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Angka NewsLetter

Divine Love Society

Angka Number meditation
Bali Malta

Issue 0ne April 2011

Angka Newsletter Malta Issue one April 2011o

Angka Number Meditation Malta

Nikita Shanti Dr. Lydia

Om Swastyastu Everyone,

My name is Nikita Arnett I live on the small Island of Malta

located in the Mediterranean 60 miles of the coast of Sicily. I help
in the running of the centre Divine Love, “Angka Number
Meditation” in Malta, together with Dr. Lydia who also lives on the
Island of Malta.

Our aim is to bring the words and teaching of “Prabhu

Darmayasa from Bali, Indonesia and Guru Ji from India” In this
first addition of the Angka Newsletter. We hope you enjoy the
information and find it as uplifting as we do.

Divine Blessing always with you

I am happy to be sharing the news of what has been happening with regards
to the Divine Love Society, “Angka Number meditation”. Bali – Malta.

For the last two years an International group has made the long journey to
the Island of Bali, in Indonesia, also known to many as “the Island of the
Gods.” This is the location for the Centre of Divine Love and “Angka
Number Meditation”. Every February we celebrate the anniversary of
Number Meditation, this year marked the 11th anniversary and once again,
we had the privilege and honour to be a part of this Divine celebration.

There are many systems of meditation but none of them have the
intensity, that we have come to find in “Number Meditation”. This
meditation is designed to heal and empower us. We become one with the
Divine energy that vibrates through and within our souls, helping us to
rekindle our spirit.

Most meditations lead a person into the state of relaxation, for peace of
mind. Number Meditation helps us to achieve an even deeper state.

Number Meditation, helps us to vibrate more in harmony with our

surroundings bringing on the most needed balance. It works deep within
the body, activating the “kundalini” energy. This is achieved, by repeating a
chosen number from (1-9), which help us to vibrate more in harmony with
our surroundings.

In 2010 I visited the centre of Divine Love and was

amazed with what I saw and learnt. If I can take this
opportunity to tell you how, “Angka Number
Meditation” changed my life.
Before I went to Bali Prabhu Darmayasa and me After I came back from Bali 2010

Angka Number Meditation

“ Divine Love Society” and how it CHANGED
MY LIFE. This is my story by Nikita Arnett

When I made the journey to Bali, in 2010, I was not a healthy person, suffering
from a crushed lower spine, bone and joint problems, diabetes, two cysts on my
thyroid, making me over weight, I also had high blood pressure, and
headache, nearly every day. I suffered from terrible mood swings and
depression; all in all I was a mess.

I was slowly falling apart

Having a crushed spine for many years, brought about the major problems, like
depression, I was always a sporty person in my life, so being told I had to stop all
sports, was a big blow. I felt I had nothing more to live for. From a Slim active
woman, I had become, “fat and useless”.

After meeting Prabhu Darmayasa and Guru Ji, and being attuned to, “ Angka
Number Meditation,” my life was begging to have purpose again. I felt I was
given the key to open the door, to my lost path in life.
In the center for “Divine Love,” judgment is left at the door. We are thought
how to be more giving, more open to helping others, it teaches us how to be
more human, to love unconditionally all living things, how to take responsibility
on how we behave towards our self and others, how not to give any living
thing, any form of pain, be it physical or verbal.

Divine Love Society “Angka Number Meditation”, showed me how important I

am to my life purpose, and showed me how to love myself again. helping me
to live in a better way.

I discovered that “ Angka Number Meditation” is one of the most powerful tools
you can ever have in your life; it shows you the way to your soul purpose, it
gives you the everyday tools that are needed to keep you health, more
balance within yourself and the environment around you.

The next morning after meeting Prabhu Darmayasa and Guru Ji, I took my daily
blood sugar test, something that has become a morning routine, after being
diagnosed with sugar diabetes. I must say I was utterly amazed, my reading
was 5.2! I thought, impossible! After days of eating all the wrong food, sleepless
nights, that would normally send my blood sugar sky high. I was feeling great,
my sugar level was normal. My healing process had started and I was even
more egger to meditate.

I was so excited to share the news with everyone, I felt happy, not just for
myself, but for the hope to reach many people suffering from sugar diabetes,
and other health problems. To believe something as simple as, “number
meditations” could be so effective.

“ Angka Number Meditation” is a way to self healing, the more you meditate,
the more you heal, physically, mental, spiritually.

I never felt in touch with myself as I do now, my blood sugar is normal, my blood
pressure is great, the headaches and mood swings are much less. Even my
back pain is no longer an issue. I can sit in half lotus position without any
discomfort. and I can only say this, if you feel depressed, alone, sick, and
useless, if you feel there is no hope please come and join our “Angka Number
Meditation” classes, or just come to see what it’s all about.
This is just one of the thousands of stories, here is another story it’s
about my Dog Fluffy.

