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Republic of the Philippines

Central Philippines State University

Had.Estrella, Brgy. XIV, Victorias City Negros Occidental


1. What are the periods in education? What were the contributions of the different periods
and what educational practices today that were gleaned from these?
In ancient education, its contribution for me was mainly more on Spartan and Athenian
education. Why Spartan education? Primarily this is where we got the concept of our
military state and military training which we use to discipline and train our soldiers. Also,
in Athenian education, wherein the child must develop holistically. In our today schools
they promote many programs so that the child can’t just excel in academic ways but also in
extracurricular activities. Next in the period of medieval, it’s greatest contribution to
education was the emphasis of intellectual training and the use of vernacular tool of
teaching. In the emphasis of intellectual training, we teachers teach our students to always
think outside the box and to think rationally. We help them improve their critical thinking
skills and we have the opportunity of being able to help them lay the foundation for these
life-long skills. Also, the use of vernacular tool of teaching, in our today’s curriculum called
mother tongue, we use Hiligaynon as the medium of instruction in teaching kinder to grade
3. Using mother tongue helps a child develop their critical thinking and literacy skills. Next
in the renaissance period, it is where civic-minded and believed that education could
reform citizens personally and in their duties to their communities. It also meant that
education was based more on science than simply on learning. In contemporary education,
education was mainly the use of technology which is very important especially now that we
are in the new normal. The use of technology enables us to work at home and reach out to
other people without physical contact. In terms of teaching, teaching styles have changed
over the years. The traditional way of imparting education primarily employs recitation and
memorization techniques whereas in contemporary education involves interactive methods
for effective learning.

2. Trace the historical foundations of Philippine educational system. What are the types and
content of each era?
Before 1521 Education before the coming of Spaniards
In the Pre- Hispanic Education, Education was oral, practical, and hands-on. The
objective was basically to promote reverence for, and adoration of Bathala, respect for
laws, customs, and authorities represented by parents and elders.

1521-1896 Education during the Spanish Regime

When the Spaniards arrived in the Philippines they encountered islanders who knew
how to read and write. The Friars established parochial schools linked with churches to
teach catechism to the natives. Instruction was in the dialect. Education was managed,
supervised and controlled by the friars. Education in the country was not uniform. The
system of schooling was not hierarchical nor structured, thus there were no grade levels

1896-1899 Education during the Philippine Revolution

Illustrado’s spearheaded the Propaganda Movement. Curricular reforms were to
Secularization of education, Instruction of Spanish, Greater attention to natural
science, The design of a relevant curriculum and the Improvement of higher centers of
learning. To improve the existing curriculum, Rizal considered the ff. Subjects as
required courses in secondary schools Science, Math, History, Philosophy, Law,
Language, P.E, Religion, Music, Social Sciences.

1898-1935 Education during the American Occupation

The Americans used education as a vehicle for its program benevolent assimilation.
American soldiers were the first teachers. Restore damaged school houses, build new
ones and conduct classes. Trained teachers replaced soldiers. Filipinos warmly received
their new teachers, Thomasites. They infused their students the spirit of democracy and
progress as well as fair play

1935-1941 Education during the Philippine Commonwealth



CPSU as the leading CPSU is committed to produce competent To provide efficient, quality,
technology-driven multi- graduates who can generate and extend technology-driven and gender-
disciplinary University by leading technologies in multi-disciplinary sensitive products and services
2030 areas beneficial to the community.
Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Had.Estrella, Brgy. XIV, Victorias City Negros Occidental

All schools should develop moral character, personal discipline, civic conscience and
vocational efficiency. Promote effective participation of the citizens in the processes of a
democratic society. Educational Act of 1940“meet the increasing demand for public
instruction and at the same time comply with the constitutional mandate on public

1941-1944 Education during the Japanese Occupation

School calendar became longer. No summer vacation for students. Class size increased
to 60. Deleted anti-asian opinions, banned the singing of american songs, deleted
american symbols, poems and pictures. Nihongo as a means of introducing and
cultivating love for Japanese culture.

1944-1946 Education after the World War II

The Department of Instruction was changed to "Department of Education." During this
period, the regulation and supervision of public and private schools belonged to the
Bureau of Public and Private Schools.

1946-present Education under the Philippine Republic

The bilingual policy in education was reiterated in the 1987 Constitution of the
Philippines. (EDCOM), Congress passed Republic Act 7722 and Republic Act 7796 in
1994, creating the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Technical
Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). The institute governing basic
education was thus renamed in 2001 as the Department of Education (DepEd).


Do you believe that the government should control the education?

Yes, the government should have control, to an extent, over the nation's educational system.
There would be more equal funding and treatment for schools and it would be better for
students. Public schools are already funded from taxes anyway, so the government should have
some influence if they could do a good job but also they must understand the work of a teacher
is not easy. When it comes to funding, I agree but when it comes to paper works and urgent
reports that need to be passed on time, I disagree because they don’t know the level of stress
the teachers are experiencing. As a woman, it is very hard for us to be a teacher at the same
time as a mother. We cannot do our household chores because we need to finish some paper
works. Our work doesn’t just stop in school. I hope that the government will look solution for
this. I was once a private teacher before and it is much very different to what situation I have


CPSU as the leading CPSU is committed to produce competent To provide efficient, quality,
technology-driven multi- graduates who can generate and extend technology-driven and gender-
disciplinary University by leading technologies in multi-disciplinary sensitive products and services
2030 areas beneficial to the community.

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