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“Perceived effect of Community Learning

Facilitators as aid on the difficulties
encountered by Grade 3 using modular distance
learning modality in English”


In the previous years, an outbreak of the corona virus

or COVID 19 occurred which has turned to global health

emergency that causes dramatic loss of human life

worldwide and led to threaten public health, food system,

economy, safety and security, transportation and

education. Several lockdowns are conducted to the

different areas and people need to undergo quarantine to

monitor health condition and prevent the spread of the

virus. Most countries around the world have temporarily

closed educational institutions to contain the spread of

the virus and reduce infections (Tria, 2020). Since face-

to-face classes are suspended among schools, modular

distance learning, online learning, and blended learning

are practice as the new mode of learning in adapting the

changes on the new normal form of education.

In the Philippines, modular learning is currently used

by all public schools because according to a survey

conducted by the Department of Education (DepEd),

learning through printed and digital modules emerged as

the most preferred distance learning method of parents

with children who are enrolled this academic year

(Bernardo, J). Modular Distance Learning features

individualized instruction that allows learners to use

self-learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital

format/electronic copy, whichever is applicable to the

learner. Learners under Modular Distance Learning can

also use other resources such as Learner’s Materials,

textbooks, activity sheets, study guides, and other study

materials Malaya (2020.In DepEd Order 001 s. of 2021

signed by Education Secretary Leonor Briones on Jan. 4,

the DepEd issued policy guidelines on the evaluation of

SLMs for Quarters 3 and 4 for the school year (SY) 2020-

2021. Some schools implement the modular distance

learning modality to continue the teaching and learning

process. Modular learning is a form of distance learning

that uses Self-Learning Modules (SLM) based on the Most

Essential Learning Competencies (MELCS) provided by DepEd

(Manlangit, Paglumotan & Sapera, 2020). One of the

benefits of using modules for instruction is the

acquisition of better self-study or learning skills among

students. Students engage themselves in learning the

concepts presented in the module. They develop a sense of

responsibility in accomplishing the tasks provided in the

module (Dangle & Sumaoang, 2020).

However, the implementation of modular instruction

fostered various challenges to teachers, students, and

parents. The study of Dangle showed that the main

challenges that emerged were lack of school funding in

the production and delivery of modules, students struggle

with self-studying, and parents’ lack of knowledge to

academically guide their child/children. Hence, it is

evident that there are struggles associated with the use

of modular distance learning Sumaoang (2020).

English is almost certainly considered as one of the

most important subject that a student can learn from

school. The importance of this one is that it helps

students to read and write well, how to use the English

Language to its greatest effect and being creative with

the language itself. English is the language which

connects people from different regions, culture and

nation and it is very important in daily life and we can

build a better world if we can understand each other and

use the language very well (Baqiyah, 2019). Moreover,

English subject is widely regarded as one of the most

difficult to master and challenging among elementary

grades. Transition is crucial among learners in mastering

their L1 as their foundation from acquisition of L2 which

is English language. In modular distance learning,

explanation and discussion of English topics is affected

due to the limited interaction among learners. Thus, upon

implementing the said modality, a large number of pupils

encountered difficulties to answer and accomplish

activities on their modules especially on their English

subject. As a result, some pupils submit their modules

with incomplete activities. A result of the research

conducted by Felicisimo & Michell, teachers find it

difficult to check outputs with no answers as it

indicates that they have nothing to record with regards

to the student’s performance. On top of that, the fact

that students have no answers means that students are no

interested on the process of learning. Hence, it is

challenging for teachers to evaluate a student without

evidence of learning. There are also students who submit

answer sheet without names and it becomes difficult for a

teacher to check without being able to recognize the

owner the output, especially when recording scores.

The teachers find it difficult to check

outputs with no
answers as it indicates that they have
nothing to record with regards to the
students’ performance.
The teachers find it difficult to check
outputs with no
answers as it indicates that they have
nothing to record with regards to the
students’ performance.
In order to respond to these problems, Community

Learning Facilitators play an important role as partner

and stakeholder of the school which serves as an aid to

respond these difficulties encountered in modular

learning. Community Learning Facilitators can be

classified as volunteer citizen within the school

community, they can be parents, guardians, community

leaders/officials (SK Chairperson and other Barangay

Officials), Social Workers and Police Officers.

