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(An Autonomous Institution)

SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203





Regulation – 2019

Academic Year 2021 – 22 ODD SEMESTER

Prepared by

Ms. K.S.JAIBHAVANI, Assistant Professor (Sel.G) /EIE

Mr. K.R.GANESH, Assistant Professor (Sr.G) /EIE

SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.







Introduction -- brief history, definition, anatomy, types, classification, specification and need based applications;
role and need of robots for the immediate problems of the society, future of mankind and automation-ethical issues;
industrial scenario local and global, case studies on mobile robot research platform and industrial serial arm
Q.No Questions Competence
1. What is meant by robot anatomy? BTL 1 Remember
2. Write Asimov`s laws of robotics. BTL 1 Remember
3. Why a robot is used? BTL 1 Remember
4. Write about origin of robot. BTL 3 Apply
5. Define actuators. BTL 1 Remember
6. What are the benefits of industrial automation? BTL 1 Remember
7. Define the need for automation. BTL 2 Understand
8. Define work volume. BTL 1 Remember
9. Show the features IIoT 4.0. BTL 3 Apply
10. What is meant by precision of robot? BTL 5 Evaluate
11. What are the types of Automation? BTL 4 Analyze
12. List the types of robots and compose the various classifications of Robot. BTL 6 Create
13. Evaluate the subsystems of industrial robot. BTL 5 Evaluate
14. Give four robot applications in manufacturing field. BTL 2 Understand
15. What is the difference between world reference frame and joint reference BTL 4 Analyze
16. Distinguish between tactile and force sensor. BTL 2 Understand
17. List out the advantages and disadvantages of robot. BTL 4 Analyze
18. Justify whether the following statement is true or false. Degrees of freedom BTL 6 Create
depend upon the number of actuators used in a robot.
19. What are the limitations of Robot? BTL 3 Apply
20. Summarize the Robot specification. BTL 2 Understand
1. (i) List and explain the various generations of robots. (7)
(ii) State and derive Asimov’s laws of robotics. Also give its features BTL 1 Remember
and its limitations. (6)
2. With necessary diagrams explain the different types of robots. (13) BTL 5 Evaluate
3. Describe salient features of robot in different fields of applications. (13) BTL 2 Understand
4. (i) Describe about the construction of robot cell. (13)
BTL 2 Understand
5. (i) What is robot software? List the advantage and disadvantages of off-
line. (7) BTL 1 Remember
(ii) Enumerate the issues related to robot design and control. (6)
6. (i) Discuss about robot machine interface with neat diagram. (7)
(ii) With neat sketch describe the multiple robot coordination in BTL 2 Understand
manufacturing. (6)
7. Discuss about origin of robot and the Advantages & disadvantages of robot. (13) BTL 2 Understand
8. (i) Explain about the various generation of Industrial robots used in
Engineering application in detail. (7) BTL 4 Analyze
(ii) Explain a robot structure with a sketch. What are the various types of
joints used in robots? (6)
9. With neat sketches explain the classification of robot based on
(i) Configuration (4)
(ii) Degrees of Freedom (4) BTL 3 Apply
(iii) Work volume (3)
(iv) Controls (2)
10. Sketch and explain the various robot configurations and with help of sketch BTL 6 Create
describe pitch, yaw and roll motion of a robot wrist (13)
11. Summarize the advantages of four common robot configuration and deduce BTL 5 Evaluate
their simple sketches. (13)
12. (i) Explain the following terms : (8)
(i) Accuracy BTL 1 Remember
(ii) Degree of freedom
(iii) Repeatability
(iv) Speed
(ii) What are ‘human form’ robots? (5)
13. Compare the various attributes of robot with those of human being. Explain a robot
structure with a sketch. (13) BTL 4 Analyze
14. (i) How do you specify a robot? Is robotics automation? (7)
(ii) Discuss the different classification systems of robots. (6) BTL 4 Analyze
1. Analyze about the structure of robot in detail. (15) BTL 4 Analyze
2. Write short notes in application of robot in various fields in emerging BTL 4 Analyze
technology. (15)
3. Explain the case study on mobile robot research platform and industrial BTL 4 Analyze
serial arm manipulator. (15)
4. Discuss about the future of mankind and automation. Also discuss about the BTL 6 Create
ethical issues in robotics and automation. (15)


