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Design Criteria for Gaseous Oxygen Piping 3PI60001

Rev. 11
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Denotes Revision per EPS-01118589


1.1 This global engineering standard defines the requirements that are unique to the design of
gaseous oxygen piping systems. The main differences between the design requirements for an
oxygen system and those for a general purpose piping system are: (a) the materials of
construction required for areas of high velocity and impingement, and (b) cleanliness

1.2 This standard defines the basis for material selection in gaseous oxygen service for piping,
isolation valves, bypass systems, manual control valves, emergency shutoff valves, safety
relief devices, and special in-line piping components including silencers. This standard also
has provisions for evaluation of gaseous-oxygen systems that are obtained by Air Products
through acquisitions.


2.1 This standard applies to gaseous-oxygen piping systems that are designed, specified, or
supplied by Air Products.

2.2 This standard applies specifically to systems handling gaseous oxygen (GOX) with the
following properties:

Property Range Notes

Section 4 and Appendix E address
Oxygen Purity Greater than 23.5% special considerations when oxygen
purities are low (23.5 to 80%)
Warm, noncryogenic Appendix F addresses elevated
Temperature [-30°to +204°C temperature service up to +1143°C
(-22°to +400°F)] (+2000°F)
Pressure 0 to 207 bar g (3000 psig)

2.3 In addition to gaseous oxygen, the principles of this standard shall also apply to other
oxidizers including nitrous oxide (N2O) and ozone (O3).

Liquid oxygen (LOX) and cold gaseous oxygen material selection is outside the scope of this
document, and is covered by 3PI60002 “Design Criteria for Liquid Oxygen Piping Systems”
and CGA G-4.14 (EIGA 200/15).

2.4 Medical oxygen distribution systems shall be according to metals criteria as described by this
standard. Conversely, soft goods selection criteria are outside the scope of this document.
Soft goods in the flow stream require special consideration that is based on the system
operating pressure and toxic by-products of soft goods in a combustion event.

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classified as Air Products internal use only, is subject to return on demand and must not be disclosed or reproduced without
prior written consent. This information may be subject to export controls. Disclosure contrary to U.S. law is prohibited.
Design Criteria for Gaseous Oxygen Piping Systems
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2.5 For other applications beyond the scope of this document, or alloys outside the scope of this
standard, or if a decision on the interpretation or applicability of this standard is required,
the subject in question shall be referred to a member of the Oxidizer Safety Committee
(OSC) for review. OSC members and their responsibilities are defined by 2S306
“Requirements for Materials in Oxidizer Service”.


3.1 Air Products Engineering Documents

2S301 Use of Aluminum in Oxygen Service
2S306 Requirements for Materials in Oxidizer Service
3EQ10602 Design Requirements for Molecular Sieve Adsorption Systems
3EQ14301 Ambient-Air Vaporizers for Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Helium,
Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide, and Nitrous Oxide Services
3ES30600 Materials for Oxidizer Service Application Guideline
3PI25010 Venting of Nontoxic and Nonflammable Substances
3PI55005 Pipe Thread Sealants Service Index
3PI60002 Design Criteria for Liquid Oxygen Piping Systems
3PI60003 Material Selection for Safety Relief Devices in Oxygen Service
3PI70001 Cleaning Levels and Acceptance Criteria for Air Separation Plant Piping
and Equipment
3PS00016 Material Selection for Control Valves and Instrumentation in Oxygen
4WEQ-1425 Pressurized Electric Heaters
4WPI-FWSE01 Electronic-Grade Stainless Steel Piping Systems
4WPI-SW70003 Oxygen Clean (Class AA) Inspection and Acceptance Requirements
4WPI-60005 Gaseous Oxygen Piping Design Details
About This Document (for Air Products Internal Use Only)
Version History (for Air Products Internal Use Only)

3.2 Air Products Global EHS Manual and Global Operations Manual
34-110936 Pressure Equalization Around Isolation (Block) Valves in Oxygen

3.3 Air Products Mechanical Systems Engineering Work Instruction

MSE040201 Oxidizer Piping Review Work Practice

3.4 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

G 63 Standard Guide for Evaluating Nonmetallic Materials for Oxygen
G 94 Standard Guide for Evaluating Metals for Oxygen Service
G 124 Standard Test Method for Determining the Combustion Behavior of
Metallic Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres
STP 910 Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched
Atmospheres; Benning and Werley, "The Flammability of Carbon Steel
as Determined by Pressurized Oxygen Index Measurements"

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classified as Air Products internal use only, is subject to return on demand and must not be disclosed or reproduced without
prior written consent. This information may be subject to export controls. Disclosure contrary to U.S. law is prohibited.
Design Criteria for Gaseous Oxygen Piping Systems
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3.5 China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS)

GB16912 Safety Technical Regulation for Oxygen and Relative Gases

3.6 Compressed Gas Association (CGA)/European Industrial Gases Association (EIGA)

G-4.4 (EIGA 13/12) Oxygen Pipeline and Piping Systems
G-4.14 (EIGA 200/15) The Safe Design, Manufacture, Installation, Operation, and
Maintenance of Valves Used in Liquid Oxygen and Cold Gaseous
Oxygen Systems


4.1 Oxygen Purity from 23.5 to 40%

4.1.1 Regarding metal selection, systems with oxygen purities from 23.5 to 40% may be designed
as an air system and the rules for oxygen velocity set forth by this standard may be waived.
However, the system shall still be designed as a clean gas system with full compliance for
oxygen cleanliness and compatibility of nonmetallic materials such as PTFE (Teflon), CTFE
(Neoflon, formerly KEL-F), and FKM (Viton). Specific exceptions to this for ASU
regeneration circuits and nitrogen PSA waste circuits are given in 3PI70001 “Cleaning Levels
and Acceptance Criteria for Air Separation Plant Piping and Equipment” and 3EQ10602
“Design Requirements for Molecular Sieve Adsorption Systems” if certain conditions are met.
See Section 16 for more details on nonmetallic materials.

4.2 Oxygen Purity from 40 to 80%

4.2.1 Regarding metal selection, systems with oxygen purities greater than 40% and up to 80%
may be designed as an air system if the operating pressure-purity conditions are within the
parameters established by Appendix E, Figure 3. If operating pressure-purity conditions and
material thicknesses are met, rules for oxygen velocity set forth by this standard may be
waived. However, the system shall still be designed as a clean gas system with full
compliance for oxygen cleanliness and compatibility of nonmetallic materials. Specific
exceptions to this for ASU regeneration circuits and nitrogen PSA waste circuits are given in
3PI70001 and 3EQ10602 if certain conditions are met.


5.1 Metals vary widely in their ability to resist ignition and combustion. This property is generally
referred to as oxygen compatibility. Metals that are difficult to ignite have high or good
compatibility, and conversely, metals that are easy to ignite have low or poor compatibility.
Compatibility is determined primarily by metal composition, but geometric factors like
thickness and other parameters such as application can be important. In this regard, oxygen
compatibility is not an inherent material property like tensile strength; it is a more
situational property like corrosion resistance. While some alloys may, in general, have good
compatibility, they may burn easily in some configurations such as thin sections.

5.2 The oxygen compatibility is often quantified by measuring the threshold pressure of the
alloy in a promoted combustion test such as ASTM G 124. In these tests, a specimen is
subjected to a strong igniter in an oxygen atmosphere. If the specimen extinguishes, the
material is considered not flammable at the test conditions. If the specimen burns, the
material is considered flammable at those conditions. The threshold pressure is the oxygen
pressure that just supports combustion of the specimen. Combustion will not occur at
slightly lower pressures, even when the specimen is subjected to a strong ignition source. In
practice, there is variability in the results especially near the threshold pressure; so normally
at least 5 negatives (no burns) are required to determine a no-burn (below threshold)

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Design Criteria for Gaseous Oxygen Piping Systems
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5.3 The threshold pressure for an alloy is a function of the specimen "thickness", the oxygen
"purity", and the system initial "temperature". Generally, the test condition purity is >99.7%
(GOX) and the apparatus is at room temperature. In these cases, the threshold pressure is a
function of specimen thickness. Most threshold pressure measurements have been
conducted with 3.18 mm (1/8 in) and 6.35 mm (1/4 in) rod specimens.

5.4 The exemption pressure is based on the measured threshold pressure with a suitable
safety factor applied. Alloys at a given minimum thickness are considered nonflammable at
or below the exemption pressure and can be used for severe applications such as valves and
other impingement areas where active ignition sources such as particle impact and adiabatic
compression can operate. Appendix D gives alloy compositions and Appendix C lists
exemption pressure for many common alloys. An alloy used at or below its exemption
pressure is not subject to oxygen velocity limits.

Note: When an alloy is used above its exemption pressure, the application shall be
according to the pressure-velocity limits for carbon steel shown in Appendix A (Figure 1A or
Figure 1B) or pressure-velocity limits for carbon and stainless steel shown in Appendix B
(Figure 2A or Figure 2B).

5.5 For operating temperatures above 149°C (300°F) for carbon steel and above 204°C (400°F)
for stainless steel, nickel alloys, and copper alloys, refer to Appendix F.

5.6 Carbon Steel

5.6.1 Carbon steel is the most widely used alloy in oxygen piping systems. However, it has
relatively poor compatibility and no exemption pressure for GOX service as listed in
Appendix C.

5.6.2 Carbon steel piping use in GOX is therefore always governed by the allowable velocity-
pressure curves given in Figure 1A (pipe material for flow without impingement), and Figure
1B (pipe material for flow with impingement). Carbon steel cannot be used at velocity-
pressure conditions above the curves. Alloys with an adequate exemption pressure (as listed
in Appendix C) must be selected for these applications.

Note: Minimum thickness for carbon steel piping components is STD wall, or 6.35 mm
(0.250 in) nominal, whichever is less.

Note: For projects in China, Chinese Engineering Standard GB16912 applies. This standard
needs to be thoroughly understood by the designer as it has some specific requirements of
detail that differ from this standard. One of particular note is that carbon steel is not allowed
(regardless of velocity) above 30 bar g (435 psig) gas pressure.

5.6.3 Carbon steel use for isolation valve bodies is given in Figure 2A. Carbon steel is limited to
50 bar g (725 psig) maximum oxygen pressure and the velocity-pressure limits shown.

Note: Minimum thickness for valve bodies is 3.2 mm (1/8 in).

5.6.4 Carbon steel shall not be used for valve trim in greater than 80% purity GOX service or at
pressures greater than 34.5 bar g (500 psig).

Note: Although not recommended, carbon steel valve trim [with a minimum thickness of
4.8 mm (3/16 in)] is permitted at 80% or less GOX purity when the purity-operating
pressure limits shown in Appendix E, Figure 3 are met.

5.6.5 Carbon steel with a minimum thickness of 4.8 mm (3/16 in) is nonflammable at the purity-
operating pressure limits shown in Appendix E, Figure 3. Therefore, carbon steel that meets
the minimum thickness requirement is permitted for all components, impingement and
nonimpingement, including valve trim, at the purity-operating pressure limits shown in
Appendix E, Figure 3. Carbon steel piping components with a minimum thickness of 4.8 mm
(3/16 in) or STD wall, whichever is less, is also acceptable. Velocity need not be considered
within the limits of Figure 3.

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Design Criteria for Gaseous Oxygen Piping Systems
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Carbon steel use is limited to 149°C (300°F), except:

 Use to temperatures as high as 300°C (572°F) is allowed for reduced oxygen purity
applications that comply with Appendix E, Figure 3.
 Use inside a compressor barrier is allowed to 204°C (400°F).

Note: Appendix F discusses alternative materials for elevated temperature service.

5.7 Stainless Steel

5.7.1 Stainless steels have moderate exemption pressures of 14 bar g (200 psig) to 25.8 bar g
(375 psig) for the widely used 300 series alloys and other stainless alloys. Exemption
pressures are listed in Appendix C. Note that there are separate listings for wrought and cast
stainless alloys.

5.7.2 Stainless steel exemption pressures are strongly dependent on component thickness as
shown in Appendix C.

5.7.3 Allowable velocity-pressure limits for stainless steel piping components (other than valve
bodies and trim) operating above their exemption pressure shall be the same as the
limits for carbon steel given in Figures 1A and 1B.

5.7.4 Allowable velocity-pressure limits for stainless steel (isolation valve bodies and isolation
valve trim) operating above their exemption pressure are given in Figures 2A and 2B

5.7.5 The minimum stainless steel piping thickness for oxygen service is schedule 5S.

5.7.6 Refer to Appendix F for applications above 204°C (400°F).

5.8 Copper Alloys

5.8.1 Copper alloys are among the most compatible alloys available. As shown in Appendix C,
copper, copper-nickel, brass (Cu-Zn), and tin bronze have exemption pressures of 207 bar g
(3000 psig), with no thickness requirement.

5.8.2 Aluminum bronzes have much poorer compatibility than the other copper alloys and shall be
avoided for most oxygen service applications. Aluminum bronze alloys have 5 to 13% Al.
Exemption pressures for Al bronze alloys have not been established).

