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1, JANUARY 2013

Optimal Planning of Electric-Vehicle Charging

Stations in Distribution Systems
Zhipeng Liu, Fushuan Wen, and Gerard Ledwich, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—With the progressive exhaustion of fossil energy and termittent renewable energies, such as wind generation. How-
the enhanced awareness of environmental protection, more atten- ever, inappropriate siting and sizing of EV charging stations
tion is being paid to electric vehicles (EVs). Inappropriate siting could have negative effects on the development of EVs, the
and sizing of EV charging stations could have negative effects on
the development of EVs, the layout of the city traffic network, and layout of the traffic network in a city concerned, and the con-
the convenience of EVs’ drivers, and lead to an increase in network venience of EV drivers. It could also lead to an increase in net-
losses and a degradation in voltage profiles at some nodes. Given work losses and degradation in voltage profiles at some nodes
this background, the optimal sites of EV charging stations are first [2]. In recent years, more attention has been paid to the op-
identified by a two-step screening method with environmental fac- timal planning of EV charging stations, both in industry and
tors and service radius of EV charging stations considered. Then,
a mathematical model for the optimal sizing of EV charging sta- academics [3]–[8]. Many factors having impacts on the layout
tions is developed with the minimization of total cost associated of EV charging stations, such as the charging demands, the way
with EV charging stations to be planned as the objective func- of energy supply, the performance and charging duration of a
tion and solved by a modified primal-dual interior point algorithm battery, as well as the locations and environment of charging
(MPDIPA). Finally, simulation results of the IEEE 123-node test stations, are investigated in [3]. In [4], the development proce-
feeder have demonstrated that the developed model and method
cannot only attain the reasonable planning scheme of EV charging dure of EV charging stations is divided into three stages (i.e., the
stations, but also reduce the network loss and improve the voltage demonstration stage, public promotional stage, and commercial
profile. utilization stage). Then, an optimization model for the planning
Index Terms—Distribution systems, electric vehicle (EV), of EV charging stations is proposed with the interval distance
primal-dual interior point algorithm, service radius, siting and ratio, charging capacity redundancy, and charging power redun-
sizing. dancy considered. In [5], the feasibility of optimally utilizing the
potential of the Ontario’s grid for charging plug-in hybrid EVs
(PHEVs) is analyzed for offpeak load periods by employing a
simplified zonal model of the Ontario’s electric transmission
network and a zonal pattern of base-load generation capacities

W ITH THE development of battery technology, electric

vehicles (EVs) have grown rapidly in some developed
countries in the last ten years [1]. While in developing countries,
for the years from 2009 to 2025.
In [6], environmentally and economically sustainable integra-
tion of PHEVs into a power system is addressed under a robust
a grand development plan with the goal of increasing EV own- optimization planning methodological framework with the con-
ership numbers (including hybrid EVs, pure EVs, and fuel-cell straints of the power system and the transport sector taken into
EVs, etc.) to 5 million vehicles by 2020 has also been brought account. In [7], a smart load-management approach for coor-
forward in China. dinating multiple plug-in EVs chargers in distribution systems
Given the aforementioned background, the optimal planning is proposed, with the objectives of shaving peak demand, im-
of EV charging stations is becoming a significant problem to proving voltage profile and minimizing power losses as well as
be resolved. EVs cannot only increase energy utilization and the impact of EVs charging stations and typical daily residen-
reduce pollution emission, but also smooth the load curve by tial loading patterns considered as constraints. In [8], a mini-
peak load shaving and, hence, enhance the security and eco- mized cost model for determining the locations and capacities
nomics of the power system concerned by coordinating with in- of charging stations for regional EVs is developed considering
some constraints, such as the distances between the substation
Manuscript received September 15, 2011; revised January 25, 2012, May 20, and candidate locations of EV charging substations, the number
2012, and October 02, 2012; accepted October 03, 2012. Date of publication of EVs, and the installed costs of EV charging stations.
November 27, 2012; date of current version December 19, 2012. This work
was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51107114,
The existing research work on the optimal planning of EV
51177145). Paper no. TPWRD-00781-2011. charging stations does not systematically address all important
Z. Liu is with the School of Electric Power, South China University of Tech- factors having impacts on the candidate sites of EV charging sta-
nology, Guangzhou 510640, China (e-mail:
F. Wen is with the School of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University,
tions, such as the distribution features of the charging demands,
Hangzhou 310027, China, and also with Queensland University of Technology, the performance of battery packs, and the possible effects of
Brisbane, Qld. 4001, Australia (e-mail: the power system concerned. With this background, a two-step
G. Ledwich is with Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Qld.
4001, Australia (e-mail:
screening method with the environmental factors and the ser-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online vice radius of EV charging stations considered is first presented
at to identify the optimal sites of EV charging stations. Then, a
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2012.2223489