The assigned learning facilitators need to coordinate

the teachers in helping the distribution/collection of

modules, and facilitating the learners upon teaching

lessons and answering their modules. Also, communicate to

students through text messages, phone calls, and other

available forms of communication. Community Learning

Facilitators will help learners to cope up with their

difficulties in doing their tasks, responds to their

queries, helps them in learning at their own pace and

provide assistance in formulating meaning and thoughts

about the lesson. The appropriate interventions to be

provided for struggling learners according to teachers

are consistent consultation through text, call, and

through other social media platforms, organization of

Community Learning Facilitators (CLF), home visitation

for direct tutorials, simplification of modules, and

immediate note/feedback made by teachers which are

written in vernacular language. For parents, teachers can

give them assistance through text and call, community

facilitating, consultation and posting updates on social

media, and by giving them words of encouragement (Dangle

& Sumaoang, 2020).


The Covid-19 Pandemic has an impact on education,

resulting in new policies for home learning. Paradigm

shift of mode on learning from face-to-face classes into

remote learning are only allowed to continue the

teaching-learning process. However, upon implementation

of remote or modular learning learners struggle to study

by themselves because mode of instruction requires self-

paced or independent study.

The purpose of this action research is to determine

the difficulties encountered by Grade 3 pupils in Mananao

Elementary School in using modular distance learning

modality in English subject. Thus, it will identify the

effect of community learning facilitators to reduce the

said problem. As response to the problem, community

learning facilitators are need to assigned by the school

as tutor and facilitators to minimize the difficulties

they encountered and passing of incomplete activities on

using modular distance learning. Community Learning

Facilitators will help learners to cope up with their

difficulties in doing their tasks, responds to their

queries, helps them in learning at their own pace and

provide assistance in formulating meaning and thoughts

about the lesson. Open questions are provided in the

interview to allow students to convey

constraints/difficulties experienced during distance

learning modality, such as network constraints, health

problems, costs, the environment, and time problems and

answer the given survey questionnaire. Total of 14 Grade

3 pupils in Mananao Elementary School will be respondents

of the study. The class will be randomly divided in to

two groups. The experimental group will be group A, while

the control group will be group B. The group A were given

with community learning facilitators, whereas the group B

were practice independent learning with their modules.

The researchers will conduct a post-test after the

quarter to compare the result to determine if there is an

improvement on their learning in terms of submission of

activities. In terms of the intervention, this

experimental study will take quarter long. The learners'

responses to community learning facilitators as a tool

for overcoming problems during the new normal period were

consistent applied. Findings of study will help Grade 3

pupils, teachers and parents to minimize upon the

difficulties that are identified and improve their

learning performance. Quantitative design was utilized to

analyze the data.


1. COMMUNITY- Is a group of people living in same

place and the people who share certain
characteristics such as religion, belief, norms
and identity.

2. English language– is widely considered to be the

world language that most commonly used of
different country and it is the language of choice
in a wide range of fields.

3. Facilitator- a facilitator assists a group people

in better working together, understanding their
common aims and planning how to attain the

4. Modality- the language being used to discuss

possible circumstances is known as modal
statement, for example it can imply that something
like desirable or permissible.

5. Modular Distance Learning- modular learning is a

learning that the student learns by themselves
through the use of learning modules.

. Design: Quantitative
Topic/theme: Difficulties
encountered by the pupils in their Method: Triangulation
module as a result of passing
incomplete activities. Participants Grade 3 pupils and teacher
Seq. Statement of the Data Gathering Instrument/Tool Statistics
Problem Method
  What are common Interview with Interview guide
  difficulties the teacher Observation
Diagnostics encountered by Grade and parents; log 
  3 pupils in Observation on  
  answering activities their Questionnaire  
in English module? worksheets 
  What are the Interview with Interview guide
Supplemental possible reasons why the teacher, questionnaire 
variables pupils passed pupils and
incomplete parents;
activities? Survey  
  How are the Interview with Interview guide
Post results difficulties the teacher; Observation log
  encountered by the Observation on Pretest/Post
pupils in reduce their test worksheets
upon implementing worksheets  
community learning Pretest/Post
facilitators? test
  How can the said  
Intervention technique lessen the Action plan/experimental
  problem of passing  
activities among
“Increasing the Reading Skills of the Grade 2 pupils through
Fuller Method”


Reading is one of the most essential fundamental skills

needed to be developed at an early age. According to Carol

Anne St. George, EdD., “Reading is necessary for learning,

so instilling love of reading at an early age is the key

that unlocks the door to lifelong learning and it helps grow

their vocabulary and their understanding about the world.

