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2016 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]

Improving Security in a Virtual Network by Using

Attribute Based Encryption Algorithm

Vinil Wilson Ajeesh G. Krishnan

Department of Information Technology Asst. Prof. Department of Information Technology
Toc H Institute of Science and Technology Toc H Institute of Science and Technology
Kochi, Kerala, India. Kochi, Kerala, India.

Abstract— The creation of a network for an organization or a with an ID and password or other authenticating information
firm can be a multifarious task especially if there a large that allows them access to information and programs within
number of nodes, middle-boxes and security nodes to be their authority.
integrated in the network. This paper introduces the For instance Network intrusion Detection System (NIDS)
integration of the ABE algorithm into a virtual network can be deployed to monitor the attacks and also network
security called the NETSECVISOR in order to achieve anomaly detection system can be used to detect the DoS
authentication of the users involved in the network and the attacks. The NIDS monitors traffic and reports its results to the
confidentiality of data transmitted or received. A virtual administrator, but it cannot automatically take action to
network redeems the administrators and network designers prevent the detected attack. Attackers are capable of exploiting
from its complexity not only by reducing the number of susceptibilities very quickly once they enter the network,
devices required, to a specific workstation that will take as rendering the NIDS an inadequate deployment for prevention
input the various policies pertaining to the packets to be sent device. The most common and simple way of protecting a
but also by including various routing rules and response network resource is by assigning it a unique name and a
techniques for malicious attacks. The Attribute Based corresponding password. Even the data can be encrypted and
Encryption (ABE) algorithm is used to improve the security sent to the end user for the maintenance of security in the
on an existing virtual network security called the network. The encryption techniques can be changed based on
NETSECVISOR. The ABE algorithm uses attributes that are the data transmission in the network.
known to the participants involved in the transmission and Here, Network Security Virtualization (NSV) [1] that
reception of packets. This helps ease the process of creation leverages preinstalled, static security devices and provide
and retrieval of keys for encryption and decryption dynamic, flexible, and on-demand security services to the
notwithstanding the performance of security that will be users. The NSV technology delivers or redirects the flow to
enhanced for the virtual network. the defined security middle boxes (regardless of its actual
Keywords—Virtual network; network security; Software physical location) automatically and transparently and each
Defined Networking; Open Flow; Attribute Based Encryption user need not know about the location or the number of
algorithm. security devices in the network. Network virtualization will
facilitate movement of virtual servers because the virtual
I. INTRODUCTION network is contemplated be hidden to the physical devices.
Implementing firewall helps to address every security problem
Security in networks is mandatory at present due to various
that is no longer a supported practice in security organizations
new improvements in the field of communication. The
because of the various cocktail of techniques used by the
security provided in the network should be efficient in all
attackers. The use of virtualization technologies comes with
ways. Network security mainly consists of numerous policies
many benefits such as agility, flexibility and cost efficiency.
to keep the entire network with guaranteed security. A critical
Networking in its primeval times was complicated as it had
part in providing security for network is network management
to consider the various devices to be connected long with the
in which it varies in kinds of situations. Network security
supporting topologies followed by the numerous amount of
involves the authorization of access to data in a network,
hardware for its connections. The practice of using a network
which is typically handled by a network administrator, or
of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and
system administrator who implements the security policy,
process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer
network software and hardware that is needed to protect a
has formed the basis of cloud storage by which it is
network. The resources accessed through the network from
unauthorized access have to be quarantined and thus ensure
This new enhancement provided the grounds of integrating
that authorized personnel have adequate access to the network
the concept of networking into a virtual one. Network
and resources to work upon. Users can choose or assigned

978-1-5090-1277-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

2016 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]
Virtualization is being adopted by many vendors and organizational scenarios, there arises a need for virtual
organizations to ease the complexity of connecting the various networks and functions that support it like network isolation,
devices that can be both wired and wireless across an area. An custom addressing, service differentiation and deployment of
organization that deploys this sort of a network has to work middleboxes to provide various other functions.