0885-8977/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE


mathematical model for the optimal sizing of EV charging sta- tance of two adjacent EV charging stations should re-
tions is developed and solved by a modified primal-dual inte- spect the following constraints:
rior point algorithm (MPDIPA). Finally, the IEEE 123-node test
feeder is employed to illustrate the essential features of the de- (2)
veloped model and method.
where is the line length of the
II. DETERMINATION OF CANDIDATE SITES feeders between two adjacent EV charging stations, and is
the buckling coefficient used for converting the line length of
A. Environmental Factors the feeders into the actual distance between two adjacent EV
From the perspective of modern city planning, the siting of charging stations.
each EV charging station should meet the requirements of the According to (2), the initial candidate sites of EV charging
city traffic network’s layout. While from the perspective of stations can be first screened. Then, the optimal sites of EV
power system planning, the locations of EV charging stations charging stations can be determined with the aforementioned
should be compatible with the current situation—the short-term two steps. Finally, the charging service area of each EV charging
as well as long-term planning of the distribution system con- station is divided in terms of the Voronoi diagram (also called
cerned. EV charging stations should be close to load centers Thiessen polygons) [12], which has been extensively employed
and respect the constraints of the load balance, power quality, in geographic information systems (GIS). The EVs’ owners can
and power-supply reliability [9]. From the perspective of EVs’ choose proper EV charging stations for charging based on the
owners, the sites of EV charging stations should be in locations SOC of battery packs.
which are convenient for EV’s owners and near the charging III. MATHEMATICAL MODEL
demands. Furthermore, other factors, such as the location
adaptability and land price, should also be considered. Thus, A. Objective Function
the initial candidate sites of EV charging stations can be deter- In this paper, the objective function is defined as the mini-
mined with the aforementioned factors properly considered. mization of the total costs associated with EV charging stations
to be planned, including the investment costs, operation costs,
B. Service Radius of EV Charging Stations
maintenance costs, and network loss costs in the planning pe-
The cycle life of a battery pack is affected significantly by the riod. The mathematical model can be formulated as
depth of discharge (DOD). However, the cycle life of the battery
pack can be well extended, with its DOD restricted between
50% and 70% [10]. Therefore, in order to maximize the cycle
life of the battery packs, the calculation of a reasonable EVs’
driving range is formulated in terms of DOD. It is defined here (3)
as the driving distance of EVs between the state of charge (SOC)
corresponding to the minimal DOD of battery packs and the
where is the number of EV charging stations in the dis-
SOC corresponding to the maximal DOD of battery packs.
tribution system concerned, ,
The driving distance can be estimated by the constant speed
and are, respectively, the investment cost, operation
method [10] as follows:
cost, and maintenance cost of the th EV charging station and
(1) the network-loss cost in the planning period; is the discount
rate and used to transform the future cost to the present value;
where is the driving range of EVs, is the rated power and is the number of years included in the planning period.
of EVs’ engine, is the total efficiency of the mechanical and 1) Investment Cost: The total capacity of the charging de-
electrical systems of EV (i.e., the total efficiency of converting vices in the th EV charging station (including chargers and
the electrical energy into mechanical energy); is the con- charging points) can be formulated as [13]
stant speed, which is set according to relevant standards con-
cerning the driving range tests of EVs [11]; and and (4)
are the SOCs corresponding to the minimal and maximal DODs
of the battery packs, respectively; is the rated capacity of where and are, respectively, the number and the si-
the battery packs; is the terminal voltage of battery packs; multaneity coefficient of the charging devices in the th EV
is the ratio between the rated discharging current and actual charging station; and and are,
discharging current, which will henceforth be called “the cur- respectively, the rated capacity, the output active power, the
rent ratio.” power factor and the charging efficiency of the th charging
First, in order to meet the daily journey needs of EVs’ owners device in the th EV charging station.
and guarantee EVs’ driving ability, the actual distance between The total capacity of the transformers in the th EV charging
two adjacent EV charging stations should not be too far. Second, station can be obtained as [9]
to avoid wasting resources, the actual distance between two ad-
jacent EV charging stations should not be too close. Thus, the
service radius of EV charging stations and the actual dis- (5)

