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Republic of the Philippines


Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

Course Code CRIM 7 Week/Day 4

Course Description Criminological Research 1
(Research Methods with Applied Duration 1 week
Lesson /Topic Focusing on Research Problem Lesson No. 3
Once this lesson has been successfully completed, the student can;

1. Provide the source of research problem

2. Explain the factors to consider in the choice of a research
Learning Outcome/s problem
3. Identify the types of research problem
4. State and justify the research problem
5. Create the title of the study
6. Explain the co-ordination for gender research

FB/messenger: @hapibin j. camal
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Phone No: 09977-184730

I-Activation of Prior Knowledge (Refer to answer sheet of your answer)

of. In this chapter, we are going to explore the sources and nature of research problems, their
characteristics, how they are stated, how they are justified, and how the title of the study should be

1. As a criminology student what would be the

sources of research problem? Can you give at least
four (4)?
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

II- Engagement in Relevant Content and Appropriate LearningActivity/Activities

Sources of Research Problems

Asking questions is the usual starting point for research. What is a question in
research? It is a problem that is in need of solution or an answer. Identifying the problem to
be studied is, oftentimes, the difficulty encountered by both undergraduate and graduate
students. In order to identify research problems, a researcher needs to know where they can
be sourced.

One of the sources of research problems is personal interests and observations. Our
own interests and observations are important because they can point to directions for
research and in sustaining the study. Most often, students are at a loss to get an idea for a
research project and, often, believe it to be very difficult. The springboard for research is all
around us. All we have to do is to observe and be curious.

Another possible source of question for research is the pressing problem needing a
solution. Whether in school, workstation, or the community, we are confronted with
problems requiring immediate solution or attention. These difficulties that have to be
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

immediately addressed are potential problems for research. For instance, traffic congestion,
drug addiction, criminality in the country’s metropolitan areas, and spread of Type A (H1N1)
flu are good topics for research.

Other investigators theories and research can also be sources of research problems.
One of the most interesting things about research it that it raises more questions than it
answers. These new questions can also serve as a starting point for further research.

Literature in ones field of specialization is another possible source of a research

problem. Books and research journals in your area of expertise can be a potential source of
research topic. These sources, not only teach readers about a particular discipline or
profession, but also suggest topics for further study and exploration.

Completed theses and dissertations are also good sources of research problems.
These research projects normally suggest topics that future researchers can work on,
particularly the recommendation section of the research report.

Suggestions from colleagues and professors can also provide researchers with
problems for in-depth study. Your friends and peers who have undertaken research in a
particular discipline can suggest problematic areas needing immediate attention, which can
be a possible topic for study. Even your professors in your major subjects can recommend
topics for further investigation.

Factors to Consider in the Choice of a Research Problem

After knowing the possible sources of research topics, it is important to know the
criteria or factors that should be considered in selecting problem for research. These factors
are briefly discussed below.

 Novel. When considering a research topic, you have to focus on one which has
not been fully investigated before. In the event that the pmblem was already
studied, you need to inject originality by coming up with another research
design, using a different data-gathering tool or a different scheme for analyzing
research data. It can be a new twist in the character of the problem.
 Relevant. The results of the study on a given problem should be of practical
value to you and the significant others in the field. 'Ihis means that once the
study had been completed, its hndings, conclusions, and recommendations can
be used in improving practices or solving identified difficulties.
 Interesting. As the researcher, you need to consider your interest in the choice
of a research problem. Interest counts 3 lot in the conduct of a study. Ifyou are
not interested on the topic, it will be diflicult for you to put your heart and soul
in it.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

 Feasible. This means that a problem you are going to work on can be
completed without undue amount of time, money or effort. Research feasibility
also means that you have the necessary competence or expertise to conduct the
study on the chosen problem.
 Researchable. This means that data can be collected to answer the problem that
you pose. A researcher, for instance, who wants to prove the existence of God
will definitely find it difficult to gather quantifiable data to answer the said
 Ethical. A research problem is said to be ethical when it does not involve
physical or psychological harm or damage to human beings or organizations. In
other words, a study on a particular topic should not put people or institutions
in a bad light.

Types at Research Problems

A research problem is usually posed as a question. The question form is often

preferred due to its simplicity and directness. Moreover, this format orients the researcher to
the immediate task of developing a design to answer the research question. A research
question, however, may be descriptive, relationship, or difference.

A descriptive research question typically asks “what is” and suggests a survey
research design. Some examples of descriptive research question are as follows:

 What is the prevalent organizational culture of the Philippine National Police

as assessed by its officers and men?

 What is the level of emotional readiness of criminology interns of IRU for

entry into police service, as assessed by themselves and their practicum

 What are the dominant leadership styles of police station commanders in the
National Capital Region as perceived by themselves and their subordinates?

