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This Seraph handbook is issued in accordance with Griffon

Company regulations, 1332 A.E. for the instruction and
guidance of all persons enlisted or commissioned in matters
concerning Seraph Griffon Company standards.
This handbook contains broad regulatory policies either
originated within Griffon Company or derived from
previous editions of the Seraph Handbook.
Changes to the Seraph handbook will be issued by the
commanding officer of Griffon Company in accordance
with the authority delegated to said lieutenant by the
Captain of the company. All users are asked to make
recommendations for revision. Changes will be
implemented on a case by case basis and a record of
changes will be maintained on the page provided.
Table of Contents
Foreword Pg. 1
Table of Contents Pg. 2
Code of Conduct Pg. 3
Out of Character Code of Conduct Pg. 3
In Character Code of Conduct Pg. 4
Uniform and Dress Code Pg. 5
Dress Code Pg. 5
Uniform Etiquette Pg. 7
Ranks and Promotion Pg. 12
Ranks Pg. 12
Promotion Pg. 15
Incident Response and Arrest Protocol Pg. 21
Incident Response Pg. 21
Arrest Protocol Pg. 24
Filing and Submitting Paperwork Pg. 26
OOC Submissions Pg. 26
Incident Reports Pg. 27
Case Investigations Pg. 31
Medical Reports Pg. 36
Arrest Processes Pg. 38
Krytan Law Quick Reference Pg. 41
Criminal Law Pg. 41
Civil Law Pg. 54

Code of Conduct
Out of Character Code of Conduct
As a member of this role play community, we adhere to a Code of Conduct
to make events and interactions as fun as possible for everyone.

1. Be respectful of all players. This is simple. If you do not agree with

someone, that's fine. But do not make a scene from it. If you both can agree
to debate topics in a private setting, that's also fine, but do not have heated
arguments in guild/party/say chats.
2. Remember that the Character is not the Player. Please keep IC
separate from OoC. Just because your character butts heads with theirs does
not give way to treating the Player differently because of it.
3. All arrests/conflicts/altercations must be addressed OoCly before
continuing with the role-play. Work the other players to resolve a conclusion
to avoid miscommunication or worse.

Remember, when you wear the Guild Tag, whether you're on-duty or not,
you represent the entire guild. Even if you stop representing the guild while
playing your character off-duty, people still know you're in our guild. Any
violation of OoC Code of Conduct will result in a review of you personally
and if you still fit in with our guild.

In Character Code of Conduct
As a Seraph, you are held to a higher standard as one of the Queen's Protectors.
You hold obligation to the Queen, Her City, Her lands, and most importantly, Her

Whether on-duty or off-duty, you represent the Seraph Griffon Company with
your words and actions. Take into consideration what you do while ensigned in Her
Majesty's Seraph.

1. A Seraph must be humble. You are only granted authority over the Citizens
regarding keeping the peace and enforcing the law. Do not use your position for
personal or authoritative gains.
2. A Seraph must be honorable and trusting. You are expected to exemplify the
very laws you enforce.
3. A Seraph must be respectable. Even if a citizen has broken a law, they are still
a citizen and are to be treated with respect and humility throughout any necessary
4. A Seraph must be approachable and polite. A citizen is more willing to report
incidents or cooperate with the Seraph if you have a helpful and polite demeanor with
5. A Seraph must obey the Chain of Command. This goes without saying and is
standard protocol.

Any violations of these Codes will result with a mark on your personal record.
Multiple outstanding marks on your record will result in a court martial and possible
Dishonorable Discharge from the Company.
Uniform and Dress Code
Dress Code
A Seraph is always to look his or her best. Uniforms are to be cleaned and/or
polished daily. Weapons are to be oiled and maintained as necessary. Failure to do
so will result in disciplinary action.

Upon graduation from Recruit to Private, you will be bestowed your Standard
Issue Uniform, Choice of Weapon, Your Seraph's Badge, a notepad, and a quill. All
items are to be worn whilst on duty and to be neatly stored (in either your room if
you live in the Barracks or in your house if you live off site) when resigning duty
for the day. Please refer to the Issued Equipment page of the handbook for a list of
equipment you are required to wear.

In the event of Discharge (Honorable, Dishonorable, or Medical), you are required

to turn in your uniform and notepad. You are allowed to keep your weapon and
your badge if discharged Honorably or Medically.

In the event a piece of your equipment is missing, you must inform your
Commanding Officer immediately. The piece of equipment will be replaced and
compensated from your wages.

In addition to maintaining issued equipment, a Seraph is expected to keep
themselves properly and professionally maintained and groomed.

• Hair is to be neatly cut and put up into a ponytail, braid, or bun whilst
on duty. Otherwise, it is to be completely tucked into the issued helmet.
• Unnatural hair coloring is prohibited.
• Facial hair is to be neatly groomed and washed.
• Makeup is permissible but is to look professional.
• Personal Hygiene is to be maintained daily.

Any violations of these will first be asked to resolve the issue, then will be
corrected with disciplinary action.

Uniform Etiquette

As mentioned in the Dress Code, a Seraph is bestowed their armor upon

graduating into the Company. A Seraph's uniform acts as protection from
harm and as an identifier to the general public.

The Standard Issue uniform consists of a full six piece set of armor, one
weapon, one shield, a set of handcuffs, a notepad, and a quill and ink set.

Light Armor: (Cost: 730 Beetletun Seals; 5 Silver, 4 Copper )

• Council Ministry Mantle [&CpECAAA=]
• Council Ministry Vestiments [&Co4CAAA=]
• Council Ministry Gloves [&CpcCAAA=]
• Devout Leggings [&Cl4DAAA=]
• Devout Shoes [&CmoDAAA=]

Medium Armor: (Cost: 6G, 10S from Human T2 Vendor; 180 Ascalonian Tears)
• Falconer's Shoulderpads [&CoEBAAA=]
• Falconer's Coat [&CpMBAAA=]
• Falconer's Gloves [&Co0BAAA=]
• Falconer's Leggings [&Co4BAAA=]
• Falconer’s Boots [&CqABAAA=]
• Ascalonian Sentry Hat [&Cm8CAAA=]

Heavy Armor: (Free in Guild Bank)
• Worn Scale Helm [&CmMAAAA=]
• Splint Pauldrons [&CoUAAAA=]
• Tempered Scale Chestplate [&CoEAAAA=]
• Reinforced Scale Gauntlets [&Ck0AAAA=]
• Reinforced Scale Legs [&CikAAAA=]
• Reinforced Scale Boots [&CkoAAAA=]

• Gunmetal Dye
• Iron Dye
• Redemption Dye

In addition to Standard Issue, a Seraph's uniform may be supplemented
to denote higher rank. A Strip of color in an approved area of the uniform
Also denotes a Seraph's rank.