Reading plays a very important role in enhancing the minds

of young individuals, developing their “capacity for focused

attention” as well as their “imaginative growth Aikat

(2007). According to Wixon, Peters, Weber and Roeber (1987),

reading is the process of constructing meaning through the

dynamic interaction among the reader, the text and the

context of the reading situation. Reading process involves

visual motor skills and perception of the symbols by the

brain. It is generally broken down into two components:

„reading‟ the words, or decoding and understanding what is

read, or comprehension (Cooper, Warnoke & Shipman, 1988;

Samuels, 1988)

Reading is the basic tool of learning to become

functionally literate. "There is general consensus that in

addition to varied language-and literature-based activities,

reading instruction should include explicit and systematic

instruction in the basic skills that help students become

fluent, automatic readers” Corwin Press (2001). It gives a

speed summary of the main research and instructional

practices that can help all learners achieve better reading

levels. Word instruction, spelling, vocabulary and concept

development, strategic reading, and text structure should

all be covered in the reading resources.

As of now, many children are failing in reading, because

of their low-level reading skills. According to Mondero

(1995) A child who fails to develop his reading skills at a

certain level of his education finds reading boring and

difficult to achieve. Many students struggle with reading

comprehension, and this can put a serious strain on a child

throughout all classroom subjects. Because learning all

academic content requires reading in some form, students who

struggle with reading comprehension often fall far behind

their classmates academically in multiple areas Lynch

(2020). The Philippines ranked 79th in reading, with an

average of 340 against the OECD average of 487. Reading was

the focus of this year’s PISA, the results of which were

released on Tuesday. It claimed that many learners with good

reading practices have better reading skills than those with

poor information literacy skills. This finding simply means

that every learner should develop a reading habit because it

aids in skill development. Reading during the early years

helps children in improving their other language skills.

Because reading habit and reading motivation are viewed as

characteristics that contribute to the development of

reading literacy in children, it is critical that parents

and instructors take these two factors into account.

The difficulty in reading is evident specially among

elementary grades. Learners struggle to properly pronounce

and recognize letters, pronounce sounds of letters, sounds

of words, etc. Reading difficulties is defined as deficiency

in a person’s fluent use and comprehension of written

language (Farlex and partners 2009). Researchers have

identified three kinds of developmental reading disabilities

that often overlap but that can be separate and distinct (1)

phonological deficit, (2) processing deficit, and (3)

comprehension deficit. Typical reading difficulties of

adolescents with mild disabilities include problems with

vocabulary, word recognition, reading comprehension and

reading rate. Reading appears to affect performance in all

other academic subjects as well as to impact vocational

needs and options (Feagans, 1983; Hallahan, Kauffman &

Lioyd, 1985). Mercer (1987) denotes several types of reading

problems that are typically found among students such as

reading habits, word recognition errors, comprehension

errors and miscellaneous symptoms. Smith et al., (1985) also

lists several common problems experienced by some students

who suffer from reading disabilities. These include:

omitting letters, syllables or words; inserting extra

letters, words or sound; substituting words that look or

sound similar; mispronouncing words; repeating words and

using improper inflection during oral reading.

Fortunately, there are ways to help struggling students.

Some schools used fuller method to teach, monitor and assess

learners to read through the great participation of their

parents. Fuller Method is an example of reading material

that follows sequence of reading activities. According to

Blessing (2021), Fuller approach is a combination of the

alphabet, phonics and whole methods of teaching word

recognition. Mastery of the names and shapes of the letters

of the alphabet. Adequate vocabulary so that the words used

in the fuller lesson will have meaning for the reader.

In regards to the Fuller method, reading activities

depends on the cognitive ability of the child based on the

prescribe competencies to be develop. The first technique is

"the child has mastery of the name and form of each

alphabet. The child can identify which letters are vowels

and which letters are consonants". Also, "the child has

mastery of the regular sounds of the consonants", for the

second techniques". The following sequence is recommended in

teaching the consonant sounds. The sequence is based on the

frequency of the use of consonants in the English language.

