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Rose Marnie R.

Guid 600
Rose Marnie R. Manding
Guid 603

Communication, especially in the fieldREFLECTION of education, needs to be studied as communication

Opportunities to enhance and enhance the learning experience between instructors and students Make a
positive attitude. Communication
In the webinar, it explainsisthat
simply the transmission
this pandemic it really of information
affects not only from
the physical Effective
every person is but themore
process of exchanging
in mental health inideas. Thinking,
this year of 2021 knowledge
like anxiety, anddepression,
in a way that meets
or intent of fatigue
The bestand wayburn
possible. In other words, it is just an expression of the
out. I notice it to some persons more on in social media. If this sender's opinion.
Themental health problem continues it willDue
way the recipient understands best. to to
result pandemic,
Psychosisitsoisithard to communicate
is really important forthrough distance
us to manage ouror
online learning. Not only students have difficulty but also teachers. When I was
emotions. We should not set aside persons or client who experiencing suicidal thought, trauma and teaching through online, it is
really hard to breakdown.
emotional communicateDr. to Julian
them that they will
explained be nurtured.
briefly The goals
the difference of online
between communication
compassion fatiguesare
same as the goals of face-to-face communication. Connection; Information exchange; Listen and understand.
A feeling of nurturing The online education community makes the learning experience of students more
meaningful“IAnd it can
wasn’t help themI still
depressed- stayhope.
I want throughout
burned out- the Icourse life. My
had energy. purpose
I wasn’t is notI only
lonely. was to teacher
with my
also toI provide
just felt knowledge and obtain
a little bit aimless andinformation for understanding
a little bit joyless” This statement and development
defines whatrelationship.
I feel mostlyI this
a little
past more
few to communicate
days and I can’twith students
explain in words.
it in an onlineInenvironment
the webinar, Think and plan
I learn it israther
calledthan communicate
with students inisa the
Languishing traditional
feeling environment.
of absence of mental health, apathy, blah/meh , hallow and empty, lack of
Another quiet despair
experience thatand stagnation.
I have is when Since many individualtoare
I am communicating the exposing
parents oringuardians;
social media, it
I listen
because the mood
I want for 2021.
to be heard. But To avoidparents
mostly, or to lessen languishing,
just want to be heard we on need to they
what flourish
knowit by
what they andwant
us improving
to know. I our mental one
remember, health
of myandstudent
wellbeing. And
got low the in
grade best
myway to flourish
subject and I have ourselves is to of
documents behis
guided by
rubrics PERMA stands for positive
of his performance emotion,tend
but his guardian engagement,
to talk to merelationship,
impolitely meaning
and keepsand accomplishment.
telling me that he is a
Thereteacher andfor
is a time knows how theitsystem
everything, is. His
is matter guardian questioning
of management of our own me on how did
thoughts hisfeelings
and son got by
positiveI emotions
show to him all the
beyond compiled around
negativities activitiesus,ofdon’t
his son , he to
forget stillhave
keeps telling or
self-time metothat he fun,
have was we
a retired
enjoyandwhat knows
we do everything
if we loveabout
wesystem. That’s
are doing. Havehow it is really hard
a flourishing life byif VUCA,
someone is close-minded
Volatility Uncertainty and
wants to beAmbiguity
heard. that was explained by Dr. Susie, helps me more to understand what needs to be

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