• Rank Color - Ebony

Private First Class:

• Rank Color - Lead Silver
• Armor Enhancements
Light - Acolyte Mantle
Medium - CM Shoulders
Heavy - T1 Helmet

• Rank Color: Burnished Steel
• Armor Enhancements
Light - Acolyte Chest, Acolyte Mantle, and Acolyte Leggings
Medium - CM Chest and Shoulders
Heavy - T1 Helmet, CM Chest and Leggings

• Rank Color: Stone
• Armor Enhancements
Light - Full CM minus Leggings
Medium - Full CM Armor
Heavy - Full CM armor, T3 minus Shoulders
Sergeant Major:
• Rank Color: Fog
• Armor Enhancements
All same as Sergeant.

• Rank Color: Silver
• Armor Enhancements:
Light - Temple Shoulders
Medium - Sneakthief Shoulders
Heavy - Full CM Gear/Tier 3 without shoulders/Tier 2 Shoulders

• Rank Color: Gold
• Armor Enhancements: Same as Lieutenant.

• Rank Color: White
• Armor Enhancements:
Heavy: Tier 3 Shoulders


Weapons are standard issue from Seraph Griffon Company and are
maintained alongside a Seraph's armor. Any non-standard issue
weapons are not allowed for on-duty use unless approved by the
Company Commanding Officer.
Valid Shields:
Bronze Shield (Or any shield that shares its skin)
Krytan Shield
Kryta's Embrace
Golden Wing Shield (Preferred)
Seraph's Shield
A Seraph's uniform supplement is also subject to the discretion of
the Commanding Officer concurrent to the mission.

Ranks and Promotions

Unless a special condition applies, all newly enlisted begin their career as a
Recruit. Recruits are to shadow patrols lead by a Private or higher. Recruits do
not have arresting authority. Recruits will learn how to patrol, write reports, light
combat training, and arrest procedures. Recruits must complete two patrol with
an NCO and field training in Claypool before promotion is considered.

After training and with approval by an NCO, a Recruit will be promoted to
Private. Privates are the most common rank and have the ability to watch over
Recruits and make arrests.

Private First Class:

Privates that have demonstrated outstanding service and have met the
patrol and report quota are eligible for promotion to first class.

Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs)

Upon further demonstration of excellence and service, PFCs are eligible to
be promoted to Corporal. Corporals are the primary form of leadership to
enlisted Seraph, leading small squads and patrols.

Sergeants are responsible for delegating orders from Command to the best
equipped units for the tasks at hand. A Sergeant can be assigned to a division of
the company, given the size of Seraph on hand.

Sergeant Major:
Sergeants Majors command all Sergeants within the company, ensuring
that all divisions are operating to their maximum efficiency.

Commissioned Officers (COs)

A Company typically only has one or two Lieutenants in command,
receiving orders from the ranking Commander and Captain. They are
responsible for the Company as a whole.

Commanders are responsible for multiple companies at a time. Commander
is a rare, hard-to-obtain rank with-in the Seraph as they are top of Chain of
Command, only preceded by the standing Captain.

This rank is reserved for NPC characters, such as Logan Thackeray. They
are the highest ranked officer and command the Seraph as a whole.


After meeting the criteria in a given rank, a Seraph can be recommended for
promotion from an NCO or higher. Upon further inspection and
deliberation from the Commanding Officer of the Company, a Seraph can
then be promoted.
Criteria for promotion includes:
- Amount of Experience in current Rank
- Amount of active on-duty time in current Rank
- Amount of Reports successfully submitted and published
- Completion of required additional trainings
- Availability of positions in next appropriate Rank
Other Commendations or Accolades can also result in promotion.
- Exemplary and outstanding service to the Company.
- Exemplary and outstanding service to the Ministry.
- Exemplary and outstanding service to the Queen and Kryta.
- Going above and beyond the call of duty.

In order for a Seraph to be eligible for promotion, the follow criteria must be
met to obtain the listed Rank.
- 2 Complete Patrols, either Countryside or Full Circuit Patrols of
Divinity's Reach.
- One field training, hosted by the Militia Captain of Claypool.

Private First Class:
- An additional patrol, either full circuit or countryside.
- A medical training class
- Three additional patrols
- A Seraph Leadership Training
- Availability of the position.
- Five additional patrols as lead
- Additional Seraph Leadership Training
- Exhibition of Competancy through the Sergeant's Exam.
- Availability of the position.
Sergeant Major:
- Five additional patrols as lead
- Additional Seraph Leadership Training
- Recommendation from Command, the Ministry, and/or The Queen for
recognition of outstanding service.
- Availability of the position.
- Five additional patrols as lead
- Exhibition of Competency through the Lieutenant's Exam
- Recommendation from Command, The Ministry and/or the Queen for
recognition of further outstanding service.
- Availability of the Position (This is currently reserved for the guild leader.)

- This position will be reserved for the guild leader should the Griffon
Company choose to employ it.

- This Rank is reserved for the NPC in current lore holding the position,
currently Logan Thackeray.

Promotion Ceremony:
Once eligible for promotion, a Seraph will be approached by their
Commanding Officer and offered the opportunity to be promoted. Should the
Seraph accept, the effect will not be immediate, unless other specified. A
Presentation Ceremony will be held at the Seraph Garrison in Queensdale where
the Seraph and others eligible and accepted for promotion will be presented in
front of the company. Family and friends may be invited to attend the
Presentation Ceremony and share in the promoted party's achievements.

Impromptu Promotion:
Given circumstances, a Seraph may be immediately promoted, given
competence, should the time facilitate the need of a position filled immediately. A
Seraph promoted in this manner may request to be part of the next Promotion
Ceremony, if they wish

Patrol Protocol

One of the primary duties of a Seraph on duty is to patrol the area of jurisdiction.
In the case of the Griffon Company, Divinity’s Reach is the primary target, along
with countryside patrols in Queensdale, should enough manpower be available.

Patrols are a vital part of Griffon Company’s daily operations, as it allows us to

actively observe the city and keep it safe as well as interact with our citizens.

Patrols should be:

• Random in route. Always change the pathing of your patrol. A criminal
that knows a patrol always goes to Salma and continues around the City clockwise
will more likely gravitate towards Salma after the patrol has left.
• Thorough, but non-intrusive. Be sure to sweep all areas of the City, not just
local hotspots. Criminal activity can and will pick up in areas that aren’t searched
often, such as the cemeteries and the Crown Pavilion Structures, as these areas
are off the beaten path. A Seraph should also not linger in one spot for too long,
especially if the area is clear. Be thorough, yet quick, in your sweep of each area.
• Fun! From an OoC viewpoint, patrols shouldn't be looked at as tedious or
boring. Patrols are an opportunity to engage with RP community and grow your
character. Speak with citizens, tavern keeps and their staff, and most importantly, your
patrol partner!

City Patrols:

When patrolling a city or town, there are guidelines to keep in place, for both the
Seraph and the citizen's safety. Failure to adhere to these guidelines can result in a
reprimand. City Patrols include Divinity’s Reach, Beetletun, Shaemoor, and Claypool.
They can also extend as far as the Ascalonian Settlement if assistance is requested.

