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January 20, 2016

President, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.

Kappa Omicron Chapter

Dear ,

Based on the investigation into activities of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. during the “Krimson & Skream” party on
October 30, 2015, the Kappa Alpha Psi, Kappa Omicron Chapter is being held responsible for the following violations:
unruly and disorderly conduct, insufficient risk management procedures, consumption of alcohol by minors at a chapter-
sponsored event.

Based on the information gathered, the Kappa Omicron Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. at California State
Polytechnic University, Pomona is charged with violating the following University Policies:

Executive Order 1068

Off-Campus Student Activities
1. Campuses shall comply with Section 41301, Standards for Student Conduct, of Title 5 of the California Code of
Regulations. This section clarifies the university's authority for off-campus behavior that includes students who
are members of clubs and organizations. The Student Conduct Code sets the standard of expected behavior and
describes conduct that is unacceptable and subject to discipline through the university's disciplinary process.

Student Code of Conduct

1. Use, possession, manufacture, or distribution of alcoholic beverages (except as expressly permitted by law and
University regulations), or public intoxication while on campus or at a University related activity.

University Policies
Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
1. The unlawful possession, use, manufacture, distribution, or sale of illicit drugs or drug-related paraphernalia,
tobacco or alcohol, and the misuse of legal pharmaceutical drugs or alcohol by any faculty, staff, recognized
auxiliary employee, student, registered campus organization, campus entity, visitor or visiting organization is
strictly prohibited in the workplace, on University premises, at University activities, or on University business, on
campus or off.
2. Any faculty, staff, recognized auxiliary employee, student, registered campus organization, campus entity, visitor
or visiting organization found to be in violation of federal, state and/or local law, or who violates the University’s
standards of conduct may be subject to disciplinary action as set forth in the following and/or referred to the
appropriate authorities for legal prosecution.

The Interim Coordinator of Greek Life and Education and the Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers consulted on the
sanctions for the above violations:

1. The Kappa Omicron Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. is placed on social probation from January 20,
2016 through June 30, 2016. Social Probation means the fraternity may not engage in social activities including
exchanges, mixers, and any other activity that may be construed as a Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. social
event. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. must meet with the Interim Coordinator of Greek Life and Education after
the conclusion of the Social Probation period and request permission to gain approval to engage in their first
social activity.
2. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. will have at least 4 programs approved educational or service-related activities
per quarter.
i. A calendar for all Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity related activities must be submitted by the first of each
month to the Interim Coordinator of Greek Life and Education via email for approval at:
ii. Each event on the submitted calendar must be a Word document given in the following format: name of
event, date and time of event, location, organization that planned the event, number of possible
attendees from chapter, and description of event;
iii. Community service-related events must be planned in conjunction with the Center for Community
Engagement. Contact at for more information.
3. Host a workshop for at least 5 Greek chapters about conduct at off-campus events involving alumni, actives, and
i. Create a check-list/itinerary of what to cover at pre-event meetings to share with alumni, guests, and
active members that may attend an off-campus event that the fraternity is hosting.
ii. Protocol for knowing the preliminary signs of intoxication as well as an action plan for when attendees
(alumni, guest, and members from other chapters) show signs of intoxication.
iii. Workshop must have at least 3 members from 4 different chapters in attendance.
iv. Send presentation agenda, slides, and notes to the Interim Coordinator of Greek Life & Education by
January 30, 2016 for review. Presentation must be implemented by February 29, 2016.
v. Workshops must be planned in conjunction with the University Housing services and Student Health and
Counseling Services. Contact at , at
in Student Health and Counseling Services and at in
University Housing Services for more information.
4. Create a risk management mitigation policy for the chapter that should be added to your Risk Reduction
Implementation Plan. This should include:
i. Chain of Contacts (who to contact should a problem arise).
ii. Code of Conduct contract/agreement template for any chapter social event.
iii. Send completed chapter policy to Interim Coordinator of Greek Life & Education by April 15, 2016.

