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42 ·3 Put the verb into the correct form, present s.

imple or past simple, active

or passive.
1 lťs ~ big factory. Five hundred peopJe ...... ~~...-~·!!U?.tP.Bf4:.... (employ) cbere.
1 ..... M: ...~Q.t'.D.~Q~ .. d..eAA. ... (somebod,· / clean) this room yesterday?
3 Water •·•--....··-··-..•.... -....- ... -•-·....._...... _. fcov;r) most of rhe earth's surface.
4 How much of the eanh s surface ...................-...... _._............................... (cover) by water?

5 The park gates ............................................. _................ (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening. .
6 The lener ....... -........... -................................ (post) a week ago and it ................-.................................... (arr1ve) yesterday.
7 The boat hit a rock and .......... -........... -.-................................... (sink) quickly. Fortunately everybody
................................................................ (rescue).
8 Richard's parents .-.......................................................... (die) when he was very young. He and his sister
.............................................. ................................... (bring up) by their grandparents.
9 I was bom in London, but I ...................."......................................... (grow up) in Canada.
10 While I was on holiday, mr camera .............................................................- (steal) from my hotel room.
11 While I was on holiday, my camera ........................................................·-·-· (disappear) from my botel room.
I 2 \lfL · n r ...................._........... -............................................. (Sue / res1gn) · from her JO · bi. D'd
J n ,t s he en JOY . 1t. . :i
13 Why ··-··-··.............- ........................................................ (Bill I sack) from his job? What did he do wrong?
14 The company is nor independent. lt .. "........................................................... (own) by a much larger company.
15 I saw an accident last night. Somebody .................................................. -......... (call) an ambulance but nobody
............................................................... (injure), so the ambulance .............................:.............-.............. -.................... (not/ need).
16 Where ................................................................................................................................. (these photographs / take)? In London?
.........- ....................,................................................ (you / take) them, or somebody eJse?
17 Sometimes iťs quite noisy J;ving here, but iťs not a problem for me -
I ............................................... ..............-.................. (not / bother) by it.
42.4 Rewrite these sentences. lns·tead of using somebody, they, people etc., write a passive sentence.
J Somebody deans the room every day. .. ...Th.~... rQQ~ ....~~.... cleru,ed.... eY~..H ... ~ .: ... "..........--·-··...--..- ~...
2 They cancelled all flights because of fog. Ali ... . ................................................................_..........-~............ _...
3 People don 't use rhis road much. . .........................................................................................................._._ ...
4 Somebod y accused me of stealing money. I ...................................................................... ......... ........................ _..............................
5 How do people learn languages? How . ......... . ............................................................................-...,... _,_,_. .
6 Somebod y warned us not to go out alone . .... ...... ..... .............................................
·-······· .............................., ...... ., _ ,, , .. ,.,..........
44. l Writc these sentences in another way, beginning in the way 5 how
1 They didn,t give me the infonnation I needed.
l"\ ~1..-l i, 11w
• ~ e -' ~
l ........,.WM 0 1A. - - , .i.-., , . .
.........................,-.,,,.•.~.J................... Me. t1 · n ..J ~.~

'!'!!.t.•• .• ...................................
.J ....-......
:e........... .......... ........ . . . . . .. .. . . ...__.... ...
...,...............,,...... ,6:S
.......- . ~··· ..• ·····"" •..•
.... . . .__ • •

2 The y askcd me some difficult quťstions at the interview.

3 Linda s colleagues gavc her a present when she retired.


5 Ho w much will the r pay you for ·yo·ur wotk?

Ho w much will .,vou
. . . .......-...·-·····--·-···..-·.......".............,.,_, ..................._.....,. ..............................,................,...........-".."~·-·- - ....
6 I think tbc)· should have ofkred Tom the job.

7 Has anybody sho\vn. fQU wh·a t ·t~ dó_

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