• Recruits should never patrol alone. Recruits may patrol with other recruits, but
preferably, at least with a Corporal or higher.
• Solo patrols are allowed by Privates and higher, but it is highly recommended to
have at least two in a patrol.
• A Patrol Squad within a city should be restricted to a maximum of three Seraph.
A Countryside patrol must have a minimum of three Seraph and a maximum of 6 per
squad. Divide into additional Squads if these limits are reached.
• Generally, the only room to be searched while sweeping a tavern is the main bar
room, unless a Seraph has a warrant, or the Tavern keep/staff ask for assistance. Most
taverns employ their own internal security, and they are to be respected while in their
tavern. Some taverns are bigger, however, and have additional areas to check. All taverns
in Divinity’s Reach typically have a basement, a kitchen, and upper stories for lodging.
These three are not to be searched without a warrant or probable cause.

The Maiden’s Whisper: There is additional seating in the second room

leading to the upstairs stairwell.
The Golden Sun: There is additional seating in rooms leading to the stairwells.

• In addition, only one Seraph should enter a tavern when performing a sweep.
Additional units in the patrol should station outside the door, but not in a way that
impedes foot traffic. Once the search has been conducted, the investigating Seraph
should either call out the All Clear or request back up if needed.

• In the case of multiple patrols, all patrols should space out evenly to
cover more ground. I.E. Patrol 1 starts in Salma, Patrol 2 would start in the
Western Commons.
• Patrol Squads are to check in via radio when in transition between
districts with a concise update.

Countryside Patrols:
A countryside patrol consists of checking a path leading from Divinity’s
Reach to either another village or landmark in Kryta, I.E. Divinity’s Reach to
The Hunter’s Lodge. A countryside patrol must consist of no less than three
(3) squad members, unless otherwise advised.

• Countryside patrols are welcome at any time, unless more

pressing matters are at hand.
• Squads should check in regularly with an update of their status and
• If possible, squads should radio in for back-up upon engaging in a
combat situation.

Incident Response and Arrest Procedure
Incident Response

When responding or coming across an incident, always ask OOCly for Seraph
involvement. Sometimes, people are coordinating their own story plots or simply
wish for Seraph to not be involved. Communication with other players is key to
great Role Play and community involvement.

Ex: ((Hello! Our Company has been notified of this incident and are asking
permission to be involved.))

Ex 2: ((Hello, our Squad noticed this incident happening while on patrol and
would like to ask your permission first before getting involved.

Wait for a response before continuing. On the chance someone declines, be

respectful of their wishes and do not push the subject. We are stewards of the RP
community first.

Ex: ((Ah, I understand, and we will be on our way. We’re sorry for
interrupting, and should you wish to involve Seraph activity ICly, please
feel free to contact us via in game or our website.))

Securing the scene:

Safety of the Seraph and innocent bystanders is the utmost importance

when starting an incident response. Direct all non-involved bystanders to leave
the scene and should weapons be drawn, calmly attempt to talk the suspect into
lowering or dropping the weapon. Ex. “By command of the Seraph, lower or drop
your weapon(s)!” A Seraph’s life and safety are number one in these situations,
and should the suspect not comply after a verbal attempt, a Seraph is authorized
to do what is necessary to stop the threat.

Once the scene is secured and the threat is neutralized, the first priority is
to assess and treat any wounded on the scene. If a suspect was wounded, ensure
they are restrained and searched for any additional weapons or contraband
before tending to their wounds. Once all are treated, it is a Seraph’s due
diligence to take as correct response notes as possible. A formal Incident
Response Form must be filed, Formatting for Incident Responses are listed in the
How to Properly File Reports sections. A Seraph is responsible for speaking to as
many witnesses and victims as possible to complete a fully detailed report.

• If one or all suspects were able to flee and further investigation is required,
the Incident Report will be filed to Open Investigations and Cases.
• If all suspects were detained, the Incident Report will be filed to
Completed Incidents, and the report will then be passed on to the Ministry for
the suspect’s hearing.

Unless absolutely necessary, a Seraph is not to use lethal force when

attempting to apprehend a suspect. Only if life is threatened.

Backing out of RP OOCly:

In the event the second party seems complete non-compliant or willing to

work through a scene, A Seraph player has the right to excuse themselves
OOCly. Please be respectable in doing so and notify the second party of your
doing so.

(("The involved member of the Griffon Company no longer feel this RP

scene will resolve in a reasonable manner for both parties and hereby withdraw.
We apologize for taking your time and wish you a good morning/day/

Such situations typically involve troll players or godmodding, i.e. the

character is too strong for even 10 Seraph to capture, the character keeps
managing to slip out of every pair of handcuffs, etc.

Arrest Procedure
Once the scene of the incident is secured and all suspects are detained,
continue with arrest procedures. Firstly, inform the player OOC via in-game
mail about the arrest procedures and what to expect.

• This character will be placed in the Seraph Headquarters jail until

their Ministry hearing, therefore, technically unavailable for RP until then.
• This character may be sentenced to prison for an extended period of
time after the hearing, also technically unavailable for RP until the sentence
is served.
• In extreme cases, such as treason, this character may be subject to

Work with the arrested party. Ask if they would like to ICly continue with
the arrest and understand the procedure. Ask if they have a character on

If the arrested party does not agree to the arrest conditions, simply exit
OOCly and state that Seraph may no longer become involved with any IC
plots in the future.

If the arrested party is okay with being arrested, but had prior plans with
the character set up, work out an agreement to have them be arrested at a
later time, after their scheduled event. Everything should be fun and
enjoyable for all parties involved.

Once the suspect has been arrested, lead them to the Seraph HQ* for
processing. A Seraph is to perform a second thorough pat down once
inside the HQ and have the suspect change into prison garb (we will
supply tonics if the player does not have the outfit or tonic). Get a full
description of the suspect to go on their record; Full legal name, age,
place of residence, height, weight, and an appearance description.

*Note: If the suspect was detained in Divinity’s Reach for crimes

committed in Lion’s Arch, the Seraph and Lionguard have an
agreement that the prison is to be transferred back into Lionguard
custody after the initial arrest.

Once imprisoned, the player has a few options. They can:

- Attempt a prison break once per day with a dice roll. Must roll a
natural 20. If successful in escaping, all effects confiscated from the
suspect are forfeit, including clothing, weapons, and money.
- Schedule visitors (This is a way to keep playing the character if
the player would like)
- Simply not play the character until the Ministry hearing.

Upon sentencing, if the suspect is only fined, they will be released from
Seraph custody and all effects will be returned to them.

Filing and Submitting Paperwork and Case
OOC Submissions

It is a Seraph’s due diligence to keep proper and accurate records of every

incident and investigation they are directly involved with. This is to ensure
investigations, arrests, and trials can be handled with the best possible

Note: Good programs to use are OneNote (Free with Windows 10), Notepad++,
Microsoft Word, Open Office, or Google Docs. All but MS Word are free. Google
Docs and OneNote are recommended as they are backed up on the cloud and
can be accessed from any device.

Please submit your reports to the Company Forums and apply the proper
tags to them:
• Incident Reports, Open and Closed
• Case Investigations, Open and Closed
• Medical Reports
• Arrest Processes

Links to Submit Reports via Google Forms are on the Website:
Incident Reports

An incident report consists of a crime being reported to the Seraph and a

Seraph following up with the reporting party or an incident that is come across
while on Patrol or Sentry Duty. An incident is considered a one-time minor
conflict that is resolved with one Seraph interaction, I.e. An altercation at a
tavern, public drunkenness or indecency, couples engaging in sexual activities
in a public setting. Incidents usually result in a warning or infraction ticketing.



