CH 10 Alteration Temp Regulation

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Alterations in Temperature
Mary Pat Kunert

sure to cold. This chapter is organized into three sections:

BODY TEMPERATURE REGULATION regulation of body temperature, increased body tempera-
Mechanisms of Heat Production ture (fever and hyperthermia), and decreased body tem-
Mechanisms of Heat Loss perature (hypothermia).
Evaporation Body Temperature Regulation
INCREASED BODY TEMPERATURE After completing this section of the chapter, you should be able to
Fever meet the following objectives:
Purpose ✦ Differentiate between body core temperature and skin
Patterns temperature and relate the differences to methods used
Manifestations for measuring body temperature
Diagnosis and Treatment ✦ Describe the mechanisms of heat production in the body
Fever in Children ✦ Define the terms conduction, radiation, convection, and
Fever in Elderly Persons evaporation, and relate them to the mechanisms for
Hyperthermia heat loss from the body
Heat Cramps
Heat Exhaustion Virtually all biochemical processes in the body are
Heatstroke affected by changes in temperature. Metabolic processes
Drug Fever speed up or slow down depending on whether body tem-
Malignant Hyperthermia perature is rising or falling. Core body temperature (i.e., intra-
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome cranial, intrathoracic, and intraabdominal) normally is
DECREASED BODY TEMPERATURE maintained within a range of 36.0°C to 37.5°C (97.0°F
Hypothermia to 99.5°F).1–3 Within this range, there are individual differ-
Manifestations ences and diurnal variations; internal core temperatures
Diagnosis and Treatment reach their highest point in late afternoon and evening and
their lowest point in the early morning hours (Fig. 10-1).
Body temperature reflects the difference between heat
production and heat loss and varies with exercise and ex-
tremes of environmental temperature. Properly protected,

ody temperature, at any given point in time, repre- the body can function in environmental conditions that
sents a balance between heat gain and heat loss. Body range from −50°C (−48°F) to +50°C (+122°F). Individual
heat is generated in the core tissues of the body, body cells, however, cannot tolerate such a wide range of
transferred to the skin surface by the blood, and then re- temperatures—at −1°C (+32°F) ice crystals form, and at
leased into the environment surrounding the body. Body +45°C (+113°F), cell proteins coagulate.4
temperature rises in fever as a result of cytokine-mediated Most of the body’s heat is produced by the deeper core
changes in the hypothalamic temperature set point and in tissues (i.e., muscles and viscera), which are insulated from
hyperthermia as a result of excessive heat production, in- the environment and protected against heat loss by an
adequate heat dissipation, or a failure of thermoregulatory outer shell of subcutaneous tissues and skin (Fig. 10-2). Be-
mechanisms. It falls during hypothermia caused by expo- cause the shell lies between the core and the environment,
2 UNIT III Integrative Body Functions

Transport of core
38 heat during
Rectal temperature °C

Heat vasoconstriction
37 Transport of core
heat during

6 A.M. Noon 6 P.M. Midnight 6 A.M.
FIGURE 10-1 Normal diurnal variations in body temperature.

all heat leaving the body core, with the exception of that
lost through the respiratory tract, must pass through the
outer shell.2 The thickness of the shell depends on blood
flow. In a warm environment, blood flow is increased, and
the thickness of the outer shell is decreased, allowing for FIGURE 10-2 Control of heat loss. Body heat is produced in the
greater dissipation of heat. In a cold environment, blood deeper core tissues of the body, which is insulated by the subcuta-
flow to the skin and underlying tissues, including those of neous tissues and skin to protect against heat loss. During vasodi-
the limbs and more superficial muscles of the neck and latation, circulating blood transports heat to the skin surface, where
trunk, constrict. This increases the thickness of the shell it dissipates into the surrounding environment. Vasoconstriction de-
creases the transport of core heat to the skin surface, and vasodi-
and helps to minimize the loss of core heat for the body.
latation increases transport.
The subcutaneous fat layer contributes to the insulation
value of the outer shell because of its thickness and be-
cause it conducts heat only about one third as effectively
as other tissues.
Temperatures differ in various parts of the body, with that is used for thermodilution measurement of cardiac
core temperatures being higher than those at the skin sur- output, or from a urinary catheter with a thermosensor
face. In general, the rectal temperature is used as a measure that measures the temperature of urine in the bladder. Be-
of core temperature. Rectal temperatures usually range cause of location, pulmonary artery and esophageal tem-
from 37.3°C (99.2°F) to 37.6°C (99.6°F).3 Core tempera- peratures closely reflect the temperature of the heart and
tures may also be obtained from the esophagus using a thoracic organs. This is the preferred measurement when
flexible thermometer, from a pulmonary artery catheter body temperatures are changing rapidly and need to be fol-
lowed reliably.3
The oral temperature, taken sublingually, is usually
0.2°C (0.36°F) to 0.51°C (0.9°F) lower than the rectal tem-
perature; however, it usually follows changes in core tem-
THERMOREGULATION perature closely. The axillary temperature also can be used
as an estimate of core temperature. However, the parts of
➤ Core body temperature is a reflection of the balance the axillary fossa must be pressed closely together for an
between heat gain and heat loss by the body. Metabolic extended period (5 to 10 minutes for a glass thermometer)
processes produce heat, which must be dissipated. because this method requires considerable heat to accu-
➤ The hypothalamus is the thermal control center for the mulate before the final temperature is reached.
body, receives information from peripheral and central Ear-based thermometry uses an infrared sensor to mea-
thermoreceptors, and compares that information with sure the flow of heat from the tympanic membrane and
its temperature set point. ear canal.5 It has become popular in the pediatric setting
because of its ease and speed of measurement, acceptabil-
➤ Heat loss occurs through transfer of body core heat to the
ity to parents and children, and cost savings in the per-
surface through the circulation. Heat is lost from the skin
sonnel time that is required to take a child’s temperature.6
through radiation, conduction, convection, and
However, a debate continues regarding the accuracy of
this method.5,7 Several factors can alter the accuracy of ear-
➤ An increase in core temperature is effected by vasoconstric- based thermometry: (1) the size of the probe cover must
tion and shivering, a decrease in temperature by match the size of the ear canal; (2) the infrared reader must
vasodilation, and sweating. be directed at the tympanic membrane; and (3) the pres-
ence of any exudate (fluid or cerumen) in the ear canal or
CHAPTER 10 Alterations in Temperature Regulation 3