Types of electric motors – DC Servo, Stepper; specification, drives for motors - speed & direction control and
circuitry, Selection criterion for actuators, direct drives, non-traditional actuators; Sensors for localization,
navigation, obstacle avoidance and path planning in known and unknown environments – optical, inertial,
thermal, chemical, biosensor, other common sensors; Case study on choice of sensors and actuators for maze
solving robot and self driving cars.
Questions Level Competence
1. What is an actuator? BTL 1 Remember
2. Discriminate the internal and external state sensor. BTL 5 Evaluate
3. What is meant by gripper? Give the types of grippers. BTL 2 Understand
4. List the advantages and dis-advantages of hydraulic drive. BTL 1 Remember
5. List the advantages and disadvantages of pneumatic actuators. BTL 1 Remember
6. Define micro machines in robotics. BTL 1 Remember
7. List the advantages and dis-advantages of Electrical actuator. BTL 1 Remember
8. Why servomotors are preferred with stepper motor in robot BTL 3 Apply
9. Which type of drive system is more suitable for heavy load robot application? BTL 4 Analyze
10. What is end effector? Give some examples of Robot End Effector. BTL 2 Understand
11. Enumerate the difference between open loop and closed loop control system. BTL 6 Create
List out the applications of micro robots.
12. In what ways do end effectors differ from the human hand? BTL 6 Create
13. Examine the difference between internal grippers and external grippers. BTL 3 Apply
14. Infer any four important factors to be considered in the selection and design BTL 4 Analyze
of grippers.
15. Point out any two unique features of a stepper motor. BTL 4 Analyze
16. Give any two limitations of magnetic grippers. BTL 2 Understand
17. Classify the types of mechanical gripper. BTL 3 Apply
18. List the types of drive systems used in robots. BTL 1 Remember
19. Assess the characteristics of actuating systems. BTL 5 Evaluate
20. Predict the application of stripping device. BTL 2 Understand
1. Define end effector. Draw the different mechanism used in the gripper and BTL 1 Remember
describe any two mechanism in detail. (13)
2. Classify the end effector. Draw the different mechanism used in the gripper BTL 5 Evaluate
and give its application. (13)
3. Explain with neat sketch about following: BTL 4 Analyze
(i) AC servo motors. (7)
(ii) DC servo motors. (6)
4. (i) Discuss about the features of the various drive systems for an BTL 2 Understand
Industrial robot. (7)
(ii) Discuss about the features of the various drive systems for an
Industrial robot. (6)
5. Describe the factors to be considered while selecting the sensors and BTL 1 Remember
actuators for self driven cars. (13)
6. (i) Explain vacuum grippers, with reference to the principle and BTL 5 Evaluate
applications. (7)
(ii) Explain the robot and end effector interface functions. (6)
7. Examine the features of hydraulic and pneumatic actuators systems in detail. BTL 3 Apply
8. (i) Discuss about various considerations for selection and design of a BTL 2 Understan
gripper. (6) d
(ii) Explain working principle, salient features and applications of A.C. BTL 4 Analyze
and D.C. Servo motor as robot drive system. (7)
9. Compare the servo motor with stepper motor, choose suitable drive system BTL 4 Analyze
for industrial robot along with your justification. (13)
10. (i) Write note on gripper selection and design. (3) BTL 6 Create
(ii) Describe the magnetic grippers in robot. (10) BTL 2 Understand
11. (i) Illustrate Pneumatic actuators system with neat sketch. (7) BTL 3 Apply
(ii) Illustrate hydraulic actuators system with neat sketch. (6)
12. Generalize vacuum cups, adhesive grippers, hooks, scoops and other BTL 6 Create
miscellaneous grippers in detail. (13)
13. Explain the working of a stepper motor with suitable diagrams. (13) BTL 4 Analyze
14. Justify whether the following statement is true or false. Degrees of freedom BTL 4 Analyze
depend upon the number of actuators used in a robot.Justify and Discuss in
detail about the various types of sensors used in robotics. (13)
1. Analyze about the sensors and actuators in maze solving robot system. (15) BTL 4 Analyze
2. Enumerate the design and selection of various grippers in robotics. (15) BTL 4 Analyze
3. Describe the desirable features of sensors? What are the basic classifications BTL 6 Create
of sensors? (15)
4. Discriminate the salient features, capabilities, applications, merits and BTL 5 Evaluate
limitations of non-servo and servo controlled robots. (15)