The format of an Incident Report is as follows:

Name and Rank of Filing Party:

Date: (Mouvelian and Real World)
Name(s) of involved parties:
Description of Incident:
Additional Notes:

In Example:

Name and Rank of Filing Party: Private Johnathan Doe

Date: 1, Season of the Zephyr, 1332 A.E. (January 1st, 2019)
Name(s) of involved parties:
- Timmy Nogood
- Susie Gothurt
Description of Incident:
As Private Doe was stationed on sentry duty, he was approached by
Miss Susie Gothurt. Miss Gothurt gave a detailed report of a man by the
name of Timmy Nogood, who punched her face after an exchange of
escalating words. Miss Gothurt stated she was attacked in the Western
Commons and that Nogood often frequents a courtyard.

Following up, Private Doe came across Nogood in the mentioned

courtyard, a few empty bottles of ale littering the immediate area. Private
Doe inquired about the incident involving Gothurt. Nogood confessed to
punching Gothurt, stating she deserved it and more for breaking off their

As the suspect confessed and was intoxicated in public far past the
limit, Private Doe detained Mister Nogood, escorting him back to the
Seraph Headquarters to sober up. Once Mister Nogood was sober, Private
Doe once again asked about the attack on Miss Gothurt. Nogood once
again confirmed the attack and stated he would do it again, drunk or not.

After receiving confession and confirmation, Private Doe cited Mister
Timmy Nogood with one account of Battery 3.15 for assault on Miss Gothurt,
and one account of Disturbing the Peace 3.4 on grounds of excessive
drunkenness and behavior. Mister Nogood was placed in Seraph custody until a
court date is set.
Additional Notes:
During the trial, Miss Susie Gothurt made claims of other abusive acts
against her during her relationship with Mister Nogood. Further investigation

Filing an Incident Report:

Once all the information is gathered, a Seraph can file the incident report
for submission in one of three ways.

The Report can be turned in directly to the Company Historian for edits,
revision, and proofread. The Historian will then be responsible for
publishing the report. (Send the Historian the .txt)

The Report can be mailed in remotely via Company Pigeon for review
by the Historian. (Griffon Company Website - Submit a Report
*preferred method*)

The Report can be directly submitted for publication to the

Company’s Public Reports (Posted on the Discord Server and
Company Forums page)

Submitting via the Company Forum is the preferred method. If you
feel inclined to fill out the information on the website forms, that
helps us as the forms are automatically placed in a spreadsheet for
retention purposes.

Once the Incident Report has been published, it is considered

closed. The only addendums are for additional post-case notes and will
not alter the original Incident Report. They are solely for clarification or
reference for another Incident or Case Report.

Case Investigations

A Case Investigation is a long-term investigation of claims made by the

public or noticed by Seraph. These could be a string of robberies, a murder
case with no apparent killer, probable malfeasance within the Ministry,
Seraph, or other organization, or plots against the Krytan Nation. Case
Investigations also take place when a claim requires deep digging into a
potentially committed crime that cannot be resolved in the time constraint
of an Incident, such as habitual domestic abuse, sexual assaults, or rape
claims. Substantial evidence is required on all fronts these types of cases to
appropriately and accurate both punish the perpetrator and bring justice
to any and all victims.

A case can only be considered closed if resolution, such as a criminal being

arrested and tried, takes place and all considerable threats or allegations
are resolved. If a case remains open for an extended period of time with no
new leads, evidence, or information expounded on, the case will be
considered ‘cold’.

A cold case will remain open indefinitely (should the involved parties still
wish to play it out ICly, otherwise the case will be dismissed if it is no
longer viable in RP or involved parties have not been active online in a
given amount of time.) until it can be resolved and properly closed.

An active case should be updated as information makes itself present and
should be assigned to one Seraph, responsible for keeping the information
up to date. Additionally, The Seraph(s) that initially reported to the claim
should be the main investigators and points of contact regarding all
information brought to light. It is advised against passing off a case to a
Seraph that had no prior involvement, unless circumstances prove it to be

The formatting of the Case Investigation is similar to that of an Incident

Report, but will have substantially more information, which will be added
to as the case progresses.

Name and Rank of Party Responsible for Case Report:

Name(s) and Rank(s) of other involved Seraph:
Start date of Case Investigation: (Both Mouvelian and Real World)
Date of Case Resolution: (Both Mouvelian and Real World)
Name(s) of involved parties:
Initial Report:
Case Notes: (Each entry should be a separate paragraph and accompanied
with the date of submission.)
Terms for resolution: (List the terms of why the case should be considered
closed, I.e. Killer was tried and imprisoned.)


Name and Rank of Party Responsible for Case Report: Corporal James Doh
Name(s) and Rank(s) of other involved Seraph:
- Corporal James Doh
- Private Johnathan Doe
- PFC. Jane Dough
Start date of Case Investigation: 2, Season of the Zephyr, 1332 A.E. (January
2nd, 2019)
Date of Case Resolution: 18, Season of the Zephyr, 1332 A.E. (January 18th,
Name(s) of involved parties:
- Jimmy Nogood
- Susie Gothurt
- Jeffrey Jefferson, Vanguard Hospital Physician
Initial Report:
During the trial hearing of Mister Jimmy Nogood for an Incident
Report related to a Battery Charge against Miss Susie Gothurt, Miss
Gothurt made allegations to prior physical and sexual assaults against her
during a relationship with Mister Nogood.
The court moved in favor of opening an investigation against Mister
Nogood. Corporal James Doh and PFC. Jane Dough were assigned to assist
Private Johnathan Doe in the investigation, Corporal Doh given authority.

Case Notes:
3, Season of the Zephyr, 1332 A.E. (January 3rd, 2019):
Cpl. Doh, PFC Dough, and Pvt. Doe met with Miss Gothurt to go over details about the
previous assaults. Miss Gothurt gave accounts of 3 physical assaults and 1 sexual assault, each
time claiming that Mister Nogood was drunk and angry, coming home after work and time at a
tavern and would take his aggressions out on her. Miss Gothurt also claims that Mister Nogood
would threaten her with worse actions if she told anyone. Miss Gothurt became emotional and
asked if the investigation could continue at a later date.

7, Season of the Zephyr, 1332 A.E. (January 7th, 2019):

Miss Gothurt stopped by Seraph Headquarters with a picture taken, depicting her and an
unknown individual she referenced as a friend. In the picture, Miss Gothurt clearly had bruising
around her left eye socket and a swollen and lacerated lip. She claims this picture was taken a day
after one of the assaults. She thought it would be helpful in proving her claims. The picture has
been added to the case file.