Left: Prabhu Darmayasa holding Fluffy December 2010 Malta Right :Fluffy wearing my Mala

Last October 2010, in the early hours of the morning, I was woken up by the cry
of my dog Fluffy. For a moment I thought my cat had attacked her, but to my
horror my little dog had stopped breathing.

I reached to pick her up, her head fell to one side, and I found myself
screaming for the help of Dhunaguru (Almighty God) to help her, I started to
rub her chest reaping my number and the name of Dhnaguru.

And then she started to breath and move, since this very day my little dog has
been wearing my “mala” around her neck, it was given to me in Bali, in 2010 by
Prabhu Darmayasa and Guru Ji.

Every day when I do my meditation my little dog sits by me, meditating in her
own way.

So what is Angka Number Meditation
here is the explanation straight

from “Prabhu Darmayasa”

There are various definitions of meditation. One of them says that meditation is
an effort to focus our mind to higher consciousness in order to uplift our soul. In
yoga, meditation is usually done by repeating certain mantra which have been
blessed with spiritual power by preceptor/Guru. By repeating the mantra, the
sublime and pure spiritual power will dawn in the heart of the seeker to purify his

Repeating Number
Meditation on number which is a powerful technique, to awaken the
“Kundalini”, is a “New Invention” of “Kundalini” by His Grace Acharya Kamal
Kishore Gosvami. Which was requested by his only disciple, Darmayasa. In
February 2000, in Bali, Indonesia, Guru Ji, “as he is addressed by his follower,”
used his spiritual power, which is equal to the result of his 12 years sadhana
(penances), blast the Number (1-9) to help human being/people discover their
Self. A particular number chosen is blessed and programmed by certain
technique become a medium full of power to the seeker, and the function of
this number changed into as that of a powerful mantra.

Why number and not mantra as usual medium of meditation? The answer is, it’s
just a method. Number is capable of uniting the multi diversity of the human
beings. Beside, “numbers” also have “secret power”, which can be used in
realizing the Self and bring Divine Love into the heart of a human being. Divine
Love in its true sense. Love limited to a particular group is an “initial” stage in this
spiritual love.

With number as medium, it is hoped that the technique can be simplified and
accepted universally. Guru Ji has a desire that this meditation be owned by
each and everyone, every ethnic, group or religion. Through the meditation
one is able to awaken the “Kundalini” in order to help others to awaken spiritual
love without discrimination.

Each and every one of us is equal, to a minute seed invisible to the naked eyes
an eternal part of the Supreme power, (The Almighty God.)

The world can benefit from spiritual love. Therefore unconsciously people
grouped themselves in various identities and unconsciously go away from the
universal consciousness and Spiritual Love or Divine Love. The purpose of
awakening of “Kundalini” through this meditation is to awaken the Spiritual
power in oneself in order to make this Spiritual love possible in each and
everyone’s heart.

“Numbers,” blessed with the spiritual power by Guru serves as catalyst between
human being and higher consciousness, just like a password key, to access your
computer. By practicing this meditation daily, spiritual consciousness is purified.


First you need to choose a single number from, (one to nine), never change
your chosen number. After that you ask the Spiritual Master to initiate the
number, which, up to now only two persons who are capable of doing so are
Mahaguru Acharya Kamal Kishore Goswami and Rasa Acharya Prabhu
The process is, more or less, as follows: first Guru will cleanse you from all “dirt”,
then place the meditation “seed” into the student. The student can only
keeping and developing the seed through, “number meditation”. The chosen
number is blessed by spiritual power. This number becomes a number full of
spiritual power for you. All the other numbers which you did not choose do not
carry the same power as your chosen number.

After passing the process then you are ready to move on into the practice of
“number meditation”.

For initial standard, meditation technique is divided into (two) steps, they are:
1. Number Meditation, and

2. Five Centre Points Meditation.

Sit down and relax on a mattress, or a chair (make sure that your body does not
touch the floor directly). Straighten your back and your neck. Do this by the
following steps:

1. Concentrate your mind between the eyebrows, relax (never

concentrate when you are tense).
2. When you reach that condition, repeat in your heart, your chosen
number, not too fast nor too slow.
3. Continue doing the process for 5-10 minutes. According to your
progress, slowly you can increase your length of time.
4. Practice this meditation as routines every day. For that purpose, it is
advised to choose a fix place and time.
5. You can practice this meditation anywhere, for example at the office,
in a plane, train, bus, etc. Whenever you have spare time, you can just
concentrate your mind and say the number in your heart repeatedly.
You can ask directly to Guru or to the appointed trainer about other
clues regarding this meditation.
6. If you are progressing with this technique, the trainers will give further
techniques in remembering number. But, you’d better “understand
completely” the previous techniques before jumping to the next

The Five Centre Points Meditation

One of the functions of meditation is to awaken the “Kundalini”. Besides this,
there are various other benefits that can be derived from doing number
meditation such as, maintaining health, peaceful mind, overcome stress etc. To
be able to practice the meditation daily, one should acquire special guidance.
For that purpose, one is advised to contact the Guru or an appointed trainer
and request him to give guidance in this matter at least once in the beginning.
Thereafter one may practice this meditation on his/her own. The technique is as

1. Concentrate your mind on the Muladhara Chakra (tail bone) for more or less
5 seconds while repeating in your heart your chosen number.

