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Multiple Choice

Question bank for


Ummid Isamiya Shaikh

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 1

Part 1: Fundamental concepts, First Law, Second Law
1 Identify the extensive property

A Pressure

B Specific energy

C Volume

D Temperature

2. Identify the extensive property

A Pressure

B Enthalpy

C Specific volume

D Temperature

3. Identify the extensive property

A Internal energy

B Pressure

C Specific enthalpy

D Temperature

4. Identify the intensive property

A Energy

B Volume

C Specific enthalpy

D Internal energy

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 2

5. Identify the intensive property

A Energy

B Entropy

C Enthalpy

D Specific internal energy

6. Identify the intensive property

A Energy

B Volume

C Enthalpy

D Specific volume

7. Identify the intensive property

A Energy

B Specific Entropy

C Enthalpy

D Entropy

8. Identify the intensive property

A Energy

B Specific Kinetic Energy

C Enthalpy

D Kinetic energy

9. Choose the correct statement

A Intensive property may depend on mass of the system

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B Extensive property does not depend on mass of the system

C Any specific extensive property is an intensive property

D All of above

10. A thermodynamics system is completely defined when

A Mass of system is specified

B Volume of system specified

C Both mass and volume are specified.

D Boundary of system is specified

11. A closed system undergoes a thermodynamics process when,

A Pressure of system changes.

B Volume of system changes.

C Both Pressure and volume changes.

D State of the system changes.

12. Choose the correct statement

A Change of Property of a system depends on path.

B Change of Property of a system depends on initial and final states of the system only.

C Change of Property of a system depends on path as well as initial and final states.

D None of above

13. Choose the correct statement

A Work and heat transfer depends only on path followed by the system.

B Work and heat transfer depends on initial and final states of the system only.

C Work and heat transfer depends on path as well as initial and final states.

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D Work and heat transfer are properties of a system

14. Choose the correct statement

A A quasi-static process is also a reversible process

B In a quasi-static process only initial and final states are equilibrium states.

C In a quasi-static process all the intermediate states are equilibrium states.

D Most of the real processes are quasi-static

15. Choose the incorrect statement.

A Work and heat transfer are boundary phenomenon.

B Work and heat transfer are path functions.

C Work and heat transfer are energies in transit.

D Work and heat transfer are point functions.

16. Steady flow energy equation is applicable to---

A Any process undergone by a closed system.

B Any steady process undergone by an open system.

C Any process undergone by an isolated system.

D All of above

17. Steady flow is defined as the flow in which---

A The velocity of the fluid doesn’t change with time.

B The mass flow rate of the fluid doesn’t change with time.

C The volume flow rate of the fluid doesn’t change with time.

D Any property of the fluid doesn’t change with time.

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18. For a steady flow device

A The properties of the fluid are constant with time and from inlet to outlet.

B The properties of the fluid don't change from inlet to outlet.

C The properties of the fluid may change with respect to time.

D The properties of the fluid don't change with respect to time but may change from inlet to

19. For a steady flow through steam turbine, pump or compressor which of the following can be
considered as negligible entity?

A Work transfer

B Change in enthalpy

C Change in potential energy

D None of above

20. For a steady flow through wind turbine which of the following can be considered as
negligible entity?

A Work transfer

B Change in kinetic energy.

C Heat transfer.

D None of above

21. For a steady flow through nozzle/ diffuser which of the following can be considered as
negligible entity?

A Work transfer.

B Change in kinetic energy.

C Change in enthalpy.

D All of above

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22. For a steady flow through nozzle/ diffuser which of the following can be considered as
negligible entity?

A Change in kinetic energy.

B Change in potential energy.

C Change in enthalpy.

D None of above

23. When applying steady flow energy equation to throttle valve which of the following entity
cannot be neglected?

A Change in kinetic energy.

B Change in potential energy.

C Change in enthalpy.

D Work/heat transfer

24. For a steady flow through throttle valve ----

A Change in Kinetic energy of the fluid is considerable.

B Enthalpy of the fluid remains almost constant

C Pressure of the fluid remains almost constant

D Change in potential energy of the fluid is considerable.

25. Steady flow of a fluid through a throttle valve can be called as----

A Isothermal process

B Isentropic process

C Isenthalpic process

D Isobaric process

26. In which of the following steady flow devices Heat transfer is negligible?

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 7

A Boiler

B Super-heater

C Nozzle

D Air pre-heater

27. In which of the following steady flow devices Heat transfer is negligible?

A Boiler

B Throttle valve

C Super-heater

D Air pre-heater

28. In which of the following steady flow devices change in kinetic energy is not negligible?

A Boiler

B Throttle valve

C Turbine

D Nozzle

29. In which of the following steady flow devices change in kinetic energy is not negligible?

A Pump

B Diffuser

C Steam Turbine

D Compressors

30. In which of the following steady flow devices change in potential energy is not negligible?

A Boiler

B Throttle valve

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C A Pump lifting water to very high elevations.

D Nozzle

31. A flowing fluid posseses ----

A K.E. and P.E. only

B K.E., P.E. and internal energy only

C Flow energy only

D K.E., P.E., enthalpy only

32. Which of the following equations of 1st law is applicable to a process undergone by a closed

A (Σ Q)cycle = (Σ W)cycle

B Q- W = Δ E

C Q - W = ( Δ h + Δ ek + ep )m

D All of above

33. Which of the following equations of 1st law is applicable to open system.

A (Σ Q)cycle = (Σ W)cycle

B Q- W = Δ E

C Q - W = ( Δ h + Δ ek + ep )m

D All of above

34. A refrigerator-----

A transfers heat from a cooler body to a hotter body

B is a cyclic device

C maintains the temperature of a body less than surrounding.

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D All of above

35. A heat pump-----

A transfers heat from a cooler body to a hotter body

B is a cyclic device

C maintains the temperature of a body more than surrounding.

D All of above

37. Choose the incorrect statement.(Consider usual notations) For same reservoirs----

A (η)rev1= (η)rev2=(η)rev3=………

B (η)any >(η)rev

C (η) irreversible<(η)rev

D (η) any </=(η)rev

38. Choose the incorrect statement. (Consider usual notations) For same reservoirs----

A (COP)revHP1=(COP)revHP2=(COP)revHP3=………….

B (COP)anyHP</=(COP)revHP

C (COP)anyHP>(COP)revHP

D (COP)irreversibleHP<(COP)revHP

39. Choose the incorrect statement about refrigerator. (Consider usual notations) For same

A (COP)revR1=(COP)revR2=(COP)revR3=………….