behind the tympanic membrane affects the accuracy of the MECHANISMS OF HEAT PRODUCTION
Core body temperature, rather than the surface tem- Metabolism is the body’s main source of heat production.
perature, is regulated by the thermoregulatory center in the There is a 0.56°C (1°F) increase in body temperature for
hypothalamus. This center integrates input from cold and every 7% increase in metabolism. The sympathetic neuro-
warm thermal receptors located throughout the body (and transmitters, epinephrine and norepinephrine, which are
within the hypothalamus) and initiates output responses released when an increase in body temperature is needed,
that conserve and generate body heat or increase its dissi- act at the cellular level to shift body metabolism to heat
pation. The thermostatic set point of the thermoregulatory production rather than energy generation. This may be
center is set so that the temperature of the body core is reg- one of the reasons fever tends to produce feelings of weak-
ulated within the normal range of 36.0° (97.0°F) to 37.5°C ness and fatigue. Thyroid hormone increases cellular me-
(99.5°F). When body temperature begins to rise above the tabolism, but this response usually requires several weeks
set point, the hypothalamus signals the central and pe- to reach maximal effectiveness. The metabolic rate is typ-
ripheral nervous systems to initiate heat-dissipating be- ically 45% or more above normal in hyperthyroidism.2
haviors. Likewise, when the temperature falls below the set Fine involuntary actions such as shivering and chatter-
point, signals from the hypothalamus elicit physiologic ing of the teeth can produce a threefold to fivefold increase
behaviors that increase heat conservation and production. in body temperature. Shivering is initiated by impulses from
Core temperatures above 41°C (105.8°F) or below 34°C the hypothalamus. The first muscle change that occurs
(93.2°F) usually mean that the body’s ability to thermo- with shivering is a general increase in muscle tone, fol-
regulate has been impaired (Fig. 10-3). Body responses that lowed by an oscillating rhythmic tremor involving the
produce, conserve, and dissipate heat are described in spinal-level reflex that controls muscle tone. Because no
Table 10-1. external work is performed, all the energy liberated by the
In addition to physiologic thermoregulatory mecha- metabolic processes from shivering is in the form of heat.8
nisms, humans engage in voluntary behaviors to help regu- Physical exertion increases body temperature. Muscles
late body temperature. These behaviors include the selection convert most of the energy in the fuels they consume into
of proper clothing and regulation of environmental tem- heat rather than mechanical work. With strenuous exer-
perature through heating systems and air conditioning. cise, more than three fourths of the increased metabolism
Body positions that hold the extremities close to the resulting from muscle activity appears as heat within the
body prevent heat loss and are commonly assumed in cold body, and the remainder appears as mechanical work.
Most of the body’s heat losses occur at the skin surface as
heat from the blood moves to the skin and from there into
the surrounding environment. There are numerous arterio-
venous (AV) shunts under the skin surface that allow
blood to move directly from the arterial to the venous sys-
tem1 (Fig. 10-4). These AV shunts are much like the radia-
tors in a heating system. When the shunts are open, body
heat is freely dissipated to the skin and surrounding envi-
ronment; when the shunts are closed, heat is retained in
the body. The blood flow in the AV shunts is controlled
almost exclusively by the sympathetic nervous system in
response to changes in core temperature and environ-
mental temperature. Contraction of the pilomotor muscles
of the skin, which raises skin hairs and produces goose
bumps, also aids in heat conservation by reducing the sur-
face area available for heat loss.
Heat is lost from the body through radiation, conduc-
tion, and convection from the skin surface; through the
evaporation of sweat and insensible perspiration; through
the exhalation of air that has been warmed and humidified;
and through heat lost in urine and feces. Of these mecha-
nisms, only heat losses that occur at the skin surface are
directly under hypothalamic control.

FIGURE 10-3 Body temperatures under different conditions. (Dubois, Conduction is the direct transfer of heat from one mole-
E. F. [1948]. Fever and the regulation of body temperature. Springfield, cule to another. Blood carries, or conducts, heat from the
IL: Charles C. Thomas) inner core of the body to the skin surface. Normally, only
4 UNIT III Integrative Body Functions

TABLE 10-1 Heat Gain and Heat Loss Responses Used in Regulation of Body Temperature

Heat Gain Heat Loss

Body Response Mechanism of Action Body Response Mechanism of Action

Vasoconstriction of Confines blood flow to the Dilatation of the superficial Delivers blood containing core
the superficial inner core of the body, with blood vessels heat to the periphery where
blood vessels the skin and subcutaneous it is dissipated through
tissues acting as insulation radiation, conduction,
to prevent loss of core heat and convection
Contraction of the Reduces the heat loss surface Sweating Increases heat loss through
pilomotor muscles of the skin evaporation
that surround the
hairs on the skin
Assumption of the Reduces the area for heat loss
huddle position with
the extremities held
close to the body
Shivering Increases heat production by
the muscles
Increased production Increases the heat production
of epinephrine associated with metabolism
Increased production Is a long-term mechanism
of thyroid hormone that increases metabolism
and heat production

a small amount of body heat is lost through conduction to The conduction of heat to the body’s surface is influ-
a cooler surface. Cooling blankets or mattresses that are enced by blood volume. In hot weather, the body compen-
used for reducing fever rely on conduction of heat from sates by increasing blood volume as a means of dissipating
the skin to the cool surface of the mattress. Heat also can heat. Persons who are not acclimated to a hot environment
be conducted in the opposite direction—from the external can increase their total blood volume by 10% within 2 to
environment to the body surface. For instance, body tem- 4 hours of heat exposure. A mild swelling of the ankles dur-
perature may rise slightly after a hot bath. ing hot weather (called heat edema) provides evidence of
Water has a specific heat several times greater than air, blood volume expansion. Exposure to cold produces a cold
so water absorbs far greater amounts of heat than air does. diuresis and a reduction in blood volume as a means of con-
The loss of body heat can be excessive and life threatening trolling the transfer of heat to the body’s surface.
in situations of cold water immersion or cold exposure in
damp or wet clothing. Radiation
Radiation is the transfer of heat through air or a vacuum.
Heat from the sun is carried by radiation. Heat loss by ra-
diation varies with the temperature of the environment.
Environmental temperature must be less than that of the
body for heat loss to occur. About 60% to 70% of body
heat typically is dissipated by radiation.

Convection refers to heat transfer through the circulation
of air currents. Normally, a layer of warm air tends to re-
main near the body’s surface; convection causes continual
removal of the warm layer and replacement with air from
the surrounding environment. The windchill factor that
often is included in the weather report combines the effect
of convection due to wind with the still-air temperature.
FIGURE 10-4 Skin circulation with arteriovenous shunts and venous
plexus that participate in transfer of core heat to the skin. (Adapted Evaporation
from Guyton A., Hall J. E. [2002]. Textbook of medical physiology Evaporation involves the use of body heat to convert water
[10th ed., 823]. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders with permission from on the skin to water vapor. Water that diffuses through the
Elsevier Science) skin independent of sweating is called insensible perspira-
CHAPTER 10 Alterations in Temperature Regulation 5

