Concept and Importance of Personality Development

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Concept and importance of personality development

Personality development has become an important tool today for developing overall skills
within a person that help him to develop professionally as well as personality. A great
personality includes knowing how to dress well, social graces, grooming, speech and
interpersonal skill. Whatever your career, these are vital skills that will promote your
objective and also helps you in your day to day life. Everyone likes to interact with a person
having an attractive personality.


A great overall personality is very important in the life of an individual. Everyone is influenced
by an attractive personality. Whether it is an interview for a job or having a conversation
within your friend circle, there are certain traits and characteristics that you cannot get
success in today’s competitive is difficult to achieve a job without influencing the
interviewers with your personal as well as professional skills. also, if you are business you
need to influence your clients and make them believe in you. Therefore, the importance of
personality development has risen very much. These days every good public school is careful
about the personality development of its students.

Gives confidence:

A great personality tends to give a boost to your confidence. When you know you are
appropriately attired and groomed, this makes you less anxious when meeting a person.
Knowing the right things to say and how to conduct yourself will increase your confidence. If
you are in full confidence and well in command of the situation then it becomes really easy
for you to give out your best performance. Confidence out of your personality gives you a
boost that leads to a situation of easiness for you and you are able to control all your anxiety
and fears and perform fearlessly. Also, your confidence enables you to have a hassle-free
conversation or if you are going to give a speech it is very important for you to be confident
to engage your listeners.

Improves communication skill:

A lot of emphases is given to improving communication skills during personality development.

Possessing good communication skills is very important both for personal and professional
life. People are more receptive to what you say if they are impressed with your personality,
verbal communication skills are also part of personality development; improving your speech
will strengthen the impact of your message. Also, along with your speaking and language
skills, a lot of emphases is laid on improving pronunciation and vocabulary. At the same time,
effective communication also includes being a good listener.

Helps to develop positive attitude:

Positive attitude is really important for one to progress in life. A person with a positive attitude
always looks at the brighter side and is always on a developmental path. An individual with a
negative attitude finds a problem in every situation. Rather than cribbing and criticizing
people around, analyse the whole situation and try to find an appropriate solution for the
same. Remember, if there is a problem, there has to be a solution as well. Never lose your
cool. It would make the situation worse. Developing a positive attitude even in a hopeless
situation is the part of personality development program.

Makes you credible:

It is very important to have proper dressing sense and picking up right dress for you. Despite
the saying that you don’t judge a book by its cover, people do tend to judge people by their
clothing and how it is worn. Also, your dress plays a great deal of role in your overall looks
and your confidence as well. This does not mean buying expensive clothes will do the whole
job. You need to be very careful while picking up clothes for yourself. We all know people who
look shabby in expensive clothes. There are also people who look great even if their attire is
inexpensive. Because of this, you must know what to wear and you must be aware of other
aspects of enhancing your physical features.

Improving personality:

Competition is increasing day by day and there is no less of talented individuals possessing
high academic results and willing to work hard to achieve their goals. You cannot win by talent
and hard work alone these days apart from these two there is a strong need of good
personality too. Personality development is crucial ingredient for success that you must
obtain to be successful.

• Gain knowledge: As the saying goes, knowledge is power. It is very true that
knowledge is power, and is very important in today’s competitive world. Nobody is
impressed with a person who does not have the knowledge about his work as well as
surroundings and doesn’t even know what is happening around the world. These days
if you are not informed, then you are considered to be fool whom no wise man or
woman would like to be friend or follow.
• A healthy body: An important part of personality is your appearance and your physical
health. It is very important to maintain a good physical health for a good personality
as well as for healthy life. A body burdened with disease may get pity for others but it
is very difficult for that person to maintain an attractive personality.
• Speaking style: To have an engaging conversation, it is very important that you
maintain a good speaking style and expression as well. Most of the successful person
maintain a unique style and expression as well. Most of the successful persons

maintain a unique style. They speak clearly and forcefully. Be careful that you have a
good command of the language you speak.