B (COP)anyR</=(COP)revR

C (COP)anyR>(COP)revR

D (COP)irreversibleR<(COP)revR

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40. Choose the incorrect statement.(Consider usual notations)

A (η)any =1-(Q2/Q1)

B (η)any =1- (T2/T1)

C (η)rev=1-(T2/T1)

D (η)rev=1- (Q2/Q1)

41. Choose the incorrect statement.(Consider usual notations)

A (COP)anyHP=Q1/(Q1-Q2)

B (COP)revHP=T1/(T1-T2)

C (COP)revHP= Q1/(Q1-Q2)

D (COP)anyHP= T1/(T1-T2)

42. Choose the incorrect statement about refrigerator.(Consider usual notations)

A (COP)anyR=Q2/(Q1-Q2)

B (COP)revR=T2/(T1-T2)

C (COP)revR= Q2/(Q1-Q2)

D (COP)anyR= T2/(T1-T2)

43 Choose the incorrect statement.

A Every reversible process is always a quasi-static Process.

B A quasi-static process may not be a reversible process.

C All the quasi-static processes are reversible processes.

D Some quasi static processes may be reversible processes.

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44. A quasi-static process is ___________ a reversible process.

A always

B sometimes

C never

D None of above

45. A reversible process is ___________ a quasi-static process.

A always

B sometimes

C never

D None of above

46. Choose the incorrect statement.

A If friction is present during a process, it is an Irreversible process.

B A reversible process may involve heat transfer through finite temperature difference.

C A reversible process should not involve any free expansion.

D In a reversible process all the intermediate states must be equilibrium states.

47. Consider a Carnot refrigerator and a Carnot heat pump operating between the same two
thermal energy reservoirs. If the COP of the refrigerator is 3.4, the COP of the heat pump is

A 1.7

B 2.4

C 3.4

D 4.4

48. Identify the type of cycle:

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A Reversible Cycle

B Irreversible Cycle

C Impossible Cycle

D None of above

49. Identify the type of cycle:

A Reversible Cycle

B Irreversible Cycle

C Impossible Cycle

D None of above

50. Identify the type of cycle:

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 13

A Reversible Cycle

B Irreversible Cycle

C Impossible Cycle

D None of above

51. Identify the type of cycle:

A Reversible Cycle

B Irreversible Cycle

C Impossible Cycle

D None of above

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52. Identify the type of cycle:

A Reversible Cycle

B Irreversible Cycle

C Impossible Cycle

D None of above

53. Identify the type of cycle:

A Reversible Cycle

B Irreversible Cycle

C Impossible Cycle

D None of above

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54. Identify the type of cycle:

A Reversible Cycle

B Irreversible Cycle

C Impossible Cycle

D None of above

55. Identify the type of heat pump:

A Reversible heat pump

B Irreversible heat pump

C Impossible heat pump

D None of above

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56. Identify the type of refrigerator:

A Reversible refrigerator

B Irreversible refrigerator

C Impossible refrigerator

D None of above

57. A domestic refrigerator has to maintain a temperature of -150C in the freezer when 1.75 kJ/s
of heat leaks into it steadily. What is the minimum power required when the ambient
temperature is 300C?

A 2.06 kJ/s

B 1.75 kJ/s

C 0.392 kJ/s

D 0.31 kW

58. A heat engine operates between a source of 8000C and a sink of 300C. What could be the
least rate of heat rejection per kW output of the engine?

A 1.2 kW

B 0.718 kW

C 0.392 kW

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D 1.392 kW

59. 1.5 kg of liquid having a constant specific heat of 2.5 kJ/kg K is stirred in a copper vessel
causing a temperature rise of 150C. If the heat lost to the surrounding during the process is
1.7 kJ. What is the work transfer during the process?

A -56.25 kJ

B 56.25 kJ

C -57.95 kJ

D 57.95 kJ

60. A heat engine of 30 % thermal efficiency is used to drive a refrigerator having COP of 5. If
this refrigerator is used as a heat pump, how many MJ of heat will be available for heating
the house for each MJ input to the heat engine?

A 0.667 MJ

B 1.8MJ

C 0.3MJ

D 1.3 MJ

61. A heat pump is absorbing heat from the cold outdoors at 5°C and supplying heat to a house at
22°C at a rate of 18,000 kJ/h. If the power consumed by the heat pump is 2.5 kW, the
coefficient of performance of the heat pump is

A 0.5

B 1

C 2

D 5

62. A heat engine receives heat from a source at 1000°C and rejects the waste heat to a sink at
50°C. If heat is supplied to this engine at a rate of 100 kJ/s, the maximum power this heat
engine can produce is

A 25.4 kW

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 18

B 55.4 kW

C 74.6 kW

D 95.0 kW

63. Two Carnot heat engines are operating in series such that the heat sink of the first engine
serves as the heat source of the second one. If the source temperature of the first engine is
1600 K and the sink temperature of the second engine is 300 K and the thermal efficiencies
of both engines are same, the temperature of sink of first engine is---

A 693 K

B 950 K

C 860 K

D 473 K

64. A typical new household refrigerator consumes about 680 kWh of electricity per year and has
a coefficient of performance of 1.4. The amount of heat removed by this refrigerator from the
refrigerated space per year is

A 952 MJ/yr

B 0.264 MJ/yr

C 2448 MJ/yr

D 3427 MJ/yr

65. A Carnot heat engine operates between a source at 1000 K and a sink at 300 K. If the heat
engine is supplied with heat at a rate of 800 kJ/min, the thermal efficiency and power output
of this heat engine are

A 70% and 9.33 kW respectively

B 60% and 1142 kW respectively

C 70% and 9.33 kJ/min respectively

D 60% and 1142 kJ/min respectively

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66. An inventor claims to have developed a refrigeration system that removes heat from the
closed region at 12°C and transfers it to the surrounding air at 25°C while maintaining a COP
of 6.5. The inventor's claim is ---

A reasonable



D violating Kelvin plank statement of 2nd law

67. During an experiment conducted in a room at 30°C, a laboratory assistant measures that a
refrigerator that draws 2 kW of power has removed 30,000 kJ of heat from the refrigerated
space, which is maintained at 25°C. The running time of the refrigerator during the
experiment was 20 min. Determine if these measurements are