tion. Insensible perspiration losses are greatest in a dry en- but the mechanisms that control body temperature are in-
vironment. Sweating occurs through the sweat glands and effective in maintaining body temperature within a normal
is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. Unlike range during situations when heat production outpaces the
other sympathetically mediated functions, in which the ability of the body to dissipate that heat.
catecholamines serve as neuromediators, sweating is me-
diated by acetylcholine. This means that anticholinergic
drugs, such as atropine, can interfere with heat loss by FEVER
interrupting sweating. The literature on fever dates back to the writings of Hippo-
Evaporative heat losses involve insensible perspira- crates, which contain many descriptions of febrile-course
tion and sweating, with 0.58 calories being lost for each diseases, such as typhoid fever.9 However, it was not until
gram of water that is evaporated.1 As long as body tem- the development of the thermometer that measurements of
perature is greater than the atmospheric temperature, heat body temperature became possible. One of the first studies
is lost through radiation. However, when the temperature of body temperature was reported in 1868 by the German
of the surrounding environment becomes greater than physician Carl Wunderlich. During a 20-year period, Wun-
skin temperature, evaporation is the only way the body derlich studied the body temperature of 25,000 patients
can rid itself of heat. Any condition that prevents evapo- with observations made twice daily with a foot-long ther-
rative heat losses causes the body temperature to rise. mometer held in the axilla for 20 minutes.10 Wunderlich
observed that the thermometer was a useful instrument for
In summary, body temperature is normally maintained providing insight into the condition of the ill person.
within a range of 36.0°C to 37.4°C (97.0°F to 99.5°F). Most of Today, temperature is one of the most frequent physiologic
the body’s heat is produced by metabolic processes that occur responses to be monitored during illness.
within deeper core structures (i.e., muscles and viscera) of the
body. Heat loss occurs at the body’s surface when heat from Mechanisms
core structures is transported to the skin by the circulating Fever, or pyrexia, describes an elevation in body temperature
blood. Heat is lost from the body through radiation, conduc- that is caused by a cytokine-induced upward displacement
tion, convection, and evaporation. The thermoregulatory cen- of the set point of the hypothalamic thermoregulatory cen-
ter in the hypothalamus functions to modify heat production ter. Fever is resolved or “broken” when the condition that
and heat losses as a means of regulating body temperature. caused the increase in the set point is removed. Fevers that
are regulated by the hypothalamus usually do not rise
above 41°C (105.8°F), suggesting a built-in thermostatic
safety mechanism. Temperatures above that level are usu-
ally the result of superimposed activity, such as convul-
Increased Body Temperature sions, hyperthermic states, or direct impairment of the
temperature control center.
After completing this section of the chapter, you should be able to Pyrogens are exogenous or endogenous substances that
meet the following objectives: produce fever. Exogenous pyrogens are derived from outside
the body and include such substances as bacterial prod-
✦ Characterize the physiology of fever
ucts, bacterial toxins, or whole microorganisms. Exogenous
✦ Describe the four stages of fever
✦ Explain what is meant by intermittent, remittent,
sustained, and relapsing fevers
✦ State the relation between body temperature and
heart rate FEVER
✦ Differentiate between the physiologic mechanisms
involved in fever and hyperthermia ➤ Fever represents an increase in body temperature that re-
✦ State the criteria for high-risk status of children 0 to sults from a cytokine-induced increase in the set point of
36 months of age the thermostatic center in the hypothalamus.
✦ State the definition of fever in elderly persons and cite ➤ Fever is a nonspecific response that is mediated by endog-
possible mechanisms for altered febrile response in enous pyrogens released from host cells in response to
elderly persons infectious or noninfectious disorders.
✦ Compare the characteristics of fevers caused by
➤ The development of fever involves a prodrome, a chill dur-
infectious agents and drug-related fevers
ing which the temperature rises until it reaches the new
✦ Compare the mechanisms of malignant hyperthermia
hypothalamic set point, a flush during which the skin ves-
and neuroleptic malignant syndrome
sels dilate and the temperature begins to fall, and a period
of defervescence that is marked by sweating.
Both fever and hyperthermia describe conditions in
which body temperature is higher than the normal range. ➤ Fever is resolved when the condition causing the increase
Fever is due to an upward displacement of the set point of in the set point of the thermostatic center in the hypo-
the thermostatic center in the hypothalamus. This is in con- thalamus is resolved.
trast to hyperthermia, in which the set point is unchanged,
6 UNIT III Integrative Body Functions

pyrogens induce host cells to produce fever-producing me- For example, the rhinoviruses responsible for the com-
diators called endogenous pyrogens. Research has identified mon cold are cultured best at 33°C (91.4°F), which is close
at least three chemical substances that act as endogenous to the temperature in the nasopharynx; temperature-
pyrogens: interleukin-1, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis sensitive mutants of the virus that cannot grow at tem-
factor.11 These chemical mediators, also known as cytokines, peratures above 37.5°C (99.5°F) produce fewer signs and
are synthesized by a number of body cell types, including symptoms.14
endothelial cells, epithelial cells, lymphocytes, fibroblasts,
and monocytes. The endogenous pyrogens act to increase Patterns
the set point of the hypothalamic thermoregulatory cen- The patterns of temperature change in persons with fever
ter. This effect is mediated through the local synthesis and vary and may provide information about the nature of the
release of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). PGE2, which is a metabo- causative agent.15–17 These patterns can be described as in-
lite of arachidonic acid (an intramembrane fatty acid), termittent, remittent, sustained, or relapsing (Fig. 10-5).
binds to receptors in the hypothalamus to induce changes An intermittent fever is one in which temperature returns to
in its set point through the second messenger cyclic adeno- normal at least once every 24 hours. In a remittent fever, the
sine monophosphate (cAMP).12 In response to the increase temperature does not return to normal and varies a few de-
in set point, the hypothalamus initiates shivering and vaso- grees in either direction. In a sustained or continuous fever,
constriction that increase the core body temperature to the the temperature remains above normal with minimal vari-
new set point, and fever is established. In addition to their ations (usually less than 0.55°C or 1°F). A recurrent or re-
fever-producing actions, the endogenous pyrogens medi- lapsing fever is one in which there is one or more episodes
ate a number of other responses. For example, interleukin- of fever, each as long as several days, with one or more
1 is an inflammatory mediator that produces other signs of days of normal temperature between episodes.
inflammation, such as leukocytosis, anorexia, and malaise Critical to the analysis of a fever pattern is the relation
(see Chapter 20). of heart rate to the level of temperature elevation. Nor-
Many noninfectious disorders, such as myocardial in- mally, a 1°C rise in temperature produces a 15-beats/minute
farction, pulmonary emboli, and neoplasms, produce fever. increase in heart rate (1°F, 10 beats/minute).15 Most persons
In these conditions, the injured or abnormal cells incite the respond to an increase in temperature with an appropriate
production of endogenous pyrogen. For example, trauma increase in heart rate. The observation that a rise in tem-
and surgery can be associated with up to 3 days of fever. perature is not accompanied by the anticipated change in
Some malignant cells, such as those of leukemia and heart rate can provide useful information about the cause
Hodgkin’s disease, secrete endogenous pyrogen. of the fever. For example, a heart rate that is slower than
A fever that has its origin in the central nervous system would be anticipated can occur with Legionnaires’ disease
is sometimes referred to as a neurogenic fever. It usually is and drug fever, and a heart rate that is more rapid than an-
caused by damage to the hypothalamus due to central ner- ticipated can be symptomatic of hyperthyroidism and pul-
vous system trauma, intracerebral bleeding, or an increase monary emboli.
in intracranial pressure. Neurogenic fevers are character-
ized by a high temperature that is resistant to antipyretic Manifestations
therapy and is not associated with sweating. The physiologic behaviors that occur during the develop-
ment of fever can be divided into four successive stages: a
Purpose prodrome; a chill, during which the temperature rises; a
The purpose of fever is not completely understood. How- flush; and defervescence (Fig. 10-6). During the first or pro-
ever, from a purely practical standpoint, fever is a valuable dromal period, there are nonspecific complaints such as
index to health status. For many, fever signals the presence mild headache and fatigue, general malaise, and fleeting
of an infection and may legitimize the need for medical aches and pains. During the second stage or chill, there is
treatment. In ancient times, fever was thought to “cook” the uncomfortable sensation of being chilled and the
the poisons that caused the illness. With the availability of onset of generalized shaking, although the temperature is
antipyretic drugs in the late 19th century, the belief that rising. Vasoconstriction and piloerection usually precede
fever was useful began to wane, probably because most the onset of shivering. At this point, the skin is pale and
antipyretic drugs also had analgesic effects. covered with goose flesh. There is a feeling of being cold
There is little research to support the belief that fever and an urge to put on more clothing or covering and to
is harmful unless the temperature rises above 40°C (104°F). curl up in a position that conserves body heat. When the
Animal studies have demonstrated a clear survival ad- shivering has caused the body temperature to reach the
vantage in infected members with fever compared with new set point of the temperature control center, the shiv-
animals that were unable to produce a fever. It has been ering ceases, and a sensation of warmth develops. At this
shown that small elevations in temperature such as those point, the third stage or flush begins, during which cuta-
that occur with fever enhance immune function. There is neous vasodilation occurs and the skin becomes warm and
increased motility and activity of the white blood cells, flushed. The fourth, or defervescence, stage of the febrile re-
stimulation of interferon production, and activation of sponse is marked by the initiation of sweating. Not all per-
T cells.11,13 Many of the microbial agents that cause in- sons proceed through the four stages of fever development.
fection grow best at normal body temperatures, and their Sweating may be absent, and fever may develop gradually
growth is inhibited by temperatures in the fever range. with no indication of a chill or shivering.
CHAPTER 10 Alterations in Temperature Regulation 7