In this time of challenges amidst of the COVID-19,

providing access to quality education, teach and assess

learners on how to read is very crucial. Changes in the

education system must adapt by the teachers to continue the

teaching-learning process. Through the use fuller method

pupils are guided based from the provided reading materials

to be assisted by the parents as partners of the teachers in

improving their reading skills. Furthermore, formative

assessment is done through video call via messenger, online

class or phone calls to monitor the progress of pupils on

their reading skills using the First Grade Baseline

Evaluation. The First Grade Baseline Evaluation is designed

to be given individually to students. It can be used to

provide a baseline of a student’s reading skills at the

beginning of the school year. Because the assessed skills

will continue to develop over time, this evaluation may be

used multiple times throughout the year to monitor progress.

This will allow a teacher to tailor instruction most


Reading is a fundamental skill that needs to be developed

at early age. However, the difficulty in reading is evident

specially among elementary grades. Learners struggle to

properly pronounce and recognize letters, pronounce sounds

of letters, sounds of words, etc. Furthermore, learners need

to adapt changes in the new mode of learning in education.

According to the survey conducted by Program for

International Student Assessment (PISA), results showed that

one in four students is unable to complete even the most

basic reading tasks. Organization for Economic Co-operation

and Development (OECD) said that this could mean these

students may struggle in their lives while living in a

digital world. In relation to the problem, Grade 1 pupils of

Our Lady of the Pillar College San Manuel-Inc. are not

exempted. Some Of them struggle in reading which can hinder

their learning and processing of ideas. As the said problem,

learners reading skills will be enhanced through the

implementation of Fuller approach. Fuller approach is an

example of reading material that follows sequence of reading

activities. According to Blessing (2021), Fuller approach is

a combination of the alphabet, phonics and whole methods of

teaching word recognition. Reading performance level of the

Grade 1 pupils will be determine through Reading assessment

using a standardized tool; Philippine Reading Informal

Reading Inventory (Phil-Iri). The purpose of this action

research is to determine the reading difficulties

encountered by Grade 1 pupils of Our Lady of the Pillar

College-Inc. Thus, it will identify the effect of Fuller

approach to improve their reading skills. Grade 1 pupils

will undergo Pretest and Posttest Reading Assessment to

determine their reading level and areas which they encounter

reading difficulties. Also, teachers will be interviewed to

validate the said problem regards in reading. Data were

gathered through participatory, interview, observation and

assessment. Quantitative design was utilized to analyze the

data. The researchers will implement a quarter long

intervention to monitor the progress of Grade 1 pupils

reading skills through Fuller activities. The data gathered

from pretest and posttest were treated using the following

statistical treatment, standardized Phil-Iri Formula of the

Word Recognition, Comprehension to identify the reading

performance level of the respondents. Findings of study will

help teachers and pupils to minimize the said problem and

improve their reading skills.


1. Fuller Method- is an example of reading material that

follows sequence of reading activities.

2. Reading levels- A reading level is simply a measure of

your child’s ability to read text. It reflects how

well your little one can read independently.

Importantly, reading levels help you choose books that

are a good match for your child while still presenting

a challenge

3. Reading practices- reading practice is just another

way of thinking about guided reading—reading

appropriate to the child’s level of ability, so that

the young reader can effectively develop the skills

that will make him or her a fluent reader.

4. Phonics- Phonics is a technique for teaching

individuals to read and write in an alphabetical


5. Reading- Reading is the act of looking at printed

words and understanding or comprehending what they are

saying, or the act of saying those words out loud or

of interpreting those words.


Topic/theme: Poor reading skills of Grade Design: Quantitative

1 pupils of Our Lady of the Pillar College San Method: Triangulation

Participants Grade 1 pupils, parents

Seq. Statement of the Problem Data Gathering Method and teacher
Instrument/Tool Statistics

  Interview with the Interview guide

teacher and parents;

  Observation log 

Observation on their
Reading material
reading skills through

Diagnostics What is the reading exercise (Diagnostic

performance level of Grade Reading Assessment)

1 pupils?
Survey questionnaire

  What are the possible Interview with Interview

reasons why pupils struggle the teacher, pupils guide

to read? and parents;


  Interview with the Interview guide

Observation log

Observation on their
Reading material
reading skills

Post results How are the reading skills First Grade

by the pupils improve upon Baseline
using fuller method?   Evaluation

  How can the said  

method be processed to
Intervention Action plan/experimental/intervention
improve the reading

  skills of the Grade 1  



“The Effectiveness of Translation Method in reducing the

challenges encountered by Grade 2 pupils upon using Mother

Tongue-Based Instruction in Math”


The role of language as medium of instruction plays a

vital role in promoting effective teaching and learning.

