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Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (4) (2021)

Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani
DOI : 10.33369/jk.v5i4.16845



Damrah1*, Suci Anita2 , Yuni Astuti3, Pitnawati4, Erianti5, Zulbahri6

Sport Education, Faculty Of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
Article Info Abstract
_____________________ ___________________________________________________________
Article History : Based on the safety of the SMPN in North Padang in this new
normal time, it is seen that the physical education teacher's
Received : July 2021 performance of sports and health is still low. This research aims to
Revised : September 2021 find out how physical education teachers 'performance of sports
Accepted : December 2021 and health is seen from the new normal learning planning, the
Available online : December implementation of new normal learning and a normal new time
2021 learning evaluation. This type of research is combined research
_____________________ (Mixed Method), the first step in the study with quantitative
methods, while the second step is using qualitative. In this study,
the research study was conducted using the total sampling
New normal, Mixed method technique. Techniques of data collection process using interviews,
research model, Physical polls, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used in
performance teacher triangulation. The results of this research show, judging by the
normal new time Learning Plan (28.57%) Category is not good.
For a fairly valued category (28.57%). For a good category of
worth (28.57%), for the category is very well worth (0.00%).
Implementation of the new Normal learning (0.00%) Category is
not good. For a fairly valued category (42.86%). For good
category worth (42.86%), for very good category worth (0.00%)
Evaluation/assessment of the new normal study (28.57%)
Category is not good. For a fairly valued category (42.85%). For
good category worth (14.29%), for the category is very well worth
(0.00%). As for the qualitative results of interviews conducted
with the physical education teachers at the SMPN of North Padang
City, it is stated that the learning planning of physical education
and sports teachers is good enough for the implementation of
learning in the new normal can be categorized as a lack of good,
for the evaluation/assessment of learning in the new normal future .

Corresponding address : Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar Bar., Kec. ISSN 2685-6514 (Online)
Padang Utara, Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat 25171 ISSN 2477-331X (Print)
*Corresponding email :

Damrah et al / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (4) (2021)

INTRODUCTION form of implementing learning programs

compiled by the teacher concerned. There
Education is exciting thing to discuss are various factors that influence the
in human life. The faster the times change, success of education, including teachers,
education is required to keep up with it. students, infrastructure, educational
Education is a very important and environment, and curriculum. Of these
inseparable part of preparing intelligent and various factors, teachers in the learning
skilled human resources. Therefore it can process at school occupy a very important
be stated that education is an important position without neglecting other
thing in a country as in Law no. 20 of 2003 supporting factors. The teacher as an object
article 1 point 1 on the National Education of education greatly determines the success
system explains that: Education is a of education itself. The teacher is the main
planned, conscious effort to create an implementation in the educational learning
atmosphere of learning and the learning process to answer the need for quality
process so that students actively develop human resources who can play a
their potential to have religious, spiritual professional role in society. Therefore, the
strength, self-control, personality, renewal of the educational process requires
intelligence, noble morals and skills that are very high teacher performance. Teachers'
needed by themselves, society, the nation, performance in schools is manifested
and the State. Education is aimed at through the ability to educate, teach and
everyone from young children to adults. train students in the learning process. The
Education comes not only from school but learning process will run well if it is
can also come from social interactions that supported by teachers who have high
occur in social life. In addition, education is competence and performance because
not limiting in terms of age because teachers are the spearhead and
education is intended for all groups and all implementers of the education of children
ages. This, of course, makes us aware of the in schools and as curriculum developers.
importance of education for life. However, According to Kresna Yahya (Alam,
in reality, until now, it can be stated that the 2020), he assessed that the education
success of education in Indonesia has not system demanded adaptation during the
yet achieved maximum results. It is proven Covid-19 pandemic. Educators or teachers
by the discriminatory education policies in were forced to implement new learning
Indonesia. There are many cases of methods according to the new normal.
cheating among students and other cases of When they came to class, the teacher
cheating that often occur in the world of explained the existing material and just
education. discussed it. Requires new attitudes and
The world of education is a world that efforts in carrying out learning methods in
is full of the learning process. The learning schools. Therefore, teachers' performance
process is the core of activities that can be in the educational process must provide
used to measure the success of an more direct practices to students and assess
educational effort. In a learning process, a competency based on values.
learning program will emerge from each Thus, the learning process that is
subject. Therefore, it can be stated that a managed with quality teacher performance
successful educational effort is an will produce quality human resources
educational effort that takes into account (Permadi & Arifin, 2013). In line with this,
the quality of the learning process in the there needs to be a government policy to

