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What Might
Happen on
21st May
1 The LORD Almighty
says, "The day of judgment
is coming, burning like a
The arrogant and the
wicked will be burned
up like straw on that dayi.

What can we expect if May 21 2011 is Judgment Day?

The prediction was made by the Christian radio host called Harold Camping that the
Rapture, the taking up into heaven of God's elect people, will take place on May 21, 2011
and that the end of the world as we know it will take place five months later on October
21, 2011.

According to the articles about May 21 2011 it is the day calculated as 7000 years after
Noah’s Flood. It is the day that Jesus Christ's returns and Raptures his Chosen People up
into the heavens, so a wonderful day for those who are certain of being raptured. But
what about those of us left behind!? The remaining people of the world will remain in the
“Day of Judgment” for 5 months (153 days) until God will finally end the age or “the world”
on October 21, 2011ii. That does not sound that hopeful 

My over 30 year study of astrology was strongly affected by the discovery of the Galactic
Centre in 2005. I wrote a book1 based on the discoveries that the period around 2012

THE GALACTIC CENTRE 2012 and the Great Waves Coming in December
would indeed be an apocalyptic End Time period but connected also to a return. The
transition from the old to the new age would be pretty dramatic and at its most intense
between the years 2011 and 2013. Does this suggestion of Campings that the End will
come in 2011 show that the Mayan Prophecy is incorrect, I think not. This discovery of the
Galactic Centre led in turn to a new and better understanding of the astrological chart and
of certain aspects, especially what I call the “Bow”….and it is the bow that begins this
October and lasts also through 2012 connecting the two dates.

So what can I tell you based on this research about the period between May 21 and
October 21 2011? Can I say whether this terrible prediction of a five months judgment is
true? If so what kind of events may occur and what place might be safest?

Let us analyze the astrological chart. On 21 May you see the chart above has four main
bows and a T square. These aspects help to focus the energy of the chart into specific

On the evening of 21st May, just after 6 pm, a bow and a T square form. They point at Pluto
in the earth sign Capricorn. Pluto is the god of the Underworld. Saturn, the stern ruler of
Capricorn, is also involved in the T square, along with Uranus and Lilith. This does suggest a
stern judgment is possible around this time. Saturn-Pluto-Galactic Centre aspects are also
associated with all the major wars in history, as also some major earth disasters. As Saturn
began to oppose Pluto and the Galactic Centre in 2001 we had the supposed terror attack
of the twin towers and the following “Iraq war” in 2003. The entry to Pluto’s underworld
realm was envisaged as through volcanic caves, perhaps this will bring the opening of
some Plutonic abyss?

As Capricorn is an earth sign associated with earthquakes, earthquakes would also be

more likely in the longer time span of this T square. The Moon is also in the earth sign
Capricorn on the 21st, further supporting the seriousness of the day and the possibility of a
large earthquake or two on this date. However the day before, on the 20th, the Moon
would be more directly involved in a T square and bow through its conjunction with Pluto,
so on the 20th an earthquake would also be possible. This aspect alone does not suggest
that the 21st will be a major Day of Judgment, or even the beginning of a five months “day”
of judgment.

Three bodies in conjunction in the earth sign Taurus: Venus, Mars and Mercury, in a trine
aspect to Pluto further support that there could be a few earthquakes or openings or holes
appearing in the earth or breaking up of the earth.

We are told by those prophesying this Judgment Day on May 21 that some will be taken
up in the Rapture on this very first day while all those remaining, almost 7 billion people,
will witness the Rapture but will also be left behind to die sometime during the final 5
months and that many will die on the first day from a great worldwide earthquakeiii.
So they are considering a major opening event on the 21st. I rather doubt that this
supposed world-wide earthquake will occur on that date looking at the chart, perhaps
some activity on the live seismic server of USGS, but this is not such a strong earth
influence as I have seen in the next years a number of charts when such a worldwide
earthquake might be more likely to occur, like the date below on August 26 2013.

As to the Rapture, if it occurs I certainly would like to join the party and rise up away from
the suffering Earth, for the next few years are about a disastrous period on the material
level even if connected to a birthing of the Earth Mother, so let’s not be arrogant and lie to
ourselves – this is in general an increasingly FEARFUL time to be a mortal on this planet,
and I am feeling increasingly annoyed by the modern incapacity to tolerate even a minor
level of fear, this combined with an amazing attention deficit disorder renders most
people incapable of looking more than 48 hours into their own future or being told
anything real about it.
If being positive means being blind to the future, as seems to be the wish, I’d rather pray
to get off the bus right now. All I can share with you is the truth I’ve found even if it does
come from the graveyard of the Great Year cycle.