seamlessly regardless of the various attacks that can be Sometimes the implementation of Software Defined
directed towards it. Networking (SDN) is applied in a network that expands
Many organizations that contain physical networks can throughout an organization or between organizations. Here,
cause work to come to a standstill if a fault occurs in its middleboxes help in creating a link between endpoints of a
operations. Being a virtual network, the security policies are network or perform other network management tasks. The con
defined and only the tenants with the proper security access of deploying a middlebox in the SDN context is that the
are given the permission to access the network. headers of the packets and contents of the packets can by
Though the virtualization of a network provides simplicity dynamically modified by them. To overcome this flaw, the
and ease of operations, it is followed by various controversies SDN was extended using the FlowTags architecture [3]. The
in the field of its security. In a physical implementation, the idea of FlowTags is to reduce the extensions used in
concerned sub network deals with the attack or else the middleboxes and only include the necessary contextual
administrator will have to handle the various attacks that come information required in the form of Tags inside packet
its way. In the case of virtual networking, the device will have headers. SDN switches and other downstream middleboxes
to handle all the attacks that arise within the network by itself. use the Tag information as part of their routing and packet
This calls for an improvised security that is to be integrated in processing operations.
the virtual network to not only detect but also contain these A network in an organization is composed of
malicious attacks. Since the integrity of an organization or a different devices that provide the communication and
protected network rests on the shoulders of its security, it is connection to substantiate the network by managing the
very important to ensure that it is not compromised. This various traffic which flows in the form of packets and other
paper hence modifies an existing prototype of a virtual data. To manage the network of its complexities, a “division
network security by upgrading its security feature. This of labor” between the controller and the underlying switches is
involves the addition of an encryption algorithm to promote made that involves the separation between the rules (in the
higher and better security when packets are transmitted across switches) and policies (in the controller). The DIFANE
a respective network. (DIstributed Flow Architecture for Networked Enterprises)
architecture [5], has the following two main ideas:
II. LITERATURE SURVEY • The controller distributes the rules across (a subset
The existing systems make use of network security of) the switches, called “authority switches” to scale
virtualization (NSV) that can virtualize security to large topologies with many rules.
resources/functions and provide security response functions • The switches handle all packets in the data plane. In
from network devices when necessary. A prototype system order to access the appropriate rules the packets will
called the NETSECVISOR [1] is used to demonstrate the have to be channeled through the authority switches.
utility of network security virtualization. It utilizes existing
pre-installed security devices located at fixed places and In order to run experiments on a campus network for
implement the software-defined networking (SDN) technology the purpose of researching new ideas in the networking field,
to virtualize network security functions in them. The an OpenFlow [7] Switch is deployed. It reconstructs TCAM
NETSECVISOR contains (i) a simple script language to flowtables built in router and switch components of Ethernet,
register security services and policies, (ii) a set of routing integrating the feature of similarity between operations among
algorithms to determine optimal routing paths for different dissimilar vendor flowtables. The OpenFlow Switch comes
security policies based on different needs, and (iii) a set of with a table that includes flow processing instructions to the
security response functions/strategies to handle security switch, a secure channel and an OpenFlow Protocol to ensure
incidents. Here security can be achieved with the help of secure communication modes. For excellent services of the
NETSECVISOR which contains security devices registration switch, the dataflow needs to be flexible, while at the same
maintenance of security throughout the network (successful time withstanding ongoing modifications by research. The
transmission). general overhead of programming the switch is overcome with
the OpenFlow Switch. The OpenFlow switch can be broadly
a. Related Works categorized into dedicated OpenFlow switches that do not
support normal Layer 2 and Layer 3 processing, and
There are a few studies that contributed to the OpenFlow-enabled general purpose commercial Ethernet
development of this work. CloudNaaS [4] (Cloud Networking- switches and routers, to which the OpenFlow protocol and
as-a-Service) contributes to providing services that extend interfaces have been added as a new feature.
beyond the scope of online storage alone. With the boost in In order to enable security policies within the
network applications and requirements in the present OpenFlow community, the network control was to be
segmented or sliced into independent virtual machines. The
2016 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]
network domain that is sliced or segmented is governed by a devices may not be in the best locations that can best serve the
self-consistent OF application, whose basic rule is not to diverse security needs of diverse network users.
interfere with other OF applications. In scenarios where inter- Hence there is an urgent need to maximize the resource
communication between OFs is required for well-defined utilization of those existing pre-installed devices/boxes, as
security policy enforcement, the FortNOX [8] is used as an well as abstract these security resources to provide a simple
extension to the open source NOX OpenFlow controller. A interface for network tenants to use.
live conflict detection engine is implemented to arbitrate all
b. Objectives
OpenFlow rule insertion requests. This works based on a
novel algorithm called the alias set rule reduction that detects • To provide security among the dynamic tenants in cloud-
rule contradictions (even in the presence of dynamic flow like networks, by using Network Security Virtualization
tunneling) using set and goto actions. Rule conflicts arise (NSV) and the prototype called NETSECVISOR.
when a candidate OpenFlow rule enables or disables a • To introduce the practice of ABE encryption algorithm for
network flow that is otherwise inversely prohibited (or the NSV in cloud-like networks to help all tenants easily
allowed) by existing rules. When such conflicts are detected, uses security services. .