Intermittent fever Sustained fever

105 105
Temperature ( F)

Temperature ( F)
104 104
103 103
102 102
101 101
100 100
99 99
98 98
A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M.
A 1 2 3 4 5 C 1 2 3 4 5
Days Days
Remittent fever Relapsing fever
105 105
Temperature ( F)

Temperature ( F)
104 104
103 103
102 102
101 101
100 100
99 99
98 98
A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M.
B 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Days Days
FIGURE 10-5 Schematic representation of fever patterns: (A) intermittent, (B) remittent, (C) sustained, and
(D) recurrent or relapsing.

Common manifestations of fever are anorexia, myalgia, body proteins as an energy source. During fever, the body
arthralgia, and fatigue. These discomforts are worse when switches from using glucose (an excellent medium for
the temperature rises rapidly or exceeds 39.5°C (103.1°F). bacterial growth) to metabolism based on protein and fat
Respiration is increased, and the heart rate usually is ele- breakdown.18 With prolonged fever, there is an increased
vated. Dehydration occurs because of sweating and the in- breakdown of endogenous fat stores. If fat breakdown is
creased vapor losses due to the rapid respiratory rate. The rapid, metabolic acidosis may result (see Chapter 34).
occurrence of chills commonly coincides with the intro- Headache is a common accompaniment of fever and is
duction of pyrogen into the circulation. Many of the thought to result from the vasodilation of cerebral vessels
manifestations of fever are related to the increases in the occurring with fever. Delirium is possible when the tem-
metabolic rate, increases in oxygen demands, and use of perature exceeds 40°C (104°F). In elderly persons, confusion

set point

4. Core body temperature

reaches new set point

2. Resetting of
FIGURE 10-6 Mechanisms of fever. (1) Release thermostatic 5. Temperature-reducing
of endogenous pyrogen from inflammatory set point responses:
cells, (2) resetting of hypothalamus thermo- Vasodilation
3. Temperature-raising Sweating
static set point to a higher level (prodrome), 1. Pyrogens responses: Increased ventilation
(3) generation of hypothalamic-mediated re- (prostaglandin E1) Vasoconstriction
sponses that raise body temperature (chill), Shivering
(4) development of fever with elevation of body Piloerection
to new thermostatic set point, and (5) produc- Increased metabolism
tion of temperature-lowering responses (flush
and defervescence) and return of body tem-
perature to a lower level. Fever
8 UNIT III Integrative Body Functions

and delirium may follow moderate elevations in tempera- usually requires a thorough history and physical examina-
ture. Owing to increasingly poor oxygen uptake by the tion designed to rule out the more serious medical condi-
aging lung, pulmonary function may prove to be a limit- tions that present initially with fever.
ing factor in the hypermetabolism that accompanies fever The methods of fever treatment focus on modifications
in older persons. Confusion, incoordination, and agita- of the external environment intended to increase heat
tion commonly reflect cerebral hypoxemia. Febrile con- transfer from the internal to the external environment,
vulsions can occur in some children.19 They usually occur support of the hypermetabolic state that accompanies
with rapidly rising temperatures or at a threshold temper- fever, protection of vulnerable body organs and systems,
ature that differs with each child. and treatment of the infection or condition causing the
The herpetic lesions, or fever blisters, that develop in fever. Because fever is a disease symptom, its manifestation
some persons during fever are caused by a separate infec- suggests the need for treatment of the primary cause.
tion by the type 1 herpes simplex virus that established la- Modification of the environment ensures that the
tency in the regional ganglia and is reactivated by a rise in environmental temperature facilitates heat transfer away
body temperature. from the body. Sponge baths with cool water or an alco-
hol solution can be used to increase evaporative heat losses.
Diagnosis and Treatment More profound cooling can be accomplished through the
Fever usually is a manifestation of a disease state, and as use of a cooling mattress, which facilitates the conduction
such, determining the cause of a fever is an important as- of heat from the body into the coolant solution that cir-
pect of its treatment. For example, fevers from infectious culates through the mattress. Care must be taken so that
diseases usually are treated with antibiotics, whereas other the cooling method does not produce vasoconstriction
fevers, such as those resulting from a noninfectious in- and shivering, which decrease heat loss and increase heat
flammatory condition, may be treated symptomatically. production.
Sometimes, it is difficult to establish the cause of a Adequate fluids and sufficient amounts of simple car-
fever. A prolonged fever for which the cause is difficult to bohydrates are needed to support the hypermetabolic
ascertain is often referred to as fever of unknown origin state and prevent the tissue breakdown that is characteris-
(FUO). FUO is defined as a temperature elevation of 38.3°C tic of fever. Additional fluids are needed for sweating and
(101°F) or higher that is present for 3 weeks or longer.20 to balance the insensible water losses from the lungs that
Among the causes of FUO are malignancies (i.e., lym- accompany an increase in respiratory rate. Fluids also are
phomas, metastases to the liver and central nervous sys- needed to maintain an adequate vascular volume for heat
tem); infections such as human immunodeficiency virus transport to the skin surface.
or tuberculosis, or abscessed infections; and drug fever. Antipyretic drugs, such as aspirin and acetaminophen,
Malignancies, particularly non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, are often are used to alleviate the discomforts of fever and pro-
important causes of FUO in elderly persons. Cirrhosis of tect vulnerable organs, such as the brain, from extreme
the liver is another cause of FUO. elevations in body temperature. These drugs act by reset-
Recurrent or periodic fevers may occur in predictable ting the hypothalamic temperature control center to a
intervals or without any discernible time pattern. They lower level, presumably by blocking the activity of cyclo-
may be associated with no discernible cause, or they can be oxygenase, an enzyme that is required for the conversion
the presenting symptom of several serious illnesses and of arachidonic acid to prostaglandin E2.23
often precede the other symptoms of those diseases by
weeks or months. The PFAPA syndrome, which is charac-
terized by periodic fever, aphthous (small ulcerative stoma- Fever in Children
titis), pharyngitis, and cervical adenopathy occurring every The mechanisms for controlling temperature are not as
21 to 28 days, is the most common cause of recurrent fe- well developed in infants as they are in older children and
vers in children younger than 5 years of age.21 Other con- adults. In infants younger than 3 months, a mild elevation
ditions in which recurrent fevers occur but do not follow a in temperature (i.e., rectal temperature of 38°C [100.4°F])
strictly periodic pattern include genetic disorders such as can indicate serious infection that requires immediate
familial Mediterranean fever (FMF). FMF, an autosomal medical attention.24–26 Although infants with fever may
recessive disease, is characterized by early age of onset not appear ill, this does not imply an absence of bacterial
(<20 years), acute episodic peritonitis, and high fever with disease. Fever without a source occurs frequently in infants
an average duration of less than 2 days. In some cases, and children and is a common reason for visits to the
pleuritis, pericarditis, and arthritis are present. The primary clinic or emergency department.
chronic complication is the presence of serum antibodies Both minor and life-threatening infections are com-
that can result in kidney or heart failure. This complication mon in the infant to 3-year-old age group.24,25 The most
can be prevented by treatment with colchicine.22 common causes of fever in children are minor or more se-
Conditions that present with recurrent fevers occurring rious infections of the respiratory system, urinary system,
at irregular intervals include repeated viral or bacterial in- gastrointestinal tract, or central nervous system. Occult
fections, parasitic and fungal infections, and some inflam- bacteremia and meningitis also occur in this age group and
matory conditions (e.g., systemic juvenile arthritis and should be ruled out. The Agency for Health Care Policy and
Crohn’s disease). The clinical challenge is in the differential Research Expert Panel has developed clinical guidelines for
diagnosis of periodic or recurrent fever. The initial workup use in the treatment of infants and children 0 to 36 months
CHAPTER 10 Alterations in Temperature Regulation 9

