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Albert P.


Lesson 1

The Rights and Privileges of Teachers in the Philippines

Directions: Write YES if you agree and NO if you disagree.
The 1987 Philippine Constitution states that the State shall:
YES 1. enhance the right of teachers to professional advancement.

NO 2. assign the second highest budgetary priority to education, next to medicine.

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YES 3. ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available talents through adequate

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remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment.
Commonwealth Act No. 578 protects by providing a provision on:

YES 4. punishment against any person guilty assault against teaching personnel.
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YES_5. according due respect and protection for teachers who are considered persons in authority.
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Republic Act No. 4670 or the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers states the following rights and
privileges of teacher:

YES_6. academic freedom particularly with regard to teaching methods.

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YES_7. the right to be free from compulsory assignment not related to their duties defined in their appointment
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YES 8. freedom from involuntary contributions.
YES 9. compensation for employment injuries in accordance with existing laws.
YES 10. establishing, joining, maintaining labor organization of their choice to promote their welfare and defend their
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NO 11. transfer even without their consent from one station to another where there is urgent need.
YES 12. employment in the same locality for those who are married whenever possible.
NO 13. a maximum of 4 hours actual teaching hours per day.

NO 14. more than 6 hours of teaching but not exceeding 9 hours.


NO 15. an additional compensation of at least twenty percent of his regular remuneration after the teacher has
completed at least 6 hours of actual classroom teaching a day.
NO 16. additional compensation from DepEd when they serve during elections.
NO 17. equal remuneration, regardless of qualifications.

NO 18. salary scales of teachers that provide for a gradual progression from a minimum to a maximum salary by
means of regular increments, granted automatically after three years, even if the efficiency rating of the teacher
concerned is below satisfactory.
YES 19. the salary scales appropriated by a city, municipal, municipal district, or provincial government that are not
lower than those provided for teachers of the National Government.

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NO 20. without exception are entitled with Special Hardship Allowances.
YES 21. special hardship allowances equivalent to at least twenty- five percent of their monthly salary for those who
NO 22. free medical examination even after retirement.
NO 23. a study leave for not more than 2 school years after ten years of teaching.
NO 24. enjoy a compensation allowed for one year study leave without any condition.
YES 25. a study leave of more than one year provided permitted by the Secretary of Education but without
YES 26. an indefinite sick leave of absence when the nature of the illness demands a long treatment that will exceed
one year at least.
YES 27. one range salary raise upon retirement for those who have fulfilled the age and service requirements of the
applicable retirement laws which shall be the basis of the computation of the lump sum of the retirement pay and the
monthly benefits thereafter.
YES 28. hardship allowance for those who tech in muti-grade classes, mobile teachers and Non-formal Education or

Alternative Learning System (ALS) Coordinators are entitled to hardship allowance.

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YES 29. stability of employment and security of tenure under existing laws.

YES 30. safeguards in disciplinary procedure.

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Learning Activities

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Pretend that you belong to a team that campaigns for Senior High School graduates to enroll in teacher
education. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation and deliver the same before the class whom you consider to be Grade
12 students graduating at the end of the year. Your PP should be very convincing because you give a highly favorable

picture of teaching profession as learned in this lesson. Include the teachers’ privileges and benefits.
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Privileges/benefits Explanation:
1. We have less working hours that other field In our school we have two shifts; morning and
of work evening shift
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Morning (6:00am-12:30pm)
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Evening (12:30pm-6:30pm)
We just need to stay in the school for 6-7 hours and
we are free

to use the rest of the time. That is why some teachers

have the

time to study masters degree and even doctoral

degree while working.
While in other company, its difficult to find spare time
to study.

2. Free/discounted education for your children If you are currently teaching in a well known
university, you have the privilege to enroll your
children in the same school in a discounted
tuition fee and in other schools they make it free.
3. Less worry to loose a job or to be jobless Here in our country, or in different countries (if I may)

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teaching is one
of the most in-demand job vacancies. you have a
wide variety to choose where to teach. And if you
teach in the government, you will have a stable job
without any worries to be jobless as long as you don't
have a case in the court
4. You will never grow old Have you ever wonder why the face of your teachers
remain the
same even you graduated 10 years ago? Teachers
remains active and renewed by the energy of the
children they teach. We are
energized by the privilege of sharing not only our
knowledge but also the slice of our life to the students
that we teach.
5. The profession that can influence the next Teachers are influencers. Think about this I currently
generation or the future leaders of this have 5

country classes and each class is consist of 50 students and I

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teach everyday for a year with a total of 250

students. Some of the

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students will also become teachers, or become future
leaders that might influence them to stand out

rs e because of what I taught.
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True or False
Directions: A. Answer TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.
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FALSE 1. A special hardship allowance of professional teachers is equivalent to at least ten percent of their salary
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for those who qualify.