Damrah et al / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (4) (2021)

realize the expected performance of competencies are listed in the explanation

physical education teachers. The education of Government Regulation No. 19 article 28
office in Padang City is very responsible for paragraph 3 of 2005, including 1)
fostering it. School heads can exercise total pedagogical competence, 2) personality
authority and responsibility in competence, 3) social competence, and 4)
administering education in schools. professional competence (Presiden RI,
Teachers greatly determine the success of a 2005). Thus the responsibility and role of
country's education. Various studies and teachers are very large in the learning
research results that describe the strategic process, so that teachers are required to
role and determine the teacher's role in understand the components of teacher
delivering the role of strategy and performance, continue to learn, and develop
determining teachers in delivering the themselves in order to have high
success of education in a country can be competence in explaining their profession,
explained, such as the success of school which ultimately achieves high
discussions is largely determined by the performance. This is not much different
teacher because the teacher is the leader of from physical education teachers who need
learning, facilitator and at the same time is to improve high performance supported by
a learning initiative center. competencies that are in accordance with
In the learning process, the tasks that the standard facilities to support the
must be done by the teacher are to master, adequate physical education learning
plan, implement learning and carry out process (Husdarta, 2009).
learning evaluations (Barnawi & Arifin, The education system with the new
2012). Plans made by the teacher must be in normal Covid-19 period, which has become
accordance with the concepts of education a global pandemic, is currently demanding
and learning contained in the curriculum. the government through the Ministry of
This planning is a thought about what is Education and Culture with a circular
carried out in learning to create a system number 36962/MPK.A/HK/2020 regarding
that allows the learning process to occur online learning and working from home in
and can bring students to achieve the the context of prevention of Covid-19 for
expected goals. Furthermore, the evaluation teachers and for students at all levels
is carried out to measure the degree of throughout Indonesia (Kemendikbud,
achievement of the objectives and the 2020). So that indirectly, the school in a
effectiveness of the learning process being short time must think of a distance learning
carried out. Evaluation is a feedback strategy in accordance with the
process that becomes the basis for competencies possessed by each school,
improving the learning system. In order for both the competence elements of teachers,
evaluation activities to achieve maximum students, parents, and the facilities owned.
results, the evaluation must be carried out The strategies implemented by the school
continuously. are, of course, diverse and not without
Teachers must also have competence obstacles. For schools that are accustomed
as learning agents at the primary and to implementing digital or online-based
secondary education levels as well as early learning, it is certainly not a problem,
childhood education, including a) especially for teachers who are proficient in
pedagogical competence, b) personality carrying out portfolio assessments with a
competence, c) professional competence, variety of varied tasks so that they do not
and d) social competence. These become a burden for students who are

Damrah et al / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (4) (2021)

currently. This is also complained by prevent the coronavirus outbreak that is

parents that when accompanying students to increasingly widespread in Indonesia today.
study at home is a burden for parents who This policy has reaped many pros and cons,
do not have sufficient educational especially for teachers.
background or adequate facilities and The Ministry of Education & Culture
facilities. of the school began implementing a policy
Researchers who are also included in of teaching and learning activities from a
the social situation of physical education distance or online learning. With this, the
teachers in junior high schools in North teacher will think of tricks to face students
Padang sub-district, Padang City, see that so that students continue to learn at home
the performance of physical education properly and correctly. Teacher
teachers still needs to be improved as a performance really needs to be applied in
teacher seen from planning, this new normal period, especially in
implementation, and evaluation/assessment. learning planning, implementation of
Regarding lesson planning, teachers still do learning, and evaluation in learning.
not plan well, such as incomplete learning Physical education teachers as creators and
tools such as lesson plans, syllabus, motivators in the learning process.
facilities, and infrastructure are still Therefore physical education teachers need
incomplete. Based on the implementation of to develop a learning atmosphere (Hendri &
learning, the researcher saw that some Nasution, 2013). which is more attractive to
teachers of sports and health education in students so that students can express their
teaching were still confused because of the interest and passion for learning.
current situation. Based on the results of the discussion
During the new normal Covid-19 above, it is necessary to have the
period in Indonesia, for example, SMPN performance of physical education teachers
Padang City was forced to study from home who are able to provide accurate
because face-to-face learning was information for students by implementing
eliminated to prevent Covid-19 learning planning, implementing learning,
transmission. Even though not all students, and evaluating learning as creatively and
students and students are accustomed to easily as possible so that students are not
learning online. Moreover, many teachers difficult to understand what material is
are not yet proficient in teaching using provided. While some teachers still have a
internet technology or social media, lot of weaknesses during the new normal
especially in various regions. Nowadays, Covid-19 when it comes to learning
Work From Home (WFH) is the dream of planning, implementation of learning and
many people, especially for the current evaluation/assessment. Until now, there has
millennial generation. They don't need to been no research in the form of a thesis that
get up early, then take a shower and get has conducted research on the performance
ready to go to the office by crashing into of physical education teachers in the new
traffic jams that take up a lot of time. It is era. Normal Covid-19 in Padang Junior
enough just to wear simple clothes then High School north of Padang City.
open your laptop from home and work. The Therefore this study will focus on knowing
current world situation WHO has the performance of physical education
announced about the Covid-19 virus teachers in the new normal Covid-19 era of
pandemic around the world. This is a junior high schools in North Padang
strategic step taken by the government to District.