of age with fever without a source.27 The guidelines define fection in the elderly. They should be viewed as possible
fever in this age group as an elevation in rectal temperature signs of infection and sepsis when fever is absent. The
of at least 38°C (100.4°F). The guidelines also point out that probable mechanisms for the blunted fever response in-
fever may result from overbundling or a vaccine reaction. clude a disturbance in sensing of temperature by the ther-
When overbundling is suspected, it is suggested that the in- moregulatory center in the hypothalamus, alterations in
fant be unbundled and the temperature retaken after 15 to release of endogenous pyrogens, and failure to elicit re-
30 minutes. sponses such as vasoconstriction of skin vessels, increased
Fever in infants and children can be classified as low heat production, and shivering that increase body tem-
risk or high risk, depending on the probability of the in- perature during a febrile response.
fection progressing to bacteremia or meningitis. Signs of Another factor that may delay recognition of fever in
toxicity include lethargy, poor feeding, hypoventilation, the elderly is the method of temperature measurement.
poor tissue oxygenation, and cyanosis. Infants can be con- Oral temperature remains the most commonly used
sidered low risk if they were delivered at term and sent method for measuring temperature in the elderly. It has
home with their mother without complications and have been suggested that rectal and tympanic membrane
been healthy with no previous hospitalizations or previ- methods are more effective in detecting fever in elderly
ous antimicrobial therapy. A white blood cell count and people. This is because conditions such as mouth breath-
urinalysis are recommended as a means of confirming low- ing, tongue tremors, and agitation often make it difficult
risk status. Blood and urine cultures, chest radiographs, to obtain accurate oral temperatures in the elderly.
and lumbar puncture usually are done in high-risk infants
and children to determine the cause of fever.
The mean probability of serious bacterial infection in HYPERTHERMIA
infants younger than 3 months of age is 8.6%; in children Hyperthermia describes an increase in body temperature
between 3 and 36 months of age, it is 4.5%.25 Infants with that occurs without a change in the set point of the
fever who are considered to be low risk usually are man- hypothalamic thermoregulatory center. It occurs when
aged on an outpatient basis provided that the parents or the thermoregulatory mechanisms are overwhelmed by
caregivers are deemed reliable. Older children with fever heat production, excessive environmental heat, or impaired
without a source also may be treated on an outpatient dissipation of heat.32 It includes (in order of increasing se-
basis. Parents or caregivers require full instructions, prefer- verity) heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke. Ma-
ably in writing, regarding assessment of the febrile child. lignant hyperthermia describes a rare genetic disorder of
They should be instructed to contact their health care anesthetic-related hyperthermia. Fever and hyperthermia
provider should their child show signs suggesting sepsis. also may occur as the result of a drug reaction.
High-risk infants and infants who are younger than 28 days A number of factors predispose to hyperthermia. If
usually are hospitalized for evaluation of their fever and muscle exertion is continued for long periods in warm
treatment. Parenteral antimicrobial therapy usually is ini- weather, as often happens with athletes, military recruits,
tiated after samples for blood, urine, and spinal fluid cul- and laborers, excessive heat loads are generated.32 Because
tures have been taken. adequate circulatory function is essential for heat dissipa-
tion, elderly persons and those with cardiovascular disease
Fever in the Elderly are at increased risk for hyperthermia. Drugs that increase
muscle tone and metabolism or reduce heat loss (e.g., di-
In the elderly, even slight elevations in temperature may uretics, neuroleptics, drugs with anticholinergic action)
indicate serious infection or disease. This is because el- can impair thermoregulation. Infants and small children
derly people often have a lower baseline temperature, and who are left in a closed car for even short periods in hot
although they increase their temperature during an infec- weather are potential victims of hyperthermia.
tion, it may fail to reach a level that is equated with signi-
ficant fever.28–30
Normal body temperature and the circadian pattern of
temperature variation often are altered in elderly people.
Elderly persons are reported to have a lower basal tempera-
ture (36.4°C [97.6°F] in one study) than younger persons.31
➤ Hyperthermia is a pathologic increase in core body temper-
It has been recommended that the definition of fever
ature without a change in the hypothalamic set point. The
in elderly persons be expanded to include an elevation of
thermoregulatory center is overwhelmed by either excess
temperature of at least 1.1°C (2°F) above baseline values.30
heat production, impaired heat loss, or excessive environ-
It has been suggested that 20% to 30% of elders with
mental heat.
serious infections present with an absent or blunted febrile
response.30 When fever is present in the elderly, it usually ➤ Malignant hyperthermia is an autosomal dominant dis-
indicates the presence of serious infection, most often order in which an abnormal release of intracellular stores
caused by bacteria. The absence of fever may delay diagno- of calcium causes uncontrolled skeletal muscle contrac-
sis and initiation of antimicrobial treatment. Unexplained tions, resulting in a rapid increase in core body temper-
changes in functional capacity, worsening of mental sta- ature. This usually is in response to an anesthetic.
tus, weakness and fatigue, and weight loss are signs of in-
10 UNIT III Integrative Body Functions