A reasonable



D violating Kelvin plank statement of 2nd law

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Part 2: Entropy, Ideal Gas
1. Clausius inequality is used…
A. to identify the type of process.
B. to identify the type of cycle.
C. to identify the type of system.
D. All of above.
2. For any process undergone by an isolated system.....
A. (Δs) = 0
B. (Δs) >0
C. (Δs) <0
D. (Δs) >/=0
3. For any reversible adiabatic process----
A. (Δs) <0
B. (Δs) >0
C. (Δs) = 0
D. (Δs) >/=0
4. For a closed system undergoing adiabatic process
A. (Δs) = 0
B. (Δs) >0
C. (Δs) <0
D. (Δs) >/=0
5. The relation dU=mCvdT is applicable to---
A. a constant volume process undergone by an ideal gas only
B. a constant pressure process undergone by an ideal gas only
C. an adiabatic process undergone by an ideal gas only
D. any process undergone by an ideal gas
6. The relation dH=mCpdT is applicable to---
A. a constant volume process undergone by an ideal gas only
B. a constant pressure process undergone by an ideal gas only
C. an adiabatic undergone by an ideal gas only
D. any process undergone by an ideal gas
7. For an ideal gas internal energy is a function of ----
A. Pressure only
B. Volume only
C. Pressure and temperature only
D. Temperature only
8. For an ideal gas enthalpy is a function of -----
A. Pressure only
B. Volume only
C. Temperature only
D. Pressure and temperature only
9. In which of the following processes undergone by a closed, stationary system of an ideal gas work and
heat transfer are equal?
A. constant volume process.
B. constant pressure process.
C. Isentropic process
D. Constant temperature process.
10. The processes undergone by an ideal gas can be arranged in ascending order of their slopes on P-V
diagram as---

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 21

A. constant volume ,Reversible Adiabatic, polytropic(1<n< γ) and Isothermal process.
B. Isothermal, , Reversible Adiabatic , polytropic(1<n< γ) a nd constant volume process.
C. Reversible Adiabatic, polytropic(1<n< γ), Isothermal and constant volume process.
D. Isothermal, polytropic(1<n< γ), Reversible Adiabatic and constant volume process.

11. The processes undergone by an ideal gas can be arranged in descending order of their slopes on P-V
diagram as---
A. Reversible Adiabatic, polytropic(1<n< γ), Isothermal and constant volume process.
B. Isothermal, , Reversible Adiabatic , polytropic(1<n< γ) and constant volume process.
C. constant volume ,Reversible Adiabatic, polytropic(1<n< γ) and Isothermal process.
D. Isothermal, polytropic(1<n< γ), Reversible Adiabatic and constant volume process.

12. The processes undergone by an ideal gas can be arranged in ascending order of their slopes on T-S
diagram as---
A. Isobaric ,Isothermal, Isochoric and Isentropic process
B. Isothermal, Isobaric, Isochoric and Isentropic process
C. Isentropic , Isochoric , Isobaric and Isothermal process
D. Isobaric ,Isothermal, Isentropic , and Isochoric process
13. The processes undergone by an ideal gas can be arranged in descending order of their slopes on T-S
diagram as---
A. Isobaric ,Isothermal, Isochoric and Isentropic process
B. Isothermal, Isobaric, Isochoric and Isentropic process
C. Isentropic , Isochoric , Isobaric and Isothermal process
D. Isobaric ,Isothermal, Isentropic , and Isochoric process
14. Heat transfer during a constant volume process by an ideal gas in a closed stationary system =
A. Change in internal energy
B. Change in enthalpy
C. Change in entropy
D. B and C
15. Heat transfer during a constant pressure process by an ideal gas in a closed stationary system =
A. Change in internal energy
B. Change in enthalpy
C. Change in entropy
D. B and C
16. For an isothermal process by an ideal gas in a closed stationary system---
A. Change in internal energy = 0
B. Change in enthalpy = 0
C. Heat transfer = work transfer
D. All of above
17. If pressure is in kPa, temperature is in K and “R” is in kJ/ kgK, the unit of “v” in the ideal gas
equation pv= RT is---
A. m3
B. m3/kg
C. m3/K
D. m3/kJ
18. If pressure is in kPa, temperature is in K, mass is in kg and “R” is in kJ/ kgK, the unit of “V” in the
ideal gas equation pV= mRT is---
A. m3/kg
B. m3/kJ
C. m3/K
D. m3

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19. If atmospheric pressure and temperature are 1.013 bar and 27 C0 respectively, the density of
atmospreric air is------ (Make suitable assumptions.)
A. 0.017 kg/m3
B. 11.76 kg/m3
C. 1.176 kg/m3
D. 117.6kg/m3
20. It is found that Cp and Cv of an ideal gas increase with temperature. The ratio of specific heats of the
ideal gas will ___________ with temperature.
A. increase
B. decrease
C. not change
D. None of above


21. Choose the incorrect statement. For any process 1-2 by a closed system--- (incorrect question)
A. if (Δs)1-2 =0, 1-2 is a reversible process
B. if (Δs)1-2 =0 ,1-2 is a reversible process
C. if (Δs)1-2 >0 ,1-2 is an irreversible process
D. if (Δs)1-2 <0 ,1-2 is an impossible process
22. Choose the incorrect statement. For any process 1-2 by a closed system---
A. If Sgen = 0, 1-2 is reversible process.
B. If Sgen<o, 1-2 is an irreversible process.
C. If Sgen < o, 1-2 is an impossible process
D. If Sgen>o, 1-2 is an irreversible process.
23. Choose the incorrect statement. For any process 1-2 by a closed system---
A. Every isentropic process is also a reversible adiabatic process.
B. Every reversible adiabatic process is also an Isentropic process.
C. Every isentropic process may not be reversible Adiabatic.
D. An irreversible non adiabatic process may be Isentropic. Answer A
24. Choose the correct statement.
A. Entropy of the universe always remains constant
B. Energy of the universe may increase or decrease.
C. Entropy of the universe may decrease.
D. Entropy of the universe will never decrease.
25.Choose the incorrect statement.
A. Entropy of an isolated system may increase.
B. Entropy of an isolated system may remain constant.
C. Entropy of an isolated system may decrease.
D. Entropy of an isolated system will never decrease.
26. Choose the incorrect statement. For any process undergoan by a closed system-----
A. Entropy of the system never decreases.
B. Entropy of the system may increase.
C. Entropy of the system may decrease.
D. Entropy of the system may remain constant.
27. A piston–cylinder device contains helium gas. During a reversible, isothermal process, the entropy of
the helium will ---
A. Never increase.
B. Sometimes increase.
C. Always increase.