Effective use of language and choice of words based from its

complexity and simplicity which are appropriate on the

cognitive ability of the learners can create impact on their

learning and understanding. In the Philippine context,

Mother Tongue as medium of instruction (MTB-MLE) is

implemented among Kinder to Grade 3 learners to strengthen

their language development, cognitive development, social

development, academic development and socio-cultural

development. Mother tongue is the first language one learns

as a baby, the language one grows up knowing, which is also

known as the native language (Nishanthi, 2020. According on

the Republic Act No. 10533 or the Enhance Basic Education

Act directs DepEd to adhere to the principles and framework

of MTB-MLE in its curriculum development kindergarten and

Grades 1 to 3 learners are required to receive instruction,

teaching materials, and assessment in their respective

regional or native language. Many studies have already

revealed that teaching using the mother tongue in the early

grades enhances children’s ability to learn better compared

to the use of a second or foreign language (UNESCO, 2003;

Skutnabb-Kangas, 2003 as cited by Rai, et al, 2011).

Mathematics plays a big role in developing human

thoughts, bringing strategies, systematic reasoning

processes used in problem analysis and solving (Phonapichat,

Wongwanich & Sujiva, 2013). It also helps us in basic

mastery of numbers/number system, measurements, understand

patterns and see connection of things in the real world.

Some schools implement Mother-Based Instruction in teaching

Mathematics among Kinder to Grade 3 learners. DepEd Order

74, Series 2009 stated that Mother Tongue instruction leads

to more effective teaching in Mathematics subject as

official language of instruction in teaching the subject

(department of Education P., 2010.However, mathematics

subject is very difficult to understand among primary

grades. In fact, for many students, practicing math is not

something that comes intuitively or automatically, it takes

plenty of effort. Survey reports even suggest that 37% of the

students aged between 13-17 found math to be the most

difficult subject. According to Program for International

Student Assessment, in Philippines the mean score in

mathematics performance is one of the lowest among PISA-

participating countries and economies (353 PISA Score, rank

75/77, 2018). Teaching Mathematics is more challenging this

new normal due to the prohibition of face-to-face classes

among schools which limits physical interaction among

elementary learners. Delivery of the lesson and strategies

for better retention and to promote meaningful learning is

crucial in learning Mathematics due to the shift of mode of

learning. Online learning, distance learning and blended

learning is only allowed.

Furthermore, teachers and learners encountered challenges

upon using Mother-Based Instruction in teaching mathematics.

Some learners do not understand what is written in their

Math module because of the Mother Tongue Based Instruction

used (Tagalog/Ilokano) which they encounter unfamiliar words

to different math concepts. A study conducted by Lartec et

al. (2007), there are also themes that were developed

regarding the problems they encountered in the

implementation of mother tongue-based instruction in a

multilingual setting. These are (a) absence of books written

in mother tongue, (b) lack of vocabulary, and (c) lack of

teacher-training. Thus, Bajas, Flores, Manito (2017) study

revealed that the teachers had problems such as the lack of

references written in mother tongue, unfamiliarity of terms

used in books, discrepancy of learning materials’ content,

lack of vocabulary, lack of teachers’ trainings and seminars

and pupils’ lack of interest in the mother tongue as an

instructional language.

Translation plays a crucial role to the grammar and word

meaning that are explained in the learner’s Native language.

Teachers used translation into the learner’s native language

for giving instruction as well as for comparing both

languages (Mahmound, 2018). In order to develop better

understanding among learner educators must be flexible and

resourceful in translating the mother-tongue based

instruction to different language which are acceptable and

can explain thoroughly the lesson to the learners. The main

function of language is to transmit knowledge, experiences,

values, beliefs, ways of life, old and new inventions and

discoveries. In Isabela, Tagalog and Ilokano are the most

dominant language used by peoples. Teachers must take

initiatives to use appropriate translation to improve the

instructional materials in learning math concepts and

lessons to meet the demand of the K-12 curriculum, achieved

the competencies and standards and foster learning.

