Chapter 7: Serviceability: Brown)

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LIMIT STATE – a term used to describe a condition at which a structure or some part of a structure ceases to perform
its intended function.
Two categories of limit state:
 Strength limit state – are based on the safety or load carrying capacity of structures and include buckling, fracture,
fatigue, overturning, and so on.
 Serviceability limit state – refers to the performance of structures under normal service loads and are concerned with
the uses and/or occupancy of structures. Serviceability is measured by considering the magnitudes of deflections,
cracks, and vibrations of structures, as well as by considering the amounts of surface deterioration of the concrete
and corrosion of the reinforcing bars.


 Excessive deflections of beams and slabs may cause sagging floors, ponding on flat roofs, excessive vibrations, and
even interference with the proper operation of supported machinery
 May damage a structure’s appearance or frighten the occupants of the building, even though the building may be
perfectly safe. Any structure used by people should be quite rigid and relatively vibration-free so as to provide a
sense of security.


For reinforced concrete members, the deflections may be calculated using the usual elastic deformation methods. For
common beams, a derived formula of deflections is shown in Figure 7.1 that can be used through calculations:

Figure 7.1 Deflection expressions for different loadings and supports (Design of Reinforced Concrete: McCormac and


Reinforced concrete beam deflections have two components: (a) an immediate deflection that occurs as a result of the
strains induced by the applied loads, and (b) a long-term deflection that develops due to creep and shrinkage of the
concrete. Immediate (instantaneous) deflections, δ𝑖 , are computed using any available general method based on elastic
linear response. However, the effect of cracking on the flexural stiffness of the beam must be considered.

Figure 7.2 Effects of cracks on deflections (Design of Reinforced Concrete: McCormac and Brown)

Cracking takes place whenever the bending moment at a cross section exceeds the cracking moment, 𝑀𝑐𝑟 . Since
moments from the applied loads vary along the beam length, certain portions of the beam will be cracked while others
will be uncracked (see Figure 7.2).

This makes a rigorous analysis that takes into account the actual variation of the flexural stiffness along the beam length
essentially impractical. Therefore, NSCP 2010 provides a simplified method for obtaining an effective moment of inertia
that is assumed to be constant along the entire beam length.

409.6.2.3 Unless stiffness values are obtained by a more comprehensive analysis, immediate deflection shall be
computed with a modulus of elasticity 𝐸𝑐 for concrete as specified in Section 408.6.1 (normal-weight or lightweight
concrete) and with the effective moment of inertia as follows, but not greater than 𝐼𝑔 .
(Equation 409-8)
𝑴𝒄𝒓 𝟑 𝑴𝒄𝒓 𝟑
𝑰𝒆 = ( ) (𝑰𝒈 ) + [𝟏 − ( ) ] (𝑰𝒄𝒓 )
𝑴𝒂 𝑴𝒂

In this expression, 𝐼𝑔 is the gross amount of inertia (without considering the steel) of the section and 𝑀𝑐𝑟 is the cracking
moment 𝑀𝑎 is the maximum service-load moment occurring for the condition under consideration, and 𝐼𝑐𝑟 is the
transformed moment of inertia of the cracked section.

409.6.2.4 For continuous members, effective moment of inertia shall be permitted to be taken as the average of values
obtained from Eq. 409-8 for the critical positive and negative moment sections. For prismatic members, effective moment
of inertia shall be permitted to be taken as the value obtained from Eq. 409-8 at midspan for simple and continuous
spans, and at support for cantilevers.

For a continuous T beam subjected to both positive and negative moments. As shown in Figure 7.3, the effective moment
of inertia used for calculating deflections varies a great deal throughout the member. For instance, at the center of the
span at Section 1–1 where the positive moment is largest, the web is cracked and the effective section consists of the
hatched section plus the tensile reinforcing in the bottom of the web. At Section 2–2 in the figure, where the largest
negative moment occurs, the flange is cracked and the effective section consists of the hatched part of the web (including
any compression steel in the bottom of the web) plus the tensile bars in the top. Finally, near the points of inflection, the
moment will be so low that the beam will probably be uncracked, and thus the whole cross section is effective, as shown
for Section 3–3 in the figure. (For this case I is usually calculated only for the web, and the effect of the flanges is

Figure 7.3 Effective Moment of Inertia for Continuous T-beams (Design of Reinforced Concrete: McCormac and Brown)

With 𝐼𝑒 and the appropriate deflection expressions, instantaneous or immediate deflections are obtained. Long-term or
sustained loads, however, cause significant increases in these deflections because of shrinkage and creep. The factors
affecting deflection increases include humidity, temperature, curing conditions, compression steel content, ratio of stress
to strength, and the age of the concrete at the time of loading.

Because of the several factors, the magnitudes of long-term deflections, δ𝐿𝑇 can only be estimated. The code states
that to estimate the increase in deflection due to these causes, the part of the instantaneous deflection that is due to
sustained loads may be multiplied by the empirically derived factor 𝜆∆ at the end of this paragraph and the result added
to the instantaneous deflection.