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D. Remain the same.
28. A piston–cylinder device contains nitrogen gas. During a reversible, adiabatic process, the entropy of
the nitrogen will -----
A. Never increase.
B. Sometimes increase.
C. Always increase.
D. Always decrease
29. A piston–cylinder device contains superheated steam. During an actual adiabatic process, the entropy
of the steam will------
A. Never increase.
B. Sometimes increase.
C. Always increase.
D. Always decrease
30. If steam flows through an actual adiabatic turbine, the entropy of steam will----
A. Never increase.
B. Sometimes increase.
C. Always increase.
D. Remain the same.
31. The entropy of the working fluid of the Carnot cycle --------------during the heat addition process.
A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains the same
D. A or B.
32. The entropy of the working fluid of the Carnot cycle ---------------during the heat rejection process.
A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains the same
D. A or B.
33. During a heat transfer process, the entropy of a system ---------------- increases.
A. always,
B. sometimes
C. never
D. None of above
34. During a heat transfer process, the entropy of a system ---------------- decreases.
A. always,
B. sometimes
C. never
D. None of above
35.During an actual heat transfer process, the entropy of a system will ------------
A. always increase
B. always decrease
C. either increase or decrease
D. remain constant.
36. In an insulated vessel water is stirred by an electrical stirrer. The entropy of water will-----
A. remain the same.
B. increase.
C. sometimes increase
D. decrease.
37. During an actual adiabatic process, the entropy of a system will----
A. Always remain the same.
B. Always increase

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C. Always decrease
D. Sometimes increase.
38. 2 kg of hot water are mixed with 3 kg of cold water in an adiabatic vessel at constant pressure. If (Δs)
represents change in entropy, which of the following statements is correct.
A. (Δs)hot water> 0 , (Δs)cold water< 0 and (Δs)mixure = 0
B. (Δs)hot water> 0 , (Δs)cold water< 0 and (Δs)mixture >0
C. (Δs)hot water< 0 , (Δs)cold water> 0 and (Δs)mixture = 0
D. (Δs)hot water< 0 , (Δs)cold water> 0 and (Δs)mixture > 0


39. The throttling process undergone by an ideal gas is---

A. Isobaric only
B. Isothermal only
C. Isenthalpic only
D. Isenthalpic as well as Isothermal
40. If an ideal gas enclosed in a rigid vessel, undergoes a heat transfer process then---
A. Heat transfer = change in internal energy
B. Heat transfer = m CvΔT
C. Enthalpy change= m CpΔT
D. All of above
41. If an ideal gas enclosed in a piston and cylinder device, undergoes a constant pressure heat transfer
process then---
A. Heat transfer = change in enthalpy
B. Heat transfer = m CpΔT
C. Change in internal energy = m CvΔT
D. All of above
42. If an ideal gas enclosed in a piston and cylinder device, undergoes a constant pressure heat transfer
process then---
A. Heat transfer = change in enthalpy
B. Work transfer = P(V2 - V1)
C. Change in internal energy = m CvΔT
D. All of above
43. Consider an ideal gas which undergoes a constant pressure work transfer process in an adiabatic
closed vessel . Which of the following statements is true.
A. W = ΔH
B. W = m CpΔT
C. ΔU = m CvΔT
D. All of above
44. Which of the following ststements about the processes undergone by an ideal gas is incorrect?
A. On T-S diagram, the slope of constant volume process is more than that of a constant pressure
B. On T-S diagram, the slope of isentropic process is more than that of constant volume process.
C. On T-S diagram, the slope of constant pressure process is more than that of a constant volume
D. On T-S diagram, the slope of isentropic process is more than that of isothermal process.

45. Which of the following statements about the processes undergone by an ideal gas is incorrect?
A. On P-V diagram, the slope of isentropic process is more than that of isothermal process.
B. On P-V diagram, the slope of isentropic process is more than that of isobaric process.

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C. On P-V diagram, the slope of isentropic process is more than that of isochoric process.
D. On P-V diagram, the slope of isochoric process is more than that of isentropic process.

46. Which of the following statements about the processes undergone by an ideal gas is incorrect?
A. On P-V diagram, the slope of isentropic process is more than that of isothermal process.
B. On T-S diagram, the slope of isochoric process is more than that of isobaric process.
C. On P-V diagram, the slope of isochoric process is more than that of isentropic process.
D. On T-S diagram, the slope of isobaric process is more than that of isochoric process.

47. Among the processes undergone by an ideal gas which of the following is the steepest on T-S
A. Constant Pressure process
B. Constant Volume process
C. Constant temperature process
D. None of above
48. Among the processes undergone by an ideal gas which of the following is the steepest on P-V
A. Constant Pressure process
B. Reversible adiabatic process
C. Constant temperature process
D. None of above
49. Identify the incorrect statement.
A. An isothermal and an isochoric path cannot intersect each other.
B. Two reversible adiabatic paths cannot intersect each other.
C. A reversible adiabatic and an isothermal path can intersect each other.
D. Any two constant property lines cannot intersect each other
50. The areas of a reversible thermodynamic cycle on T-S diagram and P-V diagram are_________same
A. never
B. sometimes
C. always
D. None of above
51. For a reversible adiabatic process by an ideal gas in a closed stationary system---
A. pVγ= C
B. Change in entropy = 0
C. work transfer = - change in internal energy
D. All of above
52. Change in specific entropy of an ideal gas in a closed stationary system during isochoric heat addition
process is given by-----
A. (Δs) = Cp ln (P2/P1)
B. (Δs) = Cv ln (P2/P1)
C. (Δs) = P1V1 ln (T2/T1)
D. (Δs) = Cv ln (T2/T1)
53. Change in specific entropy of an ideal gas in a closed stationary system during isobaric heat addition
process is given by-----
A. (Δs) = Cp ln (P2/P1)
B. (Δs) = Cv ln (P2/P1)
C. (Δs) = P1V1 ln (P2/P1)
D. (Δs) = Cp ln (T2/T1)
54. Identify the incorrect statement
A. Every hyperbolic process is also an isothermal process.
B. Every isothermal process by an ideal gas is a hyperbolic process.

