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\WAVE OPTICS © Quick FoRmurdA Revision (TmpoRtant points) © yoyGen’s FormviA O foch point ono boov efron ad- ar Oo fresh fource of new disturbance, cated Jeondovy wovde G@Tre secondovry wavelek Spread ou boi the Speed of light: im the given medium. ° @ Tne new wavefront ol any jaiter Hime i gives by te pruwavd envelope (tengearal Jurfau in The vsord diveches) of Tue sorondaw WwaveleH al- tat time, *Pemcrere of SvPeRPosirmon OF toavec “poker a number of mover Trovelling through a mediun Superpose each other athe retuitenl- omplitude displau- -meut al- ony point at a given intiout Kf equal te tue Veer Lum of tre disploement due fo the individual coovg Ir ina divechion Ql = Thok poms” Ly = RrHs +4. | TI wave (a) | f ia \ T wove TH wove y d d ley Resutrert © FONE ERSHTE x ClQHT: YoonG’S DooBLy Sere Sereen Condition for Construuive and Detrructine Anteaperence perpresion for intensity ab any pak tas tabeafiaate tenn. we) 4 Av= art att 2a, a Up T= T+ Tht dvi Ar Wop @ *Qustrucive Ticterforence Cops | = Pian Gh, aa aos hate diye ; pln chigerence > 2 P erence 9 P 5 Ph fee v b= 0 ox YR Er * 1 ped Rd bouem ® pena “Deshwuive Tnteaference, (fe -1 9 p= 7% In, 54,— eax Bx Gr 7K feed => Dd. = (ta- prA 2 BS Fe we Z when Tetra ATL >) = 4 To cas yy, - + FRINGE WIDTH: TnrERFERENCE ‘THEORY p= SyP - siP p= ee | e D * Posrrion of _GRrGut_ FRINGES ~> Xn = nD» ; n™ Gvight- Fringe ‘ a (Couditinn for Conteuuive Trierferenw] Cenival bright- fringe jw n=l, x, = Dd ne bvight- Sringe pr onen, mae 20 2° big ine Sone Aye AD} , ni bvight- fringe g + Ramon for Dane _Fenaet > = (2n-1) DD Inienjorend] fr nel, X= t = Fivsl- davk Fringe 7. nz} “Arv=3 DA Second davk Fringe tne’ zd + PRINGE Worry Wid of 0 davk fringe = Sepovation Glu two Congecutives bright Fringes An — An-, = NDA (n-ydA ~ Dd a a d Widtn of @ bvight- fringe = Sepavation bho two - Confeunve davk fringes. D> Hy - Wey = (2n-)dd - fur-o-i] > _ Dr vA ta rads Se, B= Dd» a aint of A Cexrrar Gergut Fanqe — ae of Cextrad bvight- fringe > e-| = diStanan 6/w tre first davk fringe on | tne two Sides of He Central bvignt- fringe. Bo = Qn =2xDrd= D>» 2d a Bo = DA d_ | hr a byight- Fringe » Porm difference, ‘ fer a dovit Fringes p= Cena 2 inge —>¢ Angular positon Bvight- fringe yw = >» pe a n= O= > Dave fringe A Gi, = (2%-")d za Zh Myoung, dovtle glit- Oppavors iy Ynrenented tn a @ Uiguid. Of TYvovive. Ineley AA, the wavelengtr of- fringe widm —> Light Gecveosges fo x *|Totemsity of Light o( Wiate of Slit | ‘ Ratio of (tite Loidtns esi = ag = or Woe oe at ‘Tniensity at Moxima , ° Toray o& (a,+ a)~ « Datensiy at Minima, Tain & (Q1— Or)” + Intensity Ratio > Imex (Ar+ar)~ _ (rene me Lmin (a, ary* my Ger) + for a bright Fringe » Porm difference, p= nad ‘ pr @ davit Fringes az inge —> Angular position Bright- fringe e: Ovgulav width of & Oe fi . PA 2 > pO Ah Or > Davk finge d 6, = (2n-t)d ia 6= zt yourg double Slit- Oppavatus ts Pmmented ta a Liquid. of. syvouive Tneley A, the Leavelengh of- @ Gig it deveoses to X( =u), Lo fringe width +> | 2 ow) B=bD”. Dd. # ss a dum | Tutensity of ght o¢ Wiatm of Slit + Ratio of Cite coidtns fis a - Te ae ‘Tuiensity at Maxima , 6 [Lana % (414 44)*] « Datensty at Minima, ° Turensity Raho > Timex = (atan)y~ = (ati) 4} cia ta,-ay* (n-y* =(aes y° i ° *DireRaction AT A SINGLE SUT . Seveen -Condition for n™ minimum ig A> Slik widty ‘Condition pr win Secondary Maxinuna if —> dsine = (2n+)) pwhere, NE} tee ® 2 Distance of “H™ mivienun? from “the Conve of the Green. Nn = nD) A of tre Jeveen. X= (2n+1)DA | Za « Prgulov position of nt ninienunn” Cy = Pd mn a @ + Distance of ni Seuondary Mori mum? fem he (one | e % + Angular position of NM Jeconalary maxinunr On = Cent >d_ ra Bo = 2p = 2 Dd a . Angulay_S vead of Contval Maximum on einen side. - (@= td a » Toret anguloy {pread of (onlvol Morivnum ay Ag = o> a Fresner Distance D, = 2 ° _ “Resaving | power OF Mickesore Ane Tnesere wpe jyur’ ian of Centon p d= - =a © ’ J Rertving puwey = Jo 2MAmo a aA > Ee aoe Limit of Resotution, g do awl2@rd> Z Rersiving powey = it a >. » Law of Matus pelavitey —————————— [r- Te core] + Special Cases — | @ @ when aor ov Heo, CorO= ty = (Mox™) @ Loten Be I, co =O, > (Min™) @) Sokeu a beam of Unpulasijedl light i tected ws olaviSers tre prion er Te © Be | + Brewirée ANGLE : Alovisation by Reflection Apo @u Mr

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