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Jeff Bryan A.

XII - Biology

LG 3.1 – Selected Animal Diseases

Chicken, Gallus gallus domesticus

Disease Control and Management
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

- Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, - A vaccine has been developed to prevent

colloquially known as bird flu, is a this disease; however, its efficacy in birds
contagious viral avian disease caused by is still up for debate.
the Influenza A virus subtype H5N1. The
disease is spread through infected birds’ - Other preventive measures include
bodily discharges such as their saliva, vaccinating poultry workers against
nasal secretions, and feces. Zoonosis has human flu, limiting travel in areas where
also been observed, with the human H5N1 is found, increasing farm hygiene,
mortality rate at approximately 60%. reducing contact between livestock and
wild birds, reducing open-air wet
- Symptoms for this disease in birds markets, limiting workers' contact with
typically present suddenly, with infected cock fighting, and reducing purchases of
birds exhibiting swollen heads, blue live fowl.
coloration of the comb and wattles,
dullness, loss of appetite, respiratory - Due to its high virulence and the
signs, diarrhea, and reduced egg possibility of a bird-to-human
production. transmission, the treatment of isolated
infected birds is usually forgone in favor
- Infected humans may exhibit of mass slaughters.
conjunctivitis, flu-like symptoms (e.g.,
fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches), - Treatment in humans is usually done
nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, through isolation and the administration
vomiting, severe respiratory illness (e.g., of neuraminidase inhibitors such as
shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, zanamivir and oseltamivir.
pneumonia, acute respiratory distress,
viral pneumonia, respiratory failure),
neurologic changes (altered mental
status, seizures), and the involvement of
other organ systems.

Fowl Cholera

- Caused by Pasteurella multocida, Fowl - With instances of Fowl cholera frequently

cholera is a contagious bacterial disease traced back to rodents, wild birds, pets,
spread through the bodily secretions of and other animals, ensuring that the
the infected, with wild birds and poultry houses are free from these
mammals known to be the primary potential carriers should be the utmost
sources of infection in most cases. priority. Additionally, the poultry houses
should be regularly cleaned via the use of
- While acute fowl cholera usually results disinfectants.
in sudden death, depression, anorexia, -
mucoidal discharge, ruffled feathers,
Jeff Bryan A. Himor
XII - Biology

diarrhea, and increased respiratory rate - There also are attenuated live vaccines
can be seen in more protracted cases. that are available for administration. It is
recommended that these only be used on
- On the other hand, chronic fowl cholera healthy flocks
is characterized by the presence of
localized infections all over the bird’s - While a number of drugs such as
body, lameness, exudative conjunctivitis, sulfamethazine and sulfadimethoxine
and pharyngitis. certainly lower the mortality rate, deaths
will inevitably resume as soon as
treatment is discontinued. Thus,
quarantining, isolation, depopulation,
and persistent cleaning and disinfection
should be emphasized.


- Induced by Avibacterium paragallinarum, - Attenuated live vaccines are

infectious corzya or simply coryza is an commercially available.
acute respiratory disease spread through
direct contact, airborne droplets, and - Biosafety measures such as isolation,
contamination of drinking water. While slaughtering, quarantining, sanitation,
all chickens are susceptible, susceptibility disinfection, and depopulation must be
increases with age. upheld.

- Listlessness, nasal discharge, and facial - Erythromycin, oxytetracycline,

swelling can be seen in mild forms of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole,
coryza. For more severe cases, edema in flouroquinolones, and macrolides are all
the face and other areas, dehydration, effective and can be used as treatment.
loss of appetite, conjunctivitis, tracheitis,
bronchitis, and airsacculitis may be

Pig/Philippine Native Swine, Sus scrofa domesticus/Sus philippensis philippinesis

Disease Control and Management
African Swine Fever

- African Swine Fever is a contagious viral - With no vaccine nor treatment

disease caused by the DNA virus African commercially available yet, upholding the
Swine Fever virus from the Asfarviridae needed biosecurity measures such as
family. The disease is mainly spread quarantining, isolation, mass slaughters,
through ticks, but swine can also get only allowing essential visitors,
infected by eating pork products that selectively picking the pigs’ food, and
contain the virus. persistent disinfection is the only way to
mitigate the effects of African Swine
- In acute cases, pigs may develop a high Fever or even prevent an outbreak from
fever suddenly, seemingly out of occurring.
nowhere, after which they gradually lose
their appetites and become depressed.
Jeff Bryan A. Himor
XII - Biology

Hemorrhages all over the pigs’ bodies are

also bound to occur and are more
noticeable in white-skinned pigs, with
their extremities turning blueish-purple;
gummed up eyes, vomiting, diarrhea,
abnormal breathing patterns, shivering,
and tremors are also common. Within
just a few days, they enter a comatose
state and eventually die.