where is the total capacity of other devices except the where is the per-unit capacity cost of the active
transformers and charging devices (including the loads of the power filtering and reactive power compensation in the th EV
lighting and office, etc.) in the th EV charging station and charging station; is the overall correction coefficient of
is the daily maximal load rate of the th EV charging the charging devices in the th EV charging station; and
station. and are the reliability coefficient and the harmonic
Thus, the investment cost of the th EV charging station in current containing rate in the ac power input terminal of the th
the planning period can be formulated as charging device in the th EV charging station, respectively.
3) Maintenance Cost: The maintenance cost of the th EV
charging station in the planning period can be formulated as

where and are the per-unit capacity (10)

investment cost of the transformers, charging devices, and other
devices in the th EV charging station, respectively; where and are the per-unit capacity
and are the per square meter land utilization cost and the maintenance cost of the transformers, charging devices, and
area of the th EV charging station, respectively. other devices in the th EV charging station, respectively.
2) Operation Cost: The operation cost of the th EV 4) Network Loss Cost: The network loss cost of the studied
charging station includes the charging cost , distribution system with the newly planned EV charging sta-
the power consumption cost of electric devices , the tions in the planning period can be formulated as
active power filtering and reactive power compensation cost
, and the human resource cost in the planning
period. The operation cost can be represented as where is the on-grid price of electricity; is the annual
utilization hour, and is the power loss of the entire distri-
bution system.
(7) It should be mentioned that each cost item mentioned in this
work has been converted into the cost in each year of the plan-
where and are the rated power and the annual utiliza- ning period.
tion hours of the charging devices in the th EV charging station,
B. Constraints
respectively; and are the maximal active power con-
sumed and the annual utilization hours of the electric devices in The constraints considered here include the equality and
the th EV charging station, respectively; and is the elec- inequality ones. The equality constraints refer to power-flow
tricity purchasing price of the th EV charging station. equations.
In order to encourage EV charging stations to increase the A high level of harmonics can be produced by the nonlinear
daily average load rate at connected nodes, enhance the valley loads of charging devices. In particular, the fast-charging EVs
load, and avoid increasing the peak load, as well as improve the may lead to some significant changes in the load power and
reliability of power supply [14], the electricity purchasing price voltage amplitude at some nodes [17]. To prevent the negative
of EV charging stations can be adjusted with relevant policy effects of EV charging stations on the power quality and power
permission. For example, an electricity price adjustment coeffi- system security from occurrence, a methodological framework
cient can be added to the retail electricity price to determine the for the optimal planning of EV charging stations is developed
electricity purchasing price of EVs, as shown with the following inequality constraints [18], [19].
1) The permitted maximal transformer capacity limit of the
(8) th EV charging station (i.e., )

where is the retail electricity price, and is the (12)