Additionally, several conditions are associated with a than 37.8°C (100°F) but below 40°C (104°F), and the heart
decreased ability to respond adequately to heat stress. For rate is elevated, usually by more than half again the nor-
example, spinal cord injuries that transect the cord at T6 mal resting rate. Signs of heat cramps may accompany heat
or above can seriously impair temperature regulation be- exhaustion.
cause the hypothalamus can no longer control skin blood Like heat cramps, heat exhaustion is treated by rest in
flow or sweating. a cool environment, the provision of adequate hydration,
The best approach to heat-related disorders is preven- and salt replacement. Intravenous fluids are administered
tion, primarily by avoiding activity in hot environments, when adequate oral intake cannot be achieved. If the in-
increasing fluid intake, and wearing climate- and activity- dividual has water-depleted heat exhaustion and is hyper-
appropriate clothing. The ability to tolerate a hot envi- natremic, rehydration needs to occur at a regulated rate to
ronment depends on both temperature and humidity. A reduce the development of iatrogenic cerebral edema (see
high relative humidity retards heat loss through sweating Chapter 33).32
and evaporation and decreases the body’s cooling ability.
The Heat Index is the temperature that the body senses Heatstroke
when both the temperature and humidity are combined. Heatstroke is a severe, life-threatening failure of thermo-
The Heat Index/Heat Disorder Table, produced by the regulatory mechanisms resulting in an excessive rise in body
National Weather Service, provides a useful guide for de- temperature—a core temperature greater than 40°C (104°F),
termining when to avoid outside activity (Table 10-2). absence of sweating, and loss of consciousness. The risk for
developing heatstroke in response to heat stress is increased
Heat Cramps in conditions (i.e., alcoholism, obesity, diabetes mellitus,
Heat cramps are slow, painful, skeletal muscle cramps and and chronic cardiac, renal or mental disease) and with drugs
spasms, usually occurring in the muscles that are most (i.e. alcohol, anticholinergics, β-blockers, or tricyclic anti-
heavily used and lasting for 1 to 3 minutes. Cramping re- depressants) that impair vasodilation and sweating.34,35
sults from salt depletion that occurs when fluid losses from The pathophysiology of heatstroke is thought to re-
heavy sweating are replaced by water alone. The muscles are sult from the direct effect of heat on body cells and the re-
tender, and the skin usually is moist. Body temperature may lease of cytokines (e.g., interleukins, tumor necrosis factor,
be normal or slightly elevated. There almost always is a his- and interferon) from heat-stressed endothelial cells, leuko-
tory of vigorous activity preceding the onset of symptoms. cytes, and epithelial cells that protect against tissue injury.
Treatment consists of drinking an oral saline solution The net result is a combination of local and systemic in-
(commercially prepared electrolyte solutions or 1 tsp of flammatory responses that may result in multiorgan dys-
salt in 500 mL of water), stretching the affected muscles, function, encephalopathy, rhabdomyolysis, and acute renal
and resting in a cool environment.33 Because absorption is failure.34
slow and unpredictable, salt tablets are not recommended. Heatstroke may be designated as classic or nonexer-
Salt tablets also can cause gastric irritation, vomiting, and tional when it arises as a consequence of exposure to high
cerebral edema. Strenuous physical activity should be environmental temperatures or as exertional when it arises
avoided for several days while dietary sodium replacement as a consequence of strenuous exercise.33,34 The classic
is continued. form of heatstroke is seen most commonly in elderly and
disabled persons. An average of 1700 heatstroke-related
Heat Exhaustion deaths occur in the United States every year, with 80% of
Heat exhaustion is related to a gradual loss of salt and water, those deaths occurring in persons 50 years of age and
usually after prolonged and heavy exertion in a hot en- older.35 In elderly people, the problem often is one of im-
vironment. The symptoms include thirst, fatigue, nausea, paired heat loss and failure of homeostatic mechanisms,
oliguria, giddiness, and finally delirium. Gastrointestinal such that body temperature rises with any increase in en-
flulike symptoms are common. Hyperventilation in asso- vironmental temperature. Elderly persons with a decreased
ciation with heat exhaustion may contribute to heat cramps ability to perceive changes in environmental temperature
and tetany by causing respiratory alkalosis (see Chapter 34). or decreased mobility are at particular risk because they
The skin is moist, the rectal temperature usually is higher also may be unable to take appropriate measures such as

TABLE 10-2 Heat Index Values Associated With Possible Heat Disorders

Heat Index
(Combination of Heat and Humidity Effects) Possible Heat Disorder

80°F–90°F Fatigue possible with prolonged exposure and physical activity

90°F–105°F Sunstroke, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion possible
105°F–130°F Sunstroke, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion likely, and heat stroke possible
130°F or greater Heat stroke highly likely with continued exposure

Data from (U.S. National Weather Service).

CHAPTER 10 Alterations in Temperature Regulation 11

removing clothing, moving to a cooler environment, and centers; they can act as direct pyrogens; they can injure tis-
increasing fluid intake. This is particularly true of elderly sues directly; or they can induce an immune response.39
persons who live alone in small and poorly ventilated hous- Exogenous thyroid hormone increases metabolic rate
ing units and who may be too confused or weak to com- and can increase heat production and body temperature.
plain or seek help at the onset of symptoms. Peripheral heat dissipation can be impaired by atropine,
Exertional heatstroke occurs most often in summer and antihistamines, phenothiazines, and tricyclic antidepres-
mainly affects athletes and laborers who are exposed to sants, which decrease sweating, or by sympathomimetic
high temperature environments. Persons with exertional drugs, which produce peripheral vasoconstriction. Cime-
heatstroke often continue to perspire, a factor that often re- tidine, a histamine type 2 (H2)-blocking drug that decreases
sults in a delay in diagnosis. In addition, rhabdomyolysis gastric acid production, also blocks H2 receptors in the
and its complications (hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypothalamus and has been known to cause fever. Bleo-
hypocalcemia, and myoglobinuria) contribute to the mor- mycin (an anticancer drug), amphotericin B (an antifungal
bidity and mortality associated with the disorder.33 drug), and vaccines that contain bacterial and viral prod-
The symptoms of heatstroke include tachycardia, ucts all can act to induce the release of pyrogens. Intra-
hyperventilation, dizziness, weakness, emotional lability, venously administered drugs can lead to infusion-related
nausea and vomiting, confusion, delirium, blurred vision, phlebitis with production of cellular pyrogens that pro-
convulsions, collapse, and coma. The skin is hot and usu- duce fever. Treatment with anticancer drugs can cause the
ally dry, and the pulse is typically strong initially. The release of endogenous pyrogen from the cancer cells that
blood pressure may be elevated at first, but hypotension are destroyed.
develops as the condition progresses. As vascular collapse The most common cause of drug fever is a hypersensi-
occurs, the skin becomes cool. Associated abnormalities tivity reaction. Hypersensitivity drug fevers develop after
include electrocardiographic changes consistent with heart several weeks of exposure to the drug, cannot be explained
damage, blood coagulation disorders, potassium and so- in terms of the drug’s pharmacologic action, are not related
dium depletion, and signs of liver damage. to drug dose, disappear when the drug is stopped, and re-
Early recognition and aggressive treatment of heat- appear when the drug is readministered. The fever pattern
stroke is critical in order to reduce both the morbidity and is typically spiking in nature and exhibits a normal diurnal
mortality associated with the cellular injury due to direct rhythm. Persons with drug fevers often experience other
heat and the effect of cytokine actions.30,31 Treatment con- signs of hypersensitivity reactions, such as arthralgias, urti-
sists of rapidly reducing the core temperature. Care must caria, myalgias, gastrointestinal discomfort, and rashes.
be taken that the cooling methods used do not produce Temperatures of 38.8°C to 40.0°C (102°F to 104°F) are
vasoconstriction or shivering and thereby decrease the common in drug fever. The person may be unaware of the
cooling rate or induce heat production. Two general meth- fever and appear to be well for the degree of fever that is
ods of cooling are used. One method involves submersion present. The absence of an appropriate increase in heart
in cold water or application of ice packs, and the other rate for the degree of temperature elevation is an impor-
involves spraying the body with tepid water while a fan tant clue to the diagnosis of drug fever. A fever often pre-
is used to enhance heat dissipation through convection. cedes other, more serious effects of a drug reaction; for this
Whatever method is used, it is important that the temper- reason, the early recognition of drug fever is important.
ature of vital structures, such as the brain, heart, and liver, Drug fever should be suspected whenever the temperature
be reduced rapidly because tissue damage ensues when elevation is unexpected and occurs despite improvement
core temperatures rise above 43°C (109.4°F). Selective in the condition for which the drug was prescribed.
brain cooling has reportedly been achieved by fanning the
face during hyperthermia.3 Blood flows from the emissary Malignant Hyperthermia
venous pathways of the skin on the head through the bones Malignant hyperthermia is an autosomal dominant meta-
of the skull to the brain. In hyperthermia, face fanning is bolic disorder in which heat generated by uncontrolled
thought to cool the venous blood that flows through these skeletal muscle contraction can produce severe and po-
emissary veins and thereby produce brain cooling by en- tentially fatal hyperthermia. The muscle contraction is
hancing heat exchange between the hot arterial blood and caused by an abnormal release of intracellular calcium
the surface-cooled venous blood in the intracranial venous from the mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum (see
spaces. Because reducing the body temperature may not Chapter 4).
modulate the inflammatory or coagulation responses eli- In affected persons, an episode of malignant hyper-
cited in response to heat stress, new pharmacologic inter- thermia is triggered by exposure to certain stresses or gen-
ventions to inhibit or attenuate these responses are being eral anesthetic agents. The syndrome most frequently is
investigated.34 associated with the halogenated anesthetic agents and the
depolarizing muscle relaxant succinylcholine.40,41 There
Drug Fever also are various nonoperative precipitating factors, includ-
Drug fever has been defined as fever coinciding with the ing trauma, exercise, environmental heat stress, and infec-
administration of a drug and disappearing after the drug tion. The condition is particularly dangerous in a young
has been discontinued.36–38 Drugs can induce fever by sev- person who has a large muscle mass to generate heat.
eral mechanisms. They can interfere with heat dissipation; During malignant hyperthermia, the body tempera-
they can alter temperature regulation by the hypothalamic ture can rise to as high as 43°C (109.4°F) at a rate of 1°C
12 UNIT III Integrative Body Functions