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C. Every process which obeys the law pV= C is a hyperbolic process.
D. Every isothermal process may not be a hyperbolic process.
55. A hyperbolic process is _________ an isothermal process.
A. always
B. sometimes
C. never
D. None of above
56. An isothermal process is _________ a hyperbolic process.
A. always
B. sometimes
C. never
D. None of above
57. An ideal gas undergoes a process between two specified temperatures, first at constant pressure and
then at constant volume from the sate initial state. Which of the following is true?
A. (Δs) of constant-pressure process < (Δs) of constant-volume process
B. (Δs) of constant-pressure process > (Δs) of constant-volume process
C. (Δs) of constant-pressure process = (Δs) of constant-volume process
D. (Δs) of constant-pressure process </= (Δs) of constant-volume process
58. A unit mass of an ideal gas at temperature T undergoes a reversible isothermal process from pressure
P1 to pressure P2 while losing heat to the surroundings at temperature T. If the gas constant is R, the
entropy change of the gas during this process is
A. R ln(P2/P1)
B. RT ln(P2/P1)
C. R ln(P1/P2)
D. RT ln(P1/P2)


Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 27

59. Consider the adiabatic vessel as shown in figure as system. When the partition is suddenly removed
the gas will expand to fill the entire vessel. In this process the entropy of the gas will------
A. Increase
B. decrease
C. Remain the same
D. May increase or decrease.

Identify the type of cycle:

A. Reversible Cycle
B. Irreversible Cycle
C. Impossible Cycle
D. None of above

61. Identify the type of cycle:

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 28

A. Reversible Cycle
B. Irreversible Cycle
C. Impossible Cycle
D. None of above

62. Identify the type of cycle:

A. Reversible Cycle
B. Irreversible Cycle
C. Impossible Cycle
D. None of above

63. Identify the type of cycle:

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 29

A. Reversible Cycle
B. Irreversible Cycle
C. Impossible Cycle
D. None of above

64. Identify the type of cycle:

A. Reversible Cycle
B. Irreversible Cycle
C. Impossible Cycle
D. None of above

65. Identify the type of cycle:

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 30

A. Reversible Cycle
B. Irreversible Cycle
C. Impossible Cycle
D. None of above

66. Identify the type of cycle:

A. Reversible Cycle
B. Irreversible Cycle
C. Impossible Cycle
D. None of above

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 31

67. Consider the adiabatic vessel filled with CO2 gas as shown in figure as system. When the gas is
stirred the entropy of the system will----
A. Remain the same
B. decrease
C. Increase
D. May increase or decrease.

68. Assume that the air in adiabatic vessel is an ideal gas. When the gas is stirred the temperature
increases by . Which of the following statements is true.

A. W = ΔU
B. W = m CvΔT
C. ΔH = m Cp ΔT
D. All of above

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 32

69. Assume that the air in adiabatic vessel is an ideal gas. When the gas is stirred the temperature
increases by . Which of the following statements is true.
A. W = ΔU
B. W = m Cv ΔT
C. Q= m Cv ΔT
D. Both A and B

Assume that the cylinder and piston is adiabatic and O2 is an ideal gas. When voltage is applied to the
heating element and piston is allowed to move so that the pressure remains constant which of the
following statements is true.
A. Welectrical = ΔH
B. Welectrical = m CpΔT
C. Welectrical= ΔU
D. Both A and B

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 33

Assume that the cylinder and piston is adiabatic and O2 is an ideal gas. When voltage is applied to the
heating element and piston is allowed to move so that the pressure remains constant which of the
following statements is true.
A. Welectrical = ΔH
B. Welectrical = m CpΔT
C. ΔT= m Cv ΔT
D. All of above

Assume that the cylinder and piston is adiabatic and O2 is an ideal gas. When voltage is applied to the
heating element and piston is allowed to move so that the pressure remains constant which of the
following statements is true.
A. Welectrical = ΔH
B. Welectrical = m CpΔT
C. Welectrical = Wexpansion
D. Both A and B

Assume that the cylinder and piston is adiabatic and O2 is an ideal gas. When voltage is applied to the
heating element and piston is allowed to move so that the temperature remains constant which of the
following statements is true.
A. Welectrical = ΔH
B. Welectrical = ΔU
C. Welectrical = Wexpansion
D. Both A and B

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 34

74. Assume that the cylinder and piston is adiabatic and O2 is an ideal gas. When the gas is stirred
element and piston is allowed to move so that the temperature remains constant which of the following
statements is true.
A. Wstirrer = ΔH
B. Wstirrer = ΔU
C. Wstirrer = Wexpansion
D. Both A and B
75. Assume that the cylinder and piston is adiabatic and O2 is an ideal gas. When the gas is stirred
element and piston is allowed to move so that the pressure remains constant which of the following
statements is true.

A. Wstirrer = ΔH
B. Wstirrer = m CpΔT
C. Wstirrer = Wexpansion
D. Both A and B
76. Assume that the cylinder and piston is adiabatic and O2 is an ideal gas. When the gas is stirred
element and piston is allowed to move so that the pressure remains constant which of the following
statements is true.

A. Wstirrer = Wexpansion

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 35

B. ΔU= m Cv ΔT
C. Wstirrer = ΔH
D. Both C and D

77. Suppose an ideal gas in a closed system undergoes the processes P, Q and R as shown in figure.
Which of the following statements is true.
A. P=Reversible Adiabatic, Q= polytropic (1<n< γ) and R= Isothermal
B. P=polytropic (1<n< γ), Q= Reversible Adiabatic and R= Isothermal
C. P=Isothermal, Q= Reversible Adiabatic and R= polytropic (1<n< γ)
D. P=Isothermal, Q= polytropic (1<n< γ) and R= Reversible Adiabatic

78. Suppose an ideal gas in a closed system undergoes the processes P, Q and R as shown in figure.
Which of the following statements is true.
A. P=Reversible Adiabatic, Q= polytropic (1<n< γ) and R= Isothermal
B. P= polytropic (1<n< γ), Q= Reversible Adiabatic and R= Isothermal
C. P=Isothermal, Q= Reversible Adiabatic and R= polytropic (1<n< γ)
D. P=Isothermal, Q= polytropic (1<n< γ) and R= Reversible Adiabatic

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 36

Suppose an ideal gas in a closed system undergoes the polytropic processes P, Q and R as shown in
figure. The values of polytropic index for the process P, Q, R are----
A. n = -1.4, n = -1, n = -0.33 respectively
B. n = 1.4, n = 1, n = 0.33 respectively
C. n = 0.33 , n = 1, n = 1.4 respectively
D. n = -0.33, n = -1, n = -1.4 respectively

Suppose an ideal gas in a closed system undergoes the polytropic processes P, Q and R as shown in
figure. The values of polytropic index for the process P, Q, R are----
A. n = -1.4, n = -1, n = -0.33 respectively
B. n = 1.4, n = 1, n = 0.33 respectively
C. n = 0.33 , n = 1, n = 1.4 respectively
D. n = -0.33, n = -1, n = -1.4 respectively


Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 37

81. A friction-less piston–cylinder device contains a saturated liquid–vapor mixture of water at 1000 C.
During a constant-pressure process, 600 kJ of heat is transferred to the surrounding air at 250 C. As a result,
part of the water vapor contained in the cylinder condenses. The entropy generation during this heat transfer
process is
A. 2.01 kJ/K
B. - 1.61 kJ/K
C. 0.4 kJ/K
D. - 0.4 kJ/K
82. An apple with an average mass of 0.15 kg and average specific heat of 3.65 kJ/kg · °C is cooled from
20°C to 5°C. The entropy change of the apple is
A. - 0.0288 kJ/K
B. - 0.192 kJ/K
C. - 0.526 kJ/K
D. 0.657 kJ/K

83. Heat is added to 1 kg of air at constant pressure to change its temperature from 300K to 340K. If air is
an ideal gas what will be the change in internal energy ?
A. 40.2 kJ
B .11.48 kJ
C. 28.68 kJ
D. 167.48
84. Heat is added to 1 kg of air at constant volume to change its temperature from 300K to 340K. If air is
an ideal gas what will be the change in enthalpy ?
A. 28.68 kJ
B. 11.48 kJ
C. 167.48
D. 40.2 kJ


It is observed that the temperature of the ideal gas remains constant during this process as a result of heat
transfer between the system and the surroundings at 30°C. The entropy generation during this heat transfer
process is ----
A. - 0.64 kJ/ kgK
B. 0.66 kJ/kgK
C. + 0.02 kJ/kgK
D. 0.02 kJ/kgK

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 38

86. Air is compressed by a 15 kW compressor from P1 to P2. The air temperature is maintained constant
at 30°C during this process as a result of heat transfer to the surrounding medium at 15°C. The rate of
entropy change of the air is ----
A. 0.0495 kW/K
B. 0.05 kW/K
C. - 0.0495 kW/K
D - 0.05 kW/K

Asuume that the vessel is rigid and adiabatic. When paddle-wheel work is done on the system the pressure
in the tank rises to 150 kPa.. Determine the entropy change of carbon dioxide during this process. Assume
constant specific heats Cv= 0.657 kJ/kg/K and Cp= 0.846 kJ/kg/K for CO2
A. 0.719 kJ/K
B. 0.926 kJ/K
C. -0.719 kJ/K
D. -0.926 kJ/K
88. A rigid tank contains 6 kg of an ideal gas at 3 atm and 40°C. Now a valve is opened, and half of mass
of the gas is allowed to escape. If the final pressure in the tank is 2.2 atm, the final temperature in the tank
A. 186° C
B. 59° C
C. 43° C
D. 230° C
89. A 3-m3 rigid tank contains hydrogen at 250 kPa and 550 K. The gas is now cooled until its temperature
drops to 350 K. The final pressure in the tank is
A. 100 kPa
B. 159.1 kPa
C. 392.9 kPa
D. 144.9 kPa
90. A mass of 15 kg of air in a piston–cylinder device is heated from 25 to 77°C by passing current through
a resistance heater inside the cylinder. The pressure inside the cylinder is held constant at 300 kPa during
the process, and a heat loss of 60 kJ occurs. The electric energy supplied, in kWh is---
A. 0.172 kWh
B. 14.07 kWh
C. 10.31 kWh
D. 0.235 kWh

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 39

Part 3: Properties of Steam and Processes
1. Identify the type of water substance at 2 bar and 150oC.
E. Saturated liquid
F. Superheated vapor
G. Saturated vapor
H. Sub cooled liquid
2. Identify the type of water substance at 4.7 bar and 149.5oC.
E. Saturated liquid
F. Saturated vapor
G. Superheated vapor
H. A or B
3. Identify the type of water substance at 5 bar and 150oC.
E. Saturated liquid
F. Superheated vapor
G. Saturated vapor
H. Sub cooled liquid
4. Identify the type of water substance at 0.5 bar and 80oC.
E. Saturated liquid
F. Superheated vapor
G. Saturated vapor
H. Sub cooled liquid
5. Identify the type of water substance at 0.5 bar and 85oC.
E. Saturated liquid
F. Superheated vapor
G. Saturated vapor
H. Sub cooled liquid
6. Identify the type of water substance at 0.5 bar and 81.3oC.
E. Saturated liquid
F. Saturated vapor
G. A or B
H. Superheated vapor
7. Identify the type of water substance at 2 bar and 1 m3/kg.
E. Saturated liquid
F. Superheated vapor
G. Saturated vapor
H. Sub cooled liquid
8. Identify the type of water substance at 5 bar and 0.001 m3/kg.
E. Saturated liquid
F. Superheated vapor
G. Saturated vapor
H. Sub cooled liquid
9. Identify the type of water substance at 5 bar and 0.2 m3/kg.
E. Saturated liquid
F. Mixture of Saturated liquid & vapor
G. Saturated vapor
H. Sub cooled liquid
10. Identify the type of water substance at 90 bar and 300oC
E. Superheated vapor
F. Saturated liquid

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 40

G. Sub cooled liquid
H. Saturated vapor
11. Identify the type of water substance at 170 bar and 350oC
E. Superheated vapor
F. Saturated liquid
G. Sub cooled liquid
H. Saturated vapor
12. Identify the type of water substance at 20 bar and specific internal energy 2650 kJ/kg
E. Superheated vapor
F. Saturated liquid
G. Sub cooled liquid
H. Saturated vapor
13. Identify the type of water substance at 20 bar and specific internal energy 900 kJ/kg
E. Superheated vapor
F. Wet steam
G. Sub cooled liquid
H. Saturated vapor
14. Identify the type of water substance at 20 bar and specific internal energy 1500 kJ/kg
E. Superheated vapor
F. Wet steam
G. Sub cooled liquid
H. Saturated vapor
15. Identify the type of water substance at 30 bar and specific enthalpy 2900 kJ/kg
E. Wet steam
F. Superheated vapor
G. Sub cooled liquid
H. Saturated vapor
16. Identify the type of water substance at 30 bar and specific enthalpy 900 kJ/kg
E. Wet steam
F. Superheated vapor
G. Sub cooled liquid
H. Saturated vapor
17. Identify the type of water substance at 30 bar and specific enthalpy 1500 kJ/kg
E. Superheated vapor
F. Sub cooled liquid
G. Saturated vapor
H. Mixture of Saturated liquid & vapor
18. Identify the type of water substance at 52 bar and specific entropy 6.2 kJ/kgK
E. Sub cooled liquid
F. Saturated vapor
G. Superheated vapor
H. Mixture of Saturated liquid & vapor
19. Identify the type of water substance at 52 bar and specific entropy 1.9 kJ/kgK
E. Sub cooled liquid
F. Saturated vapor
G. Superheated vapor
H. Mixture of Saturated liquid & vapor
20. Identify the type of water substance at 52 bar and specific entropy 3.4 kJ/kgK
E. Sub cooled liquid
F. Saturated vapor
G. Superheated vapor

