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Exercise: fill the gaps with a pronoun whish agrees with the

underlines words

 My father and I where at home they all thought we were out

 Although she Knews it was dangerous, the girl wanted to ride
the horse.
 I am looking for the post office, can you help me
 The camera was heavy, but he carried it everywhere
 She wave to me but I did not see her
 I have never met your children, have you met mine.
 The bird continued its twitting long after dusk
 They saw their friends on TV
 I myself saw what happened
Exercise 02: turn the following sentences from singular to plural

 Her scarf is red.

 Her scafs are red
 The ox was led to the born.
 The oxen where led to the born
 The box is empty.
 The box are empty
 The church is two hundred years old.
 The churches are two hundred years old
 The secretary work overtime.
 The secretaries work overtime
 The Key is difficult to use.
 The kies are difficult to use
 The prof is convincing.
 The Profs are convincing.
 His foot is size ten.
 His feets are size ten
 The child is happy.
 The children are happy

Lesson: the information of plural


 The weather is warm.

 She is a student. They are students
 The capital of England is London.
 My friend George is an American. My friends Georges are
COUNTIBALE NOUNS: are nouns whish can form a plural,and
whish can be preceded by a, an or a number as in the following
A bus is coming
You May need an umbrella
There are two books
- When a countable nouns refers to two or more things, it must be
put in plural, in English the plural of most countable nouns is
formed by adding s for examples
Singular Plural
Pen Pens
Hat Hats
letter letters

- Nouns ending with : eh, sh, s, z, o, x

singular Plural
- Branch - Branches
- Match - matches
- bus - buses
- Dish - Dishes
- Ax - Axes
- tomato - tomatoes

Nouns end with Y

singular Plural
Candy Candies
City Cities
Key Keys
Day Days
boy Boys

- nouns ending with F or Fe

singular Plural
Life Lives
Half Halves
Self Selves
Wolf Wolves
leaf leaves

hoof Hoofs – hooves

Scarf Scarves -
staff Staffs - staves

Nouns ending with O

singular Plural
Echo Echoes
Hero Heroes
Tomato Tomatoes
Veto Vetoes
Casino Casinos
Radio Radios
Solo Solos
studio studios

-freugir words
singular plural
Analysis Analyses
Axis Axes
Basic Bases
Crisis Crises
Criterion Criteria
Medium Media
phenomenon Phenomena
Thesis theses

-irregular nouns
singular Plural
child Children
man men
woman Women
tooth Teeth
foot Feet
Mouse mice
ox oxen

singular Plural
Sheep Sheep
Deer Deer
Salmon Salmon
information information
-hyphenated nouns
singular Plural
Mother-in-low Mothers-in-low
Sister-in-low Sisters-in-low
Brother-in-low Brothers-in-low
Father-in-low Fathers-in-low

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