Incineration of Sewage Sludge and Recovery of Residue Ash As Building Material A Valuable Option As A Consequence of The COVID-19

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Journal of Environmental Management 282 (2021) 111966

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Incineration of sewage sludge and recovery of residue ash as building

material: A valuable option as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic
S. Ducoli, A. Zacco, E. Bontempi *
INSTM and Chemistry for Technologies Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Brescia, Via Branze, 38, 25123, Brescia, Italy


Keywords: Circular economy principles were adopted by European Commission, to support a sustainable growth. They
SARS-CoV-2 contain general rules that should be considered in all situations. At present, during pandemic, some waste
COVID-19 disposal practices are under evaluation to guarantee safety conditions.
Sewage sludge ash
For example, in view of the recent results reporting the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus in sewage sludge, the
Circular economy
ESCAPE approach
possibility that it diffuses in the environment is alarming. The situation may result critical in densely populated
Raw materials cities, which are the largest sources of sewage sludge. In this frame the diffused practice of reuse of this waste in
Sustainability agriculture is under revision.
SDG 11 In this context, incineration may represent a valuable alternative strategy to manage
SDG 12 sewage sludge during pandemic. Indeed, due to thermal treatment, the destruction of organic micropollutants
and pathogens, eventually present in the waste, is guarantee.
Moreover, it is fundamental to highlight that also if the management of sewage sludge changes, the ash
resulting from its combustion may have suitable reuse opportunities, and their landfilling should be avoided.
This work presents the available possibilities of sewage sludge ash recovery in building applications and shows
the results obtained by the analysis of their sustainability. The approach is based on the use of embodied energy
and carbon footprint values, to make a simple and fast new method able to be a suitable tool to support and
promote sustainability also in critical situations (such as pandemic) and when all the information about a
technology are not available, making not possible to perform a full-LCA approach.
This work aims to be not only a reference paper for promotion of strategies able to increase waste management
safety, but also an example showing that circular economy principles should be pursued also if boundary con­
ditions can change.

1. Introduction and consumption (European Inverstment Bank, 2019). However, these

models are not conceived to be effective in critical situations, such as the
With the expected future global population growth of about 500–750 pandemic, the global crisis that invested all the world in 2020.
million per decade, the UNEP’s International Resource Panel predicts The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-
that between 2015 and 2050 material resource use may double (UNEP 2) was discovered in China at the end of 2019 and declared to be a
and IRP, 2017). Considering its high dependence on import of natural pandemic by World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2020. This
materials, EU needs to move toward circular economy (CE), to promote disease is mainly transmitted by human-to-human direct interactions
the circular flow and efficient resources manage, to minimize wastage, (Bontempi, 2020a) (Bontempi et al., 2020). However, both asymptom­
and decouple economic growth from materials extraction and con­ atic and symptomatic people can spread the infection also through their
sumption. Due to its expected economic, environmental, and social urine and excreta (Núñez-Delgado, 2020) and for some of them, viral
benefits, the CE goes beyond efficient resource use and recycling, sup­ RNA can be found in the feces even if it was not still found in the res­
porting the development of a suitable framework able to promote new piratory tract (Xiao et al., 2020).
business models. These new models will increase value, use, and life of Despite that the SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA does not demonstrate that
materials, products and assets by designing out waste from production the viral particles are still infectious, its presence in the treated

