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Magic Items

Ring of UwU
- Cursed Ring
- When worn, this ring cannot be removed (can only be removed within 1 minute of having
Remove Curse cast on the ring)
- When worn, it causes the wearer to only be able to speak in UwU voice

Helm of Dire Arcana

- Requires Attunement by a spellcaster with at least one concentration spell
⁃ When you cast a concentration spell or effect, you gain temporary hit points equal to the level
of the spell slot used at the beginning of each turn your concentration lasts. These temporary hit
points do not stack
⁃ If the spell lasts its full duration, you get spell slot levels equal to the level of the slot used

Crown of Tempests
- You gain resistance to lightning and thunder damage while attuned to this crown
- When you do thunder or lightning damage while attuned, you gain temporary hit points equal
to the total thunder and lightning damage done, up to your character level

Antlers of Resilience
- Requires attunement
- Once a day, when you would drop to 0 hit points, you instead drop to 1 + your cha mod
(minimum +1), and your allies within a 10ft radius are healed by 1+Cha Mod (minimum +1) if
they have 1hp or more
- When you take damage equal to or more than half your HP max in a round, you can use your
reaction to regain 1/4 your max HP (PB uses)

Boon of Perception
- Grants a 10ft aura of perception, granting you and anyone you designate +5 to perception, and
enemies no longer gain a benefit from being hidden from view

Boon of Chromatic Flames

- When you reduce a target to 0hp, everything within a 10ft radius of the target makes a Dex
save, taking 2d10 fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a success

Helm of The Blinding Saint

- As an Action, you can expend a charge to activate this Helm's aura by holding your arms
outstreched. The aura extends in a 15ft radius, providing two effects.
- Allies you designate gain +1 to saves and AC, and
- Anyone else in the aura makes a DC14 Con Save or is blinded until the start of your next turn.
- 7 Charges, recharge 1d6+1 at dawn
Killer's Joy
- Requires Attunement
- When you reduce a target to 0hp, you gain +1 to attack and damage rolls for 1 minute. This
effect can stack up to 3 times, with the timer restarting after each target reduced to 0hp.

Boots of
- Requires Attunement
- Your walking speed increases by 10ft and while in mid-air you can jump (or jump again, as the
case may be) (as a reaction) and propel yourself up to 10ft. This effect, as an example, can
counteract falling at high speeds, or simply extend a long or high jump.

Gauntlets Of The Leader

- When you kill a group leader, lower level creatures within a 10ft radius make a Charisma Save
(Using your Spell Save), or become charmed by you for up to a minute. During this time, if you
can convince them to join you in your quest, they will. Various things can break this charm, or
this new loyalty, as is relevant to each creature and to the actions you and your previous allies
- Once a day, if you clap with empty hands, everyone within 10ft or in a 5ft x 30ft line must make
a strength save (DC15) or be pushed 10ft away from the AoE. If the succeed the save, they're
pushed back 5ft.

The ArcanaWarp
- Arcane Magic (Int spellcasting) is warped in the area. Not in a wild magic way, in a
targeting/damage type/condition type kinda way
- An orb made of shifting, pearlescent titanium with gems of various sizes and colours moving
around on its surface
- As an Action, this can be activated or deactivated by speaking its command word (Impossible
in a zone of Magical Silence)
- When Active, this Orb warps Arcane magic within 10ft of it. Any spells cast by Wizards or
Artificers, or cast from magical items are negatively affected. Attack rolls are made with
disadvantage, Saving Throws are made with Advantage, and if neither are required, the
duration is halved

The Deadalus Spire

- Ancient artefact that augments the crafting ability of nearby people/people who have its
- lt was fractured a long time ago and is now getting rebuilt by someone, but the last/one of the
last bits is one of the arm bones of an Artificer, the medic who put it in didn't know what it was
they just thought it was a bone replacement, now that artificer has a whole thing where they're
keeping it from the bad guys
Gem Of Malignity
- Attune
- A gem of moderate size that hums with magic. It can come in multiple gemstone varieties,
each with a different rueful bane, directed at a certain creature type. When attuned to, a Gem
can be magically attached to a weapon, granting the weapon additional damage, depending on
the gem's rarity. Each gem, while attuned, can be removed from a weapon or attached to a
weapon as an Action.
- list: Diamond/Celestials, Onyx or Obsidian/Undead, Labradorite/Beasts, Amethyst/Aberrations,
Cubic Zirconia/Construct, Sapphire/Dragon, Jade/Elemental, Emerald/Fey, Ruby/Fiend,
Quartz/Giant, Pearl/Monstrosity, Turquoise/Ooze, Amber/Plant
- Uncommon - +1 to hit and to damage, +1d8 Weapon damage against the relevant creature
type, and attacks with the weapon count as magical for defeating resistances
- Rare - +2 to hit and to damage, +1d8 Weapon damage and +1d8 damage relevant to the
target weakness (only to that creature type) (Radiant damage for undead, Fire against plants,
- Very Rare - +3 to hit and damage, +2d8 weapon damage and +2d8 elemental damage vs the
target type

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