Study Tour Report On Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX)

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A Study Tour Report on Visit




Aim of study tour...........................3

Tour report......................................4

Learning from this study tour.....4

We Students of University of Haripur, Department of Management sciences, Undergraduate
Program BS Accounting & Finance 7th semester, hereby declare that study tour report tittle
“Study Tour Visit to Pakistan Stock Exchange”

To take study tour is very valuable and important aspect to provide practical knowledge to the
students of management sciences

First of all I Thanks to our respect teacher Professor Sir sheraz khan for organizing and
arranging this tours who have given this valuable opportunity to us it was very useful
experience which I got in this study tour

Thank you
Sir sheraz khan

Aim of Study Tour

Management as a profession can’t be taught merely in four walls of classroom. Only theoretical
knowledge is not sufficient but the practical knowledge of the business is equally important

The main aim of this study tours is to aid students to acquire basic knowledge of function of
Pakistan Stock Exchange. This study tour activity that enables to help in learning the culture &
practice of Pakistan Stock Exchange. This activity helps in developing ability to critically
analyze situation. And this activity provides first-hand knowledge about the Pakistan Stock
Exchange structure and mode of operation in different department of the organization.
Tour Report
We departed for this memorable study tour on January 11, 2022 at 9 am from university of
Haripur along with our respect Doc Pro Sir Sheraz khan in university bus. Students of The
University of Haripur Management Sciences Program Accounting and Finance visited Pakistan
Stock Exchange (PSX) where they attended a session on Investor Awareness. The students were
briefed on the working and functions of the Stock Exchange, its ecosystem, and its role in
capital formation in the country, by PSX representatives. The students were also informed about
the importance of financial planning & saving, effect of inflation on savings, stock investment,
and advantages of investing in equity market for the long term. The PSX representatives guided
the students on how to select stock-brokers with the help of the broker’s list and contact details
available on PSX website. Furthermore, they were apprised on how to navigate/ explore the
PSX website to access the various functions/ information available therein. There was an
interactive question & answer session at the end of the session where students asked several
relevant questions from the PSX team. After this informative session we were divided into two
groups and visited broker office to understand the how the broker works and they briefly taught
how to select company for the investment and what the minimum cost we could invest in are.
After having this valuable and informative session we left the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX)
after clicking some group photos with our respected teacher doc pro sheraz khan. Then we went
for lunch to sever food after having tasty meal we left back for the university. At the end of this
report I thanks again to my Respected teacher for arranging this informative and memorable trip
thank you sir

Learning from this Study Tour

 Experiencing how Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) work.
 It was learning about the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) structure
 What are the culture and practices Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) do.
 It was great experience of knowing of Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX).
 Information about the importance of financial planning & saving, effect of inflation on
savings, stock investment, and advantages of investing in equity market for the long term.
 Knowing the working and functions of the Stock Exchange, its ecosystem, and its role in
capital formation in the country, by PSX representatives.
 how to select stock-brokers with the help of the broker’s list and contact details available
on PSX website.

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