FALSE 2. Teachers enjoy free medical examination even after retirement.
FALSE 3. Teachers are entitled to a study leave for one year after a minimum ten years of teaching.

FALSE 4. Teachers may enjoy full compensation allowed for one year study leave on condition that the teacher takes
the regular study load and passes at least seventy-five percent of his courses without any condition.

TRUE 5. Teachers may be entitled to a study leave more than two years provided permitted by the Secretary of
Education but without compensation.
TRUE 6. Teachers may enjoy an indefinite sick leave of absence when the nature of the illness demands a long

treatment that will exceed one year at least.

TRUE 7. A professional teacher is entitled to a one range salary raise upon retirement for those who have fulfilled
the age and service requirements of the applicable retirement laws which shall be the basis of the computation of the
lump sum of the retirement pay and the monthly benefits thereafter.
TRUE 8. Those who teach in multi-grade class, mobile teachers and Non-formal education or Alternative Learning
System (ALS) Coordinators are entitled to hardship allowance.

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TRUE 9. Teachers enjoy stability of employment and security of tenure under existing laws.
TRUE 10. Teachers have safeguard in disciplinary procedure.
TRUE 11. Teachers enjoy the right to establish, join, maintain labor organization of their choice to promote their
welfare and defend their interest.
FALSE 12. Teachers may be transferred even without consent from one station to another where there is urgent
TRUE 13. Employment in the same locality for those who are married whenever possible.
FALSE 14. Teachers may have more than 6 hours of teaching but not exceeding 9 hours.
TRUE 15. Teachers are entitled to an additional compensation of at least twenty-five percent of his regular
remuneration after the teacher has completed at least six hours of actual classroom teaching a day.
FALSE 16. Teachers are entitled to an additional compensation when they serve during elections paid by DepEd.
FALSE 17. Teachers enjoy equal remuneration, regardless of qualifications.
TRUE 18. Teachers enjoy salary scales of teachers that provide for a gradual progression from a minimum to a
maximum salary by means of regular increments, granted automatically after three years, even if the efficiency rating

of the teacher concerned is below satisfactory.

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FALSE 19. Teacher enjoy the salary scales appropriated by a city, municipal, municipal district, or provincial

government that are not lower than those provided for teachers of the National Government.

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FALSE 20. Teachers without exception are entitled with Special Hardship Allowances.

The 1987 Philippine Constitution states that the State shall:
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TRUE 21. enhance the right of teachers to professional advancement.
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FALSE22. assign the second highest budgetary priority to education, next to medicine.
TRUE 23. ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available talents through adequate
remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment.

Commonwealth Act No. 578 protects by providing a provision on:

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TRUE 24. punishment against any person guilty assault against teaching personnel.
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TRUE 25. according due respect and protection for teachers who are considered persons in authority.
Republic Act No. 4670 or the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers states that a teacher/teachers
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TRUE 26. academic freedom particularly with regard to teaching method.

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TRUE 27. the right to be free from compulsory assignment not related to their duties defined in their appointment or
employment contracts unless given additional compensation.
TRUE 28. freedom from involuntary contributions.

TRUE 29. compensation for employment injuries in accordance with existing laws.
TRUE 30. establishing, joining, maintaining labor organization of their choice to promote their welfare and defend

their interest.


Directions: Reflect on the given situation:

I. What if a teacher who is transferred to another school believes there is no justification for the transfer, what
must he/she do?

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Let’s follow the conventional procedure so you can respond professionally in this situation. You should first
speak with your head teacher (the person in charge of you) and inquire about the reasons for the transfer.
Make a list of all the reasons and put them in writing (because the reason for your transfer underlies within
your range). If you are not satisfied, request permission to speak with your principal and request that the
transfer be put on hold. Present all of your records, explain why you work well, and file a professional

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