(2°F) every 5 minutes. An initial sign of the disorder, when grade fever in high-risk infants or in elderly persons can indi-
the condition occurs during anesthesia, is skeletal muscle cate serious infection.
rigidity. Cardiac arrhythmias and a hypermetabolic state The treatment of fever focuses on modifying the external
follow in rapid sequence unless the triggering event is im- environment as a means of increasing heat transfer to the ex-
mediately discontinued. In addition to discontinuing the ternal environment; supporting the hypermetabolic state that
triggering agents, treatment includes measures to cool the accompanies fever; protecting vulnerable body tissues; and
body and the administration of dantrolene, a muscle re- treating the infection or condition causing the fever.
laxant drug that acts by blocking the release of calcium Hyperthermia, which varies in severity based on the degree
from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. There is no accurate of core temperature elevation and the severity of cardiovas-
screening test for the condition. A family history of ma- cular and nervous system involvement, includes heat cramps,
lignant hyperthermia should be considered when general heat exhaustion, and heatstroke. Among the factors that con-
anesthesia is needed because there are anesthetic agents tribute to the development of hyperthermia are prolonged
available that do not trigger the hyperthermic response. muscular exertion in a hot environment, disorders that com-
promise heat dissipation, and hypersensitivity drug reactions.
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Malignant hyperthermia is an autosomal dominant disorder
The neuroleptic malignant syndrome is associated with that can produce a severe and potentially fatal increase in
neuroleptic (psychotropic) medications and may occur in body temperature. The condition commonly is triggered by
as many as 1% of persons taking such drugs. Some of the general anesthetic agents and muscle relaxants used during
most commonly implicated drugs are haloperidol, chlor- surgery. The neuroleptic malignant syndrome is associated
promazine, thioridazine, and thiothixene. All of these with neuroleptic drug therapy and is thought to result from
drugs block dopamine receptors in the basal ganglia and alterations in the function of the thermoregulatory center or
hypothalamus. Hyperthermia is thought to result from al- from uncontrolled muscle contraction.
terations in the function of the hypothalamic thermoreg-
ulatory center caused by decreased dopamine levels or
from uncontrolled muscle contraction like that occurring
with anesthetic-induced malignant hyperthermia. Many
of the neuroleptic drugs produce an increase in muscle Decreased Body Temperature
contraction, suggesting that this mechanism may contri-
bute to the neuroleptic malignant syndrome. After completing this section of the chapter, you should be able to
The syndrome usually has an explosive onset and is meet the following objectives:
characterized by hyperthermia, muscle rigidity, alterations
✦ Define hypothermia
in consciousness, and autonomic nervous system dysfunc-
✦ Compare the manifestations of mild, moderate, and
tion. The hyperthermia is accompanied by tachycardia (120
severe hypothermia and relate them to changes in
to 180 beats/minute), cardiac dysrhythmias, labile blood
physiologic functioning that occur with decreased body
pressure (70/50 to 180/130 mm Hg), postural instability,
dyspnea, and tachypnea (18 to 40 breaths/minute).42 Per-
manent brain damage may result, and the mortality rate is
nearly 30%.43 HYPOTHERMIA
Treatment of neuroleptic malignant syndrome includes
the immediate discontinuance of the neuroleptic drug, Hypothermia is defined as a core temperature (i.e., rectal,
measures to decrease body temperature, and treatment of esophageal, or tympanic) less than 35°C.44 Core body tem-
dysrhythmias and other complications of the disorder. peratures in the range of 34°C to 35°C (93.2°F to 95°F) are
Bromocriptine (a dopamine agonist) and dantrolene (a mus- considered mildly hypothermic; 30°C to 34°C (86°F to
cle relaxant) may be used as part of the treatment regimen. 93.2°F), moderately hypothermic; and less than 30°C
(86°F), severely hypothermic.44 In the United States from
1979 to 1998, an average of 700 deaths per year were at-
In summary, fever and hyperthermia refer to an increase in tributable to hypothermia.45
body temperature outside the normal range. True fever is a
disorder of thermoregulation in which there is an upward dis-
placement of the set point for temperature control. In hyper-
thermia, the set point is unchanged, but the challenge to
temperature regulation exceeds the thermoregulatory center’s HYPOTHERMIA
ability to control body temperature. Fever can be caused by a
number of factors, including microorganisms, trauma, and ➤ Hypothermia is a pathologic decrease in core body temper-
drugs or chemicals, all of which incite the release of endoge- ature without a change in the hypothalamic set point.
nous pyrogens. The reactions that occur during fever consist ➤ The compensatory physiologic responses meant to pro-
of four stages: a prodrome, a chill, a flush, and defervescence. duce heat (shivering) and retain heat (vasoconstriction)
A fever can follow an intermittent, remittent, sustained, or re- are overwhelmed by unprotected exposure to cold
current pattern. The manifestations of fever are largely related environments.
to dehydration and an increased metabolic rate. Even a low-
CHAPTER 10 Alterations in Temperature Regulation 13

