjGsiav sv Kap8(a aDxoD 3 + oq odk e86Axoasv sv

truth in his heart; who did not [speak] treacherously with

yAxoaorj aDxoD Kai odk 87ioir|as xco nh^aiov avzov

his tongue, and did not [do] [ [to] his neighbor

kockov Kai ovei5ia|i6v odk zkafizv S7il xoic;

bad], and [ scorning did not take up] [against] the ones

syyioxa ocdtod 4 + s^oDSevcoxai evco7i;iov ocdtod

near him. [ is treated with contempt before him

7rovr|p£D6|isvoc; xodc; 8s cpopoDjisvoDc; XOV KDpiOV

[The one acting] wickedly]; but the one fearing the LORD

So^d^ei o ojivdcov xco Tihr\aiov ocdtod Kai odk

he glorifies, [even] the one swearing by an oath [to] his neighbor and not

aGexcbv 5 + to apyopiov ocdtod odk sScoksv S7U xokco

annulling [it]; his money he did not give for interest,

Kai 8cbpa 87i ' aGcooic; odk eAxxpev o 7coicbv xatixa

and bribes from [the] innocent he did not take. The one doing these [things]

od aaA,8D0f|O8Tai sic; xov aicbva

shall not be shaken into the eon.

16 Ttt
1+ (pvhatpv |i8 KDpis 6x1 87i( aoi fjAmaa 2 + si7ca xco

Guard me, O LORD, for upon you I hoped! I said to the

KDpico KDpioq jiod si gv oxi xcov ayaGcov |IOD OD

LORD, [ my LORD You are], for [ of my goodness no

Xpsiav 8%8ic; 3 + xoic; ayioic; xoic; sv xrj yr| aDxoD

need you have]. [ the holy ones in his land

eGaDjidaxcoaev o Kopioc; 7cdvxa xa GeATjjiaxa aDxoD

wondered The LORD], all his willing ones

sv aDxofc; 4+ 87cA,r|0Dv6r|aav ai aaGeveiai aDxcbv jiexd

among them. [ were multiplied Their weaknesses] ~ [ after

xaDxa sxd%Dvav od jlit| aDvaydyco xaq

these [gods] they [that] hastened]. In no way shall I bring together the ones

aDvaycoydc; aDxcbv aijidxcov od8' od |ir| jivrjaGcb

of their gathering for blood, nor in any way shall I mention

xcov ovojidxcov aDxcbv 8id %zikz(tiv l^ 01) 5 + KDpioc;

their names through my lips. [The] LORD

(ispiq Tr\q KArjpovojjiac; jiod Kai xod 7coxr|p(oD |iod ctd

[is the] portion of my inheritance and of my cup. You

si o a7C0Ka6ioxcbv xrjv KAxjpovojjiav jiod s|io( 6 +

are the one restoring my inheritance to me.


17 P ev toi3tco + vtica 1 9 - Psalms

o%oivia S7iS7i8oav |ioi sv xoic; Kpaxiaxoic; Kai

[The] measuring lines fallen to me in the most excellent [places]. Yes,

yap r| KAxjpovojjia jiod Kpaxiaxri jioiscmv 7+ si)A,oyf|aco

for my inheritance [ most excellent is to me]. I will bless

xov Kopiov xov (yovsTiaavxa |is sxi 8s Kai scoq

the LORD, the one bringing understanding to me; but still also until

VDKioq S7ra(8si)adv |is 01 vscppoi jiod 8+ 7ipocopcb|ir|v

night [ corrected me my kidneys]. I foresaw

xov Kopiov svcb7ii6v (iod 8ia7iavx6c; 6x1 sk

the LORD before me always; for [ on

Ss^icbv jiou saxiv iva |ir| aaA,su0cb 9 + 8id

my right he is] that I should not be shaken. On account of

TOtJTO r|D(ppdv9r| r| Kap8ia jiod Kai rjyaAAidaaxo

this [ was glad my heart], and [exulted

r| yAxbaad jiod sxi 8s Kai r| aap^ jiod KaxaaKqvcbasi

my tongue]; and still also my flesh shall encamp

S7i ' sAju8i 10+OTi odk syKaxa^snj/sic; xr|v \\fv%r\v jiod sic;

in hope. For you shall not abandon my soul in

d8r|v ou5s Scoosk; tov oaiov gov i5s(v SiacpBopdv n +

Hades, nor shall you give your sacred one to see corruption.

syvcbpiadcj |ioi odovq tfd^c, 7iAr|pcbosic; |is

You made known to me [the] ways of life. You shall fill me

SDcppoawrjq jisxd tod 7ipoacb7roD aou xsp7rv6xr|xsc; sv

of gladness with your face. Delightfulness [is] at

ttj 5s^(a aoi) sic; xsXocj

your right unto [the] end.

17 n

1 + siadKODaov Kopis xrjc; 8iKaio&lt;y6vr|c; jiod 7ip6axsc; ttj

Hear, O LORD, my righteousness! Take heed [to]

8ef|asi |iod svcbxiaai xrjv 7ipoasu%f|v |iod odk sv

my supplication! Give ear [to] my prayer not [uttered] by

%siksai boXioxq 2 + sk 7ipoaco7i;oD aoi) to Kpijid jiod

[ lips deceitful] ! [ from your presence my judgment

s^sXGoi 01 o(p0aA,|io( jiou iSsxcoaav suGuxrjxac; 3 +

May come forth]; [ my eyes let] behold uprightness!

sSoKijiaaacj xrjv Kap8(av [iov S7isaKs\j/co vdkxoc;

You tried my heart; you visited at night;

S7r6pcoadc; |is Kai od% sups0r| sv sjioi a8iKia OTtcnq av

you set me on fire, and [ was not found in me injustice], so that


17 P ev toi3tco + vtica 1 9 - Psalms

|ir| Xakf\ar\ xo axojia jiou 4 + xa spya

[ should not speak my mouth]. [Concerning] the works

tcov av0pcb7icov 8id zovq Xoyovq xcov %siAicov aou sycb

of men, by the words of your lips I

sqroAxx^a o5ot3c; aKAxjpdc; 5 + Kaxdpxiaai

guarded [ ways hard]. Fashion

xa Siapfjjiaxd jiod sv xaic; xptpoic; ood (va jir|

my footsteps in your roads! that [ should not

aa^suGcoai xa Siapfjjiaxd jiod 6 + sycb SKSKpa^a 6xi

be shaken my footsteps]. I cried, for

£7rf|KODadc; jiod o dsoq kAivov to ovq gov sjioi kcu

you heeded me, O God; lean your ear to me, and

eiadKODaov xcov prjjidxcov (iod ?+ 0aa)jidaxcoaov

hear my words! Show the wonder

xa eAirj aou o acb^cov zovq sAmtpvxac; S7U as 8K

of your mercies! O one delivering the ones hoping upon you, from

xcov avGeaxrjKoxcov xrj 5s^id OOD 8 + (pvXatpv (IS KTjpiS

the ones opposing [at] your right. Guard me, O LORD,

cog Koprjv ocpGaXfioD sv aKS7ir| xcov 7ixspi)ycov aou

as [the] pupil of [the] eye! Under [the] protection of your wings

aKS7idasic; (is 9+ ano 7rpoacb7roi) aasPcbv

shelter me! [even] from [the] face of [the] impious

xcov xaXai7icopr|advxcov (is 01 sxOpoi (iou

ones causing misery for me. My enemies

xrjv \\fv%r\v jiou 7ispisa%ov 10 + xo axsap auxcov

[ my soul compass]. [ in their own fat

ai)vsKA,siaav xo axojia auxcbv sldAxjasv U7ispr|(paviav 11 +

They are enclosed]; their mouth speaks pride.

SKpa^ovxsq (is vdvi 7ispisKi)KAxoadv (IS

They are casting me out now; they surrounded me;

xodc; o(pQak[iovq auxcbv s0svxo SKxAivai sv xt| yxj 12 +

their eyes set to turn me to the ground.

D7tsA,ap6v (is coast Aicov sxoijioc; sic; 6f|pav Kai coast

[ they undertook me As a lion prepared for a hunt], and as

aKDjivoc; oiKcov sv aTCOKpixpoic; 13+ avdaxrjGi icopis

a cub living in concealment. Rise up, OLORD!

7ip6cp0aaov auxotic; Kai amoaKsAiaov auxotic; ptiaai

Be there beforehand with them, and trip them! Rescue

xrjv \\fv%r\v (iod a7io aaspotic; pojicpaiav aou u+ anb

my soul from [the] impious by your broadsword! From


18 rr

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms
8X0pcbv Tr\q %sipoc; aoi) Kopis a7io oAiycov arco yr\q

[the] enemies by your hand, O LORD; from [the] few of [the] earth;

8iajispiaov avTOvq sv xrj ^cofj auxcbv Kai

divide them in their life. And

xcov KSKpujijisvcov aoi) S7rArja0r| r| yaaxfjp auxcbv

of your [things] being hidden [ was filled their belly];

£XopT&amp;a6r|oav mcbv Kai acpfjKav xa Kaxd^oma xoic;

they were filled of sons, and [ they leave the remnants] [to]

vr|7U0ic; auxcbv 15 + sycb 8s ev SiKaioawrj ocp0fjaojiai

their infants. But I [ in righteousness shall appear

xco 7rpoacb7r&lt;jo aou %opxaa0f|ao|iai sv xco ocpGfjvai |ioi

in front of you]. I shall be filled in [appearing tome

xrjv 86^av aoi)

your glory].

18 rr

i+ aya7rfjacD as Kupis ia%vq jiod 2 + icupioq

I shall love you, O LORD, of my strength. [The] LORD

axspscojid |iod Kai KaxacpDyfj jiod Kai puaxrjc; jiod

[is] my firmament, and my refuge, and my rescuer.

0 0s6c; jiod PorjGoc; jiod Kai sAmco S7i' auxov

My God [is] my helper, and I will hope upon him;

D7repaa7iiaxfjc; jiod Kai Kspac; acoxrjpiac; jiod Kai

my defender and horn of my deliverance, and

avxiAxj7ixcop jiod 3 + aivcbv S7iiKaA,sao|iai xov Kopiov

my shielder. In praising, I will call upon the LORD;

Kai sk xcov s%0pcov |iod aa)0r^ao|iai 4 + 7ispisa%ov |is

and from my enemies I shall be delivered. [ compassed me

coSivsc; Bavdxoi) Kai x 8 ^ a PP 01 avojiiac; s^sxdpa^dv

Pangs of death], and rushing streams of lawlessness disturbed

(is 5+ co8ivsc; d8oi) 7rspisK6KAxoadv jis 7iposcp0aadv (is

me. Pangs of Hades surrounded me; [anticipated me

7iayi5sc; Gavdxoi) 6+ Kai sv xco 0Aipsa0a( jis

snares of death]. And in my being afflicted

S7isKaA,sad(ir|v xov Kopiov Kai itpoq xov 0s6v jiod

1 called upon the LORD, and to my God

SKSKpa^a fjKODasv sk vaov ayioi) avzov

I cried out. He heard [ from out of temple his holy

cpcovfjc; jiod Kai r| Kpai)yf| jiod svcbmov avzov

my voice], and my cry before him

siaslsuasxai sic; xa coxa avzov 7 + Kai saaXsvdr\ Kai

shall enter into his ears. And it was shaken; and


18 rr

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

19- Psalms

svipojioq sysvfjGrj r| yr| Kai xa GejieAaa xcov opscov

trembling took place on the earth; and the foundations of the mountains

STap&amp;%0r|aav Kai £oaA,si)0r|aav on copyiaGrj

were disturbed and shaken; for [ was provoked to anger

(xdtoic; o 6e6c; 8 + aveprj Kaizvoq ev opyfj avzov Kai

by them God]. [ascended Smoke] in his anger, and

7Top goto 7ipoacb7roD avTOV KaTacp^eyfjaexai dvGpaKec;

fire from in front of him. [ shall be ignited Coals];

avfjcpGrjaav an ovtov 9 + Kai skAivsv ODpavotic; Kai

they were lit by him. And he leaned [the] heavens, and

KaxePrj Kai yvocpoq D7i6 xoi)&lt;; 7i68a(; auxoi) 10+ Kai

came down, and dimness was under his feet. And

S7T8Pr| 8711 %£pOl)P(|I Kai S7T8Taa0r| 87lSTda0T| 8711

he mounted upon cherubim, and he spread out; he spread out upon

7iT8pT3ycov avsjicov 11+ Kai sGsxo cjkotoc;

wings of winds. And he established darkness


for his concealment. Round about him [was] his tent;

okotsivov tiSoop ev vecpeAmc; aepoov 12+ arco Tr\q

dark water in clouds of air. From the

xrjXaDyfjascDc; svcb7iiov avxov ai vscpsAm 8rfjA£ov

radiance of his presence the clouds went by;

yakaCp* Kai dvGpaKsc; itvpoq 13 + Kai sPpovxrjaev

hail and coals of fire. And [ thundered from out of

ODpavoi) Kopioc; Kai o tiyiaxoc; sSgoks (poovfjv avzov

heaven [the] LORD], and the highest uttered his voice.

14+ Kai s^a7isaT8iA,s PsArj Kai eaK6p7riaev avzovq Kai

And he sent out arrows, and dispersed them; and

aaxpaTidc; e7rArj0Dve Kai aDvexdpa^ev aDxouc; 15 + Kai

[ lightnings he multiplied], and disturbed them. And

cbcpBrjaav ai 7ir|yai xcovuSdxcov Kai avsKaAticpBrj xa

appeared the springs of waters; and [ were uncovered the

GejieAia xrjc; oiKou|i£vr|c; arco S7nxi|if|aecbc; gov Kopie

foundations of the inhabitable world] from your reproach, O LORD,

arco s|i7Wsi)a£CDc; 7ivei)|iaxoc; opyfjc; aou 16 +

from [the] blasting breath of your anger.

s^a7isaT8iA,sv s£, t3\j/odc; Kai sAxxPe |is 7ipoaeAxxPex6 |ie

He sent from [the] height, and he took me; he took me to himself

l)5dx&lt;J0V 7T0AM)V 17+ ptioSiai |IS 8x0pcbv |IOD

from out of [waters many]. He will rescue me from [enemies my

5i)vaxcbv Kai 8K tcov jiioowtcov jis 6ti

mighty], and from the ones detesting me; for


18 rr

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

saxspsco0r|aav imsp sjis is+ 7iposcp0aadv (is sv rjjispa

they are more solidified than me. They went before me in [the] day

KaKcboecbq (iod Kai sysvsxo Kopioc; avxiaxf^piyjid jiovj 19 +

of my ill-treatment, and [the] LORD became my support.

Kai s^qyays (is sic; 7rXaxrjaji6v ptiasxai (is 6x1

And he brought me into an enlargement. He shall rescue me, for

rjGeArjas (is 20+ Kai avxa7io8coosi jioi Kupioc; Kaxd

he wanted me. And [ shall recompense to me [the] LORD] according to

xrjv 8iKaio&lt;y6vr|v jiod Kai Kaxd xrjv KaGapioxrjxa

my righteousness; even according to the cleanliness

xcov %sipcbv (iod avxa7io5cbasi (101 21 + 6x1 scprjXa^a xaq

of my hands he will recompense to me. For I guarded the

odovq Kopioi) Kai odk rjasprjaa ano xod 0sod jiod

ways of [the] LORD, and did not impiously [depart] from my God.

22 + 6x1 7idvxa xa Kpi jiaxa aDxoD svcbmov jiod Kai

For all his judgments [are] before me; and

xa Svxaicojiaxa aDxoD odk a7isaxr|aav an sjiod 23 + Kai

his ordinances did not leave from me. And

saojiai djicojioc; jisx' aDxoD Kai cpD^d^ojiai and

I will be unblemished with him; and I shall guard myself from

xrjq avojiiaq (iod 24+ Kai avxa7io8coasi jioi Kopioc;

my lawlessness. And [ shall recompense to me [the] LORD]

Kaxd xrjv 8iKaio&lt;y6vr|v jiod Kai Kaxd xrjv

according to my righteousness, and according to the

KaGapioxrjxa xcov %sipcbv jiod svcb7iiov

cleanliness of my hands before

xcov ocpGaXjicbv aDxoD 25 + (isxd ocjiod oaioq earj Kai

his eyes. With [the] sacred you shall be sacred; and

(isxd av8poq a0cboD aGcboq sarj 2 6 + Kai (isxd

with [ man [the] innocent] you shall be innocent; and with

skA,skxod skXskxoc; sarj Kai jisxd axpspAxyo

[the] choice one, you will be choice; and with [the] crooked

8iaaxps\j/sic; 27+ 6x1 &lt;xo Xaov xarcsivov acbasic; Kai

you shall turn aside from. For you [ people [the] humble will deliver], and

ocp0aA,jiODc; D7ispr|cpdvcov xa7isivcbasi(; 28+ 6x1 arj

[the] eyes of [the] proud you will humble. For you

cpcoxisfc; Xvyyov jiod Kopis o 0s6c; jiod cpcoxisiq

shall light my lamp, O LORD my God; you shall lighten

xo cjkoxoc; (iod 29+6x1 sv aoi pDa0f|aojiai and

my darkness. For by you I shall be rescued from


18 rr

8V TOUT© + VtKCl
19- Psalms

7isipaTr|p(oD Kai sv too 0scb jiod D7ispPf|ao|iai Tzi%oq

the band of marauders; and by my God I shall pass over [the] wall.

30 + o 6e6c; (iod d[i(D[ioq r\ o66q avzov xa Xoyia KopioD

My God — unblemished [is] his way. The oracles of [the] LORD

7T£7iDpcD|isva D7iepaa7i;iaTf|c; sail 7idvTCOv tcqv

are tried by fire. He is a defender of all the ones

sAmtpvxcDV S7i ' avzov 31+ on tic; Geoc; 7idps^ tod

hoping upon him. For who [is] God besides the

Ki)p(oi) T| Tiq Geoc; 7iAx|v tod 6 sod Tjjicbv 32+ o Geoc; o

LORD? Or who [is] God besides our God? God [is] the


one girding me [with] power, and makes [ unblemished

ttjv o56v jiod 33 +0 KaTapTi^ojisvoq TODCj 7i65ac; jiod

my way]; the one readying my feet

ooaei sA^dcpoD Kai £7U Ta v\\fr(ka laTcbv |is 34+

as a stag, and [ upon the high [places] setting me];

8i5doKcov %s(pdc; jiod eic; 7i6A,s|iov Kai s0od to^ov

teaching my hands for war; and you made [ as [the] bow

XoXkovv todc; Ppaxiovdq jiod 35+ Kai e8&lt;£Kdc; jioi

of brass my arms]; and you gave tome

D7rspaa7ria|i6v acorn piac; Kai rj 5e^id aoD avTS^dpsTO

a shielding deliverance; and your right [hand] takes hold of

jiod Kai T| 7iai8e(a aoD avcbpGcoas (is sic; zskoq Kai

me; and your instruction re-erects me unto [the] end; and

rj 7tai8eia aoD aDTfj |ie 8i8d^si 36 + srikazwaq

your instruction itself teaches me. You widened

Ta 5iapf||iaTd jiod D7ioKdTC0 jiod Kai odk rjaGevrjae

my footsteps underneath me, and [ weakened not

Ta (xvrj (iod 37+ KaTa5icb^co todc; e%0poDc; |iod Kai

my soles]. I shall pursue my enemies and

KaTaAr|\j/o|iai aDTODc; Kai odk a7roaTpatpf|ao|iai ecoc;

overtake them; and I will not return until

aV 8KA,Sl7lCOaiV 38 + SK0Ai\j/CO aDTODCj Kai OD |IT|

whenever they should cease. I shall squeeze them, and in no way

8DvcovTai &lt;yrfjvai 7isaoDVTai D7i6 todc; 7i65ac; jiod 39+

should they be able to stand; they shall fall under my feet.

Kai 7cspie^coadc; |is 8Dva|iiv sic; 7i6A,s|iov aDVS7i68iaac;

And you girded me in power for war; you bound hand and foot

navxaq todc; 87iaviaTa|i8VODc; S7i' sjis D7iOKdTC0 |iod

all the ones rising up against me underneath me.


18 rr

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

40 + Kai Tovq s%dpovq jiod e8coKdc; jioi vcoxov Kai zovq

And [ of my enemies you gave to me [the] back]; and the ones

jiiaowcdc; |is s^coloGpsDaaq 4 i+ SKSKpa^av Kai

detesting me you utterly destroyed. They cried out [ and

ODK T|V O aCO^COV 7ipO(; KDpiOV Kai ODK Sl&lt;xf|KOD£V

there was no one delivering to [the] LORD], and he did not hear

aDxcbv 42 + Kai A,87iTDVcb aDxotic; coaei %ovv Kaxd

them. And I will make them as fine as dust against

7ip6aco7rov avejioD coc; 7ir|A,6v 7iA,axsicov Xsavcb aDxotic;

[the] face of [the] wind; as mud in the squares I will grind them.

43+ ptiaai (is 8^ avxikoyiaq Xaov Kaxaaxfjasic; (is

You shall rescue me from a dispute of people; you shall place me

eic; KecpaArjv eGvcov Xaoq ov odk eyvcov sdovXsvas

at [the] head of nations; a people whom I knew not shall serve

jioi 44 + sic; aKofjv coxiod D7rqKODae jiod dioi aAloxpioi

to me; in [the] hearing of [the] ear they obeyed me. [ sons Alien]

s\j/SDaavxo jioi 45+ dioi aAloxpioi 87iaXaicb6r|aav Kai

lied to me. [ sons Alien] grew old and

s%(bXavav arco xcov xptpcov aDxcbv 4 6 + Qr\ Kopioq Kai

became lame from their paths. [The] LORD lives, and

svXojr\Toq o Geoc; Kai D\j/co9fjxco o Gsoc;

blessed [is] God, and [ [is] raised up high the God

xrjq acoxrjpiaq (iod 47+0 0s6c; o 5i8odc; SK5iKqaeic;

of my deliverance]. The God, the one granting acts of vengeance

sjioi Kai wroxd^ac; Xaovq vk sjis 48 + o pDoxrjc; |iod

to me, and submitting peoples under me; my rescuer

e%6pcov jioi) opyiAxov arco xcov 87iaviaxa|i8vcov 87i'

from my enemies prone to anger. [ from the ones rising up against

8|i8 D\j/coasic; (is a7io avdpoq adhcov pvar\ jis 49 +

me You raised me up high]; from [ man [the] unjust] you shall rescue me.

8id xodxo s^ojioXoyfjaojiai aoi sv sGvsai Kopie

On account of this I shall make acknowledgment to you among [the] nations, O LORD,

Kai xco ovojiaxi gov \j/aXco 50 + jieyaAtivcov xac;

and [to] your name I shall strum; [the one] magnifying the

acoxrjpiaq xod PaaiXecoc; Kai 7ioicov skzoq xco

deliverance of the king; and appointing mercy [to]

Xpiaxcb avTOV xco Aai)(5 Kai xco a7isp|iaxi aDxoD ecoc;

his anointed one, [to] David and [to] his seed unto


[the] eon.


19 cr


19- Psalms

19 w

i+ oi ODpavoi SvqyoDvxai 56^av 0sot3 7io(r|aiv 8e

The heavens describe [the] glory of God, [ [the] making and

Xsipcbv clvtov avayysAlsi to axspscojia 2 + rjjispa xrj

of his hands announces the firmament]. Day [to]

rjjispa speuyexai pfj|ia Kai vu^ vdkxi avayyeAlei

day bubbles up a saying; and night [unto] night announces

yvcbaiv 3 + ouk eiai A,aAia( ou8e A,6yoi cov ov%i

knowledge. There are no speeches nor words which [ are not

(XKotiovxai ai cpcovai auxcbv 4 + sic; 7idaav xrjv yrjv

heard their voices]. Into all the earth

s^fjXGev o cpGoyyoq auxcbv Kai eic; xa rcepaxa xrjc;

went forth their knell; and unto the ends of the

oiKoujievrjc; xa pfjjiaxa auxcbv ev xco rjAico e6exo

inhabitable world their words. [ in the sun He put

xo aicf|vcD|ia clvtov 5 + Kai auxoc; coc; VDjicpioq

his tent]. And he, as a groom

£K7iopsD6|isvoc; 8K 7iacjxoi) clvtov ayaAAidaexai coc;

going forth from out of his nuptial chamber, shall exult as

yiyac; Spajisiv o86v 6+ an dKpoi) xod oupavoi) rj

a giant running a journey. From one tip of heaven [is]

ztpdoq clvtov Kai xo Kaxdvxr||ia avzov eooc; dKpoi)

his exiting, and his arrival unto [the other] tip

xod oupavoi) Kai ouk saxiv oq a7ioKpupf|asxai

of heaven; and there is not one who shall be concealed

Tr\q Gspiirjq clvtov ?+ o vojioq xod Kupioi) d|ico|ioc;

from his heat. The law of the [lord] [is] unblemished,

S7iiaxps(pcov \|A)%dc; rj jiapxtipia Kupioi) maxf]

turning souls. The witness of [the] LORD [is] trustworthy,

aoqntpuaa vfj7ua 8+ xa 5iKaicb|iaxa Kupioi) su0ea

making wise [the] infants. The ordinances of [the] LORD are straight,

SDcppaivovxa Kap5(av r| svxoArj Kupiou xrj^auyfjc;

making glad [the] heart. The commandment of [the] LORD [is] radiant,

cpcoxi^oDoa ocpGaXjiouc; 9 + o cpopoc; Kupioi) ayvoc;

giving light to [the] eyes. The fear of [the] LORD [is] pure,

5iaji8vcov sic; aicbva aicbvoc; xa Kpijiaxa Kupioi)

abiding into [the] eon of [the] eon. The judgments of [the] LORD

aAxjGivd 5e8iKaicD|isva S7il xo ai)xo io+ S7ii0D|ir|xd

[are] true, doing justice to the same; desirable

D7i8p xpvaiov Kai AiGov xijiiov tioXvv Kai y^DKoxepa

above gold, and [ stone precious much], and sweeter


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms
D7i8p \iski Kai KTjpiov n+Kaiyap o SovXoq ctod

above honey and [the] honeycomb. For also your servant

cpuAxxaasi ai)id sv too (pvXaaasiv avza avTa7i68oaic;

guards them; in the guarding of them [ reward

7ioAAxj 12+ 7iapa7iTcb|iaTa tic; awqasi sk

[there is] great]. [ [his] transgressions Who shall perceive]? From out of

xcov KpDcpicov |iod KdBapiaov |is 13 + Kai a7io aAloTpioov

my private [transgressions] cleanse me! And from [the] aliens

cpeiaai tod 8odXod cjod sdv jjt|

spare your servant! If they should not


dominate me, then I will be unblemished, and

KaGapiaGfjaojiai goto ajiapTiac; [isyakr\q m+ Kai

I shall be cleansed of [sin great]. And

saovTai sic; si)5oKiav to Xoyia tod aTOjiaToq jiod Kai

[ will be for benevolence the oracles of my mouth], and

T| |ieA£TT| Tr\q KapSiac; jiod zvomiov aoD SiarcavTOc;

the meditation of my heart before you always,

Kopie PorjGe |iod Kai Ampoycd |iod

O LORD, my helper and [the] one ransoming me.

20 3

i+ 87iaKODaai aoD Kopioc; sv rjjispa 6Ai\j/ecDc;

Let [heed you [the] LORD] in [the] day of affliction!

D7T£paa7uaai aoD to ovojia tod 9eoD IaKcbp 2 +

Let [ shield you the name of the God of Jacob].

s^a7tooT£iAm ooi PofjBsiav ayioD Kai sk Sicbv

May he send to you help from [the] holy place, and from Zion

avTildpoiTO aoD 3 + |ivr|a6eir| 7idar|c; 0Do(ac; ood

may he assist you. May [ be remembered every sacrifice of yours],

Kai to oAx)KaDTCD|id god 7iiavdTCO 4+ 5cof| ooi Kupioq

and [ your whole burnt-offering let him fatten] ! May [ give to you [the] LORD]

KaTd ttjv Kap8(av aoD Kai 7idaav tt|v PodAt|v aoD

according to your heart, and [ all your plans

7rAr|pcbaai 5+ ayaAAiaaojieGa em too acoTrj pica aoD Kai

fulfill]. We will exult over your deliverance; and

sv ovojiaTi KDpioD 6sod r\[i(bv |i8yaA,DV0r|a6|i86a

in [the] name of [the] LORD our God we will be magnified.

7iAr|pcbaai Kopioc; 7idvTa Ta avcf||iaTd cjod 6+ vdv syvcov

May [the] LORD fill all your requests. Now I knew


21 SD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

on sacoas Kopioc; xov %pioxov avzov S7iaKoi3osxai

that [the] LORD delivered his anointed one; he shall heed

avTOV s£, oupavoi) ayiou avzov sv Suvaaxsiaic;

him from out of [ heaven his holy]. By dominations

T| ocoxrjpia xt|c; Ss^idc; avzov ?+ otixoi sv dpjiaai Kai

[is] the deliverance of his right hand. These in chariots, and

ot3xoi ev i7i7roi(; r\[isiq 8s sv ovojiaxi Kopiou

these in horses — but we [ in [the] name [of the] LORD

6soi3 rjjicbv S7iiKaXsa6|is0a 8+ oroxoi aDVS7io8ia0r|aav

our God shall call]. They are bound hand and foot,

Kai S7isaov r\[isiq 5s avsoxr||isv Kai avcop6cb6r||isv 9 +

and they fall; but we rose up and were re-erected.

Kopis acbaov xov PaaiXsa Kai S7idKouaov T}|icbv sv

O LORD, preserve the king, and heed us in

T| av rjjispa S7iiKaXsacb|is0d as

what ever day we should call upon you!

21 tf3

1 + Kopis sv XT] 8i)vd|isi aoi) si)(ppav6f|asxai o fiaaikzvq

O LORD, [in your power shall be glad the king];

Kai S7U xco acoxrjpico aou ayaAAidasxai acp65pa 2+ xttv

and over your deliverance he shall exult exceedingly. The

S7ii0D|iiav xrjc; KapSiac; avzov sScoKac; auxcb Kai xrjv

desire of his heart you gave to him; and the

5sr|aiv xcov xsiXscov auxou odk saxsprjaaq auxov 3 +

supplication of his lips you did not deprive him.

6x1 7ipos(p0aaaq auxov sv suXoyiaic; xprjaxoxrjxoq

For you were [ beforehand with him] in blessings of graciousness.

sGrjKaq S7i( xttv KscpaXfjv auxoi) axscpavov sk Xidov

You put upon his head a crown of [ stone

xijiiou 4+ ^cofjv Tjxfjoaxo os Kai sScoKac; auxcb

precious]. [life He asked] of you, and you gave to him

jiaKpoxTjxa T}|ispcbv sic; aicbva aicbvoc;

duration of days, into [the] eon of [the] eon.

5+ |isydAx| T| 86^a auxou sv xco acoxT|pico aou 86^av Kai

[ [is] great His glory] in your deliverance; glory and

|isyaXo7rps7isiav S7ri0fjasic; S7i' auxov 6 + 6x1 Scbasic;

majesty you shall place upon him. For you shall give

ai)xcb suXoyiav sic; aicbva aicbvoc; sucppavsk; auxov sv

to him a blessing into [the] eon of [the] eon; you shall gladden him with


22 3D

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

%apd jisxd tod 7ipoacb7roD cjod 7 +6x1 o fiaaikzvq

joy with your countenance. For the king

sAm^si S7Ti Kopiov Kai sv icq sAisi tod D\jnaxoD

hopes upon [the] LORD, and in the mercy of the highest

od |ir| aaA,£D6fj 8 + SDpsBsvrj r| %sip gov 7idai

in no way shall he be shaken. May [ be found your hand] by all

xoic; £%6po(c; gov r\ 5s^id gov stipoi rcavxac; xodc;

your enemies; [ your right [hand] may] be found [by] all the

jiiaowcdc; as 9+ 6x1 Gfjaeic; avzovq coc; KAipavov

ones detesting you. For you shall put them as an oven

7rop6c; sic; Kaipov tod 7ipooco7roD aoD Kopioc; sv

of fire in [the] time of your person; [the] LORD in

opyfj avTOV aDvxapd^si (xdtodc; Kai Kaxacpdysxai

his anger disturbs them, and [ shall devour

avTOvq itvp 10+ xov Kaprcov aDxcbv arco yr\q anoXsiq

them fire]. [their fruit from [the] earth You shall destroy];

Kai xo a7isp|ia aDxcbv anb dicov av6pcb7rcov n+ 6x1

and their seed from [the] sons of men. For

SK^ivav sic; as Kara 8isXoy(aavxo; aiq

they leaned [ to you bad [things]], they argued [over] plans which

od |iT| 8Dvcovxai axfjvai 12+ 6x1 Gfjasic; aDxotic; vcbxov

in no way might they be able to establish. For you shall put of them [their] back

sv xoic; 7rspiAx)i7ioic; aoD sxoijidasic;

among your residue; you shall prepare

xo 7rp6aco7iov aDxcbv 13 + D\j/cb0r|xi Kopis sv

their front. Be raised up high, O LORD, in

xtj 5Dvd|isi aoD daojisv Kai \j/aAx)D|isv

your power! We shall sing and strum

xac; 5Dvaaxs(aq god

of your dominations.

22 M

1 + o Gsoq o Gsoc; |iod 7ip6a%sc; jioi ivaxi syKaxsAmsc;

O God, my God, take heed tome! Why did you abandon

|is jiaKpdv anb xrjc; aooxrjpiac; |iod 01 Xoyoi

me? [ [are] far from my deliverance The words

xcov 7iapa7rxco|idxcov jiod 2 + o Gsoc; jiod KSKpd^ojiai

of my transgressions]. My God, I shall cry out

rjjispac; Kai odk siaaKODarj Kai vdkxoc; Kai odk

by day, and you do not hear; and by night and [it shall] not


22 3D

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

sic; dvoiav sjioi 3 + &lt;xo 8s sv ayioo

[be accounted] for thoughtlessness to me. But you [ in [the] holy [place]

KaxoiKsfc; o S7iaivoc; tod IopafjA, 4 + S7U aoi fjAmaav

dwell], the high praise of Israel. Upon you [hoped

oi rcaxspsc; r\[i(bv fjAmaav Kai sppDaoo avzovq 5 + itpoq

our fathers]; they hoped, and you rescued them. To

as SKSKpa^av Kai sacbGrjaav S7i( aoi fjAmaav Kai

you they cried out, and they were delivered; upon you they hoped, and

od Kaxr|axi3v9r|aav 6 +sycb8s sijii okcdAti^ Kai

they were not disgraced. But I am a worm, and

odk dv6pco7ro(; 6vsi8oc; av9pcb7rcov Kai s^oD0svr||ia

not a man; [the] scorn of men, and a contemptible [thing]

Xaov ?+ ftdvxsc; oi Gsoopowcsc; (is s^sjiDKxfjpiaav

of people. All the ones viewing me derided

jis sldArjaav sv %s(A,saiv SKivrjadv KS(paAr|v 8 +

me; they speak with [their] lips, they shook [their] head, [saying],

fjAmasv S7U Kopiov pDadaGoo aDxov aooadxco aDxov

He hoped upon [the] LORD, let him rescue him! Let [him] deliver him!

on 0sXsi ai)xov 9 + 6xi av si o SKaTidaaq |is sk

for he desired him. For you are the one pulling me from

yaaxpoc; rj skniq jiod and jiaaxcbv xrjq jirjxpoq jiod io +

[the] womb; my hope from [the] breasts of my mother.

S7U as S7ispp((pr|v sk jifjxpac; sk KoiAiac;

[ upon you I was cast] from [the] womb; from out of [the] belly

jirjxpoc; jiod 0s6c; |iod siai) n+ jitj anoaTT\q an s|iod

of my mother [ my God you are]. Do not separate from me,

oxi dXi\\fiq syytic; 6xi odk saxiv o PorjGcbv jioi n +

for affliction [is] near, for there is no one helping me.

7rspisKDKAxDadv |is ji6a%oi noXkoi xatipoi niovzq

[ surround me calves Many]; [ bulls hearty]

7ispisaxov jis 13+ rjvoi^av S7i' sjis xo axojia aDxcbv ox;

compass me. They opened [ against me their mouths], as

Aioov ap7ia^cbv Kai copDojisvoq u+ coast DScop s^sxd6t|

a lion snatching away and roaring. As water was poured out,

Kai 8isaKop7iia0r| rcdvxa xa ooxd jiod sysvf|0r|

even [ were dispersed all my bones]; [became

rj Kap8(a jiod coast Kqpoc; xrjKOjisvoq sv jisaco

my heart] as beeswax melting away in [the] midst

xrjc; KoiAiaq jiod 15+ s^rjpdvGrj coc; oaxpaKov r| ia%vq jiod

of my belly. [ was dried as a potsherd My strength],


22 3D

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

Kai r| yAxbaad jiou KeKoAArjxai xoo Xdpuyyi jiod Kai

and my tongue cleaves [to] my throat. And

sic; %ouv Gavdxou Kaxfjyayec; |ie i 6 + 6xi eKOKAxoadv

to [the] dust of death you led me. For [ encircled

|is kdvsc; 7roAAxn oDvaycoyfj 7iovr|p8DO|i8vcov 7ispi£a%ov

me dogs many]; [the] gathering of the ones [acting] wicked compass

|is cbpu^av %sipdq jiou Kai 7i68ac; |iou n+ £^r|p(6|xr|oav

me. They dug into my hands and my feet. They counted out

7idvxa xa oaxd jiou auxoi 8e Kaxevorjaav Kai 87rs(86v

all my bones, and they contemplated and looked upon

|i8 i8+ 8ie|iep(aavxo xa ijidxid jiod sauxoic; Kai ski

me. They divided [ into parts my garments] to themselves; and over

xov ijiaxiajiov jiou epalov KAxjpov i9+au8e Kopie

my clothes they cast a lot. But you, O LORD,

|ir| jiaKpwrjc; xrjv pofjBeidv aou an e|ioi) sic;

[ should not be far your help] from me; [ to

xrjv avx(Ar|\jAv jiou 7rp6a%ec; 20 + ptiaai anb pojicpaiac;

my assistance take heed] ! Rescue [ from [the] broadsword

xrjv \\fv%r\v (iod Kai sk %sipoq kuvoc; xrjv jiovoyevfj jiou

my soul], and [from [the] hand of [the] dog my only child] !

21+ acbaov jis sk oxojiaxoc; Aiovxoc; Kai and Kspdxcov

Deliver me from [the] mouth of [the] lion, and from [the] horns

(iovoKspcbxcov xrjv xa7re(v&lt;joaiv (iod 22 + 8ir|yf|ao|iai

of [the] unicorns of my humiliation! I shall describe

xo ovojid aoi) xoic; aSeAxpofc; jiou ev jieaco eKKAxjaiac;

your name [to] my brethren; in [the] midst of [the] assembly

ujivfjaco as 23+ 01 cpopoujisvoi xov Kopiov aiveaaxe

I will praise you. O ones fearing the LORD — praise

auxov anav xo a7isp|ia IaKcbp So^daaxe auxov

him! All together, O seed of Jacob, glorify him!

(popr|0f|xco 8r| an auxou anav xo o7isp|ia IapafjX 24 +

Fear indeed of him all together, O seed of Israel!

6x1 ouk s^ou8svcoasv ou8e 7ipoacb%9ias xrj 8sf|asi

For he did not treat with contempt, nor loath the supplication

xou 7txcd%ou ou8e a7isaxps\j/s xo 7rp6aco7rov auxou an

of the poor, nor turned his face from

sjiou Kai sv xco KeKpayevai |i8 7ipoc; auxov eiafjKouae

me. And in my crying out to him, he heard

jiou 25 + 7iapd aou o S7iaiv6c; |iou ev sKKArjoia |ieydAx|

me. [ is about you My high praise]. In [assembly [the] great]

s^o|ioAx)yf|oo|iai aoi xac; eu%dc; jiou a7io8cbaco evcb7nov

I shall confess to you. My vows I shall render in the presence


23 30

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

xcov (poPoDjisvcov (xdtov 2 6+ cpdyovxai 7isvr|T8(; Kai

of the ones fearing him. [ shall eat [The] needy] and

8|i7rXr|a6fiaovTai Kai aivsaouai Kopiov 01

shall be filled up; and [ shall praise [the] LORD the ones

SK^rjxowTsq auxov ^fjaovxai ai KapSiai auxcbv sic;

seeking him]; [ shall live their hearts] into

aicova aicovoc; n+ |ivT]a0f|aovxai Kai e7iiaxpacpf|aovxai

[the] eon of [the] eon. [ shall remember and shall turn

7rpoc; Kupiov rcdvxa xa rcspaxa xrjc; yr\q Kai

to [the] LORD All [the] ones at [the] ends of the earth]; and

7rpoaKDvfjaoi)aiv evcb7iiov avzov 7idaai ai 7iaxpia(

[ shall do obeisance before him all the families

xcov sGvcbv 28+ oxi xod Kupioi) T| Paai^eia Kai

of the nations]. For of the LORD [is] the kingdom; and

avToq 8sa7i6^8i xcov sGvcbv 29+ scpayov Kai

he [is] master of the nations. [ ate and

7rpoaeK6vr|aav rcavxec; 01 movec; xrjc; yr\q 8VC07riov

did obeisance All the hearty of the earth]; [before

avTOV 7rpo7isaoi)vxai itavTzq 01 KaxaPaivovxec; sic;

him fell down all the ones going down into

xtjv yrjv Kai r| yv%r\ jiod auxcb ^r| 30+ Kai

the earth]. And my soul lives for him. And

xo a7isp|ia |iod SoiAeuaei auxcb avayysAxjaexai xco

my seed shall serve to him. [ shall be announced to the

Kopico ysvsd T| 8pxo|isvr| 31+ Kai avayyeXcroai

LORD [The] generation coming]. And they shall announce

xrjv 8iKaio&lt;y6vTTv avzov Axxcb xco xs%9r|ao|isvco ov

his righteousness to a people, to the one being born, whom

S7ro(r|08v o Kopioc;

[made the LORD].

23 3D

1 + Kopioc; 7ioi|ia(v8i |is Kai od8sv jis Doxspfjasi 2 +

[The] LORD tends me, and not one [thing] lacks for me.

ziq xo7rov %kor\q sksi jis KaxsaKfjvcoasv S7ii i)8axoc;

In [the] place of tender shoots, there he encamped me. At [the] water

ava7iai)a£coc; e^eGpeij/e |is 3 + xrjv \\fv%r\v jiou

of rest, he nourished me. [ my life

S7T8oxps\j/sv co5fjyr|a8 |is S7ri xpipoix; SiKaioawqc;

He returned]; he guided me upon roads of righteousness


24 73

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms
svsksv tod ovojjxxtoc; aDTOD 4+savyap Kai 7iopsD0cb sv

because of his name. For if even I should go in

(isaco GKiaq Gavdxoi) od cpopr|0f|ao|iai Kara 6ti

[the] midst of [the] shadow of death, I shall not be afraid of evils, for

&lt;td jist' sjiod 8i r| pdp8oc; aoD Kai r| PaKxrjpia aoD

you [with me are]. Your rod and your staff,

ODTai |i8 7iapsKdXsaav 5 + rjTOijiaaac; svcb7ii6v jiod

they comfort me. You prepared before me

Tp&amp;7i8^av s^svavriac; tcov 0AiP6vtcov jis sAi7iavac; sv

a table, right opposite the ones afflicting me. You anointed [ with

slaico xrjv KecpaArjv |iod Kai to 7iOTf|pi6v aoi) jisGdokov

oil my head], and your cup is intoxicating

|is coast Kp&amp;xiaxov 6 + Kai to sksoq aoi) Kaxa8icb^si |is

me as most excellent. And your mercy pursues me

7idaac; xac; rjjispac; rr|c; ^cofjc; jiod Kai to KaxoiKsiv |is

all the days of my life; and my dwelling

sv oikco Kupioi) sic; |iaKp6xr|Ta r||ispcov

[is] in [the] house of [the] LORD for duration of days.

24 73

1+ TOD KDpiOD T| JX] Kai TO 7lAT|pC0|ia aDTTjCj T|

[[is] of the LORD The earth], and the fullness of it; the


inhabitable world, and all the ones dwelling in it.

avToq S7ii 0aXaaacbv s0sjisAicoasv aDTfjv Kai S7ri

He [upon seas founded it]; and upon

7iOTa|icbv rjTOijiaasv aDTfjv 3+ tic; avapfjasTai sic; to

rivers he prepared it. Who shall ascend into the

6poq TOD KDpiOD T| TICJ aTTjaSTai SV T071CO

mountain of the LORD, or who shall stand in [place

ayico aDTOD 4 + a0cboc; %spai Kai KaBapoc; tt| Kap5(a oq

his holy]? Innocent hands and a pure heart, who

odk s^apsv S7U jiaTaico tt|v \\fv%r\v avzov Kai odk

did not take [hold] upon vain [things] for his soul, and did not

cbjioasv sm 86X00 too 7iA,r|aiov aDTOD 5 + odtoc;

swear by an oath with treachery [against] his neighbor. This one

Axj\j/STai SD^oyiav 7iapd KDpiOD Kai sXsr||ioaDvr|v

shall receive a blessing by [the] LORD, and charity

7iapd Gsod acoTfjpoc; aDTOD 6+ aDTTj r| ysvsd

from God his deliverer. This [is] the generation


25 TO

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms


seeking the LORD, seeking the face of the

6sot3 IaKcbp 7 dpaTS 7r6Xac; oi dp^ovTsq djicov Kai

God of Jacob. Let [ lift [the] gates your rulers]! and

S7idp6r|TS 7r6Am aicbvioi Kai eiae^euasTai o fiaaiksvq

let [ be lifted up gates [the] eternal] ! and [ shall enter the king

Tr\q 86^r\q 8+ tic; s&lt;xciv outoc; o fiaaikvbq Tr\q 66^r\q

of glory]. Who is this king of glory?

Kopioc; Kporcaioc; Kai SuvaTOc; Kupioc; 8uvaT6c; sv

[The] LORD, fortified and mighty; [the] LORD mighty in

7toA,8|icd 9 dpaTS 7r6A,ac; oi dpxovTSc; djicov Kai

battle. Let [ lift [the] gates your rulers] ! and

S7idp0r|TS 7r6Am aicbvioi Kai eiae^euasTai o fiaoikzvq

let [ be lifted up gates [the] eternal] ! and [ shall enter the king

Tr\q 66^r\q io+ tic; s&lt;xciv otjtoc; o fiaaikvbq TY\q 36^T\q

of glory]. Who is this king of glory?

Kopioc; tcov 8uvd|iscov avzoq sotiv o fiaoiksvq

[The] LORD of the forces, he is the king

TTjcj 86^r\q

of glory.

25 ns

i+ 7ipoq ae Kopie fjpa tt|v \\fv%r\v jiou 2+0 dzoq [iov

To you, O LORD, I lifted up my soul. O my God,

S7Ti 001 71871010a |iT| KaTaio%uv68ir|v eic; tov aicbva

upon you I have yielded. May I not be disgraced into the eon;

|ir|5e KaTays^daaTCoadv |is 01 e%6poi jiou 3 + Kai yap

nor let [ ridicule me my enemies] ! For

7tdvT£c; 01 D7co(isvovt8(; as od |ir| KaTaiaxuvGcbaiv

all the [ones] remaining [with] you in no way shall be disgraced.

aia%uv6fjTCoaav 01 avojiowcsc; 5iaKsvf|c; 4 +

Let [ be ashamed the ones acting lawlessly without cause] !

Tac; o5ot3c; aou Kopie yvcbpiaov jioi Kai

Your ways, O LORD, make known tome! and

Tac; Tpipouc; aou 8(5a^6v |is 5 + oSfjyrjaov |ie S7ri

[ your paths teach me] ! Guide me with

ttjv aArjGsidv aou Kai S(8a^6v (is 6ti au ei o Geoc;

your truth! and teach me that you are God

o acoTfjp |iod Kai as U7i;8(i8iva 6Ar|v tt|v r||ispav 6 +

my deliverer! and I waited on you all the day.


25 TO

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

|ivfja9r|Ti tcov oiKxipjicbv aoi) Kopie Kai xa sXerj aoi)

Remember your compassions, O LORD, and your mercies!

on anb xod aicbvoc; siaiv 7 + ajiapxiac; veoxnxoc; jiou

for [from the eon they are]. [ [the] sins of my youth

Kai ayvoiac; jiou jitj |ivr|a6f|c; Kaxd xo sA^eoc; aoi)

and my ignorance Do not remember] ! [but] according to your mercy

(ivfjaGrjxi jiou od svsksv xrjc; xprjaxoxrjxoq aou

mention me to yourself, because of your graciousness,

Kopis 8+ xprjaxoq Kai suGfjc; o Kopioc; 5id xotixo

OLORD! Gracious and upright [is] the LORD; because of this

vojioGsxfjasi ajiapxdvovxac; sv o8cb 9 + o5r|yf|asi

he shall establish law for ones sinning in [the] way. He shall guide

7rpasfc; sv Kpiasi 8i8d^ei 7ipaek; o8oi3c; auxou io +

[the] gentle in judgment; he shall teach [the] gentle his ways.

7idaai ai o5o( Kupioi) skzoq Kai aArjBsia xoic;

All the ways of [the] LORD are mercy and truth to the ones

SK^rjxotiai xijv 8ia0fjKTjv avzov Kai xa jiapxupia auxou

seeking his covenant and his testimonies.

n+ svsksv xod ovojiaxoq aoi) Kopis Kai iXdaGrjxi

Because of your name, O LORD, atone

xtj ajiapxia jiod 7ioAAx| yap saxi n + xiq saxiv

my sin! [ great for it is]. Who is

dv9p&lt;j07roc; o (popoujisvoc; xov Kopiov vo|io0sxf|asi

[the] man fearing the LORD? He shall establish law

ai)xcb ev o8cb T| rjpsxiaaxo n + r| \|/i)%f| auxoij sv

to him in [the] way, which he took up. His soul [ in

ayaBoiq auliaGfjasxai Kai xo a7isp|ia ai)xoi3

good [things] shall be lodged], and his seed

KArpovojifjaei yrjv u+ Kpaxaicojia Kopioc; xcov

shall inherit [the] earth. [The] LORD [is] a fortification of the ones

cpoPoDjisvcov auxov Kai r| SiaGfjKT] avzov 8r|Axbasi

fearing him; and his covenant he manifested

aDxoiq is + oi o(p0aA,|io( jiod 8ia7iavx6c; 7ipoc; xov Kijpiov

to them. My eyes [are] always towards the LORD,

oxi auxoc; SKaftdasi 8K 7ray(8oc; xovq nodaq |iod i6 +

for he shall pull out [from [the] snare my feet].

87i(pA,8\j/ov S7i ' sjis Kai sAirjaov |i8 oxi jiovoysvfjc;

Look upon me and have mercy on me! for [an only child

Kai 7txcd%6c; sijii sycb n+ ai 0Ai\j/sic; xrjq KapSiaq jiod

and poor am I]. The afflictions of my heart


26 ID

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms
S7iAr|0i3v9r|aav sk todv avayKcbv jiod s^dyays |is 18 +

were multiplied; [ from out of my necessities lead me] !

(8s xrjv xa7isivcoa(v jiou Kai xov kotcov jiou Kai dcpsc;

Behold my humiliation and my toil, and forgive

ndaaq xaq ajiapxiac; |iod 19+ 18s xovq sjdpovq |iod 6x1

all my sins! Behold my enemies! for

S7iXr|6rjv0r|aav Kai [daoq d8iKov sjjiarjadv |is 20 +

they were multiplied, and [hatred with unjust they detested me].

(pvXatpv xrjv \\fv%r\v jiod Kai pvaai |is [ir\

Guard my soul, and rescue me! May I not

Kaxaia%i)v6s(rrv 6x1 fjAmaa S7U as 21+ dKaKoi Kai

be disgraced, for I hoped upon you. [The] guileless and

sdGsic; skoAIcovxo jioi 6x1 D7is|isivd as Kopis 22 +

[the] upright cleave to me; for I remained with you, O LORD.

Ampcoaai o Gsoc; xov IapafjX sk 7iaacov

Ransom, O God, Israel from all

xcov 0Ai\j/scov avTOV

his afflictions!

26 13

1 + Kpivov |is Kopis 6x1 sycb sv araKia |iod S7iopsi)6rrv

Judge me, OLORD! for I [in my innocence went],

Kai e7ri xco KDpico sAju^cov oi) |xr| aa0svf|aco 2+

and [upon the LORD hoping]. In no way should I weaken.

5oKi|iaa6v jis Kopis Kai 7is(paa6v |is 7r6pcoaov

Try me, O LORD, and test me! Set on fire

Tovq vscppouc; jiod Kai xrjv KapSiav jiod 3 + 6x1

my kidneys and my heart! For

xo sksoq aoi) Kaxsvavxi xcov 0(p9aX(icbv jiod saxi Kai

your mercy [before my eyes is]; and

SDrjpsaxrjaa sv xr| aAx|0s(a aoi) 4 + ouk sraGiaa jisxd

I was well-pleased in your truth. I sat not with

ai)vs8p(ou jiaxaioxrjxoq Kai jisxd 7iapavo|ioi)vxcov

[the] sanhedrin of folly; and with ones acting unlawfully

od (irj siasXGco 5 + sjiiarjaa SKKArjaiav 7iovr|psDO|isvcov

in no way shall I enter. I detested [the] assembly of ones doing wickedness;

Kai jisxd aaspcbv od jit] KaGiaco 6 + vnj/o|iai sv

and with [the] impious in no way shall I sit. I shall wash [ in

aGcboK; xac; %sipdq jiod Kai KDKAxbaco

innocent [things] my hands], and I shall encircle


27 TD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

to 0Daiaaxf|pi6v cjod Kopis ?+ tod aKODaai |is (pcovfjq

your altar, O LORD, to hear my voice

aivsascbc; gov Kai 8ir|yf|aaa6ai 7rdvxa

of praise of you, and to describe all

xa 0ai)|idaid cjod 8 + Kopis rjyd7ir|aa SD7ips7isiav

your wonders. O LORD, I loved [the] beauty

oikod ctod Kai T07rov oKTrvcbjiaxoc; dotflq aoi) 9 +

of your house, and [the] place of [the] tent of your glory.

|ir| &lt;yDva7roAior|c; jisxd aaspcbv xrjv \|/D%f|v jiod

You should not destroy together [ with [the] impious my soul],

Kai jisxd av5pcbv aijidxcov xr|v ^cofjv jiod 10

nor [with [the] men of blood my life], in whose

%spaiv ai avojiiai r| 8s^id aDxcbv S7iAr|a0r| 5cbpcov n +

hands [are] lawless deeds, [and] their right [hand] was filled of bribes.

sycb 5s sv aKouda |iod S7iopsD0TTv Ampcoaai |is Kai

But I [ in my innocence was gone]. Ransom me, and

slsrjaov (is 12 + o novq jiod saxrj sv sd0dxt|xi sv

show mercy on me! My foot stands in straightness. In

eKKAxjcriaic; SD^oyfjaco as KDpis

[the] assemblies I shall bless you, O LORD.

27 T3

1 + Kopioc; (pcoTiajioq jiod Kai ocoxf|p jiod xiva

[The] LORD [is] my illumination and my deliverer, in whom

(poPr|0f|ao|iai Kupioq D7rspao7riaxf|c; xrjc; tftir\c, [iov anb

shall I fear? [The] LORD [is the] defender of my life, from

xivoc; 5siAidaco 2 + sv icq syyi^siv S7i' sjis

whom shall I be timid? In the approaching against me

KaKotivxac; tod cpaysiv xac; adprac; jiod 01 dXifiovTsq

by the ones inflicting evil to devour my flesh, the ones afflicting

|is Kai 01 ex0po( |iod aDxoi r|a08vr|aav Kai S7isaov 3 +

me, and my enemies, they weakened and fell.

sdv 7iapaxd^r|xai S7i' s|is 7iaps|iPoAx| od

If [ should deploy against me a camp], [ shall not

cpoPr|0f|a£Tai r| Kap5(a |iod sdv S7iavaoxf| S7i' sjis

fear my heart]. If [ should rise up against me

7i6A,s|ioc; sv xaDxrj sycb sAm^co 4+ fiiav r|xr|Gd|xiTv

war], in this I will be hopeful. One [thing] I asked

7iapd Kopioi) xaDxrrv ^rjxfjaco tod KaxoiKsiv |is sv

of [the] LORD, this I shall seek — for me to dwell in


27 TD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

oikco KDpioi) naaaq xac; rjjispag xrjc; Cf^T\q jiod

[the] house of [the] LORD all the days of my life;


for me to view the delightfulness of [the] LORD, and

S7riaKS7iTsa0ai xovvaov xov dyiov ai)xoi3 5+ 6x1 SKpi)\j/s

to visit [ temple his holy]. For he hides

|is sv aKTjvfj clvtov sv r||ispa KaKcbv |iod saKS7iaas

me in his tent; in a day of my evils he sheltered

|IS SV OOTOKpiKpCD xrjc; GKr\vr\q CLVTOV SV 7isxpa

me in concealment of his tent; in a rock

inj/coas |is 6 + Kai vuv i8oi3 inj/coas xr|v KecpaXfjv jiou

he raised me up high. And now behold, he raised up high my head

87i ' s%0poi3c; jiou SKDKAxjoaa Kai sGuaa sv

over my enemies. I encircled and sacrificed in

ttj aKTjvfj clvtov dvaiav aivsasooc; Kai aXaXayjioi)

his tent a sacrifice of praise and of a shout;

daco Kai \j/aAxb xco Kopioo 7+ siadKODaov Kopis

I shall sing and strum to the LORD. Hear, O LORD,

xrjc; ^cDvfjc; |iod r|c; sKSKpa^a slsrjaov |is Kai

my voice which I cried out! Show mercy on me, and

siadKODoov |iod 8 + aoi si7isv T| Kap5(a jiou

hear me! To you [ said my heart],

Kopiov ^rjxfjGCO s^s^fjxrjod as xo 7ip6aco7r6v |iod

I seek [the] LORD, I sought after you with my face.

xo 7ip6aco7r6v aoi) Kupis ^rjxfjaco 9+ (ir|

Your face, O LORD, I shall seek. You should not

a7roaxps\j/r|c; xo 7ip6aco7i;6v aoi) an s|ioi3 Kai jirj

turn your face from me, and you should not

SKKAivrjc; sv opyf| arco xod SoijAxdd aoi) PottGoc; jiod

turn aside in anger from your servant. [ my helper

ysvoi) jirj a7ioaKopaKiar|(; (is Kai jirj syKaxaAi7i;r|c; jis

Become] ! Do not curse me to be far away, and do not abandon me,

Kai jirj D7rsp(5r|c; jis o Gsoc; o acoxfjp |iod 10+6x1

and do not overlook me, O God my deliverer! For

o 7iaxf|p jiou Kai T| (ifjxrjp |iod syKaxsAircov |is o 8s

my father and my mother abandoned me, but the

Kopioc; 7rpoasA,dpsx6 jis n+ vojioGsxnaov jis Kopis sv

LORD took me to himself. Establish the law for me, O LORD, in

xtj o8cb aoi) Kai oSfjyrjaov (is sv xpipoo suGsia svsra

your way! And guide me in [road [the] straight], because of

xoov s%6pcbv (ioi) 12+ (irj napadcbq |is sic; \\fv%aq

my enemies! Do not deliver me into [the] souls


28 rra

8V TOUT© + VtKCl
19- Psalms

GAiPovxcov |is on S7iavsaxr|adv jioi |idpxi)psc; d8iKoi

of ones afflicting me! For [ rose up against me witnesses unjust];

Kai sysuaaxo r| a8uda saDxfj 13 + 7iiaxsi)co xou i8siv xa

for [ lied unjustness] to herself. I trust to behold the

aya6d Kopiou sv yr| ^cbvxcov 14+ U7i6|isivov xov

good [things] of [the] LORD in [the] land of [the] living. Wait on the

Kopiov av8pi^oi) Kai KpaxaicroaGco r| Kap8(a gov Kai

LORD! Be manly and fortify your heart, and


wait on the LORD!

28 no

1 + 7ipoc; as Kopis KSKpd^ojiai o 0s6c; jiod |ir|

To you, O LORD, I shall cry out. My God, do not

7iapaai(»7rY]ar|c; an sjioi) (if) 7ioxs 7iapaai&lt;i)7rf|ar|c; Kai

remain silent from me! lest at any time you should remain silent, and

O|ioico6f|ao|iai xoic; KaxaPaivcroaiv sic; Xqlkkov 2+

I shall be likened to the ones going down into [the] pit.

siadKODaov Kupie xrjc; cpcovfiq xrjc; Ssrjascbc; jiod sv

Hear, O LORD, the voice of my supplication! in

xco 5ssa6a( |is npoq as sv xco aipsiv |is %sipdq jiod

my beseeching to you, in my lifting my hands

7ipoc; vaov dyiov aou 3 + |ir| auvsAxoarjc; |is jisxd

towards [ temple your holy]. Do not draw me together with

ajiapxcoXcbv Kai jisxd spya^ojisvcov a8iKiav |ir|

sinners! And [ with ones working injustice do not

ai)va7ioA,sar|(; jis xcov XoXovvtcdv sipfjvrjv jisxd

destroy me together] ! of the ones speaking peace with

xcov 7iAx|a(ov auxcbv KaKd 8s sv xaiq KapSiaq auxcov 4 +

their neighbors, but evils [are] in their hearts.

80c; auxofc; Kopis Kaxd xa spya auxcov Kai Kaxd

Give to them, O LORD, according to their works, and according to

xrjv 7iovr|piav xcov S7iixr|5su|idxcov auxcov Kaxd xa

the wickedness of their practices! [ according to the

spya xcov %sipcbv auxcov 80c; auxoic; a7i68o(;

works of their hands Give to them] ! Render

xo avxa7i68o|ia auxcov auxoic; 5 + 6x1 ou auvfjKav sic; xa

their recompense unto them! For they perceived not unto the

spya Kupiou Kai sic; xa spya xcov %sipcov auxou

works of [the] LORD, even unto the works of his hands.


29 DD

8V TOUT© + VtKd

19- Psalms

KaGsXsk; aDxotic; Kai od jirj oiKoSojxfjasic; aDxoDg 6 +

You shall demolish them, and in no way build them [up].

SD^oyrjxoc; Kopioc; 6xi siofjKODas xrjc; (pcovr\q

Blessed [be] [the] LORD, for he heard the voice

Tr\q 5sfjascbc; jiod ?+ Kopioc; PorjGoc; jiod Kai

of my supplication. [The] LORD [is] my helper and

D7rspaa7riaTfjc; jiod S7i' aDxcb fjAmasv r| Kap8(a |iod Kai

my defender; upon him [hoped my heart], and

sPor|6fj0TTv Kai avs6aA,sv r| aap^ |iod Kai 8K

I was helped; and [ flourished again my flesh], and by

BsArjiiaxoq jiod s^ojio^oyfjoojiai aDxcb 8+ KDpioq

my will I will make acknowledgment to him. [The] LORD

Kpaxaicojia tod Xaov aDxoD Kai D7rspaa7iiaxfjc; xcov

[is the] fortification of his people, and [ [the] defender of the

aoaxrjpicov xod xpiaxof) aDxoD sail 9 + acbaov

deliverances of his anointed one he is]. Deliver

xov Xaov aoD Kai SD^oyrjaov xrjv KArjpovojiiav aoD Kai

your people, and bless your inheritance, and

7io(|iavov aDTODq Kai srcapov aDxotic; scoc; tod aicbvoc;

tend them, and lift them up unto the eon!

29 toD

i+ svsyraxs xco Kopico dioi 6sod svsyraxs xco Kopico

Bring to the LORD, O sons of God, bring to the LORD

DIODq KpiCOV SVSyKaXS XCO KDpiCO 86^XV Kai XlJlfjV 2 +

offspring of rams! Bring to the LORD glory and honor!

svsyKaxs xco Kopico 86§av ovojiaxi aDxoD

Bring to the LORD [the] glory of his name!

7ipoaKDvfjaaxs xco Kopico sv aDAxj ayia aDxoD 3 +

Do obeisance to the LORD in [ courtyard his holy] !

cpcovfi KDpioD S7ri xcov dS&amp;xcov o Bsoc; xrjc; 66^r\q

[The] voice of [the] LORD [is] upon the waters. The God of glory

sPpovxrjas KDpioq S7U d5cxxcov iioXkcbv 4 + cpcovfj

thunders. [The] LORD [is] upon [waters many]. [The] voice

KDpioD sv laxDi cpcovfj KDpioD sv |isyaA,07rps7is(a 5 +

of [the] LORD [is] in strength. [The] voice of [the] LORD [is] in majesty.

cpcovfj KDpioD aDvxpipovxoc; Ks8poDc; Kai

[The] voice of [the] LORD breaking cedars; even

aDvxpuj/si KDpioq xac; KsSpoDq xod AipdvoD 6+ Kai

[the] LORD breaks the cedars of Lebanon; and



8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

A,87iTDV8i auxdg coc; xov |ioa%ov xov Aipavov Kai o

he shall thin them out as the calf of Lebanon; even the

r|ya7rr||i8VO(; coc; vioq jiovoKspcoxcov ?+ (pcovfj Kupioi)

one being loved as a son of unicorns. [The] voice of [the] LORD

5iaK07ixovxoc; tpXoya nvpoq 8 + (pcovfj Kopiou

cutting through [the] flame of fire. [The] voice of [the] LORD

oDaasiovxoc; sprjjiov Kai aDaasiasi Kopioc; xrjv

shaking [the] wilderness; and [the] LORD shall shake the

sprjjiov Kd8rjc; 9 + (pcovfj Kupioi) Kaxapxi^ojisvrj

wilderness ofKadesh. [The] voice of [the] LORD fashioning

sXdtpouc; Kai a7ioKaAi)\j/£i 8pu|ioi)c; Kai sv

[the] hinds; and he shall uncover [the] groves; and in

too vacb avTOV naq nq Xsysi 86^av 10+ Kopioq xov

his temple all who say, Glory. [The] LORD [ the

KaxaK}u)a|i6v Kaxouasi Kai KaGisixai Kopioc; fiaaikvbq

flood shall settle]; and [ will sit [the] LORD] a king

sic; xov aicbva n+ Kopioc; ia%vv xco Xacb auxof) 5cbasi

into the eon. [The] LORD [strength [to] his people shall give].
Kopioc; siAoyfjasi xov A,a6v auxof) sv sipfjvrj

[The] LORD shall bless his people with peace.

30 V

1+ inj/cbaco os Kopie 6x1 vitzkafisq |is Kai odk

I will exalt you, O LORD, for you uplifted me, and [ did not

sfxppavac; xouc; s%Qpovq jiod S7i' sjis 2 + Kopis

make glad my enemies] over me. O LORD

o 0s6c; jiou SKSKpa^a npoq as Kai idaco |is 3 +

my God, I cried out to you, and I shall heal of my [condition].

Kopie avfjyaysq s£, d5oi) xrjv \|A)%fjv jiou sacoadc;

O LORD, you led [from out of Hades my soul]; you delivered

(is a7io xcov KaxaPaivovxcov sic; Xqlkkov 4 + \j/dXaxs xco

me from the ones going down into [the] pit. Let [ strum to the

Kopico 01 oaioi avTOV Kai s^o|ioXoys(a0s xrj |ivfj|irj

LORD his sacred ones], and make acknowledgment to the remembrance

Tr\q aymavvr\q avzov 5+6x1 opyfj sv xco 0D|icb avzov

of his holiness! For wrath [is] in his rage,

Kai ^cofj sv xco 6sArj|iaxi avzov xo sa^spaq

but life [is] in his will. [ the evening

aiAiaGfjasxai Kkavd[i6q Kai sic; xo7ipcoi ayaXkiaaiq 6+

shall lodge Weeping], but in the morning, exultation.


31 &amp;

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms
sycb 8s si7ia sv xrj si)6r|via jiod od jir| aa^suGcb sic;

And I said in my prosperity, In no way shall I be shaken into

xov aicbva ?+ Kupis sv too GsAxjjiaTi aou 7rapsa%oi) too

the eon. O LORD, in your will you furnished [ [to]

koXXsi |iod 8wa|iiv a7isaxps\j/dc; 5s to 7rp6aco7r6v gov

my beauty power]; but you turned your face,

Kai syevfjGrjv xsxapayjisvoc; 8 + npoq as rcopie

and I became disturbed. To you, O LORD,

KSKpd^ojiai Kai itpoq xov 0s6v jiod 8sr|0f|ao|iai 9 + xic;

I cry out. And to my God I shall beseech. What

cocpsXsia sv too aijiaxi jiod sv icq KaxaPaivsiv |is

benefit [is there] in my blood, in my going down

siq 8iaq)6opdv jlit| s^ojioXoyfjasxai aoi %ovq rj

into corruption? Shall [ acknowledge you [the] dust], or

avayys^si xr|v aArjGsi&amp;v gov io+ fjKouas Kopioc; Kai

shall it announce your truth? [The] LORD heard, and

rjXsrjas |is icupioq sysvf|0r| PorjGoc; [iov n+ saxpsyac;

showed mercy on me. [The] LORD became my helper. [ turned

xov K07TSTOV jiod sic; %apdv sjioi Sispprj^aq

The beating of my breast] into joy for me. You tore up

xov ct&amp;kkov jiod Kai 7ispis^coadc; (is SDtppoawqv n +

my sackcloth, and girded me [with] gladness.

oiiodq av \j/dAx| aoi r| 86^a [iov Kai od (ir| Kaxavuycb

O how that should [ strum to you my glory], and in no way should I be vexed,

Kopis o Gsoc; jiod sic; xov aicbva s^o|ioA,oyf|ao|iai aoi

O LORD my God. Into the eon I shall acknowledge you.


i+ S7U aoi Kopis fjAmaa |ir| Kaxaiaxi)v9svr|v sic; xov

Upon you, O LORD, I hoped. May I not be disgraced into the

aicova sv xrj SiKaioawq gov ptiaai |is Kai s^sAxjd jis

eon. In your righteousness rescue me, and take me out!

2+ kAivov 7rpoq (is xo ovq gov xd^Dvov xod s^sAiaGai

Lean [ to me your ear] ! Hasten to take

(is ysvoi) (ioi sic; 0s6v D7rspaa7iiaxf|v Kai sic; oikov

me out! Become to me as a defending God! and for a house

KaxacpDyfjc; xod acbaai (is

of refuge to deliver me.

3 + oxi KpaxaicGjid jiod Kai Kaxatpuyfj jiod si gv Kai

For [ my fortification and my refuge you are]; and


31 &amp;

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

svsksv tod ovojiaxoc; cjod o8r|yf|asic; (is Kai

because of your name you shall guide me and

8ia6ps\j/sic; (is 4 + s^d^sic; (is sk 7iay(8oc; TaDTrjc; rjq

nourish me. You shall lead me out of [the] snare which these

SKpi)\j/dv jioi on &lt;td si o D7ispaa7iiaTf|(; jiod Kopis 5 +

hid for me; for you are my defender, O LORD.

ziq %£ipaq cjod 7iapa6f|aojiai to 7rvsDjid jiod sAmpcbaco

Into your hands I shall place my spirit. You ransomed

(is Kopis o 0s6c; Tr\q aArjGsiac; 6+ sjiiarjaac; todc;

me, O LORD God of truth. You detested the

SiacpDAxxaoovxac; iiaxaiOTrjiaq 5iaKsvf|c; sycb 8s sm too

ones guarding [follies ineffectual]. But I [upon the

Kopico fjAmoa ?+ ayaAAidaojiai Kai SDcppavGfjaojiai

LORD hoped]. I will exult and be glad

8711 too sAisi cjod on S7is(8sc; sm xrjv Ta7is(vcoa{v jiod

over your mercy, for you looked upon my humiliation.

sacooac; sk todv avayKcbv xrjv \\fv%r\v jiod g + Kai

You delivered [from the [wants] of necessities my soul]; and

od aDVSKXsiadc; (is sic; x 8 ^P ac i sx^pcbv sarrjaac;

you did not close me up by hands of enemies. You set

sv SDpi)%cbpcD xoDCj 7i68(xcj jiod 9 + sAirjaov (IS KDpiS

[in a broad space my feet]. Show mercy on me, OLORD!

on GAipojiai STap&amp;%6r| sv Bdjicd o ocpGa^jioc; (iod

for I am afflicted. [ are disturbed in rage My eye

r| yv%r\ (iod Kai r| yaaxfjp (iod 10+ 6ti s^sXutsv sv

my soul and my belly]; for [ failed in

o8dvt| r| Cf$r\ (iod Kai xa sttj jiod sv axsvayjioic;

grief my life], and my years in moanings.

r|cj0svr|cjsv sv Ki&amp;yzia 'H lo %uc; ^ 01) Kai Ta oaxd jiod

[ weakened in poorness My strength], and my bones

STapd%0r|Gav n+ 7iapd 7rdvxac; todc; s%0poDc; jiod

are disturbed. By all my enemies

sysvfj0r|v 6vsi8oc; Kai xoic; ysixooi jiod acp68pa Kai

I became a scorn, even [to] my neighbors exceedingly so, and

(popoq xoic; yvcoaxok; (iod 01 0scopoDvxsc; (is s^co

a fear [to] my acquaintances. The ones viewing me outside

scpDyov an sjiod 12+ S7isAx|cj0r|v coast vsKpoq arco

fled from me. I was forgotten as one dead from

KapSiaq sysvfjGrjv coast oksdoc; anoX(DX6q u+ 6x1

[the] heart; I am become as a vessel being destroyed. For

fjKODaa \j/6yov 7ioAlcbv 7iapoiKODVxcov kdkA,60sv sv

I heard [the] fault of many sojourning round about. In


31 &amp;


19- Psalms

tod aDva%6f|vai cxdxodc; d|ia S7i' sjis tod AxxPsiv

their gathering together against me [ to take

ttjv \\fv%r\v jiod sPoD^SDaavxo

my soul they consulted].

14+ sycb 5s S7ii aoi KDpis fjAmaa sbia av 8i

But I [upon you O LORD hoped]. I said, You are

0 0s6c; jiod 15+ sv xaic; %spo( aoD oi KArjpoi jiod pvaai

my God. [ [are] in your hands My lots]. Rescue

|is sk xzipoq s%6pcbv jiod Kai 8K tcov KaxaSicoKovTCOv

me from [the] hand of my enemies, and from the ones pursuing

|i8 i6 + 87i((pavov to 7ip6aco7r6v aoi) S7ri xov Sovkov gov

me! Let [ appear your face] unto your servant!

acbaov (is sv too sAisi aoD n + KDpis [ir\

Deliver me in your mercy! O LORD, may I not

Kaxaia%Dv6srr|v 6xi S7isKaXsad|ir|v as aia%DV0s(r|aav

be disgraced, for I called upon you. May [ be ashamed

01 aaspsfc; Kai Kaxa%0s(r|aav sic; d8oD i 8 + akaka

the impious], and led down into Hades. [ speechless

ysvr|0f|TCD xa %zikr\ xa 86Aia xa AxxXowca Kaxd

Let become the lips of the deceitful]! [even] the ones speaking against

xod SiKaioD avopiav sv D7ispr|(pavia Kai s^0D8svcbasi

the just in lawlessness with pride and contempt.

19+ coq itokv to 7iAr|0oc; xrjc; xprjaxoxrjxoc; aoD KDpis

How abundant [is] the multitude of your graciousness, O LORD,

r\q SKpDij/aq xoic; cpoPoDjisvoic; as s^sipydaco

of which you hid to the ones fearing you. You brought it to completion

xoic; sAm£pi)oiv sm as svavxiov xcov dicov

to the ones hoping upon you, before the sons

xcov av9pcb7rcov 20+ KaxaKptiysic; avzovq sv a7ioKpD(pco

of men. You shall hide them in [the] concealment

xod 7rpoacb7ioD aoD arco xapa%fjc; av6pcb7icov aKSftdasic;

of your face from [the] disturbance of men. You shall shelter

cxdxodc; sv aKTjvfj goto avxiA^oyiac; y^coaacbv 21 +

them in a tent from [the] dispute of tongues.

SDAx)yr|x6c; KDpioc; 6x1 sGaDji&amp;axcoas xo sksoq cxdxod sv

Blessed [be] [the] LORD, for [ caused wonders his mercy] in

7i6Xsi 7ispio%fjc; 22+ sycb 8s si7ia sv xrj sKaxdasi jiod

[the] city encompassed about. But I said in my change of state,

a7isppi|i|iai ano 7ipoacb7ioD xcov ocpBaXjicbv aoD 8id

I am thrown away from in front of your eyes. On account of

xodxo siafjKODaac; Tr\q cpoovfjc; xrjc; Ssfjascbq |iod sv

this you heard of the voice of my supplication in


32 ±
ev tootco + viKa

19- Psalms

xco KSKpaysvai |is itpoq as 23 + aya7rfjaaxs xov icupiov

my crying out to you. Let [ love the LORD

7T&amp;VTSC; 01 oaioi aDxoD 6x1 aArjGsiac; SK^rjxsi rcopioc;

all his sacred ones] ! For [truth requires [the] LORD];

Kai avxa7io8(8cooi xoiq 7ispiaococ; 7ioioDaiv

and he recompenses [ to the ones extremely] having

D7i8pr|(paviav 24+ av8p(^sa0s Kai KpaxaioDaGco r|

pride. Let [ be manly and be fortified [in]

Kap5(ai)|icbv 7idvxsc; 01 zhtiCpvTsq sm Kopiov

your heart all the ones hoping upon [the] LORD] !


1 + |iaK&amp;pioi gov acpsGrjaav ai avojiiai Kai cov

Blessed [be] whose [ were forgiven lawless deeds], and whose

£7T£KaAi)(p6r|aav ai ajiapxiai 2+ (laKdpioq avfjp co

[ were covered over sins]. Blessed [be] [the] man to whom

od |ir| Xoyiarjxai Kopioc; ajiapxiav od8s saxiv sv

in no way [the] LORD should impute sin, nor is [ in

xco axojiaxi aDxoD doXoq 3 + 6x1 saiyrjaa S7iaAmco9r|

his mouth treachery]. For I kept quiet; [ were grown old

xa oaxd jiod arco xod Kpd^siv |is 6Ax|v xr|vr||ispav 4+

my bones] from my crying out [the] entire day.

6x1 rjjispac; Kai vdkxoc; sPapDvBrj S7i' sjis rj %sip gov

For day and night [presses upon me your hand].

saxpdcprjv sic; xaXaurcopiav sv xco S|i7iayf|vai jioi

I was turned to misery by the [ sticking me

dravGav 5 + xrjv avojiiav jiod syvcbpiaa Kai

thorn]. My lawlessness I made known, and

xrjv ajiapxiav |iod odk sKdA,D\j/a si7ia s^ayopsDaco

my sin I did not cover. I said, I will declare openly

Kax' sjiod xrjv avojiiav jiod xco Kopico Kai ctd acpfjKac;

against myself my lawlessness to the LORD. And you forgave

xrjv aaspsiav xrjc; KapSiac; jiod 8id\j/aX|ia 6 + D7isp

the impiety of my heart. PAUSE. For

xaDxrjc; rcpoasD^sxai 7ipoc; as rcac; oaioq sv Kaipcb

this [ shall pray to you every sacred one] in [ time

SD0sxco 7rAx|v sv KaxaKA,Da|ico i)8dxcov 7ioAM)v npoq

a fit]; only in a flood of waters many [to

avzov odk syyiotiai 7 + od jiod si KaxacpDyfj anb

him shall not approach]. You are my refuge from


33 3fr

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

QXi\\f£($q Tr\q 7ispisxoi)ar|c; |is to ayaAAiajid jiod

affliction encompassing me; my leap for joy

Ampooaai |is arco xcov KDKAxoadvxcov |is 5id\j/aA,|ia 8 +

to ransom me from the ones encircling me. PAUSE.

ctdvsxico as Kai aujipipco as sv o5cb xai&gt;xr| r|

I will bring understanding to you, and I will instruct you in this way which
7iop8T3ar| smaxripicb S7U as zovq o(pQak[iovq jiod 9+ |ir|

you shall go. I will stay [upon you my eyes]. Do not

yivsaGs coc; bntoq Kai rjiiiovoq oiq odk sail ativsaic;

become as a horse and mule in which there is no understanding;

sv KT||icb Kai %akw(b xac; aiayovac; auxcbv dy^aic;

[but] with muzzle and bridle [their jaws may you squeeze]

xcov jLiri syyitpvxcov npoq as 10+ no'XXai ai

of the [ones] not approaching to you. Many [are] the

jidaxiysc; tod ajiapxcoAxyo xov 8s skmCpvTa S7U

whips for the sinner; [ the one but hoping upon

KDpiOV sA,SOCJ KDkAxOGSI 11+ SD(ppdv0T|TS S7U Kopiov

[the] LORD mercy shall encircle]. Be glad upon [the] LORD,

Kai ayaAlidaGs 8iKaioi Kai Kai)%da0s navTsq 01

and exult, O just [ones] ! and let [ boast all the ones

si)0sk; tt] Kap8ia

straight in the heart] !

33 A

1+ ayaAAidaGs 5iKaioi sv too Kopico xoic; si)6sai

Exult, O just ones, in the LORD! To the upright

7ips7isi aivsaic; 2 + s^ojio^oysiaGs icq Kopico sv

[ [is] becoming praise]. Make acknowledgment to the LORD with

KiGdpa sv \j/aAxrjpico 8sKaxop5co \j/dA,axs auxco 3 +

[the] harp! With [psaltery [the] ten-stringed] strum to him!

daaxs auxcb dajia Kaivov KaXfoq \j/dXaxs auxcb sv

Sing to him [ song a new] ! [ well Strum to him] with

akakaj[i(b 4 + 6x1 Evdr\q o Xoyoq xou Kopiou Kai

shouts! For [ [is] upright the word of the LORD]; and

7idvxa xa spy a auxou sv 7riaxsi 5+ ay and sA,sr||ioawr|v

all his works in trust. [ loves charity

Kai Kpiaiv o Kopioc; xod sXsodc; Kopiou Tihf\pr\q r\

and equity The LORD]; [ of the mercy [of the] LORD [is] full the

yr| 6+ xco Xoyco xod Kopioi) 01 oupavoi

earth]. [By] the word of the LORD the heavens


33 3fr

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

saxspscbGrjaav Kai too 7WSD|iaxi tod axojiaxoc; aDxoD

[were] solidified, and [by] the breath of his mouth

7idaa r| SDvajiic; aDxcbv 7 + awdycov cooei aaKov

all their force; bringing together as in a leather [water] bag

vdaza Qakaaar\q xiGeic; sv GrjaaDpoic; aPDaaoDc; 8 +

[the] waters of [the] sea; putting in treasuries of [the] deeps.

(poPr|0f|T&lt;jo xov Kopiov 7idoa r| yrj an avzov 8s

Fear the LORD all the earth! [ because of him and]

aa^sDGfjxcoaav 7idvxec; 01 KaxoiKotivxsc; xrjv

let [ be shaken all the ones dwelling in the

oikod|I8vt|v 9+ on avToq S17T8 Kai £yevr}6r|aav avzoq

inhabitable world] ! For he spoke, and they came to pass; he

svstsiAxxto Kai SKTiaBrjaav 10+ Kopioc; 8iaaKe8d^£i

gave charge, and they were created. [The] LORD effaces

fiovXaq sGvcbv aGsxsi 8s XoyiajioDc; Xacbv Kai dGsxsi

plans of nations, and he annuls devices of peoples, and he annuls

fiovXaq apxovxcov n+r|8s PodAx| tod kdpiod sic; xov

plans of rulers. But the counsel of the LORD [ into the

aicbva jisvsi A,oyio|io( xrjc; KapSiac; aDxoD sic; yevedv

eon abides]; [the] devices of his heart from generation

Kai yevedv 12+ jiarapiov to eGvoc; od eaxiKopioc;

and generation. Blessed [is] the nation of which [the] LORD is

o Beoc; olvtov Xaoq ov e^eAi^axo sic;

its God; a people whom he chose for

KArjpovojjiav SaUTCD 13 + 8^ ODpaVOD 87T8pA,S\j/8V O

his own inheritance. From out of heaven [ looks the

Kopioc; e(8e rcavxac; xodc; viovq xcov av0pcb7icov 14 +

LORD]; he beholds all the sons of men.


From [ prepared home his] he looked upon

rcdvxac; xodc; KaxoiKowcac; xrjv yrjv 15+0

all the ones dwelling on the earth. [He is] the one

nXaaaq Kaxdjiovoc; xac; KapSiaq aDxcbv o aDvieic; eiq

shaping [ alone their hearts]; the one perceiving in

rcdvxa xa epya aDxcbv i 6 + od ocb^exai fiaaiksvq 8id

all their works. [ [is] not delivered A king] because of

7roAAx|v 8i3va|iiv Kai yiyac; od acoGfjaexai ev

much force; and a giant shall not be delivered by

7rAx|0ei laxDoq aDxoD 17+ \j/si&gt;5f|(; imioq sic;

[the] magnitude of his strength. [ [is a] false [hope] A horse] for


34 lb

19- Psalms

acoxrjpiav sv 8s 7iAx|0ei 8i)vd|iscoc; auxoi)

deliverance, and in [the] magnitude of its power

od ocoGfjasxai i 8 + t5oi3 oi ocp0aA,|ioi Kopioi) sm

one shall not be delivered. Behold, the eyes of [the] LORD [are] upon


the ones fearing him; the ones hoping upon

to sksoq (XDTOD 19 + ptioaoGai sk Gavdxoi)

his mercy; to rescue [ from death

Taq\\fv%dqavT(bv Kai 8ia9ps\j/ai avzovq sv Aijicb 20 +

their souls], and to nourish them during famine.

r| 8s \\fv%r\ rjjicbv i)7ro|isvsi too KDpico on PorjGoq Kai

And our soul waits on the LORD, for [ helper and

D7r£paa7ri&lt;xcfjc; rjjicbv saxiv 21 + 6x1 sv auxcb

defender he is our]. For in him

si)cppav9fjasxai r| Kap8(a rijicbv Kai sv xco ovojiaxi

[shall be glad our heart]; and in [name

xco ayico ctDxot) rjAmaaiisv 22+ ysvoixo xo sksoq gov

his holy] we hope. May [ come your mercy],

Kopis scp' rjjLidq Ka6d7i8p rjAjuaa|isv S7i( as

O LORD, upon us, just as we hoped upon you.

34 7b

1+ SD^oyfjaco xov Kupiov sv 7iavx( Kaipcb 8ia7iavx6c;

I will bless the LORD at all time; always

r| cuvsoic; avTOV sv xco axojiaxi jiod 2+ sv xco KDpico

his praise [is] in my mouth. [ in the LORD

S7iaivs9f|asxai rj yv%r\ [iov aKODadxcoaav 7ipas(c; Kai

shall applaud My soul]. Let [ hear [the] gentle] and

si)cppav9fjxcoaav 3+ jisyaMvaxs xov Kupiov auv sjioi

be glad! Magnify the LORD with me!

Kai D\j/cbaco|isv xo ovojia avzov S7iixoai)x6 4+

for we should raise up high his name together.

s^s^fjxrjaa xov Kupiov Kai S7if|K0Das jiou Kai sk

I sought after the LORD, and he heeded me; and out of

7iaacbv xcov 0Ai\j/scov jiod sppuaaxo (is

all my afflictions he rescued me.

5+ 7ipoasA,0axs npoq ai)xov Kai (pcoxiaBrjxs Kai

Come forward to him, and be enlightened! and

xa 7rp6aco7ia Djicbv ou |ir| Kaxaia%uv0f| 6 + otixoc;

your faces in no way shall be disgraced. This


34 lb


19- Psalms

0 7ixco%6c; SKSKpa^s Kai o Kopioc; siafjKODasv amox&gt;

poor man cried out, and the LORD heard him;

Kai sk 7iaocbv xcov 0Ai\j/scov (XDTOD SOCOOSV (XDTOV 7 +

and from out of all his afflictions he delivered him.

7iap8|iPaA,si dyjskoq Kopioi) kdkXco xcov cpopoDjisvcov

[ will encamp [The] angel [of the] LORD] round about the ones fearing

(xdtov Kai ptiasxai avzovq 8 + ysuaaaGs Kai (88X8 6xi

him, and he will rescue them. Taste and see that

Xprjaxoc; o Kopioc; jiaKdpioc; avfjp oq sAju^si S7i'

[ [is] gracious the LORD] ! Blessed [is] [the] man who hopes upon

avTOV 9+ (popfj0rrx8 xov Kopiov 7idvxsc; 01 dyioi avzov

him. Let [ fear the LORD all his holy ones] !

oxi ODKsaxiv Dax8pr||ia xoic; cpoPoDjisvoic; auxov io +

for there is no deficiency to the ones fearing him.

7rAxy6aioi S7rxcb%si)aav Kai S7isivaaav oi 8s

[The] rich became poor, and they hunger; but the

SK^rjxowxsq xov Kopiov odk sAmxco6f|aovxai 7iavx6c;

ones seeking after the LORD shall not lack any

ayaGoi) n+ 5si&gt;xs xsKva araoaaxs jiod cpopov Kopiou

good [thing]. Come children, hear me! [ a fear [of the] LORD

5i5d^co v[idq n+ Tiq saxiv dv6pco7roc; o GsXcov ^cofjv

1 will teach you]. Who is [the] man wanting life,

aya7icbv rjjispac; i8s(v ayaGdc; 13 + 7iai)GOV

loving [ days to behold good]? Cease

xrjv yAxoaadv aoi) arco KaKoi) Kai %£ikr\ gov xod |ir|

your tongue from evil! and your lips, [so as] to not

XaAxjaai 86Xov u+ skkAivov arco KaKOD Kai 7io(r|aov

speak treachery. Turn aside from [the] bad, and do

aya66v ^fjxrjaov eipfjvrjv Kai 8(co^ov auxfjv i 5 + oi

good! Seek peace, and pursue it! The

o(pQak[ioi Kop(oi) S7i( 5iKaioi)c; Kai coxa avzov sic;

eyes of [the] LORD [are] upon [the] just, and his ears [are] unto

8sr|aiv auxcbv ie + 7rp6aco7rov 5s Kopiou S7ri

their supplication. But [the] face of [the] LORD [is] against

7roiowcac; Kara xod s^oAx)6psi3aai sk yr\q

[the] ones committing evils, to utterly destroy [ from [the] earth

xo |ivr||i6aDvov auxcbv n + SKSKpa^av oi 8iKaioi Kai o

their memorial]. [ cried out The just], and the

Kopioc; siafjKODasv auxcbv Kai sk 7iaacbv

LORD heard them; and from out of all



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

xcov 0Ai\j/ecov auxcbv eppuaaxo aDTOTjq i8+ sjyvq Kopioc;

their afflictions he rescued them. [The] LORD is near

xoic; cDVT£xpi|i|isvoic; xrjv Kap8(av Kai xouc;

to the ones being broken [in] heart; and the

T(X7T8lVOD(^ TOO 7TVSDjJ,(XTl OCOOSl 19 + noXkai ai 0Ai\j/sic;

humble in spirit he shall deliver. Many are the afflictions

xcov 5iKa(cov Kai sk 7iaacbv auxcbv ptiaexai

of the just; and from out of all of them [ shall rescue

avTOvq o Kopioc; 20+ qroAxxaaei Kopioc; 7idvxa

them the LORD]. [The] LORD guards all

xa oaxa auxcbv sv auxcbv ov awcpipfjaexai 21 +

their bones; [ one of them not] shall be broken.

Gdvaxoc; ajiapxco^cbv 7iovr|p6c; Kai 01 jiiaowcsc; xo

[The] death of sinners [is] a sorry state; and the ones detesting the

8iKaiov TiXr\[i[iskT\aovai 22 + Ampcbasxai Kopioc; \\fv%aq

just shall offend. [The] LORD shall ransom [the] souls

8cr6AxDV avzov Kai ov [ir\ 7iXr\[L[ishf\aovai 7idvxec; 01

of his servants; and in no way shall [ offend all the

eAmtpvxec; S7i' avzov

ones hoping upon him].

35 rft

1+ 5iKaaov Kopis zovq a8iK(y6vxdc; |is 7ioA,8(ir|oov zovq

Adjudicate, O LORD, the ones wronging me! Wage war [against] the

7ioXs|ioi)vxdc; jis 2+ S7iiXaPcy6 otiXov Kai 0upecy6 Kai

ones waging war [against] me! Take hold of weapon and shield, and

avdaxr|6i eic; PofjGeidv [iov 3+ sk%£ov pojitpaiav Kai

rise up to help me! Discharge [the] broadsword, and

&lt;x6yKA£ioov s^svavxiaq xcov Kaxa8icoK6vxcov |is ei7rov

close up right opposite the ones pursuing me! Say

xtj yv%r\ |iod acoxrjpia aoi) sijii sycb 4+ aiaxi)v6f|xcoaav

[to] my soul, [ your deliverance lam]! Let [ be ashamed

Kai svxpa7if|xcoaav 01 ^xowcsc; xrjv \\fv%r\v [iov

and feel remorse the ones seeking my soul] !

a7ioaxpa(pf|xcoaav eiq xa O7i(aco Kai

Let them be turned to the rear, and

Kaxaia%Dv6fjxcoaav 01 Xoyi^ojisvoi jioiKaKd 5 +

let [ be disgraced the ones considering evils against me] !

yevr]0f|xcoaav coasi yyovq Kaxd 7ip6aco7iov avsjioi)

Let them become as dust according to [the] face of [the] wind!



8V TOUT© + VtKCl
19- Psalms

Kai ayyskoq KupioD SKBAipcov avzovq 6 + ysvrjGfjxco

and an angel of [the] LORD squeezing them. Let [ become

r| o66q auxcbv ctkoxoc; Kai oAia0r||ia Kai dyysXoc;

their way] darkness and slippery! and an angel

KDpioi) KaxaSicoKcov aDxoix; ?+ 6xi Scopsdv SKpi)\j/dv

of [the] LORD pursuing them. For without cause they hid

(ioi 5ia(p6opdv 7iay(8oc; auxcbv jidxrjv covsiSiaav

[against me of corruption their snare]; in folly they berate

xrjv y\fv%r\v jiod 8 + sABsxco auxcb 7iayfc; rjv od yivcbaKsi

my soul. Let there come to him a snare which he knows not!

Kai T| 6fjpa Tjv SKpi)\j/s aoAlaPsxco auxov Kai

And the [snare of the] hunt which he hid, let it seize him! and

sv xtj 7ray(5i 7isas(xai sv auxfj 9 + r| 5s yv%r\ jiod

in the [same] snare he shall fall in it. But my soul

ayaAAidasxai S7i( xco Kupico xspcpGrjasxai S7i(

shall exult over the LORD; it shall be made happy over

xco acoxrjpico avzov io+ rcdvxa xa oaxd jiod spcyoai Kopis

his deliverance. All my bones shall say, O LORD,

Kopis Tiq ojioioq aoi puojisvoc; tcxcoxov sk %sipoc;

O LORD, who [is] likened to you? rescuing [the] poor from [the] hand

axspscoxspcov auxcro Kai 7txco%6v Kai 7isvr|xa arco

[of the one] more solid than he, and [the] poor and needy one from

xcov 5iap7ia£pvxcov auxov n+ avaaxdvxsc; jioi

the ones tearing him in pieces. Rising up against me

jidpxDpsc; d8iKoi a odk syivcoaKov spcbxcov

[witnesses [are] unjust], [ of [things] which I did not know asking

(is 12+ avxa7is8(5oadv jioi 7iovr|pd avxi ayaGcbv Kai

me]. They recompensed tome evil for good, and

axeKviav xr| \\fv%r\ jiou 13 + sycb 8s sv xco auxcroc;

childlessness to my soul. But I, in their

7iap£VO%XsiV |IOl SVs8l)6|JT|V adKKOV Kai SXa7TSlVODV

troubling me, put on sackcloth. And I humbled

sv vnaxsia xrjv \\fv%r\v [iov Kai r| 7rpoasi)%f| |iod sk;

[ in fasting my soul]; and my prayer [ unto

koAjtov jiod a7roaxpacpf|asxai h+ coc; 7tAx|ak&gt;v coc;

my bosom shall be returned]. As a neighbor, as

aSsAxpcb r||isxspco croxcoc; surjpsaxoDV coc; 7isv0cbv Kai

[ brother to our], so they were well-pleasing. As mourning and

aKD6pco7id^cov otixcoc; sxa7isivoi)|ir|v 15+ Kai Kax' sjioi)

looking downcast so I humbled myself. And against me

SDcppavGrjaav Kai avvT\%Qr\aav awf|%9r|aav S7i' sjis

they were glad and they gathered together; they gathered together [ against me



8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

jidaxiysc; Kai odk syvcov 5isaxia6r|aav Kai od

whips], and I did not know; they were cut asunder and were not

KaxsvDyrjaav 16+ S7cs(paadv (is s^sjiDKifipiadv (is

vexed. They tested me; they derided me

|iDKTT|pio|icb sppD^av S7i ' sjis todc; o56vxac; aDTCGV

in sneering; they gnashed against me with their teeth.

17+ Kupie 7t6t8 87c6\j/r| a7coKaTdaTr|aov

O LORD, when will you scrutinize? Restore

xrjv \\fv%r\v (iod a7c6 Tr\q KaKODpyiac; aDicbv anb

my soul from their evil actions; [ from

Xsovxcov ttjv jiovoysvfj (iod i8+ s^ojioA,oyf|aojiai aoi sv

lions my only child]. I shall make acknowledgment to you in

SKKAxjcria n6Kki\ sv Axxcb Papei aivsaco as 19+ (ir|

[assembly [the] vast]; with [people grievous] I shall praise you. May [ not

S7ti%apsrr|adv jioi oi s^Gpaivovisc; jioi aSiKcoc; 01

rejoice against me the ones hating me unjustly]; [even] the

jiiaowcsc; jis 8copsdv Kai 8iavsi)ovxsc; ocpGaljiok; 20 +

ones detesting me without a charge, and shunning [their] eyes.

on sjioi jisv siprjviKd skokovv Kai S7c' opyfjv

For to me then [ peaceable they spoke], but in anger

86Ax)dc; 5isA,oyi^ovxo 21+ Kai S7cAxrcDvav S7c' sjis

[treachery they devised]. And they widened [against me

to axojia aDicbv si7cov si)ys si)ys s(8ov

their mouth]. They said, Well done, well done, [saw

01 otpGa^jioi r|(icbv 22+ siSsc; Kopis [ir\

our eyes]! You beheld, O LORD. You should not

7capaaico7cfiar|(; Ki3pis (irj aTtoaxfjc; a7c' sjiod 23 +

remain silent, O LORD. You should not separate from me.

s^sysp9r|Ti Kopis Kai 7cp6a%sc; xr| Kpiasi jiod o

Awake, O LORD, and take heed to my case, O

Gsoc; (iod Kai o Kopioc; jiod sic; tt|v 8(kt|v jiod 24+

my God, and [ O my LORD to my cause] !

Kpivov (is Kopis raid xr|v 5iKaioai)vr|v aoi) Kopis

Judge me, O LORD, according to your righteousness, O LORD

o Bsoq (iod Kai (irj S7ri%apsrr|adv (ioi 25 +

my God, and let them not rejoice against me!

(itj si7coiaav sv KapSiaic; aDicbv si)ys si)ys xr|

May they not say in their heart, Well done, well done [to]

\|A)%f| TjjlCOV (IT|5S S17C01SV KaTS7ClO(ISV aDTOV 26 +

our soul. Nor may they say, We swallowed him down.


36 V?

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

aia%Dv9srr|aav Kai svTpa7isrr|aav djia 01

May they be ashamed, and may [ feel remorse together the ones

£7U%a(povT£(; Toiq kmcoic; |iod 8v8i)ado6coaav aia%Dvr|v

rejoicing at my hurts]. Let [ be clothed in shame

Kai svTp07ifiv 01 |isyaA,oppr||iovoi)VTSc; S7i' sjis u+

and remorse the ones speaking great words against me] !

ayaAAidaBoooav Kai SDcppavGfjxcooav oi GsXovxsq

Exult and be glad, O ones wanting

ttjv 8iKaio&lt;y6vr|v jiod Kai eurdTCoaav 8ia7iavTOc;

righteousness forme! And let say always,

|i8yaXi)v9f|Tco o Kopioc; oi GsAxdvtsc; xrjv eipfjvrjv

[ be magnified The LORD] ! [by] the ones wanting the peace

tod 8odA,od olvtov is + Kai r| yAxbaad jiod jie^sifjaei

of his servant. And my tongue shall meditate upon

xrjv 5iKaioawr|v ctod 6Ax|v xrjv rjjiepav tov 87iaiv6v ood

your righteousness; [the] entire day on your high praise.

36 lV

i + (prjcriv o 7iapdvo|ioc; tod ajiapxavsiv ev eaDTcb

[ speaks The lawbreaker [so as] to sin in himself];

odk sail cpopoq 0sod a7isvavTi tcdv ocpGa^jicbv aDTOD 2 +

there is no fear of God before his eyes.

on eSoAxoaev evco7nov olvtov tod eDpeiv

For he acted treacherously before him, so as to find out

xrjv avojiiav aDTOD Kai jiiofjaai 3+ xa pfjiiaxa

his lawlessness and detest. The sayings

tod aiojiaioq aDTOD avojjia Kai SoXoq odk rjPoDAr|6r|

of his mouth are lawlessness and treachery; he wanted not

aDvisvai tod ayaGDvai 4 + avojiiav SisXoyiaaTO em

to perceive [how] to do good. [ lawlessness He reasons] upon

Tr\q Koixrjq aDTOD 7iapeaTr| 7idar| o8cb odk ayaGfj

his bed; he renders to every way not good;

KaKia 8s od 7ipoacb%0iae 5 + KDpis sv too ODpavcb

and evil he did not loath. O LORD, [ [is] in the heaven

to sksoq aoD Kai rj aArjGsid aoD scoq tcov vscpsAxbv 6 +

your mercy], and your truth unto the clouds.

T| SiKaioawq aoD coq oprj 9sod Ta KpijiaTd aoD

Your righteousness [is] as [the] mountains of God; your judgments

afivaaoq TioXhf] av6pcb7roD(; Kai KTfjvrj acbasic;

[abyss avast]. [men and cattle You shall preserve],


8V TOUT© + VlKa
19- Psalms

Kupis ? + coc; S7iAx|0uvac; to s^soc; aou o Gsoc; 01 5s

0 LORD. How you multiplied your mercy, O God; and the

uioi tcov av0pcG7icov sv oKS7ir| xcov 7ixspuycov aou

sons of men [in [the] protection of your wings

sAmouai 8 + |is0ua0f|aovxai anb 7ii6xr|xoc; oikou aou

shall hope]. They shall be intoxicated from [the] fatness of your house;

Kai xov xsijidppouv xrjc; xpucpfjc; aou 7roxis(c; auxouq 9 +

and [of the rushing stream of your delicacy you shall water them].

on 7iapd aoi 7ir|yf| Ccofjc; sv icq tpcoxi aou o\j/6|is0a

For from you [is the] spring of life. In your light we shall see

tpcoc; 10+ 7iapdxsivov to sXeoc; aou xoic; yivcbaKouai as

light. Extend your mercy to the ones knowing you,

Kai tt|v 8iKaioauvr|v aou xoic; su0sai xrj Kap8(a n+ \n\

and your righteousness to the ones straight in heart! Let not

sA£sxco jioi 7iouc; U7ispr|(paviac; Kai %sip

[ come against me [the] foot of pride] ! nor [the] hand

ajiapxcolou |xq aalsuaai |is 12+ sksi S7isaov 7tdvxsc;

of [the] sinner to shake me. There they fell — all

01 spyatpjisvoi xrjv avojiiav s^cba0r|aav Kai ou jir|

the ones working lawlessness. They were pushed out, and in no way

Suvcovxai axfjvai

shall they be able to stand.

37 ii

1+ (IT) 7rapa^fjXou sv 7iovr|psuo|isvoic; tj\kov

Be not provoked to jealousy with ones acting wickedly, nor be jealous

xouc; 7ioiouvxac; xrjv avojiiav 2 +6x1 coast %6pxoc; xa%u

of the ones doing lawlessness! For [as grass quickly

a7io^r|pav6f|aovxai Kai coast Xa%ava %^6r\q

they shall be dried up], and as vegetation of tender shoots

xa%u a7i07isaouvxai 3+ sAjnaov S7i( Kupiov Kai

they shall quickly fall away. Hope upon [the] LORD, and

7io(si xprjaxoxrjxa Kai KaxaaKfjvou xrjv yrjv Kai

execute graciousness! And encamp in the land! and

7ioi|iav0fjar| S7ri xco 7iA,ouxco auxfjq 4 + Kaxaxpucprjaov

you shall be tended by its riches. Revel

xou Kupiou Kai 8cofj aoi xa aixfjjiaxa

in the LORD! that he should give to you the requests

xrjc; KapSiac; aou 5 + a7roKdA,u\j/ov npoq Kupiov

of your heart. Reveal to [the] LORD


37 i 1 ? sv xoiJTCp + vdca 19 -Psalms

xrjv o56v aoi) Kai sAjnaov S7i' ai)i6v Kai avzoq

your way, and hope upon him! and he

7ioifjaei 6 + Kai s^oiasi coq cpcoc; xrjv 5iKaio&lt;y6vr|v gov

will act. And he shall bring forth [ as light your righteousness],

Kai to Kpijid ciod cdc; |isar||iPp(av ? + D7iOTdyr|0i too

and your practice as at midday. Submit to the

Kopioo Kai iKSTSDaov avTOV |ir| 7iapa^fjAx)D SV TCO

LORD, and entreat him! Be not provoked to jealousy in the

KaTSDo8oi)|i8vco sv TTj o5cb avToi) sv av6pcb7rcD

prospering [ in his way by a man

7roiowci 7iapavo|i(av 8 + 7iai3aai arco opyfjc; Kai

doing unlawfulness]! Cease from anger, and

syKaTdXurs 0D|i6v |ir| 7iapa^fjAx)D cbaTS 7iovr|psDsa6ai

abandon rage! Be not provoked to jealousy so as to do wicked!

9+ 6ti oi 7iovr|psD6|isvoi s^oXo0psD0f|aovTai oi 5s

For the ones doing wicked shall be utterly destroyed; but the ones

D7T0|ISV0VTSC; TOV KDpiOV aDTOl KXr)povo|xfjaoi)ai TTJV

waiting on the LORD, they shall inherit the

yrjv io+ Kai sti oAiyov Kai od [ir\ D7idp^r|

land. And yet in a short [time], and in no way shall [ exist

ajiapTCoXoq Kai ^rjTfjasic; tov totcov avzov Kai od jitj

[the] sinner]; and [if] shall you seek his place, then in no way

£vpr\q n+ oi 8s npasiq KAx|povo|if|aoDai yrjv Kai

shall you find it. But the gentle shall inherit [the] earth, and

KaTaTpi)(pfjooi)aiv S7ii 7tAt|6si sipfjvr|c; 12 +

they shall revel over an abundance of peace.

7iapaTr|pf|osTai o ajiapTCO^oq tov 5iKaiov Kai PpD^si

[ shall closely watch The sinner] the just, and shall gnash

S7i' avzov Tovq o56vTaq avzov 13+0 5s Kopioc;

[over him his teeth]. But the LORD

SKysXdasTai avzov 6ti 7ipopA,s7isi 6ti fj^si

shall laugh out loud at him, for he foresees that [ will come

rj rjjispa avzov u+ pojicpaiav sa7idaavT0 01 ajiapTcaXoi

his day]. [ [the] broadsword unsheathed The sinners];

svsTSivav to^ov aDTcbv tod KaTaPa^siv 7itcd%6v Kai

they stretched tight their bow to throw down [the] poor and

7isvr|Ta tod acpd^ai Tovq sdGsic; rq Kap5(a 15 +

needy, to slay the straight in heart.

rj pojicpaia aDTcbv siasXGoi sic; zaq KapSiaq aDTcbv Kai

[ their broadsword May] enter into their [own] hearts; and

37 i 1 ? sv xoiJTCp + vdca 19 -Psalms

xa xo^a airccbv auvxpipevrj i 6 + Kpsiaaov oAiyov xco

[ their bows may] be broken. Better [is] a little to the

8iKa(co D7i8p 7iAxy6TOV ajiapxcoXcbv noXvv n+ 6xi

just, than [ riches of sinners many]. For

Ppaxiovec; ajiapxcoXcbv auvxpipfjaovxai imooxrjpi^ei 8e

[the] arms of sinners shall be broken; [ supports but

Tovq SiKaiouc; o Kopioc; is+ yivoaoKei Kopioc; xac; odovq

the just the LORD]. [The] LORD knows the ways

xoov a|icb|icov Kai r| KAxjpovojjia auxcbv sic; xov aicbva

of the unblemished; and their inheritance [ into the eon

eaxai 19+ od Kaxaia%DV0fjaovxai sv Kaipcb 7iovr|pcb

shall be]. They will not be disgraced in [time a bad],

Kai ev rjiiepaic; Xi^lov %opxaa9f|aovxai 20+ 6x1 01

and in [the] days of hunger they shall be filled. For the

ajiapxcoAxn a7ioAxy6vxai 01 8s sxOpoi xod Kup(oi)

sinners shall be destroyed. And the enemies of the LORD

&amp;|ia xco So^aaGfjvai avzovq Kai u\j/co9f|vai

at the same time [in] their being glorified and exalted,

SKXeiTrovxsc; coast Kaizvoq s^skmov 21+ 8avei^sxai o

[vanishing as smoke vanished]. [borrows The

ajiapxcoloc; Kai odk a7iox(aei o 8e SiKaioq oiKxsipsi

sinner], and does not pay [back]; but the just pities,

Kai 81801 22+ 6x1 01 euloyowcsc; auxov

and gives. For the ones blessing him

KAr|povo|xf|aoDoi yrjv 01 8s Kaxapcbjisvoi auxov

shall inherit land; but the ones cursing him

s^oAx}0psi)6f|aovxai 23+ 7iapa Kopiou xa 8iapf||iaxa

shall be utterly destroyed. [ by [the] LORD The footsteps

av0pcb7roi) Kaxsi)0i)V£xai Kai xrjv o86v auxou GeAxjaei

of a man [are] straightened out]; and [ his way he shall want]

ocp68pa 24+ oxav 7isar| od Kaxapa^Gfjaexai 6x1

exceedingly. Whenever he shall fall he will not break, for

Kopioc; avxiaxrjpi^si %e(pa auxcb 25+ vecbxspoc; eyev6|xr|v

[the] LORD gives support to his hand. [ younger I was [once]]

Kai yap syfjpaaa Kai ouk e(8ov Sucaiov

and I grew old; and [ not I beheld [the] just]

syKaxaA,e^£i|i|isvov ou8s xo a7iep|ia auxou ^rjxow

being abandoned, nor his seed seeking

dpxouq 26+ 6Ar|v xr|vr||i8pav s^sei Kai 8ave(^ei o

bread loaves. [ [the] entire day shows mercy and lends The


37 T*7 ev tootco + vdca 19 -Psalms

Sucaioc; Kai to a7i8p(ia aDxoD sic; SD^oyiav soxai 27 +

righteous], and his seed [for a blessing will be].

skkAivov goto KaKOD Kai 7iovr|aov ayaGov Kai

Turn aside from evil and do good, and

KaxaaKfjvoD sic; aicbva aicovoc; 2 s+ 6xi Kopioc; ayarcd

encamp into [the] eon of [the] eon! For [the] LORD loves

Kpiaiv Kai odk syraxaXsuj/si xodc; oaioDc; aDxoD sic;

equity, and shall not abandon his sacred ones; into

xov aicbva tpDA,ax6f|aovxai dvojioi 5s SK5ico%6f|aovxai

the eon they shall be guarded. But lawless ones shall be driven out,

Kai a7isp|ia aaspcbv s^oXo6psD6f|asxai 29+ Sfcaioi 5s

and [the] seed of [the] impious shall be utterly destroyed. But [the] just
KAr|povo|if|GODai yrjv Kai KaxaaKqvcbaoDaiv sic;

shall inherit [the] earth, and encamp into

aicbva aicbvoc; S7i' avTT\q 30+ axojia SiKaioD |islsxf|asi

[the] eon of [the] eon upon it. [The] mouth of [the] just shall meditate upon

aocpiav Kai r| yXcbaaa aDxoD XaAxjasi Kpiaiv 31+0

wisdom, and his tongue shall speak equity. The

vojioq tod 0sod aDxoD sv KapSia aDxoD Kai ov%

law of his God [is] in his heart; and [ shall not

D7rooKsAia6f|asTai xa 5iapf||iaxa aDxoD 32+ Kaxavosi o

be tripped up his footsteps]. [contemplates The

ajiapxcoloc; xov Sucaiov Kai ^rjxsi

sinner] the just, and seeks

xod Gavaxcoaai ai)xov 33 + o 5s Kopioc; od jlit|

to kill him. But the LORD in no way

syKaxaAircsi ai)xov sic; xac; xsipaq aDxoD od5' od jlit|

shall abandon him into his hands, nor in no way

KaxaSiKdarjxai aDxov oxav Kpivrjxai aDxcb 34 +

should he condemn him whenever he should judge him.

D7l6|ISlVOV XOV KDpiOV Kai CpD^a^OV XT|V 056v aDXOD

Wait on the LORD, and guard his way!

Kai D\j/cbasi as xod KaxaKXrjpovo|xqaai xrjv yrjv sv

and he shall exalt you to inherit the land, in

xco s^oXo0psDsa6ai ajiapxcoAxyoc; 6\j/si 35+ s(5ov xov

the one [ being utterly destroyed sinners you will see]. I beheld the

aaspfj D7ispD\j/OD|isvov Kai S7iaip6|isvov coc; xac;

impious being greatly exalted, and being lifted up as the

KsSpoDc; xod AipdvoD 36 + Kai 7rapfjA,9ov Kai i5od

cedars of Lebanon. And I went by, and behold,

ODKTjv Kai s^fjxrjaa aDxov Kai od% SDpsGrj

he was not. And I sought him, and [ was not found



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

o x67ioc; avTOV 37 + qroAxxaas araKiav Kai (5s si)6i3xr|xa

his place]. Guard innocence, and know straightness!

on screw syKaxdlsijijia av0pcG7icG siprjviKcb 3 8 + 01 5s

for there is a leftover [man for [the] peaceable]. But the

7iapdvo|ioi 8^0X06 psuGfjaovxai S7iixoaux6 xa

lawbreakers shall be utterly destroyed together; the

syKaxaXsijijiaxa xcov aaspcbv s^oAx)0psi)9f|aovxai 39 +

leftovers of the impious shall be utterly destroyed.

acoxrjpia 8s xcov 8iKa(cov 7iapd Kopiou Kai

But deliverance of the just [is] by [the] LORD; and

D7rspaa7iiaTfjc; auxebv screw sv Kaipcb GAiij/scog 4 o+ Kai

[ defender their he is] in time of affliction. And

PorjGfjaei aDxoic; Kupioc; Kai ptiasxai auxcroc; Kai

[ shall help them [the] LORD], and shall rescue them; and

s^sXsixai avTOvq s^ ajiapxcoXcbv Kai acbasi

he shall take them away from [the] sinners; and he shall deliver

avTOvq 6x1 fjAmaav S7i' auxov

them, for they hoped upon him.

1 + Kopis |ir| xco Gdjico aou sAiy^rjc; |is |ir|5s

O LORD, let not your rage reprove me, nor

xtj opyfj aoi) 7iai8si3ar|c; (is 2 + 6x1 xa PsAxj aoi)

your anger correct me! For your arrows

svs7rdyr|adv jioi Kai S7isaxf|pi^ac; sn sjis

were stuck in me, and [ stayed upon me

xtw %s(pd aoi) 3 + ouk saxw iaaiq sv xr| aapKi jiou anb

your hand]. There is no healing in my flesh from

7ipoacb7roD xrjc; opyfjq aoi) ouk saxw sipfjvrj sv

[the] face of your anger; there is no peace in

xoic; oaxsoic; jiod ano 7rpoacb7ioD xcov ajiapxicbv jiod 4+

my bones from [the] face of my sins.

6x1 ai avojiiai jiou D7ispf|pav xrjv KscpaArjv jiod coasi

For my lawless deeds are elevated above my head; as

cpopxiov Papi) spapi3v6r|aav S7i' sjis 5+ 7ipoacb^saav

[ load a heavy] they were oppressed upon me. [ give out an odor

Kai sad7ir|aav 01 jid)A,&lt;jQ7rsc; (iod ano 7rpoacb7roD

and fester My stripes] from [the] face

xrjq acppoawqc; jiod 6 + sxaA,ai7icbpr|aa Kai KaxsKdjicpGrjv

of my folly. I was in misery and bent down



8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

ecoc; Tskovq 6hr\v xrjv rjjispav aKD0pa&gt;7rd^cov

until [the] end. All the day [ looking downcast

S7ropsi)6|xr|v 7+6x1 ai\j/6ai|iOD £7rAxja0r|aav

I went]. For my flanks were filled

S|i7iaiy jidxcov Kai odk eaxiv iaaiq ev xr| aapKi |iod 8 +

[of] mockeries, and there is no healing in my flesh.

£KaKcb0r|v Kai exa7isivcG0r|v ecoc; acp68pa copDO|ir|v

I was afflicted with evil and humbled, even unto exceedingly. I roared

goto axevayjioD xrjc; KapSiac; jiod 9 + Kopie evavxiov gov

from [the] moaning of my heart. O LORD, before you

7idaa rj 87ti6d |i(a jiod Kai o axsvayjioc; jiod and gov

[is] all my desire; and my moaning from you

odk a7reKpi3pr| 10+ r| Kap8(a jiod sxapdx0r| eyKaxsAa7rs

[can] not be concealed. My heart [is] disturbed; [ abandoned

|is rj \G%vq [iov Kai xo cpcoc; xcov otp0aA,jicbv jiod Kai

me my strength]; even the light of my eyes, even

avid ODKeaxi jisx' sjiod 11+ 01 qnXoi |IOD Kai

it is not with me. My friends and

01 7iAx|ak&gt;v jiod s^svavxiaq jiod fjyyiaav Kai eaxrjaav

my neighbors right opposite me approached and stood;

Kai 01 syyiaxd [iov arco |iaKp60sv saxrjaav 12+ Kai

and the ones nearest to me [from afar off stood]. And

s^spid^ovxo 01 ^rjxoDvxec; xrjv \\fv%r\v [iov Kai 01

[ expelled [me] the ones seeking my life]; and the

^rjxowcsc; xaKara jioi sAxxAxjaav jiaxaioxrjxaq Kai

ones seeking bad [things] for me spoke follies; and

SoAioxrjxac; 6Ax|v xr|vr|(ispav sjisAixrjaav n+sycbSe

[ on deceits [the] entire day they meditated]. But I,

coaei Kcocpoq odk fjKODOv Kai coaei akaXoq odk

as a deaf-mute, did not hear; and [was] as one speechless not

avoiycov xo axojia aDxoD u+ Kai eyev6|ir|v coaei

opening his mouth. And I became as

dv0pco7ioc; odk aKODCov Kai odk e%cov sv

a man not hearing, and not having [ in

xco axojiaxi aDxoD sXsyjiODc; 15 + 6x1 S7ri aoi Kopie

his mouth rebukes]. For upon you, O LORD,

r\kit\Ga aD eiaaKODarj Kopis o 0s6c; jiod i 6 + 6x1 si7iov

I hoped. You will hear, O LORD my God. For I spoke,

|xfj7roxs S7iixapcbai |IOl 01 sx0po( |IOD Kai 8V xco

lest at any time [ rejoice over me my enemies], and at the

aaA,SD0f|vai nodaq [iov 87i' s(is 8(isyaA,oppr||i6vr|aav

shaking of my feet [ against me they spoke great words].


39 ^

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

i7+6ti sycb sic; jidaxiyac; sxoijioc; Kai r| aA,yr|8cbv (iou

For I [for whips [am] prepared], and my suffering

svcb7Ti6v jiod eoxi 8ia7iavx6c; i 8 + 6xi xrjv avojiiav (iou

[before me is always]. For my lawlessness

sycb avayye^co Kai jiepijivfjaco D7isp xrjc; ajiapxiac; (iou

I will announce; and I will be anxious concerning my sin.

i9+oi8e e%0po( (iou Cfbai Kai KSKpaxaicovxai vnsp ejis

But my enemies live, and are fortified over me;

Kai £7rAr|0i)v9r|aav oi jiiaowcsc; (is aSiKcoc; 20 + oi

and [ multiply the ones detesting me unjustly]. The

avxa7io8i56vx£c; jioi Kara avxi ayaGcbv ev8iePaA16v

ones recompensing to me bad for good slandered

(is 87i8i KaxsSicoKov SiKaioawqv 21+ jirj

me when they pursued righteousness. You should not

eyKaxaAi7rr|c; jie Kopie o 6e6c; jiod jir| a7iOGxf|c;

abandon me, O LORD my God; you should not separate

an sjiotj 22+ 7ipoa%sq eic; xrjv PofjGeiav jiod Kupie

from me. Take heed for my help, O LORD

xrjc; acoxrjpiac; jiod

of my deliverance!

39 taV

1 + si7ra (piAd^co xac; odovq (iou xod jlit| ajiapxdveiv (is

I said, I shall guard my ways [ to not sin for me]

sv yAxbaarj jiod e0ejir|v xco axojiaxi jiod (pvXaKT\v sv

with my tongue. I put [ for my mouth a guard] while

xco auaxfjvai xov ajiapxcoXov evavxiov jiod 2 +

the [ stood sinner] before me.

SKcocpcoGrjv Kai 8xa7isivco9r|v Kai saiyrjaa ayaGcbv

I was mute and humbled and quiet of good [words],

Kai xo dAyrjjid jiod avsKaiviaGrj 3 + sGepjiavGrj

and my pain was renewed. [ heated

T| Kap8(a jiod svxoc; jiod Kai ev xr| jieAixri jiod

My heart] within me; and in my meditation

8KKai)0f|asxai nvp sldAxjaa ev yXcoaarj jiod 4 +

[ would burn away afire]; I spoke with my tongue.

yvcopiaov (ioi Kupie xo nzpaq jiod Kai xov api0(iov

Make known to me, O LORD, my limit! and the number

xcov rjjispcov jiod xic; eaxiv (va yvcb xi Daxepcb syco

of my days, what it is, that I should know what I lack.


39 ^

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

5+ i5ot3 nakaiaxaq s0od mq rjjispac; jiod Kai

Behold, [ a palm you established] for my days; and

U7r6oxacric; [iov coast ou0ev svcb7ri6v gov 7iAx|v

my essence [is] as nothing before you. Furthermore,

xa &lt;y6|i7iavTa jiaxaioxrjc; naq dv0pco7roc; ^cov 6 +

[ all things [are] folly for every man living].

jisvxoiys sv sikovi 8ia7iop£i)£xai dv0pco7i;oc; 7iAr|v

However, [ with an image travels a man], except,

|idxr|v xapdaasxai 6r|aaDp(^si Kai od yivcbaKsi xivi

[ in folly he is disturbed]. He treasures up, but does not know why

aDvd^ei cu)xd ? + Kai vdv xic; r| D7io|iovf| jiod ov%i o

he shall gather them. And now, what of my endurance ~ is it not the

Kopioc; Kai r| vnoaxaaiq jiod 7iapd gov saxiv s + and

LORD? Even my support [from you is]. From

7iaacbv xcav avojiicbv [iov ptiaai |is 6vsi8oc; dcppovi

all my lawless deeds rescue me! [ for scorn to [the] fool

s5(J0Kdc; |I8 9+ 8KCO(pcb0T|V Kai ODK fjvoi^a

You gave me]. I was made mute, and I did not open

xo axojia jiod 6xi gv S7io(r|aac; io+ a7i6axr|aov an

my mouth, for you did [it]. Abstain [ from

8|ioi3 xac; jiaaxiydc; gov anb xrjc; iG%voq xrjc; %sipoc; gov

me your whips]; from the strength of your hand

sycb s^skmov n+ sv e^eyjioic; vitzp avojiiaq

I failed. With rebukes for lawlessness

87ra(5sDaac; dv0pco7iov Kai s^sxrj^aq coq apdxvrjv

you corrected man; and [ wastes away as a spider's

xrjv \\fv%r\v avTOV nhf\v |idxr|v naq dv0pco7ro(;

his life]; besides - [ is folly every man].

5id\j/aA,|ia 12+ eiadKouaov xrjq TipoasD^fiq jiod Kopie Kai

PAUSE. Hear my prayer, O LORD, and

xrjc; 5sfjascbc; [iov svcbxiaai xcov 8aKpi3cov [iov [ir\

my supplication! Give ear to my tears! Be not

7rapaai(D7rfjar|c; 6x1 7idpoiKoc; eycb sijii 7iapd aoi Kai

silent! for [ a sojourner I am] with you, and

7rape7u5r||ioc; Kadcbq navTsq 01 7iaxspsc; [iov 13 + dvsq

an immigrant, as all my fathers. Spare

jioi (va ava\j/i)^CD 7ipo xod (is aitzkdsiv Kai odksxi

me! that I shall refresh before my going forth, and should no longer

OD |IT| D7rdp^co

in any way exist.