Body language and dress code


In body language the conscious and unconscious movements and postures by which attitudes
and feelings are communicated. Dress code is a set of rules, often written, with regards to
clothing. Dress codes are created out of social perceptions and norms, and vary based on
purpose, circumstances and occasions. Dressing smartly is as important as speaking smartly,
and so everyone should remember to look well-groomed and professional. ... Dress code and
Body Language are the two important aspects of Non-verbal communication. The purpose of
a dress code is to provide guidance to students and parents as to appropriate attire for school
and at any school function. In addition, the dress code is a primary means of helping students
learn a skill, which is required for success in getting and keeping employment linked to attire.
Body movements and posture while speaking on stage in front of an audience. Body language
is very important in all forms of communication. It helps to break the barrier of unfamiliarity
and helps to form a better connect with the recipient of information.


• For Corporate Office Setup

• Full-sleeve formal shirt
• Solid-coloured suit
• Matching trousers
• Dress shoes (shoes must be in a good condition. Soiled/ dusty/ rugged shoes are a no-
• Socks must be clean and not smelly
• Tie is necessary
• Leather belt on trousers
• All clothes should be clean and ironed
• For a Casual Setup
• If interviewing in a semi-formal environment, your interview dress code should also
be business casual.
• Semi-formal shirts without the suit
• Colourful tie
• Leather shoes
• Cotton pants instead of formal trousers



• For Corporate Office Setup

• No Jeans and Leggings
• If wearing Western wear- can go for formal suit
• Trousers or formal skirts- both are acceptable.
• Formal shoes or solid-coloured pumps are acceptable
• No flashy jewellery, keeping things minimal is the key here. Studs for ears,
wristwatches, plain rings are the only jewellery you should wear.
• All clothes should be clean and ironed
• For a Casual Setup
• Salwar-Kameez, Saree, or Western Dresses- all are acceptable, but still need to pay
attention to the colour and patterns of your attire. They should not be loud.
• Heels and sandals are acceptable
• A little bit of colour on lips and nails are acceptable


• Facial expression: Combinations of eyes, eyebrow, lips, nose and cheek movements
help form different moods of an individual (example happy, sad, depressed, angry,
• Head and neck signals: the head should be positioned in a manner which feels natural.
Body language conveyed by the head and neck involves various ranges of movement.
Nodding of the head is generally considered as a sign of saying 'yes'. When used in
conversation it may be interpreted as a sign of approval and encourage the speaker
to go on. However, it is important to note that the positioning of the head should not
cause the neck to be stretched or compressed for too long a period of time without
• Chest postures: When the posture of the chest is fuller, and it is positioned relatively
forward, then this is a sign of confidence. When the chest is pulled back then this can
indicate a less confident attitude.
• Sitting postures: Sitting on the edge of the chair can come across as being nervous and
tense. Keep the back straight. Relax and Lean forward slightly to indicate interest and
involvement. The candidates should not recline back into the chair fully; this shows
that a candidate seems to be bored or disengaged. The sitting posture reflects high
confidence and is a must in cracking any interview.
• Eye Contact: Eye contact is the best way to show that a candidate is actually paying
attention and engaging with the situation. Eye contact is essential in an interview body
language, to establish rapport with your interviewer. With panel interviews it is best
to look at and direct your answer to the person asking the question, with a glance
periodically at the other interviewers.

• Leg Postures: Lots of leg movement is both distracting and indicates nervousness.
Resting one leg or ankle on top of a candidate’s other knee makes that candidate looks
too casual and comes across as arrogant.


