Edsp 221 - Activity 1 - Gamorez Sheena Rose D

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Western Mindanao State University

College of Teacher Education

Graduate School
Zamboanga City
S.Y. 2020 – 2021

EDSP 221 – Curriculum Planning for Special Learners

Name: SHEENA ROSE D. GAMOREZ Date Submitted: September 04, 2021

1. Use the tabular matrix to fill out the hindering and facilitating factors in the curriculum development and implementation.
Curriculum Development Facilitating Factors Hindering Factors Recommendations
 Process Innovative classroom Learner’s diversity when it Innovative classroom
practices comes to cultures. practices and strategies that
includes the learners with
diverse cultures.
 People Teachers and Learners Trainings for teachers Conduct training for
teachers that can help
teachers more effectively in
delivering lessons to their
 Product Integration of other Assessment Teachers should integrate
subjects. other subjects in their
lessons so that students can
clearly understand it.
 Materials Resource and learning Availability of teaching and Educational organizations
materials learning materials. and institutions should see
to it thatthere are enough
teaching and learning
materials in their respective
a. What is your general recommendation to lessen the hindering factor and make curriculum development a success in terms: process,
people, and product?

The recommendation that I can give to lessen the hindering factors and make curriculum development a success
is that educational institutions should re-evaluate their goals and objectives, keep track of their employees skills, focus on
advancing technology in our Philippine Education System and have more trainings for teachers when it comes to our modern

2. Complete the chart below.

Aspect of Curriculum The Way It Was The Way It Is Now The Way It Will Be in the
Development Future
1. Student Served Limited: Students in regular Students in regular, special education, More type of education setting
and special education setting. inclusive and ALS classes. for diverse learners.
2. Service Location Progressive countries Countries with educational supports Countries all over the world
from their respective type of
3. Service Goals To teach students the basic To teach effectively the Most Essential To teach the other useful
knowledges that they need to Learning Competencies (MELCS) of knowledges and skills that
succeed in life with the use of DepEd and teach the daily students can use in every
MELCS. skills that learners need to succeed in aspect of their lives.
4. Parent Involvement Parent’s lack of understanding Parents are more aware of the Parents would like to be more
of the Philippine’s education Philippine education system involved with their children's
system. with the help of the department of education progress.
education's teaching and
non-teaching professionals.
5. Teachers Participation Limited trainings for teachers. More and timely trainings for Stronger teacher's participation
teachers. (e.g., VINSET 2.0) when it comes with their
continous professional
6. Instructional Materials Traditional Modern (uses technology in teaching) More improvement on Educational
Technology (EdTech)
a. How do curriculum development evolve and how these views differ year after year?
Curriculum development develops as the world continues to evolve, new discoveries have to be roped out from our education
curricula. Curriculum evolves each year because everything changes. The classroom is not a bubble for in fact, our four walled
classrooms is the best place for our students and us teachers to reflect on and learn from what is going on in our evolving world.

b. Think about curriculum implementation. How does the latter support in accomplishing the goals of the former? What challenges have to be
Curriculum implementation supports curriculum development in accomplishing the goals of it by helping the curriculum to be
relevant to needs that is beneficial for the students and the society as a whole.
Some of the challenges that curriculum implementation has to be overcome are the following-the shortage of funds for teaching
and learning resources, lack of trainings on new curriculum for the teachers and other school staffs, new methods of teaching for the
new curriculum and the workloads for the school teachers.

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