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Evaluation of finished product

Appeal to audience
The audience felt that in my documentary I didn’t use many people of the target audience
age range which the brief set, which was from 16 to 24 years old and there weren’t enough
people of different ethnicities as I only used two ethnicities. They also thought that I had
good use of both males and females and it was all UK based as I filmed everything in the UK.

My clients said that it used a variety of genders but a younger male perspective would have
been nicer. They also said it had a good exposition and wasn’t alienating towards anyone
who isn’t a Sikh as that was one of the main things I had to keep in my mind during
production. They found it interesting to watch. My clients also said that it hit the target
audience on British and there was a range of interests such as history, culture, fashion and it
look at different aspects of Sikhism such as the social aspect and the baptised and non-
baptised Sikhs.

Own feedback
I agree with both the audience and client feedback. I needed to have more people that were
in the age range of 16 to 24 years old, I mainly used people which were older like the Sikh
Priest and the teachers. I used only one other ethnicity which was Miss Crosbie and I could
have had a presenter of a different ethnicity to balance out the ethnicities. I only used one
male which was in the target audience age range and he was at the end in the vox pops. I
also agreed that it hit the target audience of British as I was looking at how teenagers cope
with being a Sikh in the 21st century compared to a couple of years back in the UK.

USP/Place in Market
The audience felt that my documentary was unique for the information it gave and a unique
topic and angle and the place that it would fit in would be with the other religious
My clients said that this documentary would fill in with other shows such as the One Show
and Sunday morning chat show about religion, this show would go in the category of what is
Sikhism and could also fit into a religious or non-religious programme. It has a clear selling
point as there is also not many programmes out there to do with the Sikh religion so there is
a huge gap in the market for this, it’s not patronising, could be used in schools to educate
people about what a Sikh is.

Own feedback
I agree with both the audience and the clients that it has a unique selling point and is a
unique topic as there aren’t many documentaries out there that are to do with the Sikh
religion and not many people know of the Sikh religion and what it is about. So that is why I
also agree that there is a huge gap in the market for it. I went to Miss Crosbie to show her
the final documentary as she had asked to see it after it was complete and she said that she
would like to use it for her teaching as it can be very useful for her to use.

The audience said that the sign on was very detailed and clear, I had good use of cut aways,
good use of music in documentary, the subtitles were a good idea but they were too small
and they also said that the sound wasn’t good in some shots and that the music at some
parts was to loud and they couldn’t hear the person speaking.

The feedback I got from my clients was there is good interviews, nice cutaways, range of
interviews, good shots during the interview and the shot, reverse shot was good. They also
thought that the fades gave a good pace to the documentary and also the subtitles were
good and they liked the presenter, they said that she is like a guide through the
documentary and she links it all together. They also thought the voice overs were used in
the correct places, the shots are well chosen and the documentary has a nice balance
between formal and informal and a nice balance between interviews and non-interviews.
They like the use of archive footage and thought the sound levels were good. They also said
the close up’s of all of the 5K’s was good.
Own feedback
I agree with most of the things that the audience said like the sound, it a bit high at some
parts like when the interview with Giani Piara Singh Ji is happens, the background music was
a bit high but I disagree with the audience were they said that they couldn’t hear the people
because the music was too loud because I could hear all of the interviews and all the voice
overs properly. The clients thought that the presenter was good and linked the entire
documentary together, which I agree with because she introduces all of the interviewees
and puts it all together but she isn’t all in the camera too much.

The audience said that I could improve on the sound quality in the interviews and more
ethnicities should be involved in the documentary and the subtitle on Giani Piara Singh Jis
interview should be made bigger and faster.

The clients said I could have made the length of the documentary shorter as it went 2 and
half minutes over the time limit, the archive footage wasn’t really needed and the
documentary needed more male perspective.

Own feedback
I agree with the audience that the sound quality for Giani Piara Singh Jis interview wasn’t
too good as the microphone wouldn’t pick up more sound and I interviewed him the night
before he left to go back to India and I was unaware that he was going to go back the next
day so I couldn’t re-film that interview with a rode microphone, but the sound levels were
put up to as high as they could go. I did try to get in contact with more males that were also
of the target age range but they didn’t get back to me so I didn’t have a chose of who to use
in my documentary.

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