daily average load rate of the th EV charging station.
Equation (8) is just a sample of an incentive mechanism. In 2) The lower and upper limits of reactive power needed for
fact, many methods can be employed to set the electricity pur- compensation in the th EV charging station (i.e.,
chasing price in order to encourage EV charging stations to con- and )
tribute to the improvement of the security and economics of a
power system concerned [15].
To maintain required power qualities, some measures, such as
active power filtering and reactive power compensation, can be (13)
taken. Thus, the costs associated with the planning period can where is the reactive power needed for compen-
be described as [16] sation in the th EV charging station.
3) The lower and upper voltage limits at each bus (i.e.,
and )

where is the number of nodes in the distribution system IV. MODIFIED PRIMAL-DUAL INTERIOR POINT ALGORITHM
4) The permitted maximal current limits in each feeder (i.e., A. Lagrange Function
) The MPDIPA employed here first transforms all of the in-
equality constraints in (19) into equalities by adding non-nega-
(15) tive variables. Then, the non-negative conditions of slack vari-
ables are handled by incorporating them into logarithmic barrier
where is the current in the feeder between nodes and terms [20]. Finally, a Lagrangian function is built as follows by
. incorporating equalities into the objective function of (19)
5) The permitted minimal and maximal charging power limits
of EV charging stations (i.e., and )

where is the charging power of where and are vectors of the slack
the th EV charging station. This constraint is used to re- variables; and are vectors of the Lagrange multipliers;
flect the supply capability limitations of the associated dis- is the iteration counter; is the number of inequality constraints;
tribution system. and is the barrier parameter.
6) The permitted maximal daily average load rate limits of the The relationship between the barrier parameter and comple-
th EV charging station (i.e., ) mentarity gap is as follows [21]:
(17) (21)

7) The minimal load power factor limits of the th EV where is the centering parameter,
charging station with newly added EVs (i.e., ) and is the complementarity

B. Correction Equations
(18) The minimal point of the Lagrange function in (20) must
satisfy the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions
where is the actual active/reactive load power. [22]. The optimal search direction
can be solved by the Newton’s method and the correction equa-
C. Methodological Framework tions can then be obtained
The developed mathematical model for the optimal sizing of
EV charging stations can be described as


where is the objective function, is the vector of
the equality constraints, is the vector of the inequality where and are diagonal matrices with the vector and
constraints, is the vector of the maximal/minimal is the diagonal matrix of ones, and are diagonal
limits of , is the vector of continuous decision variables matrices with the vector and is the Jacobian of
consisting of the capacities of all EV charging stations, and is the Jacobian of and is the number of equality
is the vector of the maximal/minimal limits of . constraints (i.e., the number of power-flow equations).
The problem described by (19) is a typical nonlinear con-
strained programming problem. Up to now, many optimization C. Modification of the Correction Equations
algorithms are available for solving this problem in the field From the aforementioned description, it is obvious that the
of operations research. In this paper, the modified primal-dual calculation amount of the primal-dual interior point algorithm
interior point algorithm (MPDIPA) is employed due to its fast (PDIPA) mainly lies in the correction equations expressed in
convergence rate, strong robustness, and insensitive starting (22). Therefore, a lot of calculation time and computer memory
points. The calculation amount of the primal-dual interior algo- will be required with PDIPA [23]. To solve this problem more
rithm mainly involves solving correction equations. To speed efficiently, an alternative form of the correction equations is pro-
the solving procedure, the correction equations are simplified posed here, and this represents the key point of MPDIPA. The
by taking full advantage of their sparse structures. details of the alternative form are given below.

First, (22) can be written as follows: where is the vector of speed, different kinds of variables are employed with different
ones. step lengths in this paper. The step lengths are mathematically
Simplifying the third and fourth items of (23), shown at the expressed as follows: where is the step length of primal vari-
bottom of the page, yields ables, is the step length of dual variables, and is the safety
(24) According to the step length and optimal search direction, the
primal and dual variables can be modified. Then, the starting
Substituting the first and second items of (24) into the first points of the next iteration are determined by
and second items in (23) yields (25), shown at the bottom of the
Substituting the second item of (25), shown at the bottom of
the page, into the fifth item of (23) yields (26), shown at the (29)
bottom of the page.
Combining the first item of (26) with the sixth item of (23),
the simplified matrix of the modified equations can be obtained
as follows [24]: E. Convergence Conditions

(27) The convergence conditions of MPDIPA should include the

complementarity condition, primal feasibility, dual feasibility,
Therefore, and can be calculated by (27). Then, and optimality condition [26]. Therefore, it can be expressed in
and can be calculated by (24) and (25), shown the form of inequality constraints as follows:
at the bottom of the page. Therefore, the calculation time can
be reduced.

