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Strengths Weaknesses Oppotunities Threats

Track: Academic •Confident •Impatient •New career paths •High level of

that you can take competition for
Strand: •Problem solver •Takes things
new roles
personality • training courses
GAS •Team oriented and mentoring •higher level
•Not taking opportunities
Specialization: stress
• new projects
• lack of internal
and shifts in your
•poor / planning
of curriculum


1.How do you feel about your strenghts ? Your weaknessess?

➪ I feel happy and contented about my strenght because ,those strenght has contributed a
number of factor to what kind a person i am right now ,and it helps me to what kind a person i
am i should be in on just depending to my strenght which is my passion as well

• I have a lot of weaknessess knowing those weaknesses , I feel disappointed but at the same
time fearless .I am dissappointed because i lose lots of opportunities just , i feel fearless,
because sometimes i am in this stage where i sometimes do things which i think is impossible to
do and when i overcome it ,it made me feel that i am fearless beacuse despite of those fear
weakness ,i still did my best and i convert it as my strenght .

2.Are your weaknesses manageable in terms of pursuing your career goal ? How will you
manage these?

➪ Weaknesses differ among everyone but me must always remind ourselves but we must
always remind ourselves that we are all unique in our own way. Knowing what our weaknesses
are helps us be aware that we lack in the specific field ,managing our weaknesses is quite tricky
but i can be done . It just takes time and effort to do so.

3.How will you cope with the threaths in pursuing your career goal ?

➪ Don't listen to the people tellung you what you need to do or achieve . Listen to your heart
because someday only you own decision will make you happy you know to yourself that you're
followed your dreams.

4.Based on the areas that you considered in your career planning ,what are the most priority in
order to attain your goal?

➪By keeping such a list, your make sure that your tasks are written down all in one place so you
don't forget anything important .And by prioritizing tasks , you plan the order in which you'll do
them ,so that you can tell what needs your immediate attention ,and what can leave until later .

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