40 a ev toi3tco + viica 19- Psalms

40 a

i+ D7io(i8vcov D7i8(isiva xov Kopiov Kai 7ipoasaxs [101

Enduring, I waited on the LORD, and he took heed to me,

Kai siafjKODas Tr\q 8efjascbc; jiod 2+ Kai avfjyays |is

and he heard my supplication. And he led me

sk X&amp;kkod TaXauroopiac; Kai goto iir(kov ikvoq Kai

from out of [the] pit of misery, and from [the] mud of slime. And

saxrjaev S7U 7i£Tpav todc; nodaq |iod Kai KaT8D0DVS

he stood [ upon [the] rock my feet], and straightened out

xa 8iapfj|iaTd |iod 3+ Kai evepa^sv sic; to axojia |iod

my footsteps. And he put into my mouth

dajia Kaivov djivov too 0scb rjjicbv 6\j/ovxai noTCkoi

[song anew], a hymn [to] our God. [ shall see Many],

Kai (poPrjGfjaovxai Kai sAjiiodctiv 8711 KDpiOV 4 +

and shall fear, and shall hope upon [the] LORD.

jiaKdpioq avfjp od sail to ovojia kdpiod

Blessed [is] [the] man of which [ is in the name [of the] LORD

shiiq avTOV Kai odk s7iepXe\j/sv sic; iiaxaioxriTaq Kai

his hope], and did not look to follies and

jiaviac; \j/sd5s(c; 5+ noXka e7roir|oac; od Kopie

[ frenzies false]. Many [things] you did yourself, O LORD

0 Geoc; jiod xa GaDjidaid ood Kai Toiq

my God, [concerning] your wonders; and [concerning]

8iaAx)yiajiofc; ctod odk sail tic; o|ioico6f|aeTai aoi

your devices there is not any [that] shall be likened to you.

a7rfjyy£iA,a Kai sXdAxjaa £7iAr|0DV0r|aav D7iep api0|iov

1 reported and spoke ~ they were multiplied above number.

6+ dvaiav Kai 7ipoa(popdv odk r|0sAr|oac; acbjia 8e

A sacrifice and offering you wanted not, but a body

KaxrjpTiGCG jioi oA,OKaDxcb|iaTa Kai 7ispi ajiapxiaq

you readied to me; whole burnt-offerings and [a sacrifice] for sin

odk s^fjirjaaq 7+ tots sbiov i5od fjKco sv KS(paAi8i

you did not seek. Then I said, Behold, I come. In [the] chapter

PiPAioD ysypa7iTai 7isp( sjiod 8 + tod 7ioif|aai

of the scroll it is written concerning me. To do

to GeAxjiid aoD o 0e6c; jiod rjPoDAr|0r|v Kai

your will, O my God I wanted; and

TOWOjiovaoD sv jisaco Tr\q KoiAiac; jiod 9 +

your law [is] in [the] midst of my belly.

£Dr|yy£Aiod|ir|v SiKaioowrjv ev eKKAxjaia |isydAr| i5od

I announced good news — righteousness in [ assembly [the] great]. Behold,


40 a ev toi3tco + vuca 1 9 - Psalms

xa %z\kr[ jiod od |ir| KoaXDaoo KDpis av syvcoq 10+

[ my lips in no way should I restrain], O LORD, you know.

ttjv 5iKaio&lt;y6vr|v jiod odk sKpD\j/a sv tt| Kap5(a |iod

My righteousness I hid not in my heart;

xrjv aArjGei&amp;v aoD Kai to aooTfjpiov aoD si7ia

your truth and your deliverance I told;

odk 8Kpi)\j/a to sksoq aoD Kai xrjv aAxjGsidv gov ano

I hid not your mercy and your truth from

aDvayooyfjc; noXX^q h+od8s KDpis |ir| jiaKptivrjc;

[the] gathering of many. But you, O LORD, [ should not be far

todc; oiKTipjiotic; aoD an sjiod to sksoq aoi) Kai

your compassions] from me. Your mercy and

T| aAxjBsid aoi) 8ia7iavT6c; avTiXdpoiVTO jiod 12 + OTl

your truth, [ always may they] take hold of me. For

7ispisa%ov |is Koucd cov odk scjtiv apiBjioc;

[ compass me bad [things]] which there is no number.

KaTsXaPov |i8 ai avojiiai jiod Kai odk r|8Dvfi0r|v

[ overtook me My lawless deeds], and I was not able

tod pAiftsiv 87iAx|0Dv9r|aav D7isp Tag Tp(%a&lt;;

to see. They were multiplied over the hairs

Tr\q KscpaArjc; jiod Kai r| Kap5(a jiod syKaTsXurs (is 13 +

of my head; and my heart abandoned me.

£D56KT|aov Kopis tod ptiaaaGai |is KDpis sig

Think well, O LORD, to rescue me! O LORD, [to

to PorjGfjaai jioi 7ip6axsc; 14+ KaTaia%DV0sir|aav Kai

help me take heed] ! May [ be disgraced and

svTpa7i£vr|aav djia 01 ^tjtodvts^ tt|v \\fv%r\v jiod

feel shame together the ones seeking my life

tod s^dpai aDTTjv a7ioaTpa(ps(r|aav sic; Ta O7iiaco Kai

to lift it away]. May they be turned back to the rear, and

svTpa7T£vr|aav 01 0sA,ovtsc; jioiKaKd 15 +

may [ feel shame the ones wanting bad [things] for me].

KOjiiodaGcoaav 7rapa%pfj|ia aia%Dvr|v aDTcbv 01

Let them carry immediately their shame — the

AiyovTSc; jioi stiys stiys i 6 + ayaAAidaGooaav Kai

ones saying to me, Well done, well done. [ exult and

SDcppavBfjTGoaav S7i( aoi itavTzq 01 ^tjtodvts^ as

are glad over you All the ones seeking you],

KDpis Kai surdTGoaav 5ia7iavTOc; |isyaA,Dv9f|TC0 o Kopioq

0 LORD. And let [ say always let the LORD be magnified

01 aya7tcbvTSc; to acoTfjpiov aoD i 7 +sycb5s 7ttcd%6c; sijii

the ones loving your deliverance] ! But I am poor


41 Xtt

19- Psalms

Kai Tt£vr\q Kopioc; cppovxid jiod PorjGoc; |iod Kai

and needy; [the] LORD will be thoughtful of me. [ my helper and

D7r£paa7ri&lt;ycfjc; jiod ei od o Bsoq jiod |ir| %pov(ar|c;

my defender You are], 0 my God, you should not delay.

41 K»

i+ (laKdpioq o aDvicbv £7ri 7ttcox6v Kai 7i£vr|xa sv

Blessed [is] the one taking notice upon [the] poor and needy; [ in

r|(i8pa 7iovr|pd ptiasxai auxov o icupioq 2 + icopioc;

day [the] evil shall rescue him the LORD]. May [the] LORD

SiacpiAd^ai auxov Kai ^fjaai auxov Kai jiaKapiaai

guard him, and enliven him, and bless

auxov sv xt| yr| Kai |ir| 7iapa8o( auxov siq xsipaq

him in the land; and may he not deliver him into [the] hands

s%6pcbv avTOV 3 + Kopioc; PorjGfjaai auxcb sm KAivrjc;

of his enemies. Let [the] LORD help him upon [the] bed

o5wr|c; auxou 6Ax|v xrjv ko(xt|v avzov saxpsyaq sv

of his grief! [all of his bed You turned] in

xtj appooxia auxot) 4 + sycb si7ia Kopi£ s^erjaov |is

his illness. I said, O LORD, show mercy on me!

(aaai xttv \\fv%r\v [iov 6xi fjjiapxov aoi 5 +

Heal my soul! for I sinned against you.

01 £%6 pOl |IOD S17T0V KaKd |IOl 7T0XS

My enemies said bad [things] against me, [saying], When

a7ro6av8ixai Kai a7ioA,s(xai xo ovojia auxoi) 6+ Kai ei

shall he die and [ perish his name]? And if

eia£7rop£i)£xo xou i5dv |idxr|v £AxxA,£i T| Kap8(a avzov

he entered to see [me], [ folly spoke his heart].

ai)vf|yay£v avojiiav £auxcb £^£7iop£i)£xo £^co Kai

He gathered lawlessness to himself; he went forth outside and

£AxxA,£i £7ii xo auxo 7+ Kax' £|iot3 £\j/i6i3pi^ov

spoke in the same [manner]. [ against me whispered

7rdvx£c; oi£%0poi|iou Kax' £(iot3 £A,oyi^ovxo KaKd

All my enemies]; against me they devised bad [things]

jioi 8+ A,6yov 7iapdvo|iov Kax£0£vxo Kax' £|ioi3 jirj

for me. [ matter an illegal They laid down against me], [saying], Shall

o Koi|icb|i£voc; od%( 7ipoa6f|a£i xou avaaxfjvai 9 +

the one going to bed not proceed to rise up?

Kai yap o dv6pcD7i;oc; xrjc; £ipfjvr|c; |iou £(p' ov fjAmaa

For also the man of my peace upon whom I hoped,


42 n»

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

0 saGicov dpxoDg jiod sjisydXDVsv S7i' sjis 7ixspvia|i6v

the one eating my bread loaves, magnified against me [with] trickery.

io+&lt;xu8s icopis slerjaov |is Kai avdaxrjaov |ie Kai

But you, O LORD, show mercy on me, and raise me up, and

avxa7io5cbaco aDxofc; n+ ev xerox© eyvoov 6xi

recompense to them! By this I knew that

xs0sAr|K&amp;c; |is 6xi od |ir| £7ii%apf| o e%0poc; |iod 87i'

you wanted me, that in no way should [ rejoice my enemy] over

sjis 12 + sjiod 5s 8id xrjv aKaKiav avxeldpoD Kai

me. [ my But because of] innocence you assisted and

epepaicoadq |is evebmov ctod sic; xov aicbva 13 +

firmed me up before you into the eon.

svXojr\Toq icupioq o 0e6c; IapafjX arco xod aicbvoc; Kai

Blessed [be] [the] LORD God of Israel, from the eon and

sic; xov aicbva yevoixo ysvoixo

into the eon. May it be, May it be.

42 a»

1+ ov xpo7iov S7ri7ro6s( r| eAxxcpoc; S7il xac; 7ir|ydc;

In which manner [ longs the stag] after the springs

xcov i)5dxcov odxcoc; 87ii7io08i T| \\fv%r\ jiod 7ipoc; ae o

of the waters, so [ longs my soul] after you, O

Geoc; 2 + e8nj/r|aev r| \\fv%r\ |iod itpoq xov 0s6v xov

God. [ thirsted My soul] for [ God the

iaxi)p6v xov ^cbvxa 7i6xs f^oo Kai ocpBfjaojiai

mighty living]. When shall I come and appear

xgd 7ipoacb7rco xod 0sod 3 + sysvf|9r| xa SaKpDd |iod

in front of God? [ became My tears]

sjioi dpxoq rjjiepac; Kai vdkxoc; sv xco AiyeaGai jioi

bread for me day and night, while saying to me

Ka0' 8Kdoxr|v rjjispav tcod saxiv o Geoc; cjod 4 + xatixa

each day, Where is your God? These [things]

8|Ivfja0T|V Kai £^8%Sa 871' 8|I8 XT|V \\fV%T\V |IOD 6x1

1 remembered, and [ poured out upon me my soul], for

SieA,SDao|iai sv xo7ico GKr\vr\q GaDjiaaxfjc; ecoc; xod

I shall go through to [the] place [tent of [the] wonderful], unto the

oikod xod 6sod sv (pcovfj ayaAAidaecoc; Kai

house of God, with a voice of exultation, and

s^o|ioAx)yf|aecDc; fj%0D eopxdtpvxoc; 5+ ivaxi

acknowledgment of [the] sound of the solemnizing a holiday. Why


42 n»

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

mpikviioq si r| \\fv%r\ jiod Kai ivaxi awcapdaaeic; |is

are you dejected, O my soul? and why do you disturb me?

eAmaov e7ri xov 0s6v 6xi s^o|ioA,oyfioo|iai auxcb

Hope upon God! for I shall acknowledge to him

aGQxfjpiov tod 7ipoacb7ioi) |iod 6+0 0e6c; [10V 7lpO(;

[the] deliverance of my person. O my God, to

SJiaDTOV T| \|A)%fj |IOD £Xapd%0T| 5ld XOTJXO

myself my soul was disturbed; on account of this

|ivr|a6fjao|ia( aoi) sk yr\q Iop5dvot&gt; Kai Ep|icovie(|i

I will remember you from [the] land of Jordan, and Hermons,

goto opovq jiiKpoD ?+ afivaaoq afivaaov S7UKaA£ixai

from [ mountain [the] small]. [The] deep [ [the] deep calls]

sic; 9(»vfjv xcov KaxappaKxcbv gov 7idvxsc;

at [the] sound of your torrents; all

oi (i8T8copia|ioi ood Kai xa KDjiaxd aoi) sn sjis"

your crests and your waves [ over me

8if|A,0ov 8+ rjjispac; evxsXsixai Kopioc; xo sksoq avzov

went]. By day [the] LORD gives charge to his mercy,

Kai VDKxoq co5f| avTOV 7iap' sjioi 7rpoaei)xil xco

and at night his ode [shall be] with me ~ a prayer to the

6scb xrjc; ^cofjc; jiod 9 + epcb xco 6scb avxiXfj7rxcop jiou si

God of my life. I will say to God, [ shielder You are my];

8iaxi |iod 87isXd0OD ivaxi aKD0 pco7rd^cov 7iopei)0|iai ev

why did you forget me? Why [ looking downcast do I go] at

xco £K6Aipsiv xov e%0pov io+ sv xco Kaxa0Xda0ai

the squeezing by the enemy? In the breaking in pieces

xa oaxd jiod covsi8iadv |is oi dXifiovTsq |is sv

of my bones, [berated me the ones afflicting me]; while

xco Xsysiv (WTOvq jioi Ka9' SKdaxrjv rjjiepav 7ioi)

in their saying to me accordingly each day, Where

saxiv o 0e6q aou n+ ivaxi mpikvnoq si rj \\fv%r\ jiod

is your God? Why are you dejected, O my soul?

Kai ivaxi aDvxapdaasic; |ie sAjnaov 87ii xov 0s6v 6xi

and why do you disturb me? Hope upon God! for

s^o|ioAx)Yfjao|iai auxcb acoxfjpiov xou 7rpoacb7roi) |iod

I shall acknowledge to him [the] deliverance of my person,

Kai o 0s6c; jiod

and my God.


43 to

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

19- Psalms

43 jw
i + Kpivov jioi o 0s6c; Kai Sucaaov xrjv 8ikt|v jiod s^

Judge for me, 0 God, and adjudicate my cause, from

sGvodc; ov% ogIov goto av6pcb7roi) a8iKOD Kai

a nation [which is] not sacred! [ from a man unjust and

8oAioD pvaai |is 2 + 6xi gv si o 0s6c; Kpaxa(co|id [iov

deceitful rescue me] ! For you are the God of my fortification.

ivaxi a7icboco |is Kai ivaxi aKD0pco7rd^cov

Why did you thrust me away? And why [ looking downcast

7iop£i)0|iai ev xco SK0Aipsiv xov s%0pov 3 +

do I go] during the squeezing by the enemy?

s^a7i6axsiAx)v xo cpcoq gov Kai xrjv aAr|0sidv gov auxd

Send out your light, and your truth! they

|is oo8fjyr|aav Kai fjyayov |is sic; opoq dyiov gov Kai

guided me, and they led me to [ mountain your holy], and

sic; xa aKT|vcb|iaxd gov 4 + Kai siaslstiaojiai 7ipoc; xo

to your tents. And I shall enter to the

0i)aiaaxfjpiov xod 0sod npoq xov 0s6v

altar of God; to the God

xov SDcppaivovxa xrjv vsoxrjxd [iov s^ojioAx)yfjao|iai aoi

gladdening my youth. I will acknowledge to you

sv Ki0dpa o 0s6c; o 0s6q jiod 5+ ivaxi mpikvnoq si r|

with [the] harp, O God my God. Why are you dejected, O

\\fv%r\ (iod Kai ivaxi awcapdaasic; |is sAjnaov S7ri

my soul? and why disturb me? Hope upon

xov 0s6v 6x1 s^ojioAx)yf|oo|iai auxcb aooxfjpiov

God! for I shall make acknowledgment to him, [the] deliverance

xod 7ipoacb7roD [iov Kai o 0s6c; jiou

of my person, and my God.

44 7a
1 + o 0s6c; sv xoic; oocriv rjjicbv rjKODaajisv Kai

O God, [ with our ears we heard], and

01 rcaxspsc; r||icbv avfjyysi^av r\[iiv spyov o sipydaco

our fathers announced to us [the] work which you worked

sv xaic; ruispaiq auxcbv sv ruispaiq apxaiaiq 2 +

in their days, in [days ancient].

T| %sip gov s0vt| s^coX60psi)as Kai Kaxscptixsuaac;

Your hand [ nations utterly destroyed], and planted

auxotic; SKdKooaac; Xaovq Kai s^spa^sc; auxotic; 3 +

them. You afflicted peoples and cast them out.


44 7tt

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

od yap sv tt] pojicpaia aDxcbv SKArjpov6|ir|aav yrjv

For not by their broadsword they inherited [the] land,

Kai o Ppaxicov aDxcbv odk sacoasv avzovq aXk r

and their arm did not deliver them; but [it was]

T| 8e^i&amp; aoD Kai o Ppaxicov gov Kai o cpcoxiajioc;

your right [hand], and your arm, and the illumination

xod 7rpoacb7ioD aoD 6xi SDSoKqaac; sv aDxoic; 4 + od si

of your countenance, for you thought well by them. You are

avToq o fiaaiksvq |iod Kai o 0s6c; jiod o

he, O my king and my God, the one

svxsAA,6|ievoc; xac; acoxrjpiac; IaKcbp 5 + sv aoi

giving charge to the deliverances of Jacob. In you

xodc; s%0poDc; r\[i(bv KspaxioDjisv Kai sv xco ovojiaxi aoi)

[ our enemies we will gore], and in your name

8^oi)8svcbao|i8v xodc; S7iaviaxa|isvoD(; r\[iiv 6 +ODyap

we will treat with contempt the ones rising up against us. For not

87i( xco xo^co |iod sAmcb Kai T| pojicpaia jiod od acbasi

upon my bow will I hope; and my broadsword will not deliver

|is ?+ sacoaaqyap r\[idq sk xcov 0Aap6vxcov r\[idq Kai

me. For he delivered us from the ones afflicting us; and

xodc; jiiaoDvxac; r\[idq Kaxfja%Dvac; s+ sv xco 0scb

the ones detesting us he disgraced. In God

S7iaivs0r|a6|is0a 6Ax|v xrjv rjjispav Kai sv

we will be praised [the] entire day; and in

xco ovojiaxi aoD s^ojioAx)yr|a6|is0a sic; xov aicbva 9 +

your name we will make acknowledgment into the eon.

vdvi 8s a7icbaco Kai Kaxfja%Dvac; r\[idq Kai odk

But now you thrusted away, and disgraced us; and you shall not

s^sXsDarj o 0s6c; sv xaiq 5Dvd|isaiv rjjicov 10 +

go forth, O God, with our forces.

a7isaxps\j/ac; r\[idq sic; xa 07i(aco rcapd

You turned us to the rear by

xodc; s^GpoDc; rjjicbv Kai 01 jiiaowcsc; r\[idq 8ifjp7ia^ov

our enemies; and the ones detesting us plundered

saDxofc; n+ s5coKac; r\[idq coc; 7ip6paxa Ppcbascoc; Kai

for themselves. You gave us as sheep for food; and

sv xoic; s0vsai Sisarcsipac; r\[idq 12+ a7is8oD

among the nations you scattered us. You rendered

xov Xaov aoD dvsD xijifjc; Kai odk r|v 7iAx|0oc; sv

your people without a value; and there was no abundance by

xoic; aXaXdyjiaaiv aDxcov 13 + s0od r||idc; 6vsi5oc; xoic;

their shout. You put us [for] scorn [to]


44 7tt

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

ysixoaiv r||icbv |iDKxr|pia|i6v Kai %XsDaa|i6v xoic;

our neighbors; [for] a sneering and a taunting to the ones

kdk^cd TjJJXOV 14 + eGoi) r\[idq siq 7tapaPoAx|v sv xoic;

round about us. You put us as a parable among the

eGveai Kivrjaiv KecpaAxjc; sv xoic; Xaoiq i 5 + 6Ax|v

nations; a shaking of [the] head among the peoples. [ [the] entire

xrjv rjjiepav r| evxpo7if| jiod Kaxsvavxiov jiod eoxi Kai

day My being made ashamed in front of me is], and

T| aia%wr| xod 7ipoaco7roD |iod £k&amp;}u)\j/s jis i 6 + arco

the shame of my face covered me; [even] from

cpcovfjc; ovei5(£pvxoc; Kai 7iapaA,aAx)Dvxoc; ano

[the] voice of [the] one berating and speaking improperly from

7ipoaco7roD e%9poD Kai 8k8icokovxoc; i? + xatixa rcdvxa

in front [of the] enemy and [the] one banishing. All these [things]

fjX0sv scp' rjjLxdq Kai odk 87isXa96|is9d ctod Kai

came upon us, but we did not forget you; and

odk T|8iKf|aa|i8v sv 5ia0fjKT| ctod is + Kai odk

we did not do wrong by your covenant; and we did not

a7i8oxr| eic; xa 07i(aco r| Kap8(a r\[i(bv Kai s^sKlivaq

leave [ to the rear our heart], nor turned aside

xac; xpipoDc; rjjicbv arco xrjc; o5od aoD 19+6x1

our paths from your way. For

£xa7re(v&lt;joaac; rjjLidq sv x67ico KaKcbascoq Kai

you humbled us in [the] place of affliction; and

S7i8KdA,D\j/8v r\[idq aKid GavdxoD 20+ si S7isA,a66|is6a

[ covered over us [the] shadow of death]. If we forgot

XOD OVOJiaXOq XOD 08OD T||icbv Kai 81 5l87T8Xdaa|I8V

the name of our God, and if we opened and spread out

%8ipac; r||icbv 7ipoc; 0s6v aAloxpiov 21+ odxi o Geoc;

our hands to [god an alien], shall not God

SK^rjxfjoei xaDxa aDxoqyap yivcbaKei xa KpDcpia xrjc;

require these [things]? For he knows the secret [things] of the

Kap5(aq 22+ 6x1 svsra aoD GavaxoDjisGa 6Ar|v

heart. For because of you we are being put to death [the] entire

xr|vr||i8pav sAx}yia6r||iev coc; 7ip6paxa acpayfjc; 23 +

day; we are considered as sheep for slaughter.

s^sysp0r|xi ivaxi vizvoiq Kopie avdaxrjGi Kai jlit|

Awaken! Why do you sleep, O LORD? Rise up! and you should not

a7icbar| siq xskoq 24 + ivaxi xo 7rp6aco7i6v aoD

thrust [us] away unto [the] end. Why [ [your] face do you


45 na

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms
a7ioaxpscpsic; S7iiA,av6dvr| xrjc; 7ixcoxs(ac; r\[i(hv Kai

turn] [and] forget our poorness and

Tr\q 6Ai\j/scoc; r||icbv 25+6x1 sxa7isivcb0r| sic; %odv

our affliction? For [ was humbled into [the] dust

r| \|/D%f| r\[i(bv SKoAAxjGrj sic; yrjv r) yaaxr^p rjjicbv 26 +

our soul]; [ was cleaved to [the] earth our belly].

avdaxa Kopis Pof|6r|aov r\[dv Kai Ampcoaai rjjLxdq

Rise up, O LORD, help us and ransom us

svsksv xod ovojiaxoc; aoD

because of your name!

45 rm

1 + s^qpsD^axo T| Kap8(a |iod A,6yov ayaGov Xsyco sycb

[ discharged forth My heart word a good]. I speak

xa spy a |iod xco PaaiXsi rj yAxbaad |iod k&amp;Axxjioc;

of my works to the king. My tongue is a reed [pen]

ypajijiaxscoc; o^oypdcpoD 2+ copaioc; KdAlsi 7iapd xodc;

of a scribe writing fast. [More] beautiful in beauty than the

diodc; xcov av9pcb7icov s^sxi)6r| %dp\q sv %s(A,sa( aoD

sons of men. [ was poured out Favor] on your lips.

8id xodxo SD^oyrjas as o Gsoc; sic; xov aicbva 3 +

On account of this [ blessed you God] into the eon.

7ispi^coaai xrjv pojicpaiav aoD S7U xov ixqpov aoD

Gird your broadsword upon your thigh!

5waxs copaioxrjxi aoi) 4 + Kai xco koXXsi aoi) Kai

O mighty [one], in your beauty. And [in] your fineness, even

svxsivov Kai Kaxsi)o8oi) Kai Paai^sDS svsksv

stretch tight [your bow], and greatly prosper, and reign! Because of

aAx|9s(ac; Kai 7ipa6xr|xoc; Kai SiKaioawqc; Kai

truth, and gentleness, and righteousness even

o5r|yf|asi as GaDjiaaxcoc; r| 8s^id aoi) 5 + xa PsArj aoi)

shall [ guide you wonderfully your right [hand]]. Your arrows

r|Kovr||isva 5i)vaxs Xaoi D7TOKdxco aoi) 7isaoi)vxai sv

are being sharpened, O mighty one. Peoples [ underneath you shall fall] in

Kap8(a xcov s%6pcbv xod PaaiAicoq 6 + o Gpovoq aoi) o

[the] heart of the enemies of the king. Your throne, O

Gsoc; sic; xov aicbva xod aicbvoc; pdpSoc; sdGdxtjxoc;

God, [is] unto the eon of the eon. A rod of straightness

rj pdp8oc; xrjc; PaaiXsiaq aoD 7 + rjyd7ir|aa(;

[is] the rod of your kingdom. You loved


45 na

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

SiKaioawtrv Kai sjjiarjaac; avopiav 8id todto

righteousness, and detested lawlessness; on account of this

e%piae as o 0e6c; o Geoc; gov eAmov ayaAAidaeooc;

[ anointed you God your God] with oil of exultation

7iapd xovq |isto%odc; aoD s + ajiDpva Kai axaKifj Kai

beyond your [fellow] partakers. Myrrh, and balsam, and

Kama ano tcdv ijiaxicov aoD anb pdpeoov e^ecpavTivoov

cassia of your garments from palaces of ivory,

cov Tyocppavdv as 0DyaTepec; PaaiAicov sv

from of which [ gladdened you [the] daughters of kings] in

ttj Tijifj aoi) 7iap8aTT| r| PaaiAiaaa sk 8e^icbv aoD sv

your honor. [ stood The queen] at your right [ in

i|iaxia|icb 8iaxpi3a&lt;jo 7iepiPspAx||ievr| 7iS7ioiKiX|isvr| io +

clothes interwoven with gold having put around being embroidered].

dKODaov 0i3yaT8p Kai (8s Kai kXivov to ovq aoi) Kai

Hear, O daughter, and behold! And lean your ear, and

87riXd0oi) tod Xaov aoi) Kai tod oikod tod 7iaTp6c; aoD

forget your people, and the house of your father!

n+ Kai £7ii0D|jTiasi o PaaiA^Dc; tod KaXkovq aoD 6ti

Even [ desired the king] your beauty; for

aDToq saTiv KDpioq aoD Kai 7ipoaKDvf|aei(; aDTcb n +

he is your lord, and you shall do obeisance to him.

Kai 0DydTr|p TtipoD sv Scbpoiq

And [the] daughter of Tyre [shall come] with gifts.

to 7ip6aco7i6v aoD ArcaveDaoDaiv oi 7iXoDaioi tod

[ your face will implore The rich of the

Xaov 13+ 7idaa r| 86^a Tr\q 0DyaTp6c; tod PaaiXeooc;

people]. All the glory of the daughter of the king

sacoGsv ev Kpoaaojcofc; %pvaoiq u+ 7iepiP£pAr||i£vr|

within, with bordered fringes of gold, being put around,

7T£7ioiKiA,|i8vr| a7isvsx0f|aovTai too PaaiXei 7iap0evoi

being embroidered. [ shall be carried to the king [The] virgins]

O7i(aco aDTfjc; ai 7iAx|ak&gt;v aDTfjc; a7ievex0fiaovTai aoi

after her; the ones near her shall be carried to you.

15+ a7T£V£%0fjaovTai sv SDcppoawq Kai ayaAAidaei

They shall be carried in gladness and exultation;

a%0fjaovTai sic; vaov PaaiXecoq i6+ avTi

they shall be led into [the] temple of [the] king. In place of

tcov 7iaT8pcov aoD sysvfi0r|aav oi dioi aoD KaTaaTfjaeic;

your fathers, [ were born your sons]. You shall place


46 1»

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

avTOvq dpxovxaq S7U 7idaav xrjv yrjv n+ |ivr|a0f|ao|iai

them as rulers over all the earth. I will make [ remembered

tod ovojiaxoc; gov sv 7idar| ysvsd Kai ysvsd 5id xodxo

your name] in every generation, and generation. On account of this

Xaoi s^ojioXoyfjaovxai 001 sic; xov aicbva Kai sic;

peoples will make acknowledgment to you into the eon, and into

xov aicbva tod aicbvoc;

the eon of the eon.

46 1»

i + o 0s6c; r||icbv KaxatpDyfj Kai 8Dva|iic; PorjGoq sv

Our God [is] a refuge and power; a helper in

0Ai\j/sai xaiq SDpoDaaic; r\[idq acp68pa 2 + 5id

afflictions, to the ones [ having found us exceedingly]. On account of

xodxo od tpoPr|6r|a6|is9a sv xcg xapdaosoGai

this we shall not fear when the [ is disturbed

TTjvyrjv Kai |isxax(0sa0ai 6pr| sv KapSiaic;

earth], and [ [are] transposed mountains] in [the] hearts

dakaaocbv 3 + r\%r\aav Kai sxapd%0r|Gav xa D5axa aDxcbv

of seas. [ sounded and were disturbed Their waters];

sxapd%9r|aav xa 6pr| sv xr| Kpaxaioxrjxi aDxoD 4 + xod

[ were disturbed the mountains] by his force. [ of the

7ioxa|ioD xa opjif||iaxa SDcppaivoDai xrjv 7i6A.iv

river The rapid movements] gladdens the city

xod Gsod rjyiaas xo oKfyvcojia aDxoD o dijaoxoc; 5 +

of God. [ sanctified his tent The highest].

o 0s6c; sv jisaco aDxfjc; Kai od aalsDGfjasxai

God [is] in [the] midst of her, and she shall not be shaken.

PorjGfjasi aDxfj o 0s6c; xo npoq 7ipcoi 7ipcoi 6 +

[ shall help her God] towards morning [by] morning.

sxapd%0r|aav s0vr| sK^ivav paai^siai s5coks

[ were disturbed Nations]; [leaned kingdoms]; [ gave [out]

cpcovfjv aDxoD o Dij/iaxoq saaA,SD0r| r| yr| ? + Kupioc;

his voice the highest], [shook the earth]. [The] LORD

xcov 8Dvd|iscov |is0' r||icbv avxiXf|7i;xcop rjjicbv o 0s6c;

of the forces [is] with us; [ [is] our shielder the God

IaKcbp 8 + 8sdxs Kai (8sxs xa spya xod 0sod a s0sxo

of Jacob]. Come and see the works of God! what [ he made

xspaxa S7ii xrjc; yrjc; 9 + avxavaipcbv noM[iovq |is%pi

miracles] upon the earth. Taking away [ in return wars] unto


47 ro

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms
xcov 7ispdxcov Tr\q yr\q xo^ov awcpnj/si Kai

the ends of the earth. [ [the] bow He shall break], and

(ToyKMoei 07rXov Kai Gupeotic; KaxaKauasi sv 7iDp(

he shall break in pieces [the] weapon; and [the] shields he shall incinerate with

10+ axoX&amp;aaxe Kai yvcbxs 6xi sycb sijii o Gsoc;

Relax, and know that I am God!

D\j/co6f|ao|iai sv xoic; sGvsoiv i)\j/&lt;i&gt;9f|ao|iai sv xrj yrj

I shall be raised up high in the nations. I shall be raised up high in the earth.

n+ Kopioc; xcov 8i)vd|iscov jisG' r||icbv avxiAxj7rxcop r||icov

[The] LORD of the forces is with us; [ [is] our shielder

o Gsoc; IaKcbp

the God of Jacob].

47 T73

i+ 7idvxa xa sGvrj Kpoxfjoaxs %sipaq alaXd^axs

All the nations — clap hands! Shout

xco 0scb sv cpcovfj ayaAAidascoc; 2 + 6xi icupioq vyiGToq

to God with a voice of exultation! For [the] LORD [the] highest

cpopspoq fiaaiksvq jisyac; S7ri 7idaav xrjv yrjv 3 +

[is] dreadful; [ king a great] over all the earth.

D7isxa^s Xaovq r\[dv Kai sGvrj imo zovq itodaq rjjicbv 4 +

He submitted peoples to us, and nations under our feet.

s^sls^axo r||iiv xrjv KArjpovojjiav sauxcb xrjv

He chose to us the inheritance for us, the

KaHovfjv IaKcbp r|v rjyd7tr|asv 5 + avsprj o Gsoc; sv

beauty of Jacob whom he loved. God ascended in

aXaXayiub Kupioq sv cpcovf| adAmyyoc; 6 + \j/dXaxs xco

a shout; [the] LORD with [the] sound of a trumpet. Strum [to]

6scb rjjicbv ydAxxxs \j/dXaxs xco PaaiXsi rijicbv \j/dA,axs 1 +

our God! Strum! Strum [to] our king! Strum!

6x1 PaaiXstic; 7idar|c; xrjc; yrjc; o Gsoc; \j/dA,axs awsxcbc;

For [the] king of all the earth [is] God. Strum expertly!

8 + sPacriXsDasv o Gsoc; S7i( xa sGvrj o Gsoc; KdGrjxai S7U

God reigns over the nations. God sits upon

Gpovou ayioi) ai)xoi3 9+ dpxovxsq Axxcbv awq%Gr|aav

[throne his holy]. Rulers of peoples are brought together

jisxd xod 0sot3 APpadji 6x1 xod Gsod 01 Kpaxaioi

with the God of Abraham. For by God the strong ones

xrjc; yrjc; acp68pa S7ifjp0r|aav

of the earth [ exceedingly were lifted up].


48 na

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

19- Psalms

48 nn

i+ jisyac; Kopioc; Kai aivsxoq acp68pa sv 7i6A,si

Great [is the] LORD, and [ praiseworthy exceedingly] in [the] city

tod 0sod rjjicbv sv opsi ayioo aDTOD 2 + SDpi^CO

of our God, in [mountain his holy]. With good root,

ayaAAiajiaxi 7iaar|c; Tr\q yr\q 6pr\ Eicbv xa 7rA,£Dpa

a leap for joy of all the earth— mount Zion on the sides

tod poppa T| noXiq tod PaaiXecoq tod jieyaloD 3 +

of the north, the city of the [king great].

o Qzoq sv Taiq p&amp;peoiv avTT\q yivcbaKSTai OTav

God [in her palaces is known], whenever

avTiA,a|iP&amp;vr|Tai avTT\q 4 + 6ti i8od 01 fiaaikziq Tr\q

he should assist her. For behold, the kings of the

yrjc; avvT\%Qr\aav 8vfjA,0oaav S7tito(xdt6 5+ ocdtoi

earth are being brought together; they went through together. They

iSovtsc; ODTCoq eGaDjiaaav £Tapa%6r|aav eaaA£D0r|aav

in seeing thus wondered; they were disturbed; they were shaken.

6+ TpOJIOq S7T£X&amp;P£TO (XDTCOV 8KSI G05lV£C; CDC;

Trembling took hold of them there — pangs as

TiKTODarjq 1+ sv 7ivsD|iaTi Piaico aDVTpuj/eic; 7rAma

a woman giving birth. By [ wind a violent] you shall break [the] boats

©apasfc; 8 + Ka6&amp;7iep rjKODaajisv odtcdc; Kai e(5o|isv sv

ofTarshish. Just as we heard, so also we behold in

7l6A,Sl KDpiOD TCOV 8dV&amp;|IS00V 8V 7l6A,Sl TOD 08OD T|(icbv

[the] city of [the] LORD of the forces, in [the] city of our God.

o dsoq sGejisAicoaev aDTfjv siq tov aicbva 9 +

God founded it into the eon.

D7rsA,&amp;Po|iev o Qsoq to skzoq aoD sv (isaco

We undertook, O God, of your mercy in [the] midst


of your people. According to your name, O God, so

Kai T| aiveafc; aoD S7ri Ta rcspaTa Tr\q yr\q

also [is] the praise of you unto the ends of the earth.

G OD 1 1 + SDcppavGfjToa

[ of righteousness is full Your right [hand]]. Be glad,

to opoq Sicbv Kai ayaAliaaGooaav ai 0DyaTspec;

mount Zion! and exult daughters

TT\q IODSaiaq 8V8KSV TCOV KpiJldTCOV aOD KDpiS 12 +

of Judea! because of your judgments, O LORD.


49 Dtt

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

KOKAxbaaxs Sicbv Kai 7iepiXdpsxs auxfjv 8ir|yfiaaa6s

Encircle Zion, and take hold of her! Describe

SV XOl(^ 7TDpyOl(^ (Xl)TT|(^ 13 + 6sa08 xac; KapSiac; ujicbv

concerning her towers! Put your hearts

eic; xrjv 8wa|iiv auxfjc; Kai KaxaSieXeaGe

for her force! and share about

xac; P&amp;psic; avxr\q onaq av 8irjyf|ar|a0s sic; ysvsdv

her palaces! so that you may describe to [generation

exepav 14+oti omoq eaxiv o 0s6c; rjjicbv sic; xov aicbva

another]. For this is our God into the eon,

Kai eic; xov aicbva xod aicbvoc; auxoc; 7ioi|iav8i r|jLidq

and into the eon of the eon; he shall tend us

eic; Tovq aicbvac;

into the eons.

49 B»

1 + aKotiaaxe xatixa rcdvxa xa sGvrj evcoxiaaaGe rcavxec;

Hear these [things] all nations! Give ear all

01 KaxoiKowcsc; xrjv oiKODjisvrjv 2 + oixs yrjyeveic;

the ones dwelling in the inhabitable world — both the earth-born,

Kai 01 dioi xcov av9pcb7icov 87iixoai)x6 itXovaioq Kai

and the sons of men together, rich and

7isvr\q 3 + xo axojia jiod XaAxjaei aocpiav Kai r| jisAixrj

needy! My mouth speaks wisdom, and the meditation

xrjc; KapSiac; jiod &lt;r6veaiv 4 + kAivco eic; 7iapaPoAx|v

of my heart understanding. I will lean [ to a parable

xo ovq [iov avoi^co sv \j/aAxr|p(co xo 7ip6pAx||id |iod 5 +

my ear]; I will open [with a psaltery my riddle].

ivaxi cpoPoT3(iai sv rjjiepa 7iovr|pd rj avojiia

Why do I fear in [ day [the] wicked]? The lawlessness

xrjc; 7ix8pvr|c; jiou KOKlcbaei |is 6 + 01 7re7ioi66xec; sni

at my heel shall encircle me ~ the ones yielding upon

xtj 5i)vd|i8i auxcbv Kai 87U xco 7rAr|6ei

their power, even [ upon the multitude

xod 7tA,ot3xod auxcbv Kau%cb|ievoi 7 + aSeAxpoc; ou

of their riches [the] ones boasting]. A brother does not

Ampotixai Ampcbaexai dv0pco7ioc; ou 8cbasi xco

ransom. Shall [ ransom a man]? He shall not give [to]

6scb e^iXaajia eauxou s+ Kai xrjv xijifjv xrjc;

God an appeasement for himself. (Even the value of the


49 Dtt

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

Ampcbascoc; Tr\q yu%f|c; auxou Kai SK07i(aasv sic; xov

ransoming his soul, even [if] he labored into the

aicbva 9+ Kai ^fjasxai sic; Tzkoq oxi ouk 6\j/sxai

eon.) And he shall live till [the] end, for he should not see

KaxacpGopdv io+ oxav (5r| aocpouc; a7io0vf|aKovxac;

corruption. Whenever he should behold wise men dying,

S7iixoaux6 dcppcov Kai dvouc; a7ioAx)uvxai Kai

[ together [the] fool and [the] mindless one shall perish]; and

Kaxa^snj/ouaiv aAloxpunc; xov 7iAx)uxov auxcbv n+ Kai

they shall leave behind [to strangers their riches]. And

oi xdcpoi auxcbv oiKiai auxcbv sic; xov aicbva

their tombs [are] their houses into the eon,

aKTjvcb|iaxa auxcbv sic; ysvsdv Kai ysvsdv

[and] their tents unto generation and generation.

87i8KaA,saavxo xa ovojiaxa auxcbv S7ri xcovyaicbv 12+ Kai

They call [their names after lands]. And

dv0pco7roc; sv xijifj cov ou auvfjKs 7rapaauvspAr|6r|

a man [ in honor being] perceived not; he resembles

xoic; Kxfjvsoi xoiq avofjxoic; Kai cojioicbGrj auxoic; 13 +

the [ cattle unthinking], and [is] like them.

auxrj T| odoq auxcbv aKdv5aA,ov auxoicj Kai jisxd

This their way [is] an obstacle to them; yet after

xauxa sv xco axojiaxi auxcbv 8u8oKf|aouaiv u + cog

these [things] [with their mouths they take pleasure]. [as

7ip6paxa sv d8r| sGsvxo Gdvaxoq 7ioi|iavsi auxouq

sheep in Hades They placed [them]]; death tends them;

Kai KaxaKupisuoouaiv auxcbv 01 su0s(c; xo7ipcoi Kai

and [ shall dominate them the upright] in the morning; and

T| PofjGeia auxcbv 7raXaico0fjoexai sv xco d8r| sk

their help shall grow old in Hades; [ from

xrjc; 66^r\q auxcbv s^cboGrjaav 15+ 7ihr\v o 6s6c;

their glory they were banished]. Except God

Ampcbasxai xrjv \|/u%f|v jiou sk X^poq d5ou oxav

shall ransom my soul from out of [the] hand of Hades, whenever

AxxjiPavrj |is 16+ firj cpopou oxav 7iAx)uxfjor| dv0pco7roc;

he should take me. Do not fear whenever [ should be enriched a man],

T| oxav 7iAr|0uv0fj r| 86^a xou oikou auxou n+ 6x1

or whenever [ should be multiplied the glory of his house], for

ouk sv xco a7ro6vfjaKsiv auxov Axjysxai xa 7idvxa ou5s

[ not in his dying he shall take anything], nor

auyKaxapfjasxai auxcb r| 86^a auxou is + 6x1

will [ go down with him his glory] ! For


50 3 ev tootco + vtica 19 -Psalms

r| yv%r\ avTOV ev xrj ^cofj avzov si)A,oyr|0f|aexai

his soul [ in his life shall be blessed].

s^ojio^oyfjaeTai aoi oxav ayadvvr\q auxcb 19 +

He shall make acknowledgment to you whenever you should do good to him.

eiaeXstiaexai eooc; ysvsac; 7iaxepcDV avzov sooc; aicbvoq

He shall enter unto [the] generation of his fathers; unto [the] eon

odk 6\j/sxai cpcoq 20+ Kai av0p&lt;£7roc; sv xi|xq cov

he shall not see light. And a man [ in honor being]

od awfjKs 7iapaaDV£pATj0r| xoic; Kifjvsai xoic; avofjxoic;

perceived not; he resembles the [ cattle unthinking]

Kai co|ioicb0r| auxofc;

and is like them.

50 a

1+ o 0s6c; Gscbv Kopioc; sAxxAxjoe Kai eKa^eae xr|v

The God of gods, [the] LORD spoke, and called the

yrjv goto avaxoAxbv r(kiov jisxpi 5i)a|icbv 2+ sk

earth from [the] east sun unto [its] descent. From out of

Sicbv T| sD7rp87isia Tr\q copaioxrjxoc; avzov 3 + o 0s6c;

Zion [is] the attractiveness of his beauty. God

sjjxpavcbc; fj^si o 0s6c; r\[i(bv Kai od

visibly shall come, our God, and he will not

7iapaaico7rfja£Tai itvp svcb7iiov avzov Kai)0f|aexai Kai

remain silent. A fire before him shall burn; and

kdkAxd olvtov Kaxaiyic; acp65pa 4 + ftpoaKaAiaexai xov

roundabout him [gale an exceeding]. He shall call on the

ODpavov dvco Kai xr|v yrjv 5iaKpivai xov Xaov auxou

heaven upward, and the earth, to separate his people.

5 + aDvaydysxs auxcb xodc; ooiovg avzov xodc;

Gathered to him [are] his sacred ones, the ones

5iaxi0£|isvoi)c; xrjv 5ia0f|Kr|v avzov em dvaiaq 6+ Kai

ordaining his covenant with sacrifices. And

avayysXotiaiv 01 oupavoi xrjv 5iKaioawqv avzov 6x1

[ shall announce the heavens] his righteousness; for

o 08oq Kpixfjc; saxiv 7 + &amp;kodcjov Xaoq jiod Kai XaAxjaco

God is judge. Hear, O my people! and I will speak

aoi IapafjA, Kai 8ia|iapxi3po|iai aoi o 0s6c;

to you O Israel, and I will testify to you. The God,

o 08oq aoi) sijii sycb 8 + odk S7ri xaic; dvaiaiq aoi)

[ your God lam]. [not over your sacrifices


ev tootco + vtica

19- Psalms
sAiy^co as xa 8s oAx)KaDxcb|iaxd aoD evco7ii6v jiod

I will reprove you]; for your whole burnt-offerings [ before me

sail 8ia7iavx6c; 9 + od Se^ojiai 8K tod oikod aoD

are always]. I will not take [from your house

[ioa%ovq od5s sk tcov 7ioi|iv(cov aoi) xijidpoDq 10+6x1

calves], nor [from your flocks winter yearlings]. For

s|id sail rcavxa xa Grjpia tod aypoD Kxfjvrj sv xoic;

[ mine it is all] — the wild beasts of the field, [the] cattle on the

opsai Kai Pose; n+ syvcoKa 7idvxa xa 7iexeivd tod

mountains, and oxen. I know all the winged creatures of the

ODpavoD Kai copaioxrjc; aypoD |iex' s|iod eaxiv 12 +

heaven; and [the] beauty of [the] field [with me is].

sdv 7isivdaco od (irj aoi si7ico s|if| yap eaxiv rj

If I should hunger, in no way should I tell you, [ mine for is the

oikod|isvt| Kai to 7rAr|pco|ia avTT\q 13+ jjt| cpdyojiai

inhabitable world], and the fullness of it. Shall I eat

Kpsa xaDpoov r| aijia xpdycov 7iio|iai h+ Gtiaov

meats of bulls or [blood of he-goats drink]? Sacrifice

too 0eco 0Da(av aiveascoc; Kai a7i65oc; xco D\jnaxco

to God a sacrifice of praise! and render to the highest

xaq SD^dq aoD 15+ Kai S7riKdA,saa( |ie ev rjjispa

your vows! And call upon me in [the] day

0Ai\j/ecoc; Kai e^eAxyojiai ae Kai So^daeiq |ie 16+ xco 5s

of affliction! and I shall rescue you, and you shall glorify me. But to the

ajiapxcoAxb djrev o Geoc; ivaxi aD 5ir|yf|

sinner God said, Why do you describe

xa 5iKaicb|iaxd jiod Kai ava^ajipdveic; xrjv SiaGfjKqv jiod

my ordinances, and take up my covenant

8id axojiaxoq aoD 17+ aD 8s sjiiarjaaq 7rai8s(av Kai

through your mouth? For you detested instruction, and

z^zfiaksq xodc; Xoyovq jiod sic; xa O7uaco ig+ ei

cast out my words to the rear. Since

eGscopeic; KA,S7rxr|v aDvexpe%£c; aDxcb Kai jisxd jioi%od

you viewed a thief, you ran together with him; and [ with [the] adulterer

xrjv |i8p(8a aoD sxiGsiq 19+ xo axojia aoD 87iA,s6vaas

your portion you established]. Your mouth abounded

KaKiav Kai r| yAxbaad aoD 7rspi87iA,SKs SoAaoxrjxac; 20 +

[with] evil, and your tongue twisted [with] deceits.

KaBfjjisvoc; Kaxd xod a8sAxpoD aoD KaxeA,dA,eic; Kai

In sitting down, [against your brother you spoke ill]; even


51 S3

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

Kaxd tod diod Tr\q jirjipoq aoi) sxiGsic; aravSaXov 21 +

[ against the son of your mother to place an obstacle].

Tama S7iovr|aac; Kai saiyrjaa vnskafisq avojiiav

These [things] you did, and I kept quiet. You undertook lawlessness,

on saojiai aoi ojioioc; sAiy^co as Kai

for [you thought] I will be likened to you. I will reprove you, and

7iapaaxf|oco Kaxd 7ip6acD7r6v aoi) xac; ajiapxiac; aoi) 22+

I will stand [ in front of your face your sins].

ativsxs 8r| xaoxa 01 S7riA,av0av6|isvoi xod 0sot)

Perceive indeed these [things], O ones forgetting God!

|if|7iox8 ap7idar| Kai od |ir| r| o

lest at any time he should snatch [you] away, and in no way should there be one

pi)6|isvoc; 23+ 0ua(a aivsasooc; 5o^dasi |is Kai sksi

rescuing. A sacrifice of praise shall glorify me, and there

odoq T| 8s(^co ai)xcb xo aoaxfjpiov jiou

[in the] way I will show to him my deliverance.

51 X2

1 + slsrjaov |is o Gsoc; Kaxd xo jisya sXsoc; aoi) Kai

Show mercy on me, O God, according to [ great mercy your], and

Kaxd xo iihf\doq xcov oiKxipjicbv aoi) s^dA,snj/ov

according to the multitude of your compassions! Wipe away

xo av6jiTj|id jioi) 2 + SKinksiov nkvvov |is and

my violation of [the] law! Abundantly wash me from

xrjc; avo[daq jiod Kai arco xrjc; ajiapxiaq jiod KaGdpiaov

my lawlessness, and [ from my sin cleanse

|is 3 + 6x1 xrjv avojiiav jiod sycb yivcbaKco Kai

me]! For [ my lawlessness I know], and

rj ajiapxia |iod svcb7ii6v jiod saxi 8ia7iavx6c; ^ + aoi

my sin [before me is always]. Against you

jiovoo fjjiapxov Kai xo 7iovr|p6v svcb7ii6v aoi) S7iovr|aa

alone I sinned, and [ the wicked [thing] before you did];

oitcoq av 5iKaico6f|c; ev xoic; Xoyoiq aoi) Kai viKqarjc;

that you should be justified in your words, and should overcome

sv xco KpiveaGai as 5 + i8ot3 yap ev avojiiaic;

in your judging. For behold in lawless deeds

ai)vsAr|(p6r|v Kai sv ajiapxiaiq SKiaarjas (is

I was conceived, and in sins [ craved strange food for me

rj (ifjxrjp |iod 6 +i8oT)yap aArjGsiav r|yd7rr|aac; xa

my mother]. For behold, [truth you loved]. [the


51 w

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

d8r|A,a Kai xa Kptiqna Tr\q aocpiaq gov eSfjAxjoa&amp;g

concealed [things] and the private [things] of your wisdom You manifested

(ioi 7+ pavxiefo; (is DcadmcD Kai Ka0apia6f|aojiai

tome]. You shall sprinkle me [with] hyssop, and I shall be cleansed;

iiXvvsiq (is Kai vnsp %iova XeDKavGfjoojiai 8 +

you shall wash me and [ above snow I shall be whitened].

(xkodtisic; jioi ayaAAiaoiv Kai 8D(ppoawr|v

You shall cause me to hear exultation and gladness;

ayaAAidaovxai oaxsd TSTa7isivcD(isva 9+ a7i6aTps\j/ov

[ shall exult [the] bones being humbled]. Turn

to 7rp6aco7i6v cjod and tcdv ajiapTicbv jiod Kai naaaq

your face from my sins, and [ all

zaq avojiiac; jiod s^dXsuj/ov 10+ Kap5(av KaGapdv

my lawlessnesses wipe away] ! [ heart a clean

Kiiaov sv sjioi o dzoq Kai 7rveDjia sdGsc; syKaiviaov

Create in me], O God, and [spirit an upright renew]

sv Toiq syKdioiq jiod n+ |ir| a7roppnj/r|c; (is arco

in my insides! Do not reel [from me

tod 7ipoaco7roD aoi) Kai to 7rvei)|id to dyiov jirj

your face]; and [spirit the holy do not

avTaveAxjc; an' sjiod 12+ anodoq jioi tt|v ayaAAiaaiv

take away in return] from me! Give back to me the exultation

tod acoTrjpioD aoD Kai 7rv£DjiaTi rjysjioviKcb aTfpi^ov

of your deliverance, and [ spirit [with your] governing support

(is 13 + 5i5d^co avojiODc; zaq odovq aoD Kai aasfisiq

me] ! I shall teach [the] lawless ones your ways, and [the] impious

8711 a8 87llOTp8\j/ODai 14+ pDaai (IS 8^ aiJldTCDV o

[ to you shall turn]. Rescue me from blood [guilt], O

dzoq o 08oc; Tr\q acoTrjpiaq jiod ayaAlidaeTai

God, the God of my deliverance! [ shall exult over

T| yXcbaad (iod tt|v 5iKaioaDvrjv aoD 15+ Kopie

My tongue] your righteousness. O LORD,

Ta %e(Ax| jiod avoi^eiq Kai to aTOjia jiod avayysA,ei

[ my lips you shall open], and my mouth shall announce

tt|v aivsaiv ood 16+ 6ti ei r\d£kr\aaq 0Da(av s8coKa av

your praise. For if you wanted a sacrifice, I would have given;

oAx)KaDTCOjiaTa odk eD5oKqaeic; n+ dvaia too 6ecb

whole burnt-offerings you do not think well of. A sacrifice to God

7TV8D(ia CJDVTSTpijljlSVOV Kap8(aV aDVT8Tpi(I(ISVT|V Kai

[is] a spirit being broken; [ a heart being broken and


52 33

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19- Psalms
T8Ta7i8ivco|isvr|v odsoq odk s^0D8svcbasi i8+ ayd9i)vov

humbled God will not treat with contempt]. Do good,

icopie sv tt] 8i)5oKia aoD tttv Sicbv Kai oiKo8o|ir|0f|TCO

O LORD, by your benevolence to Zion, and let [ be built

xa T£i%r| IepoDoaArj|i i 9 + tots SDSoKqasic; dvaiav

the walls of Jerusalem] ! Then you will think well of a sacrifice

SiKaioawqc; avacpopdv Kai oloKaDTcbjiaTa tots

of righteousness offering, and whole burnt-offerings; then

avoiaoDaiv S7ii to 0DaiaaTf|pi6v aoD [ioa%ovq

they shall offer [ upon your altar calves].

52 12

i+ ti syraD%d sv Kouda o SDvaTOc; avojiiav 6h\v

Why do you boast in evil, O mighty [man], [with] lawlessness [the] entire

TT|vr||ispav 2+ a5iKiav sloyiaaTO r| yAxbaad gov coast

day? [injustice considers Your tongue]; as

^opov rjKovr||isvov S7iorr|aac; doXov 3 + rjyd7ir|aa(;

[ a razor sharpening] you did treachery. You loved

Koudav D7isp ayaBoaaDVTTv aSudav D7isp to XaAxjaai

evil over goodness; injustice over speaking

SiKaioawtrv 4 + r|yd7rr|aac; 7idvTa Ta pfj|iaTa

righteousness. You loved all the [ words

KaTCurovTiaiioi) ylcbaaav 8oAiav 5+ 8id todto

drowning], [tongue O deceitful]. On account of this,

o Bsoq KaGsAxn as sic; zzkoq SKTiAm as Kai

God shall demolish you unto [the] end, to pluck you out, and

jiSTavaaTstiacu as and aKrjvcb|iaT6c; aoD Kai

to migrate you from your tent, and

to pi^cojid aoD sk yr\q ^covtcov 6 + 6\j/ovTai Sucaioi

your root from out of [the] land of [the] living. [ shall see [The] just]

Kai (poPrjGfjaovTai Kai S7i' avzov ysAxxaovTai Kai

and shall fear, and [at him shall laugh]. And

spotiaiv 7+ i8od dvGpcoTroq oq odk sGsto tov 0s6v

they shall say, Behold, [the] man who did not make God

PorjGov avTOV akX' S7if|Aji;iasv S7i( to 7iAr|6si

his helper, but raised hope upon the multitude


of his riches, and was strengthened by

tt| jiaTaiOTTjTi aDTOD 8 + sycb 8s coast sAma KaTdKap7ioc;

his folly. But I [am] as [ olive tree a fruitful]


53 H

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19- Psalms


in the house of God. I hoped upon the mercy of God

sic; tov aicbva Kai sic; tov aicbva tod aicbvoq 9 +

into the eon, and into the eon of the eon.

s^o|ioAx)Yfjao|iai aoi eic; tov aicbva 6ti S7rorr|Gac; Kai

I will make acknowledgment to you into the eon, for you acted; and


I will wait on your name, for [you are] gracious before

tcov ocricov aoD

your sacred ones.

53 M

1 + S17T8V dcppcov sv Kap5(a aDTOD odk scjti 0e6c;

[ said [The] fool] in his heart, There is no God.

8i8(p6dpr|aav Kai £p8£A,D%6r|aav sv avojiiaic; odk scjti

They were corrupt and abhorrent in lawless deeds. There is not one

7ioicbv aya06v 2 + o 0s6c; sk tod ODpavoD 8iskd\j/sv

doing good. God from out of the heaven looks


upon the sons of men, to behold if there is

CJDVICOV T| SK^rjTCOV TOV 0SOV 3 + 7ldVTSC; s^sKAavav djia

one perceiving or seeking after God. All turned aside; together

r|xpsicb0r|aav odk scjti 7ioicbv aya06v odk scjtiv scoq

they were made useless; there is not one doing good, there is not even

svoc; 4+ od%( yvcbaovTai rcavTSc; 01 spyatpjisvoi

one. Shall [ not know all the ones working

ttjv avojiiav 01 KaTsa0fc&gt;VTSc; tov Axxov jiod sv Ppcbasi

lawlessness], the ones eating up my people for solid food


of bread? [ [the] LORD They did not call upon]. There

scpopfj0r|aav cpopov od odk rjv cpopoq 6ti o 0s6c;

they feared a fear, where there was no fear; for God

SisaKopftiosv ocrcd av0pcD7iapscjKcov KaTT|cjxDV0r|cjav

dispersed [the] bones of ones trying to please men. They were disgraced,

OTl O 08Oq S^OdSsVCOCJS aDTOD^ 6 + Tiq 5cba8l 8K

for God treated them with contempt. Who will appoint from out of

Eicbv to acoTfjpiov tod IapafjA, sv

Zion deliverance for Israel? In

too S7iicjTps\j/ai tov 0sov ttjv ai%|iaA,cocjiav

God returning the captivity

tod Xaov aDTOD ayaAAidasTai IaKcoP Kai

of his people, Jacob shall exult and


54 12

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19- Psalms

SDcppavBfjaexai IapafjX

Israel shall be glad.

54 73

i + o 6e6c; sv too ovojiaxi aoi) acbaov |is Kai sv

O God, by your name deliver me, and by

tt| 8i)vd|i8i aoi) Kpivov |i8 2 + o Gsoc; siadKouaov

your power judge me! O God, listen to

Tr\q 7ipoasD%fjc; jiou evcbxiaai xa pfjjiaxa

my prayer, give ear to the words

xod axojiaxoq jiod 3+6x1 aAAmpioi S7iavsaxr|aav S7i'

of my mouth! For strangers rose up against

ejie Kai Kpaxaioi s^fjxrjaav xttv y\fv%r\v jiou Kai ou

me; and strong [men] seek my life; and they did not

7ipo808vxo xov 6s6v 8vcb7riov auxcbv 4 + i8ot3 yap o Gsoc;

set God before them. For behold God

PorjGei jioi Kai o Kopioc; avxiA,f|7rxcop xtjc; yuxfjc; jioi)

helps me; and the LORD [is a] shielder of my life.

5 + a7ioaxps\j/8i xa KaKd xoic; exGpok; jioi) sv

He shall return the evils [to] my enemies. By

xtj aAj|6sia aou e^oXoGpeuaov auxotig 6 + SKouaiox;

your truth utterly destroy them! Voluntarily

dvaco aoi e^o|ioA,oyf|ao|iai xco ovojiaxi aoi) Kopie

I will sacrifice to you; I will make acknowledgment [to] your name, O LORD,

6x1 aya66v 7+ 6x1 sk 7idar|c; 9Ai\j/e&lt;joc; eppuaoo |is

for good. For from out of all afflictions you rescued me;

Kai sv xoic; e%9pok; jiou S7is(5ev o o(pdak[ioq jiod

and among my enemies [ looked upon [its request] my eye].

55 n:

1 + evcbxiaai o Gsoc; xttv 7ipoa£u%f|v jiou Kai [ir\

Give ear, O God, [to] my prayer! for you should not

D7r£p(5r|c; xttv 5sr|a(v jiou 2+ 7rp6a%ec; jioi Kai

overlook my supplication. Take heed to me, and

eiadKouaov (iou s?u)7rf|0r|v sv xr| a8oA,saxia jioi) Kai

listen to me! I was fretted in my meditation and

£xapd%0r|v 3+ a7io (pcovfjc; s%6poi3 Kai arco 0Ai\j/ecoc;

was disturbed, from [the] voice of [the] enemy, and from [the] affliction

a|iapxooAxy6 6x1 e^sKAavav S7i' sjis avojiiav Kai sv

of [the] sinner; for they turned aside against me for lawlessness, and in

55 m

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

19- Psalms

opyfj svskoxodv |ioi 4 + r| Kap8(a jiod sxapdxOrj sv

anger they displayed anger against me. My heart was disturbed in

sjioi Kai 8siAia Gavdxou S7rs7isasv S7i' sjis 5 + cpopoc;

me, and dread of death fell upon me. Fear

Kai xpojioc; f|X6sv S7i' s|is Kai sKd?u)\j/s |is ctkotck; 6 +

and trembling came upon me, and [ covered me darkness].

Kai si7ia tic; 8cbasi jioi 7ixspuyac; coast 7ispioxspdc;

And I said, Why shall he [not] give to me wings as a dove,

Kai 7T£Taa6fjao|iai Kai Kaxa7rai3aco ? + i8ot3 sjidKpuva

and I shall spread out and I shall rest? Behold, I was far off

(pi)ya8si3cov Kai rjDAiaGrjv sv xr| spfj|ico 8 +

being driven into exile, and was lodged in the wilderness.

7ipoas8s%6|xr|v xov acbtpvxd |is anb oAiyo\jA)%(ac; Kai

I waited for the one delivering me from faint-heartedness and

KaxaiyiSoc; 9 + Kaxa7i6vxiaov Kupis Kai Kaxa8(sA,s

[the] gale. Sink [them], 0 LORD, and divide

xac; yAxbaaac; auxcbv 6x1 s(8ov avojiiav Kai avxi^oyiav

their tongues! for I saw lawlessness and dispute

sv xtj 7i6A,si 10+ rjjispac; Kai vdkxoc; kdkAxdcjsi auxfjv

in the city. Day and night he shall encircle her

S7Ti xa x£i%r| avTf\q Kai avojiia Kai novoq sv jisaco

upon her walls; and lawlessness and misery [will be] in [the] midst

avTT\q 11+ Kai a8uda Kai odk s^s^ursv sk

of her; and injustice, and [ ceased not from out of

xcov 7iA,ax8icbv aDxfjc; xokoc; Kai SoXoq 12+6x1 ei sxOpoc;

her squares usury and treachery]. For if an enemy

covs(8ias |is D7if|V8yKa av Kai si o jiiacbv |is S7i'

berated me, I would have endured. And if the one detesting me [ against

sjis 8|isyaA,oppr||i6vr|a£v SKptiprrv av a7i auxou 13 +

me spoke great words], I would have hidden from him.

av 8s dv6pco7is ia6\j/u%s rjysjicbv |iou Kai

But you, O man, [are] like-minded, a leader of mine, and

yvcoaxs jiod h + oq S7rixoai)x6 syA^Kavac; eSsajiaxa sv

my diviner, who together you sweetened foods; in


the house of God we went in concord.

sXGsxco 8s Gdvaxoc; S7i' auxouc; Kai Kaxapfjxcoaav sic;

And let [ come death] upon them, and let them go down into

d8oi) ^cbvxsc; 6x1 7iovr|pia sv xaic; 7tapoiKiaic; auxcbv

Hades alive! For wickedness in their sojourn,


55 m

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

sv jieaco aDxcbv i 6 + eycb npoq xov 6s6v SKSKpa^a Kai

[is] in [the] midst of them. I [ to God cried out], and

o rcopioc; eiafjKODae jiod m+ eo7ispac; Kai 7ipcoi Kai

the LORD listened to me. Evening and morning and

jisarjiiPpiaq 8ir|yf|ao|iai Kai a7iayyeA,cb Kai

at midday I describe and report; and

eiaaKODaexai xr|c; tpoavfjc; jiod 18+ ^Dxpcbasxai sv sipfjvrj

he shall listen to my voice. He shall ransom [ in peace

ttjv \\fv%r\v (iod a7io xcov eyyitpvxcov jioi 6xi ev

my soul] from the ones approaching me; for among

7ioAAx)k; fjaav &lt;xov s|io( 19+ eiaaKODaexai o Geoc; Kai

many they were with me. God shall listen, and

xa7i8ivcbo8i aDxotic; o D7rdp%cov 7ipo xcov aicovcov

[ shall humble them the one existing before the eons].

8id\j/aA,|ia od yap soxiv avxoiq avxdHayjia 6x1

PAUSE. [ no For there is with them bargaining], for

odk scpopfjGrjaav xov 0s6v 20+ s^exeive

they do not fear God. He stretched out

xrjv %zipa aDxoD sv xco a7io8i56vai ePepfjAxoaav

his hand in recompensing; they profaned

xrjv 8ia6fiKr|v ai)xoi) 21 + 8ie|iep(a6r|aav arco opyfjq

his covenant. He divided them into parts from [the] anger

xod 7ipoacb7ioD avTOV Kai fjyyiaav ai Kap8(ai aDxcbv

of his face, and [approached their hearts].

r|7raAi)v6r|aav 01 A,6yoi aDxoD D7iep eAmov Kai aDxoi

[ were made tender His words] above olive oil, yet they

eiai PoAi5ec; 22+ emppuj/ov em Kopiov

are arrows. Cast upon [the] LORD

xrjv jiepijivdv aoD Kai aDxoc; as 8ia6pe\j/ei od 8cbasi

your anxiety, and he will nourish you! He will not grant

eic; xov aicova aaXov xco 8iKa(co 23 + aD 8e o 0s6c;

[into the eon for a tossing about the just]. But you, O God,

Kaxd^siq aDxotic; eic; cppeap SiacpGopdc; dvSpec;

shall lead them down into [the] well of corruption; men

aijidxcov Kai SoXioxrjxoc; od (ir| r||iiasDacoai

of blood and deceit in no way shall [live] half

xac; rjjispac; aDxcbv eycb 8s Kopie eAjnco em as

their days. But I, O LORD, shall hope upon you.


8V TOOTCp + VlKa

19- Psalms

56 13

i+ sAirjaov |is o 0s6c; 6xi Kaxs7idxr|as (is dv0pco7ioc;

Show mercy on me, 0 God! for [trampled me man].

6Ax|v xr|vr||i8pav 7ioA£|icbv s0Aa\j/s |is 2 + Kaxs7idxr|adv

[The] entire day in waging war he afflicted me. [ trampled

|is oi s%0po( jiod 6hr\v xrjv rjjispav 6xi noXkoi oi

me My enemies] [the] entire day, for many [are] the ones

7roXs|iowcsc; |is goto t3\j/odc; 3 + rjjispac; od

waging war against me from [the] height. [ [the] day I do not

(popr|0f|ao|iai sycb 8s sAjtico S7U as 4+ sv too 0scb

fear], and I shall hope upon you. In God

S7iaivsaco xodc; Xoyovq jiod S7ri too 0scb fjAmaa od

I will praise by my words. Upon God I hoped. I shall not

(popr|0f|ao|iai xi 7roifjasi jioi aap£, 5+ 6Ax|v

fear what [ shall do tome flesh]. [The] entire

ttjv rjjispav xodc; Xoyovq |iod sp8sA,Daaovxo kcxx'

day [my words they abhorred]; [ [are] against

sjiod 7T&amp;VT8C; oi 5iaXoyia|ioi cxdxcov sic; kcxkov 6 +

me all their thoughts] for bad.

7iapoiKf|ooDai Kai KaxaicpD\j/ODaiv cxdxoi

They will sojourn and hide; they

xrjv 7ixspvav (iod (pvXatpvai Ka0d7isp D7is|isivav

[ my heel will guard], just as they wait

XT|V \|A)%f|V (101) 7 + D7T8p XOD |JT|0Sv6c; G&amp;iGEiq cxdxodc;

for my life. For by no means will you deliver them;

sv opyfj Xaovq Kaxd^sig 8 + o 0s6c; xrjv ^cofjv jiod

[in anger peoples you will lead down]. O God, my life

s^qyysiXd aoi s0od xa 5dKpi)d jiod svcb7ii6v aoi) coc;

I declared to you; you put my tears before you, as

Kai sv xt| s7iayysAia aoi) 9 + S7iiaxps\j/0Daiv

even according to your promise. [ shall turn

oi s%0po( (iod sic; xa 07uaco sv r| av rjjispa

My enemies] to the rear, in which ever day

S7iiKaA,saco(iai as i5od syvcov 6xi 0s6c; jiod siai) io+

I should call upon you. Behold, I knew that [ my God you are].

S7U xco 0scb aivsaco pfjjia S7ri xco KDpico aivsaco

Unto God I will praise by discourse; unto the LORD I will praise

Xoyov n+ S7i( xco 0sco fjAmaa od cpopr|0f|ao|iai xi

by word. Unto God I hoped; I will not be afraid in what


57 n

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

7roifjasi jioi dvGpcoTroq 12 + sv sjioi o Gsoc; ai sv%ai

[ shall do to me man]. In me, 0 God, [are] the vows

aq a7io5cbaco aivsascbc; aoi) 13 + 6x1 sppuaoo

which I shall give of your praise. For you rescued

tt|v \|A)%f|v (IOD sk 0avaxoi) xodc; ocp0aA,(ioi)c; JIOD a7io

my soul from death, my eyes from

8aKpi)(DV Kai xodc; noSaq jiod arco oAia0f|(iaxoc;

tears, and my feet from a slip.

SDapeaxfjacD svcb7nov Kupioi) sv cpcoxi ^CDVXCOV

I shall be well-pleasing before [the] LORD in [the] light of [the] living.

57 T2

1+ sAirjaov (is o Gsoc; sAirjaov |is 6x1 sm aoi

Show mercy on me, O God, show mercy on me! For [ upon you

7rs7ioi08V T| \\fv%r\ (10D Kai sv xr| ctki&amp;

yielded my soul]. And in the shadow

xcov 7iT8pT3ycov aoi) sAmcb sooc; 01) 7iapsA,6r|

of your wings I shall hope, until of which [time] [ should go by

r| avojiia 2+ KSKpd^ojiai npoq xov 0e6v xov i)\j/iaxov

lawlessness]. I shall cry out to God the highest;

xov Geov xov si)spysxf|aavxa (is 3 + s^a7isaxsiA,sv s^

the God benefiting me. He sent out from

ODpavoi) Kai saooas |is s5coksv sic; 6vsi5oc; xodc;

heaven, and he delivered me. He put [ unto scorn the ones

Kaxa7iaxoDvxac; (is s^arcsaxsiXsv o Gsoc; to sXsoc; aDxoD

trampling me], [sent out God] his mercy

Kai xrjv aArjGsiav aDxoD 4 + Kai spptiaaxo

and his truth; and he rescued

TTJV \\fV%T\V (101) SK (ISaOD CTKDJIVCDV SK0l(lfj6r|V

my soul from [the] midst [of lion] cubs. I went to bed

xsxapayjisvoc; dioi av6pcb7icov 01 o86vxsc; aDxcbv

being disturbed; [the] sons of men — their teeth

07iA,a Kai PsAxj Kai r| yAxbaaa aDxcbv ji&amp;xaipa o^sia

[are] weapons and arrows, and their tongue [sword a sharp].

5+ D\j/cb9r|xi S7U xodc; ODpavotic; o Gsoc; Kai S7U

Be raised up high above the heavens, O God, and [ above

7idaav xrjv yrjv r| 86^a aoi) 6 + 7iay(5a rjxoijiaaav xoic;

all the earth your glory] ! [ a snare They prepared] [for]

7ioai (iod Kai KaxsKaji\j/av xrjv \\fv%r\v jiod cbpD^av 7ipo

my feet, and bent down my soul. They dug [ before


58 m

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19- Psalms

7ipoaco7roD jiod PoGpov Kai svs7isaov sic; auxov

my face a cesspool], and they fell into it.

8id\j/aA,|ia 7 + sxo(|ir| r| Kap8(a |iod o dzoq sxo(|ir|

PAUSE. [ is prepared My heart], 0 God, [ is prepared

r| rap8(a |iod daojiai Kai \j/aAxb sv xrj 56^r| |iod 8 +

my heart]. I will sing and I will strum in my glory.

s^sysp0r|xi r| 86^a jiod s^sysp0r|xi \j/aAxf|piov Kai

Awaken, my glory! Awaken, 0 psaltery and

Ki0dpa s^syspGfjaojiai opGpoi) 9+ s^ojioAx)yfjao|iai aoi

harp! I shall awaken at dawn. I will make acknowledgment to you

sv Xaoiq Kopis \j/aAxb aoi sv sGvsaiv 10+ 6x1

among peoples, O LORD, I will strum to you among nations. For

sjisyaArivGrj scoc; xcov oupavcov xo sksoq aoi) Kai scoc;

[ was magnified unto the heavens your mercy]; and [unto

xcov vecpeAxbv r| aArjGeid aoi) n+ i)\|/cb0r|xi S7U xodc;

the clouds your truth]. Be raised up high above the

ODpavotic; o 6e6c; Kai S7U rcdaav xrjv yrjv r| 86^a aoi)

heavens, O God, and [ above all the earth your glory] !

58 na

1+ si ahr\d(bq dpa SiKaioawqv XoXzyce si)6s(ac;

Will truly thus [ righteousness you speak] [and] rightly

Kpivaxs Dioi xcov av0pcb7rcov 2+ Kai yap sv Kap5(a

judge, O sons of men? For even in [the] heart

avojiiav spyd^saBs sv xrj yrj a5iKiav ai xsipsq djicov

[ lawlessness you work] in the earth. [ in injustice Your hands

ai)|i7rA,SKODaiv 3 + a7ir|AA,oxpicb6r|aav 01 ajiapxcoAxn and

closely join]. [ were separated Sinners] from

jxfjxpac; S7iA,avf|6r|aav arco yaaxpoq s^dAxjaav \j/si)8fj 4 +

[the] womb; they wander from [the] belly; they spoke lies.

dv[ioq aDxoic; Kaxd xrjv ojioicoaiv xod ocpscoc; coast

Rage to them [is] according to the likeness of the serpent; as

aa7ti5oc; Kcocpfjc; Kai pDouarjc; xa coxa avTT\q 5 + fjxic;

[ asp a mute] even plugging her ears, who

odk siaaKotiasxai cpcovfjc; S7ia86vxcov tpapjiaKoi) xs

does not listen to [the] sound [ charming of [the] sorcerer], and the

cpap|iaKSDO|isvr| 7iapd aocpoi) 6+o0s6c; ai)vsxpi\j/s

administering of potions by a wise [man]. God broke

xodc; oSovxac; ai)xcbv sv xco axojiaxi ai)xcbv xac; [ivXaq

their teeth in their mouths; [ the molars


59 m
8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

xcov Aiovxcov crovsGXaasv o Kopioc; 7 +

of the lions fractured in pieces the LORD].

s^oD8svco0f|oovxai coc; D8cop 8ia7iopsD6|isvov

They shall be treated with contempt as water going by.

svxsvsi to xo^ov aDxoD scoc; od aa08vfjaoi)aiv

He shall stretch tight his bow until of which [time] they shall be weakened.

8+ coosi KTjpoq xaKsiq avxavaipsGfjaovxai S7isas 7iDp

As beeswax melting away, they shall be taken away in return. [ fell Fire]

871 ' (XDTOl)C; Kai ODK Sl8oV TOV TjAlOV 9+ 7ipO TOD

upon them, and they did not see the sun. Before the

aDvisvai zaq aravGaq djicov xrjv p&amp;jivov coast

perceiving of your thorn-bushes — the white-thorn shrub; as

Cfbvzaq coast sv opyfj Kaxa7risxai aDxotic; 10 +

living, as in anger he shall swallow them.

SDcppavBrjasxai Sucaioc; oxav i8r| skSiktigiv

[ shall be glad [The] just one] whenever he should behold punishment.

xac; %s(pac; aDxoD vuj/sxai sv xco aijiaxi xod

[ his hands He shall wash] in the blood of the

ajiapxcoAxyo n+ Kai spsi dv9pco7i;oc; si dpa saxi

sinner. And [ shall say a man], There is

Kap7r6c; xco Sixaico dpa saxiv o Gsoc; Kpivcov avzovq

fruit to the just; there is God judging them

sv xtj yxj

in the earth.
59 taa

1 + s^sA,od (is sk xcov s%6pcov jiod o Gsoc; Kai sk xcov

Rescue me from my enemies, O God, and [ from the ones

S7iavioxa|isvcov S7i' sjis Ampcoaai |is 2+ pvaai |is sk

rising up against me ransom me] ! Rescue me from

xcov spya^ojisvcov xrjv avojiiav Kai s^ avSpcbv

the ones working lawlessness, and [ from men

aijidxcov acbaov (is 3+ 6x1 i8od sGrpsDoav

of blood deliver me]! For behold, they hunted

xrjv \\fv%r\v (iod S7rs0svxo S7i' s(is Kpaxaioi ODXS

my life; [put upon me strong ones]; nor [is it because of]

r| avojiia (iod odxs r| ajiapxia jiod Kopis 4 + dvsD

my lawlessness nor my sin, O LORD. Without

avojiiac; sSpajiov Kai KaxsD0Dva s^syspGrjxi sic;

lawlessness I ran and straightened out. Awake to


59 m

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

aDvdvrrjcriv jiod Kai (8s 5+ Kai cjd KDpis o 0s6c; tcdv

meet me, and see! And you, 0 LORD, the God of the

8i)vd|i8cov o Bsoc; tod IapafjX 7ip6a%sc;

forces, God of Israel, take heed

tod 87iiaKS\j/aa0ai 7idvTa Ta sGvrj |xq oiKTSipfjarjc;

to visit all the nations! You should not pity

7i&amp;VTac; todc; spyatpjisvoDc; tt|v avopiav 6 +

any of the ones practicing lawlessness.

87iiaTps\j/ODaiv sic; sa7ispav Kai Aijicb^oDaiv coq kdcov

They shall return at evening, and shall be famished as a dog,

Kai KDKAxbaoDai 7i6A.iv 7+ i5od aDTOi a7io(p0sy^ovTai

and shall circle [the] city. Behold, they shall declare

sv too &lt;xc6|iaTi aDTcbv Kai pojicpaia sv

with their mouths; and [the] broadsword [is] in

Toiq xsiXsoiv aDTcbv 6ti tic; t|kodos 8 + Kai ctd

their lips; for [they say], Who hears? And you,

KDpis SKysXdasic; aDTODc; s^odSsvcdcjsic; 7idvTa Ta

O LORD, shall laugh out loud at them; you shall treat with contempt all the

sGvrj 9 + to KpdToq jiod 7ipoc; as cpD^d^co OTl aD o

nations. My might to you I will keep, for you, O

Gsoq avTiAxj7rTCDp jiod si 10+0 0s6c; jiod to sXsoc; aDTOD

God, [ shielder are my]. My God, his mercy

7ipo(p0dosi |is o Gsoc; jiod 8si^si |ioi sv

shall go beforehand with me. My God shall show to me [my desire] on

Toiq s%6po(c; jiod n+ |ir| a7ioKTs(vr|c; aDTODc;

my enemies. You should not kill them,

|ifj7i;oTS S7iiXd6covTai tod vojiod aoD SiaaKopmaov

lest at any time they should forget your law. Disperse

aDTODc; sv tt| 8Dvd|isi aoD Kai KaTdyays aDTODc;

them by your power, and lead them down,

o D7tspaa7riaTfjc; jiod KDpis 12+ ajiapna aTOjiaToq aDTcbv

[ my defender O LORD] ! [For the] sin of their mouth,

Xoyoq %siA,scdv aDTcbv Kai aDAAr|(p0f|TCDaav sv

[and the] word of their lips, even let them be seized in

ttj D7ispr|(pavia aDTcbv Kai s^ apaq Kai \j/sd8odc;

their pride! even for cursing and lying

SiayysAxjaovTai 13+ sv aDVTS^sia sv opyfj

[which] they shall declare. In consummation, by anger

aDVTsXsiac; Kai od (irj D7idp^coai Kai yvcboovTai

of consummation [consume], that in no way they should exist; that they shall know

6ti o Gsoc; 8sa7i6^si tod IaKcbp Kai tcov 7ispdTC0v rr|c;

that God [is] master of Jacob, and of the ends of the


8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

jr\q 8id\j/aA,|ia m+ e7naxps\j/oi)aiv sic; ea7iepav Kai

earth. PAUSE. They shall return at evening, and

Aijicb^ouaiv coc; kdcgv Kai kdkAxociodcii 7i6Xiv 15+ ai)X0l

be famished as a dog, and shall circle [the] city. They

8iaaKop7iia0fjaovTai tod cpayeiv edv 8e |ir|

shall be dispersed to eat, but if they should not

%opxaa0cbai Kai yoyyuaouaiv i 6 + syco 8e daojiai xrj

be filled, then they shall grumble. But I shall sing [to]

8i)vd|i8i aoi) Kai ayaMadaojiai xo7ipcoii to sksoq aoi)

your power, and I shall exult in the morning of your mercy;

on sysvfjGrjc; avxiAx|7rxcop jiod Kai Kaxatpuyfj jiod sv

for you became my shielder and my refuge in

rjjispa 0Ai\j/eoac; |ioi) n (3or|06c; jiod si ai) aoi \j/aA,cb

[the] day of my affliction. [ my helper You are], to you I shall strum;

on au o 0e6c; avxiAr|7rxcop |iod si o 0e6c; jiod

for you, O God, [ shielder are my], my God

to sksoq jiou

of my mercy.

60 0

i+o 0e6c; a7icbaco r\[iaq Kai KaGsiXsq r\[iaq

O God, you thrusted us away, and demolished us.

copy(a6r|(; Kai coKxsiprjaac; r\[idq 2 + aweaeiaac;

You were provoked to anger, yet you pitied us. You shook

ttjv yrjv Kai auvexdpa^ac; auxfjv (aaai

the earth, and disturbed it. Heal

xa ai)vxpi(i(iaxa avxr\q 6xi saaA£i30r|

its breaks! for it was shaken.

3+ sSei^ac; xco \a&amp;) gov aKAxjpd snoxiaaq r\[idq

You showed [to] your people hard [things]; you watered us [down]

oivov Kaxavu^ecoc; 4 + eScoKac; xoic; cpopoujievoic; as

[with the] wine of vexation. You gave to the ones fearing you

ar||ie(coaiv xou cpuysiv arco 7rpoacb7ioD xo^oi)

a signal to flee from [the] face of [the] bow.

8id\j/aA,|ia 5 + 67icoc; av pi)a0cbaiv 01 aya7ir|xoi aoi)

PAUSE. So that [ should be rescued your beloved].

acbaov xrj 5e^id aou Kai 87idKoua6v jiou 6+ o 0s6c;

Deliver [with] your [hand], and heed me! God

eldAxjasv ev xco ayico avzov ayaAAidaojiai Kai

spoke in his holy [place]; I will exult, and


61 NO
8V TOUT© + VtKd

19- Psalms

8iajispicb SiKijia Kai xrjv KoiA,d5a xcov aKTjvcbv

I will divide Shechem, and the valley of the tents

8ia|i8TpfjacD 7+£|i6c;eoTi TakaaS Kai sjioc; sail

I will measure out. [ is mine Gilead], and [ is mine

Mavaaafj Kai Ecppaiji Kpaxaiooaic; Tr\q KscpaAxjc; jiod

Manasseh], and Ephraim is [the] fortification of my head;

Icn35ac; fiaaikzvq jiod 8 + Mcodp Xzfir\q Tr\q shtidoq [iov

Judah [is] my king; Moab is a kettle of my hope;

87i( xrjv I5oi)|ia(av 8KT8VC0 to U7c68r||id |iod sjioi

over Edom I will stretch out my sandal. [ to me

aMtocpiAoi D7i£T&amp;yr|aav 9 + Tiq arca^st (is sic; 7i6A.iv

[The] Philistines submitted]. Who shall take me away into [the] city

7ispio%r\q T| Tiq o5r|yf|a£i |is sooc; Tr\q I8oi)|iaiac; io +

citadel? Or who shall guide me unto Edom?

ov%i &lt;td o 0s6c; o a7t&lt;joad|isvoc; r\[idq Kai odk

Will not you, O God, the one thrusting us away? And will you not

s^sXstxyrj o 0s6c; sv zaiq 8i)vd|isaiv r||icbv u+ doq r\[iiv

go forth, O God, with our forces? Give to us

PofjGsiav sk GXuj/scdc; Kai jiaxaia acoxripia av9pcb7C0D

help from affliction! for [ [is] vain deliverance of man].

12+ sv too Gecb 7coif|ao|isv 5wa|iiv Kai avzoq

In God we do powerfully, and he

s^ou8svcbasi Tovq dXifiovTaq r\[iaq

shall treat with contempt the ones afflicting us.

61 no

i + eiadKODaov o Gsoc; Tr\q Ssfjascoc; jiod 7cp6axsc; xr|

Listen, O God, [to] my supplication! Take heed [to]

7tpoasi)xfi (iod 2+ a7co xcov 7cspdTCDV Tr\q yr\q itpoq as

my prayer! From the ends of the earth [ to you

SKSKpa^a sv too aKT|5idaai xrjv Kap5(av jiou sv 7csxpa

I cry out]. In the discouraging of my heart, [in [the] rock

vycooaq |is odr\yr\adq |is 3 + on sysvfjGrjc; shiiq (iod

you lifted me high]; you guided me. For you became my hope;

iivpyoq i&lt;3%voq a7co 7cpoacb7COD z%dpov 4 + 7capoiKqacD

[the] tower of strength from in front of an enemy. I will sojourn

sv tod aKT|vcb|iaTi aoi) sic; todc; aicbvac; aKS7caa6f|ao|iai

in your tent into the eons; I shall be sheltered

sv tt[ aKS7cr| xcov 7CTspi)ycDV aoi) 5 + on ai) o Gsoc;

in the protection of your wings. For you, O God,


62 30

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

eiafjKODaaq tcov SD%cbv jiod eScoKac; KArjpovojjiav xoiq

listened to my vows. You gave an inheritance to the

cpopoDjievoic; to ovojid aoi) 6 + r||iepac; ecp' rjjispac; tod

ones fearing your name. Days upon days of the

PaoiXecoc; 7ipoa6fjasic; Ta stt| avzov ecoc; rjiiepac;

king; you shall add of his years unto days

yeveac; Kai yeveac; ?+ 8ia|ieve( eic; tov aicova evcb7riov

of generations and generations. He shall abide into the eon before

tod 0sod sksoq Kai aArjGeiav aDTOD tic; SK^rjTfjasi 8 +

God. [ mercy and truth his Who will seek]?

odtcoc; \j/aAxo too ovojiaTi aoD eic; todc; aicbvaq

Thus I shall strum [to] your name into the eons,

tod cutoSodvcu |is Tac; sv%aq jiod rjjiepav e^ rjjiepac;

for me to render my vows day by day.

62 no

i+ od^i too 0ecb D7iOTayf|asTai rj \\fv%r\ jiod 7iap' aDTcb

Shall not [ to God be submitted my soul], [ [is] by him

yap to ocoTTjpiov jiod 2 + Kai yap aDTOc; Geoc; jiod Kai

for my deliverance]? For even he [is] my God, and

OCDTfjp |IOD aVTlAxj7lTCDp JIOD OD (IT| aaA,SD9cb 8711

my deliverer, my shielder. In no way should I be shaken by

7iA,s(ov 3+ ecoc; 7t6ts S7rm0sa6s S7i' av0pco7iov

many. For how long do you put upon a man?

cpov8D8T8 ftavTsq Djieic; coc; TOl%C0 KSkXi|I8VC0 Kai

[ slaughter all You] as a wall leaning and

cppayjicb coajievco 4 + 7iAx|v tt|v Tijifjv jiod epoD^eDaavTO

a fence thrusting through. But [ my honor they consulted

a7icbaaa6ai eSpajiov sv 8uj/r| tco &lt;yc6|iaTi aDTcbv

to thrust away]. Iran in thirst; with their mouth

SD^oyoDV Kai tt| Kap8(a aDTcbv KaTTjpcbvTO 5 + 7iAx|v

blessing, but [in] their heart they cursed. But

tco Gecb D7iOTdyr|6i r| \|/D%f| (iod 6ti 7iap' aDTcb

[ [to] God be submitted], O my soul! for [ [is] by him

T| D7io|iovf| jiod 6 + 6ti avToq 6e6c; JIOD Kai aCOTfjp |IOD

my endurance]. For he [is] my God, and my deliverer,

avTiAxj7n;cop jiod od (iTj jieTavaaTeDaco ? + S7ii tco 9ecb

my shielder; for in no way should I migrate. By God

to acoTfjpiov jiod Kai T| 86^a jiod o Gsoc;

[is] my deliverance, and my glory; the God


63 id

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

Tr\q PorjGsiaq jiod Kai r| sAmc; jiod S7i( icq Gscb 8 +

of my help; and my hope [is] upon God.

sAmaaxs S7i' aDxov rcdaa aDvaycoyfj Xaov sk%ssxs

Hope upon him, all you gathering people! pour out

svco7uov avTOV mq KapSiac; Djicov 6xi o 0s6c;

before him your hearts! for God

PorjGoq r\[i(bv 5id\j/aX|ia 9+ 7iAx|v jidxaioi 01 vioi

[is] our helper. PAUSE. But [ [are] vain the sons

xcov av0pcb7icov \j/SD8sfc; oi dioi xcdv av0pcb7icov sv

of men]; [ [are] false [weights] the sons of men] in

Cpyoiq xod a8iKf|aai aDxoi sk jiaxaioxrjxoc;

[the] yoke [balance scales] to do wrong. They [are] of folly

S7rixoai)x6 10+ |iT| sAm^sxs S7i' aSudav Kai S7i(

all together. Hope not upon unrighteousness, and [ after

dp7iay|ia |xq S7ri7ro0s(xs nkomoq sdv psrj

a [thing] seized long not] ! If wealth should flow,

|ir| 7ipoax(0sa0s Kap5(av n+ arca^ sAxxArjasv o 0s6c;

set not [the] heart [upon it] ! Once God spoke,

5do xooxa fjKODaa 6x1 xo Kpdxoq xod 0sod 12 + Kai

[and] these two [things] I heard; that might [is] of God, and

aoD icopie xo sksoq 6x1 &lt;td a7io8cbasic; SKdaxco Kaxd

of you, O LORD, [is] mercy. For you recompense each according to

xa spya aDxoD

his works.

63 JO

1 + o 0s6c; o 0s6c; jiod npoq as op0pi^co s8uj/r|as as

O God, my God, to you I rise early. [ thirsted for you

r| \|A)%fj jiod noaaiiXcbq aoi r| aap^ jiod sv yr|

My soul]. How often [ [longed] for you my flesh] in [land

spfj|i&lt;jo Kai apdxco Kai avD5pco 2+ odxcoc; sv xco ayico

a barren and untrodden and waterless]. Thus in the holy place

cb(p0r|v aoi xod i5siv xrjv SDvajiiv aoD Kai

I appeared to you, to behold your power and

xrjv 86^av aoD 3 + 6x1 Kpsiaaov xo sksoq aoD D7isp

your glory. For [ [is] better your mercy] than

^codc; xa %zikr\ jiod S7iaivsaoDa( as 4 + odxcoc; SD^oyfjaco

life. My lips shall praise you; thus will I bless

as sv xtj ^cofj |iod sv xco ovojiaxi aoD apcb

you in my life; [ in your name I will lift


64 70

8V TOUT© + VlKa
19- Psalms

mq x 8l P a( ^ l^ 01) 5 + coq 8K axsaxoc; Kai 7iioxr|xoc;

my hands]. As of fat and fatness

s|i7rAx|a0£vr| r| yv%r\ [iov Kai %s(Ax| ayaAAidasooc;

may [ be filled my soul]; and [with] lips of exultation

aivsasi xo oxojia jiod 6 + si s|ivt||i6vsd6v gov S7U

[ shall praise my mouth]. Forasmuch as I remembered you upon

Tr\q axpoojivfjc; jiod ev xoic; opGpoic; sjisAixoov sic; as ? +

my strewn bed; at the dawns I meditated on you.

on sysvf|0r|c; por|06c; jiod Kai sv xrj aKS7ir|

For you are my helper, and in the protection

xcov 7iT8pT3ycov cjod ayaAlidaojiai 8 + SKoAAr|6r|

of your wings I shall exult. [ shall cleave

r| yv%r\ (iod omaoo gov sjioi) 8s avxsAxxPsxo

My soul] after you; [ of me but took hold

r| 8s^id gov 9 + aDioi 8s sic; |idxr|v s^fjxrjaav

your right [hand]]. But they [in folly seek

xrjv \\fv%r\v [iov siaslsuaovxai sic; xa Kaxobxaxa xrjc;

my soul]; they shall enter into the lowermost [part] of the

yrjc; io+ 7rapaSo6fjaovTai sic; %zipaq popxpaiac; |isp(8sc;

earth. They shall be delivered up into [the] hands of [the] broadsword; [ portions

aXoorcsKoov saovxai n+o8s fiaaiksvq stxppavGfjasxai

[for] foxes they will be]. But the king shall be glad

87i( too 0sob S7iaivs9fjasxai 7ia&lt;; o ojivuoov sv auxob

upon God; [ shall be praised all swearing by an oath in him],

on svscppdyrj axojia XakovvTCOv d8iKa

for he obstructed [the] mouth of the ones speaking unjustly.

64 70

i + siadKODaov o 080c; xrjc; cpoovfjc; jiod sv too 8ssa0ai (is

Hear, O God, my voice! in my beseeching

7ipoc; as euro cpopoi) s%6poi) s^sAxyo xrjv \\fv%r\v [iov 2 +

to you. [ from [the] fear of [the] enemy Rescue my soul] !

aKS7iaaov |is goto auaxpocpfjc; 7iovr|psDO|isvoov arco

Shelter me from [the] conspiracy of [the] ones acting wickedly! from

7tXr\Qovq spyatpjisvoov aSudav 3+ oixivsc; rjKovrjaav 00c;

[the] multitude of [the] ones working iniquity. The ones who sharpened [ as

pojicpcuav zaq yXcbaaaq auxobv svsxsivav xo^ov auxobv

a broadsword their tongues]; they stretched tight their bow

7ipdy |ia 7iiKp6v 4 + xod Kaxaxo^suoai sv arcoKpixpoic;

[thing [for] a bitter]; to shoot in concealed [places]


65 no

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

d|ico(iov 8^d7iiva Kaxaxo^suaouaiv auxov Kai

at [the] unblemished; suddenly they will shoot him, and

ou 9oPr|6fjaovTai 5+ SKpaxaioooav sauxofc; Xoyov

they will not fear. They determined for themselves [ matter

7iovr|p6v 8ir|yf|aavxo xou Kpu\j/ai 7iay(5ac; si7rov xic;

an evil]; they describe [to themselves] [how] to hide snares. They said, Who

6\j/sxai avTOvq 6+ s^rjpswqaav avojiiav s^sXurov

shall see them? They searched out lawlessness; they failed

s^spsuvcbvxsc; s^spswqasic; 7ipoasA,si)asxai dv0pcD7roc;

[while] searching out in [the] search. [ shall come forward Man]

Kai Kap8(a Pa0sia 7 + Kai inj/coGfjasxai o 6e6c; fiskoq

and [the] heart [is] deep, and God shall be exalted; [the] arrow

vr|7ricov sysvfjGrjaav ai 7iAx|ya( auxcbv 8 + Kai

of infants became their calamities; and

s^ou08vr|aav auxov ai yAxbaaai auxcbv sxapd%0r|aav

[ treated him with contempt their tongues]. [ were disturbed

7tdvxsc; 01 Geoopowcec; auxotic; 9+ Kai scpopfjBrj naq

All the ones viewing them]; and [ was fearful every

dv0p&lt;D7ioc; Kai avfjyysi^av xa spy a xou 0sou Kai

man]. And they announced the works of God, and

xa 7ioif||iaxa auxou auvfjKav 10+ sucppavGfjaexai 5iKaioq

[ his actions they perceived]. [ shall be glad The just]

sv xco Kupico Kai sAjtisi S7i' auxov Kai

in the LORD, and shall hope upon him; and

£7raivs0fjaovxai rcavxec; 01 suGefc; xr| Kap8(a

[ shall be praised all the straight in heart].

65 no

1+ aoi7rp87i8i \)[ivoq o 0s6c; sv Sicbv Kai aoi

[ is becoming to you A hymn], O God, in Zion; and to you

a7io5o0f|asxai su%f| sv IspouaaAr||i 2+ siadKouaov

[ shall be rendered [the] vow] in Jerusalem. Listen to

7rpoasu%fjc; jiou npoq as 7idaa aap^ fj^si 3+ A,6yoi

my prayer! [to you All flesh shall come]. [words

avojicov D7isps5uvd|icDaav r\[idq Kai

Lawless] overpowered us; but

xaic; aaspsiaq r\[i(bv au i^darj 4 + jiaKdpioq ov s^sAi^co

[ our impieties you shall atone]. Blessed [is] whom you chose,
Kai 7ipoasAxxPou KaxaaKqvcbasi sv xaic; avXaiq aou

and took to yourself; he shall encamp in your courtyards.


65 no

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

7iAr|a6r|a6|is9a sv xoic; ayaBoiq tod oikod gov dyioq

We shall be filled in the good [things] of your house, [ holy

ovaoq gov 5 + Gaujiaaxoc; sv 8iKaio&lt;x6vr| s7tdKouaov

temple your]. Wonderful in righteousness ~ heed

rjjicbv o 0s6c; o acoxfjp r\[i(bv r| shiiq rcavxcov xcov

us, O God our deliverer! [He is] the hope of all the

rcspaxcov Tr\q yr\q rat xcov sv GaXdoarj jiaKpdv 6 +

ends of the earth, and of the ones in [the] sea afar;

sxoijid^cov 6pr| sv xrj ia%vi avzov 7ispis^coa|isvo(; sv

preparing mountains in his strength, being girded in

Suvaaxsia ?+ o auvxapdaacov to kdxoc; xrjc;

dominion; the one disturbing the extent of the

GaAxxaarjc; r\%ovq KDjidxcov avTr\q tic; U7ioaxf|asxai 8 +

sea — [at the] sounds of its waves who shall stand?

xapa%6f|aovxai xa s6vr| Kai cpopr|0f|aovxai oi

[ shall be disturbed The nations], and [ shall fear the ones

KaxoiKODVxsc; xa rcspaxa arco xcov ar||isicov gov

dwelling at the ends] from your signs.

stpSovq 7ipcoiac; Kai EGiispaq xspysic; 9+

[The] exitings of [the] morning and evening you shall make happy.

S7isaKs\j/co xrjv yrjv Kai sjisGuaag auxfjv S7iAx|0uvac;

You visited the earth, and you intoxicated it. You multiplied

xou 7rA,oi)xiaai auxfjv o 7ioxa|i6c; xou 0sou S7iAx|pcb9r|

to enrich it. The river of God is filled

u5dxcov rjxoijiaaac; xrjv xpocpfjv auxcbv 6x1 ouxcoc; r\

[with] waters. You prepared their nourishment, for thus [is its]

sxoijiacria 10+ xouc; auXaKaq avTT\q jisGuaov 7iAr|0uvov

preparation. [ her furrows Saturate]! Multiply

xa yswfjjiaxa auxfjc; sv xaic; axayoaiv auxfjc;

her produce! By her drops

sucppavBfjasxai avaxsAlouaa n+ su^oyfjasic; xov

[the produce] shall be glad [while] rising. You shall bless the

axscpavov xou sviauxou Tr\q %pr|ax6xr|x6c; aou Kai

crown of the year, [because of] your graciousness; and

xa7is8(aaoD 7iAx|a6f|aovxai niOTnycoq n+ 7iiav0fjaovxai

your plains shall be filled [in] fatness. [ shall be fattened

xa copaia 6pr| Tr\q spf||iou Kai ayaAAiaaiv 01

The beautiful mountains of the wilderness]; and [ in exultation the

Pouvoi 7ispi^cbaovxai 13+ svs8uaavxo 01 Kpioi xcov

hills shall gird themselves]. [ shall put on [wool] The rams of the

7ipopdxcov Kai ai Koikadsq 7iAr|0uvouoi aixov

sheep], and the valleys shall multiply grain.


66 ID

19- Psalms

KSKpd^ovxai Kaiyap DjivfjaoDaiv

They shall cry out, for even they will sing praise.

66 10

i+ akakd^aTS xco Kopico rcdaa r| yrj 2 + \j/dA,axs 8r|

Shout [to] [the] LORD all the earth! Strum indeed

too ovojiaxi avTOV 56x8 56^av aivsasi auxoi) 3 + sircaxs

[to] his name! Give glory of his praise! Say

too 0scb coc; cpopspd xa spya aoi) ev xco 7tAt|0si

to God! How fearful [are] your works. In the magnitude

xrjc; 8i)vd|iscbc; aoi) \j/si&gt;aovxai as 01 s%0poi aoi) 4 +

of your power [ shall lie to you your enemies].

7idaa T| yrj 7ipoaKDvr|adxcoadv aoi Kai \j/aAxxxcoadv

Let all the earth do obeisance to you, and strum

aoi \j/aA,dxcoaav xco ovojiaxi aoi) uij/iaxs 5id\j/aA,|ia 5 +

unto you! Let them strum [to] your name [the] highest! PAUSE.

8si&gt;xs Kai (8sxs xa spya xod 0sot3 coc; tpopspoc; sv

Come and see the works of God! as fearful in

fiovXaiq imsp xodc; viovq xcov av0pcb7icov 6 + o

counsels above the sons of men. The

jisxaaxpscpcov xrjv 0dA,aaaav sic; ^rjpdv sv 7ioxa|icb

one converting the sea into dry [land]; in [the] river

8isA,si&gt;aovxai 71081 sksi si)tppav0r|a6|is0a S7i' ai)xcb 7 +

they shall go through on foot. There we shall be glad in him —

xco 8sa7i6^ovxi sv xr| 8i)vaaxs(a avzov xod aicbvoc;

to the one being master in his domination of the eon.

01 ocp0aX|io( avTOV S7i( xa s0vr| s7ripA,S7roi)aiv 01

His eyes [upon the nations look]. [ the ones

7rapa7iiKpa(vovxsc; |ir| D\j/ODa0coaav sv saDxoic;

greatly embittering him Let not] raise [ up high themselves] !

8id\j/aA,|ia 8 + SD^oysixs s0vr| xov 0s6v r||icbv Kai

PAUSE. Bless, O nations, our God! And

aKODxiaaxs xrjv cpcovfiv xrjc; aivsascoc; aDxoD 9 + xod

cause [ to be heard the voice of his praise] ! [Even] of the one

0s(isvod xrjv \\fv%r\v jiod sic; ^cofjv Kai jlit| Sovxoc; sic;

who establishes my soul for life, and not granting [ for

aakov xodc; nodaq jiod 10+6x1 sSoKijiaaac; r||idc; o

tossing about my feet]. For you tried us, O

0s6q S7r6pcoaac; r\[idq coc; 7ropoDxai xo apyopiov n +

God; you set us on fire as [ [is] set to the fire silver].


66 ID

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

eiafjyaysc; r\[idq sic; xrjv 7iay(5a s6od dXiysiq em

You brought us into the snare; you put afflictions upon

xov vcbxov rjjicbv 12+ e7rsp(paaac; av6pcb7roi)c; em

our back. You set men over

xaq KsyaXaq r||icov 8ifjX0o|i8v 8id 7rop6c; Kai i)8axoc;

our heads; we went through fire and water;

Kai s^fjyaysc; r\[idq ziq ava\jn)%f|v n + siasA£i3ao|iai ziq

but you led us unto respite. I will enter into

xov oikov aoi) ev oAx)Kauxcb|iaaiv a7ioScbaco aoi

your house with whole burnt-offerings. I will render to you

xac; sv%dq [iov u + aq Sieaxei^e xa %sikr\ jiod Kai

my vows, which [ drew apart my lips], and

eXaAxjas to ax6|ia (iod sv xr| 0Ai\j/ei |iod i 5 +

[ spoke my mouth] in my affliction.

oXoKaDTcbjiaTa |isjii)sAxja|isva avoiaco aoi jisxd

Whole burnt-offerings being filled with marrow I will offer to you, with

dv[ad[iaToq Kai Kpicbv avoiaco aoi fioaq |iexd

incense and rams. I will offer to you oxen with

Xijidpcov 5id\j/aA,|ia i6+ 8st3xs aKouaaxs Kai 8ir|yf|ao|iai

winter yearlings. PAUSE. Come listen! and I will describe

D|i(v 7idvx£c; oi (poPoi3|i8voi xov 6e6v 6aa

to you (all ones fearing God) as many [things] as

S7ro(r|a8 xt| \|A)%fi |iod 17+ 7ipoc; auxov xco axojiaxi |iod

he did [for] my soul. To him [with] my mouth

SKSKpa^a Kai inj/coaa D7i6 xrjv y^cbaadv (iod is+

I cried out, and I raised up high by my tongue.

aSiKiav si eGscbpoDV sv Kap8(a jiod jirj

[ injustice If I had viewed] in my heart, let [ not

eiaaKODadxco jiod Kopioc; i 9 + 8id xotixo siafjKODas

listen to me [the] LORD] ! On account of this [ listened to

jiou o dsoq 7tpoasa%s xr| cpcovfj xrjc; Sefjaecbc; |iod 20 +

me God]; he took heed to the voice of my supplication.

eiAoyrjxoc; o dsoq oq odk a7isaxr|as

Blessed [be] the God who separated not from

xrjv 7ipoa£D%f|v |iod Kai xo sksoq clvtov ait' sjioi)

my prayer, [nor] his mercy from me.

67 TD

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

19- Psalms

67 TO

i+oGsoc; oiKisipfjaai r\[iaq Kai siAoyfjaai r\[idq

God, may he pity us, and bless us,

87ii(pdvai to 7ip6aco7rov avzov scp' r\[idq Kai sXsfjaai

to shine his face upon us, and to show mercy on

r|jLxdq 2+xoDyvcbvai sv tt| yrj tt|v o56v gov sv 7idaiv

us; to know in the earth your way; among all

sGvsai to aooTfjpiov ood 3 + s^o|ioA,oyr|adaG&lt;jQadv aoi

nations your deliverance. Let [ make acknowledgment to you

Xaoi o Gsoc; 8^o|ioXoyr|ada6coadv aoi Axxoi rcavTSc;

[the] peoples], O God, let [ make acknowledgment to you all peoples]!

4 + SDcppavBfjTCoaav Kai ayaAAidaGooaav sGvrj 6ti

Be glad and exult, O nations! for

Kpivsfc; Xaovq sv 8D0t3tt|ti Kai sGvr| sv ttj yrj

you shall judge [the] peoples in straightness, and [ [the] nations in the earth

oSrjyfjaeig 8id\j/aA,|ia 5 + s^ojioXoyrjadaGcDadv aoi Xaoi

you shall guide]. PAUSE. Let [ make acknowledgment to you peoples],

o Gsoc; s^o|ioA,oyr|ada0coadv ooi Axxoi rcavTSc; 6 + yrj

O God, let [ make acknowledgment to you all peoples] ! [The] earth

s5coks tov Kap7r6v aDTfjc; siAoyfjaai r\[idq o Gsoc;

gave her fruit. May [ bless us God

o Gsoc; rjjicbv ?+ siAoyfjaai rjjLidc; o Gsoc; Kai

our God]. May [ bless us God], and

(poPrjGfjTCoaav atrcov 7idvTa Ta 7ispaTa rr|c; yrjc;

let [ fear him all the ends of the earth] !

68 no

i + ava&lt;ycfjTCD o Gsoc; Kai 8iaaKop7riaGfjTCDaav

Let God arise, and let [ be dispersed

oi sxGpoi olvtov Kai qroysTCDaav arco 7ipoacb7roD ai)T0i3

his enemies], and let [ flee from his face

oi jiiaowcsc; olvtov 2 + coq skXs(7tsi Kaizvoq

the ones detesting him]! As [dissipates smoke],

SKXuiSTGoaav coq TfjKSTai Kqpoc; anb 7ipoaco7roD nxtpoq

let them dissipate! As [ melts away beeswax] from [the] face [of the] fire,

ot3tco(; a7roAx)wcai oi ajiapTcaXoi anb 7ipoacb7roD

thus shall [ be destroyed the sinners] from [the] face

tod Gsod 3 + Kai oi Sucaioi stxppavGfjTCDaav

of God. But [ the just let] be glad!


68 no

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

ayaAAidaGcoaav svcb7iiov tod 0sod xsptp0fjxcoaav cv

Let them exult in the presence of God! Let them be made happy with

SDcppoawrj 4+ daaxs too 6sco \j/dXaxs xco

gladness! Sing to God! Strum [to]

ovojiaxi olvtov o8o7ioif|aaxs xco sttiPsPttkoxi S7i(

his name! Open the way [to] the one being mounted unto

8do|icov Kopioc; ovojia auxcb Kai ayaAAidoGs svcb7riov

[the] west — [the] LORD [is] his name, and exult before

olvtov xapaxOfjaovxai goto 7ipoacb7ioD aDxoD 5+ xod

him! They shall be disturbed before his face. The

7iaxp6c; xcov opcpavcbv Kai KpixoD xcov %rjpcbv o Gsoc;

father of the orphans, and judge of the widows — God

sv x67rco ayico olvtov 6 + o Gsoc; Kaxora^si |iovoxp67ioDc;

in [ place his holy]. God settles simple [people]

sv oikco s^dycov 7iS7rs8r||isvoDc; sv av8ps(a ojioicoc;

in a house; leading out [the prisoners] being shackled in courage; in like manner

Tovq 7iapa7iiKpa(vovxac; zovq KaxoiKotivxac; sv xdcpoiq 7 +

the ones being greatly embittered, dwelling in tombs.

o Gsoc; sv xco SK7iopsi)sa0ai as svco7iiov xod Xaov gov

O God, in your going forth before your people

sv xco 8iaPa(vsiv os sv xrj spf||ico 8 + yrj sosiaGrj

in your passing over in the wilderness, [the] earth was shaken.

Kai yap 01 ODpavoi saxa^av ano 7rpoaco7TOD xod 0sod

For even the heavens dripped [water] before [the] face of the God

xod Sivd anb 7rpoacb7ioD xod 0sod lapaf\k 9+ ppo%f|v

of Sinai; before [the] face of the God of Israel. [rain

skodctiov acpopisiq o Gsoc; xtj KAxjpovojiia aoD Kai

as a voluntary [act] Will you separate], O God, [for] your inheritance? Even

r|a6svr|as av 8s Kaxrjpxiaco aDxfjv 10+xa^codooD

it was weak, but you restored it. Your living creatures

KaxoiKODaiv sv aDxfj rjxoijiaaaq sv xrj xprjaxoxrjxi aoD

dwell in it; you prepared in your graciousness

xco 7rxco%co 11+0 Gsoc; KDpioq 8cbosi pfj|ia xoic;

for the poor. The [ God LORD] shall give discourse to the

SDayysAi£p|isvoic; 8Dvd|isi 7roAArj 12+0 paai^sDc; xcov

ones announcing good news [ force for a great]. The king of the

8Dvd|iscov xod aya7ir|xoD xrj copaioxrjxi xod oikod

forces of the beloved, for the beauty of the house

SisAiaGai gkvXcl 13+ sdv Koi|ir|9f|xs avajisaov xcov

to divide [the] spoils. If you should sleep in the midst of the

KAxjpcov rcxspDysc; 7ispioxspdc; 7ispir|pyDpco|isvai Kai

lots, [the] wings of [the] dove being silver plated, and


68 no

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

xa jiexdcppeva auxfjc; ev xAxopoxrjxi %puak&gt;u u+ ev xco

her upper back in greenness of gold; in the

8iaaxeAleiv xov e7ioupdviov fiaaiksiq S7i' auxfjc;

[ drawing apart the heavenly one] kings upon it,

%iovco0fjoovxai sv £eA,|icov

they shall be made as snow in Salmon.

15+ opoq xou Geou opoq 7iiov opoq

[The] mountain of God; [the] mountain being plentiful; [the] mountain

xexupcojievov opoq 7riov i6+ ivaxi U7ioAxx|ipdvexe

for making cheese; [the] mountain being plentiful. Why do you undertake,

oprj xexupcojieva xo opoq o eu86KT|aev o Geoc;

O mountains making cheese, the mountain which God thinks well

KaxoiKsiv sv auxco Kaiyap o Kupioc; KaxaaKrjvcbaei

to dwell in it? For even the LORD encamps

sic; xeXoc; n+ xo dpjia xou Geou |iupi07iA,daiov %iXxd6sq

unto [the] end. The chariot of God ~ ten thousand-fold; thousands

euGrjvouvxcov Kupioc; ev auxoic; ev Xivaiv ev xco

of prospering ones. [The] LORD among them in Sinai, in the

ayico i8+ aveprjc; eic; v\\foq ri%|iaAxbxeuaac;

holy [place]. You ascended into [the] height; you captured

aixjia^coaiav eAxxPec; 86|iaxa ev avGpco7ioic; Kaiyap

captivity; you received gifts by men; for even

a7ieiGouvxec; xou KaxaaKTjvcbaai 19+ Kupioc; o Geoc;

[ [the] ones resisting persuasion to encamp among]. [The] LORD God

eoAoyrjxoc; euXoyrjxoc; icopioc; rjjiepav KaG' rjjiepav

blessed. Blessed [be] [the] LORD day by day,

Kai KaxeuoScooai rjjiiv o Geoc; xcov ocoxrjpicov rjjicbv 20 +

for you greatly prospered us, O God of our deliverances.

o Geoc; rjjicov o Geoc; xou aco^eiv Kai xou Kupiou

Our God, the God to deliver, even the LORD [delivering]

ai 8ie^o5oi xou Gavdxou 21 + 7iAx|v o Geoc;

the ones at [the] outer reaches of death. But God

auvGXdaei Kecpa^dc; e%Gpcov auxou Kopucpfjv xpi%6c;

shall fracture in pieces [the] heads of his enemies; [ tops [of heads] [the] hairy]

8ia7iopeuo|ievcov ev 7iAx||i|ieA£iaic; auxcbv 22 + ei7ie Kupioc;

traveling in their trespasses. [The] LORD said

eK Baadv e7iiaxpe\j/co e7riaxpe\j/co ev PuGoic;

from out of Bashan, I shall return. I shall return in [the] depths

dakdaar\q 23 + 67icoc; av Pacpfj o 7iouc; aou ev aijiaxi

of [the] sea. That [ should be dipped your foot] in blood,

T| yAxboaa xcov kuvcov aou e^ e%Gpcov 7iap'

[and] the tongue of your dogs [be stained] [enemies from


68 no

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

cxdtod 24 + s9scDpf|9r|aav ai 7iop(a( cjod o Gsoc; ai

his]. [ were viewed Your goings], O God; the

7iop8iai tod 0£od [lov tod PaaiXecoc; tod ev too ayico

goings of my God, the king, in the holy place.

25+ 7ipos(p0aaav dp%ovTec; e%6|ieva yaAlovTCOv sv

[ went beforehand Rulers] being next to ones strumming, in

jisaco veav(8cov TD|i7iavioTpicbv 26+ sv SKKArjoiaic;

[the] midst of young women performing on tambourines. In assemblies

SD^oysvcs tov 9s6v tov KDpiov 8K 7ir|ycbv IaporqA, n +

bless God! the LORD from [the] springs of Israel.

SK8i Bsviajiiv vscoTspoc; sv eKaTdasi dpxovTsg Iod8cx

There Benjamin [the] younger [is] in astonishment, [even the] rulers ofJudah,

rjyejiovsc; aDTcbv dpxovTsg ZaPoDAxov dpxovTsq

[and] their governors, [the] rulers ofZebulun, [the] rulers

NecpGaAi 2 s + evTeiAm o 6e6c; tt| 8Dvd|iei aoD

of Naphtali. Give charge, O God, [to] your power!

8Dvd|icoaov o Geoc; todto o Korcsipydaco sv r\[iiv

Strengthen, O God! this which you worked out among us.

29+ goto TODvaoDdOD 87ii IspoDoaArjji OOl OlOODCJl

Because of your temple at Jerusalem [ to you will bring

fiaaiksiq 5cbpa 30+ 87iiTi(ir|aov TOiq Grjpunc; tod

kings gifts]. Give reproach to the wild beasts of the

KaXdjioD T| aDvaycoyfi tcov Taopcov sv zaiq

reed! the gathering of the bulls among the

8ajidA,sai tcov A,acov tod syKleioGfjvai todc;

heifers of the peoples; to lock up the

8e8oKi|iaa|isvoDc; too apyDpico 8iaoKop7iiaov eBvrj

ones being tried [by] silver. Disperse [the] nations!

tcx todc; 7ioA,8|ioD(; GeXovTa 31+ tj^odoi 7ipeaPeic;

the ones [ wars wanting]. [ shall come Ambassadors] from out of

AiyD7iTOD Ai0io7i(a 7rpotp6daei %£ipa avTT\q tco 0scb

Egypt. Ethiopia shall go beforehand with her hand to God.

32 + ai PaaiXsiai Tr\q yr\q daaTS tco 08cb \j/dXon;e tco

O kingdoms of the earth, sing to God! Strum to the

KDpico 8id\j/aA,|ia 33+ tco STriPePrjKOTi £7U tov

LORD! PAUSE. to the one mounting upon the

ODpavov tod ODpavoD Korea avaToXdc; i8od 8cbasi

heaven of the heaven, according to [the] east. Behold, he shall make

ttj epeovfj cxdtod epeovfjv SDvdjiecoq 34+ 86ts 86^av

his voice a sound of power. Give glory


69 do

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms
xco 08cb 87ii xov lapar\k r| (i8yaXo7rps7i8ia avxov Kai

to God! [ [is] over Israel his majesty], and

r| 8i)va|iic; avzov sv xaic; vecpeAxxic; 35 +

his power [is] in the clouds.

GaDjiaaxoc; o Geoc; ev xoic; ayioic; auxoi) o Bsoq IopafjX

God [is] wonderful in his holy [places]. The God of Israel —

avToq 5cbasi 8wa|iiv Kai Kpaxaiooaiv too Xacb olvtov

he shall give power and fortification [to] his people.

svXojr\Toq o 0e6c;

Blessed [be] God.

69 130

1+ acbaov (is o Geoc; 6x1 eiafjXGooav i35axa eooc;

Deliver me, O God! for [ entered [the] waters] into

yv%r\q [iov 2 + sv87idyr|v sic; ikvv fivdov Kai odk saxiv

my soul. I was stuck in [ slime deep], and there is no

U7i6axaaic; r\kdov sic; xa pdGrj xrjc; dakaaar\q Kai

support. I came to the depths of the sea, and

Kaxaiyiq Kaxs7i6vxio8 |ie 3 + £K07uaaa Kpd^cov

[the] gale sank me. I tired crying out;

sPpay%(aasv o Xapuy^ jiou e^eXurov 01 o(p0aA,|io( |iod

[ is sore my throat]. [ failed My eyes]

a7io xod eAm^eiv |is em xov 0s6v (iod 4 + S7iAx|0i)v9r|aav

from my hope upon my God. [ multiplied

D7i8p xac; xpixaq xrjc; KecpaAxjc; jiod 01 (iiaowcsc; |is

over the hairs of my head The ones detesting me].

8&lt;jopedv SKpaxaicbGrjoav 01 e%0poi jiod 01

Freely [ were strengthened my enemies], the ones

sk5icokovx8c; |is aSiKcoc; a ov% fjp7ia^ov xoxs

driving me out unjustly; [ what I did not seize by force then

a7T8x(wDov 5 + o 0e6c; av eyvcoc; xrjv a^poawqv |iod

I paid for]. O God, you know my folly,

Kai ai 7iAx||i|isA£iai jiod arco aoi) odk a7ieKpi)Pr|aav

and my trespasses, [from you they are not concealed].

6+ (iT| aiaxDvGevqaav 87i' sjis 01 i)7io|isvovxsc; as

[ not May be ashamed over me the ones waiting upon you],

Kopis Kopie xov 8i)vd|i8cov |ir| svxpa7rs(r|aav S7i' sjis

0 LORD, O LORD of the forces. [ not May feel shame over me

01 ^rjxowcec; 08 o Geoc; xod IapafjA, 7 + 6x1 evera

the ones seeking you], O God of Israel. For because of


69 do

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms


you I endured scorning; [ covered shame]

to 7ip6oco7i6v (iod 8+ a7ir|A,A,OTpi(jD|isvo(; sysvfjGrjv

my face. [ one being separated from I was]

TOiq aSsAxpofc; jiod Kai ^svoc; TOiq vioiq Tr\q jirjipoq jiod

my brethren, and a stranger to the sons of my mother.

9+6ti o t^koq tod oikod aoi) Kaxecpays |is Kai oi

For the zeal of your house devoured me, and the

ovsi5iajioi xcov ovsi8i£pvTCDV as S7iS7rsaov S7i' sjis io+

scornings of the ones berating you fell upon me.

Kai ai)V8KdXi)\j/a sv vrjcrcsia rqv \\fv%r\v jiod Kai

And I covered [ in fasting my soul], and

sysvfjGrj sic; ovsiSictjiodc; sjioi n+ Kai s0s|ir|v

it became for scornings to me. And I put on

to 8v8i)|id |iod adKKov Kai sysvojirjv aDTOic; sic;

[ for my garment sackcloth], and I became to them as a

7iapaPoAxjv n+ rax' sjiod r|8oA,sa%ODV oi Ka6f||isvoi

parable. [ against me meditated The ones sitting down

sv 7r6Amc; Kai sic; sjis s\j/aAlov oi nivovTsq

at [the] gates]; and against me they strummed, [even] the ones drinking

xov oivov n + sycb 8s tt| 7ipoasD%f| jiod itpoq as Kopis

wine. But I [will cry] [in] my prayer to you, O LORD,

Kaipoq SDSoKiaq o 6s6c; sv too 7iAxj0si tod s^sodc; aoD

at a time of benevolence. O God, in the multitude of your mercies

S7rdKODa6v |iod sv aAx|0s(a tt|c; aooxripiac; aoD u+

heed me in [the] truth of your deliverance!

ocbaov |is arco iir(kov (va |ir| s|i7iaycb pDaGsvrjv

Deliver me from mud! that I should not be stuck. May I be rescued

sk xcov jiiaoDvicov (is Kai sk xcov PaGsoov TCQV

from the ones detesting me, and from the depths of the

DSdxcov 15+ (JJ| (is Kaxa7rovTiadTCD Kaxaiyiq vdazoq

waters. [not me Let sink [the] gale of water],

(ir|8s Kaxa7riSTC0 (is PdGoc; (ir|8s aDa%STCD S7i' sjis

nor let [ swallow me [the] deep], nor let [ constrain over me

cppsap to axojia aDTOD i 6 + siodKODaov jiod Kopis on

[the] well its mouth] ! Listen to me, O LORD, for

Xprjaxov to sA^soc; ood raid to itk^doq

[ [is] gracious your mercy] ! According to the multitude

TCOV OlKTipjICOV OOD S7UpA,S\j/0V S7l' S(IS 17+ (IT|

of your compassions look upon me! You should not

a7roaTps\j/r|c; to 7ip6aco7r6v aoD and tod naidoq aoD 6ti

turn your face from your servant, for


69 do

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

GMPojiai TCL%V S7T&amp;KODo6v |IOD is+ 7Cp6a%8C; XT]

I am afflicted. Quickly heed me! Take heed [to]

yv%r\ jiou Kai Ampcoaai auxfjv evera xcov e%0pcov [iov

my soul, and ransom it! [ because of my enemies

pvaai jis 19+auyap yivcbaKeic; xov ovsi5ia|iov jiod Kai

Rescue me] ! For you know my scorning, and

xrjv aia%vvr\v jiou Kai xrjv evxpo7cfjv |iod evavxiov aoi)

my shame, and my remorse. Before you

7r&amp;vx£c; 01 GAipovxec; |ie 20+ ovei5io|iov

are all the ones afflicting me. [ scorning

7ipoa£86Kr|a£v r| \|A)%fj |iou Kai xaXaurcopiav Kai

expected My soul] and misery; and

D7i8(i8iva avXkviiov[isvov Kai 0V% D7Tfjp^£ Kai

I remained behind for one grieving, and he did not exist; and

7iapaKaAxy6vxac; Kai ov% supov 21+ Kai e8coKav sic;

for ones comforting, but I did not find. And they gave [ for

xo Ppcbjid |iod %oXr\v Kai sic; xrjv 5n|/av jiod S7i6xiadv

my food bile]; and for my thirst they gave [ to drink

|is o^oc; 22+ yevrjGfjxco r| xpd7i8^a auxcbv svcbmov auxcov

me vinegar]. Let [ become their table before them]

sic; 7ray(5a Kai eic; avxa7i65oaiv Kai eic; aKdv5aA,ov

as a snare, and for a recompense, and for an obstacle!