8, Season of the Zephyr, 1332 A.E. (January 8th, 2019):

The Cpl., PFC, and Pvt. once again met with Miss Gothurt. Cpl. Doh recommended having
an examination done at the Vanguard Hospital. Miss Gothurt agreed and the Seraph escorted
her to the Vanguard Hospital, Salma District for a medical evaluation. There, they met with
Jeffrey Jefferson, one of the on-duty physician. After the examination, Jefferson noted internal
scarring of tissue in locations Miss Gothurt claimed she was beaten. No further questions were
asked of Miss Gothurt. Cpl. Doh prepared his case to be submitted to the Ministry Courts.

18, Season of the Zephyr, 1332 A.E. (January 18th, 2019):

The court hearing of Mister Jimmy Nogood vs. Miss Susie Gothurt. Cpl. Doh provided the
evidence gathered during the investigation. After examination from the court, the court ruled in
favor of Miss Gothurt. Nogood was tried and found guilty of three (3) additional counts of
Physical battery and one (1) account of sexual harassment.
Jimmy Nogood was tried and convicted of his crimes, given the resulting evidence found
during the investigation.
Terms for resolution: Jimmy Nogood was sentenced to 5 years of prison time on the added
stipulation of a restraining order from Miss Susie.
It is recommended that the filing party be given all notes to update the
Case Files, as only the person who posted on Discord or the forums is
allowed to edit the original post. A suggested idea is to use Google Docs to
keep the notes in, as it's saved in the cloud and can have multiple
collaborators at a time.

Medical Reports
In the event of a Seraph injured on duty, a medical report is to be made by a
medic NPC (The player will still fill this information out on the form.) and
reviewed by the Seraph's Commanding Officer.

The format is as follows:

Name and Rank of the Injured Party:

Date of medical examination: (Both Mouvelian and Real World)
Injury(ies)/Ailment sustained/suspected:
Result of Examination:
Is the Seraph fit for duty? (Yes/No)
If no, Is the Seraph able to recover from injury/ailment and return to duty at a
later date? (Yes/No)
If no, would the injured Seraph be capable of performing administrative task in
the Headquarters or Forward Operating Camps in lieu of medical discharge?


Name and Rank of the Injured Party: Corporal William Roberts

Date of medical examination: 1, Season of the Zephyr, 1332 A.E. (January 1st, 2019)
Injury(ies)/Ailment sustained/suspected: Lacerations sustained during combat.
Result of Examination: The Corporal was brought to medical after being injured in the
line of combat. The Corporal sustained several minor lacerations across his hands,
arms, and chest, and two major lacerations across his chest. The minor lacerations
were disinfected and bandaged, and the major lacerations were disinfected, sutured,
and bandaged. The Corporal has been placed on bed rest to allow the wounds to heal
Is the Seraph fit for duty? At this time, no.
If no, Is the Seraph able to recover from injury/ailment and return to duty at a later
date? Yes, after a re-examination of the wound determines that they are not in
immediate risk of re-opening, the Corporal will be fit for duty.
If no, would the injured Seraph be capable of performing administrative tasks in the
Headquarters or Forward Operating Camps in lieu of medical discharge? Not
Applicable in the situation.

Signed and dated:

Medic Rosina,
1, Season of the Zephyr, 1332 A. E.

Please note: When filling out the form, should you put No for Fit for Duty, Return to
Duty at a Later Date, and Capable of Performing Administrative Tasks, your character
will be consider unfit for further Seraph enlistment and will be Medically Discharged
and ineligible for re-enlistment for a period of time, requiring another medical

Arrest Processes
When processing a perpetrator, protocol is to be followed to ensure not only
proper treatment of the detainee, but also safety to them and to the processing

*Please note, any criminal apprehended in Kryta for a crime committed

in Lion's Arch must be turned over to the Lionguard via a long-standing
agreement. The same follows in reverse.*

When first entering the Headquarters, a full body search must be conducted
of the perpetrator, even if a search was completed while detaining them. The
detainee will then be required to change into the appropriate prison uniform
(common tonic, which will be provided by Seraph Griffon Company in the
event the player does not have the outfit unlocked.) The detainee is to be given
respect and dignity, allowed to change in private unless other indications or
non-compliance prove they need to be supervised (by a Seraph of the same

Once a detainee is changed into the appropriate uniform, all effects

(including, but not limited to: clothing, weaponry confiscated, food, money,
jewelry, etc.) is to be confiscated and placed in a lockbox. Once a detainee's
sentence is served, they may retrieve all effects.

After the detainee's effects have been locked away, the arresting Seraph will book
the detainee, taking down all identifying information, such as hair color, eye
color, skin color, race, gender, age and date of birth, height, weight, any
identifying scars or marks, full legal name, and current place of residence. The
detainee will then be allowed to pen one(1) letter, reviewed and sent by the
arresting Seraph to a person of the detainee's choice.

The detainee will then be placed in a cell to await their trial.

The Arresting Procedure Form is formatted as followed:

Name and Rank of Arresting Party:

Date: (Mouvelian and Real World)
Full Legal Name of Arrested Party:
Any known aliases:
Date of Birth: (Mouvelian only)
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Skin Color:
Defining features, marks, or scars:
Reference to Incident or Case Report:


Name and Rank of Arresting Party: Pvt. Johnathan Doe

Date: 1, Season of the Zephyr, 1332 A.E. (January 1st, 2019)
Full Legal Name of Arrested Party: Helka Olgasdottir
Any known aliases: none
Age: 38
Date of Birth: 1, Season of the Zephyr, 1294 A.E.
Gender: Female
Height: 7'9"
Weight: 290 lb.
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Fair
Defining features, marks, or scars: Green Tattoos on face, arms, and torso.
Reference to Incident or Case Report: Birthday Bash Leads to Extensive Property
Damage at the Busted Flagon.

Krytan Law Quick reference
Criminal Law

1.0 Crimes Against the Crown

Crimes against the Crown are the most severe transgressions one can make
against the nation of Kryta, as such these crimes are to be tried in the High Court.
The following category of laws are punishable by a maximum sentence of
execution. The minimum sentence for the following is a 300 gold fine, and a
mandatory sentence of twenty years imprisonment. Conscription is not an option
for the following.
1.1 High Treason
Involvement in attempts on Her Majesty Queen Jennah’s life or directly aiding
foreign powers considered enemies of the nation of Kryta through any means.
1.2 Treason
Attempts to undermine the rule of Her Majesty Queen Jennah, overthrow the
government of Kryta through undermining, exploiting or violently opposing her
officials or institutions, or any acts to seriously injure the nation and its people.
1.3 Sedition
Conduct or speech inciting others to rebel against the rule of Her Majesty Queen
Jennah or her representatives.

1.4 Terrorism
The attempt of, aid in, or carrying out of an act with the intention of spreading civil
unrest, fear or to undermine the Crown or government.
Servants of the Crown Clause:
Any of the above laws breached by one member of any branch, including the Krytan
Ministry, the Ministry Guard, the Seraph or the Shining Blade will be tried via special
council consisting of high ranking members of each branch to determine the validity
of accusations against the alleged accused and will be subject to the punishment
deemed fit by the presiding council.
2.0 Major Crimes
The following crimes are marked with a 1,2, or 3 noting the “tier” in which the crime
is. Each tier will be punished within the parameters of the following. With special
cases, presiding Minister or Magistrate may consider leniency. The assailant may opt
to conscription at the discretion of the presiding for half the maximum sentence, with
court fees still applying.