Note: A copper alloy with >2.5% Al shall be treated as an aluminum alloy (see paragraph

5.8.3 Refer to Appendix F for applications above 204°C (400°F).

5.9 Nickel Alloys

5.9.1 Pure nickel has excellent compatibility and Ni 200 (>99% Ni) has an exemption pressure of
207 bar g (3000 psig) and no thickness requirement. Similarly, Ni-Cu alloys such as Monel
400 and Monel K-500 have exemption pressure of 207 bar g (3000 psig) and a thickness
requirement of only 0.762 mm (0.030 in).

5.9.2 Ni-Cr-Fe alloys such as Inconel 600, Inconel 625, Inconel X-750, and Hastelloy C-276 also
have good compatibility with exemption pressures of 52-86 bar g (750-1250 psig), as listed
in Appendix C.

5.9.3 Refer to Appendix F for applications above 204°C (400°F).

5.9.4 Nickel alloy Colmonoy 6 is allowed as a hardfacing for Monel valve trim to 207 bar g
(3000 psig) with no thickness requirement.

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Design Criteria for Gaseous Oxygen Piping Systems
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5.10 Cobalt Alloys (Stellite)

5.10.1 Cobalt alloys Stellite 6 and 6B have an exemption pressure of 34 bar g (500 psig) with no
thickness requirement. These alloys are used primarily for valve trim applications.

5.11 Cast Iron

5.11.1 Nodular (ductile) and gray cast irons have moderate compatibility and their exemption
pressures are listed in Appendix C.

5.11.2 For applications above their exemption pressure, cast iron is subject to the velocity and
thickness limits as carbon steel.

5.11.3 Cast iron has the same temperature limits as carbon steel (see Appendix F).

5.12 Aluminum, Titanium, and Magnesium

5.12.1 If ignited, aluminum burns rapidly with a large release of energy. However, aluminum
compatibility is very sensitive to oxygen purity and can be used in lower purity applications
safely. The use of aluminum for piping components internal and external to the cold box is
subject to the limitations given in 2S301 “Use of Aluminum in Oxygen Service”.

Note: Copper alloys with >2.5% Al shall be treated as aluminum alloys.

5.12.2 Titanium and magnesium are not suitable for oxygen service because of poor compatibility
and high energy release.


6.1 Design Operating Velocity

6.1.1 Pipe system material selection is predominantly based on the design operating velocity.
The term design operating velocity is the average calculated velocity as determined by
the system's operating flow rate at its operating pressure and temperature. There may be
multiple operating conditions defined. Design operating velocity shall be calculated for each
condition and the maximum velocity shall be used for material selection.

Note: Normal start-up, shutdown, and maintenance deviation conditions shall also be

6.1.2 Design operating velocity is based on normal plant operation and venting and is not
based on mechanical failures or other unusual circumstances.

6.1.3 Velocity is calculated as follows:

Velocity = Operating volume flow rate at its operating pressure and operating temperature
Inside flow area

6.1.4 Special considerations for design operating velocity shall be taken for locations in which
exceptionally large flows are known to occur. Examples of such locations are:
 Compressor inventory dump-vent valves—Upstream pipe materials are based on dump
valve flow capacity.
 Safety relief valves (SRVs)—Upstream pipe materials from the branch through the inlet
to the SRV are based on the SRV flow capacity as determined by the orifice size. See
paragraph 7.9 for details.

These are cases for which high gas velocities are experienced in the upstream piping during

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Design Criteria for Gaseous Oxygen Piping Systems
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6.2 Gas Pressure

6.2.1 The term gas pressure as used in Figure 1A through Figure 2B (Appendix A and Appendix
B) or applied to Appendix C is the maximum operating pressure of the piping system. This
pressure is defined as 95% of the safety valve setting. As a general rule, operating
pressures at the plant will vary based on a variety of circumstances but will not exceed 95%
of the safety valve setting, since this is the point at which safety valves begin to leak.

Note: Gas pressure value of 95% of the safety relief valve (SRV) setting is based on the
use of a pilot-operated SRV. A 90% value of SRV setting may be used when lines are
protected by spring-operated SRVs.

6.2.2 In some cases, a gas pressure less than 95% of the safety valve setting may be used if a
rigorous evaluation is performed and documented in the project files. For example, gas
pressure may be limited to lower values by performance of machinery or other such
mechanical equipment. Gas pressure may also be reduced in plant retrofits when operating
pressure is reduced well below the safety valve setting and calculations prove that the high
velocities determined at operating pressure are not possible at 95% of the safety valve
setting. In that case, gas pressure can be selected that is a reasonable margin above
operating pressure (a minimum of 110% of operating pressure).

6.2.3 When evaluating materials for piping on the inlet side of a safety valve, a gas pressure value
higher than 95% of safety valve set pressure shall be used. Since safety valves achieve their
full lift at 110% of their set pressure, the 110% value shall be used as the gas pressure in
Figure 1A and Figure 1B or Appendix C.

6.3 Material Selection Method

6.3.1 Material selection criteria are based on Figure 1A through Figure 2B or Appendix C. The
appropriate figures or table shall be selected based on the component (for example, pipe,
tee, isolation valve body, isolation valve trim, manual control valve body and trim), and flow
condition (that is, non-impingement, impingement, or turbulent impingement flow).

6.3.2 When using Figure 1A through Figure 2B, determine the location of the design operating
velocity and the gas pressure on the material selection curve. The material specified by
the curve is recommended, or a more compatible material may be used.

6.3.3 When using Appendix C, select a material with an exemption pressure that is greater than or
equal to the gas pressure.

Note: Velocities need not be calculated to use Appendix C when the exemption pressure is
greater than or equal to the gas pressure.

Note: If a material is selected that has an exemption pressure less than gas pressure,
pressure-velocity limits apply. Use carbon steel limits shown in Appendix A (Figure 1A or
Figure 1B) or carbon and stainless steel limits shown in Appendix B (Figure 2A or Figure 2B)
depending on your application.

Note: If a material is selected that has a thickness less than the minimum thickness listed
in Appendix C, pressure-velocity limits apply.

6.3.4 This standard recognizes three conditions: Nonimpingement flow, impingement flow, and
turbulent impingement flow. This standard also recognizes that these flow conditions exist
for numerous categories of an oxygen piping system, such as piping, isolation valves,
bypass valves, manual control valves, emergency shutoff valves, safety relief valves, and
special in-line pipe components. Sections 7 through 15 define the flow conditions that exist
for each individual piping category, and also define the basis for safe material selection.

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Design Criteria for Gaseous Oxygen Piping Systems
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6.3.5 Exceptions for Electronics Applications Highly polished and cleaned electronic grade piping/tubing that complies with 4WPI-FWSE01
“Electronic-Grade Stainless Steel Piping Systems”, that is installed downstream of a filtration
system, and that has a maximum operating pressure of 10.3 bar g (150 psig), may be
engineered with the following exceptions to the figures in Appendices A – C:
 Thinwall stainless steel tubing (less than 1/8" wall thickness) may be used downstream
of pressure letdown valves.
 Isolation valves, control valves, and regulators may employ stainless steel of any wall
thickness. Even though higher velocities will occur within controlling valves, thin parts
such as diaphragms may utilize stainless steel. Wherever possible, valve bodies should
be 1/8" minimum thickness.

These exceptions are based on the lack of particles which renders particle ignition as an
ignition mechanism unlikely, as well as many years of safe service.


7.1 Definitions of Impingement, Turbulent-impingement, and Nonimpingement Sites

7.1.1 Impingement occurs when the flow stream changes direction abruptly, or when the presence
of eddies leads to the impact of particles with the system walls. Sites in which impingement
occurs are judged to be of additional hazard because past experience suggests that the
impact of particles has been a cause of ignition.

7.1.2 Pipe impingement sites include, but are not limited to, the following:
 Elbows with any of the following characteristics:
- Short-radius (radius of curvature < 1.5 d)
- Forged (socket-weld or threaded)
- Mitered
 Tees and branches, with flow in either direction: From branch into main or from main
into branch:
- Buttweld, socket-weld, or threaded tees
- Fabricated branches, weldolets, and half couplings
- Sockolets and threadolets (see paragraph 7.6.1 for permitted applications)
- Lateral or wye connections (branch at any angle other than 90 degrees)
 Reducers with any of the following characteristics:
- Socket-weld or threaded
- Fabricated reducers (eccentric and concentric) with greater than 3:1 inlet to outlet
reduction section ratio (for flow from large to small)
 Multiple-hole diffusers and surrounding body

7.1.3 Turbulent-impingement sites

 Piping downstream of a pressure letdown valve or restrictive flow orifice up to a
length of 10 pipe diameters (see Section 7.7).

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7.1.4 Non-impingement sites include, but are not limited to, the following:
 Straight piping runs
 Long radius diameter elbows (R > 1.5d) designed with a sweeping curvature
 Eccentric and concentric reducers designed with a sweeping curvature
 Factory-made wrought buttwelding reducing elbows ( 3:1 inlet to outlet reduction

7.2 Piping Material Selection

7.2.1 Pipe materials shall be selected according to Figure 1A, Figure 1B, or Appendix C, as
appropriate, as well as the guidelines given within this section. Figure 1A and Figure 1B are
divided into two distinct areas of material selection.

7.2.2 For applications with pressure and velocity combinations above the pressure-velocity (PV)
limit line, only alloys listed in Appendix C shall be used. The thickness of the selected alloy
shall be equal to or greater than the minimum thickness listed in Appendix C.

7.2.3 For applications with pressure and velocity combinations below the PV limit line, the specifier
has three options:
 Carbon steel with a minimum wall thickness of STD, or 6.35 mm (0.250 in) nominal,
whichever is less.
 Stainless steel with a minimum wall thickness of Schedule 5S for pipe or 0.76 mm
(0.030 in) for tubing.
 Other alloys listed in Appendix C, with a minimum wall thickness of 0.76 mm (0.030 in).

7.2.4 Relaxation of the 6.35 mm (0.25 in) minimum stainless steel thickness per Appendix C is
allowed for pipe and fittings as follows:
1) Schedule 80S stainless steel pipe, schedule 80S wrought pipe fittings, and forged
socket-weld pipe fittings for pipe sizes DN25 (NPS 1) through DN50 (NPS 2), are allowed
for any velocity at pressures up to 25.8 bar g (375 psig).
2) For pipe sizes DN80 (NPS 3) and DN100 (NPS 4), schedule 40S stainless steel pipe and
schedule 40S wrought pipe fittings are allowed for any velocity at pressure up to
25.8 bar g (375 psig).
3) For pressures up to 20 bar g (290 psig), schedule 40S stainless steel pipe, schedule 40S
wrought pipe fittings, and forged socket-weld pipe fittings for pipe sizes DN25 (NPS 1)
through DN50 (NPS 2) are allowed for any velocity.

Relaxation is prohibited for severe applications such as manual control valves.

7.2.5 Chinese Engineering Standard GB 16912 imposes the following additional material selection
restriction on piping material used above 30 bar g (435 psig): All piping and fittings shall
be seamless.

7.3 Velocity Limitations – Non-impingement Flow, Figure 1A

7.3.1 The material selection for nonimpingement piping sites shall be based on Figure 1A.

7.3.2 Carbon steel is an acceptable and safe material for oxygen service within the pressure and
velocity limits of Figure 1A and its use should be encouraged. When process pipe is sized on
the basis of economic pressure drops, the resulting velocities usually permit the use of
carbon steel.

7.3.3 Material selection for nonimpingement reducers (paragraph 7.1.4) or reducing elbows shall
be based on Figure 1A and the velocity at the reduced end.

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7.3.4 Chinese Engineering Standard GB 16912 imposes the following additional design operating
velocity limits (m/s) on the use of carbon and stainless steel pipe and fittings for non-
impingement flow.

Pipe and Fitting

Maximum Gas Pressure – bar g (psig)

>1 to ≤10 bar g >10 to ≤30 bar g >30 to <150 bar g

≥150 bar g
(>14.5 to ≤145 psig) (>145 to ≤435 (>435 to <2175
(≥2175 psig)
psig) psig)
Carbon Steel 20 m/s 15 m/s Not Allowed Not Allowed
Stainless Steel 30 m/s 25 m/s Per Fig. 1A 4.5 m/s

Note: For gas pressures ≤ 1 bar g (14.5 psig) use Figure 1A.

7.4 Sites Requiring Special Consideration

7.4.1 Bleed inlet piping DN40 (NPS 1 1/2) or less shall be constructed of a non-propagating
material listed in Appendix C. Process piping bleeds and system isolation bleeds (that is,
between block valves) are areas that have been identified as a risk of high velocities in case
of operator error. Normally these bleeds and vents are intended for depressurization of a
volume, which is isolated for maintenance, in which the gas volume is fixed and depleted on
depressurization. However, during operation, if bleed valves are opened, excessive velocities
can occur in the piping at the bleed inlet. Because of resultant high velocities at the bleed
inlet piping, non-propagating materials are required. The use of carbon steel (any
thickness) and stainless steel less than 3.2 mm (1/8 in) thick is prohibited.

