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t1.I just created an account and already the amount available for request is -5?

Where did the -5 come from?

2.Also in all the pages in dashboard there is this yellow box that says "The admin has adviced user to use this panel
for different purposeThe admin has adviced user to use this panel for different purposeThe admin has adviced user to
use this panel for different purposeThe admin has adviced user to use this panel for different purposeThe admin has
adviced user to use this panel for different purposeThe admin has adviced user to use this panel for different
purpose." - What exactly is it? And why is it in all the pages? It should only be in the dashboard page and so it can
notify users about the latest news(recent updates..etc), just like that "CPAlead Blog" box in the cpalead dashboard,
updates.I want the yellow box to be in one page only(the dashboard)and under the grey dashboard banner.

3.I tested the upload feature and found simply visiting the download page counts as a download, it should only count
as a download after someone has completed a survey.
- This has not been sorted out yet i just tested it, this is one of the user panel features so its very
important that it functions properly

4.In the "your statistics" box why does it always say i have 25 downloads and $25 earnings even though i just though
my files have not been downloaded 25 times so couldn't have earned anything? Also for Referral Downloads it says i
have 25 where did that come from?  ------ referral part is yet to complete

5.In the payout form what exactly is "Date2" for? Also where is the delete so a user can delete a request?
I asked for what "Date2"/"Actions" was not to change its name, i know english isn't your first
language so sorry if i didn't word the question properly so i will ask it again. What exactly is the "Actions"
column for?

6.In the admin panel in the manage payout section can you change it so i can set the dates when payment approvals

Once payments have been approved they will be available for request. I don't want to manually approve all the
payments and there is no need for that as i will be using paypal's mass payment feature to pay everyone at once.
Can you add an option that allows me to change the status on all requested payments from requested to paid.
because once i download all the request logs i want to be able to change all the stats in the click of a button. Also
where is the option that allows me to download all the request logs? I need an option that will allow me to download
all payment requests in the following format:
email money USD

so for example if in a month two users have enough to request a payout and they do i need to be able to download
the monthly payout so that this is what i get in a .txt file 10.00 USD 23.00 USD

but i only want to be able to download requests, once a payment has been set to paid i don't want to be able to
download it or i will be paying the same users over and over again.

7.Also what about the survey options? In my cpalead account i only see one download widget, there should be 4 as
there are 4 survey options. Did you understand what i meant by survey options or do you need me to explain it
again? If someone chooses easy for example their download page will use the easy mode cpalead widget. If they
choose hard for example their download page will use the hard mode cpalead widget. I have added all the cpalead
widgets required in the account so there should be no further confusion.

8.Where exactly is the top 25 earners of the day and month page? I can't see it.
I still cannot see it, i have uploaded a picture of what i mean i think you misunderstood what i
meant. I want an actual page that leads to the top 25 earners of the day/month, just like there is a page
that leads to statistics or manage upload.
9.The upload page hasn't got any information on what each of the survey types, on the upload page i want there to
be some information on what each of the survey option does, maybe something like that "(What is this?)" pop up box
on linkbucks, when the users cursor goes over the link a box pops up and explains what each of the options in the
dropdown box means.Also i want users to be notified briefly how it works so they know without having to read any
instructions or contact support that once the end user completes a survey they will be given a link to the file, heres an
idea you don't have to use it but here it is, maybe on top of the download url: field you can put this up "When a user
completes an survey, they will be given a link to your file:" or if you're going to do it by email "When a user completes
an survey, they will be sent a link to your file via email:". Also on the upload form i want the following warnings
present - "You are NOT allowed to publishpornographic files or copyrighted files. Doing so will result in the
termination of your account.".

10.I also tested the download page it looks plain, are you still developing it or is that actually how it's going to look? If
its actually going to look like that can you update the design? Like the download button can you make it look more
like the "Upload Now" button in the home page. Though i don't actually want that upload now button to be in the
home page can you remove it.

11.On the upload form why isn't the following warnings present - "You are NOT allowed to publish pornographic files
or copyrighted files. Doing so will result in the termination of your account.".