 What is the level of commitment of the uniformed and non-uniformed officers

of the Philippine National Police to their job and the organization?

 What are the behavioral problems manifested by the new breed of law

A relationship research question asks, “What is the relationship between two or

more variables or factors under study?” and implies a correlational design.'1hefoilowing are
examples of relationship research questions:
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

 Does emotional readiness of senior criminology students relate significantly

with their performance in their on-the-job training?

 Is the self-concept of the BS Criminology students of IRU related to their

performance in their professional subjects?

 Is there a significant association between unemployment and commission of

crimes in two slum areas in Quezon City?

 Is there a significant relationship between leadership skills and the ability of

the police investigators to handle crime incidents in Manila?

 How significant is the relationship between the on-the job-training stressors

and coping strategies of criminology interns of the Philippine College of
Criminology? ‘

A difference research question typically asks, “Is there a difference between or

among the respondents in relation to a characteristic or factor under study?” This type of
question is often used when a researcher is after comparing two or more observations.
Examples of difference research questions are shown below.

 How do male and female criminology graduates compare in their performance

in the criminology licensure examination?

 How do the inmates in Mandaluyong Jail compare in their personal values

when they are categorized according to the following variables:
1. age;
2. gender;
3. civil status; and
4. educational attainment?

 How significant 1s the difference in the law enforcement competencies of

police officers in Metro-Manila when they are grouped according to place of

 How do criminology graduates from private and state colleges and universities
compare in their performance 1n the licensure examination for criminologists?

 How do the officers and men of the PNP in the National Capital Region
compare in their levels of job and organizational commitment?
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

Stating the Research Problem

After selecting the research problem, it has to be adequately stated. There are two
ways of stating research problems, namely: declarative; and in question form. In most
colleges and universities in the Philippines, the declarative form is used when stating the
main problem of the study. On the other hand, the question form is used when stating the
sub-problems or specific problems of the proposed research. Go over the example below and
reflect on how the research problems on the relationship between the level of leadership
skills and performance of police investigators in the National Capital Region were stated.

Title of the Study: The Level of Leadership Skills and Performance of Police
Investigators in Handling Crime Incidents in the National Capital Region

Main Problem ~ This study was undertaken for the purpose of establishing the
relationship between the level of leadership skills and performance of police investigators in
handling crime incidents in the National Capital Region (NCR).

Sub-problems - The following specific problems were answered in inquiry:

1. As, assessed by PNP personnel, barangay officials, and court personnel

what is level of leadership skills of police investigators in the selected
cities in the research locale in terms of the following:
1.1 operational skills;
1.2 strategic skills;
1.3 technical skills; and
1.4 human skills?

2. Is there a significant difference in the assessment of the respondents on

the level of leadership skills of police investigators, with regard to the
aforementioned variables?

3. What is the performance of police investigators in handling crime

incidents as assessed by the respondents in terms of:
3.1 investigation procedure at the crime scene;
3.2 pre-charge investigation report;
3.3 review evaluation of pre-charge investigation report;
3.4 documentation of the case under investigation; and
3.5 case preparation as prosecutor’s witness?

4. How significant is the difference in the assessment of the respondents

on the performance of police investigators in handling crime incidents
in relation to the aforementioned variables?
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

5. How significant is the relationship between the level of leadership

skills and performance of police investigators in handling crime

6. What are the problems encountered by the police investigators in

handling crime incidents in the selected municipalities? '

7. What measures may be recommended to enhance the performance of

police investigators in handling crime incidents?

To be able to state the main problem in your proposed study, be clear as to what you
really want to accomplish. Certainty with what you want to find out will definitely enable you
to state the main problem easily and correctly. State your research problem in a sentence
showing what you want to describe, explain or predict. Once you have stated your main
problem, try to answer the following questions:

 Is the problem statement clear? Being able to identify exactly what is to be

investigated from the problem statement is an indication that it is clear.

 Does it provide adequate focus and direction for research? Knowledge of what
is to be done after stating the main problem means that it had guided you on
what to do and what to emphasize in research.

 Does it identify the key factors or variables of the study? If the key factors
cannot be identified from your statement of the research problem, then it is
wrongly stated.

As most problems are too large or complex to be solved, they have to be subdivided.
Every problem can be broken down into smaller or discrete units. These sub-parts are often
called sub-problems. According to Leedy (2003), it is by viewing the main problem through
the sub-problem that the researcher gets a better view of the entire research endeavor.
Inasmuch as we have to always think of the research problem in terms of its component
parts, there is a need for us to be aware of the characteristics of sub-problems.

