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Name of Proponent: SANTOL ES TEACHERS

Project Title: PROJECT TULAY

Project Time-frame: SCHOOL YEAR 2020 AND ONWARDS

I. Project Contacts

This innovation Project TULAY involves several people for it to in success.

Primarily, teachers of Santol Elementary School as the innovator of the project. The
learners as the main focus of the innovation, the parents as to who will help also for
the project to be in success and lastly the Brgy. Official to whom the teachers will ask
some help in some time if they conduct activities to the immediate learners regarding
on the innovation.

II. Project Summary

Project TULAY (Teaching Utterly Learning reading Aptitude within Year

round) a project propose to fill in the gaps of reading inability despite of the crisis
faced globally. As reading is one of the most important macro skills that a learner
must possess. Thus, project TULAY was created to augment teacher’s willingness to
teach learners reading skills.

The logo of Project TULAY all in all represents the key to lessen the reading
gaps in the learners’ reading ablity. TULAY-Teaching utterly Learning reading
Aptitude within Year round having five (5) symbolism; the yellow round color, the
book, the bridge, the child and the teacher.

The round yellow color represents the quantity of learning on reading that a
child must acquire with the year round. The book represents the skill on reading to
be imparted to the learners. The child in black color represents all the learners who
is willing to acquire reading skill. The teacher, represents the person who will impart
the knowledge and skills in reading needed by the learners. Lastly, the bridge
represents the rifts that fill in the gaps on reading problems among the learners in
this school year.

Primarily, the goal of this project TULAY is to lessen the number of slow and
non-readers within the School Year. This project needs a collaboration of both
parents and teachers. Teachers will prepare reading materials that will be given to
the learners who belong to slow or non-reader based on the school Phil-IRI result
both in English and Filipino. Teachers of Santol Elementary School will be visiting 2-
3 times in a week to the identified learners to give reading exercises to the learners
as well as to assess whether there is a significant change in the reading ability of the
learners. This Project TULAY will be taken into action with the school year 2020-
2021. Since the focus of this project is to lessen or eradicate non-readers in the
current school year, lot of materials must be utilized for it to be successful. Teachers
will be printing out reading materials such as reading passages or even those basic
sight words and phrases.

III. Project Background

Project TULAY is based on the school banner project LIBRO. Like the school
banner project this project is created to enhance the reading ability of those poor or
non-reader in the current school year as Teaching Utterly Learning reading Aptitude
within the Year-round (TULAY) was innovated. Project TULAY was innovated based
on the alarming number of poor and frustrated reader in the current situation-
education amidst pandemic. Having 9 frustrated reader from Grade 4-6 in English is
somehow an alarming for the school, 17 instructional reader is not yet that good for
school reading performance that was reported in the School PHIL-IRI. Moreover, as
the teacher of Santol Elementary School conducted a home visitation, they found out
that there were learners who have difficulties in reading especially in English.
IV. Project Objectives

Project TULAY aims the following:

1. To lessen the number of slow and non-readers within the School Year.
2. To instill a good reading habit the learners
3. To assess whether there is a significant change in the reading ability of the

V. Project Methodology

This innovation, Project TULAY will be in success with the collaboration of

teachers, parents, learners, and other stakeholder in addressing a specific
school problem;

A. Work Breakdown and Task Time Estimates

Activities Month Covered Person’s


Pre- - Identifying the October 12, 2020- All teachers of

Implementation slow readers and October 26, 2020 Santol Elementary
non-readers in School
every grade level.

-Crafting of
Reading Materials
to be utilize for the
During Teaching the November 9,2020- All teachers of
Implementation basics reading skill Santol Elementary
to the identified School, Parents of
slow and non- the identified
reader learners. learners, Other
of the reading
materials crafted.
Post Final June 14, 2021- All teachers of
Implementation administration of June 18, 2021 Santol Elementary
the reading School, Parents of
materials crafted the identified
to evaluate learners, Other
whether there is stakeholders.
development in the
reading ability of
the identified slow
and non-reader.

Those learners
identified with
improvement in
reading ability will
be given an
reading activities.
Those learners
that remains in
their reading level
will be given a
remedial reading
B. Project Risk Management

In this project the teachers of Santol Elementary School manages the

identified learners who are slow and non-readers by informing them the planned visit
to administer the reading session using the contextualized reading materials.

VI. Project Costs

The teachers of Santol Elementary School personally shouldered the

expenses for the project.

Materials Quantity Cost

Bond Paper 1 box/5 reams 1650.00
Ink 1 set 1,100.00
Manila paper 40 pcs 200.00
Cartolina 20 pcs 200.00
Pentelpen/Marker 15 pcs 675.00
Glue 5 pcs 275.00
Total Cost 4, 100.00



Kindergarten Teacher Grade 1 & 2 Teacher Grade 3 & 4 Teacher
Grade 5 Teacher Grade 6 Teacher


School Head



Public School District Supervisor

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