Damrah et al / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (4) (2021)

Outside, the data is for checking purposes or

METHODS as a comparison to that data.

This research is a type of research RESULT

using quantitative-qualitative methods
(mixed methods). According to Creswell in 1. Performance of Physical Education
Sugiyono (2011:404) Combined research Teachers Based on Learning Planning in
method is an approach to research that the New Normal Period
combines or links between quantitative and Based on data obtained from 7 sports
qualitative research methods. The research and health education teachers at SMPN
design used is a sequential explanatory North Padang, in the research that the
design or a combination research model. researchers conducted, the researchers
Combined research with sequential distributed ten questionnaires to the
explanatory design is research that combines respondents of sports and health education
quantitative and qualitative research teachers at SMPN North Padang, so that
methods sequentially, where in the first quantitative results were obtained as
stage, the research is carried out using follows:
quantitative methods (a numeric in
frequency and percentage type) and in the Table 1. Percentage of Physical Education
second stage is carried out using qualitative Teacher Performance from Learning
methods (explanation type). This research Planning in the New Normal Period
was conducted in all junior high schools in No Score Frequency Percentage Category
North Padang District, Padang City. The
1 >46 0 0,00% Very
total number of schools in which the
research was conducted was 3 State Junior
2 43-45 2 28,57% Good
High Schools. This research was conducted
3 40-42 2 28,57% Enough
in July - August 2020. In this study, the
instrument used was a questionnaire. The 4 37-39 2 28,57% Not
questionnaire was a closed questionnaire so good
that respondents simply chose the answers 5 <36 1 14,29% Not
provided. The data collection techniques that very
the researchers would use at an early stage good
were (qualitative methods). Furthermore, the Total 7 100
techniques used in this study are (qualitative
methods) to prove to deepen and expand the Based on the table data above, it can
data obtained from quantitative, then the be concluded from the interpretation of the
researcher collects data through (1) learning planning score in the new normal
questionnaire, (2) interviews, and (3) period obtained from the physical education
document analysis (Arikunto, 2010; teacher, which is seen from the interval
Moleong, 2012; Sugiyono, 2011). The score> 46, which amounts to no people
validity of the data was carried out using with a percentage of 0.00% in the very
triangulation techniques. Triangulation good category, for an interval score of 43-
technique is a technique of checking the 45 with a total of 2 people with a
validity of data that makes use of something percentage of 28.57% with a good category,
else(Arikunto, 2010; Moleong, 2012). for an interval score of 40-42 which
amounts to 2 people with a percentage of
28.57% with a sufficient category, for an

Damrah et al / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (4) (2021)