Robot kinematics - Geometric approach for 2R, 3R manipulators, homogenous transformation using D-H
Representation , kinematics of WMR, Lagrangian formulation for 2R robot dynamics; Mechanical design
aspects of a 2R manipulator, WMR; End-effector - common types and design case study.
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1. Give the definition for Robot Kinematics BTL 2 Understand
2. What are the types of joint in between the links? BTL 5 Evaluate
3. Discuss about the boundary singularities. BTL 2 Understand
4. Give an expression relating R, the rotation matrix, and the BTL 2 Understand
angular velocity.
5. Give the difference between the prismatic and rotary joints. BTL 2 Understand
6. Infer Jacobian matrix for y=f(x), where y, f and x are 6x1 BTL 5 Evaluate
7. Define Linear velocity of a rigid body. BTL 1 Remember
8. Define Angular velocity. BTL 1 Remember
9. Show the non-singularity of a matrix. BTL 3 Apply
10. Classify the singularities. BTL 3 Apply
11. Define the term Lagrangian function. BTL 4 Analyze
12. Differentiate boundary singularities and interior singularities. BTL 4 Analyze
13. Differentiate Joint space and Cartesian space. BTL 4 Analyze
14. Define free vector. BTL 1 Remember
15. Design Spherical wrist at a singularity configuration. BTL 6 Create
16. Design 3-DOF articulated manipulator arm. BTL 6 Create
17. Define Inverse Jacobian. BTL 1 Remember
18. What is meant by arm singularities? BTL 1 Remember
19. What is meant by wrist singularities? BTL 1 Remember
20. Distinguish serial and parallel manipulator. BTL 3 Apply
1. Enumerate with neat schematic diagram the velocity
propagation along links of a n – DOF manipulator. (13) BTL 1 Remember
2. Derive the forward and Reverse transformation of 2 degree of
freedom arm. (13) BTL 5 Evaluate
3. Obtain the Direct and Inverse kinematic transformation for 3
degree of freedom manipulator. (13) BTL 3 Apply

4. Derive an expression for link for manipulator moving with BTL 2 Understand
linear and angular velocity. (13)
5. Obtain the Geometric approach for 2 R manipulator in detail
with necessary diagram and equations for both the forward BTL 6 Create
Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics. (13)
6. Obtain the Geometric approach for 3 R manipulator in detail BTL 3 Apply
with necessary diagram and equations for both the forward
Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics. (13)
7. Discuss in detail the Denavit–Hartenberg (DH) Convention for
assigning frames to links for identifying the joint link parameters. BTL 4 Analyze
Analyse in detail about the four DH parameters in Robot Kinematic
modelling . (13)
8. Derive the homogenous transformation with representations for BTL 2 Understand
(i) A pure translation (ii) A pure rotation about an axis and (iii)
A combination of translations and/or rotations (13)
9. (i) A frame F has been moved 10 units along the y-axis and 5 units BTL 2 Understand
along the z-axis of the reference frame. Find the new location of
the frame. (6)

