2022 Marketing Predictions

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2022 Marketing Predictions:

What Are the Experts

2022 is just around the corner, and that means year-long marketing plans, budget
updates, Q1 campaigns, and making predictions the best we can. What will our
customers want? What will our stakeholders want? Heck, what will Google want?

We learned so much from talking with the experts last year — and heard about trends
relating to personalization, diversity and inclusion, and creating authentic connections
with audiences — that we wanted to reach out again.
Here are trends and predictions that marketing leaders are anticipating in the months to
come. Does this line up with whatever’s on your team’s horizon?

Rachel Neff, Associate Vice

President, Finn Partners
As people begin to rethink the pros and cons of convenience versus data privacy, more
will likely reduce the frequency with which they choose to visit large social networking
sites. Instead, I predict people will move toward more private or closed online
spaces such as messenger apps, groups, forums and newsletters. Social selling
will still be a thing, but the shift will be toward content creators and friends — reviews
that feel authentic and trustworthy.
Moreover, brands reaching their interested customers directly through text messages
and emails will become even more important in 2022. The prolonged outage of service
for Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp drove home to many business owners that
those shouldn’t be the only platforms they rely on to reach customers.

However, customers will still continue to get their news and information from social
media platforms, so brands should be prepared to continue the pay-to-play model that
most platforms have implemented. Followers should be considered vanity numbers and
impressions a metric tied to spend. In 2022, content should be created with future
search behaviors in mind so that a story isn’t a one-and-done deal. Content should be
worked into emails, snippets, social media posts — think of using content like your
holiday leftovers: there’s always room for leftover turkey in a sandwich with homemade
cranberry sauce and some cream cheese.
Jon Bauer, Solutions Consultant,
Technology Partnerships, FFW
The continued essentialness of personalization
We all know that personalization has been a trend and has become the norm over the
past ten years, but what we’re seeing now is that it really is essential for organizations
that want to capture the attention of new customers and existing clients. We have all
gotten so used to a personalized experience in everything from Facebook to Amazon
that if we don’t get that personalization, we’ll immediately leave and find another option
that provides us with that personalized experience. This is especially important for large
organizations that have multiple arms, brands and even companies. You cannot rely on
your big name to encourage users to wade through non-relevant content to find what
they’re looking for. Whether you’re Microsoft or a one-person shop, you need to
provide an exceptional, personalized experience.

The (continued) rise of DXP

The phrase Digital Experience Platforms has become a buzzword over the past year
now that all-in-one platforms like Acquia have embraced the methodology. But the
exciting thing is that there are a lot of options, from headless to all-in-one, for
companies looking to utilize DXP as part of their digital transformation. From a
marketing standpoint, this has continued to excite me as it will bring all of your marketing
efforts under the same platform and, at least in theory, create synergies across all
marketing and tech efforts across the company. As with all buzzword topics, success in
this area is greatly dependent on successful implementation, proper deployment, buy-in
across leadership and different departments, and appropriate training for everyone who
is utilizing the platform. Now that the big names are getting involved, we can expect
every CEO and CMO to jump on the bandwagon, but it’s our job to make sure it’s
implemented and utilized correctly.

Rachel Gray, Director of Strategy,

If there is one thing all marketers know, it is that what works today may not work
tomorrow. Pandemics, algorithms, the eminent death of third-party cookies — there’s
always something that shifts and upends our original plan. But it also tends to highlight
the need for the basics, and I believe that 2022 will be all about getting back to
those basics and doing them well. Things like taking the time to do brand-building,
better defining and segmenting your target audience, and building a strong digital
foundation (SEO-optimized website, social channels, email, etc.). And it’ll be important to
make sure all of your channels have a strategic content plan in place and that you are
monitoring and optimizing along the way. So, when the algorithm changes or you don’t
have the same targeting capabilities, you have the infrastructure there to build trust and
show value to your audience.
Arik Hanson, Principal, Arik Hanson
Social Media
In the social media marketing world, I’m tracking and talking about three big trends with
my clients heading into 2022: 1) Less focus on Facebook — more diversification. As
Facebook trends older, continues to lose its “cool factor” and keeps taking PR hits, I’m
advising clients to mitigate their risk and think about how they can spend less time using
Facebook and more time exploring other social networks like Pinterest, Twitter and
TikTok. 2) Executives get real on LinkedIn. In 2021, we saw more execs become
active on LinkedIn — and it was about time! However, in 2022, we’ll see those same
executives realize they need to get a lot more personal and transparent with their
content to succeed on the platform. Sharing corporate statements and stories isn’t going
to cut it in the long run; and 3) Social media gets back to its roots. Yes, social media
can drive leads and revenue — especially as e-commerce capabilities continue to
expand. But it’s not what social media does best. Brands will start to realize this truth
and increasingly use social to retain customers vs. always acquiring them, to build
community and to raise awareness.