interval score of 37-39 with a total of 2 Implementation in the New Normal

people with a percentage of 28.57% in the Period
bad category, while at the interval score Based on data obtained through
<36 with a lot of 1 person with a percentage physical education teachers at SMPN North
of 42.29% in the very bad category. Thus it Padang, Padang City, in this study, the
can be concluded that the performance of authors distributed a questionnaire to
physical education, sports, and health at respondents as many as 10 question items
SMPN North Padang, Padang City, when so that it can be obtained as follows:
viewed from the indicators of learning
planning in the new normal period, is Table 2. Percentage of Performance of Physical
categorized as good enough (51.62%). Education Teachers from Learning
Furthermore, using qualitative Implementation in the New Normal
methods. At the interview stage conducted Period
by researchers to physical education N Score Frequ Percentage Category
o Interval ency
teachers of sports and health at SMPN
1 >43 0 0,00% Very
North Padang, Padang City related to lesson
planning is categorized quite good, this can good
be seen from the results of interviews 2 38-42 3 42,86% Good
conducted with physical education teachers, 3 33-37 3 42,86% Enough
teachers of other subjects and the principal 4 29-32 0 0,00% Not
at SMPN North Padang, Padang City, good
explained that "Planning in the learning of 5 <28 1 14,28% Not very
physical education is very important, good
especially for learning physical education, Total 7 100
sports and health are very important. In the
interview, he also explained that planning Based on the table data above, it can
in physical education learning is very be concluded from the interpretation of the
important, and the planning of physical learning implementation score in the new
education teachers has not been in normal period obtained from the physical
accordance with the demands of the education teacher, which is seen from the
learning implementation plan and syllabus interval score> 43, which amounts to 0
in the new normal era. And the planning people with a percentage of 0.00% in the
carried out by the physical education very good category, for interval score 38-42
teacher has been carried out but has not yet with a total of 3 people with a percentage of
said that it still needs improvement. 42.86% with a good category, for an
From the results of the interviews that interval score of 33-37 totaling 3 people
the researchers obtained, it can be with a percentage of 42.86% with a
concluded that so far, sports and health sufficient category, for an interval score of
education teachers carry out fairly good 29.32 with a total of 0 people with the
lesson planning. This was expressed by percentage of 0.00% is not good, while at
several physical education teachers, school the interval score < 28 with a lot of 1
principals, and teachers of other subjects at person with a percentage of 14.28% in the
SMPN North Padang, Padang City. very bad category. Thus, it can be
2. Performance of Physical Education concluded that the performance of physical
Teachers Based on Learning education, sports, and health at SMPN
North Padang, Padang City, when viewed
from the indicators of the implementation
Damrah et al / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (4) (2021)

of learning in the new normal period, is authors distributed a questionnaire to

categorized as poor (28.57%). respondents as many as 9 question items so
The next step is to use a qualitative that it can be obtained as follows:
form. At the interview stage conducted by
researchers to physical education teachers Table 3. Percentage of Physical Education
of sports and health at North Padang State Teacher Performance from Learning
Senior High School, Padang City related to Evaluation in the New Normal Period
the implementation of learning in the new No Score Frequen Percentag Catego
normal period was categorized as poor, this Interval cy e ry
can be seen from the results of interviews 1 >37 0 0,00% Very
conducted by researchers to several sports good
and physical education teachers. the health 2 33-36 1 14,29% Good
of school principals and teachers of other 3 29-32 3 42,85% Enoug
subjects at SMPN North Padang, Padang h
City. 4 25-28 2 28,57% Not
The interview conducted explained good
that the learning of physical education 5 <24 1 14,29% Not
teachers in the new normal period, it was very
carried out using applications. Physical good
education teachers also in learning always Total 7 100
take advantage of existing facilities in
schools such as wifi and school computers. From the interpretation of the learning
In learning that is carried out in the new evaluation score in the new normal period
normal period, it always conditions that are obtained from the physical education
conditional in learning so that students do teacher, it is seen from the interval score>
not feel bored studying at home. 37, which amounts to 0 people with a
Teachers of physical education can percentage of 0.00% in the very good
always think creatively even though category, for the interval score 33-36 with
learning physical education is no longer in the number 1 person with a percentage of
the field and but conducts physical 14.29% in a good category, for an interval
education for sports and health at home score of 29-32, amounting to 3 people with
through videos and applications provided. a percentage of 42.85% with a sufficient
Physical education teachers always provide category, for an interval score of 25-28 with
motivational words to students both offline a total of 2 people with a percentage of
and online learning. 28.57% for the category not good, while the
From the results of the interviews the interval score <24 with a lot of 1 person
researchers obtained, it can be seen that so with a percentage of 14.29% in the very bad
far, sports and health education teachers category. Thus it can be concluded that the
have not been good at implementing performance of physical education, sports,
learning in the new normal period. and health at SMPN North Padang, Padang
3. Performance of Physical Education City, when viewed from the indicators of
Teachers based on learning evaluation in the new normal
Evaluation/Assessment period, is categorized as poor (28.57%).
Based on data obtained through The next step is using qualitative
physical education teachers at SMPN North methods, at the interview stage conducted
Padang, Padang City, in this study, the by researchers to physical education

