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Research Proposal

Scholar (Prospective Student)


1. Title

Performance assessment framework for sustainable maintenance in

offshore oil and gas industry.

2. Abstract

All business activities, including maintenance, must be linked to the long-term goals of

the company in order for them to be achieved. Maintenance goals at the operational level

will be linked to corporate priorities because important performance metrics have been

identified at each level. It was done to find out how common performance measures are

and whether or not they make a company more efficient. In this study, we'll look at how

organisational strategy, performance evaluation, and overall performance all work

together. The way the organization competes will have an impact on how well it can do.

The resource-based approach is based on the idea that more use of an organization's own

resources and skills can lead to better results. Organizations could get a lot out of putting

in a performance measurement system. In order to stay competitive, you need to have

important resources like performance metrics, for example. There will be a list of the

most important strategies and performance indicators that will come from this research.

3. Introduction

Today's oil and gas production and drilling operations face a variety of obstacles,

including worldwide rivalry, market globalization, regulatory compliance, and the

complexity brought on by technical advancement. Because of increased rivalry in

petrochemical markets, as well as logistical and technical obstacles of production and

maintenance at offshore facilities, acute planning and strategic decision-making

procedures are necessary. Long-term benefits may be obtained while simultaneously

improving availability and productivity and meeting the needs of stakeholders and

regulatory agencies.

The problem of non-sustainability in oil and gas firms is worsened when maintenance

costs rise and failure rates rise, putting employees' safety at danger. It has been shown

that infrastructure development and maintenance require a large amount of energy.

Sustainability is closely related to the influence of maintenance on social value, energy

consumption, physical resource exploitation, and pollution. While oil spills caused by a

lack of maintenance have direct consequences on the environment, such as species

extinction, vegetation loss, and ozone layer depletion, they also have indirect

repercussions on the region's host populations. Because of the impact dependability and

environmental safety have on an industry's performance and competitiveness, a realistic

approach to sustainability and its integration into maintenance operations has become


The goal of this research was to create a framework that included both sustainable

production and maintenance as a performance indicator. Maintaining an asset in a

sustainable way is a multi-step procedure that facilitates decision-making and

management while accounting for the impact on society's social, economic, and

environmental behavior. Maintaining a technological sector's long-term viability may

also be described as sustainable maintenance, which is an activity that minimizes

maintenance costs without jeopardizing environmental and social safety. According to

the definition, sustainable maintenance is a method that takes into account factors such as

the environment, economy, and society. However, activity at oil and gas facilities has the

potential to have serious environmental, social, and economic effects. To overcome these

issues, I'd want to investigate oil and gas long-term maintenance.

Sustainability performance (SP) is a key concern in the oil and gas business (O & GI).

The Oil and Gas Industry (O & GI) have significant environmental, health, and safety

implications because of their complexity and volume. Furthermore, the filters used by oil

and gas industries emit particles and volatile chemicals that cause a variety of health

concerns, including cancer and respiratory disorders, for both employees and the general

public. The most challenging aspect of the research is determining how to establish a

balance between economic, environmental, and social sustainability. Academics have

done little research and documentation on sustainable manufacturing practices so far

(SMPs). In addition, there is mounting evidence that SMPs contribute to long-term social

well-being, as well as environmental and economic stability.

4. Historical Background

Experts in the oil and gas industry have paid a lot of attention to sustainability. But few

have looked at the idea of long-term maintenance. Research gaps were found in both I

study on sustainability in the oil and gas industry and (ii) themes linked to making

decisions about maintenance that are more environmentally friendly. To get around this,

this study looked at both. To start with, the authors said that oil and gas companies have

very strict ways to keep the environment safe.

These, on the other hand, could have health, safety, societal, and economic consequences,

among other things. The social part of total productive maintenance, where human capital

is the domain performance, was also talked about. People say accidents are a source of

hazard, risk, and places that aren't connected to the rest of the world. The authors said

that people must be consistent when they are in charge of on-board maintenance

operations. They also said that operating corporations should invest in systems that will

make the seas and the environment safer and more environmentally friendly. The authors

of said that maritime performance is based on safety and loss prevention management,

which means that the crew usually follows set rules.