23 + aKoxiaBfjxcDaav 01 ocp0aX|ioi auxcbv xod jirj pA£7ceiv

Let [ be darkened their eyes] [to] not see,

Kai xov vcbxov auxcbv 8ia7iavx6(; &lt;76yKa|i\j/ov 24 + sk%sov

and their back always bent downwards! Pour out

87i ' auxouc; xrjv opyfjv aoi) Kai o dv[ioq

upon them your anger! and [ the rage

xrjc; opyfjc; aoi) KaxaXdpoi auxotic; 25+ ysvrjGfjxco

of your anger may] overtake them. Let [ become

rj znavXiq auxcbv rjprj|ico|i8vrj Kai sv

their property] having been made desolate! and [in

xoiq aKTjvcb|iaaiv ai)xcbv jirj saxco o KaxoiKcov 26 + 6x1

their tents let there not be one dwelling] ! For

ov au £7idxa^ac; auxoi Kaxs8ico^av Kai S7ri xo aXyoq

whom you struck, they pursued; and [ to the pain

xcov xpaujidxcov \xov 7cpoas6rjKav 27+ itpoadsq avojiiav

of my wounds they added]. Add lawlessness

S7Ti xrj avojiia auxcbv Kai jirj eiaeXGexcoaav sv

upon their lawlessness! and let not [enter in


ev tootco + viKa

19- Psalms

8iKaioawr| aou 28 + s^aXsupGfjTCoaav sk pipAxyo

your righteousness] ! Let them be wiped away from out of [the] book

^cdvtcov mi jiexd 8iKaicov |ir| ypacpfjicooav 29 +

of [the] living! and [with [the] just let them not be written]!

7rcco%6c; Kai akycbv si|i( syco r| acoxripia aou o 6s6c;

[ poor and aching I am]; your deliverance, O God,

avxiX&amp;PoiTO jiou 30+ aivsaco to ovojia tod 6sot3 |iod

may it take hold of me. I will praise the name of my God

|I8t' coSfjq iieyaAuvcb auTOV sv aivsosi

with an ode; I shall magnify him in praise,

31+ Kai apsasi too 0scb vitsp [ioa%ov vsov KspaTa

and it shall please God above [ calf a young horns

SKcpspovTa Kai oitXaq 32+ i8sTCoaav 7n;co%oi Kai

bringing forth] and hoofs. Let [ see [the] poor] and

SDcppavGfjTCoaav SK^rjTfjaaTS tov 0s6v Kai ^fjasTai

let them be glad! Inquire of God! and [ shall live

T| \\fv%r\ djicov 33+ 6ti siafjKouas tcov 7isvf|TC0v o Kopioc;

your soul]. For [ listens to the needy [the] LORD];

Kai Tovq 7iS7is8r||isvouc; avzov odk s^oi)8svcoasv 34 +

and the ones of his being shackled he does not treat with contempt.

aivsa&amp;TCoaav auTOV 01 oupavoi Kai r| yrj daXaaaa

Let [ praise him the heavens], and the earth, sea,

Kai 7idvTa Ta sprcovTa sv auTfj 35 + 6ti o Gsoc;

and all the [things] crawling in her! For God

acoasi ttjv Sicbv Kai oiKo8o|ir|6f|aovTai ai noXsiq

shall deliver Zion, and [ shall be built up the cities

Tr\q IouSaiac; Kai KaTOiKqaouaiv sksi Kai

of Judea]. And they shall dwell there, and

KAr|povo|xf|aoDoiv auTfjv 3 6+ Kai to a7isp|ia

they shall inherit her. And the seed

tcov 5ot3Axdv aoi) KaGs^ouaiv auTfjv Kai 01 aya7icbvTSc;

of your servants shall hold her; and the ones loving

to ovojia avTOV KaTaaKqvcbaoDaiv sv auTfj

his name shall encamp in her.

70 y

1 + o 6s6c; sic; ttjv PofjGsidv jiou 7ip6a%sc; Kopis

O God, for my help heed [me]! O LORD,

siq to PorjGfjaai jioi a7isi3aov 2+ aiaxDvGfjTCoaav Kai

[ to help me hasten] ! Let [ be ashamed and


71 w

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

8VTpa7ifiTCoaav 01 ^rjTOwrsc; ttjv \\fv%r\v jiod

feel remorse the ones seeking my life] !

a7roaTpa(pfjTcoaav sic; xa O7i(aco Kai

Let [ be turned to the rear and

KaTaio%Dv6fjTCDaav 01 PodXojisvoi jioiKaKd 3 +

be disgraced the ones wanting bad [things] for me]!

a7roaTpa(pfjTcoaav 7tapauTiKa aioxuvojisvoi 01

Let them be turned immediately, being shamed! the ones

AiyovTSc; jioi suys suys 4 + ayaAAiaaBooaav Kai

saying to me, Well done, well done! Let them exult and

SDcppavGfjxcoaav S7U aoi itavTsq 01 ^rjTOwrsc; as o

be glad over you! [even] all the ones seeking you, O

Gsoq Kai XsysToaaav 8ia7ravx6c; |isyaAi)v6fjTCD o Kupioq

God. And let them say always, Let [ be magnified [the] LORD] !

01 aya7rcbvTSc; to ooQxfjpiov aou 5+sycb8s 7ttcdx6c;

[even] the ones loving your deliverance. But I am poor

Kai TiEvr\q o 6s6c; PofjGrjaov jioi PorjGoc; jiod Kai

and needy, O God, help me! [ my helper and

pvaTr\q jiod si &lt;td Kopis |ir| xpoviarjc;

my rescuer You are], O LORD, you should not delay.

71 N57

1+ S7i( aoi Kopis fjAmaa |ir| KaTaia%DV0srr|v sic; tov

Upon you, O LORD, I hoped. May I not be disgraced into the

aicbva 2+ sv tt| SiKaioawq aoi) pvaai |is Kai stpkov

eon. In your righteousness rescue me, and take

(is kAivov 7ipOCj |IS TO ODCj COD Kai OCOOOV (IS 3 +

me! Lean [to me your ear] and deliver me!

ysvou (ioi sic; 0s6v imspaamaTfiv Kai sic; totcov

Be to me for [ God a defending] ! and for [ place

o%upov tod acbaai (is 6ti aTspscojid jiod Kai

a fortified] to deliver me. For [ my confirmation and

KaTacpuyfj jiod si ai) 4 + o Gsoc; jiod ptiaai (is sk

my refuge you are]. O my God, rescue me from

Xsipoq ajiapTCoXoi) sk xzipoq 7rapavo|iowcoc; Kai

[the] hand of [the] sinner! from [the] hand of [the] one acting unlawfully and

a8iK0WT0c; 5 + 6ti od si r\ D7io(iovf| jiod Kopis Kopis

doing wrong. For you are my endurance, O Lord, O LORD,

r| shtiq jiod sk vs6tt|t6c; jiod 6+ S7U as

the one of my hope from my youth. [ upon you


71 w

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

S7isaxr|pi%9r|v arco yaaxpoc; sk KoiAiac; jirjxpoc; jiod ai)

I stayed From [the] womb]; from [the] belly of my mother you

jiod si oK£7ra&lt;ycfjc; sv aoi r) tijivriaic; |ioi) 5ia7iavx6(; ? +

are my shelterer. [about you My singing praise [is] always].

coast xspac; 8ysvfi0r|v xoic; noXkoiq Kai ai) PorjGoc;

[ as [it were] a miracle I was] to the many; but you [are] [ helper

(iod Kpaxaioq 8+ 7iXr|pco6fiT(jo to axojia jiod aivsasooc;

my fortified]. Let [ be filled my mouth] of praise!

onctiq Djivfjaco xrjv 86^av aoi) 6Ax|v xr|v rjjispav

that I may praise in song of your glory; [the] entire day

xrjv |isyaA,07rp87i£i&amp;v aoi) g + [ir\ a7ioppuj/r|c; |is sic;

of your majesty. You should not throw me away in

KaipOV yfjpODC; 8V TOO SkA£17TSIV XT|V ia%l)V (101) (IT|

[the] time of old age; in the failing of my strength you should not

syKaxaAi7rr|c; jis io+ 6xi si7iov ois%6po((ioD sjioi Kai

abandon me. For [ spoke my enemies] against me; and

oi (pi)Axxaaovxsc; xrjv y\fv%r\v jiod sPoiAstiaavxo

the ones watching out [for] my life consulted

S7iixoai)x6 n+ Aiyovxsc; o Gsoc; syKaxsAursv ai)xov

together, saying, God abandoned him;

KaxaSicb^axs Kai KaxaX&amp;Psxs ai)xov 6xi odk saxiv

pursue and overtake him! for there is no

o pDojievoc; n+ o Gsoc; jiod jjt| jiaKpwqc; an sjioi) o

one rescuing him. O my God, you should be not far from me. O

Gsoc; jiod sic; xrjv PofjGsiav |iod 7ip6a%sc; u +

my God, [ to my help take heed] !

aia%DV0fjxcDaav Kai SKA,i7isxcoaav oi sv8iaPaAlovxsc;

Let [ be shamed and fail the ones slandering

xrjv \\fv%r\v jiod 7ispiPaAA,saGcDaav aia%i3vr|v Kai

my soul] ! Let [ put on shame and

svxpo7rfjv oi ^rjxowcsc; xa KaKd |ioi u + sycb 8s

remorse the ones seeking bad [things] for me] ! But I

8ia7iavx6c; sAmcb S7ri as Kai 7ipoa6f|aco ski naoav

always shall hope upon you, and I will add upon all

xrjv aivsaiv aoi) i 5 + xo axojia jiod avayysA,s(

your praise. My mouth shall announce

xrjv 5iKaioai)vr|v aoi) 6Ax|v xrjv rjjispav

your righteousness [the] entire day;

xrjv acoxrjpiav aoi) 6xi odk syvcov ypajijiaxsiac; i6 +

your deliverance, for I did not know writings.


71 w

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

siasXsuaojiai sv 5i)vaaxs(a Kupioi) Kopis

I will enter in [the] might of [the] LORD. O LORD,

|ivr|a6fjao|iai Tr\q SiKaioawqc; aoi) jiovoi) n + zSida^aq

I will mention your righteousness only. You taught

|is o Gsoc; 8K vsoxrjxoc; |iod Kai |is%pi Tao vvv

me, O God, from my youth; and until now

a7rayysAxb xa 0ai)|idaid aoi) i 8 + Kai scoq yfjpoDc; Kai

I will report your wonders. Even until old age, and

7rpeaPe(oD o Gsoc; jiod (ir| syKaxaAi7ir|c; |is sooc;

of a senior, O my God, you should not abandon me until

av a7iayysiA,cb xov Ppa%(ovd aoi) xr| ysvsd 7idar|

whenever I should report your arm [to] [ generation every

tt] sp%o|isvr| 19+ xr|v 5i)vaaxs(av aoi) Kai

coming]; of your might and

xrjv 5iKaioawr|v aoi) o dzoq scoq xcov Dij/iaxcov a

of your righteousness, O God, unto the highests, what

£7roir|adc; jioi jisyalsia o Gsoc; xxq ojioioc; aoi 20 +

[ you did tome magnificence]. O God, who [is] likened to you?

oaaq s5si^dc; (ioi GAi\j/sic; itoXkaq Kai Karac; Kai

As much as you showed tome— [afflictions many] and bad [things]; but

S7iiaxps\j/ac; s^cD07rorr|adc; jis Kai sk xcov aptiaacov

turning, you restored life to me; and from out of the abysses

Tr\q yr\q avfjyaysq (is 21+ srcXsovaaac; S7i' sjis

of the earth you led me. You abounded to me

ttjv |isyaA,coawr|v aoi) Kai S7iiaxps\j/ac; 7iapsKdXsadc; (is

your greatness, and turning you comforted me;

Kai sk xcov aptiaaoov Tr\q yr\q nakiv avfjyaysc; |is

and from out of the abysses of the earth again you led me.

22+ Kai yap sycb s^ojioXoyfjaojiai aoi sv Xaoiq Kopis

For also I will make acknowledgment to you among peoples, O LORD;

sv aKstisi \\faX[iov ttjv aArjGsiav aoi) o Gsoc; \\fak(b

with an instrument for a psalm of your truth, O God. I shall strum

aoi sv KiGdpa o dyioc; tod IapafjA, 23 + ayaAAidaovxai

to you with [the] harp, O holy one of Israel. [ shall exult

xa %s(Ax| |iod oxav \\fak(h aoi Kai r| \\fv%r\ jiod r|v

My lips] whenever I should strum to you, and my soul which

sAmpcbaoo 24 + sxi 5s Kai r| yAxoaad |iod 6Ax|v xrjv

you ransomed. But still also my tongue [ all the

rjjispav jisXsxfjasi xrjv 5iKaioawqv aoi) oxav

day shall meditate upon your righteousness], whenever

aia%DV0cbai Kai svxpa7icbaiv 01 ^rjxowcsc; xaKaKd

[ should be ashamed and should feel remorse the ones seeking bad [things]


72 3S7


19- Psalms


for me].

72 157

i + o Geoc; to Kpijid aoi) icq PaaiXei 8oc; Kai

O God, [ your judgment to the king give], and

tt|v 8iKaio&lt;76vr|v aoi) xco mcb tod PaaiAicoc; 2 + Kpivsiv

your righteousness to the son of the king! to judge

xov Xaov aoi) sv SiKaioawq Kai xodc; itT($%ovq aoi) sv

your people in righteousness, and your poor with

Kpiaei 3+ avalapexco xa 6pr| eipfjvrjv xco Axxco Kai

equity. Let [ lift up the mountains] peace to the people, and

oi powoi 8iKaioowr|v 4+ Kpivsi xodc; 7txco%odc; xod

the hills righteousness! He shall judge the poor of the

Xaov Kai acbaei xodc; viovq xcov 7isvf|xcov Kai

people, and shall deliver the sons of the needy, and

xa7ieivcbaei aDKocpdvxrjv 5 + Kai &lt;td |i7iapa|isvsi xco rjAico

shall humble [the] extortioner. And he shall continue as the sun,

Kai 7ipo xrjc; aeAxjvrjc; yevedc; yevscbv 6 +

and before the moon [for] generations of generations.

Kaxapfjasxai coc; dsxoc; em 7t6kov Kai coaei axayovec;

He shall come down as rain upon fleece, and as drops

axd^oDaai S7ri xrjv yrjv ?+ avaxslsi sv

dripping upon the earth. [ shall rise in

xaic; rjjispaic; aDxoD SiKaioawq Kai nXr\doq eipfjvrjc;

his days Righteousness], and a multitude of peace

ecoc; od avxavaipsGfj r| aeAxjvrj 8 + Kai

until of which [time] [ should be taken away the moon]. And

KaxaKopistiaei arco GaAxxaarjc; scoc; GaXdaarjc; Kai arco

he shall dominate from sea unto sea, and from

7T0Xa|Icbv SCOq 7T8paXC0V XTjC; 01K0D|I8VT|(; 9+ SVC07TIOV

rivers unto [the] ends of the inhabitable world. [ before

avTOV 7ipo7isaoDvxai Ai0k&gt;7iec; Kai oi sx6po( aDxoD

him Ethiopians shall fall down], and his enemies

%odv A,si^oi)oi io+ paai^efc; ©apaeic; Kai ai vfjaoi

[dust shall lick]. Kings ofTarshish, and the islands

8cbpa 7ipooo(aoi)oi PaaiXefc; Apdpcov Kai Sapd

[gifts shall bring]. [The] kings of [the] Arabians and Sheba

8cbpa 7ipoad^oi)ai n+ Kai 7ipoaKDvf|aoDaiv aDxcb

[ [with] gifts will come forward]. And [ shall do obeisance to him


72 3S7

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

ftdvxsc; 01 fiaaiksiq xrjc; yr\q rcdvxa xa s0vr|

all the kings of the earth]. All the nations

8oDA,SDaoDaiv aDxcb n+ 6xi spptiaaxo 7txcjo%6v sk

shall serve to him. For he rescued [the] poor from

SDvdaxoD Kai 7isvr|xa go od% D7rf|p%s PorjBoq 13 +

[the] mighty one, and [the] needy one in whom no [existed helper].

cpsiasxai 7rxco%OD Kai 7isvr|xoc; Kai \\fv%aq 7isvf|x&lt;jov

He shall spare [the] poor and needy; and [the] souls of [the] needy

acbasi 14+ sk xokod Kai s^ aSiKiaq Ampcbasxai

he shall deliver. From interest and from injustice he shall ransom

xac; \|A)%dc; auxcbv Kai svxijiov xo ovojia aDxoD 8vcb7iiov

their souls, and [ valued name his] [will be] before

ai)xcbv 15+ Kai ^fjasxai Kai 8o6f|aexai auxcb sk xod

them. And he shall live, and there shall be given to him from the

Xpvaiov xrjq Apapiaq Kai rcpoasD^ovxai 7isp( aDxoD

gold of Arabia. And they shall pray for him

8ia7iavx6c; 6Ar|v xrjv rjjispav SD^oyfjaoDaiv ai)xov i6 +

always; [the] entire day they shall bless him.

saxai axfjpiyjia sv xrj yrj S7i' dKpcov xcov opsoov

There will be a support on the earth upon [the] tops of the mountains.

imepapGrjasxai D7isp xov Atpavov o Kap7i6c; aDxoD Kai

[ shall be elevated above Lebanon His fruit], and

s^avGfjaoDaiv sk 7i6A,s&lt;joc; coast xopxoq xrjc; yrjc; n +

they [ shall blossom of [the] city] as grass of the earth.

saxai xo ovojia aDxoD si)A,oyr||isvov sic; xodc; aicbvaq

[ will be His name] a blessing into the eons.

7ipo xod rjAioD 5iajisvsi xo ovojia aDxoD Kai

[ before the sun shall abide His name], and

svsi)Ax)yr|9fjaovxai sv auxcb 7idaai ai (pvXai xrjc; yr\q

[ shall be blessed by him all the tribes of the earth].

rcdvxa xa s0vr| jiaKapioDaiv ai)xov 18+ SDXoyrjxoc;

All the nations shall declare him blessed. Blessed [be]

Kopioc; o Gsoc; xod IapafjX o 7ioiobv Gaujidaia jiovoc;

[the] LORD God of Israel, the one doing wonders alone.

19+ Kai si)Xoyr||isvov xo ovojia xrjc; 66^r\q aDxoD sic;

And being blessed [is] the name of his glory into

xov aicbva Kai sic; xov aicbva xod aicbvoc; Kai

the eon, and into the eon of the eon. And

7iA,r|p(jo9f|asxai xrjc; 56^r|c; aDxoD rcdaa r| yrj ysvoixo

[ shall be filled of his glory all the earth]. May it be.


May it be.


73 is?

19- Psalms

20+ s^sAurov oi djivoi AaDi8 tod diod Isoaai

[ are ended The hymns of David the son of Jesse].


i + coq ayaGoq o 0s6c; too IapafjA, xoic; SD0sai xrj

O how good [is] God [to] Israel, to the ones straight in the

Kap8(a 2 + s|iod 8s 7iapd jiucpov saaXsD0r|aav oi7i68sc;

heart. But my [ were a little shaken feet];

7iap oAiyov s^s%D0r| xa 8iapf||iaxd jiod 3 + 6xi s^fjAxoaa

[ a little slipped my footsteps]. For I was jealous

87i( xoic; avojioiq sipfjvrjv ajiapxco^cbv 08copcbv 4 + 6xi

over the lawless [things], [ [the] peace of sinners viewing]. For

odk saxiv avdvsvaiq sv icq 0avdxco aDxcbv Kai

there is no sign of reluctance in their death, nor

axspsco|ia sv xr) jidaxiyi aDxcbv 5 + sv kottok; av0pcb7rcov

confirmation in their whip. In toils of men

odk sicri Kai jisxd av0pcb7icov od

they are not [troubled], and with [other] men they will not

|iaaxiyco0f|aovxai 6 + 5id xodxo SKpdxrjasv aDxotic;

be whipped. On account of this [ held them

T| D7ispr|(pavia aDxcbv sic; zskoq 7ispispdAx)vxo a8udav

their pride] to [the] end. They clothed themselves [ injustice

Kai aaspsiav saDxcbv 7 + s^sXstiasxai coc; sk

and impiety of their own]. [ comes forth as from out of

oxsaxoq T| a8uda aDxcbv 8if|A,0oaav siq 8id0saiv

fatness Their injustice]. They went by disposition

KapSiaq 8+ 8isvof|0r|aav Kai s^dAxjaav sv 7iovr|pia

of heart. They considered and spoke in wickedness.

aSiKiav sk; xo v\\foq sldArjaav 9 + s0svxo sic;

[ injustice in the haughtiness They spoke]. They set [ against

ODpavov xo axojia aDxcbv Kai r| yAxoaoa aDxcbv 8if|X0sv

heaven their mouth], and their tongue went through

S7U Tr\q yrjcj io+ 8id xodxo S7iiaxps\j/si o Xaoq jiod

upon the earth. On account of this [ shall return my people]

svxaD0a Kai rjjispai nkr\pziq sDps0fjaovxai sv aDxoiq

here; and [ days full] shall be found with them.

n+ Kai si7iov 7icocj syvoo o 0s6q Kai sisaxi yvcbaic; sv

And they said, How did God know? and, Is there knowledge in

xco D\j/iaxco 12+ i8od odxoi oi ajiapxcoloi Kai

the highest? Behold, these [are] the sinners, and


73 is?

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

sd9t|vodvtsc; sic; tov aicbva Kaxeaxov 7iA,odtod 13+ Kai

they prosper into the eon, holding wealth. And

si7ia dpa jiaxaicoq s5iKa(cooa tt|v Kap8(av jiod Kai

I said, Surely in folly I justified my heart, and

svi\j/d|ir|v sv aGcboiq xac; %s(pdc; jiod h+ Kai sysv6|ir|v

washed [in innocent [things] my hands]; and became

|is|iaaTiyco|i8VO(; 6hr\v rqv rjjispav Kai o sksyxoq jiod

for whipping all the day; and my reproof

sic; zaq npmaq 15+ si s^syov 8ir|yf|ao|iai odtooc; i8od

[is] in the mornings. If I had said, I shall describe thus; behold,

ttj ysved xcovmcbvaoD T|aDv6sTr|Ka 16+ Kai D7isA,aPov

in the generation of your sons, I have broken contract. And I undertook

tod yvcbvai todto K07roc; screw svebmov jiod 17+ sgx;

to know this, [but] it is toilsome before me; until

od siasXGco sic; to ayiaaTfjpiov tod 0sod Kai

of which [time] I should enter into the sanctuary of God, and

cjDvcb sic; Ta sa%aTa aDTcbv i 8 + 7iAx|v 81a

should perceive to their latter end. Besides, on account of

zaq 5oAa6rr|Tac; aDTcbv s0od aDTOic; KaKd

their deceits you appointed evils unto them;

KaTsPaXsq aDTODq sv too S7rap0fjvai 19+ 7rcoq sysvovTO

you threw them down in their being lifted up. O how they became

sic; spfjjicGaiv s^dmva s^s^urov a7icbAx)VT0 8id

for desolation. Suddenly they failed; they were destroyed because of

ttjv avojiiav aDTcbv 20 + coasi svD7iviov s^sysipojisvoD

their lawlessness. As a dream of one awakening,


0 LORD, in your city, [ their image

s^odSsvcdcjsk; 21 + 6ti s^sKaD0r| r| Kap5(a jiod Kai

you will treat] with contempt. For [ was kindled my heart], and

01 vscppoi jiod r|A,A,oicb0r|oav 22+ Kaycb s^od5svcd|isvoc;

my kidneys were changed. And I being with contempt,

Kai odk syvcov KTT|vcb8r|c; sysvfjBrjv 7iapd aoi 23 +

and not knowing, [ brutish became] before you.

Kayco SiarcavTOc; jiSTd aoD SKparrjaac; TT|c;%sip6c;

But I [was] always with you; you held [ hand

TTjcj 8s^idcj jiod 24+ Kai sv ttj PodAx| cjod co8fiyr|ad(; |is

my [right]], and in your counsel you guided me,

Kai jiSTd So^rjc; 7ipoasAxxpoD |is 25 + ti yap jioi D7idp%si

and with glory you received me. For what exists to me


74 IV

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

sv to ODpavcb Kai 7iapd aoi) xi rjGsArjaa sizi xrjc;

in the heaven? And besides you, what did I want upon the

yrjc; 2 6 + s^s^ursv r| Kap5(a |iod Kai r| aap^ jiod o Gsoc;

earth? [ failed My heart and my flesh]. God

Tr\q KapSiac; jiod Kai r| jispic; jiod o Gsoc; sic; xov

[is] the [strength] of my heart, and [ [is] my portion God] into the

aicova 27+ on idov oi jiaKpwovxsc; savzovq anb

eon. For behold, the ones being far [ by their own [makings] from

aoi) a7roA,owcai s^coA,6Gpsi)aac; 7cdvxa xov 7copvsi)ovxa

you] shall perish. You utterly destroyed every one committing harlotry

goto aoi) 28 + s(io( 8s xo 7rpoaKoAAxxa0ai xco Gsco

from you. But for me to cleave to God

ayaGov eaxi xiGsaGai ev xcd Kopico xrjv sAm8a jiod

is good; to put [in the LORD my hope];

xod s^ayysiAm |is 7cdaac; xac; aivsasic; aoi) ev xaic;

for me to declare all your praises at the

niAaiq xrjc; Guyaxpoc; Sicbv

gates of the daughter of Zion.

74 757

i+ o Gsoc; ivaxi a7ccbaco sic; xsloc; copyiaGr)

O God, why did you thrust us away unto [the] end? [Why] [ provoked to anger

o dv[ioq aoi) S7ri 7cp6paxa vojifjc; aoi) 2 + |ivf|aGr|xi

is your rage] against [the] sheep of your pasture? Remember

xrjc; aDvayooyfjc; aoi) r\q SKxfjaco an ap%f|c;

your congregation! of which you acquired from [the] beginning.

sAmpcbaco pdp8ov KAxjpovojjiac; aoi) opoq Sicbv xouxo

You ransomed [the] rod of your inheritance; [ mount Zion this]

o KaxsaKfjvcoaac; ev ai)xcb 3 + S7tapov xac; xsipdc; aoi)

where you encamped in it. Lift up your hands

87U xac; D7tspr|(pavia(; ai)xcbv sic; zzkoq 6aa

against their pride unto completion! [for] as much as

S7covr|psT3aaxo o s%Gpoc; ev xco ayico aoi) 4 + Kai

[ did wickedly the enemy] in your holy place. And

svsKaDxfjaavxo 01 jiiaowcsc; as sv jisaco

[ boasted the ones detesting you] in [the] midst

xrjc; sopxfjc; aoi) sGsvxo xa arista auxcbv arjjisia 5+ Kai

of your holiday; they set their signs for signs. And

odk syvcoaav coc; sic; xrjv s^o8ov D7cspdvco coc; sv

they knew not as in the conclusion above, as [ in


74 IV

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms
5pi)|icb ^d^cdv a^ivaic; s^sKo\j/av 6+ Tag 0i3pac; aDxfjq

[the] forest of woods [with] axes they cut down], [so] [ its doors

S7TlTOaDT6 SV 7lsA,8K£l K(Xl Xa^SDTTjpiCO

together with a hewing axe and chisel

Kaxsppa^av aDxfjv ? + sv£7r6piaav ev nvpi

they broke down]. They set [on fire

to ayiaaxfjpiov ood eic; xrjv yrjv ePepfjAxoaav to

your sanctuary] to the ground. They profaned the

aKf|vco|ia tod ovojjxxtoc; ctod 8 + sircav sv

tent of your name. [ said in

ttj Kap8(a aDTcbv ai aDyyevsia aDTcbv S7iiToaDT6 8sdts

their heart Their kin together], Come

Kai KaTa7raT3aco|i8V naaaq xaq sopxaq tod 6sod and

and let us cause to cease all the holidays of God from

Tr\q yr\q 9 + tol ar||is(a r||icbv odk ei8o|iev odk scjtiv

the land! [our signs We did not see]; there is not

sti 7rpo(pf|Tr|c; Kai rjjLidq od yvcbaeTai sti 10+ eooc;

yet a prophet; and [one of] us does not know any longer. For

7TOT8 o Gsoc; ovei8ie( o s^Gpoc; 7iapO^DV8l o

how long, O God, shall [ berate the enemy]? He provokes the

D7revavTioc; to ovojid cjod sic; xskoq n+ ivaxi

opposition of your name to [the] end. Why

a7ioaTp8(psic; tt|v %zipa sod k ^ THV 5s^idv aoD 8K

did you turn away your hand, even your right [hand] from

jisaoD tod koAjtod aoD sic; Tskoq 12 + o 8e Geoc;

[the] midst of your bosom to [the] end? But God

Paaiksvq r\[i(bv 7ipo amvoq eipy&amp;oorco acoTrjpiav sv

our king [is] before [the] eon. He worked deliverance in

jisaco TTjcj yrjc; 13+ &lt;xo eKpaTaiooaac; sv tt| 8Dvd|isi aoD

[the] midst of the earth. You held [ in check by your power

tt|v daXaaaav cjd aDVSTpnj/ag zaq KscpaAxxc; tcov

the sea]. You broke the heads of the

SpaKovTCDV S7ii tod dSoitoc; 14+ &lt;7D aDveGXaaac; zaq

dragons upon the water. You fractured the

KscpaAxxc; tod SpdKovToq s5ooKac; ocdtov Ppcbjia Xaoiq

heads of the dragon; you gave him for food [ peoples

toic; Ai9(o\j/i 15+ aD 8ieppr|^ac; 7rr|ydc; Kai %si|idppoDc;

to the Ethiopian]. You tore open [the] springs and rushing streams.

od s^fjpavac; 7iOTa|ioDc; r|6d|i 16+ or) saTiv r| rjjiepa

You dried [the] rivers of continuance. Yours is the day,


75 ny

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

Kai ar| saxiv r| vd£, gd KarrjpmGCO cpaDGiv Kai

and yours is the night; you fashioned giving light and

fjXiov 17+ gd £7rovr|Gac; 7rdvxa xa opia tt|c; yrjc; Gepoc;

[the] sun. You made all the boundaries of the earth; summer

Kai eap gd snkaaaq avxa is+ |ivf|G6r|Ti TaDTrjc;

and spring, you shaped them. Remember this!

sxGpoq covs(8igs xov Kopiov Kai Xaoq dcppcov

an enemy berated the LORD, and [ people a foolish]

7iapcb^DV8 to ovojid god 19+ |iT| 7iapa5coc; xoic;

provoked your name. You should not deliver up [ to the

Grjpioic; \|/d%t}v e^o|ioA,oyoD|isvr|v goi tcov \j/D%cbv

wild beasts a soul making acknowledgment to you]; of the souls

TCOV 7ISVT|TC0V GOD |IT| S7TlXd0r| 81CJ T£.Xoq 20 +

of your needy you should not forget to [the] end.

87i(pA,8\j/ov sic; xrjv 5ia6f|Kr|v god on S7iXr|pcb6r|Gav

Look unto your covenant! for [filled


the ones being darkened] the earth with houses of lawless deeds. Let not

a7iOGTpa(pfjTC0 TSTa7rsivco|isvoc; Kaxr|GXD|i|i8V0(; 7ttco%6c;

[ be turned away [the] one being humbled] being disgraced! [The] poor

Kai 7rsvr|c; aivsGODGi to ovojid god 22 + avdGia o Geoc;

and needy shall praise your name. Rise up, O God,


adjudicate your cause! Remember your scorning

TOD D7T0 dcppOVOq 6Aj|V TT|V T||I8paV 23 + |JT|

by the fool [the] entire day! You should not

S7riXd6r| Tr\q cpcovfjc; tcov oikstcov god r\ D7ispr|cpavia

forget the voice of your servants. The pride

tcov jiigodvtcov G8 aveprj 5ia7tavT6c;

of the ones detesting you ascended continually.

75 tW

1+ s^o|ioA,oyr|G6|is0d goi o Geoc; e^o|ioAx)yr|G6|ie6d Kai

I will make acknowledgment to you, O God; I shall make acknowledgment and

£7iiKaA£G6|ie6a to ovojid god 8ir|yf|ao|iai rcdvTa

shall call upon your name. I shall describe all

Ta GaDjidGid god 2 + OTav Xdpco Kaipov sycb

your wonders. Whenever I should receive [the appointed] time, I

SDGDTTjTac; Kpivcb 3+ STaKT] T| yrj Kai itavTzq 01

[ in straightness shall judge]. [ is melted away The earth] and all the ones


76 iy

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

KaxoiKowxsq sv avTT\ 6m\\fak[ia sycb scxcspscoaa

dwelling in it. PAUSE. I solidified

xovq GTvXovq avxr\q 4 + si7ia xoxq 7iapavo|ioi)ai jlit|

its columns. I said to the ones acting unlawfully, Do not

7iapavo|isiTS Kai xoic; a|iapxdvoi)ai |ir| uij/odts Kspaq

act unlawfully! And to the sinners, Do not exalt [the] horn!

5 + jlit| s7iaip8TS sic; v\\foq to Kspaq djicov Kai |ir|

Do not lift up [ unto [the] height your horn], and do not

XaXzus Kaxd tod 0sot3 a5iKiav 6 + 6ti otjts s^

speak against God in unrighteousness! For neither from

s^68cov odts goto 8ua|icbv otjts anb spfjjicov opscov

exitings, nor from descents, nor from desolate mountains,

7 + 6ti o 0s6c; Kprcfjc; san todtov Ta7isivoi Kai todtov

for God is judge. This one he humbles, and this one

D\j/Ol 8+ OTl 7TOTfjpiOV 8V %Sip( KUpiOD OIVOD

he raises up high. For a cup [is] in [the] hand of [the] LORD [ wine

oucp&amp;TOD 7iAx|psc; Ksp&amp;ajiaTOc; Kai skAavsv sktodtou

of undiluted], a full mixture; and he leans [it] this [way]


unto this [other way], but its wine with dregs was not emptied out.

7iiovTai 7rdvT£c; oi ajiapTCoAxn Tr\q yr\q 9 + sycb 8s

[ shall drink All the sinners of the earth]. But I

ayaAAidaojiai ziq tov aicbva \j/aAxb tco 0scb IaKcbp

shall exult into the eon; I shall strum to the God of Jacob.

io+ Kai 7idvTa Ta KspaTa tcov ajiapTCoXcbv

And all the horns of the sinners

&lt;yov0Axxaco Kai D\j/co0f|osTai to Kspaq tod

I shall fracture in pieces together, and [ shall be exalted the horn of the



76 157

i + yvcocrcoc; sv tt| IouSaia o 0s6c; sv tco lapar\k jisya

[ [is] made known in Judea God]; in Israel [ [is] great

to ovojia ai)TOt) 2 + Kai sysvfj0r| sv sipfjvrj

his name], and [ became for peace


his place]; and his home [is] in Zion.


There he broke the might of the bows, [the] shield, and


77 ry


19- Psalms
pojicpaiav Kai 7i6A,s|iov 4 + cpooTi^sic; ai) 0aD|iaaTobc;

[the] broadsword, and war. [ give light You wonderfully]

goto opsoov aioovioov 5+ STapd%0r|aav navTsq oi

from [mountains [the] eternal]. [ were disturbed All the

aoDVSTOi tt] Kap5(a D7rvooaav D7tvov aDTobv Kai ov%

senseless in the heart]. [slept their sleep and did not

etipov OD8ev 7idvT8(; oi avdpzq tod 7tAx)dtod xaiq

find anything All the men of wealth] [in]

%epaiv airccbv 6 + arco S7rm|xfja£cbc; aoD o 0e6c; IaKobp

their hands. Because of your reproach, O God of Jacob,

svixxca^av oi S7nPePr|K6TSc; xoic; bmoiq ?+ ai)

[slumbered the ones mounting the horses]. You

cpopepoc; si Kai tic; avTiaxfjaexai aoi arco 7t6ts

are fearful, and who shall oppose you? For how long

r| opyfj aoi) s + sk tod ODpavoD rjKODTiaac; Kpiaiv

[is] your anger? From out of the heaven you caused [ to be heard judgment].

yrj scpopfjGrj Kai r\av%aasv 9+ sv too avaaxfjvai sic;

[The] earth feared, and was still, in the rising up for

Kpiaiv xov 08ov tod aobaai rcavTac; todc; 7ipaefc; xr|

judgment [by] God, to deliver all the gentle in the

yr\q 8id\j/aA,|ia 10+ on sv0djiiov av6pcb7roD

earth. PAUSE. For [the] inner thought of man

s^o|ioA,oyf|08Ta( aoi Kai syKaTdXsi|i|ia sv0d|i(od

shall make acknowledgment to you; and [what is] left of [the] inner thought

sopxdasi aoi n+ SD^aaGs Kai a7i65oTS Kopioo

shall solemnize a holiday to you. Make a vow, and render [to the] LORD

too 0sob rjjiobv 7rdvT£c; 01 kdkAxd aDTOD oiaoDai

our God! All the ones round about him shall bring

5cbpa 12+ too cpopepob Kai acpaipoDjisvoo 7rvsD|iaTa

gifts to the fearful one and [the] one removing [the] spirits

apxovTOOV cpopspob 7iapd toic; Paailstiai Tr\q yr\q

of rulers; fearful to the kings of the earth.

77 TS?

1 + cpoovfj jiod 7ipoc; KDpiov SKSKpa^a cpoovfj jiod 7ipoc;

With my voice [to [the] LORD I cried out]; my voice to

tov Geov Kai 7ipoasa%s jioi 2+ sv rjjispa 0Ai\j/sobc; jiod

God; and he heeded me. In [the] day of my affliction

TOV 080V 8^8^fjTT|aa Taiq x 8 P a ^ l^ 01) vdktoc; svavTiov

I inquired of God. [ my hands By night] [were] before


77 ry

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

olvtov Kai odk r|7raTf|0r|v a7ir|vf|vaTO 7iapaKAr|0fjvai

him, and I was not deceived. [ refused to be comforted

T| \|/D%f| |IOD 3 + S|Ivfja0T|V TOD 0SOD Kai SD(ppdv0T|V

My soul]. I remembered God and was glad.

r|8oA,saxr|aa Kai ooAiyo\j/Dxr|as to 7rvsD|id jiod

I meditated and [ was faint-hearted my spirit].

8id\j/aA,|ia 4 + 7ipoKaTsXdpovTO (pvXaKaq oi o(p0aA,|ioi jiod

PAUSE. [first took watches My eyes];

£Tap&amp;x0r|v Kai odk s^dAxjaa 5+ 8isXoyiad|ir|v rjjispac;

I was disturbed and I did not speak. I reasoned [ days

apxaiaq Kai srr| aicbvia s|ivf|a0r|v 6+ Kai s|isXsTT|aa

about ancient]; and [ years everlasting I remembered]. And I meditated;

VDKToq jiSTd Tr\q KapSiac; jiod r|8oXsa%ODV Kai

[ by night with my heart I conversed], and

saraAls to 7rvsD|id jiod 7+ |ir| sic; zovq aicbvaq

[tilled my spirit]. Shall [into the eons

a7icbasTai Kupioc; Kai od 7ipoa0f|asi tod 8D8oKf|aai

thrust [me] away [the] LORD]? And will he proceed to not think well of [me]

8Ti 8 + r| sic; Tskoq to sksoq olvtov a7iOK6\j/si

any more? Or, [ at [the] end his mercy will he cut off]?

aDVSTsA,sas pT|jj,a a7io ysvsacj s\q ysvsav 9 +

[Did] he finish entirely [his] discourse from generation to generations?

|XT| £7TlAxja£Tai TOD OIKTSipfjGai O 0SOCJ T| CTDVS^Sl sv

Shall [ forget to pity God], or hold up [ in

ttj opyfj aDTOD TODCj oiKTipjioDc; aDTOD 8id\j/aX|ia 10+ Kai

his anger his compassions]? PAUSE. And

si7ia vdv r|p^d|xr|v aDTTj r| aXkomaiq Tr\q ds^iaq

I said, now I began. This [is] the change of the right [hand]


of the highest. I remembered the works of [the] LORD. For

|ivr|a0f|ao|iai arco tt|c; ap%f|c; tcov 0aD|iaa(cov aoD 12 +

I shall remember [from the beginning your wonders],

Kai jisXeTfjacD sv 7idai zoiq spyoiq aoD Kai sv

and I shall meditate on all your works; even in

Toiq S7iiTr|8sD|iaai aoD a8oA,sa%f|ocD 13+0 0s6c; sv too

your practices I will meditate. O God, [ [is] in the

ayioo r| odoq gov tic; 0s6c; jisyaq coc; o 0s6q rjjicbv 14+

holy place your way]. What God [is] great as our God?

&lt;td si o 0s6q o 7ioicbv 0aD|idaia syvcbpiaaq sv TOiq

You are God, the one doing wonders. You made known among the


78 TO

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

Xaoiq xrjv 5i3va|i(v aoi) 15+ sAmpcbaoo sv

peoples your power. You ransomed [ by

too Ppa%(ovi aoi) xov A,a6v aoi) xouc; viovq IaKcbp Kai

your arm your people], the sons of Jacob and

Iooafjcp 16+ siSoadv as u5axa o 6s6c; s(5oadv as

Joseph. [ beheld you [The] waters], O God, [ beheld you

u5axa Kai scpopfjGrjaav sxapd%0r|aav dpuaaoi 17 +

[the] waters] and feared; [ were disturbed [the] abysses].

7rAx|0oc; T1X 01) ^ u5dxcov (poavfjv s8coKav ai vscpsAm

[There was] a multitude of noises of waters; [ a sound gave out the clouds];

Kai yap xa PsArj aoi) 8ia7iopsi)ovxai is+ (pcovfj

for also your arrows travel abroad. [The] sound

Tr\q Ppovxfjc; aou sv xoo xpo%cb scpavav

of your thunder in the wheel; [ appeared

ai aaxparcai aoi) xr| oiKODjisvfj saaA,si)6r| Kai

your lightnings] to the inhabitable world; [ was shaken and

svxpojioc; sysvfj6r| r| yr| 19+ sv xr| Ga^daarj

trembling took place the earth]. [ [are] in the sea

ai 0801 aoi) Kai ai xpipoi aoi) sv i38aai itoXkoiq Kai

Your ways], and your roads [are] in [waters many], and

xaixvrjaoi) od yvoaaGfjaovxai 20+ co8f|yr|aac; 00c;

your footsteps shall not be known. You guided [ as

7ip6paxa xov Xaov aoi) sv xsipi Moauafj Kai Aapcbv

sheep your people] by [the] hand of Moses and Aaron.

78 ns?

1 + 7ipoasxsxs Xaoq jiod xco vojico jiod KAivaxs

Take heed, O my people, to my law! Lean

xo ovq ujicbv sic; xa pfjjiaxa xou axojiaxoc; jiou 2 +

your ear to the words of my mouth!

avoi^co sv 7rapaPoAmc; xo axojia jiou cp0sy^o|iai

I will open [in parables my mouth]; I will utter

7tpopAxj|iaxa an ap%r\q 3+ 6aa rjKouaajisv Kai

riddles from [the] beginning; as many as we heard and

syvcojisv auxd Kai 01 rcaxspsc; rjjicbv 8ir|yfjaavxo r||i(v

we know them, and our fathers described to us.

4+ oi)K sKptiprj a7io xcov xskvcov auxcbv sic; ysvsdv

They were not hidden from their children for [ generation

sxspav a7rayysAA,ovxsc; xac; aivsasic; xou Kupiou Kai

another]; [but are] reporting the praises of the LORD, and


78 TO

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms
zaq 5Dvaaxe(ac; aDxoD Kai xa 0aD|idaia aDxoD a

his dominations, and his wonders which

S7ro(r|a8 5+ Kai aveaxrjae jiapxtipiov sv IaKcbp Kai

he did. For he raised up a testimony in Jacob, and

vojiov £0exo sv IopafjX ov svexei^axo xoic;

[ a law he put] in Israel, which he gave charge [to]

7raxpdaiv r||icbv xod yvcopiaai aDxd xoic; mok; aDxcbv 6 +

our fathers, to make them known [to] their sons;

07TCDC; av yvcb yeved sxepa moi oi xs%0r|a6|ievoi

so that [ should know generation another] — [the] sons being birthed.

Kai avaaxfjaovxai Kai a7iayyeAx)Doiv ai)xd xoic;

And they shall rise up and report them [to]

vioiq aDxcbv ? + iva 0cbvxai em xov 0e6v

their sons, that they should put [ upon God

xrjv eAm5a ai)xcbv Kai jirj s7iiA,d0covxai xcov spycov

their hope], and should not forget the works

xod 0soi) Kai xac; svToXdq aDxoD SK^rjxfjacoaiv 8 + (va

of God, but [ of his commandments shall inquire]; that

|ir| ysvcovxai coc; oi 7taxep£c; aDxcbv yeved aKoAid

they should not become as their fathers — [ generation a crooked

Kai 7rapa7riKpaivoi)aa ysvsd ryciq ov KaxeD0Dvev

and greatly embittered]; a generation which did not straightened out

xrjv Kap5iav eaDxfjc; Kai odk S7iiaxcb0r| jiexd xod 0eoD

its own heart, and [ was not trustworthy with God

xo 7W8D|ia avTT\q 9 + viol Ecppaiji evxeivovxec; Kai

its spirit]. [The] sons ofEphraim stretching tight and

pdAlovxeq xo^oiq saxpdcprjaav sv rjjiepa 7roAi|ioD io +

shooting with bows, turned [back] in [the] day of battle.

odk ecptiXa^av xrjv 8ia0fjKr|v xod 0sod Kai sv

They did not guard the covenant of God, and [ by

xco vojico aDxoD odk ePoDAr|0r|aav 7iopsDsa0ai n+ Kai

his law they did not want to go]. And

£7reA,d0ovxo xcov SDspyeoicbv aDxoD Kai

they forgot his good works, and

xcov 0aD|iaa(cov aDxoD cov e8ei^ev aDxoiq n+ evavxiov

his wonders which he showed to them, before

xcov 7iaxepcov aDxcbv a 87io(r|as 0aD|idaia sv yr|

their fathers; what [ he did wonders] in [the] land

AiyD7ixco ev 7is5(co Tdvscoq 13+ 5ieppr|^e 0dA,aaoav Kai

of Egypt in [the] plain ofTanis. [How] he tore up [the] sea, and

8if|yaysv aDxotic; 7iapeaxr|aev D5axa cooei aoKov 14 +

led them through; [and] he stood [the] waters as a water bag.


78 TO

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

Kai co5f|yr|asv auxoix; sv vscpsArj r||ispac; Kai 6hr\v

And he guided them with a cloud by day, and [the] entire

tt]v vt3ktoc ev (pcoTiajicb nvpoq 15+ 5isppr|^s rcsxpav sv

night with [the] illumination of fire. He tore open [the] rock in

spfj|KD Kai S7i6xiasv auxotic; coc; sv ap^aaco 7toAAt|

[the] wilderness, and he gave them a drink as in [ deep a vast].

i6+ Kai s^fjyaysv i35cop sk 7isxpac; Kai Kaxfjyaysv coc;

And he brought water from [the] rock, and he led [it] down as
7TOTa|i(y6c; u8axa n+ Kai 7ipoas0svxo sxi

rivers of waters. And they proceeded still

tod ajiapxdvsiv auxcb 7iaps7UKpavav xov i)\j/iaxov sv

to sin against him; they greatly embittered the highest in

avi35pco i8+ Kai s^S7is(paaav xov 0s6v sv

a waterless [place]. And they put God to the test in

xaiq Kap8(aic; auxcbv xod aixfjaai Ppcbjiaxa

their hearts, to ask foods

xaiq ij/Dxaiq ai)xcbv i 9 + Kai KaxsAxxAxjaav xod 0sot3 Kai

for their lives. And they spoke ill of God. And

si7rov |iT| 8wfjasxai o 0s6c; sxoijidaai xpdrcs^av sv

they said, Shall God be able to prepare a table in

spfj|icD 20+ S7is( S7idxa^s 7isxpav Kai sppDrjaav

[the] wilderness? For when he struck [the] rock, and there flowed

i38axa Kai xsijiappoi KaxsK?a)a0r|aav \n\ Kai dpxov

waters, and rushing streams inundated, shall also [ bread

8waxai 8owai r| sxoijidaai xpdrcs^av xco Xacb avzov

he be able to give] or prepare a table [for] his people?

21 + 8id xodxo fjKouas Kopioc; Kai avspd^sxo Kai

On account of this [the] LORD heard, and was raised [in anger]. And

itvp avfjcpGrj sv IaKcbp Kai opyfj avsprj S7ri

a fire was lit in Jacob, and anger ascended upon

xov IapafjA, 22 + 6x1 ouk S7riaxsi)aav sv xco 0scb od5s

Israel. For they did not trust in God, nor

fjAmaav S7U xo acoxfjpiov avzov 23 + Kai svsxsiAoto

did they hope upon his deliverance. And he gave charge

vscpsAmc; D7ispdvco0sv Kai dvpaq oupavoi) avsco^s 24 +

to clouds far above, and [the] doors of heaven were opened,

Kai sPps^sv aDxoiq jidwa cpaysiv Kai dpxov

and [ rained upon them manna] to eat; and [ [the] bread

ODpavoD sScoksv auxofc; 25+ dpxov ayysXcov scpaysv

of heaven he gave to them]. [bread of angels ate


78 TO

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

dv9pco7ro(; S7iiaixia|i6v a7isaxsiA,sv aDxoic; sic;

Man]; [provisions he sent to them] in

7ihr\a[iovr\v 2 6+ a7if|ps voxov s^ ODpavoD Kai

fullness. He departed [the] south [wind] from heaven, and

£7rfjyay£v sv xr| 8Dvd|isi aDxoD Aipa 27 + Kai

he brought on by his power [the] southwest wind. And

sPps^sv 87i ' aDxotic; coasi %odv adprac; Kai coast

he rained [upon them as dust flesh]; even [as

&amp;|i|iov dakaaacbv 7isxsivd 7ixspcoxd 28+ Kai S7iS7rsaov

[the] sand of [the] seas winged creatures feathered]. And they fell

sic; jisaco xrjc; 7raps|iPoAr|c; aDxcbv kdk^co

in [the] midst of their camp round about

xcov oKT|vco|idTCOv aDxcbv 29 + Kai scpayov Kai

their tents. And they ate, and

£V£7rATja0r|oav ocp65pa Kai xrjv S7ii0D|iiav aDxcbv

were filled up exceedingly. And [ their desire

fjvsyKsv aDioiq 3 o+ odk saxspf|6r|aav arco

he brought] to them. They were not deprived of

Tr\q £7ii9D|jIac; aDxcbv sxi xrjc; Ppcbascoc; ODarjc; sv

their desire; but food [was] in

xco aiojiaTi aDicbv 3 i+ Kai opyf| tod 6sod avsprj S7i'

their mouth, and [the] anger of God ascended upon

aDxotic; Kai a7isKxsivsv sv Toiq 7iioaiv aDicbv Kai xodc;

them; and he killed in their plenty; and the

skXskxodc; tod IapafjA, aDVS7i65iasv 32 + sv 7idai

chosen ones of Israel he impeded. In all

XODXOICJ fjjiapTOV SXI Kai ODK s7uaxsDaav sv

these [things] they sinned still, and did not trust in

xoic; GaDjiacrioic; aDxoD

his wonders.

33+ Kai s^s^urov sv jiaxaioxrjxi ai rjjispai aDxcbv Kai

And [ ended in folly their days], and

xa sxtj aDicbv jisxd a7ioD5f|(; 34+ oxav aftSKxsivsv

their years with haste. Whenever he killed

aDxotic; xoxs s^xodv aDxov Kai S7isaxpscpov Kai

them, then they sought him; and they turned and

cbpGpi^ov 7ipoc; xov 0s6v 35+ Kai S|ivfja9r|aav 6x1

rose early to [search for] God. And they remembered that

o Gsoc; PorjGoq aDxcbv soxi Kai o Gsoc; o D\j/iaxoc;

God [ their helper is], and God the Highest


78 TO


19- Psalms
Ampoaxfjc; auxcbv sail 3 6+ Kai r|y&amp;7rr|aav clvtov sv

[ ransomer is their]. And they loved him by

to axojiaxi auxcbv Kai xrj yAxboarj auxcbv s\j/si&gt;oavxo

their mouth, but by their tongue they lied

auxcb 37+ r| 5s Kap8(a aDxcbv odk su0s(a |isx' clvtov

to him. And their heart was not straight with him,

od8s 87iiaTcb0r|aav sv xrj 8ia6fiKr| clvtov 38 + avzoq 8s

nor did they trust in his covenant. But he

saxiv oiKTipjicov Kai i^dasxai xaic; ajiapxiaic; auxcbv

is one pitying, and he shall atone their sins,

Kai od SiacpBepsi Kai 7tAx|0dvs( xod a7ioaxps\j/ai

and he will not utterly destroy. And he will fill the turning

xov 0D|i6v clvtov Kai ov%i SKKatiasi 7idaav

of his rage, and shall not kindle all

xrjv opyfjv clvtov 39+ Kai e|ivfja0r| 6x1 aap^ siai 7W8i3|ia

his anger. And he remembered that they are flesh; a wind

7iopsi)6|isvov Kai odk 87iiaxp8(pov 40+ 7roadKic;

going forth and not returning. How often

7iap87iiKpavav ai)xov sv xrj spfjjLico 7iapcbpyiaav auxov

they greatly embittered him in the wilderness; they provoked him to anger

sv yrj avi)8pco 41+ Kai S7isaxps\j/av Kai S7is(paaav

in [ land a waterless]. And they turned and tested

xov 0s6v Kai xov dyiov xod lapaf\k 7iapcb^Dvav 42 +

God; even the holy one of Israel they provoked.

odk s|ivfja0r|aav xrjc; %£ipoq clvtov rjjispac; r\q

They did not remember his hand [the] day of which

sAmpcbaaxo avTOvq sk X 8l P°^ 0M(3ovxoc; 43+ coc;

he ransomed them from out of [the] hand of one afflicting; [or] how
s0sxo sv Aiy67rxcD xa arjjisia clvtov Kai

he made [ in Egypt his signs], and

xa xspaxa clvtov sv 7ts8(co Tdvscoq 44 + Kai jisxsaxpsysv

his miracles in [the] plain ofTanis; and he converted

sic; aijia xodc; 7ioxa|ioi)c; auxcbv Kai

[ into blood their rivers], and

xa ojiPpf||iaxa auxcbv onac, jitj nmaw 45+ s^a7isaxsiA,sv

their showers so as to not drink. He sent

sic; auxotic; Kovojxoiav Kai Kaxscpaysv auxotic; Kai

to them [the] dog-fly, and it devoured them; and

pdxpa%ov Kai 8iscp0sipsv auxotic; 4 6+ Kai sScdks xrj

[the] frog, and it ruined them. And he appointed the


78 TO

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

spi)a(pr| Tovq Kap7icn3c; auxcbv Kai zovq novovq auxcbv

blight for their fruits; and [ for their miseries

ttj aKp(5i 47+ arcsKxsivsv sv %akaQr\

the locust]. He killed [by hail

xrjv d|i7isAx)v auxcbv Kai xac; auKajjivoDc; auxcbv sv xr|

their grapevine], and their sycamine trees by the

7t&amp;xvr| 48 + Kai 7iaps5coK8v sic; yaka(py xa Kxfjvrj auxcbv

frost. And he delivered up [unto hail their cattle],

Kai xrjv imap^iv auxcbv xco 7ropi 49 + s^a7isaxsiA,sv sic;

and their possessions to the fire. He sent out to

avzovq opyfjv 0d|iot3 amox&gt; 0D|i6v Kai opyfjv Kai

them [the] anger of his rage; rage and anger and

6Ai\j/iv a7roaxoArjv 81' ayys^cov 7iovr|pcbv 50 +

affliction; a commission through [ angels wicked].

oo5o7rorr|a£ xptpov xrj opyfj ai)xoi3 odk scpsiaaxo anb

He opened [the] road of his anger; he did not spare [ from

Bavdxoi) xcov \ja)%cdv auxcbv Kai xa Kxfjvrj auxcbv sic;

death their souls]; and [their cattle to

Gdvaxov ouvsicXsias 51+ Kai S7idxa^s 7iav 7ipcox6xoKov

death he consigned]. And he struck every first-born

sv yrj AiyimxcD a7iap%f|v 7idvxoc; 7t6vod auxcbv sv

in [the] land of Egypt; first- fruit of all their toil in

xoic; aKT|vcb|iaai Xaji 52+ Kai a7if|psv cdc; 7ip6paxa

the tents of Ham. And he departed [ as sheep

xov Xaov auxoi) Kai avfjyaysv auxotic; coast 7ioi|iviov

his people]; and he led them up as a flock

sv spfj|i&lt;jo 53+ Kai &lt;jo8fjyr|asv auxotic; S7i' sAm8i Kai

in [the] wilderness. And he guided them with hope; and

odk s8s(Aiaaav Kai xodc; s%9poi3c; auxcbv SKd?u)\j/s

they were not timid, and [ their enemies covered

daXaaaa 54+ Kai siafjyaysv avzovq sic; opoq

[the] sea]. And he brought them into [mountain

ayidajiaxoc; ai)xoD opoq xotixo o SKxfjaaxo

his sanctified]; this mountain which [ acquired

T| Ss^id ai)xoi3 55 + Kai s^spalsv arco 7ipoaco7roD auxcbv

his right [hand]]. And he cast out [before their face

sGvrj Kai SKAx|po86xr|asv avzovq sv axoivico

nations], and he allotted them by a line

KArjpoSoGiac; Kai KaxsaKfjvcoasv sv

of inheritance. And he encamped [ among

xoiq aKT|vcb|iaaiv ai)xcbv xac; (pvXaq xod IopafjA, 56+ Kai

their tents the tribes of Israel]. And


78 TO

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

S7i8ipaaav Kai 7iaps7UKpavav xov 0s6v xov D\j/iaxov

they tested and greatly embittered God the highest;

Kai xa jiapxtipia aDxoD odk scpD^a^avxo 57 + Kai

and his testimonies they did not keep. And

a7i8oxps\j/av Kai r|6sxr|aav KaBcbc; Kai

they turned and annulled, as also

01 rcaxspsc; auxcbv jiexsoxpacprjaav sic; xo^ov axpspAxyv

their fathers converted into [ bow a crooked].

58+ Kai 7iapcbpyiaav ai)xov sv xoic; poDvofc; auxcbv Kai

And they provoked him to anger in their hills; and

sv xoic; yXvmoiq auxcbv 7iaps^fjA,coaav ai)xov 59 +

in their carvings they provoked him to jealousy.

fjKODasv o 6s6c; Kai D7rspsi8s Kai s^odSsvcdcts

God heard, and he overlooked; and he treated [ with contempt

acp65pa xov IapafjX 6 o + Kai a7icbaaxo xrjv aKTjvfjv

exceedingly Israel]. And he thrust away the tent

£r|Axb|i aKfjvco|ia o KaxsaKfjvcoasv sv av0pcb7ioic;

of Shiloh, [the] tent in which he encamped among men.

6i + Kai 7iaps8coKsv sic; aixjiaAxjoaiav xrjv ict%dv aDxcbv

And he delivered up [into captivity their strength],

Kai xrjv KaXA,ovfjv ai)xcbv sic; %s(pac; s%0pcbv 62+ Kai

and their beauty into [the] hands of [the] enemies. And

awsK^siasv sv pojicpaia xov Xaov aDxoD Kai

he consigned [by [the] broadsword his people]; and

xrjv KArjpovojjiav aDxoD D7ispsi5s 63 +

his inheritance he overlooked.

xodc; vsaviaKODc; aDxcbv Kaxscpays izvp Kai

Their young men were devoured by fire, and

ai 7iap9svoi auxcbv odk S7isv9fi6r|aav 64+ 01 ispsiq ai)xcbv

their virgins were not mourned for. Their priests

sv pojicpaia srcsaov Kai ai x^P^ aDxcbv

[by [the] broadsword fell], and their widows

odk KAm)a9fjaovxai 65 + Kai s^rjyspGri cac; o D7rvcbv

shall not be wept [over]. And [awakened as from sleep

Kopioc; coq dwazoq KSKpauraAxjKcbc; s£, oivod 66+ Kai

[the] LORD]; as a mighty one being dizzy from wine. And

S7idxa^s xodc; s%0poDc; aDxoD sic; xa 07iioco 6vsi5oc;

he struck his enemies unto the rear; [ scorn

aicbviov s8cdksv aDxoiq 67+ Kai a7icbaaxo xo aKfjvco|ia

for eternal he appointed them]. And he thrust away the tent


79 W

8V TOUT© + VlKa
19- Psalms

Iacofjcp Kai xrjv (pvkr\v Ecppaiji odk s^sXs^xto 68 +

of Joseph; and the tribe ofEphraim he did not choose.

s^sXs^xto ttjv (puATjv Ioi35a to opoc; to Xicbv o

He chose the tribe of Judah, mount Zion which

r|Y&amp;7rr|a£ 6 9 + Kai coKo56|ir|asv coc; jiovoKspcoTOc;

he loved. And he built [ as [the] unicorn

to ayiaajia avzov sv tt| yr| sGsjisAicoasv avTr\v sic;

his sanctuary] in the earth; he laid its foundation into

tov aicova ?o+ Kai s^sAi^aTO Aam5 tov SovXov avzov

the eon. And he chose David his servant;

Kai avsAxxPsv auTOV sk tcov 7ioi|ivicov tcov

and he took him from out of the flocks of the

7ipopdTC0v 71+ £^67iia0sv tcov Xox8DO|i8vcov sAxxPsv

sheep; [even] from behind the ones giving birth he took

avzov 7ioi|ia(v8iv IaKcbp tov Sovkov avzov Kai IapafjA,

him, to tend Jacob his servant, and Israel

TTJV KAj|pOVO|XiaV CLVTOV 72+ Kai 87TOl|iaV8V aDTOTjq sv

his inheritance. And he tended them in

ttj aKaKia Tr\q Kap5(aq avxov Kai sv xaiq auvsasai

the innocence of his heart; and in the skillfulness

tcov xsipcbv avzov co8fiyr|asv aDTotic;

of his hands he guided them.

79 1337

i + o 6s6c; r\kdoaav sGvrj sic; rqv KAxjpovojjiav gov

O God, [ come nations] into your inheritance;

sjiiavav tov vaov tov dyiov gov sGsvto lspovGaXr\[L

they defiled [temple holy your]; they made Jerusalem

cog 07rcopocpi)A,dKiov 2 + sGsvto to Gvrjaijiaia

as a storehouse of fruits. They made the decaying flesh

tcov 5oi3Axov gov PpcbjiaTa toic; 7tstsivoic; tod oupavou

of your servants foods for the winged creatures of the heaven;

Tag adpKaq tcov oaicov gov toic; Grjpioic; Tr\q yr\q 3 +

the flesh of your sacred ones for the wild beasts of the earth.

s^s%sav to aijia auTcbv coast vdcop kdkXco

They poured out their blood as water round about

Ispoi)aaAx||i Kai odkt|v o 0d7TTCOv 4+ sysvf|0r||isv

Jerusalem; and there was no one burying [them]. We became

6vsi5oq toic; ysiToaiv r||icbv |ii)Kcr|pia|i6c; Kai

scorn [to] our neighbors; [for] a sneering and


79 W

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

%Xsvaa[i6q xoic; kdkA,co rjjicbv 5+ ecoc; 7c6xs Ki3pie

taunting by the ones round about us. For how long, O LORD?

opyiaGfjorj sic; zzkoq £KKaD0f|a£xai coc; 7rop

Will you be provoked to anger to [the] end? Will [ burn as fire

O Cftkoq C70D 6 + SK%SOV XT|V OpyflV aOD 8711 e6vr| xa

your zeal]? Pour out your anger upon nations, the ones

jLiri yivcbaKovxd as Kai S7i( PaaiXeiac; ai

not perceiving you! and upon kingdoms in which

to ovojid aoi) odk s7rsKaAiaavTO 7+6x1 Kaxecpayov

[your name they called not upon]. For they devoured

xov IaKcbp Kai xov T07rov aDxoD r|pf||icoaav 8+ jirj

Jacob, and [ his place made] desolate. You should not

jivrjaBfjc; rjjicbv avojiicbv ap%aicov xa%D

remember our lawless deeds of old. Quickly

7ipoKaxaA,aPsTCoaav r\[iaq 01 oiKxipjioi ctod 6x1

let [ be first to take us your compassions] ! for

S7cxco%£Daa|isv acp65pa 9+ PofjGrjaov r\[dv o Geoc;

we are [ poor exceedingly]. Help us, O God

o acoxfjp r||icbv 8V8K8 TT\q 66^r\q tod ovojiaxoc; cjod

our deliverer, because of the glory of your name!

Kopis pvaai r\[idq Kai lAxxaGrjxi xaic; ajiapxiaic; rjjicbv

O LORD, rescue us, and atone our sins,

SVSK8 TOD OVOJiaiOq CTOD 10+ [lT\KOTS 81710X51 Xa S0VT|

because of your name! Lest at any time [ should say the nations],

7cod saxiv o Geoc; aDxcbv Kai yvcoaGfjxco sv xoic;

Where is their God? then let it be known among the

eGveaiv svco7ciov xcov ocpGa^jicbv rjjicbv r\ skSikticjic; xod

nations, before our eyes, the vengeance for the

aijiaxoq xcov 8odAxov OOD XOD SKKS%D|J,SVOD 11 +

blood of your servants being poured out!

eiasABsxco svcb7ci6v aoD o axsvayjioc; xcov

Let [ enter before you the moaning of the ones

7C87C88r||i8vcov Kaxd xrjv (i8yaA,coaDvr|v

being shackled] ! According to the greatness

xod Ppa%(ov6c; aoD 7C8pi7co(r|aai xodc; viovq xcov

of your arm protect the sons of the

xs9avaxco|ievcov 12+ a7c65oc; xoic; yeixoaiv rjjicbv

ones being put to death! Repay [to] our neighbors

87cxa7cXaaiova sic; xov koAjtov aDxcbv

seven-fold into their bosom!

xov oveiSiajiov aDxcbv ov cove(8iadv O8 KDpi8 13 +

for their scorning which they berated you, O LORD.


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

r||iefc; 8s Xaoq gov Kai 7ip6paxa vo\xr\q gov

But we [are] your people, and [the] sheep of your pasture.

av0ojioAx)yr|a6|is0&amp; 001 o Qsoq siq xov aicbva sic;

We shall confess to you, O God, into the eon; for

ysvsdv Kai yevedv s^ayysAxyojiev xrjv aiveaiv gov

generation and generation we shall declare your praise.

80 9

i + o 7ioi|ia(vcDV xov IapafjX 7ip6a%ec; o o5r|ycbv

O one tending Israel, take heed! O one guiding

coaei 7rp6paxa xov Icoafjtp o Ka0f||i£voc; em xcov

[as sheep Joseph], the one sitting down upon the

%£poi)P(|i s|i(pdvr|0i 2 + evavxiov Ecppaiji Kai Bsviajiw

cherubim — appear! Before Ephraim, and Benjamin,

Kai Mavaaafj s^eyeipov xrjv Suvaaxeiav gov Kai sX0e

and Manasseh — awaken your might, and come

sic; xo acbaai r\[idq 3 + o dsoq S7riaxpe\j/ov r\[iaq Kai

for the delivering us! O God, turn towards us, and

S7i((pavov xo 7ip6aco7r6v gov Kai aco0r|a6|is0a 4 + Kopioc;

let [ appear your face] ! and we shall be delivered. O LORD

o dzoq xcov Suvdjiscov scoc; 7i6xs opyi^rj em

God of the forces, for how long are you provoked to anger over

xrjv 7rpoa£D%fjv xcov SovXcov gov 5 + \j/co|iieic; r\[iaq

the prayer of your servants? You shall feed us

dpxov 8aKpi)cov Kai 7ioxi£fc; r\[idq ev 5dKpuaiv ev

bread of tears, and give us to drink with tears by

jisxpco 6+ S0OD r\[idq siq avxiXoyiav xoic;

measure. You made us for dispute [to]

ysixoaiv rj|icbv Kai oi e%0po( rijicbv s|XDKxfjpiaav r\[idq ? +

our neighbors; and our enemies sneer at us.

Kopis o dzoq xcov 8i)vd|iecov smoxpsij/ov r\[iaq Kai

O LORD God of the forces, turn towards us, and

S7r(cpavov xo 7ip6oco7r6v gov Kai aco0r|a6|is0a 8 +

let [ appear your face] ! and we shall be delivered.

d|i7isAx)v s£, AryimxoD jisxfjpac; stqsfiaXzq 80vr| Kai

[ a grapevine from out of Egypt You moved]; you cast out nations, and

KaxsqroxsDaag avTr\v 9 + co8o7iovr|aac; 8(i7ipoa0sv avTr\q

planted her. You opened a way before her,

Kai KaxsqroxsDaac; zaq piCfxq avir\q Kai S7iXf|pcoa8 xrjv

and you planted her roots, and [ was filled the


80 D ev toutco + vdca 19 -Psalms

yrjv 10 + SKdA,u\j/ev 6pr| r| ctki&amp; auxfjc; Kai

earth]. [covered mountains Her shadow], and

ai avaSsv8pd8ec; auxfjc; xac; KeSpouc; xou 0eou n +

her tendrils [covered] the cedars of God.

s^sxeivs xa KArjjiaxa auxfjc; ecoc; dakdaar\q Kai scoc;

She stretched out her vine branches unto [the] sea, and [ unto

7ioxa|icbv xac; 7rapatpud8ac; auxfjc; u + ivaxi KaBsiXsq

[the] rivers her shoots]. Why did you demolish

xov cppayjiov auxfjc; Kai xpuycbaiv auxfjv rcavxec; 01

her barrier, and [ gather her vintage all the ones

7rapa7iopsu6|isvoi xr|v o86v 13 + sA,ujif|vaxo auxfjv vq

passing by the way]? [ laid her wasted [The] pig

8K Spujiou Kai jiovioq dypioc; Kaxevejiriaaxo auxfjv 14 +

from [the] forest], and [ boar [the] wild] feeds on her.

o 0s6c; xcov 8uvd|iecov £7uaxpe\j/ov 8r| Kai

O God of the forces, turn towards [us] indeed! And

S7r(pA,8\j/ov oupavou Kai (8s Kai S7uaKs\j/ai

look upon [us] from out of heaven, and behold and visit

tt|v d|i7rsAx)v xauxirv 15+ Kai Kaxdpxiaai auxfjv r|v

this grapevine! And ready her whom

scpuxeuasv r| 8s^id aou Kai S7ri uiov av0pcb7rou ov

[planted your right [hand]]! and upon [the] son of man whom

SKpaxaicoaaq aeauxcb 16+ S|i7rs7iupia|ievr| 7rup( Kai

you fortified to yourself. [She is] being set on fire and

av8aKa|i|isvr| and S7iixi|if|aecGc; xou 7ipoaco7roD aou

being dug up. From [the] reproach of your face

aftoXouvxai n+ yevrjGfjxco r| %eip aou S7i' dv8pa

they shall be destroyed. Let [ be your hand] upon [the] man

Ss^idc; aou Kai em uiov av9pcb7rou ov eKpaxaicoaac;

of your right, even upon [the] son of man whom you strengthened

asauxcb 18+ Kai ou |xq a7ioaxcb|isv ano aou ^cocbaeic;

to yourself. For in no way should we separate from you. You shall enliven
r|jLxdq Kai xo ovojid aou S7iiKaA,sa6|is0a 19+ Kupie

us, and [ your name we shall call upon]. O LORD

o 0s6c; xcov 8uvd|iscov S7uaxp£\j/ov r|jLidq Kai emcpavov

God of the forces, turn towards us, and let [ appear

xo 7rp6aco7i6v aou Kai aco0r|a6|i£0a

your face] ! and we shall be delivered.


81 XD


19- Psalms

81 NS

i + ayaAAiaa0s xco 0scb too Por|0cb r\[i(hv alaXa^axs xco

Exult to God our helper! Shout to the

0scb IaKcbp 2+ AxxPsxs \j/aX|i6v Kai 56x8 xD|i7iavov

God of Jacob! Take a psalm, and utter [a sound] [on the] tambourine,

\j/aAxf|piov T8p7rv6v jisxa Ki0apac; 3 + aaAmaaxs sv

[ psaltery [and the] delightful] with [the] harp! Trump during

vsojxrjvia aaAmyyi sv eDafjjico r||ispa sopxfjc; Djicbv 44

[the] new moon — a trumpet in [the] well-marked day of your holiday!

on 7ip6axay|ia xco IapafjX saxi Kai Kpijia xco 0scb

For [an order to Israel it is], and a judgment by the God

IcxkcoP 5+ jiapxtipiov sv xco Iacofjcp s0sxo cxdxov sv

of Jacob. [ to be a testimony among Joseph He made it], during

xco s^sX0siv cxdxov sk jr\q AiyD7ixoD yAxbaaav r|v

his coming forth from out of [the] land of Egypt; a tongue which
odk syvco fjKODasv 6 + a7isaxr|asv arco dpascov

knew not, he heard. He removed [ from tribute

xov vcbxov olvtov ai %s(psc; avzov sv xco Kocpivco

his back]; his hands [ to the hamper

s5cr6A,SDaav ?+ sv 0Ai\j/si S7isKaXsaco |is Kai

were enslaved]. In affliction you called upon me, and

sppi)a&amp;|xr|v as S7if|KODaa aoD sv a7iOKpD(pco

I rescued you. I heeded you in [the] concealed [place]

Kaxaiyi8oc; 8ia\j/aX|ia s8oKi|iaaa as S7U vdaxoq

of [the] gale; PAUSE. I tried you at Water

avxiXoyiaq 8 + aKODaov Xaoq jiod Kai 5iajiapxDpo|iai

of Dispute. Hear, O my people! and I will testify

aoi IapafjX sdv aKODarjc; |iod 9 +ODKsaxai sv aoi

to you, O Israel, if you should hear me. There will not be in you

0s6q 7ip6acpaxoc; od8s 7ipoaKovf|asic; 0scb aAloxpico 10 +

a god newly made, nor shall you do obeisance to an alien god.

sycb yap sijii Kopioc; o 0s6c; aoi) o avayaycbv as

For I am [the] LORD your God; the one leading you

sk yr\q AiyimxoD 7rA,dxi)vov xo axojia aoi) Kai

from out of [the] land of Egypt. Widen your mouth! and

7iAr|pcbaco ai)xo 11+ Kai odk fjKODasv o Xaoq |iod

I shall fill it. But [ did not hear my people]

xrjc; cpcovfjc; jiod Kai IapafjA, od 7ipoasaxs |ioi 12 + Kai

my voice; and Israel gave no heed to me. And


82 3D
8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

s^a7isaxsiA,a auxotic; Korea xa S7iixr|8si)|iaxa

I sent them out according to the practices

xcov KapSicbv auxebv 7iopsi)aovxai sv

of their hearts; they shall go in

xoic; 87iiTr|8sT3|iaaiv auxebv 13 + si o Xaoq [iov fjKouas

their practices. If my people heard

jiou IapafjX xaic; 0801c; [iov si S7iopsi)0r| u +

me, [Israel by my ways if were gone],

sv too |jt|5sv( av xouc; s%dpovq auxebv sxa7is(vcDaa kcu

not the less would [ their enemies I humbled], and

87i( xodc; GAipovxac; auxotic; S7isPaAx)v av xr|v %zipa [iov

[upon the ones afflicting them I would have put my hand].

15+ oi s%0po( Ki)p(oi) s\j/si&gt;aavxo auxcb Kai saxai

The enemies of [the] LORD lied to him, and [ will be

0 Kaipoq auxebv sic; xov aicbva i 6 + Kai s\j/cb|iiasv

their time] into the eon. And he fed

avTOvq sk axsaxoc; itvpov Kai sk 7isxpac; jisXi

them of [the] fat of wheat; and [ from out of [the] rock [with] honey

s%6pxaasv auxotic;

he filled them].

82 ns

1 + o 0s6c; saxrj sv aDvaycDyfj 6scbv sv jisaco 8s 0souc;

God stood in [the] congregation of gods; [ in [the] midst and] of gods

SiaKpivsi 2 + scoq 7i6xs Kpivsxs aSiKiav Kai 7ip6aco7ra

he examines. For how long will you judge injustice, and [persons

ajiapxcoAxbv AxxjiP&amp;vsxs
of sinners receive]?

3+ Kpivaxs opepaveb Kai 7ixcoxcb xarcsivov Kai 7isvr|xa

Judge [for the] orphan, and [the] poor! [ [to the] humble and needy

SiKaicbaaxs 4 + s^sA,sa0s 7isvr|xa Kai 7txcd%6v sk

Do justice]! Deliver [the] needy and [the] poor! [from

Xsipoq ajiapxcoXoi) pi3aaa0s auxov 5 + odk syvcoaav

[the] hand of [the] sinner rescue him] ! They did not know,

od8s &lt;XDvf|Kav sv ctkoxsi 8ia7ropsT3ovxai

nor perceived. [in darkness They travel].

aaA,si)0f|aovxai rcavxa xa 0sjisAia xrjc; yr\q 6 + sycb

[ shall be shaken All the foundations of the earth]. I

si7ia 0soisaxs Kai vioi u\j/(axou 7ravxsc; 7 +i)|isic;8s

said, You are gods, and [sons of [the] highest all]. But you


83 ID

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

coc; dv0pco7ioi a7io0vfjaK£T£ Kai cog sig xcov apxovxcov

[as men die]; and [as one of the rulers

71171X8X8 8+ av&amp;axa o Gsoc; Kpivov xrjv yrjv 6xi av

fall]. Rise up, O God, judge the earth! for you

KaxaKAxipovojifjasic; sv 7cdai xoic; sGvsaiv

shall inherit among all the nations.

83 as

i+ o 0s6c; xic; ojioicoGfjaexai aoi |ir| aiyfjorjc;

O God, who is likened to you? You should not keep quiet,

|ir|5s Kaxa7cpawr|c; o Gsoc; 2 + 6xi idov ois%6po(aou

nor soothe, O God. For behold, your enemies

fj%r|aav Kai oi jiiaowxsq os fjpav KstpaArjv 3 + S7t(

sounded, and the ones detesting you lift [their] head. Against

xov Xaov gov Kax87cavoDpysT3oavxo yvcb|ir|v Kai

your people they deal treacherously in design, and

sPoiAsuoavxo Kaxd xcov ayicov aou 4 + si7cav 5suxs Kai

consult against your holy ones. They said, Come, for

s^oAx)0p£i)aco|i£v avTOvq s^ sBvodc; Kai od [ir\

we should utterly destroy them from out of [the] nations; for in no way

|ivr|a0fj xo ovojia IapafjA, sxi 5+ 6x1

should [ be remembered the name of Israel] any longer. For

sPoiAsuaavxo sv ojiovoia S7cixoai)x6 Kaxd aoi)

they consulted in concord together; against you

8ia9f|Kr|v 8is6svxo 6 + xa aKT|vcb|iaxa xcov I8oi)|iaicov

[ a covenant they ordained]; even the tents of the Edomites,

Kai 01 IajiarjAixai Mcodp Kai 01 Ayaprjvoi 7+ Tsfiak

and the Ishmaelites, Moab, and the Hagarites; Gebal,

Kai Ajijicbv Kai AjiaAxjK aAlotpiAoi |isxd xcov

and Ammon, and Amalek; [the] Philistines with the

KaxoiKowccov Ttipov 8 + Kai yap Kai Aaaotip

ones dwelling in Tyre. For even also Assyria

m)|i7i;apsysvsxo jisx' auxcbv sysvf|9r|aav sic; avx(Ax|\j/iv

came together with them; they became an assistance

xoic; vioiq Acox 5id\j/aX|ia 9+ 7coir|aov auxoic; coc; xr|

to the sons of Lot. PAUSE. Do to them as [to]

Ma5id|i Kai xco Siadpa coc; xco Iaptji sv xco

Midian, and [to] Sisera; as [to] Jabin at the

Xsijidppco Kiacbv 10+ s^coXo6psT30r|aav sv Asv5cbp

rushing stream Kishon! They were utterly destroyed in En-dor.


84 73

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

syevf|6r|aav coast K07ipoc; xrj yr| u+ 9od

They became as dung for the earth. Make

xodc; dp%ovxac; auxcbv coc; xov QpfjP Kai Zr|P Kai

their rulers as Oreb and Zeeb, and

ZePse Kai Ea^jiavdv rcavxac; xouc; dp%ovxac; auxcbv n +

Zebah and Zalmunna — all their rulers!

oixivec; 8i7rov KXr|povo|if|aco|i8v eauxofc; to

Who said, We should inherit [ for ourselves the

ayiaaxfjpiov tod 0soi&gt; 13+0 Geoc; jiod 0od auxouc; coc;

sanctuary of God]? O my God, make them as

xpo%6v coc; KaAxxjxrjv Kaxd 7rp6aco7rov avejioi) h+ coaei

a whirlwind; as stubble against [the] face of [the] wind! as

itvp o SiacpAi^ei 5pi)|i6v coast cpA,o£, r\ KaxaKoroasi

fire which shall burn up a forest; as a flame which incinerates

6pr| 15+ otixcoc; Kaxa8ico^eic; auxotic; sv

mountains. So shall you pursue them with

xtj Kaxaiy(5i aou Kai sv xrj opyfj aoi) xapd^eic; auxotic;

your gale; and in your anger you shall disturb them.

16+ 7iAx|pcoaov xa 7rp6aco7ra ai)xcbv axijiiaq Kai

Fill their faces [with] dishonor! and

^rjxfjaoDai xo ovojid aoi) Kupis 17+ aia%i)v0f|xcoaav Kai

they shall seek your name, O LORD. Let them be shamed and

xapa%6f|xcGoav sic; xov aicova xou aicovoc; Kai

disturbed into the eon of the eon! And

svxpa7if|xcoaav Kai a7ioA,ea0coaav 18+ Kai yvcoxcoaav

let them feel remorse and be destroyed! And let them know

6x1 ovojid aoi Kopioc; au [idvoq uij/iaxoc; S7U

that [the] name to you [is], [the] LORD! You alone [are] highest over

rcdaav xttv yrrv

all the earth.

84 73

1 + coc; aya7ir|xd xa aKT|vcb|iaxd aoi) Kopie xcov

How beloved [are] your tents, O LORD of the

8i)vd|iscov 2 + S7ri7io6si Kai skA,s(7isi r\ \|/u%f| jiou sic;

forces. [ longs after and falters My soul] for

xac; avXdq xou Kupiou r| Kap8(a jiou Kai r| aap^ jiou

the courtyards of the LORD. My heart and my flesh

rjyaAAidaavxo em Gsov ^cbvxa 3 + Kai yap axpou0k&gt;v

exulted over [the] living God. For even [the] sparrow


84 73

19- Psalms

SDpsv saDxco oiKiav Kai xpDycov voaaiav saDxrj od

finds for himself a house; and [the] turtle-dove a nest for herself, where

Bfjasi xa voaaia savTT\q xa GDaiaaxfpid gov icupie

she puts her own nestlings, [even] your altars, O LORD

xcov 8i)vd|iscov o fiaoiksvq [iov Kai o Gsoc; jiod 4 +

of the forces, my king and my God.

jiaK&amp;pioi 01 KaxoiKODVxsc; sv xco oikco ood sic; xodc;

Blessed [are] the ones dwelling in your house; into the

aicovac; xcov aicovcov aivsaoDai as 8id\j/aX|ia 5 +

eons of the eons they shall praise you. PAUSE.

jicxK&amp;pioc; avfjp co saxiv r| avx(Ax|\j/ic; aDxco rcapd

Blessed [is] [the] man in whom is the assistance to him from

aoi) avapdaeiq sv xr| Kap8(a aDxoD SisGsxo 6 + SICj XTjV

you; [ ascending in his heart he ordained]; into the

koiM5cx xod KA,ai)0|icbvo(; sic; xov xorcov ov sGsxo

valley of the place of weeping; into the place which he put himself.

Kai yap SD^oyiac; 8coosi o vojioGsxcbv i +

For even [a blessing will give the one establishing law].

7iopsDaovxai sk SDvdjiscoc; sic; SDvajiiv ocpGfjasxai o

They shall go from force to force; they shall see the

Gsoc; xcov Gscbv sv Sicbv % + Kopis o Gsoc; xcov

God of gods in Zion. O LORD, the God of the

5i)vd|iscov siadKODaov xrjc; 7ipoasD%f|c; jiod svcbxiaai o

forces, listen to my prayer! Give ear, O

Gsoc; IaKcbp 8id\j/aA,|ia 9 + D7ispaa7riaxd r||icbv (8s o

God of Jacob! PAUSE. [our defender Behold O

Gsoc; Kai S7upA,s\j/ov sic; xo 7ip6aco7iov

God], and look into the face

xod xpiaxcro gov io+ 6xi Kpsiaocov rjjispa jiia sv

of your anointed one. For better [is] [ day one] in

xaic; avXaiq gov D7isp %ikid6aq s^sXs^d|ir|v

your courtyards than thousands. I would choose

7rapappi7ixs(a6ai sv xco oikco xod Gsod jiod [ioXXov r\

to be thrown aside in the house of my God, rather than

oiksiv |is S7ri aKT|vcb|iaaiv ajiapxco^cbv n+ 6xi sXsov

for me to live among [the] tents of sinners. For [ mercy

Kai aArjGsiav aya7id Kopioc; o Gsoc; %apiv Kai 86§av

and truth [the] LORD loves]. God [ favor and glory

8cbasi Kupioc; od axspfjasi xa ayaGd xoic;

shall give]. [The] LORD will not deprive good [things] to the

7iopsDO|isvoic; sv araKia n+ Kopis o Gsoc; xcov

ones going in innocence. O LORD, the God of the


85 no

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

5i)vd|i8cov (laKdpioq dv9pco7i;oc; o sAm^cov S7ri as

forces, blessed [is] [the] man hoping upon you.

85 ns

i + SD8oKr|aac; Kupie xrjv yrjv gov a7i£axps\j/ac; xttv

You thought well, O LORD, of your land. You returned the

aixjiaAxoaiav IaKcbp 2 + atpfjKac; xac; avojiiac;

captivity of Jacob. You forgave the lawless deeds

too Xacb gov SKdXuij/ac; 7idaac; xac; ajiapxiac; auxcbv 3 +

of your people. You covered all their sins.

Kax87icu)aac; 7idaav xrjv opyfjv gov a7ieaxps\j/ac; arco

You rested all of your anger. You turned from

opyfjc; 9d|i6d gov 4 + S7riaxps\j/ov r\[idq o Geoc;

[the] anger of your rage. Turn us, O God

xcov acoxripicov r||icbv Kai a7i6axpe\j/ov xov 0t&gt;|i6v gov

of our deliverances, and turn your rage

acp' r\[i(bv 5+ (iTj sic; zovq aicbvac; opyiaGfjc; r\[dv

from us! Shall you [into the eons be provoked to anger against us]?

T| Siaxsveic; xrjv opyfjv gov arco ysvedc; sic; yevedv

Or shall you extend your anger from generation unto generation?

6+ o Geoc; gv S7naxps\j/ac; ^cocbasic; r\[idq Kai

0 God, you, in turning towards [us] shall enliven us, and

o Xaoq gov si)tppav0f|aexai e7ri aoi 7+ 5sft;ov r\[iiv

your people shall be glad over you. Show to us,

Kopis to sksoq gov Kai xo aooxfjpiov gov 6(br\q r\[iiv

O LORD, your mercy! and [ your deliverance may you give] to us.

8 + aKODaojiai xi Xakr\GSi ev sjioi Kopioc; o Geoc; 6x1

1 shall hear what [ shall speak to me [the] LORD God]; for

Xahf\GSi eipfjvrjv em xov Xaov avTOV Kai £7ri

he shall speak peace unto his people, and unto

xodc; octiodc; avzov Kai 87ii xouc; £7naxpe(povxac;

his sacred ones, and unto the ones turning

KapSiaq 871 aDXOV 9 + 7iAr|v zyyvq xcov cpoPoi)|isvcov

hearts unto him. Moreover [ [is] near the ones fearing

avzov to aooxfjpiov avTOV tov KaxaaKTjvcbaai 86^av

him his deliverance]; so that [ may encamp [his] glory]

sv xtj yxj Tjjicbv 10+ sXsoc; Kai aArjGeia awqvxrjaav

in our land. Mercy and truth are met together;

8iKaioawr| Kai sipfjvrj KaxsqnAxjaav n+ aArjGeia

righteousness and peace kissed. Truth


86 ID

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

8K Tr\q jr\q avsxsiXs Kai 8iKaioaDvr| sk

[from out of the land arose]; and righteousness [from

tod ODpavoD 8iskd\j/s 12 + Kai yap o rcopioc; 5cba8i

heaven looks through]. For even the LORD shall give

%pr|ax6xr|xa Kai r| yr| r||icbv 8cbasi xov Kaprcov avTT\q 13 +

graciousness; and our land shall give its fruit.

8iKaioawr| svamiov aDxoD 7ip07ropsDasxai Kai Gfjasi

Righteousness [ before him shall go forth], and he shall place

sic; o56v xa 8iapf||iaxa aDxoD

[ in [the] way his footsteps].

86 19

1 + KAivov Kupis to ovq gov Kai S7idKODa6v jiod 6ti

Lean, O LORD, your ear, and heed me! for

7rccD%6c; Kai 7isvr|c; sijiisycb 2+ (pvXatpv xrjv \\fv%r\v [iov

[ poor and needy I am]. Guard my soul,

on oaioq sijii acbaov xov dovXov gov o 0s6c; jiod xov

for I am sacred! Deliver your servant, O my God! the

sAmtpvxa S7ri as 3+ sXsrjaov |is Kupis 6x1 7ipoc; as

one hoping upon you. Show mercy on me, O LORD! for to you

KSKpd^ojiai 6Ax|v xr|vr||ispav 4 + swppavov xrjv \\fv%r\v

I will cry out [the] entire day. Gladden the soul

xod 8odA,od aoD 6x1 7ipoc; as fjpa xrjv \\fv%r\v [iov 5 +

of your servant! for to you I lifted my soul.

6x1 av Kopis xprjaxoq Kai S7risiKqc; Kai noXvzkEoq

For you, O LORD, [are] gracious, and lenient, and full of mercy

7idai xoic; S7iiKaAx)D|isvoic; as 6 + svcbxiaai Kupis xrjv

to all the ones calling upon you. Give ear, O LORD, [to]

7rpoasi)%fjv [iov Kai 7tp6a%sc; xr| cpcovfj

my prayer, and take heed to the voice

xrjc; Ssfjascbc; [iov 1+ sv rjjispa 0Ai\j/scbc; \iov SKSKpa^a

of my supplication! In [the] day of my affliction I cried out

7ipoc; as 6x1 S7rfjKoi)adc; jiod % + odk saxiv ojioioq aoi

to you, for you heeded me. There is not one likened to you

sv Gsok; Kupis Kai odk saxi Kaxd xa spya aoD

among gods, O LORD; and there is not [one likened] according to your works.

9+ 7idvxa xa sGvrj 6aa S7iovr|aac; fj^oDai Kai

All the nations, as many as you made, shall come and

7ipoaKDvfjaoDaiv svcb7ii6v aoD KDpis Kai So^daoDai

do obeisance before you, O LORD, and they shall glorify


87 TD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl
19- Psalms

to ovojid aoi) lo+OTi jisyac; siai) Kai 7ioicbv 9ai)|idaia

your name. For [great you are], and performing wonders.

&lt;xo 8i o Gsoc; [iovoq n+ o8fjyr|a6v |is Kupis sv

You are the only God. Guide me, O LORD, in

ttj o5cb aoi) Kai 7iopsi)ao|iai sv xr| aAx|0s(a aoi)

your way! and I will go in your truth.

SDcppavGfjxoo T| Kap8(a jiod xod cpoPsiaGai xo ovojid aoi)

Let [ be glad my heart] to fear your name!

12+ s^ojioAx)yfjao|iai aoi icopis o Gsoc; jiod sv 6Ax|

I shall make acknowledgment to you, O LORD my God, with [ entire

Kap5(a (iod Kai 8o^daco xo ovojid aoi) sic; xov aicbva

heart my]; and I will glorify your name into the eon.

13+oxi xo sksoq aoi) jisya S7i' sjis Kai spptiaoo

For your mercy [is] great towards me; and you rescued

xrjv \|A)%f|v jiod s^ d5oi) Kaxooxdxoi) H+o Gsoc;

my soul from out of [Hades lowermost]. O God,

7iapdvo|ioi S7iavsaxr|aav S7i' sjis Kai aDvayooyfj

lawbreakers rose up against me, and a gathering

Kpaxaicbv s^fjxrjaav xrjv \\fv%r\v jiod Kai od

of strong [ones] sought my life; and they did not

7ipos0svx6 as svcb7riov ai)xcbv i 5 + Kai ai) Kupis

set you before them. And you, O LORD

0 Gsoc; jiod oiKxipjicov Kai sXsfj|i&lt;jov |iaKp6Gi)|ioc; Kai

my God, [are] pitying and merciful, lenient and

TtoXvZXzoq Kai ahr\divoq i 6 + S7ripXs\j/ov S7i' sjis Kai

full of mercy, and true. Look upon me, and

sXsrjaov (is Soq xo Kpdxoc; aoi) xco 7iai5( aoi) Kai

show mercy on me! Give your might [to] your child, and

acbaov xov diov xrjc; 7rai5iaKr|c; aoi) i?+ 7iovr|aov |isx'

deliver the son of your maidservant! Establish with

s|iot3 arjjisiov sic; ayaGov Kai i5sxcoaav oi jiiaowcsc;

me a sign for good, and let [ see the ones detesting

|is Kai aia%i)v9fjxcDaav 6xi ai) Kupis sPofjGrjadc; jioi

me], and be ashamed! For you, O LORD, helped me,

Kai 7rapsKdA,sadc; |is

and comforted me.

87 TS

1 + oi GsjisAioi olvtov sv xoic; opsai xoic; ayioic;

His foundations [are] in the [mountains holy].


88 ns

8V TOUT© + VtKd

19- Psalms

2 + aya7id Kopioc; xac; nvXaq Sicbv xrnsp rcdvxa xa

[The] LORD loves the gates of Zion above all the

oKT|vcb|iaTa IaKcbp 3 + 8s8o^aa|isva sA,aAr|0r| 7isp(

tents of Jacob. [Things] being glorified was spoken concerning

aov T| noXiq xou 6sot3 4 + |ivr|a6f|ao|iai Padp Kai

you, O city of God. I shall make mention ofRahab and

BaPuAxbvoc; xoic; yivcbaKouai |is Kai idov aAlocpuAm

Babylon to the ones knowing me; and behold, [the] Philistines

Kai Ttipoc; Kai Xaoq Ai0i67icov ouxoi sysvf|0r|aav

and Tyre, and [the] people of [the] Ethiopians; these were

sksi 5+ (ifjirip Eicbv spsi dv0pco7ioc; Kai dv6pco7ioc;

there. Mother of Zion, [ shall say a man], and [the] man

syswfj0r| ev avTT\ Kai avzoq sGsjisAicoasv aDxfjv o

born in her; and [ himself founded her the

v\\f\GToq 6+ Kupioq 8ir|yfiasTai sv ypacpfj Xacbv Kai

highest]. [The] LORD shall describe in [the] writing of peoples, and

apxovxcov xouxcov xcov ysysvrj jisvcov sv auxfj 8id\j/aX|ia

of these rulers being born in her. PAUSE.

7 + coc; sucppaivojisvcov 7idvxcov r| KaxoiKia sv aoi

As ones being glad [are] all dwelling in you.

88 ns

i+ Kopis o Gsoc; Tr\q acoxrjpiac; jiod rjjispaq SKSKpa^a

O LORD, the God of my deliverance; [ day I cried out

Kai sv vdkti svavxiov aoi) 2+ siasA$sxco svcb7ii6v aoi)

and at night before you]. Let [ enter before you

r| 7rpoasi)%fj |iod kAavov to ovq aoi) sic; xr|v 5sr|aiv jiod

my prayer]! Lean your ear to my supplication!

3 + on S7rAxja6r| KaKcbv r| yv%r\ jiou Kai r| ^cofj jiod

For [ is filled of bad [things] my soul], and my life

too d8r| fjyyias 4 + 7ipoasA,oyia0r|v jisxd xcov

[Hades approached]. I was counted with the ones

KaxaPaivovxcov sic; XdKKov sysvfjGrjv coast dv0pco7roc;

going down into [the] pit. I became as [ man

aPofjBrjToq 5 + sv vsKpok; s^suGspoc; coast xpaujiaxiai

an incurable]; [among [the] dead free], as ones slain

Ka9si35ovxsc; sv xdcpco cov odk sjivf|a6r|c; sxi Kai

sleeping in [the] tomb, whom you do not remember any longer; and
ai)xo( sk xrjc; %sipoc; aou a7icba0r|aav 6 + sGsvxo |is

they [from out of your hand were thrusted away]. They put me


88 ns

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms


in [ pit [the] lowermost], in dark [places], and in [the] shadow

Gavdxou 7+ 87i ' s|is S7rsaTr|pi%0r| o Gujioc; aou Kai

of death. Upon me [ stayed your rage], and

Kdvxaq xovq |isxscopia|ioi)c; aoi) S7if|yaysc; S7i' sjis

[ all your crests you brought upon me].

5id\j/aA,|ia 8 + sjidKpuvac; xouc; yvooaxouc; [iov an sjiotj

PAUSE. You distanced [ the ones knowing me from me].

sGsvxo |is p5sluy|ia sauxofc; 7iaps560r|v Kai ouk

You made me an abomination to them. I have been delivered up, and have not

s^S7iopsi)6|xr|v 9 + oi ocpGaAjioi jiou r|a0svr|aav arco

gone forth. My eyes are weakened from

7rccD%eiac; SKSKpa^a itpoq as Kopis 6hr\v xrjv rjjispav

poorness. I cried out to you, O LORD, [the] entire day.

8iS7isxaaa npoq as xaq %sipdq jiou io+ firj xoic;

I opened and spread out to you my hands. Shall [ for the

vsKpoiq 7roifja£ic; Baujidaia r| laxpoi avaaxfjaouai

dead you do wonders]? or shall physicians rise up

Kai s^o|ioA,oyfjaovTa( aoi n+ |ir| 8ir|yf|asxa( xic; sv

and make acknowledgment to you? Shall [ describe any one in

xdcpco to sksoq oou Kai rrjv aAx|6sidv aou sv xr|

[the] tomb] your mercy and your truth in the

ancnXzia n+ [ir\ yvooaGfjasxai sv xcd ctkotsi

destruction? Shall [ be made known in the darkness

xa Gaujidaid aou Kai r| 5iKaioawq aou sv yrj

your wonders]? and your righteousness in a land

S7uXsAx|a|isvr| i 3 + Kaycb npoq as Kopis SKSKpa^a Kai

being forgotten? But I [ to you O LORD cried out]; and

T07ipcoi T| 7ipoasi)XTi |ioi) 7ipo(p6dasi as 14+ ivaxi Kopis

in the morning my prayer shall be with you beforehand. Why, O LORD,

a7i(jo6sk; xrjv \\fv%r\v jiod arcoaxpscpsic;

do you thrust away my soul, [and] turn

xo 7ip6aco7r6v aoi) an' sjioi) 15+ nT(D%6q sifiisycb Kai sv

your face from me? [ poor I am] and in

K07TOIC; sk vsoxrjxoc; jiou u\j/co0sfc; 8s sxa7isivcb0r|v Kai

troubles from my youth. But being raised up high I was humbled and

s^r|7ropfj0r|v 16+ S7i' sjis 5ifjA£ov aiopyaiaou

left destitute. Upon me [ went your angers];

01 cpopspiajioi aou s^sxdpa^dv |is 17+ SKUKAxoadv (is

your frightful [things] disturbed me. They encircle me


89 DD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms
coast D8cop 6Ax|v xrivrjjispav 7ispisa%ov |is djia i8 +

as water; [the] entire day they compassed me together.

eji&amp;KpDvag an s|iod qnA,ov Kai 7rAx|a(ov Kai xodc;

You put far from me friend and near one, and the ones

yvcoaxoDc; jiod goto xaXaurcopiac;

knowing me, because of misery.

89 tas

i + xa sAirj cjod icupis sic; xov aicbva daojiai sic;

[ of your mercies O LORD into the eon I shall sing]. Unto

yevs&amp;v Kai ysvsdv a7iayysA,co xrjv aAx|6siav gov sv

generation and generation I shall report your truth with

xco axojiaxi jiod 2 + 6x1 sinaq sic; xov aicbva sXsoc;

my mouth. For you said, Into the eon mercy

oiKo5o|ir|0f|asxai ev xoic; ODpavok; sxoijiaaBfjasxai

shall be built up. [ in the heavens shall be prepared

r| aAxjBsid cjod 3 + 8is0s|ir|v 8ia6fiKr|v xoic;

Your truth]. I ordained a covenant [with]

skXskxoic; jiod cbjioaa Aam5 xco 8odAxo [iov 4 + scoc;

my chosen ones; I swore by an oath to David my servant. Unto

xod aicovoc; sxoijidaco xo a7isp|ia gov Kai oiKoSojxfjaco

the eon I shall prepare your seed, and I will build

sic; ysvsdv Kai ysvsdv xov Gpovov OOD 5 +

[ unto generation and generation your throne].

s^o|ioAx)yf|oovxai 01 ODpavoi xa GaDjidaid gov Kopis

[ shall acknowledge The heavens] your wonders, O LORD,

Kai xrjv aArjGeidv gov sv SKKAxjaia ayicov 6 + 6x1

and your truth in [the] assembly [of the] holy ones. For

xic; sv vscpsAmc; icrcoGfjasxai xco Kopico ojioicoGfjasxai

who in [the] clouds shall be equal to the LORD; likened

xco Kopico sv vioiq Gsod ?+o0s6c; sv8o^a£p|isvoc; sv

to the LORD among [the] sons of God? God [is] being glorified in

poi)Axj ayicov jisyaq Kai cpopspoc; saxiv S7ri rcavxac;

[the] counsel of holy ones; [great and fearful he is] over all

xodc; 7lSpiKDKAxjO aVTOV 8+ Kopis o Gsoc; xcov

the ones surrounding him. O LORD, the God of the

8i)vd|iscov xic; ojioioc; aoi SDvaxoc; si Kopis Kai

forces, who [is] likened to you? You are mighty, O LORD, and

T| aAx|6sid ood kdkXco gov 9 + gv 8sa7i6^sic; xod

your truth [is] round about you. You are master of the


89 DD


19- Psalms

KpdxoDc; Tr\q dakaaar\q xov 5s aaXov

might of the sea; and the tossing about

tcov kdji&amp;tcov avTT\q gv Kaxa7ipaDvsic; io+ ctd

of its waves you soothe. You

sxa7isivcoaac; coc; xpaDjiaxiav D7ispf|cpavov sv xco

humbled [ as slain [the] proud]; with the

Ppaxiovi Tr\q 5Dvd|iscbc; gov 5isaK6p7uaac;

arm of your might you dispersed

xodc; s%0poDc; ciod n+aoisiaiv oi ODpavoi Kai ar| saxiv

your enemies. [ are yours The heavens], and [ is yours

T| yr| ttjv oikodjisvitv Kai to 7rAr|pco|ia avTT\q gv

the earth]. The inhabitable world and its fullness you

sGsjisAicoaac; n+ xov Poppdv Kai daXaaaav gv

founded. The north and [the] west you

SKiiaaq 0aPcbp Kai Epjicbv sv xco ovojiaxi ctod

created. Tabor and Hermon [ in your name

ayaAAidaovxai u+ Goq o Ppa%(cov jisxd 8Dvaaxs(ac;

shall exult]. Your arm [is] with dominations.

KpaxaicoGfjxco r| %sip gov D\j/co0f|xco rj 8s^id gov u +

Let [ be fortified your hand]! Let [ be raised up high your right [hand]]!

8iKaioawr| Kai Kpijia sxoijiaaia xod BpovoD gov

Righteousness and equity [are the] preparation of your throne;

ZXsoq Kai aAxjGeia 7rpo7iopsDaovxai 7ipo

mercy and truth shall go forth before

7ipoaco7roD gov i 5 + jiaKdpioq o Xaoq o yivcbaKcov

your face. Blessed [are] the people knowing

akakaj[i6v Kopis sv xco cpcoxi xod 7rpoacb7TOD gov

[the] shout [of joy]. O LORD, [in the light of your face

7iopsDaovxai i6+ Kai sv xco ovojiaxi gov ayaAAidaovxai

they shall go]. And in your name they shall exult

6Ax|v xrjv rjjispav Kai sv xr| SiKaioawq gov

[the] entire day. And in your righteousness

D\j/co6f|aovxai n+ 6xi xo KaD%r||ia xrjq 8Dvd(isco(; ai)xcbv

they shall be raised up high. For [ the boast of their power

gv si Kai sv xtj si)5oKia gov D\j/co6f|asxai

you are]; and by your benevolence [ shall be raised up high

xo Kspaq rjjicbv i 8 + 6xi xod KDpiOD r\ avTihr\\\fiq Kai

our horn]. For [ [is] of the LORD assistance], and

xod ayioD IapafjA, PaaiAicoc; rjjicbv i 9 + xoxs skaXr\Gaq

of the holy one of Israel, our king. Then you spoke

sv opdasi xoic; vioiq gov Kai si7iac; s6s|xitv Pof|6siav

in a vision [to] your sons, and said, I put help


89 DD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

87i( 8Dvax6v D\j/coaa skXsktov sk tod Axxod

upon a mighty one; raising up high a chosen one from out of my people.

SDpov Aavid tov Sovkov jiod sv sAmco ayico |iod

I found David my servant. [ with oil my holy

s%piaa avTOV 21 + r| yap %sip |iod aDvavTiAr|\j/STai aDTcb

I anointed him]. For my hand shall be an aid to him;

Kai o Ppaxicov jiod KaTia%Dosi avzov 22 + ODK

and my arm shall strengthen him. [ shall not

oocpsATjasi s%0poc; sv aDTcb Kai vioq avojiiaq od

derive benefit [The] enemy] by him; and [the] son of lawlessness shall not

7rpoa6f|asi tod KaKcbaai oidtov 23 + Kai aDyKoyoo arco

proceed to inflict evil on him. And I will cut down [ from

7ipoaco7roD aDTOD todc; s%0poDc; aDTOD Kai todc;

in front of him his enemies]; and the

(iiaoDViaq aDiov Tpo7icbao|iai 24+ Kai r| aAx|6sid |iod

ones detesting him shall be put to flight. And my truth

Kai to sksoq jiod jist' aDTOD Kai sv too ovojiaxi jiod

and my mercy [are] with him; and in my name

D\j/co9f|asTai to Kspaq aDTOD 25+ Kai Gfjaojiai sv

[ shall be raised up high his horn]. And I will set [in

GaXdaarj %zipa oidtod Kai sv 7iOTa|io(c; 5s^idv aDTOD

[the] sea his hand], and [in rivers his right [hand]].

26+ avxoq S7iiKaXsasTa( |is 7iaTf|p |iod siaD

He shall call upon me, [saying], [ my father You are],

Gsoq |iod Kai avTiA^7TTCDp Tr\q acorrjpiac; jiod 27+ Kaycb

my God, and [the] shielder of my deliverance. And I

ftpcDTOTOKov Gfjaojiai aDTOV D\j/r|A,6v 7iapd tok;

[ first-born will make him], high above the

PamXsDai Tr\q yr\q 28+ sic; tov aicbva tpD^d^co aDTcb

kings of the earth. Into the eon I shall guard to him

to sksoq jiod Kai r| 5ia0fjKT| jiod maTT\ aDTcb 29+ Kai

my mercy; and my covenant [is] trustworthy to him. And

Gfjaojiai sic; tov aicbva tod aicbvoc; to a7isp(ia aDTOD

I shall establish [ into the eon of the eon his seed],

Kai tov Bpovov aDTOD coc; Tac; rjjispac; tod ODpavoD 30 +

and his throne as the days of heaven.

sdv syKaTaAi7rcoaiv 01 dioi aDTOD tov vojiov jiod Kai

If [ should abandon his sons] my law, and

toic; Kpijiam (iod (ir| 7ropsD6cbaiv 31+ sdv

[ by my judgments should not go]; if


89 DD

8V TOUT© + VlKa
19- Psalms

xa 5iKaico|iaxd jiod PsPrjXcbacoai Kai xac; svioXaq jiod

[ my ordinances they should profane], and [ my commandments

|ir| cpi)Axx^coaiv 32+ 87iioKs\j/o|iai ev pdp5co

should not keep]; [then] I will visit [ with a rod

xac; avojiiaq ai)xcbv Kai sv jidoxi^i xac; aSiKiaq ai)xcbv

their lawlessnesses]; and [with whips their iniquities].

33+xo8s sXsoc; jioi) od |iT| 8iaaK85daco ait' ai)xcbv

But my mercy in no way should I efface from them,

od5' od jLirj a5iKf|aco sv xrj aAx|6s(a jiod 3 4+ od5'

nor in any way should I wrong in my truth; nor

od |ir| PsPrjAxbaco xrjv 8ia6fiKr|v |iod Kai xa

in any way should I profane my covenant; and the [things]

£K7ropsi)6|ieva 8id xcov %siA,scbv |iod od (ir| aGsxfjaco 35 +

going forth through my lips in no way should I annul.

d7ia^ cbjioaa ev xco ayico jiod si xco Aavid \j/si&gt;ao|iai

Once I swore by an oath by my holiness; shall I lie to David, [no].

36 + xo a7isp|ia ai)xoi3 sic; xov aicbva |isvs( Kai

His seed [ into the eon shall abide], and

o Bpovoq ai)xoi3 cog o r\Xxoq svavxiov jiod 37 + Kai coc;

his throne as the sun before me; and as

T| aeArjvrj Kaxr|pxio|isvr| sic; xov aicbva Kai o jidpxDc;

the moon being readied into the eon, and the [ witness

sv ODpavcb 7riax6c; 8id\j/aX|ia 38 + ai) 8s a7rcbaco Kai

in heaven trustworthy]. PAUSE. But you thrusted away and

s^oDSsvcoaaq avspdXoi) xov xpiaxov aoi) 39 +

treated with contempt. You raised your anointed one.

Kaxsaxpsyac; xrjv SiaGfjKrjv xod 5ot3Xod aoi)

You eradicated the covenant of your servant.

spspfj^coaaq sic; xrjv yrjv xo ayiaajia avzov 40+

You profaned in the land of his sanctuary.

KaGsiXsq rcavxac; xodc; cppay|ioi)c; avzov s6od

You demolished all his barriers. You made

xa oxi)pcb|iaxa avzov 5siAiav 41+ 8ifjp7ia£pv ai)xov

his fortresses dreaded. [ plundered him

7tdvxsc; 01 5io8si)ovxsc; o56v sysvfjGrj 6vsi5oc; xoic;

All the ones traveling through [the] way]. He became scorn [to]

ysixoaiv aDxou 42 + tiij/coaac; xrjv 8s^idv xcov

his neighbors. You raised up high the right [hand] of the ones

0Aip6vxcov ai)xov sticppavac; rcdvxac; xodc; s%0poi&gt;c; avzov

afflicting him; you made glad all his enemies.


90 ev tootco + vuca 1 9 - Psalms

43 + a7isaxps\j/ac; xrjv Pofj0siav xrjc; pojicpaiaq aDxoD Kai

You turned back the help of his broadsword, and

odk avxs^dpoD olvtov sv too 7roA,s|ico 4 4 + KaxsAuaac;

did not assist him in battle. You rested

and Ka0apiajioD aDxoD xov Gpovov aDxoD sic; xrjv yrjv

from cleansing him. [ his throne unto the ground

Kaxsppa^ac; 45+ sajiucpDvac; xac; rjjispac;

You broke down]. You diminished the days

xod Gpovoi) olvtov raxs%sac; aDxoD aia%Dvr|v 4 6 + scoc;

of his throne. You poured upon him shame. For

7i6x8 KDpis a7iooxpscpr| sic; TzXoq SKKaD0f|asxai coc;

how long, O LORD, will you turn away — to [the] end? Will [ burn as
7iDp T| opyfj aoi) 47+ (ivfja0r|xi xic; r| D7i6axaaic; |iod

fire your anger]? Remember what my reality [is];

jLiri yap jiaxaicoc; SKxiaac; rcavxac; xodc; viovq

for acting in folly, did you creat all the sons

xcov av0pcb7rcov 48+ xic; saxiv dv0pco7i;oc; oq ^fjasxai Kai

of men? Who is [the] man who shall live and

odk 6\j/sxai 0dvaxov ptiasxai xrjv \\fv%r\v olvtov sk

not see death? Shall he rescue his [own] soul from out of

%sipoc; d5oi) 5id\j/aA,|ia 49 + 7tod sioi xa sAirj gov

[the] hand of Hades? PAUSE. Where are [mercies your

xa apxaia Kupis a cbjioaag xco Aavid sv

ancient], O LORD, which you swore by an oath to David in

XT] aArjGsia (TOD 50 + |Ivfja0T|Xl KDpiS XOD OVSl5lO|IOD

your truth? Remember, O LORD, the scorning

xcov 8odAxdv aoD od D7rsa%ov ev xco koAjtco jiod

of your servants! which I underwent in my bosom,

noXXcbv 80vcbv 51+ od covs(5iaav ois%0poiaoD KDpis

of many nations; where [ berated your enemies], O LORD,

od covs(8iaav xo avxdAlayjia xod xpioxoD aoD 52+

where they berated the equivalent of your anointed one.

SD^oynxoc; Kopioc; sic; xov aicbva ysvoixo ysvoixo

Blessed be [the] LORD into the eon. May it be. May it be.

90 s

1+ KDpis KaxacpDyfj sysvfjGrjc; r\[dv sv ysvsd Kai ysvsd

O LORD, [ a refuge you became] for us unto generation and generation.

2+ 7ipo xod 6pr| ysvrjGfjvai Kai 7rXaa0fjvai xttv yrjv

Before the mountains existed, and [ took shape the earth

90 ev tootco + vuca 1 9 - Psalms

Kai xrjv oiKODjisvrjv Kai ano tod aicovoc; Kai sooc; TOD

and inhabitable world]; even from eon and until the

aicbvoc; ctd si 3+ |ir| a7ioaTps\j/r|c; dv6pco7rov sic;

eon you are. You should not return man unto

Ta7T8ivcoaiv Kai sbiaq S7tiaTps\j/aTS dioi av0pcb7rcov 4+

humiliation, whereas you said, Return, O sons of men!

6ti %ikia 8tt| sv oq)0aA,|ioic; aoD Kopis coq rjjispa

For a thousand years in your eyes, O LORD, [are] as day —

T| s%0sc; fjxiq 8ifjA,9s Kai (pvXaKr\ SV VDKTl 5 +

yesterday which went, and [is as] a watch in [the] night.

Ta s£;oD8svcb|iaTa aDTcbv sttj saovTai T07ipcoi coast

[ their contempt Years shall be]; [ the morning as

X^orj 7iapsX0oi 6+ T07ipcoi avGfjaai Kai rcapsABoi

tender shoots may it go by]; [ in the morning blooming], and may it go by;

to saftspac; a7i07i8ooi aKAx|pDV0s(r| Kai ^r|pav0srr| 7+

in the evening it shall fall away, may it be hardened and dried up.

6ti s^sXi7ro|i8v sv ttj opyfj aoD Kai 8V TCO Gdjico ood

For we faltered in your anger, and in your rage

STapd%0r||isv 8 + s0od Tag avojiiac; r||icbv svavnov aoD

we were disturbed. You put our lawlessness before you;

o aicbv r||icbv sic; (pooTiajiov tod 7ipoaco7roD aoD 9+ 6ti

our eon in [the] illumination of your face. For

7idaai ai rjjispai rjjicbv s^sAurov Kai sv ttj opyfj aoD

all our days failed; even in your anger

S^sXl7TO|ISV Ta STTJ T]|icbv COOSl apdxVT| S|ISA,STC0V 10+ ai

we failed. Our years [are] as of a spider meditating. The

rjjispai TCOV stcov r||icbv sv aDTOiq spSojxfjKovTa STTJ

days of our years among them [are] seventy years;

sdv 5s sv 5DvaaTs(aic; oy5of|KovTa stt| Kai to 7iA,s(ov

but if by commands — eighty years, but much

aDTcbv K07roc; Kai 7i6voc; 6ti S7if|A,0s 7ipa6TT]Cj scp'

of them toil and misery; for [ comes mellowing] upon

r\[iaq Kai 7iai8sD0r|a6|is0a n+ tic; yivcbaKsi to KpdTOc;

us, and we shall be corrected. Who knows the power

Tr\q opyfjc; aoD Kai arco tod 96P0D

of your anger? and [ because of the fear

aoD tov 0D|i6v ood s^api9|ifjaaa0ai 12+ tt|v Ss^idv aoD

of your rage [how] to count out [his days]]? [ your right [hand]

ODTCoq yvcbpiaov jioi Kai todc; 7iS7rai8sD|isvoDc; tt|

So make known to me] ! and the ones being corrected in the



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

Kap8(a sv aoqna n+ S7uaxps\j/ov Kopis scoc; 7i6xs Kai

heart by wisdom. Return, O LORD! For how long? and

7rapaKArj6r|Ti sm xoiq SotiAmc; aoi) u+ svs7iAx|a6r||isv

give comfort unto your servants ! We were filled up

xcmpcoi tod sksovq gov Kopis Kai r|yaAAiaaa|is0a Kai

in the morning [with] your mercy, O LORD, and we exulted and

si)(ppdv0r||isv ev rcaaaic; xaic; rjjispaic; rjjicov 15 +

were glad in all our days.

SD(ppav6s(r||i8v av0' cov rjjispcbv sxa7isivcoaac; r\[idq

We were gladdened because of [the] days you humbled us;

SXCOV COV Sl8o|ISV KCXKCX 16+ Kai (8s 8711

years which we beheld bad [things]. And look upon

zovq SouAxyuc; gov Kai em xa spy a gov Kai o8f|yr|aov

your servants, and upon your works, and guide

Tovq viovq auxcbv 17 + Kai saxco r| Xa|i7ip6xr|c; Kupioi)

their sons! And let [ be the brightness [of the] LORD

xod 0sot3 r||icbv scp' rjjLidq Kai xa spy a

our God] upon us! And [ the works

xcov xsipcbv r||icbv KaxsT39i)vov scp' rjjLidq Kai xo spyov

of our hands prosper for us] — yes, [ the work


of our hands prosper] !

91 as

1+ O KaXOlKCOV sv

The one dwelling in

3or|6s(a xod D\j/(axoi) sv aKS7ir|

the] help of the highest, [ in [the] protection

xod 0scr6 xod ODpavcro auAia0f|asxai 2+ spsi xco

of the God of the of heaven shall lodge]. He shall say to the

Kopico avxiAxj7ixcop [iov si Kai Kaxacpi)yf| [iov

LORD, [ shielder You are my], and my refuge;

o 0s6q [iov Kai sAmcb S7i' ai)xov 3 +6x1 avzoq ptiasxai

my God, and I will hope upon him. For he shall rescue

as sk 7ray(8oc; 0r|psi)xcbv arco Xoyov xapa%cb8oi)c;

you from out of [the] snare of hunters, from [matter a disturbing].

4 + sv xoic; jisxacppsvoic; avzov S7iiaKiaasi aoi Kai vno

With his upper back he shall overshadow you, and under

xac; 7rxspi)yac; avzov sAmsic; 671X00 KUKAxbasi as

his wings you shall hope. [ [with the] shield He shall encircle you]

r| aAx|0sia avzov 5+ ov cpopr|0f|ar| a7io cpopoi)

of his truth. You shall not be afraid from fear



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

vuKxspivou ano fiskovq 7T8to(isvod rjjispac; 6+ a7io

by night, [nor] from an arrow flying by day, [nor] from

7tp&amp;y|iaTOc; sv aKoxsi 8ia7iopsuo|isvou goto

a thing [ in darkness going], [nor] from

au|i7ixcb|iaxoc; Kai 8ai|iov(ou |isar||iPpivou 7+ rcsasixai

an adverse incident, and [the] demon at midday. [ shall fall

sk tod Kknovq aou %ikiaq Kai jiupidc; 8K 8s^icbv aou

at your side A thousand], and myriads at your right [hand];

7rpoc; as 8s ouk syyisi 8 + 7iAr|v xoic; ocpGa^jioiq aou

[ unto you but it shall not approach]. Only [with] your eyes

Kaxavofjasic; Kai avxa7i68oaiv ajiapxwAxbv 6\j/si 9+

you shall contemplate; and [ [the] recompense of sinners you shall see].

6x1 au Kupis T| zhiiq jiou xov u\jnaxov s0ou

For you, O LORD, the one of my hope; [ the highest you made]
Kaxacpuyfjv aou 10+ ou rcpoaslsuasxai npoq as

your refuge. There shall not come near to you

Kara Kai jidaxi^ odk syyisi sv xco aKr|vcb|iax( aou

bad [things]; and [the] whip shall not approach in your tent.

11+6x1 xoic; ayysAmc; auxou svxsXsixai 7ispi aou

For [to] his angels he gives charge concerning you,

xou 8iacpuA,d^ai as sv naaaiq xaic; 080k; aou 12 + S7ii

to guard you in all your ways. By

XSipcbv apouai as |if|7roxs 7ipoaK6\j/r|c; npoq Xidov

hands they will lift you, lest at any time you should stumble [ against a stone

xov 7i68a aoi) 13 + sm aa7i(8a Kai PaaiAiaKov S7upfjar|

your foot]. [ upon [the] asp and cobra You shall set foot];

Kai Kaxaftaxfjasic; Xsovxa Kai SpdKovxa h+ 6x1 S7i'

and you shall trample on [the] lion and dragon. For [ upon

s|is fjAmas Kai puaojiai auxov aKS7rdaco auxov 6x1

me he hoped], and I shall rescue him. I will shelter him, for

syvco xo ovojid jiou 15+ KSKpd^sxai npoq |is Kai

he knew my name. He shall cry out to me, and

S7iaKouao|iai auxou jisx' auxou sijii sv 9Ai\j/si

I shall heed him. [ with him I am] in affliction.

s^sloujiai auxov Kai So^daoo auxov 16+ jiaKpoxrjxa

I will rescue him and glorify him. [ with duration

rjjispcbv s|i7rArjacD auxov Kai 5s(^co auxcb

of days I will fill him], and I will show to him

xo acoxfjpiov |iou

my deliverance.


8V TOOTCp + VlKa

19- Psalms

92 ns

i + aya06v to s^ojioXoysiaGai too Kopico Kai \\foXkzw

[It is] good to make acknowledgment to the LORD, and to strum

too ovojiaxi aoi) dij/utts 2 + tod avayysAlsiv T07ipcoi

[to] your name, O Highest One. To announce in the morning

to sksoq ood Kai ttjv aAr|0sidv aoD KaTd vvkzcl 3 + sv

of your mercy, and of your truth at night, on

8sKa%6p8co \j/aArr|picG |ist' coSfjq sv KiGdpa 4 + 6ti

[the] ten-stringed psaltery, with an ode on [the] harp. For

SDtppavdc; |is Kopis sv too 7ioif||iaTi aoi) Kai sv toic;

you gladdened me, O LORD, by your action; and in the

spyoic; tcov %sipcbv aoi) ayaAAidaojiai 5 + coc;

works of your hands I shall exult. O how

s|i£yaA,i)v6r| Ta spya aoi) KDpis acp65pa sPa0DV0r|aav

[ were magnified your works], O LORD; [ exceedingly deepen

01 SiaXoyiajioi aoD 6 + avfjp dcppcov od yvcbasTai Kai

your thoughts]. [man A foolish] will not know, and

aavvsToq od aDvfjaei Tama 7+ sv tco avaTSiAm

[the] senseless shall not perceive these [things]. In the rising up

todc; ajiapTCO^ODq coast x°P T0V Kai 5isKD\j/av navTsq

of the sinners as grass, and [ look on all

01 spyatpjisvoi tt|v avojiiav oitcoq av s^oAx)0psD0coaiv

the ones working lawlessness], that thus they shall be utterly destroyed

sic; tov aicbva tod aicbvoc; 8 + aD 5s D\j/iaTOc; sic; tov

into the eon of the eon. But you [are the] highest into the

aicbva Kopis 9+ 6ti i8od 01 s%0poi aoD Kopis 6ti iSod

eon, O LORD. For behold, your enemies, O LORD, for behold,

01 sx0po( aoD a7ioAx)DVTai Kai 8iaaKop7iia0fjaovTai

your enemies shall perish, and [ shall be dispersed

7idvTS(; 01 spyatpjisvoi tt|v avojiiav 10+ Kai

all the ones working lawlessness]. And

D\j/co0f|a8Tai coc; jiovoKspcoTOc; to Kspac; |iod Kai

[ shall be raised up high as a unicorn my horn]; and

to yfjpdq jiod sv sAmco 7i(ovi n+ Kai S7isi5sv

my old age with [oil plentiful]. And [looked

o 0(pQak[i6q jiod sv toic; s%0po(c; |iod Kai sv toic;

my eye] on my enemies, and [ among the ones

S7raviaTa|isvoic; S7i' sjis 7iovr|psDO|isvoic; aKODasTai

rising up against me [the] ones acting wickedly shall hear


93 as

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

to ox&gt;q jiod 12+ Sikcuoc; coc; cpoivi^ avBfjasi coast Ks8poc;

my ear]. [The] just one [as a palm tree shall bloom]; as a cedar

T| SV TCO AlpdVGO 7lXr|0DV0f|aSTai 13 + 7TStpDTSD|ISVOl sv

in Lebanon he shall be multiplied. [The] ones being planted in

tco oikco KDpioi) sv TCLiq avXaiq tod Gsod r||icbv

the house of [the] LORD, in the courtyards of our God,

£^av6f|aoDaiv u+ sti 7iXr|0Dv6f|aovTai sv yfjpsi 7i(ovi

shall blossom. Still they shall be multiplied in [ old age plentiful];

kcu SDrcaGowcsc; scjovtcu tod avayyst^ai 15+ 6ti sd6t]c;

and [ enjoying pleasure they will be]; to announce that [ [is] upright

KDpiOq O Gsoq T||icbv KCU ODK SCJTIV a8lKia 8V (XDTCO

[the] LORD our God], and there is no injustice in him.