2. Drag your concentration upward to the Manipura Chakra (navel) and

concentrate there for another 5 seconds, repeat your number.

3. Further up toward Anahata Chakra (heart), concentrate for 5 second, and

repeat your number.

4. Up toward Visuddha Chakra (throat), concentrate for 5 second, and repeat

your number.

5. Up toward Ajna Chakra (between the eyebrows), concentrate for 5 second,

and repeat your number.

6. Now we reverse the process downwards. Repeat in your heart once more
your number while concentrating on the Ajna Chakra (between the eyebrows)

7. Drag your concentration downward to the Visuddha Chakra (throat),

concentrate their 5 second while repeating your number.
8. Down to the Anahata Chakra (heart), repeat your number while
concentrating for about 5 second.

9. Further down to the Manipura Chakra (navel), again repeat your number
while concentrating for about 5 second.

10. Down to the starting point, Muladhara Chakra (tail bone), repeat your
number while concentrating for 5 second.

Repeat the above process from 1-10, in each session about 5 to 10 times, or
more depending on situation, the availability of time and your capability of
doing it. Do it daily.

During meditation, you do not need to imagine or visualize anything, just

concentrate on your chosen number and the 5 centre points. Beside these,
during meditation it is advised that the body should not come into direct
contact with the floor, therefore the use of a mat or blanket is a must. Or you
may seat on a chair. The most important thing is, “to be relaxed”. The back and
neck should be straight. It is advised that the place and time should be fixed.

News and Pictures from

February 2010 - 2011

In the following pictures you can see the many changes that have occurred in
the last year, to the centre of Divine Love.

It is amazing to see, in such a short time, how much work has gone into this
beautiful place. “This work is done, with dedication, devotion and love.” A
strong reminder for us all.
Our dream here in Malta is to find the help, donations and
people willing to put some money/land into creating our own
Centre of Divine Love. The centre, in which people can find:
“peace, love and healing” for the body, mind and soul.

Collapse your mind and open your Heart, and help us to make it happen
That was “The Divine Love Centre” a year ago in 2010. It’s
amazing the changes in just one year.
Below we can see the creation of Ganesha who guards the entrance to the centre

The International group Bali 2011

Guru Ji and Dr. Lydia Prabhu Darmayasa
International group helps in Clean up Day in the Centre Bali
December 2010 Prabhu Darmayasa first
visit to Malta Healing and Blessing and
meeting people in Malta
Divine Light
Angka Number Meditation Group in Malta

And from the flame came the perfect white dove

Before I finish off this Newsletter, I would like to remind you all, that nothing is
impossible to achieve. For the last week and a half I was treating two dear elderly
people that had a few complications. The Lady age 81 had a small growth between
the brain and skin, which were causing painful migraines. Using Number
Meditation in the treatment stopped the Migraines. She was so amazed how much
healthier she felt, she has started to use
number meditation every day.

The elderly man age 83 was suffering

from diabetes, upper and lower back pain
and due to the pills he takes he also had
problem with the blood clothing so this
causes him to bleed profoundly if he cut
himself. Again Number Meditation was applied in the healing and at the end he
was so much better. 22nd April got a call to say they are doing great.

We are blessed to have been given this knowledge “Angka Number Meditation” we
remind you that it is here for all who wishes to make a difference in their own lives.
For more information or just the receive the Angka news letter please write or
call 00356 99858914 / 00356 99469922 Email: / Website http//

Divine Love and Blessing be with you always

Nikita Shanti.

What’s on this month?

Malta April-may May

Every Friday from 7.30pm The next full moon 18th

till 10.30pm we have talks may 2011. We will meet
and classes on “angka for meditation in the
Number Meditation” for location of xemxija
the month of april up temples (please do try to
until may 21st the classes have a shower before
of meditation will be come to the temple.
held in bidnija. Or under (Bring your meditation
the stars, please follow mat with you, a candle,
for any changes to the incense, and a torch.)
venue on Angka Number
Meditation facebook
group join it, not to
miss out. Please do
remember to have a
shower before coming
to meditation)

We will be having two

groups a week, Tuesdays
for the advance group
and Friday for the new

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