Mater and Radiation Tute

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Matter and Radiation - Part 3

Particle Physics
We have studied protons, electrons and neutrons as smallest particles. But experiments related to
cosmic rays can explain so many sub atomic particles present in the universe. (Elementary particles)
They have very small life time (10–10 s) and they are produced continously by the sun and stars due to
thermal activities.

 We have two families of fundamental particles.

1. Quarks (6 particles)
2. Leptons (6 leptons)

Electrons protons Neutrons

(No more (made with Quarks) (made with Quarks)

 Quarks and Leptons are symmetrical. (6 and 6)

 Baryons are massive particles which are made from 3 quarks.
eg: Protons, neutrons, Lamda, sigma, C and omega. (P, n, , , )
Find the charge of the particles given below.
protone is made from two up and one down.

u u
proton ................................................................................

u d
neutrons ................................................................................

Lamda () u s ................................................................................


sigma () u u ................................................................................


omega. () s s ................................................................................


Antibaryon quark structure.

Antiproton ................................................................................
u u d

Antinutron d d u ................................................................................

Leptons and Anti – leptons

Mesons are created by one quark and one antiquark.

Fundamental forces of nature.

1) Strong force
2) Electro magnetic force
3) Weak force
4) Gravitational force

 In the particle physics force carriers should be there.

 Strong force > Electromagnetic force > Weak force > Gravitational force

1. Strong force
 Forces acting between two protons, two neutrons, and neutron and proton are known as strong
 This force is acting when they are situated very closer to each other. (1 fm to 3 fm / 10 –15 m to
3 x 10–15 m).
 This force vanishes when separation is more than 3 fm.
 This force is carried by 'gluon' s.
 It is acting between quarks and gluons.
 It is exchanged by quarks
 8 gluons are present in particles.

2. Electromagnetic force

Attraction or repultion between charges is known as electro magnetic force.

1 1 Q1Q 2
F F=
r 2
4 0 r 2
 This force is less than the strong force.
 This force is carried by photons according to particle physics.
3. Week force
 This force is less than the electromagnetic force.
 Force range only up to 10–2 fm.
 This force is acting between leptons.
  emmision is occured due to this force.
 Interaction between electrons and nutriono occurs due to this force.
 Three carrier particles are there
1. W+ bosons
W+ bosons
Z bosons

4. Gravitational force
 force acting between two masses is known as gravitational force.
GM m
F =
 This is the smallest force in the universe.
 Stars and galaxies are formed due to this force.
 Force carriers are known as gravitons (still they are not found)

Requirement of high energy particles.

 We need high velocity particles to break them

an to observe about their content.
 At very first universe consist only fundamental
particles (matter and anti matter but matter is
greater than the antimatter)
 When matter and antimatter meet they convert
in to energy completely.
 Maximum amount of energy is created by this
kind of collisions according to E = mC2
eg: Electron and positron collision
 Scientists try to study about quarks with help of collision of high energy particles and to find
how the universe is born.

Particle accelerators.
1. Linear particle accelerator (LINAC)
This situated menlo park, california and its length is 3.2 km.
 Tube series is used to accelerate charge particles as above.
 Particles can be accelerated to Tev (1012 ev).
 A/C voltage is supplied as shown above.
 Inside the tubes particle cant acceleration explain why.


 Particle accelerates in between the gaps of the tubes and energy increased of the charge does not
depend on distance between the tubes explain why.

 If half of the time period of the A/C voltage particle moves in the tube. If p.d. is V, charge q mass
m, and time period of A/C voltage is T find the length of the nth tube.


 If initial K.E before accelerating is K show that the length of the nth tube is
1  2(nqv0  K 
1/ 2

ln =
2f  m 
f is the frequency of A/C voltage. V0 is the peak voltage of A/C voltage

Cyclotron (1929)
Cyclotron is used to accelerate particles in a limited space.
1. Dee1 and Dee 2 are half cylinders and a magnetic field is applied perpendicular to them.
2. Alternate p.d. is applied in between Dee s frequency of the particle in the path should be equal to
frequency of alternate p.d.

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