5. Executive board and risk management must meet with a staff member in the University Police Department to
discuss mitigating risk measures at off-campus events at least once a quarter until December 30, 2016 (4
meetings total). Please contact at to set up meetings.
i. At this meeting, you may:
ii. Review updated alcohol, student conduct, and other relevant policies;
iii. Review national housing and risk management policies;
iv. Discuss how to host an event that follows University policies and procedures.
v. Write a one-page reflection (12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1” margin, at least 300 words) after each
meeting with the University Police Department and send via email to the Interim Coordinator of Greek
Life and Education no later than 10 business days after the meeting.
6. Review the Cal Poly Pomona Student Conduct Code, Interim Alcohol Policy, and CSU Executive Order 1068.
i. Create a summary sheet for policies to share with new and current members to help better understand
the policies and how it relates to chapter conduct.
ii. Send completed sheets to Interim Coordinator of Greek Life & Education by May 20, 2016.

The Office of Student Life and Cultural Centers and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity take these matters very seriously and
hope that the members of the Kappa Omicron Chapter will be able to learn from this incident. Please note that the
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity National and Regional Office has been informed of this situation and may issue additional

This information will remain on file in the Greek Life Office seven years after the completion of the sanctions, with the
understanding that another violation of University Policies and/or Student Conduct Code may result in further
disciplinary action. The Greek Life Office will take no further disciplinary action with respect to this conduct case or
incident unless it appears the terms and conditions of this disciplinary action have been violated.

If you decide to appeal this Notice of Decision, appeals must be made in writing to the Acting Director of Office of
Student Life & Cultural Centers, at within 3 business days of the date of this letter.
decision will be final and there will be no further appeals.

If you have any questions about what is required, please contact me. Thank you for your collaboration regarding this


Interim Coordinator of Greek Life & Education

Copy: , Director of Judicial Affairs

, Acting Associate Vice President & Dean of Students
, Acting Director, Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers
, Interim Senior Coordinator, Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers
, On Campus Advisor, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.
, Lieutenant, Campus Police Department
, Volunteer Coordinator, Center for Community Engagement
, Interim Assistant Director, Residence Life, University Housing Services
, Health Educator, Student Health and Counseling Services
, Health Educator, Student Health and Counseling Services
, Director of Undergraduate & University Affairs, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.
, Province Polemarch, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.
, Chapter Advisor, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.
Kappa Omicron Chapter Members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.

March 16, 2017

President, Omega Psi Phi Inc.

Phi Lambda Chapter

Dear ,

I received information from Athletics regarding concerns of possible hazing of potential new
members of Omega Psi Phi Inc. It is imperative that we hold an investigative conference
wherein these concerns will be discussed.

At this meeting, you are entitled to bring one other person with you. If you choose to bring one
other person, their role is advisory only and they cannot speak on your behalf. Your advisor
may not be a person with information relevant to the situation, or a person who may be
interviewed in relation to the circumstances. Your advisor may be an attorney but rarely is one
required. However, if you wish to bring an attorney, please provide me with his or her name,
contact information, and address at least three business days prior to your scheduled meeting.

Please email me at to make an appointment as soon as possible but not

later than 5:00pm on Friday, March 17, 2017. I look forward to hearing from you so that we
may schedule a time to meet at our earliest convenience. , Director of Student
Conduct & Integrity may join in this conversation.

If you fail to respond or meet with me, I may proceed with the organizational disciplinary
process without the benefit of your input. Please give this your immediate attention.

All members of Omega Psi Phi are expected to fully cooperate with the investigation. Be
advised that providing false information, concealing information, instructing others to provide
false information or conceal information, or attempting to obstruct the investigation will result
in a student conduct referral of the organization and/or individuals involved. Any attempts to
threaten or intimidate witnesses or others involved in the investigation will also result in
student conduct. If you have any questions about the investigation, please contact me.

Best regards,

Coordinator of Greek Life & Education

Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers
Cal Poly Pomona
Office Phone:


March 24, 2017

Dear :

I received information regarding your organization’s unsanctioned affiliation with Cal Poly Pomona. The
Epsilon chapter of Theta Delta Beta, a Filipino/Ilicano based organization claiming to be affiliated with
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (“Cal Poly Pomona”) and several universities, is
participating in activities using the Cal Poly Pomona name.

The University has no record of a current affiliation between Theta Delta Beta and Cal Poly Pomona;
therefore, your use of Cal Poly Pomona and the CSU name is unauthorized.