7.4.2 Inlet piping from a process pipe to the isolation root valve on an instrument system shall be
constructed of a non-propagating material listed in Appendix C. The isolation root valve shall
be considered a manual control valve and shall also be constructed of a material listed in
Appendix C. This is practiced to cover the risk that one could open the valve without the
instrument attached and create a flowing situation. For applications below the Appendix C exemption pressures for stainless steel, the inlet
piping may be stainless steel if the branch velocity is calculated (with the root valve full
open and venting to atmosphere) and meets the requirements of Figure 1B. If there is no isolation valve or manifold valve at the instrumentation, use materials for the
branch according to velocity in the main line based on Figure 1B. The line between the
branch and the instrument need not meet Appendix C requirements because it is static

7.4.3 Instrumentation tubing with 0.76 mm (0.030 in) minimum wall thickness and
instrumentation manifold blocks may be stainless steel for all pressures up to 100 bar g
(1450 psig). The use of stainless steel tubing is allowed based on an excellent operating
history by Air Products, the limited inventory of oxygen because of the small bore of the
tubing, the static (non-flowing) nature of the application, the low probability of operator
error at the manifold valve, and the low probability of incident in case of operator error.
Manifold valve trim shall be a non-propagating material listed in Appendix C.

7.5 Velocity Limitations–Impingement Flow, Figure 1B

7.5.1 When impingement can occur, the piping material selection shall be based on Figure 1B.

7.5.2 Chinese Engineering Standard GB 16912 imposes the following additional design operating
velocity limits (m/s) on the use of carbon and stainless steel pipe and fittings at
impingement sites.

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Pipe and Fitting

Maximum Gas Pressure – bar g (psig)
>1 to ≤10 bar g
>10 to ≤30 bar g >30 bar g
(>14.5 to ≤145
psig) (>145 to ≤435 psig) (>435 psig)

Carbon Steel 20 m/s 15 m/s Not Allowed

25 m/s or per Figure
Stainless Steel Per Figure 1B Per Figure 1B
1B, whichever is less

Note: For gas pressures ≤ 1bar g (14.5 psig) use Figure 1B.

7.6 Branch Connections

7.6.1 Branch connections (unreinforced and reinforced) and branch fittings are defined as
impingement sites. Branch fittings are defined as tees, half couplings, and set-on
connections such as weldolets. The main pipe run at a branch connection opening is also
defined as an impingement site. Sockolets and threadolets shall not be used because
of this impingement site at the main pipe. When a branch fitting is less than or equal to
DN40 (NPS 1 1/2), half couplings or forged tees shall be installed into the main pipe run
instead of sockolets and threadolets. Therefore, the half coupling or forged tee becomes the
impingement site and protects the main pipe run from impingement.

Exception: Sockolets and threadolets are allowed in Monel and Nickel Alloy pipe systems,
and in stainless steel pipe systems, when the main pipe wall meets the thickness
requirements of Appendix C. The primary consideration when allowing a sockolet or
threadolet instead of a "through the wall" half-coupling is whether the exposed cut edge of
the main pipe needs protection. If the wall of the main pipe run complies with Appendix C,
then the cut edge does not need the protection of a "through the wall" fitting.

7.6.2 The opening at a branch, as shown in the following sketches, is a vulnerable site that
experiences impingement for gas flow entering and exiting the branch. For branch
connections, material selection for the main pipe run and branch (within the dimensional
limits "w" and "h" shown) shall be based on Figure 1B and the gas velocity in the branch.

Flow - Branch to Main Flow - Main to Branch






Dimensions: h = 80 mm (3 in) or, when used, standard dimension of fitting.

w = 80 mm (3 in) or, when used, standard dimension of tee.

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7.6.3 Exceptions to paragraph 7.6.2: When a branch connection is less than or equal to DN40 (NPS 1 1/2) and leads to a bypass
pressure equalization line, isolation system bleed, or instrumentation root valve, the main
pipe run material can be based on nonimpingement flow (Figure 1A) and the velocity for
the main run; however, the material selection for the branch fitting and branch pipe shall
be based on Appendix C. These sites can witness high gas velocities that are based on
choked flow at the globe valve providing pressure equalization, venting, or isolation. The
requirement for Appendix C materials is waived for branch lines when the branch line is
made from stainless steel, the gas pressure is less than 25.8 bar g (375 psig), the branch
velocity is calculated with the valve fully open to atmosphere, and the branch meets the
requirements of Figure 1B. When the branch connection is less than or equal to DN40 (NPS 1 1/2) and leads from a
bypass pressure equalization line (flow from branch to main), the material selection for the
main run may be according to Figure 1A and no special precautions in terms of material
selection need to be made to protect the piping of the main run against particle
impingement from the bypass if both of the following apply:
 The bypass is designed according to paragraph 10.3.
 The diameter of the main pipe is not less than DN100 (NPS 4). This allows space for the
unrestricted jet to spread and the particles to slow down before hitting the walls of the

Note: If the main pipe is less than DN100 (NPS 4) diameter, a section of pipe made of
materials acceptable for impingement must be used according to Figure 1B. The use of
impingement plates is not acceptable.

7.6.4 It might be possible to increase the size of a process branch connection to reduce the gas
velocity below the limits in Figure 1B and allow the impingement area material to be the
same material as the main pipe run.

7.6.5 The use of impingement plates is prohibited. In the past, impingement plates were
used in Air Products installations as an economical alternative to a Monel tee. The
impingement plate material was Monel that was welded to the inside of a carbon steel pipe.
These plates required individual detailed design and specification, and it was difficult to
ensure that they had been properly fitted. The plates themselves could also present an
additional hazard if they came loose.

7.6.6 The opening at a branch is a vulnerable site that experiences impingement. A unique set of
conditions exist when a branch connection of any size is located on or immediately
downstream of change in flow direction (90°elbow or tee). Particles flowing through the
main pipe will tend to travel to the outside edge thus causing impingement on the sharp
branch opening. For five pipe diameters immediately downstream of the centerline of a 90°
elbow or tee, the main run and branch connection fitting materials shall be based on
Appendix C if any part of the branch is located on the elbow or tee, or in the shaded area as
shown in the following sketch. It might be possible to relocate the branch connection to the
inside edge of the pipe or greater than five pipe diameters downstream to allow the use of
impingement materials per Figure 1B. Branch connections located outside this area shall
follow criteria per paragraphs 7.6.1 through 7.6.3.

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Branch Connections - Downstream of Flow Direction Change


Main Run with 120.0?

Branch Connections L
located in this area
Shall be per View A-A
Appendix C
Branch Run
Dimension: L = 5
Pipe Diameters

7.7 Velocity Limitations, Piping Downstream of Pressure Letdown Sites, Appendix C

7.7.1 The flow immediately downstream of a pressure-letdown valve is a high-velocity, turbulent

jet, and this shall be considered to be an area of high risk. In the vast majority of cases, the
absolute pressure ratio across the valve is greater than two; consequently, the velocity
through the valve will be sonic. For 10 pipe diameters immediately downstream of the
letdown valve, the material selection for all components shall be according to Appendix C
and the downstream pressure. The pipe diameter shall be based on the valve outlet size. It
is preferred that the 10 pipe diameters immediately downstream of a pressure-letdown
valve be straight pipe. Further downstream, beyond the 10 pipe diameters, the flow is
considered fully developed and nonimpingement (Figure 1A) or impingement (Figure 1B),
depending on piping configuration. The flow immediately downstream of a pressure-letdown valve may be considered as

nonimpingement flow when both of the following conditions exist such that the pressure
drop across the valve is small:
 Downstream operating pressure is 90% or more than the upstream operating pressure.
 Downstream operating pressure is 80% or more than the upstream design pressure as
determined by the safety relief valve set pressure.

When both conditions are satisfied, the pipe materials may be according to Figure 1A. Chinese Engineering Standard GB 16912

 Prohibits the use of carbon steel pipe for eight pipe diameters (not less than 1.5 m)
upstream and downstream of a control valve at gas pressure in excess of 6 bar g.
 Requires eight pipe diameters of stainless steel upstream of a control valve for
pressures up to 30 bar (435 psig).
 For pressures greater than 30 bar g (435 psig) an exemption alloy is required for eight
pipe diameters upstream of a control valve.
 Piping downstream of a control valve shall comply with paragraph 7.7.1.

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Design Criteria for Gaseous Oxygen Piping Systems
3PI60001, Rev. 11, Page 14 of 43 When a pressure-letdown valve is used for startup, whether during initial startup or
following maintenance, excursions above design operating velocity can occur. Bursts of high
velocity at infrequent intervals can be dangerous because the sudden increase in velocity
can pick up particles which have accumulated in areas where velocity is normally low. Rapid
filling of an oxygen line from one pressure level to another will also increase the
temperature of the oxygen gas within the line as a result of adiabatic compression. Some of
the risk can be mitigated by specifying slow opening startup valves. Startup procedures shall avoid rapidly introducing pressure into a "dead ended" system (for
example, where there is a closed valve downstream or a check valve with high pressure on
the downstream side). When introducing pressure into a "dead ended" system with either a
quick-opening or slow-opening main process line valve, the temperature rise because of
adiabatic compression shall be calculated and the closed valve or check valve shall be metal-
seated where the temperature rise can affect the integrity of a nonmetallic seat. If a quick opening valve must be specified for startup, then the first change in direction (for
example, elbow or tee) downstream shall be constructed of Appendix C materials.

7.7.2 If a multi-hole diffuser is installed immediately downstream of a pressure-letdown valve, the

flow downstream of the diffuser may be considered nonimpingement with no high-velocity
turbulent jet. Pipe materials may be according to Figure 1A.

Note: The diffuser itself would be constructed of Appendix C materials.

7.7.3 When a bypass pressure-equalization system is installed, the entire bypass line, from the
point where it branches off the main line to the point where it ties back in, shall be of
materials according to Appendix C, since this piping is exposed to both high velocities and
turbulent flow during pressurization. There shall be at least 10 pipe diameters (based on the
bypass pipe size) downstream of the bypass valve before the bypass circuit merges into the
main flow stream.

Note: More details on bypass valves and piping are given in Section 10.

7.7.4 An emergency-shutoff valve will experience nonimpingement flow conditions during normal
operation; however, in an excess-flow situation, the downstream piping will be exposed to
high velocities and momentary turbulence. Pipe materials for 10 pipe diameters downstream
of an emergency-shutoff valve shall be according to Appendix C and the downstream
pressure. An exception applies to emergency shutoff valves used on oxygen compressor discharge
lines. These valves are not excess flow prevention devices, but instead, backflow prevention
devices for the event of compressor failure or breach. There is, however, no need to
consider upstream pipe material selection specifically for this backflow case, since an
adjacent non-return check valve as well as the depressurising of the machine during trip
(dump valves open) renders any reverse effects of negligible concern. Further, the
downstream piping may be selected in accordance with Figure 1A if each of the following is
 The close function to the valve is only activated by compressor trip signal. Thus, the
designers can satisfy themselves that the criteria of paragraph would always be
met, no large pressure differential generated across the valve in any condition whilst
closing, and no throttling duty.
 The valve can only be opened when there is a pressure differential measured across it
which satisfies the criteria of paragraph This can be achieved by installing
differential pressure switch permissive function or by procedure. Thus, during machine
starting sequence, the valve must be opened at an appropriate time when there is
neither a large negative nor positive differential.

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7.7.5 "Restrictive orifice plates" are used to take large pressure drops. Pipe materials for 10 pipe
diameters downstream of a restrictive orifice plate shall be according to Appendix C. These
devices typically have high pressure ratios and are not flow-measuring devices.

Note: Other differential pressure-type flow elements, such as orifice plates and venturis,
use a small pressure ratio for measuring flow. This allows the flow downstream of the flow-
measurement device to be considered nonimpingement with no turbulent jet. Pipe materials
may be according to Figure 1A.

7.8 Piping Downstream of Vent Valves

7.8.1 Corrosion-resistant material is required for vent lines, since the pipe is open to atmosphere
and invites condensation with daily temperature fluctuations. Stainless steel piping of any
wall thickness greater than or equal to Schedule 5S (304 or 316) shows great financial
saving and may be used for pipe that is open to the atmosphere. The use of thin-wall
stainless steel is justified since:
 There is no downstream equipment of any value at risk.
 The requirements of vapor dispersal and noise reduction mean that the downstream
piping location is remote from personnel.
 Compressor dump valves and compressor relief valves are located inside an oxygen
compressor barrier. For this application, the rules stated previously regarding minimum wall thickness are
waived, and Figure 1A, Figure 1B, and Appendix C may be ignored.