Damrah et al / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (4) (2021)

teachers at SMPN North Padang, Padang respondents as many as 45 items, and from
City related to the evaluation of learning these data, the results were:
which is categorized as poor, this can be
seen from the results of interviews Table 4. Percentage of Performance of Physical
conducted by researchers to several Education Teachers (Score
physical education teachers, sports, and Interpretation)
health of school principals and teachers of N Score Freque Percent Category
other subjects at SMPN North Padang, o Interva ncy age
Padang City.
1 >121 0 0,00% Very good
Physical education teachers in
evaluating the assessment have carried out 2 111- 2 28,57% Good
the assessment, but the assessment carried 120
out by physical education teachers in the 3 101- 3 42,85% Enough
new normal period is not very effective 110
because, in this period, the physical 4 91-100 1 14,29% Not good
education teachers find it difficult to 5 <90 1 14,29% Not very
provide effective scores. The physical good
education teachers have indeed carried out Total 7 100
assessments of students, but the
assessments made during the semester From the interpretation of the
exams only and the physical education performance score of physical education
teachers in making questions have not been teachers, it is seen from the interval score >
full with the material that has been taught. 121, which amounts to 0 people with a
From the results of the interviews that percentage of 0.00% in the very good
the researchers obtained, it can be seen that category, for the interval score 111-120
so far, sports and health teachers in with a total of 2 people with a percentage of
evaluating/conducting assessments can be 28.57% with good category. The 101-110
done poorly in the new normal period, this interval score, amounting to 3 people with a
can be revealed from several schools as percentage of 42.85% in the sufficient
well as information from sports and health category. For the interval score 91-100 with
teachers of school principals and subject the number of 1 person with a percentage of
teachers. at SMPN North Padang, Padang 14.29%, the category is not good. Whereas
City. in the interval score < 90 with a lot of 1
4. Performance of Physical Education person with a percentage of 14.29% in the
Teachers at North Padang Junior High very bad category. Thus it can be concluded
School, Padang City during the New that the performance of physical education
Normal period teachers in the new normal period at SMPN
Quantitative data on the performance North Padang, Padang City, when viewed
of sports and health teachers at SMPN from the learning planning in the new
North Padang, Padang City using a normal period, the implementation of
questionnaire with a total of 45 statement learning in the new normal period, and the
items. Based on data obtained from 7 evaluation/assessment of learning in the
respondents from sports and health new normal period is less good or around
education teachers of SMPN in North 28,57%.
Padang District, Padang City. In this study,
the authors distributed a questionnaire to

Damrah et al / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (4) (2021)

DISCUSSION include the ability to remember, solve

problems, of course, teachers are required
The performance of physical to be able and adept at connecting and
education teachers is one of the most combining several methods, ideas, ideas or
important in supporting the creation of an procedures that will be conveyed to
effective educational process, especially in students.
building a disciplined attitude and the
quality of student learning outcomes. 2. Effective Domain
However, when a physical education This domain is effective with regard
teacher fails in lesson planning, learning to attitudes, behavior, and values because
implementation and evaluation/assessment this effective domain includes behavioral
of students often makes a physical traits such as feelings, interests, attitudes,
education teacher become discouraged, emotions, and values. A physical education
discouraged and lazy in carrying out the teacher certainly cannot be separated from
learning process for students in this new the affective aspect because his teaching
normal period. behavior is, of course, very much observed
The performance of physical by students because this concept is the
education teachers in addition to learning foundation of personality as a physical
planning, implementation of learning and education teacher, and it is believed to have
evaluation/assessment is also inseparable something to do with the behavior of
from the three domains that must be owned students in their school environment.
by a physical education teacher, namely Emotional intelligence includes
cognitive, affective and psychomotor several very important traits, namely self-
(Budiningsih, 2015; Hamalik, 2006; control, the ability to motivate oneself,
Widoyoko, 2009). persistence, to empathy in the learning
process carried out. Affective aspects in
1. Cognitive Domain learning physical education, sports, and
Cognitive is the ability that includes health are very important assets for a
knowledge (brain) and, more importantly, teacher both in the implementation of
reasoning and the ability to solve problems. learning and in the evaluation/assessment of
Cognitive aspects in physical education learning.
subjects not only include factual knowledge
but include understanding the symptoms of 3. Psychomotor domain
movement and its principles, including The psychomotor domain is a domain
those related to the scientific foundation of related to the skills (skills) of psychomotor
physical education and the benefits of learning outcomes, which is actually a
filling spare time. continuation of cognitive learning outcomes
The ability to think of a physical and effective learning outcomes. The
education teacher certainly plays a very psychomotor domain is related to physical
important role in carrying out his duties as a activities such as running, jumping, hitting,
teacher in the new normal period both from and so on in learning physical education. A
lesson planning, learning implementation, teacher must involve physical activity and
and learning evaluation/assessment whose at the same time have the character of
demands do improve performance as a forming the mastery of the movement of
teacher thus the thinking ability of a skills itself. In the implementation of
physical education teacher sports and health learning and assessment of a physical