• Scratch or rub your head or back of neck. You’ll look disinterested, distracted and
• Drum with your fingers or fidget with your hands on the table in front of you. It will
make you appear nervous, or distracted.
• Rub your nose, eyes or the side of face. It will make you look shifty or dishonest.
• Fold your arms in front of your chest. You’ll appear arrogant and unfriendly.
• Rock back and forth or slouch down in on your chair. You’ll look lazy and uninterested.
• Cross and re-cross your legs repeatedly. You’ll come across as nervous and


• A dress code policy in the workplace - formal or informal - can help shape your
company culture for the better
• A Smarter Look for Your Team
• Outlines Appropriateness
• Establishes the Company's Brand
• Strengthens Employee Unity and Teamwork
• Increases Productivity
• Having a dress code can promote belonging and unity. According to studies, specific
work clothing will make your employees more focused on their job. When choosing a
uniform or creating a dress code, make sure you prioritise your staff’s safety.
• Even if you decide on a casual approach, it is important to outline appropriateness of
dress in the workplace, but remember not to discriminate.

Leadership skill
1. Communication

As a leader, you need to be able to clearly and succinctly explain to your employees everything
from organizational goals to specific tasks. Leaders must master all forms of communication,
including one-on-one, departmental, and full-staff conversations, as well as communication
via the phone, email, and social media.

A large part of communication involves listening. Therefore, leaders should establish a steady
flow of communication between themselves and their staff or team members, either through
an open-door policy or regular conversations with workers. Leaders should make themselves
regularly available to discuss issues and concerns with employees. Other skills related to
communication include:

Business storytelling

Facilitating group conversations

Nonverbal communication


Public speaking

Reading body language

Reducing ambiguity

2. Motivation

Leaders need to inspire their workers to go the extra mile for their organizations; just paying
a fair salary to employees is typically not enough inspiration (although it is important too).
There are a number of ways to motivate your workers: you may build employee self-esteem
through recognition and rewards, or by giving employees new responsibilities to increase
their investment in the company.

Leaders must learn what motivators work best for their employees or team members to
encourage productivity and passion. Skills related to effective motivation include:

Assessing the interests of staff



Open to employee concerns


Providing productive and challenging work


3. Delegating

Leaders who try to take on too many tasks by themselves will struggle to get anything done.
These leaders often fear that delegating tasks is a sign of weakness, when in fact it is a sign of
a strong leader.

Therefore, you need to identify the skills of each of your employees, and assign duties to each
employee based on his or her skill set. By delegating tasks to staff members, you can focus on
other important tasks. Some skills that make a good delegator include:

Accepting feedback from employees

Allotting resources for employees

Assessing employee strengths and weaknesses

Defining expectations

Evaluating employee performance

Identifying measurable outcomes

4. Positivity

A positive attitude can go a long way in an office. You should be able to laugh at yourself when
something doesn't go quite as planned; this helps create a happy and healthy work
environment, even during busy, stressful periods.

Simple acts like asking employees about their vacation plans will develop a positive
atmosphere in the office, and raise morale among staff members.

If employees feel that they work in a positive environment, they will be more likely to want
to be at work, and will therefore be more willing to put in the long hours when needed. Some
skills that help make for a positive atmosphere in the workplace include:


Conflict management

Developing rapport




5. Trustworthiness

Employees need to be able to feel comfortable coming to their manager or leader with
questions and concerns. It is important for you to demonstrate your integrity – employees
will only trust leaders they respect.

By being open and honest, you will encourage the same sort of honesty in your employees.
Here are some skills and qualities that will help you convey your trustworthiness as a leader:

Ability to apologize


Business ethics



6. Creativity

As a leader, you have to make a number of decisions that do not have a clear answer; you
therefore need to be able to think outside of the box.

Learning to try nontraditional solutions, or approaching problems in nontraditional ways, will

help you to solve an otherwise unsolvable problem. Most employees will also be impressed
and inspired by a leader who doesn't always choose the safe, conventional path. Here are
some skills related to creative thinking:


Cognitive flexibility


Critical thinking


7. Feedback

Leaders should constantly look for opportunities to deliver useful information to team
members about their performance. However, there is a fine line between offering employees
advice and assistance, and micromanaging. By teaching employees how to improve their work
and make their own decisions, you will feel more confident delegating tasks to your staff.