D. Step Length (30)

In the iteration procedure, the step length should be modi-
fied in order to guarantee the primal feasibility and dual feasi-
bility of solutions [25]. Meanwhile, to enhance the convergence where , and are constants.






Fig. 1. IEEE 123-node test feeder.

F. Computational Procedure
Step 1) Set the iteration counter and specify the
starting points (including the charging power of the
EV charging stations).
Step 2) According to (21), determine the barrier parameter
, complementarity gap , and centering param-
eter .
Step 3) According to (27), (24), and (25), calculate the search
directions of each variable.
Step 4) According to (28), shown at the bottom of the pre-
vious page, determine the step length of primal vari-
ables and dual variables.
Step 5) According to (29), update the primal variables and
dual variables.
Step 6) According to (30), judge whether the convergence
conditions are met. If yes, stop the calculation
and output the results; otherwise, set the iteration
counter , and then return to Step 2).

The IEEE 123-node test feeder [27], as shown in Fig. 1, is
used to demonstrate the developed model and method. The line
lengths, the states of three-phase switches, and the original load
data are shown in Tables I–III, respectively.
The demonstration, expansion, and application planning of
energy savings and new energy vehicles in China (the so-called
Ten-city 1000-vehicle planning) have been launched since Jan-
uary 2009, with the major goal of applying EVs to the public
service sectors as buses, business cars, taxis, and postal cars.
With this background, a kind of electricity-powered bus named
HFF6112GK50 [12] is taken as an example here.

A. Known Parameters
1) For HFF6112GK50 [10], 124 kW, 90%, 2) For EV charging stations [15], 12%,
40 km h 384 V, 255 Ah, 3, 0.95, 90%,
50%, 30%, 1.41, and 1.32. 1.05, 0.8, 0.61, 3%,
The line length of the feeders between two adjacent EV $0.06 kWh U.S.$0.04 kWh
charging stations (i.e., ) can be calculated by the sum U.S.$40.84 kVA U.S.$34.71 kVA
of the feeder lengths of all feeders between the two nodes U.S.$30.94 kVA U.S.$95.63
to which the two EV charging stations are connected, as m U.S.$10.16 kVA
shown in Table I. U.S.$11.92 kVA U.S.$8.92 kVA



Fig. 2. Optimal locations of EV charging stations in the IEEE 123- node test


U.S.$5.21 kVA and

3) For MPDIPA [21],
0.2, 0.2, and 0.99995.

B. Computational Procedures located in this charging service area is less than the distance be-
Step 1) According to the environmental factors at EV tween the EVs and the EV charging station located in any other
charging stations’ locations described in the charging service areas.
Subsection A of Section II, some nodes in the After the EV charging stations’ optimal locations are de-
IEEE 123-node test feeder are identified as the termined by the two-step screening method, the MPDIPA
initial candidate sites for EV charging stations, as is employed to solve the developed model for EV charging
shown in Table IV. stations’ optimal capacities. The optimal sites and capacities
Step 2) According to (1), (2), and Table I, it can be obtained of EV charging stations that have been obtained are shown
that the service radius of EV charging stations is in Table V. The detailed configuration of each EV charging
7.22 km and the actual distance of two station is shown in Table VI.
adjacent EV charging stations is (7.22, The convergence of MPDIPA is achieved when the comple-
14.44) km. Finally, the charging service area of each mentarity gap tends to zero [28]. The curve shown in Fig. 3 in-
EV charging station is divided in terms of the char- dicates that the complementarity gap approaches zero with the
acteristics of the Thiessen polygons, as shown in iteration process proceeding. This illustrates that the algorithm
Fig. 2. has good convergence characteristics.
According to the characteristics of the Thiessen polygons As shown in Fig. 4, MPDIPA is continually searching for
[12], the distance between the EVs in a charging service area the optimal capacities of EV charging stations in the iteration
(i.e., the convex polygons in Fig. 2) and the EV charging station process with a declining power loss rate. It indicates that the