7.8.2 When a vent line leads to a silencer or multihole diffuser and there is piping between the
vent valve and the silencer or multihole diffuser, the pipe material selection shall be
according to Figure 1A, Figure 1B, and Appendix C, as appropriate.

7.8.3 Carbon steel piping may be used for vent piping when the venting is controlled to avoid
turbulence immediately downstream of the vent valve, and when the flow conditions satisfy
Figure 1A. This is normally the case for molecular sieve vent piping.

7.9 Piping To and From Safety Relief Valves

7.9.1 The main pipe run and branch fitting (within the dimensional limits of paragraph 7.6.2)
to a safety relief valve (SRV) are impingement points and shall be based on Figure 1B.
Material selection for piping downstream of the branch connection to the inlet of the SRV can
be based on nonimpingement Figure 1A.
 Gas velocity shall be based on the size of the branch and the maximum flow capacity of
the selected SRV rather than the sizing flow rate as defined by the process specification.
 The operating pressure used for the velocity calculation shall be 110% of the SRV set
 The gas pressure used for material selection shall be 110% of the SRV set pressure
according to paragraph 6.2.2.

Note: The material selection for the main pipe run outside the impingement area (defined
in paragraph 7.6.2) need not be based on the SRV flow capacity or 110% of the SRV set
pressure. Use operating conditions to determine the design operating velocity and gas
pressure for nonimpingement portions of the main pipe run.

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7.9.2 Safety relief valve piping that includes an isolation valve (locked open) shall follow a more
rigorous rule set for pipe material selection. The inclusion of an isolation valve introduces the
potential for adiabatic-compression and turbulent-flow risk factors. These risk factors may
be eliminated by selecting Appendix C materials (typically copper-based alloys) for the pipe
and isolation valve, or by using a bypass pressure-equalization system (see Section 10)
around the isolation valve. Choosing between Appendix C materials or a bypass pressure-
equalization system greatly depends on the pipe size, pressure, and economics.

7.9.3 Piping downstream of SRVs shall be corrosion-resistant materials. Stainless steel piping of
any wall thickness greater than or equal to Schedule 5S (304 or 316) may be used. For this
application, the rules stated previously regarding minimum wall thickness are waived, and
Figure 1A, Figure 1B, and Appendix C may be ignored.


8.1 Valve Types: This standard recognizes several classes of oxygen-service valves. The
classes of valves recognized include the following:
 Isolation valves (see Section 9)
 Bypass valves (see Section 10)
 Manual control valves (see Section 11)
 Emergency shutoff valves (see Section 12)
 Safety relief valves (see Section 13)
 Check/Backflow prevention valves (see Section 14)

8.2 Qualification of valves for oxygen service is required. Supplier Drawings and Air Products
specifications are required. A joint technical review with the valve supplier is required, and
shall include a review of drawings, materials and inspection and test plan. Supplier drawings
shall show all materials of construction and the minimum thickness of castings and all
machined parts so Air Products can perform a detailed evaluation to determine the
maximum oxygen operating pressure allowed. Drawings shall also include areas of
lubrication and shall call out the lubricant type. Drawings shall also indicate if thread
sealants or locking compounds are used and call out the material type. The oxygen cleaning,
inspection and packaging procedure shall be approved by Air Products.

8.3 Qualification of suppliers and periodic inspection of supplier shops is required. This shall
take the form of an initial factory visit by Air Products. The audit team shall include at least
one technical expert in the field of oxygen materials, cleanliness and design. Where a
supplier may have multiple factories, each manufacturing location shall be visited
individually. This is because individual knowledge, procedures and discipline on the shop
floor is the key to acceptable cleanliness and flawless assembly.

Locations shall be revisited at a minimum of a five-year interval.

8.4 Stem Bearing Design Philosophy and Materials (Globe and Gate Valves)
 Stem bearing provides stem guiding at the lower portion of the bonnet. Typically, this
material is metallic or a coated metallic material which provides stability and low friction
between the bearing and the stem. In normal operation the design clearance between
the bearing and stem is minimal and material selection must prevent galling and high
 Materials:
a) Copper Based Alloys
b) Nickel Based Alloys
c) Stainless steel

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d) Stainless Steel or Copper Based alloys with PTFE coating (not for control valves)
e) Integral, provided by valve bonnet.

8.5 Stem Bearing Design Philosophy and Materials (Butterfly and Ball Valves)
 Stem bearing provides stem guiding at the lower portion of the bonnet and sometimes in
the lower body (butterfly and eccentric ball valves). Typically, this material is Teflon
covered metallic or all metallic for high temperature which provides stability and low
friction between the bearing and the stem. In normal operation the design clearance
between the bearing and stem is minimal and material selection must prevent galling
and high friction.
 Materials:
a) Stainless Steel or Copper Based alloys with PTFE covering
b) Copper Based Alloys
c) Nickel Based Alloys
d) Stainless steel



9.1 Isolation Valve Definitions

9.1.1 EIGA 13/12 defines an isolation valve as a valve that is operated either fully open or fully
closed and will not be opened or closed with a differential pressure across it. EIGA200/15
and Air Products Global Operations Manual 34-110936 “Pressure Equalization Around
Isolation (Block) Valves in Oxygen Service” define that differential pressure as 0.3 bar (5
psi) or below. EIGA 13/12 further states that isolation valves are never operated in any
intermediate throttling or regulating mode.

9.1.2 To safely classify a valve as an isolation valve according to the EIGA 13/12 definition, there
must be a reasonable certainty that the valve will not be operated with greater than 0.3 bar
(5 psi) differential pressure across it. This confidence can result from the fact that either the
isolation valve has been provided with a properly engineered bypass pressure-equalization
system across it (see Section 10) along with a proper operating procedure, or that the valve
is in such a position in the system that, together with a proper operating procedure, it is
easy to equalize the pressure across it. There shall also be a means of confirming the
pressure equalization, such as upstream and downstream pressure gauges.



9.1.3 Pressure equalization across an isolation valve is not required when the upstream operating
pressure is 1 bar g (14.5 psig) or less. This is because the modest resultant velocity and
temperature rise caused by adiabatic compression will not cause a hazard at such low

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9.1.4 Globe valves, instrumentation root valves, or valves used in throttling service shall not be
classified as isolation valves because they experience impingement and high velocity
turbulent flow throughout the valve body. Globe valves shall be classified as manual control
valves and follow the more stringent material selection rules in Section 11.

9.1.5 If a valve does not meet the strict definition of an isolation valve, it shall be classified as a
manual control valve and follow the more stringent material selection rules in Section 11.

9.2 Warning Sign or Tag for Isolation Valves that Require Pressure Equalization

9.2.1 Isolation valves that are required to be opened without pressure differential across the valve
shall have a substantial tag or a permanent notice or sign shall be installed close to the
valve. See Air Products Global Operations Manual 34-110936 for guidance.

9.2.2 The sign or tag shall read:

Warning—Do Not Throttle—Pressure

Across This Valve Must Be Equalized Prior
to Opening

9.3 Material Selection for Isolation Valves

9.3.1 Isolation valve bodies shall be according to Figure 2A. Isolation valve trim shall be according
to Figure 2B.

Note: Figure 2A and Figure 2B shall only be used for isolation valves that are always opened
and closed without differential pressure across the valve, or those with a small pressure
differential (paragraph 9.1.3).

Note: Chinese Engineering Standard GB 16912 is more restrictive than Figure 2A and Figure
2B with regard to material selection for valve bodies and trim. See the notes in Figure 2A
and Figure 2B for details.

9.3.2 Non-metallic material guidance can be found in Section 16.

9.4 Manual Gate Valves and Gear-Operated Butterfly Valves as Isolation Valves

9.4.1 For gate valves and gear-operated butterfly valves used as isolation valves, the body of a
fully open valve can be considered as a nonimpingement site. The material for bodies of
isolation valves shall be according to Figure 2A and the flow conditions at the valve inlet.

9.4.2 Isolation-valve trim, such as wedges and seat rings (gate valves), and discs (butterfly
valves) are considered impingement sites and their material selection shall be according to
Figure 2B.

Note: The use of carbon steel valve trim is prohibited except in low purity oxygen
applications as allowed by Appendix E, Figure 3.

9.5 Manual Ball Valves, Quarter-Turn Plug Valves, and Lever-Operated Butterfly Valves
as Isolation Valves

9.5.1 Ball valves, quarter-turn plug valves, and lever-operated butterfly valves are not desirable
for isolation valves in oxygen service because these valves are inherently quick opening.
When pressure equalization is not established, quick opening can lead to recognized ignition
mechanisms, such as adiabatic compression, particle impact, and transient resonance.
However, these types of quick-opening valves may be used for gaseous-oxygen service if
the rules for pressure equalization and bypass piping as described in Section 10 are

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9.5.2 When pressure equalization is not established, the bore of the ball in a ball valve can
represent potential adiabatic-compression concerns. Normally, this situation occurs for ball
valves that are seated closed on the upstream and downstream side of the ball. On initial
opening of a ball valve, the high upstream pressure momentarily compresses the volume
within the bore of the ball, which results in adiabatic compression. Adiabatic-compression
risks within the ball can be eliminated by using a vented-ball design, which is achieved by
the presence of a hole on the upstream side of the ball.

Note: A vented ball design is only required for gas pressures above 17.2 bar g (250 psig).

9.5.3 Although not desirable, quick-opening valves can be engineered with pressure equalization
across the valve to operate as an isolation valve. In such case, the body material can be
according to Figure 2A and the flow conditions at the valve inlet.

9.5.4 Isolation-valve trim, such as balls, rings, and discs are considered impingement sites and
their material selection shall be according to Figure 2B.

Note: The use of carbon steel valve trim is prohibited except in low purity oxygen
applications as allowed by Appendix E, Figure 3.


10.1 Following is a sketch of a typical bypass system:

Bypass Pressure-Equalization System Schematic


2 4 2



Note: Design of the bypass system shall include a means of confirming pressure
equalization, such as by installing upstream and downstream pressure gauges.

Bypass Pipe System Material Description

Item Description
Half Coupling, material based on Appendix C
(see paragraph 7.6.1 for exceptions for use of sockolets)
2 Bypass Pipe, material based on Appendix C
4 Globe valve, material based on Appendix C
Main Pipe run, material based on Figure 1A or Figure 1B
(see paragraphs 7.6.3 and 7.6.4)

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10.2 Purpose of Bypass Pressure-Equalization Systems

10.2.1 There are two risk factors associated with opening an isolation valve with differential
pressure across the seat. These are, high velocity and turbulence through the valve during
opening, and rapid downstream pressurization (adiabatic compression) after opening. These
risks can be entirely eliminated by the use of a bypass pressure-equalization system to
equalize pressure across the isolation valve before opening of the isolation valve.

10.2.2 Typically, a bypass pressure-equalization system will be used to bypass isolation valves
DN80 (NPS 3) and larger. At these sizes, it is generally more economical to install a bypass
system than it is to install a large valve constructed of Appendix C materials. For smaller
systems, DN50 (NPS 2) and below, it is generally more economical to follow the material
selection rules in Section 11 and avoid the use of a bypass.

10.2.3 Normally, bypass valves are piped from immediately upstream to immediately downstream
of manual isolation valves. Depending on the process design, a bypass system might also be
required for certain manual control or emergency shutoff valves. They are installed to
provide pressure equalization across an isolation valve. After pressure equalization is
established, the bypass valve is closed and the isolation valve may be safely opened.

Note: If there is a check valve in the main process line downstream of a manual isolation
valve, control valve, or emergency shutoff valve, the bypass line shall tie back into the main
process line upstream of the check valve. This arrangement prevents the introduction of
high pressure on the downstream side of the check valve and the creation of a "dead space"
between the isolation/control/shutoff valve and the check valve.

10.2.4 Bypass valves are used to slowly pressurize a downstream system to mitigate excessive
velocity and rapid pressurization risks. Controlled, slow pressurization requires the use of a
throttling valve (typically a manually-operated globe valve). Therefore, material selection for
bypass valves shall be based on Appendix C and the flow conditions at the valve inlet.

10.3 Design Criteria for Bypass Pressure-Equalization Systems

10.3.1 The bypass system shall be sized to achieve pressure equalization within an acceptable time
period subject to a maximum pressurization rate of 2 bar (30 psi) per minute. The bypass
system size may range from DN15 (NPS 1/2) through DN40 (NPS 1 1/2). The preferable size
for mechanical strength is DN25 (NPS 1).

Note: If the downstream volume is so large that pressure equalization cannot be achieved
via a DN40 (NPS 1 1/2) bypass within an acceptable time period, then design the in-line
valve and its associated piping for "throttling service" using the Manual Control valve criteria
in Section 11.

10.3.2 To minimize the amount of particles that collect in the bypass line, the bypass shall be teed
into the main pipe at or above the centerline.

10.3.3 The piping downstream of the bypass valve shall go through at least one 90-degree elbow of
Appendix C material before teeing into the main pipe. Any particles will safely impinge on
this elbow and be slowed down.

