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Corgenr — ELecrRicity (Aevsion Norgs) > The Study of elechke cherges (rn mokon is Colced Curvenr Cledvicity. ElectRre CURRENT —> Eleume curren in an Conductoy Ccross Gn area held LS fo the divevion of flow of chorge is domed ag tue onsount of charge flovoing Ocres, Thor ores pr wail time, is 2 {Prone curenk = Clechic charge Time } where Q is me Charge tral. Hows atvess thal- qiven aveo m_ fme t, ST unite of Uswew- is ompere. { ln eel, tH +16 4a} — Tec Cuwewt is a Sualay quanbty, <(npovront formulse + 3» Gene » we de ne/t *) Ts tae era, Vi = L = x | aie. gl ar [r= eve ¢ 7 + Ohw's law Ww — The cawenle frowing though & Conduct is +9 The potential Aifgerence dwecty Propovrenal plied coro iS Orcs, provided thal, te tewp.& ofvey physic Condthows vemaln unchanged. QD. % Curent yet > V=aI Re Recistunw of condudov Vv Ts aR 7 ZL Vv V-1 greek + Resistance (2) —> The YoSistunrt of © Londutrov ig the property by Wirae of bohidh it opposes the flow of chorges Favouge E> Rev tT $f owe ¢ vesisrance is Ohm (N), k Pourvs offeuing tre resisrance © Lengin ic Red © Area of cros- Seuion Rie Rel A 7 & CD Nature of The matenial QO) Combiniag atl, > RX 4 | Re po | A a P = Resistivity (Speake vestshana) A, é ( Resistivity) depends om the nate of tue maltwat of Te Conduror bul- ie ts independent of Size & Shope: ST unle of PC Resist —> e= Axl . ties ww A m P= vhm meter cam) OC vrtenT Densiry — eis defined of amount” of har ye Powieg pev Second through o uw avea held vowmal to qe dire of tre fies of Charge ak tatr polnt. {J= “ts w, i} = Ges sa > ome T= jause= 7. $4. mie O] Caweul- density 2 (Am) i @ pa © Condutant = _ Resistance qh =) R -! SJ. unite vf & = ohm oy mbo + Canductuity oe LD Crnduawity = i e Resisnuity $oT. unig Of ST = ohw lar! ov mho me! k Vedor form of ohw’S law > = = y/ J = 0 E( * Classifreation of Matenals in perms of tesuhvity 2 @ Conductori > malevial vohich condusr elec Cuwent- fary Hell ore called Conductors. => Merate ave geod conduvors. They hove (ore VOsishViKe in tre vonge of (SS te IS Am 4 4. Cu ov Af. , @® Torgatutors —> palevials tolich do nol Coadud> eledwe cureen(- ave called mSulaters. —D They hove Aish vesithvity , move tuan (04am, — Ingulahys Uke slay, mico, bakelite , vabber hove very Waigh VOSisRvliey le rovye WN Am fo ole fm. D> Samicanducovs © —> nalenials rohose vesistvines Ue in bfoo tose of conductors avd insulators. (602 [ou to (olan), —_7 ae Gamoninen X Siticon > Deer veocry & beraxation Time etaxatiog fet, ZS Wed o. ten} N The average tore tral- elopses bfeo fro Successive Collisions On em i called “Whapation time. (% = ae ee ™ Drp- Velouhy i defined os te average Neon gaixed by tre free e- of @ Cancluctor in tae opp. den 7 the trleraalty applied eleuwe fia. + Relatou Gf Eleume Cuwenl- aud drift velocity [T= enay, “72% = enf 4 (20% 3 Alva J=ZL.eny (De envy rs 2 ee A © Deducton of Ohm's Cow 1 T | MIR where [R= _ Mh TGauery T nezA Resistivity In Hers of @° density ond veloxation Hre. © a netn F Relatiom &/(os ae o 4E. B= ce P| ov [6 =P il + Temp. dependenu of Resishvity The vesistivity «| any makwal depends on tue nv. density ro fre e- and me mean collision hue @. ? = m nero O Metals —> Pov mretaly no. density n of free e- ic elmore tadependent of Huperatue. — Temp. increases, me tmeroal speed of free e- inereotes and alte me Auplitede of vibvation of qe metal iow swcveoles. — Comequenty, free e~ comcde move frequentty bith te metal 1806. TA mean catitim time z decveaies, A enw, visistivity 4 a metal ( Po ‘“e) ineveases Gel che tanductivity decreasel wity the tncreaie in fen, P= fillt XCT-Te)] K = P~ fo Yo aumber Of serstances ave conneaed end fo end So thale tue Same Curven|~ fos tavough Coch one of Trem in fucceticoy, tren “7 ove Said do be Comneted m Sevies. rer kre | | SSS [ete ets | = equivalent vesiStance when a numbev vesiftances ove couvedtd in I ee their equiv elenl= resistance 1S equel fo me sum Oo] pe hades d ual vesitrances, C Cunew- Moh each vetittov is fame), 0 Resishoncet in rn Pavaite/ 7 aq number of resistances are eonneted im nw ink Jo Meum Cah oy bs wo Gomme f° ee 4 os em vovides doar ate then foty are said te Se eed in It Ar SS Smee / br Let T Lil ee & Rs C+ Rez eqviveleni- resishance . v (elenival dvep acvess CaM VeSisiey LU Same oe * Epuivatenl~ vesistance. is less Twn te Ayallese” inctividwal resistance. © TNTEANAL RESIST ANCE —> The vesstance offered 6y me electrolyte of a ce to te flow of cuneate feo its Clectrodes aye ts coued internal resistance of te Cell inkevenal resistance of The cen depends Upouy (I Norwe | me elesrvlyre th) De is airerty propevnonal 40 me covet of dre electrolyte. ay Orvreet prope’ two elerrdes. divd Fe vevies inversly ol me Commoy area me electrodes jmmevsed cm te elerroly te. WD Ue ncveases coity me decrease tu fewp. of ane Clectrsl +e. ¢ Relokoy 6/~ pnernal resistance pme & Terminal Pp. o7 a Celt Ni trae 7 1 Ayn 6 T [vr -| ee oF THE CELL anal to me aittance (+2 L RFA yee vero Special_Goser 7 Gd gonen Cee ON open cirmite, he Tso Y Mopen ré => po ocross tHe Herminals of te cell is equal + ye emf wen ne cuwenle ic being drawy fem tre Cel. ey) Gone curcenl- iS beg draw fem cells we hwer => PP. across me LesminalS Of que cet in & ataed civaice HS aleoays [€ss tran int emf. tron OF CELLS ra Seees AND tt HK Compena + Cens ten Sones > ponen me CVE) herminal of que ve) Hemival oue cell ig Canned? ofmer cell and fo ™, pe ces are Conneded in Series. ie fig d; wees a & c —~ #& Cc cmeh dAdo SV ae Y) Yu ve a Sevres Comba ation of * The eqoivalent- emf o Sunn of Trev n eens is equal to Te wdwiduel emf- fleqe Bt at---- te” sre eGelvatent= “enteral yess Sevies com binahoy of een i cueal +o @ que fam of Tativ individual resistances, Lrg = ryt rd Ast- thn “Li one ce of emf 4, i qurned around oppasition to otver cots, men P { Eeq= ge- et tt om +t { A Cenc zy pAeAWEL 7) Fr x 7 aT a I A By “ te Bu c go . Te | lian veq — Ne Vu 3 When me YO Lerminall | alt cells ave connected dt one ala(- and all tue negabve ferminals 4? quotner Points ME con ave said 7? be couneucd in TP leq = Zretar| & Ag = Abe Yt {4 &4 - 8,4 Let Yo nai hon ter mor” Cuweal fen a Series () combinahon oF CelWS—Z ae n ts—>l T= Total Sut Totet (Cesistante se Special Cases? 