Exercise Should and Shouldn T

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Las repuestas

Should & Shouldn´t deben estar

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Excercises deben estar
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color distinto.
Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t.

1. If someone doesn’t speak your language very well, you shouldn´t speak fast; you should speak slowly
and carefully.

2. If you need a pen, you _______________ say ‘Give me that pen’; you ______________ say ‘Could I
borrow your pen, please?’

3. If people want to live until they’re very old, they ______________ eat a lot of fruit and vegetables; they
______________ eat a lot of cakes and chocolate.

4. In a big city you _____________ be careful with your money; you ______________ leave your bag on a
chair in a restaurant.

5. When you’re driving, you _______________ drive for hours and hours without stopping; you
_____________ stop and walk round every two hours.

6. When people are travelling by plane, they _____________ drink lots of water; they _____________
wear uncomfortable clothes.

Exercise 2
Complete the sentences with should or shouldn´t and the verb in parentheses

1. It's cold. You should wear a cardigan. (wear)

2. She's always tired. She ______________________to bed late every night. (go)
3. ______________ We_______________ now? ( leave)
4. You_____________________ some fruit or vegetables every day. (eat)
5. The students _____________________their mobile phones in the exam. (use)
6. You ______________________the teacher to help you if you don't understand the lesson. (ask)
7. People___________________ fast in the town centre. (drive)
8. ________________ I __________ _the dress or the skirt? (buy)

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9. Yadira ________________________ a cake for my birthday (bake)
10. You ________________________ that movie, it´s boring. ( watch)

Exercise 3
Give advice with the expressions from the box. Use you, he, she, we, they should or

take medicine / take up swimming / worry about it

eat so much sweets / do little jobs or go babysitting /ask your teacher to explain it again / study
harder / watch too much television / practise a lot / get up earlier

1. We are often late for school.____We should get up earlier ________

2. My friends laugh at me because I don’t have expensive


3. My mother has got a terrible


4. I don’t understand how to give advice in


5. My brother gets very bad marks at


6. We’re going to write a Maths test


7. My sister can’t swim and she wants to go to Greece next


8. I always feel tired.____________________________________________

9. My friends love eating and they’re very fat._________________________________________________

10. I want to buy some new clothes but I don’t have any

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Exercise 4.
Completa las frases con should / shouldn’t y el verbo entre paréntesis.

1. You ___shouldn’t work__ (work) so hard. Have a holiday.

2. I enjoyed that film. We ________________ (go) to the cinema more often.
3. You ________________ (park) here. It’s not allowed.
4. What ________________ (I/cook) for dinner tonight?
5. You ________________ (wear) a coat. It’s cold outside.
6. You ________________ (eat) so many sweets. They’re bad for you.
7. We ________________ (arrive) at the airport two hours before the flight.
8. Do you think I ________________ (apply) for the job?
9. What do you think I ________________ (write) in this space on the form?
10. I ________________ (eat) any more cake. I have eaten too much

Exercise 5
Antonio está en la cocina preparando una nueva receta. Dale consejos utilizando la información de
la tabla y should o shouldn’t.

1. Don’t__leave
You the meat
shouldn’t leaveinthe
the oven for more than one hour.
more than one hour.
2. Cut the onions as small as possible.
3. Use fresh herbs and fresh
4. vegetables.
5. Don’t put too much salt and pepper.
6. Wait until the water boils before you
put the vegetables into it.
6. Heat the oven before you put the
meat in.
7. Cut the meat into four equal slices

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Exersice 6: Este es el ejercicio que vimos en la clase en Zoom, si Ud. entro a la clase ya
tiene las respuestas, puede tomarle foto a su cuaderno y anexarlo aquí como evidencia.

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