93 ftS

1+ o KDpioq ePaaiXeDasv SD7rps7isiav svsSdctcxto

The LORD reigned; [beauty he put on];

svs8DaaTO Kopioc; 8Dva|iiv kcxi 7ispis^cbaaTO Kai yap

[the] LORD put on power and girded himself. For


he solidified the inhabitable world, which shall not be shaken.

stoijioc; o dpovoq gov goto tots goto tod aicbvoc; od

[ [was] prepared Your throne] from then; from the eon you

SI 3+ S7lf|paV 01 7TOTa|IOl KDpiS S7lf|paV 01 7T0Ta(I0l

are. [ lifted up The rivers], O LORD, [ lifted up the rivers]

r r r r r r

cpcovaq cxdtcov 4 + apoDaiv 01 7iOTa|ioi S7iiTpi\j/sic; aDTCOv

their voices. [ shall take away The rivers]; you shall wear them away

GOTO CpCOVCOV dS&amp;TCOV 7loAlcbv 0CXD|iaOTOl 01

by sounds [ waters of many]. [ [are] wonderful the

(iSTSCopiojiot Tr\q Qakaaar\q GcxDjiaaTOc; sv D\j/r|Ax)k; o

crests of the sea]; [ [is] wonderful in high [places] the

KDpioq 5 + tcx jiapTDpid aoD S7iioTcb9r|aav acp68pa tco

LORD]. Your testimonies are trustworthy — exceedingly. [[to]

oikco aoD 7ips7isi aytaajia KDpis sic; jiaKpoTrjTa

your house is becoming Sanctification], O LORD, for [the] duration


of days.


94 7S

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

19- Psalms

94 7S

i + 0e6c; SK5iKqascov Kopioc; o 0s6c; 8K5iKf|a8cov

[The] God of acts of vengeance. [The] LORD God of acts of vengeance

S7iappr|aidoaTO 2 + D\j/cb0r|xi o Kpivcov xrjv yrjv a7i68oc;

spoke openly. Rise up high, O one judging the earth! Render

avxa7i65ooiv xoic; D7T£pr|(pdvoic; 3 + ecoc; 7i6xe ajiapxcoloi

recompense to the proud! For how long sinners,

icopie ecoc; 7t6ts ajiapxcoAm KaD%fjaovxai 4+ cp0ey^ovxai

O LORD, how long shall sinners boast? They will utter

Kai Xahf\aovaiv a5iKiav XaArjaoDai 7idvxec; oi

and speak injustice; [ shall speak all the ones

epyatpjievoi xrjv avojiiav 5 + xov A,a6v cjod Kopis

practicing iniquity]. Your people, O LORD,

sxa7i8ivcoaav Kai xrjv KAxjpovojiiav (TOD SKOCKCOOOCV 6 +

they humbled; and [ your inheritance they inflicted evil on].

%fjpav Kai opcpavov a7isKxsivav Kai 7ipoaf|}u)xov

[The] widow and orphan they killed; and [the] foreigner

scpovsuaav ?+ Kai si7iav odk 6\j/exai Kopioc; od8£

they murdered. And they said, [ shall not see [the] LORD], nor

aDvfjaei o 0s6c; xod IaKcbp 8 + crovexe 5r| dcppovsc;

shall [ perceive the God of Jacob]. Perceive indeed foolish

sv xco Xacb Kai jicopoi 7ioxs cppovfjaaxs 9 + o

among the people! and O moron, [ at some time or other think]! The

cpDxsDaaq xo ovq ov%i aKODSi r| o nXaaaq xov

one planting the ear, does he not hear? or the one shaping the

ocp0aA,|iov ovyi Kaxavosi 10+ o 7iai8sDcov e0vr| ov%i

eye, does he not contemplate? The one correcting nations, shall he not

eley^si o 5i8daKcov dv0pco7rov yvcbaiv n+ Kopioc;

reprove? The one teaching man knowledge; [the] LORD,

yivcoaKsi xodc; 8iaA,oyia|ioDc; xcov av0poa7i;cov 6x1 eiai

he knows the thoughts of men, for they are

jidxaioi 12+ jiaKdpioc; dv0pco7roc; ov av 7iai8eDar|c;

vain. Blessed [is] a man whom ever you should correct,

Kopis Kai sk xod vojiod ood 8i8d^r|c; ai)xov 13 +

O LORD, and from out of your law you should teach him;

xod 7ipai3vai aDxov acp' rjfispcbv 7iovr|pcbv scoc;

to calm him from [ days evil], until

od opDyfj xco ajiapxcoXcb P60poq h+ 6x1

of which [time] he should have dug [for the sinner [the] pit]. For


94 7*

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms
odk a7icbaexai Kopioc; xov Xaov avzov Kai

[ shall not thrust away [the] LORD] his people, and

xrjv Klripovojiiav aDxoD odk eyKaxa^suj/ei i 5 + ecoc;

[ his inheritance he shall not abandon]; until

od SiKaioawq S7naxpe\j/si sic; Kpiaiv Kai

of which [time] righteousness returns for judgment, and

sxojisvoi avTT\q 7idvxec; oi SDBsiq xrj Kap8(a 8id\j/aA,|ia

having it [are] all the straight in heart. PAUSE.

i6+ tic; avaoxfjaexai jioi £7U 7iovr|p£DO|i£voic; r| xic;

Who shall rise up to me against [the] ones acting wickedly? or who

aD|i7rapaaTfja8Tai jioi sni xoic; epya^ojievoK;

shall stand up with me against the ones working

xrjv avojiiav n+sijiri 6xi Kopioc; ePofjGrjae |ioi 7iapd

lawlessness? Unless that [the] LORD helped me, [ would

Ppa%D 7rapcbKr|as icq &amp;8r| r\ \\fv%r\ jiod is+ si s^eyov

shortly have sojourned in Hades my soul]. If I said,

asa&amp;A,£DTai o itovq jiod to sksoq aoi) Kopie ePofj0si

[shakes My foot]; your mercy, O LORD, helps

|ioi 19+ Kaxd to 7iAx|0oc; xcdv oSdvcov jiod sv

me. According to the multitude of my griefs in

ttj Kap5(a |iod ai 7rapaKArjasic; aoi) eDcppavav

my heart, [so] your comforts made glad

tt|v \\fv%r\v |iod 20 + |ir| ai)|i7rpoa8aTai aoi dpovoq

my soul. Shall [ adhere with you [the] throne

K07IOV 8711 7ipOOT0iyjJ,(X 21 +

of lawlessness], the one shaping trouble out of order?

GrjpstiaoDaiv S7ri \\fv%r\v 8iKa(oi) Kai aijia aGcbov

They shall hunt for [soul a just], and [blood innocent

KaxaSiKdaovxai 22+ Kai eysvexo jioi KDpioc; eic;

condemn]. But [became tome [the] LORD] for

KaxacpDyfjv Kai o Geoc; |iod sic; Por|06v skiddoq jiod 23 +

a refuge; and my God for a helper of my hope.

Kai a7io8cbasi aDxoiq xrjv avojiiav ai)xcbv Kai Kaxd

And he shall recompense to them their lawlessness; and according to

xrjv 7iovr|piav ai)xcbv acpavisi aDxotic; KDpioc; o Geoc;

their wickedness [ shall remove them from view [The] LORD God].


95 7K

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

19- Psalms

95 ns

i+ 8si)T£ ayaAAiaacbjisGa xco Kupico aXaXd^cDjisv xco

Come, we should make exultation to the LORD; we should shout [to]

Gscb xco aarcfjpi r\[i(bv 2 + 7ipo(p0daco|isv

God our deliverer. We should go before

to 7ip6aco7rov avzov sv s^ojioA,oyf|asi Kai ev \\fak[ioiq

his presence with acknowledgment; and by psalms

aXaXd^co|i8v auxcb 3 + 6xi dzoq jieyac; Kopioc; Kai

we should sound aloud to him. For [ God [is] a great [the] LORD], and

fiaaiksvq jisyac; em 7idaav xttv yrjv 4 + 6xi sv

[ king a great] above all the earth. For in

ttj %£ipi avTOV xa rcepaxa xrjc; yrjc; Kai xa i3\|/ri xcov

his hand [are] the ends of the earth; and the heights of the
opecov avTOV siaiv 5 + 6x1 avzov saxiv r| daXaaaa Kai

mountains are his. For his is the sea, and

avToq 87io(r|asv auxfjv Kai xrjv ^rjpdv %e(pec; avzov

he himself made it; and [ the dry [land] his hands

znXaoav 6 + 5st3x8 7ipoaKwf|acD|isv Kai 7ipoa7i8aco |isv

shaped]. Come, we should do obeisance and fall [before]

ai)xcb Kai KA,ai3aco|i£v svavxiov Kopiou xod

him; and weep before [the] LORD, the one

7roifjaavxoc; r\[idq 7+6x1 avzoq saxiv o dsoq rjjicbv Kai

making us. For he is our God, and

r\[isiq Xaoq vojifjc; avzov Kai 7ip6paxa %zipoq ai)xoi3

we [are] [the] people of his pasture, and [the] sheep of his hand.

ofjjispov sdv xrjc; (powr\q avzov aKotxyrjxe 8 + |ir|

Today, if [ his voice you should hear], you should not

oKAxjpwrjxs xaq Kap8(a(; djicov coq sv xco

harden your hearts as in the

7iapa7iiKpaa|icb Kaxd xrjv rjjispav xod 7i8ipaa|ioi) sv

embittering, according to the day of the test in

xtj spfj|icD 9+ od S7is(paadv |is 01 7raxepec; djicov

the wilderness, of which [tested me your fathers];

s8oKi|iaadv |is Kai e(8ov xa spya (iou 10 +

they tried me, and they beheld my works.

xsaaapdKovxa sxrj 7ipoacbx0iaa xrj ysved SKSivrj Kai

Forty years I loathed that generation, and

8i7ia asi 7iXavcbvxai xrj Kap8(a auxoi 5e odk

said, They continually wander in the heart, and they do not

syvcoaav xac; odovq |iod u+ (oq cbjioaa sv

know my ways. So I swore by an oath in


96 is

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

TT| Opyfj |IOD 81 SlOsA,Sl)O0VTai SICJ TT|V KaT&amp;7iaDaiV |IOD

my anger, Shall they enter into my rest, [no].

96 is

i+ daaxe too Kopico dojia Kaivov doaxs too Kopico

Sing to the LORD [song anew]! Sing to the LORD

7idaa r| yr| 2+ daaxs icq KDpico suXoyfjaaTS

all the earth! Sing to the LORD! Bless

to ovojia olvtov ei)ayysAi^ea0e rjjiepav rjjispac;

his name! Announce good news day by day

to ocoTTjpiov (xdtotj 3+ avayysiAxxTe sv Toiq sGvsai

of his deliverance! Announce among the nations

ttjv 86^av olvtov sv 7idoi zoiq Xaoiq

of his glory, [and] among all the peoples

Ta 0ai)|idaia olvtov 4+ 6ti jieyac; Kopioc; Kai aivsToq

of his wonders! For great [is the] LORD, and praiseworthy —

acp68pa cpopepoc; screw wisp rcavTac; zovq dsovq 5 + 6ti

exceedingly. He is fearful above all the gods. For

7idvT£c; 01 08oi tcdv s0vobv Saijiovia o 8s Kopioc;

all the gods of the nations [are] demons; but the LORD

todc; oupavotic; S7iovr|asv 6+ s^ojioXoyrjaic; Kai

[the heavens made]. Acknowledgment and

copaiOTrjc; 8vcb7iiov ovtov ayi&lt;jD&lt;7Dvr| Kai

beauty are before him; holiness and

(i8yaA,07ip87r8ia sv tod ayidajiaTi ai)T0i3 7 + svsyraTS tod

majesty [are] in his sanctuary. Bring to the


LORD, O families of the nations! Bring to the LORD

86^av Kai Ti|if|v s+ svsyraTS tod Kupico 86^av

glory and honor! Bring to the LORD glory

ovojiaTi ovtov dpaTS dvaioq Kai sio7iopsi)sa0s sic;

for his name! Carry sacrifices, and enter into

Tag auAxxq aircou 9+ 7rpoaKwqaaTS tod Kopico sv ovXr)

his courtyards! Do obeisance to the LORD in [courtyard

dyia ai)T0i3 oaA,SD0fjTGD oko 7ipoacb7roD ovtov nooo rj

his holy] ! Let [ shake before his face all the

yr| 10+ 8i7iaT8 sv toic; s0vsaiv 6ti Kopioc;

earth]! Say among the nations that, [The] LORD

sPaoiXsDas Kai yap KaTcbp0coa8 tt|v oikouiisvtw ryciq

reigns! For even he set up the inhabitable world which


97 ra

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

od aaA,SD0fjasxai Kpivsi Xaovq sv sdGdxtjxi n +

will not be shaken. He shall judge peoples in straightness.

SDtppaivsaGcoaav oi ODpavoi Kai ayaAliaaGco r| yr|

Let [ be glad the heavens], and let [ exult the earth]!

oaA,SD6f|xco r| daXaaaa Kai to 7iAx|pcG|ia avTT\q n+

Let [ be shaken the sea], and the fullness of it!

Xapfjasxai xa 7is8(a Kai rcavxa xa sv avxoiq xoxs

[ shall rejoice The plains], and all the [things] in them. Then

ayaAAiaaovxai rcavxa xa tpXa xod 8pD|ioD 13+ and

[ shall exult all the trees of the forest] from

7ipoacb7roD xod KDpiOD 6x1 sp%sxai 6x1 sp%sxai Kpivai

[the] face of the LORD, for he comes; for he comes to judge

xtjv yrjv Kpivsi xrjv oikod|isvt|v sv 8iKaio&lt;y6vr| Kai

the earth. He shall judge the inhabitable world in righteousness, and

Xaovq sv xr| aAx|0s(a aDXOD

peoples in his truth.

97 TS

1+ o Kopioc; sPaailsDasv ayaAAiaaGco r| yr|

The LORD reigned. Exult, O earth!

SDcppavBfjxcoaav vfjaoi 7ioAAxxi 2+ vstpsAr| Kai yvotpoc;

Let [ be glad islands many] ! [There is] a cloud and dimness

kdkXco olvtov SiKaioawq Kai Kpijia KaxopGcoaiq

round about him; righteousness and judgment [are the] success


of his throne. Fire [before him

7ipo7iopsDasxai Kai cp^oyisi kdkA,co xodc; sxOpoDc; aDXOD

shall go forth], and it shall blaze round about his enemies.

4 + scpavav ai aaxpa7ia( aDXOD xr| oikod|isvt| s(5s Kai

[ appeared His lightnings] to the inhabitable world; [ beheld and

saaA,SD6r| r| yr| 5+ xa 6pr| coast Kqpoc; sxaKqaav

shook the earth]. The mountains [ as beeswax melted away]

a7T0 7ipoacb7lOD KDpiOD a7T0 7rpoacb7TOD KDpiOD

from [the] face of [the] LORD; from [the] face of [the] LORD

7idar|c; xrjc; yrjc; 6+ avfjyysilav 01 ODpavoi

of all the earth. [ announced The heavens]

xrjv 8iKaio&lt;76vr|v aDXOD Kai siSoaav 7iavxsc; 01 Xaoi

his righteousness; and [ beheld all the peoples]

xrjv 86^av aDXOD 7+ aiaxDvGfjxcoaav 7iavxsc; 01

his glory. [ were shamed All the ones


98 rra

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

7rpoaKuvowT8(; xoic; yXviiToiq 01 syKauxcbjievoi sv

doing obeisance to the carvings]; the ones boasting in

TOiq eiScoloic; auxcov 7ipoaKwf|aax£ auxco rcavxec;

their idols. Let [ do obeisance to him all

dyys^oi avzov 8 + fjKouas Kai eucppavGrj r| Sicbv Kai

his angels]! [heard and was glad Zion]; and

rjyaAAidaavxo ai Buyaxepec; xrjc; Iou8a(ac; svsksv

[ exulted the daughters of Judea] because of

xcov Kpijidxcov gov Kopie 9 + 6xi ai) Kupioc; o i3\j/iaxoc;

your judgments, O LORD. For you [the] LORD [are] highest

S7Ti 7idaav xrjv yrjv acp68pa D7rspi)\j/cb6r|(; imep

over all the earth — exceedingly. You were greatly exalted above

rcavxac; zovq dsovq 10+ 01 aya7icovxec; xov Kopiov

all the gods. The ones loving the LORD

jiiasixs 7iovr|pd cpuXdaasi Kijpioq xac; yv%aq

detest evil. [The] LORD guards the souls

xcov ocricov cjlvtov sk X^poq ajiapxcoAxyo puaexai

of his sacred ones. From out of [the] hand of [the] sinner he shall rescue

auxcroc; n+ cpcoc; avsxsiA,e xco SiKaico Kai xoic; euGeai

them. Light arose to the just, and [ to the straight

xt[ Kap8(a SDcppoawr) 12+ sutppdvBrjxs Sucaioi sv xco

in heart gladness]. [ should be glad [The] just] in the

Kupico Kai e^ojio^oysiaGs xrj (ivf||ir|

LORD, and make acknowledgment to the remembrance

Tr\q aymavvr\q auxoi)

of his holiness.

98 ns

1+ daaxe xco Kupico dajia Kaivov 6x1 Baujiaaxd

Sing to the LORD [ song a new] ! for [ wonderful [things]

S7ro(r|08v o Kopioc; eacoaev auxov r| 8e^id avzov Kai

did the LORD]. Redelivered him [by] his right [hand] and

o Ppa%icov o dyioq avzov 2 + eyvcbpiae Kupioc;

[ arm his holy]. [The] LORD made known

xo acoxfjpiov avTOV evavxiov xcov s0vcbv a7i8KdA,u\j/s

his deliverance; before the nations he revealed

xrjv 8iKaio&lt;y6vrvv avzov 3 + e|ivfja0r| xou sksovq auxcro

his righteousness. He remembered his mercy

xco IaKcbp Kai xrjc; aAxjGeiac; avzov xco oikco IapafjA,

to Jacob, and his truth to the house of Israel.

99 m

ev tootco + viKa

19- Psalms

s(8oaav rcdvxa xa rcspaxa xrjc; yr\q xo acoxfjpiov

[ beheld All the ends of the earth] the deliverance

xod 0sot3 r\[i(bv 4+ alaXd^axs xco Gecb 7idaa r| yr|

of our God. Shout to God all the earth!

daaxe Kai ayaAAido0s Kai \j/dXaxs 5+ \j/dXaxs xco

Sing and exult and strum! Strum to the

Kopico sv KiBdpa ev KiGdpa Kai cpcovfj \\fak[iov 6 + ev

LORD with a harp; with a harp and voice of a psalm! With

adAmy^iv s^axaic; Kai tpcovfj odAjnyyoc; Kspaxivrjc;

[trumpets hammered [metal]], and [the] sound of [the] trumpet of [the] horn

aXaXd^axs svco7iiov xod paaiAicoc; Kop(oi) 7 +

shout before the king of [the] LORD!

aaA,si)0fjxco r| 0dAxxaaa Kai xo 7iAx|pco|ia avTT\q r\

Let [ shake the sea], and the fullness of it! the

oikod|I8vt| Kai 7idvxsc; 01 KaxoiKowcsq sv aDxfj 8 +

inhabitable world and all the ones dwelling in it.

7ioxa|io( KpoxfjaoDai %sipi S7tixoaux6 xa oprj

Rivers shall clap hand together. The mountains

ayaAAidaovxai ano 7rpoaco7rou Kupiou 6x1 sp%sxai 9 +

shall exult from [the] face of [the] LORD, for he comes.

6x1 fjKei Kpivai xrjv yrjv Kpivsi xrjv oikod|isvt|v sv

For he comes to judge the earth; he shall judge the inhabitable world in

8iKaioawr| Kai Xaovq sv suGtixrjxi

righteousness, and peoples in straightness.

99 tax

1+ o Kopioc; spaadsuasv opyi^saGcoaav Xaoi o

The LORD reigned. Let [ be angry peoples] ! [He is] the

KaGfjjisvoc; S7i( xcov %spoi)P(|i aaA,su0fjxco rj yrj 2 +

one sitting upon the cherubim. Let [ be shaken the earth] !

Kopioc; sv Sicov jisyaq Kai D\j/r|A,6(; saxiv S7i( rcdvxac;

[The] LORD [in Zion [is] great], and is high above all

Tovq Xaovq 3 + s^o|ioA,oyr|ada0coaav xco ovojiaxi aoi)

the peoples. Let them acknowledge [ name your

xco jisydAxo 6x1 cpopspov Kai dyiov saxi 4 + Kai xijifj

great]! for [fearful and holy he is]. And [the] honor

PaoiXscoq Kpiaiv ayarcd au rjxoijiaaaq su0i)xr|xac;

of [the] king [equity loves]. You prepared straight

Kpiaiv Kai 5iKaioawqv sv IaKcbp au STioirjaaq 5 +

judgment; and [ righteousness in Jacob you established].


1 00 P ev toi3tco + vdca 19 -Psalms

D\j/Ol)XS KDpiOV TOV 6sOV T||icbv K(Xl 7ipoaKDVSlXS TCO

Raise up high [the] LORD our God, and do obeisance at the

D7ro7io8ico xcov 7io8cbv ovtov on dyioc; saxi 6 + Mayuofjc;

footstool of his feet! for he is holy. Moses

Kai Aapcbv sv xoic; ispsuaiv olvtov koi EajioDfjA,

and Aaron [are] among his priests, and Samuel

sv xoic; smKaXoDjievoic; to ovojia olvtov

[is] among the ones calling upon his name.

£7reKaAx)wco xov Kupiov Kai ovToq siafjKODSv auxcbv

They called upon the LORD, and he listened to them.

?+ sv gtvXcd vscpsAxjc; skoXsi itpoq ovTOvq 6xi

In a column of cloud he spoke to them; for

sqroAxxaaov xa jiapxtipia ovtov koi

they guarded his testimony, and

xa 7rpoaxdy|iaxa ai)xoi3 a sScdksv auxoic; 8 + Kopis

his orders which he gave to them. O LORD

o 0s6c; rjjicbv av zm^Kovsq ovT(bv o Qzoq av svikoToq

our God, you heeded them. O God, you [ propitious

syivoi) auxoic; Kai skSikcdv S7ri rcdvxa

became] to them, yet punishing over all

xa 87iixr|8sT3|iaxa auxcbv 9+ d\|/ot3xs Kopiov

their practices. Raise up high [the] LORD

xov 08ov r\[i(bv Koi 7ipoaKDVs(x8 sic; opoq dyiov ovtov

our God, and do obeisance at [ mountain his holy] !

6x1 dyioc; Kopioc; o 0s6c; rjjicbv

for [[is] holy [the] LORD our God].

100 p

1+ okokotfTcs xco 6scb 7idaa rj yrj 2 + 8oi)A,si3aaxs xco

Shout [to] God all the earth! Give service to the

Kopioo sv £D(ppo&lt;x6vr| siasXGaxs svcb7nov ovtov sv

LORD with gladness! Enter his presence with

ayaAAidasi 3+ yvcbxs 6x1 Kopioc; ovToq saxiv

exultation! Know that [the] LORD, he is

o 0s6c; rjjicbv ovToq S7iorr|asv r\[ioq koi ov% r\[isiq

our God! He made us, and not we.

r\[isiq 8s Axxoc; auxoi) Kai 7ip6paxa xrjc; vojifj^ ovtov 4 +

But we [are] his people, and [the] sheep of his pasture.

siasXGaxs sic; mq itvXoq ovtov sv s^ojio^oyfjasi sic;

Enter into his gates with acknowledgment, into

xac; ovXdq ovtov sv v^ivoiq s^ojio^oysiaGs auxcb

his courtyards with hymns! Make acknowledgment to him!


101 NP

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

aivsvcs to ovojia avzov 5 + on xprjaxoq Kopioc; sic;

Praise his name! For [ [is] gracious [the] LORD]; [ [is] into

xov aicbva to zkzoq avzov Kai scoc; ysvsdc; Kai ysvsdc;

the eon his mercy], and [unto generation and generation

T| aAxjBsia (xdtoi)

his truth].

101 KJ?

1+ sXsov Kai Kpiaiv daojiai aoi KDpis 2+ \j/aAxb Kai

[About] mercy and judgment I shall sing to you, O LORD. I shall strum, and

(TovfjacD sv o5cb ajicb|ico tcots fj^sic; itpoq |is

I shall perceive in [way an unblemished]. When shall you come to me?

5i87rop8i)6(ir|v sv araKia KapSiac; jiod sv jisaco

I traveled in [the] innocence of my heart; in [the] midst

TOD OIKOD JIOD 3 + 01) 7ipOS0S|JT|V 7ipo 0(pQak[L(bv |IOD

of my house. I did not set before my eyes

7ipdy|ia 7iapdvo|iov 7ioioDVTac; 7iapapdasic; sjiiorjaa 4 +

[thing an illegal]; [ ones committing violations I detested].

odk sKoAAx|6r| jioi Kap8(a aKajipfj skkAavovtoc; ait'

[cleaved not tome heart A crooked], turning aside from


me, the wicked man I knew not. The

KaTaXaXoDVTa XdGpa tcov 7iAr|aiov aDTOD todtov

one speaking ill in private of the ones near him ~ this one

s^s8icokov D7ispr|(pdvco ocpGaXjicb Kai a7iAx|aTC0 Kap5(a

I drove out. Proud eye and insatiable heart —

todtco od aDvfjaBiov 6+ 01 o(p6aX|io( jiod S7U todc;

with this one I ate not. My eyes [are] upon the

7riaTODc; Tr\q yr\q tod aDyKa9f|a9ai aDTODc; jist' sjiod

trustworthy of the land, for them to sit together with me,

7ropsD6|isvoc; sv o8cb ajicb(ico odtoc; jioi s^svcoDpysi

going in [way an unblemished]. This one officiated to me.

7 + od KaTCOKsi sv jisaco Tr\q oiKiaq jiod 7ioicbv

[ dwelt not in [the] midst of my house one having

D7ispr|(paviav Xakcbv d8iKa od KaTSD0Dvsv svcb7iiov

pride]. One speaking unjust did not conduct [anything] before

tcov ocpGaljicbv jiod 8 + sic; Tac; npcoiaq arcsKTSVov

my eyes. Into the morning I killed

7idvTac; todc; ajiapTCoAxyoc; Tr\q yr\q tod s^oAx)9psDaai

all the sinners of the land; to utterly destroy


1 02 np ev toi3tco + vtica 1 9 - Psalms

8K 7t6A£cdc; Kupioi) Kavmq xovq spyatpjisvoDc;

from out of [the] city of [the] LORD all the ones practicing

xrjv avojiiav


102 np

1 + Kopis siaaKODaov Tr\q 7rpoo8DXT|(; [iov Kai

O LORD, listen to my prayer, and

r| KpaDyf) |iod 7rpoc; as sXGstco 2 + jjt| a7ioaTps\j/r|c;

[ my cry unto you let come] ! You should not turn

to 7ip6aco7r6v aoD an sjiod sv r\ av r||ispa

your face from me in which ever day

BAipojiai kAavov npoq |is to ovq gov sv r| av

I should be afflicted. Lean to me your ear! in which ever

rjjispa 87riKaA,saco|iai as Ta%D S7idKODa6v jiod 3+ 6ti

day I should call upon you. Quickly heed me! For

s^sXurov coasi Kdizvoq ai rjjispai jiod Kai Ta oaTd jiod

[dissipated as smoke my days], and my bones

coast cpptiyiov aDVseppDyrjaav 4 + S7iAxjyr|v coast X°P T0( ^

[ as dried sticks are parched]. [ [is] struck down as grass

Kai 8^r|pdv6r| r| Kap8(a jiod 6ti S7isA,a66|ir|v

and is dried up My heart], so that I forgot

tod cpaysiv tov dpTOV jiod 5 + anb cpcovfjc;

to eat my bread. From [the] sound

tod aTSvayjioD jiod sKoAAx|0r| to octodv jiod tt|

of my moaning [ cleaves my bone] to

aapKi jiod 6+ co|ioico6r|v 7isA,SKdvi spr||iiKco sysvfjGrjv

my flesh. I became like [pelican a solitary]; I became

coast VDKTiKopa^ sv oiK07is8co 7+ rjypD7ivr|aa Kai

as [the] long-eared owl in [its] area. I was sleepless and

sysvojxrjv coast aTpoD0tov jiovd^ov S7it ScbjiaToq 8 +

I became as a sparrow living alone upon a roof.

6Ax|v ttjv rjjispav covs(5i^6v |is 01 s%0pot |iod Kai 01

All the day [ berated me my enemies], and the

S7iaivoDVTSc; |is KaT' sjiod co|ivdov 9+ 6ti a7io86v

ones praising me [against me swore an oath]. For [ashes

coast dpTOV scpayov Kai to 7i6|ia jiod jiSTd k}uxd0|iod

as bread I ate], and my drink [ with weeping

SKipvcov 10+ a7io 7rpoacb7ioD Trjq opyfjq aoD Kai

is being diluted]; because of [the] face of your anger, and


1 02 np ev toi3tco + vuca 1 9 - Psalms

TOD 0DJ1OD OOD Oil STldpaq KaXSppa^dg |IS n +

your rage; for having lifted [me] up you broke me down.

ai rjjispai jiod coast aKid SKAiGrjaav Kayco coast

My days [ as a shadow declined], and I as

%6pxoc; 8^r|pdv6r|v i2+&lt;xu8e Kopis sic; xov aicova

grass am dried up. But you, O LORD, [ into the eon

jisvsk; kcu to |ivr||i6&lt;7Dv6v aoD sic; ysvsdv Kai ysvsdv

abide], and your memorial unto generation and generation.

13 + od avaaxdc; oiKxsipfjasic; xr|v Eicbv 6xi Kaipoc;

In your rising up you shall pity Zion, for [it is] time

tod oiKxsipfjacu aDifjv on fjKei Kaipoq u + 6xi

to pity it, for [ comes [the] time]. For

SD56KT|aav 01 8odA,oi aoD xodc; Xidovq avTT\q Kai

[ thought well of your servants] her stones, and

xov xodv avTT\q oiKisipfjaoDai 15 + Kai cpopr|0f|aovxai xa

[her dust shall pity]. And [ shall fear the

sGvrj to ovojia KDpioD Kai 7idvT£c; 01 PaaiXsfc; xrjc;

nations] the name of [the] LORD, and all the kings of the

yrjc; xrjv 86^av aoD 16+ 6x1 oiKoSojifjasi KDpioq xrjv Iacov

earth your glory. For [the] LORD shall build up Zion,

Kai ocpGfjasxai sv xr| 56^r| aDXOD 17 + S7rspA,s\j/sv S7U

and he shall appear in his glory. He looked upon

ttjv 7rpoasDxfjv xcov xa7isivcov Kai odk s^odSsvcocjs

the prayer of the humble, and did not treat [ with contempt

ttjv SsTjGiv aDxcbv 18+ ypacpf|xco aDTT] sic; ysvedv sxspav

their supplication]. Let this be written for [generation another]!

Kai Xaoq o Kxitpjievoc; aivsasi xov KDpiov 19+6x1

and [the] people being created shall praise the LORD. For

S^SKD\j/SV s£, Dlj/ODq ayiOD aDXOD KDpioq s^ ODpaVOD

he looked out from [the] height of his holy place. [The] LORD [from heaven

87i( xrjv yrjv S7i8pA,s\j/8 20 + xod aKODaai xod axevay jiod

upon the earth looked], to hear the moaning

xcov 7iS7rs5r||isvcov xod Xvaai xodc; viovq xcov

of the ones being shackled, to untie the sons of the

xsGavaxoajisvcov 21 + xod avayysi^ai sv Sicbv xo ovojia

ones being killed, to announce in Zion the name

KDpioD Kai xrjv aivsaiv aDXOD sv IspoDaaArj|i 22+ sv

of [the] LORD, and his praise in Jerusalem, in

xco S7iioDva%6fjvai Axxodc; S7iixoaDx6 Kai fiaaikziq

the assembling of peoples together, and kings

103 ev toi3tco + vdca 19 -Psalms

tod 8odA,st3siv tco Kopico 23 + a7i8Kpi9r| ai)xcb sv o8cb

to serve to the LORD. It shall be answered by him in [the] way

io%voq olvtov xrjv oAiyoxrjxa xcov rjjispcbv [iov

of his strength; [the fewness of my days

avdyysi^ov jioi 2 4+ [ir\ avaydyrjc; |is sv rjjiiasi

he announced tome]. You should not lead me away in half

rjjispcbv |iod ev ysvsd ysvscbv xa sxrj aoi) 25+ Kax'

of my days; [ are in generation of generations your years]. At

ap%dq av icopie xrjv yrjv sBsjisAicoaac; Kai spya

[the] beginning, you, O LORD, [for the earth laid a foundation]; and [the] works

xcov %sipcbv aoi) siaiv 01 oupavoi 26 + ai)xo( a7roXowxai

of your hands are the heavens. They shall perish,

av Ss 5iajisvsic; Kai 7idvxsc; coc; ijidxiov

but you shall abide. And all as a garment

7iaXaico6f|aovxai Kai coast 7ispip6Amov ski^exq avzovq

shall become old; and as a wrap-around [garment] you shall coil them,

Kai aX^ayfjaovxai 2 ? + ai) 5s o avzoq si Kai

and they shall be changed. But you [ the same are], and

xa sxrj aoi) odk sk^suj/odcjiv 2 s + 01 men

your years shall not cease. The sons

xcov SotiAxov aoi) KaxaaKqvcbaoDai Kai

of your servants shall encamp, and

xo a7isp|ia ai)xcbv sic; xov aicbva Kaxsi)0i)v9f|asxai

their seed [into the eon shall conduct [matters]].

103 ftp

1 + siAoysi T| \\fv%r\ [iov xov Kopiov Kai rcdvxa xa

Bless [ O my soul the LORD], and all the [things]

svxoc; |iod xo ovojia xo dyiov olvtov 2+ siAoysi

within me, [bless] [ name his holy] ! Bless

T| \|A)%fj jiod xov Kopiov Kai |xr| s7riA,av0dvoi) 7idaac;

[ O my soul the LORD], and forget not all

xaq avxa7io86osic; avxov 3 + xov sin^axstiovxa ndaaq

his recompenses! the one propitiating all

xac; avojiiaq aoi) xov icbjisvov itaaaq xaq voaoix; aoi) 4 +

your lawlessnesses; the one healing all your diseases;

xov Ampotijisvov sk cpGopdq xrjv ^cofjv aoi) xov

the one ransoming [ from out of corruption your life]; the one

axscpavowcd as sv sAisi Kai oiKxipjiok; 5+ xov

crowning you with mercy and compassions; the one


103 ev toi3tco + vdca 19 -Psalms

8|i7ri7iXcbvTa sv ayaGoiq xrjv S7ri9i)|iiav aoi)

filling [with good [things] your desire].

avaKaiviaGfjasxai coc; asxou r\ vsoxrjc; aoi) 6 + 7ioicbv

[ shall be renewed as an eagle Your youth]. The one doing

sksmioavvaq o Kopioc; Kai Kpijia 7idai xoic;

charity [is] the LORD, and judgment to all the ones

a5iKOD|isvoic; 7+ syvcbpias xac; odovq avzov xco Mcouafj

having been wronged. He made known his ways [to] Moses;

xoic; vioiq IapafjX xa GsArjjiaxa avzov 8 + oiKxipjicov Kai

to the sons of Israel his wants. Pitying and

sXsfj|icov o Kopioc; |iaKp60D|ioc; Kai TtoXvZkzoq 9+

merciful [is] the LORD; lenient and full of mercy.

odk sic; Tskoq opyiaGfjasxai od8s sic; xov aicbva

Not unto [the] end shall he be provoked to anger, nor into the eon

jirjvisi 10+ od Kaxd xac; avojiiaq rjjicbv S7rovr|asv

will he cherish wrath. Not according to our lawless deeds did he deal

r\\iiv od5s Kaxd xaq ajiapxiac; rijicbv avxa7is5coKsv

with us; nor according to our sins did he recompense

r\[iiv 11+ 6x1 Kaxd xo v\\foq xod ODpavoi) arco xrjc;

to us. For as the height of the heaven from the

yr\q SKpaxaicoas Kopioc; xo sksoq aDxoi) S7ri xodc;

earth, [so the] LORD fortified his mercy upon the

cpoPoDjisvoDc; avzov 12+ Ka6' oaov a7is%ODaiv

ones fearing him. According to as much as [the] distance

avaxoAm arco 8i)0|icbv sjidKpuvev atp' rijicbv

eastwards from westwards, he set afar from us

xac; avojiiaq r\[i(bv 13+ KaGcbc; oucxsipsi 7iaxf|p diodc;

our lawlessnesses. As [ pities a father] [his] sons,

coKxsiprjas Kopioc; xodc; tpoPoDjisvoDc; ai)xov 14+ 6x1

[so the] LORD pities the ones fearing him. For

avToq syvco xo 7iXda|ia rj|icbv S|ivfja9r| 6x1 xodc; sajisv

he knew our shape, he remembered that we are dust.

15+ dv6p&lt;j07roc; coast x°P T0C i ai T||iepai aDxoD coast dvGoc;

Man, as grass, so are his days; as a flower

xod aypoD odxcgc; s^avGfjasi 16+ 6x1 7WSD|ia 8ifjX0sv

of the field, so he shall blossom. For as wind goes

sv ai)xcb Kai od% Drcdp^si Kai odk S7iiyvcbasxai

by him, and it no longer exists, so also he shall not recognize


[ any longer his place]. But the mercy of the LORD

104 ip

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

ano tod aicovoc; Kai ecoc; tod aicovoc; S7ii todc;

from the eon, and unto the eon, [is] upon the ones


fearing him. And his righteousness [is] upon

Dioiq dicov i8+ TOiq cpD^daaoDai ttjv SkxGtjktjv ocdtod

[the] sons of [the] sons; to the ones guarding his covenant,

Kai |is|ivr||i8voic; tcov svtoAxov oidtod tod 7ioif|aai

and [to the] ones remembering his commandments to observe

(XDT&amp;C; 19+ KDpiOq 8V TCO ODpaVCO T|TOl|iaa£

them. [The] LORD [ in the heaven prepared

tov Gpovov aDTOD Kai r| PaaiXsia aDTOD

his throne], and [ his kingdom

7ldVTC0V 8sa7l6^8l 20 + SD^OySVCS TOV KDpiOV 7ldVT8(;

he [is] master of all]. Bless the LORD all [you]

ayysAxn aDTOD SDvaTOi laxm 7toiodvtsc;

his angels, mighty in strength, executing

tov Xoyov aDTOD tod aKODaai Tr\q (poovfjc;

his word, to hearken to the sound

tcov Xoycov aDTOD 21 + SD^oysrcs tov KDpiov 7idaai ai

of his words! Bless the LORD, all [you]

8Dvd|isic; aDTOD XsvcoDpyoi aDTOD 7toiodvts(;

his forces! his ministers perfonning

to 0sAx||ia aDTOD 22+ SD^oysvcs tov Kupiov 7idvTa Ta

his will. Bless the LORD, all [you]

spy a aDTOD sv 7iavTi t67tco Tr\q SDvacrcsiaq aDTOD

his works, in every place of his dominion!

SD^OySl T| \\fV%T\ |IOD TOV KDpiOV

Bless [O my soul the LORD]!

104 7j?

1 + SD^oyei r| \\fv%r\ jiod tov Kupiov Kopie o 0e6c; |iod

Bless [O my soul the LORD]! O LORD my God,

£|isyaA,Dv6r|c; acp68pa e^ojioA,6yr|aiv Kai

you are magnified exceedingly. [ acknowledgment and

|isyaA,07rps7isiav svsSdcjco 2+ avaPaAlojisvoc; cpcoc;

majesty You clothed yourself with]; cloaking on light

coc; ijidTiov 8KTSIVC0V tov ODpavov coaei 5eppiv 3 +

as a garment; stretching out the heaven as a hide covering;

o aTsyd^cov sv D8aai Ta Dftepcoa aDTOD o TiGefc; vecpr)

roofing [with waters his upper rooms]; placing clouds


1 04 7p ev toi3tco + viica 1 9 - Psalms

TT|V 87l(PaaiV CXDTOD O 7CSpi7CaTCbv 8711 7CTSpDyC0V

for his step; the one walking upon [the] wings

avejicov 4+0 7ioicbv Tovq ayyskovq avToi) 7iv£D|iaTa

of [the] winds; the one making his angels winds,

Kai todc; XsrcoDpyoDc; cxdtod nvpoq cp^oya 5 + o

and his ministers [of fire aflame]; the one

GsjieAicbv xrjv yrjv S7i( rqv aacpd^siav avTT\q od

laying the foundation for the earth in its stability (it shall not

KAiGfjaexai etc; tov aicbva tod aicbvoc; 6+ dpuaaoc; coc;

lean into the eon of the eon); [the] deep as

iji&amp;Tiov to 7repip6Amov cxdtod 87ii tcov opecov

agamient of his wrap. Upon the mountains

&lt;ycfjaovTai dScxtcx i + and S7UTi|if|aecoc; ctod cpsD^ovTai

[ shall stand waters]; from your reproach they shall flee;

goto (poavfjc; PpovTfjq cjod 8siAiaaoDaiv 8 + avaPaivoDaiv

from [the] sound of your thunder they shall show timidity. They ascend

6pr| Kai Kon;aPaivoDai 7cs5(a sic; T07cov ov

[the] mountains, and go down to [the] plains, to a place where

sGsjisAicoaac; avza 9+ opiov s0od o od

you laid a foundation for them. [ a limit You placed] which they shall not

7capeA£i)aovTai od8£ S7i;iaTps\j/ouai KaA,D\j/ai tt|v yrjv

pass, nor shall they return to cover the earth.

10+0 8^a7coaT8AAxjav 7rr|yac; sv cpapay^iv avajisaov

The one sending out springs in ravines; [ in the midst

tcov opscov SisXsDaovTcn D8aTa 11 + 7COTIODOI 7CCXVT(X TCX

of the mountains shall go through waters]; they shall water all the

Grjpia tod aypoD 7cpoa8s^ovTai ovaypoi sic;

wild beasts of the field; [ shall receive it wild donkeys] for


their thirst; by them the winged creatures of the heaven

KaTaaKTjvcbasi sk jisctod tcov 7CSTpcbv ScoaoDai

shall encamp; from between the rocks they shall give out


a sound; watering mountains from out of his upper rooms.

goto Kap7C0D tcov spycov aoD %opTaa0f|oeTai r| yr| u +

By [the] fruit of your works [ shall be filled the earth].

o s^avaTsAAxov %6pTOV toic; KTfjvsai Kai %A,6r|v

The one causing [ to rise up grass] to the cattle, and tender shoots

ttj SodXsicx tcov av9pco7i;cov tod s^cxycxysiv dpTOV sk

to the service of the men, to bring bread from


1 04 7p ev toutco + vuca 1 9 - Psalms

xrjq yrjc; 15+ Kai oivoq SDcppaivsi Kap8(av av0pcb7ioD

the earth; and wine makes glad [the] heart of man;

tod iXaptivai 7ip6aco7rov ev eAmoo Kai dpxoq KapSiav

to make [ happy [his] face] with olive oil; and bread [ [the] heart

av0pcb7ioD axfjpi^si i 6 + %opTaa0f|aovTai Ta ^6^ a XO d

of man supports]. [ shall be filled The woods of the

7ts5iod ai Ke8poi tod AipdvoD aq sipmsvaaq n +

plain] with the cedars of Lebanon which you planted.

SK8i &lt;xcpoD0ia swoaasDaoDai tod spoo5iOD r| koctoikiq,

There [the] sparrows will nest; [ of the heron [the] dwelling]

rjyeirai ocdtcov 18+ oprj TaD\j/r|Axx zaiq eAxkpoic;

takes lead over them; [ mountains [the] high] for the stags;

7iSTpa KaTacpDyfj zoiq %oipoypDAAioi&lt;; 19+ S7iorr|ae

a rock of refuge for the hyrax. He made

aeXfjvrjv sic; Kaipotic; o r\kioq eyvco tt|v 8doiv aDTOD

[the] moon for seasons; the sun knows his setting.

20+ S0OD ctkotoc; Kai eysvsTO vd^ sv aDTfj

You made darkness, and [happened night]; [in it

5ieA,£DaovTai 7idvTa Ta 0r|pia tod 8pD|ioD 21+ cjkdjivoi

go all the wild beasts of the forest]. [Lion] cubs

oopDojisvoi tod ap7idoai Kai ^rjTfjaai 7iapd tco Gscb

roaring to seize by force; and seeking from God

Ppcbaiv aDTOiq 22+ av8T8iA,ev o r\k\oq Kai

food for themselves. [arose The sun], and

avvT\%dr\aav Kai eic; Tag jidvSpac; aDTcbv

they were brought together, and in their lairs

KoiTaa0f|aovTai 23+ e^sXsDasTai dv0pcD7ioc; em

they shall lay down. [ shall go forth Man] unto

to epyov aDTOD Kai S7t( ttjv epyaaiav aDTOD ecoc;

his work, even unto his work until

ea7repac; 24 + 00c; s|isyaA,DV0r| Ta spya aoD Kopis 7idvTa

evening. How [ were magnified your works], O LORD; [all

sv aocpia S7iorr|aac; S7iAx|pcb0r| r| yr| Tr\q kticjscoc; aoD

in wisdom you made]; [ was filled the earth] of your creation;

25+ aDTTj T| 0dA,aooa r| |ieydAx| Kai £DpD%copoc; sksi

this the [ sea great] and broad space; [located] there

sp7iSTd gov odk scttiv api0 |ioc; Cfba jiiKpd jiSTd

[are] reptiles which there is no count; living creatures — small with

jisyd^cov 26 + 8K8i 7iXo(a 8ia7iopeDOVTai SpdKcov odtoc;

[the] great; there boats travel over; this dragon


105 np

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

ov siikaaaq S|i7iai^siv auxco 27 + rcdvxa npoq as

whom you shaped to sport [in] it. All [ from you

7ipoa5oKcbai 8oi3vai xrjv xpocpfjv auxcbv eic; etiraipov

expect] to give them nourishment in an opportune time.

28 + 86vtoc; aoi) auxofc; ovXkstpvaiv avoi^avxoq oou

[At] your giving to them, they shall collect; opening your

xrjv %£ipa xa &lt;y6|i7iavxa 7iAx|a0f|oovxai %pr|ax6xr|xoc; 29 +

hand, all things shall be filled [by] that which is good.

a7ioaxpe\j/avxoc; 8s aou to 7ip6aco7rov xapa%0fjaovxai

But [at the] turning of your face they shall be disturbed;

avxavsXeiq to 7wsi)|ia auxcbv Kai sk^suj/odcji Kai

you shall take away in return their spirit, and they shall fail, and

sic; xov %odv auxcbv S7naxp£\j/ouaiv 30 + e^a7ioaxeA£ic;

unto their dust they shall return. You shall send out

to 7rvei)|id aoi) Kai KxiaGfjaovxai Kai avaKaivisiq to

your spirit, and they shall be created; and you shall renew the

7ip6aco7rov xrjc; yrjc; 31+ fjxco r| 86^a Kopiou eic; Tovq

face of the earth. Let [ be the glory [of the] LORD] into the

aicovac; SDcppavGfjasxai Kopioc; em xoic; spyoic; avzov 32 +

eons! [The] LORD shall be glad over his works;

0 87llPA,S7lCOV 8711 XT|V JT[V Kai 7TOIC0V aVTT\V

the one looking upon the earth, and making it

xpejisiv o a7ix6|isvoc; xoov opecov Kai Ka7w(^ovxai 33 +

to tremble; the one touching the mountains and they smoke.

daco xco KDpico ev xr| ^cofj [iov \j/aAxb xco 0eco jiou

1 shall sing to the LORD in my life. I shall strum [to] my God

ecoc; D7tdp%CD 34+ rj8i)v0sir| auxco r| Sia^oyfj |iod syco 8e

while I exist. Let [ be delicious to him my versification], and I

si)(ppav0f|ao|iai em xco KDpico 35+ skA,817toisv

shall be glad in the LORD. [failed

ajiapxcoAxn arco xrjc; yr\q Kai dvojioi cbaxs (irj

Sinners] from the earth, and lawless ones so as for [ to not

imdpxeiv avTOvq eiAoyei r| \|A)%f| jiou xov Kopiov

exist them]. Bless [ O my soul the LORD]!

105 np&gt;

1+ s^ojioAx)ysia0s xco KDpico Kai 87iiKaA,s(a0s

Make acknowledgment to the LORD, and call upon

xo ovojia avTOV a7iayysiA,axs sv xoic; s0vsai

his name! Report among the nations


105 TP ev tootco + vuca 19 - Psalms

xa spya auxoi) 2 + daaxe auxcb Kai \j/dA,axs auxcb

of his works! Sing to him, and strum to him!

5ir|yf|aaa68 rcdvxa xa 6au|idoia auxou 3 + S7raive(o6e sv

Describe all his wonders! Applaud in

xco ovojiaxi xco ayico auxou sutppavBfjxco Kap8ia

[ name his holy] ! Let [ be glad [the] heart

^rjxouvxcov xov Kopiov 4 + ^rjxfjaaxs xov Kopiov Kai

seeking the LORD]! Seek the LORD, and

KpaxaicbGrjxe ^rjxfjaaxs xo 7ip6aco7rov auxou Sia7iavx6c;

be fortified! Seek his face always!

5 + |ivfja6r|X£ xcov Gaujiaaicov auxou cov S7roir|ae

You should remember his wonders of which he did;

xa xepaxa auxoi) Kai xa Kpijiaxa xou axojiaxoc; auxou 6

his miracles, and the judgments of his mouth;

a7i8p|ia APpadji 8ot3Xoi auxou moi IaKcbp

seed of Abraham his servants; sons of Jacob

skXskxoi auxou ?+ auxoc; Kopioq o Gsoq r||icbv sv

his chosen. He is [the] LORD our God; [ [are] in

7idar| xt| yrj xa Kpijiaxa auxou 8 + S|ivf|a0r| sic; xov

all the earth his judgments]. He remembered [into the

aicova 8ia6fjKr|c; auxou Xoyou ov evsxeiAxxxo sic;

eon his covenant]; [the] word which he gave charge for

Xikiaq yevedc; 9+ ov 8ie0exo xco APpadji Kai

a thousand of generations; which he ordained [with] Abraham, and

xod opKOD auxot) xco IaadK 10+ Kai soxrjaev ai)xov xco

his oath [to] Isaac. And he established it [to]

IaKcbp eic; 7ip6oxay|ia Kai xco IopafjA, sic; 8ia6fjKr|v

Jacob for an order, and [to] Israel for [ covenant

aicbviov 11+ Aiycov aoi 8cboco xrjv yrjv Xavadv

an eternal], saying, To you I give the land of Canaan,

axoiviajia KAxjpovojjiac; djicov 12+ sv

a piece of measured out land for your inheritance. In

xco eivai auxotic; apiGjicb Ppa%e(c; oAiyoaxouc; Kai

their being [ in number few], very few, and

7tapoiKouc; ev auxfj 13+ Kai 8vfjX0ov eGvouc; sic;

sojourners in it; that they went from nation to

s0voc; Kai sk Paai^siaq eic; Xaov exspov

nation, and from a kingdom to [people another].

14+ odk acpfjKsv dv9pco7iov aSiKfjaai avzovq Kai

He did not let a man wrong them; and


105 TP ev tootco + vtica 19 - Psalms

rjXsy^sv D7isp aDTcbv PaaiXsic; 15+ \rr\ d7rcsa9s

he reproved [ for them kings], saying, Do not touch

xcov xpiaxcbv jiod Kai sv xoic; 7ipo(pf|Taic; jiod jlit|

my anointed ones! and among my prophets do not

7iovr|psDsa0s i 6 + Kai SKd^sas Aajiov S7ri rqv yrjv 7iav

do wickedly! And he called famine upon the land; [ all

&lt;ycfjpiy|ia dpxoi) aDvsrpnj/sv 17+ a7isaTSiA,sv S|i7ipoa0sv

reliance on bread he broke]. He sent in front of

aDTcbv dv6pco7rov sic; Sovkov S7ipd6r| Icoaf|(p i 8 +

them a man; [ for a servant was sold Joseph].

8Ta7T8ivcDaav sv 7is8aic; todc; 7i68ac; avzov aiSrjpov

They humbled [with shackles his feet]; [iron

5if|A,9sv r| \\fv%r\ avzov 19+ [i£%pi tod sA£s(v

went through his soul]; until [came


his word]; the oracle of the LORD purified

(XDTOV 20 + a7i8aTSiA,8 paai^sDc; Kai sXdcisv ocdtov

him. [ sent [The] king] and untied him,

dp%oov Xaov Kai acpfjKsv aDTOV 21 + KaTsarqasv

[even] a ruler of [the] people, and let him go. He placed

aDTOV KDpiov tod oikod aDTOD Kai dp%ovTa 7idar|(;

him as master of his house, and ruler of all

TT\q KTTjaSCDq aDTOD 22+ tod 7iai5sDoai

his possessions; to instruct

todc; dpxovTaq aDTOD coc; saDTOV Kai

his rulers as he himself, and

todc; 7ipeaPDT8poDc; aDTOD aoqnaai 23 + Kai

[ his elders to make] wise. And

eiafjXGev IapafjX sic; AiyD7iTOV Kai IaKcbp 7iapcbKT|asv

Israel entered into Egypt, and Jacob sojourned

sv yrj Xaji 24 + Kai rjD^rjas tov Xaov avzov acp65pa

in [the] land of Ham. And [grew his people] exceedingly;

Kai 8KpaTa(coasv aDTOV D7isp todc; s^BpoDc; aDTOD 25 +

and he fortified it above his enemies.

|iSTS&lt;xcps\j/s ttjv Kap5(av aDTOD tod (iiofjaai

He converted his heart to detest

tov Xaov aDTOD tod 5oAaoDa6ai sv toic; 8odA,oic; aDTOD

his people; to use deceit with his servants.

26 + s^a7isaTSiA,s MoQDafjv tov SodAxw aDTOD Aapcbv ov

He sent out Moses his servant; Aaron whom


105 Hp ev tootco + vtica 19 - Psalms

s^sXs^axo sauxcb 2 ?+ s0sxo sv avxoiq xovq Xoyovq

he chose for himself. He put among them the matters

xcov &lt;xr||isicov avzov Kai xcov xspdxcov avzov sv jr\

of his signs, and of his miracles in [the] land

Xaji 28+ s^aftsaxsiXs cjkoxoc; Kai saKoxaas Kai

of Ham. He sent out darkness, and it darkened; and

7iap£7UKpavav zovq Xoyovq avzov 29 + |isxsaxps\j/s

they rebelled against his words. He converted

xa i35axa auxcbv sic; aijia Kai a7isKxsivs

their waters into blood, and killed

Tovq \%dvaq auxcbv 30+ s^f|p\j/sv rj yr| auxcbv Paxpdxouc;

their fishes. [ crept forth [in] their land Frogs];

sv xoic; xajisunc; xcov PaaiXscov ai)xcbv 31+ si7is Kai

in the closets of their kings. He spoke, and

fjXGe KDvojiDia Kai aKvimq sv 7idai

there came [the] dog-fly and midges in all

xoicj opioicj auxcov 32 + S0SXO xac; Ppo%dc; auxcov yakaCfiv

their borders. He made their rains [into] hail,

7Top KaxacpAiyov sv xr| yr| auxcov 33 + Kai S7idxa^s

[and] fire burning up in their land. And he struck

xac; a|i7isAx)uc; auxcov Kai xac; aurac; auxcov Kai

their grapevines, and their fig-trees; and

OUVSXpi\j/S 7iaV ^6AX)V OpiOD aUXCOV 34+ 81718 Kai

he broke every tree of their border. He spoke, and

fjX08v aKpiq Kai Ppou%oc; ou oukttv apiGjioq 35 +

there came forth [the] locust and grasshopper, of which there was no number.

Kai Kaxscpays 7idvxa xov %6pxov sv xrj yr| auxcov Kai

And they devoured all the grass in their land, and

Kaxscpays xov Kaprcov xrjc; yrjc; auxcov 36+ Kai S7idxa^s

devoured the fruit of their land. And he struck

7iav 7ipcox6xoKov sv xtj yr| auxcov a7iap%fjv 7iavx6c;

every first-born in their land, first-fruit of all

7t6vod ai)xcbv 37 + Kai 8§f|yay8v auxouc; sv apyupico Kai

their toil. And he led them out with silver and

Xpucrico Kai ouk try sv xaic; (pvXaiq auxcov

gold; and there was not [one] among their tribes

o aaBsvcbv 38 + sucppavGrj Aiyu7ixoc; sv xrj s^65co auxcov

being weak. Egypt was glad in their exodus;

oxi S7iS7rsasv o cpopoc; auxcov S7i' auxouc; 39 +

for [ fell the fear of them] upon them.


106 p
8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

5iS7isxaas vstpsAx|v sic; aKS7ir|v aDxofc; Kai itvp

He opened and spread out a cloud for their protection, and fire

tod cpcoxiaai aoTofc; xrjv VDKxa 40 + fjxrjaav Kai f|X0sv

to give light to them at night. They asked for, and [ came

opToyo|if|Tpa Kai dpxov ODpavoD svs7iAx|asv aDxotic;

[the] mother-quail], and [the] bread of heaven filled them.

41+ 5isppr|^s 7i8xpav Kai sppDTiaav D5axa

He tore open [the] rock, and [ flowed [the] waters];

87rop8i)9r|aav sv avi)8poic; 7ioxa|ioi 42+ 6x1 sjivfjaGrj

[went to waterless [places] rivers]. For he remembered

xod A,6yoD xod ayioD aDxoD xod 7ipoc; APpadji

[ word his holy] [spoken] to Abraham

xov dovXov clvtov 43 + Kai s^qyays xov Xaov clvtov sv

his servant. And he led out his people in

ayaAAidasi Kai xodc; skXskxodc; aDxoD sv SDcppoawq 4 4 +

exultation, and his chosen ones in gladness.

Kai sScoksv aDxoiq %(hpaq s0vcbv Kai tcovodc;

And he gave to them [the] places of nations, and [produce of the] toils

Axxcbv KaxsKXr|pov6|ir|aav 45+ oitodq av (piAd^coai

of [the] peoples that they inherited; so that they should guard

xa 8iKaicb|iaxa clvtov Kai xov vojiov aDxoD SK^xfjacoaiv

his ordinances, and [ his law seek after].

106 lp
1+ s^o|ioA,oys(a0s xco Kopico 6x1 xprjoxoc; 6x1 sic; xov

Make acknowledgment to the LORD, for [he is] gracious; for into the

aicbva xo sXsoc; clvtov 2 + Tiq AxxAxjasi xac; 5Dvaaxsiac;

eon [is] his mercy. Who shall speak the mighty deeds

xod Kopioi) aKODaxdc; 7ioif|asi 7idaac;

of the LORD? Audibly, who shall offer all

xac; aivsasic; aDxoD 3 + jiarapioi 01 tpDA,daaovxsc;

his praises? Blessed [are] the ones keeping

Kpiaiv Kai 7ioioi)vxsc; 8iKaioaDVTrv sv 7iavx( Kaipcb

equity, and doing righteousness in every season.

4 + |ivfja9r|xi rjjicbv Kopis sv xrj sDSoKia xod Xclov gov

Remember us, O LORD, with the benevolence of your people!

S7i(aKs\j/ai r||idc; sv xco acoxrj pica aoD 5 +xodi8s(v sv

Visit us with your deliverance! To behold in

xtj xprjaxoxrjxi xcov sk^skxcov aoD xod SDcppavBfjvai

the [thing] gracious of your chosen ones; to be glad


106 p ev toi3tco + vdca 19 -Psalms

sv tt] sDcppoawq tod sGvodc; cjod TOD S7iaivsia9ai

in the gladness of your nation; to applaud

(iSTd Trjq KXrjpovoiiiaq aoD 6+ r||idpTO|isv jiSTd

with your inheritance. We sinned with

tcov 7iaT8pcov r||icbv r|vo|if|aa|isv r|5iKf|aa|isv ? +

our fathers; we acted lawlessly; we did wrong.

01 7iaT8psc; r\[i(bv ev AiyD7iTC0 od aDvfjKav

Our fathers in Egypt did not perceive

Ta GaDjidaid aoD odk sjivfjaGrjaav tod TiXr\dovq

your wonders, they remembered not the magnitude

tod sXsodc; aoD Kai 7iaps7UKpavav avaPaivovTec; sv tt|

of your mercy; and they rebelled [while] ascending unto the

spDGpd GaAxxaarj 8 + Kai soooaev ocdtod^ svsksv

red sea. And he delivered them because of

tod ovojiaToq aDTOD tod yvoopkrai ttjv 8DvaaTs(av oidtod

his name, to make known his might.

9+ Kai S7TSTi|ir|as tt| epDGpd BaXdaorj Kai e^rjpdvGrj

And he reproached the red sea, and it was dried up.

Kai co5f|yr|asv aDTODc; ev aPDaaoo coq sv 8pf|(ico io +

And he guided them in [the] deep as in [the] wilderness.

Kai eaoooev aDTODc; sk %sipoq jiictodvtoc; Kai

And he delivered them out of [the] hand of the one detesting; and

sAmpcbaaTO aDTODc; sk xzipoq s%0p(frv n+ SKdA,D\j/sv

he ransomed them out of [the] hand of enemies. [ covered

D5cop todc; GAipovTac; aDTODc; eic; aDTcbv od%

Water] the ones afflicting them; [ one of them not]

D7T8A,s((p0r| 12 + Kai 87i(aTSDaav too A,6yco aDTOD Kai

[was] left behind. And they trusted [in] his word; and

fjaav ttjv aiveaiv aDTOD 13 + STd%Dvav 87isA,d6ovTO

they were his praise. They hastened; they forgot


his works; they did not wait for his counsel.

14+ Kai S7is9D|ir|aav 87ii6D|iiav ev ttj spf||ico Kai

And they desired with desire in the wilderness; and

S7i8ipaaav tov 0s6v ev avD5pco 15+ Kai s5coksv

they tested God in a waterless [place]. And he gave

aDTOiq to aiTT||ia aDTcbv 8^a7i8aTSiA,s 7iAx|a|iovf|v siq

them their request; he sent fullness unto

Tag \\fv%dq aDTcbv i 6 + Kai 7iapcbpyiaav McoDafiv sv tt|

their souls. And they provoked Moses to anger in the


106 p

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

7iaps|iPoAx| Kai Aapcbv xov dyiov KopiOD i? + r|voi%0r|

camp, and Aaron the holy one of [the] LORD. [ opened

r| yr| Kai Kaxs7iis Aa0dv Kai SKdA,D\j/sv S7U xrjv

The earth] and swallowed down Dathan, and covered over upon the

aDvaycoyfjv Apsipcbv i 8 + Kai s^sKaD0r| nvp sv

congregation of Abiram. And [ was kindled fire] in

tt] aDvaycoyfj aDxcbv cplo^ KaxscpA^sv a|iapxcoAx)Dc; 19 +

their congregation; a flame burnt up [the] sinners.

Kai S7io(r|aav |ioa%ov sv XcopfjP Kai 7ipoasKDvr|aav

And they made a calf in Horeb, and they did obeisance to

xco yA,D7ixcb 20 + Kai rjAld^avxo xrjv 86^av aDxcbv sv

the carving. And they changed their glory into

ojioicbjiaxi [loaypv saBiovxoq %6pxov 21 + Kai

a representation of a calf eating grass. And

£7reAxx0ovxo xod 0sod xod afoCpvToq avzovq xod

they forgot the God, the one delivering them, the

7roifjaavxoc; jisydla sv AiyD7ixco 22+ 0ai)|idaia sv yr|

one doing great [things] in Egypt; wonders in [the] land

Xaji cpopspd S7U dakaaar\q spi)0pdq 23+ Kai si7is

of Ham; fearful [things] at [ sea [the] red]. And he spoke

xod s^oAx&gt;0psDaai aDxotic; si |ir| MoaDafjc;

to utterly destroy them, unless Moses

o skXskxoc; clvtov saxrj sv xr| 0pai3asi svcb7iiov

his chosen one stood among the devastation before

clvtov xod a7ioaxps\j/ai xov 0dji6v aDxoD xod (irj

him, to turn his rage to not

s^oA,o0psDaai aDxotic; 24+ Kai s^oD8svcooav yrjv

utterly destroy them. And they treated [ with contempt land

S7U0D|xr|xfjv odk s7riaxsDaav xco Xoyco aDxoD 25+ Kai

[the] desirable]; they did not trust [in] his word. And

syoyyoaav sv xoic; aKTrvcb|iaaiv aDxcbv odk

they grumbled in their tents; they did not

siafjKODoav xrjc; (pcovr\q KopioD 26+ Kai S7rqps

listen to the voice of [the] LORD. And he lifted up

xrjv x^poc aDxoD S7i' aDxotic; xod KaxaPaXsiv aDxotic;

his hand against them, to throw them down

sv xtj spf||ico 27+ Kai xod KaxaPa^siv xo a7isp|ia aDxcbv

into the wilderness; and to throw down their seed

sv xoic; s0vsai Kai 5iaaKop7i(aai aDxotic; sv xaic;

into the nations, and to disperse them in the


106 p ev tootcq + vtica 19 -Psalms

Xcbpaiq 28+ Kai sxsXsaGrjaav icq BssAxpsycbp Kai

places. And they were initiated to Baal-peor, and

scpayov Guoiac; vsKpcbv 29 + Kai 7iapcb^Dvav auxov sv

they ate a sacrifice of [the] dead. And they provoked him in

xoic; 87iiTr|8sT3|iaaiv auxcbv Kai S7iAx|0i)v6r| sv auxofc; r|

their practices; and [ was multiplied among them the

mcbaiq 30+ Kai saxrj Oivssc; Kai s^iXdaaxo Kai

blow]. And Phinehas stood and made atonement, and

SKorcaasv rj dpwbaiq 31+ Kai s^oyiaGrj auxcb sic;

[ was abated the devastation]. And it was imputed to him for

SiKaioowqv sic; ysvsdv Kai ysvsdv sooc; xod amvoq

righteousness, for generation and generation, unto the eon.

32 + Kai 7iapcbpyiaav auxov sm tiSaxoc; avxiXoyiac; Kai

And they provoked him to anger at Water of Dispute; and

8KaKcb9r| Moyoafjc; 81' avzovq 33+ 6x1

evil was inflicted upon Moses because of them; for

7iape7UKpavav xo 7wei)|ia avzov Kai 8isaxsiA,sv sv

they greatly embittered his spirit, and he drew apart with

xoic; %siksaiv avzov 34 + odk s^coA,60psi)aav xa s0vr|

his lips. They did not utterly destroy the nations

a S17T8 Kopioc; auxoic; 35 + Kai s|i(yr|oav sv xoic;

which [the] LORD told to them. And they mixed among the

sGvsai Kai sjiaBov xa spya auxcbv 3 6 + Kai s8oi3A,si)aav

nations, and learned their works. And they served

xoic; yXirnxofc; auxcbv Kai sysvf|6r| auxoic; sic;

their carvings, and it became to them for

aKdv8aA,ov 37 + Kai sBuaav zovq viovq auxcbv Kai

a cause of offence. And they sacrificed their sons and

xac; Guyaxspac; auxcbv xoic; Saijiovioic; 38 + Kai s^s%sav

their daughters to the demons; and they poured out

aijia aBcbov a(|ia mcbv auxcbv Kai Guyaxspoov cov

[ blood innocent] ~ [the] blood of their sons and daughters whom

sGuaav xoic; yXviiToiq Xavadv Kai scpovoKxovfjGrj r|

they sacrificed to the carvings of Canaan. And [ was polluted with murder the

yr| sv xoic; aijiaai 39+ Kai S|iidv0r| sv

land] by [their] blood, and it was defiled by

xoic; spyoiq auxcbv Kai S7i6pvsuaav sv

their works. And they committed harlotry by

xoic; S7rixr|8si)|iaaiv auxcbv 40+ Kai copyioGrj 0u|icb

their practices. And [ was provoked to anger in rage


106 p ev tootco + vdca 19 -Psalms

Kopioc; S7i( xov Axxov avxov Kai spSsA^axo

[the] LORD] against his people; and he abhorred

(Xl)TOD 41 + Kai 7iaps5coKsv aDxotic; sic;

his inheritance. And he delivered them into

Xsipac; s%0pcbv Kai SKopisDaav aDxcbv 01 jiictodvxsc;

[the] hands of enemies, and [ dominated them the ones detesting

avTOvq 42 + Kai s0A,nj/av avzovq 01 s%0po( aDxcov Kai

them]. And [ afflicted them their enemies], and

sxa7isivcb0r|oav D7i6 xac; %sipac; aDxcbv 43 + TiXsovoKiq

they were humbled under their hands. Many times

spptiaaxo aDxotic; aDxoi 8s 7iaps7riKpavav ai)xov sv

he rescued them, but they greatly embittered him by

XT) Poi)Arj aDxcbv Kai sxa7isivcb0r|aav sv

their counsel, and they were humbled in

xaic; avojiiaic; aDxcbv 4 4 + Kai s(8s Kopioc; sv

their lawless deeds. And [the] LORD beheld in

xco 0Aipea0ai aDxotic; sv xco ai)xov siaaKODaai

their being afflicted while at the same [time] listening to

xrjc; Ssfjasox; aDxcbv 45+ Kai sjivf|a0r| xrjc; 8ia0fjKT|(; aDxoD

their supplication. And he remembered his covenant,

Kai |isxs|isArj0r| Kaxd xo 7iAx|0oc; xod sA^sodc; aDxoD 46

and repented according to the magnitude of his mercy.

Kai sScoksv avTOvq sic; oiKxipjioDc; svavxiov rcavxcov

And he gave them over for compassions before all

xcov ai%|iaAxoxsDadvxcov aDxotic; 47+ acbaov r\[idq Kupis

the ones having captured them. Deliver us, O LORD

o 0s6q rjjicbv Kai smaDvdyays r||idc; sk xcov s0vcbv

our God, and assemble us from out of the nations!

xod s^o|ioXoyf|aaa0ai xco ovojiaxi ctod xco ayico

to acknowledge [name your holy];

xod syKaD%da0ai sv xrj aivsasi aoD 48 + SDXoyrjxoq

to boast in your praise. Blessed [be]

KDpioq o 0s6c; IopafjX anb xod aicbvoc; Kai scoq xod

[the] LORD God of Israel, from the eon and unto the

aicbvoc; Kai spsi rcac; o Xaoq ysvoixo ysvoixo

eon. And [ shall say all the people], May it be. May it be.


107 rp

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

19- Psalms

107 T|7

i+ s^o|ioAx)yeia0s too Kopioo oil %pr\oToq oil sic; tov

Make acknowledgment to the LORD for [he is] gracious, for [ [is] into the

aiobva to sksoq avzov 2 + emdTOoaav oi A,eAmpoo|ievoi

eon his mercy] ! Let [ speak the ones having been ransomed

D7r6 KDpioi) odc; eAmpobaaTO sk X^poq £%Qpov 3 +

by [the] LORD] ! whom he ransomed from out of [the] hand of [the] enemy.

Kai sk toov xcopcbv aDvfjyayev avzovq arco

And from out of the places he gathered them; from

avaxoAxbv Kai SDajiobv Kai Poppa Kai dakdaar\q 4 +

[the] east, and west, and north, and [the] sea.

£7rXavfj0r|aav ev tt| epf||ioo sv avi)5poo o86v noXscoq

They wandered in the wilderness in a waterless way; [ a city


for a home they did not find]. Hungering and

8uj/obvTec; r| \\fv%r\ aDTobv sv aDTOic; e^s^ms 6 + Kai

thirsting, their soul [in them failed]. And

SK8Kpa^av 7rpoq Kupiov sv too 0Aipea0ai avzovq Kai

they cried out to [the] LORD in their being afflicted, and

sk tcdv avayKcbv aDTobv spptiaaTO aDTODc; ? + Kai

from their distresses he rescued them. And

co8fjyr|asv avxovq eiq o86v SD0siav tod 7iopsD0f|vai

he guided them in [ way [the] straight], to go

ziq 7i6A.iv KaTOiKTjTT] pioi) 8+ 8^o|ioXoyr|ada0coaav tco

into a city of habitation. Let them make acknowledgment to the

Kopico Ta slerj avzov Kai Ta 0ai)|idaia avzov Toiq

LORD of his mercies, and of his wonders to the

vioiq toov av0poo7ioov 9 + 6ti £%6pTaae \\fv%r\v Kevfjv

sons of men! For he fills [soul [the] empty];

Kai \\fv%r\v 7isivcbaav evs7iAr|aev aya0cbv 10+

and [the] soul hungering he filled up with good [things];

Ka0r||isvouc; ev ctkotsi Kai aKid 0avdTOD

[even the] ones sitting down in darkness and [the] shadow of death,

7i£7re8r||i8VODc; sv 7iTC0X8ia Kai ai8f|pco 1 1 + OTl

being shackled in poorness and in iron; for

7iap£7i;iKpavav Ta Axoyia tod 0sod Kai tt|v PodAxjv

they rebelled against the oracles of God; and the counsel

TOD DljAOTOD 7iapcb^DVaV 12+ Kai 8Ta7lSlVCb0r| 8V

of the highest they provoked. And [ was humbled with


107 rp

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

k67tok; r| Kap8(a auxcbv rjaGsvrjaav Kai odk r|v

troubles their heart]; they weakened and there was no

o PorjGcbv 13 + mi SKSKpa^av 7ipoc; Kupiov sv

one helping. And they cried out to [the] LORD in

too GAipeoGai auxotic; Kai 8K tcov avayKcbv auxcbv

their being afflicted; and from out of their distresses

sacoasv avzovq u+ Kai s^fjyaysv avzovq sk

he delivered them. And he led them from out of

ctkotodc; Kai GKidq Gavdxou Kai mvq bea^iovq auxcbv

darkness and [the] shadow of death; and [ their bonds

8isppr|^sv 15+ s^ojioXoyrjadaGcoaav tod Kopico

he tore up]. Let them make acknowledgment to the LORD

xa sAirj avzov Kai xa Gaujidaia auxcro xoiq vioiq

of his mercies, and his wonders to the sons

xcov av0pcb7rcov i6+ 6xi auvsxpuj/s nvXaq %aXxaq Kai

of men! For he broke [the] gates of brass; and

[io%Xovq ai8r|poi)c; auvsGXaasv n+ avxs^dpsxo auxcbv

[the] bars of iron he fractured in pieces. He took hold of them

s^ o8ou avojiiaq auxcbv 8id yap

from out of [the] way of their lawlessnesses; for on account of

xac; avojiiaq auxcbv sxa7isivcb0r|aav i 8 + 7iav Ppcbjia

their lawlessnesses they were humbled. [ every food

spSslu^axo T] \\fv%r\ auxcbv Kai fjyyiaav scoc; xcov

abhorred Their soul], and they approached unto the

7iuXcbv xou Gavdxou i 9 + Kai SKSKpa^av npoq Kupiov ev

gates of death. And they cried out to [the] LORD in

xco GAipeoGai auxouc; Kai 8K xcov avayKcbv auxcbv

their being afflicted; and [ from out of their distresses

SOCOOSV aUXOUCj 20 + aftsaxei^s xov Xoyov auxou Kai

he delivered them]. He sent his word and

idaaxo auxouc; Kai sppuaaxo auxouc; sk

healed them; and he rescued them from out of

xcov 8iacp9opcbv auxcov 21 + s^ojioXoyrjadaGcoaav xco

their corruptions. Let them make acknowledgment to the

Kupico xa sXsrj auxou Kai xa Gaujidaia auxou xoic;

LORD of his mercies, and his wonders to the

vioiq xcov av6pcb7icov 22+ Kai Guadxcooav auxcb 0ua(av

sons of men! And let them sacrifice to him a sacrifice

aivsoscoc; Kai s^ayysiXdxcoaav xa spya avzov sv

of praise! And let them declare his works in

ayaAAidasi 23+ 01 KaxaPaivovxsc; sic; GdXaaaav sv

exultation! The [men] going down into [the] sea in


107 rp

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

7iA,o(oi(; 7roiowcsc; spyacriav sv vdaai noXkoiq 24 +

boats, doing work in [ waters many];

(xdtoi 8i8ov xa spya Kopiou Kai xa 6ai)|idoia avzov

these [men] beheld the works of [the] LORD, and his wonders

sv xco pi)0cb 25+ 81718 rat soxrj 7W8i3|ia KaxaiyiSoq

in the deep. He spoke, and [ is established wind [the] gale],

Kai D\j/cb9r| xa KDjiaxa avTT\q 2 6+ avapaivcroaiv scoc;

and [ are raised up high its waves]. They ascend unto

xcov oupavcbv Kai KaxaPaivcyoaiv scoc; xoov aptiaacov

the heavens, and they go down unto the abysses;

T| \\fv%r\ auxcbv sv KaKoiq sxfjKsxo 2 ?+ sxapd%6r|aav

their soul [in evils melts away]. They were disturbed;

saalsuGrjoav coc; o jisGucov Kai 7idaa

they were shaken as the one being intoxicated, and all

T| aocpia auxcbv Kaxs7i66r| 2 8 + Kai SKSKpa^av itpoq

their wisdom was swallowed down. And they cry out to

Kopiov ev xco GAipeaGai aDxouc; Kai sk

[the] LORD in their being afflicted; and [ from out of

xcov avayKcbv auxcbv s^qyaysv avzovq 29 + Kai S7isxa^s

their distresses he leads them]. And he gave orders

xtj Kaxaiy(8i Kai saxrj sic; atipav Kai scriyrjaav

to the gale, and it stood as a breeze, and [ were quiet

xa Kojiaxa auxfjc; 30+ Kai sutppdvGrjaav 6x1 r\av%aaav

its waves]. And they were glad for they were stilled;

Kai co8f|yr|asv aDxcroc; S7U Aijisva BsAruiaxoc; auxcov

and he guided them unto [the] harbor of their want.

31+ s^o(ioA,oyrjada0coaav xco Kopico xa sAirj ai)xoi3 Kai

Let them make acknowledgment to the LORD of his mercies, and

xa 0ai)|idaia avzov xoic; vioiq xcov av6pcb7icov 32 +

his wonders to the sons of men!

D\j/coodxcoaav auxov sv SKKArjaia Xaov Kai sv

Let them exalt him in [the] assembly of people, and [ in

Ka9s8pa 7rpsaPi)xspcov aivsadxcoaav ai)xov 33 + s0sxo

[the] chair of [the] elders let them praise him] ! He put

7roxa|icy6c; sic; sprjjiov Kai Sis^68odc; i)5dxcov sic;

rivers into a wilderness, and outlets of waters into

8uj/av 34+ yrjv Kap7rocp6pov sic; dA,|ir|v arco KaKiac;

a thirsty [ground]; a ground bearing fruit into brine, from [the] evils

xcov KaxoiKowccov sv auxfj 35+ s0sxo sprjjiov sic;

of the ones dwelling in it. He made a wilderness into


108 np

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

Aijivac; u8dxcDV Kai yrjv dvi)8pov sic; dis^odovq

lakes of waters; and [ ground a waterless] into outlets

uSdxcov 36+ Kai KaxcbKiaev sksi 7isivcbvxac; Kai

of waters. And he settled there ones hungering, and

aDveoxfjoavxo noXsiq KaxoiKsaiac; 3 ? + Kai sarcsipav

they stood together cities of habitation. And they sow

aypovq Kai sqroxsuaav a[msk(bvaq Kai S7ro(r|aav

fields, and plant vineyards, and they make

Kap7i6v yswrniaioq 3 8 + Kai suXoyrjosv auxotic; Kai

fruit of produce. And he blessed them, and

£7iAr|0i)v6r|aav acp65pa Kai xa Kxfjvrj auxcbv odk

they were multiplied exceedingly, and [ their cattle he does not

sa|iiKpi)vs 39+ Kai coA,iycb0r|aav Kai SKaKcb0r|aav anb

diminish]. And they were made few and were maltreated by

0Ai\j/scDc; KaKcbv Kai oSwqc; 4 o+ s^s%i)0r| s^oi)8svcooic;

[the] affliction of evils and grief. [ was poured out Contempt]

87i ' dpxovxaq auxcbv Kai S7iA,dvr|asv avzovq sv

upon their rulers, and he wandered them in

apdxco Kai odx oScb a\+ Kai spofj0r|as 7isvr|xi

an untrodden [place] and no street. But he helps [the] needy

8K 7ixcD%siac; Kai s0sxo coq 7ip6paxa 7iaxpidc; 42+

from out of poorness; and he made [as flocks families].

6\j/ovxai £D0s(c; Kai si)(ppav0fjoovxai Kai 7idaa

[ shall see [The] upright] and be glad; and all

avojiia sjicppd^ei xo axojia avxr\q 43 + xic; aocpoq Kai

lawlessness shall obstruct its mouth. Who [is] wise and

qroAxx^si xatixa Kai awqasi xa sAirj xou Kopioi)

will guard these [things], and perceive the mercies of the LORD?

108 np

1 + sxo(|xr| T| Kap5(a jiou o 0s6c; exoijirj r| Kap5(a [iov

[ [is] prepared My heart], O God, [ [is] prepared my heart].

daojiai Kai \j/aAxb sv xr| 56^r| jiod 2+ s^sysp0r|xi r|

I shall sing and strum in my glory. Awake, O

86^a |iod s^sysp0r|xi \j/aAxf|piov Kai Ki0dpa

my glory! Awake, psaltery and harp!

s^sysp0T]ao|iai 6p0pou 3+ s^ojioA,oyf|ao|iai aoi sv

I will be awakened at dawn. I will make acknowledgment to you among

Xaoiq Kopis \j/aAxb aoi sv s0vsaiv 4 + 6x1 jisya

peoples, O LORD; I shall strum to you among nations. For great


108 np

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

S7idvco xcov ODpavcbv to zksoq aoi) Kai sock; xcov

above the heavens [is] your mercy; and unto the

vscpsAxbv r| aAx|6sid gov 5 + D\j/cb0r|Ti stii zovq

clouds [is] your truth. Be raised up high above the

ODpavotic; o dsoq Kai sm 7cdaav xrjv yrjv r|

heavens, O God, and above all the earth [with]

56^a aoi) 6 + oitcnq av puaGcbaiv 01 aya7ir|TOi aoi)

your glory! so that [ should be rescued your beloved].

acbaov tt] 8e^id aoi) Kai S7cdKoi)a6v jiod i+odsoq

Deliver [with] your right [hand], and heed me! God

eldAxjasv ev too ayico ai)xoi) D\j/co9f|ao|iai Kai

spoke in his holy place. I shall be raised up high, and

Siajiepicb SiKijia Kai xrjv KoiA,d8a xcov aKqvcbv

I shall divide Shechem into parts; and the valley of the tents

8ia|i8Tpf|aco 8+ sjioq sail TaXadS Kai ejioc; sail

I will measure out. Mine is Gilead; and mine is

Mavaaafjc; Kai Ecppaiji avx(Ar|\j/ic; xrjc; KecpaArjc; jiod 9 +

Manasseh; and Ephraim [is the] assistance of my head;

Ioi)8ac; fiaoikzvq |iod Mcodp Xzfir\q Tr\q shiidoq |iod

Judah [is] my king; Moab [the] kettle of my hope;

8711 TTJV I50D|iaiaV 87llPaXcb TO D7l65r||ld |IOD SJIOl

upon Edom I will put my sandal; [ to me

akXotyvXoi D7iSTdyr|aav 10+ Tiq a7id^si |is sic; 7i6A.iv

[the] Philistines are submitted]. Who shall take me away into a city

7rspio%f|c; T| Tiq o8r|yf|asi |is scoq Tr\q l8ov[iaiaq n +

of a citadel? or who shall guide me to Edom?

odxi ai) o dsoq o a7ccoad|i8VO(; r\[idq Kai odk

[Is it] not you, O God, the one thrusting us away? And will you not

s^sXsuarj o Qzoq sv xaic; 5i)vd|ieaiv r||icbv n + Soq r\[dv

go forth, O God, with our forces? Give to us

PofjGeiav sk GAiij/eooc; Kai jiaxaia aooxrjpia

help from out of affliction, for [ [is] vain deliverance

av0pcb7coi) 13 + sv too 9scb 7coifjao|i£v 5i3va|iiv Kai

of man] ! In God we shall execute power, and

avToq s^oi)8evcbasi zovq z%dpovq r|(icbv

he shall treat [ with contempt our enemies].


109 Dp
8V TOOTCp + VlKa

19- Psalms

109 tap

i+o 0s6c; xrjv aiveaiv |iod |ir| 7iapaaico7rfior|(; 2 +

O God of my praise, you should not remain silent;

on axojia ajiapxcDXoi) Kai axojia 8oAioi) S7i'

for [the] mouth of [the] sinner, and [the] mouth of [the] deceitful one [ against

sjis r|vo(%6r| eAxxAxjaav Kax' sjioi) yAxbaarj 8oAia

me opened]; they spoke against me [tongue [with] a deceitful];

3+ Kai Xoyoiq [daovq SKDKAxjoadv |is Kai S7ioA£|xr|adv

and [with] words of hatred they encircled me; and they waged war against

|is 5&lt;jope&amp;v 4+ avxi tod ayaftdv |ie zvdisfiaXkov |is

me without charge. Instead of the loving me, they slandered me;

sycb 5s 7ipoar|D%6|iriv 5+ Kai eGevxo Kax' sjioi) KaKd

but I prayed. And they placed against me bad [things]

avxi ayaGcbv Kai [daoq avxi xrjc; aya7ifjaecbc; jiou 6 +

for good [things]; and hatred for my affection.

Kaxdaxrjaov S7i' auxov ajiapxooXov Kai 8idpoA,oc;

Place [against him [the] sinner], and [let the] devil

axfjxoo sk 5s^icbv avzov 7+ sv xoo KpiveaGai auxov

stand at his right [hand] ! In his being judged,

e^eXGoi Kaxa5s5iKaa|isvoc; Kai r| 7tpoa£u%f| avzov

may he go forth having been condemned; and [ his prayer

yeveaGoo sic; ajiapxiav 8 + y8vr|0f|xcoaav ai rjjiepai avzov

let] become as sin! Let [ become his days]

oAiyai Kai xrjv £7riaK07rfjv avzov Xdpoi exepoc; 9 +

few, and [ his overseeing may take another] !

ysvrjGfjxcoaav 01 moi avzov opcpavoi Kai r| yvvr\ avzov

Let [ become his sons] orphans, and his wife

%r\pa 10+ aaA^DOjisvoi jisxavaaxfjxcoaav oimoiauxoi)

a widow! In being shaken up, let [ change residence his sons],

Kai 87iaixr|adxcoaav SKpArjGfjxcoaav sk

and let them beg! Let them be cast out from

XCOV OIKO7T88C0V auxoov 1 1 + s^epewqadxcD 5aveiaxf|c;

their areas! Let [ search out [the] money-lender]

7idvxa 6aa U7idp%8i auxcb Kai 8iap7raodxcoaav

all as much as exists to him, and let [ plunder

aAloxpioi xodc; itovovq avzov n + jirj D7iap^dxco

strangers] his toils! Let there not exist

auxcb avxiArj7rxcDp |ir|8s ysvrjGfjxcD oiKxipjicov

to him a shielder, nor let there be one pitying


1 09 Bp ev toutco + vtica 1 9 - Psalms

xoiq opcpavofc; aDxoD n + ysvrjGfjxco xa xeKva aDxoD siq

his orphans! Let [ be his children] [given] for

s^o^oGpeDaiv ev yeved [da £^aA£icp6svr|

devastation! In [ generation one] let [ be wiped away

to ovojia olvtov u+ ava|ivr|o6evr| r| avojiia

his name] ! May [ be called to mind the lawlessness

xcov 7iaxspcov olvtov evavxi KopioD Kai r| ajiapxia

of his fathers] before [the] LORD; and [the sin

Tr\q jirjipoq olvtov |ir| e^aXsupBsirj i 5 + ysvr|6f|xcoaav

of his mother not may] be wiped away. Let them be

svavxiov KDpioi) 8ia7iavx6c; Kai s^oAx)0psD9evr| sk

before [the] LORD always! and may [ be utterly destroyed from

yr\q to |ivt|ji6odvov aDxcbv i6 + av0' cov odk S|ivfja0r|

[the] land their memorial]. Because he did not remember

7rovfjaai Zkzoq Kai KaxsSico^ev dv6pco7rov 7isvr|xa Kai

to perform mercy, but pursued [ man a needy and

7ixco%6v Kai KaxavevDyjisvov xrj Kap8(a tod Gavaxcbaai

poor], and vexing the heart to kill [him].

17+ Kai r|yd7rr|ae Kaxdpav Kai fj^si aDxcb Kai odk

And he loved a curse, and it shall come to him; and he did not

rjGeArjasv eD^oyiav Kai jiaKpDvGfjaexai a7i aDxoD i8+

want a blessing, and it shall be far from him.

Kai eveStiaaxo Kaxdpav coc; ijidxiov Kai eiafjXGev

And he put on [the] curse as a cloak, and it entered

coast D8cop eic; xa eyraxa aDxoD Kai coast sXaiov sv

as water into his insides, and as oil in

xoiq ooxsoiq aDxoD 19+ ysvrjGfjxco aDxcb coc; ijidxiov o

his bones. Let it be to him as a cloak which

7tspipdAA,£xai Kai cooei ^covrj rjv 8ia7iavx6c;

he puts around, and as a belt which he always

7ispi^cbvvDxai 20+ xodxo xo epyov xcov

girds himself! This is the work of the ones

sv8iaPaH6vxcov |is 7iapd KopioD Kai xcov Xa^oDvxcov

slandering me by [the] LORD, and the ones speaking

7iovr|pd Kaxd Tr\q yDxfjq JIOD 21 + Kai CTD KDpiS KDpi8

evil against my soul. And you, O LORD, O Lord,

7rovr|aov jisx' sjiod svsksv xod ovojiaxoq aoD 6x1

deal with me because of your name, for

Xprjaxov xo sksoq aoD 22+ ptiaai jis 6x1 Kz&amp;ypc, Kai

[ [is] gracious your mercy] ! Rescue me, for [ poor and

7isvr\q sijji eyco Kai r| Kap8ia |iod xsxdpaKxai evxoc;

needy I am] ! and my heart is disturbed within


110 V

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

(iod 23 + coast aKid sv xco SKxAivai ai)xf|v avxavrjpsGrjv

me. As shade in its turning aside, I was taken away in return;

s^STivdxOrjv coast aKp(8sc;

I was shaken away as locusts.

24+ to yovaxd jiou r|a6svr|aav arco vrjaxsiac; Kai

My knees weakened from fasting, and

T| aap^ |iod rjHoicoGrj 8i' sA,aiov 25+ Kaycb sysvf|0r|v

my flesh was changed through [want of] oil. And I became

ovsiSoc; aDioiq s(8oadv |is sad^suaav KscpaXdc; auxcbv

scorn to them; they beheld me; they shook their heads.

26+ PofjGrjaov jioi icopis o Gsoc; jiou Kai acbaov jis

Help me, O LORD my God, and deliver me

Kaxd to sXsoc; aoi) 27+ Kai yvcoxcoaav 6x1 rj %sip aoi)

according to your mercy! And let them know that [ your hand

ami] Kai ai) Kopis S7iovr|aac; ai)xf|v 28+ Kaxapdaovxai

this [is]]! and you, O LORD, did it. They shall curse

ai)xo( Kai ai) siAoyfjasic; 01 S7iaviaxd|isvoi jioi

themselves, but you shall bless. The ones rising up against me,

aia%i)v9f|xcoaav o 5s SovXoq aoi) si)(ppav9fjasxai 29 +

let them be ashamed! but your servant shall be glad.

sv5i)ada9coaav 01 sv8iapdAAx)vxsc; jis svxpo7rfjv Kai

Let [ put on the ones slandering me] shame, and

7rspiPaA,sa9coaav coc; 8urAxri8a aia%vvr\v ai)xcov 30 +

let them put [ around as a garment their shame] !

s^ojioAx)yf|aojiai xco Kopico acp68pa sv xco axojiaxi jiod

I will make acknowledgment to the LORD — exceedingly. With my mouth

Kai sv jisaco noXkcbv aivsaco ai)xov 31+ 6x1 7iapsaxr|

and in [the] midst of many I will praise him. For he stands

sk Ss^icov 7isvr|xoc; xod acoaai sk xcov

at [the] right [hand] of [the] needy, to deliver from the ones

Kaxa8icoKovxcov xrjv \\fv%r\v jiod

pursuing my soul.

110 v

1 + S17TSV O KDpiOq XCO KDpiCO JIOI) Kd9oi) SK

[ said The LORD] to my Lord, Sit down at

Ss^icbv jiod scoc; av Geo xodc; s%9poi&gt;c; aoi)

my right [hand] until whenever I should make your enemies

D7ro7i68iov xcov 7io8cbv aoi) 2 + pdp8ov 5i)vd|iscoc;

a footstool for your feet. [a rod of power


Ill X 1 !? ev toutco + vuca 1 9 - Psalms

s^a7roaxsXsi aoi Kopioc; sk Eicbv Kai KaxaicupisDS

shall send out to you [The] LORD] from out of Zion; and you dominate

sv jisaco xov s%6pcbv aou 3+ jisxd aou r| apxfj sv

in [the] midst of your enemies! With you [is] the sovereignty in

rjjispa Tr\q 5uvd|iscbc; gov sv xaic; A,a|i7ip6xr|ai

[the] day of your power, with the brightness

tcov ayicov gov sk yaaxpoc; 7ipo Ecoacpopoi)

of your holy [ones]. From out of [the] womb before [the] morning star

syswrjad as 4 + cbjioas K^pioq Kai ou

I engendered you. [The] LORD swore by an oath, and shall not

|isxa|isAx|9f|asxai gv ispstiq sic; xov aicbva Kaxd

repent, [saying], You are a priest unto the eon according to

xrjv xd^iv MsA,xicjs8sk 5 + Kvpioq sk 5s^icbv gov

the order of Melchisedek. [The] LORD at your right [hand]

auvsGAxxasv sv rjjispa opyfjc; avzov; 6 + Kpivsi

fractured [ in pieces in [the] day of his anger kings]. He shall judge

sv xoic; s0vsai 7iAx|pcbasi 7ixcb|iaxa auvGXdasi

among the nations; he shall fill up with corpses; he shall fracture in pieces

KscpaAxxc; S7i( yrjc; 7ioAM)v ?+ sk %si|idppou sv

heads upon [the] earth — many. [ from out of [the] rushing stream in

o5cb 7iisxai 8id xotixo inj/cbasi KscpaAxjv

[the] way He shall drink]; on account of this he shall raise up high ahead.


i+ s^o|ioA,oyfjao|ia( aoi Kopis sv 6hr\ Kap5(a [iov sv

I shall make acknowledgment to you, O LORD, with [entire heart my], in

PodAxi sdGscov Kai ai)vaycoyf| 2 + jisydXa xa spya

[the] counsel of [the] upright, and [in the] congregation. Great [are] the works

KopioD s^r|xr||isva sic; rcdvxa xa GsAxjjiaxa avzov 3 +

of [the] LORD, being inquired for all his wants.

s^o|ioA,6yr|aic; Kai |isyaA,07ipS7isia xo spyov avzov Kai

[ [is] acknowledgeable and with majesty His work]; and

T| 8iKaioawr| avzov jisvsi sic; xov aicbva xod aicbvoc;

his righteousness abides into the eon of the eon.

4+ jivsiav S7ioif|aaxo xcov 0ai)|iaaicov auxotj s^sfuicov

[ a memorial He made] for his wonders; merciful

Kai oiKxipjicov o Kopioc; 5+ xpocpfjv s8coks xoic;

and pitying [is] the LORD. A nourishment he gave to the

tpoPoDjisvoic; avzov jivrjaGfjasxai sic; xov aicbva

ones fearing him; [ shall be remembered into the eon


112 3V ev toutco + vtica 19 - Psalms

8ia6f|Kr|c; aDxoD 6 + ig%dv spycov aDxoD avfjyysiXs xco

his covenant]. [The] strength of his works he announced to

Axxcb aDxoD xod 8oDvai aDxoic; KAxjpovojjiav sGvcbv ? +

his people; to give to them [the] inheritance of nations.

spy a %sipcbv aDxoD aAxjGsia Kai Kpiaic; 7iiaxai 7idaai

[The] works of his hands [are] truth and equity; trustworthy [are] all

ai svxoAm aDxoD 8 + saxrjpiyjisvai sic; xov aicbva tod

his commandments; fixed into the eon of the

aicbvoc; 7rs7ioir||isvai ev aAxjBsia Kai sdGdxtjxi 9 +

eon; done in truth and uprightness.

Ampcoaiv a7isaxsiA,s xco Xacb ocdtod svsxsiAoto sic; xov

[ a ransoming He sent] to his people; he gave charge into the

aicbva 8ia6f|Kr|v aDxoD dyiov Kai cpopspov xo

eon concerning his covenant; holy and fearful [is]

ovojia aDxoD 10 + ap%r} oocpiac; cpopoc; KopioD

his name. [The] beginning of wisdom [is] fear of [the] LORD;

oDveaic; 5s ayaGfj 7idai xoic; 7ioioDaiv aDxfjv r|

[ understanding and good] to all the ones observing it. The

aivsaic; aDxoD jisvsi sic; xov aicbva xod aicbvoc;

praise of him abides into the eon of the eon.

112 yp

1 + (laKdpioq avfjp o cpopoDjisvoc; xov Kopiov sv

Happy [the] man fearing the LORD; in

xaic; evxoAxxic; aDxoD GsArjasi acp68pa 2 + 5Dvax6v sv xrj

his commandments he will want exceedingly. [ mighty in the

yr| saxai xo a7isp|ia aDxoD ysvsd sd0scov

earth will be His seed]; a generation of [the] upright

SDA,oyrj6fjasxai 3 + 86^a Kai 7tAx)dxoc; sv xco oikco aDxoD

shall be blessed. Glory and riches in his house;

Kai T] 8iKaio&lt;x6vr| aDxoD jisvsi sic; xov aicbva xod

and his righteousness abides into the eon of the

aicbvoc; 4+ s^avsxsiA,sv sv ctkoxsi cpcoc; xoic; sdGsctiv

eon. He caused to rise up in darkness a light to the upright;

sXsfjjicov Kai oiKxipjicov Kai Sucaioc; 5+ xP^otoc; avfjp

[he is] merciful and pitying and just. A gracious man


[is] the one pitying and lending; he shall manage

xodc; Xoyovq avzov sv Kpiasi 6 + 6x1 sic; xov aicbva

his matters in equity. For into the eon


113 Tp

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms
od aaXsDGfjasxai sic; |ivr||i6aDvov aicbviov saxai

he shall not be shaken; [ for memorial an eternal will be

SiKaioq ?+ arco aKofjc; 7iovr|pac; od (poPrjGfjosTai

[the] just]. From hearing a wicked [report] he shall not be afraid;

8ioi|ir| r| Kap8(a avzov sAm^siv S7ri Kopiov 8 +

[ is prepared his heart] to hope upon [the] LORD.

saxfjpiKxai T| Kap8(a avzov od (irj (poPrjGfj sooc;

[ is fixed firmly His heart]; in no way should he be fearful, until

od S7ii5r| em todc; s%6poDc; aDTOD 9 +

of which [time] he should see [his desires] upon his enemies.

saKop7nasv s8cdks toic; 7isvr|aiv r| SiKaioawq ocdtod

He dispersed; he gave to the needy; his righteousness

jisvei sic; tov aicbva tod aicbvoc; to Kspac; aDTOD

abides into the eon of the eon; his horn

D\j/&lt;jo6fjaeTai sv doty] io+ a|iapTGoA,6c; 6\j/STai Kai

shall be raised up high in glory. A sinner shall see and

opyiaGfjasTai tod^ odovzaq avzov PpD^si Kai

shall be provoked to anger; [ his teeth he shall gnash] and

ToncfjaeTai S7ii9D|iia ajiapTca^oD a7roA,srcai

melt away; [the] desire of [the] sinner shall perish.

113 JPp

i+ aivsvcs 7ia(5sc; Kopiov aivsvcs to ovojia kdpiod 2 +

Praise, O servants, [the] LORD! Praise the name of [the] LORD!

svq to ovojia kdpiod 8DXoyr|(i8vov a7io tod vdv

May [ be the name [of the] LORD] for blessing from the present

Kai sooc; tod aicbvoc; 3 + arco avaTO^cbv rjAioD |is%pi

and unto the eon. From [the] dawn of [the] sun until

8do|icov aivsTOV to ovojia kdpiod 4+ d\j/t|A,6c; S7U

[the] descent — praiseworthy [is] the name of [the] LORD. High above

7idvTa Ta sGvrj o Kopioc; S7ri Tovq ODpavotic; r|

all the nations [is] the LORD; upon the heavens [is]

56^a aDTOD 5 + tic; coc; Kopioc; o Gsoc; rijicbv o sv

his glory. Who [is] as [the] LORD our God? the one [ in

D\j/rjAx)fc; KaTOiKcbv 6+ Kai Ta Ta7isiva scpopcbv sv too

high [places] dwelling], and [ the humble inspecting] in the

ODpavcb Kai sv tt| yr| ?+ o sysipcov anb yrjq

heaven, and in the earth. The one raising [ from [the] earth

7ttco%6v Kai anb K07ip(ac; avD\j/cbv 7isvr|Ta 8 +

[the] poor], and [ from [the] dung elevating [the] needy];


1 14 VP ev toutco + vtica 19 - Psalms

tod KaGiaai auxov jisxd apxovxcov jiexd apxovxcov

to set him with rulers, with rulers

Xaov avTOV 9 + o Kaxoud^cov axeipav sv oikco

of his people. The one who settles [the] sterile [woman] in a house

jxrjxspa S7i( x8kvok; 8D(ppaivo|isvr|v

as a mother [ with children being glad].

114 7V

i+ sv e^68co IapafjX s£, Aiy67rxoi) oikod IaKcbp sk

In [the] exodus of Israel from Egypt, of [the] house of Jacob, from

Xaov PapP&amp;poD 2 + eyevfjGrj Iou8a(a ayiaajia avzov

[ people a barbaric], Judea became his sanctuary,

IapafjX stroma avzov

[and] Israel his authority.

3+ r| QaXaaaa e(8e Kai scpuysv o IopSdvrjc; saxpacprj

The sea beheld and fled; the Jordan turned

sic; xa O7ua&lt;jo 4 + xa 6pr| saKipxrjaav cooei Kpioi Kai

to the rear; the mountains leaped as rams, and

oi Podvoi coc; apvia 7ipopdxcov 5+ xi aoisaxi

the hills as little lambs of sheep. What is it with you,

daXaaaa 6x1 sqroysc; Kai &lt;td Iop5dvr| 6x1 saxpdcprjc;

0 sea, that you fled? and you, O Jordan, that you turned

Eiq xa 07iiaco 6+ xa 6pr| 6x1 saKipxfjaaxs coast Kpioi

to the rear? [ the mountains for] leaped as rams,

Kai 01 Podvoi coc; apvia 7ipopdxcov 7+ arco 7rpoacb7roi)

and the hills as little lambs of sheep. From [the] presence

Kup(oi) £oaXei)0r| r| yr| arco 7rpoaco7roi) xod 0sod

of [the] LORD [ was shaken the earth]; from [the] presence of the God

IaKcbp 8+ xod axpsyavxoc; xrjv rcexpav eic; Aijivac;

of Jacob; of the one turning the rock into lakes

i)8dxcov Kai xrjv aKpoxojiov sic; 7ir\yaq DSdxcov

of waters, and the chiseled [stone] into springs of waters.

115 lttj?

1 + jnr[ r\[iiv Kopis |ir| r\[iiv aXk' r\ xco ovojiaxiaoD

Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but only [to] your name

80c; 86^av 87ii xcosAieiaoi) Kai xr| aArjGda gov 2 +

give glory, because of your mercy and your truth!


115 W

8V TOUT© + VlKa
19- Psalms

|ifj7roT8 8i7icoai xa s0vr| 7T0D saxiv o Geoc; aDxcbv 3 +

lest at any time [ should say the nations], Where is their God?

o 5s Gsoc; rjjicbv sv xco ODpavcb Kai ev xr| yrj rcavxa

But our God in the heaven and in the earth [ all

6aa rjGeAxjasv £7iovr|as 4 + xa s(5coXa xcov 80vcbv

as much as he wants does]. The idols of the nations

apytipiov Kai %pi)oiov epya xsipcbv av0pcb7icov 5 +

[are] silver and gold — works of [the] hands of men.

axojia s%oi)ai Kai od Xahf\aovaiv ocp0aA,|ioDc;

[ a mouth They have], but they shall not speak; [ eyes

sxodcji Kai odk 6\j/ovxai 6+ coxa sxodcji Kai odk

they have], but they shall not see; [ ears they have], but they shall not

aKODaovxai pivaq sxodcji Kai odk oacppavGfjaovxai

hear; [noses they have], but they shall not smell;

7+ xsipaq sxodcji Kai od yrjXatpfjaoDai itodaq

[ hands they have], but they shall not handle; [ feet

sxodcji Kai od 7i£pi7raxfjaoDaiv od

they have], but they shall not walk; they shall not

cpcovfjaoDcriv sv xco XdpDyyi aDxcbv 8 + ojioioi aDxofc;

speak out loud through their throat. [ likened to them

ysvoivxo 01 7ioioDvxsc; aDxd Kai 7idvxsc; 01

Let become the ones making them] ! and all the ones

7rs7ioi06xs(; S7i' aDxoiq 9+ oiKoq IapafjX fjAmasv S7U

yielding upon them. [The] house of Israel hopes upon

KDpiov PoTjGoq Kai D7tspaa7Uoxf|c; aDxcbv saxiv 10 +

[the] LORD; [helper and defender he is their].

oiKoq Aapcov fjAmasv S7U KDpiov PorjGoq Kai

[The] house of Aaron hopes upon [the] LORD; [ helper and

D7cspaa7iiaxfjc; aDxcbv saxiv n+ 01 cpopoDjisvoi xov

defender he is their]. The ones fearing the

KDpiov fjAmaav S7ri KDpiov PorjGoq Kai D7rspaa7i;icjxf|c;

LORD hoped upon [the] LORD; [ helper and defender

aDxcov soxi 12 + KDpioq |ivr|CJ0sk; r||icov SD^oyrjasv r\[idq

he is their]. The LORD was remembering us; he blessed us;

£DA,6yr|as xov oikov IapafjA, SD^oyrjas xov oikov

he blessed the house of Israel; he blessed the house

Aapcov 13+ SDA,6yr|as xodc; cpoPoDjisvoDc; xov KDpiov

of Aaron; he blessed the ones fearing the LORD,

xodc; jiiKpoDc; jiexd xcov jisydXcov u+ 7ipoa0svr| Kopioc;

the small with the great. May [the] LORD add


116 TDp

ev tootco + viKa

19- Psalms

scp Djiaq scp Djiaq Kai S7ii todc; viovq djicdv 15 +

unto you; unto you and unto your sons.

si)A,oyr||isvoi Djisiq too Kopioo too 7ioifjaavTi tov

You are being blessed by the LORD, the one making the

ODpavov Kai xrjv yrjv i 6 + o ODpavoc; tod ODpavoD

heaven and the earth. The heaven of the heaven

TOO KDpiCO TTJV 8s JT[V s8cdks xoiq vioiq

[belongs] to the LORD; but the earth he gave to the sons

tcov av0pd)7rcov 17+ od% 01 vsKpoi aivsaoDai as Kopis

of men. [ not The dead shall] praise you, O LORD,

od8s 7T&amp;VTSC; 01 KaxaPaivovisq sic; dSoD ig+ akX r

nor all the ones going down into Hades. But

r\[isiq 01 CfbvTsq SDXoyfjaojisv xov icopiov arco tod

we the living, we shall bless the LORD from the

vdv Kai sooc; tod aicbvoc;

present and unto the eon.

116 nap

1+ rjyd7ir|aa 6ti siaaKODasTai KDpioc; Tr\q ^oavfjc;

I loved that [ shall listen to [the] LORD] the voice

Tr\q Ssfjoscbc; jiod 2+ 6ti skAivs to ovq avzov s|io( Kai

of my supplication. For he leaned his ear to me; and

sv xaxq rjjispaic; jiod S7iiKaA,sao|iai 3+ 7ispisa%ov |is

during my days I shall call upon [him]. [compassed me

ooSivsc; BavdTOD kivSdvoi dSoD stipoodv |is 6Ai\j/iv

[The] pangs of death]; [the] dangers of Hades found me; [affliction

Kai 08dVT|V SDpOV 4+ Kai TO OVOJia KDpiOD

and grief I found]. And the name of [the] LORD

S7i8KaA,sad|ir|v co Kopis ptiaai tt|v \\fv%r\v jiod 5 +

I called upon. O LORD rescue my soul!

sXefjjicDv o KDpioq Kai Sfxaioc; Kai o Gsoc; r||icbv

[ [is] merciful The LORD] and just; and our God

s^ssi 6+ (pvkaaacov tcl vfj7iia o KDpioc;

shows mercy. [ [is the] one guarding the infants The LORD].

STa7i8ivcb0r|v Kai saooas |is 7+ S7uaTps\j/ov \\ro%r\ |iod

I was humbled, and he delivered me. Return, O my soul,

sic; tt|v avd7iaDa(v aoD 6ti KDpioc; SDrjpysTrjas as 8 +

to your rest! for [the] LORD benefited you.


For he rescued my soul from out of death;


117 TV

8V TOUT© + VtKd

19- Psalms

zovq o(pdak[iovq jiod goto 8aKpi3cov Kai zovq itodaq jiod

my eyes from tears, and my feet

goto oXia6f||iaxoc; 9 + suapsaxfjaco svcG7iiov Kopioi) ev

from a slip. I should be well-pleasing before [the] LORD in

%cbpa ^cbvxcov 10+ 87iioTSDaa 5i6 sA,dAx|oa sycb 8s

[the] place of [the] living. I trusted, therefore I spoke; but I

sxa7i8ivcb0r|v ocp68pa n+sycb8s si7ia ev

was humbled exceedingly. And I said in

tt] SKaxdasi jiod naq dv0pco7ioc; \\fzvaTr\q n + xi

my change of state, Every man [is] a liar. What

avxa7io8coaco xco Kopico 7ispi 7idvxcov cov avxa7is8coKs

shall I recompense to the LORD for all which he recompensed

(ioi 13+ 7roxfjpiov ocoxrjpioD Ax|\j/o|iai Kai xo ovojia

to me? [The] cup of deliverance I shall take; and the name

Ki)p(oi) S7iiKaA,8oo|iai 14+ xac; sv%aq jiou xco KDpico

of [the] LORD I shall call upon. My vows to the LORD

a7ro8cboco svavxiov 7iavx6c; xou Xaov auxcru is + xijiioc;

I will render before all his people. Esteemed

svavxiov KDpioi) o Gdvaxoq xcov oaicov avzov i 6 + co

before [the] LORD [is] the death of his sacred ones. O

icopie syco SovXoq aoq sycb SovXoq aoq Kai vioq

LORD I [am] [ servant your]; I [am] [ servant your], and a son

Tr\q 7iai8(aKr|c; aoi) Sispprj^ac; xouc; 8sa|icr6c; jiod n+ ooi

of your maidservant. You tore up my bonds. To you

Guaco dvaiav aivsascoc; Kai sv ovojiaxi Kopioi)

I shall sacrifice a sacrifice of praise, and [ in [the] name [of the] LORD

S7iiKaA,sao|iai is+ xac; zv%aq [iov xco KDpico a7io8cbaco

I will call]. [ my vows to the LORD I will render]

svavxiov 7iavx6c; xod Xaov avzov 19+ sv avXaiq

before all his people, in [the] courtyards

oiKOD Kupioi) sv (isoco gov IspouaaAx||i

of [the] house of [the] LORD, in [the] midst of you, Jerusalem.

117 TV

1 + aivsixs xov Kopiov rcdvxa xa sGvrj srcaivsaaxs

Praise the LORD all nations! Applaud

avzov ftdvxsc; oiXaoi 2+ 6x1 SKpaxaicbGrj

him all peoples! For [ [is] strengthened


118 wp

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

Tosksoqamov scp' r\\iaq Kai r| aAx|9sia tod Kopioi)

his mercy] upon us, and the truth of the LORD

jisvsi sic; xov aicbva

abides into the eon.

118 rr»i?

i+ s^ojio^oysiaGs xco Kopico oxi ayaBoc; oxi sic; xov

Make acknowledgment to the LORD, for [he is] good, for into the

aicbva xo zksoq clvtox) 2 + eurdxco 8r| ohcoq IapafjX

eon [is] his mercy! Say indeed, O house of Israel,

oxi ayadoq 6xi eic; xov aicbva xo sksoq ai)xoi) 3 +

that [he is] good, for into the eon [is] his mercy!

eurdxco 8r| ohcoq Aapcbv oxi ayaGoq oxi eic; xov

Say indeed, O house of Aaron, that [he is] good, for into the

aicbva xo zksoq avzov 4 + surdxcoaav 5r| navTsq oi

eon [is] his mercy! Say indeed, all the ones

cpopoDjisvoi xov Kopiov oxi ayaGoc; oxi sic; xov

fearing the LORD, that [he is] good, for into the

aicbva xo sksoq avzov 5 + 8K GXuj/ecoc;

eon [is] his mercy! From out of affliction

S7i8KaA,sad|ir|v xov icopiov Kai S7ifjKoi)a8 |iod eic;

I called upon the LORD, and he heeded me in

7iA,axi)a|i6v 6 + Kopioc; sjioi PorjGoc; Kai od

an enlargement. [The] LORD to me [is] a helper; and I shall not

cpoPr|9fjao|iai xi 7ioifjaei jioi dv0pco7ioc; ?+ Kopioc;

fear what [ shall do to me man]. [The] LORD

sjioi PorjGoc; Kaycb £7i6\j/o|iai xodc; £%0porjc; jiou 8 +

to me [is] a helper, and I will scrutinize my enemies.

ayaGov 7r£7ioi68vai £7ri Kopiov r| 7iS7roi6svai 87i'

[It is] good to yield unto [the] LORD, than to yield unto
dv0pco7iov 9+ ayaGov eAm^siv S7ri Kopiov rj sAjri^eiv

man. [It is] good to hope upon [the] LORD, than to hope

871 ' dp%ODCTl

upon rulers.

io+ 7idvxa xa eGvrj sKUKAxoadv |is Kai xco ovojiaxi

All the nations encircled me, and in the name

Kopioi) r||iDvd|ir|v avTOvq n+ KOKAxbaavxec; SKDKAxoadv

of [the] LORD I repulsed them. In encircling, they encircled

|is Kai xco ovojiaxi Kopioi) r||iDvd|ir|v auxorjc; n +

me; and in the name of [the] LORD I repulsed them.


118 wp

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

SKOK^ooadv |is coast jisAiaaai Kqpiov Kai

They encircled me as bees [at] a honeycomb; and

s^£Km36r|aav coc; nvp sv aravBaic; Kai icq ovojiaxi

they burned away as fire among thorn-bushes; and in the name

KDpioi) r||iDvd|ir|v auxoix; 13+ coaGsfc; avsxpd7rr|v

of [the] LORD I repulsed them. Being thrust through, I was prostrated

tod 7rsas(v Kai o Kopioc; avxsAxxPsxo jiou u +

to fall, and the LORD took hold of me.

ia%vq [iov Kai tijivrjaic; |iod o Kopioc; Kai sysvsxo |ioi

[ [is] my strength and my singing of praise The LORD]; and he became tome

sic; acoxripiav i 5 + (pcavfj ayaAAidasooc; Kai acoxrjpiac; sv

for deliverance; a voice of exultation and deliverance in

aKqvafc; 8iKa(cov 5s^id Kopiou S7iovr|as 5i3va|iiv

[the] tents of [the] just. [The] right [hand] of [the] LORD acted in power.

i6+ 8s^id Kopioi) inj/ooas |is 8s^id Kupioi)

[The] right [hand] of [the] LORD exalted me. [The] right [hand] of [the] LORD

S7io(r|as 8i)va|iiv n+ odk a7io6avoi)|iai aXka ^fjaojiai

acted in power. I shall not die, but I shall live;

Kai 8ir|yf|ao|iai xa spya Kopiou is+ 7iai8sT3cov

and I shall describe the works of [the] LORD. In correcting,

S7ra(8si)as |is o Kopioc; Kai xoo Gavdxoo od

[corrected me the LORD]; and [[to] death he shall not

7iaps8coKs |is 19+ avoi^axs jioi nvXaq 8iKaio&lt;x6vr|c;

deliver me]. Open tome [the] gates of righteousness,

siasXGcbv sv aDxaiq s^o|ioXoyf|ao|iai xco Kopioo 20 +

[and] entering in them I shall confess to the LORD.

atixrj T| 7r6Ax| xod Kopioi) Sucaioi siaslsuaovxai sv

This [is] the gate of the LORD; [the] just shall enter in

auxfj 21+ s^ojioAx)yf|oo|iai aoi 6x1 S7if|KODadc; jiod Kai

it. I shall confess to you, for you took heed of me, and

sysvoi) (iod sic; acoxrjpiav 22+ AiGov ov a7is8oKi|iaaav

you became forme as deliverance. [The] stone which [rejected

01 oiKoSojiowxsq otixoc; sysvfj0r| sic; KscpaAxjv ycoviac;

the builders], this one became for [the] head of [the] corner.

23 + 7iapd Kopioi) sysvsxo atixrj Kai saxi GaDjiaaxfj sv

[ by [the] LORD This happened], and it is wonderful in

ocpGa^jioic; r||icbv 24+ auxrj rj rjjispa rjv S7iovr|asv o

our eyes. This [is] the day which [ made the

Kopioc; ayaAAiaaojisBa Kai si)(ppav9cb|isv sv aDxfj 25 +

LORD], we shall exult and be glad in it.


119 0V

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

19- Psalms

co Kupis acbaov 5r| co Kopis SDoScoaov 8rj 2 6+

O LORD, deliver indeed! O LORD, prosper the way indeed!

£DA,oyr||isvoc; o sp%6|isvoc; ev ovojiaxi KopioD

Being blessed [is] the one coming in [the] name of [the] LORD.

£DAx)yfjKa|i£v Djidc; s^ oikod KopioD 27 + Osoc;

We blessed you from out of [the] house of [the] LORD. God

Kopioc; Kai srcscpavsv r\[iiv oDaxfjaaaGs sopxfjv sv

[is the] LORD, and he shined upon us. Stand together for a holiday with

xoic; 7TDK&amp;£pDaiv scoc; xcov Kspdxcov XOD

the ones making dense [the victims] unto the horns of the

0i)aiaaxr|p(oD 2 8+0s6c;|iod sicjd Kai s^ojioA,oyf|ao|iai

altar. [ my God You are], and I shall confess

aoi Gsoc; jiod si &lt;xo Kai D\j/cbaco as s^o|ioAx)yf|ao|iai

to you. [ my God You are], and I will exalt you. I will confess

aoi 6x1 S7ifjKODa&amp;c; jiod Kai sysvoD jioi sic;

to you, for you took heed of me; and you became to me for

ocoxrjpiav 29+ s^ojio^oysiaGs xco Kopico 6x1 ayaGoc; 6x1

deliverance. I will confess to the LORD, for [he is] good, for

sic; xov aicova xo s^soc; aDxoD

into the eon [is] his mercy.

119 trp

1+ jiaKapioi djicojioi sv o5cb 01 7iopsD6|isvoi sv

Blessed [are] [the] unblemished in [the] way; the ones going by

vojico Kopioi) 2+ jiaKdpioi 01 s^spsDvcbvxsq

[the] law of [the] LORD. Blessed [are] the ones searching out

xa jiapxtipia aDxoD sv 6hr\ Kap8(a SK^rjxfjaoDaiv

his testimonies; with [the] entire heart they shall seek after

ai)xov 3 + od yap 01 spyatpjisvoi xrjv avojiiav sv

him. [ not For the ones practicing lawlessness in

xaic; 0801c; avTOV S7ropsD6r|aav 4+ aD svsxsiAxd

his ways were gone]. You gave charge

xac; svxoAxxc; aoi) xod (pi)A,d^aa0ai acp68pa 5 + ocpsAxrv

[ your commandments to keep] exceedingly. Ought that

Kaxsi)6Dv6svr|aav ai 0801 jiod xod (pi)A,d^aa9ai

[ be straightened out my ways] to keep

xa 8iKaicb|iaxd aoD 6 + xoxs od |ir| aiaxDvGcb sv xco (is

your ordinances; then in no way should I be ashamed in my

S7ripXs7isiv S7U 7tdaac; xac; svxoXdc; aoD 7 +

paying attention concerning all of your commandments.


119 0V

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

8^o(ioA,oyf|ao|iai aoi sv sdBdxttxi Kap8(ac; sv

I shall confess to you in uprightness of heart in

too |i8|ia6r|K8vai |is xa Kpijiaxa xrjc; 8iKaioai)vr|c; aOD 8 +

my learning the judgments of your righteousness.

xa 8iKaicb|iaxd gov cpDld^co |irj jis syKaxaAi7ir|c;

Your ordinances I will keep. You should not abandon me

scoc; acp65pa 9 + sv xivi KaxopGcbasi vscoxspoc;

unto an exceeding [amount]. How shall [ keep straight a younger man]

xrjv o56v avTOV sv xco cpDAxx^aaGai zovq Xoyovq OOD 10 +

his way? by the keeping of your words.

sv 6Ax| Kap5(a jiod s^s^fjxrjad as jlit| a7icbar|

With [ whole heart my] I inquired of you; you should not thrust

|is goto xcov svxo^cbv aoi) 11+ sv xt| Kap8(a jiod SKpD\j/a

me from your commandments. In my heart I hid

xa Xoyid aoD onaq av |xq ajidpxco aoi 12 +

your oracles, so that I should not sin against you.

si)Ax)yr|x6c; si icupis 5(5a^6v |is xa 5iKaicb|iaxd aoD

Blessed are you, O LORD. Teach me your ordinances!

13 + sv xoiq %s\ksai jiod s^fjyysiXa 7idvxa xa Kpijiaxa

With my lips I will declare all the judgments

xod axojiaxoq aoi) u + sv xr| o8cb xcov jiapxDpicov aoi)

of your mouth. [ in the way of your testimonies

sxspcpGrjv coc; S7i( 7iavx( 7iAx)Dxco 15+ sv

I delighted] as above all riches. In

xaic; svxoAxxic; aoi) a5oA,sa%f|aco Kai Kaxavofjaco

your commandments I shall meditate; and I shall contemplate

xac; odovq aoi) i 6 + sv xoic; 5iKaicb|iaa( aoi) |isA,sxf|aco

your ways. [in your ordinances I shall meditate];

odk s7iiXf|ao|iai xcov A,6ycov aoi) 17+ avxarcoSoc; xco

I shall not forget your words. Recompense to

5oi3Axo aoi) ^fjaov |is Kai cpi)Axx^co xodc; Xoyovq aoi) 18 +

your servant! Enliven me! and I will keep your words

a7ioKdA,D\j/ov xodc; ocpGaXjioDc; jiod Kai Kaxavofjaco xa

Uncover my eyes! and I shall contemplate the

6ai)|idaia sk xoDv6|ioi)aoi) 19+ 7idpoiKoc; sycb sijii sv

wonders of your law. [ a sojourner I am] in

xtj yr| |xq a7iOKpi)\j/r|c; an sjiod xac; svxoXdc; aoi)

the earth; you should not conceal from me your commandments.

20+ S7iS7r60r|asv r| \\fv%r\ jiod xod S7ii0D|if|aai

[ longed My soul] to desire


119 0V

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

xa Kpijiaxa ood sv rcavxi Kaipco 21 + S7isxi|ir|oac;

your judgments at every occasion. You reproached

D7T£pr|(p&amp;voic; 87iiKaxdpaxoi 01 skkAivovxsc; anb

[the] proud; accursed [are] the ones turning aside from

xcov svxoA,cbv OOD 22 + 7rsp(sA,s an sjiod 6vsi8oc; Kai

your commandments. Remove from me scorn and

s^odSsvcdoiv 6x1 xa jiapxtipid ood e^s^fjxrjaa 23 +

contempt! for [ of your testimonies I inquired].