Damrah et al / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (4) (2021)

education teacher cannot be separated from The Learning Implementation Plan is

this domain because it is very important this a plan that uses procedures and organizing
domain is considered very important for the learning to achieve a basic competency set
implementation of learning and assessment out in the content standard and has been
in learning so that The performance of described in the syllabus. The scope of the
physical education teachers can be said to Learning Implementation Plan covers 1
be good if they are able to apply this (one) basic competency consisting of 1
psychomotor domain as well as develop it (one) ) or several indicators for 1 (one) or
in learning. more meetings. The Learning
The performance of physical Implementation Plan components at least
education teachers can also be illustrated by include the Learning Implementation Plan
the work performance of the various identity, Competency Standards, Basic
competencies that they do. The better the Competencies, indicators, learning
quality to be achieved, the more optimal objectives, learning materials, learning
ability is needed to do the job. This job can methods, learning steps, resources, learning
be completed properly depending on their tool materials, and assessment of learning
creativity, initiative, ability to organize outcomes.
work, and persistence in their work and In principle, learning planning
cannot be separated from three indicators, includes the following: 1) Determining
including lesson planning, learning what the teacher will do, when and how to
implementation, and learning do it in implementing learning, 2) Limiting
evaluation/assessment. the objectives or basis for specific
instructional objectives, and determining
4. Learning Planning work implementation to achieve maximum
Planning is the process of results through planning learning targets, 3)
determining and utilizing resources in an Developing alternatives in accordance with
integrated manner which is expected to the learning strategy, 4) Collecting and
support activities and efforts that will be analyzing information that is important to
carried out efficiently and effectively in support learning activities, 5) Preparing and
achieving goals. Planning is the process of communicating plans and decisions related
compiling subject matter, using teaching to learning.
media, using teaching approaches or models Thus it can be concluded that the
in a time location that will be implemented performance of a physical education teacher
in the next semester to achieve the can be seen, namely by planning to learn,
objectives that will be found. because planning is very necessary for
The task of a physical education terms of learning. In this case, a physical
teacher is first to plan lessons. Lesson education teacher is responsible for the
planning must be made as well as possible prescribed planning.
because good planning will bring good Based on the findings conducted by
results as well. Physical education teachers researchers through interviews with
are required to make a learning physical education teachers at SMPN North
implementation plan at the beginning of the Padang, Padang City, planning is very
year or at the beginning of the semester important to be expressed by most physical
according to a predetermined school work education teachers. Most of the results in
plan. interviews conducted by researchers to
Physical education teachers through

Damrah et al / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (4) (2021)