Accidental hypothermia may be defined as a sponta- in oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production.
neous decrease in core temperature, usually in a cold envi- There is roughly a 6% decrease in oxygen consumption
ronment and associated with an acute problem but without for every 1°C (2°F) decrease in temperature. A decrease in
a primary disorder of the temperature-regulating center. carbon dioxide production leads to a decrease in respira-
The term submersion hypothermia is used when cooling fol- tory rate. Respirations decrease as temperatures drop be-
lows acute asphyxia, as occurs in drowning.46 In children, low 32.2°C (90°F). Decreases in mentation, the cough
the rapid cooling process, in addition to the diving reflex reflex, and respiratory tract secretions may lead to diffi-
that triggers apnea and circulatory shunting to establish a culty in clearing secretions and aspiration. Consciousness
heart–brain circulation, may account for the surprisingly usually is lost at 30°C (86°F).51
high survival rate after submersion. The diving reflex is In terms of cardiovascular function, a gradual decline
greatly diminished in adults. Children have been reported in heart rate and cardiac output occurs as hypothermia
to survive 10 to 40 minutes of submersion asphyxia.46,47 progresses. Blood pressure initially rises and then gradually
Controlled hypothermia may be used during certain types falls. There is increased risk for dysrhythmia developing,
of surgeries to decrease brain metabolism. probably from myocardial hypoxia and autonomic ner-
Systemic hypothermia may result from exposure to vous system imbalance. Ventricular fibrillation is a major
prolonged cold (atmospheric or submersion). The con- cause of death in hypothermia.
dition may develop in otherwise healthy persons in the Carbohydrate metabolism and insulin activity are de-
course of accidental exposure. Because water conducts creased, resulting in a hyperglycemia that is proportional
heat more readily than air, body temperature drops ra- to the level of cooling. A cold-induced loss of cell mem-
pidly when the body is submerged in cold water or when brane integrity allows intravascular fluids to move into the
clothing becomes wet. In persons with altered homeo- skin, giving the skin a puffy appearance. Acid-base dis-
stasis due to debility or disease, hypothermia may follow orders occur with increased frequency at temperatures
exposure to relatively small decreases in atmospheric below 25°C (77°F) unless adequate ventilation is main-
temperature. tained. Extracellular sodium and potassium concentrations
Many underlying conditions can contribute to the de- decrease, and chloride levels increase. There is a temporary
velopment of hypothermia.48,49 Infants are at risk because loss of plasma from the circulation along with sludging of
of their high ratio of surface area to body mass. Elderly and red blood cells and increased blood viscosity as the result
inactive persons living in inadequately heated quarters are of trapping in the small vessels and skin.
particularly vulnerable to hypothermia.50 Malnutrition de-
creases the fuel available for heat generation, and loss of Diagnosis and Treatment
body fat decreases tissue insulation. Alcohol and sedative Oral temperatures are markedly inaccurate during hypo-
drugs dull mental awareness to cold and impair judgment thermia because of severe vasoconstriction and sluggish
to seek shelter or put on additional clothing.49 Alcohol also blood flow. Electronic thermometers with flexible probes
inhibits shivering. Persons with cardiovascular disease, are available for measuring rectal, bladder, and esophageal
cerebrovascular disease, spinal cord injury, and hypothy- temperatures. However, rectal and bladder temperatures
roidism also are predisposed to hypothermia. often lag behind fluctuations in core temperature, and
esophageal temperatures may be elevated during inhala-
Manifestations tion of heated air.52 Most clinical thermometers measure
The signs and symptoms of hypothermia include poor co- temperature only in the range of 35°C to 42°C (95°F to
ordination, stumbling, slurred speech, irrationality and poor 107.6°F); a special thermometer that registers as low as
judgment, amnesia, hallucinations, blueness and puffiness 25°C (77°F) or an electrical thermistor probe is needed for
of the skin, dilation of the pupils, decreased respiratory monitoring temperatures in persons with hypothermia.
rate, weak and irregular pulse, and stupor. With mild hypo- The treatment of hypothermia consists of rewarming,
thermia, intense shivering generates heat, and sympathetic support of vital functions, and the prevention and treat-
nervous system activity is raised to resist lowering of tem- ment of complications.53 There are three methods of re-
perature. Vasoconstriction can be profound, heart rate is warming: passive rewarming, active total rewarming, and
accelerated, and stroke volume is increased. Blood pressure active core rewarming. Passive rewarming is done by re-
increases slightly, and hyperventilation is common. Ex- moving the person from the cold environment, covering
posure to cold augments urinary flow (i.e., cold diuresis) with a blanket, supplying warm fluids (oral or intravenous),
before there is any fall in temperature. Dehydration and and allowing rewarming to occur at the person’s own pace.
increased hematocrit may develop within a few hours of Active total rewarming involves immersing the person in
even mild hypothermia, augmented by an extracellular- warm water or placing heating pads or hot water bottles
to-intracellular water shift. on the surface of the body, including the extremities. Ac-
With moderate hypothermia, shivering gradually de- tive core rewarming places a major emphasis on rewarm-
creases, and the muscles become rigid. Shivering usually ing the trunk, leaving the extremities, containing the
ceases at 27°C (80.6°F). Heart rate and stroke volume are major metabolic mass, cold until the heart rewarms. Active
reduced, and blood pressure falls. The greatest effect of core rewarming can be done by instilling warmed fluids into
hypothermia is exerted through a decrease in the meta- the gastrointestinal tract; by peritoneal dialysis; by extra-
bolic rate, which falls to 50% of normal at 28°C (82.4°F).51 corporeal blood warming, in which blood is removed from
Associated with this decrease in metabolic rate is a decrease the body and passed through a heat exchanger and then
14 UNIT III Integrative Body Functions

returned to the body; or by inhalation of an oxygen mix- respirations 8 breaths/minute and shallow. His skin is
ture warmed to 42°C to 46°C (107.6°F to 114.8°F). cold, his muscles rigid, and his digits blue.
Persons with mild hypothermia usually respond well A. What factors might have contributed to this man’s
to passive rewarming in a warm bed. Persons with moder- state of hypothermia?
ate or severe hypothermia do not have the thermoregula-
tory shivering mechanism and require active rewarming. B. Is this man able to engage in physiologic behaviors
During rewarming, the cold acidotic blood from the pe- to control loss of body heat (refer to Fig. 10-3)?
ripheral tissues is returned to the heart and central circula- C. Given two methods that are available for taking this
tion. If this is done too rapidly or before cardiopulmonary man’s temperature (oral or rectal), which would be
function has been adequately reestablished, the hypother- most accurate? Explain.
mic heart cannot respond to the increased metabolic de-
D. What precautions should be considered when de-
mands of warm peripheral tissues.
ciding on a method for rewarming this man?

In summary, hypothermia is a potentially life-threatening

disorder in which the body’s core temperature drops below
35°C (95°F). Accidental hypothermia can develop in otherwise
healthy persons in the course of accidental exposure and in 1. Guyton A. C., Hall J. E. (2000). Textbook of medical physiology
elderly or disabled persons with impaired perception of or re- (10th ed., pp. 822–833). Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders.
2. Wenger C. B. (2003). The regulation of body temperature. In
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