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by Nica de los Santos

General metrics
5,994 1,045 71 4 min 10 sec 8 min 2 sec
characters words sentences reading speaking
time time

Score Writing Issues

80 38 2 36
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 80%

of all texts checked by Grammarly

Writing Issues
2 Correctness
1 Wrong or missing prepositions
1 Confused words

Unique Words 31%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

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Rare Words 31%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 4.6

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 14.7

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

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Student Bank Accounts
Jafar Hassan – August 31, 2018
One of the ways to save money exclusively is having a student bank account.
According to Jafar Hassan, there are advantages to having a student bank
account like helping the students with their school needs. Besides, they can
study well and make duties in their work in the future. It is no hassle for
students to start a bank account because it is interest-free. They will pay the
interest after they nished their studies or when they have work already. At
rst, there are rules to consider before having a student bank account. There is
doubt when students have part-time jobs, unlike full-time degree students.
Once the student graduated, they need to switch to another account for better
bene ts. Cause having a student bank account is completely different from
regular bank account including when having a credit card.

27 Effective Ways to Save Money as a Student in the Philippines
Louren - January 14, 2019
Saving money as a student is one of the biggest challenges that most students
face nowadays. Aside from spending money on school stuff, it is undeniable
that students also spend their allowances for not so important things just to
follow trends. On January 14, 2019, Lauren from published an
article about effective ways to save money as a student in the Philippines. The
whole article states that students should prioritize important things rst

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before anything else. It also states that students should also be wise and
practical in spending money. If a student wants to save money, it should be
spent wisely and buying the necessary things only should be practiced. For
example, bringing packed lunch instead of buying food in the cafeteria. By
doing this, the money allotted for meals can be saved and spent on more
important things. To make sure that the money is in safe hands, and to make
the savings more effective, it is a good idea to open a savings account.
Practicing this at a young age is a great help to make the saver responsible for
handling money until they become an adult.

7 Ways to save money as a student
Emma Knowles – October 2017
This article says that proper managing, nancing, budgeting, and tracking the
nances of a student is the best way for a student to don’t overspend with their
allowances. The students must be aware or responsible with their other
sources of income accompany the expenses to know the ability or availability of
budget to be used or spend each month. Another is food costs. As food was
known to be the biggest need for a human, it was worth to be spent. So it will
be also worth to nd ways of reducing one's food expenses. Considering the
discounted products and having an early plan for meals will be a great help to
save money. Also, to prefer the food you prepared rather than you buy every day
will be a great help to save money. Transportation is one of the factors on
having an expense, so a student should choose or know the cheapest ways to
transport and be aware of discounts or other services that can be used
regularly. Regarding student discounts, students must be aware of a food shop
were advertising discounts or on having a part-time job on having a staff

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discount. Instead of buying brand new books or other school stuff, students
should prefer borrowing or buying second-hand stuff. Also, having your printer
will be less hassle to spend money rather than printing outside or in other
shops. On having a dorm or rental fees, budgeting or sharing the payables or
expenses in co housemates will be an effective way. Lastly, according to the
author, Emma Knowles, 2017 It was a responsibility to pay the right taxes if a
student has a part-time job and knows if their compensation has taxes to be

The Importance of Savin
Roman Martinez – July 25, 2017
Most people are saying that teaching a child to save money as earlier is a good
practice. Also, saving money is the best trait of people that can lead them to be
successful nancially according to Roman Martinez. Saving money has no
speci c time, to begin with, but the earlier people save the more compound
interest they can get. This compound interest can be gain when people are
saving through banks. Besides, having a saving account is a bene t especially
for young people. The young people can be more motivated in saving money
because of their interest, which can be greater when they have more money in
banks. The importance of saving money is people are ready in unexpected
situations that they can encounter in life. They have enough money when they
need it or want it anytime for themselves. Lastly, it is a great practice to be
successful nancially in this world.

The Importance of Saving Money for Teenagers

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Cody – December 19, 2014

The most important stage in a person’s life is in teenage. It is the stage when
the teenagers face a lot of experience including problems and mistakes. They
need to be taught good practices of activities and habits like saving money. It is
a good habit for them, which they can bene t especially for the future when
they already have their own families. Some teenagers are not aware of the
importance and bene ts which they can gain from saving money. They feel so
comfortable and safe because they still depend on their parents for their
expenses. The rst tip is to note down their daily expenses, for them to know
where they are spending too much and minimize how they spend their money.
Moreover, they should know the value of money, work before they spend or for
teenagers save before they spend. Next is maintaining a savings account. If
they already start saving they should keep ongoing. The most advisable is to
open a savings bank account with the help of their parents. It is also said that
they should not take their savings until they nish college. This is because they
are already secured nancially with their parents since they are still studying.

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1. on → in Wrong or Missing Prepositions Correctness

2. stuff → staff Confused Words Correctness

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