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 41

H. Mixture of Saturated liquid & vapor

21. Identify the type of water substance at 0.5 m3/kg and specific enthalpy 2800 kJ/kg
E. Sub cooled liquid
F. Saturated vapor
G. Superheated vapor
H. Mixture of Saturated liquid & vapor
22. Identify the type of water substance at 0.5 m3/kg and specific enthalpy 2600 kJ/kg
E. Sub cooled liquid
F. Saturated vapor
G. Mixture of Saturated liquid & vapor
H. Superheated vapor
23. Identify the type of water substance at 0.5 m3/kg and specific entropy 6.6 kJ/kgK
E. Sub cooled liquid
F. Wet steam
G. Saturated vapor
H. Superheated vapor
24. Identify the type of water substance at 0.5 m3/kg and specific entropy 7 kJ/kgK
E. Sub cooled liquid
F. Wet steam
G. Saturated vapor
H. Superheated vapor
25. Identify the type of water substance at 50 m3/kg and specific enthalpy 2500 kJ/kg
E. Sub cooled liquid
F. Saturated vapor
G. Superheated vapor
H. Mixture of Saturated liquid & vapor
26. Identify the type of water substance at 50 m3/kg and specific enthalpy 2570 kJ/kg
E. Sub cooled liquid
F. Saturated vapor
G. Mixture of Saturated liquid & vapor
H. Superheated vapor
27. Identify the type of water substance of specific enthalpy 2550 kJ/kg and specific entropy 7.0 kJ/kgK
E. Sub cooled liquid
F. Saturated vapor
G. Wet steam
H. Superheated vapor
28. Identify the type of water substance of specific enthalpy 2600 kJ/kg and specific entropy 8.2 kJ/kgK
E. Sub cooled liquid
F. Saturated vapor
G. Wet steam
H. Superheated vapor
29. Identify the type of water substance of specific enthalpy 2750 kJ/kg and specific entropy 5.6 kJ/kgK
E. Sub cooled liquid
F. Saturated vapor
G. Wet steam
H. Superheated vapor
30. Identify the type of water substance of specific enthalpy 2650 kJ/kg and specific entropy 5.6 kJ/kgK
E. Sub cooled liquid
F. Mixture of Saturated liquid & vapor
G. Saturated vapor

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 42

H. Superheated vapor

31. The temperature of 25% dry steam at 4.1 bar is

E. 1000C
F. 1500C
G. 144.50C
H. Not possible to determine
32. The pressure of wet steam of dryness fration 0.33 at 1400C is
E. 1.013 bar
F. 4 bar
G. 3.6 bar
H. Not possible to determine
33. The specific volume of 70% dry steam at 2350C is
E. 0.046 m3/kg
F. 0.065245 m3/kg
G. 0.001219 m3/kg
H. 0.06 m3/kg
34. The specific volume of 65% dry steam at 2350C is
E. 0.043 m3/kg
F. 0.065245 m3/kg
G. 0.001219 m3/kg
H. 0.06 m3/kg
35. The specific enthalpy of 80% dry steam at 1750C is
E. 741.1 kJ/kg
F. 2030.7 kJ/kg
G. 2771.8 kJ/kg
H. 2365.6 kJ/kg
36. The specific enthalpy of 87% dry steam at 1750C is
E. 741.1 kJ/kg
F. 2030.7 kJ/kg
G. 2771.8 kJ/kg
H. 2507.8 kJ/kg
37. The specific entropy of 90% dry steam at 4.5 bar is
E. 1.82 kJ/kgK
F. 6.352 kJ/kgK
G. 6.855 kJ/kgK
H. 5.035 kJ/kgK
38. The specific entropy of 40% dry steam at 4.5 bar is
E. 1.82 kJ/kgK
F. 3.834 kJ/kgK
G. 6.855 kJ/kgK
H. 5.035 kJ/kgK
39. The specific entropy of 81% dry steam of specific volume 50m3/kg is
E. 7 kJ/kgK
F. 7 .2 kJ/kgK
G. 7.08 kJ/kgK
H. Not possible to determine
40. The specific entropy of 89% dry steam of specific volume 5m3/kg is
E. 7.2 kJ/kgK
F. 7 kJ/kgK
G. 7.5 kJ/kgK

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 43

H. Not possible to determine

41. The specific enthalpy of 69% dry steam of specific volume 1m3/kg is
E. 2000 kJ/kg
F. 1990 kJ/kg
G. 2100 kJ/kg
H. Not possible to determine
42. How much heat transfer is required to completely vaporize saturated water at 2.00 bar?
E. 504.7 kJ/kg
F. 2706.3 kJ/kg
G. 2201.6 kJ/kg
H. 2257 kJ/kg
43. How much heat transfer is required to completely vaporize saturated water at 12.00 bar?
E. 1984.3 kJ/kg
F. 2782.7 kJ/kg
G. 798.4 kJ/kg
H. 2257 kJ/kg
44. How much heat transfer is required to increase the temperature of the steam from 3500C to 4000C at
40 bar?
E. 3095 kJ/kg
F. 2257 kJ/kg
G. 121 kJ/kg
H. 3216 kJ/kg
45. How much heat transfer is required to decrease the temperature of the steam from 1500C to 1000C at 1
E. 2257 kJ/kg
F. 2776 kJ/kg
G. 2676 kJ/kg
H. 100 kJ/kg


46. The isobars on Mollier diagram

A. Are parallel straight lines B. diverge from each other
C. Are exponential curves D. are parabolic

47. Isotherms on Mollier diagram in the superheated region at low pressure

A. Become Vertical B. Become Horizontal
C. converge D. diverge

48. The basic cycle of steam power plant consists of two reversible isobars and two reversible
adiabetics. This reversible cycle is called
A. Carnot cycle B. Rankine cycle
C. Brayton cycle D. Stirling cycle