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (E. Bontempi).
Received 9 November 2020; Received in revised form 17 December 2020; Accepted 6 January 2021
Available online 14 January 2021
0301-4797/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Ducoli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 282 (2021) 111966

wastewater (Wurtzer et al., 2020) strongly suggests that suitable pro­ Fig. 1 reports the SS production and disposal strategies for several EU
cedures to manage wastewater and related products must be defined. countries (data from EUROSTAT, 2016). It results that SS incineration is
Indeed, the most diffused wastewater treatments allow the removal of applied as the main management option only in Austria, Germany, and
suspended solids and organic matter (Droste and Gehr, 2018). Also some Netherland.
pathogens are generally removed, but with higher efficiency for bacteria Thermal treatments (incineration, pyrolysis, gasification) of SS are
than viruses (Dias et al., 2018). Then, through human excreta, the virus disposal alternatives that will gain importance in the future due to the
is transferred to wastewater and it may also spread in the environment. important volume (up to 90%) and mass (up to 70%) reduction, and the
A recent work has proposed that urban flooding events caused by heavy sterility of the final obtained by-product, that can be often considered as
rainfalls, with the consequence of sewage overflows, may be also related an inert residue (Lynn et al., 2015).
to virus transmission (Han and He, 2021). SS incineration is the most used thermal technology, able to recover
In this frame the management of sewage sludge (SS), the waste waste and energy. In some cases, additional fuel (other than SS) is
derived from wastewater treatments, that often is used to enrich agri­ required, mainly when high-water content SS is used. In other cases SS is
cultural soils, may pose some sanitary issues. co-incinerated with municipal solid waste (Assi et al., 2020a).
Due to the fact that the main transmission route of SARS-CoV-2 Moreover, it is also possible to reuse the ash derived from the
infection was attributed to the inhalation of contaminated aerosols or incineration, i.e. the sewage sludge ash (SSA).
droplets (Morawska and Cao, 2020), potential risks of virus transmission The possibility to recover and reuse SSA is fundamental, because it
exist mainly for workers in wastewater management plants, that may allows to apply CE concepts also as a consequence of a change of SS
directly inhale some contaminated particles (Amoah et al., 2020). management, due to the pandemic.
Moreover, also general population may be exposed to infection risks, by In particular, the SSA recovery is in accord with European Green
proximity with not properly treated wastewater and/or SS, also Deal and the 2020 Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy, allowing not
considering a possible direct contact (Kampf et al., 2020). This is also only to obtain the material and waste recovery, but also to increase the
due to the fact that, despite that the literature has shown that generally sustainability of the water sector.
Coronavirus can survive out of living cells for only few days (Kampf Depending on its physic-chemical characteristics, mainly six uses of
et al., 2020), the potential spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the environment has SSA are proposed in literature:
posed some concerns related to its potential transferability in the air
(Bontempi, 2020b), in the form of airborne particulate matter (Yang - for phosphorus (P) extraction for soils organic amendment;
et al., 2020). The virus transmission possibilities are related to its - for adsorbents production;
capability to remain infectious in aerosol for several hours (van Dor­ - as additives in mortars and concrete (as a pozzolanic material);
emalen et al., 2020). - in the manufacture of light aggregates (as for example in substitution
This problem is noticeable because in several countries SS is re-used of clay);
in agriculture, to take advantage of the nutrients it contains, such as - in the manufacture of ceramic materials;
organic matter, nitrogen, and phosphorus. In particular, the major risks - in the manufacture of Portland cement clinker (Donatello and