Kaiyap SKdGioav dpxovxsc; Kai Kax' sjiod

For even [ sat rulers] and [ against me

KaxsA,&amp;A,ODV o 5s SovXoq gov rj8o^so%si sv

spoke ill]; but your servant meditated in

xoic; 8iKaicbjiao( ood 24 + Kai yap xa jiapxDpia ood

your ordinances. For even your testimonies

jisAixrj jiod soxi Kai ai oDjiPoDAiai [iov

[ my meditation are]; and [ [are] my advice

xa 8iKaicb|iaxd ood 25 + SKoAAxjGrj xco 88dq)8i rj \\fv%r\ jiod

your ordinances]. [cleaved to the floor My soul];

^fjoov |is Kaxd xov Xoyov gov 26+ xaq odovq jiod

let me live according to your word! My ways

s^fjyysiXa Kai S7if|K0Dodc; jiod 8(8a^6v |is

I declared, and you heeded me. Teach me

xa 8iKaicbjiaxd ood 27+ o86v 8iKaico|idx(DV ood

your ordinances! [ [in the] way of your ordinances

ODVSXIOOV (IS Kai a8oXso%f|ocD sv

Bring understanding to me] ! and I will meditate in

xoiq GaDjiaoioiq ood 28+ svtioxa^sv rj \\fv%r\ jiod arco

your wonders. [ slumbered My soul] from

aKTjSiaq PsPaicooov |is sv xoic; Xoyoiq gov 29+ o86v

indifference. Finn me in your words! [ [the] way

aSiKiaq a7i6oxr|oov an sjiod Kai xcdvojiooood

of injustice Remove] from me, and [by your law

sXsrjoov (is 30+ o86v aAxjGsiac; r|psxiod|ir|v Kai

show mercy to me] ! [The] way of truth I took up, and

xa Kpijiaxa ood odk s7rsA,a66jir|v 31+ SKoAAxjGrjv xoic;

your judgments I did not forget. I cleaved [to]

jiapxDpioiq ood KDpis |ir| |is Kaxaio%Dvr|c; 32 + o86v

your testimonies, O LORD; you should not put me to shame. [ [the] way

svxoAxbv ood sSpajiov oxav snkaTwaq

of your commandments I ran], whenever you widened


119 0V

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

xrjv Kap8(av jiou 33 + vojioGsxrjaov |i8 Kupis xrjv o56v

my heart. Establish for me, O LORD, the way

xcov 8iKai(D|i&amp;TC0v aou Kai SK^rjxfjaco auxfjv 5ia7tavx6c;

of your ordinances! and I will seek after them always.

34+ auvexiaov jie Kai e^epeuvfjaoo xovvojiovaou Kai

Bring understanding to me! and I will search out your law, and

cpuAxx^co auxov ev 6Ax| Kap8(a jiou 35+ oSfjyrjaov |ie

I will guard it with [ whole heart my]. Guide me

sv tt] xptpco xcov svToXcbv aou on auxfjv r|6sAx|aa 35 +

in the road of your commandments! for I wanted it.

kXIvov xrjv Kap8(av |iou sic; xa jiapxupid aou Kai |ir|

Lean my heart unto your testimonies, and not

eic; 7iA,80V8^(av 37 + a7i6axps\j/ov xouc; ocp0aA,|iouc; jiou

unto [the] desire for wealth! Turn my eyes

tod |ir| i5siv jiaxaioxrjxa sv xr| o8cb aou ^fjaov |ie 38 +

to not behold folly! [in your way Enliven me]!

oxfjaov too 5ouAx» aou to A,6yi6v aou sic; xov cpopov

Establish to your servant your oracle, [so as] to fear



39 + 7ispisX8 xov ovsi8ia|i6v jiou ov U7ico7rTSuaa 6x1

Remove my scorn! which I dreaded, for

xa Kpijiaxd aou xprjaxd 40+ i8ou S7ie0u|ir|aa

your judgments [are] gracious. Behold, I desired

xac; evxo^dc; aou sv xrj 5iKaioauvr| aou ^fjaov |is 41 +

your commandments; [in your righteousness enliven me]!

Kai zkdoi S7i ' 8(18 xo sksoq aou Kupis xo

And may [ come upon me your mercy], O LORD; even

aooxfjpiov aou Kaxd xov Xoyov aou 42+ Kai

your deliverance according to your word. Then

a7TOKpi6fjao|iai xoic; ovei8(£pua( |ioi Xoyov 6x1

I shall answer to the ones berating against me in a matter, for

fjAmaa S7ri xoic; Xoyoiq aou 43 + Kai |ir| 7T£pieAr|c;

I hoped upon your words. For you should not remove

8K xou axojiaxoq jiou Xoyov aAx|0e(ac; scoq

from out of my mouth [the] word of truth unto

acp68pa 6x1 sni xoic; Kpijiaai aou 87rfjAjriaa 44 + Kai

an exceeding [amount]; for upon your judgments I raised hope. And

(puAxx^oo xov vojiov aou 8ia7iavx6c; sic; xov aicbva Kai

I shall guard your law always, into the eon, and


119 0V

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

sic; xov aicova tod aicovoc; 45+ Kai S7iopsDO|nrv sv

into the eon of the eon. For I went into

KkaTva[i(b on xaq svxoAxxc; gov s^s^fjxrjaa 46 + Kai

an enlargement; for [ your commandments I sought after]. And

zkakovv sv Toiq jiapxDpunc; gov svavxiov PaaiAicov

I spoke by your testimonies before kings,

Kai odk r|a%Dv6|ir|v 47+ Kai sfisXsxcov sv

and I was not ashamed. And I meditated in

xaic; svxoAmc; gov aiq r|yd7rr|aa atp68pa 48+ Kai fjpa

your commandments which I loved very much. And I lifted

xac; xstpdq jiod npoq xac; svxoldc; gov aq rjya7ir|aa Kai

my hands to your commandments which I loved; and

r\6oXsG%ovv sv xoic; 5iKaicb|iaa( OOD 49 + |ivf|a9r|xi

I meditated in your ordinances. Remember

xcov Xoycov ood xco 5odAxd ood cov S7rf|Ajriodc; |is 50 +

your words [to] your servant! which you raised my hope.

aDxrj jis 7iapsKdXsasv sv xr| xa7isivcbosi |iod 6x1

This comforted me in my humiliation; for

xo Xoyiov ood s^rjos |is 51 + D7ispf|(pavoi 7iapr|v6|ioDV

your oracle enlivened me. [The] proud acted unlawfully

scoq otp68pa arco 5s xod vojiod aoD odk s^sKAava 52 +

unto exceedingly; but from your law I did not turn aside.

S|ivf|a6r|v xcov Kpijidxcov aoD ait' aicovoc; KDpis Kai

I remembered your judgments of [the] eon, O LORD, and

7rapsKArj6r|v 53 + aGDjiia Kaxsa%s |is arco ajiapxco^cbv

I was comforted. Depression held me down because of [the] sinners ~

xcov syKaxaXi|i7iav6vxcov xovvojiovood 54+

the ones abandoning your law.

\j/aAxd fjaav jioi xa 8iKaicb|iaxd aoD sv x67ico

[ as strummed chords of music were to me Your ordinances] in [the] place

7iapoiKiac; jiod 55 + sjivf|a6r|v sv vdkxi xod ovojiaxoc; aoD

of my sojourn. I remembered [ in [the] night your name],

KDpis Kai stpDAxx^a xovvojiovood 5 6+ aDxrj sysvf|0r|

0 LORD, and I kept your law. This happened

jioi 6x1 xa 8iKaicb|iaxd aoD s^s^fjxrjaa 57 + (ispiq jiod

tome, for [ your ordinances I sought after]. [my portion

si KDpis si7ia xod cpDAxx^aaGai xov vojiov aoD 5 s +

You are], O LORD. I spoke [concerning] guarding your law.

s5sfj6r|v xod 7ipoacb7ioD aoD sv 6hr\ Kap5(a |iod

1 beseeched your face with [ entire heart my].


119 0V

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

sXsrjaov (is Kaxd xo Xoyiov aou 59+ SisXoyiadjiTTV

Show mercy on me according to your oracle! I argued

xac; odovq aou Kai S7isaxps\j/a xouc; nodaq jiou sic;

your ways, and I turned my feet to

xa jiapxupid aou 60 + rjxoijidaBTTV Kai ouk sxapd%6TTV

your testimonies. I prepared myself, and was not disturbed

tod cpuA,d^aa6ai xac; zvioXaq aou ei + a%oiv(a

to keep your commandments. [The] rough cords

ajiapxoaAxbv 7ispiS7rA,dKr|adv jioi Kai tod v6|iou aou

of sinners twist me, but your law

ouk s7tsAxx96|ittv 62+ jisaovuKxiov s^sysip6|nrv

I did not forget. At midnight I awoke

tod s^ojioXoysiaBai aoi sm xa Kpijiaxa

to confess to you over the judgments

Tr\q SiKaioawqc; aou 6 3+ |isxo%oc; sycb sijii 7idvxcov

of your righteousness. [ a partner I am] of all

xcov cpopoujisvcov as Kai xcov cpu^aaaovxcov

of the ones fearing you, and of the ones keeping

xac; svxoAxxc; aou 6 4 + xou sAiouc; aou Kupis 7rA,fipr|g rj

your commandments. Of your mercy, O LORD, [ [is] full the

yrj xa 8iKaicb|iaxd aou 8(8a^6v jis 55+ xprjaxoxrjxa

earth]; [ your ordinances teach me]! That which is good

S7io(r|aac; (isxd xou 8ouXou aou Kupis Kaxd

you did with your servant, O LORD, according to

xov^oyovaou 6 6+ xprjaxoxrjxa Kai 7iai8s(av Kai yvcbaiv

your word. That which is good, and instruction, and knowledge,

8(8a^6v (is 6x1 xaic; svxoAmc; aou S7i(axsuaa 67 + 7ipo

teach me! for [ your commandments I trusted]! Before

xou (is xa7isivco0fjvai sycb S7iAx|jijisAr|aa 8id xouxo

my being humbled, I committed trespasses; on account of this

xo Xoyiov aou scpuAxx^a 6 s+ xP^^oc; siau Kupis Kai sv

[ your oracle I guarded]. [ gracious You are], O LORD; and in

xtj xprjaxoxrjxi aou 8(8a^6v (is xa 8iKaicb|iaxd aou 69 +

your graciousness teach me your ordinances!

S7iXr|0uv6r| S7i' sjis a8iKia U7ispr|cpdvcov sycb 8s sv

[ was multiplied against me [The] injustice of [the] proud]; but I [with

6Ax| Kap8ia jiou s^spsuvfjaco xac; svxoAxk; aou 70+

whole heart my shall search out your commandments].

sxupcoGrj coc; yaka r\ Kap8(a auxcbv sycb 8s

[ was curdled as milk Their heart]; but I


119 0V

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

xov vojiov aoi) sjisAixrjaa ?i + ayaGov jioi 6xi

[ your law meditated upon]. [It is] good forme that

£Ta7tswcD a&amp;c; |is onaq av ji&amp;Gcd xa 8iKaicb|iaxd aoi)

you humbled me, so that I should learn your ordinances.

72 + ayaGoc; jioi o vojioc; tod axojiaxoc; aoi) imsp

[ [is] good to me The law of your mouth], above

%iAid8ac; %pi)a(oi) Kai apyupioi) 73 + ai %s(psc; aoi)

a thousand [pieces] of gold and silver. Your hands

S7io(r|adv |is Kai S7iA,aadv |is auvsxiaov jis Kai

made me, and shaped me. Bring understanding to me! and

jiaGfjaojiai xac; zvTokaq aoi) 74+01 cpopoujisvoi as

I shall learn your commandments. The ones fearing you

6\j/ovxa( |is Kai sucppavGfjaovxai 6x1 sic;

shall see me and shall be glad; for in

xouc; Xoyovq aoi) £7rfjAjriaa 75 + syvcov Kopis 6x1

your words I raised hope. I knew, O LORD, that

SiKaioawq xa Kpijiaxd aoi) Kai aAr|0s(a sxa7isivcDadc;

[ [are] righteousness your judgments], and in truth you humbled

(is 76 + ysvr|0f|xcD 8r| xo sksoq aoi) xou 7iapaKaA,saai jis

me. Let [ be indeed your mercy] to comfort me

Kaxd xo Xoyiov aoi) xco 8ot3Axjo aoi) 77 + s^Gsxooadv (ioi

according to your oracle [to] your servant! Let [ come to me

01 oiKxipjioi aoi) Kai tjjaojiai 6x1 o vojioc; aoi) (isXsxrj

your compassions] ! and I shall live; for your law [ meditation

(ioi) saxiv 78+ aiaxi)v0fjxcoaav i)7ispf|(pavoi 6x1 aSixooc;

is my]. Let [be shamed [the] proud]! for unjustly

rjvojirjaav sic; sjis sycb 5s a8oA,sa%f|acD sv

they acted lawlessly against me. But I shall meditate in

xaic; svxoAmc; aoi) 79+ S7iiaxps\j/dxcoadv (is 01

your commandments. Turn towards me the ones

cpopoujisvoi as Kai 01 yivcbaKovxsc; xa (lapxtipid aoi)

fearing you, and the ones knowing your testimonies!

80+ ysvrjGfjxoa r| Kap8(a (ioi) djicD|ioc; sv

Let [ become my heart] unblemished in

xoic; 5iKaicb(iaai aoi) oncoq av jit] aia%vvd(b si +

your ordinances! so that I should not be shamed.

skXs(7tsi sic; xo aooxfjpiov aoi) r| \\fv%r\ (ioi) sic;

[ is wanting for your deliverance My soul]. In

xouc; Xoyovq aoi) S7rfjAjriaa 82+ s^sAitcov 01 ocpBaljioi (ioi)

your words I raised hope. [ failed My eyes]


119 0V

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

sic; to Xoyiov gov Xsyovxsc; 7i6xs 7iapaKaA,sasic; (is 83 +

for your oracle, saying, When will you comfort me?

on sysvfjGrjv coc; aaKoq sv 7idxvr| xa 8iKaicb|iaxd aoD

For I became as a leather bag in frost; your ordinances

odk 87isXa66|ir|v 8 4+ rcoaai siaiv ai rjjispai

I forgot not. How many are the days

xod 8odA,od aoD 7i6xs 7rorfjaeic; |ioi 8K xcov

of your servant? When will you execute for me [ against the ones

Kaxa8icoK6vxcov |is Kpiaiv 85 + 8ir|yf|aavx6 |ioi

pursuing me a judgment]? [described against me

7iapdvo|ioi a8oA,sa%(ac; aXX r od% coc; o vojioc; aoD

Lawbreakers a meditation], but not according to your law,

Kopis 86 + 7idaai ai svxoAm aoi) aAr|0sia aSuccoc;

O LORD. All your commandments [are] truth. [ unjustly

KaxsSico^dv |is PofjBrjaov jioi 87+ 7iapd Ppa%D

They pursued me]; help me! In a short [time]

aDvsxs^sadv |is sv xr| yrj sycb 8s odk

they would have finished me off entirely in the earth, but I did not

syKaxsAircov xac; svxoXdc; aoi) 88 + Kaxd xo sksoq aoi)

abandon your commandments. According to your mercy

^fjaov |is Kai cpD^d^co xa jiapxtipia xod axojiaxoc; aoD

enliven me! and I shall guard the testimonies of your mouth.

89 + sic; xov aicova KDpis o Xoyoq aoD Siajisvsi sv xco

Into the eon, O LORD, your word abides in the

ODpavcb 90 + sic; ysvsdv Kai ysvsdv r| aArjGsia aoD

heaven. Unto generation and generation is your truth.

sGsjisAicoaac; xrjv yrjv Kai Siajisvsi 9 i+ xr|

You laid [ foundation the earth's], and it abides. [ [by]

Siaxd^si aoD Siajisvsi rjjispa 6xi xa aDjircavxa 8odAxx

your disposition abides [The] day]; for all things [subservient

aa 92 + si (irj 6xi o vojioc; aoD jisXsxrj jiod saxi xoxs

[are] your]. Were it not that your law [ my meditation is], then
av a7icoX6(ir|v sv xrj xa7isivcbasi jiod 93 + sic; xov

would I have been destroyed in my humiliation. [ into the

aicbva od |ir| s7riA,d0co|iai xcov SiKaicojidxcov aoD 6x1 sv

eon In no way should I forget your ordinances]; for by

aDxoic; s^rjadc; |is 94 + aoc; sijii syco acbaov (is 6x1

them you enlivened me. [ yours I am], deliver me! for

xa SiKaicojiaxd aoD s^s^fjxrjaa 95+ sjis D7is|isivav

[ your ordinances I sought after]. [ for me remained behind


119 0V


19- Psalms

ajiapxcoAxn tod a7roA,saai |is xa jiapxtipid aoD aDvfjKa

Sinners], to destroy me; [ your testimonies I perceived].

96+ 7i&amp;ar|c; avvTsksiaq 8i8ov 7i8pac; nkaxsia

[of every completion I beheld [the] end]; [spacious

T] svioXfj aoi) acp65pa 9 ? + coc; rjyd7ir|aa xovv6|iovaoD

your commandment [is] exceedingly]. How I loved your law,

icopie 6Ar|v xr|vr||ispav jieXexri |iod eaxiv 98+ D7rep

0 LORD; [the] entire day [ meditation it is my]. Above

xodc; £%dpovq jiod saocpiodq |is xrjv svxoArjv aoD 6xi sic;

my enemies you made me wiser by your commandment; for into

xov aicbva sjioi saxiv 99 + vitzp 7idvxac; zovq

the eon it is to me. Above all the

8i5daKovxdc; |ie aDvfjKa 6x1 xa jiapxtipid aoi)

ones teaching me I perceived; for your testimonies

IISXSXT] |IOD SaXlV 100+ D7isp 7ipeaPDxepoDc; aDvfjKa 6x1

[ my meditation are]. Above [the] elders I perceived; for

zaq zvToXaq gov s^s^fjxrjaa 101 + sk 7idar|(; o8od

[ your commandments I sought after]. From out of every [ way

7rovr|p&amp;c; £K&amp;&gt;h)Ga zovq itodaq jiod oncnq av (pD^d^oo

evil] I restrained my feet, so that I shall guard

xodc; Xoyovq aoD 102+ goto xcov Kpijidxcov aoi) odk

your words. From your judgments I did not

s^sicAava 6x1 ai) svojioGexTjadq |is 103+ coc; yA,DKsa xco

turn aside; for you established law for me. How sweet to

A,dpi)yy( jiod xa A,6yid aoi) imep jisAa xco ax6|iax( jiod

my throat [are] your oracles; more than honey [in] my mouth.

104+ goto xcov svxoXcbv aoi) aDvfjKa 8id xodxo

By your commandments I perceived; on account of this

sjiiarjaa 7idaav o86v aSiKiaq 105+ Xvyyoq xoiq

1 detested every way of injustice. [ [is] a lamp [unto]

7ioai |iod ovojioqaoi) Kai cpcoq xaic; xptpoic; jiod 106 +

my feet Your law] and a light [to] my paths.

cbjioaa Kai saxrjaa xod (pi)Xd^aa0ai xa Kpijiaxa

I swore by an oath, and stood to guard the judgments

xrjc; SiKaioawqc; aoi) 107+ sxa7isivcb0r|v eooc; acp68pa

of your righteousness. I was humbled unto exceedingly,

Kupis ^fjaov |is Kaxd xov Xoyov aoi) ios + xa

O LORD; enliven me according to your word! [ the

eKODaia xod axojiaxoq jiod SDSoKrjaov 5r| KDpis

voluntary [offerings] of my mouth Take pleasure indeed [in]], O LORD,

119 0V

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

Kai xa Kpijiaxd ood 8(5a^6v |is 109+ r| \\fv%r\ jiod sv

and [ your judgments teach me] ! My soul [is] in

xaic; %spai gov 8ia7iavx6c; Kai xod vojiod ood

your hands always; and your law

odk 87isXa66|ir|v no+ sBsvxo ajiapxcoAxri 7iay(5a jioi Kai

I forgot not. [ put Sinners] a snare for me; but

sk xcov svxoAxbv gov odk s7iA,avf|0r|v 111+ 8KA,r|pov6|ir|aa

from your commandments I wandered not. I inherited

xa jiapxtipid gov sic; xov aicbva 6x1 ayaAAiajia xrjc;

your testimonies into the eon; for [a leap for joy [to]

KapSiaq jiod sioiv 112+ SKAiva xrjv Kap8(av jiod

my heart they are]. I leaned my heart

xod 7roifjoai xa 5iKaicb|iaxd ood sic; xov aicbva 81'

to observe your ordinances into the eon in

avxdjisuj/iv 113+ 7tapav6|ioi)c; sjiiorjoa xov 8s vojiov ood

remuneration. Lawbreakers I detested, but your law

r|yd7rr|oa 114+ porjGoc; |iod Kai avxiArj7rxcop |iod siod sic;

I loved. [ my helper and myshielder You are]; by

xodc; Xoyovq gov S7if|A,7rioa 115+ SKKAivaxs an sjiod

your words I raised hope. Turn aside from me

7iovr|psD6|isvoi Kai s^spsDvfjoco xac; svxoXdq

O ones acting wicked! for I shall search out the commandments

xod Gsod (iod 116+ avxiXaPoD jiod Kaxd xo Xoyiov ood

of my God. Take hold of me according to your oracle;

Kai ^fjoov |is Kai [ir\ Kaxaio%Dvr|c; |is arco

and enliven me! for you should not put me to shame of

xrjc; 7ipoo8oKiac; |iod 117+ PofjGrjoov jioi Kai ocoGfjoojiai

my expectation. Help me, and I shall be delivered!

Kai |isA,sxfjoco sv xoiq 8iKaicb(iao( ood dianavzoq m +

and I will meditate in your ordinances always.

s^oDSsvcooac; rcdvxac; xodc; a7iooxaxoDvxac; and

[ treated [me] with contempt All the ones defecting from

xcov SiKaicojidxcov ood 6x1 d8iKov xo sv6D|ir||ia aDxcbv

your ordinances]; for [ [is] unjust their thought].

119+ 7iapaPa(vovxac; sA,oyiod|ir|v rcdvxac; xodc;

[ as ones violating [the law] I considered All the

ajiapxcoloDc; xrjc; yrjc; 5id xodxo r|yd7rr|oa

sinners of the earth]; on account of this I loved

xa jiapxDpid ood 120+ KaGfjXcooov sk xod 96P0D

your testimonies. Nail up [ because of the fear


119 0V

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

gov xaq aapKaq jiod ano yap tgov Kpijiaxcov aoD

of you my flesh] ! for because of your judgments

scpopfjGrjv 121+ S7io(r|aa Kpijia Kai 8iKaioaDvr|v jlit|

I feared. I executed judgment and righteousness; you should not

napadcbq |is xoiq aSiKODai |is 122+ SK8s^ai

deliver me to the ones wronging me. Look out for

xov 8odA,ov aoD sic; aya66v jlit| aDKocpavrrjadTCDadv

your servant for good; let not [ extort

|is D7T£pfj(pavoi 123 + 01 o(p0aX|io( [lov e^elurov £iq

me [the] proud] ! My eyes [are] wanting for

to acDxfjpiov aoD Kai siq to A,6yiov

your deliverance, and for the oracle

Tr\q SiKaioawqc; aoi) 124+ 7iovr|aov |iex&amp; tod 8odXod aoi)

of your righteousness. Do with your servant

k(xt&amp; to slsoq aoi) Kai Ta 8iKaicb|iaTd aoi) 8(8a^6v

according to your mercy, and [ your ordinances teach

|i8 125 + 8odA,6c; aoi) sijjI sycb aDVSTiaov |is Kai

me]! [ your servant lam]; bring understanding to me! and

yvcbaojiai Ta jiapTDpid aoi) 126+ Kaipoc; tod 7ioifjaai tco

I will make known your testimonies. [It is] time [ to act for the

KDpico 8isaKe8aaav TOV VOjJ,OV aOD 127 + 8ld TODTO

LORD]; they effaced your law. On account of this

r|yd7rr|aa Tag svToXdq aoD D7isp xpDaiov Kai T07id^iov

I loved your commandments above gold and topaz.

128 + 8id todto npoq naaaq xaq svTO^dc; aoD

On account of this [ to all of your commandments

KaTcap0OD|ir|v 7idaav o86v d8iKov 8|j,iaT|aa 129 +

I kept straight]; every way of [the] unjust I detested.

0aD|iaaTd Ta jiapTopid aoD 8id todto

[ [are] wonderful Your testimonies]; on account of this

s^rjpsDvrjasv aDTd rj \\fv%r\ |iod 130+ r| SfjAxoaic;

[ searches them out my soul]. The manifestation

tcov Xoycov aoD cpcoTiei Kai aDVSTisi vrj7UODc; 131 +

of your words shall give light, and bring understanding to simple ones.

to aTOjia jiod fjvoi^a Kai £iA,KDaa 7iv8D|ia 6ti

[ my mouth I opened] and drew breath; for

xaq zvToXaq aoD 87iS7r66oDV 132+ £7r(pA£\j/ov S7i' sjis Kai

your commandments I longed after. Look upon me, and

slsrjaov |is KaTd to Kpijia tcov aya7icbvTC0v

show mercy on me! according to the practice of the ones loving


119 0V

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

to ovojid aoi) 133 + xa 8iapf||iaTd |iod Kaxei30i)vov Kaxd

your name. [ my footsteps Straighten out] according to

xo Xoyiov aoi) Kai |ir| KaxaKopieDadxco jiod rcdaa

your oracle! and let there not dominate me any

avojiia 134+ Ampcoaai |is goto aDKotpavxiac; av6pcb7icov

lawlessness! Ransom me from [the] extortion of men!

Kai (pi)A,d§co xac; svioXaq aoi) 135 + xo 7ip6aco7i6v aoi)

and I will keep your commandments. [ your face

87i((pavov S7Ti xov dovXov aoi) Kai 5(8a^6v jie

Let] appear unto your servant, and teach me

xa 5iKaicb|iaxd aoi) 136+ 8i£^65odc; i)5dxcov KaxePrjaav

your ordinances! Streams of waters flowed down

01 o(p9aX|io( |iod S7T81 oi)K eqroAxx^a xovvojiovaoi) 137 +

my eyes when I kept not your law.

SiKaioq si Kupis Kai sdGsic; ai Kpiaeic; aoi) m +

You are just, OLORD, and [ [are] straight your judgments].

svsxsiAxjo 5iKaioawqv xa jiapxtipid aoi) Kai aArjGeiav

You gave charge for righteousness of your testimonies and truth —

acp65pa 139+ s^sxr^s |is o Qr\X6q aoi) 6x1 S7ieAxx9ovxo

exceedingly. [ wasted me away [The] zeal of you], for [ forgot

XCOV A,6yC0V COD 01 8%6pOl |I0D 140 + 7T87lDpCO|I8VOV

your words my enemies]. [ setting on fire

xo Xoyiov aoi) atp68pa Kai o dovXoq aoi) rjyd7ir|asv

Your oracle [is] an exceeding]; and your servant loves

ai)xo hi + vecbxepoc; sycb eijii Kai e^oi)8evco|isvoc;

it. [ younger I am], and being treated with contempt;

xa 8iKaicb|iaxd aoi) odk £7ieAxx06|ir|v 142+

[ your ordinances I did not forget].

T| SiKaioawq aoi) SiKaioawq eic; xov aicova Kai

Your righteousness [is] righteousness into the eon, and

ovojioqaoi) aAxjGeia 143+ 9Ai\j/eic; Kai avdyKai eupoadv

your law [is] truth. Afflictions and distresses found

|is evxoAm aoi) jieAixrj jiod h4 + SiKaioawq

me; your commandments [are] my meditation. [ [are] righteousness

xa jiapxtipid aoi) eic; xov aicbva awsxiaov jie Kai

Your testimonies] into the eon. Bring understanding tome! and

^fjaojiai 145+ SKSKpa^a sv 6Ax| Kap5(a |iod 87idKoi)a6v

I shall live. I cried out with [ whole heart my]. Heed

jiod Kopis xa 8iKaicb|iaxd aoi) eK^rjxfjaco 145+ SKeKpa^d

me, OLORD! [ your ordinances I will seek after]. I cried out

119 0V

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

aoi acbaov |ie Kai (pi)Xd^co xa jiapxtipid ctod 147 +

to you; deliver me! and I will keep your testimonies.

7ipo8(p0aaa sv acopia Kai eKSKpa^a sic;

I anticipated at midnight, and I cried out; in

Tovq Xoyovq gov £7rfjAjriaa 148+ 7ipos(p0aaav

your words I raised hope. [ anticipated

01 ocpGaXjioi jiod 7ipoc; 6p0pov tod jis^exdv

My eyes] before dawn to meditate upon

xa^oyidaoD 149+ xrjc; cpcovfiq jiod dKODaov Kupie Kaxd

your oracles. [voice Hear my], O LORD, according to

to sksoq gov Kaxd to Kpijid gov Qt\g6v |is 150 +

your mercy! [ according to your judgment Enliven me]!

7rpo&lt;yqyyiaav 01 Kaxa8icbKovxsc; |is avojiia arco 5e

[ draw near The ones pursuing me lawlessly], [ from and

tod vojiod aoD 8|iaKpDv6r|aav 151 + eyytic; ei Kopie Kai

your law they are far]. You are near, O LORD, and

7idaai aio5o(aoD aArjGeia 152+ Kax' ap%dq eyvcov sk

all your ways [are] truth. From ancient [times] I knew of

xoov jiapiDpicov aoD on sic; xov aicova eGsjisAicoaac;

your testimonies, that into the eon you founded

(XDld 153 + (5s TT|V Ta7T8lVCOaiV (IOD Kai S^SXOD |I8 Oil

them. Behold my humiliation, and rescue me! for


[ your law I did not forget]. Judge

xrjv Kpioiv jiod Kai Ampooaai jie 5id

my case, and ransom me! On account of

TOvA,6yovaoD ^fjaov |is 155+ jiaKpdv anb ajiapxcoXcov

your word enliven me! [ [is] far from sinners

oooxrjpia oil xa 8iKaicb|iaxd ood odk e^fjxrjaav 156+

Deliverance], for [ your ordinances they did not seek after].

01 oiKiipjioi aoD noKhzi KDpis Kaxd TO Kpijid aoD

Your compassions [are] many, O LORD; according to your judgment

Qt\gov |is 157 + nohXoi 01 sk5icdkovxsc; jis Kai

enliven me! Many [are] the ones driving me out and

GAipovxec; |is sk tcov jiapiDpicov aoD odk s^sK^iva i 5 s +

afflicting me; from your testimonies I did not turn aside.

e(5ov aoDvexowcac; Kai s^sxr|K6|xr|v 6x1 xa A,6yid ood

I beheld ones lacking sense and wasting away, for [ your oracles

odk ecpDAxx^avxo 159+ (5s 6x1 xaq evxoldc; aoD rjyd7ir|aa

they kept not]. Behold! for [ your commandments I loved],


119 0V

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

KDpiS 8V TCOsXsSiaOD ^fjCJOV (18 i 6 o+ Up%T\

O LORD; in your mercy enliven me! [The] beginning

tcov Xoycov gov aArjGeia Kai eic; xov aicbva rcdvxa xa

of your words [is] truth; and into the eon [are] all the

Kpijiaxa xrjc; 8iKaio&lt;x6vr|c; gov m + dp%ovxec; KaxsSico^dv

judgments of your righteousness. Rulers pursued

|is Scopedv Kai a7io xcov Xoycov gov e5siAiaasv

me without charge; and from your words [ was timid

rj Kap8(a |iod 162+ ayaAAidaojiai syco S7U xa A,6yid gov

my heart]. I shall exult over your oracles,

cog o supiaKcov GKvXa itoXka 163 + a5iKiav sjiiarjaa Kai

as one finding [ spoils many]. Injustice I detested and

sp8sA,D^d|ir|v xov 5s vojiov gov rjyd7ir|aa 164+ smaKiq

abhorred; but your law I loved. Seven times

xrjc; rjjispac; fjveadae as S7ri xa Kpijiaxa

a day I praised you over the judgments

Tr\q SiKaioawrjq gov ies + eipfjvrj 7ioAAx| xoic;

of your righteousness. [ peace Great] [is] to the ones

aya7icbai xov vojiov gov Kai odk saxiv

loving your law, and there is no

aDxoiq aKdv5aA,ov 166+ 7ipoas86Kcov xo acoxfjpiov gov

obstacle to them. I expected your deliverance,

Kopie Kai xac; evxoAxxc; gov r|yd7rr|aa iei + eqroXa^ev

O LORD, and [ your commandments loved]. [guarded

r| \\fv%r\ [iov xa jiapxupid gov Kai r|yd7rr|asv ai)xd

My soul] your testimonies, and it loved them

acp68pa 168+ ecpu^a^a xaq sviokaq gov Kai

very much. I kept your commandments and

xa jiapxtipid gov 6xi rcdaai ai 0801 [iov svavxiov gov

your testimonies, for all my ways [are] before you,

Kopie 169+ syyiadxco r| Serjaiq jiou svcb7ii6v gov Kopie

O LORD. Let [ approach my supplication] before you, O LORD!

Kaxd xo Xoyiov gov auvsxiaov jis i?o+ sias^Goi

according to your oracle bring understanding tome! May [ enter

xo a^icojia jiod svco7ii6v gov Kopis Kaxd

that which is fit of me] before you, O LORD; according to

xo Xoyiov gov pvGai |ie m + e^epeti^aivxo xa %zihr\ [iov

your oracle rescue me! [ discharged forth My lips]

v[ivov oxav 6\6a^r\q |is xa 5iKaicb|iaxd OOl) 172 +

a hymn, whenever you should teach me your ordinances.


120 Dp

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

(pGsy^aixo r| yAxbaad [iov xa Xoyid gov 6xi 7idaai

May [ utter [the] sound my tongue] of your oracles, for all

ai evxoAm gov 5iKaioawr| 173 + yeveaGco r| %eip gov

your commandments [are] righteousness. Let [ be your hand]

xod acbaai |is 6x1 xaq svxoXdq gov r|pexiod|ir|v 174 +

to deliver me! for [ your commandments I took up].

S7i87i66r|aa to aooxfjpiov gov Kupie Kai o vojioc; gov

I longed after your deliverance, O LORD, and your law

jisAixrj jiod sail 175+ tftasxai r\ yv%r\ jiod Kai aivsasi

[ my meditation is]. [ shall live My soul], and it shall praise

as Kai xa Kpijiaxd gov porjGfjasi |ioi 175+ S7iA,avf|9r|v

you; and your judgments shall help me. I wandered

coc; 7ip6paxov anoXodXoq ^fjxrjaov xov Sovkov gov 6x1

as a sheep perishing. Seek your servant! for

xac; svxoAxxc; gov ovk £7ieA,a66|ir|v

your commandments I did not forget.

120 Dp

1 + 7ipoc; Kopiov ev xco GAipeaGai |is SKeKpa^a Kai

[ to [the] LORD in my being afflicted I cried out], and

eiafjKODae [iov 2 + Kopie ptiaai xrjv \\fv%r\v [iov arco

he listened to me. O LORD, rescue my soul from

XsiAioov a5iKoov Kai arco yAxbaarjc; Sokiaq 3+ xi

[lips unjust], and from [tongue a deceitful]! What

8o6svr| aoi Kai xi 7ipoax£6evr| aoi npoq y^cbaaav

may be given to you, and what added to you, to [ tongue

8oAiav 4+ xa PsAxj xod 5DvaxoD r|Kovr||isva gvv

[the] deceitful]? The arrows of the mighty [are] being sharpened with

xoic; dvGpa^i xoic; epr||iiKoic; 5+ oijioi 6x1

the [coals solitary]. Alas, for

T| 7iapoiKia (iod sjiaKptivGrj KaxsaKfjvcoaa jisxd xcov

my sojourn was far; I encamped with the

aKT|vco|idxcov Kr|5dp 6 + noXka 7iapcoKr|asv r| \\fv%r\ jiod

tents of Kedar. [ much sojourned My soul]

jisxd xcov iikjodvxcov xrjv sipfjvrjv 7+ f|(ar|v siprjviKoc;

with the ones detesting peace. I was peaceable

oxav sAxxAxyov aDxofc; e7ro}ie|ioDV |is 8cop8dv

whenever I was speaking to them; they waged war against me without charge.


121 iOp

19- Psalms

121 nop

i + fjpa Tovq o(pdak[iovq jiod sic; xa 6pr| 60ev fj^si

I lifted my eyes unto the mountains, from where [ shall come

T| Pofj0ei&amp; jiod 2 + r| PofjGeid jiod 7iapd KDpiOD TOD

my help]. My help [is] from [the] LORD; of the one

7rovfjaavTOc; xov ODpavov Kai xrjv yrjv 3 + [ir\ 8cbr| eic;

making the heaven and the earth. May he not give [ to

aaXov xov 7i65a gov [ir\6s VDaxd^rj o cpD^daacov

tossing about your foot], nor should [ slumber the one guarding

ae 4+ i8od od VDaxd^ei od8s D7ivcbaei o

you]. Behold, [ shall not slumber nor sleep the one

(fruXdaacov xov IapafjA, 5 + KDpioq (fruXd^si ae Kopioc;

guarding Israel]. [The] LORD shall guard you. [The] LORD

aKS7ir| aoi sjii %e(pa 8e^idv aoD 6 + ruispaq o r\kioq

[is] protection to you at [hand your right]. By day the sun

od aDyKoroaei as od8s rj aeArjvrj xrjWDKxa 7 +

shall not burn you, nor the moon by night.

Kopioc; (pi)Axx^si as a7io 7iavx6c; koikod (pi)Xa^si

[The] LORD shall guard you from all evil; [ shall guard

xrjv \\fv%r\v aoi) o Kopioc; g + Kopioc; (pvXd^si

your soul the LORD]. [The] LORD shall guard

xrjv e(ao86v aoi) Kai xrjv e^o86v aoi) goto xod vdv Kai

your entrance and your exit, from the present and

eooc; xod amvoq

unto the eon.

122 Mp&gt;

1+ SD(ppdv6r|v S7Ti xoic; siprjKoai |ioi eic; oikov

I shall be glad over the ones saying to me, [ into [the] house

KDpiOD 7iopsDa6|ie6a 2 + saxcbxsc; fjaav 01 nodzq r\[i(bv

[of the] LORD We shall go]. [ were standing Our feet]

sv xaic; avXaiq aoD IepoDaaArui 3+ IepoDaaAT||i

in your courtyards, O Jerusalem. Jerusalem

oiKo8o|iOD|i8vr| cdc; noXiq r\q r\ jiexoxfj avTT\q

being built as a city of which the sharing of it

87iixoaDx6 4+ SKeiyap aveprjaav at (pvXai (pvXai

[is] together. For there [ ascend the tribes], tribes

KDpiOD jiapxDpiov xod IapafjX xod 8^o|ioXoyf|aaa0ai

of [the] LORD, for a testimony of Israel, to confess


123 3op

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

xco ovojiaxi KDpioi) 5+ on 8Ks( 8Ka6iaav 0p6voi sic;

to the name of [the] LORD. For there [ sit thrones] in

Kpiaiv Gpovoi S7Ti oikov Aavid 6 + spcoxfjaaxe 8r|

judgment; thrones for [the] house of David. Ask indeed

xa sic; sipfjvrjv xrjv IepoDaaArui Kai si)0r|via xoiq

the [things] for peace to Jerusalem, and prosperity to the

aya7icbai as ? + yevea0co eipfjvrj sv xr| Suvdjisi gov Kai

ones loving you! Let there be peace with your force, and

si)6r|via ev xaic; 7ropyopdpea( aou s+ evera

prosperity in your towered fortifications! Because of

xcov aSelcpcbv jiou Kai xcov nh^aiov jiou skakovv 8r|

my brethren and my neighbors I spoke indeed

eipfjVTjV 7T8p( aOD 9+ SVSKa XOD OIKOD KDpiOD

peace concerning you. Because of the house of [the] LORD

xod 08OD rjjicbv 8^8^f|xr|aa aya0d aoi

our God, I sought good for you.

123 30J?

1 + 7ipoc; as fjpa zovq ocp0aA,|ioi3c; jiod xov KaxoiKowca

To you I lifted my eyes, O one dwelling

sv xco oupavcb 2 + 180D coc; ocp0aX|io( 8ot3Axjov eic;

in the heaven. Behold, as eyes of servants [are] to

%e(pac; xcov Kopicov auxcbv coc; ocp0aA,|io( 7rai5(aKr|c; sic;

[the] hands of their masters; as [the] eyes of [the] maidservant to

%eipac; xrjc; Kopiac; auxfjc; ouxcoc; 01 ocp0aX|io( r||icbv npoq

[the] hands of her lady; so our eyes [are] to

Kopiov xov 08ov r||icbv scoc; oi) oiKxsipfjaai r\[idq

[the] LORD our God, until of which [time] he should pity us.

3+ sAirjaov rjjLxdq Kopie sAirjaov r\[iaq 6xi S7i' 7ioAi)

Show mercy on us, O LORD, show mercy on us! for unto greatly

£7rAxja0r||i£v s^oi)8evcbaecoc; 4 + sninXsiov S7iA,f|a0r|

we filled of contempt. [ more greatly was filled

T| \\fv%r\ r||icbv xo ovsiSoc; xoic; ei)0r|voi)ai Kai

Our soul]; [let] scorn be [against] they [that] prosper; and

T| s^ouSsvcoaic; xoic; D7iepr|cpdvoic;

contempt [against] the proud.


124 7Dp


19- Psalms

124 731?

i+ si jLirj on Kopioc; r|v ev r\[dv eurdTCG 8r| IapafjA, 2 +

Unless it be that [the] LORD was with us — let [ say now Israel] !

si (ir| on Kopioc; r|v ev r\[dv ev too e7ravaaxfjvai

Unless it was that [the] LORD was with us in the rising up

av0pcb7roDc; ecp' r\[iaq 3 + dpa Cfbvzaq av Kaxe7riov

of men against us, then would [the] ones living have swallowed

rjjLidq ev too opyiaGfjvai tov Gdjiov avzov ecp' r\[idq 4 +

us in the provoking to anger of his rage against us.

dpa to D8cop av Kaxe7i6vTiaev r\[idq xeijiappov

Then would the water have sunk us; [ [the] rushing stream

8ifjA,9ev r| \\fv%r\ r||icbv 5+ dpa 5ifjX9ev r| \\fv%r\ rjjicbv to

going through our soul]. Surely [went through our soul] the

T35cop to avD7r6axaTOV 6 + eDloyrjTOc; Kopioc; oq odk

[water unsubdued]. Blessed [be] [the] LORD, who did not

eScoKev r\[idq eic; Gfjpav Toiq odovaiv ai)TCOv 7 +

give us as game for their teeth.

r| \\fv%r\ r\[i(bv cog aTpoD0(ov epptiaGrj eK Tr\q

Our soul as a sparrow was rescued from out of the

7iay(5oc; tcov BrjpeDOVTCOv r| nayiq aDveTpiprj Kai

snare of the ones hunting. The snare was broken, and

r\[isiq eppi&gt;a6r||iev 8+ r| PofjGeia r||icbv ev ovojiaTi

we were rescued. Our help [is] in [the] name

KDpioi) tod 7roifjaavTOc; tod ODpavov Kai ttjv yrjv

of [the] LORD; the one making the heaven and the earth.

125 nap

1+ 01 7re7roi06Tec; em Kopiov cog opoq Eicbv od

The ones yielding upon [the] LORD [are] as mount Zion; [ shall not

aaXeDGfjaeTai siq tov aicbva o KaTOiKcbv

be shaken into the eon the one dwelling

IepoDaaAxjji 2+ 6pr| kdkA,co aDTfjq Kai o Kopioc;

in Jerusalem]. [The] mountains [are] round about her, and the LORD

kdkAxd tod A,aoD aDTOD ano tod vdv Kai ecoc; tod

[is] round about his people, from the present and unto the

aicbvoc; 3+ 6ti odk acpfjaei Kopioc; ttjv pdp8ov tcdv

eon. For [ will not allow [the] LORD] the rod of the

a|iapT&lt;»Axbv em tov iclfjpov tcov Sucaicov oncoq av

sinners upon the lot of the just; so that


126 iDp

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

|ir| skxsivcoctiv 01 5iKaioi sv avo plate; %sipaq auxcbv

[ might not stretch out the just] in lawless deeds with their hands.
4 + aydGwov icopis xoic; ayaGofc; Kai xoic; suGsoi xr|

Do good, O LORD, to the good, and to the straight [in]

Kap8(a s + Tovq 5s SKKAivovxac; sic; xac; axpayyaAidc;

heart! But the ones turning aside unto perverseness,

a7id^si Kupioq jisxd xcov spyatpjisvcov xrjv avojiiav

[the] LORD shall take away with the ones working lawlessness.

sipfjvrj S7U xov IapafjA,

Peace unto Israel.

126 "Dp

i+ sv xco S7iiaxps\j/ai icopiov xrjv ai%|iaA,coa(av Sicbv

In the [ returning LORD] the captivity of Zion,

sysvfj9r||isv coast 7iapaKSKAx||isvoi 2 + xoxs S7iAr|a6r|

we became as ones comforted. Then [ was filled with

Xapdq to axojia rjjicbv Kai rj yAxbaaa rijicbv

joy our mouth], and our tongue

ayaAAidascoc; xoxs spouaiv sv xoic; s0vsaiv

[with] exultation. Then shall they say among the nations,

s|isydA,i)vs icopioc; xod 7ioif|aai jisx' auxcbv 3 +

[the] LORD magnified himself in dealing with them.

s|isydA,i)vs icopioc; xou 7ioif|aai jisx' r||icbv sysvf|6r||isv

[The] LORD magnified himself in dealing with us; we became

SDcppaivojisvoi 4+ S7iioxps\j/ov icopis

ones being glad. Return, O LORD,

xrjv aixjiaXcoaiav rjjicbv coc; xsijidppouc; sv xco voxco 5 +

our captivity as [the] rushing streams in the south!

01 a7isipovxs(; sv SaKpuaiv sv ayaAAidasi Bspiotiai 6 +

The ones sowing in tears, [in exultation shall harvest].

7iopsi)6|isvoi S7ropsT3ovxo Kai skXcxiov fiaXkovTsq

The ones going went and wept throwing

xa C7isp|iaxa auxcov sp%6|isvoi 5s fj^oDaiv sv

their seed; but the ones coming shall come in

ayaAAidasi aipovxsc; xa Spdyjiaxa auxcbv

exultation, lifting their sheaves.


127 TDp

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

19- Psalms

127 tap

i + sdv |ir| rcopioc; oiKo5o|ifjar| oikov sic; |idxr|v

Unless [the] LORD built [the] house, [ in vain

SK07i(aaav oi oiko5o|ioi)vxsc; sdv |ir| rcopioc; (pvXaty]

tired the builders]. Unless [the] LORD guarded

7i6Xiv sic; jidxTjv r|ypi)7wr|asv o cpuXdaacov 2 + sic;

[the] city, [ in vain stayed awake the one guarding]. For

jidxrjv djiiv sail to opGpi^siv sysipsaBs jisxd

[ vain for you it is] to rise up early; you arise after

to KaGfjaGai 01 sa0k&gt;vxsc; dpxov o8i)vr|c; oxav

sitting down, O ones eating [the] bread of grief, whenever

5co Toiq aya7ir|xoic; ai)xoi) vtzvov 3 + i5oi) rj

he should give [ to his beloved ones sleep]. Behold, the

KArjpovojiia Ki)p(oi) uun o jiiaGoc; xou Kap7ioi) xrjc;

inheritance of [the] LORD, O sons, the wage of the fruit of the

yaaxpoc; 4 + coasi PsAxj sv %sip( 5uvaxoi) otixcoc; 01

womb. As arrows in [the] hand of [the] mighty, so [are] the

moi xcov SKxsxivayjisvcov 5+ jiaicdpioc; oq 7rAx|pcbasi

sons of the ones being shaken off. Blessed [is] the one who shall fill

XT|V 871101) |IiaV OLVTOV 8^ ai)XCGV 01)

his desire with them; they shall not

Kaxaia%i)v6fjaovxai oxav XaXfoai zoiq z%dpoiq auxoi)

be disgraced whenever they should speak [to] his enemies

sv nvXaiq

at [the] gates.

128 nap

1+ jiaKdpioi 7idvxsc; 01 cpopotijievoi xov rcopiov 01

Blessed [are] all the ones fearing the LORD; the ones

7rop8i)6|i8voi sv xaic; o5o(c; auxoi) 2 + xodc; itovovq

going in his ways. The toils

xcov Kap7icbv aoi) cpdysaai jiaKdpioq si kcu Kokcbq

of your wrist you shall eat; blessed are you, and well

aoi saxai 3 + rj yuvfj aoi) coc; d|i7isAx)c; si)9r|voi)aa sv

it will be to you. Your wife is as a grapevine prospering on

xaic; KAixsai xrjq ovdaq aoi) 01 moi aoi) coc; vsocpuxa

the sides of your house; your sons as newly planted

slaicbv kt)kXco xrjc; Tpanst^q aoi) 4 + 1801) ouxcoc;

olive [plants] round about your table. Behold, thus


129 DDp

8V TOUT© + VlKa
19- Psalms

si)Ax)yr|9f|asxai dvGpcoTioq o cpopoujisvoc; xov Kopiov 5 +

shall be blessed [the] man fearing the LORD.

£DAx)yfjoai as Kopioc; sk Sicbv Kai 1801c; xa

May [ bless you [the] LORD] from out of Zion; and may you behold the

aya6d IspoDoaAxjji naaaq xac; rjjiepac; Tr\q Cf^r\q aov 6 +

good [things] of Jerusalem all the days of your life.

Kai 1801c; viovq xcov mcbv gov sipfjvrj S7U

And may you behold [the] sons of your sons. Peace [be] upon

xov IapafjA,


129 tasp

1 + TtXzovoKiq 87ioA,8|ir|adv |is sk vsoxrjxoc; jiod eurdxco

Many times they waged war against me from my youth — Let [ say

5r| IapafjX 2 + TtkzovoKiq 87ioXs|ir|adv |is sk

indeed Israel] ! Many times they waged war [against] me from

vsoxrjxoc; |iod Kai yap odk ri8wf|0r|adv jioi 3 +

my youth; and yet they were not able [to prevail] against me.

8711 xov vcbxov (10D 8X8Kxaivov oi a|iapxooAx)i

[upon my back contrived The sinners];

8|idKpi)vav xrjv avojiiav auxcbv 4 + Kopioc; Sixaioc;

they prolonged their lawlessness. [The] LORD [is] just;

ai)V8K0\j/8v ai)%8vac; ajiapxcoXcbv 5+ aiaxDvGfjxcoaav Kai

he cut down [the] necks of sinners. Let them be shamed, and

a7ioaxpa(pf|xcoaav sic; xa 07i(aco ndvTsq 01 jiiaowcsc;

be turned to the rear! all the ones detesting

Eicbv 6+ yevrjGfjxcooav coast %6pxoc; 8co|idxcov oq 7ipo

Zion. Let them become as grass on roofs! which before

xod 8Ka7iaa0f|vai s^rjpdvGrj

being pulled out were dried;

7+ od odk s7iAr|pcoas xrjv %sipa auxou o Gspi^cov

of which [ did not fill his hand the one harvesting],

Kai xov koAjtov avzov o xa 8pdy|iaxa auAAiyoav 8 +

nor the one [ unto his bosom the sheaves collecting together],

Kai odk 8i7i av 01 7iapdyovxec; siAoyia Kopkro scp'

and [ said not the ones passing by], [The] blessing of [the] LORD [be] upon

ujidc; 8i)Xoyf|Ka|isv v[iaq sv ovojiaxi Kopiou

you; we bless you in [the] name of [the] LORD.




19- Psalms

130 bp

i+ 8K PaGscov SKSKpa^d aoi icopis 2 + KDpis

From out of [the] depths I cried out to you, O LORD. O LORD,

eia&amp;KODoov Tr\q (pcovfjc; jiod ysvrjGfjxco xa coxa aoD

listen to my voice! Let [ be your ears]

7ipoas%ovxa sic; xrjv (pcovfjv xrjc; 5sf|ascbc; |iod 3 + sdv

attentive to the voice of my supplication! If

avojiiac; 7iapaxr|pf|ar|c; KDpis KDpis xic; D7ioaxf|asxai 4+

[ lawless deeds you should closely watch], O Lord, O LORD, who shall stand?

oxi 7iapd aoi o iXaajioc; saxiv svsksv

For [by you atonement is]. Because of

xod ovojiaxoc; aoi) D7is|isiva as icopis 5 + dtcsjisivsv

your name I waited for you, O LORD. [ waited

T| \\fv%r\ jiod sic; xov Xoyov aoi) 6+ fjAmasv r| \|/D%fj jiod

My soul] for your word. [ hoped My soul]

S7U xov Kopiov ano cpiAaKfjc; npcoiaq |is%pi vdkxoc; 7 +

upon the LORD from [ watch [the] morning] till night.

sAma&amp;xcD IapafjX S7U xov Kopiov 6x1 7iapd xco icupico

Let Israel hope upon the LORD! for with the LORD

xo sA^soc; Kai 7ioAAx| 7iap' ocdxcd Ampooaic; 8 + Kai avzoq

[is] mercy, and an abundant [ by him ransoming]. And he

Ampcbasxai xov IapafjA, sk 7iaacbv xcov avojiicbv oidxod

shall ransom Israel from all his lawlessnesses.

131 vbp

1 + KDpis od% v\\f(bdr\ T| Kap8(a jiod od5s

O LORD, [ was not exalted my heart], nor

sjisxscopia0r|aav 01 oq)0aA,|ioi jiod od8s S7iopsD0r|v sv

were [ raised up high my eyes], nor was I gone among

jisya^oic; od5s sv BaDjiaaioic; D7isp sjis 2+sijir|

[the] great ones, nor in wonders above me. Unless


I was humble-minded, but I exalted my soul. As the

a7ioysyaXaKxia|isvov sm xrjv jxrjxspa oidxod coq

one being weaned upon his mother, so

avxa7io5cbasic; S7U xrjv \\fv%r\v |iod 3 + sAmaaxoo IapafjA,

will you recompense unto my soul. Let [ hope Israel]

S7U xov Kopiov goto xod vdv Kai scocj xod aicbvoc;

upon the LORD, from the present and unto the eon!

132 ±p

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

19- Psalms

132 nbp

i + |ivfja6r|Ti Kopie tod Aai)(8 Kai 7iaar|c;

Remember, O LORD, David and all

Tr\q 7rpa6rr|Toc; avzov 2 + coc; cbjioae too Kopico

his gentleness! As he swore by an oath to the LORD;

rjD^aTO too Gscb IaKcbp 3+ si eiae^sDaojiai sic;

he made a vow to the God of Jacob, [saying], Shall I enter into

oKfjvco|ia oikod jiod si avapfjaojiai 87U Kkivr\q

[the] tent of my house, [no]. Shall I ascend unto [the] bier

&lt;ycpco|ivf|c; jiod 4 + si 5cbaco D7rvov toic; ocpGaXjioiq jiod

of my stewnbed, [no]. Shall I give sleep [to] my eyes,

Kai toic; pXscpapoic; (iod VD&lt;ycay|i6v Kai avd7iai)aiv

and [ [to] my eyelids slumber], and rest

TOiq KpOT&amp;q)OlC; |IOD 5 + SCOq OD SDpCO T07T0V TCO

[to] my temples, [no]; [not] until of which [time] I shall find a place for the

Kopico aKf|vcD|ia tco 6scb IaKcbp 6+ i8od r|K0T3aa|isv

LORD, a tent for the God of Jacob? Behold, we heard

(xdttjv sv EcppaGd stipojisv aDTfjv ev toic; 7is8ioic;

her in Ephratah; we found her in the plains

tod 8pD(ioD ?+ siasXsDacbjisGa sic; tcx oktjvcojicxtcx cxdtod

of the groves. We shall enter into his tents;

7ipoaKDvfjaco|i£v exq tov T07iov od eaTTjaav

we shall do obeisance in the place of which [ stood

oi 7i68scj cxdtod 8+ av&amp;arr|0i Kopis siq

his feet]. Rise up, O LORD, unto

ttjv avd7iaDa(v aoD cjd Kai r| kiPcotoc;

your rest, you and the ark

tod ayi&amp;ajiaTOc; aoD 9 + oi ispsic; aoD svSDaovTai

of your sanctuary! Your priests shall put on

SiKaioawrjv Kai oi oaioi aoD ayaAAiaaovTai io + svsksv

righteousness, and your sacred ones shall exult. Because of

AaDi8 tod 8odA,od ood jlit| a7ioaTps\j/r|c; to

David your servant you should not turn away the

7lp6aC07lOV tod xpiaTOD aoD

face of your anointed one.

n+ cbjioae KDpioq tco AaDi8 aAxjBeiav Kai od jlit|

[The] LORD swore by an oath [to] David in truth, and in no way

aGeTTjasi aDTfjv 8K Kap7ioD Tr\q Koikiaq aoD Gfjaojiai

shall he annul it, [saying], [ from [the] fruit of your belly I will establish


133 tip

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

19- Psalms

8711 TOD GpOVOD GOV u + edv (pD^d^GOVXai 01 dioi aoi)

upon your throne]. If [ shall guard sons your]

ttjv SiaGfjKrjv jiod Kai xa jiapxtipid jiod xatixa a

my covenant, and [ my testimonies these] which

8i5d^co aDxotic; Kai oi dioi ocdxcov scoq xod aicbvoc;

I shall teach them, then their sons [ unto the eon

KaGioDvxai S7ri xod GpovoD aoD o + 6xi

shall sit upon your throne]. For

e^eXe^axo KDpioc; xrjv Sicbv rjpsxiaaxo aDxfjv sic;

[the] LORD chose Zion; he took it for

KaxoiKiav saDxcb u + aDxrj rj Kaxd7iaDafc; jiod siq

a dwelling to himself, [saying], This [is] my rest into

aicbva aicbvoc; cb8e KaxoiKfjaco 6xi r|pexiad|ir|v aDxfjv

[the] eon of [the] eon; here I shall dwell, for I took her.

15+ xrjv Gfjpav avTT\q SD^oycov SDloyfjaco

Her game being a blessing, I shall bless;

xodc; 7rxooxoDc; avTT\q %opxdaco dpxcov i6+

her poor I will fill [with] bread loaves;

xodc; ispeic; avTT\q svSdcjco acoxrjpiav Kai oi oaioi aDxfjc;

Her priests I will clothe [with] deliverance; and her sacred ones

ayaAAidaei ayaMadaovxai n+ sksi s^avaxs^cb Kspac;

[ in exultation shall exult]. There I will cause [ to rise up [the] horn]

xco AaDi5 rjxoijiaaa Xvyyov xco %piaxcb jiod is+

[to] David; I prepared a lamp for my anointed one.

xodc; £%0poDc; aDxoD svSdctco aia%Dvr|v S7il 5e aDxov

His enemies I will clothe [with] shame; but upon him

e^avGfjasi xo ayiaajid jiod

[ shall blossom my sanctification].

133 jfcp

l + l80D 8r| XI KOXOV T| XI XSpTTVOV oXk' T| XO

Behold, indeed what [is] good or what [is] delightful, none other than the
KaxoiKsiv aSsAxpoDc; 87iixoaDx6 2 + coq jiDpov S7U

dwelling of [the] brethren together. As perfumed liquid upon

KecpaAxjc; xo KaxaPaivov S7ri 7rcbycova xov 7icbycova

[the] head going down upon [the] beard — the beard

xov Aapcbv xo KaxaPaivov sm xrjv cbav

of Aaron; the going down upon the edge

xod evSDjiaxoc; aDxoD 3 + coc; 8p6aoq Aspjicbv

of his garment; as dew of Hermon


134 l^p

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

r| KaxaPaivoDaa em xa 6pr| Sicbv 6xi sksi

going down upon the mountains of Zion; for there

svsxsi^axo Kopioc; xrjv siAoyiav Cf$r\v scoc; xod aicbvoc;

[the] LORD gave charge to the blessing — life unto the eon.

134 7*?i?

i+ i8oi3 5r| siAoysixs xov Kopiov ftdvxsc; oi 8oi3Ax)i

Behold indeed, bless the LORD all [you] servants

KDpioi) oi saxcbxsc; sv oiKco Kupiov sv avXaiq

of [the] LORD, the ones standing in [the] house of [the] LORD, in [the] courtyards

oikod Bsoti rijicbv sv xaic; VD^IV 2+ S7idpax8

of [the] house of our God in the night! Lift up

xaq xsipaq Djicbv sic; xa dyia Kai siAoysixs xov

your hands in the holy place, and bless the

Kopiov 3 + siAoyfjoai as Kopioc; sk Sicbv o

LORD! May [ bless you [the] LORD] from out of Zion, the

Tioir\aaq xov oupavov Kai xrjv yrjv

one making the heaven and the earth.

135 Tfrp

i+ aivsixs xo ovojia Kopioi) aivsixs 5oi3Axh Kopiov 2

Praise the name of [the] LORD! Praise, O servants, [the] LORD,

01 saxcbxsc; sv oikco KDpioi) sv avXaiq OIKOD

O ones standing in [the] house of [the] LORD, in [the] courtyards of [the] house

6soi3 rjjicbv 3 + aivsixs xov icopiov 6x1 ayaGoc; icopioc;

of our God! Praise the LORD, for [the] LORD [is] good!

\j/dXaxs xco ovojiaxi avzov 6x1 koXov 4 + 6x1

Strum [to] his name, for [it is] good! For

xov IaKcbp s^sls^axo sauxcb o icopioc; IapafjX sic;

[ chose Jacob for himself the LORD]; Israel for

7rspioi)aiaa(i6v sauxcb 5+ 6x1 sycb syvcora 6x1 jisyac; o

a prized possession to himself. For I know that [ [is] great the

icopioc; Kai o Kopioc; r)|icbv 7iapd rcdvxac; xouc; Qsovq 6 +

LORD], and our LORD [is] above all the gods.

7idvxa 6aa r|0sAx|asv o Kopioc; S7iovr|asv sv xco

All as much as [ wanted the LORD] he did in the

ODpavcb Kai sv xr| yr| sv xaic; GaAxxaaaic; Kai sv

heaven, and on the earth, in the seas, and in

7tdaaic; xaic; aptiaaoic; 7+ avdycov vscpsAxxc; s^ sa%dxoi)

all the deeps. Leading clouds from [the] end


135 rbp

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

Tr\q yr\q aaxpa7id(; ziq dsxov S7iovr|aev o e^dycov

of the earth, [ lightnings in rain he made]. The one leading

avejiouc; 8K Grjaaupcov avzov 8 + oq e7idxa^e xa

winds from his treasuries. The one who struck the

7ipcox6xoKa AiyimxoD arco av0pcb7roi) scoc; Kxr\vovq 9 +

first-born of Egypt, from man unto beast.

s^a7isaT8iA,8 ar||i8ia Kai xepaxa sv jisoco aoi)

He sent out signs and miracles in [the] midst of you,

AiyD7iT8 ev Oapacb Kai sv 7idai TOiq SovXoiq clvtov

O Egypt, on Pharaoh, and among all his servants.

10+ oq S7idxa^sv e6vr| noXka Kai arceKxeive

The one who struck [ nations many], and killed

fiaoiksiq Kpaxaiouq 11+ xov I/qcbv PaaiXea xcov

[kings strong]; Sihon king of the

Ajijioppaicov Kai xov Qy paaiAia xrjc; Baadv Kai

Amorites, and Og king ofBashan, and

naaaq xac; Paai^eiac; Xavadv 12+ Kai s5coks

all the kingdoms of Canaan. And he gave

ttjv yrjv auxcbv KAx|povo|i(av KAxjpovojjiav IapafjA,

their land [for] an inheritance; an inheritance to Israel

Axxcb avzov 13 + Kopis to ovojid gov ziq xov aicova Kai

his people. O LORD, your name [is] into the eon, and

to jivtjjioodvov ood sic; yevsdv Kai ysvsdv i 4 + 6x1

your memorial unto generation and generation. For

Kpivei Kopioc; xov Xaov avzov Kai S7il

[the] LORD shall judge his people, and concerning

TOiq dovkoiq avzov 7iapaKAx|6f|aexai 15+ xa £i8coA,a xcov

his servants he shall be comforted. The idols of the

80vcbv apyupiov Kai xpuaiov spya %eipcbv

nations are silver and gold, [the] works of [the] hands

av9pcb7icov 16+ axojia s%ova\ Kai od Xakr\aova\v

of men. [ a mouth They have], and they shall not speak;

o(pQak[iovq £%ovai Kai odk 6\j/ovxai 17+ coxa e%oi)ai

[ eyes they have] and they shall not see; [ ears they have]

Kai odk 8vcoxia0f|aovxai oi)8e yap eaxi 7wei)|ia sv

and they shall not give ear; and neither is a breath in

xco axojiaxi aDxcbv is+ ojioioi auxok; ysvoivxo 01

their mouth. [ likened to them May become the ones

7roiowcsc; ai)xd Kai rcavxec; 01 7re7ioi06xsc; S7i' auxoic;

making them], and all the ones yielding upon them.



8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

19+ oiKoq IapafjX siAoyfjaaxs xov icopiov oikoc;

O house of Israel, bless the LORD! O house

Aapcbv siAoyfjaaxs xov icopiov 20+ oikoc; Asm

of Aaron, bless the LORD! O house of Levi,

SD^oyfjoaxs xov icopiov 01 cpopotijisvoi xov icopiov

bless the LORD! O ones fearing the LORD,

SD^oyfjaaxs xov icopiov 21+ suXoyrjxoc; icopioc; ev Sicbv

bless the LORD! Blessed [be] [the] LORD in Zion,

o KaxoiKcbv IspoDaaArjji

the one dwelling in Jerusalem.


1+ s^o|ioAx)yeia0s xco icopico 6x1 ayaGoc; 6x1 sic; xov

Let us confess [to] [the] LORD, for [he is] good, for into the

aicbva xo sksoq avzov 2+ s^ojio^oysiaGs xco 6scb

eon [is] his mercy! Let us confess [to] the God

xcov Gscbv 6x1 sic; xov aicbva xo sXsoc; ai)xoi3 3 +

of gods, for into the eon [is] his mercy!

S^O(ioA,Oy8lO08 XCO KDpiCO XCOV KDpiCOV 6x1 sic; xov

Let us confess to the LORD of lords, for into the

aicbva xo sXsoc; avzov 4 + xco 7roifjaavxi 6au|idaia

eon [is] his mercy! To the one doing [ wonders

jisydla jiovco 6x1 sic; xov aicbva xo sA^soc; auxoi) 5 +

great] alone, for into the eon [is] his mercy.

xco 7ioif|aavxi xouc; oupavouc; sv cxovsasi 6x1 sic; xov

To the one making the heavens in skilfulness, for into the

aicbva xo sXsoc; avzov e + xco oxspscbaavxi xrjv yrjv S7U

eon [is] his mercy. To the one solidifying the earth upon

xcov i)8dxcov 6x1 sic; xov aicbva xo sksoq auxoi) 7+ xco

the waters, for into the eon [is] his mercy. To the

7rovfjaavxi cpcbxa jisydXa jiovco 6x1 sic; xov aicbva

one making [ lights [the] great] alone, for into the eon

xo sksoq avTOV

[is] his mercy.

8+ xov f|Aaov sic; sc^oDcriav xrjc; rjjispac; 6x1 sic; xov

The sun for authority at day, for into the

aicbva xo sA^soc; avzov 9 + xrjv osXfjvrjv Kai xouc;

eon is his mercy. The moon and the

aaxspac; sic; sc^ouaiav xrjc; vdkxoc; 6x1 sic; xov aicbva

stars for authority of the night, for into the eon



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

to sksoq clvtov 10+ xco rcaxd^avxi Aiyu7ixov auv

[is] his mercy. To the one striking Egypt with

xoic; 7tp&lt;jotot6koic; auxcbv 6x1 sic; xov aicbva

their first-born, for into the eon

to sksoq clvtov n + Kai s^ayayovxi xov lapar\k sk

[is] his mercy. And leading Israel from

jisaou auxcbv 6x1 sic; xov aicbva xo skzoq clvtov n + sv

their midst, for into the eon [is] his mercy. With

%sip( Kpaxaid Kai sv Ppa%(ovi u\j/r|Xcb 6x1 sic; xov

[ hand a strong] and [ ami high], for into the

aicbva xo Zksoq clvtov 13 + xco Kaxa5isX6vxi xrjv

eon [is] his mercy. To the one dividing the

spuGpdv GdAxxaaav sic; 8iaipsasi&lt;; 6x1 sic; xov aicbva

red sea into divisions, for into the eon

xo sksoq auxou h + Kai 5iayay6vxi xov IapafjX 8id

[is] his mercy. And leading Israel through

jisaou auxfjc; 6x1 sic; xov aicbva xo zkzoq auxou 15 +

the middle of it, for into the eon [is] his mercy.

Kai SKxivd^avxi Oapacb Kai xrjv 8uva|iiv auxou sic;

And the one shaking off Pharaoh and his force into

GdXaaoav spuGpdv 6x1 sic; xov aicbva xo sksoq auxou

[ sea [the] red], for into the eon [is] his mercy.

16+ xco 8iayay6vxi xov Xaov auxou sv xr| spfj|ico 6x1

To the one leading his people in the wilderness, for

sic; xov aicbva xo sXsoq auxou 17+ xco rcaxd^avxi

into the eon [is] his mercy. To the one striking

PaoiXsic; jisydlouc; 6x1 sic; xov aicbva xo sisoc; auxou

[ kings great], for into the eon [is] his mercy.

3aaiXsic; Kpaxaiouc; 6x1 sic; xov

' kings strong], for into the

aicbva xo sXsoc; auxou i 9 +xov£r|cbv PaaiXsa xcov

eon [is] his mercy. Sihon king of the

Ajioppaicov 6x1 siq xov aicbva xo sXsoc; auxou 20+ Kai

Amorites, for into the eon [is] his mercy. And

xov Qy paaiXsa xrjc; Baadv 6x1 sic; xov aicbva

Og king ofBashan, for into the eon

xo sksoq auxou 21 + Kai 56vxi xrjv yrj auxcbv

[is] his mercy. And giving their land

KArjpovojiiav 6x1 sic; xov aicbva xo sXsoc; auxou 22 +

[for] an inheritance, for into the eon [is] his mercy.

18+ Kai a7ioKxsivavxi

And killing


137 ftp

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

KArjpovojjiav IapafjA, 8ot3Axo auxou 6xi sic; xov aicbva

An inheritance to Israel his servant, for into the eon

to eXeoc^ clvtov 23+oti sv tt| Ta7i8ivcba8i r\[i(bv sjivfjaGri

[is] his mercy. For in our humiliation [ remembered

r\[i(bv o Kopioc; 6xi sic; xov aicbva to zksoq avzov 24 +

us the LORD], for into the eon [is] his mercy.

Kai eAmpcbaaxo rjjLxdq sk tcov s^Gpcov r||icbv 6xi siq

And he ransomed us from our enemies, for into

xov aicbva to sksoq avzov 25+0 8i5oi3c; xpocpfjv 7idar|

the eon [is] his mercy. The one giving nourishment to all

aapKi on sic; xov aicbva xo ZXzoq avzov 26+

flesh, for into the eon [is] his mercy.

e^ojio^oyeioGe xco Gscb xod oupavoi) 6x1 sic; xov aicbva

Confess to God, O heaven, for into the eon

xo sksoq olvtov

[is] his mercy!

137 TVp

1+ S7i( xcov 7ioxa|icbv BaPiAcbvoc; sksi SKaBiaajiev Kai

At the rivers of Babylon, there we sat; and

SKAxr6aa|iev sv xco |ivr|a6fjvai rjjLidc; xrjqSicbv 2+ S7i(

we wept in our remembering Zion. At

xaiq ixeaiq sv jisaco auxfjc; SKpsjidaajisv

the willows in [the] midst of it we hung

xa opyava r||icbv 3 +6x1 sksi S7ir|pcbxr|aav r\[iaq 01

our instruments. For there [ asked us the ones

ai%|iaA,&lt;jQxei)aavx£c; r\[iaq Xoyovq co5cbv Kai 01

capturing us] of words of odes; and the ones

arcayayovxec; r\[iaq tijivov doaxs r\[iiv sk xcov

having taken us away [asked for] a hymn — Sing to us from the

co5cbv Sicbv 4+ 7icoc; dacojisv xrjv co5f|v Kopiou em

odes of Zion! How should we sing the ode of [the] LORD upon

yrjc; aAloxpiac; 5+ sdv S7riXd9co|iai aoi) IspouaaAxui

[ land an alien]? If I should forget you, O Jerusalem,

£7riAx|a0evr| r| Se^id (iod 6+ KoAAx|0evr| r| yAxbaad jiod xco

may [ be forgotten my right [hand]]. May [ cleave my tongue] [to]

Axxpuyyi jiou edv [lt\ gov (ivrjoGcb sdv |ir|

my throat if I do not remember you; if I do not

7ipoavaxd^co|iai xrjv IepoDaaATjji coc; ev ap%f|

prefer Jerusalem as in [the] beginning


138 n^p

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms
Tr\q SDtppoawqc; jiod ?+ |ivf|a9r|xi Kopie xcov mcbv

of my gladness. Remember, O LORD, the sons

E8cb|i xrjv r||i8pav l£poi)aaAx||i xcov Xsyovxcov

ofEdom in the day of Jerusalem! The ones saying,

8kksvot3t8 skk8vot3t8 ecoc; xcov GsjisAicov aVTT\q 8 +

Empty [it] out, empty [it] out unto its foundations!

0i)ydxr|p BaPuAxovoc; r| xaAm7icopoc; jiaKdpioc; oq

[The] daughter of Babylon, the miserable; blessed [is] [the one] who

avxa7io8cbasi aoi to avxa7i68o|id aou o

shall recompense you [with] your recompense, which

avxa7ie8coKac; r\[iiv 9+ jiaK&amp;pioc; oq Kpaxfjaei Kai

he was recompensing against us. Blessed [is] [the one] who shall hold and

eSaqnei xa vf|7rid aoi) npoq xr|v 7isxpav

dash your infants against the rock.

138 nbp

1+ s^ojioXoyfjooiiai aoi Kopie ev 6hr\ Kap8(a |iod Kai

I will confess to you, O LORD, with [whole heart my]; and

evavxiov ayysXcov \j/aA,cb aoi 6x1 fjKODaaq rcdvxa xa

before angels I will strum to you, for you heard all the

pfjjiaxa xod axojiaxoc; jiod 2 + 7ipoaKi)vf|aco npoq vaov

sayings of my mouth. I shall do obeisance towards [ temple

dyiov aoi) Kai s^o|ioXoyf|ao|iai xco ovojiaxi aoi) em

your holy], and I shall make acknowledgment [to] your name concerning

xco sXsei aoi) Kai xrj aAr|6e(a aoi) 6x1 sjieyd^Dvaq S7U

your mercy and your truth; for you magnified [ above

7iav xo ovojia xo dyiov aoi) 3 + ev r| av r||ispa

all name your holy]. In what ever day

87iiKaA,saco|iai as xa%D S7idKoi)a6v jiod 7roXDCopf|aeic;

I should call upon you, quickly heed me! You shall take great care
|is sv \|/i)%f| jiod 8i)vd|i8iaoi) 4+ s^ojioXoyrjadaGcoadv

of me in my soul by your power. Let them make acknowledgment

aoi Kopie rcavxec; 01 fiaaikziq Tr\q yr\q 6x1 fjKODaav

to you, O LORD, [even] all the kings of the earth! for they heard

7idvxa xa pfjjiaxa xod axojiaxoc; aoi) 5+ Kai aadxcoaav

all the sayings of your mouth. And let them sing

sv xaic; 0801c; KDpioi) 6x1 jisydArj r| 86^a Kopioi)

in the ways of [the] LORD, for great [is] the glory of [the] LORD!

6+ 6x1 D\j/r|A,6c; Kopioc; Kai xa xa7isivd scpopd Kai

For high [is the] LORD, and [ the humble he watches over], and


139 D^p

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

xa v\\fr(ka a7io jiaKpoGsv yivcbaKsi 7+ sdv 7ropsi)6cb

the high [things] [from afar off he knows]. If I should go

sv jisaco BXuj/scdc; ^fjosiq |is S7t' opyfjv

in [the] midst of affliction, he shall enliven me. [ against [the] anger

s%6pcbv jiou s^sxsivac; %eipac; gov Kai saooas (is

of my enemies You stretched out your hands], and [ delivered me

r| 8s^id gov 8 + icupioq avxa7ioScbasi imsp s|iot3 Kupis

your right [hand]]. [The] LORD shall recompense for me. O LORD,

to sksoq gov sic; xov aicbva xa spya xoov xsipcbv gov

your mercy [is] into the eon. The works of your hands
|ir| 7iapi8r|c;

you should not ignore.

139 toVp

1+ icopis sSoKijiaadc; |is Kai syvcoq |is 2+ gv syvooc;

O LORD, you tried me, and knew me. You knew

xrjv Ka6s8pav jiou Kai xrjv syspoiv [iov gv awfjKac;

my sitting down and my rising up; you perceived

Tovq 6iakoj\G[iovq [iov arco jiaKpoGsv 3 + xrjv xpipov [iov

my thoughts from far off. My path

Kai xrjv axoivov jiod s^ixviaaac; Kai 7idaac;

and my [bent] rush [grass] you traced; and all

xac; odovq [iov 7ipos(8sc; 4 + 6x1 odk saxi doXoq sv

my ways you looked out ahead. For there is no deceit in

yAxbaarj [iov idov Kopis gv syvcoq rcdvxa 5+ xa

my tongue. Behold, O LORD, you knew all [things]; the

sa%axa Kai xa ap%a(a gv snkaGaq |is Kai sBrjKac;

last and the former. You shaped me and put

S7i' sjis xr|v%s(pdaoD 6+ s0ai)|iaaxcb0r| r| yvcbaic; gov

[ upon me your hand]. [ causes wonder The knowledge of you]

s^ sjioi) SKpaxaicbGrj od jlit| Swcojiai 7ipoc; auxfjv 7+

in me; it was strengthened; in no way should I be able to [attain] it.

7TOD 7ropsi)9cb a7io xou 7rvsi)|iax6c; gov Kai arco

Where should I go from your spirit? And from

xod 7ipoacb7roD gov tiov (ptiyoo 8 + sdv avapcb sic; xov

your presence where should I flee? If I should ascend into the

ODpavov gv sksi si sdv KaxaPcb sic; xov d8r|v

heaven, you are there; if I should go down into Hades,

7idpsi 9+ sdv avaAxxPoijii xac; 7ixspi)ydc; jiou Kax'

you are at hand. If I may take up my wings at


139 D^p

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

opGpov Kai KaxaaKvrjcbaco sic; xa sa%axa xrjc;

dawn, and I should encamp unto the ends of the

dakdaar\q 10+ Kaiyap sksi r\ %sip aoi) o8r|yf|asi |is

sea, even there your hand shall guide me,

Kai KaGs^si |is r| 5s^id aoi) u+ Kai si7ia dpa aKoxoc;

and [ shall hold me your right [hand]]. And I said, Surely darkness

Kaxa7raxfjaei |is Kai vd^ (pcoxiajioq sv xrj xpucpfj |iod

shall trample me; even [the] night was illumination for my luxury;

12+ 6x1 cjkoxoc; od aKoxiaGfjasxai goto aoi) Kai vd^

for darkness will not be made darkness with you; and night

coc; rjjispa (pcoxiaGfjasxai coc; xo cjkoxoc; avTT\q otixooc;

as day shall be given light; as its darkness, so

Kai xo cpcoq avTT\q u+ 6x1 ai) SKxfjaoo xodc; vscppouc; jiod

also its light. For you acquired of my kidneys;

avxsAxxPoi) |iod 8K yaaxpoc; jirjxpoc; jiod u +

you took hold of me from out of [the] womb of my mother.

s^ojioAx)yf|ao|iai aoi 6x1 cpopspcbc; sGaDjiaaxcbGrjc;

I will make acknowledgment to you, for fearfully you caused wonder;

6ai)|idaia xa spy a aoi) Kai r| \|/i)%f| jiod yivcbaKsi

[the] wonders of your works; and my soul knows

acp65pa 15+ odk sKptiprj xo oaxouv jiod arco aoi) o

exceedingly. [ were not hidden My bones] from you, which

£7iorr|aac; sv Kpi)cpf| Kai r| D7i6axaafc; jiod sv xoic;

you made in secret; and my essence in the

Kaxcoxaxoiq xrjc; yr\q 16+ araxspyaaxov jiod s(8ov

lowermost [parts] of the earth. [ my unfinished [state] saw

01 ocpGaXjioi aoi) Kai S7i( xo PipAiov aoi) ftdvxsc;

Your eyes]; and on your scroll all [men]

ypacpfjaovxai rjjispai 7iXaa6f|aovxai Kai odGsic; sv

shall be written. Days were shaped, and no one among

aDxoiq 17+ sjioi 5s Aiav sxi|ifj6r|aav oiqnAxnaoi) o

them. [ by me But exceedingly were esteemed your friends], O

dzoq Aiav SKpaxaicbBrjaav ai apxai auxcbv 18 +

God, [exceedingly were strengthened their beginnings].

s^api6|ifjao|iai auxotic; Kai imsp djijiov

I shall count them out, and above [the] sand

7iAr|0Dv0fjaovxai s^rjyspBrjv Kai sxi sijii jisxd aoi) 19 +

they shall be multiplied; I awake, and still I am with you.

sdv a7T0Kxsivr|c; ajiapxcDAxyoc; o Gsoc; dv8psc;

[O that you] should kill sinners, O God. O men



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

aijidxoov SKKAivaxs an sjioi) 20+ 6x1 spsk; sic;

of blood, turn aside from me! For you will say concerning [their]

SiaXoyiajicroc; Arjij/ovxai sic; jiaxaioxrjxa

thoughts, [that] they shall take [ in folly

xac; 7i6A,sic; gov 21 + ov%i zovq jiioouvxac; as Kopis

your cities]. Is it not the ones detesting you, O LORD,

sjiiarjaa Kai S7ii xodc; s%0pcn3c; aoi) s^sxrjKojirjv 22 +

that I detested? and against your enemies I wasted?

xs^siov (iiaoq sjikjodv avzovq sic; s^Gpouc; sysvovxo

In perfect hatred I detested them; [ as enemies they became]

|ioi 23+ 8oKi|iaa6v (is o 0s6c; Kai yvcbGi

to me. Try me, O God, and know

xrjv Kap8(av |iou sxaaov (is Kai yvcb0i xac; xpipouc; (iod

my heart! Examine me, and know my paths!

24+ Kai 18s si 086c; avojiiaq sv sjioi Kai o8f|yr|a6v

and see if [the] way of lawlessness [is] in me, and guide

(is sv o8cb aicovia

me in [ way [the] eternal] !

140 »i?

1+ s^sAxro (is Kupis s^ av6pcb7roD 7iovr|poT3 arco

Take me, O LORD, from [ man [the] wicked] ! [ from

av5poc; a8iKOD ptiaai (is 2+ oixivsc; sloyiaavxo

man [the] unjust Rescue me] ! The ones who considered

aSiKiav sv Kap8(a 6Ar|v xrjv rjjispav 7iapsxdoaovxo

iniquity in [their] heart; [the] entire day they deployed

7roXsjioDc; 3 + rjKovrjaav ytabaaav auxcbv coast ocpsooc;

for wars. They sharpened their tongue as a serpent;

16c; aa7i(8cov D7i6 xa xsiAxj auxcbv 8id\j/aX|ia 4 +

[the] poison of asps [is] under their lips. PAUSE.

(pvXatpv (is Kopis sk xsipoq ajiapxcoXoi) anb

Guard me, O LORD, from [the] hand of [the] sinner! [from

av0pcb7icov aSiKcov s^sAxjd (is oixivsc; 5isAx)yiaavxo

men unjust Take me away] who reasoned

xod D7roaKsAiaai xa 5iapfjjiaxd jiou 5+ SKpinj/av

to trip up my footsteps! [hid

D7ispf|(pavoi 7iay(8a (ioi Kai axoivioic; 8isxsivav

[The] proud] a snare for me; and [ lines they extended]

7rayi8a xoic; 7ioa( jiou s%6|isva xptpoi) aKdv5aXov

[for a] snare for my foot; next to a road [ an obstacle


141 sap


19- Psalms

sGsvTO jioi 5id\j/aA,|ia 6 + si7ia tco Kupico Gsoc; jiod

they placed] forme. PAUSE. I said to the LORD, [ my God

si av svcoTiaai rcopis rqv cpcovfjv Tr\q 5sf|ascbc; jiod ? +

You are]. Give ear, O LORD, to the voice of my supplication!

icopie icopis Swajiiq Tr\q acorrjpiac; jiod S7rsaKiaaac; sm

O Lord, O Lord, [the] power of my deliverance. You shadowed over

TT|V KS(J)(xAx|V JIOD SV T||ISpa 7loA,S|IOD s+ |IT|

my head in [the] day of battle. You should not

napadcbq |is icopis goto xrjq S7n0i)|jlac; jiod ajiapxcoXcb

deliver me, O LORD, from my desire unto [the] sinner.

8ieAx)yiaavTO rax' sjioi) jlit| syKaTaAi7ir|c; jis

They argue against me. You should not abandon me,

|xfj7roT8 D\j/co0cbai 5id\j/aA,|ia 9+ r| KstpaAxj

lest at any time they should be raised up high. PAUSE. As for the head


of them encircling [me], [the] trouble of their lips

KaAtiij/si avTOvq 10+ 7isaowcai S7i' avzovq dv0paKsc;

shall cover them. [ shall fall upon them Coals

sv 7iDpi KaxaPa^siq cxdtouc; sv TaAm7icop(aic; Kai

with fire]; you shall throw them down in miseries, and

od |ir| D7ioaTcbaiv 11+ avfjp yAx»aacb8r|c; od

in no way should they stand. [ man A talkative] shall not

K(XTSD0DV0f|OSTCU 8711 TT\q JT\q dv8pa d8lK0V KCXKd

prosper upon the earth. [ man an unjust Evils

6r|pei)0£i sic; KaxacpBopdv 12+ syvcov on 7ioir^asi icopioc;

shall hunt] unto corruption. I know that [the] LORD shall deal with


the case of the poor, and the cause of the needy.

13 + 7rAr|v SiKaioi s^ojio^oyfjaovTai tco ovojicm gov Kai

Besides, [the] just shall make acknowledgment [to] your name, and

KcxTOiKfjaoDaiv sd0s(c; &lt;tdv tco 7ipoaco7rco aoi)

[ shall dwell [the] upright] with your presence.

141 K73p&gt;

1+ icopis SKSKpa^a 7ipoc; as siadKouoov [iov 7ip6o%sc;

O LORD, I cried out to you. Listen to me! Take heed

ttj cpcovfj Tr\q Ssfjascoc; jiod sv tco KSKpaysvai |is 7ipoc;

to the voice of my supplication in my crying to

as 2+ KaTSD0Dv6fjTCO T| 7rpoosi)%fj |iod coc; 0D|i(a|ia

you! May [ be straightened my prayer] as incense


141 sap

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

svco7ii6v gov 87iapaic; xcov xsipcov jiod Guaia sa7ispivf|

before you; [the] raising of my hands as a sacrifice at evening.

3 + God rcopis cpDXaKfjv tod ax6|iax( |iod Kai Gupav

Set, O LORD, a watch for my mouth, and [ door

7ispio%f|c; 7ispi xa %zikr\ [iov 4 + |ir| SKKAivrjc;

a citadel] for my lips! You should not turn aside

ttjv Kap5(av [iov sic; Xoyouc; 7iovr|piac;

my heart to words of wickedness,

tod 7rpo(paa(^sa6ai 7rpocpdasic; sv ajiapxiaic; &lt;tdv

to make excuses for sins with

av0pco7ioic; spyatpjisvoic; xrjv avojiiav Kai ou |ir|

men working lawlessness; and in no way

&lt;XDv5oiaaco jisxd xcov skA,skxcov auxcbv 5 + 7iai8si)asi |is

shall I associate myself with their choice ones. [ shall correct me

SiKaioq sv sAisi Kai sAiy^si |is skmov 5s

[The] just] with mercy, and reprove me; but [the] oil

ajiapxcoAxyo |ir| Auravaxco xrjv KscpaAxjv jiod 6ti sxi

of the sinner, let it not anoint my head! For still

Kai r| 7ipoa£D%f| |iod sv xaic; si)8oKiaic; auxcov 6 +

yet [shall] my prayer [be against] their good-pleasures.

KaTS7i66r|aav s%6|isva 7isxpac; 01 Kpixai auxcov

[ were swallowed down next to [the] rock Their judges].

aKotiaovxai xa pf||iaxd jiou 6x1 r|5i)v0r|oav 7+ coasi

They shall hear my sayings, for they are a delight. As

ftdxoc; yrjc; sppdyrj S7U xrjc; yrjc; 8isaKop7ua9r|

thick ground was broken asunder upon the earth, [ were dispersed

xa oaxd auxcbv 7iapd xov d5r|v s + 6x1 itpoq as Kopis

his bones] by Hades. For unto you, O LORD,

Kopis 01 o(p0aX(ioi |iod S7ii aoi fjAmaa jlit|

O Lord, [are] my eyes. Upon you I hoped; you should not

avxaveAxjc; xrjv \\fv%r\v jiod

take away [ in return my soul].

9+ (pvXatpv |is ano 7ray(5oc; r\q ai)vsaxf|aavx6 jioi

Keep me from a snare which they concocted against me!

Kai a7io aravSaAxov xcov spya^ojisvcov xrjv avojiiav

and from obstacles of the ones working lawlessness.

10+ 7isaowcai sv ajicpipATjaxpco auxcov ajiapxcoAxn

[ shall fall in their own casting-net Sinners].

Kaxajiovaq sijii syco scoc; av 7iapsA,0co

[ alone I am] until whenever I should pass away.


142 nap

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

19- Psalms

142 a»p
i + cpcovfi jiou 7ipoc; Kupiov SKSKpa^a tpcovfj jiou 7ipoc;

[ with my voice to [the] LORD I cried out]; [ [with] my voice to

KDpiOV s8sf|9r|V 2+ SKX8C0 SVC07UOV ai)XOU

[the] LORD Ibeseeched]. I shall pour out [before him

TT|V 8sT|a(v |IOU TT|V 0Ai\j/lV |IOU 8VCb7llOV aUXOU

my supplication]; [ my affliction before him

a7iayysA,cb 3 + sv xco skA£17tsiv s£, sjiou to 7rvsi3|ia jiou

I shall report]. In [failing from me my spirit],

Kai au syvcoc; xac; xpipouc; jiou sv o5cb xauxrj r|

then you knew my paths; in this [very] way that

S7ropsu6|ir|v SKpu\j/av 7iayi8a jioi 4 + Kaxsvoouv sic; xa

I went, they hid a snare for me. I contemplated to the

5e^i&amp; Kai S7rspXs7iov 6x1 odk rjv o S7iiyivcbaKcov |is

right, and I looked; for there was not one recognizing me.

a7icbA,sxo cpuyfj ait' sfiou Kai odk saxiv o sk^xcov

[ perished Flight] from me, and there is not one inquiring after

xrjv \\fv%r\v (iod 5 + SKSKpa^a rcpoc; as Kopis si7ia au si

my soul. I cried out to you, O LORD. I said, You are

T| skniq jiou [ispiq jiou si sv yr| ^cbvxcov 6 +

my hope, [ my portion you are] in [the] land of [the] living.

7ip6a%sc; npoq xrjv 5sr|a(v |iou 6x1 sxa7isivcb6r|v

Take heed to my supplication! for I was humbled

acp68pa puaai |is sk xcov KaxaSicoKovxcov (is 6x1

exceedingly. Rescue me from the ones pursuing me! for

SKpaxaicbGrjaav urcsp sjis 7+ s^ayays sk (pvXaKT\q

they were strengthened above me. Lead [ out of prison

xrjv y\fv%r\v jiou xou s^ojioXoyfjaaaGai xco ovojiaxi aou

my soul]! to make acknowledgment [to] your name.

s|is U7io|isvouai 5fxaioi scoc; ou avxa7ro8cbc; jioi

[ shall wait for me [The] just], until of which [time] you should recompense me.
143 a»p

1 + Kupis siaoucouaov xrjc; 7ipoasu%f|c; jiou svcbxiaai

O LORD, listen to my prayer! Give ear to

xrjv 8sr|a(v jiou sv xrj aAx|0s(a aou siaducouaov jiou sv

my supplication in your truth! Hearken to me in

xtj 8iKcuoawr| aou 2 + Kai |ir| siasA,0r|c; sic; Kpiaiv

your righteousness! And you should not enter into judgment



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

jisxd tod 8odXod aoD 6xi od 8iKaico6fiasTai svcb7ii6v

with your servant, for [not shall do justice before

ood iiaq Cfw 3+ 6x1 KaxsSico^sv o s%0poc;

you all [the] living]. For [pursued the enemy]


my soul; he humbled [unto the ground my life];

SKdGias |is sv aKoxsivoic; 00c; vskpodc; aicbvoq 4 + Kai

he seated me in dark [places] as [the] dead of [the] eon. And

r|Kr|8(aasv S7i' sjis to 7wsi)|id jiod sv sjioi sxapd%6r|

[ was discouraged within me my spirit]; [within me was disturbed

r| Kap5(a jiod 5+ sjivf|a6r|v rjjispcbv ap%a(cov sjisAixrjaa

my heart]. I remembered days of old. I meditated

sv 7idai Toiq spyoic; aoD sv 7ioif||iaai tcdv xsipcbv gov

on all your works. [on [the] actions of your hands

sjisAixoov 6 + 5iS7isxaaa npoq as xaq %zipaq jiod

I meditated]. I opened and spread out to you my hands.

T| yv%r\ jiod cdc; yr| dvDSpoc; aoi 7 + xa%D siadKODaov

My soul is as [ land a waterless] to you. Quickly listen to

jiod icopis s^slurs xo 7wsi)|id jiod (ir|

me! O LORD, [fails my spirit]. You should not

a7roaxps\j/r|c; xo 7ip6aco7r6v aoi) an s|iod Kai

turn your face from me, so that

O|ioico6fjao|iai xoic; KaxaPaivoDaiv sic; XdKKov 8 +

I shall be like the ones going down into [the] pit.

aKODaxov 7rovr|a6v jioi xo7ipcoi xo sXsoq aoi) 6x1 S7ri

[ [to be] audible Cause to me in the morning your mercy] ! for upon

aoi fjAmaa yvcbpiaov jioi Ki3pis o86v sv r|

you I hoped. Make known to me, O LORD, [the] way in which

7iopsi)ao|iai 6x1 7rpoq as fjpa xrjv \\fv%r\ |iod 9+ s^s^od

I shall go! for to you I lifted my soul. Rescue

|is sk xcov s%6pcbv |iod Kopis 7ipoc; as KaxscpDyov 10 +

me from my enemies, OLORD! to you I take refuge.

8(5a^6v jis xod 7iois(v xo 6sAx||id aoi) 6x1 ai) si

Teach me to do your will! for you are

o Gsoc; |iod xo 7rvsi)|id aoi) xo ayaGov o8r|yf|asi |is sv

my God. [ spirit Your good] shall guide me in

yrj si)9s(a u+ svsksv xod ovojiaxoq aoi) Kopis ^fjasiq

[land an upright]. Because of your name, OLORD, you shall enliven

|is sv xtj 8iKaioai)vr| aoD s^d^siq sk 0Ai\j/sooc;

me. In your righteousness you shall lead [ from out of affliction

xrjv \\fv%r\v (iod 12 + Kai sv xco sXssi aoD s^oXoBpsDasiq

my soul]. And in your mercy you shall utterly destroy


144 7»p

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19- Psalms

xovq s%Qpovq jiod Kai a7ioA£ic; Ttavmq xovq dXifiovmq

my enemies; and you shall destroy all the ones afflicting

xrjv \\fv%r\v [lov on dovXoq gov sijii

my soul; for [your servant lam].

144 7»i?

i + SD^oyrjioq Kopioc; o dzoq [iov o 5i8daKcov

Blessed [be] [the] LORD my God; the one teaching

zaq %zipaq [iov sic; 7iapdxa^iv zovq SaKTvXovq [iov sic;

my hands for battle array, [and] my fingers for

7r6Xs|iov 2 + sksoq jiod Kai Kaxacpuyfj [iov

war; my mercy and my refuge;

avTiAxj7rccDp [iov Kai puaxrjc; [iov D7iepaa7riaxf|c; jiod Kai

my shielder and my rescuer; my defender, and

S7i ' avT(b fjAmaa o U7roxdaacDV xovAxxovjioi) vn r

upon him I hoped; the one subjecting my people under

S|i8 3 + KDpis ti eaxiv dv0pco7ro(; 6xi syvcbaGrjc; avzcb

me. O LORD, what is man that you were known to him?

T| vioq av6pcb7i;oD 6xi Xoyi^rj auxcb 4 + dv9pcD7i;oc;

or [the] son of man that you should consider him? Man

jiaxaioxrjxi co|ioicb0r| ai rjjispai avzov coast aKid

[ folly is like]; his days as a shadow

7rapdyoi)ai 5 + KDpis kXxvov ODpavouc; gov Kai

pass by. O LORD, lean your heavens, and

KaxdprjGi d\j/ai xcov opsoov Kai Ka7rvia0fjaovxai 6+

come down! Touch the mountains! and they shall smoke.

daxpa\j/ov aaxpa7ifjv Kai aKop7iis(c; auxotic;

Flash lightning! and you shall disperse them.

s^a7iooxsiXov xa PsArj gov Kai auvxapd^sic; avzovq 7+

Send out your arrows! and you shall disturb them.

s^a7i6axsiXov xrjv %s(pd gov s^ t3\j/odc; stqskov |is Kai

Send out your hand from [the] height! Take me, and

pvGai |is s^ i)8dxcov 7ioAA,cbv sk X^poq vmv

rescue me from [waters many], from out of [the] hand of [the] sons

aXXoxprnv 8+ cov xo oxojia sAxxAxjas jiaxaioxrjxa Kai

of strangers! whose mouth spoke folly, and

T| 8s^id auxcbv 8s^id aSudac; 9 + o 0s6c; co8f|v

their right [hand] [is] a right [hand] of iniquity. O God, [ ode

Kaivfjv daojiai aoi sv \j/aAxr|p{&lt;jo 8sKa%6p8co \j/aAxb

a new I will sing] to you; with [ psaltery a ten-stringed] I will strum


145 nap

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19- Psalms

aoi 10+ too 8i56vxi xrjv acoxrjpiav xoic; fiaaikzvai

to you, to the one giving deliverance to the kings,

xco ^uxpoujisvco Aam8 xov SovXov OLVTOV SK

to the one ransoming David his servant from

pojicpaiac; 7iovr|pdq u+ pvaai |is Kai s^zkov |is 8K

[ broadsword [the] ferocious]. Rescue me, and deliver me from

Xsipoc; mcbv aAloxpicov cov to axojia s^aAxjas

[the] hand of [the] sons of strangers! whose mouth spoke

jiaxaioxrjxa Kai r| 8s^ia auxcbv 8s^ia aSiKiaq u + cov

folly, and their right [hand] [is] a right [hand] of iniquity; whom

oi moi auxcbv coc; vsocpuxa i8pu|isva sv

their sons [are] as newly planted, secure in

ttj vsoxrjxi auxcbv ai Guyaxspsc; auxcbv KaKaAlco7iia|isvai

their youth; their daughters being bedecked,

7ispiKSKoa|ir||isvai coc; o|io(co|ia vaou 13 +

being adorned sumptuously as [the] likeness of a temple;

xa xajiisia auxcbv 7iAr|pr| s^spsuyojisva sk xouxod

their storerooms [are] full, discharging forth from out of this one

sic; xot3xo xa 7ip6paxa auxcbv 7ioAmoKa 7iAr|0i)vovxa sv

to that one; their sheep [are] prolific, multiplying in

xaic; s^68oic; auxcbv u + 01 Pose; auxebv 7ia%s(c; odk saxi

their streets; their oxen [are] thick; there is no

Kax&amp;7ixco|ia cppayjioi) od8s 8is^o8oc; od8s Kpai)yf| sv

ruined fence, nor stream, nor a cry in

xaic; 7rXaxs(aic; auxebv 15+ sjiaK&amp;piaav xov Xaov co

their broad [spaces]; [ declare them happy the people] to which

xm3x&amp; saxi jiaKapioc; o Xaoq ov Kopioc;

these [things] are. Blessed [be] the people of which [the] LORD

o 6s6c; avTOV

[is] his God.

145 n»i?

1 + inj/cbaco as o Gsoc; jiod o fiaaikzvq jiod Kai

I will exalt you, O my God, my king; and

SD^oyfjaco xo ovojia gov sic; xov aicbva Kai siq xov

I will bless your name into the eon, and into the

aicbva xod aicbvoq 2+ Ka6' SK&amp;axrjv rjjispav

eon of the eon. According to each day

siAoyfjaco as Kai aivsaco xo ovojid aou sic; xov

I will bless you; and I will praise your name into the


145 nap

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19- Psalms

aicova Kai sic; xov aicova tod aicovoc; 3 + fisyac; o

eon, and into the eon of the eon. Great [is] the

Kopioc; Kai aivsxoc; acp65pa Kai

LORD, and praiseworthy exceedingly, and

Tr\q [isyak(Davvr\q avTOV odk saxi itzpaq 4 + ysvsd Kai

of his greatness there is no end. Generation and

ysvsd srcaivsasi to spya aoi) Kai xrjv 6vva[iiv aoi)

generation shall praise your works, and [ of your power

a7iayysAx)i)ai 5+ xrjv jisyaAx)7rps7rsiav xrjc; 86^r\q

they will report]. The majesty of the glory

Tr\q ayicoativrjc; aoi) AxxAxjaoDai Kai xa 0ai)|idaid aoi)

of your holiness they shall speak, and your wonders

8ir|yf|aovTai 6 + Kai xrjv 8i&gt;va|iiv xoav ^opspcov aoi)

they will describe. And the power of your fearful [acts]

spotiai Kai tt|v jisyaAxjaawrjv aoi) 8ir|yfjaovxai 7 +

they shall speak, and [ your greatness they will describe].

|ivfj|ir|v tod TiXr\dovq Tr\q %pr|ax6xr|x6c; aoi)

[The] remembrance of the multitude of your graciousness

s^spsti^ovxai Kai xrj SiKaioativrj aoi) ayaAAidaovxai 8 +

they shall discharge forth, and [ your righteousness they will exult].

oiKTipjicov Kai sXefjjicov o Kopioc; |iaKp66i)|ioc; Kai

Pitying and merciful [is] the LORD; lenient and

TioXvsksoq 9+ xprjaxoq Kopioc; xoiq ai3|i7iaai Kai

full of mercy. Gracious [is the] LORD in all things, and

01 oiKxipjioi avToi) em rcdvxa xa spya ai)TOD 10 +

his compassions [are] upon all his works.

s^o|ioA,oyr|ada9coadv aoi Kopis rcdvxa xa spya aoi)

Let [ make acknowledgment to you O LORD all of your works],

Kai oioaio(aoi) siAoyrjadxcoadv as n+ 86^av

and [ your sacred ones let] bless you! [The] glory

xrjc; fiaaiksiaq aoi) spotiai Kai xrjv 5i)vaaxs(av aoi)

of your kingdom they shall speak, and [ of your dominion

AxxAxjaoDai 12 + xod yvcopiaai xoic; vioiq xcov av6pcb7rcov

they shall tell]; to make known to the sons of men

xrjv 5i)vaaxs(av aoi) Kai xrjv 86^av Tr\q

of your dominion, and the glory of the

|isyaA,07ips7is(ac; xrjc; PaaiXsiac; aoi) 13 + rj Paai^sia aoi)

majesty of your kingdom. Your kingdom

PaaiXsia 7idvxcov xcov aicovcov Kai rj Ssarcoxsia aoi)

[is] a kingdom of all the eons; and your mastery


146 iap

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19- Psalms

sv 7iaor| ysvea Kai ysvea moToq Kopioc; sv 7iaai

[is] in every generation and generation. Trustworthy [is the] LORD in all

TOiq Xoyoiq avTOV Kai oaioq sv 7idai TOiq spyoic; avzov

his words, and sacred in all his works.

14+ D7ioaTr|pi^si icupioq 7r&amp;vxac; Tovq KaTa7ri7TTOVTac; Kai

[The] LORD supports all the ones falling down, and

avop0o( 7r&amp;vxac; Tovq KaTsppayjisvouc; i 5 + oi ocpGa^jioi

he re-erects all the ones being broken down. The eyes

7t&amp;VT&lt;jov sic; as shtiCpvai Kai au didcoq

of all [in you hope]; and you give

xrjv xpocpfjv aDxcbv sv suraipia i6+ avoiysiq ai)

them nourishment at an opportune time. You opened

TTjvx^paaoi) Kai s|i7rurAxxc; 7iav Cfbov su8oKia(; n +

your hand, and filled up every living creature of benevolence.

SiKaioq Kopioc; sv 7idaaic; xaiq odoiq avzov Kai oaioq

[The] LORD [is] just in all his ways, and sacred

sv 7idai TOiq spyoic; avzov is+ syyvq Kopioc; 7idai TOiq

in all his works. [The] LORD [is] near to all the ones

£7iiKaA,OD|i8voic; auxov 7idai xoiq S7iiKaAx)U|isvoic;

calling upon him; all the ones calling upon

auxov sv aAr|9sia 19+ GsAxjjia tcov cpoPoDjisvcov

him in truth. [ [the] will of the ones fearing

auxov 7ioif|asi Kai Tr\q 8sfjascDc; auTcbv siaaKouasTai

him He will do]; and their supplication he shall listen to,

Kai ocbasi auxoix; 20+ cpuAxxaasi Kopioc; navTaq Tovq

and he shall deliver them. [The] LORD guards all the ones

aya7icbvTac; auxov Kai rcavTac; Tovq a|iapTCoAxy6c;

loving him, and all the sinners

s^oAx)6 pstiasi 21 + aivsaiv Kopiou XaXr\G£i to axojia jiou

he shall utterly destroy. [ to praise [the] LORD shall speak My mouth].

Kai su^oysvcoo 7idaa aap£, to ovojia to dyiov avzov

And let [ bless all flesh] [ name his holy]

sic; tov aicbva Kai sic; tov aicbva tod aicbvoc;

into the eon, and into the eon of the eon!

146 173p&gt;

1 + aivsi T| y\fv%r\ jiou tov Kopiov 2 + aivsaco Kopiov sv

Praise [ O my soul the lord] ! I will praise [the] LORD in

TTJ ^COTj |IOD \\fOk(b TCO 0SCO |IOD SCOC; U7ldp%C0 3 + [IT[

my life. I shall strum [to] my God as long as I exist. Do not


147 mp

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

7rs7io(0aT8 87i ' dpxovxaq em viovq av0pcb7icov oiq

have reliance upon rulers; upon [the] sons of men in whom

odk soxi acoxrjpia 4 + e^e^euaexai to 7wei)|ia avzov Kai

there is no deliverance. [ shall go forth His breath], and


shall return unto his earth. In that day

a7roAx)wcai navxsq oi 5iaAx)yia|io( avzov 5 + jiaK&amp;pioc;

[ shall perish all his devices]. Blessed [is]

od o Geoc; Iouccbp PorjGoq avzov r\ shtiq avzov stii

of whom the God of Jacob [is] his helper; his hope [is] upon

Kopiov xov 08ov clvtov 6+ xov 7ioifjaavxa xov oupavov

[the] LORD his God; the one making the heaven

Kai xrjv yrjv xrjv daXaaaav Kai 7idvxa xa sv

and the earth, the sea, and all the [things] in

(xdxoic; xov cpiAdaaovxa aArjGeiav sic; xov aicbva 7 +

them; the one guarding truth into the eon;

7toiowca Kpijia xoic; a8iKOD|ievoic; 8i86vxa xpocpfjv

[the] one executing judgment to the ones being wronged; giving nourishment

xoic; 7i8ivcbai Kupioc; Xvsi 7iS7is5r||isvoD(; 8 + Kopioc;

to the ones hungering. [The] LORD unties ones being shackled. [The] LORD

aotpoi TVipXovq Kopioc; avopGoi Kaxeppayjievouc;

gives wisdom to [the] blind. [The] LORD re-erects ones being broken down.

Kopioc; aya7id 8iKa(oi)c; 9+ icupioq tpiAdaaei zovq

[The] LORD loves [the] just. [The] LORD guards the

7rpoar|AmoDc; opcpavov Kai %f|pav avaArj\j/exai Kai

foreigners; orphan and widow he takes up; and

o56v ajiapxcoXcbv acpaviei 10+ paai^euaei Kopioc; sic;

[the] way of sinners he obliterates. [The] LORD shall reign into

xov aicbva o 6e6c; aov Eicbv sic; ysvsdv Kai ysvedv

the eon; your God, O Zion, unto generation and generation.

147 T»i?

1+ aivsixs xov Kopiov 6x1 ayaGoq \\fak[ioq xco

Praise the LORD, for [ [is] good a psalm] ! [ [to]

6ecb rjjicbv r|8Dv6s(r| aivsaic; 2+ oiko5o(icov IspoDaaArm

our God may be delicious praise]. [ [is] building Jerusalem

o Kopioc; xac; 8iaa7iopdc; xod IapafjA, S7riai)vd^8i 3 +

The LORD]; the dispersions of Israel he shall assemble;

o icbjisvoc; xodc; awcexpi|i|ievoi)c; xrjv Kap5iav Kai

the one healing the ones broken in heart; and


147 Tap ev toutco + vdca 19 -Psalms

8sajisi)cov xa awxpijijiaxa auxcbv 4 + o apiGjicbv 7cArj0r|

[the] one binding their ones being broken; the one counting [the] multitude

aaxpcov Kai 7caaiv auxoic; ov6|iaxa KaXcov 5 + jisyac; o

of stars; and [to all them bynames calling]. Great [is]

Kopioc; r\[i(bv Kai |ieyaAx| r| ia%vq avzov Kai

our Lord, and great [is] his strength; and

xrjc; crovsascoc; avzov odk saxiv apiGjioq 6+ ava^ajipdvcov

[ of his understanding there is no number]. The one taking up

7cpasic; o Kopioc; xa7csivcov 8s ajiapxco^o^q scoc;

[the] gentle ones [is] the LORD; but humbling sinners onto

xrjc; yr\q 7 + s^ap^axs xco Kopico sv s^ojio^oyfjasi

the ground. Take the lead to the LORD in acknowledgment!

\j/aAms xco 0scb r|(icbv sv KiG&amp;pa s+ xco 7rspiP&amp;AAx)vxi

Strum [to] our God with a harp! to the one covering

xov ODpavov sv vscpsAmc; xco sxoiji&amp;tpvxi xr| yrj

the heaven with clouds; to the one preparing [ for the earth

dsxov xco s^avaxsAAxwxi sv opsai %6pxov Kai %X6r\v

rain]; to the one causing [ to rise up on mountains grass], and tender shoots

xtj 8ouA,s(a xcov av9pcb7icov 9+ 8i86vxi xoic; Kxfjvsai

for the service of men; giving to the cattle

xpocpfiv cxDxcbv Kai xoic; vsoaaoic; xcov KopdKcov xoic;

their nourishment, and to the young of the crows — to the ones

S7UKaAx)D|isvoi(; ai)xov 10+ odk sv xr| 8i)vaaxs(a xou

calling upon him. Not by the might of the

1717101) GsArjasi od8s sv xaiq Kvr\[ia\q xod av8poq

horse does he want; nor by the lower legs of a man

sdSoksi 11+ sdSoksi Kopioc; sv xoic; cpoPoDjisvoic;

does he think well of. [The] LORD thinks well in the ones fearing

avzov Kai sv xoic; shtiCpvaiv S7U xo slsoc; avzov 12 +

him, and in the ones hoping upon his mercy.

S7ua(vsi IspoDaaAxjji xov Kupiov aivsi xov 0s6v aou

Applaud, O Jerusalem, the LORD! Praise your God,

Eicbv 13+6x1 svia%uas xouc; [io%Xovq xcov itvXcbv gov

O Zion! For he strengthened the bars of your gates;

siAoyrjas xodc; viovq gov sv aoi i 4 + o xiGsfc;

he blessed your sons by you. The one putting

xa opia aou sipfjvrrv Kai axsap itvpov sji7ci7cAxbv as

your borders at peace; and [with] fatness of wheat filling you up.

15+0 a7cooxsAAxov xo A,6yiov avzov xr| yrj swc;xa%oi)c;

The one sending his oracle to the earth; quickly


148 nap
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19- Psalms

Spajisvcai o Xoyoq avzov i 6 + 8i86vtoc; x iova avzov coast

[ shall run his word]; yielding up his snow as

spiov o[d%hr\v coast arcoSov rcdaaovTOc; n+ paXkovToq

wool; [ fog as ashes strewing]; throwing

KptiaxaAlov avzov coast \j/cojLioT3q Kaxd 7ip6aco7rov

his ice as morsels. Before [the] presence

\\fv%ovq ovtov tic; DTroaxfjasxai is+ s^a7ioaTsXsi

of his chilliness who shall stand? He shall send out

xov A,6yov avzov koi tt^si avxa 7rvsDasi

his word, and melt them. He shall breathe

to 7tvst3|icx cxdtoi) kcxi pDfjasTai T38axa 19+ o

his breath and [ shall flow waters]. The one

a7iayysAA,cov to Xoyiov olvtov too IcxkcoP 8iKaicb|iaTa

reporting his oracle [to] Jacob; [ ordinances

Kai KpijicxTa avzov tco IapafjA, 20 + odk s7io(r|asv

and judgments his] [to] Israel. He did not do

odtcoc; 7iavTi sGvsi Kai Ta KpijiaTa olvtov

thus to every nation, and his judgments

odk s5fjA,coasv cxdtoic;

he manifested not to them.

148 nfep&gt;

1+ aivsiTS tov Kopiov sk tcov ODpavcbv aiVSlTS

Praise the LORD from out of the heavens! Praise


him in the highest! Praise him all [you]

dyysAxn ovtov aivsiTS ovtov rcdaai ai SDvdjisic; ovtov

his angels! Praise him all his forces!

3 + aivsiTS ovtov r\kioq Kai asXfjvrjv aivsiTS ovtov

Praise him O sun and moon! Praise him

kovto Ta daTpa Kai to cpcoq 4+ aivsiTS ovtov 01

all the stars, and the light! Praise him O

ODpavoi tcov ODpavcbv Kai to D8cop to D7ispdvco TCOV

heavens of the heavens, and the water up above the

ODpavcbv 5 + aivsadTCoaav to ovojia Kopkm 6ti ovToq

heavens! Praise the name of [the] LORD! For he

si7is Kai sysvfjGrjaav ovToq svsTSiAmo Kai

spoke, and they existed. He gave charge, and

SKTiaGrjaav 6+ sarqasv aDTd sic; tov aicbva Kai sic;

they were created. He established them into the eon, and into


149 B»p

8V TOUT© + VlKa

19- Psalms

xov aicbva tod aicbvoc; 7ip6axay|ia sGsxo Kai od

the eon of the eon. [ an order He made], and it shall not

7iapsA,si)asxai ?+ aivsixs xov Kopiov sk xrjc; yr\q

pass away. Praise the LORD from the earth,

SpdKovxsq Kai 7idaai afivaaoi 8+ nvp yakaCp. %mv

O dragons and all abysses! fire, hail, snow,

KpixxcaAloc; izvsv[ia Kaxaiy(8oc; xa 7ioiowxa

ice, wind, blast — the [things] executing

xov Xbyov clvtov 9+ xa 6pr| Kai 7idvxsc; Podvoi £pXa

his word; the mountains and all [the] hills; [the] trees

Kap7ioq)6pa Kai 7idaai Ks8poi io+ xa Grjpia Kai rcdvxa

bearing fruit, and all [the] cedars; the wild beasts and all

xa Kxfjvrj sprcsxd Kai 7rsxsivd 7ixspcoxd n+ fiaaiksiq

the cattle; [the] reptiles, and [ winged creatures feathered]; kings

xrjc; yrjc; Kai navTsq Xaoi dpxovxsc; Kai 7idvxsc; Kpixai

of the earth, and all peoples; rulers and all judges

yrjc; n+ vsaviaKoi Kai 7iap6svoi 7ipsaPi)xspoi jisxd

of [the] earth; young men and virgins; elders with

vscoxspcov 13+ aivsodxcoaav xo ovojia Kopiou 6xi

younger; let them praise the name of [the] LORD! For

u\j/cb6r| xo ovojia avzov jiovod r| s^ojioXoyrjaic; clvtov

[ is exalted his name alone]. The acknowledgment of him

87i( yr\q Kai oupavou h+ Kai u\j/cbasi Kspaq

[is] above [the] earth and heaven. And he shall exalt [the] horn

Xaov clvtov v[ivoq 7idoi xoic; oaioiq clvtov xoic; vioiq

of his people. A hymn to all his sacred ones; to the sons

IapafjX Axxcb syyitpvxi auxco

of Israel; to a people approaching to him.

149 tt»p

i + daaxe xco Kopico dajia Kaivov r| aivsaic; avzov sv

Sing to the LORD [song anew], of his praise in

SKKAxjcria oaicov 2 + SDtppavGfjxco IapafjX S7U xco

[the] assembly of [the] sacred ones! Let Israel be glad upon the
7ioif|aavxi avzov Kai mot Sicbv ayaMadaGcoaav S7U

one making him! and [the] sons ofZion, let them exult over

xco PaoiXsi auxcbv 3 + aivsadxcoaav xo ovojia clvtov sv

their king! Let them praise his name among

%opcb sv xi)|i7rdvco Kai \j/aAxr|p(co \j/aAxxxcoaav

[the] company of dancers! with tambourine and psaltery let them strum


150 ip

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

19- Psalms

auxcb 4 +6ti sd8oks( icupioq sv Xacb avzov Kai D\j/cbasi

to him! For [the] LORD takes pleasure in his people, and he shall exalt

7ipasfc; sv acoxrjpia 5 + Kau%f|aovxai ooioi sv 56^r|

[the] gentle with deliverance. [ shall boast sacred ones] in glory,

Kai ay aAAidaovxai S7U xcov koixcov aoxcbv 6 + ai

and shall exult upon their beds. The

Dycbasic; xod 6sot3 sv xcd Xapvyyi auxcbv Kai pojicpaiai

act of exaltation of God [is] in their throat, and [ broadswords

8(axo|ioi sv xaic; %spaiv auxcbv ?+ xod 7ioif|aai

double-edged] [are] in their hands; to execute

SK5iKT|aiv sv xoic; sGvsaiv sksyiiovq sv xoic; Xaoiq

punishment among the nations, [and] rebukes among the peoples;

8+xoi)8f|aai xodc; PaaiXsfc; auxcbv sv 7is5aic; Kai

to tie their kings in shackles, and

xodc; zvdotpvq auxcbv sv xsipo7is5aic; ai5r|pa(c; 9 +

their nobles in manacles of iron;

xod 7ioif|aai sv auxoic; Kpijia syypa7ixov 56^a ai3xr|

to execute among them [judgment written]. This glory

saxi 7idai xoic; ooioiq ai)X0D

is to all his sacred ones.

150 ap

1 + aivsixs xov 0s6v sv xoiq ayioiq avzov aivsixs ai)xov

Praise God in his holy places! Praise him

sv axspscbjiaxi 8i)vd|iscoc; avzov 2+ aivsixs ai)xov

in [the] firmament of his power! Praise him

S7U xaic; 8i)vaaxs(aic; avzov aivsixs auxov Kaxd xo

according to his dominations! Praise him according to the

7rAx|9oc; Tr\q [isyak(Davvr\q avzov 3 + aivsixs ai)xov sv

magnitude of his greatness! Praise him with

fjxco adAjnyyoc; aivsixs ai)xov sv \j/aAxr|p(cD Kai

a sound of a trumpet! Praise him with a psaltery and

KiGdpa 4+ aivsixs ai)xov sv xi)(i7rdvco Kai %op6&gt;

harp! Praise him with a tambourine and company of dancers!

aivsixs ai)xov sv %op5a(c; Kai opydvco 5+ aivsixs

Praise him with strings of a lyre and [musical] instrument! Praise

avzov sv KD|ipdA,oic; svr\%oiq aivsixs ai)xov sv

him with [ cymbals distinct] ! Praise him with

KojipdAxnc; a^aAxxyjioi) 6+ 7idaa 7Wof| aivsadxco xov

[ of cymbals a shout] ! All [with] breath praise the


150 lp ev tootco + vuca 19 -Psalms




1 N sv tootco + vtica 20 - Proverbs

1 X

i+ 7iapoi|i(ai So^ojicovToq diod Aavid oq spaai^suasv

[The] proverbs of Solomon son of David who reigned

sv lapar\k 2 + yvcbvai aocpiav Kai 7iai8s(av vofjaai xs

in Israel, to know wisdom and instruction; to comprehend also

Xoyovq cppovfjascoc; 3 + 8s^aa6ai is axpocpdc; Xoycov

words of intelligence; to receive also [the] shifting and turning of words,

Kai Xvoziq aiviyjidxcov vofjaai is SiKaioawqv ahr\dr\

and loosening enigmas; to comprehend also [ righteousness true]

Kai Kpijia KaxsD0i)vsiv 4 + (va 5co araKoic;

and [judgment to straighten out], that he should give to [the] guileless

7iavoDpy(av 7iai8( 5s vsco aiaGrjaiv xs Kai swoiav

astuteness, [ child but [to the] young] perception, and also reflection.

5 + xcov 8s yap aKotiaac; aocpoc; aocpcbxspoc; saxai o 8s

But of the ones for hearing, [the] wise will be wiser, and the

vofjjicov Kopepvrjoiv Kxfjasxai 6+ vofjasi xs

intelligent [ guidance shall acquire]. He shall comprehend also

7tapaPoAx|v Kai ctkoxsivov A,6yov pfjasic; xs aocpcbv

a parable and a dark matter; sayings also of [the] wise,

Kai aiviyjiaxa ?+ ap%f| aocpiac; cpopoc; Kopioi)

and enigmas. [The] beginning of wisdom [is] fear of [the] LORD,

avvEGiq 8s ayaBfj 7idai xoic; 7ioioi3aiv auxfjv

[ understanding and good] to all the ones observing it.

SDasPsia 8s sic; 0s6v apxfj aiaGfjascoc; aocpiav 8s

And piety to God [is the] beginning of perception. But wisdom

Kai 7iai8s(av aaspsic; s^ou0svfjaoi)aiv 8 + aKODS DIS

and instruction [the] impious shall treat with contempt. Hear, O son,

vojiodc; 7iaxp6c; aoi) Kai |ir| a7icbar| Gsajiouc;

[the] laws of your father! and you should not thrust away [the] rules

jxrjxpoc; gov 9 + axscpavov yap xapixcov 8s^r| ar\

of your mother; [ a crown for of favors you shall receive] for your

KopDcpfj Kai kAxhov %pi)asov 7isp( aco xpa%fjAxjo 10 +

head, and a collar of gold around your neck.

Dis |ir| as 7iA,avfja&lt;jaaiv dvSpsc; aaspsic; |ir|8s

O son, you should not have caused [ to wander you men impious], nor

pouArjGfjc; n+ sdv 7iapaKaA,sacoai as Xsyovxsc; sA$s

should you consent. If they should comfort you, saying, Come

|is0' rjjicbv Koivcbvrjaov aijiaxoc; Kpf)\j/cD|isv 8s sic;

with us, partake in blood! for we should hide [ in

8V TOT/CCp + VtKCl

20 - Proverbs

yrjv dv5pa SiKaiov aSiKcog 12+ Kaxa7UCD|isv 8s auxov

[the] ground man [the] just unjustly], and we should swallow him

cba7i8p d8r|c; ^cbvxa Kai dpcojiev auxoi) xrjv |ivf||ir|v

as Hades, while living, and lift his remembrance

SK yT|(; 13 + TT|V KXTjCTlV ODTOl) TT|V TiOkm&amp;kf[

from [the] earth, the [ property of his very costly]

KaxaXaPcb|is0a 7rAr|a&lt;j0|iev 5s oikodc; r||iexspoDc;

we should overtake, and we should fill [ houses our]

aKuAxov i4+xov5s aov KArjpov pdA,e ev r\[iiv Kai

of spoils. and [ your lot throw] in with us, and

|iapai7r7iiov sv yevrjGfjTCO r\[iiv

[ money bag one let there become] for us.

15+ (ir| 7iop£D0fjc; o5cn3c; jisx' auxcbv skkAivov

You should not go [in the] ways with them. Turn aside

xov 7i65a aoi) sk tcov xpipoov auxcbv i 6 + oi yap

your foot from their paths! For

7r68sc; auxcbv sic; Koudav xpexouai Kai xaxivoi siai

their feet [ to evil run], and are quick

xod SK%eai aijia n+ ov yap a8iKcoc; SKxswovxai

to pour out blood. [ [are] not For wrongfully stretched out

SiKXDa 7rxspcDxofc; i8+ auxoiyap oi (povoi) |i£xe%ovxec;

nets] for feathered [birds]. For they, the ones [in murder partaking],

GrjaaDpi^oDoiv eauxofc; KaKd i 9 + auxai ai 0801 siai

treasure up for themselves evils. These [ the ways are]

7idvxcov xcov avvTskovvTCtiv xa dvojia xr| yap

of all the ones completing the lawless [things]. For by

aaspeia xrjv eauxcbv \\fv%r\v acpaipowcai 20 + aocpia sv

impiety [their own life they remove]. Wisdom [in

s^68oic; Djivsixai ev Se 7cA,axe(aic; 7iappr|aiav dyei

[the] streets sings praise]; and in [the] squares in open places she celebrates.

