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1- What different aspects of language are studied in articulatory

phonetics, acoustic phonetics and auditory phonetics?

Articulatory phonetics: It focuses on the aspect of studying how a word is

pronounced, where the sound comes from, whether it is alveolar, bilabial, etc.

Acoustic phonetics: It is in charge of studying the elements to produce a word,

such as the wind, that is, the sound frequency of a word or a sound that is emitted
from the voice.

Auditory phonetics: It is in charge of studying the aspect of what is heard, it

works with the ear, since it is the sense with which we perceive the sounds, how a
word is pronounced if it is well pronounced or not.

2- What do we call the space between the vocal folds?


3- How many fricatives are there in the pronunciation of mechanic?

The word "mechanic" has no fricatives.

4- How do we describe the vowel in the normal pronunciation of hot?

When we transcribe hot, we are usually left with / hɒt / that a is described as a low
back vowel.

5- In casual speech what is the most common vowel sound?

The Schwa / ə /
6- Which of the following words normally end with voiceless (-V) sounds
and which end with voiced sounds (+V) sounds?

(a) bash __-V__ (d) fizz _+V _ (g) splat __-V__

(b) clang __+V__ (e) rap __-V__ (h) thud __+V__

(c) din __+V__ (f) smack __-V__ (i) wham __+V__

7- Try to pronounce the initial sounds of the following words and identify the
place of articulation of each one (e.g. bilabial, alveolar, etc.).

(a) calf _____Labiodental__ (b) chin _____Alveolar____

(c) foot ____Alveolar_____ (d)groin _____Alveolar____

(e) hand _____Alveolar_____ (f) knee ____ Velar____

(g) mouth ____Dental______ (h) pelvis ____Alveolar_ __

(i) shoulder ____Alveolar_ (j) stomach ___Velar_____

(k) thigh _____Velar_____ (l) toe ____Velar_____ _

8- Identify the manner of articulation of the initial sounds in the following words
(stop, fricative, etc.).

(a) cheery ___Fricative _____ (b) crazy ____Stop______

(c) dizzy ____Stop___ _ (d) funny __ Fricative____

(e) jolly ____Affricative______ (f) loony _____Liquid_____

(g) merry ____Nasal______ (h) silly ___ Fricative___

(i) wimpy _____Glide_____

9- Which English words are usually pronounced as they are transcribed here?

(a) baɪk ___Bike_____ (b) bæʤ ___Badge_____

(c) ənʤɔɪ ____Enjoy____ (d) feɪs ____Face____

(e) haʊl____Howl____ (f) hoʊpɪŋ ___Hoping____

(g) hu ___Who____ (h) kloʊk ___Cloak_____

(i) maɪn ____Mine____ (j) pis ___Peace_____

(k) ʧeɪnʤ __Change____ (l) ʃip ___Sheep_____

10-Using symbols introduced in this chapter, write a basic phonetic

transcription of the most common pronunciation of the following words.

(a) catch ____/ kæʧ /______ (b) doubt ____/daʊt/______

(c) gem ____/ʤɛm/______ (d) measure___/ˈmɛʒər/______

(e) noise ____/nɔɪz/______ (f) phone ____/foʊn/______

(g) shy ____/ʃaɪ/______ (h) these ____/ðiz/____

(i)thought___/θɔt/_______ (j) tough ____/tʌf/______

(k) would _____/wʊd/____ (l) wring ____/rɪŋ/_____

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