are associated to some of SS not subjected to any kind of disinfection Cheeseman, 2013).
treatment, before use.
Some authors have supposed that enterovirus in soil can survive also With the exception of the first two applications mentioned, almost all
months depending on the specific environmental conditions, and sub­ the proposed applications concern building sector. At present, some
sequent to be diffused to surface and ground waters, thus also promoting technologies for P extraction from SSA have been already industrially
their diffusion by ingestion of contaminated water (Yang et al., 2020). established (Schipper et al., 2001) (Weigand et al., 2013). For example,
In the reported frame, it is obvious that a suitable treatment strategy in Germany SSA is recovered to obtain materials, to be used as fertilizer
must be identified, mainly in the case of SS management, to reduce the (Hermann, 2013).
potential risks of virus transmission, that should be applied primarily In the countries where the agricultural applications of SSA are still
during periods of sanitary crisis, when there is a high amount of infected not applied, other reuse strategies have been also proposed, as for
people and a high risk of virus spread (Di Maria et al., 2020). example in building sector (Smol et al., 2015).
However, as reported for the reduction of CO2 emissions (Le Quéré The aim of this paper is to promote the CE principles also in crisis
et al., 2020), the current pandemic may also represent an opportunity to times and try to couple safety with environmental sustainability. In
support sustainable strategies, as for example material recovery, in particular, wastewater disposal is a fundamental issue in the transition
accord with the CE principles. In particular, despite the safety priority, it to a CE model, being a carrier of energy (it can be used as fuel) and
is fundamental to proceed in accord with all sustainability pillars, to materials (it contains valuable resource).
propose reasonable alternative that may be adopted also in the next For this purpose, this work presents the environmental advantages
future. For example, the application of safe procedures to manage waste that can take place in the SSA reuse especially addressed to building
that may contain active virus is a current and ongoing need. Indeed, The materials. Indeed, despite that several papers have already presented the
Circular Economy Action Plan (adopted in March 2020) committed to possibilities of SSA reuse, at the best of authors knowledge, the evalu­
the Commission the revision of the Sewage Sludge Directive. ation of the sustainability of SSA reuse is still an open issue. This work
Among the available strategies for SS management, in the incinera­ has the ambition to be not only a reference paper contributing to pro­
tion treatments, the combustion temperature is generally maintained mote strategies able to increase the safety in the management of some
higher than 850 ◦ C with a waste residence in the furnace larger than 1 h wastes (that may represent a transmission way for the SARS-CoV-2
(Di Maria et al., 2018). This ensures the inactivation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus), but also an example that safety and environmental advantages
(Chin et al., 2020) resulting in a safe waste treatment strategy. Incin­ can be coupled in choosing the most suitable actions, with the aim to
eration is reported to convert 1 ton of dewatered SS into around 100 kg increase the sustainability.
of sterile SSA (Nakić et al., 2017). To support this strategy, it is possible to use a simplified approach,
At the present, in some nations, health institutes recommended able to evaluate the sustainability of a material, using only two pa­
incineration as the priority option for management of contaminated rameters (embodied energy - EE and carbon footprint - CF). This new
wastes (Gruppo di Lavoro ISS Ambiente-Rifiuti COVID-19, 2020). tool was recently proposed in view of a need of less onerous method (for
Moreover, it is clear that the need to decrease the environmental example in comparison to a full-LCA analysis) able to evaluate the sus­
impact of the waste management applied strategies is crucial and tainability of new treatments (Bontempi, 2017a). Then, it may be a
fundamental also in the pandemic. support for rapid evaluation of new business strategies, accelerating the