FortNOX may choose to accept or reject the new rule,
depending on whether the rule insertion requester is operating IV. METHODOLOGY
with a higher security authorization than that of the authors of
the existing conflicting rules. FortNOX implements role-based a. Proposed System
authentication for determining the security authorization of To realize network security virtualization (NSV) with
each OF applications. traditional network technology can be a monolithic task
To extend the security levels in cloud computing, the because it lacks several features, such as network wide
ABE encryption algorithm has been crafted to meet its monitoring, network configuration, network flow control, and
demands. The multi-authority attribute based encryption [6] response management. To address this issue, a network
allows the sender to specify for each authority ‘k’ a set of technique called Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and its
attributes monitored by that authority and a number d so that most popular realization OpenFlow is used which can help us
the message can be decrypted only by a user who has at least d dynamically control network flows and monitor whole
of the given attributes from every authority. Any number of network status easily. A prototype system, NETSECVISOR
attribute authorities can be made to be corrupted, and yet (NSV services for a cloudlike network) based on SDN is
guarantee the security of encryption as long as the required proposed, which can utilize existing pre-installed (fixed-
attributes cannot be obtained exclusively from those location) security devices and virtualize network security
authorities and the trusted authority remains honest. An functions. At its core, NETSECVISOR contains (i) a simple
extension has been included into the basic multi-authority script language to register security services and policies, (ii) a
scheme that describes techniques to allow the user who set of routing algorithms to determine optimal routing paths
encrypts the message, to determine for each cipher text that is for different security policies based on different needs, and
to be created, how many attributes to require from each (iii) a set of security response functions/strategies to handle
authority. security incidents.
A cloud network consisting of 10 static routers, 40 mobile
III. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION AND tenants and a middlebox is created. The routers and the
OBJECTIVES middle-box form wired connections and the tenants are
wireless nodes. A typical operation of NETSECVISOR works
a. Problem Statement as follows. A network administrator registers network security
In the present scenario, the middleboxes are used to improve devices to NETSECVISOR. After registration, cloud tenants
the performance, robustness, and security of cloud networks. need to create their security requests and submit them into
Even though they provide benefits to the network they also NETSECVISOR. Then, NETSECVISOR parses the submitted
contribute to the complications that exist in a network. The security requests to understand the intention of tenants and
situation becomes more severe when there are additional writes the corresponding security policies to policy table.
middleboxes installed to perform as security devices (e.g. After this generation of policies, selection process of start
NIDS and firewalls). They not only complicate the network node and the end node takes place. Then encrypt the packets
configuration/management but also have many diverse generated by the start node using ABE (Attribute-based
security functions to serve different purposes. The network Encryption) cryptographic encryption. Next, if
administrator is burdened with the task of choosing the NETSECVISOR receives a new flow setup request from a
reasonable security devices and to deploy them into network device, it checks whether this flow is matched with
reasonable places. This is gruesome task as prediction of any submitted policies. If it is, NETSECVISOR will create a
malicious attacks to tenants and being aware of the demands new routing path and corresponding flow rules for the path. At
of diverse tenants in advance is sometimes not possible by the this time, NETSECVISOR guarantees that the routing path
administrator. This would mean that the installed security includes required security devices that are defined in a
matched policy (i.e., the first NSV function). After this
2016 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]
operation, it enforces flow rules to each corresponding leverage each network device as a kind of security device
network device to forward a network flow. If any of security (e.g., firewall).
devices detects malicious connection/content from monitored Routing rule generator creates routing paths to control each
traffic, they will report this information to NETSECVISOR. network flow. When creating routing paths, this module
Based on the report and submitted policies, NETSECVISOR investigates security polices (from each tenant) to satisfy their
enables a security response function to respond to malicious requirements. For example, if a tenant defines a security
flows accordingly (i.e., the second NSV function). policy that specifies all network flows to port 80 should be
inspected by a NIDS attached to a router A, then this module
b. System Architecture
produces (a) routing path(s) to let all network packets heading
to port 80 pass through the router A. It helps our system assign
security requirements to each security device based on
efficiency (in terms of security resource management) and
effectiveness (in terms of finding reasonable security devices).