21+871' dKpCOV 8S X£l%£CDV KTjptiaCTSXai 8711 8s 7r6A,aiCj

[upon [the] tops And of [the] walls she proclaims]; and at [the] gates

7c6Xsco(; Gappotiaa Aiyei 22+oaovav %povov dKaKoi

of [the] city courageously says, As much time [as the] guileless

s%covxai xrjc; 5iKaio&lt;x6vr|c; odk aia%uv6f|aovxai 01 8e

have of the righteousness, they shall not be ashamed; but the

dcppovsq xrjc; tiPpsooc; ovxsg S7ci9i)|ir|xai aaspsfc;

fools [ insolence being ones who crave], [ impious

ysvojievoi sjjiar|aav aiaGrjaiv 23+ Kai D7C8t39dvoi

having become], detest good sense, and [ accountable

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

20 - Proverbs

sysvovxo £kzy%oiq i8od 7ipofjao|iai djjav s\ir\q izvor\q

become] for reproofs. Behold, I will let go to you my breath's

pfjaiv 8i8d^co 5s v[iaq xov sjiov Xoyov 2 4+ S7rsi5f|

saying, and I will teach you by my word. Since

sk&amp;Xodv mi od% D7tt]kot3o(xts Kai s^sxsivov Xoyovq

I called, and you did not obey; and I stretched out words,

Kai od 7rpoas(%STS 25+ aXka aKopoDc; stcoisixs sjiac;

and you did not take heed; but [ void you made my

fiovXaq xoic; 8s sjioiq sAiyxoic; od 7ipoas(%sxs 26+

counsels], and [to my reproofs you did not give heed];

xoiyapotiv Kaycb xrj Djisxspa a7rcoA,sia S7iiysAxxao|iai

accordingly I also [your destruction laugh at];

Kaxa%apoD|iai 8s rjviKa av sp%r|xai djiiv oXsdpoq

and I will rejoice when ever [comes to you ruin].

27+ Kai cdc; av acpiKTjxai D|i(v dcpvco BopDPoc; rj 8s

And when ever [ should arrive unto you suddenly a tumult], and the

Kaxaaxpocpfj ojioicoq Kaxaiy(8i 7iapfj r| oxav

undoing [of yourself] like a blast [is] at hand; or whenever

spxrjxai D(i(v dXi\\f\q Kai 7ioAiopKia 2 s+ soxaiyap

[ should come upon you affliction and assault]; that it will be

oxav S7iiKaXsor|a9s |is sycb 8s odk siaaKODaojiai

whenever you should call upon me, even I shall not listen to

djicov ^rjxfjaoDcri |is KaKoi Kai ov% SDpf|aoDaiv 29+

you. [ shall seek me Evil men], and will not find [me];

sjiiarjaav yap aocpiav xov 8s cpopov KopioD

for they detested wisdom, and the fear of [the] LORD

od 7ipos(Xavxo 30 + od8s fjGsXov sjiafc; 7ipoas%siv

they did not prefer; nor wanted [ to my to take heed]

fiovXaiq sjiDKxfjpitpv 8s sjiodc; sksy%ovq 31+ xoiyapow

counsels; but they sneered at my reproofs. Accordingly

sSovxai xrjc; saDxcbv o8od zovq Kap7ioDc; Kai

they shall eat [ of their own way the fruits], and

Tr\q saDxcbv aaspsiac; 7iAr|a6f|aovxai 32+ av0' cov yap

[ with their own impiety shall be filled]. For because

rjSiKODV vr|7ttODc; cpovsDGfjaovxai Kai s^sxaajioc;

they wronged [the] simple ones, they shall be slaughtered, and an inquisition

aaspsiq oXsi 33 + o 8s sjiod aKODoav KaxaaKTjvcbasi

[ [the] impious shall destroy]. But the one hearing me shall encamp

S7i' sAm8i Kai rj&lt;yu%aasi acpopcoq arco navToq KaKOD

with hope, and shall be tranquil without fear from all evil.

2 2 ev tootco + vtica 20 - Proverbs

2 n

i+ ms sdv 8s^d|isvoc; pfjaiv ejifjc; svtoAx|c; Kpi3\|/r|q

O son, if receiving [the] saying of my commandment, you shall hide it

7iapd asauTcb 2 + D7iaKoi3asTai aocpiaq to ovq gov Kai

unto yourself; [ shall obey wisdom your ear], and

7iapaPaA£ic; Kap8(av aoi) sic; auvsaiv 7iapaPaXs(c; 8s

you shall set aside your heart unto understanding; and you shall set

aDifjv em voi)6sTr|aiv Too mcb aou 3 + s&amp;v yap

it for admonition [to] your son. For if

ttjv aoqnav S7riKaA,sar| Kai tt| auvsasi 8ox;

[ wisdom you should call upon], and [ for understanding should give

cpcovfiv ood 4 + ttjv 5s a(a6r|aiv ^rjifjariq |isydAr| tt|

your voice]; and [perception you should seek great] with [your]

cpcovfj Kai sdv ^rjifjoriq auTfjv coc; apyopiov Kai coc;

voice; and if you should seek her as silver, and [ as for

GrjaaDpouc; s^spswqarjc; aDifjv 5 + tots avvr\as\q cp6pov

treasures should search her out]; then you shall perceive [the] fear

Kopioi) Kai S7uyvcoaiv dsov supfjasic; 6 + 6ti Kopioq

of [the] LORD, and [ full knowledge of God you will find]. For [the] LORD

8(8coai aocpiav Kai arco 7ipoacb7roD avzov yvcbaic; Kai

gives wisdom; and from his presence knowledge and

(xoveoic; ?+ Kai Grjaaupi^si toic; KaTopGouai

understanding. And he treasures up [ to the ones keeping straight

acoTrjpiav D7T8pao7ri8i 5s tt)v rcopsiav auTcbv 8 +

deliverance]; and he will shield their goings;

tod (pvXa^ai o86v SiKaicojidTCDV Kai o86v

to guard [the] way of right actions; and [the] way

si)A,aPoi)|i8vcov ai)T6v SiaqroAxx^si 9+ tots awqasic;

of [the] ones venerating him he will protect. Then you shall perceive

SiKaioawqv Kai Kpijia Kai KaTopGcbasic; rcavTac;

righteousness and judgment, and you shall set up all

atpvaq ayadovq 10+sdvyap skQr\ r| aoqna sic; arjv

courses of action for good [things]. For if [ shall come wisdom] into your
Sidvoiav T| 8s aiaBrjaic; tt| ar| \\fv%r\ Kakr\ sivai

consideration, and perception [ for your soul good to be

86^r| 11+ poi)Ax| Kakr\ qroAxx^si as swoia 8s oaia

shall seem]; [ counsel good] shall guard you, [ reflection and sacred]

rrjpfjasi as 12+ (va ptjarjTai as arco odov KaKqc; Kai

will keep you, that it should rescue you from [way [the] evil], and

2 3 ev tootco + vuca 20 - Proverbs

and avSpoc; Xakovvxoq LirjSsv 7iiax6v 13+ co 01

from [the] man speaking nothing trustworthy. O the ones

syKaxaXsi7iovxsc; odovq SDGsiac; tod 7iopsDsa0ai sv

abandoning [ ways [the] straight] to go in

0801c; cikoxodc; h+ co 01 SDcppaivoLisvoi 87i( kcxkoic;

[the] ways of darkness. O the ones being glad over evils,

kcu %a(povxsc; 87ii Siaoxpocpfj KaKr\ 15+ cov aixpipoi

and rejoicing over [perverseness evil]; which paths

aKoAiai kcu KaLi7n3A,ai aixpoxiai aDxcbv i 6 + xod LiaKpdv

are crooked, and [curved tracks their]; [ to be far

as 7rorfjaai arco o5od SD0siac; Kai aAloxpiov

you to cause] from [ way [the] straight], and alien

Tr\q SiKaiac; yvcoLirjc; dis lit] as KaxaAxxPrj KaKfj

of a righteous design. O son, you should not let [ overtake you bad

PodAx) 17+ r| a7roAi7ioDaa 8i8aaKaAiav vsoxrjxoc; Kai

counsel], which left [the] instruction of youth, and

8ia9fjKrrv Gsiav S7iiA£Ax|a|isvr| i 8 +s0sxoyap 7iapd

[covenant [the] divine forgot]. For she put [near

xco Gavdxco xov oikov aDxfjc; Kai 7iapd xco d8r| Lisxd
death her house], and [ [lead] by Hades with

xcov yrjysvcbv xodc; d^ovac; aDxfjc; 19+ 7idvxsc; 01

the earthborn her courses of action]. All the ones

7iapa7iop8D6Li8voi sv aDxfj odk avaaxps\j/ODaiv

coming near with her shall not return;

od8s lit] KaxcxXdpcGoi xpipoDc; SDGsiac; od yap

nor shall they overtake [paths straight]; for they are not

KaxaXajipdvovxai D7i6 sviaDxcbv Cf^r\q 20 + si yap

overtaken by years of life. For if

S7iopsDovxo xpipoDc; ayaBdq stipoaav av xpipoDc;

they went by [ paths good], they would have found even [the] paths

SiKaioaDvrjq Xsiaq xpr|axoi saovxai oiKfjxopsq yr\q

of righteousness smooth. [ will be gracious [The] inhabitants of [the] earth],

draKoi 8s D7ioA,sicp0fjGOVxai sv aDxfj 21 + 6x1 sdBsic;

and [the] guileless will be left behind in her. For [the] upright

KaxaaKTjvcbaoDai yrjv Kai oaioi

shall encamp in [the] land, and [the] sacred ones

D7ioA,sicp0f|aovxai sv aDxfj 22+ 08018s aaspcbv sk

will be left behind in it. And [the] ways of [the] impious [ from

yrjc; oAxyovxai 01 8s 7iapdvoLioi s^coaGfjaovxai an

[the] earth shall be destroyed], and the lawbreakers shall be banished from



3 3, sv tootco + viica 20 - Proverbs

3 *

i + ins sjicbv vo|i(|icov |ir| s7iiXav6dvoD xa 5s

O son, [my laws forget not], and

pfjiiaxd (iod xrjpsixco ar| Kap5(a 2 + jifjKoqyap p(oi)

[ my sayings give heed to] in your heart! For [the] length of existence,

Kai stt] Cf^T]^ Kai sipfjvrjv 7ipoa6f|aoDai aoi 3 +

and years of life and peace shall be added to you.

slerjiicxxDvai Kai 7uaxsic; |ir| sK^sursxcoaav aoi

Charity and trust — do not let them fail to you!

dcpa\j/ai 5s auxac; S7i( aco xpa%f|}ujo ypd\j/ov aDxdc; S7i(

but affix them upon your neck! write them upon

ttAxxkoc; KapSiac; aoi) 4 + Kai supfjasic; %apiv Kai

[the] tablet of your heart! and you shall find favor. And

7ipovoT3 koXql svcbmov KDpioi) Kai av0pcb7icov 5 +

think beforehand [on the] good [things] before [the] LORD and men!

ia0i 7i£7roi0cbc; sv 6hr\ Kap5(a sjii Gscb S7U 5s or)

Be yielding with [your] whole heart upon God, and upon your own

aoqna |xq S7raipoi) 6 + sv naaaxq odoiq aoi)

wisdom be not encouraged! In all your ways

yvcbpi^s ai)xf|v iva op0oxo|if| xac; odovq aoi) 7 + jlit| ia0i

make her known! that she should cut straight your ways. Be not

tppovijioc; 7iapd asaDxcb (popou 5s xov 0s6v Kai

skilled of yourself, but fear God, and

skkAivs a7io 7iavx6c; KaKoij 8 + xoxs iaaiq saxai xco

turn aside from all evil! Then shall there be healing [to]

acbjiaxi aoi) Kai S7ii|isA,sia xoic; oaxsoiq aoi) 9 + xijia

your body, and care to your bones. Esteem

xov KDpiov arco acov SiKaicov 7i6vcov Kai a7rdp%oi)

the LORD by your just toils, and dedicate

ai)xco arco acov Kap7icbv SiKaioawqc; 10+ (va

to him from your fruits of righteousness! that

7ri(i7iA,cbvxai xa xajiisia aoi) 7iAr|a|iovf| aixoi) oivco 5s

[ should be filled your storerooms] with fullness of grain, and wine

aiAxjvoiaoi) SKpAti^coaiv n+ ins jjt| oAaycbpsi

[ of your wine vats should gush out]. O son, do not have little regard

7iai5s(ac; KDpioi) |ir|5s skMod D7i' avzov

for [the] instruction of [the] LORD, nor loosen up under his

sA,sy%6|isvoc; 12 + ov yap ayarcd Kopioc; 7iai5si)si

reproving! For whom [the] LORD loves he corrects;

3 3, ev toi3tco + vtica 20 - Proverbs

jiaaxiyoi 8s 7rdvxa mov ov 7iapa8s%STai 13 + jiaK&amp;pioc;

and he whips every son whom he welcomes. Blessed [is]

&amp;v0pcD7roc; oq stipe aocpiav Kai Qviycoq oq s(8s

[the] man who found wisdom, and [the] mortal who beholds

cppovrjaiv 14 + Kpsiaaov yap ai)Tfyv S|i7iopsi)so6ai r|

intelligence. For [it is] better to trade for her, than

Xpvaiov Kai apyopioi) GrjaaDpotiq 15+ TijiicoTspa 5s

for gold and silver treasures. [ more valuable than And

sail AiGoov 7ioAmsAxbv 7iav 8s tijiiov ouk d^iov

she is stones very costly]; and every valuable [thing] [not [equal] worth

avTT\q sail i 6 + jifjKoqyap p(oi) Kai sxrj ^cofjq sv

her is]. For length of existence and years of life [are] in

tt] 8s^id avTT\q sv 5s xr| apiaxspd avTT\q nXomoq Kai

her right [hand]; and in her left riches and

86^a sk tod aTOjiaioq avTT\q sKTiopstisxai SiKaioawq

glory. Out of her mouth goes forth in righteousness;

vojiov 8s Kai sXsov S7i( yX(baar\q cpopsi 17 +

and law and mercy [upon [her] tongue she wears].

ai 0801 avTT\q 0801 KaAm Kai 7idaai ai xptpoi avTT\q

Her ways [ways [are] good], and all her paths

sv sipfjvrj 18+ tqvXov Cf$r\q sail 7idai TOiq

[are] in peace. [a tree of life She is] to all the ones

avxs%o|isvoic; avTT\q Kai TOiq S7ispsi8o|isvoic; S7i'

holding her; and to the ones leaning upon

aircfjv coc; S7i( Kopiov aacpaAxjc; i9+o0soc; xrj aocpia

her [as upon [the] LORD [are] safe]. God [in] wisdom

s0s|isAicoas xrjv yrjv rjioijiaas 8s ODpavotiq sv

founded the earth; and he prepared [the] heavens in

cppovfjosi 20+ sv aiaBfjasi avzov afivaaoi sppdyrjaav

intelligence. In his perception abysses were torn,

vscprj 8s spptirjaav Spoaouc; 21 + ms |ir| 7iapappi)fjc;

and clouds flowed dew. O son, you should not let it flow by;

xfjprjaov 8s S|if|v pouAxjv Kai swoiav 22+ (va ^r\ar\

but heed my counsel and insight! that [ should live

r| \\fv%r\ aoi) Kai %dpic; r| 7isp( aco xpaxfjAxo

your soul], and favor should be around your neck;

saxai 8s iaaiq xaiq aap^i aoi) Kai S7ii|isA,sia xoiq

and it will be healing [to] your flesh, and care [to]

aoiq ootsok; 23+ iva 7iopsT3r| 7iS7roi9cbc; sv sipfjvrj

your bones; that you should go yielded in peace

8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs
7i&amp;aac; mq oSovq aou o 8s izovq aou ou jjt| 7ipoaK6\j/r|

in all your ways, and the foot of yours in no way should stumble.

24+ sdvyap K&amp;6r| dcpopoc; sar| sdv 8s Ka0su8r|c;

For if you should sit down, you will be without fear; and if you should repose,

rjSsooc; vizvcbasiq 25+ Kai ou cpopr|0f|ar| 7ix6r|aiv

[ with pleasure you shall sleep]. And you shall not be afraid of terror

S7rsA£ouaav ou8s opji&amp;c; aaspcbv S7isp%o|isvac; 26 +

coming upon, nor [the] thrusting of [the] impious coming upon.

o yap Kupioc; saxai S7i( 7iaacbv o8cbv aou Kai

For the LORD will be over all your ways, and

spsiasi aov 7i68a (va |ir| aa^suGfjc; 27 +

he shall establish your foot that you should not be shaken.

|ir| a7i6a%ri su 7iois(v sv8sr| rjviKa av

You should not be at a distance [ good to do] [to the] one lacking, when you should

e%r| T| %sip aou PorjBeiv 28+ |ir| sbir\q S7iavsX0cbv

have your hand to help. You should not say, Returning back,

S7idvr|K8 Kai aupiov Scbaoo Suvaxou aou ovxoc;

come back again! and tomorrow I will give; [ able [is] with you [while] being

su 7TOISIV ou yap oidaq xi xs^sxai r| S7iiouaa 29 +

good to do]; for you shall not see what shall give birth against [you].

|ir| xsKxaivs S7ri aov (pikov KaKd 7iapoiKouvxa

You should not contrive [ against your friend bad [things]], [the] one sojourning

Kai 7rs7ioi96xa S7ri aoi 30+ jjt| (piA,sx9pf|ar|c; itpoq

and relying upon you. You should not be fond of quarreling against

dv0pco7rov |idxr|v (va |ir| sic; as spydarjxai KaKov 31 +

a man in vain, so that [ not against you he should work evil].

|xq Kxfjarj KaKcbv av5pcbv ovs(8r| jar|5s ^r\k(bar\q

You should not acquire evils of men's scorn, nor should you be jealous

xac; oSouc; auxcbv 32+ aKdGapxoq yap svavxi Kupiou naq

of their ways. [ [is] unclean For before [the] LORD every

7iapdvo|ioc; sv 8e 8iKa(oiq ou auvs8pid^si 33 +

lawbreaker], [ with and [the] righteous they do not sit together].

Kaxdpa Kupiou sv oixoic; aaspcbv zitavXsiq 8e

[The] curse of [the] LORD [is] in [the] houses of [the] impious, but [the]

SiKaicov suA,oyouvxai 34+ Kupioc; U7ispr|(pdvoic;

of [the] just are blessed. [The] LORD [ [the] proud

avxixdaasxai xa7isivo(c; 8s 8(8coai %dpiv 35+ 86^av

resists], [ [to the] humble but gives favor]. [ glory

aocpoi Klr|povo|xfjaouaiv 01 8s aaspsfc; uycoaav

[The] wise shall inherit]; but the impious exalted

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

20 - Proverbs



4 7

i+ aKouaaxs 7ia(8sc; 7iai8siav 7iaxp6c; Kai 7ipoas%sxs

Hear, O children, [the] instruction of a father, and take heed

yvcbvai swoiav 2 + 8cbpov yap ayaGov 5copoT3|iai djjav

to know insight! [gift For a good I present to you];

xov sjiov Xoyov |ir| syKaxaAi7ir|xs 3 + vioq yap

[ my word you should not abandon]. [ a son For

sysv6|xr|v Kaycb 7iaxp( D7rfjKooc; Kai aya7icb|isvoc; sv

I was also to a father subject], and being loved in

7ipoacb7rcD ixqxpoc; 4 + oi sA,syov Kai s8(8aaKov

[the] presence of a mother; the ones who spoke and taught

|is spsiSsxco o rjjiSTspoc; Xoyoq sic; arjv Kap8(av

me, [saying], Establish our word in your heart!

qrolaaas svxoXdc; [ir\ s7iiA,d6r| 5 + Kifjoai aocpiav

Keep [the] commandments! Do not forget! Acquire wisdom!

Kifjoai (Toveaiv |ir| S7iiXd0r| jirjSs 7iap(8r|(; pfjaiv

Acquire understanding! You should not forget, nor should you ignore [the] saying

8|iot3 axojiaxoc; |ir|8s sKKAivrjc; arco pruidxcov

of my mouth; nor should you turn aside from [the] words

axojiaxoc; (10D 6 + |ir| syKaTaXi7ir|(; aDifjv Kai avBs^sxai

of my mouth. You should not abandon it, for it shall hold to

aov spdaGrjxi auxfjc; Kai Trjpfjasi as 7+ apxrj

you. Love it passionately! and it will keep you. [ [is the] beginning

aocpiac; Kifjaai aocpiav Kai sv 7idar| Kxfjasi aoi)

Wisdom], acquire wisdom! And in all of your possessing

Kxfjaai auvsaiv s + 7ispixapdKcoaov ai)xf|v Kai inj/cbasi

acquire understanding! Surround her with a rampart! and she shall exalt

as xijirjaov auxfjv (va as 7ispiAxxPr| 9 + (va 8co xr|

you. Esteem her! that she should keep you; that she should give [ [to]

ar| KscpaArj axscpavov %ap(xcov axscpdvco 8s xpucpfjc;

your head a crown of favors], [with a crown and of luxury

D7ispaa7i(ar| as 10+ dKODS ms Kai 8s^ai s[iovq Xoyovq

should shield you]. Hear, O son, and receive my words!

Kai 7rAr|9DV0fjasxa( aoi sxrj Cf$r\q aoi) (va aoi

and [ will be multiplied to you years of your life], that to you

ysvcovxai noXkcd 0801 Piod n+ o8cn3c;yap aocpiac;

there should be many ways of life. For [the] ways of wisdom


4 7 sv tootco + vuca 20 - Proverbs

5i8daKco as sjiPipd^co 8s as xpoxiafc; opBaig 12 +

I teach you; [I put on board and you tracks straight].

sdvyap 7iopsT3r| ou ai)yKA,sia9f|asTai aou

For when you should go [ will not be hemmed in your

xa 8iapfj|iaTa sdv 8s TpS%T|(^ 01) K07Tl(XaSl(^ 13 +

footsteps]; and when you should run, you shall not tire.

snikafiov sjifjc; 7iai8s(ac; |ir| acpfjc; aXka (pvkatqov

Take hold of my instruction! you should not let go; but keep

aDifjv asaDicb sic; ^oofjv aou h + odovq aaspcov

it to yourself, for your life! [ ways by impious

|ir| S7rsA,6r|c; |ir|8s ^rjAxbarjc; odovq 7iapav6|icov 15+ sv

You should not come], nor be jealous of [the] ways of lawbreakers. In

co av T07rco aTpaT07is8sT3acoai |ir| S7isX9r|c; sksi

what ever place they should encamp, you should not come there.

skkAivov cut' (xdtcov Kai 7iapdAla^ov i 6 + ov yap

Turn aside from them and alter [course] ! [ not For

|ir| wwcbacoaiv sdv |ir| KaK07ioif|acoaiv acpfjprjTai

they shall] sleep, unless they should have done evil. [ is removed

vizvoq an (xdtcov Kai od Koijicbvxai n+oiSsyap

Sleep] from them, and they do not go to bed. For thus

aixowccu area aaspsiaq oivco 8s 7iapav6|ico

they feed well on grain of impiety; and by wine of a lawbreaker

jisGtiaKovxai is + ai 8s 0801 tcdv 8iKa(cov ojioicoc; (pcoxi

they are intoxicated. But the ways of the just are likened to light ~

Axx|i7ioDai 7rpo7ropsi)ovTai Kai (pcoxi^oDaiv scoc; av

they radiate. They go before and give light until whenever

KaxopGcbarj r| rjjispa i9+ai8s 0801 xcov aaspcov

[should set up the day]. But the ways of the impious

aKoxsivai odk o(8aai 7tcoc; 7rpoaK67rxouaiv 20+ ms

[are] dark; they do not know how they stumble. O son,

sjifj pfjasi 7ip6asxs xoic; 8s sjioiq Xoyoiq 7iapdpaAA,s

[ to my saying take heed], and to my words set aside

aov ovq 21 + oitcnq |ir| SKAi7icoai as ai 7ir|yai aoi)

your ear! so that [ should not fail you your springs].

qroAxxaas avzaq sv ar| Kap8(a 22+ ^cofj yap sail

Keep them in your heart! [ life for [they are]]

7idai TOiq SDpiaKODaiv avzaq Kai 7idar| aapKi iaaiq

to all the ones finding them, and [ to all flesh healing].

23+ 7idar| (pvXaKT\ xfjpsi arjv Kap8(av SKyap xouxcov

With all guard, give heed to your heart! for from out of these [things]


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

20 - Proverbs

s^o8oi tftir\C) 24+ 7isp(sA£ asauxoi) ctkoAiov axojia Kai

[are the] issues of life. Remove yourself from a crooked mouth, and

&amp;8iKa %8iAx| jiaKpdv and gov d7icoaai 25 +

[ unjust lips far from you thrust away] !

01 o(p6aX|io( gov op6d pA,S7rsx(jooav xa 8s pAicpapd gov

[ your eyes straight Let see], and your eyelids

V8D8TC0 5iKaux 26+ opGdc; xpo%idc; 7io(si Goiq 7ioo( Kai

nod [assent] to [the] just! [ straight tracks Make] for your feet, and

zaq odovq gov Kaxsi)0DVS 2 ? + |ir| SKKAivrjc; sic; xa 8s^id

[ your ways straighten out] ! You should not turn aside unto the right

|xq8s sic; xa apiaxepd a7i6axps\j/ov 8s gov 7i68a ano

nor unto the left; but turn your foot from

odov KocKTjcj odovq yap xac; sk Ss^icbv o(8sv o 0s6c;

[way an evil]! For [the] ways, the ones of [the] right, [knows God];

Sisoxpajijisvai 8s siaiv ai s^ apiaxspcbv avzoq 8s

but the ones perverting are of [the] left; but he

opGdc; 7ioifjasi xac; xpo%idc; gov xac; 8s 7iopsiac; gov sv

[ straight makes your tracks], and [ your goings in

sipfjvrj 7ipod^si

peace he shall lead before].

5 n

i+ ms sjifj aocpia 7ip6as%s sjioic; 8s Coyote;

O son, [ to my wisdom take heed], [ to my and words

7tapdpaAls gov ovq 2 + (va (pvXatflq swoiav aya0f|v

set aside your ear]! that you should guard [insight good].

aiaGrjaiv 8s sjicbv xsiAioov svxsAlojiai aoi |ir| 7ip6asxs

And perception of my lips I give charge to you. Give no heed

cpai)Ax| yi)vaiKi 3 + jisAiyap a7ioaxd^si arco %siA,scdv

to a vile woman! For honey drops from [the] lips

ywaiKoq 7r6pvr|c; r| 7ipoc; Kaipov Xuraivsi gov

[ woman of a harlot], which for a time fattens your

cpdpuyya 4 + uaxspov jisvxoi 7iiKp6xspov %ohf\q

throat. Afterwards however [ more bitter than bile

SDpfjasic; Kai rjKovr||isvov [laXkov jiaxaipaq 8iax6|ioi)

you shall find [it]], and being more sharpened rather than [sword a double-edged].

5 + xrjc; yap a^poawqc; oi itodzq KaxdyoDoi zovq

For [ of folly the feet] lead [ down the ones

XpcojisvoDc; auxfj jisxd 0avdxoi) sic; xov d8r|v xa 8s

dealing with her with death unto Hades]; and


5 n ev toi3tco + vtica 20 - Proverbs

(xvrj avxr\q ouk speiSsxai 6 + odovq yap Cj®r\q ouk

her tracks are not established; [ [the] ways for of life she does not

£7T8p%£Tai acpalepai 8e ai xpo%ia( auxfjc; Kai ouk

come by]; [ [are] slippery but her tracks], and not

euyvooaxoi ?+ vuv ouv uie dKoue fiou Kai |ir|

well-known. Now then, O son, hear me! and you should not

aKupouc; 7toifjar|c; ejiouc; Xoyovq 8 + jiaKpdv 7iorr|aov

[ void [works] do] of my words. [ far Make

an avTr\q arjv o86v (irj syyiarjc; npoq Bupaic;

from her your way] ! You should not approach to doors

oikcov auxfjc; 9 + iva [ir\ 7ip6r| aXkoiq Cf$r\v aou

of her houses; that you should not let [ go to others your [means of] life],

Kai aov piov avsXsfj|ioaiv 10+ iva |ir| 7iAr|a0cbaiv

and your livelihood to [the] unmerciful; that [ should not be filled with

aAAxycpioi ar\q io%voq 01 8s aoi 7i6voi ziq ohcovq

strangers] your strength, and your toils [ into houses

aMtoxpiouc; eiae^Gooai n+ Kai |iexa|i£Ar|0f|ar| 87i'

of strangers should enter]; and you shall be repenting at

saxdxoov rjviKa av KaxaxpiPcbai adpKec; acbjiaxoc; aou

last when ever [ wears away [the] flesh] from your body.

12+ Kai spsiq Ttwq sjiiarjaa 7iai8s(av Kai sksy%ovq

And you shall say, O how I detested instruction, and [ reproofs

s^skAivsv t| Kap8ia jiou 13+ ouk fpcouov (poavfjv

turned aside my heart] ! I did not hear [the] voice

7rai8euovx6c; |ie Kai SiSdaKovxoq |ie ou8e

of one correcting me and teaching me; nor

7rap8PaAlov xo ouc; jiou 14+ 7iap' oAiyov syev6|ir|v sv

did I set aside my ear. By little I came unto

7iavx( KaKcb ev jisaco SKKAxjaiac; Kai auvayooyfjc; 15 +

every evil in [the] midst of [the] assembly and congregation.

uie 7uvs u8axa arco acov ayysicov Kai arco acov

O son, drink waters from your own receptacles, and [ from your own

(ppedxcov 7ir|yf|c; i 6 + U7repeK%e(a6cD aoi xa u8axa sk

wells [the] flow] ! Let [ overflow to you the waters] from out of

Tr\q ar\q 7ir|yf|c; siq 8e aaq nXaTsiaq 8ia7ropsusa6co

your own spring; and into your own squares let [ go along

xa aa u8axa 17+ eaxco aoi jiovco U7tdp%ovxa Kai

your waters]! Let it be [ to you alone existing], and

jirjSeiq aXkoxpioq |iexaa%8xcD aoi 18+ r| 7irjyf| aou

let not a stranger partake with you! The spring of your



8V TOVjlCp + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

tod DSaxoc; saxoo aoi i5(a Kai aDVSDcppaivoD jisxd

water ~ let it be to you in particular! and be glad with

ywaiKoq xrjc; sk vsoxrjxoc; aoD 19+ sAxxcpoc; (pikiaq Kai

[the] wife of your youth! [Let] [your] hind of friendship, and

iicbXoq aov xapixcov ojiiXsitcd aoi r| 8s i5ia

[filly your] of favors, consort with you! and in particular

rjyeioGco aoD Kai aDvsaxoo aoi sv rcavxi Kaipcb

let her be esteemed by you, and be with you at all time!

sv yap tt] xaDxrjc; qnAia aD|i7rspupsp6|isvoc; 7ioAAx)ax6c;

For in this friendship [ accommodated a great deal

sarj 20+ |ir| iioXvq (a6i npoq aAloxpiav |ir|8s

you will be]. [not much Be] with [the] strange [woman], nor

aDvs%OD ayKdXaiq Tr\q |ir| i8(ac; 21+ svcbmov yap siai

hold [ in embraces the one not your own] ! [ before For are

xcov tod 08OD oq)0aA,|icbv 0801 avSpoc; sic; 8s naaaq

the of God eyes [the] ways of a man], [unto and all

xac; xpo%idc; aDxoD aKorcsDsi 22 + 7iapavo|i(ai dv8pa

his tracks he watches]. Unlawful [deeds] [ a man

aypsDODai asipaic; 8s xcov saDxoD ajiapxicbv sraaxoc;

ensnare]; [ chains and of ones own sins each

aqnyysxai 23 + odxoc; xsXsDxd jisxd a7rai8sDxoov sk 8s

[is] grasped by]. This man comes to an end with [the] uninstructed; and from

7tAx|0odc; xrjc; saDxoD pioxrjxoc; s^sppicprj Kai a7icbXsxo

[the] abundance of his own sustenance was cast forth, and perished

81' acppoaDvrjv

through folly.

6 1

1+ dis sdv syyofjarj aov qnXov 7iapa8cbasic; arjv

O son, if you should guarantee a loan for your friend, you shall deliver up your

Xsipa e%6pcb 2 + 7iay(c; yap ia%Dpd av8p( xa 181a

hand to [the] enemy. [ snare For [are] a strong a man's own

%s(Ar| Kai aAiaKsxai pfjjiaaiv 1810D axojiaxoc; 3+ 7io(si

lips], and he is captured [by the] words of his own mouth. Do,
dis a sycb aoi svxsAlojiai Kai acbCpv fjKsic; yap

O son, what I give charge to you, and preserve yourself! [ you come For

sic; %s(pac; KaKcbv 8id aov qnlov (a6i |ir|

into [the] hands of evils on account of your friend]. Be not

skXdojisvoc; 7iap6^Dvs 8s Kai xov qnAxrv aoD ov

enfeebled! but you provoke even your friend whom



8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

gygyyufjaco 4+ |iT| 8ooc; T37TVOV GOiq 6|i|iaai |IT|8s

you guaranteed a loan. You should not give sleep to your eyes nor

£7riVD&lt;xc&amp;^r|c; aoiq P^ecpapoiq 5 + iva acb^rj champ

slumber to your eyelids, so that you should escape as

SopKdc; sk Pp6%oov Kai cba7rsp opvsov sk 7tay(8oc;

a doe from nooses, and as a fowl from out of a snare.

6+ (6i npoq xov |x6p|ir|Ka go OKvrjps Kai ^fjAxoaov

Be as the ant, O lazy one, and be jealous

i5cbv zaq odovq avzov Kai yevou sksivod aocpcbxspoc;

beholding his ways; and become [as] that one ~ wiser!

7 + sksivco yap yeoopyiou |ir| D7idp%ovxoc; |ir|8e

For to that one there is no farm possession, nor

xov avayKd^ovxa s%cdv jar|5s D7i6 8ea7i6xr|v cov

[ one compelling [him] [is he] having], nor [under a master [is] he being].
8+ sxoijid^exai Gepouc; xrjv xpocpfjv noKkr\v xe ev tco

He prepares [ of summer the nourishment], [ much and also in the

ajirjicb 7ioie(xai xrjv 7iapd0saiv 9 + sgqc; xivoc; OKvrjps

harvest he prepares] for the fete. For how long, O lazy one,

KaxdKeiaai 7i6xs 5s vtzvov syspGfjarj 10+ oAiyov

do you recline? And when [ from out of sleep will you arise]? A little

(isv vizvoiq oAiyov 8s KdGrjaai jiiKpov Se VDaxd^siq

then to sleep, and a little you sit down, and a little you slumber,

oAiyov 8s evayKaAi^rj %epai axfj0r| 11 + SIT

and a little you fold your arms [with] hands to [the] breasts. So then

8|i7rapayivsTai aoi cba7rsp KaKoq oSouropoc; r| 7iev(a

[comes upon you as an evil traveler poverty];

Kai T| ev8eia cba7isp ayaGoc; Spojistic; 12+ avfjp dcppcov

and lack as a good runner. A man, a fool

Kai 7iapdvo|ioc; 7iopsi)asxai odovq odk ayaBdq 13 + o 8s

and a lawbreaker, shall go by ways not good. And the

avToq swstisi ocpGaAjicb ar||ia(vsi 8e 71081

same beckons [with the] eyes, and makes signs [with the] foot,

8i8daK£i8s vsujiaai SaKitiAxov i 4 + 8isoxpaji|isvr| Se

and teaches [with the] beckoning of [his] fingers. [ being perverted And

Kap8(a xsKxaivsxai Kara sv 7iavx( Kaipcb o xoiouxoc;

a heart] contrives evils; at all time such a one

xapaxdq mmaxrjai 7r6Xsi 15+ 8id xouxo s^a7rivr|c;

[ disturbances concocts] to a city. On account of this [ suddenly

sp%exai T| a7rcbA£ia avzov 8iaK07if| Kai aDvxpipfj

comes his destruction]; severance and [ destruction


8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

aviaxoq i6+ on x ai P 81 Tiocaiv oiq jiiasi o Kopioc;

irretrievable]. For he rejoices in all [things] which [detests the LORD];

oDvxpiPsxai 5s 8i' araGapaiav \\fv%r\q n+ ocpGaXjioq

and he is destroyed because of uncleanness of soul — [ eye

DppiaxoD yAxbaaa dSiKoc; %sipsc; SK%soDaai aijia

an insulting], [tongue an unjust], hands pouring out [blood

Sucaiov i8+ Kai Kap8(a xsKxaivojisvr| XoyiajioDc;

righteous], and a heart contriving [devices

KaKotic; Kai nbdsq S7ria7iSD8ovxsc; K(XK07T0181V 19 +

evil], and feet hurrying to do evil.

SKKaisi \j/8i)8f| jidpxDq dSiKoc; Kai S7ri7rs|i7rsi Kpiasic;

[kindles lying witness An unjust], and brings in addition [judicial] cases

avajisaov aSsAxpcbv 20+ dis cpD^aaas vojiodc;

between brethren. O son, guard [the] laws

nazpoq gov Kai jitj a7icbar| GsajiODc; jirjipoq aoD 21 +

of your father! and you should not thrust away [the] rules of your mother.

dcpayai 5s avzovq S7U ar| \\fv%r\ 8ia7iavx6c; Kai

But affix them upon your soul always, and

syKAxnooaai 7isp( aco xpa%fjAxD 22+ rjviKa av 7rspuraxf|c;

bind them with a cord around your neck! When ever you should walk,

S7idyoD aircfjv Kai jisxd aoi) saxoo coqS' av

bring it, and [ with you let it be] ! And when ever

Ka6ei38r|c; cpD^aaasxco as (va sysipojisvco

you should sleep, let it guard you! that in arising

avXkahf\ aoi 23+ 6x1 Xvyyoq svxoArj vojiod

it should converse together with you. For [ [is] a lamp [the] commandment of [the]

Kai cpcoc; Kai odoq ^cofjc; Kai sA,sy%oc; Kai 7iai8s(a 24+

and alight, and away of life, and reproof, and instruction;

tod SiacpD^daasiv as anb yovaiKoc; D7idv8poD Kai

to guard you from [ woman a married], and

anb SiaPoArjc; yAxbaarjc; aAloxpiaq 25+ dis |ir|

from [the] distraction [ tongue of a strange]. O son, let not

asviKfjarj KdAloDc; S7ii9D|iia |ir|8s aypsDGfjq aoiq

[ overcome you of beauty [the] desire], nor [be caught your

o(pdak[ioiq |ir|8s aDvap7raa6fjc; anb xcov avTT\q

eyes] nor seized by her

P^scpdpcov 26 + xijifj yap 7i6pvr|c; bar\ Kai svoc;

eyelids. For [the] value of a harlot [is] as much as even one

dpxoD yovfj 8s avSpcbv xijiiac; \|/D%dc; aypsDsi 27 +

bread loaf; and a woman [ of men [the] precious souls ensnares].



8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

a7io8fja£i uq nvp sv koAjtcd xa 8s ijidxia od

Shall anyone tie up fire in [his] bosom, and [his] garments not

KaxaKoroasi 2 s+ r| 7ispuraxf|asi xic; S7i' avGpdKcov nvpoq

incinerate? Or shall anyone walk upon coals of fire,

Tovq 5s nodaq od KaxaraDasi 29 + odxcdc; o siasA£cbv

and [his] feet shall not incinerate. So the one entering

7ipoc; yovaixa D7iav8pov odk a6coco6fiasxai od8s

to [ woman a married]; he shall not be acquitted, nor

itaq o a7rx6|isvoc; avTT\q 30+ od 6aD|iaax6v sdv

any [one] touching her. [It is] not a wonder if

akcb Tiq kA,S7txcov kA,S7txsi yap (va s[mXr\ar\ \\fv%r\v

any be captured stealing; for he steals that he should fill up [his] soul

7isivcbaav 31+ sdv 8s ak&amp;&gt; a7ioxiasi S7ixa7iA,doia

[when] hungering; but if he should be captured he shall pay seven-fold,

Kai 7idvxa xa D7idp%ovxa aDxoD dovq pDasxai saDxov

and [ all his possessions [by] giving shall rescue himself].

32+ 08s [ioi%6q 81' svSsiav cppsvcbv a7icbA,siav

But the adulterer, through lack of sense, [ destruction

xt[ yv%r\ aDxoD 7rspi7iois(xai 33 + oStivac; xs Kai axijiiaq

for his soul procures]. Both griefs and dishonor

D7io(pspsi xo 8s ovsiSoq aDxoD odk s^a^supGfjasxai sic;

he suffers, and his scorn shall not be wiped away into

xov aicbva 34+ jisaxoq yap Qr\kov Gdjioc; avSpoq aDxfjc;

the eon. [ [is] full For of zeal [the] rage of her husband];

od cpsiasxai sv rjjispa Kpiascoq 35+ odk

he will not spare in [the] day of judgment. He will not

avxaAAxx^sxai odSsvoc; AmpoD xrjv s%6pav od8s jlit|

bargain for any ransom [of his] hatred, nor

8iaA,D6fj 7ioAM)v Scbpcov

part by many gifts.

7 T

1 + dis (pvXaaas sjiodc; Xoyovq xac; 8s sjidc; svxoXdq

O son, keep my words, and my commandments

KpD\j/ov 7iapd asaDxcb 2+ dis xijia xov Kopiov Kai

hide for yourself! O son, esteem the LORD! and

ia%Dasic; 7iAx|v 8s aDxoD |ir| 90 Pod aXkov (pvXatpv

you shall strengthen; and besides him, do not fear another! Keep

sjidq svxoAxxc; Kai Picbasiq xodc; 8s sjiodc; Xoyovq

my commandments! and you shall spend life; and my words


7 T ev tootco + vtica 20 - Proverbs

cba7isp Kopaq ojijidxcov 3 + 7isp(0OD avxovq aoiq

as if [the] pupil of [your] eyes. Put them on your

8aKr6Xoic; S7uypa\j/ov 5s S7U to 7iA,dxoc;

fingers, and inscribe [them] upon the width

Tr\q KapSiac; aoi) 4+ si7iov xrjv aocpiav arjv a8sAxpf|v

of your heart! Speak wisdom [ your sister

sivai xrjv 8s cppovrjaiv yvcbpijiov 7ispi7roir|aai asauxcb

to be]; and [intelligence as an acquaintance procure to yourself]!

5+ (va aexr|pf|ar| arco yuvaiKoc; aAloxpiac; Kai

that she should keep you from [ woman [the] strange and

7rovr|p&amp;c; e&amp;v as Xoyoiq xoic; npoq %dpiv sjipdAArjxai 6 +

wicked], if [words for you for favor she should put].

goto yap 6i)p(8oc; 8K xod oikod avTT\q sic; xac; TiXazsiaq

For from [the] window of her house [ into the squares

7iapaic67rxouaa 7+ ov av (8r| xcov acppovcov

she leans] at whom ever she should behold of the foolish

xskvcov vsaviav sv8sf| cppsvcbv 8 + 7rapa7iopsD6|isvov sv

offspring - a young man lacking of sense, passing by

ycovia sv 816801c; oikcov auxfjc; XaAmrvxa 9 + sv cjkoxsi

[the] corner in [the] corridors of her houses, speaking in darkness

sa7ispivcb rjviKa av r\av%ia VDKxspivfj r| Kai

during the evening, when ever [all is] at rest nightly, or also

yvocpcbSrjc; 10+ rj 8s ywq crovavxa auxcb s(8oc;

at dimness. And the woman meets with him [ [the] appearance

s%ODoa 7iopviKov T| 7iois( vsoDV s^i7ixaa0ai

having] of a harlot, which makes [ of young [men] to flutter

KapSiaq 11+ avs7ixspco|isvr| 8s soxi Kai daooxoc; sv

[the] heart]. [inciting And she is] and carnal, [in

oikco 8s odx r\GX&gt;%atpx&gt;Giv 01 itodsq avTT\q 12+ xpovov

[her] house and do not stay still her feet]. [time

yap xiva s^co psjiPsxai xpovov 8s sv 7iA,axs(aic; 7iapd

For at certain outside she strays], and [another] time [ in [the] squares by

7idaav ycoviav svsSpsusi 13+ sixa S7iiXaPo|isvr|

every corner she lies in wait]. Then, taking hold,

sqnAxjasv ai)xov avaiSsi 8s 7ipoacb7rco 7ipoasi7rsv auxcb

she fondles him; and with impudent face she says to him,

14+ dvaia siprjviKfj jioi saxi af||ispov a7ro8(8co|ii

[sacrifice a peace with me There is], today I render

xac; SD%dc; jiod 15 + svsKa xotixou s^fjXGov sic;

my vows. Because of this I come forth for


7 T sv tootco + vuca 20 - Proverbs

oDvaviTjaiv aoi) 7io0oi)aa to aov 7ip6aco7rov si3pr|K&amp;

meeting you; feeling the absence of your face I have found

os i6 + Ksipiaiq xsxaKa xrjv KAivrjv jiod a|i(piT&amp;7roic;

you. In trimming, I have stretched my bed. [ spreads

Sisaxpcoaa xoxqan AiywrcoD n+ 8isppayra

I spread] from Egypt. I have sprinkled


my bed with saffron, and my house [with] cinnamon.

sABs Kai a7ioA,(r6acD|isv qnAiac; scoc; opGpoi) 8supo

Come! for we should enjoy friendship until dawn. Come,

Kai syKoAia0cb|isv spoon 19+ od yap 7raps&lt;xciv

for we should wrap up in passion. [ [is] not For at hand

o avfjp |iod ev oiKco 7T87i6p8DTai o86v jiaKpdv 20+

my husband] in [the] house; he has gone [ way a long],

sv8so|iov apyi)p(oi) A,aPcbv sv %epaiv auxoi) 81'

[ a bundle of silver taking] in his hands; for [only after]

rjjispcbv 7ioAAxbv £7ravfj^si sic; xov oikov auxou 21 +

[ days many] will he come back again to his house.

a7iS7rAxxvr|as 8s auxov noXXr\ ojiiAia Ppoxoic; is

[ she led astray And him] with much companionship, [with nooses and also].

TOiq goto xsi^scov s^coksiXsv aDTOV 22 + o 8s

By the [things] from [her] lips she led him aground. And

S7rr|KoAx)i)6r|asv aDifj KS7r(pco9sk; coa7isp 8s fiovq S7i(

he followed after her, being easily led on, and as an ox [ unto

ocpayfjv aysxai Kai cba7isp kdcdv sm Ssajiouc; Kai cog

slaughter [is] led], and as a dog to bonds, and as

sXacpoc; TO^si3|iaTi 23+ 7iS7rAx|ycbc; sic; to fj7iap

a stag shot with a bow, striking into the liver;

a7rsi)8si 8s cba7isp opvsov sic; 7iay(8a odk siScbc; 6x1

and he hastens as a fowl into a snare, not seeing that

7ispi yv%r\q xps%si 24+ vuv odv dis ockods jiod Kai

[ for his life he runs]. Now then, O son, hear me, and

7ip6as%s pfj|iaai oxojiaxoc; jiod 25+ firj sKKAavaxco sic;

take heed [to the] sayings of my mouth! Do not turn aside to

xac; odovq avTT\q r\ Kap8ia aov Kai |ir| 7iXavr|0f|c; sv

her ways [with] your heart! and you should not be misled by

axpa7io(c; avxr\q 26 + noXkovq yap xpcbaaaa

her short-cuts. [ many For in piercing

KaxaPspArjKs Kai avap(0|ir|xoi siaiv ovq 7is(p6vsi)Ksv

she has thrown down], and innumerable are whom she has murdered.


8 n ev tootco + vuca 20 - Proverbs

27+0801 dSoi) o ohcoq avxr\q Kaxdyouaai sic; xa

[ [is the] ways of Hades Her house]; they lead down into the

xajiieia xou Gavdxoi)

storerooms of death.

8 n

1 + od xrjv aocpiav Kqpij^eic; (va cppovrjaic;

You [wisdom shall proclaim], that intellect

aoi D7iaKOT3ar| 2 + S7ii yap xcov D\j/r|Xcbv dKpcov saxiv

should obey you. [ upon For the high extremities she is],

avajieaov 5s xcov xpipcov saxrjKs 3 + rcapd yap nvXaiq

[in the midst and of the paths she stands]. For by [the] gates

8i)vaaxcbv 7iap£8pei)si ev 8e eiaoSoic; Djivsixai 4 + v[idq

of mighty ones she is occupied; and in [the] entrances sings, [saying], You,

co dv0pco7ioi 7rapaKaAxb Kai 7ipoi8|iai e|if|v cpcovfjv

0 men, I comfort; and I let go with my voice

vioiq av9pcb7icov 5 + vofjaaxs dKaKoi 7iavoi)py(av

to [the] sons of men. Comprehend, O guileless ones, astuteness!

01 Se a7ia(8sDxoi ev0sa0s Kap8(av 6 + eiaaKouaaxs jiod

and O uninstructed, insert it in heart! Listen to me!

aejivd yap epcb Kai avoiaco arco xeiXecov

[ serious [things] for I shall speak], and I will offer [ from [my] lips

opGd 7+6x1 aArj0eiav jis^exfjaei o Xdpvy^ [iov

straight [things]]! For [truth shall meditate my throat];

sP5sXi)y|isva 5s evavxiov ejioi) %zikr\ \j/eu5f| s+ jiexd

[ [are] abhorrent and before me lips lying]- [ [are] with

SiKaioawqc; 7idvxa xa pfjjiaxa xod oxojiaxoq jiod

righteousness All the sayings of my mouth];

oi)8ev sv auxofc; cjkoAiov od5s axpayyaAicb8s(; 9 +

nothing in them [is] crooked nor insidious.

7idvxa svcbma xoic; odviotjoi Kai op0d xoic;

All [is] face to face to the ones perceiving; and straight to the ones

SDpioKODai yvcbaiv 10+ Xdpexs 7iai8s(av Kai |ir|

finding knowledge. Receive instruction, and not

apyopiov Kai yvcbaiv imsp %pvaiov SsSoKijiaojievov

silver! and knowledge above [gold tried].

11+ Kpsiaacov yap aocpia Ai0cov 7roAmsXcov 7iav 8e

[ [is] better For wisdom stones [than] very costly]; and every

xijiiov odk d^iov avTT\q saxiv 12+ sycb rj aocpia

esteemed [thing] [ not worth her is]. I wisdom


8 n sv tootco + vuca 20 - Proverbs

KaxsaKfjvcoaa PouAxjv Kai yvcbaiv Kai swoiav sycb

encamped with counsel and knowledge; and [ reflection I

S7i8KaA,sad|ir|v 13+ cpopoc; Kupiou jiiosi aSiKiav vfipiv

called upon]. [The] fear of [the] LORD detests injustice; insolence

is Kai D7ispr|(pav(av Kai odovq 7iovr|pcbv |is|iiar|Ka

also, and pride, and [the] ways of evil ones; [ have detested

Ss sycb 8i£&lt;xcpa|i|isvac; odovq KaKcbv 14+ sjifj pouArj

and I] [the] perverting ways of evil men. [ [are] mine Counsel

Kai aacpd^sia sjifj cppovrjaic; s|if| 8s ia%vq 15+ 81'

and safety]; [ [is] mine intelligence], [ [is] mine and strength]. By

8|ioi3 fiaaikziq Paai^suouai Kai 01 Suvdaxai

me kings reign, and the mighty ones

ypdcpouai SiKaioawqv 16+ 81' sjioi) jisyiaxdvsc;

write righteousness. Through me great men

jisyaMvovxai Kai xupawoi 81' sjioi) Kpaxouai

become magnified, and sovereigns through me take hold

yrjc; 17+ sycb xouc; sjis cpiA,oi)vxac; aya7icb 01 8s

[of the] earth. I [ the ones me being fond of love]; and the ones

sjis ^rjiowTsq supfjaouai %apiv i 8 + nXomoq Kai 86^a

seeking me shall find favor. Wealth and glory

sjioi U7idp%si Kai Kifjaic; itoXkow Kai SiKaioawq 19 +

exist by me, and [ property much] and righteousness.

PsAxiov sjis Kap7ii^sa6ai imsp %pvaiov Kai AiGov

Best to gather my fruit than gold and [ stone

tijiiov xa 8s sjid yswf||iaxa Kpsiaaov apyopiou

precious]; and my produce [is] better [than] [ silver

skXskxou 20+ sv 0801c; SiKaioawqc; 7ispi7raxcb Kai

choice]. [in [the] ways of righteousness I walk], and

avajisoov xpipcov 8iKaicb|iaxoc; avaaxpscpojiai 21 + iva

[in the midst of paths of reason I return]; that

jispiaco xoic; sjis aya7icbaiv imap^iv Kai

I shall portion [ to the ones loving me substance]; and

xouc; Brjaaupouc; auxcbv s|i7iAx|acD ayaGcbv sdv

their treasuries I shall fill up of good [things]. If

avayysiAxjo u|i(v xa Ka0' rjjispav yivojisva

I should announce to you the [things] [ each day happening],

|ivr||iovsi)aco xa s^ aicbvoc; apiBjifjaai 22+ Kopioc;

I will remember [also] [ the [things] of [the] eon to count]. [The] LORD

SKxias |is apxfjv o8cbv avzov sic; spya auxou 23 + 7ipo

created me [the] head of his ways for his works. Before


8 n ev tootco + vuca 20 - Proverbs

tod amvoq sGsjisAioaas |is sv ap%r\ npo tod tt|v

the eon he founded me in [the] beginning, before the [ the

yrjv 7roifjaai 24 + Kai 7ipo tod zaq afivaaovq 7ioif|aai

earth making]; and before the [the abysses making];

7ipo tod 7rpoeA,0s(v zaq 7rr|ydc; tcov D8dTCOv 25 + 7ipo

before the coming forth of the springs of waters; before

tod 6pr| s8paa0fjvai 7ipo 8e 7idvTCOv Podvcov yewd

[ of the mountains [the] seating]; and before all [the] hills he engenders

|is 26+ KDpioq S7ioir|08 %(bpaq Kai aoiKfjTODq Kai

me. [The] LORD made regions, and uninhabited places, and

&amp;Kpa oiKODjieva ttj^dti' ODpavcbv 27+ rjviKa

uttermost parts of the inhabitable world under [the] heavens. When

r|TOi|ia^8 tov ODpavov aD|i7rapfj|irrv aDTcb Kai 6ts

he prepared the heaven, I was present with him, and when

acpcbpi^s tov 8(xdtod Gpovov 87i' avsjicov 28+ rjviKa

he separated his throne upon [the] winds; when

lOXDpd 8710181 T(X dvCO VS(pT| Kai ($q CLGipaksiq 8Tl98l

[strong he made the upward clouds]; and as [safe he made

7ir\yaq Tr\qvii r ODpavov 29+ sv too Ti0evai ttj

[the] springs under heaven]; in the putting [ to the

daXdaar\ aKpiPaajiov aDTOD Kai D8aTa od

sea of his restriction]; and [the] waters shall not

7iap8A,8DaovTai &lt;yc6|iaTOc; aDTOD Kai 00c; ia%Dpd 87ioi8i

go by his mouth; and as [ strong he made

Ta GejieAia Tr\q yr\q 30 + r\\n\v 7iap' aDTcb apjio^ODaa

the foundations of the earth], I was by him. [ being in accord

sycb r\\n\v r\ 7ipoae%aipe Ka6' rjjiepav 8e

I was], in which he rejoiced with. [ each day And]

SDcppaivojxiTv sv 7ipoacb7rco aDTOD ev 7iavTi Kaipcb 31 +

I was glad in front of him at all time,

6t8 svsDcppaivsTO ttjv oikodjisvttv aDVTeXeaac; Kai

[even] when he was pleased with the [ [the] inhabitable world completing], and

svsDcppaivsTO ev vioiq av6pcb7rcov 32+ vdv odv dis

was pleased among [the] sons of men. Now then, O son,

dKODS |iod Kai jiaKdpioi 01 oSodc; jiod

hear me! and blessed [are] the ones [ my ways

cpD^daaovTsq 33+ aKODaaTS aocpiav Kai aocpiaBrjTS Kai

guarding]. Hear wisdom! and you should be wise, and

|ir| a7ioa(ppayf|T8 jiaKdpioq avfjp oq eiaaKODasTai

you should not seal it up. Blessed [is] [the] man who shall listen to


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

20 - Proverbs

|iod Kai dv6p&lt;j07ioc; oq mq £\±aq obovq (pvXatqsi 34 +

me, and [the] man who [ my ways shall guard];

aypi)7rvcbv 87i' sjiaic; dvpaiq Ka6' rjjispav xrjpcbv

being awake at my doors each day, giving heed at

GTaQ[LOvq sjicbv 8ia68cov 35 + aiyap 8^o5oi |iod s^o8oi

[the] doorposts of my entrances. For my issues [are the] issues

Cj0or\q Kai 8TOi|id^8xai d£kr\aiq rcapd Kopiou 3 6 + 01 8s

of life, and [in them] [ is prepared volition] from [the] LORD. But the ones

ajiapxdvovxsc; sic; sjis aaspouaiv sic; zaq sauxcbv

sinning against me are impious unto their own

\\fv%aq Kai 01 jiiaowisc; |is aya7icbai Gdvaxov

souls; and the ones detesting me love death.

9 13

1 + T| ooqna coKo56|ir|asv sauxfj oikov Kai U7rqpsias

Wisdom built to herself a house, and she propped up

axvXovq srcxd 2+ sacpa^s xa sauxfjc; 0i)|iaxa

[columns seven]. She slew the [things] for herself which are offered in sacrifices;

SKspaosv sic; Kpaxfjpa xov sauxfjc; oivov Kai

she mixed into a basin wine for herself, and

rjxoijidaaxo xrjv sauxfjc; xpdrcs^av 3 + aftsaxsiXs

she prepared a table for herself. She sent

Tovq sauxfjc; SouAxroc; avjKakovaa jisxd u\j/r|A,oi)

her own servants, calling together with high

Krjptiyjiaxoc; S7ri Kpaxfjpa Aiyouaa 4 + oq saxiv

proclamation, upon a basin, saying, Whosoever is

dcppcov SKKAivdxoo 7ipoc; |is Kai xoic; svSssai cppsvcbv

a fool, turn aside to me! And to the ones lacking of sense,

si7isv 5 + sABaxs cpdysxs xcov sjicbv dpxcbv Kai 7i(sxs

she said, Come eat of my bread loaves, and drink

oivov ov SKspaaa djjav 6 + a7roA,si7isxs a^poawqv Kai

wine which I mixed for you! Cease folly! and

^f|asa0s Kai ^rjxfjaaxs cppovrjaiv iva Picbarjxs Kai

you shall live. And seek intelligence! that you should spend life. And

KaxopGcbaaxs sv yvcbasi aovsaiv 7+ o 7iai8sT3cov

keep straight [ by knowledge understanding] ! The one correcting

KaKotic; Ar|\j/sxai sauxcb axijiiav sXsy%cov 8s xov aaspfj

evil [men] shall take on himself dishonor; and in reproving, the impious

|ico|xfjasxai sai)xov 8 + jlit| sA,sy%s KaKouc; (va [ir\

scoffs at himself. Do not reprove evil [men] ! so that they should not


9 Q ev tootco + vuca 20 - Proverbs

jiiafjacoai as sA,syxe aocpov Kai aya7rqasi as 9 +

detest you. Reprove a wise [man] ! and he shall love you.

8(5od aocpcb acpopjxfjv Kai aocpcbxepoq saxai

Give to a wise [man] opportunity! and he will be wiser;

yvcbpi^s SiKaico Kai 7rpoa0fjaei tod SsxsaGai 10 +

make [things] known to a just [man]! and he shall proceed to receive [more].

ap%fj aocpiaq cpopoq KopioD Kai Poi)Axj ayioov

[The] beginning of wisdom [is] fear of [the] LORD; and [the] counsel of holy ones

aweaiq to yap yvcbvai vojiov Siavoiac; saTiv

[is] understanding. For to know [the] law [ consideration is

ayaGfjc; n+ todtoo yap tod Tp67ico Ttokvv ^r\as\q %povov

of good]. For in this manner [along you shall live] time,

Kai 7ipoaTS0f|asTai aoi sttj Cf^r\q 12+ dis sdv aocpoq

and [ shall be added to you years of life]. O son, if [wise

ysvrj asaDTcb aocpoc; ear) edv 8s KaKoq

you be], [ to yourself wise you shall be]; and if [ evil

a7iopf|c; [iovoq av avTArjaeic; KaKd 13+ yvvr\

you should turn out to be], [ alone then you shall draw evils]. [ woman

dcppcov Kai Bpaaeia svSefjc; \j/cd|iod yivsTai r| odk

A foolish and bold lacking of a morsel becomes who does not

87i(aTaTai aia%Dvr|v u+ SKdGiaev em dvpaiq

have knowledge of shame]. She sits at [the] doors

tod saDTfjc; oikod 8711 8(cppoD ejicpavcbc; sv 7rAms(aic;

of her own house upon a chair, visibly in [the] squares,

15+ 7ipoaKaAx)D|i8vr| todc; 7iapi6vTac; o86v Kai

calling the ones passing by [the] way, and

KaT£D0DvovTac; sv Taiq oSoiq aDTcbv i6+ oq saTiv

the ones going straight on their ways, [saying], Whoever is

Djicbv acppovsaTaToq eKKAivdTCD npoq |is Kai toic;

most foolish of you, turn aside to me! And to the ones

svSssai cppovf|ascDc; 7iapaKeA£DO|iai AiyoDaa n+ dpTCDV

lacking intelligence I rouse, saying, Bread loaves

KpDcpicov rjSscoq d\j/aa0e Kai DSaTOc; KA,07if|c;

of secrets [ with pleasure you touch], and water of fraud

y^DKspoD 7TISTS 18+ o 8s odk o(8ev 6ti yrjyevsfc; 7iap'

[ sweet you drink] ! But he does not know that earth-born men [ by

aDTTj oAAwcai Kai sni 7iSTaDpov d5oD aDvavTd

her [are] destroyed], and [upon [the] perch of Hades he meets].



20 - Proverbs

10 ■»

i+ vioq aocpoq sucppcuvsi 7iaxspa vioq 8s dcppoov

[ son A wise] gladdens a father, [ son but a foolish]

Xv7ir\ tt] (irjipi 2+ odk oacpsArjaoDai Grjaaupoi

[is] distress to a mother. [ shall not benefit Treasures]

avojiouq SiKaioawq 8s puasxcu sk Bavdxou 3 +

[the] lawless; but righteousness shall rescue from out of death.

od ^ifioKTOvfjasi KT3pioq \\fv%r\v Svxcuav Cf$r\v 8s

[ will not famish [The] LORD soul a just]; but [the] life

aaspcbv avaxps\j/si 4 + 7isvia dv8pa xcursivoi %zipzq 8s

of [the] impious he will prostrate. Poverty [a man humbles]; but [the] hands

avSpsicov TiXovTiCpvciv vioq 7iS7rai8si)|isvoc;

of [the] vigorous enrich. A son being corrected

aocpoc; saxcu too 8s dcppovi Skxkovcd xpfjasxcu 5 +

will be wise; but the foolish [for a servant he will treat].

8isacb0r| euro Kaojiaxoc; vioq vofjjicov avsjiocpBopoq 8s

[ is preserved from sweltering heat son An intelligent]; but destruction by the


ytvsxcu sv ajirjicb vioq 7iapdvo|ioc; 6+ suXoyid Kupiou

comes at [the] harvest [to] a son [who is] a lawbreaker. A blessing of [the] LORD

S7U KscpaArjv 8ikcuou ax6|ia 8s aospcbv KaAtiij/si

[is] upon [the] head of [the] just; but [the] mouth of [the] impious he covers

iizvdoq dcopov 7+ |ivfj|ir| Sikcuou |isx' syKcojiiou

[mourning [with] untimely]. Remembrance of [the] just [is] with commendation;

ovojia 8s aazfiovq aPsvvoxcu 8 + aocpoc; Kap8(a Ss^sxcu

but [the] name of [the] impious [is] extinguished. A wise heart shall receive; o 8s daxsyoc; %s(A,sai aKoAid^cov

commandments; but the open-mouthed [ lips by crooked

U7ioaKsAia6fjasTai 9 + oq 7iopsi)sxai anhbq

shall be tripped up]. [The one] who goes simply,

7iopsi3sxai 7iS7roi6cbc; o 8s Siaaxpscpcov zaq odovq avzov

goes complying; but the one perverting his ways

yvcoaGfjasxcu 10+0 swsticov ocpBaXjiov jisxd 86X01)

shall be known. The beckoning eye with treachery

auvdysi avSpdai Xvnaq o 8s sA,sy%cov jisxd 7iappr|aiac;

gathers [for men distresses]; but the one reproving with an open manner

siprjvo7ioisi 11+ 7ir|yf| CpOT\q sv xsipi Sikcuou axojia

makes peace. [The] spring of life [is] in [the] hand of [the] just; [ [the] mouth

8s aaspotic; KaAri\j/si curcoXsia 12 + [daoq sysipsi vsikoc;

but of [the] impious shall cover destruction]. Hatred raises up altercation;




20 - Proverbs

Tiavmq 8s xovq jir| cpiXovsiKowxac; KaAimij/si qnAia

[all but theories not fond of altercations shall cover friendship].

13+ oq 8K %siXscdv 7rpocpspsi aoqnav pdpSco

[The one] who [ from [his] lips brings forth wisdom], [ [with] a rod

ximxsi dv5pa aK&amp;p5iov i 4 + aocpoi Kpuij/ODaiv a(a6r|aiv

beats man [the] heartless]. [The] wise shall hide perception;

axojia 5s 7rpo7isxoi)c; syyi^ei aDvxpipfj i 5 + Kifjaic;

but [the] mouth of [the] precipitous approaches destruction. [The] property

7rA,ODai&lt;DV itokiq o%vpa auvxpipfj 8s aaspcbv 7isv(a

of rich men [city [is] a fortified]; but destruction of impious ones [is] poverty.

i6+ spya SiKaioov ^oofjv 7iois( Kap7i6c;8s aaspcbv

[The] works of [the] just [life produce]; but [the] fruit of [the] impious

ajiapxiac; n+ o5cn3c; Cj®r\q (puAxxaasi 7iai8s(a 7iai8sia 8s

[produces] sins. [ [the] ways of life keeps Instruction], but instruction

avs^s^syKxoc; 7iA,avdxai is+ KaAimxoDaiv s%6pav %zikr\

unascertained wanders. [ cover hatred lips

8iKaia oi 5s siccpspovxsc; AxnSopiac;

Just]; but the ones bringing forth reviling

acppovsaxaxoi siaiv 19+ sk noXvXoyiaq odk sK(psi)^r|

are most foolish. By many words you shall not flee from

ajiapxiav cpsiSojisvoc; 5e %s\ks(DV vof||icov ear) 20 +

sin; but in the sparing of [your] lips you will be intelligent.

dpyopoc; 7r£7iDpcD|i8voc; ykcbaaa SiKaioi) Kap8(a 8s

[ [is] silver being purified [The] tongue of [the] just]; but [the] heart

acEfiovq skA,suj/si 21+ %zikr\ 8iKa(cov S7Uoxaxai v\\fr(ka

of [the] impious shall fail. [The] lips of just ones have knowledge of high

01 8s dcppovsc; sv sv8s(a xsA,si)xcbaiv 22 + siAoyia

but the fools [with lack come to an end]. [The] blessing

KDpioi) 87ii KscpaAxjv SiKaioi) ai3xr| 7rAx)am^si Kai

of [the] LORD upon [the] head of [the] just — this enriches, and

od |ir| 7rpoaxs0fj aDxfj Xv7ir\ sv Kap8(a 23+ sv ysAxoxi

in no way shall [ be added to it distress in heart]. With laughter

dcppcov 7ipdaasi Kara rj 8s aocpia av8pi xikxsi

a fool commits evils; but wisdom [ to a man births

cppovrjaiv 24+ sv a7icoA,sia aazfir\q 7ispi(pspsxai

intelligence]. By destruction an impious man [is] carried round about;

S7ii0D|iia 8s SiKaioi) 8skxt| 25 + 7iapa7ropsi)0|isvr|c;

but [the] desire of [the] just [is] accepted. In [the] coming

KaxaiyiSoq acpavi^sxai o aazfir\q SiKaioq 8s SKKAivac;

of [the] blast [ [are] obliterated the impious]; but [the] just in turning aside


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

acb^exai sic; xov aicbva 26 + cbo7isp ojicpa^ oSotiai

escapes into the eon. As an unripe grape to [the] teeth

PAxxPspov Kai Kaizvoq 6|i|iaaiv odxcoc; 7iapavo|iia

is hurtful, and smoke to [the] eyes; thus unlawfulness

xoic; xpcojisvoic; aDxfj n + cpoPoc; KopiOD 7rpoax(6r|aiv

to the ones dealing with it. [The] fear of [the] LORD adds

rjjispac; exrj 8s aaspcbv oXiycoGfjaeTai 2 s+ syxpovi^ei

days; but [the] years of [the] impious shall be lessened. [ lingers

SiKaioiq SDcppoawq shiiq 8s aaspcbv oAAmai 29 +

with [the] just Gladness]; but [the] hope of [the] impious shall be destroyed.

o%Dpco|ia oaioi) cpoPoc; KopiOD aDvxpipfj 8s xoic;

[ is [the] fortress of [the] sacred [The] fear [of the] LORD]; but destruction to

spyatpjisvoic; K(XK(X 30 + SiKaioq sic; tov aicbva odk

ones working evils. [The] just [ into the eon shall not

svScbasi aaepefc; 8s odk oiKqaoDai yrjv 31+ axojia

give way]; but [the] impious shall not live on [the] earth. [The] mouth

SiKa(oi) a7ioaxd^ei aocpiav yAxbaaa 8e a8iKOD

of [the] just drops wisdom; but [the] tongue of [the] unjust

s^o^eixai 32+ %£ih\ avSpcbv 8iKa(cov a7ioaxd^ei

shall be totally ruined. [The] lips [ men of just] drop

%dpixac; axojia 8s aospcbv a7roaxpecp8xai

favors; but [the] mouth of [the] impious is perverted.

11 &gt;T

1+ Cpjoi 86X101 pSsA^Dyjia evcb7iiov KopiOD

[ yoke [balance scales] Deceitful] [are] an abomination before [the] LORD;

axdGjiiov 8e Sucaiov 8skx6v aDxcb 2+ od sdv

[weight but a just] [is] acceptable to him. Where ever

eiaeXGrj i&gt;Ppic; SKei Kai axijiia axojia 8s xa7ieivcbv

[ should enter insult], [there [is] also dishonor]; but [the] mouth of [the] humble

jie^exd aocpiav 3+ a7io0avcbv Sucaioc; slurs jisxd|isAx)v

meditates upon wisdom. [in dying [The] just forsakes regret];

7rp6xsipoc; 8s ytvsxai Kai S7ri%apxoc; aaspcbv a7icbXsia

but beforehand [ takes place and incurs ridicule [of the] impious [the]

4+ xslsioxrjc; sdGsicov oSrjyfjasi aDxotic; Kai

[The] soundness of [the] upright will guide them; and

D7roaKeAia|i6c; aGsxowccov 7ipovo|isDasi aDxotic;

a fall [ [the] ones disregarding will plunder] them.

odk cocpeArjaei D7idp%ovxa sv rjjispa 0d|iod Kai

[ will not benefit Possessions] in [the] day of rage; and


11 &gt;r
8V TOT/CCp + VtKCl

20 - Proverbs

SiKaioawq ptiasxai goto Gavdxoi) 5+ 8iKaio&lt;y6vr|

righteousness shall rescue from death. Righteousness

ajicb|ioD op0oxo|isi oSotic; aaspsia 8s 7rspuu7rxsi

unblemished cuts straight ways; but impiety falls among

a8iKia 6+ SiKaioawq avSpcbv op0cbv ptiasxai auxcnjc;

injustice. Righteousness [ men of upright] shall rescue them;

ttj 8s aPouAia aAicncovxai 7iapdvo|ioi 7+ xsA,si)xf|aavxoc;

but by thoughtlessness [ [are] captured lawbreakers]. Of the coming to an end

avSpoq SiKaioi) odk oAAmai sAmc; xo 5e Km3%r||ia

[man of a just] [ is not destroyed hope]; but the boasting

xcov aaspcbv oAAmai 8 + Sixaioc; sk dr\paq skStjvsi

of the impious is destroyed. [The] just [from out of a trap are taken];

avx' ai)X0T3 8s 7iapa8(8oxai o aaspfjc; 9+ sv axojiaxi

[instead of him and is delivered up the impious one]. In [the] mouth

aaspcbv 7iay(c; noXhaiq aiaGrjaic; 8s Sikcxicov

of impious [men] [is] a snare to fellow-countrymen; but [the] perception of just


stioSoc; 10+ sv ayaGofc; Sikcxicgv KaxcbpGcoas noXiq

is prosperous. By [the] good [things] of just [men] [[is] set up a city];

Kai sv a7T(joA£ia aaspcbv ayaAAiajia n+ ev suXoyia

and in [the] destruction of [the] impious [there is] a leap for joy. By [the]

sdGsicov u\j/co0f|asxai itoXiq axojiaai 8s aaspcbv

of [the] upright [ shall be exalted a city]; but [by the] mouths of impious [men]

KaxeaKacpfjasxai 12+ jiDKxrjpi^si noXvcaq svSsfjc;

it shall be razed. [ sneers at fellow-countrymen A [man] lacking

cppsvcbv avfjp 8s cppovijioc; r\av%iav dysi 13+ avfjp

of sense]; [man but an intelligent restfully leads]. A man

8(yAxjoaaoc; a7ioKaXi)7rxsi fiovXaq sv awsSpico

[being] double-tongued uncovers plans in [the] sanhedrin;

KiGToq 8s 7ivof| Kpimxsi rcpdy jiaxa h + oiq |irj

but [the] trustworthy [man] in breath [hidden [keeps] matters]. [The] ones who do

D7idp%ei KDpspvrjaic; 7ii7ixoDaiv cba7isp (pvXka

exist with guidance fall as leaves;

acoxrjpia 8s D7idpxsi sv 7ioAAx| PodAt| 15+ 7iovr|p6c;

but deliverance exists in much counsel. [The] wicked [man]

KaK07rois( oxav ai)|i(ii^r| SiKaico jiiasi 8s r\%ov

does evil whenever he mixes with a just [man]; and he detests [the] sound

aacpaXsiac; 16+ yvvr\ si)%dpiaxoc; sysipsi av8p(

of safety. [ wife A gracious] raises [ to [her] husband

86^av Gpovoq 8s axijiiaq ywq jiiacyoaa Strata

glory]; but a throne of dishonor [is] a wife detesting righteous [things].


11 &gt;r

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

20 - Proverbs

7tA,ot3tod OKvrjpoi svSssfc; yivovxai 01 8s avSpsioi

[ of riches [The] lazy lacking become]; but the vigorous

sps(8ovxai 7tXot3tco n+ tt] \\fv%r\ avzov ayaGov 7cois(

establish riches. [ to his soul good does

avfjp e^sfjiicov s^oAArisi 8s avzov acbjia o

man A merciful]; [ totally ruins but his body the

avsA,sfi|icov i8+ aaspfjc; 7cois( spya d8vxa a7isp|ia 8s

unmerciful]. [The] impious do [ works unjust]; but [the] seed

SiKaicov [iiadoq aAx|0s(ac; i 9 + vioq SiKaioq yswdxai siq

of [the] just [is a] wage of truth. [son A just] engenders unto

^oofjv Sicoyjioq 8e aaspouc; sic; Gdvaxov 20 +

life; but [the] persecution of [the] impious [is] unto death.

pSe^uyjia icupico Sisaxpajijisvai 0801 7cpoa8sKxoi

[ [are] an abomination [to the] LORD Perverting ways]; [ [are] acceptable

8s auxcb 7cdvxsc; d|ico|ioi sv o8cb 21+ X 8l P^

but to him all unblemished [ones] in [the] way]. [ against a hand

Xsipac; ejiPaAxbv aSiKcoq odk axi|icbpr|xoc; saxai

hands [The] one putting unjustly not unpunished will be]

KaKcbv o 8s a7i8ipcov SiKaioawqv Ar|\j/sxai jiiaGov

of evils; but the one sowing righteousness shall receive [ wage

7iiax6v 22+ cba7isp evcbxiov %puaoi3v sv pivi voq

a trustworthy]. As a ring of gold in a nose of a pig;

ot3xco yuvand Koucocppovi KoXkoq 23+ 87ii0D|iia 8iKa(cov

so [woman to an evil-minded beauty]. [ [the] desire of [the] just

7idaa aya0fj sAmc; 8s aaspcbv a7coA,sixai 24 + siaiv 01

All] [is] good; but [the] hope of [the] impious shall perish. There are the ones

xa 181a a7T£ipovxsc; 7cA,sk&gt;va noiovaiv siai 8s Kai

[ [their] own [seed] sowing more making]; and there are also

01 auvdyovxsc; slaxxovouvxai 25+ \|A)%f| suXoyoi)|isvr|

the ones gathering having less. [ soul is being blessed

7idaa a7iAx| avfjp 8s 0i)jicb8r|c; odk sva%r\[i(DV 26+0

Every sincere]; but a man inclined to rage is not decent. [ the one

&lt;tdv8%cdv crixov D7roA,8i7roixo auxov xoic; s0vsaiv

hoarding grain May] leave it to the nations;

su^oyia 8s sic; Ks^aArjv xou jisxaSiSovxoq 27 +

but a blessing [be] on [the] head of the one sharing.

xsKxaivojisvoc; aya0d ^rjxsi %dpiv aya0fjv

[The] one contriving good [things] seeks [ favor good];

SK^rjxowxa 8s Kara KaxaAxjysxai auxov 28+0

but [the one] seeking evil [things], [evil] shall overtake him. The


12 T

8V TOVjlCp + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

7r£7ioi9cbc; S7il 7tXot3tco scxdxotj omoq 7isas(xai o 8s

one yielding upon his own riches, this one shall fall; but the one

avxiA,a|iPav6|isvoc; Sikcxicdv avaxs^si 29+0 jlit|

assisting just men shall rise. The one not

&lt;XD|i7rspicpsp6|isvoc; too sauxcyo oikco KAx|povo|if|asi

being accommodating to his own house shall inherit

dvsjiov SouXsuasi 8s dcppcov cppovijico 30+ sk

[the] wind; [ will be a slave and [the] fool] to [the] intelligent. From out of

Kap7ioi3 8iKaioawr|c; cpusxai 8sv8pov ^cofjc;

[the] fruit of righteousness germinates a tree of life;

acpaipowxai 8s dcopoi \\fv%ai 7iapav6|icDV 31 +

[ are removed but [at] unseasonable times [the] lives of lawbreakers].

si o jisv SiKaioq [i6Xiq acb^sxai o aaspfjc; Kai

If then [the] just [are] hardly delivered, the impious one and
ajiapxooXoc; 7TOD cpavsixai

[the] sinner, where shall he appear?

12 V

1 + o aya7icbv 7iai8s(av aya7id aiaGrjaiv o 8s jiiacbv

The one loving instruction loves perception; but the one detesting

sXsyxodc; dcppcov 2+ Kpsioacov o supcbv %apiv 7iapd

reproofs [is] a fool. Better the one finding favor from

Kupico avfjp 8s 7rapdvo|ioc; 7iapaaico7rr|0f|asTai 3+ od

[the] LORD; but a man [who is] a lawbreaker shall be silenced. [ will not

KcxxopGcbasi dv0pcD7ioc; s^ avojiou ai 8s pi^ai xoov

keep straight A man] by a lawless deed; but the roots of the

SiKcxicov odk s^apGfjaovxai 4+ yuvfj av8ps(a axscpavoc;

just shall not be lifted away. [ wife A courageous] [is] a crown

too av8p( auxfjc; cba7isp 8s sv ^6Axd aKcbArj^ ctdxcdc;

to her husband; but as [ in wood [the] worm], so

dv8pa anoXkvai yovfj kcxkottoioc; 5+ Xoyiajioi

[ [her] husband destroys wife an evil doing]. [The] devices

8ikcxicdv Kpijiaxa Kupspvcbai 8s aaspsfc; 86Xouc; 6 +

of [the] just [are true] judgments; [devise but [the] impious] treachery.

Xoyoi aaspcbv 86X101 siq aijia axojia 8s opGcbv

[The] words of [the] impious [are] deceitful for blood; but the mouth of [the]

ptiasxai avTOvq 7+ ou sdv axpacpfj o aaspfjc;

shall rescue them. Of which ever [time] [ should be [over] turned the impious]

acpavi^sxai oikoiSs Sikcxicdv 7iapa|isvcy6ai 8 + axojia

he vanishes; but [the] houses of [the] just remain. [The] mouth

12 T

8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

auvsxoi) syKcojiid^sxai D7i6 av5p6q vcoGpoKdpSioc; 8s

of [the] discerning is lauded by a man; but [the] dull of heart

jiDKiripi^sxai 9+ Kpsiaocov avfjp ev axijiia SodXstjcov

is sneered at. Better a man with dishonor serving

eauxco r| xi|if|v eauxco nspmdsiq kcu 7rpoa8e6|ievoc;

himself, than [ value on himself one putting], and feeling want

dpxou io+ SiKaioq oiKxsipei \\fv%aq Kxrjvcov avzov xa 8s

of bread. A just one pities [the] lives of his cattle; but the

anXayxva xcov aaspcbv avsA£f||iova u+ o

feelings of compassion of the impious are unmerciful. The

epya^ojisvoc; xrjv eauxoi) yrjv s|i7iAx|a6f|aexai dpxcov

one working his own ground shall be filled up with bread loaves;

oi 8s Sicokovxsc; jidxaia evSeefc; cppsvcbv oq saxiv

but the ones pursuing vain [things] are lacking of sense. The one who is

rjSijq sv oivcov SiaxpiPaiq ev xoic; eauxou

pleasure-bent in wine [drinking] pastimes, [ in his own

o%upcb|iaai KaxaXeuj/si axijiiav n+ S7ii0D|iiai aaspcbv

fortresses shall leave behind dishonor]. [The] desires of [the] impious

Kami ai 8s pi^ai xcov suaspcbv sv o^Dpcbjiaai 13 +

[are] evil [things]; but the roots of the pious are in fortresses.

Sid ajiapxiav %siAicov S|i7ri7ixsi sic; 7iay(8a(;

Through [the] sin of [the] lips [ falls into snares

ajiapxcoXoc; SKtpsuysi 8s auxcbv Sixaioq i 4 + arco

a sinner]; [flees but from them [the] just]. From

Kap7icbv axojiaxoc; \\fv%r\ avSpoq 7iAx|a0f|aexai ayaBcov

fruits of [the] mouth a soul of a man shall be filled of good [things];

avxa7t68o|ia 8e %e\Xe(ov avzov a7io8o6fjasxai CXDXCO 15 +

and a recompense of his lips shall be rendered to him.

0801 acppovcov opGai 8vcb7iiov auxcbv eiaaKouei 8s

[The] ways of fools [are] straight before them; [ listens to but

aujiPouAiac; aocpoq i 6 + dcppcov auGfjjiepov s^ayysAlsi

advice [the] wise]. A fool daily publishes

opyfjv avTOV Kpimxei Se xijv eauxoi) axijiiav

his anger; [ hides but his own dishonor

navovpyoq n+ £7ri8eiKVD|ievr|v 7uaxiv a7iayysAlei

one astute]. [ by displaying trust reports

Sikcuoc; o 8e jidpxuc; xcov aSfxcov 86Aaoc; i 8 + eiaiv

[The] just man]; but the witness of the unjust [is] deceitful. There are

01 Aiyovxec; xixpcbaKouaiv coc; |id%aipa yfabccai 8s

the ones speaking — they pierce as a sword; but [the] tongues


8V TOVjlCp + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

aocpcbv icbvxai 19+ %£ikr\ aAxjGivd KaxopGoi jiapxDpiav

of [the] wise heal. [ lips True] straighten testimony;

(i&amp;piDc; 5s xajbq yXcbaaav s%si d5iKov 20+ SoXoq sv

[witness but a quick tongue has an unjust]. Treachery [is] in

Kap5(a xsKxaivojisvou KaKd 01 5s PodXojisvoi

[the] heart of [the] one contriving evils; but the ones wanting
sipfjvrjv sucppavGfjaovxai 21 + odk apsasi xco SiKaico

peace shall be glad. [ shall not please the just

od5sv &amp;5ikov 01 5s aazfisiq 7iAr|a9f|aovxai KaKcbv

Anything unjust]; but the impious shall be filled with bad [things].

22 + p8skvj[ia icupicD %zikr\ \j/si)5f| o 5s 7ioicbv

[ [are] an abomination [to the] LORD lips Lying]; but the one dealing

7uaxsic; Sskxoc; 7iap' auxcb 23+ avfjp auvsxoc; Gpovoq

in trust [is] accepted by him. [ man A discerning] [is] a throne

aiaGfjascoq Kap5(a 5s acppovcov auvavxfjasxai apaiq 24+

of perception; but [the] heart of fools shall meet with curses.

%sip skA,8kxcov Kpaxfjaei su%spcbc; 56Aioi 5s saovxai

[The] hand of chosen men shall prevail easily; but [the] deceitful will be

sic; 7ipovo|if|v 25+ cpopspoc; Xoyoq KapSiav xapdaasi

for plunder. A fearful word [ [the] heart disturbs]

avSpoc; ayysAia 5e ayaGfj sucppaivsi auxov 26 +

of a man; [ message but a good] gladdens him.

87iiyvcb|icov SiKaioq sauxof) (pikoq saxai

[arbitrator a just of himself A friend will be];

ajiapx&amp;vovxac; 5s KaxaSicb^sxai KaKd r| 5s o56q xcov

but [the] ones sinning pursue evil [things], and the way of the

aaspcbv 7iA,avf|asi aDxotic; 2 ?+ odk S7uxsf)^sxai

impious misleads them. [ shall not succeed in

SoAioc; dr\paq Kxfjjia 5s xijiiov avfjp KaGapoq 28 +

A deceitful man] hunting; [possession but [is] an esteemed man a pure].

sv odoiq SiKaioawrjq ^cofj o5o( 5s jivrjaiKaKcov siq

In [the] ways of righteousness [is] life; but [the] ways of [the] resentful [are]


13 x*

1+ moq navovpyoq D7rfjKooc; 7iaxp( vioq 5s avfjKooq

[son An astute] [is] subject to [his] father; [son but anunhearing]

sv a7icoXsia 2+ arco Kap7icbv SiKaioawqc; cpdysxai

[goes] unto destruction. From fruits of righteousness [ shall eat


13 r ev tootco + vdca 20 - Proverbs

ayaGoc; \jA)%a( 8s 7iapav6|icov oXovvmi dcopoi 3 +

[the] good]; but [the] lives of lawbreakers will be destroyed unseasonably.

oq cpuAxxaasi to sauxou axojia xrjpsi xrjv sauxoi)

[The] one who guards his own mouth gives heed to his own

\j/u%f|v o 8s 7tp07i£Tfjc; %s(A,sai 7ixof|asi sauxov 4+ sv

soul; but the one [with] precipitous lips shall terrify himself. [ with

S7ii0D|iiai(; sail naq aspyoc; %s(psc; 5s avSpsioov

desire is Every idle [man]]; but [the] hands of [the] vigorous

sv S7ii(isXsia 5 + Xoyov &amp;8ikov jiiosi SiKaioq aaspfjc; 8s

[are] caring. [ word an unjust detest [The] just]; but [the] impious man

aia%i&gt;vsxai Kai ouk s^si 7iappr|aiav 6 + SiKaioawq

is ashamed, and shall not have an open manner. Righteousness

cpuXdaasi (xk&amp;kouc; o8cb xouc; 8s aasPsic; (pavXovq

guards [the] guileless in [the] way; but the [ impious ones vile]

7iois( ajiapxia 7+ siaiv 01 nXoviiipVTsq sauxouc;

produce sin. There are the ones enriching themselves,

|ir|8sv s%ovxsc; Kai siaiv 01 xa7isivowcsc; savzovq

[ nothing having]; and there are the ones abasing themselves

sv 7ioAM) 7tXot3tco 8 + Ampov av8poq \|A)%f|c; o 1810c;

with many riches. [ is [the] ransom A man's of [his] life own

7iAxy6xoc; Ki&amp;ypq 8s ov% uqnaxaxai a7rsiArjv 9+ (pox;

riches]; but [the] poor does not stand at intimidation. Light

SiKaioiq hmnavxoq (pcoq aaspcbv apswuxai 10+ KaKoc;

to [the] just [is] always; light for [the] impious [is] extinguished. An evil man

|is0' tippsooc; 7ipdaasi Kara 01 8s auxcbv S7iiyvcb|iovsc;

[ with insult practices evil]; but the [ themselves [are] arbitrating

aocpoi 11+ imap^ic; S7ria7tou8a^o|isvr| jisxd avojiiac;

wise]. Substance being hastily [obtained] with lawlessness

sldaaoov yivsxai o 8s auvdyoov sauxcb |isx' suaspsiac;

[less becomes]; but the one gathering for himself with piety

7rAr|6uv9f|asxai Sixaioc; oiKxsipsi Kai Ki%pd 12 +

shall be multiplied. [The] just pities and lends.

Kpsiaacov svapxojisvoq PorjGcbv Kap8(a xou

Better [is the] one commencing help in heart, [than] the one

S7rayysAlo|isvou Kai sic; sAm8a dyovxoc; 8sv8pov yap

promising, and [ to hope leads [another]]; [ [is] a tree for

Cj0or\q S7ii0u|iia aya0fj 13+ oq Kaxacppovsi

of life desire a good]. The one who disdains

7ipdy|iaxoc; KaxacppovrjGfjasxai s^ auxoi) o 8s

a matter, shall be disdained by it; but the


13 v ev xoiJTCp + vdca 20 - Proverbs

(poPoi3|i8VO(; svtoAt|v omoq uyiaivsi mcb 8oAico

one fearing a commandment, this one is in health. [ son To a deceitful]

ou8sv saxai ayaGov oiksxt| 8s aotpcb stioSoi saovxai

nothing will be good; [ servant but a wise prosperous will be]

7ip&amp;^sic; Kai KaxeuGuvGrjaexai r| odoq avzov u+ vojioc;

in actions, and [ shall prosper his way]. [The] law

oocpoi) 7ir|yf| tfd^q o 5s avovq U7i6 7iay(8oc;

for [the] wise [is] a spring of life; but the mindless man [ by a snare

Gavsixai 15+ avvsaiq ayaGfj 8(8coai %apiv xo 8s yvcbvai

shall die]. [understanding Good] gives favor; but to know

vojiov Siavoiac; soxiv ayaGfjc; 0801 8s

[the] law [ consideration is of good]; but [the] ways

Kaxacppovowxcov sv a7rcoA,s(a

of the disdaining [end] in destruction. Every astute [man]

7ipdaasi jisxd yvcbascoc; o 8s dcppcov s^srcsxaasv

acts with knowledge; but the fool spreads forth

sauxoi) Koudav n+ fiaoikzvq Qpaavq 7isasixai sic; KaKd

[for himself evil]. [king A rash] falls into evils;

dyys^oq 8s aocpoq puasxai auxov 18+ 7TSVIOV KCXl

[ messenger but a wise] shall rescue him. Poverty and

axipiav acpaipsixai 7iai8s(a o 8s tpu^daacov sksy%ovq

dishonor are removed by instruction; and the one guarding reproofs

8o^aa0fjasxai 19+ S7ii0D|iiai aaspcbv rj8i3vouai \\fv%r\v

shall be extolled. [The] desires of [the] impious delight [the] soul;

spya 8s aaspcbv jiaKpdv arco yvcbascoc; 20 +

but [the] works of [the] impious [are] far from knowledge.

&lt;xo|i7i;opsu6|isvoc; aocpofc; aocpoc; sorj o 8s

[The one] going with wise men, will be wise; but the

oi)|i7ropsu6|isvo(; dcppoai yvcoaGfjasxai 21 +

one going with fools shall be known.

ajiapxdvovxac; KaxaSicb^sxai KaKd xouc; 8s Svxaiouc;

[ ones sinning shall pursue Evils]; but [[the] just

KaxaAr|\j/sxai ayaGd 22+ ayaGoc; avfjp KAxipovojifjasi

shall overtake good [things]]. A good man shall inherit

viovq mcbv Grjaaupi^sxai 8s Sixaioic; nXomoq

sons of sons; [ [are] treasured up and [for the] just [the] riches

aaspcbv 23+ SiKaioi 7roifjaouaiv sv 7iAxy6xco sxrj

of [the] impious]. [The] just shall spend [in wealth years

noXXd d8iKoi 8s a7roA,cy6vxai oDvxojicoq 24 + oq

many]; but [the] unjust shall perish suddenly. [The] one who


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20 - Proverbs

cpsiSsxai Tr\q PaKxrjpiac; jiiasi xov mov auxou o 8s

spares the staff detests his son; but the

aya7icbv S7ii|isAxbc; 7icu8si)si 25+ Sikcuoc; sa0cov

one loving carefully corrects. [The] just in eating

s|i7rurA,dxai xttv \\fv%r\v avzov \\fv%ai 8s aaspcbv svSssk;

fills up his soul; but souls of [the] impious [go] lacking.

14 7^

1 + oocpcu yuvaixsc; CDKo56|ir|aav oixouc; rj 8s dcppoov

Wise women build houses; but the foolish

KaxsaKcuj/s xcuc; %spo(v auxfjc; 2+0 7iopsu6|isvoc;

razes [her house] [by] her hands. The one going

opGcbq cpopdxai xov rcopiov o 8s aKoXid^cov xcuc;

rightly fears the LORD; but the crooked one [ in

0801c; avxov axijiaoGfjaexai 3 + sk axojiaxoc;

his ways shall be dishonored]. From out of [the] mouth

acppovoov PaKxrjpia uPpsooc; %zikr\ 8s aocpobv cpuAxxaasi

of fools [is] a staff of insult; but [the] lips of [the] wise keep

auxotic; 4 + ou jir| sioi Pose; cpdxvai KaGapai ou 8s

them. Where there are no oxen, [the] stables [are] clean; and where

itoXka yswf||iaxa cpavspd Pooq icxvq 5+ fidpxuc;

[there is] much produce, [ [is] apparent of [the] ox [the] strength]. [witness

7riax6c; od \j/si)8sxai SKKaisi 8s \j/su8fj jidpxuc;

A trustworthy] does not lie; [ kindles but a lying witness]

dSiKoq 6+ ^rjxfjasic; aocpiav 7iapd KaKoiq Kai oux

unjust [acts]. You shall seek wisdom with bad men, and you shall not

supfjasic; aiaGrjaic; 8s 7iapd cppovijioic; su%spfjc; 7 +

find [it]; but good sense from [the] intelligent [is] easily managed.

7idvxa svavxia av8pi dcppovi oiika 8s aiaBfjasooc;

All [things] [are] adverse [man to a foolish]; [ [are] shields but for good sense

XsiArj aocpd s+ oocpia 7iavoi)pyoov S7iiyvobasxai

lips wise]. [The] wisdom of [the] astute will realize

zaq odovq auxobv dvoia 8s acppovoov sv 7iA,dvr| 9 h

their ways; but the thoughtlessness of fools [leads] unto delusion.

oiKiai 7iapav6|icDV ocpsiArjaouoi KaGapiajiov oiKiai 8s

[The] houses of lawbreakers shall owe cleansing; but [the] houses

SiKcucDV 8skxcu 10+ KcxpSia avSpoc; aiaGrjxiKfj A,D7ir|pd

of [the] just are acceptable. [The] heart of a man is sensitive [ distress

\jA)%f| avTOV oxav 8s sucppaivrjxai ouk S7ii|iiyvuxai

of his soul's]; but whenever he should be glad, he shall not intermix


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8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

i3Ppsi 11+ oiKiai aaspcbv acpaviaGfjaovxai aicqvaiSs

insult. [The] houses of [the] impious shall be obliterated; but [the] tents

KaxopGowcoov axfjaovxai 12 + saxiv odoq r\ 5oks(

of [the] ones keeping straight shall stand. There is a way which seems

opGfj sivai 7iapd av6pcb7roic; xa 5s xsA^euxaia auxfjc;

to be straight by men, but the finalities of it

sp%exai sic; 7ro6|ieva &amp;5ou n + sv eucppooDvaic; ou

come into [the] lower branch of Hades. [with gladness does not

7ipoa|iiyvDxai Xv7ir\ xs^suxaia 5e xapdq 8l( ^ TisvGoq

mingle Distress]; and [the] finality of joy [into mourning

spxsxai H + xcov sai)X0T3 o5cbv 7iAr|a6f|aexai

comes]. [ his own ways shall be filled with

6pa&lt;yoK&amp;p8ioc; goto 5s xcov 5iavor||idxcov avzov avfjp

[The] bold-hearted]; [ with and his thoughts man

ayaBoc; i 5 + aKoucoc; 7riax£i)ei rcavxi Xoyoo 7iavof)pyoc; 5s

a good]. [The] guileless believe every word; but [the] astute one

sp%exai sic; jisx&amp;voiav i 6 + aocpoc; (poPrjGeic; e^eicAivev

comes to repentance. A wise man, fearing, turns aside

goto k(xkot3 o 5s dcppcov sauxcb 7i87roi9cb(; jiiyvoxai

from evil; but the fool, yielding to himself, mixes in

avojico 17+ o^dGujioc; 7ipdaaei |iexd aPouAiaq

with [the] lawless one. A man quick to rage acts with thoughtlessness;

avfjp 5s (ppovijioq itoXka U7io(pspsi is+ jispiowxai

[man but an intelligent many [things] endures]. [ shall portion

dcppovec; Koudav oi 5e 7iavoi)pyoi Kpaxfjaouaiv

Fools] evil; but the astute shall hold to

aiaGfjascDc; 19+ oAaaBfjaoDai kockoi svavxi ayaGcbv Kai

good sense. [ shall slip Evil men] before good [men]; and

aaepsiq 0spa7r£i)aouai dvpaq SiKaicov 20+ (pikoi

[the] impious will attend [the] doors of [the] just. Friends

(iiafjaouai (pikovq 7rx&lt;jo%of)c; 91X01 5s 7iAx)uaicov noXXoi

shall detest [friends poor]; but friends of [the] rich [are] many.

21+0 axijid^cov 7T8vr|xac; ajiapxdvei eXecbv 5s

The one dishonoring [the] needy sins; but [the] one showing mercy

7ixco%(y6c; jiaicapiaxoc; 22+ 7iA,avcb|ievoi xeKxaivouai KaKd

on [the] poor [is] most blessed. [The] ones wandering contrive evils;

sXsov 5s Kai aArjGeiav xsKxaivouaiv ayaGoi ouk

but mercy and truth are contrived by [the] good. [ do not

87i(axavxai eXsov Kai 7i(axiv xskxovsc; KaKcbv

have knowledge of mercy and trust [The] fabricators of evils];


14 v

8V TOfjlCp + vuca

20 - Proverbs

sA£T]|io&lt;y6vai 8s Kai 7uaxsic; 7iapa xskxoctiv ayaGofc; 23 +

but charity and trust [are] by [fabricators good].

sv 7iavTi jiepijivcovTi svsaxi 7ispiaa6v o 5s r\6vq

With every one having concern there is extra; but the pleasure-bent

Kai avaAyrjxoc; sv sv8s(a soxai 24+ axscpavoc; aocpcbv

and unfeeling [with lack will be]. [The] crown of [the] wise
7iAxy6xoc; auxcbv r| 8s 8iaxpipf| acppovcov KaKfj 25 +

[is] their riches; but the pastime of fools [is] evil.

puosxai KaKcbv \\fv%r\v jiapxuc; 7iiax6c; SKKaisi 8s

[ shall rescue from evils a soul witness A trustworthy]; [ kindles but

\j/SDSfj 86Aioc; 26+ sv (popoo KDpioi) skniq icxvoq

lying a deceitful [man]]. In [the] fear of [the] LORD hope [is] strength;

xoic; 8s xskvok; avTOV KaxaXsi7isi spsiajia 27 +

and to his children he leaves a support.

7ip6axayjia Kupiou 7ir|yf| tfft^q 7iois( 8s skkXivsiv

[The] order of [the] LORD [is] a spring of life, and it causes one to turn aside

sk 7iay(8oc; Gavaxou 28+ sv 7ioAM) s0vsi 86^a

from [the] snare of death. [ [is] in an abundant nation Glory

PaaiXscoq sv 8s skXsuj/si Xaov awcpipfj Swdaxoi)

of a king]; but in a wanting people [there is] destruction of a mighty one.

29+ fiaKpoGDjioq avfjp itoXvq sv cppovfjasi 08s

A lenient man [is] abundant in intelligence; but the

oXiy6\jA)%oc; \a%vp(bq dcppcov 30+ 7rpm39D|ioc; avfjp

faint-hearted [is] strongly foolish. A gentle-minded man

Kap8(aq taxpoc; ar\q 8s oaxscov Kap8(a aia9r|xiKf|

[ of [the] heart [is] a healer]; [ [is] a moth but for [the] bones heart a

31+0 aDKocpavxcbv 7isvr|xa 7iapo^6vsi xov 7ioifjaavxa

The one extorting [the] needy provokes the one making

avTOV o 8s xijicbv oroxov sXssi 7ixcox6v 32 + sv

him; but the one esteeming him shows mercy on [the] poor. [ in

Kouda clvtov a7i(joa0fjasxai aaspfjc; o 7iS7roi0cbc;

his evil shall be thrust away [The] impious]; the one complying

xtj savTOV oaioxrjxi SiKaioq 33 + sv Kap8(a ayaGfj

in his own sacredness [is] just. [ in [the] heart of a good

avSpoq ava7rm3asxai aocpia sv 8s Kap8(a acppovcov

man rests Wisdom]; but in [the] heart of fools

od SiayivcbaKsxai 34+ SiKaioawq d\j/o( sGvoc;

it is not determined. Righteousness raises up high a nation;

sXaaaovotiai 8s (pvXdq ajiapxiai 35+ Sskxoc; Paai^si

[lessen but tribes sins]. [ [is] acceptable to a king


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20 - Proverbs

D7rr|psxr|c; vof||icov xr| 6s scxdxod saxxcpocpia acpaipsixai

officer An intelligent]; and by his own versatility he removes



15 1t3

i + opyfj anoXkvai kcxi cppov(|ioi)c; a7TOKpiaic; 5s

Anger destroys even [the] intelligent; but [the] answer

D7ro7ri7rxoi)aa a7roaxpscpsi Gdjiov Xoyoq 5s h)7ir\poq

of a penitent man returns rage; [ word but a distressing]

sysipsi opydc; 2+ yXcbaaa aocpcbv KaXd S7i(axaxai

raises up angers. [The] tongue of [the] wise [of good has knowledge];

axojia 5s acppovcov avayysAlsi KaKd 3 + sv 7iavx( xo7ico

but [the] mouth of fools announces evils. In every place

oq)0aA,|ioi Ki)p(oi) oko7tst3odoi KaKotic; xs Kai

[the] eyes of [the] LORD watch [bad both] and

ayadovq 4 + iaaiq yXcbaarjc; 5sv5pov ^cofjc; o 5s

good. [The] healing tongue [is] a tree of life, and the

&lt;TDVxr|pcbv auxfjv 7iAx|a6f|asxai 7ivsi)|iaxoc; 5+ dcppcov

one preserving it shall be filled of spirit. A fool

(iDKxrjpi^si 7iai5s(av nazpoq o 5s cpaAdaacov

sneers at [the] instruction of [his] father; but the one keeping

svxoXdq 7ravoDpy6xspoc; sv 7rA,sova^cn3ar|

[his] commandments [is] more astute. In superabundant

5iKaio&lt;x6vr| ia%vq 7ioAAx| 01 5s aaspsfc; oA,6ppi£pi sk

righteousness [strength is abundant]; but the impious entirely rooted from

yrjc; a7toAx)i)vxai 6 + oikoic; Sucaicov ia%vq noXkr]

[the] earth shall be destroyed. In [the] houses of [the] just [strength is much];

Kap7io( 5s aaspcbv oXowxai 7 + %zikr\ aocpcbv 5s5sxai

but [the] fruits of [the] impious shall be destroyed. [The] lips of [the] wise
[are] bound

aiaGfjasi Kap5(ai5s acppovcov odk aacpa^siq 8 +

by good sense; but [the] hearts of fools are not safe.

dvaiai aaspcbv p5sA,Dy|ia icopico si)%a( 5s

[The] sacrifices of [the] impious [are] an abomination [to the] LORD; but [the]

Kaxsi)0i)v6vxcov 5sKxa( 7iap' auxcb 9+ pSsAuyjia

of [the] ones going straight [are] accepted by him. [ [are] an abomination

Kupico o5o( aaspotic; SicbKovxac; 5iKaiooi3vr|v

[to the] LORD [The] ways of [the] impious]; [ [the] ones pursuing righteousness

ayarcd 10+ 7iai5s(a aKdKOD yvcopi^sxai amo xcov

he loves]. [The] instruction of [the] guileless is made known by the


15 io

20 - Proverbs

7iapi6vxcov oi 8s jiiaowisq sksy%ovq xsXsuxcbaiv

ones passing by; but the ones detesting reproofs come to an end

aiaxpcbq n+ ddr\q rai ancbXEia cpavepd rcapd Kupico

disgracefully. Hades and destruction [are made] apparent by [the] LORD;

iictiq ov%i rai ai rap8(ai xcov av0pcb7icov n+ odk

how not also the hearts of men? [ shall not

aya7if|asi a7ia(8euxoc; xouc; sAiyxovxac; auxov jiexd Se

love [The] uninstructed] the ones reproving him; and with

aocpcbv odx ojiiAxjaei n+ rapSiac; eu^paivojievrjc;

[the] wise he shall not consort. [With the] heart being glad

7ip6aco7iov daXksi ev 8s Xxrnaiq ovar\q aKD6pco7rd££i

[the] face flourishes; [ in but distresses being] it looks downcast.

14 + rap8(a op6fj ^rjxsi aiaGrjaiv ax6|ia 8e a7iai8£i)xcov

[ heart An upright] seeks perception; but [the] mouth of [the] uninstructed

yvcbasxai Kara i 5 + rcdvxa xov %povov oi ocpGaXjioi

shall know evils. All the time the eyes

xcov kcxkcov 7ipoa8s%ovxai Kara oi 8s ayaBoi

of evil ones favorably receive evil [things]; but the good

r\av%aCpvai 8ia7iavx6c; i 6 + Kpsiaaov jiixpa jispic; jiexd

[ tranquil [are] always]. Better a small portion with

cpopoi) KopioD T] Grjaaupoi jieydAm jisxd acpopiac; n +

[the] fear of [the] LORD; than [ treasures great] with fearlessness.

Kpeiaacov ^sviajioc; Xa%dvcov npoq qnAiav Kai %dpiv

Better hospitality of vegetables with friendship and favor,

T] 7rapd0eaic; |ioa%cov jisxd s%0pac; is+ avfjp 0i)|ico8rjc;

than a fete of calves with hatred. A man inclined to rage

7iapaaK8i)d^8i [ia%aq |iaKp60u|ioc; Ss rai xrjv

makes preparations for battle; but a lenient [man] [ even the

jisAlouaav raxa7ipaf)vsi jiaKp60u|ioc; avfjp

one about to [go to battle] soothes]. [The] lenient man

raxaaPsasi Kpiasiq o 8s aaepfjc; eyeipei [laXXov 19 +

shall extinguish litigations; but the impious raises [them] rather.

0801 aepycbv eaxpcojievai arav0aic; ai 8s xcov

[The] ways of [the] idle make a bed in thorn-bushes; but the [ways] of the

avSpsicov xexpi|i|isvai 20+ vioq aocpoq sucppaivsi

vigorous [are] very busy. [ son A wise] gladdens

7iaxspa vioq 8s dcppcov |XDKxrjpi^si jirjxspa auxcru 21 +

a father; [ son but a foolish] sneers at his mother.

avofjxou xpipoi evSeeic; cppsvcbv avfjp 8s cppovijioq

[ of an unthinking man [The] roads] [are] lacking of sense; [ man but an



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20 - Proverbs

Kax8D0T3vcov 7iopsT3sTai 22+ D7ispTi68VTai Xoyia^iovq

in a straightened [way] goes]. [procrastinate by devices

oi (ir| Tijicbvisq auvsSpia sv 5s KapSicuc;

[The] ones not honoring [the] sanhedrins]; but in [the] hearts

Pou^euojisvcDV jievsi PouAr] 23 + ou jlxti D7iaKOT3or|

of ones counseling abides counsel; [for] in no way shall [ obey

o KaKoq auxfj ou8s jlit| 8i7ir| Kcapiov xi Kai

an evil man] it; nor shall he say [ timely anything], even [for]

koXov too koivco 2 4+ 0801 tfd^c, 8iavof||iaTa

[good the common]. [ [are] ways of life [The] thoughts

auvsTOi) (va SKxAivac; sk tod d8ou aoa6f| 25 +

of [the] discerning]; that turning aside from Hades he should be delivered.

oiKouq uPpiaTcbv KaTaa7id icopioc; saTfjpias 8e

[ [the] houses of [the] arrogant tears down [The] LORD]; and he supports

opiov XTlpac;

[the] boundary of [the] widow.

26+ fidskvyiia Kupico Xoyiajioc; dSixoc; ayvcbv 8s

[ [is] an abomination [to the] LORD [The] devise of [the] unjust]; [[of the] pure

pfjaeic; asjivai 2 ?+ e^oAluaiv eauTOV o 8a)poXf|7i;Tr|c;

[the] sayings] [are] serious. [ totally ruins himself The one receiving bribes];

o 8e jiiocbv Scbpcov hf\\\fE\q acb^STCU sksr\[Loavvaiq

but the one detesting [of bribes [the] receipts] is delivered. Charity

Kai 7i(aTsaiv a7ioKa6a(povTai ajiapnai tco 8s cpopco

and trust clear away sins; and the fear

KupioD skkMvsi itaq anb kockotj 28+ Kap8(ai

of [the] LORD turns aside every [one] from evil. [The] hearts

Sikcucdv jisXsTcbai KiGTEiq &lt;xc6|ia 8s aaspcbv

of [the] just meditate trust; but [the] mouth of [the] impious

CUTOKpiVSTCU K(XK&amp; 8eKTCU 7iapd KDpiCO o8oi

answers evil [things]. [ [are] acceptable with [the] LORD [The] ways

avSpcbv Sikcucdv 8id 8e auTcbv Kai 01 s%0po( cpiAxn

men of just]; and through them even enemies [friends

yivovTai 29 + jiaKp&amp;v a7ie%ei o Geoc; anb aaspcbv

become]. [ [is] far at a distance God] from [the] impious;

zv%aiq 8s SiKaicov S7iaKoi)si Kpsiaacov oMyrj Xr\\\f\q

but vows of just ones he heeds. Better [are] few receipts

(iSTCt SiKaioawqc; r| noXka yewfjjiaTa jiSTd aSudaq

with righteousness, than abundant produce with injustice.

30+ Gecopcov o(pdak[ioq Kaka eucppaivei Kap8(av (pr\[ir\

[ viewing [The] eye] good gladdens [the] heart; [ reputation

8e ayaGfj 7ria(vei oaTd 31+0 eiadKoucov sksyyovq

and a good] fattens [the] bones. The one hearing reproofs


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20 - Proverbs

^cofjc; sv |i8oco aocpcbv ai)Aia9r|asxai 32 + oq

of life [in [the] midst of [the] wise shall lodge]. The one who

a7ico6siTai 7iai8s(av jiiasi sauxov o 8s xrjpcbv

thrusts away instruction detests himself; but the one giving heed to

sksyypvq ay and \\fv%r\v avzov 33 + cpopoc; Kupioi)

reproofs loves his life. [The] fear of [the] LORD

7iai8s(a Kai ooqna Kai ap%f| 86^r\q a7ioKpi0f|asxai

[is] instruction and wisdom; and [the] sum of glory shall be [the] response

aDifj 7rpo7iop£i)£Tai 8s xa7isivo(c; 86^a

for it. [ go before But [the] humble] glory;

16 Ttt
1 + Kap8(a avSpoq Xoyi^saGoo 8iKaia (va amo tod 0sot3

[Let the] heart of a man consider just [things], that [ by God

8iop6co0f| xa 8iapf||iaxa avzov 7idvxa xa spy a xod

should set right his footsteps]. All the works of the

xa7i8ivoi3 cpavspd 7iapd xco 0scb 01 8s aazfisiq sv

humble [are] apparent by God; but the impious [ in

r|(ispa kockt] oXowcai 2 +

day an evil shall be destroyed]. @

3 +

5+ aK&amp;Gapxoc; 7iapd 0scb naq i)\j/r|A,OKdp8ioc; %£ipi 8s

[ [is] unclean with God Every proud heart]; [ a hand and

Xsipaq sjiPaAxbv aSiKcoq odk aGcocoGfjasxai ap%r\

[against] hands a man putting] unjustly shall not be acquitted. [The] beginning

o8ot3 ayaGfjq xo 7iois(v xa 8iKaia 8sKxd 8s rcapd

[ way of a good] [is] to do just [things]; and [it is more] acceptable by

6scb [laXkov T| 6t3siv dvaiaq o ^rjxcbv xov

God rather than to sacrifice sacrifices. [The] one seeking the

icopiov SDpfjasi yvcbaiv jisxd 8iKaio&lt;x6vr|c; 01 8s

LORD shall find knowledge with righteousness; [and] the ones

opGcbq ^rjxowcsc; avzov supfjaoDaiv sipfjvrjv rcdvxa

rightly seeking him shall find peace. All

xa spya xod KDpioi) jisxd SiKaioawqc; cpaAdaasxai

the works of the LORD [are] with righteousness; [ is kept

8s o aaspfjc; sic; rjjispav Kaicqv 6+

and the impious] for [ day [the] evil]. @

16 TO

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

7 +

8 +

9 +

io+ jiavisiov em %siksai fiaaikscoq ev 8s Kpiasi

An oracle [is] upon [the] lips of a king; but in judgment,

od |ir| 7iA,avr|0f| to axojia auxou n+ p07rfj

in no way should [ be misled his mouth]. [The] crux

Cpyov SiKaioowq 7iapd Gscb xa 8s spya

of [the] yoke [balance scale] [is] righteousness with God; and [ works

avxov axdGjiia Strata n+ pSsXuyjia PaaiXsi o

his weights [are] just]. [ [is] an abomination to a king The one

7ioicbv k(xk&amp; jisxdyap SiKaioawqc; sxoijid^sxai dpovoq

doing evils]; for with righteousness [ is prepared [the] throne

a PX 1 1 ( ^ i3+ 8sKxd Paai^si %s(Ax| 8iKaia Xoyovq 8s

of sovereignty]. [ [are] acceptable to [the] king lips Just]; [words and

opGotic; aya7id o icopioc; u+ dv[ioq PaaiXsooc; dyysloc;

straight loves the LORD]. [The] rage of a king [is] a messenger

Gavdxou avfjp 8s aocpoq s^dasxai auxov i 5 + sv

of death; [ man but a wise] will appease him. [ [is] in

(pooxi Cf^r\q vioq Paai^scoq oi 8s 7ipoa8sKxo( auxcb

[the] light of life [The] son of a king]; and the ones acceptable to him
cba7rsp vscpoc; 6\j/i|iov i6+ voaaiai aocpiaq aipexcbxspai

[are] as a cloud of late [rain]. Nests of wisdom [are] more preferred

Xpvaiov voaami 8s cppovfjoscoq aipsxcbxspai amsp

[than] gold; and nests of intelligence more preferred than

apyopiov n+ xpipoi Cf^r\q SKKAivouoiv ano KaKcbv

silver. [The] paths of life turn aside from evils;

(ifjKoq 8e p(oi) 0801 SiKaioawqc; o Ssxojisvoc;

[ [are] length and of existence [the] ways of righteousness]. The one receiving

7iai8s(av sv ayaGoiq saxai o 8s cpuAxxaacov sksy%ovq

instruction [among good [things] will be]; and the one keeping reproofs

aocpiaGfjoexai oq cpuAxxaasi xac; sauxoi) odovq

shall be made wise. The one who guards his own ways

xt| pei xrjv solvtov \\fv%r\v aya7icbv 8s ^oofjv avzov

gives heed to his own soul; and [the] one loving his life

cpsiasxai axojiaxoq avzov is+ 7ipo awcpipfjc; rjysixai

shall spare his mouth. [ before destruction takes the lead


16 TO

8V TOUT© + VtKd

20 - Proverbs

vfipiq 7ipo 8s 7ixcb|iaxoc; KaKocppoawrj i 9 + Kpsiaacov

Insolence]; and before a calamitous downfall evil thinking. Better

7ipm36D|ioc; jisxd xa7isivcbascoc; r| oq 8iaips(xai

a gentle-minded one with a low estate, than one who divides

ctkdAxx |i£T&amp; uPpiaxcbv 20 + auvsxoc; sv 7ipdy|iaoiv

spoils with [the] arrogant. [The] one discerning in matters

supsxfjc; ayaGcbv 7iS7roi6cbc; 5s em 6scg jiaKapioxoc; 21 +

[is] an inventor of good [things]; and [the] one yielding upon God [is] most

zovq Goyovq Kai auvsxcyoc; (pwbXovq KaXouaiv 01 8s

[the wise and discerning vile [Men] call]; but the ones

yXvKsiq sv Xoyco 7iXs(ova araoaovxai 22 + 7irjyf| tf$T\q

sweet in words [much shall be heard]. [The] spring of life

swoia xoiq KSKxruisvoiq 7iai8s(a 8s acppovcov KaKfj

[is] insight to the ones acquiring; but [the] instruction of fools [is] evil.

23 + Kap8(a aocpof) vofjasi xa goto xou i8(ou

[The] heart of [the] wise shall comprehend the [things] from his own

axojiaxoc; sm 8s %s(Xsai cpopsasi smyva&gt;|io&lt;y6vrjv 24 +

mouth; and upon lips he shall wear knowledge.

Krjpia jisAaxoc; Xoyoi KaXoi yA^Kaajia 8s auxcbv

[ [are] honeycombs of honey words Good]; and [the] sweetness of them

iaaiq yv%T\q 25 + sicriv 0801 SoKouaai opGai sivai

[is] healing for [the] soul. There are ways that seem to be straight

av8p( xa jisvxoi xs^suxaia auxcbv pA,S7isi sic; 7iu6|isva

to a man, however the finalities of them look into [the] lower branch

d8ou 26+ avfjp sv 7i6voic; 7iovsi sauxcb Kai SKpid^sxai

of Hades. A man in toils toils for himself, and expels

auxou xrjv a7icbA,siav 27 +0 jisvxoi ctkoAioc; sm

[from him destruction]. However the crooked [man] [upon

xco sauxou axojiaxi cpopsi xrjv a7icbA,siav avfjp dcppcov

his own mouth wears destruction]. [ man A foolish]

opuaasi sauxcb Kara S7i( 8s xcov sauxou %siXscov

digs [for himself evils]; and upon his own lips

Grjaaupi^si 7ii)p 28+ avfjp ctkoAioc; 8ia7is|i7isxai KaKd

treasures up fire. [ man A crooked] spreads evils,

Kai A,a|i7rxfjpa 86A,ou 7ropasf)asi KaKoiq Kai

and by [the] torch of treachery lights a fire for evils, and

8ia%copi^si (pikovq 29+ avfjp 7iapdvo|ioc; a7i07rsipdxai

he parts friends. A man [who is] a lawbreaker puts [ to test

tpiAxjov Kai arcdysi auxouc; odovq odk aya0dq 30 +

[his] friends], and takes them ways not good.


8V TOVjlCp + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

axrjpi^cov o(pdak\xo\)q avxov Xoyi^sxai Sisaxpajijisva

Fixing firmly his eyes, he devises perverted [things];

opi^si 5s Toiq %s(Xsaiv avzov rcavxa xa KaKd omoq

and he confirms [with] his lips all the evils; this man

Kdjiivoq saxi Koudac; 3 i+ axscpavoc; Kauxrjascoc; yfjpac; sv

is a furnace of evil. [The] crown of boasting [is] old age; [in

Ss 0801c; SiKaioawqc; supiaKsxai 32 + Kpsiaacov avfjp

and [the] ways of righteousness it is found]. Better [man

|iaKp66D|ioc; i&lt;3%vpov Kai avfjp cppovrjaiv s%cov

a lenient] [than] a strong [man]; and a man of intelligence [than] one having

yscopyuro [isyaXov o 8s Kpaxcbv opyfjc; Kpsiaacov

[farm a great]; and the one holding [his] anger [is] better

KaxaXajiPavojisvoD 7i6A.iv 33+ sic; koAjtouc; S7isp%sxai

[than] one overtaking a city. Into enfolded arms come

7idvxa xoic; aSiKoiq 7iapd 8s Kopioi) rcavxa xa Sixaia

all [things] to the unjust; [ [are] from but [the] LORD all just [things]].
17 n

1+ Kpsiaacov ycojioc; |is0' r|8ovfjc; sv sipfjvrj r| ohcoq

Better a morsel with satisfaction in peace, than a house

7iAx|pr|c; noXkcbv ayaGcbv Kai aSiKcov 0u|idxcov

full of many good [things], and unjust things offered for sacrifices

jisxd |id%r|c; 2+ oiKsxrjq vofjiicov Kpaxfjasi 8sa7ioxcbv

with battles. [ servant An intelligent] shall prevail over [ masters

acppovcov sv 8s aSsAxpoic; SisXsixai jisprj 3 + cba7isp

foolish]; and among brethren he shall divide portions. As

SoKijid^sxai sv Kajjivco dpyopoc; Kai %pvaoq otixcoc;

[tried in a furnace silver and gold]; so

SK^SKxai Kap8(ai 7iapd Kopico 4+ KaKoc; D7iaKoi)si

choice hearts by [the] LORD. A bad [man] obeys

yAxbaarjc; 7iapav6|icov d8iKoq Ss 7ipoas%si %s(A,sai

[the] tongue of lawbreakers; and an unjust [man] heeds [ lips

\j/si38saiv 5+ o KaxaysAxbv 7rxco%cy6 7iapo^6vsi xov

lying]. The one ridiculing [the] poor provokes the one

7ioif|aavxa auxov o 8s S7rixa(pcov a7ioAAA)|isvco odk

making him. And the one rejoicing at one being destroyed shall not

aGcocoGfjasxai 08s S7ria7iA,ayxvi£p|isvoc; sA,sr|9fjasxai 6 +

be acquitted; but the one showing compassion shall be shown mercy.

axscpavoc; yspovxcov xsicva xskvcov Kai&gt;xr||ia 8s

[ [are the] crown of [the] aged Children's children]; [ [are the] boasting and


8V TOUT© + VlKa
20 - Proverbs

T8KVC0V 7iaTspsc; auxcbv tod tticjtod oXoq o Koajioq

children] of their fathers. [ [is] of the trustworthy [The] entire world

xcov xpr||idTCOv tod 5s a7riaTOD od8£ ofioXoq ?+ od%

of things]; but for the unbelieving not anobolus. [ shall not

apjioaei dcppovi %sihr\ 7iiaTd od5s 8ira(co %£iAx|

suit a fool lips Trustworthy], nor [ to [the] just lips

\j/£D8fj 8+ jiioGoc; xapiTCOv 7rai8£ia zoiq xpoojievoic;

lying]. [wage [is] a favorable Instruction to the ones employing it];

od 8' av S7iiaTp8\j/r| sDo8co9f|a8Tai 9 + oq KpD7rcsi

and where ever it shall turn, [the] way shall be prosperous. The one who hides

a8iKf||iaTa ^r|Te( cpiAiav oq Se jiiasi KpD7iTSiv

offences seeks friendship; but the one who detests hiding it

8uoTT|ai (pikovq rai oiksiodc; io+ aDVTpipei a7tsiAx|

sets apart friends and family members. [ breaks down Intimidation]

rap8(av cppovijioD dcppoov 8s jiaaTiycoBefc; odk

[the] heart of [the] intelligent; but a fool being whipped does not

aia6dv8Tai n+ avTiloyiac; eyeipei naq raKoc; o 8s

perceive. Disputes arise [with] every evil [man]; but the

KDpiOq QLJJskoV aVsA,£f||IOVa 8K7rS|JAj/ei aDTCO 12 +

LORD [ angel an unmerciful shall send forth] against him.