Fig. 5. Voltage magnitude at each bus in the IEEE 123-node test feeder without
the optimal planning of EV charging stations.

Fig. 3. Complementarity gaps in each iteration.

Fig. 6. Voltage magnitude at each bus in the IEEE 123-node test feeder with
the optimal planning of EV charging stations.

a modified primal-dual interior point algorithm with the sparse

structures of the correction equations fully explored. In this way,
the solving procedure is significantly faster. Finally, simulation
results of the IEEE 123-node test feeder demonstrate that the
developed model and method cannot only attain the reasonable
planning scheme of EV charging stations, but also reduce the
Fig. 4. Variations of the power-loss rate in the iteration process with MPDIPA. network loss and improve the voltage profile. Some related fac-
tors, especially the EV fleet distribution, traffic situation, and
charging demand pattern, will be systematically addressed in
power loss of the IEEE 123-node test feeder has been reduced our future work.
with the different planning schemes of EV charging stations and
the incentive policy of the electricity purchasing price. With the
optimal planning scheme of the EV charging stations listed in REFERENCES
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Soc. Winter Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Jan. 28–Feb. 1, 2001, vol. 2, pp. Professor and the Director of the Institute of Power Economics and Informa-
803–808. tion since 1997, and the Director of Zhejiang University-Insigma Joint Research
[17] J. C. Gomez and M. M. Morcos, “Impact of EV battery chargers on the Center for Smart Grids since 2010. He had been a University Distinguished
power quality of distribution systems,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. Professor, the Deputy Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering, and the Di-
18, no. 3, pp. 975–981, Jul. 2003. rector of the Institute of Power Economics and Electricity Markets at South
[18] K. Clement-Nyns, E. Haesen, and J. Driesen, “The impact of charging China University of Technology (SCUT), Guangzhou, China, from 2005 to
plug-in hybrid electric vehicles on a residential distribution grid,” IEEE 2009. His current research interests lie in power industry restructuring, power
Trans. Power Syst., vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 371–380, Feb. 2010. system alarm processing, fault diagnosis and restoration strategies, as well as
[19] S. Rahman and G. B. Shrestha, “An investigation into the impact of smart grids.
electric vehicle load on the electric utility distribution system,” IEEE
Trans. Power Del., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 591–597, Apr. 1993.
[20] Y. C. Wu, A. S. Debs, and R. E. Marsten, “A direct nonlinear pre-
dictor-corrector primal-dual interior point algorithm for optimal power Gerard Ledwich (SM’89) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
flows,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 2, no. 9, pp. 876–883, May 1994. from the University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia, in 1976.
[21] Y. C. Wu and A. S. Debs, “Initialisation, decoupling, hot start, and He has been Chair Professor in Electrical Asset Management at Queens-
warm start in direct nonlinear interior point algorithm for optimal land University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia, since 1998, and was
power flows,” Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng., Gen., Transm. Distrib., vol. 148, Head of the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Newcastle, New-
no. 1, pp. 67–75, Jan. 2001. castle, Australia, from 1997 to 1998. Previously, he was with the University of
[22] F. Capitanescu, M. Glavic, D. Ernst, and L. Wehenkel, “Interior-point Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, from 1976 to 1994. His research interests are
based algorithms for the solution of optimal power flow problems,” in the areas of power systems, power electronics, and controls.
Elect. Power Syst. Res., vol. 77, no. 2, pp. 508–517, Apr. 2007. Dr. Ledwich is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers, Australia.

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