49. The work done in a steady flow process is equal to -∫vdp. In the rankine cycle, the turbine work
is much greater than the pump work because
a. The specific volume of water is much higher than that of steam
b. The specific volume of steam is much higher than that of water

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 44

c. The pressure drop in the turbine is much higher than that in the pump
d. There are less irreversibilities in the turbine than in the pump

50. Identify the type of water substance at 20 bar and specific internal energy 2650 kJ/kg
A. Superheated vapor B. Saturated liquid C. Sub cooled liquid
D. Saturated vapor

51. The maximum moisture content at the steam tubing exhaust is not allowed to exceed 15% or
the quality to fall below 85% because of the
E. Use of high steam pressure
F. Use of high steam temperature
G. Erosion of the blades in the later stages of turbine
H. Use of low condenser pressure

52. Identify the type of water substance at 20 bar and specific internal energy 900 kJ/kg
A. Superheated vapor B. Wet steam C. Sub cooled liquid D. Saturated vapor

53 Identify the type of water substance at 20 bar and specific internal energy 1500 kJ/kg
A. Superheated vapor B. Wet steam C. Sub cooled liquid D. Saturated vapor

54. What is the dryness fraction of the steam at 8 bar and having specific enthalpy 2500 kJ/kg?
A. 0.84 B. 0.87 C. 0.8 D. 0.89

55. What is the dryness fraction of the steam at 8 bar and having specific entropy 5 kJ/kgK?
A. 0.3 B. 0.4 C. 0.37 D. 0.32

56. What is the dryness fraction of the steam at 8 bar and having specific volume 0.09m3/kg ?
A. 0.35 B. 0.3 C. 0.45 D. 0.37

57. What is the dryness fraction of the steam at 200 0C and having specific enthalpy 2200 kJ/kg?
A. 0.64 B. 0.7 C. 0.75 D. 0.6

58. What is the dryness fraction of the steam at 200 0C and having specific entropy 4.5 kJ/kgK?
A. 0.45 B. 0.51 C. 0.5 D. 0.53

59. What is the dryness fraction of the steam at 200 0C and having specific volume 0.08 m3/kg?
A. 0.63 B. 0.61 C. 0.6 D. 0.65


Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 45

60. Identify the type of the process 1-2 as shown in figure(T-s diagram)

A. Isothermal process B. Isobaric process

C. Isochoric process D. Isentropic process

61. Identify the type of the process 1-2 as shown in figure (p-v diagram)

A. Isothermal process B. Isobaric process

C. Isochoric process D. Isentropic process

62. Identify the type of the process 1-2 as shown in figure (T-v diagram)

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 46

A. Isothermal process B. Isobaric process

C. Isochoric process D. Isentropic process

63. In which of the processes shown in the figure, the dryness fraction and pressure of steam both

A. P B. Q C. R D. S

64. In which of the processes shown in the figure, the dryness fraction increases but pressure of steam

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 47

A. P B. Q C. R D. S

65. In which of the processes shown in the figure, the dryness fraction and pressure of steam both

A. P B. Q C. R D. S

66. In which of the processes shown in the figure, the pressure increases but dryness fraction of steam

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 48

A. P B. Q C. R D. S

67. In which of the processes shown in the figure, dryness fraction of steam increases?

A. P B. Q C. R D. P and Q

68. In which of the processes shown in the figure, dryness fraction of steam decreases?

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 49

A. P B. Q C. R D. P and Q

69. In which of the processes shown in the figure, dryness fraction of steam remains constant?

A. P B. Q C. R D. P and Q


Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 50

70. Steam at 1 atm. and 1500 C enclosed in an adiabatic piston and cylinder is stirred until the temperature
reaches to 1600 C. The piston is allowed to move to maintain the pressure constant. How much work is
required for the stirrer?
E. 15.08 kJ/kg
F. 2114.3 kJ/kg
G. 19.78 kJ/kg
H. 2257 kJ/kg
71. Steam at 1 atm. and 1500 C enclosed in a rigid adiabatic vessel is stirred until the temperature reaches
to 1600 C. How much work is required for the stirrer?
E. 19.78 kJ/kg
F. 15.08 kJ/kg
G. 2114.3 kJ/kg
H. 2257 kJ/kg
72. Saturated water at 2 bar is enclosed inside a piston and cylinder device. Heat is supplied to the water
and piston is allowed to move so as to maintain constant pressure . How much heat is to be supplied to get
dry saturated steam?
E. 2025.1 kJ/kg
F. 2201.9 kJ/kg
G. 2529.5 kJ/kg
H. 2706.7 kJ/kg
73. Saturated water at 2 bar is enclosed inside a rigid vessel. How much heat is to be supplied to convert
it in to dry saturated steam?
E. 2201.9 kJ/kg
F. 2025.1 kJ/kg
G. 2529.5 kJ/kg
H. 2706.7 kJ/kg
74. Steam at 1 atm. and 150 0 C enclosed in an adiabatic piston and cylinder. A 1 kW electrical heater is
inserted into the cylinder and voltage is applied for 10 minutes. The piston is allowed to move to maintain
the pressure constant. The final temperature of the steam will be --
E. Between 3000 C to 4000 C
F. Between 2000 C to 3000 C
G. Between 1500 C to 2000 C
H. Between 4000 C to 5000 C
75. A 300-m3 rigid tank is filled with saturated liquid–vapor mixture of water at 200 kPa. If 25 percent of
the mass is liquid and 75 percent of the mass is vapor, the total mass in the tank is
E. 451 kg
F. 556 kg
G. 300 kg
H. 331 kg
76. A 1-m3 rigid tank contains 10 kg of water substance at 160°C. The pressure in the tank is
E. 738 kPa
F. 2000 MPa
G. 618 kPa
H. 1618 kPa
77. A 3-m3 rigid vessel contains steam at 10 MPa and 500°C. The mass of the steam is--
E. 3.0 kg
F. 19 kg
G. 84 kg
H. 91 kg
78. Water is boiling at 1 atm pressure in a stainless steel pan on an electric range. It is observed that 2 kg
of liquid water evaporates in 30 min. The rate of heat transfer to the water is

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 51

E. 2.51 kW
F. 0.47 kW
G. 2.32 kW
H. 3.12 kW

79. Water is boiled in a pan on a stove at sea level. During 10 min of boiling, it is observed that 200 g of
water has evaporated. Then the rate of heat transfer to the water is
E. 0.84 kJ/min
F. 53.5 kJ/min
G. 45.1 kJ/min
H. 225.7 kJ/min

Ummid Isamiya Shaikh Page 52

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