Second, according to current research on sustainable maintenance and performance

measures, the economic factor is more important than the environmental and social

aspects, which are more important. We think it's important to look at all the factors that

affect sustainability in a fair and honest way, based on specific facts. Third, because

sustainable maintenance is a new idea in the oil and gas business, it needs to be looked at

in a variety of ways to see how efficient and effective offshore production and drilling

platform maintenance procedures are. Researchers said that businesses should have a

maintenance plan to look at their performance and that they should use a Triple Bottom

Line (TBL) assessment to look at total equipment effectiveness.

When you read about sustainable manufacturing, you can use that as a guide. As a result,

a number of things were looked at, but not enough attention was paid to long-term

maintenance performance from a product lifecycle (PLC) standpoint. The authors of said

that it was important to treat the whole maintenance process as a separate topic.

Other academics have suggested that maintenance management's organisational structure

and functional performance be changed to make use of dimensional analysis. As a result,

this study looks at maintenance decisions at the strategic, tactical, and functional levels. It

shows how technical, environmental, economic, and social factors affect the use of

sustainable practices in offshore contexts.

5. Technical Objective

As far as technical objectives are concerned, our aim is to gather and identify

publications that are relevant to the oil and gas industry's long-term performance

assessment and maintenance management practices, which is why we are doing this

inquiry in the first place. Also shown is how oil and gas platforms are kept in top

operating condition. Following that, a framework for assessing the long-term viability of

maintenance operations in the oil and gas industry is proposed, which is followed by a

series of practical recommendations.

It is anticipated that as a result of this investigation, a set of key performance indicators

for oil and gas platforms will be produced and made available to the general public.

Ultimately, the project's ultimate goal is to reach a conclusion and construct a list of

potential research subjects for the future, which is the project's ultimate goal and the

project's final purpose.

6. Technical Approach (Statement of Work)

It is intended to develop a strategy for assessing long-term viability in the oil and gas

sector in order to characterize the performance of the industry's maintenance staff in

particular. When formulating these suggestions, a number of factors will be taken into

consideration, including technological, economic, environmental, and social viability.

Some of the more notable ones are as follows: According to the suggested organisational

structure, a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) would be produced for the purpose

of assessing the performance of the company.

When this technique is adopted, assessing the performance of a plant becomes time-

consuming and inefficient since a maintenance decision-making method is applied to the

whole performance of the plant when it is performed in this manner. However, the study

will begin with a particular set of goals in mind, and it will leverage a range of impact

components to help in the accomplishment of overall process balance.

7. Research Methodology

Regarding the Research Methodology inquiry, it will be necessary for me to wait.

Performance metrics are separated into two categories: quantitative functions and

qualitative functions. Quantitative functions are the most often used. When it comes to

quantitative functions, they are concerned with regions that can be measured numerically,

but qualitative measurements are concerned with areas that can't be quantified

quantitatively. Quality metrics include things like customer happiness, suppliers'

performance, effective risk management, information flow integration, and adaptability,

to name a few examples.

A second contrast between quantitative and qualitative performance assessments is that

the former can be assessed in numerical form, whilst the latter cannot be quantified in

numerical form, as previously mentioned. Quantitative metrics may be divided into two

categories: objectives that are directly based on cost and profit, and goals that are based

on some measure of consumer reaction, or a mix of the two. Cost and profit goals are the

most straightforward to categorize. The Performance Measurement Network will be built

by me as well, and it will include the development of a performance measurement

framework, the deployment of that framework, and the assessment of that network.

8. Research Implications

One of the techniques for accomplishing this goal is to monitor and improve

performance. There will be a number of issues covered in this research, including the

prevalence of performance measures throughout the industry, determining factors in the

selection of performance measures, and obstacles to implementing performance

management systems and procedures. Additionally, the presentation of a relationship

between strategy alterations, performance measure selections, and overall organisational

performance is expected to be shown (or effectiveness). Because of this, I predict that the

results of this study will point to specific aspects of performance assessment that oil and

gas businesses should take into consideration when developing a framework for assisting

them in enhancing their own performance.

9. Time Frame of Study

My objective is to complete this project in two years (24 months), but if the results are as

expected, I expect to finish it in 20 months, with at least three publications/Research

Articles published within that time period.

10. References

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Education, 2014, 273 pages (306 including the Glossary, References and Index),

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5. Kielmann, K., Cataldo, F., & Seeley, J. BOWLING, A. 2014. Research methods

in health: investigating health and health services, McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

6. Harrison, J. (2018). The Monetization of Opinions: Consumer Responses to

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7. Swann, P. (2020). The Illustrated Guide to the Content Analysis Research

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