Flow rule enforcer enforces flow rules to each OpenFlow
router and switch. If the response manager enables response
strategies or the routing rule generator produces routing paths,
this module translates them into flow rules that could be
understood by OpenFlow routers/switches. After translation, it
sends translated rules to corresponding routers or switches.
Data manager captures network packets from routers or
switches to hold until some security devices send their
detection results to NETSECVISOR. The reason why it holds
packets is to enable some in-line style security functions as
what generic Intrusion Prevention Systems provide. This
module does not hold packets all the time, but only captures
and stores when necessary (i.e., a security policy specifies an
inline mode action for response).

c. Proposed Prototype
The proposed prototype comprises of the
collaboration of the Network Formation, Device and policy
Fig. 1. Architecture of the NETSECVISOR using ABE Algorithm
manager, the Response manager, the various routing
The NETSECVISOR consists of five main modules: algorithms, Flow enforcer, the Data Manager and the
(i) Device and policy manager, (ii) Routing rule generator, (iii) Encryption algorithm.
Flow rule enforcer, (iv) Response manager, and (v) Data The following modules are described in the further
manager. sections below: (i) Cloud network formation
Device and policy manager is in charge of two main functions. (ii) NIDS
First, it receives the information of security devices from a (iii) Encryption
cloud administrator, and it stores that information into a
device table in NETSECVISOR for further usage. Second, this i. Cloud Network Formation
module also receives security requests from each network Being at an experimental level, we consider the
tenant, and it translates them into security policies and stores possibility of wired and wireless connections. The network
the policies into a policy table. Thus, this module finally formation includes the creation of 10 static router nodes and a
provides us with the following information: (i) locations/types Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS). By this the
of security devices from a cloud administrator and (ii) security various endpoints of a network is established. Since, these are
policies from each tenant. It makes our system handle network static routers they involve a wired connection or in other
security devices easily. words a duplex wired link between the router nodes and the
Response manager receives detection results from security NIDS.
devices, and it enables security response strategies that are Fifty tenants are created that have wireless or wired
defined in security policies, when it is needed. For example, if links between them. The next step that follows is to configure
a tenant defines a security policy to drop all corresponding mobile IPs in the wireless network created. Since the wired
packets when a threat is detected by a NIDS, the response devices are assigned an IP in a network, they need not be
manager will enable drop function to discard network packets bothered with that complication.
belonging to the detected network flows on a network device.
Enabled functions will be realized as a set of network flow
rules, which are sent to routers or switches, and thus we can
2016 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]
ii. NIDS (Network Intrusion Detection System) b) Shortest-through
The second approach is to find the shortest path
The NIDS is the combination of the following
between a start node and an end node passing through each
modules: (i) Device and Policy Manager (ii) Routing Rule
intermediate security node. Finding this path is more
Generator (iii) Response Manager (iv) Data Manager (v) Flow
complicated than finding the shortest path between two nodes,
Rule Enforcer.
because in this case, we should make sure that the found path
includes all intermediate nodes. To do this, NETSECVISOR
I. Device And Policy Manager
finds all possible connection pairs.
The device and policy manager collects information of the
security devices and stores it in a table. Our experiment c) Multipath-shortest
may focus on a handful of security devices but when OpenFlow supports the function of sending out
implemented on a real world basis, there can be more than network packets to multiple outports of a router
just a handful of security devices. For this purpose we simultaneously, and Algorithm 1 is based on this function.
include the table that will store the information of these However, it may not be efficient, because it can create
devices. After the storage of the security devices in the multiple redundant network flows. Thus, we try to propose an
table, the NIDS will receive security requests from tenants. enhanced version of Algorithm 1. This approach does not find
These have to be parsed into security policies that which is the shortest path between a start node and each security node;
understood by the NIDS and is stored into a policy table. instead it finds a node, which is closest to a security node and
in the shortest path between a start node and an end node. If it
II. Response Manager finds the node, it asks this node to send packets to multiple
The response manager receives detection results from the output ports: (i) a port, which is connected to a next node in
security devices. If the detection of a certain packet is found to the shortest path, and (ii) (a) port(s), which is (are) connected
be malicious, the corresponding action is taken after the to (a) node(s) heading to (a) security node(s). Thus, network
determination of the packet flowing through a passive or an packets are delivered through the shortest path, and they are
online routing path. delivered to each security node as well.