10.3.4 The entire bypass line, from the point where it branches off the main line to the point where
it ties back in, shall be of materials according to Appendix C, since this piping is exposed to
both high velocities and turbulent flow during pressurization. There shall be at least 10 pipe
diameters (based on the bypass pipe size) downstream of the bypass valve before the
bypass circuit merges into the main flow stream. Bypass pressure equalization design details
are also defined in 4WPI-60005 "Gaseous Oxygen Piping Design Details."

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11.1 Automated Process Control Valves and Regulators

11.1.1 Automated process control valves and regulators are outside the scope of this standard and
are covered by 3PS00016 “Material Selection for Control Valves and Instrumentation in
Oxygen Service”.

11.2 Manual Control Valve Definitions

11.2.1 Manual control valves include all of the following:

 Valves that control flow or pressure
 Throttle valves (typically globe style)
 Instrumentation Root valves
 Any valve (including quick-opening) that will be operated without pressure equalization
 Any valve that does not meet the definition of an isolation valve per Section 9.

11.3 Material Selection for Manual Control Valves

11.3.1 Manual control valves are considered to be the most severe class of service in gaseous-
oxygen systems. This is because their function is to regulate flow or operate with high
differential pressure that is associated with high velocity and turbulent impinging flow. The
severe service requires all manual control valve materials to be according to Appendix C.

Note: If polymers or elastomers are present, the adiabatic-compression temperature shall

be calculated to ensure that the autoignition temperature of the polymer or elastomer is not
reached during system operation. Adiabatic compression can occur if the valve is opened
into a short dead-end section of pipe, or if the valve is in the closed position and high-
pressure oxygen is suddenly introduced on the upstream side.

11.3.2 Valve bodies are impingement sites that require the use of Appendix C materials. Because of
internal valve geometry, velocity internal to the valve might be sonic, even though the valve
inlet velocity is less than sonic.

Note: Internal valve velocities need not be calculated to use Appendix C. Enter Appendix C
with gas pressure and select a material with an exemption pressure that is greater than or
equal to the gas pressure.

Note: If the gas pressure is less than 25.8 bar g (375 psig), it might be more economical to
select a valve with a body thickness that would allow the use of stainless steel according to
Appendix C. This can often be achieved by selecting a larger valve or one with a higher
pressure rating. This option shall be investigated and the final decision shall be based on

11.3.3 Valve-trim components are exposed either to direct gaseous impingement flow or to static
pressure (for example, certain valve stems). Manual control valve trim components that
experience direct gaseous impingement flow must follow the guidelines of Appendix C for
material selection. Materials for valve trim components that are exposed to only static oxygen
pressures may be stainless steel.

11.3.4 When the thickness of trim materials cannot be determined, and the component is exposed
to direct gaseous impingement flow, the trim shall be an Appendix C material with a
minimum thickness of "None Specified."

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11.4 Manual Control Valve Hardfacing–Stellite and Colmonoy

11.4.1 Stellite 6 and 6B material is used for hardfacing of valve trim to prevent wear of the seating
surfaces, thereby extending seat-life performance. Stellite 6 and 6B in gaseous-oxygen
service may be used up to a pressure of 34.5 bar g (500 psig) according to Appendix C.

11.4.2 Nickel alloy Colmonoy 6 is allowed as a hardfacing for Monel valve trim to 207 bar g (3000
psig) with no thickness requirement.

11.5 Quick-Opening Valves–Manual Ball Valves, Quarter-Turn Plug Valves, and Lever-
Operated Butterfly Valves Without a Bypass

11.5.1 Quick-opening valves shall not be operated with a pressure differential (without a bypass
valve) unless all of the following are met:
 The upstream gas pressure is 17.2 bar g (250 psig) or less.

Note: This gas pressure will limit the adiabatic temperature rise to levels that will not
damage most soft-seating materials.
 The valve size is equal to or less than DN100 (NPS 4).
 The valve and immediate downstream piping (10 pipe diameters) are constructed of
Appendix C materials. The preferred material for the ball or plug is brass, copper alloy,
or nickel alloy because there is no minimum thickness requirement in Appendix C. If
stainless steel is selected for the valve and ball material, the minimum dimension of all
valve components, including the ball, must meet the thickness requirements of Appendix
C and the ball must incorporate a blunt edge or truncated ball design. The sketch below
shows unacceptable and acceptable stainless steel ball designs.

Sharp Edge (Unacceptable) Truncated Ball (Acceptable)

11.5.2 In oxygen pipelines, ball valves shall not be used for the purge vent valves. Normally,
the purge vent valves have blind flanges installed immediately downstream of the valve.
Opening of the valve with the blind flange in place would cause a temperature rise as a
result of adiabatic compression, potentially damaging the soft seat of the ball valve.


12.1 Normally, emergency-shutoff valves are automated valves that are high-flow valves (Gate,
Knife Gate, Butterfly, or Ball), normally operating in the fully open position, and are closed
only in case of a trip signal. Although in normal operation the valve experiences
nonimpingement flow, if there is a trip condition the valve will experience excessive
velocities and momentary turbulence on closing. The materials of an emergency-shutoff
valve shall be selected based on Appendix C. Exceptions have been allowed when the
pressure was moderate, low normal operating velocities existed, and the emergency
conditions were evaluated by the OSC. These exceptions typically resulted in the allowance
to use large stainless steel butterfly valves having internal parts substantially thicker than
the 6.35 mm (1/4 in) minimum. The economic savings over a Monel ® valve of equal size
justifies the evaluation.


13.1 Material selection criteria for safety relief valves and bursting discs in oxygen service is
defined in 3PI60003 “Material Selection for Safety Relief Devices in Oxygen Service”.

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14.1 The valve body of a dual-flapper-style check valve has an integrally casted center post that
experiences direct impingement flow. Check-valve bodies that experience direct
impingement flow are essentially treated as though they are isolation-valve trim. Therefore,
body materials shall be determined by Figure 2B.

14.1.1 Dual-flapper-style check valves shall have a metal-to-metal seat for PN50 (Class 300) and
above. Viton seats are acceptable for PN20 (Class 150) check valves because of the reduced
risk of ignition from adiabatic compression at lower gas pressures.

14.2 The valve body of a swing type check valve is also of a design in which the valve body
experiences impingement flow. Swing check valve bodies and trim materials shall be
determined by Figure 2B.

14.3 Since there is no significant pressure drop across a check valve, the piping immediately
downstream may be considered as nonimpingement flow.

14.4 Hoerbiger Check Valves

14.4.1 Hoerbiger Compact-A-Check or Depend-A-Check valves are recommended for use on the
discharge of reciprocating compressors (peak-to-peak pulsations greater than 4%).
Materials of construction shall be as follows:

PN20 (Class 150) and

PN50 (Class 300)
Valve Class PN50 (Class 300) [up to 25.8
[above 25.8 bar g (375 psig)
bar g (375 psig) Design
Design Pressure]
Carbon Steel (ASTM Carbon Steel (ASTM
A216WCB) A216WCB)
Spacers Carbon Steel (ASTM A105) Carbon Steel (ASTM A105)
Guard 17-4PH (ASTM A564) Monel
Centerbolt 17-4PH (ASTM A564) Monel
Valve Plate Inconel Inconel
Seat 17-4PH (ASTM A564) Monel
Spring Nimonic 90 Nimonic 90
Dampening Plate Inconel Inconel
Locknuts Brass Brass
Alloy Steel (ASTM A193 and Alloy Steel (ASTM A193 and
Housing Nuts and Bolts
A194 B7) A194 B7)
Lift Washers Inconel Inconel
Spacer Seals Flexitallic style with PTFE filler Flexitallic style with PTFE filler
Body Seals Flexitallic style with PTFE filler Flexitallic style with PTFE filler

14.5 When check valves are located on oxygen compressor discharge lines, at least one check
valve shall be located downstream of an elbow. If a compressor failure occurs, the change in
direction will prevent direct impingement of debris on the check valve.


15.1 Special, in-line, pipe-component material rules are described in the following paragraphs for
strainers, filters, orifice plates, venturi flowmeters, thermowells, and silencers. The vast
majority of in-line components experience impingement flow, and their materials shall be
stainless steel or a more compatible material as required by the rules stated in the following
sections. The use of carbon steel is prohibited.

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15.2 Conical Strainers

15.2.1 Conical strainers in gaseous-oxygen service shall be designed as a perforated cone with a
mesh-screen overlay. The strainer shall be positioned in the piping system such that the
mesh will be on the upstream flow side and the cone on the downstream side. Mesh size
shall be 100 mesh, which translates to a 140 micron particle size capture.

15.2.2 The mesh of a conical strainer experiences direct impingement and is an area of high risk
because of its purpose for capturing debris and particles. The high surface area and thin
material are susceptible to ignition during high-flow particle impingement, or when
promoted by accumulated contaminant. The use of stainless steel mesh is prohibited.
The primary mesh material as well as the backblow mesh (if required) shall be either Nickel
200 or alloy 400 or copper or tin bronze [Nickel 200 is best, alloy 400 (Monel®), copper and
tin bronze are second best] for pressure class PN20 (Class 150) systems. Nickel 200 shall be
used for pressure PN50 (Class 300) systems or greater. The center reinforcing mesh (if
required) may be alloy 400 (Monel®) for all pressure classes.

Note: For oxygen let-down piping stations using stainless steel components installed inside
a barricade, the upstream process strainer must use only nickel wire mesh in compliance
with paragraph

15.2.3 The cone material shall be selected on the basis of the material used for the piping system,
since the mesh (100 mesh size) protects the cone from direct impingement. Stainless steel
cones may be used for carbon steel or stainless steel piping systems. Cones shall be alloy
400 (Monel®) when installed in Monel® pipe systems. The use of carbon steel cones is
prohibited in all cases.

15.2.4 Conical-strainer cones shall be designed with a buckling pressure that is rated for at least
100% of the system MAWP as determined by the safety relief valve set pressure. Fully-rated
buckling pressure is required to avoid collapse of the cone, thereby preventing the cone
from traveling within the piping system and becoming a fire hazard.

15.3 Y-Type Strainers

15.3.1 Blowdown valves on Y-type strainers are prohibited in gaseous oxygen service. The
blowdown valve provides an easy method for cleaning the strainer. However, the blowdown
valve could easily be opened at an inappropriate time and could cause a dangerous,
localized, oxygen-enriched atmosphere when being used to clean out the strainer.

15.3.2 A Y-type strainer body is considered an impingement site for which the body material shall
be selected according to Figure 2B. The material for the strainer wire mesh shall be either
Nickel 200 or alloy 400 (Monel®) or copper or tin bronze. The use of stainless steel
mesh is prohibited. Perforated metal screens, when used, shall be lined with Nickel 200
wire mesh for pressures greater than 27.5 bar g (400 psig), or alloy 400 (Monel®), copper
or tin bronze wire mesh for pressures 27.5 bar g (400 psig) and lower. Since lined with wire
mesh, the perforated metal screen is considered a nonimpingement site whose material may
be stainless steel for carbon steel or stainless steel piping systems and shall be alloy 400
(Monel®) when installed in Monel® pipe systems. Note: Section 19 design criteria requires
a conical strainer for filtration in lieu of a y-type strainer.

15.4 Filters

15.4.1 Gas filtering with filter elements is required when particle-retention specifications exceed the
capabilities of a conical strainer or when the application is in pulsating-pressure service.
Expander seal-gas filter requirements are one example for which element-style filtration is
required for fine filtration.

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15.4.2 Filter elements are impingement locations that are considered high risk because of their
particle-retention function. Elements are also "high surface area to volume" components
which tend to collect particles that might easily ignite. As such, element material selection
requires additional care.

15.4.3 Filter-element material ranking, in order of highest compatibility to lowest compatibility, is

as follows:
1) Fiberglass or woven glass without organic binders (approved)
2) Sintered nickel element (approved)
3) Brass, tin bronze, or alloy 400 (Monel®) sintered elements (must be approved by the
4) Sintered stainless steel element (must be approved by the OSC, see paragraph 15.4.6)

Note: Teflon membrane elements (both PTFE and PFA formulations) are not approved
unless the provisions of paragraph 15.4.7 are met.

15.4.4 Fiberglass or woven glass are the preferred materials since they are nonflammable in
oxygen service if they are free of flammable binders. When used as filters, these materials
require a support that is typically a metal wire. The metal-wire support shall be stainless
steel or a copper-based alloy for both carbon steel and stainless steel pipe systems. Flow
shall be from the woven glass to the metal-wire support such that the metal does not
experience particle impingement. Backflow is not allowed.

15.4.5 Most metals, with the exception of nickel, have been experimentally burned in a screen
configuration. Metals such as brass, tin bronze, and alloy 400 (Monel®) normally exhibit
excellent oxygen compatibility characteristics; however, they are circumstantially susceptible
to a fire when formed in a sintered metal configuration. Consequently, OSC approval is
required for the use of sintered copper-based alloy elements.