7 wD mK Ren, HN J=- He BR q tums cw Uf Rc ne, 1 7? Ie NE 2 TE = curved given by ne Te Single cou, 9 a Crbanal vesishone is much higher tron tre fetal internal vesistanct , tre Cells Showd be Conneded in Series to gee mex” Cuven} - © Covditin fer mar™ CuwtW- frm a ll werbinahmy oo Ceils. hie Calis <)¥ R ms = ME RtMay mAREND I a etal CasUu a ot @ R << Mage MEN © aes mE -_™M imu the Curtue n due to a Single Cell, ay Y R27 Mm 4uen T= = —~ me Cun eal> gue by a w& Single au, © Whey et. resptane |S mak Smatler fray tee nue intemal resistance, Me cas puowd be waved in Il do gee map Cuvent: H Hearing Tyo S| Curent —7 Tre prenomenon of tre production Ls heat in Q vesistow 64 due fore A a Cleune Guvent Tareugh it is Catte A heating effed= a ormveut : Ueal- produce in a veisy He yIe = Tet = S gow vu Heal- produce 's alivety properrousl +o the Square of, curvent - Aire y propevh onal do the resifrank f o divedty pre pown'ove do que time fr ese tue Cuwtw- flew Turough the resistor: Eleuric Pore, peMavrs tee y> 15 ‘4 E =f ) f tee fnevgy, W = PE = YIE =TRe \ KiRCHHOEF's LAW 2 Te Lae (Tuncton Rule) 3 In om eleune avusit , o curcen tS al- any juno (Sum + Curvenk enloing a unt to THE Sum of Carvents leaving qrak Jenviey). Osign convenim—> > Curel- owing forwards due _funcioy are -tafeen as polkve. —> Current- fisesin Ouray wm me junction are faken as negative que algebrt Sun is ZeAe. unch' on is | u Law C Love Lue) —7 Around any Closed Coop % a netwowe the alge brie Sum of Changes in polenkal mute 6e zen. Ov, (Aw) (te algebrale Sum a te emfs In any [oop 4 @ civeail- us| 7 the Sum oy tHe proaves of CuvenH and resistances a et.) © Sign Convenkm > (Dwe coy tke ony die Gurdou wise). cey is fakey at posinve if ® me emf q que div™ of trovel is fo iH negakve +o Te = posifve formival _ t+ _—, + {FR f+ — —_— TJ a tv =+8) (ve-e@) me emf 1 % ee is teen as EVE i tre die gy trovesal it fem ints ttvy ft ENO Hemi nal. (ZH predate ls taken of (FY if que in me Same div” OG asuned ywesisteor iw IN Cuvent . € Cowise ov T+ - Ge pn —> @ Noe tre ©csre) produc- w taken a (-¥E) if me vasistor is iw Me PPP: avn Assumed current. Tyo - See Aaa am ~— Ne HTR — sy = CJunckm ve) — Zt= Z2TR C Coop vue ) PoTENtl on ETE —y A porention arte is a device urd 4 nyeosuve an Unknow emp or porential difference > Paierele— Tre base prvere of o porentromerer is trate cohen o Constant Cuweut flows fuyougl, a wire of uniform eres- Sechonal avea And Composition > me potentol dvop aevess any lengta gq tue wire Is oltredty propernioval do That lenetn, v . perk al Gradiont oO ZL c=v fo perenne dvoP —spz-unit- Vi 4 lengty + Comparise of emfey of dwo primer cou > +P J KA: sTakernal esi ‘ nkern: ' sistance Of O primary cel by oO perenHont ettv. ( ) bouear Stone feroqe is an arangen ent of arr resistances 7 U- ued deteruine one of Mele resistances quickly and accuvately In Hrnt of Me remaining 8 he 3g drveg — VeSisFOMCES. Unknown Yesistunv, e [S= aR e H Melek begs — PipnlicaHoy of wheal Stove budge tuot is used fo nyeasuve ay unknovy resistance. ; Panuipte— Ute toring it dosed ow principle of bohe at Stove bvidge. Yo = hs _ Pesiftane YAR _ ch _L£ 2s a Reesistanu of AC oCise-2) loom ise 4a = ig Roe -& J foo-t a » Deteeminahm relbvily—> keg avds tau net y (ade Ka Satay)

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