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1.The average worker cost is divided by the average level of output to calculate

A. unit output cost

B. unit labour cost
C. unit material cost
D. none of the above

answer: B

2.The competitive advantage in the form of human capital of organization is

considered as

A. strategic human resource management

B. workforce management
C. effectivity management
D. efficiency management

Answer :A

3. The capability of an organization which helps it gaining competitive advantage

over its competitors is classified as

A. managerial competency
B. core competency
C. organizational competency
D. workforce specialty


4. The measurement of work results in comparison of the materials or resources

used by the company is classified as

A. cost effectivity
B. cost competency
C. profitability
D. productivity
Answer: D

5. The culture in which the beliefs and values followed by the human capital of the
firm is classified as

A. specialist culture
B. generalist culture
C. organizational culture
D. shared culture

Answer : C

6. The resource-based view is also known as:

A. He outside-in approach.
B. The positioning approach.
C. The value chain approach.
D. The inside-out approach.
Answer: D
7. Toyota has excellent materials handling and inventory control. In terms of
the value chain, this is the activity of:
A. Procurement.
B. Firm infrastructure.
C. Inbound logistics.
D. Technology development.
Answer C
8. Which of the following approaches is not another way of referring to the
approach that is exemplified by the Five Forces model?
A. Outside-in approach.
B. Fit approach.
C. Stretch approach.
D. Positioning approach.
Answer C
9. An organization's reputation is an example of:
A. A threshold resource.
B. An intangible resource.
C. A tangible resource.
D.A knowledge-based resource.
Answer B
10. Tacit knowledge is knowledge which is?
A. Codified.
B. Difficult to codify.
C. Unknowable.
D. Easy to transfer.
Answer B
11. The resources of an organization can be defined as:
A. Inputs to enable the organization to carry out its activities.
B. The activities of the organization.
C. Tangible assets.
D. Capabilities of the organization.
Answer A
12. Competencies can be defined as:
A. Attributes that a firm requires to be able to compete in the market place.
B. Distinctive capabilities.
C. Ways of doing things that are unique to the organization.
D. A cluster of attributes that confer competitive advantage.
13. A core competence can be defined as:
A. A cluster of attributes that confers competitive advantage.
B. A cluster of resources that confers competitive advantage.
C. A unique way of configuring an activity.
D. Configuration of the value chain.
Answer A
14. Core competences or distinctive capabilities derive from three areas. These
A. Architecture, flexibility and reputation.
B. Infrastructure, innovation and reputation.
C. Architecture, innovation and reputation.
D. Architecture, innovation and operation.
Answer C
15. Praha lad and Hamel (1990) refer to 'the tyranny of the SBU' when
describing the situation where:
A. Corporations see their portfolio as a collection of discrete businesses.
B. One SBU dominates a corporation.
C. SBUs are too closely related.
D. The SBU is not flexible enough to renew its core competences.
Answer A
16. For a resource to provide the potential for sustainable competitive
advantage it must be:
A. Valuable, rare, difficult to imitate, no strategic substitutes.
B. Valuable, rare, patented, no strategic substitutes.
C. Valuable, tacit, difficult to imitate, no strategic substitutes.
D. Valuable, embedded, rare, no strategic substitutes.
Answer A
17. Causal ambiguity refers to the situation where:
A. The reason for something is secret.
B. The reason for something isn't fully understood.
C. The reason for something is too complex to understand.
D. The reason for something can't be understood fully because the human
brain is limited.
Answer B
18. The way in which an organization generates value from the knowledge held
in the organization is referred to as:
A. Knowledge management.
B. Knowledge acquisition.
C. Organizational learning.
D. Learning organization.
Answer A
19. Explicit knowledge is:
A. Knowable and easily transferable.
B. Tacit.
C. Not easy to codify.
D. Not easy to imitate.
Answer A
20. Dynamic capabilities are:
A. To address to needs of employees
B. To modifying the usage of resources to match market changes.
C. To allow an organization to make a living in the present.
D. To maintain the status quo within the firm.
Answer B

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