“Translation holds a special importance at an intermediate

and advanced level: in the advanced or final stage of

language teaching, translation from first language (L1) to

second language (L2) and from L2 to L1 is recognized as the

fifth skill and the most important social skill, since it

promotes communication and understanding between strangers”

(Ross, 2000 as cited by Kavaliauskiene, 2009). Translation

is important for the reason that it helps them address the

needs of the pupils who have different languages (Lartec et

al., 2014). Presenting examples such as pictures, realia,

and unlocking of unfamiliar words, signs, symbols and

concepts are sample activities needed in supplementing ideas

on the lesson. In translation, multiple language (English,

Tagalog, and Ilokano) are considered in presenting the

learners to enhance better understanding of the different

math concepts or words.

In relation to the problem, Grade 3 pupils encountered

challenges upon using Mother-Based Instruction in learning

Mathematics. This action research will determine the common

challenges of Grade 3 pupils upon using Mother Tongue Based

Instruction in Mathematics. Furthermore, it will identify

the effectiveness of Translation method as teaching strategy

to reduce the challenges that are identified. The

researchers will conduct a quarter-long intervention

implementing the translation method into a day-to-day

lesson. Questionnaires, assessment, and observation forms

will be used in gathering the data.


Mother Tongue as medium of instruction (MTB-MLE) is

implemented among Kinder to Grade 3 learners to strengthen

their language development, cognitive development, social

development, academic development and socio-cultural

development. However, mathematics subject is very difficult

to understand among primary grades. Some learners do not

understand what is written in their Math module because of

the Mother Tongue Based Instruction used which they

encounter unfamiliar words to different math concepts. and


In order to respond to the problem translation method is

used to better discuss unfamiliar words and math concept

through giving translation in multiple language, presenting

pictures and realia. This study aims to determine common

challenges encountered by Grade 2 pupils upon using Mother

Tongue Based Instruction in Math. Furthermore, it will

identify the effectiveness of Translation method as teaching

strategy to reduce the challenges that are identified.

Respondents of the study are Grade 2 pupils of_________.

They were need to undergo survey questionnaire to determine

areas which they encountered difficulties upon using mother

tongue-based instruction in learning math and pre-test

assessment to determine their mean scores.

Teachers and parents are also interviewed to determine

reasons why Grade 2 pupils struggle upon using Mother tongue

Based Instruction in learning Math. After that, translation

method is need to be practice to a day-to-day lesson in the

form of exercises and drills for mastery of math vocabulary

terms and concepts which be implemented in a quarter long

intervention. Then, at the end of the quarter post-test

assessment is administered to determine if there is

improvement on their mean scores upon using translation

method. This study will use quantitative design in the form

of participatory method complemented by interview,

assessment, experimental and observation. Results will be

presented to teachers and parents of Grade 2 pupils to for

the strategy implementation and for adaption.


1. Mathematics- it is the subject that we learn

numbers, formulas, and related structures, shape and

spaces and deals with calculation multiplication,

division, addition, subtraction and all logical

terms topics like algebra, geometry and ect.

2. Mother tongue- is the language that speaking from

early childhood, the first language that person

learn and the language used in home or in our


3. Mother Based Instruction- it is used for children

for easier to learn and pick up other language. A

child’s personal, social and cultural identity are

shape by his or her mother tongue. The use a child’s

mother tongue aids in the development of critical

thinking and literacy skills.

4. Realia- is a real-life thing that allow children to

connect new concept and ideas to their own lives.

5. Translation- is the process which you will

translating text from one word or one language to


. Design: Quantitative

Method: Triangulation
Topic/theme:  Grade 3 pupils
Participants Grade 3 pupils, teacher and
struggle to understand Math concepts
because of the mother based instruction

in their module.  

Seq. Statement of the Data Gathering Instrument/Tool Statistics

Problem Method

  What are the     

  Interview with Interview guide
encountered by Grade
the teacher and
Diagnostics 3 pupils upon using Survey
parents, pupils;
Mother tongue Based questionnaire
Instruction in Survey
learning Math? 

  What are the reasons    

why Grade 3 pupils

Supplemental Interview with Interview guide
struggle upon using
variables the teacher,
Mother tongue Based  
pupils and
  Instruction in
learning Math? 

  Is there    

difference between
Post results Interview with Interview guide
the scores in
the teacher;
assessment of the Observation log

Grade 3 pupils upon Post test/Pre

Post test/Pre test
implementing test assessment
Translation method?
Table of

  How can the said  

strategy minimize the

Intervention Action plan/experimental/lesson plan
problem among Grade 3

pupils in using Mother

Based Instruction in

learning Math concepts?


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