Employees will also respect a leader who provides feedback in a clear but empathetic way.
Some skills for giving clear feedback include:

Being open to receiving feedback

Building confidence in employees


Clearly laying out expectations

Listening to employees’ responses


Positive reinforcement

8. Responsibility

A leader is responsible for both the successes and failures of his or her team. Therefore, you
need to be willing to accept blame when something does not go correctly.

If your employees see their leader pointing fingers and blaming others, they will lose respect
for you. Accept mistakes and failures, and then devise clear solutions for improvement. Here
are some skills and qualities that help leaders convey their responsibility:

Acknowledging mistakes

Being open to customer feedback

Evaluating best solutions


9. Commitment

It is important for leaders to follow through with what they agree to do. You should be willing
to put in the extra hours to complete an assignment; employees will see this commitment
and follow your example.

Similarly, when you promise your staff a reward, such as an office party, you should always
follow through. A leader cannot expect employees to commit to their jobs and their tasks if
he or she cannot do the same. Some skills related to commitment in the workplace include:

Applying feedback

Commitment to company objectives


Embracing professional development


Following through

Keeping promises

10. Flexibility

Mishaps and last-minute changes always occur at work. Leaders need to be flexible, accepting
whatever changes come their way. Employees will appreciate your ability to accept changes
in stride and creatively problem solve.

Similarly, leaders must be open to suggestions and feedback. If your staff is dissatisfied with
an aspect of the office environment, listen to their concern and be open to making necessary
changes. Employees will appreciate a leader's ability to accept appropriate feedback. Skills
related to flexibility include:

Ability to learn new skills

Ability to respond to new problems or issues


Review a list of leadership skills and examples, as well as some of the best skills to include on
your resume and LinkedIn, incorporate them into your job search and career materials, and
mention them during job interviews.

How You Can Build Leadership Skills

You do not need to supervise or be a manager to cultivate leadership skills. You can develop
these skills on the job in the following ways:

Take initiative: Look beyond the tasks in your job description. Think long-term about what
would be beneficial for your department and the company. Try to brainstorm ideas and
commit to doing work that goes beyond the daily routine.

Request more responsibility: While you wouldn't want to ask for additional responsibility in
your second week on the job, once you've been in a position long enough to become an
expert, you can share with your manager that you're eager to grow your leadership abilities.
Ask how you can help out—are there upcoming projects that require a point person? Is there
any work that you can take off of your manager's to-do list?

Target specific skills: If you have a specific skill that you want to develop—whether it's creative
thinking or communication—create a plan to improve your abilities in this area. This could
mean taking a class, finding a mentor to help, reading books, or setting a small goal that forces
you to develop this skill. Talk to managers and co-workers, as well as friends outside of the
office, to help develop your plan to improve.

How to Showcase Your Skills

You can use the skill words listed here as you search for jobs. For example, apply the terms in
your resume, especially in the description of your work history. You can also incorporate them
into your cover letter. Mention one or two of the skills mentioned here, and give specific
examples of instances when you demonstrated these traits at work.

You can also use these words in your interview. Keep the top skills listed here in mind during
your interview, and be prepared to give examples of how you've exemplified leadership when
you respond.

Meaning and definition personal hygiene and grooming

• Personal grooming is the art of cleaning grooming, and maintaining part of body.
• Personal hygiene (cleanliness) refers to cleaning and grooming of the body
addition to improving appearance, personal hygiene is an important from of
protection against disease and infections of all kinds.
• Personal hygiene entails (requires) bathing regularly, keeping your hair clean,
trimming finger nails and toenails, brushing your teeth and using deodorant (if you
• Personal grooming can enhance (improve) your self-confidence and improve your
chances of success in many areas of your life.
• Grooming is caring for fingernails and hair example of these activities would be styling
hair, shaving, trimming and painting fingernails.