The passive response strategies include only the Passive
Drop/Isolate. d) Shortest In-Line
For passive monitoring devices, we can simply find a
The in-line response strategies include: path passing through each security node, however, in the case
• In-line mode Forward that there is a security device working in-line mode, we are
• In-line mode Drop/Isolate required to consider both of security nodes and security links
• In-line mode Redirect. (between two nodes). Even though a path includes two nodes
for a link, it does not guarantee that the link is used for the
III. Routing Rule Generator path, because each node could be linked to other nodes. To
The routing rule generator creates routing paths to address this issue, we modify our Algorithm 2 to make sure
control each network Àow. There are 4 routing algorithms that that it should include security links in the generated path.
are implemented through the routing rule generator: Thus, this Algorithm 4 has a routine checking whether
security links are included or not.
• Multipath Naïve
• Shortest-through
IV. Flow Rule Enforcer
• Multipath shortest
• Shortest In-line The flow rule enforcer is used to receive the response
strategies from the response manager or the routing rules from
a) Multipath Naïve the routing rule generator and then translate it into flow rules
First, we design a simple algorithm to visit each that can be understood by the OpenFlow routers/switches.
security node regardless of the path between a start node and Once the translation has been completed, it is sent to the
an end node. In this algorithm, NETSECVISOR first finds the corresponding routers or switches.
shortest path between a start node and an end node. Then,
NETSECVISOR also discovers the shortest paths between a V. Data Manager
start node and each security node. If NETSECVISOR has all In the case of response of the response manager is in
paths, it delivers packets to all obtained paths. This approach the in-line mode action, certain packets have to be held until it
is based on a function of OpenFlow, which can send network is proved to be malicious or harmless. For this purpose, the
packets to multiple output ports of a router. Thus, data manager is used to hold the network packets that flow
NETSECVISOR can send network packets to different paths from the routers or switches until some security device sends
simultaneously. its detection result to the NETSECVISOR.
2016 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]
iii. Encryption quintessential method to building more secure and trusted
virtual networks within an organization.
Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a relatively recent
approach that reconsiders the concept of public-key
cryptography. In traditional public-key cryptography, a VI. SCOPE FOR FUTURE STUDY
message is encrypted for a specific receiver using the
receiver’s public-key. Identity-based cryptography and in
particular identity-based encryption (IBE) changed the Despite the various methods and strategies used for the
traditional understanding of public-key cryptography by NETSECVISOR, there is always room for further
allowing the public-key to be an arbitrary string, e.g., the improvement and enhancements. First, the NETSECVISOR
email address of the receiver. ABE goes one step further and has an improved security enhancement by the addition of an
defines the identity not atomic but as a set of attributes, e.g., encryption algorithm to its packets. While this may add to
roles, and messages can be encrypted with respect to subsets security it can sometimes lead to delays caused if there are a
of attributes (key-policy ABE - KP-ABE) or policies defined large number of packets involved for encryption and
over a set of attributes (ciphertext-policy ABE - CP-ABE). decryption. A method to reduce delay and promote speed in
The key issue is that someone should only be able to decrypt a operations is required. Secondly, the case scenario is tested
ciphertext if the person holds a key for "matching attributes" with less than a 100 nodes that can be both wireless and wired.
where user keys are always issued by some trusted party. A In a real case scenario, there can be a larger number of nodes
particular key can decrypt a particular ciphertext only if present. Better tests and studies are yet to be made to decide
associated attributes and policy are matched. on whether it will succeed in the real world scenario. Followed
The Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) algorithm can be by the number of nodes involved, the number of security
implemented into the cloud computing scenarios where nodes that are also to be present in a network can vary;
provision of storage and software are provided as a service. followed by the number of paths to a security node, number of
Being a virtual network, the cloud computing storage will be devices it can handle at a time, the network traffic etc. Only
separated into two different domains, the data owner and after experimenting in the real world can it be decided whether
cloud servers. The data content that is being outsourced [2] is the number of security devices has to be increased or the
not to be accessed by the cloud servers for confidentiality and processing speed of each security device has to be boosted for
the data owner does not physically have full control over the higher performance. Furthermore, the performance overhead
data resources. By storing the security policies or data on the of the NETSECVISOR is to be considered also. These are a
cloud server it will lead to the need of an encryption few modifications that have to be considered in the future.
mechanism to protect the security policies or data, before
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