The energy of the bow between the earth signs (that I mentioned above) points at the
water sign Pisces, where Neptune and Chiron are in conjunction. This does suggest a water
disaster of some kind: rains, floods, or tsunami, perhaps set off by an earthquake would
then be one possible scenario for 21 May. Of course Neptune was also identified with
Poseidon and he too was associated with earthquakes, so may be a biggy is really

There is also strong fire influence in the chart: the fire signs and their ruling bodies are
strongly involved, maybe it will be a fiery explosive event that occurs connected to the
earthquake or to the water disaster? Mars, Sun and Jupiter rule the three fire signs and
the Galactic Centre is also a new ruler of Sagittarius who I see as a sort of Goddess Hera
with her husband Jupiter. The Galactic She is exactly trine Jupiter in Aries, both are in 27°
on this date. This is significant to me.

Fire is also the method by which the end of this age is thought to come.

Zeus decided that he would use a flood by the last great disaster and reserve fire and the
one eyed Cyclops (volcanoes) for the End Date.

The significance of the fiery trine between Jupiter and Hera is strengthened as it is also
part of the bow pointing at Neptune now in the first degrees of Pisces with Chiron.

Carl J. Callemann has shared that May 21 is supposedly the Mayan Third Day of the Ninth
and that at the dawn of May 21th “the seeds of the Universal Underworld will begin

Well I don’t know about universal but the seeds sprouting from the underworld would
have been understood by the ancient mind as volcanoes beginning to erupt and in fact I
have used this very analogy to describe the volcanic awakening I see beginning this spring
of 2011, or even in the last couple of springs where the entry of the Sun into Aries has
brought a large amount of volcanic activity as predicted my article “2010 the Year of the
Volcano”, and in fact the whole Mayan Prophecy is a v olcanic story (a part of this I begin
to tell on my website2 and in other older articles and the rest awaits release in my second
book). The same understanding of the underworld gods awakening in the 2012 period was
given by the Mayan Jaguar Priests.

Uranus had just entered Pisces as the earthquake and tsunami occurred in December 2004
and both Jupiter and Neptune were also involved in a bow to the underworld fire sign
Sagittarius where the Galactic Centre was and still is placed. Although that was many years

ago, it was stated that the earthquake then had volcanic characteristics and that the flanks
of mount Toba had risen by many meters just after its occurrence.

The South Node in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces form a loose bow to Jupiter in Aries as
well on 21st May, so this could be the day when the volcanic seed pops its shoot up out of
the abyss.

Still I do not see that there are any aspects on this day that are likely to blow the Earth
apart. That is unless someone has considered using this prediction as a cover to cause
some mass depopulation. But indeed it may indeed be the beginning of the told of five
month period leading to a major end of the world like disaster in October.

If I would chose a significant day for a judgment, I would rather take the date when the
Moon is conjunct the Galactic Centre and Pluto the day before – 19th to 20th- that might
cause a major earthquake, or alternatively my eye falls on the increasing bow formed on
the late evening of the 21st and more exact on the night into the 22nd a bow forms
between the Sun and Moon pointing at Uranus and Lilith in the fire sign of Aries.

NOW THIS BOW TO URANUS in Aries I see as a possible cause for concern. With the
additional fire influence of Jupiter also in Aries making altogether now two bows to Aries
which only begin on the 21st and strengthen over night to the 22nd they might cause a fiery
explosion, an eruption like a trumpet blast, or an atomic accident connected to Uranus and
involving uranium.

If we are talking about the judgment of God at the end of this age then the myths of all
ancient cultures and sacred texts tell us that what was awaited was volcanic – the
judgment will be volcanic – God lived in a volcano – he had a volcanic cup (krater in Greek
original – the same root as for the volcanic crater) of wrath which could boil over. The
Chilam Balam Mayan priests prophecies tell of a rising up in a chalice of fire at the end
time and Kukulkan return with blood vomit. I have written thousands of pages on this
subject in my second book “ATLANTIS-MERU RISING the Volcanic Prophecy of 2012”.
o a sign that God’s Judgment has begun on this day would be a large volcanic or even
super volcanic eruption.

Based on my geographical zones for the different signs of the zodiac volcanic activity may
begin in Iceland or in this same latitude as Iceland. Also possible is volcanic activity in the
Aries zone of the Mediterranean
anean where the super volcano Marsili and nearby Etna and
Vesuvius fall about in the centre of the zone.

God himself, and his son Jesus, are also associated specifically with one volcano – the lost
world mountain - that in turn is connected to the very core of the Earth.
Earth That volcanic
mountain sank half a Great Year ago and is about to return rising again like a new shoot or
branch from a fallen tree, according to my own interpretation of the Mysteries.
Mysteries So a
movement in the core of the Earth, that gets the whole Earth shaking, or an earthquake
centering on where I believe this volcanic mountain sank might occur on the 21st May, if
this is the right date.

That world mountain was called Meru in the east and was Eden in the Biblical
understanding and associated with mountains like Sion. For F the Greeks the pillar like
mountain was Atlas and the paradisical land was Atlantis.. I see all of these as one place
and have collected a lot of data supporting this. I see this central land surrounded by
concentric rings of water as having existed in the Indian Ocean, close to where the tsunami
occurred in 2004 on what the south Indian Tamils remember as the sunken continent of
Kumari Kandam. On the map given by Wikipedia you can even see Meru marked.