S. Ducoli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 282 (2021) 111966

Fig. 1. Sewage sludge (SS) production and disposal strategies for several EU countries (data from EUROSTAT, 2016).

industries resilience, in critical situations, such as the COVID-19 potentially viable for several reasons:
pandemic, with great attention to sustainability.
The proposed approach may allow to introduce new indicators in the a) building industry uses massive amount of construction materials, it
circular economy monitoring framework, that may not be only related to guarantees the consuming of large scale SSA production, that may
the waste recovery, but also to be extended to evaluate the circularity in occur in pandemic conditions (when no possibilities of other solu­
the water management strategies. Indeed, the SS use in farming is tions for SS management are available);
currently under investigation in EU: a public consultation, that has been b) the cost of landfill disposal is increasing during the pandemic, due to
opened in November 2020 aims to understand the views of the citizens the large amount of waste that cannot be recycled for the contami­
and stakeholders about sewage sludge land spread. nation risk (anti-contagion policy).
c) the environmental costs of natural resources are increasing due to a
2. Materials and methods decreasing sustainability in the use of raw materials.

2.1. SSA characteristics and possible applications in building sector The possibility to incinerate SS with solid municipal waste, allows to
manage it also in urban areas, with a reduced transport complexity (Assi
The extraction of natural materials (as for example aggregates) that et al., 2020c).
are used in building applications is coupled with serious negative The SSA possible applications include land reclamation (Lin et al.,
environmental effects. In particular, cement industry was evaluated as 2018), geotechnical applications (Chen and Lin, 2009), cement (Lin and
responsible for a significant portion of CO2 emissions, and of a large Lin, 2005), and road pavements (Shirodkar et al., 2011), because SSA
quantity of energy consumption. With the aim to limit the construction can show pozzolanic properties (Benassi et al., 2019). It can be also used
industry environmental impact, also the reduction of natural materials in substitution of raw material for the production of lightweight
extraction is fundamental (Costa and Ribeiro, 2020). Indeed, CO2 aggregate (Cheeseman and Virdi, 2005).
emissions can be limited by using ash as an additive or a substitute in
cement production. Obviously the chemical and mineralogical proper­
2.2. Proposal of an evaluation strategy based on embodied energy and
ties of the ash must be adequate for its use as an alternative.
carbon footprint
For the present activity, it is important to highlight that mineralog­
ical, chemical, and physical properties of SSA can be fluctuating (Cong
In the ESCAPE (standing for Evaluation of Sustainability of material
et al., 2020). In general, SiO2, CaO and Al2O3 are the main SSA com­
substitution using CArbon footPrint by a simplified approach) tool, the
ponents, with the possible presence of calcium, iron oxides, and phos­
“embodied energy” (EE) and “CO2 footprint” (CF) are used with the aim
phorous oxides, in different amounts. Despite its high variability, due to
to evaluate the environmental performances of a new material (as for
different wastewater sources origin and treatments performed in the
example a recovered material, obtained from waste) and comparing it
wastewater plants, the SSA composition is very interesting also consid­
with a corresponding natural resource (that may be substituted by this
ering that it is composed of crystalline (the main are generally quartz,
magnetite, calcite, anhydride, and hydroxyapatite) and amorphous
EE is calculated by considering all the direct and indirect energies
phases (Cyr et al., 2007). The amorphous (ranging from 35 to 75%)
mandatory to produce a material (generally referring to 1 kg of pro­
(Cong et al., 2020) is reported to be mainly composed of silicon,
duced material) (Brown and Herendeen, 1996) (Ducoli et al., 2020).
aluminum, calcium, phosphorous and iron oxides (Dyer et al., 2011).
CF is calculated by accounting the mass of CO2 discharged into the
This makes the SSA a latent hydraulic or pozzolanic by-product, with the
atmosphere per unit mass of produced material (units kgCO2-eq/kg)
possibility to reuse it in construction sector, with some limitations
(Ashby, 2013) (Ducoli et al., 2020).
related to the functional properties of obtained composites (Chen et al.,
Differently to natural materials, EE and CF for waste (SSA in the
present case) can be assumed to be zero. Indeed, the process of SSA
Recently it was proposed that the presence of phosphorus can pro­
generation does not interfere with the environment, because it concerns
vide favorable conditions for the formation of tricalcium silicate (C3S),
a waste management strategy. Then SSA is a by-product of the sludge
one of the major components in Portland cement (Xu et al., 2014).
incineration process and its reuse avoid its landfilling. As a consequence,
Manufacturing building materials from SSA, during pandemic, is
the environmental impacts associated with the SSA management are