1. A maximum sentence of execution by hanging. A minimum of five years

imprisonment and a maximum fine of 25 gold paid every year until release. [1]

2. A maximum sentence of ten years imprisonment with the possibility of parole

and a maximum fine of 10 gold paid ever year until release. A minimum of two years
imprisonment and a fine maximum of 6 gold paid every year until release. [2]

3. A maximum sentence of five years imprisonment with the possibility of parole.

A minimum of one-year imprisonment and a maximum fine of 4 gold paid every
year until release. [3]
2.1 Desecration of Holy Ground [3]
Vandalizing a site, shrine or stature deemed as ordained by a member of the clergy.
2.2 Armed Assault [2]
Attacking any person with the use of weapons or arcana.

2.3 Assault on a Government or Royal Official [2]

Attacking a government or royal official of Kryta physically or arcanely, with or
without weapons.

2.4 Assault on a Krytan Noble [2]

Attacking an individual of Krytan noble blood physically or arcanely, with or without

2.5 Blackmail [3]

Threatening to reveal information or cause harm to a person’s character or body,
property or otherwise, including under duress of any form.

2.6 Contempt of Court [3]

Being disrespectful or disobedient toward any official of the Krytan court of law and its
officers (while in session).

2.7 Perjury [3]

Omitting or obscuring truthful fact during a legal or criminal investigation, hearing,
trial or any other form of court-session so as to disrupt, delay, or misdirect or impede

2.8 Tampering with a Seal [3]

Any attempt to tamper with or remove a seal legally placed by a court of law.

2.9 Improper Use of Magic [2]

Criminal use of magic or magical abilities, where it may cause harm to persons or
2.10 Impersonation [3]
Pretending to be another individual or misrepresenting oneself in order to deceive others
for economical, political or social advantage.

2.11 Oathbreaking [3]

Breaking an official oath witnessed by a Magistrate or Minister of the realm. Also applies
to cases where documentation from an oath has been confirmed genuine by a Magistrate
or Minister of the realm.

2.12 Escaping Detention [3]

Escaping from custody when the subject is lawfully detained through any means.

2.13 Forgery [3]

Forging official documents, contracts, deeds, records or identification.

2.14 Bribery [3]

The attempting to, aid in, offering and accepting of bribes from personal, public or
national gain within the nation of Kryta.

2.15 Kidnapping [2]

The attempt, assistance, or carrying out of abducting someone and holding them captive
against their will.

2.16 Grand Larceny [2]

Stealing from Royal or government property or from the property of a Krytan Official or
when objects of such are over the value of 10 gold.

2.17 Arson
1. First-degree arson: The act in which the arsonist sets fire to an occupied domain or
building. [1]
2. Second-degree arson: The act in which the arsonist sets fire to an unoccupied
building. [2]

3. Third-degree arson: The act in which the arsonist sets fire to an abandoned
building or an abandoned area of space. [3]

2.18 Murder
Taking the life of another individual without lawful cause.

1. In the First Degree: Any intentionally caused death, by a person against another
individual or group, that is willful and premeditated with malice aforethought. [1]

2. In the Second Degree: Any intentional murder with malice aforethought but is
not premeditated or planned. [2]

3. Voluntary Manslaughter: Any death caused by, situations which the perpetrator
commits the act against a person, or group of people because of sudden strong impulse
such as rage. [3]

4. Involuntary Manslaughter: A killing that stems from a lack of intention to cause

death but involving an intentional, or negligent, act leading to death. [3]

2.0 Major Crimes Continued*

Due to guild policy, the following crimes marked with an asterisk (*) will not be tried
publicly and done so at the discretion of the parties involved. The Krytan Ministry does
not condone the roleplay of what it may consider “triggering” to some and reserves the
right to reject any subject matter they are uncomfortable with pursuing.

2.20 Inappropriate Sexual Conduct* [2]
Engaging in sexual acts of any kind with a person a reasonable citizen would
recognize to be unable to consent to the act due to mental defect, immaturity,
magical/chemical influence, or being intoxicated.

2.21 Sexual Harassment* [2]

Bullying or coercion of a sexual nature; verbal or physical where the person makes an
unwelcome sexual advance, or an unwelcome request for sexual favors, or other
unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature resulting in the person harassed being
offended, humiliated or intimidated are considered to be under duress and does not
negate the harassment or exonerate the harasser.

2.22 Child Abuse* [2]

Causing or allowing harm to befall a child who is unable to stop the harm or is too
immature to avoid the harm; harm includes: engaging in dangerous, unsafe, or
unhealthy activities, exposure to dangerous substances/situations/conditions, failure
to provide basic needs (food, water, medical care, etc.), or subjection to emotionally or
mentally damaging treatment as any citizen would deem unacceptable.

2.23 Slavery* [1]

Owning or forced custody over an individual or party whereby they are given any
form of work, task, or activity against their will. The exception is cases were a legal
binding contract has been agreed upon, such as indentured servitude.

Special Victims Clause:

Committing an act against a minor, geriatric, noble, for/by hire, for political gain, was
premeditated, or done to a person who the actor knows is an acting Servant of the
Crown, automatically escalated to a tier 1 sentencing status.

3.0 Minor Crimes
The following crimes are marked with 1, 2, or 3 noting the “tier” in which this
crime is. Each tier will be punished within the parameters of the following. With
special cases, presiding Minister or Magistrate may consider leniency. First-time
offenders, or persons under the age of 16 may be duly considered for leniency.

1. A maximum sentence of one-year imprisonment with the possibility of

release on good behavior, with fine of 3 gold paid. A minimum of 6 months (2
weeks) imprisonment or conscription. [1]
2. A maximum sentence of 9 months imprisonment (3 weeks), with a fine of 1
gold 50 silver paid. A minimum of 30 days imprisonment (1 week) or
conscription with 1 gold in fines paid. [2]
3. A maximum sentence of 30 days imprisonment (1 week) or conscription
with a fine of 50 silver paid. A minimum of 6 months (2 weeks) of probation or
15-30 silver in fines paid. [3]

i. Arresting Seraph may issue a ticket for half the minimum fine, which can
be paid or contested in turn at the Lower Court sessions. Failure to show up and
pay the ticket will result in a bench warrant being issued for the arrest of the

3.1 Breaking and Entering [2]

Unlawful gaining of access to or entering of restricted properties.

3.2 Trespassing [3]

Violating notarized restraining orders on premises or entering a private property
without permission.

3.3 Disrupting a Krytan Official on Duty [3]

Disrupting a Krytan official on duty through physical or verbal actions.
3.4 Disturbing the Peace [3]
Upsetting proper order of a public space through unsettling actions or

3.5 Failure to Pay Charges [2]

The failure to pay money owed for, taxes, fees, fines, allowances, and reparations
within the allotted grace period.

3.6 Obstruction of Justice [1]

Hindering or delaying the work of law enforcers.

3.7 Resisting Arrest [2]

Refusal to cooperate when placed under arrest by lawfully authorized officers.