15.4.6 Because of their thin and high surface area to volume geometry, the use of sintered
stainless steel elements shall be avoided. Thin stainless steel is more likely to propagate a
fire if there is particle ignition. The use of stainless steel requires administrative controls
such as a barrier, or evaluation of other factors such as personnel exposure and element-
face velocity. Review and approval by the OSC is required for the use of sintered stainless
steel filtration.

15.4.7 Although PTFE and PFA are approved oxygen-service materials for valve soft goods, such as
seats and packing, their use as a membrane filter is prohibited. Although PTFE and PFA
release less heat than non-oxygen-approved polymers, they are discouraged for use as
membrane filters because of the large amount of polymer mass present, such that even a
fire of PTFE could compromise the system or cause ignition to other materials.

Note: PTFE or PFA filters are permitted in high-purity electronic gas applications if an all
metal nonshedding pre-filter (such as sintered nickel wire) is used upstream of the PTFE or
PFA filter. Metal filter particle retention shall be 15 microns or better.

15.5 Flow-Measuring Devices: Orifice Plates and Flowmeters

15.5.1 Orifice plates and flowmeters are covered by 3PS00016.

15.6 Thermowells

15.6.1 Thermocouples or resistance temperature devices (RTD) are covered by 3PS00016.

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15.7 Silencers

15.7.1 In general, open vent and inline silencers used in oxygen service need to conform to the
same rules as other piping components. Some exceptions and clarifications are required
based on the location of the silencer in the piping system and the subsequent low economic
loss if damaged.

15.7.2 Atmospheric Open Vent Silencers In addition to oxygen, open vent silencers are also exposed to moisture from rain and
condensation. Under certain gas pressures and velocities, carbon steel is permitted by Figure
1A and Figure 1B for the components. However, the service life of carbon steel in wet
oxygen service may be limited to ten (10) years. If silencer service life is a concern,
corrosion resistance materials such as stainless steel can be considered. As a minimum, the
following materials shall be used:
 Shell and head shall meet Figure 1B. The velocity used in Figure 1B shall be based on
the pack open cross section and maximum flow. If Figure 1B allows carbon steel and if
additional corrosion protection is desired, the shell and head may be stainless steel of 3
mm (1/8 in) minimum thickness.
 The diffuser section and cap is an impingement site and shall be constructed of Appendix
C materials and based on the maximum upstream pressure.
 The internal rain-hood (no diffuser) is an impingement site and shall use Appendix C
materials at the gas pressure in the inlet pipe.
 The inlet nozzle pipe upstream of a diffuser or rainhood shall be constructed of Appendix
C materials and based on the maximum upstream pressure.
 Perforated plate used in the construction of the acoustic section of the silencer that is
not considered an impingement site (for example, acoustic flow tubes) shall comply with
the requirement of Figure 1A though a minimum thickness of 0.059 inches is acceptable.

15.7.3 Inline Silencers Inline silencer materials shall be selected as follows:

 Shell, head, and perforated plate material and thickness shall meet Figure 1B. The
velocity used in Figure 1B shall be based on the higher of the inlet and outlet pipe
 If a diffuser is used, the diffuser and cap shall be constructed of Appendix C materials
and based on the maximum upstream pressure.
 The inlet nozzle pipe shall meet Figure 1A.
 The outlet nozzle pipe shall meet Figure 1B.

Note: For oxygen concentrations equal to and less than 80%, the shell, head, and
perforated plate material may be carbon steel if there is no equipment at risk of damage
downstream of the silencer. The diffuser and cap may also follow Figure 1B.

15.7.4 Silencer Packing Materials Sound-absorbing packing materials must not contain organic binders. Kaowool is an
example of an acceptable packing material for oxygen service.

Note: For oxygen concentrations equal to and less than 80%, the packing material may be
Owens Corning type "703 board" (contains organic binders) or equal, if there is no
equipment at risk of damage downstream of the silencer.

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16.1 Non-metallic materials are widely used for valve seats and seals, valve packing, lubricants,
gaskets, thread seals, locking compounds and similar purposes to reduce friction and to
minimize leakage.

16.2 When designing a system containing valves with non-metals, it is desirable to observe the
following practices:
 Minimize the quantity of non-metals used
 Ensure that the material is physically and chemically stable at the service conditions
 Avoid locating non-metals directly in the oxygen stream
 Take account of heat dissipation in the design by embedding the non-metal part in an
adequate mass of burn resistant metal which will act as a heat sink
 Prevent excessive friction or shock of the non-metallic component
 Use ASTM G63 guidelines to minimize the probability of ignition and the risk of explosion
or fire.

16.3 Approved non-metallic materials. Examples of non-metallic valve materials exhibiting

the best oxygen compatibility:

16.3.1 Seat materials:

 Glass or Silica filled PTFE
 Hostaflon © (25% carbon impregnated PTFE)
 Polyfill© (glass, carbon, graphite-filled PTFE)

16.3.2 Seal materials:

 Viton (limited to 900 psig when used as a seat material)
 Kalrez

16.3.3 Packing design and materials:

 PTFE - Chevron ring, ring type, or rope ring type processed for oxygen service
 Graphite ring type, 98% pure laminated ribbon with inorganic binders and PTFE coating
with upper and lower PTFE wiper rings
 Packing cleanliness: Care should be taken not to contaminate packing by using non-
compatible lubricants (such as silicone oil) during the forming or braiding process

16.3.4 Bonnet gasket design and materials:

 Stainless steel spiral wound with PTFE or Graphite filler – Fully contained by metal

16.4 Lubricants

16.4.1 Lubricants (oils and greases) suitable for oxygen service are generally halogenated fluids,
typically PFPE (perfluoropolyether) or CTFE (chlorotrifluoroethylene) compounds.

16.4.2 Lubricants are not permitted on wetted pressurized components.

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Design Criteria for Gaseous Oxygen Piping Systems
3PI60001, Rev. 11, Page 28 of 43 Valve components (for example, including seat, stem, and plug) that are exposed to oxygen
should be designed for dry assembling process and workshop testing without any lubrication
required. In specific cases where lubricants and locking compounds are required for
assembly, their use and type shall be approved by the valve specifier and the amount shall
be minimized.

16.4.3 Non-wetted components are preferred dry. If lubrication is required on non-wetted

components, such as external stem threads and bonnet bolts, a lubricant approved by
Air Products may be used in small amounts. Any excess lubricants on exposed surfaces shall
be removed. Supplier drawings shall state the type of lubricant and the location it is used.

16.4.4 If external stem threads are lubricated, valve design shall prevent migration of the lubricant
and capture it external to the process pressure boundary of the valve.

16.4.5 The following lubricants are approved by Air Products for use in limited amounts. The lubricants
on this list have been approved for a wide range of design conditions up to 206 bar g (3000
psig). See the limits in 3ES30600 “Materials for Oxidizer Service Application Guideline”. Any
lubricant not on this list or in 3ES30600 may not be used without the written permission of Air

Manufacturer Oils Greases

Fluorolube (Gabriel
FS or FS5, LG-160
Performance Products)
240 AC, 283-AC, GPL-205,
Krytox (Chemours -DuPont) GPL-105
GPL-206, GPL-225
Y04, Y06, Y25, Y45, Y-
Fomblin (Solvay)
GR RT-15, GR UT-18, GR
Lubrication) (formerly Fomblin
– greases only)
Tyreno 12/25V Barietta L55/30X, L55/5HV,
Kluber Lubrication
Halocarbon (see Note) 6.3S, 27S 25-5S
Christo-Lube (ECL Engineered
MCG 111
Custom Lubricants)
Brayco (Castrol) 1721, 1722, 1723, 1724 1728, 1729, 631RP
Bechem Lubrication
Berulub OX 100 EP
Orapi CT 830

Note: Other Halocarbon offerings (X90-10M, 25-10, and 4.2S) are limited to gas service
only and lower pressures. See 3ES30600.

16.4.6 Grease ports shall not be provided on valves for oxidizer service except on the gearbox, if

16.4.7 Gearbox lubrication—Oxygen-compatible greases are typically inferior to hydrocarbon-

based grease, so they generally cannot be used for gear operators. Oxygen compatible
greases tend to have poor lubrication properties and are typically hygroscopic (they readily
take up and retain moisture). Absorbing water from the environment in gearbox service can
lead to corrosion of the mechanism. Accordingly, gear operators typically require
hydrocarbon based lubricants for reliable operation, but the design must then ensure that
this lubricant remains separated from the process.

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16.4.8 Special design features shall ensure that non-compatible greases cannot migrate to the
wetted portions of the valve. Design features shall also prevent potential oxygen leakage
from coming into contact with hydrocarbon lubricants.

16.4.9 Gearboxes that require lubrication shall have seals and/or wiper rings to prevent lubrication
migrating on the valve stem towards the valve packing area.

16.4.10 Gearbox orientation—When possible, the gearbox or stem shall be oriented to prevent the
migration of lubricants towards the valve packing area. For example, a gear box mounted
horizontally will prevent drip-down.

16.4.11 Most oxygen compatible lubricants shall not be used with aluminum, magnesium, or their alloys
under conditions of high torque or shear (such as those found in threaded connections) because
fluorinated compounds may react with these metals under conditions of high friction. This
friction ignition can occur at ambient pressure in air.

16.5 Thread Sealants and Locking Compounds

16.5.1 See 3PI55005 “Pipe Thread Sealants Service Index” for approved sealants for threaded pipe

16.5.2 See 3ES30600 for approved locking compounds.

16.6 Gaskets

16.6.1 Recommended gasket materials are found in oxygen service piping class specifications and
3ES30600. The typical gasket for warm oxygen service is a sheet gasket such as Flexitallic
Sigma 511 or Lamons Matrix L100 or approved equivalent. Spiral wound shall be used for Class
600 and above.

16.6.2 When a spiral wound gasket is used for any reason, it shall meet the following requirements:
 It shall have both an inner ring and an outer ring.
 It shall be a low seating stress type for Class 150 flanges (such as Flexitallic LSI or
Lamons WRI-LC or approved equivalent).
 It shall be a standard seating stress type for Class 300 flanges or above (such as
Flexitallic CGI or Lamons WRI or approved equivalent).
 The fill material shall be graphite (such as Flexitallic Flexicarb or approved equivalent).
PTFE may be used as an alternate.
 The materials for the inner ring, outer ring and windings shall comply with the following:

Inner ring and

Piping material Flange Class Outer Ring
windings material
Carbon or stainless Austenitic Stainless Austenitic Stainless
150, 300
steel Steel Steel
Carbon or stainless Monel (nickel-copper Austenitic Stainless
600 and above
steel alloy UNS N04400) Steel
Monel (nickel-copper Austenitic Stainless
Monel All
alloy UNS N04400) Steel

16.6.3 Ring joint (RTJ) flanges are not recommended for oxygen service because the groove is difficult
to keep clean, alignment is critical, and the joint requires extra space to spring the piping apart
to remove the gaskets. Raised face (RF) flanges are recommended for all flange classes.
However, when a RTJ flange must be used to mate with equipment or to meet a customer
requirement, the following materials shall be used:

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 Flange materials shall match, such as carbon steel with carbon steel and stainless steel with
stainless steel
 The gasket material for a carbon steel flange set shall be zinc coated soft iron.
 The gasket material for a stainless steel flange set shall be 304 stainless steel.

16.6.4 Gaskets, sleeves, and washers used in flange isolation/insulation service (to provide electrical
isolation and corrosion protection at flange locations that transition between underground and
aboveground pipe) shall be as follows:
 Silica-filled Flexitallic Sigma 511 or Lamons Matrix L100 gaskets will be used for class 150
and 300 service
 Flexitallic Flexpro insulating gasket with Monel core, Monel integral outer ring, and Sigma
511 facing material will be used for Class 600 and above
 The sleeves and washers shall be G10 epoxy glass for all pressure classes.

16.7 Oxygen service materials not covered by this standard can be found in 3ES30600, covering
various applications such as lubricants, sealants, plastics, and gaskets.


17.1 When selecting materials, the cost and practicability of achieving and maintaining
cleanliness and freedom from corrosion, together with the cost and schedule impact of
recleaning, shall be considered.

17.2 Vent piping systems are also sites in which atmospheric-particulate matter could collect
(especially if used infrequently), and the layout of the pipe work shall be such as to minimize
the likelihood of this hazard. Follow the requirements of 3PI25010 “Venting of Nontoxic and
Nonflammable Substances”.

17.3 Special cleanliness concerns are associated with welding. EIGA 13/12 addresses some of
these issues.

17.3.1 Backup rings for welding are not recommended in oxygen applications. They represent a
hazardous-impingement location in instances when dirt becomes trapped in crevices, they
are a location for hydrocarbon buildup, and there have been instances when backup rings
have become detached. The use of backup rings for welding carbon steel, stainless
steel or monel is not permitted in oxygen applications, however case-by-case
exceptions may still be made for final closure welds with approval from the OSC. Also,
backup rings are approved for use in horizontal aluminum pipe and may be used on vertical
aluminum pipe when the rings are a “free draining” design.