S. Ducoli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 282 (2021) 111966

associated and limited with transport, that it is not accounted in this et al., 2020).
specific approach. Indeed, this cannot be quantified, a priori. Only The reported procedures were selected from the literature with the
eventual treatments procedures, necessary prior to use SSA in final ap­ attention to evaluate different proposed strategies and application
plications are considered and evaluated by the proposed methodology, fields. P-recovery technologies were not considered (they are evaluated
with the evaluation of EE and CF associated to all steps. in another paper specifically designed for this application (Fahimi et al.,
A sustainability index, to quantify the environmental benefits of a 2021). For a comparison with the application in building materials, also
raw material substitution, was defined on the basis of EE and CF of the the proposed method to reuse SSA as adsorbent is considered and
two compared materials. evaluated.
The ESCAPE index is: Table 1 reports the selected procedures with a summary of the pro­
posed treatments and the reference. The results about ESCAPE index
evaluated for the SSA, in comparison with the proposed raw material it
ESCAPE index = [log (EEraw /(MJ/kg) ) − log (EEsub /(MJ/kg) )
substitutes are also shown.
+ log (CFraw ) − log (CFsub ) ]/2 (1) Positive results in the index evaluation highlight that the proposed
by-product (SSA) can be recognized to be more sustainable in compar­
where: ison to the considered corresponding raw material. On the contrary,
with a negative index it is possible to conclude that the proposed
EEraw is the embodied energy of the raw material in MJ/kg. treatment seems to make SSA still too onerous to be proposed. Table 1
EEsub is the embodied energy of the newly proposed material in MJ/ shows that some different results can be obtained.
kg. In particular, for a reuse of SSA in building sector, it is evident that
the ESCAPE index results positive only if some mechanical treatments
CFraw is the CO2 footprint of the raw material in kgCO2-eq/kg. (grinding) are performed (treatment P1, in Table 1) (Nakic, 2018). On
CFsub is the CO2 footprint of the newly proposed material in kgCO2- the contrary, technologies aimed to improve the performances of SSA, in
eq/kg. terms of pozzolanic activity and toxicity, shows an ESCAPE index lower
than − 1, making the proposed strategies not suitable to obtain sus­
If the ESCAPE index results positive, the newly proposed material tainable materials (treatment P2 and P3, in Table 1) (Cong et al., 2020).
can be considered more sustainable in comparison to the selected Similar considerations can be extended to technologies aimed to use
reference one (that can be a natural resource or a commercial material). SSA in ceramic and clay products manufacturing (treatment n.4 e n.5 in
The detailed description of all the procedure and its validation can be Table 1, respectively) (Tang et al., 2018) (Ottosen et al., 2020).
found in the (Ducoli et al., 2020) (Bontempi, 2017b) (Bontempi, 2017a). The treatment P6, reported as a comparison, proposes the SSA as
For this work, data about EE and CF were provided by CES Selector adsorbent, in substitution of activated carbon (Wang et al., 2019). Also
2019 – Granta Design Limited. in this case, the use of thermal energy to activate the SSA appears to be
not suitable to obtain a sustainable material. Fig. 2 reports EE and CF for
3. Results and discussion some materials (data were derived from CES Selector, 2019 – Granta
Design Limited) and for recycled materials obtained from the processes
In the case of a lack of a suitable site for land disposal, as in urban reported in this paper. This shows, in accord with data reported in
areas, SS can be incinerated and the derived SSA can be proposed as raw Table 1, that the most sustainable processes are those that involve only
