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The following report is about the workshop that took place in BRAC University.

The workshop
was participated by the students of the “Advertising” course for the Marketing major students in
BRAC University. In this workshop, the students came up with some innovative ideas of
promoting Bangladeshi products in developed countries.

The workshop was organized by Dr. Ahsan Habib, Asst. Professor of BRAC University. Six
groups of students participated in the workshop. The fresh minds came up with new and amazing
ideas of promoting Bangladeshi products which are very common to us but uncommon to the
world. Products like Jamdani Sari which is very popular in Bangladesh, Rickshaw, a very
popular boutique shop ‘Aarong’, even a disaster like flood or environmental pollution, food
tourism were the topics of their projects.

Each group comprised of 5-6 students. The products they chose for promoting are very common
to the Bangladeshi people. But the students want to introduce and promote these products to the
developed and rich countries like UK, USA, Canada, Italy or throughout Europe. The students
not only presented their ideas of promoting products but also some of them had concern about
the environment. One group named “Forawder” presented their ideas of promoting global
warming. Their tagline of the project was “Nature needs our love.” Environmenal pollution is
increasing day by day making the future generation unable to lead a healthy life. Therefore,
immediate concern of all of us is required to save the planet. The group expressed ideas of
promoting environmental pollution via TV, concert, t-shirt
billboard. Another group named “Inception” was about food tourism in Bangladesh. Their
tagline was – “You have seen the great wall of china, sundarban but now the food tourism”.
Their goal was to promote the rich variety of foods of Bangladesh to the foreigners. They
showed their plan to promote their products through the reknowned daily “The daily telegraph”.
They have an international package for the tourists visiting bangladesh which is a four days and
four nights tour. The tour would cost $300 for each person. “Batighor” came up with an amazing
idea of promoting BRAC University in Afghanistan. According to the members of this group, the
reason behind choosing Afghanistan is the security. Their goal was to make BRAC University go
global. “Rainbow Jamdani” was about giving Jamdani Sari international recognition. Although
Jamdani sari is very popular in Bangladesh, it is uncommon and unique in many countries for
example, in European countries. They said that whenever a woman wears jamdani sari, she looks
smart, elegant and natural. The medias that they have chosen for promoting Jamdani sari is
billboard, transport, advertisement and slogan. Thay also showed a video clipping of a bride
wearing a beautiful white Jamdani sari. Another group named “Mysterious Rickshaw” came up
with ideas of promoting rickshaw in Amsterdam, Venice, oxford, Eiffel tower etc. Rickshaw is a
common transport in Bangladesh but its new for many countries in the world. Rickshaw moves
slowly, therefore it enables the tourists to have a better look. Besides it is eco-friendly too. It
does not emit any poisonous gas as it has to be paddled manually . Moreover, people can enjoy
fresh air at the same time. It will also create employement for the unemployed people. Hence,
rickshaw should be promoted. Rickshaw station map would be provided to the tourists and
government will promote advertisement ogf rickshaw. ‘Smart Aarong Promote’ is about
promoting the famous boutique shop of Bangladesh “Aarong” to the international customers.
Their tagline is “Soul of the soil”. They expressed their idea of promoting Aarong via the famous
interantional magazine “Vogue”. Their target market is USA, canada, UK. The media that they
have chosen for promotion is electronical media. They want to promote Aarong via BBC, FB,
Hotmail, Amazon. Their target audience is 5-80 years. People from corporate offices came to
visit the workshop and some of them were hired.

The ideas that the groups came up with is very innovative. All the groups articulated some
amazing ways of promotion. The only flaw was that was felt was in Batighar. They could not
gave enough logical reasons behind choosing Afghanistan as their target market.

All the groups did a wonderful job in the workshop. ‘Batighar” could have come with more
logical reasons for chhosing Afghanistan as target market. Instead of referring Afghanistan as a
secured place, they could have showed some advantages for the students who will go study in
BRAC University in Afghanistan. They could have showed some more convincing, strong and
logical reasons .

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