3.8 Unlawful Detention [2]

The exerting of legal authority and detention of a person either without making an
actual arrest or without other legal justification beyond the 48-hour limit allowed.

3.9 Defamation [3]

A disrespectful expression against the rule of Her Majesty Queen Jennah of Kryta,
including her officials and institutions through vocal, written or physical means.

3.10 Smuggling [1]

Bringing goods into the nation without paying the appropriate tariffs or
transporting illegal goods within Kryta’s borders.

3.11 Robbery [1]

The unlawful taking away of personal property from a person by violence or by the
threat of violence that causes fear.

3.12 Larceny [2]
The unlawful taking of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of
it permanently.

3.13 Reckless Burning [3]

Illegally setting fire to something by means of an accident or non-malicious intent.

3.14 Reckless Use of Magic [3]

Use of magic without consideration for effect or consequence, whether accidental or
with non-malicious intent.

3.15 Battery [1]

Offensive physical contact made upon the victim, instigated by the perpetrator.
Offensive physical contact wherein the perpetrator possesses the intention or
knowledge that their action will cause the offensive touching or otherwise attacking
a Krytan citizen or an ally of Krytan without the use of weapons or magic.

3.16 Vandalism [2]

Willful defiling or destroying of the property of the kingdom of Kryta, the Church of
Six, Krytan citizens or allies of Kryta.

3.17 Public Indecency [3]

Full nudity, indecent exposure and acts of a strictly sexual nature in public spaces.

i. Exemptions: Commercial institutions and buildings specifically registered as a

“gentlemen’s club” or as a “brothel”.

3.18 Escalation [1]

Committing an unlawful or unsanctioned act in retaliation or retribution.

3.19 Harassment [2]
Repeated behaviors or actions that are intended to disturb or upset an individual.

i. This may include incidents towards the nature of but not exclusive to:
1. Unwanted invasions of personal space.
2. Unwanted sexually aggressive actions.
3. Unwanted comments.
4. Unreasonably harsh statements.

3.20 Breach of Contract [3]

In which a binding agreement or bargained-for exchange is not honored by one or
more of the parties to the contract by non-performance or interference with the
other party’s performance. A breach occurs when a party to a contract fails to fulfill
his or her obligation as described in the contract or communicates an intent to fail
the obligation or otherwise appears not to be able to perform his or her obligation
under the contract. To be considered official, there must be proof of said contract by
means of witnesses or physical documents and document must have been notarized
to be considered valid in the eyes of the Krytan Ministry. Any contract, verbal or
written, made under duress are considered null and void.

4.0 Additions
4.1 Attempted Crimes
Any attempt at an unlawful act that has failed may still be tried before the courts.

4.2 Instigated Crimes

Encouraging others to commit crimes and succeeding is a criminal offense and may
be punished as if the instigator committed the said crimes as well.

4.3 Accessory to Crime
Rendering assistance or facilitation of an unlawful act without directly partaking of
the act itself may be tried before the courts as though full involvement had been in

Note: In this scale, 1 gold is equal to 1000 (dollars, pounds, or euros) and until
specified otherwise, the age of legal adulthood is expressed as the age of 16; an
example set in lore by the ascension of Queen Jennah to the Krytan Throne.

Civil Law
1.0 Criminal Rights
1.1 Right to Trial
i. Accused Krytan citizens are guaranteed the right of trial, carried out by the
Lower Court.
ii. Accused Krytan nobility are guaranteed the right of trial, carried out by the
High Court.
iii. Accused non-citizens are guaranteed the right of trial, carried out by a Seraph

1.2 Right of Representation

Accused Krytan citizens are guaranteed the right to choose a representative (lawfully
licensed in Kryta) to speak and advocate on their behalf through the trial process.

1.3 Right to Trial by Combat

In the case of disputes between two Noble houses, or individuals of noble birth; when
within justifiable means, a Trial by Combat between two noblemen or women may
occur. The resulting duel must be done with the utmost honor fitting of their station,
and must be overseen by the Commander of the Ministry Guard. Nobles who wish
to evoke Trial by Combat must be fully competent to stand against their opponent
both physically and mentally as determined by the Commander. A stand-in is
allowed only in the instance in which next of kin may be substituted for one of
venerable age. Should the principle invoker choose a second; the opposite party must
also choose a second or forfeit the case. Prior to occurring, the participants must
agree to a set of ground rules up to and including death and deviating from such
rules will result in the ending of the duel and undue circumstances will be

i. In the event the Commander is unable to make it, they may appoint
someone to stand in their place. OOC NOTE: The outcome of any duel must be
determined beforehand by both parties to prevent undue death of a character.
Consent must be considered priority.

2.0 Detention Rights

2.1 House Arrest
Krytan nobility, agents of the Queen, and members of the Ministry have the
privilege to be held under house arrest if charged with a Major or Minor crime.
This lenience may be granted at the discretion of the presiding Ministers.

2.2 Aggressive Interrogation

Law officials (Seraph, Shining Blade, Ministry Guard) are given the right to
employ aggressive interrogation techniques against captured prisoners, whereby
they shall not cause unreasonable or egregious harm to the prisoner.

3.0 Marriage Laws

Laws referring to the legal requirements that determine the validity of a
marriage and regulations specifying the circumstances under which a person
will be granted a divorce.

3.1 Requirements for Marriage

i. All parties must enter into the marriage knowingly and willingly.
ii. All parties must be above the age of 16, which is considered the age of
iii. The parties involved may not be one’s parent, aunt or uncle, grandparent,
sibling, or child.
iv. The parties involved may have no previous current marriage recognized by

3.2 Requirements for Annulment or Divorce
i. If any of the above requirements can be proven to have been broken, an
annulment will be granted.
ii. An annulment may also be granted in cases where there are no children
shared by the couple.
iii. A divorce can be granted on grounds of imprisonment, adultery, abuse,
abandonment, or where two parties both cite irreconcilable differences.

3.3 Right of Validity

Marriages performed outside the kingdom of Kryta are considered valid within in
the eyes of the Krytan Ministry upon naturalization.

4.0 Citizenship Laws

4.1 Citizenship by Birth
Any one Human person borne into the kingdom of Kryta is granted Krytan

4.2 Citizenship by Legacy

i. Humans borne to parents with Krytan citizenship are granted Krytan
ii. Non-Humans borne to parents with naturalized Krytan citizenship are not
granted Krytan citizenship.

4.3 Citizenship by Naturalization

Those who undertake the process through legal means, with exception of Charr, may
obtain citizenship by way of naturalization.

4.4 Citizenship by Adoption
Non-Krytan humans and non-humans, with the exception of Charr, may be granted
Krytan citizenship through legal adoption.
4.5 Dual Citizenship
The Kingdom of Kryta accepts dual citizenships for humans from Ebonhawke, Lion’s
Arch and Garenhoff.

4.6 Citizenship Requirements for Public Office

Citizens who wish to serve in any public office, either within the Krytan Ministry, the
Seraph Companies or the Queen’s Shining Blade must be a human Krytan Citizen
through naturalization or birth.