interviews show that the planning for learning materials that have been
physical education teachers at SMPN North given with an emphasis on the
Padang, Padang City is categorized as not materials given to students.
good. The description above explains that
a. Implementation of Learning in the New class assessments absolutely must be
Normal period carried out by physical education teachers
Implementation of learning is said to to determine the progress and learning
be effective when students are seen outcomes of students, diagnose learning
actively. A teacher must have competence difficulties, provide feedback, improve the
in learning, the main task of the teacher is learning process and form student
to condition the environment so that it competencies and determine class progress.
supports behavior change and the formation Based on the findings carried out by
of student competencies, then a physical researchers through interviews with
education teacher in the new normal period physical education teachers at SMPN North
must be able to make learning models so Padang, Padang City, the
that learning can be enjoyed by students. evaluation/assessment carried out by
Learning activities when there is physical education teachers is mostly the
educational interaction between students results of these interviews indicate that the
and teachers, this activity is a real face-to- evaluation/assessment carried out by the
face activity. The teacher carries out face- teacher sports and health education at
to-face or learning with the following SMPN North Padang, Padang City is
stages: categorized as not good.
1) Initial face-to-face activities The results of the analysis of the
2) Face to face activities performance of physical education teachers
3) The final activity face to face in the new normal era at SMPN North
b. Evaluation/Learning Assessment Padang, Padang City, provide information
Evaluation of learning outcomes is that most of the performance of physical
carried out to determine changes in education is not good. A teacher must be
behavior and the formation of student required to have a good performance. The
competencies that can be done with class teacher's performance referred to here is
assessments. For the implementation of an ability. And the efforts of teachers to carry
effective and efficient learning process, out their duties as well as possible in
each educational unit must carry out class planning learning programs, implementing
assessments, general exams, and final learning activities, and evaluating/assessing
exams(Widoyoko, 2009). learning in the new normal period. A
1. Daily test, a daily test is carried out teacher must have the academic ability and
after each learning process in a ability to develop his profession and
specific discussion unit or package the learning he does so that it can
competency. run effectively and efficiently, directed and
2. General tests, general tests carried glued. In carrying out his professional
out together for parallel classes duties, a teacher must be obliged to plan to
and generally carried out learn, carry out a quality learning process,
collectively. and evaluate or assess the results of
3. The final test is carried out at the learning.
end of the educational program. A teacher is also required to develop
The materials tested include all academic qualifications, which of course,

Damrah et al / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (4) (2021)

must be in line with the development of the good category was valued (19.09%) ),
science, technology and integrated into for the very good category, it is worth
carrying out his professional duties. A (9.52%). Thus, where the largest percentage
teacher must be obliged to plan to learn, of planning is said to be bad, it is worth
carry out a quality learning process, and (47.62%). Then from the qualitative data in
evaluate or assess the results of learning. A accordance with the results of interviews
teacher is also required to develop academic conducted with physical education teachers
qualifications, which of course must be in at SMPN North Padang, Padang City, it
line with developments in science, shows that most of the performance of
technology, and art. physical education teachers from planning
Learning management must meet the is said to be quite good. Interview
expected criteria in designing learning guidelines (attachment).
planning and implementing learning, b. Implementation of Learning in the New
namely the form of presenting positive Normal period
interactive activities between teachers and The results obtained in the research at
students both while doing learning and SMPN North Padang, Padang City about
outside learning. Then design the the implementation of learning in the new
implementation of the evaluation of student normal period were in the good category
learning outcomes where the goal is to find worth (42.86%), for the moderate category
out the results of the achievement of the it was worth (28.57%), for the bad category
subject matter delivered during the learning it was worth (23.81%), for the very bad
process. category (4.76%). Thus, it can be concluded
The description above explains that a that from each implementation of learning
teacher must be responsive to changes for for sports and health education teachers at
the sake of changes in performance; that is SMPN North Padang, Padang City is good.
what is called a creative, innovative, and Then from the qualitative data, according to
participatory teacher and is responsible for the results of interviews conducted with
educating the nation's life. Such resources education teachers sports and health at
are needed in improving the quality of SMPN North Padang, Padang City, shows
education in general and the quality of that most of the performance of physical
education in a creative way to empower the education teachers from the implementation
potential that exists in preparing teaching of new normal learning is said to be poor.
and learning activities. Interview guidelines (attachment).
1. Performance of Physical education c. Evaluation / Assessment
Teachers The results obtained in the research at
From the quantitative data and SMPN North Padang, Padang City,
interviews obtained with several indicators regarding the evaluation/assessment of
of the performance of physical education learning in the bad category were valued
teachers, information is obtained that: (42.86%), for the moderate category was
a. Learning Planning in the New Normal valued (23.81%), for the good category was
Period valued (23.81%), for the very good
The results obtained in research at category worth (9.52%). Thus it can be
SMPN North Padang about learning concluded that in terms of
planning in the new normal period were in a evaluation/assessment of the performance
bad category or worth (47.62%), for the of physical education teachers at SMPN
moderate category was worth (23.81%), for North Padang, Padang City is not good.

Damrah et al / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (4) (2021)

Then from the qualitative data, according to seen from quantitative data as described
the results of interviews conducted with above shows that from lesson planning,
physical education teachers show that most implementation of learning, and
of the performance of education teachers evaluation/assessment of learning, it can be
sports and health from the concluded that the performance of physical
evaluation/assessment of learning in the education teachers is not good (28.57%).
new normal period are said to be less good.
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