Sara Blood, Business Development

Manager, Brandpoint
The Facebook whistleblower and changes by Google and Apple to privacy and
data collection will have marketers rethinking their marketing mix. This may have
brands spend less on advertising on paid and shared (social) platforms and invest more
in earned (PR) and owned strategies, such as email marketing directly and through
channel partners. Platforms that rely on digital advertising for revenue will need to invest
in new technologies like artificial intelligence to help serve ads, according to IBM
Watson, and in charging subscription fees.

Lainey Escarcega, Marketing

Manager, GSMI
We entered 2021 with a great deal of uncertainty and daunting questions about the
future. Remote work may carry over into 2022, but thankfully, the world is not on
complete lockdown as it once was. Conferences and events will be returning to in-
person, and our team has made the decision to remain in the virtual event space. After a
surprisingly successful year transitioning to strictly online events, we are excited to build
on this momentum.

This brings new challenges to our marketing team as we will now have to compete with
both virtual and in-person events. Continued success will require attentive listening
to customer feedback and actionable response. The customer will be the center of
every decision. I look forward to listening and learning from our attendees to redesign
authentic marketing strategies in 2022 that will reflect what matters most to them.
Kurt Schmidt, President, Foundry
In early 2020 the pandemic stormed in and then stayed sitting on the couch like some
bored step-sibling with a sudden urge to “re-connect with family.” Much like everyone
else in that situation we were exhausted and low on snacks with no one to blame for it.

With all the negativity happening daily we knew there was only one thing left we could
get excited about and that was by supporting our team and local tech/design
communities during these uncertain times.

We re-focused on becoming evangelists for the greater good rather than simply
lead generation. Community became something that we talked about daily. We
virtually attended events for our communities, volunteered our time with causes near to
us, created values-first messaging, and engaged with those communities on social
Community around a brand does not just happen. You have to plan for it, create it,
nurture it and respect its boundaries when need be. It takes time to build community but
we have the patience, the tenacity and the collaborative spirit to make it work, and we
are in it for the long haul.

We believe that tending to the garden that helped create us is a better use of our time
and money than erecting billboards around it. That being said, you still might see me
spinning a Foundry sign nearby on a corner from time to time but I do so only in hopes of
drawing more attention to the amazing community of technologists and designers we
have here in the Twin Cities.

[Read More: 4 Ways to Incorporate Marketing in Your Corporate Social

Responsibility Plan]

Jennifer Zick, Founder &

CEO, Authentic Brand
The past year can be best described as “squishy.” The market has been up / down,
high / low, hot / cold, and in / out in terms of commitment to marketing strategy,
execution and overall investment. I’ve never had so many conversations with business
leaders who are so interested in upping their marketing game, but also so hesitant to
make the commitment and approve the budget. And I understand why: The world has
been an unruly and unpredictable place.

It’s been hard for business leaders to feel confident in moving forward when the ground
is still shifting. But I do believe that we are starting to find some firmer footing, and
confidence is on the rise. There is a collective sense that — while the ripple effect of
labor and material shortages are going to continue for quite some time — we will
eventually get to the other side of things. And when we do, businesses need to be on top
of their game and prepared to scale. 
Brands who have continued to invest in marketing, with a focus on customer experience,
product innovation and culture, will be best positioned to move at the speed of the come-
back market. Those who paused or downsized marketing will find themselves playing

I predict that 2022 will be a year of substantial marketing investment — with some
brands accelerating from a position of health, and others spending fast in hopes
of regaining ground. Those who held off on key marketing hires, laid off marketing
teams, or severed ties with trusted agency / freelance partners will now find it
challenging to refill those roles.
Fractional marketing leadership will play an increasingly important role for companies
scaling and rebuilding — helping to bring experienced leadership to the helm quickly,
while lowering risk in a challenging talent market.
[Read More: Hiring the Right Marketing Leader]

Susan Wright, Group Director,

Content & PR, Stephens & Associates
COVID jet propelled the role pets play in people’s lives. As specialists in animal health
marketing and communications, we’ve always focused on pets. Many brands, regardless
of whether they’re specifically related to pets, are now highlighting the human connection
to dogs and cats. Connection is the operative word for these brands — and any brand.
To meaningfully connect, brands must create authentic content that goes beyond the
surface to show how they help people — and, for many, pets. How and why brands
engage audiences will be crucial in 2022 to break through the ever-increasing
messaging clutter. Put people first by communicating how the brand helps
individuals and families (pets included) navigate the new normal and solve
everyday challenges.
Content must meet customers’ needs, be present where customers already get their
information, and tell an authentic story. Heavy-handed brand messages that lack
connection and understanding of the challenges audiences face will fall flat.

Strong content builds lasting relationships that are meaningful, honest and relevant, and
2022 will be a year of content like no other. We expect continued heavy demand for
useful, engaging and credible content that benefits users.

Are you ready for 2022?

2020 and 2021 were years of big changes, trying new things and reacting to the
rollercoaster that we were all on. After hearing from these experts, it’s clear that 2022
will be a year of rebuilding. If you need help digging into your marketing strategy — or
just plain getting business results — we’re here to help you! Reach out and we can get

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