S|i7rsasvcai jiepijiva av5p( vofjjiovi oi 8s dcppovsc;

[ shall fall unto Anxiety man an intelligent]; but the fools

SiaXoyioDVTai Kara b+ oq a7io8i8coai Kara avTi

shall argue evil [things]. The one who repays evil [things] for

ayaGcbv od KivrjGfjasTai raKd 8K

good [things], [ shall not be moved evil [things]] from out of

tod oikod aDTOD u+ e^oDoiav 5(5cooi Xoyoiq ap%fj

his house. [ authority shall give to words [The] sovereignty

Siraioowrjc; 7ipor|ysiTai 8s Tr\q svSsiaq &lt;xcdoic; rai

of righteousness]; [lead but to lack faction and

[ia%r\ is+ oq 8(raiov Kpivsi tov d8iKov d8iKov 5e

fighting]. The one who [ [as] just judges the unjust], [ [as] unjust or

tov 8(raiov araGapTOc; rai P8sA,dkt6c; 7iapd 6scb i6+

the just], [is] unclean and abominable before God.

ivaTi D7rfjp^£ xpf||iaTa dcppovi KTfjaaaGai yap aocpiav

Why did [ exist riches] to [the] fool? [ to acquire for wisdom

arapSioc; od SDvfjasTai oq v\\fr(k6v 7ioie(

[the] heartless will not be able]. The one who [ high makes

TOV eaDTOD OIKOV ^T|T8l aDVTpipfjv o 8e aKolid^cov

his own house] seeks destruction; and the one being crooked


17 V ev toi3tco + vtica 20 - Proverbs

tod jiaBeiv S|i7isas(xai etc; Kara n + sic; rcavxa Kaipov

to learn shall fall into evils. For all time

o cpiA^oc; D7iapx8TCO aoi a8eAxpoi sv avdyraic;

[ the friend let] exist to you! [ [the] brethren in distresses

Xpfjaijioi eaxooaav xodxod yap %apiv ysvvcbvxai ig+

profitable let be] ! for this favor they were born.

avfjp dcppcov 87iiKpoTs( Kai £7ri%a(p£i eaDxcb cdc; Kai

[ man A foolish] claps and rejoices over himself, as also

o syyucbjisvoc; syytirj xov saDxoD (pikov 19 +

the one guaranteeing a loan by surety for his own friend.

(piA,a|iapxf||icov xaipei |id%aic; 20 + o 5s aKAxjpoKdp5ioc;

The one fond of sinning rejoices in fights; and the hard-hearted one
od dDvavid ayaGoic; avfjp sDjiexdpo^oc; yX(baar\

does not meet with good [things]. A man with a changeable tongue

s|i7T8a8iTai sic; KaKd 21 + Kap5(a 5s dcppovoc; o5wq too

will fall into evils; and [the] heart of a fool is grief [to]

KSKTr||isvcD aDxfjv odk sDcppaivsxai 7iaxf|p scp' mcb

its possessor. [ is not glad A father] over [ son

a7rai5si)x&lt;jo vioq 8e cppovijioc; SDcppaivei jirjxepa aDxoD

an uninstructed]; [son but an intelligent] gladdens his mother.

22+ Kap5(a SDcppaivojievrj £D£kxsiv 7ioi8i av5p6q 5s

A heart being glad [ to be in good health makes]; [man but

A,D7rrjpoD ^Tjpaivsxai xa oaxd 23+ Axxjipdvovxoc; 5cbpa

a distressed] dries the bones. One receiving gifts

sv koAjtoic; aSiKcoq od KaxsDo5oDvxai at 0801

in enfolded arms unjustly does not greatly prosper in the ways;

aaspfjc; 5s skkMvsi odovq 8iKaio&lt;y6vrjc; 24+ 7ip6aco7rov

and an impious man turns aside [the] ways of righteousness. [The] countenance

(xovexov avdpoq oocpoD 01 8s ocpGa^jioi xod dcppovoc;

[ [is] discerning man of a wise]; but the eyes of the fool

S7i ' dKpa yr\q 25+ opyfj 7iaxp( vioq dcppcov

[are] unto [the] uttermost parts of [the] earth. [ [is] anger to a father son A

Kai o8dvt| xt| x8kodot| aDxoD 26+ ^t||iiodv dv8pa

and grief to the one birthing him. To penalize [ man

SiKaiov od koXov od8s oaiov S7npoDA£Dsiv

a just] [is] not good; nor [is it] sacred to plot against

SDvdaxaiq SiKaioic; 2 ?+ oq cpsi8sxai pfjjia 7ipoea0ai

[ monarchs just]. [The] one sparing [word to let go

aicAxipov 87iiyvcb|icov |iaKp60D|iO(; 5s avfjp cppovijioc; 28 +

a hard] [is an] arbitrator; and a lenient man [is] intelligent.


18 rr

8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

avofjxco S7ispcoxf|aavxi aocpia XoyiaGfjasxai svsov

To an unthinking man asking, wisdom shall be imputed; [ dumb [man]

Ss tic; sauxov 7roifjaac; 86^si tppovijioc; sivai

and any for himself doing] shall seem to be intelligent.

18 rr

i+ 7rpotpdasic; ^rjxsi avfjp PouXojisvoc; %cop(^sa9ai arco

[ excuses seeks A man wanting to separate from

qnAxjov sv rcavxi 8s Kaipcb S7iovsi8iaxoc; saxai 2 + ou

friends]; [ at all but] time he will be reviled. [ no

Xpsiav s%si aoqnac; svSsfjc; cppsvcbv [laXkovyap

need has for wisdom One lacking of sense]; for rather

dysxai atppoawq 3 + oxav skdr\ aazfir\q sic; pdGoc;

he is led by folly. Whenever [ should come [the] impious] into a depth

KaKcbv Kaxacppovsi srcspxsxai 8s auxcb axijiia Kai

of evils, he pays no attention, and there comes upon him dishonor and

6vsi8oc; 4+ i38cop Pa9i3 Xoyoq sv KapSia avSpoq

scorn. [water [is] deep A word in [the] heart of a man];

7ioxa|i6c; 8s ava7ir|8i)si Kai 7ir|yf| ^cofjc; 5 + Baujidoai

and a river [jump up and a spring of life]. To admire

7ip6aco7rov aaspouc; od koXov ou8s oaiov skkMvsiv

[the] face of [the] impious [is] not good; nor [is it] sacred to turn aside
xo Sfxaiov sv Kpiasi 6 + %zikr\ dcppovoc; dyouaiv

the just in a judgment. Lips of a fool lead

auxov sic; Kara xo 8s axojia auxou xo Gpaau

him into evils; and [ mouth his bold

Gdvaxov S7iiKaA,s(xai ?+ axojia dcppovoc; auvxpipfj ai)xcb

death calls unto]. [The] mouth of a fool [is] destruction to him;

xa 8s xsiAxj avzov nayiq xrj \\fv%r\ auxou 8+ OKvrjpouc;

and his lips [are] a snare for his soul. [The] lazy

KaxapdAlsi cpopoc; \\fv%ai 8s avSpoywcov 7isivdaouaiv

are thrown down by fear; and [the] souls of effeminate ones shall hunger.

9+0 jLiri icbjisvoc; sauxov sv xoic; spyoic; auxou

[The] one not repairing himself by his works

aSsAxpoc; saxi xou Xu|iaivo|isvoD sai)xov io+ sk

is brother of the one laying himself waste. [ [is] of

jisyaXwauvrjc; ia%uoc; ovojia Kupiou auxcb 8s

great strength [The] name [of the] LORD]; [ to it and

7rpoa8pa|i6vxsc; Sfxaioi inj/owcai n+ U7iap^ic;

running up [the] just are raised up high]. [The] substance


18 rr

8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

nXovaiov avdpoq TtoXiq o^Dpa rj 8s 86^a avTT\q jisya

of a rich man [city is a fortified]; and its glory [greatly

S7iiaKid^si 12+ 7ipo aDVTpipfjq uij/ouxai Kap8(a avdpoq

overshadows]. Before destruction [ is raised up high [the] heart of a man],

Kai 7ipo Sotflq xa7isivoi)xai 13+ oq a7ioKpivsxai

and before glory it is humbled. The one who answers

A,6yov 7ipiv aKouaai a^poawq auxcb sail Kai

a word before hearing [the matter], [ folly to him it is and

6vsi8oc; 14+ Oujiov avdpoq 7rpai)vsi 6spd7icov cppovijioq

scorn]. [ [the] rage of a man calms attendant An intelligent];

oA,iy6\jA)%ov 8s &amp;v8pa xic; D7roiasi 15+ Kap8(a

but a faint hearted man, who can endure. [The] heart

(ppovijioi) Kx&amp;xai aiaGrjaiv coxa 8s aocpcbv ^rjxsi

of an intelligent [man] acquires perception; and ears of [the] wise seek

swoiav 16+ 86|ia av9pcb7ioD s|i7iAxxxi)V£i auxov Kai

insight. A gift of a man widens him; and

7iapd Suvdaxaic; KaGi^dvsi auxov 17+ SiKaioq sauxou

[by monarchs sits him]. A just man, [of himself

Kaxfjyopoq sv 7ipcoxoA,oy(a 00c; 8' av S7iipdAr| o

[is] an accuser] at [the] beginning of speaking; but when ever [ demands attention

avxiSixoc; sA,sy%sxai is+ avxiA^oyiaq 7iai&gt;si Kkr\poq sv 8s

opponent] he is reproved. [ disputes ceases [The] lot], and among

Suvdaxaic; opi^si 19+ aSsAxpoc; U7t6 aSsAxpou

[the] monarchs it defines the bounds. A brother [ by a brother

Por|6oi)|isvoc; coc; noXiq o%upd Kai u\j/r|AT| ia%i)si 8s

being helped] [is] as [ city fortified and a high]; and is strong

cba7isp xs0s|isAi&lt;D|isvov Paai^siov 20+ arco Kap7icbv

as a well founded palace. From fruits

oxojiaxoq avfjp 7U|i7rAr|ai KoiAiav auxou and 8s

of [the] mouth a man fills his belly; and from

Kap7icbv xsiXscov olvtov s|i7iXr|a0fiasxai 21 + Gdvaxoc; Kai

fruits of his lips he shall be filled up. Death and

^cofj sv %£ipi yAxbaarjc; 01 8s Kpaxowcsc; avTT\q

life [are] in [the] handle of [the] tongue; and the ones holding it

sSovxai Tovq Kapnovq avTr\q 22+ oq sups yovaixa

shall eat of its fruits. The one who found [wife

ayaGfjv sups %dpixac; sAxxPs 8s rcapd Kupiou

a good], found favors; and he received [ from [the] LORD

liapoxrjxa oq sKpdAlsi yuvauca ayaGfjv SKfiaXXsi

happiness]. [The] one who casts out [ woman a good], casts out


19 cr

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

20 - Proverbs

xa ayaGd o 8s raxsxcov |ioi%aAi8a dcppoov Kai

good [things]; but [the] one holding on to an adulteress [is] foolish and

aaspfjc; 23 + Ssfjosic; cpGsyysxai 7isvr|c; o 8s 7iAxy6aioc;

impious. [ of supplications utter sounds [The] needy]; but the rich

a7TOKpivsxai cjkAx|p&amp; 2 4+ avfjp sxaipoov npoq sxaipiav

[man] responds harsh. A man [having] friends [is] for friendship;

Kai saxi (pikoq 7ipoaKoAAxj6s(c; imsp aSsAxpov

and there is a friend cleaving to over a brother.


1+ Kpeiaacov soxi 7txcd%6c; 7ropsi)6|isvoc; sv

Better is one poor going in

a7iX6xr|xi avzov r\ axpspioc; xoic; %s(Xsaiv auxof) Kai

his simplicity, than one crooked of his lips, and

avToq avorjxoq 2+ Kai ye %copic; smoxfjjirjc; \|A)%fj odk

he [is] unthinking. And even [ without higher knowledge a soul] [is] not

ayaGfj Kai o a7isf)8cDV xoi(^ 7TOOW ajj^apxavsi 3 +

good; and the one hastening with the feet sins.

acppoawq avSpoq Aujiaivsxai xac; odovq avzov xov 8s

[The] folly of a man lays waste his ways; and

6s6v aixidxai xrj Kap8(a avzov 4 + 7iAxy6xoc; 7ipoax(0rjai

[ God he blames] in his heart. Riches add

(pikovq noiXovq o 8s nxwypq Kai anb xod

[friends many]; but the poor one [even by the

D7rdp%ovxoc; (pikov A,si7isxai 5+ jidpxDc; \j/si)8fjc; odk

that exists friend [is] forsaken]. [ witness A lying not

axijicbprjxoc; saxai o 8s syKaAxbv aSiKcoq od

unpunished shall be]; and the one accusing unjustly shall not

8iacpsf)^sxai 6+ 7ioAA,o( 6spa7isf)ODai 7ip6aco7ra PaaiAicoc;

escape. Many attend to [the] persons of a king;

naq 8s o KaKoq yivsxai 6vsi8oc; av8pi 7 + naq oq

but every evil [man] becomes scorn to men. Every one who

aSsAxpov 7txcd%6v (iiasi Kai (pikiaq jiaKpdv soxai

[brother a poor detests] [also [from] friendship far will be].

swoia aya0f| xoic; si86aiv auxfjv syyisi avfjp 8s

[insight Good to the ones perceiving it approaches]; [man and

(ppOVlJIOq SDpfjCTSl ai)xfjv o itoXka KaK07ioicbv

an intelligent] will find it. The many doing evil

xs^saioupysi KaKiac; oq 8s spsGi^si Xoyoiq ov

perfect a work of evil; and the one who aggravates by words shall not

19 cr

8V TOVjlCp + vuca

20 - Proverbs

aooGfjasxai 8 + o kxcdjisvoc; (ppovrjaiv ayarcd sauxov

be delivered. The one acquiring intelligence loves himself;

oq 8s cpuAxxaasi (ppovnaiv supfjasi ayaGd 9 + jidpxuc;

and the one guarding intelligence shall find good. [ witness

\j/su8fjc; ouk axi|icbpr|xoc; soxai oc;8' av SKKauosi

A lying not unpunished shall be]; and who ever shall kindle

Koudav OLTroXsvcai am' auxfjc; io+ ou aujicpspsi dcppovi

evil shall perish by it. [ is not advantageous to a fool

xpucpfj Kai edv oiksxtic; dp^rjxai |is6' uPpsooc;

Luxury], nor [is it seemly] if a servant should begin [ by insult

8uvaaxsi)siv n+ sA,sf||icDv avfjp |iaKpo9u|is( xo 8s

to be in power]. A merciful man is lenient, and

Km3%r||ia auxoi) S7isp%sxai 7iapav6|ioic; n+ PaaiAiooc;

his boasting comes upon lawbreakers. [ of a king

OLTreiAri ojioia Ppuyjicb Aiovxoc; cba7isp 8s Spoaoc;

[The] intimidation] [is] likened to [ gnashing a lion's]; but as dew

87i( xopxco omcoq xo ikapov auxoi) u + aia%vvr\ 7iaxpi

upon [the] grass so is his [making one] happy. [ [is] shame to a father

vioq dcppcov rat ou% ayvai su%a( anb

son A foolish]; and [ [are] not pure vows [paid out] from

|iia0cb|iaxoc; sxaipac; u+ oikov Kai i)7tap^iv jiepi^ouai

[the] hire of a mistress]. A house and substance is portioned

rcaxspsc; 7iaia( 7iapd 8s Ki)p(oi) apjio^sxai yuvfj av8p(

[by] fathers to children; but by [the] LORD [ is accorded a wife] to a man.

15+ 8siAia Kaxs^si avSpoyovov \\fv%r\ 8s aspyoi)

Dread holds down an effeminate [man]; and [the] soul of [the] idle

7T£ivdasi i6+ oq cpuXdaasi svxoArjv xrjpsi

hungers. [The] one who keeps [the] commandment gives heed to

xrjv sauxoi) \\fv%r\v o 8s Kaxacppovcbv xcov sauxoi)

his own soul; but the one disdaining his own

o8cbv OLTioXsixai n+ Savsi^si 6scb o sA,scbv 7ixcox6v

ways shall perish. [lends to God The one showing mercy on [the] poor];

Kaxd 8s xo 86|ia auxoi) avxa7io8cbasi aUXCD 1 8 + 7ia(8sDS

and according to his gift he shall make recompense to him. Correct

uiov aou ouxoo yap saxai stisAmc; sic; 8s vfipiv |ir|

your son! for thus he will be confident; [ to but insult do not

S7raipoi) XT] \|A)%f| 19+ KaKocppcov avfjp 7roAAxx

lift up the soul] ! An evil-minded man [ much

^jiicoGfjasxai sdv 8s Axn|isi)r|xai Kai xttv \\fv%r\v auxoi)

shall be penalized]; and if there should be injury, [even his life


19 cr

8V TOUT© + vuca

20 - Proverbs

7ipoo9f|08i 20+ (xkods Di8 7iai8siav rcaxpoc; cjod (va

he shall add]. Hear, O son, [the] instruction of your father! that

oocpoc; ysvrj S7i' saxdxcov gov 21+ 7ioAAm

[wise you should become] unto your last [days]. Many

Ax)yia|io( sv Kap8(a avSpoc; r| 8s PodAt| tod kdpiod

devices [are] in [the] heart of a man; but the counsel of the LORD

sic; xov aicbva jisvsi 22+ Kap7i6c; av5p( s^eruioawrj

[into the eon abides]. [ [is] a fruit to a man Charity];

Kpsiaaoov 8s Ki&amp;ypq Sdcaioc; r| nXovaioq \j/SDaxr|c; 23 +

but better a poor just [man], than a rich liar.

cpopoq KDpioi) sic; ^cofjv av8p( o 8s dcpopoc;

Fear of [the] LORD [is] life to a man; but the [one] without fear

aDAiaGfjasxai sv xorcoic; od odk s7riaK07is(xai yvfoaiq

shall lodge in places where [ is not overseen knowledge].

24+0 syKpimTCDV sic; xov koAjtov avzov xsipac;

The [man] hiding [ in [his] enfolded arm his hands

(xSikcoc; od8s icq ax6|iaxi od [ir\ 7ipoaaydyr| aDxdc;

unjust], not even [ to [his] mouth [will he] in any way bring them].

25+ Ax)1|iod jiaaxiyoDjisvoD dcppcov 7iavoDpy6xspoc;

[ of his mischievousness being whipped A fool more clever

saxai sdv 8s sksy%r\q dv8pa cppovijiov vofjasi

will be]; but if you should reprove [man an intelligent] he shall comprehend

aiaGrjaiv 26+0 axijid^cov rcaxspa Kai a7icD0OD|isvoc;

for good sense. The one dishonoring [his] father, and thrusting away

jxrjxspa (xdxod Kaxaia%Dv9f|asxai Kai S7iovs(8iaxoc;

his mother, [ disgraced and reviled

saxai 27+ dioc; a7roA,sur6|isvoc; cpD^d^ai 7iai8siav

he will be]. A son ceasing to guard [the] instruction

7raxp6c; jisXsxfjasi pfjasic; KaKdq 28+0 syyDcbjisvoc;

of a father shall meditate upon [sayings evil]. The one guaranteeing a loan

7ia(8a dcppova Ka0DPp(asi SiKaicojia axojia 8s aaspcbv

[ child of a foolish] insults [the] ordinance; and [the] mouth of [the] impious
Kaxa7i(sxai Kpiasiq 29+ sxoijidtpvxai aKoXdaxoiq

shall swallow down judgments. [ [are] prepared for [the] unrestrained

jidoxiysc; Kai xijioopiai ojioicoc; dcppooiv

[The] whips]; and punishments in like manner for fools.


20 3 ev toutco + vtica 20 - Proverbs

20 3

i + aKoXaaxov oivoq Kai uPpiaxiKov jisGrj naq 8s

Unrestrained wine and outrageous intoxication, and all

o A,D(iaiv6|isvo(; ouk saxai aocpoq 2 + cm Siacpspsi

being laid waste shall not be wise. [ differs not

a7T£iAri PaaiAiooc; 0u|icv6 Aiovxoc; o 5s 7iapo^6vcDV

[The] intimidation of a king] from [the] rage of a lion; and the one provoking

auxov Kai smjiiyvojisvoc; ajiapxdvsi sic; xr|v sauxou

him even [is] intermixing sins against his own

\|A)%f|v 3+ 86^a av5p( a7roaxps(psa6ai XoiSopiac;

soul. [It is] glory for man to turn from reviling;

%aq 8s dcppcov xoicvoxoic; au|i7iXsKSTai 4 + ovsiSi^ojisvoc;

but every fool [ in such [matters] is closely joined]. Berating

OKvrjpoc; ouk aia%i&gt;vsxai ooaauxcoc; Kai o

a lazy one does not shame [him], likewise also the one

Savsitpjisvoc; crixov sv ajirjxcb 5 + i35cop PaGu PouAxj

borrowing grain in harvest. [ water [is] deep Counsel]

sv Kap8(a avSpoq avfjp 8s cppovijioc;

for [the] heart of a man; [ man and an intelligent]

s^avxArjasi auxfjv 6+ jisya dv6pcD7i;oc; Kai xijiiov avfjp

shall draw it out. A great man, and [ [is] precious man

sXsfjjicov dv8pa 8s 7iiax6v spyov supsiv ?+ oq

a merciful]; [man but a trustworthy [it is] work to find]. The one who

avaaxpscpsxai d|ico|ioc; sv SiKaioawq jiaKapiouq

behaves unblemished in righteousness, [ blessed

zovq 7ra(8ac; avzov Kaxa^snj/si 8 + oxav fiaaiksvq

his children shall leave]. Whenever [ king

SiKaioc; KaBiarj S7ii Gpovou ouk svavxiouxai sv

a just] shall sit upon a throne, not [ withstands before

ocpGa^jiofc; auxou 7iav 7iovr|p6v 9+ Tiq Kauxfjasxai

his eyes any evil]. Who shall boast

ayvfjv s%siv xrjv Kap8(av r| nq 7iappf|aiaasxai

[ a pure to have] heart? or who shall speak openly

KaGapoq sivai and ajiapxicbv 10+ axdGjiiov jisya Kai

to be clean from sins? [An untrue] weight, great and

jiiKpov Kai jisxpa 8ioad araGapxa svcb7iiov Kupiou

small, and [ measures [untrue] double] [are] unclean before [the] LORD -

Kai ajicpoxspa Kai o 7ioicbv auxd n+ sv

even both; even the one making them. [ in

xoic; S7iixr|8sT3|iaai auxou au|i7io8ia6f|asxai vsaviaKoq

his practices will be bound hand and foot [The] young man


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

20 - Proverbs

jisxd oa(oi) Kai si)0s(a r| oboq amov u + ovq

with a sacred [man]], and [ [will be] straight his way]. [The] ear
(xkckdsi Kai ocpGaXjioq opd Kopiou spya Kai

hears, and [the] eye sees; [ [of the] LORD [are the] works and

ajicpoxepa 13+ |ir| aydrca KaxaAxx^siv (va jir|

both]. Do not love to speak ill! that you should not

s^apBfjc; Sidvoi^ov 8s touc; ocpGaXjiotic; oou Kai

be lifted away; but open wide your eyes, and

s|i7iAr|a0r|Ti dpxcov 14+ kockov kockov Aiysi o

be filled up with bread loaves ! Bad, bad says the one

ayopd^cov Kai coq a7rsA,6r| tots Kai)%f|asTai 15+ scm

buying, but when he should depart then he shall boast. There is

%pvaoq Kai 7iAr|0oc; AiGoov 7ioAmsAxbv Kai aKstirj

gold and multitude [stones of very costly], and [vessel

svTijia %eiAx| awsascoc; i 6 + acpsXou to ijidTiov tod

[the] valued] — lips of understanding. Remove the garment of the

syyocbvTOc; avri vXkoxpiox) Kai avTi aAAmpiac; AxxPs

one guaranteeing a loan for a stranger, and [ for a strange [woman] take

svsxupov 7iap' ai)TOi3 17+ r\8vq avGpamcD dpToq

security from him] ! [ agreeable to man Bread

\j/si)5odc; Kai S7rsvca s|i7iAx|a6f|asTai to &lt;xc6|ia avzov

of falsehood], and thereupon [ shall be filled up his mouth]

XaAiKcov 18+ 8iaA,oyia|io( ev pouAx| &lt;ycspscbvTai

of gravel. A device with counsel solidifies,

KoPspvfjaeai 5s yivsTai noXsiioq 19+0 avaKaXimTCDV

and [ with guidance let be war] ! The one uncovering

fiovXaq sv awsSpico rcopsusTai SiyAxoaaoc; Kai jiSTd

counsel in a sanhedrin goes double-tongued; and [ with

7tA,avT6vovTOc; Ta savzov |ir| |ji%0r|Ti %s(Ar| 20+

[the] one widening the things of his own be not mixed] lips!

KaKo^oyowcoc; 7iaTspa r| jxqTspa aPsaGfjasTai

One speaking evil of father or mother, [ shall be extinguished

A,a|i7rcf|p ai 8s Kopai tcdv ocpGa^jicov avzov 6\j/ovTai

[his] torch]; and the pupils of his eyes shall see

oKOToq 21+ fispic; S7ria7roi)8a^o|isvr| sv 7ipcoTOic; sv TOiq

darkness. A portion being hastily gotten at first, in the

TS^SDTaioic; odk si)A,oyr|6f|asTai 22+ |ir| sbir\q Tiaojiai

finalities shall not be blessed. You should not say, I will pay back

tov s%0pov aXk r D7i6|isivov tov Kopiov iva

the enemy; but wait on the LORD that


21 SD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

aoi Por|9fjar| 23+ p8sA,i)y|ia KDpica 8iaaov axdGjiiov

he should help you. [ [is] an abomination [to the] LORD A double weight];


and [ yoke [balance scale] a deceitful] is not good before him.

7iapd KDpioi) euGwsxai xa 5iapfuiaxa av8pi

[by [the] LORD [are] straightened The footsteps of a man];

Gvrjioq 5s Ticnq av vofjaai xac; odovq avzov 25 + nayiq

but a mortal, how can he comprehend his ways? It is a snare

av8p( xayv it xoov i8icdv ayidaai jiexd yap

to a man quickly [anything of his own to sanctify]; for after

to stj^aaGai jisxavosiv yivsxai 2 6 + AiKjifjxcop aaepcbv

vowing it, changing of the mind happens. [ [is] a winnower of [the] impious
fiaaiksvq aocpoq Kai S7iiPaA,8i auxofc; xpoxov n+ cpcaq

king A wise]; and he puts [ to them [the] wheel]. [The] light

Ki)p(oi) 7rvof| av0pcb7rcov oq spswd xajiisia

of [the] LORD [is the] breath of men, which searches [the] storerooms

Koikiaq 2 s+ sA,sr||io&lt;y6vr| Kai aXfjGsia (pvXaKr\ PaaiA,e(

of [the] bellies. Charity and truth [are] a guard to a king,

Kai 7rspiKDKAxbaoDaiv sv SiKaioawq xov Gpovov avzov

and they will surround [ in righteousness his throne].

29 + Koajioq veaviaic; aocpia 86^a 8s 7rpsaPi)xspcov

An ornament to young men [is] wisdom; and [the] glory of older men

7ioXiai 30+ vncbnia Kai awxpijijiaxa owavxa KaKoiq

[is] gray hair. Bruises and breaks meet with bad men;

7iAr|yai 8s siq xajiisia KoiAiac;

and calamities [shall come] to [the] storerooms of [their] bellies.

21 tf3

i+ cba7i8p opjifj tiSaxoc; ouxcdc; Kap8(a PaaiAiooc; sv

As a rush of water, so [is the] heart of a king in

%eip( dsov ov sdv GsAxjov vstiarj sksi skAivsv

[the] hand of God; where ever wishing he should nod, there he leans

avTT\v 2+ naq avfjp cpaivexai eauxcb SiKaioq

it. Every man appears [ to himself just];

Kaxsi)0i)V£i 8e KapSiac; Kopioc; 3+ 7roieiv 8ucaia Kai

[ straightens out but [the] heart [the] LORD]. To do just [things] and

aAxjGeueiv apsaxd 7iapd Gscb [laXkov rj 0uaicbv aijia

to be truthful [are] more pleasing to God rather, than a sacrifice of blood.

4+ jisyaAxxppcov scp' i3ppsi 9pam)Kdp8ioc; A,a|i7ixf|p 8s

A high-minded man [in [his] insolence is bold-hearted]; and [the] torch


21 SD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

aaspcbv ajiapxia 5+ SiaXoyiajioi avSpsioi) sic;

of [the] impious [is] sin. [The] thoughts of [the] vigorous [are] in

7ihr\a[iovr\v rat itaq o o7ist38cov sv sAxxaoovi 6 +

plenty; and every one hastening [is] unto less.

o svspycbv GrjaaDpiojiaxa yXcbaarj \j/ei)8£i jidxaia

The one producing treasures [ tongue by a lying] [ vanity

Sicoksi Kai ep%exai S7Ti 7iay(8o(; Gavdxou 7+ olsGpoq

pursues], and comes unto [the] snare of death. [The] ruin

aaepeaiv S7ii^evco9f|aexai od yap PotiXovxai 7ipdaaeiv

of [the] impious is welcomed as a guest; for they do not prefer to do

xa SiKaia s + itpoq zovq cjkoAiotjc; aKoAidq odovq

the just [things]. To the crooked ones, [ crooked ways

OOToaxsAlsi o 0s6c; ayvd yap Kai op0d xa spya auxcro

sends God]; [ [are] pure for and straight his works].

9+ Kpeiaaov ouceiv 87ii ycoviac; U7ra(6poi) r|

Better to live upon a corner [of the housetop] in the open air, than


[houses] being whitewashed with injustice, and in [house a profane].

\\fv%r\ aazfiovq S7ii0D|isi KaKcbv odk sA,sr|6r}aexai D7i'

[The] soul of [the] impious desires evils; it shall not be shown mercy by

odSsvoc; xcov av0pcb7icov u+ ^t|(iiod|isvod aKoXdaxou

anyone of men. With [the] penalizing of an unrestrained man,

7iavoDpy6xspo(; yivexai o dKaKoq aimcbv 8s aocpoc;

[ more clever becomes the guileless man]; but by perceiving, a wise man

Ss^sxai yvcoaiv 12+ auviei SiKaioq Kap5(ac; aaspcbv

will receive knowledge. [perceives A just man] [the] hearts of [the] impious;

Kai cpauAi^si aaepdc; sv KaKoiq 13+ oq cppdaaei

and he treats [ as worthless [the] impious] in [their] evils. The one who shuts up

xa coxa avzov xou jlit| aKouaai aaQzvovq Kai avzoq

his ears to not heed [the] weak, even himself

S7iiKaA,sa8xai Kai odk eaxai o eiaaKoucov 14 + 86aiq

shall call out, and there will not be one listening. [ present

AxxBpioc; avaxps7isi opydc; 5cbpcov 8e o cpsiSojisvoq

A private] prostrates angers; [ gifts but the one sparing

0D|i6v syspsi iaxi)p6v 15+ eDcppoawq 8iKa(cov 7ioie(v

rage shall raise up strong]. [It is with] gladness for [the] just to have

Kpijia oaioq 8s aKdGapxoq 7iapd KaKcropyoic; i 6 + avfjp

equity; but a sacred [man] [is] unclean by evildoers. A man

7rA,avcb|isvoc; 08013 8iKaioai3vr|c; sv ai)vaycoyf|

wandering from [the] way of righteousness [ in [the] gathering


21 SD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

yiydvTCDV ava7rai3aeTai n+ avfjp sv8sfjc; aya^d

of giants shall rest]. A man lacking, loves

SDcppoawrjv cpiAxbv oivov Kai eAmov siq 7iA,ot3tov ig+

gladness, being fond of wine and oil in wealth;

7ispiK&amp;0ap|ia 8e 8iKa(oi) dvojioq Kai avxi £D0ecov

and [the] rubbish of [the] just [is] a lawless [man], and for upright ones

7iap&amp;vo|ioc; 19+ Kpsiaaov oiksiv sv tt| spfjiico r| jisxd

a lawbreaker. Better to live in the wilderness than with

ywaiKoq |ia%i|ioi) Kai yXcooacbdovq Kai opyikov 20 +

a wife being combative and talkative and prone to anger.

GrjaaDpoq 87ii0u|ir|T6c; ava7iai)a8Tai e7ri aiojiaioq

[ treasure A desirable] shall rest upon [the] mouth

aocpoi) dcppovsq 5s dv5pec; KaxaTUOVxai auTOV 21+ odoq

of [the] wise; but foolish men will swallow it. [The] way

SiKaioawqc; Kai sksr\[ioavvr[q supfjasi ^oofjv Kai

of righteousness and charity shall find life and

56^av 22+ 7r6A,sic; o%vpdq S7repr| aocpoq Kai KaGsiXs

glory. [ cities fortified mounts against A wise [man]], and demolishes

to oxi3pco|ia scp' 00 S7i87ro(08iaav 01 aaepsfc; 23 +

the fortress upon which [ relied upon the impious].

oq (puAxxaasi to oTOjia avzov Kai tt|v yXcbaaav

The one who guards his mouth and the tongue

5iarr|p£i 8K 0Ai\j/ecDc; tt|v \\fv%r\v avzov 24+ 0pa&lt;r6c; Kai

carefully keeps [ from affliction his soul]. A bold and

ai)0d8r|c; Kai akaCfbv Amjiog Ka^evcai oq 8s

self-willed and ostentatious [man] [ pestilent is called]; and the man who

jivrjaiKaKei 7iapdvo|ioc; 25+ 87ii0D|iiai OKvrjpov

resents [is] a lawbreaker. Desires [ [the] lazy

a7ioKTSivoT3aiv od yap 7ipoaipowcai ai %zipzq avzov

kill], [ to not for resolve his hands]

7101SIV ti 26+ aospfjc; S7ii0u|isi 6hr\v TT|vr||ispav

do anything. An impious man lusts [ [the] whole day

£7U0D|jiac; Karac; o 8s SiKaioq sA,eei Kai oncxeipei

lusts evil]; but the just one [desires] mercy, and he pities

acpsiScbc; 27+ dvaiai aaepcbv pSsA^Dyjia Kopioo

unsparingly. Sacrifices of [the] impious [are] an abomination [to the] LORD;

Kai yap 7iapav6|icDc; 7rpoa(pspoi)aiv avxdq 28+ [idpxvq

for even [unlawfully they bring them]. [witness

\j/si)8f|c; a7ioA,8iTai avfjp D7rfjKooc; (piAaaaojievoc;

A lying] shall perish; a man [who is] subject [ guardedly


22 3D

8V TOT/CCp + vuca

20 - Proverbs

Xahr\G£i 29+ aaspfjc; avfjp avaiScbc; Dqnaxaxai 7ipoaco7rco

will speak]. An impious man impudently stands in front;

o 5s svdvq avToq oDViei xac; odovq aDxoD 3 o + odk eoxi

but the upright [man] himself perceives his ways. There is no

ooqna odk saxiv avSpeia odk saxi PodAt| npoq xov

wisdom, there is no courage, there is no counsel to the

aaspfj 31+ innoq exoijid^exai sic; rjiiepav 7roAi|ioD

impious. Ahorse is prepared for a day of battle;

7iapd 8s KDpioD T| Pofj0sia

[[is] by but [the] LORD help].

22 S3
i+ aipsxcbxspov ovojia raXov rj 7tAx)dxoc; itoXvq D7isp

[ [is] more preferred name A good] than [riches many]; [over

8s apyopiov Kai xpDaiov %apiq aya0f| 2 + nXovaioq

and silver and gold favor good]. Rich

Kai Ki&amp;ypq aDvfjvxrjaav aXkr\Xoxq ajicpoxepoDc; 8s o

and poor meet with one another; [ both but the

KDpioq £7rorr|ae 3 + 7iavoDpyoc; i8cbv 7iovr|p6v

LORD made]. A clever man seeing [the] wicked

xi|icopoD|i8vov Kpaxaicbq avzoq 7rai8eDexai oi 8s

[ being punished forcefully] [is] himself corrected; but the

dcppovsq 7rapeA,66vxsc; e^r||iicb6r|aav 4+ yevsd

fools passing by are penalized. [ is [the] generation

aotyiaq cpopoq KDpioD Kai 7tAx)dxoc; Kai 86^a Kai

of wisdom [The] fear [of the] LORD], and riches, and glory, and

^cof| 5+ xpipoXoi Kai 7rayi8£c; sv odoiq aKoAiak;

life. Thistles and snares [are] in [ways crooked];

o 8s (pD^daacov xrjv eaDxoD \\fv%r\v acpe^exai aDxcbv 6 +

but the one guarding his own soul is at a distance from them.

eyraiviaov xo 7iai8iov Kaxd xrjv o86v aDxoD Kai ye

Dedicate the child according to his way; and indeed

sdv yrjpdarj odk a7ioaxfjaexai an' avTT\q 7 +

if he should grow old, he will not depart from it.

7iAx)Daioi 7ixcoxcbv dp^oDai Kai oiKsxai iSioiq

[The] rich [ [the] poor shall control], and servants [ to their own

8ea7i6xaic; SavioDaiv s+ o a7i8ipcov (pavXa Bepiasi

masters will lend]. The one sowing heedlessly harvests

Kara 7iAr|yf|v 8s spycov aDxoD aDvxsleaei dv8pa

bad [things]; and [the] calamity of his works he shall complete. [man

22 3D

8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

i^apov Kai 86xr|v aya7id o Gsoc; jiaxaioxrjxa 5s

A happy] and a giver God loves; and [the] folly

spy gov olvtov auvxsXsasi 9 + o sA,scbv 7ixco%6v auxoc;

of his works he shall end. The one showing mercy on [the] poor [ himself

8iaxpacpf|osxai xcovyap sauxoi) dpxcov 8s8cdks xco

nourishes]; for of his own bread loaves he gives to the

7ix&lt;jo%cb viKTjv Kai xi|if|v 7rspi7roisixai o 8cbpa dovq

poor. [ victory and honor procures The one gifts giving];

xrjv jisvxoi \\fv%r\v acpaipsixai xcov kskxtijisvcdv io+

however [ [the] life it removes] of the ones possessing.

8KpaA,e sk &lt;yovs8p(ou Axnjiov Kai auvs^sXsuasxai

Cast out from [the] sanhedrin [the] mischievous one! and [ shall go out together

auxcb vsikoc; oxavyap KaGiarj sv auvsSpico rcavxac;

with him altercation]. For whenever he sits in [the] sanhedrin [all

axijid^si n+ aya^d Kopioc; oaiaq KapSiaq 8skxo( 8s

he dishonors]. [The] LORD loves sacred hearts; [ [are] acceptable and

auxcb 7idvxsc; d|ico|ioi sv xaic; odoiq auxcbv %siksai

to him all unblemished ones] in their ways. [ with [his] lips

7ioi|ia(vsi fiaaiksvq n + oi 8s otpGa^jioi Kopiou

tends A king]. But the eyes of [the] LORD

8iaxrjpcr6aiv aiaBrjaiv (pauAi^ei 8s Xoyovq 7iapdvo|ioc;

carefully keep good sense; but he treats as worthless [the] words of a lawbreaker.
13+ 7ipo(paa(^sxai Kai Aiysi OKvrjpoc; Aicov sv xaic;

[ makes an excuse and says [The] lazy one], [There is] a lion in the

odoiq sv 8s xaic; 7iA,axs(aic; cpovsuxai i 4 + P66poc; fiadvq

streets, and in the squares [are] murderers. [ cesspool [is] a deep

axojia 7rapav6|ioi) o 8s (iiarjGsiq U7i6 Kopiou

[The] mouth of a lawbreaker]; and the one being detested by [the] LORD

sjursasixai siq auxov 15+ dvoia s^f|7rxai KapSiaq

shall fall into it. Thoughtlessness lights up [the] heart

vsou pdpSoq 8s Kai 7iai8s(a jiaKpdv an avzov

of a young person; but [the] rod and instruction [will drive it] far from him.

16+0 auKocpavxcbv 7isvr|xa noXka 7iois( xa sauxcyo

The one extorting [the] needy [ many produces for himself

Kara 8(8coai8s nXovam S7i' sldaaovi n+ Xoyoiq

evils]; and he gives to [the] rich [to make it] less. [ to [the] words

aocpcbv 7iapdpaAls xo ovq gov Kai draos sjicbv Xoycov

of [the] wise Set aside your ear], and hear my words!

xrjv 8s arjv Kap8(av S7i(axr|aov (va yvcoc; is + 6x1

and [ your heart set] that you should know! for

KaXoi sioi Kai sdv sjipdAxjc; auxcroc; sic;

they are good, and if you put them in


22 3D

ev tootco + viica

20 - Proverbs

xrjv Kap8(av aoi) SDcppavotiai as djia S7ri aoiq

your heart, they shall gladden you at the same time upon your

%siA,saiv 19+ iva aoi) ysvrjxai S7i( Kupiov r| sAmc; Kai

lips; that your [should be upon [the] LORD hope], and

yvcopiorj aoi xrjv o86v ai)xoi) 20+ Kai ai) 8s

he shall make known to you his way; but also you

a7i6ypa\j/ai ai)xd asauxcb xpiaacbc; sic; poi)Ar|v Kai

register them to yourself, [even] thrice for counsel and

yvcbaiv 21 + 5i8daKco odv as aAx|9f| Xoyov Kai yvcbaiv

knowledge! I teach you then a true word, and knowledge

ayaGfjv D7iaKoi)siv tod a7roKp(vsa6a( as Xoyovq

good to hearken to; for you to answer words

aAx|0s(ac; xoic; 7ipoPaAA,o|isvoic; aoi 22+ jlit| a7ioPid£pi)

of truth to the ones propounding [things] to you. Do not repel

7isvr|Ta KT($%6q yap sail Kai jlit| axi|idar|c;

[the] needy! [ poor for he is]. And you shall not dishonor

aaGsvfj sv itvXaiq 23+0 yap Kopioc; Kpivsi avzov

[the] weak at [the] gates; for the LORD will arbitrate his

ttjv SiKqv Kai ptiarj arjv daulov \\fv%r\v 24 +

cause, and you shall rescue your [ against reprisal soul].

|ir| ia6i sxaipoc; av8p( 0d|icg8si (pikco 8s opyiAxo |ir|

Be not a companion to a man inclined to rage! and a friend prone to anger do not

avvavXiCpv 25+ |if|7roTS jidGrjc; xcov o8cbv ai)TOT3 Kai

lodge with! lest at any time you should learn of his ways, and

AxxPrjq Pp6%OD&lt;; xr| ar\ \\fv%r\ 2 6+ |ir| 81801) asauxov

should receive nooses for your soul. Do not give yourself

sic; syyofjv aia%i)v6|isvoc; 7ip6aco7rov 2 ?+ sdvyap

for surety! shaming [the] face, for if

|ir| s%r|c; 7i60sv a7iox(ar|c; Ar|\j/ovxai to axpcbjia

you should not have from any place to pay, they shall take the bedding
to D7i6 xac; riksvpaq aoi) 28 + |irj jisxaips opia

under your sides. Do not remove [ boundaries

aicbvia a saxrjaav 01 rcaxspsc; aoi) 29 + opaxucov

[the] everlasting]! which [set your fathers]. An observant

dv8pa Kai o^ov sv xoic; spyoic; avzov fiaaiksvai 8si

man, and one sharp in his works [ kings must

7iapsaxdvai Kai |ir| rcapsaxdvai avSpdai vcoGpok;

stand beside], and should not stand beside [men dull].


23 30

8V TOOTCp + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

23 »

i+ sdv KaGiarjq Ssurvfjaai S7i( xpa7is^r|c; SDvdaxoD

If you should sit to have supper at [the] table of a monarch,

vorjxcbc; vosi xa 7iapaxi0s|isvd aoi 2+ Kai

intelligibly comprehend the [things] being placed near you! And

empale xrjv %sipd ctod siScbc; 6x1 xoiatixd as

give attention to your hand! beholding that [ for such [things] for you

8si 7rapaaKsi)doai si 8s a7iAx|ax6xspoc; si 3+ jlit|

[it is] a must to make preparations]; but if you are insatiable, do not

S7U0D|isi tcov sSsajidxcov aDxoD xatixa yap s%sxai ^cof|c;

desire his food; for these have [ life

\j/sd8odc; 4 + |ir| 7rapsKTSivoD 7isvr|c; cov iikovam tt\ 8s

a false]. Do not reach forth, [needy being], to [the] rich! but

gt| swoia a7i6a%OD 5 + sdv S7iiaxf|Gr|c; to aov ojijia

in your insight be at a distance! If you set your eye

7ipoq ovtov ODSajioD tpavsixai KaxsaKSDaaxai yap

upon him, he shall not at all appear; for there are carefully prepared

aDxco rcxspDysc; cba7isp asxoD Kai D7roaxpscpsi sic; xov

for him wings as of an eagle, and he returns to the

oikov tod 7iposaxr|K6xoc; ovtov 6 + [ir\ aDv8si7rvsi

house being set for him. Do not dine with

av8p( PaaKdvco |ir|8s S7ii0D|isi xcov Ppcojidxcov aDxoD 7 +

[ man a bewitching], nor desire his foods;

ov Tpo7rov yap si tic; Kaxa7i(oi xp(%a odxcoc;

[ in which manner for] as if any may swallow down a hair, thus

saGisi Kai 7rivsi (irjSs rcpoc; as siaaydyrjc; aDxov

he eats and drinks; nor [ to yourself should you bring him],

Kai (pdyrjc; xov \j/oa|i6v ood jisx' ovtov 8 +

[nor] you should eat your morsel with him,

s^sjisasi yap aDxov Kai A,D|iavs(xai xodc; Xoyovq aov

for he will vomit it, and lay waste [ words your

xodc; KaXovq 9+ sic; coxa dtppovoc; |ir|8sv Aiys \ir\ 7ioxs

good]. [into [the] ears of a fool Do not speak]! lest at any time

|iDKxr|piar| xodc; odvsxodc; aoD XoyoDc; 10+ |ir|

he sneer at discerning your words. You should not

|isxa0fjc; opia aicbvia sic; 8s Kxf|(ia opcpavcbv

transpose [ boundaries [the] everlasting]; and to [the] possession of orphans

|ir| siasA,0r|c; n+oyap AmpoDjisvoc; aDxotic;

you should not enter [to take]; for the one ransoming them

KDpioq Kpaxaioq soxi Kai Kpivsi xrjv Kpiaiv aDxcbv

[is the] LORD; he is strong, and he arbitrates their case


23 30

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

20 - Proverbs

jisxd aoi) 12 + Soq sic; 7iai8s(av xrjv Kap8(av aoi) xa 8s

with you. Give [ for instruction heart your] ! and

coxd aoi) sxoijiaaov Xoyoiq aiaGfjascoq 13 + |ir|

[ your ears prepare] [for] words of good sense! You should not

a7r6a%r| vfj7riov 7iai8si)siv 6x1 sdv 7iaxd^r|c; ai)xov

be at a distance [ [the] simple to correct]; for if you strike him

pdpSoo od |ir| a7io0dvr| i 4 +ai)|isvyap 7taxd^sic; ai)xov

[with] a rod in no way should he die. Forasmuch as you struck him

pdpSco xrjv 8s \\fv%r\v avzov sk Gavdxoi) pi3ar| 15+ 1)18

with a rod, then [ his soul from death you rescued]. O son,

sdv aocpf| ysvrjxai aoi) r| Kap8(a SDcppavsfc; Kai

if [ wise you should make your heart], you shall gladden also

xrjv 8|if|v Kap8(av ie + Kai sv8iaxpuj/si Xoyoiq xa aa

my heart; and [ shall spend time [the] words of your

%eiAr| 7ipoc; xa sjid %£ikr\ sdv op0d cbai n+ (irj

lips] with my lips, if they should be straight. Let not

Qr(kovTCO T| Kap8(a aoi) ajiapxcolo^q aXka sv cpopco

[be jealous your heart] of sinners, but [in [the] fear

Ki)p(oi) (a0i 6Ax|v xr|vr||ispav is + sdv yap

[of the] LORD be] [the] whole day! For if

xrjpfjarjc; ai)xd saxai aoi SKyova rj 8s skitiq aoi)

you should give heed to these [things] there will be a progeny for you, and your

odk a7ioaxf|asxai 19+ dKODS ins Kai aocpoq yivoi) Kai

will not leave. Hear, O son, and [ wise be], and

Kaxsi30i)vs swoiaq ar\q Kap8(aq 20+ [ir\ ia6i oivo7i6xr|c;

straighten out the reflections of your heart! Do not be a winebibber,

|xq8s skxsivod aDjipoAmq Kpscbv xs ayopaajioiq 21 +

nor stretch out couplings, [ of meats nor purchasings] !

7iac;yap |is6i)aoc; Kai 7iopvoK67toc; 7ixco%si)asi Kai

For every intoxicated one and whoremonger shall be poor; and

sv8i3asxai Sispprjyjisva Kai paKcb8r| naq V7zv(bdr\q 22 +

[shall put on torn and ragged [garments] every sleepy one].

dKODS ins rcaxpoc; xod yswfjaavxoq as Kai |ir|

Hear, O son, [the] father engendering you, and do not

Kaxacppovsi 6x1 ysyfjpaKs aoi) r| |if|xr|p 23+ aArjGsiav

disdain that [ has grown old your mother] ! [ truth

Kxfjaai Kai |ir| a7icbar| aoqnav Kai 7iai8siav Kai

Acquire] ! and you should not thrust away wisdom and instruction and

auvsaiv 24 + KaXcbq SKxpscpsi 7raxfjp SiKaioq S7ri 8s

understanding. [well nourishes father A just]; [by and


23 30

8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

mcb aocpcb sucppaivsxai r| \\fv%r\ avzov is + SDcppaivsaGoo

son a wise is gladdened his soul]. Let [your] [ be glad

o 7raxf|p Kai r| jxqxrip em aoi Kai yaiptzw r \

father and mother] over you, and let [ rejoice the

xsKouod as 26 + 8oq jioi Dis arjv Kap8(av oi 8s

one who gave birth to you]! Give tome, O son, your heart, and

aoi o(p0aA,|io( sjidc; odovq xrjpsixooaav n+ nidoq yap

let your eyes [ my ways give heed to] ! [a cask For

xsxpijisvoc; saxiv aAloxpioc; ohcoq Kai cppsdp axsvov

having been drilled is a strange house]; and [well is narrow

aAAxycpiov 28+ (yoTOCjyap auvxojicoc; a7ioA£ixai Kai naq

a strange]. For this one suddenly shall perish, and every

7iapdvo|ioc; avaXooGfjasxai 29+ xivi ovai xivi

lawbreaker shall be consumed. To whom [is there] woe? to whom

66pi)Poc; xivi Kpiaeic; xivi ar|8iai Kai Xsa%ai xivi

a tumult? to whom litigations? to whom rancor and intrigue? to whom

&lt;yovxpi|i|iaxa SiaKsvfjc; xivoc; 7isAi8vo( 01 ocpGaXjioi 30 +

breaks without cause? to whom dark colored eyes?

od xcov syxpovi^ovxcov sv oivoiq ou xcdv

[is it] not the ones lingering in wines? [is it] not the ones

IXV8DOVXC0V 7T0D 710X01 yiVOVXai |IT| |IS0l3aKSa0S OIVOO

prowling where parties happen? Do not be intoxicated by wine,

aXka ojiiXsixs av6pcb7i;oic; SiKaioic; Kai 0|iiA,s(xs sv

but consort [ men with just], and consort in

7ispurdxoic; 31+sdvyap sic; xac; cpidXaq Kai xa 7ioxf|pia

[the] promenades! For if in the bowls and the cups

dcoq Tovq ocp0aA,|ioi)c; aou tiaxspov 7ispuraxf|asic;

you should give your eyes, afterwards you shall walk

yDjivoxspoq D7i8poi) 32+ xo 8s sa%axov cba7rsp D7i6

more naked than a pestle. But at last [it will be] as if [ by

ocpsooc; 7iS7i;Ax|ycbc; SKxsivsxai Kai cba7isp D7i6 Kspdaxou

a serpent being struck] he stretches out, and as if by a horned serpent

8ia%s(xai auxotj o \6q 33 + 01 oq)0aA,|ioi gov oxav

[diffuses throughout him the poison]. [eyes your Whenever]

(8coaiv aHoxpiav xo axojia aoi) xoxs AxxAxjasi

behold [the] strange [woman], your mouth then speaks

aKoAad 34+ Kai KaxaKeiarj cba7isp sv Kap8(a

perverse [things]; and you shall recline as if in [the] heart

dakdaar\q Kai cba7isp KDpepvfjxrjc; sv 7ioAM) kMScdvi

of [the] sea; and as a navigator in a great swell;


24 73

8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

35 + spsfc; 8s sxdtcxov (is Kai odk S7i6vsaa Kai

and you shall say, They beat me, and I did not have pain; and,

svs7iai^dv |ioi sycb 5s odk f|5siv 7i6xs opGpoc; saxai

They mocked me, but I did not know. When will it be dawn

(va sXGcbv ^rjifjaco |is0' cov aDvsA,sDao|iai

that coming I shall seek after one who shall go together with me to [drink]?

24 73

i+ Die |ir| ^rjAxbarjc; KaKODc; dvSpac; |ir|8s

O son, you should not be jealous of evil men, nor

£7ri0D|ifjar|c; sivai |isx' aDxcbv 2 + \j/sd8t| yap jislsxd

should you desire to be with them. [ lying For meditates on

T| Kap8(a aDTcbv Kai tcovodc; xa %s(Ax| aDxcbv XaXsi 3 +

their heart], and [ of miseries their lips speak].

jisxd aocpiaq oiKo8ojis(xai oikoc; Kai jisxd aDvsasooc;

[with wisdom is built A house], and [with skillfulness

avop0ODxai 4+ jisxd aiaGfjascoq s|jm|i7rXavxai xa

is erected]. With good sense [are filled up the

xajiisia navxoq rikomov xijiiod Kai Kakov 5 +

storerooms] of all [wealth valuable and good].

Kpsiaacov aocpoc; ia%DpoD Kai avfjp cppovrjaiv

[ [is] better A wise man] [than] a strong man; a man of intelligence

s%cov ysoopyioD jisydAxyo 6 + (isxd Kopspvfjascoc;

[than] one having [ farm a great]. [ with guidance

yivsxai 7i6Xs|ioc; PofjGsia 8s jiexd KapSiac;

takes place War], but help [comes] with [the] heart

poi)A,8i)xiKf|q 7+ aocpia Kai swoia ayaGfj sv itvXaiq

of a counselor. Wisdom and [ insight good] [are] in [the] gates

aocpcbv aocpoi odk skkAivodctiv sk vojiod KopioD

of [the] wise. [The] wise do not turn aside from [the] law of [the] LORD,

aXka XoyiCpvTai sv aDvsSpioic; a7iai8sDxoic; aDvavxd

but consider [things] in [the] sanhedrins; [but the] uninstructed ones meet with

Gdvaxoq 8 +

death, @

9+ a7io9vfiaKsi 8s dcppoov sv ajiapxiaiq aKaGapaia

[ dies but [the] fool] in sins. Uncleanness

av8p( Xoijicb 10+ s|i|ioA,DV0fiosxai sv rjjispa KaKfj

[man to a pestilent] — he shall be contaminated in [day [the] evil],

Kai sv rjjispa GAiysooc; soq av SKA,si7ir| n+ pDaai

and in [the] day of affliction, until whenever he should cease. Rescue


24 73

8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

ayojisvoDq sic; Bdvaxov Kai SK7rp(oi) kxsivojisvodc;

[the] ones being led unto death, and buy off [the] ones for slaying!

|ir| cpsiarj i2+sdv5s sbir\q ovk o(8a xotixov

You should not spare. But if you should say, I do not know this;

yivcoaKs 6xi Kupioc; KapSiac; 7rdvxcov yivcbaKsi Kai o

know that [the] LORD [ [the] heart of all knows]; even the

TtXaGaq 7rvofjv 7idaiv auxoc; o(8s rcdvxa oq

one shaping [the] breath in all, he knows all [things]. [He is] the one who

a7ro8(8coaiv SKdaxoo raid xa spya avxov n+ (pays

renders to each according to his works. Eat

jisAi Die ayaGov yap Kqpiov (va ykvKavdr\ gov

honey, O son, [ [is] good for [the] honeycomb] ! that [ should be sweetened your

0 cpdpuy^


H+ owcoqyap aiaGfjarj aocpiav xrj gt\ \\fv%r\ sdvyap

For thus you shall perceive wisdom [in] your soul; for if

etiprjc; saxai KaAxj r| xslsuxfj gov Kai sAmc; as

you should find it, [ will be good your decease], and hope [ you

odk Kaxa^snj/si i 5 + (ir| 7tpoaaydyr|c; aaspfj

shall not forsake]. You should not lead [the] impious

vojifj SiKaicov jir|8s a7iaxr|6fjc; %opxaa(a KoiAiag

to [the] pasture of [the] just; nor should you be deceived in filling [the] belly.
i6+ S7ixdKic; yap rcsasixai o SiKaioq Kai avaaxfjasxai

For seven times [ shall fall the just], and rise up;

01 8s aaspsic; aaGsvfjaoDaiv sv KaKoiq n+ edv 7isar|

but the impious will weaken in evils. If [ should fall

o s%6poc; gov |ir| £7ri%apfjc; auxcb sv 8s

your enemy], you should not rejoice over him; and in

xco D7ioaKsAia|iaxi avxov (irj s7ra(poi) is+ 6xi

his fall be not lifted up! For

6\j/sxai Kopioc; Kai odk apsasi auxcb Kai a7iooxps\j/si

[the] LORD shall see [it], and it will not please him; and he will return

xov 0D|i6v avTOV arc auxou 19+ [ir\ %a(ps S7U

his rage upon him. Do not rejoice over

KaK07roiofc; |ir|8s Qr\kov ajiapxcoXoDc; 20 + od yap |ir|

[ones] doing evil, nor be jealous of sinners! For in no way

ysvrjxai SKyova 7iovr|pcbv A,a|i7rxfjp 8s aaspcbv

shall there be a progeny of wicked ones; and [the] torch of [the] impious

aPsaBfjasxai 21 + (popou xov 0s6v ms Kai PaaiAia Kai

shall be extinguished. Fear God, O son, and [the] king! and


24 73

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

20 - Proverbs

|ir|6 sxspco auxcbv a7rsi9fjar|c; 22 + e^aicpvrjc; yap

to neither one of them should you resist persuasion. For suddenly

xioovxai Tovq aaepek; xaq 8s xijicopiaq ajicpoxepcov xic;

they will pay the impious; and the punishment of both, who

yvcbaexai 23 + xatixa 8e Aiyco ujiiv xoic; aocpoic;

shall know? But these [things] I say to you, to the wise,

S7iiyivcbaK8iv ai8eia0ai 7ip6aco7rov sv Kpiaei ou

to realize [that] to stand in awe of a person in a judgment is not

koXov 24+0 8i7icbv xov aospfj Sixaioc; eaxiv

good. The one having said, The impious is just,

S7iiKaxdpaxo(; Xaoiq eaxai Kai jiiarjxoc; sic;

[accursed among [the] peoples will be], and detested among

S0VT] 25+018S sAiyxovxec; PeAxiouc; cpavowcai S7i'

[the] nations. But the ones reproving [ [the] best shall appear], [ upon

auxotic; 8e fj^si eiAoyia aya0fj 26+ %zikr\ 8s

them and shall come blessing a good]; but lips

(piArjaouaiv a7ioKpiv6|i8va Xoyovq ayaGcmc; 27+ sxoijia^e

shall kiss [the] ones answering [words [with] good]. Prepare

etc; xrjv 8^o8ov xa spya oou Kai 7rapaaKeud£pu sic;

[ for the departure your works], and make preparations for

xov aypov Kai 7iopei)ou Kax67iia0sv jiou Kai

the field, and go after me! and

avoiKoSojifjaeic; xov oikov aou 28+ [ir\ ia9i \j/su8f|c;

you shall rebuild your house. Do not be a lying

jidpxuc; S7i( aov 7ioAixr|v ixqSe nkaivvov aoiq

witness against your fellow-countryman, nor open wide with your

%siksai 29+ |ir| sbir\q ov xporcov e%pf|aax6 |ioi

lips! You should not say, In which manner he treated me,

%pfjao|iai ai)xcb xkrojiaiSe auxov a |ie r|8iKr|asv 30 +

I shall treat him; and I shall pay him who wronged me.

cba7rsp yscbpyiov avfjp dcppcov Kai cba7iep a^mskcbv

[ [is] as a farm man A foolish], and [ [is] as a vineyard

dv0p&lt;jO7roc; evSsfjc; cppsvcbv 31+ sdv acpfjc; auxov

a man lacking of sense]; if you should let it

XepaooGfjasxai Kai xopxojiavfjaei okoq Kai yivsxai

go barren, then it shall become [ overgrown entirely]; and [ takes place

£KA,eA£i|i|isvoc; 01 8s cppayjioi xcov AiGcov auxou

failing]; and [fences of stones his]

KaxaaKd7ixovxai 32+ uaxepov sycb |isxsv6r|aa S7i8pA,s\j/a

shall be razed. Afterwards I changed my mind; I looked


25 TO

8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

tod SK^s^aaBai 7iai8s(av 33 + oAiyov VDaxd^oo oAiyov 8s

to choose instruction. [ a little I slumber]; [ a little and

K(x0D7rvcb oAiyov 5s svayKaAitpjiai %spa( axf|6r| 34+

I sleep soundly], [ a little and I fold [my] hands [to my] breasts].

SOCV 8s XODXO 7TOlf|(; fj^Sl 7rp07TOp8DO(I8Vr| T| 7T8Via

But if you should do this, [ shall come before poverty]

aoD Kai r| sv8sia cba7rep ayaGoc; SpojisDc;

you, and lack as a good runner.

25 HD

1 + atixai ai 7iapoi|iiai Eo^ojicovToq ai aSidKpixoi aq

These [are] the [parables of Solomon impartial], which

s^sypd\j/avxo 01 (pikoi E^skiod tod PaaiAiooc;

[ wrote out the friends ofHezekiah the king

Tr\q lovdaiaq 2 + 86^a 6sod Kpirnxsi Xoyov 86^a 8s

ofJudea]. [The] glory of God hides a matter; but [the] glory

PaaiAicoc; xijid 7ipdy|iaxa 3+ ODpavoc; D\j/rjX6c;

of a king esteems things. Heaven [is] high,

yr| 8s PaBsia Kap8(a 8s PaaiAiooc; avs^s^syKxoc; 4 +

and [the] earth [is] deep; but [the] heart of a king is unascertained.

TD7TTS aSoKijiov apytipiov Kai KaGapiaGfjosxai

Beat unproven silver! and it shall be cleansed

KaGapov &amp;7iav 5+ kxsivs aaspsic; sk 7ipoacb7roD

clean all together. Slay [the] impious from [the] presence

PaaiXscoq Kai KaxopGcbasi sv SiKaioawq

[of the] king! and you shall set up [ in righteousness

o dpovoq (xdtod 6 + |ir| aXaCpvsvov svamiov PaaiXscoq

his throne]. Do not act ostentatiously in the presence of [the] king,

|ir|8s sv xorcoic; SDvaaxcbv Dqnaxaao 7 + Kpsiaaov yap

nor [ in places of mighty ones stand] ! For better

to pr|0f|va( aoi avdpaivs npoq |is r| xa7isivcbaai as

the saying to you, Ascend to me! than to humble you

sv 7ipoaco7rco SDvdaxoD a s(8ov 01 ocpGaXjioi aoD

in [the] presence of a mighty one. What you beheld [with] your eyes,

Aiys s + |ir| 7rp6a7ri7iTS sic; |id%r|v xa%scoc; (va jirj

speak! Do not fall into a fight quickly! lest

|iSTa|isAx|9fjc; S7i' sa%dxcov rjviKa av as ovsi8(ar|

you should change your mind at [the] last. When ever [ should berate you

o (pikoq 9+ ava%cbpsi sic; xa O7iiaco |ir| Kaxacppovsi 10 +

a friend], withdraw to the rear, do not disdain [him]!

25 TO

8V TOVjlCp + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

|ir| as ovsi8iar| jisv o (pikoq r| 8s |id%r| aou Kai

lest [ should berate you indeed the friend]; and your fight and

r| s%6pa odk arcsaxai aXka saxai ooi (ar| Gavdxoi)

hatred do not go away, but will be to you equal of death!

%&amp;pic; Kai qnAia sA,SD6spoi aq xfjprjaov asauxcb (va

Favor and friendship frees, which you give heed to yourself! that

|ir| £7rov£i5iaxoc; ysvrj aXka (pvXatpv zaq odovq gov

[not reviled you should be]. But keep your ways

SDaavaUdKxcoq n+ jifjXov %pvaovv sv opjiiaKco

conciliatory! [ apple [As] a golden] in a pendant

aap8ioi) ovT($q sursiv A,6yov 12 + sic; svcbxiov %pvaovv

of sardius, so [is it] to speak a [wise] word. In an ear-ring of gold

adp8iov TioXvTsXsq 5s5sxai Xoyoq aocpoq sic; sufjKoov

[ sardius a very costly] [is] bound; [so] a [ word wise] to a heedful

ovq 13+ cba7T8p s^o5oc; x iovoc i 8V a^xa) Kaxd Katijia

ear. As a delivery of snow in [the] harvest for sweltering heat,

oocpslsi ovTcnq dyys^oc; niaToq zovq a7ioaxsiA,avxac;

[ benefits so messenger a trustworthy] the ones sending

avTOV \\fv%aqyap xcov ai)xcb xpcojisvcov cocps^si u +

him; for [the] souls of the ones dealing with him derive benefit.

cba7i8p dvsjioi Kai vscprj Kai usxoi S7ii(pavsaxaxoi

As winds, and clouds, and rains [are] apparent,

ox&gt;T($q oi KaDxcbjievoi S7i( 86asi \j/sd5s( i 5 + sv

so the men boasting over [portions false]. [by

|iaKpo6i)|i(a si)o5(a fiaaiksvai yAxbaaa 5s jia^aKfj

long-suffering Success [comes] to kings]; [tongue and a soft]

(xovxptpsi oaxd i6+ fisXi supcbv (pays xo iKavov

breaks [the] bones. [ honey In finding], eat what is enough!

\xf\ 7roxs 7ihr\adsiq s^sjisarjc; n + a7idviov siaays aov

lest at any time being overfilled, you should vomit forth. Sparingly bring your

7i65a 7ipoc; asauxoi) (pikov jifj 7ioxs 7iAx|a6sic; aov

foot to your own friend! lest at any time he be filled of you,

(iiafjarj as is+ ponakov Kai |id%aipa Kai xo^si)|ia

and should detest you. [As] a club, and a sword, and [ bow

aKi8coxov ovT($q Kai avfjp o KaxajiapxDpcbv xod (pikov

a pointed], so also [the] man bearing [friend

avTOV jiapxDpiav \j/si)5f| i 9 + odoq KaKou Kai itovq

[against] his witness false]. [ way An evil] and [the] foot

7iapav6|ioi) olsixai sv r||ispa KaKfj 2 o+ cba7isp 6£pq

of a lawbreaker shall be destroyed in [ day an evil]. As vinegar

sAxsi aoujicpopov omcoq 7rpoa7isa6v nddoq sv acbjiaxi

draws hurtful; so [ falling passion] on a body


26 ID

8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

Kap8(av Xviisi cba7isp ar\q ijiaxico Kai aKcbAxj^ ^6Xcd

[ [the] heart distresses]. As a moth in a garment, and a worm in wood,

ovTcnq Xx&gt;7ir\ avdpoq pA,d7ixsi Kap5iav 21+ sdv 7isivd

so distress of a man hurts [the] heart. If [ hungers

o s%6poc; aoi) xpscps ai)xov sdv 5uj/d 7r6xi££ ai)xov 22 +

enemy your] nourish him, if he thirsts give him to drink!

xotixo yap 7ioicbv dvBpaKaq nvpoq aoopstiasic; S7ri

[ this For doing coals of fire you shall heap] upon

Tr\q KscpaArjc; avzov o 8s Kopioc; avxa7io8cbasi aoi

his head; and the LORD will recompense to you

ayaGd 23+ dvejioc; popsac; s^sysipsi vscprj

good [things]. [ wind [The] north] arouses clouds,

7ip6aco7rov 8s avaiSsc; yAxbaaav spsGi^si 24+ Kpsiaaov

and [the] face of an impudent tongue aggravates. Better

oiksiv 87ii yooviac; 8cb|iaxoc; r| jisxd ywaiKoq

to live upon [the] corner of a roof, than with [ wife

Axn86poi) sv oiKia Koivfj 25+ cba7rsp tiSoop \j/D%p6v

a reviling] in [house a common]. As [water cold

\jA)Xfj 5i\j/cbar| 7ipoarrvsc; otixooc; ayysAia ayaGfj sk

soul to a thirsting is kind], so [ message a good] from

yrjc; jiaKpoGsv 26+ caa7isp si tic; 7ir|yf|v cppdaaoi Kai

a land far off. As if any one [ a spring may shut up], and

tiSaxoc; s^o8ov Aujiaivoixo ovTwq dKoajiov SiKaiov

[ of water an exiting lay waste]; so [it is] unbecoming [for] a just man

7TS7TT(jQKsvai 8vco7riov aaspotiq 27+ saGisiv jisli itoXv

to fall before [the] impious. To eat [ honey much]

od koXov Tijidv 5s xprj A^oyoDc; zvdotqovq 28 +

[is] not good; [ to esteem but it behooves words honorable].

cba7isp itoXiq xaxsixrj KaxaPspXr}|isvr| Kai axs(%iaxoc;

As a city [with] walls having been thrown down and unwalled,

odxcdc; avfjp oq od jisxd (3odAx|c; xi rcpdaasi

so a man who [with no counsel in anything acts].

26 13

1+ cba7isp 8p6aoc; sv ajirjxcb Kai cba7rsp dsxoc; sv

As dew in harvest, and as rain in

Gspsi odxcdc; odk saxiv dcppovi xi|xq 2+ cba7isp

summer, so [not is [seemly] for a fool honor]. As

opvsa 7isxaxai Kai axpoD0o( odxcoc; apd jiaxaia

birds [ spread out [to fly] and sparrows], so [ oath a vain]


26 ID

8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

ouk 8718^813 asxai ou8svi 3+ cba7i8p jidaxi^ (71710 Kai

shall not come unto one [thing]. As a whip to a horse, and

Ksvxpov ovco otixcoc; pafidoq sGvsi 7capav6|ico 4 + jnr|

a spur to a donkey, so a rod [ nation to a lawbreaking]. Do not

a7coKpivou dcppovi Kaxd xrjv sksivou a^poawqv

give an answer to a fool according to that one's folly,

(va |ir| ojioioc; ysvrj auxcb 5 + aXka a7coKpivou

lest [ likened you should become] to him! But answer

dcppovi 7tpoc; xrjv sksivou a^poawqv (va |ir| cpaivrjxai

a fool to the folly of that one! lest he should appear

aocpoc; 7cap' sauxcb 6 + sk xg&gt;v o8&lt;i)v sauxou ovsiSoc;

wise of himself. [ by his own ways scorn

7coisixai o a7toaxeiA,ac; 81' ayysXou dcppovoc; A,6yov

shall cause The one sending through messenger a foolish a word].

7+ acpeAxyo 7cops(av ctksXcov Kai 7capoi|i(ac; 8K

Remove [the] goings of legs, and proverbs from out of

oxojiaxoq acppovcov 8+ oq a7co8sa|isi)si AiGov sv

[the] mouth of fools. The one who binds up a stone in

aq)8v86vr| ojioioq saxi xco 8i86vxi dcppovi 86^av 9 +

a sling, is likened to the one giving a fool glory.

dravGai cpuovxai sv %sip( xou |is0uaou SouXsia Ss

Thorn-bushes germinate in [the] hand of the intoxicated; and servitude

sv %zipi xcov acppovcov 10+ noXka %si|id^sxai 7cdaa

in [the] hand of fools. [ much is tossed by a storm All

aap^ acppovcov auvxpipsxai yap r| sKaxaaic; auxcbv n +

[the] flesh of fools]; [ is destroyed for their ecstasy].

cba7tsp kdcov oxav S7csA,0r| S7U xov sauxou sjisxov Kai

As a dog whenever it comes upon its own vomit, and

liiarjxoq ysvrjxai ouxcoc; dcppcov xr| sauxou KaKia

[ detested becomes]; so a fool [ [to] his own evil

avaaxpsyac; S7U xrjv sauxou ajiapxiav 12 + s(8ov dv8pa

returning], unto his own sin. I beheld a man

86^avxa 7cap' eauxcb aocpov sivai sAm8a jievxoi

seeming [ of himself wise to be], [ [more] hope however

sa%s jidAlov dcppcov auxou 13+ Aiysi OKvqpoc;

had rather than a fool] he. [ says [The] lazy one]

a7coaxsAA,6|i£voc; sic; o86v Xscov sv xaic; 0801c; sv 8s

when being sent into [the] way, A lion [is] in the ways, and in

xaic; nkaxEiaiq cpovsuxai h+ cbcmsp 0upa axpscpsxai

the squares [are] murderers. As a door turns


26 ID

8V TOT/CCp + VtKCl

20 - Proverbs

S7Ti tod axpocpiyyoq odtcdc; OKvqpoc; S7ii

upon the hinge, so [the] lazy one upon

Tr\q Kkivr\q oidtod is + KpD\j/ac; OKvrjpoq rqv %zipa sv

his bed. [ hiding [The] lazy one] the hand in

too koAjtcd ccdtod od SDVorccu S7isvsyKs(v S7ri to

his bosom shall not be able to bring [it] unto the

&lt;xc6|ia i6+ aocpcoTspoq scared) OKvqpoc; cpaivsTai tod sv

mouth. [ wiser to himself [The] lazy one appears] in

7ihr\a[iovr\ a7ioKO|ii£pvTOc; ayysAiav n+ cba7isp o

fulfilling transmitting a message. As the


one holding [the] tail of a dog; so the one setting himself over

aAAxrcpiac; Kpiascoq i 8 + cba7rsp oi icbjisvoi

a stranger's case. As the ones [needing] healing

7ipoP&amp;AAx)Dai Xoyovq sic; av6pcb7i;oDc; o 5s a7iavTf|aac;

propounds words unto men, and the [ one meeting

tco Xoyco 7rpcbTOc; D7ioaKsXia6f|asTai i 9 + odtcdc; rcdvTSc;

the word first] shall be tripped up. Thus are all

oi svs5psdovtsc; todc; saDTcbv (pikovq otcxv 5s

the ones lying in wait for their own friends; and whenever

cpcopaGcbai XsyoDaiv 6ti 7ia(^cov S7ipa^a 20+ sv

they should be caught in the act, they say that, In playing I acted. With
noTCkoiq ^vXoiq GdAlsi nvp 07tod 5s odk soti

much wood [flourishes fire]; but where there is no

5(9d|ioc; rj&lt;yu%d^si |idxr| 21+ sa%dpa dvBpa^i Kai

man at variance [with others] [ is stilled a fight]. A grate for coals, and

^dAxx 7iDp( avfjp 5s AxnSopoc; sic; Tapaxfjv |id%r|c; 22 +

wood for a fire; [ man and a reviling] for a disturbance to a fight.

Xoyoi KspKcb7icov jia^aKoi odtoi 5s tdtttodctiv sic;

Words of mischievous men are soft; but these beat into

Tajiisia a7rAxxyxvoc&gt;v 23+ apyopiov 5i56|isvov jiSTd

[the] inner chambers of [the] intestines. Silver given with

56A.OD oba7isp oaTpaKov rjyrjTSOv %zikr\ Xsia KapSiav

treachery, [is] as a potsherd esteemed. [ lips Smooth heart

KaAD7rcsi AD7ir|pdv 24+ xsi^sai 7idvTa S7tivsdsi

cover a distressed]. [ with [his] lips all [things] assents to

a7ioKAm6|isvoc; sxOpoq sv 5s ttj KapSia tsktcuvstcu

weeping An enemy]; but in the heart he contrives

56A.ODC; 25 + sdv aoD 5sf|Tai o s%6poc; |isydAr| tt| epeovfj

treachery. If [ should beseech you the enemy] with a great voice,


27 TD

8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

|ir| m\adr\q auxcb srcxd yap siai 7iovr|piai sv

do not yield to him; [ seven for there are] wickednesses in

tt[ K(xp8((x (xdtoi) 26+0 KpimxcDV s%6pav auviaxrjai

his heart. The one hiding hatred stands together

86A,ov SKKaXimxsi 8s xac; savzov ajiapxiac;

[with] treachery, and he conceals the [things] of his own [ sins

suyvcoaxoc; sv auvsSpico 27+0 optiaaoov PoGpov xoo

well-known] in [the] sanhedrin. The one digging a pit [for his]

7rAr|a(ov sjjjrsasixai sic; auxov o 8s KoAioov Xidov scp'

neighbor shall fall into it; and the one rolling a stone, [ upon

sai)xov KuAisi 28+ yAxbaaa \j/si)8fjc; jiiasi aXf|0siav

himself rolls it]. [ tongue A lying] detests truth;

axojia 8s daxsyov 7iois( aKaxaaxaaiav

[ mouth and an open-mouthed] makes commotion.

27 T3

1 + (ir| KaDxcb xa sic; atipiov od yap

Do not boast [concerning] the [things] for tomorrow! for you do not

yivcbaKsic; xi xs^sxai rj S7ncn3aa 2+ syKCDjiia^sxco as

know what [ shall give birth the coming [day]]. Let [ laud you

o nskaq Kai jitj xo aov axojia aAAmpioc; Kai |irj

the one near] ! and not your mouth; a stranger, and not

xa aa %zikr\ 3 + Papi) Xidoq Kai SuapdaxaKxov djijioc;

your lips. [ [is] heavy A stone], and [ hard to bear sand];

opyfj 8s dcppovoc; Papuxspa ajicpoxspcov 4 + avs^sfnicov

but [the] anger of a fool [is] heavier than both. [ [is] unmerciful

0D|i6c; Kai o^sia opyfj aXk' od8sv Dcpiaxaxai

Rage], and [ [is] sharp anger], but no one stands

(fikoq 5+ KpsiaaoDc; sA^sy^oi a7ioKaA,D7ix6|isvoi

[before] jealousy. [ [is] better [than] reproofs Revealing]

KpD7rxo|isvr|c; (piXiaq e+ a^i07iiaxoxspa xpatijiaxa (pikov

hiding friendship. More worthy of trust [are] wounds of a friend,

rj sKotiaia (piAxjjiaxa s%6poi) 7+ sv 7iAx|a|iovf|

than voluntary kisses of an enemy. A soul [ in fullness

ovaa Kqpioic; S|i7ia(^si \\fv%r\ 8s sv8ss( Kai xa 7iiKpd

being honeycombs mocks]; but to a soul lacking, even the bitter [things]

yAuKsa cpaivsxai s+ cba7isp opvsov oxav Kaxa7isxaa0f|

[sweet appear]. As a bird whenever it flies down

sk xrjc; idiaq voaaidq ouxooc; dvGpcoTroq 8oi)Axy6xai

from out of its own nest; so a man [is] enslaved


27 TD

8V TOVjlCp + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

oxav a7io^sv&lt;jo6fj sk tcov i5(cdv T07rcov 9 + fitipoic;

whenever he estranges himself from out of his own places. Perfumes,

Kai oivoiq Kai 6i)|iid|iaai xsprcsxai Kap5(a

and wines, and incenses make [ happy [the] heart];

Kaxappfjyvuxai 5s imo ai)|i7iTCO|idTCOv yv%r\ io+ qnlov

[ breaks down but by adverse incidents [the] soul]. [ friend

aov r| (pikov 7iaxpcbov |ir| syKaxaAi7ir|c; sic; 5s

Your] or [ friend paternal] you should not abandon; but to

xov oikov tod aSsAxpou gov |iT| siasA,0r|c; aiDxcbv

the house of your brother you should not enter in adversity;

Kpsiaacov (pikoq syyvq r\ aSsAxpoc; jiaKpdv oikcov n +

better a friend near, than a brother [ far living].

aoqoq yivoi) ms wa sucppaivrjxai jiod tj Kap5(a Kai

[wise Become], O son! that [ should gladden me the heart]. And

a7i6axps\j/ov arco aoi) S7iovsi5(axoDc; Xoyovq n +

turn [ from you reviling words] !

7iavoi)pyoc; KaKcbv S7isp%o|isvcDV a7rsKpi&gt;Pr| dcppovsq 5s

A clever man, of evils coming along, conceals himself; but fools

S7tsA,06vtsc; ^rjjjiav xiaouaiv 13+ acpsAxro

coming along, [a penalty shall pay]. Remove

to ijidxiov avTOV 7iapf|A,0s yap uPpiaxfjc; oaxiq

his garment! [ passed by for an insulting [man]], the one who

xa aAloxpia A,D|iaivsxai u+ oq av suXoysi (pikov

[ a stranger's [goods] lays waste]. Who ever shall bless a friend

xo7ipcoi |isydAr| xr| cpcovfj Kaxapcojisvoi) ou5sv

in the morning with a great voice, [ from one cursing shall not

Siacpspsiv 56^si 15+ axayovsc; SKpdAAxroaiv dv6pco7iov

to differ seem]. Drops [of rain] [ shall cast a man

sv rjiispa x 8l ^ 8 P lv1 l 8K Tao oikod avzov ooaauxcoc;

on a day of winter] from out of his house; likewise

Kai yuvfj AxnSopoc; sk xod i5iod OIKOD 16 +

also [ wife a reviling] [drives a man] from out of [his] own house.

Popsaq aicAr|p6c; dvsjioc; ovojiaxi 5s S7ii5s^ioc;

[The] north [ [is] hard wind], [byname but fittingly

KaXsixai 17+ aiSrjpoq a(5r|pov o^ovsi avfjp 5s

is called]. Iron [iron sharpens]; and a man

7iapo^6vsi 7ip6aco7rov sxaipou ig+ oq qroxsusi

sharpens [the] face of his companion. [The] one who plants

odktjv cpdysxai zovq Kap7ioi)c; avTT\q oq 5s

a fig-tree shall eat the fruits of it; and [the] one who

27 TD

8V TOfjlCp + VtKCl

20 - Proverbs

tpuXdaasi xov sauxoi) Kupiov xi|ir|0f|asxai 19+ cba7isp

guards his own master shall be esteemed. As

ov% ojioia 7ip6aco7ra 7rpoacb7roic; otixcoc; od8s ai

[ [are] not likened faces] to [other] faces, so not even [are] the

Kap5(ai xcov av0pcb7icov ojioiai 20+ adr\q Kai a7icbA,sia

hearts [ to [other] men's likened]. Hades and destruction

odk 8(i7ii|i7rXavTai coaaDxcoc; Kai 01 otp0aA,|io( xcov

[are] not filled up; likewise also the eyes of the

av0pcb7r&lt;jov d7iAx|axoi p5sXi)y|ia Kopico axrjpi^cov

[ man insatiable]. [ [is] an abomination [to the] LORD One fixing

oq)0aA,|i6v Kai 01 a7ia(8sDxoi aKpaxsfc; yAxbaarj 21 +

[the] eye], and the uninstructed ones [are] immoderate in tongue.

5ok(|iiov apyDpico Kai xpDaico itvpoxsiq avfjp 8s

Proving silver and gold [is through] burning by fire; but a man

SoKijid^sxai 5id axojiaxoq syKco|iia^6vxcov ai)xov 22 +

is tried by [the] mouth of ones lauding him.

sdv jiaaxiyok; dcppova sv jisaco aDvs8p(co axijid^cov

If you whip a fool in [the] midst of a sanhedrin, dishonoring [him],

od |ir| mpi£Xr\q xrjv acppoawrjv aDxoD 23 + yvcoaxcbq

in no way shall [ be removed his folly]. Knowingly,

87iiyvcbar| yu%dc; 7toi|iv(oD cjod Kai

you shall recognize [things concerning] [the] lives of your flock, and
£7uaxfja£ic; Kap8(av gov amq aysAmc; 24 + 6x1 odk sic;

you shall set [ over your heart] your herds. For [ [are] not into

xov aicbva av5p( Kpdxoc; Kai ia%vq od8s

the eon to a man might and strength]; nor

7rapaS(Scoaiv sk ysvsdc; sic; ysvsdv 25+ S7ii|isAx)D xcov

does he deliver it up from generation to generation. Care for the

sv xco 7is8ico %Ax»pcbv Kai Kspsic; 7i6av Kai

[in the field green [things]]! and you shall shear [the] herbage; and

(Tovdyays %6pxov opsivov 26+ (va s%r\q

gather together grass of the mountainous area! that you should have

7ip6paxa sic; ijiaxiajiov xijia 7is8(ov (va cooi

sheep's [wool] for clothes. Esteem [the] field! that there might be

aoi dpvsq 27+ ms 7iap' sjiod s%sic; pfjasiq ia%Dpdc; sic;

lambs for you. O son, [ from me you have sayings strong] for

xrjv ^cofjv cjod Kai sic; xrjv ^cofjv acov 0spa7i6vxcov

your life, and for the life of your attendants.


28 rra

8V TOVJTCp + vuca

20 - Proverbs

28 no

i + cpsuysi aaepfjq |ir|8sv6c; Sicdkovxoc; Sucaioc; 8s

[ flees An impious [man]] [with] no one pursuing; but [the] just man

cba7rsp Aioov 718710108 2 + 81 ajiapxiac; aaspcbv

[as a lion is secure]. Because of [the] sins of [the] impious,

Kpiaeic; sysipovxai avfjp 8s 7cavof)pyoc; KaxaaPsasi

litigations arise; [ man but a clever] extinguishes

avidq 3 + avSpsioc; ev aospsiaic; aDKocpavxsi 7cx&lt;jo%of)c;

them. A vigorous man with impious deeds extorts [the] poor

cba7cep vsToq Xafipoq Kai avw^ooAxjc; 4 + ouxooc; 01

as [ rain a fierce and unprofitable]. Thus the ones

syKaxaXsurovxsc; xov vojiov syKco|iid^oDaiv aaspsiav

abandoning the law laud impiety;

01 8s aya7tcbvx£c; xov vojiov 7cspipdAAx)Daiv sauxofc;

but the ones loving the law put [ around themselves

xei%oc; 5 + dvSpsq kockoi od vofjaoDoi Kpijia 01 8s

a wall]. [ men Evil] do not comprehend equity; but the ones

^rjxowcsc; xov Kopiov awqaouaiv sv 7cavx( 6 +

seeking the LORD perceive in all.

Kpsiaacov 7cxco%6c; 7copsi)6|isvoc; sv aArjGsia nXovaiov

Better a poor [man] going in truth, [than] a rich

\j/sd8ot3c; ? + qroAxxaasi vojiov vioq oDvsxoq oq 8s

liar. [ keeps [the] law son A discerning]; but the one who

7coi|ia(vsi aacoxiav axijid^si 7taxspa auxof) g + o

tends carnality dishonors his father. The

7tAr|0i)vcDV xov 7cXot3xov avzov jisxd xokcov Kai

one multiplying his wealth with interest and

7cA,sovaa|icbv xco sA,sowci 7rc&lt;jo%of)c; auvdysi auxov 9 +

usury, [ for one showing mercy on [the] poor gathers it].

o skkAivcov xo ovq avzov xod |irj aKouoai vojiou Kai

The one turning aside his ear to not hear [the] law, even

avToq xrjv 7cpoasi)%fjv avzov sp8s?u)Kxai 10+ oq

he [ his [own] prayer abhors]. The one who

itXava sdGsic; sv o8cb KaKfj sic; 8iacp0opdv avzoq

wanders upright men in [ way an evil], [ into corruption himself

S|i7csas(xai 01 8s dvojioi 8isA,sf&gt;oovxai ayaGd Kai

shall fall]; and the lawless ones shall go through good [things], and

odk siasA,sf&gt;oovxai sic; auxd n+ aocpoq 7cap' sauxcb

they shall not enter to them. [ [is] wise to himself

avfjp 7cAxy6aioc; 7csvrjc; 8s vofjjicov Kaxayvcbasxai

man A rich]; [needy [man] but an intelligent] shall condemn


28 rra

8V TOUT© + VlKa

20 - Proverbs

avTOV 12+ 8id PofjGsiav SiKaicov 7ioAAxj yivsxai 86^a

him. Through [the] help of [the] just ones much [ comes to pass glory];

sv 8s xorcoic; aaspcbv aAiaKovxai dv6pco7roi 13+0

but in [the] places of [the] impious [ are being captured men]. The

£7riKaA*)7n;cDV aaspsiav aDxof) odk sDo8co6fjasxai o 8s

one covering over his impiety, [ not his way shall] be prospered; but the one

s^rjyoDjisvoc; Kai sXsy%cov aya7rrj0fjasxai h+ jiaKdpioc;

describing and reproving shall be loved. Blessed [is]

avfjp oq Kaxa7ixfjaasi rcdvxa 81' sdAxxPsuxv o Se

a man who is struck with awe of all [things] through veneration; but the

aKAxipog tt|v Kap8(av S|i7isas(xai KaKoiq

hard of heart shall fall into evils.

15+ Aicov 7isivcbv Kai XvKoq 8uj/cbv oq xDpawsi

A lion hungering, and a wolf thirsting [is] the one who [is] sovereign
Ki&amp;ypq gov s0vodc; 7isvi%poD i 6 + fiaaiksvq svSsfjc;

[poor being nation of a destitute]. A king lacking

7ipoa68cov jisyac; aDKocpdvxrjc; o 8s jiiocbv aSudav

revenue [is] a great extortioner; but the one detesting injustice

jiaKpov xpovov ^fjasxai 17+ dv8pa xov sv aixia cpovou

[along time shall live]. [of a man under accusation of murder

o syyi)cb|isvoc; (pvyaq saxai Kai odk sv aacpa^sia

The one guaranteeing a loan an exile will be], and not in safety.

18+0 7iopsi)6|isvoc; SiKaicbc; PsPofjGrjxai 08s aKoAiafc;

The one going justly is helped; but the one [ crooked

0801c; 7ropsDO|isvoc; s|i7iA,aKfjasxai 19+0 spya^ojisvoq

ways going by] shall be entangled. The one working

xrjv saDxof) yrjv 7iArja9fjasxai dpxoov o 8s Sicokcov

his own land shall be filled [with] bread loaves; but the one pursuing

a%oXr\v 7iAx|a6fjasxai 7isv(ac; 20+ avfjp a^i07riaxoc;

ease shall be filled with poverty. A man worthy of trust

noXXd si)Ax)yr|6fjasxai o 8s KaKoq odk

in many [things] shall be blessed; but the evil one shall not

axijicbprjxoc; soxai 21 + oq odk aia%Dvsxai 7ip6aco7ra

be unpunished. [The] one who does not feel respect for persons

SiKaicov odk ayaBoq o xoiodxoc; \j/cd|iod dpxoD

[of the] just, [is] not good; such [a one] [ for a morsel of bread

a7io8cbasxai dv8pa 22+ cmsDSsi 7tAx)dxs(v avfjp

will deliver over a man]. [hastens to be rich man

pdaKavoc; Kai odk o(8sv 6x1 sA,sfj|icov Kpaxfjasi

A bewitching], and does not know that a merciful [man] will prevail over

29 DD

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

20 - Proverbs

ai)TOT3 23+0 sAiyxcov av0pcb7roi) oSovq %dpixac; e^ei

him. The one reproving a man's ways [ favors shall have],

jidAlov tod yAx»aao%apixowcoc; 2 4+ oq

rather than the flatterer with the tongue. [The] one who

a7roP&amp;AA£xai 7taxepa r| jxqxepa Kai 8oks( jit|

throws off [his] father or mother, and assumes he does not

ajiapxdveiv omoq Koivcovoq eaxiv avdpoq aasfiovq 25 +

sin; this one is partner [man of an impious].

aith]GToq avfjp Kpivei eucq oq 8e 7iS7roi0sv sm

An insatiable man judges in vain; but [the] one yielding upon

Kijpiov ev S7ii|i8A,8ia eaxai 2 6+ oq 718710168

[the] LORD [ in care will be]. [The] one who yields to

Gpaaeia Kap5(a o xoiotixoc; dcppoov oq 8s 7copei3exai

a rash heart, such a one is a fool; but [the] one who goes

aocpia aooGfjaexai 27+ oq 8(8coai Ki&amp;ypiq odk

in wisdom shall be delivered. [The] one who gives to [the] poor shall not

8v88T|0f|a8Tai oq 8s a7coaxpe(pei

be in want; but [the] one who turns

xov 0(p9aA,|i6v avTOV ev noXkr\ ectopia eaxai 2 s + ev

his eye [ in much perplexity will be]. In

t67cok; aaepcbv axevouai SiKaioi ev 8e xr|

[the] places of [the] impious [moan [the] just]; but in the

eKeivcov a7ccoA,e(a 7cAr|0a)v6f|aovxai Sdcaioi

destruction of those [ shall be multiplied [the] just].

29 t33

1+ Kpeioacov avfjp eA,ey%cov av8poq aKhr\poTpa%r\kov

Better a man of reproofs, [than] a man hard-necked;

e^a7rivr|c; yap cpXeyojievoi) avzov otnceaxiv iaaiq 2 +

for suddenly [blazing up for him there is no healing].

eyKco|iia^o(ievcov 8iKa(cov etxppavGfjaovxai Xaoi

In [the] lauding [of the] just [ will be glad peoples];

apxovxcov 8e aaepcbv axevouaiv dvSpec; 3+ avSpoc;

[ [the] rule but of [the] impious moan over men]. A man

(pikovvToq aocpiav eucppaivexai o 7caxf|p avzov oq 8e

fond of wisdom gladdens his father; but [the] one

7coi|iaivei 7t6pvac; a7coA,e( 7cA,oi3xov 4 + fiaaiksvq dhcaioq

tending harlots destroys wealth. [ king A just]

aviaxrjai %copav ocvfjp 8e 7tapdvo|ioc; KaxaaKd7cxei 5 +

establishes regions; [ man but a lawbreaking] razes [them].


29 DD

8V TOVjlCp + vuca

20 - Proverbs

oq 7rapaaKeD&amp;££Tai S7U 7ip6aco7rov tod savior*

The one who makes preparations [ against [the] person of his own

(pikov 8(kxdov 7ispiPaAA£i auxo xoic; sauxoi) 7ioaiv 6+

friend with a net] puts it around his own feet.

ajiapxdvovxi av8pi |isydAx| nayiq Sucaioc; 8s sv

[sinning against a man A great snare [is set]]; but [the] just [in

Xapd Kai sv SDcppoawq saxai 7+ S7riaxaxai Sixaioc;

joy and in gladness will be]. [ has knowledge A just [man]]

Kpivsiv nsvvxpoiq o 8s aaspfjc; od vosi yvcbaiv Kai

to judge for [the] destitute; but the impious do not comprehend knowledge; and

7CXCD%cb ODX D7T&amp;p%Sl VODCJ S7liyVCb|ICOV 8+ dvSpsq

[to the] poor [there does] not exist [the] mind of an arbitrator. [ men

Axhjioi s^sKoroaav 7i6A.iv aocpoi 8s a7csoxps\j/av opyfjv

Mischievous] burn away a city; but wise [men] turn away anger.

9+ avfjp aocpoc; Kpivsi s6vr| avfjp 8s (pavXoq

[ man A wise] judges nations; [ man but a heedless],

opyitpjisvoc; KaxaysAmai Kai od Kaxa7ixfjaasi io +

in provoking to anger, ridicules and is not struck with awe.

dvSpsc; aijidxcov jisxoxoi jiiafjaouaiv oaiov oi 8s

Men [ in blood [being] partners] shall detest [the] sacred; but the

si)0sfc; SK^rjxfjaoDai \\fv%f)v clvtov n+ okov xov 0D|i6v

upright will seek after his soul. [ entire rage

(xdxod SKcpspsi o dcppoov aocpoc; 8s xajiisDsxai Kaxd

his brings forth The fool]; but [the] wise stores his up in

jispoq 12+ PaaiXscoq U7raKODOvxoc; Xoyov d8iKov 7idvxsc;

part. A king hearkening [ matter in an unjust] [makes] all

01 1)71 (XDXOV 7C(Xp(XVOjJ,Ol 13 + 8avsiaxoi3 Kai

[the] ones under him lawbreakers. A money-lender and

XpscocpsiXsxoi) akkr\koiq ai)vsA,96vxcov S7ciaK07cf|v

debtor, [when] one another come together [ to oversee

7cois(xai ajicpoxspcov o Kopioc; h+ paaiAiooc; sv

commits both the LORD]. A king [in

alfjGsia Kpivovxoq 7cxcd%oi)c; o dpovoq avzov sic;

truth judging [the] poor], his throne [ for

jiapxtipiov KaxaaxaBfjasxai 15+ 7cAr|yai Kai sA,sy%oi

a [good] testimony shall be established]. Strokes and reproofs

8i86aai aoqnav naiq 8s 7cA,avcb|isvoc; aia%i&gt;vsi

give wisdom; but a child wandering shames

yovsiq avzov i 6 + 7toXk(bv ovxcov aaspcbv 7coAAm

his parents. [ of many [With the] being] impious, many


29 DD


20 - Proverbs

yivovxai ajiapxiai 01 8s Sfcaioi sksivcdv 7ii7it6vtcov

[ take place sins]; but [with] the just, at the falling of those,

KaxdcpoPoi yivovxai n+ 7ia(8sus mov aou Kai

fear takes place. Correct your son, and

ava7im3asi as Kai 8cbosi KOOJJ.OV TTj \JA)%T| OOD 18 +

he will cause you rest, and he will give a decoration to your soul.

od |ir| U7idp^r| s^rjyrjTfjc; sGvsi 7iapav6|ico o 8s

In no way should there exist an expositor [ nation to a lawbreaking]; but the one

(pu^daaoov xov vojiov jiaKdpiaxoc; i 9 + Xoyoiq ov

keeping the law is most blessed. [ by words will not be

7rai8su9fjasTai oiksttj^ aKhr\p6q sdv yap Kai vofjarj

corrected domestic servant A recalcitrant]; for even if he comprehends

ou% U7iaKoi)asTai 20+ sdv i6r\q dv8pa xa%i&gt;v sv

he will not obey. If you should behold a man hasty in

Xoyoiq yivoocjKs 6x1 sAm8a s%si [laXkov o dcppcov

words, know that [ hope has rather than the fool]

auxou 21+ oq Kaxaa7iaxaXd sk naidoq

he! The one who lives wastefully from child [hood]

oiKsxrjq saxai sa%axov 8s o8wr|0f|asxai scp' sauxcb 22 +

will be a domestic servant; and at [the] end will grieve over himself.

avfjp 0u|icb8r|c; optiaasi vsikoc; avfjp 8s opyikoq

A man inclined to rage digs up altercation; and a man prone to anger

s^cbpD^sv ajiapxiac; 23 + vfipiq dv8pa xa7isivo( zovq 8s

gouges up sin. Insolence [ a man abases]; but the

xa7rsiv6(ppovac; sps(8si 86^r| Kopioc; 24+ oq

[ [the] humble-minded establishes in glory LORD]. [The] one who

jispi^sxai KA,S7iTr| jiiasi xrjv sauxoi) \\fv%r\v sdv 8s

shares with a thief detests his own soul. And if

opKOD 7ipoxs0svxoc; aKotiaavxsc; |ir|

an oath having been set before ones hearing, [but] they should not

avayysiAxoai 25+ (poPrjGsvxsq Kai aia%uv0svxsc;

announce it, [they,] fearing and shaming

av0pcb7rouc; i)7isaKsAia0f|aovxai o 8s 7rs7roi0cbc; S7U

men, shall be tripped up; but the one yielding upon

Kopiov SD(ppav0fjasxai aaspsia av8p( 8(8coai acpdXjia

[the] LORD shall be glad. Impiety in man makes a [man] trip;

08s 7iS7roi0cbc; S7i( too 8sa7i6xr| aco0fiasTai 26+ noXkoi

but the one yielding unto the master shall be preserved. Many

0spa7isi)ouai 7ip6aco7ra rjyoDjisvcov 7iapd 8s Kupioi)

attend to [the] persons of leaders; but by [the] LORD


30 V ev toi3tco + vuca 20 - Proverbs

yivsxai to Sucaiov av5p( 2 ?+ fidskvyiia Sixaioc; avfjp

[happens justice] to a man. [ [is] an abomination A just man

av5p( aSixco pSeluyjia 8s avojico KaTSD0i&gt;vouaa

man to an unjust]; and an abomination to [the] lawless one [is] a straight



30 V

1+ xd8s Aiyei o avfjp xoiq 7iiaTSi)oi)ai 08cb Kai

Thus speaks the man to the ones trusting in God. And [now]

7rm3o|iai 2 + acppoveaxaxoq yap sijii a7idvTC0v

I will cease. [ most foolish For I am all together]

av0pcb7rcov Kai tppovrjaic; av0pcb7rou odk sotiv ev ejioi

of men, and [the] intelligence of man is not in me.

3 + o 0e6c; 8e8(8a%8 jie aocpiav Kai yvcbaiv ayicov

God has taught me wisdom, and [ [the] knowledge of [the] holies

eyvcora 4 + tic; aveprj sic; tov oupavov Kai KaxsPrj tic;

I know]. Who ascended into the heaven, and came down? Who

aDvfjyaysv avsjioDc; sv koAjtco tic; ouveaTpeij/sv vdcop

brought together [the] winds in [his] bosom? Who bundled up waters

sv ijiaTico tic; SKparrjae 7idvTC0v tcdv dKpcov ttjc; yrjc;

in [his] cloak? Who holds all the extremities of the earth?

ti ovojia ai)Tcb r| ti ovojia toic; tskvoic; avzov

What name [is given] to him? or what name [to] his children

(va yvcoc; 5 + rcavTSc; yap A,6yoi 0sot3 7ie7n)pco|ievoi

that you should know? For all [the] words of God are purified.

D7T8paa7r(^si 8e ai)T6c; tcdv ei)A,aPoi)|ievcov auTOV e+

[ shields And he himself] the ones venerating him.

|ir| 7rpoa0f|c; toic; Xoyoiq amox&gt; iva \n\ sAiy^rj as

You should not add [to] his words, lest he reprove you,

Kai \j/si)Sfjc; ysvrj ?+ St3o aiTotijiai 7iapd gov

and [ a liar you should become]. Two [things] I ask from you;

|ir| atpeArjc; [iov %dpiv 7ipo tou a7io0aveiv |ie 8 +

you should not remove [ from me favor] before my dying;

jidTaiov Xoyov Kai \j/eu5f| jiaKpdv jiod 7io(r|aov

[ [the] vain word and false far from me appoint];

7tAx)i)TOV 8e Kai rcsviav |ir| jioi 8coc; cwia^ov 8s

and riches and poverty you should not give to me; but order up

(ioi Ta 8sovTa Kai Ta aDTdpKq 9 + iva jlit|

for me the [things] necessary and the [things] [to be] self-sufficient; that [ not


30 "7 sv tootg) + vtica 20 - Proverbs

Tihr\adsiq \\fzvdr\q ysvcojiai Kai s(7ico tic; jis opd r|

in being filled up false I should become], and should say, Who sees me? Or

7tsvr|6sfc; kA,s\j/co Kai ojioaco to ovojia

to be in need [that] I shall steal, and I shall swear an oath by the name

tod Gsod io+ |ir| 7iapa8cbc; dovXov sic; %s(pac;

of God. You should not deliver a bondservant into [the] hands

8so7t6tod |if| 7TOT8 KaTapdarjTai as Kai atpaviaGfjc;

of a master, lest at any time he should curse you, and you should be obliterated.

n+ SKyovov kockov 7iaTspa Korcap&amp;Tai Tr\q 8s jirjTspa

[ progeny A bad a father curses], [ the and mother

odk sD^oysi 12+ SKyovov kockov SiKaiov saDTOV

he does not bless]. [progeny A bad as just himself

KpiV£l TTJV 8s S^o8oV OLVTOV ODK a7TSVl\j/8V 13 + SKyovov

judges], and [ his going out not washes]. [ progeny

kockov d\j/t|Ax)dc; otp0aA,|ioDc; s%si Toiq 8s

A bad lofty eyes has], and

P^scp&amp;poic; (xdtod S7ia(psTai i 4 + SKyovov kockov

with his eyelids he lifts himself up. [ progeny A bad

|ia%a(pac; oSovTac; s%si Kai xaq [vbXaq TOjiiSaq

swords for teeth has], and the molars [as] pruning knives,

coots avaAiaKsiv todc; aaGsvsic; arco Tr\q yr\q Kai

so as to consume the weak from the earth, and

todc; 7isvr|Tac; aDTcbv s^ av6pcb7icov i 5 + tt|

the needy of them from [among] men. [ to the

p8sAAx| Tpsiq 0DyaTspsq fjaav aya7if|asi aya7icb|isvai

leech three daughters There were in affection being loved],

ai Tpsiq aDTai odk svs7U|i7iA,aaav aDTfjv Kai r|

these three did not fulfill her, and to the

TSTdpTTj odk rjpKsaGrj smsiv iKavov i6+ dSrjc; Kai

fourth [it] was not sufficient to say, Enough ~ Hades, and

spcoq yovaiKoc; Kai yr| odk s|i7rurXa|isvr| DSaTOc; Kai

passion of a woman, and earth not filled with water; and

D8cop Kai 7iDp od |ir| si7icoaiv apKsi 17+ ocpGaXjiov

water and fire in no way shall say, It sufficies. [The] eye

KaTaysXcbvTa nazpoq Kai aTijidtpvTa yfjpaq jirjTpoc;

ridiculing a father, and dishonoring [the] old age of a mother —

SKKoyaiaav aDTOV KopaKsc; sk tcov cpapdyycov Kai

[ cut it out let [the] crows from the ravines], and

KaTacpdyoiaav aDTOV vsoaooi asTcbv i8+ Tpia 8s

may [ devour it [the] young of [the] eagles]. [ three [things] And

screw aSDvaTd jioi vofjoai Kai to TSTapTOV odk

there are] impossible for me to comprehend, and the fourth I do not

30 V ev toi3tco + vtica 20 - Proverbs

S7iiyivcbaKco 19+ (xvrj asxoi) 7isxo|isvoi) Kai odovq

know ~ [the] traces [ eagle of a flying], and [the] ways

ocpsooc; 87i( 7isxpac; Kai xptpouc; vrjoq 7rovT07iopoT3or|(;

of a serpent upon a rock, and [the] paths of a ship passing through the sea,

Kai odovq avdpoq sv vsoxrjxi 20+ xoiai)xr| odoq

and [the] ways of a man in youth. Such is the way

ywaiKoq |ioi%aAi8oc; r| oxav 7ipd^r| a7iovi\j/a|isvr|

[ woman of an adulterous], whenever she should act in washing [herself],

od5sv cprjoi 7i£7ipa%8vai axorcov 21+ 5id xpicbv asisxai

[ not she says] to have acted out of place. By three [things] [ is shaken

T| yr| xo 8s xsxapxov od 5i3vaxai cpspsiv 22 + sav

the earth], and the fourth it is not able to bear — if

oiKsxrjc; PaaiXsixyrj Kai dcppcov nkr\adT\ OIXICOV 23 +

a domestic servant should reign, and a fool should be filled with food,

Kai oiksxic; sdv eKpdAxj xrjv eauxfjc; Kopiav Kai

and a female domestic servant, if she is cast out by her own lady, and

|iiar|xfj yovfj sdv tv%t\ av5poc; aya6oi&gt; 24 +

a hateful wife if she should attain [ man a good].

xsoaapa 8s saxiv sld%iaxa S7i( xrjq yrjc; xatixa 8s

[ four And there are] lesser [things] upon the earth, and these

saxi oocpcbxspa xcov aocpcbv 25+ 01 |x6p|ir|Ksc; oiq

are wiser [than] the wise ~ the ants in whom

|ir| saxiv i&lt;3%vq Kai sxoijid^ovxai dzpovq xrjv xpocpfjv

there is no strength, and they prepare [ in summer nourishment].

26+ Kai 01 %oipoypi)AAioi s0voc; odk ia%i)pov 01

And the rabbits — a nation not [being] strong, the ones

S7roifjaavxo sv 7isxpaic; xodc; sauxcbv oikoix; 27 +

making [in [the] rocks their own houses].

aPaai^sDxov soxiv r| aKpic; Kai SKaxpaxstisi acp'

[ independent is The locust], but she marches [ from

svoc; KsA,si&gt;a|iaxoc; SDxdKxooc; 2 s+ Kai KaXaPcbxrjc;

one word of command orderly]. And [the] newt,

Xspcriv spsiSojisvoq Kai sudAxoxoc; cov KaxoiKsi sv

with its hands sticking, and [ easily caught being], it dwells in

oxi)pcb|iaai Paai^scov 29+ xpia 8s saxiv a SDoScoq

[the] fortresses of kings. [three And there are] which [prosperously

7iopsT3sxai Kai xo xsxapxov o KoXfoq SiaPaivsi 30 +

go], and the fourth which [ well passes over] ~

okd jivoq Xsovxoc; io%upoxspoc; Kxrjvcbv oq odk

[ cub a lion] [is] stronger than [the] beasts, which does not


31 &amp;

8V TOfjlCp + VtKCl

20 - Proverbs

aftoaxpscpsxai odos Kaxa7ixf|aasi Kifjvoq 31+ Kai

turn away, nor is struck with awe of [any] beast, and

aXsKxcop 8|i7ispi7iaTcbv sv Grj^eiaic; sv\\fv%coq Kai

a rooster walking about among females confidently, and

xpdyoc; rjyotijisvoc; auroAiou Kai fiaaiksvq

a he -goat taking [the] lead of a flock of goats, and a king

8r||ir|yopcbv sv s0vsi 32+ sdv 7ip6r| osauxov sic;

delivering a public address to a nation. If you should let go of yourself in

SDcppoawrj Kai SKxsivrjc; xr|v %sipd aoi) jisxd |id%r|c;

gladness, and should stretch out your hand for a fight

axi|iaa6fjar| 33+ djis^ys yaka Kai saxai Pouxupov

you shall be dishonored. Extract milk, and there will be butter;

sdv 5s SK7ns^r|c; |XDKxfjpac; s^sXsuasxai aijia sdv 8s

but if you should pressure [the] nostrils there shall come forth blood; and if

s^sAxqc; Xoyovq s^s^suaovxai Kpiasic; Kai |id%ai

you should drag out words, there shall come forth litigations and fights.

31 *6

1 + 01 sjioi Xoyoi siprjvxai imo 6sot3 PaaiXsooc;

My words have been spoken by God; [ by a king

%pr||iaxia |ioc; ov S7ra(5si)osv r| |if|xr|p avzov 2+ xi

[the] divine answer], whom [instructed his mother]. What,

xskvov xrjpfjasic; xi pfjasic; 6sot3 7ipcoxoysvsc; aoi

0 child, will you give heed to? What sayings of God, O first-born, to you

Xsyco dis xi xskvov sjifjc; KoiAiac; xi xskvov sjicov

1 speak, O son? What, O child of my belly? What, O child of my

sd%cov 3+ |ir| 5ooc; ywai^i aov 7tA,ot3xov Kai

vows? You should not give [ to women your wealth], nor

xov aov vodv Kai piov sic; i)axspoPoi)Aiav jisxd

your mind and livelihood for an afterthought. [ with

Poi)Axjc; 7idvxa 7ioisi jisxd PodAt|c; oivo7ioxsi 4+ 01

counsel all [things] Do] ! [ with counsel Drink wine] ! The

5i)vdaxai 9i)|icb5sic; siaiv oivov |ir| 7iivsxcoaav 5 +

mighty ones are inclined to rage; [wine let them not drink]!

iva |ir| 7rivovxsc; smXaGcovxai xrjc; aocpiaq Kai opGd

lest drinlcing they should forget wisdom, and [ rightly

Kpivsiv ov (irj 5wcovxai xouc; aaGsvsic; 6 + 8(5oxs

to judge in no way are able] the weak. Give

jisGrjv xoic; sv Xvitaiq Kai oivov 7i(vsiv xoiq sv

intoxicating drink to the ones in distresses, and wine to drink to the ones in


31 &amp;

8V TOVjlCp + vuca

20 - Proverbs

oStivaic; ? + (va S7riA,d0(jovxai xrjc; mviaq Kai xcov

griefs! that they should forget [their] poverty, and [their]

7r6vcov |ir| (ivrjaGcbaiv exi 8+ me dvoiye aov

miseries should not be remembered any longer. O Son, open your

&lt;xc6|ia A,6yco 0sot3 Kai Kpivs 7idvxac; vymq 9 +

mouth [with the] word of God, and judge all fairly!

dvoiys aov axojia Kai Kpivs SiKaicbc; 5idKpive 8e

Open your mouth, and judge justly, and litigate for

7isvr|xa Kai aa0evfj 10+ yovaixa av8pe(av xic; supfjaei

[the] needy and weak! [ wife a vigorous Who shall find]?

xijiicoxspa 8s saxi AiGcov 7ioAmsA,cbv rj xoiauxrj u +

[ more esteemed [than] For is stones very costly such].

Gapasi 87i ' auxfj rj Kap5(a xod avSpoq avTT\q

[ takes courage over her The heart of her husband].

T| xoiatixrj KaA^cbv CTK6A,C0V ODK a7T0pT|O8l 12 +

Such a one [of good spoils will not be distressed [by the lack]].

evepyeiyap xco av8p( aya66v Kai od KaKov rcdvxa

For she exacts energy to [her] husband [for] good, and not bad for all

xov ptov 13+ |ir|pDO|i8vr| spia Kai Aivov S7rovr|asv

the livelihood. [ furling wool and flax She makes

£i3%pr|axa xaic; %zpciv ocDxfjq h + syevsxo coaei vavq

useful her hands]. She became as a ship

s|i7ropsi)0|isvr| jiaKpoGsv crovdyei amr\q

trading far off. She gathers together her

xov7tXot3xov 15+ Kai aviaxaxai sk vdkxcov Kai s5cgk£

wealth, and she rises up at nights, and appoints

Ppcbjiaxa xco oikco Kai spya xaic; 6epa7ia(vaic; i6+

foods to the household, and works to the female attendants.

Gscopfjaaaa yscbpyiov S7ip(axo arco 8s Kap7icbv

In viewing a farm, she buys; and from [the] fruits

Xsipcbv avTT\q KaxsqroxsDos Kxfjjia i?+ ava^coaa|i8vr|

of her hands she plants a possession. Girding up

ia%vp(hq xrjv oaqrov m)TT\q fjpeios

[ strongly her loin], she establishes

Tovq Ppaxiovaq avTT\q eic; epyov i 8 + sysuaaxo 6xi

her arms for work. She tastes that

Kakov saxi xo spyd^eaBai Kai odk a7ioapswDxai

it is good to work; and [ is not extinguished

o Xvyyoq avTT\q 6Ax|v xrjv vuKxa 19+ Tovq 7rf|X£i^ auxfjc;

her lamp] all the night. [ her cubits


31 &amp;

20 - Proverbs

skxsivsi 87i( xa aDjicpspovxa xac; 8s xsipag auxfjc;

She stretches out] unto the [things] being advantageous; and the [things] of her

sps(8si sic; dxpaKxov 20 + xsipaq 5s avTT\q Srqvoi^s

she sticks to [the] spindle. [ hands And her she opens wide]

7lSVT|Tl KapftOV 8s S^SXSIVS 7TXCD%cb 21 + 01) (ppOVXl^Sl

to [the] needy, and [her] wrist she stretches out to [the] poor. [ does not take

xoov sv oiKco o avfjp avTT\q oxav 7ioi) xpovi^rj

of the [things] in [the] house Her husband] whenever [somewhere he passes time];

7idvxsc;yap 01 7iap' avTT\q sv5s5i)|isvoi SlOl 22 +

for all the ones of hers are being clothed.

Siaadc; %Xaivaq S7io(r|as icq av5p( auxfjc; sk 8s

A double goat's hair coat she made for her husband; and from out of

ptiaaoi) Kai 7iop(pf)pac; saDifj sv8f)|iaxa 23 + 7isp{pA,S7rxoc;

linen and purple [material] garments for herself. [ admired

8s yivsxai o avfjp auxfjc; sv nvXmq rjviKa av KaGiarj

And is her husband] at [the] gate when ever he should sit

SV (TDVsSpiCD JIST&amp; TOOV yspOVTCOV TT\q JT\q 24 +

in [the] sanhedrin with the aged of the land.

aivSovac; S7io(r|as Kai arcsSoxo 7ispi^cb|iaxa xoic;

[ fine linen She makes], and gives back loincloths to the

Xavavaioic; 25+ ia%i3v Kai si)7rps7isiav svs8f&gt;aaxo Kai

Canaanites. [ strength and beauty She puts on], and

si)(ppdv6r| sv rjjispaic; sa%dxaic; 26+ axojia 8s auxfjc;

is glad in [days [the] last]. [mouth And of her]

avoiysi aocpcbq Kai vojioGsajicDc; r| 8s

she opens wisely and lawfully; and

sXsr||ioawr| avTr\q sv xr| yXcoaarj avTr\q 21 + axsyvai

her charity [is] in her tongue. [ are roofed

SiaxpiPai oikcd aDxfjq aixa 8s OKvrjpd odk scpays 28 +

[The] pastimes to her house], and [the] grain of laziness she does not eat.

avsaxrjas xa xsicva avTT\q Kai S7iAxy6xr|aav Kai

She raises up her children, and they grow rich; and

o avfjp avTT\q fjvsasv ai)xf)v 29+ rcoAAm Guyaxspsc;

her husband praises her. Many daughters

SKxfjaavxo 7iAxy6xov noXXm S7ioir|aav Swajiiv &lt;td 8s

acquired riches; many acted with ability; but you

imspKsiaai imspfjpac; naaaq 30+ \j/sd8sic; apsaKsiai

have precedence — you are elevated above all. [ is false Allurement],

Kai jidxaiov KoXkoq odk saxiv sv aoi ywfj yap

and [ vain beauty] it is not in you. [ woman For



8V TOOTCp + VlKd

20 - Proverbs

gvvstt] eu^oysvcai cpopov 8s Kup(oi) aDifj aivevcco 31 +

a discerning] is blessed; [ [the] fear and [of the] LORD let her praise] !

86ts avTT\ goto Kap7icbv xsipcbv avTT\q Kai aiveiaGoo

Give to her from [the] fruits of her lips! and let [ be praised

sv 7r6Amc; o avfjp avTT\q

at [the] gates her husband] !


In ev tootg) + vtica 21 - Ecclesiastes

1 X

1+ pfjjiaxa eKKArjaiaaxoD diod Aavid PaaiAicoc; lapar\k

[The] sayings of an ecclesiastic, son of David, king of Israel

sv IspoDaaAr||i 2+ (laxaioxriq jiaxaioxfjxcov si7isv o

in Jerusalem. Folly of follies, said the

eKKAxjaiaaxfjc; jiaxaioxrjq jiaxaioxfjxcov xa rcdvxa

ecclesiastic, folly of follies; all [things]

jiaxaioxrjc; 3+ xic; 7rsp(aasia xco av6pcb7ico ev navxi

[are] folly. What [is] abundance [to] man in all

|i6%0co avTOV co [io%dsi D7i6 xov fjAiov 4 + ysved

his trouble in which he is troubled under the sun? A generation

7iop8T38xai Kai yeved ep%exai Kai r| yr| sic; xov

goes, and a generation comes, and the earth [ into the

aicova saxrjKs 5+ Kai avaxeAlei o r\k\oq Kai 5dvsi o

eon is established]. And [rises the sun], and [ goes down the

r\k\oq Kai sic; xov xo7iov aDxoD sXksi 6 + avzoq

sun], and [ unto its place it draws]. [In] its

avaxsAlcov SK7ropeDexai npoq voxov Kai kdk^oi npoq

rising it goes forth to [the] south, and it circles to

3oppdv kdkXoi kdkXcov rcopeDexai xo 7W£D|ia Kai em

the] north; [ circles circling going the wind], and at

kdkXodc; avTOV S7iiaxp8(psi xo 7rveD|ia 7+ rcavxec; 01

its circuits [returns the wind]. All the

Xsijiappoi 7iopsDovxai sic; xrjv GdXaaaav Kai rj

rushing streams go into the sea, and the

dakaaaa odk saxiv s|i7ri7iXa|i8vr| eic; xov xorcov od

sea is not filled up. To the place where

01 xsijiappoi 7iopei)ovxai sksi aDxoi S7iiaxps\j/0Dai

the rushing streams went, there they shall return

xod 7ropsi)0f|vai 8 + rcavxec; 01 Xoyoi eyK07ioi od

to go [again]. All [words wearied shall not

8i)vf|asxai avfjp xod AxxA^siv Kai odk e|i7iAx|a0f|a£xai

be able a man] to speak; and [ shall not be filled up

otpGa^jioc; xod opdv Kai od 7iXr|pcD0f|asxai odc;

[the] eye] to see, and [ shall not be filled [the] ear]

a7io aKpodascoq 9+ xi xo ysyovoc; aDxo xo

of hearing. What [is] the [thing] taking place? the same [thing] as

yevrjaojisvov Kai xi xo 7re7roir||ievov aDxo xo

shall be taking place. And what [is] the [thing] being done? the same [thing]

7ioir|0r|a6|i8vov Kai odk saxi 7iav 7ip6acpaxov D7i6

that shall be done; and there is not anything newly made under

In ev tootco + vuca 21 - Ecclesiastes

xov r\kiov 10+ oq XaXr\azi Kai spsi (8e todto

the sun. Who shall speak and shall say? Behold this

Kaivov saxiv fj5r| yeyovev sv xoic; aicbai zoiq

is new! Already it has happened in the eons to the ones

yevojisvoic; anb 8|i7cpoa6sv r\[i(bv n+ODKsaxi |ivfj|ir|

having taken place from before us. There is no remembrance

tok; 7rpcbxoic; Kai ys xoic; sa%dTOic; yevojievoic;

to the first [things]; and indeed to the last [things] being,

odk saxai aDTcbv |ivf||ir| jisxd tcdv yevrjaojievcov sic;

there will not be a remembrance of them, with the ones being born at

ttjv £o%&amp;xr|v 12+ syco SKKArjaiaaTfjc; eyevojxrjv Paai^sDc;

the latter end. I an ecclesiastic became king

S7Ti IapafjX sv l£poa)aaAx||i n+ Kai eScoKa

over Israel in Jerusalem. And I gave

ttjv Kap5(av |iod tod 8K^rjxf|aai Kai tod KaTaaK8\j/aa6ai

my heart to inquire and to survey

sv ttj aocpia 7ispi 7cdvTC0v tcov yivojievcov D7i6 tov

by wisdom concerning all [things] happening under the

ODpavov 6ti 7T8pio7iaa|i6v 7iovr|p6v eScoKev o Bsoq

heaven. For [ distraction a wicked gave God]

Toiq dioic; tcov av0pcb7icov tod 7rspio7ida6ai sv aDTcb i 4 +

to the sons of men to be distracting to him.

e(8ov &lt;y6|i7ravTa Ta 7ioif||iaTa Ta 7rs7ioir||isva D7i6

I beheld all the actions, the ones being done under

tov fjAiov Kai i5od 7idvTa iiaTaiorqc; Kai 7ipoa(peaic;

the sun; and behold, all [was] folly and a resolve

7TV8D|iaTO(; 15+ 8is&lt;xcpa|i|isvov od 8Dvf|a8Tai

of spirit. [The thing] being perverted is not able

tod 87iiKoa|ir|6f|vai Kai D&lt;ycspr||ia od SDvfjasTai

to be embellished. And deficiency is not able

api0|ir|0f|vai i6+ sldArjaa syco sv KapSia |iod tod Aiyeiv

to be counted. I spoke in my heart to say,

i8od syco 8|isyaA,Dv6r|v Kai 7cpoas6r|Ka aocpiav em

Behold, I was magnified, and was added wisdom over

7idaiv oi sysvovTO S|i7cpoa0sv jiod sv IspoDaaAr||i

all who came before me in Jerusalem.

Kai s5coKa Kap8(av jiod tod yvcbvai aocpiav Kai

And I give my heart to know wisdom and

yvcbaiv 17 + Kai KapSia jiod e(8e nohXd aocpiav Kai

knowledge. And my heart beheld much wisdom and

yvcbaiv; Kai S7naTf||ir|v syvcov syco 6ti Kai

knowledge, parables, and higher knowledge. [ knew I For] even

2 3 ev tootcq + vtica 21 - Ecclesiastes

ys xodxo sail 7ipoaipsaic; 7rvsD|iaxoc; is+ on sv

indeed this is resolve of spirit. For in

7iAx|0£i aoipiaq 7rA,f|6o(; yvcbascoq Kai o 7ipoaxi0s(c;

abundance of wisdom [is] abundance of knowledge; and the one adding

yvcbaiv 7ipoa6f|asi dXyr||ia

knowledge shall add pain.

2 n

i + si7rov sycb sv Kap5ia |iod Sstipo 8r| 7i8ipdaco as

I said in my heart, Come now indeed, I will test you

sv SDcppoawq Kai (8s sv ayaBcb Kai i8od Kai ys

with gladness, and [therefore] know good! And behold, also even

xodxo jiaxaioxrjc; 2 + xoa ysAxoxi si7ia rcspupopdv Kai xrj

this [is] folly. To laughter, I said, Deviation. and to

SDcppoawq ti xodxo 7ioisfc; 3 + Kai KaxsaKs\j/d|ir|v si

gladness, Why do you do this? And I surveyed if

r| Kap8(a [iov sXkdcjsi coc; oivov xrjv odpra |iod Kai

my heart would draw [[with] wine my flesh]; and

Kap8(a |iod co8f|yr|as |is sv aocpia Kai tod Kpaxfjoai

my heart guided me in wisdom; and to hold

S7i' SDcppoowq scoq oi) (8co 7roiov to aya66v

upon gladness until I should see what kind [was] the good

xoic; vioiq xcov av9pco7rcov o 7roifjaoi)aiv D7i6 tov

to the sons of men, which they shall do under the

fjliov api0|iov rjjispcbv Cf^r\q aDxcbv 4 + sjisydA^Dva

sun [numbered days of life [with] their]. I magnified

7rovr||id |iod coKo86|ir|ad jioi oikodc; scpDxsDod jiod

my action; I built to myself houses; I planted my

a|i7isAxbvac; 5 + S7iovr|ad |ioi kt|7i;odc; Kai 7iapa8siaoDc;

vineyards. I made to myself gardens and parks;

Kai sqroxsDaa sv aDxofc; ^6Xov 7iav KapftOD 6 +

and I planted in them a tree for every fruit.