material in building applications. Indeed, SSA composition generally mechanical treatments, avoiding thermal annealing (P1 and P5).
falls around the latent hydraulic and pozzolanic regions, supporting its Moreover, if the index presents low negative values (generally when
use as a supplementary cementitious material (Lynn et al., 2015). it is higher than − 0.5) more in-depth considerations and probably some
In several cases SSA is added for partial substitution of raw materials, revisions of the proposed synthesis steps (for example reducing the
such as for example Portland Cement (the substitution is generally in the selected temperatures) may be proposed, with the aim to improve the
amount of some percent) and no treatments are required before its reuse. sustainability of the obtained materials (then obtaining a positive
With 10–20% of SSA in blended mixtures, it was found a slight but index). In addition, also the total amount of recovered waste that may be
acceptable reduction in workability and mechanical strength compared reused in the mixture with the considered matrix (for example cement)
with samples made without ash (Chang et al., 2020). should be evaluated, due to its influence on the index.
In the last years, the increase of the pozzolanic properties of SSA is The proposed method can be considered a preliminary analysis in the
one of the main aims of the recent proposed research to promote the design (or eco-design) strategy of the product, allowing to identify the
reuse of this waste. In particular, incineration of SS at relatively high most expensive phases from an energy point of view and to optimize the
temperatures (generally higher than 700 ◦ C) has a good effect in the treatment parameters. A positive or negative result of this first evalua­
pozzolanic properties (Yanguatin et al., 2017), but with some risks of tion suggests whether the product can be sustainable or not in com­
crystallization of amorphous phase, with the formation, for example, of parison to the natural material to be substituted.
crystalline silica, that may reduce the pozzolanic reactivity of SSA A negative result indicates that the treatments to which the recovery
(Tantawy et al., 2012), making the identification of the suitable incin­ material is subjected are too energetic and make it unsustainable
eration temperature sometimes hard and crucial to achieve the optimum compared to the raw material. Therefore, the processing steps need a
balanced of SSA performances in terms of pozzolanic activity and revision. On the contrary, a positive result suggests a good sustainability
reasonable treatment cost. Then, in some cases, a pretreatment of the and encourages further deeper analysis.
obtained ash, after the incineration process, may be necessary to pro­ For example, as we have reported before, Portland cement substi­
mote the SSA reuse (Monzó et al., 2003). tution with SSA usually concerns a small material percentage (generally
As a consequence, the proposed SSA reuse strategies must account only 10% of final mixture). The same consideration regards also other
for these treatments to evaluate the real convenience of the possible substitution, for example the partial substitution of dry clay with SSA for
employ of SSA as a supplementary cementitious material. clay products manufacturing. This means that a major part of the
Literature presents several possible applications of SSA and also mixture is represented by raw material and therefore the potential
propose different pretreatment strategies, to improve its physical benefit, in terms of sustainability, of SSA reuse should be re-evaluated
property, chemical activity, and cementitious characteristics, such as based on the actual extent of the replacement.
thermal treatment (also by using microwave), physical modification (as In Table 2, processes P1 and P5 are considered. They are the two
for example mechanical granulation), and chemical activation (Cong processes that show a positive ESCAPE index, in Table 1. In Table 2,