Be advised that California Education Code Section 89005.5(a)(1)(B) provides that the names of all CSU
institutions are property of the State of California. Education Code Section 89005.5(a)(2)(B) states that
no person shall use any CSU name, or any abbreviation of any CSU name, to imply, indicate or otherwise
suggest that any product, service, or organization is connected or affiliated with, or is endorsed, favored
or supported by the Trustees of the California State University. This section further provides that “The
permission of the Trustees is required before any [CSU name] may be used for any commercial
purpose.” Subpart (c) of Section 89005.5 states that any person who uses a CSU name in violation of
California law is also guilty of a misdemeanor.

Given that concern, we demand that you immediately:

1. Cease and desist from using the name “Cal Poly Pomona,” “Cal Poly,” “CPP,” or any variations of
these names in the marketing or promotion of Theta Delta Beta;
2. Cease and desist from advertising for or engaging in any recruitment activities that are in any
way affiliated with Cal Poly Pomona;
3. Cease and desist from any activities that suggest or otherwise imply that Theta Delta Beta is a
recognized student organization of Cal Poly Pomona, and;
4. Cease and desist any other activities that falsely imply that you are otherwise connected or
affiliated with Cal Poly Pomona.

If you do not take immediate steps to do so, the University may take legal action against you to
compel compliance. By the close of business on March 29, 2017, please notify the undersigned, in
writing, that you have complied with these demands.

, it is imperative that we hold an investigative conference wherein these matters will be

discussed. At this meeting, you are entitled to bring one other person with you. If you choose to bring
one other person, their role is advisory only and they cannot speak on your behalf. Your advisor may be
an attorney but rarely is one required. However, if you wish to bring an attorney, please provide me
with his or her name, contact information, and address at least three business days prior to your
scheduled meeting.

Please email me at to make an appointment as soon as possible but not later than
5:00pm on March 27, 2017.
As this matter is investigated, all students affiliated with Theta Delta Beta are expected to fully
cooperate with the investigation. Be advised that providing false information, concealing information,
instructing others to provide false information or conceal information, or attempting to obstruct the
investigation will result in disciplinary action. Any attempts to threaten or intimidate witnesses or
others involved in the investigation will also result in disciplinary action. If you have any questions about
the investigation, please contact me.


Coordinator of Greek Life & Education

Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Copy: , Director, Student Conduct & Integrity

, Senior Coordinator, Office of Student Life and Cultural Centers
, University Counsel
, Acting Associate Vice President & Dean of Students, Division of Student Affairs
, Vice President for Student Affairs

Sent Via Email Only

October 6, 2017

Dear ,

This letter is to inform you of the outcomes in regard to the plea of “Guilty” you submitted on behalf of the Rho-
Delta chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon, on October 3, 2017 via email to the Offices of the Grand Chapter. This
plea, in response to the Notice of Charges issued to the chapter, is hereby accepted. Pursuant to Chapter XIX,
“Chapter Charter Status”, Sec. 9 of the Black Book, the Offices of the Grand Chapter, “OGC,” will impose
administrative sanctions, effective immediately:

1. The chapter will be suspended through the Offices of the Grand Chapter until August 31, 2018.
During this suspension period the chapter must immediately cease all recruitment/candidate
education activities/meetings; and furthermore, is not permitted to host any activities, events,
chapter operations, or business of the Fraternity. The only exeptions will be:
a. Scheduled meetings with the university and/or Tau Kappa Epsilon Professional Staff.
b. Attendance at Tau Kappa Epsilon educational conferences, such as Regional
Leadership Conferences and Province Educational Conferences.
2. During the suspension period, the chapter must have at least 4 members register and attend Tau
Kappa Epsilon’s Regional Leadership Conference.
3. During the suspension period, the chapter membership will undergo a conduct record review,
carried out by the Offices of the Grand Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon, in collaboration with
Cal Poly Pomona’s Greek Life and Education Office, to help decide each member’s future
participation in the chapter.
a. Members may be asked to sign an authorization waiver, permitting the Offices of the
Grand Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon to discuss individual with the Office of Student
Conduct & Integrity at Cal Poly Pomona.
4. After successful completion of the chapter’s suspension, the chapter will be placed on a
propationary status for a period of two years. At the earliest, probation could be completed by
August 31, 2020. During that time, the chapter may return to normal operations and business
of the Fraternity, but will only be allowed to recruit new members, at the earliest, January 1,
2019, and when the following tasks have been successfully completed:

a. The entire active chapter must attend a Hazing Prevention workshop, facilitated by a
member of Tau Kappa Epsilon’s Professional Staff. Excused absenses may be granted
on a case by case basis.
b. The entire chapter must attend a Tau Kappa Epsilon Ritual workshop, facilitated by a
member of Tau Kappa Epsilon’s Professional Staff. Excused absenses may be granted
on a case by case basis.
c. The chapter must work with Tau Kappa Epsilon’s Professional Staff to create a new 6-
8 week Candidate Education process. This newly constructed process must then be
submitted to Cal Poly Pomona’s Greek Life and Education Office for review and
d. The chapter will be required to work with Tau Kappa Epsilon International
Headquarters and Cal Poly Pomona’s Greek Life and Education Office to ensure
understanding of International Fraternity and University expectations regarding hazing
and compliance with University policy and procedures.
5. Upon successful completion of the above mentioned tasks, and in coordination with and
approval from Cal Poly Pomona, the Rho-Delta chapter will be allowed to recruit new
members. At that time, the chapter must comply with the following items for a minimum of
one year:
a. All Candidate Education activities must take place on campus with an open-door
policy, excluding the Initiation Ritual.
b. The Initiation Ritual of new candidates must be attended by a member of Tau Kappa
Epsilon’s Professional Staff.
Failure to comply with these outcomes may result in further charges being brought against the chapter and/or
individual members by the Offices of the Grand Chapter.

For future coordination of educational programing and completion of the above mentioned outcomes, or should
you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact , Risk Operations Manager, at
or via email at .

Yours in the Bond,

Chief Executive Officer

Tau Kappa Epsilon International Fraternity

If you fail to call and schedule an appointment, a hold will be placed on your academic record, prohibiting
registration transactions or releasing your transcript or diploma. The hold will remain until we have met to
discuss this incident or a hearing has been held. Therefore, it is in your best interest to promptly respond.

Student Conduct procedures are outlined in Executive Order 1098. You may obtain additional copies of this Executive
Order as well as the Student Conduct Code on the Student Conduct & Integrity website or at the Student Conduct &
Integrity office in Building 26, Room 133. You may also schedule a meeting to review your conduct file prior to the
meeting through arrangements with our office.

Upon request, Student Conduct & Integrity will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with a
disability. During this meeting, you will have an opportunity to respond to the charges and present any additional
information you wish to be considered in the outcome.

At this meeting, you are entitled to bring another person with you, but their role is advisory only and they cannot speak
on your behalf (Executive Order 1098). Your advisor may not be a person with information relevant to the allegations,
or a person who may be interviewed in relation to the investigation. Your advisor may be an attorney but rarely is one
required. However, if you wish to bring an attorney please provide me with their name and address three days prior to
your scheduled meeting.

The burden of proof for the conduct decisions is whether the University's charge is substantiated by a preponderance of
the evidence. It is the University's burden to show that it is "more likely than not" that the student violated the Student
Conduct Code.

Students participating in the investigation process should not discuss their case outside of their meeting with Student
Conduct & Integrity. During the investigation, students should not provide false information, conceal information,
instruct others to provide false information or conceal information, or attempt to obstruct the investigation in any way.
Any attempts to threaten or intimidate individuals participating in the investigation process and/or any evidence of
collusion could result in disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or expulsion.

For further information regarding the Student Conduct Code, please visit the Student Conduct & Integrity website. If
you have any questions, please contact Student Conduct & Integrity at 909-869-6985. I look forward to speaking with
you. Thank you.


Dr. Jonathan Pettigrew

Director of Student Conduct

CC: Student Conduct & Integrity

investigation, please contact Dr. Jonathan Pettigrew, Director of Student Conduct & Integrity at (909) 869-6985.

Also, please call the Office of Student Conduct & Integrity at (909) 869-6985 as soon as possible but not later than
Thursday, September 26, 2019 to schedule an appointment on behalf of your fraternity. Please understand that if you fail
to do so, our investigation will continue without information from you. Additionally, we may potentially make a
determination in absentia based upon all available evidence.