409.6.2.5 Unless values are obtained by a more comprehensive analysis, additional longtime deflection resulting from
creep and shrinkage of flexural members (normal-weight and lightweight concrete) shall be determined by multiplying
the immediate deflection caused by the sustained load considered, by the factor 𝜆∆ .
(Equation 409-11)
𝝀∆ =
𝟏 + 𝟓𝟎𝝆′
where 𝜌′ shall be the value at midspan for simple and continuous spans, and at support for cantilevers. It is permitted
to assume the time-dependent factor 𝜉 for sustained loads to be equal to
5 years or more ………………………... 2.0
12 months ………………….…………….1.4
6 months …………...……….………...….1.2
3 months ………………………………….1.0

Should times differing from the values given in Table 424. be used, values of 𝜉 may be selected from the curve
of Figure 7.4.
Figure 7.4 Multipliers for long-time deflections (Design of Reinforced Concrete: McCormac and Brown)

It is logical to assume that the live load cannot act on a structure when the dead load is not present. As a result of this
fact, we will compute an effective 𝐼𝑒 and a deflection δ𝐷 for the case where the dead load alone is acting. Then we will
compute an 𝐼𝑒 and a deflection δ𝐷+𝐿 for the case where both dead and live loads are acting. This will enable us to
determine the initial live load part of the deflection as follows:
𝛅𝑳 = 𝛅𝑫+𝑳 − 𝛅𝑫
The long-term deflection will equal the initial live load deflection, δ𝐿 , plus the infinitely long-term multiplier, 𝜆∞ , times the
dead load deflection, δ𝐷 , plus 𝜆𝑟 , the live load sustained multiplier, times the initial live load deflection, δ𝑆𝐿 .
𝜹𝑳𝑻 = 𝛅𝑳 + 𝝀∞ 𝛅𝑫 + 𝝀𝒓 𝛅𝑺𝑳
The steps involved in calculating instantaneous and long-term deflections can be summarized as follows:
1. Compute the instantaneous or short-term deflection, δ𝐷 , for dead load only.
2. Compute instantaneous deflection, δ𝐷+𝐿 , for dead plus full live load.
3. Determine instantaneous deflection, δ𝐿 , for full live load only.
4. Compute instantaneous deflection due to dead load plus the sustained part of the live load, δ𝐷 + δ𝑆𝐿 .
5. Determine instantaneous deflection, δ𝑆𝐿 , for the part of the live load that is sustained.
6. Determine the long-term deflection for dead load plus the sustained part of the live load, 𝛿𝐿𝑇 .

409.6.2.6 Deflection computed in accordance with Sections 409.6.2.2 through 409.6.2.5 shall not exceed limits
stipulated in Table 409-2.
Table 409-2 – Maximum Permissible Computed Deflections
Type of Member Deflection to be Deflection
considered Limitation
Flat roofs not supporting Immediate deflection due 𝑙/180 1
or attached to non- to live load, 𝐿
structural elements likely
to be damaged by large
Floors not supporting or Immediate deflection due 𝑙/180 2
attached to non-structural to live load, 𝐿
elements likely to be
damaged by large
Roof or floor supporting or The part of the total 𝑙/480 3
attached to non-structural deflection occurring after
elements likely to be attachment of non-
damaged by large structural elements (sum
deflections if the time-dependent
Roof or floor supporting or deflection due to all 𝑙/240 4
attached to non-structural sustained loads and the
elements not likely to be immediate deflection due
damaged by large to any additional live
deflections load) 2
1 Limit not intended to safeguard against ponding. Ponding should be checked by suitable calculations of deflection,

including added deflections due to ponded water, and considering long term effects of all sustained loads, camber,
construction tolerances. and reliability of provisions for drainage.
2 Long term deflection shall be determined in accordance with 409.6.2.5 or 409.6.4.2. but may be reduced by amount

of deflection calculated to occur before attachment of nonstructural elements. The amount shall be determined on basis
of accepted engineering data relating to time-deflection characteristics of members similar to those being considered.
3 Limit may be exceeded if adequate measures are taken to prevent damage to supported or attached elements.
4 But not greater than tolerance provided for nonstructural elements. Limit may be exceeded if camber is provided so
that total deflection minus camber does not exceed limit.

Example 1: A 6.5 m span simply supported beam has the following properties: 𝑏 = 300 mm; ℎ = 500 mm; 𝑑 = 430 mm;
𝐴𝑠 = 3-28 mm ϕ; 𝑓′𝑐 = 21 MPa; 𝑓𝑦 = 276 MPa. The beam is to carry a service dead load of 14.5 kN/m including its own
weight and a service live load of 10.2 kN/m.
(a) Calculate the instantaneous/immediate deflection for dead load only, dead load plus full live load and full live load
only. Verify if it is compliant by the code assuming the beam is part of a floor construction not supporting or attached to
non-structural elements likely to be damaged by large deflections.
(b) Calculate the deflection assuming 30% of the live load is continuously applied for 3 years. Verify if it is compliant by
the code assuming the beam is part of a floor construction supporting or attached to non-structural elements likely to be
damaged by large deflections.

Example 2: Determine the instantaneous deflection at the midspan of the continuous T-beam shown in the figure. The
member supports a dead load, including its own weight, of 21.75 kN/m and a live load of 36.25 kN/m. 𝑓′𝑐 = 21 MPa and
n = 9. The moment diagram for full D + L is shown in the figure as well as the beam cross section.

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