17.3.2 Precautions shall be taken to ensure that no loose materials exist as a result of welding.
Loose material, such as slag, represents both an impingement site and a flow stream particle
that is a source of ignition. Welding procedures shall employ methods that result in clean
welds (without slag). Welds, when accessible, shall be visually inspected to ensure that no
loose material exists.

17.4 The cleaning procedure used for the oxygen piping system shall achieve the degree of
cleanliness required by 4WPI-SW70003 “Oxygen Clean (Class AA) Inspection and
Acceptance Requirements”.

17.5 Cleaning criteria shall also apply to systems that feed oxygen systems. As a minimum, these
shall include startup air/nitrogen, seal air/nitrogen, and anti-corrosion purge (if applicable).


18.1 The procedure of "hot tapping" into a line pressurized with oxygen is prohibited.

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19.1 Editions of Chinese Engineering Standard GB 16912 code before 2008 required the use of a
concrete barrier for pressure control stations that operate above 6 bar g (87 psig). The
barrier further enabled the use of stainless steel for piping and pressure control valves up to
100 bar g (1450 psig).

19.1.1 The current edition of GB 16912 states that the barrier is an option that the customer can
request. Material requirements shall adhere to this standard for systems without a barrier.
Requirements include velocity criteria, exemption alloy requirements, plus GB code,
whichever is more strict in compliance.

19.2 Barriers and New System Installations (Sale of Equipment)

19.2.1 For new Sale-of-Equipment (SOE) system installations, barriers can be used to permit the
use of stainless steel control valves for system design pressures from 25.8 bar g (375 psig)
up to 100 bar g (1450 psig). Economic evaluation of control valve pricing (or availability)
and total installed barrier cost is required. The decision to use a barrier design basis in lieu
of an exemption pressure material design basis, shall be determined during the "Opportunity
Development Process" that is led by the Project Development Engineering (PDE) lead. Note that Sale-of-Gas (SOG) will employ a design philosophy of utilizing exemption pressure
alloys and Figure 1 and 2 material selection criteria as described by Sections 1 through 18.

19.2.2 Particle contamination, adiabatic compression, or flow friction are environments that can
challenge the compatibility of a stainless steel control valve. Steps are necessary to ensure
that compatibility risks are managed through design practices and administrative controls. Filtration is required upstream of high pressure stainless steel control stations as a method
to control particle ignition. Conical strainer materials of construction require a Monel 400
cone with a Nickel mesh. A pressure differential system shall be incorporated to monitor
strainer pressure drop. This can be achieved with a local differential pressure gauge. The piping system shall include pressure equalization systems to ensure that start-up
conditions are designed to prevent adiabatic compression. Pressure equalization lines shall
be constructed of exemption alloy materials. Review of the control valve design in accordance with 3PS00016 is required for valve
internal trim pieces to identify vulnerable parts. Valve design review for thin trim pieces
should consider use of exemption alloys. Excess back-flow protection shall be provided downstream of the pressure control station.
This can be achieved by the use of two check valves.

19.3 Barrier Design Criteria

19.3.1 Barrier must be designed with a nonflammable material of construction on the surfaces
interior to the barricade. Reinforced masonry walls are an approved material. Alternatives to
reinforced masonry must be approved by the Oxidizer Safety Committee for each
application. Design criteria is provided in CGA G-4.4 (EIGA Doc 13/12).


20.1 Gaseous oxygen delivery systems acquired by Air Products shall be reviewed in accordance
with the guidelines in Appendix G.

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21.1 The primary units of measure, as defined by GEM Engineering Standards, shall be reported
as metric with imperial units as secondary in parenthesis. This standard will follow the
defined approach with the exception of when data is originated from imperial units, the
imperial units become the primary measure.

21.2 Abbreviations

Definitions of Abbreviations and Symbols:

Metric Imperial
°C = degrees Celsius °F = degrees Fahrenheit
bar a = Fluid pressure (absolute) psia = pounds per square inch absolute
bar g = Fluid pressure (gauge) psig = pounds per square inch gauge
DN = Diameter Nominal NPS = Nominal Pipe Size
m/sec = meters per second ft/sec = feet per second
mm = millimeter in = inch

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Appendix A
Figure 1A

Design graph for material selection of pipe and fittings in oxygen service where no impingement takes

Gas Pressure (psia)

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800

V = 60 m/s (196.85 ft/s)

P = 15 bara (217.5 psia)
60 200

Refer to Appendix
Design Operating Velocity (m/s)

Design Operating Velocity (ft/s)

50 C
(Note 2) 150


PV = 800 bara*m/s (38,067.7 psia*ft/s)

30 100

V = 8 m/s (26.25 ft/s)
P = 100 bara (1450 psia) 50
Carbon or
10 Stainless Steel
(Note 3)

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Gas Pressure (bara)

Note 1: Material selection graph is valid for design temperature up to:

(a) 149°C (300°F) for general carbon steel pipe
(b) 204°C (400°F) for general stainless steel pipe
Note 2: Materials that operate above their exemption pressure shall follow the carbon steel
velocity limit.
Note 3: Minimum thicknesses for materials below curve are as follows:
(a) STD wall for carbon steel pipe, or 6.35 mm (0.250 in) nominal, whichever is less.
(b) 1.65 mm (0.065 in) for stainless steel pipe*
(c) 0.76 mm (0.030 in) for stainless steel tubing*
*Minimums are based on practical commercial availability of pipe and tubing.
Note 4: Regardless of velocity, for 10 pipe diameters downstream of "pressure letdown sites,"
the material shall be according to Appendix C as the site experiences turbulent
impingement (see paragraph 7.7).
Note 5: Limits shown are based on CGA G4.4 and EIGA 13/12.
Note 6: Chinese Engineering Standard GB 16912 prohibits the use of carbon steel and requires
the use of seamless material above 30 bar g (435 psig) and imposes additional design
operating velocity limits (m/s) on the use of both carbon and stainless steel pipe and
fittings. See paragraph 7.3.4.

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classified as Air Products internal use only, is subject to return on demand and must not be disclosed or reproduced without
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Appendix A (continued)
Figure 1B

Design graph for material selection of pipe and fittings in oxygen service where impingement takes place.

Gas Pressure (psia)

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800

60 200

Refer to Appendix

Design Operating Velocity (ft/s)

Design Operating Velocity (m/s)

(Note 2) 150
V = 30 m/s (98.43 ft/s)
P = 15 bara (217.5 psia)

30 100

PV = 450 bara*m/s (21,413 psia*ft/s)

V=4.5 m/s (14.76 ft/s)
P = 100 bara (1450 psia)
Carbon or
10 Stainless
(Note 3)
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Gas Pressure (bara)

Note 1: Material selection graph is valid for design temperature up to:

(a) 149°C (300°F) for general carbon steel pipe
(b) 204°C (400°F) for general stainless steel pipe
Note 2: Materials that operate above their exemption pressure shall follow the carbon steel
velocity limit.
Note 3: Minimum thicknesses for materials below curve are as follows:
(a) STD wall for carbon steel pipe, or 6.35 mm (0.250 in) nominal, whichever is less.
(b) 1.65 mm (0.065 in) for stainless steel pipe*
(c) 0.76 mm (0.030 in) for stainless steel tubing*
*Minimums are based on practical commercial availability of pipe and tubing.
Note 4: Regardless of velocity, for 10 pipe diameters downstream of "pressure letdown sites,"
the material shall be according to Appendix C as the site experiences turbulent
impingement (see paragraph 7.7).
Note 5: Limits shown are based on CGA G4.4 and EIGA 13/12.
Note 6: Chinese Engineering Standard GB 16912 prohibits the use of carbon steel and requires
the use of seamless material above 30 bar g (435 psig) and imposes additional design
operating velocity limits (m/s) on the use of both carbon and stainless steel pipe and
fittings. See paragraph 7.5.2.

All information herein is the property of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., unless another source is shown. This document is
classified as Air Products internal use only, is subject to return on demand and must not be disclosed or reproduced without
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Appendix B
Figure 2A

Design graph for material selection of isolation valve bodies in non-throttling oxygen service.

Gas Pressure (psia)

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800

V = 60 m/s (196.85 ft/s)

P = 15 bara (217.5 psia)
60 200

Refer To Appendix
Design Operating Velocity (m/s)

Design Operating Velocity (ft/s)

(See Note 2)


PV = 800 bara*m/s (38,067.7 psia*ft/s)

30 100

P = 48.6 bara (740 psia)

V = 8 m/s (26.25 ft/s)
P = 100 bara (1450 psia) 50
Carbon Steel
Stainless Steel
(See Note 3) Stainless Steel
(See Note 3)
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Gas Pressure (bara)

Note 1: Material selection graph is valid for design temperature up to:

(a) 149°C (300°F) for carbon steel
(b) 204°C (400°F) for stainless steel
Note 2: Materials that operate above their exemption pressure shall follow the stainless steel
velocity limit.
Note 3: Minimum thickness below curve for valve bodies is 3.2 mm (0.125 in).
Note 4: Limits shown are based on CGA G4.4 and EIGA 13/12.
Note 5: Chinese Engineering Standard GB 16912 prohibits the use of carbon steel in valve
bodies above 6 bar g (87 psig). Stainless steel may be used from above 6 bar g
(87 psig) to 100 bar g (1450 psig) and Appendix C materials are required above
100 bar g (1450 psig).

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classified as Air Products internal use only, is subject to return on demand and must not be disclosed or reproduced without
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Appendix B (continued)
Figure 2B

Design graph for material selection of isolation valve trim in non-throttling oxygen service where
impingement takes place.

Gas Pressure (psia)

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800


Design Operating Velocity (ft/s)

Design Operating Velocity (m/s)

50 Refer to Appendix
(Note 2)
V = 30 m/s (98.43 ft/s)
P = 15 bara (217.5 psia)

30 100

PV = 450 bara*m/s (21,413 psia*ft/s)

V=4.5 m/s (14.76 ft/s)
P = 100 bara (1450 psia)
Stainless Steel
(Note 3)
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Gas Pressure (bara)

Note 1: Material selection graph is valid for design temperature up to 204°C (400°F).
Note 2: Materials that operate above their exemption pressure shall follow the stainless steel
velocity limit.
Note 3: Minimum thickness below curve for valve trim is 1.65 mm (0.065 in).
Note 4: Limits shown are based on CGA G4.4 and EIGA 13/12.
Note 5: Chinese Engineering Standard GB 16912 prohibits the use of stainless steel in valve
trim above 100 bar g (1450 psig). Appendix C materials are required above 100 bar g
(1450 psig).

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Appendix C
Table of Exemption Pressures and Minimum Thicknesses


Cobalt Alloys
Stellite 6 None Specified 34.5 bar g (500 psig)
Stellite 6B None Specified 34.5 bar g (500 psig)

Copper Alloys
Copper** None Specified 207 bar g (3000 psig)
Copper- Nickel Alloys** None Specified 207 bar g (3000 psig)
Brass Alloys** None Specified 207 bar g (3000 psig)
Tin Bronzes None Specified 207 bar g (3000 psig)

Ferrous Castings, Non Stainless

Gray Cast Iron 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 1.7 bar g (25 psig)
Nodular (Ductile) Cast Iron 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 3.4 bar g (50 psig)
Ni Resist Type D2 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 20.7 bar g (300 psig)

Ferrous Castings, Stainless

CF-3/CF-8,CF-3M/CF-8M,CG-8M 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 13.8 bar g (200 psig)
CF-3/CF-8,CF-3M/CF-8M,CG-8M 6.35 mm (0.250 in) 25.8 bar g (375 psig)
CN-7M 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 25.8 bar g (375 psig)
CN-7M 6.35 mm (0.250 in) 34.5 bar g (500 psig)

Nickel Alloys

Hastelloy C-276 (see Note 2 for C-22) 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 86.1 bar g (1250 psig)

Hastelloy X 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 12.7 bar g (185 psig)

Haynes HR 160 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 12.7 bar g (185 psig)
Inconel 600 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 86.1 bar g (1250 psig)
Inconel 625 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 68.9 bar g (1000 psig)
Inconel X-750 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 68.9 bar g (1000 psig)
Monel 400 0.762 mm (0.030 in) 207 bar g (3000 psig)
Monel K-500 0.762 mm (0.030 in) 207 bar g (3000 psig)
Nickel 200/201 None specified 207 bar g (3000 psig)

Stainless Steels, Wrought and Forged

304/304L, 316/316L, 321, 347 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 13.8 bar g (200 psig)
304/304L, 316/316L, 321, 347 6.35 mm (0.250 in) *** 25.8 bar g (375 psig)
310 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 13.8 bar g (200 psig)
410 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 17.2 bar g (250 psig)
430 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 17.2 bar g (250 psig)
17-4PH (aged) 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 20.7 bar g (300 psig)
X3 NiCrMo 13-4 (UNS S41500) 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 17.2 bar g (250 psig)
Carpenter 20 Cb-3 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 25.9 bar g (375 psig)
Incoloy 800/800H/800HT 3.18 mm (0.125 in) 25.9 bar g (375 psig)

Table is based on EIGA 13/12.

