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Why does mom cut Lily's story?

The mother cut Lily's story, because both the mother and the father knew what was happening
with the children they had to liberate, and they knew that if Lily kept thinking about the subject,
she would come to the question of what they do to the children they liberate, leaving them unable
to respond because they know that the children they release are killed by their father. So they
decide to cut off the conversation with Lily, so as not to let all that happen.

I think that the decision is a bit drastic, but they are rules that must be followed so as not to
expand the population of the community, or at least that is what I think the giver thinks.

The image shows a representation of what would happen if two twins are born in the community,
the youngest lives and the other is killed

How does The Giver feel about the loss of Rosemary and its implications? While i read

The loss of Rosemary was very disastrous for him, it practically ended him emotionally because he
loved her. As he was the successor of the giver, he had to make her experience the same
sensations that Jonas experienced (Experiences that the community in general could not even
imagine, because they lived in a kind of perfect world), but when it came to pain She changed
completely, later the giver tried to remedy it by giving her emotions of happiness, but she insisted
that he continue with the pain, and since he had to do it, he continued giving him kind of famine,
poverty, anguish and terror. Consequently, she left in silence and asked for his voluntary release (I
understand that release is synonymous with death) and they accepted it and never saw her again.
The picture shows one of the many happy moments that the giver gave Rosemary on a merry-go-

What is the difference between Jonas's experience of starving now and his experience of
starving in the community?

Personally, I think the difference between Jonas's experience of starvation and the experience of
starving in the community is that starving in a community (thanks to food shortages due to
overcrowding) could end in a war between the community residents to get food, which would be

Instead, Jonas' starvation started with confusion, as he thought he was going to starve every time
he was hungry at school, he was going to starve to death, causing him to have a short private
linguistics session. , where they explained to him that one never dies of hunger within the
community. Later, when Jonas leaves the community with Miguel, exhausted due to hunger, Jonas
realizes that hunger can be used in different ways, opining that it is not only hunger for food, but
also hunger for feelings, hunger for color and hunger for love ...

The objective of the image is to show that not only is overpopulation the cause of hunger, it is also
the neglect of vulnerable populations in all countries of the world

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