12.Seen as there is already a login button that i don't see a point in having a login box in the home page, can you
change it to something that tells visitors stats on how many registered users we currently have, and how much money
we have paid out so far and the latest payout(e.g Last Payout: $386.8 by osake, well done!) I also want those stats to
be on the download page

13.Since there is already a logout button in the dashboard where you have all the buttons(Home, My Account,
Upload...etc)can you change "Logout" to Tips and tricks - this page will contain a few tips on how to get more
downloads. - I still see a logout button instead of Tips and Tricks

14. in the download page i want there to be some brief information about the site and how much users are expected
to earn using it, sumthin like this "Make Money Uploading Files!  

15.Once they complete the survey, they will be taken to the page where they can click a link to download. 

16. Auto Ban on downloading more than 7 times of the file uploaded by them

17.Option to report the broken link or invalid file. 

18.View the transaction

19.Take action on reported violations in admin panel 

The download still doesn't work yet, I tested it and found that my account received no money, nor did the download
stats change. I checked the source code of the download page and found there was no "&earn=", without the
"&earn=" how does your php file know how much to add to the account? "&earn=" is the amount of money the survey
is worth in numbers, so if for example a user files out a survey worth $1.00 and "&earn=" is in front of the download
widget code then when the php file receives data from "&earn=" just like it receives data from "subid=", earn will be
worth 1.00, then you can multiply it by the percentage value set in the admin panel. All you have to do is put "&earn="
in front of the code and cpalead automatically post how much the survey is worth. If you need anymore help or
information on how to make your php files receives the amount the survey is worth so it can be rewarded to accounts
please tell me.

Also in the admin panel can you make all the editable data like download page information like the ones in CMS
content? What i mean is like in the CMS content i can change colour, change size...etc it has more options where as
the other ones only have very few options. Also in the admin panel i need an option that allows me to set how many
times someone can download their file before it gets suspended.

Also the admin panel anytime i change the data in the "Welcome to Our Site !!!" box the box doesn't stretch to make
more room, so when i added an extra line it didn't look good.

Also when i tested the manage user feature and it doesn't work, i deactivated my account yet i can still login.

Also i attempted to use the manage payout feature and found it impossible to download all the requested payouts.

Also in the download page i found no indication of what unit the size was in, it doesn't say if it is KB, MB or GB, also
where it says "NAME" it should say "File Name" and where is says "FILE" it should say "File Size". Also I can see
some grey stuff next the 3rd image in the "Register-Upload-Earn" banner in the download page, replace it with the
one in the home page that doesn't have the gray stuff.

Also in the file report I don't want to receive people's messages, as soon as someone clicks on it, they should be
notified that the file has been reported.

Also in the upload/edit file form i wanted the file size unit box next to the file size box, but i don't actually want the file
size unit drop down box to be called " file size unit" i just want i don't want it to have a name, it should just be placed
next the file size box.

Also the manage violations option doesn't work, when i click on view file it just reloads the page. Also I would like an
option to set the file to sorted so if someone is trying to report a file continuously even though there is nothing wrong
with it the next time they report it they will receive a message telling them that the file has already been reviewed and
nothing was found to be wrong with the file. Also i need an option that allows me to send an email to the username
associated with the reported file so when i suspend the user he/she is aware of why he/she got suspended.

When an account gets suspended or deleted, the download links associated with that account should no longer lead
to a download page, they should be invalid as the creator of the account is no longer managing the download link. 

The text on your statistics graph is incorrect, it says "$000, $001...etc" instead of saying "$0.00, $1.0...etc" basically
there is no decimal point.

The stats in "Total Earnings" doesn't change its always 0. Total earnings should display the total amount of money
earned by the user.

Also i just noticed in the members statistic box, "Total payouts" should be saying "Total earnings" and should
represent the total amount of cash earned by all the users, not the total payouts. Where it says "Latest payout" it isn't
detailed enough. Change it so it says
Did you know?
~ Harrytb21 just cashed out $xxx. Well done!

$xxx will be the amount the user cashed out

Also can you replace the statistic box in the homepage with the statistic box in the download page

After a few minutes i am automatically logged out of my user account and get this message
- - why is that?

I tested the payout date function and the script and it didn't work properly. I had $4.885 on my account yet it said $-3
was available for request. Also the "Your current earnings are" stats never change, it is always 0.