Importance of personal grooming & hygiene

• The importance of personal grooming goes beyond simply looking and smelling good.
• Practicing good personal hygiene can help your body to prevent illnesses by
decreasing the number of germs you carry.
• Your skin protects your rest of the body from germs, so keeping your skin germ-free
and healthy is an extremely important part of good hygiene. Any break in skin,
including your mouth, eyes and nose, also needs to be well-maintained.
• Personal hygiene and grooming help us look feel good, it improves our physical and
mental well-being.

Grooming routines

Grooming routines includes following:

• Hair
• Skin
• Teeth

• Hands
• Nails
• Feet


• wash your hair minimum once a week

• scrub well and rinse properly when you wash
• brush your hair three to four times a day with a soft bristled brush or wide toothed
comb. Wash your brush or comb regularly.
• Always go for haircuts and intervals.
• Oil the scalp, once a week preferably an hour before hair wash
• Know your scalp and use hair care products accordingly.


• soap and water are essential to keep your skin clean.

• We should bath once or twice in a day.
• Those who are involved in active sports or work out and sweat a lot should take a bath
after the activity.
• Sweat should not smell, use deodorants and creams.
• Apply cream on your skin daily.
• Back brushes and heel scrubbers are available.
• Drying with a clean towel is important. never share a towel or soaps.


• brush teeth twice a day and rinse well after every meal.
• Brushing before going to bed is important. (especially recommended for people with
sweet tooth)
• While brushing, pay attention to the fact that you are getting rid of the food particles
stuck in between the teeth.
• Brush down on the upper teeth and brush up on the lower teeth. Use a circular
• Pay attention to the tongue and the inner surface of the teeth as well.
• Brush should be rinsed well and left to dry after use.


• food is eaten and prepared with bare hands extra attention has to be paid to the
cleanliness of hands.
• Wash hand thoroughly with soap and water before and after visiting toilet.

• Apply cream regularly.

• Hands should be dried with clean towel after wash. the towel at the wash stand has
to be wash and changed every day.


• clean your nails regularly.

• Cut and maintain our nails regularly.
• Apply cream regularly.
• It takes five months for nails to replace themselves. Grow nails if can keep them clean.
• Short nails make less trouble.
• A healthy body ensures healthy nails. Brittle or discolored nails shows up deficiencies
or disease condition.
• Pamper your hands and nails once every three weeks with a manicure. For the legs it
is pedicure.


• Give your feet a good scrub with soap or scrubber daily.

• Apply cream properly and regularly.
• Keep toenails clipped.
• Your feet should not smell and your socks should not smell if requires wear cotton
• Never repeat your socks.
• Give importance to wearing comfort in the choice of footwear.
• Wear slippers in door.
• Wash and change doormats regularly.

Ways to help with personal hygiene

Personal hygiene is the first step to good health and grooming. Head lice, bad breath,
perspiration, body odour, infections, dandruff, ear wax, etc. are all example of improper
personal hygiene.

1. Always wash your hand well before and after meals.

2. Bathing and showering daily is necessary to get rid of body odour and bacteria in the
3. Practice oral hygiene by brushing your teeth at least twice a day– in the morning after
waking and before going to bed. Make sure to clean your tongue daily.
4. Always comb your hair neatly. Observe what suits you. Try new styles daily.
5. To control body odour, rub on a lightly scented or non-scented deodorant daily, at the
beginning of the day, and reapply is necessary.

6. Washing clothing regularly, during summers change if required.

7. Any cut, burn score or scrape should be clean and bandaged as soon as possible. The
prevent cuts from getting infected and stops the spread of germs to others people.
8. Use handkerchief while coughing or sneezing.
9. Hair on your chin, upper lip, ears and nose can make you look unsightly. So, remember
to pluck it out when they started becoming visible on your face. Women should visit
parlour every 15 days to shape their eyebrows.

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