(ii)A point p (2,3,4)T is attached to a rotating frame. The frame

rotates 90 degrees about the x-axis of the reference frame. Find the
coordinates of the point relative to the reference frame after the
rotation, and verify the result graphically. (7)
10. Explain the kinematics of the Wheeled Mobile Robots (WMR) in BTL 1 Remember
detail with necessary diagram and equations. (13)
11. What do you mean by Robot Dynamics? What is the difference BTL 1 Remember
between Robot Kinematic model and Dynamic model? List the
importance of Dynamic Modelling of Robot. (13)
12. Describe the dynamic modelling of the Robot using the BTL 1 Remember
Lagrangian formulation with suitable diagram and necessary
equations. (13)
13. Explain about the Mechanical design aspects of a 2R BTL 4 Analyze
manipulator. (13)
14. Analyze in detail about the end effector types and its selection
BTL 4 Analyze
procedures for a particular application of Robot on your own
choice. (13)

1. In the given figure the Coordinates of a point relative to the reference

frame and rotating frame as viewed from the x-axis. you can see that
the value of px does not change as the frame rotates about the x-axis,
but the values of py and pz do change. Please verify that: (15)

BTL 4 Analyze

2. Using the Lagrangian method, derive the equations of motion for the
2-DOF robot arm, as shown in figure below. The center of mass for
each link is at the center of the link. The moments of inertia are I1 and
I2. (15)

BTL 4 Analyze

3. Describe four specific wheel configurations, in order to demonstrate

concrete applications of the concepts discussed above to mobile BTL 6 Create
robots built for real-world activities. (15)
4. Discuss on different types of end effectors in detail for different BTL 4 Analyze
applications in the design aspect. (15)
Mapping & Navigation – SLAM, Path planning for serial manipulators; types of control architectures -
Cartesian control, Force control and hybrid position/force control, Behaviour based control, application of
Neural network, fuzzy logic, optimization algorithms for navigation problems, programming
methodologies of a robot.
Q.NO Questions BT Competence
1. Define the term manipulation. BTL 1 Remember
2. Which type of robot is having three axes? BTL 1 Remember
3. How are robots programmed to perform tasks? BTL 1 Remember
4. Quote the term SLAM. BTL 6 Create
5. State any two applications of cartesian robot. BTL 2 Understand
6. Sketch the Sequence of robotic action. BTL 3 Apply
7. Relate the term online planning and offline planning. BTL 2 Understand
8. Write few points on Path planning problem. BTL 6 Create
9. Infer the term Velocity planning problem. BTL 2 Understand
10. Extract the Drawbacks of traditional method of motion BTL 4 Analyze
11. Recite programming methodologies of a robot. BTL 5 Evaluate
12. What are the basic mechanisms of legged robot? BTL 1 Remember
13. List out basic modes of operation in robot language structure. BTL 4 Analyze
14. Tell few points about pick and place operation. BTL 1 Remember
15. What is meant by PID control? BTL 1 Remember
16. List out the components that are needed for representing an BTL 4 Analyze
17. What are the ways in which incomplete and incorrect BTL 2 Understand
information’s can be handled in planning?
18. What are the different types of planning? BTL 2 Understand
19. Define the term Navigation. BTL 3 Apply
20. Explain the basic methods of robot programming. BTL 5 Evaluate
1. With a neat sketch explain Control architecture of a robot.(13) BTL 6 Create

2. Classify Free space motion planning and also explain its BTL 2 Understand
types. (13)
3. Write in detail on Robot motion planning. (13) BTL 6 Create

4. Outline the Sequence of robotic action. (13) BTL 2 Understand

5. Briefly discuss about different methods in robot programming BTL 1 Remember

and their capabilities and limitations. (13)
6. Examine the following BTL 4 Analyze
(i) Force control of robotic manipulator (7)
(ii) Pneumatic manipulator control circuits (8)
7. Explain in detail various electronic control circuit methods BTL 5 Evaluate
employed in manipulator design. (13)
8. Describe in detail about the Behaviour based control. (13) BTL 6 Create

9. Describe the programming languages used in robot. (13) BTL 6 Create

10. State the importance of Fuzzy logic control system and also BTL 1 Remember
mention its applications. (13)

11. Discuss in detail about the Neural Network Force Control for BTL 3 Apply
Industrial Robots. (13)
12. Elaborate the different methods of path determination. (13) BTL 6 Create

