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This is a place located in Botswana in southwest Africa or at the north-west corner of

Botswana. This river is born in Angola, where it’s known as the Cubango River, from there
it makes a route of about 1600 km in length and it forms part of the border between Angola
and Namibia. This river crosses Namibia pass Botswana and created a snake form until
the Kalahari Desert. Here it’s dispersed forming the Okavango Delta, which is one of the
last virgin paradises of the planet. 96% of the water disappears without arrive never the
sea because it’s evaporated by the sun and the transpiration of millions of plant.

Do camping In the Delta is very expensive, because is a private place. It’s recommended
to do camping in the Moremi Reserve. Also you can transport in a Mocoro, a helicopter or
a plane and enjoy the fauna and flora.

Many people in Botswana work in the tourism. They receive many tourist along the year.
Between May and October the water is low and you can observe exotic animals like lions,
panthers, elephants, rhinoceros, buffalos, leopards, crocodiles, baboons, Zebras, hyenas
and others.
Between November and April you can observe beautiful vegetation like water Lilies,
papyrus and exotic birds like Kori, Jabiru, owl, Calao and the martial eagle.

Botswana has two seasons Summer and Winter.

From May and October practically there is no rain throughout the winter. It’s the best
moment for the wildlife sightings.

In May, temperature goes from 10ºC in the morning to 28ºC in the afternoon. In June, July
and August, temperature goes from 25ºC in the morning to 6ºC in the evening and in
September and October, temperatures are really high, about 38ºC in the morning to 34ºC
in the afternoon.

Summer starts on November and ends on April. In this season some days are sunny and
others will have electric storms in the afternoon but even in this conditions is possible to
enjoy the safaris say the experts.

On the Delta, you can do guided excursions for wildlife sightings in special vehicles at
Khwai and Savuti Camps. The activities in camps include small Mocoro trips and cruises in
the afternoons. Helicopter flights which is free for clients that reserve 2 nights in every
Currently there is a conflict between Namibia and Botswana because of the Okavango
River because Namibia is a country with insufficient water. They want to divert the course
of the river to the center of their country but Botswana don’t support this idea because the
Okavango River is very important for the life of the flora, fauna and people from their

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