Still I do not see many astrological indications

in of a major earthquake in the Indian Ocean
specifically on May 21.

However, there are other things

thing that might happen on this day, like an event affecting the
Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi
Mississi area might be possible.

I find it curious that the

he Sun is between 0
and 1° Gemini on 21 May and therewith
in the same position that the Moon was in
by the two largest earthquakes in Japan
on March 11 and April 7. A further event
involving the Fukushima
ushima atomic plant is
therefore possible on this date.

Considering the aspects of the next five

months I do see it as probable that the
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will
continue and increase, and volcanic
eruptions can create terrible poisons that
may cause deaths. Fukushima and other atomic plants may add their poisons in the next
five months and war is extremely likely to break out as well. Radioactive
adioactive or chemical
weapons may be used that cause much suffering and death. This has as been predicted also
by Baba Vanga who told of radioactive showers
showers over the Northern Hemsiphere as a result
of war in 2011 and the Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce also saw war in the summer of 2011.
Then we have the Bibical Revealtion warning of a torment for man that will last five

And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five
months: and their torment waswas as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.
Revelation 9:5

I agree with the prediction made by Camping that October 2011 marks a kind of end,
end or a
beginning of the end of this age and am writing another article about that concentrating
more on October 2011. The Mayan’s
according to Callemann saw the End of
Creation as on the 28thOctober 2011.

Independently I discovered and wrote in

my first book that October created the
worst aspects for disaster that we have
experienced so far. It is likely to be the
beginning of a most intense period of
“purification” that will last through 2012
and 2013. If not a hoax or blown out of
oproportion the arrival of the “comet”
enin coming closest to Earth in October
might be the trigger. October begins a
long term bow aspect pointing
ointing at the
Galactic Centre and Pluto at the winter
solstice. Other bows also form so that
sometimes even six bows are created
making what I call a “Star
Star of David”.

Such aspects involving multiple bows have

indeed caused earthquakes that shook the
whole world in the past as one recorded in
543 AD In
n a very disastrous period in which
populations were halved in many places
and plague and famine and darkening of
the sun and many signs and quakings
quak of
the earth were noted.
Yet it is more similar to the 2013 chart placed already than October 2011.

It is difficult to prove to those who have no knowledge of the effects of the bow what it
may cause, but Hiroshima was also caused by a seemingly inconsequent bow to the Sun
conjunct Pluto in Leo with aspects to the Galactic Centre, Uranus and Mars.

In the coming months more bows will form to bodies in the fiery volcanic war-like sign of
Aries. In June Mars will create a partial bow pointing at Uranus in Aries and in July-August
Mars, the ruler of Aries will oppose the Galactic Centre and this will cause more violence
and also earthquakes especially as it moves on to oppose Pluto in Capricorn.

There will be so many reasons for suffering and difficulties in the next months that it is a
good idea to take pause and ask oneself what is most important of all and to concentrate
upon it. Is the idea of everlasting life important or is it important to survive physically
through an increasingly difficult time on Earth?

If one wishes to survive physically I do not see it as hopeless but it may require a large
amount of intelligence, preparation and perhaps some luck. In my last article I suggested
the southern hemisphere. George Green has a couple of YouTube videos where he tells of
a plan to depopulate the northern hemisphere and that it was expected by the elite that
the equator would hold back the poisons and so many have already bought themselves
land in the south. Monday, April 11, 2011. We really know very little about what the
powers that be can and may do as some rather shocking quotes tell:

Japan Pays Out 60 Trillion Yen to Stop HAARP Eruption of Mt Fujiiv

I think it is very unlikely that we will reach 2012 without a world war having begun, or at
least a war of the elite against the 6.8 billion people on this planet, In fact that war I
believe has already begun.

Total Destruction of Western World

is a good YouTube video interviewing George Green
Nature too and perhaps even the heavens will intensify the attack on the overpopulation
on this planet.

I see the best chances of survival in rural areas, as far as possible from atomic plants,
volcanoes, and not on the 90° west or 90° east longitude that I associate with the solstices
and where I see many of the worst disasters coming. The mid northern latitudes seem to
suffer badly with famine and disease one to five years after a volcanic episode.

The southern hemisphere may have some advantages for survival, as may higher altitudes
above 800 meters, though not the very highest as these may be too extremely affected
especially if the Earth shifts or flips as some ancient prophecies suggest it does at certain
times and may do now. A shelter beneath the surface of the Earth with a good store of
food could be a saving. There are certain places on the Earth that seem to have survived
many millions of years with little change noted while others show that they have been
below water recently and are less stable.

Perhaps we cannot change what is coming and many of us cannot move to a safe place but
I think we can minimalize our suffering by listening to what is going on now, certainly
information has never been so easy to get hold of and that may be a help in aligning with
the galactic purpose: a way that the Galactic Spider Mother speaks to Her children through
Her Web ☺


S. Seymour Hedke May 17 2011

Malachi chapter 4 (NLT)

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