- In milder infections, the pigs will

experience weight loss and develop signs
of pneumonia, skin ulcers, and swollen

Swine Dysentery

- Caused by the bacteria Brachyspira - A patented and tested prototype vaccine

hyodysenteriae, Swine dysentery is a is currently commercially available.
severe, contagious disease spread mainly
through the ingestion of infected feces, - Instances where biosecurity and
whether directly or indirectly. Aside from sanitation such as quarantining, isolation,
carrier swine, the disease can also be killing infected swine, and persistent
spread by birds, flies, and fomites. disinfection are difficult to implement,
complete depopulation may be utilized.
- Symptoms for this disease include
mucohemorrhagic diarrhea, tail - Salinomycin, tiamulin, lincomycin, tylosin,
twitching, sunken eyes, visible weakness, and monensin may be used as treatment.
hollow flanks, weight loss, Some veterinarians also recommend
gastrointestinal lesions, and erratic using carbadox on high-risk animals.
appetite. Sudden death is also
occasionally observed.


- Caused by enterotoxigenic strains of - Vaccines made from bacterial pili, toxins,

Escherichia coli, Enteric colibacillosis or or both can be utilized, with pilus-specific
simply colibacillosis is a common disease vaccines for gestating sows and vaccines
of nursing and weanling pigs. With utilizing live attenuated F4 and F18
potentially pathogenic E. coli present in strains lacking enterotoxins for weaned
the intestinal tract and feces of many pigs. Prior to farrowing, pregnant dams
normal swine, particularly dams, poor are often vaccinated twice at two- to
sanitation can lead to bacteria three-week intervals.
contaminating the skin and mammary
glands of dams. The disease is further - In order for them to develop immunity to
spread via the fecal shedding of infected endemically-occurring pathogens and
piglets. The severity of the disease is produce an adequate amount of
antibodies in colostrum and milk, dams
Jeff Bryan A. Himor
XII - Biology

proportional to the dose ingested and should be acclimatized together for three
the level of immunity. to six weeks prior to breeding and during
- Diarrhea is the primary symptom of this
disease, with the other symptoms such as - All facilities must be thoroughly and
progressive dehydration, hair coat persistently cleaned and disinfected.
roughening, and shivering being
resultants. - Infected piglets must be isolated from
the rest and treated with antibiotics and
oral electrolyte replacement solutions to
help alleviate dehydration.

Itik Pinas (Philippine native mallard layer duck), Anas platyrhynchos domesticus L.
Disease Control and Management
Duck Viral Hepatitis

- Duck viral hepatitis is an acute, highly - Breeder ducks can be vaccinated with
contagious, viral disease typically modified-live virus vaccines; the DHAV-1
affecting ducklings less than six weeks of vaccine is administered at 16, 20, and 24
age. This disease is caused by duck weeks of age and every 12 weeks
hepatitis A virus type 1 (DHAV-1) under thereafter throughout the laying period.
the genus Avihepatovirus and is spread Day-old progeny of nonimmune breeders
via parenteral or oral transmission of can be vaccinated via a single dose foot
infected tissues. web stab.

- This disease is diagnosed through its - Strict isolation for infected must be
distinctive symptom of sudden onset, observed, and contact with wild
rapid spread, and short course liver waterfowl must be minimized. With rats
lesions. Other symptoms that are having been reported to be a reservoir
resultant of these lesions include host of the virus, pest control, along with
lethargy, loss of balance, spasmodically persistent and stringent sanitary
paddling, and death within minutes. operations, must be administered.

Duck Viral Enteritis

- Induced by Anatid alphaherpesvirus 1, - Ducklings older than two weeks can be

Duck viral enteritis is an acute and often vaccinated with a chicken-embryo-
severe disease spread via parenteral, adapted, modified-live virus vaccine;
intranasal, or oral transmission of breeding flocks should annually be
infected tissues. revaccinated. Since it elicits rapid
protection after vaccination, the vaccine
- Depending on the strain’s virulence, the can be used in an outbreak.
mortality rate varies from 5% to 100%,
with adult ducks usually dying in higher - While no treatment exists as of the
proportions than young ones. Its moment, mitigatory methods include
symptoms include the inability to stand, depopulation, isolation, slaughtering,
weakness, depression, photophobia, quarantining, sanitation, and disinfection.
appetite loss, weight loss, dehydration,
Jeff Bryan A. Himor
XII - Biology

droopiness, ataxia, nasal discharge, soiled

vents, diarrhea, gastrointestinal lesions,
prolapsed penis in males, and decreased
egg production.

Riemerella anatipestifer Infection

- Riemerella anatipestifer infection is a - Ducks and ducklings can be vaccinated

highly contagious bacterial disease using a bacterin and a live vaccine, both
induced by the bacteria Riemerella including the most common serotypes of
anatipestifer affecting one- to seven- R. anatipestifer.
week-old ducklings. Although the
epidemiology and pathogenesis of this - Quarantining, isolation, persistent
disease is poorly understood, it is cleaning and disinfection, rigid sanitation,
believed that ducks are infected via the and depopulation are all vital.
respiratory route or the lesions of the
webbed feet. - Drugs such as sulfaquinoxaline, penicillin,
and streptomycin can be used for initial
- The symptoms of this disease include treatment. Additionally, enroflaxin can be
ocular and nasal discharges, coughing utilized to prevent death in ducklings
and sneezing, tremors, depression, when administered in drinking water.
spasmodically paddling, necrotic
dermatitis, fibrinous meningitis, swollen
spleen and liver, and pneumonia.
Mortality ranges from 2% to 50%.

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