At this meeting, you are entitled to bring another person with you. That person’s role in the conference is advisory only.
That is, the person may only be present to observe and consult with you (Executive Order No. 1098). If you elect to
bring an attorney, you must notify our office at least three days prior to the meeting that you intend to do so. You must
also inform our office of the name and address of your attorney. A copy of Executive Order 1098 may be obtained on
the resource page on the Student Conduct Website using the following link:


Dr. Jonathan Pettigrew

Director of Student Conduct

CC: Benardo Dargan, Interim AVP/Dean of Students

Tari Hunter, Director of OSLCC
Ronnisha Holden, Coordinator, Greek Life & Education
Student Conduct & Integrity, Department Email
I find it more likely than not that the Rho Delta Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity violated the student code of
conduct; specifically Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 41301, subsection (b.8) Hazing, or
conspiracy to haze. However, I found no evidence of any action on the part of Tau Kappa Epsilon that could have
potentially led to physical or bodily harm to any of the potential members.

The following sanctions have been assigned:

1. Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE) may return to active status effective Wednesday, November 13, 2019 with the
understanding that the chapter must adhere to all conditions indicated in this communication.
2. The Chapter’s Probationary status will be extended until August 31, 2021. Any future violations of the
Student Code of Conduct during this probationary period will result in Suspension and/or Expulsion of Tau
Kappa Epsilon (TKE) from Cal Poly Pomona. Expulsion means loss of recognized student organization
status for a period to be determined by the University.
3. Mandatory attendance will be required of all chapter members for a meeting with the Office of Student
Conduct and Integrity and the Office of Student Life and Cultural Centers (OSLCC). This meeting will
take place before the end of the Fall Semester 2019. , President of TKE, is responsible for
coordinating this meeting with all parties. During the meeting, the chapter will be required to acknowledge
understanding of Cal Poly Pomona’s Hazing Policy, including acceptable and non-acceptable initiation
practices. Most importantly, the Chapter will be required to acknowledge understanding of all sanctions
and expectations outlined in this outcome letter.
4. Leadership Workshop: Mandatory attendance will be required of all chapter members to attend a Leadership
Workshop conducted by Bronco Lead. This workshop will take place before the end of February 2020. The
leadership workshop will be coordinated through OSLCC.
5. Hazing and Education Workshops: Mandatory Chapter attendance is required. These workshops will be
conducted by OSLCC. Please contact Ronnisha Osuala @ for additional information
concerning this requirement.
6. Two (2) campus visits from the TKE National Office to facilitate the following: Leadership Change,
Membership Review, Hazing Education, and the Re-Education of Officers. This must be completed by
February 17, 2020. The chapter, in coordination with the National Office, must provide OSLCC a report
detailing how they will educate the entire organization prior to the campus visits. The campus visits must be
conduct by (or an approved designee), Chief Risk Officer, for National
7. New Member Recruitment/Intake: After current new member class is initiated (Fall 2019), Tau Kappa
Epsilon is prohibited from participating in New Member Recruitment/Intake until Spring Semester
2021. As a condition for Future Recruitment/Intake, the chapter must comply with the following:
All Sanctions imposed must be completed according to specified timeline, and approval must be
granted by the Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers.
All Candidate Education Activities must take place on campus with an open-door policy, excluding
the Initiation Ritual.
The Initiation Ritual of new candidates must be attended by a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon’s
Professional Staff.

Cal Poly Pomona takes this matter very seriously, and we hope that the members of your organization will be able to
learn from this incident. Since you are being allowed to return to active status (with restrictions), the University will
continue to work collaboratively with your International Headquarters to discuss ways to ensure that the Rho Delta
Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon remain in compliance with University expectations for all organizations on campus.

This document will remain on file in the Student Conduct and Integrity office for a minimum of seven years after the
completion of the sanctions and will be released as determined by federal law and university policy. Additional Chapter
violations of the Student Conduct Code will result in suspension or expulsion (Loss of Recognition) of the Chapter
from Cal Poly Pomona.
If you wish to discuss this matter further, or if you have any questions, please contact Dr. Jonathan C. Pettigrew,
Director of Student Conduct and Integrity, at (909) 869-6985 or Thank you for understanding the
importance of upholding the core values of Cal Poly Pomona.


Dr. Jonathan Pettigrew

Director of Student Conduct

CC: Tari Hunter, Director, Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers
Ronnisha Osuala, Coordinator of Greek Life & Education, Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers
, Chief Risk Officer, Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
Student Conduct & Integrity, Department Email
Benardo Dargan, Interim AVP/Dean of Students

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