* Exemption pressure is the maximum pressure not subject to velocity limitations in high purity oxygen
(nominal 99.7%) where particle impingement may occur.

** Cast and Wrought Mill Forms

*** This 6.35 mm (0.250 in) minimum thickness requirement is waived for Schedule 80s and 40S stainless steel
pipe and fittings that meet the requirements of paragraph 7.2.4.
Note 1: Internal valve velocities need not be calculated to use this table. Enter the table with gas pressure and
select a material with an exemption pressure that is greater than or equal to the gas pressure.
Note 2: Hastelloy C-22 is not included in EIGA 13/12, but where C-276 is not available, Air Products has accepted
the use of C-22 as a substitute with the same thickness and pressure limits.

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Appendix D
Table of Nominal Alloy Compositions and Ranges


Cobalt Alloys
Stellite 6 55.5Co, 29 Cr, 4.5W, 3Ni, 1C, 7 (Fe, Si, Mn, Mo)
Stellite 6B 53Co, 30Cr, 4.5W, 3Ni, 1C, 8.5 (Fe, Si, Mn, Mo)

Copper Alloys
Copper 99.9+Cu
Copper-Nickel Alloys 67-87 Cu, 10-31 Ni, 1-2 (Fe, Mn, and Zn)
Brass(1) 60-85 Cu, 15-39 Zn, 1-3 (Sn, Pb, Fe)
Tin Bronze 85-89 Cu, 5-11Sn, 5-10 (Zn, Pb, Ni)

Ferrous Castings, Non Stainless

Gray Cast Iron 3C, 2Si, 0.8Mn, Bal. Fe
Nodular (Ductile) Cast Iron 3.6C, 2.7Si, O.4Mn, Bal. Fe
Ni Resist Type D2M 20Ni, 3C, 2SI, 2Cr, 1Mn, Bal. Fe

Ferrous Castings, Stainless

CF-3/CF-8(2) 19.5Cr, 10Ni, 2Si, 1.5Mn, Bal. Fe
CF-3M/CF-8M(3) 19Cr, 11Ni, 3Mo, 1.5Si, 1.5Mn, Bal. Fe
CG-8M(4) 20Cr, 12Ni, 3Mo, 1.5Si, Bal. Fe
CN-7M(5) 21Cr, 29Ni, 4Cu, 3Mo, 1.5Si, 1.5Mn, Bal. Fe

Nickel Alloys

Hastelloy C-276 (see Note 8 for C-22) 56Ni, 12Cr, 13.5Mo, 4Fe, 3W, 2.5Co

Hastelloy X 47Ni, 22Cr, 18Fe, 9Mo, 1.5Co

Haynes 230 22Cr, 14W, 1.5Fe, 0.35Al, 0.1C, Bal. Ni
Haynes HR 160 37Ni, 29Co, 28Cr, 2.7 Si, 2 Fe
Inconel 600 76Ni, 15Cr, 9Fe
Inconel 625 60Ni, 22Cr, 9Mo, 5Fe, 4Nb
Inconel X-750 74Ni, 15.5Cr, 7Fe, 2.5Ti, 1Al
Monel 400 67NI, 32Cu, 1Fe
Monel K-500 66.5Ni, 30Cu, 3(Al, Ti)
Nickel 200 99.0 Ni min.

Stainless Steels, Wrought and Forged

304/304L 19Cr, 9Ni, 2Mn, 1Si, Bal. Fe
310 25Cr, 20Ni, Bal. Fe
316/316L 17Cr, 12Ni, 2Mn, 3Mo, 1Si, Bal. Fe
321 18Cr, 11.5Ni, Ti 5XC min., Bal. Fe
347 18Cr, 11.5Ni, Nb 8XC min., Bal. Fe
410 13Cr, 1Mn, 1Si, Bal. Fe
430 17Cr, 1Mn, 1Si, Bal. Fe
17-4PH(6) 17Cr, 4Ni, 4Cu, 1Si, Bal. Fe
X3 Ni Cr Mo 13-4 (UNS S41500) 13Cr, 4.5Ni, 1Mo, 1Si, Bal. Fe
Carpenter 20 Cb-3 20Cr, 35Ni, 3.5Cu, 2.5Mo, Bal. Fe
Incoloy 800H 21Cr, 32Ni, Bal. Fe

(1) Aluminum Brasses not included
(2) Cast Analogs of 304L/304 stainless steel
(3) Cast Analogs of 316L/316 stainless steel
(4) Cast Analog of 317 stainless steel
(5) Cast Analog of Alloy 20
(6) Age Hardened Condition
(7) Table is based on EIGA 13/12
(8) Hastelloy C-22 is not listed in EIGA 13/12. Composition is 56Ni, 22Cr, 13Mo, 3Fe, 3W, 2.5Co

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Appendix E
Figure 3, Carbon Steel Pressure Purity Curve

Note 1: Curve Design Temperature: -28.8°to 300°C (-20°to 572°F).

Note 2: Minimum thicknesses for materials below curve are as follows:
(a) STD wall (Sch 40) or 4.8 mm (3/16 in) for carbon steel pipe, whichever is less
(b) 4.8 mm (3/16 in) for all other carbon steel components
(c) 3.2 mm (1/8 in) for stainless steel
Note 3: Carbon and stainless steel materials that meet the minimum thickness requirements
are nonflammable in low purity oxygen service. These materials are allowed for all
components, impingement and nonimpingement, including valve trim, at the purity-
operating pressure and temperature limits shown in Figure 3 (see paragraph 5.6.5).
There are no velocity restrictions for the use of these materials below the curve.
Note 4: Figure is based on ASTM G 94 and STP 910.
Note 5: Chinese Engineering Standard GB 16912 does not allow the use of carbon steel pipe
and fittings at gas pressures > 30 bar g (435 psig) regardless of the oxygen purity.
Note 6: As an example, materials that meet the thickness requirements are permitted for use
to 300°C up to 80% O2 purity and up to 0.52 bar g operating pressure (carbon steel is
typically used for regeneration heater shells).

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Appendix F


F1.1 Preferred materials for elevated temperature service

F1.1.1 The preferred nickel alloys for elevated temperature service are Monel 400, Ni 200, and Ni
201. These alloys can be used to any temperature up to their exemption pressures
(Appendix C) consistent with their strength and corrosion resistance. There are no velocity
or thickness restrictions for these alloys.

Note: Nickel alloys with >1% Al shall not be used for elevated temperature service.
Examples include Inconel 601, Haynes 214, and Monel K-500.

Note: Other nickel alloys such as Inconel 625 and Inconel X-750 have not been tested for
high-temperature oxygen use. Any potential use at elevated temperatures shall be presented to
the OSC.

F1.1.2 Copper alloys including copper, copper-nickel, brass, and tin bronze can be used to any
temperature and up to their exemption pressures (Appendix C) consistent with their
strength and corrosion resistance. There are no velocity or thickness restrictions for these

Note: Copper alloys with more than 2.5% Al are not allowed in elevated temperature

F1.2 Other acceptable materials for elevated temperature service

F1.2.1 The materials listed in this paragraph (wrought or forged forms only) may be used up to the
following temperature/pressure limits with no velocity limit:

 304/304L stainless steel 538°C (1000°F) below 2.4 bar g (35 psig)
 316/316L stainless steel 538°C (1000°F) below 2.4 bar g (35 psig)
 310 stainless steel 816°C (1500°F) below 2.6 bar g (38 psig)
 Incoloy 800/800H/800HT 1093°C (2000°F) below 0.8 bar g (11.5 psig)

Hastelloy C-276 (see Note for C-22) 1093°C (2000°F) below 12.7 bar g (185 psig)

 Haynes HR 160 1093°C (2000°F) below 12.7 bar g (185 psig)

 Hastelloy X 1093°C (2000°F) below 12.7 bar g (185 psig)
 Haynes 230 982°C (1800°F) below 5.9 bar g (85 psig)
 Inconel 600 482°C (900°F) below 68.9 bar g (1000 psig)

Note: The minimum thickness for these materials in elevated temperature service shall be
3.2 mm (0.125 in).

Note: Figure 4 (in this appendix) shows other allowable temperature/pressure

combinations for some of these materials.

Note: Cast forms of 304/304L (CF-3/CF-3M) are limited by code to temperatures less than
454°C (850°F); however, cast forms of 316/316L (CF-8/CF-8M) are acceptable to the limits
shown above.

Note: Hastelloy C-22 is not included in EIGA 13/12, but where C-276 is not available, Air
Products has accepted the use of C-22 as a substitute with the same temperature and
pressure limits.

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F1.3 Materials not allowed for elevated temperature service

F1.3.1 Carbon steel and cast iron shall not be used for elevated temperature service.

F1.3.1.1 Carbon steel and cast iron use is limited to 149°C (300°F), except:

 Use to 300°C (572°F) is allowed for oxygen-inert mixtures with 80% O2 or less
according to Appendix E, Figure 3.
 Use is allowed inside a compressor barrier to 204°C (400°F).

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classified as Air Products internal use only, is subject to return on demand and must not be disclosed or reproduced without
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Appendix F (continued)
Figure 4, Exemption Pressure at Elevated Temperature
3.2 mm (1/8 in) minimum thickness

 For electric heaters with a carbon steel shell, when shell temperature is limited to 400°C
(750°F), oxygen purity is 95% or less, operating pressure is 0.5 bar g (7.25 psig) or
less, and design operating velocity is 30 m/s (100 ft./s) or less. For other shell
temperature, oxygen purity, and operating pressure limits, see 4WEQ-1425 “Pressurized
Electric Heaters”.

F1.3.2 Stainless steels such as 317, 321, 347, 410, 430, 17-4, and Alloy 20, that are not listed in
paragraph F1.2.1 shall not be used for elevated temperature service.

Figure 4 - Exemption Pressure at Elevated Temperature

3.2 mm (1/8 inch) minimum thickness

Pressure, psig

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800


1050 1900



Temperature, °C

Temperature, °F
650 Stainless
Hastelloy C-276 1100
Incoloy 800/
800H/800HT 700

250 500

150 300
0 10 20 30 40 50

Pressure, barg

Note 1: Minimum thickness for alloys in the figure for elevated temperature service is 3.2 mm
(0.125 in).
Note 2: The materials listed in the figure may be used with no velocity limit below their
respective curves.
Note 3: Figure is based on ASTM high temperature material tests.

All information herein is the property of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., unless another source is shown. This document is
classified as Air Products internal use only, is subject to return on demand and must not be disclosed or reproduced without
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Design Criteria for Gaseous Oxygen Piping Systems
3PI60001, Rev. 11, Page 43 of 43

Appendix G
Review Recommendations for Acquisitions of GOX Systems

G1. Acquisition of oxygen systems for plants, pipelines, or other operating systems (per the
scope of this document) shall be evaluated by Mechanical Systems Engineering. The
evaluation shall include a systems review and documentation in accordance with Work
Instruction MSE040201 “Oxidizer Piping Review Work Practice”. When materials and or
operating procedures do not meet the requirements of this standard, then recommendations
shall be documented for either/or a combination of; material replacement, operating
procedure definition, or personnel protection.

G1.1 Personnel protection can include a rebar reinforced concrete barrier. Manual valve stem
extensions that penetrate the barrier to the exterior shall be protected to ensure that gaps
do not exist between the extension and the barrier.

G1.2 Review Checklist

 Inventory piping system specifications for the purpose of reviewing materials (metals
and soft goods), and material thicknesses.
- Pipe
- Manual valves
- Control valves
- Instruments
- Filters and strainers
- Safety relief devices
 Evaluate System Process Conditions
- Perform velocity calculations
- Review safety relief device duty specifications
- Document in accordance with Work Instruction MSE040201
 Review design drawings
- By-pass pressure equalization piping material
- Piping upstream and downstream of control valves
- Branch connections
- Check valve location
 Evaluate operating procedures for start-up and shut-down
- By-pass pressure equalization methodology
 Review oxygen system cleanliness
 Obtain operating history report
- Shut-downs or maintenance reports

G1.3 Documentation

G1.3.1 Documentation shall include the following,

 MSE Work Instruction MSE040201

 Position paper that includes:

- Summary - Metallic and soft goods summary for compatibility and compliance with
this standard. Identify areas of non compliance.
- Mitigation - Can include filtration (Alloy 400 cone with nickel mesh strainer).
- Recommendations - Material replacement in high risk areas.
- Personnel protection - Can be achieved through use of a properly designed barrier.
Personnel protection will be the highest priority.

All information herein is the property of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., unless another source is shown. This document is
classified as Air Products internal use only, is subject to return on demand and must not be disclosed or reproduced without
prior written consent. This information may be subject to export controls. Disclosure contrary to U.S. law is prohibited.

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