"Do you want me to change it to two status as pending and paid. In this case, we can have two buttons in the payouts
page as you said above, Shall I modify this ?" - Yes i would like it like i suggested above.

The statistics graph is still unclear, the numbers in the Y-Axis have no decimal points so its impossible to tell whether
its $1.00 or $10.00 or $0.1 or $0.01...etc you have to add decimal points to the statistic graph

Also the top earners page isn't working properly, it only shows the first users in the top earners of the month section. I
currently have two accounts that have both earned money yet only one of them is present in the top earners of the
month. The page is suppose to show the top 25 users, not the top 1 user.

Also I asked for "Last Payout" text in the statistics box to be replaced, why is it still there?

As soon a survey is completed the "downloads" stats in the your statistic box increases, yet the downloads stats in
the manage uploads page only increases once the download link is browsed again. Fix it so the downloads stats in
the manage upload only increases when a survey is completed.

When earnings are approved there is still an error. The current earnings should be $0 because once earnings are
approved money is transferred from current earnings to amount available for request, instead you have doubled the
amount of money the users earn which is not right.

Also in the payout form in the user panel option to delete earnings disappears once requests have been paid? Why?
this shouldn't be, the option to delete should always be available otherwise the history will just keep on building up
and users will have difficulties finding their must recent request.

Also the edit upload form still has "Select" as an option twice in the file size(KB, MB, GB)drop down box. 

Also users should only be allowed to register an email once 

Also delete the manage uploads and transaction history in the admin panel as i have no need for it. 

Also when the payout cronjob is executed it needs to add up all the amount of earnings made by the users in the
month, that way I know how much money to send the users. However it should only add earnings from accounts that
have not been suspended, if an account is suspended it shouldn't be part of the sum of earnings made by the users
in the month. I need to see the total monthly earnings in the admin panel.

When referrals earn money their earnings are not added to the users account. The referral stats go up but the
associated user earning stats don't. I registered an account under my referral register link and added some money
and found even though the referral stats go up the money doesn't actually get added so my total earnings doesn't go
up, nor do my monthly earnings. The referral earnings should only represent the amount earned in one day, just like
the earnings stats under today's statistics only represents one day so actually the name "Referral Statistics" should
be changed to "Todays Referral Statistics". 

Also there is an issue that i found yesterday which still has not been sorted out. Their are:

"Also there is a serious security problem, I logged out of the admin panel and was still capable of editing data, this
means that anyone that knows the location of the php files can easily edit the data on the website."
files. Even though you can't access the admin panel without been logged in the changes still take affect.For example
if i enter this url - - without been logged in all the
settings>site settings will be empty so all the options i set are lost. Its like this for all the files.

"- Right now, we are displaying the graph with labels as from $001,$002, etc... This shows the cost of the cost
as $1 and $2, Do you want me to remove the zeros??" - yes
remove the zeros its confusing.

Also there is another bug, when a user's account gets deleted their earnings are still in the top earners list. This
shouldn't be the case.

Also just wondering how long does the file data(d4f4cd447ea9efb39130369963d3ad99)stay in the database?

Also the top earners page isn't complete yet, I deleted some accounts to test what would happen and found that the
earnings the deleted accounts made still show. Also in the top earners of day list even though only one
user(osake)has earned something today it is still in the second row, instead of being at the first row.

Also "Total Earnings" says $0 after earnings are approved, the only one that should say $0 after earnings have been
approved is the current earnings which you have already done so thats good. However Total Earnings represents the
total amount the user has earned so it shouldn't be saying $0 when earnings are approved, when earnings are
approved nothing should happen to it.

There is another error, when the earnings have been approved the latest user gets added to the "Did you know?-
userbame just cashed out $XXX Well done! " which is good, but when i tested what happens if you delete the payout
history from the payout form i was shocked. The user disappears from the " username Did you know?- just cashed
out $2.805 Well done! " and gets replaced by the previous one, however the previous user no longer exists as i
deleted it so it just says "Did you know?- just cashed out $2.805 Well done! " there is no username so it doesn't make

Also in the admin panel i said that i wanted to know how much total earnings have been made this month by my
users, and that only user accounts that have not been suspended/deleted should be included, yet it has added
money from accounts that have been deleted, this shouldn't be the case or i will be paying users who no longer exist
so money will be getting wasted.

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