S. Ducoli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 282 (2021) 111966

Table 1
Sustainability evaluation for six proposed treatments of SSA, through the calculation of ESCAPE index. The color scale helps un­
derstanding the sustainability index. The most expensive processes are indicated in orange, while the most sustainable processes are
indicated in light blue.

Fig. 2. Embodied energy and carbon footprint comparison between some conventional materials (data from CES Selector, 2019 – Granta Design Limited) and treated
SSA as proposed in the article. P1 and P5, involving only mechanical steps, seem to be the most sustainable treatments.

ESCAPE index values are recalculated for the mixtures of SSA and raw treated (lightly grinded), gives a clearly positive ESCAPE index (see
materials prepared as reported in the corresponding bibliography. Table 1), expressing the sustainability of the new material compared to
It can be noticed that process P1, in which SSA are only mechanically Portland cement; however, considering a 10% SSA mixture (see

S. Ducoli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 282 (2021) 111966

Table 2
Sustainability comparison of different mixtures of treated SSA and related raw materials. The color scale helps understanding the
sustainability index. The most expensive processes are indicated in orange, while the most sustainable processes are indicated in
light blue.

Table 2), the index is drastically reduced, assuming a value close to zero, annealing at high temperature, making the process high energy inten­
due to the low environmental gain obtained if only 10% of the raw sive. In the other evaluated technologies, SSA stabilization is not
material is substituted. considered. In this frame it is also important to highlight that the natural
Similarly, when different percentages of dry clay are substituted with ash aging process, that involves carbon dioxide sequestration and pH
SSA mechanically treated (process P5), the final mixtures assume posi­ reducing, is reported to improve the leachability of heavy metals such as
tive ESCAPE indexes, but they are lower if compared to the index of Pb and Zn (Assi et al., 2019), and can be used to stabilize this waste with
treated SSA alone. no additional chemicals and costs. It may be considered in particular
Examples reported in Table 2 show that it would be also possible to application SSA that need also chemical stabilization.
increase the amount of SSA that may be reused, till to reach the largest In summary, the simplicity and the flexibility of the proposed strat­
quantity, but with great attention to maintain positive (or near to zero) egy allow to show that the sanitary advantages arising from SS incin­
the ESCAPE index. This will allow to apply a new and simple eco-design eration can be coupled with other advantages in terms of raw materials
procedure with the aim to recover materials, that otherwise may be substitution, if SSA is recovered and reused, with the result to promote
destined to landfilling. also the population resilience in terms to reach the 11 and 12 sustainable
After the specific comments about data reported in Tables 1 and 2, development goals (SDGs sustainable cities and communities and ensure
concerning the obtained results, some general considerations must also sustainable consumption and production patterns) during pandemic.
be introduced regarding the proposed applied approach. This approach will allow to highlight the most promising reusing
The ESCAPE index is evaluated without considering that SSA sub­ application fields, able to support the circular economy principles.
stitution may affect the functional properties of the obtained final
product. This is also clearly indicated in almost all the considered arti­ 4. Conclusions
cles, when the proper amount of SSA is chosen for raw materials sub­
stitution. As a consequence, in the case that different properties of the The EU Commission aims to define new directives for water and
final products are obtained, in comparison to the reference (as for wastewater management to protect water resources and environment,
example, deteriorated durability or decreased mechanical properties), if but this needs new approaches and strategies, able to be applied also
SSA is directly compared with another material, it is necessary to include when boundary conditions can change (as for example during
normalization factors in the index evaluation for distinguishing the pandemic).
quality of the final obtained products. This paper aims to support the CE strategies also in particular con­
Furthermore, the proposed approach for the sustainability of the SSA ditions, when safety is the priority.
reuse is realized considering the basic proposed treatments that are re­ Although in many EU Countries SS incineration is not yet the primary
ported in literature. It is evident that it can be improved if additional choice, this is the safest option for the disposal of this waste, especially in
steps are need before the SSA recycle. In this frame, it is important to times of sanitary crisis, such as the one we are currently experiencing
highlight that, despite several studies have proposed that SSA can be due to the pandemic infection from SARS-CoV-2. In fact, the high tem­
classified as a not hazardous material (Lin et al., 2018), due to the peratures of the treatment guarantee the inactivation of the virus and
thermal degradation of pathogen and bacteria eventually present in SS, prevent any possible accidental spread into the environment.
sometimes SSA can contain leachable heavy metals. A very recent paper With a view to circular economy, many authors have studied the
(Assi et al., 2020b) shows that in the co-incineration of SS and municipal recovery of ash deriving from the incineration of sewage sludge for their
solid waste, the derived fly ash can contain higher amount of leachable reuse, especially in the building sector.
Pb and Zn, in comparison to the incineration of only municipal waste, This paper has proposed and discussed an analysis of the sustain­
depending on the quality of original SS. Then it is fundamental to ability of such recovery strategies, based on the recently proposed
evaluate the toxicity of SSA, before to propose its reuse. In some cases, ESCAPE index. This index, that compares the “embodied energy” (EE)
additional treatments may be required to stabilize SSA. However, they and “CO2 footprint” (CF) of new materials and natural resources, allows
can be integrated in the proposed method for the sustainability evalu­ a simple and fast preliminary analysis of sustainability, in order to assess
ation. For example, the treatments P2 and P3 reported in Table 1 has the the best treatment conditions.
advantage to reduce the heavy metals leachability. However, it requires The results of this analysis (that can be considered a pre-screening

S. Ducoli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 282 (2021) 111966

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