5.0 Inheritance & Legitimacy Laws

5.1 Inheritance Tax
i. Estates valued at over 60 gold are subject to taxation for the purpose of
inheritance after the death of the owner at 15% of the value of all properties, items, and
gold, repayable by any kin due to inherit.
ii. Where there is no obvious heir, the state will hold the funds for 30 days pending
investigations to locate one. Should no heir come forward, the full amount of the estate
minus any debts will be claimed by the state.

5.2 Right to Succession

i. In the absence of a prenuptial agreement, bride price, dowry agreement, or will,
the assets of the deceased are property of: firstly, their living spouse; secondly, their
first living offspring; thirdly, their parent or sibling, and so on.
ii. The aforementioned legal contracts must be notarized to be considered
iii. In a case in which a remarriage occurs; whether by death or divorce of the
previous spouse, the rights of the first born child supersede that of the new spouse as
the legal heir in the absence of legal contracts that state otherwise.
iv. Bastard Clause: Bastardy is defined as any child born outside of wedlock and
are as such considered illegitimate, and therefore not granted the right to a parent's
family name, nor their lands and properties unless stated in their will as such. Any
child born within wedlock whose parents’ divorce legally thereafter are still considered
legitimate and therefore retain the rights to a parent's family name and inheritance.

5.3 Legitimacy Rights

In the case of death without legal heir and no will is present, a bastard may appeal to
the High Court for rights to the name of their parent whether recognized or not. This
also applies in cases where a legal heir is incapable of passing their name on through
genetic issue.

5.4 Right to Disown

At any time, a person can disinherit their legal heir by formal letter that has been
notarized by an agent of the Krytan Ministry.

6.0 Custody Laws

6.1 Marriage
i. If spouses borne or adopt a child while married, and subsequently divorce,
custody proceedings will commence.
ii. Each parent’s right to custody is equal if the child was born during marriage.
iii. When deciding which parent gets custody, the best interest of the child will take
precedence. Factors may include, but are not limited to: the parents’ wishes, the child’s
wishes, the child’s relationship with each parent, the comfort of the child at home, in a
community, and the mental and physical health of all individuals involved.
iv. Types of custody, including exclusive, non-custodial, and joint will be decided by
a Magistrate.
v. Visitation rights will be decided by a Magistrate.
vi. When the child originally belongs to the primary spouse and the secondary
spouse adopts the child, and a divorce commences, the primary parent regains full
custody of said child unless otherwise seen fit by a Magistrate.
vii. If a child legally belongs to one spouse that enters into a marriage postpartum,
the child will continue to belong solely to said primary parent.
viii. The spouse of the primary parent may file for adoption to share equal legal
obligation and responsibility for the child.

6.2 Death
i. If spouses borne or adopt a child while married, or if a primary parent shares
responsibility of a child legally through adoption, and one spouse dies, the remaining
spouse will have full custody of the child.
ii. If the remaining parent is unfit to care for the child, immediate or close
extended family members may request custody proceedings with a Magistrate.
iii. If a child legally belongs to one primary parent that dies, or both legal parents
die, custody proceedings will take place.
iv. Legal guardians as dictated in a will, immediate family, then extended family,
will be considered when placing the child after their parent’s death.

6.3 Adoption without Marriage

i. If a child is adopted by one primary unmarried parent, and that parent dies;
when there is no will stating otherwise, custody proceedings will follow the same
procedure as if a primary married parent died or both parents died wherein
guardians and next of kin will take the child.
ii. If two individuals wish to legally co-parent outside of marriage:
iii. Each individual’s right to custody is equal from the origin of the adoption.
iv. In cases that the two individuals choose to separate but share custody of the
child, they may come to a personal agreement over custody.
v. If an agreement cannot be reached, custody proceedings will follow the same
guidelines as when two spouses with equal rights to a child choose to divorce.

7.0 Equal Institutions Act

The Equal Institutions Act grants rights and opportunities to every caste of Kryta, and
a fair market to promote economic growth within each district of the nation.
7.1 Krytan businesses shall be granted eligibility to licenses sanctioned by the Krytan
Ministry through the majority vote of the presiding body.

7.2 Licenses can be recalled, redesigned, and investigated if called at any time, the
presiding body of Ministers must reach a majority vote to revoke said licenses.
i. The appeal of the revocation of a license can be tried in Kryta’s courts, said
investigation can only be conducted once.

7.3 Businesses eligible for licenses must have a majority of their holdings in Krytan
Territory, and have their chairman be of Kryta.

7.4 15% of all profits gained through these licenses shall be portioned to benefit
Kryta’s Commonwealth populations through public works, defenses and financial aid
every year.

7.5 Any Krytan citizen who has served the nation’s armed forces for a period of two
(2) seasons shall be granted the right to vote regardless of land ownership status,
additionally, any family who has ever owned Krytan land are eligible to vote.

8.0 Power of Petition Act

Each citizen under our Monarch’s rule will enjoy the right to submit a petition to the
Ministry or directly to the Queen’s Council.

8.1 The District’s Parties to agree to respond to any petition submitted by a Krytan
citizen if one fifth (1/5th) of the District’s constituency signs said petition.
i. Each Minister will be bound by this bill to personally respond to the petitioner
and work with their concerns.
ii. Failure to comply or respond may result in barring said representative from
running for re-election.

8.2 The Districts’ Parties to agree to discuss any petition submitted by a Krytan
citizen if one fourth of the District petitioning signs said document.
i. The petition will be placed on the docket for the following Closed Session.
a. As usual, all Ministers retain the right to propose a course of action regarding the
petitioner's request or concern.
b. A vote may occur if pertinent to said petition’s proposal.
c. The petition may be thrown out if it is not within the Ministry’s capabilities to
assist. Or if it does now fall within Ministerial responsibility.
ii. It is the responsibility of the Minister whose District is submitting a petition to
bring it forth for discussion.
a. Failure to comply or respond may result in barring said representative from
running for re-election.

8.3 The Districts’ Parties to agree to discuss and promise a verdict to any petition
submitted by the general Krytan citizenry if the number of signatures exceed one
fourth of the population.
i. The Legate Minister will be responsible to adding the petition to a Closed Session
docket and then announce a verdict in the following Open Session.
a. Should the Legate Minister be absent then this responsibility falls to the Vice
Legate Minister.
ii. The petitioners will be invited to make their case in a Closed Session.

8.4 This Act will hence protect any citizen from legal prosecution or discrimination
they might face in submitting a proposal.
i. Exceptions in the case of suspicion of criminal activity, treason or sedition.

8.5 As an added measure against potential foul play, every petition shall pass the
inspection of a Magistrate prior to submission. Should the Magistrate stamp the
petition with approval, it shall then make its way to the relevant Minister's office.

Notes: One Fifth District Petition: To submit a District-wide petition to get the
attention of a single Minister, you only need a couple of other players to add their
One Fourth District Petition: The backing of a guild or two is needed for a petition
to be discussed at Closed Session.
Kryta Wide Petition: A minimum of four guild must back a petition of this
magnitude. But it will not only be discussed and voted on, but a verdict will be
announced at Open Session. Also, the petitioners will be invited to make their case
in Closed Session.


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