13. Define the term Motion planning and also Classify it. (13) BTL 3 Apply

14. Briefly discuss about the Cartesian control for robot BTL 1 Remember
manipulators. (13)

1. Develop an optimization algorithm for navigation problems. BTL 6 Create

2. i)Explain force control of the manipulator. (7) BTL 5 Evaluate
ii) Design a pneumatic control circuit if the robot with neat
sketch. (8)
3. Discuss different generations of robotic programming BTL 6 Create
languages. (15)
4. Infer few points about Simultaneous localization and BTL 5 Evaluate
mapping (SLAM) algorithm. (15)

Application of - AI, Expert systems; Tele-robotics and Virtual Reality, Micro & Nano robots, Unmanned
vehicles, Cognitive robotics, Evolutionary robotics, Humanoids.

Q. No Questions BT Competence
1 What is artificial intelligence and mention its kinds? BTL-1 Remember
2 Define Expert systems? BTL-1 Remember
3 Give the Characteristics of AI Systems. BTL-2 Understand
4 List out the applications of Expert systems? BTL-1 Remember
5 Name the application areas of artificial intelligence. BTL-1 Remember
6 What is meant by telerobotics? and give one example . BTL-1 Remember
7 Analyze capabilities of telerobots. BTL-2 Understand
8 Distinguish between telerobots and Robots. BTL-2 Understand
9 Classify the Virtual Reality systems. BTL-4 Analyze
10 Develop the Applications and advancements in VR technology. BTL-2 Understand
11 List the different components of virtual Reality. BTL-3 Apply
12 Summarize the applications of nanorobots. BTL-6 Create
13 Point out the distinct techniques currently applied towards BTL-3 Apply
manufacturing nanorobots . BTL-5
14 Analyze the features of cognitive robotics. Evaluate
15 Evaluate the functions of Evolutionary robotics BTL-4 Analyze
16 Illustrate the need of unmanned vehicles. BTL-4 Analyze
17 Identify the major challenges in developing a microrobot . BTL-5 Evaluate
18 Point out the abilities of cognitive robotics BTL-3 Apply
19 Give some Examples for humanoids BTL-1 Remember
20 Formulate the concepts behind Humanoids BTL-6 Create


1 Describe how the artificial intelligence is useful in robotics. (13) Remember

2 Describe the components and working of virtual reality. (13) Remember
3 i. Briefly describe the types of Virtual reality systems? (7) BTL-1 Remember
ii. Discuss the applications of Virtual reality. (6)
4 i. Interpret the meaning of Expert systems. (7) BTL-2 Understand
ii. Describe working and applications of Expert Systems. (6)
5 Illustrate in detail about the functions, features and applications of Understand
Artificial intelligence systems. (13) BTL-2
6 Analyze the working of remote manipulators. (13) BTL-3 Analyze
7 Explain the working of any two categories under telerobots. (13) BTL-4 Analyze
8 Compare characteristics of micro and nano robots. (13) BTL-4 Apply
9 Explain the development and functions of unmanned vehicles. (13) BTL-5 Evaluate
10 i. Create the applications of virtual reality in robotics. (7) BTL-6 Create
ii. Formulate the applications of Artificial intelligence in robotics. (6)
11 i. Write short notes on Evolutionary robots. (5) BTL-3 Analyze
ii. Illustrate the features and functions of Evolutionary robots. (8)
12 Describe in detail about cognitive robotics. BTL-1 Remember
13 i. Explain the importance of micro and nano robots. (5) BTL-4 Apply
ii. Explain the design challenges for micro and nano robots. (8)
14 Describe the features and design aspects of Humanoids. (13) BTL-2 Understand

1 Develop a virtual reality system to be used for robots with detailed BTL-6 Create
description of each components. (15)
2 Analyze the design challenges, merits and limitations of micro and nano BTL-5 Evaluate
robots. (15)
3 Evaluate the importance of artificial intelligence and Expert systems in BTL-5 Evaluate
the field of robotics. (15)
4 Prepare a case study on vital applications of different kinds of advanced BTL-6 Create
robots. (15)

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