 Each sub-problem should be a completely researchable unit. A subproblem

should be researched as a separate sub-project within the larger research goal.
It is stated in the form of a question.

 Interpretation of data must be apparent with each sub-problem. The fact that
data will be interpreted must be clearly evident from the statement of the sub-

 The sub-problems must add up to the totality of the problems. This simply
means that the sub-problems formulated will aid the researcher in covering all
the significant areas of the main problem.

Justifying the Research Problem

Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

Having defined clearly the problem of the study, the researcher’s next task is to
justify his choice of it over other probable ones. To justify your study on a problem, try to
answer the following questions:

 Does the problem require immediate solution?

 Is it widespread?

 Does it affect a number of people? If yes, in what way?

 Who shall benefit from the study of the problem?

 Who shall benefit from the study of the problem?

 What benefits can be derived from the study on the problems?

 Who else are interested in studying the problem?

 What contribution to human knowledge can it bring about?

Writing the Title of the Study

After identifying your research problem, you need to give it a title. The label for the
problem is your research title. There are certain functions served by the research title.
Notable among these functions are the following:

 It shows what the study is all about.

 It serves as a frame of reference for the entire study.

 It enables the researcher to claim ownership of the study.

 It can help other researchers refer to the work for possible theories related to
their proposed studies.

As the title is necessary for a study on a research problem, there are some attributes
or characteristics, it must possess. As pointed out by Sevilla (1993) and Adanza (1995), a good
title is clear and specific, as the contents of the study are clearly shown in it. It also shows
relationships among the characteristics or factors being studied. Hence, a good title implies
whether the research will focus on differences, effects, or associations between and among
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

variables to be investigated. Finally, a good title is brief but concise. By brevity is meant that it
is composed of not more than 15 substantive words, excluding function words such as
articles, conjunctions, and prepositions.


Learning Activity 1

Direction: based on your understanding on the above lesson answer the following questions briefly
and avoid copy paste.

1. Why is the problem the heart of the research process?

2. What are the possible sources of topics or problems for research?

3. What are the factors to be considered in the choice of a research problem?

Briefly explain each.

4. What are the two ways of stating the research problem? When is each format

5. What must be considered in stating the research problem?

6. How can a study on a particular problem be justified?

7. Why must a researcher give his study a problem in its title?

8. What are the characteristics of a good research problem?

Learning Activity 2


A. Stating your Main Problem. Considering your topic of interest, what do you want to find out
(describe, compare, or relate)? State it in one sentence.

B. Formulating Specific Problem. To achieve what you want to do, given your main problems. List
down below at least three specific problems that will help answer your main problem.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

C. Justifying Your Study on a Research Problem. To be able to justify your study on your
research problem, answer the following questions: (1) who shall benefit from your study on
the problem?; (2) what benefits will they gain or derive from the study; and (3) how shall
they benefit from the result of your study?

D. Giving Your Study its Title. What title you give your study on the identified research
problem? Why do you think is the title appropriate for your proposed research problem.


Quiz 1

Classify whether the research question is (A ) descriptive ( B) difference or (C)

relationship. Letters only.

1. What are the prevalent leadership styles of the police station commanders of
Mandaluyong, Manila, and Quezon City?

2. How significant is the association between organizational culture and

effectiveness of the Philippine National Police?

3. How do criminology student of Jose Rizal University and Arellano University

compare in their levels of achievement in their professional subjects?

4. How do the criminology interns of the Philippine College of Criminology and

lose Rizal University compare in their onthe-job-training performance rating?

5. Is juvenile delinquency related to the amount and kind of guidance provided by


6. What are the causes of criminality in the slum areas of Tondo and Navotas?

7. What are the professed and enacted values of the convicted criminals in the city
jails of Pasay City?

8. How do male and female inmates compare in their emotional and intelligence

9. How are the conceptual, human, and technical skills of the police senior
inspectors related to their performance effectiveness?

10. What is the level of frustration tolerance of individuals who are prone to
commit a crime?

Quiz 2 To what does each of the following refer?

11. The heart of the research process

12. Format for presenting the main problem of a proposed research

13. Format for presenting the sub problems of one’s study

Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

14. Label given a study on a particular problem

15. Factor or characteristic being studied in research

Quiz 3 Provide the necessary details to complete each' of the following top:

A. Factors to Consider in the Choice of a Research Problem.

B. Characteristics of a Good Research Title.

C. Potential Source of Research Problems


.D. Characteristics of Well-stated Research Sub-Problems

E. Questions to Answer when Justifying a Study on a Research Problem



Please let us know your difficulties or whatever problem you encountered in doing all
the activities. Refer to answer sheet for your feedback.

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