Biology Practice

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Suelisa Chin P2

Graded work #1


1 a) i) A disease is a condition that impairs the normal functioning of cells, tissues or organs
which may lead to compromised/decreased health.

ii) pathogenic- caused by pathogens which are parasites e.g viruses, bacteria, fungi,
deficiency- caused by a lack of a certain nutrient in the diet.
hereditary- caused when an abnormal gene is passed on from generation to generation.
physiological- caused when an organ malfunctions or when changes occur in the normal
functioning of cells.


diabetes Pathogenic cystic fibrosis

AIDS Deficiency sickle cell

Hypertension Hereditary scurvy

anemia Physiological malaria

iv) Communicable diseases can be passed on from one person to another while non-
communicable diseases cannot be passed from person to person.

b i)

 Use of drugs to relieve symptoms.

 Use of drugs, creams or ointments to kill pathogens.


 Consuming foods high in the nutrient that is lacking.

 Taking supplements containing the nutrient that is lacking.
iii) Consumption of the wrong types and portions of food can negatively affect the body and
may contribute to high blood pressure. Consuming a lot of salt, fat, sugar and alcohol can
lead to high blood pressure. Limiting your sodium, sugar, fat and alcohol intake will lower
the risk of developing high blood pressure. Consume more plant-based proteins, eat your
fruits and vegetables and try limiting the use of salt when preparing meals.

iv) I agree with Ryan because when a person who has diabetes exercises, then the excess
glucose in their blood will be used up in respiration, hence decreasing. This is because their
pancreas will secrete insulin into the blood, which will stimulate the blood cells to absorb
excess glucose for respiration.

c) If not brought under control, it will have economic implications such as loss of foreign
exchange. Decreased food production locally, will lead to farmers losing income, thus
affecting their families and livelihood. It will also cause a rise in prices which will affect low
income families.

2. i) A vector is an organism that carries pathogens in or on its body.


Name of Stage Habitat Mode of Life

A Adult/Imago Cool dark places e.g. Flying and
grass reproducing stage.
After mating, the
female will require a
blood meal to mature
her eggs. She gets this
blood from humans.
B Egg Surface of still water. Floats on the surface
of the water.
C Larva Water Feeding and growing
stage where they feed
on micro-organisms in
the water and organic
matter. They breathe
through breathing
D Pupa Water Non-feeding stage.
This is where larval
tissue will reorganize
into adult tissue.
Breathing occurs
through breathing
tubes as well.


 Dengue fever
 Chikungunya
 Malaria


Dengue fever- High fever and muscle pain

Chikungunya- Joint pain and nausea

Malaria- Fever and chills and weakness

v) The Aedes mosquito transmits the viruses that cause dengue and chikungunya. While the
Anopheles mosquito transmits the protozoan called Plasmodium which causes malaria. A
mosquito’s saliva contains the pathogens and when a mosquito bites an individual these pathogens
are injected into the blood of that individual which then causes disease.


 Introducing the tilapia fish into the breeding sites of the mosquitos.
 Pouring oil on the surface of infested water areas.
 Using insecticides to kill the adults.

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