S7io(r|ad jioi KoA,D|ipf|6pac; i)8dxcov tod 7ioxiaai S7i'

I made to myself pools of waters to water by

aDicbv 8pD|i6v pXaaxcovxa tpXa ?+ SKxr|ad|ir|v

them [the] grove bursting forth rees. I acquired

8odAx)d&lt;; Kai 7iai8(aKac; Kai oiKoysvsiq sysvovxo jioi

manservants, and maidservants; and native-born servants were born to me;

Kai ys Kxfjaiq PodkoMod Kai 7ioi|iv(oD noXkr]

and indeed a possession [ herd and flock of a great]

2 2 ev tootg) + vtica 21 - Ecclesiastes

SySVSXO (101 D7TSp ftdvxac; Tovq ysvojisvoDc; S|i7ipoa0sv

became to me above all the ones being before

(iod sv IepoDoaArj|i 8 + aDvfjyayov jioi Kai ys

me in Jerusalem. I brought together to myself also indeed

apyopiov Kai ys %pvaiov Kai 7ispioDaiaa|ioDc;

silver, and indeed gold, and prized possessions

PaaiXscov Kai xoov %copcbv S7rorr|ad |ioi d5ovxac; Kai

of kings and of the places. I prepared to myself [male] singers and

adovaaq Kai svxpDcpfjjiaxa mcbv tod av6pcb7ioi)

[female] singers, and amusements of [the] sons of man;

oivo%6ov Kai oivo%6ac; 9+ Kai s|isyaA,Dv6r|v Kai

[and] male wine servers and female wine servers. And I became magnified, and

7ipoas6r|Ka aocpiav 7iapd rcavxac; xodc; ysvojisvoDc;

proceeded in wisdom past all the ones being

sjjjrpoaGsv (iod sv IspoDaaArjji Kai ys aocpia jiod

before me in Jerusalem; and indeed my wisdom

saxdGrj jioi 10+ Kai 7iav o fjxrjaav 01 ocpGa^jioi |iod

was established to me. And all whatever [ asked for my eyes]

odk DcpsiA,ov arc' aDXCDV ODK a7TSKCbXDaa

was not at a distance from them. I did not detain

tt|v Kap8(av jiod clko 7idar|c; SDcppoawqc; 6x1

my heart from any gladness, for

Kap5(a jiod si)(ppdv0r| sv rcavxi jioxGco jiod Kai xodxo

my heart was gladdened in all my effort. And this

sysvsxo (ispiq jiod arco 7iavx6c; [io%Qov jiod u+ Kai

was my portion of all my effort. And

S7rspA,s\j/a sycb sv rcdai 7ioifniaai |iod 01c;

I looked upon all my actions, the things which

S7io(r|aav ai xzipzq jiod Kai sv (io^Gcd co sjioxOrjaa

I did by my hands, and on [the] effort in which I made an effort

tod 7roisiv Kai i5od xa rcdvxa jiaxaioxrjc; Kai

to do. And behold, all [things] [were] folly and

7ipoa(psaic; 7WSD|iaxoc; Kai odk sail 7isp(aasia D7i6

a resolve of spirit, and there is no advantage under

xov fjAiov 12 + Kai S7rspA,s\j/a sycb tod i8s(v aocpiav Kai

the sun. And I looked around to behold wisdom and

7ispicpopdv Kai acppoaDvrjv 6x1 tic; dv0pcD7roc; oq

deviation and folly; for who [is the] man who

S7isA,SDasxai 07i(aco Tr\q PoDAxjc; aDV xa 6aa S7io(r|aav

will come after counsel, with as much as they did

aDxfjv 13 + Kai si8ov sycb 6x1 saxi 7isp(aasia xr| aocpia

it? And I beheld that there is an advantage [to] wisdom

2 2 ev tootg) + vtica 21 - Ecclesiastes

D7TSp TT|V acppoaWTjV COC; 7T8pi008ia TOD (pCOTOq D7TSp

over folly; as [the] advantage of the light over

TO aKOTOq 14+ TOD CJOCpOD 01 OCp6aA|lOl aDTOD sv

the darkness. The wise man ~ his eyes [are] in

KscpaAxj aDTOD Kai o dcppcov sv ctkotsi rcopsDSTai Kai

his head; but the fool [in darkness goes]. And

syvcov Kai ys sycb 6ti aDvavrqiia sv aDvavTfjasTai

I knew, even indeed I, that [ event one] shall meet with

T0iq7rdaiv aDTOiq i 5 + Kai si7rov sycb sv Kap8(a jiod coc;

all them. And I said in my heart, As

aDvdvTT||ia tod dcppovoc; Kai ys sjioi oDvavTfjasTai

[the] event of the fool [is], even indeed tome it shall meet up with

jioi Kai ivaTi saocpiad|ir|v sycb to 7ispiaa6v sAxxArjaa

me; and why have I discerned wisdom? [And this] extra I said

sv Kap5ia jiod 5i6ti dcppcov sk 7ispiaosD|iaT0c;

in my heart, because [the] fool from out of abundance

Xak^i 6ti Kai ys todto iiaTaiorqc; 16 + 6ti odksctti

speaks, for even indeed this [is] folly. For there is no

|ivfj|ir| tod aocpoD jiSTd tod dcppovoc; sic; tov aicbva

remembrance of the wise man with the fool in the eon;

KaGoTi fj5r| zaiq rjjispaic; zaiq spxojisvaic; Ta 7idvTa

in so far as already the [ days coming] all [things]

S7isAx|a0r| Kai 7icoc; a7io6avsiTai o aocpoc; jiSTd tod

are forgotten; and how shall [ die the wise [man]] with the

dcppovoc; 17+ Kai sjiiorjaa &lt;xov tt|v ^cofjv 6ti 7iovr|p6v

fool? And I was detested with life; for evil

S7i' sjis to 7iovr||ia to 7iS7ioir||isvov D7i6 tov fjAaov

[was] upon me — the action of doing [a thing] under the sun.

6ti 7idvTa jiaTaiOTrjc; Kai 7ipoa(psaic; 7rvsD|iaT0c; 18 +

For all [is] folly and a resolve of spirit.

Kai sjiiarjaa sycb aD|i7iavTa jioxGov jiod ov sycb

And I detested all my effort which I

S|i6x0r|aa D7i6 tov fjAiov 6ti acpico aDTOV tco

made an effort under the sun. For I must leave it to the

av0pcb7ico tco yivojisvco jist' sjis 19+ Kai tic; s(5sv si

man coming after me. And who knows if

aocpoc; scrcai r| dcppcov Kai si s^oDaid^STai sv 7iavTi

he will be a wise man or a fool? And if he exercises authority in all

(i6x0co (iod co S|i6%9r|aa Kai co saocpiad|ir|v D7i6

my effort in which I made an effort in, and in which I gained discernment under

tov fjAiov Kai ys todto jiaTaiOTTjc; 20+ Kai

the sun. Even indeed this [is] folly. And

2 2 ev tootg) + vtica 21 - Ecclesiastes

S7isaxps\j/a sycb tod a7ioxd^aa6ai xrj KapSia jiod S7ii

I turned to dismiss my heart upon

7iavTi |i6%6co co 8|i6x0r|aa dtco tov fjliov 21+ 6x1

all effort in which I made an effort under the sun. For

saxiv &amp;v9pco7ioc; 6x1 [io%Qoq aDxoD sv aoqna Kai sv

there is a man that [made] his effort in wisdom, and in

yvcbasi Kai sv av8pia Kai dv6pco7roc; co odk

knowledge, and in courage; and a man in whom did not

S|i6%0r|a£v ev aDxcb 8cbasi aDxcb |isp(8a aDxoD Kai

make an effort — in him he will give to him his portion. And

ys xodxo jiaxaioxrjc; Kai 7iovr|pia |isydAr| 22+ yivsxai

indeed this [is] folly and [ wickedness great] [What] happens

xco av0pcb7ico sv 7iavxi jioxGco avzov Kai sv

to the man in all his effort, and in

7ipoaipsasi KapSiaq avzov co avzoq jio^Gsi D7i6

resolve of his heart in which he makes an effort under

xov fjAiov 23+6x1 7idaai ai r||ispai avzov aXyr||idxcov

the sun? For in all his days [are] pains

Kai 6d|iot3 7rspia7iaa|i6c; ai)xoi3 Kai ys sv vdkxi od

and rage of his distraction; and indeed in night [ does not

Koijidxai T| Kap8(a avzov Kai ys xcroxo

go to bed heart his]. And indeed this

jiaxaioxrjc; saxiv 24 + odk saxiv ayaGov av6pcb7rco si |ir|

is folly. There is not a good [thing] to man unless

o cpdysxai Kai o 7i(sxai Kai o 8s(^si xrj \|A)%f| avzov

to eat and to drink, and to show his soul

aya06v sv jioxOco avzov Kai ys xotixo s(8ov sycb 6x1

good in his effort. And indeed this I knew, that

a7io xsipoq xod 0sot3 soxiv 25 + 6x1 xiq cpdysxai Kai xic;

[from [the] hand of God it is]. For who shall eat, and who

7i(sxai 7idps^ clvtov 26+ 6x1 xco av0pco7ico xco ayaBcb

shall drink besides him? For to the man, to the one good

7ipo 7rpoacb7ioD avzov s8coks aocpiav Kai yvcbaiv Kai

before his face, he gave wisdom, and knowledge, and

SDcppoawrjv Kai xco ajiapxdvovxi s8coks

gladness. And to the one sinning, he gave

7ispia7raa|i6v xod 7ipoa9sivai Kai xod aDvayaysiv xod

distraction to be added and to bring together; [so as]

8oDvai xco ayaGcb 7ipo 7ipoacb7roD xod Gsod 6x1 Kai

to give to the good [man] before [the] face of God. For even

ys xodxo jiaxaioxrjq Kai 7ipoa(psaic; 7rvsD|iaxoc;

indeed this [is] folly and resolve of spirit.

3 3, sv tootco + vtica 21 - Ecclesiastes

3 a

i+ tok; 7idaiv o xpovoq Kai Kaipoq too 7iavTi

To all the time and season, [to] every

7ipdy|iaTi D7i6 tov ODpavov 2 + Kaipoc; tod tsksiv Kai

thing under the heaven. A season to give birth, and

Kaipoc; tod ootoG avsiv Kaipoc; tod cpDTSDoai Kai Kaipoc;

a season to die; a season to plant, and a season


to pluck out the [thing] being planted; a season

tod a7ioKT8ivai Kai Kaipoc; tod idaaaGai Kaipoc;

to kill, and a season to heal; a season

tod Ka0sA,e(v Kai Kaipoc; tod oiKo8o|ifjaai 4+ Kaipoc;

to demolish, and a season to build; a season

tod icXaDaai Kai Kaipoc; tod yeAxxaai Kaipoc;

to weep, and a season to laugh; a season

tod Ko\j/ao6ai Kai Kaipoc; tod op%f|oaa0ai 5 + Kaipoc;

to lament, and a season to dance; a season

tod fiakziv Tddovq Kai Kaipoc; tod aDvayayeiv Xidovq

to throw stones, and a season to gather stones;

Kaipoc; tod 7rspiA,aPe(v Kai Kaipoc; tod |iaKpDv6f|vai

a season to embrace, and a season to be far

a7io 7rspiAT|\j/scDc; 6+ Kaipoc; tod ^Tycfjaai Kai Kaipoc;

from embrace; a season to seek, and a season

tod a7ioXsaai Kaipoc; tod cpD^d^ai Kai Kaipoc;

to lose; a season to keep, and a season

tod SKpaXsiv ?+ Kaipoc; tod pfj^ai Kai Kaipoc;

to cast out; a season to tear, and a season

tod pd\j/ai Kaipoc; tod aiydv Kai Kaipoc; tod Xakziv 8 +

to sew; a season to be quiet, and a season to speak;

Kaipoc; tod (piArjaai Kai Kaipoc; tod jiiafjaai Kaipoc;

a season to be fond of, and a season to detest; a season

7ioXs|iOD Kai Kaipoc; sipfjvrjq 9 + tic; 7ispiaasia tod

of war, and a season of peace. What advantage of the one

7coiodvtoc; sv oic; avToq |io%0si io+ s(8ov aw tov

doing [things] in which he makes an effort? I saw with the

7iepia7i;aa|i6v ov sScdksv o 0s6c; toic; vioiq

distraction which God gave to the sons

toov av0pcb7icov tod 7repia7ida0ai sv aDTcb u+ aD|i7iavTa

of men to be distracting to him. All

a S7rovr|ae KaXd sv Kaipcb aDTOD Kai ys aDV tov

which he made [is] good in his season; and indeed with the

8V TOUT© + VlKa

21 - Ecclesiastes
aicova s8coksv sv Kap8(a aDTcbv oizaq \xr\ stiprj

eon he gave in their heart, so that [ should not find

0 dv0pco7ioc; to 7iovr||ia o S7iovr|asv o dsoq an ap%r\q

man] the action which God did from beginning

jisxpi zskovq 12+ syvcov on odksotiv aya66v sv

till end. I knew that there is not good in

aDTok; si |ir| tod SDcppavGfjvai Kai tod 7ioisiv ayaGov

them, except to be glad and to do good

sv ^cofj (xdtod 13 + Kai ys iiaq o dv6pco7ioc; oq cpdysTai

in his life. And indeed, every man who shall eat

Kai 7i(sTai Kai 15r| ayaGov sv 7iavTi ji6x0co aDTOD

and shall drink and should behold good in all his effort --

86|ia 6sod screw

[ a gift of God it is].

14 + syvcov 6ti 7idvTa 6aa S7io(r|asv o 0s6q aDTd saTai

I laiew that all [things] as many as God did, they shall be

sic; tov aicbva S7i' aDTcbv odksctti 7rpoa6s(vai Kai

into the eon. Unto them it is not to add, and

an aDTcbv odksotiv acps^siv Kai o 0s6q S7ioir|asv

from them it is not to remove. And God did

iva cpoPrjGcbaiv a7io 7rpoacb7ioD aDTOD i 5 + to

that they should fear from in front of him. The [thing]

ysvojisvov f|5r| scm Kai 6aa tod yivsaGai f|5r|

becoming, already is; and as much as there is to be, already

ysyovs Kai o Gsoq ^rjTfjasi tov 8icok6(isvov i6+ Kai

has become; and God shall seek the [thing] pursuing. And


still I beheld under the sun [the] place of the of judgment — there the

aazfir\q Kai totcov tcov 8iKa(cov sksi o SDasPrjq i? +

impious [one]; and a place of the just— there [was] the pious [one].
si7rov syco sv Kap5(a jiod aDV tov 5iKaiov Kai aDV

1 said in my heart, With the just and with

tov aaspfj Kpivsi o dzoq 6ti Kaipoq tco 7iavTi

the impious, God will judge, for [there is] a season for every

7ipdy|iaTi Kai S7ri 7iavTi tco 7ioif||iaTi sksi i8+s(7iasycb

thing, and for every action there. I said

sv Kap8ia jiod 7isp( Xakiaq tcov dicov tod av9pcb7ioD

in my heart, concerning [the] speech of the sons of man,

6ti SiaKpivsi aDTOD cj o dzoq Kai tod 8s(^ai 6ti aDTOi

that [ will examine them God], and to show that they

KTfjvrj siai 19+ Kai ys aDTOiq aDvdvrr||ia dicov

are beasts. And indeed to them [the] event of [the] sons

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

21 - Ecclesiastes

tod av9pcb7ioD Kai aDvavrqiia tod ktt|vodc;

of man, and [the] event of the beast

oDvdvTT||ia ev aDTOic; coc; o GdvaTOc; todtod odtcgc;

[is] [ event one] to them; as the death of this [one], so

Kai o GdvaToq todtod Kai 7rvsD|ia sv TOic;7idai

also the death of this [other one]; and [breath one] to all.

Kai ti S7isp(aasDasv o dvGpcoTioc; 7iapd to KTfjvoc;

And what abounded the man more than the cattle?

od8sv 6ti TaftdvTa iiaTaiorqc; 2o+Ta7idvTa rcopsDSTai

Nothing. For all [things] [are] folly. All [things] go

siq T07rov sva Ta7idvTa sysvsTO arco tod %ooq Kai

to [place one]; all [things] came from the dust, and

Ta 7iavTa S7iiaTpscpsi sic; tov %odv 21 + Kai tic; o(8s

all [things] return to the dust. And who has known

to 7TV8D|ia Dicbv tod av6pco7ioD 8i avapaivsi aDTO

the spirit of [the] sons of man, if it ascends itself

dvco Kai to 7TV8D|ia tod KcfjvoDc; 8i KaTaPaivsi aDTO

upward? and the spirit of the beast, if it goes down itself

KdTOO sic; ttjv yrjv 22 + Kai s(8ov 6ti odk scjtiv ayaGov

below into the earth? And I saw that there is no good,

8i |ir| o 8D(ppav0f|a8Tai dv0pco7ioc; sv

except where [ shall be glad man] in

7ioifj|iaaiv aDTOD 6ti aDTO jispic; aDTOD 6ti tic; d^si

his actions; for it [is] his portion. For who will lead

aDTOV tod i5s(v sv co av ysvrjTai jist' aDTOV

him to see in what ever should take place after him?

4 7

i + Kai S7rs&lt;xcps\j/a sycb Kai s(8ov av^indaaq xaq

And I turned and I beheld all the

aDKotpavTiac; xaq ysvojisvac; D7i6 tov fjAaov Kai i5od

extortions, the ones happening under the sun. And behold,


[the] tear of the ones being extorted, and there is not

aDTOiq o 7iapaKaA,cbv Kai anb xzipoq aDKocpavTODVTCOv

one comforting them. And by [the] hand of ones extorting

aDTOiq ia%Dc; Kai odk s&lt;xciv aDTOic; 7iapaKaAxbv 2 +

them was by strength, and there is not one comforting them.

Kai S7rfjvsoa sycb aD|i7iavTac; todc; TsBvrjKOTac; todc;

And I praised all of the ones having died of the ones

fj8r| aftoGavovTac; D7isp todc; Cfbvzaq oaoi aDTOi

already dying more than the living, as many as

4 7 ev toi3tco + vtica 21 - Ecclesiastes

Cfbaiv scoc; tod vdv 3+ Kai ayaGoc; D7isp

live until the present. And better above

todc; 8do todtodc; oaxiq 0137100 sysvsTO oq odk s(8s

these two which not yet was born, which knew not

&lt;y6|i7iav to 7rovr||ia to 7iovr|p6v to 7rs7roir||isvov D7i6

all the [ action evil] being done under

tov fjAiov 4+ Kai s(8ov sycb &lt;r6|i7ravTa tov ji6%6ov Kai

the sun. And I beheld all the effort, and

&lt;y6|i7iaoav av8p(av tod 7roifj|iaTOc; 6ti ocdto tj\koq

all courage of action; for the same zeal

avdpoq goto tod STaipoD aDTOD Kai ys todto

of man [is] from his companion. And indeed this

liaTaiorrjc; Kai 7ipoa(psaic; 7rvsD|iaTOc; 5 + o acppcov

[is] folly and resolve of spirit. The fool

7rspisXaPsv Tag %£ipaq aDTOD Kai scpays

embraces his hands, and eats

Taq adpKaq aDTOD 6 + ayaGov 7iAx|pco|ia SpaKoc;

his flesh. Better [ full a handful]

ava7iaDascoc; D7isp 7iAx|pcb|iaTa 8do 8paKcbv [io%dov

of rest, than [ full two handfuls] of trouble

Kai 7ipoaipsascoc; 7rvsD|iaTOc; ?+ Kai S7isaTps\j/a sycb Kai

and resolve of spirit. And I turned, and

s(8ov |iaTaiOTr|Ta D7i6 tov fjAiov 8 + screw sic; Kai

I saw folly under the sun. There is one [alone], and

odk 8&lt;xci SsDTspoc; Kai ys vioq Kai ys aSsAxpoc;

there is not a second; and indeed, [ son nor indeed a brother

odk screw aDTcb Kai odk 8&lt;xci 7ispaa|i6c; TOO 7iaVTl

there is no] to him. And there is no limit to all

|i6%0co aDTOD Kai ys 0(pQak[i6q avzov odk

his effort; and indeed his eye is not

£|i7U|i7rA,aTai 7tAx)dtod Kai tivi sycb jioxBcb Kai

satisfied of riches; and [saying], Why do I make an effort, and

cjTspiaKco ttjv y\fv%r\v jiod arco ayaGcoaDvrjq Kai ys

deprive my soul of goodness? And indeed,

todto jiaTaiOTrjc; Kai nspiaKaa^ioq KOvr[p6q sotiv 9 +

this [folly and distraction an evil is].

aya6o( 01 8do D7isp tov sva oiq sotiv aDTOiq

Better the two than the one, in which there is to them

(iiaGoq ayaGoc; sv |io%Gco aDTcbv 10+ 6ti sdv 7isacoaiv

[ wage a good] in their effort. For if they should fall,

o exq syspsi tov jisto%ov aDTOD Kai ODai aDTcb tco

the one shall raise his partner. But woe to him, to the


8V TOUT© + VtKCl

21 - Ecclesiastes

svi oxav 7i8or| Kai |ir| r| 8sDxspoc; tod sysipai

one, whenever he should fall and there should not be a second to raise

avTOV 11+ Kai sdv Koi|ir|0coaiv oi5do Kai 6sp|ir|

him. And if [ should go to bed two] and heat

aDTok; Kai o sic; ncoq GepjiavGfj 12+ Kai sdv

themselves, then the one, how shall he heat [himself]? And if

S7iiKpaTaico0f| o sic; 01 8do axfjoovxai Kaxsvavxi

one prevails against the one, the two shall stand against

avTOV Kai xo cmapxiov xo svxpixov od xaxscoc;

him. And the [ cord three-stranded] shall not be quickly

a7ioppayfjasxai 13+ ayaGoc; naiq 7isvr|c; Kai aocpoq

ripped apart. Better [ child a needy and wise],

D7isp PaaiXsa 7ipsaPDxspov Kai dcppova oq odk

than [ king an older and foolish] who does not

syvco xod 7rpoas%siv sxi h+oxi s^ oikod xcov

know to take heed any longer. For from out of [the] house of the

5so|i(cov s^sA,si3asxai xod Paai^sDaai 6x1 Kai ys sv

prisoners he shall come forth to reign, for even indeed in

PaaiXsia aDxoD sysvfj0r| 7isvr\q 15+ s(5ov &lt;y6|i7ravxac;

his kingdom he was needy. I beheld all

xodc; Cfbvzaq zovq 7ispi7raxoDvxac; D7i6 xov fjAiov

of the living, of the ones walking under the sun,

jisxd xod vsaviaKOD xod 8sDxspoD oq axfjasxai avx'

with the young of the second [generation] who will stand in place

aDxoD 16+ODKsaxi 7rspao|i6c; xco 7iavxi Xacb

of him. There is no limit to all [the] people,

xoic; 7idoiv oaoi sysvovxo S|i7ipoa0sv aDxcbv Kai ys

to all as many as was before them; and indeed,

01 sa%axoi odk sDcppavGfjaovxai sv aDxcb 6x1 Kai

the last shall not be glad in himself. For even

ys xodxo jiaxaioxrjc; Kai 7rpoa(psoic; 7rvsD|iaxoc;

indeed this [is] folly and resolve of spirit.

5 n

1 + cpD^a^ov xov 7i65a ood sv go av 7iopsDr| siq oikov

Guard your foot whenever you should go into [the] house

xod Gsod Kai syytic; xod aKODSiv D7isp 56|ia xcov

of God and [are] near to hear! [ [be] above [the] gift of the

acppovcov 0Daia aoD 6x1 odk siaiv si86xsc;

fools sacrifice [Let] your], for they are not knowing


8V TOOTCp + VtKd

21 - Ecclesiastes

TOD 7T0lf|O(Xl KOCKOV 2+ |IT| 0718138 8 8711 aTOJiail aOD K(Xl

to do bad. Do not hasten with your mouth, and

Kap8(a aoD [ir\ TaxDVSTCO tod s^svsyrai Xoyov 7cpo

[ your heart let not] hasten to bring forth a word before

7cpoacb7i;oD tod 6sod 6ti o Gsoc; ev tco ODpavcb dvco

[the] presence of God! For God [is] in the heaven upward,

Kai ctd 87c( Tr\q yr\q S7ci todtco saTCoaav

and you [are] upon the earth; Upon this let [ be

01 A,6yoi aoD oAiyoi 3 + 6ti 7capayivsTai svd7cviov sv

your words] few! For [ comes [through] a dream] in

7cAx|0£i 7C8ipaa|ioD Kai cpcovfj dcppovoc; ev 7rA,f|0si

a multitude of testing; and [the] voice of a fool in a multitude

Xoycov 4 + KaGcbq av SD^rj sD%f|v tco Gscb |ir|

of words. As when you vow a vow to God, you should not

Xpoviarjq tod a7co8oDvai aDTfjv 6ti odk san 6sAx||ia sv

pass time to render it, for [ is not [his] will] in

dcppoai ctd odv 6aa sd^t| ootoSoc; 5+ ayaGov

foolish [vows]. You then, as much as you should have vowed, render! Better

to |ir| sd^cxctGcxi as r| to SD^aaBai as Kai |ir|

[ to not make a vow for you], than for you to make a vow and not

a7co8oDvai 6 + firj Scoq to aTOjia aoD

repay. You should not give your mouth

tod s^cxjicxpTSiv ttjv adpra aoD Kai |ir| £VJir\q 7cpo

to lead [ into sin your flesh]; and you should not say before

7cpoacb7coD tod 0sod 6ti dyvoia saTiv (va jir|

[the] presence of God that, It is in ignorance; lest

opyiaBfj o 0s6c; S7ri cpcovfj aoD Kai 8iacp0s(pr|

[ should be provoked to anger God] at your voice, and should utterly destroy

Ta 7roifj|iaTa %sipcbv aoD 7+ 6ti sv 7cAx|9si

the [things] made by your hands. For in a multitude

svd7cvicov Kai jiaTaiOTfjTCOv Kai Xoycov itoXkcbv 6ti

of dreams, and follies, and [ words many], that

aDV tov Gsov cpoPoD 8 + sdv aDKocpavnav nsviycoq

with God you should fear. If [ extortion of [the] needy

Kai ap7tayfjv KpijiaToq Kai SiKaioativrjc; i6r\q sv

and seizure by lawsuit and judicial right you should see] in

%cbpa |ir| 9aD|idar|c; S7ri tco 7cpdy|iaTi 6ti d\j/t|A,6c;

a place, you should not wonder over the thing; for a high one

S7CaVC0 D\j/T|Ax)D CpD^d^Sl Kai D\j/f|Ax)l S7C' aDTOiq

[above a high one shall guard], and high ones over them.

9+ Kai 7cspiaasia yrjc; S7ci 7cavTi saTi PaaiA^Dc;

And [the] abundance of [the] earth [for all is]; [even] a king [needs]

5 n ev toi3tco + vuca 21 - Ecclesiastes

tod aypoD sipyaajisvoD 10+ aya7icov apyDpiov od

the [ of a field working]. [The] one loving silver shall not

7iAr|a0f|asxai apyopfcn) Kai xic; rjyd7ir|08V sv

be filled of silver; [nor] one who loved [ in

7rAx|0ei aDxcbv yswr||ia Kai ys xodxo jiaxaioxrjc; n+ sv

their abundance [the] offspring]. And indeed this [is] folly. In

7rAx|0ei Tr\q ayaGcoawqc; S7iAx|9Dv6r|aav 01 saGovxsc;

a multitude of goodness [ are multiplied the ones eating

aDifjv Kai tk; av5ps(a xco 7iap' avTT\q 6x1

of it]; and what courageous [thing is it] to the one having it, but

ap%r\ tod opdv ocp0aA,|io(c; aDxoD 12+ yA,DK6c; vizvoq

[the] sum of the seeing it with his eyes? [ [is] sweet Sleep]

tod 8odA,od si oAiyov Kai si noXv cpdysxai Kai xco

for the servant, if [ little or if much he shall eat]. And to the one

s|i7iAx|a9svTi tod 7iAx)DTfjaai odk saxiv acpicov aDiov

being filled to be rich there is none allowing him

tod D7rvcbaai 13 + sotiv appcoaxia r|v s(8ov D7i6 tov

to sleep. There is a sickness which I beheld under the

fjXiov 7tAx)dtoc; (pDlaaaojisvoq xco 7iap' aDTOD sic;

sun — riches being kept by him, for

KaKiav aDxoD u + Kai a7ioA,s(xai o 7rAxy6xoc; sksivoc; sv

his hurt. And [ shall be destroyed those riches] in

7ispio7raa|icb 7iovr|pcb Kai syswrjasv diov Kai

[distraction an evil]; and he engenders a son, and

odk saxiv sv xsipi aDxoD od8sv 15+ Kadcbq s^fjXGsv

is there not [in his hand anything]. As he came forth

arco yaaxpoq iirjxpoc; aDxoD yDjivoq S7iiaxps\j/si

from [the] womb of his mother naked, he shall return

xod 7iopsD0f|vai coq fjKsi Kai od5sv Xfj\j/sxai sv

to go as he comes, and nothing shall he take in

|i6%6co aDxoD (va 7iopsD6fi sv X£ipi aDxoD 16+ Kai

his effort, that it should go [with him] in his hand. And

ys xodxo 7iovr|pd appcoaxia cba7isp yap 7iapsysvsxo

indeed this [is] an evil sickness; for as he came,

odxcoc; Kai a7isA,SDasxai Kai xic; r| 7ispiaasia aDxoD

so also he shall go forth. And what is his advantage

T| |io%6s( siq dvsjiov 17+ Kai ys 7idaai

in which he makes an effort into [the] wind? And indeed all

ai rjjispai aDxoD sv gkoxsi Kai sv 7isv0si Kai Gdjico

his days [are] in darkness, and in mourning, and [ rage

7ioAM) Kai appcoaxia Kai %6Xco i 8 + i5od s(5ov sycb

much], and sickness, and bitter anger. Behold, I saw



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

21 - Ecclesiastes

aya06v o sail koXov tod cpaysiv Kai tod 7iis(v Kai

good, which is good to eat and to drink; and

tod i8e(v ayaGcooDvrjv ev 7iavTi |io%0cd aDTOD co av

to see goodness in all his effort in what ever

|io%0fjar| D7i6 tov fjXiov apiBjiov rjjispcbv

he should make an effort in under the sun, [in the] number of days

^Gofjc; aDTOD gov e8coK8v (xdtco o Geoc; OTl (XDTO

of his life which [gave to him God]. For it [is]

jispiq aDTOD 19+ Kai ys naq dv6p&lt;D7roc; co sScdksv

his portion. And indeed, every man to whom [ gave

aDTcb o 0s6c; 7tAx)dtov Kai D7idpxovTa Kai

to him God] riches and possessions, and

s^oDaiaasv aDTcb tod cpaysiv an avzov Kai Xafisiv

gave to him authority to eat from it, and to take

to jispoc; aDTOD Kai tod eDcppavGfjvai ev |io%0cd aDTOD

his portion, and to be glad in his effort;

todto 86(ia 08OD eaTiv 20+ 6ti od noXka

this [ a gift of God is]. For he will not much

jivrjaGfjasTai Tag rjiiepaq Tr\q Cf^T\c&gt; aDTOD 6ti o Gsoq

remember the days of his life, for God

7rspia7id aDTOV sv SDcppoawrj Kap8(ac; aDTOD

distracts him in [the] gladness of his heart.

6 1

1+ sctti 7iovr|pia rjv e(8ov D7i6 tov r\kiov Kai

There is a wickedness which I beheld under the sun, and

TtoXkr\ ecmv 7iapd tok; dv6pco7roi(; 2+ avfjp co 8cbasi

it is abundant with men. A man to whom [ shall give

aDTcb o Gsoq 7tAx)dtov Kai D7idpxovTa Kai 86^av Kai

to him God] wealth, and possessions, and glory, and


there is nothing lacking to his soul from all [things] which

87ri9D|xfja£i Kai odk s^oDoidasi aDTcb o Gsoc;

he shall desire; yet [ shall not give authority to him God]

tod cpaysiv arc' aDTOD 6ti avfjp ^svoc; cpdysTai aDTOV

to eat from it; for a man, a stranger, shall eat it.

Kaiys todto |iaTai6rr|c; Kai appoocma 7iovr|pd sotiv

And this [ folly and sickness an evil is].

3+ sdv yswfjarj avfjp eraTOV Kai errj noXka ^fjaeTai

If [ should engender a man] a hundred, and [ years many shall live],

Kai 7iAxj0oc; o ti saovTai ai rjjiepai stcov aDTOD Kai

and [abundant however] will be the days of his years, that



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

21 - Ecclesiastes

r| \\fv%r\ avTOV odk s|i7iAr|a0f|asxai arco aya0(»aDvr|c;

his soul shall not be filled up from goodness,

Kai ys xacpfj odk sysvsxo aDxco si7ia ayaGov D7isp

and indeed [ no burial there be] for him. I said, Better for

avTOV to SKipcojia 4 + 6xi sv jiaxaioxrjxi f|A,0s Kai sv

him the miscarriage. For in folly he came, and in

ctkotsi rcopsDsxai Kai 8V CTKOXSl 6vo|ia aVTOV

darkness he goes, and in darkness his name

Ka2u)(p0fjasTai 5 + Kai ys r\k\ov odk s(8s Kai odk syvco

shall be covered. And indeed [ [the] sun he knew not], and [ knows not

ava7iaDasic; xodxco D7isp xodxov 6 + Kai si s^rjas

rest this one] over this [other] one. And if he lived

%ikmv sxcbv Ka068oDc; Kai aya0coaDvf|v odk s(8s

a thousand years of returns, and [ goodness he knows not],

|jq odk Eiq T07rov sva 7iop8DasTai xa 7idvTa 7 + naq

is it not unto [ place one] all shall go? Every

[io%doq av0pcb7TOD sic; axojia aDTOD Kai ys r| yv%r\

effort of man [is] for his mouth, and indeed the soul

od 7iAr|pcD0f|asxai s+ 6x1 uq 7isp(aasia xco aocpcb

shall not be filled. For what advantage to the wise

D7isp xov dcppova 816x1 o 7isvr|c; o(8s 7iopsD0f|vai

over the fool, for the needy knows to go

Kaxsvavxi xrjc; ^cofjc; 9 + aya06v opajia ocp0aX|icbv D7isp

in front of life? Better vision of eyes, than

7iopsD6|isvov \|/dxt| Kai ys xodxo jiaxaioxTjc; Kai

going in life; for indeed this [is] folly and

7rpoa(psaic; 7WSD|iaxoc; 10+ sixi sysvsxo f|8r| KSKA,r|xai

resolve of spirit. If anything became, already [ has been called

ovojia aDxoD Kai syvcba0r| xi soxiv dv0pco7ro(; Kai

its name]; and it is known what man is, and

od 8Dvf|asxai Kpi0fjvai jisxd xod io%DpoD D7isp

he is not able to judge against the one stronger than

aDxov 11+ 6x1 siai Xoyoi 7ioA,A,o( 7iXr|0Dvovxs(;

he. For there are [ matters many] multiplying

jiaxaioxrjxa 12+ xi 7ispiaa6v xco av0pco7ico 6x1 xiq

folly. What extra [is to] man? For who

o(8sv xi aya06v xco av0pcb7ico sv xr| ^cofj api0 |iov

knows what [is] good [to] man in life, [during the] number

^cofjc; r||ispcbv jiaxaioxrjxoc; aDxoD Kai S7io(r|asv aDxdq

of [the] life of [the] days of his folly? And he spent them

sv aKid 6x1 Tiq a7iayysA,si xco av0pcb7ico xi saxai

as a shadow; for who shall report to man what will be


7T sv toi3tco + vdca 21 - Ecclesiastes

O7i(aco avTOV D7i6 tov fjAiov

after him under the sun?

7 T

1+ ayaGov ovojia D7isp eAmov ayaGov Kai rjjiepa

A good name is above [ oil good], and [the] day

tod Gavaxoi) D7i8p rjjiepav yeveaecoc; 2 + ayaGov

of death above [the] day of birth. [It is] good

7ropsDGfjvai etc; oikov 7tsvGodc; r\ 6xi 7ropei)Gf|vai eiq

to go into a house of mourning, than than to go into

oikov 7t6tod KaGoxi TODTO xskoq 7iavx6c; avGpcb7roi)

a house of a banquet; in so far as this [is the] end of every man;

Kai o Cfbv 8cbasi ayaGov sic; Kap5iav auxoi) 3 +

and the living [man] will give good to his heart.

ayaGov Gdjioc; amep ysAxoxa 6xi ev KaKia 7ipoacb7roD

Better [is] rage than laughter, for by hurt of countenance

ayaGDvGfjasxai Kap8(a 4 + Kap5(a aocpcbv ev oikco

[ will be made better [the] heart]. [The] heart of [the] wise [is] in [the] house

iizvdovq Kai Kap8(a acppovcov ev oikco eu^poawqc;

of mourning; and [the] heart of fools [is] in [the] house of gladness.

5 + ayaGov to aKotiaai S7iiTi|ir|aiv aocpoi) imep dv5pa

[It is] good to hear [the] reproach of [the] wise, than for a man

aKotiovxa dajia acppovcov 6 + coc; cpcovfj xcov aKavGcbv

to hear songs of fools. As [the] sound of the thorn-bushes

D7r6 tov Aiprjxa ouxcoc; o yeAxoc; o xcov

[burning] under the kettle, so the laughter, the one of the

acppovcov Kai ys xotixo jiaxaioxrjc; ?+ 6xi

fools; and indeed this [is] folly. For

T| aDKocpavxia rcepicpepei aocpov Kai a7roAA,i3ei xrjv

extortion drives [ mad [the] wise man], and destroys the

Kap8(av euyeveiac; avzov 8 + ayaGfj ea%axr| Xoycov

[heart magnanimity of his]. Better [the] last of matters

imep apxfjv avTOV ayaGov |iaKp6Gi)|ioc; imep v\\fr(k6v

than its beginning; better [the] lenient than high

7W8T3|iaxi 9+ |ir| amvar\q ev 7wei3|iax( aoi)

spirit. You should not hasten in your spirit

xod GujiouaGai 6xi Gdjioc; ev koAjtco acppovcov

to be enraged, for rage [ in [the] bosom of fools

ava7iai3asxai 10+ jirj ei7rr|c; xi eyevexo 6x1 ai

shall rest]. You should not say, What happened that the


7T sv toi3tco + vuca 21 - Ecclesiastes

rjjispai aurpoxspai fjaav aya0a( imsp xauxac; 6xi

[ days former] were good over these? for

odk ev aocpia S7iripcjQxr|aac; 7isp( xotjxod n+ ayaGfj

[ not in wisdom you asked] concerning this. [ [is] good

aocpia |i8T&amp; KAr|po8oa(ac; Kai rcspiaasia xoic;

Wisdom] with an allotment and abundance to the ones

Gscopotiai xov fjAiov 12+ 6x1 sv ctki&amp; avTT\q r\ aocpia

viewing the sun. For [ in its shadow wisdom]

coq cTKid apyopiou Kai rcspiaasia yvcbascoc;

[is] as [the] shadow of silver; and [the] advantage of [the] knowledge

Tr\q aocpiac; ^CD07roif|asi xov 7iap' auxfjc; 13+168 xa

of wisdom will restore to life the one having it. Behold the

7roifj|iaxa xod 0soi3 6x1 xic; Swqasxai xod Koajifjaai

actions of God! For who shall be able to adorn

ov av o 0s6c; 5iaaxps\j/r| auxov 14+ sv rjjispa

what ever God should turn from him? In [the] day

aya0coawr|c; £jj0i sv aya0cb Kai (8s sv rjjispa

of goodness live in good! and look [out] in [the] day

KaKiaq (5s Kai ys at&gt;v xodxo atijicpcDvov xodxcdv

of evil! Behold! and indeed with one [ harmony with these

o S7rovr|asv o 0s6c; 7isp( XaXxaq iva |ir| stiprj

caused God] concerning speech, that [ should not find

dv0pcD7roc; O7r(aco ovtov od5sv 15+ &lt;r6|i7ravxa s(8ov sv

man after him anything]. All things I beheld in

rjiispaiq jiaxaioxrjxoc; jiod saxi SiKaioq a7ioMi)|isvoc;

days of my folly. There is a just [man] being destroyed

sv 8iKa(co avTOV Kai saxiv aaspfjc; jisvcdv sv

in his justice, and there is an impious [man] abiding in

KaKia avTOV i 6 + |ir| yivov SiKaioq noXv jir|8s aocpi^oi)

his evil. Do not become [ righteous super], nor discern

7ispiaad jifj 7roxs SKKkayr\q n+ [ir\

extra, lest at any time you should be overwhelmed! You should not [be]

aaspfjarjc; noXv Kai |ir| yivoi) aKAxjpoc; iva

[ impious super], and do not become hard, that

|ir| a7io0dvr|c; sv ov Kaipcb aov is+ aya06v

you should not die in your time! [It is] good

xo avxs%sa0a( as sv xotixoo Kai ys arco xodxod

for you to hold fast by this; and indeed of this

|ir| (iiavrjc; xrjv %zipa cjod 6x1 cpoPoujisvoic;

you should not defile your hand. For [to the] ones fearing

xov 0s6v s^s^stiasxai xa rcdvxa 19+ r| aocpia Por|0f|asi

God all [things] shall go forth. Wisdom will give help


7T sv toi3tco + vdca 21 - Ecclesiastes

too aocpcb D7isp 8sra s^oDaidtpvxac; xodc; ovxac; sv

to the wise one over ten exercising authority, of the ones being in

ttj 7i6A,8i 20 + oxi dv0pco7ioc; odk saxi Sucaioc; sv xr| yr|

the city. For [ man there is no just] on the earth

oq 7ioif|asi ayaGov Kai od% ajiapxfjasxai 21+ kcu ys

who shall do good and shall not sin. And indeed

sic; rcavxac; Xoyovq ovq Xahf\aovaiv [lt\ Qr\q

unto all [the] words which they shall speak, you should not put them to

Kap5(av aoD oitozq |ir| aKODarjc; xod SodAxdd aoD

your heart, so that you should not hear your servant

Kaxapcojisvoi) as 22+ 6x1 7iA,siaxdKK; 7iovr|psDasxai

cursing you. For very often he will act wickedly

as Kai Ka668oDc; itoXXaq KaKcbasi Kap5(av aoD

against you, and returning many [times] he shall inflict your heart;

6x1 coc; Kai ys ai) Kaxrjpdaco sxspoDc; 23+ rcdvxa

that as also indeed you cursed others. All

xoroxa srcsipaaa sv xrj aocpia si7ia aocpiaGfjaojiai Kai

these [things] I tested in wisdom. I said, I shall be discerning, but

auxfj sjiaKptivGrj an sjiod 24+ jiaKpdv D7isp o rjv

it was far from me. Far above what was,

Kai Pa6i3 pdGoq xic; SDpfjasi ai)xo 25+ SKOK^coaa sycb

and a deep depth — who shall find it? [ circled about I

Kai T| Kap8(a jiod xod yvcbvai Kai xod KaxaaKs\j/aa0ai

and my heart] to know, and to survey,

Kai xod ^rjxfjaai aocpiav Kai ij/fjcpov Kai

and to seek wisdom, and [the] reckoning [of things], and

xod yvcbvai aaspotic; acppoaDvrjv Kai o%Ar|piav Kai

to know [the] impious man's foolishness, and rioting, and

7ispi(popdv 26 + Kai SDpiaKco sycb aDxfjv mKpoxspov

deviation. And I find her more bitter

D7isp Gdvaxov aDV xrjv yovauca fjxiq saxi 6r|psD|iaxa

than death — with the woman in which [ is snares

Kai aayfjvai Kap5(a aDxfjc; 8saji6c; sic; %s(pac; aDxfjc;

and dragnets her heart], [and] a bond in her hands.

aya06q 7ipo 7ipoacb7roD 0sod s^aipsGfjasxai an

[He that is] good before [the] face of God shall be delivered from

aDxfjc; Kai ajiapxdvcov aDAAxjcpGfjasxai sv aDxfj 27+

her; and [the] one sinning will be seized with her.

18s xodxo SDpov si7rsv o SKKArjaiaaxfjc; |i(a xrj

Behold! this I found, said the ecclesiastic, [counting] one by

jiia SDpsiv Xoyiajiov 28 + ov S7is^f|xr|asv r| \|/D%f| jiod

one, to find a device, which [ anxiously sought my soul],


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21 - Ecclesiastes

Kai ov% etipov Kai dv9pco7iov sva arco %ikmv

and I did not find. Even [ man one] from out of a thousand

etipov Kai yuvauca sv 7idoi xouxoic; ov% etipov 29+

did I find. And a woman among all these I did not find.

7rAr|v (5s xouxo supov o S7iorr|aev o Gsoc; aw xov

Except behold! this I found, that God dealt with the

&amp;v0p&lt;D7iov suBfj Kai aDioi s^fjxrjaav Xoyia^iovq

[man upright]. And they sought [devices

noTCkovq xiq o(8e aocpotic; Kai xic; oi8e Xvaiv

many]. Who knows [the] wise? And who knows [the] loosening


of a saying?

8 n

1 + aocpia av6pcb7roD cpcoxiei 7ip6aco7rov avzov Kai

[ wisdom A man's] will lighten his countenance; and

avaidr\q 7ipoaco7rco airccm |iiar|9f|aexai 2 + axojia

an impudent [man's] countenance will be detested. [ [the] mouth

PaaiAiooc; qroXa^ov Kai 7isp( Xoyov opKOD dsov 3 +

of a king Watch] ! even because of [the] word of [the] oath of God.

jLiri a7iOD8dar|c; and 7ipoacb7roD avxov 7iopsT3ar| |ir|

[ not hurriedly from his face You should go]. You should not

axrjq sv Xoyco 7iovr|pcb 6x1 o av GsXfjarj 7ioif|aei 4 +

stand in [ matter an evil], for what ever he wants, he does.

KaGcbq fiaaikzvq e^ouaid^oav Kai tic; spsi auxcb xi

As a king exercising authority, and who shall say to him, What

7roisfc; 5+ o (puAxxaacDV svxoArjv od yvcbaexai pfj|ia

do you do? The one keeping [the] commandment shall not know [ matter

7iovr|p6v Kai Kaipov Kpiascoq yivcbaKei Kap5ia

an evil]. And [ [the] time of judgment knows [the] heart

aocpoi) 6+ 6x1 7iavx( 7ipdy|iaxi eoxi Kaipoq Kai Kpiaic;

of [the] wise]. For every thing there is a season and judgment;

6x1 yvcbaiq xod av0pcb7roi) noXkr\ S7i' auxov 7+ 6x1

for knowledge of man [is] vast unto him. For

odk saxi yivcbaKCDV xi xo saojisvov 6x1 KaGcbq eaxai

there is not one knowing what shall be being; for as it will be,
xic; avayye^ei auxcb s+odksctxiv dv6p&lt;£7roc; s^ouaid^oav

who shall announce to him? There is no man exercising authority

sv 7Tvei)|iaxi xod KooAtiaai auv xo izvsv[ia Kai

over spirit to restrain with the spirit; and


8V TOUT© + VlKa

21 - Ecclesiastes

odk screw s^oDaid^oav sv r||ispa Gavdxoi) Kai

there is no exercising authority in [the] day of death; and


there is no discharge in [the] day of battle; and [ shall not

8iaacbo8i aaspsia tov 7iap' avxr\q 9+ Kai av^inav

preserve impiety] the [thing] for her. And all

todto s(5ov Kai s5coKa xrjv Kap5(av jiod sic; 7iav

this I beheld; and I gave my heart to every

to 7io(r||ia o 7rs7io(r|Tai D7i6 tov r\k\ov xa 6aa

action which I had done under the sun; the [things], as much as

s^oDaidaaxo &amp;v9p&lt;D7roc; sv av6pcb7rcD tod Kouccbaai

[ exercises authority a man] to a man to inflict evil

(xdtov 10+ Kai tots s(5ov aaspsiq sic; TdcpoDc;

on him. And then I beheld [the] impious [ into [the] tombs

siaa%6svTac; Kai sk tod ayioD Kai S7iopsD6r|aav

being brought], and from out of the holy place; and they went

Kai S7ir|vs6r|aav sv tt] 7i6Xsi 6ti odtco^ S7io(r|aav

and were praised in the city, because they did thus.

Kai yS TODTO liaTaiOTTjq 11+ OTl ODKSaTl yiVO|ISVT|

And indeed this [is] folly. Because there is no existing

avTipprjaic; ano tcov 7toiodvtcov to 7iovr|p6v xayjo

objection for the ones doing evil quickly,

81a todto S7rAr|po(popfj6r| Kap5(a dicov

therefore by this [ have full assurance [the] heart of [the] sons

tod avGpamoD sv aDTofc; tod 7roifjaai to 7iovr|p6v 12 +

of man] in themselves to do evil.

oq fjjiapTSV S7iovr|as to 7iovr|p6v a7io tots Kai

[The one] who sinned did evil from then, and

arco jiaKpoTTjTOc; aDTcbv 6ti Kai ys yivcbaKco sycb 6ti

of their duration. For also even I know that

saTiv ayaGov xoiq cpoPoDjisvoiq tov 0s6v onaq

there is good to the ones fearing God, so that

cpoPcbvTai a7io 7ipoacb7roD aDTOD 13+ Kai ayaGov

they should fear from in front of him. But [ good

odk s&lt;xcai too aaspsi Kai od jiaKpDvsi rijispaq

it will not be] to the impious, and he shall not prolong [his] days

sv ciKid oq odk sciTi cpoPoDjisvoq arco 7ipoaco7roD

[which are] as a shadow; for he is not fearing from before

tod 0sod 14+ soti jiaTaiOTrjc; rj 7rs7io(r|Tai S7i( Trjq

God. There is a folly which is done upon the

yrjc; 6ti siai 8iKaioi 6ti cpGdvsi npoq aDTODq coq

earth; that there are just ones that attain unto them, as


8 n sv tootco + vtica 21 - Ecclesiastes

7rovr||ia xcov aaspcbv Kai siaiv aaspsfc; on cp0avsi

[the] action of the impious; and there are impious that attain
7ipoc; aDTODc; coc; 7rovr||ia xcov 8iKa(cov si7ia on Kaiys

to them, as [the] action of the just. I said that, Indeed also

todto iiaxaioxriq 15+ Kai £7rfjvsaa sycb ctdv xrjv

this [is] folly. And I praised with the

SDcppoawrjv on odk 8&lt;xciv aya66v too av0pcb7ico D7i6

gladness, because there is no good [thing] [to] man under

xov fjAiov on si (ir| tod cpaysiv Kai tod 7iis(v Kai

the sun, were it not to eat, and to drink, and

tod SDcppavGfjvai Kai aDTO aDjurpoasaTai aDTcb sv

to be glad. And it will adhere to him in

|i6%0co aDTOD rjjiepac; ^cofjq aDTOD aq e5coK8v aDTcb

his effort [all the] days of his life, as [gave to him

O Bsoq D7TO TOV T\klOV 16+ sv oiq 88(jQKa

God] under the sun. Whereupon I gave

ttjv Kap8(av jiod tod yvcbvai ttjv aocpiav Kai tod iSsiv

my heart to know wisdom, and to behold

tov 7i8pia7raa|i6v tov 7iS7roir||isvov 87i( Tr\q yr\q 6ti

the distraction being done upon the earth. For

Kai SV T||I8pa Kai SV VDKTl D7tvov sv

also at day and at night [ sleep with

o(p0aA,|io((; aDTOD odksctti pA,S7icov i?+ Kai s(5ov

his eyes [a person] is not seeing]. And I beheld

&lt;x6|i7ravTa Ta 7ioifi|iaTa tod 6sod 6ti od 5DvfjosTai

all the actions of God, that [ shall not be able

dvGpcoTroq tod SDpsiv odv to 7io(r||ia to 7rs7ioir||isvov

man] to find [out] the action being done

D7i6 tov fjAiov 6aa av |io%0fjar| o dv0pco7io(;

under the sun. As long as [ should make an effort man]

tod ^rjTfjaai Kai od% SDpfjasi Kai ys 6aa av si7ir|

to seek, even he shall not find [it]. And indeed, as long as [ should speak

o aocpoq tod yvcbvai od 8DvfjasTai tod SDpsiv 6ti

[the] wise] to know [it], he shall not be able to find [it]. For

&lt;x6|i7rav todto sScoKa sic; KapSiav jiod Kai Kap8(a jiod

all this I gave to my heart, and my heart

aD|i7iav s(8s todto

[ all beheld] this.


9d ev toi3tco + vdca 21 - Ecclesiastes

9 13

i+ cog oi 8iKaioi Kai 01 aocpoi Kai ai epyaaiai aDxcov

As the just, and the wise, even their works

sv xeipi tod 6eoD Kai ye ay&amp;7ir| Kai ye [liaoq

are in [the] hand of God. Indeed even love, indeed even hatred,

odk eaxiv eiScoc; o dv0pco7roc; xa rcdvxa 7ipo 7rpooco7roD

there is no [ knowing man] all the [things] before

aDxcov 2+ jiaxaioxrjq ev xoic;7idaiv ai)vdvxr||ia ev

them. Folly [is] in all [things]; [ event [there is] one]

xco 5iKa(co Kai ev xco aaepei xco aya0cb Kai xco

to the just, and one to the impious; to the good and to the

KaKcb Kai xco KaGapco Kai xco araGapxco Kai xco

bad; and to the clean and to the unclean; and to the one

0i)aid£pvxi Kai xco |ir| 0i)aid^ovxi coc; o ayaGoc;

sacrificing and to the one not sacrificing; as [is] the good,

coc; o ajiapxdvcov coc; o ojivdcov KaBcbc; o

as [is] the one sinning; as the one swearing by an oath, as [is] the one

xov opKov cpoPoDjievoc; 3+ xodxo 7iovr|p6v ev 7iavx(

[the oath fearing]. This evil [is] in all

7re7roifj|ievco D7i6 xov f|A,iov 6x1 &lt;yovdvxr||ia ev

being done under the sun, for [there is] [ event one]

xoic; 7idai Kai ye Kap8(a mcov xod av6pco7roi)

to all. And indeed [the] heart of [the] sons of man

e7iAr|pcb6r| 7iovr|poT3 Kai 7iepi(pepeia ev Kap8(a ai)xcov

are filled with evil; and madness in their heart

ev ^cofj ai)xcov Kai 07iiaco auxcov 7ipoc; zovq

during their life, and after them [they go] to the

veKpotic; 4+ 6x1 xic; oq Koivcovei 7ipoc; rcdvxac; xodc;

dead. For someone who participates with all the

Cfbvzaq eaxiv zhiiq 6x1 o kdcov o ^cov avzoq ayadoq

living there is hope; for the [ dog living] himself [is] good

D7iep xov Aiovxa xovveKpov 5+ 6x1 01 ^covxec;

over the [ lion dead]. For the living

yvcoaovxai 6x1 a7io0avowcai Kai 01 veKpoi odk eioi

shall know that they shall die; but the dead are not

yivcocTKovxec; oi)8ev Kai odk eaxiv aDxoiq exi jiiaGoc;

knowing anything; and there is not [ to them any longer a wage],

6x1 e7reAxja0r| r| |ivfj|ir| aDxcov 6 + Kai ye ayd7ir| aDxcbv

for [ was forgotten their remembrance]. And indeed their love,

Kai ye jjiaoc; aDxcbv Kai ye Cftkoq aDxcov fj8r|

and indeed their hatred, and indeed their zeal already


9d ev toi3tco + vdca 21 - Ecclesiastes

a7icbA,STO Kai jispk; odk saxiv aDxofc; sxi sic; xov

perished; and [ portion there is no] to them any longer into the

aicbva sv 7iavxi xco 7TS7roir||i8vco D7i6 xov fjAiov 7 +

eon, in all [things] being done under the sun.

8sDpo (pays sv SDcppoawq xov dpxov gov Kai 7us sv

Come, eat with gladness of your bread, and drink [ with

Kap8(a ayaGfj oivov aoD 6x1 fj5r| sd86kt|osv o Gsoc;

heart a good your wine] ! for already God thought well

xa 7ioif||iaxd aoi) 8+ sv 7iavx( Kaipcb saxoaaav

of your actions In every time let [ be

ijidxid aoi) Xsvkql Kai sAmov S7ri KscpaArjc; aoi) jjt|

your garments] white, and [ oil upon your head let not

Daxsprjadxco 9+ Kai 18s ^cofjv jisxd yDvaucoc; r\q

be lacking] ! And behold life with [the] wife which

rjyd7rr|aac; naoaq xaq r||ispaq ^cofjc; jiaxaioxrjxoc; aoi)

you loved all the days of [the] life of your folly!

zaq 5o0s(aac; aoi D7i6 xov r\k\ov naaaq xac; rjiispaq

the ones being given to you under the sun, all the days

^oofjc; jiaxaioxrjxoc; aoi) 6x1 ai)xo jispiq aoi) sv

of [the] life of your folly. For it is your portion in

XT] ^cofj aoi) Kai sv xco |io%0cd aoi) go ai) |io%6s(c;

your life, and in your effort wherein you made an effort

D7i6 xov fjAiov 10+ 7idvxa 6aa av ST3pr| r| %sip aoi)

under the sun. All as much as [ should find your hand]

xod 7roifjaai coq r\ 6vva[iiq aoi) 7io(r|aov 6x1 odk saxi

to do, [ as is power in your you do]; for there is no

7rovr||ia Kai A,oyia|i6c; Kai yvcbaiq Kai aocpia sv d5r|

action, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in Hades,

67TOD ai) 7iopsi)r| sksi 11+ S7isaxps\j/a Kai s(5ov D7i6

of where you should go there. I turned, and I beheld under

xov fjAiov 6x1 od miq KODcpoiq o 8p6|ioc; Kai od

the sun, that not to the light [of foot] [is] the race; and not

xoic; 5i)vaxo(c; o n6Xs[ioq Kai ys od xoiq aocpoic; o

to the mighty ones in battle; and indeed not to the wise [is] the

dpxoq Kai ys od xoic; aDvsxoiq o nXomoq Kai

bread; and indeed not to the discerning ones [is] the riches; and

ys od xoic; yivcbaKODai xdpiq 6x1 Kaipoq Kai

indeed not to the ones knowing favor; for a season and

a7idvxr||ia aDvavxfjasxai aD|i7iaaiv aDxoiq 12+ Kai ys

a meeting shall meet with them all. And indeed

odk syvco o dv0pco7TO(; xov Kaipov aDxoD coq 01 i%0dsc;

[ does not know man] his season. As fishes



8V TOUT© + VtKd

21 - Ecclesiastes

01 0rjp8i)6(i8voi sv ajicpipAxjaTpco KaKcb Kai coq opvsa

being hunted with [casting-net a hurtful], and as birds

xa GrjpsDOjisva ev 7iay(8i coq ai)id 7iayi8sDOVTai oi

being hunted with a snare — as them [ shall be ensnared the

moi tod av6pcb7ioD sic; Kaipov 7iovr|p6v oxav S7ri7i8or|

sons of man] in [season an evil], whenever it should fall

S7i ' (xdtodc; dcpvoo 13+ Kai ys todto s(8ov aocpiav

upon them suddenly. And indeed this I beheld — wisdom

D7i6 xov fjAiov Kai |isy&amp;Ax| soil itpoq (is i 4 + itoXiq

under the sun, and it is great to me. [ city

jiiKpd Kai dvSpsc; sv auxf| oAiyoi Kai £kdr\

[If there were] a small], and [the] men in it few; and there should come

S7i' aDxfjv fiaaikzvq (isyaq Kai kdkAxdosi aDTfjv Kai

against it [ king a great], and he shall encircle it, and

oiKo8o|ifjasi S7i' aDTfjv xdparaq jisydXoDc; i 5 + Kai

shall build against it [ siege mounds great]; and

stiprj sv aDifj dv8pa 7isvr|Ta aocpov Kai

there should be found in it [man a needy wise]; and

Siaacbosi avzoq xrjv nohv sv xr| oocpia avzov Kai

[ shall deliver he himself] the city in his wisdom; but

dv0pco7TO(; odk S|ivfja6r| odv tod av8poq tod nsviycoq

man remembered not with [ man needy

sksivod i6+ Kai si7ia sycb ayaGfj aocpia D7isp SDvajiiv

that]. And I said, [ [is] good Wisdom] over power.

Kai aocpia tod nsviycoq s^oD8svco(isvr| Kai

But [the] wisdom of the needy [man] is being treated with contempt, and

A,6yoiaDTOD odksktiv aKODOjisvoi n+Xoyoi aocpcbv sv

his words are not being listened to. Words of [the] wise being

ava7iaDasi aKODOVTai D7isp KpaDyfjv s^oDaia^ovTcav

at rest are heard above a cry of ones being in authority

sv acppoaDvaic; is+ ayaGfj oocpia D7isp oksdtj 7toA,s|iod

in follies. [ [is] good Wisdom] over weapons of war;

Kai ajiapTdvcov sic; a7ioA,sasi aya9coaDvr|v 7ioAAx|v

but [ sinning one] shall destroy [ goodness much].

10 i

i+ (iDiai GavaTODaai aa7ipioDai aKSDaoiav sAmoD

A fly put to death will rot a concoction [ oil

rjSDajiaTOc; tijiiov oAiyov oocpiac; D7isp 86^av

oflucious]; [ [is] valuable A little wisdom] over [glory



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

21 - Ecclesiastes

acppoawriq jisydAxjc; 2+ Kap8(a aocpou sic;

of folly great]. A heart of a wise [man] [is] at

8s^i6v avTOV Kai Kap5(a dcppovoc; sic;

his right [hand]; and [the] heart of a fool [is] at

apiaxspov auxou 3 + Kai ys sv o8cb oxav dcppcov

his left. And indeed [ in [the] way whenever a fool

7ropsur|xai Kap8(a auxou uaxspfjasi Kai a Xoyisixai

goes] of his heart, he will fail, and [ which he considers

rcdvxa a^poawq screw 4 + sdv 7rvsu|ia tod

all] is folly. If spirit of the one

s^ouaidtpvxoc; avapfj S7ri as xorcov gov jlit|

exercising authority should ascend against you, [ your place you should not

acpfjq on (ajia Kaxa7iauasi ajiapxiac; jisyd^aq 5 + SGXl

leave]; for a cure will put to rest [sins great]. There is

7iovr|pia Tjv si8ov D7i6 xov fjliov coc; aKouaiov

a wickedness which I beheld under the sun, as an unintentional [act]

s^fjABsv goto 7ipoaco7roD s^ouaidtpvxoc; 6 + s866r| o

came forth from [the] person of one exercising authority. [ was put The

dcppcov sv u\j/sai jisydAxnc; Kai 7iAxy6aioi sv xa7isivcb

fool] in [ heights great], and [the] rich [ in low

KaGfjoovxai 7+ s(8ov SouXouc; scp' imiovq Kai

shall settle]. I beheld servants upon horses, and

dp%ovxac; 7iopsi)0|isvou(; coc; 8ouAx)uc; S7U xrjc; yr\q 8 +

rulers going as servants upon the ground.

o opuaacov PoGpov sic; auxov sjursasixai Kai

The one digging a cesspool [ into it shall fall]; and

KaGaipouvxa cppayjiov Sfj^sxai auxov ocpic; 9 +

[the] one demolishing a fence [boundary], [ shall bite him a serpent].

s^aipcbv Xidovq Sia7iovr|0f|asxai sv auxofc; &lt;3%iCftiv

One lifting away stones shall work hard among them; one splitting

tpXa KivSuvsuasi sv auxoic; 10+ sdv SK7isar|

wood shall be exposed to danger in them. If [ should fall off

xo oiSfjpiov Kai auxoc; 7rp6aco7iov sxdpa^s Kai

an iron implement], and he [ in countenance is disturbed], then

Suvdjisiq Suvajicbasi Kai 7isp(aasia xco av8p( ou

[ [his] power he shall strengthen], and abundance [is] to the man of which

aocpia 11+ sdv 8dKTj o ocpiq sv ou \j/i0upiajicb Kai

[is] wisdom. If [ should bite the serpent] with no [enchanter] whispering, then

ouk saxi 7isp(aasia xco S7id8ovxi 12+ A,6yoi axojiaxoq

there is no advantage to the one charming. [The] words [ mouth




21 - Ecclesiastes

aocpoD xdpiq Kai %zikr\ dcppovoc; KaTa7iovTioDaiv

of a wise] [carry] favor; but [the] lips of a fool shall sink

(xdtov 13 + ap%fj A,6ycov axoiiaxoq avzov acppoawq

him; [the] beginning of [the] words of his mouth [are] folly,

Kai saxdxrj &lt;xc6|iaTOc; aDTOD 7ispi(pspsia 7iovr|pd u+ Kai

and [the] end of his mouth [madness [is] wicked]. And

o dcppcov 7i;Ax|6dvs( Xoyovq odk syvoo o dv9pco7i;oc; xi

the fool multiplies words. [ does not know Man] what

to ysvojisvov Kai xi to saojisvov on O7i(aco

the [thing] becoming [is], and what the [thing] will be; for after

avTOV Tiq avayys^si ai)icb i 5 + [io%doq tcdv acppovcov

him who shall announce to him? [The] effort of the fools


shall trouble them [as one] who does not know how to go

sic; 7i6A.iv i 6 + ODai aoi itoXiq r\q o fiaaiksvq aoD

into [the] city. Woe to you, O city, of which your king

vsdrcspoc; Kai oi dpxovTsg aoD sv 7ipcoia saGioDai n+

[is] younger, and your rulers [in the morning eat].

jiaKapia ctd yrj r\q o fiaaikvbq aoD vioq sA,SD0spcDV

Blessed [is] your land of which your king [is] a son of free [nobles],

Kai oi dpxovxsq aoD npoq Kaipov cpdyovxai sv

and your rulers at a [proper] time shall eat in

5Dvd|i8i Kai odk aiaxDV0fjaovxai is+ sv OKvqpiaic;

force, and shall not be ashamed. By slothful [neglect]

Ta7reivcD6fja£Tai r| SoKcbaiq Kai sv apyia %sipcbv

[ will be lowered a building]; and in idleness of hands

&lt;xcd^si r| oiKia i 9 + sic; ysAxDTa 7ioioDaiv dpxov Kai

[ will drip the house]. For laughter they make bread, and

oivov Kai sAmov tod SDcppavGfjvai Cfbvzaq Kai tod

wine and olive oil [to be glad for [the] living]; and of the

apyDpioD S7iaKODasTai Ta 7idvTa 20+ Kai ys sv

money all will heed. And indeed in

aDvsi5f|asi aoD PaaiAia |ir| KaTapdarj Kai sv Tajiisioic;

your conscience [a king you should not curse]; and in [the] closets

KoiTcbvcov aoD |ir| KaTapdarj nXovaiov 6ti 7tstsiv6v

of your bedrooms you should not curse a rich [man]. For a winged creature

tod ODpavoD a7ioiosi ttjv 9&lt;wf|v aoD Kai o sxcdv zaq

of heaven shall carry your voice, and the one having the

7iTSpDyac; a7iayysA,s( A,6yov aoD

wings shall report your word.


11 &gt;r


21 - Ecclesiastes

11 VP

i + a7ioaxsiAx)v xov dpxov ctod S7ri 7ip6aco7rov tod

Send your bread upon [the] face of the

i)8axoc; oxi sv 7iAx|9si xg&gt;v rijispcbv SDpfjasic; aDxov 2 +

water! for in a multitude of days you will find it.

80c; jisp(8a miq srcxd Kai ys xoic; okxco 6ti od

Give a portion to seven, even indeed to eight! for you do not

yivcbcTKsic; xi saxai 7iovr|p6v S7U xrjv yrjv 3+ sdv

know what evil there will be upon the earth. If

7iAr|pco0coai xa vscprj dsxod S7il xrjv yrjv sk%sodcti

[ should be filled the clouds] of rain, [upon the earth they pour out];

Kai sdv 7i8ar| ZpXov sv xco voxco Kai sdv sv

and if [ should fall a tree] towards the south, or if towards

xco Poppd x67ico od 7isas(xai xo ZfiXov sksi saxai

the north, in [the] place where [ shall fall the tree] there it shall be.

4+ xrjpcbv dvsjiov od a7rsips( Kai pA,S7icov sv xaic;

Giving heed to [the] wind one does not sow, and [one] looking into the

vstpsAmc; od Gspiasi 5 + sv oiq odk saxi

clouds will not harvest. Among the ones in whom there is no

yivcbaKcov xic; rj o86q xod 7rvsi)|iaxo(; cog oaxd sv

knowing what the way of the wind [is], as [the] bones in

yaaxpi xrjq KDOtpopoDarjc; ODxcoq od yvcbarj xa

[the] womb [of one] being with child, so you shall not know the

7rovfj|iaxa xod 0sod 6aa 7ioif|osi xa aDjuravxa 6+ sv

actions of God, as much as he shall do [in] all things. At

7ipco(a a7isipov xo a7isp|ia aoD Kai sv sa7ispa jitj

morning sow your seed, and at evening do not

acpisxco T| %sip aoD 6x1 od yivcbaKsiq 7io(ov

relieve your hand! for you do not know what

axoi%f|asi T| xodxo rj xodxo Kai sdv xa 8do S7iixoaDx6

will line up — this [here], this [there], or if the two [ together

ayaGd 7 + Kai yA,DKD xo cpcoq Kai aya06v xoiq

[are] good]. Moreover [ [is] sweet [the] light], and [it is] good to the

ocpGaXjioiq xod pA,S7isiv aDV xov fjAiov 8 + oxi Kai sav

eyes to see with the sun. For even if

sxrj 7roAAxx ^fjasxai o dv6pco7iO(; sv 7idaiv aDxoiq

[ years many shall live a man], in all them

SDcppavBfjasxai Kai jivrjaGfjasxai xac; rijispaq

he shall be glad. And [ shall be remembered the days

xod ctkoxodc; oxi 7roAAm saovxai 7iav xo sp%6|isvov

of darkness], for they will be many. All coming


12 T

8V TOUT© + VtKCl

21 - Ecclesiastes

jiaxaioxrjc; 9 + SDcppaivoD vsaviaKs sv vs6tt|ti aoD Kai

[is] folly. Be glad, O young man, in your youth! and

ayaGDvdxoo as r| Kap5(a aoD sv rjjispaic; vsoxrjxoc; gov

let [ do you good your heart] in [the] days of your youth!

Kai 7ispur&amp;TSi sv 0801c; Kap5(aq god &amp;|icd|ioc; Kai sv

And walk in [the] ways of your heart unblemished, and in

opdasi ocpGaXjicbv gov Kai yvcb0i 6x1 S7i( 7idai

[the] vision of your eyes! And know that in all

xodxoic; d^si as o Gsoc; sic; Kpiasi

these [ shall lead you God] in equity!

10+ Kai a7i6aTT|aov Bdjiov anb KapSiaq gov Kai

And leave rage from your heart, and

7iapdyays 7iovr|piav arco aapKoc; gov 6ti rj vsoxrjc; Kai

pass off wickedness from your flesh! for youth and

r| dvoia jiaxaioxrjc;

thoughtlessness [are] folly

12 V

1+ Kai |ivfja6r|Ti tod Kxiaavxoc; as sv rjjispaic;

And remember the one creating you in [the] days

vsoxrjxoc; aoi) scoq oxod |ir| sXGcoaiv ai rjjispai

of your youth! while [ should not come the days

TTjqKaKiac; Kai cpGdacoaiv sxrj sv oiq spsiq

of evil], [nor] [ should arrive years], in which you shall [then] say,

odk saxi |ioi sv aDxoic; 0sAx||ia 2 + sooc; od |ir| aKoxia0f|

There is not in me [for them a want]. While [ are not darkened

o r\k\oq Kai to (pox; Kai r\ asArjvrj Kai 01 aaxspsc;

the sun and the light], nor the moon and the stars;

Kai S7iiaxps\j/ODai xa vscprj O7iiaco tod dsxod 3+ sv

[nor] [ return the clouds] after the rain; in

r||ispa T| av aa^sDGcbai qroXaKsc; xrjc; ondaq Kai

a day in which ever [ should be shaken [the] keepers of the house], and

Siaaxpacpcoaiv dv8psc; xrjc; SDvajisooc; Kai fjpyrjaav ai

[ should be turned aside men of power], and [ [are] idle the

aXfjBoDaai 6x1 coXiycbGrjaav Kai aKoxdaoDaiv ai

grinding [women]] because they are made few, and [ shall darken the

pA,S7ioDaai sv xaic; 07ia(c; 4 + Kai K^siaoDai dvpaq sv

[women] looking out of the openings]; and they shall lock [the] doors in

ayopd sv aaGsvsia cpcovfjc; xrjc; aArjGoDarjc; Kai

[the] market in weakness of [the] sound of the [woman] grinding, and

avaaxfjasxai sic; (poovfjv xod axpoDGioD Kai

one shall rise up to [the] sound of the sparrow, and


12 T

8V TOUT© + VlKa

21 - Ecclesiastes
Ta7rsivco6fjaovTai 7idaai ai GDyaxspsc; tod dajiaioq 5 +

[ shall be humbled all the daughters of song];

Kai ye anb v\\foq 6\j/ovxai Kai GdjiPoi ev tt| o8cb

and indeed from [the] height they shall see, even stupefactions in the way;

Kai avGfjoei to a|x6y8aAx)v Kai 7ra%i)v6fj r| aKpfc; Kai

and [ shall bloom the almond], and [ shall thicken the locust], and

8iaaKe5aa6f| r| Kd7urapic; on S7ropsD6r| o dv0p&lt;jO7roc;

[ shall be dispersed the caper]; because [went man]

sic; oikov aicbvoc; avzov Kai eKDKAxoaav sv ayopd

to [house his eternal]; and [circled in [the] market

01 ko7tt6(I8voi 6+ eooc; otod |ir| avaTpa7rfj TO

the ones beating their chests in mourning]; until whenever should be prostrated the

axoiviov tod apyopioD Kai oDVTpiprj to avGsjiiov

line of silver; and [ should be broken the flower ornament

TOD XPDCTIOD Kai CIDVTpiPfj T| D5pia 8711 TTJV 7TT|yf|V

of gold], and [ should be broken the water-pitcher] at the spring,

Kai aDVTpoxaafj o Tpo%6c; em tov Xqlkkov ?+ Kai

and [ should have rolled the wheel] unto the pit; then

87iiaTps\j/r| o %odc; S7U ttjv yrjv coc; r|v Kai to

[ shall return the dust] upon the earth as it was; and the

7rvsD|ia S7iiaTp8\j/r| rcpoc; tov 0s6v oq sScdksv aDTO 8 +

spirit should return to the God who gave it.

jiaTaiOTTjc; jiaTaiOTfjTCDV si7isv o SKKArjoiaaTfjc;

Folly of follies, said the ecclesiastic,

TarcavTa jiaTaiOTTjc; 9+ Kai nspiaaov 6ti syeveTO

all [things] [are] folly. And [it was] extra that [ became

eKKAxjaiaaTfjc; aocpoq Kai s5(5a^e yvcbaiv aDV

[the] ecclesiastic] wise, and he taught knowledge with

tov dv6pco7rov Kai odc; s^i%vida8Tai Koajiiov

man, and which he shall trace composed

7iapaPoAxbv 10+ noXka s^fjTrjaev eKKAxjaiaaTfjc;

parables. [ much sought [The] ecclesiastic]

tod SDpsiv Xoyovq 6sA,f||iaT0(; Kai ysypajijisvov

to find [ of words a wanting], and writing

EvdvTiycoq Xoyovq aAxjGeiac; n+ A,6yoi aocpoov coq Ta

of uprightness of words of truth. [The] words of [the] wise [are] as the

PoDKevTpa Kai cdc; r\koi 7i8(pDTSD|isvoi 01 7iapd

oxgoads, and as nails [firmly] planted; ones which by

tcov aDV0£|idT&lt;jov s566r|aav 8K 7ioi|ievoc; evoq 12 + Kai

agreement were given from [ shepherd one]. And

7ispiaa6v aDTcbv dis jiod cpD^daaoD tod 7ioif|aai

[ extra by them O my son guard] ! To make


12 T


21 - Ecclesiastes

PiPAia izoXka odk sail 7ispaa|i6c; Kai (isXsxri 7ioAAr|

[ scrolls many] there is no limit; and [ meditation much]

K67T(joaic; aapKoq 13+ TzXoq Xoyov to 7iav ockods

[is] weariness of flesh. [The] end of the whole matter, hear!

xov 08ov cpopoi) Kai zaq evxoAxxc; odtoi) qr6 Axxaae on

Fear God, and [ his commandments keep] ! for

T0T3T0 naq dvGpcoTroq 14+ on av^inav to 7io(r||ia o Gsoc;

this [is] all man! For every action God

d^ei sv Kpiaei sv 7iavTi 7rapecopa|isvco sdv ayaGov

shall lead into judgment, with all being looked over, if good

Kai sdv 7iovr|p6v

and if evil.


1 N sv toi3tco + vtica 22 - Song of songs

1 X

i+ aajia aajidxcov o sail xcd SoXojicdvxi 2+ (piAxjadxco

A song of songs which is [to] Solomon. Let him kiss

(is ano 9iAx||i&amp;tcdv axojiaxoc; avxov 6x1 ayaGoi

me by kisses of his mouth! for [ [are] good

jiaaxoi aoi) imsp oivov 3 + Kai oojifj jxopcov aoi) D7isp

your breasts] over wine. And [the] scent of your perfumes — [ [is] over

7idvxa xa apcbjiaxa |n3poi) skksvcd9sv ovojid aoi)

all the aromatics of perfume being emptied out your name];

8id xodxo vsdvi8sc; r)yd7ir|adv as 4 + siAxoadv |is

on account of this [the] young women loved you. They drew me;

O7i(aco aoi) sic; oajxqv (itipcov aoi) 8pajioi)|isv

[after you for [the] scent of your perfumes we will run].

siafjvsyKS |is o fiaaikvbq sic; xo xajiisiov ai)xoi)

[ carried me The king] into his inner chamber.

ayaAAiaacbjisGa Kai si)(ppav6cb|isv sv aoi aya7rqao|isv

We should exult and be glad in you. We shall love

jiaaxotic; aoi) imsp oivov si)6i)xr|c; rjyd7ir|as as 5 +

your breasts over wine. Uprightness loved you.

jisAmva sijii Kai KaAxj Guyaxspsc; IspoDaaAxni coq

[ black I am] and fair, O daughters of Jerusalem, as

aKT|vcb|iaxa Kr|8dp cdc; Ssppsic; IbAx)|icbvxoc; 6 +

[the] tents ofKedar, as [the] hide coverings of Solomon.

|ir| pA,s\j/r|xs 6x1 sycb sijii |isA,avco|isvr| 6x1

You should not look, for I am being blackened, for

7tapspA,s\j/s jis o r\kioq vioi jirjxpoc; jiod s|ia%saavxo

[ looked over me the sun]. Sons of my mother quarreled

sv sjioi s0svxo |is cpiAdKiaaav sv a|i7isAxbaiv

with me. They made me keeper in [the] vineyards.

a|i7isAxbva sjiov odk sqroXa^a 7 + a7idyysiX6v |ioi ov

[vineyard my [own] I kept not]. Report tome! [you] whom

rjyd7ir|asv r| \\fv%r\ jiod 7tod 7roi|iaivsic; 7ioi) Koixd^siq

[ loved my soul], where you tend, where you bed

sv |isar||iPpia |xq 7ioxs ysvoojiai cdc; 7ispiPaAA,o|isvr|

at midday; lest at any time I should become as one being covered [by a veil]

S7i' aysAmc; sxaipcov aoi) 8+ sdv jlit| yvcoc;

by [the] herds of your companions! If you should not know

asai)xf|v T| KaArj sv yi)vai^(v s^sA£s ai) sv rcxspvaic;

yourself, O fair one among women, come forth at [the] heels

XCOV 7TOl|IVlC0V Kai 7TOl|iaiVS Xaq Spi(pOD(; aOD S7U

of the flocks, and tend your kids by

2 2 ev tootco + vtica 22 - Song of songs

aKT|vco|iaai xcov 7toi|isvcdv 9 + xrj 1717100 jiod sv apjiaai

[the] tents of the shepherds! [To] my horse among [the] chariots

Oapacb cojioicoad as r| 7ihr\aiov jiod 10+ ti

of Pharaoh, I likened you, my dear one. How

copaicb6r|aav aiayovsc; cjod coq xpDyovoc; xpa%r|X6c; gov

[ are beautiful your cheeks] as a turtle-dove; your neck

coc; opjjiciKoi 11+ o|ioicb|iaxa %pvaiov 7ioif|ao|isv aoi

as pendants. Representations of gold we will make for you

|ist&amp; axiyjiaxcov tod apyDpioD

with marks of silver.

12 + scoq od o fiaaikzvq sv avaKAiasi oidxod

Until of which [time] the king [was] at his laying down,

vapdoq [iov s5cdksv oojifjv oidxod u + (X7c65sa|ioc;

my spikenard gave its scent. [ [is] a bundle

Tr\q axoucxfjc; a8sAxpi86c; jiod s|io( avajisaov

of balsam My beloved [man]] to me; [ between

xcov jiaaxcbv jiod aDAiaGfjasxai u+ poxpDc; xrjc; KD7tpoD

my breasts he shall be lodged]. A cluster of camphor

a8sAxpi86c; jiod sjioi sv ajjjrsAxbaiv EvyaSSi 15 + i8od

[is] my beloved [man] tome in vineyards ofEn-gedi. Behold,

si koXj\ r| 7ihr\aiov jiod i8od si KaAxj

you are fair my dear one; behold, you are fair;

ocpGa^jioi aoi) 7cspiaxspca i 6 + i8od si Kakoq

your eyes [are as the] doves. Behold, you are fair,

aSsAxpiSoc; jiod Kai ys copaioq npoq KAivrjv r\[i(bv

my beloved [man]; and indeed beautiful to [bed our

(ToaKioq 17+ 8okoi oiKcov r||icbv KsSpoi ^axvcbjiaxa r\[i(bv

shady]. Beams of our houses [are] cedars; our fretworks



2 n

1+ sycb avGoc; tod 7ts8iod Kpivov xcov KoiXdScov 2+ coq

I [am] a flower of the plain; a lily of the valleys. As

Kpivov sv jisaco aKavBcbv odxcdc; r| 7cAx|o(ov |iod

a lily in [the] midst of thorn-bushes, thus [is] my dear one

avajisaov xcov 0Dyaxspcov 3 + coq [ir\kov sv xoic;

in the midst of the daughters. As an apple among the

^vXoiq xod 8pD|ioD odxcdc; a8sAxpi86c; jiod avajisaov

trees of the groves, so [is] my beloved [man] in the midst

2 2 sv tootco + vuca 22 - Song of songs

xcov mcbv sv tt] aKid auxou S7is0i)|xr|aa Kai

of the sons. [To be] in his shadow I desired, and

SKdGiaa Kai Kap7i6c; avzov ykvKvq sv Xdpuyyi jiou a+

I sat down, and his fruit [was] sweet in my throat.

siaaydysxs |is sic; oikov tod oivou xd^axs S7i' sjis

Bring me into [the] house of wine! Order for me

ayd7ir|v 5+ axrjpiaaxs jis sv jiupoic; axoipdaaxs |is sv

love! Support me with perfumes! Pile me with

[ir\koiq 6x1 xsxpco|isvr| ayd7ir|c; sycb 6 + SDcavDjioq avzov

apples, for [ being pierced of love I [am]]. His left [hand]

D7i6 xrjv KscpaXfjv jiou Kai T| 8s^id auxou 7rspiAxj\j/sxai

[is] under my head, and his right [hand] will embrace

|is 7+ cbpKiaa ujidc; Guyaxspsc; IspouaaAT||i sv xaic;

me. I bound you by an oath, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the

8uvd|isoi Kai sv ig%vg£gi xod aypcro sdv sysiprjxs

powers and by [the] strengths of the field, if you should arise

Kai s^sysiprjxs xrjv ayd7ir|v scoc; ou BsAxjarj 8 +

and awaken love until of which [time] it should want.

cpcovfj a8sAxpi8oi&gt; jiou i5ot3 ouxcoc; fjKsi 7ir|8cbv S7ii xa

[The] voice of my beloved [man]. Behold, thus he comes springing up over the
6pr| 8iaA16|isvoc; sm xouc; Pouvouc; 9+ ojioioq saxiv

mountains, leaping over the hills. [ is likened

a8sAxpi56c; jiod xr| 8opKd8i r| vsPpcb s^dcpcov i8ou

My beloved [man]] to the doe or a fawn of the hinds. Behold,

otixoc; saxrjKsv O7uaco xod xoixou r||icbv 7iapaK67ixcov

he stands behind our wall, leaning over

8id xcov 0up(8cov skkt37txcov 8id xcov Sikxucov 10 +

through the windows, looking out through the lattice.

a7ioKpivsxai a8sAxpi86c; jiou Kai Xsysi jioi avdaxa

[ responds My beloved [man]], and he says to me, Rise up,

sXGs rj 7iXr|oiov jiou KaAxj |iou 7ispiaxspd jiou n+ 6x1

come my dear one, my fair [one], my dove! For

180D o xsijicbv 7iapf|X6sv o usxoc; a7ifjX6sv S7iopsi)0r|

behold, the winter went by, the rain went forth; it went

sauxcb 12+ xa dvGrj cbcpGrj sv xr| yr| Kaipoc; xrjc; xo|xqc;

to itself. The flowers appeared in the land; [the] time of pruning

scpGaKs cpcovfj xrjc; xpuyovoq rjKouaGrj sv xr| yrj r||icbv

arrived; [the] voice of the turtle-dove was heard in our land;

13 + r| odktj s^fjvsyKsv oMvGouc; avTT\q ai d|i7isA,oi

the fig-tree brought forth its immature figs; the grapevines

KvnpiCpvoiv sScoKav oajifjv avdaxa sA£s

blossom, they gave a scent. Rise up, come

3 3, ev tootco + viica 22 - Song of songs

r| 7iAx|a(ov jiou Kakr\ \xov 7ispiaxspd jiod Kai sABs u +

my dear one, my fair one, my dove, yes come!

&lt;xo 7ispiaxspd (iod sv aKS7ir| Tr\q 7isxpac; s^ojisva

You [are] my dove in [the] protection of the rock, being next to

tod 7rpoTSixicj|iaTOc; 8sft;6v jioi xttv 6\j/iv gov Kai

the area around the wall. Show to me your appearance, and

aKoimaov |is xttv (pcovfjv aou 6xi r| (pcovfj aou T|8s(a

cause me to hear your voice! for your voice [is] agreeable,

Kai T| 6\\fiq aou copaia 15+ 7iidaaxs r\[dv aXomsKaq

and your appearance [is] beautiful. Lay hold for us [ foxes

jiiKpouc; acpavi^ovxaq aimzkcbvaq Kai ai d|i7isAx)i r\[i(bv

[the] small], [that are] obliterating [the] vineyards; for our grapevines

KD7rp(^oi)aiv i6+ a8sAxpi86c; |iou sjioi Kaycb auxcb o

blossom. My beloved [man] [is] to me, and I to him. [He is] the

7ioi|iaivcov ev xoic; Kpivoiq i?+ sooc; ou

one tending among the lilies, until of which [time]

Sia7weixxr| rj rjjispa Kai Kivr|6cbaiv ai aKiai

[ should refresh the day], and [should move the shadows]--

a7i6ax8p\j/ov O|ioicb0r|xi au a8sAxpi8s jiou xco 86pKcovi

return! You be like, O my beloved [man], to the buck

T| vsppcb sldcpcov 8711 opTj KoiXcojidxcov

or fawn of [the] hinds [ upon [the] mountains encircling] !

3 a

i + 8711 Koixrjv jiou 8V vu^iv s^fjXTjaa ov rjyd7ir|a8V

Upon my bed in [the] nights I sought whom [ loved

T| \|A)%fj jiou s^fjxrjaa auxov Kai ou% supov auxov

my soul]. I sought him, and I did not find him.

SKdXsaa auxov Kai ou% U7rf|Kouas |iou 2 +

I called unto him, and he did not hearken to me.

avaaxfjaojiai 8r| Kai kdkAxoocd sv xr| 7i6A,si sv xaiq

I shall rise up indeed, and I shall encircle in the city, in the

ayopak; Kai sv xaic; 7iA,axs(aic; Kai ^rjxfjaco ov

markets, and in the squares, and I will seek whom

r|yd7rr|asv r\ \|/u%f| |iou s^fjxrjaa auxov Kai ou% supov

[ loved my soul]. I sought him, and I did not find

auxov 3+ supoadv |is 01 xTjpouvxsc; 01 kuk^ouvxsc;

him. They found me, the ones keeping [guard], the ones encircling

sv XT] 7i6A,si |iT| ov rjyd7ir|asv r\ \\fv%r\ jiou (8sxs 4 +

in the city. [ not whom loved my soul Saw they]?

3 3, ev toi3tco + vtica 22 - Song of songs

coc; jiiKpov 6x8 7iapfjAi)ov an' aDxcov scoc; od

It was a little [time] when I passed by them, until of which [time]

stipov ov r|Y&amp;7rr|a£v r| \\fv%r\ jiod SKpdxrjaa aDxov Kai

I found whom [ loved my soul]. I held him, and

odk acpfjKa avTOV scoc; od siofjyayov aDxov sic;

did not let go of him, until of which [time] I brought him into

xov oikov jirjipoc; jiod Kai sic; xajiisiov Tr\q

the house of my mother, and into [the] inner chamber of the

aDAlaPotiarjc; jis 5 + copKiaa Djidc; 0Dyaxspsc;

one conceiving me. I bound you by an oath, O daughters

IspoDaaAxjji ev xaic; 8Dvd|isai Kai sv xaic; ia%vasa\

of Jerusalem, by the powers and by the strengths

xod aypoD sdv sysiprjxs Kai s^sysiprjxs xrjv ayd7ir|v

of the field, if you should arise and awaken love

scoc; av GsArjarj 6 + xiq aDxrj r| avaPaivoDaa arco

until whenever it should want. Who [is] she ascending from

xrjc; epfj|icn) coc; axsA,s%r| Ka7ivoD xs0D|iia|isvr|

the wilderness as sticks of smoke, being of burning incense

a[ivpvav Kai Xifiavov ano 7rdvxcov Koviopxcov

of myrrh and frankincense, from all [the] powders

jiDps\j/OD ? + i8od rj kXivt) xod SoA,o|icovxo(; s^fjKovxa

of the perfumer? Behold, the bed of Solomon, sixty

5Dvaxo( kdkAxd aDxfjc; arco SDvaxcov IapafjA, 8 +

mighty [men] roundabout it, from among [the] mighty ones of Israel.

7idvx£c; Kaxs%ovxsc; pojicpaiav 8s8i8ayjisvoi 7i6A,s|iov

All holding a broadsword, being taught war;

avfjp pojicpaia aDxoD sm ixqpov aDxoD arco GdjiPoDc;

[every] man [with] his broadsword upon his thigh, because of consternation

sv vd^i 9+ cpopsiov S7roir|asv saDxcb o PaoiXsDc;

in [the] nights. [ a carriage made for himself King

EoA,o|icov a7io ^dXcov xod AipdvoD 10+ oxdXodc] aDxoD

Solomon] from woods of Lebanon. His columns

87rovr| asv apyopioD Kai avaicArcov aDxoD xpDasov

he made of silver, and his couch of gold,

87ripdaic; aDxoD 7iopq)Dpav svxoc; aDxoD Aa06axpcoxov

his step purple; within it [ stone pavement

ayd7ir|v arco 0Dyaxspcov IspoDaaAx||i n+ s^sABsxs Kai

a love] from [the] daughters of Jerusalem. Come forth and

(8sxs 0Dyaxspsc; Sicov sv xco PaaiXsi SoXo|icovxi sv

behold, daughters ofZion! unto king Solomon, unto

xco axscpdvco co saxscpdvcoasv aDxov r| |if|xr|p aDxoD

the crown which [ crowned him his mother]

22 - Song of songs

sv rjjiepa VDjitpeDascGc; aDxoD Kai sv rjjiepa

in [the] day of his betrothing, and in [the] day

SDcppoawrjc; Kap8(ac; aDxoD

of [the] gladness of his heart.

4 7

i + i8od si KaAxj r| 7ihr\aiov jiod i8od ei KaArj

Behold, you are fair my dear one; behold, you are fair.

otp0aA,|io( aoD 7ispiaxspa( skxoc; xrjc; aia&gt;7rf|aecbc; aoD

Your eyes — doves outside your veil.

xpixcojid aoD coc; aysAm xcov aiycbv ai

Your head of hair [is] as herds of goats, the ones who

a7isKaA,i3(p6r|aav arco xod TaXadS 2 + o86vxsc; aoD coc;

were revealed from Gilead. Your teeth [are] as

aysAm xcov KSKapjievcov ai aveprjaav arco xod

herds of the ones being sheared, the ones which ascended from the

Ax)Dxpoi3 ai7idoai 8i8D|isDODaai Kai axeKvotiaa

bath, all bearing twins, and [ a childless one

odk saxiv sv aDxafc; 3 + coc; a7iapxiov xo kokkivov

there is not] among them. [ [are] as string a scarlet

%8iAr| aoD Kai r| Xakia aoi) copaia coc; Xsnvpov xrjc;

Your lips], and your speech beautiful. [ [are] as a rind of the

poaq [ir(k6v aoi) skxoc; xrjc; amiiT\as(bq aoi) 4 + coc;

pomegranate your cheeks], outside your veil. [ [is] as

7r6pyoc; Aai)(5 xpd%r|X6c; aoi) o a&gt;Ko8o|ir||isvoc; sic;

[the] tower of David Your neck], the [tower] having been built for

GaAmcbB %ikioi Qupsoi Kpsjiavxai S7i' ai)xov 7idaai

[the] armory; a thousand shields hang upon it, all

PoAiSsc; xcov 8i)vaxcbv 5+ 8do jiaaxoi aoi) coc; 8do

[the] arrows of the mighty. [ two breasts Your] [are] as two

vsPpoi 8(8i)|ioi SopKdSoq 01 vsjiojievoi sv Kpivoic;

[fawns twin] of [the] doe, the ones feeding among [the] lilies.

6+ scoc; od 5ia7rv£i)ar| r| r||ispa Kai KivrjBcoaiv ai

Until of which [time] [ should refresh the day], and [ move [away] the

aKiai 7iopsDao|iai sjiaDxcb npoq xo opoq xrjc; ajiDpvrjc;

shadows], I will go myself to the mountain of myrrh,

Kai 7ipoc; xov Podvov xod Aipdvoi) 7+ 6Ax| KaAxj

and to the hill of frankincense. Entirely fare

T| 7tAx|aiov |iod Kai jicbjioc; odk saxiv sv aoi 8 + 8si&gt;po

[is] my dear one, and [ blemish there is no] in you. Come

4 7 sv tootco + vtica 22 - Song of songs

goto AiP&amp;vod vujjxpri 8ei&gt;po a7io Aipdvoi) sXei)ar|

from Lebanon, O bride, come from Lebanon. You shall come

Kai 5ieA£i)ar| an ap%r\q IIiaxecDc; anb KecpaAxjc;

and go through from [the] top of Trust, from [the] head

Eaveip Kai Aepjicbv anb |iav8pcbv Xsovxoov anb

of Shenir and Hermon, from [the] lairs of lions, from

opecov 7iap5&amp;A,scDV 9 + SKapSicoaaq rjiidq a5sAxpf| jiod

[the] mountains of leopards. You took my heart, my sister,

vi3jLicpr| £Kap8(coaac; rjjLidq evi anb 0(p9aA,|icbv aoi) ev

O bride; you took my heart with one of your eyes, with

[da 8v08|iaxi xpa%fjXoD aoi) 10+ xi £KaAAacb0r|aav

one garland of your neck. How [ were beautified

jiaoxoi aoi) a8sAxpf| jiod vi)|i(pr| xi SKaAAicbGrjaav

your breasts] my sister, O bride. How [ were beautified

jiaaxoi aoi) arco oivod Kai oajifj ijiaxicov aoi) imep

your breasts] above wine, and [the] scent of your garments above

7idvxa apcbjiaxa n+ Krjpiov a7roaxd£pi)ai %e(Ax| aoi)

all aromatics. [ honeycomb drop Your lips],

VT3|i(pr| jisAi Kai yaXa imo xrjv yAxbaadv aoi) Kai

O bride. Honey and milk [are] under your tongue; and

oajifj ijiaxicov aoi) 00c; oajifj Aipdvoi) 12+ KT\iioq

[the] scent of your garments [is] as [the] scent of frankincense. [ [is as] a

KSK^eiajievoc; a8eAxpf| jiod vi3(acpr| 7ir|yf| eacppayiajisvri

being locked My sister], O bride; a spring having a seal upon it.

13 + a7roaxoAm aoi) 7rapd8eiaoc; pocbv jiexd Kap7ioi3

Your dowries [are] a garden of pomegranates, with [the] fruit

aKpo8pi)CDV KD7ipoi jiexd vdpScov 14+ vdpSoq Kai

of fruit trees; camphor with spikenards. Spikenard and

KpoKoq KdAxxjioc; Kai Kiwd|ico(iov jisxd 7idvxcov

saffron, calamus and cinnamon, with all

^dAxdv xod Aipdvoi) ajitipva akcbQ jisxd 7idvxcov xcov

[the] woods of Lebanon; myrrh, aloes, with all of the

7ipcbx&lt;jov jxopcov 15+ 7ir|yf| Krj7icbv cppeap i)8axoc; CfbvToq

foremost perfumes. A spring of gardens; a well of water living,

Kai poitpwcoc; arco xod Aipdvoi) i 6 + e^syspGiyci

and gurgling from Lebanon. Awake,

Poppd Kai sp%oi) voxe Kai 5id7W£i)aov Kf|7rov jiod

O north [wind] ! And come, O south! and refresh my garden,

Kai peDadxcoaav apcbjiaxd jiod

and let flow my aromatics!

5 n sv tootco + viica 22 - Song of songs

5 n

i + Kaxapfjico a8eAxpi56c; jiod sic; Kfj7iov avzov Kai

Let [ go down my beloved [man]] into his garden, and

cpayeTCO Kap7i6v aKpo5pi3cov avzov siafjXGov sic;

let him eat [the] fruit of his fruit trees! I entered into

Kfj7i6v |iod a8sAxpf| jiou vi)|icpr| sxpuyrjaa

my garden, my sister, O bride. I gathered the vintage

ajiupvav |iod |ist&amp; apcojidxcov jiou scpayov dpxov jiod

of my myrrh with my aromatics; I ate my bread

|isx&amp; [isknoq jiod S7iiov oivov (iod jisid yd^aKioq jiou

with my honey; I drank wine with my milk.

(p&amp;ysxs 7iArjaioi Kai 7ii8TS Kai |is0i)a0r|TS a5sAxpi5oi 2 +

Eat, O dear men, and drink! and be intoxicated beloved men!

sycb Ka0si)8cD Kai r| Kap8(a jiod aypi)7rve( cpcovfj

I sleep, but my heart is sleepless. [The] voice

a5sAxpi8oi) jiou Kpotiei £7ri tttv dvpav dvoi^ov (101

of my beloved [man] knocks upon the door, [saying], Open tome

a5sAxpfj |iod r| 7rAr|a(ov jiod 7i8pioTspd jiou xeXeia jiou

my sister, my dear one, my dove, my perfect one!

on r| KscpaArj (10D S7rAxja9r| 8p6aoi) Kai

for my head is filled of dew, and

01 p6axpD%oi |iod \j/SKd8cov vdktoc; 3 + s^s6vaa[ir\v

my curls of [the] mist of [the] night. I took off

xov xixcbva (iod 7i(Dq ev8i)aco|iai auxov svi\j/d|nrv

my inner garment; how shall I put it on [again]? I washed

todc; itodaq jiod ncoq jioXdvco olvtovc, 4 + a8sAxpi86c; [iov

my feet; how shall I taint them? My beloved [man]

a7T8aTSlXs X S ^P a 0CDTOT3 a7T0 TTjq 07Tf|^ Kai

sent his hand through the opening, and

r| KoiAia |iod eGpofjGrj 87i' ai)i6v 5 + avsartrv sycb

my belly was alarmed over him. I rose up

avoi^ai too a5eAxpi5cb jiod xsipsc; |iou saxa^av ajxopvav

to open to my beloved [man]; my hands dripped myrrh,

8dKTi)Axn |iod a[ivpvr\q 7iAr|peic; em %sipaq tod

my fingers [ of myrrh [with] full [bodied]] upon [the] handles of the

KA£i0poi) 6 + fjvoi^a sycb xco a8eAxpi8cb jiod

bolt. I opened [to] my beloved [man];

aSsXcpiSoq (iod Tiapr\kds \\fv%r\ jiou e^fjXGev sv

my beloved [man] was gone. My soul came forth for

A,6yco avTOV e^fjirjaa auxov Kai ov% etipov auxov

his word. I sought him, and I did not find him;

5 n sv tootco + vtica 22 - Song of songs

SKdXsaa avTOV Kai ov% D7if|KODas jiod ?+ supoadv

I called him, and he did not hearken to me. They found

|is 01 (pvXaKsq oi kdkXowcsc; sv xr| 7i6A,si

me, the guards, the ones encircling in the city.

S7idxa^dv |i8 sxpaujidxiadv |is fjpav to Bspiaxpov jiou

They struck me, they wounded me, [ took my lightweight covering

an 8|iot3 (pvXaKsq xoov xsi%scdv s + cbpKioa v[iaq

from me [the] keepers of the walls]. I bind you by an oath,

Guyaxspsc; IspoDaaAxjji sv xaic; 8i)vd|isai Kai sv xaiq

O daughters of Jerusalem, by the powers and by the

i&lt;3%VG£Gi xod aypoi) sdv si3pr|xs xov a8sAxpi86v jiod

strengths of the field, if you should find my beloved [man],

xi a7iayys(Ax|xs auxcb 6xi xsxpco|isvr| ayd7rr|c; sycb sijii

what should you report to him, for [ being pierced of love lam].

9 + xi a5sAxpi56c; gov anb a8sAxpi8oi) r| KaAxj sv

What [is] your beloved [man] from a beloved [man], O fair one among

ywai^i xi a8sAxpi86c; gov arco a8sAxpi8oi) 6xi

women? What [is] your beloved [man] from a beloved [man], that

ouxgx; cbpKiaaq r\[iaq 10+ a8sAxpi86c; [iov XzvKoq Kai

thus you bound us by an oath? My beloved [man] [is] white and

7Topp6c; skA,sAx)xict|isvoc; goto jxopidScov u +

ruddy, being selected from myriads.

KscpaAxj avzov %pvaiov Kscpd^ PoaxpDxoi avzov

His head [is as] gold of Kefaz; his curls

slaxai jislavsc; ox; Kopa^ 12+ ocpGaAjioi avzov coq

[flowing] fir trees, black as a crow. His eyes [are] as

7ispiaxspa( S7U 7iAx|pcb|iaxa i)8dxcov A,sA,0DO|isvai sv

doves by [the] fullnesses of waters, being bathed in

ydAxxKxi KaGfjjisvai S7ii 7iAr|pcb|iaxa i)8dxcov 13 +

milk, sitting down upon [the] fullnesses of waters.

aiayovsq avzov coq qndAm xod apcbjiaxoc; qrooDaai

His jaws [are] as bowls of the aromatic, germinating

(iDpsyiKd %zikr\ avzov Kpiva axdtpvxa ajxopvav

scents. His lips [are as] lilies dripping [ myrrh

7iAx|pr| 14 + xsipsq avzov xopsuxai %pvaai

full- [bodied]]. His hands [are as] turned gold,

7iS7rXr|pco|isvai ©aposk; KoiAia avzov 7ru^iov

being filled with Tharsis [stone]. His belly [is as] a writing-tablet

sXscpdvxivov S7i( Xidov aa7i(ps(poD 15+ Kvqiiai avzov

of ivory upon a stone of sapphire. His legs

gtvXoi jiapjidpivoi xs9s|isAicd|isvoi S7i( pdasiq

[are as] columns of marble, founded upon bases



8V TOUT© + VtKCl

22 - Song of songs

Xpvaaq sidoq olvtov coc; Aipavoc; skAskxoc; coc; Ks8poi

of gold. His appearance as Lebanon, choice as cedars.

i6+ cpdpDy^ olvtov y^DKaajioi Kai oXoq S7ti0D|iia

His throat [is] sweetness, and [he is] entirely desirable.

omoq aSsAxpiSoc; jiod Kai odxoc; 7cAx|ak&gt;v jiod

This [is] my beloved [man], and this [is] my dear one,

0Dyaxspsc; IspoDaaAx||i

0 daughters of Jerusalem.

6 1

1 + 7TOD onr\kdzv o a5sAxpi56c; gov r\ KaAxj sv yDvai^i

Where did [ go forth your beloved [man]], O fair one among women?

7T0D a7C8pis\j/8v o a8sAxpi86c; aoi) Kai ^r|xf|ao|isv ai)i6v

Where did [ look away your beloved [man]]? for we will seek him

jisxd aoi) 2 + a5sAxpi56c; |iod KaxsPrj sic; kt|7cov olvtov

with you. My beloved [man] went down to his garden,

sic; (piakaq tod apcbjiaxoc; 7coi|iaivsiv sv KT\7ioiq Kai

to bowls of the aromatics, to tend in gardens, and

oDAAiysiv Kpiva 3+ sycb xco a8sAxpi8cb jiod Kai

to collect lilies. I [am] [to] my beloved [man], and

a8sAxpi86c; (10D 8(101 o 7coi|ia(vcov sv xoic; Kpivoiq 4 +

my beloved [man] to me ~ the one tending among the lilies.

KaAxj si T| 7tAx|a(ov jiod coc; si)8oKia copaia cog

You are fair, O dear one, as good-pleasure; beautiful as

Ispoi)aaAx||i GdjiPoc; coc; xsxayjisvai 5+ a7c6axps\j/ov

Jerusalem; a consternation as ones arranged [for battle]. Turn away

o(pdaX[iovq aoi) a7csvavx(ov (iod 6ti aDxoi

your eyes from before me! for they

avs7cxspcoadv |is xpi%co|id aoi) coc; aysAm xcov aiycbv

incited me. [The] hair of your head [is] as [the] herds of the goats

ai avsprjaav a7co tod TaAxxdS 6+ oSovxsc; aoD coc;

which ascended from Gilead. Your teeth as

aysAm xcov KSKapjisvcov ai avsprjaav a7co tod

herds of the ones being sheared, the ones which ascend from the

XoDipoD ai7cdaai 8i5D|isDODaai Kai axsKvotiaa

bath, all bearing twins, and [ one being childless

odk saxiv sv aDxaiq coc; a7capx(ov kokkivov

there is not] among them. [ [are] as string a scarlet

XsiArj aoD Kai rj Xakm gov copaia 7 + coc; A,S7CDpov xrjc;

Your lips], and your speech is beautiful. [ [are] as [the] rind of the


7 T sv tootco + vtica 22 - Song of songs

poaq [ir\k6v gov skxoc; xrjc; &lt;3\omr\G£(bq aoi) 8 +

pomegranate Your cheeks] [being seen] outside your veil.

s^fjKovxa eiai Paodiaaai Kai oy5of|Kovxa 7iaAlaKa(

[ sixty There are] queens, and eighty concubines,

Kai vedviSec; cov odk eaxiv apiGjioq 9 + fiia sail

and young women which there is no number. [ is one

7rsipoTspd |iod xeXeia |iod [da eaxi xrj |ir|xp( avxr\q

My dove], my perfect one. She is [the only] one [to] her mother;

skA,8ktt| sail tt] t8kot3ot| aDxfjv s(5oaav ai)xf|v

[the] choice one is to the one giving birth to her. [ beheld her

0i)yaxepsc; Kai jiaKapiotiaiv aDxfjv PaaiAioaai Kai ys

[The] daughters], and [ will declare her blessed queens], and indeed

7iaAA,aKai Kai aiveaoDoiv auxfjv 10+ xic; ai3xr| r|

[the] concubines also shall praise her. Who [is] she, the one

SKKD7rxoi)oa coasi opGpoq KaArj coc; oshf\vr\ 8icXsKxf|

looking out as [the] dawn, fair as [the] moon, choice

coc; o r\kioq da^oq coc; xexayjievai n+ sic; Kfj7iov

as the sun, [the] consternation as [troops] being set in order. Into [the] garden

Kaptiaq KaxsPrjv i8e(v sv yewfjjiaxi xod

of walnuts I went down to behold among [the] produce of the

XSijidppoi) i5siv si fjvGrjasv r| aimzkoq

[valley of the] rushing stream; to see if [ bloomed the grapevine],

s^fjvGrjoav ai poai 12 + odk syvco rj \\fvyy\ jiou

[ blossomed [or if] the pomegranates]. [ did not know My soul],

808x6 |is dpjiaxa A|iiva8dp 13+ S7uaxps(pe S7riaxps(ps

it made me [as the] chariots of Aminadab. Return! return!

rj £oi)A,a|iixic; S7rioxps(ps S7i(axp8(p8 Kai o\j/6 jieGa sv

O Shulamite. Return! return! and we will look to


7 T

1+ xi 6\j/so0s sv xtj Eoi)A,a|i(xi8i r| ep%o|isvr| cog

What shall you see in the Shulamite? She comes as

%opoc; xcov 7iap8|iPoXcov xi copaico6r|aav

a company of the camps. How you do beautify

8iapf||iaxd aoi) sv D7io5f||iaai 0i3yaxsp Napd5

your footsteps in sandals, O daughter of Nabad.

pi)6|ioi |ir|pcov aou 6|ioioi opjjioKoic; spycov %eipcbv

[The] proportions of your thighs [are] likened to pendants — works of [the] hands

x8%vixod 2 + ojiacpaAxx; aou Kpaxfjp xopeDxoc; [ir\

of a craftsman. Your navel [is as] [basin a turned], not



8V TOUT© + VlKa

22 - Song of songs

Daxspotijisvoc; Kpajia KoiAia aoi) Grjjioavia aixoi)

lacking mixed wine. Your belly [is as] a heap of grain

7is(ppay|i8vr| sv Kpivoic; 3 + 5i3o jiaaxoi aoi) coc; 5i3o

shut up in lilies. [ two breasts Your] [are] as two

vsppoi 5i8i)|ioi 8opK&amp;8oc; 4+ xpa%r|Axx; aoi) coc; nvpyoq

fawns, twins of [the] doe. Your neck [is] as a tower

sXscpavxivoc; 01 otp0aA,|ioi aoi) coc; Aijivai sv Easpcbv

of ivory; your eyes [are] as lakes in Heshbon,

sv itvXaiq 0i)yaxp6c; noXXcbv jiDKxfjp aoi) coc; nvpyoq

by [the] gates of [the] daughter of many. Your nose [is] as [the] tower

tod AiP&amp;vod aK07isi)cov 7ip6aco7rov AajiaaKoi) 5 +

of Lebanon, watching in front of Damascus.

KecpaAxj aoi) S7U as coc; KapjifjXoi) Kai tcXokiov

Your head upon you [is] as Carmel, and [the] braid

KscpaAxjc; aoi) coc; 7iop(pi)pa PaaiA,si3c; 8s8sjisvoc; sv

of your head [is] as purple, [with the] king being bound by

7iapa8po|iafc; 6 + xi copaicoGrjc; Kai xi r|8i)v6r|c; aya7ir|

its passing by. How beautiful and how delicious, O love,

sv xpDcpaiq aoi) 7 + xoi3xod jisysGoc; aoi) cojioicbGriq xco

in your luxuries. This your greatness is likened to the

cpoiviKi Kai oi (laaxoi aoi) xoic; PoxpDaiv 8 + si7ia

palm, and your breasts to the clusters of grapes. I said,

avapfjaojiai S7i( xco cpoiviKi Kpaxfjaco

I will ascend unto the palm, I will seize

xcov d\j/scov cxdxot) Kai saovxai 8r| jiaaxoi aoi) coc;

its heights; and [ shall indeed be your breasts] as

PoxpDsq xrjc; a|i7rsAx)D Kai oajifj pivoq aoi) coc; [ir\ka

clusters of grapes of the grapevine, and [the] scent of your nose as apples.

9 + Kai Xapvy^ aoi) coc; oivoq o ayaGoc; 7ropsi)6|isvoc;

And your throat [is] as [ wine good], going

xco a8sAxpi8cb jiod sic; si)0i)xr|xa iKavoi)|isvoc; sv

[to] my beloved [man] in straightness, suiting in

Xsiksai |iod Kai o8oi)aiv io+ syco xco a8sAxpi8co jiod

my lips and teeth. I [turn] to my beloved [man],

Kai S7i' s(is r| s7iiaxpocpf| ai)xoi) n+ sA$s

and [ [is] towards me his turning]. Come,

a8sAxpi8s (iod s^sABcojisv sic; aypov ai)Aia0cb|isv sv

O my beloved [man] ! we should go forth into [the] field; we should lodge in

Kcbjiaic; 12+ opBpiacojisv sic; aji7isAxbvac; (Scojisv si

towns. We should rise early to [the] vineyards; we should see if

fjvGrjasv r| d[mskoq f|v6r|asv o KD7ipia|i6c; fjvGrjaav

[bloomed the grapevine]; [if] [ bloomed [the] blossoms]; [if] [ bloomed


8V TOUT© + VtKCl
22 - Song of songs

ai poai sksi 8cbaco xodc; jiaaxotic; jiod aoi 13+ 01

the pomegranates]. There I will give my breasts to you. The

|iav8payopai sSocncav oa[ir\v Kai S7U dvpaiq r\[i(bv

mandrakes gave a scent, and at our doors

7idvxa xa aKp68pi)a vsa npoq 7iaAmd a8sAxpi8s |iod

[are] all the fruit trees — new to old. O my beloved [man],

sxfjprjad aoi

I kept them for you.

8 n

1 + Tiq 8cof| as a8sAxpi8s jiod 0rjA,d£pvxa jiaaxotic;

Who should grant you, O my beloved [man], nursing [the] breasts

jxrjxpoc; jiod supotiad as s^co cpiXfjaco as Kai ys

of my mother; finding you outside I should kiss you, and indeed,

odk s^oi)8svcbaoi)ai |is 2 + 7iapaXfi\j/o|iai as siad^co as

they will not treat me with contempt. I shall take you; I shall bring you

sic; oikov jirjxpoc; jiod Kai sic; xajiisiov xr|c;

into [the] house of my mother, and into [the] inner chamber of the one

aDAAxxPotiarjc; |is 7ioxicb as arco oivod

conceiving me. I will give you to drink from [ wine

xod |xops\j/iKoi) goto vdjiaxoc; pocbv |IOD 3 +

scented] of [the] juice of my pomegranates.

SDcbvojioc; clvtov vito xr|v KscpaArjv jiod Kai

His left [hand is] under my head, and

T| 8s^id clvtov 7ispiXf|\j/sxai (is 4 + cbpKiaa Djidc;

his right [hand] shall embrace me. I bound you by an oath,

Guyaxspsc; IspoDaaAxjji sv xaic; 8i)vd|isai sv zaiq

O daughters of Jerusalem, by the powers, by the

laxtiasai xod aypcro xi sysiprjxs Kai xi s^sysiprjxs

strengths of the field, why should you arise and why should you awaken

xrjv ayd7ir|v sooc; av GsAxjarj 5 + xic; ami]

love until whenever it should want? Who [is] this

T| avaPaivoDaa arco r|pf||ioD S7iiaxr|pi^o(isvr| S7ri

ascending from [the] wilderness, staying upon

xov a8sAxpi86v avTT\q imo [ir\kov s^fjysipd as sksi

her beloved [man]? Under [the] apple [tree] I awakened you. There

co8ivr|as as r| |if|xr|p aoi) sksi co8(vr|as as

[travailed with you your mother]. There she travailed with you,

T| xsKotiad as 6 + 6sc; |is coq acppay(8a S7U

giving birth to you. Set me as a seal upon

xrjv KapSiav aoi) coq acppay(8a S7i( xov Ppa%iovd aoi)

your heart, as a seal upon your ami!


8 n sv tootco + vlica 22 - Song of songs

on Kpaxaid coc; Gdvaxoq rj ay&amp;7rr| aKkr\poq coc; adr\q

For [ [is] strong as death the love]; hard as Hades

tj\koq 7T8pi7rTspa avTT\q 7ispi7ixspa nvpoq (pkoysq avTT\q

[is] jealousy; her sparks [are] sparks of [the] fire of her flames.

?+ i38cop noXv od Swqasxai aPsoai xrjv ayd7ir|v Kai

[ water Much] will not be able to extinguish love, and

7ioxa|ioi od aDyKAtiaoDaiv aDifjv sdv 8co avfjp

rivers shall not engulf it. If [ should give a man]

7idvxa xov ptov aDxoD sv xrj ay&amp;7ir| s^odSsvcocjsi

all his livelihood for love, [with] contempt

s^oi)8svcbaoDaiv ai)xov 8 + aSsAxpfj rjjicbv jiiKpd Kai

[men] will treat it contemptuously. Our sister [is] small and

jiaaxoDc; odk s%si xi 7ioifjao|isv xrj a8sAxpfj rjjicbv sv

[breasts no has]; what shall we do for our sister in

rjjispa T| av XaXr\dr\ sv oroxfj 9 + si

[the] day in which ever she should be spoken for in it? If

Tsi%6q saxiv oiKo5o|ifjaco|isv S7i' aDxfjv S7idAi;sic;

she is a wall, we should build upon her parapets

apyopdc; Kai si 0Dpa saxi 8iaypd\j/co|isv S7i' aDxfjv

of silver. And if she is a door, we will circumscribe for her

aav(8a Ks5p(vrjv 10+ sycb xs(%oc; Kai 01 jiaaxoi |iod coc;

[planlc cedar]. I [am] a wall, and my breasts [are] as

7r6pyoi sycb fjjirjv sv ocpGaljioiq aDxcov coc;

towers. I was in their eyes as

SDpiaKODaa sipfjvrjv n+ a|i7isA,cov sysvfjGrj xco

one finding peace. A Vineyard existed [to]

SoA,o|icovxi sv BssAxxjicov s8coks xov aji7isAxbva aDxoD

Solomon in Baal-hamon. He gave over his vineyard

xoic; xrjpoDaiv avfjp oiasi sv Kap7ico aDxoD %ikiovq

to the ones keeping [it]. [Every] man shall bring for its fruit a thousand

apyopioi) 12+ a|i7isXcov jiod sjioc; svcb7u6v |iod 01 %iXxoi

[pieces] of silver. My vineyard, mine, [is] before me. The thousands

£oA,o|icbvxi Kai 01 SiaKoaioi xoic; xrjpoDai

to Solomon, and two hundred to the ones keeping

xov Kap7i6v ai)xot) 13+ o KaGfjjisvoc; sv Kr\7ioiq

its fruit. O one sitting down in [the] gardens,

sxaipoi 7ipoas%ovxsc; xrj (pcovfj aoi) aKODxiaov |is u +

[the] companions are taking heed [to] your voice. You caused me to hear!

qroys a8sAxpi8s jiod Kai ojioicoGrjxi xrj 8opKd8i rj xco

Flee, O my beloved [man], and be like the doe or the

vsPpco xcov sAxxcpcov S7ii oprj apcojidxcov

fawn of the hinds upon mountains of aromatics!


1 N ev tootco + vuca 23 - Isaiah

1 X

i+ opaaiq r|v s(8sv Haaiac; moc; Ajicbq r|v s(8s

[The] vision which [beheld Isaiah son ofAmoz], which he beheld

Kaxd Tr\q Ioi)8a(ac; Kai Kaxd IspoDaaArm sv Paai^sia

against Judea, and against Jerusalem, during [the] kingdom

O^iod Kai IcoaGdji Kai A%a^ Kai E^skiod 01

of Uzziah, and Jotham, and Ahaz, and Hezekiah, the ones who

zfiaaikzvaav xrjc; IouSaiac; 2 + dKODS oupavs Kai

reigned over Judea. Hear, O heaven, and

svcoti^od yr| 6xi Kopioc; skahr\asv viovq syswrjaa

give ear O earth! For [the] LORD spoke, [saying], [ sons I have engendered],

Kai i3\j/coaa auxo(8s jis r|6sxr|aav 3+ syvco fiovq xov

and raised them, but they disregarded me. [ knows [The] ox] the

Kxrjadjisvov Kai ovoc; xrjv (pdxvrjv

one acquiring [it], and [the] donkey [knows] the stable

xod Kupioi) avTOV IapafjA, 8s jis odk syvco Kai

of its master; but Israel [ me does not know], and

o Xaoq |is od &lt;yovf|Ksv 4 + ovai sBvoc; ajiapxcoAxyv Xaoq

my people perceived not. Woe, [ nation O sinful], people

7rAx|pr|c; ajiapxicbv a7isp|ia 7iovr|p6v moi dvojioi

full of sins, [seed an evil], [sons lawless].

syKaxsAircaxs xov Kupiov Kai 7iapcopy(aaxs xov dyiov

You abandoned the LORD, and provoked to anger the holy one
xod IapafjX a7ir|AAmpiG)9r|aav sic; xa 07i(aco 5 + xi sxi

of Israel; they were separated into the rear. Why still

7rAr|yf|xs 7ipoaxi0svxsc; avojiiav 7idaa KscpaXfj sic;

should you be struck, proceeding in lawlessness? [The] whole head [is] in

7i6vov Kai 7idoa Kap8(a sic; Xvin^v

misery, and [the] whole heart [is] in distress.

6+ arco 7io8cbv scoc; KscpaAxjc; odkscjxiv sv auxco

From feet unto head there is no [ in it

oXoKAxjpia odxs xpatijia otixs jicbAxjo\j/ ouxs 7iAx|yf|

wholeness]. Neither wound, nor stripe, nor [wound

(pA,sy|ia(voDoa odk saxi jid^ayjia smGsivai otixs

inflamed] [are healed]; there is no dressing to place upon [it], nor

slaiov otixs Kaxa8sa|ioi)c; 7+ r| yrj ujicbv sprnioq

oil, nor bandages. Your land [is] desolate;

ai 7i6A,sic; djicov 7rDpiKai)axoi xrjv %cbpav ujicbv svco7iiov

your cities scorched; your place before

djicov aAloxpioi Kaxsa9ioi)aiv auxfjv Kai ripfj|icoxai

you - strangers devoure it, and it is made desolate,

1 N ev toi3tco + vtica 23 - Isaiah

KaxsaTpa|i|i8vr| U7i6 Xacbv aAloxpicov 8 +

being eradicated by [ peoples alien].

syKaxaXsupGfjasxai r| 0uydxr|p Sicbv coc; aKrjvfj sv

[ shall be abandoned The daughter of Zion] as a tent in

a|i7rsAxbvi Kai coc; 07icopo(puA,dKiov sv oiKor|pdxco coc;

a vineyard, and as a storehouse in a cucumber garden, as

noXiq 7roAiopKou|isvr| 9 + Kai si |ir| Kopioc; aaPacbG

a city being assaulted. And unless [the] LORD of Hosts

syKaxsXursv r\[iiv a7isp|ia coc; £65o|ia av sysvfj0r||isv

left us a seed, [ as Sodom we would have become],

Kai coc; Tojioppa av co|ioicb6r||isv 10+ aKcroaaxs Xoyov

and [ as Gomorrah likened]. Hear [the] word

Kupioi) dpxovxsq So86(icov 7ipoasxsxs VOJIOV

of [the] LORD, O rulers of Sodom! Take heed to [the] law

6sot3 rjjicbv Xaoq Tojioppaq u+ xi |ioi ith^doq

of our God, O people of Gomorrah! What are [ to me [the] multitude

xcov Guaicbv ujicbv Aiysi Kopioc; 7ikr\pr\q sijja

of your sacrifices], says [the] LORD? I am full

oXoKauxcojidxcov Kpicbv Kai axsap apvcbv Kai aijia

of whole burnt-offerings of rams, and fat of lambs; and [ blood

xaupcov Kai xpdycov ou PcyoXojiai 12+ ou8' av

of bulls and he-goats I do not want]. And neither

sp%r|a0s ocpGfjvai |ioi xicjyap s^s^fjxrjas xatixa sk

should you come to appear to me; for who required these from out of

xcov %sipcov ujicbv 7iaxs(v xrjv auArjv jiou ou

your hands? [ to tread my courtyard You shall not

7ipoa9f|asa9s 13+ sdv tpsprjxs as|i(8aAiv jidxaiov

proceed]. If you should bring fine flour, [it is in] vain;

Gujiiajia pSs^uyjid jioi saxi xaq voujiriviaq djicov Kai

incense [ an abomination tome is]; [ your new moons and

xa adppaxa Kai rjjispav jisydAxjv odk avs^ojiai 14+

the Sabbaths and day [the] great I cannot endure].

vrjaxsiav Kai apyiav Kai xaq voujiriviaq ujicbv Kai

[Your] fasting, and idleness, and your new moons, and

xac; sopxdc; djicov jiiasi r| y\fv%r\ jiou sysvfjGrjxs jioi sic;

your holidays [detests soul my]. You became tome as

7ihr\a[iovT\v ouksxi avfjaco xac; ajiapxiac; ujicov 15+ oxav

a glut; no longer shall I spare your sins. W

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